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Lithoprinted by Edwards Brothers, Incorporated Ann Arbor, Michigan V i i INTRODUCTION The historical value of the Virginia Gazette of Williams- burg, second oldest newspaper in the southern colonies, and of its successors and competitors, has long been recognized. While no one person can be credited with the idea of compiling a detailed index to these papers, the present project was recommended by the Advisory Committee of Historians of Colonial Williamsburg, Inc. , and its inception in the fall of 1942 was made possible by a generous grant from the Rocke- feller Foundation. By the summer of 1950, when the compila- tion was completed and published, this grant plus two supple- mentary subventions by the Rockefeller Foundation, had been matched almost dollar for dollar by Colonial Williamsburg , with some final financial support from the Institute of Early American History and Culture under whose imprint the work is published. The compilers have envisioned the Index to be a historical work of reference rather than an alphabetical list of names and places with some obvious subject headings thrown in for good measure. Nor have they confined the scope of their analysis to Virginia history and thereby narrowed unduly the service to be rendered. Although it is hoped that many a scholar will read the files of the Virginia Gazette for more effective research on his particular subject, the peculiar nature of the newspaper as a historical source offers a wealth of detail on countless subjects, persons, and localities which in many instances are "lost" in the files because the time re- quired for search is scarcely justified by the probable results. The Index will serve to estimate those results with consider- able accuracy. It will also provide unexpected information on related subjects and a cursory scanning of its pages may suggest new subjects for research initiated through the colo- nial newspaper. Beside these services the Index will of course furnish direct answers to myriad specific questions of fact asked by a wide variety of investigators. The various printers of the competing Virginia Gazettes are given below in chronological order: William Parks, 1736-50 William Hunter, 1751-61 Joseph Royle, 1761-65 Alexander Purdie & Co., 1765-66 Alex. Purdie & John Dixon, 1766-75 Dixon & William Hunter (Jr.), 1775-78 Dixon & Thomas Nicolson, 1779- Apr., 1780 William Rind, 1766-73 Clementina Rind, 1773-74 John Pinkney, 1774-76 Alex. Purdie, 1775-79 John Clarkson & Augustine Davis, 1779- Dec, 1780 The newspapers indexed begin with the earliest known issue of William Parks' Virginia Gazette , no. 6, September 11, 1736, and terminate with the last issue of Clarkson & Davis printed in Williamsburg. When the capital of Virginia was moved to Richmond in 1780, printers were inclined to trans- fer their business to the new seat of government. Both Dixon & Nicolson and Clarkson & Davis resumed their papers in Richmond. The material in the colonial newspaper may be classified roughly under two heads, news and advertisements; the edito- rial or anything comparable to it is seldom found. Since the ads in the Virginia Gazette are local in character and the source of much unique information especially on tidewater Virginia, they have been indexed in full by person, institution, place, and subject. Thus, for example, all items of merchan- dise listed for sale are included; but books for sale are indexed by list and by author, not by title and subject, because titles given are often inaccurate and do not indicate the actual subjects. The Virginia Gazette contains little local news. The printers derived some news of other colonies and coun- tries from travelers and their letters but more was copied from other newspapers. This portion of the text is indexed for its value as "news, " especially of other colonies and the mother country, however belated and rumored, because some of it may not be found elsewhere and because what Virginians read from week to week is important in evaluating their actions and reactions. Therefore all personal names pertaining to the British colonies and the Empire have been indexed along with a wealth of subject matter. Subjects have been given VI precedence over geographical places as main headings, except in the case of activities or functions of official agencies of governments, which, we believe, will be most readily avail- able under the geographical designation. Cross references from the name of the place to the subject will meet the needs of users with a geographical approach. Local news from Great Britain is indexed in less detail than imperial and colo- nial, and news from the rest of the world with most selectivity . In the alphabetizing, a word takes precedence over a single letter (e. g. New York precedes Newcastle), except for cer- tain personal names with variants; and in each entry alpha- betizing begins anew after the comma. In some instances lead words are repeated in the main heading to allow for the maximum number of two sub- headings. Where the same word designates a person, a place, and another subject, they are entered in that order. In the case of persons, titles without first names precede first names. Extensive use has been made of lower case in order to keep capitalization to a minimum. The early files of the Virginia Gazette use Old Style dates during January, February, and March but they have been indexed New Style. These issues also carry a double date for the beginning and end of each week; only the latter date has been used in indexing. Thus the issue dated Jan. 5 to Jan. 12, 1738 is rendered as Jan. 12, 1739; the issue dated Mar. 14, 1750-1 as Mar. 14, 1751. The following abbreviations are used in the references: Names of printers C Clarkson & Davis D Dixon & Hunter, Dixon & Nicolson P Purdie, 1775-79 PD Purdie, 1766, succeeded by Purdie & Dixon Pi Pinkney R Rind Names of months, etc. J* January S September F February Oc October Mr March N November Ap April D December My May Je June b broadside Jl July P postscript Ag August s supplement Since the Virginia Gazette printed before 1766 had no com- petitor, symbols for printers' names are not used in refer- ences prior to that year. A typical reference is translated as follows: PD150c72: 23 is Purdie & Dixon's Virginia Gazette , October 15, 1772, page 2, column 3. After 1765, identical ads in two or three papers are indicated by references con- nected by the hyphen, but only the first printing of the ad in vn each paper is indexed. Where the hyphen connects a refer- ence to one paper with two references to another paper, two separate items are referred to, printed in the same column in one paper but in two different columns in the other paper . This Index was compiled from all known copies of the newspapers reproduced by photostat. Assembling the photo- stat file was greatly facilitated by the existence of the bound photostat set prepared many years ago by the Massachusetts Historical Society. This set was supplemented by almost 200 issues discovered more recently, copies of which were secured through the cooperation of the following institutions: American Antiquarian Society, Colonial Williamsburg, Inc. , Cornell University, Duke University, Historical Society of Pennsyl- vania, Johns Hopkins University, Henry E. Huntington Li- brary, Library of Congress, Massachusetts Historical Soci- ety, New- York Historical Society, Public RecordOffice, Lon- don, Eng. , University of Pittsburgh, University of Virginia, Virginia Historical Society, Virginia State Library, College of William and Mary and Yale University. We are especially indebted to the Library of the College of William and Mary for many favors throughout the project. The Index was begun under the supervision of the late Hunter D. Farish, director of research of Colonial Williams- burg. He was assisted in its early stages by Winifred Gregory Gerould, and then by Genevieve Yost Scheer whose system of chronological "tracings" for each entry proved invaluable to the very end of the proofreading. Some months after Dr . Farish's death in 1945 Lester J. Cappon became director of the Index and Stella F. Duff assumed the responsibility of senior indexer in February, 1946. She was assisted by the following junior indexers whose efforts helped to glimpse the end of what seemed an endless undertaking: Elizabeth Ann Baxter, Elizabeth M. Bacon, Arline C. Blau, Fanona Knox, Ruth Heffner McAllister, and Dorothy Bell Schwarz. The meticulous work of typing and filing was carried on mostly by Jane Girten and Shirlee Spencer Sanderlin with the help during three summers of Marjorie lone Browning. Final editing was done with the aid of Miss Schwarz and Dorothy Wollon. Composing, proofreading and layout were done under the effective supervision of Jeanette Alban, Will Long and Edwin Flachs. We gratefully acknowledge the indispensable assistance of all our co-workers. Location of scattered issues of the Virginia Gazette was facilitated by Clarence S.Brigham's monumental History and Bibliography of American Newspapers. To Julian P. Boyd, viii librarian of Princeton University, we are deeply indebted for sound advice on numerous occasions; to Arthur Pierce Middle- ton of Colonial Williamsburg for information especially on maritime matters; and to Carl Bridenbaugh, director of the Institute, for his scholarly help and encouragement. A microfilm file of the Virginia Gazettes of Williamsburg has been prepared from some of the photostat copies and from a larger number of original issues, along with a checklist of the papers. Thus for the first time the text of all known issues will be widely available. Williamsburg, Virginia L. J. C. 30 June 1950 S. F. D. IX A La Greque, horse, PD7D69: 13 — R7D69: 13 Aachen, Ger. , See Aix-la-Chapelle, Belgium Aaron, ship,D14S76: 12 Abaco, Bahama is. , See Ships' sailing time, Cape Henlopen, Del. , to; Shipwrecks in Abadham, John, Capt. , of the Emelia, 31Ja51: 32, 29D52: 32 Abair, Capt. , of the Tryton, 26Ja39:41 Abbayhead, Scot. , See Shipwrecks off Abbeville, Fr. , insurrection in, R60c68: 12 See also Explosions in Abbit, John, PD23N69: 21 Abbot, Capt. , of the Cecilia, R4F68:23 of the Isabella, R11D66: 23 to bribe Ohio Indians for British, P8S75s22 Mr. , killed in Middlesex co. , Va. , PllAg75: 32 Rev. Mr. , minister in Charlestown, Mass. , PD22D68: 22 John, attempts escape from creditors, 30S37: 41, PD20Ag67: 23, R24Mr68:31 Matthias, D3Ag76: 32 Mourning, PD12 Ja69: 41 Abbott, Capt. , of the Sibella, PD28Ja68: 22 Edward, Lt. , R8S74: 32 — PD15S74:21 George. P23Mv77: 42 John, R26Ja69:31 Matthias, PD23D73: 31 Samuel, PD24Ag69: 21 Thomas, R4Ag74: 12, PU6F75: 32 William, Capt. , of the Canadian, R280c73: 32, PD4N73: 21, PD18N73: 21--R18N73: 32, PD20Ja74: 23, R20Ja74: 33, PD3N74: 32 See also Abort Abby, brig, PD7Ja73: 32, PD5Ag73: 23, PU7N74: 32— PD17N74: 23, P4Ag75: 31— D5Ag75:33 brigantine, PD24Mr74: 31— R24Mr74: 33 schooner, PD210c73: 21 ship, PD10Ag69: 32, PD7S69: 31, PD5Ag73:21, D2Mr76: 22, D30Oc78: 31—P30Oc78: 33 Abderman, king of Morocco, R21My72: 23 Abduction, in Ire. , PDlAp73: 12 Abecoes, 220c36:31 Abeel, Major, killed in battle of Long island, N. Y. , P13S76sl3 — D14S76: 52 See also Abiel Mile, of Quebec, PDllAp71: 22 Abel, John, author, PD17S72: 21, PD17S72: 22 Peter, D27N79: 31 See also Able Abercorn, earl of, [James Hamilton], P19My75: 22 Abercrombie, Capt. , PD25Je67: 23 Col. , killed at Germantown, Pa. , D170c77: 11— P170c77: 21 killed at Monmouth, N. J. , D10J178: 12— P10J178:21 James, Col. , arrives in Boston, Mass. , P19My75s23 death of, P22J175s22— D29J175: 23, Pil7Ag75: 32— P18Ag75: 11 — D19Ag75:31,D4N75:22, Pi6D75:21— D9D75: 13 dying words of, D280c75: 12 in battle of Bunker Hill, Mass. , D2D75: 12 [James], Gen. , to be sent to America rumored, P19My75: 32 James, Major, 16Ja61: 11, 16Ja61: 21 Abercromby, James, PD16My66: 21, PD21J168: 13— R21J168: 12, R26Ap70: 33 Aberdeen, Scot. , receives Duke of Cumberland, 29My46: 21 See also Accidents in; Antiquities discovered in; Assaults in; Exports from James river, upper district, Va. , to; Floods in; Imports to; Imports to James river, upper district, Va. , from; Imports to Rappahannock district, Va. , from; Indentured servants from; Merchants in; Precious stones reported near; Ships from Newcastle, Eng. , to; Ships from Rappahannock district, Va. , to; Ships from Va. to; Ships to James river, Va. , from; Ships to Rappahannock district, Va. , from; Shipwrecks near; Shipwrecks off Aberdeen dialect, PD14S69: 33 Aberdeen university, D29Ag77: 12 Aberdeenshire, Scot. , See Fires in; Superstitions in Abergavenny, Baron, [George Nevill], opposes embargo on British colonies, N. Am. , P26My75s42 opposes Mass. government act, PD28J174:23 opposes Prohibitory act, D30Mr76: 21, DllMy76:22 opposes use of mercenary troops, D22Je76:21 supports colonies, PDllAg74: 13, P28Ap75: 13— D29Ap75s21 Abergavenny, Eng. , See Lotteries in Abernethy, Scot. , See Antiquities discovered near Abiel, Major, killed at battle of Long island, N. Y. , D14S76: 51 See also Abeel Abigail, brig, R21Ja73: 31 ship, PD10Mr68: 31— R14Ap68: 41, PD31Mr68: 22— R14Ap68: 41 sloop, PD14J168: 23— R14J168: 23, PD26J170: 23 Abingdon, earl of [Willoughby Bertie], character of, P29My78: 22 explains policy on defense, D29Ja80:21 favors repeal of Quebec act, D19Ag75: 22 opposes embargo on British colonies, N. Am. , P26My75s42 opposes embargo on New England, P19My75: 12,D17Je75: 11 opposes Mass. government act, PD28J174: 23 opposes peace commissioners' proclamation, D2 6 F79: 12, D19Mr79: 11 opposes Prohibitory act, D30Mr76: 21,- DllMy76:22 opposes use of mercenary troops, D22Je76:21 signs amendment on American revolution, D18Ap77: 31 subscribes for American prisoners' relief, D15My78: 22 supports colonies, PDllAg74: 13, P28Ap75: 13--D29Ap75s21, D20Ap76: 11 Abingdon Eng. , See Charity in; Earthquakes in; Lotteries in; Prizes in Abingdon, brig, 8Ap37: 41, 5Ag37: 42, 19Ag37: 32, 16Je38: 42, 12Ja39: 42, Ue39:42, 21S39:41 plantation, C13My80: 32 ship, 18My39: 3, 24Ag39: 3, 2N39: 2, 25Ja40: 3 Abingdon assizes, Eng. , trials in, 26S51: 12 Abingdon borough, Eng. , See Freedom of press supported in Abingdon church, Va. , 7F51: 41, R27Ja74:41,D21F77:12, D19F79:32 See also Undertakers, adv. for, at Abington, brigantine, HAp51: 32, 13Je51: 32, 25J151: 32, 110c51: 32, 14N51:31, 30J152:31 ship, 24N52:31 Able, Thomas, P21Ap75: 32 See also Abel Ablewhite, Thomas, 220c36: 41 Abnakis, 7N55: 11 Abney, Nathaniel, D20N79: 22 Abnormal persons, in Gloucestershire, Eng. ,D23S75:21 in Holborn, Eng. , PD24Je73: 22— R24Je73:21 in Shelington, Eng. , D16S75: 11 Abortions, in Southwark, Eng. , R17Je73:22 Abott, Henry, PD21S69: 32 John, Rev. Mr. , PD21S69: 32 See also Abbott Abraham, Joseph, PD4My69: 33, PD27J169: 32, PD4Ag74: 22, P6Je77:31 Mordecai, D3Ag76: 32 Abraham Plains, Can. , battle of, D10Ag76:22 Abrethwin, See Snow in Abry and Elizabeth, sloop, 18Ja40: 4 Absence, Billy, death of, PD310c71: 21 Absent Friend, ship, PD29Ap73: 21 Aburthnott, Capt. , of the Garland, 28F55:31 Abyvon, Major, slave of, PD19N72: 31 George, PD9Ja72: 22 account of impressment, in- Norfolk, Va. ,PD10c67:21 adv. for runaway slaves, R23F69:23 adv. land for sale, R12Mr67: 31 adv. settlement of estate, R11F68:34, R21Ap69s22 adv. unclaimed merchandise, R10Ag69: 33 appointed mayor of Norfolk borough, Va. , P12J176: 13 Abyvon, George (cont'd) elected mayor of Norfolk borough, R30Je74: 23 involved in inoculation dispute in Norfolk, R25Ag68sl2, PD8S68pl3, PD20Oc68:21 manager of Wm. Bradley's lottery, PD23Mr69: 32--R21Ap69s21 manager of Norfolk lottery, PD13N66: 22 reimbursed for property destroyed in Norfolk, P12Je78: 11 signer of association in Norfolk, Va. , R26J170: 22 swears to Thornton's deposition, R20Ap69: 21 witness against Calvert, PD9Ja72: 31 George, Capt. , PD25Ag74: 22-- R25Ag74: 33 Academicus, pseud. , PD20F72: 23, PD5Ag73: 22, R19My74: 21, R26My74: 21, R2Je74: 11, R9Je74: 12, R7J174: 21, Pil6Mr75: 11, P31My76: 31, P14Je76: 31, P22N76: 13 Academies, PD14Ap68: 11, D14F77: 31 adv. of, in Glasgow, Scot. , PDllMv69:31 in Leeds, Eng. , PD2N69: 31-- R2N69:31 in Prince Edward co. , Va. , D70c75:32,D9D75:32 established in Ga. , PD4Ag68: 21-- R4Ag68:21 in St. Petersburg, Russia, PD140c73s22 in Newark, N. J. , R2S73: 22, C19F80:22— D19F80: 22 in Prince Edward co. , Va. , D27S76: 12--P27S76: 13, D16My77: 22--P16My77s22, P4J177s41-42, P170c77: 32, D7N77:31--P7N77s22 establishment by Presbyterians discussed, D18N75: 11, D9D75: 31 lottery for, D4J177: 41--P4J177: 12 in Woolton, Eng. , PD27N66: 23 proposed in British colonies, N. Am. , R28Ap68:21 See also Schools Academies, described, in Somerset co. , Md. .R23F69: 13 Academy for sciences, Corsica, 8Ag51: 22 Academy of arts, British, 22S52: 12 Academy of belles lettres, Fr. , 27Je51:21 Academy of painting and sculpture, Eng. ,20Je51:31 Academy of sciences, Paris, 7J138: 21, PD10D67: 11, PD28J174: 31 Academy of sciences, Russia, PD17S67: 11. PD4F68:31 Academy of sciences, belles lettres, and arts, Lyons, Fr. , P10F75: 21 Academy of sciences, belles lettres Mantua, PD 12 My 68: 13 Acadia, See Chignecto, N. S. ; Nova Scotia Acadians, boats of destroyed, 30c55: 11 expelled by British, 26S55: 11, 26S55: 21, 30c55: 11, 240c55: 21, 310c55: 11, 12D55:21 incited by French, lAg51: 21 increase of, 2My51: 12 join French forces, 12D55:21 refuse oath of allegiance, 26S55: 21 villages of destroyed, 24Qc55: 21, 310c55:ll Acapulco, Mex. , trade with Manila forbidden, PD10D67: 11 Accidents, in Aberdeen, Scot. , PD3S67: 22 in Aberdeenshire, Scot. , 5Ja39: 22 in Annapolis, Md. , R2Ag70: 22 in Banss, Scot. , 22My52: 11 in Bern, Pa. , 30J152: 31 in Boreham, Eng. , PD11F68: 22 in Boston, Eng. , 26Ag37: 41 in Boston, Mass.. 13Ap39:22, 11S46: 21, PD25Je67:22 in Branheld parish, Eng. , 30Je38:22 in Bridgewater, Mass. , PD25Je67:22 in British navy, PD9S73: 21, R9S73:22 in Burgundy, Fr. , R9S73: 11 in Caithness, Scot. , PD14My72: 21 in Canada, PD21N71: 13, R21N71: 12 in Carlisle, Eng. , 27Mr46: 32 in Carpentras, Avignon, PD18Ap66: 13 in Chester, Eng. , described, PD7Ja73:23, R7Ja73:31 in Chester co. , Pa. , 7Ag52: 21 in Christ church, Hants, Eng. , PD310c71: 13 in Colchester, Eng., PD30Ja72:13 in Coventry, Eng. , PD2My71: 13 in Deerfield, Mass. , PD22D68: 21 in Deptford, Eng. , PD13S70s21 in Dorsetshire, Eng., PD26Ja69:22 in Dublin, Ire., 7Ja37:12, PD5N67:11 in Durham co. , Eng. , PD4D66: 22 in Edinburgh, Scot. , PD15Ja67: 31, PD16Mr69: 23, PD21S69s22, PD8Ap73: 21, PD28J174: 21. in Eng. , PD7D69s22, P31Mr75: 22 in Fatfield, Eng., PD4Je67:22 in Fishkill, N.Y. , PD18F68: 22 in Flintshire, Wales, PD12My68:21 in Fort George, Af. , D140c75: 21 in Friesland, Ger. , PD1S74: 23 in Gloucester, Eng. , PD22J173: 13 in Gloucester co. , Va. , 2F39: 42 in Gloucestershire, Eng. , R9N69: 21 in Grafton, Mass., PD13My73:22 in Gravesend, Eng. , 3Ag39: 22 in Greenwich, Eng. , PD28Ja68: 13 in Halifax, N.S. , PD10Ag69:21 in Hamburg, Ger. , D7Ja75: 12 in Hardwick, Mass. , PD9My66: 22 in Hartford, Conn. , PD20Je66: 13 in Hingham, Mass., PD21My67:22 in Holborn, Eng. , PD26Ja69: 22 in James river, Va. , PD28Mr71: 31, R28Mr71: 32 in Kent, Eng., PD12N67:11 in Lambeth marsh, Eng. . PD15Ag71: 13 PD15Ag71: 13 in Leeds, Eng., PD22J173:13 in Lisbon, 11J145: 31 in London, 20My37: 21, 11N37: 22, 27Ja38: 22, 14Ap38: 31, 15S38: 22, 3N38: 32, 2F39: 31, 9F39: 32, 2Mr39: 31, 16Mr39: 41, 6J139: 31, 6J139: 41, 13J139: 31, 27J139: 32, 3Ag39: 12, 7S39: 22, 7Mr51: 22, 5D51: 31, 22S52: 21, PD19F67: 23, PD30Ap67: 22, PD21My67: 12, PD5N67: 11, PD28Ap68: 12, PD16Je68: 21--R16Je68: 21, R5Ja69:22,PD26Ja69:12, PD26Ja69: 22, PD2F69: 13, PD16Mr69: 21, PD30Mr69: 23, PDllMy69sl3, R20J169: U, PD9N69:13,PD12S71:23, PD26S71: 12, PD170c71: 12, PD7N71: 21, PD28N71: 21, PD7My72: 21, PD80c72: 21— R80c72:22,PD7Ja73:12, PD20My73: 22, PD15J173: 21-- R15J173:12,R140c73:23, PD140c73s21, R280c73: 23, PD4N73: 13, RHN73sll, PD24Mr74: 21 PD24Mr74: 22--R24Mr74: 22, PD19My74: 32, PD28J174: 21, PD20Oc74: 21, PD10N74: 21, P17F75: 32, P19My75: 21, D24Je75: 21 in Lunenburg co. , Va. , 30Mr39: 32 in Madrid, Sp. , PD16My66: 12 in Middlesex co. , Va. , PHAg75: 32 in Milton, Mass., PD27J169:21 in Morpeth, Eng. , D12F80: 13 in Namptwich, Eng. , 26Ag37: 41 in Nantasket, Mass. , 21S39: 31 in Naples, It. , PD15Ag71: 11, PD23J172: 11 in New Kent co. , Va. , R15D68: 21 in New Providence, W. I. , 27Ja38: 41 in N. Y. , 27Ja38: 41, PD13Ap69: 23, PD17Mr74: 22 in New York City, PD15D68: 13 in Newcastle, Eng. , PDHJe67: 13 in Newtown, Long island, N.Y. , P17Mr75s32 in Norfolk, Eng. , R3Mr74: 22 in North Shields, Eng. , P26My75: 23 in Northumberland, Eng. , PD15J173: 32--R15J173: 13 in Northampton, Mass., C19F80:22 in Northampton co. , Va. , P24Mr75: 32 in Norwich, Eng. , 31Mr38: 31 in Orange co. , N. Y. , PD8S68: 22 in Paris, Fr. , PD16Ag70: 32, PD15Ag71: 11, PD21My72: 12 in Penrith, Eng. , 7S39: 21 in Phila. , Pa. , 10Je37: 32, 9Mr39: 32, PD25Ag68: 21 in Poland, PD7My72:21 in Pontoise, Fr. , PD3Mr68: 21 in Port Glasgow, Scot. , PD23Je68: 22 in Portsmouth, Eng., PD9D73:12, PD9S73:22,R16S73:22 in Prince George co. , Va. , R16F69: 21 in Reading, Pa. , 30J152: 31 in Richmond, Eng. , PD1S74: 23 in Rotherhithe, Eng., PD17Je73: 23-- R17Je73:13 in Roxbury, Mass. , PD4Oc70: 21 in Rotterdam, Holl. , PD16My66: 11 in Rutlandshire, Eng., 10J152:22 in Sandwich, Mass. , PD13S70s22 in Seabrook, Conn. , PD20Je66: 13 in Southampton, Va. , 29D52: 32 in Southwark, Eng., R10Je73:23 in Stamford, Eng. , described, PD19Ap70: 12 in Stower-Bridge, Eng. , 1J137: 31 in Sudbury, Mass. , 21S39: 31 Actaeon in Sussex, Va. , PD30J172: 23 in Sussex co. , N. J. , PD70c73: 13 in Talbot co. , MD. , PD12D71: 23, PD26D71: 23 in Tillingham, Eng. , R30Mr69: 21 in Totton, Eng. , PD28J174: 23 in Va. , 23F39: 32, PD20Je71: 32 in Wales, Eng. , PD310c71: 13 in Wateringbury, Eng. , 16F39: 22 in Wentbridge, Eng. , PD130c68: 22 in Westborough, [Mass. ], 27Ja38: 32 inWetherby, Eng. , PD220c72: 21— R220c72:21 in Weymouth, Mass. , PD30Oc66: 13 in Williamsburg, Va. , 270c52: 12, PD29Ag66: 23, P9Je75s23, D10Ag76: 61 in Wilts co. , Eng. ,290c36:21 in Windsor, Conn. , PD8S68: 22 in Woolwich, Eng. , 7N51: 21 in York, Eng. , PD23Ap72: 22 inYorktown, Va. , PD2J172: 31, R3Mr74: 32 near Annapolis, Md. , 26S51: 32 near Berwick, Eng. , PD15Je69: 12 near Bradford, Wiltshire, Eng. , P124N74: 13 near Cassel, Fr. , 30N59: 22 near George's banks, PD30Oc66: 13 near London, Eng. , 13J139: 41, PD19My74: 32 near Turnham Green, Eng. , P23Je75sl2 on British warships, PD26Ag73: 12 on James river, Va. , PD20Je66: 22 Accokeek iron works, Va. , 3N52: 21 Accokeek mines, Va. , 17F38: 31 Accomac co. , Va. , burgesses elected, 13F52: 32, 27F52: 32, PD22D68: 23, PD28S69: 22, R9N69: 11, PD12D71: 31, PD28J174: 31 census requested, P19Ap76p23 — D27Ap76: 33 committee, resolutions (text) of, 1775, P22J175s33, P22 J175s41, P2F76:31 trials for Toryism, PlMr76: 12 committee [of observation] elected, P17F75:41 contributes relief for Montreal fire, PD29Je69: 32--R6J169: 32 court days altered by general assembly, 22D38: 22 independent company, Pi20J175: 13 instructions (text) to general assembly, P6D76: 13 instructs burgesses, PD170c66: 22 petitions council, R12Mr72: 23 reports list of tithables, PL22D74: 32- PD22D74:31 resolutions of, 1774, PD4Ag74: 22, R4Ag74: 32 senator elected, P9My77: 31 tobacco exported from, 1772-1773, PD11N73:22 See also Association of 1774 violated in; Church of England, establishment in; Land for sale in; Fires in; Jails in; Merchants in; Militia of; Musters, general, dates appointed for in; Orchards in; Oysters in; Robberies in; Shipwrecks near; Slaves for sale in; Slaves runaway from; Vendues in; Warehouses in; Wharves in Accomac courthouse, Va. , See Auctions at; Vendues at; Accomac district, Va*. , See Exports from; Imports to; Ships cleared from Accomac port, Va. , See Apprentices runaway from; Slaves stolen at Account books, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 16F39: 42, PD23Ap72: 31— R23Ap72: 31 lost, adv for, HMr37:42 Accountants, adv. for, 24Ja52: 41 for Williamsburg manufacturing society. P23Ag76: 32— D24Ag76: 62 in Albemarle barracks, Va. , C6N79: 32 in Cabin Point, Va. , PD5My74: 31 in Richmond, Va. , PD28Mr66: 41, PD17S67:22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD4 J166: 32, PD16Ap72: 32, PD10D72: 23, PD22Ap73: 31, C15My79: 31 adv. for employment, PD7My67: 31, R190c69sl2, R28Ja73: 33, P21Ag78: 13 in Va. , PD18Oc70: 41, PD9J172: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD28S69: 23 See also Bookkeepers; Indentured servants as Accounting, taught in Va. , D12S77: 42 — P12S77: 11 teachers of, adv. for in Port Royal, Va. ,D14Ja75:31 in Va. , R29N70: 31 Accounts, lost, adv. for, D15Ja80: 31 taught at Sussex glebe, Va. , school, P12S77: 11 Accuff, John, R21N7 1:42 Ache, M. , d', in command of French navy,D13J176:ll Acherley, [Roger], author, D4My76: 21 Achilles, H. M. S. , PD31Ja71: 22, PDllAp71: 12, PD5S71: 31— R5S71: 23 horse, R220c72: 22, D24Ap78: 42 ship, 8Ag51: 31, 28Ag52: 31, 22S52: 21, PD1J173: 13,D4D79:11 stallion, D5F80: 33 Achiote, exported from Veracruz, Mex. , to Rota, 25N37:41 Acids, mineral, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD21S69: 41— R21S69s21 Ackiss, John, burgess for Princess Anne co. , Va. , PD22D68: 23 — R22D68: 12, PDllMy69s41, PD21S69s23— R21S69: 23, R9N69: 11 elected to Princess Anne co. , Va. , committee of observation, Pil6F75:31 killed in skirmish in Princess Anne co., Va. , P17N75: 33 on committee to enforce association, Pi5Ja75: 32 signs Va. Association, PD25My69: 12 Ackland (Acland), Col., of British army, D16Mr76: 31, D24Ap79: 22 Lt. Col. , PD4A^"8: 21— R4Ag68: 24 Major, P310c77: 21, D14N77: 21 — P14N77:21 Harriot, Lady, D310c77: 12, P310c77:23 [Thomas], opposes British colonies, N. Am. , P28Ap75s23— D29Ap75s23, D3F76: 12, P19Ap76: 13 Ackroyd, Mr. , P26J176: 33 — D29J176: 62 Ackworth, Capt. , Pi29D74: 12 Acland, John, PD20Ap69: 31, PD24My70: 32 Acock, John, R130c68: 24 Acquillon El, Spanish ship, D[250c?]76:52 Acrill, Capt. , 7Ap38: 41 Mr. , 24Mr38: 42, PD170c71: 32— R170c71: 32 William, R12Mr72: 33, D19D77: 22 adv. land for sale, PD23Je68:23 — R23Je68:24, R9D73:22 adv. settlement of estate, PD27Je66: 32, PD17S71:32— R26S71: 13 adv. ship for sale, R15M r 70: 32 adv. to buy wine in Madeira, R23Ap72:31 appointed to committee, Charles City co. , Va. , Pil2Ja75: 11 — D14Ja75: 13 burgess for Charles City co. , Va. , PD1D68: 31— R1D68: 21, PD14S69: 31— R21S69: 23, PD5D71: 31, PD28J174: 31 defendant in Chancery court, R2D73: 31, PD28Ap74: 32 delegate from Charles City co. , Va. , Pi9Mr75: 33, DlAp75: 21, P19Ap76: 32, P18Ap77sll deputy for Charles City co. , Va. , to peninsula meeting, D16S75: 32 going to Williamsburg, 20My37: 42 signs Va. Association, PD25My69: 12 unclaimed tobacco of, P25Ag75: 73 William, Capt. , 24Mr38: 42, PD9Je68: 23, R23F69: 23, R15Je69: 33, PD12My74pll William, Col. , D20D76: 22 — P20D76: 21 Acrill & Edloe, PD15Ap73: 23 Acrobats, in Williamsburg, Va. , 21Ap38:41 Acrostics, R17Mr68: 32 on Evelyn Byrd, 9D37: 41 on Miss Betsey of Prince George co. , Va. , R24F69s22 on Miss Betty of King William co. , Va. , R18Ag68s23 on Sally Cary, D20D76: 41 on Lucy Cocke, R12My68: 11 on Nelly Davis, RllAg68: 13 on Milly Dixon, PD7Ja73: 31, PD14Ja73: 23 on Polly Harriss, R17Mr74: 12 on Nancy Langley, PD4Mr73: 32 on Miss Frances Lewis, R11F68: 24 on Nancy Murray, R14Ap68: 22 on Miss Nelson, R3Mr68: 31 on Peggy Ritchie, R70c73: 23 on Catherine Swann, R14Ap68: 22 on Betsey Tomkins, D14S76: 32 on Miss Waters, R18F68: 24 on John Wilkes, PD22S68: 21 poetry on, R18Mr73: 32 rejected by publisher, PD20Je66: 23 Actaeon, H. M. frigate, D23S75: 21, D40c76: 72 H. M. S. , P12J176sl2, D13J176: 12, D13J176:71,D20J176: 12, Actaeon, H. M. S. (cont'd) P23Ag76:ll,D24Ag76:72, D27S76: 22 Action, frigate, D13J176: 41 Active, brigantine, P10Ja77: 21 French warship, 12D55: 11 frigate, R22S74: 22, D26Je79: 21 H. M. frigate, PD28My67: 21 H. M. S. , PD10c72: 22, PD290c72: 12 — R290c72:21, PD1S74: 12, P12J176sl2, D13J176:71, D24Ag76:71, D14S76: 41, P3Ja77sll, D19F79:11, D24Ap79: 22 privateer sloop, D25S79; 11 schooner, PD23J167: 22 ship, PD5Ag73: 21, PU6F75: 31 — D25F75:31 Acton, Eng. , See Robberies in Actors, anecdotes concerning in Eng. , PD20F72:31 in Portsmouth, Va. , PD21Ja68: 33 salaries in Edinburgh, Scot. , PD8Ap73: 11 Actors, French, license revoked in London, Eng. , 19Ja39: 32 Actresses, salaries in London, Eng. , PD22N70sl3 Acuff, Cain, P12D77: 33 Timothy, RllMy69: 42 Adair, Mr. , of Baltimore, Md. , PD7J168:22— R7J168:21 Serjeant, supports British colonies, N.Am. ,D15J175:32 Adam, Col. , pasture of, P7N77: 13 James, D14F77: 31 John, P20Oc75: 31 John, Rev. Mr. , PD290c72: 13 Matthew, D14F77: 31 Robert, accuses Norfolk paper of Toryism, PD10N74: 33 adv. dissolution of partnership, D14F77:31 adv. for runaway servants, PD6Je66: 32, R23J167: 41, D17Je75: 33 adv. unclaimed seeds, PH6F75: 33 appointed to committee, Fairfax co., Va. , R4Ag74: 22 appointed trustee for Potomac river, PD3N74: 42— PilON74: 32 Robert & co. , PD20Ag72: 31, P24F75:41,D10F76:33 Thomas, Capt. , of the Adventure, R18J166: 32, PD27N66: 22 William, R27S70: 33 Adam & Adam (firm), D14F77: 31 Adam and Eve, ship, PD23F69: 12 Adamant, brig, PD25N73: 13 — R25N73: 32 ship, PD27F72: 31, D6Ap76: 21, D13J176: 61 Adams, Capt. , PD21Ja68: 32, C11D79: 11- D11D79:21, D8Ja80: 23 aids in capture of Prescott, DlAg77: 11— PlAg77:21 of the Adventure, PD290c67: 21, R8F70:23 of the Chance, D1N76: 12 of the Lynch, Pi30N75: 23 of the Warren, 310c55: 11 scalped by Indians, D3Ag76: 11 Mr. , accused of horse stealing, PD290c72: 21— R290c72: 23 discusses British colonial policy in Commons, D18My76: 32 in Lake George battle, 170c55: 11 opposes British colonies, N. Am. , P28Ap75s23 — D29Ap75s23 slaves of, P21F77-.32 Mr. , of Mass. , Common Sense ascribed to,D27S76:21 on committee to wait on governor, PD23My71: 12 order for arrest rumored, R1S74: 32 ordered from Boston to Eng. , PD19My74: 22 plans to capture by British, D2D75: 12 proscribed by Gen. Gage, D70c75: 22 reports on battle of Bunker Hill, P14J175sl2— D15J175:13 visits commissioners of customs in Boston, PD28S69sl2 Mrs. , of Roxbury, Mass. , PD3N68: 13— R3N68: 14 Alexander, HAp55: 21, R17Ag69: 31, PD3Ja71: 32, PD25Je72: 32 Britain, PD19Mr72: 32 Charles, D18F75: 31, P19Ja76: 41 Charles L. ,DllF75s23 Daniel Jenifer, PD10Mr74: 32 — R10Mr74: 31 Dunlap, R12Mr72:22 Elizabeth, PD15Ap73: 22 George, PD31Mr68: 22, PD29Ag71: 33, PD18N73: 23 Henry, PD20My73: 23 Henry, jr. , R18Ja70: 43 Isaac, R4N73: 42 James, R8F70: 33, R30S73: 33, R13Ja74:41, R13Ja74:42, Pi8D74: 33 John, R4D66: 41, P25Ap77: 12 John, of Mass. , appointed delegate to Continental congress, PD7J174: 22, Pi270c74: 23, Pi29D74: 13 appointed to meet with Lord Howe, D40c76:22 — P40c76: 22 arrest ordered, Pi28Ap75sl2 — D29Ap75s32 arrives in Boston, C28Ag79: 22 — D28Ag79:21 arrives in Corunna, Sp. , D8Ap80s23 arrives in Mass. from Phila. , Pa. , Pil4S75:22,D29N76: 12 arrives in N. Y. , D20My75: 32 confers with Howe, P20S76: 21 — D21S76:21,D27S76:22 — P27S76sll defends Ansell Nickerson, PD2S73: 21 elected to Society of supporters of BUI of Rights, PD16Je74s21 investigates British depredations, P17N75: 32 leaves on commission to Fr. , D22Ja80:31 on committee of Congress on colonial rights, D21Ja75: 11 on committee in Boston, PD8Je69: 11, PD22D74: 11 prepares address to Thomas Hutchinson, PD1N70: 13, PD1N70-.21 rejected as councillor by governor of Mass. , PD16Je74s21 reports on New England militia, P29Ag77:21 reports to Congress from France, D4D78: 22 returns to U. S. from Fr. , D21Ag79:21 signs Association of 1774, PD3N74: 12— Pi4N74: 12 superseded as minister to France, D12Je79:21 supports non -importation agreements, PD6S70: 22 warns of British fleet, D17J178:22 John sr. , R4D66: 41 Joshua, C30Oc79: 32 Mourning, R5Ja69: 32 Patrick, PD2My66: 23, PD16J167: 41 — R23J167:42 Patrick, Dr. , 8D52: 31, PD1D68: 31, R17Ag69: 31, RlMr70: 32 — PD8Mr70: 42 Peter, Capt , of the Polly, PD270c68:42 on Long island, N. Y. , P13S76: 23 — D14S76: 32 Richard, 7Mr55: 32, R12My68: 33, R23Je68:31, R17N68: 33, R22D68:21, R18Oc70: 32, D18My76: 23— P24My76: 43, P14N77:23 adv. building foundry, P21Je76: 32 adv. building public magazine, P30My77: 32 adv. dissolution of partnership, PD70c73: 22 adv. finding horse, PD25Ag68: 32 adv. for missing horse, P18Ap77s23, P19S77:23 adv. for runaway servants, 30c55: 32, P29D75: 33, PlAg77: 32 adv. for workmen at foundry, P28N77sl2 adv. land for sale, PD1D68: 31 — R14D69: 23 adv. meeting on opening falls of James river, R19Ag73: 22 adv. property for sale, PD18N73: 22, P21N77:32 adv. ships' cargo for sale, P19Ja76:33 appointed to Henrico co. , Va. , committees, DllF75s22, P24N75: 13 barn of destroyed, PD13J169: 31 — R13J169:23 burgess from Henrico co. , Va. , PDllMy69s41 burgess from New Kent co. , 20F52:41,27F52:32 considers tobacco damage, RllJa70:23, RlAg71: 11 delegate for Henrico co. , Va. , PD28J174s21— R28J174: 31, P3Mr75s23,DlAp75:21, P26My75s23, P19Ap76: 33, P18Ap77sll elected burgess for Henrico co. , PD8D68:31, R14S69: 22— PD21S69:23, R9N69: 11, PD12D71: 31, PD12Mr72: 31 — R12Mr72:23, PD21J174p23 — R21J174: 32 indentured servants of, PD7Mr66: 33 joins Association in Va. , R27J169: 23 manages lottery, PD24S67: 21, Admiralty PD14Ja68: 32 pasture of, PD26N72: 31 sells U. S. lottery tickets, D21Mr77: 11, P21Mr77s23 — D28Mr77: 71 slave of, D18S79: 31, D90c79: 32 subscriber for opening, falls of James river, PDllAg74: 32— RllAg74: 32 subscriber to meeting of merchants, PD30Je74: 23 Richard, Col. , D7N77: 31 — P310c77:31 Richard & co. , R14D69: 23 Robert, 30Ja52: 32, PD15Je69: 33, PD14My72: 31 Robert, Capt. , plantation of, R13J169: 33, R20J169: 31, D10Ag76: 51 Samuel, of Mass. , arrest ordered, PD28J174: 21, Pi28Ap75sl2 — D29Ap75s32,D8J175:31 arrives in Mass. , PH4S75: 22, P20S76:21--D21S76:12 arrives in N. Y. , D20My75: 32 clerk of Mass. general court, PD16Je74s21 clerk of Mass. house of representatives, PD29Je69: 23, PD25Je72: 23 delegate to Continental congress, PD7J174: 22, Pi270c74: 23, P129D74: 13 delegate to Mass. provincial congress, Pi2F75:23 elected to Mass. x general assembly, PDUe69: 13— RUe69: 22, PD130c74:21 elected to Society of supporters of BUI of Rights, PD16Je74s21 escorts French minister, P21Ag78: 22 Instructions to, PD14J168: 13 — R14J168: 13, PD8Je69: 12, PD3Je73: 22 on Boston committee of correspondence, R29Ap73: 11, R1J173: 23, D4Mr75: 11 on committee of Congress, D21Ja75: 11, D21Ja75: 21 on committee to wait on Hutchinson, PD5Ap70: 23— R5Ap70: 41, PD23My71: 13 pardon denied by Gage, D8J175: 31, D15J175:22 prepares address to Thomas Hutchinson, PD1N70: 13, PD1N70: 21 presents petition to governor, R3D72: 12, R3D72: 13 president of Boston town meeting, Pi2F75:22— D4F75: 12 receives relief for Boston, R25Ag74: 13 secretary to Mass. council, D23S75: 23 signs Association of 1774, PD3N74: 12— Pi4N74: 12 supports non-importation agreement, PD6S70: 22 toasted in Eng. , P60c75: 22 transmits proceedings of Boston town meeting, PD30D73: 22 warns Va. against Crowel Hatch, D22Ap75:31 Sylvester, R17D72: 32, Pi20Ja76: 32 T. , 28S39: 42 Thomas, P4Ag75: 31, D18My76: 23— P24My76:43, P21N77:21 adv. finding horse, PD170c66: 33, PD18Oc70: 32 adv. for missing hardware, PD22N70: 31 adv. for missing horses, PD26N72: 31 adv. plantation for sale, P14N77: 23 defendant in Chancery court, R2D73:31,PD28Ap74:32 delegate to Continental congress, P12D77: 22, P5Je78: 22 holds bond illegally, PD24N74: 23 horse of, 30c55: 32 land of, R29Ap73: 31, PD2Je74: 31, PD60c74: 33 letter of in Port Royal, Va. , post office, PD2My66: 21 moderator of New Kent co. , Va. , meeting, PD21J174pl2— R21J174:22 Thomas, Capt. , Sir, of the Boston, PD2N69: 23, PD7D69s23, R8F70: 23, R8F70: 32, RlMr70: 31, PD8Mr70: 22, R8Mr70: 31, R19J170: 23, PD6S70:31, PD18Oc70sl2, PD1N70: 21 — R1N70: 22 Thomas, Mrs. , PD24N74: 23 William, 6Ap39: 31, 29My52: 22, RllD66:31,R31My70:42, PD4Oc70: 32, P28F77s21 William, Capt , of the Diana, 12F62: 32 [Winborn], Col , D10Oc77: 11— P10Oc77:21 See also Addams Adams & Parke, PD4J171: 31, D17Je75s22 Adams & Underwood, PD18N73: 22 Adam's ferry, Ga. , See Militia encamped near Adam's ferry, S. C. , D2Ap79: 22, D9Ap79:21 Adamson, Capt. , PD2F69: 23, PD24 Je73: 22 Adanson, Mr. , discovers ways of preserving grain, R17Ja71: 22 [Michel], author, D25N75: 11, D30D75: 11, D24F76: 43, D2Mr76: 41, D9Mr76: 41, D25My76: 43, D24Ag76: 51 Adcock, Mr. , 28Ag52: 31 Mrs. ,28Ag52:31 John, PD29Ag71: 32 Addams, James, 16My55: 22 See also Adams Adder bites, cure for, 21S39: 31 Addes, Capt. , of the Green river, PD220c72:21 Addis, John, R150c72:31 Addison, Capt. , PD270c68: 31 killed in battle of Bunker Hill, P22J175s22— D29J175: 23, Pi6D75:22— D9D75:13 of the Waters, PD130c68: 22 — R130c68: 23 Mr. , letter of reprinted, R4Oc70: 11 Rev. Mr. , arrives in N. Y. , PD4Ag74: 22 leaves Md. , P22S75: 12 John, 28F55: 41, PilJe75: 41 Joseph, PD22F70: 12 Joseph, author, 24My51: 32, PD6S70: 32, PD29N70: 21, PD13D70: 42, PD29Ag71: 33, PD17S72: 21, PD10Je73: 32, D25N75: 11, D25N75: 13, D30D75: 11, D30D75: 13, D24F76: 43, D2Mr76: 41, D2Mr76: 42, D9Mr76: 41, D9Mr76: 42, D25My76: 43, D24Ag76: 53, D30c77: 32 plays presented in Williamsburg, 10S36: 42, 17S36: 42, PD31Mr68: 23 poem on Duke of Marlborough quoted, 20Je51: 12 Thomas, PD24N74: 23 — PilD74: 33 Thomas, Capt. , of the Waters, PD31Mr68: 22— R26My68: 31, PD26My68: 23— R9Je68: 32, PD270c68: 33, PD270c68: 42 Addleman, David, Pil6Mr75: 33 Adeide, Fr. warship, 5S55: 21 Adelphi buildings, London, PD10c72: 21 Adie, Lough, 24Ap52: 22 Adio, William, R28J174: 23 Adkins, Daniel, PD21Ap74: 32 Edward, P23My77: 43 George, R170c71: 42 Henry, PD16Ag70: 33 John, R16Je74: 32 Robert, PD21Ap74: 32 William, D12Mr79: 32 Adkinson, Samuel, D12F79: 41 Adkisson, Isaiah, D5F80: 41 Solomon, D5F80: 41 Adlam, Charles, Capt. , of the Pye 17Je37: 32, 30S37: 41, lMr38: 32, 5My38: 41 Adminitor, pseud. , R14Ap68sll Admiral, privateer, C21Oc80: 11 Admiral Hawke, ship, PD30Ja72: 32 Admiral Sholdon, transport, D16Mr76:23 Admiral Stevens, packet, PD4J166: 11, R6S66: 41 Admiralty, appointments made by, 23D37: 32 appoints chaplains, 19Ja39: 32 change in board demanded, D29My79: 21 examines ships' journals, R13Ag67:21 grants protection to mariners, 18Ag38: 21 grants protections to ships, 9N39: 31, 21D39: 22, 4Ap55: 31 meetings of board, 20Oc38: 22, 22D38:21 officer discussed, 21Mr45: 31, PD13N66: 12 office established in New England, PD150c67: 13 , sends instructions to officers, 14S39: 31 survey ships, PD28My67: 13 transcribes Spanish papers for parliament, 16Je38: 31 Admiralty act, debated in parliament, PD25Ap66:23 supported in Great Britain, Pil6Mr75: 33— P17Mr75s41— D18Mr75:32 Admiralty courts, abolition proposed, P60c75:21 alteration supported in parliament, PDllAp66:23 discussed in Commons, P15Mr76:21 established by Lord Dunmore, P26Ap76s22 establishment in British colonies, N. Am. proposed, PD16Je68: 22— R16Je68: 23 Admiralty courts (cont'd) established in Gibraltar, 9N39: 32, 21D39: 22 in Port Mahon, Minorca, 9N39: 32, 21D39: 22 extension of powers opposed in N. Y. , D8Ap75: 13,D3Je75:ll opposed in S. C. , PD14D69: 12 opposed in Va. , D17Je75sll in Antigua, W. I. , 24S36: 31, R27N66: 21--PD4D66: 22 , D10Ag76: 21 in Boston, Mass. , appeals to England from, PD2F69: 22 merchants libelled in, PD1D68: 22 orders seizure of ship, PD24Mr74: 22 prisoners acquitted for murder in, PD13J169: 22— R13J169: 22 ships declared forfeit, PD8S68: 22 ships libelled in, PD1D68: 21, R15D68: 11, R19Ja69: 22 trials in, PD26F67: 23, PD2S73: 21 in British colonies, N. Am. , complaints against, PD13Ap69: 21, R27My73: 13 judges' salaries criticized, R12Ja69: 21 jurisdiction questioned, R28J174: 12, PDllAg74: 12— RllAg74: 31 petition against, R16My66: 33 prohibit communication with Great Britain, D30Mr76: 31 restrictions on recommended, PD20N66: 21 supervise sale of prize ships, D13Ap76: 31— P19Ap76: 11 suppression discussed, PD23N69: 23 — R23N69: 22, PD27Ja74: 22 in Brunswick, N. C. , PD9S73: 23 in Cape Fear, N. C. , PD21Mr66: 11 in Charleston, S. C. , PD23J167: 22, PD28J168: 22--R28J168: 23, R18Ag68:21,PD8Je69: 11 in Edenton, N. C. , 8Ap37: 42 in Edinburgh, Scot. , 24Ap52: 11, PD15S74: 22 in Halifax, N. S. , 24Ja51: 41, 7N55: 12, R4Ag68: 23 in London, Eng. , awards prize money to East Indians, 170c51: 21 criminals sentenced in, 25Je52: 21 prize ships condemned, 20Je45: 22, 11J145:31,10J152: 12 to try French ships, PD4F68: 23— R4F68: 14 trials in, 6My37: 31, 19J154: 12, R4F68: 13, D24Ap79: 12, D13N79: 21 in Martinique, W. I. , 16My45: 32 in Md. , 7N45: 41 in New York City, 16Ja46: 41, PD8Je69: 21 in Newport, R. I. , PD9Mr69: 21— R9Mr69: 21 in N. C. , 8Ap37: 42 in Quebec, Can. , PD7Ja68: 22 in R. I. , PD27Ap69: 21 in St. Johns, Antigua, W. I. , D6Ap76: 21 in Williamsburg, Va. , adv. cordage and long boat for sale, P3Ap78: 22 adv. for owners of prize ships, P6Mr78: 12, P3Ap78: 22, P160c78: 22, D19F79: 32, D2Ap79: 31, D18S79: 31 boats sold by order of, 11S46: 41, P20S76: 12 established by general assembly, D27D76: 22— P3Ja77: 21, D27Ja76: 23, P20D76sll flat and wine sold by order of, PD9D73: 22 goods sold by order of, PD27Ap69: 32— R27Ap69: 23, PD10Oc71: 31, PD240c71: 31, PD5D71: 32 molasses sold by order of, P6S76:41— D7S76:32 piracy cases outside jurisdiction of, D8Ja80: 31 prize ship condemned by, 4J145: 31, P6D76: 31, D160c79: 11, D13N79: 31, D18D79: 22, C15J180: 22, C21Oc80: 21 prize ships sold by order of, 22Ap57: 41, D8N76: 22--P8N76: 31, D12D77: 12, P160c78: 22,D12F79: 32, D7Ag79: 32, D160c79: 11, D230c79: 31 prize slaves sold by order of, D7Ag79:32,D21Ag79:31 Randolph, Edmund, practices in, D22Ja80: 33 requests owners claim slaves, P10Oc77: 31 ships condemned in, R50c69: 22, PD26J170: 23, P14Ap75: 23, P21Ap75s42— D22Ap75: 31, P9Ag76: 11— D10Ag76: 11 ships discharged by, PD10S72: 22 ships libelled in, P10Mr75s21 ships sold by order of, 29Ag51: 32, 19J154: 41, HAp55: 32, 18Ap55: 31, PD12Ja69: 32, PD7S69: 32, R50c69: 23, PD28F71: 41, PDllAp71: 32, PD2My71: 33— R2My71: 31, PD16My71: 31— R23My71: 41, PD30My71: 23, PD20Je71: 33, PD240c71: 31, PD21N71: 22, PD6F72: 32, PD30Ap72: 23, PD7My72: 32, PD6Ag72: 23, PD19Ag73: 21, PD7J174: 33, P17Mr75: 41— D18Mr75: 11, P14Ap75: 31— D15Ap75: 32, P21Ap75: 23— D22Ap75: 32, P16Ag76: 43, P23Ag76: 33, P30Ag76: 31, P6S76: 42--D7S76: 31, PHOc76: 31, P110c76: 32, P10Ja77: 33, P23My77: 31, P27Je77: 31, P10Oc77: 31, P7N77s23, P21N77: 31. P6Mr78: 12,D12Je79: 32, D26Je79:31,D18S79:31 ships tried in, 20Je45: 32, P6Je77: 23, P7N77s21 slaves sold by order of, P10Oc77: 31, P3Ap78: 22 sugar sold by order of, 11S46: 41 trials in, 22S38: 41 wine sold by order of, R9D73: 21 opposed in British colonies, N. Am. , PD7Je70: 11 in Mass. , PD8Je69: 12 in N. Y. , PillMy75: 13— D13My75: 21 in Pa. , P24Mr75: 22 in Va. , R14Je70: 22 petitions against, PD28Mr66: 23, PD14F71: 21— R14F71: 11 powers opposed by Continental congress, first, Pi2F75: 31— P3F75sll— DllF75sll regulations proposed, PD13Je66: 23, D29Ap75sl2 See also Customs service Admirer of Poetry, pseud. , Pi9Mr75: 12 Admonitor, pseud. , R4F68: 33 Adolph Frederick, ship, PD28Ap68: 13 Adolphus Frederick, king of Sweden, PD9My71: 11— R9My71: 13 Adonis, in waxwork, D4N75: 32 Adonis, hospital ship, D31Ag76: 31 Adoughelee, Jervas, P16My77s32 Adrianople, Turkey, See Earthquakes in; Murders in Adriatic sea, It. , See Hurricanes in; -Russian navy in; Shipwrecks in; Storms in; Venetian navy in Adultery, in Cornwall co. , Eng. , 10Je37: 31 in Eng. , RllMy69: 13— PD8Je69: 11, R15Mr70: 21, PD2My71: 13, PD2My71: 21— R2My71: 21, PD8Ag71: 12, R20My73: 11, PD15J173: 22— R15J173: 13 regulations proposed, PDlAg71: 21 in Hanover co. , Va. , R27S70: 21 in London, Eng. , 26S51: 31, PD30Mr69: 31, PD8Mr70: 31, R8Mr70: 21, PD13S70: 13— R13S70: 12, PD20S70s21— R20S70: 22, PD20S70s22, R14F71: 12, PD25J171: 13, PD8Ag71: 21, R8Ag71: 21, PD15Ag71: 12, PD29Ag71: 13, PD17S71: 13, R21N71: 21, PD27F72: 23, PD7My72: 12, PD27Ag72: 23, R28Ja73: 13, PD8Ap73: 13, PD8Ap73: 22, PD22Ap73: 21— R22Ap73: 31, R13My73: 23, R20My73: 12, PD15J173: 12— R15J173: 11 in Milan, It. , 5D51: 11 in Northampton, Eng. , PD27Je71: 31 in Scot. , PDlAg71: 12 near Paisley, Scot. , PD12My68: 21 punishment for in Great Britain, 10J152:21,PD2Ap72: 21 punishment for suggested, PD14Ja73: 21 Adventure, brigantine, R18J166: 32, D10F76: 33 British ship, 25Ja40: 2 French frigate, D30Oc79: 22 frigate, PD13Ag67: 13— R13Ag67: 22 H. M. S. , 24Ja52: 22, PD5Mr67: 22, PD20Ag67:23,R8S74:33 privateer, 28Mr45: 22 prize ship, D10JT78: 31— P10J178: 22 ship, 3Ap46: 41, 30My51: 32, 30c51: 32, 7Ag52: 32, 270c52: 21, 8D52: 31, 29D52: 32, 23My55: 21, 26S55: 31, 19D55: 22, PD27N66: 22, PD12F67: 13, PD290c67: 21, R8F70: 23, P3Mr75: 11, C13My80: 21 sloop, 10Oc45: 31, P7N77s21, P7N77s23, D11S79: 21 snow, 11J146: 31, 30J152: 31, 22S52: 31 Adventurer, ship, D7Ja75: 31 Advertising, cash for demanded by Virginia gazette, P19Ap76: 21 D12Mr79: 22 rates of, 80c36: 42, 10Je37: 42, P26Ap76: 21, C19F80: 32 rates of increased, D19Je79: 31, D11S79:31,D26F80:31 satirized, R20Ja74: 32 Advice, H. M. S. , 11S46: 31, 21N51: 22, 24Ja52: 22 ship, 13F52: 32 Adzes, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Smithfield, Va. , D21F77: 22— P28F77s22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD12D71: 32 stolen, R7Je70: 32 taken by apprentices, PD16Ap67: 32 6 Aiselby Adzes, coopers', for sale, in Cabin Point, Va. ,D18J177:31 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Smithfield, Va. , D21F77: 22— P28F77s22 Aegean sea, Gr. , See Russian navy in; Russian navy to Aeolus, frigate, PD23J167: 23 H. M. S. , PDllMy69: 12, D7Mr77: 21 ship, PD14My67: 13, PD2J167: 22, PD28D69: 31, R6My73: 21 Aesop, George, D10F76: 21 Aesop's fables, PD7J168: 31, R190c69sll, PD29N70: 22, PD3Ja71: 43, PD17Ja71: 43, PD7F71: 43, PD21F71: 43, PD10Je73: 34, DllF75s23, D30D75: 21, D2Mr76: 43, D24Ag76: 63, D3Ja77: 43, D17Ja77: 43, D14F77: 31, D2My77: 83, D4J177: 83 Aesopus, privateer, D29Ja80: 13 Aether, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD18Je67: 33 Aetna, Mt. , PD280c73: 11 Aetna, H. M. S. , 21N51: 22, 24Ja52: 31 Affleck, Capt. , of the St. Antonio, PDlAg71: 11 John, R270c68: 31 Africa, British defenses in investigated, R5N72: 12 British garrisons granted money, 22Je39: 11 British inspect interior, PD25Ag68: 22— R25Ag68s23 British settlements destroyed by French, D19Je7,9: 31 British settlements permitted, PD28My67: 13 British territories surveyed, D27My75: 22 civil war in, R9Mr69: 13 French settlements to be attacked, D10J179: 11 trade with Fr. , R31My70: 21 trade with Great Britain, 2My51: 12, 27Je51: 22, R31My70: 21, PD22S74: 21, P28Mr77sll, D160c78: 32— P160c78: 21 trade with Sp. , R31My70: 21 war in, R9F69: 22, R9Mr69: 12 See also British army to; British navy to; Convicts, transportation to; Criminals to be sent to; Dutch navy to; Earthquakes in; Explorations in; Exports from; Exports from Fr. to; Exports from James river, lower district, Va. , to; Exports from St. Lucia is. , W. I. , to; Franco- British rivalry in; French army to; French navy off; French navy to; Gold coast; Gold dust discovered in; Gold dust plentiful in; Guinea coast; Gum plentiful in; Gums discovered in; Imports to James river, Va. , from; Imports to James river, lower district, Va. , from; Imports to James river, upper district, Va. , from; Imports to Nantucket, Mass. , from; Imports to Providence, R. I. , from; Imports to Rappahannock district, Va. , from; Imports to R. I. from; Imports to St. Lucia, W. I. , from; Imports to Va. from; Imports to York district, Va. , from; Ivory discovered in; Ivory plentiful in; Merchandise returned from; Negroes, import to Cuba from; Negroes in; Oats import to Great Britain from; Packets from Great Britain to; Pirates executed in; Portuguese colonies in; Ship carpenters, wages of in; Shipbuilders, demand for in; Ships, R. I. , in; Ships from London, Eng. , to; Ships from Portsmouth, Eng. , to; Ships to; Ships to James river, Va. , from; Ships to St. John, Antigua, from; Ships to York district, Va. , from; Slave trade in; Slaves , British, escape from; Slaves from; Slaves imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from; Slaves imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from; Slaves imported to James river, Va. , from; Slaves imported to Rappahannock district, Va. , from; Slaves imported to St. Augustine, Fla. , from; Slaves imported to St. Lucia, W. I. , from; Slaves imported to Va. from; Slaves imported to York district, Va. , from; Spanish army to; Wheat flour import to Great Britain from; Wheat import to Great Britain from Africa, brig, PD13Ag67: 13--R13Ag67: 22 ship, 10N52: 22, 17N52: 22, PD9Mr69: 31 sloop, PD10D67: 23 snow, 270c52: 21 African coast, British forts on, PD17S71: 31 Danish settlement planned, 8Ag51: 12 land on ceded to France by Morocco, PD24My70: 22 Portuguese settlements on, PD8Ap73: 13 See also Franco-British rivalry on; Pirates on; Shipwrecks off African company, British, PD60c74: 23 African company, French, PD14Ja73: 21 African dialect, R10Ag69: 33 Agamemnon, horse, D19Mr79: 31 stallion, D14Ag79: 31 Agar, James, PD28N71: 31 Philip, Capt. , of the Speedwell, 18Ap45:32,9My45:32 William, R24Je73: 32, P16Je75: 23 Agard, Christopher, C3J179: 41 Agard's pills, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD21S69: 33— R21S69s21, PD15Ag71: 32— R15Ag71: 32 Agars, Edmund, Capt. , of the Catherine and Anne, 23Ja46: 41 Agate beads, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD150c72: 31, PD140c73: 23 Agate bugles, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD19Ap70s23--R19Ap70: 31 Agate dishes, for sale, in Newcastle, Va. , D30c77: 32 Agate earrings, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , R8N70: 13, PD7My72: 32, PD9J172: 31, PD140c73: 23, R12My74: 32 Agate necklaces, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD12N67: 22, PD14D69: 32--R14D69: 23, PD22N70s23, PD170c71: 23, PD240c71: 31, PD7My72: 32, PD9J172: 31, PD29Ap73: 23, PD140c73: 23, R12My74: 32 Agate plates, fpr sale, in Newcastle, Va. , D30c77: 32 Agatha, sloop, R26S71: 31, R14Ap74: 31 — PD28Ap74: 23, P6D76: 23— D13D76: 32 Agee, Anthony, R30N69: 33 Isaac, D10Je75: 42 James, 25Ap55: 31, R27F72: 33 Ager, George, PD220c67: 23 James, PD10Oc66: 42 Agnes, brig, R5Ag73: 22 ship, D22Ap75: 33 Agnew, Capt. , of the Fury, D10J179: 12 Mr. , PD9Mr69: 33--R9Mr69: 23 James, PD17F74: 31 [James], Gen. , P13Je77: 23, D170c77: 11- P170c77: 21, D240c77: 11— P240c77: 22 John, Rev. Mr. , PD18F68: 31, DlAp75: 33, D8Ap75: 11, D23My77: 32, C15J180: 21 Robert, PD23J172: 32 Agrarian revolts, in Claverack, N. Y. , R8Ag66: 41 in Egremont, Mass. , PD12S66: 22, PD19S66: 21 in Great Barrington, Mass. , PD19S66: 21 in Nobletown, Mass. , PD12S66: 22, PD19S66: 21 in Poughkeepsie, N. Y. , PD15Ag66: 22— R15Ag66s22 See also Riots Agricola, pseud. , PD22F70: 22, D13N79: 12,D11D79: 11,D5F80: 11 Agriculture, advantages of described, PD21J174: 21 encouraged in Ga. , Pi20Ap75: 21 in Guadeloupe, W. I. , PD28J174: 23 in Ire. , PD18N73: 13 in Martinique, W. I. , PD28J174: 23 in Pa. , P24F75s22 in Sweden, PD7Ja73: 12 experimental in Eng. , PD29Ag71: 13, PDUMr73: 13, PD12Ag73: 21 methods discussed in American philosophical society, PD11F73: 22 prevails in British colonies, N. Am. , P26Ap76s21 — D27Ap76: 31 taught in academy in New Kent co. , Va. ,RlMr70: 22 Agues, cures for, 16Je38: 42, 2S57: 32, PD7Ap68: 31, PD8Je69: 32, PD24Ja71: 21, PD30My71: 23, Pi20Oc74: 31 Aids, John,D14Ag79:32 Aiken, David, 60c52: 32 Hugh, PD20Ag72: 23 James, PD25J171: 23 Robert, Capt. , of the Clyde, 13Je45:41 See also Aitken, Akin Aikin, J[ohn], author, PD18J171: 31, PD25J171: 41, PDlAg71: 41, PD8Ag71: 41 Ainslie, Andrew, R12D72sl3 Ainsty, Eng. , See Incest in Ainsworth, Robert, author, PD25F68: 41, PD29N70: 22, PD13D70: 42, PD3Ja71: 43, PD17Ja71: 43, PD7F71: 43, PD21F71: 43, PD24Je71: 42, PD8Ap73: 33, DllF75s23, D25N75: 11, D9D75: 41, D30D75: 11, D30D75: 21, D30c77: 32 Airy, Mr. , leaves Phila. , with British, P19Je78: 21 Aiselby, Capt. , 28N51: 31, 30c55: 22 Aiselby, Capt. (cont'd) of the Duke of Cumberland, 19D45: 31 Thomas, Capt. , of the Virginia Packet, 20Mr52: 22, 22S52: 32 Aitcheson, Mr. , killed on British packet, D19F79: 21 Mrs. , poem to, PD29S68: 11 Aitcheson (Aitchison) & Parker, PD7My67:31,R8F70:32, PD14Je70: 33 adv. merchandise for sale, PD13Ja74: 33 adv. salt for sale, PD13Je66: 31 adv. ship for charter, PD10c67: 22, PD1S68: 31 of Va. , D19F79: 21 store in Norfolk, R20Ap69: 21 Aitchison, Nancy, Miss, PD7J174: 21 Thomas, PD3Ja71: 32, PD30c71: 31 William, 16Ja61: 41, PD7My67: 32, PD8S68p21,R26J170:22, PD21My72: 23, D8N76: 22— P8N76: 23 Aitken, William, PD20Ag72: 23 See also Aiken Aitkenson, Mr. , opposes British colonies, N. Am. , Pil3Ap75: 31 Aix-la-Chapelle, Belgium, attacked by Palatines, R4My69: 31 insurrection in, PD20My73: 11 See also Anecdotes from; Robberies in Aix-la-Chapelle, treaty of, 17Ja51: 22, 10Ja52: 32, 27F52: 21, 12Mr52: 21, 29My52: 12 Ajax, British sloop of war, D24Ja77: 41 H.M. cutter, D25D79: 21 H. M. S. , PD31Ja71: 22, PD25Ap71: 21, PD25J171: 21 Akers, Thomas, P170c77: 43 William, jr. , P14N77: 31 Akin, James, D13Je77: 22 Joseph, P21Ag78: 12 Lewis, R15J173: 41 William, R15S74: 33 See also Aiken Akins, Joseph, D4D79: 22 Akkerfloot, Capt. , of the Dolphin, 4Ja40: 21 Alabaster tea sets, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , R170c71: 33 Alagouchier, Pedro, Don, 11J145: 32 Alair, Capt. , 2N39: 41 Alamance, battle of, N. C. , PD30My71: 21--R30My71: 22, PD6Je71: 32, PD13Je71: 23, PD27Je71:31,PD4J171:21 Alamode, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22 in Petersburg, Va. , PD24Ja71: 31, PD310c71: 31, PD290c72: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD14D69: 32— R14D69: 23, PD290c72: 22— R290c72: 22 Alarm, frigate, PD14Je70s23, PD31Ja71: 21, PD170c71: 13, PD2Ja72: 13, PD31Mr74: 13, Pil30c74: 31 H. M. frigate, P15S75: 22— D16S75: 21 H. M. S. , PD28N71: 21, PD30Ja72: 11, R31Mr74: 22 sloop of war, PD3Ag69: 12 Albano, produced in Papal States, PD18Mr73:31 Albany, N. Y. , aids Crown Point expedition, 5S55: 22 British attack on rumored, D10Oc77: 12— P10Oc77: 22 committee, cares for American wounded, D10Oc77: 11— P10Oc77: 21 committee of correspondence, letter (text) of, PD6S70: 21 committee of safety, address (text) to Gen. Schuyler, D19Ag75: 31 expedition to from Va. , 24D36: 21 fortifications strengthened, D23My77: 22— P23My77: 21 in northern department, D27Je77: 21 occupation by British reported, D5S77: 12--P5S77: 21 plot against, P9Ag76: 13— D10Ag76: 31 raises troops, 30c55: 22 See also Beef for Continental army in; British army to; Charity in; Conn. troops to; Debtors in; Earthquakes in; Emigration from Scot, to; Floods in; Forts in; Indian attacks near; Indians, conference called in; Jails in; Militia praised in; Minutemen of; N. H. troops to; Non- importation agreement supported in; Pennsylvania troops to; Prisoners of war, British, arrive in; Provisions for British army in; Ships, British, captured by Americans near; Ships from; Ships from N. Y. to; Ships' sailing time; Six Nations attend conference in; Six Nations, meeting with Americans in; Spies in; Tea, price of in; Tories imprisoned in; Tories in; Twelve pounders captured by Americans near Albany, N. Y. , troops, Pi22Je75: 32 Albany, British sloop of war, D250c76: 21 frigate, 5S51: 22 H. M. sloop, 24Ja51: 32, 24Ja52: 31, 23My55: 12 Albany, ship, 30S37: 41, 30Je38: 41, HAg38: 32, 10Ag39: 2, 14D39: 1, PD6Je66: 23, PD4Je67: 33, PDllJe67: 32, PD11F68: 23, PD18F68: 23, PD17Mr68: 31— R14Ap68: 42, PD1S68: 23, PD22S68: 23— R22S68: 23, PD27J169: 32, PD2N69: 31, R31My70: 21, PD6S70: 21, R26Ag73s23, PD16S73: 22,D14Mr77: 21 Albany co. , N. Y. , committee, P9F76:22— D10F76:31 See also Counterfeiting in; Tories in; Tories numerous in Albemarle, earl of [William Anne Keppel], 30D37: 31, 14Mr55: 21, 7N55: 21 Albemarle, ship, 2F39: 32, 2F39: 42, 18My39: 3, Ue39: 42, 24Ag39: 3, 25Ja40: 12, 10Oc45: 3, 3Ap46: 41, 29My46: 32, 3J146: 4 Albemarle co. , Va. , burgesses elected, 27F52: 32, PD15D68: 23— R15D68: 21, PD28S69: 22, R9N69: 11, PD5D71: 23, PD4Ag74: 23 census requested, P19Ap76p23— D27Ap76: 33 Chancery court suit, RllMr73: 33 committee, P8D75: 32--D8D97: 32— Pi9D75: 22 courts regulated by general assembly, 24Ap52: 21 delegates elected, P26Ap76s23, P2My77s31 divided by general assembly, D4J177:41 — P4J177: 12 enlarged by general assembly, PD28D69: 23--R28D69: 23 escheators appointed, PD30c71: 31 freeholders* meeting in, R4Ag74: 12 senator elected, P13S76: 31 sheriff's summons, PD14F71: 32, RllMr73:33,R2D73:32 troops, Pi7S75: 31 See also Apple orchards in; Barns in; Barracks in; Brick jails in; Buildings in; Churches in; Clergy, Anglican in; Convict servants runaway from; Corn houses in; Counting houses in; Counting rooms in; Dairies in; Dwelling houses in; Fires in; Floods in; Fulling mills in; Gardens in; Gristmills in; Horse- breeding in; Houses in; Indentured servants runaway from; Iron works in; Jails in; Kitchens in; Land, ownership of, disputed in; Land, surveys of, in; Land for lease in; Land for sale in; Land grants in; Land posted in; Looms in; Merchants in; Multiple births in; Musters, general, dates appointed for in; Orchards in; Ordinaries in; Outhouses in; Overseers' houses in; Overseers in; Peach orchards in; Physicians in; Quarters, Negro, in; Quarters in; Roads in; Sheds in; Shops in; Slaves for sale in; Slaves mortgaged in; Slaves runaway from; Slaves sale of in; Slaves sold for debt in; Smiths' shops in; Stables in; Stealing in; Storehouses in; Stores in; Tailors' shops in; Taverns in; Tobacco houses in; Undertakers adv. for in; Virginia regiment of guards in; Walnut timber in Albemarle courthouse, Va. , See land for sale at; Land mortgaged for sale at; Slaves for hire at; Slaves for sale at; Stealing at; Storehouses for sale at Albemarle parish, Va. , PD16J172: 32 orders building and repair of churches, PD13Ag72: 22 sells transfer tobacco, PD19J170: 33— R19J170: 32, PD4Ag74: 31 tobacco sold for benefit of, PD8J173: 32 See also Churchwardens in; Clergy, Anglican, in; Glebe houses in Albemarle sound, N. C. , See Land for sale on Albermary, British ship, 25Ja40: 2 Albert, ship, 7N51: 22 Albertie, Francis, RllMy69: 41 Albertson, Thomas, Capt. ; of the Sally, PD23Je68: 23, R7J168: 22, PD8S68p22 Albin, John, R20Je71: 32 Albinoes, in Civray, Fr. , PD140c73: 21 Albion, British guardship, PDlS74s21, D16S75: 11 Cont. ship, D7F77:21 — P14F77:21 H. M. S. , PD22N70: 21, PDlAg71: 11, PD29Ap73: 21, PD24Je73: 21 — R1J173: 12, PD1J173: 13— R1J173: 13, PD1J173: 22— R1J173: 21, PD2S73: 12— R2S73: 13, PD2S73: 21--R2S73: 21, D28Mr77: 61 H.M. sloop, 25Ap55: 21 ship, PD23J167: 31, Pil90c75: 22, D14F77: 21, D7Mr77: 71 — P21Mr77sll, D14Mr77: 11 — P21Mr77sl3, P14Mr77sll, 8 Alexandria D28Mr77: 21, D4Ap77: 22, D9My77: 41, D23My77: 21, D30My77: 22, D20Je77: 22 Alboy, Capt. , PD18F68: 22--R18F68: 24 Albright, Capt. , in battle of Long island, N. Y. ,D21S76:21 Albro, Capt. , PD2F69: 23 Alcazer, Alphonso Rodiguez de, R21My72: 23 Alcide, French warship, 26S55: 12, 30c55: 22, 240c55: 12, 310c55: 11, 19D55: 11 H. M. S. , 10Oc55: 22, PD2Ap72: 21, DllMr80: 12 Alcock, Capt. , wounded in battle of Bunker Hill, P22J175s22— D29J175: 31 John, P5D77: 32 Robert, PD3Ja71: 33--R10Ja71: 41 , P5D77:32,D11D79:32 Alcock & Ware, P130c75: 32 Alcorn, James, PD24N74: 31 Alcot, Mr. , reports on battle of Bunker Hill, P14J175sl2— D15J175: 13 Aldborough, British ship, 25Ja40: 2 fire-ship, 6Ja38: 21 H. M. S. , 20Je45: 32, 4J145: 21, 24Ja52: 31 ship, PD21S69s23 Alderman, Mary, PD23Ap72: 23— R23Ap72: 31 Aldermanbury, Eng. , See Anecdotes from; Robberies in Alderney, H. M. S. , 130c38: 41, 14S39: 21, 21D39: 31, 11J145: 31, 21N51: 22, 24Ja52: 31 ship, 25J151:32, 21N51:31 sloop, Pi28S75: 21--P29S75: 12— D30S75: 12 Alderney island, Chan. is. , See British army on; Smuggling on Alderson, Benedict, PD17S67: 22, PD210c73: 21— R210c73: 21, PD4N73: 21 Jeremiah, R30S73: 33 Simon, PHOc76: 23 Aldred, Giles, PD18Mr73: 33 Aldridge, Robert, PD17S72: 23 Ale, boycotted in Va. Association, PD25My69: U--RUe69: 13 for sale, at Marlborough brewery, Va. , PD18Ap66: 31— R30My66: 42 in Stafford co. , Va. , R23N69: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , 4S46: 32 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from Barbados, W. I. , PD14Je70: 32 seized from British ship, D7F77: 11— P7F77: 21 taxes in Great Britain, PD28Mr66: 32 D22Ap75: 12 taxes in Ire. , PD3Mr68: 21, PD27F72: 23 See also Cuninghame's ale Ale, Virginia, exported from York district, Va. , 25Ap55: 22 Alehouses, in Eng. , R15J173sl3 Alembert, Jean le Rond d', author, PD10Je73: 34, D25N75: 21, D2Mr76: 43, D9Mr76: 43, D24Ag76: 61, D20D76: 43, D3Ja77: 42, D17Ja77: 42, D2My77: 83, D4J177: 83 Alembics, for sale, near Dumfries, Va. , PDlAg71: 22 Alenzon, Normandy, See Hail in; Storms in Aleppo, Syria, description of, R14D69: 13 See also Antiquities discovered in; Earthquakes in; Freemasons in; Plague in Alessandria (Alexandria), It. , siege of, 16Ja46: 31 Alexander, Capt. , captures British ship, Pi30D75: 32 company of, P24Ja77: 31, D5S77: 32— P10Oc77: 11 of the Dunlop, 30My51: 32, 13Je51: 32 of the Liberty, PD22Ap73: 31— R22Ap73: 33 of the Nancy, PD14Je70: 22 of the Wasp, D25My76: 32 Mr. , assemblyman in N. Y. , 140c37: 31 of Md. , P5S77: 22 of Phila. , R24Je73: 21 orator at College of N. J. , PD290c72: 12 Archibald, R280c73: 33, P180c76: 12 [Ashton], author, PD10Je73: 31, D25N75: 11, D30P75: 11, D24F76: 43, D2Mr76: 41, D9Mr76: 41, D25My76: 43, D24Ag76: 51, D20D76: 41, D3Ja77: 41, D17Ja77: 41, D2My77: 81, D4J177: 81 Charles, PD14My72: 22, R17F74: 32, R4Ag74: 22, PD1S74: 31— R1S74: 33, D10F76: 33 Capt. , R15S74: 33, Pil90c75: 31 — D280c75: 11, Pil90c75: 32— D280c75:ll Elizabeth, R12My68: 23 Francis, P30c77: 13 George, Dr. , DlAp75: 12 Gerard, 10Ja[?]51: 42, 13F52: 32, 27F52:32,D8My78:82 Capt. , P5Je78: 11 Harry, Col. , PD14Ja73: 22 James, 24Je37: 32, 20Ja38: 31 Jesse, PD60c74: 33, PD20Oc74: 32, P21N77: 23, C3J179: 33 John, adv. damaged tobacco for sale, R6My73s22 adv. land for rent, PD10N74: 42 appointed to committee in Stafford co. , Va. , R28J174: 22 appointed to petitions committee, R21Ap68: 14 assoc»ator of Stafford co. , Va. , R2My71: 22 burgess for Stafford co. , Va. , PD15D68: 23--R15D68: 21, PDllMy69: 41, PD28S69: 23, R9N69: 11, PD19D71: 22, PD4Ag74: 23 delegate from Stafford co. , Va. , R28J174:22,DlAp75:21 letters to, in post office, PD29Ja67: 13, PD18F68: 23 lots of, for lease, C15My79: 42 marine, P4Ap77: 31 postpones sale of slaves, C15My79: 33 signs Va. Association, PD25My69: 12 John, jr. ,R12My68: 23, R2My71: 31 John M' Knight, PD28My72: 12 Lucy, C15My79:42 M. , D15My78: 32— P29My78: 42 Martha, R20Je71: 32 Morgan, Capt. , P15D75: 31, Pi23D75: 12, D28F77: 41--P28F77: 22, PllAp77: 23 Philip, 24F38: 32, R4Ag74: 22, D7Ja75: 32, P9My77:23, P26S77: 11 Robert, adv. settlement of estate, PD14Ap74: 31 — R14Ap74: 33 clerk of committee for Bedford co. , Va. , Pi8Je75: 23, P22J175s42 defendant in Chancery court, R19Ja69: 32 deputy clerk, R5Ag73: 23 representative to Continental congress for Md. , D15Je76: 32 trustee for opening Potomac river, D7Ja75: 32 Robert, sr. , R8Mr70s41 Sarah, R20Je71: 32 William, adv. for missing watch, P19J176:33 adv. for runaway servants, D18F75: 32, DlMy79: 31 adv. property for sale, P20D76s23 letter to, in post office, PD29Ja67: 13, PD18F68: 23 member of committee, in Prince William co. , Va. , Pil2Ja75: 32 runaway convict servant, PD28Ja68: 33--R4F68: 41 Capt. , of the Jolly Batchelor, 28F55: 31 William & Son, R31My70: 32 Alexander, brig, Pil2Ja75: 23 privateer, 14Ag46: 12, 21Ag46: 22 ship, 18Ap45: 32, PD25Ag68: 31, PD28D69: 31, PD15F70: 22, R26Ag73: 21 D14Ja75: 23, D21Ja75: 31— Pil9Ja75: 33, Pi30Mr75: 32 Alexander and Anne, ship, 30My51: 32 Alexander Newsky, Russian man of war, PD19My74: 12 Alexander, Tate & co. , PD14My72: 22 Alexandria, Egypt, See Plague in; Shipwrecks off Alexandria, Va. , army supplies bought at, D28N77: 21— P28N77: 22 committee of inspection, Pi29D74: 32 defense of, P23F76:32 instructions (text) to delegates, P26S77: 11 post office, R4D66: 23, PD2F69: 31 settlement encouraged by general assembly, PD23Ap72: 11 sheriff's sale at, R31My70: 42 streets, R19N72: 23, D10J179: 31 See also Association of 1774 enforced in; Associations in Va. upheld in; Attorneys in; Auctions in; Auctions of British imports in; Bakers, adv. of in; Boston port bill, relief from by; Brick churches, described, in; Brick houses in; Brick houses, described, in; Brick storehouses in; British army to; Churchyards in; Clock and watch cleaners in; Continental army ordered from Fredericksburg, Va. , to; Convict servants runaway from; Counting houses in; Deserters from Va. marines in; Distilleries in; Dwelling houses in; Fairs in; Ferries for rent near; Georgia battalion, 2nd, deserters from; Herring near; Horse- breeding near; Houses in; Houses and lots for rent in; Houses and lots for sale in; Houses for rent near; Indentured servants runaway from; Jails in; Joiners' shops in; Kitchens in; Landings near; Lots for lease in; Lots for lease near; Lots for sale in; Lots in; Lotteries, U.S., tickets for sale in; Meat houses in; Merchants in; Milk-houses in; Millers, adv. of in; 9 Alexandria, Va. (cont'd) Murders near; Orchards near; Pilot boats for sale in; Post roads between; Prisoners escape from; Prisoners of war, British, escape from; Robberies between Bladensburg, Md. , and; Rope makers, adv. for in; Sail makers, adv. for in; Ship carpenters, adv. for in; Ship smiths, adv. for in; Ships for charter in; Ships for sale in; Ships in; Ships' sailing time; Ships to; Slaves adv. for, to hire in; Slaves for sale in; Slaves imported for sale in; Smokehouses near; Stables in; Stealing in; Stone distilleries, described, for rent, in; Stone stores, described; Storehouses in; Stores in; Stores, molasses, in; Taverns, adv. of in; Teachers, music, adv. of in; Tories in; Vendues in; Wharves, described, in Alexandria, brig, D12F80: 31 ship, PD27N66: 22, R12Mr67: 22, PD21N71: 22, PD21N71: 23 — R21N71: 32, PD30J172: 33, PD6Ag72: 13 Alexis, pseud. , PD25Mr73: 31, R3Mr74: 33, R17Mr74: 12, PilD74: 32, Pi9Mr75: 22 Alexowitz, Russian frigate, PD16D73: 12— R16D73:21 Alford, Drury, D27S76: 42, PlAg77: 13 Alford, Scot. , See Bastards in Alfred, Cont. ship, D4My76: 32, DllMy76: 32, D18My76: 12, DUe76: 12, D24Ja77: 21, D24Ja77: 31 frigate, D7F77: 11 H. M S. , PDllMr73: 23, R9S73: 12, D15Ag77: 51, DllMr80: 12 ship, 28Mr45: 31, D3Ja77: 21— P3Ja77sll, P10Ja77:21 Alfred the great, Pi28Ap75: 21 Alfriend, Abraham, R5Ag73: 23 Benjamin, R5Ag73: 23, DllMr80: 33 Algarotti, Francesco, author, PD25F68: 41, PD29Ag71: 33 Algarue, Port. See Earthquakes in Alge, Capt. , taken prisoner in Chambly, Can. , PU6N75: 32 — P17N75: 31— D18N75: 22 Algebra, teacher of, adv for scholars, in Va. , PD2My71: 32--R2My71: 31 Algebraicus, pseud. , R14Ap68: 22 Algeria, aid to Turkey, PD2My71: 22 aided by French, PD8N70: 13, D30S75: 12 cruises against Danish ships, R11F68:23 declares war on Great Britain, D8J175:23 fugitives from Turks in, PD12Ag73: 11 military preparations of, PD13F72: 23 naval engagement with Spain, Pi50c75: 23— P60c75: 22 — D70c75:21 naval war with Denmark, PD8N70: 13 relations with Denmark, PD16Ag70: 13. PD2Mv71: 13— R2My71: 11. PD9My71: 11, PD9My71: 13. PD26S71: 11, PD28N71: 21 relations with France, D70c75: 13 relations with Great Britain, R280c73: 13, PD16D73: 12 — R16D73:21,R31Mr74:22, R22S74: 13, PD6Qc74: 13 — Pil30c74:23 relations with Holland, R22S74: 13, PD60c74: 13 relations with Spain, PD28Mr66: 12, R22S74: 13, PD60c74: 13 — Pil30c74: 23, D210c75: 12, P19J176:13--D29J176:11 relations with Tunis, 4S46: 21 relations with Venice, PD9My71: 11 treaty with Sweden, 8S38: 11 war with Denmark, PD15F70: 21, PD240c71: 11 war with Spain, PD16Ja72: 12, P22S75: 31— D23S75: 31, D30S75: 12, D30S75: 23, D11N75: 22, D3F76: 31— Pi3F76:21 war witn Venice rumored, PD6Ag67: 21 Algerian army, D280c75: 12 Algerians, at large in Sicily, 14Mr51:21 Algiers, Alg. , aids Turkey, PD20S70s32 alliance with Barbary states, Dl J175: 23 attacks on planned, 4F37: 21, 12Mr52: 21, PD30Ap67: 21, R13Ag67: 21, PD4Je67: 11, D280c75:31 breaks peace with Venice, PD5S66s31 — R5S66: 21 civil war in, 7N54: 11 cruises against Christian powers, PD28Ap68: 21 cruises against Portugal, PD19Mr67:21 declares war on Denmark, R30N69: 22, R7D69: 22 declares war on Great Britain rumored, Pi5Ja75: 11 description of, D4N75: 12 fortification of, PD19Mr72: 22, PD6My73: 13, D7Mr77: 21 insurrections near, R17N68: 23 methods of execution discussed in, D280c75:31 military preparations of, PD5N72: 23 naval engagements off, D18Mr80: 13 negotiations with Great Britain described, 17Ja51:22 peace with Denmark, PD24S72: 13 peace with Venice, PD19N67: 12 receives armaments from Hamburg, 15My52: 21 relations with Corsica, PDlAg66: 12 relations with Denmark, PD6Je66: 13, PD8Ag71: 13, PD8Ag71: 21 relations with Fr. , R4N73.: 22, Pi23Mr75:31 relations with Genoa, PD15J173: 22 — R15J173: 12 relations with Gt. Brit. , PD25Ag68: 23, PD8S68: 11, PD10c72: 21, PDllMr73: 21, PD31Mr74: 12, PD31Mr74: 13, PD31Mr74: 21, PD18Ag74: 11, R18Ag74: 12, PD18Ag74: 21— R18Ag74: 21, PD60c74: 23, PD3N74: 33, PD10N74: 21, D7Ja75:21 relations with Holl. , PD60c74: 23, PD20Oc74:21 relations with Morocco, Dl9Ag75: 22 relations with Portugal, PD19N67: 13 relations with Spain, D7Ja75: 21 relations with Turkey, PD26Mr67: 13 relations with Venice, PD27Ag67: 12, PD19My68:21 requires Mediterranean passes, 24Ja51: 32 sea battle with Malta, 28F51: 12 slaves of ransomed, 7J138: 21, 28F51:22 supports Tunisian rebels, 22D52: 21 suppresses Moroccan revolt, 9D37: 31 trade relations with Gt. Brit. , 24Ja51:32, 14N51:21 trade treaty with Hamburg, 5Je52: 11, 8D52: 22 treaty with Denmark, R13S70: 11, PD3S72: 11 with France, R30S73sl3, R210c73: 11 withGt. Brit. ,5Mr52:21 with Morocco, PD80c72: 22 with Tunis, PD4F68: 12 with Tuscany, R13S70: 11 truce with Venice, PD20Ag67: 21 Venetian expedition against, PD30J167: 22 war with Denmark, RllJa70: 11, PD6S70: 22, PD18Oc70: 11, PD18Oc70: 13 with Great Britain, PD8S68: 22, PD8S68: 23 with Holl. , PD23Je68: 12 — R23Je68:21 with Morocco, D24Je75: 11 with Tuscany, PD30J167: 21 See also British navy from Gibraltar to; British navy in; Carpet manufacture in; Corn, scarce in; Cotton manufacture in; Danish navy off; Distemper in; Exports from; French navy to; French navy to bombard; Hides, scarce in; Impalement for cowardice in; Imports to; Leather manufacture in; Linen manufacture in; Oil, scarce in; Pulse, scarce in; Ships from Toulon, Fr. , to; Silk manufacture in; Spanish army to; Spanish navy from; Spanish navy to; Slave insurrections in; Slaves, Neapolitan, in; Taffeta manufacture in; Velvet manufacture in; Wax, scarce in; Wool manufacture in Algonkin, Fr. warship, 12D55: 11 Algonquin, Fr. warship, 5S55: 21 ship, PD10D67:11 Alhatton, Lt. , of 71st regiment at Bonhamtown, N. J. , D9My77: 31 — P9My77:21 Ali Bey, reward for capture of, PD12D71: 13 Alicante, siege of Sp. , 1709, described, PD16J167: 23 See also Convoys by Spanish navy to; Merchants in; Ships from Va. to; Ships to N. Y. C. from; Spanish navy from Algiers to Alice, brigantine, PD26D71:31 galley, 3J152: 32, 21Ag52: 31 ship, 5Je52:31, 12Je52:21 Alicey, schooner, PD22Ag66: 22 ship, PD23My66:31 Alicia, schooner, R8Ag66: 31 ship, PD6Je66:31 Alicy, ship, PD3D67: 31 Alk, seized by Tories on Nantucket, Mass. , C15My79: 12 Alkaline, for sale, in Williamsburg, 10 Allen Va , PD21S69: 41--R21S69s21 import to Phila. , Pa. , allowed, R2Ag70:21 Alkaline salts, See Ashes; Cassoap; Pearl ash; Potash; Wood ashes Alkaline salts manufacture, in Baltimore, Md. , PD7N71: 23 Alkanet, for sale, in Blandford, Va. , PD29Je69: 32 in Petersburg, Va. , PD1J173: 32, PD14J174: 32 in Richmond, Va. , PD17Je73: 33— R17Je73s23 All, Capt. ,PD13Ag72:21 of the Abigail. PD26J170: 23 of Phila. ,PD5My74:22 All Saints bay, Brazil, See Ships from Allan, Capt. , of the Beverley, 4N63: 22 Adam, D11F75: 32, D13My75: 33, P2F76s23--D17F76: 42, D9Mr76: 31, D14S76: 71 Adam & co. , P19Ja76: 32 — D20Ja76: 33 Anthony, Capt. , of the Dolphin, 21Mr45: 41, 4J145: 31, 4J145: 32, 7N45:31 of the John and Betsey, 28Mr55: 32 of the John and Mary, 14Mr51: 32, 12S51:32 Jacob, PD8N70: 31 adv. for missing persons, PD25Ap71: 32--R2My71: 33 adv. merchandise for sale, PD16N69: 22, PD19J170: 33 — R19J170:33,RllOc70:31, PD18Ap71: 32, PD22Ag71: 32 adv. settlement of estate, PD220c72: 22--R220c72: 23 adv. thread for sale,PD15F70: 31 — R15F70:31 agent of Charles Goore of Liverpool, PD17N68: 22--R17N68: 31 announces departure from Va. , PD16Ja72:32--R6F72:41 death of, PD4N73: 21— R4N73: 31 requests payment of debts, PD4Oc70: 23— R4Oc70: 31 James, 20Oc52: 22, PD18Oc70: 31 John, R12 J170: 42, R9S73: 32 John, Capt. , of the Elizabeth, R7J168:22 Julius, D20Je77: 22 Richard, PllAg75: 41 Robert, R4D66: 23 Robert, Capt. , of the Black Prince, PD13Ja74: 32 Thomas, PD7J174: 31— R7J174: 23 William, PD23Ap72: 32, PD13Ag72: 23— R80c72:41 William, Capt. , of the June, PD9N69: 22 Allan, ship, 10Oc45: 3, 29My46: 4 Allan & Turner, adv. for missing stocking thread, PDllJe72: 31 adv. garden seeds for sale, PD31D72:31--R31D72: 31 adv. merchandise for sale, PD19D71: 32, PD220c72: 22— R220c72: 23, PD3Je73:32— R3Je73:23, PD23S73:23--R23S73:32 dissolution of partnership, PD16D73: 23--R16D73: 41 settlement of estate of, PU3J175: 33 — P21J175:31— D22J175:33 Allanby, Robert, Capt. , of the Peggy, PD30My66: 31— R30My66: 32, PD20Je66: 22 Allason, William, R18J171: 42, PD19N72: 31— R19N72: 23, PD11F73:23 See also Allison Allay, Barnaby, 7N54: 32 Allboy, Capt. , PD28Mr71: 22 Allcock, John, R6My73s21, PD13My73: 23 Richard, R10Ja71: 41, R28Mr71: 21 Robert, PDllJe67: 33 Allday, Perrin, P13D76: 33 Allegheny Indians, 30Je38: 41 Allegheny mts. , settlements beyond disrupted, R14J174: 23 Allegheny river, inhabitants beyond flee before Indians, PD7S69: 23 Allegories, on British-American affairs, PD22F70: 21, PD18Ag74: 31, Pi25My75: 11 on night and day, 21Ag52: 11 on passage of life, 10N52: 11 on poverty, PD21My72: 21 on reputation, PD24D67: 21 on virtue, PD15D68: 21 Allegre, WUliam, D8Ap75: 33, D27My75: 41 See also Alligree Alleine, Joseph, author, PD29N70: 21, PD13D70: 42, PD17Ja71: 42, PD24Ja71: 42, PD7F71: 42, PD21F71: 42, PD10Je73: 32, D25N75: 13, D30D75: 13, D2Mr76: 42, D9Mr76: 42, D24Ag76: 53 Allen, Capt , 16My45: 32, PD7Ja68: 31, PD19Mr72: 23, D28Ja75: 21, D18J177:21 of the Ajax, PD25Ap71: 21 of the Chance, P21Je76: 21 — D22Je76: 51 of the Creole, P26My75: 11 of the Fanny, Pi28Ap75: 21 of the Gaspee, PD13Ag67: 21— R13Ag67: 23, R3N68: 14 slave of, PD10N68: 31 Col., boat of, 280c37:41 captured by British, D6Ja76: 32 mill of, R7S69: 42, PD22Mr70: 41 of Va. ,PD31Mr68:32 taken prisoner on Staten island, D12S77:11— P12S77:21 Mr. ,R23Je68:31 on committee to prepare instructions to Pa. delegates, Pil2Ja75: 31 — D14Ja75:23 Andrew, PD26My74: 23, R26My74: 22, P10Ja77:23, P19Je78:21 Ann, PD20Je66: 21 Anne, D4N75: 32 [Anthony], author, PD25F68: 41, D24Ag76: 53 Anthony, Capt. , of the John and Mary, 31Ja51: 32, 120c52: 31, 15D52: 31 Arthur, 14N55: 31 Benjamin, PD19My74: 43 Bennet, Rev. Mr. , PD29S68: 13 Charles, PD26Ag73: 32— R26Ag73: 23, D4N75: 32, P30c77: 23 Christopher, Col. , 120c39: 41 Daniel, 17N38:42 David, P27D76: 32, P28Mr77: 21, D4J177:71 Davis. PD210c73: 21--R2!Oc73: 21. PD4N73:21 Edmund, 13F52: 32, 27F52: 32 Edward, P7Mr77: 22, D4Ap77: 31, D16My77:21 Capt. , of the Comet, D10Ja77: 31 Lt. , P230c78: 11 Erasmus W. , R13J169: 31 [Ethan], Col. , arrives in Can. , P20Oc75s21 attempts to capture Fort St. John, Can. , P16Je75sl3 captured near Longueuil, Can. , P270c75sll captured near Montreal, Can. , D4N75: 31, D11N75: 21, D11N75: 23, PH6D75: 21, P5Ja76(5)sl3 — D6Ja76:32, P29Mr76:21 criticized for attack on Montreal, Can. ,D4N75:31 exchange proposed, D14S76: 41, D310c77: 12 exchanged, D8My78: 71 imprisoned, P8D75: 21, D30Mr76: 32, D6Ap76: 32, D25My76: 33, P21Je76: 12,D40c76:41 leaves Boston for Vt. , D29Ja80: 23 on board Mercury, D22Je76: 52 thanks citizens of Cork, Ire. , for kindness, D18My76: 32 toasted in Dublin, Ire. , Pi260c75: 21 — D280c75:22 treatment as prisoner, D17F76: 22, D24F76: 31, D18My76: 31, P16Ag76: 12- D17Ag76: 11 Frances, P27D76: 32, P28Mr77: 21 George, PD12My74pll— R12My74: 33 George Hunt,D15Je76: 62 H. , Lt. , PilON74: 23 Henry, adv. bond, PDllAg68: 23 adv. for missing horse, PD23F69: 42 adv. settlement of estate, P7Mr77: 22, D4Ap77: 31 announces departure, PD21D69: 23, D16My77:21 estate of for sale, PD14N71: 23 justifies escape from jail, R31My70:41 orders for re-arrest of, R31My70: 33 plantations of. for sale, PD15F70: 32 slaves of, for sale, PD14My72: 21 Henry, jr. , P7Mr77: 22 Hudson, PD1D74: 23— PilD74: 31 Hugh, PD2D73: 31 Isaac Alexander Moses, PD290c72: 13 Isham, R14J174: 31, PH7N74: 32, PD1D74: 22— PUD74: 31, D6My75: 32, D23D75: 23— P22D75: 33 James, 14N51: 31, 12Je52: 31, R7S69: 32— PD24Ag69: 32, PD25N73: 23--R25N73: 43 adv. finding cow, P7Mr77s24 adv. finding horse, 2S57: 31, PD5S66s41, PD12Ja69:33 adv. finding steer, R16N69: 33, R18Ja70: 33 letter to, PD31Mr68: 22, R17F74: 32 of Augusta co , Va. , P180c76: 12 pasture of, R310c71: 33 remains in Phila. after British evacuate, P19Je78: 21 runaway indentured servant, R5S71: 32 James, Capt. , of the Revenge, 120c39: 32 James, jr. , 30c55: 32, D4N75: 32 11 Allen, James (cont'd) James, sr. , D29J175: 12, D4N75: 32, P29D75: 23 Jamie, PD19Mr72: 33 Jeremiah, Capt. , of the Merrell, PD29Ja67: 32 John, adv. finding horse, 14N55: 31 adv. for accountant, C6N79: 32 adv. for missing horse, D29J176: 52, P27Je77: 33 appointed Indian commissioner, PD28Ap68: 22--R28Ap68: 22 attends Indian conference in Pa. , PD16Je68: 23--R16Je68: 24 bond of, D3Ag76: 32 leaves for London, PD23My71: 22 of Pa. , D14Mr77: 41— P21Mr77s23, P230c78: 33, D26Mr79: 32 on committee in Elizabeth City co. , Va. ,P29D75:31 protected by Howe in Trenton, N. J. , P10Ja77:23 runaway indentured servant, PD12My74pll— R12My74: 33 John, Capt. ,PD14Ja68: 31, PD17Mr68: 31--R14Ap68: 42 John, Col. , 20Oc38: 31 John, jr. , PD14N71.23, PD14My72:21, D3Ag76: 32, D4Ap77: 31, D16My77: 21 John, Mrs. , 20Oc38: 31 Johnson, P21Ag78: 11 Jolly, Capt ,DllMy76:32 [Jonathan], Major, C19F80: 22 Jones, D3Ag76: 32, P6Je77: 42, P4J177: 42 Joseph, 24S36: 32, 28Ap38: 42, 21N45:41, Pi270c74: 32 Julius, R22S68: 23, PD15J173: 33 — R15J173: 41, PD24N74: 23, P24N75: 13, D13D76: 32, P13Je77: 33 Julius, jr. ,P13Je77:33,D26D77:21 Julius, sr. , P20S76: 13, P13Je77: 33, D26D77: 21 Matthew, D10F76: 33 Memucan, P30Oc78: 33, D20c79: 32 R. R. , P27D76: 32, P28Mr77: 21 Randall, 22Je39: 32 Richard, 27F52: 41, PD29Ag66: 31, PD12S71: 32, PD30J172: 31, PD8D74:31 adv. estate for sale, PD29Ag66: 31 — R5S66.42, R15Ag71:32 adv. settlement of estate, PD12My74: 43 drowning of, Pi20Ap75: 31--D22Ap75: 23 jailer, P15Mr76: 33 letter to, in post office, PD12Mr67: 13 shipwrecked, P21Ap75s41 Richard, jr. , PD17S71: 31, PD10Oc71: 31— R170c71: 33, PD7N71:31 Richard, Mrs. , PD10Oc71: 31— R170c71:33 Richard, sr. , PD25N73: 23 Richard Royal, PD3Ag69: 32, D3Ag76: 32 Richmond, D19D77: 31 adv. estate of Richmond Terrell for sale, R15Ag7 1:32 adv. settlement of estate, PD12My74:43 collector for Allen & Hart, P15Ag77: 11 delegate from New Kent co. , P18Ap77sll deputy for New Kent co. , Va. , to peninsula meeting, D16S75: 32 requests meeting of legatees of Richard Allen, PD20Ja74: 33 witnesses agreement, PD10Oc71: 31 — R170c71:33 Richmond, Capt. , PD21D69: 33, P10Oc77: 32 Richmond, jr. , PD25N73: 23, P14N77: 31 Robert, R26J170: 22 Samuel, R12Mr72: 22, R26N72: 22, PD15Ap73: 31 Sukey (Scott), marriage of, D18F75: 31 Thomas, D170c77: 12, D10J178: 21 adv. finding horse, PD240c66: 31, R18Ag74:32,D30c77:41 adv. for horses, P25J177: 33 adv. plantation for sale, R8J173: 32 adv. waggons and teams for sale, D12S77.41 assistant deputy quartermaster in Fredericksburg, Va. , D23Ja78: 32 horse of,D19S77:41 of Prudence island, R. L , PD8Mr70: 21 Thomas, Capt., of the Bacchus, 26S55: 12 of the Creole, Pi8S74:31 Tobias, P15S75s22 William, adv. estate for sale, P10N75:33, P29Mr76:31 adv. finding horse, 21Mr55: 41, 9Mv55: 22, 16My55: 22, PD7My67: 41, R28Ja73: 33 adv. lots for sale, R29Mr 70:22 - - PD5Ap70:41 adv. plantation sale, PD5My68: 31 collects money for Broadway, Va. , lots, PD16N69: 31— R16N69: 32 deserter, P4J177sll, P6Mr78: 12 gunner, D7Mr77: 41 marriage of, D18F75: 31 marriage of daughter, PD20Je66 21 of Phila. , 2S57:* 32 protected by Howe in Trenton, N. J. , P10Ja77: 23 quarter of, R13S70: 31 recruits Catholic troops for Howe, D5D77: 11— P5D77: 22 William, Capt. , 14Ag52: 31 of the Juno, PD28D69: 31 William, Col. , PDlJa67: 31, PD26N67: 23, PD3Mr68: 32, PD31Mr68: 31, R3My70: 31, PD310c71:23 William Hunt, D15My79: 32 Zaccheus, Capt. , of the Success, PD20Ap69: 23 Allen & Hart, P15Ag77: 11, P10J178: 13 Allen, Hewes, Smith &, D12F80: 32 — C19F80:41 Allen's bridge, Va. , P250c76: 31 — D1N76:41 Allen's cordial, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 2S57: 32 Allen's creek bridge, Va. , 4N63: 22 Allen's creek church, Va. , D19Ag75: 33 P8N76: 42 Allen's mill, Brunswick co. , Va. , PD28Ap68: 23, PD13Ap69: 31 Allen's ordinary, Va. , P26Ap76sl3 Allenson, Capt. , of the Sally, R8F70:23 Allentown, N. J. , See Boston port bill, relief from by Allerton, Willoughby, Capt. , PD9N69: 31 Allerton, ship, 13Je51: 32, 20Je51: 41, 310c51: 22, 17J152: 32, 21Ag52: 31 Allertson, Thomas, Capt. , of the Sally, PD8S68p22 Allethea, ship, 23My55: 21 Alley, David, 2S57: 42, 250c65s41 James, PD16Je68:31 Thomas, 18Ap51: 31, 24My51: 41 Williams, sr. , R15D68: 23 Alleyne, John, R26My74: 23 John Gay, PD15Je69: 31 Alleys, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD18My69: 31— R25My69: 23 Allford, John, PD18F68: 23 Alliance, Cont. frigate, D8Ja80: 22, DllMr80:21,D12F80:23, C19F80:21,D18Mr80: 12 schooner, D4D79: 21 ship, D14Ag79: 31, DlAp80: 13 Alliances, See Family compact; Quadruple alliance; under countries Alligators, for Royal society, London, PD80c72: 12 Alligree, Giles, Dr. , R15Je69: 22 Jane, RlJe69: 32, R15Je69: 42 William, RUe69: 32, R15Je69: 42 See also Allegre Allin, William, PD2N69: 42 Allinford, Philip, R14Ap6 8: 32 Ailing, William, R14Ap68: 24 Allingham, Capt. , of the Charles, 18Ap45: 32 Allinson, George, R26J170: 22 John, P23Ag76sll Allison, Capt. , PD19Mr67: 32 J. ,C13My80:31 John, Capt. , P21Je76: 33, P23My77: 32 Joseph, Capt. , of the St. Paul, 16My51: 32 Richard, Capt. , of the Eagle, 12F62: 31 T. , Major, D10J178: 12 William, PD6Ag67: 31, R12My68: 32 See also Allason Allman, Lewis, PD3S72: 31 Moses, R8Ag7 1:31 Allmand, Edmund, C30Oc79: 23 Harrison, D230c79: 32 Lewis, PD8Mr70: 32, PD9Ja72: 32, PlAg77: 13 See also Almand Allmend, John, Capt. , of the Success, 27Ag56: 32 Allmon, John, 19N36: 42 Allmond, Elizabeth, Mrs. , PD15F70: 31 William, sr. , PD15F70: 31 Alloa, Scot. , See Imports to James river, Va. , from; Imports to James river, upper district, Va. , from; Riots in; Ships from Lawson' s bay to; Ships from Rappahannock district, Va. , to Alloes, imported to Algiers, D4N75: 12 Alloway, Isaac, Pi22D74: 33 Allsborough, earl of [Wills Hill], PD20Ap69: 22— R21Ap69sll Allsours, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , R7Ap74: 32 Allspice, for sale, in Blandford, Va. , D13N78: 11 in Hanover, Va. , D13J176: 22 in Nansemond co. , Va. , D8Ag77: 21, P15Ag77: 13 in Petersburg, Va. ,D25J177: 41 — 12 Alum P25J177: 42 in Richmond, Va. , PD10S72: 23, PD17Je73: 33--R17Je73s23 in Smithfield, Va. , D31J179: 12 in Williamsburg, Va. , 31J146: 61, 17Ja51: 41, 18J151: 41 , 5S51: 32, 15My52: 32, 14N55: 22, PDllJe67: 32, PD15F70: 41, PDllAp71: 32 PD240c71: 31, PD2J172: 32, PD290c72: 22--R290c72: 22, PD10Je73: 22, PD11N73: 22, PD1S74: 32, PD29S74: 32, PD270c74: 31, Pi6Ap75: 42, D30My77: 31, D27Je77: 31, DlAg77: 22.D7N77: 31,DlMy79: 22, D12Je79: 32 in Yorktown, Va. , P27D76: 32, C13My80:32 price of, in Phila. , Pa. , 280c37: 32, 20Ja38: 32, HAg38: 32, 6Ap39: 22, HMy39: 41, 25My39: 41, 8Je39: 41, 22Je39: 31, 20J139: 32, 3Ag39: 41 Allston, See Alston Allstons, the, Carolina counterfeiters, Allyne, Samuel, PD30J172: 33 Samuel, Capt. , PD28My67: 32, PD2Je68: 23 Alma, Crimea, treason and punishment, of inhabitants, 17N38: 12 Almanacs, errata in noted, 4Ap55: 32, PD10c67: 12 for sale, in Edenton, N. C. , R4Ag68: 31 in Md. , 26N36: 42 in Va. , 26N36: 42 in Williamsburg, x Va. , 25N37: 42, 17Ja51: 41, 24N52: 31, 28F55: 42, PD7Mr66: 33, R30Je68: 31, R30N69: 31, R27S70: 22, PD27S70: 31, R4Oc70: 23, R31Ja71: 33, PD3S72: 22, R150c72: 23, R16S73: 33, D70c75: 32, D20Ja76: 41, D310c77: 42, D4D78: 12, D90c79: 22 lost, adv. for, P12D77: 32 on changes of moon for 1773, PD14Ja73:23,PD4F73:23 orders for refused, D4F75: 32 published in Va. , PD23S73s21 published in Williamsburg, Va. , 21S39: 42, 10Oc45: 42, 270c52: 12, 7N54s22. 30N59: 41, 16Ja61: 42, PD10Oc66: 32, PD14J168: 32, R16N69: 23 return requested by Purdie and Dixon, PD10N68: 22 to be published in Williamsburg, Va. , 220c36: 32, 25Ag38: 42, HOc51: 32, PD27Ag67: 31, PD7J168: 31, PD24Ag69: 41, PD30c71: 31, Pi4N74: 32, PD24N74: 22, PD1D74: 23, D40c76:42,D170c77:22 Almand, John, 7N51: 31, 4N63: 42, R22D68: 21, RllMy69: 42, PD3Ag69:32, Pil7Ag75:33 Lewis, R12Mr72: 31, PD16S73: 31 See also Allmand Almanxa, Sp. , See Jesuits imprisoned in Almond, John, 21Ag52: 31, Almond powder, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD240C71: 31 Almonds, for sale, at Four Mile creek, Va. , R10Je73: 33 in Fredericksburg, Va. , 28Ag46: 31 in Newcastle, Va. , PD19N72: 22 in Norfolk, Va. , 3J146: 41, PD12Ja69: 32 in Petersburg, Va. , 12F62: 41, PD30J172: 32, PD1J173: 32, PD14J174: 32 in Richmond, Va. , PD10S72: 23, PD17Je73: 33--R17Je73s23 in Shockoe, Va. , PD4Ap66: 41 in Williamsburg, Va. , 31J146: 61, 17Ja51: 41, 24My51: 32, 18J151: 41, 5S51: 32, 30c51: 41, 30Ap52: 32, 5Je52: 32, 60c52: 32, 1D52: 31, 2My55: 31, 30N59: 32, 12F62: 42, PDllJe67: 32, PD150c67: 22, PD3D67: 32, PD26My68: 23, PD17Ag69: 33--R17Ag69: 23, PD28S69: 31, R12J170: 31, PDllAp71: 32, PD2J172: 32, PD290c72: 22— R290c72: 22, PD10Je73: 22, PD11N73: 22, PD29S74: 32, Pi6Ap75: 42 in Yorktown, Va. , 26S45: 32, 31J146: 52, PD13Ag67: 23 Almonds, candied, for sale, in Richmond, Va. , PD17Je73: 33--R17Je73s23 in Williamsburg, Va. , 16Ja61: 41, PD1S74:32, Almonds, oil of, for sale, inHobb's Hole, Va. , R6J169: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , 15My46: 41, 30Ap52: 32 Almonds, sugared, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD10Je73: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD29S74: 32, Pi6Ap75: 42 Almonds, sweet, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 18J151: 41 Almond's house, Va. ,DllAp77: 71 — PllAp77s31 Alms, Capt. , of the Pallas, PD24Je73: 21, PD1J173: 13 Alms houses, in Boston, Mass. , P10My76: 21--DllMy76: 32 in London, Eng. , 19Ag37: 12 Almy, Christopher, Capt. , 120c39: 41 Gideon, PD12My74: 31 Alnwick, Eng. , See Murders in Aloes, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. , P5S77: 33 in Hobb's Hole, Va. , R29Je69: 33 in Shockoe, Va. , PD4Ap66: 41 in Williamsburg, Va. , 60c52: 32, 14N55: 22, PD21S69: 33— R21S69s21, D21F77:21--P21F77: 32 in Leyden, Roll. , PD150c72: 21 Aloes, Barbados, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD21S69: 41— R21S69s21 Aloes, hepatic, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , R3N68: 33— PD10N68: 22, PD21S69: 41 — R21S69s21 Aloes, succotrine, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , R3N68: 33— PD10N68: 22, PD21S69: 41 — R21S69s21 Aloopeen, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 27My37: 42 Alphabets, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD29N70: 22, PD13D70: 43, PD3Ja71: 43 Alphin, Dutch man of war, PD28J174: 31 Alsace, Fr. , boundaries discussed, 9D37: 22 complains of Austrian incursions, 11J146: 12 See also Exports from Cologne, Ger. , to Alsop, John, appointed deputy vendue master of N. Y. , PD19Mr67: 31 arrives at Continental congress, D21Ja75: 12 delegate to Continental congress, PD4Ag74: 22, R22S74: 32 delegate to N. Y. convention, P31Mr75s22— Pi6Ap75: 22 elected to N. Y. general assembly, P23F76:21— D24F76:22 praised as delegate to Continental congress, Pil5D74: 31, Pi9F75: 32 signs Association of 1774, PD3N74: 12— Pi4N74: 12 warns N. Y. against seizing crown arms, P2Je75: 22— D3Je75: 23 Thomas, 24Je37: 32 William, P9My77: 42 Alsop, ship, D14Ja75: 23 snow, DllF75s23 Alstcheway, Indian village in East Fla. , PD3D67: 23 Alstine, Capt. , of the Polly, D6Ap76: 23 Alston, Edmond, P12J176sl2 James John, P8My78sl2 John & co. , PD24S72: 22 Joshua, PD17N74: 23 William, Pil2Ja75: U--D28Ja75: 23, P8My78sl2 Willis, P31Mr75sl3 See also Allston Alston, Gordon and, R25D66: 41— PDUa67: 32, PD9F69: 31 Alston, Young & co. , PD24S72: 22 Alstonson (?), Philip, jr. , PD18Ja70: 32 Alstyn, Matthew Van, Capt. , of the Polly, D10Ag76: 22 Alsup, William, R26My68: 33 Altena, Ger. , receives queen of Denmark, PD15Ja67: 12, PD15Ja67: 21 Altona, Ger. , See Freedom of press violated in Alum, for sale, Pi7S75: 32 in Baltimore, Md. , Pil8My75: 33 in Fredericksburg, Va. , P10Oc77: 12 in Manchester, Va. , C13My80: 41 in Newcastle, Va. , PD19N72: 22 in Norfolk borough, Va. , 3J146: 41 in Petersburg, Va. , PD14J174: 32, P21Ag78:42 in Richmond, Va. , PD10S72: 23, PD17Je73: 33— R17Je73s23, D8My78: 82— P27My78: 22, P12Je78: 22—D10J178: 41 in Smithfield, Va. , C3J179: 31, D31J179: 12 in Williamsburg, Va. , 24My51: 32, 18J151: 41, 5S51: 32, 10Ap52: 31, 30Ap52: 32, 22My52: 32, 2My55: 22, 2My55: 31, 14N55: 22, 30N59: 32, PD18Je67: 33,R3N68: 33 — PD10N68: 22, PD13Ap69: 32— R13Ap69: 32, PD21S69: 33 — R21S69s21, PD28S69: 31, PDllAp71: 32, PD12D71: 32, PD2J172: 32, PD290c72: 22— R290c72: 22, PD10Je73: 22, PD11N73: 22, PD29S74: 32, D26Ag75: 32, DlMy79:22,D160c79: 11, D29Ja80:41,C15J180: 22, C21Oc80: 22 in York, Va. ,31J146: 52 import to Boston, Mass. , allowed, 13 Alum, import to Boston (cont'd) PD24Ag69: 21 import to Fr. allowed, HMy39: 21 imported, unclaimed, adv. of, PD22Ag71: 33 imported to Algiers, D4N75: 12 monopolies on in Gt. Brit. ,R8Ap73: 31 seized from British ship,D22N76: 31 — P22N76: 21 Alum, common, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD21S69: 41— R21S69s: 21 Alum, rock, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD1J173: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD21S69: 41 — R2lS69s21 near Warwick, Va. , D28F77: 32 Alum, salt, for sale, in Edenton, N. C. , D12F79:41 in Hobb's Hole, Va. , DllMr80: 32 in New Kent co. , Va. , D22N76: 32 in Norfolk, Va. , PD26Ja69: 32 in Petersburg, Va. , P21Ag78: 42 in Williamsburg, Va. , D10J178: 21— P10J178: 33,D26F79: 32, C21Oc80: 22 price regulated in Williamsburg, Va. , D24J179: 21 Alventure, H. M. S. , D30D75: 33 Alvey, William, R31My70: 32 Alvis, Elijah, P28N77: 32 Amadis de Gaul, pseud. , Pil6Mr75: 11, Pi30Mr75: 13, Pi20Ap75: 11 Amasia, Turkey, siege of, PD12S66: 21 Amator Regis, pseud. , P24Mr75: 13 Amazon, Fr. frigate, D90c79: 22 frigate, D20J176: 11 H.M. frigate, D18Mr80: 22 H. M. S. , 4S46: 22, 21N51: 22, 24Ja52: 31 ship, 29S52: 22, R26My68: 23 Amazone, Fr. frigate, D230c79: 22 Ambassadors, language used by discussed, 9S37: 21 Amber, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , Pi6Ap75: 42 See also Balsam of amber Amber, salt of, for sale, in Gloucester, Va. , P19Ap76sll--D20Ap76: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , 24My51: 32, 18J151:41,D12Je79: 32 Amber tree, substitute for tea, PD13Ja74: 12 Ambergris, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 30Ap52: 32, 60c52: 32, 2My55: 22, R21S69s21--PD21S69: 41 imported to London, Eng. , from Labrador, PD25Ap66: 21 Ambergris, essence of, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD21S69: 41— R21S69s21 Amberzeer, ship, PilOAg75: 33 Ambler, Capt. , 12D45: 31 Mr. , R5Ja69: 32 supports Quebec act, R18Ag74: 31 tavern of, P17Ja77: 31 Mrs. , of Jamestown, Va. , PD29D68: 23, P160c78:31 of Williamsburg, Va. , PD10Mr74: 21 testifies against Rev. Samuel Henley, PD24F74: 22 Dorothy, 14D39: 31 Edward, P27S76s21 adv. for missing horses, llAp55: 32 adv. for missing mule, PD22Ja67: 33 adv. stallions for sale, PD170c66: 31 adv. sugar and rum for sale, PD14My67: 31 burgess from Jamestown, PD20N66: 21, PD3N68: 23--R3N68: 32 death of, Pi23Mr75: 32— P24Mr75: 32 defendant in Chancery court, PD6Ag72: 23— R80c72: 42 plantation of, PD23F69: 33— R23F69: 21 settlement of estate of, PD15D68: 31— R15D68: 21 slave of, PD8Ja67: 32 Edward, Mrs. , PD23F69: 33— R23F69: 21 Edward Cary, D25Mr75: 23 J. , R26My68: 32, PD16Ag70: 33, PD7My72: 32, R23Je74: 42 Jacquelin, adv. house and lots for sale, PD2D73: 22, PD9D73: 23 adv. settlement of estate, PD15D68: 31— R15D68:21 appointed naval officer, York district, Va. ,D17Ja77: 12 directs lottery, PDllMy69: 32 in Chancery court, PD6Ag72: 23— R80c72: 42, PD28Ap74: 32 recommends wheat machine, PD19N72: 22 John, 30N59: 41, PD30c66: 23, PD170c66: 31, PD20N66: 21, PD15D68: 31— R15D68: 21 Lawrence, D31Ag76: 31 Mary, PD15D68: 31— R15D68: 21, PD6Ag72: 23— R80c72: 42 Richard, 6Ap39: 31, 9My45: 42, 5D45: 41 Ambley, John, PD27Je66: 31 Ambrose, [Isaac], author, PD18J171: 33 PD25J171: 43, PDlAg71: 43, PD8Ag71: 43, PD17S72: 21, PD10Je73: 32 John, Capt. , of the Greyhound, 25Ja40: 2 Ambuscade, French warship, 4S46: 31 H.M. frigate, DllMr80: 12 H. M. S. , 21Ag46: 22, 24Ja52: 22, 25Ap55: 21, 19D55: 21, P28Je76: 22— D29Je76: 21,D29N76:52 privateer, 3Ap46: 21 ship, PD9D73: 21, PD13Ja74: 33— R13Ja74: 33, C13N79: 11 Amelia, brigantine, P2Je75s42 H.M. S. ,R19Ag73:21 horse, D14Mr77: 41— P21Mr77s23 schooner, PD27S70: 33 ship, 6Ap39: 21, PD18My69: 31 — R25My69: 31, PDUe69: 31— RUe69: 33, PD10Ag69: 32, PD1N70: 22, Pil6Mr75: 22— P17Mr75: 21— D18Mr75: 23 Amelia co. , Va. , burgesses elected, 27F52: 32, PD21S69: 23,R9N69: 11, PD5D71:23,PD4Ag74:23 census requested, P19Ap76p23— D27Ap76: 33 Chancery court, suit, PD29Ag66: 23, R7Je70: 31, R26J170: 22, R26J170: 23 committee, offers assistance to invaded counties, P19Ap76: 33 resolutions (text) of, 1775, P19My75s42, P60c75: 31 court, land sold by order of, PD18D66: 32 court days altered by general assembly, 22D38: 22 delegates elected, P9My77: 23 reports list of tithables, Pi22D74: 32— PD22D74: 31— D7Ja75: 33 resolutions of, R4Ag74: 32 senator elected, P9Ag76: 33, P9My77: 23 sheriff's summons, R7Je70: 31, R26J170: 22, R26J170: 23 troops, thank Andrew Mackie for hospitality, P12Ja76: 32 See also Auctions in; Barns in; Bridges in; Churches in; Chapels in; Cherry orchards in; Corn cribs in; Dairies in; Dwelling houses in; Gardens in; Georgia battalion, 3rd, deserters from; Gunpowder, subscriptions for, in; Gristmills in; Hen houses, described in; Horse-breeding in; Houses in; Jails in; Kitchens in; Land mortgaged for sale in; Land mortgaged in; Land, ownership of, disputed in; Land for sale in; Lightning in; Merchants in; Militia of; Milk houses, described, in; Milk houses in; Mills in; Musters, general, dates appointed for, in; Offices in; Orchards in; Ordinaries in; Outhouses in; Overseers in; Pear orchards in; Quarters in; Roads in; Robberies in; Shops in; Slaves for sale in; Slaves mortgaged for sale in; Slaves runaway from; Smallpox in; Smallpox inoculations in; Smiths' shops in; Smokehouses in; Stables in; Stealing in; Stills for sale in; Storehouses in; Stores in; Tailors, apprentices, runaway from; Tailors, journeymen, adv. for in; Taverns in; Teachers adv. for in; Tithables in; Tobacco houses in; Tutors adv. forin;Va. cavalry, deserters from; Women in Amelia courthouse, Va. , See Land mortgaged for sale at; Land for sale at, near; Slaves for sale at; Stills for sale at Amelia Sorrel, horse, 12D45: 42 Amelot, M. , secretary of state in France, 2D37: 12 Amen, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 7N54: 42 America, prophecy about, PD15J173: 31- R15J173:31 See also Ammunition for British army in; Ammunition to Spanish army in; Artillery for British army in; Bounties; Brass cannon for British army in; British army, attitude toward service in; British army from; British army in; British army in Ire. transfered to; British army increased in; British army officers oppose service in; British army officers ordered to; British army opposes service in; British army to; British colonial policy criticized in; British colonies, N. Am. ; British marines to; British ministry opposes force in; British navy increased in; British navy, reinforcements to; British navy in; British navy off; British navy to; British officers volunteer for; British transports, cost of to; British transports driven off; British transports to; Brunswick troops oppose service in; Cocoa import to Gt. Brit, from; 14 Amherst Coffee import to Gt. Brit, from; Corn, Indian, import to Gt. Brit, from; Corn import to Fr. from; Corn plentiful in; Debtors in; Desertions from British army in; Drums for British army to; Dutch troops to; Emigration from Belfast, Ire. , to; Emigration from Cork, Ire. , to; Emigration from Corsica to; Emigration from Eng. to;" Emigration from Fr. to; Emigration from Glasgow, Scot. , to; Emigration from Glengary, Scot. , to; Emigration from Gt. Brit, to; Emigration from Greenock, Scot. , to; Emigration from Ire. to; Emigration from Kent, Eng. , to; Emigration from London, Eng. , to; Emigration from Long island, Scot. , to; Emigration from Poland to; Emigration from Roshire, Scot. , to; Emigration from Scot, to; Emigration from Skye island, Scot. , to; Emigration from Spain to; Emigration from Stockton, Eng. , to; Emigration from Sutherland, Scot. , to; Emigration from Whitehorn, Scot. , to; Emigration from Yorkshire, Eng. ,to; Exports from; Exports from Fr. to; Exports from Gt. Brit, to; Exports from Holl. to; Exports from London, Eng. , to; Flour import to Eng. from; Gunpowder for British army in; Hanoverian troops, in British army, ordered to; Hemp manufacture in; Hessian troops oppose service in; Hessians, passage to; Highlanders recruited for service in; Immigration to; Imports to Bristol, Eng. , from; Imports to Eng. from; Imports to Gloucester, Eng. , from; Imports to Gt. Brit, from; Imports to Leghorn, It. , from; Imports to Papal states from; Imports to St. John's, Nfd. , from; Indigo import to Gt. Brit, from; Manufacturers, British, emigrate to; Manufactures, British, consumption in; Manufactures encouraged in; Manufacturing utensils, export from Great Britain to; Missionaries, British in; Non- importation agreements broken in; Non- importation agreements, importance of to; Ordnance for British army in; Postal service between; Postal service between Eng. and; Presbyterians, ministers in; Prisioners escape to; Provisions for British army in; Pumps for ships invented in; Rice, import to Gt. Brit, from; Rice, import to Lisbon, Port. , from; Russian troops to; Scottish troops to; Scots seize land in; Sermons on liberty burned in; Sheep raising encouraged in; Ships built in; Ships from; Ships to; Shipwrights, emigration from Eng. to; Silk growth encouraged in; Skins, import to Lisbon, Port. , from; Society of supporters of Bill of Rights in; Spanish army to; Spanish navy to; Spanish troops sent to; Stationary returned to Eng. from; Tea, growth encouraged in; Tories, arrive in Eng. from; Trading companies to; Wheat, export from Gt. Brit, to; Wheat, import to Gt. Brit, from; Wheat flour, import to Gt. Brit, from; Wheat ordered in; Wool manufactures proposed for America, brig, 10Ag39: 2, 10Ag39: 31, R23Ap72: 31,D6Ap76: 23,D10Ag76: 22 brigantine, R8Ap73: 32, PD15Ap73: 23 Cont. ship, D8Je76: 32 H. M. S. , 24Ja52: 22, P8S75sl2, D9S75: 21 ship, 25Mr37: 11, 30c51: 32, 270c52: 21, PD2My66: 21, R11D66: 41, PDllJe67: 22, PD18Je67: 31, PD18F68: 23, PD28Ap68: 22— R28Ap68: 22, PD16Je68: 23, PD7J168: 23— R7J168: 22, PD14J168: 31, R24N68: 22, PD2N69: 21, PD17S72: 21 sloop, D6Ap76: 23,D10Ag76: 22 transport ship, D8Ag77: 12--P8Ag77: 21 stallion, Pi30Mr75: 32, D14Mr77: 11 American, pseud. , R25Ag68: 31, R1S68: 21, PD21N71: 11, PD28N71: 23, P19My75s32, P15S75: 12, Pi20D75: 32, Pi30D75: 22, P5Ja76(5)s23, P26Ja76: 32, P29Mr76: 13, D30Mr76: 22, D28F77:21,P170c77:22 Fr. cruiser, D20c79: 21 American at Fonthill, pseud. , PD19D71: 23 American Cato, pseud. , PD28J174: 31, American chronicles of the times, reprinted, Pil2Ja75: 12, Pil9Ja75: 11, Pi2F75: 11, Pi30Mr75: 32, Pi6Ap75sll, Pi6Ap75: 32, Pi29Je75: 21 American coffee house, R12Mr72: 31 American company of comedians, PD7My72: 31 adv. of, in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD16My71: 23 embark for Jamaica from N. Y. C. , D28Ja75: 21 from Phila. , Pa. , to S. C. , PD2D73s22 in Annapolis, Md. , PD26Ag73: 22— R26Ag73s23, PD140c73s22 in Charleston, S. C. , PD20Ja74: 31, in Jamaica, P17F75: 41 inN. Y. C. ,PD21J174: 13 in Norfolk, Va. , PD2Ja72: 31 in Phila. , Pa. , PD16S73: 22, R13Ja74: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD2Ja72: 31, PD23Ja72: 32, PD9Ap72: 32 repertory praised, PD16Je74sl2 American Congress, sloop, P21Je76: 33 American gazette, R22D68: ll,R9Mr69: 13 American independence the interest, and glory of Great Britain, extract reprinted, PU6F75: 12, Pi23F75: 23 American legion, Va. troops named, P9Je75: 23 American liberty, pseud. , R20Ja74: 33 American magazine, R23F69: 31 American Mariner, pseud. , PD19My68: 13 American navies, protected by French, P28Mr77sl2 American philosophical society, R23F69: 31, PD11F73: 21, R17Mr74: 23, PD21J174: 21,Pi20D75: 11— D23D75: 11, D8Ap80: 22 American revolution, causes of, D22J175: 21, Pi9D75: 12, P5Ja76: 11 — D6Ja76: 11 — Pi6Ja76: H,PlMy78: 12, PlMy78s22 compared to French and Indian war, P28F77: 12 discussed by Continental congress, Pil7Ag75: 22— D19Ag75: 11, D27D76: 11 discussed in Eng. , P28Mr77s21, C30Oc79: 11 importance of, D24Je75: 13, Pi50c75: 23— P60c75: 22 justified, D31Ja77: 42 peace proposed in Eng. , PllAp77sll planned in 1766, D30My77: 12 predicted in Eng. , Pi28S75: 23 prevention urged, P5Ja76: 11— D6Ja76: 11— Pi6Ja76: 11 principles of propagated, P19Ja76: 11— D27Ja76: 13 state papers on published, D16Ap79: 11 support characterized, D1J175: 21 support urged in Va. , P21Mr77: 12 supported in Ger. ,D27Ja76: 12 in N. Y. , Pi8Je75: 13— D10Je75: 22, D31Ja77: 11 See also Revolutionary war American sailors, escape from British, D18Mr80: 13 imprisioned, D1J175: 12,D22Ag77: 12— P22Ag77: 22 join Tories, D6N79: 21 mistreated, P24Mr75: 31 number in French and Indian war, D18My76: 22 runaway from Elizabeth, ship, P24F75: 41 American Student, pseud. ,R18N73: 23, R25N73: 12 American theatrical company, R220c72: 22 American Watchman, pseud. , Pi26Ja75: 11 American weekly mercury, 17F38: 21 Americans, abused in London, Eng. , D25J177: 11 Americanus, pseud. , 30My51: 31, 4Ap55: 11.R18F68: 14,R260c69: 23, R15F70: 12, R28Ja73: 13, R10Mr74: 23, R21J174: 21, P117N74: 13, P21Ap75: 23, P15Je76: 81,D30Oc78: 22— P30Oc78: 23 Americanus Verus, pseud. ,Rl90c69: 22, R15F70: 13 Americus, horse, P29Mr76: 33 stallion, PllAp77s: 43— D18Ap77: 11 Amersham, Eng. , See Manslaughter near Ames, Francis, PD8N70: 32 Amesbury, Mass. , See Hurricanes in; Tornadoes in Amethyst rings, for sale, in Baltimore, Md. , Pil8My75: 33 Amethysts, 15My52: 32, R3Mr68: 24— PD10Mr68: 21 Amey, ship, 17S36: 42, 24My51: 32 Amherst, Capt. , of the Mars, 26S55: 12 Jeffrey, Gen. , aid against Cherokees requested of, 16Ja61: 32 anecdotes about, D23D75: 21 appointed governor of Chan. is. , PD3Ja71: 12, PD3Ja71: 31 appointed It. gov. of St. John island, Nfd. , PH6F75: 23--P17F75: 31 appointed privy councilor, PD7Ja73: 22— R7Ja73: 22 appointment to American command rumored, PD9Mr69: 12, R23N69: 22, 15 Amherst, Jeffrey (cont'd) Pil20c75: 21--P130c75s22, D280c75: 21.D9D75: 13.D13J176: 12, D24Ap78: 12 appointment to Lords of Trade rumored, PD10N68: 11 attitude toward colonies, PD7Mr66: 42, PD28J174: 13, Pi22Je75: 33— D24Je75: ll--P30Je75: 31 calls war against Fr. and U. S. impossible, D29My79: 22 commissioner to America, P29Mr76: 21, D8My78: 71 criticizes Howe's movements, D18JT77: 11 describes Montreal campaign, 16Ja61: 11 displacement for Botetourt justified, PD1D68: 22 embarkation to America rumored, Pi260c75: 11— P270c75s21— D280c75: 21, D16D75: 32, P14Je76: 11 engagement announced, PD28My67: 13 expected in Boston, Mass. , D28Ja75: 21 ordered to Jamaica, PD7My72: 13 promoted to general, P5Je78: 21 receives land grant from N. Y. , PD6F72: 23--R6F72:23 replaced as gov. of Va. , PD9F69: 31 requests reward for American conquests, PD22D68: 11--R22D68: 11 resigns regiment, PD130c68: 22— R130c68: 23 John, Admiral, PD28Mr66: 12 John, Capt. , of the Mars, 26S55: 12 Amherst, ship, 4N63: 31 Amherst co. , Va. , burgesses elected, PD15D68: 23--R15D68: 21, R50c69: 22, R9N69: 11, PD19D71: 22, PD4Ag74: 23 Chancery court, PD26Ag73: 23, R26Ag73: 23 court, R16Je74: 31, R4Ag74: 32 delegates chosen, P19Ap76: 32, P9My77: 23 enlarged by general assembly, PD28D69: 23--R28D69: 23 senator elected, P13S76: 31 sheriff's summons, PD26Ag73: 23, R26Ag73: 23 tithables not returned, Pil8My75: 33— P19My75s32--D20My75: 33 See also Apple orchards in; Associators in; Attorneys in; Barns in; Cherry orchards in; Continental army, soldiers from; Convict servants runaway from; Corn houses in; Corn houses, described, in; Cropping houses in; Dairies in; Dwelling houses in; Ferries in; Fires in; Fish ponds in; Fisheries in; Gardens in; Gristmills in; Horse-breeding in; Houses in; Insanity in; Iron ore in; Jails in; Kitchens, described, in; Land, mortgaged for sale in; Land, surveys of, in; Land for lease in; Land for rent in; Land for sale at, in, near; Limestone in; Limestone quarries in; Lotteries of land in; Marble in; Marble quarries in; Meathouses, described, in; Merchants in;MiUs in; Murders in; Musters, general, dates appointed for in; Office houses in; Offices in; Orchards in; Ordinaries in; Outhouses in; Overseers' houses in; Peach orchards in; Physicians in; Prices current in; Quarries in; Quarters in; Robberies in; Shad fisheries in; Slaves confiscated in; Slaves for hire in; Slaves for sale in; Slaves held in jail in; Slaves runaway from; Slaves stolen in; Smokehouses in; Stables in; Still houses in; StiUs in; Stone dams in; Storehouses in; Stores in; Tailors shops in; Tobacco houses in; Towns established in Amherst courthouse, Va. , land for sale, PD2My66: 23 See also Houses near; Slaves, sale of confirmed at; Slaves for sale at Amherst parish, Va. , tobacco levies regulated by general assembly, D27D76:21--P3Ja77: 13 Ami des loix, pamphlet, Pil90c75: 11 — P20Oc75: Il--D210c75: 12 Amiable Susanna, ship, 11J145: 31 Amico, Mr. , London watchmaker, PD28J174: 32 Amicus, pseud. , PD5Mr67: 31, PD19My68: 12,R5Mr72: 22, PD19Mr72: 23, Pi20J175: 12, Pi3Ag75: 21, PilOAg75: 33, Pil7Ag75: 11 Amicus Superbiae, pseud. , PD23J167: 31, PD30J167: 13 Amicus Veritatis. Dseud. , P14Je76: 31 Amiens, Fr. , See Murders in Amilie, sloop, 5D45: 41 Amintor, pseud. , R6J169: 31 Amis, James, 310c45: 32 Amitie, ship, DlAp80: 13 Amity, ship, 15D52: 31 Amity's Admonition, H. M. S. , PD30J167: 31 Amity's Assistance, H. M. S. , PD30J167: 31 Amity's Benediction, H. M.S. , PD30J167: 31 Amity's Production, ship, PD30J167: 31 Amity's Succession, ship, D29J176: 12 Ammunition, arrives in Williamsburg, Va. , D27Ja76: 32 bought by French in St. Eustatia, W. I. , PD31Ja71:31 bought in N. Y. for Mass. , PU6F75: 23 captured by Americans at Lake George, N. Y. , D10OC77: 21--P10Oc77: 22 in Can. ,D18N75: 22 in Fort Schuyler, N. Y. , P26S77: 12 in Horseneck, Conn. ,D2Ap79: 21 in Saratoga, N. Y. , D14N77: 21— P14N77:21 in Stillwater, N. Y. , P310c77: 21 in Ticonderoga, N. Y. , D240c77: 12 near Boston, Mass. , D70c75: 23 near Fort Schuyler, N. Y. , P26S77: 13 captured by British in Quebec, Can. , D15Je76:42 near Skeensborough, N. Y. ,D25J177: 31- P25J177:22,DlAg77: 12 captured from Turks by Russians, PD22N70: 22 captured in battle of Moore creek bridge, N. C. , P15Mr76s21 captured in St. John's, Can., Pi23N75: 23 demanded by British in Martha's Vineyard, Mass. , P230c78: 21 destroyed by fire, PD12D71: 12 export from Gt. Brit, forbidden, D14Ja75: 12, Pi2F75: 31,D17Je75: 21, P17N75: 22--D18N75: 13 from Holl. prohibited, Pi22Je75: 32, P10N75: 12, Pi30N75: 11— D2D75: 11, C13My80: 22 from Martinique, W. I. , prohibited, P28N77: 22 exported from Fr. to British colonies, N. Am. , Pi23Mr75: 21, P21Ap75s21— D22Ap75: 12 exported from Holl. to British colonies, N. Am. , P21Ap75s21— D22Ap75: 12, P2Je75: 21 to N. Y. C. ,D23S75:22 to St. Eustatia, W. I. , PllAg75: 23— D12Ag75:23 exported from Prus. to New England, Pi22Je75: 31 exported from Texel, Holl. to Boston, Mass. , P3F75: 33 for Barbary states, PD7Ja73: 21 for British army, 16N39: 41 in America, D70c75: 13 in Boston, Mass. , Dl J175: 23 in Gibraltar, PD10Ja71: 12, PD2D73s21 in Minorca, PD2D73s21 in W.I. ,D70c75: 13 for British marines, 3Ap46: 32 for Continental army, P17My76: 23 for Dutch army, PD7My67: 21 for Jamaica, W. I. , 14S39: 21 for Russian navy, PD10Ja71: 11 for sale, in Halifax, Va. , 24Ja51: 41 for Spanish army in N. America, PD2My71: 22— R2My71: 21 for Va. militia, Pi30Mr75: 23— DlAp75:23 from N. Y. to Halifax, N. S. , D25J177: 11 from Rio de Janeiro to Bay of All Saints, Brazil, D22Je76: 31 funds for regulated in Va. , P1S75: 23-- PH4S75: 23--D16S75: 13 held by Tories in N. Y. C. , P31My76: 13 import to British colonies, N. Am. , allowed, D18N7 5: 13 prohibited, Pi28Ap75: 12— D29Ap75s32, D30Mr76: 12 punishment for, P26Ap76s22 imported to Bedford, N. H. , from Nantes, Fr. , P29N76: 13 imported to Boston, Mass. , from Nantes, Fr. , P29N76: 13 imported to British colonies, N. Am. , from Fr. , Pi23Mr75: 31 from Martinique, W. I. , P14Je76p41 imported to Cadiz, Sp. , from Fr. , 9N39: 22 imported to Cambridge, Mass. , D13Ja76: 31 imported to Md. from Fr. ,D22Ap75: 21 imported to N. J. from Emden, Friesland, D4N75: 22 imported to Phila. , Pa. , P19J176: 13 imported to St. Eustatia, W. I. , from Holl. , P21 Je76: 23 imported to U. S. from Nantes, Ft. , D18J177: 21 imported to Va. from Eng. , P9F76: 12 loaned to U. S. by Fr. , D20Je77: 21 — P20Je77: 22 lost at sea, 3Ap46: 22 of Regulators, captured by militia, 16 Anchovies PD13Je71: 23, PD27Je71: 31 plentiful in Dunmore's fleet, P26Ap76s22 in Phila. , Pa. , D13Ja76: 41 price high in Holl. , PDHOc73sl2 in Prus. , PD16D73: 11 provided for Fairfax co. , Va. , Pi2F75: 21 received in Cleves, Ger. , 9F39: 31 scarce in British army in S. C. , C3J179: 22--D3J179: 12 in Continental army, D4N75: 22, P31My76: 21 in Prus. , PD16D73: 11 seized by Indians in Ohio, P21F77: 21 by British in Norfolk, Va. , D30Mr76: 21 from American ship, D20Ap76: 31 from British in Princeton, N. J. , D24Ja77: 32 from British ships, P5Ja76(5)sl3— D6Ja76: 32, D22Je76: 62, P20D76sl2 from Dutch in Gosport, Eng. , D2D75: 13 from Dutch ship, D30Mr76: 12 from French ships, 13Je45: 11, 13Je45: 32, 4J145: 22, 11J145: 31, 27Mr46: 41, 3Ap46: 22,D27Ap76: 32, P13Je77:21 in N. H. ,D4F75: 31 in Sussex co. , Va. , P24My76sll seizure ordered in British colonies, N. Am. , D14Ja75: 12, Pi8Je75: 12 storing ordered in Holl. ,D2D75: 23 in Neth. , D2D75: 23 subscriptions for in Sussex co. , Va. , P7J175s21 v supplies urged by Continental congress, D5Ag75: 31 to British colonies, N. Am. , 30D37: 32 to Ga. , 10Je37: 31, 30D37: 31 to Jamaica, W. I. , from Eng. , P21J175sll — D22J175:41 to Spanish army in America, PD24My70: 11 to W. I. by Gt. Brit. , 3Je37: 22 Ammunition manufacture, in British colonies, N. Am. ,D23Mr76: 21 Amonet, John, PD21J174: 32, P12Ap76: 33 Amonett, Daniel, P4J177: 32 Amons, Joseph, 18Ap51: 32 Amoret, Miss, pseud. , 290c36: 12 Amory, Capt. ,21N51: 31 Jonathan, PD24Ag69: 21 Thomas Chamberlain, PD19My74: 43, PDllAg74: 33, PD18Ag74: 32, D12D77: 12--P12D77: 32 Amos, John, P3lOc77: 12 Mary, P24My76: 33 Nicholas, PD13Ag72: 31 Amoss, William, PD18Oc70: 31 Amphitrion, Fr. frigate, D6Ap76: 21 Amphitrite, Fr. frigate, D22My79: 11, D20N79:21--C20N79: 12 Amputations, in Ire. , R10Je73: 31 in Paris, Fr. , 19D51: 32 Amson, Dr. , 23My55: 21,D27S76: 61 Amsterdam, Holl. , demands stadtholder, 29My46: 22 friendly to U. S. , D9Ap79: 22 opposes support of Great Britain, D29My79: 22 public credit restored in, PD8Ap73: 12 recognizes independence of U. S. , D19Mr79: 22 See also Anecdotes from; Anspach troops, deserters from; Anspach troops mistreated in; Arms, export from; Arson in; Artificers, emigrate from; Bankruptcies in; Banks in; Bridges in; Cannon for U. S. detained in; Coal, price low in; Continental navy forced out of; Embargoes; Exports from; Fires in; Fornication in; Imports to Rouen, Fr. , from; Indentured servants imported to Potomac river, Va. , from; Jails in; Jewellers in; Merchants in; Murders in; Public loans in; Rape in; Ships from; Ships from Phila. , Pa. , to; Ships' sailing time; Ships to; Ships to Boston, Mass. , from; Ships to Cowes, Eng. , from; Ships to Halifax, N. S. , from; Ships to N. Y. C. from; Ships to Potomac district . Va. , from; Ships to St. Eustatia, W. I. , from; Ships to Surinam, E. I. , from; Ships to Va. from; Stock exchange in Amsterdam gazette, extract from, 5Ja39: 32, 4My39: 31, 29Ag51: 21, 14Mr55: 22, PD28My67: 13, PD22S68: 13, C6N79: 22--D6N79: 21 Amusements, See Assemblies; Balls; Billiards; Boxing; Cockfighting; Concerts; Conjuring; Conversation cards; Cudgelling; Dancing; Dice; Entertainments; Fencing; Foot racing; Fortune telling; Fowling; Fox hunting; Gambling; Greased pigs, catching of; Hawking; Horse-racing; Microcosms; Minuets; Nine pins; Playing cards; Puppet shows; Theatres; Toys and games; Wrestling Amy, ship, HMr37: 41, 24Je37: 41, 1J137: 42, 2Je38: 41, HAg38: 41, 20Ap39: 11, 10Ag39: 2, 14D39: 1, 25Ja40: 12, 16My51: 32, 29Ag51: 32, 5D51: 41, 2Mr53: 41, HAp55: 22 snow, 13Je51: 32, 12S51: 32 Amys, Anne, 4N63: 32 William, 4N63: 32 Anabaptists, PD4Oc70: 11, PD20F72: 11, PD20F72: 12, PD310c71: 23, PD16S73: 23 Anacondas, in E. I. , 19S51: 11 Anagrammatist, pseud. , PD27My73: 22 Anamabo, Afr. , alliance with Great Britain offered, 310c51: 22 See also Ships to Liverpool, Eng. , from; Slaves imported to Barbados, W. I. , from; Anatomy, lectures on, in Phila. , Pa. , R170c71:41 Anchor stocks, exported from James river, upper district, Va. , PD12F67: 23 exported from James river, lower district, Va. , to Cork, Ire. , llAp55: 22 exported from Rappahannock district, Va. , to Whitehaven, Eng. , R8Ag66: 22— PD15Ag66: 23 exported from York district, Va. , to London, Eng. , 24Ag39: 22, 2N39: 21, 25Ja40: 3 Anchors, abandoned on Gwynn's island, Va. , P26J176: 31 abandoned by Tories to Americans, P19J176: 32 adv. for,R12My74: 33 in Baltimore, Md. , PD7Ap74: 23 boycotted in Providence, R. I. , PD21Ja68: 31 export from Eng. to N. Y. C. allowed, D10J179: 22 for sale, PD19F67: 31--R19F67: 23 at Hunter's iron works, Va. , D4D79: 22 at Kemp's landing, Va. , P30My77: 33— D6Je77:22,D19Mr79: 31 in Alexandria, Va. , P7F77: 33— D14F77: 31 in Cabin Point, Va. ,D28Mr77: 31 in Hampton, Va. , 30Ap52: 32 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 31, PD5My68: 31, PD18Ag68: 32, PD3Ja71: 31--R10Ja71: 32, PD12My74: 43 in Northampton co. , Va. , R6My73: 31, P310c77: 31 in Portsmouth, Va. ,P18J177sll in Princess Anne co. , Va. , PD60c68: 31, D26S77: 31, P19Je78: 31 in Richmond, Va. , P8Ag77: 13 in South Quay, Va. , D20c79: 31 in Urbanna, Va. ,D28N77: 21 in Yorktown, Va. , R50c69: 23, P250c76: 31 for Spanish navy in W. I. , PD20My73: 21 found, adv. of, 7N54: 42 at Smith's point, Va. , PD28F71: 33 at Windmill point, Va. , R7S69: 41 in Chesapeake bay, R23My71: 42 in James river, Va. , PD1S74: 31 near Norfolk, Va. , PD16Ja72: 33 on Potomac river, Va. , PD19Mr72: 31 imported to Accomac district, Va. , from Philadelphia, Pa. , PD5S66s43, R7J168: 21--PD8S68p22, R25Ag68s23— PD8S68p22 imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from Bermuda, R8S74: 31 from N. Y. C. ,R15S74: 33 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from N. Y. C. , R17Mr74: 22--PD14Ap74: 23 imported to Marblehead, Mass. , from Sp. , P30c77: 21 lost, adv. for,4Ap55:41,PD26D71:31, D5Je79: 32, salvaged, for sale, in Gosport, Va. , PD240c66: 23 in Norfolk, Va. , PD6N66: 22, R31My70: 33--PD24My70: 31, R26Mr72: 23 in Yorktown, Va. , PD7J168: 32— R7J168: 23 seized from British ship,D230c79: 22 taken from British ship in Hampton, Va. , PU4S75: 32— P15S75: 31 Anchors, kedge, found in Chesapeake bay, PD16Ja72: 33 Anchors and tongues, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD12D71: 32 Anchorsmiths, adv. for, at Hunter's iron works, Va. , P21Je76: 31 — D22Je76: 32, D15N76: 22— P20D76: 22, D4J177: 12 Anchorsmiths, in Norfolk, Va. , PD19N72: 22 Anchovies, for sale, in Blandford, Va. , PD29Je69: 32 in Newcastle, Va. , PD19N72: 22 in Norfolk, Va. , PD270c74: 31 in Norfolk borough, Va. , 3J146: 41 in Petersburg, Va. , PD10Je73: 22, 17 Anchovies, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. (cont'd) PD1J173: 32, PD30D73: 31, PD14J174: 32 in Richmond, Va. , PD10S72: 23, PD17Je73: 33--R17Je73s23 in Williamsburg, Va. , 15My46: 41, 31J146: 61, 17Ja51: 41, 18Ap51: 32, 24My51: 32, 18J151: 41, 27F52: 32, 12Mr52: 31, 10Ap52: 31, 5Je52: 32, 1D52: 31, 2My55: 31, 30N59: 32, PD4Je67: 33, PDllJe67: 32, PD3D67: 32, PD26My68: 23, PD17Ag69: 33--R17Ag69: 23, PD21S69: 33--R21S69s21, PD28S69: 31, PD7Je70: 31--R7Je70: 31, PD7Je70: 31— R13Je70: 33, R12J170: 31, R8N70: 13, PD29N70: 31--R29N70: 23 — R29N70: 31, PD12D71: 32, PD290c72: 22-- R290c72: 22, PD23S73: 23--R23S73: 32, PD4N73: 22— R4N73: 31, PD11N73: 22, PD1S74: 32, PD29S74: 32, Pi6Ap75: 42 in Yorktown, Va. , 26S45: 32, 31J146: 52, PD25F68: 31--R25F68: 31, PD310c71: 23 Ancona, It. , See Anecdotes from; Exports from Leghorn, It. , to; Russian navy in; Russian navy to Ancram, Capt. , D19D77: 32, D10J178: 32 George, P16My7s21 Ancrom, Capt. , P6Mr78: 31 Ancrum, William, Pi60c74: 33 Andalusia, Sp. , See Floods in; Smuggling in Andalusia, ship, 19D55: 12 Anderson, Capt. , 240c45: 31, PD30c66: 31, PD4Je67: 33, PD15S68: 23, PD10Oc71: 31 attacks Indians near Seneca, S. C. , P180c76: 13 company of, PllAp77s23 in battle of Long island, N. Y. , D21S76: 21 minutemen of reviewed, P60c75s21 of the Beagle, C20N79: 12--D20N79: 21 of the Morris, P25Ap77: 22— D2My77: 31 of the Polly, R5S66: 31 of the Sally, R21S69: 23, PDllN73s21 of the William, D8Ja80: 13 tavern of, P8N76: 42 Col. , pursues Indians, 12D55: 12 Dr. , of N. Y. , PD25Je72: 32 Lt. , recruiting officer, P230c78: 11 Major, PD26F67: 32 Mr. , R170c71: 31, D28N77: 32, P5D77: 23 bar of, P6Mr78: 32 house carpenter in N. Y. , P11J177: 31 land of, P5J176: 33 lodgings at, P22Ag77: 31 shop of, 21Ag52: 31 tavern of, PD28Ap74: 32, PD21J174: 31, PlAg77:23 Adam, by, PDllAg68: 12 Alexander, P17My76: 23 Andrew, appointed capt. of New Kent co., Va. , company, Pil4S75: 31— D16S75: 32 adv. drugs for sale, PD17Ag69: 33— R17Ag69: 23, PD7Je70: 31 — R14Jp70: 33 adv. for missing horse, 15My46: 42 adv. lots for sale, 15S52: 32 adv. wigmaking, 26S45: 32, 25S46: 41, 2My51: 41, 15S52: 32 announces departure, 5Je52: 32, PD1S68: 23 estate of, for sale, P31Ja77: 32 sells shop to James Carter, PD21N71: 22--R21N71: 31 settlement of estate, P3Ap78: 31 Andrew, Dr. , R17Ag69: 23, PD240c71: 31, PD5My74: 22, D15N76: 22--P15N76: 32, D25Ap77: 22--P2My77sll Andrew & co. , PD270c68: 32— R270c68: 23, PD13Ap69: 32-- R13Ap69: 32,D26Ag75: 32 Anne, PD3N74pll Bart,D90c78:32 Bartlett (Bartelot), adv. for missing horse, D14N77: 32 adv. land for sale, D23Ja78: 42 adv. settlement of estate, D24J179: 32, C13N79: 21— D13N79: 31 agent for William Tinsley, PD17Mr74: 31 appointed executor, PD7N71: 23 clerk of Hanover co. , Va. , meeting, P17Mr75: 32 collects money for lottery, PD14S69: 32--R14S69: 3l,R12J170: 23— PD19J170: 42 defendant in Va. chancery court, 25Ap55: 31 defends clerks' fees in Va. , PD16J167: 33 deserter, D7Mr 77: 21 grants permits for transportation of grain, P17N75sll on Hanover co. , Va. , committee, PillMy75: 33 — P12My75s23 — D13My75: 31, P60c75s22, P17N75sll, D18N75:31 party to suit in general court, 2My55: 31 settlement of estate of, R12Mr67: 23 Ben, P23Ag76: 42 Benjamin, adv. for bids for church, PD7Ap74: 32— R7Ap74: 32, R14J174: 32— PD21J174: 31 defends clerks' fees in Va. , PD16J167: 33 grants permits for transportation of grain, P17N75sll on Hanover co. , Va. , committee, PillMy75: 32--P12My75s21 — D13My75: 23, P17N75sll, D18N75: 31 settlement of estate, D24J179: 32, C13N79: 21— D13N79: 31 Charles, 7N54: 41, 4N63: 31, R14Ap68: 24, PD25Ag68: 32, PD10Oc71: 32, C27N79: 23 Churchill, PD18Ag74: 33, P27Mr78: 32 Claiborne, Col. , PD27F72: 33, D27D76: 42 Daniel, PD9D73: 22--R9D73: 21 David, PD170c66: 32, RllMr73: 33, PD25N73: 23, R16Je74: 32 David, jr. ,R15S74: 33--PD22S74: 33, Pi28S75: 32--D30S75: 33— P60c75s22, P1D75: 31 Edward, PD9Je68: 23 Elizabeth, 16Ja61: 42 Enoch, 30c51: 22 Ephraim, Capt. ,D3Ja77: 11 — P3Ja77sl2 Frances, Mrs. , 7Ag52: 31 Francis, 3S56: 32, P30My77: 41 G. ,D24Ap78:32,P10J178: 12.D10J178: 31, C13My80: 32 Garland, PDlUOc66: 33 adv. land for lease, PD27My73: 23— R27My73: 23 delegate from Hanover co. , Va. , P2My77s22,D9Ap79: 22,D90c79: 22 elected delegate to Congress by Hanover co. , Va. , P9Ag76: 33 empowered to sell land, PD5Ap70: 33— R5Ap70sll justice of Hanover co. , Va. , Pi23Mr75: 33— D25Mr75: 31 mill of,D240c77: 22, P240c77: 32 on committee of Hanover co. , Va. , P17N75sll slave of,R15S74: 33 witnesses document, PillMy75: 33— P12My75s22--D13My75: 31 George, P16My77: 12 of Glasgow, PD16Je74: 23 George Washington, P17My76: 23 Hansford, PD60c68: 23, D3Ag76: 32 Henry, R14Ap68: 33, PD25Mr73: 32— R25Mr73: 32,DllAp77: 62, D8My78: 62 James, 12S55: 32, PD28Ja68: 33— R4F68:41,P29Mr76: 32 acquitted of felony, PD13Je71: 23 adv. estate for sale, 10Oc55: 32 adv. finding horse, PDUa67: 32, PD25N73:31 adv. for blacksmiths, P23Ag76: 33-- D24Ag76: 41, P13D76: 23, P30c77: 22, D16Ap79: 22,D19Je79: 31 adv. for missing horse, 20Je51: 41, R20Je71:42 adv. house for sale, PD30S73: 31 adv. imported chinaware, R27S70: 22 adv. land for sale, R15Ag71: 32 announces departure, PD7Ap68: 23— R14Ap68s43, PD3Je73: 32 author, PD29Ag71: 33 blacksmith, R2Ag70: 31 demands return of servant, P6D76: 31 merchant, PD29Je69: 41— R6J169: 33, PD2N69: 33--R2N69: 32 merchant in Brooksbank, PD12D71: 33 of Mass. , PD23Je74: 12, P29D75s21 plaintiff in suit, PD8D68: 31, R22J173: 33 slave of,R8Ag71: 31 James, Capt., of the Fanny, R11F68: 31 James, jr. , 7N54s22 Jeany, Mrs. , PD60c68: 23 John, adv. finding horse, PD2My66: 32, PD27Je66: 32 adv. for missing horse, 27J139: 41 adv. land for sale, 29Je39: 32, PD18J166: 31 adv. settlement of estate, D24J179: 32, C13N79: 21--D13N79: 31 appointed to committee for Augusta co. , Va. , Pi6J175: 12 bond of, D3Ag76: 32 chosen first lt. of Va. regiments, P16F76sl3 defendant in Va. chancery suit, 16Ja61: 42 land of, PD25N73: 23 party to suit in Va. general court, 2My55: 31 runaway sailor, 10Ap52: 31 sentenced for theft, PD10Je73: 21— R10Je73: 33 unclaimed tobacco of, P28J175: 32 John, Capt. , of the Chatham, R3My70: 31, PD3Ja71: 21, R7F71: 31, PD14Mr71: 32, PD240c71: 23, If Anderson's pills PD240c71: 31, PD28My72: 23, PD3S72: 23 of the Leeds, 250c65s32, PD5S66s21— R5S66: 31, PD4D66: 31--R4D66: 31, PD290c67: 21, PD12N67: 21, PD3D67: 32, PD24D67: 32 Jordan, PD20Oc68: 23, PD21D69: 33 Joseph, 10F38: 41, PD5F67: 22 Lucy, 2My55: 31 M. , jr. ,P7Je76:33--D8Je76: 71 Mark, Capt. , of the Betty, 15Je39: 31 Martha Dandridge, P17My76: 23 Mary, PDUe69: 32, R12My74: 43 Mary, Mrs. , 4N63: 31 Matthew, 21Ag46: 32, D27Ja76: 33, P16My77: 12 adv. for ship's captain, Pl9je78: 12 adv. land for sale, P21Ag78: 43 adv. merchandise for sale, P19Ap76sll--D20Ap76: 33, P16Ag76: 33--D24Ag76: 72, P20S76: 31— D21S76: 32 attorney, P10J178: 12 deserter, 12D55: 32 land of, 170c55: 31 meeting at house of, 9My51: 32 on committee, in King and Queen co. , Va. , Pi23F75: 32, D4Mr75: 23 party to suit in Va. general court, 2My55: 31 quarrels with Robert Matthews, C15My79: 31 slave of, HMr37:42 store of, Pi20Oc7£ 32 — PD20Oc74: 3} D8N76: 22 Matthew, jr. , R25D66: 31 — PDUa67: 33, PD25N73: 23, PD13Ja74: 33— R13Ja74: 33,R15S74: 33 — PD22S74: 33, Pi28S75: 32— D30S75: 33--P60c75s22 Matthew Lightfoot, P8My78s22 Nathaniel, P19My75s32, D23D75: 32, P29D75: 31,D10Ag76: 71--P9Ag76: 42, Dl60c78:41 Nelson, 18Ag38: 42, 240c51: 31, P17N75sll— D18N75: 31, D17Ag76: 22 Nelson, Capt. , P23My77: 31 Nelson, jr. , P17N75sll, P19S77: 22, C18D79: 13 Paulen, P18Ag75: 42 Paulin, PD16D73: 23 Pauling, R31My70: 32 Pawling, D16My77: 22— P16My77s22 Ralph Crawforth, PD27F72: 33, P20D76: 23,D27D76: 42, P29Ag77: 43, D19Mr79:32 Richard, PD18N73: 23 adv. for clergyman, P8My78s22 adv. for missing horse, PD4Ap66: 33 adv. for runaway slave, PD13Ap69: 33 — R13Ap69: 32 adv. land for sale, PD15Ap73: 32, R16Je74: 32, D29N76: 41--P13D76: 31 adv. merchandise for sale, D13J176:22 agent for merchants in N. Am. , R25Ag68: 11 burgess for Louisa co. , PD15D68: 23— R15D68: 21, PDllMy69s41, PD28S69s21,R9N69: 11,PD5D71:23 deserter, D24Ja77: 41--P24Ja77: 31, D28Mr77: 72 on committee in King and Queen co. , Va. , Pi23F75: 32, D4Mr75: 23 signs Va. Association, PD25My69: 12 storekeeper of Donald, Scot & co. , PD25Je72: 32 Richard, Col. , D23D75: 32, P29D75: 31 Richard, jr. , Pil7Ag75: 33— D19Ag75: 33 Richard Clough, P16F76sl3, P29Mr76: 23, P23My77: 33, P14N77: 13 Robert, PD21Je70: 31, PH5D74: 32, P22D75: 33, P17My76: 33, P22N76: 32, P27D76: 31, P29My78: 42, D26F80: 12 adv. drawing of lottery, R8Mr70s32 adv. estate for sale, P31Ja77: 32 adv. finding horse, 20Oc52: 32 adv. for drawer, PD20Ja74: 32, PD14Ap74: 32 adv. for hostler, P8Mr76: 33 adv. for missing coat, P25Ap77: 11 adv. for missing horse, PD20My73: 23, P27S76s23, P27Je77: 33, P160c78: 33 adv. for missing pistol, P4Ap77: 33 adv. houses for rent, PD17D72: 31 adv. settlement of estate, P3Ap78: 31, D8Mv79: 22 adv. tavern, PD2N69: 42, PD28F71: 33 adv. tobacco for sale,D29N76: 41 appointed capt. of Williamsburg, Va. , company, PU4S75: 31 — P15S75s22— D16S75: 32 calls meeting of Dandridge and creditors, PD8N70: 22--R8N70: 13, PD14Mr71: 31, PD26S71: 31, PD13Ag72: 22 delegate, D90c79: 22 disavows responsibility for horses, P160c78: 32 house of, PD7Mr71: 32--R7Mr71: 33, PD2Je74: 31 on committee for Louisa co. , Va. , P19My75s32 on committee for Williamsburg, Va. , Pi9N75: 33,D24J179: 21 smallpox at house of, PD28Ja68: 23 tavern of, PD2My71: 32, PD15Ap73: 32, PD1D74: 11 thanked by Albemarle co. , Va. , troops, Pi7S75: 31 trustee of estate of Dandridge, PD10N68: 23 Robert, Capt. , P5J176p23— D13J176: 22, P20D76:21,P5Je78: 31,D25S79:31 Robert, Col. , PD27N66: 31, R7Je70: 32 Robert, jr. , D30c77: 42 Thomas, R27My73: 31 administrator of Mrs. Sarah Howard, P7Mr77: 31 adv. finding cattle, D2My77: 72 adv. finding horse, P29Ag77: 41 adv. for lost merchandise, Pi22D74: 33 adv. land for sale, C30Oc79: 41 horse of, P15Mr76: 31 letter of, 14Ag52: 31 pledges support of revolutionary war, P60c75s22 property of, stolen, 20Oc52: 22 Thomas, jr. , D28Ja75: 22, P310c77: 12 Turner, R22S74: 33 — PilON75: 43, D3Ag76: 32, P23My77: 31, D27Je77: 31 William, D25J177: 31— P25J177: 23, C25D79: 12--D25D79: 22 adv. dissolution of partnership, PD28Mr71:31 adv. estate for sale, PD5Ag73: 23, D310c77: 22--P310c77: 11 adv. finding hogs, Pil6F75: 33 adv. finding horse, PD17Qc66: 33, R19N72: 31,R4F73: 23 adv. for lost merchandise, PD25F73: 32 adv. indentured servants, for sale, PD5My74: 31 adv. land for sale, PD30J172: 32, PD15Ap73: 31— R15Ap73: 31, PD21Ap74: 32--R12My74: 43, PD23Je74: 23 adv. plantation for rent, P19J176: 33 — D29J176: 52,D11J177: 31 adv. plantation for sale,D21N77: 21 — P21N77: 32 adv. property for sale, PD15J173: 33, PD140C73: 31— R140c73: 32, PD9D73: 32.D21N77: 21 — P21N77: 32 adv. settlement of estate, D16Ap79: 31 deserter, D24Ja77: 41— P24Ja77: 31, P19S77: 31 estate of,D29Je76: 42 land of, for sale, R12My74: 41 Negro in Dunmore's troops, D3lAg76: 31 on committee for Hanover co. , Va. , P17N75sll— D18N75: 31 William, Capt. , PD14My72: 23, D29J175: 32,D4Ap77: 21 of the Rachel and Mary, PD9My66: 23, PD9My66: 31, PD27N66: 22, PD11D66: 23, PDllJe67: 22, PDllJe67: 32, PD11F68: 23— R11F68: 31, PD28Ap68: 22 William, & co. , PD28Mr71: 31 Anderson, Clark &, P18Ag75sll, P25Ag75: 83 Anderson, ship, 30c51: 32, 17N52: 22 Anderson's bridge, Va. , P5Je78: 11 — D10J178: 41 Anderson's pills, for sale,PDlD74: 31 in Blandford, Va. , PD29Je69: 32, PD21F71: 32 in Fredericksburg, Va. , 28Ag46: 31, 15My52: 32, PD18Ap66: 32, PD22Ap73: 31 in Hobb's Hole, Va. , R6J169: 31 in Petersburg, Va. , 4J151: 32, 12F62: 41, PD30J172: 32, PD1J173: 32, PD30D73: 31, PD14J174: 32, Pi23Mr75: 33--D25Mr75: 31 in Richmond, Va. , 16My55: 21, 5S55: 32, PD7Je70: 33, R20Je71: 33— PD20Je71: 33, PD3S72: 23, PD10S72: 23, PD17Je73: 33— R17Je73s23 in Shockoe, Va. , PD4Ap66: 41 in Sussex co. , Va. , PD27N66: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , 27My37: 42, 20Je45: 41, 15My46: 41, 31J146: 61, 17Ja51: 41, 24My51: 32, 18J151: 41, 5S51: 32, 10Ap52: 31, 30Ap52: 32, 15My52: 32, 22My52: 32, 60c52: 32, 2My55: 22, 2My55: 31, 14N55: 22, 30N59: 32, 16Ja61: 41, PDllJe67: 32, PD18Je67: 32, PD18Je67: 33, PD26My68: 23, PD270c68: 32 — R270c68: 22, R3N68: 33--PD10N68: 22, PD13Ap69: 32--R13Ap69: 32, PD17Ag69: 33--R17Ag69: 23, PD21S69: 33--R21S69s21, PD21S69: 41 — R2lS69s21, R12J170: 31, PD7Je70: 31 — R12J170: 31, R13D70: 32, PDllAp71: 32, PD15Ag71: 32— R15Ag71: 32, PD240c71: 31, PD2J172: 32, PD23J172: 32, PD290c72: 22— R290c72: 22, PD10Je73: 22, PD4N73: 22— R4N73: 31, PD1S74: 32, D26Ag75: 32,D12Je79: 32,D4Mr80: 13 19 Anderson's pills, for sale (cont'd) in Yorktown, Va. , 26S45: 32, 31J146: 52, 30My51: 41, PD13Ag67: 23 Anderson's race ground, Va. , 15My46: 42 Anderson's scots pills, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD29N70: 22, PD13D70: 43 Anderston, Scot. , See Murders in Anderton, Jeremiah, R15N70: 23 Anderton, snow, R15N70: 23 Andirons, for sale, in Cabin Point, Va. , PD3S72: 23 in New Kent co. , Va. , PD23F69: 33— R23F69: 22 in Norfolk, Va. , PD26D71: 31 — R6F72: 42 See also Dog irons Andis, George, R17Je73: 33, R210c73: 22, R12My74: 32 Andover, Eng. , See Murders near; Robberies near Andover, Mass. , See Mills, proof, blew up in Andre, Jean, Capt. , D29N76: 32 [John], Capt. , C21Oc80: 11, C21Oc80: 21 Andrew, Capt. , R16My66: 43 of the Gordon, PD4Oc70: 22 Mr. ,270c52: 11 Ammi, Lt. , D31Ag76: 21 David, Capt. , of the Donald, PD10S67: 31, PD220c67: 22, PD24Mr68: 32— R24Mr68: 32, PD26My68: 23— R9Je68: 33, PD25Ag68: 31--R25Ag68: 31, PD22S68: 22--R22S68: 23, PD4My69: 31- R4My69: 33 of the Peggy, PD16My66: 23 — Rl6My66: 43, PD30My66: 31— R30My66: 32, PD6Je66: 23, PD240c66: 23, PD30Oc66: 22, PD22Ja67: 32 John, Capt. , of the Donald, 15My52: 31, 12Je52: 21 of the Dove, 18Ja40: 32 Nicholas, Capt. , of the Randolph, PD21D69: 32--R28D69: 13 William, Capt., of the Leah, 21Mr45: 41, 28Mr45:41,4J145: 3 of the Leghorn, 270c52: 21 Andrew Caldwell, ship,D25S79: 22 Andrew Doria, Cont. brig. , DllMy76: 32, D15Je76: 42, P21Je76: 21, P21Je76: 23, P5J176: 22.D6J176: 12,D13J176: 41, D40c76: 12— P40c76: 23, P27D76: 22, D24Ja77:41,D170c77: 11 Andrews, Capt. , Pil5Je75: 23 of the Randolph, PD16N69: 21 — R16N69: 22 Mr., and Samuel Henley, R19My74: 21, R9Je74: 11 school of near Suffolk, Va. , D22My79: 22 Rev. Mr., of Va. , PD30D73: 23— R30D73: 31, Pi5Ja75: 32,D7Ja75: 23, D12377: 42— P12S77: 11, P14N77: 33 Andrew, Capt. , of the Hope, 13Je45: 22 Betsy (Ballard), marriage of,D7Ja75: 23 Betsy (Ballard), Mrs. , Pi5Ja75: 32 David,D10J178:42 Frances, Mrs. , D11N75: 31 John, PD13J169: 22 John, sr. , PD24My70: 41 Joseph, arrested for murder, PD5F67: 22 brought to N. Y. , PDllJe67: 22 convicted of murder, PD26F67: 23, PD8Je69: 21 executed for murder, PD16J167: 22, R15Je69: 22 murderer, PD5Mr67: 21 Lewis, PD22D68: 22 Mark,R16N69: 32 Robert, P21J175: 31, P15S75s23, P5Je78: 32 Robert, Rev. Mr. , appointed to committee of inspection, Williamsburg, D24J179: 21 deputy for York co. , Va. , to peninsula meeting, D16S75: 32 elected alderman, D4D79: 22 elected chairman of Williamsburg meeting, D17J179: 31 preacher for relief fund, PD5My74: 23, Pi9Mr75: 33— DllMr75: 32 professor at William and Mary college, D8Ja80: 42 secretary of Society for advancement of useful knowledge, PD16Je74: 22 — R16Je74: 22 sermon of, P21Ag78: 23, D6N79: 31 Samuel, Capt. , P21Ap75s32 Thomas, 4Mr37: 41, C13My80: 32, C13My80: 42 Thomas, Capt. , of the Defiance, 26S55: 12 William, 24My51: 41, 15S52: 32 William, Rev. Mr. , D16Ap79: 22, D15My79: 31 Andromache, pseud. , 3Je37: 12 Andromachus, pseud. , PD310c71: 23 Andros, Jamie, PD19Mr72: 33 Andros island, Greece, See Shipwrecks near Anecdotes, R11F68: 13, R130c68: 12 from Abbeyleix, Ire. , 1S38: 31 from Aix la Chapelle, Belg. , PD25F68:21 from Aldermanbury, Eng. , PD30Ap67:21 from Amsterdam, Holl. , PD80c72: 23, PD15D74: 13 from Ancona, It. , PD18Oc70: 12 from Andover, Mass. , 20My37: 32 from Athens, Gr. , R17F74: 12 from Baldock, Eng. , D2S75: 21 from Bath, Eng. , 27Ja38: 32 from Batstyle, Eng. , 10J152: 22 from Beaconsfield, Eng. , PD80c72: 11 from Bedlam hospital, London, Eng. , 28N5L22 from Bengal, India, PD18Oc70: 21— R18Oc70: 21, PD19My74: 22 from Berkshire, Eng. , PD60c68: 11— R60c68:12 from Berlin, Ger. , PD2My71: 12, PD27Ag72: 13 from Berkshire, Eng. , PD26Ja69: 13 from Birmingham, Eng. , PD30Ja72: 31 from Bloomsbury, Eng. , PD20Oc74: 21 from Blyth, Eng. , PD150c72: 21 from Bolton, Eng. , 16My51: 11 from Boston, Eng. , 1F40: 31 from Boston, Mass. , 5My38: 22, 7S39: 32, PD21F71: 23, PD30c71: 23, PD6F72: 23, PD29J173: 22 from Braintree,, Eng. , Pi7S75: 31— P8S75sl2— D9S75:21 from Bridgewater, Eng. , PD30Ap67: 11 from Bristol, Eng. , PD15Ag66: 21, PD3Mr68:23,R19Ja69:13, D24Je75:22 from Bumpstead, Eng. , PD19S66: 13 from Burslem, Eng. , PD24S72: 13 from Calais, Fr. , PD26Ja69: 23, PD14Mr71: 22 from Cambridge, Eng. , PD17S67: 12 from Canterbury, Eng. , R10Ja71: 23", Pi23F75:13 from Carnarvon, Wales, PD8Je69: 11 from Chalon, Fr. , 6My37: 22 from Charing Cross, London, Eng. , R16S73:21 from Chatham, Eng. , 19Ag37: 12, 10Mr38: 32 from Cheshire, Eng. , PD26Mr72: 32 from Chester, Eng. , PD29N70: 13, PD26Mr72: 32 from Chichester, Eng. , 27Je51: 22 from Clermont, Fr. , PD15J173: 11— R15J173:31 from Cockermouth, Eng. , PD26Ja69: 12 from Colchester, Eng. ,RU173: 21 from Conn. , D24Je75: 31 from Copenhagen, Den. , P10F75: 21— Pil6F75sl2 from Cork, Ire. , PD4Je67: 12, PD23Je68: 22, R150c72: 22, R8J173:23 from Cornwall, Eng. , R13J169: 12, PD240c71:22 from Corsica, 21F51: 22 from Coventry, Eng. , PD10Ag69: 32, P22J175sl3,D23S75:21 from Cowbridge, Eng. , PD24F74: 31 from Cumberland, Eng. , 5S51: 31, R24N68: 21 from Dartford, Eng. , 9N39: 21 from Denbighshire, Wales, R12Mr67: 41 from Den. , PD22D68: 13, PD130c74: 31 from Devonshire, Eng. , PD23Je68: 22, R12Ja69: 13 from Dijon, Fr. , PD26S71: 11 from Dover, Eng. , PD12S71: 21 from Dublin, Ire. , 2S37: 11, PDllMy69: 21, PDllMy69s23, PD15Je69: 31, PD21S69s21, PD20S70s41, PD26Mr72: 32, R25Mr73: 32, R23S73: 23, R30S73sl2, PD11N73: 13, D13Ja76:22 from Dunmow, Eng. , PD17S67: 11 from Durham, Eng. , 28F51: 22, PD10F74: 22 from East Cheap, Eng. , 1D38: 32 from Edinburgh, Scot. , 28Ja37: 32, 1S38: 22, 29D38: 32, 16Mr39: 32, 12S51: 32, 19D51: 22, 8D52: 21, PDlAg66: 21, PD22Mr70: 13, PD29Ap73: 11 from Enfield, Eng. , 2S57: 21 from Eng. , 18Ag38: 21, 22Je39: 21, PD28Mr71: 22, PD18Ap71: 23, PD25Ap71: 23, PD2My71: 21— R2My71: 12, PD8Ag71: 12, PD22Ag71: 21, R25Mr73: 21, PD27Ja74: 22, PD21J174p22, PD15S74:12,PD15D74:12, D7Ja75:13,Pi9N75:31 from Essex, Eng. ,R11F68: 14, PD3N68: 11, PD10N68: 12 from Exeter, Eng. ,R3Mr74: 22 from Fr. , PD18Oc70: 12, R13My73: 23, R7Ap74:21,R22S74:23 from Freetown, Mass. ,R18Ja70: 22 from Galway, Ire. , PD30Je68: 13 20 Anecdotes from Glasgow, Scot. , PD8S68: 12 from Gleichen, Ger. , PD18F68: 21 from Gloucester, Eng. , 15S52: 31, PD1U166: 21, PD23Ap72: 22 from Gottengen, Ger. , PD23J172: 13 from Gravesend, Eng. , R11D66: 22 from Greenwich, Eng. , PDllJe67: 12 from Grenoble, Fr. , PD20S70: 23 from Gretna Green, Scot. , PD3S67:21 from Hamburg, Ger. , P24F75: 22 from Hampshire, Eng. , PD26Ja69: 12, RllMy69: 13--PD18My69: 12 from Hamptonwick, Eng. , PD16Mr69: 23 from Hartfield court, Eng. , PD1D68: 13 from Hartley, Eng. , PD7Mr66: 21 from Hay, Eng. , 16My51: 22 from Hertfordshire, Eng. , 23Je38:32,PD26Mr67:13, P28Ap75:21 from Hispaniola, W. I. , PD27J169: 23 — R27J169:22 from Holbourn, Eng. , 120c52: 22, PD19F67:23 from Holl. , PD22Ja67: 22 from Hull, Eng. , PD18Oc70: 12 from Hungary, PD13Ag67: 11 — R13Ag67: 13 from Hyde Park, Eng. , PD10N74: 23 from Ipswich, Eng. , PD28Mr66: 21 from Ire. , PD20Oc68: 13, R190c69: 22, D70c75:21 - from Isle of Ely, Cambridgeshire, Eng. , D180c76:ll from It. , PD3S67: 12, R2S73sl2 from Kent, Eng. , PD17N68: 21, PD22S74: 22--R22S74: 31 from Ketton, Eng. , R4D66: 11 from Kew, Eng. , PD18Oc70s22 — R18Oc70:21 from Kidderminster, Eng. , Pi20Oc74: 22 from Knightsbridge, Eng. , lAg51: 22 from Lancashire, Eng. , P12My75: 13, D8My79: 12 from Lansdown, Eng. , 13Ja38: 32 from Leghorn, It. , PD25Ap71: 13 from Lima, Peru, 12F62: 21 from Limerick, Ire. , 30Je38: 22 from Limington, Eng. , 20J139: 22 from Lincoln, Eng. , PD29S68: 12 from Lincolnshire, Eng. , PD150c72: 21 — R150c72:13 from Lisbon, Port. ,R15Mr70: 12 from Lisle, Fr. ,R19Ja69: 21 from Liverpool, Eng. , PD27My73: 12 from London, Eng. , 80c36: 32, 290c36: 31, 4Mr37: 41, 8Ap37: 22, 13Ja38: 32, 25Ag38: 31, 60c38: 41, 130c38: 32, 130c38: 41, 3N38: 21, 3N38: 31, 29D38: 32, 5Ja39: 22, 23Mr39: 22, Ue39: 32, 20J139: 22, 27J139: 31, 3Ag39: 21, 1F40: 41, 17Ja51: 31, 24Ja51: 22, 28F51: 22, HAp51: 32, 8Ag51: 22, 14N51: 31, 5D51:21,5D51:22, 12D51:21, 27D51: 22, 10Ja52: 22, 10Ja52: 32, 17Ap52: 22, 22My52: 11, 25Je52: 12, 17J152: 22, 22S52: 21, 120c52: 21, 1D52: 21, 8D52: 22, 15D52: 22, 22D52: 21, 22D52: 22, 29D52: 21, 29D52: 31, 21Mr55: 22, 14N55: 12, PD7Mr66: 13, PD28Mr66: 31, PDllAp66: 21, PD23My66: 12, PD12Mr67: 22, PD26 Mr67: 12, PD2Ap67: 13, PD30Ap67: 21, PD7My67: 11, PD7My67: 13, PD21My67: 12, PD4Je67: 11, PD4Je67: 13, PDllJe67: 11, PD18Je67: 12, PD18Je67: 21, PD2J167: 21, PD23J167: 11, PD6Ag67: 13, PD10S67: 21, PD24S67: 11, PD5N67: 11, PD11F68: 12, PD11F68: 21, PDUF68:22,R11F68:14, PD10Mr68: 21, PD12My68: 11— R12My68: 12--R26My68: 13, PD26My68: 12, R16Je68: 21, PD4Ag68: 21--R4Ag68: 14, PD18Ag68: 31, R25Ag68: 11, PD1S68: 12, PD8S68: 11, PD8S68: 12, R15S68: 22, R15S68: 23, R22S68: 21, PD29S68: 12, PD130c68: 11, PD10N68: 12, PD17N68: 21, PD17N68: 22, R12Ja69: 21, PD26Ja69: 13, PD26Ja69: 22, PD9Mr69: 23, PD9Mr69: 31, PD16Mr69: 21, R23Mr69: 23, R30Mr69: 21, PD27Ap69: 12, PD18My69: 12, PD8Je69: 11, PD15Je69: 22, PD15Je69: 23, PD29Je69: 13, R14S69: 11, PD14S69: 12, PD21S69: 13, PD21S69s21, R21S69: 12, PD14D69: 21, R8F70: 21, R8F70: 22, PD15F70: 12, PD8Mr70: 22, R15Mr70: 22, R29Mr70:21,R3My70:21, PD24My70: 12, PD14Je70: 31, PD14Je70sl2, PD2Ue70: 13, PD21Je70: 23, PD19J170: 31, PD16Ag70: 22, PD13S70sl2, PD20S70: 21, PD20S70: 23, PD18Oc70: 13, PD18Oc70: 21, R18Oc70: 13, PD22N70s21, PD29N70: 12, PD29N70: 13, PD13D70:13,PD3Ja71:ll, PD3Ja71:13,R17Ja71:21, PD14F71: 31, PD14Mr71: 31, PD21Mr71: 21, PD4Ap71: 21, PDllAp71: 21, PD2My71: 12, PD9My71: 12, PD9My71: 23, PD30My71: 13, PD27Je71: 23, PD8Ag71: 21, R8Ag71: 21, PD15Ag71: 13, PD5S71: 13, PD12S71: 11, PD12S71: 23, PD17S71: 12, PD17S71: 13, PD26S71: 11, PD26S71: 13, PD170c71: 12, PD240c71: 12, PD240c71: 22, PD12D71: 21, PD26D71: 21, PD2Ja72:12,R12Mr72:12, PD19Mr72: 22, PD26Mr72: 23, R23Ap72: 11, PD23Ap72: 12, PD7My72: 12, PD7My72: 21, PD14My72: 12, PD14My72: 13, PDlUe72: 22, PD23J172: 31, PD27Ag72: 21, PD27Ag72: 33, PD17S72:12,PD80c72:12, PD80c72:13,R80c72:21, PD150c72: 13— R150c72: 22, PD220c72: 21--R220c72: 12, PD5N72:11, PD5N72:12, PD5N72: 13, PD5N72: 21, PD5N72: 31, R10D72:12,PD24D72:22, R31D72: 11, R31D72: 12, R31D72: 13, R14Ja73:23,PDllF73:12, R25Mr73: 13, PDlAp73: 22, RlAp73: 11, RlAp73: 13, RlAp73: 23, PD8Ap73: 21, PD8Ap73: 22, R8Ap73: 31, PD29Ap73: 13, PD6My73: 11— R6My73sl3, R6My73: 21, PD20My73: 11, PD20My73: 12, PD20My73: 21, R10Je73: 32, PD17Je73: 12, PD17Je73: 21— R17Je73: 22, R24Je73: 12, PD15J173: 21— R15J173:21,R12Ag73:13, PD16S73:13— R16S73:31, PD140c73:12,R4N73:13, PD2D73s22, PD6Ja74: 11, PD6Ja74: 13, PD6Ja74: 21, R10F74:13,PD10F74:22, R17F74: 13, PD10Mr74: 21, R24Mr74: 12, PD31Mr74: 21, R31Mr74: 22, PD19My74: 21, PD14J174:21,R22S74:22, PD29S74: 22, PD20Oc74: 23, PD8D74: 13, P17F75: 31, P19My75: 31, P26My75: 12, P23Je75sl3, D24Je75: 21, D2S75: 21, D9S75: 22, D23S75: 21, Pi260c75: 11— D280c75:21,D280c75:13 from Lothian, Eng. , PD29Ap73: 12 from Luneville, Fr. , 17Mr38: 21 from Lyons, Fr. , 25Je52: 11, PD16Ja72: 23 from Macao, China, R10Mr74: 12 from Macon, Fr. , 27J139: 12 from Mainz, Ger. , PD5N72: 23 from Manchester, Eng. ,R24N68: 21, R9Mr69: 12 from Marseilles, Fr. ,21Mr55: 22, PD28Ap74: 13 from Modbury, Eng. , D24Je75: 11 from Montgomeryshire, Wales, 20Je51: 22, PD7N71: 22 from Naples, It. , 11F37: 21, PD4Je67: 32, PD23J167: 13, R60c68: 12 from New Haven, Conn. , 7J138: 32 from N. Y. , 2My51: 21, PD12Ja69: 22, PD30Ag70: 23 from Newcastle, Eng. , PD10N68: 21, PD22D68: 13, PD6Ap69: 21, PD15F70: 12 from Newport, R. I. , PD17Mr74: 22 from Newtown, Eng. , PD240c71: 21 from Nora, Swe. , R13My73: 22 from Northampton, Eng. , PD27Je71: 31 from Norwood, Eng. , PD30Mr69: 13 from Nottingham, Eng. , PD9N69: 13 from Omagh, Ire. , 24Je37: 21 from Orange co. , N. Y. , PD6Ag72: 21 from Oxford, Eng. , R20My73: 12 from Oxfordshire, Eng. , 11J151: 22, PDLAg66: 21 from Paris, Fr. , 17S36: 12, 7Ja37: 21, 2Je38: 12, 29D38: 32, 2N39: 11, 21F51: 31, PD6Je66: 22, PD30Ap67: 13, PD18Je67: 12, PD2J167: 11, PD150c67: 11, PD4F68: 12, PD28Mr71: 21, PD4Ap71: 13, PD4Ap71: 21, PD12S71: 21, PD12D71: 13, PD16Ja72: 11, PD9Ap72: 23, PD4Je72: 22, PD2J172: 23, PD6My73: 12 — R6My73sl3, PD26Ag73: 11— R26Ag73: 12, R280c73: 22, PD3F74: 11, PDlS74sl2, Pil30c74: 22, D23D75.22 from Parkgate, Gt. Brit. , PD21Ap68: 13— R7J168: 13 from Pelford, Eng. , PD7My67: 21 from Pa. , PD21Ja68: 23 21 Anecdotes (cont'd) from Phila. , Pa. , 13Ap39: 31, PD12Mr67: 22— R12Mr67: 22, PD30Ag70: 31 from Pisa, It. , 250c65sl3 from Poland, PD3Ja71: 11, PD27Je71: 31, P9Je75:21 from Port Patrick, Scot. , PD10N74: 22 from Portsmouth, Eng. , PD28S69: 22, PD29N70: 12, PD150c72: 13, PD8Ap73: 22 from Port. , D24F76: 31 from Prestonpans, Scot. , PD11D66: 21 from Prussia, PD20F72: 23 from Queens co. , N. Y. , D20Ja76: 22 from Rathfryland, Ire. , 28Ag52: 21 from Reading, Eng. ,R11F68: 21 from Rehoboth, Mass. , 7Mr55: 31 from Richmond, Eng. , 250c65sl3, PD8N70: 21— R8N70: 22 from Rochester, Eng. , PD4Je67: 21 from Rome, It. ,10Ja[?]51: 32, PD18Ap66: 22, PD22Ag71: 31, R20My73: 12 from Russia, PD21F71: 21 from St. Alban's,RU173:ll from Scot. , PD4Je67: 12, PD2My71: 31, PDlAg71: 12, PD14N71: 12, RllN73sll, PD3Mr74: 13 from Sheerness, Eng. , D22Ap75: 11 from Sherborne, Eng. , PD2J167: 22 from Shoreditch, Eng. , PD26Ja69: 22 from Shropshire, Eng. , 18J151: 31, PD21Ap68: 12, PD21S69s21 from Smithfield, Eng. , PD30Ap67: 21 from Somersetshire, Eng. , PD15Ag71: 12 from Southampton, Eng. , R20My73: 12 from Southwark, Eng. , PD310c71: 12, RlAp73:21 from Sowerby, Eng. , 8S38: 41 from Spain, R15Mr70: 22 from Spoleto, It. , PD9Je68: 23 from Stockholm, Swe. , PD3D72: 21 from Suffolk, Eng. , R18Ag74: 12 from Sunderland, Eng. , PD4Ap66: 23 from Surrey co. , Eng. , 15S52: 22, PD18D66: 23, PD130c68: 12, PD31Mr74: 12— R7Ap74: 23 from Sussex, Eng. , 7Ja37: 21 from Theale, Eng. , 3N38: 12 from Trowbridge, Eng. , PD10D67: 11 from Turin, 10J152: 12 from Turkey, PD21Mr71: 13 from Ulster co. , N. Y. , 16N39: 41 from Uxbridge, Eng. , PD7N71: 21 from Vienna, Aust. , PD15Ag66: 12 from Wakefield, Eng. , PD15Ja67: 22 from Wales, Eng. , PD10F74: 22 from Wallingford, Eng. , PD19S66: 11 from Warsaw, Pol. , PD30Ap72: 12 from Warwickshire, Eng. , R14S69: 11, PD20My73:22 from Westchester, N. Y. , 21S39: 32, PD23N69: 21 from Westminister, Eng. , 28N51: 22, PDlJa67:22 from Westmorland co. , Eng., 17Ag39: 22, PD28Mr66: 22 from Whitechapel, Eng. , R16S73: 22 fromWidaker, Eng. , PD17S67: 11 from Williamsburg, Va. , PD4Ap71: 23, PD21N71: 22, PD27Ja74: 31, P19Ap76: 22 from Wiltshire, Eng. , PD9Mr69: 31, PD26N72:12,R280c73:13 from Winchester, Eng. , PD24My70: 11 from Worcester, Eng. , 18J151: 22 from York, Eng. , PD21Ap68: 12, R26My68: 14, R29Mr70: 21, PD28Mr71: 21, PD27Je71: 31, PD220c72:21 from Yorkshire, Eng. , 20J139: 22, 29My52: 12, PD7Ap68: 13, PD12My68: 13, R22S74: 21, D5Je79: 12 historical, D22Ja80: 11 on Joseph Addison, PD22F70: 12 on Alfred the great, Pi28Ap75: 21 on Duke of Alva, PD29D68: 12 on American soldiers, D24Je75: 31 on Sir Jeffery Amherst, D23D75: 21 on Anglican clergy, PD21J168: 11, PD30J172: 22 on archbishop of Dublin, PD19My68: 12 on avarice, PD80c72: 22 on Lord Baltimore, R3My70: 12 on bankruptcies, R22J173sl3 on Chevalier Bayard, PD24N74: 13 on William Beckford, R20S70: 21 on bees, PD16S73:21 on Admiral Blake, PD5S71: 22 on British court, PD29Ag71: 12, PD17Je73: 13 on British flag (Great Union), P26Ja76: 21 on British judges, R30My71: 11 on British navy, P1S75: 23--D2S75: 32 on British nobility, PD3S72: 11 on British privateers, D30S75: 11 on British royal children, PD20My73: 11 on British sailors, PD24Je73: 23 on burning of Charlestown, Mass. , D23D75: 12 on card playing, PD26S71: 11 on Julius Caesar, PD12D71: 21 on Charles I, PD18Mr73: 31 on Charles II, PD25Ag68: 23, PD7F71: 13— R7F71: 21,P30Je75: 11 on Queen Charlotte, PD29Ag71: 13 on Lord Chatham, PD7Je70: 13, PD10Je73: 12 on Earl of Chesterfield, R10Je73: 23 — PD17Je73: 12, R8J173: 23, Pi20Oc74: 22 on Chinese king, Pi3Ag75: 21 on church and army, PD2J172: 31 on Clement VH, PD20Ag72: 22 on clergymen, PD12Ag73: 12, PD19Ag73: 12 on controlling rage, PD19D71: 22 on cooks, PD26S71: 13 on corruption in Eng. , PD18F68: 21, R140c73: 22 on corruption in Messina, PD1D68: 12 on country alderman, PD15Ap73: 21 on courting, PD12D71: 21 on Cromwell, PD18F68: 13, PD14N71: 21 on Duke of Cumberland, PD4Ap71: 13, PD24Je73: 23 on divorces, R21N71: 21 on doctors, PD22F70: 31, R28Ja73: 11, R15Ap73: 21, PD13My73: 22, Pi23F75: 21 on dogs, PD3D67: 21, R15Ap73: 23, PD6My73: 12 on drinking, PD18Ja70: 22 on Madame Du Barry, PD10F74: 21 on Dutch burgomasters, PD15Ap73: 13 on Lord Eglington, R8F70: 22 on Egyptian Jews, PD7J168: 21 on Englishmen, PD9J172: 11 on Erasmus, PD14Ja73: 22 on Count d'Estaing, D5Je79: 11 on excellency of American rifles, Pi30N75:31 on female disguises, PD9J172: 13 on Samuel Foote, Pil9Ja75: 13 on Frederick H, the Great, PD29D68: 22, PDllMr73: 12 on Frederick V of Denmark, PDllAp66: 22 on French army, PD29S68: 13, D5Je79: 11 on French dauphin, PD28Mr66: 22 on French history, PD3D67: 21 on French servants, PD15S74: 12 on Frenchmen, R140c73: 22 on friendship, PD15J173: 21 on funerals, D8J17 5: 12 on gambling, PD70c73: 21,D22My79: 12 on David Garrick, PD12D71: 12 on geniuses, PD15Ap73: 21 on George I, PD3D72: 13 on George H, RllN73s22, Pi23F75: 21 on George IH,R13S70: 21,PD26N72: 12, PD9S73: 22— R9S73: 22, PD16S73: 11— R16S73:22,R25Ag74:23 on Duke of Gloucester, PD21Je70: 22 on Henry IV, king of France, D13J176: 52 on Henry VIH, Pi23Mr75: 21 on Earl of Hillsborough, R25F73: 22 on House of commons, R22J173sl2 on husbands and wives, PD170c71: 12 on Irishmen and Scots, Pi20Oc74: 22 on King James, PD18Oc70: 13 on James I, PD2Je74: 13 on James H, P23Je75: 22,D9Ap79: 11 on jilting, PD12S71: 11 on John, duke of Argyle, R25Ag74: 11 on Joseph H, PD24Ja71: 21, PD5N72: 21 on judgement pictures, PD10c72: 13 on kings, PD29Ag71: 21 on Edwin Lascelles, R20Ja74: 13 on lawyers, R21N71: 21, PD15Ap73: 21, R22J173sl2 on liberty, PD70c73: 21 on life, PD18F68: 13, PD70c73: 21 on John Locke, Pi30Mr75: 13 on Louis XV of France, PD14Ja73: 22 on lovers, P3Mr75: 23 on macaronis, PD15Ap73: 13, PD6My73: 12 on Catherine Macaulay, PD10Je73: 12 on King Malcolm of Scot. , PD18Ja70: 22 on Earl of Mansfield, PD4N73: 11 on marriage, PD24Qc71: 11, R14Ja73: 22, R13My73: 22, PD17Je73: 23— R17Je73: 21, R19Ag73: 11, R17F74: 21, D5Je79: 11 on Marie Antoinette, PD13D70: 21, PD3Ja71: 12,R18Ag74: 13 on Queen Mary, PD30My71: 21 on medicine, PD18F73: 11 on Sir William Meredith, PD21Je70: 21 on Methodist preachers, R2S73sl2 on misers, R19Ag73: 13 on Admiral Montagu, PD18Mr73: 22 on Duke of Montague, R26My68: 11 on Capt. William Montagu, D16D7 5: 12 on Negroes, P29D75s21 on Lord North, PD26S71: 23, PD80c72: 13 on Earl of Northington, PD9J172: 11 on parsimony, R30Mr69: 23 on John Reinhold Patkid, PD29D68: 11 22 Annapolis on pawnbrokers. R30S73sl3 on King of Persia, D25My76: 11 on Peter HI of Russia, PD14F71: 31-- R14F71:23,Pi23F75:21 on Philip m of Spain, P18JT77: 11 on Platonic love affair, PD20Oc68: 12 on king of Poland, PDlAp73: 13 on political principles, Pi5Ja75: i2 on Alexander Pope, R31Mr74: 22 on priests, R22J173sl2 on king of Prussia. PD29Ap73: 12 on Gen. Putnam. D23D75: 21 on Quebec act, PD22S74: 22 on Sir Walter Raleigh, PDI40c73s21 on Marcus Attilius Regulus, R8S74: 23 on Richard HI. PD21Ja68: 23 on robberies, R15J173s21,D8J175: 12 on Marquis of Rockingham, PDi9Ap7u: 2i on Roman priests, PD19D71: 22 on Mrs. Jean Jacques Rousseau, C13My80: 22 on royal family, PD140c73: 12 on royal justice. PD5Mr67: 12 on Scots. PD12S71: 11 on Scottish merchants, PD5N72: 31 on Scottish officers with James n, PDlOOc7i: 23 on shipwrecked officers. D140c75: 21 on shoemakers, PD29Ap73: 12 on singers in Eng. , D9S75: 21 on Spain. PD3D72: 22, D16D75: 13 on Spanish ambassador to London, PD12S71: 11 on stagecoach robbery, PDl50c72: 12 on Stamp act, PD14Mr66: 21 on tailors, PD25Ap7i: 31 on tipping French servants, PD270c68: 12 on tithes, R2UJa74: 13 on John Home Tooke, PD7Ja73: il on traveling, PD18Ja70: 22 on unity,D17F76: 12 on Sir Anthony Van Dyck, PD21Ja73: 22 on Voltaire, D1J175: 22 on voting, Pi5Ja75: 11 on Prince of Wales, PD10N68: 12, PDl5Ag7i: 12, PD12D71: 21, PD6My73: H--R6My73si2 on Princess Dowager of Wales, PD17S71: 23 on Sir Robert Walpole, R13Ja74: 22 on war, PD2S73: 22 on Sir Peter Warren, P7J175: 11 on wearing wigs, P17F75sll-- D18F75: 23 on Welchmen, PD26S71: 11 on Rev. Mr. George Whitefield, PD7F71: 12.D23S75: 21 on widows. PD10F74: 12 on Wilkes, PD18Ag68: 31, PD3Ja71: 12, R20Je71:22, PD27Je71: 23, PD25J171: 11, PD25J171: 21, PD12S71: 11, PD26S71: 11, P24F75: 31 on William the conqueror, Pi29S74: 23, P17Mr75s42 on William HI, D22My79: 11 on Gen. Wolfe, R8Ap73: 23 on women, PD22J173: 11 Ange, Francis, PD18Ja67: 23 Angel, Capt. , PD29Ap73: 22 Joseph. D3J179: 32 William, D3J179: 32 Angelea, James, D9Qc78: 42 Angelica, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 18J151:4i candied, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 30N59: 32. R12J170: 31, PD240c7l: 3l, PD12D71: 32 Angelica, horse, PD1N70: 22 Angelica Chappel, 3J146: 42 Angelica water, used to cure plague, R7F71: 31 Angeloni. Battista. author, PD10Je73: 31 Angler, author, D24Ag76: 53 Angler, ship, PD24Mr74: 13 Anglesea, British ship, 25Ja40: 2 H. M. S. . 28N45: 32, 23Ja46: 31, 2iN51: 22, 24Ja52: 22 Anglesey is. , Wales, See Copper discovered in Anglican church, See Church of England Anglin, Adrian, R20Ap69: 32 William, R26Mv74: 32 Anglo-Germanicus, pseud. , 15Je39: 11 Angola, Af. , See Ships to James river, Va. , from; Ships to Rebellion Road, S. C. , from; Ships to York district, Va. , from; Slave trade off , Slaves from; Slaves imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from; Slaves imported to James river district, Va. , from; Slaves imported to Va. from; Slaves imported to York district, Va. , from; Slaves returned to Angria, Indian pirate, 290c36: 22, 2D37: 42, 7J138: 31, 28S39: 21, 18Ja40:2i attacks British ship, 11F37: 22, 18Je52: 12 attacked by Europeans, 14Ja37: 31, 8J137:21 brother of, PD22Ja67: 21 releases English crew, 16S37: 31 Angouleme, Fr. , See Duels in AnguiUa, W. I. , mortality in, R23Je74: 31 See also Exports from Hampton, Va. , to; Exports from James river, lower district, Va. , to; Imports to James river, lower district, Va. , from; Imports to N. Y. C. from; Imports to York district, Va. , from; Ships to James river, Va. , from; Ships to N. Y. C. from; Shipwrecks on; Storms on Anguilla salt, imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from Salem, Mass. ,PD14Ja68:31 Angus, Capt. ,D14Ag79:2l Rob, Capt. , of the Southampton, 25Mr37:41 Angus, Scot. , See Antiquities discovered in; Fornication in; Sorning in Anhalt Desseau, Ger. , royal marriage with Brandenburg, PD150c67: 11 Animal shows, in London, Eng. , 21Mr51:31 Animals, abnormal, 5My38: 12, 18Ag38: 41, 9F39: 41, 6Ap39: 22, 13Ap39: 31, 29S52: 21, R18F68: 24, PD2N69: 23, PD9N69: 21, PD12Mr72: 21, PD30J172: 23, Pi7S75: 12 buried in snow in Va. , PD12Mr72: 31 humane treatment of, 2Ja52: 21 regulated by Va. general assembly, R24Je73: 32 slaughtered in Cork, Ire. , R190c69: 31 See also Sea monsters Anise, imported to Algiers, D4N75: 12 Anise oil, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 18J151: 41 Aniseed, imported to Sp. from Veracruz, Mex. , 8D52: 12 Aniseed water, for sale, in Newcastle, Va. , PD19N72: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , R7Ap74: 32 Aniseeds, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. ,D24Ag76:61 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD21S69: 41-- R21S69s21 Aniseeds, oil of, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 30Ap52: 32 Anisette, Mr. , signs treaty for Caribs, PD15Ap73: 22--R15Ap73: 22 Anit-Gallus, pseud. , 17Ap52: 22 Anmours, Chevalier d', consul to Va. , D8Ja80: 43 Ann, ship, 27Ag56: 32,D15Ja80: 21 sloop, 24D36: 42, 270c38: 41, 9F39: 42, l8My39:4,D15Ag77:2l tender, 16My55: 12 transport, D29J176: 51 Ann and Betty, brig, 12Ja39: 42 Ann and Maria, ship, 12D55: 21 Anna, ship, 8Je39: 41, 10Ag39: 2, 18Ja40: 4, 18Ap51: 22, 30My51: 32, 30c51: 32, 6F52: 31, 25D66: 13 Anna and Margaret, ship, PD3N68: 12 Anna Elizabeth Dorothea, ship, PD16Ja72: 23 Anna Maria, ship, D31Ag76: 12 Anna Maria Theresa, ship, PD8S68: 13 Anna Theresa, packet, D4D79: 21 Annabella, ship, 31J146: 42, 28Ag46: 32 snow, 10Oc45: 22 transport, D29J176: 41 Annamboe, Af. , French designs on, 22S52: 11 Annapolis, Md. , committee of correspondence appointed in, R9Je74s23 inhabitants denounce (text) lawyers' resolution, PD23Je74: 22-- R23Je74: 33 meeting place for Continental congress, PD14J174: 31--R14J174: 31 postal service at, 28Ap38: 41 postmaster, HMr37: 42 surrender demanded by British, D29Ag77: 22 town meeting, PD9Je74: 23 See also Accidents in; American company of comedians in; Association of 1774 enforced in; Associations in; Attorneys in; Balls in; Boston port bill, relief from; Boston port bill opposed in; British navy off; Coffeehouses in; Comets in; Convict servants imported to; Convict servants runaway from; Debts, resolutions protested in; Emigration from Ire. to; Exports from; Fever, jail, in; Horse-racing in; Illuminations in; Imports to; Imports to James river, upper district, Va. , from; Imports to Rappahannock district, Va. , from; Imports to York district, Va. , from; Indentured 23 Annapolis, Md. (cont'd) servants imported to; Indentured servants runaway from; Jails in; Jockey club plate in; Lotteries of land in; Merchants in; Murders, trials for in; Non- importation agreements, relaxation discussed in; Physicians in; Preaching in; Robberies, executions for, in; St. George's day festival in; Ships burned by Americans near; Ships from; Ships to; Slaves runaway from; Stamp act repeal celebrated in; Storms in; Sweepstakes in; Taverns in; Tea destroyed in; Watchmakers in Annapolis Gut, N. S. , See Shipwrecks in Annapolis Royal, N. S. , condition of, 6Je45: 31 French expedition against rumored, l6My45: 32, 23My45: 31, 6Je45: 22 reinforced by British, 30My51: 22 siege of, 4J145: 21 See also Indian attacks near; Louisburg, N. S. ; Ships from; Ships to; Ships to Boston, Mass. , from Annapolis Royal, ship, PD12S71: 22 Anne, Queen of England, 19N36: 22, 9Je38: 32, 270c38: 21, PD13Ap69: 21 Anne, brig, PD26N67: 22, PD2Ja72: 23 brigantine, 18My39: 22, PD5F67: 31, R3My70: 23, P16Je75: 22, P16F76: 31 British ship,D180c76: 11 British snow, P20S76: 21--D21S76: 12 pilot boat,D26Je79:31 schooner, R11F68: 31, PD26My68: 22— R26My68: 31 ship, 24Ag39: 3, 2N39: 2, 25Ja40: 3, 16My51: 32, 30Ja52: 31, 14Ag52: 22, 4N63: 32, 250c65s33. PD5S66s43. PD22Ja67: 31, PD12F67: 31, R12Mr67: 22, PD26My68: 12— R26My68: 23, PD26My68: 22, PD2Je68: 23, PD23Je68: 23— R7J168: 21, PD28J168: 22— R28J168:22,RllAg68:24, R18Ag68: 21, R22S68: 23, PD20Oc68: 22, PD270c68: 42, R12Ja69: 31, PD9Mr69: 31, PD23Mr69: 31, R23Mr69: 22, PD17Ag69: 22, R3My70: 23, PD2My71: 32, R18J171: 32, PD16Ja72: 31, PD14My72: 22, PD29Ap73: 21, PD21 J174: 31, D23S75: 31, D14Mr77: 22, D4J177: 71 sloop, 12N36: 41, 10D36: 41, 31D36: 42, 25F37: 42, 23Je38: 32, 20Oc38: 31, 5Ja39: 42, 18Ja40: 4, 10Oc45: 22, 10Oc45: 32, 7N51: 22.D27D76: 42 snow, 20My37: 41, PD9J172: 32 Anne and Betty brig, 18My39: 3, Ue39: 42 ship, 24Ag39: 3 Anne and Catharine, brig, R6Ap69: 31 Anne and Dorothy, ship, PD19Ap70: 31 Anne and Elizabeth, brigantine, PD10Mr74: 32— R10Mr74: 31 Anne and Fanny, ship, 9My51: 32 Anne and Jean, schooner, 14Ag52: 22, 270c51: 21 Anne and Mary, ship, 10J152: 31, PD13S70: 23, PD16My71: 23, PD16My71: 23— R23My71: 33, PD30Ja72: 32, PD21My72: 22, PD8Ap73: 23 Anne and May, ship, 29D52: 41 Anne and Susanna, schooner, 29S52: 31 Anne Arundel co. , Md. , committee of correspondence, PD270c74: 23 See also Churches in; Convict servants runaway from; Furnaces in; Gristmills in; Indentured servants runaway from; Iron works in; Jails in; Land for sale in; Landings in; Massacres in; Outhouses in; Sawmills in; Stone dwelling houses in; Vendues in; Anne Galley, ship, 25F37: 41, 3Je37: 41, 14J138: 21, 8Je39: 22, 25Ja40: 2, 10J152: 32, 29S52: 32 Anne Theresa, packet, PD19Mr67: 31, D15N76: 11 Anner, Robert, P23Je75: 32 Annie, ship, PD21My72: 23 Annin, James, PD22Ag66: 21 Annsworth, William, PD7J168: 23 Annual register, extract from, PD12Mr67: 11, PD19Mr67: 11 Annuities, for livery companies' members, London, 8J137: 32 in Eng. , R8Ap73: 23 in Fr. , PD25F68: 21 in Gt. Brit. , PD16My66: 11, PDllJe67: 11, PDllAp71: 12,R80c72: 12, PD5N72: 11, R31D72: 21, PD28Ap74: 13 in Ire. ,R3Mr74:31 in London, Eng. , PD80c72: 12 in Spain, PDllAp71: 11 share retained by French crown, PD23Ja72: 12 Anodyne necklaces, for sale, in Richmond, Va. , PD10S72: 23, PD17Je73: 33— R17Je73s23 in Williamsburg, Va. , 20Je45: 41, 31J146: 61, 17Ja51: 41, 24My51: 32, 18J151: 41, 5S51: 32, 15My52: 32, 2My55: 22, 2My55: 31, 14N55: 22, 30N59: 32, PD270c68: 32— R270c68: 22, R12J170: 31, PDllAp71: 32, PD15Ag71: 32— R15Ag71: 32, PD240c71: 31, PD2J172: 32, PD10Je73: 22, PD1S74: 32 Anois, Countess, d', author, PD18J171: 32, PD25J171: 42, PDLAg71: 42, PD8Ag71: 43, PD17S72: 21, PD10Je73: 33, D25N75: 21, D30D75: 13, D9Mr76: 43, D20D76: 43 Another Customer, pseud. , PD20S70: 31, PD13D70: 12, PD4F73: 23 Another Farmer, pseud. , PD21Ja68: 23 Another Pennsylvanian, pseud. , PD27Ag67: 23 Anselm, Abraham, Capt. , of the Derby, 290c36: 22, UF37: 22, 2D37: 42 Anson, Commodore, voyage around Cape Horn, PD24S67: 11 George, Capt. , of the Centurion, 25Ja40: 2 George, Lord, 14F51: 12, PD25F68: 41. PD6S70: 32, PD29N70: 21, PD13D70: 42, PD17Ja71: 42, PD24Ja71: 42, PD7F71: 42, PD21F71: 42, PD7Mr71: 42, PD21Mr71: 42, PD28Mr71: 42, PD29Ag71: 33 John J. ,P21Ag78:42 John J. , Dr. , P21Ag78: 32 Thomas J. , P21Ag78: 32 Anson, H.M. cutter, PD9S73:21 — R9S73: 12 H. M. S. , 21N51: 22, 24Ja52: 22, 4Ap55: 21, 25Ap55: 21, 26S55: 12 ship, 15S52: 22 Anson co. , N. C. , See Dwelling houses in; Ferries in; Grapevines in; Gristmills in; Hickory timber in; Kitchens in; Land for sale in; Oak timber in; Pine timber, short- leaved, in; Storehouses in; Yellow pine timber in Anspach troops, arrive in N. Y. C. , P25J177: 21 deserters from in Amsterdam, Holl. , P12S77sll for British army in U. S. , P3Ap78: 12 U.S. ,P3Ap78: 12 Anstruther, Brig. Gen. , garrison ordered to Ga. , 29S38: 41 Capt. , PD3Je73: 22, P5Ja76(5)sl3— D6Ja76: 32 Anstruther, Scot. , See Imports to James river, lower district, Va. , from Answorth, Michael, 12D55: 31 Antarctic, See Explorations in Antelope, brigantine, PD18F68: 32 H. M. S. , 23D37: 32, 30D37: 32, 11J146: 31, 21N51: 22, 24Ja52: 22, 19D55: 12, 2S57: 12, R27Ap69: 13, R10Ag69: 22, PD24Ag69: 13— R24Ag69: 21 ship, 140c37: 31, 19D51: 22 Anter, John, Capt. , of the Plymouth, 17Je37: 32, 30S37: 41 Antes, Capt. , of the Philip and Peter, 18Ap45: 32 Anthoney, John, P12S77: 33 Anthony, Capt. , PillMy75: 33— P12My75sl2 of the Abigail, PD14J168: 23— R14J168: 23 of the Friendship, D25N75: 23 Abraham, Capt. ,D30Oc79: 21 Haider, Pi29D74: 21 John, PD18Ap66: 41, P24My76sl2 John, Capt. , of the Rebecca, PD19F67: 31— R19F67: 22 Lazarus, R25Mr73: 33 Anti-Candide, pseud. , R17F74: 12 Anti-Sejanus, pseud. , PD21Mr66: 21, PDl6My66: 13, PD23My66: 11, PD23My66: 21, PD23My71: 22 ship, R23S73: 13 Antibes, Fr. , See French navy in Anticosti is. , Can. , settlement of planned, PD16Ap67: 11 Antigallican, privateer, 22Ap57: 21, PD4D66: 22, R14F71: 23, PD4Je72: 23 Antigallicans, meeting in London, Eng. , PD23Je68: 13 Antignac (Dantignore), [Louis Jean Baptist d'], Capt. , D25J177: 31 — P25J177: 22 Antigua, W. I. , attack by French rumored, 20Je45: 32,D21Ag79: 22, D28Ag79: 22— C28Ag79: 23 capture by French rumored, D8Ja80: 13 common pleas court, PD30Ja72: 22 fortified by British, PD30Ap67: 31 general assembly and council, D23D75: 13 importance to British, PD30Ap67: 31 military preparations of, 23My45: 31, 13Je45: 22 petitions of, PD21Mr66: 32, PD25Ag74: 21- 24 Antwerp R25Ag74: 12 relations with British colonies, N. Am. , P24My76: 23 trade with U. S. stopped, D22N76: 21 See also Admiralty court in; Beef, Irish salt, price of in;Boston tea party opposed in; Bounties; Bread plentiful in; British army in; British army to; British colonies, N.Am. , supported in; British navy in; British navy to; British navy to Boston, Mass. , from; British navy to Demerara, Brit. Guiana, from; British transports in; British transports to Boston, Mass. , from; Convoys by British navy to; Corn, price of in; Corn cultivated in; Crops scarce in; Droughts in; Embargoes; Emigration from Eng. to; Exports from Accomac district, Va. , to; Exports from Hampton, Va. , to; Exports from James river, upper district, Va. , to; Exports from Va.; Exports from York district, Va. , to; Fever in; Floods in; Hospitals in; Hue and cry in; Hurricanes in; Imports to; Imports to Accomac district, Va. , from; Imports to Dominica, W. I. , from; Imports to Hampton, Va. , from; Imports to James river, lower district, Va. , from; Imports to James river, upper district, Va. , from; Imports to Md. from; Imports to Newport, R. I. , from; Imports to Rappahannock district, Va. , from; Imports to Tappahannock, Va. , from; Imports to Va. from; Imports to York district, Va. , from; Linen returned to; Merchants in; Non- exportation agreements favored in; Non- importation agreements, effect of in; Osnaburg returned to; Pork, price of in; Potatoes cultivated in; Prize ships, British, condemned in; Prize ships tried in; Riots in; Salt ponds in; Ships, American, condemned in; Ships, Ga. , captured by British off; Ships from; Ships from Annapolis Royal, N. S. , to; Ships from Christianstadt, St. Croix, to; Ships from Cork, Ire. , to; Ships from Eng. to; Ships from Gibraltar to; Ships from Halifax. N. S. , to; Ships from James river, Va. , to; Ships from New London, Conn. , to; Ships from N. Y. C. to; Ships from Philadelphia, Pa., to; Ships from Potomac district, Va. , to; Ships from Rappahannock district, Va. , to; Ships from St. Vincent island. W. I. , to; Ships from Va. to; Ships' sailing time; Ships' stores, amount in; Ships to; Ships to Basseterre, W. I. , from; Ships to Boston, Mass. , from; Ships to Hampton, Va. , from; Ships to James river, Va. , from; Ships to London, Eng. , from; Ships to Long island, N. Y. , from; Ships to N. Y. from; Ships to Norfolk, Va. , from; Ships to Philadelphia, Pa. , from; Ships to Portsmouth, N. H. , from; Ships to Rappahannock district, Va. , from; Ships to R. I. from; Ships to St. Eustatia, W. I. , from; Ships to Va. from; Ships to York district, Va. , from; Shipwrecks in; Shipwrecks near; Slave insurrections plotted in; Slaves exported from; Slaves from; Slaves imported to Hampton, Va. , from; Slaves imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from; Slaves imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from; Slaves imported to Rappahannock district, Va. , from; Smallpox in; Spanish navy, recruiting for in; Stamp act disregarded in; Stamp act opposed in; Storms in; Storms near; Storms off; Sugar production in; Wharves in; Yams cultivated in Antigua gazette, extract from, D7N77: 11 Antigua Merchant, ship, 19Ag37: 32 Antigua mercury, extract from, D21Ag79: 11 Antigua Packet, schooner, R4Ag68: 24 ship, PD26Ja69: 13 Antigua Planter, ship, R8F70: 23 Antill, Mr. , counselor in Quebec, PD16Ap67: 22 Antill, [Edward], Col. , D12S77: 11 — P12S77:21 Antilope, ship, RllAg68: 24 Antimonial essence, adv. of, PD7Ap74: 32 See also Hammond's antimonial essence Antimony, for sale, Pi7S75: 32 in Hobb's Hole, Va. ,R29Je69: 33 in Newcastle, Va. , PD19N72: 22 in Petersburg, Va. , PD1J173: 32, PD30D73: 31, PD14J174: 32, D24Ag76: 61 in Richmond, Va. , 16My55: 21, 5S55: 32 in Shockoe, Va. , PD4Ap66: 41 in Williamsburg, Va. , 18J151: 41, 10Ap52: 31, 22My52: 32, 60c52: 32, 2My55: 31, 14N55: 22, 30N59: 32, R3N68: 33--PD10N68: 22, PD21S69: 33- R21S69s21, PD28S69: 31, PD290c72: 22- R290c72: 22, PD1S74: 32, D12Je79: 32 in Yorktown, Va. , PD13Ag67: 23 Antimony, cinnabar of, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD21S69: 41 — R21S69s21 Antimony, crocus of, for sale, in Shockoe, Va. , PD4Ap66: 41 Antimony, crude, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD21S69: 41 — R21S69s21 near Warwick, Va. , D28F77: 32 Antimony, diaphoretic, for sale, near Warwick, Va. ,D28F77: 32 Antimony, glass of, for sale, in Gloucester, Va. , P19Ap76sll — D20Ap76: 33 Antipaedobaptists, in Mass. , PD14J174: 22 Antiquities, collected by Frederick the Great, PD14Ja68: 21 discovered in Aberdeen, Scot. , PD20S70s41, PllAg75: 13 in Aleppo, Syria, PD30Ap72: 21 in Angus, Scot. , PD11F68: 22 in Buckinghamshire, Eng. , PD9Ap72: 23 in Caistor, Eng. , PD2J167: 12 in Castlecary, Scot. , PD240c71: 21 in Civitaveechia, It. , PD28Mr66: 32 in Colchester, Eng. , PD140c73: 21 in Constantinople, Turk. , RlAp73: 23 in Cornwall, Eng. , PD6S70: 11 in Dunbar, Scot. , PD13Ja74: 32 in Eng. , PD9N69: 12, PD25J171: 12, PD7N7L21 in Greece, PD22S74: 22 in Greek archipelago, PD16J172: 21 in Grenoble, Fr. , PD24Mr74: 21 — R24Mr74: 22 in Hamburg, Ger. , R23D73: 13 in Heidelberg, Ger. , PD140c73: 12 in Heraclea, Gr. , 12S51: 21, 22S52: 12 in Herculaneum, It. , 8D52: 22, 28F55: 12, PD23Ap72: 12, PD27Ag72: 11, PD15S74: 12 in It. ,PD2My71: 11 in Kighly, Eng. , R5Ag73: 11 in Kilsyth, Scot. , PD9My71: 31 in Kirkaldy, Scot. , PD20My73: 22 in Leith, Scot. , PD15S74: 31 in London, Eng. , PD29N70: 12, PD18Je72: 22, PD22S74: 21 in Naples, It. , 6Je51: 22 in New Forest, Eng. , P21Ap75s22 — D22Ap75: 13 in Norfolk, Eng. , PD9D73: 11 in Palestrina, It. , PD8Ag71: 21 in Paris, Fr. , 21Ap38: 31, PD27Ja74: 22-- R27Ja74: 23 in Pompeii, It. , PD23My66: 13, PD29Ap73: 22 in Preveza, It. , PD11F68: 22 in Rome, It. , 24Ja51: 21, 1D52: 12, PDlAp73: 23, PD12My74: 33, PD14J174: 11 in St. Kilda's island, PD23J167: 12— R23J167sll in Scot. , PD5N67: 11 in Tivoli, It. , P12My75: 21 near Abernethy, Scot. , PD7My67: 21 near Bath, Eng. , 9F39: 22 near Berwick, Eng. , PD11D66: 21 near Lincoln, Eng. , PD7My72: 23 near Naples, It. , PD15Ja67: 23 near Newcastle, Eng. , PD28Ap68: 12, PD29N70: 12 near Perth, Scot. , PD27Ag67: 13 on Black sea, PD5Mr67: 13 in Silbury Hill, Eng. , R280c73: 32 presented to king of France, PD16D73: 13--R16D73: 31 price of in London, Eng. , PD12My68: 12 sought in Tiber river, It. , PD3Mr74: 13, Pi5Ja75: 13 Antoin, Dr. , negotiates with Indians, 250c65s22 Antonietta, ship, PD3Mr74: 21 Antonio, pseud. .D3F76: 32 Antonius, [Augustus], author, PD25F68: 41 Antram, Thomas, P16Je75: 33 Antrim parish, Halifax co. , Va. , PD23Ap72: 11 land sold by order of vestry, PD5N67: 23 See also Churchwardens in; Glebe land Antrobus, Capt. , death of, PD30J167: 31 of the Jason, PD60c68: 13--R60c68: 14, PD13J169: 23 Ants, plague in Barbados, W. I. , PD14Ja68: 23 Antwerp, Belg. , fortified by British, 24Qc45: 32 25 Antwerp, Belg. (cont'd) military preparations in, 3lOc45: 22 siege of, 14Ag46: 11, 14Ag46: 12, 21Ag46:21,4S46: 12 See also Apothecaries in; Embezzlement in D'Anvers, Mr. , author, 24My51: 32 John,4Ap55:32' Anvil, ship, 27Ag56: 32 d'Anville, M. , map of, 5S55: 12, 30c55: 11 Anvils, auctioned in Princess Anne co. , Va. ,Pil6F75: 32 captured by Americans, D13Ja76: 42 for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD12D71:32 found, adv. of,D21S76:32 imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from Antigua, W. I. , R11F68:31 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , PD7S69:31 Apartments, in Williamsburg, Va. , 20F52: 41, PD13My73: 42--R20My73: 31 Apellon, man of war, PD15J173: 21 Apollo, French warship, 12D55: 11 H. M. S. , D28Mr77: 61, D7N77: 22— P7N77sl3,D7Ag79: 31,C21Oc80: 11 horse, R220c72: 22, PD9S73: 31 — R9S73: 32,D13Ap76: 33--P19Ap76: 43, P3My76: 32, P12D77: 23, D26D77: 21, P2UMr78: 11, D12Mr79: 22, D19Mr79: 31, D14Ag79: 31 privateer, 23Ja46: 31 schooner, D15Ag77: 51 ship, PD27Je66: 32, PD15Ja67: 32, PD26N67: 23, PD24My70: 23, PD2My71: 32, PD220c72: 13 stallion, PD16S73: 32, PD17F74: 31 — R17F74:31,DllMr75:33, D7Mr77: 42--P7Mr77s21, D26Mr79: 32 Apollo room, Raleigh tavern, Williamsburg, Va. , 27F52: 41 Apollonius, horse, D26D77: 21 Apoplexy, cure for, PD23Ap72: 31, PD25Je72: 32 Apothecaries, adv. for, 12Mr52: 22, PD7My72: 31 in Blandford, Va. , PD5My68: 22, PD13Ag72: 23 in Petersburg, Va. , PD7My72: 31 in Richmond, Va. , PD17S67: 22 adv. for employment, RilMy69: 41 adv. of, in Warwick, Va. , PD13Ap69: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD2F69: 32, D15Ap75: 32--Pi20Ap75: 32— P21Ap75: 23 at Flower de Hundred, Va. , 19D55: 31 in Antwerp, Belg. , 4J151: 32 in Charleston, S. C. , PD26Mr67: 23 in London, Eng. , PD23J172: 32 in N. C. , 12Je52: 22 in Petersburg, Va. , PD1J173: 32, D18Mr75: 33 in Southwark, Eng. , R17Je73: 22 in Sussex co. , Va. , 3S56: 41 in Williamsburg, Va. , 5N36: 42, P5S77: 33 S ee also Convict servants as; Druggists; Indentured servants as Apothecaries apprentices, adv. for, in Hobb's Hole, Va. , R5Ja69: 32 in Norfolk, Va. , PD220c67: 22 in Petersburg, Va. , PD30D73: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD3Je73: 33— R3Je73: 23 Apothecaries company, London, Eng. , 19N36: 31, 4F37: 21, 5D51: 31 Apothecaries shop utensils, for sale, 21N45:41, PD14N7L23 in Amherst co. , Va. , D25S79: 31, C6N79: 3i in Fredericksburg, Va. , 31Ja51: 32 in Goochland co. , Va. , D30c77: 41— P10Oc77: 33 in Hanover, Va. , PD280c73: 23 in Petersburg, Va. , PD7F71: 23, D27S76: 42 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD290c67: 22, D12Je79: 32 in Yorktown, Va. , PD30J172: 31 near Rocket's landing, Va. , PD16Ja72: 32 Apothecary shops, for sale, P10J178: 22 App, Michael, Ens. ,D21S76: 21 Appalachicola, ship, D18J177: 21 Apparitions, 10Je37: 22, PD17Mr68: 23 Appeal to the justice and interests of the people of Great Britain in the present disputes with America, reprinted, P7Ap75: 11, P14Ap75: 11, P21Ap75: 11 Appelbury, Thomas, D30Mr76: 33 Appellets, See Gold appellets; Silver appellets Apperson, David, R17F74: 31 John, PDllAp66: 41, R18Ag68: 32, PD130c68: 23,D24F76: 33, D8My78: 61, P230c78: 43 John, jr. , PD130c68: 31--R130c68: 24 Samuel, PD24My70: 33 adv. for missing horse, 31J146: 61 adv. for runaway slave, D13My75: 33, P6S76: 43, P18Ap77s43, P6Je77: 32 land of,R18Ag68: 32 Applauder, reprinted, PD22Mr70: 22, PD22Mr70: 23--R22Mr70: 21 Apple brandy, for sale, in Newcastle, Va. ,D30c77:41 in Sussex co. , Va. , P14N77: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , D14N77: 31 Apple orchards, 26N36: 42, PD6N66: 31, P8Ag77: 11 at Bosworth, Va. , R14D69: 31-- PD21D69: 32 at Flower de Hundred, Va. , PD24S67: 23 at Halifax courthouse, Va. , PD24Ag69: 33 failed, 10S36: 42 in Albemr.rle co. , Va. , PD4F68: 32, PD21J168: 32, R23F69: 22, PD14D69: 32, PD19Mr72: 32, PD16S73: 32, PD30S73: 31, R12My74: 41, P22D75:41 in Amelia co. , Va. , 12D45: 42, 27D51: 32, 3S56: 32, R23J167: 32, PD80c67: 13, PD11F68: 31, R17Ag69: 31, PD290c72: 22, PD16S73: 32, PD4N73: 23--R4N73: 32, PD17F74: 32, PD5My74: 31, PlAg77: 31, P8Ag77: 12, P310c77: 23 in Amherst co. , Va. , R26Ag73: 23, D10J178: 41, D25S79: 31, C6N79: 31, D25Mr80:31 in Augusta co. , Va. , R28Mr71: 32, C30Oc79: 31--D6N79: 31 in Beaufort co. , N. C. ,D25Ap77: 31 in Bedford co. , Va. , PD23J172: 32, P24F75: 33--D4Mr75: 32,D24F76: 33, D12S77:22--P19S77:22 in Berkeley co. , Va. , R280c73: 33 in Bertie co. , N. C. , 310c51: 32, PD12D71: 32, PD13F72:'33--R27F72: 41 in Brunswick co. , Va.,lD38:42, 18Ap45: 41, 24My51: 41, 24Ap52: 32, PD30Oc66: 31, PD8J173: 32, R18N73: 23, PD20Ja74: 32, P15Mr76: 33, P8N76: 31,D29N76:41,D22My79:22, D21Ag79: 22,D90c79: 12 in Buckingham co. , Va. , PD22Mr70: 33, PD12S71: 32, PD12Ag73: 23, PD19Ag73: 21, D8Je76: 72, P160c78: 31 in Bute co. , N. C. , P29Ag77: 13 in Caroline co. , Va. , PD10N68: 23, D30c77: 31--P10Oc77: 31, D27N78: 22, C3J179: 31, D90c79: 32, D25D79: 22 in Caswell co. , N. C. , P12S77: 12 in Charles City co. , Va. , 27Mr46: 42, 7N51: 31/D8N76: 31 — P8N76: 31, P8N76:41 in Charlotte co. , Va. , PD15F70: 33, R15J173: 41, Pi20Ja76: 32, D1N76: 41, P8Ag77: 42, P5D77: 32,D230c79: 11 in Chesterfield co. , Va. , PD25J171: 22, PD14My72: 23, PD4N73: 23 — R4N73: 32 in Chowan co. , N. C. , R2F69: 32 in Culpeper co. , Va. , D15My79: 11 in Cumberland co. , Va. , PD22Ag66: 23, PD18Je67: 33, PD23Ja72: 33--R6F72: 33, PD4F73: 31--R4F73: 23, R140c73: 33, D8Je76: 72, P8N76: 43,D2Ap79: 31, C28Ag79: 31 in Dinwiddie co. , Va. , 15S52: 32, PD26Mr67: 31, PD7My67: 32, PD15Ag71: 32,R12Mr72: 31, PD11F73: 31,R4Mr73:32, PD16S73: 32, PD10Mr74: 32, Pi8D74: 33--PD8D74: 31, Pil7Ag75: 33, P16Ag76sll, P30Ag76: 32, D25J177:41--P25J177:32 in Edgecombe co. , N. C. , 2Mr53: 42, PD15S68: 31, PDl6My71: 31 in Elizabeth City co. , Va. , 12D45: 41 — 19D45: 41, PD14N71: 23, PD17Mr74: 31 — R17Mr74: 31,D20N79: ll,D8Ja80: 33 in Essex co. , Va. , 9My55: 21, PD4Je67: 41, PD26My68: 23— R26My68: 32, R15D68: 23 in Fairfax co. , Va. , 310c51: 32, R23Mr69:31 in Fauquier co. , Va. , R17Mr68: 34, R4F73:31 in Fredericksburg, Va. , R13J169: 31 in Gloucester co. , Va. ,R19F67: 41, R12Mr67:31,R23J167: 41, RllOc70: 32 — PDl8Oc70: 33, PD22N70: 32, PD18N73: 23, R10F74: 32, PD5My74: 31, P9Ag76: 42 — D10Ag76: 62, PllAp77s43, P5S77: 33, P6Mr78: 32 in Goochland co. , Va. , 290c36: 41, PD21J168: 31--R21J168: 32, R17Ag69: 31, PD25N73: 31, D17Je75: 33, P19Je78: 11 in Granville co. , N. C. , PD20Ja74: 33, D8Ag77: 31, P230c78: 23 in Halifax, N. C. , PD6Je66: 32 in Halifax co. , N. C. , PD12D71: 32, PD10S72: 31,PD3D72:23 in Halifax co. , Va. , 4N63: 33. PD5N67: 23, D11F75: 31,P7N77s21 26 Apples in Hanover co. , Va. , 290c36: 41, 6Ja38: 42, 7Ja37: 42, 15My52: 32, 17N52: 22, 9My55: 21, 12D55: 41, 4N63: 32, PD13N66: 22— R4D66: 42, PD19Mr67: 32, PD26Mr67: 23, PD5My68: 3l,R12My68: 33, PDllMy69s41,R12J170: 22, PD12S71: 32, PE13Ag72: 22, PD3S72: 22, R19N72: 22, PD21Ja73: 31, P20S76: 13, P30c77: 23, P310c77: 11, D23Ja78: 32, P27Mr78: 12, P2lAg78: 42, P230c78: 31,D13N78: 22, D25S79: 31, C13N79: 21— D13N79:31 in Henrico co. , Va. , 290c36: 41, 29Je39: 32, 18Ap45: 41, 240c51: 31, 240c55: 22,D20c79: 31 in Hertford co. , N. C. , R2F69: 32, PD7N71: 32 in Isle c " Wight co. , Va. , 14N55: 22, PD13N66: 21, PD20Ag67: 31, PD20Ag67: 33, PD10S67: 23, PD150c67: 22,R11F68: 32 — PD25F68: 23, PD16My71: 31— R23My71: 33, PD7N71: 31 — R21N71: 33,PD80c72: 32 in James City co. , Va. , PD27N66: 31, R19F67:32, PD16J167: 41, PD20Ag67: 33, PD130c68: 23 — R130c68: 23.D27S76: 12, D250c76: 42--P250c76: 31, D29N76: 41 in King and Queen co. , Va. , PD11D66: 33, PD10c67: 22.R4F68: 34, R30Je68: 31, PD29Je69: 42, PD4Oc70: 32--R4Oc70: 31, PD25F73: 32--R25F73: 31, D30Oc78: 42, DllMr80: 33 in King George co. , Va. , R14Je70: 32, PD24S72: 22 in King William co. , Va. , PDl70c66: 41, R25D66- 32--PDUa67: 41, PDUa67: 31--R19F67: 42, PD3S67: 31, PD12N67: 21, R4F68: 43, PDUMy69: 31--RllMy69: 32, PDllMy69: 32, PD3Ag69: 32, PD14D69: 32--R14D69: 31, PD15F70: 42, PD24My70: 42, PD17S71: 32, PD170c71: 31-- R170c71: 31, PD10D72: 31, PD12My74: 43, D20Je77: 31-- P20Je77:31,D2Ap79: 31,D11S79: 32 in Kingston parish, Va. , PD7N71: 23 in Lancaster co. , Va. , PD11D66: 32, PD29Gc67: 22, PD25F68: 23, R17N68: 31, PD23Mr69: 32, P20S76: 12.D20N79: 31 in Louisa co. , Va. , 13F52: 41, 28Ag52: 32,PD10c72: 23, D29N76: 41 — P13D76:3l,D16My77: 12, C19F80: 42, DlAp80: 31 in Lunenburg co. , Va. , 17Ap52: 32, PD10D72: 31.D25N75: 33 in Mecklenburg co. , Va. , PD19Ap70: 32, R19N72: 41, R15J173: 41, PD29J173: 23 in Middlesex co. , Va. , PDlOOc66: 41, PD3D67: 32.R11F68: 33,R23My71: 31 in Nansemond co. , Va. , PD28N71: 31, PD130c74: 32,D230c79: 12 in Nash co. , N. C. , P10J178: 32— D17J178:41 in New Kent co. , Va. , 2Je38: 41, 29Ag51: 32, 9My55: 21, PD16Ap67: 31, PD14F71: 32--R14F71: 32, P15Mr76: 32, P15Ag77: 23, P3Qc77: 23, P240c77: 31, C27N79s21, C19F80: 12-- D19F80:32 in Norfolk co. , Va. , 24Ap46: 32, PD4J166: 33, PD5S66s33--R5S66: 32, PD24D67: 32--R24D67: 32, PD1J173: 33 in Northampton co. , N. C. , PD5S66s41, PD5My68: 31, PD10Ag69: 33, PD17S71: 32, PD150c72: 31 in Northumberland co. , Va. , PD7My67: 32, PD28Ap68: 23, R17N68: 31, P160c78: 42 in Orange co. , N. C. , PD310c71: 31 in Orange co. , Va. , 10Oc55: 31, PD4J166: 32,DlAp75: 11, P20D76: 21, D11D79:31 in Pasquotank co. , N. C. , PD9Ap72: 32 — R23Ap72: 41 in Pittsylvania co. , Va. , PD13D70: 23, Pi3Ag75: 33, P10Oc77: 31 in Portsmouth, Va. , D26S77: 31 in Prince Edward co. , Va: , PD22Ag66: 32, PD5N67: 23, PD10N68: 31, P160c78: 11, P160c78: 31 in Prince George co. , Va. , 24Je37: 41, 17Ja51: 42, 30c51: 41, UOc51: 41, PD6N66: 32, PD18Je67: 33, PD10c72: 23, PD10Mr74: 32, D4D78: 22 in Prince William co. , Va. , PD30Ja72: 33--R6F72: 31, P12Je78: 22, C15J180: 22 in Princess Anne co. , Va. , PD2F69: 32--R2F69: 23, R8N70: 33, R2lMy72: 23, P9My77sll .chmond co. , Va. , 250c65s42 in Smithfield, Va. , PD1S68: 31 in Southampton co. , Va. , PD25J166: 31, FD12S66: 31, PD18Ja70: 33, PD23Ja72: 33, D20N79: 31 in Spotsylvania co. , Va. ,R27N66: 23, R31Mr68: 32, R31Mr68: 33, D25J177: 32, C3J179: 31 in Stafford co. , Va. , Rl6Je74: 23, C15J180: 22 in Surry co. , Va. , 4J145: 32, 17N52: 31, 14N55: 22, 12F62: 32, PDl6Ap67: 31, PD12N67: 23, PDl6Ag70: 42, PD7Mr71: 32, R18J171: 41,PD17S71: 32, PD30JT72: 32, PD2D73: 22, PD3F74:33,D230c79: 12 in Sussex co. , Va. , 250c65s41, PD9My66: 31, PD22Ag66: 31, PDUa67: 32, PD23F69: 41, R23Mr69: 31, R3My70: 31, PD6S70: 31, R13S70: 31, PD8N70: 31, P40c76sl3, P18Ap77: 32, D18J177: 32, P18J177: 33, P15Ag77: 12, C13N79: 13, D18D79:31 in Tyrrell co. , N. C. , PDllMy69: 32 in Warwick co. , Va. , PD13Je71: 33, PD3Mr74: 32--R3Mr74: 33, P15N76: 13 in Westmoreland co. , Va. ,R6S70:31 in York co. , Va. , PD3S67: 22, PD5Mr72: 32, PD2Ap72: 33, PD24Mr74: 32, P20S76: 22, D21Mr77: 12.D4D78: 31 near Brunswick courthouse, Va. , D8My79: 22 near Cabin Point, Va. , PD27Je71: 33, PD!Oc72: 23.D18F75: 32 near Dumfries, Va. , PDlAg71: 22 near Fredericksburg, Va. , P5D77: 33, D18Mr80: 32 near halfway house, Va. , P8Ag77: 12 near Halifax, N. C. , PD15Ag66: 32, PD27S70: 32 near Hampton, Va. , R16F69: 22 near Lawrence's warehouse, Va. , 120c39: 42 near Petersburg, Va. , PD15Ag71: 32, P230c78: 32--D6N78: 32 near Port Royal, Va. , PD15Ag66: 31 near Richmond, Va. , PD21J168: 31, P27D76: 32 near Smithfield, Va. , 4N63: 23 near Suffolk, Va. , D25Ap77: 31 — P25Ap77: 12 near Todd's warehouse, Va. , PD16JT72: 32 near Williamsburg, Va. , Pil2Ja75: 33-- D14Ja75: 32,D170c77: 12 — P170c77:31 on Dan river, Va. ,D11S79: 32 on Gwyn's island, Va. , P16Ag76: 32 on Hampton river, Va. , PD14N71: 22 on Nansemond river, Va. ,D20N79: 31 on Nottoway river, Va. , PD17Mr74: 32 on Pamunkey river, Va. , HAp55: 32 on Roanoke river, PD24Je73: 33, D160c79: 32,Dl9F80: 32 on Slut's creek, Va. , PD7N71: 23 Apple trees, for sale, in New Kent co. , Va. ,D18S79:32 in Surry co. , Va. , 26S55: 32, 4N63: 41 imported to James river, upper district, Va. from N. Y. C. , PD270c68: 42 in King William co. , Va. , PD29Ag66: 23, R25D66: 32 — PDlJa67: 41, R14Ap68: 31 — PD1D68: 32 Apples, destroyed by Americans in N. Y. , D90c79:21 exported from James river, upper district, Va. , to Antigua, W. I. , PD28Ja68: 31--R4F68: 31 imported to Accomac district, Va. from Boston, Mass. , PD12Mr67: 32 from Phila. , Pa. , PD14Ja68: 31, PD14Ja68: 32, PD22D68: 31 from R. I. ,PD12Mr67: 32 imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from N. Y. C. , 8D52: 31,2Mr53:41 from Phila. , Pa. , 24N52: 22, PD20Ja74: 23 from R. I. , 19D55: 22 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from N. Y. C. , 1D52: 31, R25D66: 13, PD22Ja67: 32, PD14Ja68: 31, PD270c68: 42, PD15D68: 23, PD26Ja69: 32 imported to London, Eng. , from N. Y. C. , PD26Ag73: 12 imported to York district, Va. from Boston, Mass, , 3N38: 61 from N. Y. C. , 17N52: 22 lost at sea, PD26N67: 22, PD7Ja68: 23 lost in storm, PD29Ap73: 22 — R29Ap73: 22 price of in London, Eng. , PD26Ag73: 12 seized by English, PD4Ap71: 22 See also Baker's nonsuch; Baker's pearmain; Bray's white apple; Clark's pearmain; Dutch pippin; Ellis' ; Father Abraham; French pippin; 27 Apples (cont'd) Gillese's cyder; Golden pippin; Golden russet; Green old England; Harrison's red; Harvey's; Holland pippin; Horse; Hughs* crab; Lightfoot' s Father Abraham; Lightfoot's Hughes; Lone's pearmain; Ludwell's seedling; May; New York yellow; Newton pippin; Nonpareil; Old England; Pamunkey Eppes; Red; Royal pearmain; Ruffin large cheese; Sally Gray's; Sorsby's Father Abraham; Sorsby's Hughes; Summer codling; Westbrooke's Sammons; Winter codling Appleton, Capt. , 11J151: 31, 29Ag51: 31 Rev. Mr. , of Cambridge, Mass. , P12Ja76: 22 James, R280c73: 41 James, sr. , R3My70: 41, R2My7l: 31 John, PD270c74: 21 Nathaniel, R29Ap73: ll,Pil30c74: 31 — PD130c74: 22, Pi270c74: 13, D22Je76: 41 Samuel, Capt. , of the Osborne Galley, lAg51: 32 Applewhaite, Benjamin, P7N77s21 John, P7N77s21 Thomas, C15J180: 21 Applewhite, Henry, P240c77: 31, D20N79:31 Appling, Thomas, C28Ag79: 11 Appollon, Fr. warship, 5S55: 21 Appomattox, Va. , See Attorneys in; Horse-breeding in; Stables in Appomattox river, Va. , clearing of, 17Ap46: 22, 24Ap52: 22, DlAg77: 31— PlAg77: 32 See also Floods on; Land posted on; Land for rent on; Land for sale on; Landings on; Ships for charter in; Ships from; Ships in Appomattox warehouse, Va. , rent for, 29D38: 22 Appraisers, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD20Je71: 33--R20Je71: 33 Apprentices, adv. for, P28N77: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD14Ap74: 31, P23Ag76: 32--D24Ag76: 62, P30c77: 22 attempt to pass as free, PD21Mr71: 33 bound by order of James City court, Va. ,D21Ja75:32 buy own time, PD3N74: 43— PU0N74: 32 education of, 25J151: 31, P28N77: 31 enlist in army, P7Mr77: 32,D19S77: 41 enlistment recommended by Congress, P25Ap77: 21 fees of, PD14N71: 21--R21N71: 32 from Ire. , PD24Ja71: 32 illiterate, 14Ag52: 32 in Edinburgh, Scot. , PD23Je68: 22 mistreated in London, Eng. , PD150c67: U,PD150c67: 13, PD220c67: 11 runaway, PD19Mr72: 32, D19S77: 41 from Brunswick co. , Va. , PD7S69: 32 from Chesterfield co. , Va. , 5Je52: 31 from Cumberland co. , Va. , P29N76: 31 from Essex co. , Va. , R15Mr70s21 from Gloucester co. , Va. , P18Ap77: 32 from Hanover co. , Va. , P9Ag76: 42 from King and Queen co. , Va. , R10Ja71: 41, PD16Ap72: 32, P4Ag75: 31 from King William co. , Va. , PDlAg71: 23--RlAg71: 31 from Loudoun co. , Va. , PD2D73: 31 from Nansemond co. , Va. , P24Ja77: 33 from Newcastle, Va. , PD3N74: 43— PU0N74: 32 from Norfolk, Va. , PD2J172: 31 from Prince Edward co. , Va. , PU7N74: 33 from Spotsylvania co. , Va. , Pi3Ag75: 33 from Sussex co. , Va. , D11S79: 31 from Williamsburg, Va. , 21Mr45: 42, 10Oc45: 31, 30Ja52: 41, PD3Ag69: 32— R3AgG9: 31, PD21Je70: 23, PD24Ja71: 32, PD5S71: 32, PD30Ja72: 32,D10F76: 33 from Yorktown, Va. , 3J146: 42, 14Ag52: 32 stolen, at Accomac port, Va. , PD16Ap72: 32— R23Ap72: 41 Virginia born, 240c51: 31 See also Slaves as; name of trade Apricot orchards, in Fauquier co. , Va. , R17Mr68: 34 in Isle of Wight co. , Va. ,R11F68: 32— PD25F68: 23 in King William co. , Va. , R25D66: 32— PDUa67: 41 April, packet, D10J179: 22 Aprons, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD170c71: 23, PD23Ap72: 23 — R23Ap72: 13, PD150c72: 31, R12My74: 32 See also Gauze aprons; Lawn aprons; Muslin aprons; Net aprons; Silk aprons Apsley, Henry, Baron, PDllAg74: 13 Apthorp, Mr. , of Boston, Mass. , PD24N68: 23 Mrs. , of Boston, Mass. , PD5Ap70: 21 Thomas, PD23Je74: 12 Apthorpe, Rev. Mr. , and American bishopric, R30Mr69: 21, PD10Ag69: 21— R10Ag69: 23 Aquafortis, for sale, in Blandford, Va. , PD29Je69: 32 in Petersburg, Va. , PD1J173: 32, Pi23Mr75: 33— D25Mr75: 31 in Richmond, Va. , 5S55: 32 in Shockoe, Va. , PD4Ap66: 41 in Williamsburg, Va. , 60c52: 32, PD240c71:31 Aqua mirabilis, for sale, in Newcastle, Va. , PD19N72: 22 Aqua regia, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD1J173: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , 30N59: 32 Aquia, Va. , See Fires in; Gardens near; Horse-racing, adv. of in; Houses for rent near; Lodgings near; Ordinaries in; Stables near; Stealing in; Taverns in Aquia church, Va. , PDlAg71: 22 Aquia warehouse, Va. , 29D38: 22, 25Ap55: 31, R12F62: 42, PD30Ap67: 32, R28Ap68: 31, R9Mr69: 31, R260c69: 41, PDlAg71: 22, R12Mr72: 31, R6My73: 32, P25Ag75: 83 See also Auctions at; Merchants at Aquillon. Fr. warship, 5S55: 21 ship,4J145: 22 Aquilon, H. M. S. , 2S57: ) 2, D70c75: 42 ship, PD23J167: 23 Arabia, conquered by Ali Bey. PD14F71: 21 war with Morocco, PD70c73: 11 Arabia, stallion, D28F77: 32 Arabian, horse, PD6Je66: 31, D2Ap79: 31,D16Ap79: 32,D25Mr80: 32 Arabic (chem. ), See Gum arabic Arabic (language), taught in Mara's school, P5D77: 31 Arabs, quarrel with French East India co. ,30D37: 12 Aranatto seeds, imported from Eng. , P15S75s23 Aray, Capt. , of the Justitia, PD10Mr74: 32— R10Mr74: 32 Arbado, Francis, D16My77: 21 Arbuckle, Capt. , in battle of Point Pleasant, PilON74: 23 Indian expedition of, D27S76: 42 James, R7J168: 23, R7Je70: 32, R19J170: 33, P17F75: 41, P22J175s33 James, Capt. , of the Neptune, PD3Mr68: 31— R3Mr68: 32, R22S68: 34 [Matthew], Capt. , P12Je78: 22 William, P7N77s21 Arbuthnot(t), Commander, of the Terrible, PD2S73: 12--R2S73: 13 Lt. , wounded by Indians, 27Je51: 31 Arbuthnot, [John], author, PD29Ag71: 33 Joseph, PD16S73: 33 Margaret, 10Oc45: 31, 7N45: 32 Marriot, Adm. , Pil90c75: 22— D210c75: 22,D14Mr77: 21 Marriot, Capt. , of the Garland, 28F55: 31, 19S55: 31, 26S55: 12, 26S55: 22, 7N55: 21 Robert, 19D55: 31 Thomas, PD13Je66: 31, PDlJa67: 42, PD21J168: 32, D17Je75: 31, D13Ja76: 33, P230c78: 33— D13N78: 31 Archangel, Russia, See Arsenals built in; Dockyards built in; Shipwrecks in Archangel, Russian ship of war, PD7Ap74: 13--R7Ap74: 23 Archbald, Edward, PD5Ap70: 22— R5Ap70: 31 Francis, PD5Ap70: 22— R5Ap70: 31 See also Archibald Archbold, Bartholomew, P160c78: 33 Archdeacon, James, adv. brigantine for charter, D17Je75: 31,D15J175: 33 adv. commission and insurance business, PD310c71: 23, PD30J172: 23 adv. drugs for sale, PD16S73: 32 adv. for missing horse, PDlOOc71: 32 adv. for runaway slave, PD30J172: 23, PD12Ag73:31 adv. merchandise for sale,DHMr75: 32 adv. unclaimed merchandise, PD3S72: 22, PD29Ap73: 23 certifies commission as notary public, DllMr75: 32 discusses smallpox inoculation in Norfolk, R25Ag68sl2 estate of reimbursed, P12Je78: 12 signs agreement re lost ship, PD23My71: 23 Thomas, Capt. , of the Elizabeth, PD5Mr72: 32 Archdeacon & Ingram, PDllMr73: 31, PD12Ag73: 31 Archer, Capt. , PD27Ag67: 23 Lord, supports British colonies, 28 Arithmetic N.Am. ,D29Ap75s21,D19Ag75: 22, D22Je76: 21 Mr. , R5S66: 42 sale at door of, PD20Oc68: 22-- R270c68: 32 store of, R11F73: 31 Mrs. , store of, 27My37: 42 Abraham, PD6My73: 31, Pi23D75: 11, P29D75: 32, P30My77: 33, D22Ag77: 22, P22Ag77: 33 Abraham T. , P30Oc78: 33 Benjamin, P7Mr77: 23 Edward, R26J170: 22, D26Mr79: 31, D24J179: 21,D4D79:22 George, R10D72: 23,D16S75: 32 James, 2S57: 42 Joanna, Mrs. , 16My45: 41 John, adv. escheated property for sale, C19F80: 11, DllMr80: 32 adv. finding cows, PD25J171: 23, PD26D71:32 adv. finding horse, R210c69: 32 adv. for bids for building prison, P18J177: 13 adv. for missing horse, P18Ap77: 31 adv. for runaway criminal, R14J168: 33 adv. plantation for sale,D230c79: 12 adv. property for sale, P8Ag77: 13 attorney for Peter Field Trent, PD30J172: 31 breveted captain by Congress, D7Ag79: 22 ensign of militia, P3N75: 12 holds mortgage, D23My77: 32, P12S77: 33 on committee of inspection, Chesterfield co. , PD15D74: 31-- PH5D74: 32 rewarded for aiding army, D160c79: 21 tobacco of, R28Ap68: 41 John, Capt. , P8Ag77: 31 John, jr. , PD150c72: 31, P12S77: 33, P14N77: 32 Joseph, Lt. , P17Ja77: 33 Lawford, 17F38: 31 Thomas, PD22S68: 23--R22S68: 24, PD21D69: 33, PD6Ag72: 23, PD10Je73: 21, PD5My74: 31, P30Ag76: 41, P29N76: 32 adv. agency for Madeira wine, PD290c67: 21 adv. for missing horse, 31(Dc51: 31 adv. merchandise for sale, PD12Ag73: 22, R19Ag73: 21 adv. missing horse, PD9Je68: 33-- R9Je68: 33 appointed to committee of inspection, Yorktown, Va. , D31J179: 31 injured in explosion at Yorktown, R3Mr74: 32 Thomas, jr. , Pi30N75: 31, P9F76: 31, D24J179: 31 Thomas, Mrs. , PD10Je73: 21 William, PD220c67: 22, R19My74: 43, P19My75s42, P60c75: 31, PUAp77s23, P14N77: 13 William, Capt. , of the Speedwell, 29S52:31 Archer, Robinson, Trents, Scott & co. , R6Ap69: 31 Archer & Eppes, PDlAp73: 31-- RlAp73: 31 Archer & Randolph, R14Ap68: 24, R26Ag73: 22 Archer's Hope creek, Va. , See Canals from; Dwelling houses at; Land for sale at Arches court, Canterbury, Eng. , 29My52: 12 Archibald, Bartholemew, D23D75: 33 Robert, PD290c72: 13 See also Archbald Archibald, brigantine, R11F68: 31 ship,RHAg68: 23 Archipelago, the, Gr. , See British navy to; Russian navy to Architects, adv. of, in Williamsburg, Va. ,P18J177sll in Yorktown, Va. , PD6Ag72: 23 See also Undertakers Architecture, styles of, D15Ag77: 62-- P15Ag77: 31 See also Brick underpinning; Cellars; Chimneys; Doors; Flooring; Framing; Piazzas; Porches; Roofs; Sash windows; Sashes; Shingles; Wainscoting; Weatherboarding; Window frames; Window sashes; Windows Arcot, Ind. , seige of, 8D52: 12 Ardent, H. M. S. , PD21Mr7l: 22, PD15J173: 12--R15J173: 12, R16D73: 32, PD10N74: 31, PD8D74s22, D12Ag75: 23, P27D76: i2, D28Mr77: 61, D19F79: 21, D8My79: 21, D10J179: 21, D90c79: 21, C20N79: 12,D20N79: 21--C20N79: il, C27N79: 11.D27N79: ll,D15Ja80: 11 Arder, Thomas, of N. Y. , PD28My72: 23 Ardis, John, Capt. , of the Elizabeth, RllAg68: 23, RilAg68: 24 of the Nancy, PD26S66: 33 of the Speedwell, PD10F74: 23 Joshua, Capt. , of the Dolphin, PD12Mr67: 32 Arell, Richard, PD23My7 1:23, PD10N74:33,P27Je77:32 Samuel, P27D76: 33, P28F77: 23 Areopagus of Athens, pseud, of parliament, PDi8Ap66: 11 Arethusa, frigate, PD2Ja72: 31 H. M. frigate, PD28Ja73: 22, D23S75: 21 H. M. S. , R6My73s21, Dl6Mr76: 31, D7Mr77:22,D27Je77: 11,D10J179: 11 ship, ?D7My72: 23, PD80c72: 31 Argens, Marquis d', [Jean Baptiste de Boyer], author, PD29N70: 21, PD13D70: 43, PD3Ja71: 43, PD17Ja71: 43, PD24Ja71: 43, PD7F71:43,PD21F71:43, PD7Mr71: 43, PD21Mr71: 43, PD28Mr71: 43 Argentina, Spanish- Portuguese conflict over,D29N76: 51 Argl, H.M.S. ,24Ja52:31 Argo, armed sloop, D30Oc79: 21 Cont. sloop, D7Ag79: 22, D11S79: 21 H. M. S. , PD4J166: 11, PD12N72: 12, D27Ap76: 32, DllMy76: 31, D29J176: 12.D29J176: 21 ship,D6Ap76: 21,D10Ag76: 22 transport, D17F76: 4l,D13J176: 11 Argol, for sale, in Richmond. Va. . PD20Je71: 33--R20Je7l: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD12D71: 32 Argus, pseud. , PDi3Ap69: 21 H.M.S. ,P14Ap75: 21 Argyle, duke of, [John Campbell], R31Ja71: 22.R25Ag74: 11 Argyle, H. M. S. , 18Ap45: 31, 16My45: 32, 12D45: 12, 21N51:22 ship, 24D36: 41, PD11D66: 23, PD11D66: 33.R11D66: 13, PD18D66: 32--R25D66: 42, PD4Je67: 41, PD290c67: 21, PD12N67: 22, R11F68: 31, PD8D68: 21, PD4My69: 31, PD14S69: 31, PD24My70: 23, PD7Je70: 31, PD18Oc70sl2, PD11J171: 22, PD30Ja72: 23 Ariadne, H. M. frigate, D230c79: 22 ship,D27N78:21,D12Je79:31 Ariel, H. M. S. , D90c79: 22, D230c79: 22, D12F80: 12 horse, PD5N67: 13, R26My68: 33, R26Mr72: 23, R140c73: 31, PD20Oc74: 31, D24Ap78: 42, P160c78: 32--D13N78:31,D25Mr80:31 Ariss, John, R19F67: 33 Aristides, author, 24My51: 32 pseud. , R190c69: 32, PD5D71: 31, P31My76: 32, D6N79: 12 Aristotle, author, PD10Je73: 32 horse, PD17S71: 32--R26S71: 13, R23Ap72: 31, PD8Ap73: 33, R6My73: 31, R6My73: 32, P15Ag77: 13, D8My78: 62, Dl9Mr79: 32 stallion, PDl8Ap66: 32,R24Mr68: 33, PD24Mr74: 32 Aristotle, Young, horse, P15Ag77: 13 Arithmetic, taught at Fredericksburg, Va. , school, P9My77: 41 at Mara's school, P5D77: 31 at College of N. J. , PD18N73: 21 at Point Pleasant school, PD20F72: 32 at Sussex glebe, Va. , school, P12S77: 11 at Miss Wheatley's boarding school, Pi20Ja76: 32 at Miss Wright's boarding school, R27F72: 31 teachers of, adv. for at Wilton, plantation, Va. , PD60c74: 32 in Amelia co. , Va. , PD18J171: 21, R27F72:31,P240c77:32 in Cabin Point, Va. , PD19D71: 31, PD23D73: 23 in Caroline co. , Va. ,R9Je68: 41 in Charles City co. , Va. , 22D52: 31 in Cumberland co. , Va. , PD22Ap73: 32- R22Ap73s21 in Dumfries, Va. , P8N76: 31 in Essex co. , Va. ,R23My71: 33, D21Ja75:31,D5Mr79:41 in Frederick co. , Va. , PDliAp71: 32 in Fredericksburg, Va. , 7N55: 22 in Gloucester co. , Va. , PD25Ap66: 32 in King William co. , Va. , PD18J171: 22, PD12D71: 32 in Mecklenburg co. , Va. , R28Ja73: 33 in Middlesex co. , Va. , PD2N69: 32-- R2N69: 31, PD29N70: 22--R13D70: 31. PD9D73: 22--R9D73: 21, P21Ag78: 41 in New Kent co. , Va. , PD17S71: 31 in Port Royal, Va. ,D14Ja75: 31 in Prince Edward co. , Va. , R170c71: 41 in Prince George co. , Va. , 27Ag56: 41, 3S56: 32, P14Je76: 32 in Sussex co. , Va. , PD7Je70: 32, P20Je77: 12 in Va. ,R12Mr72: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , 19S55: 32, 12F62: 32, R15N70: 23, P17My76: 32, 29 Arithmetic, teachers of (cont'd) D28Mr77:21,P5S77:31 in York co. , Va. , PD20Ag72: 23, P19Je78: 11 near Amelia courthouse, Va. , P16Ag76:43 teachers of, adv. for employment in Hanover co. , Va. , PD150c72: 23-- R150c72: 31 in Norfolk, Va. , PD13D70: 22, PD11J171: 32, PD18F73: 23 in Va. , 23My55: 22, PD18Oc70: 41, P19Ja76: 33, P7Je76: 42, P230c78: 32, D26F80: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , 17N52: 22, R4D66: 33, PD14N71: 21, PD27My73: 23 near York river, Va. , P7N77s22 Ark, ship, 27Ag56: 32 Arkansas (Indians), PD6Ag72: 21, RllN73s22— PD18N73: 13 Arklow, Ire. , See Shipwrecks in Armand, [Charles Trefin], Col. , C27N79: 12 Armartha, ship, R24Mr74: 21 Armas, Thomas, PD10N74: 33 Armenians, massacre by Turks, PD16My71: 11 Armistead, Capt. , PD18D66: 23, PD10Mr68: 31 Col. , adv. unclaimed barrel, 27J139: 41 foreman of grand jury, 210c37: 31 slaves of, 3N52:21 Betsey, PD31Mr74: 31 Betsey (Boswell), marriage of, P7J175: 31 Booth, 18Ap51: 41, PD8S68: 31-- R22S68: 41 Bowles, PD18Mr73: 23--R18Mr73: 31 [Bowles], Mrs. ,2F39:42 Churchill, P7J175: 31, P130c75: 11 — D210c75: 31 Dorothy, PD15S68: 31 Dunn, 12D45: 41, 10Ap46: 42, 12D51: 41, 16Ja61: 42 Edward, PD7N7 1:23 Ellyson, 14Mr55: 41, R10F74: 32, Pi31Ag75:33,29Mr76:32 Francis, Capt. , PD7Ap74: 31 Gill, PD290c67: 22, PD4F68: 32, D4S79: 32 Henry, D14Mr77:61--P28Mr77: 21 adv. estate for sale,D5S77: 31-- P5S77: 11 adv. for runaway slave, 9My45: 42 adv. land for sale, PD6My73: 3i adv. merchandise and ship for sale, C19F80: 11 appointed to committee of observation, Charles City co. , Va. , Pil2Ja75: 11-- D14Ja75: 13 of Md. , 2F39: 42 Henry, Col. , 19J154: 32, 7N54s22, 9My55: 22, 5S55: 4i J. , D29J176: 71, Dl3Je77: 22 James, PD9Je68: 31 James, Capt. , of the Betsey, R8Ag66: 31, R11D66:33 Jane, PD19F67: 32, PDi9Mr67: 33, PD18F68: 32 John, P10Mr75: 33--DllMr75: 32, P21F77: 21 adv. for bids for repairs at St. Peter's church, R3Je73: 23 adv. candidacy for Va. senate, P16Ag76: 32--D17Ag76: 22 adv. estate for sale, P28Mr77s22 adv. for missing horse,' PD9J172: 32 adv. for runaway slave, PD1J173:33, D2Ap79:31 adv. horses for sale, PD10S72:32 adv. land for sale, 11 Ap55: 32 adv. settlement of estates, PD23J172:32,D4D78:31 adv. slaves for sale, 170c55: 31 appointed to committee, Caroline co., Va.,PD22D74:31--Pi22D74:32, Pil2Ja75:ll--D14Ja75:12 certifies pedigree, of horse, D8My78:62 death of, D8My79:22 deputy for New Kent co. , Va. , to peninsula meeting, D16S75:32 elected to Va. senate, P6S76:33 manages lottery, PD28Ja68:32 ordered to report, P19S77 : 22 slaves of, PD30 J167 : 32, PD3 Ja71 : 33 -- R10Ja71:41,PDlJ173:33, PD30S73:33--R30S73:33, PD140c73:31,P5J176p23 John, Col.,D8Ja80:42 Judith B.,PD5My74:23 Martha, PD7N71: 23 Mary,D27N79:22 Molly, PD24N74: 22 Moseley, P29D75 : 31, P19S77 : 13 Moss, PD30 Je74 : 23, D11F75 : 32, D9Oc79:31,D8Ja80:33 Mrs. , marriage of, 2F39: 42 Polly, P29D75s22 R.,PD25Ap66:32 Robert, PD23F69: 42 adv. finding horse, PD29Ap73: 31 adv. for missing horse. 20Mr52: 22 adv. land for sale, 16My55: 21 associator of Elizabeth City co. , Va., R15N70:22 on committee for Louisa co. , Va. , D23D75:32,P29D75:31 Robert B., Capt. , PD27Je66:32 Sukey, D25J177 : 31--P25J177:23 Thomas, D14F77: 21 --P14F77 : 33 Thomas Baker, Capt., of the Betsey, PD17S67:22,R11F68:31 Westwood, P29D75 : 31 , D20N79 : 1 1 William, D23Ja78: 41 adv. finding horse, R21Mr71: 41 adv. for soldiers' clothes, P6Mr78: 22 adv. land for sale, 19J154: 32, 7N54s22, 9My55: 22, 5S55: 41, 22Ap57:42 adv. merchandise from commissary stores, P21Ag78: 41 adv. slaves for sale, 3N52: 21, D8Ja80:42 adv. stallion for hire, P7Mr77s23 adv. sulphur for sale, P8My78s22 at regimental store in Williamsburg, P23F76:33 commissioner of loan office, P25J177:32,P10Oc77:23 debts of paid, PD18Mr73:23-- R18Mr73:31 land of, for sale, R26J1 70:33 - - PD16Ag70:43 of Md.,2F39:42 on committee of observation, Elizabeth City co., Va.,Pi26Ja75:23-- D28Ja75:23 on committee of safety, Hampton, Va. , P1D75:12--D2D75:32 settlement of estate, R12Ja69:32 William, jr. , Pil4S75:31--D16S75:32 William, Major, D27N79: 22 See also Armstead Armistead' s mill, Va. , PD23D73.23-- R23D73:33 Armistead' s mill dam, Va. , PD14N71 :23 Armistead's ordinary, Va. , PD23My66:32, PD26F67 : 33 , R20 Ja74 : 33 Armistreet, Anthony, R6068: 31 Armorer's, adv. for in Va. , P24My76:ll, P23Ag76:43.P3Ja77s21,P13Je77:32, P22Ag77:32 for 1st Virginia regiment, P24Ja77: 23 Armorer's shop, in Elizabethtown, N.J.,D19Mr79:22 Armories, in Charleston, S.C., D27My75:33 in Williamsburg, Va. , D5Je79:32 reviewed by George IH, PD23S73:21 Armour. Capt. , of the Hope. R12Mr67 : 22, PD25Ag68 : 31, PD23N69:31--R23N69:22 James, Capt., of the Lemuel, PD14Ap74 : 23--R14Ap74 : 23 Armozeen, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va..D16D75:23 Armozeen (armoisin) cassocks, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD15J173:32 Armozeen (armoisin) gowns, for sale, in Williamsburg. Va. . PD15J173: 32 Armozeen (armoisin) sashes, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD15J173.32 Arms, abandoned by Tories to Americans, P19J176 : 32 amount of in Quebec, Can. . P270c75s22 arrive in Williamsburg, Va., D27Ja76:32 buried in St. John's, Can. , P29D75s21 collected in Va. , Pi31Ag75:23-- PlS75:ll--D2S75:33,Pi28S75:32 — P29S75:32--D30S75:31 demanded by British in Martha's Vineyard, Mass. , P230c78:21 destroyed by British in Boston, Mass., P13Ap76:22--D13Ap76:31 discovered in Tryon's palace garden. New Bern, N. C. , D210c75: 22 embargo on released by Fr., D22Je76:61 export from Amsterdam. Holl. . to New England forbidden, P17F75:33 export from Charleston, S.C. forbidden, PilD74: 23 export from Eng. prohibited, P17N75: 22-- D18N75:13 export from Great Britain forbidden, PDllJe67:13,PD5My74:ll, PD8D74s22. D14Ja75 : 12, Pi2F75: 31 , D17Je75:21,DlJ175:13 export from Hamburg, Ger. , forbidden, Pil6Mr75:23--P17Mr75:31-- D18Mr75:13,DlJ175:13 export from Holl. forbidden, D280c75: 31, P10N75: 12 opposed, PD29S68:12 export from New York City forbidden, 14Ag46:22,D28Ja75:21--Pi2F75:22 export prohibition opposed in Liverpool, Eng . , Pil9Ja75 : 23- -D28 Ja75 : 21 exported from Bristol. Eng. . to 30 Arms Russia, PD25J171 : 13, PD5N72 : 23 exported from Eng. , to British colonies, PD8N70: 13 to Quebec, Can. , D4N75:31 exported from Fr. , to British colonies, N.Am.,D25Mr75:21,P21Ap75s21 — D22Ap75:12,D28Oc75:31,P10N75:12 to Phila. , Pa. , PllAp77sl2 to U.S.,D28Mr77:62--P28Mr77sl3, P29Ag77:22 to Va.,P9My77:22 exported from Hamburg, Ger. , to Holl. , P8D75: 13 exported from Holl. , to British colonies, N. Am. , P21Ap75s21 — D22Ap75: 12, P2Je75: 21, Pi29Je75: 31 — P30Je75: 13 to Corsica, R60c68: 11 to E.I. ,PD60c68: 21 to St. Eustatia, W.I., P30Je75:ll — D1J175:12 to Surinam, W.I. , P30Je75:ll — D1J175:12 to U.S.,D18J177:12 exported from London, Eng. , to Corsica, PD22S68: 21 to Port.,PD12My68:ll exported from Martinique, W.I. , D14S76:12 exported from Pr. , to New England, Pi22Je75: 31 exported from Stetin, Pr. , to British colonies, N. Am. , D24Je75:22 exported from Sweden to Corsica, PD22S68:21 exported from Texel, Holl. , to Boston, Mass.,P3F75:33 toCalif.,P12My75:12 firing of regulated by R.I. general assembly, Pi2F75:23 for British colonies, N. Am. , PD3S67:11,PD10S67:12 for Cape Breton, Can. , 28N45:31, 28N45:32 for Carolina, 20 J139: 31 for Corsica, PD15S68: 23 for Pa. frontier, 14N55: 21 for sale, in Halifax, N.S. , 24Ja51 :41 in Petersburg, Va. , D20c79:31 funds for regulated in Va. , P1S75:23 — Pil4S75:23--D16S75:13 given to Cherokees in S.C., D20Ja76:12 held by Tories in New York City, P31My76:13 import to British colonies, N.Am, allowed, D30Mr76: 23 prohibited. Pi28Ap75sl2--D29Ap75s32 punishment for, P26Ap76s22 imported near Louisburg, N.S., from Holl. , P9Je75: 13— D17Je75: 21 imported to Algiers, Alg., from Hamburg, Ger. , 15My52:21 imported to Baltimore, Md., from Cape Francois, Santo Domingo, W.I.,P27D76:23 imported to Bedford, N.H., from Nantes, Fr. , P29N76: 13 imported to Boston, Mass., from Martinique, W.I. ,D16My77: 12 — P16My77 : 21 , D23My77 : 22 from Nantes, Fr. , P29N76:13, D16My77:12--P16My77:21 imported to British colonies, N.Am., from Fr..Pi23Mr75:31 from Martinique, W.I. , P14Je76p41 imported to Charleston, S.C., D22Je76:61 from Martinique, W.I. , D8N76:22 imported to Corsica from Eng., PD22S68:21 imported to Del. , P6S76:32--D7S76:31 imported to Fr. , from Baltic, 27Ag56: 11 imported to Hampton, Va., from Martinique, W.I. , D21Mr77: 11 imported to Hampton roads, Va. , from Cape Francois, Santo Domingo, W.I. , D27D76:12 imported to James river, Va., from Nantes, Fr. , P21Mr77sl2 from Rochfort, Fr. , P29My78:22 imported to Lisbon, Port. , from Eng. , PD26Mr67: 21 imported to Md. , from Fr. ,D22Ap75: 21 imported to N. H. , from Fr. , D8N76: 12 imported to N. J. , from Emden, Friesland, D4N75: 22 imported to N. C. , P23F76: 32 from Fr. , P6Mr78: 22 imported to Philadelphia, Pa. , P8Mr76: 31,D15Je76: 51, P26J176: 23 from Marseilles, Fr. , P16Ag76: 23 from Martinique, W. I. ,D23Ag76: 22— D24Ag76: 71 from Nantes, Fr. ,D4Ap77: 12— P4Ap77: 21 imported to Portsmouth, N. H. , from Bordeaux, Fr. , P8N76: 21 from Fr. ,DllAp77: 31--PllAp77sl2 imported to St. Eustatia, W. I. , from Holl. , P21Je76: 23 from Zealand, P12J176: 22 imported to Salem, Mass. , from Guadeloupe, W. I. , D10Ag76: 61, D24Ag76: 22 imported ta Sinepuxent, Md. , from Nantes, Fr. , P30My77: 31— D6Je77: 21 imported to U. S. , from Fr. , P22N76: 21 — D29N76: 21, P9My77: 13, P16My77: 22 from Nantes, Fr. .D18J177: 21, P25J177: 11 from W. I. , Dutch, D22N76: 11 imported to Va. ,D3Ag76: 22 from Fr. , P9My77: 22 imported to Williamsburg, Va. , P9Ag76: 32 in London tower, Eng. , R25Ag68: 13 lost at sea, 3Ap46: 22 needed by American farmer, P29Mr76: 12 by British army in Va. , P26Ja76: 12 by Continental army, P8D75: 23— Pi9D75: 22 of Regulators, PD27Je71: 31 offered settlers in Ga. , 10S36: 42 ordered for British colonies, N.Am. , PD60c68: 12 for Gt. Brit. , PD9J172: 22 for Va. in N. Y. , Pil6Mr75: 32— P17Mr75s32--D18Mr75: 31 prepared in London, Eng. , D8Je76: 42 purchased in Russia for Fr. , PD15S68: 23 report on condition requested in Va. , D13Ap76: ll--P19Ap76: 11 return to magazine ordered in Va. , P21Mr77: 11 sale to Gage opposed in Boston, Mass. , PD270c74: 22 scarce in Charleston, S. C. , PilD74: 23 in Continental navy, P31My76: 21 in Gt. Brit. , P16Ag76: 21 seized by Americans at Great Bridge, Va. , D9D75: 31, P15D75: 23 at King's Mountain, N. C. , C21Oc80: 12 at Lake George, N. Y. , D10Oc77: 21 — P10Oc77: 22 from Onondagas, D22My79: 22 in Can. ,D2D75: 31 in Hampton, Va. , P270c75sl2— D280C75: 33 in Saratoga, N. Y. . D3!Oc77: 11, P310c77: 22, P7N77s.il, D14N77: 21 — P14N77: 21 in Va. , Pi9D75: 22 near Williamsburg, Va. , Pi30D75: 32 on Staten island, N. Y. , D5S77: 22, P5S77: 22 seized by British in Boston, Mass. , D14Ja75: 23 in Norfolk, Va. , D30Mr76: 21 on Boston Neck, Mass. , R25Ag74: 13 seized by N. J. militia on Long island, N.Y. ,D24F76:23 seized from American ships, D20Ap76: 31, P24Ja77: 11, D19F79: 21 seized from British in White Plains, N.Y. ,P22N76: 22 seized from British ships, Pil4S75: 32— P15S75: 31, P22D75: 31, D23D75: 31, D13Ja76: 23, P16F76: 31--D24F76: 22, P26Ap76s22, D22Je76: 62, P6D76: 23, D3Ja77: 21 — P3Ja77sll,D27Je77: 12, D25Mr80: 23 seized from Castle William and Mary, N. H. , Pi9F75: 22 seized from Dutch in Gosport, Eng. , D2D75: 13 seized from Dutch ships, D1J175: 23, D30Mr76: 12 seized from French ships, 27Mr46: 41, 3Ap46: 22, P12Ap76: 31,D13Ap76: 32, D27Ap76: 32 seized from Irish ship, D8Je76: 31 seized from pirate ship, D8Je76: 62 seized from Spanish ships, 21D39: 32 seized from Tories, P5J176p21, P20S76: ll,P27S76sl3 seized in N. H. , D4F75: 31 seized in St. John's, Can. , Pi23N75: 23 seized in Sussex co. , Va. , P24My76sll seizure ordered in British colonies, N. Am. , D14Ja75: 12, Pi8Je75: 12 shipment to Halifax, N. S. , prepared, PD10S67: 12 shipment to Quebec, Can. , prepared, PD10S67: 12 taken by deserters, 31J146: 51 taken from magazines in Charleston, S. C. , Pi25My75: 33, D27My75: 33 to be exported from London, Eng. , R270c68: 12 See also Firearms; under British army, British navy. Continental army etc. Arms, French, captured by Americans in Chambly, Can. , Pil6N75: 32 — P17N75: 31— D18N75: 22 Arms, public, repair of, in Richmond, Va. , P13Je77: 32 return to magazine in Williamsburg, Va. , requested, P29S75: 33 31 Arms Arms, stands of, destroyed in N. Y. fire,D8My79: 12 for British army in British colonies, N.Am. , Pi260c75: 12--D280c75: 21 Arms manufacture, at Hunter's iron works, Va. , P21Je76: 31--D22Je76: 32, D15N76: 22--P20D76: 22, D4J177: 12 encouraged in British colonies, N. Am. , D1J175: 13,D5Ag75:31 in Mass. , Pi9Mr75: 32--P10Mr75: 23— DllMr75: 31 in Va. , P25Ag75: 71 in Birmingham, Eng. , PD18Oc70s21 in British colonies, N. Am. , P16F76: 23, D23Mr76: 21 in Fredericksburg, Va. , Pi21S75: 33— P22S75: 11--D23S75: 32 in Pa. , P15Mr76: 12--D16Mr76: 12 Armstead, Robert, D12Mr79: 31 Elizabeth, PD20F72: 32 Freer, PD11J166: 23, PD27Ap69: 32, R26J170: 22, PD11J171: 33, R28Ja73: 32, PD31Mr74: 31 See also Armistead Armston & Burdett, PD24S67: 21 Armstrong, Col. , gov. of N. S. , 24S36: 22 pursues Indians, 4N63: 21 Mr. , attempts escape from N. Y. jail, D29J176:22 Baptist, R18Ja70: 43 Bennett, P9Ag76: 41, P30Ag76: 13 [George], Dr. , author, PD29N70: 21, PD13D70: 42, PD17Ja71: 42, PD24Ja71: 42, PD7F71:42, PD21F71: 42, PD7Mr71: 42, PD21Mr71: 42, PD28Mr71: 42, PD17S72: 21, PD10Je73: 32 James, 7N54: 31,D23Ja78: 31, P21Ag78: 11 John, 7Mr51: 42, R260c69: 13, R1N70: 31, DlMy79:31,DllS79:32 [John], Brig. Gen. ,D13Ap76: 32, P8Ag77: 23,D170c77: 11, P240c77: 21 John, Capt. , of the Hopewell, 9Mr39: 41, 18My39: 3, 24Ag39: 3 of the Rachael, 10Ja[ ?]51:41, 30Ja52: 32, 10Ap52: 22, 10Ap52: 31, 30Ap52: 32, 15My52: 32, 17Ag52: 31, 14Ag52: 31, 21Ag52: 31, 20Oc52: 22 John, Justice of Carlisle, Pa. , PD10Mr68: 22 [Mark], Capt. , D19Je79: 22 Martin, R4D66: 23 Richard, D9Ap79: 32 Thomas, R18Ja70: 43 [Thomas], Capt. , D10J179: 22 William, 8D52: 32,R13J169: 32— PD4My69: 33, P28J175: 33 William, Col. ,R13J169: 22 Army, See Arms; Barracks; Bounties; Camps, army; Continental army; Courts-martial; Deserters; Desertion; Drafting; Impressment; Marines; Military training; Militia; Minutemen; Musters; Quartering of troops; Rangers; Recruiting; Regulators; and under name of colony, state, city, county, nationality, European war Richard, private, PD1D68: 22 Arnett, James, PD20N66: 31 Arnold, Capt. , of the Queen of Eng. , D7Qc75: 21 Mr. , house of, 18Je52: 22 [Benedict], Gen. , abandons Montreal, Can. , P5J176: 23--D6J176: 82 agreement with British at Cedars, Can. , violated, D7S76: 22 arrives in Boston, D28F77: 21 at battle of Quebec, Can. , P9F76: 23 at the Delaware, P27Je77: 22 at Lake Champlain, D1N76: 22— P1N76: 22.D15N76: 12--P15N76: 21 at Point Levis (Levy), Can. , P15D75: 21- PU6D75: 21, P22D75: 32, Pi23D75: 21 attack on Halifax, N. S. rumored, P12N75: 32— P3N75: 23 attack on Quebec, Can. , P2F76sl3— D3F76: 32--Pi3F76: 11, P9F76: 23— D10F76:31,D6Ap76:21 attack on R. I. planned, P14Mr77: 22 awaits arrival of Montgomery, P12Ja76: 23— D13Ja76: 23 awaits reinforcements in Quebec, Can. ,D13Ja76: 23,D8Je76: 61 brings provisions to Quebec, Can. , P19Ja76: 21--D20Ja76: 23 captures British in Quebec, Can. , P29D75sl2— D30D75: 33— Pi30D75: 32 cartel with Capt. Foster, P9Ag76: 22— D10Ag76: 32 commands against Can. , Pil90c75: 22, Pil90c75s21— P20Oc75sl2, P21Je76: 21— D22Je76: 51 commands at Quebec, P2F76sl3 commands Conn, troops in N. Y. , D27My75: 31 describes battle of Quebec, Can. , D9Mr76: 22 describes battles in Conn. ,D23My77: 22 describes conditions in Quebec, Can. , D2Mr76: 21,D25My76: 32 destroys British ships on Lake Champlain, D250c76: 21 expected to capture Quebec, Can. , P8D75: 21 hanged in effigy in Phila. , C21Oc80: 11 horse presented to by Congress, D6Je77: 12— P6Je77: 22 horse shot, D16My77: 12— P16My77: 21 in charge of Continental ships on Lake Champlain, P30Ag76: 23 in Quebec, Can. , P5Ja76(5)sl2— D6Ja76: 31 — Pi6Ja76: 22,D16Mr76: 32 in Ticonderoga, N. Y. , D40c76: 71 letter (text) from Gansevoort, D12S77: 12— P12S77: 22 letter (text) from Washington, D10J178: 11— P10J178: 21 praised, D30Mr76: 22, P31My76: 22, P13Je77: 23 prisoner captured by, D8J175: 23 promoted to major general, D7Mr77: 61, D23My77: 22 promotion to brig. gen. rumored, Pi23D75: 22 pursues Capt. Foster in Quebec, D22Je76: 52 Quebec, Can. , surrender to rumored, D23D75: 31 recovers from wound, PlMr76: 21 reports maneuvers, D27Je77: 22 reports march to Fort Schuyler, N. Y. , D12S77: 21 — P12S77: 22, P12S77: 23 requests exchange of prisoners in Montreal, Can. , P5J176: 21 retreats in Quebec, Can. , D6Ap76: 13 sails from Newburyport, Mass. , Pi260c75: 23 signs cartel, D6J176: 81 to Dechambeau, Can. , P31My76: 22— DUe76: 21 to Quebec, Can. , P60c75sll, P270c75sll, P270c75s22, P3N75: 22, P17N75:33,P24My76:31 victory in Can. rumored, D22Je76: 52 welcomes Dr. Franklin in Montreal, Can. , P14Je76: 21 wounded, P2F76sl3— D3F76: 32— P13F76: 11, D9Mr76: 22, P240c77: 22, P310c77: 21 Francis, 17Ap52: 32, PD4N73: 23 James, R20Ap69: 32, P9My77sl2 James Hopkins, P23My77: 32 John, PD9My71: 31— R23My71: 31, PD15J173: 31— R15J173: 31.R15S74: 33 Josiah, Capt. ,D21F77:11 [Samuel], composer, PD29Ag71: 31, PD13My73: 22 Thomas, PD28My67: 32 William, P130c75: 32 Arnold, ship, PD4Je72: 32, PD18Mr73: 23, PD3Je73: 23— R3Je73: 23, PD26My74: 23, PDllAg74: 33, PD10N74: 33, D29Ap75s33, P5My75: 21--D6My75: 32, D17F76: 32 Arnold's snuff, for sale, in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72: 31 Arnott, Dr. , physician in New Kent co. , Va. , 6Je45: 41 Mrs. , visits Margaret Bannerman, PD25My69: 33 David, PD21S69: 31 Frances, Mrs. , PD7Ja73: 32— R24D72: 22 Thomas, Dr. , 28Ag46: 31 Arnout, James, Capt. , D17Ag76: 12 Arpe, Capt. , PD2F69: 23 Arrack, PD5My68: 22 for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. , P15S75:32,D5D77:22 in King George co. , Va. ,D21Mr77: 12— P21Mr77s21 in Norfolk borough, Va. , PD27Ap69: 32— R27Ap69: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , 4S46: 32, 30c51: 41, 1D52: 31, 5Je52: 32, PD12D71: 32 import to Sweden forbidden, PD240c66: 13 lost at sea, PD9S73: 12— R16S73: 22 Arrack, Batavia, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , D8My78: 82 Arracouchea, Capt. , of the Golgoa, 15My46: 32 Arras, Bishop of, disgraces priest, 13My37: 22 Arrebeda, ship, PD19Ap70: 22 Arrest, freedom from during fairs, in Norfolk borough, Va. , R23S73: 32 Arriel, John, Capt. , of the New Kent, 8Ap37:41,24Je37:41 Arrill, Lt. , member of Hampton, Va. , court of inquiry, P12J176: 12 Arrington, Benjamin, PD4F68: 32 Jesse, P12D77: 33 Arrogant, H. M. S. , PD31Ja71: 22, PDllAp71: 12, PD15Ag71: 12 Arrol, [Robertus], author, PD25F68: 41, PD7J168: 31, PD10Je73: 34 Arrow, brig, D24J179: 22, D30Oc79: 31, C6N79: 31--D6N79: 31 32 Ash oars privateer, D12Je79: 31 ship, 9My45: 31 Arsenals, in Archangel, Russia, D2D75: 21 in Cambridge, Mass. , R22S74: 31 proposed for British colonies, N. Am. , PD12D71: 21.R23S73: 21 See also Magazines (storehouses) Arsenic, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD1J173: 32, PD14J174: 32, Pi23Mr75: 33--D25Mr75: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , 18J151: 41, 30Ap52: 32, 60c52: 32, 30N59: 32 imported to Algiers, D4N75: 12 in medicines, P10My76: 21--DllMy76: 32 Arson, at Henrico county, Va. , jail, 9D37:41 atMilner's, Va. , PD30c71: 31 attempted in Princeton, N. J. , PD30J172: 23 burning for in Poughkeepsie, N. Y. , P3Mr75s22 in St. John, Antigua, PD2N69: 12 by convict servants, PD1 Je69: 32 by slaves, executions for, P17Ja77: 32 in Newport, R. I. , PD2Ap72: 31 executions for, in Portsmouth, Eng. , P20Je77: 22--D27Je77: 11 in Williamsburg, Va. , 170c51: 31 in Amsterdam, Holl. , PD20Ag72: 12 in Bristol, Eng. , D9My77: 21--P2My77s22 : P9My77: 12 in Dutchess co. , N. Y. , P3Mr75s22 in Eng. ,D21Ag79: 21 in Falmouth, Va. , R16F69: 22-- PD23F69: 32 in Glasgow, Scot. , PD25Ag68: 31 in Guilford co. , N. C. , PD25Je72: 31 in King and Queen co. , Va. , 17Mr38: 41 in King William co. , Va. , PD14Mr71: 31 in Lancaster co. , Pa. , PD18N73: 21 in London, Eng. , 12N36: 41,R13My73: 22, P10F75: 11 in Montreal, Can. , Pi5Ja75: 22-- D7Ja75: 21 in Moscow, Russia, 1D52: 12 in New Brunswick, N. J. , 30Mr39: 32 in New Bern, N. C. , PD7Ja68: 31 in Norfolk, Va. , PD8S68: 23 in Norfolk co. , Va. , PD8S68p22-- R22S68: 33 in Petersburg, Russia, 11N37: 12, 11N37:32 in Ponpon, S. C. , D9Ap79: 12 in Portsmouth, Eng. , PD18Oc70s21-- R18Oc70:21 in Quebec, Can. , PD29Ag71: 21 in Reading, Eng. , 7J138: 32 in Salisbury, N. C. , PD8S68: 13 in Venice, It. , PD14Je70sl3 in Williamsburg, Va. , HOc51: 32, PD7Ja68: 33, PDllJe72: 31 in York co. , Va. , PD5N72: 42 punishment for, in Boston, Mass. , PD25My69: 13 Arsonists, proclamation for apprehension in N. C. , PD25Je72: 31 Art, See Heraldry painters; Landscape painters; Miniatures; Painting; Portrait painters Art exhibitions, in London, Eng. , PD6J169: 23, PD14S69: 13, PD22Ag71: 21 Artel, M. , French army commander in Can. , 6Je45: 22 Arter, William, PD2Ap67: 32 Artesien, 1', French ship, D[250c?]76: 52 Arther, John, P28N77: 32 Arthur, Capt. , 5My38: 22, 23Je38: 41, D16Mr76: 31 of the St. Helena, PD27J169: 31, R20Je71: 31 Mr. , invents horseless carriage, PD29Je69: 13--R29Je69: 12 Barnabas, R23Ap72: 32 Joseph, jr. , Capt. , 12D45: 11 William, 240c51: 32, 19D51: 41 Arthurs, Capt. , of the Virginia, Pi28Ap75: 32 — P28Ap75: 32-- D29Ap75s33 Articles of confederation, passes Congress, D28N77: 21 Articles of war, British, 22Ap57: 12, D13Ja76: 42 Continental, P30Ag76: 31 Artifacts, discovered in Hampshire, Eng. , PD10D72: 13 Artificers, See Artisans Artillery, exported from Cadiz, Sp. , to Marian islands, Indian ocean, D16S75: 11 to Philippine islands, D16S75: 11 exported from Cork, Ire. , to Martinique, W. I. , 18Ap45: 31 exported from Ferrol, Sp. , to Marian islands, Indian ocean, D16S75: 11 to Philippine islands, D16S75: 11 for British army in America, Pi9N75: 11 in Boston, Mass. , D30D75: 33 in British colonies, N.Am., P8S75sl2, P1D75: 11, D2D75: 21 in Jamaica, W. I. ,R17Je73: 21 increased, P28F77: 12 instructions for use, P13D76: 13 invented in Berlin, Ger. , PD2D73sll-- R2D73: 12 seized by Americans from Gen. Gage rumored, D4F75: 21 seized from French ship, 4J145: 12 Artillery manufacture, in Bohemia, 9Je38: 31 Artillery officers, to Charleston, S. C. , from St. Francois, Can. , D8Ag77: 21 Artisans, arrive in London, Eng. , from Birmingham, Eng. , R12D72sl2 emigration encouraged by Fr. , PD12My68: 12, PD9Je68: 13-- R9je68: 21 British, emigration of, PD23N69: 22, PD21Ap74: 23, D12Ag75: 22 emigration to be prohibited, PD23Ja72: 21 emigration to colonies debated, PD15S68: 21--R15S68: 22 employed in Fr. , PD9Je68: 21, R23Mr69: 23 encouraged to settle by Russia, PD6S70: 12 in N. Y. , P12My75: 13 in Philadelphia, Pa. , P12My75: 13 ordered to leave Havana, Cuba, PD130c74: 31 settlement in Sp. encouraged, R80c72: 13 company of, 1758, PD6Ag67: 32 emigrate from Amsterdam, Holl. , DHOc76:42 emigration from Holl. forbidden, PDllMr73: 13 French, in Eng. , PD23D73: 22-- R23D73: 22 privileges withdrawn, PD11F68: 12 from Halifax, N. S. , in Boston, Mass. , Pil5D74: 21 from New York City in Boston, Mass. , PD270c74: 22 impressed by N. Y. general assembly, 14Ag46: 31 Irish in N. Y. , P12My75: 13 in Philadelphia, Pa. , P12My75: 13 settlement in Messina encouraged, 20F52: 31 See also Slaves as; Indentured servants as Artists, English, paint for Russia, PD8Ag71: 11 sell bas-relief portraits of Camden and Pitt,PD15Ag66:31 See also Indentured servants as Arts, encouraged in British colonies, N.Am. , PD12D71: 22 encouraged in Sweden, PD7Ja73: 12 taught in New Kent co. , Va. , RlMr70: 22 Arundel, earl of [Lord Mattravers], patent of in America, 4Ap55: 11 Dohicky, P24My76: 33, P12J176: 31, D13J176:62, P19J176: 32 Arundel, H. M. frigate, 26S55: 12 H. M. S. , 24Ja52: 31, 25Ap55: 21 ship, P15S75: 31 Arvesque, Pierre, Capt. , of the St. Pedro, 14N55: 21 Arvin, John, D6Ap76: 33 Arwin, Thomas, D4My76: 32 Arzue bay, Algeria, See Spanish navy to Asafetida, for sale, in Richmond, Va. , 5S55: 32 Asbestos, experiments with in Scot. , PD19S66: 12 Ascension, H. M. S. , 29Ag45: 22 Ascham, horse, R23J167: 31 Ascough, James, See Ayscough Aselby, Capt. , PD12F67: 32, R17Ag69: 23, PD20Oc74: 23 of the True Briton, R22S68: 23, R150c72: 23 Thomas, Capt. , of the Duke of Cumberland, 4J145: 3, 9Ja46: 4, 23Ja46: 42, 29My46: 4 of the True Patriot, 4N63: 21, PD150c67: 21, PD220c67: 22, PD26My68: 23--R9Je68: 33, PD18Oc70sl2, PD1N70: 22, PD240c71: 23, PD150c72: 22-- R150c72:23,PD24F74: 31 of the Virginia(n), PD23Ap67: 31, PD60c68: 23--R60c68: 23, PD270c68: 42, PD13Ap69: 23, PD17Ag69: 22, R190c69: 33, R18Ja70: 31, PD130c74: 23, D15Ja80: 21 Ash, Cato, PD12My68: 23--R12My68: 14 Elijah, C30Oc79: 31 Simon, PD23Ap67: 23 Thomas, Capt. , of the Hope, Pi29D74: 32 Ash oars, exported from York district, Va. , to Bristol, Eng. , 19J154: 32 to Liverpool, Eng. , 15S52: 32, 27Qc52: 21 33 Ash oars, exported (cont'd) to London, Eng. , 29S52: 32, 3N52: 12, 19J154: 32 Ash plank, in King Willam co. , Va. , PD7Ap74: 31--R7Ap74: 31 Ash timber, for sale, Pi3F76: 32 in Alexandria, Va. , PD24N74: 23-- D28Ja75:43--PilD74: 33 in Baltimore co. , Md. , PD6My73: 23 in Gloucester co. , Va. , R12Mr67: 31, PD20Ja74: 32 in King and Queen co. , Va. , PD210c73: 23--R210c73: 31 in New Kent co. , Va. , R25D66: 32— PDlJa67: 41, PD16Je68: 31— R16Je68: 32, PD18Ja70: 33 — R18Ja70: 33, PD23S73: 31— R23S73: 33, P28N77: 23— D5D77: 21 in Princess Anne co. , Va. , 3J152: 32, R6F72: 33,P9My77sll in York co. , Va. , R15Je69: 23 near Williamsburg, Va. , R18N73: 23 near Yorktown, Va. , R22F70: 32 Ashbill, David, 2My51: 32 Ashbourn, John, PDllAp66: 41, PD12Mr67: 13 Ashbridge, George, 19S55: 22 Ashbrook, Joseph, R27My73: 31 Ashburn, Capt. , PD3Mr74: 21 of the Everton, PD13Je66: 22 of the Fly, PD16S73: 23--R16S73: 32 of the Isaac, P20S76: 21— D21S76: 11 of the James, PD9Mr69: 31 of the Jane, PD20Ag72: 23, R6My73: 23, PD3Je73: 23--R3Je73: 23, PD3Mr74: 21--R3Mr74: 33, PD1S74: 31 of the Whale, PD14Mr71: 23 George, Capt. , PD28Ap74: 23 William, PD15F70: 31--R15F70: 41, PD14Ap74: 31, PD18Ag74: 32, P30Je75s22 William, Capt. , PD280c73: 22 of the Beaver, PD6N66: 21, PD30Ap67: 32, PD150c67: 11, PD220c67: 22, PD3Mr68: 31 — R3Mr68: 31, PD16Je68: 23, PD10N68: 22, R17N68: 13, PD8D68: 31, PD26Ja69: 41 of the Peggy, PD7D69: 31--R7D69: 11, PD28D69: 31, PD7Je70: 23,R7Je70: 23, PD20S70: 32, PD4Oc70: 31,R1N70: 32, PD16My71: 23, R23My71: 41, PD18J171: 21, PD16Ap72: 31, PD2J172: 31 Ashby, Benjamin, PD22D74: 21, P2Je75: 11 James, PD23Je74: 12 John, P19S77: 22 John, Capt. , PD2Je74: 21, PD8S74: 23, PD15S74:31 Matthew, PD25Oc70: 31, PD30Ja72: 33 Robert, R4D66: 23, D23Ja78: 31 Robert, Capt. , PD17S67: 22, PD16Ap72: 31 Ashby' s, Orange co. , Va. , 220c36: 41 Ashcroft, Mary, PD30c71: 31 Ashe, Edward, 16S37: 32, 21Mr45: 22 John, Col. , PilOAg75: 33 — PllAg75: 32 [John], Gen. ,D2Ap79: 22,D9Ap79: 12, D9Ap79: 21 Samuel, D2My77: 61 Ashes, See Pearl ashes; Potash; Tobacco ashes; Wood ashes Ashfield, Richard, 290c36: 41 Ashford, William, R14Ja73: 41 Ashington, Thomas, Capt. , of the Sea Nymph, 2N39: 31, 25Ja40: 3, 25Ja40: 4 Ashley, Col. , aids Mass. settlements, PD19S66: 21 Major, killed at Lake George, 170c55: 12,310c55: 12 Mrs. , of Mass. , 2Ja52: 32 Charles, D16S75: 33 David, PD23My71: 23 Joel, D17Ag76: 22 John, C3J179: 42 John, representative from Sheffield, Mass. , PD28J168: 21— R28J168: 21, R20J169: 13 Jonathan, jr. , PD28J168: 21— R28J168: 21 Quash, D31Ag76: 31 Samuel, PD13D70: 22, PD16Ap72: 33, P22D75: 33— D23D75: 23,D30c77: 42— P170C77: 31,D5D77: 22— P5D77: 33 Warren, D2S7 5: 33 William, 12S51: 32 Ashley, Mass., See Non- importation agreements supported in Ashley river, S. C. , See Bridges over Ashley's ordinary, Va. , PD18Oc70: 33, PD17Ja71: 32 Ashlock, Richard, P27Mr78: 22 Ashmead, Capt. , PDllAp71: 23 of the Eagle, D22Ja80: 23 Ashmesasne Indians, D25J177: 21 Ashmore, [John], author, D24Ag76: 53 Ashton, Burdett, R2Je74: 23, Pi9F75: 31 Jane,RllMy69:41 John, R23Ap72: 33, PD14Ja73: 31 — R14Ja73: 32, PD15Ap73: 23 — R15Ap73: 23, Pi9F75: 31 John, jr. , Pi9F75: 31 Laurence, D28Ja75: 23 William, PD15Ag66: 32, P19S77: 22 Ashwell, Anne, PD6S70: 32 John, 18Ap51: 22, 9My51: 32, 24My51: 41 Asia, connection with N. Am. discovered, PD2My71: 11 trade with promoted by France, P17Mr75sl2— D18Mr75: 22 See also Drought in; Famines in; Northeast passage, searches for in Asia, H. M. S. , PD24Je73: 21, PD24Je73: 22, PD1J173: 13, PD2S73: 12--R2S73: 13, PD2S73: 21--R2S73: 21, R2S73: 11, PD21Ap74: 22, PD21Ap74: 23, PD8D74s21, PD8D74s22, PD29D74: 22 — Pi29D74: 12,D7Ja75: 23,D14Ja75: 23, Pil3Ap75: 31, Pil3Ap75: 32, P16Je75sl3, D24Je75: 23, D8J175: 31 D8J175: 32,D29J175: 31, P8S75s21 — PH4S75: 12, P8S75s22--Pil4S75: 13, D9S75: 31, P15S75sl2--D16S75: 23, D70c75: 13,D140c75: 31, Pi9N75: 23, D18N75: 22, P8D75: 23, D23D75: 31, P5Ja76(5)sl3— D6Ja76: 31, D27Ja76: 12, P8Mr76: 23,D30Mr76: 32, P26Ap76s21--D27Ap76: 32, P19Ap76pl3--D20Ap76: 22, DllMy76: 31, P21Je76: 21, D13J176: 52, D20J176: 21, P9Ag76: 22,D7S76: 11, D28F77: 21,D23My77: 11 ship,R13Ag67:21 Asiatic co. , Danish, ships of, 240c45: 11 Asiento, 14J138: 32 administration discussed, 23F39: 21, 29Je39: 22 permission not used in Cuba, 10S36: 41 renewal discussed, 13J139: 21, 20J139: 12, 20J139: 21, 21S39: 21 Spanish attitude toward, 18Mr37: 32, 3Ag39: 32, 17Ag39: 11, 260c39: 31 violated by Great Britain, 10Mr38: 22 Askew, John, Capt. , of the Unicorn, PD28Ap74: 23 Thomas, Capt. , of the Triton, 10J152: 31 Askey, Anthony, Capt. , of the Rising Sun, PD28Mr71: 22 Askins, William, P19S77: 12 Askren, Thomas, P26J176: 42 Asling, Thomas, R1S74: 22 Asoph, Crimea, burning by Turks rumored, 9N39: 22 fall of, 80c36: 31, 26N36: 31 siege of, 10S36: 21, 10c36: 41, 80c36: 41, 150c36: 31, 13J139: 21, 20J139: 21 Asparagus, for sale, PD26Mr67: 32 in Richmond, Va. ,D3F76: 33 Asparagus seeds, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD26Mr67: 32 in Richmond, Va. , PD26Mr67: 32, D9S75: 32,D3F76:33 Aspic, imported to Algiers, D4N75: 12 Aspinwall, John, PD5Ap70: 32 Thomas, Capt. , PD60c74: 22 Aspray, John, P15Mr76: 23 Aspres, Fr. , See Earthquakes in Asque, Anthony, PD29Ap73: 31 Asquith, William, D15My78: 32— P29My78: 42 Ass racing, in Kentish town, Eng. , PD7D69: 13--R7D69: 13 Ass skin memorandum books, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD29N70: 20, PD29N70: 22, PD13D70: 43, PD29Ag71: 31, PD10Je73: 34, Pi20Oc74: 31— PD20Oc74s22, Pi20Ap75: 31— D22Ap75: 32, Pi20Ap75: 31— D22Ap75: 32 Ass skin pocket books, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD10Oc71: 31 Assassinations, attempted in Holl. , PD22Ag71: 13 in Paris, Fr. , PD26S71: 23 Assault, in Aberdeen, Scot. , PD1S74: 21 in Blackheath, Eng. , Pi23F75: 13 in Boston, Mass. , PD22F70: 13 in Bridgewater, Eng. , PD13My73: 22 in Bristol, Eng. , PD22Mr70: 13 in Bristol, R. I. , PD20Oc74sll in Chatham, Eng. , R8J173: 23 in Cheshire, Eng. , PD3Mr74: 21 in Contentney, N. C. , PD13Ap69: 23 in Dublin, Ire. , PD3Ag69: 23 in Edinburgh, Scot. , PD28S69sll in Eng. , PD26S71: 13, R22J173sll in Gloucestershire, Eng. , PD10Oc71: 22 in Lanerk, Scot. , PD23N69: 23 in London, Eng. , PD18Je67: 12, PD3N68: 12, PD21S69: 12, PD21S69sl2, PD14D69: 21, PD12S71: 23, PD26S71: 22, PD7Ja73: 13, PD20My73: 22, R20My73: 13, PD3Je73: 21, PD210c73: 12, PD24Mr74: 23, PD8D74: 13 in New York City, PD17Ag69: 13 in Norwich, Eng. , PD9N69: 22 in Paris, Fr. , PD6Ag67: 12, PD6Ag67: 21 in Philadelphia, Pa. , R27J169: 22, 34 Association of 1774 P10Mr75sl2 in Portsmouth, Eng. , PD19Ap70: 13 in Rotherhithe, Eng. , PD14D69: 12 in Soho, Eng. , R30Mr69: 23 inSouthwark, Eng. , PD30Ap67: 21 in Turin, It. ,R30D73:21 near Chelsea, Eng. , P3Mr75sll near Longford, Eng. , PD22Mr70: 12 on Boston Neck, Mass. , PD13Ap69: 21 on S. C. frontier, PD3D67: 23 regulation in Va. , PD23Ap72: 11, R24Je73: 32 trials for, in Boston, Mass. , PD22Ag71: 32, R5S71: 22, PD28N71: 21 in Quebec, Can. , PD16Ap67: 22 Assaying, adv. of, PD2My66: 22 Assemblies (entertainment), in Boston, Mass. ,PD21F71:23 in New Orleans, La. , PD10D72: 11 — R10D72: 11 in Norfolk, Va. , 17Ja51: 41, 7F51: 42, 7Mr51: 41, 4Ap51: 42, 2My51: 32, 6Je51: 41 in Williamsburg, Va. , 25F37: 42, 22Ap37: 41, 70c37: 42, 140c37: 41 210c37: 41, 24Mr38: 42, 31Mr38: 42, 130c38: 42, 28Mr45: 41, 10Oc45: 32, 11S46:41,R19F67: 23 proclamations against in Mass. , PD8S68: 21 taxes on in Gt. Brit. , R3My70: 11 See also Balls; Concerts Assembly, right of, supported in Continental congress, PilON74: 11 — PD17N74: 11 Assembly rooms, described, in Dumfries, Va. , R23Mr69: 32 Asses, census of Martinique, W. I. , PD25Mr73: 22— R25Mr73: 22 in St. Lucia, W. I. , PD25Mr73: 22— R25Mr73: 22 for sale, near Port Royal, Va. , PD10F74: 32 Assistance, brig, Pil9Ja75: 33 British ship, 25Ja40: 2 H. M. S. , 15D38: 31, 20Je45: 31, 24Ja52: 22, 21Ag52: 22, 22S52: 31, 60c52: 21, 12F62: 31 ship, PD16My66: 23, R8Ag66: 22 — PD15Ag66: 23, PD30Ja72: 32, PD21My72: 22, R8J173: 32, PD23S73: 23, PD19My74: 42--R19My74: 23, P31Mr75sl3 Assistance, writs of, in Boston, Mass. , R27My73: 22 in Conn. , PD8S68: 22 in Phila. , Pa. , PD8S68: 22 Associating Planter, pseud. , R13D70: 23 Association of freemen of Md. , P22S75: 12 Association of 1774 (non- importation), changes in discussed, Pil3D75: 31 discussed, PD22D74: 23, D5Ag75: 12 effect of in Great Britain, P10Mr75: 32 enforced at Gloucester courthouse, Va. , P19Ap76p23— D20Ap76: 32 in Accomac co. , Va. , Pi20J175: 13, P22J175s41 in Alexandria, Va. , Pi29D74: 32 in Annapolis, Md. , PllAg75: 32 in Caroline co. , Va. , P21Ap75s43, D10Je75: 32 in Charles City co. , Va. , Pil2Ja75: 11-- D14Ja75: 21 in Charleston, S. C. , D22Ap75: 22, P16J175: 31 in Charlotte co. , Va. ,DllMr75: 21, PiD75: 11--D9D75: 11 in Dinwiddie co. , Va. , Pi26Ja75: 12 in Elizabeth City co. , Va. , D28Ja75: 23, D18F75:31,D18F75:32 in Essex co. , Va. , Pi5Ja75: 31, Pil6Mr75: ll--P17Mr75: 33, P14Je76sll in Goochland co. , Va. , P31Mr75sl3 in Halifax co. , N. C. , P31Mr75sl3 in Hanover co. , Va. , PD15D74: 31— PU5D74: 32 in Henrico co. , Va. ,DllF75s22, DllF7f>s23,P24N75: 13 in Isle of Wight co. , Va. , Pi23F75: 23 in James City co. , Va. , PD22D74: 31 P16Je75s23, P15S75s22 in King and Queen co. , Va. , Pi23F75:32, Pi30Mr75: 32 in King George co. , Va. , D28Ja75: 23, D6My75: 22 in Lancaster co. , Va. , Pi2Mr75: 22 in Middlesex co. , Va. , Pil5Je75: 13 — D17Je75: 31, Pil5Je75: 21--D17Je75: 31, P7J175s22 in Nansemond co. , Va. , PilD74: 11, Pi2F75: 13, Pi9Mr75: 13, D8Ap75: 11 in N. Y. , Pi29D74: 22 in Norfolk, Va. , Pil2Ja75: 23, Pi23Mr75: 21--P24Mr75: 33 — D25Mr75: 12, Pi6Ap75: 32— P7Ap75: 32— D15Ap75: 13,D10Je75: 32,D70c75: 21 in Norfolk co. , Va. , D14Ja75: 31, P9Ag76:41,P30Ag76: 13 inN. C. ,D6My75: 11 in Northampton co. , Va. , Pi2Mr75: 22 in Northumberland co. , Va. , Pi9F75: 22 in Pittsylvania co. , Va. , P7J175s23— D8J175: 32 in Prince George co. , Va. ,D3Je75: 33, Pil90c75: 31— D280c75: 11 in Prince William co. , Va. , Pil2Ja75: 32, PilJe75: 11 in Princess Anne co. , Va. , Pil6F75: 32, Pi23Mr75: 22 in Reading, Pa. , Pi29D74: 23 in Richmond co. , Va. , P17F75s23 in Spotsylvania co. , Va. , Pi2F75: 21, Pi9F75: 31 in Surry co. , Va. , Pi2F75: 21, Pi24Ag75: 13 — P25Ag75: 72— D26Ag75: 31 in Sussex co. , Va. , PllAg75: 33 in Westmoreland co. , Va. , P22J175s42 in Williamsburg, Va. , Pil9Ja75: 33 — D21Ja75:31,D4F75: 32 enforcement planned in Northampton co. , Va. , D4F75: 32 enforcement regulated by Congress, PH7N74: 32, P16Je75: 22 enforcement regulations, D25Mr75: 13 in Va. , P21Ap75s43 essay on necessity of, PD22D74: 12 explained by Congress, D16S75: 23 opposed by Earl of Dunmore, Pi28Ap75: 31— P28Ap75sll — D29Ap75sl2 by William and Mary college, Pi22D74: 11 in British colonies, N. Am. , PilOAg75: 21 in Nantucket, Mass. , Pi22Je75: 31 in N. Y. , Pi23Mr75: 31, P31Mr75: 32— DlAp75: 32 in Va. , Pil2Ja75: 11— D14Ja75: 12 pamphlets against in Va. ,D15Ap75: 13 prepared in Continental congress, D28Ja75: 11 questions about, D28Ja75: 31, Pi9F75: 31, Pi9F75:32,Pil6F75:32 quoted, D27Ap76: 32 regulates mourning fashions, Pi24N74: 32 reprinted, PD3N74: 11— Pi4N74: 11 signed by members of Continental congress, D28Ja75: 12 support in Ga. expected, Pi9Mr75: 31 — P10Mr75: 31 support urged by N. Y. provincial congress, Pi22Je75: 12 supported by Phila. , Pa. , butchers, Pil2Ja75:32 by Scots. ,D11F75: 21 by Va. merchants, PD10N74: 11 — PilON74: 31 in Brunswick co. , Va. ,D25Mr75: 13 in Caroline co. , Va. ,D7Ja75: 31, D4F75: 32 in Dinwiddie co. , Va. , D18N75: 31 in Elizabethtown, N. J. , Pi6Ap75: 22 — D8Ap75: 23 in Gloucester co. , Va. , Pi9Mr75: 11, Pi4My75: 32— D6My75: 32 in Hanover co. , Va. , Pil9Ja75: 22 in James City co. , Va. , PilD74: 31 — PD1D74: 22 in Marblehead, Mass. , Pi6Ap75: 21 in Md. , PD29D74: 23, Pi6Ap75: 31 — P7Ap75: 31 in Nansemond co. , Va. , Pi24Ag75: 21— P25Ag75: 71— D26Ag75: 31 in N. Y. , P17F75sl3, P7Ap75: 31, P2Je75:22,P21J175:23 in New York City, P3Mr75s21 in Newport, R. I. , Pil9Ja75: 23 in Norfolk, Va. , P1S75: 23 in Northampton co. , Va. , Pil9Ja75: 21 in Pa. , P24F75s21 in Phila: , Pa. , Pil7N74: 32, D29Ap75s32,D3Je75:31 in Prince William co. , Va. , Pi30Mr75: 21 in Southampton co. , Va. , P2F76: 31 in Suffolk co. , N. Y. , Pi23Mr75: 32 in Sussex co. , N. J. , D27Ja76: 12 in Urbanna, Va. , P7J175s22 in Va. , PH5D74: 31, PD15D74: 21, Pil2Ja75: 11— D14Ja75: 12, Pi2F75: 13, P17F75sl3, P10Mr75: 12, Pi6Ap75: 31--P7Ap75: 31,D1J175: 22 in W. I. , P7Ap75: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD18Ag74: 32 violated in Accomac co. , Va. , P13D76: 11 in Boston, Mass. , P3Mr75: 22— D4Mr75:21 in Caroline co. , Va. ,D10Je75: 32 in Charlotte co. , Va. , P8Mr76s23 in Ga. ,D15Ap75: 32 in Gloucester co. , Va. , Pil9Ja75: 11 in Halifax co. , N. C. , Pil2Ja75: 11 — D28Ja75: 23, Pi26Ja75: 11 in Nansemond co. , Va. , Pi24Ag75: 32 in N. Y. , DlAp75: 31 , Pi6Ap75: 31 -- P7Ap75: 32--D8Ap75: 31. D15Ap75: 32 35 Association of 1774, violated (cont'd) in Norfolk, Va. , PH6F75: 31 — D25F75: 31, P22D75: 21, P29D75: 13 in Northampton co. , N. C. , D23S75: 31 in northern colonies, Pi6Ap75: 31 — P7Ap75: 31 in Northumberland co. , Va. , Pil9Ja75: 32 in Orange co. , Va. , DllMr75: 31 in Portsmouth, Va. , P22D75: 22 in Princess Anne co. , Va. , Pi23Mr75: 22 in Richmond co. , Va. , P17F75s22 in Southampton co. , Va. , D6My75: 21 in Urbanna, Va. , PU3J175: 33— P14J175: 33--D15J175: 33 in Va. ,D14Ja75: 13, Pi2F75: 13, D6My75: 21--P12My75: 23, P30Je75s22, Pil7Ag75: 33— P18Ag75: 31--D19Ag75: 32, Pi30D75: 22--P12Ja76sll, P9F76: 13 in Williamsburg, Va. , Pil4S75: 31 violation attempted in Chesapeake bay, D12Ag75: 33 in Ga. ,D12Ag75: 33 violation denied in Va. , Pil8My75: 13, P14J175s23--D15J175: 33, D22J175: 33, P22J175s31--Pi27J175: 31- D29J175: 11, P127J175: 31--D29J175: 32 violation expected in N. Y. , P23Je75s21 violation exposed in Gazette, DlAp75: 33 violation punished in Va. , D27Ja76: 23 violation reported in Urbanna, Va. , P4Ag75: 23 Associations (non- importation), in Charleston, S. C. , R20J169: 12 in N.Y. , PD14Mr66: 21 in Phila. , Pa. , PD14Mr66: 21 in Va. , formed by burgesses, PD18My69: 22,R27J169: 23, P23Je75: 23 copies to be distributed, R30N69: 23 dissolved partially, PD18J171: 11 — R18J171: 23 enforced in Caroline co. , R17Ja71: 22 enforced in Dumfries, R23Ag70: 31 enforced in Norfolk co. , R23Ag70: 31 enforced in Northumberland co. , Pi2Mr75: 22 enforced in Warwick co. , Pi9Mr75: 33 formed in Williamsburg, R31My70: 22— PD7Je70: 32 invitation to join extended, R25My69: 22 number of members in Dinwiddie co. , R27J169: 23 opposed in Williamsburg, PDllAg74: 32 renewed in Va. , PD26J170: 22 reprinted, PD25My69: 11— RlJe69: 13 salt imported under, P8D75: 32 subscribers to be reported on, R27J169: 31 support requested, RlJe69: 11 supported, R6S70: 22 supported in Alexandria, R18J171: 32 supported in Colchester, R18J171: 32 supported in King and Queen co. , R16N69: 13 supported in Williamsburg, PD28S69: 31, RllAg74: 32 text of, PDllAg74: 11— RllAg74: 22 violated, R30N69: 23 violated in Dumfries, Va. , R18J171: 31 violated in Fairfax co. , Va. . R18J171:32 violated in Falmouth, Va. . R18J171: 31 violated in Fredericksburg, Va. , R18J171:31 violated in Port Royal, Va. , R18J171: 31 violated in Williamsburg, Va. , R18J171:31 violation denied in Dumfries, R15Ag71: 32 violation questioned, R31Ja71: 22 wine sale prohibited by, R15Je69: 23 opposed in Eng. , PD21J174p22 in Mass. , PD21J174p22— R21J174: 32, PDllAg74: 13— RllAg74: 31 inR. I. ,R15F70: 11 proposed in British colonies, N. Am. , PD23Je74: 21 in Md. , PD16Je74: 21 in Providence, R. I. , R9Je74s22 relaxation considered in Md. , R29N70: 21 supported in Annapolis, Md. , R8F70: 32, R9Je74s23 in Boston, Mass. , R28J174: 33 in Md. , R29N70: 21, PD13D70: 21 inN. C. ,R22F70:11 text of in Ga. , Pi20Ap75: 21 in N.Y. ,D3Je75: 11 urged in colonies, RllAg74: 12 violated in Marblehead, Mass. , R25Ag74: 12 violation in Baltimore, Md. , criticized, R29N70:21,PD13D70:21 See also Non- importation agreements; Stamp act, association against Associator, pseud. , R30N69: 23, PD8D74s21,Pi9F75:31 Associator Humanus, pseud. , PD18J171: 12 Associators, criticized in Va. , R13D70: 13 in Amherst co. , Va. , R13D70: 23 in Bedford co. , Va. , R21F71: 32 in Culpeper co. , Va. , R15N70: 22 in Elizabeth City co. , Va. , R15N70: 22 in Essex co. , Va. , R7F71: 31 in Fairfax co. , Va. , RllOc70: 31, R18J171: 32 in Fauquier co. , Va. , R18J171: 31 in King and Queen co. , Va. , R20S70: 31 in King George co. , Va. , R30Ag70: 23 in Nansemond co. , Va. , R6S70: 22 in Norfolk co. , Va. , R19J170: 23 in Richmond co. , Va. , R27S70: 21 in Spotsylvania co. , Va. , R15N70: 22 in Stafford co. , Va. , R2My71: 22 in Westmoreland co. , Va. , RllOc70: 31 instructions to in Va. ,R23Ag70: 32— PD30Ag70: 33 meeting of called in Williamsburg, Va. , R3My70: 31, PD8N70: 22--R8N70: 22, R20Je71: 32 Assogues, British cruise on, 4Ja40: 22 cargo of seized, 25Ja40: 11 in St. Andero, Sp. , 120c39: 41 route of, 9N39: 31 Astruc, [Jean], Dr., author, PD29N70: 21, PD13D70: 42, PD17Ja71: 42, PD24Ja71: 42, PD7F71: 42, PD21F71: 42, PD7Mr71: 42, PD21Mr71: 42, PD28Mr71: 42, PD18J171: 23, PD18J171: 41, PD25J171: 33, PD25J171: 41, PDlAg71: 41, PDlAg71: 42, PD8Ag71: 41, PD17S72: 21, PD10Je73: 31, D25N75: 11,D30D75: 11, D24F76: 43, D2Mr76:41,D9Mr76:41,D25My76: 43, D24Ag76: 51, D20D76: 41, D24J179: 3l Assurance, H. M. S. , 24Ja52: 22 Assyria, See Marriage rites in Asthma, cure for, PD23Ap72: 31, PD25Je72: 32, PD10S72: 23, Pi23N75: 33, D3Ag76: 32--P6S76: 42 Astley, Christopher, 14J138: 21 Aston, brig, PD30Ag70: 32— R30Ag70: 31 ship, PD30Ag70: 31 Aston Hall, transport, D29J176: 12,' P21N77: 21 Astraea, ship of war, PD15Ja67: 12 Astrides, horse, D14Mr77: 41 — P21Mr77s23 Astrakhan, Russia, See Fires in Astrologers, adv. of, PD16Ja72: 32 Astronomy, calculations in, R23Ap72: 21 discoveries in, PD170c71: 21— R170c71: 13,D24Je75:21 essays on,R26J170: 11, PD13S70: 11, PD20S70: 31, PD4Oc70: 22, PD25Oc70: 22, PD13D70: 11 experiments in It. , 7Ja37: 21 importance of stated, R220c72: 11 lectures on in London, R16F69: 12 mathematics of discussed, PD30Mr69: 11 observations in, 6My37: 21, PD140c73s21, R31Mr74: 23 poetry on, PD8Mr70: 41 reports on, PD80c72: 12, P10F75: 11 taught at Samuel Kemp' s school, D6N78: 31 taught in Fredericksburg, Va. , P9My77: 41 taught in New Kent co. , Va. , RlMr70: 22 used in navigation, PD12S71: 22 See also Venus, planet Astwood, Samuel, Capt. , of the Exeter, 2Je38:41, HAg38: 41 Atalanta, in waxwork, D4N75: 32 Atalante, Fr. frigate, PD1J173: 21 Atcheson, William, R18N73: 31 Atchison, Samuel, D28Mr77: 21 Thomas, 20Je45: 41, 14F51: 41, 20Je51: 41, 5Mr52: 32, 7N54: 32 Athawes, Mr. , requests trade relief for colonies, PD21Mr66: 31 Edward, 7Ag52: 32, PD4F68: 21, R17N68: 23 Mary, PD18Ja70: 33— R18Ja70: 33 Athenians, pseud. , R3N68: 32 Athens, Gr. , law courts in discussed, R6My73: 11 See also Anecdotes from Atherton, J. , PD18Mr73: 32 James, PD18Je67: 31, PD3S67: 23, D4F75: 33 Jeptha, D25Mr75: 31, PllAp77s32 Lucy, Mrs. ,D4F75: 33 Athlone, Ire. , See British army, to British colonies, N. Am. , from; Duels in Atkeison, William, P5My75: 31 Atkerson, John, D17Je75: 43 Atkin, Joseph, P24Mr75: 33 Atkin, Douglas &, PD4Ag68: 21 — R4Ag68: 23 Atkins, Capt. , P1N76: 22 of the Actaeon, D23S75: 21 , D13J176: 71 of the Loyalty, D14Mr77: 22 Mr. , land of, 30N59: 41, PD17S67: 21 Benjamin, Capt. , D6N79: 21 James, P29Mr76: 31 John, P29Mr76: 31 36 Atwood Mary,18Ap55: 22, 9My55: 21,23My55: 21 Michael, 23D37: 22 Philip, P15Ag77: 32, P28N77: 31 Silas, Capt. , P15N76: 21, P22N76: 21 William, PD7Je70: 32, P6Mr78: 12, D12Mr79: 32 Atkinson, Capt. , PD6Ap69: 22, R10D72: 31, R17Je73s23, R26My74: 22 of the Joseph, 13My37: 42 of Liverpool, Eng. , PD2My71: 32— R2My71: 22 of the Watt, PD80c72: 31, R6My73: 23, PD17Je73: 32 slave of, Pil5D74: 33 to arrive in James river, PD3Ja71: 23 Mr. , author, PD29N70: 21, PD13D70: 42, PD17Ja71: 42, PD24Ja71: 42, PD7F71:42, PD21F71: 42, PD7Mr71: 42, PD21Mr71: 42, PD28Mr71: 42, PD29Ag71: 33 officer of the Arundel, P15S75: 31 Angelo, D7Mr77: 62 George, R17F74: 32 George, Capt., of the Venus, PD10F74.23, R17Mr74: 23--PD14Ap74: 31 James, PD18Ap66: 31, R12J170: 23, R26J170: 22, RlAg71: 32, R19N72: 41 John, adv. dissolution of partnership, PU7N74: 33 adv. for missing horse, PD13F72: 33 adv. for runaway servants, PD19Mr72: 32, R9D73: 23 adv. lots and merchandise, for sale, D10J178: 21 adv. reward for incendiaries, RllMy69: 41 adv. settlement of estate, PD28F71: 33— R21Mr71: 43 of Dublin, PD21Je70: 32 requests payment of debts, PD28My72: 23 settlement of accounts, PD18Je72: 33, PD80c72: 33--R80c72: 23 signs address to Gov. Hutchinson, PD23Je74: 12 slave of, C28Ag79: 32 store of, PD25F73: 31--R25F73: 32 trustees of, PD25F73: 31— R25F73: 32 John, Capt., of the Betsey, R25D66: 21, PD22Ja67: 32, PD23J167: 31— R23J167: 31, PD6Ag67: 32, PD24S67: 13, PD11F68: 23— R11F68: 24 of the True Briton, PD130c68: 22— R130c68: 23, PD20Oc68: 22— R270c68: 34, PD270c68: 42, R15Je69: 31, PD28S69: 23, PD28D69: 31, R26Ap70: 32, PD13S70: 23, PD28Mr71: 31--R28Mr71: 32, R2My71: 22, R18J171: 33, PD12S71: 31, R170c71: 23, PD220c71: 22 plantation of, for sale, D230c79: 12 slaves of, PD23J172: 33, PD29Ap73: 31 Joseph, R23Ap72: 42, R220c73: 31 Mary (Davis), RlAg71: 32 Philip, P10My76: 43 Roger, 7Ag52: 32.7N54: 31, PD28Mr66: 41, R2N69: 32, PD21My72: 23, PD23S73: 31— R30S73: 32 adv. houses for sale, P23Ag76: 32— D24Ag76: 72 adv. land for sale,D25J177: 32— P25J177: 42, P27Mr78: 42— D8My78:72,D26F79:32 adv. settlement of estate, 14Ag52: 31 bond of,D13N78: 12 of Petersburg, Va. , PD2Je68: 23 receives aid for poor family, 30N59: 31 store of, PD21My67: 31 Thomas, Capt. , of the Yanimarew, PD16Ag70: 32— R23Ag70: 32 William, R3Ag69: 32, P21N77: 22 Atkinson, Mure, Son, & merchants of London, Eng. , D14Mr77: 22 Atkinson & Hanewinkel, P6S76: 41 Atkinson & Newsum, 30N59: 32 Atlanta, Fr. man of war, PD27S70: 21 Atlantic ocean, See British navy inferior in; French navy in; Hurricanes in Alee [Samuel John], Col. ,D10Ag76: 32, P13S76: 22— D14S76: 31, P13S76: 23— D14S76:32,D21S76:21 William, R4Ag74: 32— PDllAg74: 23 Atrocities, by British army, P10My76: 21— DllMy76: 32, D25My76: 33 by Hessians, D27D76: 41— P27D76: 21 inflicted upon Americans, P19Ja76: 11 — D27Ja76: 13 Attachment laws, opposed in N. C. , PD31Mr74: 23 regulated by Va. general assembly, 22D38: 22 Attainder, bills of, passed against Bostonians, Pil3Ap75: 22 Attakullakulla, Cherokee Indian warrior, PD23J167: 21 — R23J167s21, PD23J167: 22— R23J167s22, PD9Je68: 21 Attaway, John, PD140c73: 31 Attentive Observer, pseud. , PD23D73: 11 Atterbury, Rev. Mr., author, 24My51: 32, PD25F68: 41 Atthaws, Mr. , studies importance of British- colonial trade, D8Ap75: 31 Atticus, No. 1, reprinted, PD4My69: 11— R4My69: 11 No. 2, reprinted, PDllMy69: 11— RllMy69: 11 pseud. , PD19N67: 11, PD22F70: 12, PD7N71:13,R25F73:23 Atticus alter, pseud. , Pi24N74: 11 Attmore, William, D21Ja75: 11 Attorneys, 20My37: 42, 25Ap55: 22, PD20N66: 23, PD30Ap67: 33, R2N69: 31, PD25J171: 22, PD23Ja72: 33, PD4Je72: 33, PD18Je72: 33, PD30J172: 23, PD11F73: 31, PD16Je74s22--R23Je74: 43, PD7J174: 32, PD25Ag74: 31, PD8S74:31,D7Ja75:32 at Innermay, Va. , 20Oc52: 31 bounties for in east Fla. , PD3D67: 22 in Alexandria, Va. , PD10N74: 42 in Amherst co. , Va. , PD22Ja67: 32— R19F67: 42 in Annapolis, Md. , PilJe75: 41 in Appomattox, Va. , 270c52: 22 in Augusta co. , Va. , PD8Ag66: 31 — R8Ag66: 31 in Bedford co. , Va. , Pil6F75: 33 in Boston, Mass. , PD24N68: 23 in Brunswick co. , Va. , P10J178: 23 in Buckingham co. , Va. , PD22Ag71: 33 in Charles City co. , Va. , 24Mr38: 42 in Charlotte co. , Va. , PD6N66: 23, PD5N67: 31, PD12My68: 31, PD15F70: 31--R22F70: 31, Pil6F75: 33 in Essex co. , Va. , 20J139: 32 in Fredericksburg, Va. , R4D66: 31 in Halifax, N. C. , PD31D72: 31, PD4F73: 23, PDllMr73: 31, PD9D73: 22, P24Mr75: 32 in Halifax co. , Va. , PH6F75: 33 in Hanover co. , Va. , 7Ja37: 42, 4F37:42,PD12N67:21 in Henrico co. , Va. , PD2My71: 32, Pi270c74: 31 in Isle of Wight co. , Va. , PD310c71: 21 in Kentucky, D160c79: 32 in Kinp and Queen co. , Va. , 16Ja61: 42, PD21S69: 31, PD22F70: 32 — R22F70:31,PD15Ag71: 23 in King George co. , Va. , R15D68: 23 in King William co. , Va. , 6Je45: 32, 12Je52: 22, 15S52: 41, PD30c71: 31, PD7N71: 23 in Liverpool, Eng. , PDllAp66: 33 in London, Eng. , PD20My73: 23 in Louisa co. , Va. , PD27My73: 22— R27My73: 22 in Middlesex co. , Va. , PD13Ag72: 21 in New Kent co. , Va. , R21Ja73: 31, P9F76: 32 in Norfolk, Va. , 28Mr55: 41, PD5S71: 32— R5S71: 23 in N. C. , 3J146: 32 in Northumberland co. , Va. , PD7My67: 32 in Petersburg, Va. , PD7F71: 23 in Phila. , Pa. , PD20Ag72: 23 in Pittsylvania co. , Pil6F75: 33 in Prince Edward co. , Va. , R25F73: 31 in Richmond, Va. , 7N54: 32, PD25Je72: 31 in Spotsylvania co. , Va. , PD2J172: 31 in Surry co. , Va. , 19J154: 42 in Sussex co. , Va. , PD17S71: 32 in Warwick co. , Va. , 19J154: 32 in Westmoreland co. , Va. , 8Ag51: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , 16S37: 32, 24Mr38: 42, 21Mr45: 42, 31Ja51: 42, HAp51: 41, 10Oc55: 32, 12D55: 41, 19D55:31,PD20N66:22, PD12My68: 31— R12My68: 31, PD24My70: 32— R14Je70: 42, RlAg71: 31, PD130c74: 31, P21J175: 31, D20Je77: 31--P20Je77: 33,D10J179: 31 in Winchester, Va. , R28Ap68: 24 near Petersburg, Pa. , PD7Ja73: 31 practice in Va. county courts regulated, 17Ap46: 22 See also Lawyers Attoway, John, Capt. , Pil6N75: 41 Attucks, Crispus, PD5Ap70: 23— R5Ap70: 32, PD5Ap70: 31—R5Ap70: 41, PD3Ja71: 13, PD4Ap71: 22, PDllAp71: 22 Attwell, Thomas, PD12My74: 43— R12My74: 33, Pil2Ja75: 32 Attwood, William, PD23My71: 22, PD10D72: 31 Atwell, Capt. , D8Ap75: 22 Mr. ,D20Je77:31 Francis, Pi29S74: 41 Richard, PD13Ag72: 31 Thomas, PilJe75: 11— P2Je75s41 Atwood, Henry, D18F75: 31 James, D18F75: 31 James, Capt. , of the Hope, PD15D68: 23— R12Ja69: 31 37 Atwood (cont'd) John, Capt. , of the Schooner, 9D37: 42 of the Swallow, 25Mr37: 41 Samuel, PD5Ap70: 22--R5Ap70: 31 Aubarede, Marquis d', PD2Je74: 31 Aubery, Catherine, PD27J169: 32 Thomas, 15D52: 31 William Arcutt, PD27J169: 32 Aubichon, d\ M. , author, PD17S72: 22. PD10Je73: 34, D24Ag76: 63, D3Ja77: 43 AuDrey, Mr. , opposes British colonies, N.Am. ,D15J175: 32 Auchmiity, Robert, judge of Admiralty court, Boston, PD13J169: 22 appointed, PD150c67: 13, PD5N67: 11, R19Ja69: 22 arranges murder trial, PD25My69: 21 arrives in Newport, R. I. , PD28Ja73: 22 decrees against Liberty, sloop, PD8S68: 22 on commiss. /n to investigate Gaspee affair, R12D72sl3, PD21Ja73: 23— R21Ja73: 22, PD18F73: 23--R18F73: 22, R6My73:21,PDU173: 31 salary of, R12Ja69: 21 seized from British, P19J176: 21 [Samuel], Rev. Dr. , P19J176: 21 Auckland, Capt. , of the Harlequin, PD19Ap70: 13 Auctioneer, horse, PD23Je74: 22 Auctioneers, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD20Je71: 33--R20Je71: 33, PD25J171: 23 inYorktown, Va. , PD21J168: 31 — R21J168:31 See also Vendue-masters Auctions, 27Mr52: 31, 2S57: 31, R23F69: 22, R22Mr70: 22, PD2Ja72: 32, PD21My72: 23, PD30Je74: 23--R30Je74: 32, Pi7S75: 32, D20Ja76: 31 — P26Ja76: 41 — Pi20Ja76: 32,D20Ja76: 31— Pi20Ja76: 32--P26Ja76: 41, P21Ag78: 33 at Accomac courthouse, Va. , PD6J169:32,R13J169:31 at Aquia warehouse, Va. , P25Ag75: 83 at Bedford courthouse, Va. , P26J176: 32--D29J176: 62 at Charles City courthouse, Va. , PDllAp71: 33 at Charlotte courthouse, Va. , D20Je77: 31 at Gloucester courthouse, Va. , 7N51: 31, PD6Ag72: 23--R80c72: 42, P14Ap75: 32— D15Ap75: 32 at Green spring, Va. , PD12N67: 22 at Hanover courthouse, Va. , 23My55: 21, D17Je75s22, Pil90c75: 33--P20Oc75: 23— D4N75: 32, P1D75: 23--D2D75: 32 at Henrico factory, Va. ,D5F80: 33 at King and Queen courthouse, Va. , PD27Je71: 33 at King William courthouse, Va. , PD19N72: 23--R19N72: 23 at Louisa courthouse, Va. , 170c51: 32 at New Kent courthouse, Va. , PD130c74: 32, Pi20Oc74: 32 at Orange courthouse, Va. , PD11J171: 32.PD22J173: 33, R5Ag73: 23 at Prince George courthouse, Va. , PD22J173: 33. R22J173: 33 at Surry courthouse, Va. , D23D80: 33 at Westmoreland courthouse, Va. , PD16Je74: 22--R23Je74: 42 in Alexandria, Va. , PD10Mr74: 32— R10Mr74: 31 in Amelia co. , Va. , R18J166: 42— PD22Ag66: 32, PD10Je73: 23, PD22J173: 32, D160c78: 41— P160c78: 23 in Beaufort, Va. , R23Ag70: 33 in Brunswick co. , Va. , 14Ag52: 32 in Cabin Point, Va. , PD17S71: 32 in Caroline co. , Va. , PD13N66: 23, PD6My73: 31--R6My73: 23, P6D76: 31 in Charles City co. , Va. , PD13N66: 31— R4D66: 43, R4D66: 43, PD13Ag67: 23 in Charlotte co. , Va. , PD7S69: 41 — R7S69: 42 in Chesterfield co. , Va. , PD7S69: 41 — R7S69: 42, PD16N69: 22, D19D77: 31 in Cobham, Va. , P4J177: 31 in Culpeper co. , Va. , PD30S73: 32— R30S73: 33 in Cumberland co. , Va. , PD7S69: 41 — R7S69: 42, C6N79: 32 in Dinwiddie co. , Va. , R24D67: 33, R2N69: 23 in Essex co. , Va. , PD25J171: 22, RlAg71: 23 * in Fauquier co. , Va. , PD22Ag66: 31 in. Frederick co. , Va. ,DH27N78: 31 in Fredericksburg, Va. ,R10Ag69: 32, R8N70: 12, PD10D72: 32--R10D72: 23, P26J176: 33, P28N77s21, P5Je78: 11 in Gloucester co. , Va. , 2Mr53: 41, PD23J167: 32--R23J167: 33, R21S69: 31, PD23J172: 32, P9Ag76: 42— D10Ag76:62,D12D77:21 in Goochland co. , Va. , PD1N70: 23— R1N70: 23 in Halifax co. , Va. , PD7S69: 41 — R7S69: 42 in Hampshire co. , Va. , R20Ap69: 31 in Hampton, Va. , 22Ap57: 42, PD19N67: 23, PD30Ap72: 31 in Hanover, Va. , P31Ja77: 23— D7F77: 32, P14F77: 42, C27N79: 21 — D27N79: 22 in Hanover co. , Va. , R7S69: 33, PD19N72: 23, R16D73: 41 — PD23D73s22, P31My76: 32— DUe76: 32 in Henrico co. , Va. , 7N54: 42 in James City co. , Va. , R4D66: 43, PD26F67: 32, PD16J167: 33, PD19J170: 41, R23Ap72: 42, P27S76s21,D170c77: 31--P170c77: 32 in King and Queen co. , Va. , 30N59: 32, PD2My66: 23, PD28Ap68: 22— R28Ap68: 24, PD8Je69: 23 — R15Je69: 41, PD1N70: 22, PD17S72: 23, PD28Ja73: 31— R28Ja73: 32 in King William co. , Va. , 4Ap51: 41, 10N52: 31, PD10N68: 23— R17N68: 32, PD3S72:23,R29Ag73: 31 in London, Eng. , P9Je75: 23 — D10Je75:21 in Loudoun co. , Va. , Pi20Oc74: 32 — PD20Oc74: 32 in Louisa co. , Va. , R270c68: 31, PD10c72: 23,D28N77: 22 in Lunenburg co. , Va. , 7N54: 31, 30N59: 41 in Manakin town, Va. , D10Oc77: 22 in New Kent co. , Va. , 25Ap51: 41, PD20N66: 23— R4D66: 33, PD26N67: 31, R24D72: 22 — PD7Ja73: 32, R23D73: 33, D22N76: 32 in Norfolk, Va. , 7Mr55: 32, 4Ap55: 32, 2My55: 21, PD20Ag67: 32, PD13Ja74: 33, in Northumberland co. , Va. , R2N69: 23, PD21My72: 23 in Onancock, Va. , 22Ap57: 41 in Orange co. , Va. , PD5F67: 32— R19F67: 41, PD2F69: 32— R2F69: 23, RUe69s21,D8My79:22 in Petersburg, Va. , PD8Mr70: 33, PD18Oc70: 31— R18Oc70: 22, PD270c74: 31.D12S77: 41 — P19S77: 11,D26D77: 21, D12Je79: 32 in Port Royal, Va. , P26J176: 33 in Portsmouth, Va. , PDUa67: 42 in Prince George co. , Va. , D90c79: 31 — C30Oc79: 43, D20N79: 31 in Richmond, Va. , 16Ag51: 32, 12S55: 32, PD26N72: 23— R26N72: 21, DlAg77: 31— PlAg77: 13 in Richmond co. , Va. , R15Je69: 23, P19S77: 13 in Rocky Ridge, Va. , PD26Ja69: 32— R26Ja69: 23 in Romney. Va. , R28Ap68: 24, PD170c71: 31— R170c71: 32 in Southampton co. , Va. , PDl9My68: 22 in Spotsylvania co. , Va. , R18Oc70: 23 in Stafford co. , Va. , R16Je68: 31 in Suffolk, Va. , P12Je78: 31 in Surry co. , Va. , 17N52: 31, R18J171: 41 in Sussex co. , Va. , PD13D70: 23 in Tappahannock, Va. , 22Ap57: 42 in Warwick co. , Va. , P22N76: 33, D16Ap79: 22 in Westmoreland co. , Va. , R20J169: 23, R6S70: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , 31Ja51: 41, 18J151: 32, UAp55: 31, 9My55: 22, 240c55: 22, 22Ap57: 41, 22Ap57: 42. PD22Ag66: 31, PD4D66: 32— R4D66: 22, PD18D66: 31, PD26Mr67: 23, PD18D66: 21, PD26Mr67: 23, PD21My67: 32, PD19N67: 22, PD3Mr68: 32— R3Mr68: 32, PD28J168: 23--R28J168: 31, PD130c68: 23— R270c68: 34, PD15D68: 31— R15D68: 21, PD12Ja69: 41, R27Ap69: 23, PDUe69: 31 — RUe69: 32, PD8Je69: 32— R15Je69: 41, R7S69: 42, R30N69: 31 — PD7D69: 33, PD30Ag70: 32 — R30Ag70: 31, R6S70:32, PD18Oc70: 33-- R18Oc70: 23, PD31Ja71: 33, PD28Mr71: 32, PD25J171: 23, PD23Ja72: 33, PD30Ja72: 32— R6F72: 32, PD31D72: 32, PD18Mr73: 32— R18Mr73:33, R10Mr74: 32, Pi60c74: 33— PD60c74: 32, D15Ap75: 33, P21Je76: 31--D22Je76: 32, D21Mr77: 21, D18Ap77: 62, P9My77: 32, D25J177: 41 — P25J177: 23, D170c77: 22--P170c77: 31, P12D77: 23, D10J178: 32, D17J178: 32, P21Ag78: 33, P160c78: 23, D27N78: 22,D27N78:31 in Winchester, Va. , R28Ap68: 24, R15Mr70: 41, R3My70: 41 — 38 Austria PD24My70: 42, PD170c71: 31 — R170c71: 32 in York co. , Va. , PDlAp73: 32, D21Mr77: 12,D4D78:31 in Yorktown, Va. , 18Je52: 22, 22Ap57: 41, PD7J168: 32--R7J168: 23, PD23J172: 32, PD6Ag72: 31, PD5N72: 43, PD11F73: 31, C28Ag79: 31 near Baltimore, Md. , R31My70: 43, R23Ag70: 41 near Blandford, Va. , D3Ja77: 31— P3Ja77s23 near Bottom's bridge, Va. , P30c77: 23 near Hampton, Va. , 16Ja61: 42 of British imports, in Alexandria, Va. , P129D74: 32 in Charles City co. , Va. , Pil2Ja75: 11 — D14Ja75: 21 in Essex co. , Va. , PilJe75: 12 in Goochland co. , Va. , P31Mr75sl3 in Hampton, Va. ,D28Ja75: 23 in Henrico co. , Va. ,DllF75s22 in King George co. , Va. , D28Ja75: 23 in Nansemond co. , Va. , Pi9Mr75: 13 in New York City, Pi29D74: 22 in Petersburg, Va. , Pi26Ja75: 12 inPhila. , Pa. , PD29D74: 31 in Princess Anne co. , Va. , PU6F75: 32, Pi23Mr75: 22 in Reading, Pa. , Pi29D74: 23 in Richmond, Va. ,DllF75s23 in Smithfield, Va. , Pi23F75: 23 in Suffolk, Va. ,D8Ap75: 11 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD22D74: 31, D4F75: 32 Audas, Thomas, PD1D74: 31 Augers, for sale, in Gloucester, Va. , P19Ap76sll--D20Ap76: 33, P16Ag76: 33— D24Ag76: 72 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Petersburg, Va. , D26D77: 21 in Princess Anne co. , Va. , P23My77: 32 in Smithfield, Va. , D21F77: 22— P28F77s22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD15F70: 41, D30My77: 31, D27Je77: 31, DlAg77: 22 stolen, R7Je70: 32 Augers, carpenters', for sale, in Cobham, Va. , P4J177: 31 Augsburg, Bavaria, See Bankruptcies in; Famines in August, packet, D140c75: 31 Augusta, princess dowager of Wales, PD23My71: 21, PD7My72: 31 — R21My72: 22, PDllJe72: 23 Augusta, Ga. , evacuated by British, D9Ap79: 21 See also Creeks attend conference in; Robberies near; Silver mines discovered near; Slaves for sale near; Torture by robbers in Augusta, British ship, 25Ja39/40: 2 H. M. S. , 50c39: 31, 21Mr45: 31, 11S46: 31, 21N51: 22, 24Ja52: 22, 26S55: 12, PD27Ag72: 31, PDUMr73: 23, R9S73: 12, D28Mr77: 61.D7N77: 12— P7N77sll,P7N77sl3 H. M. yacht, PD9S73: 13— R9S73: 23, PD9S73: 21— R9S73: 12 ship, PD16D73: 11 yacht, PD12S71: 11, PD27Ag72: 21, PD24S72: 13, PD5N72: 31, PD23S73s21, R28Qc73: 22, PD1S74: 12, PD1S74: 23 Augusta co. , Va. , act for establishing town repealed, 10Ap52: 22 boundary with west Augusta, D27D76:21— P3Ja77: 13 burgesses elected, 27F52: 32, PD22D68: 23--R22D68: 12, PD28S69: 22, PD26D71: 23, PD4Ag74: 23, P21J175s32 census requested, P19Ap76p23— D27Ap76: 33 Chancery court, R12J170: 22, PD25Ap71: 32, R2My71: 32 citizens assured of safety, 26S55: 31 committees in, Pi6JT75: 11, Pi6J175: 12, P3N75: 12 courts in, 24Ap52: 21, PD31Ja71: 32 delegates chosen, Pil6Mr75: 22, P9My77: 23 divided by general assembly, PD23N69: 31--R23N69: 23, PD28D69: 23--R28D69: 23 freeholders address burgesses, R3Ag69: 23 freeholders address delegates, P14Ap75: 23 freeholders discuss liberty, D20D76: 12 grievances listed for delegates, Pi6J175: 12 instructions to general assembly quoted, P180c76: 11 list of tithables not returned, Pil8My75: 33— P19My75S32— D20My75: 33 relations with Indians, Pi6J175: 12 settled by Presbyterians, 5Mr52: 11 sheriffs summons, R12J170: 22, R2My71: 32 See also Apple orchards in; Attorneys in; Bleaching mills in; Churches in; Convict Servants runaway from; Dwelling houses in; Ferries in; Floods in; Georgia battalion, second, enlistments in; Gristmills in; Gunpowder manufacture encouraged in; Horse-breeding in; Horses stolen in; Houses in; Indentured servants runaway from; Indian attacks in; Indians, battles with in; Iron works in; Jails in; Kitchens in; Land, ownership of, disputed in; Land, warrant for in; Land for sale in; Land mortgaged in; Libraries, school in; Meeting- houses in; Militia claims in; Militia of; Murders of Indians in; Musters, general, dates appointed for, in; Outhouses in; Overseers' houses in; Paper manufacture encouraged in; Parliament, supremacy opposed in; Peach orchards in; Petition, right of, upheld in; Prisoners of war, Tories, taken in; Public houses for rent in; Religious toleration supported in; Roads between Richmond, Va. , and; Roads in; Robberies by slaves in; Salt manufacture encouraged in; Saw mills in; Schoolmasters accused of absconding from; Schools, adv. of, in; Slaves for sale in; Slaves runaway from; Springs in; Stables in; Stealing in; Stone meeting house in; Surveyors in; Taxes levied in; Tories in; Tories punished in; Trial by jury upheld in; Virginia troops in; Wool cards, manufacture encouraged in Augusta courthouse, Va. , See Land for sale at; Mulatto servants for sale at; Slaves for sale at Augusta springs, Va. , PD30Ag70: 32, PD20S70s42, D25S79: 11 Augustine, Fr. warship, 4S46: 31 man of war, 12D45: 31 Augustus, ship, 5D51: 21 Augustus Caesar, ship, PD15Ap73: 13 Auld, Capt. , R12Ja69: 23 Alexander, Capt. , of the Aeolus, PD28D69: 31 James, PD3D72: 23 Aumale, Fr. , See Storms in Aurillas, Pedro, Don, Capt. , of the Guasco, PD2S73: 13— R2S73s22 Aurists, in New York City, PD19Ag73: 13 in Phila. , Pa. , PDllJe72: 31, R3D72: 11, PD28Ja73: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD7My72: 23, PD25F73: 31--R25F73: 31, PD29Ap73: 22— R29Ap73: 22, PD13My73: 42— R20My73: 31 Aurora, Fr. navy, D18Mr80: 13 frigate, PD18J171: 21, R15Ag71: 13, PD9S73: 22--R9S73: 22, PD16S73: 13, D7N77: 12 — P7N77sll H. M. S. , PD13Je71: 12, PD210c73: 13, D12F80: 12 ship, 23My55: 21, R7J168: 12, R7S69: 11, PD7D69: 21— R7D69: 21, R26J170: 13, PD14Mr71: 31, PD5S71: 11, PD170c71: 13,R23S73: 21, Pil6Mr75: 32--D18Mr75: 23, D24Ag76: 71,D23My77: 11, D24Ap79: 21,D30My77: 11 Aurora borealis, 17Ap46: 21, PD6Ag72: 21 Ausler, Jeremiah, 25My39: 42 Aust, Capt. , of the Constant, 3S56: 22 Henry, Capt. , of the Richard, 16Ja61: 42 Austin, Archelaus, PD70c73: 23, PD21J174p23, PD4Ag74: 41 Benjamin, PD16Je74s21, D22Je76: 41 Francis, D16S75: 41, D10Ag76: 71, D170c77: 21 Henry, 210c37: 41 Isaac, D7Ag79: 32, D21Ag79: 31 Israel, D10J178: 31 James, R12Mr72: 32— PD19Mr72: 32 John, PD5Mr67: 32— R12Mr67: 42, PD5Ap70: 42, D30Mr76: 33 John, sr. , P28Je76: 41 Jonathan Loring, D16Ap79: 21 Jonathan Williams, Pi60c74: 22 Joseph, R14Ja73: 41 Nicholas, PU5D74: 22 Samuel, DllMy76: 41 Sarah, D29Ja80: 33 Susannah, P28Je76: 41 Thomas, 9My55: 21, D9S75: 33 Thomas, Capt. , P30c77: 23 William, PD31Mr68: 22, PD14S69: 33 Austin and Heatton, PD18My69: 21 Austine, John, PD29Ap73: 23 Australia, economy described, PD17D72: 22 See also Explorations for Austrea, corsair, 28Mr45: 22 Austria, accepts Spanish and Sicilian accessions, HMy39: 21 accessions to rumored, PDllN73sl3 agrees to religious toleration, 39 Austria, agrees to religious toleration (cont'd) 14Ja37: 22 aid to Russia, PD1J173: 22--R1J173: 13, PD2D73sl2--R2D73: 21, PD2D73s22— R2D73: 22, PD16D73: 13, PD16Je74: 12 aid to Turkey, PD13Je71: 13, PDlAg71: 11, PDlAg71: 21 alliance against Turkey, 10S36: 31, 290c36:31,llF37: 32 alliance with France, 20J139: 31, 3S56: 21, D29Ap75: 31, P21J175: 13, D2S75: 13 alliance with Great Britain, 18Ap51: 22, R8J173: 22, PD20Oc74: 22 alliance with Prussia, PD13Je71: 11, R2S73sl2, PD23D73: 21— R23D73: 11, PD31Mr74: 12,R31Mr74: 21, PD20Oc74: 22, P21J175: 13 alliance with Russia, PD13Je71: 11, PD31D72: 13, PD23D73: 21— R23D73: 11, PD20Oc74: 22, P21J175: 13 alliance with Sardinia, PD31Mr74: 12 alliance with Savoy, 20J139: 31 alliance with Sicily, 20J139: 31 alliance with Spain, 2S37: 12, 20J139: 31, P21J175: 13.D2S75: 13 alliance with Sweden, D29Ap75: 31 alliances of, P9My77: 11 annexes Parma, PDlAp73: 21 attack on in Italy, PD31D72: 12, PD31D72: 22 attempts loan from Eng. and Holl. , HAg38: 21 attempts to control election of Pope, Pil6Mr75: 23--P17Mr75: 23— D18Mr75: 12 borrows money, 8S38: 12 cabinet managed by Jesuit, PD13Je71: 13 cedes estates to Saxony, PD15Ag66: 13 cedes Luxemburg to France, 1S38: 22 cedes Parma and Plancentia to Spain, 10Ag39: 31 civil and military reorganization in, PD31D72: 22 declares war on Poland rumored, PD3Ja71: 22 demands on Lithuania, PD10Je73: 22 demands on Poland, PDlAp73: 13, R8J173: 22,R26Ag73: 11 deplores deflection of German states, 11J146: 12 designs on Papal states, PD3N68: 12 disputes with France, 14Ja37: 22 emperor plans revival of, PD26Mr72: 31 empress dowager dies, 16My51: 21, 13Je51: 11 empress performs ceremony, PD6J169: 11 examines Protestants' grievances, 30My51: 21 exchanges territory with France, 13My37: 11 expansion to southeast planned, PD2S73: 12— R2S73: 12 financial reforms in, 10Ja[?]51: 31 Italian possessions of, 31D36: 31 mediates between Prussia and Danzig, PD1JT73: 22 mediates between Russia and Prussia, 30My51: 12 mediates between Russia and Turkey, 25F37: 32, 27My37: 21, R21S69: 13, PD31Ja71: 12, PD25J171: 11, PD25JT71: 13, PD15Ag71: 21 — R15Ag71: 21,PD17S71: 22, PD170c71: 11, PD14N71: 11, PD12D71: 11, PD19Mr72: 21, R140c73: 11 military affairs in, 26Ja39: 11, PD18My69: 11 military preparations in Milan, 15S52: 31, R30Mr69: 32, PD18My69: 11, PD16My71: 11, PD13Je71: 11, PD17S71: 12, PDllJe72: 13, PD27Ag72: 11, PD80c72: 21, PD5N72: 22, PD16D73: 12, R16D73: 22, D9My77: 11 ministry changed, 26Ja39: 11 mobilization in, R2S73sl2 neutrality of, 11J146: 12, 11S46: 11 nobility's marriages, 25Ag38: 12, PDl.\g66: 11 occupies island in Danube, PD12Mr72: 11 opposed by Sp. and Fr. , PD17Je73: 12 opposes support of Prussia to Jesuits, R30D73: 22 pays war debts in Low Countries, 12Mr52: 22 peace with France, 24S36: 11 political news from, 16S37: 12, 24Ag51:31,30J152: 21 possessions in Italy, 13My37: 12 presents gift to French king, 7S39: 21 relations with Bavaria, 17Mr38: 12, 19Ja39:41,D2S75: 13 relations with Cologne, 17Mr38: 12 relations with Corsica, PD310c71: 13 relations with Danzig, PD10Je73: 22 relations with Denmark, PD10Je73: 12 relations with Flanders, PD13Je71: 13 relations with France, 4Mr37: 22, 27My37: 12,30Je38: 12, 12Ja39: 22, 19Ja39: 12, 26Ja39: 12, 26Ja39: 22, 2F39: 31, 23F39: 21, 25My39: 22, 25My39: 31, Ue39: 22, 6J139: 21, 7S39: 22, 5S51: 21, 12D55: 11, PD150c67: 13, R22Mr70: 12, PD5S71:13,PD310c71: 13, PD27Ag72: 23, PDlAp73: 21, PD22Ap73: 23--R22Ap73: 22, PD17Je73: 31--R17Je73: 31, R8J173:23,D9S75: 13 relations with Genoa, 21Ag46: 12 relations with Germany, D29Je76: 21 relations with Great Britain, 28Ag52: 21, 120c52: 22, PDllN73s21— RllN73sl2, D4N75: 21, C9D80: 11 relations with Holland, PD3S72: 12 relations with Italy, PD17Je73: 11 — R17Je73: 12 relations with Palatine, 17Mr38: 12 relations with Papal states, PD22Ap73: 23 relations with Poland, PD4Je67: 11, PD27Je71: 22, PD25J171: 13, PD12S71:31,PD17S71:21, PDllMr73: 12, PD17je73: 11, PDllN73s21 relations with Prussia, 17Mr38: 11, 30Mr39: 12, 11S46: 11, 11S46: 21, PD2Ap67: 21, PD18Oc70: 13, PD27Je71: 22, PD25J171: 13, PD17S71:21,PD12D71: 12, PD20Ag72: 21, PD27Ag72: 41, PD80c72: 11, PD5N72: 11, PD10Je73: 12, PD10Je73: 22, R1J173: 11, PD10Mr74: 22, PD24Mr74: 22, PD19My74: 31, PD22S74: 12, PD15D74: 12, D29Ap75: 31, D2S75: 12, D2S75: 13, D16Qc78: 31 — P160c78: 21, C15My79: 21 relations with Russia, 17Mr38: 11, 30Mr39: 12, 11J146: 11, 24Ag51: 31, PD27S70: 21, PD18Oc70: 13, PD2My71: 21, PD13Je71: 13, PD27Je71: 22, PDlAg71: 11, PDlAg71: 21, PD8Ag71: 11, PD8Ag71: 12, PD22Ag71: 13, PD5S71: 11, PD17S71: 21, PD17S71: 22, PD12D71: 12, PD23Ja72: 21, R220c72: 12, PD10Je73: 22, PD280c73: 21, PD23D73: 13, Pi8D74: 32 — PD8D74: 23, PD15D74: 12, D24Ap79: 11 relations with Sardinia, 22S38: 31, D2S75: 13 relations with Saxony, D2S75: 13 relations with Sicily, D2S75: 13 relations with Spain, 11F37: 22, 11F37: 32, 70c37: 22, 6Ja38: 32, 9Je38: 11, 21J138: 11, 18Ag38: 21, 2Ja52: 31, 120c52: 22, PD23S73: 22, relations with Sweden, 29Ag51: 11, PD10Je73: 12 relations with Thorn, Poland, PD10Je73: 22 relations with Turkey, 130c38: 31, PD27S70: 21, PD18Oc70: 13, PD21Mr71: 21, PD17S71: 21, PD7Ja73: 12, PD1J173: 22--R1J173: 13, PD23D73: 13, PD27Ja74: 13, R10F74: 22, PD12My74: 41, PD19My74: 21, Pil3Ap75: 31 relations with Turkey mediated, 21Ja37: 21, 21Ja37: 31, 12My38: 11, 9Je38: 12, 14J138: 12, HAg38: 21, 25My39: 22 relations with U. S. ,D18J177: 12 relinquishes claims to Poland, R280c73: 31, PDllN73sl3 requests loans, 29J137: 32, 2D37: 31 requests troops, 4Mr37: 22 royal marriage with France planned, RllJa70: 11, PD16Ag70: 12, PD16Ag70: 21, PD30Ag70: 21, PD13S70: 12 royal marriage with Parma, PD28Mr66: 11 royal marriage with Prussia, PDllN73sl3— RllN73sll royal marriage with Sardinia, PD22J173: 13 shares in partition of Poland, PD14Ja73: 13 secures funds for Prussian war, D8My79: 11 support of U. S. rumored, D15My78: 22 supports Danzig, R20Ja74: 21 tariff with Gt. Brit. , 6Ja38: 12 tariff with Holl. , 6Ja38: 12, UAg38: 21 taxes Catholic church, 13Je51: 11, 4J151: 32 territorial disputes with Genoa, PD15F70:21 to enter Polish civil war, PD7D69: 21— R7D69: 21, PD7D69sl2 trade treaty with France, 22D52: 21 trade treaty with Prussia, 3Ap46: 41 trade with Poland, duty on, D24Je75: 11 treatment of Poland, PD8Ap73: 12 treaty with France and Spain, 29J137: 12, 9D37: 21, 14Ap38: 22, 2F39: 41, 16F39: 21, 30Mr39: 22, 20J139: 21, PD31Ja71: 21, PDlAg71: 12, 40 Austrian succession war PD8Ag71: 11,PD16JT72:31 treaty with Gonzaga, R23S73: 11 treaty with Holland, PD7Ja73: 22 treaty with Holland bankers, 31D36: 32 treaty with Poland, PD7Ja73: 21 treaty with Prussia, PD18My69: 11, PD20S70: 22, PD10Ja71: 13, PD31Ja71: 21, PD13Je71: 22, PD5S71: 21, PD2J172: 23, PD4F73: 22, R280c73: 31, PD4N73: 12, R23D73: 13, R31Mr74: 12 treaty with Russia, 21Ag46: 11, 16Ja61: 31, PD20S70: 22, PD31Ja71: 21, PD13Je71: 22, PD26Mr72: 31, PD1J173: 13, R1J173: 12, PD140c73: 21 R280c73: 31, PD4N73: 12, R31Mr74: 12 treaty with Sardinia, PD22J173: 13 treaty with Sicily, 26Ja39: 22 treaty with Spain, PD31Ja71: 21 treaty with Turkey, R22Mr70: 11, P17Mr75sl2--D18Mr75: 22, Pi23Mr75: 31 treaty with U. S. to be made, P27Mr78: 21 unites Italian provinces, 19Ag37: 11 war rumored, 24Ja51: 31 war with Prussia, PD22D68: 21 — R22D68: 12 war with Turkey, 17S36: 31, 31D36: 32, PD9J172: 13, PD19My74: 31 See also Boundary disputes; Census taken in; Charity in; Clergy, Roman Catholic in; Communistic societies in; Convents in; Corn plentiful in; Duels in; Earthquakes in; Floods in; Frauds in; Indigo discovered in; Jesuits, asylum refused in; Jesuits, estates seized in; Jesuits detained by; Jesuits in; Marriages regulated in; Plague in; Prices high in; Religious toleration in; Religious toleration violated in; Reptiles in; Riots in; Roman Catholic orders, legacies forbidden in; Russian army to; St. Andrew's day celebrated in; Smallpox inoculation encouraged in; Smallpox inoculation in; Smuggling in; Wine plentiful in; Wood, preservative invented in; Woolen manufacture in Austrian army, artillery for, 17Mr38: 21, 23Je38: 11, 12Ja39: 21 assembles in Hungary, 26Ag37: 41 Bavarian troops in, 16F39: 21 British in, 9S37: 11, 13J139: 31, 28D39: 12, 28D39: 22, 18Ja40: 22, PD80c72: 12 cavalry remounted, PD2J167: 21 commander chosen, 11S46: 22 condition of, 29D38: 31 cruelties by opposed, D5Mr79: 31 Danish officers in, 9S37: 31 desertions in, 11F37: 22 discipline in, 16Je38: 21, 17Ag39: 22 disposition of, R2S73s21 French in, 9S37: 31, 22S38: 31 Hanoverian troops in. 29J137: 21, 19Ag37:31,6J139:21 Hessians in, 6My37: 22 Holstein Gottorp troops in, 6J139: 21 horses for cavalry of, R8Mr70: 21 in Bohemia, PD13Je71: 11 in Cracow, Poland, RlAp73: 11 in Hungary. PD13Je71: 11, PD25J171: 21 in Moldavia, PD130c74: 12, PD8D74: 21 — Pi8D74: 22, Pi23Mr75: 31 in Moravia, PD13Je71: 11 in Naples, PD15J173: 23--R15J173: 22 in Netherlands, 10Ap46: 31 in Pelnitz, PD29Ap73: 12 in Podolia, Russia, D29Ap75: 23 in Poland, PD3Ja71: 22, PD10Ja71: 13, PD14Mr71: 22, PD20Ag72: 21, PD20Ag72: 22, PD3S72: 12, PD80c72: 21, PD220c72: 21 — R220c72: 12, PD31D72: 22, PDllMr73: 12, PD8Ap73: 12, R17Je73sll, PD26Ag73: 11 — R26Ag73: 12, R26Ag73: 11, R26Ag73: 12, R2S73sll, PD27Ja74: 11, R3Mr74: 21, PD19My74: 22 in Transylvania, PD23D73: 12, R10F74: 22 in Wallachia, PD8D74: 21 — Pi8D74: 22 in Warsaw, Poland, PDlAp73: 11 increase in, PD12D71: 12,RlAp73: 11, PD16D73: 11.R23D73: 11, PD21Ap74: 22, PD14J174: 11, D70c75: 12 insurrections in, PD2S73: 12 Irish in, 18Ja40: 22 money raised for, PD7Ja73: 11 movements of, 11N37: 32, PD14Ap69sl2 mutiny in, R2S73s21 officers executed, 23Je38: 11, 21J138: 11, 18Ag38: 11 officers tried, 9Je38: 11, 9je38: 21, 16Je38: 21, 23Je38: 12, 15S38: 11, 1F40: 22. on Polish frontier, R23Mr69: 22 prays for divine blessing, 20J139: 21 preparations in, PD18Oc70: 13, PD8Ag71: 21,RllN73sl2 Prussian officers in, 9S37: 11 recruiting for, 8Je39: 32, PD16My66: 11, PD6Je66: 11, PD21My67: 12, PD16Ja72: 13, PD8Ap73: 12, PD23D73: 21--R23D73: 13. PD27Ja74: 12,R3Mr74:21 reduced on Rhine, 28Ja37: 42 reforms in, 10Ja[?]51: 31 Rumanians in, 11N37: 11 Russians in, 23Je38: 12, 30Mr39: 12 Sardinians in, 19My38: 11 Saxon troops in, 26Ag37: 41, 17Mr38: 12 size of, 23F39: 11, PD27Ag72: 11, PD31Mr74: 13 spies in, 16S37: 12 strength of, 23Je38: 11,4N63: 13 supplies for, 9S37: 11 Swedish officers in, 9S37: 31 to Dalmatia, PD29S74: 23 to Ferrara, It. , PD22D68: 11 to Poland, PDUAp71: 13, PD27Ag72: 22, PD6My73: 21, PDllN73sll, PD60c74: 13, PD15D74: 12 to Transylvania, PD23D73: 21 — R23D73: 23, PD12My74: 41 to Turkey, PD31D72: 21, PD7Ja73: 12, PDllN73sll to Wallachia, PD3Mr74: 12 Tuscany troops in, 9S37: 31 victories celebrated, 10N38: 22 Wurttemberg troops in, 6My37: 22 Austrian court, See Smallpox inoculations at Austrian Netherlands, military preparations in, PD60c68: 22 mobilization of, D9S75: 13 neutrality guaranteed, 18S46: 11 political conditions described, 19Ja39: 11 possession of discussed, 23F39: 21 trade regulations in, 16S37: 21 trade relations with Holl. , 15Je39: 21 Austrian succession war, 29Ag45: 21, 12S45: 32, 26S45: 11 aims discussed, 21Mr45: 21 allied army movements, 26S45: 22 allied army strength, 11J145: 31, 7N45: 21 allies' loyalty questioned, 240c45: 32 appraisal of officers, 21Ag46: 12 armies assembled, 21Mr45: 12, 11J146: 21 armies enumerated, 12S45: 21, 240c45: 31 armies reinforced, 12S45: 31, 12S45: 32, armies retreat, 11J145: 21, 11J145: 22 armies strength in Flanders predicted, 31J146: 41 army movements, 20Je45: 12, 20Je45: 21, 11J145: 12, 12S45: 21, 12S45: 31, 26S45: 11, 10Oc45: 21, 240c45: 11, 240c45: 22, 240c45: 31, 240c45: 32, 310c45: 22, 28N45: 11, 5D45: 31, 12D45: 31, 10Ap46: 31, 11J146: 11, 11J146: 31, 11S46: 22, 18S46: 22, 18S46: 32 army positions, 20Je45: 12, 20Je45: 21 attack on Gibraltar rumored, 13Je45: 12 attack on Prague, 28Mr45: 31 Austrian army movements, 9My45: 31, 26S45: 21, 21Ag46: 11, 11S46: 12, 11S46: 22 Austrian casualties in, 19D45: 31 Austrian- French prisoners exchanged, 11S46: 11 Austrian losses in, 9My45: 21, 10Ap46: 22 Austrian troop movements, 15My46: 21 Austrian victories in, 20Je45: 31, 11J145: 11, 11J145: 22, 11J145: 31, 21Ag46: 11,25S46:21 battles in, 12S45: 22, 240c45: 32, 21Ag46: 22 Bavaria makes peace, 11J145: 21, 26S45: 21 British army in, 25S46: 32, 25S46: 41 British army in Belgium, 20Je45: 21 British army in Brabant, 310c45: 22 British army in Flanders, 31J146: 42 British army movements, 21Mr45: 12, 11J145: 31, 240c45: 31, 7N45: 21, 19D45: 31, 11J146: 41, 14Ag46: 12, 21Ag46: 22, 25S46: 22 British capture French plate, 11J146: 21 British- French prisoners exchanged, 20Je45: 31, 310c45: 21, 9Ja46: 32, 4S46: 22, 25S46: 31 British losses in, 7N45: 22 British navy movements, 240c45: 32, 310c45: 22, 310c45: 31, 7N45: 21, 5D45: 32 British policy criticized, 5D45: 32 British prisoners exchanged, 15My46: 32 British prisoners of war released, 240c45: 32 campaign plans, 240c45: 31 campaigns in Bavaria, 11J145: 11 41 Austrian succession war (cont'd) campaigns in Bohemia, 240c45: 22 campaigns in Flanders, 13Je45: 11, 31J146: 42, 11546:32. campaigns in Italy, 9My45: 22, 20Je45: 11, 11J145: 11, 240c45: 32, 26S45: 12, 5D45: 21, 10Ap46: 12, 10Ap46: 21, 15My46: 22, 11J146: 11, 11J146: 12, 21Ag46: 11, 4S46: 12, 18S46: 11, 18S46: 12, 18S46: 31 campaigns in Netherlands, 5D45: 31, 14Ag46: 11, 18S46: 22, 18S46: 31 campaigns in Piedmont, 9My45: 22 campaigns in Silesia, 11J145: 22, 310c45: 21 casualties at Ostend, 7N45: 22 Dutch participation discussed, 5D45: 32 Dutch victories in, 240c45: 11, 28N45: 11 France offers terms to Sardinia, 7N45: 12 Franco-Prussian alliance, 21Mr45: 21 French army in, 16Ja46: 21, 27Mr46: 11 French army in Belgium, 15My46: 21, 15My46:41 French army in Germany, 6Je45: 11 French army in Netherlands, 21Ag46: 21, 11S46: 12, 18S46: 12 French army inferior, 11S46: 22 French army movements, 9My45: 21, 13Je45: 11, 20Je45: 21, 240c45: 21, 11J146: 21, 11J146: 22, 11J146: 31, 14Ag46: 11, 21Ag46: 22, 4S46: 12, 18S46: 31 French army retires, 10Oc45: 21 French losses in, 18Ap45: 21, 20Je45: 21, 11J145: 22, 26S45: 21, 310c45: 21, 12D45: 32, 18S46: 31, French mistreat prisoners, 26S45: 22 French navy movements, 6Je45: 21, 240c45: 22, 5D45: 32 French prisoners taken, 21Mr45: 12, 7N45: ll,21Ag46: 12 French prisoners released, 28N45: 22 French spies in, 12S45: 22 French troops winter in Germany, 21Mr45: 31 French victories in, 240c45: 12 Hanoverian army in Netherlands, 11J146: 12 Hanoverian army movements, 14Ag46: 11 Hanoverian prisoners taken, 5D45: 21 Hanoverian troop movements, 28Mr45: 32 Hessian army movements, 310c45: 31 Hungarian-Bavarian armistice, 9My45: 31 Hungary's allies in, 9My45: 22 invasion of Silesia, 21Mr45: 11, 28Mr45: 32 naval engagements in, 12S45: 12, 10Oc45: 21, 240c45: 21, 12D45: 22, 27Mr46: 22, 15My46: 31, 29My46: 31, 14Ag46: 21, 21Ag46: 22, 21Ag46: 31, 21Ag46: 32 peace between Hungary and Bavaria, 11J145: 22, 11J145: 31 peace between Hungary and Prussia, 21N45: 32, 3Ap46: 22 peace between Prussia. Austria and Saxony, 10Ap46: 31 peace between Tuscany and Austria, 10Ap46: 31 peace negotiations, 21Mr45: 21, 21Mr45: 32, 28Mr45: 32, 18Ap45: 21, 9My45: 21, 9My45: 31, 310c45: 21, 11S46: 21, 11S46: 22, 11S46: 31, 11S46: 32, 11S46: 41, 18S46: 11, 18S46: 21 peace rumored, 9My45: 22, 7N45: 21 Piedmont victories in, 24Ap46: 22 prisoners exchange requested, 26S45: 11 prisoners taken, 4S46: 21 Prussian army movements, 21Mr45: 11, 28Mr45: 32, 240c45: 11, 240c45: 21, 240c45: 22, 10Ap46: 32, 11S46: 31 Prussian diplomacy in, 31J146: 41 Prussian losses in, 21Mr45: 31, 11J145: 11, 26S45: 21, 16Ja46: 32 Prussian victories in, 12S45: 21, 12S45: 22, 10Oc45: 21 recommendation for administration of, 4S46: 32 Russian army in, 9My45: 21, 3Ap46: 12, 14Ag46: 12, 18S46: 12 Sardinian victories in, 5D45: 22, 29My46:31,18S46:32 Saxon losses in, 10Ap46: 21 secret negotiations in, 14Ag46: 12 Spanish army in, 240c45: 11, 21Ag46: 12, 18S46: 21 Spanish losses in, 6Je45: 12, 10Ap46: 22, 31J146:41,21Ag46: 12 Spanish navy movements, 11J145: 32 Spanish prisoners taken, 21Ag46: 11, 18S46: 12, 18S46: 31 Swiss troops in, 9My45: 22 treaty between Prussia and Austria, 24Ap46: 21 treaty between Prussia and Saxony, 24Ap46: 22 treaty between Prussia, Poland, and Hungary discussed, 3Ap46: 21 Tuscany's victories in, 10Oc45: 12 See also King George's war Austrian troops, in French army proposed, D26F79: 22 Austro- Turkish war, 17S36: 21, 17S36: 31, 10c36: 41, 80c36: 31, 80c36: 41, 150c36: 31, 290c36: 12, 290c36: 31, 26N36: 31, 3D36: 31, 17D36: 41, 31D36: 32, 7Ja37: 11, 28Ja37: 42, 29J137: 31, 9S37: 12, 4N37: 41, 16D37: 12, 6Ja38: 11, 6Ja38: 12, 13Ja38: 21, 3F38: 22, lMr38: 22, 10Mr38: 11, 10Mr38: 22, 17Mr38: 12, 24Mr38: 11, 14Ap38: 21, 19My38: 11, 9Je38: 21, 4Ag38: 12, 4Ag38: 22, 25Ag38: 11, 25Ag38: 12, 25Ag38: 21, 1S38: 21, 1S38: 31, 1S38: 32, 8S38: 11, 15S38: 32, 22S38: 21, 29S38: 22, 29S38: 31, 60c38: 22, 130c38: 31, 20Oc38: 31, 270c38: 11, 3N38: 11, 10N38: 11, 17N38: 11, 24N38: 22, 1D38: 21, 15D38: 11, 29D38: 31, 29D38: 32, 5Ja39: 21, 5Ja39: 32, 12Ja39: 21, 26Ja39: 12, 16F39: 11, 16F39: 21, 16F39: 22, 23F39: 11, HMy39: 11, HMy39: 21, 25My39: 32, 22Je39: 11, 29Je39: 22, 13J139: 21, 20J139: 21, 27J139: 11, 17Ag39: 12, 24Ag39: 12, 31Ag39: 31, 7S39: 11, 9N39: 11, 28D39: 11, 28D39: 12, 28D39: 21 army movements, 29J137: 11, 12Ag37: 42, 4N37: 21, 2D37: 11, 23D37: 21, 16N39: 22 attack on Belgrade planned, 5My38: 11 Austria explains peace negotiations, HJa40: 12 Austrian and Russian armies retire, 2D37: 21 Austrian army conditions, 29Je39: 12 Austrian army in, 3D36: 12, 4N37: 11, 4N37: 21, 11N37: 32, 18N37: 11, 2D37: 31, 9D37: 31, 30D37: 22, 130c38: 11, 12Ja39: 12, 8Je39: 12, 21S39: 22, 28D39: 12, 28D39: 21 Austrian casualties, 260c39: 31 Austrian generals for, 13My37: 21 Austrian losses in, 17N38: 21 Austrian victories in, 16S37: 12, 4N37: 11, 11N37: H,270c38: 12, 10N38: 12, 15D38: 11, 16F39: 32 British officers in, 21D39: 32 campaigns in, lAp37: 12, 12My38: 21 casualties in, 4N37: 31, 18N37: 21 declaration of by Austria, 2S37: 11, 140c37: 31 distribution of Austrian army, 2S37: 11 effects of in Austria, 25My39: 22 German losses in, 260c39: 32 Hungarians in, 5Ja39: 31 naval battles in, 12Ja39: 11, 28D39: 21 navies in, 20J139: 12 peace between Austria and Turkey, HJa40: 11,1F40:21 peace between Russia and Turkey, 1F40:21 peace discussed, 17D36: 32, lAp37: 11, lAp37: 12, lAp37: 21, 12Ag37: 41, 26Ag37: 22, 26Ag37: 32, 2D37: 22, 9D37: 22, 9D37: 31, 23D37: 12, 30D37: 22, 17Mr38: 12, 31Mr38: 11, 9Je38: 31, HAg38: 21, 9Mr39: 22, 30Mr39: 12, 30Mr39: 21, 29Je39: 11, 29Je39: 12, 6J139: 11, 120c39: 11, 120c39: 22, 9N39: 22, 16N39: 31, 18Ja40: 11 peace rumored, 29J137: 11, 10Mr38: 12, 12My38: 21, 21J138: 11, 22S38: 22, 1D38: 41, 12Ja39: 11, 12Ja39: 12, 12Ja39: 21, 16F39: 32, HMy39: 12, 17Ag39: 22, 31Ag39: 21, 7S39: 21, 14S39: 11, 21S39: 22, 9N39: 12, 4Ja40: 21 peace unlikely, 9F39: 31 plundering in, 2Je38: 21, 9Je38: 21 preparations for, 4Mr37: 31, 6My37: 21, 6My37: 22, 27My37: 12, 27My37: 21, 8J137: 32, 15J137: 41, 12Ag37: 41, 9S37: 11, 70c37: 22, 9Je38: 11 recruits for, 8Ap37: 22 rumored, 24Je37: 12 Russian army movements, 70c37: 22, 4N37: 12, 9D37: 22, 16D37: 21, 30D37: 31, 2Je38: 22, 8S38: 12, 26Ja39: 21, Ue39: 31, 8Je39: 32, 14S39: 12, 21S39: 12, 260c39: 22, 9N39: 11, 9N39: 21, 1F40: 12 Russian army victories, 17N38: 22, 29Je39: 11 Russian casualties in, 11N37: 31 Russian contributions to, 29Je39: 21, 31Ag39: 31 Russian navy in, 21J138: 11, 19Ja39: 32 Russian preparations for, 4Mr37: 11 Russian victories in, 4N37: 11, 25N37: 11, 22D38: 12, HJa40: 21 Russia's motives explained, 30S37: 11 surrender terms to Turkish army, 10N38: 21 42 Aylett treaty (text) between Austria and Turkey, 1F40: 11, 1F40: 12 treaty between Russia and Turkey, llJa40:22 truce negotiated, 14Ja37: 42 Turkey's motives explained, 70c37: 11 Turkish army assembles, 11N37: 31 Turkish army conditions, 29Je39: 12 Turkish army encampments, 2D37: 22 Turkish army movements, 27My37: 12, 29J137: 11, 23D37: 12, 30D37: 11, 10N38: 31. 8Je39: 12, 8Je39: 31, 15Je39: 12. 20J139: 11, 21S39: 21, 120c39: 11. 16N39: 31, 21D39: 12. 18Ja40: 11 Turkish army regulations, 13My37: 21 Turkish army reinforced, 18N37: 11. 10Ag39: 21 Turkish army size, HMr37: 21 Turkish army surrounded, 11N37: 11 Turkish losses in. 9Je38: 11, 17N38: 21. 260c39: 32, 9N39: 31. 16N39: 22. 21D39: 32,4Ja40: 31 Turkish navy movements, 29S38: 32. 1D38: 32 Turkish opinion concerning, 27My37: 12 Turkish prisoners in, 18N37: 21, 25N37: 21, 29Je39: 11 Turkish victories in, 25F37: 32, 29J137: 32. 2S37: 21, 15S38: 31 Auteroche. Abbe d', author, extract from reprinted. PD6Je71: 21 Autopsies, in Boston, Mass. , PD5Ap70: 21 in Dublin. Ire. , PD12S71: 23 in Warminster, Eng. , PD4F68: 22 See also Churchwardens in; Glebe land Auvergne. Fr. , See Cannibalism in; Earthquakes in; Superstitions in Aux Cayes, Haiti, See Imports to James river, Va. , from; Ships to Va. , from Ave Maria, ship. PD23Ja72: 13 Avent. Peter, P21F77:.22 Averne, Capt. , wounded in battle of Bunker Hill, P22J175s22--D29J175: 31 Avery, Capt. , indentured servants of. 10Je37:41 Billy Haley. D18N75: 32, P10Mv76sl2, D22N76: 31--P22N76: 31, P18Ap77s32 Edward, PD12Ja69: 42 Isaac, D17Ja77: 21 Isaac, Rev. Mr. , PD28Ap74: 22, Pil9Ja75: 21--D4F75: 32 James. Capt. , of the Maremaid, D24J179: 22 John, Capt. , of the Betsey, R21Ap74: 23— PD28Ap74: 23 of the Lively. PD10Mr74: 31 William, 2S57: 41 Avery's ordinary, Va. , PD8Ap73: 23 — R8Ap73: 33 Avignon, Fr. , See Murders in Aviles, Don Domingo, Capt., d', of the St. Christo de la Columna, 8Ag51: 22 Avoris, John, D29Je76: 42 Avory. William, P19Ap76: 43 Awbrey, Chandler. 16My55: 22 Awl blades, for sale, in Gloucester, Va. , P19Ap76sll--D20Ap76: 33 in Gloucester co. , Va. , P16Ag76: 33 — D24Ag76: 72 in Smithfield. Va. . D21F77: 22— P28F77s22 in Williamsburg, Va. , 110c51: 41 Awls, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 Awnings, taken from British ship in Hampton, Va. ,P15S75:31 Axe men, See Slaves as Axel Amberg, ship, PD16Ja72: 23 Axes, boycotted in Va. Association, PD25My69: 11 — RUe69: 13 captured by Americans at Great bridge. Va. , PU3D75: 22— P15D75: 23--D16D75: 33 exported from James river, upper district, Va. , to Boston, Mass. , PD26My68: 23— R26My68: 31 for sale. 12F62: 42 in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72: 31 in Cabin Point, Va. , PD3S72: 23, D18J177: 31 in Cobham, Va. , P29S75: 33— Pi50c75: 33 in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD25Ap66: 31, D26Mr79: 22 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Petersburg, Va. , PD6N66: 21 in Princess Anne co. , Va. . P23My77: 32 in Richmond, Va. , D14N77: 32 in Smithfield, Va. ,D21F77: 22 — P28F77s22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD15F70: 41, PD12D71: 32, P10My76: 43— DllMy76: 23, D18Ap77: 72 in Yorktown, Va. , 29My46: 32, 170c51: 31, PD25F68: 31--R25F68: 31, PD4Oc70: 32, P21J175: 31 on Pianketank river, Va. , Pi8D74: 33*- PD8D74: 31, P10F75: 42— D11F75: 23 imported to Accomac district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , PD22Ja67: 31, PD270c68: 42 from Phila, , Pa. , PD8S68p22 from Plymouth. Eng. , PD14Ja68: 31. PD8S68p22. PD22D68: 23 from R. I. , PD5S66s43 from Salem, Mass. . PD8S68p22 imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , 29D52: 32, 28F55: 31, R12Ja69: 23 from Falmouth, Eng. , R11F68: 31 from R. I. , 12F62: 31 from Salem, Mass. ,R12Ja69: 23, R12Ja69: 31 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , 9Ja46: 4, 12F62: 32, R25D66: 13, PD22Ja67: 32, PD24D67: 32, PD14Ja68: 31, PD10Mr68: 31 — R14Ap68: 42, PD15D68: 23, R12Ja69: 31 from N. H. , 9F39: 42 from New York City, PD15D68: 23, PD13S70: 23 from Piscataway, N. J. . PD28D69: 31 from Salem, Mass. . PD22Ja67: 32, PD14Ja68: 31, PD15D68: 23, PD29D68: 23, PD12Ja69: 23, R12Ja69: 31, PD28D69: 31. PD20Ja74: 23 imported to York district, Va. . from Boston. Mass. , 9D37: 42 lost, adv. for,R15Je69: 31,D25Mr75: 31 made of Va. iron, D10J178: 31 seized from British ship, P7Je76: 23 — D8Je76: 61 stolen, R7Je70: 32 taken by apprentices, PD16Ap67: 32 by indentured servants, 9Je38: 41, P30J175s23 by slaves, 5My38: 41, 16My45: 41, P16Je75:22 Axes, "carpenters', for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 Axes, coopers', for sale, in Cabin Point, Va. ,D18J177: 31 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Smithfield, Va. ,D21F77: 22— P28F77s22 Axes, felling, seized from British ship, P7Je76: 23— D8Je76: 61 Axes, Indian, for sale, in Warwick, Va. ,PD19N67:23 Axes, lopping, for sale, in Yorktown, Va. , PD4Oc70: 32 Axes, narrow, stolen, R7Je7Ch 32 Axes, pole, for sale, in Smithfield, Va. ,D21F77: 22 — P28F77s22 Axes, wood, imported to Accomac district, Va. , from Plymouth, Eng. , PD22D68: 23 Axley, James, PD2Ap67: 32 Axon, Capt. , of the David, 18Ap45: 31 Axsom's colt, stallion, R18F68: 32 Axtell, Mr. , of New York City, DHOc76: 22 Axylus, pseud. , 17J152: 22 Aylett. Capt. , landing of in Va. , 9Je38:41 Mr. , slaves of, Pi6Ja76: 32 Mrs. , P17Ja77: 43 Anne, 16D37: 42 Betsey (Dandridge), marriage of, PD15Ap73: 22 Elizabeth, adv. estate of John Aylett for sale, P27S76s21 James, PD5N72: 32 John, adv. for runaway indentured servant, 15Je39: 32 adv. for runaway slave, R12Mr67: 33, P24Mr75: 42, D8Ap75: 33— P12My75: 32, P3N75: 31 adv. land for sale, PD30Je68: 31, PDllAg68: 31, P20Oc75: 31 adv. law practice, PD30c71: 31 adv. meeting on accounts, R4N73: 32 announces departure, PD23D73s22 arranges to pay debts, PD5My68: 22 bond of, D3Ag76: 32 books of, P27S76s21 burgess for King William co. , Va. , 17N38: 41 controversy with Underwood, PD4My69: 33. PD18My69: 31, R20J169: 23, PD27J169: 33, PD17Ag69:33,R21S69: 32 death of. P9F76: 32--D10F76: 32 estate of for sale, P27S76s21 land of, C6N79: 32 marriage of, PD15Ap73: 22 slave of, P21Ag78: 11 John. Capt. , land of, 9Ja46: 42 of the Hopewell, PD11N73: 22 — R11N73:23 Philip, 9Ja46: 42 William, PD30Je68: 31. P10J178: 13 activities as commissary discussed, D11D79:21,D5F80: 12 adv. boats for sale, D7N77: 32 adv. damaged bacon for "sale. P12S77: 32 adv. dry goods stores for rent. P10Ja77: 33 43 Aylett, William (cont'd) adv. estates for sale,R60c68: 24, PD170C71: 31— R170c71: 31, PD240C71: 23— R310c71: 41 adv. flour and bread for sale, P23F76: 33. P5Je78: 41, P160c78: 42 adv. for bids for supplying troops, D1N76: 32--P1N76: 33 adv. for copper and brass, P20D76s23 adv. for food, P19S77: 11 adv. for grain, D2Ap79: 22 — C15My79: 43 adv. for master for ship Jane, P19S77: 13 adv. for missing horse, P28Mr77s23, D2Ap79: 22— C15My79: 43 adv. for provisions for army, Pi50c75: 33— P60c75: 32— D70c75: 33, P13S76: 32, D28N77: 21 — P28N77: 22 adv. for runaway indentured servants, 6Ap39: 32, 17Ag39: 32 adv. for shoemakers, P17My76: 32, D7N77: 32 adv. for shoes for army, P23F76: 33 adv. for tinsmiths, P12S77: 31 adv. for wagons and teams, P7F77: 31 adv. land for sale, R29Ap73: 31 adv. meeting of contractors, P21F77: 22 adv. merchandise for sale, P10Ja77: 41, P18Ap77s23 adv. plank for sale, PD7Ap74: 31 — R7Ap74: 31 adv. property for sale, P7Je76: 33 adv. rum and sugar for sale, P13S76: 32 adv. settlement of accounts of commissionate, D20c79: 32 adv. settlement of estate, R18N73: 31 adv. ships for sale, PllAp77: 31, PlAg77: 23, P30c77: 22, P7N77s22 adv. slaves for sale, R19Ja69: 32 adv. tavern for rent, P12Ja76: 33— D13Ja76: 33 announces departure, C15My79: 41 appointed commissary general, P19S77: 11 appoints commissaries, D13N78: 11 delegate to Va. convention from King William co. , Va. , DlAp75: 21 discusses settlement of militia accounts, C15My79: 31, C15My79: 41 elected burgess for King William co. , Va. , PD28N71: 22, PD28J174: 31 — R28J174: 32 elected delegate from King William co. , Va. , P5My75s43, P26Ap76s23 favors executors of Langborn estate, R31My70: 31 manager of lottery, PD14Ja68: 32 recommends tavern, P15Mr76: 33 resigns as agent of Va. public store, P19S77: 11 Aylett's warehouse, Va. , 13F52: 41, 24Ap52: 31, 24J152: 32, 27Ag56: 42, 4N63: 31, PD4Ap66: 33, PD4D66: 32, PD5F67: 32, R12Mr67: 33, PD5N67: 32, PD11F68: 31— R11F68: 32, PDllAg68: 31, R60c68: 24, R9F69: 23, PD3Ag69: 32, R15F70: 41, PD15F70: 42, PD24My70: 42, PD18Oc70: 31— R18OC70: 22, R29N70: 31, PD18J171: 22, PD240c71: 23— R310c71: 41, PD12D71: 32, R6F72: 33, PD13F72: 33, PD3S72: 31, PD290c72: 21 — R290c72: 23, PD10D72: 31, PD22J173: 32, PD7Ap74: 31 — R7Ap74: 31, PD23Je74: 23 — R23Je74: 42, PD14J174: 31 — R14J174: 32, R18Ag74: 32, P15D75: 33, P12Ja76: 33--D13Ja76: 33, P19Ja76: 32--D20Ja76: 42, D27Ja76: 33, P2F76s23— D3F76: 33, D30Mr76: 33, P30Ag76: 32, P10Ja77: 33, D25Ap77: 31, D2My77: 71--P2My77s32, D16My77: 22— P16My77s22, D20Je77: 31--P20Je77: 31, D19D77: 31, D13N78: 11, DlAp80: 22 horse breeding at, D28Mr77: 32— P28Mr77s23 meeting at, PD25Mr73: 32--R6My73: 22, PD30S73: 31--R30S73: 32 post office at, Pi50c75: 33— P60c75: 32— D70c75: 33, P28Je76: 32 stolen horses and saddles at, R22S68: 24 unclaimed tobacco in, C27N79: 23 Aylwin, Thomas, PD23Je74: 12 Ayr. Scot. , harbor improved, PD10D72: 21 See also Banks in; Canals in; Exports from James river, lower district, Va. , to; Exports from Rappahannock district, Va. , to; Exports from south Potomac district, Va. , to; Fires in; Imports to James river, upper district, Va. , from; Merchants in; Ships from Va. to; Ships to York district, Va. , from Ayres, Capt. , PD12My74: 32 exchanges prisoners in Newport, R.I. ,D28F77: 21 of the Britannia, PD27My73: 22, Pil6Mr75: 23— P17Mr75: 32— D18Mr75: 13 of the Polly, PD16D73: 22, PD20Ja74: 23, PD20Ja74: 31, PD5My74: ll,D16Mr76: 23 Justice, accused of counterfeiting, R70c73: 21 Edmund, R26My68: 33 Matthias, D22Ap75: 33 Samuel, PD2N69: 42 Samuel, Capt. , of the Anna,R25D66: 13, PD22Ja67: 31, PD12F67: 31 Ayrshire coast, Scot. , See Smuggling on Ayscough, Capt. , 26S55: 21 leaves Newport, R. I. , P26Ap76s21 — D27Ap76: 32 of the Swan, PD28Ja73: 22. P21J175sl3, D12Ag75: 31 — P18Ag75: 12.D2S75: 22, D11N75: 21, D23D75: 31, D20Ja76: 22, D22Je76:42 Lt. , of the Bellona, PD10Ja71: 12 Mr. , R4My69: 33, PD13S70: 32, PD10Oc71: 31, PD240c71: 23 — R310c71: 33 Mrs. , PD23Ap72: 23 Anne, PD150c72: 23— R150c72: 32 Christopher, adv. for stolen horse, PD3N68: 32 adv. garden seeds for sale, 30N59: 32 adv. tavern, PD60c68: 23 announces discontinuance of tavern, PD20S70: 32 holds bill of sale, PD18Ja70: 33 house of, for sale, PD7Ja73: 32— R7Ja73: 33, PD11F73: 22 requests payment of debts, PD20S70: 32 settlement of estate of, PD150c72: 23— R150c72: 32 . Christopher, Mrs. , PD60c68: 23 James, Capt. , of the Swan, PD12S71:31, PD28Ja73: 22, PD23Je74: 21 — R23Je74: 31, R25Ag74: 22, Pil5D74: 31, Pi9Mr75:31,P21J175sl3, D12Ag75: 31--P18Ag75: 12.D2S75: 22, D11N75: 21, D23D75: 31, D20Ja76: 22, D22Je76: 42 Azores, See Earthquakes in; Privateers, British, captured by French off; Ships, British, captured by Americans off; Shipwrecks off; Storms 44 Bagbey B Babbage, Mr. , sec. of Bahama islands, DllMy76: 31, DllMy76: 32 Babcock, Capt. , of the Mifflin, C28Ag79: 23--D28Ag79: 21 Abagail, death mourned, PD6Ja74: 22 Adam, PD6Ja74: 22, R7Ap74: 21 [Henry], Col. , P10My76: 22 Jonathan, PD10D67: 22, PD24D67: 23— R24D67: 21 Joshua, PD130c74: 22 Baber, Henry, P21Ag78: 11 Thomas, jr. ,31J146:61 Thomas, sr. , 31 J146: 61 Babilliard, Deruba, PD15Ap73: 22— R15Ap73: 22 Babode, James, P21Ag78: 11 Babram, horse, 250c65s42, P19Ap76: 43, D7F77: 31--P14F77: 41, D7Mr77: 41, PllAp77: 21, P3Ap78: 32, D24Ap78: 42, D160c78: 41,D19Mr79: 32, D9Ap79: 32 Babram, stallion, D14Mr77: 12— P21Mr77: 22 Babrum, horse, R140c73: 31 Babson, Capt. , PD12N72: 21, D8Ap80s22 Babylon, political unrest in, 10N38: 12 rebels against Turkey, 25Ag38: 11 seige of, 12Ja39: 21 Bacburst, James, Pi3Ag75: 33 Bacceisary, Crimea, fall of, 3D36: 31 Bacchus, Capt. , PD26N67: 23 Bacchus, H. M. tender, 26S55: 12 ship, PD18My69: 21, Pil6Mr75: 22— P17Mr75: 21--D18Mr75: 23, P13Je77: 32 Bache, Richard, P28Je76: 32, P6D76: 22 Theophilact, PD14J168: 21, PD8J173: 31 — R8J173: 31 Bacheldore, William, P21Ag78: 11 Bachelor, pseud. , PD19My68: 22 Peter, PD4J171: 32 Bachelor, ship, PD8S68: 22 sloop, PD27N66: 21 Bachelors, in Eng. , 7Mr55: 22, PD28Mr66: 21 Bachop, Capt. , R26J170: 13 of the Margaretti, PD220c72: 13 Peter, Capt. , D14S76: 42 Back, Herman, PD18Ap71: 33 John, 12S45: 32 Back bands, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD28S69: 31, PD12D71: 32 Back creek school lottery, D17Je75: 32 Backgammon table, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , D14N77: 31 Backhouse, Capt. , PD3Ag69: 32, R10Ag69: 32.R8F70: 23 Mr. , PD2My66: 21, PD9N69: 22, R9N69: 23, R14J174: 23, John, 2My55: 32 Backs, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD19S66: 31, PDllAp71: 32 See also Ticking backs Backs, cast, for sale, in Cabin Point, Va. , PD3S72: 23 Backs, iron, for sale, in New Kent co. , Va. , R23F69: 22--PD23F69: 33 Backswords, 14J138: 41 Bacon, Capt. , of the Unity, DlAp75: 31 Mr. , R28Ap68: 21-4, Pil6Mr75: 31 — P17Mr75s22--D18Mr75: 21 Anthony, 2S57: 32 Anthony & co. , PDllJe67: 33, PD18F68:32--R18F68:32, PD7Ap68:31,PD5N72:43 Edmond, P40c76sl3, P29Ag77: 42 Edmund, D10Ag76: 62 adv. finding horse. 20Oc52: 31, P30My77: 42 adv. for bids for building glebe house in St. Peter's parish, New Kent co. , Va. , 170c55: 31 adv. for missing horse, P27Je77: 32, P310c77: 32 adv. for runaway slave, R8Ag71: 31 Edward, PD10D72: 22, P14Ap75sl3— D15Ap75: 23 [Francis, Viscount St. Albans], D25N75: 12, D30D75: 12, D24F76: 43, D2Mr76: 42, D9Mr76: 42. D25My76: 43 Jacob, D27My75: 31 John, D23D75: 33 Lyddal, PD7Ap68: 32, R4N73: 32, PD130c74: 31 — Pil30c74: 32, D13N78: 22 Lyddal, Major, 4N63: 43 Lyddall, Capt. , D14Ag79: 32— C28Ag79: 42 Matthew, author, D11D79: 22 Nathaniel, PD23F69: 13, R19My74: 41 Samuel, R26J170: 22, P12Je78: 11 Thomas, Rev. Mr. , 25J151: 32, 240c51:22,R23Je68:23 William, D9Ny80: 33 Bacon, Finch &, PU0N74: 33, P18Ag75: 43 Bacon, adv. for, for army, D24Ap78: 31 in Gloucester, Va. , D14S76: 72— P13S76: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , DUe76: 32— P31My76: 32, D14S76: 72--P13S76: 32, P5S77: 31 amount purchased by Commissary in Va. ,D11D79: 12 curing of for government, D14Ag79: 12 embargo on, C3J179: 23, C30Oc79: 33— D11D79: 22 laid by Congress, P19Je78: 31 export from U. S. forbidden, P10Ja77: 31 exported from James river, upper district, Va. , from Oct. 1763 - Oct. 1766, PD12F67: 23 exported from Accomac district, Va. , to Boston, Mass. , PD7My67: 31, PD31Mr68: 22— R14Ap68: 41 to Md. , PD7J168: 23--R7J168: 22 to R. I. , PD26My68: 22— R26My68: 31 exported from James river, lower district, Va. , to Antigua, W. I. , PD14Ap74: 31 — R17Mr74: 23 to St. Christopher, W. I. , R11F68: 31 to S. C. , 23My55: 21 exported from James river, upper district, Va. , to Antigua, W. I. , PD8Je69: 23 to Barbados, W. I. , 29My46: 4, PD23Ap67: 31, PD1S68: 23, PD20Ap69: 22, PD27S70: 31 to Madeira, PD23Ap67: 31 to N. Y. , R22S68: 23--PD22S68: 23 to Perth Amboy, N. J. , PD28J168: 23 to St. Vincent, W. I. , PD7Ap74: 23 to Salem, Mass. , R19F67: 22— PD19F67: 31, R18F68: 31 — PD18F68: 23, PD17Mr68: 31 — R14Ap68: 42 exported from York district, Va. , to Barbados, W. I. , 7Ag52: 31 to New England, R31Mr68: 31 to St. Christopher, W. I. , 20Oc52: 22 for British army in America, 3J146: 21 for Continental army, P3Ap78sll for sale, Pi22D74: 32 at College landing, Va. , D3Je75: 33 at Gloucester courthouse, Va. , PD10F74: 32--R10F74: 32 in Blandford, Va. , P13Je77: 32 in Brunswick co. , Va. , P21F77: 22 in Cobham, Va. , P4J177: 31 in Falmouth, Va. ,D24Ap78: 22 in King William co. , Va. , PDllMy69: 31 — RllMy69: 32 in Middlesex co. , Va. , P16Mv77s31 in New Kent co. , Va. , P28Mr77s22 in Newcastle, Va. , P4Ap77: 33 in Petersburg, Va. , D11J177: 32 — P18J177sl2 in Richmond, Va. , PllAp77s42. DlAg77:31— PlAg77: 13 in Rocky Ridge, Va. , R18J171: 33 in Surry co. , Va. , D30Mr76: 33— P29Mr76: 31 in Urbanna, Va. , P5My75: 23— Pi4My75: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , P30Ag76: 33, D30My77: 31 in York co. , Va. , PDlAp73: 32, D21Mr77: 12 near Cabin Point, Va. , D14Mr77: 12— P21Mr77: 21 import to Great Britain from Ire. free, PD12F67: 13 lost on ship, 14 F5 1:41 price of in Coventry, Eng. , R11D66: 22 in Oxford, Eng. , R11D66: 21 in Va. ,D11D79: 12 price regulated in Williamsburg, Va. , D24J179: 21 seized from American ship, P29S75: 31 Bacon, country, for sale, P21Ag78: 31 Bacon, damaged, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , D5F80: 33— C19F80: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , P21Ag78: 31 in Yorktown, Va. , P12S77: 32, P30c77: 22, P7N77s22 price of, D14Ag79: 12 Bacon, smoked, exported from Accomac district, Va. , to R. I. , PD6Ag67: 32 Bacon's ordinary, P7Mr77: 31, P6Je77: 31, P30c77: 23 Bacon's rebellion, 6Ap39: 31, R130c68: 23, PD23F69: 11 Bactria, Persia, See Fires in Badger, Abel, punished for arson, PD25My69: 13 Badger, H. M. sloop, 21Ag52: 22, 26S55: 22 ship,R12Mr72: 23 stallion, D14Mr77: 12— P21Mr77: 22 Badges, for British army messengers, described, 9My55: 21 Badget, Thomas, PD21J174: 32 William, D3Ag76: 32, D27S76: 62 Bag-Hollands, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 10J152: 32 Bagbey, John, R5Ja69: 42 Henry, sr. , PD7S69: 33 45 Bagbey (cont'd) James, 2S57: 31, PD10D67: 32 John, Pi23F75: 32,D4Mr75: 23 Robert, D18My76: 23 Bagdon, James, PD3Ag69: 32 Bage, Elizabeth, PD28Ja68: 31 Thomas, PD28Ja68: 31 Bage's ordinary, PD11D66: 33 — R11D66:33 Baggag, William, D11S79: 32 Baggage, abandoned by Tories to Americans, P19J176: 32 for British prisoners of war in Va. , D26Mr79: 22 seized from British in east Jersey, D24Ja77: 22--P24Ja77: 11 Baggage wagons, captured by Americans in Horseneck, Conn. , D2Ap79: 21 Bagge, Mr. , P15N76: 11 Robert, 28Mr51: 41, 7Mr55: 32, 18Ap55: 31 Baggot, John, D20N79: 32 Baggott, John, PillMy75: 33 Baggs, J. , of Kingston, Jamaica, PD25J166: 22 Baghdad, Iraq, political unrest in, PD7Mr66: 21 war with Persia, D70c75: 11 See also Plague in Bagley, Capt. , of the Sally, D18N75: 12 George, PD20Ag67: 33, PD9N69: 32 Henry, D4Mr75: 33 James, PD27My73: 23 Bagnall, John, PD30J172: 33 Bagnaluck, siege of, 4N37: 21 Bagot, John, PD9J172: 32 Bagpipes, D25Mr75: 32 Bags, for sale, in London, Eng. , PD7Je70: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD240c71: 31, PD5My74: 31--R26My74: 13 stolen, 170c55: 22 taken by convict servants, 24S36: 41 See also Leather bags; Osnaburg bags; Silk bags Bags, corn, lost, adv. for, PD27Je66: 31 JJags, fowling, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 Bags, hair, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. , R19F67: 23 Bags, powder, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD30Ja72: 32--R6F72: 32, PD23Ap72: 23— R23Ap72: 13 Bags, rose, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD20Oc74s22--Pi20Oc74: 31 Bags, saddle, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD10D72: 23 Bags, salt sack, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD3D67: 32 Bags and roses, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD140c73: 23, PD5My74: 31--R26My74: 13, D22Ap75: 32--Pi20Ap75: 31 Bagshot Heath, Eng. , See Robberies in Bagwell, Charles, P17F75: 41 George, Capt. , of the Revolution, 18Ja40: 21 Bahama banks, W. I. , See Shipwrecks on Bahama islands, W. I. , raided by Continental navy, P29Mr76: 22— D30Mr76: 32 See also Balls seized by Continental navy from; British army evacuates; Census of; Imports to Va. from; Shipwrecks in; Turtles from Bahama keys, W. I. , See also Shipwrecks on Bail, information on sought in Va. , PD8Ja67: 31 legality defended in Va. , PD4J166: 22 legality questioned in Va. , PD20Je66: 23, PD11J166: 11, PD18J166: 22, PD25J166: 11, PD29Ag66: 22, PD12S66: 11, PD30Oc66: 11 legality upheld by George Wythe, PDlAg66: 23 Bailes, John, 19J154: 41 Bailey, Capt. , PD9Je68: 23 of Amesbury, Mass. , R20S73s23 of the Pallas, PD29Ap73: 21 Miss, marriage of, D25F75: 31 Abraham, 20Oc52: 31 Anne, R20Je71: 41, PD130c74: 32 Anselm, D13Ap76: 33 Benjamin & co. , PD30Je74: 23 Daniel, R20Je71: 32, P27D76: 32 Henry, PD220c67: 23, D5Je79: 32 Howard, P24My76sl2 James Wallace, R31My70: 33, PD13S70: 23, P17Ja77: 32, P29Ag77: 42 Jeremiah G ,D10Ja77: 42 John, PD4N73: 31, P24Ja77: 33 adv. finding horse, D5D77: 42 adv. for runaway slave, D14Ag79: 32— . C28Ag79: 42, D27N79: 31 — C27N79: 22 adv. ordinary for sale, PD130c74: 32 criticizes William Batten, PD15Ag71: 32 disavows responsibility for horses, D15My79: 11 land of, D4D79: 22 slave of, PD17S67: 22 John, jr. , R26J170: 23 Josiah, Pi21S75: 33 Nathan, author, PD25F68: 41, PD29N70: 21 PD7F71: 42, PD21F71: 42, PD10Je73: 31, DllF75s23,D25N75: 11,D9D75:41, D30D75: 11, D30D75: 21, D2Mr76: 43, D24Ag76: 63, D3Ja77: 43, D17Ja77: 43, D2My77: 83,D4J177: 83 Robert, R12J170: 42, P2F76sl3 Samuel, PDlAg71: 23--RlAg71: 31, R17Je73: 33, R210c73: 22, C13My80: 42 Stephen, D19D77: 32 Thomas, administrator of Robert Watkins, PD28Ja68: 31 adv. estate of Robert Watkins for sale, PD26F67: 32 adv. for bids for rebuilding Wall's bridge, PD170c71: 23 adv. plantation for sale, PD2My71: 33— R2My71: 23 death of, PD12D71: 31 elected burgess for Surry co. , PD8D68: 31, PDllMy69s41, PD21S69s23--R21S69: 23,R9N69: 11 overseer in Goochland co. , Va. , P31Ja77: 31 signs Va. Association, PD25My69: 12 slaves of, for sale, P27S76: 22 takes orders for Virginia justice, PD21D69: 23--R18Ja70: 41 William, PD130c74: 32, D25Mr75: 32, D10Ag76: 62, D7Ag79: 32 William Armistead, P17Ja77: 33 Wilson Roscow, Capt. , of the Hawke, RllAg68: 24 See also Bailie, Baillie, Baily Bailey's ordinary, Va. , P21N77: 31 Bailie, Alexander, R25D66: 41, R23J167: 43 See also Bailey Bailis, Rebecca, 14Ag46: 32 Bailleul, Major de, P20Je77: 23 Baillie, Andrew, PD5S66s32 Evan, R7Ap74: 11 Francis, D29Je76: 41 Robert, PD4J166: 32 Stephen, 12D55: 31 See also Bailey Bails, William, D27N79: 31 Baily, Capt. , of the Pitt, R23Mr69: 31 Henry, Private, R14Ja73: 13 William, Private, R14Ja73: 13 See also Bailey Bain, John, R19Ag73: 22 Baine, Capt. , D16Ap79: 21 Alexander, 250c65s33 adv. houses and lots for sale, P3Ap78: 31 adv. land for sale, D4Mr75: 32— P24F75: 33, D12S77: 22— P19S77: 22 adv. mortgage on slaves, PD8S68: 31 adv. osnaburgs, PD21J168: 32— R21J168: 33 adv. ownership of land, D3Ja77: 31 announces departure, PD19S66: 31 defendant in Chancery court, PD11J171:32 plaintiff in suit, PD9N69: 31 slave of, P20Je77: 33 subscriber to meeting of merchants, PD30Je74: 23 John, PD16Ag70:41 Robert, PD19Ap70: 42, PD17F74: 31, D18N75: 32— P17N75sl2, D22Ja80: 33 Baines, Betty, Pi20Ja76: 32 Francis, PD14My72: 31 Bains, Mr. , R4Ag74: 32 Baintone, Josias, 15Je39: 32 Baird, Capt. , P13Je77: 33 Mr. , C11D79: 13 Benjamin, R190c69s21 David, P5J176: 33 Hardiman, PD3N74pll James, PDllAg68: 23, PD14My72: 21 James, Capt. , PD9Mr69: 33 James 6 co. , PD12Mr67: 13, PD29D68: 31 Jane,D3J179:22 John, PD26F67: 32, PD14My67: 31, PD17D67: 33, PD6J169: 32, PD30S73: 31, PD27Ja74: 32, PD8D74: 31, P10Mr75: 32, P4Ag75: 31, P26J176: 41 adv. estate of Hampton Wade for sale, PD5F67:32, PD2N69: 32 adv. finding horse, PD21Mr71: 33 adv. land for sale, PD26F67: 33, PD12My68: 31, D11J177: 31 adv. lot in Blandford, Va. , for sale, PD23Je74: 23 adv. merchandise for sale, PD4F68: 32 adv. stallion for hire, PD4Ap66: 33, PD2Ap67: 31, PD31Mr68: 23. PD13Ap69: 31, PD2Ap72: 32, PD8Ap73: 33, PD17Mr74: 31, P31Mr75:41,DllAp77: 61, D24Ap79: 32,DlAp80: 32 adv. store for rent, PD24D72: 32 appointed to Prince George co. , Va. , 46 Bakers committee of intelligence. D3Je75: 33 attorney for Hugh Miller, 270c52: 22 collector for estate of Samuel Gordon, PD27Ja74: 32 defendant in court, D13N79: 32 merchant in Blandford, Va. , PD3D67: 32 merchant in Prince George co. , Va. , PD10S72: 31 of N. C. , PD31Mr68: 23 plantation of, D9Mr76: 31, D3Ja77: 31 — P3Ja77s23,D18Ap77:71 quarter of, PD14My72: 31 requests payment of debts, PD9Mr69: 33 subscriber to meeting of merchants, PD30Je74: 23 testifies in court, PD24Ag69: 33 wife of, D3J179: 22 John, Capt. , P28N77: 31 John, jr. , P6S76: 42 John & co. , P15S75: 32 Simson & co. , PD4Ag68: 31 Baiten, Mr. , D30c77: 42 Baize, for sale, in Alexandria, Va. , P3Ap78: 31 in Blandford, Va. , D13N78: 11 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD29N70: 22— R29N70: 23 sale authorized in Boston, Mass. , PD22F70: 12 Bajazet, horse, PD17Mr74: 31 PD26My74: 32 Bake houses, lor rent, at falls of Potomac, R29N70: 31--PD22N70s22-23 in Chesterfield co. , Va. , PD19Ap70: 42 in Dinwiddie co. , Va. , 15S52: 32 in Elizabeth City co. , Va. , PD5My68: 23--R12My68: 23 in Essex co. , Va. , D21F77: 21 in Fredericksburg, Va. ,R18N73: 31, PD3N74: 42 in Norfolk co. , Va. , PD11J171: 32— RlAg71:33 in Philee, Va. , PD16N69: 22 in Prince George co. , Va. , 17Ja51: 42. 110c51:41 on Purton bay, Va. , 19S51: 41 on Ware river, Va. , 8My52: 31 Bake houses, described, in Norfolk borough, Va. , PD23Ap72: 31 Baker, Capt. , 220c36: 32, 7N55: 21 in skirmish near Savannah, Ga. , D6Ap76: 22 killed at St. John's, Can. , D23S75: 23— P29S75:21,Pil90c75: 23 of the Stafford, 3Ap46: 22 wounded in battle of Bunker Hill, P22J175s22--D29J175: 31 Col. , PD18Mr73: 23 Dr. , PD13My73: 23. D13N78: 32, C11D79: 13 Mr. , 16D37: 42, 25S46: 41 adv. dentistry, PD26D71: 31, PD12Mr72: 32 adv. return to Williamsburg, Va. , PD15J173: 32 announces departure to Frederick springs, PD29J173: 22 arrived in Williamsburg, Va. , PD210c73: 22 burgess for Nansemond co. , Va. , 10N38: 42 murders Indians near Yellow river, Pa. , PD2Je74: 23 opposes Quebec act, Pil30c74: 22 store of, PD28Ap68: 23--R28Ap68: 31 Adam, P17Mr75s32 Andrew, P29D75: 23, P3Ap78: 12 Ben, P9My77s31, P15Ag77: 32 Benjamin, adv. ownership of land, R18F73:32 appointed delegate to Va. convention, PD28J174s22 associator of Nansemond co. , Va. , R6S70: 22 burgess for Nansemond co. . Va. , PD14S69: 31--R14S69: 22,R9N69: 11, PD19D71: 22 murdered by Indians, PD3D67: 23 slaves of, PD30S73: 33, PD23D73: 23 Blake, PD28Ja68: 31, PD8Je69: 23, PD2N69: 33, PHOc76: 31 Caleb, R26My74: 32 Edward, 10N52: 22 Edward, Capt. , of the Dunkirk, 25Ja40: 2 Francis, 14Ag52: 31 Frederick, Capt. , of the Elizabeth, P24F75:41 Henry, PD29Ag71: 33, D5Je79: 32 James, 30Ap52: 32 James, Col. , 14N55: 22 Jeremiah, Capt. , of the Speedwell, 10N38: 32 Jerman, PD18D66: 31, PD23Ap67: 31, PD15F70: 31--R15F70: 31 adv. dissolution of partnership of Hubard & Baker, PD5F67: 32 adv. for missing horse, C6N79: 32 adv. for lost tobacco, PD14N71: 22 adv. house and lot for sale, 250c65s43 adv. house for sale, PD26N72: 31 adv. land for sale, PD5F67: 33— R19F67: 41, PD18F68: 32— R18F68: 32, PD3Ja71: 32, PD14N71: 22- R6F72: 43, PD5Mr72: 32— R12Mr72: 33 adv. lot for sale, PD20Ag67: 23 adv. merchandise for sale, PD20Ag67: 23 adv. plantation for sale, 12F62: 42 adv. settlement of estate of Samuel Gordon, PD26S71: 32--R26S71: 31 adv. settlement of estate of Thomas Knox, PD7Je70: 32 adv. snow for sale, PD9J172: 32 agent of Col. William Byrd, P8Ag77: ll--D15Ag77:62 announces departure, PD8S68p22 — R22S68: 41 announces settlement of accounts of William Kennon, PD6S70: 33 clerk, P3N75: 12 clerk of Chesterfield co. , Va. , meeting, PD21J174pl3— R21J174: 32 clerk of committee of observation, Chesterfield co. , Va. , PH5D74: 32— PD15D74: 31, P16F76s21 holds slave illegally, PD17D72: 31 manager of lottery, PD25Ap66: 31, PD20Je66: 23— R24D67: 44, PD3S67: 31 marriage of, PD7Ja73: 31 pays bills, D230c79: 31 — C30Oc79: 41 passenger on Boston frigate, R8F70: 32 requests accounts, PD18Oc70: 32 requests payment of debts, PD21Ap68: 31 slave of, PD27Je66: 32 store of, PD16N69: 22 trustee for Kennon estate, PD17D67: 32--R24D67: 32 John, adv. dentistry, PD2J172: 31, PD16J172: 32, PD14Ja73: 31 adv. house for sale, P21Ag78: 31 adv. land for sale, PD2N69: 33, R10F74: 42 adv. property for sale, D8Ag77: 22 announces departure, PD30J172: 31, D8Ag77: 22, P21Ag78: 31 deserter, P15Ag77: 31 signer of Association in Norfolk, Va. , R26J170: 22 slave of, PD5N72: 43 testifies on hog killing, PD31Mr68: 32 John, Capt. , of the Charming Nancy, PD9Ap72: 32 of the Lord Dunmore, R15S74: 33 John, jr. ,R26Ag73: 23, R2S73: 23 John Frederick, D4Mr80: 31 Joseph, 21N45: 41 Mary, R21S69: 32, PD2N69: 33 Molly, 12F62: 32 Murray, Mrs. , PD7Ja73: 31 Overton, P28N77: 32 Polly, PDlAp73: 31 Richard, adv. estate for sale, PD11D66: 33, PD240c71: 32 adv. for cargo, 28F55: 32 adv. land for sale, 3S56: 32, R18J171: 33— PD25J171: 23 announces departure, 12D55: 31 burgess from Isle of Wight co. , Va. , PD21Ap68: 23 — R21Ap68: 21, PD1D68: 31, PDllMy69s41, PD7S69: 23--R7S69: 31.R9N69: 11 clerk, PD19J170: 33 death of, PD310c71: 21 decline settlement of estate, R17Ag69: 31 runaway convict servant, R6F72: 33 signs Va. Association, PD25My69: 12 takes orders for Virginia Justice, PD21D69: 23— R18Ja70: 41 Richard, Capt. , of the Charming Anne, 16My55: 21, 7N55: 21, 7N55: 22 of the St. George, 12D51: 32 Richard, Col. , PD12N67: 22, R310c71: 32 Robert, 5D45: 41 Thomas. PD7My72: 32, R18Ag74: 31, P16My77s32 Thomas, Capt. , 12D51: 32 Thomas, Rev. Mr. , R15F70: 23 William, PD20Oc74: 23— Pi20Oc74: 23 William, Sir, PD2My66: 11, PD15D68: 13-^R15D68: 13 Baker, Hubard &, PD20Ag67: 23, PD21Ap68: 31 Bakeries, in New York City, N. Y. , PD8S68: 22 Bakers, PD18F68: 32 adv. for, 18J151: 32, PD3D67: 31, R19N72: 23 adv. of, D14F77: 31 for British navy, PD21Ap74: 23 impressed for French navy, PD5Ag73: 11- R5Ag73: 12 in London, Eng, PD25Ag68: 22 — R25Ag68: 24 in Newport, R. I. , PD2Ja72: 23 47 Bakers (cont'd) in Phila. , Pa. , P8Ag77: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD7J168: 22, R50c69: 31, P15N76: 13, C3J179: 33 punishment in Turkey, PD16Je74: 13 violate weight regulations in Boston, Mass. ,D7Ag79: 21 See also Indentured servants as; Convict servants as; Slaves as Bakers, biscuit, adv. for, in Norfolk, Va. , 22Ap57: 41, PD17N74: 23 Baker's belmetal pans,D5S77: 31 Bakers company, R4D66: 11 Baker's dentifrice, Dr. , for sale, in Williamsburg, D6N78: 32 Baker's nonesuch apple trees, for sale, in Surry co. , 26S55: 32 Baker's ordinary, 14Ag46: 31, 5Je52: 32 Baker's pear main apple trees, for sale, in Surry co. , 26S55: 32 Baker's raspings, price of in London, Eng. , PD18Je67: 22 Baking, as punishment for murder in Amiens, Fr. , D22Ap75: 11 Balaguier, Ensign, P22J175s22-- D29J175: 31 Balambangar, India, See East India co. , British established settlement in Balance of power, alliances' effect on, 18Ap51: 22 Franco-British war preserves, PD3N68: 12 French efforts to maintain, PD17S72: 12 importance of Holy Roman empire to, D24Ap79: 11 in Europe, 1S38: 21, 12Ja39: 22 alliances' effect on, 6J139: 12 alliances to preserve, 24S36: 12, 10Mr38: 22, 15D38: 12 discussed, PDllMy69: 12, P4Ap77sll importance to Great Britain, 29D52.31 preservation discussed, DllMr80: 12 royal marriages effect on, 5My38: 11, 12My38: 11, 29D38: 32, 12Ja39: 31, Ue39: 22, 29Je39: 21, 28F51: 32, 16Ag51: 21, 28Ag52: 21, PD15Ja67: 31, PD19N67: 12 Russian victories effect on, PD18Oc70s22 theory criticized, PD2Ap67: 21 Balance of trade, against Great Britain, PD22Ag71: 21 British- French criticized, PD3Ag69: 12 British-Indian criticized, 28Mr55: 21 of Great Britain discussed, PD26Ja69: 22 Balancemasters, R8N70: 23 Balaustines, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD21S69: 41--R21S69s21 Balcaras, Lord,D14N77: 21--P14N77: 21 Balchen, Admiral, 9N39: 32 of the Russell, 25Ja40: 2 Capt. , of the Onslow, 28S39: 21 Bald Charlotte, horse, D16Ap79: 32 Bald Galloway, horse, 250c65s42, PD24Mr74: 32, DlAp75: 11 — P31Mr75: 41, D23Mr76: 33 — P29Mr76: 33. D28Mr77: 21 — PllAp77: 21,D12Mr79: 31-- C15My79: 33 Balding, William, PD18Ag74: 32 Baldock, Eng. , See Anecdotes from Baldwin, Capt. , 120c39: 32, PD27N66: 21, PD23J167: 23 of the Wasp, D1N76: 21--P1N76: 21 Mr. . PD30J172: 23 Elias, PD26N72: 21 John, of Chester, Eng. , PD16Je74: 22-- R16Je74: 22 John, jr. , PD20N66: 31 John, sr. ,R13J169: 33 Joshua, P21F77: 41 Samuel, PD26N72: 21 Thomas, Rev. Mr. , PD16Je74: 22-- R16Je74: 22 Baldwin & Prengle, D18Ap77: 72 Baldwin & Prentiss, P18Ap77s23 Baldwin's London journal, D29J176: 21 Bale goods, exported from London, Eng. , to Santa Cruz, W. I. , PD14Mr66: 11 for Montserrat, W. I. , 16My45: 32 seized from British ship, P5Ja76(5)sl2 — Pi6Ja76: 22 seized from French ships, C21Oc80: 11 Balendine, John, See Ballendine Bales, imported, lost, in Charles City co. , Va. ,11J145:41 Bales, unclaimed, adv. of, PD11J171: 32 Baley, Jeremiah, C28Ag79: 11 Susanna, D5D77: 31 Winefred, 31J146: 61 Balfour, Capt. , of the Bridgwater, 3Ap46: 12 of the Royal Oak, PD1J173: 13, PD2S73: 12--R2S73: 13 of the Venus, PD25J171: 13, PD170c71: 13, PD28N71: 21 wounded in battle of Bunker Hill, P22J175s22--D29J175: 31 Major, P17F75: 33 Mr. , R9F69: 21, PDllMy69: 33, PD12Ag73: 23— R12Ag73: 23 James, 20Mr52: 22, PD19N72: 22-- R19N72: 22 adv. estate of Philip Watson for sale, PD5F67: 31--R19F67: 41, PD7My67: 32 adv. finding horses, R6S70: 31 adv. settlement of estate of Philip Watson, PD5F67: 31--R19F67: 41 adv. stallion for hire, PD28Ap68: 23, PD13Ap69: 31 appointed to committee of trade, R26N72: 21 attorney for London, merchant, PD29S68: 31 buildings of burned, D14Mr77: 61-- P14Mr77: 23 death of, P14Ap75: 23, D15Ap75: 32— Pil3Ap75: 32 estate of for sale, P14J175: 41, D26Ag75: 32--P25Ag75: 81 — Pi31Ag75: 32, P130c75: 31 manager of lottery, PD30Mr69: 33 Balfour & Barraud, R4Oc70: 23 — PD4Oc70: 32 adv. for cargo, PD3N68: 23 adv. for runaway indentured servant, PD3N68: 23 adv. merchandise for sale, PD13Je66: 32, PD25J166: 22, PD30Oc66: 31, PD29Ja67: 32, PD18Je67: 31, PD12N67: 21, PD22F70: 32 adv. plantation for rent, PD14N71: 22 adv. unclaimed merchandise, PD11J166: 23, PD7Je70: 41 agents for Mann Page, R12Mr67: 23 — PD12Mr67: 33 appoint storekeeper, PD24S72: 22 payment of debts due requested, PD24S72: 22 requests payment of bonds, PD9D73: 22— R16D73: 41, PD14Ap74: 31 sells portraits, PD15Ag66: 31 Ball, Capt. ,D230c79: 22 of the Britannia, Pil5D74: 23, D29J176: 12 of the Esther, 10N52: 22 of the Friendship. PD23N69: 22 Mr. , R21S69: 32, P30Ag76: 43, C13N79: 21 Burgess, adv. estate of Burges Smith, for sale, Pi23Mr75: 33— P24Mr75: 33— D25Mr75: 31 adv. land for sale, D14Mr77: 61— P28Mr77: 21 member of committee of correspondence, Lancaster co. , Va. , Pi2Mr75: 22 wife of, Pi4My75: 32 Burgess, Major, court martial of, P12J176: 13 estate of for sale,D5S77: 31— P5S77: 11 horse of, P2Ag76: 32 settlement of estate of, D5S77: 32— P5S77: 32 Burgis, R50c69: 23 David, P27S76sl3 David, jr. , PD30Oc66: 32, P27S76sl3 Ezekiel, PDlJe69:21 Farlen, R26Ap70sl2 Farling, P6Je77: 13 George, PD15D68: 23--R15D68: 21, PDllMy69s41, PD25My69: 12, PD28S69: 23, P27S76sl3 George, Capt. , R20S70: 31 of the Hawk, D30Oc79: 21 James, RlMr70: 32 adv. estate of William Downman for sale, PD170c66: 41 adv. for runaway slave, 5My38: 41 adv. ship for sale, D15My78: 32 adv. slave held in jail, PD15Je69: 32, PD19Ap70: 32, PD24My70: 42, R31My70: 32, PD16Ag70: 43, PD13S70: 32, PD3Ja71: 31, PD9My71: 33, PD13Je71: 41, PD18J171: 23, PD25J171: 23, PD22Ag71: 33, PD21N71: 23, PD30J172: 33, PD10c72: 23, PD5N72: 43, PD30S73: 33, PD24F74: 33, PD18Ag74: 33, PD29S74: 33, D29J175: 33, D9D75: 33, D24Ag76: 41,D8N76: 32 burgess from Lancaster co. , Va. , PD15D68: 23--R15D68: 21, PDllMy69s41, PD14S69: 31 chairman of committee, in Lancaster co. , Va. , Pi2Mr75: 22 James, Col. ,R26Ag73: 23 James, jr. , 28F51: 41 Jane, 20Oc38: 32, 3N38: 61 Jesse, P11J177: 42, C13N79: 22 John, adv. finding horse, R23Je68: 31, D22My79: 41 adv. for missing horse, R18Oc70: 32 adv. for runaway apprentice, 240c51: 31 announces departure, R13S70: 32 estate of, agents for, R20My73: 22 guilty of gambling. P24My76sl2 [John, Dr.], author, PD25F68: 41, PD18J171: 32, PD25J171: 42, PDlAg71: 43, PD8Ag71: 43, 48 Balls PD10Je73: 31, PD10Je73: 32, D25N75: 11, D30D75: 11, D24F76: 43, D2Mr76: 41, D9Mr76: 41, D25My76: 43, D24Ag76: 51 Joseph, 5My38: 32, Pi2Mr75: 22 Larkin, D27N78: 22 Lewis, R310C71: 32, PD11N73: 23— R11N73:23,D18F75:32 Margaret, PD13My73: 41, C13N79: 22 Mary, R20My73: 22, Pi4My75: 32— D6My75: 32 Moses, D7N77: 31 Otto,R14Je73:41 Rebecca, P5Je78: 31 Spencer, burgess from Northumberland co., Va. ,6F52: 31,27F52:32 Spencer M. , Capt. , RlMr70: 32 Spencer Mottrom, D28Ja75: 33, Pi2F75: 33 burgess from Northumberland co. , Va. , PDllMy69s41, PD28S69: 23— R50c69: 22, R9N69: 11, PD6My73: 22— R6My73: 23 elected burgess from Northumberland co., Va. ,PD15D68: 23--R15D68: 21, PD5D71: 31 joins Association in Va. , R27J169: 23 member of committee in, Northumberland co. , Va. , Pi2Mr75: 22 Susanna, R7Ap74: 32 Thomas, D24Ag76: 41, P6S76: 42 Thomas, jr. , PD19N72: 31--R19N72: 22 William, RlMr70: 32, R26Ap70sl2, D7Mr77: 12, P11JT77: 41, P12D77: 33 Williamson, PD18Ap66: 33, P18Ap77sll, P9My77: 23 Ball, exported from Stetin, Prus. , to British colonies, N. Am. , D24Je75: 22 lost at sea, 3Ap46: 21 S ee also Breeches ball; Licorice ball Ballads, 70c37: 32, 7Mr51: 22, PD26F67: 22, PD4Ag68: 41, PD12Ja69:41,R2S73:23 Ballads, political, PD27Je71: 31 Ballads, treasonable, 14Mr51: 22 Ballandine, John, D7Ja75: 32 Ballantine, Hamilton, P160c78: 32, D6N78: 31, D22My79: 41 Hugh, D17F76: 33 James, PD30Ap72: 31 James, & co. , PD23S73: 31--R30S73: 33 John,D5J180: 32— C15J180: 21 John, jr. , PD10Mr68: 31, R6J169: 32, PD27J169: 33 John, & co. , PD23S73: 31--R30S73: 33 Patrick, D17F76: 33, D20D76: 42 Ballard, Capt. , P21F77: 31, P18Ap77: 23, P23My77: 31 Mrs. , PD18F68: 31 Abraham, D20D76: 22 Anne,D23S75:32 Betsy, Pi5Ja75: 32--D7Ja75: 23 Dudley, P21F77: 31 Elizabeth, 26S45: 31 George, P14N77: 33 John,D19D77:41 John, Capt. , 26S45: 31 John, jr. , R14S69: 31, RlAg71: 23, PilJe75: 11 — P2Je75: 23--D3Je75: 33, D29Ag77: 22 Richard, sr. , D23S75: 32 Robert, R8N70: 33, PilJe75: 11 — P2Je75: 23--D3Je75: 33, P23Ag76: 12, P7Mr77s22, P14Mr77: 33 Robert, Lt. Col. , P20Oc75s22— D210c75: 23.D6J176: 52--P5J176p22, D17J178:31,P230c78: 11 Sarvant, Capt. , of the Darby, 25Ag38: 32 Thomas, PD28My67: 32, PD5My68: 31, R14D69: 32, P30c77: 31.D12D77: 21 William, PD8S74: 23, C30Oc79: 23-- D6N79: 32 William, jr. , R23My71: 42, PD27Ag72: 41 Ballard's plantation, Va. , PD17S72: 23 Ballast, P17Ja77: 33 Balle, Jesse, R15Je69: 31--PD15Je69: 32 Ballendine, Mrs. , 20My37: 42 John, PD16N69: 22, D11N80: 31 accusations against John Norton refuted, PD8D74sl2 adv. Buckingham furnace, D10J178: 31, D19F80:33 adv. for slaves, D7Ja75: 32 adv. furnace for rent, P2Ag76: 32 adv. lease of property for sale, D28N77: 31--P28N77sll adv. property for sale and for rent , PD22N70s22--R29N70: 31 adv. proposal to clear James river, Va. , Pi260c75: 32--P270c75: 31 — D280c75: 23 announces trustees, to clear Potomac river, PD3N74: 42— PilON74: 32 arrives from Great Britain, PD7J174: 31— R7J174: 23, PD1S74: 31 arrives in England, PD27My73: 22 conveys estate to creditors, RlJe69: 31 defends self against accusations of John Norton, D7Ja75: 12 estate of attached, Pi6Ap75sl2 indentured servant of, P3My76: 33 land of, PD13Je66: 23 letter to, in post office, R4D66: 23 property of sold for debt, R23Ag70: 32— PD30Ag70: 41 requests meeting of creditors, R2My71: 32 requests settlement of accounts, PD22N70s22— R29N70: 31, D19F80: 33 signs petition against Boston port bill, R26My74: 23 undertakes to clear Potomac river, PD1S74: 31— R1S74: 33 Ballenger, Richard, PD6Ag72: 31 Ballew, David, Lt. , D30c77: 32 Ballinger, Joseph, PD2N69: 42 Ballivaldin, See Shipwrecks near Ballow, Leonard, R26S71: 32 Thomas, PD12S71: 32 Balls, Mr. ,R13My73:32 Balls (gun), arrive in R. I. , D30S75: 22 captured by Americans at Ticonderoga, N. Y. , D3Je75: 23— P2Je75s21 in battle of Great bridge, Va. , P15D75: 23 for British army in Boston, Mass. , Pil90c75: 12— P20Oc75: 12— D210c75: 13 for British army in Quebec, Can. , D18N75: 21 for British army in Quebec, Can. , returned, D30Mr76: 31 for sale, in South Quay, Va. , P7N77s21 imported to U. S. from France, P16My77: 22 seized by British in Norfolk, Va. , D30Mr76: 21 seized by Continental navy from Bahama island, W. I. , P29Mr76: 22 — D30Mr76: 32 seized from British ship, D22N76: 31— P22N76: 21, P22N76: 21--D29N76: 12 Balls (dances), adv. of, in Hanover, Va. , RllMy69: 41 in Fredericksburg, Va. , R24D67: 41 at capitol, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD26My74: 31— R26My74: 31 at Governor's palace, Williamsburg, Va. , PD290c67: 21, PD280c73: 22 at King William courthouse, Va. , R270c68: 24 at St. James palace, 25F37: 22, 3je37: 21, 15My52: 31, PD13F72: 31, PD23Ap72: 13 at Somerset house, London, Eng. , 4Ap55: 31 at Sussex courthouse, Va. , PD17Mr68: 32, PD22F70: 32 for anniversary of king's accession, PD280c73: 22 given at St. James palace, PD8Ap73: 12 given by Freemasons, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD30D73: 23— R30D73: 31 given in Capitol at Williamsburg, Va. , PD7Je70: 23 given in Gloucestershire, England, PD14Je70sl2 given in London, England, PD19Ap70: 22 given in Williamsburg, Va. , PD19Ap70: 22 in Annapolis, Md. , 15My46: 32 in Bath, England, 2Mr39: 32 in Boston, Mass. , PD9F69: 31, PD4J171: 13 in Charles City co. , Va. , R12My74: 33 in East Indies, PD23My71: 21 in Fredericksburg, Va. , R11D66: 32, D26F80: 23 in Governor's palace, Williamsburg, Va. , PD290c72: 21— R290c72: 22 in Great Bridge, Va. , PD13Je66: 22 in Hampton, Va. , PD13Je66: 21 in Ireland, described, PD23Je68: 21— R23Je68: 13 in Loches, France, PD6My73: 11 — R6My73sl2 in London, Eng. , PD6Je66: 13, PD6Ap69: 13, PD10Ag69: 22, PD7S69: 11, PD14Je70sl2, PD16Ag70: 22, PD16Ag70: 31, PD9My71: 23, PD25J171: 13, PDlAg71: 11, PD10Oc71: 22, PD170C71: 12, PD240c71: 11, PD240c71: 12, PD27Ag72: 21, PD10Je73: 21, R24Je73: 13, PD14J174: 12, Pil3Ap75: 31 in London tower, Eng. , PD23My71: 21 in Manchester, Eng. , PD16S73: 21 in Montreal, Can. , PD18N73: 21, PD17N74: 12 in New Bern, N. C. , described, PD10Ja71: 32— R10Ja71: 21 in Newcastle, Va. , 28Ag46: 21 in Newtown, Va. , PD4J166: 22 in Norfolk, Va. , 31J146: 42, PD6Je66: 31, PD19My74: 42— R19My74: 42 in Petersburg, Russia, PD30Je68: 11 in Salem, Mass. , PD30Je74: 13 49 Balls (dances) (cont'd) in Salzburg, Ger. , PD10D72: 12 in Southampton, Eng. , PD8N70: 12 in Tarborough, N. C. , PD150c72: 22 in Warsaw, Poland, PH7N74: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , 25F37: 42, 22Ap37: 41, 70c37: 42, 210c37: 41, 24Mr38: 42, 31Mr38: 42, 11S46: 41, HAp51: 41, 240c51: 31, 27F52: 41, 5Mr52: 32, 17N52: 21, PD20Je66: 22, PD25My69: 31, R260c69: 21, PD14D69: 22--R14D69: 21, PD28D69: 22, PD310c71: 21— R310c71: 32, PD19Mr72: 23, PD290c72: 21— R290c72: 22, PD29D74: 31--Pi29D74: 32, D21Ja75: 23, P21N77: 21, D19F80: 23 in Windsor, Eng. , 29S52: 21 of council in Williamsburg, Va. , R7Je70: 23 taxes on in Great Britain proposed, R3My70: 11 See also Assemblies Balls, birthnight, in Williamsburg, Va. , 5N36: 42, 21Ja37: 42, 4N37: 42, 2N39: 41, 14N55: 21, Pil9Ja75: 32 Balls, costume, in London, Eng. , R5Ja69: 12, R5Ja69: 21, R12Ja69: 12, R12Ja69: 13 Balls, masked, in London, Eng. , described, PD2My71: 12 Balls, masquerade, in London, Eng. , PD9N69: 21, PD27Je71: 23, PD27Je71: 31, PD23J172: 21, PD18Ag74: 11, R16Ag70s22 in St. Andrews, Scot. , PD19My74: 32 Ball's town, N. Y. , See British army in Balm (baum), for relief of Boston from Cambridge, Mass. ,D28Ja75: 21 substitute for tea, PD13Ja74: 12 Balm of Capivi, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 30Ap52: 32 Balm of Gilead, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 30Ap52: 32 Balm of Peru, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 30Ap52: 32 Balm of Tolu, for sale, in Williamsburg, 30Ap52: 32 Balmain, Alexander, PD29J173: 31, PD7My72: 31 Alexander, Rev. Mr. , Pil6Mr75: 22 William, R18J171: 32 Balmarino, horse, D30Oc78: 41 Balmer, schooner, PD270c68: 22 Balneaves, Archibald, Lt. , D29J176: 42 Balow, Thomas, PD7J174: 32 Balsam, Elizabeth, D4Mr75: 32 Balsam, R6J169: 31, R21My72: 23 for sale, in Richmond, Va. , 5S55: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , 3Je37: 41 near Warwick, Va. ,D28F77: 32 See also Friar's balsam; Turlington's balsam Balsam, Canadian, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. ,R21S69s21 — PD21S69: 41, PD240c71: 31 Balsam, universal, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. , 15My52: 32 in Petersburg, Va. , 4J151: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , 17Ja51: 41, 24My51: 32, 18J151: 41, 5S51: 32, 10Ap52: 31, 30Ap52: 32, 15My52: 32, 22My52: 32, 60c52: 32, 2My55: 31, 16Ja61:41 Balsam of amber, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , R21S69s21 — PD21S69: 41 Balsam of Capivi, for sale, in Hobb's Hole, Va. , R29Je69: 33 in Fredericksburg, Va. , P10Oc77: 12 in Hanover co. , Va. , D5F80: 41 in Newcastle, Va. , PD19N72: 22 in Petersburg, Va. , 12F62: 41, D24Ag76: 61 in Richmond, Va. ,D8My78: 82— P27My78: 22, P12Je78: 22— D10J178:41 in Shockoe, Va. , PD4Ap66: 41 in Williamsburg, Va. , 24My51: 32, 18J151: 41, 2My55: 22, 2My55: 31, 14N55: 22,R3N68: 33 — PD10N68: 22, PD21S69: 41— R21S69s21, PD240c71: 31, D12Je79: 32 Balsam of Gilead, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 2My55: 22 Balsam of honey, for sale, in Blandford, Va. , PD29Je69: 32, PD21F7L32 in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD22Ap73: 31 in Petersburg, Va. , PD14J174: 32, D25Mr75: 31 — Pi23Mr75: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , PDllJe67: 32, PD26My68: 23, PD13Ap69: 32— R13Ap69: 32, PD17Ag69: 33 — R17Ag69: 23, PD21S69: 33— R21S69s21, PD7Je70: 31 — R12J170: 31, PD15Ag71: 32— R15Ag71:32 Balsam of Peru, for sale, in Hobb's Hole, Va. , R29Je69: 33 in Petersburg, Va. , D24Ag76: 61 in Williamsburg, Va. , 60c52: 32, 2My55: 22, 2My55: 31, R3N68: 33— PD10N68: 22, PD21S69: 41 — R21S69s21, PD240c71: 31 Balsam of Tolu (tillue), exported from York district, Va. , to London, Eng. , 24Ag39: 22, 2N39: 21, 25Ja40: 3 for sale, in Hobb's Hole, Va. , R29Je69: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , 30c51: 41, 2My55: 31, 30N59: 32, R3N68: 33— PD10N68: 22, R21S69s21 — PD21S69: 41, PD240c71: 31 Balsamic tincture, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 15My46: 41 Baltic Merchant, ship, PD9Je68: 23— R9Je68: 31 Baltic sea, navigation of reopened, R24Je73: 22 See also British navy in; British navy to; Canals from; Danish navy in; Exports from; French navy in; French navy to; Hurricanes in; Imports to Brest, France, from; Imports to Bristol, Eng. , from; Imports to France from; Lumber export from; Russian navy in; Russian navy to; Ships from; Shipwrecks in; Storms in; Swedish navy in Baltick Merchant, ship, PD11F68: 23 Baltimore, earl of [Charles Calvert], 10D36:31,24Ap46:32 death of, 18J151: 32 embarks for Md. , 28D39: 21 in London, Eng. , 10S36: 31 poetry on, 14Ap38: 41 [Frederick Calvert], gov. of Md. , accused of rape, PD28Ap68: 12 address to Surry court (text), PD23Je68: 21--R23Je68: 11 appoints lt. gov. of Md. , PD60c68: 13 character defended, R28Ap68: 22, PD5My68: 11 death of, PD16Ja72: 23 dispute between heirs over Maryland, PD29Ap73: 22— R29Ap73: 22 horse of, PD14Je70s23, PD21Mr71: 32 in Florence, It. , RllOc70: 11 lands of for sale in Md. , PD28Mr66: 33 lawsuits on will rumored, PD12Mr72: 22 personal property estimated, PD27F72:31 receives verdict in rape trial, R4Ag68: 14 sells English estates, PD270c68: 21 tried for rape, PD16Je68: 21 — R16Je68: 21 value of American property, PD30Ja72: 23 will of discussed, PD27F72: 31 — R27F72: 23, PD19Mr72: 21, PD9Ap72: 22 Baltimore, Md. , boycotted by Md. merchants, R29N70: 21 committee of correspondence, letter (text) from Boston, Mass. , PD25Ag74: 23— R25Ag74: 22 refuses to sell flour to Gen. Gage, PD60c74: 32 committee, adv. for escaped Tories, D7F77: 22 streets, PD8J173: 32— R12Ag73: 31, Pil8My75: 33, C19Ag80: 22 See also Alkaline salts manufactured in; Association, violation in; Boston port bill, relief from by; Brick warehouses, adv. of in; British navy from Hampton, Va. , to; Cassoap manufacture of in; Coffeehouses in; Commission brokers in; Continental congress. 2nd, moved to; Continental congress, 2nd, to move to; Convict servants runaway from; Emigration from Ire. to; Emigration from Londonderry, Ire. , to; Engravers in; Exports from; Flaxseed export from; Forges for sale near; Furnaces near; Goldsmiths, adv. of in; Horse-racing in; Immigration to; Imports to; Indentured servants runaway from; Insurance, marine, adv. of in; Iron works for sale near; Iron works in; Jails in; Jewelers, adv. of; Land for sale near;Md. battalions to Phila. , Pa. , from; Merchants in; Militia of; Newspapers, adv. of in; Pans, salt, for sale near; Physicians in; Postal service between; Postal service between Phila. , Pa. , and; Prices fall in; Printers in; Prisoners of war, British, in; Prisoners of war, Hessians, brought to; Privateers, British, affect trade of; Privateers for sale in; Quarantines in; Rye meal for relief of Boston from; Servants for sale near; Ships, French, arrive in; Ships for sale in; Ships for charter in; Ships from; Ships' sailing time; Ships to; Ships to Va. from; Silversmiths in; Slaves 50 Bankruptcies for sale near; Smallpox inoculation adv. of in; Smallpox inoculation in; Stables, adv. of in; Stagecoaches, adv. of between Phila. , Pa. ; Stagecoaches between; Stamp act, repeal announced in; Stealing in; Storage, adv. of, in; Storehouses in; Stores in; Taverns, adv. of in; Tories escape from jail in; Tories in; Wharves, adv. of in Baltimore co. , Md. . See Auctions near; Convict servants runaway from; Dams in; Gristmills in; Houses in; Iron furnaces in; Iron ore in; Merchant mills in; Mill houses in; Mill race in; Mine banks in; Murders by convict servants in; Orchards in; Outhouses in; Sawmills in; Self- mutilation in; Slaves runaway from; Stone mill houses in; White oak timber in Baltimore, brigantine. 24S36: 22 Cont. brig,D12F80:31 H. M. S. . 21Mr45: 31. 24Ja52: 31, 27Ag56: 21 H. M. sloop, 26S55: 12, 240c55: 12 ship, 18Ap45: 32, 10Oc45: 21, 7Mr51: 31, 24My51: 41, 13Je51: 32, 11J151: 32, 110c51: 32, 6F52: 31, 30Ap52: 21, 15My52: 31, 28Mr55: 32, PD8Je69: 23, P8S75s22,DlN76: 12 snow. 30c55: 12 Baltimore Hero, schooner. D3J179: 22 Baltimore iron works, for sale, R31My70: 43 shares in, for sale, R23Ag70: 41 Baltimore troops, reinforce Washington, P3Ja77sl3 Balyshannon, Ireland, See Exports from N. Y. Bamboos, monopoly on in India, PD80c72: 12 Bambridge, Capt. , P15S75: 22— D16S75: 21 Henry, R6Ap69: 31 Bamister, Capt. , 7N51: 22 Banagher, Ireland, See Twins in Banbury, England, See Wheat price falls in Bancroft, Capt. , P23F76: 13 Mary Dandridge, P23F76: 13 Bandages, for British army in Boston, Mass. ,D280c75: 13 Bandannas, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD29Ja67: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. ,D10J178: 21 — P10J178: 33 Bandannas, India bordered, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22 Bandboxes, for sale, PD2N69: 41 in Williamsburg, Va. , R260c69: 23 unclaimed, adv. of, 2Mr53: 42 Bandits, in Italy, PD18Oc70: 11 Bands, in New York City, PD21Ap68: 22 in Phila. , Pa. , D27My75: 33 See also Back bands; Gold bands; Silver bands Bands, rupture, for sale, in Williamsburg. Va. , 8Ag51: 32 Bandy, George, P310c77: 12 Banes, John, R25N73: 41 Banff, Lord, Capt. , of the Hastings, 20Je45: 22 Banff, ship, 4J145: 32 Bang, Capt. , PD24Mr74: 12 Bangers, played by slaves, D18F75: 32 Bangor, Wales, See Earthquakes in Banishment, for stealing, 80c36: 41, 30Ap52: 22 Banister, Col., gardener of, Pl9Ap76p23 land of,D6Je77: 22 — P20Je77: 12, D14Je80: 31 mill of, D10Je75: 33— Pil5Je75: 33, DlAg77:31--PlAg77: 32 pasture of,D25N80: 23 payment of bonds requested, PD3Mr74: 31 Elizabeth, D11J177: 31 — P11J177: 33 Fanny, P30Oc78: 32 Isaac, D16My77: 31 J. ,P13D76:31 John, adv. brigantine for sale, PD16Ja72: 33 adv. farm for sale, P30Oc78: 33 adv. for runaway horses, P10J178: 22 adv. for runaway slave, P6S76: 42, D31J179: 31 — C28Ag79: 43 adv. land for sale, P28Je76: 31 adv. livestock and slaves for sale, P160c78: 22, P30Oc78: 33 adv. settlement of estate of Capt. Theodorick Munford, PD19N72: 22 adv. settlement of estate of Alexander Shaw, P28Je76: 31 adv. stallion for hire, PD24Mr74: 32, P31Mr75: 41— DlAp75: 11 announces auction in Dinwiddie co. , Va. , Pi26Ja75: 12 appointed to committee of trade, R26N72: 21 burgess from Dinwiddie co. , Va. , PD7S69: 23— R7S69: 31.R9N69: 11, PD5D71: 31, PD21J174p23 — R21J174: 32 delegate from Dinwiddie co. , Va. , PD21J174pl3— R21J174: 31, DlAp75: 21, P26Ap76s23, P2My77s22 delegate to Congress, P21N77: 22, P5Je78: 22 elected visitor of William and Mary college, P4Ap77: 22 holds plan of lands in Norfolk, Va. , lottery, PD13N66: 22 letter to. in post office, PD2Je68: 23 manager of Joseph Calvert's lottery, PD27N66: 23--R4D66: 33 manager of lottery, of John Jones, PD21S69: 32 marriage of, D26F79: 31 on committee for rebating damaged tobacco, RlAg71: 11 subscriber for opening falls of James river, Va. , PDllAg74: 32— RllAg74: 32 John, Col. , PD80c72: 31, R8Ap73: 33, D11J177: 31 acquitted of violation of Association, D18N75: 31 security for bond of Peter Johnston, PD310c71: 23 sells U. S. lottery tickets, D21Mr77: 11, P21Mr77s23— D28Mr77: 71, P3Ap78: 22 Nancy (Blair), marriage of, D26F79:31 See also Bannister Banister bridge, Va. , R19F67: 32 Banister river, Va. , See Land for sale on; Ships for sale on Banister upper bridge, Va. , C30Oc79: 32 Banjoes, played by slaves, D8Ja80: 23 Bank, proposed in Va. , 9My55: 11 Bank of Edinburgh, supported by Scottish noblemen, PD27Ag72: 21, PD27Ag72: 41 Bank of England, business increases, PD24S72: 13 credit regulations of, PD2J172: 23 discount regulations criticized, PD10S72: 13, PD10S72: 21, PD17S72: 12, PD24S72: 21 discount regulations for. PD24S72: 11 distributes employees' bonus, 8My52: 21 dividends declared by, PD6My73: 21 financial condition of, PD20My73: 21, P60c75: 22 governors, PD10S72: 22--R80c72: 32 grants credit to Scottish houses, R150c72: 23 issues bills, D15Ja80: 11 loans to bank, R80c72: 12 paper money policy of, PD27Ag72: 41 proposes loan, 15My46: 22 run on, PD9My71: 31, PD16My71: 22, PD23My71: 12, R30My71: 21, PD13Je71: 13 sues Scottish nobles, R150c72: 11 Bank of Scotland, credit increased, PD27Ag72: 33 notes valued, PD10S72: 21 supported by Bank of England, PD27Ag72: 41 supported by British ministry, PD27Ag72: 41 Bank stock, loan in Md. proposed, PD29J173: 22--R29J173: 23 Bankbead, PD2My66: 41 Banker, Joshua, Capt. , of the Little John. Pi22Je75: 31 Uriah, Capt. , of the Britannia, 10D36:41 Bankers, abscond in Milan, It. , PDllJe72: 13 in London, Eng. , PDUe69: 31 Bankes, Francis, Capt. , of the Experiment, D9D75: 13 George, Capt. , PD220c72: 22— R220c72 - 23 Judith, R30Ag70: 23, PD220c72: 22— R220c72: 23 Bankhead. James, D14Ag79: 32 James, lieutenant of minutemen, P22S75: 11 James, Dr. . PD2Je68: 23 William, Pi9F75: 31, P29N76: 31 Bankruptcies, in Amsterdam, Holl. , 4N63: 13. PD22Ja67: 22, PDlAp73: 23, PD17Je73: 22, R17Je73sll in Augsburg, Bavaria, PD23J172: 23 in Bristol, Eng. , P9My77: 21, D160c78: 32— P160c78: 21 in Cadiz, Sp. , PD12N72: 12 in Danzig feared, PDlAp73: 21 in Dublin, Ire. , PD27My73: 12, R17Je73s22 in Edinburgh, Scot. , PD27Ag72: 32, PD3S72: 13,R150c72: 23 in Eng. , PD21S69s21, PD2My71: 21 — R2My71: 21, PD9My71: 12— R9My71: 21, RlAp73: 23, R29Ap73: 23, PD3Je73: 21, PD140c73s22, RllN73s21--PD18N73: 12, P30My77: 22 51 U. OF IU. L& Bankruptcies, in Eng. (cont'd) decline, PD20Oc74: 23 effect Md. finances, PD29J173: 22— R29J173: 23 feared, PDlAp73: 22, RlAp73: 23 regulated, Pi20Oc74: 21 in Europe, 17Ap52: 22, R12N72: 23-- PD26N72: 13, PD6My73: 21 in France, D10J179: 21 in Glasgow, Scot. , R150c72: 23 in Great Britain, PD4Je67: 12, PD27Ag72: 41, PD80c72: 12, PD5N72: 13, PD5N72: 31--R5N72: 21, PD17D72: 23, PD8Ap73: 11, PD15J173: 21 causes of, PD10S72: 21, PD10D72: 11 effects of, PD17S72: 13, PD24S72: 11 methods of preventing considered, PD3S72: 13 recovery from, PD80c72: 21 regulated, PD25Ag68: 21 in The Hague, Holl. , PD2Ap72: 23 in Hamburg, Ger. , R8F70: 12, PD31D72: 21, PDlAp73: 21 in Hertfordshire, Eng. , R10Je73: 41 in Holland, PD27Ag72: 23, PD31D72: 21, PDlAp73: 21, PDlAp73: 22, RlAp73: 23, PD8Ap73: 11, PD10Je73: 21 prophesied, PD27Ag72: 32 regulated, R8Ap73: 23, PD8Ap73: 13— R8Ap73: 31 in Lisbon, Port. , PD27Ag72: 33 in Liverpool, Eng. , PD10S72: 22 in London, Eng. , PD20Ag72: 23, PD27Ag72: 22, PD27Ag72: 23, PD27Ag72: 31, PD3S72: 13, PD80c72: 12, PD150c72: 12, R150c72: 22, PD7Ja73: 23--R7Ja73: 31, PD27My73: 12,R24Je73: 12, PD13Ja74: 32, PD24Mr74: 21 — R24Mr74: 13, PD31Mr74: 21 — R31Mr74: 21, P4Ap77sl2, D9My77: 21, D160c78: 32--P160c78: 21 affect colonial merchants, PD4Je67: 23 benefits of, R150c72: 12 causes of, PD5N72: 32, R12N72: 23 controls for, PD8Ap73: 13 false reports of, PD27Ag72: 33, PD18Mr73: 32 increase, PD27Ag72: 23, P9My77: 21 prevention attempted, DllAp77: 31 trials for, PD80c72: 13, PD3D72: 22, PD10D72: 22, R12D72sll, PD17D72: 22, P24F75:21 in Marseilles, Fr. , PD22N70: 11 in Paris, Fr. ,R11D66:23, PD22Mr70: 11, PD27Ag72: 31 in Rotterdam, Holl. , PD150c72: 13 in Scotland, 5S51: 31, PD24S72: 13, PD220c72: 13, PD14Mr71: 31, PD30Ap72: 22 in Spain, PD30Ap72: 13 in Stockholm, Swe. , RlAp73: 11 in Sweden, PD4F68: 31, R9Je68: 14 of Buchanan & Hamilton, London, Eng. , 3N52: 21 of William Cole, PD3Ja71: 31 of Perkins, Buchanan & Brown, London, Eng. , PD210c73: 22, PD4N73: 22--R4N73: 32 of Robert & Robert Bogle & Scott, PD5N72: 33--R5N72: 21 regulated by parliament, 26Ag37: 41, R16My66: 31, PD4F73: 22 sermons on in London, Eng. , R22J173: 33 See also Attachments; Debtors; Insolvency Bankruptcy act, enforcement of, in England, 6Ja38: 41 prisoners discharged under terms of, 2D37: 41 Banks, Capt. , PD5F67: 22, R11F68: 24, PD14S69: 31, PD25Oc70: 22, PD4Ap71: 23, D16Mr76: 23 commits suicide, PD20Ag72: 23 favors exchange of prisoners of war, D6J176: 12 of the Betsey, PD16Je68: 23— R16Je68: 31, R27Ap69: 22, R4My69: 33, PD18My69: 31 of the Experiment, D70c75: 21 of the Fame, PDUAp71: 23 of the Jane, PD21N71: 22— R21N71: 23, PD23Ja72: 32 of the Jenny, PD60c68: 13— R60c68: 14 of the Polly, PD9Mr69: 31 Commodore, driven from Long island, N. Y. ,D6J176: 11 Adam, adv. land for sale, D15My79: 11 Alexander, PDllMr73: 32,D23Ja78: 31 adv. for lost artificial flowers, PD2My71: 32 adv. land for sale, PD18Je67: 33 announces departure, D13J176: 21 — P19J176: 43 announces giving up business, D2My77: 32 agent for Alexander Speirs & co. , D27Ja76: 33 Andrew, P25Ag75: 73, D3Ag76: 32 Anne, R290c72: 31 Francis, Capt. , of the Renown, D30Mr76: 12 George, PD12Mr67: 13,R50c69: 23, PD21D69: 32, PD20My73: 23 George, Capt. , R26Ap70: 32 of the Betsey, R14S69: 22, R7J168: 22 of the Peggy, R19F67: 32, PD24S67: 13 Gerard, R12J170: 42, PD9My71: 32, R310C71: 33, PD10F74: 32 Henry, PD170c71: 12 James, PD21D69: 32 John, PD17S71: 32 John, Capt. , of the Betsey. RllAg68: 23 [Joseph], Sir, circumnavigates the globe, PD17S71: 22, PD12D71: 21, R140c73: 12, R140c73: 23 exploration of Arctic planned, PD20My73: 11, PD17Je73: 13-- R17Je73:23,R8J173:21 explores Iceland, PD7Ja73: 21 — R7Ja73: 21, PDllMr73: 22, R23S73: 13 plans circumnavigation of globe, PD4F73: 22 supported by British government, PD240c71: 21 Judith, suit of in York co. , Va. , court, PD20My73: 23 Ralph, Capt., of the Hatley, 6Ap39: 31, 20J139: 41, 24Ag39: 3, 2N39: 2, 25Ja40: 12,25Ja40:3 Richard, PD10Oc71: 32— R170c71: 33 adv. finding horse, PD23Je74: 31 adv. for runaway convict servant, R12My68:31,PD7S69:32 adv. slave held in jail, R8Ag71: 31 attacks British ship, P3My76: 31 unclaimed tobacco of, Rl Je69: 32 Richard, Capt. , P31Ja77: 12, D7F77: 22 Thomas, PDUa67: 12, PD5Ag73: 31— R12Ag73: 23, P20Je77: 32 Tunstall, RlJe69: 32, PD21D69: 32, Pi23F75: 32, D4Mr75: 23 Tunstall, Capt. , R12My68: 31 William, 2S57: 31, PD21D69: 32 Banks, Fox &, P25Ag75: 81 Banks, Lyle &, C13My80: 41 Banks', in Dublin, Ire. , PD31Mr74: 21 establishment of, recommended in Va. , R14Je70: 13 for British colonies, N. Am. , PD26My68: 12— R26My68: 12 in Amsterdam, Holl. , PD22Ag71: 21 in Ayr, Scotland, PD23N69: 23— R23N69: 22, PD1J173: 22, PD23D73s22 in Copenhagen, Den. , l9Ag37: 11 in Dumfries, Scot. , Rl J173: 21 in Edinburgh, Scotland. , PD23N69: 23 — R23N69: 22, PD17D72: 23.R1J173: 21 in England, bankruptcy policy criticized, PD27Ag72: 41 bankruptcy settlement of, PD3S72: 11 conduct in crisis commended, PD3S72: 13 forced to discount, PD27Ag72: 33 runs on deplored, PD27Ag72: 31 security for crown's money required, R80c72: 21 stock falls, R20S70: 13 in Glasgow, Scot. , PD24S72: 12, R1J173: 21, PD1J173: 22, PD140c73s22 in Great Britain, R150c72: 22 in Hamburg, Ger. , 4N63: 13 in London, Eng. , PD27Ag72: 21 in N. Y. C. , PD30J167: 23 in Scotland, PD27Ag72: 31, PD24S72: 11, PD24S72: 13,R150c72: 23, PD23S73s21, PD31Mr74: 21 on the Isle of Man, PD16Mr69: 21 regulated in Great Britain, PD19My74: 32 Banks, royal, to be established in British colonies, N. Am. , R130c68: 13 Bank's ordinary, PD16Mr69: 32 Bannatyne, Dugald, D20Ap76: 41, P20D76: 11 Banner, Joseph, R17F74: 32 Bannerman, Benjamin, adv. for missing horse, D29Ag77: 31 — P5S77: 32 adv. house for sale, PD18Je67: 33 adv. stallion for hire, D14Mr77: 71 announces departure, PD19Ap70: 33, D18Ap77: 62,DlAg77:31 denounced by wife, PD21Ja68: 33, PD7J168: 31, PD25My69: 33 disavows wife's debts, PD21Ja68: 33 escheated property of for sale, D5J180: 32— C15J180: 21 holds promissory note of Patrick Coutts, R24F69s22, R20Ap69: 31 slaves of, PD8Mr70: 32— R8Mr70: 32 sued for separate maintenance by wife, PD20Ap69s23 Margaret, PD21Ja68: 33, PD7J168: 31, PD21Ja68: 33, PD25My69: 33, PD8Mr70: 32--R8Mr70: 32 Banning, Capt. , of the Swan, PD30Je68: 23 Bannister, John, Col. , land of, R8N70: 23--PD8N70: 23 See also Banistei Banquets, in London, Eng. ,PD240c71: 22, PD7N71: 21 in Worcester, Eng. , PD9N69: 22 52 Barbary states price of in England, R70c73: 11 Banquets, described, in Dalkeith, Scot. , PD14Ja68: 23 Banstead, ship, 4J145: 31, 3Ap46: 41 Bant, William, PD24Ag69: 21 Banta, Weart, D15My79: 21 Bantam, Java, seige of, 3J152: 11 Bantham, England, See Shipwrecks in Bantom, Thomas, 9My45: 42 Banton, John,D4My76: 33 Thomas, Capt. , of the John and Mary, 18Ap45: 32 Bantroft, Edward, R26My74: 23 Bantry, Ire. , See Ships from Boston, Mass. , to; Ships from St. Christopher is. , W. I. , to Bantry bay, Ireland, See Ships from Bencoolen, Sumatra, to Banyar, Goldsbrow, 3J146: 11, 14Ag46: 22 Banyer, Mr. , R25D66: 22 Baptisms, in Boston, Mass. , 24F38: 31, PD22F70: 12 in Paris, France, PD18Ap71: 11 in Williamsburg, Va. , Pil6N75: 33, Pil6D75:31,P17My76:23 statistics on, London, Eng. , HMr37: 31 Baptist, Edward, DlMy79: 22— C15My79:42 Baptist, John de, Indian chief, 24N52: 21 Baptist, William G. ,D13N78: 31 Baptist churches, in Phila. , Pa. , R14J174: 23 observes fast day, in Newport, R. I. , PD30Je74: 21 Baptist churches association, in Cumberland, Va. , sets up marriage service, Pi21S75: 23 of Va. , congratulate Patrick Henry on governorship, P23Ag76: 13— D24Ag76: 71 Baptist meeting house, PDlAg71: 22 Baptist teachers, slaves as, PlMy78: 42 Baptiste, Jean, PD15Ap73: 22— R15Ap73:22 Baptists, in S. C. , pledge support to John Rutledge, D18My76: 21 in Va. , R22D68: 23, D28Mr77: 62 persecuted, in Norwich, Eng. , 8My52: 22 slaves as, PD21J174p23 See also Anabaptists Bar. France, See Jesuits banished from Baragh, Africa, war with Great Britain, PD130c68: 22 Baramont, Doucre, PD15Ap73: 22-- R15Ap73: 22 Barb, horse, D12Mr79: 31--C15My79: 33, D18Mr80: 33 Barbados, W. I. , assist Dutch against Spanish, 4Ap55: 31 attack by French rumored, D31J179: 31, D21Ag79: 22 capture by French rumored, D8Ja80: 13 census of, PD11J166: 13 defense strengthened, D27N79: 21 general assembly, P9Je75: 23, P4Ap77sl2 made free port, RllN73s23— PD18N73: 13 naval engagements off, C20N79: 11 — C20N79: 12--D20N79: 21 relations with colonies severed, PilOJa76: 22--P12Ja76: 23 — D13Ja76: 23 supports British colonies, N. Am. , D1J175: 21 See also Ants, plague in; Boston port bill, relief from by; British army to; British navy in; British navy off; British navy to; British transports in; Charity in; Corn, price of in; Crops in; Droughts in; Duties; Earthquakes in; Embargoes; Exports from; Exports from Accomac district, Va. , to; Exports from Hampton, Va. , to; Exports from James river, Va. , to; Exports from James river, lower district, Va. , to; Exports from James river, upper district, Va. , to; Exports from Rappahannock district, Va. , to; Exports from south Potomac district, Va. , to; Exports from York district, Va. , to; Fires in; Fires on ships in; Floods in; Food scarce in; Grain market low in; Imports to Accomac district, Va. , from; Imports to England from; Imports to Hampton, Va. , from; Imports to James river, lower district, Va. , from; Imports to James river, upper district, Va. , from; Imports to N. Y. from; Imports to Norfolk, Va. , from; Imports to Potomac district, Va. , from; Imports to Rappahannock district, Va. , from; Imports to south Potomac district, Va. , from; Imports to Va. from; Imports to York district, Va. , from; Jews in; Merchants in; Military defense in; Money scarce in; Murders in; Non- exportation agreements, effect of in; Prices current in; Prisoners of war, American, mistreated in; Privateers, Phila. , capture British ships off; Provisions, market high in; Provisions scarce in; Schools, Jewish, in; Ships, American, captured by British off; Ships from; Ships from Antigua, W. I. , to; Ships from Cadiz, Sp. , to; Ships from Cape Fear, N. C. , to; Ships from James river, Va. , to; Ships from Philadelphia, Pa. , to; Ships from Rappahannock district, Va. , to; Ships from Va. to; Ships from York district, Va. , to; Ships' sailing time; Ships to Annapolis, Md. , from; Ships to Boston, Mass. , from; Ships to James river, Va. , from; Ships to New London, Conn. , from; Ships to N. Y. from; Ships to Newport, R. I. , from; Ships to Norfolk, Va. , from; Ships to Philadelphia, Pa. , from; Ships to Piscataqua, N. H. , from; Ships to Rappahannock district, Va. , from; Ships to Williamsburg, Va. , from; Ships to York district, Va. , from; Shipwrecks near; Slaves from; Slaves imported to; Slaves imported to Hampton, Va. , from; Slaves imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from; Slaves imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from; Slaves imported to south Potomac district, Va. , from; Slaves imported to Va. from; Slaves imported to York district, Va. , from; Smallpox in; Smallpox inoculations in; Stamp act reaction to in; Stamp act repeal disregarded in; Storms in; Travel, notice of departure to; Yellow fever in Barbados, dialect of, spoken by slaves, D29Ja80: 33 Barbados packet, ship, PD9J172: 31 Barbary, Africa, civil war in, 80c36: 22, 270c38: 32, 9Mr39: 21, 13J139: 11 political unrest in, 15S38: 32 See also Imports to New London, Conn. , from; Ships to York district, Va. , from Barbary coast, Africa, port discovered on, PD6J169: 21 See also Exports from; Shipwrecks, described, on; Shipwrecks off; Shipwrecks on Barbary pirates, war with Turkey planned, PD9J172: 13 Barbary shores, Africa, See Shipwrecks on Barbary states, aid Turkey, PD17Je73:12, PD15J173: 12--R15J173sl3,R3Mr74: 31 aided by Dutch, PD7Ja73: 21 alliance in Europe sought, PD27Ag72: 11 alliance with Algiers, D1J175: 23 boycotted by Europe, PD60c68: 21 — R60c68: 21 civil war in, PD27Ag72: 13, PD150c72: 12 conquests of,R17D72: 12, PD17D72: 13— R17D72: 13 fear French in Corsica, PD12Ja69: 12— R5Ja69: 21 geography and politics of described, 60c52: 22 military preparations of, PD7Ja73: 21, PD6My73: 13, PD10N74: 22, D140c75: 21, Pil90c75: 12— P20Oc75: 11 naval preparations in, PD20My73: 13, PD22J173: 11, PD19My74: 31 relations with France, 4J151: 22, 4J151: 31 relations with Great Britain, 4 J151: 22, PD18D66: 22, PD4F73: 22, PD22Ap73: 23— R22Ap73sl3 relations with Holland, PD15Ap73: 12 relations with Morocco, PD20My73: 13 relations with Portugal, R17Je73sl2 relations with Spain, PD25Oc70: 13, PD12D71: 21,R17Je73sl3, PD70c73: 12, Pi23Mr75: 31, D9Ap79: 12 relations with Turkey, PD20My73: 13 ships of cruise against Russia, PD8Mr70: 31 supplied with ammunition by European powers, PD8N70: 21 treaty with Christians rumored, PD7Ja73: 21 treaty with Denmark, 120c52: 11 treaty with Great Britain, PD21Mr66: 31, PD28Mr66: 23 Turkish demands on, PD2F69: 12 victories over Turks, PD27Ag72: 11 war with Egypt, R9N69: 21 See also Arms, export from Hamburg, Ger. , to; British sailors imprisoned by; Cannon export from Hamburg, Ger. , to; Pirates; Russian navy ships sunk by; Ships' sailing time; Ships to 53 Barbary states (cont'd) Cape Anne, Mass. , from; Spanish army to; Spanish navy to; Tripoli; Tunis Barbary states navy, strength of in Mediterranean, Pi23Mr75: 31 Barbasore, William, 2N39: 41, 23N39: 31 Barbe, Capt. , D10Ja77: 31 Barbella, [Emanuele], composer, PD29Ag71: 31, PD17S72: 22 Barber, Capt. , 29D38: 22, R28J174: 33 of the Betsey, PD18Ja70: 31, D15Ja80: 11 Col. , P4Ap77: 31 Mr. , PD6J169: 31 Aaron, R26J170: 22 Charles, R17F74: 32 Edward, RllMr73: 31 Elizabeth, 24Ja51: 41 James, 24Ja51: 41, 15D52: 32, R18J171: 42 Nathaniel, PD8S68: 21 Nathaniel, Major, R29Ap73: 11 Thomas, PD15D68: 23--R22D68: 12, PDllMy69s41, PD28S69: 23 — R5Oc69:22,P20D76:21 W. ,2S37: 32 Walter, Capt. , of the Radburn, 7Ag52: 31 William, P20Je77: 32 William, Capt. , D27My75: 31 of the Little Hannah, R8Ag66: 31 — PD22Ag66: 22, R25D66: 13 Barber surgeons See also Indentured servants as Barberries, candied, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD29S74: 32 Barberries, pickled, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD11N73: 22 Barberries, sugared, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , Pi6Ap75: 42 Barbers, adv. for, in Hampton, Va. , PD10S72: 31 in Petersburg, Va. , lAg51: 32 adv. for employment, P23My77: 41 adv. of, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD24Mr68: 33, PD21Ap68: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD6N66: 22, PD3N68: 31,P27Mr78: 11 See also Convict servants as; Indentured servants as; Peruke makers; Slaves as Barbers, apprentices, runaway, from York co. , Va. , 18J151: 41 Barbers, journeymen, adv. for, P23Ag76: 42 in Petersburg, Va. , R31D72: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , 12S45: 41, R19Ap70: 43, R21Mr71: 33, PD10D72: 23,R13My73: 33, R12Ag73: 23, P14Je76: 31, P16My77s31 in Yorktown, Va. , PD21S69: 31 Barbie, Andrew, sr. ,R23My71: 32, Barbon, horse, PD6Je66: 31 Barbour, Capt. , D18J177: 32 — P18J177: 13 James, jr. , PD6Ag72: 31, Pil30c74: 33 James, Major, PD7N71: 31 Philip, PD4N73: 22, PD18N73: 22 Richard, C28Ag79: 32--D28Ag79: 12 T. , P8Ag77: 13 Thomas, PD25My69: 12, R9N69: 11, PD4Ag74: 23. D28Ja75: 23, DlAp75: 21. P19My75s33 William, 22Je39: 22 Barbuda, W. I. , See French navy, ships wrecked on Barbuda Packet, sloop, 7N51: 22 Barcelona, Spain, fortified, ,70c38: 31. R2My71: 11, PD15J173: 22 — R15J173: 21 See also Exports from James river, lower district, Va. , to; Exports from James river, upper district, Va. , to; Hurricanes in; Imports to; Jesuits' college in; Jesuits in; Jews emigrate to Corsica from; Murders in; Robbers caught in; Ships, Spanish register, in; Ships from Md. to; Ships to Hampton roads, Va. , from; Ships, to James river, Va. , from; Ships to Leith, Scot. , from; Ships to Phila. , Pa. , from; Shipwrecks near; Spanish army in; Spanish navy equips in; Spanish navy in Barclay, Capt. , PD17S72: 13, P5Ap76: 31, D6Ap76: 22 of the Scarborough, Pi22Je75: 32-- D24Je75: 23, P30Je75sll, P5Ap76: 23, P10My76: 21--DllMy76: 31, D250c76: 12 Mr. , PD21Mr66: 31, PD20Ja74: 31, Pil6Mr75: 31 — P17Mr75s22 — D18Mr75: 21 Alexander, P14N77: 33 David, D29Ap75: 22 George, adv. finding horse, PD9Ap67: 31 adv. for missing oxen and cattle, PD290c72: 23 adv. plantation for sale, PD29J173: 23 announces departure, D10Je75: 32 disavows bond to Charles Turnbull, PD29Je69: 33 land of, PD29S74: 32--Pi29S74: 33 letter to, in post office, PD3Ag69: 32 John,D10Oc77: 12--P10Oc77: 22 Patrick, H15S52: 41, 28F55: 31 Robert, 270c52: 22 author, PD29N70: 21, PD13D70: 42, PD3Ja71: 42, PD17Ja71: 42, PD24Ja71: 42, PD7F71: 42, PD21F71: 42, PD7Mr71: 42, PD21Mr71: 42, PD28Mr71: 42 Thomas, R23Je74: 32 See also Barkley Barclay, privateer, 18Ja40: 21 Barclay & Mitchelson, 21Ag46: 32 Barely, Robert, R7F71: 32 Bard, Lt. , P22J175s22--D29J175: 23 Bardana, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD2J172: 32 Bardana, elixir, for sale, PD1D74: 31 in Richmond, Va. , PD7Je70: 33, PD3S72: 23, PD5Ag73: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD18D66: 32 — R25D66: 42, PDllJe67: 32, PD18Je67: 32. PD18Je67: 33, R3N68: 33 — PD10N68: 22, R21S69s21 — PD21S69: 33. PD15Ag71: 32— R15Ag71: 32, PD240c71: 31, PD290c72: 22--R290c72: 22, PD4N73: 22--R4N73: 31 Bardani, See Dr. Hill's elixir bardani Bardin, Mr. , of New York City, PDllAp66: 23 tavern of in N. Y. C. , PD16Ap67: 22, PQ21Ap68. 22 Tory of Newport, R. I. , C15My79: 12 Edward, Pi20Oc74: 23 Bardowie, Eng. , See Excavations near Barefoot, Thomas, 15D52: 32 Baretti, [Giuseppe], author, PD21Mr71:42, PD28Mr71: 42, PD17S72: 21, PD10Je73: 31 Barfleur, Fr. , See Shipwrecks between Barfleur, H. M. S. , 24Ja52: 22, PD7Ap68: 13, PD22S68: 22, PD21Mr71: 22, PD13Je71: 22, PD24S72: 11, PD24Je73: 21 — R1J173: 12, PD24Je73: 22— R24Je73: 31, PD2S73: 12--R2S73: 13, PD2S73: 21--R2S73: 21, PD9S73: 13 — R9S73: 23, PD9S73: 21— R9S73: 12, PD9S73: 22— R9S73: 22, R16D73: 13, PD19My74:22,D2D75: 13, D10F76: 22,D25Mr80: 11 ship, PD14Mr71: 23, R24Je73: 23, R15J173sll, PD26Ag73: 21 — R26Ag73sl2, PD2S73: 11 — R2S73: 12, PD24Mr74: 13 Barflour, H. M. S. , 1D38: 31 Barford, Capt. , receives new appointment, 22Ap57: 21 Barge, Jacob, D31Ja77: 61 Barges, for sale, in Lancaster co. , Va. , D5S77:31— P5S77: 11 Barges, British, captured on Deer island, Mass. ,D1J175: 32 Barham, Charles, PD6Je66: 32, PD7Mr71: 32, P14Mr77: 42 Charles, Capt. , R4Ag68: 31, PD1D74:23 — PilD74: 31 Charles, Col. , P10J178: 33 Peter, P2My77sll Barham Downs, England, See Horse racing on Barington, Capt. , of the Venus, PD130c68: 21 Barjeau, John, 25J151: 12 Bark, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. ,D26Mr79:22 in Hanover co. , Va. ,D5F80: 41 in Williamsburg, Va. , 24My51: 32, 18J151:41,PDllAp66:41, PDllJe67: 32, PD18Je67: 33, PD12D71: 32, DlMy79: 22, D12Je79: 32, D29Ja80: 41 in Yorktown, Va. , D4J177: 11 near Warwick, Va. ,D28F77: 32 seized from British ships, D25J177: 12— PlAg77: 11 See also Jesuit's antimonial bark Bark, Peruvian, for sale, in Hobb's Hole, Va. , R29Je69: 33 in Richmond, Va. , PD3S72: 23 in Shockoe, Va. , PD4Ap66: 41 in Yorktown, Va. , PD13Ag67: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD240c71: 31 prescribed, 80c36: 11 Bark houses, in Edenton, N. C. , PD18D66: 33 in Orange co. , N. C. , D160c79: 31 Bark mills, in Edenton, N. C. , PD18D66: 33 Bark pits, in Edenton, N. C. , PD18D66: 33 Barke, Thomas, RlAg71: 42 Barkeepers, adv. for, in Suffolk co. , Va. , P31Ja77: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD4J166: 32, PD29Ag66: 23— R5S66: 41 in Williamsburg. Va. , PD24N74: 31 54 Barnett Barker, Capt. , at Fort Manchac, La. , D26F80: 22 Charles, 12D55: 32 Ebenezer, of the Polly, D230c79: 31, D18D79: 22 James, D26D77: 22 Joel, PD1S68: 31 John, 7N51:31 Jonathan, P23My77: 43 Joseph, 20Je51: 41 Penelope, PD3N74pll Thomas, Capt. , of the Richmond, 24N52: 22, 26S55: 31 William, PD30Ap67: 33 Barklay, Mr. , studies importance of British-colonial trade, D8Ap75: 31 Barkley, William, R27S70: 33 See also Barclay Barksdale, Coliar, PD18Ag68: 32 Daniel, D10Je75: 32 Nathaniel, R270c68sl3 William, D6Ap76: 33 Barksdill, John, PD16Ag70: 33 Nathanial, P22D75: 42 Barksdle, William, DllMr75: 21 Barlet, Capt. , PD4Ap71: 22 Barley, adv. for, at Osborne's, Va. , D13D76:41 in Williamsburg, Va. , D27N79: 31 bartered for beer, D27N79: 31 bounties on export, PD10S67: 13 bounties on import, PD18Ap66: 23 boycotted in Va. Association, PD25My69: 11— RUe69: 13 cultivation encouraged in Pa. , P24F75s23 duties on, P3Mr75: 23 exported from Eng. , lAp37: 32, 27J139: 32 for sale, PD30Ap67: 32 in Fredericksburg, Va. ,D13N79: 31 in Norfolk, Va. , R23My71: 33— PD9My71:33,D14Ja75:31 in Williamsburg, Va. , 20Je45: 41, 17Ja51: 41, PD19S66: 31, PD28S69: 31, PDllAp71:32,D21N77: 12 import to Great Britain, PD4Mr73: 31 — R4Mr73: 32 import to London, Eng. , enumerated, PD3Mr68: 21 left in Boston, Mass. , by British army, P19Ap76p22--D20Ap76: 31 plentiful in England, PD22S68: 13, PD15Je69: 21, PD9N69: 13, PD28N71: 21, PD30S73: 22 — R30S73s21 in Essex, Eng. , PD11D66: 21, R16S73: 23 in Hertfordshire, Eng. , R16S73: 23 in High Suffolk, Eng. , PD11D66: 21 in Norfolk, Eng. , R16S73: 23 in Reading, Eng. , 16Ja46: 31 in Suffolk, Eng. , R16S73: 23 price of, in Belfast, Ire. , 2F39: 31 in Boston, Mass. ,20Ja38: 31 in England, PD19Mr72: 21 in Germany, R12N72: 23--PD26N72: 13 in Gloucestershire, Eng. , PD22Ja67: 22 in Haddington, Scot. , 29My46: 21 in London, Eng. , 26Ag37: 32, R11D66:21 price regulated in Williamsburg, Va. , D24J179: 21 raising of encouraged in Va. , Pi30Mr75:31--DlAp75:31 requisitioned by British in Suffolk co. , N.Y. ,D8N76: 11 scarce in Cornwall, Eng. , PD22Ap73: 21- R22Ap73: 31 in Ireland, PD12F67: 12 seized from British ships, P31My76: 12-- DUe76: 12,D24Ag76: 22 Barley, common, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. ,12F62:41 Barley, French, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. , 28Ag46: 31 in Petersburg, Va. , PD1J173: 32 PD30D73: 31, PD14J174: 32 in Shockoe, Va. , PD4Ap66: 41 in Williamsburg, Va. , 15My46: 41, 31J146: 61, 17Ja51: 41, 24My51: 32, 18J151: 41, 5S51: 32, 10Ap52: 31, 30Ap52: 32, 15My52: 32, 22My52: 32, 60c52: 32, 2My55: 22, 14N55: 22, 30N59: 32, 16Ja61: 41, PD270c68: 32 — R270c68: 22, PD13Ap69: 32— R13Ap69: 32, PD10Je73: 22, PD1S74: 32 inYorktown, Va. , 30My51: 41, PD13Ag67: 23 Barley, pearl, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. , 28Ag46: 31 in Newcastle, Va. , PD19N72: 22 in Petersburg, Va. , 12F62: 41, PD1J173: 32, PD30D73: 31, PD14J174: 32 in Richmond, Va. , PD7Je70: 33, PD10S72: 23, PD17Je73: 33— R17Je73s23 in Shockoe, Va. , PD4Ap66: 41 in Williamsburg, Va. , 15My46: 41, 31J146: 61, 17Ja51: 41, 24My51: 32, 18J151: 41, 5S51: 32, 10Ap52: 31, 30Ap52: 32, 15My52: 32, 22My52: 32, 60c52: 32, 2My55: 22, 14N55: 22, 30N59: 32, 16Ja61: 41, PD3D67: 32, PD270c68: 32— R270c68: 22, R3N68: 33--PD10N68: 22, PD13Ap69: 32— R13Ap69: 32, PD21S69: 41— R21S69s21, R12J170: 31, PDllAp71: 32, PD15Ag71: 32— R15Ag71: 32, PD240c71: 31, PD2J172: 32, PD290C72: 22— R290c72: 22, PD10Je73: 22, PD1S74: 32 in Yorktown, Va. , 30My51: 41, PD13Ag67: 23 Barley, unusual, in Halifax, N. S. , 24N52: 21 Barley meal, import to Great Britain, PD4Mr73: 31— R4Mr73: 32 Barley water, used to cure pleurisy, PU6F75: 11 Barlor, Christopher, 9My55: 22 Barlow, Henry, Capt. , of the Jenny, HAp55: 22 Thomas, PD25Ap7 1:32 Barlow & company, PD210c73: 22, PD4N73: 22--R4N73: 32, PD9Je74: 31 — R16Je74: 23 Barnaby, Elias, adv. for runaway indentured servants, D2My77: 32 — P9My77: 43 William, Capt. , of the Merlin, P14Ap75: 21 Barnard, Col. , of British army, PDllAg74: 22, PDlS74s22 — R1S74: 22 Lt. Col. , PD25N73: 13 Mr. , coachmaker of London, Eng. , PD20Oc74s22 of Georgia rangers, R10Mr74: 21 requests trade relief for colonies, PD21Mr66: 31 Rev. Mr. , death of, PD28J174: 22 Barnby moor, England, See Suicides on Barnegat inlet, N. J. , See Shipwrecks in Barnell, Capt. , of the Somerset, 18Ag38: 12 Barnes, Capt. , 4F37: 32, 16Ja46: 32, 21Ag46: 32 of the Mortimer, 18N37: 41 Col. , indentured servant of, PD20Oc74: 32 reports on attack against Lord Dunmore, D29J176: 61 Major, death of, P26S77: 13 Mr. , deserts to British, D18Ap77: 61 land of, P5J176: 33 Adam, P3Ap78: 11 Francis, PD18Je67: 33,D20J176: 51 Henry, PD26J170: 22 Jacob, adv. settlement of estate, D250C76: 42 James, PD3N68: 32, PD10N68: 31, PD10Ag69: 33,D19D77: 31 John, PD10Ag69:33 accused of horse-stealing, PD7J174: 32 adv. finding horse, PD29Ap73: 31 adv. plantation for sale, R13My73: 32 bond of, D3Ag76: 32 estate of for sale, PD30J172: 32 letter to in post office, R17F74: 32 plaintiff in Chancery court, PD22Ag71: 33 Joseph, Capt. , adv. for runaway convict servants, 25My39: 42 of the Duke of Cumberland, 25F37: 41, 8J137: 42, 12My38: 41, HAg38: 41, 4My39: 41, 25My39: 42, 10Ag39: 2, 14D39: 1 Mary, 220c36: 41 Newman B. , R23My71: 32, R10Mr74: 32 Penelope, R12My68: 23 Richard, 9Je38: 42 Samuel, Capt. , of the Hannah, 17Je37: 32, 30S37: 41, 14Ap38: 41, HAg38: 41, 4My39: 41, 10Ag39: 2, 14D39: 1 Thomas, PD29Ja67: 13, R26My68: 33— PD19My68: 23,R17Ag69: 31 — PD17Ag69: 33,D7Mr77: 72 Thomas, Sgt. ,P5Je78:31 William, Capt. , PllAp77s32 Barnes' ferry, N. C. , R23My71: 33— PD16My71: 31, PD7N71: 31 — R21N71:33,PD5N72:33 Barnet, Mr. , CD15My79: 41 Capt. , of the Deptford, 28N45: 21 Commodore, 6Je45: 21 Richard, appointed ordnance storekeeper, S. C. , PD150c72: 22 Robert, Rev. Mr. , letter to in post office, PD12Mr67: 13 William Cole, 9Mr38/39: 41 Barnett, Commodore, of the Medway, 20Je45: 22 widow, R22S68: 34 Curtis, Commodore, of the Dragon, 25Ja40:2,llJ145:31 David, P8N76: 41 55 Barnett (cont'd) Edward, R2D73: 33--PD25N73: 31 James, 27Ag56: 32, PD28Mr71: 32 John, PD13Je71: 23 John, Rev. Mr. , PD26Mr72: 33 Nathaniel, PlMr76: 41 Richard, jailer, R80c72: 31, R25F73:33,PD25N73: 31 Susanna, 18Ap55: 22 Thomas, Rev. Mr. , PD19Mr72: 31 Barney, J. ,D15My78: 32--P29My78: 42 Barnham, Lt. , 170c55: 21 Barns, Capt. , of the Polly, Pi9N75: 22 Charles, of the Blake, D180c76: 11 Gerard, R18Oc70: 31 James, R9N69: 32--PD9N69: 23 James. P8Mr76: 33 John, R80c72: 31 Osborn, 2S57: 41 Richard, P8Mr76: 33 Barns, R19N72: 22 at Sewell's point, Va. , 13Ap39: 31 bids for building adv. for, R10Ja71: 32 burned by Americans on Noddle island, Mass. , Pi22Je75: 22--D24Je75: 23 by British in Elizabethtown, N. J. , D19Mr79: 22 in Poughkeepsie, N. Y. , P3Mr75s22 on Prudence island, R. I. , D10F76: 31 destroyed by British in Fairfield, Conn. . C28Ag79: 13 in Norwalk, Conn. , C28Ag79: 13 near Guilford, Conn. ,D18J177: 22, P25J177: 12 destroyed by Tories in German Flats, N. Y. , P230c78: 22 for British army in Ga. , PD7Ja68: 31 in Albemarle co. , Va. , PD28Ap68: 23, R23F69: 22, R10Ja71: 41 — PD3Ja71: 33, PD80c72: 33 in Amelia co. , Va. , 27D51: 32, 7N55: 22, 3S56: 32, PD5S66s33, PD17D67: 33, PD3N74: 42 in Amherst co. , Va. , PD21Mr71: 32, R26Ag73: 23, C6N79: 31 in Beaufort co. , N. C. , D25Ap77: 31 in Bedford co. . Va. , PD29Ap73: 23 in Berkeley co. . Va. . PD16Je74: 23— R16Je74: 31, D19Mr79: 41, C28Ag79: 41 in Brunswick co. , Va. . 24My51: 41, 28F55: 32, 18Ap55: 22, PD310c71: 31, PD12Ag73: 23--R12Ag73: 23, P15Mr76: 33, P8N76: 31, D28Mr77: 32, PllAp77s42 in Buckingham co. , Va. , PD15Ag66: 32, PD12Ag73: 23, P160c78: 31 in Cameron parish glebe, Va. , R31Mr74: 32 in Charles City co. , Va. , D230c79: 12 in Charlotte co. , Va. . PD6N66: 31, PD15F70: 31— R22F70: 31, PD25J171: 22, R15J173: 41, Pi20Ja76: 32, D1N76: 41, P12D77: 33. D230c79: 11 in Chesterfield co. , Va. . PD26S66: 33, PD13D70: 31--R13D70: 32, Pi9F75: 33, D11N75: 32 in Colebrook, Conn. , PD23D73: 31 in Culpeper co. , Va. , PDllMy69: 32 — RllMy69: 33, R15Ap73: 31 in Cumberland co. , Va. , C28Ag79: 31 in Dinwiddie co. , Va. , PD26Mr67: 31. R24D67: 33, R1D68: 41, Pil6Mr75: 41, P16Ag76sll.D13D76: 31 in Dunmore co. , Va , R23Je74: 42 in Elizabeth City co. , Va. , PD14N71: 23 in Essex co. , Va. , P3N38: 62 in Fairfax co. , Va. , PD19Mr67: 33, R15Ap73: 32 in Frederick co. , Va. . PD16Je74: 23 — R16Je74: 31, P30Oc78: 33,D13N78: 11 in Gloucester co , Va. , PD29Ja67: 33 — R19F67: 33, R19F67: 41. PD17Mr74: 31, PD16Je74s22, PllAp77s43 in Goochland co. , Va. , 9My55: 22, 310c55: 22. PD30Oc66: 23. P22Ag77: 32 in Granville co. , N. C. , PD26Ja69: 33 in Halifax co. , N. C. , PD8Je69: 23 in Halifax co. , Va. , PD10S72: 31. PD30S73: 31 in Hanover co. , Va. , 310c51: 32, PD280c73: 23, PD9D73: 23, PD3N74: 42, D13Ja76: 32--P5Ja76: 33, P8Ag77: 12. P22Ag77: 12, P19S77: 23, P21N77: 33, D23Ja78: 32, D4Mr80: 13 in Henrico co. , Va. , 240c55: 22, D25My76: 23 in Hertford co. , N. C. , PD7N71: 32 in Isle of Wight co. , Va , 14N55: 22, R11F68: 32— PD25F68: 23, PD16My71: 31— R23My71: 33, R21N71: 33--PD7N71: 31 in James City co. , Va. , PD27N66: 31, PD24S67: 21, PD130c68: 23— R130c68: 23, PD16S73: 32, PD22D74: 32— D7Ja75: 42, Pi21S75: 32, P10Ja77: 33 in King and Queen co. , Va. , PD12Ag73: 23 in King William co. , Va. , 20Je51: 32, PD170c66: 41, PDUa67: 31— R19F67: 42, PD22Ja67: 33, PD10N68: 23--R17N68: 32, PD15F70: 42, PD24My70: 42, P24My76: 33,D20Je77: 31— P20Je77: 31, P6Mr78: 32 in Louisa co. , Va. , 13F52: 41, 28Ag52: 32, Pi29S74: 33 — PD29S74: 32, Pi9F75: 33, D16My77: 12 in Lunenburg co. , Va. , PD30Oc66: 31, PD30Ap67: 33, P160c78: 12 in Mecklenburg co. , Va. , PD170c66: 41- R4D66: 42, PD19Ap70: 32, R19N72: 41, R15J173: 41 in Middlesex co. , Va. , R23My71: 31 in Nansemond co. , Va. , PD2My66: 23 in New Kent co. , Va. , PD18Ja70: 33 — R18Ja70:33,R31Oc71:43, PD23S73: 31--R23S73: 33, P15Ag77: 23, P240c77: 31, P14N77: 23, P21Ag78: 33, P160c78: 31 in Norfolk, Va. , R80c72: 31 in Norfolk co. , Va. , PD5S66s33— R5S66: 32, PD24D67: 32--R24D67: 32, PD4J166: 33, R18Oc70: 22 in N. C , PD25Je72:31 in Northampton co. , Va. , P160c78: 42 in Orange co. , Va. . R15Ap73: 32 in Pittsylvania co. , Va. , PD13D70: 23 in Powhatan co. , Va. , D27S80: 31 in Prince Edward co. , Va. , P21Ag78: 11, P160c78: 31 in Prince George co. , Va. , 20Je45: 41, 17Ja51: 42. PD2F69: 31--R2F69: 23. PDllAg74: 33,D17Ja77: 22 in Prince William co. , Va. , R23J167:31,C15J180: 22 in Princess Anne co. , Va. , PD2F69: 32— R2F69: 23, R8N70: 33, R6F72: 33, P9My77sll in Richmond co. . Va. , R14F71: 31 in Rowan co. , N. C. , P30c77: 22, D17J178:41 in Salisbury, Conn. , PD23D73: 31 in Southampton co. , Va. , PD18Ja70: 33 in Stafford co. , Va. , PD12Mr72: 32, C15J180: 22 in Surry co. , Va. , PD12N67: 23 in Sussex co. , Va. , 3S56: 41, PD22Ag66: 31. PD3Mr68: 32, R3My70: 31, PD8N70: 31 in Warwick co. , Va. , PD3Mr74: 32— R3Mr74: 33 in York co. , Va. , PD3S67: 22, PD15F70: 42, R21Mr71: 42, R15Ag71: 32, PD7My72: 32, PD24Mr74: 32 in Yorktown, Va. . 9My45: 41 near Aquia, Va. , R5S71: 31 near Cabin Point, Va. , PD27Je71: 33 near Chesterfield, Va. , 14N55: 22 near Fredericksburg. Va. , PD21Ap68: 31,D18Mr80: 32 near Halifax. N. C. , PD15Ag66: 32 near Hampton. Va. , R16F69: 22 near Leesburg, Va. , R150c72: 33 near Suffolk, Va. , D25Ap77: 31 — P25Ap77: 12 near Williamsburg, Va. , PD290c72: 21 — R290c72: 22 near Winchester, Va. , R21Mr71: 42 on Appomattox river, Va. , 3J152: 32 on Dan river, Va. , PD2N69: 32 on James river, Va. , D11N75: 32 on Mocock's island, Va. , PD14Ja73: 32 struck by lightning in Princess Anne co. , Va. , PD18J171: 11 in Windsor, N. J. , PD27My73: 21 See also Frame barns; Log barns Barns, described, at Flower de Hundred, Va. , PD24S67: 23 at Martin's Brandon parish, Va. , PD13D70: 31— R13D70: 32 in Albemarle co. , Va. , P22D75: 41 in Amelia co. . Va. , PlAg77: 31 in Brunswick co. , Va. , 23My55: 21, R23Mr69: 31, R18J171: 41 in Buckingham co. , Va. , PD12Ag73: 23 in Chesterfield co. , Va. , PD9N69: 23 in Dinwiddie co. , Va. , PD26Mr67: 31. R4Mr73: 32, PD8D74: 31 in Fairfax co. , Va. , R190c69: 42 in Gloucester co. . Va. , R19F67: 33— PD29Ja67: 33, PD10S67: 22 in Hanover co. . Va. , PD13N66: 22— R4D66:42.R12My68: 33 in Isle of Wight co. . Va. , R11F68: 32— PD25F68: 23 in Louisa co. , Va. , 13F52: 41 in Lunenburg co. . Va. , 17Ap52: 32, R25D66: 32 — PDlJa67: 33 in Mecklenburg co. , Va. , PD3N74: 43 in New Kent co. , Va. . 29Ag51: 32 in Orange co. , Va. .DlAp75: 11 in Prince George co. , Va. , 24Je37: 41. 110c51:41 in Sussex co. , Va. , PD9My66: 31, R23Mr69: 31,DllAp77: 62 near Petersburg, Va. ,D210c75: 32, P8D75: 33--D9D75: 33 near Port Royal, Va. , PD15Ag66: 31 near Williamsburg. Va. . R29Mr70: 22 — PD5Ap70: 42, PlMy78: 41 56 on Nottow.iy river. Va. , PD15Ag71: 32 on Plantation swamp. Va. . Pi3F76: 32 Barnsley, John, Capt. , of the Sommerset, 25Ja40: 2 Barnstable, Mass. , See Clothing manufactured in colonies worn in; Shipwrecks near; Tea. Labrador used in Barnwell, John, jr. , PD26N72: 13 Barometer, invented, R4N73: 11 Baron, Capt. , Pi23D75: 21 Capt. , of Hampton, Va. , minutemen, P15D75: 32--Pil6D75:22 Mr. . slaves of, 22Ap57: 42 James, Capt. , D21N77: 12--P28N77: 33 William, Capt. , of the Peggy, D24Je75: 31 Barr, John, D4J177: 41--P4J177: 12 Barr, duchy of, ceded to France, 4Mr37:21 Barrack, William, P2Ag76: 22 Barracks, at Hampton court, Eng. , 6Ja38: 21 built in Boston, Mass. , by British, D210c75:23 burned in Poughkeepsie, N. Y. , P3Mr75s22 in Albemarle co. , Va. , C30Oc79: 42, C6N79: 32.D5F80: 43.D26F80: 33, C13My80:41 in Charlottesville, Va. .D10J179: 32, C30Oc79: 33 in Charing Cross, London, Eng. , 16F39:31 in N. Y. , PD5N67: 12 in Williamsburg, Va. ,D7N77: 32, D28N77: 32.D4D78: 31,DlMy79: 32, D20N79: 22, C20N79: 21-- D20N79: 22, C15J180: 21 in Yorktown, Va. ,DlAg77: 31-- PlAg77: 31 on Fort Hill, Boston, Mass. , PD25N73: 13 Barracks, described, in Fairfax co. , Va. ,Rl90c69:42 Barracks money, payment of in N. Y. , PD28Mr71: 23 Barracuta, H. M. S. , 13Je45: 21 Barradall, Mr. , PD6Je66: 32 Edward, 15S38: 42 adv. collection of accounts, 17F38: 41 adv. finding saddle, 19Ja39: 42 adv. for runaway indentured servant, UMy39: 41 appointed attorney general of Va. , 25N37:42,60c38: 51 burgess for College of WiUiam and Mary. 3N38: 61, 10N38: 42 Barradall, Edward, burgess for College of William and Mary, 10N38: 42 buys tobacco for France, 5My38: 31 mayor of Williamsburg, Va. , 3D36:41,2D37:42 recorder of Williamsburg, Va. , 2D37:42 takes subscriptions to tobacco plan, 2Je38: 41,28J138:41 Barradell, Henry, death of, 16S37: 32 Barragon, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22 in Petersburg, Va. ,D12S77: 41-- P19S77: 11 in Williamsburg, Va. , 7N54: 42 Barrah, de, Capt. , of the Le Sagittaire, PD1J173: 21 Barran, Capt. , of the Winchelsea, 3Ap46: 22 Barras, Ralph, Capt. , PD18F68: 32 Barrass, Capt. , PD13J169: 23 William, Capt. , of the Olive, PD3Mr74: 21--R3Mr74: 33, PD3Mr74: 32--R3Mr74: 41, R26My74: 41 Barraud, Mr. , of Va. , D2S75: 32 Daniel, PD30c71: 31, PD23Ap72: 23, P14J175: 41,P25Ag75: 71 Sally, marriage of, PD30c71: 31 Barraud, Balfour &, adv. for cargo, PD3N68: 23 adv. for runaway indentured servants, PD3N68: 23 adv. merchandise for sale, PD13Je66: 32, PD25J166: 22, PD30Oc66: 31, PD29Ja67: 32, PD18Je67: 31, PD12N67: 21, PD22F70: 32 adv. plantation for rent, PD14N71: 22 adv. unclaimed merchandise, PD11J166: 23, PD7Je70: 41 agents for Mann Page, PD12Mr67: 33-- R12Mr67:23 appoint storekeeper, PD24S72: 22 payment of debts due requested, PD24S72: 22 requests payment of bonds, PD9D73: 22--R16D73: 41, PD14Ap74: 31 sell portraits, PD15Ag66: 31 Barre. Countess de, author, PD10Je73: 32 Major, in French and Indian war, 16Ja61: 11 Isaac, Col. , accused of writing Junius letters, PD4Ap71: 21 British radical, PD9Je74: 13 colonial agent, R31My70: 13 discusses corruption in Eng. , Pi31Ag75: 11 discusses military policy, D8Je76: 42, D40c76: 11, P11J177: 11, P20Mr78: 22 disposes regulation of Mass. judicial system, R14J174: 22 eulogizes Gen. Montgomery in Commons, D20Je76: 11 in Boston, Mass. , PD8D74: 23-- Pi8D74: 31 letter of to Gov. Ward, R18J166: 41 opposes British ministry, PD4Ag74: 21, P31Mr75: ll,D31Ag76: 11-- P13S76: 12 opposes parliamentary supremacy, R16My66: 42 opposes quartering in colonies, PD19J170: 22--R19J170: 22 opposes Quebec act, R18Ag74: 21, Pil30c74: 21 opposes treason bill, P23My77: 21 opposes war in America, D3F76: 13-- P26Ja76: 23 prepares Stamp act repeal bill, PD2My66: 11 presents Mass. petition to king, PD17Ag69: 11 prophecies war with France, P14Mr77: 21 questions bribery of British colonies, N.Am. ,D22Je76: 11 receives thanks of Mass. , PD24Ag69: 12- R24Ag69: 21 replies to letter of gratitude from Barrett Mass. , PD2My66: 12 replies to North, PDllAg74: 21-- R18Ag74:13 speaks on Mass. government act, PD19My74: 22, R9Je74sll, PD14J174: 12,RUAg74:21, PD18Ag74: 13 supports British colonies, PDllAp66: 23, R23F69: 21, PD23F69: 31--R24F69s21, PD25My69: 21, R19J170: 21, PD18J171: 21, P28Ap75s31-- D29Ap75s23, D22J175: 41, D18My76:32 supports supremacy of parliament, R25My69: 22 toasted by N. Y. Sons of Liberty, PD13Ap69: 22 toasted by Philadelphia Sons of St. Patrick, PD13Ap69: 23 toasted by Va. Association, PD18My69: 23 toasted in Princess Anne co. , Va. , R4Ag74: 12 Penelope, CI 5My79: 33 Barre, sloop, R15P74: 33 Barrell, Colbourn, signs address to Gov. Hutchinson, PD23Je74: 12 Barrels, imported to Williamsburg, Va. , P9Ag76: 32 regulated by Va. general assembly, RllJa70:23 unclaimed, adv. of in Va. , 27J139: 41 Barrels, blued, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 8Ag51: 32 Barrels, bored, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 8Ag51: 32 Barrels, budge, captured by Americans, D13Ja76:42 Barrels, pork, adv. for, P160c78: 42, D28N77: 21--P28N77: 22 Barrels, rifled, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 8Ag51: 32 Barren Hill, Pa. , skirmishes at, P12Je78: 21 Barres, Ralph, Capt. , of the Hatley, 17S36: 42, 25F37: 41, 19Ag37: 32, 18N37:41,6Ja38:42 Barret, Capt. , of the Friendship, 7N51: 22 Anne,27F52:32 Charles, PD12Mr67: 13, Pl9My75s32, D23D75: 32, P29D75: 31,D31Ja77: 72 Elizabeth, 7N54: 42 John, P24Ag75: 33--D2S75: 33, P17N75sl2--D18N75: 32.D13D76: 41 John, Capt. , of the Nancy, 12F62: 32 Robert, PD26Mr72: 32--R26Mr72: 23 William, 7N54: 42, PD1D74: 23-- PilD74: 31 Barrett, Capt. , of the Polly, P29S75: 31 Benjamin, PD23Ap67: 23 David, P27S76s23, P1N76: 42 Edward, R25N73: 42 John, P12Je78: 12, P10J178: 31 John, Capt. , of the Peggy, RllAg68: 24, PD10Mr74: 31 Martha, P9F76: 33, P40c76sl3 Nathaniel, PD23My71: 23 Nathaniel, Private, R14Ja73: 13 Robert, 20J139: 41 Robert, Rev. Mr. , R9My71: 33-- PD9My71: 31 Thomas, PD21Ja73: 32, D11F75: 32, 57 Barrett, Thomas (cont'd) P9F76: 33, P40c76sl3, P16My77sll, P27Je77: 42 William, R17N68: 23, R21N71: 32, PD26D71: 32, P13D76: 33, P14Mr77: 42, D90c79: 32 Barrett's ferry, Va. , R29S68: 24, 19Ja39: 42, PD27J169: 41, PD14Ja73: 32, PD29Ap73: 22, PD23S73: 32, PD4N73: 23, PD28Ap74: 32, D20D76: 21, P13Je77: 32, P4J177: 41, D6N78: 32, D8Ja80: 33, D26F80: 32 Barrick, David, D19Mr79: 32 Barrie, Alexander, 250c65s33 Thomas, Capt. , of the Tibby, RllAg68:31 Barrier treaty, between Austria and Holland, 6Ja38: 21 execution of, 14Ap38: 22 violated, 16S37: 21, 16D37: 31 Barrington, Admiral, bravery commended, D28Ag79: 22-- C28Ag79: 23 conduct off Grenada praised, D5F80: 22 on peace commission, PlMr76: 22, P15Mr76sl2,D16Mr76: 22 returns to Eng. , D230c79: 22 wounded in W. I. ,D11S79: 21 British officer, captured at Point Judith, R.I. ,D12F79:31 Capt. , of the Albion, PDlAg71: 11, PD1J173:22--R1J173:21, PD2S73: 12--R2S73: 13 Viscount [William Wildman], R23F69: 21, PD23F69: 31--R24F69s21, PD5N72: 22, P21J175: 23, D3F76: 13 Samuel, Capt. , of the Norwich, 28F55: 31.26S55: 12 William, Major, DlAg77: 11 Barrington, Mass. , attack by British army threatened, PD19S66: 21 Barron, Capt. , R23N69: 23, R30Ag70: 32, R27S70: 31, PD9My71: 31-- R9My71: 32, RlAp73: 31, Pi260c75: 31, Pi6D75: 32, D23D75: 31, D22Je76: 62, D7F77: 12,D30c77: 22, P30c77: 21, P8My78sl2 captures British ships, P22D75: 32, D13Ja76: 32, P22Mr76: 12 captures prize ship, P19Ja76: 33 imprisoned in Boston, Mass. , D24Ja77: 21 of the Tartar, D24J179: 22 takes Highlanders to Va. back country, D29Je76: 32 James, P6Je77: 23, P10Oc77: 31, P7N77s21, D12F80: 33--C19F80: 41 James, Capt. , P27Je77: 31 arrives in Jamestown, Va. , P21Je76: 23 arrives in Williamsburg, Va. , P12Ap76: 23--D20Ap76: 32 captures armed boat, P10Oc77: 31 captures boat, P3Ap78: 22 captures effects of ship Richmond, P3Ap78: 22 captures prize ships, P6Mr78: 12 captures ship Byrd, P3Ap78: 22 investigates ships off Hampton, Va. , P5Ja76(5)s22 of the Elizabeth, D18F75: 23, Pil5Je75: 31, P16Je75s21, D17Je75sl2 of the Fanny, PD10c72: 22, PD8Qc72: 31--R8Qc72: 23, R150c72: 31, PD3D72: 23, Pi20Oc74: 23- PD20Oc74: 23 of the Jenny, PD6Ja74: 32 of the Molly, PD22D68: 31, PDUe69: 23-- RUe69: 31, PD13J169: 32, PD2N69: 31, PD23N69: 31--R23N69: 23, PD28S69: 31--R30N69: 32, R14Je70: 32, PD16Ag70: 11, PD30Ag70: 31, PD9My71: 31--R9My71: 33, PD9Je74: 22 seizes provision ships, P5Ja76(5)s22-- Pi6Ja76: 31 James, Commodore, C21Oc80: 21 Richard, P10Oc77: 31. P7N77s21, P6Mr78: 12 Richard, Capt. , P5J176: 23 captured armed boat, P10Oc77: 31 of the Fly, PD10F74: 23 of the Nancy, R9Je68: 33-- PD26My68: 23, PD130c68: 22 — R130c68: 23, PD22D68: 31, PD13Ap69: 23, R13Ap69: 22, PD8Je69: 23, PD21S69: 22-- R21S69: 23, PD28S69: 23, PD19Ap70s23--R19Ap70: 23, PD14Je70: 32, PDllAp71: 23, PD170c71: 22, PD240c71: 23, PD240c71: 31, PD310c71: 31, PD14My72: 21, PDlAp73: 31, PD15Ap73: 31--R15Ap73: 31, PD16S73: 23. R23S73: 32 Robert, Capt. , of the Botetourt, R8N70: 12 of the Providence, PD17F74: 31, PD10Mr74: 23 of the St. Taminy, D5D77: 11-- P5D77: 21, D5D77: 12--P5D77: 22 Samuel, 14Ag52: 31 Barron's point camp, Va. , pay roll stolen from, P9Ag76: 41 Barrot, Jonathan, Capt. , of the Peggy, R14Ap74: 31--PD28Ap74: 23 Barrott, Miles, D25Mr75: 32 Barrow, Lt. , wounded in battle of Bunker Hill, P22J175s22-- D29J175: 31 Mr. , author, R31Ja71: 31 John, P160c78: 41, C27N79: 23 Richard, Capt. , of the Nancy, R22S68: 23, PD270c68: 42 William, PD6Je66: 32 William, Lt. , PD13Ag72: 22 Barrows, lost and found, in Halifax co. , Va. , P170c77: 41 in Orange co. , Va. , PD6Je71: 33 Barrows, hand, captured by Americans, D13ja76: 42 Barrows, wheel, captured by Americans, D13Ja76: 42 Barry, Capt. , P270c75s21, P19Ap76pl3, P26J176: 22--D29J176: 22, D29Je76:31,D19Je79:31 of the Andrew Doria, D170c77: 11 of the Delaware, D230c79: 21 of the Patty, D17Je75: 23 George, 28Ap38: 42 John, 22Ap57: 41 John, Capt. , P26Ap76s21--D27Ap76: 41 of the Lexington, D27Ap76: 33 of the Raleigh, D6N78: 22 Ned, P7Je76: 42 Thomas, R24Ag69: 31 William, D30Mr76: 33 William, Corp. , 24Ap52: 21 Bars, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD6My73: 23, P6Mr78: 32 Barsey, Capt. , of the Little Archey, PD23S73: 23 Barsleur, H. M. S. , 4Ap55: 22, 7N55: 21", 10Oc55: 22 Barstale, John, Lt. ,D6Je77: 21-- P6Je77: 11 Bartenders, adv. for, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD28F71: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD18Mr73: 32 Barter, value of discussed, PD16D73: 23 See also Name of commodity or service Bartholine, Mr., author, D24J179: 31 Bartholomew, Benjamin, D10Ag76: 42 John, 7N51:31 Bartlay, Capt. , of the Scarborough, D28Ja75: 21 Bartlet, Capt. , PD15Je69: 31 of the Pennet,D30My77: 21-- P30My77:23,P25J177:ll of the Sally, R15Mr70: 12 Bartlet, J., author, PD25F68: 41, PD29N70: 21, PD13D70: 42, PD3Ja71: 42, PD17Ja71: 42, PD24Ja71: 42, PD7F71: 42, PD21F71: 42, PD7Mr71: 42, PD21Mr71: 42, PD28Mr71: 42, PD17S72: 21, D24Ag76: 53,D20D76:43 James, D10Ag76: 71 of the Polly, PD8S68: 13 Walter Price, PD270c74: 21 William, 12Je52: 32, PD4Oc70: 32 Bartlett, Capt. , PD21S69s22, PD21S69s23 Alexander, D19D77: 32 Henry, P22S75: 11 James, P21Je76: 33 John, Capt. , of the Hobhouse, 17Je37: 41, lMr38: 32, 30S37: 42 Thomas, R12My68: 34 William, RlAg71: 42, PU0N74: 32, P14N77: 33 Bartley, Alexander, D12Mr79: 32 William, P14N77: 33, D12Mr79: 32 Bartman, Lt. , appointed Capt. , 240c55: 11 Barton, Capt. , PD12My68: 22 of the East Florida Packet, PD270c68: 22 Col. , taken prisoner on Staten island, D12S77: 11--P12S77: 21 David, R13S70: 31. P24Mv76: 43 Elias,PD10N74:43 Isaac, PD18F68: 31 James, 12S55: 32 Matthew, Capt. , of the Litchfield, 26S55: 12 [William], Capt. , P23F76: 13 [William], Lt. Col. , DlAg77: 11, PlAg77: 22, D15Ag77: 31, D15Ag77: 52-- P15Ag77sl2 Bartram, Job, Pi28Ap75s22-- D29Ap75s32 Barymore, Jesse, D20D76: 22-- P20D76: 21 Bascom, Paul, P24F75sl3 Bascomb, Benjamin, 7N54: 42 John, Capt. , of the Jane, 3D36: 42 Basdale, Henry, 7N55: 31 William, PD21J174: 32 Basden, Joseph, Capt. , of the Katey, R8S74: 31 Basel, Switzerland, relations with 58 Bateaux France, 21N51: 21 Bashaw, horse, R220c72: 22 Bashaw & Burgess, P12Je78: 12 Basil, for sale, at Richmond. Va. , D3F76:33 Basil seeds, for sale, in Richmond, Va. .D9S75: 32 Basil seeds, sweet, for sale, in Richmond, Va. ,D3F76:33 Basilisk. H. M. S. , 24Ja52: 31 Basins, for sale, in Cobham, Va. , P29S75: 33--Pi50c75: 33 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22, PD21Mr71: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD28S69: 31, D160C79: 11 in Yorktown, Va. , P27D76: 32 See also Stone basins Basins, delf, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22 Basins, smoking, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. . PD25J166: 22 Basins, sugar, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22 Basins, wash, for sale, in Smithfield, Va. ,D21F77: 22--P28F77s22 Basins, water, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. PD25J166: 23 Baskenridge, N. J. , See Continental army, camp in Baskerville, Ensign, P9My77: 42 George, PilJe75: ll--P2Je75: 23— D3Je75: 33. P160c78: 12 John, 9Ja46: 42, R22J173: 33, Pil3Ap75:31,P160c78: 12 [John], author, PD29Ag71: 33 Richard, PD23F69: 41 Samuel, Lt. , P310c77: 12 [William], author, PD29Ag71: 33 William, Lt. , P28N77: 32 Basket Makers, See Slaves as Baskets, for sale, in London. Eng. , PD7Je70: 33 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD240c71: 31, PD22Ap73: 31, PD140c73: 23, R210c73: 22, PD270c74: 32 See also Dimity baskets; Japan bread baskets; Satin baskets Baskets, bread, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD18Ap66: 33 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23, PD18Ja70: 42, R15N70: 31 — PD22N70: 23 Baskets, childbed, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD220c72: 23— R220c72: 23 Baskets, childbed linen, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD29Ap73: 23 Baskets, christening, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD210c73: 23 — R210c73: 22 Baskets, knife, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 Baskets, plate, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. . R15N70: 31— PD22N70: 23, PD11N73: 22 Baskett, J. , 25F37: 42 William, R2N69: 23 Baskins, Mr. , murdered by Indians, 27Ag56: 31 Basnage, [Jacques], sieur de Beauval, author, 24My51: 32 Basnitt, Francis, D7Ag79: 32— C28Ag79: 43 Basquaise. brigantine. C15J180: 22 Basque roads, Spain, See French navy in Basra (Bassora), Iraq, See Persian army in; Plague in Bass, Capt. ,29S52:31 Rev. Mr. , preaches to Freemasons in Boston, PD12Ja69: 21, PD240c71: 22 Archerd, P3N75: 12 Arthur, D9D75: 32 Benjamin, PD15Ag66: 33 Drury, 2S57: 42 John, P8Ag77: 33, D11S79: 32 Joseph, PD22J173: 33, PD9D73: 22 — R9D73: 21, PU5D74: 32— PD15D74: 31, P3N75: 12 William, sr. , Pl6My77s32 Bass, Tanner & co. , P31Ja77: 31 — D7F77: 32, D25J177: 41 — P25J177: 31, D15My78: 32 Bass, horn,RHD66: 32 Bassa, brigantine, R8Ag66: 31, R8Ag66: 41--PDlAg66: 31, ship, PD22Ja67: 21, PD26N67: 23 Bassaterre, ship, DlAp80: 13 Basser, William, Col. , 24Ag39: 41 Basses, See Silver bases Basset & Ward, PD30Oc66: 11 Basset, Col. , mill-dam of, 21J138: 31 Major, commander of Detroit, PD3D72: 12--R3D72: 21, PD2D73: 13— R9D73: 13 Miss, death of, PD6S70: 23 Mrs. , pasture of, 25S46: 41 Anna Maria, P19D77: 21 Priscilla, 240c51: 22 Basseterre, W. I. , fortifications erected by French, PD16My66: 12 naval engagements off,DlAp80: 21 See also British army, drafting for in; British navy, ships recaptured near; British navy to; Fires in; Hurricanes in; Imports to; Imports to south Potomac district, Va. , from; Ships from Martinique, W. I. , to; Ships to; Shipwrecks in Basseterre road, W. I. , See British navy, ships burned in Bassett, Col. , P10Oc77: 32 requests payment of debt, R18Ja70: 32 Mr. , PD29S68: 23— R29S68: 31 Betsey, PD25Mr73: 31— R25Mr73: 23 Burwell, Col. ,D10Oc77: 21— P170c77: 11 adv. for runaway slave, PD18F73: 31 — R18F73:32 adv. plantation for rent, P160c78: 31— D30OC78: 41 bond of, D3Ag76: 32 burgess from New Kent co. , Va. , PD8D68: 31, PDllMy69s41, PD14S69: 31— R14S69: 22, R9N69: 11,PD28N71: 22, PD14J174: 23— R14J174: 31 collector for William Dawson, PllAp77s42 daughter of, PD25Mr73: 31 — R25Mr73: 23, PD29J173: 22 death of son of, PD17N74: 21 delegate to Va. convention from New Kent co. , Va. , PD21J174pl2— R21J174: 23,DlAp75: 21 deputy appointed in room of, D16S75: 32 of New Kent co. , Va. , D8Ag77: 21 — P8Ag77: 22 plantation lost by gambling, PD18Ja70: 33— R18Ja70: 33 senator for New Kent district, Va. , D18Ap77: 62— P18Ap77sll signs Va. Association, PD25My69: 12 son of, Pil7N74: 32 Elizabeth, 27F52: 41 James Q. ,R29Ap73: 31 Jeremiah, Capt. , of the Porgey, R8S74: 31 Judith, PD30D73: 23 Nancy, PD29J173: 22 Nathaniel, PD16Mr69: 32, D28Mr77: 71 Richard, PD8Ag66: 31 William, PU7N74: 32, PD17N74: 21 Bassett, Moseley & co. , adv. merchandise for sale, PD10Oc66: 41 Bassit, Nat. , C15My79: 42 Bassoons, players adv. for, in Charlestown, S. C. , PD18J171: 21 Basstone, Edward, PilJe75: 33 Bast, Mr. , London watchmaker, R31Mr74: 33 Bastard children, murder of, trials for, 16Je38: 32, PD24Mr74: 31 — R24Mr74: 32 Bastards, in Alford, Scot. , PD13Je71: 23 murdered in London, Eng. , arrests for, PD5Ag73: 13 See also Indentured servants as Bastia, Corsica, bandits in, D7Ja75: 12 See also Fires in; Murders in Bastide, Capt. , British engineer in N. S. , 4J145: 21 Bastille, Paris, Fr. , prisoners in, PD11F68: 21, PD3Mr68: 21 Bastinadoes, used in cure for gout, PD210c73: 21 Bastwicke, Jedediah, Lt. Gen. , D140c75: 22 Batavia, plans settlements, 8Ag51: 31 plundered by Javanese, 3J152: 11 sends gifts to George n, 15S52: 22 See also Carpenters, emigration from Holland to; Contraband between; Shipwrecks near; Shipwrights, emigration from Holland to; Smiths, emigration from Holland to; Storms near; Volcanoes in Batavian society, of Rotterdam, Holl. , PD17Je73: 13— R17Je73: 23 Batchellor, Benjamin, PD24S67: 22 Batchelor, brigantine, 30Ap52: 12 Bate, Mr. , composer, PD25J166: 22 Bate, John, R18J171: 42 Richard, D7Ag79: 31, D30Oc79: 31 — C6N79: 32 Bate & co. , Peachey, Poythress, D7Ag79: 31, D30Oc79: 31--C6N79: 32 Bate house, used in tanning, in Edenton, N. C. , PD18D66: 33 Bateaux, captured by Americans at Lake George, N. Y. , D10Oc77: 21 — P10Oc77: 22 at Stillwater, N. Y. , P310c77: 21 in Ticonderoga, N. Y. ,D10Oc77: 12— P10Oc77:22,D24Oc77:12 near Fort Schuyler, N. Y. , P26S77: 11 for sale, in Gloucester co. , Va. . D12D77: 21 in Potomac river, PD30Ja72: 33 — 59 Bateaux, in Potomac river (cont'd) R6F72: 32 Bateaux. American, captured by British, P31My76: 22--DlJe76: 21 Bateman, Capt. , of the Winchelsea, D29Je76: 21 London, Dr. , PD29N70: 22, PD13D70: 43, PD17Ja71: 43, PD24Ja71: 43 John, D3Je75: 31 Peter, HOc51: 31, 12D51: 32, 10Ja52: 32 Bateman' s antimonial drops, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD290c72: 22— R290c72: 22 Bateman' s drops, for sale, PD1D74: 31 in Blandford, Va. , PD29Je69: 32, PD21F71:32 in Fredericksburg, Va. , 28Ag46: 31, 15My52: 32, PD22Ap73: 31 in Newcastle, Va. , PD19N72: 22 in Petersburg, Va. , 4J151: 32, 12F62: 41, PD30J172: 32, PD30D73: 31, PD14J174: 32, D25Mr75: 31 — Pi23Mr75: 33 in Richmond, Va. , 16My55: 21, 5S55: 32, PD3S72: 23, PD10S72: 23, PD17Je73: 33--R17Je73s23 in Shockoe, Va. , PD4Ap66: 41 in Williamsburg, Va. , 27My37: 42, 20Je45: 41, 15My46: 41, 31J146: 61, 17Ja51: 41, 24My51: 32, 18J151: 41, 5S51: 32, 10Ap52: 31, 30Ap52: 32, 15My52: 32, 22My52: 32, 60c52: 32, 2My55: 22, 2My55: 31, 14N55: 22, 30N59: 32, 12F62: 42, PD18D66: 32— R25D66: 42, PDllJe67: 32, PD18Je67: 32, PD18Je67: 33, PD26My68: 23, R3N68: 33 — PD10N68: 22, R13Ap69: 32— PD13Ap69: 32, PD17Ag69: 33— R17Ag69: 23, PD21S69: 33 — R21S69s21, PD21S69: 41— R21S69s21, R12J170: 31--PD7Je70: 31, PDllAp71: 32, PD15Ag71: 32— R15Ag71: 32, PD240c71: 31, PD2J172: 32, PD22Ap73: 31, PD4N73: 22— R4N73: 31, PD1S74: 32, D12Je79: 32 in Yorktown, Va. , 31J146: 52, 30My51: 41, PD13Ag67: 23 Bateman' s golden and plain spirits of scurvy grass, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD29N70: 22, PD13D70: 43, PD17Ja71: 43 Bateman's pectoral drops, PD17S72: 22 for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD1J173: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD270c68: 32— R270c68: 22, PD29N70: 22, PD13D70: 43, PD17Ja71: 43, PD24Ja71: 43, PD29Ag71: 31, PD10Je73: 22 in Yorktown, Va. , 26S45: 32 Bates, Capt. , Indian expedition of, D27S76: 42 Benjamin, D180c76: 41 Daniel, R6Ap69: 31 Elizabeth, R20J169: 22 Flemming, 29My46: 41, 240c55: 22, R22Mr70: 22, Rl9My74: 43, P2F76: 33, Henry, 12Je52: 21, 20Oc52: 21 Henry & Sons, PD2Je68: 23 Isaac, 4N37: 42, 240c55: 22 James, adv. finding horse, RllAg74: 32 land of, PD5F67: 32 — R19F67: 32, R16Je68: 31 — PD16Je68: 31, PD28J168: 23--R28J168: 31, PD29D68: 31— R5Ja69: 33, R19My74: 43 settlement of estate, R20J169: 22, D26D77: 22 John, adv. finding horse, PD70c73: 31 adv. for runaway slave, PD6S70: 32 adv. land for sale, PD30S73: 32, R19My74: 43 arrives in N. Y. , D11N75: 22 deserter, D24Ap78: 31— PlMy78: 42, D12Mr79:32 returned to Williamsburg, Va. , jail, D8My78: 71 runaway convict servant, R18J171: 42 Richard, H24Ja52: 41, D19Je79: 32 Robert, D310c77: 22 Thomas, PD220c72: 22, PD25N73: 23, P29Mr76: 33, P3Ap78: 31, D4D78: 31 Thomas F. , C13N79: 13— D13N79: 22 William, 2S57: 42 Bates, in Edenton, N. C. , PD18D66: 33 Bath, earl of [William Pulteney], R12J170: 11 Bath, England, celebrates king's birthday, 21 F51: 31 master of ceremonies elected, PD13J169: 13 member of parliament elected, 20F52:32 popularity of, PlMy78: 11 receives gift from Prince of Wales, 20J139: 22 receives Prince of Wales, 12Ja39: 32, 19Ja39: 32 streets laid in, PD6J169: 23 See also Antiquities discovered near; Balls in; Breach of promise in; British army from St. Vincent island, W. I. , to; Charity in; Duels in; Hairdressings in; Horse races in; Methodists in; Monuments, described, in; Moravians in; Races in; Riots in; Sleeping sickness in; Storms in; Theatres in Bath, N. C. , See Dwelling houses, described, for sale in; Ships for charter in; Ships from; Warehouses in; Wharves in; Bath, Va. , See Houses and lots, for sale in; Lots for sale in; Markets in Bath chronicle, extract from, R14J174: 22 Bath beaver coating, R21J168: 33 Bath coating, for sale, at Kemps landing, Va. ,D19Mr79: 31 in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72: 31 in Norfolk, Va. , PD150c72: 23 in Richmond, Va. , D24Ap78: 32 in Shockoe, Va. ,R7S69: 42— R260c69: 42 — PD7S69: 42— PD28S69: 42 in Smithfield, Va. , D3xJ179: 12 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD22N70s23, PD29Ag71: 31, PD290c72: 22— R290c72: 22, PD11N73: 22, PD29S74: 32, D26Ag75: 32, P14F77: 31— D21F77: 11, DlAg77: 22, D90c79: 31— C30Oc79: 42 in Yorktown, Va. , PD310c71: 23 Bath coating coats and waistcoat, for sale, in Yorktown, Va. , PD28Ap74: 31 Bath coating surtout coats, for sale, in Yorktown, Va. , PD28Ap74: 31 Bath parish, Dinwiddie co. , Va. , contributes to sufferers in Montreal fire, PD17N68: 23--R17N68: 23 SeejUso Glebe land in Bath town, N. C. , See Land for sale near: Oysters near Bathgate, William, R4Ag74: 33 Baths, adv. of, in Louisa co. , Va. , P9Ag76:42— D10Ag76:71 Batley, Moses, D12Mr79: 32 Baton Rouge, La. , captured by Spanish, D19F80:22.D26F80:22 See also Prisoners of war, British, taken in Batop, Mrs. , PD29Ag71: 32--R5S71: 41 Batson, George, P19S77: 22, P26S77: 31, P21N77: 33 Mordecai, PD8S74: 23 Batson' s coffeehouse, London, Eng. , betting at, PD14F71: 31 Batt, Miles, PD10Ja71: 42 Battaile, Hannah, PD2F69: 32, D27Ap76: 33 Lawrence, PD2Je68: 23 Nicholas, D160c79: 11 Battaley, Mrs. , P270c75: 22 John,R12Ja69: 32 Battally, Moses, P14N77: 33 Batte, Henry, adv. finding horse, 12D55: 41 adv. for runaway slave, PD27Ap69: 32, PD7F71: 31 adv. sale of estate, 29D52: 32 adv. ships for sale, PD10Oc66: 41, PllAp77s43 adv. slaves held in jail, R2Ag70: 31, R31Ja71: 33, R310c71: 33, R6F72: 33, R19N72: 31, R10D72: 31, R31D72: 31, R27My73: 31, R5Ag73: 31, R11N73: 23, R13Ja74: 33, R13Ja74: 41, R13Ja74: 42, R10F74: 42, R28J174: 33, Pil30c74: 33, Pi25My75: 41, P25Ag75: 72, Pil6N75: 33, P8Ag77: 32, P310c77: 31, D14N77:41,D25Mr80:32 settlement of estate of,D7Mr77: 72 Henry, jr. , R3Ag69: 33 John, P21Ag78: 32 Richard, P12Ap76: 32, D7Mr77: 72 William, D2Mr76: 31, P10J178: 43 Batte & Morgan, P13Je77: 32 Batte & Murray, D7Mr77: 72 Batten, William, 2S57: 41, PD15Ag71: 32 Battenadreuse, La. , See Baton Rouge, La. Battenfeld, John Justis, Dr. , PD2D73: 13 Battens, exported from York district, Va. , to London, Eng. , 21Mr45: 41 Batteries, in Gloucester co. , Va. , R10Ja71: 41 — PD3Ja71: 33, D30c77: 31 — P30c77: 31 Batterton, Elizabeth, R29Je69: 41 Joseph, R29Je69: 41 Battersby, W. , 10N52: 31 Battery island, N. C. , skirmishes on, D20Ap76: 31 Battes, Mr. , PD7S69: 41 Batte' s ferry, PD4Mr73: 33 Battina, Mr. . composer, PD25J166: 22 Battle, Elisha, D20D76: 22— Pu20D76: 21 Battle, Jesse, D18Mr75: 33 See also Bounties, land for soldiers of Battles, in puppet show, PD13Ap69: 32 Batton, Capt. , captured by British, D3Ag76: 11 John, D14Ag79: 32 60 Baylor Batts, Henry, PD18Oc70:33, PD9Ap72:32 John, P6Mr78: 12 Battwell. Walter, D18My76: 22, D14S76: 71. P13D76: 23 Batut (Battit), Lt. , P15D75: 22, PU3D75: 21--D16D75: 33 — P15D75: 23, D6Ja76: 32, P5Ja76(5)s22--D6Ja76: 33 Bauamont, Justin, PD15Ap73: 22— R15Ap73: 22 Baubee, M. , attempts to incite Indians against Va. , D16S75: 23 Baugh, Alexander, Ens. , P3N75: 12 Alexander, Lt. , P10Ja77: 42, D28F77: 41--P28F77: 22, PllAp77: 23 Daniel, PD8Ag71: 23 Francis, 28F55: 42 Griffin, P6Mr78: 31 James, P27Je77: 43 James, jr. , 22Ap57: 41, D12Mr79: 31 James, sr. , PD27My73: 31, D12Mr79: 31 John, PD9My71: 32, PD9D73: 22 Martha, PD12N67: 31 Peter, jr. , 25Ap55: 31 Richard, Capt. , P3N75: 12, D15Ag77: 62--P15Ag77: 31 Baum (Bern), [Friedrich], Lt. Col., D5S77: 11 — P5S77: 13, D19S77: 11, D19S77: 12 Bauxna, See Prussian army in Bavaria, criticized by foreign press, 9My45: 31 insurrections feared in, PilOAg75: 22 makes separate peace, 21N45: 11 makes treaty, 14F51: 31 monopoly on grain prohibited, PD19Mr72: 12 political news from, 5D45: 31 relations with Austria, 17Mr38: 12, 19Ja39: 41, 16F39: 32, D2S75: 13 relations with France, D2S75: 13 relations with Holland, P21J175: 13 relations with Prussia, 9My45: 31 relations with Sardinia, D2S75: 13 relations with Saxony, D2S75: 13 relations with Sicily, D2S75: 13 relations with Spain, D2S75: 13 relations with Switzerland, P21J175: 13 relations with Venice, P21J175: 13 requests French aid, 21Mr45: 11 suppresses Lutheranism, 21Ag52: 12, 21Ag52: 21 treaty with Great Britain discussed, 21N45: 11 troops of improved, 12F62: 31 See also Corn scarce in; Duels forbidden in; Mice in; Murders in; Rats in; Water diviners in Bavarian army, desertions in, 11J145: 11, 11J145: 22 increase in, D1J175: 23 Bavarian succession, war of, events of, D8My79: 11 financing in Prussia discussed, D10J179: 11 mediation discussed, D29My79: 21 peace made, D14Ag79: 21 negotiated, D10J179: 11 offers refused, D3J179: 21 treaty signed, D4S79: 11 skirmishes in, D24Ap79: 12 Baves, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , R12My74: 32 Bawbee, Indian, son of attends William and Mary college, D18N75: 31 Baxter, Capt. , of the Hope, PD30Ja72: 23 Mr. , of Philadelphia, Pa. , PD25Ap71: 31 Mrs. , death of in Philadelphia, Pa. , PD25Ap71: 31 Daniel, adv. for missing horse, R16My66: 32, PD18Oc70: 32 adv. merchandise for sale, R8Ap73: 33, Pi22D74: 32 death of, P16Je75: 21, D17Je75sl2 estate of for sale, D29J175: 33 sale at house of, PD27Je71: 32 settlement of accounts of, D29J175: 33 settlement of estate of, D24F76: 32 James, 310c51: 32 John, R3Ag69: 31 [Richard], author, PD29N70: 21, PD13D70: 42, PD3Ja71: 42, PD3Ja71: 43, PD17Ja71: 42, PD17Ja71: 43, PD24Ja71: 42, PD24Ja71: 43, PD7F71: 42, PD21F71: 42, PD7Mr71: 42, PD21Mr71: 42, PD28Mr71: 42, PD17S72: 21, PD10Je73: 32, D25N75: 13, D30D75: 13, D2Mr76: 42, D9Mr76: 42, D24Ag76: 53 Bay Arabian, horse, D28Mr77: 22— PllAp77: 31 Bay Barb, horse, PD6Je66: 31 Bay Bolton, horse, 250c65s42, PD24Mr74: 32, P24F75: 41, P31Mr75: 41--DlAp75: 11, P270c75: 32,D23Mr76: 33— P29Mr76: 33, Pl9Ap76: 43, D28Mr77: 21 — PllAp77: 21, P3Ap78: 32 Bay Malton, horse, PD23J167: 12 — R23J167sl2, PD15Je69: 23 Bay warehouse, Isle of Wight co. , Va. , PD20Ag67: 31, D23S75: 32 Bayard, Capt. , 25Ja40: 12 Capt. , of N. Y. privateer, 16My45: 32 of the Hester, 18Ap45: 31, 13Je45: 22 Major, PD6J169: 31, PD27Ja74: 31 Mr. , of New York City, P5Ap76: 23 James, PD280c73: 22 John, PD26My68: 21, PilD74: 21, D19Je79: 31 William, 250c65s23, P13Je77: 23 Bayard, sloop, D26Je79: 21 Bayer, John Otto, PD2N69: 12 Ottor, Capt. , P22J175s22— D29J175: 31 Bayfleet, ship, PD27F72: 23 — R27F72: 22 Bayle, [Pierre], author, 2My55: 31, PD18J171: 32, PD25J171: 42, PD29Ag71: 33 Bayler, John, Col. , D4Mr80: 31 Bayley, Capt. , 29My46: 31 Benjamin, 12F62: 41 James, Pi20Ap75: 31 — P21Ap75s42 — D22Ap75: 31 James Wallace, R17F74: 31, P29D75: 31, P25J177: 33 John Moore, PD14N71: 23 Samuel, R26J170: 23 Simon, 20Oc52: 21 Thomas, P17F75: 41 Bayley, Britten &, settlement of account of, 12F62: 41 Baylis, Hannah, 12D45: 41 John, 12D45: 41 Samuel, R23J167: 31 Thomas, PD4Je67: 33 Bayliss, John, Col. , R130c68: 24 John, Mrs. , R130c68: 24 Baylis's, tavern, R21Ja73: 31 Baylor, Col. , PD16Ja72: 33--R6F72: 42 horses of, R8Ag66: 32, R8Ag66: 41, PD28My67: 31, PD290c67: 21, PD170c71: 31— R170c71: 31, PD6My73: 32— R6My73s22, P12Ap76: 33,D13Ap76: 33 — P19Ap76: 43, P28F77s22, P7Mr77s23, D18Ap77: 71, D24Ap78: 41 — P3Ap78: 32, D8My78: 62--P3Ap78: 31, D8My78: 62, D26F79: 41, D19Mr79: 32, D26Mr79: 31, D9Ap79: 31, D16Ap79: 32, D26F80: 12,DlAp80: 32,D9My80: 32 injured in battle, P230c78: 23 regiment of, P5Je78: 32, C18D79: 13 troop of horse, P20Je77sll Major, R16Je68: 33 Cornet, P170c77: 21, P240c77: 21 George, P25Ap77: 12 adv. stallion for hire, PD17Mr74: 31 — R17Mr74: 23 certifies pedigree of horse, DllAp77: 61, D24Ap78: 41 — P3Ap78: 32 appointed to committee of observation, Caroline co. , Va. , Pil2Ja75: 11 — D14Ja75: 12, PD22D74: 31 — Pi22D74: 32 horse of, PD9S73: 31--R9S73: 32, D30Mr76: 41 — P29Mr76: 33 George, Col. , appointed aide-de-camp to Gen. Washington, P8S75sl3, D23S75: 22 appointed lt. col. of Va. battalions, P6D76: 23 death to be revenged, D30Oc78: 22— P30Oc78: 32 killed near Hackensack, N. J. , D160c78: 32— P160c78: 22, P230c78: 22 marriage of, P12Je78: 22 orders recruiting officers to report, P2My77sll orders recruits to report, P3Ap78: 31 taken prisoner near Hackensack, N. J. ,D160c78:31 Washington's aide-de-camp, D10Ja77: 32— P10Ja77: 22 wounded at Tappan, N. Y. , P30Oc78: 31 Gregory, PD5S66s32, PD19Ag73: 21 — R19Ag73: 22, PD210c73: 23 — R210c73: 31, Pi23F75: 32, D4Mr75: 23 John, P10Mr75: 33— DllMr75: 32 adv. horses for sale, D6My75: 33 adv. plantation for sale, P10Mr75: 33— DllMr75: 32 adv. stallion for hire, PDllAp66: 33, PD26Mr67: 31, PD22Mr70: 41, PD4Ap71: 23, PD25Mr73: 33 adv. unclaimed box of hats, PD4D66: 32 burgess from Caroline co. , 12D55: 22 grants power of attorney, D16D75: 22— P8D75: 32 manages lottery, R14Ap68: 31— PD1D68: 32 quarters of, D230c79: 32 settlement of estate of, PD23J172: 32 John, Col. , D8My78: 62 death of, PD16Ap72: 31 horses of, D9Mr76: 31, P15Mr76: 31, P27Mr78: 31, D12Mr79: 31, D24Ap79: 32 61 Baylor, John, Col. (cont'd) land of, PD170c66: 31 receives aid for poor family, 30N59: 31 stud of for sale, PD10S72: 32 John, jr. , PD25Mr73: 32 John, sr. , PD25Mr73: 32 Lucy (Page), marriage of, P12Je78: 22 Robert, adv. for runaway slave, PD2D73: 21 adv. stallion for hire,D7Mr77: 11, D7Mr77: 41, D24Ap78: 42 land of,DHMr75: 32--P10Mr75: 33 land of for sale, PD5S66s32, D30c77: 42, D5D77: 21 Robert, Major, 17Ap46: 42 Baylor's mill, D19D77: 42 Baylston, John, R26My74: 23 Bayly, William, P28N77: 23 Bayne, John, Capt. , of the Raleigh, 20Oc52: 21 of the Relief, 2Mr53: 41 Martin, Capt. , of the Three Brothers, 8D52: 31 Matthew, RllMy69: 41 Bayne, Mott &, ship of, Pi9N75: 22 Baynes, Alexander, Capt. , of the Polly, 31D36: 42 Baynham, Gregory, D27Je77: 32 John, PD6My73: 31--R6My73: 23, PD10Mr74: 32 John, Dr. , PD2Je68: 23, R1S74: 33 John, jr. ,R1S74:33 Bayns, John, R26J170: 22 Baynton, Peter, P6D76: 22 Bayonet belt, captured by Americans in Great bridge, Va. , PU3D75: 22— D16D75: 33 Bayonets, as lottery prizes, PD7Ap68: 31 captured by Americans, D13Ja76: 42 at Great bridge, Va. , P15D75: 22, PU3D75: 22--P15D75: 23 — D16D75: 33 in Trenton, N. J. , D10Ja77: 41 — P10Ja77: 23 export from St. Malo, Fr. , to British colonies, N. Am. forbidden, D14S76: 11 exported from England to colonies, PD8N70: 13 to Portugal, PD8N70: 21 exported from London, Eng. , to Lisbon, Port. , D23S75: 22 for sale, 12F62: 42 in Norfolk, Va. , D26D77: 21 found, adv. of, P27Je77: 12 import to British colonies, N. Am. , encouraged, P17N75: 32 imported to Newburyport, Mass. , from Fr. , P31My76: 13--DlJe76: 12 lost at sea, 3Ap46: 21 manufacture encouraged in Mass. , Pi9Mr75: 32 — P10Mr75: 23 — DllMr75:31 ordered returned to public magazine, P4Ap77: 11 scarce in Continental army, D280c75: 13 seized from British, on Staten island, N. Y. , D1N76: 22--P1N76: 22 seized from Spanish ship, 23Ja46: 31 stolen by deserters, P26J176: 32 Bayonne, Fr. , See Floods in Bayton, Capt. , of the Surprise, D10J179: 22 Bayton, ship, 7Ag52: 31 Baytop, James, Lt. , P130c75: 11 — D210c75: 31,P10Ja77: 33, D24Ja77: 41--P24Ja77: 31 Thomas, Ens. , P130c75: 11— D210c75: 31 Bazar, destroyed by fire, 25N37: 11 Bazaute, Pedro, Capt. , of the St. Peter of Bilboa, R16S73: 23 Bazeley, Capt. , of the Eagle, 240c45: 21 Beach, Capt. , of the Deep Bay, PD220c72: 13 Mr. , ships of in N. Y. , P5Ja76(5)sl3 — D6Ja76: 31 Beaches, in Yorktown, Va. , D26F80: 13 Beachy Head, Eng. , See Smuggling suspected in Beaconsfield, Eng. , See Anecdotes from Bead earrings, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD10Oc71: 31, PD23Ap72: 23— R23Ap72: 13, PD210c73: 23 — R210c73: 22, PD5My74: 31 — R26My74: 13 Bead egrets, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , R14D69: 23--PD14D69: 32 Bead necklaces, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. , R23J167: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD210c73: 23— R210c73: 22, PD5My74: 31 — R26My74: 13 Bead planes, stolen, R7Je70: 32 Beadel, John, P5D77: 31 Beadland, Scotland, See Floods in Beadle, Col. , Pi9N75: 12— P10N75: 21, P21Je76: 21--D22Je76: 51 Beadles, Edmund, P13S76: 33— D14S76: 72, D110c76: 62, D180c76: 31 Beads, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , R19Ap70: 31 — PD19Ap70s23, PD12D7L32 found, adv. of. , PD7Ap68: 23 See also Agate beads; Coral beads; Garnet beads; Marcasite beads; Paste beads; Seed wax beads; Wax beads; Wax pearl beads Beads, English, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , R13Ap69: 31 — PD13Ap69: 32 Beads, French, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD18Ap66: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , R13Ap69: 31 — PD13Ap69: 32, PD170c71: 23, R170c71: 33, PD23Ap72: 23 — R23Ap72: 13, PD20Oc74s22— Pi20Oc74: 31 Beads, oval, for sale, in Williamsburg, R19Ap70: 31 — PD19Ap70s23 Beagle, privateer, C20N79: 12— D20N79: 21 Beak, Capt. , of the Fanny, D26Je79: 31 Beakirons, imported to Va. , from Boston, Mass. , PD7S69: 31 Beal, Benjamin, Capt. , PD10D72: 22— R12D72sl3 James, Capt. , of the Buckskin, llAp55: 22 Joshua, Capt. , PD2D73: 12 [Thaddeus], Gen. , DHOc76: 32 William, P230c78: 31 Beale, Capt. , 18N37: 41, 28J138: 41 Capt. , of Fourth Regiment, P2Ag76: 32 Col. , of Charleston, S. C. , R26J170: 13, PD21F71: 23 — R21F71: 23 Charles, 10Ap52: 32, R4D66: 32 Hardy, P160c78: 41 John, 290c36: 42, Pi5Ja75: 31, P9F76: 11 Mary, R4D66: 32 Othniel, R26J170: 21 Richard, R310c71: 41, P26Ja76: 21, P8N76s21 Samuel, D2Ap79: 22 Taverner, HAp55: 31, R310c71: 41, R4Ag74: 13 Tuverner, Capt. , 10Ap52: 32 William, PD27J169: 41 William, jr. , P12J176: 32 William, Capt. , of the Martin galley, 17S36: 42, 29Ap37: 42, 19Ag37: 32, 12My38: 41, 25Ag38: 32, 4My39: 41, 20J139: 41, 24Ag39: 3, 2N39: 2, 25Ja40: 3 Bealer, Christopher, PD2F69: 31 BeaU, Mr. , D30Oc78: 32, C30Oc79: 42 Jeremiah, PD2J172: 31 Josephus,D7Mr77: 62 Nancy (Booth), marriage of, D12Je79: 31 Reazim, Gen. , D29N76: 31, D29N76: 32 Samuel, adv. merchandise for sale, C30Oc79: 33, C13N79: 12, D11D79: 22, C21Oc80: 22 adv. sugar for sale,D24J179: 32— C28Ag79: 43 appointed to committee in Williamsburg, Va. ,D24J179: 11, D24J179: 21 imports from St. Eustatia, W. I. , D18Oc80: 31 marriage of, D12Je79: 31 BeaU, Norton &, adv. drugs for sale, D28N77: 21--P28N77: 33 adv. for ships' captains, P7Mr77s24 adv. merchandise for sale, P18J177sll, D10J178:21— R10J178:33 Bealy, H. , Capt. , of the Hannah, D9My77: 21 Beamon, James, D23Ja78: 32 Beams, for sale, in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72: 31 in Falmouth, Va. , P310c77: 23 Beams scale, for sale, in Falmouth, Va. ,P310c77: 23 Bean, Mr. , arrives in N. Y. , P29D75sl2— Pi30D75: 32 John, PD270c74: 21 Bean seeds, for sale, PD280c73: 22 in Buckingham, Va. , P6Mr78: 11 in Cumberland, Va. , P6Mr78: 11 in Manchester, Va. , P6Mr78: 11 in Petersburg, Va. , PD26Mr67: 32, PD10Mr68: 32— R10Mr68: 33 in Richmond, Va. , PD26Mr67: 32, PD10Mr68: 32— R10Mr68: 33, R21F71: 33, D9S75: 32, D3F76: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , 13Ja38: 41, 30N59: 32, PD31D72: 31— R31D72: 31, PD16D73: 31, PD3Mr74: 32, PD17Mr74: 23, Pi6Ap75: 42 See also Tokers bean seeds Bean seeds, yellow, export from Va. allowed, 280c37: 31 Beans, adv. for, P19S77: 11, D28N77: 21 — P28N77: 22 exported from Accomac district, Va. , to Barbados, W. I. , PD31Mr68: 22— R14Ap68: 41 to Boston, Mass. , PD31Mr68: 22 — R14Ap68:41 to Plymouth, Mass. , PD31Mr68: 22— 62 Beaulieu, baron of R14Ap68: 41 to Rhode island, PD26My68: 22 — R26My68: 31 exported from Holland to London, Eng. , PD6My73: 12 exported from James river, lower district, Va. , to Bermuda, W. I. , 28F55:31 to Plymouth, PD28Ap74: 23 — R14Ap74: 31 to St. Christopher, W. I. , R11F68: 31 to Salem, Mass. , PD10Mr74: 31 exported from James river, upper district, Va. , from 1763-1766, PD12F67: 23 to Barbados, W. I. , PD16Ap67: 23, PD27Ag67: 23, PD3Mr68: 31 — R3Mr68: 31, PD7J168: 23--R7J168: 23, PD29D68: 31, PD20Ap69: 22 to Boston, Mass. , 18Ja40: 41, PD19F67: 31— R19F67: 22, PD3Mr68: 31, PD17Mr68: 31 — R14Ap68: 42, PD26My68: 23 — R26My68: 31, PD10Ag69: 32, PD7S69: 31 to Bristol, Eng. , R9Je68: 33 — PD26My68: 23 to Cadiz, Sp. , PD26My68: 23 — R26My68: 31, PD13Ap69: 23 to Dublin, Ire. , PD14Ja68: 31 to Leghorn, It. , PD17F74: 31 to Lisbon, Port. , PD14Ja68: 31 to Madeira, PD23Ap67: 31, PD30Ap67: 32, PD10Mr68: 31 — R14Ap68: 42, PD24Mr68: 32— R14Ap68:42 to New York, PD17Mr68: 31 — R14Ap68: 42, PD7J168: 31 — R7J168: 23, R22S68: 23— PD22S68: 23 to Perth Amboy, N. J. , PD28J168: 23 to Salem, Mass. , 12F62: 32, R19F67: 22--PD19F67: 31, PD12Mr67: 32, PD19Mr67: 32, PD9J167: 32, R18F68: 31 — PD18F68: 23, PD10Mr68: 31— R14Ap68: 42, PD17Mr68: 31--R14Ap68: 42, PD22D68: 31, PD15F70: 22, PD22F70: 32, PD20Ja74: 23, PD27Ja74: 32, PD10F74: 23, PD10Mr74: 31, D18Mr75: 32 exported from London, Eng. , lAp37: 32 exported from York district, Va. , to Boston, Mass. , R7J168: 22 to Madeira, 10F38: 31 to New England, R31Mr68: 31 to Rhode island, 24Ag39: 31-32 Beans, for sale, in King William co. , Va. , R14D69: 31 — PD14D69: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , P13Ja37: 38: 41, PD16D73: 31, PD3Mr74: 32 import to Carenage, St. Lucia, W. I. , allowed, PD29S68: 22--R29S68: 23 imported to Liverpool, Eng. , from Ire. , PD22S74: 31 plentiful in Essex, Eng. , PD11D66: 21 in High Suffolk, Eng. , PD11D66: 21 in Holl. , PD6My73: 12 in South sea islands, PD24S67: 11 price of in France, PD7N71: 22 in London, Eng. , 26Ag37: 32, R11D66: 21 scarce in Barbados, W. I. , D14S76: 11 Beans, black eyed, exported from Accomac district, Va. , to R. I. , PD6Ag67: 32 Beans, snap, for sale, in Richmond, Va. ,D3F76: 33 Beans, unusual, in Scot. , PD23N69: 23 Beans, varieties of, imported for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD31D72: 31— R31D72: 31 Bear Garden, plantation, D24Ap78: 41 Bear inlet, See Ships from N. Y. to Bearcroft, William, 2S57: 42 Beard, Col. , PD5Mr72: 32 John, Capt. , Ue39: 41 Robert, 7S39: 32 Bearers, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 Bearman, Catherine, PD7Ap68: 21 Bearmore, Major, of N. Y. Tories, C27N79: 12 Bears, Andrew, 10J152: 32 Bears, imported to London, Eng. , from Canada, 28F51: 22 to Whitby, England, PD60c68: 13 — R60c68: 14 in Halico, Finland, PD30Ap67: 23 in Haltwistle, England, PD22S74: 21 inN. C. ,23F39:41 in Hartford, Conn. , PD30Oc66: 13 in Transylvania, D30S75: 33 Bearskins, captured by Americans near Fort Stanwix, N. Y. , P29Ag77: 31 — D5S77: 21 exported from James river, upper district, Va. , to London, Eng. , PD270c68: 42 exported from York district to London, Eng. , 24Ag39: 22, 25Ja40: 3 for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD24My70: 33, PD8N70: 23, PD22N70: 31, PD1S74: 32, PD22S74: 32 in Petersburg, Va. , PD6N66: 21, PD14Ja68: 32, D5S77: 22--P5S77: 31 in Richmond, Va. , PD3S67: 32 in Shockoe, Va. , PD22S68: 23— R22S68: 24, PD7S69: 42--R7S69: 42 in Smithfield, Va. , D31J179: 12 in Suffolk, Va. , 5Mr52: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , 30N59: 32, PD15F70: 41, PD29N70: 22— R29N70: 23, PD22Ag71: 32, PD220c72: 22— R220c72: 23 inYorktown, Va. , PD310c71: 23 Bearskins, unclaimed, adv. of, in Augusta co. , Va. , R18Ja70: 31 Bearskins, damaged, for sale, in Falmouth, Va. , R19N72: 22 in Petersburg, Va. , PD14Ja68: 32, PD8Mr70: 33, PD18Oc70: 31 — R18Oc70: 22 Beasely, Peter, R19Ja69: 33, R26J170: 23 Beasley, Ambrose, PD11D66: 33 Benjamin, PD7S69: 32 Elizabeth, PD3N74pll Martha, 24Ag51: 32 Richard, PD10F74: 31, D24Ap79: 32 Samuel, P14N77: 33 Sarah, PD11D66: 33, PD3N74pll William, 24Ag51: 32, C19F80: 12 See also Beazeley Beasly, William, R26My74: 32 Beasts, wild, in Paris, France, PD4Ap71: 21 Beatly, William, 2S57: 42 Beattie, Rev. Mr. , imprisoned in Halifax, N. C. jail, P22Mr76: 12— D23Mr76: 32 [Jamesl, author. PD18J171: 32, PD25J171: 42, PD30Ja72: 21, PD17S72: 21, PD10Je73: 31, DllF75s23,D25N75: 11,D30D75: 11, D24F76: 43, D2Mr76: 41, D9Mr76: 41, D25My76: 43, D24Ag76: 51, D20D76: 41, D3Ja77: 41, D17Ja77: 41, PD24Mr74: 31— R31Mr74: 33, PD60c74: 41, PD24N74: 41, R21Ap74: 12, PD18Ag74: 32, PD30Ja72: 21 Robert, Capt. , of the Thomas and Betty, 12S5L32, 14N51: 31 William, PD18Ja70: 32— R18Ja70: 31, PD5D71: 32, PD6My73: 32, PD16S73: 32 adv. for lost box, PD2N69: 33 adv. lease of store, PD16Ag70: 32, PD25J171: 22 adv. liquors for sale, D4My76: 33 adv. plantation for sale, PD18Je67: 33 adv. shoes for sale, PD2D73: 22 adv. unclaimed merchandise, PD8N70:23,PD18J171:22 announces departure, Dl 7 F76: 33 bond payable to, D12Mr79: 31 merchant, PD60c68: 23--R60c68: 24, PD270c74: 31 note of hand of, R2D73: 31 of N. C. , PD26S71: 32--R26S71: 33 violates fast day, P7Je76: 41 — D8Je76: 71 Beatty, Charles, PD30Ja72: 33 — R6F72: 32, PD3N74: 42— PilON74: 32 John, PD290c72: 13 William, PD3N74: 42 — PU0N74: 32 Beaty, Capt. , of Md. militia, D19Ag75: 32 Beauchamp, earl of [William Lygon], R23F69: 21, PD23F69: 31 — R24F69s21,R9Je74sll Beau Clerk, L. Aug. , of the Dolphin, 25Ja40: 2 Beauford, ship, 290c36: 22 Beaufort, Duke of, PD25Oc70: 23 — R1N70: 31 Beaufort, N. C. , See Houses and lots for sale, near; Hurricanes in; Pilot boats for sale, in; Ships for sale in Beaufort, S. C. , battle at, D5Mr79: 32 captured by French, D90c79: 22 fortification of, P15S75s21 See also British army headquarters in; British army in; British navy in; Fort Lyttleton in; Ships stolen from; Ships to Beaufort, Va. , See Auctions in; Houses and lots, for rent in; Merchants in; Robberies in Beaufort Arabian horse, P7F77: 32, P29Ag77: 32 Beaufort, ship, 3Ap46: 22, PD23Ja72: 22 Beaufort co. , N. C. , See Apple orchards in; Barns in; Dwelling houses, described, in; Gardens in; Houses and lots for sale near; Land for sale in; Lots for sale in; Murders by slaves in; Peach orchards in Beaujeau, Mr. , defends Quebec, Can. , D40c76: 61 Beaulieu, baron of, [Edward Hussey], D29Ap75s21,D19Ag75: 22 63 Beaulieu (cont'd) Mr. , French trader at Saguinan bay, PD3D72: 12--R3D72: 21 Beaumarchais, [Pierre Augustin Caron], PlMy78: 21 Beaumaris, Wales, See Imports to; Shipwrecks near Beaume, exported from Veracruz, Mex. , to Rota, 25N37: 41 Beaume de vie, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD22Ap73: 31, PD30D73: 31 in Petersburg, Va. , PD14J174: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , R12J170: 31, PD240c71: 31 Beaumont, Dr. , captured by Americans in Can. , P5Ja76(5)sl3--D6Ja76: 32 Hammond, Dr. , PD25Je72: 32 Viscount de, of the Junon, D12F79: 22 Beaupremant, de, Chevalier, of the Palmier de Brest, 5S55: 21 Beausain, ship, PD16Ap67: 21, PD24Ag69: 21--R24Ag69: 22, R20Je71: 31 Beauty contests, 26N36: 41, 70c37: 32 Beavans, William, 30S37: 42, 25Ap55: 31 Beavars, William, R7S69: 41 Beaver, Elizabeth, R17Mr74: 31 Beaver, British ship, D7Mr77: 22 H. M. S. , PD14J168: 21--R14J168: 21, PD21J168: 12, PD270c68: 23 — R270c68: 21, PD15S68: 23, PD24N68: 21, PD1N70: 21 — R1N70: 22, PD4Ap71: 22, PDllAp71: 22, PD25Ap71: 31, PD23My71: 13, PD29Ag71: 21, PD12S71: 31, DlAg77: 21 H. M. sloop, D23S75: 21 privateer, D12Je79: 31, D31J179: 21, D12F80: 21 ship, PD6N66: 21, PD30Ap67: 32, PD150c67: 11, PD220c67: 22, PD3Mr68: 31— R3Mr68: 31, PD16Je68: 23, PD10N68: 22, R17N68: 13, PD8D68: 31, PD26Ja69: 41, PD20Ap69: 23, PD3S72: 21.D6N79: 22 sloop, PDlAg71: 13 sloop of war, PD28J168: 21 — R28J168: 22, PD17Ja71: 13 Beaver caps, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD30Ja72: 32— R6F72: 32, PD220c72: 23--R220c72: 23, PD5My74: 31--R26My74: 13 Beaver coating, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD19D71: 32, PD23S73: 23 — R23S73: 32, PD11N73: 22 in Yorktown, Va. , 4J145: 42, R25F68: 31 — PD25F68: 31 Beaver Dam, Va. , chapel, R190c69s22 Beaver furs, adv. for, in Williamsburg, Va. , 8J137: 42, 21S39: 41 Beaver gloves, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD22N70s23, PD170c71: 23 Beaver hats, export from New England to W. I. , forbidden, PD16J167: 21 export from New York City to W. I. forbidden, PD16J167: 21 export from Philadelphia, Pa. , to W. I. forbidden, PD16J167: 21 for sale, 12F62:42 in Edenton, N. C. , D12F79: 41 in Fredericksburg, Va. ,R19F67: 23, R23J167: 32 in London, Eng. , PD7Je70: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , 21S39: 41, PD13Ap69: 32— R13Ap69: 31, PD15F70: 41, PD19Ap70s23 — R19Ap70: 31, PD23Ap72: 23 — R23Ap72: 13, PD150c72: 31, PD220c72: 23— R220c72: 23, PD140c73: 23, D26Ag75: 32, D28N77: 22 in Yorktown, Va. , P27D76: 32 imported, lost, adv. for, 13Je51: 41 manufactured in Petersburg, Russia, PD23J172: 21, stolen in Boston, Mass. , PD2D73: 12 stolen in Halifax co. , Va. , P20D76: 22 Beaver hats, English, trade in declines, PD16J167: 21 Beaver skins, exported from James river, lower district, Va. , to Philadelphia, Pa. , 23My55: 21, 26S55:31, exported from James river, upper district, Va. , to Bristol, 8J137: 42, HAg38: 41, 14D39: 11 to London, Eng. , 5Ja39: 42, 27J139:41,14D39: 11 exported from York district, Va. , to Bristol, Eng. , 20My37: 41, 19Ag37: 32, 9S37: 41, 21J138: 32, 7S39: 32, 2N39: 21-22, 25Ja40: 3 to London, Eng. , 27My37:41, 19Ag37: 32, 9S37: 42, 25N37: 42, Ue39: 42, 13J139: 42, 10Ag39: 32, 24Ag39: 22, 24Ag39: 31, 2N39: 21, 25Ja40: 3 imported to London, Eng. , from Canada, 28F51: 22 in Transylvania, Ky. , D30S75: 33 seized from French ship, 11J146: 42 Beaver wool, drawback on exportation from Great Britain removed, PD16Je68: 13— R16Je68: 12 price of in England, PD16Je68: 13— R16Je68: 12 Beaverdam church, Goochland co. , Va. , P10J178: 41 in Sussex co. , Va. , PD16Ag70: 41 Beaverdams, plantation, PDlAp73: 32 Beaverets, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. ,21S39:41 Beavil's oridge, Va. , PD18Ap71: 33 Beawes, [WyndhamJ, author, PD18J171: 23, PDlAg71: 41, PD8Ag71: 41, PD17S72: 21 Beazeley, John, Pitts, R13J169: 41, R16N69: 33, R7Je70: 31 See also Beasley Beazley, Charles, P21N77: 23 Bebby, John, Capt. , of the William and Betty, 7N45: 41 Beccaria, [Giovanni Battista], Father, D25J177: 12 — P25J177: 11 Beccely, Mrs. , actress, 17Ap52: 31 Becford, Peter, 10c36: 32 Beck, Andrew, unclaimed tobacco of, P28J175: 32 Francis, Capt. , of the Patience, D13D76: 31 Joseph, R21My72: 23 Nathaniel, Capt. , of the Four Sisters, PD14Ap74: 31— R17Mr74: 23 Robert, P21Ap75: 32 Beckermount, See Tailors in Becket, Capt. , imprisoned by French, 4Ap51: 32 T. , publisher in London, Eng. , P28Ap75s33 — D29Ap75: 21 Beckey, American brigantine, D22N76: 31 ship, 12D51: 41, 12Mr52: 31, 28Mr55: 32 Beckford, Capt. , of the Hannah, PD9D73: 21 Mr. , prepares Stamp act repeal bill, PD2Mv66: 11 William, biographical sketch of, R13S70: 21 death of, PD13S70: 13 epitaph to, R13S70: 13, R13S70: 22 executors for will of, PD20S70: 13 favors colonies, PD9My66: 22, R23F69: 21, PD23F69: 31 — R24F69s21, PD25My69: 21, PD27J169: 21— R27J169: 21, PD2N69: 13— R2N69: 21, R20S70: 23 importance of death of, PD20S70: 31 letter to (text), PD27S70: 22 statue of erected in London, Eng. , PD20S70: 21 will of, PD13S70sll, PD13S70sl2— R13S70: 21, PD13S70s21 Beckford parish, Va. , See Churches in Beckham, William, P15Mr76: 31 Beckie, ship, 26S55: 31 Beckley, John, adv. settlement of estate, C11D79: 21 agent for Edmund Randolph, D10J179: 31 appointed clerk of committee for Henrico co. , Va. , DllF75s22, P24N75: 13 assistant clerk of Va. committee of safety, P19Ap76: 22— D20Ap76: 31, P26Ap76sl2--D4My76: 23 clerk of freeholders meeting in Henrico co. , Va. , P26My75s33 clerk of Va. house of delegates, D90c79: 22 clerk of Va. senate, D12D77: 12, D26F79: 32 elected clerk of Williamsburg, Va. meeting, D17J179: 31 Beckly, William, PD16Je74: 22— R16Je74: 32 Beckwith, Lt. , wounded in battle of Bunker Hill, P22J175s22 — D29J175: 31 Jonathan, R29Mr70: 22— PD5Ap70: 42 Roger, PD30J172: 33 Becky, brig, DlAp75: 31 ship, 10Ja52: 32-41 Bed cords, for sale, at Rope Walk, Smithfield, Va. , PlMy78: 42 in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72: 31 in Norfolk, Va. , PD22N70: 31 in Richmond, Va. , D9D80: 23 Bed curtains, for sale, PD27S70: 32 — R27S70: 22 Bed furniture, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD240c71: 31 Bed quilts, stolen by convict servants, 27Mr46: 41 Bed screws, for sale, PD19My74: 43— R2Je74: 22 Bedbunts, for sale, in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72: 31 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22, PD22N70: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , 10Oc55: 32, PD19S66: 31, PD12D71: 32 64 Beds Bedd, James, P180c76: 31, P15N76: 32 Bedding, captured by Americans in Great bridge, Va. , PH3D75: 22-- D16D75: 33--P15D75: 23 for British army in Br. col. , N.Am. , Pi260c75: 12--D280c75: 21, D8Je76: 31 in Ga. , PD7Ja68: 31 in N. Y. , R25D66: 22 for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD30Ag70: 32, R6S70: 32, D28Ag79: 31 , C15J180: 21 near Williamsburg, Va. , 10Oc55: 32 lost at sea,PD10D67:21 Bede, Ensign, testifies in Va. , court- martial, P12J176: 13 Bedel, Abraham, 8My52: 32, 12D45: 41 Augustine, P110c76: 31 Bedell (Bedel), [Timothy], Col. , P9Ag76: 22--D10Ag76: 32 Bedford, Capt. , 7N51: 22 duke of, [John Russell], death of, PD31Ja71: 22 importance of death of, PD18Ap71: 11 opposes colonies, R24Mr68: 32, PD27Ap69: 22, PD25My69: 21 protests repeal of Stamp act, PD19My68: 12 recommends Dr. Keyser's pills, PD23Ap72: 31,D23S75: 33 starts colonial debate in parliament, PD18Je67: 23 Grosvenor, PD9Ap72: 31 Gunning, Pi3Ag75: 33 [Hilkiah], author, 24My51: 32, PD29Ag71: 33 Paul & co. , PD5Mr67: 21 Stephen, PD10Ja71: 33 Thomas, PD12Mr67: 13, DllMr75: 13, DllMr75: 21, Bedford, Mass. , See Tea boycotted in Bedford, N. H. , See Imports to Bedford, N. Y. , battle of, P6S76: 32 skirmishes near,D7S76: 31 See also British army in Bedford, Pa., riflemen, D7Mr77: 62-- P7Mr77sll See also Indian attacks in; Indians, murders by near; Murders by Indians near Bedford, Va. , See Slaves runaway from Bedford, H. M. S. , 24Ja52: 22, 7N55: 21, 7N55: 22 ship, R21F71: 32, P12D77: 11 Bedford co. , Pa. , deputies to Pa. convention appointed, P28Je76: 13 See also , Murders in Bedford co. , Va. , burgesses elected, R2F69: 22, PDllMy69s41, R9N69: 11, PD9Je72: 32, PD4Ag74: 23 census requested, P19Ap76p23-- D27Ap76: 33 clerks, PD9Ja72: 32 committee, resolutions (text) of, 1775, Pi8Je75: 22, P22J175s42 court, R5Ag73: 23, PD4N73: 23, PD4N73: 31 court day altered, PD23Ap72: 11 list of tithables for 1774 not returned, Pil8My75: 33--P19My75s32-- D20My75: 33 sheriff, ordered to summon defendant in Chancery court, R5Ag73: 23, PD4N73: 23, PD4N73' 31 See also Apple orchards in; Associators in; Barns in; Battalion, fifth, deserters from; Bounties; Churches in; Clergy, Anglican, in; Dwelling houses in; Ferries in; Forges in; Forges, mortgaged in; Gristmills in; Gunpowder manufacture in; Hickory timber in; Horse-breeding in; Houses in; Indentured servants runaway from; Iron ore in; Iron works in; Jails in; Land, mortgaged in; Land, ownership of disputed in; Land, patent, for sale in; Land for sale in; Landings in; Lawyers, adv. of in; Linen manufacture encouraged in; Log barns in; Log houses in; Merchants in; Militia claims in; Militia of; Mill dams in; Mills in; Murders in; Musters, general, dates appointed for in; Ordinaries for rent in; Outhouses in; Peach orchards in; Quarters, negro, in; Red oak timber in; Roads in; Saltpetre discovered in; Saltpetre manufacture in; Sawmills in; Slaves for sale in; Slaves runaway from; Stealing by indentured servants in; Stone dams in; Stores in; Sulphur mines in; Tithables in; Tub mills in; Undertakers, adv. for in; Virginia, lower counties, offered refuge in; Va. regiment, fourteenth, recruits in; Walnut timber in Bedford co. , courthouse, Va. , described, PD8Ag66: 32 See also Commission merchants, adv. of at; Gardens at; Land for sale at, near; Ordinaries at; Slaves for sale at; Stealing at; Slaves runaway from Bedford party, alliance with Rockingham party, PD29Ap73: 12 Bedfordshire, Eng. , to petition king, PD9N69: 21 See also Charity in; Corn, price falls in; Witches, trial of in Bedgood, John, PD28Mr71: 31-- R28Mr71: 32 Bedine, Francis, Mrs. , PD3S72: 22 Bedlam, Col. , captures Tory in N. J. , D8Ap80: 22 Bedlam hospital, London, Eng. , See Anecdotes from; Insanity, false confinements for in Bedloo, Capt. , of the Benjamin, 23F39: 22 Bedlow, Capt. , 24Ap52: 21, PD21Je70: 23 Bedlow's island, N. Y. , skirmish at, P19Ap76pl3— D20Ap76: 22 Bedpans, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD19S66: 31.PD12D71: 32 Bedposts, imported to York district, Va. , from Providence, R. I. , PD27N66: 22 Beds, as lottery prizes, PD28Ja68: 32 for Hessian troops in British colonies, N.Am. ,D22Je76: 21 for sale, 23My55: 21, PD7J168: 31, PD26D71: 31, D20Ja76: 31-- Pi20Ja76: 32--P26Ja76: 41 at Burwell's ferry, Va. , PD7D69: 41 at Green spring, Va. , PD12N67: 22, PD10Oc71: 32 at Jockey's neck, Va. , R22S74: 33-- Pi29S74: 41 at Raleigh tavern, Williamsburg, Va. , P18Ap77s33 in Blandford, Va. , 14Ag52: 31, D8N76: 31 in Drunswick co. , Va. , PD25Mr73: 33 in Charles City co. , Va. , R190c69: 41, P15N76: 33 in Charlotte co. , Va. , D230c79: 11 in Culpeper co. , Va. , P250c76: 32 in Dinwiddie co. , Va. , R19Ja69: 31-- PD26Ja69: 33, PD25Ap71: 32 in Dumfries, Va. , P25J177: 33 in Edenton, N. C. , D28F77: 32 in Elizabeth City co. , Va. , D17Ja77: 22 in Essex co. , Va. , PD14J168: 33-- R14J168: 42 in Fairfax co. , Va. , PD2Je74: 32-- R2Je74: 22 in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD26Mr72: 33-- R23Ap72: 42 in Gloucester co. , Va. , D17J179: 32 in Goochland co. , Va. , 26N36: 42 in Halifax co. , Va. , PD5F67: 32 in Hanover, Va. , D24Ap78: 31 in James City co. , Va. , PD29D68: 31-- R5Ja69: 33, R23Ap72: 42, PU6F75: 33-- P17F75:42--D18F75: 31 in Jamestown, Va. , PD2J172: 32 in King and Queen co. , Va. , R31Mr68:34--PD31Mr68: 31, D4S79: 22 in King and Queen courthouse, Va. , R27Ja74: 41 in Middlesex co. , Va. , PD25Je72: 33, P20S76: 23, P16My77s31 in New Kent co. , Va. , PD30Oc66: 23, D27N79: 22 in Petersburg, Va. , Pi50c75: 33, P12J176: 32--D13J176: 21,DllAp77: 71-- PllAp77s21 in Prince George co. , Va. , D31Ja77:72--P7F77: 33 in Surry co. , Va. , D29Je76: 42 in Trinity glebe, Louisa co. , Va. , D28N77: 22 in Wakefield, Va. , P30c77: 31 in Westmoreland co. , Va. , P20Oc75: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD28J168: 23-- R28J168: 31, PD7D69: 32-- R7D69: 31, PD30Ag70: 32, R6S70. 32, P30Ag76: 33, P18Ap77s33, D8Ag77: 22, D28Ag79: 31.D19F80: 33--C19F80: 31, C13My80:31,C15J180: 21 in York co. . Va. , D20N79: 22 in Yorktown, Va. ,D27Ja76: 33-- P26Ja76: 33, P16F76: 33 near Fredericksburg, Va. , R8J173: 32 near Williamsburg, Va. , 10Oc55: 32 mortgaged, PD25Ap71: 32 seized from American ship, P29S75: 31 seized from British at Fort Nassau, New Providence, W. I. , D4My76: 32 Beds, curtain, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. ,DllAp77: 71--PUAp77s21 Beds, feather, for sale, R25F68: 31, R2F69: 31 at Charles City courthouse, Va. , R18J166: 33 at falls of Potomac, PD22N70s22-- R29N70: 31 at half-way house between Williamsburg and York, Va. , D160c78: 41 at Little England plantation, Va. , 65 Beds, feather, for sale, at Little England plantation (cont'd) P14J175: 41 in Amherst co. , Va. , PD21Mr71: 32 in Fauquier co. , Va. , C30Oc79: 42 in Goochland co. , Va. , PD26Ja69: 32— R2F69: 31 in Granville co. , N. C. , P230c78: 23 in Hanover co. , Va. , PD10N74: 43 in Isle of Wight co. , Va. , D21S76:41— P20S76: 32 in Louisa co. , Va. , D90c79: 12 in Manchester, Va. ,D310c77: 21— P310c77: 13 in Nansemond co. , Va. , D4S79: 31 in Kew Kent co. , Va. , PD290c67: 22, C18D79: 12— D25D79: 31 in Newcastle, Va. , D30c77: 32 in Northumberland co. , Va. , PD5N72:43--R5N72: 21 in Petersburg, Va. , PD60c68: 23 in Peytonsburg, Va. , PD12Ag73: 23 in Prince George co. , Va. , PD3Mr74: 31 in Spotsylvania co. , Va. , R9Je74: 22 in Sussex co. , Va. , P28F77s22 in Williamsburg, Va. , R25F68: 31, PD25J171: 23 in York co. , Va. , PDlAp73: 32 in Yorktown, Va. , PD11F73: 23 Beds, feather, mortgaged, for sale, in Prince George co. , Va. , PD3Mr74: 31 Beds, standing, for sale, in King George co. , Va. , R29N70: 22— PD29N70: 23 Bedsteads, as lottery prizes, PD19My68: 23 for sale, Pi7S75: 32 at half-way house between Williamsburg and York, Va. , D160c78: 41 in Dumfries, Va. , P25J177: 33 in Edenton, N. C. , D28F77: 32 in Elizabeth City co. , Va. , D17Ja77: 22 in Newcastle, Va. , D30c77: 32 in Northumberland co. , Va. , PD5N72: 43— R5N72: 21 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD28J168: 23— R28J168: 31, P15D75: 33, D8Ag77: 22 in Yorktown, Va. , PD11F73: 23, P16F76:33 imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from New Providence, W.I. ,PDllAg68: 23 See also , Black walnut bedsteads; Mahogany bedsteads; Walnut bedstead, suit of curtain with Bedticking, for sale, at Osborne's warehouse, Va. , 250c65s41 in Norfolk, Va. , D14Ja75: 31 stolen, R7Je70: 32 Bedticks, for sale, PD270c74: 23 in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , HOc51: 41, PD19S66: 31, PD25F68: 23 — R3Mr68: 34, PD28S69: 31, PD4Oc70: 31, PDllAp71: 32, PD12D71: 32, Pi6Ap75: 42 in Yorktown, Va. , 29My46: 32 damaged, for sale, in Amelia co. , Va. , PD22J173: 32 lost, adv. for, PD22Ag71: 33 Bee, Capt. , Pil6Mr75: 32— D18Mr75: 23 Thomas, R26J170: 12 Bee, sloop, PD12Mr67: 23 Beech, Rev. Mr. , of Hillsborough, N. J. , D2My77: 12 Patrick, PD140c73: 23, Pi60c74: 33 — PD60c74: 33 Beechwood, captured by British pirates, PD3N68: 12 Beedle, Col. , conduct at The Cedars, Can. , censured by Continental army, P6S76: 22— D7S76: 31 Beedles, Robert, R310c71: 41 Beef, adv. for, P13S76: 32 for Va. armed forces, P13S76: 32, P21N77: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , 240c45: 41 amount purchased by Commissary in Va. ,D11D79: 12 boycotted in Va. Association, PD25My69: 11— RlJe69: 13 captured by Americans in Great bridge, Va. , Pil3D75: 22— D16D75: 33--P15D75: 23 certificate for purchase of, D18Oc80: 31 cleared at naval office, P17Ja77: 33 destroyed by British in Conn. , P16My77:22,D6Je77:12 disposal regulated in N. Y. , Pi22Je75: 12 duties on imported to Grenada, PDlJa67: 22 embargo on, 3S56: 31, C3J179: 23, C30Oc79: 33— D11D79: 22 embargo on laid by Congress, P19Je78:31 embargo on export from Ireland, PD18Ap71: 22 embargo on in Va. , 7Mr55: 31 embargoes on in Ireland, PD4Ap71: 22 export from British colonies, N. Am. , prohibited by Continental congress, D6J176: 21 exported from Accomac district to New Providence, W. I. , PD12Mr67: 32 exported from Cork, Ireland to Martinique, W. I. , 18Ap45: 31 exported from England to Boulogne, Fr. , PD30S73: 22— R30S73s21 exported from Hampton, Va. , to Barbados, W. I. , 13Je45: 41 to Bermuda, 18Ap45: 41 to Boston, Mass. , 10Oc45: 32 to Cape Breton, Can. , 10Oc45: 31 exported from James river, lower district to Antigua, W. I. , 8D52: 31, 26S55: 31,PD10F74: 23 to Barbados, W. I. , 23Ja46: 42, 24N52: 31, 12F62: 31, RUAg68: 24, R12Ja69: 31 to Bermuda, 28F55: 31, HAp55: 22 to Curacao, W. I. , R11D66: 33 to Hull, W. I. , 8D52: 31 to Jamaica, W. I. , 2Mr53: 41, 12F62: 31,PD6Ja74: 32 to Madeira, 27Ag56: 32 to New York City, 23My55: 21 to Nevis, W. I. , 19D55: 22 to Surinam, W. I. , R8S74: 31 to St. Croix, W. I. , 24N52: 31 to South Carolina, PD10Mr74: 31 exported from James river, upper district, Va. , from 1763-1766, PD12F67: 23 to Antigua, W. I. , 9F39: 42, 18My39: 41 to Barbados, W. I. , 29My46: 4, PD22Ja67: 32 to Bermuda, 17Je37: 32, 9F39: 42, 18My39: 41 to Georgia, 9F39: 42, 18My39: 41 to Jamaica, W. I. , 14D39: 11 exported from New York City, PD9Ap67: 22 exported from Philadelphia, Pa. , PD9Ap67: 21 exported from south Potomac district, Va. , to Bermuda, 8D52: 31 exported from York district, Va. , to Barbados, W. I. , 4J145: 32, 9D37: 42 to Jamaica, W. I. , 25Ap55: 22 to N. C. , 21S39: 41, 2N39: 21, 25Ja40: 3 for British army, 29Ag45: 22, 3J146: 21 for British navy,D18N75: 21,D16Mr76: 31, P3My76: 22— D4My76: 31, P17My76: 21— D18My76: 31 for Continental army, P14Mr77: 22, P3Ap78sll for sale, in Cumberland, Va. , P19Ja76: 33 in Henrico co. , Va. , D21N77: 21— P21N77: 32 in Manakin town, Va. , D10Oc77: 22 in Middlesex co. , Va. , P16My77s31 in Norfolk borough, Va. , PD28F71: 41 in Petersburg, Va. ,D160c79: 12 in Portsmouth, Va. , P18J177sll from James river, lower district, Va. , to Jamaica, W. I. , 8D52: 31 import to Great Britain from Ireland free, PD22Ja67: 21, PD12F67: 13 imported to Accomac district, Va. , from Md. , R25D66: 31 imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from New York City, PD10F74: 23 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from Barbados, W. I. , PD10F74: 23 from Cork, Ire. , PD13J169: 32 imported to York district, Va. , from N. C. , 20J139: 41, 2N39: 31, 25Ja40: 4 inspection in Va. authorized, D27D76: 22--P3Ja77: 13 inspection regulated by general assembly, 17Ap46: 22, PD28D69: 23 — R28D69: 23, RllJa70: 23 price of, in Belfast, Ire. , 2F39: 31 in Boston, Mass. , PD9Mr69: 13, P18Ag75: 12, P18Ag75: 22— D19Ag75: 31, Pi2N75: 32--P3N75: 23, PilOJa76: 22— P12Ja76: 23— D13Ja76: 23 in Cherbourg, Fr. , P3Mr75: 22— D4Mr75: 21 in Coventry, Eng ,R11D66:22 in Dublin, Ire. , D18N75: 13 in Edinburgh, Scot. , R22S68: 21 in Eng. , PD30S73: 22— R30S73s21 in Ga. , 10S36: 42 in Ireland, PD8Ag71: 22 in London, Eng. , PD8Ag71: 21, PD2S73' 13 in Manchester, Eng. , PD15Ag71: 11 in New York City, D27N79: 21 in Philadelphia, Pa. , 280c37: 32, 20Ja38: 32, 5My38: 22. HAg38: 32, 6Ap39: 22, HMy39: 41, 25My39: 41, 8Je39: 41, 22Je39: 31, 20J139: 32, 3Ag39: 41, 28S39: 41, R28J168: 24. P21N77: 22. D5D77: 11--P5D77: 22 in Smithfield, Eng. , PD25Mr73: 22— R25Mr73: 32 in Va. .D11D79: 21 in W. I. , D16Mr76: 31. P13Je77: 21 66 Beet seeds, red, for sale price regulated in Williamsburg, Va. , D24J179: 21 prizes for,R23S73: 32 provisions for Dunmore's troops, D31Ag76:31 purchased for Virginia regiments, P29S75: 11--D30S75: 32--Pi50c75: 33 scarce in Boston, Mass. , P18Ag75: 22— D19Ag75: 32 scarce in England, PD4F73: 22 scarce in Henrico co. . Va. , Pi6D75: 31 seized by British in St. John's, Antigua. W. I. , D6Ap76: 21 on Fisher's island, N. Y. , Pi7S75: 12 seized from British at Fort Nassau, New Providence, W. I. , D4My76: 32 seized from British ship, 17J152: 31, P8D75: 21--Pi9D75: 31, P5Ja76(5)sl3 — D6Ja76: 32, P5Ja76(5)s22— Pi6Ja76: 31.D13Ja76: 32.D10F76: 31, D2Mr76: 21, P10My76: 21 — DllMy76: 32, P31My76: 12— DUe76: 12, DHOc76: 21.D8N76: 11 — P8N76: 21, P22N76: 21, D24Ja77: 21, D16My77: 12--P16My77: 21. D6Je77: U--P6Je77: 21, P25J177: 11, P30c77: 12, P7N77: 12, D8My79: 21, D5Je79: 21, D11S79: 21, D230c79: 22 seized from French ship, 5D45: 41, 240c55: 12, 7N55: 12 tax on in Fr. , PD5S71: 11 Beef, cargo, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD30J172: 32 Beef, damaged, for sale, in James City co. . Va. ,D18S79: 31 in Petersburg, Va. . D5F80: 33 — C19F80: 32 in Yorktown, Va. , P30c77: 22 Beef, Irish, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD10S72: 31, PD150c72: 23 — R220c72: 31 imported to Great Britain free, PD3Mr68: 22 Beef, Irish cargo, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD30J172: 32 Beef, Irish mess, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. . PD30J172: 32 Beef, Irish salt, price of in Antigua, W. I. , PD23My66: 12 Beef, offal, price of in Boston, Mass. , D2S75: 21 Beef, salted, duty on import to St. Croix from N. Am. reduced, PD17Mr74: 22 export from U. S. forbidden, P10Ja77: 31 exported from Ire. to W. I. , P12My75: 11 for British army in Boston, Mass. , D30S75: 11 for British navy, PD10D72: 12 for sale, in Princess Anne co. , Va. , P19Je78:31 seized from British ship, D24Ag76: 22 Beef, smoke, exported from Accomac district, Va. , to R. I. , PD6Ag67: 32, PD26My68: 22--R26My68: 31 Beef, stalled, adv. for, in Williamsburg, Va. ,D13D76:42 purchased for Virginia regiments, D30S75: 32--P29S75: Il--Pi50c75: 33 Beehive, cutter, 9My45: 31 Beehives, prize for in N. Y. . PD10Mr68: 22 Beekman, Col. , assemblyman in N. Y. , 23N39: 41 Beekman' s slip, New York City, PD8S68: 22 Beeler. Charles, tried for counterfeiting, P24Ja77: 23 Beeman, Israel, D170c77: 21 Joseph, Capt. , of the Elizabeth, PD20Je66: 22 Been, Mr. , attorney, R2N69: 31 Beer, bartered for barley, D27N79: 31 boycotted in Va. Association, PD25My69: ll--RUe69: 13 brewing encouraged in Scot. , PB4N73: 12 exported from Hampton, Va. , to Md. , 18Ap45:41 exported from James river, upper district, Va. , from 1763-1766, PD12F67: 23 exported from N. Y. , PD9Ap67: 22 exported from Philadelphia, Pa. , PD9Ap67: 21 for British army, 25S46: 32 in Boston, Mass. , P5Ja76: 31, D13Ja76: 13 in N. Y. . R25D66: 22 for sale, at Marlborough brewery, Va. , R30My66: 42--PD18Ap66: 31 in Charles City co. . Va. , PD1S74: 32 in Norfolk, Va. , PD10Ag69: 32 in Stafford co. , Va. , R23N69: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD150c67: 22, PD28S69: 31 in Urbanna, Va. , Pi4My75: 33— P5My75: 23 frozen in N. Y. , R25Mr73: 22 imported to Hampton, Va. , from Md. , 18Ap45: 32 from Philadelphia, Pa. , 9My45: 32 imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from Md. , PD6Ja74: 32 from Philadelphia, Pa. , 24N52: 22, PD20Ja74: 23 imported to York district, Va. , from Hampton, Va. , 8D52: 31 made from pumpkins, P17F75sl3 manufacturers of. PD26Mr67: 23 plentiful in S. C. , PD14D69: 12 recipe for making from corn, P17F75s21 seized from British ship, Pi9N75: 12, D24Ag76: 22, D30c77: 12 taxes on in Germany, PD16Ap67: 12 taxes on in Ireland, PD3Mr68: 21, PD27F72: 23 taxes on in Great Britain, PD28Mr66: 32. PD20N66: 13, R3My70: 11, PD22S74: 22, PD20Oc74: 22, D22Ap75: 12 used in cure for bite of mad dog, PD7D69sll See also Burton's beer; Cuninghame's beer; Taunton beer Beer, bottled, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD19F67: 31--R19F67: 23, PD26Mr67: 23, R4Ag68: 31, R18Ag68: 32--PD18Ag68: 31, PD5Ag73: 23 imported to James river, upper district, Va. . from Boston, Mass. . 18Ja40: 42 Beer, English, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 12Mr52: 31 Beer, Liverpool, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD3Je73: 32 — R3Je73: 23 Beer, Liverpool bottled, for sale, in Norfolk. Va. , PD12Mv74: 43 Beer. New York, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD27Je71: 32 Beer, small, for British army, in Ga. . PD7Ja68: 31 Beer, Yorkshire, for sale, in Yorktown, Va. , 29My46: 32 Beer houses, in New York City, R19F67: 22 Beerhaven, Ire. . See Privateers, American, capture British ships off; Shipwrecks near Bees, tamed in Eng. , PD11D66: 13, PD11D66: 21,PD15Ja67:22 Beesly, Capt. , of the Bumper, 15My46: 32 Beeson, Edward, defendant in Chancery court, R9Je74: 22 Beeswax, adv. for, in Portsmouth, Va. , PD10c72: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , C28Ag79: 42 exported from Accomac district, Va. , to Philadelphia, Pa. , PD22D63: 31 exported from James river, lower district, Va. , to Cadiz, Sp. , RllF68:31,PD6Ja74:32 to Lisbon, Port. , 8D52: 31 to Madeira, RllAg68: 24 exported from James river, upper district, Va. , from 1763-1766, PD12F67: 23 to Cadiz, Sp. , PD31Mr68: 23— R26My68: 31 to Dublin, PD14Ja68: 31 to Lisbon, Port. , PD22D68: 31, PD28D69: 31, PD14Je70: 32 to Liverpool, Eng. , PD3Mr68: 31 — R3Mr68: 31 to London, Eng. , PD28J168: 23, RllAg68: 31 — PDllAg68: 23, PD13S70: 23 to Madeira, 9Ja46: 4, PD19F67: 31 — R19F67: 22, PD2Ap67: 23, PD23Ap67: 31, PD30Ap67: 32, PD10D67: 31 to Philadelphia, Pa. , PD270c68: 42 to Salem, Mass. , PD22D68: 31 exported from New York City, PD9Ap67: 22 exported from York district, Va. , to Bristol, Eng. , 7N45: 31 to Liverpool, Eng. , 270c52: 21 to London, Eng. , 16Je38: 42, 120c52: 31 to Madeira, 8Ap37: 41, 10F38: 31, 24N38: 42, 12Ja39: 42, 22Je39: 31, 24Ag39: 31, 21S39: 41, 2N39: 21, 25Ja40: 3, 19J154: 31, 25Ap55: 22 imported to Accomac district, Va. , from Md. ,R25D66: 13 imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from Africa, 29S52: 31 imported to York district, Va. , from N. C. , 20J139: 41, 2N39: 31. 25Ja40: 4 produced in Pensacola, Fla. , PD13N66: 11 seized by British in St. John's, Antigua, W. I. ,D6Ap76: 21 Beet seeds, for sale, in Richmond, Va. , D9S75: 32,D3F76: 33 Beet seeds, early, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD3Mr74: 32 Beet seeds, late, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD3Mr74: 32 Beet seeds, red, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD26Mr67: 32, PD10Mr68: 32 — R10Mr68: 33 67 Beet seeds, red, for sale (cont'd) in Richmond, Va. , PD26Mr67: 32, PD10Mr68: 32--R10Mr68: 33, D3F76: 33 Beet seeds, white, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD26Mr67: 32, PD10Mr68: 32--R10Mr68: 33 in Richmond, Va. , PD26Mr67: 32, PD10Mr68: 32— R10Mr68: 33 Beetle nut, monopolies on, in India, R10D72: 11 Beets, for sale, PD26Mr67: 32 in Richmond, Va. , D3F76: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD3Mr74: 32 Beeves, stalled, for sale, in Mecklenburg co. , Va. , P17Ja77: 32 in Orange co. , Va. , P14F77: 33 Begbie, Alexander, imprisoned in Havana, Cuba, D19F80: 23 Beggars, PD25F73: 32 in Lancashire, Eng. , PD30Je68: 11 in Paris, Fr. , RllJa70: 11 See also Convict servants as Beggar's Bennison, ship, PD29D68: 23, PD25Je72: 31 Begging, in London, Eng. , PD13F72: 23 methods of prevention attempted in Fr. , PD24Je73: 12 Begot, Dusont, PD15Ap73: 22 — R15Ap73: 22 Beheading, as punishment for runaway slaves, PD16Ap67: 32, R4F68: 42, PD15S68: 31--R15S68: 24,R270c68: 33, PD4My69: 33, PD3Ja71: 32— R10Ja71: 41, PD7F71: 31, PD16My71: 32, R23My71: 32, PD29Ap73: 31 as punishment for slaves, PD1J173: 33 for plotting insurrection in Jamaica, W.I. ,PDllAp71:21 Behn, oil of, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 20Je45: 41, 15My46: 41, 5S51: 32, 30Ap52: 32, PD13Ap69: 32— R13Ap69: 32 Beirb, Thomas, 9My55: 22 Belchen, Admiral, of the Victory, PD20N66: 12 Belchenzoff, Capt. , of the Saratoffe, PD28J174: 23 Belcher, Capt. , of the Perry, 12Mr52: 22 Alexander, Capt. , of the Godolphin, 24Ap52: 12 Jacob, R4Ag74: 32 James, 27Mr52: 31 James, Capt. , of the Berry, 21Mr45: 41, 18Ap51: 22, 30J152: 31, 24N52: 22, 19J154: 32, 19J154: 42, 28Mr55: 32 of the Timothy and Jacob, 11F37: 42, 27My37: 41, 10Mr38: 42, 2Je38: 41, 20Ap39: 11, 13J139: 42, 24Ag39: 3, 2N39: 2, 25Ja40: 12, 25Ja40: 3 Jonathan, gov. of Mass. and N. J. , 28S39: 32, 12S55: 12, 12S55: 21 Mary (Partridge), 26N36: 41 Thomas, R16Mr69: 33 Belches, James, R11D66: 33 Belding, Jonathan, PD8S68: 22 Belew, Capt. , of the Romney, PD1N70:21--R1N70:22 Belfast, Ireland, See Emigration from; Exports from N. Y. , to; Immigration to Charleston, S. C. , from; Immigration to N. Y. , from; Imports to London, Eng., from; Imports to Va. , from; Merchants in; Prices current in; Redemptioners. adv. for in; Ships from N. Y. , to; Ships' sailing time; Ships to America from; Ships to Charleston, S. C. , from; Ships to Nevis is. , W. I. , from; Ships to N. Y. from; Ships to Newcastle, Del. , from; Ships to Phila. , Pa. , from; Ships to Providence, R. I. , from Belfast courant, extract from, 3J146: 22 Belfield, Mr. , coachman of, 12S45: 41 Widow, plantation of, 12S45: 41 John, PD28Ja73: 31--R28Ja73: 33, R31Mr74: 32, P14Je76p22, P19S77: 13 Belford, Capt. , PD31Ja71: 23 Lt. Gen. , commander of British army in America, PD29Ap73: 21 William, Capt. , of the Terrible, 14S39: 21 Belfort, France, See Storms in Belfour, Capt. , of the Royal Oak, R15J173sll Belgium, military preparations of, 28N45: 11 subsidy for A ustro- Turkish war rumored, 14Ja37: 21 See also Austrian army, recruiting for in; Floods in; Hanoverian troops in; Storms in Belgian army, recruiting for,R280c73: 21 Belgrade, Yugos. , siege of, 9N39: 11, 16N39:31,28D39:21 See also Earthquakes in; Hurricanes in Belidor, Bernard F. , de. , Col. , HAp51:31 Belinda Esther, ship, 5My38: 22 Belhaven, earl of [John Hamilton], Pil6Mr75: 12 Belhaven, Va. , See Churches in; Copper mines near; Land for sale near; Market houses in; Landings in; Lots for sale in; Lotteries in; Taverns in; Warehouses, described, in Believer, pseud. , PD18Je72: 32, PD10S72: 13,R18Mr73: 22 Bell, Capt. ,24Ap52:21,12D55: 32, PD21Mr66: 31, PD30Ja72: 32, P10My76: 21--DllMy76: 33 company of, P15Ag77: 31 of the Dove, PD16J167: 21 of the Hopewell, D29Ja80: 21 of the James River, 24Mr38: 42 of the Lively, D3J179: 22 of the Molly, Pi28Ap75: 32 of the Nancy Bacon, D230c79: 22 of the Prince of Wales, R24Je73: 23 Mr. , PD21J168: 31--R21J168: 32, PD21J168: 31 arrives in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD15S74: 31 imprisoned in Halifax jail, N. C. , P22Mr76: 12--D23Mr76: 32 of Dumfries, Va. , 26S55: 32 of London, Eng. , 2My51: 41 ship of, 16Je38: 32 Adam, PD150c72: 31, P29N76: 31 P23My77: 32 Alexander, PD7J168: 23, R26J170: 22, P28F77: 23 Boaz, Capt. , of the Friendship, 22J137: 41 David, 20Je51: 41, 17J152: 32, 12Mr52: 22, PD21Ap68: 23 David, Capt. , 14N55: 22, 12D55: 41 George, R26J170: 22, Pi22Je75: 33 George, Capt. , of the Elizabeth. PD8S68p22--R25Ag68s23, PD2?Oc68: 42, PD270c68: 43 Henry, R12Ja69: 32, RllMr73: 33, 0210c75: 33, P20D76: 22, PD19D71: 22 Humphry, 23Je38: 41, 7Ag52: 32 James, PD12F67: 32, RllMy69: 43, PD14Je70: 31, PD17N74: 22, PD24N74: 31,D230c79: 32 James, Capt. , D25Mr75: 33 John, blacksmith, announces departure. PD14Mr66: 32, PD22S68: 31 adv. finding horses, PD24Ja71: 33 adv. for missing horse, PD3S72: 31 adv. land for sale,D30Oc78: 42 appointed ensign of Charles City co. , Va. , company, Pil4S75: 31— D16S75: 32 on surveying trip, PD8S74: 23 John, Lt. ,P2My77sll John Miller, D27N79: 31 Joseph, D1J175: 31, P6Mr78: 42 Joseph, Capt. ,D30Oc79: 21 Robert, adv. books for sale, R5S71: 33, PD16Ap72: 32--R23Ap72: 33 adv. books to be published, PD2My71: 32— R30My71: 31 adv. for subscriptions for books, R2My71: 23, PD26S71: 31--R26S71: 33 inoculated for smallpox, PD20Oc68: 21 takes subscriptions for Gale's complete surveyor, PD22J173: 32 Roger, D25Mr75: 32--P7Ap75: 33 Samuel, P15Ag77: 11 Samuel A. , P7Mr77: 23, P11J177: 42 Silvanus,P10My76sl2 Thomas, P8Ag77: 43 accused of being an impostor, 310c45:41 elected to Orange co. , Va. committee of observation, D28Ja75: 23 executed for robbery, PD4J171: 13 prisoner escaped from Isle of Wight co. , Va. , jail, 21J138: 32 proposes writing book of travels, 14Ag52: 31 reformation of, 17J152: 32, 24J152: 22 security on bond, PD27Ag67: 31 suspected of horse stealing in N. Y. , 15My46: 32 unclaimed tobacco of, C13N79: 22 uses pseudonym of Burnet, 16N39: 21 Thomas, Lt. Col. , PD3D67: 23 William, DllMr80: 33 adv. finding horse, PD2My66: 32, PD27N66: 32, PD25J171: 23, PD25F73: 32 adv. for stolen boat, R23My71: 31 adv. holding runaway slave, R28Mr71: 33 adv. ownership of land, PD13My73: 41 adv. slave held in jail, R27S70: 33 disavows bond, D18D79: 31 elected to Orange co. , Va. , committee of observation, D28Ja75: 23 jailer, PD13My73: 43 letter of in post office, PDllAp66: 41 slave of, R19S73: 23 Bell, brigantine, PD16N69: 22 jackass, R21My72: 23 ship, PD28Mr71: 31 — R28Mr71: 32, PD170c71: 22, PD22Ap73: 31 — R22Ap73: 33, PD210c73: 21 — R210C73: 21, R21Ap74: 23. PD21Ap74: 23, PD22S74: 32,D18Mr75: 32 snow, 14Mr51: 42 68 Benger Bell-Air, plantation, Va. , PD2F69: 31-- R2F69: 23 Bell metal mortars, for sale, in Gloucester co. , Va. , PD9N69: 23 near Warwick, Va. ,D28F77: 32 Bell Size Arabian, horse, C13My80: 41 Bella Louise, ship, 29Ag45: 21 Bellair, horse, PD23Ap67: 23 Bellaman, William, 20Oc38: 32 Bellamy, Mr. , of Charleston, S. C. , D19F80: 22 Belle Poule, Fr. frigate, D13N78: 21 Fr. ship. D5Je79: 22,D19Mr79: 21, D24Ap79: 22 Belleisle, H. M. S. , PD31Ja71: 22, PD1J173: 22--R1J173: 21, D28Mr77: 61 ship, R11F68:31 sloop, PD11F68: 23 Belleisle straits, N. Am. , See British navy in; Fisheries, British in; Fisheries, French in; Ships to Boston, Mass. , from; Stealing by Eskimos in Bellem, Portugal, described, PD24Ja71: 22 Belles lettres, teachers of, in Westmoreland co. , Va. , P9My77: 41 Bellew, Capt. ,D15Je76: 51 arranges visit of wife in Philadelphia, Pa. , P24My76: 23 of the Liverpool, D2D75: 13, P2F76s21, P10My76: 31 of the Solebay,D23S75: 21 requests supplies for British in Va. , P29D75s22 responsible for destruction of Norfolk, Va. ,P9F76:31 treatment of James Caldwell, D13J176:42 Mrs. , visit to Phila. , Pa. , prohibited, P24My76: 23 Henry, Capt. , requests withdrawal of American forces at Norfolk, Va. . P19Ja76: 31--D20Ja76: 33--Pi2F76s21 Bellini, Charles, D8Ja80: 42 Bellona, armed brig, D90c79: 22 guard ship, D14Mr77: 21 H. M. S. , 21N51: 22, PD31Ja71: 22 privateer, D12F79: 32, D19F79: 32, D26Mr79: 21, D2Ap79: 31, D25Mr80: 21 ship, 18S46: 31, PD10Ja71: 12 Bellows, forge, captured by Americans, D13Ja76:42 Bellows, hand, captured by Americans, D13Ja76:42 Bellows, Smith's, imported to James river, jpper district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , PD7S69: 31 Bellows, stock, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 Bells, cast in Williamsburg, Va. , 60c38: 61 for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD4Je72: 32, R150c72: 31, PD220c72: 23--R220c72: 23 seized from British at Fort Nassau, New Providence, W. I. ,D4My76: 32 See also Corals and Bells; Silver mounted chased bells Bells, church, in St. Augustine, Fla. , PD150c72:22 Bells, house, 8Ag51: 32 for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 8Ag51: 32, PDllAp66: 41, PDllAp71: 32, PD12D71: 32, PD11N73: 22 Bells, table, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22 Bellsize Arabian, horse, R18F68: 33, D2Ap79:31 Bellunese, See^ Floods in Belmare, brig, P230c78: 31 Belnawer, Lt. , captured by American ship near Boston, Mass. , D13J176: 62 Belong, Joseph, R7J174: 32 Belott, Abraham, PD6F72: 32 Belr, horse, PD1N70: 22 Belsches, Mr. , PD26F67: 32 Hugh, PD9My66: 31, PD10D67: 32, PD28Ja68: 31, PD15Je69: 32, PD28F77s22 James, PD20Je66: 31, PD5S66s32, PDUa67: 32, PD14My67: 31, PD18Oc70: 31, PD5D71: 32, PD26N72: 22, PD30Je74: 31 adv. bids for warehouse, PD18Ag68: 32 adv. brigantine for charter, PD16N69: 22 adv. estate of Dr. Patrick Adams for sale, RlMr70: 32 — PD8Mr70: 42 adv. for bids for repairing chapel at Cabin Point, Va. , PD21My72: 23 adv. for runaway apprentices, D21Ja75: 32 adv. for runaway slaves, P12Je78: 31, C3J179: 41 adv. for schoolmaster, PD19D71: 31, PD23D73: 23 adv. land for sale, PD18F68: 32-- R18F68: 32, PD16Ag70: 42, PD19D71: 32, D25Mr80: 32 adv. mortgaged slaves for sale, PD27S70: 32, PD1N70: 23 adv. property of William Simons for sale, PD16Ap67: 31, PD19D71: 32 adv. ship for charter, PD 180c 7 0:4 2 adv. slaves for sale, PD19D71: 32, PD25Je72: 32 defendant in suit, PD15Je69: 32 holds mortgage on land, PD9My66: 31 land of, D3Ja77: 31 plaintiff in suit, PD28Ja68: 31 postpones sale of slaves, PD8N70: 22 requests payment of debts, PD9My66: 31 store at, PD130c74: 31 suit of, PD10D67: 32 trustee for Kennon estate, PD17D67: 32-- R24D67: 32 James, Capt. , D18F75: 32 James & co. , PD26N67: 23 P. , D3Ja77: 31 Belt, Sergeant, killed in battle of White Plains, N. Y. ,D29N76:31 Humphrey, R31Mr68: 34 Belts, captured by Americans, D13Ja76: 42 Belts, shot, for sale, in Gloucester, Va. ,D20Ap76: 33--P19Ap76sll Belvidere plantation, Va. , 4N63: 31, R8Ag66: 41, R22S68: 23--PD22S68: 23, PD8Mr70: 33 Belvidere, schooner, PD8S74: 22 Belvin, Aaron, D24Ja77: 41--P24Ja77: 31 George, D24Ja77: 41--P24Ja77: 31 Lewis, D24Ja77: 41--P24Ja77: 31 Belvoir plantation, Va. , PD210c73: 23-- R210c73: 22, PD2Je74: 32-- R2Je74:22 — Pi5Ja75: 43, PD20Oc74: 32--Pi20Oc74: 32, C30Oc79: 41 Bemish, Thomas, P15S75: 32 Benbury, Ruth, PD3N74pll Thomas, PD24My70: 42 Bence, Daniel, P14N77: 33 Benches, work, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. .P12D77: 23 Benches, workmen's, for sale, in Henrico co. , Va. , D12D77: 21-- P12D77: 32 Bencoolen, Sumatra, See Ships from Bender, Besserabia, fall of, 25N37: 11 See also Distemper in; Plague in; Russian army near Benedict XV, pope, R17Mr74: 13 Benedict, Rev. Mr. , of Newent, Conn. , PDllN73s22 Benedict, Md. , See Merchants in Benedict, sloop, 23D37: 42 Benedictines, conflict over land in Sobiaco, Italy, 10J152: 12 in France, controls on, PD17Ag69: 23 Benefit [of clergy], for woman convicted of felony, 5My38:41 Benevolence, pseud. , PD28My67: 32, PDUJe67: 23, PD16J167: 33, PD5My68: 23 Benevolus, pseud. , R11D66: 12, PD25Je67: 13, R7F71: 31, PDllMr73: 23, PD18Mr73: 31, R21J174: 21-- PD24N74: 13 Benezet, Daniel, RllOc70: 23 John, Pil2Ja75: 32, P24F75s21 Philip, RllOc70: 22 Benfield, Sarah, 29S52: 32 Benford, James, R8N70: 11 Peter, 17N38: 41 Thomas, PD16Je74: 22 Bengal, India, administration by British government proposed, PD80c72: 21 British attack on proposed, PD26N72: 12 British rule in criticized, PD22S74: 23-- R22S74: 31 British strength in, PD9S73: 13-- R9S73: 22 code of laws for prepared, PD2Ap72: 23 conditions in, R31Mr74: 21 court regulation proposed, PD18Je72: 21, PD18Je72: 22 desolation in described, R21My72: 21 donation money of, PD11F68: 21 English nabob defeated, PD31D72: 31 French landings on rumored, PD12Mr72:21 government given to Clive family, PDlAg66: 13 payments to East India co. , PD4J166: 12 pays war donations to British, PD4J166: 11 trade with France, Pi23Mr75: 21 See also Anecdotes from; British army from; British army in; British army to; British navy, ships built in; British navy to; Dockyards in; East India co. , British, peace with; Famines in; Imports to Eng. , from; Imports to Port 1' Orient, Fr. , from; Imports to Spithead, Eng. , from; Rice, monopoly on in; Rice, price of, in; Ships from; Ships' sailing time; Ships to Falmouth, Eng. , from; Ships to Kinsale, Ire. , from; Shipwrecks near; Women, British in Benger, Mr. , 28J138: 41 Dorothea, 28F55: 41 69 Benger (cont'd) Elliott, 10c36: 42, 7Ja37: 42 John, 2Mr53: 42, PD27N66: 31 Benhan, John, R12My68: 22 Benistre, sloop, R21Ja73: 31 Benjamin, Joseph, PI lAp77: 31 Benjamin, schooner, PD10Mr74: 31, D4F75: 31 ship, 23F39: 22, R25D66: 13, PD22Ja67: 32, PD12Mr67: 32, R12Ja69: 23, PD16S73: 21 Benly, James, 28F55: 41 Benn, James, 15Ap37: 42 John, Capt. , of the Mally, PD28My67: 32 Bennatt, Richard, PD27F72: 33 Bennet, Capt. , 24S36: 22, 210c37: 11, HAg38:32,13Je45:31 Mr. , of Chestertown, Md. , 30My51: 22 of Long island, N. Y. .D20J176: 21 Abigail, 12Je52: 21 [Benjamin], Rev. Mr. , author, PD25F68: 41, PD29N70: 21, PD13D70: 42, PD3Ja71: 42, PD17Ja71: 42, PD24Ja71: 42, PD7F71: 42, PD21F71: 42, PD7Mr71: 42, PD21Mr71: 42, PD28Mr71: 42, PD18J171: 23, PD25J171: 33, PDlAg71: 41, PD8Ag71: 41, PD17S72: 21, PD10Je73: 31 George, 3 1J146: 42 John, PD28My72: 23 Lydia,PD3N74pll Mason, PD7J168: 23 Michael, PD25Je67: 22 Robert, Capt. , of the Brilliant, PD29Je69: 31, PD6J169: 32, PD10Ag69: 32, PD23N69: 31 — R23N69: 22, PD7D69: 31--R7D69: 11, PD28D69: 31, PD17Ja71: 23, PD220c72: 21, PD31D72: 32, PD18N73: 21— R18N73: 23, PD6Ja74: 32, PD19My74: 42 — R19Mv74:23,DllF75:23 William, Capt. , PD25Je67: 22 Bennet' s creek, N. C. , See Land for sale on; Landings on; Maple timber on; Oak timber on; Walnut timber on Bennett, Capt. , of the Hopewell, 21Mr51:32 Adam, PD30Ag70: 33, R20Je71: 33, P9F76: 11 Anne,R17F74:32 Richard, 20Oc52: 32, PD12Ag73: 31 Robert, Capt. , of the Mally, 4N63: 21, PD9My66: 23, PD16My66: 23, PD13N66: 21, PD22Ja67: 32, PD20Ag67: 23, PD17S67: 13, PD18F68: 23— R18F68: 31, PD31Mr68: 23--R26My68: 31, PD25Ag68: 21,R25Ag68: 32— PD1S68: 23, PD22S68: 23--R22S68: 23 Thomas, P12J176sl2 Walter, PD7N71: 31 William, PD14N71: 22--R21N71: 33, PD30Ja72: 33--R6F72: 31 William, Capt. , RllOc70: 32, R10Ja71: 31- PD10Ja71: 32 Bennett & Browne, adv. damaged goods for sale,R190c69sl3 Benney, Capt. , of the Bedford, R21F7L32 John, R2My71: 42 Robert, Capt. , of the Pelican, PD28J168: 22--R28J168: 23 Benning, ship, PD18Ja70: 32 Bennington, Vt. , American victory at praised, D12S77: 12— P12S77: 21 battle at described, D5S77: 11— P5S77: 12 battle underlies Burgoyne's defeat, D16Ap79: 12 Bennit, James, PD17Ag69: 13 Richard, D13N79: 22 Bennitt, Absalom, PD10N74: 42 Bensley, William, Capt. , of the Carlisle, R9Je74: 21 Benson, Capt. , PD12My74: 42— R12My74: 32 captured by Americans, D13J176: 52 of the Betsey, D7Ja75: 31, P12My75: 21 James, PD13Je71: 23 John, D20N79: 32 Robert, Pi22Je75: 12, P9Ag76: 21, D13Ja76:22,D27Ja76: 12 Robert, Capt. , of the Rogers, PD8Ap73: 23, R8Ap73: 32, PD20Ja74: 23, PD10Mr74: 23, PD6Ja74: 31, PD7Ap74: 23 Thomas, P30Je75s23 William, Capt. , of the Friendship, PD12N67: 21, PD18F68: 23, PD20Ap69: 23 of the Rogers, PD13S70: 23 Bentick, Capt. , of the Centaur, PD25Ap71: 21, PD24Je73: 21, PD1J173: 13, PD2S73: 12--R2S73: 13 Bentley, Capt. , of the Cumberland, PD19My74: 32 of the Nancy, D22My79: 21 Mr. , mistreated by Gov. Hamilton, D17J179: 12 James, P130c75: 11— D210c75: 31, P19J176: 41, P18Ap77: 32, C18D79: 12 John, PD22Ap73: 31, R22Ap73: 33, - PD10Je73: 21— R10Je73: 33, P18Ap77s32, D12Mr79: 32 Richard, Capt. , of the Richard and Mary, 28Mr55: 32 Samuel, PD7Je70: 32, R12J170: 41, PD20Ja74: 32 Thomas, PD16Ag70: 33--R23Ag70: 33, D13N79: 31 William, D22My79: 41 adv. for deserters, PI lAp77s23 chosen second It. of Va. regiments, P16F76sl3 clerk of committee of Hanover co. , Va. , D18N75: 31,D27Ja76: 11, P16F76sl3,P16F76s22 ensign in Gloucester co. , Va. , militia, P130c75: 11— D210c75: 31 Bentnick, Capt. , PD26Ag73: 12 Jesse, PD20Ja74: 33, D8Ag77: 31 Berard, freres, & co. , merchant in Port 1' Orient, Fr. , P14N77: 22 Berbice, Guiana, claims to, PD20N66: 13 Beresford, Mr. , of Charleston, S. C. , R26J170: 13 Berford, St. Lawrence, 11J145: 41 Berg, [George], composer, PD25J166: 22 Bergamot, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 2My55: 22 Bergamot, essence of, for sale, in Newcastle, Va. , PD19N72: 22 in Richmond, PD7Je70: 33, PD10S72: 23, PD17Je73: 33 — R17Je73s23 in Williamsburg, Va. , 30N59: 32, PD18Je67: 32, PD10N68: 22-- R3N68: 33, PD21S69: 33 — R21S69s21, PD21S69: 41 — R21S69s21,R12J170:31, PD240c71: 31, PD290c72: 22— R290c72: 22 Bergen, N. Y. , evacuation of, D250c76: 32, P250c76: 21 skirmish at, P18J177: 21--D25J177: 21 Bergen, Norway, See Fires in Bergen co. , N. J. , — coroner's statement, PD290c67: 12 See also Murders by slaves Berglesau, Germany, See Mountains in Bergues, duchy of, 10N38: 12, 26Ja39: 22, 15Je39: 21 ceded to house of Sultzbach, lAp37: 21 claims to, 14Ja37: 22, 21Ja37: 22, 4F37: 21, 4Mr37: 32, 3Je37: 21, 3Je37: 31, 8J137: 21, 16S37: 21, 11N37: 22, 17Mr38: 11, 19My38: 21, 30Je38: 11, 15S38: 31, 29S38: 22, 3N38: 11, 15D38: 12, 26Ja39: 21, 30Mr39: 12, 22Je39: 21, 6J139: 21, 27J139: 31, 7S39: 11, 9N39: 11, R16F69: 11 Bering straits, islands in discovered by Russians, PD29Ap73: 12 Berkeley, bishop of Cloyne, author, PD17S72: 22 Dr. , author, PD9S73: 41 Edmund, adv. for runaway slave, PD310c71:31 adv. theft of silver lamp, PD12S66: 32 delegate from Middlesex co. , Va. , to Va. convention, DllMr75: 31, DlAp75:21,P26My75s42 elected burgess from Middlesex co. , Va. , R18J171: 31, PD5D71: 31, PD21J174p23— R21J174: 32 George, Dr. , R25Ag74: 23, D18N75: 41 John,D21S76:42 Nelson, PillMy75: 32— P12My75s21— D13My75:23,D23S75:42, D13Je77: 22— P13Je77: 32, D5D77: 21 — P5D77: 31 Reuben, R16Je68: 34 Salley, 19N36: 41 William, Sir, gov. of Va. , PD17N68: 21, PD23F69: 11, R19My74: 41 Berkeley, Va. , See Horses stolen in Berkeley co. , Va. , burgesses elected in, PD4Ag74: 23 census requested, D27Ap76: 33— P19Ap76p23 Chancery court, suit in, R8Ap73: 33, R9Je74: 22 delegates elected, P9My77: 23 established, PD9Ap72: 32 in sixth senatorial district, D26F79: 32 list of tithables for 1774 not returned, Pil8My75: 33— P19My75s32— D20My75: 33 senator elected, D250c76: 42— P250C76: 22, P9My77: 23 sheriffs, R8Ap73: 33, R9Je74: 22 See also Apple orchards in; Barns in; Bloomer ies in; Books published in; Cooper's shop in; Dairies in; Distilleries in; Dwelling houses in; Houses in; Indentured servants runaway from; Iron in; Kitchens in; Land, mortgaged in; Land, ownership of, disputed in; Land for rent in; Land for sale in; Lead ore in; Lime in; Merchant mills in; Militia in; Mills in; 70 Bernard Overseers' houses in; Orchards in; Quarters Negro, in; Sawmills in; Slaves for hire in; Slaves for sale in; Slaves runaway from; Smith's shops in; Springs in; Stables in; Stealing in; Stone houses in; Tobacco houses in; Tub mills in; Vendues in Berkeley mills, Va. , RllMr73: 32 Berkeley parish, Spotsylvania co. , Va. , rectors, PD16Ja72: 32 See also Glebe houses in Berkeley plantation, Va. , HAp51: 41, 5S51: 32, 17J152: 32, 21Ag52: 31, 60c52: 32, R23J167: 31, R24D67: 33, R18Oc70: 23--PD18Oc70s22, R23Ap72: 31, PD24S72: 22, PD10D72: 23, PD8Ap73: 33, PD18N73: 22, P12Ja76: 31, P21Mr77: 13 Berkley, Capt. , of the Salisbury, PD12S71: 31 Dr. , 9My45: 11, 16My45: 11, 23My45: 11 Edmund, Major, 24N38: 42 George, of the Windsor, 25Ja40: 2 John, PD30Ap67: 33, PD13My73: 43 Nelson, PD31Mr68: 22, PD23D73: 31 Berkley, ship, 26S55: 31 Berkly, Edmond, C27N79: 23 Berks co. , Eng. , See British colonies, N. Am. , conciliation urged in; British colonies, N. Am. , foreign aid opposed in; British ministry opposed in; Corn, illegal purchases in; Food in; Mercenaries in British army opposed in; Taxation of colonies opposed in Berks co. , Pa. , public offices reopen, PD7Mr66: 31 Berkshire, England, See Anecdotes from; Bread, price of in; Charity in; Hay plentiful in; Misers in; Poor relief in; Wheat, price high in; Wheat, price of in Berkshire co. , Eng. , See Murders in; Robberies in Berkshire co. , Mass. , See Boston port bill, relief from by; Manufacturing encouraged in; Militia of; Non-consumption agreements in Berlin, Ger. , See Anecdotes from; Artillery invented in; Crops plentiful in; Dates artificially produced in; Gambling in; Smallpox inoculations in Bermuda, census of, PD11J166: 13 to be free port, rumored, PD24Ag69: 12-- R24Ag69: 21 requests relief from U. S. , D8My79: 21 See also Bread, ship, price of; Bread scarce in; British colonies, N. Am. , supported in; British navy; Corn, price of; Exports from; Exports from Accomac district, Va. , to; Exports from Cork, Ire. , to; Exports from Hampton, Va. , to; Exports from James river, lower district, Va. , to; Exports from James river, upper district, Va. , to; Exports from Md. , to; Exports from Rappahannock district, Va. , to; Exports from south Potomac district, Va. , to; Exports from York district, Va. , to; Famine in; Flour, price of in; Free trade, establishment in; Free trade in; Hurricanes off; Imports to Accomac district, Va. , from; Imports to Hampton, Va. , from; Imports to James river, Va. , from; Imports to James river, lower district, Va. , from; Imports to James river, upper district, Va. , from; Imports to Rappahannock district, Va. , from; Imports to south Potomac district, Va. , from; Imports to Williamsburg, Va. , from; Imports to York district, Va. , from; Magazines (storehouses) established in; Magazines (storehouses) in; Potatoes, poor crop in; Privateers N. Y. , rendezvous in; Prisoners of war, Americans, from; Provisions scarce in; Salt imported to Va. from; Ships, American, captured by British off; Ships, British, captured by Baltimore, Md. , ships off; Ships built in; Ships, described, found near; Ships from Barbados, W. I. , to; Ships from Bristol, Eng. , to; Ships from James river, Va. , to; Ships from Rappahannock district, Va. , to; Ships from Turks is. , W. I. , to; Ships from York district, Va. , to; Ships in; Ships' sailing time; Ships to; Ships to N. Y. , from; Ships to St. John's, W. I. , from; Ships to James river, Va. , from; Ships to N. Y. , from; Ships to Norfolk, Va. , from; Ships to Philadelphia, Pa. , from; Ships to Portsmouth, Va. , from; Ships to South Quay, Va. , from; Ships to Va. , from; Ships to York district, Va. , from; Shipwrecks in; Shipwrecks off; Shipwrecks on; Slaves from; Storms in; Tories in; Travel, notices of departure, to Bermuda cedar, ships built of, R18Ja70: 33 Bermuda Hundred plantation, Va. , R27Ja77: 12 See also Convict servants for sale at; Gardens at; Indentured servants for sale at; Lots for sale at; Merchants at; Ordinaries for rent at; Outhouses in; Ships for charter at; Ships for sale at; Ships, French for sale at; Ships from; Ships from York district, Va. , to; Slaves imported for sale at; Ships in; Slaves for sale at; Slaves runaway from; Taverns, described for rent at Bermuda Hundred warehouse, Va. , R12Mr67: 33 Bern, Pa. , See Accidents in Bernard, Capt. , PD4Je67: 31, PD29D74: 22--P129D74: 22, D7Ja75: 23 of the Speedwell, 12F62: 31 of the Woodford, 18N37: 41 Absel, Rev. Mr. , PD17Ja71: 13 Francis, jr. , PD30J167: 31 Francis, Sir, gov. of Mass. , acquitted of charges in London, Eng. , R7Je70: 23 address from council quoted, R18J166: 11 addressed by House of representatives, PD13J169: 13--R13J169: 12 addresses House of representatives, PD13J169: 21--R13J169: 21, PD29Je69: 23, PD10Ag69: 11-- R10Ag69: 12 addresses of, 1765, 250c65sll addresses of, 1766, R18J166: 21 addresses of, 1768, PD14J168: 13-- R14J168: 13, PD28J168: 11 — R28J168: 11, PD28J168: 12 — R28J168: 12 appointed Irish revenue commissioner, R12Mr72: 22 appointed naval officer for Boston, Mass. , PD1N70: 21--R1N70: 22 appointed vice treasurer of Ire. , PD20My73: 13--R20My73: 21 appointment as gov. of Barbados, W. L , rumored, PD10D72: 22--R12D72sl3 approves council, R18J166: 21 arranged murder trial, PD25My69: 21 arrives in Eng. , R23N69: 21, PD23N69: 22--R23N69: 21 at British court, D4F75: 23 attitude toward British colonies, N.Am. ,P31Mr75: 13 barred from returning to America, R3My70: 12 condemned by Philadelphia Sons of St. Patrick, PD13Ap69: 23 conduct on Stamp act commended, PD18Je67: 23 correspondence of before Commons, R9F69: 22 criticized, PD28J168: 21--R28J168: 21, R18Ag68: 24, PD25Ag68: 12, PD8S68: 21, PD10Ag69: 11-- R10Ag69: 11, PD10Ag69: 13, PD24Ag69: 12--R24Ag69: 21 R16N69: 21, R14D69: 12, PD21D69: 13, PD18Ja70: 23, R19My74: 11, D4F75: 11 criticized by assembly, PD28J168: 13-- R28J168: 14, PD27J169: 21-- R27J169: 12 criticized in England, R23Ag70: 23, PD13S70s22 criticized in Mass. ,R20J169: 21 criticized in Va. , P24F75: 11 criticized on Stamp act, R18J166: 21 death of,DlAp80:22 declines to be gov. of N. Y. , PD8Mr70: 21 defied by General court, R13J169: 12 describes climate in New England, PD21D69: 12 discusses conduct of Mass. , PD5Ap70: 11 discusses indemnity for riots, R8Ag66: 12 dispatches of, PD30J167: 23, R5Ja69: 11 disputes with Council, PD23Ap67: 22, PD270c68: 23, PD12Ja69: 21-- R12Ja69: 21 effigy hanged in New York City, PD1D68: 23 entertains, PD9F69: 31 favored in Eng. , PD23F69: 22, PD9Mr69: 12 hostility to in Mass. , PD9Mr69: 21 knighting opposed in Del. , PD25Ag74: 12 letter from Secretary Conway quoted, PD7Mr66: 22 letter quoted, PD22S74: 11 letters from received, PD7S69: 23-- R7S69: 23 71 Bernard, Francis, Sir (cont'd) letters to Earl of Hillsborough publicized, PD2N69: 12 letters to parliament suppressed, PD23My66: 22 letters to secretary of state, PD25My69: 21 list of grievances against, R50c69: 21 made baronet, PD25My69: 12-- R25My69: 22 message to General court, 1769, R7Je70: 22 misrepresents colonies, PD28S69sl3 opposed to colonies, PD210c73: 11 ordered to report to king, PD27J169: 21--R27J169: 11 orders circular letter rescinded, PD21J168: 21--R21J168: 13 orders thanksgiving day, R19Ja69: 21 orders to, PD9Mr69: 31 outlines business for Representatives, PD27J169: 13--R27J169: 11 pension for, PD9Mr69: 13--R9Mr69: 22, PD26J170: 12, PD16Ag70: 12, R19Ap70: 21,R31Ja71: 21,D17Je75s21 poem satirizing, R27J169: 21, PD10Ag69: 21 praised in Mass. , Pi270c74: 13 presides over Admiralty court, PD13J169: 22 proclamations of, 1768, PD4Ag68: 22, PD8S68: 21 proposes sending for army, PD8S68: 22 prorogues General court, PD10Ag69: 13--R10Ag69: 21 recalled as gov. rumored, PD9N69: 12, PD5Ap70: 22 receives legacy in Eng. , PD10D72: 22— R12D72sl3 refuses petition, PD270c68: 31 — R270c68: 13 refuses to call assembly, PD2F69: 11 relations with General court, PD14Ap68: 23 removal requested, PD8S68: 13, PD10Ag69: 21— R10Ag69: 22, R50c69:21,PD14D69: 11 removal rumored, R5Ja69: 13, R19Ja69: 13, PD25My69: 21, PD6J169: 31— R6J16& 23, PD7D69sl2, PD21D69: 13 replies to address of, PD6Ap69: 22 replies to address of selectmen of Boston, Mass. , PD6Ap69: 21 report of requested by parliament, PD23F69: 23 report to George in rumored, PD13J169: 21--R13J169: 21 requested to convene General court, PD19N67: 21 return to Mass. rumored, PD7D69sl3, PD21D69: 21, R19J170: 21, RllOc70: 12 sails to Eng. , PD60c68: 11-- R60c68: 11, PD10Ag69: 21, PD24Ag69: 22--R24Ag69: 22, R24Ag69: 23 sends turtle to the Duke of Grafton, R16N69: 21 settles disputes, R16Mr69: 31 shares bribe, R13J169: 21 support of army criticized, PD3N68: 13 supported by British ministry, R23F69: 21 supports British army's quarters, PD9F69: 23 supports petition concerning Townshend acts, PD12Ja69: 21— R12Ja69: 21 to appear before parliament, R14F71: 13 to have seat in parliament rumored, PD21D69: 12 tours Eng. ,R18Ja70: 22 unpopular in Eng. , PD2N69: 13-- R2N69:21,PD21D69:21 visits George in, R23N69: 22 James, PD7Ap68: 21 John, PD8Mr70: 11, PD1N70: 21 — R1N70: 22, P31Ja77: 31, D9My77: 32— P9My77: 31 Peter, P130c75: 11— D210c75: 31, P16My77s21 Ricliard, P6S76: 33 Robert, PD26My68: 31, R18F68: 32, R27Ap69: 31, PD20S70sl2, P6Je77: 33 Tuxwell, R30Ag70: 23 William, PD2N69: 32 adv. land for sale, R6J169: 43-- PD6J169: 41, RllAg74: 33--Pi270c74: 42 adv. storehouse for rent, PD2Ap67: 32 member of committee in Westmoreland co. , Va. , Pi9F75: 31 on committee of inspection of Associators in Westmoreland co. , Va. ,RllOc70:31 trustee of Orr estate, R27J169: 41 Bernard, Washington &, unclaimed tobacco of, RllMy69: 41 Bernard, sloop, R20Je71: 33 Berne, Switz, military preparations of, 16Ja61: 31 See also Earthquakes in; Insanity, cases described in Berne canton, Switz. , attempts reestablishment of order in Geneva, Switz. , 9D37: 22 Berneard, John, D6N79: 32 Bernegat beach, N. J. , See Shipwrecks in Bernera, Scot. , See Shipwrecks near Bernhoff, Daniel Ribber, Capt. , of the Elizabeth, PD9Ap67: 21 Bernier, ship, D2Ap79: 31, D8My79: 31— C15My79: 42, D12Je79: 32 Bernoux, Galvand, D12F79: 41 Berrian, John, jr. ,R8F70:31 Berrie, John, Pi6Ap75: 42 Berries, juniper, for sale, in Newcastle, Va. , PD19N72: 22 in Shockoe, Va. , PD4Ap66: 41 near Warwick, Va. , D28F77: 32 Berrinchief, John, Capt. , of the Sarah, 23D37:42 Berrow, Anne, Mrs. , 5D51: 41 John, 30My51: 32, 21N51: 32, 5D51: 41 Berry, Capt. , captures British ship, P19Ap76: 22 Mr. , ship builder in Boston, Mass. , 12My38:31 B. , Associator for King George co. , Va. , R30Ag70: 23 Elizabeth, R20J169: 31 George, PDUe69: 32, PD2N69: 42 James, P8Ag77: 43, D12Mr79: 32 Joel, R30Ag70: 23 John, 22S38: 42, 29My46: 42, 3J146: 32, 2S57: 42, PD23Je74: 12, D230c79: 12 John, Sir, PD23F69: 21 Joseph, PD10Je73: 21— R10Je73: 33, PD8J173: 31--R15J173: 33 Lancelot Grave, R16Je68: 23 Nathaniel, P20Je77sll Reuben, R13J169: 42, R30Ag70: 23, PD23D73: 31 Robert, P19Ap76: 33 Samuel, 2S57: 41, PD25Oc70: 22, PD8N70: 22 Thomas, R30Ag70: 23, R26S71: 31, R10F74: 42, P25Ap77: 31 Berry, ship, 21Mr45: 41, 18Ap51: 22, 27Mr52: 31, 30J152: 31, 24N52: 22, 19J154: 32, 19J154: 42, 28Mr55: 32 Berryman, Mr. , slave of, P28N77: 31 Benjamin, 17Je37: 42, 30Mr39: 41, PD10D72: 31 Gilson, 13Je51: 41 John, P40c76sl3 adv. finding horse, PD18Ag68: 32, PD24My70: 32 adv. horse for sale, PD16D73: 23 adv. land for sale, PDllAg74: 33-- R1S74: 33 adv. plantation for rent, D17F76: 33 adv. plantation for sale, P18J177: 32 jailer, PD27My73: 31, PD1J173: 33, R5Ag73: 31, PD16S73: 33, P27D76: 31, P7F77: 32, P7Mr77s23, P10Oc77: 32 slave of, P27Je77: 32 tavern of, P10My76: 43 William, member of committee in Westmoreland co. , Va. , Pi9F75: 31 William, Major, PD10D72: 31 Berry's ferry, Va. ,D19F80: 31 Bertie, Albemarle, Lt. , D12F79: 22 Bertie co. , N. C. , courthouses in, PD13F72: 33--R27F72: 41 See also Apple orchards in; Bridges in; Buildings in; Cypress timber in; Dairies in; Dwelling houses in; Ferries in; Fisheries in; Gristmills in; Land, mortgaged in; Land, patent, for sale in; Land for sale in; Land patents in; Oak timber in; Ordinaries in; Outhouses in; Peach orchards in; Physicians in; Pine timber in; Prisons in; Sawmills in; Slaves for sale in; Slaves, mortgaged, in; Slaves runaway from; Smokehouses in; Taverns in Berton, Capt. , of the York, PD5F67: 23 Balbe, author, PD10Je73: 32, D25N75: 13, D30D75: 13 Berwich, Eng. , See Shipwrecks in Berwick, Capt. , of the Industry, PD29Ap73: 21 James, Pi6J175: 13, P10My76sll, P5J176: 33 Berwick, England, petitions for dissolution of parliament, PD14D69: 21 See also Accidents near; Antiquities discovered near; Corn, price reduced in; Duels in; Imports to; Indentured servants from; Riots in; Shipwrecks off; Smuggling in Berwick upon Tweed, Eng. , See Wheat, price low in Berwick, British ship, 25Ja40: 2 H. M. S. . 1J137: 41, 24Ja52: 22, PD17S72: 12, PD27Ja74: 21, C15J180: 11 Beryls, found in New England, R3Mr68: 24 — PD10Mr68: 21 Beryman. John. D170c77: 22 — P240c77: 32 72 Beverley Beschermer, man of war, 29J137: 12 Bescott, John, P28Mr77s22 Bessborough, earl of [William Ponsonby], PDllAg74: 13, Pi3F75bl2— P3F75s23--D4F75: 23, P28Ap75: 13 — D29Ap75s21 See also Ponsonby of Sysonby, Baron Bessey, ship, PD16My66: 23 Bessy, sloop. 28Ja37: 32 Best, Mrs. . P20Oc75: 31 John, PDllAp71: 21 Best in Christendom, ship, 7Ag52: 31 Bestock, Capt. , 30J152: 22 Betaly, Spencer Morgan. 2S57: 42 Betel nut, duties on in East Indies, R17Je73sl3 monopolies on in East Indies, R17Je73sl3 Bethel, Capt. , R19Ag73: 21 of the Mississippi, PD15Ap73: 13 Bethel, Va. , founding of, D11F75: 23— P10F75:41 See also Brewhouses wanted in; Cabinetmakers wanted in; Lead in; Linen factories wanted in; Lots for rent in; Miners wanted in; Rope walks wanted in; Shoemakers wanted in; Tailors wanted in; Weavers wanted in; Wheelwrights wanted in Bethesda, Ga. , See Orphanages in Bethia, ship, PD7Ja68: 22, PD23Ja72: 23 Bethune, Capt. , 12D55: 21, R28J174: 33 George, PD23Je74: 12 Betony, substitute for tea, PD13Ja74: 12 Betsey, (Betsy, Betsie), brig, PDllMy69s33, PD13Ja74: 33, P10Mr75sl2, Pi21S75: 32, D29J176: 21, D10Ag76: 22 brigantine, 30N59: 32, R12Ja69: 31, R260c69: 23, PD14Ap74: 23— R17Mr74: 23, PHOc76: 32 schooner, R8Ag66: 31, R11D66: 33, PD17S67: 22, R11F68: 31, PD10F74: 23, PD14Ap74: 23 — R14Ap74: 23, Pi9F75: 32, D18Mr75: 32, D10Ja77: 42— P10Ja77: 41, D9My77: 21, D8Ag77: 11, D22Ag77: 22, D28N77: 31--P28N77: 33, D19D77: 22, P27Mr78: 22, C19Ag80: 12 ship, 5D51: 41, 6F52: 31, 10N52: 22, 17N52: 22, 29D52: 32, 28Mr55: 31, 28Mr55: 32, 2My55: 31, 26S55: 31, 240c55: 21, 27Ag56: 32, 12F62: 31, PD30My66: 31--R30My66: 32, PD240c66: 22, PD27N66: 22, R4D66: 31, R25D66: 21, PD8Ja67: 32, PD22Ja67: 32, PD29Ja67: 32, PD5F67: 31, PD12F67: 31, R19F67: 23, PD19Mr67: 32, PD30Ap67: 11, PD23J167: 31--R23J167: 31, PD6Ag67: 32, PD24S67: 13, PD290c67: 21, PD19N67: 22, PD14Ja68: 31. PD4F68: 31, PD11F68: 23--R11F68: 24, PD21Ap68: 13, PD5My68: 21, R26My68: 31--PD26My68: 23, PD16Je68: 23— R16Je68: 31, PD23Je68: 23— R23Je68: 23, PD7J168: 23--R7J168: 22, PD21J168: 32— R21J168: 33, RllAg68: 23, RllAg68: 24, PDllAg68: 23— RllAg68: 31, PD1S68: 21, PD8S68p22, PD22S68: 23 — R22S68: 23, PD60c68: 22— R6Qc68: 23, PD20Oc68: 22, PD270c68: 42, PD22D68: 23— R22D68: 12, PD22D68: 31— R22D68: 12, R12Ja69: 31, R27Ap69: 22, PD4My69: 31--R4My69: 33, PD18My69: 31, PD8Je69: 23, PD29je69: 31, PD27J169: 32, R10Ag69: 33, PD17Ag69: 22, PD7S69: 31, R14S69: 22, PD28S69s23, R50c69: 23, PD9N69: 22, PD23N69: 31 — R23N69: 22, PD28D69: 31, PD18Ja70: 32, PD15F70: 22, PD24My70: 23, PD7Je70: 31, R19J170: 12, PD16Ag70: 32, PD13S70: 23--R13S70: 23, PD20S70: 22, PD1N70: 22, PD3Ja7i: 23, PD10Ja71: 32, PD9My71: 31--R9My71: 33, PD16My71: 23, R30My71: 31, PD8Ag71: 22, PD310c71: 23 — R310c71: 32, PD21N71: 22, PD19D71: 22, PD23Ja72: 32, R27F72: 23, PD23Ap72: 31, PD14My72: 23, PD3S72: 22, PD10S72:31,R8Oc72:32, PD4Mr73: 31, R17Je73: 11, PD24Je73: 22, PD1J173: 32, PD22J173: 31, R22J173: 33, R5Ag73: 22, PD2D73: 22— R2D73: 23, PD24Mr74: 31— R24Mr74: 33, PD28Ap74: 22. PD28Ap74: 23— R21Ap74: 23, PD16Je74: 11, PD28J174: 23, PD20Oc74s22, R8S74: 31, PD10N74: 42, PD8D74s22, D7Ja75: 31, D14Ja75: 23, D4F75: 31, D18F75: 23, P12My75: 21, P6S76: 41--D7S76: 32, P5Je78: 12,D15Ja80: 11 sloop, 10Oc45: 22, 23Ja46: 42, R11D66: 41, R4Ag68: 24, R7Mr71: 33, PDllJe72: 31, PD28Ja73: 32, PD27Ja74: 32, PD14Ap74: 23— R14Ap74: 23, PD28Ap74: 23 — R21Ap74: 23, PD10Mr74: 31, R15S74: 33, Pil9Ja75: 23, P14Ap75: 31— D15Ap75: 32, P26Ja76: 11, D13Ja76: 23, D31Ag76: 12, D4Ap77: 31, PllJ177:41,D30Oc79: 21 snow, 28S39: 41, R16Mr69: 32— PD16Mr69: 31, PD18Ja70: 31, PD19D71: 31 Betsey and Esther, schooner. PD26My68: 22--R26My68: 31, PD5S66s43, PD12S66: 23, R25D66: 13, PD9Ap67: 23, PD10Mr68: 31 — R14Ap68: 41, PD23Je68: 23 — R7J168: 21, PD8S68p22, PD270c68: 42, PD17N68: 22 Betsey and Hannah, ship, PD4Je67: 32, PD6Ag67: 32, PD11F68: 23, PD18F68: 23, PD31Mr68: 23— R26My68: 31, R130c68: 23, PD270c68: 42, PD28S69: 23, PD28D69: 31 snow, PDllJe67:32 Betsey and John, schooner, PD2F69: 22 Betsey and Peggy, schooner, D25S79: 22 Betsey and Polly, sloop, P17Ja77: 43 Betsey Gregg, ship, Pil6Mr75: 32— D18Mr75: 23 Betsey Richmond, ship, R7J174: 32 Betsy and Molly, sloop, D10Ag76: 22 Bettenson, Dr. , explains smallpox cure,7Ja37:41 Betterby, Capt. , of the Unity, PD17Ag69: 21 Bettesworth, William, P15Ag77: 32 Betton's British oil, PD17S72: 22 for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD29N70: 22, PD13D70: 43, PD17Ja71: 43, PD24Ja71: 43 Betts, Charles, 170c55: 31 Elisha, PD6F72: 32, Betty, brig, R8Ag71: 23, D10J179: 22 brigantine, PD23Ap72: 32--R23Ap72: 31 galley, 11N37: 41, 18My39: 11 schooner, 15Je39: 31 ship, 3D36: 42, 23Je38: 41, 4My39: 41, 8Je39: 22, 4J145: 3, 30c51: 32, HAp55: 22, 23My55: 21, 26S55: 31, 27Ag56: 31, PD290c67: 21, PD26N67: 22, R31Mr68: 31, R7J168: 22, PD8Je69: 23, R8F70: 23, R3My70: 23, PD2My71: 32, R12Mr72: 23, R10Je73: 41, PD16S73: 21 sloop, 25Mr37: 41, 15Ap37: 12, 17Je37: 32, 30S37: 41, 2Mr39: 41, 18My39: 4, 23Ja46: 42, 29My46: 4 snow, 220c36: 32, Betty and Nancy, ship, 28F55: 31 Betty Tayloe, brigantine, PD80c67: 21 Beuford, Warren, PD26D71: 32 Beulah plantation, PDlAg71: 22 Beulah, ship, PD60c68: 22— R60c68: 22, P10Mr75sll--DUMr75: 31, P10Mr75sl2, P31Mr75: 32, DlAp75: 31, Pi6Ap75: 22— D8Ap75: 23 Bevan, Davis, R27J169: 22, George, 24Ap52: 31 George, Capt. , of the Success, 21Mr45: 41 Thomas, R17Ja71: 33 William, P12Je78: 12 Bever, William, PD12S66: 22 Beveradge, Henry Valentine, 24Ap46: 32 Beverages for sale, See Ale; Allsours; Apple brandy; Arrack, Bativia; Beer; Brandy; Burton beer; Cherry brandy, wine; Cider; Cocoa; Coffee; Cognac; Cordials, French; Cuninghame's ale; Cuninghame's beer; Geneva wine; Gin, Holland; Huge' s cider; Kenton's porter; Liquor; Peach brandy; Porter, London; Raspberry brandy; Rum; Saloop; Spirits, Barbados; Tafia; Taunton beer; Ticklers; Tea; Whiskey; Wine; Young- hock Beveridge, Mr. , merchant from Philadelphia, Pa. , P22Mr76: 23 [William], author, 24My51: 32, PD29N70: 21, PD13D70: 42, PD3Ja71: 42, PD17Ja71: 42, PD24Ja71: 42, PD7F71: 42, PD21F71: 42, PD7Mr71: 42, PD21Mr71: 42, PD28Mr71: 42, PD17S72: 21, PD10Je73: 32 Beverley, Col. , R20J169: 23 Mrs. , pasture of, D17J178: 32 Harry, adv. land for sale, PD5F67: 32--R19F67: 41, PD2F69: 32— R2F69: 23, PD9Ap72: 32, PDlAp73: 32, R5Ag73: 23, D8My79: 22 property of, R10Ag69: 33, R28D69: 13 Robert, R18Ja70: 33 adv. for tutor, D21Ja75: 31 adv. land for sale, PD26Mr67: 32 appointed to receive relief for Boston, Mass. , in Essex co. , Va. , PD21J174p21— R21J174: 23 elected visitor of William and Mary college, P17F75sl2— D18F75: 23 73 Beverley, Robert (cont'd) seat of, RllAg74: 33--Pi270c74: 42 William, 2Ja52: 41, 12Mr52: 31 D90c79: 32 William, Col. , discovers ginseng root, 18Ag38:41,240c45:42 William, Hon. , PD25F73: 13 Beverley, Va. , See Horse-racing at Beverley, snow, 4N63: 22 Beverley plain, Caroline co. , Va. , D9Ap79: 31 Beverly, Mr. , PD12My68: 31 Harry, PD10F74: 32 John, 7N45: 32 Robert, 7N45: 32, Pi5Ja75: 31, DllAp77: 71--PllAp77s43, D5Mr79: 41 William, 14Ag46: 42, 240c55: 22 William, Col. , 17Ap46: 42 Beverly, Mass. , blockaded by British navy, P26Ja76: 21--D27Ja76: 32 cannonading of, P3N75: 22--D4N75: 23 fortification of, P17N75: 31 See also Calves, abnormal in; Livestock captured by Americans near; Merchants in; Privateers, American, capture British ships near; Ships, British, captured by Americans near; Ships, British, captured near; Shipwrecks near Beverly Park, King and Queen co. , Va. , 14Ag46: 42 Bevill, John, jr. , P12Ap76: 33 Thomas, 12S45: 42, 3S56: 32, D21S76: 42 Bevill's Bridge, Amelia co. , Va. , 8My52: 32, P17Ja77: 33, P310c77: 23 Bevins, Capt. , of the Prince of Wales, PD24S72: 21 Bewley, Thomas, D160c79: 11 Bewsher, William, Capt. ,. of the Watt, PD5My74: 22, PD20Oc74: 23— Pi20Oc74: 23 Bexwell, Mary, PDllAp66: 41 Beza (Beze), [Theodore], author, D9D75: 41, D30D75: 21, D2Mr76: 43 Bezoar, Occidental, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 5S51: 32, 30Ap52: 32, 22My52: 32, 60c52: 32 Bezoar, Oriental, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. ,5S51:32, 30Ap52: 32, 22My52: 32, 60c52: 32, 2My55: 22 Bezozzi, [Alexandro], composer, PD17S72: 22 Bibb, Elizabeth, Mrs. , P240c77: 23 Sally (Wiatt), Mrs. , D4D79: 22 William, PD4Ag74: 23, P18Ag75sll, P29D75: 23, P6D76: 33 William, Capt. , D4D79: 22 Bible, commentaries published in Great Britain, PD11D66: 21 destroyed by British in N. J. , D25J177: 22--P25J177: 13 for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 240c45: 42, 5Mr52: 32, PD25F68: 43, PD7J168: 31, PD29N70: 22, PD13D70: 43, PD3Ja71: 43, PD12D71: 32, PD17S72: 22, PD10Je73: 34, PD1D74: 23, D25N75: 11.D30D75: 11 in Manx language, PD23My71: 12 interpretations of, PD12Ja69: 23, PD9F69: 11, PD16Mr69: 23, PD10Mr74: 12 nobility read in Eng. , PD26S71: 13 quoted, PD21Ap68: 23--R21Ap68: 21, R11F73: 11, R25F73: 11, RlAp73: 31, R22Ap73: 12, PD13My73: 11, P29D75sll,D24Ap78: 12 translation questioned, R11F73: 11, R25F73: 11, RlAp73: 31, PD13My73: 11 used as defense of monarchy, D4My76: 13 Bibs, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD10Oc71: 31 Bickardick, Richard, R26J170: 22 William, R26J170: 22 Bickerdicke, Richard, PD9Ja72: 31 Bickers, John, PD8J173: 33 Robert, R25My69: 41 Bickerton, Capt. , of the Ferrit, PD9Ja68: 22 Mr. , slave of, P23My77: 31 Anne, Mrs. , Pi7S75: 31 Brian, D7Ag79: 32--C28Ag79: 43 John, PD1S74: 32, D25F75: 31 John, Capt. , 70c37: 31, 11J145: 41 John Todd, adv. finding horse, PD2My66: 32, R18Ag74: 32 adv. land for sale, PD210c73: 23— R210c73: 21, Pil90c75: 33— P20Oc75: 23--D4N75: 32, P1D75: 23 — D2D75: 32, P26J176: 32--D29J176: 62 slave of,D27Je77:31 Lewis, Major, P31My76: 32— DUe76: 32 Martha, Mrs. , Pil90c75: 33— P20Oc75: 23--D4N75: 32, P1D75: 23 — D2D75: 32 Richard, Capt. , of the Augusta, PD9S73: 21--R9S73: 12-21 Richard, Sir, of the Terrible, D10J179:21,D17J179: 11 William, D21Ja75: 32, D13N78: 32 Bickford, David, Capt. , of the Hannah, PD10F74: 23 Jeremiah, Capt. , of the Industry, HAp55:22 Bickham, [George], composer, 24My51: 32 Bickley, Francis, PD18Ap66: 41 John, D9My80: 33 William, Sir, PD21Mr71: 31 Bicknell, William, 170c55: 31 Biddeford, H. M. S. , 29J137: 41, 24Ja52: 31 Biddle, Capt. , PD26S71: 23, PD29Ap73: 22— R6My73s21, P10My76: 21 of the Randolph, D10Oc77: 21 Clement, RllOc70: 22 Edward, appointed Pa. delegate to Continental congress, PD18Ag74: 21 Pi270c74: 23, Pil2Ja75: 31 — D14Ja75: 23 chosen speaker of Pa. general assembly, PD3N74: 33 chosen to committee of inspection, Reading, Pa. , Pi29D74: 23 in charge of printing journal of Continental congress, D28Ja75: 12 on committee of Congress on colonial rights, D21Ja75: 12 signs Association of 1774, PD3N74: 12 — Pi4N74: 12 Elizabeth, PD2F69: 32--R2F69: 23 John, PD2F69: 32— R2F69: 23 of Phila. , Pa. ,RllOc70: 22 [Nicholas], Capt. , of the Andrew Doria, D4My76: 32, D20J176: 12, DllMy76: 32, D15Je76: 42, P21Je76: 21, D6J176: 12, D13J176: 41, D40c76: 12 — P40c76: 23 Owen, D10Ag76: 42, D31Ja77: 61, D2My77: 31 Biddleston, James, Pil5D74: 32 — PD15D74: 31 Bideford, England, See Ships' sailing time; Ships to Hampton, Va. , from Bielfield, [Jacob Frederick], baron von, author, R4Oc70: 13, PD29N70: 21, PD13D70: 42, PD3Ja71: 42, PD17Ja71: 42, PD24Ja71: 42, PD7F7L42, PD21F71: 42, PD7Mr71: 42, PD14Mr71: 21, PD21Mr71: 11, PD21Mr71: 42, PD28Mr71: 42, PD10Je73: 31 extract from, R4Oc70: 13 letters of reprinted, PD14Mr71: 21, PD21Mr71: 11 Bien Aime, H. M. S. , 23My45: 31, 7J145: 12 Bien Aime Prize, H. M. S. , 16My45: 22 Bienfaisant, H. M. S. , PD16J172: 22, PD1J173: 22--R1J173: 21,D28Mr77: 61, P20Je77: 21 Biers, William, PD18D66: 31, PD20S70s42 accused by Bernard Moore of falsifying bonds, R7Je70: 31 adv. drugs for sale, PDllJe67: 32, PD26My68: 23 adv. for missing horse, PD240c66: 23 adv. land for sale, R19F67: 41 — PD5F67: 33 announces departure, R21S69: 31 announces dissolution of partnership with Thomas Moore, R16Mr69: 33, R13Ap69: 32— PD13Ap69: 33, R30N69: 32 — PD7D69: 41, PD18Ja70: 41, R18Ja70: 32 sells drug store, PD270c68: 32— R270c68: 23 settlement of accounts of Thomas Moore and John G. Frazer, PD20S70s42 store of, PD13Ap69: 32--R13Ap69: 32 Biers, Moore &, PD13Ap69: 33 — R13Ap69: 32, PD6J169: 41, R30N69: 32 — PD7D69: 41, PD18Ja70: 41, PD20S70s42 Biesor, Peter, R26J170: 22 Big Apple Tree, Mohawk Indian, Pil30c74sl3 Big Knife, Shawnee Indian, Pil30c74sl3 Big Runaway, Pa. See Indians skirmish with Virginians near Bigamy, in Cumberland, Eng. , 30Ap52: 12 in Dumfries, Scot. , PD3Ja71: 13 in Edinburgh, Scot. , PD16My66: 13, in Eng. , 29My52: 12, R6Ap69: 23 in London, Eng. , 22D52: 22 in Middlesex co. , Eng. , P17F75sll— D18F75: 23 — Pi23F75: 12 in Musselburgh, Scot. , PD23N69: 23 in Thorne, Eng. , PD12Mr67: 21 trials for, in Williamsburg, Va. , 18Ap55: 22, PD22Ap73: 31 — R22Ap73: 33 Bigby, Elijah, P20Je77: 13 Bigelow, Timothy, Major, D31Ag76: 21, D7F77: 12--P7F77: 11 Bigg, Capt. , of the Cambden, R4F68: 23 Biggar, James, R14Ap68: 42 John, jr. ,D13N79: 22 James, R20Ap69: 23,RllMy69: 32 — PDllMy69s33, PDUe69: 23 — 74 Binding RlJe69: 31 Bigger, John, jr. , R15Ap73: 33 William, PD7Ap68: 32 Biggons, Richard, D13D76: 41 Biggs, Capt. , of the Baltimore, 18Ap45: 32 of the Favourite, PD240c71: 22 James, PD9je68: 23--R9Je68: 34, R17F74: 32 John, 18Ap55: 22 Randolph, P21Je76: 33 Biglow, Joshua, R22S74: 31 Bignall, Robert, PD2D73: 22 Bigott, Mr. , signs treaty for Caribs, PD15Ap73: 22 — R15Ap73: 22 Bilatre, French army commander in Canada, 6Je45: 22 Bilboa, Sp. , See Imports to James river, Va. , from; Imports to U. S. from; Privateers, Spanish, from; Ships' sailing time; Ships to Newburyport, Mass. , from; Ships to Salem, Mass. , from; Ships to Squam, Mass. , from Bilbery, Nathaniel, D9My77: 32 Bilbo, John, PD7F71: 31, PD23My71: 31 Bilboa, schooner, R12Ja69: 31 Bilbow, William, PD23My71: 23 Bill, Glover &, 250c65s42, PD14Ap68: 31— R14Ap68: 22, PD29D68: 31 — R5Ja69: 32 Bill, Thomas, Pi20Oc74: 33, P19My75s33 Billerica, Mass. , selectmen address (text) Gov. Gage, D15Ap75: 31 See also Tarring and feathering opposed in Billets, exported from James river, lower district, Va. , to Jamaica, W. I. , 2Mr53: 41 Billiard balls, for sale, in Baltimore, Md. , Pil8My75: 33 in Hampton, Va. , C21Oc80: 21 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD3D67: 32, PDllAp71: 32 makers of, adv. of, 9Je38: 41 manufactured in Norfolk, Va. , PD17S72: 22 repaired, in Norfolk, Va. , PD17S72: 22 Billiard houses, in Hanover, Va. , PD4Ag74: 31--R4Ag74: 33 in Portsmouth, Va. , PD23Mr69: 32— R21Ap69s21 in Rappahannock river town, Va. , R25D66: 41 Billiard houses, described, in Halifax, N. C. , PD9J172: 32 Billiard rooms, in Port Royal, Va. , lAg51: 32 Billiard sticks, exported from James river, upper district, Va. , to Boston, Mass. , PD3Mr68: 31— R3Mr68: 31 for sale, in Hampton, Va. , C21Oc80: 21 Billiard sticks and balls, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 4S46: 32 Billiard table cloth, adv. for, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD23My71: 22 Billiard tables, at Race Horse tavern in Fredericksburg, Va. , 17Ap46: 42 for rent,D4D79:31 for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. , 12S45: 42, 7Mr51: 41, P15S75: 32 in Hampton, Va. , C21Oc80: 21 in Manchester, Va. ,D310c77: 21 — P310c77: 13 in Norfolk, Va. , 10Ap46: 42 in Richmond, Va. , PD10Je73: 22 — R10Je73sll in Suffolk, Va. , PD19N72: 22, D170c77: 21 — P170c77: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , 23Ja46: 42, 4S46: 32, PD14Ja73: 31, D9Ag80: 31 in Winchester, Va. ,R26S71: 31 * in Port Royal, Va. , lAg51: 32, D10J179: 32 in Rappahannock river town, Va. , R25D66: 41 Billiard table offices, in tavern at Gloucester courthouse, Va. , PD10F74: 32--R10F74: 32 Billiards, 17Ja51:32 Billingham, Edward, PD170c66: 33 Billings, Lt. , wounded in Acadia, 240c55: 21 Fellows, 250c65s22 Henry, Capt. , PD4Ap71: 22, D22Ag77: 11 Billingsport, N. J. , occupied by Americans, P310c77: 21 skirmish at,D7N77: 12 — P7N77sll Billop, Mr. , of N. Y. , PD17Ja71: 22— R17Ja71: 13 Christopher, Col. ,D11J177: 22 Farmer, Col. , D10J178: 11 Billopp, Mr. , opposes second Continental congress, P17Mr75s31 — D18Mr75: 31 Billop' s Point, N. Y. , British boats at D5Mr79: 31 Bills of credit, issue in Md. planned, Pi7S75: 32 issue ordered in Providence, R. I. , Pi9D75: 32 issued by Mass. general court, D23S75: 23— Pi28S75: 23 issued by N. Y. general assembly, 14Ag46:31,PD28Mr71:23 recalled in Md. ,D26F80: 13 Bills of credit, paper, issued in Va. , PD18J171: 11— R18J171: 23 BUls of exchange, Ue39: 42 adv. for, 21N45: 42, D5D77: 31, P27Mr78: 11 bartered, D11J177: 31 difficult to secure, P40c76: 33 discount on in Boston, Mass. , Pi2N75:32— P3N75: 23 effect of in U. S. , D12F80: 31 holders of, adv. for, D230c79: 31— C30Oc79: 41 lost, adv. for, PD12D71: 31 lost at sea, P230c78: 21 money for, adv. for, P5Ap76: 42— D6Ap76: 33 negotiation adv. , P5S77: 31 of British army, P16Je75: 22 on Barbados, P19D77: 11 on Canada, accepted by Fr. , PD7Mr66: 11 adjustment of, PD4J166: 13 British negotiations with Fr. successful, PDlAg66: 21 discussed in Paris, Fr. , PD18Ap66: 21 negotiated in Paris, Fr. , PD15Ag66: 13 payment of in Paris, Fr. , PD6Je66: 13 payment ordered by Fr. , PD3Mr68: 21 price falls in Paris, Fr. , PD18Ap66: 23 price rises in London, Eng. , PD14Mr66: 42, PD28Mr66: 21, price rises in Paris, Fr. , PD14Mr66: 43, PD28Mr66r 23, PD23My66: 12 settlement of, PD18Je67: 22 on Congress, P16My77: 32— D23My77: 31 on Eng. , D2Ap79: 22, D24J179: 32— C28Ap79:43,DllD79:22 on Europe, D25J177: 31 — P25J177: 23, PlAg77: 33, P29Ag77: 33, P24J179: 32— C28Ag79: 43 on Fr. ,D2Ap79: 22,D11D79: 22 on Gaudaloupe, D11J177: 31 on Holland, D2Ap79: 22, D11D79: 22 on Liverpool, Eng. ,D10J178: 22 on London, Eng. , 9Ja46: 42, PD28Mr66: 22.D10J178: 22 on Martinique, W. I. , D11J177: 31 on Paris, Fr. , in London, Eng. , PDllJe67: 21 on Va. , PD19Ap70: 21 on W. I. , PlAg77: 33, P29Ag77: 33, D2Ap79: 22,D24J179: 32— C28Ag79: 43,DUD79: 22 prepared by U. S. Treasury Board, D29Ja80: 31 stolen, in Williamsburg, Vi. , PD9D73: 22--R9D73: 21 used in British-American trade, PD25Ap66: 11 value of Canadian, PD30Ja72: 31 Bills of exchange, blank, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 16F39: 42, R30My66: 32, R25D66: 42 Bills of exchange, British, price in Scot. , PDlAp73: 23 Bills of lading, blank, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , R30My66: 32, R25D66:42,D24J179:31 Bills of sale, regulated by N. Y. general assembly, R7Ja71: 21 Billups, Capt. , captures sloop, P3Ap78: 22 Betsey, Miss, P27Je77: 23 Christopher, PD18Oc70: 32, Pi20Ja76: 32, D40c76: 41 Humphrey, D20Ap76: 32— P19Ap76p23, D29Je76: 42 John, P310C77: 31 John, jr. , P130c75: 11— D210c75: 31 John, sr. , P130c75: 11— D210c75: 31 Joseph, R27F72: 32 Joseph, sr. , D30Oc78: 42 Richard, P130c75: 11— D210c75: 31, D12S77: 22 Richard, Capt. , P6Mr78: 12 Robert, PD28J168: 31, PD7N71: 23, PlMr76:41 Robert, Capt. , D27Ja76: 33 — P2F76: 32 Robert. Mrs. , D27Ja76: 33--P2F76: 32 Billy, schooner, 2S57: 32 Billy and Sukey, ship, 27Ag56: 32 Bilson, William, P21Ag78: 11 Binckes, Capt. , of the Lightfoot, 30Ja52: 32 Binding, for sale, in Gloucester, Va. , P19Ap76sll— D20Ap76: 33 in Gloucester co. , Va. , P16Ag76: 33 — D24Ag76: 72 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , 110c51: 41, 75 Binding, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. (cont'd) PD150c72: 31,D30My77: 31, D27Je77:31,D28N77: 22 Binding, gold, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 Binding, Manchester, for sale, 12F62:42 Binford, James, 19S55: 32, PD31Mr68: 22, PD15Je69: 32 John, D29J175: 33 Peter, PD10Mr74: 32, R17Mr74: 31 Bing, Mr. , discusses military policy in Commons, D40c76: 11 John, R15J173: 41-42 Binge, James, D11F75: 31 Bingham, Mr. , commissions French pirates, P13Je77: 21 John, R20J169: 31, R28Ja73: 33 Rascow, P21Ag78: 11 Roscow Cole, P6Je77: 23 Stephen, PD10c67: 12, PD28J174: 32 Stephen, Capt. , of the Stephen and John, 14Mr51: 32 Thomas, R12J170: 42 Bingley, Capt. , PD13J169: 23 Matthew, P6Je77: 42 Nathaniel, PD130c68: 31 Bingley' s journal, extract from, R170c71: 11 Bingly, Capt. , P21Je76: 21— D22Je76: 51 Binion, Martin, R270c68: 22 William, 22Ap57: 32 Henry, PD2Ja72: 23 Binkes, William, Capt. , of the Lightfoot, 16My51: 32, 170c51: 22, 17J152: 32, 120c52: 31 Binney, Capt. , 15My46: 32, PD3S72: 21 Binning, ship, HAp55: 22, 26S55: 31 snow, 20Oc52: 21, 1D52: 31 Binns, Charles, R14F71: 32, R22J173s21 Elizabeth, PD5S66s41 William, RllMy69: 42 Binsley, William, Capt. , PD19My74: 43 of the Carlisle, PD9je74: 31 Binum, Benjamin, R24Mr68: 33 Biographies, of Dr. John Radcliffe, PD7Mr71: 11 of La Rochefoucault, PD19N72: 13 of Sir Robert Keith, PD5N72: 41 of William Hastings, PD4Je72: 13 Biram river, skirmish near, D20c79: 22 Birch, Gabriel, PD28Ap68: 21 John, Capt. , of the Oxford, UAp55: 22 [Thomas, D. D. ], author, PD29N70: 21, PD13D70: 42, PD17Ja71: 42, PD24Ja71: 42, PD7F71: 42, PD21F71: 42, PD7Mr71: 42, PD21Mr71: 42, PD28Mr71: 42, PD18J171: 23, PD25J171: 33, PDlAg71: 41 Thomas, Capt. , of the Upton, 27Ag56: 32 Birch plank, for sale, in Hanover co. , Va. , P5Ja76: 33--D13Ja76: 33 in King William co. , Va. , PD7Ap74: 31-- R7Ap74: 31 Birch tables, imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from N. S. , PD10Mr74: 31 Birchen island bridge, Va. , PD15F70: 42 Birch's bridge, PDUF73: 31,D9My80: 33 Birchett, Oldham, & co. , adv. merchandise for sale, D18Ap77: 71-- P18Ap77s42 Bird, Mr. , 20Je51: 41 execution of in Tyburn, England, PD24Je73: 31 of Dorchester, Mass. , R19F67: 21-- PD26F67: 23 slave of, P3Ap78: 22 Abraham, PD4Ag74: 23, R4Ag74: 13, P9My77: 23 Adam, P15Mr76: 33 Armistead, R20S70: 31 Braxton, D14Mr77: 62--P21Mr77s23 George, adv. finding horse, Pi5Ja75: 33 adv. for lost watch, R1D68: 21-- PD1D68:31 adv. for runaway slaves, PD12N72: 23, R19N72:42, PD18F73: 31 adv. stallion for hire, P28Mr77s22 directs lottery, R24N68: 31 slave of, P180c76: 23 Hannah, 30Ja52: 32 James, 31Ja51: 41 Japhet, Capt. , of the Prince of Orange, 280c37: 22, 280c37: 31, 10Ag39: 41, 24Ag39: 22, 2N39: 3 Judith, 18Ap55: 22, 9My55: 21 Mark, Pi29D74: 23 Philemon, D13N78: 32 Richard, Capt. , P8My78sl2 Robert, 21J138: 32 Robert Armistead, RUe69: 32 [William], Lt. , D12J176: 62, DHOc76: 22- PHOc76: 22 Bird, frigate, C15My79: 21 ship, P3Ap78: 22, P160c78: 22, D160c78: 31--P160c78: 21 Birdlime, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD10Je73: 22, PD14J174: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , 5S51: 32, 30Ap52: 32, 16Ja61: 41, PD18Je67: 33, PDlS74:32,D12Je79: 32 Birds, exported from Eng. , to Russia, PD170C71: 12 in London, Eng. , 270c38: 31, 17N38: 31 See also Marcasite birds; Pearl birds Birds, abnormal, brought to Europe, PD17Je73: 22--R17Je73: 13 in Edmonton, Eng. , PD10Oc71: 22 Birk, John, 18Ap51: 22, 9My51: 32 Birkmyre, Robert, PDllMr73: 31 Birmingham, Edward Arthur, D17J178: 32 Birmingham, England, See Arms manufacture in; Canals from; Canals in; Cartouch boxes ordered in; Child labor in; Counterfeiting in; Drownings near; Emigration from; Entertainments in; Frauds in; Gunsmiths from; Hardwood manufacture improves in; Imports to N. Y. , from; Imports to Va. , from; Manufacturers in; Merchandise, price of in; Merchandise ordered for British Colonies, N. Am. , in; Merchants in; Military utensil manufacture in; Muskets ordered in; Parliament, supremacy upheld in; Plate manufactures increase in; Riots in; Silverwares, marks for adopted in; Stamp act, effect of in; Treason in; Unemployment in Birmingham meetinghouse, Pa. , American attack at, D30c77: 31-- P30c77: 21 Birns, John, P12D77: 32 Biron, Capt. , of the St. Albans, 21Ag52: 22 Duke of, recommends Dr. Keyser's pills, PD23Ap72: 31 Birt, Philip, PD2My71: 33--R2My71: 23 Births, decrease of in Gt. Brit. , PD6My73: 21 statistics on in Eng. , PD14Ap68: 13, PD28Mr71: 12 statistics on in Paris, Fr. , PD14Ap68: 13 witnessed in Scot. , PD11F68: 22 See also Multiple births; Quadruplets; Sextuplets; Triplets; Twins Births, abnormal, in Naples, Italy, PD26S71: 21 Birt's antivenereal drops, Dr. , for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , D25Mr75: 21--Pi23Mr75: 33 Birt's medicines, Dr. , for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD10Je73: 22 Bisbrown, John, Capt. , of the Martha. PD6S70: 32--R6S70: 23 Biscay, Sp. , Spanish trading co. in, 7Ja37: 31 Biscay bay, Atl. ocean, free from British cruisers, D22My79: 21 See also British navy in; British navy to; French navy transports lost in; Shipwrecks in; Spanish navy, ships lost in Biscuit, baked in Boston, Mass. , for British forces, P26Ja76: 21-- D27Ja76: 32 export of prohibited in Eng. , PD14F71: 23 exported from James river, lower district, Va. , to Grenada, W. I. , R15S74: 33 exported from James river, upper district, Va. , to Ga. , 10Ag39: 31 exported from York district, Va. , to St. Christopher, W. I. , 20Oc52: 22 for British army in America, 3J146: 21 in Boston, Mass. , D23S75: 21 for British navy, Pil8My75: 23, D18N75: 21 for Continental army in Philadelphia, Pa. , P8Ag77: 23 for sale, in Princess Anne co. , Va. , P19Je78: 31 imported to Accomac district, Va. , from Lewes, Del. , PD6Ag67: 32 imported to Ga. , 10Ag39: 31 imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from Glasgow, Scot. , 20Oc52: 21 from New York City, 20Oc52: 21, 24N52:22, 28F55: 31 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from New York City, 1D52:31 imported to York district, Va. , from New York City, 17N52: 22 price of, in Phila. , Pa. , 280c37: 32, 20Ja38: 32, 5My38: 22, HAg38: 32, 6Ap39: 22, HMy39: 41, 25My39: 41, 8Je39: 41, 22Je39: 31, 20J139: 32 3Ag39: 41, 31Ag39: 32, 28S39: 41, R28J168: 24 scarcity of in Leeward islands, W. I. , 21Ag46: 32 seized from British ship, P5Ja76(5)sl3-- D6Ja76: 32 Biscuit, army, for sale, in Berkeley, 76 Black Sea Va. , P5Je78: 41, P160c78: 42 in Petersburg, Va. , P5Je78: 41, P160C78: 42 Biscuit, middling, for sale, at Ware river, Va. , 8My52: 31 Biscuit, milk, for sale, at Ware river, Va. , 8My52: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , 1D52: 31 imported to Hampton, Va. , from Md. , 10Oc45: 22 Biscuit, savoy, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 22S38: 41 Biscuit, ship, for sale, at Ware river, Va. ,8My52: 31 in Charles City co. , Va. , 15Je39: 32 makers of, adv. for, 18J151: 32 Biscuit, white, imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from New York City, 23Ja46: 41 Biscuit bakers, See Convict servants as; Indentured servants; Slaves as Bishaw, James, P2Je75s43 Thomas, P12Je78: 12 Bishop, Capt. , 14S39: 32 of the Fortune, PD15Ag66: 22, PD22Ag66: 21, of the Lively, PD26My74: 22, D70c75:23,D13J176:61 Mr. , surgeon's mate, 280c37: 31 John, P14N77: 33 John, Pvt. , R14Ja73: 13 Richard, P270c75: 13, P5S77: 33, P28N77sll Robert, Capt. , of the Charlotte, 4Ap51:31 Timothy, PD2F69: 31 Bishop, ship, P5Ja76: 32 sloop, D21Ag79: 31 Bishoprick, Capt. , of the Galloway, PD29Ap73: 21 Richard, R2N69: 23 Bissaw, Africa, See Shipwrecks off Bissell, Richard, Capt. , D3Ja77: 12 of the Grata va, R2N69: 22 Bissett, Alexander, D26Ag75: 33, D12Mr79: 22, D12F80: 33--C19F80: 32 Margaret, D12Mr79: 22, D12F80: 33— C19F80: 32 Bissett, Lamar, Hill & co. , PD2D73: 22— R2D73: 23 Bisseul, France, See Fires in Bissey, John, PD12Mr72: 33 Bissit, Alexander, PD21J168: 32 Bistritz, fort of, attacked by Turks, 9Je38: 21 Bits, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PDllAp66:41 Bits, bridle, for sale, in Beaufort, N. C. , P160C78: 32 in Gloucester, Va. , D20Ap76: 33— P19Ap76sll in Gloucester co. , Va. , D24Ag76: 72— P16Ag76: 33 in Smithfield, Va. , D21F77: 22— P28F77s22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD28S69: 31 Bits, carpenter's, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 Bits, center, for sale, in Gloucester, Va. ,D20Ap76: 33— P19Ap76sll in Gloucester co. , Va, ,D24Ag76: 72— P16Ag76: 33 Bits, chair bridle, for sale, in Princess Anne co. , Va. , P23My77: 32 Bits, cooper's, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 Bits, curb, for sale, at Kemp's landing Va. ,D19Mr79:31 Bits, pelham, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. PD25J166: 23 Bits, snaffle, for sale, at Kemp's landing, Va. , D19Mr79: 31 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 Bits, taper, for sale, in Gloucester, Va. , P19Ap76sll— D20Ap76: 33 Bits, wimble, for sale, in Gloucester co., Va. ,P16Ag76:33— D24Ag76: 72 Bitten, John Charles, PllAg75: 43 Bitter ingredients, for sale, in Gloucester, Va. , D20Ap76: 33 — P19Ap76sll in Petersburg, Va. , Pi23Mr75: 33— D25Mr75: 31 Bitters, See Pitt's bitters; Stoughton's bitters Bitters, materials for, for sale, in Richmond, Va. , PD3S72: 23 Bivan, George, D31Ag76: 31 Bivins, James, Capt. , of the Prince of Wales, PD24S72: 22— R80c72: 41 Bizarre, Fr. warship, 5D51: 21, 5D51: 32, 5S55: 21 Bizatre, Fr. man of war, D9My77: 11 Bizerte, Tun. , destroyed by French, PD25Oc70: 12 Black, Mr. , P26Ap76: 22 killed by lightning, 7Ag52: 21 of New York City, PD6Ag72: 22 plantation of, D26J180: 33 tavern of, in Fredericksburg, Va. , 25Ap51: 41 David, PD30Ja72: 33, PD7My72: 31, PD30J172: 33,DlAp75: 12, D18Mr80: 32 David, Dr. , PD80c72: 31, D6Je77: 31 Govey, R26My68: 22 John, D26D77:31 Nancy, D17Je75: 31 Nancy (Mackenzie), Mrs. , PD80c72: 31 Robert, P2Je75s43 Samuel, P28N77: 32 Samuel, Capt. , of the Friends Adventure, 24D36: 42, 25Mr37: 41 Stewart, PD29Ja67: 13, PDp8F68: 23 Thomas, P21F77: 33 William, R170c71: 42, D27My75: 41, D5F80: 33 adv. finding horse, PD10Oc66: 42, D9Ap79: 32 adv. for missing horse, PD26Mr67: 32, PD18Ag68: 32, PD16Je74: 23, D210c75: 32, D18N75: 32 — PU6N75: 41, P12Ap76:32,D29Ja80:41 adv. for passengers, D14S76: 71, DHOc76: 62 adv. for runaway indentured servant, PD26N67: 31 adv. for runaway servants, PD9J172: 32 adv. for runaway slaves, PD27J169: 41, PD13D70: 23, PD6My73: 32, P18J177sl3,D5D77: 12 adv. horses for sale, P12D77: 23, D4D78: 22, D19Mr79: 31, D14Ag79: 31, D25Mr80: 31 adv. land for sale, PD9My66: 31, R170c71: 43, PD14My72: 31 adv. plantation for sale, PD5D71: 32, PD19N72: 31— R19N72: 22, R210c73: 23— PD140c73: 23, P19J176: 43 adv. settlement of estate, PD21J168: 32 adv. ship for charter, 120c52: 31, D29J176: 62 adv. stallion for hire, PD7Ap74: 32, DlAp75: 32,D13Ap76: 33--P19Ap76: 43, D14Mr77: 11 adv. surgeons' instruments for sale, P12Ap76: 32 adv. tavern for rent, 17Ap46: 42 bond of, D3Ag76: 32 defendant in Chancery court 7N54:31,25Ap55:22 deserter, D25Mr80: 33 holds bonds of John Butler, PD6J169: 33, PD24Ag69: 33 horse of, D12Mr79: 31, D9Ap79: 31, P31My76: 32 posts Falls plantation, PD60c74: 32 recruiter, D23My77: 31 schooner of, PD28S69: 23 slave of, PD18Ag68: 31, P21J175: 32 William, jr. , P23My77: 33 Black and all Black, horse, DllAp77: 62, D24Ap78: 42, D8My78: 62— P6Mr78: 31, P29My78: 42, D10J178: 21, D25Mr80: 31, D9My80: 32— C13My80:41 stallion, D14Mr77: 12 — P21Mr77: 22 Black Arabian, horse, PD6Je66: 31, D28Mr77: 22— PllAp77: 31 Black currants, substitute for tea, PD13Ja74: 12 Black ferry, Va. , D20J176: 51 Black Forest, Germany, See Peasants' revolt in Black Friars bridge, London, Eng. , building of, PD14Mr66: 42 tolls collected, R3Mr74: 13 Black Fusileers, capture of, P26Ap76s22 Black Heath, Eng. , See Assaults in; British army camps on Black Legs, horse, R220c72: 22, R140c73: 31, D14Mr77: 41 — P21Mr77s23 Black Ordinary, Va. , P22Ag77: 31 Black Prince, brigantine, PD14Ap74: 23— R17Mr74: 22, PD14Ap74: 31 — R14Ap74: 23 cutter privateer, D15Ja80: 21 H. M. S. ,D12Mr79: 22 privateer, D29Ja80: 21 schooner, R12Ja69: 31 ship. 8Je39: 41, 24Ag39: 3, 2N39: 2, 25Ja40: 12, 5Je52: 31, 10N52: 22, 25Ja40: 3, PD5S66s32--R5S66: 32, PD12S66: 23, R12Ja69: 31, PD9Mr69: 31, PD23Mr69: 31, PD23N69: 12, PD30Ja72: 31, PD13Ja74: 32, R14J174: 23, DlAp75: 31 sloop, PD5S66s21--R5S66: 31, PD5Ag73: 21 snow, 22Je39: 31, 29je39: 32, 13J139: 42, 24Ag39: 22, 3J152: 32, 7Ag52: 31 Black River, ship, R28J168: 23 Black Sea, free navigation of granted to Gt. Brit. , PD29Ap73: 13 Russia's port on, PD26D71: 22 See also Antiquities discovered on; Russian navy in; Shipwrecks in; Storms in; Turkish navy ordered to 77 Black stones (cont'd) Black stones, for sale, R3My70: 41 in Liverpool, Eng. , R3My70: 41 Black Swamp camp, S. C. , captured by British, D29My79: 22 Black tabbies, as lottery prizes, PD19My68: 23 Black walnut, adv. for, in Williamsburg, Va. ,P19je78:31 brigs built of, Pi23Mr75: 32— D25Mr75: 31--P31Mr75: 41 exported from Accomac district, Va. , to R. I. , PD23My66: 31, PD12S66: 23 exported from James river, upper district, Va. , to Boston, Mass. , 10Ag39: 31 Black walnut bedsteads, for sale, in Bute co., N. C. ,D5S77:31 Black walnut chairs, as lottery prizes, PD28Ja68: 32 for sale, in New Kent co. , Va. , D27N79: 22 in Surry co. , Va. , PD30My66: 31 Black walnut desks, as lottery prizes, PD28Ja68: 32 for sale, in Surry co. , Va. , PD30My66: 31 Black walnut furniture, for sale, at Green spring, Va. , PD12N67: 22 Black walnut plank, for sale, in Hanover, PD30J172: 31, D13Ja76: 33 — P5Ja76: 33 near Blandford, Va. , PD20N66: 23 in King William co. , Va. , PD7Ap74: 31-- R7Ap74: 31 Black walnut scantling, for sale, in Hanover, Va. , PD30J172: 31 Black walnut stocks, carried away by freshet, 5My38: 41 exported from Accomac district, Va. , to N. J. , PD9Ap67: 23 Black walnut tables, as lottery prizes, PD28Ja68: 32 for sale, in New Kent co. , Va. , D27N79: 22 in Surry co. , Va. , PD30My66: 31 Black walnut timber, in Brunswick co. , Va. , 12Je52: 21 in Orange co. , Va. , PD2F69: 32— R2F69: 23 in Princess Anne co. , Va. , P9My77sll on York river, Va. , PD16S73: 31— R16S73: 33 Blackador, Capt. , 8J137: 41 Blackall, Dr. , of N. C. , 7J138: 42 Blackbird, horse, PD1N70: 22 Blackburn, Adjutant, in battle of Great Bridge, Va. , P15D75: 22 Col. , 24Ap52: 21, P12Ap76: 32, D13J176: 22 Mr. , studies importance of British- colonial trade, D8Ap75: 31 Andrew, PD2F69: 31 Christopher, R5Ag73: 22 Edward, PD2F69: 31 George, D29Ap75s42 Hugh, 10Ja[?]51: 42, 28F55: 32 Jacob, P21N77: 43 James, Pil5D74: 33 John, R26N72: 22, RlAp73: 33 Mary, 7N54s22 Mary, Mrs. , P4Ag75p21 Richard, Col. , R130c68: 24, P4Ag75p21 Robert, 9My55: 21, R12J170: 42 Roger, D21F77: 12, D19F79: 32 T. , R15Ap73: 32, P26Ja76: 41, P20Je77: 11, P29Ag77: 11, C30Oc79: 23 Thomas, adv. finding horse, R25My69: 33 adv. for runaway indentured servant, P27N75sl2 adv. land for rent, R80c72: 32 adv. trust for John Ballendine's estate, RlJe69: 31 announces settlement of accounts of militia, P30Je75: 32, P28J175: 22, P18Ag75sll appointed member of Council, C18D79: 11— D18D79: 21 commissioner to settle accounts of soldiers in Indian war, P30Je75: 32, P28J175:22, P18Ag75sll delegate to Va. convention from Prince William co. , Va. , DlAp75: 21 directs lottery, R17Ag69: 32 elected burgess for Prince William co. , Va. , PD4Ag74: 23 letter to in post office, PD29Ja67: 13, P19Ap76p23 on committee for Prince William co. , Va. , Pil2Ja75: 32, PilJe75: 11— P2Je75s41 on committee for rebating damaged tobacco, RlAg71: 11 William, PD3D67: 32, R20S70: 31— PD20S70: 32 William, Capt. . 12Ja39: 42 Blackburn, Rumsey & co. , dissolution of partnership, PD4F68: 32 Blackburn & Ellzey, trustees of John Ballendine, R2My71: 32 Blacke, Richard, D18Ap77: 62 Blackenbeeken, John, 7N54s21 Blackeney, Capt. , wounded in battle of Bunker Hill, P22J175s22— D29J175: 31 Blacket, ship, PD28Mr71: 12 Blackhall, Abraham, Dr. , 28Ap38: 41, 17Ag39: 41 George, Capt. , of the Hillsborough, PD12My68: 22— R12My68: 13 Blackhom, Simon, D11D79: 13 Blacking, See Shoe blacking Blacking balls, for sale, in Smithfield, Va. , C3J179: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , P15F70: 41 Blacking cakes, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD10Oc71: 31 Blacking, machine, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD12D71: 32 Blacking, patent, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , D22Ap75: 32— Pi20Ap75: 31 Blacking, polishing, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD12D71: 32 Blackledge, Richard, PD5N6 7: 31 Robert, 17Je37: 42 Blacklock, [Thomas, Rev. Mr. ], author. PD18J171: 32, PD17S72: 22, PD10Je73: 33 Blackmail, in Angus, Scot. , 25N37: 32 in Edinburgh, Scot. , PD150c67: 13 in Eng. , PD22S74: 22 in Hatton- Garden, Eng. , 13My37: 32 in London, Eng. , 9Je38: 32, 7J138: 31, 2F39: 31, 8Je39: 32, 3Ag39: 32, 170c51: 21,PD14Je70: 31 in Rochester, Eng. , 2S37: 12 in Surry, Eng. , PD28S69: 12 in Wapping, Eng. , 13My37: 32 Blackmore, [Richard, Sir], author, 24My51:32,R14Ap68:24 Thomas, PD23My71: 23 Blackmore' s fort, PD130c74: 22 Blacknall, Mr. , PD12Mr72: 33 Charles, PDllAp71: 32 Mary, PDllAp71: 32 Richard, P27Mr78: 11 Thomas, D24Ja77: 41— P24Ja77: 31 Blacknell, Charles, PD13D70: 31 Blackrie's lixivium, for sale, in Richmond, Va. , PD10S72: 23, PD17Je73: 33— R17Je73s23 in Williamsburg, Va. , R3N68: 33— PD10N68: 22, PD13Ap69: 32— R13Ap69: 32, PD17Ag69: 33— R17Ag69: 23, PD21S69: 33 — R21S69s21, PD7Je70: 31— R12J170: 31, PD15Ag71: 32— R15Ag71: 32, PD2J172: 32, PD10Je73: 22, PD1S74: 32 Black's ferry, Va. , PD7My67: 33, PD25Ag74: 32 Black's ferry plantation, Va. , PD19N72: 31— R19N72: 22, P19J176: 43 Blacksmiths, PD290c72: 21— R290c72: 23, Pi4My75: 33 adv. for, at Hunter's iron works, Va. , P21Je76: 31— D22Je76: 32, D15N76: 22--P20D76: 22,D4J177: 12 in Dinwiddie co. , Va. , 30N59: 41 in Elizabeth City co. , Va. , P28Je76: 41 in Hanover, Va. , R130c68: 31 in Henrico co. , Va. , P8N76: 43 in Mount Comfort, Va. , R27F72: 33 in Prince Edward co. , Va. , PD16Je74: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD25Ap66: 32, R22S68: 24, P24N75: 31, P13S76: 32, D16Ap79: 22. D19Je79: 31 on Hog island, Va. , 7N51: 31 adv. of, in Middlesex co. , Va. , P28J175: 31 in Portsmouth, Va. , PD14Mr66: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD14Mr66: 32 compensated for injuries in Britain, PD80c72: 31 for hire, P22N76: 32 for Ohio expedition, adv. for, 7N54: 31 in Bute co. , N. C. , PD18Ja70: 32 in Caroline co. , Va. , 9Ja46: 41 in Charles City co. , Va. , PD16My66: 31 in Charleston, S. C. , PD25Je72: 31 in Louisa co. , Va. , P29Mr76: 32 in Nansemond co. , Va. , 17Ja50/51: 32 in New York City, PD7Ap68: 21 in Petersburg, Va. , 17N52: 31, D12F80: 33--C19F80: 32 in Philadelphia, Pa. , R13J169: 23 in Portsmouth, Va. , PD14Mr66: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , R2Ag70: 31, R27S70: 22 See also Convict servants as; Indentured servants; Slaves as Blacksmiths, apprentices, adv. for, in Williamsburg, Va. , P13D76: 23 runaway from Middlesex co. , Va. , PD8Mr70: 41— R15Mr70: 42 Blacksmiths, journeymen, adv. for, in Williamsburg, Va. , P23Ag76: 33 — D24Ag76: 41, P13D76: 23, P30c77: 22 Blacksmiths, slave, adv. for, in Hanover, Va. , PD7N71: 23 78 Blair in Newcastle, Va. , PD9D73: 22— R9D73: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , R6F72: 31 Blacksmiths' files, for sale, in Smithfield, Va. , PD4Ag68: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , DlMy79: 22 Blacksmith's materials, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PDllAp71: 32 Blacksmiths' shops, for rent, in Petersburg, Va. , D12Mr79: 22 for sale, in Amherst co. , Va. , PD21Mr71:32 in Orange co. , N. C. , D160c79: 31 in Albemarle co. , Va. , D19J180: 33 in Colebrook, Conn. , PD23D73: 31 in Elizabeth City co. , Va. , PD7Ap68: 31, PD16Mr69: 32 in Hanover co. , Va. , P5Ja76: 33— D13Ja76: 32 in James City co. , Va. , P22N76: 32 in Louisa co. , Va. , R12My68: 33 in Manchester, Va. , R22Ap73s21 in Mecklenburg co. , Va. , R15J173: 41 in Pittsylvania co. , Va. , R2My71: 33 in Port Royal, Va. , D30Oc78: 41 in Westham, Va. , PD10D72: 31, R17D72: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. ,D16Ap79: 22 near Port Royal, Va. , PD15Ag66: 31 Blacksmiths tools, for hire, P22N76: 32 for rent, in Petersburg, Va. , D12Mr79: 22 for sale, PD8N70: 23, PD29Ag71: 31, P6Je77: 31, P240c77: 33, D26D77: 21 at Green Spring, Va. , PDlOOc71: 32 in Alexandria, Va. , P9My77: 42 in Beaufort, N. C. , P160c78: 32 in Dinwiddie co. , Va. , R4Mr73: 32 in Henrico co. , Va. , PDllMy69: 31 in Isle of Wight co. , Va. , D90c78: 41 in King and Queen co. , Va. , D90c78: 41 in Norfolk borough, Va. , DlMy79: 32 in Orange co. , N. C. , D160c79: 31 in Petersburg, Va. , D12F80: 33— C19F80: 32 in Surry co. , Va. , PD8N70: 23 in Urbanna, Va. , R3Je73: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , PDllAp66: 41, PD19S66: 31, PD3D67: 32, PD28S69: 31, PDllAp71: 32, PD12D71: 32, P270c75: 31--D4N75: 32--Pi260c75: 32, P160c78: 41--D30Oc78: 42 in Yorktown, Va. ,D14Ja75: 32 in Manchester, Va. , R22Ap73s21 Blacksnake, privateer, D25S79: 22 Blackstone, Capt. , of the Charming Betty, 18N37: 41 Blackstone, William, Sir, book of for sale, PD2My71: 32--R30My71: 31, R2My71: 23, R5S71: 33, PD26S71: 31 — R26S71: 33, PD16Ap72: 32--R23Ap72: 33, D25N75: 11, D30Oc75: 11, D24F76: 43, D2Mr76: 41, D9Mr76: 41, D25My76: 43, D24Ag76: 51,D24Ag76: 56 charge to jury, Pi7S75: 22 cited in piracy case, D8Ja80: 31 Commentaries quoted, PD7J174: 13 extract from Commentaries, PD3Ja71: 11 quoted in Boston, Mass. ,R29Ap73: 13 quoted on episcopacy, D24Ap78: 11 reference to, PD25F73: 23 Blackwall. [Anthony], author, PD17S72: 22 Blackwater Bridge, Va. , P20S76: 32— D21S76: 41 Blackwater river, Va. , See Ships in Blackwel, James, PD23Ap72: 12 Blackwell, Capt. , D4F75: 31 of the Liberty, PD15Ag71: 23 — R15Ag71: 22 of the Nancy Graham, PD10N68: 22 of the Princess Roval, 120c39: 22 of the Trial, PD15Ja67: 32 Mr. , house of burned in Md. , D19Je79:31 slave of, PD170c71: 32 Jacob, R150c72: 12 James, PD17S72: 22 James, jr. , PD10Ja71: 33— R10Ja71: 31 John, adv. finding hog, D9D75: 33 adv. for missing horse, PD21Ap74: 32 adv. glebe land for sale, R2Ag70: 31 adv. settlement of estate, PD14My72: 22, D20Ja76: 42--Pi20Ja76: 32, P28N77sll adv. unclaimed tobacco, Pil7Ag75: 33— P18Ag75sll--D19Ag75: 33, P8S75: 31 slave of, 26S45: 32, R19My74: 43 Joseph, 14Ag46: 32, 27F52: 32 Josias, PD31Mr68: 23 Sam, Capt. , D8Ap80s23 Samuel, PD6N66: 23 Sarah, RllMy69: 33 Thomas, PD28F71: 41, P230c78: 33 William, 9My55: 21, PD26S66: 33 William, Capt. , of the Caroline, D4F75: 22 of the Jeany and Sally, PD17N68: 22 William, Col. , PD220c72: 23 Blackwood, James, PD28My67: 32, PD18F68: 31 Blackwood and Cathcart, ship of, 18Ag38: 42 Bladen, Martin, 16S37: 32, 21Mr45: 22 author, PD10Je73: 31 Thomas, gov. of Md. , 24Ap46: 32, 3Ap46: ll,3Ap46: 12 Bladen, ship, 7N45: 31, 3Ap46: 41 Bladensburg, Md. , See Indentured servants runaway from; Presbyterians in; Robberies between; Robberies near; Snuff manufactured in; Tobacco manufactured in; Storage space for rent in Blades, George, P14Mr77: 43 Blades, See Awl blades Blades, bundles of, for sale, in Gloucester co. , Va. , R17Ja71: 23 Blades, sword, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 8Ag51: 32 Blag, Caleb, RllMr73:32 Blagdon, Capt. , PD10D67: 31 Thomas, Capt. , of the Jenny, PD18Ap66: 33, PD25Ap66: 31, PD15Ag66: 31, PD14My67: 21, PD4Je67: 41, PD6Ag67: 32 William, 11J151: 32 Blagg, John, Capt. , PD18F68: 23 Blagrave, Harry, 29S52: 41 Henry, PD8D68: 31, R2F69: 22, R4My69: 22, PDllMy69s41 Blagrove, Mrs., death of, PD23S73: 23-- R23S73: 32 Rev. Mr. , PD23S73: 23--R23S73: 32 Benjamin, Rev. Mr. , D28F77: 31 announces departure, PD14N71: 22 appointed to St. Paul's parish, D90c78: 32 chosen as member of committee for Surry co. , Va. , P8Mr76s23 dispute with vestry discussed, P30Oc78: 31 elected rector of Southwark parish, PD3D72: 22 marriage of, PD9D73: 21— R9D73: 21 preaches funeral sermon, P28F77: 21 trustee for fund for relief of widows and orphans, PD24Mr74: 32— R24Mr74: 41, PD24Mr74: 32— R24Mr74: 41, PD6My73: 22— R6My73s21, D15My79: 31 Sally (Pelham), Mrs. , PD9D73: 21— R9D73: 21 Blaikley, Mrs. , 1D38: 42, PD21N71: 22— R21N71: 31 Catherine, R10Ag69: 32 Catharine, Mrs. , PD240c71: 23, PD31D72: 32, PD8Ap73: 33 William, PD11D66: 33--R4D66: 31 Blaikly, James, P8D75: 32 Blain, Joseph, R21My72: 22 Joseph, Mrs. , R21My72: 22 Thomas, PD25J171: 22 Blaine, Capt. , of the Argyle, PD14S69: 31 Blair, Capt., of the Eliza, 21Mr45: 31 of the Flying Fish, D20c79: 21 of the Pennsylvania Farmer, PD3Ag69: 22, R23N69: 22 of the Senegal, PD12S71: 31 Dr. , PD5D71: 32 house of, PD14Ja73: 31 of London, Eng. , PD9Mr69: 31 — R16Mr69: 22 Mr., of Dunmore's troops, P15D75: 31 Receiver of William and Mary, PD3Mr68: 31 store of robbed, 31J146: 42, 31J146: 51 A. , P27Mr78: 22, P27Mr78: 41 Alexander, PD9Ap72: 33, P23Ag76s: 11 Anne, PD3D72: 23, D31J179: 12 Archibald, accuses Hezekiah Ford, D160c79: 11— C30Oc79: 33 adv. building of hospital, P21F77: 22 adv. for bids for building barracks, DlAg77: 31 — PlAg77: 31 adv. for missing horse, D5F80: 33 adv. for recruiting officers, P5Je78: 31,D25Mr80: 31 adv. land for sale, D14Ag79: 31 adv. vacancies in Virginia regiments, P19D77: 22,D90c79:31 announces appointment of officers, P6Mr78: 11,D3J179: 22 announces removal of government from Williamsburg, Va. , to Richmond, Va. ,D25Mr80:31 exonerates Capt. Nathaniel Gist of aiding Cherokees, P20D76sl2 — D27D76: 42 issues orders of parole, D90c79: 31 notifies soldiers to meet at Gloucester courthouse, Va. , P1N76: 33 orders officers to report, D160c79: 31 — C30Oc79: 33 orders recruiting officers to report, P25Ap77: 11, P160c78: 22 orders sheriffs to give account of British property, P6Mr78: 11 79 Blair, Archibald (cont'd) orders to commissioners of taxes, D3J179: 22 orders Tories out of Va. , D18S79: 31 publishes notice of council, P170c77: 23 publishes order of council, P4Ap77: 11, P2My77s31, P30My77: 32, D26S77: 31— P26S77: 31 publishes resolution of council, D28Mr77: 21, P2My77s: 31, D9My77: 41 C. , slave of, PD19My74pll Catherine, PD23D73s22, PD6Ja74: 32, D31Ja77: 72--P7F77: 31, D14F77: 12 David, accused of being Loyalist, P23Ag76sll announces departure, PD240c71: 31, P23F76:41,D7Mr77: 12 merchant, R21Ja73: 31, P16Je75: 22 collector for John Miller, PD18F73: 31--R18F73: 32 partner of Isaac Heslop, PD2Ap72: 32 takes passengers for ship, PD7Ja73: 32 David, Capt. , of the Eliza, 4J145: 32, 3J146: 4 of the Lilly, 270c52: 21, 17N52: 22 Elizabeth, 5N36: 42, 5My38: 41, 12My38: 32, R16Mr69: 22, PD23Mr69: 31 George, announces departure, PD28Ja68: 31 appointed capt. of British army in Va. , P22D75: 22 escaped prisoner of war, P2My77: 12 imprisoned in Suffolk, Va. , jail, P3My76: 31 prisoner of war, D27Ap76: 32 sale of property, PD7My72: 32 slave of, PD10c72: 23 Gilbert, PD28Ap68: 21 James, accused of being Loyalist, P23Ag76sll adv. for runaway slave, PD21N71: 22-- R21N71: 31, PD27F72: 32--R27F72: 31, adv. land for sale, 17Ja51: 42 adv. settlement of estate of John Blair, sr. , PD21N71: 22--R21N71: 31 adv. unclaimed glass, 14Mr51: 42 agent for Heslop & Blair, P23F76: 41 announces departure, D20Ap76: 41 clerk's notice, PD23Ap67: 31 daughter of burned to death, R16F69: 21 describes naval engagement near Philadelphia, Pa. , P31My76: 21 estate of, PD3D72: 23 house of, PD30Ag70: 33 letter of in post office, PDllAp66: 41 slave of, PD8S74: 32 settlement of estate of, R15N70: 32— PD22N70: 23 sheriff, R21S69: 32 James, Capt. , D25Oc80: 32 James, commissary, 150c36: 41, 12D55: 42 James, Dr. , alderman of Williamsburg, Va. , PD3D72: 22--R3D72: 22 arrives in Norfolk, Va. , PD29N70: 21 chosen member of common council, PD26S71: 31 death of, PD31D72: 31, R7Ja73: 32 marriage of, PD23My71: 22 property of for sale, PD2S73: 22 — R2S73: 31, PD23D73s22, PD23D73s22--R16D73: 41 settlement of estate of, PD2S73: 22— R2S73: 31 Jean, PD3N74pll John, 17Ja51: 42, R16Mr69: 22, PD31D72: 32, P14N77: 23, P10J178: 33 adv. for missing horse, R7S69: 32— PD24Ag69:32 adv. land for sale, PD2F69: 31 appointed to committee on petitions to Gt. Brit. , R21Ap68: 14 daughter of, R11F73: 21 house of, PD8Ap73: 33 land of, PD16S73: 32, PD22D74: 32 letter to in post office, PD7J168: 23 receives prize at College of N. J. , PD290c72: 12 slave of, R13Ja74: 33 John, Capt. ,D11J177:32 John, Col. , PD8Ja67: 12 John, Hon. , 27Ag56: 42, PD21My67: 32, R7D69: 31, C3J179: 23, C28Ag79: 11, D5F80: 33 John (1687-1771), president of council, PD23Mr69: 31 accuses Wayles of altering depositions on Routlidge murder, PD19S66: 22, PD10Oc66: 21 acts passed by, PD21Ap68: 22— R21Ap68: 21 addresses from general assembly quoted, PD7Ap68: 22 addresses of, 1768, PD31Mr68: 21, PD7Ap68: 22—R14Ap68: 21 adv. for bids for building addition to Bruton parish church, 15My52: 32, 25Je52: 22 adv. for escaped prisoner, 4N63: 42 adv. for stolen slave, 11N37: 41 adv. property for sale, 6Ap39: 32 burgess from Williamsburg, Va. , 3N38: 51 contributes to charity school fund, 240c51: 22 criticized for bailing Chiswell, PD25J166: 11 death of, PD7N71: 22 defends giving bail to Chiswell, PD4J166: 22 elected mayor of Williamsburg, Va. , 5D51:32,R30N69: 23 disavows bond held by William Gladdin, RlJe69: 32 horse of, 13Ja38: 41 in Routlidge murder case, PD19S66: 22 name of on paper money, PD14Ap74: 31-- R14Ap74: 31 proclamations of 1768, PD3Mr68: 23— R3Mr68: 32, R16Je68: 31, R30Je68: 11, R7J168: 24, PD8S68p22— R22S68: 33 property of for sale, PD21N71: 22— R21N71: 31, PD2S73: 22— R2S73: 31 prorogues general assembly, 4N63: 22, R23Je68: 32 report on Montreal fire fund, PD270c68: 32— R270c68: 31, PD17N68: 23— R17N68: 23, PD9Mr69: 33— R9Mr69: 23, PD29Je69: 32--R6J169: 32 reprints proclaimation, 17Ja50/51: 32 requests donations for sufferers in Montreal fire, R21J168: 32— PD21J168: 31, PD16Mr69: 31 resignation of, PD18Oc70sll, R18Oc70: ll,R18Oc70: 21 settlement of estate of, PD21N71: 22— R21N71: 31, PD2S73: 22 — R2S73: 31 slave of, PD21N71: 22— R21N71: 31 successor to as Deputy Auditor, PD14N71: 21— R21N71: 32 takes deposition of John Wayles, PD12S66: 22 tribute to, PD7Ap68: 22 will issue Mediterranean passes, R130c68: 23 — PD130c68: 23 witness clerk's notice, R9Je68: 34— PD9Je68: 23, PD9Je68: 31 — R9Je68: 33— R9Je68: 34 John, jr. (1732-1800), 4J151: 41, 29Ag51: 32 adv. estate of John Randolph for sale, P130c75: 23— D140c75: 33 — Pil90c75: 33 adv. for bids for building, PD3S72: 22, PD8Ap73: 23— R8Ap73: 33, PD12Ag73: 31, D28Mr77: 12— P28Mr77s: 22 adv. for missing horse, PD9F69: 32-- R9F69: 23 adv. for runaway slave, PD21N71: 22— R21N71: 31, PD27F72: 32--R27F72: 31 adv. land for lease, D26D77: 22 adv. land for sale, PD13Ag72: 23, PD13My73: 33— R13My73: 32, D13J176: 22, P12J176: 31, D7N77: 31 — P7N77sl3, D17J178: 32, P160c78: 41 — D30Oc78: 42 adv. settlement of estate, PD15D68: 31 — R15D68: 21, R15N70: 32--PD22N70: 23, PD2S73: 22--R2S73: 31, PD21N71: 22— R21N71: 31, PD2S73: 22--R2S73: 31, D18J177: 32, P18J177: 32, P21Ag78: 31 adv. slaves for sale, Pi9N75: 33— P10N75: 42— D11N75: 32, D30Oc78: 42— P160c78: 41 adv. tenement for sale, D31J179: 12 agent of John Randolph, P25Ag75: 72 announces date of meeting general assembly, PD21Ap74: 31 announces governor's message, R5Mr72: 23 announces grant of land, R17Je73: 33 announces reopening of land office, R3Mr74: 33 announces sitting of council to hear caveats, PD9My71: 32--R9My71: 21, PD7My72: 31, Pi20Ap75: 31 announces those eligible for land bounties, R12My74: 42 appointed judge of Va. admiralty court, D27Ja76: 23, P9Ag76: 11— D10Ag76: 12 appointed to committee for Williamsburg, Va. , Pi9N75: 33 appointed to committee to plan insane hospital, R2Ag70: 23, R6S70: 11 attorney for Robert Miller, P2Je75s42— D3Je75: 33 audits treasurer's accounts, R12Ja69: 31, PD29Je69: 32, R10Ja71: 32, R17D72: 23, R30D73: 32, R24Je73: 31, Pi29D74: 32 burgess for William and Mary college, PD15D68: 23--R15D68: 21, PDllMy69s41, PD7S69: 23 — R7S69: 31, R9N69: 11 John (Rector), calls meeting of visitors of William and Mary college, D4Mr80: 23 chairman of Williamsburg manufactory, D10J179: 31, D31J179: 12, D6N79: 31, 80 Bland D5F80: 33, C21Oc80: 22 chosen member of Va. privy council, P5J176s21--D6J176: 21 clerk of council, R30Ag7(fc 22, R10Ja71:31 defendant in Chancery court, PD6Ag72: 23--R80c72: 42 demands payment of debts to College, PD8Ag66: 31, PD30J167: 32 elected Council member, P30My77: 31 elected delegate to Va. , convention for William and Mary college, D13Ap76: 32, P19Ap76: 33 elected mayor of Williamsburg, Va. , PD2D73: 21— R2D72: 23 examines treasury, R29Je69: 31 law assistant to R. C. Nicholas, R25D66: 31--PDlJa67: 33 manager of lottery, PD3S67: 31 notices to county court clerks, PD9Ap72: 32--R23Ap72: 33, PD25Je72: 32 notifies Patrick Henry of governorship, P5J176: 23--D6J176: 21 on Northampton co. , Va. , committee of observation, Pil9Ja75: 21 — D4F75: 32 requests return of books, R12Mr72: 31-- PD19Mr72: 31 signs Va. Association, PD25My69: 12 signs treasury notes, RlAg71: 21, R18Mr73: 11 Joseph. P19D77: 41 Joseph Mitchell, D20Ap76: 33— P26Ap76: 22 Kitty (Eustace), marriage of, PD23My71: 22 Mary. Pi5Ja75: 32 Nancy. D26F79: 31 Nelly, PD4F73: 23. R11F73: 21 Samuel, Rev. , 12Je52: 11, PD7Ja68: 32 Thomas, PD8N70: 31 William, RUe69: 32, PD23Je74: 12, P20D76: 11, P28Mr77sll Blair. Heslop &, adv. for journeyman shoemaker. PD20S70: 32 adv. merchandise for sale, R8N70: 12 merchants, PD25Oc70: 23 request payment of debts, PD2Ap72: 32, P23F76:41,D7Mr77: 12 Blair. Hunter &, PD10Oc71: 32 Blair Castle, Va. , beseiged by rebels, 3J146: 21 Blaise- Castle, ship, D10J179: 22 Blaisingame, Benjamin Hope, R14Ja73:41 Blake. Capt. , of the Swallow, 7J138: 31 Diniel.D26F80: 22 Edward, 17N52: 31 Edward, Capt. , of the Dolphin, 22S52: 32, 24N52: 31 James. R21J168: 22 James. Capt. , D14S76: 11 John. PD220c72: 13, PD24N74: 21— Pi24N74:32, D16D75: 31 Martin. P310c77: 12 Nicholas. R21J168: 24 Patrick, Capt. , of the Mermaid, 24N52: 22, 8D52: 31 Richard. D24J179: 31 Thomas, PD28My67: 32 William, R26My74: 23, D24Ap79: 31 Blake, British snow, D180c76: 11 sloop. PD220c72: 13 Blakey, Smith, P27S76: 13 Thomas, 17J152: 32, 24J152: 41 Thomas, jr. , D28N77: 22 Thomas, sr. , D28N77: 22 Blaming, Capt. , of the Marlborough, 20J139: 31 Blanchard. John, R140c73: 33 Joseph, Col. , 26S55: 22, 170c55: 11, 170c55: 21, 240c55: 21, 7N55: 12 Blanche, French frigate, D4S79: 22 Blanchlet, William, P21Ap75: 32 Blancourt, Sieur, of the Thetis, PD22S74: 21 Bland, Capt. . of the John, 29My46: 31 Bland, Col. , P3My76: 33 mill of. PD4Ag74: 31--R4Ag74: 32 ordinary of. PD5Mr72: 32 testimony against Samuel Henley verified, R19My74: 21 Dr. , partnership with W. Stark dissolved, PD28Mr71: 31 General, 10J152: 32 Major, troop of horse, P18Ap77sl2 Mr. , PD9Mr69: 33--R9Mr69: 23 debts due. R18Ja70: 32 Elizabeth, Mrs. , PD17D72: 23, P28Ap75: 22--D29Ap75s33 Giles, PD23F69: 11 John, PD31Ja71: 33 adv. for missing horses, PD80c72: 33 adv. for runaway indentured servant, PD20Ap69: 31 adv. for runaway slave, PD17N74: 23— D28Ja75:43,DllF75:43 adv. merchandise for sale, PD23S73: 31. PD9D73: 23. R16D73: 41 conveys estate to creditors, PD6My73: 22--R6My73: 31 defendant in Chancery court, R20My73: 23 estate of for sale, D18Ap77: 71 leases land, PD9Je74: 32--R9Je74: 21 merchant of London, Eng. . PD3N68: 31--R3N68: 34, PD23F69: 11, PD9D73:21,R16D74:41 ordered to report, P19S77: 22 property of for rent, Pi9F75: 33— D11F75:31 John. jr. , PD6My73: 22--R6My73: 31, R20My73: 23, PD9D73: 22— R9D73: 21 John, sr. , PD9D73: 22--R9D73: 21 Peter Randolph, PD10Oc66: 33, R12My68: 24, PD28J168: 31 — R28J168: 32, R22Mr70: 31 — PD22Mr70: 33, R31Ja71: 32— PD24Ja71: 31, PD14My72: 31 Richard, Col. , 3J152: 32, P28Ap75: 22 addressed (text) by Botetourt co. , Va. , P24Mr75: 32 addresses (text) freeholders of Augusta co. , Va. , P14Ap75: 31 adv. settlement of estate of Richard Bland, sr. . D29N76: 41--P6D76: 32, D31Ja77: 72, P31Ja77: 32 adv. finding horse, P4Ap77: 43, P30My77: 43 adv. for bids for glebe improvements, PD13D70: 31— R13D70: 32 adv. for clergyman, D10Oc77: 21 — P170c77: 23 appointed delegate to Continental congress, PD4Ag74: 23 — R4Ag74: 32, PDllAg74: 12— RllAg74: 31 appointed deputy from Prince George co. , Va. , PD30Je74: 22— R30Je74: 23 appointed to committee on petition to Gt. Brit. , R21Ap68: 14 appointed to Prince George co. , Va. , committee of intelligence, D3Je75: 33 appointed to Va. committee of safety, P25Ag75: 63--D26Ag75: 31, P8S75: 21 author, PD7Mr66: 33, PD4Ap66: 33, R30My66: 22— PD30My66: 31 burgess from Prince George co. , Va. , 17Ja52: 41, 27F52: 32, 12D55: 22, PDllMy69s41, R9N69: 11 chairman of committee for Prince George co. , Va. , Pil90c75: 31 — D280c75: 11 character of upheld, Pi3Ag75: 23 — P4Ag75p21— D5Ag75: 32 confirms candidacy for speaker of Burgesses, PD27Je66: 31 death of, D1N76: 32--P1N76: 31 delivers thanks of burgesses to ministers, R18J171: 23 denies betraying colonies, P7J175: 32— D8J175: 33 elected burgess for Prince George co., Va. ,PD7S69: 23--R7S69: 31, PD1D68:31,PD5D71:31, PD14J174: 23— R14J174: 31 elected delegate to Va. convention from Prince George co. , Va. , D18F75: 23, DlAp75: 21, P19Ap76: 33 delegate to Continental congress from Va. , Pi270c74: 23, Pi30Mr75: 31— DlAp75: 23 landing in Prince George co. , Va. , 21Ap38: 41 marriage of daughter, PD23Je68: 23 on committee for rebating damaged tobacco, RlAg71: 11 on committee of correspondence, PD18Mr73: 23 — R18Mr73: 31 on committee to encourage manufactures in Va. , Pi30Mr75: 31 — DlAp75: 23 on committee to investigate land grants, Pi30Mr75: 31--DlAp75: 31 on committee to regulate counterfeiting, RllMr73: 23, RllMr73: 31 on Indian trade commission, PD19J170: 21— R19J170: 23 praised as Va. delegate to Continental congress, P10F75: 32 praised for participation in first Continental congress, D25Mr75: 13 praised in Augusta co. , Va. , P14Ap75: 23 prepares bill for relief of flood victims, R18J171: 23 presents address to governor from burgesses, R5Mr72: 23 quarrel with Samuel Henley, PD10Mr74: 21 quarrel with Samuel Sheild, P21J175s33 — D22J175: 11 replaced as delegate io Continental congress, Pil7Ag75: 33 — P18Ag75: 32 returns from Continental congress, PD3N74: 11 — P14N74: 32, P16Je75: 21, D17Je75sl2 satirized, PDlJa67: 21 signs Association of 1774, PD3N74: 12— Pi4N74: 12 81 Bland, Richard (cont'd) signs Va. Association, PD25My69: 12 testifies against Rev. Samuel Henley, PD24F74: 21 thanked for conduct at Continental congress, Pi30Mr75: 22--PlAp75: 21 waits on Robert Stobo, 30N59: 31 writings of praised, PD27J169: 32 Richard, sr. , D29N76: 41--P6D76: 32, D31Ja77: 72--P31Ja77: 32 Robert, R9Je74: 22 Sally, PD23Je68: 23 Theodore, PD29Ja67: 13, D21Ag79: 22 Theodorick, jr. , Dr. , Col. , accuses Joseph Jones of Toryism, D210c75: 31 adv. discontinuing medical practice, R28Mr71: 41 adv. for bids for glebe improvements, PD13D70: 31--R13D70: 32 adv. for horses for army, P5J176p22 adv. for missing horses, 11N37: 41, PD5N67: 32 adv. for runaway slave, PD14J174: 31 adv. for servant, P20Mr78: 12 adv. for teacher, 27Ag56: 41, D19F80: 32 adv. jackass for hire, P24My76: 41 adv. land for rent, R12Mr67: 31 adv. land for sale, R23J167: 42, R12My68: 24, R3N68: 34--PD3N68: 31, PD18J171: 22, PDllJe72: 32, D26F79: 31 adv. money due soldiers, P21Ag78: 11 adv. settlement of estate, PD19N72: 22, R8Ap73: 33, R13Ja74: 41 adv. slaves for sale, P6Mr78: 42 adv. tenement for rent, Pi9Mr75: 33 appointed to Prince George co. , Va. committee of intelligence, D3Je75: 33 cavalry troops of in Williamsburg, Va. ,D21S76: 21 elected to Va. senate, P6S76: 33 holds indenture on land, PD27Je71: 33 issues orders for deserters, D24J179: 22 of Va. cavalry, P14Je76p22, P6D76: 23 orders recruits to report, P27Mr78: 41 orders soldiers to return to regiment, P13D76: 23 requests payment of debts due Stark & co. ,R11N73: 21 sale at, D19D77: 21 senator for Va. counties, P25Ap77: 22 witnesses deposition, P30c77: 13 Theodorick, Major, P14F77: 41, P14Mr77: 23 Thomas, PD27Je71: 33, P8N76: 41, D10J178: 42 Wells, Mrs. , PD24Je73: 32--R24Je73: 31 William, R25F73: 33, Pi20Oc74: 32, Pil3Ap75: 22, Pi20Ap75: 21, Pil8My75: 33, Pi30N75: 33 William, Rev. Mr. , PD17D72: 23 — R17D72: 22, Pil6Mr75: 33 author, Pi31Ag75: 32 bond of, D3Ag76: 32 candidate for Bruton parish church, PD20Ja74: 13 marriage of, PD24Je73: 32 — R24Je73: 31 opposes American episcopate, PD6Je71: 23, PD18J171: 11 — R18J171:23 praise of, PD23D73sl2 preacher for relief fund for clergymen's widows and orphans, PD9My71: 31--R9My71: 33, PD26Mr72: 32--R26Mr72: 23 trustee for relief fund for clergymen's widows and orphans, PD7My72: 31, PDllMr73: 31--RllMr73: 31, PD6My73: 22--R6My73s21, PD24Mr74: 32--R24Mr74: 41, PD5My74: 23, Pi9Mr75: 33 — DllMr75:32 Bland, ship, 10N52: 22, PD27S70: 31 — R27S70: 21, R8N70: 12, R15N70: 23 — PD22N70: 31, PD6je71: 33, PD280c73: 22--R280c73: 32, PD4N73: 22--R4N73: 31 PB4N73: 23, PD11N73: 22, R11N73: 21, PD11N73: 22, PD22S74: 32, PD29S74: 32 — Pi29S74: 33, Pi20Oc74: 32 — PD20OC74: 31, Pi270c74: 32— PD270c74: 23, PD270c74: 32, Pi4N74: 32, P26My75s31--D27My75: 33, PilJe75: 33--P2Je75: 33--D3Je75: 33 Blandfield, Va. , See Tutors adv. for, in Blandford, Va. , enlarged by general assembly, PB28D69: 23--R28D69: 23 expresses thanks to officers, D22Je76: 62 newspaper delivered at, P6Mr78: 12 offers rewards for apprehension of horse thieves in, PD6Ag72: 31 schedule of post rider at, PD21Mr66: 41 streets, PD12S71: 32, Pi9Mr75: 33 tobacco inspection at, PD15F70: 31 — R15F70: 41 See also Apothecaries, adv. for, in; Auctions near; Bridges in; Cabinetmakers, adv. of in; Cabinetmakers, journeymen, adv. for, in; Counting rooms for rent in; Crafters in; Dairies in; Ditchers, adv. for in; Druggists, adv. for in; Dwelling houses in; Earthquakes in; Farms for sale near; Freemasons in; Gardens in; Horse-breeding in; Houses in; Houses and lots for rent in; Indentured servants runaway from; Kitchens in; Land for sale in; Land for sale near; Lots, for lease in; Lots, for rent in; Lots, for sale in; Lumber houses for rent in; Merchants in; Office houses in; Orchards near; Ordinaries for sale in; Ordinaries in; Outhouses in; Physicians in; Saltpetre manufacture in; Ships for sale in; Slaves, mortgaged, for sale in; Slaves adv. for, to buy in; Slaves for hire in; Slaves for sale in; Slaves runaway from; Smith shops in; Smokehouses in; Stables in; Stealing in; Storehouses in; Stores in; Tailors, journeymen, adv. for in; Taverns in; Teachers, adv. for in; Tenements for rent in; Tobacco inspectors in; Tobacco inspection, payment demanded in advance at; Vendues in; Warehouses for rent in; Warehouses, tobacco, for sale in; Wharves in Blandford, British ship, 25Ja40: 2 H. M. S. , 18Ag38: 31, 15S38: 41, 29S38: 41, 9N39: 32, 29Ag51: 22, 5S51: 22, 12S51: 32, 21N51: 22, 24Ja52: 31, 25Ap55: 12, 25Ap55: 21, 12D55: 11 ship, PD3N68: 23, PD8D68: 31, PD7S69: 23, PD28S69: 23, PD8Mr70: 21, PD5Ap70: 33, PD4Oc70: 22, PD1N70: 22, PD28Mr71: 31, PD2My71: 32, PD14My72: 21, PD29Ap73: 22--R29Ap73: 22, PD6My73: 22--R6My73: 23, PD4N73: 21--R4N73: 31, PD6Ja74: 32, P10Mr75s21,P30Je75sl2 Blandford plantation, Va. , PDllAp66: 42, PD28J168: 31--R28J168: 32 Blandford warehouse, Va. , tobacco notes from, PD16D73: 23--R16D73: 42 unclaimed tobacco in, R28Mr71: 33 Bland's mills, Va. , D29J176: 52 Bland's ordinary, Va. , PD5N72: 43, PD17N74: 23, D8Je76: 71, D170c77: 21 Blane, Thomas, PD23S73: 31--R30S73: 33 Blaney, John & co. , adv. shoe factory, D18N75:32--P24N75: 31 Blank books, PD17S72: 22 for sale, at printing office, 2S57: 32 in Blandford, Va. , Pi29D74: 33— PD29D74: 32--D7Ja75: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , 22Ap57: 32, PD14Mr66: 32, R30My66: 32, PD27N66: 11, R4D66: 32, R25D66: 42, PD29N70: 22, PD13D70: 43, PD3Ja71: 43, PD10Je73: 34, PD1D74: 23, D28Ja75: 12, D9Mr76: 43, D24Ag76: 63, P22N76: 13, D3Ja77: 43, D17Ja77: 43, D4Mr80: 13, C19Ag80: 22 Blankaart (Blancard), Steven, author, D24J179: 31 Blankard, Mr. , runaway French seaman, P18J177sll Blankenbeker, Christopher, P230c78: 33 Blankenship, Josiah, P18Ap77s32, P29Ag77: 42, P14N77: 22 Blanket coats, captured by Americans near Ticonderoga, N. Y. , D11N75: 22 Blanket manufactures, encouraged in Pa. , P24F75s22 encouraged in Va. , Pi30Mr75: 31 — DlAp75: 23 in Staten island, N. Y. , PD7Ap68: 12 Blanketing, for sale, in Elizabeth City co. , Va. , D4F75: 33 in Hampton, Va. , Pi2F75: 21 Blankets, adv. for, for Va. army, Pi50c75: 33--P60c75: 32— D70c75: 33 as lottery prizes, PD28Ja68: 32 assessment for troops recommended by Congress, P28Mr77s21 captured by Americans at Setauket, N. Y. ,D12S77: 11 captured by British at Brandywine, D26S77: 12--P26S77: 22 collected in Va. , P10Ja77: 32 disposal regulated in N. Y. , Pi22Je75: 12 for British army in Boston, Mass. , Pi60c74: 32, PD60c74: 32, Pi20Oc74: 23, Pi270c74: 22 for Continental army, D250c76: 42, P14Mr77:31,D90c79: 22 for Hessian troops in British colonies, N. Am. , D22Je76: 21 for sale, at Kemp's landing, Va. . D19Mr79: 31 in Alexandria, Va. , P3Ap78: 31, D24J179: 22 in Blandford, Va. , D13N78: 11 82 Blew, ship in Beaufort, N. C. , P160c78: 32 in Dumfries, Va. , P25J177: 33 in Edenton, N. C. , P160c78: 42 in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD3D72: 22 — R3D72: 22,D26Mr79: 22 in Gloucester co. , Va. , D18S79: 31 in Middlesex co. , Va. , P18Ap77s42 in Norfolk, Va. , PD8N70: 23 in Petersburg, Va. , PD6N66: 21, D10J178:41--P5Je78: 11 in Richmond, Va. , PD3S67: 32, P10J178: 31 in Shockoe, Va. , R7S69: 42— PD7S69: 42 in Suffolk, Va. , 5Mr52: 31, D14N77: 22 in Warwick co. , Va. , PD19N67: 23 in West Point, Va. , P160c78: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD19S66: 31, PD3D67: 32, PD28J168: 23 — R28J168: 31, PD28S69: 31, R210c73: 22, D21F77: 11--P14F77: 31, P160c78: 22 in York co. , Va. , D20N79: 22 in Yorktown, Va. , 29My46: 32, P230c78: 31 refused British army in Boston, Mass. , Pi29S74: 33 found, adv. of, P29N76: 31 import to British colonies, N. Am. , from Fr. proposed, P29Mr76: 23 importation to Fr. from Gt. Brit. forbidden, HMy39: 21 imported, adv. for, PD28J168: 23 adv. of, PD21F71: 32 imported to Accomac district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , PD12Mr67: 32 imported to Baltimore, Md. from Cape Francois, Santo Domingo, W. I. , P27D76: 23 from Martinique, W. I. , D29N76: 32 imported to Boston from Nantes, Fr. , P16My77: 21 imported to Hampton roads, Va. , from Cape Francois, Santo Domingo, W.I. ,D27D76: 12 imported to James river, Va. , from Nantes, Fr. , D5D77: 11--P5D77: 21, P5D77: 22 imported to Marblehead, Mass. from Sp. , P30c77: 21 imported to Providence, R. I. from Fr. , D250c76: 42 imported to Sinepuxent, Md. from Nantes, Fr. ,D6Je77: 21 imported to Va. from Nantes, Fr. , D5D77: 11 imported to Williamsburg, Va. , from Martinique, W. I. , D29N76: 32 left at Fort Johnston, N. C. by British, D22Je76: 61 left in Boston, Mass. by British army, P12Ap76: 22--D13Ap76: 31 lost, adv. for, 22J175: 33 needed by American farmer, P29Mr76: 12 needed for recruits in sixth Va. regiment, D12S77: 42--P12S77: 31 plentiful in W. I. , Fr. , PHOc76: 23 recruits to provide, P15S75: 32 scarce in Philadelphia, Pa. , Pi270c74: 22 seized from British, in Elizabethtown, N.J. ,D31Ja77: 61 in New Rochelle, N. Y. , P8N76: 23 seized from British ships, P23F76: 13-- D24F76: 22, D8N76: 11, D24Ja77: 21, D4J177: 32, D4J177: 71--P4J177: 22 sent to Gen. Gage from Newport, R. I. , PilD74: 23 sent to Hessians in Philadelphia, Pa. , D31Ja77: 61 stolen by deserters, P26J176: 32, P16Ag76: 43 by soldiers, D8Ap80s23 taken at battle of New Rochelle, N. Y. , D15N76: 12 — P15N76: 22 by convict servants, Pi8Je75: 41 by deserters, D9Ap79: 32 by slaves, PD2My66: 31 See also Duffel blankets Blankets, bed, for sale, in Manchester, Va. , PD25N73: 22 in Norfolk, Va. , PD22N70: 31, PD1S74: 32, PD22S74: 32 in Shockoe, Va. , R22S68: 24— PD22S68: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD4Oc70: 31, PDllAp71: 32, PD22Ag71: 32, PD12D71: 32, PD220c72: 22— R220c72: 23 Blankets, damaged, for sale, in Amelia co. , Va. , PD22J173: 32 in Petersburg, Va. , PD290c72: 21 — R290c72: 31 Blankets, damaged duffil, for sale, in Falmouth, Va. , R19N72: 22 in Petersburg, Va. , PD14Ja68: 32, R18Oc70: 22--PD18Oc70: 31 Blankets, damaged negro, for sale, in Yorktown, Va. , PD7Ja73: 32 Blankets, double, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , RllOc70: 31 Blankets, Dutch, for sale, in Surry co. , Va. , PD8N70: 31, PD13D70: 22 in Cabin Point, Va. , PD3S72: 23 in Fredericksburg, Va. , R8N70: 12 in New Kent co. , Va. , R15Ag71: 32 in Petersburg, Va. , P12J176: 32 — D13J176: 21 in Port Royal, Va. , PD22N70: 23 in Richmond, PD29N70: 31 in Richmond, Va. , PD30S73: 31— R30S73: 32 in Shockoe, Va. , R22S68: 24— PD22S68: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , R8N70: 13, R29N70: 23--PD29N70: 22, PD22Ag71: 32, PD17S71: 31 — R26S71:41,R170c71: 33, PD220c72: 22--R220c72: 23, PD23S73: 23--R23S73: 32, PD11N73: 22, D90c79: 31 — C30Oc79: 42 in Yorktown, Va. , PD25F68: 31 — R25F68: 31 near Petersburg, Va. , PD25Oc70: 23 imported to James river, Va. , P28N77: 21 lost, adv. for, PD21My72: 23 taken by slaves, R7D69: 32 — PD7D69: 32 Blankets, English, for sale, in Cabin Point, Va. , PD3S72: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD29N70: 22— R29N70: 23 Blankets, Negro, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD4Oc70: 31 Blankets, salvaged, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD21D69: 32— R28D69: 13 Blankets, striped, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD290c72: 22 — R290c72: 22, PD270c74: 31, D21F77: 21--P21F77: 32 Blankinship, Joseph, P30Oc78: 32 Josiah, R9Je74: 22--PD16Je74: 21, D30Oc78: 31,D4D78: 22 Blanks, David, D11F75: 31 John, P21J175: 33 Richard, D4J177: 11, C11D79: 13 Thomas, Pil7Ag75: 33 Blanks, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , R30My66: 32 Blanks' ferry, Va. , PD21S69: 32 Blanset, John, R1J173: 33, R23S73: 43 Blanton, Joshua, PD18J166: 32, PD5My68: 31, R23My71: 32, D10J179: 32 Blanton' s ferry, Va. , PD12S71: 32 Blasdel, Micajah, D5Je79: 21 Blashford, Michael, PD23My71: 23 Blasingham, Benjamin Hope, PD7Ja73: 32 Blasphemy, in London, Eng. , PD15S68: 13 proclamation against in N. C. , PD14N71: 13 restrained in Gt. Brit. , PD6Ap69: 13 Blast, H. M. S. , 24Ja52: 31 Blatt, Mr. , apprentice to John Fowler, P30Je75s22 John, P17F75s22. P17F75s23 John, jr. , PD9Je74: 31. Pil9Ja75: 11, Blauch, Capt. , PD25Je67: 23 Blaws, Capt. , of the Thomas, Pil6Mr75: 33--P24Mr75: 32 — D25Mr75: 23 Robert, P14Ag46: 32, 12Mr52: 31 Robert, Capt. , of the Susannah, PD10F74: 23 Blaydes, William, D14N77: 41 — P21N77: 33, D26Je79: 32--C3J179: 42 Blaze, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , P21Ag78: 41 Blaze, horse, 18Ap55: 31, R30My66: 33 — PD30My66: 32, D26Mr79: 32 Blaze Castle, British ship, D180c76: 12- P180c76: 21 ship, D230c79: 21 Bleaching mills, in Augusta co. , Va. , C30Oc79: 31--D6N79: 31 Bleakey, Smith, P14Je76: 33 Bleau, Michael, PD15F70: 23 — R25Ja70: 11, PD28J174: 31 Bleckny, Gen. , 10J152: 32 Bledsoe, Anthony, Maj. , P2Ag76: 13 John, P29Ag77: 42 Bleeders, See Indentured servants as Blenheim, H. M. S. , 24Ja52: 31, PD2Ap72: 21, P20Je77: 21 Blenman, Jonathan, PD20Je66: 22 Blenthen, Nathaniel, Capt. , of the Olive-Branch, 12F62: 31 Blessed Endeavour, transport, R16D73: 32 Blessing, ship, PD3F74: 21 Blessing Success, brigantine, PD9J167: 31 ship, PD11F68: 23 Blethyn, William, 27Mr52: 31 Bleuford, Capt. , of minutemen in Norfolk, Va. , D27Ja76: 32 Blevins, James, PD9My71: 31 Blew, ship, 120c39: 22 83 Blewer, Capt. (cont'd) Blewer, Capt. , PD27N66: 21, PD14Ap68: 22, PD24N68: 23, PD16S73: 22 appointed to committee on prices in Phila. ,D12Je79: 12 of the Sally, PD8D68: 13, PD27J169: 31 owner of the Sea Nymph, D90c79: 21 Joseph, D10Ag76: 42 Blewett, Capt. , 28S39: 32 Blews, Mary, DlMy79: 32 Samuel, Pil5Je75: 32,DlMy79: 32 Blick, George, PDllMy69: 33 James, PllAp77s41 John, D27N79: 32 Blight, B. , D13Ja76: 42 Blin, Capt. , PD20Ag67: 23 of the Nancy, PD8N70: 22 George, Capt. , of the Thomas, PD14J168: 31, PD28J168: 23, PD1S68: 21, R12Ja69: 23, PD17Ag69: 22 Blincoe, Thomas, PD18Ja70: 33 Blind, home for in Gt. Brit. , R5N72: 13 Blindness, cure for, 26S51: 22, PD3Ja71: 13, PD7My72: 23, PDllJe72:31,R3D72: 12, PD20My73: 22--R20My73: 21, PD3Je72: 23--R3Je73: 22 in Prudence island, R. I. , PD8Mr70: 21 operations for to cure, PD16Ja72: 31 treatment offered in Williamsburg, Va. ,R6My73sll Blisland parish, James City co. , Va. , 1S38: 42 additions, described, 24Ap46: 32 church in, lower, painting of, 240c45: 42 church in, upper, bids for, 240c45: 42, 24Ap46: 32 contributes to sufferers in Montreal fire, PD8Ag66: 31--R8Ag66: 31, PD9Mr69: 33--R9Mr69: 23 See also Churches in; Churchwardens in; Schools in Bliss, Capt. , hostage at Cedars, Can. , D6J176: 81 Elisha, PD13J169: 22 Jonathan, PD28J168: 21--R28J168: 21 Blizzards, in New York City, PD2F69: 23 in Scot. , 8My52: 22 Block, Frederick, Capt. , of the Polly, PD19Mr67: 32 PD19Mr67: 32 Joseph, P7Mr77sl4 Block island, R. I. , naval —its engagements near described, D4My76: 33 Pi31Ag75: 32 skirmish on, Pi28S75: 23 See also British army off; British navy off; Shipwrecks near Block pins, for sale, in Yorktown, Va. , 25J151: 32 Blockades, of African ports, PD9Ap72: 21 Blockmakers, in Norfolk, Va. , PD170c71: 22 Blockmakers tools, for sale, in Alexandria, Va. , R20Je71: 33 Blocks, for sale, in Alexandria, Va. , R20Je71: 33 in Norfolk, Va. , PD5My68: 31 in Princess Anne co. , Va. , PD60c68: 31 in Yorktown, Va. , 25J151: 32 See also Hoose blocks Blocks, double, seized from British at Fort Nassau, New Providence, W. I. , D4My76: 32 Blocks, sortable, for sale, in Northumberland co. , Va. , P310c77: 31 Blond, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD240c71: 31, PD210c73: 23 — R210c73: 22, PD11N73: 22, D28N77: 22 Blond, H. M. S. , P15Mr76: 21— D16Mr76: 22, D10Ag76: 22, D40c76: 62 Blond, Italian, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD9J172: 31 Blond caps, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD150c72: 31, PD140c73: 23, PD140c73:23 Blond hoods, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. ,R12My74:32 Blond knots, for sale, in Richmond, Va. , PD310c71: 23--R310c71: 32, PD5N72sll--R5N72:22 Blond lace suits, for sale, in Richmond, Va. , PD310c71: 23--R310c71: 32, PD5N72sll--R5N72:22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD10c67: 13, PD170c71: 23, PD14My72: 22, PD150c72: 31, PD140c73: 23, R12My74: 32 Blond stomachers, for sale, in Richmond, Va. , PD310c71: 23--R310c71: 32, PD5N72sll--R5N72:22 Blond stomachers and bows, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , R15N70: 31 — PD22N70: 23 Blond suits, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD22Ap73: 31, PD29Ap73: 23, PD140c73: 23 Blond treble ruffles suits, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , R15N70: 31— PD22N70: 23 Blondeau, Mr. , remarks on paintings, 14Mr51:ll Blonds, smuggled in Dover, Eng. , PD1S68: 12 Blood, See Dragon's blood Bloomeries, PD7Je70: 33--R14Je70: 42 for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD20S70: 32--R20S70: 31 in Berkeley co. , Va. , PD4F73: 31 Bloomsbury, plantation, Va. , P15N76: 12 Bloomsbury, England, See Anecdotes from; Wrestling in Bloomsbury square, Va. , PD18Je67: 33 Bloquiere, John, Sir, D9Mr76: 13 Blossom, horse, D10F76: 33, D17F76: 33 Blotches, cure for, PD7Ap68: 31, PD30My71: 23 Blotting paper, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD10Je73: 34, D9S75: 41 Blount, Henry, Sir, 9S37: 41 James, PD27Je71: 32 Mary, PD3N74pll Richard, PD12D71: 31 Blow, Capt. , PD27N66: 21 Henry, 10Ja52: 51 Michael, P7J175sl3, P7J175s21, P7J175s22, PllAg75: 33, Pi30N75: 31 — P1D75: 12--D9D75: 11 Richard, PI lAg75: 33 Blows, Capt. , of the Thomas, P24Mr75: 32--D25Mr75: 23 Bloxsom, Richard, D25Ap77: 31 Blubber, import to Ire. allowed, Pi29Je75: 31--P30Je75: 21 — D1J175: 23 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from Salem, Mass. , PD14Ja68: 31 imported to Texel, Holl. , from Wales, 19D51: 22 Blue, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD270c68: 33— R270c68: 22, PD28S69: 31, R13D70: 32, R150c72: 31 See also Stone blue, Blue Bell, house, PD23S73: 31 — R23S73: 32 Blue Bell tavern, in Philadelphia, Pa. , PilD74: 21 Blue laws, in Mass. , Pil6F75: 32 Blue Mountain Boys, prisoners taken by, P5S77: 22 Blue Mountain Valley, ship, D10F76: 31 Bluefish, plentiful near Cape Hatteras, N. C. ,R7Ap74:22 Bluepots, for sale, in Blandford, Va. , PD21F71: 32 Bluestone, for sale, in Newcastle, Va. , PD19N72: 22 in Petersburg, Va. , PD14J174: 32 in Richmond, Va. , PD10S72: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , PDllAp71: 32, PD2J172:32,D12Je79: 32 Bluestone creek, Va. , See Land for sale on Blufford, Thomas, Capt. , PilON74: 23 Bluford, Capt. , in battle of Hampton, Va. , Pi260c75: 32, Pi2N75: 23 Blunckley, Joshua, PD9F69: 32 Blundel, Stephen, Capt. , of the Ranger, PD16Ap67: 13 Blundell, ship, R22S74: 21 Blunden, Mr. , of British army in Quebec, PDllAp71: 22 Blunderbusses, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. ,D20c79: 31 in Portsmouth, Va. , P18J177sll in Williamsburg, D12F80: 32 on ships, P10J178: 13, C28Ag79: 31, D4S79: 31 Blundle, Joseph, PD10Je73: 21— R10Je73: 33 Blunt, Capt. , P240c77: 31 Anthony, D16S75: 33 Joseph, Pil5Je75: 33 Page, 3J152: 41 Richard, PD14D69: 32, P20Oc75: 31, Thomas, R14Je70: 43, PD2S73: 23— R2S73: 32, D6My75: 13 William, adv. for bids for building churches, PD3N68: 31 adv. settlement of estate, PD13D70: 23 adv. stallion for hire, PD24Mr74: 32, D25Mr80: 32 on committee for Sussex co. , Va. , P7J175sl3,P7J175s21 William, Col. , PD14Ap74: 23 Blunts, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PDllAp71: 32 Bly, Col. , paroled from N. Y. , D29Ja80: 31 Blyn, Capt. , of the Thomas, PD16Je68: 23--R16Je68: 24, R5Ja69: 31 Blynn, Capt. , R5Ja69: 11 of the James, R5J69: 31 Blyth, Capt. , of the Henry, D1N76: 12 Blyth, William, Pi21S75: 33 84 Boden Blyth, England, See Anecdotes from Bnening, John, PD23D73: 23 Boad, Mr. , author, PD25F68: 41 Boah, John, 18Ap51: 22 Boake, Alexander, PD21My72: 23 Boar, Gideon, P28N77: 32 Board, Capt. , of the William, R14J168: 23 Mr. , land of, P5J176: 33 Boarding houses, adv. of, in Williamsburg, Va. , D5F80: 32 Boarding schools, adv. of, in Fredericksburg, Va. , R27F72: 31 in Glasgow, Va. , PDllMy69: 31 in Norfolk, Va. , PD21Mr66: 33 in Richmond, Va. , Pi20Ja76: 32 Boarding schools, for women, adv. of, in Williamsburg, Va. , D20D76: 42 Boardley, Beale, PD2N69: 31--R2N69: 22 Boards, exported from James river, lower district, Va. , to Antigua, W. I. , 29D52: 32, PD28Ap74: 23— R14AR74: 31 to Barbados, W. I. , 2Mr53: 41 to Bermuda, HAp55: 22 to Grenada, W. I. , R12Ja69: 31 to Jamaica, W. I. , 20Oc52: 21, 2Mr53: 41, PD6Ja74: 32 to Leghorn, It. , PD28Ap74: 23 — R14Ap74: 23 to St. Croix, W. I. ,24N52: 31 exported from James river, upper district, Va. , to Glasgow, Scot. , PD12Mr67: 32 exported from Rappahannock district, Va. , to London, Eng. , 22S52: 32 exported from south Rappahannock district, Va. , to Barbados, W. I. , 17N42: 22 for British army in Boston, Mass. opposed, P3Mr75s22 for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD22D74: 31--R22D74: 32, D21Ja75: 31 imported to Accomac district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , PD8S68p22 from N. S. , PD29S68: 22--R1S68: 24 imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from N. J. , PD10F74: 23 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from N. Y. , PD270c68: 42 from Salem, Mass. , PD28D69: 31 See also Cypress boards; Plank; name of wood; Tea boards Boards, boat, exported from James river, upper district, Va. , to Liverpool, Eng. , PD13S70: 23 Boards, sheathing, exported from York river, Va. , to Lancaster, Eng. , Ue39: 42, 24Ag39: 31-32 to London. Eng. , 24Ag39: 22 Boasman, John, PD7My67: 41 Boat Eagle, H. M. packet, PD16Je74sl2 Boat racing, in Dover, England, R10Mr74: 12 in Gosport, England, PD22S74: 31 Boaten, Lewis, R15J173: 41 Boating, John, D5Je79: 31 Boatman, Richard, 220c36: 42 Boats, adv. for freight, D40c76: 72 — P40c76s21 adv. for passengers, D40c76: 72 — P40c76s21 as lottery prizes, R17Mr68: 33 Va. , R17N68:31 — Va. P170c77: 23 Va Va 21F5L41 P19Je78:31, at Burwell's ferry, Va. , PD16Mr69: 32 at North landing, Va. , P170c77: 23 at South Quay, Va. , P21N77: 31 built in Plymouth, Eng. , D16Mr76: 21 built in Va. , C28Ag79: 33 captured by British near Skeensborough, N. Y. , DlAg77: 12 captured from British, PHOc76: 31 damaged by storm in Philadelphia, Pa. , P121S75: 32--P22S75: 22 for Burgoyne's army, DHOc76: 31 for sale, at Surry courthouse, Va. , D23D80: 33 in Camden, S. C. , Pi60c74: 33 in Essex co. , Va. , P13Je77: 12 in Gloucester co. , Va. , D27Ja76: 33— P2F76: 32. P24My76: 43— D25My76: 23 in Jamestown, Va. , PD2J172: 32, PHOc76: 31 in King and Queen co. , Va. , D26Je79: 31 in New Kent co. , Va. , R23F69: 22— PD23F69: 33 in Newtown, Va. , P21Ag78: 33 in Norfolk, Va. , PD19My68: 31, PD10D72: 31 in Norfolk co. , PD17N68: 23 in Portsmouth, in Prince George co in Princess Anne co C28Ag79: 33 in Richmond, Va. , P8Ag77: 13 in Suffolk, Va. , P21N77: 31, PlMy78: 31 in Surry co. , Va. , 27Mr46: 42, PD3N74: 43--Pi4N74: 33 in Warwick co. , Va. , D22Ja80: 32 near Cabin Point, Va. ,D14Mr77: 12— P21Mr77: 21 for Va. navy, adv. for, P13S76: 32 found, adv. of. , PD6Je66: 33, D6Ap76: 33, PlAg77: 13, P12S77: 31 in Northampton co. , Va. , D16Ap79: 31 manufactured in Petersburg, Va. , D18N75: 32— P24N75: 31 New England built, P24F75: 41 seized by Continental army in Elizabethtown, N. J. , D31 Ja77 stolen, P18J177sll by convict servants, PD14My67 by indentured servants, 280c37 taken by convict servants, PD6Je66: 32 by indentured servants, 17Ag39: 32, 17Ag39:41,Pi23N75:33 by runaway slaves, R28J168: 31 in traffic with British, P3Ap78: 22 used by Continental army for ferrying, P8Ag77: 23 Va. built, PD7N71: 23, PlMy78: 31, P21Ag78: 33, P160c78: 12 wanted for hire, PD28Ap74: 31 — R12My74:42 See also Barges; Bateaux; Canoes; Carvel-built boats; Clinch boats; Country craft; Cutters; Ferry boats; Flats; Foot boats; Gondolas; Horse boats; Jolly boats; Lighters; Long boats; Moses boats; Oyster boats; Pettiaugers; Pilot boats; Pink; Row boats; Schaws; Schallops; Sail boats; Sailing vessels; Skews; Snows; Tenders; Whale boats Boats, American, seized by British in N. Y. , D140C75: 31 32 31 41 in Hampton roads, Va. , P15S75s21 Boats, British, captured on James river. Va. , P24N75sll Boats, described, built in Va. , D30Oc78:42,D19Mr79:31 for sale, at Milner's, Va. , C19Ag80: 21 in Gloucester co. , Va. , D19Mr79: 31 in King William co. , Va. , 10Ap46: 42 in Kingston parish, Va. ,D30Oc78: 42 in Norfolk co. , Va. , P160c78: 12 found, PD130c68: 31, R18J171: 42 in Charles City co. , Va. , 22D52: 32 in Norfolk borough, Va. , 9My55: 22 imported to London, Eng. , from E. I. , R28Ap68: 14 lost, PD18Ap66: 41, R10Mr68: 33— PD10Mr68: 31 stolen by overseer, 20Ja38: 32 by runaways, 310c51: 32 in Calvert co. , Md. , P21F77: 33 in Leedstown, Va. , R23Je68: 31 in Newport News, Va. , 28S39: 41 in Norfolk, Va. , 260c39: 42 in Portsmouth, Va. , PD30Ja72: 33 taken by sailors, 60c52: 32 Boats, flat-bottomed, for British army in N. Eng. , P19J176: 12— D20J176: 11 for sale, in Portsmouth, Va. , P30c77: 22 Boats, Newport, R. I. , taken by British, Pi9N75: 22 Boats public, for sale, D7N77: 32 Boats, ships, found, in Surry co. , Va. , PD27Je71: 33 Boats, transport, for sale, in Hampton, Va. ,D23Ja78:31 Boats, Virginian, destroyed by British on Mulberry island, Va. , P17N75: 13 Boatsmen, See Slaves as Boaz, Bell, Capt. , of the Friendship, 3Je37: 41 Boaze, Thomas, PD29D74: 32— D14Ja75: 42 Bob Booty, pseud. , PD26S66: 11 Bobbins, for sale, in London, Eng. , PD7Je70: 33 in Petersburg, Va. , PD24Ja71: 31 in Williamsburg. Va. , PD25F68: 23— R3Mr68: 34, PD270c68: 33 — R270c68: 22, R260c69: 23, PD2N69: 41, PD150c72: 31, PD140c73: 23, R12My74: 32 Bobbs, See Gold bobbs Bobby, ship, 9Mr39: 41, 18My39: 3, 25Ja40: 12, 30Ap52: 21, 15My52: 31, 29S52: 32, 20Oc52: 21, 28F55: 31, HAp55: 22, 26S55: 31 sloop, 13Je45: 41, 10Oc45: 22, 10Oc45: 32, 23Ja46: 41, 17Ap46: 32 Bobs, adv. of, in Williamsburg, Va. , 21Ag52: 31 See also Crystal bobs; Paste bobs Boccaccio (Boccace), [Giovanni], author, PD10Je73: 31 Boccage, [Marie Anne Figuet Du], author, PD17S72: 21 Boccherini, [Luigi], composer, PD29Ag71: 31 Bocket, Richard, PD5My68: 31 Bocrum, Simon, conduct in Continental congress praised, Pi9F75: 32 Bodeley, Matthias, 170c51: 32 Boden, Capt. , of the Britannia, D13J176: 61 85 Boden (cont'd) Benjamin, R14J174: 21 Bodfield, Capt. , of the Christie, D29J176: 12 Bodkin. Capt. , of the Polly D11S79: 21 Bodkins, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. . PD240c71: 31 See also Ivory bodkins; Silver bodkins Bodmer, [Johann Jacob], author, PD10Je73: 33 Body, John, Capt. , of the Olive Branch, 19J154: 31 Body rollers, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD10D72: 23 Boe, George, PD13Je66: 21 Boehm, Philip, D12Je79: 12 Boerhaave, [Herman], Dr. , author, 80c36: 12, 30N39: 12, PD15Ag66: 31, PD9N69: 23, D24J179: 31 character sketch of, R28Ja73: 21 death of, 5Ja39: 31 eulogy of, 9Mr39: 31 life sketched, 25My39: 11, Ue39: 11, 30N39: 11 Boerum, Mr. , of N. Y. , PD17Ja71: 22— R17Ja71: 13 supports second Continental congress, P17Mr75s31--D18Mr75: 31 S. , signs Association of 1774, PD3N74: 12--Pi4N74: 12 Bogart, Capt. , PD17S72: 13 Mr. , address to graduates of King's college, PD27My73: 22 killed by British in N. J. , P230c78: 22 Nicholas, P230c78: 22 Bogg, Capt. , PD4Ag74: 22 of the George, PD14Mr66: 32 James, Capt. , of the Donald, PD5S66s43, PD12S66: 23 Boggess. Robert, jr. , R1J173: 33 Robert, sr. , R1J173: 33 Bogle, Capt. , 12D45: 22 Patrick, R24D67: 43, R4F68: 42 Patrick, Capt. , of the Bogle, PD22Ag71: 33 Thomas, Capt. , of the Jenny, 23My45: 32, 13Je45: 32, 11J145: 41, 4J145: 3, 10Oc45: 3, 29My46: 31 William, agent of James Robb, PD4Ap71: 31 announces departure, PD30J172: 31 attorney, PD5N72: 33— R5N72: 21 defendant in Chancery court, R24D67: 43, R4F68: 42 demands payment of debts due, PD26D71: 23 manager for Ramsay, Monteith, & co. , P5My75: 23--D6My75: 32, D2Mr76: 31— PlMr76: 33 Bogle. Robert, & Scott, PD2N69: 33 Bogle, Robert, Scott, & Robert, assign debts in Va. , PD10S72: 22— R80c72: 32 commission of bankruptcy against, PD5N72: 33--R5N72: 21 payment of debts due. PD26D71: 23, PD30J172: 31 settlement of accounts of, PD4Ap71: 31 Bogle, Somervell & co. , Pi9F75: 33 — D11F75:31 payment of debts due requested, P9F76: 33--D10F76: 32 store of in Falmouth, Va. , D28Mr77: 31 Bogle, ship. 21Mr45: 31, 10Oc45: 3, 9Ja46: 4, 3J146: 4, 29S52: 32, 19J154: 31, R8Ag66: 22 — PD15Ag66: 23,R3Ag69: 31, PD3Ag69: 32, R3My70: 31, PD18Oc70: 23, PD22Ag71: 33, PD19D71: 22, PD18Je72: 32, D26Ag75: 32 Bohanan, Joseph, P30Ag76: 41 Bohannan, A., opposes Dr. Griffin's dismissal in Yorktown, Va. , P16My77s21 John, Capt. , of the Polly, PD10F74: 23 of the Success, R15S74: 33 Thomas, P6Mr78: 12 Bohannon, John, D13N78: 32 John, Capt. , of the Liveoak, R17Mr74: 22 Bohemia, diet meets, R1J173: 13 insurrections in, D24Je75: 13, D1J175: 23 political news from, 9My45: 21 political unrest in, 1D38: 32 receives Frederick n of Prussia, PDlAg66: 11 revolts in, D1J175: 11 sedition in, 14Ja37: 22 See also Artillery manufactured in; Austrian army in; Corn, scarcity of in; Earthquakes in; Famines in; Feudalism in; Fevers, pestilential in; Grain plentiful in; Hussites in; Jews in; Rice scarce in; Riots in^Serfs in; Slavery abolished in; Storms in Bohemian army, quarters for, 10Ap46: 32 Bohonnon, John, 14Ag52: 31 "Boiled crabs", nickname for British marines, P19My75: 32 Boiler and stand, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. ,PD18Ja70:42 Boilers, copper, in Edenton, N. C. , PD18D66: 33 Boilers, sugar, PD23D73: 31 for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD26D71: 31— R6F72: 42, R25Ag74: 33 Boiling houses, in St. Croix, W. I. , PD290c72: 13 in St. Eustatia, W. I. , PD12N72: 21 Boils, cure for, PD14J168: 32 Boing, Joshua, P27Je77: 13 De Bois, Capt. , 22Je39: 22 of the L'Entreprenant, 5S55: 21 See also Debois Boisseau, James, 270c52: 12, PD21Je70: 32, RlAg71: 31, D17Je75s22 James, Capt. , PD19N72: 31 — R19N72: 22 John, D17Je75s22 Mary,R12J170:42 Boland, John, 2S57: 41 Bolden, William, PD27Je66: 32, PDlAg66: 31— R8Ag66: 41, PD26S66: 33, PD26N67: 23, PD23Mr69: 32— R21Ap69s21 Bolden, Lawrence & co. , adv. for missing person, PDllAp66: 33 adv. merchandise for sale, 250c65s33, PD19F67: 31— R19F67: 23, PD3Ja71: 31— R10Ja71: 32, PD28Mr71: 32— R28Mr71: 32, PD16My66: 23 adv. ship for charter, PDllAp66: 33, PD13Je66: 31, PD10S72: 31, PD150c72: 23— R220c72: 31 adv. unclaimed merchandise, PD27N66: 23 expiration of partnership of, PD14Ja73: 23— R14Ja73: 32 partnership dissolved, PD26S66: 33 Bolden, ship, PD80c67: 21 Bolderson, Capt. , of the Earl of Halifax, PD7Mr66: 43 John, Capt. , of the Halifax, C13N79: 11 Bolderson' s worm cakes, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD29N70: 22, R13D70: 32, PD13D70: 43, PD17Ja71: 43 Bolding, Mary, PD23Ap72: 23— R23Ap72: 31 Bole, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 30Ap52: 32 Bole, Armenian, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD21S69: 41 — R21S69s21 Bole, Armenic, for sale, near Warwick, Va. , D28F77: 32 Boles, William, PI 3D76: 31 Boling, John, R9D73: 22, Bolingbroke, Henry St. John, Viscount, 24J152: 12, 4Ap55: 12, PD9F69: 21, D18F75: 11 author, 24My51: 32, PD17S72: 21, D25N75: 13.D30D75: 13 Bolingbroke warehouse, Va. , PD25Oc70: 23, PD16D73: 23 — R16D73:42 Bolitho & Springall, N. Y. , PD28My72: 23 Bolivia, See Silver mines discovered in Bollan, William, Mass. agent, character, R26Ap70: 33 letter from discussed in Va. convention, Pi30Mr75: 22— DlAp75: 21 petitions parliament, 18Ap55: 21, PD28J174: 23, PDllAg74: 13, P14Ap75s21— D15Ap75: 23 presents Boston selectmen with officials' letters, PD2N69: 12 presents petition to king, Pil6Mr75: 33 — P17Mr75s41— D18Mr75: 32 transmits letters to Mass. Council, R20J169: 21 Bollen, William, PD22D74: 12 Bollere, John, HMy39: 41, 19J154: 42 Boiling, Capt. , 10F38: 41, 2F39: 42 of the Harrison, 60c38: 52 Col. , 31J146: 52, PD9Ap67: 31 landing of, 21Ap38: 41 thanked for hospitality, C13N79: 21 Major, adv. finding horse, 22Ap57: 42 Miss, marriage of, D27N79: 21 Mr. , land of,D18D79: 22 line of property, 7N54: 31 Alexander, Col. , adv. for bids for church addition, 270c52: 12 adv. for runaway slave, 25Ap51: 41 adv. sale of estate, 12D51: 41 burgess from Prince George co. , Va. , 12D55: 22, R14Ap68: 21, PD21Ap68: 23 death of, PD18Ja67: 23 horse of, PD28My67: 31 Anne, Mrs. , 12D51: 41 Archibald, PD22Ap73: 31, PD17F74: 21 — R17F74: 23, P1S75: 32, D6Ap76: 33 Edward, PD7Ja68: 33, R3N68: 34, R13S70: 23 Elizabeth, Mrs. , R13S70: 23 Jane (Randolph), PD17F74: 21 — R17F74: 23 Jesse, P270c75: 13 John, adv. for runaway slave, 86 Bombgardner PD23Ja72: 33--R6F72: 41, PDllMr73: 32--RllMr73: 32 burgess from Chesterfield co. , Va. , 17Ja52: 41, 27F52: 32, 19D55: 22 death of son of, R13S70: 23 delegate from Chesterfield co. , Va. , P18Ap77sll directs lottery, R28Ap68: 31-- PD28Ap68: 31 sheriff of Goochland co. , Va. , R25Ja70: 11--PD15F70: 23 tobacco inspection at, R15F70: 41-- PD15F70: 31 warehouse of, R14Ap68: 24, PlMr76: 41 John, Col. ,R10Mr74:32 John, Major,24S36:41,10Je37:42 Lucy, 28J138: 41 Mary, Mrs. , P27Je77: 42 Robert, adv. for bids for budding, R2Ag70: 22 adv. missing horse, R25My69: 32, P19MY75: 33 appointed deputy to Va. convention, PD21J174pl3--R21J174: 31 burgess from Dinwiddie co. , Va. , 19D55: 22, PD8D68: 31, PDllMy69s41, PD5D71: 31, PD21J174p23 — R21J174: 32 death of, P3Mr75s23 plantation of, 25Ap51: 41 sells tobacco to Fr. , 5My38: 32 settlement of estate, D24Ap78: 32 signs Va. Association, PD25My69: 12 tobacco inspection at, PD15F70: 31-- R15F70:41 warehouse of, 4N63: 22, PD13Je66: 23, PD13Je66: 31, PD17D72: 31 Robert, Col. , daughter of, 28J138: 41 death of,D4Mr75: 23, Pi27J175: 32-- P28J175: 13--D29J175: 32 favors vineyards in Va. , PD18Mr73: 23 land of, 19N36: 42, PD26Mr67: 31, PD2F69: 32--R2F69: 32, PD12S71: 32, Pi26Ja75: 32--D28Ja75: 32— P3F75: 43 mill of, PD21S69: 32 plantation of, 18Ap55: 22 offers mills for use in Boston relief, R21 J174: 32 sale at house of, 12D51: 41 settlement of estate of, D6Ap76: 33 slave of, R1N70: 31, PD7J174: 33 verse on death of, P17N75: 33 warehouse of, 20Je45: 41, PD28S69: 31 Robert, jr. , adv. finding horse, PD19S66: 31, PD11D66: 33, PD4Ag68: 31, PD26N72: 31 adv. finding steer, PD14Ap68: 32 adv. for runaway slave, PD14Ap68: 31 adv. plantation for sale, PD7J174: 32 adv. missing horse, PD170c66: 33 advocates vineyards in Va. , PD29J173: 22 essay on raising grapes discussed, PD2S73: 22 explains delinquency as sheriff of Buckingham co. , Va. , PD13S70: 31 paid money by general assembly of Va. ,R18Mr73:31 proposes growing grapes in Va. , PD25F73: 21 raises grapes in Va. , D9S75: 23 sheriff of Buckingham co. , Va. , R25Ja70: 11--PD15F70: 23 tried in general court, PD170c66: 31 vineyards subsidized by burgesses, PDllMr73: 23 Sarah, Mrs. , PD22Ap73: 31 Stith, P10J178: 43 Thomas, PD12Mr67: 13, PD13Ap69: 41, PD26D71: 32, PD15D74: 31-- PU5D74: 32, P18J177: 13, D25Mr80: 32 Thomas, Capt. , 2Je38: 41 of Chesterfield co. , Va. , militia, P3N75: 12 of the Harrison, 17S36: 42, 30S37: 41, 9Je38: 41, 30Je38: 42 of the Sally, 4My39: 41, 27J139: 41, 10Ag39: 2, 14D39: 1, 25Ja40: 12 Boiling, Gray & Crump, horse of, P7Mr77: 31 Boiling, ship, 19S55: 31 Boiling Green plantation, Va. , D14Ag79:32--C28Ag79:42 Bollingbroke, Lord, horse of, D12Mr79: 31--C15My79: 33, D26Mr79: 32 Bollingbroke warehouse, Va. , P160C78: 32,D18D79: 22 tobacco in for sale, Pi24Ag75: 33 unclaimed tobacco in, R80c72: 31 Boiling's bridge, Va., R23Mr69: 31, PD18J171: 22, PD23J172: 32, P18Ap77: 32,D8My78: 62 Boiling's point, Va. , See Merchants at; Tobacco inspectors at Boiling's point warehouse, Va. , inspection rules at, PD28S69: 31 unclaimed tobacco in, R60c68: 31 Boiling's warehouse, Va. , 31J146: 52, HOc51: 41, 15S52: 32, 4Ap55: 32, PD20N66: 23 inspector requests payment in advance, R10D72: 23 tobacco notes from, PD16D73: 23-- R16D73: 42 tobacco notes on, R26Ag73: 22 Bologna, It. , See Electrical experiments in; Jesuits, suppression of in Bologna university, It. , lecture at, 14Ja37: 22 Bologne, packet, P26My75: 23 Bolsams, Elizabeth, RIOMr 74: 32 Bolser, Elizabeth, PD19S66: 31 Bolsters, for sale, in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72: 31 Boltan, Richard, Pvt. , R14Ja73: 13 Bolting chests, P310c77: 23 Bolting cloths, PD21Ap68: 31, PD21J168: 31--R21J168: 32, PD8Je69: 31, RllOc70: 33 for sale, in Essex co. , Va. , D29N76: 42 in Philadelphia, Pa. , PD19My74pll in Portsmouth, Va. , PD15Ag71: 32, PD14N71: 23 in Buckingham co. , Va. , P160c78: 31 in Caroline co. , Va. , PD13Ag72: 23 in gristmills, PD23N69: 32--R23N69: 31 in James City co. , Va. , P22N76: 32 in Lunenburg co. , Va. , PDlJa67: 33-- R25D66: 32 in Mecklenburg co. , Va. , D21Mr77: 21 in Pittsylvania co. , Va. , R2My71: 33 in Prince Edward co. , Va. , P160c78: 31 near Fredericksburg, Va. , PD220c72: 23 stolen, by indentured servants, R10D72: 31 Bolting house, in Elizabeth City co. , Va. , R12My68: 23--PD5My68: 23 Bolting machines, for sale, in Hanover town, Va. , PD25Ag74: 31 Bolting mills, PDllJe72: 32 Bolting mills, imported to James river, upper district, from Philadelphia, PD7S69: 31 for lease, near Germanna, Va. , 260c39: 41 for sale, PD24Ja71: 32--R31Ja71: 31 at Henrico, Va. , factory, D5F80: 33 imported to Va. , from Philadelphia, Pa. , PD7S69: 31 in Dinwiddie co. , Va. , 15S52: 32 in Fauquier co. , Va. , R4F73: 31 in Loudoun co. , Va. , PD24S72: 22-- R80c72: 43 in Norfolk, Va. , PD23Ap72: 31 in Norfolk co. , Va. ,PD11J171: 32. RlAg71: 33 in Pittsylvania co. , Va. , PD13D70: 23 in Prince George co. , Va. , 17Ja51: 42, HOc51:41 in Spotsylvania co. , Va. , R13J169: 31 Bolton, Capt. , 3S56: 22, R60c68: 22 of the Beauford, 290c36: 22 of the Union, PD14S69: 23 Mr. , cartographer, 5S55: 12 Elizabeth, PD14D69: 22--R14D69: 23 Richard, surgeon, of the Esher, PD5S71:22--R5S71: 21 William, R18Mr73: 33, PD19Ag73: 22 Bolton, horse, PD22Ap73: 31, PD14Ap74: 31, PllAp77s42, D24Ap78: 42, D160c79: 12 Bolton & Sigell, of New York City, PD10Mr78: 42, PD13Ap69: 22 Bolton & Smith, of N. C. , PD28My67: 32 Bolton Sterling, horse, P19Ap76: 43, P3Ap78: 32 Bolton's, of New York City, PD13D70: 21 Bolts, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Smithfield, Va. , PD4Ag68: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD28S69: 31 Bolts, door, for sale, in Gloucester, Va. , P19Ap76s: ll--D20Ap76: 33 Bolts, shutter, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 Bolzius, Mr. , of Ebenezer, Ga. , 15Je39: 22 Bombay, Ind. , See East India co. , British, in; Explosions in; Gold discovered near; Ships from; Ships to London, Eng. , from; Ships to Start Point, Eng. , from; Silver discovered near Bombay, frigate, PD2F69: 11 Bombazeene, for sale, in Gloucester, Va. , P19Ap76sll--D20Ap76: 33 in Hanover, Va. , D13J176: 22 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22 in Petersburg, Va. , P27Je77: 33 in Smithfield, Va. ,D21F77: 22-- P28F77s22 in Williamsburg, lMr38: 32, PD12N72: 23, PD140c73: 23, R12My74: 32,D16D75: 23,D30My77: 31, D27Je77:31,DlAg77: 22 inYorktown, Va. , PD25F68: 31-- R25F68: 31 price of in London, Eng. , 10Mr38: 41 Bombgardner, Christian, Pvt. , R14Ja73: 13 87 Bombs (cont'd) Bombs, for British army in Boston, Mass. , Pil90c75: 12--P20Oc75: 12-- D210c75: 13 for British navy, 21D39: 22 for Spanish army in America, PD2My71: 22--R2My71: 21 in W. I. , PD20My73: 21 used in battle of Boston, Mass. , D30Mr76: 32 Bombshells, imported to Charleston, S. C. , from St. Francois, Can. , D8Ag77: 21 imported'to York district, Va. , from Fr. , D24J179: 22 Bomer, Thomas, R22D68: 33 Bon Accord, schooner, 7Ag52: 31, 270c52: 21 Bonacord academy, PD14Ap68: 11 Bonaventure, schooner, D8J175: 31 Bonavest, exported from York district to Madeira, 24N38: 42 exported from York district, Va. , to Madeira, 12Ja39: 42 exported from York district, Va. , to N. Eng. , 9Mr39: 41, 18My39: 31 Bond, Capt. , of the Charming Betsy, P21J175sl2--D22J175: 41 of the Good Success, PD23Mr69: 31 Buckler, P21Ap75: 32 Henry, P270c75: 13 James, 7N45: 32 John, PD3S72: 21, PD6My73: 23, D20D76: 22--P20D76: 21, DllMr80: 33 John, Mrs. , PD3S72: 21 Phineas, 17Ag39: 31, PD6Ja74: 23 Robert, R31My70: 31 Samuel, R12Mr67: 32 Thomas, PD6My73: 23, R17F74: 32, P21Ap75: 32 Thomas, Dr. , 210c37: 22, R220c72: 21, R17Mr74: 23 Thomas, jr. , Dr. , P27Je77: 11 William, 27Mr52: 32, D12D77: 21-- P12D77: 21 William, Col. , P12Ap76: 23-- D13Ap76: 31 Wright, D8My79: 31 Bond, schooner, D14Ag79: 21 ship, 18Ap45: 32 Bondfield, Charles, PD19N72: 22, D28F77:32 John, RllAg74: 33--PD18Ag74: 32 Rebecca, PD3N74pll Bonds, John, D8Ap80s23 Bonds, for non- enumerated goods, PD28J168: 22--R28J168: 22, R18Ag68: 21 found, adv. of. 7N55: 22. PD17N74: 22 lost, adv. for, PD31Ja71: 32, R15Ap73: 23, PD25N73: 22, PD12My74pll, PillMy75: 33, P5J176: 33, P2Ag76: 23, P170c77: 33, D20N79: 31,D15Ja80: 31 stolen, in Fredericksburg, Va. , R23N69: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD9D73: 22-- R9D73: 21 in Yorktown, Va. , P19J176: 41 Bonds, blank, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 60c38: 62, 16F39: 42, R30My66: 32, R25D66:42,D24J179: 31 Bonds, bottomry, PD10Mr74: 32-- R10Mr74: 31 interest on in Eng. , R5N72: 13 Bond's ferry. Va. , D11F75: 31, P10My76sl2, D19S77: 41-- P26S77: 31 Bondurant, Joseph, R13S70: 32 Peter, R15N70: 43 Bone, John, PD2Je68: 23 Bone, importation to Fr. , from Gt. Brit, permitted. HMy39: 21 See also Scuttle bone; Scuttlefish bone, Bone fans, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD140c73: 23 Bone stays, for sale, in London, Va. , PD7Je70: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD23Ap72: 23-- R23Ap72: 13, PD10Oc71: 31 Bone toothpick cases, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD18My69: 31-- R25My69: 23 Bone bilbo catchers, for sale, in Williamsburg. Va. , R8N70: 13 Bone -Adventure, sloop, 24D36: 42 Bones, shoemakers tools, HMy39: 42 Bonesetters, in Epsom, England, 10D36: 31, 10D36: 32 in London, Eng. , 21Ja37: 22 in Wiltshire, Eng. , 10D36: 32 Bonetta, brig, 26S51: 32 H. M. S. . 24Ja52: 31, PD24N68: 21, PD13J169: 23,PD12S71:31 ship, PD29Ag71: 21 sloop of war, PD9J172: 31 Bonfires, in Boston. Mass. . P5D77: 21 in Cambridge, Mass. , P5D77: 21 in Great bridge, Va. , PD13Je66: 22 in Kingston, Jamaica, W. I. , PD25J166: 22 in London, Eng. , PDlAg71: 11 in New York City, PD20Je66: 12 in New Bern, N. C. , PD10Ja71: 32-- R10Ja71: 21 in Newcastle, Va. , 28Ag46: 21 in Norfolk, Va. , 31J146: 42, PD6Je66: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , 18J146: 42 Bonham, Samuel, 14J138: 21 Bonhamtown, N. J. , American attack on, D9My77: 22--P9My77: 21, D6Je77: 12-- P6Je77: 22 battle losses at, D30My77: 22 battle near, P30My77: 31. D25J177: 22 See also British army in; Prisoners of war. American taken near Bonhomme, ship, D8Ja80: 22 Bonhomme Richard (Poor Richard), Cont. navy,D12F80:23,D18Mr80: 12 Bonie, James, 270c52: 22 Bonnell, Edward. PD2My66: 31 Bonnella, Jean Manuel de, of the N. S. de Guardaloupe, 24My51: 12 Bonner, Lt. Col. . killed at Monmouth. N.J. ,D17J178: 21 taken prisoner at Monmouth, N. J. , D10J178: 11--P10J178: 21 Mr. , land of, P10Oc77: 31 Elizabeth. P20Je77sll Henry, R12J170: 43. P26S77: 32 James, PD18Ap66: 41 Jeremiah, PD3Mr74: 32 Lydia,PD3N74pll Mary, PD3N74pll Robert, PD6N66: 32 Thomas, PD10Mr74: 32, D3Je75: 33 William, PD12Mr67: 13, P8My78s21, D90c79: 31--C30Oc79: 43. D20N79: 31 William, jr. , PD24F74: 32 Bonness, John, DlAg77: 31, P5S77: 32 Bonnet making, adv. of. in Williamsburg, Va. , PD240c71: 31, PD9J172: 31 Bonnets, for sale, P5J176: 33 in Cabin Point, Va. , P2F76s23-- D3F76: 33.D18J177: 31 in Gloucester, Va. , P19Ap76sll-- D20Ap76: 33 in Gloucester co. , Va. , D29Je76: 42 in Fredericksburg, Va. . R23J167: 32 in London, Eng. . PD7Je70: 33 in Norfolk, Va. . PD25J166: 23, R15N70: 31--PD22N70: 23 in Petersburg, Va. , PD290c72: 22 in Richmond, Va. , PD310c71: 23-- R310c71: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , 17N52: 22, PD10c67: 13, PD220c67: 22, R28J168: 32, PD60c68: 31--R60c68: 23, PD13Ap69: 32--R13Ap69: 31. PD18My69: 31--R25My69: 23, R260c69: 23. PD2N69: 41. PD22N70s23. R13D70: 32. PD10Oc71: 31, PD170c71: 23, PD240c71: 31. PD30Ja72: 32--R6F72: 32, PD23Ap72: 23--R23Ap72: 13, PD9J172: 31, PD13Ag72: 21. PD150c72: 31, PD220c72: 23-- R220c72: 23. PD22Ap73: 31, PD29Ap73: 23, PD140c73: 23, R210c73: 22, R12My74: 32. Pi20Oc74: 31--PD20Oc74s22, P12Ja76: 33--D13Ja76: 33, P10My76: 43--DllMy76: 23, D180c76: 32 in Yorktown, Va. . PD310c71: 23 See also Satin bonnets; Silk bonnets; Silk laced bonnets; Velvet bonnets Bonnets, brunswick, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD29Ja67: 32 Bonnets, calash, for sale, in Williamsburg. Va. , PD10Oc66: 33 Bonnets, jubilee, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD310c71: 31 Bonnets, mode, for sale, in Richmond, Va. ,PD5N72sll--R5N72: 22 in Williamsburg. Va. . R170c71: 33 Bonnets, pantheon, for sale, in Williamsburg. Va. , PD12N72: 23 Bonnetta. H. M. S. . 25Ja40: 2, PD270c68: 23--R270c68: 21 Bonnivell, Mr. . quarrel with James Henry, P15N76: 11 Bonny, Alexander, R25N73: 41 Bonny, Nig. , See Ships to York district, Va. , from Bonny bar, Nig. , See Shipwrecks on Bonsall & Smith, contract to cover S. C. lighthouse, PD28J168: 22 Bonwell, George. P12S77: 31 Thomas, P12S77: 31 Boobykin, W. pseud. , 28Mr51: 21 Boocher. Parson, of Carlisle, Pa. , PD10Mr68: 23 Boog, Ninian, 12Je52: 22. 3N52: 21, 270c52: 22, 7N54: 31 Book catalogues, PD23Ap72: 31-- R23Ap72: 31 Book of Common Prayer, changes in; 10Mr38: 41, 13Je51: 31, 170c51: 31, PDllMy69: 21--RllMy69: 21, PD3Ag69: 21, PD14J174: 12 revised by Va. convention. P5J176pl2-- D20J176: 41 Books Book press, for sale, at Charles City courthouse, Va. , R18J166: 33 Bookbinders, in Norfolk. Va. , D70c75: 31 See also Indentured servants as Bookbinding, adv. of. in Williamsburg, Va. , PD14Mr66: 32, R30My66: 32. R4D66: 32. R25D66: 42, D18Mr75: 33, C19Ag80: 22 by Purdie & Dixon, PD16J167: 33 Bookcase furniture, for sale, in Norfolk. Va. , PD25J166: 23 Bookcases, exported from James river, upper district. Va. , to Boston, Mass. . PD26My68: 23--R26My68: 31 for sale, PD26D71: 31, P19Ja76: 33-- D27Ja76:41 in Hanover. Va. . PD15Ap73: 23 in James City co. , Va. , D18F75: 31-- P17F75:42--Pil6F75:33 in Northumberland co. , Va. , PD5N72: 43--R5N72: 21 in Williamsburg, Va. , 12S55: 32 near Williamsburg, Va. . 10Oc55: 32 imported to Boston, Mass. , PD26My68: 23--R26My68: 31 See also Mahogany bookcases; Walnut bookcases Booker. Capt. , of the Jane. D8N76: 22 of the Queen Charlotte. PD4N73: 21 Mr , 10Ag39:41, 14D39: 32 Anne. Mrs. . R16Je74: 31 Betsey, (Sweney), marriage of, P12Je78: 22 Edmund, R4D66: 32, Pi23Mr75: 41 Edmund, jr. , 3S56: 32 Edward, adv. finding horse, R19N72: 32, P27S76: 13, P1N76: 42 announces departure, Pride agent, R10Je73sll defendant in suit. PD29Ag66: 23 estate of for sale, PD310c71: 31 property of for sale, PD12D71: 32 Edward, Capt. , PD22J173: 33 of the Bumper, PD6Ja74: 32, PD10F74: 23. Pi24N74: 31, PD14Ap74: 23--R14Ap74: 23 George, PD11F68:31 adv. finding steer, Pi5Ja75: 33, Pi20Ja76: 41 adv. land for sale. R3N68: 34. R310c71: 33 land of. P21Ag78: 41 member of Committee of safety, P29D75: 31 James. D15Ag77: 72 James. Mrs. D15Ag77: 72 John, PD21Je70: 32--R12J170: 33, PD23Ap72: 32, PD13Ag72: 23-- R80c72:41.R80c72: 31 John. jr. ,P19Ap76: 33, D90c78: 42 Lewis, 5S55: 42 PD4J171: 32. R8Ag71: 31. PD16Je74s22. PD23Je74: 23--R23Je74: 42 Lewis, Capt. , PlMy78: 32 Mary, R5Ja69: 42. PD28J174: 31, PUD74: 33 Nancy, PD5Mr72: 31 Parham,D12Je79: 41 Peter R. , P12S77: 31 Peter Richardson. D8Ap80: 31 Rachel, Mrs. , PD28Mv67: 33 Richard. PD15F70: 31--R15F70: 41, PD16S73: 32. PD24Mr74: 32 adv. cabinet making, P12J176: 31 adv. finding horse, R1J173: 33, PD20Ja74: 32 adv. for journeymen cabinetmakers, PD11N73: 22,R14Ap74: 32, Pi60c74: 33, Pil2Ja75: 33, P12J176: 31 adv. for missing horse, Pil30c74: 33, D6Je77: 41--P6Je77: 31, D14N77: 41, D8My79: 31 adv. for missing pocketbooks, P170c77: 33 adv. for runaway slave. PD24D72: 32-- R24D72: 23 adv. plantation for sale, D4D78: 31 adv. property. 3S56: 32 adv. ship for charter. PD31D72: 32 agent for William Mayo, 29Ap37: 42 death of. PD18N73: 21, R18N73: 23, PD25N73: 22--R25N73: 42 defendant in Chancery court, PD150c72: 23 horse of, Pil8My75: 33 letter to in post office, PD12Mr67: 13 It. of Chesterfield co. , Va. , militia. P3N75: 12 of Gloucester co. . Va. , 120c52: 22 sale at store of, R26S71: 41 slave of R16Je74: 32, P24Mr75: 33 unclaimed tobacco of. R9D73: 22 Richard. Col. . PD5Mr72: 31 Richard. Lt. . P12Je78: 22 Richard & co. , dissolution of partnership. PD25N73: 22--R25N73: 42 holds bills of exchange, D230c79: 31-- C30Oc79: 41 holds mortgage on land PD4Ag74: 32 Stephen. P16My77: 31 William, D29J175: 12, P29D75: 23, P9My77: 23, C21Oc80: 21, D30Oc79: 31 William Marshall, R190c69s22, Pi2F75: 33 Booker's ferry, Va. , PD6N66: 23, PD21N71: 23, PD310c71: 31, RllAg74: 32,DllMr75: 32, D27My75: 41. D7Mr77: 42, D12Je79:41 Booker's mill, Va. , R23Ap72: 32 Bookey. Capt. , of the Shaftsbury, 26Ja39: 42 Bookkeepers, adv. for. P27Mr78: 11 in Hanover, Va. , PD17S71: 31 in Princess Anne co. , Va. , D22J175: 43 in Richmond, Va. , PD28Mr66: 41, R15Je69: 31--PD27J169: 32 in Stafford co. , Va. . R8Mr70: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD30c71: 41-- R170c71: 41,PD26D71:32, P10Ja77:41 in Yorktown, Va. , 26S45: 32 adv. for employment, PD7My67: 31 in Brunswick co. , Va. , PD8D68: 31 in Norfolk, Va. , PD20S70: 32 in Va. , 270c52: 12, PD9J172: 31, PD24S72: 23, R25Mr73: 33. PD27My73: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD28S69: 23 near York river, Va. , P7N77s22 taught in academy in New Kent co. , Va. RlMr70: 22 taught in D. H. W. Mara's school. P5D77: 31 teachers adv. for employment, in Hanover co. . Va. , PD150c72: 23-- R150c72: 31 in Norfolk, Va. . PD11J171: 32 in Va. , PD18Oc70: 41 R2My71: 31 — PD2My71: 32 in Williamsburg Va. , R4D66: 33 See also Accountants; Convict servants, as; Indentured servants as Book-keeping, Italian method, taught at Samuel Kemp's school, Va. . D6N78: 31 Books, PD6F72: 32 adv. for, at Hampden- Sidney academy, Va. ,D14F77:31 in New York City, 24N38: 21 in Williamsburg, Va. , P250c76: 23 adv. of, 8Ag51: 32, 10Oc55: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD14Ap68: 31, R18Ja70:42,D4D78: 12 at Hampden-Sidney academy, Va. , D9D75: 32 authors' payments in London, Eng. , PD29S68: 22--R29S68: 24 bartered for tobacco, DlAp80: 31 borrowed, PDllAg68: 23, R31Ja71: 31, PD23Ap72: 23, PD25Mr73: 32, D2My77: 71, P12D77: 31, P27Mr78: 32, PlMy78: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD6S70: 32 adv. for, 24Ap52: 31,60c52:31, 2My55: 31, P10Mr75: 33, P240c77: 32-- D310c77: 31,D15My79: ll,D90c79: 31, DllD79:22,DlAp80:31 return requested, R12Mr72: 31-- PD19Mr72: 31 catalogue of private library, 17Ap46: 42, 14Ag52: 31, R15D68: 23, PD29Ag71: 33, D19D77: 21, Pu21Ag78: 33 destroyed by British in N. J. , D25J177: 22--P25J177: 13 duties on import to Denmark increased, PDlS74sl2 export from Eng. , to N. Y. allowed, D10J179: 22 exportation of foreign reprints from Gt. Brit, regulated, PD10S67: 13 for sale, PD29Ja67: 32, R270c68: 34, R18J171:33,PD14N71:23, PD26D71: 31, PD22J173: 32, PD25Ag74: 31, P17My76: 32-- D18My76: 22, P27Mr78: 11 at Gloucester courthouse, Va. , 7N51: 31 at Green Spring, Va. , PD12N67: 22 at Hanover courthouse, Va. , 18Ag38:42 at Hog island, Va. , PD4Ap71: 31 at Lancaster courthouse, Va. , R7S69: 33 in Alexandria, Va. , D9D80: 31 in Berkeley co. , Va. , Pi26Ja75: 33-- D11F75:31 in Blandford, Va. , 14Ag52: 31, PD4J166: 31--R18J166: 41 in Broadway, Va. ,D11D79: 22 in Caroline co. , Va. , PD290c67: 23, R1S74: 33 in Charles City co. , Va. , PD15J173: 33 in Charlotte co. . Va. , P28N77: 23 in Chesterfield co. , Va. , PD26S66: 33 in Cumberland co. , Va. , PD5Mr72: 32-- R12Mr72: 32 in Edenton, N. C. , RllAg68: 31, D28F77: 32 in Elizabeth City co. . Va. . D17Ja77: 22 89 Books, for sale (cont'd) in Essex co. , Va. , 240c45: 41 in Falmouth, Va. , P19S77: 12 in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD29Ag71: 33, PD26Mr72: 33--R23Ap72: 42, DlAp80: 31 in Glasgow, Scot. , R7J168: 24 in Gloucester co. , Va. , PD290c67: 23, PD9N69: 23 in Halifax co. , Va. , PD5F67: 32 in Hanover, Va. , PD15Ap73: 23, P12My75: 32--D13My75: 11— Pil8My75: 41. D12Ag75: 41 in Hanover co. , Va. , D90c79: 31 in Henrico co. , Va. , D12D77: 21 — P12D77: 32 in James City co. , Va. , PD26F67: 31. P27S76s21 in King and Queen co. , Va. , 30N59: 32, PD31Mr68: 31--R31Mr68: 34, R19My74: 43 in King William co. , Va. , PD6N66: 31 in Lancaster co. , Va. , P29My78: 41 in Manchester, Va. , PD8Ap73: 33 in Marlborough, Va. , R15D68: 23, PD25Oc70: 23--R1N70: 32, PD9My71: 32--R9My71: 21, PD13Je71: 33 in Md. , 26N36: 42, 3D36: 42 in Middlesex co. , Va. , PD5N67: 31 in Nansemond co. , Va. ,D8Ag77: 21, P15Ag77: 13 in New Kent co. , Va. , PD26N67: 31, PD24Ja71: 32--R31Ja71: 31, PD23S73: 31--R23S73: 33 in Norfolk, Va. , 21Mr55: 41, PD22Ag66: 31, PD18Ag68: 31, PD9S73: 32--R9S73: 33 in Petersburg, Va. . PD21D69: 32, D160c79: 12 in Prince George co. , Va. , PD20Je66: 31, D31Ja77: 72— P31Ja77: 32 in Princess Anne co. , Va. , PD15Ag66:31,D30c77:32 in Richmond, Va. , P6Mr78: 22, D11D79: 31 in Richmond co. , Va. , R20S70: 32 in Spotsylvania co. , Va. , 17Ap46: 42 in Stafford co. , Va. . P12D77: 31 in Surry co. , Va. , RlMr70: 32— PD8Mr70: 42 in Sussex co. , Va. , PD30Oc66: 23, PD12F67: 32, PD13D70: 23, P28F77s22 in Urbanna, Va. , 21N45: 41, 17Ap46: 42, PD19N72: 23--R19N72: 23 in Westmoreland co. , Va. , P170c77: 31 in Westover. Va. .D19D77: 21 in Williamsburg, Va. , 10S36: 42. 17S36: 42, 24S36: 42, 10c36: 42, 220c36: 32, 26N36: 42, 3D36: 42, 4F37: 42. 25F37: 42, 22Ap37: 41, 16S37: 42, 25N37: 42, 14Ap38: 42, 23Je38: 41, 30Je38: 42, 8S38: 42, 60c38: 62, 15D38: 32, 6Ap39: 32, 21S39: 42, 30N39: 42, 7D39: 42, 14D39: 42, llJa40: 42, 23My45: 42, 10Oc45: 42. 240c45: 42, 3Ap46: 42 11S46: 42, 17Ja51: 41, 28Mr51: 32, 24My51: 32, 18J151: 32, 19S51: 32, 17Ja52: 41. 5Mr52: 32, 20Mr52s21, 20Mr52s22, 29My52: 31, 30J152: 32, 270c52: 12, 24N52: 31, 8D52: 31, 7N54s22, 21Mr55: 41, HAp55: 31, 22Ap57: 32, 22Ap57: 42, 2S57: 32, 30N59: 41, 60c62: 31, PD7Mr66: 33, PD18Ap66: 33, R16My66: 32. PD4J166: 32. PDlAg66: 31, R4D66: 23. PD26Mr67: 23, PD27Ag67: 31. PD3D67: 32, PD25F68: 41, R9Je68: 33, PD16Je68: 31--R16Je68: 31, R30Je68: 31, PD7J168: 31, R4Ag68: 31, PDllAg68: 23, PD27Ap69: 32, PD27J169: 32--R27J169: 32, R13J169: 23, R190c69sl3, R19Ap70: 23, R27S70: 22, PD27S70: 31, R4Oc70: 23, PD29N70: 21, PD29N70: 22, PD13D70: 42, PD3Ja71: 42, PD17Ja71: 42, PD24Ja71: 42, R31Ja71: 33, PD7F71: 42, PD21F71: 42, PD7Mr71: 42, PD21Mr71: 42, PD28Mr71: 42, R9My71: 33--PD16My71: 23, PD13Je71: 33, PD18J171: 23, PD25J171: 33. PDlAg71: 41, PD8Ag71: 41, PD22Ag71: 32, PD26S71: 31--R26S71: 33, PD30c71: 31, PD240c71: 23, PD12D71: 32, PD26D71: 31, PD20F72: 33, R150c72: 23, PD16Ap72: 32--R23Ap72: 33, PD23Ap72: 31--R23Ap72: 31, PD13Ag72: 21, PD17S72: 21, R14Ja73: 33, PD20My73s21, PD10Je73: 31, PD28Ap74: 31 — R12My74: 41, PD26My74: 32— R26My74: 31, PD2Je74: 31, RllAg74: 32, PD25Ag74: 31, PD130c74: 23, PD1D74: 11, PD1D74: 23, PD8D74: 31, D21Ja75: 31, D4F75: 33— Pi26Ja75: 33, P10F75: 42, DllF75s23, D11F75: 31 — Pi26Ja75: 33, DlAp75: 12, DlAp75: 32, D8Ap75: 32, P28Ap75: 23--D29Ap75s41, D27My75: 41, P21J175: 32, D29J175: 33, Pi31Ag75: 32, D70c75: 32, D280c75: 23, D25N75: 11, D9D75: 41, D30D75: 11, PilOJa76: 31, D20Ja76: 41, D24F76: 43, D2Mr76: 41, D9Mr76: 41, P17My76: 33, D25My76: 43, P5J176: 32, D24Ag76: 51, P29N76: 31, D20D76: 41, D3Ja77: 41, D17Ja77: 41, D7Mr77: 21, D14Mr77: 61 — P14Mr77: 32, D28Mr77: 32, D2My77: 81, D4J177: 81, D11J177: 32, D19S77: 32, D310c77: 42, P21Ag78: 33, D2Ap79: 22, D16Ap79: 22, D8My79: 22, D24J179: 31, D20c79: 31, D90c79: 22, D19F80: 33 — C19F80: 31, D4Mr80: 13, C19Ag80: 21 in Yorktown, Va. , 240c55: 31, PD20Oc68: 23 — R270c68: 34, PD20F72: 33 near Falmouth, Va. , PD28N71: 31 near Fredericksburg, Va. , PD7N71: 31— R21N71: 21, PD16Ja72: 33, PD20F72: 33--R27F72: 33, P27Mr78: 32 near King George courthouse, Va. , PD16Ja72: 33 on Pianketank river, Va. , Pi8D74: 33 — PD8D74: 31, P10F75: 42 — D11F75: 23 imported, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. ,P5Je78: 11 imported free, in Denmark, PD11J171: 11 imported lost, adv. for, PD29Je69: 33. R4F73: 23, PD10F74: 32 imported to America from Eng. , R30Ag70: 21 imported to Sandy hook, N. J. , from London, Eng. , Pi6Ap75: 22— D8Ap75: 23 imported to Va. , PD27Ag72: 42 from Liverpool, Eng. , D15Ag77: 62 — P15Ag77: 31 from London, Eng. , D15Ag77: 62 — P15Ag77: 31 imported to Williamsburg, Va. , from Eng. , PD28Ap68: 22 lent, adv. for, P12Ja76: 33 — D13Ja76:32 in Williamsburg, Va. , R20Je71: 42 lost, adv. for, 20Mr52: 31, PD24Mr74: 31--R31Mr74: 33, P31Ja77: 32,D15Ja80: 31 in Amherst, Va. , PD8N70: 23 price of in Eng. , PD17Je73: 21 publication described in London, Eng. , PD24S72: 11 publication of encouraged in colonies, R2My71: 23, R5S71: 33 — PD26S71: 32 published in Berkeley co. , Va. , Pi26Ja75: 33— D11F75: 31 in Glasgow, Scot. , R7J168: 24 in London, Eng. , 22Ap37: 41, HJa40: 42, PD21Mr66: 31, PD6F72: 22, PD2Ja72: 21 in New York City, 28F55: 11, PD17Mr74: 22 in Philadelphia, Pa. , 22Ap57: 42, PD2My71: 32— R30My71: 31, PD5S71: 33--R5S71: 31 in Rome, It. , PD18Oc70: 13 in Va. , Pi4N74: 32, D28Mr77: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , 10S36: 42, 17S36: 42, 24S36: 42, 10c36: 42, 220c36: 32, 26N36: 42, 3D36: 42, 25F37: 42, 16S37: 42, 140c37: 41, 25N37: 42, 14Ap38: 42, 30Je38: 42, 28J138: 41, 25Ag38: 42, 8S38: 42, 3N38: 61, 15D38: 32, 5Ja39: 42, 16F39: 42, 4My39: 42, 7S39: 41, 21S39: 42, 30N39: 42, 7D39: 42, 14D39: 42, 18Ja40: 42, 1F40: 42, 21Mr45: 41, 23My45: 42, 10Oc45: 42, 3Ap46: 42, 11S46: 42, 17Ja51: 41, 110c51: 32, 17Ja52: 41, 20Mr52sl2, 270c52: 12, 24N52: 31, 7N54s42, 28F55: 42, HAp55: 31, 10Oc55: 32, 30N59: 41, 16Ja61: 42, 250c65s43, PD7Mr66: 33, R16My66: 32, PD10Oc66: 32, R4D66: 23, PD27Ag67: 31, PD3S67: 22, R4F68: 34, R9Je68: 33, R30Je68: 31, PD7J168: 31, PD14J168: 32, R16Mr69: 32, PD27J169: 32— R27J169: 32, PD24Ag69: 41, R190c69sl3, R16N69: 23, R30N69: 31, PD21D69: 23 — R18Ja70: 41, RlMr70: 31, R26J170: 22, R27S70: 22, PD27S70: 31, R4Oc70: 23, R1N70: 33, R31Ja71: 33, R9My71: 33 — PD16My71: 23, PD6F72: 32, PD20F72: 33, PD3S72: 22, R150c72: 23, PD12N72: 22, R3D72: 22, R14Ja73: 33, R16S73: 33, PD28Ap74: 31 — R12My74: 41, PD26My74: 32— R26My74: 31, PD2Je74: 31, PD16Je74: 21, PD25Ag74: 31, PD24N74: 22, PD1D74: 23, PD8D74: 31, PD15D74: 32, D21Ja75: 31, DlAp75: 32, D8Ap75: 32, D27My75: 41, D1J175: 33--P21J175: 32, P21J175: 32, Pi31Ag75: 32, D70c75: 32, PilOJa76: 31, P26J176: 31, D40c76: 42, D11J177: 32, D19S77: 32, D3!Oc77: 42, D4D78: 12, 90 Bordeaux. Fr. D2Ap79:22,D14Ag79:31, D26F80: 23 reprinted in Williamsburg. Va. , llJa40:42 sold, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD21My67: 32 stolen, in Amelia co. , Va. , 20Oc52: 22 subscriptions adv. for, in Williamsburg, Va. , R6Ap69: 31 — PD13Ap69: 33 taken by convict servants, R14D69: 31 by indentured servants, 30J152: 32 by slaves, 17J152: 32 unclaimed, adv. of, PD12My68: 31 See also Account books; Bibles; Blank books; Children's books; Horn books; Hymn books; Libra* ies; Memorandum books; Prayer books; Primers; Psalters; School books; Song books; Spelling books; Testaments Books, British, translated into French and Dutch, PD16S73: 22 Books, damaged, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD14Ja73: 31 Books, Fr. , banned in Rome, It. , 25J151: 22 translated in Rome, It. , 25J151: 22 Booksellers, adv. of, in Philadelphia, Pa. , PD2My71: 32--R30My71: 31, R5S71: 33, PD26S71: 31--R26S71: 33 in London, Eng. , PDllAp66: 33 in Philadelphia, Pa. , R2My71: 23 Booms, exported from Hampton, Va. , to Bermuda, 10Oc45: 31 exported from James river, lower district, Va. , to Barbados, W. I. , RllAg68: 24 exported from James river, upper district, Va. , to Bermuda, 9F39: 42 Booms and sparr, exported to Bermuda, 9F39:42 Boon, Capt. , of the Mansfield, R15Ag66s22, PD9J167: 31 William, R2Ag70: 23, R30Ag70: 23 Boone, Daniel, Capt. , P27Mr78: 21, D160c78: 32 Hawkins, Capt. , C28Ag79: 21 Boon's bridge, N. C. , PD150c72: 31 Boonsborough, Ky. , See Land office in; Mingoes attack near; Shawnees attack near Boony, Tully, D25My76: 33 Boor have's pills, for sale, in Yorktown, Va. , 26S45: 32 Boot and shoemaking business, adv. of, in Williamsburg, Va. , D8Ja80: 43 Boot garters, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD10D72: 23 Boote, [Richard], author, D11D79: 22 Booth, Capt. , 27J139: 41 B. , Rev. Mr. , academy of in Woolton, Eng. , PD27N66: 23 Benjamin, PD23D73s22--R23D73: 31 Beverly, P5Ja76: 41 Charles, D7Ja75: 32 Elias, PD23My66: 32, PD18D66: 31 Elias, Mrs. , PD18D66: 31 Elizabeth, R18F68: 32, PD23Ap72: 12 Frances, Mrs. , PD7J168: 22, D3Ag76: 32 George, adv. settlement of estate, P28J175: 32, D18My76: 22 — P24My76: 33, P21Je76: 32 — D22Je76: 32, C30Oc79: 31 adv. unclaimed tobacco, P14J175s23, P18Ag75sll captain of Gloucester co. , Va. , militia, P130c75: Il--D210c75: 31 chairman of committee for Sussex co. , Va. , P7J175sl3 ship of, PD14S69: 31 George, Dr. , PD7J168: 22 George, jr. , PD80c67: 22, PD3D67: 31, PD21D69: 32 James, D13J176: 51 John, 10Oc45: 41, PD25Oc70: 22, PD13D70: 22--R13D70: 31, R19My74: 43, D27D76: 42, P12D77: 23 John, Capt. , of the Haswell, 25Mr37: 41, 17Je37: 41, 9D37: 42, 21Ap38: 41, 4My39: 41, 10Ag39: 32, 24Ag39: 3, 2N39: 2, 25Ja40: 12, 25Ja40: 3 of the Sarah and Mary, HMr37: 41 John Cooke, R140c73: 32 Lucy, Mrs. , PD12Mr67: 13 Mordecai, 10Oc45: 41 adv. for bookkeeper, 26S45: 32 adv. for cargo, 12Mr52: 22 adv. for freight, 10Ap46: 42 contributes to charity school fund, 240c51: 22 creditor of Henry Farley, 3S56: 32 land of, 170c55: 31 merchant in Yorktown, Va. , 29My46: 42 suit of,R18F68:32 Mordecai, & co. , appoints collector, HAp51:41 Nancy, D12Je79: 31 Thomas, PD220c72: 23--R220c72: 32 adv. finding cow, P5Ap76: 43 agent of Mordecai Booth, R18F68: 32 bond of, D3Ag76: 32 death of, 5N36: 42 land of, PD12D71: 33, PD3Je73: 32, R16S73: 33 land of for sale, R26Ap70s23 slave of, P26My75: 41--D27My75: 41 tools of for sale, 19N36: 42 Thomas, Capt. , PDl9Ap70: 32 — R19Ap70: 33 William, PD23My66: 32, PD18D66: 31 adv. for runaway slave, 7N55: 22 appointed to tobacco commission, RllJa70: 23 estimates value of damaged tobacco, R30Ag70: 23 land sold by Va. general assembly, PD23Ap72: 12 runaway convict servant, PH0N74: 33 tobacco of, R14Je70: 32 William A. , D90c79: 22 Booth, Duval &, adv. unclaimed tobacco for sale, P25Ag75: 83 Boothe, Mr. , horse of, C19F80: 12 Beverley, P4Ag75: 31 Boothman, Jonathan, PD11N73: 23— R11N73:23 Bootle, Capt. , of the London, 120c39: 22 Bootmakers, adv. of, in Williamsburg, Va. , R26My74: 32, PD30Je68: 31 See also Shoemakers Boots, adv. of, in Portsmouth, Va. , PD170c71: 31--R170c71: 31 boycotted in Va. Association, PD25My69: ll--RUe69: 13 for sale, in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72: 31 in Cabin Point, Va. ,D18J177: 31 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD29Ag71: 31, PD270c74: 31, D27Je77: 31, DlAg77: 22 in Yorktown, Va. , P27D76: 32 lost, adv. for, PD7J168: 31 price regulated in Williamsburg, Va. , D24J179: 21 seized from Scotch ship, P29D75s21 from British ship, D8N76: 11 stolen by indentured servants, PD16Ag70: 42 See also Calf boots Boots, ditchers, for sale, near Cabin Point, Va. , D14Mr77: 12--P21Mr77: 21 Boots, jockey, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD30Je68: 31 Boots, shoe, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , P5Je78: 11--D10J178: 41 Boquet, Louis, Capt. , R16S73: 22 Borax, adv. for, in Petersburg, Va. , D13J176: 21 for sale, in Baltimore, Md. , Pil8My75: 33 in Petersburg, Va. , PD30J172: 32, PD1 J173: 32, PD14J174: 32 in Richmond, Va. , 16My55: 21, 5S55: 32, PD17Je73: 33--R17Je73s23 in Shockoe, Va. , PD4Ap66: 41 in Williamsburg, Va. , 17Ja51: 41, 18J151: 41, 5S51: 32, 10Ap52: 31, 30Ap52: 32, 22My52: 32, 2My55: 22, 2My55: 31, 14N55: 22, 30N59: 32, PDllAp66: 41, PD19S66: 31, PD4Je67: 33, PD18Je67: 32, PD270c68: 32— R270c68: 22, R3N68: 33 — PD10N68: 22, PD13Ap69: 32— R13Ap69: 32, PD21S69: 33— R21S69s21, PD21S69: 41— R21S69s21, PD28S69: 31, PDllAp71: 32, PD240c71: 31, PD12D71: 32, PD2J172: 32, PD10Je73: 22, PD1S74:32, P31Ja77: 33 used to cure decayed teeth, R28Ja73: 22 Borax, Venetian, for sale, in Richmond, Va. , PD7Je70: 33 Bordeau, Mr. , D16Ag80: 32 Bordeaux, Fr. , trade conditions at, 19D55: 12 See also British navy off; Charity in; Corn, pi ice high in; Droughts in; Embargoes in; Exports from Philadelphia, Pa. , to; Flies swarm in; Floods in; Frauds in; Frost in; Imports to; Imports to Boston, Mass. , from; Imports to Va. , from; Imports to Williamsburg, Va. , from; Insurance, marine in; Land granted in; Merchants in; Prices high in; Privateers, American, in; Riots in; Ships from; Ships from Carolina to; Ships from Philadelphia, Pa. , to; Ships from St. Domingo, W. I. , to; Ships' sailing time; Ships to James river, Va. , from; Ships to Newburyport, Mass., from; Ships to Philadelphia, Pa. , from; Ships to Portsmouth, N. H. , from; Ships to Rappahannock district, Va. , from; Ships to Savannah, Ga. , from; Ships to South Quay, Va. , from; Shipwrecks near; Storms in; Submarines 91 Bordeaux, Fr. (cont'd) invented in; Vineyards, crops plentiful in; Weather report from; Borden, Joseph, 250c65s23, R16My66: 42, P14N77: 23 William, Capt. , of the Phenix, PD7Je70: 31 Bordentown, N. J. , battle at, D3Ja77: 21 See also Continental navy, ships destroyed in; Houses destroyed in; Ships, American, destroyed in Border, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 30N59: 32 Borders, Capt. , of the Vierge, 4S46: 22 Bordland, Mrs. , adv. for runaway indentured servant, 16S37: 41 sale at house of, 19D45: 41, 14Ag46: 32 Mary, 10D36: 42 Boreas, H. M. frigate, 16Ja61: 32, D2D75: 21, D10F76: 23, P8Mr76: 21, D30Mr76: 12, P12D77: 12, D26Mr79: 21 Boreham, Eng. , See Accidents in Bores, Jans Frederick, Capt. , of the Wilhelmina Catharina, PD21Ap68: 11 Borgis, Joel, PD29Je69: 43 Borinci, ship, 2S57: 21 Bork, John, Capt. , of the Suffolk, 19D55: 22 Borland, John, PD23Je74: 12 Borneo island, Mai. Arch. , relations with France, D250c76: 11 See also Factories, Dutch, established on Bornholm isle, Den. , See Distemper among horses in Borous, William, PD9Ja72: 22 Borphinis, stallion, D14Mr77: 12— P21Mr77: 22 Borre (Borie), [Prud'Homme] de, Gen. , D18Ap77: 32.D12S77: 11--P12S77: 21 Borrough, John, Capt. , of the Four Brothers, PD16N69: 22 Borrowstouness, Scot. , See Opium taken in; Ships to James river, Va. , from Borthwick, Robert, Capt. , PD18F68: 31, D10Ag76: 11 Borum, Richard, PD13My73: 43 Boscawen, Lt. , of British army in N. Y. , R5Ag73: 21 Edward, Admiral, 310c55: 21 captures French ships, 26S55: 22 captures the Alcide, 30c55: 22 of the Shoreham, 14S39: 21, 9N39: 32, 25Ja40: 2 off Louisburg, N. S. , 26S55: 12, 26S55: 21 orders of, 30c55: 11, 7N55: 12 prizes of, 240c55: 12 ships of enumerated, 26S55: 12 Boscawen, privateer, 29Ag45: 21, 12D45: 22 ship, 19S51: 22, PDllAp71: 22 Boscawen island, Pac. O. , discovery of, PD25Ag68: 12— R25Ag68: 22 Boseman, Mr. , slave of steals hogs, PU4S75: 31 Bosewell, Pan, Gran, Barrobo, adv. for missing horse, PD2Je74: 32 Boslin, plantation, D14Ja75: 32 Bosnia, Yugos. , See Plague in Bosphorus, See Russian navy to Boss, George, Col. , PD25Je72: 31 Bossard, Rudolph, PD27Ap69: 13 Bosses, bridle, for sale, in Cobham, Va. ,P4J177:31 Bosses, saddle, for sale, in Smithfield, Va. , D21F77: 22 — P28F77s22 Bossu, [Jean Bernard], author, PD17S72: 21 Bossuet, [Jacques Benigne], author, PD18J171: 32, PD25J171: 43, PDlAg71: 43, PD8Ag71: 43 Bostock, John, 3Ap52: 31, RllOc70: 33 Bostock's cordial, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 2My55: 31 Bostock's elixirs, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , 4J151: 32, D25Mr75: 31 — Pi23Mr75: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , 15My46: 41, 31J146: 61, 16ja61: 41, PD21S69: 41 — R21S69s21,R12J170:31 PD240c71: 31 Bostock's purging elixirs, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD18Je67: 33, PD29N70: 22, D10J178: 21 — P10J178: 12 Boston, Isaac, D28Ja75: 33 [Thomas], author, PD29N70: 21, PD13D70: 42, PD3Ja71: 43, PD17Ja71: 43, PD24Ja71: 43, PD7F71: 42, PD21F71: 42, PD7Mr71: 42, PD21Mr71: 42, PD28Mr71: 42, PD17S72: 22, PD10Je73: 33, D25N75: 13 Boston, Mass. , aided by Conn. , Pi29S74: 33 attack by British rumored, D90c78: 32, D160c78: 22 activities approved in S. C. , PD1D68: 23 address (text) of inhabitants to Gen. Gage,D18N75:22 approves British laws, PD3Mr68: 22 approves employing poor, PD10Mr68: 21 as colonial capital, R150c7 2: 11 assemblymen elected, PDlJe69: 13 — RUe69: 22 attack by British denied, PD15S74: 31 — R15S74: 32 attack on, P29Mr76: 22 attack planned by provincial army, P16Je75s22 attempts to arouse discontent in, R23Ap72: 22 attitude toward British, PD18Ag74: 13 attitude toward in British ministry, PD19My74: 13 barracks built in, PD20Oc74sll battle at, Pi4My75: 32— P5My75s22— D6My75: 31 battle near, D29J175: 32 battle near rumored, P28J175: 11 battle of described, P29Mr76: 21 battle of reported in Eng. , Dl J175: 23 blockaded, D12Ag75: 13, DllMy76: 31 British attack on planned, D23My77: 21, P30My77: 21 British casualties near, D9S75: 23 British floating battery sunk, D23S75: 23, P128S75: 23— D30S75: 21 British guard houses destroyed, Pi3Ag75: 31--P4Ag75pll British urged to quell rebellious spirit, PD7Ap74: 21 burned by inhabitants rumored, P28J175: 11 burning by Americans discussed, P28J175: 21 burning by Americans rumored in London, Eng. , D19Ag75: 22 burning by Americans stopped, D12Ag75: 23 burning contemplated by Americans, P19Ja76: 31 — Pi20Ja76: 31 burning of rumored, Pil90c75: 13 cannonaded by Americans, Pi9N75: 23 — P10N75:22— D11N75: 23, D30Mr76: 32 cannonading of, D280c75: 32 capital to be moved from rumored, R29Mr70: 22 capture by Continental army rumored in Eng. , Pil90c75: 21— P20Oc75: 21 casualties in, Pi24Ag75: 33 celebrates appointment of gov. , PDllAp71: 22 censured, PD14Ap69s21— R13Ap69: 22, PD12My74: 32 child mortality rate high in, R16N69: 21 colonists driven back at, D6Ja76: 21 commissioners of in London, Eng. , PD20S70: 21 commissioners to visit England rumored, R13S70: 22— PD20S70: 13 committee of correspondence appointed, R29Ap73: 11 circulates Hutchinson's letters, PD29J173: 22 denies rumors against, D4Mr75: 11 forbids aid to British army, PD20Oc74s21 instructs delegates to Congress, R15S74: 31 letter from Continental congress, D28Ja75:ll letter from N. Y. committee of correspondence, R8S74: 31 letter to committee for Williamsburg, Va. , Pi8Je75: 11 letter to N. Y. , PD13Ja74: 23— R13Ja74: 23 letter (text) to Baltimore, Md. , committee, PD25Ag74: 23 — R25Ag74: 22 letter (text) to Continental congress, PD270c74: 22,D21Ja75: 13 opposes arms sale to Gage, PD20Oc74s21 purposes of, PD3D72: 12— R10D72: 22 receives funds for relief, PD25Ag74: 23--R1S74: 22 receives letter from Philadelphia, Pa. , PD23Je74: 22— R23Je74: 32 reports (text) of, 1773, R29Ap73: 11 subscribe to colonial post office, PD5My74: 21 warns against aid to British army, PD130c74: 22— Pil30c74: 31 watches ships in Boston harbor, PD30D73: 22 committee of correspondence and safety, apprehend British prisoners, D7Ag79: 22 committee of donations, letter (text) to, Pil9Ja75: 21 committee of inspection, authorizes sale of baize, PD22F70: 12 enforces non- importation, PD22F70: 13 visits R. I. , PD4OC70: 22 committee of mechanics, letter (text) to N. Y. committee of mechanics, Pil30c74:31 common pleas court, trials in,R5S71:22 conditions described, D19Ag75: 23, D13Ja76: 23 92 Boston, Mass. conditions in, PD8D74: 21--Pi8D74: 22, PD8D74: 22 — Pi8D74: 31, Pil9Ja75: 22, Pi7S75: 11, P60c75sll, Pil90c75: 21 — P20Oc75: 22--D210c75: 21, P12Ja76: 31 D13Ja76:31 conditions of inhabitants, P18Ag75: 12 conduct criticized in Great Britain, PD19My74: 13 conduct discussed in parliament, PD12My74: 41 conduct satirized, PD20Oc74: 22 convention leaders ordered arrested, PD27Ap69: 22 — R27Ap69: 21 cost of blockade, D7Ja75: 23 cost of government in, PD8D74: 13 courthouse, PD3N68: 21--R3N68: 23 defense of, PD16D73: 22, Pi29S74: 32 D6Ja76: 21 delegates to general assembly elected, D22Je76:41 delegates to Provincial congress, PD130C74: 22--Pil30c74: 31, Pi270c74:21,Pi2F75:23 destruction by British rumored, Pi31Ag75: 32 destruction of described, P2F76: 13 destruction of estimated, D6Ap76: 11 disarmament of proposed, PD29S74: 31 disorderly conduct in discouraged, PD15D74: 21— Pil5D74: 21 dissension in rumored, PD1S74: 22, R22S74: 21 economy of citizens praised, PD18F68: 22 evacuated by British, P5Ja76: 31 — D6Ja76: 22, P29Mr76: 22, P5Ap76: 22— D6Ap76: 32, D24Ag76: 21 evacuation agreed to, PD270c74: 23 evacuation by British described, P12Ap76: 21— D13Ap76: 23 evacuation by British proposed, D17Je75s21 evacuation by British rumored, D16S75: 21, P22Mr76: 22--D23Mr76: 31 evacuation criticized in London, Eng. , DHOc76: 11 evacuation discussed in Commons, D40c76: 11 evacuation discussed in Continental congress, PD10N74: 11— PU0N74: 12 exodus from regulated by British, Pi22Je75: 23 expresses gratitude to Col. Barre, PD2My66: 11 factious spirit in discussed, D28Ja75: 22 fortification by British opposed, Pi270c74: 21 fortification by British rumored, D210c75: 23 fortification explained by Gage, PD20Oc74s21 fortification increased by British, P22Mr76: 21— D23Mr76: 31 fortification of, PD23Je68: 22, D10F76: 21.D6J176: 11 fortification opposed, PD130c74: 13 fortification planned, P15S75sll — D16S75: 31 fortification strengthened, D1J175: 32 fortified by British, P9Je75sl2— D10Je75: 21, P20Oc75sl2 fortified by Gen. Gage, P2Je75s23 freeholders, R4D66: 21 gallant behaviour discussed, PD20Oc74sl2 government regulation proposed, PD9Je74: 22 grievances listed, D21Ja75: 13 harbor blockade to continue, P17Mr75s21— D18Mr75: 23 harbor blockaded by British rumored, RllOc70: 12 harbor closed, PD23je74: 13 — R23Je74: 23 harbor fortified, P17My76: 22, D160c78: 22 headquarters for British navy, PD18Oc70sll health conditions in, D26Ag75: 23 Hillsborough's recommendations concerning, PD24N68: 22 honesty of people praised in England, PD10Je73:31 inferior court, PD22Ag71: 32 inhabitants allowed to leave, Pil8My75: 32, Pil5Je75: 23, Pi24Ag75: 32, D26Ag75: 11, D26Ag75: 23--PiS75: 12, P8S75s21, Pil20c75: 21--P130c75: 22 inhabitants arm,R30D73: 31 inhabitants blamed for battle of Lexington and Concord, Pil8My75: 32 inhabitants confined in by Howe, D2D75: 23 inhabitants disarmed, P12My75sll — D13My75: 22, P12My75sl2, P19My75s22 inhabitants driven out of, P22D75: 31 inhabitants escape from, Pi260c75: 23 — D280c75: 31 inhabitants express gratitude to Gov. Hutchinson, PD23Je74: 12— R23Je74: 21 inhabitants insulted by British army, P20Oc75sl2 inhabitants leave, P28Ap75s41-- D29Ap75s33, PillMy75: 23, P12My75sll— D13My75: 22 inhabitants leave for Chelsea, Mass. , D23D75: 31, P23F76: 21 inhabitants migrate to Newport, R. I. , Pil5Je75: 23 inhabitants mistreated by Gage, P18Ag75: 22— D19Ag75: 31 inhabitants sickly, P18Ag75: 12 inhabitants surrender arms, Pil8My75: 32 inhabitants to Point Shirley, Mass. , P12Ja76: 31--D13Ja76: 31 inhabitants urged to tolerate Gen. Gage, D28Ja75: 11 instructions (text) to representatives, PD3Je73: 21, P27Je77: 22 instructs representatives against Townshend acts, PD25F68: 22 judges' independence discussed in Eng. , PD25Mr73: 21 loss of criticized in Commons, D18Ap77: 31 lost by British, D6Ja76: 22 loyalty to Gt. Brit. , PD10D67: 22 martial law declared by Gen. Gage, D15JT75: 23 martial law in, P18Ag75: 22 — D19Ag75: 32 military rule to be established over, R19J170: 11 mourns Frederick, prince of Wales, 27Je51: 32 naval engagements near, D6J176: 11, D6J176: 12, D29J176: 41,D14Ag79: 21 new mob government rumored, PD4N73: 21 occupied by Continental army, DllMy76: 11 opposed in N. Y. , R22S74: 32 patriots' opinions criticized, PD24D72: 12 petition for Gov. Bernard's removal, R19Ja69: 13 plunder of discussed, Pi24Ag75: 33 police criticized, P16Je75: 13 poor need provisions, Pi3Ag75: 32 — D5Ag75: 23 popular opinion in, R7J174: 31 ports kept open, P26Ja76: 21 — D27Ja76: 32 praised, R28J174: 33 proceedings of discussed in England, PD23F69: 22 provincial troops around, D12Ag75: 22 public offices reopen, PD7Mr66: 41 punishment by British ministry rumored, PD8N70: 21 punishment by Great Britain advised, PD14Ap74: 22 punishment discussed in Eng. , R23F69: 21, PD4N73: 11 punishment for revolt satirized, PD4Ag74: 21 punishment proposed in Eng. , R24F69sl2 punishment urged in Eng. , PD26My74: 21 real estate estimate proposed, R22S74:31— R29S74:31 reasons for support of in Lords, PDllAg74:21 rebellion in, PD5My74: 13 remonstrances of presented to king, PD24Ag69: 12— R24Ag69: 21 revolutionary activities discussed, PD14J174: 12 revolutionary leaders, arrest ordered, PD9F69: 22, PD28J174: 21, R1S74: 32, R22S74: 22 arrest proposed, R23F69: 21 arrest rumored, PD23F69: 23 PD23F69: 23 list of sent to Eng. , PD1S74: 22 satirized, R15S74: 23 transportation for execution rumored, R28J174: 33 revolutionary spirit in decreases, Pi28Ap75: 22 selectmen, address (text) Gen. Washington, DllMy76: 41 oppose quartering of troops, PD6Ap69: 21 visit schools, PD3Ag69: 22 siege of, PilJe75: 31, P2Je75s33 siege of described, PD25Ag74: 13 — R25Ag74: 31 siege threatened by Americans, Pil90c75: 21 skirmishes at, Pil90c75: 13, P20Oc75sll skirmishes at described, D70c75: 21 skirmishes at reported in Eng. , PilOAg75: 31 — PllAg75: 23 — D12Ag75: 21 skirmishes near, D26Ag75: 23 — P1S75: 11 skirmishes near reported in Eng. , 93 Boston, skirmishes near (cont'd) D12Ag75: 13 spirit of liberty in, R22S74: 31 stores removed, PD3N68: 21--R3N68: 23 street cleaning plan proposed, D16S75: 21 streets, PD27Ag67: 22, PD24D67: 23, PD14J168: 11--R14J168: 11, PD24N68: 23, PD5Ap70: 31--R5Ap70: 41, PD4Ap71: 22, PDllAp71: 22, PD4J171: 13, R25Mr73: 22, PD16D73: 22--R16D73: 33, P5D77: 21, P24F75sll, D18Ap77: 72--P18Ap77s23 subscribes to relief of Corsica, Pi8D74: 21 Superior court, PD15S74: 32 support from towns in Mass. enumerated, Pil8My75: 32 support of underestimated in Eng. , PD20Oc74: 22 supported by British colonies, PD22S74: 23 by Queen Charlotte, Pi8Je75: 32— P9je75sl3--D10Je75: 21 by Earl of Chatham, PD15S74: 12 by Md. Provincial congress, PD29D74: 23 by N. J. committee of correspondence, PD23Je74: 22— R23Je74: 31 by N. C. general assembly, Pil8My75: 22 in Annapolis, Md. , R9Je74s23 in colonies, R1S74: 22 in Conn. , PD29S74: 31 in Eng. , R22S74: 33, PD10N74: 31 in James City co. , Va. , PD1D74: 23— PilD74: 32 in Md. , R16Je74: 23 in N. Y. , R16Je74: 23 in Newport, R. I. , P19My75s23 in Philadelphia, Pa. , R16Je74: 23, PD23Je74: 22--R23Je74: 32 in St. Eustatia, W. I. , PD25Ag74: 13 in Salem, Mass. , R9Je74s21 in S. C. , R9Je74s23 in Worcester co. , Mass. , PD30Je74: 22 throughout colonies, PD23Je74: 21, R25Ag74: 12 surrounded by Mass. troops. P9Je75s22 tax for 1771,R4Oc70: 21 terms offered by British to inhabitants of, P12My75sll thanks N. Y. for support, R16Je74: 23 town meeting, PD24D67: 21--R24D67: 21, PD27J169: 22, PD25Ag74: 21, PD15D74: 21--PH5D74: 21, P19Ap76: 22--D20Ap76: 21 appoints committee of correspondence, R29Ap73: 11 called, PD19N67: 21, R16D73: 33 choose representatives, PD130c74: 21 considers poor, PD29S74: 31 considers seizure of ship by British, PD14J168: 12— R14J168: 12 discusses action against port bill, PD2Je74: 22 discusses Boston port bill, PD7J174: 22--R7J174: 23 discusses relief of inhabitants, R9Je74s21 discusses tea tax, PD6Ja74: 23 favors establishment of colonial post officers, PD14Ap74: U--R14Ap74: 22 forbidden, PD8S74: 22--R8S74: 32 in, PD25F73: 22 instructions (text) to delegates, D22Je76: 41 instructions to representatives, PD14J168: 13— R14J168: 13, PD8Je69: 12 measures of criticized in Eng. , PD2Je68: 12 oppose importation of tea, PD25N73: 21 ordered dispersed, PD30D73: 21 petitions governor, PD14J168: 12 — R14J168: 12, PD3D72: 11, R3D72: 12, R3D72: 13 petitions king, PD17Ag69: 11 praises Farmer's Letters, R28Ap68: 13 proceedings, introduction (text) to, PD27My73: 13 proceedings of, PD6S70: 22, Pi2F75: 22— D4F75: 12 proceedings of condemned by parliament, PD23Mr69: 31 proceedings of reprinted, R27My73: 11 proceedings published in Eng. , PD27My73: 12 proposes paving streets, R15S74: 23 refuses landing of tea, PD30D73: 21 requests resignation of tea factors, PD2D73: 11 resolutions of 1769, PD13Je69: 13— RUe69: 22 resolutions supported by Norwich, Conn. ,PD10N68:21 resolutions supported in Providence, R.I. ,PD10N68: 22 sends circular letters, PD17D72: 23 thanks Lord Alexander Covil, 10J152: 22 to be held, R60c68: 22 to discuss arrival of tea, PD23D73s22 uphold right of petitioning crown, PD3D72: 12— R10D72: 22 trade with Great Britain allowed, D2S75: 22 with London, Eng. rumored, P23Je75: 13— D24Je75: 22 with Md. suspended, PillMy75: 32— P12Mv75sl3--D13My75: 22 with W. I. allowed, D2S75: 22 treatment of inhabitants by British army,D23D75: 31 warned against submission, Pi29S74: 32 See also Accidents in; Admiralty court in; Ammunition for British army in; Anecdotes from; Armaments destroyed by British in; Armaments for British army in; Arms for British army in; Arms sale to Gage opposed in; Arms seized by British army in; Assaults, trials for in; Assaults in; Assemblies in; Assistance, writs of, opposed in; Atrocities by British army in; Attorneys in; Autopsy performed in; Bakers violate weight regulations in; Balls in; Balm (baum) for relief of; Baptisms in; Barracks built in; Beer for British army in; Beef, offal, price of in; Beef, price of in; Beef scarce in; Bills of exchange, discount on in; Biscuit baked in; Biscuit for British army in; Blankets for British army in; Blankets left in; Boards for British army in; Bonfires in; Boston massacre, anniversary of celebrated in; Boston port bill, effect of in; Boston port bill, effect on trade in; Boston port bill opposed in; Boston port bill received in; Brandy for relief of; Brass twelve pounders in; Bread for relief of; Bread scarce in; Brick meeting houses in; Bricks for British army in; British armed ships from; British army, arms for in; British army, conduct in; British army, contractors of provisions for in; British army, deserters from in; British army, deserters join in; British army, enlistments in for; British army, light horse division reviewed in; British army, morale of in; British army, mutiny among in; British army, number of troops in; British army, officers resign in; British army, opposes service in; British army, plundering by in; British army, provisions for in; British army, quartering in; British army, soldiers shot in; British army, uniforms for in; British army, withdrawal from; British army, wounded from; British army arrives In; British army from; British army from Cork, Ire. , to; British army from Halifax, N. S. , to; British army from Ire. , to; British army from London, Eng. , to; British army from N. Y. , to; British army from Philadelphia, Pa. , to; British army from St. Augustine, Fla. , to; British army headquarters for in; British army in; British army officers' conduct in; British army officers arrive in; British army officers from; British army officers sent to; British army to; British army to N. J. , from; British army to N. Y. , from; British army to Newport, R. L , from; British army to R. I. , from; British colonies, N. Am. , independence favored in; British colonies N. Am. , rights of discussed in; British marines in; British marines to; British marines to be sent to; British ministry, agents of to visit; British ministry, attitude toward; British navy, condition of in; British navy, deserters from in; British navy, impressment for in; British navy arrives in; British navy from; British navy from N. Y. , to; British navy from Portsmouth, Va. , to; British navy headquarters in; British navy in; British navy ordered to; British navy rendezvous at; British navy to; British navy to Hampton roads, Va. , from; British navy to Newport, R. I. , from; British navy to R. L , from; British navy to S. C. , from; British transports from; British transports from Newport, R. I. , to; British transports ordered from; British transports ordered to; British transports prepared for; British transports to; Burials, statistics on; Burning in the hand for manslaughter in; Butter, price of in; Butter for relief of; Calf, price of in; Cannon for British army in; Cannon left in; Cannon scrapped in; Cannon sent to; 94 Boston, Mass. Cannon without carriages for British army in; Canvas for British army in; Carriages for British army in; Carts for British army in; Castrations in; Cattle for British army in; Cattle scarce in; Census in; Census of; Charity for smallpox sufferers in; Children, abnormal in; Children, employment of poor in; Children riot in; Churches in; Cider scarce in; Circular letters from; Circular letters from Philadelphia, Pa. , to; Clergy, Anglican, in; Clergy in; Clothing for Continental army procured in; Coal for British army in; Coal importation to; Coal left in; Coal scarce in; Coercive acts opposed in; Coffee houses in; Coffins for British army in; Commission merchants adv. of; Connecticut troops in; Continental army, number of troops in; Continental army, recruiting for successful in; Continental army from; Continental army near; Continental army to; Continental army to Crown Point, N. Y. , from; Continental army to New York City from; Continental congress, declarations read in; Continental congress, first, proposed in; Continental navy, ships captured by British off; Continental navy from Newport, R. I. , to; Continental navy in; Convoys by British navy to; Convoys by French navy to; Corn, Indian, for relief of; Corn for British army in; Corn for relief of; Corn scarce near; Courts martial in; Cows killed in; Customhouses, in; Customhouses moved from; Customhouses open in; Customs commissioners, powers of criticized in; Customs commissioners arrive in; Customs commissioners in; Customs commissioners remove from; Customs officers in; Customs service in; Death, statistics on in; Declaration of independence celebrated in; Deserters, from British army in; Distemper in; Distillers in; Drafting for British army in; Drownings in; Drugs seized by British army in; Duels in; Duties, collection prohibited in; Dwelling houses in; Earthquakes in; Effigies burned in; Eggs, price of in; Emigration from; Emigration from Colchester, Eng. , to; Emigration from Eng. , to; Emigration from London, Eng. , to; Emigration from Scot. , to; Emigration of Germans to; Entertainments in; Entertainments on French ships in; European goods scarce in; Executions for deserting British army in; Executions for desertion in; Exports from; Exports from Accomac district, Va. , to; Exports from Bristol, Eng. , to; Exports from Hampton, Va. , to; Exports from James river, Va. , to; Exports from James river, lower district, Va. , to; Exports from James river, upper district, Va. , to; Exports from London, Eng. , to; Exports from N. Y. , to; Exports from Quebec, Can. , to; Exports from Texel, Holl. , to; Exports from Va. , to; Exports from York district, Va. , to; Factories in; Faggots for British army in; Faneuil Hall in; Farmer's Letters reprinted in; Farming encouraged in; Fast days in; Ferries between; Ferries in; Field pieces for British army in; Fire engines in; Fires in; Fires on ships in; Fireworks in; Fish for British army in; Fish, price of in; Flour, price of in; Flour destroyed by British in; Flour for British army in; Flour for relief of; Flour scarce in; Flux in; Food scarce in; Food scarce in British army in; Football in; Fowl, price of in; Freedom of press supported in; Freedom of press threatened in; Freemasons in; French agents imprisoned in; French navy in; French navy to; French officers arrive in; Frostbite in; Fuel scarce in; Funerals, number of in; Funerals described, Furniture destroyed in; Geese, price of in; German troops to; Germans arrive in; Glass, window, price high in; Glass boycotted in; Goldsmiths in; Governors, royal, financial support by king in; Grain for relief of; Grapes plentiful in; Gun carriages destroyed by British in; Gunpowder for British army in; Gunpowder seized by British army in; Guns spiked in; Hanau troops to; Hanoverians for British army in; Hats returned to Eng. , from; Hay destroyed by Americans near; Hay destroyed by British in; Hessian troops to; Horses for British army in; Horses left in; Hospital ships, military, off; Houses destroyed by British in; Houses in; Houses pillaged in; Illuminations in; Immigration to; Imports returned to Eng. , from; Imports returned to Gt. Brit. , from; Imports to; Imports to Accomac district, Va. , from; Imports to Clyde river, Scot. , from; Imports to James river, lower district, Va. , from; Imports to James river, upper district, Va. , from; Imports to London, Eng. , from; Imports to Rappahannock district, Va. , from; Imports to York district, Va. , from; Impressment for British navy in; Indians attack British soldiers in; Indians near; Insurance offices in; Intrenching tools for British army in; Iron for British army in; Iron for relief of; Ivory turners in; Jails in; Joiners in; Judges in British colonies, N. Am. , financial support in; Labradore herb used for tea in; Liberty tree in; Lighthouses in; Lightning in; Lightning rods, advantages of in; Linen manufacture in; Linen seized by British from; Liquors, inventory of in; Livestock for British army in; Mahogany for relief of; Malt scarce in; Manufactures encouraged in; Manufactures establishment declines in; Masons in; Massachusetts general assembly request removal to; Massachusetts general court forbidden to meet in; Massachusetts government act opposed in; Massachusetts 92 honored in; Massachusetts provincial army capture cattle near; Meal, Indian, for relief of; Meat, price of in; Meat scarce in; Mechanics forbidden to leave; Mechanics in; Medicines for British army in; Merchandise returned from; Merchandise to be imported to; Merchants in; Meteors in; Militia established in; Militia in; Militia of; Milk, price of in; Molasses destroyed by British in; Money circulation increased in; Money for relief of; Money plentiful in; Money removal from; Money scarce in British army in; Monopolizers condemned in; Mortars for British army in; Murder trials for in; Mutinies in British army in; Mutton, price of in; Nails, price of high in; Navigation acts violated in; Negroes, meeting of in; Negroes in British army near; Newspapers in; Newspapers removed from; Newspapers, Tory, distributed to British in; Non-exportation agreements in; Non-exportation agreements proposed by; Non-importation agreements, relaxation of proposed in; Non- importation agreements, renewal of supported in; Non-importation agreements, violators censured in; Non- importation agreements, violators punished in; Non- importation agreements broken in; Non- importation agreements disregarded in; Non-importation agreements enforcements in; Non- importation agreements evaded in; Non-importation agreements favored in; Non-importation agreements in; Non- importation agreements proposed by; Non- importation agreements supported in; Non- importation agreements unpopular in; Non-importation agreements supported in; Non-importation agreements violated in; Oats for British army in; Oil captured by Americans near; Oxen for British army in; Packets from; Packets to; Painters colors boycotted in; Paper boycotted in; Paper manufacture in; Parliament supremacy opposed in; Peace commissioners to; Peaches plentiful in; Pears plentiful in; Peas for British army in; Physicians, number in; Pickaxes for British army in; Pickets for British army in; Piracy, trials for in; Plays presented in; Poetry to; Pork for relief of; Pork scarce in; Porpoise oil sold in; Porter for British army in; Post office, subscription for in; Post offices in; Post riders from; Postal service between; Postal service between N. Y. and; Postal service between Newburyport, Mass. , and; Potatoes, price of in; Potatoes, 95 Boston, Mass. , See also (cont'd) scarce in; Potatoes for British army in; Prices current in; Prices fall in; Prices high in; Printers in; Prisoners of war, American, death rate among in; Prisoners of war, American, die in; Prisoners of war, American, escape from; Prisoners of war, American, in; Prisoners of war, American, sent to; Prisoners of war, American, to; Prisoners of war, British, apprehended in; Prisoners of war, British, captured near; Prisoners of war, British, imprisoned in; Prisoners of war, British, in; Prisoners of war, British, number of in; Prisoners of war, British, regulated in; Prisoners of war, British, taken in; Prisoners of war, British, taken into; Prisoners of war, British, treatment in; Prisoners of war, exchange proposed in; Prisoners of war, exchanged from Halifax, N. S. , to; Prisoners of war, exchanged in; Prisoners of war, Hessian, in; Prisoners of war, Hessian, taken to; Prisoners of war, Highlanders, imprisoned in; Prisoners of war, Tories, captured near; Prize ships, British arrive in; Prize ships, British taken to; Propaganda, British, in; Provisions for; Provisions for British army in; Provisions for British navy in; Provisions for Continental army procured in; Provisions scarce in; Provisions seized by British in; Provost prison in; Prussian officers arrive in; Quartering, rates for in; Quartering arranged in; Quartering discussed in; Quartering in; Quartering opposed in; Quartering ridiculed in; Recruiting for British army in; Recruiting for Nova Scotia Rangers in; Rents, house, fall in; Revolutionary war, British campaign plans in; Ribbons banned in; Rice for relief of; Riding -schools established in; Riots in; Roads between Quebec, Can. , and; Robberies in; Robbers in; Ropewalks in; Rum, Jamaican, price of in; Rye for relief of; Sage for relief of; Salt destroyed by British in; Salt for British army in; Salt import to; Saratoga, N. Y. , surrender celebrated in; Schools in; Scots in; Scurvy among British troops in; Scuttling utensils for British army in; Serenades in; Sermons preached in; Sheep for British army in; Ship builders from; Ships, American, captured by British off; Ships, American, to; Ships, British, captured by Americans near; Ships, British, captured by Americans off; Ships, British, driven from; Ships, British, from; Ships, described, built in; Ships, Mass. , to; Ships, Philadelphia, captured by British near; Ships, Philadelphia, in; Ships built in; Ships from; Ships from Cape Fear, N. C. , to; Ships from Casco Bay, Me. , to; Ships from Charleston, S. C. , to; Ships from Halifax, N. S. , to; Ships from Hampton roads, Va. , to; Ships from James river, Va. , to; Ships from New London, Conn. , to; Ships from New Providence, W. I. , to; Ships from N. Y. , to; Ships from N. C. , to; Ships from Philadelphia, Pa. , to; Ships from Portsmouth, Va. , to; Ships from Rappahannock district, Va. , to; Ships from St. George's fort, Me. , to; Ships from N. C. , to; Ships from Va. , to; Ships from York river, Va. , to; Ships in; Ships launched in; Ships lost in storm in; Ships' sailing time; Ships' sailing time, Cork, Ire. , to; Ships to; Ships to Hampton roads, Va. , from; Ships to James river, Va. , from; Ships to Norfolk, Va. , from; Ships to Rappahannock district, Va. , from; Ships to York district, Va. , from; Shipwrecks between N. Y. and; Shipwrecks near; Shipwrights in; Shipyards in; Silk returned from; Slaves, curfews for in; Slaves imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from; Slaves imported to York district, Va. , from; Slaves in; Smallpox in; Smallpox inoculations in; Smallpox on tea ships; Snow in; Society of supporters of Bill of Rights favors; Society of supporters of Bill of Rights send relief to; Songs for liberty in; Sons of Liberty, in; Sons of Liberty toasted in; Spanish agents imprisoned in; Spars for British army in; Spinning by children in; Spinning wheels for sale in; Stamp act, indemnity for riots in; Stamp act, opposition anniversary celebrated in; Stamp act, paper returned to Eng. , from; Stamp act, repeal anniversary celebrated in; Stamp act, repeal celebration planned in; Stamp act, repeal of commorated in; Stocking manufactures in; Stocking 'weavers emigration from Eng. , to N. Y. and; Stores in; Storms in; Straw destroyed in; Straw from British army in Boston, Mass. , from; Sugar for relief of; Sugarhouses in; Suicides in British army in; Surgeons for British army in: Surgery performed in; Tailors in; Tallow chandlers in; Tarring and feathering for informing in; Tarring and feathering in; Tarring and feathering of excisemen in; Taverns in; Taxation of colonies opposed in; Tea, amount destroyed in; Tea, arrival of in; Tea, China grown in; Tea, import opposed in; Tea, import to; Tea, payment for ordered in; Tea, payment refused in; Tea, reparation for discussed in; Tea, reparations for opposed in; Tea, reparations for proposed in; Tea, substitute for in; Tea, boycotted in; Tea burned near; Tea commissioners in; Tea destroyed in; Tea export from England to; Tea stored in; Tentpoles for British army in; Tents for British army in; Tents for Continental army procured in; Thanksgiving day proclaimed in; Thanksgiving day violated in; Timber for British army in; Tories, number in; Tories, petition for return to; Tories embark with British army from; Tories flee from; Tories from; Tories imprisoned in; Tories in; Tories in British army near; Tories leave; Tories move to; Torture of Scotch immigrants in; Townshend acts opposed; Travel between; Treason, imprisonment for in; Treason in; Twins in; Type (printers), destroyed by British in; Type (printers), manufactured in; Tying to carts for informing in; Unemployment in; Va. burgesses praised in; Wages high in; Wagons for British army in; Warehouses in; Watchmen in; Waxworks displayed in; Weather report from; Weavers, journeymen emigration to; Wharves in; Wheat for relief of; Wheat left in; Wheelwrights in; Whipping for arson in; Whitesmiths in; Women, employment of poor in; Wood, importation to; Wood for relief of; Wood scarce in; Woolen cloth for British army in; Woolen goods seized by British in; Woolen manufacture in; Woolen manufacturers, British, engaged for; Woolens boycotted in; Yellow fever in Boston, Continental frigate, D26Je79: 21, D7Ag79:32,D26F80: 23 frigate, PD7D69s23, R8F70: 32, RlMr70: 31, R8Mr70: 31, D24J179: 22, D21Ag79: 31, D20c79: 21, D26F80: 23 H. M. frigate, PD2N69: 23 H. M. S. , 12S51: 32, 24Ja52: 31, PD8Mr70: 22, PD6S70: 31, PD18Oc70sl2, PD1N70: 21 — R1N70: 22 Mass. frigate, D29N76: 12 privateer, P21Mr77sll, P4Ap77sll, D18Ap77: 32 ship, PDllJe72: 31, P22Ag77: 23 Boston chronicle, extract from, PD9Mr69: 13, PD28S69sl2 Boston common, barracks for British on, PD130c74: 13, PD130c74: 22 British army camps on, PD270c68: 23— R3N68: 13, PD3N68: 21--R3N68: 23, PD23Je74: 13--R23Je74: 23, PD30Je74: 23, R7J174: 31, PD28J174: 22, PDllAg74: 22 British army church service on, PD10N68: 21 British army leaves, PD24N68: 23, PD1D68: 22 Boston evening post, extract from, PD270c74: 11, P12F75: 21, Pi9Mr75: 23--P10Mr75sll, P31Mr75: 11, Boston gazette, PD28S69sl2 extract from24S36: 22, 30J152: 22, 2My55: 12, PD10c67: 11, PD24Mr68: 31 — R24Mr68: 32, R25Ag68s22, R3N68: 22, PD24N68: 22, R13J169:21,PD22F70:23, PD2My71: 31, R23Je74: 12, D19S77: 22 Boston harbor, Mass. , battles on island in, P16Je75s22 See also Ice in Boston massacre, anniversary of, Boston port bill PD4Ap71: 22, PDllAp71: 22, Pil3Ap75: 11 book about, R2Ag70: 12, British acquitted of, PD29N70: 13 — R29N70: 13, PD17Ja71: 12— R17Ja71: 12 described, PD5Ap70: 22--R5Ap70: 31, Pi2N75: 22 discussed, PD5Ap70: 31--R5Ap70: 41, R2Ag70: 12, R20S70: 23 investigated in Eng. , R19J170: 13, PD26J170: 12 Irish opinion on, PD18Ap71: 31 king pardons soldiers, R14F71: 13 narratives about sold in London, Eng. , R19J170: 12 opinions on in Salem, Mass. , PD19Ap70: 23 opposed in London, Eng. , R19J170: 13 pictures of sold in London, Eng. , R19J170: 12 premeditation of rumored, R19J170: 12 rumored, R29Mr70: 22 scenes depicting displayed, PD4Ap71: 22 soldiers tried for, PD4J171: 13 to be investigated by parliament, R19J170: 11 trials for, R19JT70: 12, PD4Oc70: 21— R4Oc70: 21, PDllAp71: 22, PD3Ja71: 13 Boston Neck, Mass. , cannonaded, D140c75: 22,D22J175: 32--P22J175sl3, P270c75s22 fortifications built on, PD29S74: 31 fortifications opposed, Pi60c74: 23 — PD60c74: 21, Pil30c74: 31, PD10N74: 12, PD1D74: 22 fortified by British, Pil6F75: 23, P21Ap75s32,D22Ap75: 11 skirmishes on, P4Ag75p22, D30S75: 21 See also Arms seized by British army on; Assaults on; Files seized by British army on; Taverns on Boston news letter, extract from, 18Ja40: 22,D280c75: 23 Boston Packet, ship, 13Je45: 31 Boston port bill, action against discussed in Mass. , PD2Je74: 22 affects manufacturers in Eng. , R23Je74: 23 affects merchants, Pi20Oc74: 21 approved by George HI, PD19My74: 31 attitude toward in Philadelphia, Pa. , PD23Je74: 13, R23Je74: 31 denounced by Va. burgesses, PD26My74: 23— R26My74: 31 discussed, PD19My74: 22, R2Je74: 13, PD7J174: 22--R7J174: 23, PD4Ag74: 11 effect of in Boston, Mass. , PD30Je74: 22, PD30Je74: 23 effect in Norwich, Eng. , R14J174: 21 effect on colonies discussed, PD19My74: 41 effect on trade in Boston, Mass. , PD15S74:21--R15S74:23 effectiveness discussed, PD21 J174p23 enforced, PD23Je74: 13--R23Je74: 23, R30Je74: 32 establishes blockade on Boston harbor, D7Ja75: 22 favored in Eng. , PDl9My74: 13 goods refused entrance under, PDlS74s21--RlS74: 22 introduced into parliament, PD19My74: 21 observances against in Philadelphia, Pa. , PD23Je74: 21 opposed, R14J174: 12, R15S74: 11 by British colonies, N. Am. , Pi260c75: 21 by Edmund Burke, R4Ag74: 23 by Earl of Chatham, PD15S74: 21 — R15S74: 22 in Albemarle co. , Va. , R4Ag74: 12 in Annapolis, Md. , PD2Je74: 21 in Boston, Mass. , PD2Je74: 21, Pi270c74: 22, Pil3Ap75: 21 in Caroline co. , Va. , PD28J174sl2— R28J174: 31 in Charleston, S. C. , R7J174: 31 in Chesterfield co. , Va. , PD21J174pl3 — R21J174: 31 in colonies, R28J174: 12 in Conn. , R30Je74: 32 in Culpeper co. , Va. , R14J174: 32 in Del. , PD25Ag74: 12 in Dinwiddie co. , Va. , PD21J174pl2— R21J174: 31 in Dunmore co. , Va. , R4Ag74: 13 in Eng. , PD9Je74: 21, PD20Oc74sll, P12Ja76: 12 in Fairfax co. , Va. , R4Ag74: 21 in Fauquier co. , Va. , R4Ag74: 13 in Gloucester co. , Va. , R28J174: 23 in Gt. Brit. , PD19My74: 42, PD2Je74: 22, PD2Je74: 23, PD30Je74: 22 in Halifax co. , Va. , Pi20Oc74: 12 in Hanover co. , Va. , PD28J174sll— R28J174: 22 in Henrico co. , Va. , PD28J174s21— R28J174: 31 in London, Eng. , Pi29D74: 13 in Lords, PD28J174: 23, PD1S74: 21, PD15S74: 13 in Md. , PD16Je74: 21 in Middlesex co. , Va. , PD21 J174p21 in Nansemond co. , Va. , PD28J174s22 in N. Y. , PD16Je74: 21, D8Ap75: 21, PillMy75: 12— D13My75: 13, D3Je75: 11 in Newport, R. I. , PD30Je74: 21 in parliament, PD9Je74: 11 in Philadelphia, Pa. , PD2Je74: 21, PD2Je74: 23, R9Je74s22, PD16Je74: 21, PD16Je74s22, PD7JT74:21--R7J174: 22 in Portsmouth, N. H. , PD30Je74: 12 in Prince George co. , Va. , PD30Je74: 21— R30Je74: 22 in Prince William co. , Va. , PD16Je74: 21— R9Je74s23 in Princess Anne co. , Va. , R4Ag74: 11 in Richmond co. , Va. , PD7J174: 23 — R7J174: 22 in Salem, Mass. , PD2Je74: 22, PD14J174: 22 in Stafford co. , Va. , R28J174: 22 in Va. , R19My74: 23, PD2Je74: 21, RllAg74: 11, PDllAg74: 12— RllAg74: 31, PD18Ag74: 31 in Westerly, R. I. , PD30Je74: 12 passed by parliament, PD19My74: 23 petition (text) against, R26My74: 22 petitions (text) against in London, Eng. , R30Je74: 13 proposed, PD19My74: 13 protested in Va. , PD26My74: 23 — R26My74: 23 received in Boston,. Mass. , PDlS74sl2 received in N. Y. , PDlS74sl2 reception of discussed in Eng. , PD18Ag74: 13 relief from, PD29D74: 22 — Pi29D74: 13 by Alexandria, Va. , R25Ag74: 22, Pi29D74: 32 by Allentown, N. J. , Pi29S74: 33 by Annapolis, Md. , R22S74: 31 by Baltimore, Md. , R25Ag74: 22, R22S74: 31 by Barbados, W. I. , P7Ap75: 31 by Berkshire co. , Mass. , R25Ag74: 12 by Candy parish, N. H. , PU5D74: 21 by Cape May, N. J. , PD24N74: 21 by Charleston, S. C. , PD7J174: 23, R14J174: 23, PD28J174: 22, PD4Ag74: 22— R4Ag74: 31, PD18Ag74: 23, PD25Ag74: 23— R1S74: 22 by Chester, Md. , PD28JI74: 22 by Chester town, N. H. , PU5D74: 21 by colonies, PDllAg74: 22 by Conn. ,R9Je74s21, PD16Je74s21, Pi6Ap75: 22 by East Greenwich, R. I. , Pil5D74: 21 by Elizabeth City co. , Va. , R28J174: 32 by Eng. , Pi25My75: 23 by Essex co. , Va. , PD21J174p21— R21J174: 23 by Exeter, N. H. , PH5D74: 21 by Fairfax co. , Va. , R25Ag74: 13 by Farmington, Conn. , PD21 J174: 12, R8S74: 22 by Fauquier co. , Va. , R4Ag74: 13 by Frederick co. , Va. , R25Ag74: 13 by Fredericksburg, Va. , PD15S74: 31 by Ga. , Pi2F75: 22 by Glastonbury, Conn. , PU5D74: 21 by Gloucester, Mass. , PH5D74: 21 by Halifax, N. S. , PD20Oc74sll by Hartford, Conn. , PD130c74: 22 by James City co. , Va. , R14J174: 31 by Johnston, R. I. , P115D74: 21 by Kensington, Conn. , PD130c74: 22 by Kent co. , Del. , R8S74: 22 by Kent co. , Md. , PD16Je74: 21 by King William. co. , Va. , P5My75s43 by London, Eng. , PD17N74: 21 — PUD74: 23,D29Ap75: 33 by Loudoun co. , Va. , R25Ag74: 13 by Marblehead, Mass. , PD21J174: 12-- R14J174: 23, PD4Ag74: 22— R4Ag74: 31, PDlS74s21— R1S74: 22 by Marbletown, N. Y. , PD29D74: 22— Pi29D74: 22 by Md. , PD21J174: 22, R25Ag74: 13, PD25Ag74: 21, PD29D74: 23 by Middle Hadden, Conn. , PD130c74: 22 by Middletown, Conn. , PD130c74: 22, PU5D74: 21 by Montreal, Can. , Pi2F75: 22 by Nansemond co. , Va. , Pi2F75: 21, Pi9Mr75: 13 by New Kent co. , Va. , PD21J174pl2— R21J174: 22 by New York City, R28J174: 33, R1S74: 22, PD8S74: 22--R8S74: 32, PD24N74: 21, Pi2F75: 23 by Newport, R. I. , PD130c74: 22 by Northampton co. , Va. , PD1S74: 31, PD20Oc74sll by Norwich, Conn. , PDllAg74: 22 by Pa. , PDllAg74: 23 — R4Ag74: 32 97 Boston port bill, relief from (cont'd) by Philadelphia, Pa. , R21 J174: 32, R25Ag74: 12,R8S74: 22 by Pomfret, Conn. , PDllAg74: 22 by Portsmouth, N. H. , PH5D74: 21 by Princess Anne co. , Va. , R4Ag74: 11 by Quebec, Can. , PD20Oc74sll, PD20Oc74s21 by Rehoboth, Mass. , PU5D74: 21 by Richmond co. , Va. , P17F75s22 by St. John parish, Ga. , Pi270c74: 22 by Scituate, Mass. , PH5D74: 21 by Smithfield, R. I. , PU5D74: 21 by Society of supporters of Bill of rights, D13My75: 23--P19My75s22 by S. C. , R25Ag74: 13, PDlS74s21 — R1S74: 22 by Southington, Conn. , PU5D74: 21 by Spotsylvania co. , Va. , Pi9F75: 32 by Stafford co. , Va. , R28J174.: 22 by Stonington, Conn. , PU5D74: 21 by Suffolk co. , N. Y. , Pi23Mr75: 32 by Surry co.., Va. , PD21J174p22— R21J174:31,R28J174:32 by Tiverton, R. I. , PU5D74: 21 by Va. , PDllAg74: 12— RllAg74: 23, PD25Ag74: 21, R25Ag74: 13, R1S74: 32, PD20Oc74sll, PD22D74: 23, D22Ap75: 31 by Westmoreland co. , Va. , R21J174: 21 by Wethersfield, Conn. , R8S74: 22, PU5D74: 21, by Williamsburg, Va. , PDllAg74: 32, RllAg74: 32, Pi20Ap75: 22, P21Ap75: 22--D22Ap75: 23 by Wilmington, N. C. , R1S74: 23 by Windham, Conn. , PD28J174: 22, R8S74: 22 by York co. , Va. , PD21J174pll— R21J174: 22, Pil6Mr75: 33 — P24Mr75: 32--D25Mr75: 23 discussed by Mass. house of representatives, PD7J174: 22— R7J174: 23 discussed in Conn. , PD30Je74: 22 discussed in Newport, R. I. , PD30Je74: 21 discussed in Philadelphia, Pa. , PD7J174: 21--R7J174: 22 in London, Eng. , PD10N74: 21 planned in Williamsburg, Va. , R14J174: 31 proposed in Norfolk, Va. , PD14J174: 31— R14J174: 31 proposed in Philadelphia, Pa. , PD14J174: 23 supported by Va. convention, Pi30Mr75: 23— DlAp75: 22 urged in Continental congress, PD60c74: 22 repeal favored in Eng. , PD10N74: 13 repeal of denied, PD15S74: 23 repeal of rumored, R22S74: 13, R22S74: 22, PU7N74: 23, P16F76: 31 — D17F76: 32,D6Ap76: 23 repeal suggested, D2Mr76: 31 — P23F76: 32 resolutions against (text) from Fredericksburg, Va. , R16Je74: 22 in colonies, R7J174: 31 in Farmington, Conn. , PD30Je74: 13 in Westmoreland co. , Va. , PD30Je74: 11— R30Je74: 21 subscription for relief from in Eng. , P31Mr75: 21 summarized, PD19My74: 23 supported by Col. Barre, RllAg74: 21 supported by Isle of Wight co. , Va. , R28J174: 23 supported by London merchants, D7Ja75: 11 supremacy opposed in Spotsylvania co. , Va. , PD7J174: 31 suspension of proposed, P26My75: 13 — D27My75: 22 text of, PD26My74:ll Boston Sterling, horse, 250c65s 42 Boston tea party, attitude toward in Gt. Brit. , PD14Ap74: 22 defended, R1S74: 13 described, PD6Ja74: 32, PD13Ja74: 21, PD7Ap74: 22--R7Ap74: 21 disapproved in London, Eng. , Pi29D74: 13 discussed, PD20Ja74: 31 in commons, PD26My74: 12 effect of in London, Eng. , PD24Mr74: 31- R24Mr74: 33 lost to Gt. Brit, estimated, PD5My74: 11 opposed by Earl of Chatham, PD18Ag74: 22— R18Ag74: 23 in Antigua, W. I. , PD3N74: 33 in Charleston, S. C. , PD21J174: 21 in Dinwiddie co. , Va. , PD21J174pl2 — R21J174: 31 in Lords, PD1S74: 21 in Middlesex co. , Va. , PD21J174p21 recompense by Continental congress rumored, D7Ja75: 21 reparation discussed by London merchants, PD19My74: 13 expected in Great Britain, PD25Ag74: 23 reparations criticized, R1S74: 22 opposed in Mass. , PD130c74: 13 urged in N. Y. , PDllAg74: 22 supported in Eng. , PH6F75: 12 in Essex co. , Va. , PD21J174p21 — R21J174: 23 in Philadelphia, Pa. , PD20Ja74: 31 suspects transferred to Eng. for trial, PD3N74: 32 Bostonian, pseud. , D10F76: 22 Boswell, Col. , land of, PD10c72: 23 sale at house of, PD12D71: 33 Major, store at house of, PD4Ap66: 33 Betsey, P7J175: 31 Edward, 17Ap52: 32, 19J154: 41, 19J154:42 George, PD10S67: 22, PD5Mr72: 32 James, PD1S68: 13, PD9Mr69: 23, PD23Mr69: 12, PD3Mr74: 13 James, Capt. , of the Betsey, PD29Ja67: 32, R19F67: 23 John, adv. finding steer, PD23Je74: 31 adv. for missing horse, 4My39: 42 adv. land for sale, PD9D73: 23, PD3N74:42,D19S77:32 manager of lottery, PD14Ja68: 32 protest bill of exchange, 4J151: 32 security for bond, PD31Ja71: 32 settlement of estate of, PD2D73: 21 John, Col. , PD13D70: 22, PD4Je72: 33, PD25Je72: 32 John, Major, R4F68: 34— PD28Ja68: 31, R20J169: 23, PD22Mr70: 32— R22Mr70: 31, PD24My70: 41 Joseph, PD2Je74: 32 Scott, P21Ag78: 11 Thomas, 7N55: 22, PD15Ag66: 32, PD17S67: 22, PD80c67: 21, PD19My68: 23, P130c75: 11— D210c75: 31 Thomas, Capt. , PD16Je68: 32, PD9Je68: 31, R3My70: 32 William, PD16Ag70: 43, Pi23F75: 33 Boswell's ordinary, Va. , R15Mr70: 41 — PD22Mr70: 41, PD19N72: 31 — R19N72:22,D23Ja78:42 Bosworth, Samuel, R11F68: 33 Bosworth & Griffith, of London, Eng. , 15D52: 31 Bosworth plantation, Va. , PD21J168: 31 — R21J168: 32, R17Ag69: 31, R14D69: 31 — PD21D69: 32, PD4Oc70: 31 — R4Oc70: 23 Boteler, Capt. , of the Ardent, C27N79:11,D27N79:12 Botetourt, baron de [Norborne Berkeley], gov. of Va. , account in Kinber quoted, PD60c68: 23 addressed by Presbyterian clergy, R4My69: 33 addresses of, 1768, PD270c68: 32— R270c68: 21, PD270c68: 32— R3N68: 24, PD3N68: 22— R3N68: 31, PD17N68: 22, PD24N68: 11, PD1D68: 11--R1D68: 12, PD8D68: 11 addresses of, 1769, PDllMy69sll— RllMy69: 23, PDllMy69sl2— RllMy69: 23, PDllMy69s32— RllMy69: 31, PD9N69sll--R9N69: 21, PD9N69sl2— R9N69: 22, PD9N69sl3— R9N69: 23, PD21D69: 22 adv. repairs for college, PD18Ja70: 11— R18Ja70: 23 appointed gov. of Va. , PD60c68: 21 appointment justified, PD1D68: 22 appoints adjutant of the frontier district, PD8Mr70: 32— R8Mr70s32 appoints adjutants, PDllMy69s33— RllMy69: 32 appoints chaplain, PD3N68: 23 — R3N68: 32 appoints clerk to council, R30Ag70: 22 arrives in Va. , R9F69: 21 ball given for, PD7Je70: 23 books dedicated to, RlMr70: 31 busts of for sale, PD12Mv74: 43 character sketch of, PD12Ja69: 11 criticized in Eng. , R23Ag70: 22 death of,R18Oc70: ll,R18Oc70: 21, PD18Oc70: 22, PD2My71: 32 death of lamented, PD11J171: 22, PD30c71: 23, PD240c71: 11, PD7N71: 22 dissolves House of burgesses, PD18My69: 22 entertained in London, Eng. , R270c68: 11 entertains gov. of Md. , PD6S70: 23 examines students at William and Mary, PD18Ja70: 32 funeral of, PD18Oc70sll gives ball, PD25My69: 31, R260c69: 21, PD28D69: 22 gives donation to Princeton college, PD2N69: 31 guarantees religious toleration, R4My69: 33 illness of, PD4Oc70: 22 98 Boucher leaves London, Eng. , PD270c68: 22 models of for sale in Williamsburg, Va. , PD140C73: 23 ode on, R3N68: 11 offers medals at William and Mary, PD22Mr70: 22 opinions against, PD20My73s21 ordered to call new Assembly, PD21S69: 12 ordered to England, PD21S69sl3 orders troops and ships, PD6J169: 31 pardons criminals, PD10N68: 22 petitions to, R29Je69: 32 poem to, PD17N68: 12 poetry about, PD13Je71: 41, R8Ag71: 12 popularity of, R4My69: 22, PD18Oc70sll praised, PD22D68: 23, PD18J171: 11 — R18J171: 22, PD30c71: 23, PD21N71: 11, PD12D71: 22,D5Ag75: 11 presents petition to king, R7D69: 23 proclamations of, 1768, PD270c68: 31, R3N68: 32, R3N68: 41, R24N68: 22 proclamations of, 1769, R16F69: 21 — PD23F69: 32, R6J169: 32, R7S69: 31, R190c69: 33.R2N69: 22 proclamations of, 1770, R25Ja70: 11 — PD15F70: 23, R2Ag70: 23, PD27S70: 11--R27S70: 22 reason for appointment, R130c68: 11 received in Williamsburg, Va. , PD270c68: 31--R270c68: 21 requests free importation of salt to colonies, R14D69: 21 sails for Va. , PD60c68: 22 — R60c68: 23 servant of dies, PD18Oc70sl2 settlement of estate of, PD25Oc70: 23— R1N70: 31, PD7F71: 23--R7F71: 32, PD16Ap72: 32--R23Ap72: 33 statue erected to in Va. , PD25J171: 22 statue of arrived in Va. , PD20My73: 22-- R20My73: 21 statue of inscription on, R13My73: 31-- PD13My73: 22 supports colonies, PD13J169: 22— R13J169: 12 supports hospitals, R18J171: 31 supports Va. , R260c69: 21 toasted by Va. Association, PD18My69:23 visited by Catawabas, R5Ja69: 31 visited by William Tryon, PD15Je69: 31--R15Je69: 22 welcome of discussed, R2F69: 21, R16Mr69: 11 witnesses court summons, R24N68: 23, R15D68: 22 Botetourt town, Va. , See Chairmakers, adv. for in; Coachmakers, adv. of in; Wheelwrights, adv. for in Botetourt, ship, PD9N69: 22, PD28D69:31,R8N70: 12 Botetourt co. , Va. , addresses (text) Va. delegates to Continental congress, P24Mr75: 32 burgesses elected from, PD26D71: 23, PD4Ag74: 23 census requested, P19Ap76p23— D27Ap76: 33 delegates elected, P9My77: 23 divided, PD9Ap72: 32, PD23Ap72: 11 formation proposed, PD23N69: 31 — R23N69: 23 instructions (text) to delegates to council, DllMr75: 32 list of tithables for 1774 not returned, Pil8My75: 33 — P19My75s32 — D20My75: 33 opposes Britain, Pil8My75: 12 senatorial district for,D8Ja80: 23 sheriff, PD21My72: 12— R21My72: 22 See also British ministry criticized in; Continental congress, first, supported in; Convict servants runaway from; Counterfeiters escape from; Ferries in; Indentured servants held in jail in; Jails in; Lawyers, adv. of; Land, ownership of disputed in; Land for sale in; Land posted in; Merchants in; Militia of; Mills in; Musters, general, dates appointed for; Natural bridge in; Ordinaries in; Prisoners escape from; Slaves found, adv. for in; Slaves runaway from; Springs adv. of, in; Stealing in Botetourt parish, Va. , divided by general assembly, D27D76: 21 — P3Ja77: 13 regulated by assembly, D4J177: 41— P4J177: 11 Botkin, John, PD22D68: 32, PD22D68: 33 Botling, Thomas, Capt. , 15Ap37: 41 Botson, Capt., of the Anne, PD9Mr69: 31 Bott, Jacob, P14N77: 33 John, PD26S66: 33, PD29Ja67: 33, R6S70: 32, R27S70: 31--PD4Oc70: 41, Pil5D74: 32--PD15D74: 31, P3N75: 12 Miles, PD10Ja71: 42, PD19D71: 33 Botterel, Capt. , 27Ag56: 42, 2S57: 22 John, Capt. , of the Sqjirrel, PD14Ja68: 23 Bottle cranes, double pipe, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 Bottles, captured by Americans in Great Bridge, Va. , PH3D75: 22 — D16D75:33--P15D75: 23 for sale, PD5F67: 31--R19F67: 41, P16My77sll at Bermuda Hundred, Va. , PD8Ja67: 32 in Caroline co. , Va. ,D30Oc78: 31 in King George co. , Va. , D21Mr77: 12— P21Mr77s21 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Richmond co. , Va. , P24My76: 42 in Surry co. , Va. , RlMr70: 32— PD8Mr70: 42 in Williamsburg, Va. , 12Mr52: 31, PD19S66: 31, PD3D67: 32, R27S70: 22 in Yorktown, Va. , D23Ja78: 31 importation to Fr. , from Gt. Brit. , permitted, HMy39: 21 imported to Accomac district, Va. , from Philadelphia, Pa. , PD22Ag66: 22 — R8Ag66: 31 See also Delf bottles; Flint bottles; Snuff bottles; Stone bottles; Tortoise-shell smelling bottles Bottles, empty, imported to Accomac district, Va. , from Philadelphia, Pa. ,R25Ag68s23--PD8S68p22, R7J168: 21--PD8S68p22, PD22D68: 23 imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , 23Ja46: 41 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , PD10Mr68: 31--R14Ap68: 42 Bottles, flower, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 Bottles, smelling, for sale, in Blandford, Va. , PD29Je69: 32 in Fredericksburg, Va. ,28Ag46: 31 in Hobb's Hole, Va. , R6J169: 31 in Newcastle, Va. , PD19N72: 22 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Petersburg, Va. , 12F62: 41, PD1J173: 32, PD30D73: 31, PD14J174: 32 in Richmond, Va. , PD10S72: 23, PD17Je73: 33--R17Je73s23 in Shockoe, Va. , PD4Ap66: 41 in Williamsburg, Va. , 20Je45: 41, 15My46: 41, 31J146: 61, 18J151: 41, 10Ap52: 31, 30Ap52: 32, 15My52: 32, 22My52: 32, 60c52: 32, 2My55: 22, 2My55: 31, 30N59: 32, 16Ja61: 41, PD18D66: 32--R25D66: 42, PD26My68: 23, PD270c68: 32 — R270c68: 22, PD13Ap69: 32 — R13Ap69: 32, PD13Ap69: 32— R13Ap69: 31, PD18My69: 31 — R25My69: 23, PD17Ag69: 33— R17Ag69: 23, PD21S69: 33 — R21S69s21,R260c69: 23, PD2N69: 41, PD19Ap70s23--R19Ap70: 31, PD7Je70:31--R7Je70:31, PD15Ag71: 32— R15Ag71: 32, PD240c71: 31, PD14My72: 23, PD4Je72: 32, PD9J172: 31, PD150c72: 31,R150c72: 31, PD220c72: 23--R220c72: 23, . PD290c72: 22— R290c72: 22, PD29Ap73: 23, PD4N73: 22— R4N73: 31, PD1S74: 32, R12My74: 32 lost, adv. for, D20D76: 22 Bottles, tincture, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , D27S76: 42 Bottles, wide mouth, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PDllAp66: 41, PD19S66: 31 Bottoms, William, D10J179: 32 Bottoms, See Brass wheat riddle bottoms; Sacking bottoms; Search bottoms; Sifter bottoms Bottom's bridge, Va. , PD27Ag67: 31, PD150c67: 22, R13J169: 33, R19Ap70: 32, PDllJe72: 32, PD12N72: 23, R27My73: 31, PD5My74: 32, P30c77: 23, D13N78: 22, D10J179: 32 See also Auctions near Bottrell, John, Capt. , of the Morpeth Packet, 23Ja46: 41, 9Ja46: 4, 29My46: 4 of the Virginia Packet, 29S52: 32, 23My55: 21 Botts, Henry, jr. , PD25Ap66: 32 Bouamont, Sen. , signs treaty for Caribs, PD15Ap73: 22— R15Ap73: 22 Boucharie, Mr. , signs treaty for Caribs, PD15Ap73: 22— R15Ap73: 22 Boucher, Capt. , PD19My74: 42 Lt. , D27Ap76: 33 Rev. Mr. , convict servant of, R3D72: 23 leaves Md. , P22S75: 12 letter to in post office, PD31Mr68: 22 John, 20Ja38: 41 Jonathan, RllAg68: 31, RllMy69: 42 — PDlJe69: 32, PD16Ag70: 42 Jonathan, Rev. Mr. , adv. ferry and houses for rent, PilJe75: 41 trustee for relief fund for, clergymen's widows and orphans, PD30Ap67: 32, 99 Boucher, Jonathan, Rev. Mr. (cont'd) PD17Mr68: 31— R17Mr68: 33, PD5My68: 22--R12My68: 32, PD16Mr69: 31, PD4My69: 33, PD22Mr70: 42--R22Mr70: 31 Samuel, PD2F69: 31 Boudeuse, Fr. frigate, D5Mr79: 32 Bougainville, Col. , in French and Indian war, 16Ja61: 11 [Louis Antoine de], count, author, PD17S72: 21, PD10Je73: 31 Bough, John, R9D73: 21 Boughan, Francis, 28F55: 42 G. , justice of peace, R18F73: 23 Griffing, R80c72: 41, R5N72: 22, P27Mr78: 12 Boughn, Benjamin, P18Ag75: 42 Bouie, Malcomb, Capt. , of the Nancy, 26S55: 31 Bouille, [Francois-Claude-Amour], marquis de, D160c78: 32 Boulden, William, D19Je79: 32 Boulderson, Capt. , of the Earl of Halifax, PD7My67: 21, PD2N69: 21 Bouldin, Lt. , ordered to join regiment, P230c78: 11 Thomas, Col. , D11F75: 31 Bouleware, Rennolds &, adv. unclaimed tobacco, C13My80: 32 Boulogne, Fr. , fort augmented, 4My39: 31 See also Earthquakes in; Exports from; Exports from Eng. , to; Murders near; Robberies near; Ships to Kent, Eng. , from; Shipwrecks near; Suicides in Boulonnais coast, Fr. , See Shipwrecks on Boulvare, Thomas, Pi5Ja75: 31 Boulware, Richard, PD15F70: 42 Thomas, D25J177: 41 Bound Brook, N.J. , battle near, P25Ap77:21,D2My77:31 skirmish at, P30My77: 23 skirmish near described, P13Je77: 31, D20Je77: 21--P20Je77: 22, P20Je77: 23 See also Continental army from Boston, Mass. , to Boundaries, of Va. , extension requested, R14D69: 21 Boundary disputes, Austria-Holland, HAg38: 21 Austria- Lorraine, Ue39: 22 British- French in North America, 21F51: 31, 28F51: 22, 28F51: 32, 14Mr51: 21, 30My51: 22, 4J151: 32, 11J151: 32, lAg51: 21, 20F52: 32, 27Mr52: 21, 15My52: 22, 29My52: 12, 29S52: 12, 24N52: 12, 5S55: 12 British-Spanish in North America, 21Ja37: 32, 4N37: 32, 29S38: 41, 16D37:41,23D37:41 British colonies-Indians, PD15S68: 23 Cherokee- Va. , PD16je68: 22, PD9N69sll--R9N69: 21, R31Ja71: 21 Conn. -Mohegans settled, R25Mr73: 13 Conn. -Pa. , R25N73: 32, R7Ap74: 21 Creeks-Ga. , R10Mr74: 21 East Florida-Creeks, PD23J167: 21— R23J167s22 Ga. -Creeks discussed, PD23J167: 21 — R23J167s22, PD28J168: 21 — R28J168: 22 Indians-N. Y. discussed, PD16Je68: 22— R16Je68: 24 Indians-Va. , settlement proposed, D15Je76: 12 Ky. -Va. , settlement proposed, D15Je76: 12 Mass. -N. Y. , 50c39: 22, PD25Je67: 23, PD24D67: 31— R24D67: 22, PD25Je72: 23, PD10Je73: 13,R1J173:22 N. H. -Mass. ,70c37: 22 N. Y. -N. H. , PD3F74: 22 N. Y. -N. J. , PD6J169: 32, PD10Ag69: 23 — R10Ag69: 22, R260c69: 12, PD70c73: 13 N. C. -Cherokees, PD7My67: 23, PD23J167: 21--R23J167s22, PD7N71: 11 over Franconia Circle, Ger. , 8D52: 22 Pa. -Md. , 10F38: 11, 2Je38: 22, Pi24N74: 32 Poland- Prussia, P5My75sll Quebec, Can. -N. Y. , PD5Ag73: 21 — R5Ag73: 21 Russia-Austria, P5My75sll Va. -Pa. , PD3Mr74: 23--R3Mr74: 11, R26My74: 22, PD8S74: 23, PD17N74: 21— PU7N74: 13, P16J175: 13 Boundary lines, drawn between Creeks- British colonies, N. Am. , PD2F69: 22 drawn between N. Y. and Quebec, Can. , PD13N66: 13 drawn between N. C. and Cherokees, PD13Ag67: 12--R13Ag67: 22 drawn between Pa. and Md. , 24My51:31 drawn between Va. counties, PD17S67:21, PD150c67: 21, PD5My68: 23, PD23Ap72: 11 drawn in Ga. , 21Ja37: 32 N. C. and Cherokees described, PD20Ap69: 22 N. C. -S. C. extended, PD14N71: 12 on frontier, PD22D68: 22--R22D68: 12 Six Nations-Pa. settled, PD1D68: 23 Bounties, for aiding British, in Queen's co. , N. Y. , P12Ja76: 31— D13Ja76: 23 for British whale fisheries, 'renewal petitioned, 25Ap55: 11 for building water mills, in S. C. , 7S39: 32 for cod exported from St. John island, Nfd. , PD4Je67: 22 for enlistment in Ballard's company, Va. , P14Mr77: 33 in British army, P17N75: 22— D18N75: 21, P17My76: 22— D18My76: 31 in British army in Hamburg, Ger. , D250c76: 11 in British army in Ire. , D2D75: 21, D16D75: 32.D23D75: 13.D23D75: 21, in British army in Mass. , Pi2F75: 23 in British navy, 4Ap55: 22, 16My55: 12, 23My55: 12, PD24Je73: 21, PD24Je73: 22. PD1J173: 22, PD15J173: 21— R15J173: 21, PD15J173: 23, PD26Ag73: 23. Pi50c75: 32, D210c75: 22. Pi260c75: 11, D28F77: 22— P28F77sl2. D18Ap77: 31 in Continental army, P12J176sll, P40c76sll— D110c76: 42, D40c76: 71, P29N76: 23, P6D76: 11, D3Ja77: 11, D4J177: 42 in Continental navy, D15Ja80: 13 in Ga. troops, P23Ap76: 41 in Mecklenburg co. , Va. , regulars, P30c77: 31 in Meriwither's company, Va. , P8Ag77: 41 in N. Y. , 3J146: 21 in R. I. , 3J146: 22 in Royal American regiment in Va. , 3S56: 32 in Smith's company, Va. , P16My77: 23 in S. C. artillery regiment, P9Ag76sll in Tankersley's company, Va. , P21Mr77: 13 in Va. , 18J146: 42, P8Ag77: 33 in Va. artillery, P7Mr77: 32 in Va. independent companies, 17Ap46: 41 inVa. navy,D25J177:32,P15Ag77:31 in Va. regiments, P28N77: 33, C19Ag80: 21 in Va. troops, P23My77: 33 in Waller's company, Va. , P4Ap77: 23 under Washington, 19S55: 31 with East India co. , British, PD25J171: 21 for exploration of North Pole,D25F75: 12 for fisheries, offered by Gt. Brit. , PD23J172: 23 for French ships captured, 30c55: 31 for Indian scalps in N. Y. , 14Ag46: 31 offered by Mass. , 12D55: 11 for manufacture of gunpowder, in Cumberland co. , Va. ,D25Mr75: 13 for manufacturing in Va. , Pi30Mr75: 31 — DlAp75: 31 for powder mills in Md. , Pi7S75: 31 for recruiting officers in Va. , P5Je78: 31 for reenlistments in Continental army, offered by Va. , P20Mr78: 21 for sailors in British navy, R17Ja71: 12, PD31Ja71: 13, PD7F71: 13--R7F71: 22, PD7F71: 13— R7F71: 23.R7F71: 22, PD14Mr71: 22, PD28Mr71: 21, PD18Ap71: 13 for scalps, offered by French, 310c55:21 offered by Va. , 310c55: 21 for settlers in Ga. , 10S36: 42 in N. C. , PD11D66: 22— R11D66: 41 in S. C. , R12My68: 13 for shipbuilders, in N. Y. , 50c39: 22 for soldiers, in British army, PD18Ap71: 13 of French and Indian war in Eng. , PD11F68:22--R11F68:24 of French and Indian war in Va. , PD25My69: 32— R25My69: 23, PD21D69: 23--R28D69: 13, PD21Je70: 23, PD31Ja71: 32— R31Ja71:23, PD12N72: 22, PD10F74: 31— R10F74: 32, R31Mr74: 33, R12My74: 42, P17F75s23 — Pi23F75: 33 — D25F75:33, P27S76: 22 of Va. regiment, R20Je71: 42, PD6Ag72: 23, PD150c72: 23, R14Ja73: 12, PD8Ap73: 23 — RlAp73:41 for wagoners in Continental army, P160c78: 41 of land, offered in S. C. , PD16Ap67: 13 offered at Williamsburg, Va. , fairs, 30N39: 41, 7D39: 41, 14D39: 31 on attorneys in E. Fla. , PD3D67: 22 on barley exported from Gt. Brit. 100 Boush proposed, PD10S67: 13 on barley import to Great Britain, PD18Ap66: 23 on barrel staves in Gt. Brit. , PD15Ag71: 22--R15Ag71: 22 on cattle imported to Prussia, PD18Mr73: 21 in Gt. Brit. , PD22Ja67: 22 in Grenada, W. I. , PDUa67: 22 in Holl. , PD2Ap72: 21 on children in Prussia, PD140c73: 21-- R140c73: 22 on codfish, in Fr. , PD23My66: 13 in Gt. Brit. , PD23My66: 21 on cod fisheries in Gt. Brit. , Pi29Je75: 31--P30Je75: 21--D1J175: 22 on corn exported from Gt. Brit. , PD4D66: 23, R4D66: 12, PD10S67: 13 imported to Den. , PD16Ja72: 23 imported to Eng. from N. Am. requested, PDUMr73: 22 imported to Gt. Brit. , PD2J167: 12, PD2J167: 13 imported to Prussia, PD18Mr73: 21 in Gt. Brit, regulated by parliament, R10Je73: 32 on cotton cards in Chowan co. , N. C. , Pi30Mr75: 21 in Gloucester co. , Va. , Pi28Ap75: 32-- P28Ap75s42--D29Ap75s33 on cotton manufacture in Isle of Wight co., Va. ,Pi23F75: 23 on emigration to Mississippi from Gt. Brit. ,R14Ja73: 23 on fisheries in R. I. , 24My51: 22 on flax imported to Gt. Brit, from colonies, PD30J167: 21 in S. C. , PD14D69: 12 on flaxseed imported to Ire. , Pi29Je75: 31--P30Je75: 21-- D1J175:23,D3F76:31 on flour in Gt. Brit, requested, PD12F67: 13 on fuel imported to Prussia, PD18Mr73: 21 on grain in Aus. , PD25Mr73: 12 on Greenland fisheries in Gt. Brit. , PD9Je68: 21--R9Je68: 24, R18Ag74: 22 on gunpowder in Gloucester co. , Va. , Pi28Ap75: 32--P28Ap75s42-- D29Ap75s33 in Northampton co. , Va. ,D4F75: 32 on headings in Gt. Brit. , PD15Ag71: 22-- R15Ag71: 22 on hemp import to Gt. Brit, from British colonies, N. Am. , PD26Mr67: 22, PD30J167: 21, PD21Ap68: 13 in Charleston, S. C. , PD8Je69: 11 in Eng. , P26Ap76s21--D27Ap76: 31 in S. C. , PD14D69: 12 in Va. , 17Ap46: 22, PD14Ja68: 33 on hogshead staves in Gt. Brit. , PD15Ag71: 22— R15Ag71: 22 on immigration in S. C. , PD23J167: 21 on imports to Antigua, W. I. , D22Je76: 62 to Gt. Brit, from colonies, PDllN73sl3--RUN73sl2 to Montserrat, W. I. , D22Je76: 62 to Nevis, W. I. , D22Je76: 62 on leather exportation from Gt. Brit, opposed, PD18My69: 12 on linen exported from Ire. , R9My71: 21 on linen manufacture in R. I. , 24My51: 22 in S. C. , PD14D69: 12 on logwood import to Gt. Brit, from British colonies, N.Am. , PD26Mr67: 22 on lumber imported to W. I. from British colonies, N.Am. , D23My77: 21 on mackerel, PD15Ag71: 21 on malt exported from Gt. Brit. proposed, PD10S67: 13 on manufacture of gunpowder in Isle of Wight co. , Va. , Pi23F75: 23 on manufacture of linen cloth in Chowan co. , N. C. , Pi30Mr75: 22 on manufacture of saltpetre in Md. , Pi7S75: 31 on manufacture of wool cloth in Chowan co. , N. C. , Pi30Mr75: 22 on manufactures in Pa. , P24F75s23 on oats imported to Gt. Brit. , PD18Ap66: 23 on pipe staves in Gt. Brit. , PD15Ag71: 22--R15Ag71: 22 on pitch imported to Gt. Brit. , PD5Ap70: 13 on raw materials imported to Gt. Brit. from America proposed, R1S74: 22 on rye in Fr. , D22J175: 41 in Holl. , PD2Ap72: 21 on salt in Va. , P5J176: 32, D13J176: 72 on saltpetre, in Conn. ,D10F76: 31 on saltpetre manufacture in Va. , P8S75s22--D9S75: 32 on scalps at Detroit, P23F76: 32 at Fort Pitt, P23F76: 32 on sheep raising in northern colonies, PD7Mr66: 23 on shipping in Gt. Brit. , PD17Je73: 21-- R17Je73: 23 on shipping to Greenland in Gt. Brit. , PD28Mr66: 12, PD18Ap66: 22 on silk imported to Gt. Brit. , PD12Mr72:23 on silk imported to London, Eng. , from British colonies, N.Am., PD3Ag69: 21 on slaves in Fr. , PD18D66: 22 on spinning in Prussia, PD1S74: 12 on staves imported to W. I. from British colonies, N. Am. , D23My77: 21 on steel manufacture in Chowan co. , N. C. , Pi30Mr75: 22 on stocking manufacture in Tappahannock, Va. , Pil6Mr75: 12-- P17Mr75: 33 on sulphur in Bedford co. , Va. , Pi8Je75: 23 on sulphur manufacture in Va. , P8S75s22--D9S75:32 on tar imported to Eng. investigated, PD15Je69: 23 imported to Gt. Brit, from colonies, PD5Ap70: 13 on tea imported to Gt. Brit. , PD8D74: 13 in Gt. Brit. ,PD15S74: 13 on turpentine imported to Gt. Brit. from colonies, PD5Ap70: 13 on whale fisheries in British colonies, N.Am. ,PDllJe67: 11,PD23J167: 13-- R23J167s21 on whale oil in Gt. Brit. , Pi29Je75: 31-- P30Je75:21--DU175: 22 on wheat imported to Gt. Brit. , PD18Ap66: 23, PD4D66: 31, R11D66:22 in Fr.,D22J175:41 in Gt. Brit. , PD12F67: 13, R15Ag71: 13 in Holl. , PD2Ap72: 21 in London, Eng. , PD20My73: 21 on wine imported to Eng. from America, PD17Je73: 12 on wool cards in Chowan co. , N. C. , Pi30Mr75: 21 in Gloucester co. , Va. , Pi28Ap75: 32-- P28Ap75s42- -D29Ap75s33 in Northampton co. , Va. , D4F75: 32 on wool manufacture in Isle of Wight co. , Va. , Pi23F75: 23 in R.I. ,24My51: 22 to saltpetre workers in Fulham, Eng. , PD3Ag69: 13 Bouquet, Col. , treaty with Indians, P122D74: 33 Henry, Brig. Gen. , in America, PD4Ap66: 23 Bouquet river, N. Y. , See Ferries on Bourbon island, Ind. ocean, fortified by French, PD15J173: 31--R15J173: 23 See also Hurricanes in Bordeaux, Fr. , See Shipwrecks off Bourdelois, French ship, D[250c?]76: 52 Bourden, Nicholas, 23 F39: 32 Bourgatte, Charles, PDUAp71: 22, PD18Ap71:31 Bourges, Fr. , See Fires in Bourgogne, Fr. warship, PD1J173: 21 Bourgoyne, Fr. man of war, Pil6Mr75: 23--P17Mr75: 31-- D18Mr75: 13, C28Ag79: 22 Bourineau, James, PD23Je74: 12 Bourk, William, 20My37: 42 Bourke, Capt. , of the Adventure, PD12F67: 13 Bourke's bridge, Va. , R2N69: 32-- PD2N69: 33 Bourlamare, M. , in French and Indian war, 30N59: 22 Bourn, George, PDllMy69: 33 Lemuel, C15My79: 12 Richard, D26Je79: 12 Bourne, Melatiah, PD18Ag74: 32-- RllAg74: 33--Pi22J»75: 43 Bourneau, Fr. , See Ships to Cape Francois, Santo Domingo, W. I. , from Bourry, Capt. , of the Heroine, 5S55:21 Bouse, Peter, 9Mr39: 32 Boush, Capt. , of the Friendship, R280c73: 32 of the Neptune, PD19S66: 21 Arthur, R26J170: 22, PD25N73: 23, D19Mr79:31,D4S79:31 Betsey, PD3D72: 22--R3D72: 22 Charles, P19Ja76: 33 Charles Sawyer, PD9Ja72: 22 Frederick, PD18F68: 31, PD20Oc68: 23, R50c69:41,Pil6F75:32 Frederick, Capt. , Pi5Ja75: 32, Pil6F75:31,Pil6F75: 32 Goodrich, adv. finding clinch boat, D22Ap75: 33 adv. for missing horse, P160c78: 13 101 Boush, Goodrich (cont'd) adv. land for sale,R29S68: 24, R270c68: 24, PD17N68: 23— R17N68: 31, R8N70: 13, PD29Ap73: 22, PD23S73: 32, PD4N73: 23, PD28Ap74: 32, PlMy78: 41 defendant in Chancery court, PD23My71: 23 procures general court order, PD9Ja72: 31 trustee of estate, R21Ap69s: 21 — PD23Mr69: 32 Goodrich, Capt. , death of, D22My79: 22 of the Bobby, 20Oc52: 21, 28F55: 31 of the Hannah, 23My55: 21 of the Neptune, PD19S66: 23, PD30Ap67: 32 Jenny, D31Ag76: 31 John, P160c78: 13 adv. lots in Norfolk, Va. , for sale, D6N78: 32, D12Mr79: 31 adv. plantation for sale, D4Mr80: 31 appointed to committee of inspection, Williamsburg, Va. , D24J179: 21 deputy clerk, PD9Ja72: 31 marriage of, PD22Ap73: 31 — R22Ap73: 33 member of committee for Norfolk, Va. , P24Mr75: 41, Pi6Ap75: 32— D15Ap75: 13 member committee of safety of Norfolk, Va. , P24Mr75: 41 on committee of observation in Norfolk, Va. ,Pil6F75: 31— D25F75: 31, Pi23Mr75: 22— D25Mr75: 12 signer of Association in Norfolk, Va. , R26J170: 22 town clerk, D2S75: 31 Judith, D31Ag76: 31 Max,D31Ag76:31 Nancy (Waller), PD22Ap73: 31— R22Ap73: 33 Nathaniel, R26J170: 22, PD25N73: 23 Nathaniel, Capt. , P12J176: 13, P27Mr78: 21, Philip, R28Ap68: 24, R21Mr71: 42, D5Je79: 32 Richard, D19Je79: 32 Robert, Pi3F76: 32 Samuel, PD3D72: 22 adv. brigantine, 2Mr53: 42 adv. for missing horse, P16F76: 33 adv. land for sale,R12Mr67: 31 appraises lots for Norfolk, Va. , lottery, PD13N66: 22 clerk's notice, PD9Je74: 32 discusses smallpox inoculation in Norfolk, Va. ,R25Ag68sl2, R1S68: 24, PD8S68pl3 mayor of Norfolk, Va. , 26N36: 41 on committee to order tea returned to Eng. , PD25Ag74: 22--R25Ag74: 33 ordered to supply Louisburg expedition, 17Ap46: 31 reimbursed for property destroyed in Norfolk, Va. , P12Je78: 12 reply to inoculation discussion in Norfolk, Va. , PD8S68: 23 security for rioters, PD9Ja72: 32, PD19Mr72: 23 signer of Association in Norfolk, Va. , R26J170: 22 son of, R22Ap73: 33 Samuel, jr. , 26N36: 41, 10Ja52: 32, 30Ja52: 32, 27F52: 32, 8My52: 31, 9My55: 22 William, Capt. , of the Fortune, 18Ap45: 32 Boushey, Capt. , of the Watt, PD20F72: 32 Boush' s ordinary, Va. ,4N63: 43 Bousson, frigate, PD6Je66: 21 Bouteneau, James, R1S74: 23 Nancy, R2N69: 21 Bow, horse, D8My78: 62 Bow windows, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , P24N75: 32— D25N75: 33, P60c75: 31— D140c75: 33 — Pil90c75: 33 Bowan, Lilly, Mrs. ,D14N77: 32— P21N77: 33 Bowcock, Edward 24Ja51: 41, PD1D68: 31— R1D68: 22 Henry, 7D39: 41, DlAp80: 31 John, of the Aldborough, 25Ja40: 2 Bowden, Mr. , 16My55: 21 John, PD24N74: 23 Bowditch, Thomas, Capt. , of the Dolphin, PD29S68: 23— R60c68: 23, PD22D68: 31 Bowdoin, Mr. , of Eastern Shore, Va. , Pi3Ag75: 31 — P4Ag75pll — D5Ag75: 32 Fanny (Banister), Mrs. , P30Oc78: 32 Francis, 9F39: 41 James, appointed delegate to Continental congress, PD7J174: 22 presents petition to king, PD4Ag68: 22 rejected as councillor by gov. of Mass. , PD16Je74s21, PD23Je74: 13, PD23Je74: 22 receives relief for Boston, Mass. , R25Ag74: 13 signs letter to Gage, R17N68: 13 John, adv. land for sale, PD21My72: 23 adv. settlement of estate, PD6Ag72: 23 appointed to Va. committee of trade, R26N72: 21 chosen chairman of Northampton co. , Va. , committee of observation, Pil9Ja75: 21— D4F75: 32 death of, Pil90c75: 32— P270c75: 13, D210c75: 32 delegate from Northampton co. , Va. , to Convention of March, 1775, D25F75: 31 elected burgess for Northampton co. , Va. , PD8Ap73: 23— R8Ap73: 32, PD4Ag74: 23 eulogy on death of, Pi260c75: 23 letter to in post office, PD28J168: 23 marriage of, P30Oc78: 32 on committee for rebating damaged tobacco, RlAg71: 11 plaintiff in Chancery court, PD6Ag72: 23— R80c72: 42 ships of taken by British, PilJe75: 33— D10Je75: 32 slave of, PD3F74: 33 John, Mrs. ,D25S79:22 Peter, D22My79: 22 Preeson, PD4F73: 31, PD29Ap73: 23 — R29Ap73: 31, D4S79: 31, D25S79: 31 Bowdoin, Phripp &, adv. for bookkeeper, P27Mr78: 11 adv. for sail boats, D5D77: 21 — P28N77: 31 adv. liquors for sale, R16Je74: 31 adv. merchandise for sale, D9My77: 32, D21N77: 12, P21N77: 31--D28N77: 31, D26D77: 21, P27Mr78: 12,D10J178: 32, D30Oc78: 31 — P30Oc78: 33 adv. ship for sale, D90c78: 41 — P160c78: 41, D13N78: 11, C6N79: 31— D6N79: 31 merchants in Norfolk, Va. , PD8S74: 31 surviving partner of, D31My80: 32 Bowdoin' s warehouse, Va. , unclaimed tobacco in, 310c55: 22 Bowdrie, James, P12J176: 31 Bowels, John, R4Ag68: 21 Bowen, [Oliver], Capt. , P5Ap76: 31 Thomas, PD6S70: 31— R6S70: 23, D11F75s23,D29J175:32 Bowens, John, D12Mr79: 32 Bower, Capt. , of the Shepherd, 11N37:41 John, PD29Ja67: 13, P160c78: 11 Bowers, Capt. , 20Oc38: 31, 30My51: 22 Col. , on committee to wait on governor, Mass. , PD23My71: 13 Mr. , captured in Jamaica, W. I. , PD27Ag67: 23 Benjamin, Capt. , D280c75: 32 David, Capt. , of the Planter, PD5My74: 31, R15S74: 33, D7Ja75: 31 R15S74:33,D7Ja75:31 James, P27S76s21 Jerathmael, R1J173: 23, PD16Je74s21, D280c75: 32 Peter, P24F75: 33 Robert, Capt. , of the King George, PD15S68: 23 Thomas, PD19N67: 13, R17F74: 32 Bowes, Capt. , 17Ja51: 31 Mr. , to England from Halifax, N. S. , D13J176: 61 John, Capt. , of the Anne, P20S76: 21— D21S76: 12 William, PD24Ag69: 21, PD23Je74: 12 Bowey, Capt. Fletcher, of the Tryall, 15D52:31 Bowhess, John, P12Je78: 12 Bowie, Rev. Mr. , Tory in Md. , D7Mr77: 62 Bowie (Bowey), [Daniel], Capt. , P13S76: 23--D14S76: 32 James, R10Ag69: 33, R28D69: 13, D30Oc78: 32 James, jr. , PD22N70: 23, PD12S71: 33, PD310c71: 32, Pil2Ja75: 11 — D14Ja75: 12 John, Capt. , of the Greenvale, PD24Ja71: 31— R31Ja71: 31, PD5D71: 32, PD23Ja72: 32 Bowie, ship, 12F62: 31 Bowin, John, Lt. , P230c78: 11 Bowis, Robert, R3Je73: 23 Bowker, Lt. , recruiter, P9My77: 42 Ralph, adv. land for sale, PD19S66: 31 Bowler, Metcalf, 250c65s23, R16My66: 42 Samuel, 6Ap39: 32 Thomas, P3My76: 31, P8My78s22 William, PD11D66: 32, PD9Ap67: 31, PD14Ja68: 32, PD12Ja69: 41, R14D69: 13--PD14D69: 33 Bowler, ship, R30My66: 32— PD6Je66: 31, R19F67: 22— PD19F67: 31, PD4Je67: 33, PDllJe67: 32, PD28J168: 23, PD8S68p22, PD29S68: 23— R60c68: 23, PD27G-C68: 42, PD22D68: 31, 102 Boxes, snuff PD26Ja69: 32, PD7Je70: 31 Bowler's ferry, Va. , HMy39: 42, RlN70:32,R31Oc71:33 Bowler's warehouse, Va. , 9My55: 21, PD19N72: 31, P3My76: 23, D19F79: 32 Bowles, Miss, of Md. , 2F39: 42 Benjamin, 25Ap55: 31, 27Ag56: 32 David, PD24N68: 32, PD15Ap73: 32, P24N75: 13,D19D77:31 James, 2F39: 42 Jerry, R29S68: 32 Robert, C3J179: 32 Sarah, RlAg71: 21 Tobias, 2F39: 42 William, Capt. , of the Two Sisters, D4F75: 31 Bowling, John, Col. , D8My78: 62 Bowling Alley road, P10Oc77: 32 Bowling creek, Va. , See Ferries on Bowling Green, Va. , See Slaves runaway from; Taverns, adv. of, in; Bowling Green ordinary, Va. , R190c69s22 Bowls, Elisha, 2S57: 42 Williams, P21F77: 32 Bowls, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Trinity glebe, Louisa co. , Va. , D28N77: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , 12Mr52: 31, D8Ag77: 22, D160c79: 11 See also China bowls; China tea bowls; Glass bowls; Nankeen china bowls Bowls, handle, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 Bowls, mess, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 Bowls, punch, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. ,PD18Ap66:33 in Lancaster co. , Va. , C19F80: 11 Bowls, slop, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. ,PD18Ap66:33 Bowly, Daniel, R26My74: 23 Bowman, Capt. , 20F52: 41 attacks Chillicothe, Ohio, D10J179: 31 of the Charming Polly, 30Ap52: 21 of the Dorsetshire, 3Ap46: 41, 24Ap46: 32 Rev. Mr. , of Oxford, Mass. , R16N69: 21 Abraham, R4Ag74: 13, P12Ja76: 32-- D13Ja76: 32--Pil3Ja76: 22, C28Ag79: 31 Charles, D30Oc78: 31--P30Oc78: 32 Christian, PD7Ja68: 32 [Isaac], Major, D26Je79: 22 John & co. , defendant in Chancery court, R27F72: 41 Joseph, C28Ag79: 31 Joseph, Capt. , of the Duke of Cumberland, 5D51: 22 of the Griffin, 7Ag52: 31 of the Ranger, 270c52: 21 Samuel, Capt. , of the Sophia, 17S36: 42 William, PD28My67: 32, PD220c67: 21, PD12N67: 21 Bowman, Buchanan, & co. , holds bond of Sherwood Walton, D6N78: 32 Bowman, Speirs, & co. , debts due, PD8N70: 32 merchants, PD21My72: 23 of Glasgow, Scot. , D2My77: 32 payment of debts due requested, PD15Ap73: 31 plaintiff in Chancery court, PD26Ag73: 23 settlement of accounts with, PD220c72: 22--R220c72: 32 store of, PD12Ag73: 21 Bowman, ship, PD22Ja67: 23, PD12F67: 31, PD19Mr67: 32, PD27Ag67: 23, PD3D67: 31, PD24Mr68: 32, PD12My68: 23-- R12My68: 21, RllAg68: 24, PD22S68: 22--R22S68: 23, PD20Oc68: 22, PD270c68: 42, PD3N68: 23--R3N68: 33, PD27Ap69: 31--R27Ap69: 22, PD14S69: 31, PD2N69: 31 — R3N69: 23, PD9N69: 22, PD24My70: 23, PD7Je70: 31, PD18Oc70sl2, PD1N70: 22, PD28Mr71: 31, PD9My71: 31-- R9My71: 33, PD310c71: 21, PD7My72: 21, PD7My72: 23, PD14Ja73: 23, PD17Je73: 32-- R17Je73: 31, PD24F74: 31, PD7Ap74: 23, P14Ap75: 23-- Pil3Ap75: 32, PD29S74: 32 Bowne, Capt. , 13Je45: 22, 5D45: 41 of the Trembleur, 15My46: 32 Bowness, George, R18J171: 42, PD25Ag74: 22--R25Ag74: 33, C15J180: 21 John, PD29D68: 31, C15J180: 21 Bowness, Chisholm &, adv. merchandise, PD29D68: 31 Bowrey, John, P21N77: 32 Robert, R15Mr70: 42 Bowrin, Mr. , ship of, PD220c72: 13 Bowry, John, PD29S68: 31, R210c73: 33 Bows, exported from James river, upper district, Va. , to Barbados, W. I. , PD20S70: 32 See also French wax bows; Paste bows; Violin bows Bow's Snake, English horse, R18F68: 33 Bowsprits, exported from Hampton, Va. , to Bermuda, 10Oc45: 31 exported from James river, lower district, Va. , to Barbados, W. I. , RllAg68: 24 Bowyer, John, R22D68: 21, PD26D71: 23, PD4Ag74: 23, DllMr75: 31, DlAp75: 21, P9My77: 23 Michael, RllMy69: 42, R18J171: 33, Pil6Mr75: 22 Richard, PD31Mr68: 22 Thomas, P3Ja77s23 Thomas, Capt. , P3Ja77: 23, P230c78: 11 William, P7F77: 43 Box irons, for sale, 12F62: 42 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Smithfield, Va. ,D21F77: 22-- P28F77s22 in Williamsburg, Va. , HOc51: 41, PDllAp71: 32, PD12D71: 32 Boxers, See Convict servants as Boxes, lost adv. for, 10F38: 41, 24J152: 32, PD7Ap68: 23, PD2N69: 33, PD25Oc70: 31, PD25J171: 22, PD310c71: 23, PD17Mr74: 31, PD14Ap74: 31 in Norfolk, Va. , 7F51: 41 unclaimed, in Gloucester co. , Va. , 28S39:42 in Norfolk, Va. , 10Ja[?]51: 42, 17Ja51: 42 unclaimed, adv. of, 2Mr53: 42, PD7My67: 32 in Hobb's Hole, PD3Ag69: 32 in Newcastle, Va. , R28J168: 31 See also Ivory boxes; Mahogany dressing boxes; Walnut dressing boxes Boxes, carriage, PD12Ag73: 22 Boxes, cart, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , D26D77: 21 in Williamsburg, Va. , PDllAp71: 32, PD12D71:32 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , 9Ja46: 4, PD7S69: 31 Boxes, cart wheel, for sale, at Cabin Point, Va. , PD3S72: 23 in New Kent co. , Va. , PD23F69: 33-- R23F69: 22 in Princess Anne co. , Va. , P23My77: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , PDllAp66: 41, PD19S66: 31 Boxes, chair, lost, adv. for, PD13Ja74: 33 Boxes, chair wheel, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PDllAp66: 41, PD19S66: 31, PDllAp71: 32, PD12D7L32 Boxes, cutting, for sale, in Prince George co. , Va. , D31Ja77: 72-- P7F77: 33 Boxes, dice, for sale, in Williamsb'irg, Va. ,PDllAp71: 32 Boxes, dressing, for sale, D27Ja76: 41-- P19Ja76: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD12D71: 32 Boxes, paper, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , R260c69: 23, PD2N69: 41 Boxes, pepper, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD18Ap66: 33 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD25Je67: 32 Boxes, pill, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD30J172: 32, PD1J173: 32, PD14J174: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD240c71: 31, PD1S74: 32 Boxes, pounce, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD29N70: 22, PD10Je73: 34 Boxes, powder, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD12N67: 22, PD270c68: 33--R270c68: 22, PD18My69: 31--R25My69: 23, PD29Ap73: 23 Boxes, sand, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD25Je67: 32, PD29N70: 22, PD13D70: 43, PD3Ja71: 43, D24Ag76: 63, D3Ja77: 43, D17Ja77: 43, D2My77: 83, D4J177: 83 Boxes, shaving, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD28S69: 31, PDUAp71: 32, PD210c73: 23-- R210c73: 22 Boxes, snuff, for sale, 12F62: 42 in Alexandria, Va. , P3Ap78: 31, D24J179: 22 in Beaufort, N. C. , P160c78: 32 in Edenton, N. C. , P160c78: 42 in Gloucester co. , Va. , P19Ap76sll-- D20Ap76: 33, P16Ag76: 33-- D24Ag76: 72 103 Boxes, snuff, for sale (cont'd) in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Princess Anne co. , Va. , P23My77: 32 in Richmond, Va. , D8My78: 82 — P27My78: 22, D10J178: 41 — P12Je78: 22 in Smithfield, Va. . PD4Ag68: 31, C3J179: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , 31J146: 61, 110c51:41,R270c68: 22— PD270c68: 33, PD22N70s23, PD29Ag71: 31, PD140c73: 23, PD210c73: 23--R210c73: 22, D18Ap77: 71,D30My77: 31, DlAg77: 22, D28N77: 22 in Yorktown, Va. , P27D76: 32 Boxes, soap, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD220c72: 23--R220c72: 23 Boxes, spice, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 Boxes, sugar, for sale, in Smithfield, Va. .D21F77: 22 — P28F77s22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD25Je67: 32 imported to Accomac district, Va. , from R. I. , PD5S66s43 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , PD24D67: 32 Boxes, tobacco, for sale, in Gloucester co., Va. ,D20Ap76: 33--P19Ap76sll, D24Ag76: 72--P16Ag76: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , D18Ap77: 71, D27Je77: 31 stolen, in King and Queen co. . Va. , 14D39: 41 Boxes, wheel, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD3D67: 32 Boxes, writing, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 Boxford, Mass. , See Lambs born in Boxing matches, in London, Eng. , PD28Ap68: 13, PD80c72: 22— R80c72: 23, PD5N72: 21 inMd. ,P18Ap77: 31 Boxley, Benjamin, R24D67: 31-- PD24D67: 33. R6My73s23 Boy, pseud. , Pil3Ap75: 22 Boyan, Jesse, CD13N79: 22 Boyce, Mr., author, PD17S72: 21, PD10Je73:32 Nathan, P31My76: 21 Thomas, R4Ag74: 33 William, Capt. , P22J175s32 — Pi27J175: 31--D29J175: 11 Boycotts, advocated in Phila. , Pa. , D12Je79: 12 Boyd, Capt. ,PD11J171: 21 of the Bogle, PD18Oc70: 23 of the Diamond, R12Mr67: 22 of the Lancaster, PD15Ja67: 32, PD25F68: 22 of the Polly, PD27N66: 21 of the Ross, PilD74: 11 of the Union, D6Ap76: 23 Col. , ferry of, D19D77: 22 killed at Kettle creek, Ga. , D2Ap79: 22 Tory of S. C. , D8My79: 21 Major, appointed to committee on prices of Philadelphia, Pa. , D12Je79: 12 Mr. , death of, PD28My67: 21 horse of, PD1N70: 22 missing person, 17J152: 32 of N. C. ,PD21Mr66: 12 suspected of counterfeiting in N. J. , R29J173: 23 Mrs. , marriage of, PD14N71: 21 Rev. Mr. , death of, 23Je38: 41 Adam, PD29Ag71: 23 Alexander, R18J166: 32, PD31Ja71: 32, PD6My73: 32 Augustine, D11S79: 32 Baptist, Rev. Mr. , 70c37: 41 David, adv. estate for sale, P18Ap77s42, P16My77s31 adv. for missing horse, 8Ag51: 32 adv. for runaway convict servant, PD290c67: 23 adv. land for sale, PD20Oc74: 32— Pi20Oc74: 32, Pi24N74: 33— PD24N74: 31, Pi9F75: 33--D11F75: 23, D11S79:32 attorney, PD7My67: 32 collector for Gazette, PDllAg68: 23 endorses bill of exchange, P8Ag77: 42 member of committee in Northumberland co. , Va. , Pi2Mr75: 22 takes orders for Virginia Justice, PD21D69: 23— R18Ja70: 41 . George, PD5N67: 23, PD130c74: 32— Pi20Oc74: 32 George, Capt. , of the Anne, 250c65s33 George, Col. ,D12Ag75: 31 George, jr. , R6F72: 41, P14F77: 31 James, 9Mr39: 41, 2S57: 32, PD20Ap69: 31, D29Ap75s42, P15Ag77: 32 John, accounts of settled, 14F77: 31 adv. finding horse, PD5My68: 31 adv. ownership of Purgatory tract, R15Ag66s42 Associator of Baltimore, Md. , R29N70:21 deserter, P6S76: 33 health of, P14F77: 31 letter to in post office, PD2F69: 31 John, Capt. , of the Thistle, 17N52: 22 Robert, D8N76: 22 adv. for ditchers, PD2Ap72: 32 adv. property for sale,D6Je77: 22, D17J179: 32,D19F80:31 announces departure, D10F76: 33 — P9F76: 33 appointed to Prince George co. , Va. , committee of intelligence, D3Je75: 33 defendant in Chancery court, 270c52: 22 marriage of, D8Ap75: 31 slave of,D14N77:41 Robert, Capt. , of the Beckie, 26S55: 31 of the Christie, PD19J170: 21 — R19J170:23,PD19J170:32 of the Clyde, 30c51: 32, 7Ag52: 31 of the Tibby, PD310c71: 21, PD16Ja72:41 of the Triton, 270c52: 21 Spencer, PD28N71: 31, P26My75s43 Susanna (Gilliam), marriage of, D8Ap75: 31 Susanna, Mrs. , D2My77: 62 Walter, PD3N68: 23, PD14N71: 21 account of tobacco sales, R7Je70: 23 adv. for missing horses, 16Ag51: 32, 5S55:41 announces departure, PD5Mr67: 32— R12Mr67:41 death of, PD8N70: 21 estate of for sale, PD24Ja71: 31 — R31Ja71: 32, PD17S71: 31 — R26S71: 41 tavern of, PD8Mr70: 42 William, PD12Mr67: 33, PD28My67: 32, 12Mr52: 31 Boyd, Gordon &, merchants, 2S57: 32 Boyd & Poythress, adv. for missing casks, PD6Je71: 33 announces dissolution of partnership, PD12Ag73: 21 Boyd, ship, 17Ap46: 32, 30c51: 32, 7Ag52: 31, PD6Je66: 31, PD7D69: 31, PD11J171: 32, PD10D72: 23, PD16S73: 23, P12My75: 21 Boyde, James, Dr. , 17F38: 41 Boyd's ferry, Halifax co. , Va. , 12F62: 42, 4N63: 43, PD5My68: 31, PD80c72: 33, Pi23F75: 33, P170c77:42,DllS79:32 Boyd's Hole, Va. , See Corn houses in; Dairies in; Ferries at; Gardens in; Houses for rent in; Indentured servants runaway from; Kitchens described in; Meat houses in; Merchants in; Ordinaries for rent at; Outhouses in; Ships from; Stables in; Storehouses for rent, at; Stores in; Tailors near Boyd's Hole warehouse, Stafford co. , Va. ,R19F67:32 Boyd's ordinary, Va. , 28F55: 32 Boyd's place, plantation, Va. , PDlAp73: 32 Boyd's warehouse, Va. , PD210c73: 22, PD16D73: 23--R16D73: 42, C25D79: 12, DlAp80: 23 Boyelstone, William, PD21My67: 32 Boyer, [Abel], author, PD25F68: 41, PD7J168: 31, PD29N70: 22, PD13D70: 42, PD17S72: 22, PD10Je73: 34, D25N75: 11, D30D75: 11, D24F76: 43, D2Mr76: 41, D9Mr76: 41, D25My76: 43, D24Ag76: 51, D20D76: 41, D3Ja77: 41, D17Ja77: 41 Boyes, John, Capt. , of the Nautilus, PD28Mr66: 33, PD11D66: 23, PD23Ap67: 23, PD11F68: 23, PD31Mr68: 22, PD7My67: 33 Michael, Capt. , 2S38: 41 of the Molly, 4J145: 32 of the Ranger, 25Ap55: 22 of the Rebecca, 29S52: 32, 2Mr53: 41 William, PD16J167: 41 Boykin, Lt. , D13Ja76: 32, P2F76: 33 Francis, Pi20Ja76: 32 John,R19F67:23 Simon, PD10S67: 23, R6F72: 32 Boykins, Lt. , thanks Capt. Paul Thilman, P13S76: 41 Boyle, Mr. , in Lake George battle, 170c55: 11 Breading, Capt. , of the Robert and Elizabeth, PDllJe72: 31 [Robert], author, PD18J171: 33, PD25J171: 43, PDlAg71: 43, PD8Ag71: 43, PD29Ag71: 33, PD17S72: 21, PD10Je73: 32, PD10Je73:33,D25N75: 13, D30D75: 13, D2Mr76: 42, D9Mr76: 42, D24Ag76: 53, D20D76: 43, D3Ja77: 42, D17Ja77: 42, D2My77: 82, D4J177: 83 Boyles, Robert, PI 0J178: 42 Boylston, Mr. , of Nantucket, Mass. , 104 Bradley D9S75: 22 Nicholas, PD8Mr70: 11 Thomas, PD6S70: 23 Boyman, Capt. , of the Marquis of Rockingham, D16Mr76: 23 Boyne, guardship, PD26My74: 22 H. M. S. , 21D39: 22, 24Ja52: 22, PD5S71: 31--R5S71: 23, PD29Ap73: 21, PD24Je73: 21--R1J173: 12, PD1J173: 13--R1J173: 13, PD1J173: 22--R1J173: 21, PD2S73: 12--R2S73: 13, PD2S73: 21-- R2S75: 21, PD9S73: 21--R9S73: 22, PD21Ap74: 23, PD16Je74s21, PD8D74s22, PD15D74: 21, PD29D74: 22--Pi29D74: 12, D7Ja75: 22, D7Ja75: 23, D14Ja75: 23, Pil3Ap75: 31, D70c75: 13, P22D75: 31, D23D75: 31.D30D75: 33, P12Ja76: 23, D30Mr76: 31, D28Mr77: 61, P20Je77: 21,D22My79: 12 ship, 25Je52: 31, 3J152: 32, 60c52: 21, 120c52: 31,PD24Ja71:32, PD31Ja71: 22, PD21Ap74: 22 Boynton, Richard, R29Ap73: 11 Thomas, Capt. , of the Concord, 25Ap55:22,7N55: 21 Boyordell, Mr. , signs treaty for Caribs,PD15Ap73: 22--R15Ap73: 22 Boys, isle of, See Shipwrecks Boyse, John, Capt. , of the Pretty Betsey, 17S36:42 [Samuel], author, PD17S72: 21, D25N75: 11, D30D75: 13, D2Mr76: 42, D9Mr76: 42, D24Ag76: 53 Boyudon, Mr. , signs treaty for Caribs, PD15Ap73: 22--R15Ap73: 22 Bozel, William, CI 1D79: 13 Bozeman, Edward, Capt. , of the Prince George, PD25Je72: 31, PD26N72: 22, R8J173: 32, R23S73: 32, PD140c73: 22--R140c73: 31, PD10Mr74: 31 John, Capt. , of the Lucy and Polly, PD9J167: 32, PD17S67: 13, PD290c67: 21 Brabant, Belg. , fortification of, R23S73: 23--PD30S73: 23 See also Wheat, price high in; Wheat plentiful in Brabban, William, R25My69: 41 Bracco, [Bennett], Capt. ,D29N76: 31 Bracey, Irby, PD2Ap72: 33 Randall, 18Ap55: 22 Thomas, 250c65s33, PD12Mr72: 32. P9Je75: 31,D19Je79: 32 William, PD12Mr67: 13 Brack, Richard, R20My73: 33, PD20Oc74: 23--Pi20Oc74: 23, D3Ag76: 32 Brack, kingdom of, war with Holl. , declared, PD3Ag69: 13 Bracken, Mr. , of Williamsburg, Va. , P9My77: 32 Ensign, killed in battle of Point Pleasant, PH0N74: 23 [Henry], author, PD25F68: 41, PD13D70: 42, PD18J171: 32, PD25J171: 43, PDlAg71: 43, PD8Ag71: 43, PD12D71: 32, PD17S72: 21, PD17S72: 22, PD10Je73: 32.D25N75: 13, D30D75: 13, D2Mr76: 42, D9Mr76: 42 J. , adv. for head usher for William and Mary college, D310c77: 31-- P240c77: 32, P27Mr78: 22 John, Rev. Mr. , PD27Ja74: 31, PD26My74: 32, D14Mr77: 61-- P14Mr77: 32 adv. settlement of estate, D14Ag79: 31, D20N79: 22 correspondence with Henley quoted, PD9D73:21 criticized, PD16D73: 22 elected professor at William and Mary college, P4Ap77: 22 marriage of, P13S76: 31--D21S76: 22 officer for relief fund for clergy's widows and orphans, D6My73: 22-- R6My73s21, PD24Mr74: 32-- R24Mr74: 32, PD5My74: 23, DllMr75: 32--Pi9Mr75: 33, D16Ap79: 22, D15Mv79: 31 orders settlement of college accounts, D25J177:31--P25J177:31, D22Ag77: 31--P15Ag77: 11 preaches sermon celebrating Burgoyne's surrender, P21N77: 21 preaches sermon in college chapel, Pil7Ag75: 33--P18Ag75: 32-- D19Ag75: 32 preaches sermon on fast day, Pi20J175:33,D8My79:21 quarrel with William Bland, Pi20Ap75: 12 quarrel with Samuel Henley, PD23D75sl2, PD30D73: 23, PD20Ja74: 12, PD3F74: 31, PD17F74: 22, PD24F74: 13, PD3Mr74: 31, PD10Mr74: 21, Pil3Ap75: 22 rector of Bruton parish church, Williamsburg, Va. , PD17Je73: 33-- R17Je73: 31, PD10Mr74: 21 reply to by Samuel Henley, PD24F74: 32 sale at house of, D16Ap79: 22 Sally (Burwell), marriage of, Pi3S76: 31--D21S76: 22 Brackenridge, Capt. , PD23Ap67: 22 of the Douglas, PD7D69: 32, PD20S70s21--R20S70: 13 William, Capt. , of the Charming Nelly, PD290c67: 12 Bracket, William, D12F79: 41 Brackett, Thomas, 4N63: 43 Bracy, Thomas, Capt. , P170c77: 33 Bradburn, Thomas, 240c55: 32 Bradbury, John, R17N68: 13 Bradby, Mr. , plantation of, PD28Mr66: 41 Catharine Allen, R27F72: 31 Enoch, Capt. , P22Mr76: 12-- D23Mr76: 32 James, R80c72: 31 James, Capt. , 15Ap37: 42, 24F38: 32, D9My77: 32 of the Micajah and Philip, 25Mr37: 41 James Rodwell, Capt. , R27F72: 31, PD31D72: 32--R31D72: 31, R16Je74: 31, P23Je75: 23, P18Ag75: 42 Bradcatt, Richard, R19Ap70: 23 Braddock, Edward, Gen. , 9My55: 21, 30N59: 22,R14Je70: 33--PD14Je70s23 arrives in Va. , 28F55: 31 attends council of war, 14Mr55: 32, 21Mr55: 32,2My55:21 commander of all American forces, 28F55:31 death of, 5S55: 22 defeat of, 12S55: 12, 30c55: 11, PD2Je74: 21 entertains Indians, 23My55: 21 horse of, 21Mr55: 41 Bradford, Capt. , committee to inspect cargoes in Boston, Mass. , PD24Ag69: 21 of Philadelphia, Pa. , P17N75: 32-- D18N75:31 Col. , appointed to committee on prices in Philadelphia, Pa. , D12Je79: 12 Mr. , director of post office in Baltimore, Md. , R21Ap74: 23 orator at college of, PD290c72: 13 Mrs. , of Baltimore, Md. , R2S73: 22 Andrew, 10c36: 42, 220x36: 41 C. , assistant quartermaster general, C6N79: 32 Charles Darnell, PD30Oc66: 31 Cornelius, R23Je74: 31--PD30Je74: 13 Gamaliel, R17N68: 13 Job, Capt. .D15J175: 13 John, Pil2Ja75: ll--D28Ja75: 23, P31Mr75sl3 John, Capt. ,R29Ap73. 11 of the Leah, PD26My68: 22-- R26My68: 31, R7J168: 22, R1S68: 24-- PD29S68: 22, PD22D68: 31 John, Col. .PD10S72. 31--PD19N72. 43 Thomas, PilD74: 21, D27Ap76: 11 Thomas, Capt. , P22Mr76: 12-- D23Mr76: 32 William, appointed deputy governor of R. I. , Pi9D75: 32 appointed to committee of correspondence, R. I. , PD27My73: 21- R3Je73: 22 arranges election of committee of inspection in Phila. , Pa. , PilD74: 21 chairman of Philadelphia, Pa. , committee, D7Ag79: 21 house of damaged by cannonading, P3N75: 22--D4N75: 23 receives B. A. at college of New Jersey, PD290c72: 13 receives demands of Adm. Wallace on Bristol, R.I. ,Pi9N75: 13 William, Capt. , D6J176: 81 [William III], D27Ap76: 11 Bradford, Wiltshire, Eng. , See Accidents near Bradfords, Messrs. , of Philadelphia, Pa. .PD22J173: 32 Bradley, Capt. , 26S55: 21 of the John and Mary, 19D45: 41 of the Princess Louisa. lAp37: 32, lAp37: 41 Mr. ,P16Ag76: 32 of Pensacola, Fla. , PD8D68: 13 of Toland, Conn. , PD28My67: 21 sale at door of, P20Je77: 33, D19D77:21,D16Ap79: 22 tavern of,D12Je79: 32 Elizabeth, P3Ja77sl3 George, PD17F74: 32 Hezekiah, PD2Je74: 33 Jane, Mrs. , PD22F70: 32 James, PD19Mr72: 31, R80c72: 31, P8Ag77: 33 James, W. , Lt. , P240c77: 33 Jesse, P310c77: 12, D12Mr79: 32 John, PD22F70: 32 105 Bradley (cont'd) Joseph, P10My76: 32 Joseph, Capt. , of the John, PD7Ja73: 31-- R7Ja73: 33 Lavinia, PD22F70: 32 Mary, Mrs. , P8Ag77: 33 [Richard], author, PD25F68: 41, PD18J171: 31, PD25J171: 41, PDlAg71: 42, PD29Ag71: 33, PD8Ag71: 42, PD17S72: 21, PD10Je73:31,D25N75:ll, D30D75: 11, D24F76: 43, D2Mr76: 41, D9Mr76: 41, D25My76: 43 [Richard], Mrs., author, PD18J171: 31, PD25J171: 42, PDlAg71: 42, PD8Ag71: 42 Robert, P27Je77: 43 Samuel, D27My75: 42, PD16Je74: 31, Pi2Mr75: 31, D27S76: 12, D31Ja77: 81 Thomas, PD10D72: 32 Thomas, Capt. , of the John and Mary, 18Ap45:41,7N45:32 W. , P29N76: 32, P18J177: 33 Walter, PD16My71: 33 William, D10Je75: 33, P3Ja77sl3, P240c77: 31,D26D77: 31 adv. for cargo, 13Je51: 41 adv. for journeyman, PD18Ap71: 32 adv. for missing horse, PD25Ag74: 32, P4J177: 41 adv. for runaway slave, PD29Ap43: 31 adv. reward for fence cutter, P6Je77: 11 adv. tailor business, 4My39: 42 announces departure, R24Mr68: 33 conveys estate to creditors, R270c68: 24 defendant in Chancery court, PD23My71: 23 estate of for sale, PD17N68: 23-- R17N68: 31, R24Mr68: 33, R21Ap69s: 21- PD23Mr69: 32, R80c72: 31 letter to in post office, PD28My67: 32 manager of Moore's lottery, R14Ap68: 31--PD1D68: 32 sale at house of, P170c77: 32, D12F80:33,C13My80:41 tavern of, PD270c74: 31 Bradley's ordinary, Va. , P19Ap76p23, P5J176p23 Bradly, Jesse, PD4Oc70: 31 Brads, captured by Americans, D13Ja76: 42 for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD28S69: 31, PD19D71: 32, D27Je77: 31, D27N79: 31--C27N79: 22 Bradshaw, Hannah, R31Ja71: 21 Jeremiah, P14F77: 41 Thomas, D19S77: 32 Bradstreet, Capt. , of London, PD26My74: 23 Col. , of Boston, Mass. , PD20Oc74s21 sends presents to Indians, 250c65s22 John, Capt. , 240c55: 11 Bradt, Mr. , assemblyman in N. Y. , 23N39: 41 Brady, Lt. , of the Meredith, D12Ag75: 21 [Samuel], Capt. , D31J179: 21 Braford, Samuel, R13J169: 32 Bragg, Capt. , R13D70: 23 Benjamin, R31Mr74: 32, R21Ap74: 11, PD8S74: 32--R8S74: 33 John, R18J171:41 Moore, R31Mr74: 32,R21Ap74: 11 William, P5J176p23. P180c76: 23, P27Je77: 33 Bragg, Fisher &, saddlers, PD10D72: 23 Bragg, Fisher & co. , ironmongers in Whitehaven, Eng. , PD22N70: 31 Bragg, Fleming, & Fisher, adv. merchandise for sale, PD8Ag71: 23 Braham, John, PD4D66: 22--R27N66: 21 Brahm, [Ferdinand], Major de, D9Ap79: 21 Braikenridge, George, PD10Ag69: 33, PD9My71: 32, PD2Je74: 31, PDllAg74: 33, D15J175: 33 Braikenridge, Burnley &, PD23My66: 31 adv. for blacksmith, PD7N71: 23 adv. for bookkeeper, PD17S71: 31 adv. for cargo, PD8S68: 31 adv. slaves for sale, R31My70: 42— PD24My70: 32, PD14My72: 23, PD30J172: 31 bond given to, PD12My74pll factors of Weare & co. , PD10S72: 22 partnership dissolved, PD2Je74: 31 request payment for slaves, PD23Mr69: 33 Braintree, Eng. , See Anecdotes from; British colonies, N. Am. , supported in Braintree, Mass. , See Glass manufacture in Braithwaite, Capt. , of the Centurion, D70c75: 22 of the Liverpool, R28Ap68: 14 of the Milford, D23S75: 21 of the Rebecca, DlAp80: 13 James, Pil6F75: 32 John, 9Mr39: 31 Thomas, PD22J173: 32 Brake, Jacob, D25Mr75: 32 Brakeen, James, D12Mr79: 32 Bramble, Willis, R26J170: 22, P12Je78: 11 Brame, Melchisedick, R28J168: 32-- PD28J168: 31 Rechens, P60c75: 31, P21N77: 43 Bramham, Benjamin, R16Mr69: 32, P27Je77:42, P21N77: 43 Brammer, Mr., house of, PD23S75: 31-- R23S73: 32 Thomas, PD24S67: 21 adv. for missing horse, PD28Mr71: 32 adv. merchandise for sale,R12My68: 31, R28J168: 32 adv. unclaimed guns, PD30Ag70: 32 merchant, R2Ag70: 31 Bran, exported from James river, upper district, Va. , to Boston, Mass. , PD10Ag69: 32 price of in Philadelphia, Pa. , D12Je79: 12 price regulated in Williamsburg, Va. , D24J179:21 Branan, John, R26J170: 22 Branch, Benjamin, adv. finding of heifer, PD26D71: 32 adv. for bids for building prison, P18J177: 13 adv. for runaway slave, D12Mr79: 31 adv. property for sale, PD12D71: 33, PD27F72: 32 captain of Chesterfield co. , Va. , militia, P3N75: 12 chosen to committee of inspection, Chesterfield co. , Va. , PD15D74: 31-- Pil5D74: 32 Christopher, PD150c72: 31 Edward, PD16J172: 33 Henry, PD150c72: 31 Matthew, PD10Ja71: 33, D6N79: 32 Matthew, jr. , D3Je75: 33 Matthew, sr. , D3Je75: 33 Ridley, D3Je75: 33 Thomas, PD240c66: 23, PD25Ap71: 32, R23Je74: 42, D18F75: 32 Branch & Markham, adv. unclaimed tobacco, PllAg75:41 Branch, Scott &, adv. for lost tobacco note, PD18Ap71: 32 adv. unclaimed tobacco, PD10D67: 32 Branch Point, Mass. , See Lighthouses on Branche, Matthew, 7N54: 32 Branches, Thomas, 1D38: 42 Brand, Mr. , of Lancaster co. , Pa. , PD18N73: 21 Joseph, P4Ap77: 33,D26Mr79: 31 Brandenburg, Ger. , royal marriage with Anhalt Desseau, PD150c67: 11 Brandenburg Anspatch troops, pay provided by Commons, D20Je77: 11-- P20Je77: 22 to U.S. ,D18J177:11 Brander, John, C18D79: 12 John, jr. ,D29J176: 61 John, Rev. Mr. , P20Mr78: 12 Brandon, Mr. , of New England, PDlAg66: 12 Brandon, Va. , contributes to sufferers in Montreal fire, 1767, PD29Je69: 32-- R6J169: 32 See also Fires in; Horse-breeding in; Indentured servants runaway from; Lightning strikes in; Ships for charter at; Ships in; Slaves runaway from Brandon, plantation, Va. , 16F39: 41, 18Ap45: 41, 12D45: 42, 28Mr51: 41, 20F52: 41, 28F55: 32, 3S56: 32, PD170c66: 33,R12My68: 32, R13D70: 33, PD3Je73: 23--R2Je73: 23, P22Mr76: 23, P8My78s22, D14Ag79: 12 Brandon, ship, PD26Ja69: 13 Brandon church, Va. , D19Je79: 32 Brandor, John, Rev. Mr. , D8Ap75: 33-- P12My75: 32 Brandow, Col. , near Gilberttown, N. C. , C21Oc80: 12 Brands, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , Pi22D74: 32--PD22D74: 31 Brands, on horses, See Horses, lost and found Brandt, Joseph, P29Ag77: 31--D5S77: 21 Brandy, Lt. , of the Madrid, PI lAg75: 23 Brandy, bartered for rum, D23Ja78: 41 colonial production imported to Gt. Brit. , PD21Mr66: 21 distilled in Sweden, PD14D69: 22 duties on import to Quebec, Can. , R18Ag74: 22 duties on import to Gt. Brit. , R1N70:21 increase rumored, PD29Ag66: 13 increased, PD6Je66: 13 for British navy, PD8N70: 21 for sale, in Beaufort, N. C. , P160c78: 32 in Blandford, Va. , D8N76: 31 in Halifax, Va. , 24Ja51: 41 in Hanover, Va. ,D24J179: 32 in Isle of Wight co. , Va. , P20S76: 32-- 106 Brass door knockers D21S76:41 in James City co. , Va. , P6D76: 32 in King William co. , Va. , P270c75: 23 in Middlesex co. , Va. , P18Ap77s42 in New Kent co. , Va. , R15Ag71: 32 in Newcastle, Va. , P4Ap77: 33 in Norfolk, Va. , PD29Ap73: 23 — R29Ap73: 31 in Petersburg, Va. , D26D77: 21 in Richmond, Va. , P12Je78: 22— D10J178: 41 in Smithfield, Va. , PD9Ja72: 32 in Surry co. , Va. , P29Mr76: 31 — D30Mr76: 33 in Warwick co. , Va , D27D76: 42 — P27D76: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , D8My78: 82 near Cabin Point, Va. , D14Mr77: 12 — P21Mr77: 21 for relief of Boston, Mass. , from New York City, D7Ja75: 23 found, in Williamsburg, Va. , D5Je79: 32 imported to Gt. Brit, from Fr. , PDllJe72: 21 imported to Hampton, Va. , from Md. , 18Ap45: 32 imported to Jamaica, W. I. , PD3S67: 11 imported to New York City from Port au Prince, Santo Domingo, W. I. , P21Je76:22 imported to Williamsburg, Va. , from Bordeaux, Fr. . P12Je78: 22 lost at sea, PD28Ap68: 13 made on plantations, RllOc70: 33 monopoly on in India, PD80c72: 12 plundered from shipwreck, 18J151: 31 price of in Ire. , R23S73: 23 price of in Philadelphia, Pa. , D12Je79: 12 seized by British navy, 11S46: 22 seized from British ships, D8N76: 11, P14Mr77: 22, P9My77: 12, seized from French ships, 30c55: 11, 7N55: 12, 7N55: 21, 2S57: 12, D4D79: 11 seized from Spanish ship, D4D79: 11 smuggled from Isle of Man, 26S51: 21 in Cherbourg, Fr. , PD22Ja67: 13 in Dover, Eng. , PD12S71: 22 in Gt. Brit. , PD18D66: 22, PD12Ja69: 13, PD7D69s22, PD20Ag72: 12 in Ire. ,26Ja39:31 in Limerick, Ire. , 24Ag39: 21 in Portsmouth, Eng. , PD18Oc70s22 used to cure decayed teeth, R28Ja73: 22 used to cure dropsy, PD2My71: 31 See also Apple brandy; Cherry brandy; Peach brandy; Raspberry brandy, Brandy, cognac, for sale, in Edenton, N. C. , P160c78: 42 in Williamsburg, Va. , P10Ja77: 41, D5D77: 12 — P5D77: 22 Brandy, French, bartered for soldiers' shoes, D23Ja78: 41 for sale, at Kemp's landing, Va. , P160c78: 31 in Alexandria, Va. , P3Ap78: 31, D24J179: 22, D14Ag79: 12— C28Ag79: 43 in Blandford, Va. ,D13N78: 11 in Norfolk, Va. , 3J146: 41 in Petersburg, Va. , D1N76: 41, P5Je78: U--D10J178: 41 in Princess Anne co. , Va. , P19Je78: 31 in Richmond, Va. , P10J178: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , 30c51: 41, 27F52: 32, 5Je52: 32, 1D52: 31, D10J178: 21--P10J178: 33, C6N79: 32— D6N79: 31 smuggled in Eymouth, Eng. , PD18My69: 21 Brandy, French cognac, for sale, in Richmond, Va. , D8My78: 82-- P27My78: 22 Brandy, prize, imported to Hampton, Va. , from Barbados, W. I. , 9My45: 32, 23My45: 32, 13Je45: 41 imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from Providence, W.I. ,23Ja46:41 Brandy, Spanish, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , C6N79: 32— D6N79: 31 Brandy, Virginia, exported from York district, Va. , to London, Eng. , 21Mr45: 41 Brandy Quarter, plantation, Va. , 240c55: 22 Brandywine, Pa. , battle of, British losses in, P26S77: 22 Continental losses in, P26S77: 23 described, D26S77: 11.D26S77: 12— P26S77: 22, D30c77: 31--P30c77: 31 Brandywine creek, Pa. , See British army on; Continental army on Brandford, Conn. , See Clergy in Branham, John, D26Je79: 32 Branhan, Benjamin, D30Oc78: 32 Brannan, Timothy, R170c71: 41 Brannon, John, R8N70: 23 Branscomb, Thomas, PD80c67: 22 Branson, Capt. , wounded in battle of Bunker Hill, P22J175s22— D29J175:31 Benjamin, P18Ap77sl2 Thomas, PD21J168: 32 Bransty, ship, 21Mr51: 32, 24Ap52: 21, 9My55: 21,23My55: 21 Brant, Joseph, DHOc76: 31, D19Je79: 22, D25S79: 11, C28Ag79: 13, C9D80: 12 Brantsey, ship, 30My51: 32 Brasenton, William, PD220c72: 31 Brasfield, George, 12Je52: 32 Brasher, Abraham, P31Mr75s22— Pi6Ap75: 22 Brasier, Susannah, Pil2Ja75: 33, D14Ja75: 23 Brasiers, in Antigua, W. I. , PD12N72: 12 Brasington, Samuel, P28N77: 33 Brass, Capt. , in New Orleans, PD13Ag67: 13--R13Ag67: 22 of N. Y. , PD24Mr74: 13, PD31Mr74: 23 Brass, adv. for, P20D76s23 by Gun Manufactory, P2F76: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , 20Je51: 32 export from Eng. to N. Y. allowed, D10J179: 22 exported from James river, upper district, Va. , to Philadelphia, Pa. , PD270C68: 42 exported from York district, Va. , to London, Eng. , 25N37: 42 for sale, in Hanover co. , Va. , 28Ag46: 32 imported to London, Eng., from York district, Va. , 25Ja40: 3 Brass, old, adv. for, P14Je66: 31 at Hunter's iron works, Va. , D4D79: 22 in Norfolk, Va. , R2Ag70: 31, PD26D71: 31--R6F72: 42 in Petersburg, Va. , D13J176: 21 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD19Ag73: 21 — R19Ag73:22,D17Ag76: 31 exported from James river, upper district, Va. , to Bristol, Eng. , PD27J169: 32 exported from York district, Va. , to London, Eng. , 13J139: 42, 2N39: 21 Brass, plated, imported to Algiers, Alg. ,D4N75: 12 Brass blunderbusses, for sale, in Portsmouth, Va. , P18J177sll seized from British ship, P16Ag76: 22 Brass-but hinges, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , C15J180: 22 Brass buttons, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , C15J180: 22 Brass callipers, captured by Americans, D13Ja76:42 Brass candlesticks, for sale, at Kemp's landing, Va. , D19Mr79: 31 in Smithfield, Va. , D21F77: 22 — P28F77s22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD15F70: 41, C15J180: 22 Brass cannon, captured by Americans at Saratoga, N. Y. , D310c77: 11, P310c77: 22, P7N77sll at Stillwater, N. Y. , P240c77: 22 on Long island, N. Y. , P12S77: 23 exported from Eng. to Quebec, Can. , D4N75: 31 exported from Fr. to U. S. , D28Mr77: 62--P28Mr77sl3 for British army in British colonies, N.Am. ,D9D75: 11 from N. Y. to Halifax, N. S. , D25J177: 11 imported to Boston, Mass. , from Nantes, Fr. , D16My77: 12— P16My77: 21 imported to N. J. from Emden, Friesland, D4N75: 22 imported to York district, Va. , from Fr. ,D25J179: 22 manufactured in Bridgewater, Mass. , D15Ag77: 51 seized from British at Princeton, N. J. , D24Ja77: 32 Brass caps, for sale, PD19My74: 43— R2Je74: 22 Brass casters, for sale, PD19My74: 43 — R2Je74: 22 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , 25Ap51: 32, PD11N73: 22,C15J180: 22 Brass chafing dishes, for sale, in Cobham, Va. , P4J177: 31 in Smithfield, Va. , D21F77: 22 — P28F77s22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD11N73: 22, D27Je77: 31 Brass chair nails, for sale, in Newcastle, Va. , PD21J174: 31 Brass chariot boxes, for sale, in Newcastle, Va. , PD21J174: 31 Brass chariot wheel boxes, for sale, in Newcastle, Va. , PD20Ja74: 32 Brass compasses, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. ,PD25J166:23 Brass door knockers, for sale, in 107 Brass door knockers, for sale, in (cont'd) Williamsburg, Va. , PD11N73: 22 Brass eighteen pounders, seized from British ship, P22D75: 31, D23D75: 31 used by Spanish army in Barcelona, Sp. , P19J176: 13--D20J176: 12 Brass fenders, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. ,8Ag51:32,D8Ag77:22 Brass field pieces, captured by Americans in Bennington, Vt. , D5S77: 11--P5S77: 12 exported from Fr. ,DllAp77: 31-- PllAp77sl2 imported to British colonies, N.Am. , encouraged, P17N75: 32 imported to Charleston, S. C. from St. Francois, Can. , D8Ag77: 21 imported to U. S. from Fr. , P16My77: 22 Brass files, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 Brass founders, adv. of, in Norfolk, Va. , R2Ag70: 31, PD26D71: 31— R6F72: 42, PD30J172: 32, R25Ag74: 33 in Petersburg, Va. .D13J176: 21 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD19Ag73: 21 — R19Ag73: 22 See also Indentured servants as Brass four -pounders, captured by Americans at St. John's, Can. , Pi30N75: 23 Brass furniture, for sale, in Richmond, Va. ,D9Mr76: 23 Brass grates, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , D8Ag77: 22 Brass harness buckles, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD28S69: 31 Brass hinges, for sale, in Sussex co. , Va. ,D19D77:31 in Williamsburg, Va. , 25Ap51: 32 Brass hooks, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD28S69: 31, PD19My74: 43 — R2Je74: 22 Brass howitzers, captured by Americans at St. John's, Can. , Pi30N75: 23, D2D75:31 imported to York district, Va. , from Fr. ,D24J179:22 Brass ink pieces, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , D6J176: 22 Brass kettles, exported from James river, upper district, Va. , to Glasgow, Scot. , 30S37: 41 for sale, in Cobham, Va. , P4J177: 31 in Warwick, Va. , PD19N67: 23 in Yorktown, Va. , D23Ja78: 31 imported to Accomac district, Va. , from New York City, PD270c68: 42 Brass latches, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 Brass line reels, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 Brass locks, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. ,C15J180:22 Brass mill work, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD26D71: 31--R6F72: 42, R25Ag74: 33 Brass mortars, captured by Americans, D13Ja76:42 Brass mounted trunks, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , R12My74: 32 Brass nails, for sale, at Kemp's landing, Va! ,D19Mr79: 31 in Gloucester co. , Va. , D24Ag76: 72 — P16Ag76: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , PDllAp66: 41, PD28S69: 31, PD19My74: 43— R2Je74: 22, C27N79: 22--D27N79: 31 Brass ordnance, captured by Americans at St. John's, Can. ,D2D75: 31 at Saratoga, N. Y. , D14N77: 21 — P14N77: 21 Brass ornaments, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD28S69: 31 Brass pans, for sale, in Cobham, Va. , P4J177: 31 Brass pins, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. ,C15J180: 22 Brass pullies, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. .PD11N73: 22 Brass rings, for sale, in Cobham, Va. , P4J177: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD19My74: 43— R2Je74: 22 Brass scales, captured by Americans, D13Ja76:42 for sale, in Cobham, Va. , P4J177: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD12D71: 32 Brass sheafs, seized from British at Fort Nassau, New Providence, W. I. , D4My76: 32 Brass six pounders, at King's ferry, N. Y. ,D22Ag77: 11 captured by Americans at St. John's, Can. , Pi30N75: 23 Brass skillets, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , P10My76: 43— DllMy76: 23 Brass smiths, See Convict servants as Brass snuffers, for sale, at Kemp's landing, Va. , D19Mr79: 31 Brass thimbles, for sale, in Cobham, Va. , P4J177: 31 in Gloucester co. , Va. ,D20Ap76: 33— P19Ap76: 11 in Smithfield, Va. , C3J179: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , R25My69: 23— PD18My69: 31, PD15F70: 41 Brass three pounders, captured by Americans in N. Y. , C9D80: 21 in St. John's, Can. , D10Ja77: 41 — Pi30N75: 23 in Trenton, N. J. , D10Ja77: 41 — P10Ja77:23 Brass twelve -pounders, captured by Americans at St. John's, Can., Pi30N75: 23 cast in Bridgewater, Mass. ,D18J177: 21 in Boston, Mass. , D18J177: 21 Brass twenty-four pounders, captured by Americans at St. John's, Can., Pi30N75: 23 seized from British ship, P22D75: 31, D23D75:31 Brass utensils, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. ,D13J176: 21 Brass ware, for sale, in Williamsburg, 18S46:41,5S51:32 found, adv. of, P27Je77: 12 Brass weights, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD12D71: 32 Brass wheat, riddle bottoms, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD28S69: 31 Brass wire, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 Brass wire, wove, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PDllAp71: 32, PD12D71:32 Brass work, adv. of, in Williamsburg, Va. , 6Qc38: 61 , R14Ap74: 32 Brassay sound, Scot. , See Dutch navy in; Fisheries, herring in Brasse, Samuel, R15Je69: 32 Brasses, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PDllAp66: 41, PD19S66: 31 Brassington, Samuel, D13D76: 31 Bratford, John, D3Ag76: 32 Bratt, Dirck, PD17Ag69: 13 Brattle, Col. , of Cambridge, Mass. , P129S74: 31 Gen., Boston Tory, D3Ja77: 11— P3Ja77sl2 Maj. Gen. , attends British army review, at Castle William, PD30Je74: 13 Mr. , of Boston, Mass. , PD20Oc74sl2 Thomas, PD24Ag69: 21 W. , of Boston, Mass. ,D9S75: 23 William, PD4Ag68: 22 [William], Gen. , PD22S74: 31 — R22S74: 32 Bravado, jackass, R21My72: 23 Brawl, Lt. , missing in battle of Long island, N. Y. , P13S76: 23 — D14S76: 32 Braxton, Col. , 1J137: 42, P27Mr78: 12 horse of, D26Mr79: 32 imports slaves, 14Ap38: 41 land of, PD27N66: 31 slave of, 23N39: 31, PD13N66: 31 Mr. , PD7My72: 32 horse of, PD6My73: 32— R6My73s22 Mrs. , PD27F72: 32 — R27F72: 31 marriage of, D7Ja75: 23 Carter, PD30Je68: 31, PD29Je69: 33, P5S77: 31 acquitted of piracy charge, D8Ja80: 31 adv. damaged tobacco for sale, P3Ap78: 22 adv. estate for sale, PD11D66: 32, PD10Ja71: 33— R10Ja71: 31 adv. for missing horse, PD23Je74: 23, P21Mr77: 13 adv. for runaway slave, R28J168: 32, PD9N69: 23, PD31D72: 32, R7Ja73: 33 adv. house for sale, PD80c67: 21 adv. merchandise for sale, P160c78: 22, DllMr80: 32 adv. property for sale, PD6N66: 32 — R4D66: 43, PD21F71: 32— R21F71: 32, R29Ap73: 31, PD25N73: 23 — R25N73: 43, PD12My74: 43, P14Ap75: 32--Pi20Ap75: 32, D25J177: 32— P25J177: 41, P160c78: 31 adv. ownership of land, P24Ja77: 31 adv. settlement of estate, PD2Ap72: 32— R23Ap72: 13 adv. slaves for hire, R24N68: 23 announces mortgage on land, PD21Je70: 31, PD11J171: 32 appointed delegate to Continental congress, P15D75: 32--D16D75: 33 appointed to superintend Hanover, Va. , magazine, P130c75: 23 appointed to Va. committee of safety, P25Ag75: 63— D26Ag75: 31, P8S75: 21 attacked by Arthur Lee,D90c79: 11 attacks Arthur Lee, D230c79: 11 birth of, 24S36:41 burgess from King William co. , Va. , PD1D68: 31— R1D68: 21, PDllMy69s41, PD28S69: 23, R9N69: 11, PD28J174: 31 — R28J174: 32 108 Bread certifies pedigree of horse, D16Ap79: 32 daughter of, PD140c73: 22 death of denied, 150c36: 42 debts due, PD5My68: 22 defendant in Chancery court, R2D73: 31, PD28Ap74: 32 delegate to Va. convention from King William co. , Va. , DlAp75: 21, P2My77s31 demands reparations for gunpowder, P5My75s21 elected delegate from King William co. , Va. , P5My75s43 escorted on return to Williamsburg, Va. ,D3Je75: 31 gives character sketch of Philip W. Claiborne, R31My70: 31 house of burned, D20D76: 12— P20D76sl2 land of. PD1D68: 22--R1D68: 22, PD3Mr74: 32--R3Mr74: 33 letter of in post office, PDllAp66: 41 manager of Moore's lottery, R14Ap68: 31--PD1D68: 32 signs Va. Association, PD25My69: 12 subscriber for opening falls of James river, PDllAg74: 32--RllAg74: 32 trustee for Bernard Moore, PD8N70: 22--R8N70: 23 George, adv. imported slaves for sale, 10Ag39:41 bill of exchange due to, 4J151: 32 estate of for sale, PDUD66: 32 land of, PD6N66: 32--R4D66: 43, PD1D68:33--R1D68:22 land of sold for debt, PD18F68: 32— R18F68:32,PD7Ap68:31 slave of, 28J138: 41, PDllJe67: 33, PD21Ap68: 32 — R28Ap68: 33 wife of, 24S36: 41 George, Col. , adv. for Henry Lopdell, 8Je39: 42 George, jr. , 4J151: 32, 17F38: 41, 28J138: 42 George, Mrs. , PD6N66: 32--R4D66: 43 Mary (Blair), Pi5Ja75: 32 Mary (Carter), Mrs. , 24S36: 41 150c36:42 Molly, PD140c73: 22 William, jockey, PD26Ja69: 41 Braxton, brig, P3Ap78: 22 ship, 17S36: 42, 13My37: 42, 10Je37: 32, 17Je37: 41, 30S37: 42, 5My38: 32, 25Ag38: 32 Bray, Col., pasture of, 10Ja[?]51: 41 James, Major, 9My45: 42, 6Je45: 41 Richard, PD20Ag67: 33, R16D73: 42, DlMy79:32 Thomas, 29D38: 41 Thomas, Col. , 29Ag51: 32 William, PD1 Ue67: 33, R10Ja71: 41 William, Capt. , D15Ag77: 21 Bray Head, Ire. , See Shipwrecks at Brayman, Jonathan, R2N69: 22 Bray's church, King George co. , Va. , slaves sold at, 31J146: 52 town established by general assembly, 24Ap52: 22 Brays' warehouse, Va. , rent for, 29D38: 22 Bray's white apple trees, for sale, in Surry co. , Va. , 26S55: 32, 4N63: 41 Brayton, David, Capt. , PD27J169: 23 Brayton, brigantine, PD5F67: 31 ship, 13Je51: 32, 30c51: 32 Brazier, Simon, PD21Ap68: 23, PD3N68: 31 Susannah, Pi20Oc74: 23--PD20Oc74: 23 Braziers, See Indentured servants as Braziery, for sale, in Blandford, Va. , 2S57:32 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23, PD22N70: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , D16D75: 23 in Yorktown, Va. , 4J145: 42 Braziery ware, imported to Accomac district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , PD22Ja67: 31 from Plymouth, Eng. , PD14Ja68: 31 Brazil, armaments for, PD26Mr67: 21 insurrections in, PD26N67: 23, PD5N72: 31 news about, 26Ja39: 11 trading company proposed for, PD130c68: 21 See also British factories considered in; British navy in; British navy to; Fisheries, whale off; Gold mines discovered in; Imports to Lisbon, Port. , from; Negro insurrections in; Pirates in; Portuguese colonies in; Portuguese navy, ships built for; Portuguese navy to; Saltpetre discovered in; Ships from; Ships from R. I. to Brazil wood, imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from Providence, R.I. ,R4D66:31 imported to Lisbon, Port. , from Rio de Janeiro, Braz. , 24Ag39: 11 Braziletto wood, exported from Va. , to Liverpool, Eng. , R12Ja69: 31 imported to York district, Va. , from Bermuda, HJa40: 41, 25Ja40: 4 from Providence, R. I. , 1D52: 31 on St. Vincent's island, W. I. , PD6Je66: 21 Breach of promise, in Bath, Eng. , PD12S71: 11,PD12S71:21 in Cambridge, Eng. , PD150c72: 21, PD5N72: 32 in Eng. , PD2Ja72: 13 in Hertford, Eng. , 10D36: 32 in Lancaster, Eng. , PDlJe69: 23 in London, Eng. , PD12Mr67: 21, PD2My71: 13--R2My71: 12, PD21Ap74: 23 in Md. , 10J152: 31 in N. J. , R23Ag70: 31 in Prince George co. , Md. , 10J152: 31 in Wiltshire, Eng. , R6Ap69: 21 in Worcester, Eng. , R16Je68: 23 Bread, as reward in British army, P8D75: 13 assizes of,D10Ja77: 42--P10Ja77: 33 bartered for land, R2F69: 32— PD2F69: 32 bartered for Madeira wine,RHN73: 23 captured by Americans in Great Bridge, Va. , Pil3D75: 22— P15D75:23--D16D75: 33 cheap in Cherbourg, Fr. , P3Mr75: 22 — D4Mr75: 21 destroyed by British in Danbury, Conn. , D6Je77: 12 distributed to the poor in Cornwall, Eng. , PD6My73: 21 duties on imported to Grenada, W. I. , PDUa67: 22 duties on in Dominica, W. I. ,D6Ja76: 32 embargo on in Va. , 7Mr55: 31, 12D55: 22,3S56: 31 embargo on laid by Congress, P19Je78: 31 exportation of prohibited in Eng. , PD14F71: 23 exportation of regulated by Pa. general assembly, 17Ap46: 21 exported from Accomac district, Va. , to Antigua, W. I. , PD23My66: 31 to Barbados, W. I. , R25D66: 13, PDllJe67: 32 to N. C. , PD23My66: 31 exported from Hampton, Va. , to Anguilla, W. I. , 10Oc45: 32 to Boston, Mass. , 9My45: 32 to Cape Breton, N. S. , 10Oc45: 31 exported from James river, lower district, Va. , to Af. , 29S52: 32 to Anguilla, W. I. , 23Ja46: 42 to Antigua, W. I. , 8D52: 31, PD10F74: 23, PD10Mr74: 31, PD14Ap74: 31--R17Mr74: 23, R21Ap74: 23 to Barbados, W. I. , 20Oc52: 21, 27Ag56: 32, 12F62: 31, RllAg68: 24, R12Ja69: 31 to Bermuda, 28F55: 31, HAp55: 22 to Cadiz, Sp. , PD6Ja74: 32 to Grenada, W. I. , RllAg68: 24, R12Ja69: 31, PD20Ja74: 23, PD10Mr74: 31, PD14Ap74: 31 — R17Mr74: 23,R15S74:33 to Jamaica, W. I. , RllAg68: 31 to Leghorn, It. ,R14Ap74: 23 — PD28Ap74: 23 to Nevis, W. I. , 29D52: 32, PD20Ja74: 23, PD28Ap74: 23--R14Ap74: 23 to N. C. , R14Ap74: 31--PD28Ap74: 23 to Surinam, W. I. , R8S74: 31 exported from James river, upper district, from 1763-1766, PD12F67: 23 to Antigua, W. I. , PD22D68: 31, PD27S70: 31 to Barbados, W. I. , PD16Ap67: 23, PD9J167: 32, PD17D67: 31, PD17Mr68: 31- R14Ap68: 42, PD10Mr68: 31 — R14Ap68: 42, PD22D68: 31, PD29D68: 31, PD20Ap69: 22, PD27J169: 32, PD20S70: 32 to Boston, Mass. , PD3Mr68: 31 — R3Mr68: 31, PD28S69s23 to Cadiz, Sp. , PD26My68: 23 — R26My68: 31, PD22D68: 31 to Leghorn, It. , PD17F74: 31, PD10Mr74: 31 to Lisbon, Port. , PD8Je69: 23, PD28D69: 31 to Madeira, R30My66: 32, R30My66: 32 — PD6Je66: 31, PD24Mr68: 32— R14Ap68: 42, PD21S69s23 to Oporto, Port, PD7Je70: 31 to Piscataway, N. J. , PD15F70: 22 to Providence, R. I. , PD10Mr74: 23 to St. Vincent's, W. I. , PD7Ap74: 23 to Salem, Mass. , PD22D68: 31 exported from N. Y. , PD9Ap67: 22 exported from Phila. , Pa. . PD9Ap67: 21 exported from south Potomac district, Va. , to St. Christopher, W. I. , PD22Ja67: 31 exported from Va. to R. I. , PD16N69: 22 109 Bread (cont'd) exported from York district, 25Ap55: 22 to Jamaica, W. I. , 9D37: 42 to London, Eng. , 18My39: 31 to Madeira, 12Ja39: 42, 9Mr39: 41, 18My39: 31 to Providence, R. I. , 15S52: 32 to St. Christopher, W. I. , 24N52: 31, 27Ag56: 32 for British army, 29Ag45: 22 in St. Christopher, W. I. , P15Mr76sll- D16Mr76:32 for British navy in Norfolk, Va. , P15S75s22 for Continental army, P19Ja76: 21— D20Ja76: 23 for French army, PD24Je73: 11 for relief of Boston from Baltimore, Md. ,R22S74:31 from New York City, D7Ja75: 23 from Spotsylvania co. , Va. , Pi9F75: 32 for sale, in Gloucester co. , Va. , P6Mr78: 12 in Norfolk, Va. , PD12S66: 32, PD4Mr73: 33— R4Mr73: 32 in Urbanna, Va. , PD7J174: 33 import to Martinique, W. I. from Gt. Brit, forbidden, PD2J167: 31 imported to France, R30Ag70: 21 imported to Hampton, Va. , from Md. , 18Ap45: 32, 23My45: 32, 13Je45: 32, 10Oc45: 22 from Philadelphia, Pa. , 28Mr45: 41, 9My45: 32 imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from Antigua, W. I. , R11F68:31 from Md. , 23Ja46: 41, R17Mr74: 22— PD14Ap74: 23, 8D52: 31 from New York City, 8D52: 31, PD10F74: 23 from Philadelphia, Pa. , PD20Ja74: 23, 24N52: 22 imported to James river, upper district from New York City, PD14Ja68: 31, PD8S68p22, PD270c68: 42, PD26Ja69: 32, PD7S69: 31, PD9N69: 22, PD15F70: 22, PD1N70: 22 imported to St. Eustatia, W. I. from Philadelphia, Pa. , PD12N72: 21 imported to York district, Va. from New England, 13My37: 42 from New York City, R31Mr68: 31 made of black berries in Palatinate, PD12D71: 23 plentiful in Antigua, W. I. , PD10D67: 23 in Dominica, W. I. , PD30J167: 31, PD17Mr68: 31--R17Mr68: 31 in Montserrat, W. I. , PD10D67: 23 in St. Christopher, W. I. , PD10D67: 23, PD17Mr68: 31— R17Mr68: 31 price declines in Fr. , PD1S74: 11 price discussed in Eng. , PD5N72: 12 price high in Eng. , D2D75: 13, PiMy78: 11 in Fr. , R24F69sl2, PD7N71: 22, PD9S73: 11,R16S73:21 in London, Eng. , PD22Ja67: 21, PD25Ag68: 22--R25Ag68: 24 in Passy, Fr. , PD1S74: 11 in Paris, Fr. , R16Mr69: 12 in Salisbury, Eng. , PD11D66: 21 in Sp. ,PD12S66: 13 in Tours, Fr. , PD19My74: 21 in Tuscany, It. , PD4D66: 22 price in Berkshire, Eng. ,R11D66: 13 price in Fr. , R60c68: 12, R14F71: 13 price in London, Eng. ,R11F68: 14, PD2N69: 23,D2D75:21 price in Paris, Fr. , PD8N70: 13 price in Sp. , PD2N69: 22 price lowered in Fr. , PD18Ag74: 22— R18Ag74: 23 in London, Eng. , R11D66: 22, PD31D72:21 price rises in London, Eng. , R4D66: 11 in Paris, Fr. ,R16F69: 11 scarce in Bermuda, D8My79: 21 in Boston, Mass. , PilOJa76: 22— P12Ja76: 23— D13Ja76: 23 in Bristol, Eng. , P1D75: 21 in Cam, Eng. , P1D75: 21--D2D75: 13 in Deer creek, Md. , D26F80: 21 in Dresden, Saxony, R27F72: 13 in Dursley, Eng. , P1D75: 21 — D2D75: 13 in Florence, It. ,R11F68: 23 in Fr. , PD26Ja69: 12, R23Ag70: 23, PD5S71: 13 in Gloucester, Eng. , P1D75: 21 in Nevis island, W. I. , P28Je76: 13 in Provence, Fr. , R1J173: 12 in St. John's, Nfd. , D8J175: 23 in Sicily, R11F68: 23, PD17Mr68: 23 in Stroud Water, Eng. , P1D75: 21 — D2D75: 13 in Va. ,D26Je79: 11 in W. I. , British, D26Je79: 21 inWootton, Eng. , P1D75: 21 — D2D75: 13 seized as underweight in Boston, Mass. , D7Ag79: 21 seized by British, D17F76: 32 in St. John's, Antigua, W. I. , D6Ap76: 21 seized by French, PD3Je73: 23 seized from British at Fort Nassau, New Providence, W. I. , D4My76: 32 seized from British ships, P26Ap76s22, P22N76: 21,D9My77: 31,D27Je77: 12, D5Je79: 21,D11S79:21 seized from French ships, 13Je45: 32, 240c55: 12 used in trade with W. I. , D16Mr76: 23 See also Biscuit Bread, barley, price of in Normandy, Fr. , PD18Oc70: 22— R18Oc70: 13 Bread, oat, scarce in Scot. , PD28My67: 13 Bread, rye, price of in Vienna, Aust. , PD25Mr73: 11 Bread, ship, exported to Leghorn, It. , R14Ap74: 23 — PD28Ap74: 23 exported to St. Christopher, W. I. , 24N52: 31 for sale, 19S51: 41, P7F77: 31 in Portsmouth, Va. , PD14N71: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , P23F76: 33, P7F77: 31 in Yorktown, Va. , P27D76: 32 price in Quebec, Can. , P15S75: 23 — D16S75: 22 price in Norfolk, Va. ,R28J168: 24 price in Bermuda, R12D72sl3 Bread, wheat, price in Aust. . PD25Mr73: 11 price in Quebec, Can. .P15S75: 23 — D16S75: 22 Bread manufacture, regulated in James City co. , Va. ,P15S75s22 Breadlove, William Braxton, PD20Oc68: 22, PD10N68: 22 Breakfasts, described, in London, Eng. , PD11F68: 12 Breakhill, John, R4D66: 23 John, Capt. , of the John, PD2My66: 21. PD16My66: 23, PD15Ag66: 31 — R15Ag66s32, PD4D66: 31, R11D66: 13, PD4Je67: 41, PD27Ag67: 23, PD11F68: 23, PD19My68: 21. PD26My68: 22— R9Je68: 32, R18Ag68s22, PD1S68: 23, PD270c68: 31. PD9F69: 31,R4My69: 33. PDllMy69s33, PD10Ag69: 32, PD17Ag69: 22— R17Ag69: 23, PD7D69: 31— R7D69: 23, PD24My70: 23, PD19J170: 21, PD25Oc70: 21, PD2My71: 32— R2My71: 22, PD30Ap72: 23, PDllJe72: 31 Breaking on wheel, for murder in Paris, Fr. ,R30D73: 12 proposed as punishment in Eng. , 15My52: 22 Bream, Lt. , appointed aide de camp to Gen. Haldimand, PD1J173: 32 Breast-mills, described, in Lunenburg co., Va. .R25D66: 32 — PDlJa67: 33 Breast pipes, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Petersburg, Va. , PD30J172: 32, PD1J173: 32. PD30D73: 31. PD14J174: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , 22My52: 32, 2My55: 31, 16Ja61: 41, PD18Je67: 33. PD25F68: 23— R3Mr68: 34, PD270c68: 32— R270c68: 22, PD7Je70: 31— R7Je70: 31, PDllAp71: 32, PD15Ag71: 32— R15Ag71: 32, PD2J172: 32. PD10Je73: 22, PDlS74:32,D12Je79:32 Breaton, Thomas, R1S74: 33 Brecken, Mr. , author, PD29N70: 21 Breckenride, Robert, 7N54: 41 Breda, treaty of, 29D52: 12 Breeches, captured by Americans in Great Bridge, Va. , Pil3D75: 22 — D16D75:33 for sale, in Suffolk, Va. ,D28N77: 31 — P21N77: 31 lost, adv. for,D9D80:31 of Regulators, captured by militia, PD13Je71: 23 taken by convict servants, PD26My74: 32— R2Je74: 23 See also Doe skin breeches; Leather breeches Breeches, materials for, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25Je67: 32 Breeches, stocking, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. . HOc51: 41 Breeches ball, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD12D71: 32 Breeches makers, adv. of in Williamsburg, Va. , 22Je39: 32, 20Je45:41 See also Indentured servants as Breeches pieces, for sale, in Williamsburg. Va. , PD25Je67: 32 Breeding, Andrew, Capt. . of the Liberty, PD28D69: 31. PD15F70: 22 Richard, 30Mr39: 41 Breedlove, William, D3Ag76: 32 110 Brewers Breen, Capt. , PD80c72: 31 Breham, Capt. , of the Industry, P16Ag76: 21 Brehm, Capt. , embarks for Boston, Mass. , PD270c74: 22 sails for Falmouth, Eng. , P22J175s22 Bremen, Ger. , See Imports to London, Eng. , from Bremen Merchant, brigantine, 20My37: 41 ship, lMr38: 32 Bremo, plantation, Va. , PD13Je66: 32, PD9J167: 33, PilD74: 33-- PD1D74: 31,P30Ag76: 33, D180c76: 31--P180c76: 32, D7N77: 31--P310c77: 31 Brend, Mr. ,C11D79: 13 Thomas, Cl9Ag80: 22 Brenon, James, D24Je75: 33-- Pi29Je75: 33--P30Je75s23 John, R15Ap73: 33 Brent, Col. , P5Je78: 31 horse of, D25Mr80: 31 Mr. , author, PD25F68: 41 horse of, P15Mr76: 31, D13Ap76: 33-- Pl9Ap76:43,PllAp77: 21, D24Ap78: 42 house of burned, P6S76: 11, P6S76: 13 Clare, R12Mr72: 31 George, R16F69: 22, R6J169: 32, PD7S69: 32--R7S69: 32, R28J174: 23, P7F77:42 Henry, R12Mr 72: 31 Hugh, Pil2Ja75: 32, Pi2Mr75: 22, PilJe75: H--P2Je75s41 John, DllMr75: 13, DllMr75: 21, D90c79: 22 John, Capt. , P23My77: 33 Robert, adv. for runaway slave, Pil6N75: 33--P17N75sl3--D18N75: 31 adv. house for sale, R10Ja71: 33-- PD3Ja71: 31 adv. land for sale, R10Mr68: 33, R28Mr71: 33 adv. settlement of estate, R2S73: 32 appointed to committee in Stafford co. , Va. , R28J174: 23 conveys land to creditors, R16F69: 22 creditors for trustees, R12Mr72: 31 letter to in post office. R17F74: 32 meeting of creditors of, RllMy69: 33 mortgages land, R7S69: 32-- PD7S69: 32 sale at house of, R9Mr69: 33 settlement of estate of, PD26My74. 32 supports George Mercer as stamp tax collector, PD30c66: 12 W. , Lt. Col. ,10J178: 12 William, P5Je78: 32, C30Oc79: 43 adv. damaged tobacco for sale, R6My73s: 22 adv. finding cow, Pi25My75: 42 adv. for bookkeeper, R8Mr70: 32 adv. for missing horse, Pi22Je75: 41 adv. for runaway indentured servants, D7Ja75: 32 adv. horse for hire, P7F77: 32 adv. land for sale, R13J169: 23, R7S69:32--PD7S69: 32 appointed to committee in Stafford co. , Va. , R28J174: 23 elected delegate to Va. convention for Stafford co. , Va. , P26Ap76s23 fight at house of, P27S76s21 gives opinion on Mr. Bullitt, PiMr76: 11 house of burned, P2Ag76: 23 house of destroyed by Dunmore, P28F77: 23 on committee for Prince William co. , Va. , Pil2Ja75: 32, PilJe75: 11-- P2Je75s41 overseer of, P16My77s32 owner of Figure, horse, PD20Oc74: 31 plantation of, C3J179: 43 signed address to Stafford co. , Va. , delegates, R28J174: 22 Brentford, Eng. , celebrates John Wilkes' release from prison, PD21Je70: 23 See also Dogbites, deaths from in; Murders in; Riots in Brenton, Messrs. , sell livestock to British, D11N75: 21 Mr. , of R. I. . PD3S72: 21 Benjamin, D4N75: 23,D9D75: 22-- Pi9D75: 32 Jahleel,D4N75: 23.D9D75: 22-- Pi9D75: 32 James, PD18F73: 23--R18F73: 22, D4N75: 23 Samuel, D29J176: 12 Brenton' s Neck, R. I. , See Cattle, taken from; Sheep, taken from Brereton, Capt. , of the Rippon, PD25Ap71: 21 Thomas, PD15Ap71: 32, PDl9Mr72: 31 Brescia, It. , See Fires in Breslau, Ger. , See Murders in Breslau, treaty of, 24Ap46: 21 Prussia and, 21Mr45: 21 violated by Prussia, 18Ap45: 21 Bressie, Capt. , D26D77: 22 Francis, 8Ag51: 32 Henry, P310c77: 32, C28Ag79: 33 Samuel, PD290c67: 22, C28Ag79: 33 Thomas, Capt. , P16My77s31, P4J177: 32 W. , C28Ag79: 33 William, D30Oc78: 41 Bressit, Capt. , of the Elizabeth, PD17S72: 23 Brest, Fr. , closed to British ships, 25Ap55: 12 See also British navy, ships captured by French off; British navy off; Continental navy from; Convoys by French navy from; Convoys by French navy to; Courts martial in; Dry docks in; Fires in; French army from; French army to Can. from; French army to E. I. from; French army to Martinique, W. I. , from; French army to R. I. from; French marines in; French navy, number of ships in; French navy, ships fitted out at; French navy acclaimed in; French navy embarks from; French navy from; French navy from U. S. to; French navy in; French navy leaves; French navy to E. I. from; French navy to Martinique, W. I. , from; French navy to R. I. from; French navy to U. S. from: French navy to W. I. from; Imports to; Patagonians arrive in; Portuguese army to; Prisoners of war, British, number of sailors in; Prisoners of war, British, treatment in; Privateers, American, excluded from; Privateers. American, in; Privateers, British, captured by French off; Prize ships captured by French off; Ships from; Ships from Cape Francois, W. I. , to; Ships from St. Domingo, W. I. , to; Ships' sailing time; Ships to Boston, Mass. , from; Ships to Casco bay, Me. , from; Ships to Hampton. Va. , from; Ships to James river, Va. , from; Ships to Port Royal, Martinique, W. I. , from; Spanish navy, number of ships in; Spanish navy in; Spies arrested in; Statues in Bretagne, Fr. , See Charity in; Storms in Bretagne, Fr. ship, DllMr80: 22 Bretigny, Marquis de, captures ship in Savannah river. D30Oc79: 22 Brett, Capt. , PD21J168: 21 of the Sunderland, 11J145: 31 George, PI lAp77: 33 John, 10Ap46: 42, R17Ja71: 22, Pil2Ja75: 32. PilJe75: H--P2Je75s41 John, Capt. . of the Chichester, 25Ap55: 21. 26S55: 12 Robert, R26J170: 22 William, R26J170: 22 Breughon, Count, Capt. , of the Union, PD10D67: 11 Breval, [John Durant de], author, 24My51: 32 Brew, Governor, ships of captured by pirates off Africa, PD30Oc66: 21 Brew houses, at College landing, Va. , D27N79: 31 in Fredericksburg, Va. ,D13N79: 31, PDllAg74: 33--R18Ag74: 32 near Hampton, Va. ,D25D79: 21 wanted in Bethel, Va. , P10F75: 41-- D11F75:23 Brewer, Lt. , PD6Ag67: 22 Mr. , occupies land, R21N71: 31-- PD21N71: 22 Edmund, PD13F72: 33, D15Ag77: 61 Henry, PD7J168: 23 James, D1J175: 31, D10J178: 42 Philip, R25My69: 31 Sacville, D26D77: 12, D10J178: 41-- P5Je78: 11 Thomas, 9F39: 42, 3J146: 42 Thomas, Capt. , of the Prince of Wales, 5D45: 41 William, 2S37: 32 Breweries, adv. of, in Marlborough, Va. , R30My66: 42--PD18Ap66: 31. R23N69: 23 for sale, D22Ja80: 32 in Fredericksburg, Va. ,PDllAg74:33-- R18Ag74: 32, D13N79: 31 in Marlborough, Va. , R30My66: 42-- PD18Ap66: 31 in N. Y. , PD21Mr66: 23, R19F67: 22 of John Mercer, R25D66: 33 Brewers, adv. for. P10J178: 31 in Manchester, Va. . D19D77: 21 in Petersburg, Va. , P16Ag76: 32 near Yorktown, Va. , P8My78s21 adv. for employment, D25S79: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD4N73: 22 in Philadelphia, Pa. , PD10Ag69: 31-- R10Ag69: 31-32 See also Indentured servants as; 111 Brewers, See also (cont'd) Slaves as Brewery implements, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. , PDllAg74: 33 — R18Ag74:32,D10J178:41 Brewing coppers, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , R25Ag74: 33 Brewster, Mr. , composer, PD17S72: 22 John, 10Ap52: 32 Sack,D23My77: 32 Brian, Frederick, D20D76: 21 Briand, bishop of Quebec, PD15Ag66: 21 — R15Ag66s21 Briant, Hawkins, P12D77: 32 Briar creek, S. C. , skirmish near, D25S79: 12 Bribery, by British in British colonies, N. Am. , PilD74: 22, P9Je75: 31, D22Je76: 11.D4S79: 21 in Hindon, Eng. , Pi28Ap75: 22 in parliament, P23Je75sl3--D24Je75: 12 in Philadelphia, Pa. , R27J169: 23 in Salem, Mass. , R13J169: 21 letter (text) against by Sidney, R8S74: 23 opposed in Va. , P22S75: 13 recommended to change British colonial policy, D27Ja76: 13 See also Elections Brice, [Andrew], author, PD25F68: 41 Archibald, adv. plantation for sale, PD6J169: 32, RllOc70: 31, PD23Ja72: 33--R6F72: 41, R26N72: 21 Daniel, D8Ap80: 31 Edward, Pi9N75: 23--P10N75: 21 Brice galley, 1J137: 42, 30S37: 42 ship, 15J137: 42, lMr38: 32, R24N68: 21, R18Ja70: 22 Brick and stone brew houses, in Fredericksburg, Va. ,D10J178: 41 Brick and stone malt houses, in Fredericksburg, Va. , D10J178: 41 Brick buildings, in Tappahannock, Va, , P230c78: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , R2Ag70: 23 R2Ag70: 23 Brick cellars, in Hanover co. , Va. , 12D55:41 Brick churches, adv. for bids for, in Dettingen parish, Va. , 10Ap52: 31 in Bristol parish, Va. , 270c52: 12 in Christ church parish, Middlesex co. , Va. , PD26Mr72: 33 in James City co. , Va. , PD3Mr74: 32— R3Mr74: 33 in Lynnhaven parish, Princess Anne co., Va. ,R290c72:31 in Overwharton parish, Va. , 6je51: 41 in St. Paul's parish, Va. , PD7Ap74: 32— R7Ap74: 32 in Southwark parish, Va. , 18Ap51: 41 in Stafford co. , Va. , 12F62: 32 in Suffolk parish, Nansemond co. , Va. , 24Ap52: 31 Brick churches, described, bids for building adv. for, PD7My72: 32 in Alexandria, Va. , bids for building, R11D66:31 in Cameron parish, Loudoun co. , Va. , bids for building adv. for, R14Ja73: 33 in Edenton, N. C. , 150c36: 31 in Hanover co. , Va. , bids for building adv. for, R14J174: 32--PD21J174: 31 in Isle of Wight co. , Va. , R10Je73sll — PD17Je73: 33 in Loudoun co. , Va. , bids for building adv. for,R9Je74: 22 in St. Paul's parish, bids for building adv. for,R18J166:33 Brick courthouses, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD23Mr69: 31--R23Mr69: 33 Brick courthouses, described, in Buckingham co. , Va. , bids for building adv. for, D9My77: 32— P9My77: 31 in Edenton, N. C. , PD4Je67: 33 in Powhatan co. , Va. , bids for building adv. for, D90c78: 41 Brick dairies, in Charles City co. , Va. , PD1S74: 32--R1S74: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , D8Ag77: 22, P21Ag78: 31 on Chickahominy river, Va. , 19S51: 41 Brick dwelling houses, in Elizabeth City co. , Va. , PD13D70: 23— R13D70: 31 in Richmond co. , Va. , 22Ap57: 32 in Westmoreland co. , Va. , PD150c67: 22 Brick dwelling houses, described, 28Mr55:32 for sale, in Hampton, Va. , 14Ag52: 32 in Fairfax co. , Va. , PD19Mr67: 33 in Gloucester co. , Va. , PD15S68: 31 in Isle of Wight co. , Va. , R11F68: 32— PD25F68: 23 in Norfolk co. , Va. , PD21Mr66: 42 in Prince George co. , Va. , 7N51: 31 in Richmond co. , Va. , 250c65s42 in Williamsburg, Va. , R29Mr70: 22— PD5Ap70: 41 Brick fireplaces, in Portsmouth, Va. , D26S77: 31 Brick glebe houses, in Fairfax co. , Va. , bids for building adv. for, R15Ap73: 32 Brick grist windmills, in Norfolk, Va. , PDllMr73: 31, PD6Mv73: 31 Brick house, Va. , PD7Ap68: 32, P7F77: 23 Brick house, at Dudleys ferry, Va. , R22Mr70: 31 Brick house, the, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , Pi20Ap75: 32 Brick house ferry, Va. , 22My52: 32, PD14F71:32--R14F71:32, D4F75: 33, D17Je75: 33, P23Je75: 23, D30D75: 33 Brick house tavern, Va. , adv. of, PD290c72: 21, R7Ja73: 33 Brick house warehouse, Va. , unclaimed tobacco in, P25Ag75: 73 Brick houses, adv. of, in Norfolk, Va. , Pi2Mr75: 33 for rent, in Hampton, Va. , PDlJe69: 31, P16Ag76: 43 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD17D72: 32— R17D72: 31 in Yorktown, Va. , 29Ag51: 32 for sale, in Hampton, Va. , 12D55: 32, P16Ag76: 43 in Norfolk, Va. , PD80c72: 32— R80c72: 23, PD3D72: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , P28Ap75: 23 in Yorktown, Va. , 29Ag51: 32 in Elizabeth City co. , Va. , R12J170: 23--PD19J170: 41 in Fairfax co. , Va. , P10J178: 12 in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD2Je68: 23, PD21N71: 22, PD16Ap72: 32 in Hampton, Va. , 23My45: 32, 30My51: 32 in Isle of Wight co. , Va. , R27S70: 32— PD20S70: 32, PD80c72: 32, P28Mr77s23 in King and Queen co. , Va. , 10Je37: 42, PD7My67: 32 in King George co. , Va. , D14N77: 32— P14N77: 31 in King William co. , Va. , P21Ap75: 31 in Lancaster co. , Va. , P10J178: 22 in Middlesex co. , Va. , PD12Ja69: 33— R12Ja69: 32 in Nansemond co. , Va. , R2Ag70: 31 — PD16Ag70: 43 in New Kent co. , Va. , 18Ap51: 32, 16My55: 22, PD24Ja71: 32— R31Ja71:31,D19D77: 31 in Newcastle, Va. , 2My55: 22 in Norfolk, Va. , R14S69: 31 — PD14S69: 33, PD29Ap73: 31 — R29Ap73: 31 in Norfolk co. , Va. , P230c78: 23 in N. C. ,7F51:41 in Northumberland co. , Va. , PD21My72: 23 in Pasquotank co. , N. C. , PD9Ap72: 32— R23Ap72: 41 in Portsmouth, Va. , D26S77: 31 in Princess Anne co. , Va. , R8N70: 33 in Smithfield, Va. , PD9Ja72: 32 in Warwick co. , Va. , D16Ap79: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , 17N38: 42, 10Ag39: 42, PD21Mr66: 41, PD220c67: 22, PD14Ap68: 31--R14Ap68: 23, PD28Ap68: 23--R28Ap68: 31, PD130c68: 23--R270c68: 34, PD2F69: 32--R2F69: 23, PD27Ap69: 32, PD21S69: 41--R21S69s21, R2My71: 33, PD20Je71: 33, R29Ap73: 31, PD27My73: 23, PD19Ag73: 21 — R19Ag73: 22, PD23S73: 31 — R23S73: 32, P270c75: 22, P7Je76: 33, D28Mr77: 72, P18J177sll. C19Ag80: 22 in York co. , Va. , PD26D71: 32 in Yorktown, Va. , 310c45: 32, P22Ag77: 32 near Norfolk, Va. , PD5Ag73: 23, PD26Ag73: 31 on Hog island, Va. , PD80c72: 32— R80c72: 32 on Mattaponi river, Va. , PD18Mr73: 32— R18Mr73: 33, R10F74: 33 — PD3F74:32 on Pamunkey river, Va. , HAp55: 32 on Pianketank river, Va. , PD10D72: 32,R210c73: 23, P10F75: 42— D11F75: 23 sale at, in New Kent co. , Va. , PD30Oc66: 23 Brick houses, described, for rent, 5S55: 41 in Smithfield, Va. , PD6N66: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD21Ap68: 23, P21N77:31 in Yorktown, Va. , 240c51: 32, 7N54s22 for sale, 5S55: 41 in Williamsburg, Va. , D14Mr77: 61 — P14Mr77: 32 in Alexandria, Va. , R2My71: 31 in Caswell co. , N. C. , P12S77: 12 in Charles City co. , Va. , PD1S74: 32— R1S74: 33 in Fairfax co. , Va. , PD2Je74: 32 — R2Je74: 22— Pi5Ja75: 43 112 Bricks in Fredericksburg, Va. , P18Ap77s31 in Gloucester co. , Va. ,R12Mr67: 31, PD17Mr74: 31, P5S77: 33 in Halifax co. , N. C. , PD10S72: 31 in Hampton, Va. , D4S79: 22, D8Ja80: 33 in Hanover co. , Va. , P19S77: 23 in Hobb's Hole, Va. , P31Ja77: 32 in Isle of Wight co. , Va. , PD16My71: 31-- R23My71: 33, PD7N71: 31--R21N71: 33 in King and Queen co. , Va. , R18J166: 43, R4F68: 34, PD29Je69: 42, R16N69: 32, PD21D69: 11--R28D69: 12, R8F70: 32--PD15F70: 33, R5Ap70sll--PD5Ap70: 41, PD11J171: 32,R23S73:33, PD28Ja73: 31--R28Ja73: 32 in King William co. , Va. , PDUa67: 31-- R19F67: 42, PD10D67: 31, R24D67: 41, PD12My74:43 in Northumberland co. , Va. , R17N68: 31 in Richmond co. , Va. , D12Je79: 42 in Smithfield, Va. , C11D79: 21 in Spotsylvania co. , Va. , 19J154: 42 in Tappahannock, Va. , R15N70: 23-- PD22N70: 32 in Truro parish, Fairfax co. , Va. , 30J152: 32 in Warwick co. , Va. , P17Ja77: 42 in Williamsburg, Va. , R15Mr70: 41-- PD22Mr70: 41, PD11N73: 23, P9My77: 32 in Yorktown, Va. , 5Je52: 32 near Cabin Point, Va. ,D14Mr77: 12-- P21Mr77:21 near Hampton, Va. ,R16F69: 22 near Petersburg, Va. , P8D75: 33-- D9D75: 33, P16F76: 41--D17F76: 33 near Port Royal, Va. , PD15Ag66: 31 near Richmond, Va. , P5S77: 31 near Williamsburg, Va. , R29Mr70: 22-- PD5Ap70: 42 on Chickahominy river, Va. , 19S51: 41 on Mattaponi river, Va. , PD3S67: 31, D10Oc77: 21--P170c77: 11 on Pianketank river, Va. , Pi8D74: 33-- PD8D74: 31 Brick jails, in Albemarle co. , Va. , bids for building adv. for, R31Ja71: 31 in Chesterfield co. , Va. , bids for building adv. for, R6S70: 31 in Richmond co. , Va. , bids for building adv. for, R80c72: 43 in King George co. , Va. , bids for building adv. for, C25D79: 12 Brick kilns, for sale, in Portsmouth, Va. , PD18Je67: 33 in Edenton, N. C. , PD18D66: 33 near Williamsburg, Va. , R23J167: 22 Brick kitchens, in Falmouth, Va. , R7S69:32--PD7S69:32 in Norfolk co. , Va. , P230c78: 23 in Prince George co. , Va. , 7N51: 31 in Warwick co. , Va. , P17Ja77: 42 in Williamsburg, Va. , 20Je51: 32 on Mattaponi river, Va. ,D10Oc77: 21-- P170C77: 11 Brick kitchens, described, in Richmond, co. , Va. , 250c65s42 near Petersburg, Va. , P16F76: 41-- D17F76: 33 Brick magazines, bids for building adv. for, in Williamsburg, Va. , P130c75: 23 near Richmond, Va. , P30My77: 32 Brick maker, adv. for, in Williamsburg, Va. ,R22S68: 24 Brick meeting houses, in Boston, Mass. , PD80c67: 13 Brick merchant mills, in Surry co. , Va. , PD25Ag74: 32 Brick offices, in King and Queen co. , Va. , PD28Ja73: 31— R28Ja73: 32 in Middlesex co. , Va. , P16My77s31 on Mattaponi river, Va. , PD18Mr73: 32-- R18Mr73:33 Brick ordinaries, for rent, in Newcastle, Va. , 5S55: 32 for sale, at Newcastle, Va. , 5S55: 32 Brick outhouses, described, in Isle of Wight co. , Va. , PD7N71: 31-- R21N71:33 Brick ovens, in King William co. , Va. , PD170c66: 41 on James river, Va. , 27Mr52: 31 Brick prisons, in Essex co. , Va. , 28F51:41 in Gloucester co. , Va. , adv. for bids for building, PD28S69: 32 in Richmond co. , Va. , bids for building adv. for, R15Ap73: 32 in Tappahannock, Va. , bids for building adv. for, PD4Je67: 41 Brick shops, in Williamsburg, Va. , Pi60c74: 33--PD60c74: 33 Brick smokehouses, in Portsmouth, Va. ,D26S77:31 Brick stables, described, near Cabin Point, Va. ,D18F75: 32 Brick storehouses, for rent, in Norfolk, Va. , 28F55: 32 in Yorktown, Va. , 7N54s22 in Alexandria, Va. , P13S76: 33-- D14S76: 71 in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD20Ag67: 32, PD16Je74: 23, P18Ap77s31, P3Ap78: 22 in Hanover co. , Va. , D4Mr80: 13 in Richmond, Va. , PD150c72: 31-- R150c72:23 in Williamsburg, Va. , P21Ag78: 33 in Yorktown, Va. , PD2D73: 22, PD9D73: 23 Brick storehouses, described, in Richmond co. , Va. , 250c65s42 Brick stores, for rent, in Hampton, Va. , 2S57:41 in Williamsburg, Va. , 240c55: 22 in Yorktown, Va. , 9My55: 21 in Norfolk, Va. , PD4Oc70: 32-- R4Oc70: 23 in Richmond, Va. , 16Ag51: 32 in Richmond co. , Va. , 22Ap57: 32 Brick stores, described, in Hanover, Va. , PD10F74: 32--R10F74: 32 Brick taverns, described, adv. of, in Port Royal, Va. , D8My78: 82 Brick vestry houses, described, in Truro parish, Fairfax co. , Va. , bids for building, adv. for, PD31Mr74: 32--R31Mr74: 32 Brick walls, at Abingdon church, Va. , bids for building adv. for, R27Ja74: 41 at Bristol parish church, Va. , 270c52: 12 in King and Queen co. , Va. , R8F70: 32--PD15F70: 33, PD5Ap70: 41--R5Ap70sll in Middlesex co. , Va. , P18Ap77s42, P16My77s31 Brick warehouses, adv. of, in Baltimore, Md. , PD19Mr72: 31 in Gloucester co. , Va. , PD17Mr74: 31 in Norfolk, Va. , PD23Ap72: 31 in Norfolk co. , Va. , PD11J171: 32-- RlAg71: 33 in Surry co. , Va. , PD25Ag74: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , R23My71: 22 Brick workhouses, described, in Norfolk, Va. , bids for building adv. for, PD4Mr73: 32--R4Mr73: 33 Brickdale, ship, PD13J169: 32, PD12S71: 31, PD12D71: 33, PD3S72: 22, PD10S72: 23, PD10c72: 23, PD23D73: 23--R23D73: 32, PD270c74: 23 Brickell, Mr. , delegate from Va. , D15My79: 22 vestryman in Portsmouth, Va. , PD19F67: 21 John, PD2Ap67: 32, PD24D67: 32-- R24D67: 32, PD1S68: 23, R26J170: 22, R18Oc70: 22 Matthias, R2F69: 32 Thomas, Capt. , of the Charming Molly, 22S52: 32 Brickell' s ordinary, Va. , P31My76: 33, P14Je76:32 Brickerhoff, Mr. , opposes second Continental congress, P17Mr75s31-- D18Mr75:31 Bricklayers, 260c39: 42, 10Oc55: 32 adv. for,29Ag51: 32, R17D72: 31, P30Ag76: 32 in Mount Comfort, Va. , R27F72: 33 in New Kent co. , Va. , P8Mr76: 41 inWestham, Va. , PD10D72: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD8J173: 32 in Louisa co. , Va. , PD17Je73: 33 See also Convict servants as; Indentured servants as; Slaves as Bricklayers, apprentices, PD18D66: 33 runaway, from King William co. , Va. , PD2Ap67: 32 Bricklayers, journeymen, adv. for, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD6Je71: 32, PD30c71: 31, PD3Je73: 32 Bricklayer's materials, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PDllAp71: 32 Bricklayer's tools, PD26N67: 31 for sale, in Richmond co. , Va. , P24My76: 42 in Williamsburg, Va. , PDllAp66: 41, PDllAp71:32 Brickies, Thomas, HJa40: 42 Brickmakers, See Indentured servants as; Slaves as Brickner, Sgt. , land grant to, R14Ja73: 13 Bricks, bartered for corn, D160c79: 31 exported from York river, Va. , to Bermuda, 10F38: 31 for British army in Boston, Mass. , opposed, P3Mr75s22 for sale, in Fauquier co. , Va. , C3J179:31--D3J179: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD22Ja67: 33 import to Havana, Cuba, from Charleston, S. C. , prohibited, PD16My66: 21 imported to Accomac district, Va. , 113 Bricks, imported to Accomac district (cont'd) from Boston, Mass. , PD8S68p22 imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , 2Mr53:41 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , 9Ja46: 4 imported to York district, Va. , from London, Eng. , Ue39: 42, 24Ag39: 31 from New England, 17Je37: 41, Ue39: 42 seized by British in St. John's, Antigua, W. I. , D6Ap76: 21 seized from French ship, D25D79: 21 taxes on in Gt. Brit. ,D18J177: 12 Brid, Col. , of the British army, D18Ap77: 61 Briden, Grizald, 26S55: 32 John, 26S55: 32 Robert, 26S55: 32 William, 26S55: 32 Bridewell, Eng. , See Fires in Bridewell prison, London, Eng. , prisoners in, 23Mr39: 22 Bridge, Capt. , of British navy, 29Ap37: 41 of the Liberty, PD10c67: 12 Ebenezer, Pi60c74: 23 Ebenezer, jr. , Pi60c74: 22 Timothy, 140c37: 31 Bridgen, Mr. , studies importance of British-colonial trade, D8Ap75: 31 Bridgenorth, Eng. , See Corn, price of in; Fairs in; Robberies in Bridger, Col. , hid money during Bacon's rebellion, 6Ap39: 22 Miss, drowned in shipwreck, PD5Mr72: 31 James, burgess from Isle of Wight co. , Va. , PD21Ap68: 23, PD1D68: 31, PDUMy69s41, PD7S69: 23--R7S69: 31, R9N69: 11, PD5D71: 31 signs Va. Association, PD25My69: 12 James, Capt. , of the Felicity, PD10D67:31 of the Industry, RllAg68: 23 Joseph, 12D55: 22 Joseph, Col. . PD17Je73: 33 Mary, Mrs. , PD17Je73: 33 Bridges, Capt. , appointed commodore of squadron in W. I. , 23D37: 32 Mr. , brig of, P24My76: 12 raises soldier bounty funds, 19S55: 31 Charles, 10F38: 42 Henry, 5S55: 41 John, PD30My71: 23 William, of the Catherine, 25Ja40: 2 Bridges, 12S55: 32, PD23My66: 32, PD29Ja67: 33, PD16Ap67: 31, PD290c67: 22, PD7Ja68: 33, R4F68: 43, R21J168: 33, R16Mr69: 33, R23Mr69: 31.R30Mr69: 32, PD21S69: 31.R30N69: 32,R22Mr70: 31. R31My70: 32, PD21Je70: 31 — R12J170: 31, PD30Ag70: 33, PD18J171: 22, PD240c71: 31, PD26Mr72: 33--R23Ap72: 42, PD18Je72: 32, PD20Ag72: 32, R3Mr74: 41, R18Ag74: 32,D13J176: 22, P40c76sl3, D20D76: 21, DlAg77: 31, P19S77: 23, P30c77: 23, P27Mr78: 32, D13N78: 22, D5Mr79: 41, C11D79: 23 at Capitol landing, Williamsburg, Va. , PD31Mr68: 31, PD12Ag73: 31, D28Mr77: 12--P28Mr77s22 at Stono ferry, S. C. , D17J179: 31 bids for building, adv. for, in Pocahontas, Va. ,D25Mr80: 31 on Pamunkey river, Va. , D9My80: 31 over Pagan's creek, Va. , 5Je52: 32 built by Va. general assembly, 24S36:32 built in Dominica, W. I. , PD2J167: 31 built over Car r on river, Scot. , P17F75: 33 damaged in storms, PD4Ap71: 23 for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22 in Amelia co. , Va. , 8My52: 32, R8Ag66: 31, PD2Ap67: 31, PD20Ag67: 31, PD18Ap71: 33, PD290c72: 22, D27D76: 42, P17Ja77: 33, P23My77: 42, P310c77: 23, P19D77: 41, D90c78: 41, D3J179: 32 in Amsterdam, Holl. , 3Ap52: 22 in Bertie co. , N. C. , R27F72: 41 — PD13F72: 33 in Blandford, Va. , 7N54: 31 in Brunswick co. , Va. , 12Je52: 21, 7N54: 32, PD7My67: 33, R24D67: 43, R22D68: 33, PD9N69: 31, PD7D69: 41, PD10c72: 23, PD20Ja74: 32, PD7J174: 32--R30Je74: 32, PD1S74: 32--R1S74: 32, D5Je79: 32 in Caroline co. , Va. , 25Ap51: 32, 2My55: 22, 27Ag56: 41, R16Je68: 32, R130c68: 32, PD2N69: 33 — R2N69: 32, R16N69: 32, PDl9Ap70: 41— R19Ap70: 33, R31My70: 41, PD31Ja71: 33--R31Ja71: 23, PD4F73: 32--R4F73: 31,R10F74: 42, PD60c74: 32, P130c75: 32, D27Je77: 32, D30Oc78: 31, C18D79: 13, D160c79: 32 in Charles City co. , Va. , PD16My71: 33, PD23Ap72: 31, PD220c72: 31, P29My78: 42 in Charlotte co. , Va. , R27Ap69: 31, R18Oc70: 32, R23My71: 32, R24D72: 33, P29Ag77: 42 in Chesterfield co. , Va. , 4N63: 43, PD7S69: 41--R7S69: 42, R12J170: 43, R2My71: 42, Pi9Mr75: 33 — P10Mr75: 33, D7Mr77: 72 — P14Mr77sll, D28Ag79: 31 in Cumberland co. , Va. , PD9F69: 32, PD7S69: 41--R7S69: 42, PD1N70: 23, PD19My74: 43, P170c77: 43 in Delaware, P8Ag77: 32 in Dinwiddie co. , Va. , R28Mr71: 42, PD11F73: 31, D26Ag75: 33, D25J177: 41 in Edinburgh, Scot. , R190c69: 23 in Fairfax co. , Va. , R220c72: 23 in Glasgow, Scot. , PD2N69: 23 in Halifax co. , Va. ,R19F67: 32, C30Oc79: 32 in Hampshire co. , Va. , R20Ap69: 31, R15Mr70: 41, R21Mr71: 42 in Hanover, Va. , PD20Oc74s22— Pi20Oc74: 32 in Hanover co. , Va. , 12D45: 41, 14Mr51: 41, 15My52: 32, 15S52: 41, PD24D67: 33, R13J169: 33. R12J170; 22, PD15Ap73: 31--R15Ap73: 31, PD16Je74: 22, D16S75: 32, D14Mr77: 61- P21Mr77s21, P170c77: 23, D26F80: 13,D4Mr80: 13 in Henrico co. , Va. , 5D45: 42, 16My55: 22, PD150c67: 22, D8Je76: 72, D10J179: 32 in Isle of Wight co. , Va. , PD20Ag67: 31, D21S76:41 — P20S76: 32 in James City co. , Va. , 2Mr53: 42, 30N59: 42 in King and Queen co. , Va. , R11D66: 32, PD10C67: 22,R14Ap68: 31 — PD1D68: 32, R30Je68: 31, R21J168: 32, RllMy69: 43, R22Mr70: 32, PD10Je73: 23, PD26Ag73: 31 — R26Ag73: 21, R140c73: 32, D2S75: 33, Pi7S75: 32--D9S75: 32, P3My76: 33, P13D76: 32--D20D76: 22.D21F77: 12, P2My77sll, D28N77: 22, P28N77: 33, P27Mr78: 32, P160c78: 42, D30Oc78: 42, D22My79: 42 in King George co. , Va. , D12F79: 42 in King William co. , Va. , PD25F73: 32, PD17Je73: 33, PD2S73: 31, D20Je77:31— P20Je77:31 in London, Eng. , Ue39: 31, PD12My68: 13, PD1S74: 21 in Louisa co. , Va. , PD2N69: 33 — R2N69: 32, P12D77: 33, D10J178: 41 — P5Je78: 11 in Lunenburg co. , Va. , 16Ag51: 32, 28F55: 31, 4N63: 22, R27F72: 41, C15My79: 32 in Middlesex co. , Va. , 21Ag52: 31 in Nansemond co. , Va. , PD4Ag68: 23, Pu30Ag76: 33, PD9F69: 32 in New Kent co. , Va. , 21J138: 31, 240c55: 31, R11D66: 32, PD27Ag67: 31, PD18Ja70: 33— R18Ja70: 33, PD30c71: 31, PD19Mr72: 32, PDllJe72: 32, R27My73: 31, PD23S73: 31--R23S73: 33, PD5My74: 32 in Norfolk, Va. ,R15Je69: 41, PD24N68:31,D27N78: 31 in Norfolk co. , Va. , 24Ap46: 32, PD130c68: 23--R130c68: 31, R80c72: 31, PD280c73: 31, C28Ag79: 33, D25S79: 31, C13My80: 42 in N. C. ,D23Ja78:32 in Northampton co. , N. C. , PD150c72: 31 in Petersburg, Va. , P20Je77: 31 in Portsmouth, Va. , PD23Mr69: 32— R21Ap69s21-2 in Powhatan co. , Va. , D19Mr79: 32 in Prince Edward co. , Va. , Pil7N74: 33 in Providence, R. I. , PD26N67: 22 in Richmond, Eng. , R8F70: 23 in Richmond co. , Va. , 9My55: 22, PD30J172: 33 in St. Augustine, Fla. , PD23Je68: 22 in Scot. ,PD4J171: 12 in Southampton co. , Va. , 14N55: 22, PD25J166: 31, PD25Je67: 31, P13Je77: 11, D25Mr80: 32 in Spotsylvania co. , Va. , R14Ap68: 44, PD20F72: 33 — R27F72: 33, PD25N73: 23, D18My76: 23, P4Ap77: 31, P19S77: 22, Di4N77: 41 — P21N77: 33. D5D77: 22--P5D77: 33, C27N79: 21--D27N79: 22 in Suffolk, Va. , D15My79: 22 in Surry co. , Va. . PD15F70: 42. R18J171: 41, PD170c71: 23, D23Mr76: 33, P2Ag76: 31, P6S76: 33, P29My78: 31 in Sussex co. , Va. , 240c55: 22, 12D55: 41, 4N63: 23, 250c65s41, PD27N66: 32, PD23Ap67: 31, PD27Ag67: 31, PD24S67: 21, PD10D67: 32, PD7S69: 33, PD30Ag70: 31, 114 Briggs PD13D70: 31, R23Ap72: 32, PD7My72: 32, PD23J172: 32, P10Mr75: 33, P29Mr76: 33, P5Ap76: 43, P26Ap76: 22, P250c76: 31-- D1N76: 41. DllAp77: 62, P18Ap77: 32, P18J177: 33, P12S77: 32, P310c77: 13. D5D77: 31. D8My78: 62. P230c78: 32-- D6N78: 32.D18D79: 31 in Trenton, N. J. , D24Ja77: 32 in Va. , PD24Je73: 33 in Westmoreland co. , Va. , D23Ja78: 41 method of improving discussed in American philosophical society, PD11F73: 22 near Norfolk, Va. , PD18Je72: 33 near Petersburg, Va. , PD18J171: 22 near Richmond, Va. ,R19Ap70: 32, PD12N72: 23 near Williamsburg, Va. , PD2Ap67: 23 on Appomattox river, 24Ap52: 22, P14N77:31,D25Mr80:31 on Ashley river, S. C. planned, D70c75: 22 on Blackwater river, Va. , PD30J172: 33 on Chickahominy river, Va. , PD8S68: 31, P310c77: 32 on Clyde River, Scot. , PDllMy69s32, PD2N69: 23, PD20S70s41, PD16Mr69: 23 on Cooper river, S. C. planned, D70c75: 22 on Croton river, N. Y. , D29N76: 32 on Little Roanoke creek, Va. , PDllAg74: 33 on Mattaponi river, Va. , PD25Mr73: 32-- R6My73s22, PD30S73: 31-- R30S73: 32 on Nansemond river, Va. , PD26Ja69: 33, PD23Ap72: 11, PD19N72: 22 on Nottoway river, Va. , 20Je51: 41, PD15Ag71: 32, PD18Mr73: 23 — R18Mr73: 31, PD17Mr74: 32, P17Ja77:41 on Pagan creek, Va. , 24Ap52: 22 on Queen's creek, Va. , PD12Ag73: 31, PD60c74: 32 on Schuylkill river, Pa. , D14N77: 21-- P14N77: 23 on South Anna river, Va. , D25Mr80: 33 on Thames river, Eng. ,R280c73: 13 repair regulated by Va. general assembly, PD23Ap72: 11 temporary, built by British army, D9My77: 22--P9My77: 21 to Sullivan's island, S. C. , D9My77: 31 tolls in London, Eng. , R3Mr74: 13 to Staten Island, N. Y. .D4J177: 32-- P4J177: 23 See also Violin bridges; Westminster bridge Bridget, schooner, 10Oc45: 32, 23Ja46: 41 ship, 28Ja37: 42, 21Ap38: 41, 7J138: 41 Bridgetown, Barbados, See Charity in; Crops plentiful in; Fire companies formed in; Fires in; Hurricanes in; Shipwrecks in Bridgewater, duke of [Francis Egerton], author, PD21Mr66: 41, PD29Ag71: 33 Jesse, P270c75: 13 Samuel, PD20N66: 31 Thomas, R25D66: 42 Bridgewater, Eng. , petition king, R190c69: 22 See also Anecdotes from; Assaults in; Cheese, price of in; Mice, plague near; Rape in; Robberies in Bridgewater, Mass. , See Accidents in; Brass cannon manufactured in; Brass twelve pounders cast in; Iron cannon manufactured in Bridgewater, fire-ship, 6Ja38: 21 H. M. S. . 3Ap46: 12, 24Ja52: 31, 25Ap55: 12 Indiaman, PD10N74: 13 Bridgham, Ebenezer, PD23Je74: 12 Bridgman, Orlando, Sir,2S37:31, 16S37: 31, 130c38: 32, 31Ag39: 32 author, C19Ag80: 21 Bridle reins, exported from York district, Va. , to London, Eng. , 9S37: 42 Bridles, borrowed, P18Ap77: 31 boycotted in Providence, R. I. , PD21Ja68: 31 for sale, in Cabin Point, Va. , D3F76:33--P2F76s23 in Gloucester co. , Va. , P19Ap76sll-- D20Ap76: 33 in King and Queen co. , Va. , PD28N71: 31 in Norfolk, Va. , PD10D72: 23 in Smithfield, Va. ,D21F77: 22-- P28F77s22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD25J171: 23, P10My76: 43--DllMy76: 23, D12F80: 32 found, adv. of, Pil6D75: 32 in Halifax co. , Va. , D8My79: 31 found, in Albemarle co. , Va. , 9My55: 21 in Williamsburg, Va. , D6N78: 32 lost, adv. for, R23Mr69: 32, P6Mr78: 42 prizes for horse racing, 7D39: 41, 14D39: 31, 14D39: 32, HJa40: 41 seized from French ship, 27Mr46: 41 stolen, R5Ja69: 33 by slaves, PD3S72: 23, D2D75: 33 in Berks co. , Pa. , P10N75: 43 in Charlotte co. , Va. , D17J178: 42 in Cumberland co. , Pa. , P28Ap75: 31 in King and Queen co. . Va. . 14D39: 41 in Newcastle, Va. , Pi29D74: 33-- D21 Ja75: 32 in N. C. , 3J146: 32 in Prince George co. , Md. , D29N76: 42 in Williamsburg, Va. , 29S52: 32, 23My55: 22 near Osborne's warehouse, Va. , D12Je79: 41--CD3J179: 42 taken by convict servants, 27F52: 32, PD19N72: 31 by indentured servants, 310c51: 31, R2My71:31,D23S75: 33 by slaves, R12Mr67: 33 Virginia made, 10Ja52: 41 Bridles, chaise, for sale, in Yorktown, Va. , PD25F68: 31-- R25F68:31 Bridles, curb, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , D10J178: 21--P10J178: 33 in Yorktown, Va. , PD25F68- 31-- R25F68. 31 Bridles, half check, for sale, in Yorktown, Va. . PD25F68- 31-- R25F68: 31 Bridles, half curb, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 Bridles, pelham, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. . PD25J166: 23 Bridles, snaffle, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. . D10J178. 21-- P10J178. 33 in Yorktown, Va. , PD25F68. 31-- R25F68:31 stolen, in Dinwiddie co. , Va. , PD14My72: 31 Bridles, Weymouth, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 Bridport, Dorsetshire, Eng. , See Provisions, salt, to N. Y. , from Brien, Morto, D20J176: 42, P26J176: 32-- D29J176: 52, D8Ag77: 32--P8Ag77: 31, C28Ag79: 42, C13My80: 31 Thomas, C11D79: 13 Brier creek, Ga. , battle at described, D9Ap79: 12,D9Ap79: 21 skirmish near,D2Ap79: 22,D9Ap79: 21 Brig, for sale, in Leonards Town, Md. , 7N45: 41 Brigantine beach, N. J. , See British transports stranded on; Shipwrecks on Brigantines, for charter, PD7Ja68: 41, PD18F68:32 in Norfolk, Va. , PD24Ag69: 33, PD7S69: 41 for sale, in Belhaven, Va. , 3N52: 21 in Gosport, Va. , PD7S69: 41 in Leonards Town, Md. , 7N45: 41 in Norfolk, Va. , 2Mr53: 42, PD12Ja69: 32 in Yorktown, Va. . 19J154: 41 Briganza, ship, 22S52: 31 Brigdale, brig, R14S69: 22 Brigen, Mr. , requests trade relief for colonies, PD21Mr66: 31 Brigentine, Isaac, PllAp77: 31 Brigg, Charles, R19F67: 23 Howell, Capt. , R31My70: 32 Briggs, Capt. , HAp51: 32 Mr. , exchange for British prisoner proposed, D7Mr77: 61 Charles, PD2S73: 23--R2S73: 32 David, PD20Ag72: 23 adv. merchandise for sale, PD26D71: 31, PD9D73: 21,R16D73:41 guilty of Toryism, P20D76: 11 letter to in post office, PD29Ja67: 13 storekeeper at Falmouth, Va. , PD6My73: 22--R6My73: 31 of King George co. , Va. , RlAg71: 12 Dolly Pleasants, P18Ap77sl2 Gray, 250c65s43, P18Ap77sl2 adv. circumstances of land sale, P16My77: 13 adv. land for sale, PD22Ag76: 31, PD25Ap71: 32, PD80c72: 32, PD12N72: 22, PD11F73: 31, PD8Ap73: 23 adv. slaves for sale, PD8Mr70: 33, PD28Mr71: 32 agent for William Evans, PD9D73: 21 attorney, PD11F73: 31 burgess from Sussex co. , Va. , 19D55: 22 collector for Turnbull & Thornton, 4N63. 22 directs lottery, PD28Ap68: 31-- R28Ap68: 31, PD21S69. 32 holds bonds illegally. PllAp77: 22 115 Briggs, Gray (cont'd) land of, D26Ag75: 32--P25Ag75: 81 — Pi31Ag75: 32 slave of,D25Mr80: 32 Henry, Capt. , P28F77s23 James, PD9Je68: 23--R9Je68: 34 adv. estate for sale, PD29Ag66: 31 — R5S66: 42 adv. for missing horse, PD21D69: 33 announces departure, R25D66: 43 bond of, PDllAg68: 23 complains against mill in Falmouth, Va. , PD14My67: 22 disavows bonds, PD4Je67: 33 letter of in post office, 14Ag52: 31 James, Capt. , PD30J167: 41 of the Brothers, PD20Ap69: 22— R20Ap69: 23 of the John, 16My55: 21 John, PD26F67: 32 adv. for runaway slaves, 21F51: 41, 21Ag52: 31 convict servant of, R22S68: 34 death of, 14Ag79: 31 of Falmouth, Va. , PD2Ap67: 22 settlement of estate of, PD29Ag66: 31 — R5S66: 42. P18D66: 31, R25D66: 43, C13My80: 42 John, Capt. , of the Grampus, 10F38: 31, 21J138: 32, 25Ag38: 32, 3N38: 61, 12Ja39: 42, 6Ap39: 31, 22Je39: 31, 24Ag39: 3, 28S39: 41, 2N39: 3, 25Ja40: 3, 25Ja40: 4 of the John and Mary, 15J137: 42 of the Sarah, 31D36: 42 Joseph, PD4Je67: 33, PllAg68: 23 Robert, PD9Je74: 31, PD24N74: 23 William, PD10D67: 32 Bright, Francis, P12S77: 31, P12S77: 33, C13My80: 42 Francis, Capt. , of the Molly, PD23D73: 23, PD10Mr74: 31 of the Northampton, P2My77sl2, P25J177:42,P15Ag77:22 Jacob, PilD74: 21 Michael, Pi29D74: 23 Robert, R28J174: 31, Pi26Ja75: 23— D28Ja75: 23,D4F75: 33, P1D75: 12— D2D75:32,P29D75:31 Brightelmston, Eng. , See Ships from N. Y. , to; Storms in Brightland, [John], author, PD18J171: 33, PD25J171: 43, PDlAg71: 43, PD8Ag71: 43, PD10Je73: 32, D25N75: 21, D30D75: 13, D2Mr76: 42, D9Mr76: 42 Brightwell, Thomas, P23Ag76: 43 Brigstock, Capt. , of the Bristol Packet, PD7Mr66: 43 Brillante, man of war, PD15Ja67: 12 Spanish ship, D[250c ? J76: 52 Brilliant, horse, R220c72: 22, DlAp80: 32 man of war, PD12N72: 11 privateer, D29Ja80: 21 ship, PDllAp66: 33, Rl 1D66: 23, PD30Je68: 23, PD7J168: 22, PD7J168: 31, PD22S68: 23, PD18My69: 31, PD29Je69: 31, PD6J169: 32, PD10Ag69: 32, PD17Ag69: 22--R17Ag69: 23, PD21S69: 23, PD23N69: 31 — R23N69: 22, PD7D69: 31--R7D69: 11, R14D69: 23. PD28D69: 31, R8F70: 23, PD24My70: 23, PD7Je70: 31 — R7Je70:31,PD7Je70:31 — R14Je70: 33, PD17Ja71: 23, PD23My71: 22, PDlAg71: 21, PD30Ja72: 32, PD220c72: 21, PD31D72: 32, PD18N73: 21 — R18N73: 23, PD6Ja74: 32, PD5My74: 31, PD12My74: 42— R12My74: 32, PD19My74pll — R19My74: 43, PD19My74: 42— Rl9My74: 23, PD7J174: 32, D11F75: 23, P5My75s43,DH10Je75: 33, P30Je75sl2 Brim, Richard, D12Mr79: 32 Brimer, Mr. , arrives in N. Y. , R9S73: 32 of Boston, Mass. , P5Ja76(5)sl2— Pi6Ja76: 22 Brimhead, William, 7N55: 22 Brimmer, Martin, D6J176: 12 Brimmer, horse, D18Mr80: 33 Brims, Nansemond co. , Va. , mortgaged, 7N45: 32 Brimstone, for sale, in Blandford, Va. , D13N78: 11 in Fredericksburg, Va. , D26Mr79: 22 in Newcastle, Va. , PD19N72: 22 in Norfolk, Va. , PP25J166: 23 in Petersburg, Va. , PD1 J173: 32, PD30D73: 31, PD14J174: 32 in Princess Anne co. , Va. , P23My77: 32 in Richmond, Va. , PD10S72: 23, PD17Je73: 33— R17Je73s23 in Smithfield, Va. ,D21F77: 22 — P28F77s22 in Williamsburg, Va. , 24My51: 32, 10Ap52: 31, 22My52: 32, PD18Je67: 33, PD270c68: 32— R270c68: 22, PD13Ap69: 32— R13Ap69: 32, PD28S69: 31, PDllAp71: 32, PD2J172: 32, PD290c72: 22— R290c72: 22, PD10Je73: 22, PD11N73:22, PD1S74: 32, PD29S74:32,DlMy79:22 importation to Boston, Mass. allowed, PD24Ag69: 21 imported to Baltimore, Md. from Martinique, W. I. , D29N76: 32 imported to Providence, R. I. , from W. I. , D29J176: 22 imported to Salem, Mass. , from Guadeloupe, W. I. , D10Ag76: 61, D24Ag76: 22 Brimstone, flowers of, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , 12F62: 41 in Richmond, Va. , 5S55: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , R3N68: 33— PD10N68: 22, R21S69s21 — PD21S69: 41 Brimstone, roll, for sale, in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , 30N59: 32 Brinckle, John, D20D76: 21 Brindley, James, arrives from Gt. Brit. , PD7J174: 31— R7J174: 23 Brindly, Mr. , to Eng. , from Halifax, N. S. ,D13J176:61 Brine, Capt. , of the Nancy, PD130c68: 12 Bringhurst, James, R17Mr74: 23 Brinham, Joseph, P27Mr78: 41 Brinker, Henry, 5S55: 42 Brinkley, Peter, 12D55: 41 Brinkwell's purging elixir of peppermint, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD9Je74: 32— R9Je74: 21 Brinley, George, PD23Je74: 12 Thomas, PD23Je74: 12 Brinn, Richard, P19S77: 12 Brinston, John, P18J177sl2 Brintnell, sloop, PD220c72: 13 Brisbane, Capt. , of the Flora, D8Je76: 31,D8N76: 12 Mr. , PD24Ag69: 32 Edward, 4N63: 43 adv. for runaway slaves, PD22J173: 33, PDllAg74:33 adv. lots in Petersburg, Va. , PD60c68: 23 adv. merchandise for sale, PD60c68: 23, PD7Ap74: 32 adv. unclaimed merchandise, PD26N72: 22, PD31D72: 32 agent for George Pagan & co. , PD28J168: 23 announces departure, PDllJe67: 33, PD9je74: 31 appointed to committee of trade, R26N72: 21 attorney for Alexander Spiers, PD13J169: 32 plans for conquest of U. S. , D13N79: 12 subscriber to meeting of merchants, PD30Je74: 23 Brisbrown, Capt. John, of the Martha, PD23S70: 23 Brisco, ship, PD8Mr70: 21, PD22S74: 32 Briscoe, Daniel, D6My75: 22, D10J178: 21 Reuben, P22S7 5: 11 Brishane, Capt. , of the George, 7Mr51:31 Brissel, Trail, Pi28Ap75s21 — D29Ap75s32 Brisson, ship, R24Je73: 22 Bristol, Eng. , addresses the Princess Amelia, 24N52: 21 addresses George in, PDllMy69s23, D13Ja76: 13 assizes, PD16J172: 31 elections in, Pi5Ja75: 22 instructs M. P. 's on colonial affairs, PD25My69: 31 insurrections feared in, Pi28S75: 22 — P29S75: 12 invites Prince of Wales to visit, 19Ja39: 41 petitions king, PD28Mr66: 32, R21S69: 22, PD7D69: 21--R7D69: 21, R15Mr70: 22, PD5Ap70: 12— R5Ap70: 12, Pi28S75: 22 political celebration in, PD9Je68: 21 — R9Je68: 24 receives Prince of Wales, 2F39: 11, 2F39: 32,2Mr39:31 streets, PD10S72: 23 See also Anecdotes from; Arson in; Assaults in; Bankruptcies in; Bread scarce in; British colonial policy criticized in; British colonies, N. Am. , supported in; British ministry opposed in; British transports to British colonies, N. Am. , from; Censorship in; Charity in; Convict servants from; Convict servants imported to Md. from; Convicts imported to; Criminals in; Distemper in; Drownings in; Duck, sail, returned to; Duels near; Emigration from; Executions failed in; Exports from; Exports 116 British army from Charleston, S. C. , to; Exports from Conn. , to; Exports from James river, upper district, Va. , to; Exports from New England to; Exports from Pensacola, Fla. , to; Exports from Rappahannock district, Va. , to; Exports from Tobago, W. I. , to; Exports from Va. , to; Exports from York district, Va. , to; Fires in; Floods in; Glass manufacturers in; Imports to; Imports to Boston, Mass. , from; Imports to James river, Va. , from; Imports to James river, lower district, Va. , from; Imports to James river, upper district, Va. , from; Imports to N. Y. , from; Imports to Va. , from; Imports to York district, Va. , from; Indentured servants from; Indentured servants imported to Annapolis, Md. , from; Indentured servants imported to Va. from; Insurance on money in; Jews arrested in; Kidnappers of indentured servants in; Manufacturers in; Manufacturers ordered in; Merchandise returned from; Merchants in; Miners' insurrec- tion in; Murders in; Muskets, export from; Parliament, instructions from constituents in; Prisoners of war, American, in; Privateers, American, near; Privateers, British in; Quakers in; Riots in; Robberies in; Schools, charity in; Ships from; Ships from Boston, Mass. , to; Ships from Cape Fear, N. C. , to; Ships from Cumberland landing, Va. , to; Ships from Dansie's wharf, Va. , to; Ships from Hampton, Va. , to; Ships from Jamaica, W. I. , to; Ships from James river, Va. , to; Ships from Kingston, Jamaica, W. I. , to; Ships from Malaga, Sp. , to; Ships from Md. , to; Ships from N. Y. , to; Ships from N. C. to; Ships from Pamunkey river, Va. , to; Ships from Philadelphia, Pa. , to; Ships from Quebec, Can. , to; Ships from Rappahannock district, Va. , to; Ships from Va. , to; Ships from York district, Va. , to; Ships in; Ships' sailing time; Ships' sailing time, Cork, Ire., to; Ships to; Ships to Af. , from; Ships to Annapolis, Md. , from; Ships to Boston, Mass., from; Ships to Charleston, S. C. , from; Ships to Chesapeake bay from; Ships to Halifax, N. S. , from; Ships to Hampton roads, Va. , from; Ships to Jamaica, W. I. , from; Ships to James river, Va. , from; Ships to Md. , from; Ships to Nansemond river, Va. , from; Ships to Nevis, W. I. , from; Ships to N. Y. , from; Ships to Philadelphia, Pa. , from; Ships to Rappahannock district, Va. , from; Ships to Va. from; Ships to Williamsburg, Va. , from; Ships to York district, Va. , from; Ships to York river, Va. , from; Shipwrecks near; Slaves imported to York district, Va. , from; Snuff seized in; Sodomy in; Stealings in; Storms in; Strikes in; Sugar import to; Suicides in; Tarring and feathering in; Tobacco, price of in; Trade, British-American, importance to; Travel, notices of departure to; Unemployment in; Wheat plentiful in Bristol, N. J. , See British army from Philadelphia, Pa., to; Continental army in; Prisoners of war, American taken in Bristol, Pa. , troops, equipment for, P16Je75s21 Bristol, R. I. , bombarding of, Pi260c75: 31, P3N75: 22--D4N75: 23, Pi9N75: 12, Pi9N75: 22 burned by British, P19Je78: 22 See also Assaults in; British navy from Newport, R. I. , to; Churches in; Ferries in; Linen spun in; Livestock assembled in; Livestock seized by British in; Militia of; Schools in; Sheep demanded of; Shops in; Shipwrecks in; Stables in Bristol, British ship, 25Ja40: 2 H. M. S. , 14Ag46: 12, 24Ja52: 22, D10F76: 22,D10F76: 23,D30Mr76: 12, P12J176sl2, P13J176: 12,D13J176: 71, P9Ag76:33,D24Ag76: 71.D14S76: 41, D30My77: 12, P7N77: 12, P21N77: 21, D12F80: 21,D25Mr80: 22 ship, PD2My66: 21, PD16My66: 23, PD23My66: 31, PD8Ja67: 31, PD130c68: 22--R130c68: 23, PD20Oc68: 23, PD270c68: 32-- R270c68: 22, PD12Ja69: 41, PD23F69: 21,R23F69: 22, PD23F69: 33, PD4My69: 33, R190c69: 33, R18Ja70: 31, D24Ag76:32,D14S76: 41 Bristol borough, Pa., See Taxes Bristol buttons, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. ,PD24Ja71:31 in Gloucester, Va. , P19Ap76sll-- D20Ap76: 33 Bristol channel, Eng. , See Shipwrecks in; Shipwrecks plundered in Bristol company, King George co. , Va. , iron works of, 18Mr37: 42 Bristol dialect, spoken by convict servants, RlAg71: 32 Bristol ferry, R. I. , PH4S75: 12, D4D78: 21 Bristol gazette, quotation from, D13Ja76: 31 Bristol journal, extract from PD220c67: 11 Bristol mines, Va. , 18Ap45: 42 Bristol Packet, brig, PD7Mr66: 43 Bristol parish, Va. , bids for building addition to church, 270c52: 12 contributes to sufferers in Montreal, Can., fire, PD9Mr69: 33--R9Mr69: 23 See also Churchwardens in; Glebe land, for sale in Bristol parish church, Va. , See Brick walls in Bristol sleeve buttons, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD18Ap66: 32 Bristol store, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD10S36: 42 Bristol studs, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. ,PD24Ja71:31 Bristor, M. , adv. estate for sale, D17Ag76: 22 William, estate of for sale, D17Ag76: 22 Bristow, Squire, slave of, D12Mr79: 32 Benjamin, Pi23F75: 33 Robert, 10Ja52: 41, PD80c67: 22, PD3D67: 31,R4Ag68: 31,D26F80: 31 Bristwo, James, PD14N71: 23 Britain, Corp. ,D31Ag76: 31 Britannia, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. ,D26Mr79: 22 in Petersburg. Va. ,D18Ap77: 71-- P18Ap77s42, P21Ag78: 42 in Suffolk, Va. ,D10J178: 32, P21Ag78: 11 Britannia, brigantine, PD16My71: 31-- R23My71:41 H. M. S. , 1J137: 41, 11F37: 22, 24Ja52: 22, PD10S67: 12, PD22N70: 21, PD17S72: 12, PD26Ag73: 13, PD9S73: 21--R9S73: 12, R16D73: 21, PD2D73s22, D12Mr79: 22, C28Ag79: 12 H. M. sloop of war, 5S51: 22 horse, PD1N70: 22, R220c72: 22 privateer brig, D12F80: 21 schooner, PD10S67: 21, R20Ja74: 33, PD10Mr74: 31, D13J176: 61, 6F52: 31 ship, 15S52: 21, PD30Ap67: 31, PD7My67: 22, PD7My67: 23, PDllJe67: 32, PD9J167: 32, PD290c67: 21, PD8Je69: 13, PD14J168: 21--R14J168: 21, PD23Mr69: 31, R7S69: 12, PD25Ap71: 21, PD23My71: 22, R170c71: 22, PD22Ap73: 31, R10Je73: 41, R1J173: 31, PD20Ja74: 23, PD3F74: 21, PD10F74: 23, PD8D74s22, Pil5D74: 23, P10Mr75sll, P10Mr75sl2, Pil6Mr75: 23-- P17Mr75: 32--D18Mr75: 13, P15Ag77sl2 sloop, 10D36: 41 snow, PD10Ag69: 23, PD27My73: 22, PD23D73: 22 transport, D29J176: 12 Britannia china, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. ,D15N76: 22 Britannia Fire co. , Philadelphia, Pa. , donates fire engine, PD23N69: 21 Britannicus, horse, PD290c67: 21 pseud. , 7Ap38: 21, 23Mr39: 31, PD15F70: 12 Britannophilus, pseud. , PilJe75: 13 Britannus Americanus, pseud. , PD10c67: 12 Britanny, Fr. , petitions against tax, 20Je51: 21 See also Canals in; Diseases in Britigny, Marquis de, recommended to command French corps in S. C. , D12Je79: 21 British ambassadors, entertain in Paris, Fr. ,PD17S67: 11 British American, No. IV, reprinted, R16Je74: 21 No. V, reprinted, R30Je74: 11 No. VI, reprinted, R7J174: 12 No. VII, reprinted, R21J174: 11 No. VTJI, reprinted, R21J174: 11 No. K, reprinted, R28J174: 11 British American, pseud. , PD13Ap69: 11-- R13Ap69: ll,R4My69: 12, PD4My69: 32--R4My69: 21,D17F76: 13 British armed ships, from Boston, Mass. , to Machias, Me. , Pi24Ag75: 32 British army, adv. for transports, PD12Mr72: 13 American regiments mobilized, R31Mr74: 12 117 British army (cont'd) appoints commander of land forces, 20Je45: 31 appropriations for Braddock's expedition, 28Mr55: 21 arms for, 3Ap46: 32, 26S55: 22, PD9J167: 22, PD25Ag68: 21, PD6J169: ll,PD2Ap72: 13 at Lake George, N. Y. , 240c55: 11 in Boston, Mass. , PD270c74: 22, PU5D74: 21--PD15D74: 21, D2D75: 22, P5Ja76: 32 in British colonies, N. Am. , 19S55: 31, 12D55: 21, PD30Ap67: 22, PD8D74s22, D9D75: 12,D30Mr76: 21,D22Je76: 21 in Halifax, N. S. , PD18Je67: 21 in Jamaica, W. I. , PDllN73sl3— RllN73sl3 in N. S. ,11J145:41 in Quebec, Can. ,D18N75: 21, D30Mr76: 31, D2My77: 22 in Scot. , 7N45: 22 in Va. ,D30S75: 11, PU6D75: 31 See also Ammunition; ArtilleVy for; Bullets; Cannon for; Carriages, cannon, for; Eighteen pounders; Fieldpieces; Gunpowder for; Mortars; Ordnance for arrives at Tinnie's point, Va. , D15My79: 22 in Boston, Mass. , R28J174: 33 in Charlestown, Mass. , P1S75: 12 in Crown point, N. Y. , P18J177: 21 in Fort Pitt, PD9Je68: 22--R9Je68: 24 in Gloucester co. , Va. , Pil3J175: 33 in Norwalk, Conn. , D8Ag77: 11 in Portsmouth, Eng. , from N. Y. , PD19N67: 13 in Quebec, Can. , P31My76: 21— DUe76: 21 in St. Vincent, W. I. , R26N72: 21, PD3D72: 12 in South Kingston, R. I. , D18J177: 22 in Va. , 7Mr55: 31, 14Mr55: 32, 21Mr55: 32 near Peekskill, N. Y. , D19Je79: 22 near Wilmington, N. C. , P31My76: 22 on Elk river, Md. , D5S77: 22, P5S77: 22 at Dobb's ferry, N. Y. , D29N76: 31 — P29N76: 13, C3J179: 22--D3J179: 21 at Mount Mifflin, N. Y. , number of, D5S77: 21 at Nicholas's hill, Pa. , P26S77: 13 at Sandy hook, N. J. , P19J176: 21 — D20J176: 12, P250c76: 21 at Somerset courthouse, N. J. , number of, D27Je77: 22, P27Je77: 22 at Stono ferry, S. C. , C3J179: 22 — D3J179: 12 at Verplanck's point, N. Y. , number of, C3J179: 22--D3J179: 21 atrocities by, D25My76: 33 in Boston, Mass. ,D140c75: 22, P10My76: 21--DllMy76: 32 in N. J. , D31Ja77: 62, P14F77: 13, P28F77s21,D7Mr77: 71, P14Mr77: 23, D14Mr77: 31--P14Mr77: 22, P21Mr77sl2 attack in N.J. threatened, D14Mr77: 31 attempt robbery, in Isle of Wight co. , Va. ,D3F76: 32 attitude toward Continental army, P30Ag76: 21--D31Ag76: 12 attitude toward king discussed, R8Mr70s22 attitude toward service in America, P21Je76: 13 bounties for enlistments, P17N75: 22 — D18N75: 21, P17My76: 22--D18My76: 31 in Hamburg, Ger. ,D250c76: 11 in Ire. , D2D75: 21, D16D75: 32, D23D75: 13.D23D75: 21 in Mass. , Pi2F75: 23 bounties for soldiers in, PD18Ap71: 13 burn courthouse in Concord, Mass. , Pi28Ap75s22--D29Ap75s32 camps at Horn's Hook, N. Y. , D40c76: 32 in Eng. , 14S39: 12 in Hanover, Va. , 10S36: 32 in Ire. , 28Ag46: 21 in London, Eng. , PD21Je70: 12 on Boston common, R7J174: 31, PD28J174: 22, PDllAg74: 22 on Black Heath, Eng. , 16N39: 32 on Staten island, N. Y. ,D20J176: 21 campaign plans of, P28F77: 21, PllAp77s22, P11J177: 33, P12D77: 12 campaigns satirized, 2My51: 12 captures Fr. provisions, 26S55: 21 casualties brought to Eng. ,D16Mr76: 22 casualties in, D2My77: 61 in U. S. , D5Mr79: 22 characterized, D7N77: 12 church attendance in discussed, 17N52: 21 colonial troops receive land, PD11F68:22--R11F68: 24 commissions solicited, R19Ap70: 21 companies increased, P3Ap78: 12 condition of, 30c55: 11 in Can. ,D180c76: 12--P180c76: 21 on Elk river, Md. ,D12S77: 11 — P12S77: 21 conduct of, 60c38: 32 cost of, PDllMy69: 21— RllMy69: 21, P20D76: 12 courage discussed, D4Ap77: 11, PlMy78: 21 cowardice of, D7Mr77: 22, D15Ag77: 61 — P15Ag77: 22 credit for soldiers forbidden in Va. , 18J146: 42 crosses Brunswick river, N.J. , P13D76: 22 crosses Schuylkill river, Pa. , P30c77: 21 cruelty criticized, P31Ja77: 23, P20Je77: 23,D5Mr79:31 cruelty in Conn. ,D8Ja80: 22 in Fort Edward, N. Y. , P15Ag77: 21 — D22Ag77: 12 in Md. , P30c77: 13 in N. J. , P31Ja77: 23, D25J177: 22— P25J177: 21,D30Oc78: 22 — P30Oc78: 32 in N. Y. , D29Ag77: 21--P29Ag77: 21, D5S77: 12--P5S77: 21, D30c77: 21, D310c77: 12, P310c77: 23, D16Ap79: 12 near [Perth] Amboy, N. J. , D18J177: 31 delinquency of officer in, 30N59: 11 deserters from, D29J176: 22, P2My77s22, D160c78:31 at Fort Oswego, N. Y. , 24Ap52: 21 at King's ferry, N. Y. . C3J179: 22— D3J179: 21 capture paid for, P26S77: 12 in Beaufort, S. C. , D5Mr79: 32 in Boston, Mass. , PD1D68: 22, PD28J174: 22, PD4Ag74: 22 — R4Ag74: 31, PD18Ag74: 21, PD22S74: 21, R22S74: 23, PD130c74: 31, PD20Oc74: 22, Pil7N74: 23, PD8D74: 21--Pi8D74: 22, Pil9Ja75: 23. D25F75: 23, Pi4My75: 23, P9Je75sl2. Pi24Ag75: 33, P1S75: 12, D16S75: 21, D30S75: 22, Pi28S75: 31--P29S75: 23— D30S75: 23, Pil90c75: 23, D210c75: 23, Pi260c75: 22, Pi260c75: 23, P270c75s22, P29D75s21, P2F76sll — D3F76: 31--Pi3F76: 21, D29J176: 22 in British colonies, N. Am. , 9My55: 21 in Can. , P30Ag76: 22--D31Ag76: 22, D180C76: 12--P180c76: 21, D11J177: 12--P11J177:32 in Cork, Ire. . P16F76: 12— D17F76: 22,D10Ag76: 12 in Cumberland co. , N. S. , D250c76: 22 in Elizabethtown, N. J. , D31Ja77: 61 in Fairfield, Conn. ,D7Ag79: 22 in Fr. , 240c55: 11, PD9Je74: 13 in Ga. , D18J177: 22— P18J177: 21. D24Ap79: 22, D22My79: 21 in Halifax, N. S. . D29N76: 11 in Horseneck, Conn. , D2Ap79: 21 in Ire. ,D16Mr76: 31 in Kingsbridge, N. Y. , D5S77: 21, P26S77: 12, P230c78: 22 in Long island, N. Y. , D14S76: 51 in Md. , D12S77: 22— P12S77: 23 in Mass. , D26Ag75: 23, P19Ap76pl3 in [New] Brunswick, N. J. , PllAp77sll in N. J. , P4Ap77: 22, P13Je77: 31, P20Je77:23,DllJ177: 11 — P11J177: 22, D10J178: 12, D11J177: 21 — P11J177:23,D17J178:22 in N. Y. , PD8S68: 22, D31Ag76: 22, D8N76: 21 — P8N76: 21, P8N76: 23, D22N76: 22--P22N76: 23, D29N76: 22 — P29N76: 12, P29N76: 21, P240c77: 23, P21Ag78: 22 in N. C. , P26J176: 23 in Pa. ,D26D77: 11, P6Mr78: 21, P12Je78: 21, P19Je78: 22, P10J178: 11 in Quebec, Can. , P19Ap76pl2 in R. I. , D18J177: 22, C3J179: 21 in Scot. , 3Ap46: 41, P12J176: 23 in S. C. , D24Ag76: 32, D8Ap80: 23 in Va. , 17Ap46: 41, 5S55: 31, 26S55: 31, 310c55: 21,Pil3D75: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , 31J146: 42, 14Ag46: 31 join Americans, D3Je75: 23 Margate prison, London, Eng. , 28Ag52: 22 near Charleston, S. C. .D3J179: 12 near Fort Schuyler, N. Y. , D12S77:21 — P12S77: 22 near Peekskill, N. Y. , D19Je79: 22 near Piscataway, N. J. , P30My77: 31 near Quibletown, N. J. , D28F77: 31 — P28F77sl2 near Ticonderoga, N. Y. , P6S76: 22— D7S76: 11 offered pardons in Ire. , Pi30N75: 12 on Bunker Hill, Mass. , D23S75: 23, D20Ja76: 22 on Elk river, Md. ,D12S77: 11 — P12S77: 21. D12S77: 21 — P12S77: 23 on R. I. , D20Je77: 12, DlAg77: 12— PlAg77:21,D8Ag77: 11 on Staten island. N. Y. . D160c78: 31, D12F80: 22 118 British army regulated by Va. general assembly, 18J146:42 shot in Mass. , PD60c74: 31 treatment discussed, D12Je79: 31 desertion encouraged by colonies, PD22D74: 21 feared in British colonies, N. Am. , PD8D74s22 in colonies punished, D7Mr77: 61 prevented by Indians in Ga. , D22My79: 21 prevented in Boston, Mass. , PDllAg74: 22 difficulties of in U. S. , P19S77: 21 disagreements with Hessians, D25J177: 22--P25J177: 21 discharge policy in, D30Mr76: 21 discipline in, 8D52: 21, 18Ap55: 21, PD10S67: 13 discontent in, P14Je76: 21 discussed in parliament, PD18Mr73: 11-- R25Mr73: 13 drafting for,D280c75: 31, P17My76: 22-- D18My76: 31 American expedition, 28F55: 22, P21Je76: 11 in Basseterre, W. I. , DlAp80: 21, D29Ja80: 22 in Boston, Mass. , D1J175: 23 in Ire. ,D110c76:42 in Scot. , P29My78: 21 in U.S. .P25J177: 22 in Va. , Pi23N75: 21--P24N75: 21-- D25N75: 31 driven into Quebec, Can. , by Canadians, P6Mr78: 21 driven to Brooklyn, N. Y. , D14F77: 12-- P14F77: 22 enlistments in, D280c75: 21 for Boston, Mass. ,D25N75: 22 in Ire. , D12Ag75: 22, D2D75: 12 increase, D4F75: 21 requested, 19D45: 32, PD14S69: 23 evacuates Bahama islands, W. I. , R60c68: 21 expected in Carlisle, Pa. , 5S55: 31 in Va. , P29Mr76: 22 extends from Del. to Schuylkill river, Pa. ,P21N77: 21 financing by N. Y. requested, PD5Mr72:22,DllJ177: 22 financing discussed, PDlS74s22-- R1S74: 21,D17F76:23,P10J178: 11, D12F79:21 foreign garrisons relieved, PD27Ag67: 21 foreign service shortened, PD7My72: 12 foreign troops in, 10Ap46: 31, P3My76: 21- D4My76: 31 from Bengal, Ind. to Poonah, Ind. , D8Ja80: 12 from Boston, Mass. , P17Mr75s21-- D18Mr75: 23, Pi260c75: 31-- D280C75: 32 to Cambridge, Mass. ,Pi29S74: 32 to Cockspur island, Ga. ,D6Ap76: 21 to Eng. , Pil6N75: 31--P17N75: 31-- D18N75: 22.D2D75: 11 to Halifax, N. S. , PD6J169: 31, PD13J169: 22, PD3Ag69: 22, PD17Ag69: 13, Pi2N75: 32-- P3N75: 23, Pi9N75: 31, PilOJa76: 21-- P12Ja76: 22--D13Ja76: 22 to Marshfield, Mass. , P17F75: 33, D18F75:23 to N. Y. rumored, P1S75: 22-- D2S75: 32,D70c75:31 to Newport, R. I. rumored, Pil9Ja75:23 to N. S. , 27Je51: 31, PD24Ag69: 21 to Philadelphia, Pa. , proposed, D17Je75s21 to Portsmouth, N. H. , D28Ja75: 21 to Quebec, Can., rumored, D70c75: 31 to R. I. , PilOJa76: 21--P12Ja76: 22-- D13Ja76: 22 to St. Augustine, Fla. ,D23D75: 31, D13J176: 12 to Savannah, Ga. , D6Ap76: 21 from British colonies, N. Am. , to Eng. ,D13Ja76: 13 from Cambridge, Mass. , to Halifax, N. S. , rumored, D6Ap76: 31 from Charleston, S. C. , to Cork, Ire. , PD22Mr70: 21 to New York City, C19Ag80: 21 from Chatham, Eng. , to Portsmouth, Eng. ,P7N77: 11 from Cork, Ire. ,D10Ag76: 12 to Boston, Mass. , D24Je75:23, Pi29Je75: 32 to New York City, D15Ag77: 52 from Deptford, Eng. , to Cork, Ire. , D6My75:23,P12My75: 11 from Dumfries, Scot. , to Ire. , D29Ap75s21 from Eng. , to America, PilOAg75: 31-- D12Ag75: 23 to Ire. ,D6My75: 31 to New York City, number of, D11S79:22 to U.S. ,P5S77: 11 from Fort Cumberland, Md. , to Halifax, N. S. , PD15S68: 23 from Gibraltar to Eng. , PD25J171: 21, D13Ja76: 13, D30Mr76: 31 from Greenock, Scot. , to Nfd. , D17J178: 11 from Halifax, N. S. , PD22D68: 22 to Boston, Mass. ,D6My75: 31 to New York City, D16Ap79: 21 to Quebec, Can. , D15Je76: 31 from Ire. , 25Ag38: 31, 14S39: 12 to Boston, Mass. , Pi3Ag75: 32 to British colonies, N. Am. , D6My75: 31 to Eng. ,9N39:32 to Scot. , Pi50c75: 31--P60c75: 12 to U. S. , D4J177: 71--P4J177: 22 to W. I. , PD17Je73: 31--R17Je73s22 from Jamaica, W. I. , to Eng. , R30D73: 13 from London, Eng. , to Boston, Mass. , P14Ap75: 22--D15Ap75: 22 from Minorca to Eng. , D13Ja76: 13, D30Mr76: 31 from Nantasket, Mass. , P19Ap76pl2 from N. Y. , D5Mr79: 31.D11D79: 21-- C11D79: 11.D13N79: 12, C25D79: 11, D15Ja80:23,D5F80: 32 to Boston, Mass. .D8J175: 32 to Carolina, D12F79: 21 to Charleston, S. C. , D19F80: 23 to Eng. ,D29Ja80: 31 to Ga. ,D20c79: 21.D19F80: 23 to Halifax, N. S. , C20N79: 12 to Jamaica, W. I. , D5Je79: 12 to N. J. , D6Je77: 12--P6Je77: 22 to Newport, R. I. , D3Ja77: 11-- P3Ja77sl2 to St. John's, Nfd. , PD23My66: 12 to S. C. ,D2Ap79:21 to W. I. ,D160c78: 32--P160c78: 22, D30Oc78: 22--P30Oc78: 32, D27N78: 22.D4D78: 21, D12F79: 31, D90c79:21,C3J179: 21 from New York City,DllAp77: 31-- PllAp77s21,D27N79: 21, D22Ja80: 31, D29Ja80: 23 to Halifax, N. S. , C27N79: 12 from Nfd. to Placentia, It. , PD3Ag69: 23 from N. Am. to London, Eng. , PD22Ap73: 23--R22Ap73: 32 to St. Vincent, W. I. , PD14Ja73: 22 from Pa. , to N. J. , Pl9Je78: 21 from [Perth] Amboy, N.J. , to Spanktown, N. J. , D11J177: 21-- P11J177: 23 to Staten island, N. Y. , D18Ap77: 62-- P18Ap77sll from Philadelphia, Pa. ,D19D77: 12-- P19D77: 21 to Boston, Mass. , PD29S74: 31 to Bristol, N. J. ,D15Mv78: 21 to Cork, Ire. , PD3Ag69: 22, R23N69: 22 to Cove, Ire. , R23N69: 22 to Quebec, Can. , R26Ag73s22, PD26Ag73s22 from Plymouth, Eng. , C15J180: 11 from Portsmouth, Eng. , 11S46: 31 to Ire. ,D15J175:32 from Quebec, Can. , to Deptford, Eng. , R16D73:31 from R.I. ,D20Je77: 12 to New York City, D18Ap77: 32, D6N79: 22, D22Ja80: 23 from St. Augustine, Fla., to Boston, Mass. ,D6My75:31,D23S75:31 to Charleston, S. C. , P8S75s22 to Ga. ,D29My79:31 to Gosport, Va. , P29D75: 13 to New Providence, W. I. , PD25N73: 13--R25N73: 32 to Norfolk, Va. , Pi3Ag75: 31 — P4Ag75pll--D5Ag75: 32, P1S75: 23, P15S75s21, P130c75: 22, P29D75: 11 to Savannah, Ga. , D6Ap76: 22 to Va. , D23S75: 31, P20Oc75s22 from St. John's, Can. , to Fort George, N. Y. ,D9D75:23 from St. Lucia, W. I. , to S. C. , D11S79:31 from St. Vincent, W. I. , to Bath, Eng. ,PD5Ag73: 13 from Scot. , to British colonies, N. Am. Pi50c75: 31--P60c75: 12 to Ire. ,D6My75:31,Pi50c75:31-- P60c75: 12 to N. S. ,P5Je78: 21 to U. S. , D27Je77: 12, P5Je78: 21 from Spithead, Eng. , 4S46: 22 from Springfield, N. J. , to Staten island, N. Y. , C15J180: 12 from Staten island, N. Y. , D9My77: 22, P8Ag77:22,D13N79:21 to New York City, D8Ag77: 12-- P8Ag77: 21 to N.J. ,D11J177:21--P11J177:23 to W.I. ,D160c78: 31 from Somerset courthouse, N. J. , to [Perth] Amboy, N. J. , P11J177: 31 from Trenton, N. J. to New York City, 119 British army, from Trenton to New York City (cont'd) D3Ja77: H--P3Ja77sl2 from Watertown, Mass. , to New York City, P2Je75: 22 from W. I. , to Eng. , D13Ja76: 13 to N.Am, rumored, D10J179: 12 garrisons inspected, PD30Mr69: 21, PD23J172: 11, PD23J172: 22, PD80c72: 11 garrisons reinforced, 17N52: 12, PD3Ja71: 22 Germans in, 7N55: 21 German troops for alerted, 14N55: 11 gratuities offered for colonial service, D13Ja76: 12 gunners' qualifications, PD23Ja72: 13 gunnery experiments for, 7N45: 22 Hanoverian troops in, 9N39: 32, 9My45: 31, PD10N74: 21, PD10N74: 22 headquarters in Beaufort, S. C. , D29Ja80: 13 in Boston, Mass. , R15D68: 12, PD10N68: 21 in [New] Brunswick, N. J. , D24Ja77: 31 Hessians in, 27Ag56: 11, 3S56: 22 Highland regiments listed, 21N45: 12 hires Indians in U. S. , D25J177: 21 hiring German troops planned, PD15J173: ll--R15J173sl2 Holstein regiments in, 18Ja40: 12 importance of, PD4N73: 12 in Af. , R9Mr69: 12, PD23S73: 22 in Aldernay is. , Chan. is. , R17Je73: 13 in America, accounts for requested, R12D72sl2 augmented, PD28Mr71: 23 campaigns discussed, 7N55: 12 movements of, 10Oc55: 22 officers ordered to report, PD10D72: 13 — R12D72sl3 pay for, 28Mr55: 22, 3S56: 22, PD4Je67: 31 paymasters' agents for appointed, 28Mr55: 22 size of, PD19Mr72: 12 strength of reported. D27My75: 21 troops exchanged, PD21My67: 22 in Antigua, W. I. , PD19My68: 12, D[250c?]76: 51, P8Mr76: 22 — D9Mr76: 22, D13Ap76: 32 in Ball's town, N. Y. , C9D80: 21 in Beaufort, S. C. , D5F80: 32 in Bedford, N. Y. , D160c78: 31 in Bengal, India, R24Je73: 31 in Bonhampton, N. J. , D31Ja77: 32 — P7F77: 13 in Boston, Mass. , R25My69: 12, PD27J169: 21--R27J169: 12, PD10Ag69: 21--R10Ag69: 23, PD3S72: 21, PD26My74: 31-- R26My74: 31, Pil8My75: 32, PD30Je74: 23, P26Ja76: 21 — D27Ja76: 32,DllMy76: 31 affects stock exchange, PD23F69: 22 aid to opposed, PD130c74: 22 — Pil30c74:31 antagonizes populace, PD1D68: 22, R15D68: 11,PD15D68: 12 — R15D68: 11, R19Ja69: 22, Pi270c74: 21, P24F75sll approved by parliament, PD23Mr69: 31 attack on people denied, PD15S74: 31 — R15S74: 12 barracks Kr,PD3N68: 21--R3N68: 24, R3N68: 14, PD10N68: 21, PD24N68: 23, PD1D68: 22, PD15D68: 12--R15D68: 11-- R15D68: 12, R19Ja69: 23, PD9F69: 23, PD13Ap69: 21, PD130c74: 13, PD130c74: 22, PD20Oc74s21, Pi270c74: 13, Pi270c74: 21, Pil5D74:21,Pi23F75: 13 barracks criticized, PD8D68: 13 boats built by, D9S75: 23 carpenters refuse aid to, PD20Oc74sll, PD20Oc74sl2 children taunt, PD9Mr69: 21 church services of, PD10N68: 21 complain of commissary, PD9Mr69: 13 conditions in, Pi260c75: 23, D13Ja76: 13, P16F76: 23--D17F76: 31 conduct of, Pi2F75: 22--D4F75: 12, D15Ap75: 31, P21Ap75s32, D280c75:32 contractors of provisions for, P5Ja76: 31 curbs riots, RUe69sll cut off by Americans rumored, D12Ag75: 23 death rate among, P24F75sl3. Pi24Ag75; 32 defended by Gage, D10Je75: 13 destroy cattle, PD21J174: 12 disputes with magistrates rumored, R16Mr69: 23 disturbances by, P10Mr75s21-- DllMr75:31 employment by opposed, P3Mr75s21 favor Americans, P5Ja76: 32 funds for requested, PD10Ag69: 11 — R10Ag69: 12 health of, Pil9Ja75: 23, PilOAg75: 31 — PllAg75: 23--D12Ag75: 23, D12Ag75:32,Pil7Ag75:33, P18Ag75: 12, P18Ag75: 22-- Dl9Ag75:32,Pi24Ag75:33, P26Ja76: 21 incited to desertion, R19Ja69: 22 morale of, Pi260c75: 11 movements of, PD26Ja69: 31 — R26Ja69: 22 need for, P23Je75s22 number of, PD15D74: 31,D7Ja75: 23. D29Ap75s31,D17Je75: 23,D8J175: 23, P4Ag75p22, P18Ag75: 12, D19Ag75: 22, D16S75: 12,D23S75: 23, Pi28S75: 23— D30S75: 22, P24N75sl2, D9D75: 12, P22D75: 31, D23D75: 31, D30D75: 33, P5Ja76: 32 number of regiments, D11F75: 22, D280c75: 31 obedience to recommended by Congress. PD10N74: 11--PH0N74: 12 officers resign from rumored, Pi28S75: 21--D30S75: 13 opposed, PD10N68: 21, R17N68: 22, PD9F69: 23, PD8Mr70: 21. R5Ap70: 21, PD5Ap70: 22--R5Ap70: 22, PDllAg74: 22--RllAg74: 21, Pil9Ja75: 22,D21Ja75: 13 opposed by assembly, PD8Je69: 12 opposed by town meeting, PD14J168: 13— R14J168: 14 opposed in Jamaica, W. I. ,DllMr75: 23 opposed in London, Eng. , Pi29D74: 11 opposed in parliament, R19J170: 13 opposed in Provincial congress, PD1D74: 22 ordered to plunder, Pi50c75: 32— P60c75: 23,Pil9Qc75: 12 orders to,D26Ag75: 13 parade, PD6J169: 31 pay for, 26S55: 22, PD18Ag74: 23— R18Ag74: 31, Pil7Ag75: 32— P18Ag75: 31 plots to kill officers discovered, D70c75: 22 praises inhabitants, Pil8My75: 32 preparations for war in, D1J175: 21 readied for riot, PD1D68: 23 recruiting for, PD21D69: 12 reinforcements for,Rl9J170: 11, R19J170: 13, R19J170: 21, PD270c74: 23, D6My75: 31, P9Je75: 31, P16Je75: 21, D17Je75s21,D8J175: 23, Pil7Ag75: 33, D19Ag75: 22,D2S75: 12, P8S75sl2, P15S75sl3, P128S75: 22--P29S75: 21 — D30S75: 21, P60c75: 22, Pil20c75: 21 — P130c75s22, Pil90c75: 22— P20Oc75:22,D21Oc75:21, D210c75: 23, Pi260c75: 12— D280c75: 21, Pi260c75: 31 removal discussed, D22Ap75: 12, D22Ap75: 13,D29Ap75: 23 removal requested, PD3N68: 22 — R3N68: 24, PDlJe69: 13--RUe69: 22, PD29Je69: 22, PD5Ap70: 23 — R5Ap70: 41, PD5Ap70: 31--R5Ap70: 41, Pi4My75: 11 removal rumored, R19Ja69: 21, PD19J170: 23--R19J170: 22, R12Mr72: 22, P31Mr75sl2, P21Ap75s31, removal to Castle William proposed, PD5Ap70: 23--R5Ap70: 41 removed from courthouse, PD15D68: 12--R15D68: 11 replaced by militia, R19J170: 11 retreat to ships rumored, D22Ap7 5: 21 reviewed, PD130c68: 22, PD10N68: 21, D280c75: 12 ridiculed, D280c75: 32 statistics on, P19Ap76p22— D20Ap76: 31 suicides in, D140c75: 22 supported, Pil8My75: 32 tarring and feathering by,D8Ap75: 22, P2Je75s23 treatment of inhabitants regulated, P19My75s22 winter quarters for, P5Ja76: 33 wives arrive. D9S75: 31 women refuse to entertain, PD1D68: 23 in Boston massacre, supported, R19J170: 12 in British colonies, N. Am. , blamed for uprisings, R19J170: 11 commanders appointed for,D3Je75: 21 cost of feeding, P19J176: 11 — D20J176: 11 criticized, D17Je75s22 disposition of, P24My76: 22— D25My76: 31 increase petitioned for rumored, PD7F71: 13--R7F71: 22 listed and classified, D22Je76: 22 mortality among. P28J175: 21 number of, 2My55: 21, PD22S74: 23, D280c75: 13, P12Ja76: 13 — D13Ja76: 12. P15Mr76sl2-- D16Mr76: 32,D4My76: 31, P14Je76: 12, P21Je76: 11 number of troops for 1776, P17N75: 21 officers ordered to report, R270c68: 12 pay provided for,D24Je75: 22 120 British army recall requested in Eng. , D19Ag75: 23 regiments listed, Pil3D75: 12— D16D75:32,D[250c?]76: 51 sickness in, P2My77s22 in British colonies, N. Am. , and W. I. , number of, PD18Mr73: 12 unsuccessful, D6Ja76: 12 in Cambridge, Mass. , PD15S74: 31, R22S74: 31 in Can. , attitude towards Gt. Brit. , P2Je75s33 deaths among, D4J177: 71 disposition of, Pi31Ag75: 31 — D2S75: 21 number of, P16Je75sl3, D30My77: 12— P30My77:21,D4J177:71 number of regulars in, D10Je75: 22 n Cape Fear, N. C. ,D18My76: 33 n Castle William, Mass. ,R19J170: 21, R13Ja74: 22 n Cedars, The, Can. , P9Ag76: 22— D10Ag76: 32 n Charlestown, Mass. , PD22S74: 31-- R22S74: 32, P129S74: 31 n Charleston, S. C. , PD25Ag68: 12, PD13Ap69: 21 n Chester, Pa. , P28N77: 22 n Chestnut Hill, Pa. , P19D77: 21 n Chignecto, N. S. , 24Ja51: 32 n Conn. , enumerated, PD30Ap67: 23 n Cork, Ire. ,D6My75: 31,Pi260c75: 12 n Crown point, N. Y. , D25J177: 12 n Dominica, W. I. , PD30J167: 31 n Dublin, Ire. , PD18Ag68: 22 n Dumfries, Scot. , PD23My71: 12 n E. Fla. ,D3Ja77: 12 n Ebenezer, Ga. , D29My79: 22 n Elizabethtown, N. J. , PD20Ag67: 21, P13D76: 22 n Flanders, 20Je45: 22, 20Je45: 31 n Fla. , R26Ag73s22, D27S76: 22 n Fort Chartres, D24Je75: 23 n Ga. , 1J137: 31, 10N38: 31, PD7Ja68:23,C19F80:31 pay for captured, D22My79: 21 in Gibraltar, PD4Ap71: 23, PD13Je71: 21, P15S75: 22--D16S75: 21, D27Ja76: 31, P16F76: 12--D17F76: 23 battalions listed, D[250c?]76: 51 in Grenada, W. I. , PD170c71: 13, D[250c?]76: 51 in Guadeloupe, W. I. , P23F76: 21 — D24F76: 22 in Guernsey, Chan. is. , R17Je73: 21 in Halifax, N. S. , PD17S67: 12, PD25Ag68: 13--R25Ag68: 31 alerted, 310c55: 11 condition of, D14S76: 21 list of, D230c79: 21 ordered to N. Y. , D10J179: 22 reinforced, 19S51: 31, 19S51: 32 in Hanover, Ger. , 21D39: 31, P5My75sl3, D2D75: 12 in Hell Gate, N. Y. , D27S76: 21 — P27S76: 21 in Hispaniola, W. I. , D5Mr79: 21 in India, 17Ja51: 11, PDllJe67: 12, PD6Ap69: 12 in Indian country, PD25Ag68: 12 in Ire. , PD13S70: 21, PD22S74: 23 battalions listed, D[250c?]76: 51 census requested, D19Ag75: 22 drafted to U.S. , D20Je77: 11 — P20Je77: 21 full complement required, PD3Mr68: 22 increase criticized, PD18Ag68: 31, R25Ag68: 14 increased, PD4Ag68: 12--R4Ag68: 11, PD14D69: 21, PD30Ja72: 31, PDllMr73: 22, PilOAg75: 23 — PllAg75:22,D19Ag75:22 number of troops in, D1J175: 31, Pi28S75: 21--P29S75: 13 officers' salaries, PD60c74: 12 officers ordered to report, PD7My72: 22, PD6Ja74: 13 ordered to embark, PD6Ag67: 13 recruiting for, PD10N68: 11, PilD74: 22, PD2S73: 13--R2S73: 21, D20Je77: ll--P20Je77: 21 reduced, PD25F68: 21 reviewed, D19Ag75: 23 soldiers marriages regulated, RllJa70: 13 transferred to America, D2Mr76: 31 — P23F76: 32 in Isle of Wight, Eng. , PD25J171: 11, P27D76: 12 in Jamaica, W. I. , 8Je39: 31, 120c39: 31, R10Mr74: 13, D[250c?]76: 51, D19F79: 11 in Jersey, Chan. is. ,R17Je73: 21 in Kilkenny, Ire. , P17My76: 22— D18My76:32 in Kingsbridge, N. Y. , D5S77: 21, C3J179: 22--D3J179: 21,D31J179: 21 in Kinsale, Ire. , Pi260c75: 12 in Leeward islands, W. I. , 25My39: 41, 20J139: 31 in London, Eng. , 29My46: 22, PD6J169: 11— R6J169: 12.R19J170: 13 barracks for, 3S56: 22 prevents riots, PD18Ag68: 12— R18Ag68: 11— R18Ag68: 12, PD18Ag68: 21--R18Ag68: 21, R25Ag68: 14, PD1S68: 21, PD8S68:23,PD3N68: 12 in Long island, N. Y. , D31Ag76: 22 in Marshfield, Mass. , D15J175: 32 in Martinique, W. I. , P23F76: 21 — D24F76: 22 in Mass. , PD30Ap67: 23, PD29S74: 23, D26Ag75:23,D26Ag75:31 in Middlesex co. , Eng. , PD22J173: 12 inMilford, Eng. ,D16Mr76: 32 in Minorca, P17Mr75sl3— D18Mr75: 22, PD170C71: 13,D[250c?]76: 51 in Montreal, Can. , Pil20c75: 12, P25J177: 12 in Morrissania, N. Y. , D5S77: 21 in [New] Brunswick, N. J. , P13D76: 21, P13D76: 22,D31Ja77:61,P7F77: 13, P7F77: 23 in New England, P12Ja76: 12 in N. J. , P6D76: 21, P20D76sl2, D11J177: 12— P11J177: 31, P19Je78: 22 in N. Y. , 7N55: 11, PD20Je66: 22, PD8J173: 31— R8J173:31 attack populace, PD4D66: 23 barracks for, R25D66: 22, PD28Mr71: 23, PD7Ap74: 22 conduct praised, R5Ag73: 22 conduct toward recommended by Continental congress, D3Je75: 22-- P2Je75: 22 movements of, PD20Ag72: 22 number of, PD30Ap67: 23, PD29S74: 23, P19J176: 23, P26J176: 21, D8Ag77: 21 — P8Ag77: 22 number of troops proposed for, D280c75: 31 opposed by inhabitants, Pil8My75: 32 recruits for, PD21J168: 21 revenue needed for.PD21D69: 13 reviewed, PD18N73: 21, PD25N73: 13 sickness in, P18J177: 23, P25J177: 13 stationery for,D9My77: 11 troops relieved, PD10S67: 12, PD150c67: 13, PD5N67: 12 under Gen. Clinton, P23F76: 23 — D24F76: 31 in N. Y. and N. J. , number of, D4J177: 71 in New York City, PD5S66sll, PD16Ap67: 21, PD1D68: 23, PD25Je72: 31, P3Ja77sll, C27N79: 12 in Newark, N. J. , P13D76: 22 in Newport, R. I. ,D24Ja77: 22, D14F77: 12, D160c78: 31 in N. Am. , PD20N66: 12, PD21My67: 23, PD21Ap68: 13.R9D73: 12,R31Mr74: 21 in N. C. , D8Je76: 62, D22Je76: 52 in N. S. ,D250c76: 22 in Oswego, N. Y. , 310c55: 11 in Pa. , PD29S74: 23 in Penobscot, Me. , D7Ag79: 22, D230c79: 21 in Pensacola, Fla. , PD25N73: 13 — R25N73: 33 in Perth Amboy, N. J. , PD70c73: 13, PD25N73: 13, D24Ag76: 32, D4J177: 32— P4J177: 23 in Philadelphia, Pa. , PD25N73: 13, D280c75: 31, P7N77sll, D5D77: 11 in Plymouth sound, Eng. ,D[250c?]76: 52- P250c76: 11 in Pondicherry, India, R26My68: 21 in Port Mahon, Minorca, PD10Ja71: 12, D27Ja76: 31, P16F76: 12— D17F76: 23 in Port Royal, S. C. ,D14Ag79: 22 in Portsmouth, Eng. , PD2S73: 21 in Portsmouth, Va. , P23F76: 32 in Quebec, Can. , PD17N74: 12, P12J176sll conditions of described, D16Mr76: 32 loyalty of men questioned, Pi2N75: 32 — P3N75: 23--D4N75: 31 number of troops, D180c76: 12-- P180c76: 21 number to be sent against colonies, D26Ag75: 13 praised, R26Ag73s22 relief of, PD25N73: 13--R25N73: 33 in R. I. , C3J179: 21 in St. Augustine, Fla. , PD27Ap69: 13, PD25N73: 13--R25N73: 33, D20Ap76: 31,D14S76:31 in St. John's, Can. ,D26Ag75: 23 — P1S75: 11, P2Ag76: 23— D3Ag76: 11 in St. Lucia, W. I. , D5Mr79: 32, D15My.79: 21 — C15My79: 21, DlAp80: 21 in St. Vincent, W. I. , PD13Ag72: 21, PD18Mr73: 11— R25Mr73: 13, PD25Mr73: 22, R24Je73: 12 attacked by Caribs, PD3D72: 12 casualties listed, R15Ap73: 22 deaths among, R18Mr73: 21 difficulties of, PD25Mr73: 23— R25Mr73: 23 investigated by parliament, RlAp73: 12,RlAp73:22 121 British army, in St. Vincent, W.I. (cont'd) request lands, PD15J173: 12— R15JT73s21 in Salem, Mass. , P24Mr75: 23 in Savannah, Ga. ,D12Mr79: 22, D19F80: 22 in Scot. , 4S46: 22, PD24My70: 21, PD9My71: 22, D19Ag75: 22 in Senegal, Af. , PD5S66s23, PD19N67: 12 in Skeensborough, N. Y. , PlAg77sl2 in S. C. , PD27Ap69: 13, D12Je79: 21 in U. S. , discussed in London, Eng. , PlMy78: 21 increased, D23My77: ll--P23My77: 21 losses estimated, D30My77: 11, D30Oc78: 21 — P30Oc78: 21 number of troops, D1N76: 11, D1N76: 22--P1N76: 31,D30My77: 12— P30My77: 21, P7N77: 12, D5Mr79: 22 troops offered by Kensington, Eng. , D24Ap78: 21 troops offered by Manchester, Eng. , P3Ap78: 12 weakness of, D5Mr79: 22 in Valley Forge, Pa. , P10Oc77: 22 in Va. , number of troops, P12Ja76: 12 in W. I. , PD25N73: 13— R25N73: 33, PD17N74: 21, C3J179: 21 in Westfield, N. J. , P11J177: 32 in White plains, N. Y. ,.P22N76: 23 increase enumerated, D15Ja80: 12 increase requested, D29Ap75: 13, P21J175sl2— D22J175: 32 increased, 28S39: 22, 260c39: 31, 9N39: 21, 21D39: 22, 25Ap55: 12, PD3Ja71:13,PD14F71:31, PD28Mr71: 21, PDlAg71: 21, PD14N71: 11, PDllMr73: 22, D22Ap75: 21,D280c75: 13, P19Ja76: 22--D20Ja76: 32— Pi20Ja76:ll,P8Mr76: 13, D30Mr76: 13,D29Ja80: 21 indentured servants runaway to, P20S76: 23 indoctrination of, D2D75: 21 invades Long island, N. Y. , P19J176: 21 Portsmouth, Va. , C3J179: 32— D3J179: 31 Irish in, 16N39: 32, 240c55: 11, PD6Je66: 13 joined by Dunmore's army on Staten island, N. Y. , D31Ag76: 21 land for, in Mass. , PD6F72: 23— R6F72: 23 on St. Vincent, W. I. , R30D73: 31 landing in Va. opposed, Pi6J175: 33— P7J175: 31 prevented in Wilmington, N. C. , D13Ja76: 31 lottery clerks drafted for,D26F79: 21 matrosses reviewed, 7N51: 12 meeting among in Boston, Mass. , P1S75: 12 mercenaries in, D4N75: 21.D23D75: 22 messengers to be aided in Va. , 9My55: 21 mobilized, 16N39: 32, 4Ap55: 31, PD13Je71: 21 monument to troops in, R26My68: 21 morale of, D4J177: 72--P4J177: 23 in Boston, Mass. ,D280c75: 13 in Ga. , D230c79: 21 in U. S. , D30My77: 11, PlMy78: 22 movements of, 27Mr46: 31, 4S46: 22, 5D51:22,14Mr55:32 movements of near Philadelphia, Pa. , P26S77: 23 murders by at Great Bridge, Va. , C15My79: 22— D15My79: 22 in Conn. , D7Ag79: 22 mustered, PD80c67: 11, PD4F68: 23 mutinies in, P27Je77: 23, D24Ap79: 22 near Boston, Mass. , D6J176: 82 near Fort Clinton, N. Y. ,D19Je79: 22 near Hell Gate, N. Y. ,D27S76: 22— P27S76: 21 near Mount Holly, Pa. , P10J178: 11 near [New] Brunswick, N. J. ,D7F77: 12— P7F77: 21 near New York City, P23Ag76: 23, D2UN79: 22 near Newport, R. I. , PD28Ja73: 23, D18Ap77: 32 near Peekskill, N. Y. ,D26Je79: 21, C3J179: 22 near Pondicherry, India, D26Mr79: 21 near Savannah, Ga. , D29My79: 22 near West Point, N. Y. , C15J180: 12 new corps for, D24Ap78: 21 number of troops in, 21D39: 32, HJa40: 22, PD3Mr68: 21, PD2Ap72: 21, PD18Mr73: 12.D25F75: 23, P3Mr75sll — D4Mr75: 22, P14Je76: 13, P25J177: 13, P29My78: 21, D12Mr79: 11, D25Mr80: 23 occupation near New York City, D110c76: 22— P110c76: 21 off Block island, R. I. , P12J176: 22 off New York City, P31My76: 22 officers aid Dunmore in Va. , PllAg75p22, P25Ag75: 71 appointed, 11S46: 32, PD17Mr68: 23 arrive in Boston, Mass. , P12My75sll— D13My75: 22 awarded land, PD6Ja74: 12 conduct in Boston, Mass. , PD18Ap74: 31 dress as regular soldiers, D8Je76: 31 — P14Je76: 12 examine forts, 260c39: 31 foibles, R31D72: 21 from Boston, Mass. , to Norfolk, Va. , D12Ag75: 33 join regiments in Ire. ,R22J173sl3 oppose Revolutionary war,D280c75: 12, D2D75: 21,D8Je76: 51.D29J176: 11, DHOc76:41 ordered to America, P26My75: 22 ordered to report, 18Ag38: 22, 1S38: 32, 22Je39: 11, 14S39: 31, 28S39: 22, 9N39: 31, 21D39: 22, 7N45: 22, PD16Ap67: 11, PD23J167: 12— R23J167sll,PD12D71:21, PD2Ja72: 13, PD9J172: 21, PD12N72: 12, PD1J173: 13, PD14J174: 12, PD18Ag74: 23 — R18Ag74: 31, Pil3Ap75: 22, Pi28Ap75: 21--D29Ap75s21, D210c75: 22.D18N75: 12 posts under king, PD5N72: 22— R5N72: 12 praise British colonies, N.Am. , P17S75: 11 promoted, 20Je45: 31, PD2Ap72: 13 prepare to march, 27Mr46: 31 refuse to go to America, D13My75: 23 reorganized, PD20Ag72: 13, PD20Ag72: 21 resign in Boston, Mass. ,D13Ja76: 13 sent to Boston, Mass. , Pi28Ap75: 21 — D29Ap75: 32 to be investigated, PiMy78: 21 tried, 130c38: 32 uniforms changed, PD29N70: 12, D280c75: 12 wear gorgets, D280c75: 12 on Brandywine creek, Pa. ,D19S77: 31 — P19S77: 21 on Buck island, S. C. , D30Oc79: 22 on Bunker Hill, Mass. ,D22J175: 32— P22J175sl3,D23S75: 23, Pi28S75: 23 — D30S75: 22 on Conanicut island, R. I. ,D18Ap77: 32 on Delaware river, D27D76: 21— P27D76: 21 on Elk river, Md. , D12S77: 21 — D12S77: 22--P12S77: 23 on Gambia river, Af. , PD130c68: 22 on Gwynn's island, Va. , P28Je76: 23 on James island, S. C. ,D12Je79: 31, D18Mr80:31 on John's island, S. C. , C3J179: 22— D3J179: 12,DllMr80: 32,D18Mr80: 31 on Long island, S. C. , P23Ag76: 11 on Manhattan (York) is. , N. Y. , D8N76: 21 — P8N76: 22 on North river, N. Y. , D19Je79: 31 on Passaic river, N. J. , P30Oc78: 32 on Point Judith, R. I. , D12Je79: 22 on R. I. , D6Je77: 11— P13Je77: 22, D18J177: 22,D8Ag77: ll,D2Ap79: 21 on Staten island, N. Y. , P19J176: 22, D20J176: 41,D7S76: 11,D11J177: 12— P11J177:31,P18J177:22 number of, P23Ag76: 22--D24Ag76: 21, P250c76: 21,PlAg77: 22,D8Ag77: 21 — P8Ag77: 22, C27N79: 12 opposed by Continental congress, Pi2F75: 31 — P3F75sll— DllF75sll by Indians, Pil3J175: 31— D15J175: 22 in Mass. , PD19Ap70: 23, Pi9Mr75: 22— P10Mr75: 21, Pi9Mr75: 23— P10Mr75sll,D25Mr75: 23 opposes Revolutionary war,R25Ag74: 32, D15J175: 32,D2S75: 21,D3F76: 31 — Pi3F76: 21 opposes service in America, D6My75: 31, PilJe75: 31 — P2Je75: 23— D3Je75: 31, Pil90c75: 23, P20Oc75sl2,D3D75: 12, P8D75: 21, D16D75: 32, P5Ja76: 23— D6Ja76: 22,D13Ja76: 12, P5Ja76: 23, D3F76: 13--P26Ja76: 23,D8Je76: 42, P21Je76: ll,D22Je76: 11 ordered from Ire. , D8My79: 12 to Lake George, 12D55: 12 to Norfolk, Va. , P8Mr76: 23— D9Mr76: 22 to report, 21Ja37: 12, PD7My72: 21, pay for, 28F55: 41, PD20Ag67: 21, P19J176: 12--D20J176: 11, P28F77: 12 captured by Americans, D6N79: 22 captured by French, D230c79: 22 pay increase proposed, PD1J173: 22 — R1J173: 13, PD15J173: 12, P28Je76: 21 — D29Je76: 21 pay regulated, PD25Ap66: 23 pensions for proposed, DllAp77: 22 plans attack on southern colonies, P12Ap76: 31— D20Ap76: 32 plundered near Savannah, Ga. , P5Ap76: 31 plundering forbidden by Howe, P30c77: 13 opposed in, D4S79: 12 122 British army plunders, D6Ja76: 31 in Boston, Mass. , D3Je75: 23 in Manila, P. I. , PD2Ap72: 31 in Monmouth co. , N. J. , P8My78sll in N. H. ,D250c76: 21 in N. J. , P25J177: 21--P25J177: 13, D160c78: 32— P160c78: 22, P230c78: 22 in N. Y. ,D14N77:21--P14N77: 21, P5D77: 11 in N. Y. and N. J. , D11J177: 22 in Phila. , Pa. , P19Je78: 21 inS. C. ,D29My79: 22 in U.S. ,D160c78: 21 in Va. , C15My79: 21, D15My79: 22— C15My79: 22 near Charleston, S. C. , D14Ag79: 22 near Guilford, Conn. ,D18J177: 22, P25J177: 12 near Peekskill, N. Y. , D18Ap77: 61 off Brandon, Va. , P22Mr76: 23 on Conanicut island, R. I. , P5Ja76(5)sl2— D6Ja76: 31 — Pi6Ja76: 22 position in Mass. , D5Ag75: 31 preparations for, in Hanover, Ger. , D1N76: 11 prepares for Spanish invasion, 10Mr38: 32 provisioning opposed in Ire. , D29N76: 51 provisions attacked by Americans, D12Ag75:13 provisions for, 20Oc38: 22, 27Ag56: 22 at Lake George, 30c55: 22, 240c55: 11 discussed in parliament, D29Ap75: 23 in Albany, N. Y. , 26S55: 22 in America, P15S75sll--D16S75: 31 in Boston, Mass. , Pi4My75: 23, P5My75sl2. D27My75: 32, D17Je75:23, P28J175: 21, P15S75: 12. P29S75: 31. P130c75s22. Pil90c75: 22— D210c75: 22, Pi260c75: 23. P270c75s22. P19N75: 12, D25N75: 23, D30D75: 33, P5Ja76: 31 — D6Ja76: 22. P26Ja76: 21--D27Ja76: 32, D3F76: 31--Pi3F76: 21, P9F76: 21, P8Mr76:21.D18My76: 32 in British colonies, N.Am., P16Je75: 22.D23S75: 21, D13Ja76: 42, D8Je76: 42,D8Je76: 51, P28Je76: 22 — D29Je76: 21, P19Je76: 12--D20J176: 11, D14S76: 12 in Chignecto, N. S. , 29Ag51: 31 in Fort Chartres, PD20Je66: 22 in Gibraltar, 120c39: 31, PD170c71: 13. P17Mr75sl3— D18Mr75: 22 in Ire. , PD4Ap71: 22 in N. J. , PD2J167: 31, PD24D67: 31 — R24D67: 22 in N. Y. . PD25Je67: 23, PD6Ag67: 22, PD290c67: 13, PD18F68: 22, D23S75: 23,D29N76: 52 in New York City, P3Ja77sll in North America, PD21My67: 23, PD9Je74: 13 in Pa. , PD8Je69: 21 in Philadelphia, Pa. , P29My78: 21 in Scot. , PD15J173: 13--R15J173: 21 in U. S. , D18J177: 12, D18Mr80: 31 in W. I. , PD27Ap69: 12--R27Ap69: 13 See also Bacon; Beef; Biscuits; Blankets; Bread; Butter; Casks, water; Cattle; Cheese; Cider; Clothing; Coal; Coffins; Fagots; Firewood; Fish; Flour; Food; Hay; Hogs; Horses; Oatmeal; Oats; Onions; Oxen; Peas; Pickles; Pickaxes; Porter; Potatoes; Salt; Sauerkraut; Sheep; Shoes; Tents; Tools, intrenching; Wasrons provisions plentiful in Quebec, Can. , D6Ap76: 13, DHOc76: 41 in U.S. ,C6N79: 12 provisions seized by Americans, D30Mr76: 31 provisions stoleu in N. Y. , D3F76: 41 punishment for insubordination in, P12Ap76: 22— D13Ap76: 31 purchase of commissions in considered, PD28Mr66: 23 quarrel with Hessians, D4J177: 62 quells agrarian revolts in Mass. , PD12S66: 22, PD19S66: 21 quells strike in Scot. , R25Ag68: 14 rapes by in Conn. , D7Ag79: 22 recalled, PD6My73: 13, D2Mr76: 22, D240c77: 11 — P240c77: 12 recruiting for, 30Je38: 41, 14S39: 12, 14S39: 31, 21S39: 32, 260c39: 31, 9N39: 12, PD27Ag67: 13, PD25Oc70: 12, PD22N70sl3, PD14Mr71: 31, PD18Ap71: 11, PD2My71: 31, PD9My71: 12--R9My71: 21, PD29Ag71: 13, R21N71: 21, PD12D71: 21, PD6My73: 21, PD22J173: 13,PD9Je74: 22, D6My75: 31, Pil8My75: 23, P9Je75: 21, D19Ag75: 23, P8S75sl2, Pil90c75: 12--P20Oc75: 12— D210c75: 13,D210c75: 22.D4N75: 21, P10N75: 13, P1D75: 22,D9D75: 21, D16D75: 32, P14Je76: 12— D15Je76: 21, D13J176: 11,D13N79: 21,D27N79: 12 declines, PllAg75pll discussed in Commons, D12Mr79: 12 encouraged in London, Eng. , P20D76: 13 executions for in N. Y. , D25J177: 21 impossible in Va. , P25Ag75: 71 in Belfast, Ire. ,DllMy76: 31 in Boston, Mass. , PD21D69: 12, Pi260c75: 22— D280c75: 32 in British colonies, N.Am., PD4D66: 22 in Brunswick, Ger. , D30My77: 12— P30My77: 21 in Can. , P22JT75s21— D29J175: 23, Pi2N75: 33 — P3N75: 23, D25N75: 23 in Canterbury, Eng. , P8Mr76: 22— D9Mr76: 22 in Chelsea hospital, London, Eng. , P9Je75: 21— D10Je75: 21 in Chestertown, Md. , 21Mr55: 32 in Conn. , 18Ap55: 21, 26S55: 21, 30c55: 12. 240c55: 21, D25My76: 31 in Dublin, Ire. , PD18Ag74: 21 — R18Ag74: 21 in Ger. .D13J176: 11.D28F77: 22 — P28F77sl2 in Gt. Brit. , PD10N74: 21, P28F77: 12, D28F77: 22— P28F77sl2 in Halifax, N. S. , P29D75sl2 in Hamburg, Ger. ,D2My77: 22 in Hampshire, Eng. , 27Mr46: 22 in Hanau, Ger. ,D23My77: 11, D30My77: 12--P30My77: 21 in Hanover, Ger. , PD13N66: 12 in Hesse Cassel, Ger. ,D30My77: 12 — P30My77: 21 in Ire. , PD10N68: 11, PD8N70: 21 — R8N70: 22, PD60c74: 23, PD10N74: 21, Pi8D74: 13, P3Mr75: 31.D30S75: 11. Pi50c75: 32, P17N75: 22--D18N75: 21, Pi30N75: 12, D16D75: 32, P28F77: 12, D28F77: 22— P28F77sl2,D2Ap79: 12 in Lancashire, Eng. ,D27N79: 12 in Mass. , 26S55: 21, 30c55: 22, PD23My71: 13 in N. Y. , Pi29Je75: 33— D1J175: 32, Pi2N75: 32--P3N75: 23, Pi9N75: 31, P8D75: 23, D9My77: 22, D20Je77: 22— P20Je77: 22 in N.Am. , PD20N66: 12, PD4D66: 22 in N. C. ,D24F76: 32 in N.S. ,30My51:22 in Oxfordshire, Eng. , 27Mr46: 31 in Princess Anne, Md. , P4Ap77: 11 in Scot. , 27Mr46: 21, PD10N68: 11, PD10N68: 12, D4F75: 21, P28F77: 12, P22J175sl2— D29J175: 23, D28F77: 22- P28F77sl2 in Suffolk co. , N. Y. , D250c76: 22 in Va. , 28F55: 41, P25Ag75: 71. P26Ja76: 12 in Yorkshire, Eng. , D6N79: 21 — C6N79: 22 on Long island, N. Y. , D29N76: 21 ordered, PD3Ja71: 12, P24N75sl2 prevented in Va. , 310c55: 12 prevented in Ger. ,D30My77: 21 — P30My77: 23 restricted, 120c39: 22 success of,D12Mr79: 11 recruits captured by Spanish, 15My46: 32 sail to America, 27Ag56: 12 reduction considered, PD24D72: 12 regiments listed, P28Je76: 21 — D29je76: 22 regiments of light infantry for, PD13Je71: 12 regiments ordered to America, 7N55: 21 regulation of discharging proposed, R210c73: 13 reinforced in N. J. , P230c78: 21 in N. Y. , P25J177: 12, D25J177: 22— P25J177: 21,D19Je79: 22 in Savannah. Ga. , D19F80: 23 in U.S. ,D24Ap78: 21,D18J177: 21, D25J177: 11,D12F79: 21,D29My79: 22 in Va. , 10Oc55: 11 reinforcements requested by Howe, P15Ag77sl2 to U. S. scarce, P27Je77: 23. D5Je79: 21 voted in Commons, P20Mr78: 22 relief for wounded in, 170c55: 21 religious advice to, 21N45: 21 requested in Va. , P9Je75: 31 retreats across Schuylkill river, Pa. . D310c77: ll,D310c77: 12-- P310c77: 22 from Cambridge, Mass. ,D26Ag75: 23 from Can. ,P30Ag76: 21— D31Ag76: 12 from Danbury, Conn. , D25J177: 21 from New Haven, Conn. . D24J179: 22 from Somerset courthouse, N. J. to [New] Brunswick, N. J. , D4J177: 32, D4J177: 72--P4J177: 22 from Suffolk, Va. . to Portsmouth, Va. , D22My79: 22 from Westfield, N. J. , to Staten island, N. Y. , P25J177: 21 123 British army retreats (cont'd) praised, D110c76: 41 to Kingsbridge, N. Y. , P22N76: 31 to Perth Amboy, N. J. ,D20D76: 11 — P20D76sll to Princeton, N. J. from Trenton, N. J. , D27D76: 12— P27D76: 22 to Saratoga, N. Y. , P310c77: 21 revenues from, PD21My72: 21 review of artillery described, D70c75: 12 review of ordered, P28Ap75sl3— D29Ap75: 33 reviewed, 120c39: 22, PD5Ag73: 13 at Castle William, Mass. , PD30Je74: 13 by George m, PDllJe67: 13, PD3S67: 11, PD25Ag68: 21, PD13S70sll, PD13S70sl2, PD13S70: 22.PD25J171: 12, PD15Ag71: 11, PD22Ag71: 21, PD12S71: 13, PD27Ag72: 23, PD27Ag72: 32, PD80c72: 22, PD220c72: 21--R220c72: 13, PD5N72: 21, PD16S73: 13, D2S75: 12, D30Mr76:31,D8Je76:42 in Leeds, Eng. , PD2Ja72: 21 in Hyde Park, London, Eng. , PD14J174: 13 in New York City, PD2Je74: 22 in Perth Amboy, N. J. , R16D73: 33 in Philadelphia, Pa. , PD19N67: 21 in Salisbury, Eng. , PD10N74: 31 reviews ordered, PD15S68: 22 reward for scalps, P25S77: 12, D30c77: 21 ridicule of, PU4S75: 12--D16S75: 13 robberies by, PD25Ap66: 12, PD25Ap66: 13 in Va. ,D22My79:22 Roman Catholics in, PD18Ap71: 11, D4N75: 21, D2D75: 21, P8D75: 23-- Pi9D75: 22, D9D75: 21, D29J176: 11 Russians in, 19D55: 12 scarce in Can. ,D25J177: 21— P25J177: 13 Scotch regiments described, PD10N68: 12,D22N76: 11 Scotch troops to America, PD80c72: 22— R80c72: 23 scouts, 310c55: 12 sentries from Tinnie's point, Va. , to Gosport, Va. , D15My79: 22 shipwrecked on Fr. coast, D8My79: 21 skirmish with S. C. troops, P19Ja76: 31 smallpox among, D25F75: 23 soldiers attempt suicide, PD9Je68: 22 attitude toward Americans, P12J176s22 bribed, PD5My74: 13, P15S75sl3 clothing, PD30Ja72: 31, D21Ag79: 22 desert to Continental army, D20Je77: 31 die at sea, P30Ag76: 22--D31Ag76: 22 die on Indian passage, PD18Ap66: 13 die on parade, PD22Ag71: 22 murdered in Scot. , 17Ja51: 31 needed in,D18My76: 33 offered by Glasgow, Scot. ,PlMy78: 12 offered by Manchester, Eng. , PlMy78:22,D17J178:ll offered by nobility, D24Ap78: 21 ordered to report, PD21My67: 21 praised by Howe, P230c78: 22 punished, PD18Ag68: 31, PD25Ag68: 21, PD3S72: 11 rations, P24My76: 21--D25My76: 32 riot, PD27Ag72: 33 shot in Boston, Mass. , PD4Ag74: 22 tried for rioting, PD18Ag68: 22, PD29S68: 13, PD130c68: 13 — R130c68: 12, R130c68: 14, PD130c68: 21 urged not to fight in America, PilJe75: 22--D17Je75: 13 voted by Commons, D26Mr79: 21 support of king discussed, R3My70: 21 supported in Nevis, W. I. , P28Je76: 13 Swiss in, PllAg75pll,D25N75: 23 to Af. , from Eng. , PD23J167: 11— R23J167sll to Albany, N. Y. , from New York City, 310c55: 12, PD25Je72: 31 to Alexandria, Va. , from Eng. rumored, D210c75: 23 to America, PD130c74: 23, PD10N74: 21 from Cork, Ire. , Pil8My75: 23 from Eng. , PD14Mr66: 43, PD80c72: 22, Pil3Ap75: 31, P14Ap75: 23--D15Ap75: 32, Pi28Ap75sll, Pi28Ap75: 22, Pi28Ap75: 31, D29Ap75: 32, D29Ap75: 33,D29Ap75s33 from Ire. , PD8D74: 22 — Pi8D74: 31, D15Ap75: 32, D29Ap75s21, P21J175sll--D22J175:41 from London, Eng. , Pil3Ap75: 22 from Portsmouth, Eng. , PD5S66s31 — R5S66: 21, P14Ap75: 21--D15Ap75: 22 from Waterford, Ire. , Pil8My75: 23 opposed in Williamsburg, Va. , Pi25My75: 33--P26My75s33 rumored, P3Mr75: 31 to Antigua, W. I. , from the Downs, Eng. , PD2D73sl2--R2D73: 21 to Barbados, W. I. , from Eng. , D31J179: 21 to be reduced, R31Mr74: 21 to Bengal, India from Eng. , PD24Ag69: 12, PD4Je72: 23 to Boston, Mass. , R26My74: 23, R9je74sll, Pil7Ag75: 32--P18Ag75: 11- D19Ag75: 31, Pi260c75: 31 — D280c75: 33, P15Mr76sll — D16Mr76: 31,D29Je76: 21 from Castle William, Mass. , PD19Ap70: 31 from Cork, Ire. , PD130c68: 21, PD24N68: 22, PD1D68: 23, PD8D68: 31, R15D68: 11, P14Ap75: 21— D15Ap75: 21, D25N75: 22, P12Ja76: 21, D10Ag76: 12 from Cove, Ire. , R24N68: 21 from Dover, Eng. ,D24Je75: 11 from Eng. , R270c68: 11, R1D68: 13, R1N70: 21, PD22N70: 22, PD9Je74: 22, PD23Je74: 13--R23Je74: 23, PD30Je74: 13, PD15D74: 31, D28Ja75: 21,D18F75: 23, P21Ap75s22— D22Ap75: 13. D22Ap75: 21, P28Ap75s42, D29Ap75s33, D20My75: 32, P16Je77s22, P130c75s22, D140c75: 32, Pil90c75: 22 — D210c75: 22, P20Oc75s21, P10N75: 22, D25N75: 22, D2D75: 31, P8D75: 22, Pi9D75: 41, D23D75: 31 from Gibraltar, D27Ja76: 13 from Halifax, N. S. , PD60c68: 22, R60c68: 22, PD270c68: 23 — R270c68: 21.PD2F69: 22, PD25OC70: 13, PD17S72: 13, PDlS74s22— R1S74: 22, D3Je75: 23 from Ire. , PD25My69: 12, PD15D68: 12--R15D68: 12, PD5Ag73: 13, PD31Mr74: 23, PD7Ap74: 22--R7Ap74: 21, PD9je74: 23--R9Je74sl3, PD30Je74: 13, PD28J174: 22, PD15S74: 21, Pi28Ap75sl2— D29Ap75s32,PilJe75:31, Pi6J175: 32--P7J175: 21--D8J175: 32, D29J175: 31, P130c75s22, Pil90c75: 22--D210c75: 22, Pi260c75: 11, D2D75: 22, P8D75: 21 — Pi9D75: 31,P8D75:22 from London, Eng. , PD20Oc74: 22, PD10N74: 13, Pil5Je75: 31 from New York City, RllOc70: 12, PD2Je74: 22, PD16Je74: 21, PD28J174: 22, PD4Ag74: 22— R4Ag74: 31, PDllAg74: 22— RllAg74: 21, PDlS74s22 — R1S74: 22, Pi270c74: 21, PD270c74: 22, PD1D74: 22— PHD74: 13, Pil5D74: 21 from Quebec, Can. , PD15S74: 32, PD20Oc74s21, PD1D74: 22— PilD74: 13, PilD74: 21, PilD74: 23, PU5D74: 21 from Spithead, Eng. , P14Je76: 12 from Woolwich, Eng. , D27My75: 21 orders countermanded, PD8S74: 22 rumored, PD12My74: 41, D20Ap76: 23 to British colonies, N. Am. , 3J146: 22, R5S66: 21, PD4Ag74: 21, PllAg75: 33, PllAg75pl2, P128S75: 21--D30S75: 13, D27Ja76: 13,D30Mr76: 21,D8Je76: 31, P14Je76: 12, D22Je76: 21, P21Je76: 22— D22Je76: 61, P16Ag76: 21, P16Ag76: 23, D110c76:42 ammunition supply of, PD18Ag74: 21— R18Ag74: 22 discussed in parliament, D3F76: 21 from Athlone, Ire. ,D9D75: 21 from Chatham, Eng. ,D9D75: 11 from Cork, Ire. , R12Ja69: 22, PD12My74: 33, P5My75s22, P12My75: 11, PilOAg75: 31, D23S75: 22,D9D75: 12,D9D75: 21, P31My76: 12— DUe76: 12, P14Je76: 12--D15Je76: 21, D29Je76: 12, PlMr76: 22--D2Mr76: 22 from Cove, Ire. , P16F76: 12— D17F76: 22 from Eng. , PD10N68: 11,R11Oc70: 12, D4F75: 31, P14Ap75: 23, P5My75s42, P26My75: 13, Pi260c75: 12 — D280c75: 13.P17N75: 22 from Glasgow, Scot. , D8Je76: 31 from Ire. , PD270c68: 22, PD8N70: 21 — R8N70: 22, PD5My74: 11, P5My75sl2, P19My75: 13, Pi260c75: 11, D10Ag76: 22 from Leeward islands, W. I. , P28Je76: 22— D29Je76: 22 from London, Eng. , PD29Ap73: 21 from Milford, Eng. , P16F76: 21 — D17F76: 23 from Newgate, Eng. , R5 Ja69: 22 from Plymouth, Eng. , PD12My74: 33 from Portsmouth, Eng. , P10N75: 13, D16Mr76: 31, P14Je76: 12 — D15Je76: 31, P28Je76: 21--D29Je76: 21 from Rochfort, Eng. , P3My76: 22— D4My76: 31 from Spithead, Eng. , P19J176: 13, D10Ag76:22,P4Oc76: 12 from Woolwich, Eng. , Pi260c75: 11, Pi26Qc75: 12--D28Qc75: 21, 124 British army P28Je76:21--D29Je76: 21,D10Ag76: 12 number of, PD7My72: 13, Pi23D75: 12, P12J176: 23 opposed in Eng. , Pil5Je75: 23 opposed in Ire. , PilJe75: 31, P16Je75s21 recessed, P19J176: 12--D20J176: 11 rumored, PD19J170: 22--R19J170: 22, Pil6Mr75: 31--P17Mr75sll-- D18Mr75: 21 soldiers oppose service, R26My74: 23 to Can. ,P21Je76: 13 from Eng. ,D70c75: 13,D23My77: 11 from Scot. , Pil90c75: 23 to Cape Breton, Can. , from Eng. , 31J146: 12, 21Ag46: 32, 11S46: 32 from Gibraltar, 23Ja46: 22 to Cape Fear, N. C. , D110c76: 31 from Ire. , P10My76: 31, D29J176: 51 to Capraia island, It. , PD22S68: 22 to Channel islands, Eng. , PD10N74: 31 to Charleston, S. C. , P17N75: 32-- D18N75: 31 from Eng. , D70c75: 22,D210c75: 23 to Conn. , P25J177: 12 from Dover, Eng. , PD130c68: 21, PD24N68: 22 to Cornwall, Eng. , PD13My73: 22 to Corsica from Eng. , PD5My68: 21, PD16Je68: 13--R16Je68: 21 to Dobb's ferry, N. Y. , D29N76: 22— P29N76: 12 to Dover, Eng. from W. I. ,R1J173: 13 to E. Fla. , from Pensacola, Fla. , PD8D68: 21 to E. I. , from London, Eng. , PD24Ag69: 12--R24Ag69: 13 to East river, N. Y. , D29N76: 22-- P29N76: 12 to Eng. , from America, PD13Ag67: 21-- R13Ag67: 23 from Gibraltar, D16D75: 32 from Ire. , PD8Mr70: 31 from Minorca, D16D75: 32 from W. I. , PilOJa76: 12--P12Ja76: 21-- D13Ja76: 22 to Flanders, 18J146: 32 to Ga. , 16D37: 41, 30D37: 32, 24Mr38: 41 from Gibraltar, 29S38: 41 from S. C. , D14Ag79: 22 rumored, P23Je75s22--D24Je75: 23 to Gibraltar, PD16Ja72: 22, PD10N74: 21 from Ire. , 10Mr38: 41, PD3Ja71: 31, PD31Ja71: 13, PD14Mr71: 31, PD25Ap71: 21, R170c71: 13 from London, Eng. , PD14Ja68: 21, PD6My73: H--R6My73sl2 to Gosport, Va. , from St. Augustine, Fla. , P4Ag75pl2 to Grenada, W. I. , PD10Mr74: 23-- R10Mr74: 22 to Guernsey, Chan. is. , from Eng. , PD7F71: 13 to Halifax, N. S. , P26Ja76: 21-- D27Ja76: 32, P19Ap76pl3-- D20Ap76: 23 from Boston, Mass, , D24Ag76: 21 from Castle island, I. F. S. , PD10Ag69: 21--R10Ag69: 22 from Eng. ,PD21J168:21 from Portsmouth, Eng. , PD2D73sl2-- R2D73: 21 from W.I. ,D8Je76:61 to Hampton roads, Va. , R23F76: 31-- D24F66: 32 to Hempstead plains, N. Y. , from New York City, PD25Je72: 31 to 111. ,R15Je69: 21 to Ire. ,D16Mr76: 23 from Eng. , PD14Ap69sll, R9Je74s21 to Isle of Wight, Eng. , PD13Je71: 21 to Jamaica, W. I. , PD10Je73: 12, P15Ag77sl2 from Can. , PD7My72: 13 from Eng. , PD12Mr72: 21, PD19Mr72: 13 from Plymouth, Eng. , PD27F72: 23-- R27F72: 22 from Portsmouth, Eng. , PD23Ap72: 13, D25Mr80: 22 from Winchester, Eng. , D25Mr80: 21 to Jersey, Chan. is. , from Eng. , R8F70: 21,PD7F71: 13 to Kent co. , Eng. , from London, Eng. , 3Ap46: 22 to Kingsbridge, N. Y. , from White plains, N. Y. , D29N76: 22--P29N76:ll to Leeward islands, W. I. , D25Mr80: 12 to Louisburg, N. S. , from Eng. , 11J146: 41 to Marblehead, Mass. , from Ire. , PD16Je74sl2, PD21J174: 13 to Martinique, W. I. , P28N77: 22 to Mediterranean, PD60c74: 23 from Eng. , PD15J173: 23--R15J173: 22 to Minorca from Chatham, Eng. , PD20S70: 23 from Cork, Ire. , PD4My69: 23, PD21F7L21 from Eng. , PD14Ja68: 21, PD14F71: 31, PD6My73: H--R6My73sl2 to Montreal, Can. , from Eng. , R26Ag73s22 to Nantasket road, Mass. , from Eng. , PD23Je74: 13--R23Je74: 23 to [New] Brunswick, N. J. , from Trenton, N. J. , D3Ja77: H--P3Ja77sl2, D31Ja77:62--P31Ja77: 21 to New England, P17My76: 21-- , D18My76:31 from Eng. ,PDllN73s21--RllN73sl3 from Ire. , PD22Ap73: 21 number of, P230c78: 22 to N. J. , from Boston, Mass. , PD7Je70: 12, PD14Je70: 12, PD14Je70: 21 from New York City, PD17S72: 13 from R.I. ,P14Mr77: 22 to N. Y. , R24N68: 12, Pil8My75: 32-- P19My75s23, PilJe75: 31, P15Mr76: 22--D17Mr76: 22, P22Mr76: 22--D23Mr76: 31, P17My76: 21--D18My76: 31, D13J176: 12 denied by Lt. Gov. Colden, Pi8Je75: 22--D17Je75: 12 from Boston, Mass. , PD6J169: 31, PD22Mr70: 21, PD4Ag74: 22-- R4Ag74: 31, PDllAg74: 22, D24Ag76: 22 from Charleston, S. C. , PD25Ag68: 12 from Chatham, Eng. , PD29J173: 22-- R5Ag73: 21 from Chesapeake bay,D10J179: 21 from Cork, Ire. , PD9J167: 31, PD30J167:31,D17Je75:21, Pi29je75: 32,D13N79: 12 from Elizabeth, N. J. , RllAg74: 21 from Eng. , PD27Ag67: 21, PD15S74: 13, PD8D74s21, P20Oc75s21, D210c75: 23, P21N77:21,D10J179: 22 from Ga. ,PD25Ag68: 12 from Ire. , PD31Mr74: 23, PD7Ap74: 22--R7Ap74: 21 from Kent, Eng. , PD30Je68: 13 from London, Eng. , PD30Ap67: 31, PD60c68: 22 from New Brunswick, N. J. , RllAg74:21 from Perth Amboy, N. J. , RllAg74: 21 from Plymouth, Eng. ,R17Je73sl3 from Quebec, Can. , PD25Je72: 31 from R.I. ,P14F77: 22 from St. Vincent, W. I. , PD15Ap73: 22-- R15Ap73: 22, PD13My73: 23 from S. C. , PD8S68: 22, D10Ag76: 61 from Southampton, Eng. , PD6Ag67: 13 number of troops planned. P26J176: 31 to New York City.D20Ja76: 33, C28Ag79: 13 from Dobb's Ferry, N. Y. , D29N76: 31-- P29N76: 13 from N.J. ,PD7Je70: 12 from Portsmouth, Eng. ,D29N76: 52 from R.I. ,D27N79: 21 to Newcastle, Eng. , from Durham, Eng. , P26My75: 23 to Nfd. from Woolwich, Eng. , D27My75:21 to Newport, R. I. from Boston, Mass. , PD24Ag69: 22, Pi2F75: 23 to Norfolk, Va. , from Eng. , P29D75: 12 to N.Am. ,R16D73: 22 from Cork, Ire. , PD16J167: 11, PD19Mr72: 21 from Eng. , 14Ag46: 12, PD16Ap67: 12, PD21My67: 12, PD28My67: 13, PD30J167: 23, PD60c68: 13-- R60c68: 14, PD60c68: 21--R60c68: 21, PD60c68: 22--R60c68: 21, PD13Ap69: 21, PD16D73: 12 from Falmouth, Eng. , PD7My67: 21 from Ire. , PD30Ap67: 21, PD7My67: 21, PD12My68: 21, PD9Mr69: 31 from London, Eng. , PD22Ap73: 23-- R22Ap73: 32 from St. Vincent, W. I. , PilOJa76: 12-- P12Ja76: 21--D13Ja76: 22 to N. C. , from Eng. , DllMy76: 33 to N. S. , from Ire. , 31Ja51: 31, PD26Mr67: 13 to Orleans, Isle of, Can. , PD4Ag68: 21-- R4Ag68: 24 to Pensacola, Fla. , from Cork, Ire. , PD19Ap70: 21,R16D73: 32 from Mobile, Ala. , PD23J167: 21-- R23J167s21 from N. Y. , PD3Mr68: 23, PD22Mr70: 21, PD19Ap70: 31, PD7Je70: 12 from Plymouth, Eng. , PD13Je71: 11 from Portsmouth, Eng. , PD27Ag72: 31 from St. Augustine, Fla. , PD14Je70: 21 to Philadelphia, Pa. ,PD10S72: 21, D20Ja76: 33 from Eng. ,R5Ag73:22 from Ire. , PD30J167: 31, Pi30N75: 23 rumored, Pi29Je75: 32--P30Je75: 31-- D1J175: 23, P14Je76: 23--D15Je76: 42 to Port Glasgow, Scot. , R22Ap73: 33 to Port Mahon, Minorca, PD16Ja72: 22 from Ire. ,PD14Mr71: 31 125 British army (cont'd) to Portmouth, Eng. , R24Je73: 22, D13D76: 11 from Cork, Ire. , PD3Ja71: 31 to Portsmouth, Va. , from Suffolk, Va. , D15My79: 22 to Prince Edward island, Can. , from Eng. , PD22S68: 11 to Princeton, N. J. , from Trenton, N. J. , D3Ja77: H--P3Ja77sl2 to Quebec, Can. , PD20Je66: 22, P26Ja76: 21--D27Ja76: 32, P17My76: 21--D18My76: 31, D13J176: 12,D29J176: 51,D31Ag76: 21, D4J177:71--P4J177:22 from Canso, N. S. , D13J176: 61 from Halifax, N. S. , D10Ag76: 22 from Ire. , PD15S74: 22 from Plymouth, Eng. , PD12D71: 13, R17Je73sl3 to R. I. , P3Ja77sl2 from Boston, Mass. , PD21Ja73: 23-- R21Ja73: 23 from New York City, PD7Ja73: 31 to Rye, N. Y. , from New Rochelle, N. Y. , D29N76: 32 to St. Augustine, Fla. , from Eng. , PD30Ap67: 23, PD16Je74: 11 from New York City, PD130c68: 22-- R130c68: 23 from St. Vincent, W. I. , PD15Ap73: 22-- R15Ap73: 22, PD13My73: 23 from W. Fla. , R60c68: 21 to St. Vincent's, W. I. , PD10Mr74: 23-- R10Mr74: 22 from Dominica, W. I. , PD3S72: 21 from Eng. , PD21Ja73: 31, PD18Mr73: 12 to Salem, Mass. , from Castle William, Mass. , PD25Ag74: 21 from Ire. , PD16Je74sl2 to Sandy hook, N. J. , from Plymouth, Sound, Eng. , D29N76: 61 number of troops, D160c79: 22 to Saratoga, N. Y. , P26S77: 13 to Scot, from Nottinghamshire, Eng. , 19D45: 41 to S. C. , Pi22Je75: 33--D24Je75: 22, P15Mr76sll, P15Mr76: 22-- D16Mr76: 22 from Eng. , P24N75sl2 from Ire. , D210c75: 22, Pi260c75: 11 to southern colonies, P15Mr76sll-- D16Mr76: 31, P17My76: 21-- D18My76:31,D13J176: 12 to Trenton, N. J. , from Princeton, N. J. , D24Ja77: 31--P24Ja77: 13 to U. S. , from Eng. , P30My77: 21 D26F79: 21, D5Mr79: 22, D5Mr79: 31, D9Ap79: 11 from Gosport, Eng. ,D20Je77: 11-- P20Je77: 21 from Gt. Brit. , P3Ap78: 12 from Ire. ,D5Mr79: 31 from Jamaica, W. I. , D250c76: 31 from Kent, England, D29Ag77: 11 from Portsmouth, Eng. , P5S77: 11 from Scot. , D23My77: 11 number of, D22My79: 12, D25Mr80: 22 to Va. , 19D55: 12, Pi22Je75: 33-- D24Je75: 22, D30S75: 11, P15Mr76: 22-- D16Mr76: 22, P15Mr76sll-- D16Mr76: 31, P15Mr76sl3, P14Je76: 11 from Eng. , P24N75sl2 from Gt. Brit. ,D1J175:31 from Ire. , P15Mr76: 21--D16Mr76: 22, P29Mr76: 21, D30Mr76: 32 rumored, D24F76: 31, D16Mr76: 33 to W. Fla. , from Portsmouth, Eng. , PD22S74: 21 to W. I. , PD28J174: 13, PD130c74: 12, D25Mr80: 23 from Eng. , R16D73: 32, C19Ag80: 12 from Ire. , R16D73: 31 from Plymouth, Eng. , PD24D72: 21 number of,D22My79: 21,D25Mr80: 22 to White Plains, N. Y. , P230c78: 22 training of, PD10N74: 22, P8D75: 13, D17F76:12,D10Ag76: 12 transportation charge for soldier to U. S. ,PlMy78:21 transportation refused in New York City, PD130c68: 22— R130c68: 23 treatment of Americans, DllAp77: 31 treatment of soldiers criticized, D11F75:22 uniforms bought illegally, PD6Ag67: 22 uniforms for, PD28My67: 13 in Boston, Mass. , Pi260c75: 12-- D280c75: 21 uniforms for in Boston, Mass. , Pi260c75: 12--D280c75: 21 units listed after Brandywine, Pa. , P14N77: 21 uses gashed bullets in Va. , Pi9D75: 31 victories in India, PD23My66: 13 volunteers for Boston, Mass. duty, P5Ja76: 32 Walloons in, 12S45: 31 waste in, D1N76: 11 White boys in, D29J176: 11 widows and orphans provided for, PD18Je67: 11, PD18Je67: 21 winter equipment for, PD9Ap72: 31 winter quarters in N. Y. , D5Mr79: 21 withdrawal from America rumored, R2Ag70: 12, D25Mr75: 21, P60c75: 21 from Boston, Mass. , rumored, D12Ag75: 21, PllAg75: 33-- D12Ag75: 33,D2D75: 23, P15D75: 21-- Pil6D75: 22 from Charleston, S. C. , rumored, P9Ag76: 33 from Ga. rumored, D22My79: 21 from U. S. rumored, D17J178: 22, D17J178:31,D12F79:22 withdrawn from Halifax, N. S. , R12Ja69: 21 from Pensacola, Fla. , PD8D68: 13, PD8D68: 21 wounded from Boston, Mass. , P5Ja76: 32 in N. Y. , D11J177: 12--P11J177: 23, P18J177:23,P25J177:13 wounded soldiers in Quebec, Can. , numbered, D9My77: 11 land in Eng. , D25Ap77: 21 See also Courts martial in; Hanoverians in; Quartering British artillery, in Plymouth sound, Eng. ,D[250c?]76: 52--P250c76: 11 British cavalry, captured by Americans, in Portsmouth, N. H. , D22N76: 31 captured by Mass. ship, P250c76: 22, D1N76: 32 difficulties of sending to America satirized, P19J176: 12--D20J176: 11 in Halifax, N. S. , D29J176: 21 in New York City,D180c76: 12-- P180c76:21,D8N76:12 in Quebec, Can. ,D1N76: 21 reviewed by George EI, PD14Je70: 31, D40c76: 61 standard seized, on Staten island, N. Y. , D1N76: 22--P1N76: 22 to N. Y. , P1N76: 13 British Chronicle, extract from, 30N59: 11, 16Ja61: 22, PD6J169: 41 British coast, See Cattle, removal from; Fisheries, Dutch on; Horses, removal from; Oxen, removal from; Privateers, French feared on; Shipwrecks plundered on; Smuggling on British coffee house, Boston, Mass. , R4Oc70:21,PD4J171: 13 British colonial controversy, See British colonies, N. Am. ; Freedom of press; Taxation of colonies; Trade, British American; also under names of acts, titles of pamphlets British colonial policy, addresses on in London, Eng. , D30Mr76: 21 British pamphlets on, D250c76: 12-- P250c76: 11 change in rumored, Pi9N75: 11 Commons divided on, PD60c68: 22 conciliation advocated in London, Eng. , PD60c68: 22--R60c68: 22 considered in English counties, P5Ja76: 31 criticized, PD210c73: 11, P26My75: 21 in Bristol, Eng. ,D6Ja76: 23 in British colonies, N. Am. , P5Ap76: 13 in Eng. , R60c68: 21, PD17N68: 13, PD8D74: 12,D70c75: 11, P5Ja76: 31 in Fr. ,D28Ja75: 22 in Middlesex co. , Eng. , D6Ja76: 22 in Va. ,P24F75: 11 near Manchester, Eng. , P5Ja76: 23 defended by George m, P19Ja76: 22-- D20Ja76: 32--Pi20Ja76: 11 discussed, Pi23F75: 23 in Eng. , PD3N74: 32, P24F75: 21 in London, Eng. , Pi22D74: 11 in N. Y. , PD22F70: 22 in parliament, R19JT70: 13, D27Ja76: 31 effect of in Eng. , P12My75: 12 new regulations rumored, R8F70: 23 opposed, R19My74: 23, Pi24N74: 11 by Gov. Hutchinson, D11F75: 22 by London, Eng. , livery, D20Ja76: 23 in British colonies, N.Am., P29Mr76: 11 in Commons, D18My76: 32 in Eng. , Pi5Ja75: 22, P23Je75: 11 inMd. ,P10F75: 22 in Va. , Pi26Ja75: 23, P3F75: 13 in Williamsburg, Va. , P5My75s41 opposition to recommended in Eng. , D27Ja76: 13 poetry on, D20Ja76: 41 Privy council divided on, PD60c68: 22-- R60c68: 21 severity advocated in Eng. , PD60c68: 22 supported by Commons, D18F75: 21, D3F76: 23 in Eng. , Pil6F75: 22 in N. Y. , P3F75: 12, Pi26Ja75: 23 in Savannah, Ga. , Pi5Ja75: 21 near Manchester, Eng. , P5Ja76: 31 British colonies, in South seas, PD12F67:13 See also Naturalization prevented in 126 British colonies British colonies, N. Am. , accused of treason, P14Ap75: 23--D15Ap75: 32 acquiesce in British rule, PD14Ap68: 21 actions against Gt. Brit, defended, R2Je74: 12 address (text) to inhabitants of, PD3N74: 22--Pi4N74: 22 administration and history described, PD25Je67: 11 advocate foreign aid, P29Mr76: 13 aid by Indians, Pi7S75: 11 by W. I. rumored, P22D75: 32 forbidden in Sp. ,D70c75: 22 from Europe opposed by Britain, Pi50c75:32 from Fr. and Sp. predicted, P30Je75: 23— D1J175: 22 from Holl. . D23S75: 22. P24N75sl2. D25N75: 23,D2D75: 13, P8D75: 13 from Prussia rumored, D25N75: 22— P1D75: 21 refused by Europe, P17F75: 33 termed treason in Gt. Brit. , PllAg75pll allegories on, Pi25My75: 11 apply for arms, 14J138: 22 appointment of lord lieutenant rumored, R2F69: 21 of officers in, 10J152: 22 arbitrary rule in, PD5Ap70: 11 arbitration with Eng. suggested, PD19J170: 23— R19J170: 22 arms for, 5Ja39: 32 received from Holl. , Pil90c75: 12-- P20Oc75: 12--D210c75: 12 artillery of natives proposed, R22S68: 21 assemblies support Mass. , PD28J168: 21 — R28J168: 21 supported in Commons, D18My76: 11 to be abolished, R14J174: 11 asylum for British liberals, PD14Ap68: 21 attack by Fr. and Sp. feared, PUD74: 22 attitude, of king toward, Pi28S75: 22 — P29S75: 22--D30S75: 23 of ministry toward, P10F75: 13, P3Mr75sll--D4Mr75: 22, P7Ap75: 22--D8Ap75: 23, D17Je75s22, P270c75s21 of privy council toward, D24Je75: 12 attitude toward British measures discussed, R16Je74: 21 conciliation in N. Y. , D13Ja76: 21 Lord Dunmore, P16F76: 32 Gt. Brit. , PD10c67: 11, R8Mr70s21, R19My74: 31, R26My74: 22. PD4Ag74: 11, P3Mr75s22, D70c75: 21 in Can. , Pi2N75: 12, Pi2N75: 13 in Eng. , PD26Ja69: 21. PD25My69: 12, PD25My69: 21, PD25My69: 31 — R25My69: 21. PD8Je69: 21. PD8Je69: 23. PD18F73: 13, PD210c73: 21, Pi60c74: 32, P28Ap75: 22--D29Ap75s33, D2D75: 13,D16Mr76: 22 in Gt. Brit. . PD30Ap67: 23, PD25Je67: 23, PD25Je67: 31, PD2J167: 22.PD9J167: 13, PD16J167: 13, PD23J167: 23. PD24N68: 22. PD24N68: 23, PD1D68: 21. PD22D68: 21 — R22D68: 11. R19Ja69: 22. PD2F69: 22, PD23Mr69: 21. PD23Mr69: 23, PD30Mr69: 23— R30Mr69: 32, PD6Ap69: 22--R6Ap69: 23, PD13Ap69: 21, PD14Ap69s21, PD20Ap69: 22--R21Ap69sll, PD7Ap74: 22--R7Ap74: 21, PD10N74: 13, P24Mr75. 11. Pi20Ap75: 22, P31Mr75sl2, P28Ap75: 22, P23F76: 22, P29Mr76: 21 in Ire. .D9D75: 23--Pi9D75: 31 in London, Eng. , R23F69: 21 in Norwich, Eng. , D10Ag76: 11 in Nottingham, Eng. , P19My75: 23 in York, Eng. , D29Ap75: 31 parliament, P12My75sll bill for regulation of rumored, PD21J174: 13--R14J174: 23 bills from, PD18Je67: 23 blockade by British, P14Je76: 12 rumored, P31Mr75sl2, P14Ap75: 23— D15Ap75: 32, P21Ap75s31 boundary changes opposed in Del. , PD25Ag74: 11 break with Eng. prophesied, PD23D73: 22 bribe British soldiers, PD5My74: 13 bribery attempted by ministry, PD22D74: 22 British attempt to split, Pil8My75: 32— P19My75s23 British authority in united, D17Je75s21 British garrisons reinforced, P24F75:23--D25F75:21 British officers tour in, R29N70: 12 British officials' pay issued, P15S75: 21 changes in government rumored, PD7Mr71: 23— R7Mr71: 31, PD11J171: 12, P31My76: 11 — DUe76: 21 charter revocation supported in Gt. Brit. , PD21Mr66: 22 charters defended, PD13Ap69: 11 — R13Ap69: 11 civil officers' dependence on king criticized, PD17Mr68: 23 on king opposed in N. Y. , D8Ap75: 21 on ministry opposed in Del. , PD25Ag74: 12 civil officers opposed by Continental congress, Pi2F75: 31— P3F75sll — DllF75sll coercion threatened, PD21S69s21, PD21Ap74: 23 coins for, PD17Je73: 22--R24Je73: 13 comments on in Eng. , R20S70: 13 commercial union with Gt. Brit. improved, R13My73: 23 commissioners for improving appointed, PD22S68: 22 committees of safety appointment urged by Continental congress, D5Ag75: 31 compared to Corsica, PD14Ap69sll compromise proposed with Britain, D29Ap75sll concessions to advocated in Gt. Brit. , R30My66: 11 denied, R19Ap70: 22 Gt. Brit, opposed, D140c75: 23 proposed, PD18Ag74: 22— R18Ag74: 23, D29Ap75: 21 rumored, PD25Ap66: 22, R19Ja69: 21, PD4My69: 31,R4My69: 32, PD25My69: 31— R25My69: 21, R7S69: 11.PD21S69: 12. PD16N69: 13 — R16N69: 22, PD7Mr71: 23--R7Mr71: 31, PD19Ap70: 31, PD7Je70: 13, PD25Oc70: 13, R29N70: 12, P3F75: 33, P7Ap75: 22, P21Ap75s22— D22Ap75: 13, P21Ap75s33— D22Ap75: 31 conciliation with Gt. Brit. , attempted, RlAp73:21 discussed, P23F76: 11, P19Ap76: 21 discussed by Burke, PilOAg75: 11, D8My78: 41--P8My78sll discussed in Eng. , P16F76: 22— D17F76: 31 discussed in Irish commons, D23Mr76: 11 discussed in Lords, D10F76: 23, P31My76: 12— DlJe76: 12, P14Je76: 21- D15Je76:31 discussed in Pa. , Pi25My75: 21 — P26My75: 31--D27My75: 32 expected to fail, D16Mr76: 22 negotiated, P15D75: 21 — PU6D75: 22 North's plan,D20My75: 21, D20My75: 23, P26My75: 31 — D27My75: 22 North's plan discussed, P9Je75sll, Pil7Ag75: 31--D19Ag75: 13, D140c75: 23 North's plan explained, Pi25My75: 22 North's plan opposed, D20My75: 33, PilJe75: 13, P2Je75: 32, P2Je75sll, D17Je75sll, P7Je75s22, D17Je75: 23 North's plan supported, P2Je75sl3, PilJe75: 32— P2Je75s23— D3Je75: 32, Pi8Je75:22--D17Je75: 12 opposed, D6Ap76: 21, P10My76: 12 opposed by Congress, D70c75: 22 opposed in Eng. ,D17F76: 23, D29J176: 21 opposed in Gt. Brit. , P25F75: 31 opposed in Pa. , P5Ap76: 13 parodied, PD23Je74: 11— R23Je74: 13 petitioned for, P10N75: 12 plan, P16F76: 22--D17F76: 31, P13S76: 11 plan favored, PilOAg75: 22— PllAg75: 12 plan proposed, P60c75: 21,D23D75: 22 plan rumored, PD270c68: 22 plans in Eng. , D70c75: 31, P1D75: 13 — D2D75: 11,D2D75: 22 plans studied in Eng. , D2S75: 13 proposals by British opposed, Pi4My75: 21 proposed, PD15S74: 12, P16F76: 12 — D17F76: 22 proposed by Burke, P19My75: 22 proposed by Chatham, Pi28Ap75: 32— P28Ap75: 22 proposed by Howe, P240c77: 11 proposed by North, P28Ap75s21 — D29Ap75s22, P28Ap75: 22— D29Ap75s33, Pi28Ap75sl2 proposed in Eng. , Pi4My75: 23 proposed in parliament, P28Ap75: 12, P9Je75: 12, P1D75: 22 recommended, PD7Ap68: 21 refused in Va. , PiMr76: 23 refused in Gt. Brit. , D17F76: 32 rumored, R3My70: 12, PD15S74: 13, P21Ap75s32, P28Ap75s42, D13My75: 22, Pi9N75: 22--P10N75: 21, D11N75: 22,P17N75: 22— D18N75: 21 P15D75: 21 — Pil6D75: 21 127 British colonies, conciliation with Gt. Brit, (cont'd) suggested, P15S75sl3--D16S75: 23 supported, D2Mr76: 22,D25My76: 12, D8Je76: 41 supported by Boston, Mass. , merchants, Pi20Oc74: 21 supported by Gen. Gage, PD10N74: 12-- P110N74: 31 supported by London, Eng. , merchants, Pi22Je75: 31 supported by ministry, P19My75s23, Pi25My75: 22 supported by Gov. Tryon, P22D75: 31 supported in Congress, Pil20c75: 12— P130c75: 22 supported in Commons, D2D75: 23 supported in Cork, Ire. ,D16D75: 31 supported in Eng. , Pi20Oc74: 31, Pi29D74: 22, Pi6Ap75: 31 — P7Ap75: 23 — D8Ap75: 31, D2S75: 12, P128S75: 32— P29S75: 23--D30S75: 23, Pil20c75: 21-- P130c75: 22, P8D75: 23, D27Ap76: 41 supported in Ga. ,D25Mr75: 22 supported in Glasgow, Scot. , D17Je75:31,D23Mr76:32 supported in Gt. Brit. , P17F75: 41 supported in Lancaster co. . Va. . D10Je75:31 supported in London, Eng. , P23Je75s21, Pi21S75: 32--D30S75: 12 supported in N. J. , P17F75: 41, Pi2Mr75: 32 supported in Pa. , P24F75s21 supported in Scot. ,D17Je75: 22 supported in Suffolk co. , Mass. , PD60c74: 22— Pi60c74: 31 supported in Va. , PD21J174: 22, Pi9D75: 22--D9D75: 32 terms discussed, D4My76: 12 terms offered by America, Pi50c75:22,Pi50c75:23, D70c75: 13, P2F76s22--Pi3F76: 11 through commissioners planned, P19Ap76: 22— D20Ap76: 31 to be discussed in parliament, D24N75: 22 toasted by Newport, R. I. militia, PillMy75: 31 urged, PD18My69: 11, R1N70: 22, P117N74: 21, P5Ja76: 21, D3F76: 41, P16F76: 31— D17F76: 32,D13Ap76: 21, D18My76: 13,DHOc76: 61 urged by Lt. Gov. Colden, P3F75: 42— D4F75: 31 urged by Gov. Franklin, P10F75: 23— DllF75s21 urged by Grenada, W. I. , P5Ja76: 32 urged by N. Y. council, DllF75sl3 urged by N. Y. general assembly, DllF75s21 urged in Berks co. , Eng. ,D20Ap76: 11 urged in Eng. , PD1D68: 11, R1D68: 12, PD22D68: 21, PD29Je69: 21, Pi29D74: 21, D28Ja75:21,Pi23N75:31 urged in Ga. ,D6Ap76: 21 urged in Gt. Brit. , PD18Ja67: 23, PD2J167: 23, P15Mr76sll-- D16Mr76:31,D3F76:21 urged in The Hague, Holl. , PD30Mr69: 23 urged in London, Eng. , P19Ap76: 21, D22Je76: 21 urged in Md. , D15Je76: 32 urged in Mass. , PD270c74: 21 urged in N. J. , D23Mr76: 31, D13J176: 41 urged in N. Y. , P21Ap75s32 — D22Ap75: 23,D6Ap76: 31 urged in parliament, D10F76: 41, D24F76: 13,D22Je76: 12 conditions in described, PD15Je69: 13 conduct discussed in parliament, PD12My74: 41 opposed in London, Eng. ,D13Ja76: 12 praised, PD10N74: 41 confederation discussed, PH3D75: 31 congress of proposed, PD11N73: 12, R10Mr74: 31, D140c75: 32, Pi260c75: 11 denied, PD4Je67: 22 disapproved in Gt. Brit. , PD6Ag67: 13 cost of defense to Britain, D70c75: 11 cost of war with estimated, P3Mr75sl2 constitution for discussed in parliament, PDllAp66: 32 needed, PD28S69: 21 consuls for proposed, PD4Je72: 23 correspondence among urged, PDllJe72: 31 councils for suggested, 15S52: 31, 1D52: 21, support Mass. , PD28J168: 21 — R28J168: 21 to be appointed by crown, D24Je75: 22 courage of,D24Je75: 11, P30Je75: 31, Pil90c75: 13--P20Oc75: 13— D210c75: 13 court of exchequer for denied in Mass. , PD5N67: 11 courts, regulation proposed, D29Ap75sl2 cruelty toward British denied, D140c75: 12 defense of, PD19My68: 13, PD14Mr71: 31, R9My71: 13, PD17S71: 22, P26My75: 13— D27My75: 22 depredations by British investigated, P17N75: 32 designs of British ministry against discussed, PD15S74: 23 discontent among, PD25Ag68: 22— R25Ag68: 24 discord among, 12D55: 21, R22S74: 21, PD60c74: 23 — Pi60c74: 32 discussed in parliament, R16Ag70sll, D25F75: 23, D25Mr75: 21, D3F76: 12, D3F76: 13— P26Ja76: 23 dispute with Gt. Brit, opposed, D7Ja75: 21 dissension in quelled by force, PD3Ja71: 11 dissolution of assemblies opposed in Pa. , P24Mr75: 22 disturbances discussed by George HI, R5Ja69: 23 disunion attempted by British, P19My75s31, P2Je75: 33, P9Je75: 31 disunity with Gt. Brit, discussed, PD17F74: 11, PD19My74: 41 duties in, PD28J168: 21--R28J168: 22, PD4Ag68: 22— R4Ag68: 21 establishment of secret service opposed, Pi30Mr75: 12 favor inhabitants of Gt. Brit. , P31Mr75: 22 favor war with Sp. , PD22Ag71: 13 favored by William Beckford, R20S70: 23 by Edmund Burke, P17F75sll by Marquis of Granby, D4N75: 21 by London, Eng. , merchants, P12My75: 21 by Mohawks, P15S75: 23— D16S75: 22 by Onondagas,P15S75: 23--D16S75: 22 by Supporters of Bill of Rights, PD20S70sll in Eng. , PD14Je70sl3, PD6S70: 23 — R6S70: 21, R14J174: 23, D17F76: 23 in Gt. Brit. , PD29N70: 11, PD14J174: 13 in Grenada, W. I. , D19Ag75: 23 in London, Eng. , PD30Je74: 21, D26Ag75: 13, P14Je76p32 in Martinique, W. I. , P14Je76p41 in Paris, Fr. , PD6S70: 23— R6S70: 13 in W. I. ,D24F76:22 financial regulations for, PD5Mr67: 13 force against disapproved, D23S7 5: 21 favored by ministry, D2D7 5: 12 opposed in Gt. Brit. , R19My74: 23 foreign aid discussed, P12Ap76: 12 offered to, P3Mr75sll— D4Mr75: 22 opposed, D27Ap76: 13,D27Ap76: 22, P26Ap76s21— D27Ap76: 31 opposed in Berks co. , Eng. , D20Ap76: 12 opposed in Pa. ,D20Ap76: 13 recommended, P5Ja76(5)s23, P8Mr76:32,D22Je76:52 foreign claims to, Pi5Ja75: 11 foreign loans for rumored, PDlAp73: 21, PD8Ap73: 22 fortifications in discussed, 7N55: 11 French erect forts in, D1J175: 22 French trade with, 24Ap52: 12 frontier inspected, R4Ag68: 21 government changes proposed, PD16Ag70: 22, Pi270c74: 21, PD22S74: 12, PD15D74: 12, Pi20Ap75: 31— D22Ap75: 23, Pil90c75: 11 — P20c75: 11— D210c75: 12, D4My76: 11, P7Je76: 12, D15Je76: 12, P9My77: 11 opposed, R31My70: 12 set up, P15S75sll— D16S75: 31 governor-in-chief for, PD4My69: 21 grievances, R14Je70: 22 discussed, R26Ap70: 12,R31My70: 11, PD14Je70: 21,P14J175: 11,D2S75: 11 discussed in Fr. , Pi21S75: 21, Pi28S75: ll,Pi50c75: 11 discussed in S. C. , PD14Je70: 11 examined by Continental congress, D21Ja75: 12 investigated, PD8N70: 21 listed in Boston. Mass. , R27My73: 11 reviewed, Pil2Ja75: 12, Pil9Ja75: 11, Pi2F75: 11, Pi9F75: 11, Pi9F75: 22, Pil6F75: 22, Pi30Mr75: 32, Pi6Ap75sll, Pi6Ap75: 32, Pi29Je75: 21, Pil7Ag75: 22--D19Ag75: 11 satirized, PD12My74: 22 guard ships for proposed, R210c73: 13 harbor blockade proposed, D25Mr75: 21 harbor inspection by king's ships, R6My73sl3 harbor protection regulated by Continental congress, D5Ag75: 31 importance to empire. PD4Ag68: 23 — R4Ag68: 23, PD10S72: 13 to Gt. Brit. , PD3Mr68: 13, R22S68: 13, Pi29S74: 23, PD24N74: 12 to Gt. Brit, denied, PD18J171: 21 improvement in regulations expected, PD12My68: ll--R12My68: 12 \ 128 British colonies independence claims discussed, PD8S74: 13 discussed, PD9F69: 13, PD19J170: 31-- R19J170: 22, P10N75: 32, D23Mr76: 13, D23Mr76: 31, D27Ap76: 13, D27Ap76: 22 discussed in Gt. Brit. ,D11F75: 22, P24N75s21, P16F76: 21--D17F76: 23 discussed in Va. , D20Ap76: 32 opposed, P26Ap76s21--D27Ap76: 31 opposed in Caroline co. , Va. , PD28J174sl2--R28J174: 23 opposed in Pa. , PDllAg74: 22-- R4Ag74:31,D9D75:31 rumored, D70c75: 11 supported, Pil3D75: 12, P5Ja76(5)s23, P29Mr76: 13, P3My76: 11, P17My76: 11, D25My76: 21, DlJe76: 11, P28Je76: 31 supported by Buckingham co. , Va. , P14Je76: 41 supported in Boston, Mass. , D22Je76: 41 supported in Ga. , P14Je76p22 supported in James City co. , Va. , P26Ap76sl3 supported in Md. , P14Je76p32, D15Je76:31 supported in N. C. , D22Je76: 61 supported in Pa. ,D22Je76: 52, D22Je76: 61 supported in Va. , D13J176: 12 to be decided by Continental congress, P21Je76: 23 urged, P2F76: 13, P8Mr76s21, P8Mr76s23, P29Mr76: 22, D6Ap76: 11, P12Ap76: 11 Indians incited against, D8J175: 31, Pi3Ag75: 32--D5Ag75: 23, P4Ag75: 23 inhabitants requested to give up arms, D24Je75: 11 inhabitants termed rebels, D2S75: 12 inspected by British, 24N52: 12 intra -colonial disputes, R7F71: 22 investigated by parliament, PD16Ag70: 22 invited to Indian conference, 2My51: 21 judges financial independence opposed, R170c71: 11 independence favored in Pa. , P24Mr75: 21 made independent by British ministry, RlAp73: 21 powers opposed in N. Y. ,D8Ap75: 13 tenure of office opposed in N. Y. , PillMy75: 12--D13My75: 13 leaders to be charged with treason, PD23N69: 23--R23N69: 22 learning advances in, P3My76: 21 legislatures upheld, R1S68: 11 letter (text) of requisition to, D26Ag75: 21 loyalty to Gt. Brit, affirmed, PD28My67: 22 manifestos to European countries, Pi28S75:22--P29S75: 11 memorial from Continental congress prepared, D28Ja75: 12 military establishment to be changed, PD6Ja74: 21 military government opposed, P12F75: 31--P3F75sll--DllF75sll, P24Mr75: 21, PD25Ag74: 12 military power of discussed, P3F75: 13 military preparations against Fr. , 23My45: 31 military strength, PD5My74: 11, P22S75: 13 military training urged in Eng. , Pi27J175: 32 ministerial supremacy over discussed, PD13D70: 13 moderation toward by Gt. Brit. advocated, PD26My74: 22 moderation urged in Eng. , PD15D68: 13-- R15D68: 12 need support in Britain, Pi270c74: 23 negotiation with Gt. Brit, discussed, D23Mr76: 41 neutrality of Can. , D210c75: 22 new colonies discussed, PD10c72: 21, PD80c72: 22, R80c72: 13, R31Mr74: 23 northern and southern compared, R14Je70: 12 number of troops in, P2Je75s33 oath of allegiance for, PD30J167: 31 odds against in London, Eng. , PD6Ag67: 21 offer allegiance to Fr. , PD10N74: 13 offered aid by Fr. , D29Je76: 11 officers conduct praised, PD6Ag67: 23 officers paid by crown proposed, PD22S74: 12 officials from England criticized, PD8S68: 21 officials required to reside in, PD60c68: 21 oppose Britain's paying salary of governors, PD5S71: 23 British ministry, D30S75: 21-- Pi50c75:31--P60c75: 12 convict transportation, PD26S71: 23 Gt. Brit. , P2F76: 31 opposed by British merchants, Pi25My75: 22 by clergy in Charleston, S. C. , D25F75: 13 by Earl of Chatham rumored, Pi29D74: 12 by Hillsborough, RllOc70: 23 by Indians, Pi31Ag75: 31--D2S75: 21 by Quakers of Nantucket, Mass. , Pi25My75: 22 by Gen. Wentworth, Pi3Ag75: 22 in Birmingham, Eng. , Pi28Ap75: 31, P28Ap75: 13 in Boston, Mass. , Pil3Ap75: 11 in Can. , P22J175s21--D29jl75: 23 in Eng. , PD21D69: 13, PD20S70: 23, R20S70: 23, PD27S70: 13, PD12My74: 32, PD1S74: 23, PilD74: 22, Pi2F75: 31, P3Mr75: 31--D4Mr75: 21, Pil6Mr75: 31--P17Mr75sll-- D18Mr75: 21, P31Mr75: 21 in Halifax, Eng. , P28Ap75: 13 in Ire. ,D16Mr76: 13 in Leeds, Eng. , P28Ap75: 13 in London, Eng. , PD17N74: 13, P14J175sl3 in Manchester, Eng. , D2D75: 22 in Mass. , P14Ap75: 22 in N. Y. , Pi26Ja75: 13, D29Ap75s21 in parliament, PD25Ap74: 23, D18F75: 21,D22Ap75: 2I,D29Ap75: 13 in Pa. , Pil6Mr75: 13 in Poole, Eng. , Pi28Ap75: 31 in Scot. , Pi50c75: 31 in Va. , P31Mr75sl3, P21Ap75: 22 in W. I. , D6Ap76: 23 opposition to British measures, R30Je74: 21 to Gt. Brit. ,PDllN73sl2, PD26My74: 21, Pil6F75: 21 papers on submitted to parliament, PD26My74: 12 pardon offered by king, P16Ag76: 12-- D17Ag76: 12 parodies on, PD60c74: 31 patriotism of, Pil8My75: 32 petitions (text) against Mass. government act,R14J174: 22 by Quakers, P5My75sl2 criticized, PD8S74: 22--R8S74: 32 king, PD24Ag69: 22, PD28S69: 21 parliament, R16My66: 33, PD19My74: 23 printed in London, Eng. , PD14Mr66: 42 rejected in Eng. , PD29Je69: 23-- R29je69: 22 sent to Lord Hillsborough, R9N69: 21 poetry supporting, Pi20Ap75: 11 policy toward in Eng. , R14Ja73: 31 popular support of in Eng. , PD27Ap69: 22--R27Ap69: 21 population of, PD9N69s22--R9N69: 23, R1N70: 22, PD30Ja72: 23, PD9Je74: 13, Pi20D75: 11--D23D75: 11 position in empire discussed, PD21Ap68: 21, PD26My68: 13 postmaster -general appointed, P18Ag75:31 praised by British officer, R25Ag74: 22, Pi7S75: 11 by ministry, PD22N70: 22 by Pitt, R26Ap7 0:11 by Voltaire, PD10N74: 23 in Fr. , P24N75sl2 prayers for in Eng. , PD15D74: 13 preparations for war urged, P23F76: 11 printing presses discouraged in, 24Ap52: 12 promise guarda costas for British, PD4Ap66: 31 prophecy concerning, PD17N74: 12 punishment discussed, PD12My74: 41, D280c75: 12 rebels' lands to be confiscated, P16D75: 32, P29D75: 13, P8Mr76: 23 rebels transported to E. I. ,D4N75: 21 rebellion discussed in Commons, P28Ap75: 21 regulations concerning proposed in parliament, PD31Mr74: 11 of assemblies opposed, PillMy75: 12-- D13My75: 13 reinforced by British, RllOc70: 12 relations with Antigua, W. I. , P24My76: 23 with Barbados, W. I. , Pil0Ja76: 22-- P12Ja76: 23--D13Ja76: 23 with Charles Edward, young pretender, D4F75: 22 with Dela wares, PD9Je74: 23 with Eng. , PD28My67: 22, PD18Je67: 11, PD25JT71: 11 with Fr. ,P31Mr75: 21, D15J175: 23, D18N75: 13.D2D75- 31,D23D75: 21, P8Mr76: 21, D30Mr76: 31,D6Ap76: 31, P7Je76: 23. D15Je76: 42, D10Ag76: 31, P110c76: 21 with Gt. Brit. , R31My70: 12, R31My70: 21, R7Je70: 22, PD1N70: 21-- R1N70: 22, PD17Ja71: 13, PD31Ja71: 23, PD7F71: 22--R7F71: 21, PD14F71: 21, R21N71: 12, PD23Je74: 13-- R23Je74: 32, PD7J174: 11, R7J174: 12, 129 British colonies, relations with Gt. Brit, (cont'd) R14J174: 11, PD4Ag74: 21, R4Ag74: 23, RllAg74: 11, PD18Ag74: 31, Pi60c74: 11, PD17N74: 12, D14Ja75: 21, D4F75:22,D12Ag75:41 with Hispaniola, W. I. , P6S76: 31 with Holl. ,D23D75: 21 with Mingos,D26Ag75: 31 with Prussia, PHOc76: 22 with Shawnees, D26Ag75: 31 with Six Nations, P29S75: 21 with Sp. , Pi28S75: 22, D30S75: 12, D23D75: 21, P19J176: 13--D29J176: 11 with W. I. , P28Je76: 23 with Wyandots, D26Ag75: 31 request aid from Europe, Pi50c75: 23 — P60c75: 13, Pi50c75: 32--P60c75: 23 — D140c75: 21 resistance to Gt. Brit, urged, R4Ag74: 11, P3F75: 13, Pil3Ap75: 22 resolutions of, effect In Eng. , R22S74: 21 revenue board discussed in parliament, PD30J167: 31 revenue from, PD60c68: Il--R60c68: 11, PD9Mr69: 12, R6J169: 22, PD12D71: 21, D70c75: 11 revenue officers from Eng. , Pil8My75: 23 revolt against Britain expected, Pi23F75: 13 revolutionary leaders punishment, PD14Ap69s21,PD18My69: 11, PD23Mr69: 22--R23Mr69: 22, D2S75: 21, Pi28S75: 22--P29S75: 13— D30S57: 21 revolutionary spirit in, D24Je75: 12 rights of defended, D21S76: 11, D27S76: 11 discussed, PD18Ap66: 12,RllMr73: 11 discussed in Boston, Mass. , R29Ap73: 11, PD3Je73: 22 discussed in Continental congress, P110N74: 11— PD17N74: 11 discussed in Mass. council, PD4Mr73: 11 discussed in London, Eng. , D13Ja76: 11 discussed in Va. ,R12Ja69: 11, R2F69: 22 pamphlets on, PD21Mr66: 31, PD4Ap66: 33, PDllAp66: 31, PD30My66: ll,R30My66: 22— PD30My66: 31 questioned, PD30D73: 22 stated in Boston, Mass. , PD25F73: 22 stated in Continental congress, D21Ja75: 12 supported, PD17D72: 23, PD25F73: 23, PD23D73s22— R23D73: 32 supported in Philadelphia, Pa. , DllMr75:13 supported in N. C. , R15F70: 12 supported in Va. , PD13My73: 23, D17F76: 13 seacoast towns threatened by British, Pil90c75: 23,Pil6N75: 31 secret service in, P7J175: 21 Secretary of State for, establishment of rumored, 5S51: 22 to be abolished, R5Ja69: 11, D22Ap75: 11 seek foreign aid, R22S74: 13 sends commissioners to Can. , P31My76: 22 standing army in proposed, Pil8My75: 23 status in empire discussed, PD22Ap73: 11 strength of discussed in Eng. , R18Oc70: 11 study to be made, of conditions in, PD20S70s32— R20S70: 22 supported, R170c71: 11, R14Ja73: 31, D4F75: H,Pi22Je75: 21 against Gt. Brit. , PD16Je74sll by Barbados, W. I. general assembly, P9Je75: 23 by Col. Isaac Barre,D22J175: 41 by British merchants, PD5Ap70: 12— R5Ap70: 12, Pi23F75: 21, P10Mr75: 32, P31Mr75:32,P7Ap75:22, Pil3Ap75: 31 — P14Ap75sll — D15Ap75: 22, P14Ap75: 22— D15Ap75: 21, Pi25My75: 22 by Edmund Burke, Pi4My75: 23 by Chatham, PD19My74: 33, R22S74: 33, PD20Oc74s21, Pi4My75: 11 by Earl of Effingham, Pil5Je75: 31 — P16Je75s23--D17Je75sl2, Pi6J175: 32 by Glasgow, Scot. , merchants, P17Mr75s22— D18Mr75: 23 by governor, R22Mr70: 11 by David Hartley, Pi27J175: 21, Pi3Ag75:ll by Indians, Pi26Ja75: 13,D8J175: 23, PU3J175: 31 — P14J175sl3— D15J175: 22, P21J175s32, D16S75: 13, D16S75: 21, P22S75: 13, D11N75: 21 by Junius, PillMy75: 21 by king, R3My70: 21, P16Je75sl3— D17Je75: 22 by Gen. Lee, PU3J175: 21--D15J175: 11 by livery of London, Eng. , P26My75: 22,D17Je75: 21— P16Je75sll, P15S75: 22--D16S75: 21, Pi21S75: 23— D23S75: 22,D140c75: 23 by London, Eng. , merchants, Pil6Mr75: 23— P17Mr75: 23— D18Mr75: 13, P7Ap75: 23--D8Ap75: 23, D8Ap75: 31, D6My75: 23, P19My75: 12 by Middlesex, Eng. , PD24Ag69: 22 by Quakers, PD4Ag74: 21, Pi29S74: 22, Pil8My75: 31, Pil8My75: 32 by Senecas,D3Je75: 23--P2Je75: 23 by Six Nations, D14Ja75: 23 by Society for support of Bill of Rights, P29S75: 31 by John Wilkes, P24F75: 23— D25F75: 21, Pi28Ap75: 11 — D29Ap75: 11, P9Je75: 22, P16F76sll in Antigua, W. I. , R25Ag74: 12, PD3N74: 33 in Barbados, W. I. , Dl J175: 21 in Bermuda, D4N75: 31 inBraintree, Eng. , Pi7S75: 31 — P8S75sl2— D9S75: 21 in Bristol, Eng. , D21 Ja75: 23, P21Je76: 12 in Can. , D14Ja75: 23, Pi26Ja75: 13, D10Je75: 22, P21J175s32, Pi31Ag75: 31--D2S75: 21, P15S75: 23 — D16S75: 22, Pi50c75: 22, P270c75s21, D11N75: 21, Pi9N75: 31— P10N75: 22— D11N75: 31, P12Ja76: 23 — D13Ja76: 23, D3F76: 13, D24F76: 32, D6Ap76: 13, P7Je76: 22 in Cork, Ire. ,D16D75: 32 in Dublin, Ire. , P8S75sl2— D9S75: 21, Pi30N75: 12, Pi30N75: 13 in Edinburgh, Scot. , P1D75: 21 — D2D75: 21 in Eng. , PD18My69: 21, PD3Ag69: 22— R3Ag69: 23, PD10Ag69: 22, PD17Ag69: 12--R17Ag69: 11, PD24Ag69: 22, PD21S69s22, R260c69: 21, PD2N69: 13--R2N69: 21, R9N69: 23, PD16N69: 12, PD16N69: 13— R16N69: 22, R14D69: 11, PD14Je70: 21, PD26J170: 12, R23Ag70: 22, PD30Ag70: ll,RHOc70: 31, PD21F71: 21, PD18J171: 21, PD21Ja73: 31--R21Ja73: 23, R6My73sl3, PD27My73: 12, R8J173: 11, R8J173: 12, PD11N73: 11, PD28Ap74: 11, PD18Ag74: 13, PD22S74: 23, R22S74: 22, PD60c74: 31, Pil30c74: 32, PD20Oc74: 23, PD20Oc74sll, PD24N74: 13, PD22D74: 21, Pi22D74: 31, P10F75: 22, P10F75: 23, PU6F75: 12, P123F75: 23, P3Mr75: 31--D4Mr75: 21, Pi9Mr75: 22, P10Mr75: 32, P17Mr75s42, P31Mr75: 21, P7Ap75: 22--D8Ap75: 23, P7Ap75: 23 — D8Ap75: 31, P21Ap75s21 — D22Ap75: 12, P21Ap75s22— D22Ap75: 13, P21Ap75s23— D22Ap75: 21, P28Ap75: 22, P5My75s41,P7J175: 11--D8J175: 12, PllAg75pll, PllAg75pl2, D12Ag75: 31, P18Ag75: 21— D19Ag75: 31, Pil4S75: 13, P15S75: 21, P15S75sl3, P128S75: 22--P29S75: 12, P150c75: 31— P60c75: 12, P60c75: 22, P60c75s22, D70c75: 12, D140c75: 22, D140c75: 31.P10N75: 23,D25N75: 22— P1D75: 13, D2D75: 31, D16D75: 12, P9F76: 31 in Europe, PD14Je70: 13 in Fr. , D6My75: 31, D1J175: 12, P29Mr76: 21, P10My76: 22— DllMy76: 31, P31My76: 12— DUe76: 12 in Ger. , PilJe75: 13, D2S75: 12 in Glasgow, Scot. , P31Mr75: 31 in Gt. Brit. , PD14Ap68: 21, PD5My74: 13, P24F75: 32, Pil6Mr75: 32, P31Mr75: 13, P31Mr75: 22, D22Ap75: 23 in Holl. . PD22D74: 22 in Ire. , PD6J169: 31, R7S69: 31, PD10Je73: 21, Pi28Ap75: 32— P28Ap75: 22, Pi50c75: 32, P8D75: 21 — Pi9D75: 31,D27Ja76: 13,D9Mr76: 13 in Jamaica, W. I. , P3Mr75s23, Pi9Mr75: 31--PiOMr75: 31, DllMr75: 22, Pi30Mr75: 22— DlAp75: 22, P10My76: 22 — DllMy76:31 in Kent, Del. , P10Mr75sl2 in Liverpool, Eng. , Pil9Ja75: 23— D28Ja75: 21 in London, Eng. ,RllOc70: 23, R30Je74: 13, R22S74: 32, PD10N74: 33 — PH0N74: 31, Pi8D74: 21, Pil5D74: 22, Pi29D74: 11, Pi29D74: 13, Pi29D74: 22, Pi29D74: 23, D21Ja75: 23, Pi28Ap75: 32, D29Ap75s21, Pi4My75: 23, Pil8My75: 23, D27My75: 23, P7J175: 13, PilOAg75: 23 — PllAg75: 21, Pil7Ag75: 32— P18Ag75: 31,D26Ag75: 23, Pi31Ag75: 12, Pi28S75: 22 — P29S75: 22— D30S75: 22, P5Ja76: 22, D10F76: 31,D16Mr76: 21 130 British colonies in Mass. , Pil8My75: 13 in Montreal, Can. , DUF75: 21 in N. Y. , P31Mr75: 32, DlAp75: 31 in Newcastle, Eng. , PiD75: 21-- D2D75: 21 in N. S. ,P270c75sll in parliament, PD27Ap69: 22-- R21Ap69sll,PD26J170: 11, PD21F71: 13--R21F71: 31, R15Ag71: 11, PDUAg74: 13, PD18Ag74: 21--R18Ag74: 22, Pi29D74: 12, P3Mr75sl2--D4Mr75: 22, D22Ap75: 21, D29Ap75s21, D12Ag75: 11, Pil7Ag75: ll,D26Ag75: 13 in Quebec, Can. , P22D75: 32 in St. Domingo, W. I. , D29Ap75: 31 in St. Eustatia, W. I. , P21Je76: 22-- D22Je76: 51 in Scot. , R25Ag74: 22, P31Mr75sll, in Sp. , D6My75: 31, D3F76: 31-- Pi3F76: 21 in Va. ,D22Ap75:31 in Warren, Eng. , P21Ap75s23-- D22Ap75: 21 supporters of Gt. Brit, criticized, R8S74: 22 in Eng. opposed, D9D75: 23 in Eng. thanked by Congress, PD10N74: ll--PilON74: 12 supremacy of Eng. affirmed, PD150c72: 11, P31Mr75: 22 to raise money for Gt. Brit. , PD31Ja71: 23 toured by Danes, PD24Mr74: 12 trade regulated by Congress, P19Ap76pll--D20Ap76: 23 regulations criticized in Great Britain, PD290c67: 11 report requested from, R16Je68: 14 with Den. , PD12Mr67: 21 with Europe, D70c75: 11, P15Mr76: 22-- D16Mr76: 22, P12Ap76: 12 with Fr. , D7Ja75: 21, D14Ja75: 21, D14Ja75: 22, Pi23Mr75: 21, D27My75: 21, P2Je75: 13, P21Je76: 22, D22Je76:61,D29je76:ll with Fr. increases, Pi22D74: 32 with Fr. opposed, lAg51: 31, P3F75: 33, D4F75: 23, D25Mr75: 21, D1J175: 12 with Fr. sought, PD22D74: 21, P29Mr76: 13, P29Mr76: 23, D14S76: 12 with Fr. regulated, PD140c73sl2 with Fr. replaces British, D25Mr75: 21 with Fr. resumed, P12Ap76: 31 with Fr. valued, P24F75: 23 with Gt. Brit. , P15Mr76sl2, D23Mr76: 31,D30Mr76: 23 with Grenada, W. I. , PD70c73: 23 with Hamburg, Ger. , discouraged, D29Ap75: 33 with Holl. ,D14Ja75: 21,D14Ja75: 22, P14Ap75: 22--D15Ap75: 21, D27My75: 21, P2Je75: 13, D12Ag75: 23 with Holl. forbidden, lAg51: 31, P2Je75: 21, Pi28S75: 21--P29S75: 13-- D30S75: 13, P60c75: 23 with Holl. , increases, D7Ja75: 21, with Holl. , solicited, D14S76: 12 with Ire. , Pi23Mr75: 32, D23Mr76: 31, D30Mr76: 23 with Martinique, W. I. , P28Je76: 13 with Montserrat, W. I. , D14S76: 12 with Port. ,PD18Oc70: 21--R18Oc70: 11, D29Je76: 21,D14S76: 12 with Prussia, D14Ja75: 22 with St. Malo, Fr. , P17Mr75sl2-- D18Mr75:22 with Sp. , D7Ja75: 21, D14Ja75: 21, D27My75: 21, P21J175: 11, D8Je76: 31 with Sp. declines, D27My75: 31 withSp. sought, PD22D74: 21, P29Mr76: 13,D14S76: 12 with Swe. , D27My75: 21 with W. I. , D23Mr76: 31, D30Mr76: 23 with W.I. , Dutch, P17Mr75sl2-- D18Mr75: 21, Pi29Je75: 32-- P30Je75:21,DU175:23 with W. I., French, PD29Ap73: 22-- R29Ap73: 21, P21Je76: 22, P21Je76: 23 treason trials in Eng. denied, PD18My69: 22 treatment compared to Holl. , P3Mr75: 13 treatment of inhabitants in Eng. , P23F76: 21--D24F76: 22 truce with Gt. Brit, rumored, D2D75: 12 types of governments in, P13S76: 11 united, PD23Je74: 21, Pi29S74: 33, Pi270c74: 13, PilOAg75: 21 united government for proposed, 4Ap55: 12, PD28S69: 12, PD140c73sl2 unity against Gt. Brit, discussed, PD4Ag68: 22, PD19My74: 42, PD26My74: 22, PD26My74: 23, PDllAg74: 22, PD22S74: 23 against tea tax, PD20Ja74: 23 praised, Pil5D74: 22 reported, PD9Je74: 13, PD16Je74s21-- R23Je74: 23 reported in Botetourt co. , Va. , DllMr75:32 reported in Eng. , Pi50c75: 23-- P60c75: 21 supported, PD10N68: 21, PD7My72: 23, PD18Mr73: 22, R10Mr74: 23, PD2Je74: 22, P5Ja76: 21, P19Ap76: 23 supported in Boston, Mass. , PD30Je74: 21 supported in Conn. , PD21J168: 21-- R21J168: 13 supported in Cumberland co. , Va. , P14JT75s22 supported in Md. , D15Je76: 32 supported in Mass. ,R3Mr68: 24-- PD10Mr68: 22 supported in N. Y. , D24F76: 22 supported in N. C. , R10Mr74: 23 supported in Philadelphia, Pa. , PD1S68: 21, PD30Je74: 13 supported in Portsmouth, N. H. , PD30Je74: 12 supported in Prince George co. , Va. , PD30Je74: 22--R30Je74: 22 supported in Va. , PD30Je74: 11-- R30Je74: 13 with Gt. Brit. , PD20N66: 13, PD11D66: 13, R270c68: 21, PD29Ap73: 11, PD31Mr74: 21, Pi20J175: 23--P21J175s22-- D22J175: 13 with London, Eng. , discussed, R190c69: 21 urged to preserve liberty, PD17Mr68: 21, PD9Je74: 13 use of force discussed, PD1D74: 21, D20My75:22,D2S75: 12 value of discussed, 15D38: 21, 24Ap52: 12, PD18Ap66: 33, R12Ag73: 21 value of vine planting to, PD25F73: 21 viceroy for rumored, PD8Mr70: 23, P21Ap75s22--D22Ap75: 13 virtues described, PD9N69s22-- R9N69: 23 war with Gt. Brit, discussed, PD60c74: 11, PD8D74: 23--Pi8D74: 31, PD22D74:21,D7Ja75:22 urged, PD28J174: 31,R25Ag74: 11 warned against British ministry, PD9N69s21 reaction to Stamp act repeal, PD20Je66: 12 writings on collected in Eng. , R22D68:11 See also Academies in; Admiralty courts established in; Admiralty courts in; Admiralty courts opposed in; Agriculture prevails in; America; Ammunition, export from Gt. Brit. , to; Amunition, import to; Ammunition, seizure ordered in; Armaments for British army in; Arms, export from Gt. Brit. , to; Arms, export from Holl. , to; Arms; import to; Arms, seizure ordered in; Arms, stands of, for British army in; Arms for; Arms manufacture encouraged in; Arms manufacture in; Arsenals, establishment in; Arsenals for; Artificers, British, emigration to; Artillery for British army in; Arts encouraged in; Association proposed in; Banks; Banks, royal, to be established in; Beds for Hessian troops in; Beef, export from; Blankets, import to; Boston port bill, opposed by; Boston port bill, opposed in; Boston port bill, relief from by; Boundary lines, Creeks-; Bounties; Brass field pieces, import to; British army, arms for in; ■ British army, number of troops in; British army, officers of praise; British army, opposes service in; British army, sickness in; British army from Ire. , to; British army from Scot. , to; British army in; British army to; British marines to; British ministry, attempts to bribe; British ministry, attitude toward; British ministry opposes; British navy, officers accused of aiding; British navy in; British navy to; British sailors discharged in; British transports to; Brunswick troops to;'Bullets for British army in; Butter import to Gt. Brit. , from; Calfskins, export from; Cannon manufacture in; Census in 1774; Census of; Census ordered in; Circular letters from Mass. , to; Citrons, import to; Clergy, Anglican, attitude toward; Cloth import to; Clothing manufacture in; Coal for British army in; Cocoa, foreign, reexportation restrictions proposed for; Coercive acts opposed in; Coffee, foreign, reexportation restrictions proposed for; Coffee import to; Committees of correspondence in; Committees of observation in; Continental congress, 131 British colonies, See also (cont'd) first, supported in; Convict servants, entrance to; Convict servants, refused entrance to; Convoys by British navy to; Copper mined in; Copper coins, export from Eng. , to; Cordage export from Eng. , to; Cordage export from Holl. , to; Corn, import to Eng. from; Corn, Indian, import to Gt. Brit, from; Corn, import to Gt. Brit, from; Cotton, foreign, as enumerated article; Cotton, foreign, reexportation restrictions proposed; Cotton manufacture establishment in; Cotton manufacture in; Counterfeiting in; Currency, paper in; Currency in; Customs boards in; Customs collectors in; Customs commissioners established; Customs commissioners in; Declaratory act opposed in; Desertions from British army in America encouraged by; Dockyards, establishment in; Dockyards for; Dockyards in; Dollars, import to Gt. Brit. , from; Duties; East India co. , British, export of tea to; Economy urged in; Eight pounders left in; Elections in; Emigration from; Emigration from Corsica to; Emigration from Eng. , to; Emigration from Gt. Brit. , to; Emigration from Greenock, Scot. , to; Emigration from Ire. , to; Emigration from Island of Sky, Scot. , to; Emigration from Leeds, Eng. , to; Emigration from Lewis island, Scot. , to; Emigration from London, Eng. , to; Emigration from Port Glasgow, Scot. , to; Emigration from Scot. , to; Emigration from Sunderland, Eng. , to; Emigration from Yorkshire, Eng. , to; Emigration of .British soldiers to; Enumerated articles, exported from; Exports from; Exports from Dominica, W. I. , to; Exports from Dublin, Ire. , to; Exports from Eng. , to; Exports from Fr. , to; Exports from Gt. Brit. , to; Exports from Holl. , to; Exports from Ire. , to; Exports from London, Eng. , to; Exports from Stetim, Pr. , to; Farmers, British, emigration to; Fast days in; Fisheries, American; Fishermen pledge support to; Flannel waistcoats for British army in; Flax export from; Flour for British army in; Forests in; Forgeries in; Forts for; Free trade in; Freedom of speech supported in; Freedom of speech violated in; French agents in; Fruit import to; German troops for British army in; German troops to be sent to; Glass manufactures, establishment in; Glue manufacture encouraged in; Gold, import to; Gold, Portuguese, value of increased in; Gold coinage proposed; Governors, royal; Governors, royal, policies of opposed in; Grain, export from; Grain, import to Gt. Brit. , from; Gunpowder, export from Gt. Brit. , to; Gunpowder, for British army in; Gunpowder, import to; Gunpowder, price of in; Gunpowder, seizure ordered in; Gunpowder manufacture encouraged in; Gunpowder manufacture, in; Gunpowder plentiful in; Guns, export from Gt. Brit. , to; Guns, import to; Hanoverian troops for British army in; Hanoverian troops to; Hats manufacture, restricted in; Hessians to; Hides, export from; Highlanders to embark for; Horseshoes for British army in; Imports to; Imports to Bordeaux, Fr. , from; Imports to Exeter, Eng. , from; Imports to Glasgow, Scot. , from; Imports to Gt. Brit. , from; Imports to Greenock, Scot. , from; Imports to Holl. , from; Imports to Ire. , from; imports to Plymouth, Eng. , from; Imports to Sp. , from; Imports to Whitehaven, Eng. , from; Indentured servants from Greenock, Scot. , to; Indians, war with feared in; Indians aid; Indians in; Indians support; Indigo, foreign, as enumerated article; Indigo, foreign, reexportation restrictions proposed; Indigo, import to; Indigo produced in; Interest rates on money loaned; Iron, bar, export from; Iron, bar, import to Gt. Brit. , from; Iron, pig, import to Gt. Brit. , from; Iron, requirements for exportation from; Iron mined in; Judges in; Land, mortgaged for sale in; Land, price of in; Land grants in; Land in; Land offices in; Lawyers in; Lead mined in; Lemons, import to; Linen, import to; Linen manufacture establishment in; Linen manufacture in; Lumber, export from; Luxury criticized in; Manufacturers, Scotch, emigration to; Manufactures, encouragement of in; Manufactures, prohibition opposed in; Manufactures, Scotch, demand for in; Manufactures, success of; Manufactures encouraged; Manufactures in; Meat, salt, import to Gt. Brit. , from; Merchandise ordered for; Merchandise returned from; Merchants; Merchants, British, attitude toward; Merchants, British, support; Military stores, export from Gt. Brit. , to; Militia in; Mineral ores discovered in; Mines in; Molasses, import to; Monarchy, limited, advocated in; Money, coinage in; Money, paper, circulates in; Money, paper, for; Money, paper, insurance in; Money, scarce in; Muskets, export from Bristol, Eng. , to; Mutiny; Mutiny act for; Nails, import to; Nails manufacture, restricted in; Nails ordered by; Naval stores in; Navigation acts opposed in; Non-importation agreements, committee for dissolved in; Non- importation agreements, value of to; Non- importation agreements relaxed in; Oil, import to; Oil, whale, imported to London, Eng. , from; Olives, import to; Oranges, import to; Packets; Packets between Gt. Brit. , and; Paper manufacture in; Paper mills, establishment in; Parliament, colonial representation in supported in; Parliament, supremacy of opposed in; Peace commissioners appointed for; Peace commissioners opposed in; Peace commissioners to; Petitions by; Pimentoes, import to; Plantations, price falls in; Pork, export from; Portuguese navy to; Post office in; Post roads in; Postal service, need for between Montreal, Can. , and; Potatoes for British army in; Powder, import to; Precedency rules for; Prohibitory act opposed in; Propaganda, British in; Protestants emigrate from Ire. to; Provisions, salted, import to Eng. , from; Quakers, petition concerning rights in; Quakers in Eng. , petition in favor of; Quakers, in London, Eng. , from; Quartering act opposed in; Quartering in; Quartering opposed in; Quebec act opposed in; Rams, British, bred in; Rams, export from Eng. , to; Religion; Revolutionary war, cost of to; Rice, export from Carolina to; Rice, export from Ga. , to; Rice, import to Gt. Brit. , from; Rice produced in; Riots; Roman Catholics sent to; Rum, import to; Russian troops to; Saddles for British army in; Sago powder, import to Gt. Brit. , from; Salt, import to; Saltpetre discovered in; Saltpetre import to; Saltpetre manufacture in; Saltzburghers emigrate to; Satires; Scots emigrants to; Sheep, British, bred in; Sheep, export from Eng. , to; Ships, number built in; Ships built in; Silk, growth of encouraged in; Silk, import to; Silk manufacture in; Silks produced in; Silver, import to; Silver coinage proposed; Silver currency, coinage in; Silver mined in; Six Nations incited against; Smuggling, prevention in; Smuggling between; Smuggling in; Smuggling to; Songs supporting; Spices, import to; Spies, British; Spies, French, in; Spies, Spanish, in; Stamp act opposed in; Starch, import to Gt. Brit. , from; Steel manufacture, in; Stockings, worsted, for British army in; Sugar, export from; Sugar, import to; Sugar, foreign reexportation restrictions proposed for; Sugar, import to Gt. Brit. , from; Sugar in; Sugar produced in; Sulphur, import to; Taxes, amount collected in; Tea boycotted in; Tea, export from China to; Tea, export from Eng. , to; Tea, import to; Tea, price of in; Tea substitutes in; Tea warehouses, establishment of in; Tobacco, export from; Tobacco produced in; Tories in; Townshend act opposed in; Treason, punishment for in; Treason in; Trials, transfer to England opposed in; Twelve pounders for British army in; Vermicelli, import to Gt. Brit. , from; Wagons, baggage, for British army in; Walders troops to: 132 British ministry Warehouses, India, in; Whale fins, import to London, Eng. , from; Wheat, export from; Wheat, import to Gt. Brit., from; Wheat flour, Import to Gt. Brit. , from; Wine, import to; Wool, export from; Wool, import to Gt. Brit. , from; Woolen manufacture, establishment in; Woolen manufacture in British constitution, basis of, PD22S74: 21 books on, R16My66: 32 crisis in, PD26My74: 21 criticism of, P17My76: 11 defended, D25My76: 13 discussed, R18F73: 11, PD22Ap73: 11 essay on, PD20Oc74: 11 praised, Pi24N74: 21, D27Ap76: 22 in Fr.,PD15S74:12 inS.C, 7Mr55:22, 7Mr55:31 in Va.,D8Je76:12 supporters of listed, R2My71: 13 upheld by Continental congress, P29D75: 21--D30D75: 23--Pi30D75: 11 in London, Eng. , PD20Je71: 23— R20Je71:21 British court, ambassadors' disputes at, R14S69:12 anecdotes about, PD17Je73: 13 celebrates Easter, 28J138:32 See also Smallpox inoculations at British empire, extent of, PD16S73: 12 fall of prophecied, P1S75: 22--D2S75: 32 welfare of discussed, PD25Mr73: 31 British fleet, in Capes, Va. , P15Ag77: 23 British forces, reduced officers required to register, 9N39: 12 subsistence issues for, 9N39: 21 British goods, exported from York district, Va. , to New England, 20J139:41, 25 Ja40: 3 to N. C. , 21S39: 41, 2N39: 21, 25Ja40: 3 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from Barbados, W. I. , R7J168: 22— PD7J168: 23, PD7J168: 23--R7J168: 21 British government, form of praised, 15S52:31 British King, ship, PD7Mr66:32, PD2My66: 22, PD14Ja73: l?--R14Ja73: 22 British Liberty, horse, PD16D73: 12— R16D73:23 British magazine, extract from, PD26N67:11 British marines, at Staten island, N. Y. , D7S76:11 attack Conanicut island, R. I. , D6Ja76:31,P22Mr76:21 augmented, Pil90c75: 12--P20Oc75: 12— D210c75:13 children in, D210c75: 22 condition of, PD80c72: 12 decrease in, PD4Mr73:31 in Boston, Mass. , pay for, P16Ag76: 21 in Halifax, N.S., D29 J176: 21 in Nfd. , PD20Ag72: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , P5My75s22, Pi4My75:23 increased, 25Ap55: 12, PD15J173: 23— R15J173: 22.D14S76: 11 number reduced, PD15J173: 22--R15 J173: 13 leave Williamsburg, Va. , P19My75: 32 pay for, PD12My68:12 recruiting for, R5S66: 22, PD17S71: 21, PD27 Ja74: 23--R27Ja74: 31, PD1S74; 12, D2S75: 21, Pil20c75: 21--P130c75s22, D28Oc75:31,P10N75:13 in Eng. , P12D77:11 in Ire. , PD2Ap72: 21, P121S75: 32 regiment raised, 4Ap55: 22 regulation of, D29Ap75s21 silk weavers enlist in, Pi260c75: 11 — D280c75:21 to Boston, Mass. , D4My76: 31 from Eng. , PD15D74: 31, D28 Ja75: 21— Pi2F75: 22 from Halifax, N. S. , P2 Je75s23 from Plymouth, Eng. , PD15D74: 21, PD29D74: 22--Pi29D74: 12, D7Ja75:22 from Portsmouth, Eng. , PD8D74s21 to British colonies, N. Am. , Pil20c75: 21--P130c75s22 from Chatham, Eng. , D10F76: 23 from Eng. , D2D75: 13, P3My76: 21 — D4My76:31 from Portsmouth, Eng. . D210c75: 21 to Quebec, Can. , D29J176: 51 to Williamsburg, Va. , Pi8Je75:32 British merchant marine, enlistments in encouraged, PD4My69: 21 Scots in estimated, PD12Mr72:21 British ministers, characteristics required for listed, PD23 J172: 23 British ministry, abuses Howes in press, PlMy78:21 affected by colonial resolutions, Pi270c74: 23 by Quebec act, PD60c74: 23 agents of to visit Boston, Mass. , and N.Y. ,R1N70:21 approves two colonies, PD22N70:22 arbitrary conduct of, R190c69: 23 attacked in Commons, R9My71:22 attempts bribery in colonies, PilD74: 22, PD22D74: 22, D22Je76: 11 attempts to break non- importation agreements, D12Ag75:32 attitude toward American war, D12D77:11--P12D77:21 toward Boston, Mass., PD19My74:13 toward British colonies, N. Am. , PDHA066: 32, PD19My74: 33, PD10N74: 13, PH7N74: 23, P10F75: 13, P3Mr75sll--D4Mr75: 22, P17Mr75s42, P31Mr75: 21, P7Ap75: 22--D8Ap75: 23, P21Ap75s22--D22Ap75: 13, D17Je75s22, P60c75s22, P270c75s21, D25N75: 22 PlMy78s21 toward British colonies, N. Am. , criticized, P2Je75: 11 toward British colonies, N. Am. , discussed, PD15S74: 23, D14Ja75: 11, Pi23F75:21 toward Coercive acts, P3F75: 33, P7Ap75:21 toward N. Y. , P7Ap75: 23--D8Ap75: 31 blamed for anti-colonial laws, R60c68: 21 blamed for colonists' grievances, PD7Mr66: 23, PD7Mr66: 41 changes, PD19Mr67: 31, PD26Mr67: 21, PD80c67: 11, PD290c67: 21, PD22D68: 21--R22D68: 12, R9F69: 22, R24F69sl3, R21S69: 21, PD19Ap70: 13, R19Ap70: 21, PD25Oc70: 13, PD7My72: 23, PD80c72: 13, R18Mr73: 13, PD5My74: 12, PD26My74: 21 considered useless, PD5Mr72: 22 denied, PD22Mr70: 21, PD19Ap70: 22, PD14Je70sll, RllOc70: 13, PD22N70: 22, PD240c71: 13 discussed, PD2Ap67: 13, R11F68: 12, PD9Ap72: 23 enumerated, PD18Je67: 21 opposed, PD17D72: 22 rumored, 4N63: 21, PD7Mr66: 12, PD14Mr66: 22PD14Mr66: 41, PD18Ap66: 22, PDlAg66: 13, PDlAg66: 21, PD5S66s31--R5S66: 21, PD12F67: 13, PD12F67: 21, R12Mr67: 23, PD19Mr67: 23, PD7My67: 23, PD21My67: 21, PD4Je67: 21, PD11 Je67: 13, PD25Je67: 21, PD2Je67: 13, PD23J167: 13--R23J167s21, PD6Ag67: 13, PD150c67: 12, PD290c67: 13, PD10D67: 11, PD10D67: 13, PD21 Ja68: 32, PD25F68: 22, PD17Mr68: 23, PD24Mr68: 31--R24Mr68: 32, PD7Ap68: 12, PD5My68: 21, PD12My68: 22, PD30Je68: 12, PD4Ag68: 12--R4Ag68: 12, PD25Ag68: 11, PD15S68: 13, PD130c68: 21— R130c68: 22, PD10N68: 12, R24N68: 13, PD8D68: 23, PD15D68: 13— R15D68:12, R16Mr69:23, PD23Mr69: 21, PD23Mr69: 23, R23Mr69: 22, R23Mr69: 23, R30Mr69: 31, PD27Ap69: 21, PD29 Je69: 22— R29Je69: 21, PD29Je69:31— R29Je69:22, PD3Ag69: 23, PD14S69: 22, PD21S69sl3,R21S69:13, PD16N69: 12, PD7D69: 11, Rll Ja70: 11, PD5Ap70: 13— R5Ap70: 21, PD19Ap70: 21, PD19Ap70sl2, PD24My70: 12, R31My70:13,R19J170:ll, R13S70:12,PD13S70s21, PD20S70s21, PD20S70s22, R20S70:ll,PD22N70sl2, PD29N70: 13, PD25Ap71: 21, PD9My71; 13, PD16My71: 21, PD13Je71: 12, PD11 J171: 12, PD25 J171 : 11, PD15Ag71 : 22— R15Ag71:21,PD12S71:31, PD170c71 : 12— R170c71: 21, PD170c71 : 13, PD240c71 : 13, PD23J172: 31, PD5N72: 12— R5N72:ll,PD24Je73:21, R24Je73: 22, PD12Ag73: 13, PD19Ag73: 13, PD26Ag73: 13, R2S73sl3, PD9S73: 12, PD23S73: 13, R4N73: 22, PD2D73sl2--R2D73: 13, PD28 J174: 21, PDllAg74: 21, RllAg74: 13, PD25Ag74: 23, PD15S74:21,PD15S74:23, PD8D74:21— Pi8D74:22, P31Mr75: 22, P21Ap75s31 — D22Ap75: 21, P21Ap75s33 — D22Ap75:31,D29Ap75:32, D12Ag75: 23, P15S75sll--D16S75: 31, P15S75sl2--D16S75:23, Pil90c75: 13--P20Oc75: 13— D210c75:13,D18N75:12, P24N75sl2, D2D75: 12, P29My78: 21, P10J178:11 circulate false reports about Americans, Pil90c75: 23 coalition discussed, PD14Je70: 23, 133 British ministry, coalition discussed (cont'd) PD16D73:13, D12F79: 22 conditions for changes in, D30S75: 21 corruption in, PD4Ag68: 11, R24N68: 13, R190c69sll,PD12D71:22, PD23My71: 22, R4N73: 22, C6N79: 23 discussed, PD20Ap69: 21, PD28D69: 21, R18Ja70: 11, R18Ja70: 13, R26Ap70: 31, PD24S72:21,R23S73:21 crisis in, R15Mr70:ll criticized, PD9N69s21, R2Ag70: 13, PD10c72: 21, PD17Je73: 32-- R17 Je73s21, PD5My74: 13, PD60c74:ll for colonial policy, PD27S70: 13 for conduct of revolution, P20Mr78:22 for self-interest, PD80c72: 22 in Abingdon borough, Eng. , PD27Je71:22 in Boston, Mass. , PD21 Ja73: 23-- R21Ja73:22 in Botetourt co. , Va. , DllMr75: 32, P24Mr75:32 in Gt. Brit.,PD8Je69:21,Pi4My75:21, P4Ag75: 13, D70c75: 11, D17F76: 31, D9Ap79:12, D5Je79:21 in London, Eng. , PD17N74: 13, D4F75: 23, P23 Je75: 21, D2S75: 13, P20Oc75: 21--D210c75: 21, P5 Ja76: 23, P30c77: 21, D26F79: 22, D5Mr79: 22, D5Mr79: 31, D22My79: 11, D12Je79: 21, D8Ja80: 13, D8 Ja80: 21, D15Ja80: 21, D15Ja80:22, D12F80:11 in Manchester, Eng. , PD25My69: 31-- R25My69:22 in parliament, PD23My71 : 22, D12F79: 21, D19F79: 11, D19F79: 21, D26F79: 21, D12Mr79: 12, D19Mr79: 11, D26Mr79: 11, D26Je79: 21, D18S79: 22, DlAp80: 21 in Va. , PD13J169:11 criticizes Franklin, PD12My74: 32-- R12My74:31 defended, PD12My74: 41 discussed, R7Je70: 11 dismissal of, PD24My70: 21, R14Je70:12 dissolution of suggested, PD28D69: 21 disunion in, PD18Ap66: 21 divisions in, PD8S68: 23 encouraged by royal governors, P9Je75sl2 examines N. Y. councilors, P1S75: 22 — D2S75:32 expect colonies to break association, R29N70: 12 favored in parliament, R15N70: 21 favors Edmund Burke, R25Mr73: 12 colonies, PDllAp66: 22, PDllAp66: 23, R16My66: 42, PD15D68: 13-- R15D68: 12, D29Ap75s33, P19My75s23 repeal of tea tax, PD28 Ja73: 22-- R28Ja73:22 Stamp act repeal, PD18Ap66: 31 Wilkes for lord mayor of London, Eng. ,R30D73:21 fears independence of colonies, PHOc76:22 frequent changes criticized, PD20N66: 12 functions discussed, R18F73: 11 furthers despotism in Eng. , P9My77: 11 influence in N. Y. , PD8N70: 21 increases, PD18 J171 : 21 of parliament criticized, R26S71: 22 interference in London, Eng. , election denied, PD14Ja73: 21 interferes in elections, PD16Je68: 13-- R16Je68:22 opinions against in Holl. , PD22D74: 22 opinions in Europe, PD28Mr71: 11 opposed, R8F70: 22, R15Ag71: 11, PD12D71: 12, R1J173: 12, PD2S73: 11-- R2S73s21,R16S73:31 by British merchants, P10F75: 12 by Burke, P17F75sll by Chatham, Pi5Ja75: 11 by London, Eng., livery, PD6My73: 21, D16S75:12 by supporters of Wilkes, PD15F70: 13 in Berks co. , Eng. , D20Ap76: 11 in Bristol, Eng. , D21 Ja75: 23 in British colonies, N. Am. , P2Je75: 12, P7J175: 11, D30S75: 21--Pi50c75: 31-- P60c75:12, Pi260c75:21 in Eng. , PD21D69: 13, R8F70: 21, PD14Je70: 21, R19 J170: 11, R23Ag70: 21, R14F71: 11, PD14F71: 23--R14F71: 23, R30My71:22, PD27Je71: 21, PD26S71: 11, R18F73: 11, PD16S73: 12, R22S74: 23, PD20Oc74: 23, PD22D74: 23, Pi2F75: 31, P3F75: 41, D4F75: 23, P10F75: 21, P31Mr75: 11, D27My75: 21, D23S75: 13, Pi50c75: 31, P19N75: 31— P10N75: 12, P1D75: 22, D13 Ja76: 12, PlMy78: 12, P10F75:33 in Ire.,PD18Ap71:31,D12Ag75:22 in London, Eng. , PD13Je71: 11, PD16S73: 22, D21 Ja75: 23, Pi28Ap75: 32, D12Je79:22 in Md. ,P10F75:22 in parliament, PD19 J170: 21, PD1S74: 21, D31Ag76:ll--P13S76:12 in Philadelphia, Pa. , PDllN73s23 in Scot. , P10F75: 13, P5Ja76: 31-- D6Ja76:22, D29My79:22 in Williamsburg, Va. , P5My75s41 opposes Boston, Mass. , R23F69: 21 British colonies, N. Am. , PD130c68: 22, PD27Ap69: 22-- R27Ap69: 22, PD2N69: 13-- R2N69: 21, R31My70: 11, P3Mr75: 31-- D4Mr75:21,P31Mr75sl2, P14Ap75: 23--D15Ap75: 32 force in America rumored, D12Ag75:22 Gen. Gage, P60c75:21 resolutions of Suffolk, Va. , Pi26Ja75: 13 use of foreign troops, P12J176: 23 Wilkes, R30D73: 21 opposition to outlined, Pi50c75: 32-- P60c75:23 plan for controlling American trade outlined, Pi26 Ja75: 11 plans for U. S. campaign, D20c79: 12 poetry against, P12My75: 13 policy toward British colonies, N. Am. , criticized, P31Mr75: 13 popular support of discussed in Lords, R7Mr71:21 prepares petition, PD1 3 J169: 13-- R13J169:11 price control by rumored, PDlAp73: 11 propaganda by, PD25Ap71: 21, Pi270c74:22 proposals to Continental congress, P28Ap75s42 recesses filled, R10D72: 12 relations with Gage, P17F75sll-- D18F75:23--Pi23F75:21 responsible for tea scheme, PD2Je74:22 satirized, R9 Je68: 23, PD9F69: 21, PD9Mr69: 23, R190c69sll, PD2My71: 21--R2My71: 12 solicits support of American policy, P5Ja76:31 stabilized, PD30Ap67: 12, PD4Je67: 31 supported by judge, PD2N69: 23 in Eng. , PD7D69s21, PD19Ap70s21, R23Ag70: 21, PD14F71: 23, PD28Ja73: 23--R28 Ja73: 23, R5Ag73:ll in Lords, PD19J170: 21 supports Revolutionary war, Pil90c75: 23, C13My80:21 taxation of colonies, PD60c74:31 supremacy over colonies discussed, PD13D70: 13 suppress information concerning America, D2Mr76: 22 to revoke Boston, Mass. , charter, PD20S70s21--R20S70: 22 tries to buy votes for candidates for sheriff, PD12S71: 23 tyranny criticized in Bristol, Eng. , PD8Je69:21 unity in, PD22Ap73: 22--R22Ap73: 32 unpopularity of, R22Mr70: 12 upholds taxation of colonies, PD13Ja74: 21 violates Prohibitory act, P27S76: 11 weak in London, Eng. , R13S70: 21 British museum, Italian curiosities in, PD27Ag72:31 Persian manuscripts in, PD30S73: 22 British naval officers, commissioned, PD22N70sl2 commissions revoked, PD22N70s21 pay increased, PD22Ap73: 13-- R22Ap73: 22, PD29Ap73: 21, R13My73:23 British navy, accused of piracy in Va. , P10My76:31 admirals appointed, 120c39: 22, 4Ap55: 22, R24N68: 13, R190c69: 31 agents for discontinued, R60c68: 14 aid by Russians opposed, D11S79: 31 in Louisburg, N.S., expedition requested, 16My45: 22 aids distressed vessels, PD4Je72: 32 allows French ships to escape, 19D55:12 American prisoners in, D25J177: 11-- P25J177:11 American revenue for, PD12D71:21 anecdotes about, P1S75: 23--D2S75: 32 officers in, D140c75: 21 annual review of proposed, PD140c73: 12 at Cape Charles, Va. , D6Ap76: 32 at Cape Fear, N. C. , PD5N67: 12, P24My76:31 at Cape Henlopen, Del. , D6Ap76: 32 at Cape Henry, Va. , D6Ap76: 32 at Cape May, N. J. , D6Ap76: 32 at Capes, Va. , D18My76: 33, P7F77: 22, D4Ap77:21 at Sandy hook, N. J. , Pil3J175: 23-- P14J175:31--D15J175:32, PilOAg75: 33--PllAg75pl3, D22 Je76: 52, P19J176: 21--D20J176: 12, D8N76:21,P22N76;23 at Staten island, N. Y. , D31Ag76: 12, 134 British navy D7S76:11 attacked by Fr. , PD25Je67: 31 by Spanish, 21S39: 32, 24Ap52: 21 attacks French on African coast, 29Ag51:21 smugglers, PD12Ja69: 13 Spanish ships, P40c76: ll--DHOc76: 11 attempts reprisals against Spanish, 30J152:31 bakers for, PD21Ap74: 23 blockaded in Lisbon, Port, D6N79: 21 blockades Boston, Mass. , harbor, PD23Je74: 13--R23 Je74: 23 Louisburg, N.S. , 26S55: 11 Ostend, Belg. , 31 J146: 12 blocked by Spanish and French, C13N79:12 bounties for sailors, R17Ja71: 12, PD31Ja71: 13, PD7F71: 13 — R7F71: 23, PD7F71: 13--R7F71: 22, PD14Mr71: 22, PD28Mr71: 21, PD18Ap71: 13 on enlistments, PD24Je73:21, PD24Je73: 22, PD1J173: 22, PD15J173: 23, D210c75: 22, Pi260c75: 11, D28F77: 22— P28F77sl2, D18Ap77:31 on enlistments discontinued, PD26Ag73:23 on enlistments discussed, PD24Je73: 21 on enlistments proposed, Pi50c75: 32 on enlistments revoked, PD15J173: 21— R15J173:21 brandy for, PD8N70: 21 bravery praised in London, Eng. , D5F80:22 cannibalism in, PD16Ag70: 32 captains' salaries discussed, D20Oc79:12 capture of American ships criticized, PDllJe72:31 captured by French near Martinique, W. I. ,P28F77sl3 captured ships enumerated, 20Je45:31 captures Dutch ships, 14Ag46: 12, 4S46: 22, 18S46: 11, PD21S69s21 French dispatches, 19D55: 12 French ships, 16My45: 41, 13 Je45: 32, 20Je45: 32, 4J145: 22, 11J145: 31, 29Ag45: 22, 240c45: 12, 28N45: 21, 28N45: 31, 16Ja46: 32, 27Mr46: 41, 11J146: 42, 14Ag46: 12, 14Ag46: 31, 16My51: 21, 26S55: 11, 26S55: 21, 26S55: 22, 30c55: 11, 30c55: 12, 10Oc55: 22, 240c55: 12, 310c55: 11, 7N55: 22, 14N55: 21, 12D55: 11, 19D55: 12, 27Ag56: 22, PD4F68: 23— R4F68: 14, PD8Je69: 22 prize ships, 13Je45: 31 ships, 21Ag46: 31, P28Mr77sl2, P28Mr77sl3 smugglers, PD80c67: 12 Spanish ships, 28S39: 32, 15My46: 21, PD19S66: 13 casualties in U. S. , D5Mr79: 22 charity for sailors' widows, PD15Je69:21 charts for, PD27Ag72: 21 cleared from Capes, Va. , D2Ap79: 22 commissions solicited in, R19Ap70: 21 compared with French navy, PD7Mr71: 31-- R7Mr71:31 with Spanish navy, PD7Mr71: 31 — R7Mr71:31 competition with Russia stressed, PD16Ja72:13 condition of, 17N38: 22, PD18Oc70: 21, PD7Ja73: 23, PD2D73sl2— R2D73:12 defended in Commons, D5Mr79: 11 discussed, R21Mr71 : 23 improved, P29My78: 21 in Boston, Mass., Pil90c75:23 conduct of defended, D8Ap80: 12 convoys ships, P9My77: 11, D18J177: 21 corruption of officers in, PD7F71: 11 cost of, 1776, P20D76:12 crews reduced, PD3S67: 11 criticized in Commons, P11J177: 1L D25J177:11 cruises against smugglers, PD11 Je67: 13 in Chesapeake bay, D16Ad79: 21 on American coast, PD24D72: 13 on privateers, 14Ag46: 21 damaged at Grenada, W. I. , D28Ag79: 22--C28Ag79: 23 damaged ships in Jamaica, W. I. , D230c79:22 Danish officers in, D9Ap79: 11 deaths on passage to U. S. , D20c79: 21 debt of, 29S52: 22, 12F62: 31 debtors discharged for service in, 4Ap55:22 defeat by French investigated, D5Mr79: 12 defeats French, R19Ja69: 23, PD10c72: 22 description of ship, PD14J174: 12 deserters from, 10Oc45: 41, 24N52: 21, 14Mr55: 41, PD7N71: 21, D15Je76: 51, D22Je76: 52, P9Ag76: 33, P26S77: 23 in Boston, Mass, Pil90c75: 23 in Charleston, S.C. , P12J176sl2 in Chesapeake bay, D5S77: 22 in Cork, Ire. , D10Ag76: 12 in Elizabeth river, Va. , 2N39: 31 in Hampton, Va. , 14Mr55; 41 in New York City, P26 J176: 21, P18J177:22 in Newport, R. I. , Pi30D75: 32, DllMy76: 31, D24Ja77: 22 in Norfolk, Va. , P15D75: 31, P8Mr76:31 in R.I. ,D18J177:22 in Savannah, Ga. , D12Mr79: 22 in Scot. , 2Mr53:32 inS.C.,D13J176:71 in Va. , 260c39: 41, 9My51: 32, P12Ap76:31 off New York City, P9Ag76: 22 destroys French staging in Cape Breton, Can. ,PD30Ja72:21 disarmament of, R2S73sll discipline in yards, 19D45: 31 dissensions among officers, D21Ag79: 21 drafting for, PD6Je66: 11, PD16J167: 11 driven ashore from N. J. to Va. , C19F80:22--D19F80:22 drives French from Af . , 22S52: 31 Dutch ships in, D14S76: 12 embezzlement in denied, D5Mr79: 21 exposed, D5Mr79: 12 engagements with French in W. I. , P16My77:23 enlistments, 120c39: 31, D70c75: 21 encouraged, PD3Ag69: 13, P28Je76: 22— D29Je76:22 in Boston, Mass. , 7N45: 31 increase, D15J175: 33, D10 J179: 12 slow, D140c75:23 equips bomb vessels, 9N39: 32 guard ships, 22Je39: 11 in Portsmouth, Eng. , 3Ap46: 32 excluded from Cadiz, Sp. , 15S38: 41 from Spanish ports, PD10Oc71: 13 experiments for, 20Oc38: 22 explores in S. Am. , PD4Je67: 21 fitting out hurried, PD7My72: 13 fortify bay of Fundy, N. S. , D6J176: 81 French ships refitted for, 26S55: 12 from Boston, Mass. , Pi260c75: 31-- D280c75: 32 to Halifax, N. S. , R3N68: 14, PD24N68: 21, PD8Je69: 13, PD12S71: 31, R6My73s21 — PD13My73: 23, P3My76: 23 — D4My76: 32 to Mediterranean, 20Oc38: 31 to Montauk point, N. Y. , P1S75: 13 to N.Y. ,P16Je75sl3 to Newport, R. I. , D280c75: 32 , D23D75:31 to Plymouth, Eng. , Pil6Mr75: 23— P17Mr75: 31--D18Mr75: 13 to Portsmouth, Eng. , R23N69: 21 , D70c75: 21, Pil90c75: 13— P20Oc75: 12— D210c75: 13 to St. Augustine, Fla. , D23D75: 31 to W.I. ,20Oc38:31 from Cape Fear, N. C. , to S. C. , P7Je76: 23— D8Je76: 62 from Chatham, Eng. , to Portsmouth, Eng. , D30Mr76: 12 from Chesapeake bay to Delaware bay, P26S77:13,P26S77:23 from Cork, Ire. , to Lisbon, Port. , D8Je76:32 from Deptford, Eng. , to Cork, Ire. , Pil8My75:23 from E. I. , to Spithead, Eng. , D15J175: 32 from Eng. , to New York City, C28Ag79: 12, D4S79: 11, D11S79: 22 toNfd.,C28Ag79:12 to W.I. ,D29Ap75:31 from Gibraltar to Algiers, D2D75: 21 from Glasgow, Scot. , to Cork, Ire. , P28Je76:22--D29Je76:21 from Halifax, N.S., to Eng. , D13J176: 61 from Hampton, Va. , to Baltimore, Md. , P22S75:23 from Hampton roads, Va. , to Halifax, N.S.,PD6S70:31 from Jamaica, W. I. , to Cartagena, Colom. , PD19D71: 21, PilOAg75: 13 from Long island sound to Newport, R. I. , D12Ag75: 31, P13Je77: 22 to R.I. ,D15Ag77:32 from Long Reach, Eng. , to Nfd. , P21J175:13 from Nantasket, Mass. , to Louisburg, N.S.,13Je45:31 from Nantasket road, Mass. , to Louisburg, N.S. , 6Je45: 31 from New England to New York City, D160c78:31 from New York City, D13Je77: 21 — P13Je77:31,D22Ja80:23 to Boston, Mass. ,D8J175:32, Pi9N75:22 to Del. rumored, P18J177: 23 to Eng. ,P29N76:21 to Ga. , D26F80: 23 135 British navy, from New York City (cont'd) to Halifax, N.S. , C20N79: 12 to Jamaica, W.I. , PD30J167: 31, D12F80:31 to Newport, R. I. , D3 Ja77: 11— P3Ja77sl2,D20Je77:12 to Penobscot, Me. , D11S79: 12 to Princess bay (Prince's bay) N. Y. , D11J177:12--P11J177:22 to St. Augustine, Fla. , D5F80: 32 to Sandy hook, N. J. , D27N78: 22 to Spithead, Eng. , D10J179: 21 to W.I.,D12F79:31 to Yorktown, Va. , D15J175: 33 from Newport, R. I. , to Bristol, R. I. , P3N75:22--D4N75:23 to Conanicut point, R. I. , P21 J175sl3 to Eng. , D28F77: 21 to Halifax, N. S. , DllMy76: 33 to Point Judith, R. I. , D16Mr76: 31 from Philadelphia, Pa. , to London, Eng. ,PD14S69:31 from Plymouth, Eng. , D13N79: 21 to Ire. , C27N79: 11 to W.I.,D1J175:23 from Portsmouth, Va. , to Boston, Mass.,D15J175:33 from Princess (Prince's) bay, N.Y. , to the Narrows, N. Y. , P18 J177: 22 from R.I. to New York City, Pil5D74: 31, D280c75:32 from St. Christopher, W. I. , to London, Eng. , R18Ag74: 12 from St. Helens, Eng., to U.S., D17J178:22 from Sandy hook, N. J. , PlAg77: 22, D8Ag77: 12--P8Ag77: 21, D160c79: 22 to Halifax, N.S. , D22Je76: 51— P28Je76:13 from Scot. , to Portsmouth, Eng. , PDlAg71: 11 from S. C. , to Ga. , P2F76sl2— D3F76: 32 from Staten island, N. Y. , to Sandy hook, N. J. , P2Ag76: 22 from Watertown, Mass. , to New York City, P2Je75:22 from York river, Va. , to Norfolk, Va. , P21J175s32 from Yorktown, Va. , to Portsmouth, Va.,D15J175:33 funds for, 30c55: 31, Pdl3Je71: 22, P10J178:11 general survey ordered, PD19My68: 21 German seamen in, 5S55: 21 guard ships commissioned for, 27J139: 21 manned, 23Je38: 31, 14S39: 12, P3My76: 22--D4My76: 31 rendezvous, 20J139: 22 gun carriage on improved, PD27Ja74: 22 guns for, PD30Mr69: 32 on ships listed, 25Ap55: 21 headquarters in Boston, Mass. , R15D68:12 hired by Port. , 12Ag37: 41 history of, D9D75:21 importance of, 1J137:41 importance of inspection of, PD150c72: 11 importance recognized, 12S45: 12 impressed sailors mutiny, 5S55: 21, Pi22 Je75: 32— D24Je75: 23, D6Je77:12 impressment, 23Je38: 41, HAg38: 32, 18Ag38: 12, 18Ag38: 21, 25Ag38: 31, 25Ag38: 32, 1S38: 32, 8S38: 21, 13Qc38: 41, 20Oc38: 22, 20Oc38: 31, 270c38: 31, 270c38: 41, 3N38: 22, 3N38: 31, 17N38: 31, 24N38: 22, 1D38: 32, 14S39: 12, 14S39: 21, 14S39: 32, 28S39: 21, 28S39: 22, 50c39: 31, 9N39: 11, 21D39: 22, 21D39: 31, HJa40: 22, 28Mr55: 32, 4Ap55: 22, 4Ap55: 31, HAp55: 22, 25Ap55: 21, 2My55: 12, 30c55: 31, 10Oc55: 11, PD22N70: 22, PD22N70sll, R29N70: 21, PD3Ja71: 23, PD10Ja71: 13, PD31 Ja71 : 13, PD31 Ja71 : 23, R31 Ja71: 22, R7F71: 31, PD14F71: 22, PD14F71 : 23, PD14F71 : 31— R14F71 : 31, R7Mr71 : 13, PD14Mr71 : 22, PD14Mr71: 23, PD14Mr71: 31, R21Mr71: 31, PD28Mr71: 13, PD28Mr71: 21, PDllAp71: 12, PD18Ap71 : 13, PD25Ap71 : 31, PD2My71:22, R30My71:21, PD6Je71: 32, PD19Mr72: 13, PD31D72: 21— R31D72: 21, PD24Je73: 21, R24 Je73: 23, RlJ173:31,PilOAg75:31— PllAg75: 23— D12Ag75: 23, P60c75: 22, P28F77: 13, D28F77: 22— P28F77sl2, D28Mr77: 61, P28Mr77sll,P7N77:13 abolished, PD16J167: 11, PD14Ja73: 21 advantages of, P7N77: 12 as punishment for rioting, PD1S68: 13 deaths caused by, P28F77: 12 discouraged in colonies, PD3F74: 13 discussed, PD24Je73: 21 discussed in London, Eng. , PD10Ja71:12 discussed in Commons, P7Mr77: 12 ended, PD18Ap71: 13 escapes from, D9My77: 11 exemptions from, PD22N70sl3 falsified, 4Ap55: 22 in Boston, Mass. , PD14J168: 11 — R14 J168: 11, PD14J168: 13— R14J168: 14, R14J168: 21, PD21 J168: 11, R12Ja69:21 in Charleston, S. C. , P20Oc75s2l in the Downs, Eng. , D18J177: 21 in Eng. ,270c38:41 in Jamaica, W. I. , D27N78: 22 in London, Eng. , P30My77: 21, D27Je77:ll,D8My79:12 in Norfolk, Va. , PD10c67: 21 in Philadelphia, Pa. , P29My78: 22, P5Je78:21 increased, D11S79: 22 lapses, 10Oc55:21 of American sailors, P3My76: 22— D4My76: 31, D18My76: 22, D27N78: 22 officers abused, PD16Mr69:21 officers decommissioned for, PD22N70s21 on Delaware river, R27J169: 22 on Thames river, Eng. , P2My77s22, P29My78:21 opposed, PD7F71 : 22--R7F71 : 23, R14F71:13, PD21F71:21, PD28Mr71 : 12, PD27 Je71 : 22, Rl J173: 12, Pi50c75: 32, D30Mr76: 31 ordered, PD130c68: 21, PD24Je73: 22 plans to abolish, PD14Ja73:21 postponed, R24Je73: 23 prevented in London, Eng. , D18Ap77: 31, P9My77:12 regulated, 120c39:22 resisted by sailors, PD22N70sl3, PD22N70s21 revived, 9N39: 31 revoked, PD2Ny71: 21 — R2My71: 12, PD2My71:22 — R2My71:21 — R2My71:22 rumored, PD13Je71: 12, D70c75: 13 supported by lord mayor of London, Eng. ,R14F71:13 unsuccessful, P30My77: 22, P27Je77:23 in Algiers, Alg. , 17Ja51: 22 in America, PD18Ap66: 23, R6My73s21, PD12My74: 32--R12My74: 31, P28F77:13 in Antigua, W. I. , 28N45: 32, D29J176:12 in Archipelago, Gr. , PD15J173: 23— R15J173:22 in Bahama strait, W.I. , PD7Ja73: 13 in Baltic, R31Mr74: 12 in Barbados, W. I. , 5D45:21, D30Oc79:31 in Beaufort, S. C. , PD6Ja74: 21 in Belleisle straits, N. Am. , PD4F68:23 in Bermuda, PD9Je68: 22 in Berwick, Scot. , 19D45: 31 in bay of Biscay, PD22Ag71: 21, PD24S72:12 in Boston, Mass., 23My55:12, PD14J168: 21--R14J168: 21, PD28J168: 21--R28 J168: 22, PD4Ag68: 22--R4Ag68: 22, PD60c68: 22, PD24N68: 21, PD24Ag69: 22, R28J174: 33, D11F75:22, P12My75sl2 blockades harbor, R17N68: 22 criticized, R18Ag68s21 entertains, PD12S71 : 31 enumerated, PD1N70: 21— R1N70: 22, PD12S71:31,D30D75:33 fires on lighter, PD8S68: 21 increases money, PD9F69: 22— R9F69:12 officers mistreat populace, PDllAp71: 22 opposed by town meeting, PD14J168: 13-- R14J168:14 opposed in Jamaica, W. I. , DllMr75:23 petition against, PD14J168: 12— R14J168:13 reinforcements expected, PD270c74:23 sailors attacked by mob, PD8S68:22 seizure of ships investigated, PD21J168:21- R21J168:14 victuallers for appointed, P9Je75: 21 — D10Je75:21 winter quarters for, P5 Ja76: 33 withdrawal of rumored, R12Mr72: 22 in British colonies, N. Am. , alerted, PD4Ap71:23 conduct of officers discussed, P60c75sll number of ships in, P12Ja76: 13 number of ships proposed for, D280c75:31 ordered to Boston, Mass. , PD60c68:12 in Cadiz, Sp. , PD18Oc70: 11 in Canary islands, PD13Je71: 22 in Cartagena, Sp. , 270c52: 11 in Charleston, S. C. , 24Je37:31, 20Je45: 32, PD28My67: 21, PD13Ag67: 12--R13Ag67: 22, D24Ag76:71 136 British navy in College creek, Williamsburg, Va. , Pil7Ag75:33 in Chatham, Eng. , PD1S74: 23 In Chesapeake bay, D28Mr77: 22, D4Ap77: 21, P29Ag77: 31, D22Ag77: 22 — P22Ag77: 23, D29Ag77: 22, D5S77: 12, P26S77:23,PlMy78s22 in Clyde firth, Scot. , 29My46: 21 in Copenhagen, Den. , PD27Ag72: 31 in Crab island, R23Je74: 31 in Crown point, N. Y. , D25J177: 12 in Delaware bay, D20D76: 12, P25Ap77: 22--D2My77: 31, D9My77: 22--P9My77: 21, P30My77: 32, D6 Je77: 21 — P6Je77:22, D13Je77:12, P27Je77:23 in Delaware river, R27J169: 22, PD2J172: 31, Pi27J175: 32, P24My76:12, P25J177:13, P19Je78:21 in Den.,PD27Ag72:13 in the Downs, Eng. , 240c45: 22, PD16My71 : 22, PD170c71 : 21, PD9J172: 13 in E.I.,PD29Ag66.' ! .3 in East river, N. Y. ,D8N76: 12 in Egg harbor, N. J. , P230c78: 22 in English channel, 21D39: 32, 240c45:21,llS46:31, PD3Ja71:22 in Ferryland, Nfd. , 5D45: 32 in Genoa, It. , PD30Ja72: 11 in Ga. , 21 Ja37: 22, 10Mr38: 32, HAg38: 32, 10N38: 31, D24Ap79: 22 in Gibraltar. 1F40: 31, 18S46: 21, PD23My66: 21, PD7F71: 13, PD4Je72: 23, P15S75: 22--D16S75: 21, C15My79:21 in Grenada, W. I. . PD29S68: 21 — R29S68:22 in gulf of Mexico, PD28Mr66: 13 in Halifax, N. S. , 240c55: 12, 310c55: 11, PD25Ap66: 23, PD15S68: 23, D30D75:33, P10My76: 22--DllMy76: 32, D8Je76: 61, D110c76: 21, D230c79: 21 in Hampton, Va.,26S55:22 in Hampton roads, Va. , PD25Ag68: 31 — R25Ag68: 31. PD1D68: 31, PD10S72: 22 D24F76: 32, P24Ja77: 22, P30c77: 21 in Haverstraw bay, N. Y. , D22Ag77: 11 in Hispaniola, W. I. , D9My77: 31 in Hudson river, N. Y. , P2Ag76: 22, C3J179:22--D3J179:21 in Indies, R210c73: 12 in Irish channel, PD170c71: 21 in Jamaica, W. I. , 140c37:31 7J138: 32, PD13F72: 23, PD23Ap72: 13 in James river, Va. , D25My76: 33 in Leghorn, It. , 10Ap46: 22, PD3Ja71:21 in London, Eng. , PD18Ag68: 21 — R18Ag68: 14, R25Ag68: 13 in Long island sound, N. Y. , D21S76: 12, D8N76: 12, D18 J177: 22 in Louisburg, N.S., expedition, 16My45:32, 23My45:21, 23My45:31 in Madeira, PD7Ap68: 22, R26My68: 13, D10J179:12 in Magellan straits, PD28Ja68: 22 in Marblehead, Mass. , D13 Ja76: 22 in Marseilles, Fr. , 29Ag45: 21 in Mediterranean, 18Ag38: 41, 130c38:31,130c38:41,29D38:32, 18My39: 31, 8 Je39: 31, 22Je39: 12, 21S39: 22, PD6Je66: 13, PD16J167: 12, PD29S68: 12, PD25Oc70: 12, PD13D70:13, PD7F71:21, R9My71 : 22, PD23My71: 12, PD12S71:22.PD12D71:13, PD16Ap72: 22, PD24S72: 11, R24Je73:22, R210c73:12, R31Mr74:22, R3Mr74:31, PD28Ap74: 21, Pdl4J174: 13, PD28J174: 13, PD60c74: 23 in Narraganset bay, R. I. , D21F77:11 in Narrows, N. Y. , D10Ag76: 31 in New York City, PD19Mr67: 31, PD10D67:22, 12My38:22, R22S68: 22, P30Ag76: 22— D31Ag76:22, D90c78:32, P230c78:21 in Nfd. , 11 J145: 41, 4J145: 12, 24 J152: 22, PD5S66s23, PD23Ap67: 21, PD23J167: ll--R23J167sll, PD20Oc74: 22, PilOAg75: 23— PllAg75:21,D17J178:ll in Newport, R. I. , PD3S72: 21, PD3D72: 12, PD21 Ja73: 23— R21Ja73:22, PD28Ja73:22, Pil8My75: 32, P19My75s23, P230c78: 22 in Newport News, Va. , D23S75: 31 in Norfolk, Va. , PD9My66: 23, P4Ag75pl2, D23S75: 31, PlMr76: 32— D2Mr76: 23 in N. Am. , R9D73: 12, D4F75: 31 in North river, N. Y. , D8N76: 12, D7N77: 11 in N.S.,D250c76:21 in Ogeechee river, Ga. , D6N79: 22 in Penobscot bay, Me. , D11N75: 21 in Pensacola, Fla. , PD20Ag67: 23 in Persian gulf, PD2F69: 11 in Plymouth, Eng. , PD16My71: 22, D8My79:12 in Pondicherry, India, R26My68: 21 in Port Mahon, Minorca, 60c38: 42, 3N38: 11, 12Ja39: 21, 19Ja39:41 in Port Royal, W. I. , D13N79: 12 in Portsmouth, Eng. , PD27Ag72: 21, PD27Ag72:41 in Portsmouth, Va. , P4Ag75pl2 in Potomac river, PD19J170: 21, R19J170:23,D12D77:11 — P12D77:22, D19D77: 12 in Prince Edward island, Can. , PD8S68:22 in Quebec, Can. , D8Je76: 61 in Reedy island, P10J178: 11 in R. I. , PDllMr73: 21, C3J179: 21 — D3J179:21 in St. Augustine, Fla. , 24Je37: 31 in St. Christopher, W.I. , D14Ag79:22,C28Ag79:31 in St. Helens, Eng. , 1 J137: 41, D27Je77:12, C20N79: 11 — D20N79:21,D27N79:12 in St. Lucia, W. I. , D5Mr79: 32, D16Ap79: 21, D15My79: 21 — C15My79: 13, D15My79: 21 — C15My79: 21, D29My79: 31, D19Je79:22, D26Je79:21, DlAp80: 21 in St. Vincent, W. I. , PD13Ag72: 21 in Savannah, Ga. , D12Mr79: 22 in S. C. , 20My37: 32, HAg38: 32, 23My45:32 in Southampton, Eng. , PD24S72: 13 in Sp. , 5Ja39:22 in Spithead, Eng. , 5S55: 21, 7N55: 22, PD4F68:23, R28Ap68: 14, PD13 Je71 : 22, PD6 Ja74: 13, P22J175sl2--D29J175: 23, D22Je76:21,D10Ag76:12, P13S76:11,P20D76:13, P5Je78:21,DllMr80:21 in Tagus river, 15Ap37: 42, PD19Mr67:22 in the Texel, Holl. , 240c45: 22 in Torbay, Nfd. , D6N79: 21, DllMr80:ll,D18Mr80:22 in U. S. , DllAp77: 31, D23My77: 11— P23My77:21,D5Mr79:22 in Va. , 12My38: 22, R13Ap69: 22, PD26J170: 23, PD10S72: 22 in W. I. , 6My37: 32, 8 J137: 22, 12My38: 31, 130c38: 32, 1D38: 32, 12S45: 12, PD26F67: 23, DllMy76: 31, D5Mr79: 21, D9Ap79: 21, D19Je79: 31, D28Ag79: 11, C19Ag80:12 in Western Branch (Eliz. river), Va. , D15My79:22 in York river, Va. , P26S77: 23 in Yorktown, Va. , P9Je75s21 — D10Je75:23, Pil5Je75:31, P7J175:23 inactivity in Leeward islands, W. I. , criticized, 21Ag46: 32 increase of, 15S38: 32, 15S38:41, 25My39: 41, 14S39: 12, PD13N66: 11, PD23Mr69: 22--R23Mr69: 22, PD8Mr70: 31, PD7Je70: 21, PD21 Je70: 12, PD20S70: 22, PD3Ja71:22,PD3Ja71:31, PD10 Ja71 : 12, PD7F71 : 11, PD14F71: 23— R14F71: 23, PD14F71: 31, PD28Mr71: 21, PDllAp71: 13, PD18Ap71: 12, PD11J171:12,PD25J171:21, PDlAg71: 21, PD16 J172: 22, P19Ja76: 22--D20Ja76: 32— Pi20Ja76:ll,P8Mr76:13, PllAp77sll favored, PD14Mr71 : 22 in Mediterranean, PD3 Ja71 : 22 proposed, 21D39: 21, PD20S70s31, PD25Je72: 21, PD24D72: 12, R31Mr74:12 requested, D29Ap75: 13 rumored, 22My52: 11, D30Mr76: 13 inferior in Atlantic ocean, D5F80: 23 to French, D5Mr79: 21, D28Ag79: 21, D5F80:32 insane sailor in, PD8Ag71: 22 inspection of, 10Oc55: 21, PD30Mr69: 21, R15J173:11 inspects ships to N. C. , PD1 Ja67: 23 insulted by Sp. , PD28My67: 21 intercepts colonial ships, PD14Ap74: 12— R14Ap74: 23, PD14Ap74: 13 investigates French and Spanish navies, PD30Ja72: 22 investigation by parliament, 6Je45:22 proposed, P11J177: 21 laid up, 5Ja39:41 leaves Boston, Mass. , D29 J176: 22 Charleston, S. C. , P16Ag76: 31 Egg harbor, N. J. , D13N78: 21 137 British navy, leaves (cont'd) Halifax, N. S. , PD22D68: 22, R12Ja69:21 Nantasket, Mass. , DllMy76: 32 Nantasket roads, Mass. , P19Ap76pl3 Portsmouth, Eng. , DHOc76: 12 location affected by Spanish war, D20c79: 12 long voyages by, Dl J175: 12 loses control of seas, D8 Ja80: 22 lottery for debts of, 19D51: 22 maintenance of ships in, PD9My71: 11 maneuvers of, PD19Mr67: 31 marines in, PD6Je66: 13 Mediterranean fleet described, PD14Ap69sll investigated, 4J145: 22 merchant ships converted for, 30c55:31,7N55:21 mistreated in Cadiz, Sp. , D90c78: 31 mobilizes, 22Je39: 12, PD26Mr67: 13, PD16Ap67: 11, PD30Ap67: 22, PD30Ap67: 23, PD7My67: 23, R17Ja71:12, PD31Ja71:31, PD16Ja72:13, PD29Ap73:12, PD1J173:22--R1J173:21 morale of, D230c79: 21, D27N79: 11, D4D79:21 mourning clothes for officers, 18J151:21 movements of, 10S37:41, 14S39:12, 120c39: 12, 120c39: 32, 120c39:41, 16N39: 31, 12S51: 32, 21N51: 22, 10J152: 21, 15S52: 22, 22S52: 21, 17N52: 12, 4Ap55: 31, 25Ap55: 12, 2My55: 11, 10Oc55: 22, 7N55: 12, 7N55: 21, 7N55: 22, 12D55: 21, 19D55: 12, 27Ag56: 11, 16Ja61: 31, PD16J172: 22, PD6Ag72: 13 naval stores for, PD8N70: 21 near Boston, Mass. , R13 Ja74: 23, D20J176:12 near Corsica, PD22S68: 21 near East Haven, Conn. , D18J177: 22 near Fairfield, Conn. , D16Ny77: 12— P16My77:21 near Martinique, W. I. , 12D45: 11 near New London, Conn. , P3Ja77sll near Pisa, It. , PD12Mr72: 11 near Sandy Hook, N. J. , D15 Je76: 42, P21Je76:21 neutrality for explorations granted by Fr.,D17J179:ll new construction for ships, PD3Ja71: 22 newly designed ships launched, 2S57: 12 number of sailors in, 7N55: 21, PDllAp71: 21, D5Mr79: 12 number of ships, PD18Oc70: 12, PD2My71: 22, PD26Ag73: 13— R26Ag73sl3, PD22S74: 31, D280c75:13 from Spithead, Eng. , D4Mr80: 21 in grand fleet, D20c79: 12 See also British navy, size of oak trees for, R170c71: 23, PD80c72:13 oars for,PD31D72:13 observations in Cape Breton, Can. , area, 30c55: 12 observes Continental navy in Texel, Holl.,DllMr80:31 French navy, 14S39:21 in channel, 14S39: 21 off African coast, PD9Ap72: 21 off America, R16Mr69: 21, D21F77: 11 off Annapolis. Md. . P5J176pll — D6J176:82 off Barbados, W. I. , D27N79: 21 off Block island, R. I. , D8 Je76: 32, P16Ag76:23 off Bordeaux, Fr. , P15Ag77sll off Brest, Fr. , PD12Mr72: 13, PD15J173: 31--R15J173: 22, PD9Je74: 23,DllMr80: 21 off Buenos Aires, Arg. , PD31 Ja71: 12 off Cadiz, Spain, PD15J173: 31 — R15J173:22 off Cape May, N. J. , D15Ag77: 32 — P15Ag77:22 off Cape St. Vincent, Port., D6N79:21 — C6N79:22 off Capes, Del.,D22Ag77:21 — P22Ag77:22 off Capes, Va. , P15Ag77: 22, D15Ag77:61,P22Ag77:23, D26Mr79:22 off Charleston, S. C. , P21Je76: 23, D8Ag77:21,DllMr80:32 off Corsica, R15S68: 23, PD60c68: 13 off eastern shore, Va. , P30c77: 21 off Egg harbor, N. J. , P8Ag77: 22, D160c78:31 off Falmouth, Eng. , D11S79: 31 off Fisher's island, N. Y. , Pi31Ag75: 32 off France, 3Ap46: 32, PD24D72: 21, D12Mr79:21 off Gay Head, Mass. , D2My77: 31 off Holl. , P9Je75: 21 — D10Je75: 21 off Lewes (Lewistown), Del. , D15Ag77:61 off Lisbon, Port. , 7N55: 21 off the Lizard, Eng. , C27N79: 12 off Long island, N. Y. , D16Ap79: 21 off Louisburg, N. S. , 26S55: 21, 27Ag56:12 off Martinique, W.I. , D10J179: 22 off Metomkin inlet, Va. , P15Ag77: 22 off Monte Christi, W. I. , D12F80: 21 off New Haven, Conn. , P6Je77: 21 off Normandy, Fr. , PD7Ja73:<21 off N.C.,D13J176:12 off Old Point Comfort, Va. , C15My79: 21 off Providence, R. I. , P15S75s21 — D16S75:23 off St. Augustine, Fla. , D3 Ja77: 12 off St. Christopher, W.I. , D12F80: 12 off St. Eustatia, W. I. , D7Ag79: 31 off Sandy Hook, N. J. , D29J176: 51, D20c79:21 off Scilly, Eng. ,C25D79:11 off Sinepuxent, Md. , D29Ag77: 21 off S. C. , P6Mr78: 21, D29 Ja80: 13 off Sp. , PD24D72: 21 off Staten island, N. Y. , D8N76: 12 off Toulon, Fr. , PD15J173: 31 — R15J173:22 off Turkey point, Md. , D5S77: 21 off Ushant, Fr. , D30Oc79: 21 officers, 13J139: 31 accused of aiding colonies, D18N75: 13 appointed, 21D39: 22, 11S46: 31, 29Ag51 : 22, 4Ap55: 22, PD7Mr66: 11, PD7Mr66: 21, PD21Mr66: 31, PD7My72: 12, R15J173: 22, P28F77:12 arrested, 20 Je45: 32, PD23N69: 23 — R23N69:22 assault men,R27J169:22 called into active duty, P17N75: 21 — D18N75:21 cashiered in, Pil20c75: 12, D210c75:22 criticized, PD7Ja73: 23 demand more pay, PD14Ja73: 13 enlist in. 7J138:22 in foreign service recalled, PD25Ap66:23 ordered to remain on ships, HJa40:22 ordered to report, PD15J173: 12 pay, 21Mr45: 22, PD16Ap67: 11, PD10D67: 11, PD8D68: 23, PD18Mr73:21 pensioned in Eng. , 13 J139: 41 promoted in, PD3Ja71: 23 promotions questioned, 28Mr45: 21 recalled, PD30Mr69: 23, P21Ap75s31 — D22Ap75:21 resign, D17J179: 12 share Manila ransom, R11D66: 22 strike Americans, R190c69sll tried, 19D45: 11, 9Ja46: 11, 29S52: 22 on Barbary coast, PD15S68:23 on cruise, 11J145: 31 on Great lakes, PD25Ag68: 12 on Guinea coast, Af. , 120x52: 21 on Lake Champlain, D11S79: 22 on North American coast, PD28Ap68: 13 opposed in Boston, Mass. , Pi9Mr75: 22— P10Mr75:21 opposes French on Guinea coast, Af . , 21Ag52:22 ordered home, 10Je37: 31 into Halifax, N. S. , 7N55: 12 not to stop French, 18Ja40: 11 to attack French fleet, 11S46: 22 to Jamaica, W.I. , 30Je38: 41 patrols Boston, Mass., harbor, D18N75:13 pay for, 1D38: 31, 4Ap55: 22, PD20Ag67: 21, PD27Ag67: 21, PD3S67: 12, P19J176:12--D20J176:11 increased, PD22J173: 12 seamen, 2F39:41 personnel restricted, 17N38: 31 plundering by in Bristol, R. I. , P15S75:23— D16S75:23 in Holmes Hole, Mass. , P230c78: 21 on Martha's Vineyard, Mass. , P230c78:21 polices American coast, PD9Mr69: 13 — R9Mr69:21 power described, PD21Mr71: 11 preparations for war in, PD3Ja71: 21, PD14Mr71:31,PDllAp71:ll, PD9My71:13,R5Ag73:21, D12Ag75:23,D2S75:12, D2D75:13 preparations in, PD10N68: 11, PD10N68: 13, PD7S69: 21 — R7S69: 12, PD7D69sl2, PD8Mr70: 22, R31My70: 21, R29N70: 21, PD2Ap72: 31, PD30Ap72: 13, PD16J172: 31, PD10Je73: 22, PD1J173: 13, PD1J173:22--R1J173:13, R15J173: 21, PD15J173: 23 — R15J173: 31. PD15J173: 31 — R15J173:23--R15J173:32, R15J173sll,R2S73:21, PD11N73s21--R11N73s13, PD15S74:23, D1J175:12, P28F77:13 prepared for war, 10Oc55: 12, PD29SG8: 12, PD29SG8: 13 138 British navy prepares guard ships, 13 J139: 31 preserves peace, PD17D72: 21 prize money made by, D25Mr80: 13 prohibited from Spanish coast, Pi29 Je75: 32--P30Je75: 22 protects merchant ships, 21Ag52: 22 trade, 13 Je45: 12, 24N52: 21, 7N54: 11 provisions for, 15S38: 32, 17N38: 31, 19Ja39: 32, 23F39: 22, 25My39: 41, 20J139: 22, 21D39: 22, PD130c68: 21, PD12Mr72: 31, PD10D72: 12, PD1S74:12,D18N75:12 See also Bread; Butter; Flour; Oxen; Salt; Sheep at Indian river, D13 J176: 42 burned, PD18Oc70: 11 in Antigua, W. I. , D22N76: 21 in Boston, Mass. , D27My75: 32 in Cork, Ire. , D18N75: 13 in Jamaica, W. I. , D22N76: 21 in New York City, P15S75sl2— D16S75:23,D13J176:52 in U.S.,D22N76:21 in Va. , P29D75s22 prepared in London, Eng. , P28F77:13 refused in N. Y. , P23F76: 31 — D24F76:23 pursers' stipend regulated, 27J139: 22 pursers warrants for, PD4My69: 22 pursue French privateers off S. C. , 20Je45:32 rations of, D22Je76: 42 recruiting for, 23Je38: 32, 30Je38: 41, 22S38: 32, 20Oc38: 22, 3N38: 22, 6J139: 31, 14S39: 31, 14S39: 32, 120c39: 21, HJa40: 22, 28Mr45: 31, 22My52: 11, 4Ap55: 21, 4Ap55: 22, 25Ap55: 21, 16My55: 12, PD28Mr66: 21, PD18Ap66: 23, PD19Ap70: 11, PD8N70: 21, PD22N70: 21, PD10Ja71: 12, PD14Mr71: 22, PD12D71: 21, PD12D71: 22, PD29Ap73: 21, PD6My73: 21, PD1J173: 22— R1J173:13, PD15J173:21, D15J175:32,PilOAg75:13, PilOAg75: 23--PllAg75: 21, P130c75s22, Pil90c75: 22— D210c75:22, P10N75: 13, D25N75:23,D2D75:13, D30Mr76:21 in Mass.,2My55: 12 in North Berwick, Scot. , D6N79: 21 — C6N79:22 in Philadelphia, Pa. , PD4Ap71: 23 in Rotherhithe, Eng. , Pi260c75: 11 organized, D24Ap79: 22 reduction in, PD4Mr73: 23— R4Mr73: 31, D30S75.11 refuses to shelter slaves in Norfolk, Va. , Pi3Ag75: 31 — P4Ag75pll — D5Ag75:32 regulation of discharging proposed, R210c73:13 reinforced, R14F71 : 23 in Mediterranean, Pil6Mr75: 31 — P17Mr75sll--D18Mr75: 21 in St. Lucia, W. I. , DlMv79: 21, D15My79: 21--C15My79: 13 reinforcements to America, PD14S69: 12 relations with French, PD12D71: 22 rendezvous at Boston, Mass. , RllOc70:22 at Spithead, Eng. , PD20N66: 12, PD27N66:21 in the Downs, Eng. , 17Ag39: 21 report on, PD80c72: 11 reprisals against Spanish ordered, 28S39:22, 120c39:21 restrictions for, 6 J139: 41 return home, 13My37: 21, 27My37: 32 review by king, PD22J173: 12, PD12Ag73: 13, PD19Ag73: 12, PD26Ag73: 13--R26Ag73sl2, PD26Ag73: 21 — R26Ag73sl2, PD2S73: 11 — PD2S73: 12— R2S73:12, PD2S73:21, R2S73s21,PD9S73:12, PD9S73:13--R9S73:23, PD9S73:21--R9S73:12, PD9S73:22, PD9S73:23, D8Je76:32— P14Je76:12 by Lord Sandwich, PD5Ag73: 11 — R5Ag73:12 in Portsmouth, Eng. , PD21Ap74: 22 planned, PD15S74: 13 riggers for, PD7My67: 11 Russians in, RlJe69sll sabotage in, 5Ja39:22 sailors' conduct in South seas, PD22S68:22 sailors discharged, 26Ag37: 31, PD9My71:ll discharges restricted, 13J139: 32 enumerated, D5Mr79: 21 hospitalized, PD3Mr68: 22 increased, 21 J138: 31, PD8S68: 11, R23Ap72: 22, PD21My72: 22, PD15 J173: 22--R15 J173: 22, PllAp77sll maintenance cost estimated, PD14F71 : 23— R14F71 : 31 needed, 9N39: 21, 21D39: 22 on foreign duty increased, PD30Ja72:31 pay to be raised, P23Je75s21 praised by Howe, P230c78: 22 prize money listed, D17J179: 11 reduced, PD4Mr73: 31, PD15J173: 22- R15J173:13 refused additional pay, PD22S68: 12 restricted to ship, Pil90c75: 21 — P20Oc75:21 riot in Newport, R. I. , PD9Je68: 22- R9Je68:31 scarce, PD7Ja73: 23, D8 J175: 22, P23Ag76: 21, D22My79: 11 share prize, 31 J146: 41 transferred, PD21Ap74: 23 wanted for, PD18Ap66: 21 See also British sailors satirized, PD18Ap71: 13, D15My79: 21 scarcity of sailors in, D23 Ja78: 21 searches ships in James river, Va. , P3Mr75s23 secret orders of, 10Oc55: 22 seizes letters from Freud, 21D39: 32 salt in Saltertuda, PD9Je68: 22 ships in Va. , PD10S72: 22 ship movements, 260c39: 22, 3Ap46: 41, 17Ap46: 21, 14Ag46: 21, 11S46:31 shipbuilding time decreased, D13N79:21 ships, 13J139: 31, 21S39: 32, 21D39: 31, 21D39:32, 21Mr45:31, 24Ja51:31, PD7My67: 21, PD20Ag67: 22, PD22N70sl2, PD18Ap71: 11, PD18Ap71: 22, PD13Je71: 21, PD4J171:11,PD25J171:11, PD170c71:21,R21N71:21, PD26D71: 22, PD16Ja72: 12, PD17Je73:31--R17Je73:31. R23D73: 13, PD31Mr74: 13 — R31Mr74:21,RllAg74:13, PD1S74:21,PD1S74:23, PDlS74s21,PD10N74:23, Pil6Mr75: 23--P17Mr75: 31 — D18Mr75: 13, P21Ap75s23 — D22Ap75: 13 ships allotted to commodores, R27Ap69: 13 ships attacked by Spanish, PD13Ag67: 12— R13Ag67: 22 ships blown up in Del. river, D7N77: 12— P7N77sll, D7N77: 22— P7N77sl3, P7N77sl3, P28N77: 21 in Plymouth, England, PD22S74: 13 ships built for, 14Ag46: 12, 30c55: 31, PD28Mr66. 22, PD18Ap66: 22, PD19S66: 13, PD4Je67: 21, PD22S68: 21, PD22S68: 22, PD60c68: 11— R60c68: 11, PDllMy69: 23, PD18Oc70: 21. PD28Mr71: 12, PD19Mr72: 21, PD80c72: 23, PD31D72: 12, PD22S74: 31, P19My75: 32, D19Ag75:22, P10N75: 13, D250c76: 11, D24Ap79: 22, D27N79:12,DllMr80:12, DllMr80:21 in Bengal, India, PD16Ap67: 11 in Lake Ontario, 26S55: 21, 7N55:12 in London, Eng. , P20D76: 13 in New York City, PD30 J167: 31 in St. John's, Can. , D180c76: 12— P180c76:21 ships burned in Bassaterre road. W. I. , DUS79:31 in Montego bay, W. I. , D11S79: 31 off R.I. ,P21Ag78:22 ships captured, 12S45: 31, 17Ap46: 11 by Americans, Pi22Je75: 32— D24Je75: 23, D8Ja80: 22, D26F80: 23, D8Ap80s22 by Continental navy, PlAg77: 22 by French, P160c78: 21, D19F79: 11, D9Ap79: 21, D22Mv79: 21, D230c79: 22, D25D79:21 by French denied, D20c79: 12 by French in Ga. , D230c79: 21 by French in Gibraltar straits, D28Ag79:21 by French in S. C. , D230c79: 22 by French in W. I. , D12F79: 32, D24Ap79: 22, DlAp80: 21, C13My80: 21 by French off Af . , PD22S68: 12 by French off Brest, Fr. , D13N78: 21 by French off Capes, Del. , D17J178:31 by French off Sandy hook, N. J. , P21Ag78:21 by French off W. I. , D12Mr79: 22 in Chesapeake bay, D30c77: 22, P30Oc77:21 in Mediterranean, D20c79: 21 on Point Judith, R. I. , P12D77: 21. D19D77:11 — P19D77:11 ships classified, 7N51: 21 ships commandeered for, P15S75:13— D16S75:12 139 British navy (cont'd) ships commissioned for, 8J137: 31, 6Ja38: 21, 2Je38: 31, 9Je38: 32, 30Je38: 41, 7J138: 22, 21 J138: 31, 18Ag38: 21, 8S38: 21, 3Ag39: 32, 31Ag39: 32, 14S39: 12, 14S39: 21, 130c38: 41, 20Oc38: 22, 20Oc38: 31, 270c38: 31, 3N38: 31, 17N38: 31, 20Ap39: 22, 6J139: 41, 14S39: 21, 120c39: 32, 9N39: 12, 9N39: 31, 21D39: 31, 1F40: 31, 31J146: 41, 16My51: 22, 24My51: 22, 29Ag51: 32, 30J152: 21, 28Mr55: 32, 4Ap55: 21, 4Ap55: 22, 25Ap55: 12, 30c55: 31, 10Oc55: 11, 10Oc55: 12, 10Oc55: 21, 14N55: 12, 4N63: 21, PD16J167: 13, PD20Ag67: 21, PD150c67: 11, PD10D67: 11, PD15S68: 22, PD22N70: 21, PD22N70sl2, PD3Ja71: 22, PD3Ja71: 23, PD10Ja71: 13, PD31Ja71: 22, PD7Mr71: 23 r - R7Mr71: 31, PD21Mr71: 22, PD9Je74: 22, P22J175sl2— D29J175: 23, D23S75: 21, D20Je77: 11, P7N77: 13 ships damaged, PD18Ap66: 13 in storm, 11J146:22 in W.I. ,D11S79:22 ships destroyed by Americans off Del. , D310c77: 12--P310c77: 22 by hurricane, D29N76: 21 ships driven ashore in Antigua, W. I. , PD220c72:13 in Del. bay, P10My76: 23— DllMy76:33 off Egg harbor, N. J. , D13N78: 21 ships driven from Fogland ferry, R.I. , D28F77:21 ships enumerated, 12S45: 12, PD4N73:13 ships equipped for Jamaica, W.I. , 20Je45:22 ships explode in Louisburg, N. S. , PD22Ag66:21 ships fired on by Spanish, PD7Ja73: 23-- R7Ja73:23 ships fitted for, 11S46: 31, 170c51: 21, HAp55: 22, PD25Ag68: 21, R60c68: 13, R17N68: 23, PD22N70: 21, PD10Ja71: 12, PD16Ja72: 21, PD2Ap72: 21, PD16Ap72: 22, PD24S72: 21, PD24Je73: 22, PD26Ag73: 21 — R26Ag73sl2, PD24Mr74: 23--R24Mr74: 31, D14Ja75:22, D25Mr75:21, P14Ap75: 21--D15Ap75: 22, Pil8My75: 23, D24Je75: 22, PilOAg75: 13, D12Ag75: 13, D12Ag75: 23, D19Ag75: 23, P8S75sl2, D9S75: 21,P60c75: 22, D70c75: 21, D70c75: 22, P130c75s21, Pil90c75: 12--P20Oc75: 12— D210c75:13,D210c75:22, Pi260c75: Il--D280c75: 21, D280c75:31,D4N75:22, Pi9N75:33,P10N75:12, D2D75:12,D2D75:21, D13 Ja76: 12, P15Mr76: 21 — D16Mr76: 22, D29Je76: 21, D31Ag76: 11, D28F77: 22— P28F77sl2, P20Je77:21, P12D77:12 at Oswego, N. Y. , 27Ag56: 22 in St. John's, Can. , Pi31Ag75: 31 — D2S75:21 ships' gunnery increased, D25Mr80: 12 ships in, P20Je77: 21 ships increased, PD25Mr73: 12 ships launched, 2D37: 42, 240c45: 21, 23Ja46: 32, PD7D69: 22, PD170c71: 21, PD12D71: 22, PD16Ja72: 12, PD18F73: 12, PD27 Ja74: 21, PD14J174: 12, PD28J174: 21, PD18Ag74: 11, D29Je76: 21 in Deptford, Eng. , PD14Je70s21, PD19My74: 31, PD19My74: 32 ships listed and classified, 28S39: 22 12D45: 21, 24Ja52: 22, 26S55: 12, PD2S73: 12--R2S73: 13, D28Mr77: 61 at Sullivans island, S. C. , D13 J176: 71 ships lost, 20Oc38: 31, 28Mr45: 31, 17Ap46: 11, PD7My72: 22, R17D72: 21, PDlS74sl2 at sea, PD10c72:22 in Tor bay, N. S. , 13Je45: 21 on Collerados, PD14Je70: 21 on Guernsey coast, Chan. is. , PD20N66M2 ships ordered for, 30D37:41, PD80C72:13 ships paid off, 6Ap39: 21, PD25J171: 21, PDlAg71 : 11, PD8Ag71 : 11, PD15Ag71:12 ships protected, PD7My67: 11 ships proposed, PD14Ap74: 22 ships recalled, 21N51: 22, PD6My73: 13 from Mediterranean sea, 20Ap39:22 ships rebuilt for, 18Ap45: 22, 28Mr45:31,16My51:22 ships recaptured bj . 20Je45: 22, 20Je45:32 from Americans, P8Ag77: 23, D15Ag77:31 from French, D26F80: 23 near Bassaterre, W. I. , D22Ja80: 23 ships refitted for, D25Mr80: 22 ships repaired, 3S56: 22, PD7My67: 11, R9S73: 12, PD22S74: 21, D16S75: 11, P5Ja76:33 in Cockspur, Ga. , D26F80: 23 ships sheathed, PD7Ap68: 13, PD28Ap68:13 ships sunk by Americans, D10 J179: 22 by Dutch, D22My79: 22 in Penobscot, Me. , D28Ag79: 22— C28Ag79:23 ships to be double-manned, D30Mr76: 21 ships turned pirate, PD9My66: 22 ships withdrawn, Pdll J171: 13 shipwrecked at sea, DllMr80: 32 near Plymouth, Eng. , PD7Ap68: 13 near Ushant, Fr. , D10J179: 11 on French coast, D8My79: 21 sickness in, 25Ap55: 12, D5Je79: 21 sink French ships, PD21My72: 21, R24Je73:ll size of, 3N38: 21, 120c39: 31, PD4 Je67: 11, PD2Ap72: 21, PDlAp73: 23, PD22S74: 22 See also Number of ships slaves in, P8S75: 31 squadron in Lisbon, Port. , relieved, 18Mr37:32 sqadrons of, 14S39:21 stationed in Ga. , 24 Je37: 31 stationing in Br. colonies, N. Am. , planned, P15S75sll--D16S75: 31 in R. I. , opposed in Del. , PD25Ag74: 12 stations for, PD9Ap72: 31, PD19Mr72: 21 status of discussed in parliament, D29Ap75:23 strength of, 270c38: 22, PD23Ap72: 12, PD1 J173: 22--R1 J173: 21, R9D73: 21 discussed in Commons, D25F75: 22 strengthening of proposed, R140c73: 23 subscriptions for, 26Ja39:41 superior to Fr. and Sp. , D27N79: 12 to French in W. I. , D12F80: 12 surgeons for, PD31D72: 13, R8 J173: 23 survey of, PD4F68: 23— R4F68: 14, PD15S68: 23, PD15Ag71: 12, PD22Ag71: 21, D24Je75: 11 surveys St. Vincent, W. I. , coastline, PD12N72:13 survivors of the Quebec rewarded, D25Mr80:13 takes Falkland islands rumored, PD31Ja71:21 to Af . , PD16 J172: 22, PD27Ag72: 41, PD5N72: 31, R22S74: 31, PD60c74: 13 from Eng. , PD4Je67: 21, PD16 J167: 13, R26My68: 13, R190c69: 23, PD7N71: 22, PD15J173: 31— R15 J173: 23, R15 J173sl3, P12My75: 12— Pil8My75:23 from London, Eng. , PD21Ap68: 12 from Portsmouth, Eng. , PD24My70: 21 to America, PD8D74: 23— Pi8D74: 31 from Eng. , 19S55: 11, PD14Mr66: 43. F 14Ap75: 23— D15Ap75: 32, Pi28Ap75sll, Pi28Ap75: 31, D29Ap75s33 from Gosport, Eng. , PD15D74: 21 from London, Eng. , Pil3Ap75: 22 from Portsmouth, Eng. , PD8D74: 22— Pi8D74:31 rumored, P3Mr75: 31 to Antigua, W. I. , from the Downs, Eng. , PD2D73sl2— R2D73: 21, P12My75: 12— Pil8My75: 23 from Plymouth, Eng. , 4J145: 22, PD240c71:22 to the Archipelago, Gr. , from Eng. , PD31Ja71:21 to Baltic sea, PD9J172: 21, R15J173sll, PD31Mr74: 21, PD15S74: 23, Pi29S74:22 from Eng. , 20J139: 31, 14S39: 12, 14S39: 21, PD23Ap67: 13, PD7My72: 13, PD29Ap73:21 results of, PD9 J172: 13 to Barbados, W. I. , D2D75: 13 to Bassaterre, W. I. , from St. Lucia, W.I. ,D22My79:12 to Bengal, India from Eng. , PD24Ag69: 12 from Portsmouth, Eng. , PD2My71: 22, PD9My71:13 to Biscay bay from Eng. , PD28Mr66: 21, PD22N70sl2, PD11 Je72: 21, PD23S73:12 from London, Eng. , PD15S68: 11— R15S68:13 from Portsmouth, Eng. , R16S73: 31 to Boston, Mass. , R3N68: 14, R210c73:13, R14Ap74:23, PD26My74: 22, PD16Je74s21, Dl J175: 12, D210c75: 23, D12F79: 31 denied, R19J170: 22 from Antigua, W. I. , Pil6Mr75: 32— P17Mr75s32— D18Mr75: 31 from Dublin. Ire. , D13J176: 11 140 British navy from Eng. , R19J170: 11, RllOc70: 13 PD18Ag74: 21--R18Ag74: 21, Pi29D74: 22, D7Ja75: 23, D14 Ja75: 23, D18F75: 23, P28Ap75s42, D20My75: 32, D10Je75: 31, Pil5Je75: 23, D12Ag75: 21, Pi260c75: 22, P19N75: 22--P10N75: 21, P5Ja76:23--D6Ja76:33 from Eng. , proposed, D22Ap75:21 from Gosport, Eng. , Pi28Ap75: 21 — D29Ap75:32 from Halifax, N.S. , R18Ag68s21, PD15D68: 12--R15D68: 12, PD27J169: 21, PD10Ag69: 21 — R10Ag69: 22, PD1N70: 21 — R1N70:22, PDllAp71:22 from Ire. , PD270c68: 23, Pi28Ap75sl2— D29Ap75s32 from London, Eng. , Pil3Ap75: 31, PilOAg75: 23— PllAg75: 21 from Louisburg, N. S. , PD15S68:23 from New York City, PD3Ag69: 22 from Nfd. ,D11F75:22 from Norfolk, Va. , PD14J168: 31-- R14J168:31 from Plymouth, Eng. , PD19My74: 22, R2Je74: 13, PD29D74: 22— Pi29D74: 12, D7Ja75: 22, D6My75: 31, D22Je76: 21 from St. Helen's, Eng. , PD60c68: 12 from St. John's, Nfd. , PD15S68:23 from Spithead, Eng. , 14S39: 32, Pi28S75:21 — D30S75:13 rumored, Pi260c75: 31--D280c75: 33 strength of, Pi9N75: 22--P10N75: 21 to Brazil, S. Am. , PD26Mr67: 21, PD23Ap67: 12 to British colonies, N. Am.,PD12My74:33, PD12My74: 41, R26My74: 23, Pi28S75: 21 — D30S75: 13, D18N75: 13, P14Je76: 12— D15Je76:21,P16Ag76:21 from Downs, Eng. , D9D75: 13 from Dublin, Ire. , D18My76: 31 from Eng. , PD60c68: 12, P14Ap75: 23, D70c75: 13, D2D75: 13, D2D75: 21, P3My76: 21 — D4My76: 31, P7 Je76: 22 from Portsmouth, Eng. , PD8D74s22, Pi23Mr75:21 from Rochfort, Eng. , P3My76: 22— D4My76:31 from Spithead, Eng. , P15S75: 21, D10Ag76:22, P40c76:12 from Woolwich, Eng. , D29 Je76: 21 ships classified, P24My76: 21 — D25My76: 31, P2Ag76: 22— D3Ag76:ll to Cadiz, Sp. , PD9Je74: 22 from Plymouth, Eng. , D23S75: 21 to Canso, N.S. ,from Eng. , 15S38:41 to Cape Breton is. , Can. , from Eng. , 31 J146: 12, 21Ag46: 32, 11S46: 41 to Cape Fear, N. C. , D25My76: 33 from Eng. , D27Ap76: 32 from Ire. , P10My76: 31 to Cape Finisterre, Sp. , from Eng. , R20S70: 12 from Land's End, Eng. , PD13Je71: 13 from Plymouth, Eng. ,D23S75: 21 from Ushant, Fr. , PD22N70sl2 to Cape Henry, Va. , from N. C. , PD19F67: 12 to Capes, Del. , from New York City, D31J179:21 to Cartagena, Sp. , from Port Mahon, Minorca, 11J146: 31 from Eng. , PD28Mr66: 22, R5S66: 22, PD10Ag69: 21— R10Ag69: 23, PD17Ag69: 31, PD25Ap71: 21, PD24S72: 21, PD22J173: 11, PilOAg75: 31 — PllAg75pl2— D12Ag75: 21 from London, Eng. , PD7S69: 13 from St. Helen's, Eng. , PD16My71: 13 to Charleston, S. C. , from Eng. , D70c75: 22 Plymouth, Eng. , PD14N71: 12 to Constantinople, Turkey, from Eng. , PD20Ap69: 21 to Copenhagen, Den. , from Eng. , PD16Ap72: 22 from Portsmouth, Eng. , PD9J172: 12 to Cork, Ire. ,D13J176: 12 from London, Eng. , PD21F71: 21 to Delaware bay, from Chesapeake bay, D26S77: 22 rumored, P13Je77: 31 to Demerara, Brit. Gui. , from Antigua, W. I. , P21Ap75s32 to Den. , PD9J172: 12 from Eng. , PD23Ap72: 21, PD14My72: 12, PD14My72: 13 to E. I. , PD16J172: 22, Pi23Mr75: 31, PilOAg75: 23,D29Je76: 12 denied, PD13S70sll from Canary islands, PD13Je71: 22 to Eng. from Guinea, Af. ,D2D75: 13 from St. Christopher, W. I. , D22Je76: 61 to Falkland islands recalled, PD13Je71: 22 to Fr. from Chatham, Eng. , PD18Oc70: 12 to Gardiner's island, N. Y. , from Fisher's island, N. Y. , Pi7S75: 12 to Ga. from Eng. , 15S38: 41, D4S79: 11,D4S79: 21 to Gibraltar, PD10Ja71: 13, Pi28S75: 21 — D30S75: 13,D25Mr80: 11 from Cork, Ire. , PD25Ap71: 21 from Eng. , PD60c68: 21 from Gosport, Eng. , PD1J173: 13 from Ire. , PD14Mr71: 31 from Plymouth, Eng. , D23S75: 21 to Groyne, Sp. , from Plymouth, Eng. , D23S75: 21 to Guinea, Af. , from Eng. ,R21S69: 13, PilOAg75: 31 — PllAg75pl2- D12Ag75: 21 from Plymouth, Eng. , PD23Ja72: 21 to Gwynn's island, Va. ,D29Je76: 32 to Halifax, N. S. from Eng. , PD30J167: 21, PD7Ja68: 31 from Plymouth, Eng. , PD60c68: 13— R60c68: 14 from Portsmouth, Eng. , PD4Je67: 22 from Quebec, Can. , PD17D67: 22 to Hampton, Va. , from Eng. , R9F69:21 from London, Eng. , PD14Je70: 31 to Hampton roads, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , P9je75s23— D10Je75: 31 from New York City, PD6S70: 31, PD80c72: 31 from Portsmouth, Eng. , PD270c68: 31 — R270c68: 21 to Honduras, C. Am. , from Jamaica, W. I. , PD4N73: 21--R4N73: 23, PD25N73: 13--R25N73: 33 to India from Eng. , 23My55: 12, R15J173sl2 to Ire. , PD2Ja72: 13 from Eng. , 17N38: 31 from St. Helen's, Eng. , PD14Mr71: 31 from Spithead, Eng. , P19My75: 32 to Irish coast from Eng. , 120c39: 21 to Jamaica, W. I. , PD5N72: 31, R6My73: 21, PD10Je73: 12, D21Ag79: 21 from Eng. , 12S45: 31, PD7F71: 13 from Grenada, W. I. , D21Ag79: 22 from London, Eng. , 6J139: 31, PDllMr73: 13 from Plymouth, Eng. , PD27F72: 23 — R27F72: 22 from Portsmouth, Eng. , PD21My72: 21, 25Ja40: 11, PD16Je68: 13 — R16Je68:14,D20c79: 12 to James fort, Af. , from Eng. , PD20My73: 21 to Leeward islands, W. I. , PD24S72: 13 from Eng. , PD3Ja71: 21, PD10Oc71: 13 to Leghorn, It. , PD3Ja71: 23 to Levant, from Eng. , PD31D72: 11 to Lisbon, Port. ,D2S75: 12 to London, Eng. , from Quebec, Can. , D40c76: 61 to Long island, N. Y. , P26Ja76: 21 — D27Ja76: 32 to Madras, India, from Eng. , C9D80: 11 to Malabar coast, India, from Eng. , PD2S73: 12--R2S73: 11 to Martinique, W. I. , P28N77: 22 toMd. ,D30S75:11 to Mediterranean, PD30Mr69: 31, PD14Mr71: 22, PD9Ap72: 31, PD8Ap73: 13, PD4N73: 13, PD11N73S21— RllN73sl3, PD31Mr74: 11— R31Mr74: 12, PD20Oc74: 21, Pi8D74: 21, P23Je75: 22, D24Je75: 21, D1J175: 12, D70c75: U,D70c75: 13,D24Ap79: 12 from Cork, Ire. , 1D38: 31 from Eng. , 14S39: 12, 8Ag51: 31, 12D51: 31,PD25Ag68: 22, PD25Ag68: 23— R25Ag68: 13, PD15S68: 11, PD15S68: 21, R23Mr69: 23, PD14Ap69sl2, PD20Ap69: 21, PD8N70: 21, R29N70: 21, PD31Ja71: 21, PD25Ap71: 21, PD25Ap71: 22, PD16My71: 21, PD23My71: 21, PD240c71: 21, PD19Mr72: 13, PD20Ag72: 21, PD3S72: 12, R80c72: 11, PD15J173:23— R15J173: 22, PD15J173: 23--R15J173: 31, PD23S73: 12 — R23S73: 13, PD70c73: 12— R70c73: 12, RllN73s22, P12My75: 12— Pil8My75: 23 from London, Eng. , PD7S69: 22, PD24Je73: 21 from Plymouth, Eng. , 29Ag51: 22, PD6OC68: 11 — R60c68: 13, PD19Mr72: 22 from Portsmouth, Eng. , 14S39: 21, PD60c68: 12 from Spithead, Eng. , PD13Je71: 22 to Milford, Eng. , from U. S. , D26Mr79:21 to Minorca, from Eng. , PD130c68: 13, PD14F7L31 from London, Eng. , PD21F71: 21 to Miquelon island, Nfd. , PD30J167: 22 to Mosquito coast, Nic. , PD13F72: 31 to New England from Eng. , 20Je45: 31 141 British navy to New England (cont'd) from Plymouth, Eng. , PD8D74s22 to New York City, PD21J174: 13, Pil8My75: 32--P19My75s23, P26J176: 31 from Chesapeake bay,D10J179: 21 from Eng. , 15S38: 41, D28Ja75: 21, P25J177: 12, D24Ap79: 31, D10J179: 22 from Ire. , PD8D68: 13 from Plymouth, Eng. , PD60c68: 13— R60c68: 14 from Portsmouth, Eng. , PD1N70: 21 from S. C. ,D10Ag76: 61 from W. I. ,D20N79: 21--C20N79: 11 to Newcastle, Del. ,D12Ag75: 32 to Nfd. , PD15J173: 31— R15J173: 23, PD15S74: 31, PD10N74: 23, P21J175sll from Eng. , 15S38: 41, PD14Mr66: 42, PD18Ap66: 21, PD20N66: 12, PD28Ap68: 13, PD25Ap71: 21, PD24S72: 12, PD16J172: 22, P12My75: 12— Pil8My75: 23, PilOAg75: 31 — PllAg75pl2— D12Ag75: 21 from Halifax, N. S. , 26S55: 11 from Plymouth, Eng. , PD25Ag68: 22, P24My76: ll--D25My76: 31 from Portsmouth, Eng. , PD29Ag66: 12, PD25Je67: 22, PD24Ag69: 13 — R24Ag69: 21, P22J175sl2 to Newport, R. I. , P1S75: 12, DlMy79: 21 from Boston, Mass. , PD24Ag69: 22, PD21Ja73: 23--R21Ja73: 23, PUD74: 31 to Norfolk, Va. , P22D75: 32 from Halifax, N. S. , PD19J170: 21 to N. Am. , from Eng. , PD18Ap66: 21, PD18Ap66: 22, PD30Ap67: 21, R29N70:21,R8Ag71:21 from Portsmouth, Eng. , PDlAg71: 12 from Spithead, Eng. , PD1J173: 13 to N. C. from Eng. , DllMy76: 33 to N. S. from Eng. , 5S51: 22 to Pamlico sound, N. C. , D26S77: 22 to Pensacola, Fla. , from Jamaica, W. I. , PD28Ap68: 22 from New York City, PD5F67: 22 to Petersburg, Russia, R17N68: 22 from Eng. , PD24N68: 21 to Philadelphia, Pa. , P270c75s22, D18My76: 32,D29N76: 21--P29N76: 13 to Plymouth, Eng. , PD3Ja71: 23 to Port Mahon, Minorca, from Ire. , PD14Mr71: 31 from It. , 10Ap46: 22 from Leghorn, It. ,PD3Ja71:23 to Porto Bello, W. I. , from Jamaica, W. I. , 1F40: 41 to Portsmouth, Eng. , from Cowes, Eng. , PD27Ag72: 31 from the Downs, Eng. , D20c79: 12 from Halifax, N. S. , R7F71: 22 from Nfd. , P28F77: 13 from Va. , P130c75s22— D140c75: 32— Pil90c75: 13 to Port. , from Eng. , PD23Sp67: 12 to Prince Rupert's bay, Dominica, from Portsmouth, Eng. , PD26Mr67: 23 to Providence, R. I. from Eng. , PD6Ag67: 22 to Quebec, Can. , from Portsmouth, Eng. ,D18J177:21 to R. I. , P3Ja77sl2 from Boston, Mass. , PD7Ja73: 31, PD17Ag69: 12 from Eng. , PD21Ja73: 31— R21Ja73: 23, PD4Mr73: 31 to St. Andero, Sp. , from Eng. , 9N39: 21 to St. Christopher, W. I. , from Eng. , PD5S71: 31--R5S71: 23 from Grenada, W. I. , D21Ag79: 22 to St. John, Antigua, W. I. , from Eng. , PD14Ja68: 23 to St. Peter's, Nfd. , PD30J167: 22 to Sandy hook, N. J. , from Eng. , P2Ag76: 21— D3Ag76: 11 from Halifax, N. S. , P12J176: 23, D20J176: 12 to Scot. , from Eng. , 5D45: 31, PD28Mr71: 11 to Senegal, W. Af. , P18D74: 21 to Shields, Eng. , P26My75: 23 to S. C. ,D30S75: 11 from Boston, Mass. , 14S39: 32 to South seas, D27N79: 12 from Deptford, Eng. , PD15S68: 11 from Eng. , PD14Mr71: 23 to southern colonies from N. Y. , D22N76: 31 to Sp. , PD3Ja71: 21 from Chatham, Eng. , PD18Oc70: 12 to Spanish coast from Eng. , PD31Ja71: 21 to Spanish main from Jamaica, W. I. , R21N71: 12 to Spithead, Eng. , PD27 Ja74: 22 from Plymouth, Eng. , PD13Je71: 21 from Portsmouth, Eng. , PD27Ag72: 11 to Tagus river, from Eng. , PD7My67: 12, PD2J167: 12, PD7F71: 13— R7F71: 22, PD170C71: 13— R170c71: 13, PD22J173:11 from London, Eng. , PD18Je67: 21 to Turk's island, W. I. , D20Ja76: 22 to U. S. , from Eng. , D20Je77: 11 — P20Je77: 21 to Va. , from Eng. , 15S38: 41, P20Oc75s21 from Gosport, Eng. , PD2N69: 23 rumored, Pil90c75: 32, P26Ja76: 21— D27Ja76: 32 to W. Fla. , from Eng. , PD28Mr66: 13 to W. I. , PD130c74: 12, PD10N74: 23, D24Je75: 21,D25Mr80: 23 from Chatham, Eng. , PD27Ag72: 23 from Eng. , 4Mr37: 32, 1D38: 22, 19S55: 11, PD30Ap67: 21, PD14Ap68: 13, PD18Oc70s22, PD3Ja71: 22, PD25Ap71: 21, PD12Mr72: 21, R17Je73: 21, R16D73: 13, PilOAg75: 31 — PllAg75pl2— D12Ag75: 21, D26Mr79: 21,D24Ap79: 21, D11S79: 31, C19Ag80: 12 from London, Eng. , 3N38: 31 from Portsmouth, Eng. , 14S39: 21, PD14Mr71: 22, PD22S74: 23, D2Ap79: 12 from Toulon, Fr. , PD21 Je70: 13 to Wilmington, N. C. ,D3F76: 41 to York river, Va. , PD3Ag69: 32 from Hampton roads, Va. , P28Ap75s42 tonnage of transports, 22Ap57: 21 trade with Md. on Potomac river, D19D77: 21 transports for, PD11J171: 13 treasurers' accounts incomplete, D5Mr79: 22 uniforms changed, PD1S74: 21, Pi20Oc74: 21 unprepared, P14Mr77: 21 for war, PD14F71: 22, PD14F71: 23 — R14F71: 23, PD28Mr71: 11 vacancies in, 30Je38: 32 value of ships captured by, 12S45: 32 volunteers for, 3S56: 22, PD22N70sl3 watch French harbors, PD16J172: 31, PD16Ja72: 12 widows of officers relief funds for, PD19Mr67: 21 women in, PD18Ap71: 22, PD10Oc71: 22, PD1J173: 21 See also Admiralty board; British sailors in; Courts martial in British nobility, character criticized, PD22S74: 23 in Paris, Fr. , PD23J172: 21 in Spa, Ger. , PD80c72: 12 Italian influence on criticized, 23S37: 11 parties for, PD30Ap67: 13 promotions of, PD4My69: 22, PD25Ag74: 23 satirized, R10F74: 21 toasted by Sons of Liberty, London, Eng. , PD19J170: 22 British officers, in foreign navies, PD7Ja73: 23 recalled from foreign service, PD7Mr66: 12 volunteer for America, Pi5Ja75: 13 British oil, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD26My68: 23 British politics, satires on,D25My76: 11 British Protestant working schools, in Ire. , 9F39: 32 British Protestants, hated in Malaga, Sp. ,PD10D67: 12 British regiment, seventeenth, deserter to Va. regiment, P6Je77: 33 British regiment, twenty-sixth, D6Ja76: 32 British sailors, adv. for in Suffolk, Va. , 120c52: 31 attack civilians in Portsmouth, Eng. , PD30J172: 22 Spanish, 60c38: 42 attend theatre, PD10Ja71: 12 convicted of smuggling, 9F39: 22 detained by Dutch ship, PD18Je67: 13 discharged from merchant ships, PD18Ap66: 22 in British colonies, N. Am. , PD7S69: 21--R7S69: 23 discontinue rioting, R31D72: 12 enslaved in Morocco, Af. , 8Ag51: 22 escape from American capture, D8Ap80s21 exclude foreigners from British ships, PD31D72: 21 fight with Venetians, PD10Mr74: 22 find flat (boat), PD22D68: 33 forbidden to enter foreign service, PD2Ja72: 13 impressed as pirates, 29S52: 22, 60c52: 21 imprisoned by Barbary states, PD26S71: 22, PD13F72: 31, R16D73:32 by Port. , PD18Je67: 11 by Spanish. 23Je38: 32, 4Ap51: 31, PD24My70: 13. PD14F71: 23, PD26S71: 23. PD23J172: 12, R290c72: 21, R12D72sl2. R30S73s23, R4N73: 21, PD28Ap74: 12, D29Ap75: 23 142 British transports by Spanish in Puerto Rico, PD13Ag72: 21 by Spanish, relief for families, 4Ag38:22,18Ag38: 22 for rioting, R31D72: 11 in Norfolk, Va. , P26Ja76: 31 in London, Eng. , disturbances with coalheavers, PD25Ag68: 23, PD8S68: 11 in S. C. , sale of liquor to criticized, R26My68: 22 killed by Indians, in Machias, Me. , P230c78: 21 lost in Mediterranean, 17Ag39: 22 marooned for disobedience, 14F51: 12 mistreated, 15D38: 22, PD14My67: 31 at sea, PD20S70: 22 by Algerians, 24Ja51: 31 by captains, 26S51: 31, PDllJe67: 21, PD7Ja68: 22 by Dutch, PD22Ja67: 22 by French, 3Ap46: 41, 22Ap57: 21 by Greeks, PD80c72: 12 by Guinea-men, PD10D67: 11 by Moroccans, 5S51: 22 by officers, R13My73: 22 by Portuguese, PD16Ap67: 13 by ship's company, PD26Mr72: 31 by Spanish, 23D37: 31, 28J138: 22, 22S38: 32, 18My39: 11, 22Je39: 11, 25J151: 11, 5S51: 12, 18Je52: 12, 15D52: 31, PD2J167: 22, PD3Ja71: 12, PD25Ap71: 21, PD12Mr72: 31, PD13Ag72: 21 by Turkish, PD20Ag72: 12 murdered by Chinese, PD23F69: 22 in London, Eng. , PD29S68: 13 mutiny of, PD8N70: 21--R8N70: 22 number captured in New York City, D19Ag75: 22 in London, Eng. , PD28Mr71: 11 in 1751,7N51:21 in Spanish prisons, PD21My72: 13 officers appointed, PDlAp73: 23 oppose employment of foreigners, PD16D73: 13 Wilkes, PDllAg68: 22--RllAg68: 11 pensions for, 2D37: 42 petition king, PD18Ag68: 21--R18Ag68: 21 plunder in Manila, P. I. , PD2Ap72: 31 pranks of, PDllJe67: 13 prevent ships sailing, PDllAg68: 23 — RllAg68: 11, PD18Ag68: 21 — R18Ag68: 21, PD25Ag68: 22, PD8S68: 23 recalled from foreign service, 25Ag38: 32, 18Ja40: 12, PD3Ja71: 22 registration of proposed. PD9S73: 11 released by Sp. , 28J138: 32. PD19Mr72: 13 respect for officers noted, PD12Mr67: 12 returned to Eng. from U. S. , D22My79: 11 riots in Greenock, Scot. . PD22Ap73: 31 — R22Ap73: 33 runaway from Allerton, 310c51: 22 from Amelia, PDUe69: 31 — RUe69: 33 from Boyne, PD24Ja71: 32 from Brickdale, PD12D71: 33 from Brilliant, PD7J174: 32 from Cumberland co. , Va. , PD7D69: 32 from Delight, 7N54: 31 from Elizabeth, R23Je68: 31 from Encouragement, 10Ap52: 31 from Fairfield, PD3Ja71: 33 from Hanbury, PD30Ap67: 33, PD14My67: 31 from Industrious Bee, 5Je52: 32 from Justitia, PD24Mr74: 32 from London, PD16Je74: 22--R16Je74:32 R16Je74: 32 from Mally, 60c52: 32 from Maryland Merchant, 29My46: 42 from Middleton, PD9F69: 32 from Nautilus, 4N63: 32 from Norfolk, Va. , R28Ap68: 33 — PD21Ap68: 31 from Polly, PDllJe72: 32 from Triton, 17Ap52: 31 from Vernon, 14Ag46: 42 from Virginia, 18Ap45: 42 scarce, R22J173sll, D8Je76: 42 in Liverpool, Eng. , R8Ag71: 23 sent to Sp. ,5S51: 21 strike in Bristol, Eng. ,R25Ag68: 14 in Glasgow, Scot. , PD6My73: 22 in Greenock, Scot. , R25Ag68: 14, PD6My73: 12, PD6My73: 22 in London, Eng. , R25Ag68: 24, PD22N70sl3 in Sunderland, Eng. , PD25Ag68: 31 suppression urged by king, R25Ag68: 12 tarred and feathered in Savannah, Ga. , D22Ap75: 22 testify to Spanish cruelty, HMy39: 32 trained in fisheries, R18Ag74: 22 treatment by Spanish described, 12S45: 11 treatment of Chinese, R15Ag71: 13 unemployed in Liverpool, Eng. , P24N75sl2 in Waste, Eng. , P1D75: 21 in Worcestershire, Eng. ,D2D75: 12 wages, llJa40: 22, 120c52: 31, PD4Je67: 21, PDl9Mr67: 22, R8Ag71: 23 decline, PD2My71: 22— R2My71: 21 decline in Glasgow, Scot. , PD18Ap66: 22 increase requested, PDllAg68: 22— RllAg68: 11, PD18Ag68: 13, PD18Ag68: 21— R18Ag68: 21, R31D72: 21 raised, PD14F71: 31 regulated, 16My51: 22, PD23Ap72: 13 women as, D23D75: 21 See also British navy, sailors British sailors, apprentice, mistreated by masters, R4F68: 13 British-Spanish, treaty negotiated on, PD16S73: 12--R23S73: 12 British subjects, held in Sp. release requested, PD9Ap72: 22 imprisoned in Cartagena, Colom. , PD19D71: 21 in Lisbon, Port. , PD13D70: 13 British transports, adv. for in Newcastle, Eng. , D280c75: 31 ashore on Point Judith, R. I. , D12F79:31 at Sandy Hook, N. J. , PU3J175: 23— P14J175: 31--D15J175:32 at Staten island, N. Y. , P25J177: 13 attacked by American privateers, D230c79: 21 near Portsmouth, Va. , D29My79: 31 boycotted in Va. , P5My75s43 burned near Cape Anne, Mass. , P29D75sl2 captured by Americans, D30Mr76: 12, D20J176: 12, D29J176: 51, D26Mr79: 22, C27N79: 12, DllMr80: 32 at Casco bay, Me. , P1S75: 13 near N. S. , P10Ja77: 21 , D24 Ja77: 21 near Seconet, R. I. ,D12F79: 31 captured by Baltimore, Md. , ships, D19F80: 23 captured by Continental navy, D6J176: 12 captured by Mass. ships, D4J177: 71 — P4J177: 22 captured by Va. ships, P3Ja77sl3 contracted for, Pil8My75: 23 cost of to America, P28Ap75sl3— D6My75: 31 deserters from off N. J. ,D8Ag77: 12— P8Ag77: 21 driven ashore off Charleston, S. C. , D6J176: 21 driven off America, D28F77: 22— P28F77sl2 employed by British government, D16S75: 12 from Boston, Mass. , to Casco bay. Me. ,P1S75: 13 to London, Eng. , D8Je76: 42 to New York City, Pi4My75: 23 to Newport, R. I. , D280c75: 32 to N. S. , PilOAg75: 32 — PllAg75p22 from Cork, Ire. , D25Ap77: 21 to Ga. ,D18Mr80:31 to New York City, D18Mr80: 31 to Philadelphia, Pa. , P29My78: 21 from the Downs, Eng. , to Plymouth, Eng. , P16F76: 23 from Eng. , to Jamaica, W. I. , P21J175sll— D22J175: 41 from London, Eng. , to Cork, Ire. , P28Je76: 22— D29Je76: 21 from New York City, D29Ja80: 31 to Boston, Mass. , P18Ag75: 22-- D19Ag75: 32 to Can. rumored, D19Je79: 22 to Cork, Ire. ,D4J177:71 to Delaware river rumored, P25J177: 21 to Halifax, N. S. , D25J177: 11, D20c79: 21 to London, Eng. , D2My77: 22, D2Ap79: 12 to Newport, R. I. , P25J177: 12, D27N78: 22 to Philadelphia, Pa. , P29My78: 21 to Sandy Hook, N. J. , D27N78: 22, D4D78: 21 from Newport, R. I. , to Boston, Mass. ,D11N75:21 from Portsmouth, Eng. , to Ire. , D6My75: 23 from Sandy Hook, N. J. , to Gt. Brit. , P3Ja77sll from U. S. , to Spithead, Eng. , D13D76: 11 in Antigua, W. I. , P8Mr76: 23-- D9Mr76: 22 in Barbados, W. I. ,D24Ap79: 21 in Deal, Eng. , P19My75: 32 in Marblehead, Mass. , P24Mr75: 23 in Nantasket roads, Mass. , reported, P26Ap76s21--D27Ap76: 41 in St. Christopher, W. I. , D28Ag79: 22 lost at sea, P26Ja76: 21 near Fairfield, Conn. ,D16My77: 12— P16My77: 21 143 British transports (cont'd) number needed, P14Je76: 13— D15Je76:31 off Capes, Va. , P25Ap77: 22— D2My77: 31 off Va. coast, D30My77: 22 ordered for troops to U. S. , D24Ap78: 21 prepared for Boston, Mass. , P9Je75: 13 ships commandeered for, Pi28S75: 21 — D30S75: 13 stranded on Brigantine beach, N. J. , Pi2N75:32--P3N75: 23 to America from Cork, Ire. ,D1J175: 31 from Cove, Ire. , D1J175: 31 to Boston, Mass. , P18Ag75: 12, Pil4S75: 22,P24My76: 22 from Antigua, W. I. , D18My76: 32 from Cork, Ire. ,D17Je75: 23, D1J175: 23, Pi29Je75: 32--D1J175: 32, D13Ja76:31 from the Downs, Eng. ,D2S75: 12, D23Mr76: 31,D20Ap76: 23 from Eng. ,P2Je75: 23—D10Je75: 22, D3Je75: 31,D10Je75: 31.D8J175: 23, D12Ag75: 21, P270c75sll, D2D75: 23, D29Je7S: 11 from Ire. , P16je75s21, P18Ag75: 22— D19Ag75: 32 from London, Eng. , PilOAg75: 23 — PllAg75: 21 from Spithead, Eng. , P19My75: 13 to British colonies, N.Am., from Bristol, Eng. , P21Je76: 13 from the Downs, Eng. ,D16Mr76: 23 from Eng. , P2Je75s22, P23F76: 21, D24F76: 22 from Cork, Ire. ,D30Mr76: 21 to Cork, Ire. , from London, Eng. , D29J176: 12 from Plymouth, Eng. ,D29J176: 12 from Portsmouth, Eng. ,D29J176: 12 to Dublin, Ire. , from Plymouth, Eng. , D1J175: 31 to Eng. , from Boston, Mass. , P3My76: 22--D4My76: 31 to Halifax, N. S. , from Cork, Ire. , D13Ja76: 31 to Ire. , from Eng. ,D18F75: 23, D1J175: 23, D15J175: 33, P270c75s21 to New York City from Eng. , D18J177: 21 from Portsmouth, Eng. , P12D77: 11 from Quebec, Can. ,DHOc76: 22— PHOc76: 22 to R. I. , from Europe, D25J177: 12— P25J177:11 to Sandy Hook, N. J. , from Eng. , D16Ap79: 21 wrecked at sea,DlAp80: 13 on Fisher's island, N. Y. ,D16Ap79: 21 British victuallers, to New York City from Cork, Ire. ,D20c79: 21 British victualling office, vacancies in, 30Je38: 32 Briton, pseud. , PD23Mr69: 11 Briton, horse, PD5N67: 13, R26My68: 33 ship, 28Ag52: 31 Briton's bay, See ships to Britt, Mr. , interpreter in Havana, 5S51:12 John, P27D76: 33 John, Capt. , of the Rebecca and Freelove, 9N39: 32 William, Capt. , of the Pearl, PD22Ja67: 23 Brittan, Capt. , of the Jacob, 13Je45: 21 John, PD24Mr68: 33, PD2N69: 33, PD18Oc70: 42 Brittania, H. M. S. , PD6Ag67: 21 race horse, R26My68: 33 Brittany, France, insurrections in, PD22Ag71: 32, PD7My72: 22 See also Canals in; Diseases in; Irish troops to; French army to Brittany coast, Fr. , fortified by French, PD4My69: 13 See also Shipwrecks on; Storms off Britten, Garland, 12F62: 41 Britten & Bayley, settlement of accounts, 12F62:41 Britto, Diego, Don, Capt. , of the Thetis, PD8J173: 23--R8J173: 23 Britton, David, PD270c74: 21 Brixham, Eng. , See Smuggling in Brizendine, Isaac, denies accusation of Hugh Knox, P15Ag77: 12 Broad, Capt. , of the Plymouth Merchant, 10N52: 22 Broad creek, Va. , See Horse-breeding at Broad creek warehouse, Va. , D10J179: 31 Broad dialect, spoken by convict servants, RlAg71: 41 Broad river, S. C. , See Indian attacks on; Murders of Indians near Broad run church, Va. , P5S77: 33 Broadaxes, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 24Ja51: 41 taken by convict servants, Pi21S75: 33 by indentured servants, Pi2Mr75: 33 — D4Mr75: 32 Broadcloth, boycotted in Providence, R. I. ,PD21Ja68:31 in Va. Association, PD25My69: 11 — RlJe69: 13 exported from Conn. , to Bristol, Eng. , PD18D66: 22 for sale, Kemps landing, Va. , D19Mr79:31 in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72: 31, P3Ap78: 31,D14Ag79: 12— C28Ag79: 43 in Blandford, Va. ,D13N78: 11 in Cabin Point, Va. , PD3S72: 23 in Cobham, Va. , P29S75: 33— Pi50c75: 33 in Edenton, N. C. , P160c78: 42, D12F79:41 in Fredericksburg, Va. ,D26Mr79: 22, D29My79: 32 in Gloucester co. , Va. , D29Je76: 42 in Hanover, Va. , D13J176: 22 in King and Queen co. , Va. , 2S57:32 in Manchester, Va. , C13My80: 41 in Norfolk, Va. , 3J146: 41, PD25J166: 23. PD25Je67: 32, PD12Ja69: 32, PD24My70: 33, PD22N70: 31, PD150c72: 23 in Petersburg, Va. , D5S77: 22— P5S77: 31, D12S77: 41 — P19S77: 11, D240c77: 21--P240c77: 32, P27Mr78: 12, D8My78: 61, P21Ag78: 42 in Richmond, Va. , PD3S67: 32, PD3JS73: 31--R30S73: 32, PD15D74: 32, D25J177: 41— P25J177: 33,D24Ap78: 32, P10J178: 31 in Shockoe, Va. , PD22S68: 23 — R22S68: 24, PD7S69: 42--R7S69: 42 in Smithfield, Va. .D31J179: 12 in Suffolk, Va. , 5Mr52: 31, P12Je78: 31 in Sussex co. , Va. , PD27N66: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , 27My37: 42, 7N54: 42, 28F55: 31, PD3D67: 32, PD28S69: 31, PD4Oc70: 31, PD22N70s23, PD29N70: 22— R29N70: 23, R30My71: 31, PD29Ag71: 31, PD12D71: 32, PD19D71: 32, PD11N73: 22, D26Ag75: 32, D16D75: 23, P10My76: 43— DllMy76: 23, D27Je77: 31, DlAg77: 22.D7N77: 31,D10J178: 21 — P10J178:33,P16Oc78:22 in Yorktown, Va. , 4J145: 42, 29My46: 32, PD25F68: 31--R25F68: 31 found, in Portsmouth, Va. , R16F69: 31 lost, adv. for, PD22Ag71: 33 manufactured in Sp. , 21F51: 31 stolen by slaves, PD7F71: 31, PD7Mr71: 32— R7Mr71: 32 unclaimed, adv. of, PD21F71: 32 Broadcloth, damaged, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD8Mr70: 33, PD18Oc70: 31— R18Oc70: 22, P290c72: 21— R290c72: 31 Broadcloth, patterns of, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. ,D18Ap77: 71 — P18Ap77s42 Broadcloth coats, unclaimed, adv. of, P10My76sll Broadcloth manufacture, in Conn. , PD18D66: 22 inSp. ,21F51:31 Broadcloth manufacturers, in Melkshan, Eng. ,PD18Ap66: 22 Broadcloth mills, destroyed in Hornisham, Eng. , PD220c67: 13 Broadcloth suits, for sale, PD15Ag66: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD220c72: 22— R220c72: 23 Broaddus, John, Capt. , P13D76: 22 William, P13D76: 22 Broadhead, Col. , 6N79: 32 Broadie, Archibald, PD13Ap69: 31, PD13D70: 31 Broadie, Archibald & co. , dissolution of partnership, PD13D70: 31 Broadkill creek, Del. , See Landings on Broadley, Henry, Capt. , of the True Briton, 5S55: 22 Broadlove, Thomas, C13N79: 22 Broadnax, Edward, 11S46: 41 Henry, R24Mr68: 34, R26My68: 34, PD29S68: 31, PDllMy69s42 Samuel, 14F51: 41 William, 12Mr52: 31, P24Mr75: 32 William, Capt. , R20Je71: 33 Broadwater, Charles, PD4Ag74: 23, R4Ag74:22,DlAp75:21 Charles Lewis, Lt. , P19S77: 31 Broadwater, Va. , See Physicians in; Schools, adv. of in Broadwater bridge, Isle of Wight co. , Va. ,21N45:41 Broadwater ferry, Va. , P28Je76: 32, D28Mr77: 32 Broadwater school, Va. , adv. of, PD3Ja71: 32 Broadway, Va. , See Indentured servants runaway from; Lots in; Lotteries, of lots, in; Sailors, adv. for, in; Snips, described, for sale in; Ships at; Ships for charter in; 144 Brookes Ships for sale in; Ships from; Ships in; Ships to Broadway's, Va. ,R8F70:33 Broady, David, Lt. , of the Sunderland, 11F37:22 Broca, Jun, signs treaty for Caribs, PD15Ap73: 22--R15Ap73: 22 Brocades, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD4OC70: 32--R4Oc70: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , 27My37: 42, PD240c71: 31, PD150c72: 31 Broccoli seeds, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD26Mr67: 32, PD10Mr68: 32— R10Mr68: 33 in Richmond, Va. , PD26Mr67: 32, PD10Mr68: 32--R10Mr68: 33, PD10Oc71: 32, D9S75: 32, D3F76: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , 30N59: 32, PD31D72: 31, PD16D73: 31, PD3Mr74: 32 Brock, George, P14N77: 33 John, 5Mr52: 32, P14N77: 33 Joseph, R12My68: 32 adv. finding of horse, 5Mr52: 32 adv. settlement of estate, R170c71: 33, R3D72: 22 member of Committee of Safety in Spotsylvania co. , Va. , P29D75: 31 on committee for Va. counties, PlMr76: 13 sheriff of Spotsylvania co. , Va. , R25Ja70: 11--PD15F70: 23 Joseph, Col. , P25Ag75: 31 Thomas, Pi5Ja75: 32, Pil6F75: 31 William O. ,D160c79: 32 Brockbank, Capt. , of the Lord Clive, PD170c71: 22 Brockenbrough, John, adv. drugs for sale, R29Je69: 33 adv. for apothecary's apprentice, R5Ja69: 32 adv. for runaway slave, R15Je69: 32 explains death of French sailor, P31Ja77: 13 manages auction in Essex co. , Va. , PilJe75: 12 member of Committee in Essex co. , Va. , Pi5Ja75: 31 regains osnaburg from Thomas Wood, Pil6Mr75: 12--P17Mr75: 33 John, Dr. ,D7F77:22 William, R1D68: 22, R31Mr74: 32 William, Lt. Col. , R27S70: 21 See also Brokenbrough Brockenburgh, Austin, P3Ap78sl2 John, Dr. , P3Ap78sl2 Brocket, Acel, Mr. , PD29Ag71: 21 Acel, Mrs. , PD29Ag71: 21 Brocklebank, Capt. , of the Liberty, R8J173: 32 Brockman, Mary, Mrs. ,D210c75: 33 Samuel, P8N76: 41 Samuel, jr. ,D210c75: 33 Samuel, sr. ,D210c75: 33 William, D210c75: 33 Brockway, Jonathan, Capt. , of the Harlequin, R8Ag66: 31 Brodhead, Daniel, Col. , PDllAg74: 23 — R4Ag74: 32, C19F80: 22. D29Ja80: 32 Luke, Col. ,D14S76:31,D21S76: 21 Brodie, John, 240c45: 41, 24Ap46: 42, R31My70:33 John, Dr. , 20Je51: 41, R31My70: 41 M. , adv. dressmaking business. PD240c71: 23--R310c71: 33 adv. merchandise for sale, P60c75: 31--D140c75: 33— Pil90c75: 33, P24N75: 32 — D25N75: 33 announces departure, P24N75: 32— D25D75: 33 Brofford, Robert, Pi20Ap75: 31 — P21Ap75s42--D22Ap75: 31 Brokenback church, Va. , PD2Je74: 32 Brokenbrough, Austin, D6My75: 22 See also Brockenbrough Brokers, adv. of, in Norfolk, Va. , PD7N71; 23 in Norfolk, Va. , PDUe69: 31 Bromadge, Mr. , member of Va. company of comedians, PD31Mr68: 23, PD7Ap68: 23, PD14Ap68: 23 — R14Ap68: 23, PD12My68: 23 — R12My68: 22, PD19My68: 31 Christr. , PD4Ag68: 23 Samuel, Capt. , of the Vigor, 4Ja40: 22 Bromedge, Capt. , of the Savage, PD80c72:31 Bromfield, Thomas, R26My74: 23 Bromfield, William, Dr. , PD12N67: 11 Bromfield parish, Culpeper co. , Va. , See Churchwardens in; Glebe houses in Bromfield parish glebe, Va. , See Mansion house in Bromidge, Henry, Capt. , of the Buffalo, P21N77: 21 Bromley, Eng. , See Linen printing declines in Bronaugh, John, R28J174: 23 William, R28J168: 32, R25N73: 41 Bronde, man of war,D26F80: 23 Brooches, for sale, in Smithfield, Va. ,C3J179:31 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD4Je72: 32, PD11N73: 23--R11N73: 21 found, in Williamsburg, ya. , R30My66: 33 stolen, at King's creek, Va. , P23Ag76: 41 from the Kingston, Pi270c74: 32 See also Garnet brooches; Gilt brooches; Gold brooches; Paste brooches; Silver brooches; Stone brooches Brooches, freemason's, stolen, in Fredericksburg, Va. , P3Ja77s21 Brood neck plantation, Va. , PD7Ap74: 32 Brook, Clem, PD17Mr74: 31 David, R27My73: 33, D230c79: 32 Richard, Dr. ,R3D72:23 Walter, PD14My72: 23, P27D76: 31 Brooke, Capt. , PD18Ap66: 31 of the Echo, R11D66: 23 Col. , agent for Robinson's estate, PD27J169: 11— R27J169: 23 Mr. , quarry of, PD28Ap74: 31 — R12My74: 42 Mrs. , author, PD29N70: 21, PD25J171: 43, PDlAg71: 43, PD8Ag71:43 Charles, PD25Ap71: 32 Clement, RlJe69: 33, R3D72: 23, R28J174: 23 Daniel, P20Oc75: 31 Dudley, PD2D73: 21 Elizabeth, 21Ag46: 32 [Frances], Mrs. , author, PD18J171: 32 George, adv. land for sale, PD5S66s32, PD10N68: 23 — R17N68: 32, PD8Je69: 23— R15Je69: 41, PD2N69: 11 — R2N69: 11, PD19Ag73: 21 — R19Ag73: 22.P12S77: 32— D19S77: 32 adv. loss of papers, 4J151: 32 adv. merchandise for sale, PD3S72: 23 adv. ordinary for sale,R2N69: 11 — PD2N69: 11 adv. plantation for sale, PD210c73: 23— R210c73: 31,D160c78: 41 — P160c78: 23 adv. settlement of estate, PD2Ap72: 32— R23Ap72: 13 adv. slaves for sale, PD10N68: 23— R17N68: 31, PD22D68: 31— R5Ja69: 32 appointed treasurer, D25D79: 21 delegate to Va. convention from King and Queen co. , Va. , DlAp75: 21 elected burgess for King and Queen co. , Va. , PD28N71: 22, PD28J174: 31, PD4Ag74: 23 elected to Va. senate by Va. counties, P6S76:32,P2My77s31 elected vice-chairman of King and Queen co. , Va. , committee of observation, D4Mr75: 23 on committee in King and Queen co. , Va. , Pi23F75: 32 supports association in King and Queen co. , Va. , R20S70: 31 George, Col. , R18J166: 43, PD12N67: 21, R27Ja74: 33 Hannah, Miss, R27Ja74: 33 [Henry], author, R20Je71: 42, RllAg74:32 Humphry, 28J138: 41, 270c38: 41, R26S71: 32, C18D79: 13 John, PD2My71: 33, PD20Je71: 33, PD22J173: 33 Leonard, Capt. , P20Oc75: 31 Mary,D26Je79: 12 Pursey, Capt. , of the Neptune, 14D39: 1 Richard, R15N70: 43, RlAg71: 33, R2S73: 32, P28Je76: 31 Robert, 3N38: 62 adv. finding horse, R18Oc70: 32 adv. for missing horses, 220c36: 41, 7Mr51:41,Pil3J175:33— P14J175s: 23 adv. for overseer, RllOc70: 32 adv. land for sale, PD2My66: 23, PD80c72: 32— R80c72: 32 adv. sloop for sale, PD29S74: 32 letter to in post office, PD2Je68: 23 plantation of, 15My46: 42 Robert, 'Major, 220c36: 41, 5Ja39: 41, 240c45: 41, PD26Mr67: 32 W. , executors of, PD2My66: 23 Walter, P23Ag76sll, P170c77: 31 William, PD4F68: 31— R4F68: 31, PD80c72: 32— R80c72: 32, C13My80: 32 Brookenbury, Moore, D21Je80: 33 Brookes, Capt. , PD16Mr69: 31 — R16Mr69: 32 of the Hanbury, D7Ja75: 31 of the Purcel,7N51:22 Anne, PD21Je70: 32 145 Brookes (cont'd) Benjamin, R11F68: 32 John, 4N63: 33 Martha, Mrs. , PD8J173: 31 — R8J173: 31 Richard, PD21Je70: 32 [Richard], Dr. , author, 24My51: 32, PD25F68: 41, PD29N70: 21, PD13D70: 42, PD3Ja71: 42, PD17Ja71: 42, PD24Ja71: 42, PD7F71:42,PD21F71:42, PD7Mr71: 42, PD21Mr71: 42, PD28Mr71: 42, PD18J171: 31, PD25J171: 41, PDlAg71: 42, PD8Ag71: 42, PD29Ag71: 33, PD17S72: 21, PD10Je73: 32, D25N75: 11,D30D75: 11, D24F76: 43, D2Mr76: 41, D9Mr76: 41, D25My76: 43 Robert, PD5N72sll Thomas, 270c52: 22 See also Brooks Brookfield, Mass. , See Non- importation agreements supported in; Twins in Brookhaven, N. Y. , See Cattle seized by British in Brookhouse, Robert, Capt. , of the Nancy, PD12Mr67: 32, PD9Ap67: 23 Brooking, Fanny, D2D75: 31 Robert, PD19S66: 31, PD28Ja73: 23 Vivion, PD3Ag69: 32, P1D75: 23, D2D75:31,P240c77:32 Brookline, Mass. , See Riots in; Tea boycotted in Brooklyn, N. Y. , fortified by British, D13N79: 12 See also New England troops drive British troops to Brooks, Capt. , PD16Mr69: 31 — R16Mr69:32 of the Martha, PD20Ag72: 31 of the Minerva, PD10Mr74: 22 of the Rachel, R30Mr69: 32 Mr. , mill of, 15Je39: 32 Benjamin, PD14Je70: 32— R14Je70: 33, D2My77: 31 Christopher, Capt. , of the Norton, PD29Ja67: 32, PD21My67: 32, PD13Ap69: 21, P12D77: 32 David, D2My77: 72, D19D77: 42 Dudley, 19J154: 42 James, P270c75s22, P3N75: 23 John, 4N63: 42, PD5My68: 23, D18F75:32 Len, PD9S73: 32 Robert, PD5My68: 31,R12My68: 33, D6Je77: 32 Samuel, PD12Mr67: 13 Sarah, Mrs. , PD2D73: 21 See also Brookes Brooksbank, Va. , See Merchants in; Ships for sale in; Stores in Broom, Capt. , in French and Indian war,240c55: 11 Broome, Samuel, R8F70: 31 Broome, privateer sloop, P20S76: 21 — D21S76: 12 Broomfield, Capt. , of the Elizabeth, DlAp80: 13 Champion, D8Ap75: 31 Broomhall, Capt. , of the Neptune, PD3Ja71: 13 Broom ielaw, Scot. , See Shipwrecks near Brooms, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD28S69: 31 See also Hair brooms Brooms, carpet, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 Brooms, hearth, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD11N73: 22 Brorojohn, Dr. , of New York City, PD28Mr71: 22 Brothels, in London, Eng. , PD22Mr70: 12, PDllAp71: 21, PD28J174: 13 Brotherhood, ship, 14Mr51: 32, 25J151: 32 Brothers, Francis, 27Ag56: 32 Brothers, brig, PD20Ap69: 22 — R20Ap69: 23 brigantine, PD24Mr74: 22 ship, 10c36: 42, 27My37: 41, 24N38: 41, 4J145:3,10Oc45:3,3J146:4, 270c52: 21, 17N52: 22, PD290c67: 21, PD18F68:32,R7J168:22, PD60c68: 23— R60c68: 23, PD29Je69: 33, PD7D69: 31, R15Mr70: 22, PD10Ja71: 32— R10Ja71: 32, PD9My71: 31 — R9My71: 33, PD27F72: 32, PD22Ap73: 31--R22Ap73: 33, PD14J174: 23 sloop, PD5Ap70: 33 Brough, Mary, 30My51: 32, PDlJe69: 31, PD22N70: 32 Robert, 22Ap57: 42, R12My68: 23 — PD5My68: 23 Broughton, James, 240c51: 31 Thomas, PD10Ag69: 21 Thomas, It. gov. of S. C. , 25Mr37: 32, 24F38: 32 [Thomas], Rev. Mr., author, 7S39: 31, 24My51: 32, PD18J171: 32, PD25J171: 42, PD17S72: 21, PD10Je73:31,D25N75:ll, D30D75: 11,D24F76: 43, D2Mr76: 41, D9Mr76: 41, D25My76: 43, D24Ag76: 51,D20D76: 41,D3Ja77: 41, D17Ja77:41,D2My77: 81.D4J177: 81 William, Pvt. ,R14Ja73: 13 Broughton' s battery, in Charleston, S. C. , PD150c72: 22 Brounley, John,D13N78: 31 Broves, M. de, Capt. , of the Le Zele, PD1J173: 21 Browder, Edmund, 19D55: 31 Frederick, PI 4N77: 33 Isham, PD9My66: 23, P29My78: 42 Margaret, R12J170: 41 Richard, R24D72: 31 Samuel, P14N77: 33 William, PD25Oc70: 31 Brower, Adolph, 22Je39: 22 Brown, Capt. , 20Je45: 32, 11J145: 32, 11S46: 12, PD10D67: 21, PD30Je68: 22, PD8S68: 22, PD15S68: 23, R17N68: 23, PD21N71: 21--R21N71: 23, PD4Je72: 32, PD290c72: 12, PD12N72: 13, PD3Je73: 23, PD28J174: 22, D12Ag75: 31, D19Ag75: 23.D4N75: 23,D9Mr76: 22 arrives in N. Y. , P29D75s21 — Pi30D75: 32 company of, P28N77sll in battle of Long island, N. Y. , D21S76: 21 of the Black Prince, R5S66: 31 — PD5S66s21 of the Cecilia, PD26Mr67: 22 of the Dawes, PD29Qc72: 21 — R290c72: 22, PD290c72: 22-- R290c72: 22,R26N72: 21, PD26N72: 22 of the Dingley, PD24Mr74: 31 of the Eliza, PD2D73s: 22 of the Fanny, PD19N72: 22 of the Freelove, PD3Je73: 23 of the Lucretia, PD1S74: 31, R1S74: 32 of the New Parkham, PD4J171: 11 of the Patty, D26Je79: 31 of the Portsmouth Hare, C19Ag80: 12 of the Saville,D16Mr76: 23 of the Sukey, D12Ag75: 13, P15S75sl3 of the William, PD19N67: 21 of Watertown, Mass. , PD18Mr73: 22 on committee to wait on governor of Mass. , PD23My71: 12 ship of recaptured from British near Williamsburg, Va. , Pi23D75: 12 Col. , PD30Je74: 13 daughter of, 12Ja39: 41, 19Ja39: 42 Comm. , 9N39: 32 Comm. Ch. , of the Hampton Court, 25Ja40: 2 Dr. , of Southampton co. , Va. , R12My68: 24 sails for Eng. , PD1J173: 32 Lt. , wounded in battle of Bunker Hill, P22J175s22— D29J175: 31 wounded in battle of St. John's, Can. , P60c75sl2--D70c75:31 Mr. , PD15Ja67: 32, P16je75: 31 appointed tea commissioner in Pa. , RllN73s23 arrested for counterfeiting in N. J. , R29J173: 23 death reported, D12Ag75: 32 deputy sheriff of Salem, Mass. , PD31Mr74: 22— R14Ap74: 22 horse of, PD7J174: 32 land of, P5J176: 33 of Boston Neck, Mass. , D22J175: 32— P22J175sl3, P4Ag75p22 house of on Boston Neck, Mass. , P18Ag75:23,D30S75:21 of Newport, R. I. , P12My75sll on committee to instruct Pa. delegates, Pil2Ja75: 31— D14Ja75: 23 sells share in Virginia gazette or Norfolk intelligencer, D13My75: 11 — Pil8My75: 33 slave of, P19S77: 22 tarred and feathered in Charleston, S. C. , P16D75: 31 Mrs. ,14F51:41 Mrs. (Scott), RllMr73: 31 Aaron, PllAp77s41 Abraham, PD8N70: 32 Adam,PD13N66: 21 Alexander, P8Mr76: 33 Anne, PD15Je69: 31— R15Je69: 22 Ben, PD10Oc66: 33, P310c77: 11, R210c73:31 Benjamin, accused of theft, 170c55: 22 adv. finding horse, 28F55: 32 adv. lots for sale, R6My73s: 22 adv. ordinary and houses for rent, Pi23N75: 32 commits robbery, 5S55: 31 deserter, P28N77: 32 land of, PD21J168: 32, PD19Mr72: 32 letter to in post office, PD18F68: 23 Bennett, P9Je75s23, D15J175: 33, P22J175s31 — Pi27J175: 31 — 146 Brown D29J175: 11 Bethina,PD220c72: 21 Beverly, PD60c74: 32, D2Mr76: 31 Brestow, Capt. , of the Mary and Elizabeth, 31D36: 42 Bristol, Capt. , of the Nancy, PD10Mr74: 31 Burrell, PD8N70: 32 Burwell, PD7D69: 32--R7D69: 32, R19N72: 31 Charles, 7S39: 32 Charles, Dr. , 23Je38: 41 Clement, D8My79: 22 Dixon, PD5Ag73: 31 Dudley, P18Ap77sl2 Eake, P9My77: 42, C11D79: 21, P13Je77: 33 Edward, PD22Ap73: 31--R22Ap73: 33, P270c75: 13.R18N73: 32, D30D75: 22, P28N77: 32 Francis, 31J146: 51, 250c65s41, PD10c67: 12, R9Je68: 34— PD9Je68: 23,D27My75: 31, P25J177: 32 Francis, Capt. , of the Charming Sally, D9My77: 21 of the Frederick, PD4Ap71: 22 Frederick, PD24My70: 32 G. R. , P28Je76: 33 George, PD28S69: 32--R50c69: 31, D13Ja76: 33 adv. finding bull, PD15Ap73: 32 adv. finding of horse, P3F75: 43 adv. for runaway slave, PD4D66: 32 appointed provost marshal general of Bermuda, PD19Mr67: 23 daughter of, P25Ap77: 31 sale at house of, D18S79: 31 Gustavus, Dr. , R27F72: 32 Henry, PD31Ja71: 33, P114S75: 31 — D16S75: 32, D3Ag76: 32, P27Mr78: 12 Hezekiah, PD19My68: 31 Hugh, Capt. , of the Prince William, 21Mr45:41 of the Trial, 9N39: 11 J. , Capt. , of the Charming Anne, 31D36:42 Jacob, D29J176: 62 James, R14Ap68: 43, PD13D70: 22, PD21J174: 31 acquitted of horse stealing, P14N77: 22 adv. estate for sale, D170c77: 22— P240c77: 31,D30Oc78: 41 adv. finding of horse, HAp55: 32, RllMy69:43 adv. for missing horse, PD25N73: 31 adv. for runaway slave, 2Ja52: 41, PD7D69: 32 adv. land for sale, 6Ja38: 42, 20Oc52: 22 announces departure, PD5My74: 23, D30Mr76:33,D29J176:71 deserter, 30c55: 32, P12S77: 12, P8My78s22 indentured servant of, R5S71: 32 store of, 7Ag52: 32 James, Capt. , of the Christian, PD8Ag71: 22. PD240c71: 31 of the Friendship, 27F52: 32 Jeremiah, P4Ag75: 11, Pil3D75: 11, D23D75: 32, P12Ja76: 11, P16F76s23, P19S77: 31 Jeremiah, Capt. , of the Sally, PD29S68:21--R29S68:21 Jesse, P8Ag77: 32 Jesse, Col. ,PD3Ja71: 23 John, 27Mr52: 31, 7N55: 22, PD19N72: 32, PD18N73: 22, P7J175: 31, D15Ag77: 72 accused of violating association, P24Mr75: 33 acquitted of felony, 170c51: 31, PD13Je71: 23 adv. estate for sale, P6D76: 32 adv. finding horse, PD240c66: 32, R30N69: 33 adv. for missing merchandise, PD24Ag69: 32 adv. for runaway apprentice, 21Mr45: 42, 10Oc45: 31, 30Ja52: 41 adv. for runaway slave, 17J152: 32, PD16Ap67: 32, PD18J171: 23 adv. house for sale, PD17Mr74: 31 adv. indentured servants for sale, PD150c72: 23 adv. schooner for sale, PDllAp66: 33 adv. ship for charter, PD21D69: 33, PD2My71: 32 adv. slaves for hire, PD22D68: 32 adv. sugar for sale, PD24S72: 23 adv. unclaimed merchandise, PD7Mr71: 32, PD26N72: 22 agent for Brown, Grierson & co. , PD9D73: 21 alias of Thomas Brown, PD21Ap68: 23 announces dissolution of partnership, PD26N72: 22 appointed clerk of Mecklenburg co. , Va. ,D8J175:32 appointed to committee of observation, Charles City co. , Va. , Pil2Ja75: 11— D14Ja75: 13 clerk of Williamsburg, Va. , volunteer company, Pi25My75: 33 — P26My75s33 clerk's notice, 160c78: 42 crier of Dunmore's admiralty court, P26Ap76s22 deserter, 3J146: 32, 12D55: 41, P3Ja77s22, P18J177sl2, C15My79: 41 elected delegate to Mass. general assembly, for Boston, Mass. , D22Je76:41 escheated property of for sale, D5J180:32--C15J180:21 estate of for sale, D170c77: 22— P240c77: 31,D30Oc78: 41 express of Continental congress, D3Je75: 23— P2Je75s21 guilty of grand larceny, R190c69: 33 holds disavowed bond, PD23Ja72: 32— R6F72: 32 imprisoned for stealing, HOc51: 31 imprisoned in Lancaster, Pa. , P12D77: 22 killed in battle of Lexington and Concord, D27My7 5: 31 letter to in post office, PD28My67: 32, PD18F68: 23, P19Ap76p23 manufactory of usurped by army, PD9F69: 23 marriage of, PD26Mr72: 32 of Newport, R. I. , D10Je75: 22, P29D75: 12 of N. C.,R2F69:32 ordered to join company, P8My78s22 package of unclaimed, PD19N72: 22 plaintiff in Norfolk co. , Va. , court, PD9Je74: 32 property seized as Tory, P15Ag77: 23 147 releases Dalgleish, PD9Ja72: 31 runaway indentured servant, 27Mr52: 31, P21Ap75: 32 secretary of marine committee of Congress, D6N78: 31 sentenced for felony, R14D69: 23— PD14D69: 22, PD6My73: 22— R6My73: 23 of Norfolk, Va. ,P21J175s32, sheriff, PD7Ja73: 32— R7Ja73: 33 signs sworn testimony, PD9Ja72: 32 slave of, R310c71: 33, D18F75: 32, P24My76: 43 superintends Boston, Mass. , factory, PD270c68: 23--R3N68: 13, PD24N68: 21 supports non- importation agreement, R19J170: 31 tried for horse stealing, P21Ap75s42 violates Association of 1774, Pi23Mr75: 21— D25Mr75: 12, P22D75:22 violates non- importation agreement, R2Ag70: 22 John, Capt. , P30c77: 22 land of, PD30S73: 32--R30S73: 33 of the Betsey, PD10F74: 23 of the Charles, 240c55: 21 of the Charming Janet, PD18My69: 31, PD6J169: 32 of the Chester, 18Ap45: 32, 18Ap45: 41 of the Hawk, 27F52: 21, PD4D66: 23 of the Industry, 14Ja37: 42, 2S37: 21, 16D37: 42 of the Jenny, 30S37: 41 of the St. Andrew, 29Je39: 31 ship of, 120c39: 32 [John], Col. , P20Oc75s21, P9F76: 23, D240c77: 12, C9D80: 21 John, jr. , PD270c68: 33 [John], Major, Chambly, Can. surrenders to, PH6N75: 31, PU6N75: 32, P17N75: 31, D18N75: 22 in skirmish near St. John's, Can. , Pi9N75: 11 to confer with inhabitants of Can. , D11N75: 23 to Sorel river, Can. , Pi30N75: 22, Pi30N75: 23 John, sr. , PD270c68: 33, PD22D68: 32 John & co. , adv. ship for charter, PD3F74: 33 succeeds Brown, Grierson, & co. , PD9D73: 21 Jonathan, PD210c73: 21 Joseph, R2S73: 23, P29Ag77: 12 Joshua, P2F76sl3 Katherine, PllAg75: 43 Lewis,PllJ177:41 Lewis, jr. , P29Ag77: 41 Mansfield, D24Ap79: 31, D22My79: 41 Martin, 12Je52: 31 Mary Bradley, D31Ag76: 31 Matthew, PI lAg75: 43 Molly, (Hill), marriage of, P9Je75s23 Montacute, It. gov. of W. Fla. , PD4Je67: 23, PD12My68: 22— R12My68: 13, PD4Ag68: 21, PD14Je70: 21 Montague, 240c55: 11 Montford, placed as gov. of W. Fla. , PD28S69: 22 Montford, gov. of Bahama islands appointed, PD31Mr74: 21 — R31Mr74: 22 exchanged for American prisoner of Brown, Montford, exchanged for prisoner (cont'd) war, D250c76: 32--P250c76: 22 taken prisoner of war, D4My76: 32, DllMy76: 31,DllMy76: 32,D18My76: 12 Mordecai, PD19N72: 32 Moses, PD27My73: 21--R3Je73: 22 Nancy (Geddy), marriage of, PD26Mr72: 32 Nathaniel, Capt. , PD20Oc74sll, Pil9Ja75: 21 P. , clerk of Council, New Providence, W. I. ,R21J168:24 Peleg, Capt. , of the Joseph and Sarah, PD20Ja74: 23 Peter, PD15D68: 23--R15D68: 21, PD18Ap71: 31,R9My71: 33— PD9My71: 31 PhUip, Capt. ,D15Je76:42 Richard, 250c65s41, PD15J173: 32 adv. finding slave, Pil8My75: 33 adv. flat for sale, P28F77s23 adv. house for sale, PD31Ja71: 33, PD140c73: 31 adv. slave for sale, P22Mr76: 33 collector for Va. Gazette, P9F76: 11 deserter, D12Mr79: 32 reimbursed for property destroyed in Norfolk, Va. , P12Je78: 12 signer of Association in Norfolk, Va. , R26J170: 22 store of, PDllAg74: 33 witness against Calvert, PD9Ja72: 31 Richard, Capt. , D21S76: 21 Robert, adv. drugs for sale, PD7Je70: 33, PD3S72: 23, PD5Ag73: 23 adv. finding cattle, R25My69: 41 adv. finding horse, R12My68: 41, R13J169: 41 adv. for runaway slave, PD13Je66: 32, D11F75: 32 adv. land for sale, PD6Je71: 32, PD13Je71:33 adv. merchandise for sale, PD1D74: 31 adv. wig making business, 18J151: 32 announces departure, PD16Ja72: 32 merchant in Newcastle, Va. , 10Oc45:31,7N45:32 of Urbanna, Va. , P22J175s33— Pi27J175:31--D29J175:ll Robert, Capt. , of the Betty, 4J145: 3 of the Carey, 29S52: 32 of the Forth, 270c52: 21 of the Thistle, 10Oc45: 22, 23Ja46: 42 Samuel, PD16Ag70: 32, PD18Mr73: 23— R18Mr73: 31, D2Mr76: 31, D8My79: 22 Samuel, Capt. , of the Dolphin, HAp55:22 of the Samuel, 8D52: 31 Samuel, Lt. ,D31Ag76: 21,D7F77: 12— P7F77: 11 Stephen, 22My52: 32 Thomas, adv. for missing horse, P6D76: 33, P170c77: 32 adv. house for sale, Pi5Ja75: 32— D7Ja75: 32 chief trader of the Cutaboes, 7Ja37: 32 death of, PD5My68: 23 deserter, P12S77: 33 holds bond of Robert Jordan, PD14D69: 31 imports from St. Eustatia, W. I. , D18Oc80: 31 of Kent co. , Md. , R2S73: 22 punished for felony, PD21Ap68: 23, R190c69: 33, PD9N69: 22, R9N69: 23, R30N69: 23 Thomas, Capt. , PD9D73: 21,D29My79: 31 Thomas, Col. ,DllAp77: 32, D26Mr79: 22, D9Ap79: 22,D3J179: 12,D14Ag79: 22 Thomas, sr. , P3Ap78: 21 Tom, author, PD25F68: 42, PD29N70: 21, PD13D70: 43, PD3Ja71: 43, PDUa71: 43, PD10Je73: 34, D25N75:22, D9Mr76: 43 William, adv. finding horse, 28F55: 32, 240c55: 31, PD5Ap70: 42, R29Ap73: 33, PD4Ag74: 32, Pi30N75:33,D9Mr76:31 adv. for, PD29N70: 22 adv. for bids for repairs at James City co. , Va. , glebe, R16N69: 32 adv. for missing horse, 14Ag46: 42 adv. for missing merchandise, PD24Ag69: 32 adv. for runaway indentured servant, D13J176: 22 adv. for runaway slave, PD18J171: 23 adv. indentured servants for sale, PD150c72: 23 adv. land for rent, D23Ja78: 41 adv. settlement of estate, PD7D69: 33 adv. ship for charter, PD21D69: 33, PD2My71: 32 adv. slaves for hire, PD13D70: 23 adv. sugar for sale, PD24S72: 23 adv. unclaimed merchandise, PD7Mr71: 32, PD26N72: 22 adv. unclaimed tobacco, R28Mr71: 33 alias of Benjamin Brown, 170c55: 22 announces departure, RllAg68: 32 announces dissolution of partnership, PD26N72: 22 appointed to committee for Fairfax co. , Va. , R4Ag74: 22 appointed to committee on prices in Phila. ,D12Je79: 12 appointed to organize Tories in Boston, Mass. ,D2D75: 23 bond of, D3Ag76: 32 chosen as member of committee for Surry co. , Va. , P8Mr76s23 commission of bankruptcy against, PD4N73: 22— R4N73: 32 convict servant, R14Ap88: 41 convicted of horse stealing, PD18Ap66: 31 death of, P20S76: 22--D21S76: 22 delegate from Surry co. , Va. , P25Ap77: 22, D90c79: 22 demands advance payment for tobacco inspection, 4N63: 43 disavows bonds, DllMr 80: 33 estate of for sale, D2Mr76: 31, P6D76: 32 indentured servant, PD7Mr66: 33 inspector at Blandford, Va. , PD2D73: 31 land of, C25D79: 13 letter of in post office, PDllAp66: 41, PD2My66: 21, PD29Ja67: 13, PD18F68: 23, PD10Mr68: 31, PD3Ag69: 32 notice to creditors, R16Mr69: 33 of Md. , D24Ap79: 32 on committee to consider Mass. government act, Pi60c74: 22 ordered to join company, P18J177sll, P8My78s22 ordered to report to ship, P27Mr78: 41 overseer for John Boswell, D19S77: 32 plaintiff in Norfolk co. , Va. , court, PD9Je74: 32 plantation of, 210c37: 32 property of for sale,R15J173: 41 representative from Salem, Mass. , PD28J168: 21— R28J168: 21 runaway indentured servant, 16S37: 41 slave of, PD30J172: 33, P22Ag77: 32 supports non- importation agreement, R19J170: 31, unclaimed tobacco of, PllAg75: 41 violates non- importation agreements, R2Ag70: 22 William, Capt. , of the Boston, P21Mr77sll,P4Ap77sll,D18Ap77: 32 of the Elizabeth, PD10S72: 22 William, Col. , D7F77: 31, P4Ap77: 33 William, Dr. , RllMr73: 31, P26Ja76: 41, P27Je77: 11, P25J177: 21 William, jr. , PD10Mr74: 23 William, Major, R290c72: 31 William Burnet, PD18F68: 22, D3Ag76: 32,D9Ap79: 32 Windsor, Capt. , P6Je77: 33 Zephaniah, Capt. , of the Little Betsey, PD12Mr67: 32, PD7My67: 31, PD3D67: 31 PD14Ja68: 32, PD31Mr68: 22— R14Ap68: 41, PD26My68: 22— R26My68: 31, R7J168: 22, PD7J168: 23--R7J168: 21, PD29S68: 22, PD270c68: 43, PD22D68: 31 Brown, Eaton &, adv. pork for sale, DlMy79: 22 Brown, Grierson & co. , adv. merchandise for sale, PD26N72: 22, PD12Ag73: 31, PD9D73: 21 Brown, Perkins &, London, Eng. , merchants, PD24F74: 32— R3Mr74: 42 Brown, Perkins, & Buchanan merchants of London, Eng. , PD20My73: 23, PD210c73: 22, PD4N73: 22--R4N73: 32, PD28Ap74: 32, PD9Je74: 31— R16Je74: 31 Brown & Rivington, gives bond for lottery, 250c65s43 Brown & Zuille, of Liverpool, Eng. , PD26N72: 22 Browne, Capt. , R2F69: 22 of the Blake, PD220c72: 13 Col. , of Salem, Mass. , Pi24N74: 31, P24Mr75: 23 Mrs. , refugee from British in Va. , D15My79:22 Rev. Mr. , chosen moderator of Cohasset, Mass. , town meeting, PD29D74: 22 Bennett, adv. for goods stolen in Williamsburg, Va. , PD3N74: 42 adv. for runaway slave, D15J175: 33, D16My77: 21— P23My77: 13 announces departure, D5Ag75: 33, D27Ja76: 33 announces settlement of accounts, D26Ag75:31 attorney, PD20Oc74: 31— Pi20Oc74: 32 in Yorktown, Va. , PD130c74: 22 requests settlement of claims against John M'Dowall & co. , D9My77: 31 — P9My77:31 Bennitt, PD10Mr74: 42 148 Brunswick co. , Va. Bernett,D230c79: 31--C30Oc79: 41 Betsey, P21N77: 21 Betty, R290c69: 31 George, R25Ag68: 23 Henry, 24Ja51: 41, 12S51: 41, 26S55: 32, PD15F70: 42 Jesse, Col. ,R21Mr71:42— PD28F71: 33,R21F71: 43 — PD23F71: 33 John, PD1D74: 31, D23Ja78: 31, D16Ap79:22 John, Rev. Mr. , R28J174: 23 [Joseph], Dr. , author, 24My51: 32 [Moses], author, PD29N70: 21, PD13D70:42,PD3Ja71:42, PD17Ja71: 42, PD24Ja71: 42, PD7F71:42,PD21F71:42, PD7Mr71: 42, PD21Mr71: 42, PD28Mr71: 42, PD10Je73: 32, DllF75s23,D25N75: 13.D30D75: 13, D2Mr76: 42,D9Mr76: 42,D24Ag76: 53, D20D76: 43, D3Ja77: 42, D17Ja77: 42, D2My77:82,D4J177: 83 Rawleigh, Capt. , P27S76s21 Robert, R27J169: 31 Samuel, PD28F71: 33--R21Mr71: 43 Samuel. Dr. , R21Mr71: 42 — PD28F71:33 W. , P19J176: 42 William, accuses Norfolk, Va. , paper of Toryism, PD10N74: 33 adv. estate for sale, PD15F70: 42, D26D77: 12 adv. finding boat, PD27Je71: 33 adv. merchandise for sale, Pi2F75: 21 adv. slaves for sale, PD5Ag73: 23 adv. stallion for hire, D24Ap78: 42 estate of for sale, D250c76: 42 — P250c76: 31 sale at house of, PD24My70: 31 William, jr. ,D18Mr75: 33 William, Major, PD12Ag73: 22 Browne, Bennett &, adv. damaged goods for sale,Rl90c69s: 13 Brownes & Collison, Messrs. , of London, Eng. , PllAg75: 32 — D12Ag75: 22 Browning, Christopher, 10Ja52: 32 George, PD24N74: 31 John,310c55:22 Brownlee, Joseph, D21S76: 21 Brownlow, Israel, Capt. , of the Anne, 5Ja39: 42 of the Mary, 9F39: 42, 18My39: 4, 18Ja40: 4 of the Samuel, 12N36: 41, 24D36: 42, 31D36: 42 John, D20J176: 51, D26Mr79: 22 Brownrigg, Capt. , of the Olive, 18N37: 41 Mrs. , PD220c72: 23 George, Capt. , of the Peace, 31Ja51:32 Richard, PD220c72: 23 Brown's provincial corps, on Conanicut island, R. I. , C3J179: 21 Brown's wharf, Newport, R. I. , PD17Mr74: 22 Brownson, Gideon, Capt. , D28Ag79: 22 Broyell, Jacob, 22Ap57: 32 Broyle, Mathias,D13Je77: 22 Bruce, Capt. , PD130c68: 22, PD270c68: 23, PD31Ja71: 31, PD16D73: 22, PD30D73: 21, R30D73: 31, PD6Ja74: 21, PD6Ja74: 32, PD13Ja74: 21,R25Ag74: 12 expected in Boston, Mass. , PD30D73: 22 of the Mary and Elizabeth, DUOc76: 21 of the Sally, P17F75: 41 of the Sharp, PD15S68: 23--R15S68: 24 Major, of British army in America, D6My75: 31, Pi24Ag75: 32 Mr. , of Wachilabeau, St. Vincent, W. I. , PD14Ja73: 22 Alexander, PD25J166: 31 Andrew, PD3D72: 12 Charles, PD21My67: 32 George, of the Agnes, D22Ap75: 33 merchant mill of, PD170c71: 31 — R170c71: 32 Jacob, P7Je76: 43 adv. lodging rooms, PD11F73: 22 adv. seeds for sale, PD17Mr74: 23 adv. settlement of estate, PD150C72: 23--R150c72: 32, PD10D72: 23— R10D72: 23, Pi23F75: 33, Pi6Ap75: 42, D13Ap76: 33 — P19Ap76:42,D170c77: 12 agent for John Pinkney, D13Ap76: 33— P19Ap76:42,D27Je77:31 announces departure, PD10Je73: 22— R10Je73: 33 announces increase in board of scholars at William and Mary, D5S77: 31 — P5S77: 23 calls meeting of visitors of William and Mary college, D5D77: 21-- P5D77: 33,P6Mr78: 22 clerk of directors for insane hospital, R2Ag70: 23,R6S70: 11,R13S70: 31, PD16S73:31--R16S73:33, PD3F74: 32--R10F74: 41 clerk of relief fund for clergy's widows and orphans. PD4My69: 33, PD22Mr70: 42— R22Mr70: 31, PD21Mr71: 31--R21Mr71: 33, PD9My71: 31--R9My71: 33, PD26Mr72: 32--R26Mr72: 23, PD7My72: 31, PDllMr73: 31 — RllMr73: 31, PD6My73: 22— R6My73s21, PD24Mr74: 32— R24Mr74: 41, Pi9Mr75: 33 — DllMr75: 32, PillMy75: 33 — D13My75: 33, P29Mr76: 32— D30Mr76: 33, D18My76: 22 — P24My76: 42, D28Mr77: 72— P28Mr77s22, D23My77: 41, D24Ap78: 32 death of, PlMy78: 31 settlement of estate of,D10J178: 32, DlMy79: 22 James, R30My71: 23, PD5Mr72: 33, PD9J172: 32,R9S73: 12,R23S73: 11, R30S73sl3 John, 14Ag46: 42, PD11J171: 32, PD31D72: 32, PD4Ag74: 31 — R4Ag74: 32,D30c77: 32 Normand, R2Ag70: 31 Rachel, D10J178: 32,DlMy79: 22, D12Je79: 32 Richard, RllMr73: 33 Robert, PD2Je74: 31, PD21J174: 31 W. , adv. tobacco for sale, Pi24Ag75: 33 William, R14Je70: 32, R30Ag70: 23 Bruces, Alice, 7F51: 41 Brudenell, James, 16S37: 32, 21Mr45: 22 Bruere, John, Lt. , P22J175s22 — D29J175: 23 Brugar, Mr., of St. Croix, W. I. , PD290c72: 21 Bruin, Bryan, R4D66: 23, PD24Ja71: 31 — R31Ja71: 32, R26S71: 31, PD170c71: 31- R170c71:32,D5Je79:32 John, R12My74: 33 Peter, Lt. , D31Ag76: 21, D7F77: 12— P7F77: 11 Bruises, cure for, PD22Ja67: 33, PD14J168: 32,PD29N70: 22, PD13D70: 43, PD17Ja71: 43, PD24Ja71: 43 See also Madden' s oil for bruises Bruit, Mr., suicide of, 21 J138: 32 Brumfield, James, D12Mr79: 32 Brummall, John, R24D72: 31 Brumpton, Eng. , See Vineyards, burgandy in Brun, Joseph, 14Ag46: 42 Brune, frigate, D18Ap77: 61 H. M. frigate, D30My77: 22 H. M. S. , P15Mr76: 21--D16Mr76: 22, P16Ag76:21,D110c76: 12, D8Ag77: 21 Brunskill, John, 24J152: 32 John, Rev. Mr. , P18Ag75: 42 John, sr. , 10Oc55: 32 Brunswick, Ger. , alliance with Gt. Brit. ,D11S79:31 treaty with Gt. Brit. , D8Je76: 31 See also British army, recruiting for in Brunswick, Me. , See Indian attacks near Brunswick, N. J. , See New Brunswick, N.J. Brunswick, N. C. , burning threatened, D23D75: 13, D13Ja76: 31 pillaged by British army, P5Ap76: 32 skirmish at described, D29je76: 22 See also Admiralty court in; Ships clearances without stamps allowed in; Ships from Boston, Mass. , to; Ships to Brunswick, brigantine, 26N36: 42 ship, PD12S66: 23, PD23Ap67: 31, PD4Je67: 33, PDllJe67: 32, PD9J167: 32,R23Je68:23, R25Ag68: 11, PD25Ag68: 21, R25Ag68: 32— PD1S68: 23, PD22S68: 23--R22S68: 23, PD4My69: 31— R4My69: 33, PD8Mr70: 21, PD13S70: 23— R13S70: 23, PD8N70: 23, PD28Mr71: 31, PD2My71: 32, PD18J171: 22, PD7N71: 23, PD12Mr72: 32, PD10S72: 22, PD150c72: 22, PDlAp73: 23, PD29Ap73: 22 — R29Ap73: 22, PD23D73: 23— R23D73: 32, PD6Ja74: 31, PD17F74: 31, P5My75s22— D6My75: 32, PD28J174: 23, PD8D74s22 Brunswick co. , N. C. , attack on threatened by British, P22Mr76: 21 defense of prepared, PI 2Ap76: 23 Brunswick co. , Va. , arms for, 5N36: 21, 17D36: 12, 24D36: 12, 22Ap37:12,22D38:31 burgesses elected, 6F52: 31, 27F52: 32, 19D55: 22, PD8D68: 31, PD28S69: 22— R50c69: 22, R9N69: 11, PD12D71: 31, PD4Ag74: 23 census requested, P19Ap76p23— D27Ap76: 33 149 Brunswick co. , Va. (cont'd) committee pursues counterfeiter, P16Ag76: 42 contributions to sufferers in Montreal fire, PD19Mr67: 32 court, PD8Mr80: 33, PD28Mr71: 32 court clerks, R31Ja71: 22 court regulated by general assembly, 24Ap52: 21 delegates elected, P9My77: 23 division regulated by general assembly, 17Ap46: 31 newspaper post service to discontinued, PD23My71: 22 resolutions of, 1774, PD4Ag74: 22 senator elected, P27S76sl2, P9My77: 23 to receive Gazettes by riders, PD14N71: 21 See also Apple orchards in; Apprentices runaway from; Association of 1774 supported in; Attorneys in; Auctions in; Barns in; Barns, described in; Bookkeepers, adv. for employment in; Bridges in; Buildings in; Cherry orchards in; Churches in; Churches, described, in; Clergy, Anglican, in; Convict servants runaway; Corn cribs in; Corn houses in; Counting rooms in; Cribs in; Dairies in; Dwelling houses in;- Ferries in; Frame tobacco houses in; Gardens in; Granaries in; Grist- mills in; Hickory timber in; Horse- breeding in; Houses in; Indentured servants runaway from; Jails in; Joiners, house, adv. of in; Kitchens in; Land, ownership disputed in; Land for lease in; Land for sale in; Lumber houses in; Manor plantations in; Meat houses in; Merchant mills in; Merchants in; Militia of; Milk houses in; Mills in; Murders in; Musters, general, dates appointed for in; Oak timber in; Orchards in; Ordinaries in; Outhouses in; Overseers in; Peach orchards in; Peach orchards near; Pear orchards in; Physicians, adv. of in; Physicians in; Quarters in; Quarters, Negro, in; Roads in; Sawyers for hire in; Ships in; Slaves, mortgaged, for sale in; Slaves for hire in; Slaves for sale in; Slaves runaway from; Smoke houses in; Spinning rooms in; Stables in; Stealing in; Storehouses in; Stores in; Tailoring, adv. of in; Taverns in; Tithables in; Tobacco houses in; Undertakers, adv. for in Brunswick courthouse, Va. , sale at, 24J152: 32 See also Land, mortgaged for sale at; land for sale at, near; Landings near; Millers' houses, described, near; Slaves for sale at; Slaves, mortgaged, for sale, at; Stone gristmills near Brunswick glebe, King George co. , Va. , horses stolen from, 10N38: 42 Brunswick river, N. J. , See British army crosses Brunswick troops, amount payed by Gt. Brit. ,D15Je76: 22 desert from British army in Can. , D11J177: 12--P11J177: 32 in British army, D6Ap76: 13, P17My76: 21--D18My76: 31 enumerated, P14Je76: 12, P21Je76: 11 in British colonies, N. Am. , D4My76: 31 in Burgoyne's army,D110c76: 31 in Portsmouth, Eng. ,D10Ag76: 22 in St. John's, Can. , D1N76: 21 in Skeensborough, N. Y. , PlAg77sl2 oppose service in America, D29Je76: 11, D20J176: 12 opposed in Lords, D22Je76: 12 to British colonies, N. Am. , D8Je76: 31, D29Je76: 11 to Can. , D29je76: 21 to Ire. , D2Mr76: 31--P23F76: 32 to Phila. , Pa. , rumored, P14Je76: 23— D15Je76:42 to Quebec, Can. ,D22Je76: 31, D29J176: 51,D40c76:62 to U.S. ,DllAp77:32 Brunswick- Wolf enbuttel, Ger. , treaty with Hanover, Ger. , PD17Ag69: 23 Brunswick- Wolf enbuttel, house of, plot against, HMr37: 31, 25Mr37: 22 Brunswick Wolfenbuttel troops, to R.I. from Eng. ,D6Je77:ll— P13Je77: 22 Brunt, Thomas, Pi28Ap75: 41 Brush, Capt. , of the Julius Caesar, Pil90c75: 21--P20Oc75: 21 Mr. , opposes second Continental congress, P17Mr75s31--D18Mr75: 31 Crean, PU6N75: 23--D18N75: 22, D27Ap76: 32,DllMy76: 32 Brushes, adv. for, in Williamsburg, Va. , P22N76: 33 for sale, in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD19S66: 31, PD3D67: 32, PD28S69: 31, PDllAp71: 32, PD12D71: 32, PD220c72: 23— R220c72: 23 in Yorktown, Va. , 25J151: 32 See also Clothes brushes Brushes, buckle, adv. of, P27Je77: 12 for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , D28N77: 22 Brushes, comb, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , R19Ap70: 31 — PD19Ap70s23, PD29Ap73: 23 Brushes, curry, for sale, in Edenton, N. C. , P160c78: 42 in Smithfield, Va. , C3J179: 31 Brushes, flesh, for sale, in Blandford, Va. , PD29je69: 32, PD21F71: 32 in Petersburg, Va. , PD30J172: 32, PD1J173: 32, PD30D73: 31, PD14J174: 32 Brushes, hearth, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 Brushes, horse, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 Brushes, kit, captured by Americans, D13Ja76: 42 Brushes, scrubbing, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Portsmouth, Va. , P18J177sll in Yorktown, Va. , R25F68: 31— PD25F68: 31 Brushes, shaving, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 Brushes, shoe, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 Brushes and wires, for sale, in Gloucester, Va. ,D20Ap76: 33 — P19Ap76sll, D24Ag76: 72— P16Ag76: 33 Brushwood, George, P6Mr78: 12 Brussels, Belg. , celebrates 25th anniversary of governor, PD4My69: 12 foreign army officers banned in, 5S51: 21 See also Corn, export from; Crops plentiful in; Distemper among cattle in; Electrical experiments in; Paper mills in; Plague in; Printing of pictures in colors in; Weather report from Brussels gazette, extract from, PD19S66: 13 Bruster, James, of Augusta co. , Va. , P180c76: 12 Bruton, John, P10Mr75: 41 Bruton, Eng. , See Snows in Bruton parish, Williamsburg, Va. , churchyard burials in, SApS^: 41, 14D39: 31 contributes to Montreal fire fund, R8Ag66: 31 — PD8Ag66: 31, R270c68: 31 — PD270c68: 32 Bruton parish church, Williamsburg, Va. , PD21N71: 22— R21N71: 31 acting minister appointed for, PD20Je71: 32 additions to, 14F51: 41, 15My52: 32, 25Je52: 22 burials in,PD10Mr68: 31— R10Mr68: 32, PD26Ag73: 23 clerk's notices posted in, 17N52: 31 enlarged by order of general assembly, 24Ap52: 21 Freemasons attend, PD30D73: 23— R30D73: 31 minister trustee for Mattey free school, PD5S66s32 near store of James Geddy, Pil30c74: 32- PD130c74: 32 organ purchase authorized by general assembly, 24Ap52: 21 quarrels over lectures at, PD16D73: 22, PD23D73sll,PD30D73: 23 rector chosen, PD30J172: 23 rectors, PD8Ap73: 23— R8Ap73: 32, PD17Je73: 33— R17Je73: 31 rector's appointment discussed, PD3Je73: 11, PD3Je73: 23, PD9D73: 21, PD20Ja74: 12, PD3Mr74: 23 rents plantation, 5D51: 41 Rind's funeral in, PD26Ag73: 23 singing taught at. 3N52: 12 steeple bids for building requested, PD15D68: 31— R15D68: 22, PD15F70: 22 trustees of Mattey free school meet at, PD5S66s: 32 See also Churchwardens in Brutus, pseud. , PD27Ap69: 11, RUe69: 11, R26Ap70: 23, Pi20Oc74: 13, P14J175: H,P4Ag75s21 Bry, [Theodore de], author, 24My51: 32 Bryan, Capt. , P18Ag75: 21 of the Philadelphia, Pi20Oc74: 22 Andrew, PD290c72: 13 Benjamin, 26S45: 42, 27F52: 41, 4N63: 31,PD26Mr67:33 Edward, R23 J167: 41 Fred, R25Ag68: 32, PD22Mr70: 42 Frederick, P40c76sl3 adv. ferry, P16F76: 33 adv. finding horse, PD27Je66: 32, P21N77: 42 150 Buchanan adv. for clapboard carpenter, PD2N69: 31 adv. for runaway slave, PD10Je71: 33 adv. settlement of estates, PD25Je67: 31, PD18F68: 32 agent of Lewis Burwell, PD14Ja68: 32 appointed ensign of York co. , Va. , company, PH4S75: 31--D16S75: 32 death of, PD24Ja71: 31 estate of, for sale, PD16My71: 32 executors of, PD9Je74: 31, PD25Ag74: 31 land of, PD21My67: 32 slaves of, 24Ja51: 41 Frederick, jr. , PD4Ap71: 31, PD9Je74: 31 Frederick, sr. , PD4Ap71: 31 Frederick, sheriff, adv. sale of property, PD25Ag68: 32, PD18My69: 32 adv. slaves for sale, PD16Mr69: 31, PD10Ag69: 32, PD21S69: 23 George, 250c65s23, R16My66: 42 James, R7J174: 31--PD14J174: 32, P10J178: 41 Jane, PD22Ag66: 31 John, 7Ag52: 32, R19F67: 41 — PD5F67: 31, R3My70: 32, P21Ap75s42, D25Mr75:32,D30c77:41 Morto,R7Ja73:33 Richard, 27Mr52: 31 Simkin, 12D55: 31, PD22Ag66: 31, PD4D66: 32 William, R23J167: 22, R19N72: 42, R4F73: 32, Pil4S75: 22, D26S77: 31, P21N77: 22 William, Dr. , R17Mr74: 23 William, jr. , Capt. , of the Grand Caicos, PD8Ja67: 31 Bryant, Capt. , 21D39: 12, 21N51: 31 of the St. Anthony, 1F40: 31 James, jr. , PD23My71: 31, P170c77: 42 John, Capt. , PD10D67: 21 Jos. ,PllAp77s23 Joseph, D5S77: 32— P10Oc77: 11 Rawleigh, R2N69: 22 Sylvanus, C3J179: 33 Thomas, Capt. , 12My38: 32 Bryce, Mr. , merchant in Richmond, Va. , P160c78: 33 Archibald, adv. damaged merchandise for sale, P12N72: 22 adv. for missing horse, PD9je74: 32 announces departure, PD5N67: 23, P19Ja76: 32 collector for, D23My77: 31--P23My77:32 requests payment of debts, R28Mr71: 33— PD28Mr71: 31 slave of, PDllMr73: 32— RllMr73: 32 subscriber to meeting, PD30Je74: 23 Archibald, jr. , P28Mr77sll Bryden, James, P14Je76: 33 Brydone, Patrick, essay reprinted, PD280c73: 11,R8S74: 21 [Patrick], author, DllF75s23 Bryent, George, PD12F67: 32 Bryer, Edward, PD16Je74s22, D29My79: 32 Brymer, Mr. , accused of invading fisheries, PD19S66: 21 Bryne, Henry, Capt. , of the Hind, D10Ag76: 22 Brysen, Capt. , PD13Ag67: 13 Bryson, Capt. , of the Union, Pi27Qc74: 22 James, C19F80: 31 John, RlAg71: 42 Peter, Capt. , of the Betsey, R8S74: 31 Bryzelius, Paulus, Rev. Mr. , in N. Y. , PD6Ag67: 22 Bubier, Joseph, Pil9Ja75: 22 Bucentaur, ship, 120c52: 11 Bucephalus, frigate, R23S73: 23 horse for hire, D28Mr77: 32— P28Mr77s23 stallion for hire, PD2My66: 22 Buchan, Rev. Mr. , offered chaplaincy, P21F77: 22 earl of [David Stuart Erskine], R8Mr70:21 [William], author, PD21Mr71: 42, PD28Mr71: 42, PD10Je73: 31, D25N75:11,D30D75: 11.D24F76: 43, D2Mr76:41,D3Ja77:41 Buchan, Scot. , See D rownings near Buchanan, Capt. , of the Beckey, 12D51:41,10Ja52:32 of the Cuninghame,R12J170: 21, PD21N71: 22, PD16J172: 31, PD26N72: 21, PD26Ag73: 23 of the Dolphin, PD15S68: 23 — R15S68: 24 of the Harry, RllMy69: 32 of the Recovery, R12Mr72: 22 of the Sally, PD30Ja72: 32 of the Samuel, R4F68: 23 Mr. , R20J169: 23 appointed receiver general of the southern Caribbean Islands, PD26Mr67: 23 granaries lost in flood, Va. , R30My71: 22 partner of Perkins & Brown, PD24F74: 32--R3Mr74: 42 of Md. , PD70c73: 22— R210c73: 32 requests trade relief for colonies, PD21Mr66: 31 slave of, PD30J172: 33 A. , asserts loyalty to colonies, P7Je76: 41— D8Je76: 71 violates fast day, P7Je76: 41— D8Je76: 71 Alexander, PD3Ja71: 32— R10Ja71: 41, D11F75: 32, PD2D73: 21 — R2D73: 31, PD30Je74: 23, P31Ja77: 11, D6N78: 31 Andrew, adv. for missing horse, D10J179: 32 adv. for runaway slave, D13N78: 12 adv. settlement of estate, PD16Ja72: 33 announces departure, 24Ag51: 32 appointed captain of King George co. , Va. , minutemen, P22S75: 11 Associator for King George co. , Va. , R30Ag70: 23 chosen major of Va. minutemen, PiMr76: 13 plaintiff in Chancery court, 270c52: 22, PD14My72: 23 Andrew & co. , merchants in Glasgow, Scot. , 17S36: 42 ships of, 8Je39: 22 Andrew & Son, merchants, PD4J166: 32 Anne, 270c52: 22 Archibald, adv. for runaway slaves, PD30c71:32 adv. plantation for sale, PD20N66: 23 adv. reward for incendiaries, RllMy69:41 announces departure, PD3S72: 22 death of, PD4F73: 23 has plan of lands in Norfolk, Va. , lottery, PD13N66: 22 manager of Joseph Calvert's lottery, PD27N66: 23— R4D66: 33 tenement listed in Byrd's lottery, PD23J167: 41— R23J167: 32 Elizabeth, 270c52: 22 G. , Capt. , of the Sally, R8F70: 23 George, 270c52: 22, PilON74: 32 [George], author, PD25F68: 41, PD17S72: 21, PD10Je73: 31, D25N75: 11,D30D75: 11, D24F76: 43, D2Mr76: 41, D9Mr76: 41, D25My76: 43, D2My77:82,D4J177: 83 George, Capt. , of the Earl of Bute, PD12S66: 23, PD27N66: 23 George, jr. , 270c52: 22 James, PD14My72: 31, PD19N72: 23 — R19N72:22,R19Ag73:22, PD28Ap74: 32.D10J179: 32 adv. damaged goods for sale, PD18J166: 31 adv. for missing horse, PD24My70: 32, PD2D73s22, PD2D73: 23, PD28J174: 32— R28J174: 33 adv. for runaway indentured servant, 12Mr52:31 adv. for runaway slaves, PD13D70: 32 adv. houses for rent, PD20Je71: 33, D4N75: 31 — P3N75: 31 adv. meeting of Chatham rope company, D12F79:42 adv. merchandise for sale, PD30My66: 31 adv. plantation for sale, PD16Ag70: 42 adv. property for sale, PD16Ap67: 31, PD29Je69: 33, PD2D73: 22, P21Ap75: 31— D22Ap75: 32, P27Mr78: 41 adv. reward for pyromaniac, R16F69: 22--PD23F69: 32 adv. settlement of estate, PD19D71: 32 adv. tenement for sale, PD150c72: 31— R150c72: 23 adv. unclaimed merchandise, PD24Ag69: 33 agent for Va. gazette, R26My68: 33 announces departure, DHOc76: 62 — PHOc76: 31 appointed to Henrico co. , Va. , committee of correspondence, DllF75s22 appoints collector, PD2D73: 21 — R2D73: 31 buildings of burned, R16F69: 21 — PD23F69: 32 chosen to Henrico co. , Va. , committee of observation, DllF75s22 estate of for sale, PD7Ap74: 32— R7Ap74:31,D24Ap78:22 listed in Byrd's lottery, PD23J167: 41 — R23J167: 32 manages sale of imported goods, DllF75s23 merchant, 12S45: 32, PD28J168: 31 — R28J168: 32, PD21S69: 32, PD3Ja71: 33—R10Ja71: 41 plaintiff in Chancery court, 270c52: 22, R2My71: 41, PD14My72: 23 property of for sale,D6My75: 32 requests payment of debts, PD3Ja71: 32— R10Ja71: 41, 151 Buchanan, James, requests payment debts (cont'd) PD2D73: 21--R2D73:31 requests settlement of estate, P27Mr78: 41 settlement of estate of, PD7Ap74: 32— R7Ap74: 31 store of, PD10N68:22 takes orders for Virginia Justice, PD21D69: 23--R18Ja70: 41 warehouses built on land of, RlAg71: 12 [James], author, PD29N70: 21, PD13D70: 42, PD3Ja71: 42, PD17Ja71: 42, PD24Ja71: 42, PD7F71:42,PD21F71:42, PD7Mr71: 42, PD21Mr71: 42, PD28Mr71: 42, PD18J171: 33, PD25J171: 43, PDlAg71: 43, PD8Ag71: 43, PD10Je73: 32, D25N75: 13, D30D75: 13, D2Mr76: 42, D9Mr76: 42,D24Ag76: 53, D20D76: 43, D3Ja77: 42, D17Ja77: 42 James & co. , PD9My66: 31 defendant in Chancery court, PD6Ag72: 23--R80c72: 42 plaintiff in suit, PD28Ja68: 31 John, 1GJ152: 41, R13J169: 33 John, Capt. , of the Liveoak, PD10Mr74: 31, PD14Ap74: 23 of the Unity, PD10Ja71: 32 John, Col. ,R31My70:43 John, Rev. Mr. , P31Ja77: 12 Mary, 270c52: 22 Matthew, PD19Ap70: 42 Matthew, Capt. , of the Clyde, PD17Mr68: 31--R14Ap68: 42, PD22S68: 22--R22S68: 23, PD22D68: 31, PD26Ja69: 32, PD7S69: 31,PD28S69: 23 Morgan, 270c52: 22 Neil, PU5D74: 32— PD15D74: 31, P30Oc78:33,C6N79:32 Neil, jr. , PD4J166: 32, PDlJa67: 32, PDllAg68: 23, PD21S69: 32, R26J170: 22,D23Mr76: 33-- P29Mr76: 33 Neil, sr. , PDUa67: 32 adv. for missing horses, 4N63: 43, PD310c71: 32, PD14My72: 31, PD2J172: 32 adv. for runaway slave, PD16Ag70: 41 adv. sale of land, PD22Ag66: 31, PD16Ag70: 41 adv. slaves for sale, PD16Ag70: 42 announces departure, PD30J172: 32 manager of lottery, PD21S69: 32 plaintiff in Chancery court, PD16Je68: 32 slaves of for sale, D14Ja75: 32— Pil2Ja75: 33 takes orders for Virginia Justice, PD21D69: 23--R18Ja70: 41 Thomas, PD210c73: 22, PD4N73: 22— R4N73: 32 Walter, PD13Je66: 32, D30Mr76: 33 William, adv. for ship, R24D67: 43 adv. liquors for sale, D4My76: 33 Associator of Baltimore, Md. , R29N70: 21 attorney for Buchanan, Hastie & co. , D25N75: 32 collector for Mathies & Williams, D3F76: 33 plaintiff in Chancery court, PD14My72: 23 receives permission to delay return to Gt. Brit. , D28Mr77: 21 storekeeper for Alexander Shaw, PD23Mr69: 32 violates fast day, P7Je76: 41— D8Je76: 71 William, Capt. , P2Ag76: ll--D3Ag76: 22 William, jr. , R5Ag73: 23 Buchanan, ship, 17S36: 42, 27My37: 41, 19Ag37: 32, 4Ag38: 42, 60c38: 52, 22Je39: 31, 24Ag39: 3, 21S39: 41, 2N39:2, 12S45: 32, 7N45: 31, PD3Ja71: 12, PD21Ap74: 23 Buchanan, Bowman, & co. , holds bond of Sherwood Walton, D6N78: 32 Buchanan, Brown & Perkins, bankrupt, PD210c73: 22, PD4N73: 22— R4N73: 32 defendants in Chancery court, PD28Ap74: 32 London, Eng. , merchants, PD20My73: 23, PD9Je74: 31--R16Je74: 31 Buchanan, Hastie & co. , mortgage for, P11J177:41 merchants, PD26S71: 31 merchants in Lunenburg co. , Va. , PD7J174: 31 of Glasgow, Scot. , D25N75: 32— . P24N75s22 Buchanan, Semple &, violates non- importation agreements in Philadelphia, Pa. , PD26J170: 23 Buchanan & co. , ship of, PD220c72: 13 Buchanan & Cunison, PD3S72: 22 adv. for lost merchandise, PD21My72: 23 Buchanan & Hamilton, bankrupt in London, Eng. , H3N52: 21 Buchanan & Hastie, merchants, PD6Ja74: 32, PD16Je74: 22 Buchanan & Hill, 12S45: 32 request settlement of accounts, 12S45: 32 Buchanan & M'Keand, adv. imported Dutch blankets for sale, PD29N70: 31 merchants, PD28Mr71: 31 partnership dissolved, PD2D73: 21— R2D73: 31, PD2D73: 21— R2D73: 31 Buchanan & Simmons, administrators of,D6My75: 32 letter to in post office, PD12Mr67: 13 slaves of for sale, PD7Ap74: 32— R7Ap74: 31 Buchanan & Simpson, PD6N66: 32 debt due, PD15Ap73: 31 merchants in Glasgow, Scot. , PD4J166: 32 Buchanan's ferry, Va. , R14J168: 33 Buchannan, George, mate on Betsy, D13Ja76: 23 Buchannan, ship, 25Ja40: 3, 19J154: 31 Bucher, Anthony, P7F77: 43 Buchholts, Jacob, 7S39: 32 Buck, John, PD19Mr67: 33 Stephen, PD6N66: 22 Thomas, 3Ag39: 41 Buck, privateer schooner, D25S79: 12 Buck gloves, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD6OC68: 31— R60c68: 23, PD170c71: 23, PD220c72: 23— R220c72: 23,PD210c73: 23 — R210c73: 22 Buck island, S. C. , See British army on Buck mits, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD220c72: 23— R220c72: 23 Buck mountain, Va. , See Land for sale on Bucker, Ambrose, 30Ap52: 22 John, Capt. , of the Jacob, 25Ap55: 22 Buckets, cream, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD17S67: 21, PD4Je72: 32 Buckets, fire, purchased by Russia, 6J139: 32 Buckets, New England, imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , 23Ja46: 41 Buckeye tree timber, in Fincastle co. , Va. , Pi30Mr75: 32 Buckhorn forks, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. .R15N70: 31--PD22N70: 23 Buckhorn knives, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , R15N70: 31— PD22N70: 23 Buckhouse, John, 2My55: 32 Buckingham, Lord, opposes memorial of N. Y. general assembly, D22J175: 41 supports embargo on colonies, P19My75: 22 Thomas, accused falsely of stealing leather, P20D76: 22 William, R29Je69: 32, PD3Ag69: 33 Buckingham, British ship, 25Ja40: 2 H. M. S. , 22Je39: 12, 29Ag51: 22, 24Ja52: 22, 10Oc55: 22, 19D55: 12, PD2lMr71: 22. PDllAp71: 12, D15J175:32,D29Ag77:ll Buckingham, tract of land, 11F37: 42 Buckingham co. , Va. , burgesses elected, PD15D68: 23— R15D68: 21, PDllMy69s41, PD28S69: 22, R9N69: 11, PD19D71: 22, PD4Ag74: 23 census requested, P19Ap76p23— D27Ap76: 33 Chancery court, PD21Ap68: 23, PD290c72: 23 committee offers refuge to lower counties, P2Je75s32 courthouse for rent, delegates to Va. convention elected, P26Ap76s23 freeholders' meeting, resolutions (text) of, 1774, R4Ag74: 12 instructions (text) to delegates to Va. convention, P14Je76: 41 offers refuge to inhabitants of Charles City co. , Va. , P30Je75sl3 senator elected, P13S76: 31 sheriffs, PD13S70: 31, PD290c72: 23, PD290c72: 23 See also Apple orchards in; Attorneys in; Barns in; Bolting cloths in; Brick courthouses, described in; Canals in; Carpenters, adv. for in; Cherry orchards in; Colliers, adv. for in; Corn houses in; Ditchers, adv. for in; Dwelling houses in; Ferries in; Fish ponds in; Furnaces for rent in; Gardens in; Ga. battalions, deserters from; Granaries in; Gristmills in; Houses in; Jails in; Kitchens, described, in; Land, mortgaged for sale in; Land, surveys of, in; Land for sale in; Lotteries of land, in; Lumber houses in; Masons, adv. for in; Merchant houses in; Mills in; Millwrights, adv. for in; Mines in; 152 Bucknall Musters general, dates appointed for in; Necessary houses in; Orchards in; Outhouses in; Overseers' houses in; Peach orchards in; Physicians in; Quarries, adv. for in; Roads in; Shad fisheries in; Shoemakers in; Slaves runaway from; Slaves, mortgaged for sale in; Stables in; Stealing, by slaves in; Storehouses in; Stores in; Tobacco houses in; Undertakers, adv. for in; Wine made in Buckingham courthouse, Va. , See Dwelling houses near; Land, mortgaged for sale at; Land for sale at, near; Outhouses near Buckingham furnace, Va. , C30Oc79: 41 adv. of,D10J178:31 for sale,Dl9F80:33 Buckingham house, Eng. , money for appropriated, Pi29Je75: 32— P30Je75: 21 Buckingham road, Va. , PD19Ag73: 21, DlAg77: 31— PlAg77: 32.D19D77: 21- P19D77:22,D19Je79:31 Buckinghamshire, second earl of [John Hobart], P28F77: 13 Buckinghamshire, Eng. , See Antiquities discovered in; Carrots grown in; Epitaphs in; Wheat plentiful in Buckland, Mr. , R23J167: 43 William, R15Je69: 33, R26J170: 23, R10Ja71: 33, PDlAg71: 23— RlAg71:31 Buckland, plantation, Va. , PU5D74: 33— PD15D74:33,D21N77:12 Buckland, Eng. , See Lightning in Buckle, Capt. , 7N54: 12 Comm. , of the Assistance, 21Ag52: 22, 29S52: 22, 60c52: 21 Mr. , ship of, PD220c72: 13 Buckler, Andrew, 24S36: 22 Andrew, Capt. , 290c36: 41 Andrew, Mrs. , 24S36: 22, 290c36: 41 John, Capt. , of the Industry, PD12Mr67: 32, PD27Ag67: 23, PD19N67: 22 of the Mulberry, R7J168: 22 Mary, Mrs. , 24S36: 22 Buckles, captured by Americans in Great Bridge, Va. , PH3D75: 22— D16D75: 33 for sale, 12F62: 42 at Lancaster courthouse, Va. , PD7J168: 32 in Alexandria, Va. , P3Ap78: 31, D24J179: 22 in Beaufort, N. C. , P160c78: 32 in Norfolk, Va. , Pil5Je75: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , 30N59: 32, PD19S66: 31, R16Je68: 32, PD240c71: 31, P21Ag78: 31, D29ja80: 41 in Yorktown, Va. , P27D76: 32 See also Brass harness buckles; Crystal buckles; Foil stone buckles; Garnet buckles; Gilt buckles; Gold buckles; Metal buckles; Paste buckles; Paste knee buckles; Paste shoe buckles; Paste stock buckles; Pinchbeck buckles; Pinchbeck shoe buckles; Plated buckles; Silver buckles; Silver knee buckles; Silver shoe buckles; Silver stock buckles; Steel buckles; Stone buckles; Stone knee buckles; Stone shoe buckles; Stone stock buckles Buckles, bath, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD18My69: 31 — R25My69: 23, PD22N70s23 Buckles, breast, for sale, in Baltimore, Md. ,Pil8My75:33 in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD18Ap66: 33 Buckles, girdle, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 31J146: 61 Buckles, harness, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 8Ag51: 32, PDllAp66:41 Buckles, hat, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD24Ja71: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD4Je72: 32, D27Je77: 31,DlAg77: 22,D8My78: 82 Buckles, knee, captured by Americans in Great Bridge, Va. , PH3D75: 22— D16D75: 33 for sale, in Baltimore, Md. , Pil8My75: 33 in Cobham, Va. , P4J177: 31 in Edenton, N. C. , P160c78: 42 in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD18Ap66: 33, R23J167: 32 in Gloucester, Va. , P19Ap76sll— D20Ap76: 33 in Halifax, N. C. , PD29J173: 31 in Petersburg, Va. , PD24Ja71: 31, PD310c71: 31, PD290c72: 22 in Richmond, Va. , PD310c71: 23— R310C71: 32, PD5N72sll— R5N72: 22 in Smithfield, Va. , PD4Ag68: 31, C3J179: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , 31J146: 61, 110c51: 41, PD5Mr67: 31— R12Mr67: 42, PD17S67: 21, PD60c68: 31 — R60c68: 23, PD13Ap69: 32— R13Ap69: 31, PD4Oc70: 31, PD29Ag71: 31, PD10Oc71: 31, PD170c71: 23,R170c71: 33, PD30Ap72: 31, PD7My72: 32, PD4Je72: 32, PD150c72: 31, PD220c72: 23— R220c72: 23, PD22Ap73: 31, PD15J173: 32, PD210c73: 23— R210c73: 22, PD11N73: 23— R11N73: 21, PD5My74: 31— R26My74: 13, Pi20Oc74: 31 — PD20Oc74s22, DllMy76: 23— P10My76: 43, D27Je77: 31, D14N77: 31, D8My78: 82, C15J180: 22 stolen, at King's creek, Va. , P23Ag76: 41 Buckles, macaroni, for sale, in Baltimore, Md. , Pil8My75: 33 Buckles, mourning, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , Pi20Oc74: 31 — PD20Oc74s22, D27Je77: 31 Buckles, neck, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD310c71: 31, PD290c72: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD15J173: 32, PD11N73: 23— R11N73: 21 Buckles, shirt, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD24Ja71: 31 in Richmond, Va. , PD310c71: 23— R310c71:32 Buckles, shoe, for sale, in Baltimore, Md. ,Pil8My75:33 in Cobham, Va. , P4J177: 31 in Edenton, N. C. , P160c78: 42 in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD18Ap66: 33, R23J167: 32 in Gloucester, Va. , P19Ap76sll— D20Ap76: 33 in Gloucester co. , Va. , D24Ag76: 72 — P16Ag76: 33 in Halifax, N. C. , PD29J173: 31 in Petersburg, Va. , PD24Ja71: 31, PD310C71: 31, PD290c72: 22 in Richmond, Va. , PD310c71: 23— R310c71: 32, PD5N72sll— R5N72: 22 in Smithfield, Va. , PD4Ag68: 31, D21F77: 22— P28F77s22, C3J179: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , 31J146: 61, 110c51: 41, PD5Mr67: 31 — R12Mr67: 42, PD10c67: 13, PD60c68: 31— R60c68: 23, PD13Ap69: 32— R13Ap69: 31, PD4OC70: 31, PD29Ag71: 31, PD10OC71: 31, PD170c71: 23, R170c71: 33, PD30Ap72: 31, PD23Ap72: 23— R23Ap72: 13, PD7My72: 32, PD14My72: 23, PD4Je72: 32, PD150c72: 31, PD220c72: 23— R220c72: 23, PD22Ap73: 31, PD15J173: 32, PD140c73: 23, PD210c73: 23— R210c73: 22, PD11N73: 23— R11N73: 21, PD5My74: 31 — R26My74: 13, Pi20Ap75: 31 — D22Ap75: 32, P10My76: 43— DllMy76: 23, D27Je77: 31, D14N77:31,D8My78:82, D10J178: 21— P10J178: 33, DlMy79: 22,D160c79: 31, C15J180: 22, C21Oc80: 22 in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD18Ap66: 33 in Gloucester, Va. , Pl9Ap76sll— D20Ap76: 33 in Halifax, N. C. , PD29J173: 31 in Richmond, Va. , PD310c71: 23— R310C71: 32, PD5N72sll--R5N72: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD5Mr67: 31 — R12Mr67: 42, PD17S67: 21, PD60c68: 31— R60c68: 23, PD13Ap69: 32— R13Ap69: 31, PD4Oc70: 31, PD29Ag71: 31, PD10Oc71: 31, PD170c71: 23, R170c71: 33, PD30Ap72: 31, PD7My72: 32, PD14My72: 23, PD4Je72: 32, PD150c72: 31, PD220c72: 23— R220c72: 23, PD22Ap73: 31, PD15J173: 32, PD210c73: 23— R210c72: 22, PD5My74: 31— R26My74: 13, Pi20Oc74: 31 — PD20Oc74s22, Pi20Ap75: 31--D22Ap75: 32, D160c79:31 Buckles, stock, for sale, in Baltimore, Md. ,Pil8My75:33 stolen at King's creek, Va. , P23Ag76: 41 Buckles, waistband, for sale, in Smithfield, Va. , PD4Ag68: 31 Buckley, Capt. , PD14Ap69s22— R13Ap69: 22 of the Montgomery, D24Ag76: 22 Butler, PD290c67: 23 James, D30Oc78: 32 Samuel, P5S77: 33 Bucklin, Daniel, Capt. , of the Montgomery, D29J176: 21, P30Ag76: 21— D31Ag76: 12 Buckly, Mr. , of New York City, PD7Ja68: 32 Bucknall, John, 9My55: 21 153 Buckner (cont'd) Buckner, Capt. , of the Liberty, D14S76: 71 recruiting officer, P230c78: 11 Col. , arrests Lt. Peter Jones, D10Ag76: 62 land of,R19N72:41 Baldwin Matthews, PD27My73: 23— R27My73: 23 Elizabeth, PD2Je74: 33 [George], Col. ,D20J176: 31 John, PDllMr73: 31,D28Ja75: 23, P8N76: 42, D25Mr80: 33 Mordecai, P29D75: 31, P27Je77: 33, C19F80: 12 Mordecai, Col. .D15J175: 33 adv. for missing horse, P20S76: 31 — D21S76:31 appointed col. of Va. minutemen, P22S75: 11 arrested for misbehavior, P28F77sl3 at Gwynn's island, Va. , P12J176: 23 court-martialed for cowardice, P7Mr77sl2 elected col. of 6th Va. regiment, P12Ja76: 32--D13Ja76: 32— Pil3Ja76: 22 of fifth Va. battalion, P15Mr76: 22— D16Mr76: 33 orders soldiers to return to regiment, P13S76: 33— D14S76: 62 Philip, 9Ja46: 42, 4Ap51: 41 Richard, Pi9F75: 31 Richard, sr. , PD17Ag69: 33 Samuel, 170c55: 31 Thomas, 310c55: 22, P22S75: 11, P130c75: U--D210c75: 31 Thomas, Capt. , PD5S66s33 Thomas, Lt. , P20S76: 31— D21S76: 31 William, R18Oc70: 23, R80c72: 33, D27My75: 41, P130c75: 11 — D21Oc75:31,D10J179:32 William, Capt. , P160c78: 23 William, jr. , Capt. , P160c78: 23 Buckram, for sale, in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72: 31 in Gloucester co. , Va. , P16Ag76: 33— D24Ag76: 72 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22, PD25J166: 23, PD150c72: 23 in Petersburg, Va. , P27Mr78: 12, D8My78:61,P21Ag78:42 in Princess Anne co. , Va. , P23My77: 32 . in Suffolk, Va. ,D28N77:31— P21N77: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , HOc51: 41, D180c76: 32, D30My77: 31 in Yorktown, Va. ,R25F68: 31— PD25F68: 31, P27D76: 32 Buckram factory, suitable for Williamsburg, Va. , P13Je77: 11 Bucks, Eng. , See Incest in; Murders in Bucks co. , Eng. , See Gardens, described in Bucks co. , Pa. , courthouses authorized by Pa. general assembly, 17Ap46: 21 deputies to Pa. convention appointed, P28Je76: 13 skirmishes in, P29My78: 22 See also Continental army in; Lightning in; Robberies, by convict servants in Buckskin, pseud. , PD8Ja67: 11, RUe69: 12 Buckskin, privateer, P28Mr77sl3 race horse, R26My68: 33 schooner, D12Mr79: 21 ship, HAp55: 22 sloop, 20Oc52: 21 Buckskin boots, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD30Je68: 31 Buckskin breeches, adv. of, in Williamsburg, Va. , 17Je37: 42, Pal6S37:41 for sale, in Cabin Point, Va. , DH3F76: 33 — Pu2F76s23 in Cobham, Va. , Pu4J177: 31 in Williamsburg, Va., PD12D71: 32 Buckskin gloves, for sale, in Richmond, Va. , PD310c71: 23— R310c71: 32, PD5N72sll— R5N72: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD22N70s23, PD14My72: 22, PD150c72: 31, PD11N73: 22, D10J178: 21 — P10J178: 33, C13N79: 12 Buckskin saddles, stolen, in Charles City co. , Va. ,D18N75: 32— Pil6N75: 41 Buckskins, exported from James river, Va. , to Whitehaven, Eng. , HAg38:41 taken by slaves, D25Mr75: 32 Buckthorn, for sale, in Shockoe, Va. , PD4Ap66: 41 Buckthorn, juice of, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 24My51: 32, 18J151: 41,5S51:32 Bucktrout, Mr. , PD4N73: 31 store of, D21F77: 21 — P21F77: 32 Benjamin, adv. buying shop, PD8Ja67: 32 adv. cabinet-making, PD25J166: 31, P3F75: 43--D4F75: 33 adv. for journeymen cabinet makers, PD7S69: 41 adv. for missing horses, PD2F69: 32— R2F69: 31, PD21My72: 23, PD21Ja73: 32, PD23S73: 32, D27Ap76: 33— P26Ap76: 23, P23Ag76: 33— D24Ag76: 62 adv. for runaway apprentice, PD4Ap71: 31 adv. for vinegar, D240c77: 22— P240c77: 31 adv. house for rent, PD2F69: 32— R2F69: 23 adv. house for sale, PD4My69: 33— RllMy69: 33, D28Ag79: 31 adv. imported paper hangings for sale, PD9My71: 32 adv. merchandise for sale, PD3F74: 32, PD7J174: 32, PD270c74: 31 adv. prints and election pieces for sale, PD17S71: 32 adv. settlement of estate, R21Ap68: 21 announces dissolution of partnership, PD9Mr69: 33— R9Mr69: 31 house of, D20c79: 31 takes over business of Anthony Hay, PD8Ja67: 31 Bucktrout & Kennedy, partnership dissolved, R9Mr69: 31— PD9Mr69: 33 Budd, Mr. , captured in skirmish at Cape Anne, Mass. , PH4S75: 12— D16S75: 13 Barnaby, Dr. , counterfeiter, PD16S73: 22, R70c73: 21, PD140c73: 13, PD4N73: 21, PD6Ja74: 22 Charles, slave of, PD24S72: 23 Thomas, escapes to Mississippi, PD280c73: 21, PD280c73: 22 Budden, Capt. , PD26Mr67: 23, PD4Ap71: 23, PDllAp71: 23 of the Betsy, 28S39: 41 of the Myrtilla, 14Mr55: 32 Buddicome, Capt. , of the Virginian, R31My70: 22 Budva [Budoa], insurrections in, PD9J167: 11 Buell, Abel, invents new style of type, R50c69: 13 Buenos Aires, Arg. , blamed for Anglo-Spanish dispute, PD7F71: 21 — R7F71: 13 See also British navy off; Earthquakes in; Imports to Cadiz, Sp. , from; Ships from; Ships' sailing time; Spanish army to; Spanish navy from Buffalo, H. M. S. , P21N77: 21 Buffalo, in Transylvania, D30S75: 33 Buffalo licks, in Kentucky, P30Ag76: 22 Buffets (beaufets), for .rent, in Northampton co. , N. C. ,D15N76: 31 for sale, P19Ja76: 33— D27Ja76: 41 in Newcastle, Va. ,D30c77: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD18Ap66: 32, C15J180: 21 Buffin, John, PD19Mr67: 32 Buffington, Capt. , PD21N71: 21 of the Rambler, D8N76: 22 William. PD10F74: 31--R10F74: 32 Buford, Capt. , P10N75: 43, P23F76: 33— D24F76: 33 Abraham, Major, of 14th Va. , regiment, D15N76: 21— P15N76: 32 P14F77:23,P2My77:12 James, P22S75: 33, C3J179: 32 Thomas, Capt. , PilON74: 23 Bugg, Samuel, PD29J173: 23 Bugle necklaces, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD4Je72: 32 Bugles, for sale, in Gloucester, Va. , P19Ap76sll— D20Ap76: 33, P16Ag76: 33— D24Ag76: 72 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD4Je67: 33, PD3D67: 32, PD20Oc68: 23, PD18My69: 31— R25My69: 23, PD28S69: 31, PD14D69: 32— R14D69: 23, PDllAp71: 32, PD19Ap70s23— R19Ap70: 31, R170c71: 33, PD22N70s23, PD12D71: 32 See also Agate bugles Bugles, French, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD23Ap72: 23— R23Ap72: 13 Builders, adv. of, at Yorktown, Va. , PD6Ag72: 23 Building, declines in Glasgow, Scot. , PD10Je73: 21 Building materials, for sale, in Kingston parish, Gloucester co. , Va. , PD27F72: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , PDUAp66: 41, PD28S69: 31, PDllAp71: 32, PD12D71: 32 Buildings, erected in England, PD6Je66: 13 in Albemarle co. , Va. , Pil90c75: 33— P20Oc75: 23--D4N75: 32 in Bertie co. , N. C. , 310c51: 32 in Brunswick co. , Va. , 12Je52: 21, D23Qc79: 12 154 Bullitt in Caroline co. , Va. , PD10N68: 23 in Charles City co. , Va. , C27N79: 21 in Chesterfield co. , Va. ,R2F69: 31 in Cumberland co. , Pa. , D20c79: 32 in Cumberland co. , Va. , P8N76: 43, D12D77:21--P12D77: 31 in Dinwiddie co. , Va. , PD24N68: 32-- R24N68: 22, D14Ag79: 12-- C28Ag79: 42 in Essex co. , Va. , 240c51: 31 in Fauquier co. , Va. , C15My79: 31 in Granville co. , N. C. , PD20Ja74: 33 in Halifax co. , Va. , R19F67: 32 in Hanover co. , Va. , 27F52: 41, 15My52: 32 in Henry co. , Va. , C27N79: 21-- D27N79: 22 in Hertford co. , N. C. , PD7N71: 32 in King and Queen co. , Va. , PD29Je69: 42 in King George co. , Va. , R12Mr67: 31 in King William co. , Va. , 10Je37: 42, D19D77: 31,D2Ap79:31 in Lancaster co. , Va. , P10J178: 22 in London, Eng. , collapsed, PD14Mr71: 22 number limited, R22S68: 14 in Louisa co. , Va. , PD18J166: 31 in Lunenburg co. , Va. , P160c78: 12 in Mecklenburg co. , Va. , P19J176: 43 in Nansemond co. , Va. , 20Mr52: 22 in New Kent co. , Va. , PD16Je68: 31-- R16Je68: 32, PD26Ja69: 33-- R19Ja69: 31, PD14F71: 32-- R14F71: 32, C18D79: 12--D25D79: 31 in Orange co. , Va. , PD4J166: 32 in Prince Edward co. , Va. , 7N54: 41, PD150c72: 31--R150c72: 31 in Spotsylvania co. , Va. ,R31Mr68: 33 in Sussex co. , Va. , P10My76: 43, P23My77: 12,D18D79:31 in York co. , Va. , P20S76: 22 near Dumfries, Va. , PDlAg71: 22 near Suffolk, Va. , D4Mr80: 23 on Appomattox river, Va. , 18Ap45: 41 on Chickahominy river, Va. , 19S51: 41, R24D67: 43, C18D79: 12-- D25D79: 31 on James river, Va. , C27N79: 21 on Powhatan swamp, Va. ,D170c77: 12-- P170c77: 31 See also Brew houses; Breweries; Brick. . . ; Carpenters, house; Carriage sheds; Cellars; Chair houses; Chair sheds; Chapels; Chariot houses; Churches; Cider houses; Clapboard houses; Coach houses; Coal houses; Coffee houses; Colleges; Coopers' shops; Corn cribs; Corn houses; Counting houses; Counting rooms; Courthouses; Cow houses; Cribs; Cropping houses; Currying shop; Customers houses; Dairies; Dwelling houses; Dyeing rooms; Factories; Fire rooms; Fish houses; Flour houses; Flour mills; Forts; Foundries; Frame. . ; Fulling mills; Garden houses; Garrisons; Glebe houses; Glue factory; Granaries; Gristmills; Guardhouses; Hatter's shop; Hen houses; Horse mills; Houses; Iron houses; Jailer's house; Jails; Kitchens; Laundry houses; Lime houses; Log barns; Log houses; Log jails; Lumber houses; Malt houses; Mansion houses; Market 'houses; Meal houses; Meat houses; Meeting-houses; Merchant houses; Milk-houses; Mill houses; Millers' houses; Necessary houses; Negro houses; Office houses; Ordinaries; Ordinary houses; Out buildings; Overseers' houses; Pigeon houses; Poultry houses; Presbyterian meeting houses; Printing offices; Public houses; Quaker meeting house; Quarters; Quarters, Negro; Salt houses; Salt sheds; Saw houses; Servants apartments; Servants houses; Sheds; Slaves' houses; Smith shops; Smokehouses; Spinning houses; Spinning rooms; Spring houses; Stables; Stalls; Still houses; Stills; Stone. . . ; Store houses; Stores; Tar houses; Tobacco houses; Town house; Tub mills; Vendue houses; Vendue stores; Vestry houses; Warehouses; Wash houses; Weavers' shops; Weaving houses; Wheat houses; Workhouses Buildings, described, in London, Eng. , PD11D66: 13 Builock, Thomas, runaway sailor, 5Je52: 32 Bulcano, Span, man of war, Pi20Oc74: 22 Bulfinch, author, PD25F68: 41 Bulger, John, convict servant, PD21Je70: 33 Bulkeley, John, author, 22Ap57: 42, 2S57: 32 Bulkley, Capt. , PD24D67: 31-- R24D67: 22, R21Ja73: 31 Bull, Capt. , of the Dove, D6Ap76: 21 of the Friendship, R1S74: 23 Constantine, R[llDs?]66: 33 Frederick, addresses (text) livery of London, Eng. , PD12S71: 23 announces mayor's election, PD26D71: 22 lord mayor of London, PD16D73: 22-- P16D73: 33, PD23D73: 22-- R23D73: 21 opposes Prohibitory act, P9Je75: 22 opposes Revolutionary war,DlOAg76: 11 outlines activities as sheriff, PDllJe72:23 sheriff of London, PD12S71: 23 subscribes for relief of Boston, Mass. , PD10N74: 21 supported by John Wilkes, R30D73: 21 James, Capt. , of the Grantham, PD28My67: 21 John, English swordsman, 3N38: 12 of Pa. council of safety, D10Ag76: 42 Nathan, Capt. , D40c76: 71 William, (1683-1755), It. gov. of S. C. , receives Indians, 50c39: 41 William, (1710-1791), It. gov. of S. C. ,PD14Mr66:32 addresses of 1774, PD7Ap74: 21-- R7Ap74: 12, PD7Ap74: 22-- R7Ap74: 13 administers government of S. C. , R15Ap73: 22 appoints deputy postmaster general, PD26S71: 23 attends Indian conference, 4J151: 32, 29Ag51: 31,30c51: 22 celebrates king's birthday, R26J170: 21 certifies stamps undistributed, PD4Ap66: 31 encourages vineyards, PD22J173: 21 issues election writs, PD150c72: 22 letters to Earl of Dartmouth presented to Commons, Pil3Ap75: 31 mansion burned by British, D5Mr79: 32 negotiates with Cherokees, 16Ja61: 31 orders Fort Charlotte fortified, PD10Mr74: 23 requests aid against Cherokees, 16Ja61: 32 to administer government of S. C. , PD24Ag69: 21 — R24Ag69: 22 visits Gov. Montagu of S. C. , PD14N71: 12 Bull, horse, PD16D73: 12--R16D73: 23 Bull baiting, in London, Eng. , PD24S72: 21 Bull Hill, See Ships for sale at Bull Hill plantation, 20Ap39: 41 Bull Run church, D10Je75: 33-- Pil5Je75: 33 Bull Run quarter, Prince William co. , Va. , R4Ag68: 31 Bullard, Ambrose, 28Ag52: 32 Henry, PD21Ap74: 23, PD5My74: 22, Reuben,D10J178:21 Bullen, Mr. , of Md. , R26My68: 33 prepares address to Thomas Hutchinson, PD1N70: 21 Buller, John, on admiralty board, PD18Ap71: 13 Bullet, [Thomas], Capt. , 30N59: 31 Bullets, for Brit, army at Gibraltar, PD10Ja71: 12 at Port Mahon, PD10Ja71: 12 in Brit, colonies, N. Am. , P1D75: 13-- D2D75: 11 for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , D14F77: 22, P14F77: 33 imported to Algiers, D4N75: 12 Bullets, gashed, used by Brit, army at Great bridge, Va. , Pi9D75: 31 Bullett, John, P10Oc77: 23 Thomas, R25N73: 41, R17F74: 32 See also Bullit, Bullitt Bullfights, in Lisbon, Port. , 8D52: 22, PD24Ja71: 23 Bullifant, James, R12My68: 34, D12D77:21 Bulling, Richard, indentured servant, 23F39:41 Bullion, export from Gt. Brit. , forbidden, D25Mr 80: 22 to be prevented, PD140c73s21-- R140c73: 31 for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 8Ag51: 32 seized by British in St. John's, Antigua, D6Ap76: 21 from Brit, ship, D25D79: 21 used in Brit. -Amer. trade, PD25Ap66: 11 Bullit, Col. ,D8Je76: 72 requests protection of Col. Woodford, P15D75:32 Bullitt, Col. , approves book on military duty, PilOJa76: 31 Major,P5My75: 23 Mr. ferry of, R23Ap72: 13 Guthbert,R23My71:31 155 Bullitt, Guthbert (cont'd) accused of depreciating currency of Va. ,PlMr76: 11 adv. finding oxen, P23My77: 42 adv. for missing pocketbook, P16Je75: 23 adv. for runaway slave, R13J169: 32, R8N70: 23 adv. horses for sale, P160c78: 32— D13N78: 31 adv. land for sale, R14Ap68: 23 agent for Henry Peyton's creditors, RlAg71: 32 calls meeting of proprietors of patented land, P5My75: 23 delegate from Prince William co. , Va. , P9My77: 23 delegate to Va. convention, P26Ap76s23 directs lottery, R17Ag69: 32 dispute with Thomas Lawson, RlAg71: 32 member of Prince William co. , Va. , committee of correspondence, Pil2Ja75: 32 Thomas, adv. pasturage, at Warm Springs, Va. , PD7Je70: 32— R7Je70: 31 announces muster dates, PD8Mr70: 32— R8Mr70s32, PD21F71: 31 announces survey of bounty lands for soldiers, PD3D72: 23 appointed adjutant-general of Va. , P25Ag75: 71 arrives in Williamsburg, Va. , P3My76: 31 deputy adjutant general to Gen. Washington, P26Ap76s23 directions for recruits, P15S75: 32 rescinds contract for improvement of Hot Springs, Va. , PD21F71: 32 Thomas, Capt. , appointed adjutant in frontier district, PDllMy69s33 — RllMy69: 32 exploration of Ohio territory, R70c73: 21 Thomas, Col. , P22S75: 33, P26Ja76: 41, P26Ap76s22, P6S76: 42 See also Bullet, Bullett Bullock, Capt. , of N. C. , PDl9Mr 72: 31 Archibald, of Ga. , Pi20Ap75: 21, P5Ap76: 31, P23Ag76: 41, D22Je76: 62 James, indentured servant, P6D76: 31 John, of Louisa co. , Va. ,D23D75: 32, P29D75: 31 overseer of John Snelson, PD30J172: 33 Leonard H. ,D29je76:41 Micajah. PD31Mr68: 22 Patterson, PD19N72: 32, P7Mr77: 22 Bullocks, for Brit, army in Boston, Mass. , Pi2N75: 12 lost at sea, PD27F72: 31 premiums on, in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD10F74: 23 Bullock's point, R. I. , See Shipwrecks on Bulls, abnormal, in Shrewsbury, Eng. , R22J173sl2 in Worcestershire, Eng. , PD28Ap68: 13 loose in London, Eng. , PD8Mr70: 23 mad, in London, Eng. , PD4F68: 22 Bully Rock, horse, PD5N67: 13 Bulman, John, deserter, P28F77: 23, P2My77sl2 Bulony,' Capt. , of the Minerva, PD21Ap68: 13 Bumpass, Diggs, P10My76sl2 John, P10J178: 13 Robert, PD22S74: 33 William, 4N63: 31, D4Mr75: 33, P170C77: 42 Bumper, schooner, PD6Ja74: 32, PD10F74: 23, PD14Ap74: 23— R14Ap74:23, Pi24N74:31, D10Ag76: 22 ship, R21Ap74: 23 sloop, 15My46: 32 Bumpstead, Eng. , See Anecdotes from Bunard, Wills, D12Je79: 32 Bunbury, Charles, Sir, correspondence with wife reprinted, R6F72: 13 Sarah, Lady, R6F72: 13 Thomas, R28J174: 23, P18Ap77s41 Thomas, jr. , R28J174: 23 Bunce, Capt. , of the Hero, R7Ap74: 23 Bunch, David, 5Mr52: 32 Pouncey,DU175: 33 Samuel, R2My7 1:41 Bunch of Grapes tavern, in Boston, Mass. , D20Ap76: 21 in Hampton, Va. , PD13Je66: 21. PD16Ap67: 31 Bunches, See Garnet bunches; Jet bunches Buncle, John, author, PD10Je73: 33 Bundurant, Joel, R2My71: 42 Thomas, P23My77: 43 Bundy, Capt. , of the Ann, D15Ja80: 21 Richard, author, 24My51: 32 Bunetta, sloop, D21F77: 12— P21F77: 23 Bunker Hill, Mass. , described by Brit, soldier, D2D75: 12 fortification of,D3F76: 41 fortifications demolished by British, P5Ja76(5)s21 skirmishes on, Pi24Ag75: 32— P1S75: 13 See also British army, deserters from on; British army on Bunker Hill, battle of, account by Gen. Gage, Pil90c75: 21-- . P20Oc75: 13--D210c75: 13 American casualties, D22J175: 32, D70c75: 21, D70c75: 22, Pil20c75: 12- P130c75s21--D140c75: 32,D4N75: 22 American gunnery in, D280c75: 13 British casualties, P22J175s21— Pi27J175: 32--D29J175: 23, Pi31Ag75: 32, P1S75: 22--D2S75: 22, Pil20c75: 12— P130c75s21— D140c75: 32, Pil90c75: 21 — P20OC75: 21— D210c75: 21, D210c75: 22,D280c75: 13 British losses in, P21J175s33 British misbehave at, D8Je76: 42 British officer killed in, Pil7Ag75: 32— P18Ag75: 11— D19Ag75: 31 British victory, P21 J175s32 casualties listed, Pi6J175: 33, D22J175: 33 — P22J175s23 casualties numbered, PilOAg75: 31 — D12Ag75: 23 described, P7J175: 22--D8J175: 31, D8J175:32,Pil3J175:23- P14J175sll— D15J175: 12, PU3J175: 23 — P14J175sl2 — D15J175: 13, PH3J175: 32— P14J175: 32— D15J175: 21, P21J175: 23, P21J175: 22, P28J175: 21, D26Ag75: 12,D7Qc75: 23,D28Qc75: 13, Pi6D75: 21— D9D75: 12 news of reaches Eng. , Pi50c75: 32 news of reaches Ire. , Pi28S75: 31 number of provincial troops in, D22J175: 33 — P22J175s23 report (text) by Gen. Gage, Pi20J175: 33 report of denied, D70c75: 23 reported, Pi6J175: 32— P7J175: 22— D8J175: 23 Bunker Hill, privateer, D9Ap79: 21 Bunker Hill fort, Mass. , soldiers in satirized, P2F76sll— D3F76: 31 — Pi3F76: 21 Bunkley, John, indentured servant, R14Ap68: 43 Bunn, Arthur, indentured servant, R10Je73sl2 Nathan, Capt. , of the Mercury, 10Oc45:32,23Ja46:42 Purdie &, attorneys, PD2N69: 32 Bunner, Capt. , of the Georgia, D18Mv76: 21 Bunning, Mr. , trades with Indians in S. C. , 24Je37: 31 Bunns, John, deserter, Dl9Mr79: 22 Bunster, Capt. , of the Duke of Cumberland, PD8S68: 22 Bunter, James, P7F77: 42 Bunting, William B. , Capt. , of the John and Betsey, PD5S66s43, PD12S66: 23, R25D66: 13, PD9Ap67: 23, PD7My67: 31, PDllJe67: 32, PD6Ag67: 32, PD3D67: 31, PD14Ja68: 31, PD31Mr68: 22— R14Ap68: 41, PD23Je68: 23— R23Je68: 24, PD30Je68: 23— R7J168: 22, PD7J168: 23— R7J168: 21 of the Ranger, PD270c68: 42 Bunting, for sale, in Alexandria, Va. , D24J179: 22 in Fredericksburg, Va. , D26Mr79: 22 Bunts, Mr. , of Egremont, Mass. , PD19S66: 21 Bunyan, Capt. , of the Albany, R26Ag73s23 John, author, PD29N70: 21, PD13D70: 42, PD3Ja71: 42, PD17Ja71: 42, PD7F71: 42, PD21F71: 42, PD7Mr71: 42, PD21Mr71: 42, PD28Mr71: 42, PD17S72: 21, PD10Je73:32,D25N75:ll, D25N75: 13, D30D75: 13, D9Mr76: 42, D24Ag76: 53, D20D76: 43, D3Ja77: 42, D17Ja77: 42 Buoys, PD20F72: 33--R27F72: 33 found, adv. of, 7N54: 42 in Chesapeake bay, PD16Ja72: 33 near Norfolk, Va. ,PD16Ja72: 33 — PD30Ja72: 42 on Potomac river, PD19Mr72: 31 inN.Y. harbor, PD11J171: 21 lost, adv. for,4Ap55:41,PD26D71:31 near Sandy hook, N. J. , PD12Mr72: 31 Bur, John, Capt. , of the Milford, P8Mr76: 22— D9Mr76: 22 Burat, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , D12S77:41 — P19S77: 11 Burbridge (Burbedge, Burbige). Mr. , brother of killed by Indians, PD7S69: 23 murdered, PD8Je69: 22 Julius, 10Ag39: 42 Julius King, adv. estate, of Charles 156 Burgoyne J. Smith, PD24Ja71: 32— R31Ja71:31 adv. land for sale, 28Ag46: 31 Burch, Mr., of Md. , PD25Ap71: 32 — R2My71: 33 George, Capt. , of the Elizabeth and Mary,30S37:41 Thomas, R8Ag66: 32 William, commissioner of customs, PD19N67: 21, PD10D67: 21, PD24D67: 23, PD28S69sl3 Burchell, William, deserter, 24Ap52: 21 Burcher, Elizabeth, Mrs. , PD2Ja72: 32 John, PD2Ja72: 32 Burchet, James, deserter, P14N77: 33 Burchett, William, CI 5My79: 32 Burchmore, Capt. , PD17S72: 13 of the Benistre, R21 Ja73: 31 Burch' s bridge, Va. , PD10c72: 23, PD20Ja74: 32 Burd, Andrew, PD26F67: 32 Burdet, Giles, R12J170: 43 Burdet, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , D16D75: 23 Burdett, Mr. , PHOc76: 32 Burdett, Christiana, 4S46: 32 John, 23Ja46:42,4S46:32 Burdett, William, & co. , PD11J166: 23 Burdett, Armston &, PD24S67: 21 Burdett & Grayland, PD18D66: 31 Burdett' s wharf, Accomac co. , Va. , P6S76:41--D7S76: 32 Burdock root, used to cure gravel, R22Mr70: 11 Burdon, William, Capt. , 14J138: 42 Bureau furniture, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 Bureaus, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD28J168: 23--R28J168: 31 See also Mahogany bureaus Burfoot, Lawson, PD23My66: 32, PD26Mr67: 31, PD29D68: 31 — R5Ja69: 32 Burford, Abraham, R22S68: 34 Anne, 17N52: 31 Daniel, D10J178: 41 James, PD23My71: 31 Wilton, PD12Mr 67: 13 Burford, Eng. , See Earthquakes in; Sweepstakes in Burford, British ship, 25Ja40: 2 H. M. S. , 22Je39: 12, 24Ja52: 22, D28Mr77: 61 Burge, Richard, R28Mr71: 42 Samuel, of Phila. , Pa. , P19Je78: 21 Burges, Capt. , captured by Spanish, 22Je39: 22 Miss, leaves N. Y. for London, PD13J169: 23 Edward, mariner, 23Mr39: 32 Burges, Fr. , See Jesuits banished from Jesuits college in Burgess, Capt. , of the Castor and Pollux, 4J145: 21 Anne, Mrs., death of, PD26D71: 23 Harry, sr. , composer, PD29Ag71: 31 Henry John, Rev. Mr. , adv. for missing books, PD23Ap72: 23 adv. for grammar school scholars, PD170c71: 23 adv. grammar school, PD13D70: 22 adv. household goods, PD2Ja72: 32 adv. slaves for sale, D17Ja77: 22 captured by British in Va. , D15My79: 22 death of wife, PD26D71: 23, D11N75:31 moderator of Isle of Wight co. , Va, , meeting, R28J174: 23 on Isle of Wight co. , Va. , committee of correspondence, Pi5Ja75: 32 preacher for clergy's relief fund, D16Ap79: 22, D15My79: 31 slave of,D21Mr77: 12--P28Mr77s: 23 John, PD7Ap74: 31--R7Ap74: 32 John M. , defends Md. militia, P6S76: 21 Joseph, Pi2Mr75: 33 Judith, Mrs., death of, D11N75: 31 Thomas, 12D55: 32 William, D210c75: 33 Burgess, Bashaw &, P12Je78: 12 Burges' s ordinary, PD10c72: 23— R80c72: 43 Dinwiddie co. , Va. , PD9J172: 32 Burgess's ordinary, Louisa co. , Va. , PD13Ja74: 33 Burgins, See Burgess, Henry John, Rev. Mr. Burglary, acquittals for, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD20Oc74: 23 — Pi20Oc74: 23 convictions for, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD18Ap71: 31 executions for, RUD66: 31, PD7N71: 22, PD2D73: 21— R2D73: 23, Pil2Ja75: 33, P12My75s21— D13My75: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , 6My37: 32, 1J137: 42, PD10Je73: 21--R10Je73: 33, PD4N73: 21, PD16D73: 22— R16D73: 41, PD20Oc74: 23 — Pi20Oc74: 23, Pi20Ap75: 31 — P21Ap75s42, Pil5Je75: 31 — P16Je75s23,D30Oc78: 31 — P30Oc78: 32 in London, Eng. , PD8Mr70: 23 slaves convicted of, 12Mr52: 22 slaves sentenced for, in York co, , Va. , 7Mr51: 31 trials for,R14D69: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , 210c37: 32, PD220C72: 21— R220c72: 22, PD22Ap73: 31— R22Ap73: 33, PD10Je73: 21— R10Je73: 33, PD210c73: 21--R210c73: 21, PD210c73: 22— R210c73: 21, PD21Ap74: 23,R9Je74: 22— PD16Je74: 21, Pi20Ap75: 31 — P21Ap75s42--D22Ap75: 31, P270c75: 13, P18Ap77sll, PD18Ap77sl2 Burgoyne, [John], Gen. , accused of paying Indians, D12S77: 12— P12S77: 21 accuses Germaine in Commons, D19F79: 12 address (text) to Commons, D3Je75: 13 arrives in Boston, Mass. ,D10Je75: 31, Pil5Je75: 23, P16Je75s22, Pi22Je75: 32, D30S75:11 arrives in Cambridge, Mass. , D19D77:11 — P12D77:21 arrives in Canada, P27 Je77: 23 arrives in England, DllAp77: 32— PllAp77sl2 arrives in London, Eng. , D30Mr76: 21 arrives in Quebec, Can. , P12J176sll, D110c76:41 at Fort Edward, N. Y. ,D29Ag77: 12 at Sorel, Can. ,D20J176:41 attacked by St. Clair, D8Ag77: 12 — P8Ag77: 22 attack on Boston, Mass. , planned, D23My77: 21 attack on Va. and Md. planned, P30My77: 21 attitude of ministry toward, D160c78: 32— P160c78: 21 builds ships at St. John's, Can., D180c76: 12--P180c76: 21 claims Lake Champlain for British, PHOc76: 23 commands British at Bunker Hill, D22J175: 33 — P22J175s23 complains of treatment of Brit. prisoners, D30c77: 12 convention (text) with Gates, D7N77: 21 — P7N77sl2 death at battle of Bunker Hill rumored, P21J175s33, D22J175: 33— P22J175s23 death reported, P6D76: 23, D26S77: 22, D17J179: 21 defeats Continental army at Three Rivers, Can. , P5J176: 22 — D6J176: 82 defends conduct of Brit, army at Bunker Hill, D8Je76: 42 defends surrender at Saratoga, D12Mr79: 11 denies rewarding Indians for scalps, D30c77: 21 departs for England, P3Ja77sl3 describes battle of Bunker Hill, Pi6D75:21— D9D75: 12 discontinues reward for scalps, P26S77: 12 embarks for America, D27My75: 22 eulogizes Gen. Montgomery in Commons, D20J176: 11 expedition to Quebec, Can. , DHOc76:31 explains loyalty to Brit, army, Pil7Ag75: 12— P18Ag75: 32— D19Ag75:41 favors reconciliation with colonies, D16Mr76: 23 in command in Quebec, Can. , D1N76: 21 in London, Eng. , P3My76: 22— D4My76: 31 in N. Y. , P30Ag76: 21— D31Ag76: 12 in Quebec, Can. ,D22N76: 31, D4J177: 71 instructions to,D26Ag75: 11 juncture with Howe rumored, P18J177: 22 leaves wounded to Gates' protection, D310c77: 12 letter (text) from Clinton, D7N77: 21 — P7N77sll letter from Gen. Lee reprinted, PU3J175: 21— D15J175:11, Pil7Ag75: 21--P18Ag75: 42— D19Ag75: 42 letter from Gen. Lee quoted, P5Ja76: 11— D6Ja76: H--Pi6Ja76: 11 letter to Lee answered, D2S7 5: 11 negotiates for peace, P29Mr76: 21 offers protection to Tories, D29Ag77: 21 opinion of Americans, Pi2N75: 32 — 157 Burgoyne, [John], Gen. , opinion of Americans (cont'd) D11N75:23 ordered to America, P5My75s42, D6My75: 31 orders (text) to Lt. Col. Baum (Bern), D5S77: 11--P5S77: 13.D19S77: 11, D19S77: 12 parole to England rumored, D24Ap78: 21 plans to retake Canada, P14Ja76: 11 poetry on, PlMy78s21 praised in Commons, P20Mr78: 22 prepares for attack on Ticonderoga, P4J177: 21 proposes compromise to Gen. Lee, Pi3Ag75: 33--D5Ag75: 32 reinforces British in Can. .D13J176: 62 reported wounded at Stillwater, N. Y. , D240c77: 12 reports events leading to surrender, D8My78:41,D15My78: 11 reports on Continental army to Brit, ministry, D30Mr76: 31 reports on duties in East Indies, R17Je73sl3 reports on war in America, D3F76: 12 reports surrender to Howe,D28N77: 11 requests conference with Gen. Lee, Pi3Ag75: 31--P4Ag75pll requests investigation of Saratoga surrender, D29My79: 12 retires to Saratoga, N. Y. , P26S77: 13 retreats in Can. , P30Ag76: 21-- D31Ag76: 12 return to England rumored, P22D75: 31, D23D75: 31, P3Ap78: 21 return to U. S. demanded by Washington, D29My79: 21 returns to Eng. , D20Ja76: 21, D25Ap77: 21 returns to Quebec, Can. , P22N76: 23 rumors about health of, Pil7Ag75: 32-- D19Ag75: 31 sails for Eng. ,D30D75: 33 sent resolutions of Continental congress, P9Ag76: 32--D10Ag76: 42 speech of to be used as propaganda, Pil5Je75: 31--P16Je75s23 — D17Je75sl2 surrenders to Americans, D310c77: Il--P310c77: 22, D310c77: 12--P310c77: 22, D7N77: 22--P310c77: 23,D16Ap79: 21 taken prisoner at Saratoga, D14N77:21--P14N77: 21 to America from Spithead, Eng. , D10Ag76: 22 to Canada, P21Je76: 13, D29Je76: 21, D23My77: ll--P23My77: 21 to command Brit, army in Quebec, P26J176: 23--D29J176: 52 to embark for America, D27My75: 21 to join Clinton and Cornwallis in N. Y. , P23Ag76: 22--D24Ag76: 31 to Quebec, Can. , P24My76: 11-- D25My76: 31 , D29J176: 51 , D40c76: 62 to return to America rumored, D8Je76: 31 to return to England, P12Ja76: 23 to R.I. ,D8My78: 52--P8My78sll to U. S. , D20Je77: ll--P20Je77: 21 troops embark for Boston, Mass. , D6Ja76: 22 uses flat bottomed boats to America, P19J176: 12 — D20J176: 11 wants command in Canada, P21Je76: 11 wounded in battle at Stillwater, N. Y. , D10Oc77: ll--P10Oc77: 21 Burgoyne, Fr. naval vessel, D28Ag79: 21 Burgundy, France, See Accidents in Burgundy, produced in France, PD18Mr73: 31 Burgwin, Major, bravery of in defense of Savannah, Ga. , P5Ap76: 31 Burgwins, Mr. , of Wilmington, N. C. , R21F71:31 Burials, statistics on, HMr37: 31 in Boston, Mass. ,24F38: 31, PD22F70: 12 Burk, Capt. , of the Warren, D24Ag76: 22, D110c76: 21 Hannah, captured by Shawanese, 22D74: 33 Henry, PD13S70: 32--R13S70: 32 James, alias of Thomas Brown, PD9N69: 22, R9N69: 23, R30N69: 23 John, R23Ag70: 32--PD30Ag70: 41, PD30Ap72: 31, P26Ap76: 22 Mary, capture of Indians by, Pi22D74: 33 Patrick, daughter adv. for, Pi22D74: 33 indentured servant, HMr37: 42, D310c77: 22 Richard, 110c51: 32, 170c51: 31 Thomas, PD21S69: 32, PD14D69: 31, P26Ap76: 22 alias of Thomas Brown, R190c69: 33 William, P12D77: 33 Burke, Alexander, R30N69: 33 Edanus,R22Mr70:32 Edmund, accused of being Junius, PD12Mr72: 13 addressed (text) by Continental congress, PD22D74: 12 agent for N. Y. , PD28Mr71: 23, R30My71: 22 approves American revolution, P4Ap77: ll--DHAp77: 12 author, PD28Mr71: 43,DllF75s23 comments on Amer. revolution, P22Ag77: 11 conciliation speech (text) of, PilOAg75: ll,D2Mr76: 22 criticizes conduct of revolution, P20Mr78: 22 discusses East India co. , RllMr73: 22 discusses cost of Revolutionary war in Commons, D29J176: 11 discusses letters of colonial governors, Pil3Ap75: 32 discusses military policy in Commons, D40c76: 11 eulogizes Gen. Montgomery in Commons, D20J176: 11 favored by British ministry, R25Mr73: 12 opposes Boston port bill, PD9Je74: 11 opposes Brit, ministry, P31Mr75: 11 opposes Brit, colonies, PD27S70: 13 opposes encouragement of wool manufacturers in Eng. , P9Je75: 23 opposes Lord North, PD4Ag74: 21, D31Ag76: 11--P13S76: 12 opposes petition of N. S. in Commons, P8Mr76: 22--D9Mr76: 21 opposes Quebec act, R18Ag74: 22, R18Ag74: 31,Pil30c74: 13 pamphlet criticized, PD27S70: 13 plan of reconciliation kept from public, D2Mr76: 22 poem on, PD13Ag67: 22 poetry to, Pi23Mr75: 32 popular support of, PilOAg75: 33-- PllAg75pl3--D12Ag75: 32 praised in Gt. Brit. , R23Mr69: 23 prepares Stamp act repeal bill, PD2My66: 11 presents address of N. Y. , D22J175: 41 presents N. Y. petition, D15J175: 32, P21J175: 21 presents petition from merchants of Bristol, Eng. , Pil3Ap75: 31-- P14Ap75sl3--D15Ap75: 23 proposes conciliation with colonies, P19My75: 22 refuses to be colonial agent, PD9My71: 11 remarks on conciliation, D8My78: 41-- P8My78sll replies to Lord North, PDUAg74: 21-- R18Ag74: 13 reports on Brit, trade, D[250c?]76: 52-- P250c76: 11 secretary to Marquis of Rockingham. R9F69:22,R24F69sl3 speaks for Americans, D3F76: 13-- P26Ja76: 23 speaks on Mass. government act, PD14J174: 12 speaks on Quebec act, PD8S74: 12 speech (text) favoring Brit, colonies, Pi22D74: 31 speech (text) in parliament, PD27Je71: 21 speech (text) on America, PD30Ag70: 12 speech (text) opposing Boston port bill, R4Ag74: 23 supports colonial agents' petition, P14Ap75s21--D15Ap75: 23 supports Brit, colonies, N. Am. , R23F69: 21. PD23F69: 31-- R24F69s21, PD25My69: 21 R19J170: 21, PD21F71: 13--R21F71: 31, PD18J171: 21, R19My74: 32, PD9Je74: 13, P17F75sll,D18F75: 23, P3Mr75: 31--D4Mr75: 21, D25Mr75: 21, P14Ap75sll — D15Ap75: 22, P28Ap75s31-- D29Ap75s23, Pi4My75: 23, P19My75: 23, P26My75: 13-- D27My75:22,P2Je75:21, D15J175:32,P21J175: 12 supports conciliation with colonies, P16F76: 22--D17F76: 31 supports merchants' petition to George III, P16F76: 11 supports peace with U. S. ,D17J178: 11 supports religious toleration, R20My73: 11 supports Stamp act repeal, PD25Ap66:23 supports John Wilkes, PD17Je73: 22-- R17Je73: 21.PD1J173: 23 to propose plan for conciliation, D17F76:32 toasted by Continental congress, PD60c74: 23--Pi60c74: 32 toasted by N. Y. Sons of Liberty, PD13Ap69: 22 toasted by Philadelphia Sons of St. Patrick, PD13Ap69: 23 toasted in N. Y. , D13J176: 42 toasted in Princess Anne co. , Va. , R4Ag74: 12 158 Burnley writes Junius letters rumored, PD14Je70: 22 writes political pamphlet, PD240c71: 12 John, 210c37: 22, 210c37: 32 Thomas, PD20Ap69s21, PD23My71: 23, DllMr75:32 adv. as notary public, PD14D69: 31 — R14D69: 23 attorney for Cornelius Calvert, PD9Ja72: 31 deposition concerning Lewis Hansford, R20Ap69: 22 lawyer of Norfolk, Va. , R20Ap69: 21 reply to essay by, R24D67: 11 William, opposes Quebec act, Pil30c74: 11 Burke, H. M. schooner, PD8Je69: 22 Burkenson, Caleb, PD7S69: 42 Burkitt, William, author, PD18J171: 23, PDlAg71: 41, PD8Ag71: 41, PD17S72: 21, PD10Je73: 31 Burks, James, convict servant, PDUe69: 32 Philemon, deserter, D12Mr79: 32 Richard, PD22D68: 32 Samuel, P16F76sl3, D24F76: 32— PlMr76: 41 Burk's bridge, Caroline co. , Va. , 27Ag56:41,R31My70: 41, R31Ja71: 23--PD31Ja71: 33, PD18Je72:32,R10F74:42, PD60c74: 32--Pi60c74: 33, P19S77:23 Burleigh, baron of [Robert Balfour], letter to son reprinted, DllMr75: 21 Lord, precepts reprinted, 30Ja52: 22 Elizabeth, Mrs. , 20Mr52: 22 Burler, Capt. , 20Je45: 32 Burlesques, on newspapers, PD2Ap67: 11, PDl6Ap67: 13, PD17D67: 11,PD17D67: 13 Burley, Mr., of Ga. , P160c78: 41 Burlington, N. J. , oyer and terminer court, criminals tried in, PD22Ag66: 21 See also Illuminations in; Indians murdered in; Stamp act repeal celebrated in; Wagons, safety, invented in Burlington co. , N. J. , See Executions for murders in Burlington, H. M. S. , 10c36: 31 Burlington plantation, on Appomattox river, Va. , PD23J167: 32 — R23J167: 31 Burn, Capt. , of the Nassau, 2F39: 22 Mr., of Charleston, S. C. , R26J170: 13 Francis, convict servant. 24Ap46: 42 James, convict servant, R22Mr70: 22 Burn, John, author, D25N75: 11, D30D75: 11.D24F76: 43,D2Mr76: 41, D9Mr76: 41, D25Mr76: 43, D24Ag76: 51,D20D76: 41, D3Ja77: 41, D17Ja77: 41, D2My77: 81, D4J177:81,D11D79: 22 Michael, indentured servant, 3N52: 21 Patrick, convict servant, PD23J172: 33 Philip, convict servant, 18Je52: 22 Samuel, sentenced for gouging, PD8N70: 22 Burnaby, Capt. , of the Dashwood, D2Ap79: 11 Burnes. surgeon's mate,D13J176: 62 Burnet, Capt. , of the Boyne, PD5S71: 31--R5S71: 23, PD2S73: 12 — R2S73: 13 Ensign, of 6th Va. regiment, D10Ag76: 62 Mr. , pseudonym of Thomas Bell, 16N39: 21 Betsey, marriage of, PD5My74: 22 Burnet, [Gilbert], Bp. , author, 24My51:32,PD25F68:41, PD29N70: 21, PD13D70: 42, PD25J171: 41, PDlAg71: 42, PD8Ag71: 42, PD29Ag71: 33 extract from quoted, PD27Je71: 11 History of his own times quoted, PD1D68: 11 letter to Charles H quoted, 21Mr51: 21 remarks on gentry, Pi23F75: 11 Gilbert, Mrs., author, PD18J171: 31, PDlAg71: 42 Godfrey, deserter, D12Mr79: 32 Joseph, deserter, D12Mr79: 32 Martha, death of, PD11F73: 22 Matthias, at College of N. J. , PD290c72: 12, PD290c72: 13 Thomas, deserter, 2S57: 42 William, gov. of Mass. , PD18Mr73: 22 Burnett, Isaac, PD9N69: 31 James, Pi6Ja76: 32 James, jr. ,R13S70:32 Joseph, PD1 5 Je69: 32 Leonard, acquitted of murder, PD22Ap73: 31 — R22Ap73: 33 Burney, Mr. , 270c52: 11 Burnham, Capt. , PD12N72: 21 Solomon, indentured servant, PD8D74: 31--D14Ja75: 42— Pil5D74:33 Burning, for arson in Poughkeepsie, N. Y. ,P3Mr75s22 for sedition in Charleston, S. C. , P15S75s21 of slaves, for murder, 25F37: 41 Burning at stake, for arson in St. John, Antigua, PD2N69: 12 for murder, in Beaufort co. , N. C. , R6S70: 13 in Charleston, S. C. , PD24Ag69: 21 in Ely, Eng. ,3F38: 31 for plotting insurrection, in Jamaica, PDUAp71: 21 for slave revolt in Honduras, PD4N73: 21--R4N73: 23 for treason in Maidstone, Eng. , PD28S69: 11 Negroes punished by, in Montserrat, W. I. , PD9Je68: 23--R9Je68: 31 Burning in the back, as punishment for slaves, Pi20J175: 33 Burning in the hand, 4N37: 42, HMy39: 42, 17Ag39: 32, 7N45: 31, 2My51: 41, 24My51:41 for felony, 16Je38: 32, 50c39: 32, 2N39: 41, R26S71: 32, R8Ap73: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , 5N36: 42, 3N38: 61, 14D39: 31, 9My51: 32, 13Je51: 32, 12D51: 32, 12Je52: 21, 15D52: 31, 7N54: 22, 9My55: 21, 14N55: 22, PD18D66: 23, PD12N67; 21, PD12My68: 23--R12My68: 21, PD15D68: 23--R15D68: 21, PDllMy69s: 33--RllMy69: 32, PD15Je69: 31, PD8N70: 22, PD13D70: 22--R13D70: 23, PD9My71: 31 — R9My71: 33, PD12D71: 31, Pi20Ap75: 31 — P21Ap75s42 for forging, 2N39: 41 for gouging, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD8N70: 22 for grand larceny. P14N77: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PDllMy69s33-- RllMy69: 32, PD7My72: 23, PD6My73: 22--R6My73: 23, PD4N73: 21, PD16Je74: 21 — R9Je74: 22, PD20Oc74: 23 — Pi20Oc74: 23, Pi20Ap75: 31 — P21Ap75s42--D22Ap75: 31 for larceny, in Williamsburg, PD5My74: 22, P18Ap77sl2, P8Ag77: 23 for maiming, PD7N71: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD7My72: 23 for manslaughter, PD270c74: 31 — Pi270c74: 31 in Boston, Mass. , PD3Ja71: 13, PD17Ja71: 12--R17Ja71: 12 in Williamsburg, Va. , 14D39: 31, 9My51: 32, 12D51: 32, 14N55: 22, 4N63: 21, PDllMy69s33— RllMy69: 32, PD15Je69: 31, PD13D70: 22--R13D70: 31, PD4N73: 21, PD16D73: 22 — R16D73: 41, PD5My74: 22, R9Je74: 22— PD16Je74: 21, PD270c74: 31--Pi270c74: 31, Pi20Ap75: 31 — P21Ap75s42— D22Ap75: 31, P270c75: 13, P24Ja77: 22, P18Ap77sll for petty larceny, PD12D71: 31 for robbery, 9My51: 32 in N. Y. , PD26Ag73: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , 17Je37: 32, 4My39:41,P24Ja77: 23 for stealing, in Lancaster co. , Va. , D6Ja76: 33 in N. Y. ,PD17Ag69: 13 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD5N72: 32 for theft, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD10Je73: 21— R10Je73: 33, PD15D74: 31 — Pil5D74: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. ,D26Mr79: 22 on slaves, PD29Ap73: 31 with a cold iron, in Williamsburg, Va. , 14D39: 31 Burnish, Capt. , of the Blandford, 15S38:41 Burnit, James, PD240c66: 31 Burnley, Col. , P5J176p23 Mr. ,R31My70: 23 store of, DlAp80: 22 Garland, Lt. , P5J176p23 Hardin, PD170c71: 32, PD26D71: 23, PD16S73: 31, PD12My74pll, PD2Je74: 31 Hardin (Harden), jr. , PD14Ja68: 32, PD26D71: 23, PDllAg74: 33, C19F80: 11--D19F80: 33, C19F80:12— D19F80:31 Harding, PD1N70: 31— R8N70: 31 Harding, sr. , R19Ap70: 33 — PD19Ap70: 32 James, PD27N66: 23 John, adv. finding horse, PD12N67: 23 adv. for runaway slaves, PD19Ag73: 21, PD280c73: 31 adv. for ship for charter, PD19N72: 22, D18Mr75: 11 159 , Burnley, John (cont'd) adv. machines for bolting flour, PD25Ag74: 31 adv. slaves for sale, PD29J173: 31 announces departure, P130c75: 23 merchant at Hanover, Va. , PD16S73: 31 John, Capt. , of the Success, R12My63: 21 Richard, P19Je78: 11 acquitted of Toryism, P5J176p21 adv. cloth and wine for sale. P31Ja77: 23--D7F77: 32 adv. for missing horses, P19J176: 42— D20J176: 42 adv. for ship for charter, D18Mr75: 11 adv. for ships and seamen, D20D76: 22— P20D76s: 22 adv. machines for bolting flour, PD25Ag74: 31 adv. merchandise for sale, P14F77: 42 adv. ordinary for sale, C28Ag79: 32— D28Ag79: 12 adv. stallion for hire, D26Mr79: 31, C13My80: 32 attorney for John Burnley, P130c75: 23 merchant at Hanover, Va. , PD16S73: 31 of S. C. , D1N76: 41--P8N76: 42 Zachariah, R170c71: 42 adv. finding boar, PD11F73: 31 adv. finding horse, P270c75: 31 adv. stallion for hire, DllAp77: 61, PllAp77s32 adv. stills for sale, P24Ja77: 31 burgess from Orange co. , Va. , PD26D71: 23 on committee for Orange co. , Va. , D28Ja75: 23, P19My75s33 Zachariah, Major, R1D68: 22, PD80c72: 32--R80c72: 32 Burnley & Braikenridge, PD23My66: 31 adv. for blacksmith, PD7N71: 23 adv. for bookkeeper, PD17S71: 31 adv. for cargo and slaves for sale, PD8S68: 31 adv. imported slaves for sale, PDllAg68:31 adv. slaves for sale, PD24My70: 32— R31My70: 43, PD14My72: 23, PD30J172: 31 announces withdrawal as factors of Weare & co. , PD10S72: 22 bond given to, PD12My74pll partnership dissolved, PD2Je74: 31 request payment for slaves, PD23Mr69: 33 Burnly, Hardin, refused admittance to Va. , D6N78: 31 Hardin, jr. , PD21D69: 11--R28D69: 11 Burnn, Samuel, guilty of gouging, PD25Oc70: 22 Burns, Capt. , in British navy, P28Mr77sl3 David, D29J176: 42 Edward, deserter, 24Ap52: 21 Elizabeth, Tory, D24Ag76: 22 James, deserter, D12Mr79: 32 John, PD16J172: 32, P15D75: 33, D24Ag76: 22 Burns, cure for, PD14J168: 32 Burnt island, Scot. , See Linen manufactures decrease in; Prices in; Unemployment in Burnt ordinary, Va. , PD10S72: 32 Burr, Capt. , of the Hound. PD30Ap72: 13 of the Milford, DHOc76: 21, D14Mr77: 21 prisoner of war in New York City, P19J176: 21 Aaron, at College of N. J. , PD290c72: 12, PD290c72: 13 John, death of, PD22Ag71: 32 Peter, PD2F69: 31 Thaddeus, Pi28Ap75s22— D29Ap75s32, D15J175: 21, P15S75: 22- P16S75: 22 Burrage. John, indentured servant, R3Ag69: 31 Burrel, Col. , in Dechambeau, Can. , P31My76: 22--DUe76: 21 John, mutineer, PD5S71: 23— R5S71: 22 Burrill, Ezra, of Salem, Mass. , PD270c74: 21 Nathan, jr. , of Norwalk, Conn. , PD25Mr73: 23— R25Mr73: 22 Burrington, George, Gov. , of N. C. , 15Oc36:31,10F38: 32 Burrish, Capt. , of the Cape Coast, 13Je45: 21 George, of the Blandford, 25Ja40: 2 Burrley, Harding, 10N52: 31 Burrough, John, Capt. , of the Four Brothers, PD7S69: 31, PD7Je70: 31 Richard, PDllAp66: 33 Burrow, Henry, 30N59: 41 James. PD12Mr67: 13 Burrows, Capt. , D20c79: 21 of the Sarah, 20Oc38: 31 of the Washington, D12Je79: 31 George, 16Ag51: 32 John, PD80c72: 31 Burrstones, French, for sale, in Liverpool, Eng. ,R3My70: 41, R2My71:31,R280c73:41 in Tappahannock, Va. , PD15Ap73: 23 in Berkeley co. , Va. , PD16Je74: 23— R16Je74: 31 in Frederick co. , Va. , PD16Je74: 23-- R16Je74: 31 near Falmouth, Va. , P310c77: 23 Burrus, Edmond, D26Je79: 32 Burruss, Jacob, PD2My66: 21 Burslem, Eng. , See Anecdotes from Burt, Alexander, PD7J174: 31 Elizabeth, PD20Oc74: 32 George, deserter, P13Je77: 13 Harwood,D12F79:42 John, Rev. Mr. , death of, Pi9N75: 21 Matthew, 26S55: 32, PD30Mr69: 33 Philip, PD16Ap67: 32, PD22D68: 33 Richard, D30Oc78: 41 Vincent, PD24S72: 22 William Matthew, D7Mr77: 21 Burton, Capt. , of the Industry, R17Je73s22 of the Liberty, PD210c73: 21 of the Myrtle, D16Mr76: 23 Col. , company of, 9My55: 21 Abraham, 8My52: 32, PD17S72: 23 Allen, PD240c66: 31 Benjamin, land of, 4N63: 23 Charles, P12D77: 32, D11S79: 32 Burton, Charles, Capt. , P27Je77: 13, P310c77: 31 Charles, jr. , PD19J170: 33, PD20S70: 33 George. R4D66: 23 Huchins, tobacco of, R14Ap68: 24 Isaiah, PI lAg75: 41 James, P31My76: 32 James, Lt. , recruiting officer, P230c78: 11 Jesse, R15N70: 22, R220c72: 32 John, adv. finding cow, PD29Ap73: 31 adv. finding horse, R80c72: 31 adv. for deserter, P19S77: 13 adv. for missing horse, Pi20D75: 42 adv. for runaway slave, PllAp77: 23 adv. land for sale, R16S73: 33, D12D77:21— P12D77:31 announces departure, R23Mr69: 32 burgess from Northampton co. , Va. , PD28S69: 23, R9N69: 11, PD19D71: 22 delegate, to Va. convention, D25F75: 31,DlAp75:21 letter to, in post office, PD3Mr68: 31 of Antigua, PD12Ag73: 31 on committee for rebating damaged tobacco, RlAg71: 11 on Northampton co. , Va. , committee of observation, Pil9Ja75: 21 — D4F75: 32 John, Capt. , of the Prince Frederic, 23My55: 21 Julian, R6F72: 41 Julius, PD29Je69: 33, R20Je71: 41 Margaret, marriage of, R4F68: 22 Martha, R10Je73sl2 Martin, of Henrico co. , Va. , DllF75s22,P24N75: 13 Mary, P15S75: 33 May,D230c79: 32 Robert, adv. for runaway convict servants, PD15Ap73: 32 adv. for runaway slave, PD3S72: 31 adv. goods taken from slave, PD17F74: 31 adv. stallion for hire, D9Ap79: 32 agent of James M'Dowall, PD21My72: 23 announces departure, P19Ja76: 41 — D20Ja76: 42 author, 24My51: 32 delegate from Mecklenburg co. , Va. , PilJe75: 11 — P2Je75: 23— D3Je75: 33 delegate to Va. convention, DlAp75: 21 letter (text) from Brisbane, D13N79: 12 on committee for Mecklenburg co. , Va. , PilJe75: 11 — P2Je75: 23 D3Je75: 33 requests payment of debts due, Speirs, Bowman & co. , PD15Ap73: 31 sells shoes, PDl2My74pll store of, PD30My71: 23 subscriber to meeting, of merchants, PD30Je74: 23 trustee for Archibald M'Kendrick, Pi20Ap75: 32— D22Ap75: 31 Robert, Col. , PllAp77: 23 of N. C. ,D5Je79:32 Richard, P27S76: 22 Sarah, PD31Mr68: 22 Stratton, R27F72: 41 Thomas, PD17Mr74: 32, D22My79: 42 Walthall, P27S76: 22 William, accuses Mr. Murdoch of Toryism, P24My76: 32 adv. finding horse, P25J177: 41 horse of, 16Ag51: 32 marriage of daughter, R4F68: 22 requests payment of debts, 11J151: 42 160 Burwell signs address to Gov. Hutchinson, PD23Je74: 12 store of, 5Mr52: 31, 60c52: 32 William, Capt. , land of, R220c72: 32 William Allen. P15S75: 33 Burton & Ellis, tobacco merchants, 270cC2:31 Burton & Owen, tobacco merchants, C3J179: 33 Burton barb, horse, D18Mr80: 33 Burton beer, for sale, in Yorktown, Va. ,4J145:42 Burton's ferry, D8Ag77: 31 Burton's ordinary, D12D77: 21 — P12D77: 31 Burton upon Trent, Eng. , See. Storms in Burwell, Col. , 22Je39: 32 ferry of, PD25Ap66: 31, PD7S69: 31 — R7S69: 32, PD7F71: 23, PDl9My74: 43 horse of, D9Ap79: 31, DlAp80: 23 mill of, PD80c67: 21, R11F68: 33 plantation of, PD17S72: 31 ship at, 23N39: 31 slave of, 7Ag52: 32,D12Mr79: 31 Mr. , Pi23N75: 33--P24N75s22, P27Mr78: 31,D26Mr79: 31, C27N79: 21--D11D79: 22 Mrs. , PD8S74: 32 Alice, PD26D71: 23 Anne, P10N75: 42, D30Oc79: 31, D20N79: 22 Armistead, 15My46: 42 adv. for missing horse, 27Mr46: 42, 24Ja51:42 adv. land for sale, 13F52: 41, 24Ap52: 31 adv. plantation for rent, 5D51: 41 burgess from Williamsburg, Va. , 10Ja52:32,27F52:32 death of, D28Ja75: 22 Betsey, PD11J171: 22 Carter, adv. for bricklayers, 29Ag51: 32 adv. for oyster shells, 7F51: 32 adv. settlement of estate, 6Je45: 41 burgess from James City co. , Va. , 10Ja52: 32, 27F52: 32, 12D55: 22 death of daughter of, R30N69: 23 manager of lottery, 5S55: 32 marriage of, 6Ja38: 42 marriage of daughter of, P13S76: 31 — D21S76: 22 posts land, PD16D73: 23 settlement of estate of, P16Ag76: 33 — D17Ag76: 22 Carter, Col. , 17Ap46: 42, R4Ag68: 31, P8Mr76: 31 Carter, jr. , P8Mr76: 31 Christian, Mrs. , R27J169: 23 Elizabeth, 10F38: 31, 10Oc45: 22, PD8Mr70: 21 James, P10N75: 42 adv. for missing horse, PD14Ap68: 32 — R14Ap68: 24 adv. for runaway slave, PD15S68: 31 — R15S68: 24, PD7Mr71: 33 — R7Mr71: 33 adv. land for sale, PD21Mr71: 32— R31Mr71:33 death of, P28Ap75: 22--D29Ap75s33 estate of, for sale, PD240c71: 32, P130c75: 23--D140c75: 33, D30D75: 23 — P5Ja76: 42 land of, R18J171: 33--PD25J171: 23, Pi29S74: 41--PD29S74: 33 land of, for sale, PD14N71: 22— R21N71: 32, PD70c73: 22— R70c73: 23, P10Oc77: 31 — D170c77: 22, D230c79: 31 slave of, P22Mr76: 33 wife of,D30Oc79:31 John, P30Ag76: 31 adv. for missing horses, R7D69: 31 adv. land for sale, PD18Ap71: 32-- R2My71: 32 adv. plantation for sale, P18Ap77: 32 house of, R260c69: 41 marriage of, PD5D71: 31 signs treasury notes, P5J176: 32 — D6J176: 52 John, Capt. , C30Oc79: 23 Judith, Mrs. , P12S77: 31 Lewis, R190c69sl3, PD18Ap71: 32 — R2My71: 32, PD8S74: 32, D29Ag77: 31 — P29Ag77: 12 adv. estate for sale, PD240c71: 32 adv. ferry for rent, PD2S73: 23 adv. for bids for buildings, PD4Ap66: 33, PD3S72: 22 adv. for lost merchandise, PD21My72: 22 adv. for missing horse, PD30J172: 33, P10Ja77: 43 adv. for owners of stolen ship, 16My51: 32 adv. for runaway slaves, 21Ap38: 42, PD11F68:31--R11F68:33, PD3Ag69: 33--R17Ag69: 33, R3Ag69: 32, PD170c71: 32, PD8S74: 32, DlMy79: 32— C15My79:43 adv. for weaver, P29Ag77: 12 adv. land for sale, R23J167: 32, R19Ja69: 31, PD21Mr71: 32— R21Mr71: 33, R18J171: 33— PD25J171: 23, PD14N71: 22— R21N71: 32, PD21N71: 22--R21N71:31, PD70c73: 22--R70c73: 23, Pi29S74: 41--PD29S74: 33, P10Oc77: 31--D170c77: 22, P3Ap78: 31 adv. lot for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD19N67: 22 adv. merchandise for sale, 2S57:31 adv. plantations for rent, R24N68: 23 adv. plantation for sale, PD16S73: 31— R16S73: 33 adv. property for sale, PD30c71: 32— R170c71:41 adv. settlement of estate, 1S38: 41 adv. slaves for sale, PD15F70: 23— R15F70:31,P19Ja76:33 adv. stallion for hire, P18Ap77: 32, D19Mr79: 31 announces quitrent regulations, 17Ja51:31 appointed delegate to Va. convention, R28J174: 23 appoints Robert Carter Nicholas to collect accounts, HAp51: 41 audits treasurer's accounts, R30Je68: 31, R12Ja69: 31, PD29Je69: 32, R1071: 32, R24Je73: 31, R30D73: 32 Burgess from Gloucester co. , Va. , PDllMy69s41,R9N69: 11 Burgess from James City co. , Va. , PDllMy69s41,R9N69: 11 considers Indian treaty, 8Ag51: 31 contributes to relief fund for clergymen's widows and orphans, D15My79: 31 death of,D19Mr79: 22 death of son of,D28Ja75: 22 delegate from Gloucester co, , Va. , Pi9Mr75: 33,DlAp75: 21, Pi28Ap75: 32 — P28Ap75s42— D29Ap75s33, P19My75: 33, P25Ap77: 22 elected burgess from Gloucester co. , Va. , PD1D68: 31 — R1D68: 21, PD14S69: 31— R21S69: 23. PD5D71: 31, PD21J174p23— R21J174: 32 elected burgess from James City co. , Va. , PD24N68: 31--R24N68: 22, PD14S69: 31 — R14S69: 22, PD5D71: 31 elected to committee for Mecklenburg co. , Va. , PilJe75: 11— P2Je75: 23— D3Je75: 33 entail on land docked, 24S36: 32, PD18Mr73: 23— R18Mr73: 31 examines treasury, R29Je69: 31 greets Cherokee emissaries, 16Ag51:22 horses of, PD25Ap66: 31, PD16My66: 23, P21N77: 33--D28N77: 32, D8My79: 31 — C15My79: 42 instructions to as burgess from James City co. , PD30Oc66: 12 invites Cherokees to attend William and Mary, 16Ag51: 31 joins Association in Va. , R27J169: 23 land of, R19N72: 41, PD18N73: 23, P10J178: 12 marriage of, 290c36: 41 marriage of daughter of, PD11J171: 22 mill quarter of, P10J178: 13 negotiates trade agreement with Cherokees, l6Ag51: 31 obtains pardon for slave, P10Mr75: 33 orders pardon for criminal, 16Ag51: 31 orders statue of Botetourt, PD25J171: 22 overseer of, PD2D73: 21--R2D73: 31 proclamations of, 28F51: 41, 7Mr51: 32, 24My51: 41, 25Ap51: 31, 170c51:31 prorogues general assembly, 4Ap51:41, 6Je51:32, 310c51: 22 refuses candidacy for James City, co. , Va. ,R14J174:31 requests payment of dues by co. court clerks, 310c51: 22, 22S52: 32 resigns as visitor of William and Mary college, P21Ap75s41 returns from medicinal springs, 27Je51: 32 statement of estate of, D9Ap79: 31 signs Va. Association, PD25My69: 12 slave of, P2Ag76: 32,D24Ag76: 41, P10J178: 13 volunteers for light dragoons, PlMy78: 22 Lewis, Col. , 17S36: 42, 27Mr46: 42, 15My46: 42, 16Ag51: 32, 12Je52: 22, 24J152: 32 accuses Peyton Skipwith, R26Ap70: 11 adv. finding horse, 6Je51: 32 adv. settlement of estate, 17Ap46: 42 horse of, PD5My68: 21, P10My76sl3, D21Mr77:ll--P21Mr77s22,P27Mr78:32 161 Burwell, Lewis, Col. (cont'd) in horse race in Williamsburg, Va. , PD270c68: 31 pasture of, 25Ap51: 41 proclamation of to apprehend runaway indentured servant, 11J151: 41 slave of, PD7My67: 33 takes orders for Madeira wine, 30N59: 32 widow of, 10Oc45: 22 Lewis, jr. , adv. cattle for sale, PD14Ja68: 32 adv. for ferry boat,D12Je79: 32 adv. for overseer, P21Ag78: 32 adv. for runaway slave, D26F79: 32 adv. land for sale, PD23J167: 32— R23J167: 33, PD22Ap73: 32, PD23Je74: 23--R30Je74: 33 adv. slaves for sale, PD7S69: 41— R7S69: 42 chosen to James City co. , Va. , committee, PD1D74: 23 — PilD74: 31 loses property, PD31Mr68: 31 — R31Mr68:33 marriage of, P12My75s21 security for Francis Willis, PD21Ap68: 31--R21Ap68: 21 Lewis, sr. , PD23Je74: 23--R30Je74: 33 Lucy (Grymes), marriage of, 6Ja38: 42 Lucy (Randolph), P12My75s21 Margaret, PDllAp66: 41,D3J179: 22 Mary, P7Mr77: 22, P10J178: 33 Mary (Blair) Braxton, Pi5Ja75: 32 Mary (Willis), 29My46: 31 Molly (Armistead), marriage of, PD24N74: 22 N. , Capt. , P27Mr78: 11, P3Ap78: 21 Nancy (Powell), PD5D71: 31 Nathaniel, P10Mr75: 33--DllMr75: 32 adv. estate for sale, PD240c71: 32 adv. finding horse, 18Ap55: 31 adv. finding steer, PD20N66: 31 adv. for bids for building causway, R12Ag73: 22 adv. for missing horse, 15My46: 42, PD10F74: 32,D29Ag77: 31 — P29Ag77: 12 adv. for runaway slaves, PD5D71: 32, PD13Ja74: 33 adv. horses for sale, PD10S72: 32 adv. land for sale, R18J171: 33, PD14N71: 22— R21N71: 32, PD13F72: 33, PD70c73: 22— R70c73: 23, PD21J174: 31, Pi29S74: 41— PD29S74: 33, P28F77s21, P28Mr77s23 adv. plantation for sale, PD16My71: 31-- R23My71: 33, PD7N71: 31 — R21N7L33 adv. settlement of estate, PD23J172: 32, P16Ag76: 33— D17Ag76: 22, D20N79: 22 awarded bachelor of arts degree, PD20Ag72: 23 clerk's notice, PD20Ag72: 31 deputy for James City co. , Va. , to Va. peninsula meeting, D16S7 5: 32 letter of, post office, PDllAp66: 41 marriage of, PD3D72: 22--R3D72: 22 member of committee, in Isle of Wight co. , Va. , Pi5Ja75: 32 slave of, R1J173: 33 unclaimed tobacco of, C27N79: 23 Nathaniel, Capt. , P3Qc77: 23, DllMr80: 32 Nathaniel, Col. , PilD74: 31 — PD1D74:23,D3J179:22 Nathaniel, jr. , P10Oc77: 31 — D170c77: 22 Nathaniel Bacon, 17D36: 42, lAp37: 41, 17Ap46: 42 Robert, adv. for bids for building brick church, R10Je73sll— PD17Je73: 33 adv. for missing horse, P10My76: 32— D18My76:31 adv. for runaway slave, PD18F73: 31 — R18F73:33 adv. land for sale, PD17S67: 22, PD2D73: 22— R2D73: 23 adv. plantation for sale, PD16My71: 31— R23My71: 33, PD7N71: 31 — R21N71: 33 burgess from Isle of Wight co. , Va. , 30Ja52: 32, 27F52: 32, 12D55: 22 death of, P14F77: 22 marriage of, Pi5Ja75: 32, D7Ja75: 23 property of for sale, PD30J172: 32 settlement of estate of, P14N77: 31 unclaimed tobacco of, C30Oc79: 31 Robert, Col. , R14Je70: 42 Robert, Mrs. , R8Mr70: 31 Sally, P13S76: 31— D21S76: 22 Suzannah (Grymes), marriage of, PD3D72: 22— R3D72: 22 Thacker, PD24N74: 22, PilJe75: 11 — P2Je75: 23— D3Je75: 33, D24F76: 32— PlMr76: 41, P10My76: 32, P20S76: 13 Burwell, ship, 17S36: 42, 11F37: 42, 19Ag37: 32, 8My52: 31, 22S52: 31, 14Mr55: 32, 28Mr55: 32, 26S55: 31, 3S56: 32, 2S57: 22, PD3S67: 22, R7J168: 22, PD7Ap68: 22, PD19My68: 21 Burwell' s ferry, Va. , PDllAp66: 33, PD18Ap66: 33, PD30My66: 31 — R30My66: 32, PD13Je66: 21, PD15Ja67: 32, PD7My67: 32, PD24D67: 32, PD18My69i 32, R15Je69: 32, R50c69: 31, PD7D69: 41, PD21D69: 23, RllOc70: 31, PD7F71: 23,PD12S71:31, PD17S71: 32, PD14N71: 22, PD5D71:32,R23Ap72:31, PD21My72: 23, PDllJe72: 31, PD18Je72: 32, PD12N72: 22, R19N72:42, PD11F73: 22, PD25Mr73: 32, PDlAp73: 33, PD29J173: 22, Pi5Ja75: 33--D7Ja75: 33, P24F75: 33, P17Mr75: 41— D18Mr75: 11, P21Ap75: 23— D22Ap75: 32, P26Ja76: 33,D6Ap76: 33, P19Ap76: 41, D24Ag76: 41, P20S76: 22— D21S76: 22, D2My77: 71, D10J178: 31, D24Ap79: 31,D22My79: 41 adv. of, PD15F70:42 British ships moored near, P3Mr75s23 cannonading of, Pi9N75: 32— P10N75:23--D11N75:31 for rent, PD16Mr69: 32, PD2S73: 23 horse-stealing at, PD6My73: 23 sale at, PD10Oc71: 31, PD240c71: 31, PD21N71: 22, PD19Ag73: 21, PD18N73: 22, P9My77: 41 skirmishes at described, P17N75: 13 slave works at, PD29Je69: 33 Burwell' s mill, Va. , P29Ag77: 42 Burwell's Traveller, horse, D9Ap79: 31 Bury, William, R10Mr68: 31 Bury St. Edmund's, Eng. , See Misers in Busbec, Edward, PD30J167: 41 Busbee, Capt. , of the Thomas, R220c72: 21 Bush, Capt. , of the Hansford, C19Ag80: 12 of the Neptune, PD290c67: 21 Anne, 3F38: 41 Charles, R12My68: 41, PD16J172: 33 Daniel, PD25Ap71: 32 James, 2S57: 42, R26Ag73: 23 John, PD18Ap71: 33 Joseph, 3S56: 41 Matthey,R19My74: 43 Moses, PD3S72: 21 Nicholas, 3S56: 41 Philip, PD30Oc66: 31, R15Mr70: 41, R3My70: 41— PD24My70: 42, R26S71:31,D10J178:21 Thomas, Ens. , P28N77: 32 William, P24My76sl3 Bush river, Md. , See Land for sale on; Wharves on Bush-river furnace, Md. , R24D67: 44 See also Convict servants runaway from Bush-river iron works, Md. , 12F62: 42 land of, for sale, PD6My73: 23 Bush town, Md. , See Land for sale near Bushell, James, P12Je78: 12 Bushes, for mills, for sale, in Louisa co. , Va. ,PD18J166: 31 Bushop, William, 12D55: 32 Bushrode, John, 17Ag39: 32, 30Ja52: 32, 27F52: 32, 29My52: 31, 5S55: 42 Bushwick, Long island, N. Y. , See Gristmills in Bushy, William, PD12Mr67: 13 Busille de, Capt. , of the L'Esperance, 5S55: 21 Buson, Edward, R8Ap73: 33 Bussau, Capt. , of the Julian, 2S57: 21 Bussell, George, P7Mr77sl3 Bustard, horse, D14Mr77: 41 — P21Mr77s23, P29My78: 42 Butcher, Capt. , DlAp80: 21 Alexander, Capt. , of the Molly, 4J145:3,9Ja46:4 James, Capt. , of the Greenock, 5Ag37:42,30S37:41 William, Capt. , of the Jane, 4J145: 32 Butchers, emigrate from Leeds, Eng. , to colonies, RllAg74: 21 in Fredericksburg, Va. , R22Ap73s21 in New York City, 12D45: 32 in Norfolk, Va. , PD4Oc70: 32— R4Oc70: 31, R18 J171: 42, R6F72: 33 D10Je75:33 in Philadelphia, Pa. , PD5S66s21, PD27Ag67:23 support association, Pil2Ja75: 32 in St. Eustatia, W. I. , PD16 J167: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , 240c45: 4, R14S69:31 controls on recommended, PD7J168: 22 in York co. , Va. , 14Mr55: 32 See also Convict servants as; Indentured servants as; Slaves as Butchers tools, PD19Ag73: 22 taken by indentured servants, PD8 J173: 32— R22J173s21 Bute, earl of [John Stuart], burned in effigy in Edinburgh, Scot. , PD15Je69:23 cock named for, PD15Je69: 23 162 Butter controls British government, Pi5Ja75:22 death of,R3My70:23 discussion of reversion for son of, R27S70: 21 favors Prohibitory act, D18My76: 33 favors Roman Catholics in British army, D27Ja76: 13 favors Stamp act repeal, PD19My68: 12 gives books to King's college, N. Y. , PD150c72:12 greeted by Charles Edward, young pretender, R27Ap69: 13 influences George IH, PD5N72: 23 insulted on tour in Eng. , PD130c68: 22 — R130c68:23 lives in Venice, It. , R16Mr69: 23 negotiates secret treaty, P7J175: 12 opposed in Eng. , P18Ag75: 21 — D19Ag75:31,Pi28S75:31 opposed in Va. , Pil2Ja75: 12 opposes British colonies, N. Am. , PD30Je74: U--R30Je74: 13 policies approved, PD1S68: 11 return to Eng. , discussed, PD22Ag71 : 22 rumored in administration, PD9 J167: 13 satirized in Va. , P60c75s21 supports Boston port bill, PD9 Je74: 21 visits London, Eng. , P12My75: 11 Bute, N.C., See. Merchants in Bute co., N.C. , court, PD24S67: 22 courthouse, PD23F69: 32--R23F69: 23 Justices of the peace, PD18 Ja70: 32 sheriff's sale at, PD24S67: 22 Cabin point, Va. , PD20F72: 32 See also Apple orchards in; Blacksmiths in; Cribs in; Dairies in; Dwelling houses in; Ferries in; Gardens in; Gristmills in; Horse-breeding in; Jails in; Kitchens in; Land in; Land, mort- gaged, for sale in; Land, ownership of, disputed in; Land, patent, for sale in; Land for lease in; Land for rent in; Land for sale in; Land for sale near; Lumber houses in; Merchants in; Outhouses in; Slaves for sale in; Slaves runaway from; Smoke houses in; Stables in; Stealing in Butler, Capt. , 24N52: 22, 27Ag56: 22 of the Charming Rebecca, R24N68: 21 of the Douglas, PD220c72: 13 of the Hazard, PD220c72: 13 of the John and Charles, R22S68: 23 of the John and Jane, R12Mr72: 23 of the Phoenix, D20Ap76: 23 of the St. Francis, PD12D71:23 Col., at Oswego, N. Y. , P15D75: 21 — Pil6D75:22 attacks British near Tarrytown, N.Y. ,P30Oc78:32 takes Indians to Can. , D8Ap80: 22 Gen. , advances against back country, D12F79:31 Major, in skirmish near Charleston, S. C. ,D3J179: 11 wounded in battle of Bunker Hill, P22 J175s22--D29 J175: 31 Mr. ,7N54:41 flees to Oneidas, C9D80: 12 N.Y. Tory,D19Je79:22 Mrs. , lot of, P16Je75: 33 Alexander, R16 Je74: 33 Beckwith, Pi9F75:31 Charles, R2F69: 23, R16F69: 31, PD28Ap74:32 Christopher, R4D66: 23, P2My77s32 Edmund, 8Ap37: 41, 27Mr46: 42, PD16Je74s22, PD21 J174p23, D7Ag79:32 Jack, D19F80:22 James, 14D39: 41, 2S57: 42, R21N71: 42, P30Ag76: 41, D12Mr79: 32, D14Ag79:22 Joe,P28N77:33 John, adv. finding horse, PD23My71: 31 adv. for missing horse, PD4F68: 32 adv. land for sale, PD19My68: 23 adv. lot and plantation for sale, P16Je75:23 adv. ordinary for sale, PD19N72: 23 adv. plantation for sale, P8D75: 33— D9D75:33 adv. theft, PD28Ja73: 31 adv. transaction, PD24Ag69: 33 alias of John Collins, 7D39: 42 apprentice of. D11S79: 31 characterized, D230c79: 21 disavows bonds, PD6J169: 33 land sale deferred, PD28J168: 23— RllAg68:32 of N.C.,R10Ja71:22 property of, PD30 Je68: 31--R30Je68: 31 John, Capt. , of the Dorothy, R15S74:33 John, Col. ,Pi7S75:12--D9S75:23, P30Ag76: 31, D15Ag77: 32— P15Ag77: 21, P230c78: 22, D25S79: 11 John, jr. , PD170c66: 31 John, sr.,PD16Je74:22--R16Je74:32 [Joseph], author, PD25F68: 41, PD29N70: 21, PD13D70: 42, PD17 Ja71 : 42, PD24 Ja71 : 42, PD7F71:42,PD21F71:42, PD7Mr71 : 42, PD21Mr71 : 42, PD28Mr71:42 Joseph, Capt. of the Grenville, R12J69:31 [Joseph], Lt. , P13S76sl3— D14S76: 52, P13S76:23— D14S76:32 Joshua, P14N77:33 Nancy, P24Ja77: 23 Peter, 11J15 1:32 R. , orders soldiers to join company, P310c77:31 Reuben, D28Mr77: 32— P28Mr77s: 23 [Richard], Col. , D17J178: 21 Robert, Sir, of the Plymouth, 25Ja40: 2 Stephen, PD7My67: 21 Thomas, adv. finding horse, R22S68:31,R6My73s23 adv. for missing horse, D10J178: 31 adv. land for sale, D29N76: 42 bonds of,R30My71:23 deserter, P14N77: 33 land of, D23Ja78:42 runaway convict servant, 23My45: 41 slave of,P25Ag75:72 [Walter N. ], D25S79: 11 William, D26F80: 32 adv. for missing horse, PD20Je71: 33 — R20Je71:33 adv. glebe land for sale, 14Ag46: 32 deserter, P14N77: 33 leader of the Regulators, PD25Oc70:21 reward for capture of, PD4J171: 21 runaway criminal of N. C. , R2My71:32 Butler voiders, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. ,PD25J166:22 Butridge, Henry, D27N78: 22 Butt, Patience, D31Ag76: 31 Richard, R26J170: 22 Thomas, PD28My67: 32 Butter, adv. for, in Williamsburg, Va. , D13D76.42 boycotted in Va. Association, PD25My69: ll--RUe69: 13 captured by Americans in Chambly, Can. , Pil6N75: 32— P17N75: 31 — D18N75: 22 duties on imported to Grenada, W. I. , PDlJa67:22 embargoes on in Ire. , PD4Ap71: 22 export from Ire. , enumerated, R17N68:22 exported from Hampton, Va. , to Md. , 18Ap45:41 exported from Ire. , to Hamburg, Ger. , PD7 Ja73: 23--R7 Ja73: 31 to Holl. , PD7Ja73: 23--R7 Ja73: 31 to W.I. ,P12My75:ll exported from James river, lower district, Va. , to Grenada, W. I. , PD14Ap74: 31 — R17Mr74: 23 to Lisbon, Port. , 8D52: 31 to Madeira, 29D52: 32 exported from James river, upper district, Va. , to New York City, PD22D68:31 to Salem, Mass. , 12F62: 32 exported from N. Y. , PD9Ap67: 22 exported from York district, Va. , to Barbados, W.I. ,7N54:31 to Jamaica, W.I. , 9D37:42, 25Ap55:22 for British army in Boston, Mass. , D30Mr76:21 for British navy, P17My76:21 — D18My76:31 for relief of Boston, Mass., from Marbletown, N. Y. , PD29D74: 22— Pi29D74:22 from New York City, D7 Ja75: 23 for sale, Pi22D74:32 in Cumberland, Va. , P19Ja76: 33 in Newcastle, Va. , P4Ap77: 33 in Norfolk, Va. ,3J146:41 in Williamsburg, Va. , R28J168: 32, PD27Je71:32, R8Ap73:33 near Williamsburg, Va. , R2Je74: 22 imitated in Plymouth, Eng. , PD15J173: 22— R15J173: 12 import to Gt. Brit. , from British colonies (N. Am. ) free, PD30 J167: 21 from Ire. , free, PD22 Ja67: 21, PD12F67:13 imported to Accomac district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , PD12Mr67: 32 from New York City, PD14 Ja68: 31 imported to Boston, Mass. , from Cork, Ire.,D280c75:23 imported to Hampton, Va. , from Md. , 18Ap45:32 imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from Barbados, W.I. , R8S74:31 from Cork, Ire. , 240c55: 21 from Md. , HAp55: 22, PD6Ja74: 32 from Philadelphia, Pa. , 24N52: 22 163 Butter (cont'd) imported to New York City from Ire. , PD11D66:23 imported to York district, Va. , from Barbados, W. I. , 12Ja39: 42 from Hampton, Va. , 8D52: 31 from Lancaster, Eng. , 12Ja39:42 from N. C. , 20J139: 41, 2N39: 31, 25Ja40:4 lost at sea., 14F51.-41, PD10D67:21, PD7Ja68: 23, R29N70: 13, PD28Mr71: 13 market for, in Sp. , R14F71: 22 ordered by London, Eng. , from Cork, Ire.,PD25Je67:21 from Dublin, Ire. , PD25Je67: 21 from Kinsale, Ire. , PD25Je67:21 price in Belfast, Ire. ,2F39: 31 in Boston, Mass. , P18Ag75: 12, PilOJa76: 22--P12Ja76: 23— D13Ja76:23 in Eng. ,R25Ag68:23 inIre.,PD8Ag71:22 in Kidderminster, Eng. , R11F68: 14 in Manchester, Eng. , PD15Ag71: 11 in W.I. , British, P28Je76: 22 in Worcester, Eng. , R11D66: 21 price regulated in Williamsburg, Va. , D24J179:21 price rises in Dublin, Ire. , PD31D72:21 seized by British navy, 11S46: 22 seized from British ship, 17J152: 31, P8D75: 21— Pi9D75: 31, P5Ja76(5)sl3 --D6Ja76: 32, P5Ja76(5)s22— Pi6 Ja76: 31, D10F76: 31, P31My76: 12 — DlJe76:12, P9Ag76:33, D17Ag76: 12, DHOc76: 21, D8N76: 11 --P8N76: 21, P22N76: 21, D7F77: 11— P7F77: 21, D16My77: 12— P16My77: 21, D6 Je77: 11— P6Je77: 21, P25J177: 11, P30c77: 12, P7N77: 12, D11S79: 21, D6N79: 21 seized from French ship, 310c45: 22, 26S55:21,7N55:12 seized from Spanish ship, 18Ja40: 22 sold in Williamsburg, Va. , PlAg77:31 Butter, Irish, imported to Gt. Brit. , free, PD3Mr68: 22 Butter boats, for sale, in Cobham, Va. , P4J177: 31 Butter pots, for sale, in Cabin Point, Va. ,D18J177:31 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , 12Mr52: 31 in Yorktown, Va. , PD25F68: 31 — R25F68:31 Butterfield, Capt. , 27Ag56: 22 Mr. , killed in riot in Westminister, N.Y. ,D22Ap75:22 Henry, D12Je79: 41 [Isaac], Major, D6J176: 81, P9Ag76: 22— D10Ag76: 32, P6S76: 22--D7S76: 31 Thomas, R17F74: 32 Thomas, Capt. , of the March, PD19Mr67: 32, PD9J167: 32 Butterfly, ship, 12F62: 31 Butterfly weed, used in cure for pleurisy, PD23S73sl 2 Butterwood church, Amelia co. , Va. , D25J177:41 Butterwood ordinary, Amelia co. , Va. , D19Je79:32 Butterworth, Mrs. , house of, 4J145:42 Damaris, 6Je45: 32, 6Je45: 41, 240c45:42 Damaris, Mrs. , 20 Je45: 41 Buttery, Capt., slave of, 27Ag56: 42 John, Capt. , of the Owner's Good Will, 7N54:41 Buttler, Capt. , killed at Lake George, 30c55:12 of the Molly, PD2My71: 32 John, PD27Ag67:32 Stephen, PD23Ap67: 23 Button, William, H7F51: 41 Button makers, See Indentured servants as button makers Buttons, Elmer, 19J154: 41 Buttons captured by Americans in Great Bridge, Va. , P113D75: 22— D16D75:33 for sale, in Alexandria, Va. , D24J179:22 in Edenton, N. C. , P160c78: 42 in Fredericksburg, Va. , R19F67: 23 in Gloucester, Va. . P19Ap76sll — D20Ap76: 33 in Gloucester co. , Va. , P16Ag76: 33— D24Ag76:72 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22, PD24My70:33 in Petersburg, Va. , D12S77: 41 — P19S77: 11, D26D77: 21, P5 Je78: 11 — D10J178:41 in Princess Anne co. , Va. , P23My77: 32 in Richmond, Va. , D9D80: 23 in Smithfield, Va. , C3J179: 31 in Suffolk, Va. ,5Mr52:31 in West Point, Va. , P160c78: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , 30N59: 32, PD17S67:21,R16Je68:32, PD240c71 : 31, PD14My72: 23, R15Oc72:31,P10Ja77:41, D30My77: 31, D7N77: 31, P21Ag78: 31 in Yorktown, Va. , P27D76: 32 import to Fr. from Gt. Brit. forbidden, HMy39: 21 seized by British from French, 6 Ja38: 22 S ee also Brass buttons; Bristol stone buttons; Bristol stone sleeve buttons; Crystal buttons; Enamelled buttons; Garnet sleeve buttons; Gilt buttons; Gilt oval buttons; Glass buttons; Gold basket buttons; Gold buttons; Metal buttons; Mocho buttons; Mohair buttons; Paste buttons; Pearl buttons; Pearl sleeve buttons; Pebble buttons; Plate buttons; Plated buttons; Scotch pebble buttons; Silk buttons; Silver buttons; Silver plated buttons; Stone buttons; Twist buttons Buttons, basket, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD4Oc70: 31 Buttons, bath, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , C15 J180: 22 Buttons, breast, for sale, in Smithfield, Va.,PD4Ag68:31 in Williamsburg, Va. , R25Ap51 : 32, PD220c72: 23— R220c72: 23, C15J180:22 Buttons, campaign, for sale, in Cobham, Va. ,P4J177:31 Buttons, coat, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD18Ap66: 33 in Smithfield, Va. , PD4Ag68: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , 25Ap51: 32, D14N77:31, D10J178: 21 — P10J178: 33, DlMy79:22,C15J180:22 Buttons, flowered, for sale, in Baltimore, Md. , Pil8My75: 33 Buttons, hat, for sale, in Suffolk, Va. , P21N77:31 — D28N77:31 Buttons, jacket, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD18Ap66: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , DlMy79: 22 Buttons, shirt, for sale, in Gloucester, Va. , P19Ap76sll— D20Ap76: 33 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25 J166: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , 110c51: 41, PD25F68: 23— R3Mr68: 34 Buttons, sleeve, for sale, 12F62: 42 in Alexandria, Va. , P3Ap78: 31 in Baltimore, Md. , Pil8My75: 33 in Beaufort, N.C. , P160c78: 32 in Edenton, N. C. , P160c78:42 in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD18Ap66: 33, R23 J167: 32 in Gloucester, Va. , P19Ap76sll— D20Ap76:33 in Gloucester co. , Va. , P16Ag76: 33— D24Ag76: 72 in Halifax, N. C. , PD29J173: 31 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Petersburg, Va. , PD24Ja71: 31, PD310c71:31 in Smithfield, Va. , PD4Ag68: 31, D21F77:22— P28F77s22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD270c68: 33, PD18My69: 31— R25My69: 23, PD19Ap70s23— R19Ap70: 31, PD14My72: 23, PD4Je72: 32, R150c72: 31, PD220c72: 23— R220c72: 23, Pi20Oc74: 31 — PD20Oc74s22, DH27Je77: 31 — DH4J177: 12.D14N77: 31, D10J178:21 — P10 J178: 33, DlMy79: 22, D11D79: 22, D29Ja80:41,C15J180:22 in Yorktown, Va. , P27D76: 32 stolen, at King's Creek, Va. , P23Ag76: 41 in Fredericksburg, Va. , P3 Ja77s21 Buttons, vest, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166:23 in Williamsburg, Va. , D10J178: 21— P10J178:33, C15J180:22 Buttons, waistcoat, for sale, in Gloucester, Va. , P19Ap76sll — D20Ap76: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , 31 J146: 61, HOc51:41 Butts, Peter, PD21S69: 31, D6My75: 13, P21Ag78: 32 Butts, table, for sale, in Gloucester, Va. , P19Ap76sll — D20Ap76: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD28S69: 31 Butts of liquor, for sale, R24Je73: 32 in Marlborough, Va. , PD25Oc70: 23— R1N70:32 Buxton, Mr., of N. C. , 21Ap38: 41 James, D19Mr79: 22 Josiah, D19Mr79:22 Buzzy, Capt.,PD26F67:31 Byam, Mr., of St. John, Antigua, W. I. , PD23Ap67:22 Ashton Warner, R18Ag74: 31 Byars, James, jr. , PD29Ap73: 31 John, P14N77: 33, P21N77: 42 Byers, Capt., of the Jupiter, D24Ap79: 21 Byers, Mr. , surveyor of St. Vincent, 164 Byrn W.I. , coastline, PD12N72: 13 Byles, Charles, Capt. , of the Mary, 18Ja40:4 of the Susanna, 31 Ja51: 32 Richard, PD11 Ap7 1:22 Bynam, Turner, PlMy78: 42 Byne, Edmund, PD10c67: 12 John, Capt. , of the Portland, 3Ag39:31 Robert, governor of Barbados, W. I. , 3Ag39:31 Byng, Mr. , discusses Quebec act in Commons, PD8S74: 11 opposes Boston port bill, PD19My74:22 opposes Quebec act, R18Ag74: 31 opposes regulating Mass. , PD19My74:31 Daniel, R30Ag70: 31 John, PD13J169:32 John, Capt. , of the Sunderland, 25Ja40:2 Bynum, Benjamin, PD30J167: 33 Byrd, Capt. , death of in southern Fr. , PD170c71 : 22--R170c71 : 23 Col. , troops of in Augusta co. , Va.,16Ja61:32 Major, company of Negroes listed, D31Ag76:31 flees from Gwynns' island, Va. , P19J176:32 Betsey, PD28Mr71: 31 Braxton, P25Ag75: 81 Evelyn, 2D37: 42, 9D37: 41 Japhet, Capt. , of the Prince of Orange, 25Ja40:3,25Ja40:4 John, D28Mr77: 22— PllAp77: 31, R12My74:42 Margaret, D11J177: 32 [Maria Taylor], 10Ap46: 41, PD29Ag71:31 Mary, P8Ag77: 11— D15Ag77: 62 Otway, P29Mr76: 23--D30Mr76: 32, P116N75: 23--P17N75: 23 — D18N75:21,D12Mr79:22 [Thomas], D170c77: 11 — P170c77: 21 [Thomas Taylor], Capt. , PD170c71 : 22— R170c71 : 23 William, 2S57: 42, D31Ag76: 31 William, D, 21J138:32 adv. lots in Richmond, Va. , for sale, 22Ap37:41 daughter of, 2D37: 42, 12D45: 32 owns Old Field, in Hanover co. , Va. , 70c37:31 plantation of, 18Ag38: 42 recommends John Tennent, 22S38: 12 William, m, 27Mr52: 31 adv. estate for sale, PD3Ag69: 32 adv. for apprehension of thieves, 3N52:21 adv. for lost groceries, PD18My69: 31 adv. for missing horse, 240c51: 31, P2Ag76:32— D3Ag76:32 adv. for runaway slave, R25D66: 43, PD3D67: 31, PD24N68: 31. R24N68: 31, PD1 Je69: 31--R1 Je69: 33, R29Mr70: 32— PD5Ap70: 42, PD24N74: 23, Pi21S75: 32— P22S75:33— D23S75: 32 adv. for tutor, P12J176:31 — D13J176:21 adv. for wood cutters, PD18Je67:32 adv. house for rent, PD5N67: 23 adv. land for sale, PD8Ag71 : 22 — R8Ag71: 23, PD7N71: 22— R21N71:31 adv. lottery, PD23J167: 41 — R23J167: 32, PD11F68: 23, PD22S68: 23 — R22S68: 23 adv. plantation for sale, PD2Ap67: 31, PD24S72: 22, PD19N72: 31 — R19N72: 21, PD26Ag73: 23— R26Ag73:21 adv. property for sale, PD13D70: 31 — R13D70:32 adv. unclaimed imported case of merchandise, 12D55: 31 agent of William Cole, PDllAp71: 33 burgess from Lunenburg co. , Va. , 27F52:32 calls meeting of creditors, PD7F71:23 calls meeting of militia, PD25My69: 32— R25My69: 23 calls meeting of Va. regiments, PD6Ag72: 23, PD150c72: 23 corn of, for sale, P27 Je77: 32 criticized, PD25J166: 11, PilJe75: 23 death of, D3Ja77: 22, P3 Ja77sl3 demands payment for lottery tickets, PD19J170: 42— R12J170: 23 drawing of lottery announced, PD28Ap68:22 estate of, for sale, D19S77: 32— P19S77: 12, P170c77: 11, D23Ja78: 41, D8My78:71 farmer of, 9My55: 21 helps exonerate Capt. Bullet, 30N59:31 horses of, PD16My66: 23, PD240c66: 22, R23 J167: 22, PD290c67: 21, P26Ap76: 22, D28Mr77: 22— P4Ap77: 31, D21N77: 12, D19Mr79: 42 house of, for sale, P9My77: 32 house of, in Williamsburg, Va. , D14Mr77: 61— P14Mr77: 32 indigo plantation of, R10D72: 31 land of, PD6N66: 32— R4D66: 43, PD1D68:33— R1D68:22 library of, for sale, D19D77: 21 lot of. in Williamsburg, Va. , PD8S74: 32 lotteries of, PD10D67: 31, PD14 Ja68: 32, R28Ap68: 21, PD270c68: 33, R3N68: 34, R1D68: 22, R6Ap69: 32— PD13Ap69: 33, PD14S69: 32— R14S69: 31, R9N69: 31, PD18 J171: 21, PD14My72: 22, PD24S72: 22, P8Ag77: 11 — D15Ar77: 62, D230c79: 31 lotteries of, collectors demand money, PD10N68: 22--R17N68: 32, PD25My69: 32— R25My69: 23 lotteries of, prizes drawn in, PD2F69: 32, R22F70: 31, PD8Mr70: 33, R3My70: 32, R12 J170: 23— PD19J170: 41, R19J170: 33, PD16Ag70: 41, PD6S70: 31 — R6S70:23,PD16My71:23, PDlAg71: 22--RlAg71: 31, PD30J172: 31, PD1 J173: 32, P24F75: 33— D4Mr75: 32, D19D77: 22 lottery ticket, adv. for, PD5My68: 22 lottery tickets, adv. for sale, PD14Ja68:32 lottery tickets lost, PDlAg71: 22— RlAg71: 23, PD29Ag71: 31 — R5S71:42 manager of estate of, PD16Ap67: 31 marriage of daughter of, PD28Mr71: 31 meets with Dunmore on powder question, Pi4My75: 31— P5My75s22— D6My75:22 notice to debtors, R12My68: 21 of Westover, Va. , PD24F74: 31 pasture of, Pi3F76: 32, P16F76: 33 payment of debts due requested, PD2D73:22 plantation of, 3 J152: 32, R12J170: 22 plantation of, sale postponed, PD4N73:21 — R4N73:31 plate of, for sale, D8My78: 72 posts land, Pil5D74: 33 — PD15D74: 33 property of, for sale, 16Ja61:41, D14Mr77: 61--P14Mr77: 32, D12D77.-12 rector of William and Mary college, R15Ag71: 23 requests notice from creditors, PD24My70: 23— R3lMy70: 41 requests payment for slaves, PD24S72: 22 requests statement of demands against him, PD12My68: 23 rewards Indians, 16Ja61: 32 returns from abroad, PD12My68: 23 sale of estate, postponed, D170c77: 12 sale of slaves of, PD16S73: 31 sells tobacco to Fr. , 5My38: 32 settlement of estate, D14Mr77: 61— P14Mr77: 32, P8Ag77: 11 — D15Ag77:62,D17J178:41 slave of, PD18Ag68: 31, PD13D70: 32, PD16J172: 32, PD14Ja73: 31, Pi20J175: 33--P21 J175: 31, P20Oc75: 31, P230c78:43 sojourns in Princess Anne co. , PD2F69:32— R2F69:23 son of, R8F70: 32 stallion of, PD18 J171: 21— R18J171: 33 steward of, PD14N71: 22 takes deposition of John Wayles, PD12S66: 22 troops of in Augusta co. , Va. , 16Ja61:31 unclaimed tobacco of, PllAg75: 41 William, IV,R8F70:32 Byrd, ship, P3Ap78: 22 Byrd ordinary, Va. , PD16S73: 32 Byrd's warehouses, PD18Ap66: 33, R11F68: 33, PD13D70: 31 — R13D70: 32, PD22Ag71: 33, PD28Ap74: 32, P160c78: 33 at Shockoe, Va. , 250c65s33 continued, PD18J171: 11 destroyed by floods, PD30My71: 21 — R30My71:22 discontinued, RlAg71 : 12 inspectors demand payment, PD10N68:22, R26N72: 31 regulations for tobacco damaged at, RlAg71:ll removal of discussed, PD11 J171 : 22 sells damaged tobacco, PD8Ag71 : 22— R8Ag71:23 tobacco damaged in, PD6Je71: 31, PD20F72: 33 tobacco destroyed at, PD25J171: 22— RlAg71:31 unclaimed tobacco in, R15S74: 33 Byrn, Benedict, Capt. , of the Bayard, D26Je79:21 165 Byrn (cont'd) Charles, PD19Mr67: 33 George, PD19Mr67: 33 James, P5Ap76: 43 Joseph, P5Ap76: 43 William, 10N52:31 Byrne, Capt. , D3 Je75: 31 of the Byron, D90c79: 21 of the Hynd, D29J176:12 of the Isidore, PD220c72: 13 James, PD13Ap69: 23 Joshua, Capt. , of the Success, PD13Ap69: 23, PD8 Je69: 23 Byrnside. James, PD20N66: 31 Byrom, [John], author, D11D79: 22 Byron, Adm. , D6Ja76: 22 Capt. , appointed gov. of Nfd. , R27Ap69: 13, R10Ag69: 22 of the Vanguard, 12D55: 12 Comm. ,PD22S68: 12 of the Antelope, PD24Ag69: 13-- R24Ag69:21 of the Dolphin, PD270c68: 11 George Anson, Capt. , of the Proserpine, D22 Ja80: 23 [John], Adm. , arrives in Eng. , DllMr80:13 arrives in Newport, R. I. , P230c78: 22 blockades Port Roval, Martinque, W.I. ,D26F79:3l" command in America rumored, P5Ja76:32— D6Ja76:22 command to be dissolved by officers, D11S79:21 conduct off Grenada, W.I. , defended, D5F80:22 defeat at Grenada, W. I. , described, D25S79:12 defended in W. I. , D8Ja80:12 expected in Eng. , D8 Ja80: 12 in St. Lucia, W. I. , D5Mr79: 31 letter (text) from Prevost, D5F80: 31 pursues French navy in W. I. , 16Ap79:21 returns to Eng. , D230c79: 22, D13N79:21 to Boston, Mass. , rumored, D12F79:31 [John], author, PD29N70: 21, PD13D70:42.PD17Ja71:42. PD24 Ja71 : 42, PD17S72: 22 [John], Comm., book on published. PD16S73:22 discovers island, PD5S66 31-- R5S66:21 explorations described, PD6Ag67: 11 explorations of, PD30J167: 31 in Nfd. ,PD5S71:12 records of voyages to be published, PD12D71:13 settles colony in South seas, PD12F67:13 Byron, privateer brig, D90c79: 21 ship, Pi28S75:22 Byrt, Thomas, R17F74: 32 Byser, John, PD2Je68: 23 Bystander, pseud. , PD28S69sl3 Byton, sloop, 31D36: 42 Bywater, Dr. , PD18Ag68: 32 Abraham, Dr. , PD21 J168: 32 166 Cabin Point. Va. Cab creek bridge, 28F55: 31 Cabaniss, George, Capt. , of the Betty, 30S37:41 Cabbage, for sale, PD17Mr74: 23 Cabbage, salt, as prevention for scurvy, D70c75: 11 Cabbage seeds, for sale, PD280c73: 22, P6Mr78:ll in Buckingham co. , Va. , P6Mr78:ll in Cumberland co. , Va. , P6Mr78:ll in Richmond, Va. , R21F71: 33, PD10Oc71:32 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD17Mr74: 23, Pi6Ap75: 42 Cabbage seeds, battersea, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD26Mr67: 32, PD10Mr68: 32--R10Mr68: 33 in Richmond, Va. , PD26Mr67: 32, PD10Mr68: 32--R10Mr68: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , 30N59: 32, PD16D73:31,Pi6Ap75:42 Cabbage seeds, brown, for sale, in Richmond, Va. ,D9S75:32 Cabbage seeds, Dutch, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 30N59: 32 Cabbage seeds, dwarf sugar loaf, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD16D73: 31 Cabbage seeds, early battersea, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD3Mr74:32 Cabbage seeds, early Dutch, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD10Mr68: 32— R10Mr68:33 in Richmond, Va. , PD10Mr68: 32— R10Mr68:33 Cabbage seeds, early dwarf sugar loaf, PD31D72:31 for sale in Williamsburg, Va. , Pi6Ap75:42 Cabbage seeds, early sugar loaf, for sale, in Richmond, Va. , PD10Oc71:32 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD3Mr74: 32 Cabbage seeds, early yellow savoy, for sale, in Richmond, Va. , PD10Oc71:32 Cabbage seeds, early Yorkshire, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD10Mr68: 32--R10Mr68: 33 in Richmond, Va. , PD10Mr68: 32— R10Mr68:33 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD3Mr74: 32 Cabbage seeds, English, PD31D72: 31 for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD16D73: 31 Cabbage seeds, green curled savoy, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD16D73: 31 Cabbage seeds, green savoy, for sale, in Richmond, Va. , PD10Oc71: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , 30N59: 32, Pi6Ap75:42 Cabbage seeds, large hardy English, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , Pi6Ap75:42 Cabbage seeds, large hollow, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD3Mr74:32 Cabbage seeds, large sugar loaf, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , Pi6Ap75:42 Cabbage seeds, Lasagnino, for sale, in Richmond, Va. ,D3F76:33 Cabbage seeds, lettuce, for sale, in Richmond, Va. , PD10Oc71: 32 Cabbage seeds, red, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD26Mr67: 32, PD10Mr68: 32--R10Mr68: 33 in Richmond, Va. , PD26Mr67: 32, PD10Mr68: 32--R10Mr68: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , 30N59: 32, PD16D73: 31, PD3Mr74: 32, Pi6Ap75:42 Cabbage seeds, Russia, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD10Mr68: 32— R10Mr68:33 in Richmond, Va. , PD10Mr68: 32— R10Mr68:33 Cabbage seeds, Savoys, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD26Mr67: 32, PD10Mr68: 32--R10Mr68: 33 in Richmond, Va. , PD26Mr67: 32, PD10Mr68: 32— R10Mr68: 33 Cabbage seeds, sugar loaf, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD26Mr67: 32, PD10Mr68: 32— R10Mr68: 33 in Richmond, Va. , PD26Mr67: 32, PD10Mr68: 32— R10Mr68: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , 30N59: 32 Cabbage seeds, verzotto, for sale, in Richmond, Va. , D9S75: 32, D3F76:33 Cabbage seeds, white Dutch, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD3Mr74: 32 Cabbage seeds, winter, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD26Mr67: 32, PD10Mr68: 32— R10Mr68: 33 in Richmond, Va. , PD26Mr67: 32, PD10Mr68: 32— R10Mr68: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , 30N59: 32 Cabbage seeds, yellow savoy, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 30N59: 32 Cabbage seeds, York, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD26Mr67: 32 in Richmond, Va. , PD26Mr67: 32 Cabbage seeds, Yorkshire, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD16D73: 31 Cabbages, unusual, in Northumberland co., Eng. ,PD18D66:22 in Edinburgh, Scot. , Rll Ja70: 13 in Scot.,PD23N69:23 Cabbell, William, Dr. , PD14Ja68: 33 Cabell, Capt. , P5J176p23— D13J176: 22 Dr. ,R31Mr68:34 John, acquitted of murder, PD220c67:21 adv. finding horse, R4D66: 41 adv. finding steers, P17N75sl2, D20N79:11 adv. for runaway slave, D12D77: 22 elected delegate to Va. convention for Buckingham co. , Va. , P26Ap76s23 instructed as delegate to Va. con- vention for Buckingham co. , Va. , P14Je76:41 slave of,PD2S73:23 Joseph, adv. finding cow, P170c77: 41 adv. finding horse, R26S71: 33, R19N72:23, R25Mr73: 33 adv. meeting on opening falls of James river, R19Ag73: 22 burgess from Buckingham co. , Va. , PD15D68: 23--R15D68: 21, PDllMy69s41, PD28S69: 22, R9N69: 11 delegate to Va. convention from Amherst co. , Va. , DlAp75: 21 directs George Jefferson's lottery, PD28Ap68: 31— R28Ap68: 31 elected burgess from Amherst co. , Va. , PD19D71: 22, PD4Ag74: 23 signs Va. Association, PD25My69: 12 subscriber for opening falls of James river, PDllAg74: 32— RllAg74: 32 Nicholas, D3Ag76: 31, D23Ja78: 32, D90c79:22 Samuel, Capt. , P5 J176p22 Samuel Jordan, Capt. , P8N76: 41 W. , Pi4My75: 33— D6My75: 33 William, PD25N73: 23--R25N73: 43 adv. finding horse, D15My79: 32 adv. for bids for building prison, R4Ag74: 32 appointed to Va. committee of safety, P25Ag75: 63— D26Ag75: 31, P8S75:21 appoints John Swan agent, PD18J171.-21— RlAg71:33 chosen delegate to Va. convention for Amherst co. , Va. , P19Ap76: 32 directs George Jefferson's lottery, PD28Ap68: 31 — R28Ap68: 31 elected burgess for Amherst co. , Va. , PD15D68: 23— R15D68: 21, R50c69:22, PD19D71:22 elected senator by Va. counties, P13S76: 31 land of, PD21Ap68: 23 manager for Hampden Sidney academy lottery, P4 J177s41 subscriber for opening falls of James river, PDllAg74: 32— RllAg74: 32 takes orders for Virginia Justice, PD21D69: 23--R18 Ja70: 41 William, Col. , PD25N73: 23— R25N73: 43— Pi6Ap75s23, PD22 Ja67: 32--R19F67: 42 William, Dr. , R2My71: 42, PD2J172: 31, PD1 J173: 33--R1 J173: 32, PD5My74: 31 — R12My74: 42 William, jr. , adv. finding horse, R14Ap68s21 adv. meeting on opening falls of James river, R19Ag73: 22 associator of Amherst co. , Va. , R13D70:23 burgess from Amherst co. , Va. , PDllMy69s41, R9N69: 11, PD4Ag74: 23 delegate to Va. convention from Amherst co. , Va. , DlAp75: 21 land of, PD12Ag73:23 signs Va. Association, PD25My69: 12 Cabell's mill, Amherst co. , Va. , R14D69:32 Cabidge, John, 2N39:41 Cabin boys, See Slaves as Cabin Point, Va. , postal service at, PD2My66: 21, PD23Ap67: 31, P28 Je76: 32, P19D77: 22, P6Mr78: 12 See also Accountants, adv. for in; Apple orchards in; Auctions in; Brick houses, described, near; Brick stables, described near; Chapels in; Counting rooms in; Dairies near; Dwelling houses near; Freemasons in; Fulling mills, adv. of, in; Gardens in; Granaries, described, near; Gristmills near; 167 Cabin Point, Va. , See also (cont'd) Horse-breeding near; Horse-racing, adv. of in; Houses for rent in; Houses and lots for sale in; Iron works for sale in; Kitchens near; Land for sale near; Lumber houses in; Merchants in; Ordinaries in; Outhouses in; Peach orchards near; Pine timber near; Roads in; Sawmills near; Schools in; Schoolmasters, adv. for in; Ships, described, for sale in; Ships for sale in; Shoemakers, journeymen, adv. for in; Slaves for hire in; Slaves for sale in; Slaves, mortgaged, for sale in; Slaves, runaway from; Stealing in; Storehouses in; Stores in; Tailors, journeymen, adv. for in; Taverns, adv. of in; Taverns in; Tobacco inspectors in; Undertakers, adv. for in; Waiters, adv. for in; Warehouses in; Weavers, adv. for in; Weaving, adv. of in; White oak timber near Cabin Point landing, Va. , PD9 Je74: 31 Cabin Point Royal arch lodge of Free- masons, Pi30D75: 42 Cabin Point warehouse, Va. , 12D45: 41 PD18Ag68: 32, PD20Je71: 33, PD4 J171 : 32, PD30J172: 33, PD2Je74:32 payment demanded in advance for inspection, PilD74: 32 See also Kitchens at; Storehouses at Cabinet furniture, for sale, in Richmond co., Va. ,P24My76:42 in Williamsburg, Va. , 24Ja51: 41 Cabinet ware, imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from Boston, Mass.,PD14Ja68:31 Cabinet work, boycotted in Va. Associa- tion, PD25My69: 11--R1 Je69: 13 Cabinetmakers, adv. for, 7N51 : 22 adv. for employment, D15Ag77: 62— P15Ag77:31 adv. for, in Bethel, Va. , P10F75: 41 — D11F75:23 in Charles City co. , Va. , R23F69: 21 in Mecklenburg co. , Va. , R23Ap72: 41 in Petersburg, Va. , PD3D72: 23 adv. of, 26S45:42 in Blandford, Va. , P26 J176: 41 in Hanover, Va. , D13 Ja76: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , 12S55: 32, 4N63: 33, PD25Ap66: 31, PD25J166: 31, R9Mr69: 31 — PD9Mr69:33,PD3Ja71:33, D4F75: 33— P3F75: 43, P14Je76: 32, P12J176:31 near Williamsburg, Va. , R9 Je74: 22 in Culpeper co. , Va. , P25Ap77: 31 in London, Eng. , PD24S72: 11 in Norfolk, Va. , PD28My67: 32, P26J176:41 in Portsmouth, Va. , PD24S67: 22 in Richmond, Va. , PD1D74: 31, D9Mr76:23 in Williamsburg, Va. , 26S45: 42, PD28J174:32 SSe also Convict servants as; In- dentured servants as; Slaves as Cabinetmakers, apprentices, adv. for, in Williamsburg, Va. , P3F75: 43— D4F75:33,P14Je76:32 runaway, from Williamsburg, Va. , PD4Ap71: 31 Cabinetmakers, journeymen, adv. for, PD24Je73:33 at Osborne's warehouse, Va. , PD19Ap70:31 in Blandford, Va. , PD13 Je66: 31 in Fredericksburg, Va. , R22S68: 33 in Halifax, N. C. , PD23Mr69: 33 in Mecklenburg co. , Va. , R7 Je70: 31 in Newcastle, Va. , PD3D67: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , 26S45: 42, PD7S69: 41 , PD14N71 : 22— R21N71: 33, R16S73: 32, PD11N73: 22, R14Ap74: 32, Pi60c74: 33, Pil2 Ja75: 33, P14 Je76: 32, P12J176: 31, D24Ag76: 72 in Yorktown, Va. , PD12N72: 22, D140c75:33 near Wil'iamsburg, Va. , R9Je74: 22 Cabinetmaker's materials, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD12D71: 32 Cabinetmakers' shops, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD17Ja71: 32 Cabinetmakers tools, D15Ag77: 62— P15Ag77:31 for sale, PD17D72: 31, P5Ja76s23— D13Ja76:33 in Richmond, Va. , D9Mr76: 23, D11D79:31 in Williamsburg, Va. , 21Mr55:41, 30N59: 32, PD12D71 : 32, P12D77: 23, D28Ag79:31 Cabinets, gee Walnut cabinets Cabinets, India, for sale, 23My55: 21 Cable, Mr., D25My76:31 Elijah, D11N75: 22 Cables, abandoned by Dunmore's troops on Gwynn's island, Va. , P26J176: 31 by Tories to Americans, P19 J176: 32 exported from Riga, Latvia, to Cartagena, Sp. , PDlAg66: 13 for sale, PD19F67: 31— R19F67: 23 at Kemp's landing, Va. , P30My77: 33— D6Je77:22,D19Mr79:31 in Alexandria, Va. , P7F77: 33— D14F77:31 in Cabin Point, Va. , D28Mr77: 31 in Gloucester co. , Va. , D18S79: 31 in Nansemond co. , Va. , D23D75: 23 in Norfolk, Va. , PD5My68: 31, PD18Ag68:32,PD18Ja70:43, R26Mr72:23 in Northampton co. , Va. , R6My73: 31 in Portsmouth, Va. , P18J177sll in Princess Anne co. , Va. , PD60c68: 31 in South Quay, Va. , D20c79: 31 in Urbanna, Va. , D28N77: 21 in Yorktown, Va. , 12F62:41, R50c69:23,P250c76:31 for Spanish navy in W. I. , PD20My73: 21 lost, adv. for,4Ap55:41 salvaged, for sale, in Gosport, Va. , PD240c66:23 in Norfolk, Va. , PD6N66: 22, PD24My70: 31 — R31My70: 33, R26Mr72:23 in Yorktown, Va. , PD7J168: 32— R7J168:23 seized by Tories on Nantucket, Mass. , C15My79:12 seized from British ship, D230c79: 22 Cabonis, George, Capt. , of the Betty, 17Je37:32,2Mr3/39:41,18My39:4 Caboon, Charles, 7N54: 41 Cabooses of ships, for sale, at Kemp's landing, Va. , P30My77: 33— D6 Je77: 22 Cabot, George, D10Ja77: 31--P3 Ja77sll Cabot, Continental brig. , DllMy76: 31, DllMy76: 32, Dl Je76: 12, P5 J176: 21 — D6J176: 12, P15N76: 21, D29N76: 21, D6 Je77: 12, D20Je77: 12, D4J177: 71, D4S79: 21 Continental ship, D2Mr76: 23, D4My76:32,D4My76:33 H. M. S. , D25J177: 11 — P25J177: 11 privateer, D2My77: 22 Cachexy, cure for, PD10S72: 23 Caddeen, Richard, R23Ag70: 42, PD28 J174: 33, PD60c74: 33 Caddel, Capt. , of the Flower of Edinburgh, PD17 Je73: 22 Caddenhead, William, PD18F68: 31 Cade horse, PD7My72: 32, P29Ag77: 32, D16Ap79: 32 Caden, Thomas, Capt. , of the Lurcher, D8Ja80:13 Cadets, to Continental army from Va. , P28J175:11— D29J175:32 Cadiz, Spain, disarmed, PD12S71: 22 fortification of, PD31 Ja71 : 31, PD21F71:12 fortified by Spanish, PD22N70sl3, PD14F71: 23— R14F71: 31 garrison reinforced, PD21Mr71: 21 militia demobilized, PDlAg71: 11 naval engagements off, C19F80: 21 political news from, HAg38: 32 preparations for war in, PD31 Ja71: 23 strangers excluded, D18Ap77: 21 See also Bankruptcies in; British navy in; British navy mistreated in; British navy off; British navy to; Danish navy refused entrance to; Dutch navy in; Earthquakes in; Embargoes in; Exports from; Exports from James river, lower district, Va. , to; Exports from James river, upper district, Va. , to; Exports from Va. to; French navy from Brest, Fr. , to; French navy in; Hurricanes in; Imports to; Imports to James river, upper district, Va. , from; Imports to London, Eng. , from; Imports to Phila. , Pa. , from; Imports to St. Helen's, Eng. , from; Imports to Va. , from; Irish in; Jesuits emigrate to; Jesuits expelled from; Jesuits from Havana forbidden to land in; Jesuits from Paraguay, banished from; Merchants in; Plague in; Privateers, American, in; Privateers, American, welcomed in; Ships, American, captured by British off; Ships, American, in; Ships, British, captured by Spanish in; Ships, British, detained in; Ships, British, in; Ships from; Ships from Buenos Aires, Arg. , to; Ships from Cape Lookout Bay, N. C. , to; Ships from Havana, Cuba, to; Ships from Honduras to; Ships from James river, Va. , to; Ships from N. Y. City, to; Ships from Phila. , Pa. , to; Ships from Suffolk, Eng. , to; Ships from Veracruz, Mex. , to; Ships from Va. , to; Ships run ashore off; Ships' sailing time; Ships to; Ships to Alexandria, Va. , from; Ships to America from; 168 Caldwell Ships to Boston, Mass. , from; Ships to Delaware river from; Ships to James river, Va. from; Ships to Marblehead, Mass., from; Ships to N. Y. City from; Ships to Norfolk, Va. , from; Ships to Phila. , Pa. , from; Ships to Poole, Eng. , from; Ships to Porto Rico, W. I. , from; Ships to Potomac district, Va. , from; Ships to Salem, Mass. , from; Ships to Va. , from; Ships to York district, Va. , from; Shipwrecks in; Shipwrecks near; Shipwrecks off; Spanish army to; Spanish army to America from; Spanish army to Ceuta, Mor. , from; Spanish navy from; Spanish navy in; Spanish navy, number of ships in; Spanish navy to Cartagena, Spain from; Spanish transports fitted out in; Storms off; Swedish navy in Cadogan, Capt. , of the Porcupine, DlAg77:ll John, 24Ap52: 21 William, Dr., author, PD17S72: 22, PD10Je73: 32, D24Ag76: 53 Cadou, Jean, D13N79: 22, D20N79: 31 Cadwalader, [Lambert], Col. , P6D76: 21. P6D76: 23. P17Ja77: 22 [Thomas], Dr. , 210c37: 22 Cadwallader, [John], Gen. , D10Ja77: 32— P10Ja77: 22, D7Mr77: 71--P7Mr77sll Caernarvon, Wales, See Murders near Caesar, Francis, C15My79: 41 Caesar, [Julius], author, PD3Ja71: 43, PD17 Ja71 : 43, PD7F71: 43, PD21F71: 43, PD29Ag71: 33, PD10Je73: 34, DllF75s23, D30c77:32 Caesar, brig. , PD29S68: 21— R29S68: 21 ship, 7J138: 41, 6Ap39: 31, 13Ap39: 31, 13Je45: 31, 11 J145: 31, 3Ap46: 22, 12S51: 32, 15S52: 32, 25Ap55: 22, PD28Mr66: 33, PD27N66: 22— R27N66: 22, R11D66: 13, PD130c68: 22, PD9F69: 31, R8F70: 23, R23Ag70: 33— PD30Ag70: 41, PD9My71: 31 — R9My71: 33, PD7My72: 23, PD1 J173: 32, R16D73: 32, PD12My74pll— R12My74: 41, DlAp75" 31, D29Ap75s33, Pi21S75:32 sloop, PD3Je73: 23 Caesarian operations, PD20Oc74: 23 Caffon, Capt.,R21Ja73:31 Cagan, Brian, 9Je38: 41 Cahoon, George, PD13Ag67: 13— R13Ag67:22 Cahoone, Capt. , Dl J175: 31 , Pi6 J175: 31 Cahors, produced in France, PD18Mr73:31 Caicos banks, Bah. , See Privateers, Baltimore, Md. , rescued off Caicos isls. , Bahamas, See Dollars, Spanish found off; Shipwrecks near Caimonos island, See Ships from Jamaica, W. I. , to Cain, Isham, P24My76sl2 William, 21 Ap38: 41 Caine, John, deserter, D24Ja77: 41 Cairncross, Major, embarks for Boston, Mass. , PD270c74: 22 Cairns, Watson &, 7F51: 41, 8Ag51: 41, 12 Je52: 22, 24 J152: 32, 28F55: 32 Cairo, Egypt, See Earthquakes in; Executions in; Plagues in; Printing houses established in Caistor, Eng. , See Antiquities dis- covered in Caithness, Scot. , See Accidents in; Copper mines discovered in; Emigration from; Fisheries, herring off; Robbers, conspiracy of in Caius, pseud. ,Pil7N74: 22 Cakes, See Blacking cakes; Dr. Bolderson's worm cakes; Worm sugar cakes Cakes, almond, for sale, in Williams- burg, Va. ,PD13Ap69:32— R13Ap69:32 Cakes, Pintefract, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD28S69: 31 Calabar, Africa, See Imports to York district, Va. , from; Ships to James river, Va. , from; Ships to York dis- trict, Va. , from; Slaves imported to York district, Va. , from Calais, France, See Anecdotes from Calamanco, for sale, 12F62: 42 at Pungoteague warehouse, Va. , P23Ag76: 33 in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72: 31, D24J179:22 in Cabin Point, Va. , PD3S72: 23 in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD25Ap66: 31 in Gloucester co. , Va. , P19Ap76sll— D20Ap76: 33, P16Ag76: 33— D24Ag76: 72 in Lancaster co. , Va. , C19F80: 11 in London, Eng. , PD7 Je70: 33 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22, PD150c72:23 in Petersburg, Va. , PD6N66: 21, D25 J177: 41--P25 J177: 42 in Portsmouth, Va. , D11J177: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , 7N54: 42, PD28S69:31,D26Ag75:32 in Yorktown, Va. , 4J145: 42, P27D76:32 for shoes, PD16My71: 31— R23My71: 41 stolen, in Lunenburg co. , Va. , 4N63:22 Calamanco, women's, price regulated in Williamsburg, Va. D24J179: 21 Calamanco clogs, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD29N70: 31— R29N70:31 Calamanco coats, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD30 Ja72: 32— R6F72:32 Calamanco petticoats, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD150c72: 31, R210c73:22 Calamanco pumps, for sale, in Richmond, Va. , PD310c71: 23— R310c71:32 in Wmsbg. , Va. , H30N59: 32, PD270c68: 33— R270c68: 22, PD18My69: 31— R25My69: 23, R260c69: 23, PD2N69: 41, PD19Ap70s23— R19Ap70: 31, R8N70:13,PD17Oc71:23, R170c71:33, PD23My72: 23, PD290c72: 22— R290c72: 22, PD12N72: 23, PD11N73: 22, R23F75: 33— D25F75: 33 in Yorktown, Va. , PD310c71 : 23 Calamanco shoes, adv. of, in Norfolk, Va. , PD16My71: 31— R23My71: 41 for sale, R12F62:42 in Cobham, Va. , P4J177: 31 in Cabin Point, Va. , PD3S72: 23 in Dumfries, Va. , Pi20Oc74: 32— PD20Oc74: 31 in Gloucester, Va. , P19Ap76sll — D20Ap76: 33 in Lancaster co. , Va. , C19F80: 11 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23, PD29Ja67: 32, PD24My70: 33, PD290c72: 21 — R290c72: 31 in Petersburg, Va. , PD24Ja71:31, PD290c72: 22, PD28J174s22, D18Ap77: 71 — P18Ap77s42 in Richmond, Va. , PD310c71: 23— R310c71: 32, PD5N72sll— R5N72:22,PD15D74:32 in West point, Va. , P160c78: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , 10 J152: 32, 30N59: 32, PD18D66: 31, PD25 Je67: 32, R12My68: 31, R28J168: 32, PD18My69: 31— R25My69: 23, PD15F70: 41, PD19 J170: 33— R19 J170: 33, R8N70: 13, PD22N70s23, PD29N70: 31--R29N70: 31, PD29Ag71 : 31, PD28My72: 23, PD9J172: 31, PD140c73: 23, R210c73:22, PD3F74: 32, PD12My74: 43, PD270c74: 32, C30Oc79:42 in Yorktown, Va. , PD25F68: 31 — R25F68:31,PD310c71:23 imported, lost, adv. for, PD28Mr71:31 Calamus, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. ,P10Oc77:12 Calamus aromaticus, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD21S69: 41 — R21S69s21 Calash, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD10c67:13 Calbert, Jamieson, Campbell & co. , adv. rum and molasses, PD4J171:31— R8Ag71:31 Calbot, ship, P5J176:22 Calcutta, India, reinforced by British, PD27Ag72:13 See also Distemper in; Funeral cus- toms in Calcutta, Indiaman, PD23Ap67:22 Calder, Capt. , R7D69: 23 of the Magdalen, PD14J168: 31— R14J168:31 James, Dr. ,270c52:22 Thomas, PD18Ag68: 32, PlMy78: 32 William, D10F76: 33 Calderhead, Mr. , PD16S73: 33 William, PD4J171: 31— R8Ag71: 31, P29D75:13 Calderwood, Capt. , arrives in N. Y. , PD60c68: 22— R60c68: 22 Caldwell, Capt. , of the Emerald, D22Je76:21 of the Rose, PD25My69: 21, PD12S71:31 Lt. , taken prisoner by British, DllAp77:32 Major, in Canada, D3F76: 13, D40c76: 61, D40c76:62 Andrew, of Phila. , Pa. , D310c77: 21 — P310c77:13,D25S79:22 David, 18Ap51: 41, R15Je69: 31 George, PD24D72: 32, P7N77s21, P28N77:23 169 Caldwell (cont'd) James, adv. finding horse, R21Ap68: 22 anniversary of death of, PD4Ap71: 22 funeral of described, PD5Ap70: 31— R5Ap70:41 killed during Boston massacre, PD5Ap70: 23--R5Ap70: 32 merchant in Philadelphia, Pa. , D310c77: 21--P310c77: 13, D25S79: 22 murder of tried, PD3Ja71: 13 reports on British navy, D13J176:42 [James], Rev., Mr. , D12F80: 22 John, jr. ,R16N69:33 Robert, R15Je69: 31 Samuel, R27F72: 33 Thomas, PD2Je68: 23 William, 12S55: 32 Caldwell, Pringle &, D15Ag77: 51 Caleb, Benjamin Rives, PD30J172: 33 Caledonia ship, 1 5My46 : 41 , 1 70c51 : 22 Caledonian mercury, extract from, 7N45:22,P31Mr75:32 Caledoniensis, pseud. , PD15S68: 41, PD130c68: 41, PD270c68: 41, PD3N68: 41, PD10N68: 41, PD17N68:41,PD1D68:41, PD15D68: 11, PD29D68: 41, PD9F69: 11, PD16Mr69: 23, PD16Mr69: 41, PD30Mr69: 11 Calef, Capt. , PD16 Je68: 22--R16Je68: 23 John, Dr. , of Ipswich, Mass. , PD28J168: 21— R28 J168: 21 W. , in Boston, Mass. , R5Ap70: 22 Calendar, revised in Gt. Brit. , 24My51: 22, 20Je51: 31, 27Je51: 22, 16Ag51:21 Calendars, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166:23 Calendars, court, for sale, in Norfolk. Va. ,PD25J166:23 in Williamsburg, Va. , P10F75: 42 Calf, for bookbinding, PD14Mr66: 32 price of in Boston, Mass. , P18Ag75: 12 Calf boots, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. ,PD30Je68:31 Calfe, Daniel, R2Ag70:12 Calford, Capt. , of the Captain, 25Ap55:21 Calfskin, duties on import to Gt. Brit. , removed, PDllMy69s32 export from Brit. , colonies, N. Am. , opposed, PD3Ag69: 22 for sale, in Gloucester, Va. , P19Ap76sll--D20Ap76: 33, P16Ag76: 33--D24Ag76: 72 in Gloucester co. , Va. , P20S76: 31 — D21S76:32 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD13D70: 31, P7Je76:33,P13S76:32 in Yorktown, Va. , P27D76: 32 for shoes, PD16My71:31--R23My71: 41 import to Fr. from Gt. Brit. , permitted, HMy39:21 imported, lost, adv. for, 150c36:42 imported to James river, lower dis- trict, Va. , from Phila. , Pa. , PD20Ja74:23 Calfskin, dressed, price regulated in Williamsburg, Va. , D24J179: 21 Calfskin, English, adv. of, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD28J168: 23 for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD25My69:32 imported to Va. , R26My74: 32 Calfskin, raw. price regulated in Williamsburg, Va. , D24J179: 21 in York co. , Va. , D31 J179: 31 in Yorktown, Va. , D31 J179: 31 Calfskin, white, adv. of, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD28 J168: 23 Calfskin pumps, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD28My72: 23 Calfskin shoes, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD28My72: 23 in Yorktown, Va. , PD25F68: 31— R25F68:31 Calgow, Thomas, 17F38: 41 Calhoun, William, R12My74: 42 Calico, for sale, PD19Ap70s23, P5J176:33, P6Mr78:32 at Kemp's landing, Va. , P160c78: 31, D19Mr79:31 at York river, Va. , PD8 J173: 32— R8J173:32 in Cabin Point, Va. , PD3S72: 23 in Edenton, N.C. , P160c78:42 in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD25Ap66: 31, P4Ap77: 32— DllAp77: 62 in Gloucester, Va. , P19Ap76sll— D20Ap76:33 in Gloucester co. , Va. , D29Je76:42 in Lancaster co. , Va. , C19F80: 11 in King William co. , Va. , PD18Je67:32 in Norfolk, Va. , 3 J146: 41, PD25J166: 22, PD29 Ja67: 32 in Petersburg, Va. , D5S77: 22 P5S77: 31, D12S77: 41— P19S77: 11, D240c77: 21--P240c77: 32, P27Mr78: 12, D8My78: 61, P5Je78:U— D10J178: 41, P21Ag78:42 in Princess Anne co. , Va. , P19Je78:31 in Richmond, Va. , PD310c71: 23— R310c71:32, P10J178:31 in Suffolk, Va. ,D10J178:32, P21Ag78:ll in West Point, Va. , P160c78: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , 27Mr46: 42, 10J152: 32, 30N59: 32, PD4Je67: 33, PD3D67: 32, R12My68: 31, R28 J168: 32, PD13Ap69: 32— R13Ap69: 31, PD28S69: 31, R260c69: 23, PD2N69:41,PD19Ap70s23— R19Ap70: 31, R8N70: 13, PD22N70s23, PD29N70: 31--R29N70: 31, PD1 lAp71 : 32, PD1 2D71 : 32, PD13Ag72: 21, R150c72: 31, PD290c72: 22— R290c72: 22, PD12N72: 23, PD140c73: 23, D28Mr77: 72, P18J177: 32, D7N77: 32, D14N77: 31, D28N77: 22, D5D77: 12— P5D77: 22, D160c79: 11, D160c79: 31, C13N79: 12, D11D79: 22, D5F80: 33 in Yorktown, Va. , PD29Ag71 : 31, PD310c71:23 import to Fr. from Gt. Brit. , permitted, HMy39:21 imported to Hampton, Va. , from Antigua, W. I. , 18Ap45: 32 marking regulated in Gt. Brit. , R23S73:21 stolen, in South Quay, Va. , D25Mr80: 32 unclaimed, adv. of, PD7My72: 31 Calico, British, export from Eng. , to N.Y. allowed, D10J179: 22 Calico, chintz, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , R170c71: 33 Calico, coarse, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , D240c77: £ 1 — P240c77: 32 Calico, cotton, for s. \ in Williamsburg, Va. ,R170c71:33 Calico, Holland, for sale, ; n Williams- burg, Va. , 20Je45: 41 Calico, India, export from Eng. , to N. Y. allowed, D10J179: 22 for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , D12S77:41 — P19b77:ll in Williamsburg, Va. , PD170c71:23, R12My74: 32, DlMy79: 22 Calico, Irish, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va . Pi20Oc74: 31--PD20Oc74s22 Calico, pattern, for sale, in Williams- burg, Va. , PD30 Ja72: 32— R6F72:32 Calico, printed, export from Eng. , to N.Y. allowed, D10J179: 22 for sale, 12F62:42 in Alexandria, Va. , D24J179: 22, D14Ag79: 12— C28Ag79: 43 in Norfolk, Va. , P24My70: 33 in Petersburg, Va. , D240c77: 21 — P240c77: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , HOc51: 41, 28F55: 31 , PD29Ag71: 31, D26Ag75: 32 Calico bed gowns, for sale, in London, Eng. , PD7 Je70: 33—PD14Je70: 42 Calico manufactures, in Fredericks- burg, Va. , P17Ja77: 22 Calico painters, See Indentured servants as Calico print manufactures, established in Fr. ,R23Mr69:23 Calico pumps, for sale, in Williams- burg, Va. ,^17871: 31 — R26S71:41 Calico shoes, for sale, in Williams- burg, Va. ,PD17S71:31 — R26S71:41 Calico stuffs, boycotted in Va. Association, PD25My69: 11-- RlJe69:13 California, See Explorations to California, ship, 31 J146:41 California coast, See Gold mines dis- covered in Calista horse, D28Mr77: 22— P4Ap77:31,D19Mr79:42, C11D79:22— D18D79:31 Calk, James, 240c55: 32 WiUiam, C15J180:22 Call, Col. ,D2Ap79:31 Lt. , P5 J176p22 Mr. , house of in Petersburg, Va. , PD60c68:23 Benjamin, PD10N74: 33 Richard, P14Je76p22, P21F77: 41 William, adv. bacon for sale, Dll J177: 32— P18 J177sl2 adv. glebe land for sale, PD18Oc70: 32— R18Oc70: 22 adv. merchandise for sale, D5S77: 22--P5S77: 31, D12S77: 41 — P19S77: 11, D240c77: 21--P240c77: 32, P5Je78:ll — D10J178:41 adv. stallion for hire, D12Mr79: 31 — C15My79:43 land of, DlMy71: 22— C15My79: 42 requests payment of debts due, Field & Call, D6Ap76:33 William, Col. , D8My79: 31 — C15My79: 42, D14Ag79: 12 170 Calvert Call, Field &, PD4N73: 23. D13N78: 12 accounts of factors to be examined, DllMr75:21 adv. damaged merchandise for sale, PD8Mr70: 33, R18Oc70: 22 PD290c72: 21--R290c72: 31 adv. for ships cargo, PD20Ap69: 31 — R20Ap69:31 adv. land for sale, PD9My71: 33 adv. merchandise for sale, PD14Ja68:32 defendant in Chancery court, R20My73:23 payment of debts due requested, D6Ap76:33 Call, Lawrence & co. , adv. removal of slaves for sale, PD13S70: 32— R13S70:31 adv. slaves for sale, PD6S70: 32— R6S70: 23, PD30Ag70: 32— R30Ag70: 31, PD9J172: 32, PD20Ag72:23 demand payment for slaves sold, PD8J173:32--R15J173:43 Callahan, Capt. . R2Je74: 13, PD23Je74: 13--R23 Je74: 23, P2Je75s23 of the Minerva, PD16 Je74s21, PD16Je74o22 Paul, robber, 210c37: 22, 18N37: 41 Callallo, Hamilton, D7Mr77: 62 Calland, James, P28Mr77sll Joseph, PD16Ag70: 43 adv. finding steer, PD12Ag73: 32 adv. for bids for clearing Willis's river, PD19My74: 43— R19My74: 22 adv. for runaway slave, R23My71: 42, R17Mr74:31 adv. land for sale, PD19Ag73: 21, D8Je76:72 adv. plantation for sale, PD22Ag66: 23, PD16My71:31 land of, mortgaged, for sale, PD9D73:23--R9D73:22 on Cumberland co. , Va. , committee of observation, D25Mr75: 13 store of, PD12My68: 23— R12My68: 24 Samuel, D180c76: 32, D18D79: 31 William, D30c77: 32 Callander, Mr., London watchmaker, P19J176:33 [John], author, PD17S72: 21, PD10Je73: 31, D25N75: 11, D30D75: 11, D24F76: 43, D2Mr76: 41, D9Mr76: 41, D25My76: 43, D24Ag76: 51, D20D76: 41, D3 Ja77: 41, D17 Ja77: 41, D2My77:81,D4J177:81 Callapissas (Indians), kill Choctaws, PD8D68:11 Callau, Samuel, PI 10c76: 13 Callaway, Charles, D8N76: 32 Francis, 12Je52:32 James, Pi8 Je75: 22, D160c78: 41 James, Col. , P240c77: 23 John, adv. finding horse, R13J169: 32 adv. for missing horse, PD4N73: 31 adv. for runaway indentured servant, R12My68:41 adv. for runaway slave, P29Ag77: 33, P21Ag78:ll on Bedford co. , Va. , committee, Pi8Je75:22 slave of,PD19Ap70:41,PD24My70:31 Richard, Col. , D160c79: 32 William, 12Je52: 32, R14Ap68: 33 William, jr. , of Bedford co. , Va. , Pi8Je75:22 Callender, Capt. , D26Mr79: 22, D2Ap79:22 of the Dragon, D13N78: 21 Mr. , killed by Shawnees, Pil30c74sl2 murder of in Jamaica, PD10Je73: 13 Eleazar, Capt. , of the Dragon, P240c77: 33 Eliezer,D10Ja77:42--P10Ja77:41, D28F77: 41 — P28F77s22, D5D77: 22 William, 19S55:22 Calley, Capt. , PD31 Ja71: 31 Calliard, de, Capt. , of the Le Hardi, PD1J173:21 Calligraphers, adv. for, in Albemarle, Va. , barracks, C6N79: 32 Calliloo, Mr., Tory in Md. , P4Ap77: 12 Callinqua, W. I. , See Ships from North America to Callis. Capt. , of the Assistance, 20Je45:31 George, D25S79: 31 Callosities, cure for, PD26F67: 13 Calloway, James, R5Ag73: 23, D230c79: 12 John, R19J170:33 Joseph, PD18Ag74:21 William, R2My71:41 Callur's ordinary, N. C. , D8Ag77: 31 Cally schooner, PD12D71: 33 Calmar, ship, 28N45: 21 Calmes, Marquis, 20Oc52: 31 Marquis, It. , P24Ja77: 31 Calmouck, for sale, in Blandford, Va. , D13N78:11 Calomel, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. ,P5S77:33 in Hanover co. , Va. D5F80: 41 in Richmond, Va. , P12Je78: 22— D10J178:41 in Shockoe, Va. , PD4Ap66: 41 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD18 Je67: 32, R3N68: 33--PD10N68: 22, PD21S69: 33— R21S69s21, PD21S69: 41— R21S69s21, PD240c71: 31, D21F77: 21 — P21F77:32, D10J178:21— P10 J178: 33, D29 Ja80: 41, C15 J180: 22 near Warwick, Va. , D28F77: 32 used in smaUpox inoculations, R30N69:22, Calse, Capt. , Pi270c74: 21 Caluelan, Capt. , of the Triton, D7Ag79:31 Calvarists, petition to Louis XV con- cerning, 20Ap39:22 Calvert, Capt. , PD26F67: 31, PD15Ag71: 22— R15Ag71: 22 galley of, P16Ag76: 32, P21N77: 11 of the Joanna, 5D51:41 of the Two Sisters, PD6Je66: 23 slave of, P21N77: 33 Miss, refugee from British in Va. , D15My79: 22 Mr. , drowned in Susquehanna river. PD9Je68:23 Mrs. , refugee from British in Va. , D15My79:22 Benedict, arrives in Williamsburg, Va. , PD2N69: 31--R2N69: 22 Christopher, R6Ap69: 32, R20Ap69: 13, R26 J170: 22, R28 Ja73: 32, P12 Je78: 11 Christopher, Capt. , of the Earl of Chatham, RllAg68: 23 Cornelius, adv. land for sale, R12Mr67:31 adv. Madeira wine for sale, PD16S73:31 adv. wine and drugs for sale, P28N77sl2 agrees to removal of inoculated persons, PD1S68: 22--R1S68: 31 astrologer discusses son's life, PD16Ja72:32 criticized for smallpox defense, R5Mr72:22 declares escape warrant against Lewis Hansford void, R6Ap69: 32 defends smallpox article, PD19Mr72: 23 defends smallpox inoculation, PD9Ja72:22 describes arrest of Lewis Hansford, PD20Ap69s22 discusses smallpox inoculation in Norfolk, Va. ,R25Ag68sl2 family inoculated against smallpox, R25Ag68sll grants escape warrant, R6Ap69: 33 in inoculation dispute in Norfolk, Va. , PD8S68pl2 on common hall of Norfolk borough, Va. , P12J176: 13 plaintiff in Chancery court, R23J167: 43 ship of captured, D3F76: 32 slave of,P12Je78:31 subscriber to meeting of merchants, PD30Je74:23 supports Lewis Hansford, R20Ap69: 22 swears statement against rioters, PD9Ja72:31 water lot of, PD80c72: 32— R80c72:23 Cornelius, Capt. , of the Betsey, 29D52:32,26S55:31 of the Johanna, 13Je51: 32, 25J151: 32 Eleanor, marriage of, PD17F74: 21 — R17F74:23 George, PD14Ap68: 32, P7F77: 43 James, C3J179: 32 John, R9F69: 31, R26J170: 21, P14 Je76: 33, P40c76: 33, P13D76: 31 Jonathan, PD9 Ja72: 23 Joseph, PD4J166: 33, R8F70: 33 adv. land for sale, R9Je68: 33 adv. lottery, PD13N66: 22, PD27N66: 23--R4D66: 33 adv. lottery of millinery goods, PD19S66:23 adv. sale of land, PD30c66: 41 adv. salvaged goods for sale, PD6N66:22 adv. services as commission merchant, PD23My66: 31, R14Ap68sl4 adv. ships for sale, PD6N66: 31 — R4D66: 43. PD19F67: 31 — R19F67: 23 adv. slaves held in jail, R15S68: 24, R21S69:32, R50c69:32 attack on women denied, PD8S68pl3 criticized in inoculation dispute, PD8S68p21 fights Campbell, PD8S68p21 jailer, R27J169: 32 lottery of, PD12F67: 32— R19F67: 32 plans reply to Cornelius Calvert, R6Ap69:31 171 Calvert, Joseph (cont'd) reimbursed for property destroyed in Norfolk, Va. ,P12Je78:12 security for rioters, PD9 Ja72: 32 sergeant of borough of Norfolk, R6Ap69: 32, R6Ap69: 33, R20Ap69: 22, PD20Ap69s21, PD9Ja72: 31, R23S73: 32 signs Association in Norfolk, Va. , R26J170:22 solicits position as vendue-master, PD2My66:21 vendue-master, PD24My70: 31 — R31My70:33 Joseph, Capt. , of the Peggy, 29S52: 31, 24N52:31 Max, R270c68: 24, R27J169: 32 Max, Capt. , PD23Mr69: 32— R21Ap69s21 Maximilian, PD21Mr71: 32, PD9Ja72: 23, PD10D72:23 adv. finding anchor and rope, PD19Mr72:31 adv. for runaway slave, R30N69: 32 adv. schooner for sale, D27Ja76: 41 becomes security for Joseph Calvert, PD23My66:31 captured bv Americans near Kemp's landing, Va. , P15D75: 23 discusses smallpox inoculation in Norfolk, Va. ,R25Ag68sl2 elected mayor of Norfolk, Va. , PD29 Je69: 31--R6J169: 31 gives bail for Inman, PD12F67: 22 house of, R25Ag68sll, PD7N71: 23 opposes inoculation near Norfolk, Va. , PD8S68pl2 orders arrests, PD9 Ja72: 31 security for rioters, PD9 Ja72: 32, PD19Mr72:23 signs Association in Norfolk, Va. , R26J170:22 Maximilian, jr. , PD28Ja73: 23 — R28Ja73: 23, PD11F73: 23— R11F73:21 Maximilian, sr. , PD28Ja73: 23— R28 Ja73: 23, PD11F73: 23— R11F73:21 Samuel, R26J170- 22, Pi8D74: 11, Pi8D74:13,P3CAg76:33 Samuel, Capt. , of the Jolly Bacchus, R12Ja69:31 Saunders, Capt. , of the Industry, 28F55:31,23My55:21 of the Spakes, 22S52: 32 of the Skikes, 20Oc52: 21 Thomas, Capt. , of the John and Richard, 22S52: 32 of the Peggy, PD10Mr74: 31 William, R31Ja71: 32 William, Capt. , R2N69: 22, R15F70: 32 Calvert, Jamieson, & co. , Campbell, adv. rum and molasses for sale, PD4J171:31--R8Ag71:31 Calvert & co. , Jamieson, Campble, escheated property of, for sale, C15J180:21 Calvert co. Md. . See Stealing in Calves, abnormal, PD22F7U: 12. PD22Mr70: 21. PD28Mr71: 22 captured by British from Gardiner's island, N. Y. . Pi31Ag75: 31-- D2S75: 21 killing to be prevented in Great Britain. PD12My68: 13 killing to be prohibited in England, PD25Ag68: 22--R25Ag68s23 method of raising, PD13Je71: 21 penalty on butchering of in England, PDlAp73:ll price of, in Quebec, Can. , D18My76: 32 in Rumford, England, PD9Mr69: 31 unusual size of, in Dutchess co. , N. Y. , PD20Oc74s21 Calves, sloop, PD22Mr70: 13 Calvinists, doctrines of discussed, R5Mr72:21 in France, number of, PD60c74: 13 rights protected in Prussia, 1D52: 22 Calwell, John, RlAp73:41 Calypso schooner, R26My68: 31 — PD26My68:22 Calypso ship, PD6Ag67: 32 Cam, England, See Bread, scarce in Camabell, Charles, D26D77: 12 Cambden, ship, R4F68: 23 Cambell, James, 30Mr39: 41 Moses, R25N73: 42 Robert, D27N79: 42 Camble, Ensign, P5Ja76(5)sl3— D6Ja76:32 Mr.,P14F77:21 Camblets, for sale, in King and Queen co. , Va. , 2S57: 32 in Suffolk, Va. , 5Mr52: 31 stolen, in Charles City co. , Va. , 6Ja38: 42 Cambrai, France, See Murders in Cambray, bishop of, author, [Francois de Salignac de la Mothe Fenelon], PD25F68: 41, PD29N70: 21, PD13D70: 42, PD3 Ja71 : 42, PD17Ja71:42,PD24Ja71:42, PD7F71:42,PD21F71:42, PD7Mr71 : 42, PD21Mr71 : 42, PD28Mr71:42 Cambric, boycotted in Providence, R. 1. , PD21Ja68:31 boycotted in Va. Association, PD25My69: 11— Rl Je69: 13 for sale, 12F62: 42, PD19Ap70s23, P6Mr78:32 at Kemp's landing, Va. , P160c78: 31, D19Mr79:31 in Alexandria, Va. , P3Ap78: 31, D24J179:22 in Blandford, Va. , D10J178: 22, D13N78:11,D26F79:32 in Edenton, N. C. , P160c78:42 in Fredericksburg, Va. , P4Ap77: 32— DllAp77: 62, D26Mr79: 22 in Gloucester, Va. , P19Ap76sll — D20Ap76:33 in Gloucester co. , Va. , D29 Je76: 42 in King and Queen co. , Va. , 2S57: 32 in Lancaster co. , Va. , C19F80: 11 in Norfolk, Va. , PD24My70: 33 in Petersburg, Va. , D18Ap77: 71— P18Ap77s42, P27Mr78: 12, D8My78: 61 in Suffolk, Va. , P21Ag78: 11 in Williamsburg, Va. , 20 Je45: 41, 27Mr46: 42, HOc51: 41, 10J152: 32, 28F55: 31, 2S57: 31. 30N59: 32, PD4Je67: 33, PD25Je67: 32, PD10c67: 13, PD12N67: 22, PD3D67: 32, PD60c68: 31 — R60c68: 23, PD270c68: 33— R270c68: 22, PD18My69: 31 — R25My69: 23, PD28S69: 31, PD15F70: 41, PD4Oc70: 31, R8N70:13,PD22N70s23, PD29N70: 31--R29N70: 31, PD29Ag71: 31, PD10Oc71: 31, PD170c71: 23, PD240c71 : 31, PD12D71 : 32, PD23Ap72: 23— R23Ap72: 13, PD30Ap72: 31, PD7My72: 32, PD9J172: 31, PD150c72: 31, PD290c72: 22— R290c72: 22, PD22Ap73: 31, PD140c73: 23, PD210c73: 23— R210c73: 22, PD11N73: 22, R12My74:32, Pi6Ap75:42, P10My76: 43--DllMy76: 23, P18 J177: 32, DlAg77: 22, D14N77: 31, D28N77: 22, D5D77: 12--P5D77: 22, D10J178:21— P10J178:33, DlMy79: 22, C30Oc79: 42, C6N79: 32— D6N79: 31, C13N79: 12, D11D79: 22 in Yorktown, Va. , PD310c71: 23, P27D76.32 import to Eng. discouraged, 23Mr39: 31 import to Gt. Brit, from Fr. proposed, PD4F73:21 regulated, PD27Ag67: 22, PD10S67: 21 import to Ire. from Gt. Brit, only, PD3Mr68:21 plentiful in S. C. , PD14D69: 12 smuggled in Great Britain, PD80c67: 12 Cambric, demi, for sale, in Williams- burg, Va. , R13D69: 23--PD14D69: 32 Cambric, French, duties on export to British colonies. N. Am. . levied. PD23Ap72: 13 rumored, PD29Ag66: 13 duties on import to British colonies, N.Am., repeal proposed, PD13Je66: 23 duties on importation to Great Britain, PD13Je66:23 for sale, in Smithfield, Va. , C3J179:31 smuggled in Great Britain, 27Je51:21 Cambric, striped, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD240c71: 31 Cambric act, repeal favored in France, PD23Ap67:13 repeal laid aside in Great Britain, PD28My67: 13 repeal opposed in Great Britain, PD23Ap67:13 Cambric handkerchiefs, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD29 Ja67: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD25F68: 23— R3Mr68: 34, PD210c73: 23— R210c73:22, D28N77: 22 Cambric manufacture, declines in Scot. , PDllMr73:21 in Dundalk, Ire. , 8Ap37: 41 success of, PD27Ag67: 21 in Fredericksburg, Va. , P17Ja77: 22 in Ire. , improved, PD5N72: 22— R5N72:11 in Scot. , supported by landed interest, PD23Ap67:13 perfected in Glasgow, Scot. , PD23Ap72: 22 Cambric stocks, lost, adv. for, D13D76:32 near West Point, Va. , 26 Ja39: 42 stolen, at Kind's creek, Va. , P23Ag76:41 Cambridge, [Richard Owen], author, PD17S72: 21, PD10 Je73: 31 Sam,PD25Ap71:32 Cambridge, England, accidents in, 172 Cameron 22S38:22 assizes, trials in, PD150c72: 21, PD5N72: 32 street paving and lighting planned, R30Mr69:21 See also Anecdotes from; Conjurors in; Elections in; Fires in; Horse racing near; Murders in; Stealing in; Cambridge, Md. , See Indentured servants runaway from Cambridge, Mass. , approves convention proceedings, R3N68: 14 assemblymen elected, PD1 Je69: 21 attack on described, D30Mr76: 32 bombing of, P19Ja76: 23--D20Ja76: 22 British casualties in, Pi24Ag75: 33 British casualties near, P1S75:21 — D2S75:21 conditions in, P12Ja76: 31— D13 Ja76: 31 plundered by British army, D6Ap76: 31 skirmishes at, Pi24Ag75: 32 town meeting, instructs assemblymen, PDlJe69:21 See also Ammunition imported to; Armaments for Continental army in; Arsenals in; Balm (baum) for relief of Boston, Mass. , from; Bonfires in; British army from; British army from Boston, Mass. , to; British army in; British army retreats from; Common Sense toasted in; Continental army in; Continental army reviewed in; Gardens in; Horses taken by Americans near; Illuminations in; Imports to; Indians, Canadian, con- ference at; Lightning in; Magazines (storehouses) in; Massachusetts gen- eral assembly meets in; Mass. pro- vincial army headquarters at; Mass. provincial army in; Militia in; New Hampshire troops to; Plays presented in; Powder for Continental army in; Prisoners of war, British, arrive in; Prisoner of war, Hessian, arrive in; Prisoners of war exchanged at; Sage for relief of Boston, Mass. , from; Saratoga, N. Y. , surrender celebrated in; Ships, British, burned near; Ships from Norwich, Conn. , to; Storms in; Tories imprisoned in; Travel; Weather reports in Cambridge, Mass. , troops, sent to Quebec, Can. , P2F76sl3--D3F76: 32 — P13F76: 21 Cambridge, H. M. S. , 24Ja52: 31 ship, 18Ap45: 32, PD3Ja71: 31 snow, PD21Je70: 33, PD14My72: 31 Cambridge college, England, degrees conferred at, PD19Ap70: 21 Cambridge University, addresses George HI, PDllMy69: 22 books stolen from, 26N36: 21 interludes at prevented, 26Ag37: 32 parliamentary representatives chosen, 8Ap37:31 powers examined, PD14My72: 13 received by royal family, 11N37: 32 Cambro, D. , London watchmaker, PD9D73:22--R9D73:21 Camden, earl of [Charles Pratt], PD18Ap66: 31 appointment to ministry rumored, P15S75sll — D16S75: 31, P29My78: 21 Lord, PD15Ag66: 31 as appointed to Chancery court rumored, D7Ja75: 13 attitude on colonial taxation, PD8D68: 13 calls Stamp act illegal, PD13 Je66: 13 confers with George HI, PD7Mr66: 11 criticized by George Grenville, PD23F69: 31--R24F69s21 criticizes conduct of revolution, P20Mr78:22 declares Stamp act unconstitutional, PD14Mr66:31 ejected from post as chancellor, PD14Je70sll favors repeal of Quebec act, D19Ag75:22 friendship with Lord Chatham, PDllAp71:21 Junius addresses, R23Ap72: 11 leader of London, Eng. , populace rumored, PH4S75: 11 Mass. states grievances to, PD24Mr68: 31 — R24Mr68: 31 opinion on memorial of N. Y. general assembly, D22J175: 42 opinions favored in Holland, PD22D74:22 opposes Boston port bill, PD9Je74: 21 opposes colonial taxation, PD21Ap68: 22 opposes embargo on British colonies. N. Am. ,P26My75s42 opposes embargo on New England, P19My75:12 opposes embargo on New England, D10Je75:ll,D17Je75:ll opposes parliamentary supremacy, R16My66:42 opposes taxation of colonies, P7Ap75:ll opposes use of Hanoverian troops, D10F76:23 opposes use of mercenary troops, D22Je76:21 portrait of commissioned for Westmoreland co. , Va. , R190c69: 32 praised, PD25Ap66: 12 praised in Eng. , D23D75: 21 predicts Revolutionary war, PllAg75pll presents petition of Quebec, Can. P21J175:12 resignation of rumored, R8F70: 21 rumored to be Junius, PD310c71: 21 speaks on Mass. government act, PD28J174:23 speaks on regulation of Mass. judicial system, PDllAg74: 13 speech (text) against Declaratory act, R4F68:31 supported in Eng. , D23S75: 13 supports colonies, PDllAp66: 31, PD16My66: 21, PD25Je67: 31, PD2J167: 23, PDllAg74: 13, Pi3F75bl2--P3F75s23— D4F75: 23, Pil3Ap75: 31 — P14Ap75s22— D15Ap75: 31, P28Ap75: 13— D29Ap75s21,P23F76:22 supports British colonies, N.Am., in parliament, D21S76: 11 supports peace with U. S. , P30c77: 21 supports rights of British colonies, N.Am., in parliament, D27S76: 11 supports Stamp act repeal, PD23My66:22 statue to,PD7Mr66:ll to be keeper of the Privy Seals rumored, PD14Je70sl2 to be lord high chancellor rumored, PD19Ap70:12 to be lord of treasury rumored, PD19Ap70:22 to be Lord Privy Seal rumored, R14Je70:22 to be president of council rumored, PDllAp71:12 toasted as friend of America, PD30Je74: 11— R30Je74: 22 toasted by Continental congress, PD60c74: 23— Pi60c74: 32 toasted by Philadelphia, Pa. , Sons of St. Patrick, PD13Ap69: 23 toasted in James City co. , Va. , PD1D74:23— PilD74:32 toasted in Princess Anne co. , Va. , R4Ag74:12 [William], author, C19Ag80: 21 Camden S. C. , advantages of settlement in, Pi60c74:33 capture by Americans rumored, C19Ag80:21 grand jury, opposes taxation of colonies, Pi2Mr75: 31 See also Houses for sale in; Land for sale in; Lots for sale in; Mills for sale near; Slaves for sale in; Stealing by soldiers near; Stores for sale in; Taxation of colonies opposed in; Town planning in; Trial by jury supported in; Vendues in Camden, horse, D18Mr80: 33 schooner, D26F80: 23 stallion, D8My78: 61 — P27Mr78: 31 Camden co. , N. C. , See Barns in; Brick storehouses in; Dwelling houses in; Kitchens in; Land for sale in; Land for sale in near; Landings in; Stables in Camden courthouse, N. C. , See Auctions at Cameleon, man of war, D20c79: 12 Camels, James, R15J173: 41 Camels, in London, Eng. , R13My73: 23 Cameron, Indian chief, P1N76: 32 Lt. , P15D75: 22--D16D75: 32— PU6D75: 22, P22Mr76: 12— D23Mr76:32 Mr., Commissary, PD23J167: 21 — R23J167s21 Rev. Mr.,D5Mr79:41 Alexander, deputy Sup't. of Indians, advises building of stockades, R31Mr74:31 aids Cherokees in attack on Fincastle co., Va. ,P2Ag76:12 arrives in Augusta, Ga. , PD9S73: 23 confers with Cherokees, PD3lMr74: 22 encamped at Cowanaross, S. C. , with Indians, D27S76: 21 enlists Indians against colonies, D280c75:32 incites Indians against U. S. , P22N76:23,P29N76:22 leads Cherokees, D27S76: 22 offers reward for capture of Hezekiah Collins, PD9S73: 23--R9S73: 31 organizes defense against Indians, PD24Mr74:12 promises Indian support to British, D22 J175: 33— P22J175s23 stirs Indians against Virginians, P15N76:31 173 Cameron (cont'd) Allan, D10F76: 32 Allen, PD28J174: 32, P22D75: 12 Donald, Lt. , P22Mr76: 12--D23Mr76: 32 Duncan, PD3Ag69: 32 James, D2My77: 32 John, Capt. , of the Alexander, PD28D69: 31, PD15F70: 22 John, Rev. Mr. , D160c78: 42— P160c78:13 Robert, PD18F68: 31 Cameron parish, Loudoun co. , Va. , See Brick churches, described in; Churchwardens in; Glebe houses described in; Undertakers adv. for in Cameron parish glebe, Va. , See Barns in Cameron, horse, PD20Oc74: 31 ship,D14N77:ll Cameronian Regiment, PD25 Je72: 32 Camilla, horse, P14F77: 31, D21F77: 21, P18Ap77: 32, P21N77: 33— D28N77: 32, P27Mr78: 31, D26Mr79: 31 Camillus, pseud., P24Mr75:23 Camillus, horse, P21N77: 33— D28N77: 32, C27N79: 21--D11D79: 22 stallion, P18Ap77s22, P27Mr78: 31, D26Mr79:31 Camlet, for sale, PD270c74: 23 at Kemp's landing, Va. , D19Mr79: 31 in Manchester, Va. , C13My80: 41 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22, PD150c72: 23, PD290c72: 21— R290c72: 31 in Petersburg, Va. , D12S77: 41 — P19S77:11 in Portsmouth, Va. , Dll J177: 31 in Smithfield, Va. , D21F77: 22— P28F77s22 in Williamsburg, Va. , 27My37: 42, 7N54: 42, PD28S69: 31, PD22N70s23, P30Ag76: 33, D5D77: 12--P5D77: 22, D8My78:82 in Yorktown, Va. , 4 J145: 42, PD25F68:31--R25F68:31 Camlet, checked, for sale, at Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72: 31 Camlet, Scotch, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. 7N54: 42 Camlet, striped, for sale, in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72: 31 Camm, Elizabeth, D22My79: 22, D14Ag79:31 John, Rev. Mr. , PD18Oc70: 33, D17Je75s22 acting president of William and Mary college, PD20Je71: 32 adv. estate of Rev. Josiah Johnson for sale,PD10Je73:23 adv. for missing horse, 5Je52: 32 adv. for runaway slave, PD8S68: 31 — R22S68.41 adv. meeting of clergy, Pil30c74: 32— PD130c74:31 adv. slaves for sale, PD70c73: 22 announces meeting of Trustees for clergy's relief. PD30Ap67: 32 appointed commissary of Va. , PD20Ag72:23 appointed council member, PD220c72: 21--R220c72: 22 books and philosophical instruments of, for sale. D16Ap79:22 calls meeting of clergy of Va. . PD5My74:23 denied freedom of press, PD22Ag66: 21 elected to presidency of William and Mary, PD30J172:23 letter (text) from Henley to, PD20Je71:13,PD18J171:12 marriage of, PD13J169: 31--R13 J169: 23 meets with Dunmore on powder question, Pi4My75: 31 — P5My75s22— D6My75: 22 preacher for relief fund for clergy, PD16Mr69:31 president of William and Mary, D4Ap77: 21--P4Ap77: 23 rector of York- Hampton parish, Va. , 240c51:22 replies to Arthur Lee's attack, PD7Ap68: 11 supports American episcopate, PD13 Je71: 33, PD11 J171: 31, PD15Ag71 : 23, PD22Ag71 : 12, R26S71:12,PD310c71:22 sworn into Council, PD290c72: 21 — R290c72: 22 to prepare address to king, PD6Je71: 23 Treasurer for relief fund for clergy, PD9My66: 23, PD19Mr67: 32, PD30Ap67: 32, PD17Mr68: 31 — R17Mr68: 33, PD5My68: 22— R12My68: 32, PD4My69: 33, PD22Mr70: 42— R22Mr70: 31, PD21Mr71: 31— R21Mr71 : 33, PD9My71 : 31— R9My71 : 33, PD7My72: 31, RllMr73: 31 — PDllMr73: 31, PD6My73: 22— R6My73s21, PD24Mr74: 32— R24Mr74: 41, PD5Mv74: 23, Pi9Mr75: 33--DllMr75: 32, PillMy75: 33— D13My75: 33, P29Mr76: 32--D30Mr76: 33, D18My76: 22--P24My76: 42, D23My77:41 trustee for relief fund for clergy, 7N54: 22, 2My55: 12, PD28Mr66: 33, PD26Mr72: 32— R26Mr72: 23 wife of, D22My79:22 Cammeron, Allen, PD14J174: 31 Cammock, Mary, Pi22D74: 32 William, 3Ap52: 31 William, jr. , Pi22D74: 32 William, sr. , Pi22D74: 32 Camomile, for sale, in Hobb's Hole, Va. ,R6J169:31 substitute for tea, PD13 Ja74: 12 Camomile flowers, for sale, in Newcastle, Va. , PD19N72: 22 in Petersburg, Va. , D24Ag76: 61 in Shockoe, Va. , PD4Ap66: 41 in Williamsburg, Va. , 30N59: 32, PDllAp66: 41, R3N68: 33— PD10N68: 22, R21S69s21 — PD21S69:41 near Warwick, Va. , D28F77: 32 Camp, Mrs. , P21 Je76: 33--D22Je76: 62, P13D76: 32--D20D76: 22, D30c77: 42, D14N77: 32--P21N77: 33, D19D77: 32. P10J178: 13 house of, P18Ap77s31 ordinary of, P310c77:32 pasture of. P5 J176p23— D13 J176: 22 sells butter, R2Je 74: 22 slave of,P180c76:32 tavern of. P30Ag76: 33--D31Ag76: 32 George, 26S51: 41 Green, P21Ag78: 11 174 Ichabad, Rev. Mr. , PD12Mr67: 13 Ichabod,PD19My74:43 John, PD30D73: 23--R30D73: 32, P130c75: 11 — D210c75: 31, P16My77s21 John, Capt.,P4Ap77:31 Mary, D6N78: 32, C28Ag79: 42 Thomas, D22Je76: 62--P21 Je76: 33 Campbel, Alexander, 26N36: 41 Campbell, Capt. , PD24D67: 31 . PDllAp71: 23, PD26S71 : 23, R3Mr74: 21, PD9 Je74: 23, D29 J176: 12 arrival in Va. expected, PD80c72: 31 arrive in Williamsburg. Va. , P15D75:31 capture of, D29J176: 42 captured by American ship near Boston, Mass. ,D13J176:62 killed in battle of Bunker Hill, P22J175s22— D29 J175: 31 of the America, D6Ap76: 23 of the Anderson, 30c51 : 32 of the Boyd, 30c51:32 of the Burke, PD8 Je69: 22 of the Chance, PD12Ag73: 31, R7J174:32,D7Ja75:21 of the Elizabeth, D110c76: 12 of the Enterprise, P24 Ja77: 12 of the Mary, R16 Je68: 24, PD60c68: 13- R60c68:14 of the Molly, PD30 J167: 32, R22D68: 12, PD22D68: 23--R22D68: 12 of the Peggy, PD14S69: 31 of Philadelphia, PD25Ap71: 31 of the Prestongrange, PD25Ag68: 31 — R25Ag68: 31, PD23N69: 31— R23N69:22 of the Ranger, PD29Ap73: 21 protects settlers in Va. , P16Ag76: 32 Col. , 250c65s23, P2F76sl3, P31My76:21— DlJe76:21, D11J177:12— P11J177:23, P12J176:22— D13J176:61 Dr. , PD18J166: 31, D2My77: 71 captured by Americans near Kemp's landing, Va. , P15D75:23 land of, R270c68:24 requests protection of Col. Woodford, P15D75:32 slave of,PD20Je71:33, PD170c71:32 Gen. , D7N77: 12, D25Mr80: 12 Lt. , R5Ag73: 22, D13J176: 62 Lt. Col. ,P22J175s22— D29J175:31, D13 J176: 62, D4J177: 22, D4J177: 32 Major, P26Ja76: 31 Messrs. , Pi23Mr75: 21--D25Mr75: 12 Messrs. and sons, D22J175: 33— P22J175s23 Mr., adv. seeds for sale, P10Oc71: 32 associator of Norfolk, Va. , R19J170:31 captured by Americans at Hagers- town, Md. ,Pi30N75:31 confesses ship robbery in Philadelphia, Pa. , PD30J167: 31 drowned in shipwreck, PD16N69: 12— R16N69:21 granaries of lost in flood, R30My71:22 imprisoned in W. I. , D6Ap76: 23 of Jamaica, W. I. , P24Mr75: 41 store of robbed, PD26Ag73: 22 studies importance of British- colonial trade. D8Ap75: 31 Campbell tavern of. P31My76: 33 Mrs. , P2Ag76: 32, P24Ja77: 23 house of,PD16My71:31 of Easton, Mass. , P24F75sl2 of Williamsburg, Va. , PD25Ap71: 31 robbery at home of, PD3N74: 42 tavern of, PD20My73: 23, PD24N74: 31 Rev. Mr.,P24F75sl2, P7J175sl3 A. , Pi20Oc74: 32— PD20Oc74: 31 Alexander, announces departure, P14Mr77:31 exchanged for American prisoners of war,DlJ175:31 letter to, in post office, R4D66: 23, PD2F69:31 refused admittance to Va. , D6N78: 31 sentenced for horse stealing, P14N77:22 storekeeper in Dumfries, Va. , R310c71:32 Alexander, Capt. , of the Dolphin, 28F55:31 Andrew, Major, 27Mr46: 41 Ann, R4D66:23 Anne, PD23 Je74: 23--R30Je74: 33 Archibald, acquitted of Toryism, P2F76:23 adv. drugs for sale, 240c51: 31 adv. for return of borrowed books, D2My77:71 adv. for runaway slave, PD17S71: 31 adv. estate for sale, PD14N71: 23 adv. rum for sale, P29Mr76: 33 adv. settlement of estate, PD310c71: 31 adv. settlement of estates, PD14N71:22 adv. ship for charter, PD13Ag67: 23 adv. ships for sale, PD13 Ja74: 33 announces departure, P9F76: 33 manager of Wm. Bradley's lottery, PD23Mr69: 32--R21Ap69s21 merchandise of, for sale, PD7My67:32 plaintiff in Chancery court, R18N73: 31 settlement of estate of, P30 Je75s23 testifies slaves held on ship, P8S75s23 trustee for relief fund for clergy, PD22Mr70: 42— R22Mr70: 31 [Archibald], Col. , attacks in Ga. , D9Ap79: 21 commands in Savannah, Ga. , D12Mr79:22 defeated in Ga. , D9Ap79: 22 disagreement with Prevost, D24Ap79: 31 in London, Eng. , D10J179: 21 sails for England, D24Ap79: 22 success in Ga. assured in Eng. , D29My79:21 Archibald, Dr. , accused of inoculating for profits, PD8S68pl3, PD8S68p21 agrees to curb inoculations, PD1S68:22--R1S68:24 defended in inoculation discussion, PD20Oc68:21 discusses smallpox inoculation in Norfolk, R25Ag68sl2 family of inoculated against smallpox, R25Ag68sll fights Calvert, PD8S68p21 house burned by incendiaries, PD8S68p22--R22S68:33 house of burned in Norfolk, Va. , PD8S68:23 letter to, in post office, PD28My67: 32 plans inoculaiion near Norfolk, Va. , PD8S68pll Archibald, Lt. , D13J176: 62, D29 J176: 42 Archibald, Lt. Col. , D29J176: 41, D13D76:11 Archibald, Rev. Mr. , PD7J168: 23, PD4My69: 33, PD4Ag74: 23 Arthur, PD29 Je69: 31, P10N75: 41 Arthur, Major, P10F75: 32 Benjamin, D31Ag76: 31 Catherine, PD220c72: 21— R220c72: 22, PD5N72:32 Charles, P180c76: 12, 12D51: 32 Charles, Capt. , of the Jenny, PD24My70:23 of the Molly, PD12S66: 23, PD23Ap67: 31, PD6Ag67: 32, PD14Ja68: 31, PD7J168: 23--R7J168: 22, PD1S68: 23 Charles, Lt. , D29J176: 51 Christiana, PD30c71: 31— R170c71: 33 Colin, acquitted of Toryism, P5 J176p21 adv. finding horse, P8N76: 41 adv. for runaway slave, R30Je68: 32 adv. houses and lots for rent, D23Mr76:33 adv. slave for sale, PD8N70: 23 adv. wood ashes for sale, PD9 Je74: 31 announces departure, D23Mr76: 33 announces muster dates, R12Mr67: 42, R3Mr68: 33, R16F69: 23--PD23F69:33, R8F70:33— PD15F70: 33, PD5Mr72: 32— R12Mr72: 32, PD4Mr73: 33, PD24F74: 32, D4Mr75:32, P25Ag75:82 burnt in the hand for maiming, PD7N71:22 convicted for maiming, PD170c71: 22 Colin, Capt. , of the Colchester, 20Je45:21 of the Prestongrange, PD6 Je66: 31 Daniel, 27Mr52: 32 David, P10F75: 32 David, Capt. , of the Chester, PD6 Ja74: 32 Donald, Pi3Ag75: 33 Donald, Col. , P10Ja77: 23 Dugald,D29J176:42 Duncan, D13 J176: 62, D29 J176: 51 Duncan, Capt. , Pi2N75: 32--P3N75: 23, Pi9N75:31,D20Ja76:12 of the Hope, PD10Mr74: 31 of the Providence, PD2F69: 22 Ebenezer, Dr. , 14Ag52: 31 Frederick, Lord, P14Ap75s21-- D15Ap75:23, D17F76:31 George, PD240c66: 31, PD20Ag72: 23 George, gov. of Halifax, R5Ja69: 13, R12Ja69:21 Gilbert, adv. for runaway convict servant, RIO Ja71: 32 announces removal of custom house, PD25F73: 32--R25F73: 31 calls meeting of creditors, PD14My72:22 estate and salary of mortgaged, R3My70: 32 indentured servant of, R2My71: 31, R23My71:31 letter to", in post office, PD29Ja67: 13. PD16J167:41 meeting of creditors of, PD3S72: 22 requests creditors to meet. PD27Je71:32 settlement of estate of, PD11 Je72: 32 trustees of, request release, PD27F72: 32--R27F72: 31 Henry, Col. , Pil7Ag75: 32— P18Ag75: 11 — D19Ag75: 31 Hugh, 14Ag52: 32, PDllAg68: 23 Hugh, Capt. , of the Anderson, 17N52:22 Hugh, Lt.,D13J176:62,D29J176:42 J. & co. ,PD29Je69:31 Jacob, P23My77: 43 James, adv. finding cutter, PD25J166:33 adv. ship for sale, PD19S66: 31 collects taxes for Augusta co. , Va. , Pi6J175:12 death of, PD7Ap74: 23, PD7Ap74: 31 — R7Ap74:31 death of at sea, PD23N69: 21 merchandise of, for sale, PD7My67:32 plaintiff in Chancery court, R18N73: 31 requests payment of debts, PD9My71:32 James & co. , PD9My71 : 33, PD310c71:31 adv. for hides and cordage, PD21S69:23 adv. for runaway indentured servant, PD15F70:33 agreement with de Estrada, PD23My71:23 announce dissolution of partnership, PD27Ja74: 32— R27Ja74: 41 sells shoe factory, PD16My71: 31— R23My71:41 signer of Association, R26J170: 22 slave of, PDllMr73:32 James, Capt. , of the Molly and Hannah, 23My55:21 of the Ranger. 12F62: 32 of the Sturdy Beggar, D25 J177: 32 John, adv. formation of town at falls of Ohio, PD7Ap74:31 adv. sale of slaves, 27Ag56: 41 announces departure, R4D66: 31, D20Ja76:42 appointed to committee for Augusta co., Va. ,Pi6J175: 12 author, PD25F68: 41, PD29N70: 21, PD13D70: 42, PD3Ja71: 42, PD17Ja71 : 42, PD24 Ja71: 42, PD7F71: 42, PD21F71: 42, PD7Mr71:42,PD21Mr71:42, PD28Mr71: 42, PD26My74: 22, PD24N74: 12 captured by American ship near Boston, Mass. ,D13J176:62 deserter, D11J177 32 indentured servant of, P9F76: 33 killed by Girty, C27N79: 13 letter to in post office, PD18F68: 23 of N. C. ,310c45:41,R31Ja71:12 ordered to report to company. P25Ap77:31 reports to Augusta co. , Va. , committee, Pi6J175: 12 runaway convict servant, PD3Ja71: 33 runaway indentured servant, 23Mr39:32 sells lottery tickets. 250c65s43 settlement of estate of, PD4F73: 23— R11F73:22 175 Campbell, John (cont'd) ship of, PD220c72:13 John, Capt. , P22Mr76: 11 of the Industry, PD7Je70: 31 of the Enterprise, P16Ag76: 31 petitions (text) Gov. Carleton for bail, PD5Mr67: 22 reports attack at Fincastle co. , Va. , P2Ag76: 11— D3Ag76: 22 John, Col. ,D27N79:21,C27N79sll John, second duke of Argyll, 21F51: 11 John, earl of Loudoun, 27Ag56: 31 [John], Gen.,D26F79:22 John, Major, P8S75s22 John, & co. ,PD18F73:31 John, & son, PD220c72: 23 Jones, author, PD29Ag71: 33 Joshua, 240c55: 21 Joshua, Sgt. ,D26D77:22 Lachlan, PD7J168: 23, P30Je75: 31, P23Ag76sll, D18Ap77: 71— P18Ap77s32 Lawrence, Capt. , D29 J176: 42 Malcolm, Capt. , of the Benjamin, PD10Mr74: 31, D4F75: 31 Mary, PD29 Ja67: 13 Neil, PD15F70: 32, R2Ag70: 32, R20Je71:41— PD13Je7l'33 adv. land for sale, PD1 J173: 33— R1J173:32 adv. slaves for sale, R3N68: 33— PD3N68:31 agent for George Donald, PD18J171:21 agent for Henderson, M'Caul & co. , PD2S73:22 merchant, PD18 J171 : 22 merchant in Richmond, Va. , R26Ag73:23 of Richmond, Va. , PD21Mr71: 31— R21Mr71:32 Neill, PD4F68: 32, PD1D68: 32— R1D68: 21, PD9N69: 31, R1N70: 33— PD25Oc70: 31, PD13Ag72: 23 Patrick, D5Je79: 32 Peter, P24Ja77: 13 [Richard], Major, D240c77: 21 Robert, adv. for lost pocketbook, D17Je75:32 adv. house and lot for sale, D16D75:23 adv. land for sale, 2My55: 22 announces departure, R12My68: 42, PD7F71:23,PD14F71:41, PD17S71:32,R18Mr73:33, D6My75: 32, D28Mr77: 21 imprisoned in Antigua, W. I. , P26J176:22 [Robert], Capt. , D30Oc79: 31 of the Alicy, PD3D67:31 of the America, D10Ag76: 22 of the Black Prince, PD5Ag73: 21 Robert, Dr. ,PD8S74:31 Thomas, PD30Oc66: 32 Walter, 18Ap45: 41 William, adv. escheated property, for sale,D8Ap80:31 adv. finding horse, R23Ap72: 32 adv. for missing rifle gun, P12Ja76:33 adv. plantation for sale, PD18J171: 22— R18J171:32 adv. settlement of estate, R31My70: 43 appointment as gov. of Mass. rumored, PD26Ja69:12 commends soldiers behavior, D5Je79:32 deserter, P30c77: 31 William, Capt. , P10F75: 32, P10N75: 41 [William], Col. , C21Oc80: 12 William, Lady, PD2Ja72: 31 William, Lord, gov. ofN.S. andS.C, PD30J167:21 addressed (text) to, D22J175: 42, D5Ag75: 23 addresses (text) of, 1775, D22J175:42 appointed governor of N. Y. , PD10Mr68:21 appointed gov. of S. C. , PD26Ag73: 22— R26Ag73s22, PD2D73s21, P28Ap75s42 arrives in Boston, Mass. , PD15D68: 12— R15D68: 12 arrives in Charleston, S. C. , Pi6J175:23— D8J175:23 arrives in London, Eng. , PD17Mr68:23 arrives in N. S. , PD18D66: 23 arrival of, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD2 Ja72: 31 burning of Newbern, N. C. , threatened, D13Ja76: 31 en route to R. I. , PD25 Je72: 31 encouraged attack on Fort Sullivan, S.C.,P12J176s21 flees from Charleston, S. C. , to ship, D280c75:32 in British vessel, P2F76sl2— D3F76:32 in Cape Fear, N. C. , D6Ap76: 32 leaves for Eng. , PD25N73: 13— R25N73: 32 leaves for N. S. , PD22S68: 21 merchandise for lost at sea, PD23My71: 13 property of sold, P2F76sl2— D3F76:32 recalled as gov. of Nova Scotia, PD26Ag73: 22— R26Ag73s22 refuses to return to Charleston, S. C. , D18N75:11 sails for Eng. , R10Mr74: 13 sails for Halifax, N. S. , PD60c68: 13— R60c68:14 to be gov. of S.C.,PD22Ap73:23— R22Ap73s22 to Halifax, N. S. , rumored, D15Je76:31 tours American colonies, PD2 Ja72: 31 CampbeU, Calvert, Jamieson & co. , PD4 J171 : 31— R8Ag71 : 31 Campbell, Hunter, & co. , PD8N70: 23 Campbell & Gault, merchants, R15J173:32 Campbell & Hayes, PDllAp66: 33 Campbelton, Scot. , building of, PD220c67: 13 See also Ships from N. C. , to; Ships from Va. to; Storms near Campbelton, ship, PD25Ftt8: 22, PD2N69: 31 Campbeltown borough, N. C, regulation of opposed in council, PD15Ap73: 12 See also Houses and lots for sale in; Vendues in Campble, Calvert & co. . Jamieson, C15J180:21 Campble, James & co. .C15J180: 21 Campbletown, ship, PD26Mr67: 23, 176 PD2Ap67: 41, PD16My71: 23 Campe, Col. John, PD13Ja74: 33 Campeche, Mex. , reinforced by Spain, PD31Ja71:13 See also American sailors imprisoned by Spanish in; Imports to Pensacola, Fla. , from; Ships to Beaufort, S. C. , from; Ships to Charleston, S. C. , from; Ships to Pensacola, Fla. , from; Ships to Port Royal, Jam. , from; Ships to Port Royal, S. C. , from; Ships to Savannah, Ga. , from; Ships to Sunbury, Ga. , from; Ships to Winyah, S. C. , from; Torture by Spanish in Campeche bay, Mex. , British trade in limited, PD20Ag72: 12 Campeche wood, exported from Veracruz, Mex. , to Rota, 25N37: 41 Camphor, for sale, at Hobb's Hole, Va. ,R29Je69:33 in Fredericksburg, Va. , P5S77: 33, P10Oc77:12 in Petersburg, Va. , 12F62:41, Pi23Mr75: 33— D25Mr75: 31, D24Ag76:61 in Richmond, Va. , 16My55: 21, 5S55: 32, D8My78: 82--P27My78: 22, D10J178:41--P12Je78: 22 in Shockoe, Va. , PD4Ap66: 41 in Williamsburg, Va. , 60c52: 32, 2My55: 22, 2My55: 31, 14N55: 22, PDllAp66: 41, PD18 Je67: 32, PD18Je67: 33, R3N68: 33— PD10N68: 22, PD21S69: 33— R21S69s21, PD21S69: 41 — R21S69s21, PD290c72: 22— R290c72: 22, D21F77: 21 — P21F77:32, D10J178:21 — P10J178:12,D10J178:21— P10J178:33 imported to Texel, Holl. , from E. I. , 5D45:22 used to cure distemper, PD14Je70: 31 Campion, German, P28J175: 33 Campioni, [Carlo Antonio], composer, PD29Ag71: 31, PD17S72: 22 Camps, army, established in Williamsburg, Va. , P29S75: 31 See also Flying camps Camso island, attacked by Dutch, 2Je38:21 Cana, pseud. , PD23My71 : 22 Canada, addressed by Continental congress, P23Je75s21 text, Pi22Je75:32 American attack on advocated in Boston, Mass. ,D12F80:21 American attack on planned, D210c75:23 attack on rumored, Pi31Ag75: 31 attempts to incite against colonies, D23D75:22 British policy in opposed, Pi27J175: 23 campaign against discussed, D30S75: 22 capture by Americans predicted, Pi2N75:33 — P3N75:23 capture proposed, D3F76:41 capture reported, P5Ja76: 32— D6Ja76:22 ceded to Fr. , P21Ap75s21— D22Ap75: 12, PlMy78:ll census of, 26S55: 21, PD11 J166: 13 cession to Fr. , proposed by U. S. , Canals D18J177:11 cession to Fr. by Gt. Brit, rumored, Pi50c75:32 cession to Fr. by Gt. Brit, rumored, Pi260c75:12 cession to Fr. rumored, D8 Ja80: 22 conditions in discussed in Lords, D30Mr76:13 disadvantages of annexation to Eng. , PD31D72:23 financial affairs of, PD29Ag66: 11 French neutral in American revolution, Pil3 J175: 31 — P14J175sl3--D15J175:22 friendly to U. S. , D4J177: 71 government opposed in, D11N75: 23 held by British, D10Ag76: 51 inhabitants addressed (text) by Gen. Washington, Pil9Oc75sl2--P20Oc75sll inhabitants favor U. S. , D11S79: 22 insurrections in, D26Ag75: 23 law code for, PD210c73: 13— R210c73: 13 navigation on lakes improved, PD12D71: 13 neutral in Revolutionary war, D26Ag75:23— P1S75: 11 neutral toward British colonies, N. Am. , D210c75:22 offers aid to Gage, PD28 J174: 22 refuses aid to Gt. Brit, against colonies, D14Ja75: 23 refuses to join British army, P21J175s32 refuses to join Gt. Brit, against colonies, Pi26Ja75: 13 represented on committee for trade relief, PD21Mr66: 31 restoration to Fr. rumored, R9Mr69: 12 return to Fr. suggested, PD19My74: 33 support of Eng. questioned, D15Ja80: 23 supports colonial rights, D6 Ja76: 12 white settlement in interior, R28Ap68: 14 See also Accidents in; Ammunition captured by Americans in; Bills of exchange in; British army, deserters from, in; British army, disposition of, in; British army, mutinies in; British army, recruiting for, in; British army in; British army scarce in; British army to; British army to Jamaica, W. I. , from; British colonies, N.Am., attitude toward, in; British colonies, N.Am. , opposed in; British colonies, N. Am. , sup- ported by; British colonies, N. Am. , supported in; British transports from N. Y. , to; Brunswick troops to; Roman Catholic church in; Roman Catholic church, bishop established in; Census in; Clothing for British army in; Con- tinental army from Newburyport, Mass. , to; Continental army in; Con- tinental army supported in; Continental army to; Continental navy, deserters from, in; Droughts in; Duties in; Emigration from; Explorations in; Ex- ports from Eng. to; Exports from Gt. Brit, to; French army to; Furs stored in; Fur trade in; German troops to; Gunpowder captured by Americans in; Imports to Gt. Brit, from; Im- ports to London, Eng. , from; Indian trade in; Indians refuse aid to British in; Indians in; Merchants of; Militia in; Militia formed in; Pardons issued in; Postal service, N. Y. to; Prisoners of war, American, in; Prisoners of war, American, taken in; Prisoners of war, American, treatment of, in; Prisoners of war, British, taken in; Prisoners of war in; Propaganda, American, in; Pro- visions, captured by Americans in; Quebec act opposed in; Recruiting, for British army in; Recruiting, for British army ordered in; Roman Catholics, arming in; Roman Catholics in; Shvps confiscated in; Smallpox in Ships confiscated in; Smallpox in Continental army in; Storms in; Tories in; Tories killed by Indians near Canada, H. M. frigate, DllMr80: 11 man of war, D20c79: 12 ship, R7J168:11 Canadian, pseud. , R25N73: 42 ship, R280c73: 32, PD4N73: 21, PD18N73: 21--R18N73: 32, PD20Ja74: 23, R20Ja74: 33, PD3N74: 32 Canadian troops, battalions raised, D24F76:32 Canadians, assist Continental army in Quebec, Can. , P17My76: 13— D18My76: 32 attack British army, P6Mr78: 21 attack Continental army en route to Cedars, Can. , D6J176: 81 attack Continental guards at Point Levy, Quebec, Can. , P24My76: 13— D25My76: 32 attitude toward Americans, D22Je76: 52 capture wagons from British, Pi9N75: 12 — P10N75: 21 distrusted by British, D25J177: 21 — P25J177: 13 imprisoned for supporting British colonies, N. Am. , P15S75: 23— D16S75: 22 in British army, D13Ja76: 12, P29Mr76: 13,D30Mr76: 21, D6Ap76: 13,DllMy76: 32,D22Je76: 52, D20J176: 41, D10Ag76: 51, D40c76: 62, D40c76: 71,D29N76: 22— P29N76: 11 in Cedars, The, Can. , P9Ag76: 22— D10Ag76: 32 in Quebec, Can. , D29N76: 51 number in, P7N77: 12 in capture of Chambly, Can. , PU6N75: 31 join Continental army, P130c75s22, P270c75s22, D280c75: 32, P29D75s21, D20Ja76: 22— Pi20Ja76: 31 rumored, D210c75: 23 join Continental troops in Quebec, Can. , D30Mr76: 31 oppose Continental army, at Point Levi, Quebec, P24My76: 13 in Quebec, Can. ,D18My76: 32 prevented from joining Gen. Carleton's forces, D4My76: 33 revolt encouraged by Great Britain, P29Mr76: 12 support Continental army, Pi30N75: 22, D25My76: 32.D13J176: 51 treatment of, by British army, D180c76: 12— P180c76: 21 with Americans on Sorel river. Can. . Pi30N75: 23 with British against Vincennes (St. Vincent's), Que., Can., D22My79: 22 with British army in Fort Edward, N. Y. ,D29Ag77: 12 with British army in N. Y. , DlAg77: 12, DlAg77: 21 number of, PlAg77sl2 Canaday, John, 31J146: 62 Canaia, Mr. . PD15Ap73: 22— R15Ap73: 22 Canals, as lottery prizes, PD23J167: 41— R23J167: 32 at Gravelines, Fr. , 30D37: 11 built by Frederick the Great, PD27Ag72: 33 considered in Scot. , D25F75: 12 dug near Kilsyth, Scot. , PD9My71: 31 from Archer's Hope creek to Queen's creek, Va. , proposed, PD19D71: 22 from Baltic sea to North sea, PD28J174: 31 from Birmingham, Eng. , to Coventry, Eng., proposed, R10Mr74: 12 from Birmingham, Eng. , to Coventry and Oxford, Eng. , approved, PD24Mr74: 13— R24Mr74: 12 from Delaware to Chesapeake bays planned, PD2F69: 23 from Forth to Clyde rivers, Scot. , R23N69: 22, PD20S70s41, PD18Oc70s22, PD9My71: 31, PD29Ap73: 13 from Lee river, Eng. , to Thames river, Eng. , PD24Ag69: 31 from Leeds, Eng. , to Liverpool, Eng. , funds raised for,R30Mr69: 22 from Liverpool, Eng. , to Leeds, Eng. , PD28Ap74: 21 from Manchester, Eng. , to Liverpool, Eng. , PD6ja74: 13 from Marne to Seine rivers, Fr. , PD9F69: 23--R9F69: 13 from Mediterranean sea to Red sea proposed, 13F52: 32 from Oxford, Eng. , to Coventry, Eng. , requested, PD2F69: 13 from Thames to Severn rivers, Eng. , building proposed, PD10N74: 22 from Trent, Eng. , to Severn, Eng. , described, PD6Ap69: 13— R6Ap69: 21 from Worcester, Eng. , to Staffordshire, Eng. , PD26Ja69: 23 from York river, Va. , to James river, Va. , PD16Ja72: 32, PD23Ja72: 32, PD20F72: 32, PD23Ap72: 11 in Ayr, Scot. , PD7D69s23 in Birmingham, Eng. , PD80c67: 12 in Buckingham co. , Va. , P310c77: 12 in Britanny, Fr. , 13F52: 21 in Den. , PD1S74: 21 in Dunkirk, Fr. , PD16Ja72: 31 in Eng. , PD23Ap72: 22, PDlAp73: 22 in Falkirk, Scot. , PD3Mr74: 21 in Flanders, 14Mr51: 21 in Fr. , PD3S67: 12, PD4F68: 21, R26My68: 14 in Glasgow, Scot. , P17Mr75s22— D18Mr75: 23 in Holl. , 80c36: 31 in Ire. , 8Ap37: 41 in London, Eng. , PD28Mr66: 21, PD23S73: 11— R23S73: 21, PD21Ap74: 22 in Picardy, Fr. , 23Mr39: 12 in Pol. , PD27Ag72: 11 in Portsmouth, Va. , DH26S77: 31 in Prus. , PD22S74: 12 177 Canals (cont'd) in Scot. , PD21Mr66: 23, PD21My67: 21, PD3S67: 13, PD220c67: 13, PD11F68: 23, PD23Je68: 22,R25Ag68: 24, PD25Ag68: 31, PD1S68: 13, PD13S70s22, PD26D71: 22, PD5N72: 32, PD10D72: 21, PD6My73: 22, PD20My73: 13, PD1J173: 22--R1J173: 21, PD23D73s21 in Thames river, Eng. , PD25Ap71: 21 on James river, Va. , PD6S70: 31 — R6S70: 23, Pi260c75: 32--Pi270c75: 32 on Potomac river, D7Ja75: 32 Canals, described, in Gravelines, Fr. , 5Ja39: 21 in Lunenburg co. , Va. , R25D66: 32— PDUa67: 33 Canals, subterranean, in Fr. , PD23D73s22--R23D73: 23 Canary feed, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD28S69: 31 Canary islands, muskets for, PD21F71: 12 trade with Gt. Brit, increases, PD8Ag71: 13 See also British navy in; British navy to E. I. from; French navy in; Ships from; Ships from Cadiz, Sp. , to; Spanish navy in Canary seeds, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD4Je67: 33, PD3D67: 32, PD12D71: 32, PD16D73: 31, Pi6Ap75: 42 Canby, Samuel, Pi8Je75: 41 Canceaux, H. M. S. , PD17D67: 22, R4Ag68: 23,D28Ja75: 21, Pi9N75: 32—- P10N75:31,D30D75:33 ship, P30Je75sll, P17N75: 23— D18N75:22,D17Ag76: 12 Cancer, PD13D70: 22 cases in Md. ,17N38:32 cures for, 21 Ja37: 12, 1S38: 41, PD170c66: 33, R31Mr68: 34, PD7Ap68: 31, R12My68: 24, PD1S68:12, PD8Je69:32, PD30My71: 23, Pi23N75: 33, D6 Je77: 31— P6 Je77: 32, P20 Je77: 33, P11J177:41 cure for discovered in London, Eng. , PD3Ja71:13 cure proposed by Constance Woodson ineffective, R16Je68: 32 in Hartford, Conn. , PD27J169: 23 in London, Eng. , PD15J173: 22— R15J173:13 Candai, N. Y. , burned by Americans, D90c79:21 Candelabra, in Newcastle, Eng. described, PD14 Je70s22 Candia island, fortified by Turks, PD15J173: 22--R15J173: 12 to be attacked by Gt. Brit. , PD31Ja71:21 to be attacked by Russ. , PD31 Ja71: 21 See also Crete; Shipwrecks off Candide, pseud. , PD29 Ja67: 23 Candidus, pseud. , P23F76: 11 Candle manufactory, adv. in Williamsburg, Va. , D29J176: 52— P26J176.-32 Candle moulds, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. ,PD21Mr71:32 Candleboxes, See Japan candleboxes Candles, bartered for country produce, R28Ja73:32 boycotted in Va. Association, PD25My69: 11 — Rl Je69: 13 captured by Americans in Great Bridge, Va. , PH3D75: 22— P15D75:23--D16D75:33 export from Eng. , to N. Y. allowed, D10J179:22 export from U. S. forbidden, P10Ja77: 31 exported from Hampton, Va. , to Anguilla, W. I. , 10Oc45: 32 to Antigua, W. I. , 23My45: 32, 10Oc45:32 to Barbados, W. I. , 28Mr45:41, 23My45: 32, 13Je45: 41, 10Oc45: 31, 10Oc45:32 to Bermuda, 18Ap45: 41 to Ma. ,18Ap45:41 exported from James river, lower district, Va. , to Antigua, W.I., 23 Ja46: 42, 24N52: 31, 8D52: 31, 26S55: 31 to Barbados, W. I. , 23Ja46: 42, 2Mr53: 41, 26S55: 31, 27Ag56: 32, 12F62:32, RllAg68:24 to Bermuda, 28F55: 31, HAp55: 22, 23My55:21 to Montserrat, W. I. , 23Ja46: 42 to Nevis, W.I. ,19D55:22 to St. Christopher, W. I. , 24N52: 22, 8D52:31 to St. Croix, W.I. ,24N52:31 exported from James river, upper district, Va. , 1763-1766, PD12F67: 23 to Antigua, W. I. , 9F39: 42, 18My39:41 to Barbados, W. I. , 29My46: 4, PD13S70: 23 exported from N. Y. , PD9Ap67: 22 exported from Philadelphia, Pa. , PD9Ap67: 21 exported from south Rappahannock district, Va. , to Barbados, W. I. , 17N52:22 exported from York district, Va. , to Barbados, W. I. , 4J145: 32 to Jamaica, W.I.,9D37:42 for British army, in Ga. , PD7Ja68: 31 inN.Y. ,R25D66:22 provided by N. Y. general assembly, PD6Ag67:22 for Louisburg expedition, 17Ap46: 31 for sale, R22Mr70: 32, PD11F73: 23, Pi22D74:32 in Charles City co. , Va. , PD1S74: 32 in Gloucester, Va. , P19Ap76sll — D20Ap76: 33 in Norfolk, Va. , PD24S67: 21, PD26D71: 31, PD150c72: 23— R220c72:31,R28Ja73:32, PD23S73:31— R23S73:33 in Portsmouth, Va. , P18 J177sll in Williamsburg, Va. , PD27Je71: 32, R8Ap73: 33, DlAg77: 22, D7N77: 31 in Yorktown, Va. , PD25F68: 31 — R25F68: 31, PD310c71 : 23 import to Gt. Brit, free, PD3Mr68: 22 from Ire. duty free, PD18Ap66: 21 imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from Antigua, W. I. , R11F68:31 from Boston, Mass. , R12Ja69: 23 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , PD29S68: 23 — R60c68: 23 from Boston, Mass. , PD15F70: 22 from N. Y. , PD14 Ja68: 31, PD7 J168: 23, PD15F70:22, PD7 Je70: 31 from Philadelphia, Pa. . PD7S69: 31, PD24My70:23 imported to York district, Va. , from Barbados, W. I. , 12Ja39:42 from Lancaster, Eng. , 12Ja39: 42 price regulated in Williamsburg, Va. , D24J179:21 price high in Eng. , R20Ja74: 23 price in Gt. Brit. , PD3Mr68" 22 price of in Oxford, Eng. , R11D66: 21 seized from American ship, P8Mr76: 31 seized from British ship, 17J152: 31, P31My76: 12--D1 Je76: 12. P22N76: 21, D24 Ja77: 21, D7F77: 11— P7F77: 21 seized from French ship, 18Ap45: 32 smuggled into Eng. , 30c51: 22 stolen in Williamsburg, Va. , D17Ja77: 22 taxes on in Gt. Brit, abolition requested. PDllJe67:13 reduction considered, PD16Ja72: 31 repealed, R3My70: 11 Candles, myrtle wax, exported from South Potomac district to Barbados, W. I. , 17N52: 22 lost at sea, PD13N66: 13 Candles, spermacetti, D8Ag77: 11 exported from James river, lower district, Va. , to Barbados, W.I. , RllAg68:24 for sale in Norfolk, Va. , PD19D71: 33, PD270c74:3l in Tappahannock, Va. , D40c76: 42 in Williamsburg, Va. , C13N79: 12 imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from N. Y. , PD10F74:23 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from Antigua, W. I. , PD26Ja69:32 from Boston, Mass. , PD29S68: 23, PD28S69:23 from N. Y. , PD8S68p22, PD26 Ja69: 32, PD13S70:23 from R. I. , PD7S69: 31, PD7Je70: 31 from Salem, Mass. , PD10D67: 31 rescued at sea, PD4Je67: 22 seized by British in St. John's, Antigua, W. I. , D6Ap76: 21 seized by French, PD3 Je73: 23 Candles, tallow, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. ,PD24Ja71:32 in Norfolk borough, Va. , 3 J146: 41 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD13Ap69: 31, PD27Ap69:32 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , PD29D68:23 seized from British at Fort Nassau, New Providence, W. I. , D4My76: 32 Candles, tallow mould, for sale, in Smithfield, Va.,17N52:31 Candles, wax, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25 J166: 23 Candlesticks, for sale, in Cobham, Va. , P4J177:31 in Edenton, N. C. . P160c78: 42 in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD18Ap66: 33 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25 J166: 22, PD25J166: 23, PD26D71: 31 — R6F72:42 in Petersburg. Va. , P27Mr78: 12, D8My78:61 178 Cannon in Williamsburg, Va. , PD19S66: 31, PD28S69: 31, PDllAp71: 32, PD12D71: 32, PD220c72: 23— R220c72: 23 seized from British ships, D24Ag76: 22 See also Brass candlesticks; Iron candlesticks; Japan candlesticks; Prince's metal candlesticks; Silver candlesticks; Walnut candlesticks Candlesticks, chamber, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD220c72: 23 — R220c72:23 Candlesticks, nursing, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25 J166: 23 Candlesticks, plated, for sale, D27Ja76:41--P19Ja76:33 found, adv. of, P26J176:41 Candlesticks, reading, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. ,PD25J166:23 Candlewicks, C28Ag79: 42 for sale, C28Ag79: 42 Candy, for sale, in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72:31 in Williamsburg, Va. , 30Ap52: 32, PD18D66: 32--R25D66: 42, PD11 Je67: 32, PD18 Je67: 32, PD3D67: 32, PD21S69: 33— R21S69s21, PD7 Je70: 31--R7Je70: 31, R12J170: 31, PDllAp71: 32, PD290c72: 22--R290c72: 22, PD9 Je74: 32--R9Je74: 21, Pi29S74:33--PD29S74:32 Candy, sugar, for sale, in Blandford, Va. , PD29Je69: 32, PD21F71: 32 in Fredericksburg, Va. , 28Ag46: 31 in Newcastle, Va. , PD19N72: 22 in Norfolk borough, Va. , PD30My66: 32-- R30My66:33 in Petersburg, Va. , 12F62:41, PD30J172: 32, PD10Je73: 22, PD1J173:32, PD14J174:32 in Richmond, Va. , 5S55: 32, PD10S72: 23, PD17 Je73: 33— R17Je73s23 in Shockoe, Va. , PD4Ap66: 41 in Williamsburg, Va. , 15My46: 41, 31J146:61,17Ja51:41,24My51:32, 18J151 : 41, 5S51: 32, 10Ap52: 31, 15My52: 32, 22My52: 32, 60c52: 32, 2My55: 22, 2My55: 31, 30N59: 32, 16Ja61:41,PD4Je67:33, PD270c68: 32--R270c68: 22, PD10N68:22--R3N68:33, PD17Ag69: 33--R17Ag69: 23, PD28S69: 31, PD7Je70: 31 — R14 Je70: 33, PD29N70: 31 — R29N70:23, PDllAp71:32, PD15Ag71: 32--R15Ag71: 32, PD12D71: 32, PD2J172: 32, PD290c72: 22--R290c72: 22, PD31D72: 31, PD4N73: 22— R4N73: 31, PD11N73: 22, PD1S74: 32, PD29S74: 32 in Yorktown, Va. , 26S45: 32, 31 J146: 52, 30My51: 41, PD13Ag67: 23 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from N. Y. , PD7J168: 23, PD15D68: 23 imported to York district, Va. , from N.Y. ,R31Mr68:31 Candy parish, N. H. , See Boston port bill, relief from by Cane heads, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. ,PD18Ap66:33 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 Canefax, John, PD19J170: 42 Canella alba, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD21S69: 41--R21S69s21 Caner, Rev. Mr. , 27Je51: 31 Canes, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD60c68: 31 — R60c68: 23, PD23Ap72: 23— R23Ap72: 13, PD150c72: 31, D22Ap75: 32— Pi20Ap75:31 See also Rattan canes Canes, sword, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD10Oc71: 31, PD14My72: 23, PD220c72: 23— R220c72: 23, PD210c73: 23— R210c73: 22, PD5My74: 31 — R26My74: 13, Pi20Oc74: 31 — PD20Oc74s22, Pi20Ap75: 31 — D22Ap75: 32 Canes, walking, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD13Ap69: 32— R13Ap69:31 Canetar, desert, N. C. , 23F39: 41 Canisters, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166:22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PDllAp66:41 See also Gilt canisters; Glass canisters, Silver tea canisters; Tin canisters Canisters, coffee, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , D16D75: 23 Canisters, powder, taken by indentured servants, P30 J175s23 Canisters, sugar, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , D16D75: 23 Canisters, tea, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD18My69: 31 — R25My69:23 Cankerworms, cure for plague of, 19My38:41 Cann, Mrs. , PD12My68: 23— R12My68: 24, PD4My69: 32— RUe69s21,PDllAp71:23 John, R270c68: 24, PD12 Ja69: 33 Sarah, PD12Ja69:33 Cannacaughte, Cherokee, 19S55: 12 Cannibalism, among shipwrecked sailors, 15Ap37: 12 in Auvergne, Fr. , 10S36: 22 in British navy, PD16Ag70: 32 in Eng. ,30c51:21 in Ire. ,2D37:41 in N. Y. ,24Ap52:21 in Pol. , 12Ag37: 42, 26Ag37: 22 in Saxe Gotha, Ger. , R290c72: 21 — PD5N72: 13 Cannibals, in N. Z. , PD22S74: 21, P3Mr75:ll . in South seas, R140c73: 23 Canning, Elizabeth, PD5Ag73: 13 Cannon, Capt. , of the Flying Jenny, D30Oc79:22 of the Rattlesnake. D26Mr79: 22 Edward, PH6F75: 32 Edward, Capt. , Pi5 Ja75: 32, PH6F75: 31 James, P31Mr75s23, D13J176: 52, D10Ag76:42 John, Pi6J175:12 William, PD28 J168: 23, C3 J179: 33 Cannon, abandoned by British on Gwynn's island, Va. , D20J176: 32 Tories to Americans, P19 J176: 32 captured by Americans at Dorchester Neck, Mass. , P22Mr76:22— D23Me76:31 at Great Bridge, Va. , PH3D75: 22— P15D75:23— D16D75:33 at Lake George, N. Y. , D10Oc77: 21 — P10Oc77:22 at Stony point, N. Y. , D31J179: 22 in New Providence, W. I. , P3My76: 22 in N. Y.C.,D19Ag75:22 in Stillwater, N. Y. , P310c77: 21 in Ticonderoga, N. Y. , Pil Je75: 31, D240c77:12 near Boston, Mass. , D70c75: 23 on Gwynn's island, Va. , D13 J176: 62 captured by British, D13D76: 22 at Brandywine, Pa. , D26S77: 12— P26S77:22 in Quebec, Can. , P31My76: 21 — DUe76:21,D15Je76:42 near Skeensborough, N. Y. , DlAg77: 12 captured by French at Grenada, W. I. , D21Ag79: 22 captured from Americans on R. I. , D6Je77:ll cast in Woodwich, Eng. , D18N75: 21 casting of, P20D76s23 demanded by British in New Providence, W.I. ,P17N75:23 destroyed by British in Danbury, Conn. , D25J177:21 in N. J. , Pi2N75: 32--P3N75: 23 dismantled by British in Norfolk, Va. , P22D75:23 export from Fr. , to U. S. proposed, P29Ag77:22 export from Hamburg, Ger. , to Barbary states forbidden, Pil6Mr75: 23--P17Mr75: 31 — D18Mr75:13 exported from Baltic sea, to Fr. , D16S75:31 exported from Hamburg, Ger. , to Holl. ,P8D75:13 exported from London, Eng. , to W.I. ,PD170c71:21 exported from Riga, Latvia, to Carthagena, Spain, PDlAg66: 13 exported from Scot. , to Russ. , PD4Mr73:31 firing of regulated by R. I. general assembly, Pi2F75: 23 for Barbary states, PD7Ja73: 21 for British army, PD15S74: 23 in Boston, Mass. , Pi2N75: 32— D11N75:23,D25N75:22, P3My76: 22— D4My76: 31, Pil90c75: 13— P20Oc75: 21 — D210c75:21 in British colonies, N.Am. , D15J175: 32, P21 J175: 11, P1D75: 22, D9D75: 12, D9D75: 21, D14S76: 11 for British navy, R23D73: 13 for Continental army, Dl J175: 32 in Quebec, Can. , P17My76: 23 for sale in Halifax, Va. , 24Ja51: 41 in Petersburg, Va. , D14F77: 22, P14F77:33 for Spanish army, PD15S74: 31 in N. Am.,PD2My71;22— R2My71:21 in W.I. ,PD31Ja71:13 for Spanish navy, P19My75: 11 for U.S. detained in Amsterdam, Holl. ,D2My77:22 imported to British colonies, N.Am. , from Fr.,Pi23Mr75:31 imported to London, Eng. , from Scot. , 179 Cannon, imported to London, Eng. (cont'd) PD10N68:11 imported to Portsmouth, N. H. , from France, DllAp77: 31--PllAp77sl2 imported to Providence, R.I. , from W.I. ,D29J176:22 improved in Gt. Brit. , PD25F68: 21 in Boston, Mass. spiked by British, PD60c74:31 in Bull island, S. C. , P5Ap76: 32 in Salem, Mass. , D25Mr75: 23 invented in British army, D12Ag75: 22 left in Boston, Mass. , by British army, P12Ap76: 22, P19Ap76p22 moved from Governors is. , N. Y. , P20S76:21 New London, Conn. , D21 Ja75: 23 of British army in Boston, Mass. , PD29S74: 31 on Long island, N. Y. , P13S76: 21 — D14S76:22 on Russian ships, PD10Ja71: 11 ordered by R. I. assembly, D14Ja75: 12 ordered in Hamburg, Ger. ,R17Je73s22 prepared in N. Y. , P5Ap76: 22 scrapped in Boston, Mass. , P5Ap76: 22— D6Ap76:32 seized by Americans in Portsmouth, N. H. ,P30Je75sll seized by British at Cedars, The, Can. , D40c76:62 seized by British army in Concord, Mass. , Pi28Ap75s22--D29Ap75s32 seized by British in Norfolk, Va. , D210c75:23 seized by Continental navy from Bahama islands, W. I. , P29Mr76: 22-- D30Mr76:32 seized by Russian army, PD4Ap71: 13 seized from British at Fort Montague, New Providence, W. I. , D4My76: 32 at Fort Nassau, New Providence, W.I.,D4My76:32 seized from British ships, P16Ag76: 22— D17Ag76:21 seized from Castle William and Mary, N.H. ,Pi9F75:22 seized from Fort George, N. Y. , D30Mr76:31 seized from Swedish ships, 4S46: 22 seized in Newport, R. I. , for Prov. , R.I. ,Pil3Ap75:31 sent to Boston, Mass. , from Conn. , D14Ja75:12 sent to Continental army from Prov. , R.I. ,D24Je75:23 spiked by British in Norfolk, Va. , P22D75:23 spiked in Newbern, N. C. , D210c75: 22 taken from Johnstown, N. Y. , P16F76:31--D17F76:32 taken from New Providence, W. I. , to Newport, R.I. ,DllMy76: 31 used to fortify Charleston, S. C. , P5Ap76:31 withdrawn from R. I. , D4D78: 21 Cannon, battering, for British army in Quebec, Can. , P21 Je76: 11 Cannon balls, abandoned by British in Va. ,P22Mr76:23 exported from London, Eng. . to W.I. ,PD170c71.21 for British army in British colonies, N. Am. , P1D75. 13--D2D75: 11 in Gibraltar. PDlOJa 71: 12 in Port Mahon, Minorca, PD10Ja71: 12 for Spanish army in America, PD2My71 : 22--R2My71 : 21 Cannon foundries, in Stockholm, Sweden, D7Ja75: 12 Cannon manufacture, in British colonies, N. Am. , P16F76: ?3 in India, PD1S74: 22 in Salisbury Mass. , D15Ag77: 31 Canoe Men, See Slaves as Canoes, for sale, in York co. , Va. , PD3Ja71:31,DllMy76:23 stolen by slaves, 24My51:41, PD22S68: 23, C21Oc80: 22 taken by convict servant, HMy39:42, PD29Ag66:31 indentured servants, 4Ag38: 41, 17N38:42, 20J139:42 slaves, 16My45: 41, 21F51: 41, PD18Je72:33 used as ferry boats, 28Mr51:41 Canoes, American, destroyed by Canadians at Point Levis, Can. , P22D75:32 Canoes, described, stolen by slaves, D3F76:33 taken by slaves, D4F75: 33 Cans, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD18Ap66: 33 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD25 Je67: 32 See also Silver cans; Tin cans Canso, N. S. , See British army to Quebec, Can. , from; British navy in; British navy to; Fisheries, British in Canso, H.M.S. ,PD12S71:31 ship, PD29S74: 31 Cant, Constantine, Capt. , 7Ja37: 42 of the Burwell, 17S36:42 Cantaloupe, for sale, in Richmond, Va. ,D3F76:33 Cantatas, presented in Williamsburg, Va. , PD12My68: 23— R12My68: 22 Canteen jugs, for sale, in Yorktown, Va. , PD30Ap72: 23 Canteens, for Va. regiments, Pi28S75: 32--P29S75: 32--D30S75: 31, Pi50c75: 33--P60c75: 32--D70c75: 33 seized from British ship, D24Ag76: 22 Canterbury, Archbishop (JohnTillotson), PD15S74:ll,DllMr75:32 John, jr.,D12Mr79:32 Joseph, P8N76: 41 Canterbury, Conn. , See Hay plentiful in; Storms in Canterbury, Eng. , See Anecdotes from; Arches court; British army recruiting for, in; Charity in; Comets discovered in; Duels in; Fires in; Floods in; Robberies in; Canterbury, British ship, 25Ja40: 2 H. M. S. , 17N38: 31, 24 Ja52: 22 Cantey, John, Pi2Mr75: 31 Samuel, Pi2Mr75: 31 Cantharades, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. , P10Oc77: 12 in Hanover co. , Va. , D5F80: 41 in Petersburg, Va. , D24Ag76: 61 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD21S69: 41 — R21S69s21 Canton, China, See Hurricanes in; Ships from Cantrell, William, PD6 Je66: 32 CantwelL Edward, P27D76- 32 Canuancin, Father. 80c36: 21 Canvas, captured by Americans, D13Ja76:42 for British army in Boston, Mass. , opposed, P3Mr75s22 for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. , D5D77:22 in Norfolk, Va. , PD24My70: 33 in Petersburg, Va. , D18Ap77: 71 — P18Ap77s42. P5 Je78: 11 — D10J178:41 in Portsmouth, Va. , PlAg77: 13 in Richmond, Va. , P10J178: 31 in South Quay, Va. , D20c79 31 in Suffolk, Va. ,D10J178:32 in Williamsburg, Va. , D19F80: 33— C19F80:31 imported to Del. , P6S76: 32-- D7S76:31 imported to Edenton, N. C. , from St. Eustatia, W. I. , P18J177: 23 lost, adv. for in Norfolk, Va. , PD24Ag69:32 market in Va. , P22D75: 22 Canvas, marking, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , R8N70: 13, PD170c71:23 Canvas, open, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD25F68: 23— R3Mr68:34 Canvas, Russia, for sale, in Richmond, Va.,D22Ag77:22 Canvas, sail, for sale, in Charles City co., Va. ,PD1S74:32 in Fredericksburg, Va. , P4Ap77: 32-- DllAp77:62 in Norfolk, Va. , PD3Ja71: 31 — RIO Ja71 : 32, PD9My71 : 33— R23My71: 33, PD12My74: 43 in Richmond, Va. , D24Ap78: 32 in South Quay, Va. , D10Oc77: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , D7N77: 32 seized from British ships, 17J152: 31 Canvas, Warrington, for sale, at Layton's warehouse, Va. , R3My70: 31 in Norfolk, Va. , R190c69s22 Canvas, working, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD28S69: 31, PD12D71:32 Canvas drilling, duties on import to Gt. Brit., proposed, PD16J167: 11 Canvas shades, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PDllAp71: 32 Cany, Patrick, PlMy78: 32 Canzonet, PD170c66: 23 Capahosick ferry, Va. , R19F67: 33, PD80c67: 21, PD14Ja68: 32, PD25F68: 23— R3Mr68: 33, PD30Je68: 31— R30Je68: 31, R7D69: 31, R29N70: 22, PD310c71: 31, R310c71: 32, R22Ap73s21, PD20Ja74: 32, PD8D74: 23, P2F76: 41, P9My77: 43, P28N77sl2. PlMy78: 42, P10J178: 12, C30Oc79: 31, D6N79:32 adv. of, 28Mr51:41,R26Ja69:31, R2F69: 22, P5Ap76: 42, P10J178: 12, P21Ag78:13,C15My79:32 ferry house, PD11F68: 31 for rent.P22N76:33 purchased by Francis Stubbs, 7N54s21 7N54s21 See also Dwelling houses in; Ferries 180 Capers in; Land for rent at; Land for sale at; Piraguas at; Taverns in Cape Ann, Mass. , naval engagements off, D13J176:51 See also British transports burned near; Customs officers in; Prisoners of war, British, taken on; Privateers, Beverly, Mass., recaptures American ship near; Ships, American, capture British ship off; Ships, American, recaptured near; Ships, British, captured by Americans near; Ships, British captured near; Ships, W.I. , captured by British near; Ships from; Ships from Halifax, N. S. , to; Ships from Nfd. , to; Ships' sailing time; Ships to; Shipwrecks near Cape Anthony, See Shipwrecks near Cape Bajador, See Tornados off Cape Blanco, Africa, See Shipwrecks off Cape Bonavista, Nfd. , See Fisheries, British off Cape Breton is. , Can. , ceded to France, PlMy78:ll French designs on, 29Ag51: 12 garrison established by British. 28N45: 21,28N45:31 importance of described, 6Je45:31 peace negotiations discussed, 28N45: 22 See also Arms for; British army to; British navy to; Coal mines in; Exports from Hampton, Va. , to; Fisheries, French in; Imports to; Marriages encouraged in; Provisions scarce in; Salt, rock, discovered in; Ships from Martinique, W. I. , to; Ships to James river, Va. , from; Cape Charles, Va. , See British navy at; Ships' sailing time; Ships to; Shipwrecks near Cape Clear, Ire., See Privateers, American, plunder Spanish ships off; Shipwrecks off Cape Coast, H. M. S. , 13Je45: 21 Cape Cod, Mass. , See Piracy off; Ships, American, captured by British on; Ships from; Shipwrecks on; Tories land on; Cape Company, meeting of, 24Ap52: 31, 20Oc52:22 Cape Diamond, Quebec, Can. , attack on described, P9F76: 23--D10F76: 32 Cape Emere, See Shipwrecks near; Storms near Cape Fear, N.C., postal service in, 25My39:42 See also Admiralty courts in; British army in; British army to; British navy from; British navy in; British navy to; Continental navy from Providence, S. C. , to; Exports from York district, Va. , to; Fires in; North Carolina troops, in; Ships from; Ships from Dominica, W. I. , to; Ships to Philadelphia, Pa. , from; Ships' sailing time; Shipwrecks in; Slaves runaway from; Stamp act, ships seized for violating in; Tories, in Cape Fear Mercury, extract from, PD3S72:13 Cape Fear river, N. C. , See Ships from Philadelphia, Pa. , to; Ships to Cape Finisterre, Sp. , naval battle off, D12F79:21 naval engagements off, D25Mr80: 11 See also British navy to; Exports from Dominica, W.I. , to North of; Marque, letters of, British, capture French ships off; Privateers, American, capture British ships off; Privateers, American captured *by British off; Privateers, Dartmouth, Mass. , captured by British off; Ships, to Boston, Mass. , from; Shipwrecks near; Shipwrecks off; Storms off Cape Finisterre, ship, PD2Ja72: 13 Cape Florida, Fla. , See Shipwrecks near; Shipwrecks off; Shipwrecks on Cape Francois, Santo Domingo, W. I. , attitude toward U. S. , P9My77: 22 insurrections in, PD2D73s21 See also Continental agents in; Convoys by French navy from; Convoys by French navy to; Exports from; French army in; French army to; French navy from; French navy in; Imports to Baltimore, Md. , from; Imports to Hampton roads, Va. , from; Imports to Marcus Hook, Pa. , from; Imports to Va. , from; Imports to York district, Va. , from; Pirates imprisoned in; Privateers cruise near; Ships from; Ships from Dunkirk, Fr., to; Ships' sailing time; Ships' sailing time from Bordeaux, Fr. , to; Ships to; Ships to Boston, Mass. , from; Ships to New London, Conn. , from; Ships to Newbern, N. C. , from; Ships to Philadelphia, Pa. , from; Ships to Providence, R. I. , from; Ships to R. I. from; Ships to Sinepuxent, Md. , from; Ships to Va. , from; Ships to Watertown, Conn. , from; Ships to York district, Va. , from; Storms off; Twins in Cape Gracios a Dios, Nic. , See Shipwrecks off Cape Hatteras, N. C. , See Fish plentiful in; Shipwrecks on Cape Henlopen, Del. , See British navy at; Prisoners of war, American, taken from N. Y. , to; Ships from; Ships' sailing time; Ships to N. Y. , from; Shipwrecks between Cape Henry, Va. , and; Shipwrecks on Cape Henry, Va. , lighthouse authorized by general assembly, 24Ap52:21 See also British navy at; British navy to; Kitchens described on; Lighthouses near; Lighthouses on; Ships, American, boarded by British near; Ships damaged at; Ships from Salem, Mass. , to; Ships stranded on; Ships to; Shipwrecks between; Shipwrecks off Cape La Hogue, Fr. , See Shipwrecks between; Shipwrecks between Barf leur, Fr. , and; Shipwrecks near Cape La Hogue, ship, 12D45: 22 Cape Lewis, Scotland, See Imports to James river, lower district, Va. , from Cape Lookout, N.C., See Shipwrecks near; Ships from Cape Lookout shoals, N.C., See. Shipwrecks on Cape May, N. J. , naval engagements off, P26J176: 22--D29J176: 22 See also Boston port bill, relief from, by; British navy at; British navy captures ship off; British navy off; Ships, N. Y. , captured by Pa. ships near; Ships, Pa. , recapture American ships near Cape Nicola, Hispaniola, W.I. , fortified by French, D250c76: 31-- P250c76:21 opened to English, PD7Ja68: 31 supports war, P16My77: 23 See also Continental congress opposed in; Earthquakes at; French army in; Imports to James river, lower district, Va. , from; Imports to Philadelphia, Pa. , from; Privateers, American, captured off; Provisions for Spanish army in; Rum imported to Burwell's ferry, Va. , from; Ships from Cuba to; Ships from N. C. to; Ships from Va. to; Ships' sailing time; Ships to Boston, Mass. , from; Ships to New London, Conn. , from; Ships to N. Y. from; Ships to Newport, R. I. , from; Ships to Philadelphia, Pa. , from; Spanish army to; Spanish navy off Cape of Good Hope, Af . , See Corn to be cultivated in; Franco-Dutch rivalry on; French navy at; Privateers, American, off; Ships to Cape of Sunium, Greece, See Turkish navy at Cape Pursue, See Privateers, American, driven ashore near Cape Romain, S.C. , See Shipwrecks on Cape Sables, N.S., See Ships deserted off Cape St. Vincent, Port. , See British navy off; French navy in Cape Spartel, Mor. , See Shipwrecks near Cape Verde islands, See Fisheries, R. I. , whale, success at; Pirates in; Ships to Providence, R. I. , from; Ships to Rappahannock district, Va. , from Capen, Hopstill, PD23Je74: 12 Capers, for sale, in Blandford, Va. , PD29Je69:32 in Newcastle, Va. , PD19N72: 22 in Norfolk, Va. , PD270c74: 31 in Norfolk borough, Va. , 3 J146: 41 in Petersburg, Va. , PD10Je73: 22, PD1 J173: 32, PD30D73: 31, PD14J174:32 in Richmond, Va. , PD10S72: 23, PD17Je73: 33--R17Je73s23 in Williamsburg, Va. , 15My46:41, 31J146:61, 17Ja51:41, 18Ap51:32, 24My51:32, 18J151: 41, 30c51: 41, 27F52: 32, 12Mr52: 31, 10Ap52: 31, 22My52: 32, 5Je52: 32, 1D52: 31, 2My55: 22, 2My55: 31, 30N59: 32, 16Ja61:41, 12F62:42, PD18D66:32-- R25D66:42, PD4Je67:33, PD11 Je67: 32, PD18 Je67: 33, PD3D67: 32, PD26My68: 23, PD27Qc68: 32--R27Qc68: 22, 181 Capers, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. (cont'd) R3N68: 33--PD10N68: 22, PD13Ap69: 32--R13Ap69: 32, PD17Ag69: 33— R17Ag69: 23, PD21S69: 33--R21S69s21, PD28S69: 31, PD7 Je70: 31 — R7Je70: 31, PD7Je70: 31, R14Je70:33, R12J170: 31, R8N70: 13, PD29N70: 31 — R29N70: 23, PD29N70: 31 — R29N70: 31, PD15Ag71: 32— R15Ag71:32, PD12D71:32, PD2J172:32, R150c73:31, PD220c72: 22--R220c72: 23, PD290c72: 22--R290c72: 22, PD23S73:23--R23S73:32, PD4N73: 22--R4N73: 31, PD11N73: 22, PD1S74: 32, PD29S74: 32, P6Ap75: 42 in Yorktown, Va. , 26S45: 32, 31J146: 52, 30My51:41, PD25F68: 31 — R25F68:31,PD310c71:23 Caperthorn, Capt. , PD18 Ja70: 23 Capes, Mr.,R270c68:24 Thomas, PD23Mr69: 32--R21Ap69s21-2 Capes, the, Del. , See British navy to; Ships, American, captured by British off; Ships, British, captured by Americans off Capes, the, N. J. , See Ships, Boston, Mass. , captured by British off Capes, the, Pa., See Shipwrecks off Capes, the, Va. , blocked by ships, D30My77: 22 naval engagements off, P26Ap76s21 — D27Ap76:41,D27Ap76:33 See also British navy at; British navy cleared from; British navy off; British transports off; Dunmore's navy off; French navy off; Hurricanes off; Privateers, American, attacked off; Privateers, British, battle with Va. ship described off; Privateers, N. Y. , capture American ships off; Privateers, N. Y. , capture Baltimore ships off; Ships, American, captured by British near; Ships, American, captured by British off; Ships, British, off; Ships, French, captured by British off; Ships driven ashore off; Ships sailing time; Ships from; Ships to; Shipwrecks near; Shipwrecks off; Storms off Capes, for sale, in Yorktown, Va. , 240c55:31 See also Silk capes; Velvet capes Capigis, tribe of, PD17Ag69:31 Capilaire, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 30c51: 41, PD240c71: 31 Capilaire, syrup of, for sale, in Norfolk borough, Va. , 3J146: 41 in Yorktown, Va. , PD13Ag67: 23 Capitana, ship, 8My52: 11 Capitoi bridge, Williamsburg, Va. , PD2Ap67:23 Capitol landing, Williamsburg, Va. , 20Ap39:41,4Ja40:41, 25Ap51:32, PD25Ag68: 32, PD12 Ja69: 41, PD15F70:41,PD6S70:32, PD22N70: 23, R21Mr71 : 42, R18J171:41,PD29Ag71:31, R6F72: 31, PD9Ap72: 33, PD16Ap72:32, PD21Ap74: 33, PD21J174p23, Pi22D74: 32--PD22D74: 31 . P8Mr76: 33, P31My76: 32— DlJe76:32,D28Mr77:12— P28Mr77s22, P9My77: 31 — D16My77: 21, P5S77: 31, P240c77: 31, P7N77s22, D28N77: 31, D28N77: 32, D12F80:33 sale at, P21 J175: 32— D22J175: 33 slaves harboured at, PllAp77s31 See also Bridges at; Houses described at; Houses and lots, for rent at; Indentured servants runaway from; Slaves for sale at Capitol warehouse, Va. , transfer tobacco in, P25Ag75: 81 Capivi, for sale, in Richmond, Va. , 5S55:32 in Williamsburg, Va. , 30N59: 32 See also Balm of capivi; Balsam of capivi Caple, schooner, 31 Ja51: 32 ship, 270c52: 21, 17N52: 22, 2Mr53:41, HAp55: 22, 23My55: 21, 240c55: 21, PD29D68:23 Cappahosick, Va. , See Capahosick Capper, John, PD2F69: 31 Cappes, John, Capt. , of the Martha, 21N51: 31, 12D51: 32, 20Mr52: 31, 18 Je52: 22, 7Ag52: 32, 15S52: 32 Capraia island, It. , claims to, PD29S68:12 See also British army to; French army to Caprera island, Sardinia, See Ships from Capri island, It. , See Carthusians on Capricieux, man of war, PD22D68: 11 Caps, boycotted in Providence, R. I. , PD21Ja68:31 captured by Americans in Great Bridge, Va. , PH3D75: 22— D16D75:33 for sale in Beaufort, N. C. , P160c78: 32 in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD18Ap66: 32 in Petersburg, Va. , PD24 Ja71 : 31, PD310c71: 31, PD290c72: 22 in Richmond, Va. , PD310c71: 23— R310c71:32 in Williamsburg, Va. , 27Mr46: 42, PD10Oc66: 33, PD10c67: 13, PD60c68: 31— R60c68: 23, PD20Oc68: 23, PD13Ap69: 32— R13Ap69: 31, R260c69: 23, PD2N69: 41, PD22N70s23, R13D70: 32, PD170c71: 23, PD10Oc71: 31, PD240c71: 31, PD23Ap72: 23— R23Ap72: 13, PD13Ag72: 21, PD150c72: 31, PD12N72: 23, PD22Ap73: 31, PD29Ap73: 23, PD140c73: 23, R210c73: 22, R12My74: 32, Pi20Oc74: 31 — PD20Oc74s22, PD270c74: 32, Pi20Ap75: 31— D22Ap75: 32 lost, adv. for,R50c69:31 See also Brass caps; Gauze caps; Gauze lappet caps; Lace caps; Leather caps; Ribbon caps; Satin caps; Silk caps; Worsted Barcelona caps Caps, cockhay, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD14My72: 22 Caps, crimp'd, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. . PD19Ap70s23— R19Ap70: 31 Caps, Denmark, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD18My69: 31 — R25My69:23 Caps, described, designed for prince and princess of Wales, 25N37: 32 Caps, dress, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , R15N70: 31--PD22N70: 23 Caps, dressed, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD19Ap70s23— R19Ap70:31 Caps, Dresden, for sale, in Norfolk, Va.,PD25J166:23 Caps, flower, ior sale, PD19Ap70s23 in Williamsburg, Va. , R260c69: 23, PD2N69: 41, PD19Ap70s23— R19Ap70: 31 Caps, fly, for sale, in Fredericksburg. Va. ,R23J167:32 Caps, horsemen's, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD13Ap69: 32— R13Ap69:31 Caps, Hussar, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD210c73: 23— R210c73: 22, PD5My74: 31 — R26My74:13 Caps, Italian, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD10Oc66: 33, PD19Ap70s23— R19Ap70: 31, PD30Ap72: 31, R12My74: 32 Caps, Italian Flower, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD14My72: 22 Caps, lined, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD19Ap70s23— R19Ap70: 31 Caps, puckered, for sale, in London, Eng. ,PD7Je70:33 Caps, puffed, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD19Ap70s23— R19Ap70: 31 Caps, quilted, for sale, in London, Eng. ,PD7Je70:33 Caps, scull, for British army, 14Ag46: 12 Caps, square, imported, lost, adv. for, PD25Oc70: 31 Caps, still, stolen, in Goochland co. , Va. ,D26F80:33 Caps, Whimsey, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD30Ja72: 32— R6F72:32 Captain, H. M. S. , 1 J137: 41, 11S46: 31, 24 Ja52: 22, 4Ap55: 21, 25Ap55: 21, 10Oc55: 22, 19D55: 12, PD12S71: 31, R6My73s21 — PD13My73: 23, Pi20Oc74: 21, PD3N74: 32 horse, D14Mr77: 41 — P21Mr77s23 ship, PDUAg74:22 Capuchins (clothing), for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 17N52: 22 See also Silk capuchins Capuchins (order), general honored in Fr.,19S51:21 Car, Capt.,PD12N72:13 Anthony, 30J152: 22, PD17 Ja71: 21 John, PD17Ja71:21 Caracas, Venezuela, See Imports to London, England, from Caracol, Brazil, See Earthquakes in Carastini, Signor, 8Je39: 41 Caraway, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va.,R12J170:31 Caraway seeds, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD21S69: 41 — R21S69s21 Carberry, Philip, PD25J166: 31, PD22Ag66: 31, PD7Ja68: 33, R26J170:22, PD11F73: 23, P123 78:12 Carbines, captured by Americans, D13Ja76:42 seized from British ships, P7 Je76: 23 — D8Je76:61 182 Cargill Carbines, short rifled, for Va. cavalry, P26Ap76:ll Carbonner, Nfd. , See Merchandise burned in Carbonnier, M.,6My37:21 Carboys, for sale, in King George co. , Va. , D21Mr77: 12--P21Mr77s21 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25 J166: 22 Carbury, [Henry], Capt. , D4S79: 21 Carcase, H.M. frigate, PD26Ag73: 21 — R26Ag73sl2 H. M. S. , Rl J173: 13, P14Ap75: 21, D1J175:12,D2D75:13 sloop, PD24Je73: 21--R24Je73: 23 transport, D2D75: 22 Carcass, bombketch, PD22Ap73: 22, PD9D73:13 British bomb, P17My76: 22— D18My76:31,P16Ag76:21, D110c76:12 H. M. S. , 24Ja52: 31, PD290c67: 11 ship, PD15 J173: 31--R15J173: 31 Carcasses, oblong, captured by Americans, D13 Ja76: 42 Carcasses, round, captured by Americans, D13Ja76: 42 Card makers, adv. for, at Hunter's ironworks, Va. , D4J177: 12, D4D79:22 Card making, adv. of, in Fredericksburg, Va.,P6S76:41 Card plavers, See Slaves as Card playing, forbidden in Continental army, P30My77: 11 in London, Eng. , PD8Ap73: 22 Cardamoms, lesser, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD21S69:41— R21S69s21 Carden, Major, Pil6D75: 21 Carders, See Slaves as Cardiaca, See Confectio Cardiaca Cardiff, Capt. , PD26N67: 23 Cardin, Robert, PD7N71 : 31 Cardinals, for sale, in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72: 31 in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD18Ap66: 32, R19F67:23 in Gloucester co. , Va. , D29 Je76: 42 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD60c68: 31 — R60c68: 23, PD270c68: 33— R270c68: 22, PD13Ap69: 32— R13Ap69:31,R260c69:23, PD2N69: 41, R8N70: 13, PD29N70:22— R29N70: 23, PD12D > 71 : 32, R150c72: 31 See also Satin cardinals; Silk cardinals Cardinals, flowered, for sale, in Richmond, Va. , PD310c71: 23— R310c71:32 Cardinals, laced, for sale, in Richmond, Va. , PD310c71 : 23— R310c71 : 32 Cardinals, mode, for sale, in Richmond, Va. , PD310c71 : 23--R310c71 : 32, R5N72:22--PD5N72sll Cardinals, plaiding satin, for sale, in Richmond, Va. , PD310c71: 23— R310c71:32 Cardinals, shades, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD2N69: 41 Cardinals, spotted mode, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD60c68: 31 — R60c68:23 Cards, adv. for, in Williamsburg, Va. , P22N76:33 for sale, P27Mr78:ll in Petersburg, Va. , P5Je78: 11 — D10J178:41 in Princess Anne co. , Va. , P19Je78: 31 in Richmond, Va. , D14N77: 32 imported to Algiers, D4N75: 12 taxes on in Ire. , PD4N73: 21 See also Gilt message cards Cards, clothier's, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD19S66: 31, PD28S69:31,R8N70: 13 Cards, cotton, bartered, P21Ag78: 41, C15My79:32 bounties in Gloucester co. , Va. , Pi28Ap75: 32— P28Ap75s42— D29Ap75s33 for sale, at Henrico factory, Va. , D5F80:33 at Kemp's landing, Va. , P160c78: 31 at South Quay, Va. , D10Oc77: 31 in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72: 31, D24J179:22,D14Ag79:12— C28Ag79:43 in Beaufort, N. C. , P160c78: 32 in Blandford, Va. ,D10J178: 22, D13N78:11 in Edenton, N. C. , P160c78: 42 in Fredericksburg, Va. , P170c77: 32, C15My79:32 in New Kent co. , Va. , P31 Ja77: 32 in Petersburg, Va. , P170c77: 32, P6Mr78:32 in Prince George co. , Va. , D31 Ja77: 72- P31Ja77:32 in Richmond, Va. , P10J178: 31 in Surry co. , Va. , PD6 Je71 : 32— R20Je71:42 in Urbanna, Va. , P21Ag78: 13 in West Point, Va. , P160c78: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD3D67: 32, R28J168: 32, PD28S69: 31, PD15F70: 41, R8N70: 13, PDllAp71: 32, PD12D71: 32, D5D77: 12--P5D77: 22, D10J178: 21 — P10J178: 33, DlMy79: 22, C15J180: 22 imported to James river, Va. , P28N77: 21 lost, adv. for,D15My79:ll prize for in James City co. , Va. , P17F75:41--D18F75:31 stolen, R7Je70: 32 Cards, cotton, damaged, for sale, in Hampton, Va. , PD26 Ja69: 41 Cards, cotton, manufacture, encouraged in Chowan co. , N. C. , Pi30Mr75: 21 encouraged in Va. , Pi30Mr75: 31 — DlAp75:31 Cards, cotton, salvaged, for sale, in Norfolk, Va.,PD25J166:32 Cards, drawing, for sale, in Yorktown, Va. ,25J151:32 Cards, message, PD17S72: 22 for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD29N70: 22, PD13D70: 43, PD3Ja71: 43, PD10Je73: 34, D9Mr76: 43, D24Ag76: 63, D3Ja77: 43, D17Ja77: 43, D2My77: 83, D4J177: 83 Cards, mourning, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD29N70: 22, PD13D70:43, PD3Ja71:43 Cards, political, sold in London, Eng. , PD2My71:12 Cards, stock, for sale, in Cobham, Va. , P29S75:33 — Pi50c75:33 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD28S69: 31, PD12D71:32 Cards, tow, for sale, in Alexandria, Va. ,PD20Ag72:31 in Surry co. , Va. , PD6 Je71 : 32— R20Je71:42 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD28S69: 31 Cards, wool, bartered, C15My79: 32 bounties in Northampton co. , Va. , D4F75:32 for sale, at Kemp's landing, Va. , P160c78:31 in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72: 31, D24 J179: 22, D14Ag79: 12— C28Ag79:43 in Beaufort, N. C. , P160c78: 32 in Blandford, Va. , D10J178: 22, D13N78:11 in Edenton, N. C. , P160c78: 42 in Fredericksburg, Va. , P170c77: 32, C15My79:32 in Gloucester, Va. , P19Ap76sll — D20Ap76:33 in New Kent co. , Va. , P31 Ja77: 32 in Petersburg, Va. , P170c77: 32, P6Mr78:32 in Prince George co. , Va. , D31Ja77:72--P31Ja77:32 in Richmond, Va. , P10J178: 31 in South Quay, Va. , D10Oc77: 31 in Surry co. , Va. , PD6Je71: 32— R20Je71:42 in Urbanna, Va. , P21Ag78: 13 in West Point, Va. , P160c78: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD3D67: 32, R28 J168: 32, PD28S69: 31, PDllAp71: 32, PD12D71 : 32, PD270c74: 31, D5D77: 12--P5D77: 22, D10J178: 21 — P10J178: 33, D4D78: 22, DlMy79: 22 imported to Accomac district, Va. , from N. Y. , R25Ag68s23— PD8S68p22 imported to James river, Va. , P28N77: 21 prize for, in James City co. , Va. , P17F75:41--D18F75:31 stolen, 26S45: 41, R7Je70: 32 Cards, wool, damaged, for sale, in Falmouth, Va. , PD18J166: 31 in Hampton, Va. , PD26 Ja69: 41 Cards, wool, manufacture, in Surry co., Va.,Pi2Mr75:33 Cardwell, John, R20 Je71 : 42, D17Je75:41 Thomas, PD3Ag69: 32, R2D73: 31, D3Ag76:32 Cardy, Samuel, PD28J168: 22 Careless, horse, PD5N67: 13, D28Mr77: 32— P28Mr77s23, D4Mr80: 31 for hire, P12Ap76: 33, P27Mr78: 31, D26Mr79:31 for sale,D26Mr79:31 Carenage, St. Lucia, W. I. , declared free port, PD29S68: 22--R29S68: 23 Carew, George, D8Ja80: 31 Carey, Capt. , of the King George, D16Mr76:23 Mr.,10Mr38:41 James, PD24Ja71:32 Miles, PD19S66: 21 Carey, snow, 29S52: 32 Cargill, Col.,DUN75:21 Daniel. R16Je68: 33, P30Oc78: 33 David, PD28 J168: 31--R28 J168: 32, PD3N68: 31, PD5My69: 33 John, 12F62: 32, PD1S68: 31, 183 Cargill, John (cont'd) PD1J173:32 — R1J173:32, P7J175sl3, P7J175s21, P24My76sll Cargill's ferry, Va. , D20c79: 32 Cargo wanted, See Ships adv. for cargo Caribbee is. , W. I. , See Fast days in; Shipwrecks near Caribs (St. Vincent, W.I. ), aid Fr. against British, D28Ag79: 11 attack British, PD16N69: 12, PD3D72:12 British expedition against, R26N72: 21, PD12N72: 13, PD3D72: 12, PD10D72: 22, PD14 Ja73: 22, PD25Mr73: 22 British victories over, PDllMr73: 23 character of, R23S73: 13 cost to British of war against, PD17Je73: 22--R17Je73: 21 defeat British, D24Ap79: 21 engagement with British army, PD25F73: 23--R25F73: 23 insurrection of, PD14Ja73: 22, PD21 Ja73 : 22, PD21 Ja73 : 23 murder British soldiers, PD21Ja73: 31 peace with British, PD12Ag73:21, R19Ag73:21 plunder British, PD24Je73: 31 renew attacks aeainst British, PD15Ap73:12 request surrender terms, PD18Mr73: 21 settlement with, PD10Mr74: 23-- R10Mr74:22 successes of, R18Mr73: 21 superiority over British discussed, PD25Mr73: 23— R25Mr73: 23 surrender to British, PD17D72: 23, PD15Ap73:13 surrender to British rumored, PD25Mr73: 31, PD15Ap73: 22-- R15Ap73:22 treaty with Gt. Brit. , RlAp73: 12, PD15Ap73: 22--R15Ap73: 21 war with Eng. , R6My73sl3 Caricatures, pamphlets of, PD170c66: 41 Caril, pseud. ,Pil8My75: 12 Carisfort, man of war, PD29D68: 21 Carket, Capt., of the Lowstoff, PD1J173:13 Carlavan, Lt. , D26S77: 22 Careless (Carless), Thomas, PD9 Je68: 22--R9Je68: 31, R7J168: 21 Carleton, Capt. , P22N76: 21 Ambrose, PD2Je68: 23 Guy, Gen., gov. of Quebec, PD13N66: 13 abandons post in Can. , P30Ag76: 22-- D31Ag76:22 addressed by inhabitants of Quebec, PD3N74: 32, PD17N74: 12 aid to Gen. Gage requested, P21J175:22 appointed gov. of Quebec, R15Ag66s21--PD22Ag66: 21, R26My68: 13, PD16Je68: 13, PD25Ag74: 23, P17Mr75s21 — D18Mr75: 23, Pi23Mr75: 21 approach to Ticonderoga, N. Y. , denied, D23My77: 22--P23My77: 21 army of superior to colonial army, P2F76sl3--D3F76: 32--Pi3F76: 11 arrives in Quebec, Can. , Pi20Oc74: 31-- PD20Oc74sl2. P12Ja76: 23-- D13Ja76:23 armaments for in Quebec, Can. , D2My7722 attacked by Green Mountain Boys, Pi23N75:23 attacks hospital in Quebec, Can. , PlMr76:21--D2Mr76:21 attacks Quebec, Can. , P7Je76: 22, D15Je76:42 attempts to influence Indians against British colonies, N. Am. , Pi3Ag75:32--D5Ag75:23 brings bell for cathedral in Quebec, D4F75:12 buries Gen. Montgomery, P9F76: 23-- D10F76:32 buys gunpowder in Quebec, Can. , Pi260c75: 31--P270c75s21 — D280c75:33 campaign plans for, D23My77: 21, P30My77:21 Canadians join army of, P24My76: 21-.- D25My76:32 capture of in Can. threatened, D3F76:13 capture of Ticonderoga, N. Y. , rumored, P25J177: 12 captured in Quebec, Can. , P29D75sl2--D30D75: 33--Pi30D75: 32 claims Lake Champlain, N. Y. , for British, PI 10c76: 23 commander of Quebec, Can. , P3N75: 22 commands British army at St. Lawrence river, P24My76: 22-- D25My76:31 contemptuous of Col. Arnold, D30Mr76:22 defends Quebec, Can. , P19Ja76: 21-- D20Ja76:22 defense of Que. difficult, D13 Ja76: 23 deserts Montreal, Can. , D6Ap76: 13 dines with prisoners of war, D16Mr76:31 discussed in Lords, D3.0Mr76: 13 encourages opposition to colonies, P29Mr76: 12 exchanges prisoners with Qen. Washington, D31Ja77: 71 family of arrives in Falmouth, Eng. , P16F76:11 in Crown point, N. Y. , D15N76: 21 in St. John's, Can. , P30Ag76: 22-- P31Ag76: 22 in skirmish at Longueuil, Can. , Pi30N75: 22 incites Canadians against Continental troops, D18My76: 32 installation of, D27My75: 31 issues pardon for deserters, D11N75: 23 joined by Tryon against provincials, Pi260c75: 12--D280c75: 21 leaves for Que. , PD8S74: 22, PD22S74: 22 letter (text) from Montgomery requesting surrender, P2F76sll-- D3F76:31 — Pi3F76: 22 letters to intercepted, Pi2N75: 32-- P3N75: 23 near Ticonderoga, N. Y. , D9My77: 22-- P9My77: 22 number of troops under, D1N76: 11 opposed in Va. , Pil2Ja75: 12 opposes British colonies, N. Am. , P22J175s21--D29J175: 23 ordered to Que. ,D27Je77: 21-- P27Je77: 21 ordered to raise troops for British army, P24N75sl2 orders raising of troops in Can. , P2Je75s21--D3Je75: 23 popular support of in Montreal, Can. , PD17N74: 12 powers of, D27My75: 31 proclamations of, 1775, Pl9Ja76: 21-- D20Ja76: 22--Pi3F76: 21, D10F76: 21 promoted to general in America, D13J176: 61 reception on arrival in Que. , PD3N74: 32 refused aid by Indians in Can. , P30Ag76: 31 refuses command in U. S. , D29My79: 22 refuses petition (text) for bail, PD5Mr67: 23 regulates communications with Americans, D7S76: 21 reports on conditions in Quebec, Can. , D40c76: 62 reports on prisoners of war in Quebec, Can. , D9Mr76: 22 reports on Que. expedition, D1N76: 12 reports on siege of Quebec, Can. , D40c76: 61 requests Indians to join Gt. Brit. against colonies, Pi26Ja75: 13 retreats from Crown Point, N. Y. , D29N76: 22--P29N76: 11 returns provisions to Eng. ,D30Mr76: 31 rumored for command of British army in America, R70c73: 11 sends reinforcements to Ticonderoga, N. Y. ,D17Je75:23 ships of captured, P5Ja76(5)sl3-- D6Ja76: 31 shoots men for insubordination, P12Ap76: 22--D13Ap76: 31 takes prisoners on Lake Champlain, D15N76: 12--P15N76: 21 to aid St. John's, Can. , D30Mr76: 21 to attack colonial frontier rumored, Pil7Ag75: 32--P18Ag75: 31 to Quebec, Can. , D31Ag76: 21 wife of sails to Eng. , D11N75: 23 Maria, Lady, PD3N74: 32 Thomas, R19N72: 41 Carlile, Anne, PD24Mr68: 33 Carlin, William, D7N77: 31 Carlingford, frigate, PD130c68: 12 Carlisle, Capt. , PD19N67: 21, PD24D67: 31 of the Hopewell, PD12N72: 12 Earl of [Frederick Howard], arrives in Philadelphia, Pa. , Pl9Je78: 22 Crisis addressed to, D27N78: 11 defends Johnstone from attacks by congress, D90c78: 11 letter to concerning peace commission, D90c78: 21, D160c78: 11, D30Oc78:21-- P30Oc78: 21 peace commissioner to U. S. , P5Je78: 21 proclamation (text) to inhabitants of U.S. ,D30Oc78: ll--P30Oc78: 11 protests violation of Saratoga convention, D90c78: 12 replies to Lafayette's challenge, D26F79: 31 supports embargo on colonies, D3Je75: 13 supports embargo on New England, 184 Caroline co. , Va. P19My75: 12 Abraham, P230c78: 22 John,310c51:32 Carlisle, Eng. , mayor and town clerk arrested, 15My46: 22 surrender of, 27Mr46: 21, 27Mr46: 22 See also Cattle sold in; Convict servants from; Deafness in; Duels in; Floods in; Strikes in Carlisle, Pa. , Supreme court, indictments in, PD9Je68: 23-- R9Je68: 31 See also British army expected in; Jails in; Riots in Carlisle, privateer, 240c45: 21, 4S46: 22 ship, 27Ag56: 31, 3S56: 32, R12Mr72: 23 snow, PD19My74: 43, PD9Je74: 31— R9Je74: 21 Carlisle iron works, Pa. , R220c72: 31, D20c79: 32 Carlisle perch hooks, for sale, in Smithfield, Va. , C3J179: 31 Carlos, ship, 240c45: 12 Carlowitz, treaty of, 16F39: 21 Carlton, Capt. , of the Gallant, 24My51: 22 of the General Gates, D8N76: 11 of the Sally, PD18Je67: 22 Abraham, P30My77: 42 Christopher, P6Mr78: 12 Edward, R14Ap68: 33 George, Capt. , of the Alice, PD26D71:31 Isaac, D19D77: 32 Thomas, PD2My66: 32 William, D10J178: 42 Carlyle, Col. , PD27My73: 23-- R27My73:23,P28J175:23 Mr. ,HAp55:32 John, adv. finding horse, PD21My67: 33, PD26My68: 31 adv. for runaway convict servant, PD17S67: 22, PD13Ag72: 23 adv. horse for sale, P270c75: 32 adv. plantation for sale or rent, 16My55: 21 adv. stallion for hire, P24F75: 41 appointed to committee for Fairfax co. , Va. , R4Ag74: 22 appointed trustee for Potomac river, PD3N74: 42--PU0N74: 32, D7Ja75: 32 defendant in Chancery court, R24D67: 42, R19Ja69: 32 manages auction, P129D74: 32 manages lottery, 10Ja51: 42 sells lot, PD13Je71: 33 subscriber to falls of Potomac, PD3N74: 42--PU0N74: 32 witnesses report on skirmish at Sandy point, Va. , P6S76: 12, P6S76: 13 John, Col. , PD7J168: 23, PD20Ag72: 23 John, Major, 19J154: 42 William, PD7J168: 23 Carlyle & Dalton, PD4F73: 31, P9My77: 42 Carlyle, brig, PDllAp71: 23 Carman, Capt. , PD13Ap69: 23 Carmathen, Marquis, [Thomas Osburne], D8J175: 13 Carmarthen, Wales, See Floods in; Forgeries in; Murders in; Shipwrecks near Carmarthen Castle, ship, 12My55: 12 Carmichael, George, 270c52: 22 Roderick, P4J177: 41 Thomas, PD25My69: 13 Carmine, imported to Cadiz, Sp. , from Veracruz, Mex. , 21N51: 12 Carmont, John, & co. , PD7N71: 23 Carmont, Woodside &, PD290c72: 21-- R290c72: 31 Carnaby, Capt. , PD16My71: 23 of the Russia Merchant, PD11F68: 23-- R11F68: 31, PD28Ap68: 22, R29Je69: 33, PD10D72: 23-- R10D72: 23 John, Capt. , of the Charming Nelly, PD22Ag71: 33, PDllJe72: 31 Carnagan, James, Lt. , D21S76: 21 Carnavon, Wales, See Anecdotes from Carnarvon, ship, 2S57: 12 Carnatic, French East Indiaman, D26F79: 21 Carnaud, Capt. , of the Queen of England, D17F76: 32 Carncross, Joseph, R21My72: 23-- PD18Je72: 33, R280c73: 33 Carnegy, Patrick, Capt. , of the Dennistown, 27Je51: 41, 25J151: 32, 30Ja52:32,29S52:32 Carnes, Arundale, PD29Ag66: 31 William, private, R14Ja73: 13 Carney, Bartholomew, RllOc70: 33 John,D12Mr79:32 Richard, D26S77: 31 Carnivals, in Chanteloup, Fr. , PD10Je73: 12 in Paris, Fr. , PD6My73: 12-- R6My73sl3 in Rennes, Fr. , 10Je37: 22 Carnon, Luke, P4J177: 31 Carolina, back country inspected, PD18F68: 22--R18F68: 24 climate disagreeable to Swiss, PD23J172: 31 furnishes Creeks with supplies, 16Ag51: 22 life in woods of described, Pi9Mr75: 32 opposes N. Y. 's quartering troops, PD22Mr70: 21 revolts against Congress, D12F79: 21 See also Arms for; British army quartering in; Emigration from; Emigration from Scot, to; Emigration from Va. , to; Exports from Eng. , to; Imports to Philadelphia, Pa. , from; Indians in; Militia from; Quartering in; Quartering opposed in; Rice export from; Ships from; Ships from York district, Va. , to; Ships to; Ships to York district, Va. , from; Swiss in; Tories in; Travel Carolina, brig, PD28S69: 22 packet, R26J170: 13 ship, PD4Mr73: 31, PDllMr73: 13 sloop, 14Ap38: 32 yacht, PDllJe72: 23 Carolina coast, See Shipwrecks on Carolina frontier, See Robbers on Carolina Henrietta, brigantine, PD80c67: 21 Carolina Packet, British brig, P20S76: 21--D21S76: 12 ship, R11D66: 41, PD24Mr74: 12 Carolina troops, arrive at Great Bridge, Va. , PU3D75: 22-- P15D75: 23--D16D75: 33, P15D75: 31 join Virginians in Norfolk, Va. , P8D75:31--Pi9D75: 21 praised for battle of Germantown, Pa. , P170c77: 21 Caroline, queen of Gt. Brit. , 10S36: 31 administration praised, 22Ap37: 22 birthday ball for, 3Je37: 21 ceremonies in Va. , 31Mr38: 42 collects manuscripts, 22J137: 31 death of, lMr38: 11 epitaph on, 19My38: 31 funeral of, 24Mr38: 21 illness of, 28Ja37: 42 mourning for, 17Mr38: 32, 31Mr38: 31, 16Je38: 31, 23Je38: 31, 25Ag38: 32, 8S38: 22, 19Ja39: 22, 19Ja39: 32, 26Ja39: 42 poem on, 10Mr38:41 portrait of, 10Mr38:41 Caroline, H. M. S. , 14S39: 21, 24Ja52: 22 prize ship, PHOc76: 31 ship, D4F75: 22, P4Ag75: 31, P6D76: 31 Caroline county, Va. , burgesses elected, 10S36: 42, 17N38: 41, 30Ja52: 32, 27F52: 32, 12D55: 22, PD15D68: 23-- R15D68: 21, PD21S69: 23-- R21S69: 23, R9N69: 11, PD5D71: 23 cavalry, Pi6J175: 33 census requested, P19Ap76p23-- D27Ap76: 33 committee, officers chosen, PlMr76: 13 resolutions (text) of, 1775, D10Je75: 32 trials for gambling, P16F76sl3 trials for Toryism, P6D76: 13 committee of correspondence, PD3N74: 41--Pi4N74: 31 committee of observation, Pi22D74: 32-- PD22D74: 31, D4F75: 32, Pil2Ja75: 11-- D14Ja75: 12 court, R18J171: 21, PD18Je72: 32, PD6My73: 31--R6My73: 23, PD26Ag73:31,P8N76:42 delegates to Va. convention elected, P26Ap76s23 delegates elected, P18Ap77sll escheator appointed, PD22F70: 32 independent company, P12My75sl3 freeholders meeting in, PD28J174sl2-- R28J174: 23 recruits, P27Je77: 33 reported list of tithables, Pi22D74: 32-- PD22D74: 31 senator elected, P6S76: 33, P18Ap77sll senatorial district for,D8Ja80: 23 sheriff's orders, R18J171: 21 town established in, 24Ap52: 22 troops, P130c75: 22--D140c75: 31 volunteer company, PllAg75p22, P130c75: 23 See also Anabaptists, imprisonment in; Association of 1774 enforced in; Association of 1774 supported in; Association of 1774 violated in; Associations in Va. , enforced in; Auctions in; Blacksmiths in; Bolting cloths in; Bridges in; Chairmakers in; Churches in; Convict servants runaway from; Cropping houses in; Dwelling houses in; Ferries in; Fulling mills for sale in; Gambling in; Gardens in; Glebe houses in; Gristmills in; Horse-breeding in; 185 Caroline co. , Va. , See also (cont'd) Houses in; Indentured servants runaway from; Jails in; Kitchens in; Land, lease of, for sale in; Land, mortgaged for sale in; Land, ownership of, disputed in; Land, reversion of, for sale in; Land for lease in; Land for rent in; Land for sale in; Lotteries of land in; Meat houses in; Merchants in; Merchant mills in; Militia in; Mills in; Minutemen in; Musters, general, dates appointed for; Orchards in; Ordinaries in; Outhouses in; Overseers in; Peach orchards in; Physicians in; Planters in; Roads in; Robberies in; Sawmills for sale in; Sawmills in; Schools adv. for, in; Slaves for sale in; Slaves lent in; Slaves ownership disputed in; Slaves runaway from; Slaves, entailed, for sale in; Slaves, mortgaged, for sale in; Smallpox in; Spinning wheel makers in; Stealing by convict servants in; Stealing by slaves in; Stealing in; Stills for sale in; Storehouses in; Stores in; Suicides in; Taverns in; Teachers adv. for, in; Teachers in; Tories, trials for, in; Warehouses in; Weavers adv. for, in Caroline courthouse, Va. , See Land, mortgaged, for sale in; Land for sale in; Ordinaries for rent in; Prisoners of war in; Slaves for sale in; Stores for rent in Carolinian, pseud. , PD270c74: 13 Carolus Ludovicus Rudolphus, 28F55: 32 Carpegna, fief of, claims to, 15D38: 11 Carpenter, Dr. , P2My77sll Benjamin, PD5Ap70: 32 Daniel, Capt. , PD18F68: 31 George, R16N69: 33 James, D17Ag76: 12 John, D23Ja78: 42 John, Capt. , of the Sally, R29Je69: 41 Joseph, 30J152: 32 N. , adv. for missing horse, P240c77: 23 Nancy (Fantleroy), marriage of, PD17Mr68:31 Nathaniel, PD3Mr68: 31--R3Mr68: 32, PD17Mr68: 31, R31Mr68: 31 Timothy, 2S57: 32 Carpenters, adv. for, R27F72: 33, P20Oc75:31,P19J176:41 adv. for employment, PD9Ap72: 33, R20My73: 22 adv. for, in Buckingham co. , Va. , P2Ag76: 32 in Charles City co. , Va. , R23F69: 21 in Henrico co. , Va. , D21S76: 32 in Richmond, Va. , PD3S72: 22, PD24S72: 22 in Spotsylvania co. , Va. , PD11J171: 32 in Westham, Va. , D4N80: 11 in Williamsburg, Va. , R22S68: 24, PD18Ja70: 41--R18Ja70: 32, PD3Ja71: 31, P31Mr75: 33 — DlAp75: 33, D21Mr77: 12— P21Mr77s23, P25J177: 23 in Yorktown, Va. , 17Ap52: 32 aid to British army in Boston, Mass. , PD130c74: 22— Pil30c74: 31 PD20Oc74sll, PD20Oc74sl2, Pi270c74: 13 captured by Americans near N. Y. C. , P1S75: 13 compensated for injuries in Gt. Brit. , PD80c72: 31 emigration from Holl. to Batavia encouraged, PD10N74: 23 from N. Y. C. aid British in Mass. , Pi24Ag75: 32 for hire, P22N76: 32 impressed by N. Y. general assembly, 14Ag46: 31 in British navy, P12J176sl2 in Charles co. , Md. , R26Ag73: 22 in Md. , 17F38: 31 in Norfolk co. , Va. , PD7S69: 41 inN. Y C. ,P11J177:31 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD18Je67: 31 of Boston, Mass. , in Oswego, N. Y. , 7N55: 12 on British ships in Philadelphia, Pa. , D15Je76:32 strike in Eng. , P29S75: 22 wages of in Dominica, W. I. , PD30J167: 31 in Venice, It. , PD16Je74: 12 See also Indentured Negroes as; Convict servants as; Indentured servants as; Slaves as; Ship carpenters Carpenters, apprentices, runaway from Goochland co. , Va. , R22S74: 33 from Henrico co. , Va. , 14F51: 41 from King William co. , Va. , PD2Ap67: 32 from Mecklenburg co. , Va. , PD5S71: 32 from Southampton co. , Va. , PD13Je66: 32 from Sussex co. , Va. , PD31Mr74: 32 from Williamsburg, Va. , PD19Ag73: 22 Carpenters, British, captured by Va. troops, D8J175: 32 employed in French shipyards, 5D5L32 employed in Spain, PD30Ap67': 23 Carpenters, clapboard, See Slaves as Carpenters, journeymen, adv. for, in Henrico co. , Va. , P29Mr76: 32, D21S76: 32 in Newcastle, Va. , PD21N71: 22 Carpenters, Negroes, adv. for, in Hanover co. , Va. , P3Ap78: 21 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD4N73: 22— R4N73: 31 Carpenters' hall, Philadelphia, Pa. , P31Mr75s23, Pi9N75: 31 Carpenters' material, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PDllAp71: 32, PD12D71: 32 Carpenters' tools, destroyed by British in Danbury, Conn. , D6Je77: 12 for sale, in Beaufort, N. C. , P160c78: 32 in Buckingham co. , Va. , D19D77: 31 at Burwell's ferry, Va. , PD18N73: 22 in Edenton, N. C. , P160c78: 42 in Gloucester co. , Va. , P7Je76: 33 — D8Je76: 71 in Hanover, Va. , D24J179: 32 in Henrico co. , Va. , PD3Ja71: 32— R10Ja71: 33, D12D77: 21 — P12D77: 32 in Hobb's Hole, Va. , DllMr80: 32 in Middlesex co. , Va. , P28J175: 31 in Richmond, Va. , PD13My73: 41, D11D79:31 in Richmond co. , Va. , P24My76: 42 in Smithfield, Va. , PD9Ja72: 32 in Spotsylvania co. , Va. , R18Oc70: 23 in Surry co. , Va. , PD26F67: 32, PD6Je71: 32— R20Je71: 42, D12Mr79: 22 in Sussex co. , Va. , D19D77: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , PDllAp66: 41, PD19S66: 31, PDllAp71: 32, PD12D71: 32, Pi22D74: 32— PD22D74: 31, D21Ja75: 31, P15Ag77: 33, D10J178: 21 — P10J178:33,C15J180:22 near Cabin Point, Va. , PD6Je71: 32— R20Je71:42 seized from British ship, P7Je76: 23 — D8Je76: 61 stolen, R7Je70: 32 near Kennon's warehouse, Va. , R19J170: 33 taken by slaves, R4Ag68: 31, PD22Mr70: 33 Carpentras, Fr. , See Accidents in Carpet manufacture, established in Scot. , PD7My72: 23 in Algiers, Alg. , D4N75: 12 in Pittenween, Scot. , PDllJe67: 21 Carpeting, for sale, at Kemp's landing, Va. ,D19Mr79:31 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD150c67: 22, PD23S73: 23--R23S73: 32,D8Ag77: 22 Carpets, for sale, in Trinity glebe, Va. , D28N77: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD150c67: 22, PD25J171:23,D8Ag77:22 import to Fr. , from Gt. Brit, permitted, HMy39: 21 unclaimed, adv. of, PD9My71: 32 Carpets, Scotch, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD23S73: 23 — R23S73: 32 Carpets, Turkey, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 5S51: 32 Carpets, Wilton, for sale, P19Ja76: 33— D27Ja76:41 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD290c72: 22 — R290c72: 22 Carr, Capt. , 10Mr38: 42, 24N52: 22, P16Je75: 23, Pi21S75: 33 of the Elizabeth, PD14S69: 31 of the Marlborough, 17Ap46: 21 of the Planter, PD15Ja67: 32, PD11F68: 23 of the Two Friends, 16Ja46: 32 Col. , D29N76: 22— P29N76: 11 Lt. Col. ,PD270c68: 23 — R270c68: 21 Major, D21S76: 32 Mr. , PD4Ap71: 22, P12D77: 31, C21Oc80: 22 Dabney, PD21D69: 23— R18Ja70: 41, PD5D71: 23, PD18Mr73: 23 — R18Mr73: 31, PD27My73: 22— R27My73: 22, PD24Je73: 32 Edward, R26N72: 21 Francis, D7S76: 22 Garland, D160c78: 41 George, 18Ap51: 31 Gideon, PD7Ap68: 32 James, P3Ap78: 21 John, 5S55: 32, H2S57: 42, PD30J167: 33, R10F74:33 John, Major, C30Oc79: 33 Maverick, PD18Mr73: 22 Patrick, PD5Ap70: 23— R5Ap70: 32, PD3Ja71: 13 186 Carrington Randolph, 14Ag52: 31 Robert, Sgt. , P3Ap78: 21 Samuel, PD18F68: 31, P2My77sl2 Samuel, Capt. , D160c78: 41 Sylvanus, of the Experiment, 17Ap46: 22 Thomas, Pil5Je75:33 Thomas, Capt. , D26D77: 22 Walter, P18Ag75: 42, C30Oc79: 42 William, PD9Ap67: 31, P4Ag75: 31 adv. land for sale, R16F69: 22, R3Ag69:31,RllOc70:32, PD10Ja71: 32--R10Ja71: 31, PD14N71: 22— R21N71: 33, R12Mr72: 31 adv. mortgaged land for sale, PD7S69: 32--R7S69: 32 adv. property for sale, R9Mr69: 33 adv. settlement of estate of, PD14Ja73: 31--R14Ja73: 32 agent for executors of Allan Macrae, PD11D66:31--R11D66: 31 agent for William Black, PD9My66: 31 collector for William Crawford, Thomas Dunmore & co. , PD22J173: 31--R22J173s21 collector for Richard Graham, R50c69: 23 merchant, R23J167: 42, R26S71: 31 merchant in Dumfries, Va. , PD5S66s32, PD10N74: 43 on committee for Prince William co. , Va. , Pil2Ja75: 32, PilJe75: 11 — P2Je75s41 postmaster in Dumfries, Va. , PD18N73: 22--R18N73: 31 reports on investigation of ship Sharpe,R23Ag70:32 sells U. S. lottery tickets, D21Mr77: 11, P21Mr77s23--D28Mr77: 71 William, Capt. , P25Ag75: 81 Carr, ship. PD15D68: 23 Carran, Robert, R4D66: 23 Carraway confits, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD18Je67: 33 Carrel, Thomas, PD20S70: 32— R27S70: 32 Carrell. Benjamin, PD25J166: 32 Dugless, D9My77: 31 John, 22Ap57: 42 William, 21N51: 32 Carresse, Pierre, R18Ja70: 22 Carriacou island, W. I. , See Ships, British, captured by French in Carriage guns, for sale, in Edenton, D12Je79:32 imported to Salem, Mass. , from Guadeloupe, W. I. , D10Ag76: 61, D24Ag76: 22 on American privateers, P16Ag76: 22 — D17Ag76: 22 on Continental ships, D31Ag76: 21 on the Earl of Stair, 26S45: 32 on privateers, 5S51: 22, 27Ag56: 41 on ships, 130c38: 41, 120c39: 32, 120c39: 41, 21Mr45: 32, 18Ap45: 31, 9My45: 31, 16My45: 32, 13Je45: 21, 13Je45: 22, 20Je45: 31, 11J145: 32, 29Ag45: 21, 29Ag45: 22, 240c45: 12, 240c45: 31, 5D45: 41, 12D45: 11, 12D45: 12, 12D45: 31, 23Ja46: 31, 29My46: 22. 24Ja51: 32, 2S57: 22 PDlAg66: 12, PD12Ja69: 12, P3Mr75s23, P23F76: 21--D24F76: 22, D20Ap76: 23, D4My76: 32, DllMy76: 31, P7Je76: 23--D8Je76: 61, P7Je76: 31, D8Je76: 62, P5J176: 21--D6J176: 12 P5J176: 23, D13J176: 41, D13J176: 51, P19J176: 23, P19J176: 31, D20J176: 32, D29J176: 41, D29J176: 42, P2Ag76: 23— D3Ag76: 12, P20S76: 21--D21S76: 12, D8N76: 11--P8N76: 21, P22N76: 21 — D29N76: 12, D22N76: 31, D22N76: 12, D29N76:32, P24Ja77:ll, DlAg77: 11, P10Oc77: 11.D10J178: 11.D12F79: 31, D26Je79: 21, D10J179: 22, D14Ag79: 12-- C28Ag79: 42, C28Ag79: 23 — D28Ag79: 21, C28Ag79: 31, D4S79: 31, D11S79:21,D25S79: 31,D90c79: 21, D90c79: 21, D30Oc79: 21, D18D79: 31, D4Mr80: 21, D25Mr80: 11, C21Oc80: 22 seized from British ship, P29Mr76: 22— D30Mr76: 32, P5J176: 23 Carriage makers, adv. of, in Fredericksburg, Va. , 28Ag46: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , R14Ap74: 32 in London, Eng. , R22Mr70: 22 — PD5Ap70: 42 wages paid, R14Ap74: 32 Carriage (artillery), manufacture, in Ire. ,P5My75sll Carriage painting, adv. of, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD21Je70: 31 Carriage races, in Eng. , D8Ja80: 21 in Newmarket, Eng. , 17Ja51: 31 Carriage sheds, in Manchester, Va. , P21N77:31 Carriage springs, for sale, C19F80: 12 Carriage trucks, seized from British at Fort Montague, New Providence, W. I. , D4My76: 32 Carriages (gun), captured by Americans at Stillwater, N. Y. , P310c77: 21 for British army in Boston, Mass. , P3Mr75s22,D25N75:22 in Ga. , PD7Ja68: 31 needed by British army in Va. , P26Ja76: 12 seized from Irish ship, D8Je76: 31 Carriages (vehicles), boycotted in Providence, R. L , PD21Ja68: 31 boycotted in Va. Association, PD25My69: 11— RUe69: 13 fitted, in Eng. , PD28S69: 11 imported to James river, Va. , upper district from Boston, Mass. , PD10Mr68: 31— R14Ap68: 42 invented in Eng. , PD26S71: 13, PD26S71: 21, PD28N71: 21 described, PD26S71: 13 taxes on, R25D66: 23— PDlJa67: 33, R18Ja70: 23, PD14N71: 22 — R21N71: 32 taxes on in arrears, PD4J166: 31— R18J166:42 taxes on in Gt. Brit. , D18J177: 12 taxes on in Scot, increased, PD6Je66: 21 Carriages, cannon, for British army in British colonies, N. Am. , PiD75: 22, D9D75: 21 for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , D14F77: 22 Carriages, coal, invented in Eng. , PD26S71: 13 used in Eng. , PD26S61: 21 Carriages, described, in Eng. , PD9Ap72: 23 Carriages, four wheeled, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD24Mr68: 32 Carriages, horseless, in Eng. , R190c69: 31 invented in Eng. , PD28S69: 13, PD23N69: 12, PD13S70sl2, PD23S73: 12--R23S73: 21 invented in Glasgow, Scot. , PD14D69: 13 invented in Gt. Brit. , PD8S74: 21 invented in London, Eng. , PD15Je69: 23, PD6J169: 12— R6J169: 12, R13J169: 12, PD29Je69: 13--R29Je69: 12, PD140c73s21— R140c73: 23 invented in Scot. , PD2N69: 22 Carriages, travelling, captured by Americans, D13Ja76: 42 seized from British ships, P7Je76: 23 — D8Je76: 61 Carriages, wheel, taxes on in Gt. Brit. , D29Ap75: 23 taxes on in Scot. , PD28J174: 23 — taxes on in Va. , PD21D69: 23, RlAg71: 13 Carrick, Patrick, P19J176: 33 Carrick, Ireland, See Fires in Carrick, Scotland, See Smugglers in Carrick, ship, PD1J173: 21 Carrickfergus, Ire. , assizes, trials in, PD6Ag72: 21 See also Privateers, American, supplied in; Shipwrecks near Carrigaline, Ireland, See Murders near Carrigan, Barnaby, P15Ag77: 31 Carrignant, Louis, D16D75: 31 Carrington, Col. , P27D76: 22, P6Mr78: 41 Lt. Col. ,D27Je77:32 — P27Je77: 32 Mr.,R31D72:31 E. , Lt. Col. , P10Oc77: 31 Edward, adv. for missing saddle, D30S75: 33 announces departure, PD4Ap71: 23 chosen second lt. of artillery company, Williamsburg, Va. , P16F76:31 declines law business, D24Ap78: 22 on committee of inspection of Cumberland co. , Va. , D25Mr75: 13 opposes Dr. Griffin's dismissal in Yorktown, Va. , P16My77s21 testifies for John Davis, D3Ag76: 31 to confer on Conn. -Pa. boundary dispute, R7Ap74: 21 Edward, Lt. Col. , D310c77: 21, D8Ap80s23 George, HOc51: 32, R21Ap68: 21 adv. finding cows, P60c75: 32 adv. finding horse, PD13Ap69: 41, D14Ja75: 33 adv. for bids for clearing Willis's river, PD19My74: 43— R19My74: 22 adv. land for sale, 240c55: 22, D6N79: 32 announces departure, PD8N70: 23 burgess from Cumberland co. , 6F52:31,27F52:32 chairman of committee of inspection for Cumberland co. , Va. , D25Mr75: 12 chairman of committee for Cumberland co. , Va. , P7J175sll, P14J175s22 clerk's notice, P21Ag78: 12 member of House of delegates, D90c79: 22 trustee for furnace in Buckingham 187 Carrington. George, trustee for furnace (cont'd) co. , Va. , P2Ag76: 32 George, Col. , R21Ap68: 21 George, jr. , D25Mr75: 13, D24Ap78: 22, D24Ap78: 22 George, sr. , D24Ap78: 22 John, PD14Ja73: 33 Joseph, PD7My67: 32 adv. for bids for clearing Willis's river, PD19My74: 43--R19My74: 22 adv. for missing horse, PD130c68: 31 instructions (text) to as Cumberland co. , Va. , delegate, P7N77: 13 on committee of inspection for Cumberland co. , Va. ,D25Mr75: 12 testifies on Routlidge murder, PD10Oc66: 21 witnesses Routlidge murder, PD18J166: 22, PD12S66: 22, PD19S66: 22 Joseph, Mrs. ,PD18J166:22 M. , Lt. , P4Ap77: 32, P2My77sl2 N. ,28Ap38:41 P. , R15D68: 22, P20Mr78: 12 Paul, PD30Ap67: 33, PD2N69: 41, PD6My73: 32 adv. land lor sale, R15Je69: 31, PD9My71: 31 appointed to committee of safety for Va. , P25Ag75: 63— D26Ag75: 31, P8S75: 21 attorney, PD6N66: 23, PD20N66: 23, PD5N67: 31, PD12My68: 31, D24Ap78: 22 collector for Va. Gazette, PDllAg68: 23 delegate to Va. convention from Charlotte co. , Va. , DlAp75: 21 directs lottery, PD28Ap68: 31 — R28Ap68: 31 elected burgess for Charlotte co. , Va. , PD8D68: 31, PDllMy69s41, PD28S69: 22, R9N69: 11, PD8Ap73: 23— R8Ap73: 32, PD4Ag74: 23 elected chairman of committee of inspection for Charlotte co. , Va. , DllMr75: 13 elected delegate to Va. convention for Charlotte co. , Va. , P19Ap76: 33 elected senator by Va. counties, P27S76sl2 empowered to sell lands, R25My69: 31 instructed as delegate to Va. convention from Charlotte co. , Va. , P10My76: 41 manager for Hampden Sidney academy, lottery, P4J177s41 senator, P9My77: 31 signs Va. Association, PD25My69: 12 takes orders for Virginia Justice, PD21D69: 23--R18Ja70: 41 Paul, Col. , R10Ja71: 33, PD290c72: 22— R290c72: 23, P18J177sll, D20N79: 32 Carrol, John, PD18F73: 31 Sarah, 17Mr38: 41 Thomas, 22My52: 31 Carroll, Mr. , R140c73: 31 Benjamin, 30Ja52: 41, 12Mr52: 31 Charles, 11J151: 32, 30J152: 32, R14Ap68: 41, R31My70: 43, R23Ag70:41,R9Je74s23 Charles, barrister, PD29D74: 23 Charles, Dr. , 11J151: 32 Charles, sr. , P28F77sl3 Charles of Carrollton, PD29D74: 23, P28F77sl3 Daniel, R13J169: 23, PD7S69: 32 — R7S69: 32, PD3N74: 42 — PU0N74: 32 Hugh, 27Ag56: 31 Joyce, 30Ja52: 41 Mitchell, PD3Mr74: 22 Patrick, 6Je45: 32, 29My46: 41 William, R6S70: 32 Carron, William, of the Kitty, PD2Je68: 23 Carron iron works, Scot. , described, R150c72: 12 Carron manufactory, Scot. , PD7Ap74: 23 Carron river, Scot. , See Bridges built over Carrot seeds, for sale, in Buckingham co., Va. ,P6Mr78: 11 in Cumberland co. , Va. , P6Mr78: 11 in Richmond, Va. , R21F71: 33, PD10Oc71: 32 imported, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. ,PD31D72:31 Carrot seeds, early, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD3Mr74: 32 Carrot seeds, orange, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD26Mr67: 32 in Richmond, Va. , PD26Mr67: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD16D73: 31, Pi6Ap75: 42 Carrot seeds, wild, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD21S69: 41 — R21S69s21,R12J170:31 Carrots, grown in Buckinghamshire, Eng. , PD5Mr67: 13 grown in Norfolk, Eng. , PD15J173: 21— R15J173: 12 grown in Suffolk, Eng. , PD15J173: 21— R15J173: 12 used to feed cattle, PD15J173: 21— R15J173: 12 Carr's bridge, Va. , PD2N69: 33 — R2N69: 32, D18My76: 23, P4Ap77: 31, D14N77: 41 — P21N77: 33, D5D77: 22— P5D77: 33, P12D77: 33, C27N79: 21— D27N79: 22 Carruthers, Joseph, adv. plantation for sale, PD5S66s33 Carry logs, for rent, P240c77: 33 for sale, in Dinwiddie co. , Va. , PD10Mr74: 32 in Warwick co. , Va. , P16Je75: 23— D17Je75: 32 Carrysfort, frigate, PD21My72: 21 Carson, Capt. , PD20Ag67^23, D22Ag77: 31 of the Revenge, D18Mr80: 23 Isaac, P19J176: 42 Joseph, PD16J167: 41 William, Capt. , of the William, PD10Ag69: 32 Carson's ferry, Va. ,D10J178: 22 Carstares, [William], author, R26Ag73: 13 Cart boxes, imported to Va. , from Boston, Mass. , 9Ja46: 4, PD7S69: 31 Cart maker, adv. of, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD21Mr66: 41 Cart wheels, as lottery prizes, PD7Ap68: 31 for sale, PD3S72: 23 in Amelia co. , Va. , PD12D71: 33 in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD3S72: 23 found, adv. of, D5Mr79: 41 Cart wheels, mortgaged, for sale, in Elizabeth City co. , R25N73: 42 Cart wheelwrights, See Slaves as Cart wire, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD22N70: 31 Cartagena, Colombia, S. Am. , reinforced by Sp. , PD31Ja71: 13 See also British navy from Jamaica, W. I. , to; British subjects imprisoned in; Fires in; Imports to Cadiz, Sp. , from; Spanish army to; Spanish navy to Cartagena, Sp. , military situation at, R15J173: 32 See also British navy to; Exports from Riga, Latvia to; Ships, to Philadelphia, Pa. , from; Shipwrecks off; Spanish army mobilized in; Spanish navy from Algiers, Alg. , to; Spanish navy in; Spanish navy mobilized in; Spanish navy to Cartels, between Fr. and Gt. Brit. , PD4F73:21 Carter, Capt.-, of the Flora, PD11J171: 21 of the Friendship, PD27F72: 22— R27F72: 22 of the Grenadier, R31D72: 11 of the Magdalene, PD60c68: 22 Col. , daughter of, 24S36: 41 ferry of in Falmouth, Va. , PD2Ap67: 22 land of, for sale, PD14D69: 32— R14D69: 23 manufactures saltpetre, P16F76s23 method of making beer, P17F75sl3 of Stafford co. , Va. , PH3D75: 11 receives money for clergymen's widows and orphans, PD7My72: 31 slave of, P24Mr75: 42 Dr. , PD130c68: 23--R270c68: 34, R15Mr70: 41— PD22Mr70: 41, PD20Je71: 33, PD17D72: 32— R17D72:31,C19Ag80:22 Mr. , 12F62: 42, PD14My67: 23 brick house of, PD27Ap69: 32 horse of, R4Ag68: 24 house of, at Shirley, PH6N75: 41— D18N75:32 of Westmoreland co. , Va. , R15Ap73: 23 overseer of, R21N71: 43 Secy. , P27Mr78: 31, D8My78: 62, D26Mr79: 31 Augustine, R17Mr68: 33 Charles, PDllMy69: 32 act concerning property of repealed, R7J168: 24 adv. copper stills for sale, PD11J166:23 adv. finding of horse, 7N54: 41 adv. for joiners, D14Ja75: 32 adv. for missing horse, 17Ap52: 32 adv. for runaway convict servant, 14D39: 41 adv. for runaway indentured servant, HMr37:41,30N39:41 adv. for runaway slave, HMr37: 42 adv. for skipper for sloop, 31J146: 52 adv. for teacher, PD23My66: 31, PD24F74: 32— R3Mr74: 42 adv. land for sale, PD12Mr67: 33, PD7My67: 31, R23J167: 43, R24D67: 44, PD30J172: 32— R80c72: 42, PD8Ap73: 33, C28Ag79: 33 — D28Ag79: 12, C21Oc80: 22 adv. land of Col. Charles Carter for sale, PD6Ag67: 33 LI Carter adv. manufacture of nut-oil, 240c45: 32 adv. Nanzattico for sale, PD29N70: 23— R29N70: 22 adv. plantation for sale, PD7My67: 31 adv. slaves for sale, PD25Je67: 31— R23J167: 41, PD29N70: 23 — R29N70: 22 appointed collector for lottery, PD10N68: 22--R17N68: 32 appointed to committee for Stafford co. , Va. , R28J174: 22 burgess from King George co. , Va. , 6F52: 31, 27F52: 32, R9N69: 11 burgess from Lancaster co. , Va. , R9N69: 11 chosen member of Va. privy council, P5J176s21--D6J176:21 delegate from Stafford co. , P9My77: 23 delegate to Va. convention, R28J174: 22 delegate to Va. convention from Lancaster co. , Va. , Pi2Mr75: 22, DlAp75: 21 delegate to Va. convention from Stafford co. , Va. , DlAp75: 21 deserters, 12D55: 41 directs lottery, PD23J167: 41— R23J167: 32 elected burgess from King George co. , Va. ,3N38:51,PD28S69s21 elected burgess for Lancaster co. , Va. , PD15D68: 23— R15D68: 21, PDUMy69s41, PD14S69: 31 — R14S69: 22, PD5D71: 23, PD4Ag74: 23 elected burgess from Stafford co. , Va. , R15Ap73: 23, PD4Ag74: 23 estate of sold for debts, PD28D69: 23— R28D69: 23 executors of, PD2My66: 21, PD24F74: 32--R3Mr74: 42 holds mortgage on slaves, R19Ja69: 31 land of, PD7My72: 31 letter to, in post office, PD2F69: 23 R17F74: 32 manager of lottery, 5S55: 32 marriage of, PD29N70: 21 mill of, PD11D66: 32, PD25F68: 23 of Corotoman, Va. , PD30Mr69: 33— R30Mr69: 32 on committee of inspection for King George co. , Va. , R30Ag70: 23 on committee of inspection for Lancaster co. , Va. , Pi2Mr75: 22 on committee to encourage manufactures in Va. , Pi30Mr75: 31— DlAp75:23 plantation of, PD9Mr69: 41-- R9Mr69:33,D13Ja76:33 posts land, P30Ag76: 32 quarter of, P17My76: 33 requests money for lottery tickets, PD10N68: 22--R17N68: 32 requests payment of debts, R18Ja70: 42 sale of property disallowed, R30Je68: 11 signs Va. Association, PD25My69: 12 slaves of, PD19N67: 23, P28J175: 32, P21F77:32, PlAg77: 32 takes orders for Virginia Justice, PD21D69: 23--R18Ja70: 41 trustees of, sell land, R260c69: 23, R2Je74: 23 Charles, Col. , 240c51: 31 executors of request payment for slaves, PD31Mr68: 23— R31Mr68: 33, heirs of, R6F72: 42 land of, PD6Ag67: 33 land of for sale, PD16Ag70: 33— R23Ag70: 41 letter to, in post office, PD2Je68: 23 mills of, PD23Mr69: 32 plantation of, 5My38: 41, P27D76: 32 recommends manufacture of saltpetre, P2F76sl2 settlement of estate, R24D67: 44, PD5My68: 23 slaves of, PD25Je67: 31--R23J167: 41, R13J169: 32 slaves of for sale, R260c69: 23— PD2N69: 41 Charles, Mrs. , R22F70: 22 Christopher, P270c75s22, Pi9N75: 31 Dale, R28Ap68: 24, Pi2Mr75: 22 Edward, PD5My74: 31 adv. dissolution of partnership, PD17F74: 31— R17F74: 31 adv. for runaway slave, R310c71: 33 adv. lots, for sale, P18Ap77s31 appoints John Swan agent of iron works, PD18J171: 21— RlAg71: 33 attorney for Peter Field Trent, PD30J172: 31 letter to, in post office, PD29Ja67: 13, PD18F68:31 overseer of, Pil2Ja75: 33 Edward, Col. , R14Ap68: 33, R12My68: 41, R15Ap73:23 Elizabeth, Pi50c75: 32— P60c75s22— D70c75: 31 Elizabeth, Mrs. , D26Ag75: 32 George, 9My45: 32, 31J146: 52, 18Ap55: 22, PDllJe67: 33, PD17S67: 22, PD1N70: 23 Giles, P7Mr77: 22 Jacob, 7N45: 32 James, adv. Dr. Norris's drops for sale, PD13Ag72: 22 adv. drugs and spices for sale, 18J151:41,16Ja61:41 adv. drugs for sale, 24My51: 32, 10Ap52: 31, 22My52: 32, 60c52: 32, 2My55: 31, PD18Je67: 33, PD270c68: 32— R270c68: 22, PDllAp71: 32, PD2J172: 32, PD10Je73: 22 adv. estate for sale, 21Mr55: 41, PD10Je73: 23 adv. finding horse, PD17Mr74: 32 adv. for bids for building courthouse in Williamsburg, Va. , PD23Mr69: 31— R23Mr69: 33 adv. for missing horse, P8Ag77: 32— D12S77: 42 adv. merchandise for sale, PD1S74: 32 adv. settlement of estate, PD19F67: 31 adv. slave for sale, PD23Ap67: 31, PD70c73: 22 buys shop, PD21N71: 22— R21N71: 31 dies in public jail, Pi30Mr75: 32 disavows responsibility for cart hired, PlMy78: 31 James, Dr. , PD16Ap67: 32, PD20Ag67: 32, PD18Ja70: 41— R18Ja70: 32, R29Mr70: 22— PD5Ap70: 41, R23My71: 22 Jesse, D9Qc78: 42, D19Je79: 31 Job, jailer, P29My78: 42, C28Ag79: 32 John, PD2N69: 42, P13D76: 31 adv. finding steer, P12D77: 33 adv. for bids for building courthouse in Williamsburg, Va. , PD23Mr69: 31 — R23Mr69: 33 adv. for missing horse, 9N39: 41, 23My45: 32, PD28My67: 41, PD26N67: 32, PD20Ag72: 32, P10My76: 32, P27Mr78: 41 adv. for runaway indentured servant, 6Je45: 42 adv. for runaway slaves, PD3F74: 33, PD16Je74: 31, P4Ag75p22 adv. garden seeds for sale, PD31D72: 31, PD16D73: 31 adv. houses and lots for sale, PD170c71: 31— R170c71: 31, P21Ag78: 33 adv. house for rent, P21N77: 31 adv. imported merchandise for sale, PD29N70: 31--R29N70: 31 adv. merchandise for sale, PD25Je67: 32, PD25F68: 23— R3Mr68: 34, PD290c72: 22— R290c72: 22, PD11N73: 22, PD29S74: 32, Pi6Ap75: 42 adv. property for sale, R9Mr69: 23— PD9Mr69: 32 adv. slaves for sale, PD14My72: 23 adv. slave held in jail, 15S38: 42, 15D38:41,C3J179:33 adv. stays for sale, Pi2F75: 33 adv. tavern, 18Ap45: 42 announces departure, 19S55: 32, PD23F69: 31, R15Mr70: 32 associator for King George co. , Va. , R30Ag70: 23 attorney of Cary Mitchell, P16Ag76: 43 bursar of college, P15Ag77: 11 — D22Ag77: 31, D28N77: 21, D12D77: 12, D23Ja78: 41 chosen to committee of inspection for Williamsburg, Va. , PD22D74: 23 copies Mr. Stuart's letter, P7Je76: 32 creditors of Benjamin Grymes meet with,R30N69:31 — death of, R210c73: 21 elected chamberlain of Williamsburg, Va. , PD2D73: 21— R2D73: 23 holds agreement for creditors, P13D76: 23 house burns, D9Ap79: 22 house of, PD6F72: 32--R6F72: 31 imports slaves, 30Je38: 41, HAg38:41 land of, PD220c72: 23 letter to, in post office, R17F74: 32 marriage of, PD30c71;31 marriage of son of, PD14Mr71: 31 meeting at house of , R27Ap69: 23, R4My69: 33 merchant, PD29Ag71: 32--R5S71: 41 of Williamsburg, Va. , PD5Ap70: 33— R5Ap70: 42 ordinary of, PD24N68: 32 plaintiff in suit, PD8D68: 31 property of, for sale, PD23D73: 23 requests payment of debts, R19Ap70: 23 sells United States lottery tickets, D18Ap77: 62, P5S77: 23 settlement of estate of, PD23D73: 23 189 Carter, John (cont'd) slave of, 4F37: 32, 20Ap39: 41 John, Capt. , of the William, 20Ja38: 32 John, Col. , P25Ag75:81,D160c78:42— P160c78: 23 John, jr. , PD14My72: 22 [John], Secy, of State, Va. , HAg38: 41, 6J139: 41 John, sheriff, R20Ap69: 31, R13J169: 31, R15N70: 22 John C. , Lt. ,P18J177sll John H. , P19Ap76: 41 Joseph, P15Mr76: 33, P24My76sl3, P8N76:31,D21Mr77:21 Landon, adv. copper stills for sale, PD11J166:23 adv. discharge of steward, R26Ap70sl2 adv. finding money, D12F79: 42 adv. for lost goods, R30Ag70: 32 adv. for manager of plantation, weaving factory, D20Je77: 31 adv. for missing horses, 10Ap52: 32, PD24Mr74:32 adv. for runaway slave, D25F75: 33, P5Ap76:33 adv. for slave as nurse, R3Mr68: 33 adv. for stolen still, R12Mr67: 32 adv. for tar, PllAg75:41 adv. for tutor, R12Mr72: 32, R140c73:32 adv. land for sale, R23 J167: 43, PD6Ag67: 33, R24D67: 44 adv. seine for sale, D7 Ja75: 31 adv. slaves for sale, PD25 Je67: 31 — R23J167:41 adv. stallion for hire, PD24Mr74: 32, D25F75:33 associator for King George co. , Va. , R30Ag70: 23 burgess from Richmond co. , Va. , 27F52:32 chairman of committee for Richmond co., Va. ,P19My75s41,P2Je75:32 chairman of committee of inspection for Richmond co. , Va. , P17F75s22 chosen chairman of Richmond co. , Va. , meeting, D14Ja75: 12 criticized in poetry, PD11 Je67: 31 defends self, P30 Je75s22 discusses care of lightning victims, R14Ap74: 22 discusses prevention of plague, PD3D72:13 discusses weevils in Va. , R19N72:13 in Stamp act controversy, PD30c66: 22 land of, 18Ap45:42 letter defending Owen Griffith, R27S70: 31 letter of, in post office, PD2My66: 21, PD16J167: 41, PD7J168: 23 manager of lottery, 5S55:32 of Prince William co. , Va. , PD17N74:21 on Association committee in Va. , R27S70:21 opposes price paid on tobacco damaged in flood, PD30c71: 23 poetry on, PD13Ag67: 22 questions about tax on tobacco, R11N73:13 satirized, PDUa67: 21 supports Association of 1774, P17F75s22 urges support of manufacturing, P28Mr77:13 Landon, Col. , PD2N69: 42, R31 Ja71: 21, R170c71: 23, R21N71: 12, PD22S74: 32, P24Mr75:33 Landon, jr. , RlAg71: 11 Maria Byrd, Mrs. , 12D45: 32 Mary, PD4J166:33 Mash, R16N69: 33, R18Ja70: 33 Molly Wray, Mrs. , D2D75: 31 Nancy (Moore), PD29N70: 21 Peter, R21N71: 43 Philadelphia, PD23D73: 23 Philadelphia (Claiborne), Mrs. , marriage of, PD30c71: 31 Rebecca, Mrs. , PD15Ap73: 22 Richard, PD5My68: 23, R9Je68: 41 Robert, R6J169: 31, R15Ap73: 32 accepts bonds for land, R26My74: 41 adv. for missing horses, PD20Oc74:32 adv. settlement of Fauquier estate, PD31Mr68: 23— R14Ap68s21 land of, R23Mr69:31 opposes taxation of colonies, Pi2Mr75: 31 plantation of, PD14D69: 32 slaves of, C20N79:21 Robert, Capt. , PD14My72: 22 Robert, president of Council, PD26S71: 23— R26S71: 23, P17F75sl3 Robert, sr. , 10Ap52: 32 Robert Bladen, D20Je77: 31 Robert Wormeley, adv. slaves for sale, D26D77:21 appointed delegate to Continental congress, D14Ja75: 13 appointed deputy from Richmond co. , Va. , PD7 J174: 31--R7 J174: 22 burgess from Richmond co. , Va. , PD28S69: 23, R9N69: 11, PD5D71: 23, PD4Ag74: 23 delegate to Va. convention from Richmond co. , Va. , DlAp75: 21 instructions (text) to as burgess, R7Ap74:ll land of, D11D79:31 Samuel, R3D72: 23 T.,D24Je75:32 Thomas, adv. finding of horse, PD13F72.-33 adv. finding steer, P27Je77: 43 adv. land for sale, P8Ag77: 42 adv. settlement of estate, D23My77: 32 agent of Henry Wetherburn, 27Mr52:31 elected to committee of inspection for Charlotte co. , Va. , DllMr75: 13 on committee to inspect accounts of William Barksdle, DllMr75: 21 Thomas, jr. , D26Ag75: 32 W.,D12Je79:32 William, adv. finding horse, R13J169:33 adv. finding sheep, PH7N74: 33 adv. finding steers, D11F75: 32 adv. for runaway slave, PD5F67: 33 adv. for surgeon's mate, P2Ag76: 23 adv. house for sale, PD15D68: 31— R15D68:21 adv. houses and lot for sale, D15My78: 32— P29My78: 41 adv. merchandise for sale, PD1S74:32 adv. ownership of land, D24Je75: 32 adv. practice as physician, PD29Ag71:32— R5S71:41 dissolution of partnership, D15My78: 32— P29My78: 41 marriage of, PD14Mr71: 31 requests settlement of accounts, D15My78: 32— P29My78: 41 sentenced for murder, 24My51: 31 William, Capt. , of the Lively, D22Ap75: 22 William, Dr. , PD15Ap73: 22 brick house of, PD21Mr66:41, P7Je76:33 fire at house of, PD30J167: 32 house of, PD170c71:31— R170c71:31, P18J177sll marriage of, D2D75: 31 Carter & Trent, adv. slaves for sale, PD16Ag70: 32— R23Ag70: 32, PD6S70:31 — R6S70:23 appoints Thomas Smith as agent for store, R23My71: 31 partnership dissolved, PD17F74: 31 — R17F74:31 slaves of have smallpox, PD13S70: 32— R13S70:31 Carter, frigate, 1S38: 41, 16F39: 41 ship, 7 Ja37: 42, 23D37: 42, 7Ap38: 41, 9Mr39:41,18My39:3, Ue39:42, 24Ag39:3,25Ja40:12 Carteret, George, Lord, 23My4'5: 32 Philip, PD12D71: 13 Philip De, Capt. , of the Friendship, PD28S69s23, PD10Ag69: 32, PD25Je72: 31 Carteret, packet, D8Ap80s21 ship, 18Ap45: 32, 4J145: 3, 10Oc45: 32 Carterett, ship, 29My46: 4 Carter's double mill, R19N72:23 Carter's ferry, Va. , R12Mr67: 43, R27Ap69: 31, R16N69: 33, RlAg71 : 21, PD5N72: 33, PD9 Je74: 32 See also Stealing near Carters, in Philadelphia, Pa. , PD2J167:32 See also Convict servants as; Indentured servants as: Slaves as Carthusians, on Capri island, It. , funds for curtailed, D2Ap79: 11 Cartin, Capt. , PD13Ap69: 21 Cartmen, in New York City, PD4D66: 23 Cartmill, James, R130c68: 31, R12J170: 43 Cartographers, French, defense of, 30c55:ll Cartoons, of Raphael Urbin, P12D77: 31 Cartoons, British, described, PD23My66:21 Cartouch boxes, captured by Americans, D13Ja76:42 at Great Bridge, Va. , PH3D75: 22— D16D75:33,P15D75:22 in Trenton, N. J. , D10Ja77:41 — P10Ja77:23 exported from Gt. Brit. , to E.I. , PD7My67:13 exported from London, Eng. , to Lisbon, Port.,D23S75:22 ordered in Birmingham, Eng. , PD20S70:22 seized from British ships, P7Je76: 23-- D8Je76:61 stolen by deserters, P26J176: 32 taken from armory in Charleston, S. C. , D27My75:33 190 Cary taken from royal ship, at Hampton, Va. , Pil4S75:32--P15S75:31 Cartouch pouches, captured by Americans at Great Bridge, Va. , Pil3D75: 22--D16D75: 33 Cartouche, horse, 250c65s42, D14Mr77: 41--P21Mr77s23 Cartridge paper, captured by Americans, D13Ja76:42 for Augusta co. , Va. , Pi6J175: 12 for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD10Je73:34, D9S75.-41 needed by British army in Va. , P26Ja76:12 purchase regulated by Va. convention, P8S75sll--Pil4S75: 23--D16S75: 21 Cartridges, captured by Americans at Great bridge, Va. , PU3D75: 21 — D16D75: 33, Pil3D75: 22, P15D75: 23 for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 prepared in London, Eng. , D16Mr76: 21 seized from British ship, P22D75: 31, D23D75:31 Cartridges, flannel, captured by Americans, D13 Ja76: 42 Cartridges, musket, captured by Americans in Chambly, Can. , PU6N75: 32— P17N75: 31--D18N75: 22 captured by Americans at Saratoga, N. Y. , D14N77: 21--P14N77: 21 seized by British army, P21Ap75s32 Carts, captured by Americans near St. John's, Can. ,D280c75:32 exported to Barbados, W. I. , 2Mr53: 41 for British army in Boston, Mass. , opposed, P3Mr75s22 for hire, PlMy78:31 at Burwell's ferry, Va. , PD15F70: 42 at College landing, Va. , D3 Je75: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , 18Ap45: 42 for sale, PD5F67:31— R19F67:41, Pi7S75: 32, D21Mr77: H--P2iMr77sl3 at Nap's Neck, Va. , D90c79: 32 in Blandford, Va. , PD24Ja71: 31 — R31Ja71:32 in Charles parish, York co. , Va. , PD24N74:31 in Charlotte co. , Va. , PD15F70: 31 — R22F70:31 in Dinwiddie co. , Va. , R4Mr73: 32 in Edenton, N. C. , D12F80: 32— C19F80:41 in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD30c71: 32— R170c71: 41, PD26Mr72: 33— R23Ap72:42, PD3S72: 23 in Hanover co. , Va. , PD10N74: 43, C13N79:21 — D13N79:31 in King William co. , Va. , PD25F68: 23— R25F68: 31, PD14D69: 32— R14D69: 31 in Manakin town, Va. , D10Oc77: 22 in New Kent co. , Va. , P240c77: 31 in Norfolk borough, Va. , PD13Je71: 33 in Norfolk co. , Va. , PD17N68: 23 — R17N68:31 in Spotsylvania co. , Va. , PD20Ag67: 32 in Warwick co. , Va. , P16Je75: 23— D17Je75:32 in Williamsburg, Va. , 6Ap39: 32, PD8Ag66: 31, PD16 J167: 33 — R23 J167: 42, PD28 J168: 23— R28J168: 31, PD25Ag68: 32, PD20S70: 32, PD17 Ja71 : 32, PD25 J171 : 23, PD20Ag72: 31, R10Mr74: 32, Pi22D74: 32--PD22D74: 31, D21 Ja75: 31, P23F76: 33--D24F76: 33, D28Ag79: 31, D20c79:31 in York co. , Va. , P10N75: 33, P29Mr76:31 in Yorktown, Va. , 4 Ja40: 41 near Fredericksburg, Va. , PD7N71:31 — R21N71:21, PD16Ja72: 33, PD20F72: 33— R27F72:33 on Pianketank river, Pi8D74: 33— PD8D74: 31, P10F75: 42— D11F75: 23 on York river, Va. , PD29 Je69: 32— R29Je69:32 invented in Eng. , PD17S71: 23, PD10Oc71:22 Cartt, Thomas, HAg38: 42 Cartwright, Capt. , PD25Mr73: 21 of the Three Brothers, PD26D71: 23 Mr. , P13D76: 31, P3Ap78: 31 John, P14Je76:33 Thomas, P5D77: 23 adv. finding horse, P7Je76sll, P23Ag76:43, P1N76:41 adv. for missing horse, Pi5Ja75: 33 — D7 Ja75: 33 adv. for missing holster pistols, D26Mr79:31 adv. property for sale, DlAp80: 23 adv. tavern and stage, P26 Ja76: 33 runaway indentured servant, D29Je76:42 thanked by militia and minute men, P3Ja77s22 Cartwrights, See Slaves as Cartwright's ordinary, P180c76: 31, P10Ja77: 33, P25Ap77: 11, P15Ag77: 23, P12D77:32,D16Ap79:22 for sale, C28Ag79: 32— D28Ag79: 12 Carty, John, 6Ap39: 31 Carvan, Patrick, PDUe69: 31 — RUe69:33 Carvel-built boats, 150c36: 42 Carver, Alexander, PD16S73: 32 [Jonathan], Capt. , PD14Je70s21 Joseph, R4D66: 41, Pi4My75: 33 Nathan, Capt., of the Swan, PD22Ja67: 32 Nathaniel, Capt. , of the Swan, R25D66: 13, R19F67: 22--PD19F67: 31 William, PD7Ap74: 31 Carver, horse, D40c76: 72 Carvers, 2My55:31 adv. of, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD28J174:32 in Surry co. , Va. , PDllAp66: 33 See also Indentured servants as Carvin, Edward, R19N72: 42, R4F73: 33 Carving, adv. of, in Williamsburg, Va. , R29Ap73: 31, PD19Ag73: 21-- ' R19Ag73: 22, R14Ap74: 32 Carving tools, for sale, in Henrico co. , Va. , D12D77: 21 — P12D77: 32 Cary, Capt. , 21D39: 12 of the Kitty, PD13 Je66: 22 Col. , PD13N66: 31, PD270c68: 32— R270c68: 31, PDllMy69: 33, PD310c71 : 31, PD3S72: 23, C13N79: 21 A. , P13 J169: 32— R13J169: 23, R7S69: 42— PD7S69:41 Archibald, 14N55: 22, 12D55: 41, R23 J167: 22, PD12My68: 31 — R12My68: 23 adv. for bids for building Chesterfield co., Va., jail, R6S70: 31, P18J177: 13 adv. for bids for building Dale parish, Chesterfield, Va. , church, R27S70: 31— PD4Oc70: 41 adv. for bids for repairing roads, PD18J171:22 adv. for runaway slave, 14N51: 31, PD7Mr66: 33 adv. land and slaves for sale, PD9N69: 23— R9N69: 32 adv. land for sale, R30N69: 31, PD16My71:31 — R23My71:33, PD2Ja72: 32--R6F72: 42. R23Ap72: 33, PD26N72:23 adv. meeting of Chatham rope company, D12F79: 42 adv. meeting for opening James river, Va. , R19Ag73: 22 adv. settlement of estate, PDllMy69s43— Rl Je69: 32 adv. slaves for sale, PD16My71 : 31 — R23My71 : 33, PD2 Ja72: 32 announces vacancy in office of clerk of senate, P30c77: 21 appointed deputy to Va. convention, PD21 J174pl3--R21 J174: 32 appointed to committee on petitions to Gt. Brit. ,R21Ap68:14 burgess from Chesterfield co. , Va. , PDllMy69s41, R9N69: 11 chosen chairman of committee of inspection for Chesterfield co. , Va. , PD15D74: 31 — PU5D74: 32 chosen speaker of Va. senate, P9My77:22, P5Je78:22 contract with Thomas Bullitt, PD21F71:32 delegate to Va. convention from Chesterfield co. , Va. , DlAp75: 21 elected burgess from Chesterfield co. , Va. , 19D55: 22, PD1D68: 31, PD28S69: 22, PD12D71: 31, PD14J174: 23 elected delegate to Va. convention for William and Mary college, P19Ap76: 33 in Stamp act controversy, PD30c66: 22 instructs sheriffs in election of senators, D26F79: 32 land of, R21Ap68:22 manager of Moore's lottery, R14Ap68: 31 — PD1D68: 32 on committee for rebating damaged tobacco, RlAg71: 11 on committee of correspondence, PD18Mr73: 23— R18Mr73: 31 on committee to encourage manu- factures in Va. , Pi30Mr75: 31 — DlAp75:23 on committee to regulate counter- feiting, RllMr73: 31 presents address to governor from burgesses, R5Mr72: 23 property of, mortgaged, for sale, P12S77:33 reports for committee in Delegates, D180c76: 22 sells tickets for Byrd's lottery, PD23 J167: 41— R23J167: 32 senator, P9My77: 23 senator for Chesterfield, Amelia, and Cumberland co's. , Va. , P9My77: 23 signs Va. Association, PD25My69: 12 subscriber for opening falls of James river, Va. , PDllAg74: 32— RllAg74:32 takes orders for Virginia Justice, PD21D69: 23— R18 Ja70: 41 Archibald, Col. , RllOc70: 33, 191 Cary, Archibald, Col. (cont'd) PD5Mr72: 33, PD1S74: 32, P19My75s31, P9Ag76:33, PHOc76:22 Archibald, & co. , build ropery in Richmond, Va. , D29Ag77: 22— P29Ag77:33 Claudius Peter, D22My79: 22 Dudley, P130c75: Il--D210c75: 31 E. , PD18 Ja70: 32--R18Ja70: 32 Edward, PD21My67: 32, PD27Ap69: 32— R27Ap69: 23, PD24My70: 33 adv. collection of debts, PD12N67: 22 adv. for runaway slave, R10Ag69: 33 adv. house for sale, PD130c68: 23— R130c68:24 adv. plantation for sale, PD15D68: 31, PD26Ja69: 32--R26Ja69: 23 announces arrival of ship, PD9My66: 31 defendant in suit, R19Ja69: 32— PD26Ja69:33 lot of, in Yorktown, Va. , R22F70: 32 mortgage of, held by J. H. Norton, PD16Mr69: 31--R16Mr69: 32 plaintiff in Chancery court, PD21Je70:32 Edward, jr. , P29N76: 32, PllAp77s31 John, PilJe75:33--P2Je75s42 adv. for runaway slaves, D4S79: 32 appointed Capt. of Elizabeth City, co. , Va., company, PU4S75: 31 — D16S75:32 appointed trustee for opening of Potomac river, PD3N74: 42— PilON74:32 chosen to committee of inspection for Elizabeth City co. , Va. , Pi26Ja75: 23— D28Ja75:23 deputy for Elizabeth City co. , Va. , to Va. peninsula meeting, D16S75: 32 marriage of, D25 J177: 31--P25J177: 23 member of committee of safety for Elizabeth City co. , Va. , P29D75: 31 of Md. , PD3N74: 42--P110N74: 32 on committee of safety for Hampton, Va. , P1D75: 12--D2D75: 32 slave of, P29N76: 32, PllAp77s31 Miles, adv. land for sale, PD25J166: 32 adv. plantations for lease, PD25J166:31 death of, PD21Ap74:23 eulogy on, R21Ap74: 23 of S.C.,P27D76:31 poem on death of, R21Ap74: 23 slave of, P7F77:32 Miles, Capt.,lS38:41 Nathaniel, PD8Mr70: 11, PD8Mr70: 12, PD8Mr70: 13, PD23 Je74: 12, D25D79: 21 Patrick, Pil 3 J175: 33 Richard, PDlAg71 : 22— RlAg71 : 23 appointed Capt. of Warwick co. , Va. , company, PH4S75: 31--D16S75: 32 appointed judge of Va. court of admiralty, P20D76sll appointed major of brigade, Continental army, D23S75:22 deputy for Warwick co. , Va. , to Va. peninsula meeting, D16S75: 32 elected delegate to Va. convention for Warwick co. , Va. , P19Ap76: 33 manager of lottery, PD7Ap68: 31 member of committee for Warwick co., Va.,Pi9Mr75:33 Robert, 5N36: 21, 7N45: 32 Robert, jr. , 30Ja52: 32 Robert, sr. , 30Ja52: 32 Robert B. , Capt. , of the Irish Hero, D20c79:22 Robert & co. , 12Mr52: 22, PD13 Je66: 32 Sally, D20D76: 41, P26S77: 23 Samuel, P130c75: 11 — D210c75: 31, D23Mr76:33 Sukey, Mrs. (Armistead), marriage of, D25J177: 31 — P25 J177: 23, D25J177:31 — P25J177:23 Sylvester, P9My77: 42 Thomas, P19 J176: 41— D20J176: 51, D18Ap77:62, D26Je79:32 Thomas, jr. , 15My46: 42 W. M. ,P17Mr75:41 William, PD26N72: 23, D160c78: 41, P230c78:31,D5Je79:32 adv. imported unclaimed merchandise, PD22S68:23 adv. imported unclaimed osnaburgs, RlAg71:31 adv. millstones for sale, PD20Oc74: 31 adv. settlement of estate, R27My73: 23 adv. slave for sale, C9D80: 22 agent for estate of John Eggleston, P21N77:33 agent for John Hatley Norton, R16Je68:32 appointed to committee of inspection for Yorktown, Va. , D31 J179: 31 buys hides for army, D90c79: 31 declines agency of J. H. Norton, PD22S68: 23--R22S68: 31 letter to, in post office, PD12Mr67: 13 William, Capt. , of the Kitty, PD15Ag66:31 William, Mrs. , PD2Ap67: 21 Wilson, PD22S68: 23, R10D72: 23 Wilson, Col.,R26N72:22, PD3D72:22 Wilson M. , R21F71: 32, PD16Je74s22, PD23Je74:23— R23Je74:42 Wilson Miles, adv. cattle for sale, P12J176.-33 adv. settlement of estate, PD15D68: 31-- R15D68:21 daughter of, P26S77: 23 death of son, R21Ap74: 23 defendant in Chancery court, PD6Ag72: 23— R80c72: 42 elected burgess for Elizabeth City co. , Va. , PD1D68: 31— R1D68: 21, PDllMy69s41, PD14S69: 31 — R14S69:22, R9N69:11 elected delegate to Va. convention for Elizabeth City co. , Va. , P26Ap76s23 manager of lottery, PD30Mr69:33 member committee of correspondence for Elizabeth City co. , Va. , P29D75:31 member of committee of safety for Elizabeth City co. , Va. , P29D75: 31 naval officer, PD6My73: 31— R6My73:31 reclaims slaves from Otter, H. M.S. , P8S75s23 signs Va. Association, PD25My69: 12 slaves of in British navy, P8S75: 31 son of, PD21Ap74: 23--R21Ap74: 23 Cary & company, 4F37: 32 Cary and Montague, ship, 2F39: 32 Cary, Priller &, adv. tobacco for sale, D11N80:23 Cary's warehouse, unclaimed tobacco in, PllAg75:4l Carysford, ship, P8Mr76: 22-- D9Mr76: 22, D10Ag76: 22 Carysfort, British transport, D40c76:62 frigate, PD20Ag67: 21, PD26N72: 21 H. M. S. , P15Mr76: 21— D16Mr76: 22, D8Je76:31 ship, PD20S70s31, D8Je76: 31, D10Ag76: 12 Casani, Joseph, Father, author, 19Ag37:ll Cascaes, Portugal, See Shipwrecks off Cascarilla, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD21S69: 41— R21S69s21, PD240c71:31 Casco bay, Me. , plans for colonial post office sent to, PD12My74: 31 See also British transports, from Boston, Mass. , to; Customs com- missioners, gallows erected for, in; Exports from Accomac district, Va. , to; Exports from Guadeloupe, W. I. , to; Exports from Martinique, W. I. , to; Exports from St. Eustatia, W. I. , to; Houses destroyed in; Imports to Plymouth, Eng. , from; Murders in; Ships, American, captured by British off; Ships, American, destroyed in; Ships from; Ships from James river, Va. , to; Ships' sailing time; Ships to; Warehouses destroyed in Casdrop, Thomas, D12Je79: 12 Case, Benjamin, 14N55: 31 Hugh, 30D37:42 Jane Franklin, P18 J177: 21 Stephen, Capt. , P18 J177: 21 Case of Gt. Brit, and America, criticism of, R4My69: 12 reprinted, PD6Ap69: 22, PD13Ap69: 11— R13Ap69: 11, PD20Ap69sll— R20Ap69: 11, PD27Ap69: 22— R27Ap69:ll Cases, imported to Va. , from N. Y. , 17N52:22 imported, unclaimed, adv. of, 12D55:31 in Yorktown, Va. , 5D45: 41 See also Glass cases; Ink cases; Ivory cases; Mahogany knife cases; Mahogany plate cases; Morocco instrument cases; Morocco letter cases; Shagreen cases; Silver pencil cases; Steel pencil cases Cases, barometer, for sale, in Norfolk, Va.,PD18Ja70:42 Cases, bottle, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166:23 in Williamsburg, Va. , PDllAp66: 41, PD1 1 Ap71 : 32, PD1 2D71 : 32 Cases, fan, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD60c68: 31— R60c68: 23, PD13Ap69: 32— R13Ap69: 31, PD13Ag72:21 Cases, instrument, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , 31 J146: 61, PD10Je73:34 Cases, lancet, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD5My74: 31— R26My74: 13, Pi20Ap75: 31— D22Ap75: 32 Cases, letter, for sale, in Williams- burg, Va. ,16F39:42 Cases, paper, PD17S72: 22 for sale, at printing office, 2S57: 32 192 Castor oil in Williamsburg. Va. , R25D66: 42, PD10Je73: 34, D9Mr76: 43, D24Ag76: 63, D3Ja77: 43, D17 Ja77: 43, D2My77: 83, D4J177:83 Cases, pencil, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD14My72: 23, PD220c72: 23— R220c72:23 Cases, pocket, for sale, at Yorktown, • Va. , 240c55:.31 Cases, toilets, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166:23 Cases, toothpick, for sale, in Norfolk, Va.,PD25J166:23 in Richmond, Va. , PD5N72sll — R5N72: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PDllAp71: 32, PD10Oc71 : 31, PD220c72: 23— R220c72: 23. PD210c73: 23— R210c73: 22, PD20Oc74s22— Pi20Oc74: 31, Pi20Ap75: 31 — D22Ap75:32,D27Je77:31 Cases, travelling shaving, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD10Oc71: 31, PD23Ap72: 23— R23Ap72: 13 Cases, tweezer, for sale, in Williams- burg, Va. , PD210c73: 23--R210c73: 22 Casey, Capt. , PD9S73: 23, Pil9Ja75:23 Benjamin, Capt. . P230c78: 11 John.R25N73:42 Peter, PD170c71:31--R170c71: 32 Cash, Archdell, P18J177: 13 Archibald, P20Je77: 13 Joel, R10Ja71:42 John, P30c77:31 Cashen, William, PD9N69: 31 Cashington, William, PD13Ag72: 31 Casity, Thomas, Pi2Mr75: 31 Caske, Howard, 170c55: 31 Caskets, the, See Shipwrecks between Cape la Hogue, Fr., and Casks, adv. for, PD18Ap66: 31-- R30My66:42 export from British colonies, N. Am. , prohibited, P19Ap76pll--D20Ap76: 23 exported from Accomac district, Va. , to Philadelphia, Pa. , PD22D68: 31 exported from Hampton, Va. , to North Providence, R. I. , 10Oc45: 31 exported from James river, lower district, Va. , to Antigua, W. I. , R14Ap74: 31--PD28Ap74: 23 exported from York district, Va. , to Bermuda, 4 J145: 32 for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. , D13N79:31 near Dumfries, Va. , PDlAg71: 22 found, adv. of, 2My55:32 imported, lost, adv. for, 310c45: 31 imported, unclaimed, adv. of, 20Je45: 41, PD11 J171: 32, PD22Ag71: 33. PD310c71 : 31, PD16Ja72: 33 in Yorktown, Va. , 31 Ja51: 32 imported to Accomac district, Va. , from Philadelphia, Pa. , PD17N68: 22, PD24N68:31 imported to James river, upper dis- trict, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , 9Ja46:4 lost, adv. for, PD6Je71:33 price of, PD18Ap66:31--R30My66:42 unclaimed, adv. of, PD15Ag71: 32 Casks, cider, for sale, near Dumfries, Va. ,PDlAg71:22 Casks, ironbound, for sale, R24Je73: 32 Casks, shaken, exported from James river, lower district, Va. , to Antigua, W. I. , R14Ap74: 31 — PD28Ap74:23 Casks, water, for British army in Ger. , P9Ag76:ll--D10Ag76:12 Cason, Seth, R19My74:43 Cason, Russia, See Fires in Cason's ferry, D31 Ja77: 71--P14F77: 32 Cass, Anne, 23My55:22 Cassandra, pseud. , P5Ap76: 21, D13Ap76:21,D25My76:21 horse, D7Mr77: 41, D24Ap78: 42 C assay. Philip, adv. for runaway, in- dentured servant, D18F75: 32 Casse, Capt. , d', of the Le.Perou, D30Oc79:22 Cassedy, Hugh, P18Ap77sl2, P16My77: 31 John, P18Ap77sl2 Cassel, Capt., PD22Ag71:33 Cassel, Fr. , See Accidents near Cassels, Henry, Pi2Mr75: 31 Cassen, Capt. , of the Bayfleet, PD27F72: 23--R27F72: 22 Cassia, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , P10Ja77:41 Cassidri, Robert, R4D66: 23 Cassimere, for sale, in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72: 31 in Smithfield, Va. , D31 J179: 12 in Williamsburg, Va. , D26Ag75: 32, P18J177:32,D28N77:22 imported, damaged, for sale, at Warwick co., Va. , PD21My72: 31 Cassimere suits, for sale, in Yorktown, Va.,PD28Ap74:31 Cassini, M. , astronomer, 13Mv37: 12 Cassius, pseud. , PD2D73: 12, P15S75: 13 Cassoap, manufacture of, in Baltimore, Md. ,PD7N71:23 Cassocks, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. ,PD15J173:32 Casson, Capt. , of the Gale, 30c51:32 Nicholas, Capt. , of the Betty, 23My55:21 Thomas, Capt. , R23N69: 23 of the Gale, 17N52:22 William, Capt. , of the Industry, 12F62:31 Cast iron weights, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD28S69: 31 Castalio, Signor, author, PD25F68: 41, PD29N70: 22, PD3 Ja71 : 43, PD17 Ja71 : 43, PD7F71 : 43, PD21F71:43, PD10Je73:34, DllF75s23, D9D75: 41, D30D75: 21, D2Mr76: 43, D24Ag76: 63, D3 Ja77: 43, D17 Ja77: 43, D2My77: 83, D4J177: 83 Castaloni, Italy, See Earthquakes in Castile, man of war, PD21Mr66: 23 Castillo, Bridget, 9My45: 41 Caster sets, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , R15N70: 31 — PD22N70: 23 Caster stands, for sale, in Williams- burg, Va. ,D16D75:23 Casters, adv. of, in Williamsburg, Va. , 8J137:42 for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD18Ap66:33 in Gloucester, Va. , P19Ap76sll — D20Ap76:33 in Gloucester co. , Va. , P16Ag76: 33-- D24Ag76:72 in Hobb's Hole, Va. , R29Je69: 33 in Norfolk. Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , 21S39:41 , R3N68:33 — PD10N68:22, PD21S69: 33— R21S69s21, PD28S6931,P10My76:43 — DllMy7623, D14N77.31 See also Brass casters; Leather casters; Silver casters; Wooden casters Casters, box, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166:23 Casters, double, for sale, in Norfolk, Va.,PD18Ja70:42 Casters, Hudson's Bay, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD21S69: 41 — R21S69s21,PD240c71:31 Casters, New England, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 2My55: 22, 30N59:32 Casters, pepper, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. ,PD25J166:22 Casters, Russian, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 18J151: 41, 22My52: 32, 2My55: 22, 30N59: 32, PD21S69: 41 — R21S69s21, PD240c71: 31 Castings, bartered for labor, P5S77:32— D12S77:41 for sale, at Hunter's iron works, Va. , D4D79:22 in Fredericksburg, Va. , D10J178: 21 made at bloomery, PD7Je70: 33— R14Je70:42 Castle, Capt. , of the Endeavour, PD27F72:23 of the Thomas and Waddell, PD5Mr67: 31 Elizabeth, PD21Ap74: 23 William, PD6S70: 31 Castle, H. M. S. , PD30Ap72: 13 Castle harbor, Bermuda, fort attacked by S. C. ships, D15Ag77: 21 Castle William, Mass. , burned by British army, P19Ap76pl3 dismantled by British army, Pi24Ag75:33 dismantled by Gen. Gage, D26Ag75: 23, Pi31Ag75: 32, P1S75: 22— D2S75: 22, D2S75:32 destroyed by British, Pi7S75: 11, P15S75:22 destroyed by Gen. Gage, D9S75: 31 fortification of, D22Je76:42 seizure opposed in Del. , PD25Ag74: 12 turned over to British army, RllOc70:21 See also British army in; British army reviewed at; British army to Boston, Mass. , from; British army to Salem, Mass. , from; Tea commissioners in Castlebar, Ire. , See Elections in; Riots in Castlecary, Scot. , See Antiquities discovered in Castleisland, Ire. , gee British army to Halifax, N. S. , from Castler, M. ,29D74:33 Castleton, Capt., of the Betsev, 28Mr55:32, 2My55:31 Castleton, snow, 21Ag52: 31 Castletown, Vt. , fortified by British, D22Ag77:ll skirmishes near, DlAg77: 21 Castor and Pollux, privateer, 4 J145: 21 Castor oil, for sale, PD1D74: 31 in Petersburg, Va. , Pi23Mr75: 33— D25Mr75:31,D24Ag76:61 193 Castor oil, for sale (cont'd) in Williamsburg, Va. , R12J170: 31, PD240c71: 31, PD290c72: 22— R290c72: 22 Castration, forbidden in Rome, It. , PD22Mr70.11 in Boston, Mass. , PD21F71: 23 in Dorsetshire, Eng. , 21J138: 22 in Maine, Fr. , 290c36: 21 in Nottinghamshire, 20My37: 22 inScot.,PD3S67:13 in Shrewsbury, N. J. , PD12My68: 23 of captured soldiers, PD9Je68:23 Caswell, Mr.,Pil30c74:12 R. , PD3N74: 12— Pi4N74: 12 Richard, appointed governor of N. C. , P31Ja77:23 arrives at Continental congress, D21Ja75:12 attacked at Moore's creek bridge, N. C. , P22Mr76: ll--D23Mr76: 32 describes battle of Moore's creek bridge, N. C. , P22Mr76: 11 elected speaker of N.C. general assembly, PD10Ja71:23--R10Ja71: 11 gov. of N.C.,D31Ja77:41,P6Mr78:21 holds court in N. C. , PD12Ag73: 21 in battle of Moore's creek bridge, N. C. , P15Mr76sl3 inspector of lottery, PD28My72: 12 marches to Wilmington, N. C. , P5Ap76:32 military skill praised, P15Mr76s21 ordered to defend Brunswick co. , N. C. , P12Ap76:23 praised, P29Mr76:22 speaker of house of N. C. , R10Ja71: 21, R31Ja71:12 to S.C.,D19F80:22 victories of in N. C. , D4My76: 12 Caswell, armed schooner, D6Ap76: 23 ship, PlAg77:23 Caswell co. , N. C. , See Apple orchards in; Brick houses, described, in; Gardens in; Dairies in; Dwelling houses described in; Kitchens described in; Land for sale in; Offices described in; Peach orchards in; Outhouses in; Smoke- houses described in; Storehouses described in; Tub mills described in; Warehouses described in; Work- houses, described in Cat island, W. I. , to be possessed by British, R7Ap74: 12 Cat point warehouse, Va. , PD30J172: 33, PD3S72:31 Cat Tail plantation, Va. , P27 Je77: 42 Catalonia, Spain, See Distemper in; Jesuits mistreated in; Spanish army in Cataract operations, successful in Gt. Brit.,PD3Mr68:22 Cataracts, cure for,R14J168: 33— PD1S68: 31 Catawbas, agreements with S. C. , 50c39: 41 attend conference at Albany, N. Y. , 4J151:32, 10J152:31 attack Shawnees, PD23Je68: 22, PD28 J168: 21— R28 J168: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , R5 Ja69: 31 lands encroached upon in Va. , R260c69:21 peace with N. Y. Indians negotiated, 3N38.52 relations with Shawnees, 10Oc45: 22 rewarded by gov. of S. C. , PD28 J168: 21 — R28 J168: 22 treaty with Six Nations, 29Ag51: 31, 30c51:22 visit Williamsburg, Va. , PD28Ap68: 22, R5Ja69:31 war with Cherokees, 30c51: 22 Catch Club, in London, Eng. , PD210c73:12 Catchers, cocoa, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , R8N70: 13 Catches, table, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166:23 Catchup, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD2'SJ166:23 in Williamsburg, Va. , 17Ja51:41, PD29S74: 32 Catechisme du Citoyen, pamphlet, burned in Fr. , Pil90c75: 11— P20Oc75: 11— D210c75: 12 Cately, Miss, PD6My73:12 Caterine wheels, fireworks, R19N72: 31 Caterling, Capt. , of the Irish Gimlet, PD220c72:13 Catford, Charles, Capt. , of the Captain, 4Ap55: 21, 10Oc55: 22 Catgut, for sale, in Fredericksburg, . Va. ,R19F67:23 in London, Eng. , PD7Je70: 33 in Richmond, Va. , PD5N72sll— R5N72:22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD4Je67: 33, PD10c67: 13, PD20Oc68: 23, PD13Ap69: 32— R13Ap69: 31, PD14D69: 32--R14D69: 23, PD19Ap70s23— R19Ap70: 31, PD22N70s23, PD170c71: 23, PD23Ap72: 23— R23Ap72: 13, PD30Ap72: 31, PD7My72: 32, PD150c72: 31, PD220c72: 23— R220c72: 23, R210c73: 22, PD210c73: 23— R210c73: 22, PD5My74: 31— R26My74: 13, Pi20Oc74: 31— PD20Oc74s22, D16D75:23 Catgut, flowered, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD22Ap73: 31 Catgut, open, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , R15N70: 31--PD22N70: 23 Catgut, ribbed, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , Pi20Ap75: 31 — D22Ap75:32 Catgut ribbon, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD18Ap66: 32 Catgut work, taught at Point Pleasant school, Va. , PD20F72; 32 teachers of, adv. for scholars, PD21Mr66:33 Catharine, schooner, 7N51: 22, R8S74: 31 ship, PD2My71: 32, R21Ap74: 23— PD28Ap74: 23, Pi22 Je75: 31 sloop, 31D36: 42, P6Je77: 23 Catharine and Polly, ship, 12F62: 32 Catharinestown (French Katheriues), N. Y. , burned by Americans, D90c79:21 Cathcart, [Charles Schaw], Baron, PD19My68: 12 John, Capt. , PD3Ag69: 32 of the William, 250c65s41, PD15Ja67:31, PD19F67: 31— R19F67: 22 Margaret, PD3N74pll Robert, 21N45: 31 [William Schaw], Lord, P7N77: 11, P7N77:12,P21N77:21 Cathcart, Blackwood, and, 18Ag38: 41 Cathell, Ire. , See Trees, tulip, in Catherine, brig. , 16Ja46: 32, Pil9Ja75: 23 British ship, 25Ja40: 2 H. M.S. , 13 Je45: 21, 24 Ja52: 31 schooner, R26J170: 13 ship, 25Mr37: 41, 5My38: 22, PD18D66: 33, PD23Ap67: 31, PD4Je67: 41, PD290c67:21,PD15S68:23, D22Ap75:22, D10Je75:31 sloop, PD6Ag72: 23, P27Je77: 31 snow, 23S37: 22, 29S52: 31 Catherine and Anne, ship, 23Ja46: 41 Catherine and Leonora, ship, 3N38:61 Catherine and Mary, ship, HAp55: 22 Catherwood, Mr.,3J146:ll Catholic Christian, pseud. , R12My74: 12, R15S74:32, R22S74:13 Catholic Church, See Roman Catholic church Cation, David, PD10N68: 22, PD25F73: 31, D27Ja76:33, P31Ja77:12 Catlett, Lt. , P22Ag77: 32 Alexander, P19 Ja76: 41 John, D4F75: 33, P29N76: 32 adv. finding horse, R2Mv71 : 42 adv. for missing horse, PD2S73: 31, PD16Je74:31,D31J179:32 adv. for missing steers, P8Ag77: 32 adv. for runaway convict servant, PD21 Ja73: 32, PD25F73: 32 adv. for runaway indentured servant, R9F69:23 Thomas, D4F75: 33 Catling, Benjamin, quarter-master, D31Ag76: 21 John, Capt. , of the Pearl, 31D36:42 Catlins, for sale, in Yorktown, PD25F68: 31— R25F68: 31 Cato, quoted in Continental congress, Pi50c75:32— P60c75:13 Cato, pseud. , PD7 J168: 21, R280c73: 11, R15S74: 22, Pi270c74: 31, PilOAg75: 33, Pi50c75: 32, Pil90c75sl2— P20Oc75sll, D30Mr76: 23, D13Ap76: 23, D20Ap76: 21, P26Ap76s21— D27Ap76: 32, D27Ap76: 22, D4My76: 23, P10My76: 12, D25My76: 21, DlAg77: 22 Cato, English horse, R18F68: 33 ship, 28 Ja37: 42, 29Ap37: 42 Caton, Capt. , PD26N72: 21 Catron, Mr. , author, writings characterized, R26Ag73: 13 Cats, annuities for, PD30Ja72: 22 imported to London, Eng. , from Can. , 28F51:22 Cats, mad, in Derbyshire, Eng. , R26My68:21 in Liverpool, Eng. , R9Mr69: 13 in London, Eng. , R13My73: 31 in Surry, Eng. , R14Ap68: 21 Catsup, See Catchup Cattan isle, fortified by Spanish, R24Je73:ll Cattegat straits, See Shipwrecks in Cattell, John, Capt. , PD18F68: 31 Cattle, abandoned by British on Gwynn's island, Va. , D20 J176: 32 abandoned by Indians in Island Town, Va.,P15N76:31 adv. for, by comissary general, 194 Cattle P19S77:11 for Va. army, D24Ap78: 31 amounts in Jamaica, W.I., estimated, 1767, DllMr75:23 as lottery prizes, PD24S67: 21, PD28Ja68: 32, R10Mr68: 32, R31Mr68: 32, R31Mr68: 33, R14Ap68: 31, R14Ap68: 31 — PD1D68: 32, PDUMy69: 32, PD21S69: 32, R16N69:23 bought for army, D17J178: 32 bounties on importation to Prus. , PD18Mr73:21 in Gt. Brit. , PD22 Ja67: 22 in Grenada, W.I. , PD1 Ja67: 22 in Holl. , PD2Ap72: 21 captured by Americans from Governor's island, Mass. , D280c75:32 in Bergen, N. Y. , P18J177: 21 — D25J177:21 near Boston, Mass. , D12Ag75: 32 near St. JomVs, Can. , D280c75: 32 captured by British from Fisher's island, N. Y. , Pi31Ag75: 32--D2S75: 21 from Gardiner's island, N. Y. , Pi31Ag75: 31— D2S75: 21 in R.I. ,D12Mr79:21 near East Haven, Conn. , D18 J177: 22 on Gwynn's island, Va. , Dl Je76: 31 on Pursusa island, D5S77: 21 captured by Mass. troops, on Deer island, Mass. , D1J175: 32 on Pettick's island, Mass. , Dl J175: 32 captured by Tories in Shrewsbury, N. J. ,D3J179:22 captured from Plum island, NY., Pi31Ag75:32— D2S75:21 census on in Martinique, W. I. , PD25Mr73: 22— R25Mr73: 22 in St. Lucia, W. I. , PD25Mr73: 22— R25Mr73:22 demanded by British at Bristol, R. I. , Pi9N75:21 destroyed by hurricanes, in Charles City co., Va.,Pil4S75:23 destroyed by Indians in Fla. , D11F75S13 destroyed by snows in Scot. , PD28Mr66:22 die on ships, P16F76: 23 driven to Estahtowih, 16Ja61: 32 drowned by storm in Philadelphia, Pa. , Pi21S75:32— P22S75:22 drowned in Long island, N. Y. , Pi2F75:31 droves from S. C. to Pa. , R22S68: 22 duties on import to Holl. , PD8Mr70: 31 export from Dublin, Ire. , prevented, PD2J167:13 export from Eng. to Fr., benefits of, R12Ag73: 21 prohibited, PD25J171: 21, PD25Mr73:12 exported from Eng. to Europe, PD13Je71:22 exported from Long island, N. Y. , to New London, Conn. , D8N76: 12 exported from Scot, to Eng. , PD11 Je67: 12 to Lincolnshire, Eng. , PD12F67: 21 for British army, 7N55: 21 in Boston, Mass., from Quebec, Can., Pi2N75:12 in Halifax, N. S. , D40c76: 71 in Jamaica, Long island. N. Y. , D250c76:31 for Continental army, requested by Washington, P20Mr78: 21 requested in Va. , P20Mr78: 21 for French army, 26S55: 21 for hire, in Norfolk co. , Va. , 12D51:41 for rent, in Gloucester co. , Va. , D27N78:31 for sale, 24Ja51: 41, 23My55: 21, PD6N66: 31, PD29Ja67: 32, PD5F67: 31 — R19F67: 41, PD30Ap67: 32, PD7 J168: 31, R22Mr70: 22, PD28F71 : 33— R7Mr71 : 33, PD2 Ja72: 32, R23Ap72: 31, PD27Ag72: 43, PD29S74: 32, PD150c72: 31, PD26N72: 23, PD16D73: 23, P17S75: 32, D11N75: 32, P9F76: 33, P7Je76: 42, P180c76: 31. D21Mr77: H--P21Mr77sl3, D4Ap77: 31, P240c77: 33, P21N77: 32, D28N77: 22, D19D77: 21, D26D77: 21, D5F80: 33, D19F80:32 at Belvoir, Va. , Pi20Oc74: 32— PD20Oc74:32 at Charles City courthouse, Va. , R18J166:33 at Charles parish, York co. , Va. , PD23 Je74: 23, PD24N74: 31 at Gwynn's island, Va. , PD9Mr69:32 at Halfway House, PD2D73: 23 at Hanover courthouse, Va. , 18Ag38:42 at Ivy's (Nansemond co.), Va. , C28Ag79:31 at King and Queen courthouse, Va. , R27Ja74:41 at King William courthouse, Va. , 3N52:21 at Lester's ferry, Va. , PD3Ag69: 32 at Lowry's, Va. , PD270c74: 23 at Martin's Brandon, Va. , PD170c66:33 at Nap's Neck, Va. , D90c79: 32 at North West landing, Va. , D4Mr80:31 at Rock Castle Middle Plantation, Va. ,D13N78:22 at Rocky Ridge, Va. , PD24S72: 22 at Swinyard's, Va. , PDllAp71: 33 at The Tombeaton Quarter, Va. , D23D75:23 in Albemarle co. , Va. , 250c65s33, PD30S73:31 in Amelia co. , Va. , 3S56: 32, PD5S66s33, R3N68: 34, PD24Ja71: 31 — R31 Ja71: 32, PD170c71: 31, PD170c71: 31 — R170c71: 31, PD12Mr72: 32, PD290c72: 22— R290c72: 23, D18Ap77: 71, P8Ag77: 12, D27N78:31 in Amherst co. , Va. , PD3N68: 31 — R3N68:33, PD170c71:32, PD30J172: 32, R26Ag73: 23, PD25N73: 23- R25N73: 43, D13 J176: 22--P12 J176: 32, P28N77:23 in Augusta co. , Va. , 28F55: 42, C28Ag79:42 in Beaufort, Va. , R220c72: 32 in Bedford co. , Va. , 28F55: 41, 4Ap55:32, 12S55: 41 in Berkeley co. , Va. , PD4F73: 31, PD16 Je74: 23--R16Je74: 31 in Bermuda Hundred, Va. , P8Ag77: 13 in Bertie co. , N. C. , 7F51 : 41 , PD5N72:33 in Blandford, Va. , PD4J166: 31 — R18 J166: 41, R31 Ja71: 32— PD24Ja71:31,D17J179:32 in Bremo, Va. , PD1D74: 31 — R1D74:33 in Brunswick co. , Va. , 1D38: 42, 6F52: 32. 12Je52: 21, 19 J154: 42, 23My55: 21, 14N55: 31, PD30Oc66: 31, PD9Mr69:33 — R23Mr69:41, R19J170: 32, PD29N70: 23, PD4Ap71: 31, PD13Ag72: 23. PD4Mr73: 33— R4Mr73: 32, PD25Mr73: 33, R18N73: 23, R10F74: 42, PD8D74: 32, P8N76: 31, P21F77: 22, D21Ag79: 31 — C28Ag79: 33, D90c79:12 in Buckingham co. , Va. , PD2N69: 32— R2N69:31,P21Ag78:33 in Bute co. , N. C. , PD1 J173: 33, P29Ag77:13,D5S77:31 in Cabin Point, Va. , PD7Ap74: 32 — in Caroline co. , Va. , 260c39: 42, R8Ag66: 41, PD10Oc66: 41, R14Ap68: 43— PD7Ap68: 31, R3N68:33— PD3N68:23, PD21F71: 32— R21F71: 32, PD7Ja73: 32— R5Ja73: 33, PD26Ag73: 31, D22N76: 32, P29N76: 32, D30Oc78: 31 , D13N78: 22 in Charles City co. , Va. , 29Ag51: 32, PD17S71:32— R26S71:13, PD21N71 : 23, PD18 Je72: 33, PD15J173: 33, PD23S73: 31— R23S73: 33, R4Ag74: 33, PD22S74: 33, PD8D74: 31, PD15D74: 32— 15D74: 32, D280c75: 33, P15N76: 33, P7N77sl3, P14N77: 23, D21N77: 12, D230c79:12 in Charlotte co. , Va. , PD15F70: 31 — R22F70: 31, D23D75: 23, D230c79: 11 in Chesterfield co. , Va. , PD5S66s33, PD24N68: 32, R13 J169: 23— PD27J169: 41, PD19N72: 31 — R19N72:21,D19D77:31 in Cobham, Va. ,4N63:23 in Culpeper co. , Va. , Pi29S74: 41, D230c79:12 in Cumberland co. , Va. , PD5Mr72: 32— R12Mr72: 32, PD24D72: 31— R24D72: 22, PD18N73: 22, D6N78: 32, C6N79: 32 in Dinwiddie co. , Va. , 29D52: 32, R19 Ja69: 31— PD26Ja69: 33, PD15Je69:32, R2N69:23, PD31Ja71:33— R31Ja71:23, PD18Ap71: 32, PD19D71: 32, PD13Ag72: 23, PD80c72: 32, R10Je73: 33, PD3N74: 43--R4N74: 33, Pi26 Ja75: 32— D28 Ja75: 32— P3F75: 43, D23D75: 23, Pu28F77: 22— D7Mr77: 12— D28Mr77: 82— P14Mr77:41 in Edenton, N. C. , PD7My72: 32 in Elizabeth City co. , Va. , PD14N71 : 23, R25N73: 42, R17F74: 31, PD17Mr74: 31— R17Mr74: 31, P12J176:33 in Essex co., Va. , 240c45:41, PD14J168: 33--R14 J168: 42, R15D68: 23, PD290c72: 23, PD2D73: 23--R2D73: 23, P160c78:31,D18S79:31 195 Cattle, for sale (cont'd) in Fairfax co. , Va. , R190c69: 42, Rl J173: 33, D28N77: 31--P28N77sll in Falmouth, Va. , D24Ap78: 22 in Frederick co. , Va. , PD16Je74: 23— R16Je74: 31, PD30Je74: 23— R30Je74:32 in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD220c72: 22, D18Mr80:32 in Gloucester co. , Va. , 7N55: 22, PD10S67: 22, PD80c67: 21, PD290c67: 23, PD15S68: 31, R17N68: 23, R30Mr69: 33, R3My70: 32, PD7 Je70: 33, R29N70: 22, R21N71: 31, PD10F74: 32--R10F74: 32, PilD74: 33, PD8D74: 31, P130c75: 23, P8Mr76: 33--D9Mr76: 23, P9Ag76: 42— D10A g 76:62, PlAg77: 23 in Goochland co. , Va. , 26N36: 42, 3N38: 61, 15Je39: 32, PD30Oc66: 23, PD26Ja69: 32--R2F69: 31, PD12Mr72: 32— R12Mr72: 31, PD140c73: 31— R140c73: 32, P12D77:23 in Granville co. , N. C. , P230c78: 23 in Halifax co. , N. C. , P160c78: 11 in Halifax co. , Va. , PD11D66: 32, PD5F67: 32, PD24D67: 33 — R24D67: 31, PD130c68: 23, PD7S69:41— R7S69:42, D19S77:41— P26S77: 31 in Halifax town, N. C. , D170c77: 21— P170c77:23 in Hanover, Va. , PD1 Ja67: 31, PD4Ag74: 31— R4Ag74: 33, D24Ap78:31 in Hanover co. , Va. , 10F38: 41, 15S38: 42, PD27N66: 31, PD23N69: 32— R23N69: 31, PD4Oc70: 31— R4Oc70: 23, PD5Ag73: 23, PD9D73: 32, R16D73: 41— PD23D73s22, PD10N74: 43, P5Ja76: 33— D13 Ja76: 33, D24J179: 32, D90c79: 31, C13N79: 21— D13N79: 31 in Henrico co. , Va. , PD3Ja71: 32— R10Ja71:33, P13Je77:33, D12D77: 21— P12D77: 32, D11D79: 31 in Isle of Wight co. , Va. , PD13Ag72: 23, D21S76: 41 — P20S76: 32 in James City co. , Va. , R4D66: 43, R19F67:32, PD26F67:32, PD15S68: 31, R5Ja69: 33— PD29D68: 31, PD24My70: 31, R23Ap72: 42, P116F75: 33— P17F75: 42— D18F75: 31, D23S75: 33, P20Oc75: 31, P22D75: 33— D23D75: 33, D17Ag76: 22, P27S76s21, D29N76: 42, P6D76: 32, D13D76: 32--P13D76: 23, D20D76: 21, D170c77: 31 — P170c77: 32, P160c78: 41 — D30Oc78:42 in Jockey's Neck, Va. , R22S73: 33— Pi29S74:41 in Johnston co. , N. C. , D26F80: 31 in King and Queen co. , Va. , 30N59: 32, PD31Mr68: 31— R31Mr68: 34, PD15D68: 31, PD4Oc70: 32— R4Oc70: 31, R21N71: 32, PD28 Ja73: 31 — R28 Ja73: 32, PD12Ag73: 23, PD16D73: 31— R16D73: 42, Pi7S75: 32--D9S75: 32, D25J177: 41 — P25J177:41,D90c79:32 in King George co. , Va. , R8N70: 11, PD29N70: 23--R29N70: 22, PD23D73: 23, D21Mr77: 12— P21Mr77s21 in King William co. , Va. , 21N45: 42, 10N52: 31, PD1 Ja67: 31— R19F67: 42, PD10D67: 32, PD25F68: 23— R25F68: 31, R60c68: 24, PDllMy69: 31- RllMy69: 32, PD14D69: 32— R14D69: 31, PD21D69: 11— R28D69: 11, PD10Ja71:33— R10Ja71:31, PD240c71 : 23--R310c71 : 41 , PD16S73: 32, PD140c73: 31 — R140c73: 32, PD9D73: 32, PU6F75: 33— P17F75: 42--D18F75: 31, D19D77: 31, D26D77: 21, D160c78: 32— P160c78: 11, D13N78:22 in Kingston parish, Gloucester co. , Va. , D90c79: 12 in Kingston parish glebe, Gloucester co., Va. ,D12D77:21 in Lancaster co. , Va. , PD290c67: 22, Pi23Mr75: 33— P24Mr75: 33— D25Mr75: 31, D14Mr77: 61— P28Mr77: 21, D5S77: 31— P5S77: 11, P29My78: 41, P10J178: 22, D26F80: 31 in Loudoun co. , Va. , PD3S67: 23, R50c69: 32, D28N77: 31 — P28N77sll in Louisa co. , Va. , PD10c72: 23, PD18N73: 22, P5 Ja76: 33— D13 Ja76: 33, D90c79: 12, C27N79: 21— D27N79:22 in Lunenburg co. , Va. , 25Ap51: 32, 9My51 : 32, PD28Ap68: 31 — R28Ap68: 24, PD2Je68: 23, PD15D68:31,R26S71:31, PD11 Je72: 32, PD290c72: 22, Pi2N75:33, P40c76:33 in Manakin town, Va. , D10Oc77: 23 in Manchester, Va. , P21N77: 31 in Marlborough, Va. , R15D68: 23, PD25Oc70: 23— R1N70: 32 in Md. , R31My70: 43, R23Ag70: 41 in Mecklenburg co. , Va. , PD170c66: 41— R4D66: 42, PD8Oc67:21,R26J170:22, PD1S74:32, D5Mr79:32 . in Middlesex co. , Va. , PD10Oc66: 41, PD5N67:31,PD13S70:23, PD24N74:23, P20S76:23 in Montgomery co. , Va. , D30My77: 31— P30My77: 13 in Nansemond co. , Va. , 24Ap46: 32, PD4Ag68: 23, PD19N72: 23 in New Kent co. , Va. , PD20N66: 23— R4D66: 33, PD290c67: 22, PD26N67: 31, PD4F68: 32, PD16Je68: 31 — R16Je68: 32, PD29D68: SI- RS Ja69: 32, R19 Ja69: 31--PD26 Ja69: 33, PD14S69: 32, R2N69: 31, PD2N69: 32, PD18Ja70: 33— R18 Ja70: 33, R15Ag71: 32, PD5S71: 32, PD7N71: 31, PD16S73: 32, PD23S73: 31 — R23S73: 33, PD18N73: 22, PD25N73: 23, R23D73: 33, PD22S74: 33--R29S74: 41, PD130c74: 31— R130c74: 32, D22N76: 32, P7F77: 33, P30c77: 23, D13N78: 22, D27N79: 22, C18D79: 12— D25D79:31,D8Ja80:42 in Newcastle, Va. , PD17Mr74: 31, P4Ap77:33, D30c77:41 in Newport glebe, Isle of Wight co. , Va. ,PD2Ja72:32 in Norfolk, Va. , PD80c67: 21 in Norfolk borough, Va. , PD13Je71: 33 in Norfolk co. , Va. , PD17N68: 23— R17N68:31 in Northampton co. , N. C. , PD16Ag70:42, PD17S71:32, D210c75:32, P5Ap76:42 in Northampton co. , Va. , PD5S66s41,P160c78:42 in Northumberland co. , Va. , PD5N72:43— R5N72:21 in Orange co. , Va. , 12S45: 42, PD4J166: 32, PD10Oc71: 32, D210c75:33, P14N77: 31, C28Ag79: 32— D28Ag79: 12 in Petersburg, Va. , PD16Ag70: 42, D2My77:62 in Peytonsburg, Va. , PD12Ag73: 23, PD4N73:23 in Pittsylvania co. , Va. , P14Ap75: 32, D7N77: 32 in Port Royal, Va. , R10Ag69: 33 in Porto Bello, Va. , PD9Mr69: 33 — R9Mr69: 31, PD18My69: 32, PD1J173:33 in Powhatan co. , Va. , C30Oc79: 42 in Prince Edward co. , Va. , P10Ja77: 43, P8Ag77: 12, P160c78: 11 in Prince George co. , Va. , 21F51:41, 24Ag51: 32, PD19Mr67: 33, PD15 Je69: 32, PD28N71 : 31, PD13Ag72: 23, PD3S72: 23, PD2D73: 22, PD3Mr74: 31, PHOc76: 13, D22N76: 31 — P22N76:31,P20D76s23, D31 Ja77: 72— P7F77: 33, P21F77: 23, P12D77:23 in Prince William co. , Va. , P21Ap38:42, P4Ag38:41 in Princess Anne co. , Va. , 3J152:32, 15D52:32 in Richmond, Va. , 12S55: 32, PD15F70: 31— R15F70: 32, R15N70:31,PD13My73:41, P21Ap75: 31— D22Ap75: 32, D14N77:31 — P21N77:32 in Richmond co. , Va. , PD1 70x66: 41, R26My68: 33— PD19My68: 23, P19S77:13 in Rowan co. , N. C. , P30c77: 22 in Scotch town, Va. , PD21D69: 11 — R28D69:11 in Smithfield, Va. , 22My52: 31, PD21F71 : 32— R21F71 : 32, PD9 Ja72: 32 in Southampton co. , Va. , 24Ja51: 41, PD6N66:32, PD11D66:33, P13Je77:ll in Spotsylvania co. , Va. , PD20Ag67: 32, R18Oc70: 23, R9Je74: 22, Pi22D74: 32, P230c78: 31 in Stafford co. , Va. , R9Mr69: 33, RllMy69:32, P12D77:31 in Surry co. , Va. , PD26F67: 32, PD16Ap67: 31, PD15F70: 42, PD16Ag70: 42, R27F72: 31, PD3N74: 43— P14N74: 33, D29 Je76: 42, D28N77: 22, D19D77: 21, D26D77: 12, D13N78:11,D4D78:22 in Sussex co. , Va. , 12D55: 31, PD27Ag67: 31, PD2 Je68: 31, PD8D68: 31, PD9Mr69: 42, PD14D69: 32, PD13D70: 31, P8Mr76: 33, D1N76: 41 — P1N76: 33, DllAp77: 62, P230c78: 32— D6N78:32, D27N79:22 in Wakefield, Va. , P30c77: 31 in Warwick co. , Va. , PD21Mr71: 32, P12 J176: 33, P22N76: 33. D27D76: 42— 196 Cattle P27D76: 31, D20Je77: 22--P20Je77: 33, D30Oc78:41,D13N79:31 in West Point, Va. , PD24My70: 31 — R31My70:42 in Westmoreland co. , Va. , PD9N69: 31, P25Ag75: 81 — D26Ag75:32, P20Oc75:23, P160c78: 23, D160c78: 41 — P160c78:ll inWestover, Va. , D14Mr77: 61 — P14Mr77: 32, D19S77: 32— P19S77:12, P170c77:ll in Williamsburg, Va. , P4S46: 32, PD22Ag66: 31, PD18D66: 31, PD22Ja67: 33, PD16J167: 33— R23J167: 42, PD25Ag68: 32, R25Ag68: 32, PD12Ja69: 41, PD7D€9:32--R7D69:31, PD5Ap70: 41--R5Ap70sll, PD17Ja71 : 32, PD10 Je73: 23, P23F76:33--D24F76:33, D170c77: 22--P170c77: 31, D10J178: 32, D28Ag79: 31, D2Oc79:31,C15J180:21 in York co. , Va. , PD19F67: 32, PD3S67: 22, PD14Ja68: 32, R20J169:22, PD3Ja71:31, PDlAp73:32, PD9Je74:31, PD25Ag74: 31, PD8D74: 31, DllMy76: 23, D27D76: 42— P27D76:31,D21Mr77:12, D20N79:22 in Yorktown, Va. , 4Ja40: 41, P26 Ja76: 33--D27Ja76: 33 near Amherst courthouse, Va.,. D19F80:31 near Blandford, Va. , D3Ja77: 31 — P3Ja77s23 near Cabin Point, Va. , PD10c72: 23, D14Mr77: 12--P21Mr77: 21 near Dumfries, Va. , PDlAg71: 22 near Falmouth, Va. , PD28N71 : 31, P19S77:12 near Fredericksburg, Va. , PD15Ap73: 32--R15Ap73: 23, PD8J173:32 near Halifax, N. C. , PD7N71: 31 — R21N71.-33 near Hanover, Va. , D21N77: 21 — P21N77: 32, C19F80: 12— D19F80: 31 near Hog island, Va. , 30Ja52: 41 near King George courthouse, Va. , PD16Ja72:33 near Monk's Neck creek, Va. , P13D76:31 near Petersburg, Va. , PD8D74: 23— Pi8D74:32 near Port Royal, Va. , PD10F74:32 near Richmond courthouse, Va. , R4D66:32 near Williamsburg, Va. , 17N38: 42, 10Oc55: 32, Pi9F75: 33, D2D75: 32 on Appomattox river, Va. ,12D51:41 on Chickahominy river, Va. , PD23D73s22 on Dan river, Va. , PD2N69: 32, D11S79:32 on Gwynn's island, Va. . P16Ag76: 32, P21Ag78:13 on King's creek, Va. , PD23J167: 32, P130c75: 23--D140c75: 33 on Pianketank river, Va. , PD8D74:31 — Pi8D74:33 on Pope's creek, Va. , R2 Je74: 23 on Roanoke river, Va. , 20 Ja38: 41, PD24Je73:33 on York river, Va. , PD29 Je69: 32— R29Je69:32 import to Gt. Brit, from Ire. free, PD22Ja67:21 imported to Cherbourg, Fr. , from Eng. , P3Mr75: 22— D4Mr75: 21 imported to Jamaica, W. I. , PD3S67:11 imported to St. John's, Nfd. , from America, R13S70: 21 impressment of, P28N77: 23 killed by British on Wicomico river, Md. ,D19Je79:31 killed by Indians, in western Pa. , PD7S69:23 killed by storm in Antigua, W. I. , PD290c72: 12— R290c72: 21 left by British on James island, S.C. , C3J179:22— D3J179:12 lost and found, 7N51: 31, 24Ap52: 32, 16My55: 22, 23My55: 22, 12D55: 41, PD14Mr66: 32, PD19N67: 23, PD26N67: 32, R23My71: 32, PD19N72: 32, R26My74: 32, Pi22D74: 32, P8N76s21, D19D77: 42, D23 Ja78: 31, D13N78: 32, D27N79: 31 at Booker's ferry, Va. , D7Mr77: 42 at Jockey's Neck, Va. , 27Ag56: 41 at King's creek, Va. , PD10Mr74: 32— R10Mr74:31 at Osborne's, Va. , PD28My72: 31 at Vineyard, York co. , Va. , PD13Je71:33 in Accomac co. , Va. , PD210c73: 31 in Albermarle co. , Va. , 5S55: 42, 250c65s41, PD26Mr67: 33, PD7Ap68: 32, PD22D68: 33, PD13 J169: 32, R17Ag69: 32, PD14My72: 31, Pil90c75: 33, D110c76: 71, P10J178: 41, C13N79: 22, D13N79:41 in Amelia co. , Va. , 8My52: 32, 30c55: 32, 27Ag56: 42, PD20N66: 31, PD11D66: 33, PD30J167: 33, R14Ap68: 33, R12Mv68: 31, R12My68: 41, R23 Je68: 32, PDllMy69: 33, R16N69: 41, PD24My70: 43, PD10 Ja71 : 42, PD6Je71: 33, PD15Ag71: 33, PD5D71:33, PD19D71:33, PD26D71: 32, PD2Ja72: 42, PD20F72: 41, PD17S72: 31, PDllMr73:32, PD13My73:43, PD27My73:31,R4Ag74:41, PD3N74: 43, PD3N74pll, Pi5 Ja75: 33, D28 Ja75: 33, P16Je75: 32, Pi20Ja76: 41, P19Ap76: 43, P24My76: 43, P30Ag76: 42, D27D76: 42, P14Mr77: 42, P16My77s32, P23My77: 42, P23My77: 43, P30My77: 41, P30My77: 42, P27 Je77: 42, P170c77: 41, P170c77: 42, D19D77: 42, P10J178: 42, P10J178: 43, D17J178: 32, D15My79: 32, D160c79: 32, D230c79: 32, C19F80: 12 in Amherst co. , Va. , PD22N70: 33, PD13D70: 32, PD170c71: 32, R21N71: 43, PD19N72: 32, PDllMr73: 32, PD25N73: 31, P17N75sl2, P23Ag76sll, P1N76: 42, P1N76: 43, P7F77: 43, P6Je77: 12, P170c77: 41. D26D77: 31, D9Ap79: 32, D15My79: 32, D29My79: 32, D20N79:11 in Augusta co. , Va. , R18 Ja70: 43, R12 J170: 42, P29D75: 41, P1N76: 41, P7F77: 43, P23My77: 43, P29Ag77: 41, D5S77: 32, P21N77: 42, D5D77: 12, P12D77:33, P19D77:41 in Bedford co. , Va. , PD23Ap67: 32, PD21My72: 23, R5N72: 23, D3 Je75: 41, P28J175:23,D13Ja76:33, P24My76: 43, P24My76sl2, P16Ag76s22, P1N76: 42, P20D76: 23, D16My77: 31, P29Ag77: 42, P170c77: 43, P21N77: 42, D230c79: 32, C18D79:12 in Berkeley co. , Va. , P30My77: 42 in Botetourt co. , Va. , PD12D71 : 33, PD140c73: 31, D10J178: 42 in Brunswick co. , Va. , PD240c66: 32, PD10Mr68: 32, PD1S68: 31, R5Ja69: 42, PD30Mr69: 33, PD7Je70: 41, R28Mr71 : 21, PD23My71 : 31, R30My71:23,R26S71:43, PD10c72: 31, PD13My73: 43, R2Je74: 31, P9Je75: 31, P5Ap76: 43, P24My76sl3, P8N76: 41, P20D76: 23, P27 Je77: 42, P29Ag77: 41, D19D77: 42, D23 Ja78: 42, D10J178: 42, P10 J178: 43, D14Ag79: 32, C30Oc79:31 in Buckingham co. , Va. , PD14Ap68: 32, R20Ap69: 32, PD15Je69:33, R15N70:43, PD14N71: 23, PD17 Je73: 41, PD4N73:31,PD3N74:43, Pil6F75:33, D22Ap75:33, D15Je76:62, P16Ag76s22, D8N76: 32, P23My77: 42, P23My77: 43, P21N77: 43, D12Je79: 41, C27N79: 22 in Caroline co. , Va. , 30Ja52: 41, PD3Mr68: 32, PD18Oc70: 32, R15N70: 43, R170c71: 32, R5Ag73: 31, PD2Je74: 33, R4Ag74: 41, D11F75: 32, Pi6Ap75sl2, D3 Je75: 41, P60c75: 42, P24My76sl2, P7F77: 43, P4Ap77: 43, P30My77: 42, Pll J177: 42, P12D77: 33, D5Mr79: 41, D160c79: 32, C13My80: 42 in Charles City co. , Va. , PD10D72: 32 in Charlotte co. , Va. , R16N69: 33, PD150c72:32, PD21Ja73:32, RllMr73: 33, PD5Ag73: 31, Pil4S75: 33, P8D75: 33, D9D75: 33, P2F76: 33, P5Ap76: 42, P10My76sl2, D15 Je76: 62, D20J176: 51, P7Mr77s24, D7Mr77: 11, D2My77: 72, P23My77: 43, P27Je77: 43, P5D77: 23, P12D77: 33, C15My79: 41, C15My79: 42, D5Je79: 32, D230c79:32 in Chesterfield co. , Va. , 19 J154: 41, 25Ap55: 31, 22Ap57: 41, PD27Ag67: 32, PD17S67: 22, PD9N69: 31, PD9N69: 32, PD8Mr70: 42, PD22Mr70: 42, PD19Ap70: 31, PD16Ag70: 43, PD20S70: 33, PD23My71: 31, PD25J171:23, PD14N71:23, R21N71:42, PD19D71 : 33, PD26D71 : 32, PD19Mr72: 32, PD10c72: 31, PD5N72: 33, R17D72: 31, R22Ap73s21,PD5Ag73:31, PD19Ag73: 22, PD8S74: 32, Pi20Ja76: 41, D21S76: 42, P14Mr77: 43, P16My77s32, P27 Je77: 43, D12Mr79: 32, C15My79:42, D13N79:22 in Cobham, Va. , D6 Je77: 32 in Culpeper co. , Va. , 22S52: 32, 14N55: 31, 12D55: 42, 22Ap57: 32, 30N59: 42, PD18Oc70: 32, R5S71 : 41, R19My74:43,R4Ag74:41, P24Mr75:42, P29D75:41, 197 Cattle, lost and found in Culpeper co. , Va. (cont'd) P1N76: 41 , P16My77s32, P14N77: 32, P10J178: 41, D13N78: 32, D19Je79: 32, D26Je79: 32, C30Oc79: 31, C6N79: 33, D27N79:31 in Cumberland co. , Va. , 12D55: 32, 22Ap57: 41, PD20Je66: 32, PD20N66: 31, R4D66: 31, PD25Je67: 32, R14Ap68s21, PD9Je68: 32, PD15Je69: 32, R25My69: 41, R50c69: 31, PD19Ap70: 33, R12J170: 43, R23Ag70: 42, PD1N70: 23, R15N70: 43, RIO Ja71 : 42, PD18Ap71 : 33, PD25Ap71 : 32, PD23My71 : 31 , PD25 J171 : 23, R220c72: 33, R19N72: 32, PD15Ap73: 32, PD12Ag73: 32, P60c75: 32, D20Ap76: 33, P30Ag76: 42, D8N76: 32, P4Ap77: 43, D16My77: 22, P30My77: 42, P30My77: 43, D27Je77: 32, P170c77: 43, D13N78: 32, D4D78:32,C3J179:43 in Dinwiddie co. , Va. , PD2My66: 32, PD10Oc66:42, PDUa67:43, R19F67:33, PD5Mr67:32, PD16Ap67: 32, PD12N67: 31, PDllMy69: 33, R16N69: 33, PD18 Ja70: 42, R5Ap70sl2, R31My70: 33, R7Je70: 31, R12J170: 41, R15N70: 43, PD22N70: 33, PD5D71 : 33, PD26D71 : 32, PD10c72: 31, PD5N72: 43, PD26N72: 31, R26N72: 22, PD18Mr73: 33, PD27My73: 31, PD21 J174: 32, PD1D74: 31, D11F75: 32, D28Mr77: 32, P4Ap77: 43, D29Ag77: 31, P29Ag77: 43, D310c77: 31, P6Mr78: 42, D8My79: 32, D27N79: 32, D18D79:31,C19F80:32 in Elizabeth City co. , Va. , P29Ag77:42 in Essex co., Va. , PD22D74: 31, P16 Je75: 32, P29Ag77: 42, P6Mr78: 42 in Fairfax co. , Va. , 14N55: 31, 7N55: 31, PD9J167: 33, PD26My68: 31, R21N71: 43, RIO Je73sl2, R280c73: 32, P8Ag77:33 in Fauquier co. , Va. , PD10D67: 32, R17Ag69: 31, PD7S69: 33, PD21D69: 41, R12J170: 42, R15N70: 43, R10Ja71: 42, R23My71: 32, R18J171:41, R27F72: 32, PD3S72: 31, PD19N72: 32, R18N73: 32, Pi27J175: 33, P180c76: 32, D26D77: 32, P10J178:41, P10J178: 42, C15My79: 32 in Fluvanna co. , Va. , C3J179: 33, C3J179: 43, C28Ag79: 33, D27N79: 32 in Frederick co. , Va. , R12My68:41, PD9N69: 32, PD16N69: 31, PD25Oc70: 31, R5S71: 32, R29Ap73: 31, R29Ap73:33 in Gloucester co. , Va. , R19N72: 31, P170c77:42, P21N77: 22 in Goochland co. , Va. , 27Ag56: 42, 2S57: 31, PD240c66: 32, PD11 Je67: 33, PD16 Je68: 32, R27Ap69: 31, R18 Ja70: 43, PD170c71 : 32, PD19D71 : 33, PD13Ag72: 31, PD29Ap73: 31, PD21 J174: 32, Pi6Ap75sl2, Pil5 Je75: 33, Pi260c75: 33, P24My76: 43, P21N77: 42, P21N77: 43, D25S79: 32, D25S79;32 in Halifax co. . Va. , 240c55: 31, PD5My68: 32, PD5N72sll, R6My73s23, R26My74: 32, PD19My74: 43, D25Mr75: 32, P5Ap76: 43, P10My76sl2, P24My76sl2, P170c77: 42, P170c77: 43, P21N77: 43, D10J178: 42, P10J178: 43, D13N78: 32, C30Oc79: 32 in Hanover co. , Va. , 13F52: 41, 3J152: 41, 19J154: 32, 12F62: 32, PD170c66: 33, PD14My67: 32, PD14 Ja68: 32, PD18Ag68: 32, PD22S68: 31, PD21D69: 33, R16Mr69: 42, PD14 Je70: 33, PD10 Ja71 : 42, PD14N71 : 23, PD26D71 : 32, PD13Ag72: 31, PD23D73: 31, R16Je74: 32, Pil8My75: 33, Pi31Ag75: 33, P270c75: 23, Pi30N75: 33, D15Te76: 52, D22 Je76: 62, D10Ag76: 71, P29N76: 32, D27D76: 22, P14Mr77: 42, P29Ag77: 12, D170c77: 21, P170c77:41,P170c77:43, D8My78: 62, D14Ag79: 32, D26F80: 13 in Henrico co. , Va. , 310c55: 22, PD6Ag67: 32, R2N69: 23, R15F70: 41, PD170c71: 32, PD29Ap73: 31, R6My73s23, R13My73: 32, R10Je73sl2, PD8J173: 33, PD7Ap74: 32, PD60c74: 33, PD17N74: 23, D25Mr75: 32, D20J176: 51, P1N76: 41, P4Ap77: 43, P30My77: 42, D21N77: 21-- P21N77: 32, P12D77: 33, D14N77: 42, D30Oc78:32,D13N78:32 in Isle of Wight co. , Va. , PD24Ag69: 41, PD24S72: 23, PD5My74: 32, P27Je77:43, P4J177:33 in James City co. , Va. , R20J169: 23, PD13D70: 22, R12Mr72: 33, R27Ja74: 41, D16D75: 23, P17My76: 33, D18My76: 23, PHOc76: 33, P17 Ja77: 43, P10J178: 43, D24J179: 32, D4S79.-32 in King and Queen co. , Va. , P6Mr78: 32, D22My79:42 in King George co. , Va. , PD12N67:23, R13J169:42, R12J170:42, R26S71:32, PD13My73: 43, PD23D73: 31, PD10F74: 32, D29J175: 42, D13N78:32 in King William co. , Va. , 27F52: 41, 24 J152: 32, 17N52: 31, 28Mr55: 32, 19D55:31,PD20N66:31, PD16J167:41,R24D67:34, PD12N67:23, PD21Ja68:32, R31My70: 32, PD7Je70: 32, PD21My72: 23, R19N72: 23, R18F73.-32, PD13My73:43, R25N73:42, P16Je75:23, P270c75:23, DlAp80: 32 in Loudoun co. , Va. , PD30Ap67: 33, R14Ap68: 44, R190c69s22, R15N70: 43, PD12Mr72: 33, R19My74: 43, P24My76sl3, P8N76: 32, D25Mr80: 33 in Louisa co. , Va. , 12Je52: 31, R14Ap68s21, PDllMy69: 33, R26J170: 23, PD2J172: 32, PD30J172: 33, PD290c72: 23, PD10D72: 32, PD2D73: 31, PD23Je74: 31, D25My76: 23, P16My77s32, P27Je77: 43, P6Mr78: 32, C3J179:33 in Lunenburg co. , Va. , R25Ag68: 32, R260c69: 33, R2N69: 41, PD9N69: 32, PD15F70: 42. R170c71 : 32, PD25Je72: 33, PD15Ap73: 32, D10 J178: 42, C15My79: 32, C15My79: 41 in Mecklenburg co. , Va. , PD7My67:41,RllF68:33, PD23My71: 31, PD29Ap73: 31, R17Je73: 32, D29 J176: 71, P8N76s21, P14Mr77: 43, D2My77: 72, P21N77: 43, D12D77: 22, D23 Ja78: 42, P10 J178: 42, P10J178.-43, D21Ag79:31 in Middlesex co. , Va. , 7N54s22 in Montgomery co. , Va. , D5Je79: 32 in Nansemond co. , Va. , R16N69: 33, R18 Ja70: 33, D18Mr75: 33, D20D76: 22 in New Kent co. , Va. , 7N54s22, R23Ag70:33, P10N75sll in Norfolk co. , Va. , PD4F73: 32 in Orange co. , Va. , R25My69: 41, R14D69: 32, R23My71 : 32, RlAg71 : 41, PD2J172: 32, PD16J172: 33, PD19N72: 32, R16D73: 41, R4Ag74: 41, P10F75: 42, Pil5 Je75: 33, P19 J176: 42, D27S76: 42, P40c76sl3, P1N76: 41, P8N76: 41, P27Je77: 42, P29Ag77: 42, P21N77: 43, P19D77: 41, D26 Je79: 32, D230c79:32 in Petersburg, Va. , D10F76: 33 in Pittsylvania co. , Va. , R14D69: 32, R16 Je74: 32, D30My77: 31, P4 J177: 42, D22My79: 41, C30Oc79: 32, D160c79: 32, D230c79: 32, D18Mr80: 33 in Port Royal, Va. , PD2Je74: 33 in Prince Edward co. , Va. , 7N54: 41, PD2My66: 32, R270c68sl3, PD9N69: 31, R16N69: 33, R18 Ja70: 33, R13D70:43,PD15Ap73:32, PD10F74: 32, PD28Ap74: 32, R26My74: 32, PD22D74: 32--D7Ja75: 41, P2 Je75s43, D210c75: 33, P7Mr77s24, P14Mr77: 43, D9My77: 41, P9My77: 43, P170c77: 43, P12D77: 33, P10 J178: 42, D13N78: 32, C15My79: 42, D13N79: 22, D19F80: 42 in Prince George co. , Va. , PD15 Ja67: 33, R12 J170: 43, D11N75:33, D13D76:41 in Prince William co. , Va. , 10J152: 41, 240c55: 31, 310c55: 42, R13J169:33, R17Ag69:42, PD18Oc70: 32, R6My73s23, P17F75: 41, Pi2Mr75: 33, P17Mr75: 41, Pi25My75: 42, P20D76: 23, P7F77: 43, P7Mr77sl3, P12D77: 33, D19D77: 42, D9Ap79: 32, C15My79: 33, C28Ag79: 42, D160c79: 32, D27N79:31 in Princess Anne co. , Va. , PD26My68: 31, PD10F74: 32 in Southampton, Va. , R18J171:42 in Southampton co. , Va. , PD19Mr67: 33, R14 Je70: 43, Pi6Ap75sl2 in Spotsylvania co. , Va. , 27F52:41, 5Mr52: 32, 17Ap52: 32, 8My52: 32, 22My52: 32, 7N54: 42, 310c55: 22, PD20N66: 31, R12My68: 34, R22D68: 33, PD2N69: 42, PDllAp71: 33, R27F72: 33, PD14My72: 31, R5N72: 23, R2S73: 32, R9D73: 41, R15S74: 33, PD22D74: 32, Pi29D74: 33, P31Mr75: 33, Pi25My75: 33, Pi22Je75: 33, D26Ag75: 33, D9S75: 33, D9My77: 41, P27 Je77: 42, P27Je77: 43, P29Ag77: 42, P10J178:43,D26Je79:32 in Stafford co. , Va. , 250c65s42, R4D66: 41, R25Ag68: 32, R9Mr69: 31, R27Ap69: 31, PD10Ja71: 42, 198 Cauliflower seeds PD220c72: 31, PD5N72: 43, PD5Ag73: 31, R26Ag73: 23, R2S73: 23, D10 Je75: 42, PllAg75: 42, P1N76: 41, P16My77s32, P16My77s32, D28N77: 31, P10 J178: 41, D12Mr79: 32, D22My79: 41, D5Je79: 32, D26Je79: 12, C3J179: 41, C3J179: 43, C28Ag79: 32, C27N79: 23, D11D79:31,C27N79:23 in Surry co. , Va. , 10Ja52: 41, 3Ap52: 31, PD13Ag72: 31, PD25Mr73: 33, R18N73: 32, D7S76: 32, P8N76: 41 in Sussex co. , Va. , 12D55:41, PD22Ag66: 32, PD4F68: 33, PDllAg68: 31, PD22S68: 31, RUe69: 31, PD21 Je70: 33, R23Ag70: 33, R31Mr74: 33, Pi5Ja75:33,D5D77:31 in Westham, Va. , R7S69: 41 in Williamsburg, Va. , 10Ja[?]51:41, 19 J154: 42, 12D55: 41, PD25F68: 31, PD18My69: 31, PD23N69: 32, P9Ag76: 33, P27D76: 31, P17 Ja77: 43, D14Mr77: 62, P19S77: 23, P310c77: 32, P160c78: 33 in York co. , Va. , R12Mr67:43, PD9Mr69: 42, R27My73: 33, R10F74: 33, P23Ag76: 43, D21S76: 42, P4Ap77: 42, P30My77: 43, D8My78: 62, D21Ag79: 32 in Yorktown, Va. , R25D66: 41, PD30S73: 32, R30S73: 33, C15My79: 42 near Alexandria, Va. , R190c69s21 near Chiswell's mines, Va. , R22S68: 31 near Dumfries, Va. , P7Mr77sl4 near Falling river, Va. , R28Mr71: 33 near Occoquan ferry, Va. , 5Mr52: 32 near Petersburg, Va. , 22Ap57:41, P30My77:43 near Port Royal, Va. , P8Ag77: 32 near South Anna river bridge, Va. , D25Mr80:33 near Williamsburg, Va. , 9 Ja46: 42, Pil2Ja75:33 on Appomattox river, Va. , P4Ap77:43, P30My77: 43 on Deep creek, Va. , 16My55: 22 on Nottoway river, Va. , PD23My71:31 on Opeckon river, Va. , R20J169: 31 on Potomac river, Va. , PD13N66: 31 on Sappony creek, Va. , R13J169: 41 on Staunton river, Va. , R13J169: 33 on Turnip creek, Va. , R15Mr70s42 on Wallaces creek, Va. , D5Je79: 32 on Willis's river, Va. , R26Ag73: 23 lost at sea, R19F67: 22--PD26F67: 31, P26Ja76:21 lost in flood in Va. , PD6 Je71: 31 lost in storm in N. C. , R220c72: 21 mistreated, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD21J174p23 mortality in Den. , 10Ap46: 32 number taken by British in R. I. , Pi9N75:22 offered settlers in Ga. , 10S36: 42 perish in drought in S. C. , PD9S73: 23— R9S73:31 plague among in Newport, R. I. , cure for,R16N69:21 plentiful in Gloucester, Eng. , R15J173:31 plentiful in St. John's, Nfd. , R31My70:21 plentiful on Long island, N. Y. , D14S76:21 plundered by British in S. C. , D29My79:22 premiums for, PD4Ag74: 31 — R4Ag74:32, PD270c74: 23 postponed, Pil7N74: 32--PD17N74: 22 prevention of capture by British urged, D12Je79:22 price falls in Gloucester, Eng. , PD30Je68:21 price of in Eng. , PD13Je71: 21, PD25J171:21 in London, Eng. , PDllMr73: 21 in Prus.,PD18Mr73:21 in Surrey, Eng. , 14Ap38: 32 raising encouraged in Guadeloupe, W. I. , PD28J174:23 in Martinique, W. I. , PD28 J174: 23 recaptured in N. Y. , C9D80: 21 removal from British coast ordered, D160c79:21 sales regulated in London, Eng. , PD2Ap72:12 scarce in Boston, Mass. , P22D75: 31, D23D75:31 seized by Americans on Gwynn's island, Va. ,P19J176:32 seized by British, D14S76: 42 in Brookhaven, N. Y. , P13S76sl3-- D14S76:52 in N. J. , D27D76: 41--P27D76: 21 on Fisher's island, N. Y. , Pi7S75: 12 seized by Continental army near Woodbridge, N. J. , D18Ap77: 62 seized from American ship, D23S75: 23 seized from British in Somerset co. , N. J. , D7F77: 11--P7F77: 21 near [New] Brunswick, N. J. , D28F77: 31--P28F77sl2 seized from British ship, P270c75s21, PilOJa76: 21 — P12 Ja76: 22--D13 Ja76: 23 seizure from Americans authorized by Burgoyne, D19S77:11 sold at Williamsburg, Va. , fairs, 30N39: 32, 7D39: 41, 14D39: 31 sold in Carlisle, Eng. , R20Ja74: 31 stolen by British in Norwalk, Conn. , D8Ag77:ll by Indians in Pensacola, Fla. , PD8D68:13 from British in Long island, N. Y. , D8N76:21 — P8N76:22 from Tindon's island, P24My76: 12— D25My76:32 in Brunswick co. , Va. , PD25F68: 22 in Norfolk, Va. , PD12F67: 22 taken from Brenton's Neck, R. I. , by Americans, D4N75: 23 by British, D4N75: 23 from Fisher's island, N. Y. , by British, Pil4S75: 22 from Gardner's island, N. Y. , by British, Pil4S75: 22 from Hope island, R. I. , by British, Pi9N75:22 unusual sizes in Chester, Pa. , PDUa67:23 unusual sizes in Islington, Eng. , PDUa67:22 winter food for discovered in Eng. , PD29N70.12 See also Guernsey Cattle, horned, captured by Americans on Long island, Mass. , Pi3Ag75: 32— D5Ag75:23 by British on Point Judith, R. I. , D12Je79:22 demanded by British in Martha's Vineyard, Mass. , P230c78: 21 for sale, on Pianketank river, Va. , P10F75:42— D11F75:23 seized by Tories in German Flats, N. Y. ,P230c78:22 sold at Williamsburg, Va. , fairs, 7D39:41 Cattle, mortgaged, PD7My67: 32 for sale, in Pittsylvania co. , Va. , R30Ag70: 31 — PD30Ag70: 33 in Lunenburg co. , Va. , PD15D68: 31, R5Ja69:31 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD18My69: 32 Cattle breeding, encouraged in Gt. Brit. , PD22Ja67:22 on Prince Edward island (St. John's), PD6Je66:21 Catton, Benjamin, adv. drugs for sale, PD10Oc66: 41, PD11 Je67: 32, PD13Ag67:23 adv. for runaway indentured servant, HAg38:42, 27Mr46:42 adv. wig-making, 26S45: 41, 310c45: 31 death of, R26My68: 24 Benjamin, Dr. , PD20Oc68: 22— R270c68: 33, PD20Oc68: 23— R270c68:34 Mary, Mrs. , PD20Oc68: 23— R270c68: 34 William, P4Ap77:32 Caucusses, See Shipwrecks on Caughnawagas, American troops join, Pil6N75:31 attack on colonies feared, Pi3Ag75: 31 — P4Ag75pll N. H. frontier feared, Pi3Ag75: 32— D5Ag75:23 attempts to incite against Va. , D4N75: 22 attend conference at Fort Stanwix, PD1D68:23 attend conference at Johnson Hall, N. Y. , PD28Ap68: 22--R28Ap68: 22 chief meets with Gen. Washington, D10F76:31 chief of visits Cambridge, Mass. , D9S75:23 demands on Americans, P17N75: 31 join Canadians, D3 Je75: 31 — P2Je75s21 sent to Dartmouth college, D10F76: 31 Cauliflower, for sale, PD26Mr67: 32 in Petersburg, Va. , PD10Mr68: 32— R10Mr68:33 in Richmond, Va. , PD10Mr68: 32— R10Mr68:33 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD16D73: 31, PD3Mr74:32 imported, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. ,PD31D73:31 plentiful in Scot. , PD13S70s22 Cauliflower, varieties of, for sale, in Richmond, Va. , D3F76: 33 Cauliflower seeds, for sale, PD280c73:22 for sale in Petersburg, Va. , PD26Mr67:32 in Richmond, Va. , PD26Mr67: 32, R21 F71 : 33, PD10Oc71 : 32, D9S75:32 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD16D73: 31, Pi6Ap75:42 Cauliflower seeds, early, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 30N59: 32, PD3Mr74:32 Cauliflower seeds, English, for sale, in 199 Cauliflower seeds, English, for sale, in (cont'd) Richmond, Va. , PD10Oc71 : 32 Cauliflower seeds, late, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 30N59: 32, PD3Mr74:32 Cauliflower seeds, Malta, for sale, in Richmond, Va.,D3F76:33 Caulkers, emigration to Havana, Cuba, from Boston, Mass. , encouraged, PD15 J173: 22— R15 J173: 13 forbidden to leave Eng. , PD1S74: 21 unemployed in Deptford, Eng. , PD22J173:12 in London, Eng. , PD28Mr66: 13 See also Indentured servants as; Slaves as Cauls, wig, 4Ap51:41 for sale, in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD28S69: 31, PD10Oc71:31 in Yorktown, Va. , 25J151: 32 Caulton, Richard, 28N45: 41 Caumont, Chevalier, de, of the L'Actif, 5S55:21 Causell, Valentine, P29Ag77: 41 Causeways, in Suffolk, Va. , PD7F71: 23 method of improving, discussed in American philosophical society, PD11F73:22 over Sandy bay, Va. , R12Ag73: 22 Causey, Capt. John, of the Brothers, R7J168:22,R60c68:23 Causier, Capt. , 29My46: 31 Caustic, common, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD21S69: 41 — R21S69s21 Caustic, lunar, for sale, in Richmond, Va. ,5S55:32 in Williamsburg, Va. , 30N59: 32, PD21S69: 41— R21S69s21 Causzar, Capt. Thomas, of the Burwell, 22S52: 31, 14Mr55: 32, 28Mr55: 32 Cave, Belfield, D8My79:22 Benjamin, 27F52: 32, P21N77: 42 Reuben, Pi3Ag75: 33 Richard, PD5My68: 32 William, R4Ag74: 41 William, DD, author, 24My51: 32 Caveats, postponed, action on, Pi20Ap75:31 dismissed in council, PD13 Je66: 23 heard in council, PD7My72: 31 meeting of those interested in, PD9My71 : 32— R9My71 : 21 proceeded upon after oyer and terminer court, 3Ap52: 31 taxes on in Va. , RlAg71 : 13 Caven, earl of, [Richard], Gen. , Pi3Ag75: 32, D19Ag75: 22, D23D75: 22 Cavendish, Admiral, 6Ap39: 21 of the Princ. Carolina, 25Ja40: 2 Lord, R23N69:22 Mr., 18Ap51:32 Frederick, Lord, Pi260c75: 12-- D280c75: 21 John, 24Ag51:32 John, Lord, discusses colonies in parliament, D3F76: 12 discusses military policy in Commons, D40c76:ll favors conciliation with colonies, P19My75:22 opposes British policy in American revolution, P7Mr77: 11 opposes increasing British armaments, D17F76:31 opposes North's colonial policy, D31Ag76:ll— P13S76: 12 opposes sending mercenaries to America, D15Je76: 22 prepares Stamp act repeal bill, PD2My66:ll supports British colonies, N. Am. , P14Ap75sl2— D15Ap75: 22, P28Ap75s31— D29Ap75s23 W.H. ,D24Ap79:31 Cavendish square, London, Eng. , improvement of, 23 Je38: 31 Cavendish Square, Portsmouth, Va. , PD18Je67:33 Caver, Alexander, P160c78: 12 Caverbill, Thomas, 25Ap55: 22 William, 25Ap55: 22 Caverley, Dr. , PD21 Je70: 23 Cave's warehouse, Va., tobacco inspection at discontinued, D8 Ja80: 32 unclaimed tobacco in, R15Ap73: 32 Cavsbey, David, 310c55: 42 Cawdle, John, P14N77:33 Cawfield, Owen, P7Mr77s22 Cawley, Capt., of the Lydia, R5Ag73: 23 Asa, P16My77sll James, Capt. , of the Fame, 19J154:32 John, jailer, R30S73: 33 Cawn, Fanny, PD18Ag74:33 Jack,PD18Ag74:33 Cawsey, Capt. ,R26My68:41 John, Capt., of the Brothers, PD290c67:21,PD18F68:32, PD60c68:23 of the Planter, PD20Je 66:22, PD15Ja67:32,PD7Je70:31, PD13S70:23, PD16My71:23, PD20F72:32 of the True Patriot, PD27J169:32 Robert, Capt. , of the Hannah, PD17D67:32— R24D67:33, PD18Ag68:31--R18Ag68:32 Cay, Gabriel, comptroller of customs, PD28Ap68:23 , PD27Ap69:32 death of,PD10Ja71:32,R10Ja71:31 manager of lottery, PD30Mr69:33 orders arrest of Henry Allen, sr. , R31My70:33 settlement of estate of,R21F71:32 Cayce, Charles, PD30My71:31 Cayenne, Fr. Guiana, cession discussed, PDUJe67:ll Cayes, brig,DlMy79:22 Cayle, Benjamin, R17F74:32 Cayley, Tyw.. of the Lancaster, 25Ja40:2 Caylus, Monsieur, 4J145:22 29Ag45:22 Cayugas, attend conference at Fort Stanwix, N.Y. ,PD1D68:23 enemies to U.S. , P21Ag78:22 protest settlement on Ohio and Sus- quehanna rivers, D18Ap77:62 Cazneau, William, PD23Je74:12 Cealys plantation, PD3D72:22 Cearon, William, PD12S66:22 Ceaton, John, R18Oc70:31 Cecil, Capt., of the Sedley,RllF68:31 Cecil co., Md., See Indentured servants runaway from;Jails in Cecilia, ship, PD26Mr67:22 Cedar, brigs built of, Pi23Mr75:32 — D25Mr75:31— P31Mr75:41 lost at sea,PD80c72:31 schooners built of, PD20Ag67:33 ships built of,27Ag56:41,PD17Mr68:23, R19Ap70:31,PD14Je70:33,PD14N71:23, R3D72 :23 , D27 Ja76:41 , D17Ag76:31 , P30Ag76:41,P20S76:22—D21S76:42, D2My77:71, P9My77:41, P13Je77:32, D8Ag77:31— Pu8Ag77:33,D26S77:31, D26S77:31--P26S77:31, P7N77s23 used in fences, PD15Ag66:31 Cedar, Bermuda, ships built of, R7S69:33 Cedar, schooner, PD80c67:21 Cedar, sloop, R15S74:33 Cedar island, Va., See Shipwrecks on Cedar logs, exported from York district, Va., to London, Eng. ,21Mr45:41 Cedar point, Md. , See Warehouses in Cedar Point, Va., See Warehouses in Cedar posts, exported from Accomac district, Va., to Philadelphia, Pa., PD5S66s43,PD12S66:23 exported from James river, lower district, Va., to Grenada, W.I., RllAg68:24 exported from James river, upper district, Va., to Glasgow, Scot. ,R25D66:21, PD22Ja67:32 in Fairfax co., Va. ,PD31Mr74:32 — R31Mr74:32 in Princess Anne co., Va. ,P9My77sll Cedar timber, exported from Accomac district, Va., to Philadelphia, Pa., R25D66:13 for Spanish navy, PD7My67:13 in King and Queen co. , Va. , PD12Ag73:23 in York co. , Va. ,PD2Ap67:31 on Moccon island, P160c78:42 Cedars, the, Can., skirmishes at, P14Je76p32 surrender of, P9Ag76:22— D10Ag76:32 Cedars, the, Can., battle of , described, P21Je76:21— D22Je76:51 Celeriac seeds, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD16D73: 31, Pi6Ap75: 42 Celery, for sale,PD26Mr67:32 in Richmond, Va.,D3F76:33 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD3Mr 74:32 imported, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD31D72:31 Celery seeds, for sale, in Richmond, Va. ,D9S75:32, D3F76:33 in Williamsburg, Va. ,PD16D73:31, Pi6Ap75:42 Celery seeds, celeriac, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD26Mr67: 32 in Richmond, Va. , PD26Mr67: 32 Celery seeds, English, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD10Mr68: 32-- R10Mr68: 33 in Richmond, Va. , PD10Mr68: 32-- R10Mr68:33 Celery seeds, gommon, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD16D73: 31 Celerv seeds, Italian, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD26Mr67: 32, Celery seeds, long, for sale, in Richmond, D9S75: 32, D3F76: 33 Celery seeds, solid, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD3Mr74: 32 Celey's plantation. Va. , R26N72: 22, 200 Chairmakers R10D72:23,P8My78:22 Cellanies Triplex, pseud., PD14D69:23 Cellars, Thomas, 13Ja38:41 Cellars, in Fredericksburg, Va., P3Ap78:22 in Prince George co., Va.,D17Ja77:22 in Warwick co., Va. , 19J154:41 in Williamsburg, Va.,R6S70:32 See also Brick cellars;Stone cellars Cellars, described, in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD25Je67: 32 in Hanover co. , Va. , R12My68: 33, D4Mr80: 13 Cellers, George, P28N77:23 Cellini, Benvenuto, author, PD17S72:21, PD10Je73:31 Celsey, Steycher, P250c76:23 Celsus, Aurelius Cornelius, author, D24J179:31 Cely, William, PD8Je69:32 Censor, pseud. ,Pi6Ap75:21,Pil3Ap75:22, Pil3Ap75: 41, Pi20Ap75: 11, P22J175s43 Censorship, in Bristol, Eng. , P21Je76:13 in British paper, D22N76:11 in colonial post office authorized, PD22S74:23 in colonial post office denied, R30Je74:32 in London, Eng. , HMy39:31 of Halifax mail in London, Eng., D29N76:51 regulated by Continental congress, P10My76:ll«DllMy76:33 Census, of Grenada, W. I. , PD11J166:13 of houses in Phila. , Pa. , R8F70: 31 of Montserrat, W. I. , PD11J166: 13 of Nevis, W. I. , PD11J166: 13 of N. H. , 26S55: 12, PD11J166: 13 of N. J. , 26S55: 12 of N. Y. , 26S55: 12, PD11J166: 13 of N. C. , 26S55: 12, PD11J166: 13 of N. S. .PD11J166: 13 of Pa. , 26S55: 12, PD11J166: 13 of St. Christopher, W. I. , PD11J166:13 of St. Vincent, W. I. , PD11 J166: 13 of S. C. , 26S55: 12, PD11J166: 13 Centaur, H. ft S. , 5S51: 22, 24Ja52: 31, PD22N70sl2, PD31Ja71: 22, PD14Mr71: 31, PD25Ap71: 21, PD25J171: 21, PD27Ag72: 31, PD24Je73: 21, PD1J173: 13, PD26Ag73: 12, PD2S73: 12-- R2S73: 13, PD2S73: 21 — R2S73: 21 Center, John, R24 Mr 68: 34 Centinel, horse, R12My68:21 Centinel No. X, See Virginia-Centinel, No. X Centipede, privateer, D7Ag79:22 [Centlivre, Susannah], author, 10S36: 42, PD10Je73:32 Centurion, British ship, 25Ja40:2 Fr. man of war, PD2Ja72:13 H.M.S.,11F37:21,1J137:41,21N51:22, 24Ja52:22,28F55:31,26S55:12, PDlS74:23,D70c75:22,P130c75s21, Pil90c75:13— D210c75:13,P16F76:ll, P3My76:23— D4My76:32,D13J176:ll, PlAg77:22 ship,28F55:31 Cephalonia island, Gr. fortified by Venetians, PD28J174: 13 See also Earthquakes on;Hurricanes in Cerberus, H. M. frigate, PD22N70:21, PD2S73: 12— R2S73 : 13 , PD2S73 :21 — R2S73:21,D6My75:31,D70c75:21, D210c75:22,Pi260c75:21,D8Je76:32 H. M. S. , PD1J173: 22, Pi28Ap75: 21-- D29Ap75: 32, D6My75: 31, Pi28Ap75:21--D29Ap75:32,D6My75:31, P26My75:22,D17Je75s22,D70c75:22, D140c75:21,D140c75:32,Pil90c75:12, Pil90c75:13— P20Oc75:12,D21Oc75:13, Pil90c75:21— P20Oc75:21,Pi9N75:22-- P10N75:21,Pi6D75:21— D9D75:13, D6J176:81,D13J176:11,D13J176:41, D24Ag76:22,D7S76:21,D28F77:21 H.M. sloop, D10Je75:31,pil5Je75:23 ship, PD25Ag74:23, Pi28Ap75:22 — P28Ap75sl3,PlN76:21 Ceres, H.M.S. ,D9Ap79:21 ship,D15My79:21— C15My79:21 sloop of war,D12F79:32 Certificates, for Army supplies, re- quirements for,D15My79:ll issuance for provisions regulated by Congress, C15My79:23—D15My79:ll of title to slave, PDlAg66:31 Certificates of freedom, 9N39:41 regulated by Va. general assembly, 17Ap46:22 Cerus, sloop of war,D22Ja80:23 Cervantes, Saavedra Miguel de, author, PD18J171:33,PD25J171:43,PD8Ag71:43 Cesar, Fr. warship, PD1J173:21 Cesar, ship,25F37:41,28J138:41 Cethegus, pseud. ,PDUe69:13, PD13J169:31 PD25Oc70:ll Cette, France, See Imports to James river, upper district, Va., from; Shipwrecks off Ceuta, Mor., attack on by Moors rumored, R21Ja73:31 See also Moroccan army to;Earthquakes in;Spanish army to;Spanish navy to Cevallos, Pedro de, Capt. Gen.,D7N77:ll Ceylon, cession to British rumored, PD8N70:13— R8N70:22 Chace, Capt. ,PD14Ap74:13,Pil9Ja75:23 Mr.,PD27J169:21 George, Pi2F7 5:23 John, Capt., of the Elizabeth, D10Ag76:22 Samuel, Capt. ,D29J176:22 William, Capt. ,D29Je76:31 Chads, Capt.,DllMy76:31 of the Cerberus, Pi28Ap75:21 — D29Ap75:32,Pil90c75:12— P20Oc75:12, D210c75:13,D210c75:22 of the Scarborough, PD18Ag74:21 — R18Ag74:21 Chad's Ford, Pa., See Continental army near Chadwell, W. ,Pi24Ag75:33 Chadwick, Barnabas, Capt., of the Friendship, PD27N66:22 John, PD28J168:21— R28J168:21 Richard, 23D3 7: 32 Chaffin, Joseph, PD19J170:41 Nathan, R210c73:32,P18J177:43 Chafing dishes, for sale, in Fredericks- burg, Va.,PD18Ap66:33 in Norfolk, Va. ,PD25J166:23 Chains, for sale, at Surry courthouse, Va.,D20c79:31 in King William co., Va. ,PD14D69:32 — R14D69:31 in Petersburg, Va. ,D27S76:42 in Williamsburg, Va. ,31J146:61, PD15J173:32 imported to York district, Va., from Boston, Mass.,3N38:61 made of Virginia iron,D10J178:31 stolen, adv. for, R29N70: 32 Chains, jack, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va.,PD12D71:32 Chains, ox, for sale, in Norfolk, Va., PD25J166:23 Chains, pincushion, for sale, in Baltimore, Md. ,Pil8My75:33 Chains, surveying, for sale, at Williamsburg, Va. , 5S55:42 Chains, watch, for sale, in Fredericks- burg, Va.,PD18Ap66:33 in Norfolk, Va. ,PD25J166:23 in Petersburg, Va. ,PD310c71:31, PD290c 72:22 in Williamsburg, Va. ,PD10Oc71:31, PD11N73:23— R11N73:21, PD5My74:31-- R26My74:13,Pi20Oc74:31— PD20Oc74s22, Pi20Ap75:31— D22Ap75:32,D14N77:31, D28N77: 22, D8My78: 82, D160c79: 31 stolen in Fredericksburg, Va. ,P3Ja77s21 Chains, well, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PDllAp71:32, PD12D71:32, D27Je77:31,DlAg77:22 Chains and screws, for sale, in Din- widdie co., Va. ,PD10Mr74:32 Chair, single, for sale, in King William co., Va.,R60c68:24 in York co., Va. ,R24Mr68:34 Chair bottoms, imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from Antigua, W.I.,R11F68:31 Chair carriage, for sale, in Fredericks- burg, Va.,D5D77:22 Chair drivers, See Slaves as Chair harness, furniture for, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. ,PD26D71:31 — R6F72:42 Chair harness makers, See Slaves as Chair houses, PD6N66:31,D5Je79:32 in Henrico co., Va. ,D25My76:23 in Newcastle, Va. ,PD23Mr69:33, PD29Ap73:23,PD24Je73:33 in Norfolk co . , Va. ,R80c 72:31 in Petersburg, Va. ,R21J174:33-- PD28J174:32 in Prince George co., Va. , 17Ja51:42 in Tappahannock, Va. ,R15N70:23-- PD22N70:32 in Williamsburg, Va.,7N54:41, D5D77:21,P160c78:43 in Yorkstown, Va. ,PD18Ja70:41 near Petersburg, Va. ,D210c75:32 Chair repairing, adv. of, in Williams- burg, Va.,R29Ap73:31 Chair sheds, in Manchester, Va., D310c77:21--P310c77:13 Chairmakers, adv. for,7N51:22 in Botetourt town, Va.,Pi20Oc74:32 in Mecklenburg co,, Va. ,R23Ap72:41 in Petersburg, Va. ,PD3D72:23 in Williamsburg, Va. ,R14Ap74:32 adv. of, in Middlesex co., Va., P28J175:31 in Williamsburg, Va., HAp55:31, PD19Ag73:21--R19Ag73:32,P12Ja76:41, DlMy79:22 in Botetourt, Gloucester co., Va., Pi270c74:32 in Caroline co., Va. ,DlAp75:12 in Williamsburg, Va.,26S45:42 201 Chairmakers (cont'd) wages paid,R14Ap74:32 Chairmakers, apprentices, adv. for, in Williamsburg, Va. ,R8Ap73:33 runaway, from Middlesex co., Va., PD8Mr70:41--R15Mr70:42 Chairmakers, journeyman, adv. for, D28N77:21 at Northampton courthouse, Va., PD10N68:31 in Williamsburg, Va. ,R8Ap73:33, D40c76:72— P40c76sl3 near Hanover, Va. ,R13Ap69:33 poor workmanship of,DlAp75:12 runaway from Williamsburg, Va. , Pi23Mr75:33 Chairmakers' tools, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. ,C27N79:22-- D27N79:31 Chairmaking, adv. of, in Williamsburg, Va.,PD24Mr68:32 Chairs, as lottery prizes, R19Ja69:31 boycotted in Providence, R.I. , PD21Ja68:31 boycotted in Va. Association, PD25My69: ll--RUe69: 13 drawn as lottery prizes, PD13D70:31 for rent, in Northampton co . , N . C . , D15N76:31 for sale,PD26D71:31,Pi7S75:32, D20Ja76:31--Pi20Ja76:32,P26Ja76:41, P19Ja76:33--D27Ja76:41 at Burwell's ferry, Va. . PD7D69: 41 at falls of Potomac, PD22N70s22-- R29N70:31 in Blandford, Va.,D8N76:31 in Brunswick co„, Va. ,D90c79:12 in Charles City co., Va. ,P15N76:33 in Culpepper co., Va. ,P250c76:32 in Dumfries, Va. , P25J177:33 in Elizabeth City co. , Va. ,D17Ja77: 22 in Fairfax co., Va.,PD2Je74:32-- R2Je74:22 in Gloucester co. , Va. ,D17J179:32 in Hanover, Va. ,D24Ap78:31 in James City co., Va. ,Pil6F75:33-- P17F75:42--D18F75:31 in Jamestown, Va. ,PD2J172:32 in Jockey's Neck, Va. ,R22S74:33 in King George co., Va. ,R29N70:22-- PD29N70:23 in Louisa co., Va. ,D90c79:12 in Manchester, Va. ,D310c77:21 — P310c77:13 in Middlesex co., Va. ,PD25Je72:33 in Newcastle, Va. ,D30c77:32 in Petersburg, Va. ,Pi50c75:33, D13J176:21--P12J176:32 in Port Royal, Va. ,D11S79:32 in Williamsburg, Va. , 6Ap39:32, PD18Ap66:32 , PD28 J168:23 — R28J168:31,P30Ag76:33,P18Ap77s33, D2Oc79:31,C13My80:31,C15J180:21 in Yorktown, Va. ,PD11F73:23, D27Ja76:33--P26Ja76:33 near Fredericksburg, Va. ,R8J173:32 near Williamsburg, Va. , 10Oc55:32 imported to Accomac district, Va., from Boston, Mass. ,PD10Mr68:31 — R14Ap68:41 from R. I. . PD31Mr68:22--R14Ap68:41, PD7J168: 23--R7J168: 21 imported to James river, lower district, Va., from Boston. Mass. , 29D52: 32.28F55. 31 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , PD29S68: 23— R60c68:23 from Boston, Mass. , PD24D67: 32, PD29S68: 23, PD15D68: 23, PD22D68: 31, R12Ja69: 31, PD7S69: 31, PD28D69: 31, PD15F70: 22 from N. Y. , PD15F70: 22, PD7Je70: 31 from Phila. , Pa. , PD3F74: 22 from Piscataway, N. J. , PD28D69: 31 from Salem, Mass. , PD22Ja67: 32, PD15D68: 23, PD29D68: 23, PD28D69: 31 imported to York district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , 9D37:42 S ee also Black walnut chairs;Cherry chairs; Mahogany chairs;Pole chairs; Riding chairs ;Walnut chairs Chairs, double, as lottery prizes, PDllMy69:32 for sale, in Williamsburg, Va., PD18D66:31 Chairs, easy, for sale, in Gloucester co., Va.,D17J179:32 in Williamsburg, Va. ,D28Ag79:31 Chairs, gouty, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD25J166: 31 Chairs, house, exported from Accomac district, Va. , to R.I.,PD7My67:31 imported to Accomac district, Va. , from R.I.,PD5S66s43, PD12Mr67:32 Chairs, Italian, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD27Je71: 32 Chairs, Italian double, for sale, in Surry co., Va. ,RlMr70:32-- PD8Mr70:42 Chairs, Italian single, for sale, in Surry co., Va. ,RlMr70:32— PD8Mr70:42 Chairs, passage, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , D8Ag77: 22 Chairs, smoking, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , R8Ap73: 33 Chairs, top, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , P21Ag78: 31 Chairs, Windsor, imported to York district, Va., from Philadelphia, Pa.,R31Mr68:31 Chaise makers, adv. of, in Williamsburg, Va. . R14Ap74: 32 Chaise-marines, for sale, in Yorktown, Va.,P8Ag77:12 Chaises, adv. of, in Williamsburg, Va.,R21My72:23--PD18Je72:33, R7Ap74:32 boycotted in Providence, R.I., PD21Ja68:31 exported from Accomac district, Va., to Boston, Mass.,PD22D68:31 for sale,25Ja40:41,20Oc52:22, D2Ap79:31 in Chesterfield co . , Va. ,PD26S66:33 in King William co., Va. ,27Ag56:41 in Newcastle, Va. ,PD21J174:31 in Powhatan co., Va. ,C30Oc79:42 in Williamsburg, Va. , 12My38:41, 6Ap39:32,Ue39:42,260c39:41, 18Ap45:41,18Ap45:42,4S46:32, 18J151:32,R8Ap73:33 imported to York district, Va. , from London, Eng. ,20J139:41, 2N39:31, 25Ja40:4 taxes on in Ire. , PD4N73.21 202 Chaises, damaged, for sale, in West Point, Va.,PD29N70:23 Chaises, two wheeled, imported to James river, upper district, Va., from Boston, Mass. ,9Ja46:4 taxes on in Va. ,RlAg71:13 Chaldeas, pseud. ,PD16Ja72:32 Chaleurs, H. M. sloop, PD6Ag67: 22 Chalon, Fr., See Anecdotes from Chalk, captured by Americans, D13Ja76:42 for sale, in Petersburg, Va., PD10Je73:22 in Williamsburg, Va. ,PD3D67:32, PD12D7L32 import to Boston, Mass., allowed, PD24Ag69:21 Chalk, French, for sale, in Petersburg, Va.,PD10Je73:22 in Williamsburg, Va. ,PD240c71:31, PD290c72:22— R290c72:22 Chalk lines, for sale, in Norfolk, Va., PD25J166:23 Chalk stones, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , D12Je79: 32 Chalkley, ship, P17F75:33 Challes, Hugh, PD3Oc66:41,PD20Ap69:31, DllF75s23 Chalmer, Andrew, PD27F72:33 announces departure, D29J175: 32 escheated property of for sale, D22Ja80:33 quarrels with Wm. Henderson, PD11F73:23--R11F73:23 storekeeper in Richmond, Va., PD4F73-.31— R4F73:23 subscriber to meeting, PD30Je74:23 trustee for Archibald MKendrick, Pi20Ap75:32--D22Ap75:31 David, PD24S 72:23 Robert, Capt., of the Friendship, Chalmers, James, Capt. , of the Prince of Wales, PD6J169:32,PD10Ag69:32, PD24Ag69:32,PD24Ag69:33, PD23N69:31--R23N69:22,PD28Mr71:31 William, PD28My67: 32 Chamaty, Stephen, Capt., of the Sally, 3J152:32 Chambaud, Louis, author, PD2 5 F68:41, PD29N70:21,PD13D70:42,PD3Ja71:42, PD17Ja71:42,PD24Ja71:42,PD7F71:42, PD21F71:42,PD7Mr71:42,PD21Mr71:42, PD28Mr71:42,PD17S72:22,PD17S72:21, PD10Je73:32,PD10Je73:34,D24Ag76:63 Chamber of commerce, established in Charleston, S.C . ,R10Mr74:13 in Dominica, W.I. ,PD10D67:23 in N.Y.C., offers tea reparation, PD23Je74:21--R23Je74:31 praises Gen. Gage,PD8J173:31-- R8J173:31 Chamber pots, for sale, in Norfolk, Va PD25J166:22 in Williamsburg, Va. , 12Mr52:31, PD270c 74:31 Chamberlain, Mr., alias, 30My51: 22 James, R80c72:41 John, Capt. , of the Anne and Jean, 14Ag52:22 Philip, Capt.,P15Ag77:31,P5S77:33, P30c77:33 Richard, PD18Ap66:31 Chamberlaine, Miss, P30Ag76:31-- D31Ag76:22 Chaple Capt., of the Griffin, D25Mr80: 12 George, PD25J166:31 Philip, P7N77s21 Pye, PD21Ap68:32--R28Ap68:33 Chamberlayne, Mr.,lMr38:32 Mrs . ,26N36:42, 7Ja37:42, 10F38:41, P17F75sl3 Edward Pie, adv. for missing horses, 10Oc45:32 adv. land for sale,24My51:42 house of,PD7S69:32--R7S69:31 land of for sale, PD2N69:32-- R2N69:31 letter to in post office, PD18F68:31 plantation of for sale, PD8N70:31-- R8N70:12 settlement of estate, R190c69sl3 — PD2N69:43 Elizabeth, 14Ap38:41, PD7Ja68:33 Mary,D19Je79:32--C3J179:42 Rebecca, R190c69sl3—PD2N69:43, PD2N69-.32— R2N69:31,PD8N70:31 — R8N70:12,PD25N73:23,PD9Je74:31 Richard, 60c 52: 32 adv. finding horses, 60c 52: 32 adv. for missing horse, P6D76: 32 adv. land and slave for sale, PD2pOc68: 23 — R270c68: 33 adv. land sale, R21J168:33,R9N69:31 death of,P10J178:22 land of, for sale,D19Je79:32-- C3J179:42 plaintiff in suit,PD9Je68:31 — R9Je68:33 settlement of estate, D4D78:31 Richard, Capt. ,PD2N 69:32-- R2N69:31, PD8N70:31--R8N70:12, P14Je76:33 Roger, Capt., of the Molly, 270c52:21 Thomas, 30Ja52:41,24Ap52:22, 24Ap52:32,24J152:32,R31Mr 68:32, R25Ja70:ll-- PD15F70:23 Thomas & co. , 31J146: 51 William, 14Ap38:41 Chamberlin, Thomas, R23My71:32 Chambers, Capt. ,PD7Mr66:42, PD26N67:23, PD26Ag73:12, PD23Je74:21— R23Je74:31,R15S74:31 of the John and William, 7N51:22 of the Leopard, 11F37:22 of the London, PD 5 My 74: 22 of the Montague, 20Je45:31 Mr.,PD21Mr66:31 Sgt. , PD5Ap70:22— R5Ap70:31 Ephraim, author, 24My51:32, PD12My68:31,R20J169:23, PD29Ag71:33,D25N75:ll,D30D75:ll, D24F76:43 , D2Mr76:41 , D9Mr76:41 , D25My76:43 James, Capt. , PD15S74:32,Pi31Ag75:32 James Taylor, PD7J168:23 John, 250c65s41, PD22Mr70: 32, P17Ja77:33,P4J177:33 Joseph, 2S57:42 Wil., of the Bristol, 25 Ja40:2 Chambers & Montgomery, Pi270c74:31— PD270c74:31 Chambery, Fr . , See Fires in Chamblis, Henry, jr., PD12Mr 72:33 John,P26J176:32 Chambliss, Mr. ,R9 My 71:43 Chambliss, John & co. ,4N63: 23 Chambly, Fort, Can., attack on planned, P270c75sll British defense at,DHS79:22 burned by Americans, D3Ag76: 11 captured by Americans, D18N75:22 capture by Americans rumored, D210c75:23,P270c75s22 surrender of, Pil6N75:31,P17N75:31, D6Ap76:21 See also Continental army in;Prisoners of war, British, transferred from; Smallpox, in Chambord, sloop, PD29S68:21--R29S68:21 Chambron, Monsieur, 28N45-.12 Daniel, RlAg71:32,PD5My74:13, D14Mr77:22,D5F80:31 Chamles, John, jr. , PD18Je67:33 Chamney, Capt. , of the Experiment, 13Je51:32 Christopher, 19J154:41, 7N54:32 Chamney, Chapman and, 7N54:32 Chamois gloves, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD22N70s23 Chamois shoes, for sale, in Yorktown, Va. , PD25F68: 31, R25F68: 31 Champ, William, PD5Mr67:32 Champe, Col. ,R18Ja70:31 John,PD24Mr74:32 adv. against attaching debts, 25Ap51:31 adv. for lost merchandise, 13 Je51:41 adv. for runaway convict servant, HAp55:31,RllMy69:43 adv. promise to indemnify Robert Shields, 14 Mr 51:42 death of, Pi5Ja75:32, D7Ja75:23 executors of, PD29Ja67:13 holds mortgage, PD9Mr69:32— R9Mr 69:23 household goods of for sale,Pil5Je75:33- D17Je75s22 plaintiff in Chancery court, 16Ja61:42 settlement of estate of,P28N77s21 John, Col.,20Oc52:22,R10F74:33 dispute with Benjamin Grymes, R3Mr68:33,PD15F70:22— R15F70:32 holds mortgage of Gyrmes,R23Mr69:31, R18Ja70:32 William, PD7My67:33,R23Mr69:31, PD15F70:22— R15F70:32,R29Mr70:31, Pil5Je75:33— D17Je75s22,D14N77:32 — P14N77.31 William, Col. , PDllMy69: 32, R30N69:31,R18Ja70:32 Champion, ship,PD30J172:23, D24Ap79:22 snow,PDHAp71:23 Champlin, Samuel, Capt. ,DllMy76:31 of New London privateer, P4Ap77sll Champman, Phineas,P29D75sl2— Pi30D75:32 Champney, Mr. ,R26J170:13 Champney's wharf, in Charleston, S.C., Pi6J175:23— D8J175:23 Chance, William, D11J177:32 Chance, American ship,DlN76:12 brigantine,PD28Mr66:33,DHS79:21 privateer, P21Je76:21— D22Je76:51, P28Je76:13 schooner, D18D79:21 ship,PD28Mr71:12,PD12Ag73:31, R7J174:32,D7Ja75:21,DlAp80:13 Chancellor, Capt.,PD25Ag68:21-- R25Ag68:23 Samuel, Capt. , of the Queen of the May,PD4Ap71:23,PDllAp71:23 Thomas, Pvt. , D27N78: 22 Chancey, Dr., author, PD26D71:31 William, PD18Ag74:32 Chancy, John,D3Ag76:32 William, D3Ag76:32 Chandler, Capt. , of the Rose Galley, 2S57:11 Dr.,PD6Je71:31 Rev. Mr.,28N51:32 Charles Winfrie, PD19Ag73:22 David, R15J173:41 J.,R1S74:22 Richard W.,PD12S71:33 Samuel, Rev. Mr., author, PD25F68:41, PD29N70:21,PD13D70:42,PD3Ja71:42, PD17Ja71:42,PD24Ja71:42,PD7F71:42, PD21F71:42,PD7Mr71:42,PD21Mr71:42, PD28Mr71:42,PD18J171:23, PD25J171:33,PDlAg71:41,PD8Ag71:41 Thomas, PllAp77s32 Thomas, D27N78:22 Thomas B., Dr., author, P026D71:31 Chandlers, Charles, R18Mr73:33 Chandlers, adv. of,D29J176:52-- P26J176:32 in Norfolk, Va. ,R22Mr70:32, PD9My71:32--R23My71:41 in Norfolk, Va. , PD27Ap69:32 in Williamsburg, Va. ,D90c78:32, C28Ag79:42 See also Convict servants as;Indentured servants as Chandlers, tallow, adv. of, in Norfolk, Va.,PD26D71:31 Chandlery, See Ships chandlery Chandoin, Francis, 2S57:42 Chandos, Duke of, D19F79: 21 Changeling, horse, PD6Je66: 31 Channel islands, Eng. , See British army to;Guernsey and Jersey islands Channels, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD30Je68: 31 Chantaloup, M. ,PD16Ja72:32 Chanteloup, Fr., See Carnivals in Chapeau Rouge Bay, N.S. , battery to be built on,4J145:22 See also Ships to Boston, Mass., from Chapel, David, P18Ap77sll See also Chappel; Chappell Chapell, Peter, PD10Mr68: 22 Chapelle M. de, author, PD8J173: 12 Chapels, in Amelia co., Va.,27D51:32 in Cabin Point, Va. ,D28F77:31 bids for repairing adv. for, PD21My72:23 in Granville co., N.C. ,PD26Ja69:33 in Sussex co., Va. ,R190c69s22 Chapes, for sale, in Smithfield, Va., PD4Ag68:31 in Williamsburg, Va. ,PDUAp66:41, PD19S66:31,PD4Je67:33 Chapes and tongs, for sale, in Baltimore, Va. ,Pil8My75:33 in Williamsburg, Va . , PD3D67:32 , PDllAp71:32 Chaplain, Joseph, R24D67:42 Chaplains, adv. for,P13S76:33, D14S76:62 by minutemen,Pi28S75:32-- P29S75:33--D30S75:33 for Va. regiment, 12th, P21F77:22 needed in Va. Council, R23N69:23 Chaple, John,P20Je77:13 George, R14S69:31,R22J173:33, PD30S73:31 203 Chaple (cont'd) Henry, D16D75:23 Chapline, Culp &, payment of debts due requested, P13D76:23 Chapman, Capt. , PD21N71:13, P14Je76:23— D15Je76:42 of the Elizabeth, 7N51:22 Mr.,16My45:32,Pil2Ja75:31-- D14Ja75:23 Alexander, PD12Mr67:13 Allen, D10J178:22 Benjamin, PD6My73:31 adv. estate for sale, PD4Ap71:31 adv. finding hogs, PDllMy69:33 adv. land and slaves for sale, P27S76:13 adv. sawyers for hire, PD14F71:32 estate of, for sale,PD4Mr73:33-- R4 Mr 73: 32 requests payment of debts, PD4Ag68:31 Cornelius, 27Ag56:32 Edmund, Dr., author, PD18J171:31, PD25J171:41,PDlAg71:42,PD8Ag71:42 George, Capt., of the Mary and Jane, PD18Ag74:31 , PD25Ag74:22, R25Ag74:33,PDlS74:32— R1S74.23, R8S74:31,DlAp75:31 George, translator, 24My51:32 Henry, PD8S68:22 Isaac, P21 Mr 77: 12 James, D26D77:21 James, Capt., of the Croule, 240c55:21,27Ag56:31 of the Nottingham, 23Ja46: 42 John, PD22Ap73:31--R22Ap73:33, R4Ag74:41,PD3N74pll,P27S76:13, D19D77:32 John, Capt., of the Shark, P6S76:23, D7S76:12 Joseph, 2S57: 41, D25Mr80: 33 Joseph, Capt.,PD17Ap67:32 Nathan, Private, R14Ja73:13 Nathaniel, 17F38: 31, 10Ja[?]51: 42, 310c51:32,3N52:21 Pearson, R10Ja71:42,C18D79:13 R.,D30Oc79:31 Richard, adv. lease of land for sale, PD13Ag72:22 adv. settlement of estate, D90c79:31 adv. tenement for sale,P16My77:33 adv . ward ready to return to army, P25Ap77:32 alias of William Jones, R24Mr68:33, PD21Ap68:23, PDllMy69s33 — RllMy69:32,PDlJe69:23--RlJe69:31 chooses minister in, St. Paul's parish, Va. ,D90c78:32 discusses clergy in Va. , P30Oc78:31 guarantees White's woolen manufactory, Pi270c 74:31 letter to, in post office, PD12Mr67: 13 sentenced for felony, 14N55:21 tried for felony, 240c55:21 Samuel, PD8D74:31--Pil5D74:33 Thomas, P7Mr77sl4, P27Je77:42, P10J178:41,D25S79:32,D11D79:31 Will,P27S76:13 William, PD28My67:32,R20Ap69:23 William, Capt. , PD4Ap71:31 William S. sheriff, R7S69: 32 Chapman & Chamney, 7N54: 32 Chapone, Hester, Mrs., author, DllF75s23 Chappel, Peter, R12Mr67:22 Robert, R12J69:33 See also Chapel Chappell, James, P25Ag75:82 Robert, R8F70:33 Thomas, D29Je76:42 William, D9Ag80:33 See also Chapel Chapwamsick meeting house, Va., PDlAg71:22 Charactacus, pseud. ,D2S75: 12 Character sketches, on nationalties, PD8Ap73:21 Charcoal, for sale, at Buckingham furnace, Va. ,D19F80:33 from Strontian, Scot. , PD10D72:21 used in gunpowder, P16F76s23 Chardoon seeds, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 30N59: 32 Chares, Lewis, jr . , PllAp77s23 Charge, George, PD15D68:23 -- R15D68:21 Charidoin, Francis, PD7Ap68:32 Charing Cross, London, Eng . . See Anecdotes from;Brracks in Chariot repairing, adv. of, in Williamsburg, Va. ,R21My72:23 — PD18Je72:33 Chariot rooms, on Roanoke river, D16Ag80:31 Chariot wheels, for sale, PD6N66:31 in King William co. , Va. , PD6N66:31 Charioteers, See Slaves as Chariots, adv. for, C11D79: 12-- D11D79:22 in Williamsburg, Va. , R7Ap74:32 bartered for country produce, DlAp80:23 for sale,130c38:42,7Mr51:32, 5Mr52:31,D17F76:33 for sale, at the Brick House, New Kent co., Va. ,PD30Oc66:23 at Kingston glebe, Va. ,PD13D70:31 at Marlborough, Va. , PD9My71:32-- R9My71:21 atWestover, Va. , P170c77:ll in Charles City co., Va. , PD21N71:23, D19S77:32--P19S77:12, in Cumberland co. , Va.' , PD5Mr72: 32- R12Mr72: 32 in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD29Ag71: 33 inGosport, Va. , PD17D67:32 in Hampton, Va. ,D19F79:32 in Henrico co. , Va. , PD13J169:32-- R13J169:23 in James City co., Va. ,PD26F67:31, Pil6F75:33--P17F75:42--D18F75:31 in Jockey's Neck, Va. ,R22S74:33 in King William co., Va. ,28F55:32, PD6My73:31,P29N76:31 in Lancaster co . , Va. , Pi23Mr75:33-- P24Mr75:33--D25Mr75:31,P3Ja77:23 in Norfolk, Va. , PD13Je66: 32, PD18Ja70:32,PD14F71:32, PD10D72:23 in Prince George co., Va. ,D31Ja77:72- P31Ja77:32 in Richmond, Va. ,DllMr75:32 in Rocky Ridge, Va. , PD26Mr67:33 in Spotsylvania co. , Va. , 17Ap46:42 in Surry co., Va. ,R27F72:31 in West Point, Va. , PD24My70:31-- R31My70:42 in Williamsburg, Va. , 6Ap39:32, 260c39:41,240c45:41, 19S51:41, 7N54s21, PD6N66:22. PD18D66:32, PD30Ap67: 32, PD21D69: 11-- R28D69: 12, PD5Ap70: 41-- R5Ap70sll, PD22N70: 23, PDllAp71: 32, PD5Mr72: 32, PD22Ap73: 32, P7Je76: 33, DlAp80: 23 in Yorktown, Va. , 16Ag51:32, 18Je52:22 on Pope's creek, Va. ,R2Je74:23 near Blandford, Va. ,D3Ja77:31-- P3Ja77s23 imported, unclaimed, adv. of, PD26N72:22 lost in fires, PD310c71:21--R310c71:32 painting of , adv., in Williamsburg, Va., P15D75:33 taxes on in Va. ,RlAg71:13 Virginia made, PD22N70:23 Charity, accounting required in Gt. Brit., PD12My68:12 bequests for in Fr . ,27J139:12 by British actors, R9Mr 69:11 by George HI, PD12Mr72:22-- R12Mr72:12 by king in Portsmouth, Eng. , PD9S73:21--R9S73:12 dispensed by Church of England, 27J139:21 dispensed in Fr . , 17Ag39:12 essay on,R13Ja74:33 for Continental soldiers' families, in Medford, Mass . , P5D77.21 for smallpox sufferers, in Boston, Mass. 30J152:22 for soldiers' families in Va. ,D4J177:51 gifts for,PD7Ja73:32--R7Ja73:33 in Abingdon, Eng. , PD21Ap68:13, PD30Mr69:32--R30Mr69:21 •in Albany, N.Y. ,R16D73:33 in Aus.,R60c68:ll in Barbados, W.I. , PD20Je66:22 in Bath, Eng. , PD23Ap67:21 in Bedfordshire, Eng. , PD23J167:11-- R23J167sll, PDlAp73:13, Pi5Ja75:12 in Berkshire, Eng. ,R11D66:21 in Bordeaux, Fr.,R4N73:13 in Bretagne, Fr. ,R30Ag70:21 in Bridgetown, Barbados, W.I., PD4J166:21 in Bristol, Eng. ,R11D66:21,R11D66:22, PD21Ap68:13 in Canterbury, Eng. , PD21Ap68:12 in Charleston, S.C. ,PD23J167:23-- R23J167s22 in Cornwall, Eng. , PD6My73:21 in Coventry, Eng. ,R11D66:22 in Danzig, PD140c73: 12 in Den.,PD22D68:13 in Edgware, Eng. , PD6Ap69:12 in Edinburgh, Scot. ,PD3Ja71:13 in Eng.,30c51:22,PD7Mr66:13, PD4Ap66:31 , PD23My66:21 , PDllD66:23,PD30Ap67:21, PD4F68:22--R4F68:13,PD30Mr69:31, PD14Mr71:23,PD28Mr71:ll, PD18Ap71:12,PD26S71:12,PD9Ap72:31, PD16Ap72:31,PDllJe72:22, PD9J172:21,PD24S72:21,PD80c72:21-- R80c72 :22 , PD25Mr73 :21 — R25Mr73 32 , RlAp73:12,PD29Ap73:21,PD15J173:12- R15J173s21,PD22J173:12,R280c73:21, PD10Mr74:22, P17F75:32 promoted by king, PD7My72:22 204 Charles City co. , Va. in Essex, Eng. , PD17N68:21 in Fr.,26Ag37:31,PD28Mr66:13, PD28Mr66:23, PD19S66:12, PD14Ap68:12, PD22N70sl2, PD5S71:ll,PD20My73:12, PD2D73s22 in Glamorganshire , Wales, PD130c68:12 in Glasgow, Scot. , PD2My7 1:31, PD10Je73:21 in Gloucester, Eng. , PD19My74:33 in Gloucestershire, Eng. , PD14Je70sl2 in Gt. Brit.,PDlAg66:13,PD15Ag66:13, PD21My67:12,PD2J167:13, PD7Ap68:12,R5N72:13 in Gunnersbury, Eng. , PD15J173:13 in Hamstead, Eng. ,PDlAp73:21 in Haverhill, Mass. , PD28J174: 22 in Horsleydown, Eng. ,D7Ja75:13 in Isle of Wight, Va. , PD4My69:31 • in Kent, Eng. , PD18Ap71:13 in Kew, Eng. ,PD23S73:22 in Kilkenny, Ire. ,R17Je73:31 in London, Eng. , 18J151:21, PD7Mr66:ll,PD14Mr66:43, PD28Mr66:22,PD16My66:12, PD29Ag66:13,R27N66:22, PD22Ja67:21,PD30Ap67:12, PD4F68:23— R4F68:14,PD11F68:21, PD14Ap68:13, PD14Ap68:21, PD21Ap68:12,PD30Je68:ll, PD21J1 68:11, PD26Ja69:22, PD16Mr69:22— R16Mr69:13, R30Mr69:23, PDllMy69sl3, PD10Ag69:23, PD22Mr70:ll, PD14Je70:23, PD16Ag70:12, PD16Ag70:31, PD20S70s21, PDUAp71:12,PD16Ja72:31, PD7My72:21,PD9J172:12,R14Ja73:21, PDlAp73:21,RlAp73:23,PD8Ap73:12, R8 Ap73 :23 , R8 Ap73 :3 1 , R22 Ap73 :33 , R13My73:23, PD10Je73:22, PD17Je73:21--R17Je73:23, R22J173sl3,R3Mr74:23,R31Mr74:22, PD8D74:12.Pi23Mr75:31,Pi28Ap75:21 for illegitimate children, 22My52:ll for Italian Piedmont Protestants, PD16Mr69:21 in Maidford, Eng. , PD21My67:13 in Naples, It. , PD80c 72:11 in N.Y.,PD27Ja74:31--R27Ja74:33, R10Mr74:23 inN.Y. fromGt. Brit. ,D22Ap75:22 in New York City,PD25Mr73:23-- R25Mr73:22, PD19Ag73:13, R10F74:31 in Newcastle, Eng. , PD22N70sll in Newport, R.I. , PD8Mr70:21 in North Wales, PD24Mr68:23 in Norfolk, Va. , P12Ja76:33 in Nottinghamshire , Eng . , PD2 Ap72 : 12 in Oxford, Eng. ,R11D66:23, PD23S73:21,PD23S73:22--R30S73sl2 in Paris, Fr . , PD28Ap68:12,R13S70:ll, R13S70:12,PD24F74:23 in Phila. , Pa. , PD30Ja72: 32 in Pol. ,24Je37: 21 in Portsmouth, Eng. , PD18Oc70:12 in Providence, R.I. , PD17S67:13 in Ranelagh, N. Y. , Pil6Mr75:32-- P17Mr75s32 in Reading, Eng. ,R11D66:23 in Richmond, Eng. , PDlAp73:13, PD23S73:22 in St. Christopher, W.I. , R290c73:13 in St. Croix, W.I. , PD290c72:ll — R290c72:12,R12N72:23 in Salisbury, Eng. ,R3Mr74:13 in Scot.,PD4D66:23--R4D66:13 in Strafford, Eng. ,PDllMy69:13 in Sunderland, Eng. , PD27My73:12 in Surry, Eng. ,R11D66:22 in Surry co., Va. , PD24F74:31 in Swed.,R17D72:13 in Touraine, Fr. ,R30Ag70:21 in Va. regulated by general assembly, D27D76:22— P3Ja77:21 in Warwick, Eng. ,R11D66:22 inW.I.,PD5N72:32 in West Stoke, Eng. , PD80c67: 12 in Whitehall, Eng. , PD19My74:32 in Whitehaven, Eng. ,PD3Mr68:22 in Williamsburg, Va. , for eye and ear patients, R6My73s 12 in Windsor, Eng. , PD10Oc71:22 in Zell, Ger.,PD8Ap73:13 near Alnwich castle, Eng. , PD2Ap73:12 planned in Den. , 14N51:21 request for poor family, 30N59: 31 taxes for proposed in Eng. ,R5Ja69:22 to the poor of Norfolk co . , Va . , 21N45:42 See also Alms houses ;Annuities; Hospitals, foundling;Poor relief Charity schools, in Bristol, Eng., 2F39:21 in Elizabeth City co. , Va. , PD11J166:23 in Hamilton, Scot. ,29S52:22 in Jamaica, W.I. , 10c36:32 in London, Eng. , PD6J169:13 in New York City,PD7Ja68:32 in Talbot co., Md. ,25J151:31, 240c51:22 in Wapping, Eng. , 18Ag38:22 See also Widows; Orphans; Fires in Montreal; Boston port bill, relief; Floods in Va. relief Charlebourg, Canada, See Storms in Charleroi, Belg., siege of, 18S46:22, 18S46:32 siege planned, 11S46:22 Charles I,PD18Mr73:31 Charles II,21Mr51:21, PD7F71-.13-- R7F71:21,P30Je75:ll,D30S75:21 Charles HI, king of Sp. ,D22Ja80:21 Charles, James, PD10F74:32 Lewis, P20Je77:32 Lewis, jr.,D8Ag77:22,P21N77:ll Philip, D26S77:32 Robert, PD25Je67:23,PD9Mr69:21, R26Ap70:33 Samuel, D26S77:32 Thomas, PD10S67:23,D8Ag77:22 William, C30Oc79:32 Charles, ship,22Ap37:32, 18N37:41, 25Ja40:12,18Ap45:32,7N45:31, 27D51:32,3N52:12,24N52:22, 8D52:31,240c55:21,RllF68:31, PD7J168:32— R7J168:23 sloop, 22S52:32 snow,PD21J168:31— R21J168:31, PD22S68:23--R22S68:24 Charles and Sally ship,24N52:22 Charles City co. , Va. , burgesses elected, 17N38:41,24Ja52:32, 27F52:32,12D55:22,PD1D68:31-- R1D68: 21, PD14S69: 31--R21S69s23, PD5D71:31,PD28J174:31 Burgesses from, PDllMy69:41, R9N 69:11 census requested, D27Ap76: 33-- P19Ap76p23 committee, resolutions (text) of, 1774, Pil2Ja75:ll--D14Ja75:21 thanks Buckingham co., Va., for refuge, P30Je75s21 trials for Toryism, P10My76sll committee of inspection appointed, Pil2Ja75:ll--D14Ja75:13 orders sale of goods, D14Ja75:32 — Pil2Ja75:ll, Pi26Ja75:32 court, R18J166:33, PD23Je68:23-- R23Je68:24,R22F70:22,P29My78:31 courts in praised, R8Mr70s31 delegates chosen, P23Je75s22, Pi9Mr75:33, P19Ap76:32, P18Ap77sll freeholders, addressed (text) by John Tyler, P2Ag76:13 Hustings court, R190c 69:41, PD7D69:32— R7D69:31 petition (text) delegates for religious toleration, P6D76:21 reported list of tithables, Pi22D74:32-- PD22D74:31 resolutions of, 1774, PD4Ag74:22 senator elected, P6S76:33 sheriffs sale in, PD19Mr67: 33, PD18Je67: 33 See also Association of 1774 enforced in; Attorneys in; Auctions inductions of British imports in;Balls in;Barns in; Blacksmiths in;Brick dairies in; Brick houses, described in;Bridges in;British army from N.Y. to; Buildings in; Cabinetmakers, adv. for in; Carpenters, adv. for in; Churches in;Clergy, Anglican, in;Cockmatches, adv. of in;Coopers adv. for in;Corn cribs in;Cypress timber in;Dairies in; Debtors held in jail of;Drafting in; Dwelling houses in;Ferries for rent in; Fires in;Fisheries in;Forges in; Fruit trees in;Gristmills in; Horse-breeding in;House joiners, adv. for in;Houses in;Hurricanes in; Indentured Negroes runaway from; Indentured servants runaway from; Iron ore in;Jails in;Kitchens in; Land, entailed, for sale in;Land, entailed, in;Land, fee simple, for sale in;Land, posted, in; Land for rent in;Land for sale in;Landings in; Mates, (ship), adv. for in; Merchants in;Merchant mills in; Merchant mill managers, adv. for in; Millers in;Mills in;Minutemen in; Musters, general, dates appointed for in;Oak timber in;Orchards in; Ordinaries in;Outhouses in; Overseers in;Overseers' houses in; Peach orchards in;Physicians in; Pine timber in;Quarters in; Robberies in;Sailors adv. for in; Ship carpenters adv. for in; Ship carpenters journeymen, adv. for in; Ships for sale in; Shipyards in; Slaves for hire in; Slaves for sale in; Slaves hired in; Slaves runaway from; Smoke houses in; Stables in; Stealing in; Storehouses in; Storekeepers in; Stores in; Tailors apprentices runaway from; Teachers adv. for in; Tenements for rent in; Tide gates in; Warehouses in; 205 Charles City co. , Va. , See also (cont'd) White oak timber in; Yellow pine timber in Charles City co., Va., troops, arrive in Williamsburg, Va. ,Pi27J175:31 Charles City courthouse, Va., land of, for sale,R23S73: 33--PD210c73: 31 See also Dwelling houses at;Hughes crab apple trees for sale near; Land, leased, for sale at;Land, mortgaged, for sale at;Land for sale at;Orchards for sale near;Outhouses at;Ships, described, for sale at;Slaves for hire at;Slaves for sale at;Slaves, mortgaged, for sale at;Taverns at;Water mills for sale at Charles co . , Md . , chooses committee of correspondence, R7J174:31 committee of correspondence, letter to Norfolk, Va.,PD25Ag74:22 — R25Ag74:33 See also Carpenters in;Convict servants runaway from; Ferries in;Houses in; Indentured servants runaway from; Merchants in ;Non -exportation agreements supported in;Non- importation agreements supported in ;Non- importation agreements in; Slaves runaway f rorr. ;Smallpox inoculation, adv. of in; Virginia regiments, deserters from, in; Warehouses in Charles Edward, young Pretender, activities in Scot. ,240c45:31 apostacy of, 17N52:12 appointment as king of Corsica rumored, PD20Ag72:21 appointment as pope rumored, P21J175: 11 arrival in Scotland rumored, 240c4 5: 12 arrives in Dover, R23Ap72:22 betting on at Lloyd's, PD23Ja72:12 character of, 19D45: 31, 23Ja46: 11 condition of,D15J175: 32 French approval of denied, 240c4 5:31 greets Lord Bute,R27Ap69:13 illness of,17Ap46:ll in Badenoch, 18J146:31 in Berlin, Ger. ,PD14My72:12 in Chanteloup, France, PDlOJe 73: 12 in Florence, PD310c71:13 in Fr. , 2My55: 12 in Genoa, It. ,PD23Ja72:13 in Paris, Fr.,llS46:21 in Pisa, It. ,PD21N71:21 in Rome, It. ,PD24S67:12,PD17S71:22, PD30Ja72:ll,PD25Je72:22, PD9J172:12,PD20Ag72:ll,PD10D72:21 inSp. rumored, D12Ag75:22 in Viterbo, It.,R8F70:22 inheritance discussed in Paris, Fr., PD18Ap66:22 leaves Rome, It. , PD30Ap67:12 marriage of , PD4 Je 72:23, PD9 J172 : 12 , PD23J172:11,PD10S72:13,PD10S72:21 marriage of described, PD17S72: 12 movements of,27Mr46:32 neglected in Austro -Russian treaty, PD23Ja72:21 plans overthrow of British government, PD8D74:12 presented to pope, PD10S67:12 protected by French navy, 14Ag46:21 received in Rome as king, PD27Ag72:22 relations with British colonies, N.Am. , D4F75:22 requests recognition from pope, PD10S72:21 reviews troops, 10Ap46:41 solicits money in Scot. , 19D45:32 subscriptions for,PDHJe72:22 support of Va. Scots proposed, P170c77:22 supported by Fr. and Sp. ,PD20Ag72:13 supported by Frederick the Great, PD16My71:ll threatens Carlisle, Scot. ,27Mr46:12 to be king of Pol. rumored, PD21S69s22, PD7Ja73:13 to visit America rumored, PD1S74. -23 travels in Europe, 29Ag51:21 travels in It.,22S52:12 upbraids provost of Glasgow, Scot. , 24Ap46:31 visit to America rumored, PD28J174:13 visits Rome, It. , PD21S69-.11-- R21S69:12 whereabouts questioned, 4S46:22, 11S46:32 Charles parish, York co. , Va. , adv. for schoolmaster, PD20Ag72:23 contributes to sufferers in Montreal fire, PD17N 68:23— R17N68:23 See also Churches in;Churchwardens in;Slaves for sale in;Schoolmasters adv. for in;Schools in Charles River, Mass., See Ferries on; Ice in Charleston, Edward, Pi9N75:33 Charleston, S.C., assemblymen elected, PD8D68: 12 attacked by British, D26Je79: 21 battle of described by Prevost, D29Ja80:ll blockaded by Americans, D6Ja76:21 British army withdraws from, D14Ag79:21 British attack on threatened, D29My79:31 British defeat at discussed, D15Ja80:22 burning attempted, P5Je 78:22 ' courts opened, PD2 5 Ap66:31 defense of,P5Ap67:31 defenses strengthened, D18Mr80:31 difficulties of British capture, D4S79:12 evacuated, D6Ja76:22 fortification of,D40c76:72 fortifications damaged by storm, R26J170:13 fortifications good,D12Je79:21 fortifications strengthened, D8Ap80:23 harbor blocked, D6Ja76:21 incorporation of, PD22Mr70:21 naval engagement described, P12J176sl2 naval engagements in,D6Ja76:22 naval engagements off,D24Ag76:72, D90c79:22 naval skirmishes at,D29Je76:22 population increases, PD25Ag68:23 preparations for war in,P15S75sl3 relations with Indians, 24N52:22 representatives elected, 24Ap52:21 ships to guard, P16Je75sl3-- D17Je75:23 skirmishes near,D17J179:31 streets, PD12My68:22—R12My68:13, PD8D68:12, R26J170:21 , P6Mr78:21 subscription for Society of Bill of Rights, PD5S71:13 to be southern center of military establishment, PD6Ja74:21 women and children return, P2F76sl2-- D3F76:32 See also Admiralty court in;American company of comedians in;Apothecaries in;Arms export from;Arms scarce in; Association formed in;Association of 1774 enforced in;Armories in; Bassoons, players adv. for in; Boston port bill, relief from offered by;Boston tea party opposed in;Bounties in;Bricks, import to Havana, Cuba, from;British army deserters from, near;British army from;British army from St. Augustine, Fla., to;British army in;British army plundering near; British army to;British army to N.Y. from;British army withdrawal from; British navy deserters from, in; British navy leaves ;British navy number of ships off ;British navy off; British navy to;British transports driven ashore off;Broughton's battery in;Burning at the stake for murder in; Chamber of commerce established in;Charity in;Cherokees battle with Creeks in;Churches in;Clergy, Anglican in;Coals returned to Dunbar, Scot., from;Comets observed in;Continental army from Petersburg, Va., to;Continental army in;Continental navy in; Continental navy off;Convoys by British navy to;Corn export from; Corn, Indian, export from;Corn, Indian, import to;Corn, Indian, scarce in;Corn price of in; Counterfeiting in;Creeks battle with Cherokees in;Customs commissioners in declaration of independence celebrated in;Declaration of independence proclaimed in; Dollars valuation in;Drownings in; Duck, sail, returned to Bristol, Eng., from;Duels in;Effigies burned in;Effigies in;Emigration from Ire., to;Emigration from Lame, Ire., to; Emigration from North Ire. , to; Exports from; Exports from London, Eng. , to; Ferries near;Fire engines in;Fires described in; Fireworks in; Flax manufacture in;Freemasons in; French navy in;French navy off; Gambling in;Grain scarce in; Hanoverian troops to;Hautboy players, adv. for, in; Hessian troops withdraw from;Houses in; Houses built in;Hurricanes in; Illuminations injlmmigration to; Imports destroyed injlmports to; Impressment for British navy in; Imprisonment for counterfeiting in; Indigo plentiful in;Irish Protestants arrive injlrish Protestants, charity for, in;Jails in;Lamps in;Liberty song sung in;Liberty tree consecrated in;Lightning described in;Linen manufacture encouraged in; Magazines (storehouses) in; 206 Charlotte co. , Va. Massachusetts 92 toasted in; Merchants in;Militia of;Minutemen in; Money scarce in; Murders, trials for, in;Musicians adv. for, in; Mutton killing prohibited in; Negro insurrections feared in; Negro insurrections in; Non- importation agreements accepted in; Packets between; Palatines arrive in; Palmeto society established in; Paper manufacture establishment proposed in; Pardons for manslaughter in; Plague in; Plays presented in; Postal service between; Postal service between Falmouth, Eng. , and; Postal service between London, Eng. , and; Potatoes returned to Dunbar, Scot. , from;Prices current in;Prices low in;Prisoners, American, escape from;Prisoners of war, American, arrive in; Prisoners of war, American, exchanged from New Providence, W. I. , to; Prisoners of war, Americans, from Bermuda to;Prisoners of war, British, taken near;Prisoners of war exchanged in;Prize ships, British, burned by British off; Privateers ;Provisions for;Quaker meeting houses in;Rice, price of, in;Rice, export from;Rope walks in; Sedition in;Sermons preached in; Ships, American, captured by British off;Ships, British, near; Ships built in;Ships, clearances refused in;Ships, clearances without stamps allowed in;Ships from; Ships from Md. to;Ships from N.Y. to;Ships from Pensacola, Fla., to; Ships from Philadelphia, Pa., to; Ships from Providence, R.I., to; Ships from R.I. to;Ships from St. Augustine, Fla., to;Ships from St. Eustatia, W.I., to;Ships in;Ships' sailing time;Ships to;Ships to Hampton, Va., from;Ships to James river, Va., from;Ships to Newbern, N.C. , from; Ships to Philadelphia, Pa. ,from; Ships to York district, Va. , from; Shipwrecks in;Shipwrecks near; Shipwrecks off ;Slaves returned to Angola, Af., from;Slaves, value of current purchases of, in;Slaves imported to;Slaves, price of;Slaves runaway from;Smallpox in;Sons of Liberty in; S. C. artillery; S. C. cavalry ;Stamp act opposed in; Statues of William Pitt, Earl of Chatham, arrive in; Statues proposed in; Storms in; Storms near; Tarring and feathering in;Taverns in; Tea boycotted in;Tea burned in;Tea import opposed in;Tea import to; Tea returned from;Tea seized by customs in;Temperatures in; Theatres in;Thread manufacture encouraged in;Tories in;Tories tarred and feathered in;Tories withdraw from;Travel;Watchmen in; Wharves in Charleston neck, S.C., skirmishes on, D3J179:11 Charleston Packet, brig,RlS74:22 Charlestown, Md. , See Jails in; Murders in;Stagecoaches, adv. of between Philadelphia, Pa., Baltimore, Md., Wilmington, Del., and;Virginia partisan corps of light dragoons, ordered to Charlestown, Mass., anecdotes about burning of,D23D75:12 battle of,P18Ag75:22--D19Ag75:31, D280c75:13 burned by British, Pi6J175:33, D8J175:32,Pil3J175:31--P14J175sl2-- D15J175:13,Pil3J175:32--P14J175:32-- D15J175:21,P21J175:22.D25My76:33 burned by colonists, P2F76sll-- D3F76:31--Pi3F76:21 burning of blamed on Americans, D12Ag75:31 burning of opposed by Adm. Greaves, Pil7Ag75:33--P18Ag75:31-- D19Ag75:32 burning opposed in Eng. , Pi9N75:12 colonists driven back at,D6Ja76:21 destruction of estimated, D6Ap76: 11 fortified by Americans, D22J175:32-- P22J175sl3 map of battle area,D9D75:32 postal service in,25My39:42 relief of discussed by Mass . house of representatives, PD7 Jl 74:22 -- R7J174:23 skirmishes at,D26Ag75:ll, Pil4S75:22 town meeting requests boycott of tea, PD13Ja74:22 See also British army in;British army landed in;Clergy in; Ferries between Boston, Mass., and;Fires in; Gunpowder seized by British army in;Gunpowder seized in;Imports to; Imports to York district, Va. , from; Jails in;Magazines (storehouses) in; Merchants in ;Non- importation agreements in;Prisoners of war, British, taken in;Rape attempted near;Storms in;Tea boycotted in Charlestown ferry, Mass. , Pi24Ag75:32 Charlestown Neck, Mass., skirmish on, Pi24Ag75:32--PlS75:21, D26Ag75:23— P1S75:11 See also Prisoners of war, British, taken at Charleston, Va. , See Outhouses in Charleton, George, 1S38:42 Richard, D27Ap76:33 Charlevoix, Pierre Francois Xavier de , author, PD18J171:31, PD10Je73:31,D25N75:ll, D30D75-.il, D24F76:43 , D2Mr76:41 , D9Mr76:41 , D25My76: 43,D24Ag76: 51 Charlick, Nicholas, 7J138:41 Charlott, British ship, 25Ja40:2 Charlotta, H.M.S. ,24Ja52:31 ship,lAg68:23 Charlotte, queen of Gt. Brit., addresses of, 1765,PD14Mr66:21 birthday celebrated, Pil9Ja75:32 birthday celebrated in Eng. , PD19Ap70s23 birthday celebrated in London, Eng., PD23Ap73:13, PD8Ap73:12 birthday celebrated in Williamsburg, Va.,PD25My69:31 corresponds with Frederick the Great, PD16Ja72:12 praise of , PD22Ap73:22--R22Ap73:32 presents to,R7D69:22 private life of described, PD4Je72:22 supports Mass.,Pi8Je75:32--P9Je75sl3-- D10Je75:21 Charlotte, brig, PD3Je73:23, PD8J17331, R8J173:31 cutter, PD3Ja71:22 ship,20Ap39:31,4Ap51:31,PD23Ap67:31, PDllJe67:32, PD290c67:21, PD10Mr68:31--R14Ap68:42, PD26My68: 23— R26My68:31, PD130c68:13— R130c68:13, PD3N74:32, Pil90c75:13,DllN75:23 sloop, D20c79:22 snow, PD28J168:22--R28J168:23, R29J173:23,PD18Ag74:21 Charlotte, N.C, surrounded by Americans , C2 10c80 :12 See also Mills near Charlotte co. , Va. , added to Lunenburg co., Va., by assembly, D4J177:41-- P4J177:12 burgesses elected, PD8D68:31, PD28S69 :22,R9N 69:11, PD8Ap73:23 — R8Ap73:32, PD4Ag74:23 Burgesses from, PDllMy69s41, R9N69:11 census requested, P19Ap76p23 — D27Ap76:33 committee, instructs delegates to Va. convention, P10My76:41 offers aid to inhabitants of lower country, P29D75:32 proceedings of, 1775, P1D75:11-- D9D75:11 reinstates Christopher M'Connico, P29D75.32 resolutions, text of, 1775,DllMr75:21 trials for Toryism, P8Mr76s23 committee of inspection elected, DllMr75:13 delegates to convention elected, P19Ap76:33 delegates elected, P9My77:23 in second senatorial district, D26F79:32 reported list of tithables, Pi22D74:32 — PD22D74:31 senator elected, P27S76sl2, P9My77:31 See also Apple orchards in; Association of 1774 enforced in;Association of 1774 violated in;Attorneys in; Auctions in;Barns in;Bridges in; Cherry orchards in;Churches in; Corn cribs in;Dairies in;Dwelling houses in;Ferries in;Fisheries in; Gardens in; Granaries in; Gristmills in; Houses for rent in; Houses in; Jails in; Kitchens in; Land, mortgaged, for sale in;Land, ownership of, disputed in;Land, patent, for sale in;Land for sale in;Merchants in;Mills in; Musters, general, dates appointed for, in;Orchards in;Ordinaries in; Outhouses in;Overseer's houses in; Peach orchards in;Physicians in; Recruiting officers chosen in; Quarters, Negro, in;Roads in; Robberies in;Shad fisheries in; Slaves for sale in;Slaves runaway from;Slaves mortgaged for sale in; Smokehouses in;Spring houses in; Stables in;Stealing in;Still houses in; Stills for sale in;Storehouses for rent in;Stores in;Sulphur mines in;Tailors, 207 Charlotte co. , Va. , See also (cont'd) journeymen, adv. for, in;Taverns in; Tithables in;Tobacco houses in;Va. regiment, fourteenth, recruits in; Workhouses in Charlotte courthouse, Va., for rent, D4S79:31 sale at,D27My75:41 See also Dwelling houses for rent at; Hatter's shops for rent at;Land for sale at;Land, mortgaged, for sale at;Land, patent, for sale at;Lumber houses for rent at;Ordinaries at; Slaves for sale at;Slaves runaway from storehouses in;Stores for rent at;Tailors shops for rent at Charlotte Crotchet, pseud. , R17F74:21 Charlotte island, Pac. O., discovery of , PD25Ag68: 12— R25Ag68: 22 Charlottesville, Va. , See Convention army in; Lots for sale in; Merchants in; Painters in; Slaves for sale in; Stables in; Storehouses in; Stores in Charlottetown, P.E.I. , lots in,R21J168:21 plots mapped out,R18Ag68s21 plots to be mapped out, PD30Je68:22 See also Ferries in Charlton, Capt., of the Quaro, PilOAg75:31--PllAg75:23--D12Ag75:21 Mr. , PD4Mr73: 33 member of Va. company of Comedians, PD7Ap68:23, PD14Ap68:23— R14Ap68:23, PD12My68:23--R12My68:22 of Williamsburg, Va. ,PD23F69:31 pasture of , P230c78:33 sells theatre tickets, PD26My68:23 Abigail, PD3N74pll Abraham, P7F77:42 Edward, P27Je77:33 adv. for missing horse, R16S73:32 adv. house and lot for sale or rent, D15My78:32 adv. household goods and livestock for sale,D20c79:31 announces departure, Pi4N74:32, D29Ap75s42 , D28Ag79:31 elected councilman of Williamsburg, Va.,D6D76:23 partner of Richard Gamble, 30Ap52:32 J.,D29Ap75s42 Jane, adv. merchandise for sale, PD240c71:31,PD7My72:32, PD150c72:31, PD22Ap73:31, Pi4N74:32 adv. millinery for sale,R210c73:22, PD5My74:23 John,D26S77:32 Richard, D7Ja75:31,P240c77:23 adv. rooms for rent, P30c77:31 adv. tavern, PD25Je67:31 bond of, due estate of John Shermer, D3Ag76:32 death 0f,D2Oc79:22 horse of,P22N76:32, P20D76:21 house of,D20D76:22,C20N79:21 land of for sale,D12F80:33 lot of,P9Ag76:33 partnership with James Nichols dissolved, P22N76:33 pasture of,PHOc76:23 settlement of estate of,D20N79:32 slaves of,DHD79:22 Sarah, D20N79:32 , D12 F80:33 Thomas, Dr. , PD2Je68:23 Charlton, England, See Horn Fair in Charlton & Nichols, adv. for journeymen barbers, P14Je76:31 Charlton's tavern, P6Je77:31 Charming Anne, brig,31D36:42 ship,16My55:21,7N55:21,7N55:22 sloop,24Je37:41,5Ja39:42,10Ag39:2, 18Ja40:4,7D39:41 snow,28F55:32 Charming Betsy, ship, P21J175sl2-- D22J175:41 Charming Betty, schooner, 4J145:22 ship,18N37:41,7J138:31,120c39:41, 21Mr51:32 sloop, 24S36:21 Charming Janet, ship, PD18My 69:31, PD6J169:32 Charming Jenny, ship, 16Ja61:41, PD9D73:13 Charming Ketty, ship,28F55:31 Charming Mally, brigantine, PD7Ja73:32 Charming Molly, buss,7N51:21 brig,R26Mr72:23 ship, 7Ag52: 31, 28F55: 31, 2S57: 21, PD14Ja67:32, PD6Ag67:32, PD14Ja68:31,PD7J168:23— R7J168:21, PD7J168:23— R7J168:22,PD8S68p22, RlS68:24--PD29S68:22,PD270c68:43, PD17N68:22, R21Ja73:31 sloop, 7N51:22,3J152:32,22S52:32 Charming Nancy, privateer, 20Je45:31 schooner, PD9Ap72:32 ship,23My55:21,R31Mr68:31, R7J168:22,PD31D72:31— R31D72:31, PD29J173:22,P17Mr75s21-- D18Mr75:22,P19My75:13,D23D75:22, D13Ja76:13 sloop, PD6Ja74:32 Charming Nelly, ship, PD290c67:12, PD22Ag71:33,PDllJe72:31 Charming Peggy, brig, P2Je75s22-- D10Je75:22,D13J176:41 ship,30c51:32,P21Ap75s32 — D22Ap75:23, Pi50c75:23-- P60c75:21 Charming Polly, brig, PD17Ag69:21 ship,17Ja51:32,6F52:31,30Ap52:21, PD10Ag69:31— R10Ag69:31, PD14Je70:22, PD19J170:33 — R19J170:32 sloop, D6Ap76:23 Charming Rebecca, ship, R24N68:21 Charming Sally, privateer, D9My77:21 ship,25Ag38:31,PD6Je66:23, PD13Je66:31,PD15Ja67:32, PD2N69:21,D22Ap75:22,PlS75:22-- D2S75:22,D23D75:22,P16F76:22, D16Mr76:23, P20S76:21 — D21S76:12 sloop, 20Oc52:21 transport, D29J176:12 Charming Sukey, ship, 18N37:41 Charming Susanna, ship,26S55:31 Charnock, Capt. ,27J139:41 Samuel, Capt., of the Staunton, 4F37:32,29Ap37:42,9D37:42, 7Ap38:41 , 4My39:41 , 10Ag39:32, 24Ag39:3, 2N39:2, 25Ja40:12, 25Ja40:3 Charon, H. M. S. , D25Mr80: 21 Charters, colonial, inviolability of discussed, PD24D72: 12 Chartiers, settlement, Pa. , P27Je77: 42 Charts, use of, taught at Samuel Kemp's school, D6N78: 31 Charvel seeds, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va.,30N59:32 Chase, Capt. ,29Ag51:32, P13S76:21-- D14S76-.22 of the Diamond, P13S76:21-- D14S76:21 of the Royal Oak,D70c75:21 Peter, governor of West Florida, R150c72:ll Samuel, appointed Md. delegate to Continental congress, PD21J174: 22, PD29D74:23, P28F77sl3 appointed to Md . committee of correspondence, R9Je74s23, PD29D74:23 arrives in Quebec, Can. ,P31My76:22 delegate to Continental congress from Md.,Pi270c74:23 elected representative to Continental congress for Md. , D15Je76: 32 member of congressional committee for defense of N . J . , P6D76:22 on committee of Congress on colonial grievances, D21 Ja75: 12 signs Association ofl774, PD3N74:12-- Pi4N74:12 William, PD20Je66:22 Chaserymen, See Slaves as Chases, inGt. Brit., surveyed, PD170c71:21— R170c71:22 Chase's balsamic pills, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD29N70:22, PD13D70:43, PD17Ja71:43 Chase's pills, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD30J172:32, Pi23Mr75:33 — D25Mr75:31 Chassault, Admiral, in British-French naval engagement, D160c78:22, D160c78:31--P160c78:21 Chasseur, ship, 11J145:31 Chastin, Isaac, R12My74:33 Chateau Vaudreuil, Montreal, R9Je68:24 Chatfield's ore bed, Salisbury, Conn., PD23D73:31 Chatfin, Standley, Pi20Ja76:41 Chatham, earl of [William Pitt], R27N66: 21,D10J178: 12 able to reconcile colonies, P31Mr75: 21 accident of,PilOAg75:21 address (text) in favor of dissolution of parliament, R15Ag71: 11 addressed on opinion of colonial taxation, R30Mr69: 11 anecdotes about, PD13N66: 11, PD7Je70:13,PD10Je73:12 appointed Lord privy seal, PD26S66: 32, PD16Je68:ll appointed president of council, PD26Mr67:21 appointed prime minister, PD13N66:13 appointed prime minister rumored, R13S70:12 appointed secretary of war,20Je45:31 appointment as secretary of state rumored, R9F69:22, R24F69sl3 PD6Ap69: 22--R6Ap69: 31 appointment to ministry rumored, R16Mr69:23, P15S75sll— D16S75:31, D30S75: 21, P29My78: 21 as "dictator of America" rumored, PD25Ap66:21 as prime minister, PD27N66:21 208 Chatham, earl of as secretary of state for northern dept. rumored, D7Ja75: 13 asked to join ministry, PD10Oc71:22 at court, PD22Ja67:ll attends house of commons, PD25Ap66:22 attitude toward, R27N66:22 attitude toward colonies, PD1S74:21 attitude toward ministry, PD170c71: 21-- R170C71: 21 attitude toward trade regulations, PD4J166: 21 bas-relief portrait of, PD15Ag66: 31 capture of in Canada threatened, D3F76:13 character sketch of, PD6Ja74:31 character sketch of by John Wilkes, R260c69:ll compromise with colonies praised, D29Ap75s21 conciliation plan opposed by Continental congress rumored, D70c75:22 condemns corruption in elections, PD2J167:21 considers national debt, PD7My67:12 criticism of, PD18Ap66:23, PD14Je70:12 criticism by John Wilkes evaluated, PD20Ag67:ll criticized, PDUa67:23 criticized by George Grenville, PD23F69: 31--R24F69s21 criticized on colonial stand, PD1D68:11 criticizes conduct of revolution, P20Mr78:22 criticizes Mass. , PD8S74:22-- R8S74:31 critics of denounced, PD25Ap66:12 death of near, P21Mr77sll debate on, PD290c67:ll declares Stamp act unconstitutional, PD14Mr66:31 declines prime ministership, PD5S66s23--R5S66:12 deserts American cause, PD8S74:22 — R8S74:32 differences with ministry accomodated, PD4Je67:31 disapproved of Stamp act riots, PDllAp66:32 discusses American Stamp act, PD19My74:33 discusses Britain's preparedness, PD14F71:23--R14F71:23,R7Mr71:21 discusses Seven Years War,PD14F71:23 effect in Fr. of appointment to ministry, PD4D66:21 elevation to peerage, PD19F67:12 elevation to peerage discussed, PD4Ap66:31, PD10Oc66:32, PD13N66:12 elevation to peerage rumored, PD14Mr66:42 fable concerning, PD11D66:11 favored in British colonies, N.Am., Pi260c75: 21 favors British union with Ire . , PDlAp73:12 favors colonies, PDllAp66:22, PDllAp66:31, PDllAp66:32, PD2J167:23, PD25Ag68:13-- R25Ag68:31,R8Mr70:22,R31My70:ll, PD26J170:11, PD26J1 70:12, PDlAg71:ll, PD14J174:13, D26Ag75:23 favors dissolution of parliament, PD11J171:12--R18J171:22, PD18J171:13,PD5D71:13 favors impressment, PD14F71:31 favors repeal of Coercion acts, Pil3Ap75:32 favors repeal of Townshend act, PD29D68:22 favors Stamp act repeal, PD28Mr66:33, PD25Ap66:23,PD7J174:12, PD7J174:21 favors war with Sp. , PD22N70sll favors John Wilkes, R15Mr70:ll, R19J1 70:21 French fear of, PD14Mr66:43 friendship with Lord Camden, PDllAp71:21 gives opinion on general elections, PD13N66:11 guides public affairs, PD19Mr 67:22 heads new ministry rumored, PD29Je69:22--R29Je69:21 health of, PD20N66:21,PD7My67:13, PD13S70:21,PD25Ap71:21, PD310c71:13,R21N71:22,P17F75:21, Pi260c75:12,D280c75:21,Pi9N75:ll, D23D75:22,Pi23D75:22,P4Ap77:21, D29Ag77:ll health of discussed, PD9My71:31 health of prayed for in N.H., PD28Mr71:22 house of described, PD310c71:21 identified as Junius, PD23Ja72:22 ill health of,PD17Ag69:21-- R17Ag69:13 in Commons, PD4Ap66:31, PD18Ap66:21 in ministry predicted, P22J175sl2 in Norfolk painting, PD6Je66:23 leader of London, Eng., populace rumored, Pil4S75:ll legacies to, PD16Ag70:13, PD13S70:21 letter from King of Prus . , PD8Ap73:22 letter from Mass. General court quoted, PD14My67:21 letter to (text), R6S70: 21 Mass. states grievances to, PD24Mr68: 31--R24Mr68: 31 medals of described, PD4J166:11 military communiques to, 16Ja61:ll, 16Ja61:21 national debt proposals, PD20N66: 13 offered post in ministry, P10J178: 11 offers services, R5S66:22 opinion concerning, R4D66:11 opinions favored in Hoi. , PD22D74:22 opinions of on American affairs, PD21S69:12 opinions on Anglo- Spanish relations, PD19Ap70: 21 opinions on colonies, PD28J174: 21 opinions on Sp. ,PD25J171:21 opinions on value of Mississippi river and Falkland islands, PD310c71:12 opposed by Grenville, PD18Je67:22 opposed in Eng. ,Pi29S74:32 opposed in Pa. , Pil6Mr75:13 opposes American manufacture, P3My76:13 opposes Boston port bill, PD2Je74:22, PD15S74:21— R15S74:22 opposes British ministry, P15Ja75: 11 opposes colonial taxation, PD18Ap66:31, PD21Ap68:22,R9Je74s21,P7Ap75:ll opposes colonies, PDllAg74:21 opposes colonies rumored, Pi29D74: 12 opposes conciliation with colonies, D29J176:21 opposes disarming America, P5My75s43 opposes East India company, PD30Ap67:23 opposes embargo on New England, Pil8My75:23 opposes ministry, R21S69:21, PD14F71:32--R14F71:31,PD2S73:11-- R2S73s21 opposes monied interests in London, Eng.,PD14F71:23 opposes parliamentary supremacy, R16My66:42 opposes Quebec act, PD15S74:13 opposes troops in British colonies, N.Am.,Pil3Ap75:31— P14Ap75:21-- D15Ap75:23 opposes John Wilkes, PD28N71:21 opposition to,PDMy67:12, PD21My67:23, PD18Je67:23, PD29D68:22 opposition to colonies denied, D29J176:21 pardons for rioters rumored, PD30Ap67:ll party against, PD20N66:12 plan for new ministry, PD170c71: 21-- R170c71:22 plan for settlement of dispute in Eng. , PD31Ja71:23 plan for uniting colonies with Gt. Brit.,PD20N66:13 plan to improve fisheries, PD4Je67: 21 plan to reconcile all parties, PD5Ap70:12 policies discussed, PD5Mr 72:22 political future of,PD7Ap68:13 political plans of, PD30Ap67:12 popular support of,PD240c71:21 portrait of in Westmoreland co. , Va. , R190c69:32 portrait of ordered by Westmoreland co., Va.,PD20Ap69:22-- R21Ap69sll portraits of sent to America, PD6Je66:ll praised, PD25Ap66:12,R19J170:ll, R19J170: 13, R7J174: 11, Pi28Ap75: 32 praised by Junius, R310c71:ll, R21N71:12 praised in Eng. ,P10F75:22,D23D75:21, P13S76:13 praised in London, Eng. ,R18J171:21 praised in Va. , Pil2Ja75:12 praises Continental congress, Pi6Ap75:31 — P7Ap75:23-- D8Ap75:31 predicts attack by Sp. , PD22N70s21 predicts attack on Gibraltar, PD7Mr71:31— R7Mr71:31 predicts Revolutionary war, PllAg75pll predicts success of John Wilkes, PD26S71:11 predicts war with Sp. ,PD14F71:31 prepares Stamp act repeal bill, PD2My66:ll presented with salmon, 250c65s21 209 Chatham, earl of (cont'd) prophesy on British colonies, N.Am., P15S75:21 proposes compromise for British colonies, N.Am. ,D29Ap75sll proposes conciliation with colonies, P28Ap75: 12, Pi28Ap75: 32 — P28Ap75: 22 proposes peace with U.S. , PllAp77sll, P30c77:21 proposes regulation of British-American trade, R1S74 :22 proposes removal of British forces from America, P8Mr76:13 proposes revision of debt laws, PD11D66:12 province on Ohio named after, PD27My73:22 quoted by colonists, R12Ja69:ll recommends conciliation with U.S. , D5S77:22— P5S77:22 reconciliation with Earl of Temple, R24F69sl3 refusal of portfolio, PD14Mr66:43 refuses to be Lord privy seal, PD5S71:13 PD5S71:13 refuses to form cabinet, D140c75:23 refuses to join ministry, R1S74:32 requested to head ministry, D2S75:13 residence of in London, Eng. , PD7Mr66:ll, PD28Mr66:13 resignation of discussed, PD26Ja69:21 resignation rumored, PD80c67: 12 resigns privy seal,R5Ja69:13, PD27Ap69:21 responsible for Boston port bills, PD14J174:12 retirement rumored, PD150c67:12, PD19N67:13 retires to country, PD4Ap66:31 return to ministry rumored, 12F62:31 return to politics considered, PD11F68:23 reviews events of revolution, D23Ja78: 11 rings in honor of, PD4J166:12 rumored head of ministry, D15My78:21 salary as Lord privy seal, PD4D66: 21 satire on,PD27N66:13,R18Ja70:21, PD7Je70:22,PD30My71:12 sermon dedicated to in Boston, Mass., R15Ag66sll speech (text), R26Ap70:ll,PDl6Ag70:22, Pi4My75: 11 speech (text) for colonies, PD22S74: 11 speech (text) for Stamp act repeal, PD9My66:ll speech (text) in Lords, PD19J170.21, PD18Ag74 :22 — R18Ag74:23 speech (text) opposing taxation of colonies, R9Je74sl 2 statue of erected in Cork, Ire. , PDlAg66: 13 statue of erected in N.Y. , PD6S70:22, PD27S70:13 statue of in American colonies, PD13N66:11,R4D66:21 statue of in Charleston, S.C., PD5F67:13,R26J170:12 statue of in Cork, Ireland, described, PD4J166:11 statue to be ordered for Md., PD18Ap66:31 strengthened in parliament, P15Mr76sl2— D16Mr76:32 support of, PD20N66:12 support of ministry rumored, PD28S69:11 supported by George m, PD20N66:13, PD11D66:12 supported by Va. house of burgesses, D17J175sl2 supported for office, PD12Mr72:23 supported in Eng. , P3F75: 41, D23S75:13,Pi2N75:21 supporter of American liberty, PD19My74:33 supports American independence, P6Mr78:21 supports Boston, Mass. ,PD15S74:12 supports colonies, PD2N69:13-- R2N69:21,R14Ja73:31,R22S74:33, PD20Oc74s21,Pi27Oc74:23, Pil6Mr75: 33,P17Mr75s42, D29Ap75s21 supports colonies and constitution, R8S74:32— PD15S74:13 supports constitution of England, PD21S69s21 supports Continental congress, P7Ap75:22 supports Kent petition, R15 Mr 70:11 supports new constitution for colonies, PD28S69:21 supports petition of Continental congress, P7Ap75:22 supports Stamp act repeal, PD16My66:21,PD23My66:ll, PD23My66:22 supports John Wilkes, PD15F70:12, R26Ap70:23,PD21Je70:23,R19J170:ll, R19J170:12,PD26J170:11 taxation policy criticized, D23Mr76:21 thanked by London, Eng. , PD16Ag70:22 to be Lord privy seal rumored, PD19Ap70:12 to be secretary of state, PD14S69:22 to form ministry denied, Pil9G)c75:23 to form ministry rumored, PD20S70s21 to head colonial affairs rumored, PD10N74:13 to head new ministry rumored, PD3Ag69:23 to join ministry rumored, PD21Je 70: 13, PD2My71:22--R2My71:21 to pay debts of John Wilkes, PD7Je70:22 toasted as friend of America, PD30Je74:ll— R30Je74:22 toasted by Continental congress, PD60c74:23— Pi60c74:32 toasted by N.Y. Sons of Liberty, PD13Ap69:22 toasted by Philadelphia, Pa., Sons of St. Patrick, PD13Ap69:23 toasted in Dublin, Ire.,Pi260c75:21 — D280c75:22 toasted in James City co., Va., PD1D74:23— PilD74:32 toasted in Princess Anne co., Va., R4Ag74:12 toasts to,PD13N66:ll tribute to, PD30Ap67:31 upheld freedom of press, PD23S73s21 views on colonial sovereignty, PD28Mr66:33 waxwork of,P26My75:33 withdraws from public, PD25Mr73:21 writes current history, PD80c72: 13 Chatham, England, fortifications of strengthened, PD13Je71:12 See also Anecdotes from; Assaults in; British army from; British army to; British army to Minorca from; British colonies, N. Am. ; British marines to British colonies, N. Am. , from; British navy in; British navy to Fr. from; British navy to Sp. from; British navy to W. I. from; Courts- martial in; Dockyards in; Fires in; Foot racing from; Gambling in; Riots in; Sailmakers in; Shipbuilders working day extended in; Ships built in; Ships' sailing time; Ships to British colonies, N. Am. , from; Ships to Portsmouth, Va. , from; Strikes in; Strikes in dockyards in; Suicides in Chatham, planation, Va., P10J178:22 Chatham, S.C. , See Houses for sale in; Mills for sale in Chatham, Va., See Rope yards in; Stables in;Stealing in Chatham, British ship, 25Ja40: 2 frigate, PD3Ja71:21,R7F71:31, PD21F71:32,PD14Mr71:32, PD28My72:23, PD3S72-.23 H.M.S.,2Je38:3l,16My51:22, 24Ja52: 22, PD11D66: 11, PD2N69: 23, PD27Ag72:21, PD290c72:12— R290c72:21,R7Ap74:12,P3My76:23— D4My76: 32, D8Je76: 61, D6N79: 21-- C6N79:22,D18Mr80:13, D25Mr80: 12 horse, PD5N67: 13 hulk,PD21Mr71:22 schooner, PD220c72:13, PD6Ja74:32 ship,R3My70:31,PD24Oc71:23, PD240c71:31, PD7Ap74:22— R7Ap74:22 transport, D17F76:32 yacht, 11S46: 22, PD21Mr71: 22 Chatham and Romney, H.M.S., 15S38:41 Chatham Rope Yard company, Va., D12Je79:41 meeting of,D12F79:42,D4S79:31, DllMr80:32 Chatoie, Mr . ,PD15Ap73:22-- R15Ap73:22 Chatsworth, plantation, Va., PD13J169:32— R13J169:23, PD8S74:32 Chaumont, Rey de, PlMy78: 21 Chaumont, ship,D24Ap79:22 Chauvelin, ship, 15S38:31 Chavery, John,R18Oc70:ll,PD18Oc70:23, R13D70:31 Chavieu, Shadrach, P21N77:33 Chavis, John, PD10D72:23— R10D72:23 Chawanous, with British army in Illinois, D2 6 Je79: 11 Cheadle, John, 17N38:41,C3J179:33 Cheap, Patrick, 21Ap38:41 Thomas, PD21N71:21 Cheatham, Mr. , P5J176s23— D13J176:22 James, R310c71:41 Joel,D2My77:72 210 Chef de Bien Joseph, PD17S71:32,P18Ap77s31, P9My77:32 Leonard, 3Ap46:42 Richard, R12J170:43 Thomas, PD8 Mr 70: 42 Cheathum, Josiah, P5J176p22 Check, adv. for, for Va. army, Pi50c75: 33--P60c75: 32--D70c75: 33 for sale,PD270c74:23 at Kemp's landing, Va. , P160c78:31 at Pungoteague warehouse, Va., P23Ag76:33 in Alexandria, Va. ,PD20Ag72:31 in Blandford, Va. ,D10J178:22, D13N78:11 in Edenton, N.C. , P160c78:42, D12F79:41 in Fredericksburg, Va. ,DllAp77:62— P4Ap77:32,D26Mr79:22 in Gloucester co., Va.,D24Ag76:72— P16Ag76:33,D8Je76:71— P7Je76:33 in Norfolk, Va. ,PD24My70:33, PD8N70:22,PD5Ag73:23,PD30S73:31 — R30S73:33, PD2D73:22— R2D73:23 in Petersburg, Va. ,D5S77:22-- P5S77:31,D12S77:41— P19S77:11, D240c77:21--P240c77:32, D10J178:41— P5Je78:ll, P21Ag78:42 in Smithfield, Va. ,D31J179:12 in Suffolk, Va.,D14N77:22, P21Ag78:ll in Urbanna, Va. ,P21Ag78:13 in Warwick co . , Va. ,PD19N67:23 in Williamsburg, Va. ,28F55:31, 30N59:32,PD18D66:31,PD15F70:41, PD19Ap70s23— R19Ap70:31, PD22N70s23,PD19D71:32, PD2 90c 72 :22—R290c 72:22, PD270c74:31,PlAg77:23,D18Ap77:71, D18Ap77:72,D7N77:32,D8My78:82, P160c78:22 inYorktown, Va. , PD25F68:31— R25F68:31,PD6Ag72:31 imported to Accomac district, Va., from Boston, Mass. ,PD12Mr67:32, PD10Mr68:31--R24Ap68:41 imported to James river, lower district, Va., from New England, R12Ja69:23 imported to Va. from Antigua, W.I. , P9F76:12 lost, adv. for,PD22Ag71:33 stolen, in Charles City co. , Va., 6Ja38:42 in South Quay, Va. ,D25Mr80:32 by slaves, PD7F71:31 unclaimed, adv. of,16Ja61:41 Check, furniture , for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD25F68:23 — R3M-68:34 Check, Glasgow, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PDUa67:23 Check, Manchester, for sale, 12F62:42 Check, salvaged, for sale, in Norfolk, Va.,PD21D69:32--R28D69:13 Check manufacture, in Fredericksburg, Va.,P17Ja77:22 Check reels, making of adv. , in Williamsburg, Va. , P14Je76:32 Checks, See Cotton checks Chedworth, Baron [John Howe], Pi24Ag75:33,PlS75:21,D30Mr76:21, DllMy76:22 Cheek, John, 14Ag52:31, PD24N74:31 Cheeke, William, PD2F69:23, R14D69:31,R27F72:33 Cheer, Margaret, PD22S68:22— R22S68:23,PD60c68:22 Cheescake church, Yorkco., Va. , R19F67:31,D27N78:32 Cheese, as reward in British army, P8D75.13 boycotted in Providence, R.I. , PD21Ja68:31 boycotted in Va. Association, PB25My69:ll— RUe69:13 capture by British from Gardiner's island, N. Y. ,Pi31Ag75:31 — D2S75:21 cargo of sloop Argo,DllS79:21 duties on imported to Grenada, W.I. , PDUa67:22 export from Eng. requested stopped, PD25Mr73:21 exported from Accomac district, Va., to Philadelphia, Pa., PD270c 68:42 exported from Bristol, Eng., PDllMr73:22 exported from Eng. ,PDllMr73:13 exported from N.Y. ,PD9Ap67:22 for British army in Boston, Mass., D23D75:31 for sale,Pi22D74:32 in Charles City co., Va. ,PD1S74:32 in Cumberland, co., Va. , PD19Ja76:33 in Newcastle, Va. ,PD20Ja74:32 in Norfolk, Va. ,PD19F67:31— R19F67:23,PD12My74:43 in Norfolk borough, Va. ,3J146:41, PD28F71:41 in Richmond, Va. ,D24Ap78:32 in Williamsburg, Va. , 12Mr52:31, PD25F68:23— R3Mr68:34, PD220c72 :22 - -R220c72 :23 , D4D78:22 imported to Accomac district, Va., from Boston, Mass. ,PD12Mr67:32, PD10Mr68:31--R14Ap68:41, PD270c68:42 from N.Y.,PD14Ja68:31 from Philadelphia, Pa. ,R25D66:13, PD14Ja68:31, PD14Ja68:32, PD270c68:42 from Plymouth, Mass. ,PD14Ja68:31, PD8S68p22 from R.I.,PD12Mr67:32, PD3D67:31,PD22D68:31 from Salem, Mass. ,PD12Mr67:32 imported to Hampton, Va., from Philadelphia, Pa . , 28Mr45:41 imported to James river, lower district, Va., from Boston, Mass., 29D52:32,28F55:31,R25D66:13 from N.Y.,2Mr53:41,PD10F74:23, PD14Ap74:23— R17Mr74:22 from Philadelphia, Pa. ,24N52:22, PD20Ja74:23 from R.I.,19D55:22 from Salem, Mass.,R12Ja69:23 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from Boston, Mass., 5Ja39:42, 9F39:42, 18My39:41, 9Ja46:4 , PD22 Ja67:32 , PD24D67:32 , PD15D68:23,R12Ja69:31,PD38D69:31 from N.Y.,1D52:31,PD15D68:23 from Piscataway, N. J. , PD28D69.31, PD3F74:22 from R.I.,9F39:42,18My39:41 from Salem, Mass. ,PD22Ja67:32, PD14Ja68:31,PD29D68:23,PD29D68:31, PD28D69:31 from Southhold, N. Y.,PD11F68:23 from Whitehaven, Eng. ,PD23Mr69:31 imported to York district, Va. , from Boston, Mass.,9D37:42,3N38:61 from Isle of May, Scot. , 13J139:41 from London, Eng. , 13J139:41 from Madeira, 6Ap39:31,24Ag39:31 from N.C.,20J139:41,25Ja40:4 from R.I.,12Ja39:42,9Mr39:41, 18My39:31,25Ja40:41 lost at sea,PD10D67:21,PD24D67:21 — R24D67:21,PD7Ja68:23 market for in Sp.,R14F71:22 monopoly on in Eng. ,PD25Mr 73:21 in India, PD80c72: 12 price of, in Belfast, Ire.,2F39:31 in Bridgewater, Eng. ,R15J173:31 in Coventry, Eng.,RllD66:22 in Manchester, Eng. ,PD15Ag71:ll in Oxford, Eng. ,R11D66:21 seized by British in Bristol, R.I. , Pi9N75:21 in St. John's, Antigua, W.I., D6Ap76:21 seized from British ship, 17J152: 31, Pi9N75: 12, D6Ja76: 31, P5Ja76(5)sl2— D6Ja76: 31— Pi6Ja76: 21 D13Ja76:32,D10F76:31, P22Mr76: 22, D30Mr76: 31, P26Ap76s22, D8N76: 11, D3Ja77: 21 — P3Ja77sl3, D30c77: 12, P12D77: 21, D11S79: 21 unclaimed, adv. of, 27Ag56: 41, PD25Mr73: 32 Cheese, Cheshire, for sale, in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72: 31 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23, R15N70: 31— PD22N70: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD31D72: 31— R31D72: 31, PD3Je73: 32--R3Je73: 23 Cheese, damaged, for sale, in Accomac co. , Va. , PD7Ja73: 31 — R7Ja73: 33 Cheese, figg, imported to Va. , from Madeira, 6Ap39: 31, 24Ag39: 3 Cheese, Gloucester, for sale, in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72: 31 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23, R15N70: 31— PD22N70: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD29N70: 22— R29N70: 23, PD270c74: 31 Cheese apples, 2Je38: 41 Cheese manufacture, in Md. , RllN73sl3 Cheeseman, Capt. , R12Mr72: 23 in Quebec, Can. , D3F76: 32 [Jacob], Capt. , P9F76: 23— D10F76: 31 Thomas, PUD74: 21 Cheesman, Capt. , of the True Briton, PD14F71:23 — R14F71: 31 John, Capt., of the Kings- Fisher, 28Mr55: 32 Cheever, Mr. , on committee to wait on Gen. Gage, PD1D74: 22 Ezekiel, PD30D73: 22 Cheevers, Capt. , of the Herbert, R10Je73:41 of the Needham, PD5Ag73: 21 — R5Ag73: 22 Daniel, PD270c74: 21 Chef de Bien, de, adv. drawing miniatures, DlMy79: 22, D20N79: 22 211 Chellowe Chellowe (Chellow), plantation, Va. , PD13My73: 31, PD13My73: 32, PD20My73s21 Chelmsford, England, See Money excavated near; Riots in Chelmsford, Mass. , See Non- importation agreements supported in Chelsea, England, police in, 8Cc36: 32 See also Assaults near; Robberies in Chelsea college, Eng. , foot companies formed at, 29J137: 41 Chelsea hospital, London, Eng. , recruiting for British army in, P9Je75:21--D10Je75:21 Chelsea, Mass. , See Boston, Mass. , inhabitants of flee to; Continental army to; Ships from Boston, Mass. , Chelson, Stephen, 3J146: 31 Cheltenham, England, See Sermons preached in Cheltenham, Pa. , See Slaves commit suicide in; Suicides in Chemical laboratory, for sale, in Urbanna, Va. , 21N45: 41 Chemical utensils, for sale, in Yorktown, Va. , PD30J172: 31 Chemistry, books on, PD15Ag66: 31 experiments in, in Philadelphia, Pa. , R170c71:41 lectures on, in Philadelphia, Pa. , R170c71:41 taught in London, Eng. , 21J138: 22 Chemists, in Paris, Fr. , invent dangerous powder PD17N68:21 in Richmond, Va. , 2Je38: 41 in Williamsburg, Va. , 22Ap37: 42, 20My37;42,3Je37:41 See also Convict servants as Chemokins plantation, Va. , 30J152: 32 [Chemung] N. Y. , battles at, D25S79: 11 burned by Americans, D4S79: 21 Chenault, Mary, R29Ap73: 33 Cheney, Andrew Francis, D7Mr77: 62 Chenille (shenneals), for sale, in London, Eng. , PD7Je70: 33 in Richmond, Va. , PD5N72sll-- R5N72: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD19Ap70s23-- R19Ap70: 31, PD170c71: 23, R170c71: 33, PD29Ap73: 23, PD5My74: 31--R26My74: 13, Pi20Oc74: 31--PD20Oc74s22 Chenille, double, for sale, in Richmond, Va. , PD310c71: 23--R310c71: 32 Chenille, in bunches, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD22N70s23 Chenille, single, for sale, in Richmond, Va. , PD310c71: 23--R310c71: 32 Chenille caps, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD14My72: 22 Chenille knots, for sale, in Petersburg, Va.,PD310c71:31 in Richmond, Va. , PD5N72sll-- R5N72:22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD14My72: 22 Chenille stomachers, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD310c71: 31 in Richmond, Va. , PD5N72sll-- R5N72: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , R260c69: 23, PD2N69: 41, PD22N70s23, PD14My72: 22 Chenusaw, Indian, opposes Va. , D16S75: 31 Cheraws, S. C. , grand jury, opposes taxation of colonies, Pi2Mr75: 31 petit jury, opposes taxation of colonies, Pi2Mr75: 31 Cherbourg, France, defenses rebuilt, PD23Ja72: 22 harbour enlarged, 4My39: 31 insurrections in, PD24Je73: 13 See also Beef price of, in; Bread cheap in; Imports to; Mutton price of, in; Prices high in; Shipwrecks off; Smuggling in; Veal price of, in Cherbury, Edward, Lord Herbert of, author, D25N75: 11, D30D75-.il, D24F76: 43, D2Mr76: 41, D9Mr76: 41, D25My76: 43 Cherokee river, See Murders by Indians on Cherokee, H. M. S. , P5Ap76: 23, D6Ap76: 21 Cherokee war, in S. C. , 16Ja61: 31, 16Ja61: 32 Cherokees, P1N76: 32 agreements with S. C.*, 50c39: 41 align with French, 16Ja61: 32 alliance with Creeks rumored, PD10Mr74: 23 alliance with Shawnees, PD17Mr74: 22 alliance with Shawnees expected, PD9Je74: 23--R9Je74s23 attack Americans, in Ky. , P30Ag76: 22 attack Fincastle, co. , Va. , P2Ag76: ll--D3Ag76: 21 attack Fort Watauga, Va. , P9Ag76: 32--D10Ag76: 61 attack on Va. planned by, P2Ag76: 12 attack S. C. , D14S76: 42 attack Va. frontier, P26J176: 23 attacked by Georgians, D14S76: 42 attacked by N. C. troops, P180c76: 23 attacked by northern Indians, PD5Mr67: 21, PD28My67: 21, PD18Ag68: 22 attacked by Ohio Indians, PD16Je68: 22 attacked by S. C. , D40c76: 12 attacked by S. C. militia, D27S76: 22 attend conference in Augusta, Ga. , PD9S73: 23 in Ninety-Six, S. C. , PD23J167: 21-- R23J167s21 in Salisbury, N. C. , PD7My67: 23 with Ga. and S. C. , D20Je77: 12 avow peaceable intentions, PD31Mr74: 22 battle with Creeks, in Charleston, S. C. , 22My52: 12, 29My52: 22 cede lands to Va. , PD10D72: 22 character of ambassadors to Va. discussed, 310c51: 22 checked by colonists, D17Ag76: 21 claimed for Dunmore's troops, P22Mr76: 31 conferences with British, PD28My67: 21 dance on palace green, Williamsburg, Va. , D30My77: 22— P30My77: 32 declare peaceful intentions, R7Ap74: 12 defeat Six Nations, PD10D67: 23 disavow murders, in Ga. , R10Mr74: 23 education of, PD21My67: 22 entertained by Dinwiddie, 17N52: 21, 5S55: 31 friendly to Va. , P16My77: 23 give assurance of peace, PD24Mr74: 12 history and lands described, 19S55: 12 hostile on frontiers, D29Je76: 41 hostilities of , D27D76: 42 hunting reservation returned to, R10Mr74:13 in Carter's valley, Va. , ravage populace, P16Ag76: 31 in S. C. ,PD5S66sll given ammunition, D20Ja76: 12 incitement by British protested by Sp. , D18S79: 21 inciters of tried in Va. , P20D76sl2, D27D76: 42 indentured servants among, 210c37: 41 join British army in Ga. , DlMv79: 21 kill Virginians, D22J175: 33--P22J175s23 kill white settlers, R150c72: 23 land of, D160c79: 31 lands encroached upon in Va. , R260c69: 21 murder of, R2S73: 22 near Broad river, PD9S73: 23-- R9S73: 31 murder Virginians, PD10D72: 22 murdered, R210c73: 21 murdered by Virginians, payments for, R26My68: 22 murders by, R24Mr74: 33 in Ga. ,R31Mr74:31 on Holston river, PD130c74: 23 peace treaty with Va. , P29N76: 21 peace with N. Y. Indians negotiated, 3N38: 52 peace with Six Nations and Canadian Indians, PD9je68: 21 peace with Va. ,D28Ja75: 31-- Pi26Ja75: 32 plan attack on Ga. , P2Ag76: 13 on S. C. , P2Ag76: 13 prisoners of, receive French overtures, 16Ja61: 32 promise aid to Gt. Brit. , P7Je76: 32 purchase of lands of proposed, by Va. general assembly, R14D69: 22 refuse to trade with Carolina, 16Ag51: 22 refused aid by Creeks, D14S76: 42 relations with Ga. , D13J176: 12 with Nottoways, 16Ag51: 31 with Shawnees, PD130c74: 23 with S. C. , 30c51: 22, 310c51: 22, 19S55:12 with U. S. ,D160c78:32 with Va. , P22S75: 23 request trade agreement with Va. , 16Ag51: 22 robberies by, on Ohio river, PD2Je74: 23 seU lands in Va. and N. C. , P10Mr75s21 send French prisoners to British, PD18Ag68: 22 sold Transylvania, D30S75: 33 take Frenchman prisoner, 24Je37: 31 towns destroyed, P29N76: 22 trade of wanted by Ga. and S. C. , 220c36: 31 trade treaty, with Va. completed, 16Ag51: 31 negotiated, 8Ag51: 31 treaty of friendship with Va. renewed, 10N52: 22 treaty with Col. Christian, P22N76: 23 treaty with Creeks denied, R31Mr74: 31 with Delawares, PD9Je68: 21 with Ga. , PD18Mr73: 21, PD9S73: 31 with Georgia proposed, PD25Mr73: 22 with Shawnees, PD9Je68: 21 with S. C. , 30Ap52: 21, R2S73: 22 212 Chesterfield co. , Va. with S. C. negotiated, D10Ja77: 22 with southern U. S. , D27Je77: 12 with Va. discussed, D30My77: 21 — P30My77: 32 truce with Cherokees, D10Ja77: 31 war with Creeks, 30c51: 22, 30Ap52: 21 with Kickapoos planned, PD6Ag72: 21 with Onetdas, PD16S73: 22 with Wabashes, R70c73: 21 with British army in HI. , D26Je79: 11, D26Je79: 22 See also Boundary disputes; Boundary lines Cherrington & Witton, 30Je38: 42 Cherristones warehouse, unclaimed tobacco in, R14Ap74: 33 Cherry brandy, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , R7Ap74: 32 Cherry chairs, for sale, in Blandford, Va. , P26J176: 41 in Williamsburg, Va. , R25F68: 31 Cherry Cook plantation, Va. , horse breeding at, P21Mr77: 13 Cherry logs, exported to London, Eng. , 19J154: 32 Cherry orchards, P8Ag77: 11 In Amelia co. , Va. , 3S56: 32, PD5My74: 31 in Amherst co. , Va. , R26Ag73: 23 in Bosworth, Va. , R14D69: 31— PD21D69: 32 in Brunswick co. , Va. , H24Ap52: 32 in Buckingham co. , Va. , PD22Mr70: 33 in Charlotte co. , Va. , D1N76: 41 in Cumberland co. , Va. , PD22Ag66: 23 in Dinwiddie co. , Va. , P16Ag76sll in Elizabeth City co. , Va. , PD14N71: 23 in Goochland co. , Va. , D17Je75: 33 in Hanover co. , Va. , 17N52: 22, PD19Mr67: 32 in Isle of Wight co. , Va. , PD20Ag67: 33, PD10S67: 23, PD150c67: 22, R11F68: 32--PD25F68: 23 in James City co. , Va. , PD130c68: 23— R130c68: 23 in King William co. , Va. , R25D66: 32 — PDUa67: 41 in Louisa co. , Va. , 13F52: 41 in Middlesex co. , Va. , R23My71: 31 in Prince George co. , Va. , 110c51: 41 in Prince William co. , Va. , PD30Ja72: 33--R6F72: 31 in Princess Anne co. , Va. , P9My77sll in Smithfield, Va. , PD1S68: 31 in Southampton co. , Va. , PD12S66: 31 in Spotsylvania co. , Va. , R31Mr68: 33 near Williamsburg, Va. , Pil2Ja75: 33— D14Ja75: 32 on Hampton river, Va. , PD14N71: 22 Cherry plank, exported from James river, upper distrtet, Va. , to Liverpool, Eng. , PD15Ag66: 31 — R15Ag66s32 for sale in Hanover co. , Va. , D13Ja76: 33— P5Ja76: 33 Cherry Point, N. C. , 7Ap38: 42 Cherry tables, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , R25F68: 31 Cherry tree log, exported from York district, Va. , to London, Eng. , 19J154: 32 Cherry trees, for sale, in Surry co. , Va. ,26S55:32,4N63:41 in Fauquier co. , Va. , R17Mr68: 34 See also Edmond's (John) nonesuch; Kentish; Marrello; May Duke Cherry valley, N. Y. See Tories in Cherry wine, imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from Perth Amboy, N. J. , PD7J168: 23 — R7J168: 22 Cherryderry, stolen, in Charles City co. , Va. , 6Ja38: 42 Cherrystone creek, See^ Ships in Cherrystone river, See Ships in Chervil seeds, for sale, in Richmond, Va. ,D9S75:32,D3F76: 33 Chesapeake bay, blockaded by British, D25S79: 22 naval engagement in, D3J179: 22 seat of American revolution, P28F77:21 See also Association of 1774, violation attempted in; British army to N. Y. from; British navy cruises in; British navy deserters from, in; British navy from; British navy in; British navy, ships captured in; British navy to N. Y. from; Canals from Delaware to; French navy in; French navy to; Ice in; Imports to; Landings on; Lightning in; Pirates, British, driven out of; Prisoners of war, American, taken in; Privateers, American, burned in; Privateers, American, captured by British in; Privateers, British, attacked by Americans in; Privateers, N. Y. , in; Ships, American, captured by British in; Ships, American, captured by British navy in; Ships, American, captured by N. Y. privateers in; Ships, American, recaptured from British in; Ships, American, seized by British in; Ships, French, decoyed by British in; Ships from Nantucket, Mass. , to; Ships' sailing time; Ships taken in; Ships to; Shipwrecks near; Skippers adv. for, in Cheselden, [William], author, PD7J168: 31, PD29N70: 21, PD13D70: 42, PD3Ja71: 42, PD17Ja71: 42, PD24Ja71: 42, PD7F7L42, PD21F7L42, PD7Mr71: 42, PD21Mr71: 42, PD28Mr71: 42, PD18J171: 23, PD25J171: 33, PDlAg71: 41, PD8Ag71: 41, PD10Je73: 22, D24J179: 31 Cheshilly, Fr. , See Fires in Cheshire, John, 240c55: 11 John, Capt. , of the Thomas, 26S55:31,19D55:22 Richard, Capt. , of the Industry, 12F62: 31 Cheshire, England, See Assaults in; Hogs in; Indentured servants from Chesley, Robert, 17Ag39: 41 Chesnut, John, Pi60c74: 33 Chesolm, William, Capt. , of the William, PD13J169: 32 Chester, Capt. , D1J175: 31 Chester, Mr., author, D24Ag76: 51 [John], Capt. , P7J175: 23— D8J175: 31, PH3J175: 31 — P14J175sl2— D15J175: 13, D15Ag77: 51 Peter, gov. of West Fla. , PD8Mr70: 23, PD4N73: 22 Samuel, D20N79: 32 Chester, Eng. , assizes, 24J152: 22 election of mayor celebrated, 4F37: 21 See also Anecdotes from; Fires in; Money scarce in; Robberies in; Shipwrecks near; Twins in Chester, Md. , See Boston port bill, relief from; Horse-racing in Chester, Pa. , See British army in; Cattle unusual sizes in; Imports to; Preaching in; Quackery in; Robberies between Derby, Eng. , and; Ships from Chester, Va. , See Land for sale near; Storehouses near Chester, British ship, 25Ja40: 2 H. M. S. , 25Ja40: 11, 11J145: 31, 11J146: 42, 21N51: 22, 24Ja52: 22 ship, R8F70: 23, PD19Mr72: 23, PD6Ja74:32,D10Ag76:22 sloop, 18Ap45: 32, 18Ap45: 41 Chester co. , England, See Enclosures in Chester co. , Pa. , dissatisfied with government of Pa. , P8N76: 22 supports Philadelphia, Pa. , on colonial affairs, R7J174: 31 See also Drownings in; Lightning in; Militia of; Murders committed by soldiers in; Murders in; Storms in; Women plant fall crops in Chester river, Md. , See Shipwrecks on Chester Town, sloop, 18Ap45: 32, 18Ap45:41 Chesterfield, earl of [Philip Stanhope], gov. general of Ire. , addresses of, 1746, 28Ag46: 11, 28Ag46: 12, 4S46: 11 anecdotes about, R10Je73: 23— PD17Je73: 12, R8J173: 23, Pi20Oc74: 22 author, PD10Je73: 32 copyright on letter challenged, P31Mr75:31 death of, R10Je73: 23 discusses Samuel Johnson's dictionary, HAp55: 11, 18Ap55: 11 health of, PD27My73: 12 letter (text) from Voltaire, PD24Je73: 12 letter from Voltaire quoted, PD10N74: 23 letters to son reprinted, R25Ag74: 31, D'l5Ap75: 11, D3F76: 11, D2Mr76: 11, D10F76: 11,D17F76: 11.D24F76: 11, D9Mr76: 11, D16Mr76: 11, D23Mr76: ll,D30Mr76: 11 opposes gambling, R10Je73: 23— PD24Je73: 12 opposes printing of letters in Scot. , P17Mr75s22— D18Mr75: 23 opposes Stamp act, PD22D74: 22 reported author of essays, 24Ja52: 11, 30Ja52: 12, 6F52: 21, 20F52: 12 Chesterfield, Va. , See Slaves runaway from; Warehouses in Chesterfield, H. M. S. , 23Ja46: 32, 11S46: 31, 24Ja52: 22, 10Oc55: 21, 12F62:31,12F62:32 Chesterfield, plantation, Va. , 19N36: 42, D30OC78: 31 Chesterfield co. , Va. , 19S55: 32 burgesses elected, 17Ja52: 41, 27F52: 32, 19D55: 22, PD1D68: 31, PD28S69: 22, PD12D71: 31, 213 Chesterfield co. , Va. , burgesses elected (cont'd) PD14J174: 23 burgesses from, PDllMy69s41, R9N69: 11 census requested, D27Ap76: 33-- P19Ap76p23 Chancery court, PD22Ap73: 31, R6My73: 32, C15My79: 33 committee, elects militia officers, P3N75: 12 trial on violation of passport, P16F76s21 committee of observation chosen in, PD15D74: 31 — PH5D74: 32 court, authorizes building jail, R6S70: 31 judges, PD3Ag69: 33 land sold by order of, PD10N68: 31, PD26S71: 32 orders Thomas Walke to give counter security, PD80c72: 32 orders William Buckingham and John Wilson held in jail, PD3Ag69: 33 slaves sold by order of, 4N63: 43 tobacco sold by order of,DHN80: 23 delegates elected, P19Ap76: 33, P18Ap77sll freeholders, resolutions (text) of, PD21J174pl3--R21J174: 31 list of tithables for 1774, not returned, Pil8My75: 33--P19My75s32— D20My75: 33 senator elected, P9Ag76: 33, P9My77: 23 sheriffs, 19S55: 32, R14J168: 33 sheriff's summons, R6My73: 32, C15My79:33 See also Auctions in; Apple orchards in; Apprentices runaway from; Bake houses in; Brick jails in; Bridges in; Buildings in; Churches in; Coal pits for rent in; Coal pits for sale in; Coal pits in; Convict servants run- away from; Dairies in; Dwelling houses in; Ferries in; Fisheries in; Fullers adv. for, in; Fulling mills adv. of, in; Gardens in; Gristmills in; Horse-breeding in; Houses in; Indentured servants runaway from; Jails in; Kitchens in; Land, ownership of, disputed in; Land posted in; Land for sale in, near; Marines from; Militia in; Militia of; Mills in; Musters, general, dates appointed for, in; Orchards in; Outhouses in; Peach orchards in; Quarters in; Roads in; Sawmills in; Ships for charter in; Ships for sale in; Slaves adv. for, in; Slaves for sale in; Slaves found, adv. of in; Slaves held in; Slaves runaway from; Stealing in; Stills for sale in; Tailors, journeymen, adv. for in; Tories in; Undertakers adv. for; Vendues in; Warehouses in; Weavers adv. of in; Weaving adv. of in Chesterfield co. , Va. , troops, arrive in Williamsburg, Va. , P29S75: 31, P10N75: 23 Chesterfield courthouse, Va. , See Cropping houses at; Houses at; Land mortgaged, for sale at; Land for sale at; Ordinaries at; Slaves for sale in; Taverns adv of, in; Taverns for rent at Chesterfield forge, PD18J171: 22 Chestertown, Md. , See British army, recruiting for, in; Convict servants runaway from; Horse-racing in; Recruiting in; Robberies in Chestertown, N. H. , See Boston port bill, relief from by Chestertown, Va. , See Lots for sale in Chestnut, John & co. , Pi60c74: 33 Chestnut, Kershaws & co. , Pi60c74: 33 Chestnut, horse, PD20Oc74: 31 Chestnut Hill, Pa. , occupied by British, D19D77: 21 skirmishes near,D26D77: 11 See al so British army in; Continental army in; Prisoners of war, American, taken at Chestnut street wharf, R3D72: 23 Chestnut timber, in Gloucester co. , Va. , P310c77: 12 in King and Queen co. , Va. , R170c71: 31, PD12Ag73: 23 in York co. , Va. , R15Je69: 23 Chestnuts, export from Sardinia forbidden, PD5F67: 21 seized from British ship, P26Ap76s22 Cheston, Mrs. , PD7Ap74: 31 James, PD7Ap74: 31 Chests, as lottery prizes, R24N68: 31 for sale, in Culpepper co. , Va. , P250c76: 32 in Norfolk, Va. , PD18Ja70: 42 in Surry co. , Va. , D29Je76: 42 imported to York district, Va. , from Isle of May, Scot. , 2N39: 32, 25Ja40: 4 from London, Eng. , 2N39: 32, 25Ja40: 4 imported, unclaimed, adv. of, 24Ag51: 41 lost at sea, PD10D67: 21 stolen, in Williamsburg,. Va. , P16Ag76sl2 unclaimed, adv. of, D26D77: 12 See also Iron chests; Pewter ink chests; Walnut tea chests Chests, coffee, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , D16D75: 23 Chests, medicine, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD22Ap73: 31 Chests, tea, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , D27Je77: 31 Chests of drawers, as lottery prizes, R17Mr68: 33, R19Ja69: 31 for sale, Pi7S75: 32 in Newcastle, Va. , D30c77: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD28J168: 23-- R28J168: 31 See also Mahogany chest of drawers Cheswell, Col. , D28Ag79: 31 Chetsworth plantation, Va. , PD16J167: 32 Chetwood, Mathias, PD20Oc68: 22 Chetwynd, Mr. , Pi6D75: 22--D9D75: 13 Chevalier, Col. , P23Ag76: 22-- D24Ag76: 31 Chevalier Forbin, ship, PD23Je68: 13 Chevallie, Mr. , P21Ag78: 41 Chevier, Charles, R22Ap73s21 Chevillette, Lt. , 25Mr37: 32 Chew, Capt. , of the Baltimore, 7Mr51:31 Mr. , 17F38: 31, P240c77: 21 S. , Dr. , 28J138: 12 Benjamin, Pi29Je75: 12, D29Ag77: 22-- P29Ag77: 22 Henrietta Maria (Lloyd), Mrs. , 29S38:41 John , 17J152: 32, 24J152: 41, PlMr76: 13 John, jr. , P16F76s22, P5J176s22, P23Ag76sll Larkin, P22S75: 11, R18Oc70: 23 Nathaniel, Capt. , 170c51: 32 Robert, PD29Ja67: 13, PD18F68: 31 Samuel, jr., (Md. ), 29S38: 41 Chewning, John, P21Mr77s22 Thomas, P21Mr77s22 Chewton, Lord, P15Mr76sll-- D16Mr76: 31 Cheyne, [George], author, PD29Ag71: 33, D24J179: 31 Chiaia, Italy, See Festivals in Chichester, Eng. , See Anecdotes from; Shipwrecks near; Shipwrecks off; Tea smuggled near Chichester, H. M. S. , 24Ja52: 31, 4Ap55: 22, 25Ap55: 12, 25Ap55: 21, 26S55: 12 ship, 4J145: 31, 3Ap46: 41, R3Mr74: 31 Chick, John, D23S75: 33 Chickahominy church, James City co. , Va. , DlMy79: 32 Chickahominy ferry, Va. , 23D37: 42, 3J146:32,27Mr52:31 Chickahominy river, Va. , See Ferries on; Land for rent on; Land for sale on; Landings on; Ships for sale on; Ships in; Shipyards on Chickahominy shipyard, Va. , D11S79: 32 See also Ships for sale at Chickamaugas, attacked by Americans, D29My79: 31 conference at Cambridge, Mass. , P23F76: 23--D24F76: 31 to aid colonies, D9Mr76: 22 Chickamuxton warehouse, Md. , tobacco notes from, D17J179: 32 Chickasaws, attacked by Creeks, PD25Ag68: 12 Creeks desire peace with, PD28J168: 22-- R28J168: 22 defeat Creeks, PD5Mr67: 21 French attack on rumored, 6Je45: 22 French troops attack, lAp37: 32 French troops sent against, 30S37: 32, 23D37:21 incitement by British protested by Sp. , D18S79: 21 peace with Creeks refused, PD4Ag68:21-- R4Ag68: 21 promise aid to Gt. Brit. , P7Je76: 32 rob store at Kaskaskia (Caskatskys), m. ,PD10S72:21 war with Cherokees, 30c51: 22 war with Creeks, PD12My68: 22-- R12My68: 13 war with French, 24Je37: 31 war with Kickapoos planned, PD6Ag72: 21 war with Wabashes, R70c73: 22 with British army in 111. , D26Je79: 11, D26Je79: 22 Chicken broth, used in cure for pleurisy, PD23S72312 Chickens, captured by British in U. S. , D20c79: 22 214 China chocolate sets Chicot, Capt. , of the Charming Jenny, PD9D73: 13 Chignecto, N. S. , British army at, 26S55: 21 capture of, 170c55: 21 credit for victory disputed, 12S55: 21 French defeat at, 12S55: 21 skirmishes at, 18J151: 32, lAg51: 32 See also British army in; French army in; Indian attacks in; Ships from; Ships' sailing time; Ships to Providence, R. I. , from; Shipwrecks off Chilcott, Mr. , P22Ag77: 31, D29Ag77. 22 John, P30c77: 31 Child, Capt. , D25Mr80: 23 of the Industry, P1N76: 21 Elizabeth, Mrs. , 24Ap52: 21 Samuel, Pi9N75: 23--P10N75: 21 Child labor, in Birmingham, Eng. , PD20My73: 11 in Surry, Eng. , PD23Ap67: 13 Childers, Joel, Pi24Ag75: 33 John, D210c75: 33, D27S76: 42 John, sr. , PDl70c71: 32 Thomas, C3J179: 32 Childers, horse, 250c65s42, D14Mr77: 41- ■ P21Mr77s23, D12S77: 42— P12S77:32,D12Mr79:31 — C15My79: 33, D26Mr79: 32 stallion, 18Ap55: 31, PD24N68: 32— R24N68: 22, D14Mr77: 12— P21Mr77:22 Children, as weavers in London, Eng. , PD27Ag67: 21 attacked by British in Va. , D22My79: 22 bounties for in Middlesex co. , England, PD3N68: 12 bounties on, in Prus. , PD140c73: 21 — R140c73: 22 cruelty to, in London, Eng. , 25Je52: 12 deserted in London, Eng. , R22J173: 32, PD19My74: 33, D26F79: 21 deserted in Philadelphia, Pa. , D9Ap79: 22 deserted in Weathersfield, Mass. , PD24Mr74: 22 deserted near Williamsburg, Va. , D4Mr75: 23 employment of poor in Boston, Mass. , PD10Mr68: 21 in British marine, D210c75: 22 killed by horses, PD27J169: 21 killed by hurricanes in Charles City co. , Va. , PU4S75: 23 killed by rats in Hoxton, England, PDlS74s21 mistreated in Eng. , PD22N70: 22 murdered in London, Eng. , Pil7N74: 23, Pi28Ap75:31 riot in Boston, Mass. , PD5Ap70: 21 scalped by Indians in Va. , PD8S74: 23 sold into slavery, PD24S67: 12, PD18Ag74: 11 — R18Ag74: 12 spinning by in Boston, Mass. , PD1S74: 21 starved in London, Eng. , PD80c72: 21 — R80c72: 22 stolen in Surry, Eng. , PD3Mr68: 22 tried in Guildhall, London, Eng. , PD16J172: 23 Children, abnormal, born in Cork, Ire. ,R25Mr73: 21 in Boston, Mass. , PD13My73: 23 in Hingham, Mass. , R14Ja73: 23 in Slaughter, Eng. ,D8Ap80: 12 Children, British, rearing criticized, PD12Mr67: 11 Children, Negro, revived after drowning, PD12D71: 31 Children's books, 22Ap57: 32, PD25F68: 43, PD7J168: 31, PD29N70: 22, PD13D70: 43, PD3Ja71:43,PD17S72: 22 Childres, Matthew, H2S57: 42 Childress, Abraham, P12S77: 13 Francis, R27Ap69: 31 Jeremiah, D30Oc78: 32 John, P28Je76: 33, PlAg77: 31 Lucy, 250c65s41, P1N76: 43 Mary,250c65s33 Childrey, William, PD10Je73: 21 — R10Je73: 33, PD8J173: 31 — R15J173:33 Childs, William, P21Ap75: 32 Chile, insurrection denied, PDllN73sl2 insurrections in, PD5N72: 22, PD2S73: 13--R2S73s22, PD16S73: 21, PD140c73sll, PD140c73s21, PD280c73: 21, PD25N73: 13, PllAg75: 23— D12Ag75: 23 revolution in, PD70c73: 12, PD70c73: 13 supported by pope, PD140c73s21 — R140c73:23 See also Shipwrecks off; Spanish navy to Chiles, Henry, 14N55: 22, D22My79: 41 James, PD6My73: 31 John, R5N72: 23, PD5My74: 23, P29Ag77: 41 Michjah, PD29D74: 32 Chillicothe (Shawnee village), Ohio, burned by Americans, D10J179: 31, D31J179: 22 Chillingsworth, Ralph, P29D75: 33 Chilton, John, R18J171: 32, R4F73: 31, PD27Ja74: 32— R27Ja74: 41 [John], Capt. , D30c77: 31— P30c77: 21 John Stewart, R26J170: 23 Richard, PD21D69: 33, PD18J171: 23 Stephen, PD28Ap68: 23 Thomas, adv. finding horse, D18Mr 80: 32 adv. for runaway servant, 31 Oc45: 31 adv. tobacco for sale, 20Je51: 32 appointed to commission on tobacco damage, RllJa70: 23 estimates value of damaged tobacco, R30Ag70: 23 on committee for Westmoreland co. , Va. , Pi9F75: 31 slave of, R8N70: 23 William, R7Mr71: 33 Chimney covers, painted, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , P10My76: 43— DllMy76: 23 Chimney glasses, for sale, Pl9Ja76: 33 — D27Ja76: 41 Chimney pieces, See Wooden chimney pieces Chimney sweeps, See_ Convict servants as as Chimneys, See Brick chimneys; Wooden chimneys China, emperor dies, 10S36: 32 people characterized, PD6Ja74: 11 revolutions in, PD2F69: 21, R24F69sll route from Russ. to discovered, PD10D72: 12 Swe. colonizes in, 7Ja37: 22 trade treaty with Russ. , 31D36: 41 trade with Fr. , Pi23Mr75: 21 treaty with Russ. , 31D36: 32 See also Hurricanes in; Imports to Eng. , from; Imports to London, Eng. , from; Inoculation, Suttonian, adopted in; Roman Catholic church permitted in; Ships from; Suicides in; Tea export from China, composition of discovered by British, PD26Mr72: 31 duties on import to British colonies, N. Am. , discussed in parliament, PD30J167: 23 duties on import to Gt. Brit. , PD2D73sl2— R2D73: 13, PD10N74: 23 for sale, 23My55: 21 in Alexandria, Va. , D24J179: 22 in Bute co. , N. C. , D5S77: 31 in Fredericksburg, Va. , D29J175: 32 in Hanover, Va. , D24Ap78: 31 in Hobb's Hole, Va. , R29Je69: 33 in Middlesex co. , Va. , PD25Je72: 33, P20S76: 23 in Newcastle, Va. , D30c77: 32 in New Kent co. , Va. , PD30Oc66: 23 in Norfolk, Va. , PD10Ag69: 32 in Petersburg, Va. , Pi23Mr75: 33— D25Mr75: 31, P12J176: 32— D13J176: 21,D24Ag76:61 in Williamsburg, Va. , 24My51: 32, 18J151: 41, 30Ap52: 32, 60c52: 32, PD28J168: 23--R28J168: 31, PD21S69: 41 — R21S69s21, PD28S69: 31, PD4Oc70: 31, C15J180: 21 on Pianketank river, Va. , Pi8D74: 33--PD8D74: 31, P10F75:42— D11F75:23 imported to Cadiz, Sp. , from Veracruz, Mex. , 21N51: 12 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , HAg38:41 imported, unclaimed, adv. of, PD10N68: 22 seized from French ship, 5D45: 41 smuggled in Ire. , 26Ja39: 31 stolen, 20Mr52: 22 See also Britannia china; Dutch Holland china; Queen's china China, English, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. . PD25J166: 22 China, table, for sale, P19Ja76: 33— D27Ja76: 41 in Dumfries, Va. , P25J177: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , D8Ag77: 22 in York co. , Va. , D20N79: 22 China, tea, for sale, in Dumfries, Va. , P25J177: 33 in Lancaster co. , Va. , C19F80: 11 in Williamsburg, Va. , D8Ag77: 22 China bowls, for sale, in Dumfries, Va. , P25J177: 33 in Gloucester, Va. , P19Ap76sll — D20Ap76: 33 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PDllAp71: 32, PD12D7L32 in Yorktown, Va. , PD310c71: 23 China chocolate sets, imported, for 215 China chocolate sets, imported for (cont'd) sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. , P5Je78: 11 China coffee cups, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD3D67: 32, R260c69: 23 China coffee sets, imported, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. , P5Je78: 11 China cups, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , P10My76: 43--DllMy76: 23 China cups and saucers, for sale, in Blandford, Va. , D13N78: 11 in Richmond, Va. , D9D80: 23 in Louisa co. , Va. , D28N77: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , D7N77: 32, D11D79:22 in Yorktown, Va. , PD310c71: 23 China dishes, as lottery prizes, PD19My68: 23 for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , D27Je77:31,DlAg77:22 China jars, for sale, in Yorktown, Va. , D23Ja78: 31 China manufacture, eastern method discovered, PD27Ag72: 22 encouraged in Gt. Brit. , PD2D73sl2— R2D73: 13, PD10N74: 23 in Philadelphia, Pa. , PD20Ag72: 22 invented in Gt. Brit. , PD19Mr67: 22 promoted in Paris, Fr. , 22S52: 21 China mugs, for sale, in Trinity glebe, Louisa co. , Va. , D28N77: 22 in Yorktown, Va. , PD310c71: 23 China plates, for sale, in Charles City co. , Va. , PD1S74: 32 in Richmond, Va. , D30c77: 41 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from Philadelphia, Pa. ,PD3F74:22 China saucers, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , R260c69: 23 China shaving basins, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , D27Je77: 31 China table bowls, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , D14N77: 31 China tea bowls, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , D14N77: 31 China tea sets, imported, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. , P5Je78: 11 China teacups, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD3D67: 32, R260c69: 23,PD2N69:41 China teacups and saucers, for sale, in Smithfield, Va. ,D21F77: 22— P28F77s22 in Williamsburg, Va. , C13N79: 12 Chinaware, boycotted in Providence, R. I. , PD21Ja68: 31 exported from Veracruz, Mex. , to Rota, 25N37:41 for sale, at Green Spring, Va. , PD12N67: 22 in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72: 31 in Cabin Point, Va. , P2F76s23 — D3F76: 33 in Edenton, N. C. , P160c78: 42 in Williamsburg, Va. , 18S46: 41, PD19S66: 31, PDllAp71: 32, PD12D71: 32, D16D75: 23, D8My78: 82 in Yorktown, Va. , D23Ja78: 31 imported to Eng. , from China, 5S55: 22 imported to London, Eng. , from China, PD25Ag68: 21 lost adv. for, R50c69: 31 See also Earthen chinaware; Glass chinaware Chincoteague bay, Md. , See Shipwrecks between Sinepuxent bay, Md. , and Chincoteague is. , Va. , See Prize ships, British, for sale on; Ships, American, captured by British off; Ships for sale on; Ships, French, captured by British off Chinese, religious education in Europe, 17N38: 31 Chinese artists, in Eng. , treatment of, R15Ag71: 13 Chinn, Agatha, P21F77: 21 Charles, PD10D67: 32 John, PD14J168: 11--R14J168: 21, Pi2Mr75: 22 Joseph, 30Ja52: 32, 27F52: 32 Thomas, R2N69: 31 Chintz, for sale, in Alexandria, Va. , P3Ap78: 31, D14Ag79: 12 — C28Ag79: 43 in Blandford, Va. , D13N78: 11 in Cabin Point, Va. , P2F76s23— D3F76:33 in Fredericksburg, Va. , P4Ap77: 32— DllAp77: 62 in Gloucester, Va. , P19Ap76sll— D20Ap76: 33 in Lancaster co. , Va. , C19F80: 11 in Norfolk, Va. , PD24My70: 33 in Petersburg, Va. , D13Je77: 22, P27Mr78: 12, D8My78: 61 in West Point, Va. , P160c78: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , 20Je45: 41, 27Mr46: 42, 30N59: 32, PD19Ap70s23— Rl9Ap70: 31, PD22N70s23, PD30Ap72: 31, R150c72: 31, PD140c73: 23, DlMy79: 22, C13N79: 12, D11D79: 22, D5F80: 33 worn illegally in London, Eng. , PD80c67: 12 Chintz, India, for sale, in Alexandria, Va. ,PD20Ag72:31 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22 in Petersburg, Va. , D12S77! 41 — P19S77: 11 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD13Ap69: 32— R13Ap69: 31, PD19Ap70s23— R19Ap70: 31, R8N70: 13, PD170c71: 23, PD30Ja72: 32--R6F72: 32, R12My74: 32, D8My78: 82 stolen, in Charles City co. , Va. , 6Ja38: 42 Chintz, lamps, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22 Chintz handkerchiefs, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , D11D79: 22 Chios island, Aegean sea, ceded to Russia, PD31Ja71: 13 described, R30My71: 13 See also E arthquakes on; Marriages regulated in; Russian navy at Chip, John, Capt. , PD18Ag74: 33 Chipiona, See Shipwrecks off Chipondie, N. S. , destroyed by British, 310c55: 11 Chippenham, England, See Woolen manufacture decline in Chippewas, allied with French, 270c52:12 murder British traders, PD3D72: 12— R3D72: 21 murders by, near Saguenay bay, Que. , PD6Ja74: 23 protest settlement on Ohio and Susquehanna rivers, D18Ap77: 62 Chips, See Orange chips Chips, candied, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD11N73: 22, PD29S74: 32 Chirujien, Francois Clinet, D29N76: 32 Chiseldine, James Kerley, 17Je37: 42 Chisels, for sale, 12F62: 42 in Petersburg, Va. , D26D77: 21 in Smithfield, Va. , D21F77: 22— P28F77s22 in Williamsburg, Va. , 24Ja51: 41, 21Mr55: 41, PD28S69: 31, PD15F70: 41 stolen, R7Je70: 32 Chisholm, Major, PD23J167: 21 — R23J167s21, PD24Ag69: 21 — R24Ag69: 22 Alexander, Capt. , of the George, 19J154:31,7N54:22 of the Speedwell, 17N52: 22, 24N52: 22, 2Mr53:41 David, Dl J175: 33 John, Capt. , of the Euphan, R8S74: 31 William, PD29D68: 31, R26J170: 22, PD30c71: 31, PD21My72: 23, C15J180:21 William, Capt. , of the William, 22S52: 32, 20Oc52: 21, 22D52: 31 Chisholm & Bowness, PD29D68: 31 Chishure, John, R30Ag70: 31 Chislum, John, R80c72: 31 Chisman, Capt. , of the Pitt, PD13F72: 32 Diana, PD24Je73: 32, PD16S73: 33 John, PD24Je73: 32, D21Mr77: 12 John, Capt. , P23Je75: 31 John, sr. , PH0N74: 32 Nancy, Miss,D12D77: 12 Thomas, PD14D69: 32, PD5Ap70: 33, PD24Je73: 32 Chisolm, Major, PD2N69: 21 Chissam, David, PD28My72: 23 Chiswell, Col. , 14D39: 31, 18Ap51: 41, R26My68: 22, P25J177: 41, D20c79: 31 Mrs. , R16Je68: 32, PD21D69: 11 — R28D69: 12, PD21D69: 12 — R28D69: 12, PD5Ap70: 41 — R5Ap70sll Charles, 25F37: 42, 8Ap37: 41 Elizabeth, Mrs. , P8Mr76: 31 John, adv. household goods and land for sale, 2S57: 41 adv. land for sale, 240c55: 22 adv. plantation for sale, 170c51: 32 adv. runaway slave, 170c51: 31 burgess from Hanover co. , Va. , 13F52:32,27F52: 32 burgess from Williamsburg, Va. , 12D55: 22 land of, PD2N69: 11— R2N69: 11 John, Col. ,20Oc38: 32, 240c51: 32, 19D51:41,170c55: 31 accused of murder, PD15Ag66: 22 adv. sale of land, 18Ap51: 41 bail for criticized, PD11J166: 11, PD25J166: 11, PD22Ag66: 21, PD29Ag66: 22, PD12S66: 11 bail for defended, PD4J166: 22, PDlAg66:23,PD19S66:21 bailed by general court on murder charge, PD20Je66: 23 case of Chiswell-Routledge, PD29Ag66: 23 216 Christian death of, PD170c66: 31 death of wife of, P8Mr76: 31 house of, 25Ap51: 41 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD12S66: 22 indentured servant of, 10Je37: 41 murder of Routlidge described, , PD18J166: 21, PD12S66: 22, PD19S66: 22, PD10Oc66: 11, PD10Oc66: 13, PD10Oc66: 21 slave of, 15My46: 41 Lucy, PD29N70: 21 Polly, PD2Je68: 23 Chiswell's mines, Va. , PD13Ag67: 12— R13Ag67: 22, R22S68: 31, PD20Ap69: 22, D22My79:41 Chiswell's ordinary, James City co. , Va. , PD25Je67: 32, PD20Ag67: 33 Chitqua, Mr., Chinese artist, R15Ag71: 13 Chitwood, John, PD15Je69: 32 Chivers, Edward, PD18F68: 31 Choakley, Benjamin, PD240c66: 31 Choat, William, Capt. , of the Swan, 12F62:32 Chocolate, exported from Accomac district, Va. , to Philadelphia, Pa. , PD270c68: 42 for sale, at Burwell's ferry, Va. , P14Ap75: 31--D15Ap75: 32 in Blandford, Va. ,D8N76:31 in Fredericksburg, Va. , 28Ag46: 31 in Norfolk, Va. , HAp55: 32, PD30My66: 32--R30My66: 33, PD24Ja71: 32 in Portsmouth, Va. , PD15Ag71: 32, PD10c72: 23, PD11N73: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , 15My46: 42, 31J146: 61, 18Ap51: 32, 5S51: 32, 30c51: 41, 170c51: 31, 12Mr52: 31, 30Ap52: 32, PD19S66: 31, R28J168: 32, PD270c68: 33--R270c68: 22, PD27Je71: 32, PD12D71: 32, PD290c72: 22--R290c72: 22, R8Ap73: 33, PD11N73: 22, PD29S74: 32, Pi6Ap75:42,D14N77:31 in Yorktown, Va. , 18Ap55: 31 import to Swe. forbidden, 18S46: 32, PD240c66: 13 imported to Accomac district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , PD270c68: 42 from New York City, PD23Je68: 23— R7J168: 21, R7J168: 21, PD270c68: 42 from Philadelphia, Pa. , R25Ag68s23— PD8S68p22, PD8S68p22--R7J168: 21, PD270c68: 42 imported to Cadiz, Sp. , from Veracruz, Mex. ,21N51: 12 imported to Hampton, Va. , from Md. , 10Oc45: 22 from Philadelphia, Pa. , 28Mr45: 41 imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from Antigua, W. I. , R11F68: 31 from Boston, Mass. , 29D52: 32, R12Ja69: 23 from Falmouth, Eng. , R11F68: 31 from New York City, 2Mr53: 41, PD10F74: 23 from Philadelphia, Pa. , 24N52: 22, R15S74:33 from Salem, Mass. , R12Ja69: 23, R12Ja69: 31 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , R60c68: 23— PD29S68: 23 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , R25D66: 13, PD22Ja67: 32, PD24D67: 32, PD14Ja68: 31, PD10Mr68: 31 — R14Ap68: 42, PD29S68: 23, PD15D68: 23, R12Ja69: 31, PD28D69: 31 from New York City, 1D52: 31, PD14Ja68: 31, PD7J168: 23, PD8S68p22, PD15D68: 23, PD7S69: 31, PD13S70: 23 from Philadelphia, Pa. , PD8S68p22, PD7S69: 31, PD9N69: 22, PD24My70: 23 from Salem, Mass. , R25D66: 13, PD22Ja67: 32, PD10D67: 31, PD17D67: 31, PD14Ja68: 31, R60c68: 23--PD29S68: 23, PD15D68: 23, PD29D68: 23, PD29D68: 31, R12Ja69: 31, PD28D69: 31, D18Mr75: 32 imported to Rappahannock district, Va. , from Philadelphia, Pa. , 28Ag52: 31, 17N52: 22 imported to Va. , from Glasgow, Scot. , PD16N69: 22 imported to York district, Va. , from Hampton, Va. , 8D52: 31 from New England, PD29Ja67: 32 from New York City, R31Mr68: 31 from Philadelphia, Pa. , PD27N66: 22 seized from American ship, P8Mr76: 31 tax on in Gt. Brit. , PD170c71: 13 Chocolate, cake, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 1D52: 31 Chocolate manufacture, established in Savannah, Ga. , PD18D66: 22 Chocolate mills, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD28S69: 31, PDllAp71: 32 Chocolate pots, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22, PD26D71: 31 — R6F72: 42,R25Ag74: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD28S69: 31, PDllAp71:32 Chocolate sets, See China chocolate sets Choctaws (Indians), attacked by Creeks, PD25Ag68: 12 avenge murder by Collapissas, PD8D68: 11 Creeks desire peace with, PD28J168: 22— R28J168: 22 defeat Creeks, PD5Mr67: 21 fight Creeks, PD23J167: 13— R23J167s21, PD13Ag67: 12--R13Ag67: 22 incitement by British protested by Sp. , D18S79: 21 raids in Va. , PD25Ag74: 22 relations with Creeks, PD9S73: 23 unrest among, PD8Je69: 21 visit Charleston, S. C. , 24N52: 22 war with Creeks, PD240c66: 21, PD12My68: 22--R12My68: 13, PD20Ap69: 21, PD27J169: 13, R7Ap74: 12,DllF75sl3 war with Oneidas, PD16S73: 22 Choczim, Transylvania, captured by Austrian army, R10F74: 22 See also Russian army in Choice, Tully, 30Ap52: 32 Choiseul, Duke of, PD23Ap72: 31, D23S75: 33 Choiseville de, Marquis, of the L'lllustre, 5S55: 21 Cholic, cure for, PD30My71: 23, Pi23N75: 33, D3Ag76: 32--P6S76: 42 Cholmondeley, earl of, [George James], P28Ap75: 13— D29Ap75s21, P26My75s42, D19Ag75: 22, D15My78: 22 Choning, William, R4Ag68: 32 Choppers, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22 Choptank river, Md. , See Ships to Chowan co. , N. C. , committee, pursues counterfeiter, P16Ag76: 42 See also Apple orchards in; Bounties in; Cotton cards manufacture encouraged in; Horse-breeding in; Houses in; Land, mortgaged, in; Land for sale in; Linen manufacture, bounties on in; Lotteries of land; Manufactures encouraged in; Stealing in; Wool cards manufacture encouraged in; Wool cloth manufacture encouraged in Chowan river, N. C. , See Ferries on Chowning, Mr. , PD7Ap68: 32 Chaltin, 220c36: 41 George, R17Mr68: 33, R16Je68: 33, R24N68: 31 Josiah, adv. for missing horse, 3J152:41,PD23Je68:31 adv. land for sale, PD27N66: 31 adv. tavern, PD10Oc66: 33 estate of, for sale, R23Ap72: 42 land and slaves of for sale, PD13My73: 33— R13My73: 32 settlement of estate of, R220c72: 31 Josiah, Mrs. , PD13My73: 33— R13My73: 32 Chrisman, Abraham, R1N70: 31 Christ, Capt. ,D21S76:21 Christchurch, Hants, England, See Accidents in Christ church, Philadelphia, Pa. , R28Mr71: 32, PD16Je74s22, PD23Je74: 21, D9S75: 33, D25S79: 21 addresses Gov. Penn, PD23My71: 22 architect for, PD30Ja72: 32 bells in, PD20Ja74: 31 burials at, PD14Ja73: 23— R14Ja73: 23 struck by lightning, D20Je77: 21 Christ church, Savannah, Ga. , PD17Ja71: 12 Christ church, S. C. , 10S36: 22 Christ church parish, Middlesex co. , Va. , rectors chosen, PD1D68: 31 See also Brick churches in Christall, William, 250c65s41 Christian, Capt. , of the Elizabeth, 10N52: 22 Col. , PD130c74: 22, Pi30Mr75: 32, Anthony, PD26Ja69: 41, R29Ap73: 31 Charles, PD30J172: 33, PD17Je73: 33 Christopher, R17N68: 31 Daniel, P28Mr77s22 Drury, D9Ap79: 32 Elijah, P170c77: 42 Francis, D10Je75: 33 Israel, R28Ja73: 32--PD4F73: 23, P30Je75s23, PHOc76: 23 James, 7N54: 42, C25D79: 13 John, PD18F68: 32--R18F68: 32, RllMy69:42 adv. for missing horse, C30Oc79: 23 adv. ownership of land, D6Je77: 31 adv. settlement of estate, C30Oc79: 23 collector for Va. Gazette, P9F76: 11 land of, C25D79: 13 217 Christian, John (cont'd) tavern of, PD19Ag73: 21, PD9D73: 23— R9D73: 23 Matthew, P12Je78: 12 Michael, 7N54: 32, Pil9Ja75: 21 — D4F75: 32.D3F76: 32 Robert, PD16My66: 31, PD23Ap67: 32 Susannah, P23My77: 12 Thomas, 12F62: 32 William, Capt. , 4N63: 21 [William], Col. , P20D76sl2, P8My78s21,D27D76:42 adv. finding horse, PD6Je71: 33 adv. finding slaves, PD8S68: 31 adv. for missing money, DlMy79: 22 adv. merchandise for sale, Pi26Ja75: 32 appointed col. of first Continental regiment, P5Ap76: 32 appointed It. col. of Va. regiment, 1st. , P25Ag75: 71 appointed to command expedition against Indians, P9Ag76: 32 appointed to committee of inspection for Charles City co. , Va. , Pil2Ja75: 11- D14Ja75: 13 arrives in Williamsburg, Va. , P10F75:41 chairman of committee for Finecastle co. , Va. , P22JT75s41 delegate to Va. convention from Fincastle co. , Va. ,DlAp75: 21 denies Toryism of Capt. Samuel Kinkead, P22Mr76: 32 elected burgess for Finecastle co. , Va. , PD17Je73: 33--R17Je73s23, PD4Ag74: 23 elected chairman of committee of inspection for Finecastle co. , Va. , P10F75: 32 leads Indian expedition, D1N76: 31 loyal to U. S. , P29N76: 22 march on Chote (Indian town) reported by, P1N76: 31 marches against Indians in southwest frontier, P180c76: 23 on committee of defense in Va. , Pi30Mr75: 23— DlAp75: 22 reports on Cherokees. P16My77: 23 reports on march through Indian territory, PI 5N76: 31 reports on war with Indians, D15N76: 21 thanked for service to Finecastle co. , Va. , P10N75: 41 treaty with Cherokees, P22N76: 23 Christian, pseud. , 2Mr53: 31 Christian, ship, 17S36: 42, 4J145: 3, 9Ja46: 4, 3Ap46: 12, PD8Ag71: 22, PD240c71: 31 sloop, P15D75: 32— Pil6D75: 22, P5Ja76s23--D6Ja76: 33, P21Je76: 32 — D22Je76:32 snow, R19J170: 23 Christian Layman, pseud. , PD2J172: 21. PD16J172: 21, PD6Ag72: 22, PD13Ag72: 11, PD27Ag72: 42, PD10S72: 11, PD220c72: 11, R4F73: 22, PD11F73: 22, R11F73: 21, R25F73: 22, R18Mr73: 22. PD25Mr73: 31--R25Mr73: 23, RlAp73: 33,R22Ap73: 22,PD13Mv73: 11, PD13My73: 32, R22J173: 11 Christiana bridge, Del. , D20D76: 21, P8Ag77: 32 Christiana creek, Pa. , naval engagements in, D25My76: 32 Christianburg. ship, 240c45: 11 Christians, enslaved by Turks, lAp37: 21 murdered in Constantinople, Turk. , PD13D70: 13 persecuted by Turk. , 31Ag39: 31 persecuted by Turks in Albania, 13J139: 12 Christianson, frigate of war, PD5N72: 31 Christianstadt, St. Croix. See S hips from Christie, Capt. , of the Elizabeth. PD15Ja67: 32 of the London, PD26My74: 23 Lt. , PD30Je68: 22--R30Je68: 23, P22J175s22--D29J175: 31 Gabriel, Col. , Pi7S75: 13, Pi7S75: 21 [Hugh], author, PD3Ja71: 43, PD17Ja71: 43, PD7F71: 43, PD21F71: 43, PD10Je73: 34, D24Ag76: 63, D3Ja77: 43, D17Ja77: 43, D2My77: 83,D4J177: 83 Jacob, P14N77: 33 James. R10Je73sll James, jr. , PD17Mr74: 31, Pi7S75: 12, Pi7S75: 13, Pi7S75: 21 Jeremiah, P15Ag77: 32 Robert, of Glasgow, Scot. , 20Oc52: 31 Robert, of Maryland, R10Je73sll, RllAg74: 33 — PD18Ag74: 32 Robert, jr. , PDUJe67: 33, PD17Mr74: 31 Thomas, D28F77: 31 William, R4D66: 23 Christie, brig, PD9S73: 32 ship, PD13Ag67: 23, R11F68: 31, PD22J173: 31, R22J173: 33, R13Ja74: 33, PD13Ja74: 33— R13Ja74: 33, PD10Mr74: 31, PD8D74s22 snow, PD19J170: 21--R19J170: 23, PD19J170: 32, R2Ag70: 23 transport, D29J176: 12 Christies. Messrs. , R19J170: 23 Christler, George, C6N79: 33 Christmas celebration, in Eng. , PD19Mr72: 21 Christopher, David, R29Je69: 32 Hannah, P21Ag78: 23 Jacobus, PD5Ag73: 31 John, Pi2Mr75: 22 Robert, R15J173:41 Chronicle, [William], Major, C21Oc80: 12 Chronology, taught at Samuel Kemp's school, D6N78: 31 tutors of adv. , in Hanover co. , Va. , PD150c72: 23— R150c72: 31 Chronology and History, lectures on, at College of N. J. , PD18N73: 21 Chronometer, invented in Eng. , PD24Je73: 22, PD15J173: 31 — R15J173: 31, PD2S73: 12— R2S73s21 Chronus, pseud. , PD6F72: 31 Chrystals, found in New England, R3Mr68: 24 — PD10Mr68: 21 Chrystie, Capt. , PD9Ap72: 32 Chubb, Alexander, PD23J172: 33 John Everly, PD10Mr68: 31 Chubbard, Capt. , of the Griffin, 11S46: 21 Chuckatuck, Va. , See Land, posted in Chudleigh. Capt. , P22J175s22— D29J175: 31 Chughnuts (Indians), attend conference at Fort Stanwix. N. Y. , PD1D68: 23 Chumsey, horse, 18Ap55: 31 Church, [Benjamin], Dr. , PD24N68: 22 appointed to committee of correspondence, Boston, Mass. , R29Ap73: 11 arrestee, for Toryism, Pi260c75: 31 — P270c75s21 chosen delegate to Mass. provincial congress, PD130c74: 22— Pil30c74: 31, Pi270c74: 13, Pi2F75: 23 imprisoned in Cambridge, Mass. , Pi260c75: 31 — P270c75s21 — D280c75: 32 member of committee in Boston, Mass. , PD8Je69: 11 on committee to address Gov. Gage, PD60c74: 22 presents petition to governor, R3D72: 12 traitorous letter of, D3F76:41 Edward, PD24Ag69: 21 James. R16D73: 33 Thomas, P28N77: 31 Church building, bartered for tobacco, 16My55: 21 Church clerks, adv. for, in James City parish, Va. , P28F77: 22 Church equipment, stolen, in Nottowav parish, Va. , 3J146: 42 Church of England, bishops' installation in 1470 celebrated, PD12Mr67: 31 bishops support American episcopate, PD27Je71: 11 confirmation discussed, PD30My7L 22 declines in Norfolk, Va. , PD30J172: 23 dispute with Dissenters, PD22Ap73; 22 doctrinal changes discussed, PD16Ap72: 23. PD7My72: 23, PD9J172: 11, PD9J172: 12 recommended. R21My72: 12 refused, PD16Ap72: 21 doctrine of praised, PD6My73: 13 doctrines discussed, PD12My74: 12 doctrines taught at Sussex glebe, Va. , school. P12S77: 11 doctrines unchanged, PD24S72: 21 Good Friday customs, 3Ag39: 22 in Accomac co. , Va. . establishment supported, P6D76: 13 in Londonderry, Ire. , PD2F69: 13 in N. Y. C. , PDlAg71: 13 in Newport, R. I. , PD8Mr70: 21 in Va. , commissary, PD4Ap71: 31, PD9My71: 31— R9My71: 33, PD13Je71: 33 convention of clergy, PD17S71: 31 — R26S71: 33 disestablishment urged, 5Mr52: 11, 20Mr52: 11 establishment opposed, P26Ap76: 21, P8N76: 11 establishment supported, P1N76: 11. P13D76: 11 Henley-Nicholas quarrel over. PD13My73: 23, PD20My73sll. PD3Je73: 11, PD3Je73: 23 heresy discussed, PD24F74: 11, PD3Mr74: 31, PD31Mr74: 31, PD12My74: 11 preservation discussed, D24Ap78: 11 quarrel with Presbyterians, R21J168: 24. R18Ag68sll. R15S68: 11 upheld, PD22Ja67: 23 influence declines in Eng. , PD12Mr72: 21 218 Churches litany change ordered by king, PD7My72: 31--R21My72: 22 opposes colonies, D9Mr76: 22 opposes corruption in Gt. Brit. , PD31Mr74: 13 penance in, 24Je37: 31 plan for relief of clergy's widows and orphans proposed, 12S55: 11 promoted in Ire. , PD16Ag70: 12 reform in opposed, PD5N72: 13 report on livings requested, R31Mr 74: 22 schools in America proposed by, R28Ap68: 21 supported by Earl of Chatham, R8S74: 32--PD15S74: 13 See also Clergy, Anglican; Episcopate, American Church of England Man, pseud. , PD10OC71: 12, PD170c71: 22, PD310c71: 21, PD9Ja72: 11 Church of Scotland, 27J139: 31 addresses George m, PD14S69: 11 encourages rebels to surrender, 11S46: 31 general assembly, addresses king, 18N37: 31 considers Catholicism, PD29Ag66: 13, PD19S66: 12 granted further power, PD3Ag69: 21 receives gift from George n, 8J137: 22 synod of, PD9Mr69: 23 Churches, 15S52: 32, PD20Je66: 31, PDlAg71: 22, PD10S72: 31, R27Ja74: 41, DlMy79: 32 bids for building adv. for, R2My71: 31 burned, in Aquia, Va. , 21Mr55: 32 collapse in Portoferraio, Elba, It. , P19My75: 11 dedication of discussed, PD30My71: 22 in Albemarle co. , Va. , 20Je51: 41, PD2Je74: 32 in Amelia co. , Va. , PD30J167: 33, PD16My71: 32, R11N73: 21, P25Ag75: 82, D14S76: 62, P23My77: 42, D25J177: 41, D14N77: 31--P14N77: 32, D310c77: 22 in Anne Arundel co. , Va. , R26J170:.31 in Augusta co. , Va. , PD23Je68: 31, P7Mr77s23, P19D77: 41 in Baltimore, Md. , R[llDs? ]66: 33 in Beckford parish, Va. , evaluated by general assembly, PD23Ap72: 12 in Bedford co. , Va. , adv. for bids for building, Rl Je69: 32 in Belhaven, Va. , lottery to raise funds for,10Ja[?]51:42 in Blisland parish, Va. , PD17S71: 31 in Boston, Mass. , 20Ja38: 31, 13Ap39: 22, PD24N68: 22, PD12Ja69: 21, PD13S70s22, PD240c71: 22, P8D75: 21--D9D75: 23, PilOJa76: 21 — P12Ja76: 22--D13Ja76: 22, D20Ap76: 21, D22Je76: 41 in Bristol, R. I. , damaged by. cannonading, P3N75: 22--D4N75: 23 in Brunswick co. , Va. , 31J146: 52, R18J171: 41,D180c76: 31 — P180c76: 31, D29N76: 41, P30Oc78: 43 in Caroline co. , Va. , 13J169: 31, R170c71: 31, PD21Ja73: 31, PD60c74: 32, D5Mr79: 41 in Charles City co. , Va. , R15Je69: 32, PlMy78: 32 in Charles parish, Va. , furniture stolen from, PD15D68: 31 in Charleston, S. C. , PD6Ag67: 22, R26J170: 12, D15Ag77: 21 in Charlotte co. , Va. , P5J176: 33 In Chesterfield co. , Va. , PDlJa67: 12 in Culpeper co. , Va. , 9My55: 22, 15My52: 32, R15N70: 23, R5S71: 41, PD220c72: 22, D26Je79: 32, HAp55:32, PlAg77: 13 in Dale parish, Va. , bids for building adv. for, PD29Ja67: 33 in Dinwiddie co. , Va. , PD21S69: 32, R290c72: 32, PD3D72: 22 in Dominica, W. I. , PD10D67: 31 in Elizabeth river parish, Va. , clerk's notices posted in, 17N52: 31, PD11J171: 32, PD9Je74: 32 in England consecrated, PD28S69: 21 sermons endowed, 10Mr38: 32, 28F51:22 in Essex co. , Va. , 27Ja38: 41, 18Ap55: 31, 27Ag56: 42, PD1D68: 31 — R14D69: 23, R20Je71: 42, D12D77: 21 — P12D77: 21 in Fairfax co. , Va. , 2My55: 22, R2F69: 31, PD31Mr74: 32 — R31Mr74:32, P8Ag77: 33 in Fauquier co. , Va. , D10Je75: 33— Pil5Je75:33 in Frederick parish, Va. , evaluated by general assembly, PD23Ap72: 12 in Fredericksburg, Va. , lottery for, R14J168:32,R14S69: 23 in Gloucester co. , Va. , 7F51: 41, 15My52: 41, PD8N70: 32--R8N70: 23, P24Ja77: 32, D21F77: 12, D19F79: 32 in Goochland co. , Va. , RlAg71: 33, R23Ap72: 33, PD12Ag73: 23, PD25N73: 31, D12S77: 22, P10J178: 41 in Great Bridge, Va. , PD13Je66: 22 in Hanover co. , Va. , 17N52: 22, HAp55: 32, PD13N66: 22— R4D66: 42, PDllAg68: 31, R16Je74: 32, D4Mr75: 33, Pil8My75: 33, P8N76: 42, D6Je77:31,P4J177sll in Hartford, Conn. , struck by lightning, PD16J167: 21 in James City parish, Va. , bids for repairing and erecting pews, adv. for, PD20Oc74: 31 in King and Queen co. , Va. , R23F69: 22, PD17Ja71: 23, R23S73: 33 in King William co. , Va. , 24J152: 32 in Loudoun co. , Va. , R12My68: 22, R130c68: 24, R10D72: 31, P5S77: 33 in Louisa co. , Va. , PD22Mr70: 33— R22Mr70: 22, PD19Ap70: 41, D19Ag75: 33 in Lunenburg co. , Va. , 4N63: 43, P12Ap76: 33 in Middlesex co. , Va. . D25Mr75: 32— P7Ap75: 33 in New Kent co. , Va. , 240c45: 42, R24D67: 31, PD5Mr72: 32, R3Je73: 23, P15Mr76:32,D18S79:32 in N. Y. , 80c36: 41, PD20Je66: 12, P21N77: 21 in New York City, PD7Ja68: 32, PD10Ag69: 23, PD27My73: 21, PD19Ag73: 13, R10F74: 31, P19N75: 22, DUN75: 22,DHOc76: 22 in Newport, R. I. , R18Ag68s21, R15N70:22 called Jacobite, D7Mr77: 62 in Norborne parish, Va. , evaluated by general assembly, PD23Ap72: 12 in Norfolk co. , Va. , R25D66: 41 in Norfolk, Va. , R22Mr70: 32, PD31D72: 32, PD16D73: 23 in N. C. , establishment urged, 6Ap39:ll in Northampton, Mass. , accident in, 10Je37: 31 in Northumberland co. , Va. , PD28Ap68: 23, P20D76: 23 in Nottoway parish, Va. , furnishings stolen from, 3J146: 42 in Orange co. , Va. , PD2F69: 32— R2F69: 23 in Petersburg, Va. , D25My76: 22 in Philadelphia, Pa. , PD4Ap71: 23, PD30Ja72: 32, PD14Ja73: 23 — R14Ja73: 23, D9S75: 33, P8Mr76: 23, D20Je77: 21,D25S79: 21 in Pittsylvania co. , Va. , PD5My74: 31 in Portsmouth, Va. , building defended, PD19F67:21 neglected by vestry, PD11D66: 31 poor workmanship of, PD8Ja67: 23, PD19F67: 13 in Prince Edward co. , Va. , PD21D69: 33, PD24My70: 33, D20N79: 12 in Prince George co. , Va. , PD18Ag68: 32, D13D76:41,D19Je79: 32 in Prince William co. , Va. , 17Ap52: 32, R170c71:41 in Richmond, Va. , adv. for clerk, R16Je74: 23 bids for building addition to, adv. for, R11F73: 22 in Richmond co. , Va. , R15D68: 22, PD16S73: 23, R3Mr74: 41, D14S76: 71 — P13S76: 33,P19S77: 13 in St. Croix, W. I. , destroyed, PD290c72: 13 in St. Stephen's parish, Va. , PD26N72: 23— R26N72: 22 in Savannah, Ga. , PD17Ja71: 12 in S. C. , 10S36: 22 in Southampton co. , Va. , bids for building, PD3N68: 31 in Southwork parish, Va. , furnishings stolen from, R290c72: 31 in Spotsylvania co. , Va. , R22S68: 32, R21N7L42 in Stafford co. , Va. , 24Ap52: 32, P3Ja77s23, P5D77: 32 in Stratton Major parish, Va. , R31D72: 32— PD7Ja73: 31 in Sussex co. , Va. , PD3N68: 32, PD16Ag70: 41, PD8N70: 31, PD13Ag72: 22, R290c72: 32, PD3D72: 22, PD7Ja73: 33, P27Je77: 32, P27Je77:42 in Talbot co. , Md. , 25J151: 32 in Va. , ordinances published in, P5J176pl2 state support opposed, D28Mr77: 62 in Westmoreland co. , Va. , R23Ag70: 42 in Williamsburg, Va. , R15D68: 22— PD15D68:31,P9Ag76:33 in York co. , Va. , R19F67: 31, R19My74:43,D27N78:32 near Hanover courthouse, Va. , 29Je39: 32 remodeled in London, Eng. , PD14Mr71: 31 See also Brick churches; Meetinghouses; Stone; Wooden; Worship houses 219 Churches (cont'd) Churches, described, in Brunswick co., Va. ,PD12Mr72:32 in Hillsborough, N. C. , adv. for bids for building, R4F68: 34 in Lunenburg co. , Va. , bids for building, adv. for, PD9My71: 33 in Meherrin parish, Brunswick co. , Va. , bids for building, adv. for, PD6My73: 31 in New Kent co. , Va. , R16F69: 21 in Warwick parish, Va. , bids for building, adv. for, R17D72: 31 Churchill, Col. , PD27J169: 41 Mrs. , PD9My71: 33 A. , 170c55: 31, P10J178: 42 Armistead, 12Je52: 22, PD22Ag66: 23, PD6N66: 23, R190c69sl3, P13S76: 32— D21S76:32,D8Ja80:43 Benjamin, P20S76: 23 [Charles], PD28S69: 21 Charles, author, 24My51: 32, PD170c66: 41, PD25F68: 41, R13J169:23,PD21F71:42, PD7Mr71: 42, PD21Mr71: 42, PD28Mr71: 42, PD18J171: 32, PD25J171: 42, PDlAg71: 42, PD8Ag71: 42, PD17S72: 21 Hannah, Mrs. , P13S76: 32— D21S76: 32, P20S76: 23 John, PD4F73: 31, PD4Mr73: 33, PD23D73s22, P5Je78: 42, D10J178: 12 Joseph, PD270c74: 22 William, 17Ap52: 32 adv. for teacher, PD2N69: 32— R2N69: 31, PD29N70: 22— R13D70: 31, PD9D73: 22— R9D73: 21, PD60c74: 32, P21Ag78:41 adv. land for sale, R26J170: 33— PD16Ag70: 43, PD1N70: 22— R1N70: 23, PD20F72: 33— R27F72: 33, D25N73: 31, Pi60c74: 33— PD60c74: 33 adv. plantation for sale, PD12Ja69: 33— R12Ja69: 32 adv. slaves and horses for sale, PD24N68: 32— R24N68: 22 adv. slaves for sale, PD31Mr68: 31 collector for estate of Augustine Smith, R23Je74: 42 Churchill's mill, Va. ,R4F73: 31 Churchman, Capt. , of the Gooch, 23Ja46: 22 of the Hanover, 9My45: 31 Henry, Capt. , of the Fame, 7Mr51: 31, 20Mr52: 22, 14Ag52: 22 Churchman, pseud. , R26S71: 13 Churchwardens, Pi20Ap75: 32 adv. for clergyman, P6Je77: 31 at Westmoreland courthouse, Va. , 20Je51: 32 in Albemarle parish, Surry co. , Va. , 19S51:32 in Autrim parish, Halifax co. , Va. , PD2N67: 23 in Blisland parish, James City co. , Va. , adv. for building bids, PD3Mr74: 32— R3Mr74: 33 in Bristol parish, Va. , PD18Oc70: 32— R18Oc70: 22 in Bromfield parish, Culpeper co. , Va. , PD8D68: 31— R15D68: 32 in Bruton parish church, Va. , PD5S66s32, PD15D68: 31--R15D68: 22 in Cameron parish, Loudoun co. , Va. , R14Ja73: 33 adv. for bids for building brick church, R9Je74: 22 adv. for bids for changes to glebe houses, R31Mr74: 32 in Charles parish, York co. , Va. , PD15D68: 31 in Cople parish, Va. , 29My52: 31, R5S71-.41 adv. transfer tobacco for sale, R8Ag66: 32 in Dettingen parish, Va. , 10Ap52: 31 adv. glebe land for sale, PD2Je74: 31— R2Je74: 23 in Drysdale parish, Va. , adv. for minister, D26Mr79: 22 in Elizabeth river parish, Va. , 8My52: 31 in Fairfax co. , Va. , R15Ap73: 32 in Fairfax parish, Va. , adv. for clergyman, P10J178: 12 in Hamilton parish, Va. , sell glebe land, R2Ag70: 31 in James City parish, Va. , adv. for bids for repairing and erecting pews, PD20Oc74: 31 in Kingston parish, Va. , adv. for clergymen, P21N77: 22 in Manchester glebe, Chesterfield co. , Va. , adv. for, bids for building houses, PD3S72: 22 in Martins Brandon parish, Va. , adv. for clergyman, D10Oc77: 22— P170c77: 23 in North Farnham parish, Va. , announce vacancy in cure, PillMy75: 33— D13My75: 33 in Northampton parish, Va. , adv. for minister, D12Je79: 42 in Nottoway parish, Va. , 3J146: 42, R19F67: 23 in Overwharton parish, Va. , 6Je51: 41, Rl6Je68: 31 in Prince George co. , Va. , 270c52: 12 in St. Birde's parish, Va. , ativ. for clergyman, P230c78: 32 in St. Luke's parish, Va. , PD3N68: 31 in St. Margaret's parish, Va. , R170c71: 31 in St. Mark's parish, Va. , adv. for clergyman, D7Mr77: 12 in St. Mary's parish, Va. , PDllMr73: 31 in St. Paul's parish, Va. , R18J166: 33 adv. for bids for building church, PD7Ap74: 32— R7Ap74: 32, PD21J174:31 in St. Paul's parish, Hanover co. , Va. , adv. for minister, D30Oc79: 31 in St. Paul's parish, Stafford co. , Va. , 12F62: 32 in St. Peter's parish, New Kent co. , Va. ,170c55:31 in St. Stephen's parish, Va. , adv. for minister, D4D78: 32 in Southwark parish, Surry co. , Va. , 18Ap51:41,R290c72:31 in Stratton Major parish, Va. , adv. for clergyman, P8My78s22, D5Mr79: 32 in Suffolk parish, Va. , 24Ap52: 31, P6Je77: 31 in Truro parish, Va. , 30J152: 32, PD19Mr67:33,R2F69:31 adv. for bids for building vestry, PD3lMr74: 32--R31Mr74: 32 in Urbanna, Va. , PD7My72: 32 in Warwick parish, Va. , R17D72: 31 adv. for bids for building church, PD13Ag72: 22 in Westover parish, Va. , adv. for clergyman, P5Je78: 12 in Wicomico parish, Va. , adv. for clergyman, P3Ap78: 21 in Williamsburg, Va. , 5D51: 41 make collections for sufferers in Montreal fire, PD8Ag66: 31 — R8Ag66: 31 Churchyards, fences for, PD31Mr74: 32— R31Mr74: 32 in Alexandria, Va. , P27Je77: 11 burials in, D20Je77: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , D16Ap79: 21-22 Churn, George, R7Je70: 32, R19J170: 33 Cibber, Colley, poet, 11F37: 12, lAp37:21,15My52:22 [Theophilus], author, D25N75: 13, D30D75: 13, D2Mr76: 43, D9Mr76: 42, D24Ag76: 53, D20D76: 43, D3Ja77: 42, D17Ja77:42 Cicely, snow, PD18Oc70: 31 — R18Oc70: 22 Cicero, [Marcus Tullius], author, 24My51:32,PD25F68:41, PD7J168: 31, PD29N70: 22, PD3Ja71: 43, PD17Ja71: 43, PD7F71:43,PD21F71: 43, PD29Ag71: 33, PD8Ap73: 33, PD10Je73: 34, PD10F74: 21, DllF75s23, D9D75: 41, D30D75:21, D2Mr76:43,D9Mr76: 42, D25My76:43,PD10F74:21 Cicilia, ship, R4F68: 23 Cider, P160c78: 12 boycotted in Va. Association, PD25My69: 11— RlJe69: 13 duties on in Gt. Brit. , D25F75: 23, P3Mr75: 23 exported from Accomac district, Va. , to Antigua, W. I. , PD14Ja68: 32 to R. I. , PD12S66: 23 exported from James river, lower district, Va. , to New York City, PD10Mr74: 31 to Philadelphia, Pa. , 12F62: 32 exported from James river, upper district, Va. , 1763-1766, PD12F67: 23 to Antigua, W. I. , PD28Ja68: 31 — R4F68: 31 to Ga. , 10Ag39: 31 to Philadelphia, Pa. , PD8Je69: 23 for British army, in Ga. , PD7Ja68: 31 in N. Y. disapproved, R25D66: 22 for sale, in James City co. , Va. , D29N76:42,D20D76: 21 in King William co. , Va. , PD240c71: 23--R310c71. 41, P270c75: 23 in Middlesex co. , Va. , P18Ap77s42 in New Kent co. , Va. , R15Ag71: 32 in Surry co. , Va. , P29Mr76: 31 — D30Mr76: 33 in Warwick co. , Va. , D27D76: 42— P27D76: 31 in Williamsburg. Va. , 27F52: 32 imported to Accomac district, Va. , from R. I. , PD5S66s43, PD3D67: 31 from Salem on Delaware, PD22Ja67: 31 220 Citron imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from New York City, 24N52: 22, 8D52: 31, 28F55: 31 from Philadelphia, Pa. , PD20Ja74: 23 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , PD29D68: 23 from New York City, PD15F70: 22 from Perth Amboy, N. J. , PD7J168: 23--R7J168: 22 imported to York district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , 9D37: 42, 3N38: 61 from New York City, 25Ap55: 22 from R. I. , 12Ja39: 42, 9Mr39: 41, 18My39: 31 lost at sea, PD10D67: 21 regulation in Gt. Brit, discussed, PD7Mr66: 11 scarce, 10S36: 42 scarce in Boston, Mass. , P18Ag75: 22— D19Ag75: 32 scarce in Eng. , R25Ag68: 23 seized from British ship, P26Ap76s22 taxes on in Gt. Brit. , PD25Mr73: 21 — R25Mr73: 12 repeal sought, PD18Ap66: 21, PD25Ap66: 21, PD23My66: 13 See also Huge's cider Cider houses, in Gloucester co. , Va. , PllAp77s43 Cider logs, exported from York district, Va. , to London, Eng. , 21Mr45: 41 Cider presses, for sale, at Green Spring, Va. , PD10Oc71: 32 Cilcott, Mr. , alias of Malcolm Stalker, P29Ag77: 31 Cimbrow, Thomas, 30N59: 42 Cimerack, race horse, R26My68: 33 Cincaid, John, Private, R14Ja73: 13 Cinnabar, for sale, near Warwick, Va. , D28F77: 32 Cinnabar, fictitious, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD21S69: 41--R21S69s21 Cinnabar, native, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD21S69: 41— R21S69s21 Cinnamon, as cure for whooping cough, D27S76: 61 discovered in South seas, Pil90c75: 22— D210c75:13 exported from Tobago, W. L , to Bristol, Eng. , PD15Ja67: 21 for sale, in Alexandria, Va. , D24J179: 22 in Fredericksburg, Va. , D5D77: 22 in Gloucester, Va. , P19Ap76sll— D20Ap76: 33 in Newcastle, Va. , PD19N72: 22 in Norfolk, Va. , 3J146: 41, PD25J166: 22 in Petersburg, Va. , 12F62: 41, PD30J172: 32, PD14J174: 32, P27Je77: 33 in Richmond, Va. , PD10S72: 23, PD17Je73: 33--R17Je73s23 in Suffolk, Va. , D21N77: 12, D28N77:31--P21N77: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , 27My37: 42, 20Je45:41,15My46:41, 31J146:61,17Ja51:41, 24My51: 32, 18J151: 41, 5S51: 32, 10Ap52: 31, 30Ap52: 32, 15My52: 32, 22My52: 32, 60c52: 32, 2My55: 22, 2My55: 31, 14N55: 22, 16Ja61: 41, 12F62: 42, PDllJe67: 32, PD18Je67: 33, PD25F68: 23 — R3Mr68: 34, PD26My68: 23, PD270c68: 32— R270c68: 22, PD270c68: 33 — R270c68: 22, R3N68: 33— PD10N68: 22, PD13Ap69: 32— R13Ap69: 32, PD17Ag69: 33 — R17Ag69: 23, PD21S69: 33 — R21S69s21, PD21S69: 41 — R21S69s21,PD15F70:41, PD7Je70: 31 — R14Je70: 33, R12J170: 31, PDllAp71: 32, PD240c71: 31, PD2J172: 32, PD290c72: 22— R290c72: 22, PD10Je73: 22, PD4N73: 22 — R4N73: 31, PD11N73: 22, PD1S74: 32, PD29S74: 32, D18Ap77: 72, D12Je79: 32 in Yorktown, Va. , 30My51: 41, PD13Ag67: 23 imported to Bristol Eng. , from Dominica, W. I. , PD25Ap66: 22 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from Antigua, W. L , 9Ja46: 4 imported to Texel, Holl. , from E. I. , 5D45: 22 Cinnamon, oil of, for sale, In Newcastle, Va. , PD19N72: 22 in Petersburg, Va. , D24Ag76: 61 in Williamsburg, Va. , 30Ap52: 32 Cinque-Ports, ship, 14F51: 21 Cinquefoil, substitute for tea, PD13Ja74: 12 Ciphering, teachers of adv. for, at Capitol landing, Williamsburg, Va. ,13Je51:41 in Mecklenburg co. , Va. , D5Je79: 32 in Prince George co. , Va. , 12D45: 42, 21Mr51: 42, 11J151: 41, D5Je79: 32 in Va. , PD21Ja73: 31 Ciphers, painting of, adv. , in Newcastle, Va. , PD210c73: 22— R210c73:23 Circles, adv. making of, in Fredericksburg, Va. , R27Ap69: 31 Circular letters, from Boston, Mass. , PD25Ag74: 21 to country towns, PD17D72: 23 to N. Y. (text), PD23Je74: 21— R23Je74: 23 from Delaware house of representatives, R13Ja74: 32 from George Germaine published, P19Ap76: 22— D20Ap76: 31 from Adm. Howe reprinted, D3Ag76: 12 from Mass. , PD24Mr68: 31— R24Mr68: 31 from Mass. house of representatives (text), PD21Ap68: 21 approved in Va. , PD26My68: 12 Conn, 's reply to, PD21J168: 21 — R21J168: 13 defended, PD4Ag68: 22— R4Ag68: 22, R18Ag68: 23 N. J. *s reply to, PD21J168: 21— R21J168: 13 ordered rescinded, PD21J168: 21— R21J168: 13, PD28J168: 11— R28J168: 11 reaffirmed, PD28J168: 12— R28J168: 12 royal opposition to, PD21J168: 11 supported by absent members, R18Ag68s21 supported in Ga. , R28J168: 23 supported in Md. , PD14J168: 23 — R14J168: 24, R4Ag68: 23 supported in R. I. , PD8S68: 21 upheld, R1S68: 11 upheld in Philadelphia, Pa. , PD1S68: 21 Va. 's reply to, PD21J168: 12— R21J168: 11 from Mass. , to other British colonies, N. Am. , PD2Je74: 22 from N. Y. committee of correspondence, to counties in N. Y. , PD23Je74: 21— R23Je74: 31 from Philadelphia, Pa. , to Boston, Mass. , quoted, PD23Je74: 22— R23Je74: 32 from Gen. Washington to battalion commanders, P26Ap76s23 to colonial governors, PD10F74: 23 criticized, Pi31Ag75: 12 See also Mass. circular letter; Virginia circular letter Circumnavigation of globe, by British, PD170c71: 12,R140c73: 12, R140c73: 23, PD20Oc74: 13 records of published, PD12D71: 13 by British navy, R5S66: 22, R5S66: 41, PD19S66: 11, PD18Ag68: 22 — R18Ag68: 22, PD25Ag68: 11 — R25Ag68:21,PD17S71:22, PD240c71: 21, PD10S72: 21 by British navy, described, PD28Ja68: 22 by Swedish, PD170c71: 12 encouraged by British government, PD12D71:21 planned by the British, PD4F73: 22 planned in Eng. , PD12Mr72: 23 Circuses, in London, Eng. , PD16D73: 21 Cirencester, England, See Murders in Cisnall, Alexander, R10Ja71: 41 Cisterns, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD28S69: 23— R50c69: 31, PD28D69: 31 Citizen, pseud. , PD21Ja68: 23, P5Ja76:22,D27N79:22 Citizen of London, pseud. , PD21My67: 11 Citizen of Philadelphia, pseud. , R7J174: 21 Citizen of the World, pseud. , PD14Je70: 32, Pi26Ja75: 22 Citron, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD12Ja69: 32 in Petersburg, Va. , PD14J174: 32 in Richmond, Va. , PD10S72: 23, PD17Je73: 33— R17Je73s23, D9S75: 32,D3F76:33 In Williamsburg, Va. , 31J146: 61, 24My51: 32, 5S51: 32, 17Ja51: 41, 18J151: 41, 30c51: 41, 5Je52: 32, 1D52: 31, 30N59: 32, 16Ja61: 41, PD25Je67: 32, PD25F68: 23 — R3Mr68: 34 grown in Va. , D9S75: 23 import to British colonies, N. Am. , regulated, P29Mr76: 11 imported to Hampton, Va. , from Madeira, 18Ap45: 32 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from Madeira, 10Ag39: 21 imported to York district, Va. , from Madeira, 6Ap39: 31, 29Je39: 31, 221 Citron, imported from Madeira (cont'd) 24Ag39: 31-32, 2N39: 31-32, 25Ja40: 4, 4J145: 32,8D52: 31 Citron, candied, for sale, in Newcastle, Va. , PD19N72: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , 24My51: 32 Citron, preserved, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 17Ja51: 41, 10Ap52: 31, 15My52: 32, 22My52: 32, 2My55: 31 Citron seeds, for sale, in Richmond, Va. ,D3F76: 33 City of Nantz, ship, 20Je45: 22, 11J145:32 City of Paris, man of war, R23Ap72: 22 City point, Va. , 250c65s41 See also Indentured servants, imported, for sale in; Ships from; Ships in; Ships to City Purse, horse race, in Philadelphia, Pa. , PD10Je73: 13 City tavern, Philadelphia, Pa. , PD60c74: 23--Pi60c74: 32 Washington's headquarters at, D26S77: 22 Civil officers, See Public officers Civis, pseud. , D29Ap75s41, P5My75s41, P26My75s33,D18My76: 12, P20S76: 11--D21S76: 22, D27S76: 41, PHOc76: 11 Civitavecchia, It. , See Antiquities discovered in; Jesuits from Civray, France, See Albinoes in Clabrook, Joseph, PD11D66: 33 Clack, Capt. , 22J137: 41 of the Elizabeth, 3Ap46: 41 John, 24J152: 32, 60c52: 32, PD27F72: 33 Sterling, 24J152: 32, 60c52: 32 William, R7J174: 32 William, Capt. , of the May, 4J145: 3 of the Mercury, 8J137: 42, 30S37: 42, 5My38: 32, HAg38: 41, 10Ag39: 2, 14D39: l,25Ja40: 12 of the Speedwell, 10Oc45: 3, 3Ap46: 41 Clagget, William, 120c39: 41 Claghan, Capt. , DllMr80: 21 Claiborne, Col. , P6Mr78: 12 Mr. , R27Cc68: 24,D23My77: 32 A. , PU0N74: 32 Augustine, P23Je75: 23 adv. finding cattle, PD18Ja70: 42 adv. for bids for repairing Albermarle parish, Va. , glebe house, 19S51: 32 adv. for missing horse, PD24My70: 41, PD25J171:23 adv. for stolen horse, 3Ap52: 31 adv. for teacher, P20Je77: 12 adv. for tutor, PD7Je70: 32 adv. house and land for sale, PD23F69:41 adv. land for sale, PD2My66: 23, PD5S66s32, PD20N66: 23, PD26F67: 32, PD14My67: 31 adv. plantation for rent, PD3D67: 32 adv. plantations for sale, 250c65s41, PDUa67: 32, P17Ja77: 41 adv. taking up slave, P8S75: 31 agent of John Verell, PD17S71: 32 appointed to committee of correspondence of Sussex co. , Va. , P7J175s21 burgess from Surry co. , Va. , 30Ja52:32,27F52:32 chairman of committee of Sussex co.. Va. .D10F76: 32 — P17F76s21 on committee for Sussex co. , Va. , P7J175sl3 Augustine, Col. , PD1D68: 31 — R1D68: 21, R23My71: 32, P23Je75: 23 Augustine, jr. , PD8Mr70: 33, PD25J171: 23 Buller, Lt. , P10My76: 43 Burnell, 18Ap45: 41 Daniel, 20Mr52: 31, R25Ja70: 11 — PD15F70:23,Pi23F75:33, P30Ag76: 32 Elizabeth, P20Oc75: 31 Herbert, PD14My67: 31, PD25J171: 23, PD25N73: 21, DllAp77: 72, P23My77: 33, D90c78: 42--P160c78: 43 Herbert, Col. , D18F75: 32, P23Je75: 23, P17Ja77: 41, P18J177: 33, P12S77: 32 Jane, 22Ap57: 42 Leonard, 120c52: 31, PD22Ag66: 31, P20Oc75: 23 Nancy, PD1D68: 31--R1D68: 21 Molly (Ruffin), PD25N73: 21 Nathaniel, 24J152: 41, 28Mr55: 32 P. W. , R24D67: 34, PD21Je70: 31 Philadelphia, Miss, PD30c71: 31 Philip, 29My52: 31, 10N52: 31 Philip W. , R24N68: 23, PD21D69: 23 — R18Ja70:41,PDllJ171:32, PD21N71: 22— R21N71: 31, PD23Je74: 23--R23Je74: 42, D90c78: 41 Philip Whitehead, PD30c71: 31 adv. estate for sale, PD18D66: 32, PD29Ja67: 32, PD26F67: 31 adv. house for sale, PD8Je69: 32— R15Je69:41 adv. land for sale,R2N69: 31, PD2N69: 32--R2N69: 31 adv. plantation for sale, PD8N70: 31 — R8N70: 12 adv. property for sale, PD30c71: 32— R170c71:41 adv. settlement of estate, PD26Mr67: 31, R190c69sl3 — PD2N69: 43 adv. slaves for hire, R24D67: 32 adv. slaves for sale, PD14My67: 31, PD18Je67: 31, PD22D74: 31 — Pi22D74: 32 character sketch of, R31My70: 31 death of, PD5D71: 31 defendant in suit, PD8D68: 31 defense as executor of Capt. Langborn's estate, R31My70: 22 elected burgess for King William co. , Va. , PD28N71: 22 marriage of daughter of, PD3Cc71: 31 merchandise of for sale, PD3S72: 23 plaintiff in New Kent, Va. , Chancery court, R27Ap69: 23 plantation of, PD240c66: 32 settlement of estate of, PD2Ap72: 32 — R23Ap72: 13 Richard, PD19D71: 22, PD4Ag74: 23, DlAp75: 21, P40c76: 33 Richard, Capt. , D160c78: 42, D24J179: 31 Thomas, PD13Ap69: 33 — R13Ap69: 32, PD17F74: 31 adv. land for sale, PD16N69: 31 — R16N69: 23, PD7Je70: 31 adv. sale of estate, PDllMy69: 31 — RllMy69: 32 attorney, PD10D72: 31--R17D72: 32 burgess from King William co. , Va. , PD21Ap68: 23— R21Ap68: 21, PD1D68: 31— R1D68: 21, PDllMy69s41 demands lawyers fees in cash, PD30D73: 31 land of, mortgaged, PD21Je70: 31 letter to, in post office, PDllAp66: 41, PD12Mr67: 13 marriage of, D14Ja75: 23 member of committee for Norfolk, Va. , P24Mr75: 41, Pi6Ap75: 32— D15Ap75: 13 on committee of inspection for Norfolk, Va. , PU6F75: 31— D25F75: 31, Pi23Mr75: 22— D25Mr75: 12 reimbursed for property destroyed in Norfolk, Va. , P12Je78: 12 settlement of estate of, D19Mr79: 31, D4S79: 31 signs Va. Association, PD25My69: 12 William, PD19N72: 23--R19N72: 23, P40c76sl3,P17Ja77:41 accused of defaming Regulus, horse, P31My76:32 adv. finding horse, R16N69: 33 adv. for missing horse, P5Ap76: 43 adv. for runaway slave, PD28F71: 41, PD14N71:23 adv. land for sale, D14Ag79: 12— C28Ag79: 42 adv. plantations for sale, D24J179: 32 adv. stallion for hire, P26Ap76: 22 announces departure, 9Ja46: 42 land of, R14Ap68: 31 — PD1D68: 32 posts land, PD2D73: 21 William, jr. , P3My76: 33, P17Ja77: 31, P18J177: 33, P12S77: 32, P27Mr78: 32 William, jr. , Major, P10My76: 43 William, sr. , P230c78: 32— D6N78: 32, D19F80: 32 William Dandridge, P2My77s31 Claiborne's ferry, Va. , 26Ag37: 42, 4Ja40: 41, 310c45: 32, 4J151: 41, 3Ap52: 31, 24J152: 41, 22Ap57: 42, PD20N66: 22, PD20N66: 23 — R4D66: 33, PD5F67: 33 — R19F67: 41, PDUa67: 31— R19F67: 42, PD3S67: 31, R130c68: 24, R270c68: 24, PD27J169: 11--R27J169: 31 Clamps, for sale, in Yorktown, Va. , PD25F68:31 — R25F68:31 Clancy, William, R26J170: 22 Clanton, Edward, PD26N67: 23 Thomas, R18N73: 23 Clapboard carpenters, adv. for, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD2N69: 31 Clapboard houses, in Lunenburg co. , Va. , 8Ag51: 32 Clapboard houses, described, in Hanover co. , Va. , C11D79: 12 — D11D79:31 Clapboard workers, See Slaves as Clapboards, exported from James river, lower district, Va. , to Antigua, W. I. , 23Ja46: 42 Clapham, Capt. , 27Je51: 31 Josiah, PD4Ag74: 23. DlAp75: 21, P26Ap76s23 Josias, announces settlement of accounts of militia, P30Je75: 32, P28J175:22, P18Ag75sll burgess from Loudoun co. , Va. , R1N70: 22 222 Clarke commissioner to settle accounts of soldiers in Indian war, P30Je75: 32, P28J175: 22,P18Ag75sll delegate from Loudoun co. , Va. , P9My77: 23 on committee for Loudoun co. , Va. , PilJe75: 32 on committee to encourage manufactures in Va. , Pi30Mr75: 31 — DlAp75: 23 Josias, Col. , P5Je78: 32 Clapham's ferry, Va. , R4D66: 23 Clapp, Thomas, Rev. Mr. , president of Yale college, R19F67: 21 Clare, earl of [John Fitzgibbon], PD23F69: 31--R24F69s21, PD27Ap69: 22--R27Ap69: 22, R23Je74: 11, P14Ap75sl2 — D15Ap75: 22, P26J176: 22--D29J176: 41 Clare, viscount of (Robert Nugent), R23F69:21 Clare co. , Ireland, See Murders in Clarendon, earl of [Edward Hyde], author, PD25F68: 41 Clarissa, British ship, P180c76: 13 Clark, Capt. , PDllMy69s33, R17Ag69: 23, PD30My71: 21--R30My71: 22, PDllJe72: 31, PD23D73s22 death of son, PD30Oc66: 13 land of, 3Je37: 42 of the Alexander and Anne, 30My51: 32 of the Bridget, 28Ja37: 42 of the C»therine, 13Je45: 21 of the Defiance, PD30J167: 32 of the Drake, 20Je45: 32, 29My46: 31 of the Falkland, D2Ap79: 11 of the Harrietta, PD14Je70: 31 — R14Je70: 32 of the Hope, PD29Ap73: 22--R29Ap73: 22 of the Katie, PD24Mr68: 32, PD28Mr71: 31, PD16My71: 23, PD22Ag71: 41, PD7My72: 23, PD80c72: 31--R80c72: 23, PD6My73: 22 — R6My73: 23, PD23D73: 23--R23D73: 32 of the Katty, PD2N69: 31 of the Kingston, PD3F74: 21 of the Kitty, PD5My68: 21, PD23N69: 31 — R23N69: 23 of the Martin, PD12My74: 42 — R12My74: 32, P17Mr75sl3 of the Middleton, PD10N68: 22, PD17Ag69: 22, PD21S69: 22— R21S69: 23, PD15Ag71: 23— R15Ag71:22 of the Prince of Wales, PD30Ja72: 32 of the Providence, PD6Ag67: 13 of the Speedwell, Pil3Ap75: 31 of the Tom, PD13Je66: 22, PD15Ja67: 32, PD4Je67: 32, PD11F68:23--RUF68: 24, PD9F69:31,PD7Je70:23, PD2My71: 32, PD23Ja72: 32, PD14My72: 21, PD13My73: 23 — R13My73: 32, PD8J173: 32— R8J173: 32, P28Ap75s42 of the William, PD18Mr73: 23 Col. , PD25Ag68: 13— R25Ag68: 31 Mr. , PD21Mr66: 31, PD28Ja68: 33, R3D72: 21 Amos, R3D72: 21 Andrew, P28N77: 31 Anne, Mrs. , P19S77: 12 Archibald, R25D66: 42 Benjamin, R21N71: 33, R9S73: 32, PD25N73: 31, PD23Je74: 12 Charles, PD7F71: 31 Christopher. 12Je52: 32 Daniel, PD170c71: 32, R12Mr72: 41 David, RlAg71: 33 Edward, R25My69: 33, P28N77: 32 Edward, Major, PD220c72: 21 Elisha, PD270c68: 43 Francis, PD12Mr67: 13 Francis Carr, Sir, P240c77: 22 Frederick, R15N7 0:32 George, 24F38: 31, PD5N72: 23— R5N72: 12, PD5My74: 31 Henry, R60c68: 31, PD14F71: 32, PD21F7L32 Henry, Capt. , of the Middleton, PD9F69: 32, PD28S69: 23 Isaac, Capt. , PD30Je68: 22 James, 17Ja51: 42, PD27Je66: 32, R19F67: 31, R22D68: 21, C15My79: 13 [James], Capt. , P7J175: 23— D8J175: 31 of the Hattie, PD8D68: 31 of the Katie, PD290c67: 21, PD17D67: 31, R9Je68: 32— PD26My68: 22, PD7J168: 31 — R7J168: 23, PD13J169: 32, PD15F70: 22, PD10Mr74: 23 Joel, Major, Pil7Ag75: 32--P18Ag75: 11 John, PD3N74: 43 adv. finding horse, PD60c68: 31, R24Ag69: 32, R16Je74: 32, P21F77: 33, P21N77: 23 adv. settlement of estate, PD9My71: 32 adv. stay goods, HAp51: 41 announces departure, D9Mr76: 23 held in Prince William co. , Va. , jail, R26S71: 32 property of, mortgaged for sale, R15J173:41 purchases land, P26Ap76: 22 runaway indentured servant, 2My55: 31 wounded during Boston massacre, PD5Ap70: 23— R5Ap70: 32 John, Capt. , of the Defiance, PD27Ag67: 23 of the Penelope, 7Ag52: 31 of the Scipio, 17S36: 42 Tohn, jr. , P18C76: 32 John, Lt. ,D31Ag76: 21 John, sr. ,P180c76:32 Joseph, D12Mr79: 32 Josiah, P9My77: 42, P13Je77: 33 Mark, PD12Mr67: 13 Mary, alias of Mary Murray, 18Ap55: 22, 9My55:21,23My55:21 Richard & Sons, PD6Ja74: 32 Samuel, PD26Ja69: 41 Thomas, R13J169: 33, R26J170: 22, PD10S72: 31, D210c75: 23, P15Mr76: 33, P18Ap77sl2 Thomas, Capt. , of the Providence, PD8D68: 13 W. , P20Je77: 32 William, adv. drugs for sale, P6Mr78: 22 adv. finding horse, PD25J166: 33, R3Mr74: 41 adv. for,R25My69:33 adv. land for sale, P21Ag78: 33 convicted of Toryism, D18J177: 21 deserter, P13Je77: 33 runaway indentured servant, P16J175: 33 William, Capt. , of the Betsy, D9My77: 21 of the Mercury, 17S36: 42 of the Speedwell, 16My55: 12 Clark & Holland, PD1D74: 31 Clark & Nightingale, PD29Ap73: 22 Clark, Ismonger &, P8S75: 31 Clark Gayton, H. M. S. , 16My45: 32 Clarke, Capt. ,PD29Je69:31, R7 Je 70:23 , PD80c72:31 , R220c72:21, PD16D73:22,D12Je79:22 at Great Meadows, 19J154:31 house of damaged by British, P2Ag76:21 of the Discovery, D17J179: 11 of the Martin, P17Mr75sl3 — D18Mr75:32 of the Middleton, PD8N70:22 of the Tom,PD6Ja74:31,R13Ja74:33, PD26My74:23, Pi28Ap75:32 Lt. ,D7F77:12— P7F77:11 Miss,R23Je68:ll Arthur, 18 Ja40: 32 Audley, Capt. ,R28J168:23 Benjamin, R12 My 74:41 David, PD210c73:22— R210c73:23, D13My75:ll,P23M;/77:13 Edward, P170c77:32 Francis, R18J171:42,R6F72:33 Francis Carr, Sir,D310c77:12, P310c77:21 Gedney,PD5Mr67:21 George, 5My38:22, PD19Mr67:31, PD30J167:22 George, Lt. gov. of N.Y. ,290c36:41, 26N36:41, 7Ja37:32, 50c39:21, 23N39:32 George Rogers, Col., articles of capitulation to at Vincennes, D5Je79:31 captures Detroit, D25S79:11 captures Fort Chartres,D160c78:32 commended by inhabitants of Harrodsburg, Ky. ,P12D77:22 describes recapture of Vincennes, D26je79:22 improves morale of frontier, D31J179:22 joins Spanish on Miss, river, D19F80:22 killed by Indians in Ohio, reported, P21F77-.21 mentioned in Lee's court-martial, D160c79:22 recaptures Vincennes (St. Vincent's), D22My79:22 receives sword from general assembly, D3J179:31 reports skirmish with Indians, D27N79:21 thanked by Va. for victories in west, D4D78:22 Isaac, 24Cc55:31 James, PD29Ag66:23, R12My68:32, R5Ja69:32,R18F73:22,PD18F73:23 — R18F73:22,P29D75:23 James, Capt., of the Katie, PD30Ag70: 31 James Hill,R60c68:22 Jesse, P3N75:12 John,13Je51:41,25Je52:31, PD20Je66:31,R2N69:22,P31Ja77:12 [John], author, PD25F68: 41, PD7J168:31,PD29N70:22, 223 Clarke, [John], author (cont'd) PD13D70:42, PD3Ja71:43, PD17 Ja71 :43 , PD24 Ja71 :43 , PD7F71 :43 , PD21 F71:43 , PD10 Je73:34 , DllF75s23,D25N75:13,D9D75:41, D30D75:13,D30D75:21,D2Mr76:43, D24Ag76:63 , D3 Ja77:43 , D17Ja77:43 , D2My77:83 , D4 J177:83, D11D79:22 John, Capt., of the Defiance, PD6Ag67:32 of the Martin, D8Ap75:22— Pil3Ap75:31 John, Lt.,D7Mr77:21 John Attaway,R140c73:33 John Ottoway, Capt. ,D18N75:32 Jonathan, DlAp75:21 Joseph, PD12S66:22,D6Js76:31, P4J177:41 Joseph, Capt., of the Tom, PD27N66:22 Josiah,P310c77:12 Martha,R15Je69:42 Nathaniel, D20c79:31 Peter, PD17S72:23 Richard, agrees to support non- importation agreements in Boston, Mass.,PD8Mr70:ll brigantine of,PD13Ja74:21 causes riot in Boston, Mass. , PD16D73:22--R16D73:33 imports tea to Boston, Mass. , R30D73-.31 makes statement of horse pedigree, D26Mr79:32 tea factor in Boston, Mass., PD2D73:11,PD30D73:21 Richard & Sons, refuses to return tea to London, Eng. ,PD30D73:21 Robert, Capt. , PD26F67:31 Shearman, Capt., D29N76:21 Stephen, PD5D71:32--R6F72:43 Walter, P9F76:33 William, D17J178:31 adv. ordinary, R31My70:31 adv. tavern, PD26Ja69:32 adv. tavern in Hanover, Va., R14Je70:42 ordered to join company, P16My77s22 ordered to return to regiment, P9My77:33 plaintiff in Chancery court,R15Je69:42 prisoner of war,D250c76:21 William, Capt. ,P23My77:13 William, Dr. , P17N75sll Zachariah, PD25F73: 31, D90c79: 31 Zach [ariah], Capt. , P19S77: 21 Clarke & Anderson,P18Ag75sll, P25Ag75:83 tobacco for sale, P25Ag75:83 Clarke & Wingfield, adv. unclaimed tobacco in warehouse, P28J175:32 adv. unclaimed tobacco for sale, P18Ag75:42 requests tobacco inspection money in advance, R25F73:33--PD4Mr73:32 sign tobacco notes, PD31D72:32 Clarke, Tinsley and, requests tobacco inspection money in advance, R25F73:33— PD4Mr73:32 tobacco inspectors, PD5Ag73:23 Clark's leather inkholders, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166:23 Clark's pearmain apple trees, R25D66:32--PDUa67:41 for sale, in Surry co., Va. ,26S55:32, 4N 63:41 Clarkson, Mr. ,28Ag52:31 assemblyman in N.Y. ,23N39:41 John, C3J179:41 , C30Oc79:41, C19F80:31 Joseph, Pil6Mr75:41,D13D76:31 [Matthew], Major, D20N79: 21 Peter, Pil5Je75:33 Clarkson & Davis, adv. newspaper and rate of advertisements, C 19 F80:32 announces increase in price of Va. Gazette, C20N79:21 expect new set of type,C18D79:12 Clary, ship, 13Je51:32 Clary seeds, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va.,30N59:32 Clasp knives, 10Oc55:32 Clasps, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va., PD9J1 72:31 See also Silver clasps ;Silver shoe clasps Clasps, knee, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va.,PD18Ap66:33 Clasps, shoe, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va.,PD18Ap66:33 in Williamsburg, Va.,PD23Ap72:23— R23Ap72:13,PD210c73:23— R210c73:22,PD5My74:31--R26My74:13, D22Ap75:32— Pi20Ap75:31 Clasps, stock, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va.,PD18Ap66:33 Classics, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 240c45:42, 22Ap57:32 taught at Culpeper grammar school, P9My77:33 teachers of, adv. for scholars in Williamsburg, Va.,17N52:22 tutors of, adv. for scholars in Hanover, Va.,PD150c72:23— R150c72:31 Claude, Abraham, PD15D74:32 Claughton, Pemberton,P2Mr75:22 Richard, P20D76:22 Claus, Dan., D30Mr 76:22 Dan, Mrs.,D30Mr76:22 [Daniel], Col. , Pi31Ag75: 31 — D2S75:21 Clausel, Clausel,PD7Ap68:31, R4Ag68:31,PD16Mr69:32 Richard, P4J177:31,D13N79:31, D22Ja80:32 Clausen, Major Gen.,PD6Ja74:23 Clauzel family, France, 11 My39:41 Claverack, N.Y., See Agarian revolts in;Land in Claverling, Lt. Gen., R140c73:13 Clawford, Capt. ,P5Ja76(5)sl3~ D6Ja76:32 Claws, See Crabs' claws, powder of Clay, Capt. , 13Je45:22, Pil7Ag75:32, P18Ag75:23 of the Rachel, Pi21S75:32 Lt.,P230c78:ll Agnes, Mrs.,PD22S68:23 Charles, PD1D68:31--R1D68:21, PD19J170:32,R31Oc71:41, PD14N71:23,P9My77:43 Charles, sr.,PD16S73:31 Edward, PD27Ag67:32 Eleazar,PD7Ap74:32 Henry, DllMr 80:33 John, Capt. , of the Rachel. PD10F74: 23 John Moore, D19D77:32 Martha, Mrs.,R3!Oc71:41 Mary,PD20Oc68:23 Perciball,31J146:51 Thomas, DllMr 80:33 William, PD22S68:23 Clay, for china, from Charleston, S.C., PD20Ag72:22 Clay, yellow, exported from James river, upper district, Va., to Perth Amboy, N. J., PD28J168:23, PD270c68:42 Clay & Midgley, merchants in Liverpool, P8Ap77:42 Clay Bank, plantation, Va.,P29N76:31 Clayborne, Nathaniel, 28Ap38: 42 Clayborne's ferry, Va., See Claiborne's ferry, Va. Claybrook, Joseph, Pi25F73:33 Obadiah,R25F73:33 William^R25F73:33 Claypole, William, PD290c72:12 Claypoole, George, PilD74:21 Clay's eating oil, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va.,30Ap52:32, 60c52:32 Clay's salad oil, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va.,PD21S69:33— R21S69s21 Clayton, Col.,P21N77:31 Lt.,D10Ag76:62,P23My77:31, P26S77:32 Mr.,lS38:42 Elvy,D12Je79:31 George, 4N63 :43 , R31 Ja71 :23 Grace, PD3N74p 11 Jasper, adv. for runaway slave, R17N68:33 announces delegates elected to convention, Pi9Mr75: 33, P19My75: 33 captain of Gloucester co. , Va. , militia, P130c75: 11-- D210c75:31 clerk of Gloucester co., Va., committee of correspondence, PD24N74 :22 — Pi24N 74 :3 1 clerk of Gloucester co., Va., meeting, R28J174:23 clerk's notice, R30S73:33 death of,D22My79:22 death of son of, PD130c74:23 manager of lottery, PD19My68:23 publishers election of militia officers, P130c75:ll— D210c75:32 Jasper, Capt.,D17J179:32 Jasper, Mrs.,P21Mr77sl2 John,PDllJ166:31 adv. finding horse, D30Oc78:32 adv. land for sale, D2 5 Jl 77:41-- P25J177:32 adv. mortgage on of slaves in Boswell's lottery, PD9Je68:31 author, PD13My73:23 death of,PD6Ja74:31 death of, poem 0n,Pil3Oc74:32 ownership of slaves disputed, DlAp80:22 president of society for the advancement of useful knowledge, PD13My73:23 relinquishes mortgage on slaves in Boswell's lottery, PD16Je68:32 settlement of estate of,PD3F74:32— R10F74:41 vindicated of charges against, 224 Clergy, Anglican P11J177:42 John, Attorney general of Va. , 11F37:42,30S37:42,11N37:41, 60c38:51 death of, 18N37:41 funeral of,25N37:42 house of,10S36:42 illness of,HN37:41 recorder of Williamsburg > Va., 2D37:42 John, jr.,PD130c74:23 John, Lt.,P18Ap77:23 Joseph, D31Ag76:31 Philip, jr.,PD6Ag72:31 Philip, Major, 170c51:32 Thomas, Dr.,26Oc39:32,R190c69sl3, P16Je75:23 William, adv. estate for sale, R15Ag71:32 adv. for bids for repairing St. Peter's church, R3Je73:23 adv. for employment, PD22Mr70:43 adv. for missing horse, R28Ap68:32 adv. land for sale,28F55:42, 170c55:22,PDUJe72:32, D19Je79:32— C3J179:42 adv. merchandise for sale, PD23F69:33— R23F69:22 adv. plantation for sale,PD20Ag67:32, PD26N67:31 adv. settlement of estate, R16F69:23,PD3F74:32— R10F74:41, PD12My74:43,D4D78:31, D17J179:32,D27N79:22 burgess from New Kent co., Va., PD8D68:31,PDllMy69s41, PD14S69:31— R14S69:22,R9N69:11 clerk of New Kent co., Va., meeting, PD21J174pl2— R21J1 74:23 clerk's notice, R27Ap69:23 elected delegate to Va. convention for New Kent co., Va.,D13Ap76:32, P19Ap76:33 London watchmaker, R15Ap73:32 manager of lottery, PD28Ja68:32 plaintiff in Chancery court, PD2Ap72:32 signs Va. Association,PD25My69:12 William, Col.,D19S77:41 Clayton, snow, 2 9S52 :22,60c 52:21 dealing, Andrew, P20Oc75:23 Cleamonds, Benjamin, R23N69:23~ PD7D69:41,R12J170:22 Clean, Richard, P28J175:33 Cleaners, in Petersburg, Va., 4J151:32 Cleaning, of clothes, adv. of, 4J151:32 in Norfolk, Va.,R12Mr72:31, R80c72:31 of lace, 8D 52: 32 Cleaveland, [Benjamin], Col. , C21Oc80: 12 Breckholt, commander of the Picary, D180c76:ll Sam, Brig. Gen.,D9My77:21 Cleavely, Eleanor, PD27N66:23 Cleaves, John, Capt., of the Betty and Nancy, 28F55:31 Nathaniel, D27My75:31 Cleavland, Lt. Col. ,PD25N73:13 Clegg, Richard, Capt., of the Bassa, R8Ag66:41— PDlAg66:31, R8Ag66:31 , PD22 Ja67:21 Cleland, James, PD3N74:42 Clemenceau, Capt. , of the Zephyr of Nantz,PD10D67:ll Clement XHI, pope, PD4My69:12, RUMy69:12 Clement XIV, pope,PD24Ag69:ll— R24Ag69:21,PD7S69:13-- R7S69:12,PD15D74:12,Pi5Ja75:13, Pi5Ja75:21— D7Ja75:22 > Pi5Ja75:21 Clement, Mr.,PD15Ap73:22— R15Ap73:22 Adam,PD22Ja67:33 Benjamin, 24Ag51:32,PllAg75:ll John,PD23Ap72:31--R23Ap72:31 Clements, Dr.,RUe69:32 Mr. , PD12Ag73:23— R12Ag73:23 Benjamin, PD10Mr68:32,PD3S72:23, PD19N72:22— R19N72:22, PD3D72:23 Benjamin, Capt.,PD4Ap71:31 Benjamin, jr.,D6My75:21, D6My75:13 Bennett Hanson, R6S70:31 Ewen>R30My71 :22--PD6Je71 :32, PD12S71:33,PD6Ag72:23 Ewen, Dr.,PD23Ap72:32,PD270c74:23 Henry, P14Je76p22 Isaac, DllF75s23 John,240c51:31,P6Je77:32 John, Dr.,R15D68:23,R22D68:21— PD22D68:32 Pilman,PD270c74:23 Pitman, PD28J168:23 8 R15D68:23, PD22D68:32— R22D68:21, PD21D69:31,R12J170:33 Clement's mill, Va.,R18J166:42-- PD22Ag66:32, R14Ap68:44, R12My68:31,R13Ap69:33, R50c69:31 Clemmonds, John,R15J173:41 Clendinning, Thomas, 6Je45:32 Cleomenes, pseud., PD17Mr68:22, PD12My74:21,Pil6F75:ll Cleone, man of war,PDlS74sl2 Cleopatra, ship,16D37:32 Clephin, H.M.S.,D23Ja78:21 Clergy, granted runaway slave, R31Mr68:34 imposters,28F55:32 in Boston, Mass. , PD14Je 70:12 in Branford, Conn.,D4D78:21 in British jails, PD20My73:21 in Charlestown, Mass. ,PD22D68:22 in London, Eng.,PD21S69:32 in Mass . , requested to urge support of Continental congress, Pil2Ja75:31 in Modena, It. , taxed, HAp51: 32 in Plymouth, Mass., refuse to read proclamation, PD12D71:22 in Oxford, Eng.,R270c68:32 in Tuscany, It., ordered to account for revenues, 28Mr 51:22 number in Gt. Brit.,PD16Mr69:22 of Conn., appoint day of prayer, PD27J169:23 organization outlined, 7N54:22 scheme of reprinted, 25Ap55:21 trials of in Eng.,PD30Ag70:22 Clergy, Anglican, address Gov. Robert Dinwiddie,7N 54:21 adv. for, in Drysdale parish, Va., D26Mr79:22 in Fairfax parish, Va.,P10J178:12 in Hanover co., Va. ,P4J177sll in Leeds parish, Va.,R15N70:23 in Manchester parish, Va., D12Mr79:31 in Martins Brandon parish, Va., D10Oc77:21— P170c77:23 in Nansemond co., Va.,P7N77s22 in Northampton parish, Va., D12Je79:42 in Nottoway parish, Va.,R24Je73:32 in Raleigh parish, Va.,D2My77:32 in St. Bride's parish, Va., P230c78:32 in St. Mark's parish, Va.,D7Mr77:12 in St. Paul parish, Va.,D30Oc79:31 in St. Stephen's parish, Va., D7Mr77:21,D4D78:32 In South Farnham parish, Essex co., Va.,P26J176:31 in Stratton Major parish, Va., P8My78s22,D5Mr79:32 in Suffolk parish, Va.,P6Je77:31 in Trinity parish, Va.,P310c77:33 in Westover parish, Va.,P5Je78:12 in Wicomico parish, Va.,P3Ap78:21 adv. for church, PD2My71:32— R2My71:31 adv. for family to share glebe, R15S68:24 anecdotes about, PD3Ja71:13, PD20F72:31 application for Holy Orders regulated PD24Ag69:32— R21S69s21 appointments in,R220c72:ll as teachers, adv. for,D20N79:32 attitude toward colonies, P8S75sll benefactions to,PD10N68:12 bishop criticized by king, PD5N 72:21 character discussed, PD9My71:23 chosen in St. Paul's parish, Va., D90c78:32 convention of, 7N54:21 corruption of discussed, R21Ap74:ll criticized, 3Je37:22,PD2Ja72:12 criticized for quarrels in Gazettes, PD4J171:22 criticized in Eng.,R17D72:21 exemption from service in Va. militia urged, D110c76:51 expelled from Culpeper co., Va., D20Ja76:13— Pi20Ja76:31 fail to pay taxes, PD1S68:13 fees charged by in London, Eng., PD4N73:13 fined by church, PD10c72:22 in Albemarle co., Va.,5Mr52:32 in Albemarle parish, Va., PD13Je71:33 in Bedford co., Va.,P20Mr78:12 in Boston, Mass,, meeting of, PD240c71:22 opposed, D28Ja75:22 in British colonies, N.Am., subscriptions for relief of, in Eng., D13J1 76:11 in Brunswick co., Va.,D18Ap77:71 in Charles City co., Va., 28N45:41 in Charleston, S.C., criticizes up-country politics, PD130c74:22~ Pil30c74:31 oppose British colonies, N.Am., D25F75:13 preach Toryism, Pi23F75:22 225 Clergy, Anglican (cont'd) in Conn, opposed, D28Ja75:22 in Cumberland co., Va.,PDlAp73:32-- RlAp73:33,PD24Je73:33 in Cumberland parish glebe, Va., PD9My71:33 in Elizabeth river parish, Va., R4Ag74:32 in Fairfax co., Va.,30J152:32 in Frederick co., Va.,PD22D68:23 in Gloucester co., Va.,17F38:22, PD22D68:23— R22D68-.12 in Hanover co., Va.,21D39:41 in Hanover parish, Va.,2Mr39:41 in Henrico parish, Va.,20Mr52sl2, 14Ag52:22 in James City parish, Va., PD17D72 :23— Rl 7D72 :22 in Jamestown parish, Va., 1D38-.42 in King and Queen co., Va.,17F38:22, D4D78:22 in Louisa co., Va.,PD29Ag71:32, PD5My 74:22 in Lunenburg parish, Va.,R270c68:32 in Md., apply for bishop, PD28Mr71:22 in Mecklenburg co., Va.,D5Mr79:41 in Mass., favor Hutchinson, PD30Je74:21— R16Je74:23 in New Kent co., Va.,R7F71:33, R4N73:31 in Norfolk, Va.,PD30J172:23 inN.C, regulations recommended, PD26Ja69:21 in Northumberland co., Va., C28Ag79:32 in Orange parish, Va.,R21N71:31— PD21N71:22 in Petsworth parish, Va.,lF40:41 in Portsmouth parish, Va.,PD14Ja73:23 in Prince William co., Va.,RllMr73:31, P19J176:42 in Richmond, Va.,PD21Mr71:31 — R21Mr71:32 in Richmond co., Va.,R23J167:43, R270c68:31 in Rome, It.,23D37:21 in Southam parish, Va.,PD22J173:31 in Southampton co., Va.,D21Mr77:12— P28Mr77s23 in Southampton parish, Va., R22J173:33 in Southwark parish, Surry co., Va., PD23S73 :23--R23S73 :32 in St. Paul's parish, Va.,D25S79:22 in Stratton Major parish, Va., 5N36:42,R14Ap68:21 in Surry co., Va.,PD9D73:21— R9D73:21 in Sussex co., Va.,PDllMr73:31 in Va., address Botetourt, PD8D68:11 address Dunmore,PD240c71:ll Baptists protest payments to, Pi31Ag75:33 criticized, R21Ap74:22 defended, D180c76:21 discuss American episcopate, PD9My71:31— R9My71:33, PD16Ja72:32 discussion of,R50c69:ll disputes among, P30Oc78:23 fund for relief of widows and orphans, 7N54:22,25Ap55:21,2Myb5;12, 12S55:ll,PD28Mr66:33,PD9My66:23, PD19Mr67:32, PD30Ap67:32, PD17Mr68: 31--R17Mr68: 33, PD5My68:22— R12My68:32, PD16Mr69:31,PD4My69:33, PD22Mr70:42— R22Mr70:31, PD21Mr71:31--R21Mr71:33, PD4Ap71:31,PD9My71:31 — R9My71:33,R9My71:33—PD16My71:23, PD26Mr72:32— R26Mr72:23, PD7My72:31,PDllMr73:31— RllMr73:31,PD6My73:22— R6My73s21,PD24Mr74:32 — R24Mr74:41,PD5My74:23, Pi9Mr75:33— DllMr75:32, PillMy75:33— D13My75:33, D28Mr77:72~P28Mr77s22, D23My77:41,D24Ap78:32, D16Ap79:22,D15My79:31 letter (text) to criticizing, R8S74:11,R15S74:31 meeting called, 16Ja46:42, PD10N68:23— R17N68:32, PD5My74:23,Pil30c74:32— PD130c74:31,D160c78:32— P160c78:22 opposed, D110c76:51 ordered to read acts of general assembly, P20D76s21 poetry about, PilON74:31 quarrels among, R21J168:24, R18Ag68sll,R15S68:ll requested to collect money for Montreal, PD16Mr69:31 requested to preach sermons by governor, P31Ja77:ll salaries in tobacco discussed, PD21F71:31,R21Mr71:33, PD4Ap71:ll,PD25Ap71:ll salaries in tobacco opposed, PD31Ja71:31 salaries suspended by assembly, D4J177:41— P4J177:11 in Ware parish, Va.,21Ja37:42 in Warwick co., Va. ,DH30Oc78:31 in Williamsburg, Va. ,240o45:41, 3Ap46:42,PD10N68:23— R17N68:32, PD10Je73:23,D4D79:22 in Winchester, Va.,R4F68:44 increased salaries for, 12D51:2l investigated by parliament, PDllMr73:13 near Richmond, Va. , P4Ag75:32 omits sermon, PD3S72:13 ordained, R12My68:12, PD9My71:13 ordination of in America discussed, PD30My71:22 pensions for suggested, Pi20Oc74:21 — PD20Oc74:13 petition parliament, PD17S71:23 petition Commons, R21My72:12 poor in Eng. and Wales considered, PD14Ap68:13 profligacies of in America, PD28Mr71:22 rape by in Modbury, Eng. , PD30My71:13 regulations for supported in Accomac co., Va.,P6D76:13 salary increase requested, PD24S72:21 subscribe to American prisoners' relief, D8Ap80:23 Clergy, Baptist, near Edenton, N.C., PD27Je71:32 Clergy, benefit of , in Va. , 13Je51:32 Clergy, Canadian, rebel against Quebec act,D6Ap76:21 Clergy, Dissenters, praised in Va., DHOc76:51 qualifications belittled in Va., D13D76:12 subscribe to American prisoners' relief,D8Ap80:23 Clergy, French, answer libels, 25J151:22 appeal to pope,25Ap51:22 archbishop's activities suppressed, 10J152:12 archbishop complains of water supply, 3N52:12 comments on bishops, PD13F72:22 criticize government, 28F51:32 4Ap51:22 criticism answered by king, 2My51:ll discuss taxation, 6Je51:22 dispute with parlement, Paris, Fr. , 15S52:12,22S52:21,60c52:12, 120c52:22, 17N52:11,28F55:21 dispute with parlements,6Je51:22, 28F55:22,4Ap55:31 dissoluteness of,6Ja38:32 petition king against parlement, 6Oc52:22,20Oc52:12,8D52:21, 15D52:11,15D52:21 relations with king,30My51:21, lAg51:31,29Ag51:21,12D51:12 relations with ministry, 5S55:11 revenue accounts of demanded, 20Je51:22,25J151:22 satires against, 15D52:21 supported by king, ION 52:21 taxes on,24Ja51:22,24Ja51:31, 12S51:22, PD27F72:21--R27F72:21 threats against, 22Ap57:ll uphold supremacy of Church, 11J151:22 writings against suppressed, 29Ag51:21 Clergy, French lower, allowance increased, 28Mr51:22 Clergy, Irish, excommunicate rioters, 1D52:31 Clergy, Neapolitan, accused of secret marriages, 12S51:21 Clergy, Polish, instruct against regicide, PD12Mr72:ll Clergy, Portuguese, ordinations restricted, 28N51: 12 Clergy, Roman Catholic, criticized by parishioners, PD220c72:12-- R220c72:ll in Austria, admission restricted, PD24D72-.13 in Plymouth, Eng. ,PD18Oc70:21 in Quebec, Can., address (text) Gov. Carleton,PD3N74:32 in Venice, It., ordered to reside at seas, PD30Mr69:31 persecute Hungarian Protestants, 28N51: 11,28N51:21 reform attempted, PD4N73: 12 regulated in Pol. ,D18Mr75:12 stories about, D24Ja77: 12 supported in N.S., by British, R28J174:33 take oath in Ire. ,D9Ap79:ll Clergy, Spanish, abandon Holy Orders, 17Ja51:31 226 Clinton gifts demanded from, PD14Mr71:22 illegitimate children of,10S36:22 oppose Jesuits, PD18Ag68: 11 tax on,9D37:12 Clergyman of the Church of England, pseud., PD3Je73:ll Clergy's gowns, imported lost, adv. for, PD25Oc70:31 Clerici Filius, pseud. ,R220c72: 11 Clerk, Alexander, 10Ap52:31 Francis, 10Ap52:31 James, R23J167:41, P16Je75:31 Patrick,R18J171:41 Philip, R26Ja69:31 , R2F69:33 William, PD28S69:32— R50c69:31 Clerks, adv. for, for artillery company, D6Je77:22 in Va.,P8N76:41 in Williamsburg, Va.,2F39:42 near Fredericksburg, Va., PD29N70:22--R29N70:23 adv. for employment, in Va. , 15My52:32,18Je52:22,270c 52:12, PD29J173:23— R29J173:23, PD30S73:31--R30S73:31,PD11N73:22, R23Je74:42,DUMr75:33,D25N75:33 in King and Queen co. , Va. , PD5My 74:31 in Williamsburg, Va. ,R13S70:23, PD18Je72:32 of churches, 3S56:32 See also Indentured servants as Clerks, deputy, adv. for employment, in New Kent co., Va., PD22Mr70:43 Clerks, lawyers', in Williamsburg, Va., PD25Ap71:32 Clerks, parish, adv. for, in Elizabeth river parish, Va., R4Ag74:32 in James City parish, Va. , PD20Oc74:31 in Richmond, Va. ,R16Je 74:23 illiteracy of,20Ja38:12 Clermount, France, See Anecdotes from Cleve plantation, Va. , PD11J166:23 Cleveland, Col. ,PD29J173:22— R5Ag73:21,PD2Je 74:22, D13Ja76:42 Duke of,R18F68:33 Lt . , R5Ag73 :2 1 , R5Ag73 :22 , P5Ja76(5)sl3— D6Ja76:32 Mr.,PD16J172:31 Clever, John,D14Mr77:ll Cleves, duchy of, requests protection from Prussia, PD80c 72:23 See also Jesuits supported in; Prussian army in;Prussian army near;Religious toleration in Clew, Major, P230c78:23 Clifford, John,RlS74:33 Cliffton, Capt.,D22Ja80:23 Clift, William Wombwell, 10Je37:32 Clifton, Elizabeth Mrs. , PD9D73.21-- R9D73:22 John,15D52:31 John, Capt.,PD6S70:31— R6S70:23 of the Aston, PD30Ag70:31, PD30Ag70:32— R30Ag70:31 Richard, PD9My71:31 Robert, R15F70:23 Robert, Mrs. ,R15F70:23 Thomas, PD7F71-.23 Thomas, jailer, R22Mr70:22 William, 110c51:32,28F55:41, PD29J173:31— R5Ag73:33, PD9D73:21— R9D73:22 Clifton, Corlet, and Gill, ship of, PD220c72:13 Climate, in Finchley, Eng. ,R4D66:12 in New England, PD21D69: 12 in Williamsburg, Va.,R5S66:31 Clinch, Christopher, PD26N67:23, PD9My71:31 Philip, PD23Ja68:31 Rebecca, Mrs. ,24Ap52:22 William, 24Ap52:22 adv. finding cow, PD13Ag72:31 adv. slave held in jail, PD28Mr66:41 announces departure, 3J152:32 burgess from Surry co., Va., 12D55:22 chosen as member of committee for Surry co. , Va. ,P8Mr76s23 land of,30c55:32 plaintiff in suit, PD28Ja68:31 William, Capt. ,28F55:41,4Ap55:32, 5S55:41,12S55:41 William, sheriff , 19J154:41 Clinch boats, described, found, adv. of, D22Ap75:33 Clinton, Mr., PD17Ja71:21,PD17Ja71:22-- R17Ja71: 13,P17Mr75s31--D18Mr75: 31 George, gov. of N.Y. , 16My45:31, 14Ag46:31,30c51:22 accuses French of inciting Indians, 3Ap46:ll address from general assembly quoted, 27D51:31 addresses of, 1751, 4 J151:21 appointed, 22 Je39:22 appointed brig. gen. in Continental army,D18Ap77:62 arrives in N. Y. , P23F76:31-- D24F76:31 assents to bills, 14Ag46:22 calls Indian conferences, 1 ,4Ag46:22 defends Fort Montgomery, N.Y., P310c77:22 discusses defense of frontier, 3J146:11 elected governor of N. Y. ,D25Jl77:21 in Hampton roads, Va. ,P22Mr76:22 leaves Cape Fear, N.C. ,D18My76:21 proposes conference with Indians, 2My51:21 reports spy to Putnam, D7N77:21-- P7N77sll returns from Indian conference, 29Ag51:31 sails for Va. ,D17F76:32 son attacked by Indians, 11S46:12 [Henry], Gen. , addressed by Tories, D28F77:21 addresses (text) Tories, D29Ja80:22 appointed commander of British army in U.S. , PlMy78:22 appointed general in America, D29Je76:21 appointed peace commissioner to U.S.,D4D79:21 approaches Albany, N.Y. ,D14N77:12-- P14N77:21 arrival in Charleston, S.C., expected, PlMr76:32--D2Mr76:23 arrival in Va., expected, P16F76:31 arrives in Boston, Mass., D10Je75:31,Pil5Je75:23, P16Je75s22, Pi22Je75:32, D30S75:11 arrives in Brunswick, co., N.C, P12Ap76:23 arrives in Hampton roads, Va. , P23F76:31--D24F76:32 arrives in N. Y. ,D17Ag76:21, D25J177:22--P25J177:21,D15Ag77:52 arrives in Philadelphia, Pa., P29My78: 21 arrives in Staten island, N. Y. , from Carolina, P23Ag76:22— D24Ag76:31 at Fort Montgomery, N. Y. , D14N77:21 attack on Brunswick, N.C, D29Je76:22 attempt to land at N.Y. , PlMr76:22 belittled, D15Ja80:22 burns property of Gen. Howe, P7Je76:31 campaign plans for,D23My77:21 capture of reported, P12Ap76:22-- D13Ap76:31 captures Fort Montgomery, N.Y., P310c77:22 caught in storm near Charleston, S.C, P5J176pl2 commands at Barren Hill, Pa. , P12Je78:21 commands British army in N.Y., P23F76:23--D24F76:31 commands British at Newport, R.I. , D21F77:11 commands British army in Va. , P15Mr76sll--D16Mr76:31 conduct criticized by British soldiers, D24Ag76:32 Crisis addressed to,D27N78: 11 defeat prophesied, P10J178: 22 defends Johnstone from attacks by Congress, D90c78: 11 demands name cleared in Eng. , D18J177:12 denies attempt to assassinate Livingston, C15My79:ll departs for Eng. , P3Ja77sl3 departure from N.Y. rumored, D29Ja80:31 describes capture of R.I. ,D6Je77:ll encounters with Gen. Lee discussed, D24Ag76:72 expected at Fort Johnston, N.C, P5Ap76:32 forbids political conversation in N.Y.,D4D78:21 in Battery island, N. C. , D20Ap76:31 in Cape Fear, N.C. ,D18My76:33 in command in Va. , P15Mr76sl3 in command of British army in Va. , P24My76:22— D25My76:31 in N.Y.,D40c76:71 in N.C.,D16Mr76:33,P29Mr76:22 instructions to,D26Ag75:ll killed in battle of Bunker Hill rumored, D8J175:32 knighted, D18J177-.21 lands in N.C. ,D8Je76:62 leads expedition against R.I., P14F77:21 leaves Charleston, S.C. ,P16Ag76:31 leaves N. Y.,D31J179:21 leaves N.Y. for Charleston, S.C, D19F80:23 letter by refused by Congress, D6N78:22 letter (text) from Collier, 227 Clinton, [Henry], Gen. , letter from Collier (cont'd) D25S79:21 letter (text) from Germaine, D6N78:22 letters to captured by Americans, D11S79:21 letter to concerning peace commission, D90c78:21,D160c78:ll, D30Oc78:21— P30Oc78:21 near Charleston, S.C. ,DllMy76:33, D22Je76:61 near West Point, N. Y.,C15J180:12 near Wilmington, N.C. ,P31My76:22 negotiations for exchange of Col . Ethan Allen, D14S76:41 number of troops under, D1N76:11 ordered to America, P5My75s42, D6My75:31 political influence of, in Eng., D18J177:12 praised by Howe,D2My77:62 praised by ministry, D3J179:21 prepares attack, D12F79:31 proclamation of, 1776, P7Je76:31, D8Je76:51 proclamation (text) to inhabitants of U. S. , D30Oc78: ll--P30Oc78: 11 protests violation of Saratoga convention, D90c78: 12 reinforced, P2Ag76:23 reports capture of Fort Montgomery, N.Y.,D7N77:21— P7N77sll reputation falls in Eng. ,D28Ag79:21 requests names of N.Y. refugees, D6N78:31 requests recall from U. S. , D29My79:22 requests return to Eng. , D26F79: 22, D12Mr79:12 return to Eng. announced, D19F80:23 returns to N.Y. ,DlAg77:ll, D16Ap79:21,D10J179:22 rumors against in Eng., denied, D18J177:11 successor in U.S. rumored, DllMr80:21 supported by Burgoyne,D12Mr79:ll to Cape Fear river, N.C, from Cork, Ire.,D29J176:51 to command attack at Boston, Mass., D4N75:21 to command British army in America, D3Je75:21 to command British army in northern U.S.,P26J176:23— D29J176:52 to Eng.,D28F77:21 to leave S.C.,P9Ag76:33 toS.C.,P21Je76:23 to U.S.,D20Je77:ll— P20Je77:21 to Va. and Carolina, P21Je76:13 to Va. rumored, D24F76: 31 troops of at Staten island, N. Y. , D7S76:11 [James], Gen. , D7N77: 12 P.T. , Lord,D20Je77:ll— P20Je77:21 Thomas P., Lord,D15Ag77:52 Clinton, privateer, 4J145:21, 12D45:32 Clive, [Robert, Lord], PD18Ap66: 13 accomplishments in India, PD13N66: 12 acquisitions in India claimed by parliament, PD20N66:13 appointed lord It. of county of Montgomery, PD9S73:12 appointed to British ministry rumored, PD15S74:23 arrives in Bengal, India, PD4J166: 11 captures Summor,R5S 66:41 conduct justified, PD16J172-.31 death of,P3F75:41--D4F75:21 debate on,PD290c67:ll debates in parliament, PD26Ag73: 13-- R26Ag73sl3 defends himself in Commons, PD19Ag73:12 disliked in India, PD23J167:12-- R23J167sl2 establishes hospital in East Indies, PD150c67:12 expected in Gt. Brit. , PD10S67:13 family given Bengal government, PDlAg66:13 goes to Eng.,PD16Ap67:ll, PD6Ag67:21 health of, PD27Ag67:21 honored by Great Mogul, PD4J166-.12, PD28My67:12 honored in India, PD4J166:11 impeachment trial of, PD5Ag73:ll-- R5Ag73:ll in India, PD19S66:12 makes peace in India, R5S66:21-- PD5S66s31 operations in E.I., PD19S66:13 opposition to,R5Ag73:ll, PD19Ag73:12 popular support of, R26Ag73:13 powers renewed, PD15Ja67:13 praised in parliament, PD1 5 J173:31 proposes capture of Bengal, India, PD26N72:12 receives gift from Great Mogul, PD4J166:11 receives gift from Indians, PD16J172:23 remains in India, PD26Mr67:22 returns to India, PD10Ag69:21 — R10Ag69:23 returns to London, Eng. ,R18Ag74:12 rewarded by East India to. , PD4J166:12 secures treaty for Bengal, PD4J166: 12 sends diamonds to Eng. ,PDlAg66:12 supported in Eng. , PD15J173:21 victories in E.I. ,R5S66:31— PD5S66s21 wealth of,R17N68:22 will of,P17F75:13,P17F75:21, Pi23F75:21 Clive plantation, Va. , PD23D73:23 Clive, ship,PD15Ag66:13 stallion, R6My73:31 Cload, Robert, Pil5Je75:31 Cloak making, adv . of, in Williamsburg, Va. ,PD240c71:31 Cloaks, for sale, in Alexandria, Va., PD20Ag72:31 in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD18Ap66:32, R23J167:32 in Gloucester co . , Va.,D29Je76:42 in London, Eng. , PD7Je70:33 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166:23 in Urbanna, Va. , P21Ag78:13 in Williamsburg, Va. ,27Mr46:42, PD220c67:22, PD13Ap69:32 — R13Ap69:31,PD15F70:41, R8N70:13,PD29Ag71:31,PD17Oc71:33, PD12D71:32,PD23Ap72:23-- R23Ap72:13,PD22Ap73:31, PD29Ap73:23,PD140c73:23, PD5My74:31— R26My74:13, R12My74:32 in Yorktown, Va. , P27D76:32 found, adv. of,P17Ja77:33 lost, adv. for,PHAp77s23 stolen, in Norfolk, Va.,R7S69:33 in Williamsburg, Va. , P22D75:33, C19F80:42 See also Satin cloaks ;Silk cloaks Cloaks, cloth, for sale, in Cabin Point, Va.,P2F76s23— D3F76:33 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166:23 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD29N70:22-- R29N70:23 Cloaks, damaged, for sale, in Accomac co., Va.,PD7Ja73:31— R7Ja73:33 Cloaks, flowered, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. ,PD30Ja72:32-- R6F72:32 Cloaks, spotted, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va.,PD30Ja72:32 — R6F72:32 Cloaks, spotted mode, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD60c68:31-- R60c68:23 Cloaks, sun, for sale, in Cabin Point, Va. , P2F76s23— D3F76:33 Clock and watch cleaners, in Alexandria, Va.,P8N76:32 Clock and watch makers, adv. of, in Shockoe, Va.,PD16My66:23 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD22Mr70:32-- R22Mr70:32,PDlOc72:22—R8Oc 72:32, PD2Je74:31,PD14J174:31,R14jl74:32 See also Convict servants as Clock and watch making, adv. of, in Norfolk, Va.,PD220c67:22 Clock and watch making and repairing, adv. of, in Williamsburg, Va., PD27Ag72:43,PD21J174:31 Clock and watch repairing, adv. for, in Halifax, N.C. , PD29J173.31 adv. of, in Elizabeth City co., Va., 9Je38:41 in Hanover, Va. , PD4Ap71:23 in Norfolk, Va. , 12D55: 31, PD6N66:22,PD5My68:23, PD3N68:31,PD30Ap72:31 in Prince George co., Va., PD30Ag70:33 in Williamsburg, Va. ,PD9Ap67:23, PD28Ap68:23--R28Ap68:31, RllOc70:32— PD18Oc70:33, PD25Oc70:23,PD7F71:23,R7F71:32, PD20Je71:33--R20Je71:32, PD10c72:22— R80c72:32, PD290c72:21,D15Ap75:32— P21Ap75:31,PilJe75:33— P2Je75:33--D3Je75:33 in Yorktown, Va. , 14Ap38:41, PD15D74:32 in Sussex co., Va. ,PD19J170:32— R19J170:33 Clock and watch winders, See Convict servants as Clock and watch workers, apprentices, adv. for, in Williamsburg, Va., 2S57:41 Clock faces, for sale, in Port Royal, Va.,D170c77:22 Clock manufacture , in London, Eng., R23Mr69:31 Clock repairing, adv. of, in Norfolk, 228 Cloth Va.,PD2My66:22 Clock makers, adv. of, in Sussex co., Va.,PD23Je68:23--R23Je68:24 Clocks, boycotted in Providence, R.I. , PD21Ja68:31 boycotted in Va. Association, PD25My69:ll--RUe69:13 for sale, in Louisa co. , Va. , 13F52:41 in Port Royal, Va. , P30My77:13 in Prince George co., Va. ,P12D77:23 in Richmond co. , Va. , P24My76:42 in Surry co., Va. , PD16Ap67:31 in Warwick co., Va. , P22N76:33 in Williamsburg, Va. ,270c52:12, PD28J168:23--R28J168:31 method of self winding invented in Paris, Fr. ,PD15S74:31 Clocks, British, described, PD26Mr67:ll Clocks, chamber, for sale, PD170c66:41 for sale, in Richmond co. , Va. , PD170c66:41 Clocks, chiming, for sale, at Brunswick courthouse, Va., PD27J169:33 Clocks, described, for Turkish ruler, PD30Ja72:13 Clocks, eight-day, as lottery prizes, R17Mr68:34 for sale, in James City co., Va., R19F67:32 in Norfolk, Va.,12D55:31 in Richmond, Va. ,D30c77:41 in Williamsburg, Va. ,D8Ag77:22 in Yorktown, Va.,D23Ja78:31 Clocks, eight day moon, for sale, in Northumberland co . , Va., PD5N72:43--R5N72:21 Clocks, London, for sale, in New Kent co., Va.,D27N79:22 Clocks, moon, for sale, in Northumberland co. , Va., PD5N72:43,R5N72:21 Clocks, spring, for sale, in Richmond, Va.,D30c77:41 Clocks, table, for sale, in Petersburg, Va.,PD3Ja71:32 Clodd, Capt. , of the Good Intent, PD29J173:31— R5Ag73:32 of the Liberty, R19Ap70:33 Robert, P270c75:13 Clogheen, Ireland, See Fires m Clogs, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va., PD30Je68:31,D27Je77:31 See also Leather clogs;Satin clogs Clongings, Fulstone, PD12Mr67:13 Cloninger, Valentine, R18Oc70:32, R27F72:32 Clonmel, Ireland, See Smallpox in;White Boys, murders committed by in Clopton, Deverix,PD30J167:41 George, 4J145:31,PD20Ag72:23 George, jr. ,P4Ag75:31 John, P2My77sl2, P9My77sl2, P28N77:32 Reuben,D19F80:32 Robert, R27My73:31 William, 4J145:31,Pi24N74:33, D13N78:31 William, Capt. ,D19D77:42 Close, Capt. , D8J175: 23 Closeburn school, adv. of,P9My77:33 Closestool, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. ,PD12D71:32 Closter, N.J., See Tories attacked near Cloth, amount woven in Middletown, Conn.,PD5Ap70:32 boycott on urged, in Va. ,RUe69:12 captured by Americans in Mass., Pi22Je75:22--D24Je75:23 directions for making, PD14Je70:32-- R14Je70:33 export from Eng. to N.Y. allowed, D10J179:22 exported from India to Fr . ,28Ag52:31 exported from Va. to Madeira, 21S39:41,2N39:2,25Ja40:3 for Russian army, bought in Eng., PD31Mr74:12 for sale,lAp37:41,12F62:42 at Bermuda Hundred, Va. , PD8Ja67:32 at Kemp's landing, Va. , P160c78: 31 in Alexandria, Va. ,D24J179:22 in Beaufort, N.C.,P160c78:32 in Blandford, Va.,P7N77s21 in Cabin Point, Va. ,P2F76s23-- D3F76:33 in Edenton, N.C. ,P160c78:42 in Lancaster co., Va. ,C19F80:11 in London, Eng. ,PD7Je70:33 in Norfolk, Va. , PD1S74:32, PD22S74:32,D26D77:21 in Petersburg, Va. ,P6Mr78:32, P5Je78:ll— D10J178:41 in Smithfield, Va. ,C3J179:31, D31J179:12 in Suffolk, Va.,D14N77:22, D21N77:12,P21N77:31— D28N77:31 in West Point, Va. ,P160c78:22 in Williamsburg, Va. , 30N59:32, PD27Je71:32,PD17S71:31 — R26S71:41,PD290c72:22— R290c 72:22, PD140c73:23, PD29S74:32 , DlAg77:22 , D18Ap77:72 , D19S77:32,D5D77:12--P5D77:22, P21Ag78:41,D26Mr79:22,D2Ap79:22, C30Oc79:42,DllD79:22,C21Oc80:22 in Yorktown, Va. ,PD26N72:22, P27D76:32,P230c78:31 See also Alamode; Aloopeen; Amen; Armozeen; Baize; Bar ragon; Bath coating;Beaver coating; BedticksjBinding, gold, Manchester; Blanketing;Blaze; Blond, Italian; Bolting cloths; Bombazine;Border; Breeches, material for;Breeches pieces; Britannia;Broadcloth, patterns of; Broads; Brocade; Buckram;Bunting;Burat;Burdet; Calamanco;Calash;Calico;Calmouck; Cambric ;Camlet, Scotch, striped; Canvas;Cassimere;Catgut;Catgut mourning ribbon ;Checks;Chenille (Shenneals);Chintz, India, lampa; Cloth;Coating, wilton;Cord, hat, spangled ;Corduroy ;Cotton ;Crepe ; Crubele;Crewel, shaded ;Damascus; Damask, India;Denim, serge; Diaper, clouting;Dimity;Dorcas; Dowlas, British, German;Drab, Russia;Dress, riding ;Drilling, Russia;Drugget;Dry goods;Ducapes; DuckjDuffel, striped;Durant, printed; DurelljDuroy, serge ;Dutch pink; EdgingjErmine, spotted ;Everlasting; Fearnought ; Ferret ; Fillets ; Fish skins; Flannel ;Floridas; Floss; Footing; Frieze; Fringe, mourning; Fustian;Galloon;Garlix;Gauze ;Gauze mourning ribbon; Genet (Jennet); German rolls;Gimp;Gingham, India, striped ;Glove strings ;Gold thread; Grandurell;Grogoon;Gulix;Hair seating;Half-thick;Harrateen;Holland; Horsehair ;Huckaback;Humhum, Indiajlndia goods;Inkle;Jacob's ladder;Jean, India, Manchester; Kenting;Kersey;Knapkining;Lace; Lace edging, satin;Lagan;Lappet; Lappet heads ;Lasting, serge;Lawn; Line; Linen; Linen checks, sheeting; Lining, hair, Persian;Lisle thread; Loretto;Lustring;Lustring patterns; Lyle's threads;Mantelet;Mary Scott's lappets ;Matting;Mecklenburg; Minionet;Missionets, brocaded; Modes, satin, sprigged; Mohair; Morees;Mozeen;Muslin;Nankeen, coffee, India;Net;Oakum;Oilcloth; Osnaburg, British, German; Paduasoy;Parisnet;Patterns; Penistone;Perover, flowered worsted;Persian;Pink;Plaid, Scotch; Plaiding;Plain;Plush;Poplin, Irish; Purl;Queen's nett book lawn, muslin; Ratteen ;Ribbon ;Rolls ;Rowan ;Roy al ribbs;Russell;Sacking;Sacking bottoms ;Sagathy, double milled; Sarcenet, figured;Satin;Satinet; Scalling;Scarlet, FrenchjSelesia; Serge, flowered, German;Shag; Shagreen; Shalloon; Sheepskin; Sheeting, Irish, Russia ;Shirting; SilkjSilver binding, blond, lace, ribbon;Snail;Starret;Stripe; Swanskin, striped;Tabby;Taffeta; Tammy (Taminies); Tanjib; Tape; Thickset ;Thread;Ticking;Ticklingburgs; Tif f iny ; Tobine ; Tow ;Towell ing ; Trimming;Tweeling;Twill;Twist, hair, scarf ;Velveret;Velvet;Web, diaper; West India goods ;Wool;Woolen; Worsted; Yarn found, adv. of, PD16Je74:22 in Halifax co., Va. ,D8My79:31 import to British colonies, N.Am., from Fr. proposed, P29Mr76:23 imported to Algiers, Alg. ,D4N75:12 imported to Falmouth, Me., from Martinique, W.I. ,D10Ag76:31 imported to James river, Va., P28N77:21 from Nantes', Fr . , P5D77:22 imported to Providence, R.I., from Fr.,D250c76:42 imported to Va. , from Glasgow, Scot. , 2N39:32 from Nantes, Fr.,D5D77:ll imported to Williamsburg, Va., from Martinique, W.I. ,D29N76:32 lost at sea,PD9S73:12--R16S73:22 mixture of wool and cotton, Pi20D75:42 price in Leeds, Eng. ,D8Ap80s22 purchased in London, Eng., for Indies, PD10N68: 13 returned to Eng. from America, PD18Ap66:23 seized from British ship, P26Ap76s21 229 Cloth (cont'd) seized from Danish ship,D2Ap79:ll stolen, 22 Je39:32 by indentured servants, 26S45:41 in Fairfax co., Va.,Pil2Ja75:33 in South Quay, Va. ,D25Mr80:32 Cloth, American, worn at Harvard college, PD40c70:21--R4Oc70:22 Cloth, British, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. ,D6N79:31-- C6N79:32 Cloth, coarse, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD26Ag73:31— R26Ag73:23 in Suffolk, Va.,D14N77:22 imported to James river, Va., from Nantes, Fr. ,D5D77:11--P5D77:21 Cloth, embroidered, import to Swe. forbidden, PD240c 66:13 Cloth, Forest, for sale, in Manchester, Va.,C13My80:41 in Williamsburg, Va. ,PD15F70:41, PD29N70:22--R29N70:23 inYorktown, Va. ,PD310c71:23 Cloth, French, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. ,D25J177:41— P25J177:42 Cloth, marble, for sale, in Alexandria, Va.,PD20Ag72:31 Cloth, narrow, boycotted in Va. Association, PD25My69:ll— RUe69:13 for sale, in Yorktown, Va., PD310c71:23 Cloth, Negro, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va.,D8My78:82 Cloth, saddle, for sale, in Norfolk, Va., PD25J166:23 in Williamsburg, Va. ,D8My78:82, D27N79:31--C2N79:22 Cloth, St. Jago, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. ,PD25F68:23-- R3Mr68:34 Cloth, salvaged, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD21D69:32— R28D69:13 Cloth, silesia, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , D12S77: 41-- P19S77:11 Cloth, Virginia, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. ,D14N77:31 stolen, in Halifax co„, Va. , P20D76:22 taken from slaves, PD1 7 F74:31 Cloth, Virginia woven, prize for at Norfolk, Va., fair,R23D73:32 Cloth, wilton, for sale, in Norfolk, Va., PD25J166:23 Cloth, Yorkshire, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. ,PD270c74:31 Cloth manufacture, declines in Leeds, Eng.,D8Ap80s22 in north Eng. , PD14Ap68:21 encouraged in Easton, Mass., P24F75sl2 in Ire.,PD210c73:21,PD9D73:ll — R9D73:11 in Pa.,P24F75s22,Pi9Mr75:31 in Va.,R21J174:32,Pi30Mr75:31 — DlAp75:23 establishment proposed in Gloucester co., Va.,PD8S74:31 in Fredericksburg, Va. , P17Ja77:22 in Mass.,PD19N67:21 in Prince George Co., Va., D18N75:32 Cloth weavers, See Indentured servants as Clothes brushes, for sale, in Leonard's town, Md. , 7N45: 41 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 Clothiers, in Halifax, Eng., enlist for military service, 16Ja46:31 petition duke of Newcastle, 16F39:32 property destroyed in London, Eng., 13J139:32 unemployed in Gloucestershire, Eng., PD3Mr68:22 See also Convict servants as Clothiers shears, import to Boston, Mass. , allowed, PD24Ag69:21 Clothing, abandoned by British in Va. , P22Mr76:23 boycotted in Providence, R.I., PD21Ja68:31 captured by Americans at Saratoga, N.Y.,P310c77:22 destroyed in N.Y. fire,D8My79:12 distributed to poor in Cornwall, Eng. , PD6My73:21 donated for soldiers, P5D77:22 export from Fr. to U.S. proposed, P29Ag77:22 export from Ire. for British army allowed, Pi29Je75:31--P30Je75:21-- D1J175:23 exported from Ire. to Eng. ,D3F76:31 exported from York district, Va., to • Madeira, 21S39:41,25Ja40:3 for British army,27Mr46:22,26S55:22, Pil90c75:21— P20Oc75:22 — D210c75:21 captured in Philadelphia, Pa., D2S75:32 in America, 19S55:31,D30Mr76:21 in British colonies, N.Am. , D9D75:12 in Can.,Pil20c75:21--P130c75s21 in N.Y.,7N55:21 in Quebec, Can. , returned, D30Mr76:31 in U.S.,D29Ag77:ll in Va.,P26Ja76:12 for British prisoners of war in Va. , D26Mr79:22 for Cape Breton, Can. ,28N45:32 for Continental army,D250c76:42, P10Ja77:31,P14Mr77:31 procured in Boston, Mass., P14Mr77:22 for sale, at Kemp's landing, Va. , D19Mr79:31 at Lancaster courthouse, Va., PD7J168:32,R7S69:33 in Amelia co., Va. ,P19Je78:ll — D10J178-.32 in Blandford, Va. ,D4Ap77:22 in Buckingham co. , Va. ,D19D77:31 in Norfolk, Va. , PD30S73:31 — R30S73:33 in Petersburg, Va. ,DllAp77:71 — PllAp77s21 in Smithfield, Va. ,22My52:31 in Williamsburg, Va. ,4J151:32, 2Ja52:41,PD16My71:31,PD16J172:32, P30Ag76:33,P15Ag77:33,D19F80:33-- C19F80:31 inYorktown, Va. ,240c55:31 See also Aprons; Ass skin pocketbooks; Back bands ;Bag-Hollands;Bandanas, India bordered ;Beaver caps, gloves, hats;Bibs;Blond caps, hoods, stomachers, stomachers and bows, suits ;Blond lace suits ;Blond treble ruffles suits ;Bonefans, stays; Bonnets;Boots;Breeches, stocking; Broadcloth suits;Buck gloves, mitts; Buckskin boots, breeches, gloves; Calf boots;Calf skin pumpsjCalf skin shoes;Calico bed gowns, pumps, shoes ;Calimanco clogs, coats, petticoats, pumps, shoes ;Cambric handkerchiefs, stocks;Capes;Caps; Capuchins;Cardinals;Cases, fan; Cassocks;Channels;Chennille (shehell) caps, stomachers;Chintz handkerchiefs;Cloaks;Clogs;Clothes; Coats, New-Market;Cockades; Collar ing;Collars;Cossacks;Cotton caps, gloves, gowns, handkerchiefs, hose, ribbed stockings, stockings; Crepe handkerchiefs;Cravats; Davis's shoes;Dissbury's calimanco pumps, pumps, satin pumps, shoes; Dimity bed gowns;Doe gloves, mitts; Doe-skin breeches;Dogskin pumps, shoes ;Dresses;Dutch pretties; Everlasting pumps ; Fans ; Fawn gloves, mits; Feather muffs, tippets;Felt hats;Flannel under jackets, waistcoats; Fur hats, muffs, tippets ;Galloches;Garnet hoops; Gartering;Garters, Irish, knee; Gauze aprons, caps, fans, handkerchiefs, hats, hoods, lappet caps, mobs, ruffles, ruffs, stockings, suits, tuckers;Gloves; Gold garters, hatbands, pocketbooks; Gowns ;Great coats ;Greshan's pumps, satin pumps, shoes ;Haberdashery; Hair collars, hats;Half jerseys; Handkerchief s; Hatbands ;Hats; Hessians;Hoods, laced, patent;Hoops, pinchusion;Horse hair hats;Hose; Hosiery;Ivory fans;Jackets, sailors; Jumps, English, French;Kid gloves, mits, mittens, shoes; Lace caps, fronts, hats, hoods, muffs, ruffles, stomachers, suits, tippets ;Lamb gloves, mits, mittens;Lawn aprons, handkerchiefs;Leather bags, breeches, caps, clogs, gloves, mitts, mittens, pocketbooks, pumps, shoes;Linen handkerchiefs;Lustring handkerchiefs, stomachers;Macaroni waistcoats ; Manteels ; Mantelets ; Mantelet cloth;Mantuas;Marcasite hoop rings, hoops;Millinery; Millinery goods, ware; Mits; Mittens, French, Morocco pocketbooks, pumps, shoes;Mother of pearl collars; Mourning goods;Mournings;Muffs, Italian; Mounts, fan;Muslin aprons, handkerchiefs;Net aprons, handkerchiefs, hoods, suits; Nightcaps; Osnaburg bags, skirts; Paper fans; Paste collars, hoops, solitaires, stomachers;Persian coats, petticoats; Petticoats; Pocketbooks; Puddings, quilted; Pumps ;Purses;Raw silk hose, stockings ;Ribbon caps, ruffs, stomachers ;Rings, hoop;Robedcores; Robes ;Romals;Ruffles;Ruffs;Sacks; Sarcenet coats, petticoats; Sashes, Freemasons ;Satin bonnets, caps, cardinals, cloaks, clogs, coats, hats, 230 Clothes hussars, petticoats, pumps, shoes, stomachers :Shamois gloves, shoes; Shirts ;Shoes ;Shoulder knots ; Shrouds ; Silk aprons, bags, bonnets, capes, caps, capuchins, cardinals, cloaks, coats, collars, cravats, garters, gloves, gowns, handkerchiefs, hats, hoods, hose, mits, mittens, petticoats, pocketbooks, pumps, purses, romals, shoes, stockings, stomachers, umbrellas ;Silk laced bonnets ;Silk net gloves;Silver fans, garters, hatbands, hats, sleeve knots, stomachers ;Silverplated hats;Sleeve knots ;Slippers, cork soled;Solitaires;Splatter-dashes; Staygoods ;Stays ;Stockings ;Stocks ; Stomachers ;Stuff coats, petticoats, pumps, shoes ;Suits;Sultains;Tabby stays;Teresas;Thread gloves, handkerchiefs, hose, mits, stockings; Ticking stays ;Tippets;Tortoisesnell hoops;Trousers, check;Tuckers; Turbans ;Umbrellas, India;Under jackets, sailors; Velvet bonnets, capes, caps, collars, hoods, pocketbooks; Velvet bound hats; Waistcoats ;W ash leather gloves; Wearing apparel;Welsh hose; Whisks ;Wooden heels ;Woolen gloves, hose, stockings ;Worsted Barcelona handkerchiefs, caps, furred hats, gloves, hose, ruffles, stockings; Yarn hose, stockings for soldiers, adv. for, in Williamsburg, Va. , P6Mr78:22 donated, 170c55:21 seized from British ship, P20D76sl2, D230c79:22 for Va. soldiers, provided by assembly, D4J177:52 found, adv. of , Pi6Ja76:32, P6Je77:31, P27Je77:12 in Halifax co., Va. ,D8My79:31 in Williamsburg. Va. ,D6N78:32, D5Je79:32 given to Indians in Cambridge, Mass. , P23F76:23--D24F76:31 imported, lost, adv. for,R4F73:23 imported to Baltimore, Md., from Cape Francois, Santo Domingo, W.I.,P27D76:23 imported to Bedford, N.H., from Nantes, Fr.,P29N76:13 imported to Boston, Mass., from Nantes, Fr . ,P29N76:13,D16My77:12 — P16My77:21 imported to York district, Va., from Madeira, 24Ag39:31 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from Salem, Mass., PD10D67:31 imported to Martinique, W. I. , from Fr. , P16My77:22 imported to Sinepuxent, Md., from Nantes, Ft. , P30My77:31-- D6Je77:21 imported to U.S. from Fr. ,P16My77:22 loaned to U.S. by Fr. ,D20Je77:21 — P20Je77:22 lost, adv. for,2Mr53:42.PD13Ja74:33, P14F77:32,D10J179:32 between Smithfield, Va., and Suffolk, Va.,D26Je79:12— C3J179:41 near Williamsburg, Va. , 13Je45:41 manufactured in colonies, worn in Barnstable, Mass. , PD7Ap68:21 worn in Mass. ,PD10Mr68:22 monopoly on, in U.S. , P22N76:11 needed by American farmers, P29Mr76:12 needed for Continental army, P8D75-.23— Pi9D75:22 of convict servants, See Convict servants runaway of indentured servants, See Indentured servants runaway of Regulators, captured by militia, PD27Je71:31 of slaves, See Slaves runaway plundered by British in Va. , D15My79: 22 purchased in Eng. , for U. S. , D8Ap80sl3 scarce in Cornwall, Eng. , PD22Ap73: 21-- R22Ap73:31 seized by British, PD4Ap71: 22 in N. J. , D27D76: 41--P27D76: 21 seized from British, D10Ja77: 41 seized from British ships, D13Ja76: 23, P6D76: 23, D27D76: 41--P27D76: 23, D3Ja77: 22,D3Ja77: 21--P3Ja77sll, P10Ja77:21,D24Ja77:21,P31Oc77:12 seized from French ship, 4J145: 12, D25D79: 21 stolen, 22Je39: 32, PD15Ja67: 33, D26Mr79: 31 at King's creek, Va. , P23Ag76: 41 by apprentices, PD220c72: 31 by convict servants, 19N36: 42, 19D45: 41, 27Mr46: 41, 18S46: 41, 11J151:32,27F52:32, PD26F67:32, R24D67: 34, R7S69: 41, R7Mr71: 33, RlAg71:41,PD4Mr73:33--R4Mr73:33, R2Je74: 23, PD28J174: 33, PilJe75: 41, Pi8Je75:41,Pi23N75: 33 by indentured mulattoes, R8N70: 13 — PD8N70: 32 by indentured servants, 10c36: 42, 2My51: 32, 29S52: 32, R24Mr68: 34, PD6J169: 41, PD24My70: 32— R31My70: 33, PD16Ag70: 41, PD240c71: 31, PD23Ap72: 31, PD25Mr73: 33, R1S74: 33, P17N75sl2 by Negroes, PD26 Ja69: 32 by servant, R27S70: 33, P21Ag78: 32 by slaves, 22Ap37: 32, 10Oc45: 31, 15My46: 41, 7N54: 41, PD28My67: 33, PD20Oc68: 22, PD26D71: 41, P116N75: 33 — P17N75sl3 — D18N75: 33, D3F76: 33, D9My77: 31 — P9My77: 43, D29Ja80: 33, D25N80: 12 by soldiers, D8Ap80s23 in Amelia co. , Va. , 20Oc52: 22 in Boston, Mass. , PD2D73: 12 in Dumfries, Va. , C19F80: 32 in Fredericksburg, Va. , P3Ja77s21 in Hanover co. , Va. ,D21Je80: 32 in New York City, R19F67: 22 in Philadelphia, Pa. , PD17D67: 31 in Prince George co. , Md. , D29N76: 42 in Prince George co. , Va. , 16S37:32 in Williamsburg, V a . , PD5S66s33, PD9D73: 22--R9D73: 21, P10Ja77: 32, D14Ag79: 31--C28Ag79: 33, D230c79: 31 taken by convict servants, D25Mr75: 32 — P7Ap75: 33, P3N75: 32— D4N75: 33, P16Ag76sll by indentured servants, D23S75: 33 unclaimed, adv. of, PD19N72: 22 See also Wearing apparel Clothing, army, imported to Delaware river, P28F77s21 Clothing, mourning, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , lMr38: 32 Clothing, Negro, import to St. Croix, W. I. free,R290c72: 12 Clothing, soldiers, imported to Charleston, S. C. , from St. Francois, Canada, D8Ag77: 21 Clothing manufacture, declines in Eng. , PD18Je67: 13, PD7Ap68: 12, PDlAp73: 13 in British colonies, N. Am. , D3F76: 41 in Mass. , PD26N67: 22, PilOJa76: 21 — P12Ja76: 23--D13Ja76: 23 in S. C. , PD14D69: 12 support urged in Va. , P28Mr77: 11 supported in Sunderland, Mass. , PD13Ap69: 21 Cloud, Robert, P16Je75s23 Cloudass, George, D23My77: 32 Clough, Mr. , Pi29S74: 41 [Alexander], Major, D160c78: 31. Dl60c78: 32 — Pl60c78: 22, P30Oc78: 32, P30Oc78: 31 George, PD31Mr68: 22, PD18My69: 31, R20Jl r .S: 23, PD27J169: 33, PD17Ag69: 33, R21S69: 32 Mary, 170c51: 32 Richard, 10Je37: 41, 170c51: 32 Clouston, Capt. ,D27Je77: 12.D18J177: 21, D8Ag77: ll,D22Ag77: 12 — P22Ag77: 22 John, Capt. , of the Freedom, P8Ag77: 21 Clovay de, Capt. , D6Je77: 31 Clove water, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , R7Ap74: 32 imported to Va. , from Salem, Mass. , PD28D69: 31 Clover, William, D9My77: 32 Clover, for sale, in Mecklenberg co. , Va. , PD1S74: 32 plentiful in Essex, Eng. , PD11D66: 21 in High Suffolk, Eng. , PD11D66: 21 substitute for tea, PD13Ja74: 12 Clover seed, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PDllAp66: 41, PD4Je67: 33, PD26My68: 23, PD28S69:31, PDllAp71:32,PD12D71:32, PD31D72:31--R31D72:31 imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from Philadelphia, Pa. , R8S74: 31 imported to Tames river, upper district, Va. , from New York City, PD270c68: 42 Clover seeds, hop, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD3D67: 32 Clover seeds, red, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD3D67: 32 Cloves, exported from Tobago, W. I. , to Bristol, Eng. , PD15Ja67: 21 for sale, in Alexandria, Va. , D24J179: 22 in Cobham, Va. , P4J177: 31 in Fredericksburg, Va. ,D5D77: 22 in Petersburg, Va. , 12F62: 41, PD30J172: 32, PD14J174: 32 in Richmond, Va. , PD10S72: 23, PD17Je73: 33 — R17Je73s23 in Williamsburg, Va. , 27My37: 42, 20Je45: 41, 15My46: 41, 31J146: 61, 231 Clothes, for sale, in Williamsburg (cont'd) 17Ja51: 41, 24My51: 32, 18J151: 41, 5S51: 32, 10Ap52: 31, 30Ap52: 32, 15My52: 32, 22My52: 32, 60c52: 32, 2My55: 22, 2My55: 31, 14N55: 22, 16Ja61:41,PDllJe67: 32, PD18Je67: 33, PD25F68: 23— R3Mr68: 34, PD270c68: 32— R270c68: 22, PD270c68: 33,R270c68: 22, R3N68: 33--PD10N68: 22, PD13Ap69: 32--R13Ap69: 32, PD17Ag69: 33--R17Ag69: 23, PD21S69: 33--R21S69s21, PD21S69:41--R21S69s21,R260c69:23, PD2N69:41, PD15F70: 41, PD7Je70: 31 — R14Je70: 33, R12J170: 31, PDllAp71: 32, PD240c71: 31, PD2J172: 32, PD290c72: 22--R290c72: 22, PD10Je73: 22, PD4N73: 22— R4N73: 31, PD11N73: 22, PD1S74: 32, PD29S74: 32, Pi6Ap75: 42, D26Ag75: 32, D18Ap77: 72 in Yorktown, Va. , 30My51: 41, PD13Ag67: 23 grown in Isle of France, E. I. , PD18Ap71: 12 imported to Texel, Holl. , from E. L , 5D45: 22 Cloves, oil of, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. ,30Ap52:32 Club houses, on East river, P21N77: 22 Clubb, Capt. , of the Harriot, PD11N73: 22 Clubs, in London, Eng. , R22J173sl3, R12Ag73: 12 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD4Oc70: 22 Clubs, societies, See Coterie club, London, Eng. ; Cowbridge society for propagating religion and learning; Fishmongers company; Freemasons; Indifferents; Kit Cat Club, London, Eng. ; Knights of Bath, Eng. ; Order of Minerva; Royal academy of sciences, Paris, Fr. ; Society for encouragement of learning, London, Eng. ; Society for propagation of gospel in foreign parts; Society of promoting English Protestant working schools in Ire. ; Society of antiquaries of London, Eng. ; Society of the free British fishery Clubs, women's, London, Eng., described, PD16Ag70: 13 Clugston, John, PD25J171: 22 Clunn, Capt. , of the Liberty, C27N79: 13 Clupton, William, R8Ag66: 32 Cluverius, Capt. , P18J177: 23 Benjamin, R22S69: 24, P21Mr77sl3, P21Ag78: 41 Gibson, P130c75: Il--D210c75: 31 John, P6Je77: 33 Clyburn, John, RlAp73: 41 Clyde, brig, 25Mr37: 41, 13Je45: 41 brigantine, PD16N69: 31--R16N69: 23 ship, 30c51: 32, 7Ag52: 31, PD23Ap67: 31, PD22Ja67: 32, PD6Ag67: 32, PD17Mr68: 31--R14Ap68: 42, R22S68: 23— PD22S68: 22, PD22D68: 31, PD26Ja69: 32, PD7S69: 31, PD28S69: 23 Clyde, Scotland, See Exports from Va. , to; Ships from; Ships from James river, Va. , to; Ships from Potomac district to; Ships from Rappahannock district, Va. , to; Ships from Va. , to Clyde firth, Scot. , See British navy Clyde river, Scot. , deepened, PD13S70s22, PD310c71: 21, PD6My73: 22 navigability regulated by parliament, PD2My71: 22 navigation of improved, PDlAp73: 23 See also Bridges over; Canals from Forth river, Scot. , to; Imports to; Landslides in; Locks on Clymer, Capt. , 20Oc38: 31 Christopher, Capt. , of the Marlborough, 13Je45: 22, 21Mr45: 41 George, R23Je74: 32, Pil7Ag75: 32— P18Ag75: 22— D19Ag75: 32, P6D76: 22 William, Capt. , 13Je45: 22, 13Je45: 31 Clynton, George, Hon. , of the Gloucester, 25Ja40: 2 Clysterpipe, pseud. , PD26S66: 21 Clyster pipes, for sale, in Blandford, Va. , PD29Je69: 32 in Petersburg, Va. , PD1J173: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , 17Ja51: 41, 5S51: 32, 2My55: 31, 14N55: 22, 16Ja61:41,PD18Je67:33, PD270c68: 32— R270c68: 22, PDUAp71: 32, PD240c71: 31, PD10Je73: 22, PD1S74: 32 near Warwick, Va. , D28F77: 32 Clyster pipes, common, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD21S69: 41 — R21S69s21,R12J170:31 Clyster syringe, for sale, near Warwick, Va. ,D28F77:32 Coach Drivers, See Indentured servants as Coach harness, furniture for, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD26D71: 31 — R6F72: 42 Coach houses, 170c55: 31 in Fairfax co. , Va. , PD19Mr67: 33, PD2Je74: 32— R2Je74: 22 in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD21Ap68: 31, PD8Je69: 31, P18Ap77s31, D30Oc78:41,D5F80:41 in Gloucester co. , Va. , P6Mr78: 32 in Richmond co. , Va. , 250c65s42 in Warwick co. , Va. , P17Ja77: 42 in Williamsburg, Va. , 10S36: 42, 17N38: 42, PD80c67: 21, PD21Ap68: 23, D8Ag77: 22, P21Ag78: 31 on Appomattox river, Va. , 3J152: 32 on Mattaponi river, Va. ,D10Oc77: 21 — P170c77: 11 on Pianketank river, Va. , Pi8D75:33 — PD8D74: 31, P10F75: 42— D11F74: 23 Coach houses described, on Appomattox river, Va. , 3J152: 32 Coach painter, adv. of, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD14Ap74: 31 Coach repairing, adv. of, D22Ap75: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , R21My72: 23— PD18 Je72: 33, R29Ap73: 31, R7Ap74: 32 Coach Wheelwrights, See Indentured servants as Coaches, bartered for European goods, D22Ap75: 33 for West India goods, D22Ap75: 33 boycotted in Providence, R. I. , PD21Ja68: 31 for sale, at Marlborough, Va. , PD25Oc70: 23--R1N70: 32, PD9My71: 32— R9My71: 21 at Westover, Va. , P170c77: 11 in Brunswick co. , Va. , PD9Mr69: 33— R23Mr69: 41 in Charles City co. , Va. , R190c69: 41, D19S77: 32--P19S77: 12 in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD29Ag71: 33 in Gloucester co. , Va. , D9Ap79: 31 in King and Queen co. , Va. , PD21J168: 31— R21J168: 32 in Richmond, Va. , P21N77: 32 in Urbanna, Va. , PD24N68: 32— R24N68: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , 12My38: 41, 6Ap39: 32, 260c39: 41, 60c52: 31, R12J170: 33, PD240c71: 23, PD5N72: 43 on Pianketank river, Va. , Pi8D74: 33— PD8D74: 31, P10F75: 42— D11F75: 23 lining of, adv. , in Norfolk, Va. , PD10S72: 23 materials for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD7D69: 32 painting adv. of, 5My38: 41 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD4My69: 33— R25My69: 23, P15D75: 33 presented to Martha Washington, P25J177: 21 taxes on in Gt. Brit. , PD24My70: 22, PD17Je73: 22— R17Je73: 12 in Ire. , PD4N73: 21 in Va. ,RlAg71: 13 undersold in Va. , R60c68: 11 Coaches, described, in London, Eng. , PD12My68: 11 Coachmakers, 25Ag38: 41 adv. of, D22Ap75: 33 in Botetourt town, Va. , Pi20Oc74: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , 6Ap39: 32, PD9Ap72: 33, R21My72: 23— PD18Je72: 33, PDl9Ag73: 21— R19Ag73 : 22, R280c73: 33, R7Ap74: 32, R14Ap74: 32, P12Ja76: 41, Pll J177: 42 from London, Eng. , P9Ap72: 33 in Dublin, Ire. , R21My72: 23— PD18Je72: 33, R280c73: 33 in Hanover co. , Va. , 18Ag38: 41 in London, Eng. , PD20Oc74s22 in New York City, R21My72: 23— PD18Je72: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD310c71: 21-- R310c71: 32, R26My74: 41, P3N75: 31, D13D76: 32 See also Indentured servants as Coachmakers, apprentices, adv. for, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD18Je72: 33, PD19Ag73: 21— R19Ag73: 22, R7Ap74: 32 Coachmakers, journeymen, adv. for, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD19Ag73: 21 — R19Ag73:22,R7Ap74:32 wages paid, R7Ap74: 32 Coachmakers tools, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , Pi260c75: 32— P270c75: 31— D4N75: 32, C27N79: 22— D27N79: 31 Coachmen, 20Ja3 8: 32 adv. for, 29Ag51: 32, P2Je75s33 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD18Ap66: 31, R12Mr67:43 See also Indentured servants as; Slaves as Coagar, Michael, P5Je78: 32 Coaker, Thomas, 17N52: 31 Coakley, John, PD3D72: 23 232 Coats William, PD11J166: 23, PD2Ap67: 23 Coal, auctioned in Philadelphia, Pa. , PD29D74: 31 in Reading, Pa. , Pi29D74: 23 bartered for bar iron, Pi2Mr75: 33 for corn, Pi2Mr75: 33 dispute over quality of, P29Ag77: 12 duties on export from Gt. Brit. , PD18Ap66: 23 export from Eng. , to N. Y. allowed, D10J179: 22 exported from Eng. , to Fr. , PD10Mr74: 22 to Holl. ,PD10Mr74: 22 exported from James river, lower district, Va. , to New York City, R8Ag66: 31 exported from James river, upper district, Va. , 1763-1766, PD12F67: 23 to Md. , PD22Ja67: 32 to New York City, PD28D69: 31, PD1N70: 22 to Newport, R. I. , PD27N66: 23 to Philadelphia, Pa. , PD13S70: 23 to Salem, Mass. , PD19Mr67: 32, PD9J167: 32, PD290c67: 21, PD3D67: 31, PD1S68: 23 exported from Liverpool, Eng. , to N. Y. , Pi6Ap75: 31 — P7Ap75: 32— D8Ap75: 31 exported from Newcastle, Eng. , to Holl. ,PD6My73:12 for British army in America, D18N75: 13 in Boston, Mass. , P5Ja76: 31, D13Ja76: 13 in U.S. ,D24Ap78: 21 for sale, Pil9Ja75: 33--D21Ja75: 32 at College landing, Va. ,D3Je75: 33 at Roche's landing, Va. , Pi2Mr75: 33 at Rocket's landing, Va. , PD13Je66: 23 in Broadway, Va. , P16Ag76: 43 in Hampton, Va. , D12Je79: 32 in Norfolk, Va. , 250c65s33, PDllAp66: 33, PD16My66: 31, PD5N67: 22, R5Ja69: 31--PD12Ja69: 42, R190c69s22, PD21D69: 33, PD3Ja71: 31--R10Ja71: 32, PD22S74:32,DlMy79:32 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD20S70: 32 import to Boston, Mass. , allowed, PD8S68: 21 import to Fr. , from Gt. Brit. permitted, HMy3 9: 21 imported and destroyed in Charleston, S. C. ,D22Ap75:22 imported to James river, Va. , from Scot. ,R10Mr74:31 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from Whitehaven, Eng. , PD23Mr69: 31 imported to London, Eng. , from Newcastle, Eng. , PD16Ap67: 11 imported to New York City, from Whitehaven, Eng. , PD11D66: 23 left in Boston, Mass. , by British army, P12Ap76: 22, P19Ap76p22 — D20Ap76:31 lost at sea, 10N52: 22, PD25Ap66: 23 of Samuel DuVal, P18J177: 13 price high in Eng. , PD10Mr74: 22 price low in Amsterdam, Holl. , PD19F67: 23 price, Pil9Ja75: 33--D21Ja75: 32 in Dublin, Ire. , 14Ap38: 31 in Eng. ,D15Ja80: 12 in London, Eng. , PD18Je72: 21 returned to Dunbar, Scot. , from Charleston, S. C. , D22Ap75: 22 scarce in Boston, Mass. ,D13Ja76: 23 seized from British ships, D30D75: 33, P5Ja76(5)sl2--D6Ja76: 31 — Pi6Ja76: 21, D10F76: 31, P23F76: 13 — D24F76: 22, P23F76: 21--D24F76: 22, P23F76: 23— D24F76: 23, P16F76: 31 — D24F76: 22, P22Mr76: 22, D30Mr76: 31, P31My76: 12--D1 Je76: 12, D180c76: 11 seized from Scotch ship, P29D75s21 standard measure for established in Va. , PD5Mr72: 23 — R5Mr72: 22 Coal, chamber, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD17Ag69: 32 Coal, Newcastle, for sale, at Bermuda Hundred, Va. , PD20Ag67: 23 in Portsmouth, Va. , PD2N69: 41 Coal, pit, for sale, at Ellison's Falls, Va. , R8S74: 33 at falls of James river, Va. , D21Mr77:12 at Rocket's landing Va. , R4Ag74: 32 in Manchester, Va. ,D21N77: 12 in Warwick, Va. , R8S74: 33 in Hanover co. , Va. ,D24Ap78: 41 — P8My78sl2 in Warwick, Va. , R8S74: 33 price of, R8S74: 33 Coal, sea, seized from British ship, P15N76: 21 Coal, Whitehaven, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25Oc70: 23 — R1N70: 31, PD3F74: 33--R10F74: 33, PD12My74pll— R12My74: 41 Coal, Whitehouse, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD12My74pll — R12My74: 41 Coal-bearers, in Scot. , abolition of proposed, P9Je75sll— D24Je75: 22 Coal earrings, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , R150c72: 31 Coal egrets, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. ,R150c72:31 Coal houses, in Colebrook, Conn. , PD23D73: 31 in Frederick co. , Md. , R2Ag70: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , P21N77: 31 Coal merchants, in Eng. ,D16S75: 33 Coal mines, discovered in Eng. , PD5N72: 13 discovered in Turk. , PD27Ja74: 11 in Cape Breton island, Can. , PD22D68: 12--R22D6P: 11 in Culroes, Scot. , floods in, PD6Ja74: 21 in East Lothian, Scot. , collapse of, PD10Je73: 22 in Lancashire, Eng. , PD17Je73: 21 in Newcastle, Eng. , PD22N70sll in N. S. , D29J176: 21 in Whitehaven, Eng. , 11N37: 22 Coal necklaces, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , R150c72: 31 Coal pits, for rent, in Chesterfield co. , Va. ,PD170c71:33 for sale, in Chesterfield co. , Va. , PD170c71: 33 in Henrico co. , Va. , P7F77: 42, P16My77: 31 in Newcastle, Va. , P21Je76: 32 Coal pits, described, Pi2Mr75: 33 Coale, S. S. , D15My78: 32— P29My78: 42 Coales, Thomas, PD20My72: 23 Coalheavers, attacks by in London, Eng. , PD22S68: 21 demonstration of in London, Eng. , PDllJe72: 22 impressed for British navy, PD22N70sl3 in London, Eng. , apprehended for rioting, PD8S68: 12 executed for murder, PD60c68: 12 murders by, PD29S68: 13 riot, PD30Je68: 13, PD25Ag68: 23, PD15S68: 23 sentenced for murder, PD29S68: 13 strike, PD8S68: 11, PD8S68: 23 strike discontinued, R25Ag68: 24 strike successful, PD15S68: 23 unrest among, PD23Je68: 12— R23Je68: 21 Coals, for sale, in Charles City co. , Va. , PD1S74: 32 in Norfolk, Va. , PD22S74: 32 Coan, Hugh, R4D66: 23 William, R20Je71: 32 Coan, sloop, 5My38: 32 Coan warehouse, Va. , unclaimed tobacco in, 170c55: 31 Coas, William, Capt. , of the Warren, D180c76: 11 Coate, Benjamin, PD270c74: 21 Coates, Capt. , of the George, PD15J173: 32 Commodore, of the Severn, 29S52: 22 Archibald, 9Ja46: 41 James, P6D76: 13 John, 9Ja46: 41 Coating, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , D5S77: 22--P5S77: 31, D12S77: 41 — P19S77: 11 in Williamsburg, Va. , P4J177: 31 See also Bath coating; Beaver coating Coating, Wilton, for sale, in Yorktown, Va. , PD25F68: 31 — R25F68:31 Coating manufactures, encouraged in Pa. , P24F75s22 encouraged in Va. , Pi30Mr75: 31 — DlAp75: 23 Coats, Capt., of the Lockhart,PD26F67:31 Ensign, P13S76: 23--D14S76: 32 Edny, D3J179: 32 James, Capt. , of the George, PD18F68: 23--R18F68: 31, PD3Mr68: 31, R26My68: 31 — PD26My68: 23, R25Ag68: 31, PD27Ap69: 31— R27Ap69: 22, PD14S69: 31, PD28S69: 23, PD24My70: 23, PD14Je70: 32, PD18Oc70sl2, PD27Je71: 32, PD30Ja72: 32, PD23Ap72: 23 — R23Ap72: 23, PD21My72: 31, PD19N72: 21, PD8J173: 31 — R8J173: 32, PD5Ag73: 23, D3J179: 32, D13N78: 31, D12Je79: 12, 4N63: 41 Coats, captured by Americans in Great Bridge, Va. , PH3D75: 22— D16D75: 33 for sale, in Suffolk, Va. , P21N77: 31 — D28N77:31 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD240c71: 23 — R310C71: 33 found, adv. of, PD18F68: 32 stolen by indentured servants, 233 Coats, stolen by servants (cont'd) PDllAp71:33 in James City co. , Va. , R4Ag68: 31 See also Great coats; Persian coats; Sarcenet coats; Satin coats; Silk coats; Stuff coats Coats, horseman's, imported, lost, adv. for, 5S55: 32 Coats, New-Market, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 27My37: 42 Coats of arms, of Col. John Martin, 15D38: 32 on seals, 26Ag37: 42 on snuff boxes, 13Ja38: 41 on watches, P5Je78: 31, D12F79: 42, D18S79: 31 painting of, adv. , in Newcastle, Va. , PD210c73: 22— R210c73: 23 See also Heraldry Coatsworth, John, D16S75: 32 Cobalt, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD14J174: 32 Cobalt, mine, for sale, in Rocky Ridge, Va. , PD16N69: 23--R16N69: 31 Cobb, Capt. , 22Je39: 22, 24Ja51: 41, 26S51: 32, PD18F68: 22 of the York, 310c55: 11 Mr. , 17N52: 22 Mrs. , 140c37: 41, PD3Je73: 23 — R3Je73: 22 John, Capt. , of the Polly, PD10Mr74: 31 Robert, D8Ap80: 31 Samuel, DllMy76: 33 Thomas, PD26Ag68: 32, R21Mr71: 42 Cobbett, Ann,D13Je77: 22— P20Je77sll Henry, PD7Ap68: 32, D13 Je77: 22— P20Je77sll,D4D78:31 Cobble hill, Mass. , fortification of, D13Ja76: 31 skirmish at, P19Ja76: 13 See also Continental army entrenched on; Continental army, on Cobbs, Col. , 13Je51: 41 Mr. , 50c39: 32 Edmund, DlMy79: 31 James, P10My76sl2 John, PD9N69: 31--R9N69: 32, D11N75: 33, D14F77: 31, P15Ag77: 33 John Catling, R12My68: 41 Judith, PD19Ap70: 41 Matthew, PD15Ag66: 33 Mary, Mrs. , R15Ag71: 32 Ralph, P14Mr77: 33 Samuel, 2My55: 32, R25My69: 31 Samuel, Col. , 17Je37: 41, 10Ag39: 41 Samuel, Lt. ,P21F77:31 Thomas, HAp55: 31, R25F68: 31, R25Ag68: 32, R25Ja70: 11 — PD15F70: 23, PD15F70:41 Cobbs, plantation, Chesterfield co. , Va. , PD13Ap69: 41, R13S70: 23 Coberan, Jonathan, 15My52: 32 Cobham, Philip, PD12Mr67: 13 Thomas, Dr. , PD28My67: 32 Cobham, Va. , trustees appointed by general assembly, PD23Ap72: 11 See also Auctions in; Ferries in; Granaries, described, for sale in; Houses and lots for sale in; Merchants in; Ordinaries for rent in; Ordinaries in; Shipwrecks near; Stealing in; Tailors, journeymen, adv for, in; Taverns for rent in; Cobham wharf, Va. , P26J176: 41 Cobidge, John, 23N39: 31 Cobles, taken from British ship, in Hampton, Va. , PU4S75: 32— P15S75: 31 Cobourn, Capt. , of the Hannah, PD4Je67: 31, PD23F69: 23— R24F69s21 Coburn, Col. , D10Oc77: 11— P10Oc77: 21 James, 20Oc38: 31 Cochineal, exported from Veracruz, Mex. , to Corunna, Sp. , 15My46: 22 to Rota, 25N37: 41 for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD14J174: 32 in Richmond, Va. , PD17Je73: 33 — R17Je73s23 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD21S69: 33 — R21S69s21, PD21s69: 41--R21S69s21, PD240c71:31 import to Gt. Brit, free proposed, PD10S67: 13 imported to Algiers, Alg. , D4N75: 12 imported to Bristol, Eng. , from Pensacola, Fla. , PDllJe72: 21 imported to Cadiz, Sp. , from Veracruz, Mex. , 21N51: 12 imported to St. Andero, Sp. , 9N39: 21 imported to Sp. , from S. Am. , 120c39: 41 imported to Sp. , from Veracruz, Mex. , 8D52: 12 lost at sea, PD14Mr66: 11, PD30Ap72: 13 seized by Spanish, R24Je73: 13 seized from Spanish ship, 24My51: 12, D25Mr80: 21 traded in Pensacola, Fla. , PD12My68: 22- R12My68:13 Cochineal plantations, in St. Augustine, Fla. , PD30Ap67: 31 Cochraine, Cunningham & co. , plaintiff in Chancery court, R23My71:41 Cochran, Capt. , 7N54: 12, PD17Mr68: 31 — R17Mr88:31, PD8S68: 22, Pi2F75: 31 of the Lilly, D24Je75: 22 of the Matty, PD4Ag74: 22 of the Notre Dame, D28Mr77:61 — P4Ap77sl2 Mr. , PD8S74: 23 Andrew & co. , PD5My74: 31 David, PD24Ja71: 31— R31Ja71: 31, D25Mr75: 31, C13N79: 21 — D13N79: 31 acquitted of Toryism, P5J176p21 adv. for cargo, PD5D71: 32 adv. indentured servants for sale, PD19Ap70: 33 adv. land for sale, PD8N70: 23 adv. merchandise for sale, PD23My71: 22 adv. plantation for sale, D26D77: 21 adv. slaves for sale, PD150c67: 22 agent for Samuel Morris, PD23Mr69: 33 announces departure, PD14My72: 22 announces dissolution of partnership, PD24N74: 23 attorney for Robert Fergusson, R3My70: 31 subscriber to meeting, PD30Je74: 23 David, & co. , PD14My72: 22, PD5My74: 31 adv. merchandise for sale, PD1N70: 22— R1N70: 23 John, PD29J173: 23 [John], Capt. , Pi8Je75: 12, Pi8Je75: 13 John, Dr. , P27Je77: 11 Patrick. D12Mr79: 32 William, PD16Ap72: 33, PD16Je74: 23 See also Cochrane; Cockeran; Cockran Cochran, Pearson &, adv. merchandise for sale,PD22Ag71:33 Cochran, ship, PD6Je66: 31, PD16J167: 41, PD27J169: 32, PD7S69: 31, PDllAp71: 23, PD28My72: 23 Cochrane, Lt. Col. , 27J139: 32 Andrew, PD13Ag67: 23 William, R3My70: 41 — PD24My70: 42 Cochrane, ship, 30c51: 32, PD25F68: 22 Cochrane, Cuninghame & co. , of Glasgow, Scot. , PD13Ag67: 23 store in Fredericksburg, Va. , R28J168: 34 Cochrane, Donald, & co. , collector for, R14Ja73: 32 debts due, PD7Ja73: 31 requests payments of debts, R25D66: 31 — PDlJa67: 33, PD21S69: 23- R21S69: 31, Pi26Ja75: 33— D28Ja75: 32 Cock, Capt. , PD25Oc70: 13 of the London Packet, PD25Oc70: 13 of the Potowmack, PD23D73s22— R23D73: 23 Abraham, 20Je45: 41 Frederick, 2S57: 42 James, 20Je51: 32 John, P12D77: 32, C3J179: 31 Stephen, 3N52: 21 William, P21N77: 23 See also Cocke Cock feathers, for sale, in London, Eng. , PD7Je70: 33 Cock fighters, See Slaves as Cockades, for sale, PD19Ap70s23 in Portsmouth, Va. .D11J177: 31 Cockburn, Capt. , of the Hunter, 27Ag56: 12 of the Nassau, 10Oc55: 22 John, P129D74: 33— D21Ja75: 32, D6J176: 31 Martin, R23Ap72: 41, R4Ag74: 22 Robert, Pi26Ja75: 33— D11F75: 31 Cockburne, Catherine, Mrs. , author, PD18J171: 31, PD25J171: 42, PDlAg71: 42, PD8Ag71: 42 Cocke, Capt. , R5Ja69: ll,D110c76: 71 — PHOc76:32 of the R(obert) and John, 18My39: 4 Major,P10N75:42 Mr. , 12S55: 32, PD25Oc70: 23, PD5D71:32, P12J176: 13 Mrs. , PD10Mr74: 23, D14Ja75: 33 Allen, P12S77: 32 adv. for bids for rebuilding Hog island, Va. , bridge, P29My78: 31 adv. merchandise for sale, Pi2F75: 21 adv. stallion for hire, PD19Ap70: 33 — R19Ap70: 33 appointed deputy to Va. convention, PD21J174p22 — R21J174: 31 chosen chairman of committee for Surry co. , Va. , P8Mr76s23 delegate to Va. convention from Surry co. , Va. , DlAp75: 21 elected burgess for Surry co. , Va. , PD28N71: 22, PD28J174: 31 member of House of delegates, D90c79:22 unclaimed tobacco of, C3J179: 33 Allen, Col. , P17My76: 33, P2Ag76: 31, D14Mr77: 71--P14Mr77: 32, 234 Cocke & Fenner C30Oc79: 32, C6N79: 43, CD9D80: 22 B. ,D24J179:32 Benjamin, 18Ap51: 41, 7N51: 31 Benjamin, Capt. , PD3S72: 23 Bowler, adv. finding horse, P29My78: 32 adv. for missing horses, PH6D75: 32, D180C76: 31--P180c76: 32, P310c77: 31— D7N77: 31 burgess from Henrico co. , Va. , 17Ja52: 41, 27F52: 32, 19D55: 22 death of, PD22Ag71: 32 estate of, for sale, PilD74: 33 — PD1D74: 31 letter to, in post office, PD12Mr67: 13, PD2Je68: 23 marriage of, D14Ja75: 23 slaves of rebel, R25Ja70: 23 unclaimed tobacco of, D24 J179: 32 Bowler, Col., PD5My68:31, PD3S72: 23, Pi30Mr75: 33 — DlAp75: 12 Bowler, jr., PD31 Je66:32, PD18J166:31, PD9J167: 33 Bowler, jr. , Col. , PD2My71: 32, PD19N72: 23 Bowler, Major, 23N39: 42 Brazure, 240c51: 31 Edward, R15Je69: 31, R23Ap72: 31, D26D77: 12, C27N79: 21 Elizabeth, R12Mr72: 33, R23Ap72: 31, P14N77: 23 Hartwell, 30N59: 41 adv. finding horse, PD15S68: 31 adv. for missing horse, D11S79: 31 adv. slaves for sale, 2S57: 31 burgess from Surry co. , Va. , PD8D68: 31, PDllMy69s41, PD21S69s23 — R21S69: 23, R9N69: 11, PD28N71: 22 signs Va. Association, PD25My69:12 Hartwell, Col. , PD6J169: 32, PD23J172: 31, PD290c72: 22, RlAp73: 31 Henry, adv. imported unclaimed case of copperas, Pi21S75: 33 adv. settlement of estate, PD3N74: 43— Pi4N74: 33, Pi21S75: 33 estate of, for sale,D28N77: 22 letter to, in post office, PD12Mr67: 13, PD2Je68: 23 settlement of estate of, P18J177sl2 James, 24Ja52: 41, PD13Je66: 31, PD5Ag73: 23 — R5Ag73: 22, D27S76: 42 adv. clothing for sale, 4J151: 32 adv. Delaware lottery, PD28Ja73: 23 — R28Ja73: 32 adv. estate for sale, 26S55: 32, PD3S72: 23, P130c75: 23 — D140c75: 33--Pil90c75: 33 adv. finding horse, 5Mr52: 32 adv. finding money, D6Ap76: 33 adv. for bids for building courthouse, PD23Mr69: 31 — R23Mr69: 33 adv. for missing horses, 8My52: 32, D19S77:41 — P19S77: 11 adv. for runaway slave, 270c52: 31 adv. land for sale, PD13Ag72: 23, D17J178: 32 adv. settlement of estate, P12Ja76: 33— D13Ja76: 32, D18J177: 32 — P18J177:32,P21Ag78:31 adv. slaves and household goods for sale, Pi9N75: 33--P10N75: 42 — D11N75:32 agent of John Randolph, P25Ag75: 72 agent of Jonathan Watson, R30Ag70: 32 appointed commissioner for settling accounts of Va. , P5J176s21 appointed commissioner in Va. , P12J176: 13 appointed to Prince George co. , Va. , committee of intelligence, D3Je75: 33 chosen to committee of observation, Williamsburg, Va. , PD22D74: 23 deputy for Williamsburg, Va. , to Va. peninsula meeting, D16S75: 32 elected mayor of Williamsburg, Va. , PD3D67: 31 hired to collect debts, PD12N67: 21 horse of, C27N79sll marshal, PD9D73: 22, R9D73: 21, PD7J174: 33, P14Ap75: 31 — D15Ap75: 32, P21Ap75: 23— D22Ap75: 32, P17Mr75: 41 — D18Mr75: 11 mayor of Williamsburg, Va. , PD28Ja68: 23, PD4F68: 31, PD3D72: 22--R3D72: 22 offers seamen's wages to rightful owner, D7Mr77: 41 reports on smallpox epidemic, PD11F68: 23— R11F68:31 requests payment of debts, 29S52: 41 signs Association in Norfolk, Va. , R26J170: 22 slave of, PD220c72: 31 store of, PD7Mr71: 32— R7Mr71: 33 James, Capt. , PD10D67: 31, PD25Ag74: 32 letter to, from Benjamin Bramham, R16Mr69: 32 letter to, in post office, PD3Ag69: 32 of the Argyle, R11D66: 13, PD11D66: 23, PD11D66: 33, PD18D66: 32--R25D66: 42, PD4Je67: 41, PD290c67: 21, PD12N67: 22 of the Hartwell, 30N59: 41 of the Humingbird, 29S52: 31 of the Neptune, PD28Ja68: 31 — R4F68: 31, RllAg68: 23, R5Ja69: 31 — PD12Ja69: 41, PD3Ag69: 32, PD23N69: 32--R23N69: 31, PD21S69: 22, PD9N69: 22, PD9N69: 23— R9N69: 31 of the Raleigh, P16Ag76: 43 John,D30c77:42 adv. bids for warehouse, PD18Ag68: 32 adv. finding moses boat, P20S76: 13, P40c76: 33 adv. for bids for repairing chapel, PD21My72: 23 adv. for schoolmaster, PD19D71: 31, PD23D73: 23 adv. horses and cattle for sale, 4N63: 23 adv. land for sale, D13N78: 22 adv. mills for sale, PD25Ap71: 32— R2My71: 32 adv. plantations for rent, 29S52: 32 adv. schooner for sale, R190c69s21 attorney in Brunswick co. , Va. , P10J178: 23 chosen as member of committee for Surry co. , Va. , P8Mr76s23 gives slaves pass, PD19My74pll John, Col. , PD28My67: 31 John, jr. , P8Mr76s23, P9My77: 42 John, sr. , PD9Je74: 32 John, C. , R1S74: 33, P21Ap75s43, P8S75: 31, P19Ap76ps23, P17Ja77: 31 John C. , Capt. ,P6D76:32, P30c77:31,Dl9D77: 32 John Catesby, R25My69: 23 John Catesby, Capt. , P18J177: 33 John Hartwell, adv. estate of William Ruffin, for sale, P29Mr76: 31 — D30Mr76: 33 adv. ferry for rent, PD4Ag74: 31 adv. finding boat, D22Ap75: 33 adv. for missing horses, D24Ag76: 72- P23Ag76: 33 adv. for runaway slaves, PD19My74pll adv. horse for sale, D26F80:13 adv. merchandise for sale, Pi2F75: 21 adv. plantations for rent, D15Ag77: 71 — P15Ag77: 33 adv. plantation for sale, PD290c72: 22 adv. property for sale, D19D77: 21 adv. stallion for hire,D14Mr77: 72 — P28Mr77: 21 adv. tavern and ferry for rent, D13N79:31 agent for Hartwell, Cocke & co. , P11J177:41 chosen as member of committee for Surry co. , Va. , P8Mr76s23 delegate from Surry co. , Va. , P25Ap77: 22 sells Old Partner, horse, P310c77: 31 John Hartwell, Col. , C30Oc79: 32 Joseph, 15My46: 41, P240c77: 23 Katharine, P28Ap75: 22 Lemuel, R25Ja70: 11 — PD15F70: 23, PD14My72: 21, R25N73: 41, P8Mr76s23, P18J177sl2,D28N77: 22 Littlebury, PD30Ja72: 33--R6F72: 32, PD23S73: 31--R23S73: 33, R4Ag74: 33, PD1S74: 32 — R1S74: 33, PD22S74: 33 Lucy, R12My68: 11 Martha, D21Ja75: 23 Mordecai,R21Mr71: 33 Nancy (Claiborne), marriage of, PD1D68: 31 — R1D68: 21 Nathaniel, P16My77s21 Nathaniel, Capt. , D20Ap76: 33 — P26Ap76: 22, D28Mr77: 72 Pleasant, PD3S72: 23, D10Oc77: 21 — P170c77: 23 Rebecca Hubbard, PD23S73: 31 — R23S73: 33, PD1S74: 32--R1S74: 33 Rebekah, PD15J173: 32 Richard, 7N51: 31, R25D66: 41, PD1D68: 31 — R1D68: 21, R26S71: 31, PD14My72: 21, D20c79: 31 Richard, Col. , PD31Mr68: 32, R12Mr72: 23, PDllJe72: 32, R25N73: 41 Richard, Dr. , D19Je79: 32 Stephen, D24Ap79: 32--C15My79: 41 Thomas, 29D38: 41, 12Je52: 21, 28F55: 42, PD12Mr67: 13, D230c79: 12 William, D11J177: 31, P3Ap78: 31, P21Ag78: 11 William, Capt. , P2Ag76: ll--D3Ag76: 22 See also Cock; Coke Cocke & Fenner, adv. dissolution of partnership, PD21D69: 31 235 Cocke & Wray Cocke & Wray, request payment of debts, PD4N73: 21--R4N73: 32 Cocker, [Edward], author, PD29N70: 21, PD13D70: 42, PD3Ja71: 42, PD17Ja71: 42, PD17S72: 22, PD24Ja71: 42, PD7F71: 42, PD21F71: 42, PD7Mr71: 42, PD21Mr71: 42, PD28Mr71: 42, PD18J171: 33, PD25J171: 43, PDlAg71: 43, PD8Ag71: 43, PD10Je73: 32, D25N75: 13, D30D75: 13, D2Mr76: 43, D9Mr76: 42, D24Ag76: 53, D20D76: 43, D3Ja77: 42, D17Ja77:42 Cockeran, John, Capt. , of the Earl of Sandwich, PD14Mr66: 11 See also Cochran Cockerham, Benjamin, 240c55: 31 Cockerill, Thomas, Capt. , of the Emperour, PD10Oc71: 31, PD20Ag72: 23, PD27My73: 23-- R27My73: 31, PD23D73: 23-- R23D73: 32 Cockermouth, England, See Anecdotes from Cockermouth, ship, 9S37: 41 Cockeroft, Col. , 170c55: 21 Cockets, 12D55: 22 imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from Hull, Eng. , R15S74: 33 from Liverpool, Eng. , R8S74: 31 from London, Eng. , R8Ag66: 31, R8S74: 31 from Newcastle, Eng. ,R15S74: 33 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from London, Eng. , R4D66: 31 Cockett, Carol, Capt. , PD29Ja67: 33-- R19F67: 41 Cockil, John, PD19Mr72: 32 Cockle, James, R13J169: 21 John, R9D73: 23 Cockmatches, adv. of, at Gloucester courthouse, Va. , PD28My72: 23, RlAp73: 33 at Goochland courthouse, Va. , PD24My70: 31 at King William courthouse, Va. , R19Ap70: 33 at Lucys springs, Va. , R14Ap68: 33 at Lunenburg courthouse, Va. , PD15Ag71: 32 at New Kent courthouse, Va. , 23My55: 21 at Sussex courthouse, Va. , PD17Mr68: 32, PD22F70:32 in Charles City co. , Va. , R12My74: 33 in Prince George co. , Va. , PD8Ap73: 23--R8Ap73: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD22Ap73: 32-- R22Ap73s31 near Hobb's Hole, Va. , 27F52: 32 at Major John Boswell's, R20J169: 23 in Eng. , PD12Ag73: 21 in London, Eng. , R23 J167: 31, R5Ja69: 11, R80c72: 21, PD22Ap73: 22 unusual feats in, PD2J172: 31 in Philadelphia, Pa. , PD22F70: 211 in Plymouth, Eng. , PD17Je73: 32 in Va. , criticized, 2Ja52: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , 14F51: 41, PD27My73: 22--R27My73: 22 in Yorkshire, Eng. , PD15Je69: 23 prohibited in Ga. , Pi20Ap75: 21 Cockpit point, Va. , See Slaves for sale at Cockram, Charles, PllAp77: 22 Philip, PD13Je71: 41 Cockran, Capt. , of the Emperor, R10Je73: 33 James, 16D37: 32, 23D37: 41 See also Cochran Cockran, Cunningham & co. , D12F79: 41 Cockran, ship, 7Ag52: 31, 22S52: 32 Cocks, Capt. , P27S76: 23 William, Capt. , R30Ag70: 23 See also Cox; Coxe Cocks, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD26D71:31--R6F72:42 Cocks, beer, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 Cocks, wire, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 Cocksoky, N. Y. , See Hail storm Cockspur island, Ga. , See British army, from Boston, Mass. , to; British navy, ships repaired in Cocoa, duties on imported to Mass. , PD10D67: 21 exported from Dominica, W. I. , to British colonies, N. Am. , PD13F72:23 exported from York district, Va. , to Md. ,4J145: 32 exports from Grenada, W. I. , estimated, PD6Ap69: 22 for sale, at Burwell's ferry, PD5D71: 32 in Norfolk, Va. , PD18Oc70: 31-- R18Oc70: 22 import to Carenage, St. Lucia, W. I. , allowed, PD29S68: 22--R29S68: 23 import to Gt. Brit. , from America allowed, R2S73: 13 import to Lisbon, Port. , from America, free, PD25Mr73: 21 from W. I. , free, PD25Mr73: 21 imported to Cadiz, Sp. , from Veracruz, Mex. , 21N51: 12 imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from Grenada, W. I. , R12Ja69: 31, PD14Ap74: 23-- R14Ap74: 23 from St. Vincent, vV. I., R11F68:31 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from Jamaica, W. I. , HAg38:41 imported to London, Eng. , from Caracas, Venez. , 26Ja39: 41 imported to Sp. , from Havana, Cuba, R13S70: 11 imported to York district, Va. , from Barbados, W. I. , R7J168: 22 from Jamaica, W. I. , 20My37: 41 lost at sea, R130c68:23 price in London, Eng. , 2GJa39: 41 recaptured from British, DUe76: 12 saved from shipwreck in Va. , D25S79: 22 seized by Spanish, 5S51: 12 seized from British ship, P5Ja76(5)sl2-- Pi6Ja76: 22, P21Je76: 21--D22Je76: 51, D110c76: 21, D22N76: 31--P22N76: 21 seized from Dutch ship, 16My45: 32, 11J145: 41 seized from French, 28Mr45: 31 seized from French ship, 21Mr45: 32, 4J145:21,D4D79: 11 seized from prize ships by British, 13Je45: 31 seized from ship, 12S45: 12, 28N45: 21 seized from Spanish ship, 4J145: 22, 12D45:21 Cocoa, foreign, reexportation restrictions proposed for British colonies, PD23My66: 23, PD13Je66: 22 Cocoa, guayaquil, exported from Veracruz, Mex. , to Rota, 25N37: 41 Cocoa trees, discovered in South seas, Pil90c75: 22--D210c75: 13 Coconuts, seized from Spanish ship, 25Ja40: 11 Cocque de pearl springs, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD7My72: 32, PD150c72: 31 Cod, bounties for export from St. John island, Nfd. , PD4Je67: 22 bounties on, in Fr. , PD23My66: 13 in Gt. Brit. , PD23My66: 21 for relief of Boston, Mass. , from Marblehead, Mass. , PD4Ag74: 22-- R4Ag74: 31 for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD8Ja67: 32 in Northampton co. , Va. , D12D77: 12 import to Fr. , from Gt. Brit. permitted, HMy39: 21 imported to Accomac district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , PD10Mr68: 31-- R14Ap68: 41 from Philadelphia, Pa. , R25D66: 13 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , PD29S68: 23-- R60c68: 23 from Boston, Mass. , 9Ja46: 4, PD15D68: 23, R12Ja69: 31 from New York City, PD13S70: 23 from Salem, Mass. , PD22Ja67: 32 from Boston, Mass. , 9D37: 42, 3N38: 61 in Prince Edward island, Can. , R18Ag68s21 price in Whitby, England, PD4N73: 12 seized from British ship, D8N76: 12, P10Oc77: 23 Cod, dried, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. ,D17J178:42 Cod, green, seized from British ship, P22N76: 21 Cod, pickled, imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , 29D52: 32 from Salem, Mass. , 28F55: 31 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , PD29S68: 23--R60c68: 23 Cod sowns, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD8Ja67: 32 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from Piscataway, N. J. , PD3F74: 22 Cod tongues, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD8Ja67: 32 Codd, Capt. , of the Raleigh, 18Ap45: 32 Walter, Capt. , 26S45: 32 of the Best in Christendom, 7Ag52: 31 Codner, William, PD23Je74: 12 Codwin, Mrs. , PD10N74: 33 Robert, PD10N74: 33 Coe, Mr. ,P17Mr75s31--D18Mr75: 31 Coedic, Capt. de, of the La Surveillante, 236 Coffee D12F80: 23 Coercive acts, attitude of ministry toward, P3F75: 33 conditions for repeal of, P28Ap75s42, D29Ap75s32 discussed in Commons, P15Mr76: 21 enforcement of rumored, P31Mr75sl2, Pil3Ap75: 22, D15Ap75: 32 opposed by British merchants, P10F75: 12, Pil6Mr75: 31-- P17Mr75s22--D18Mr75: 21, D25Mr75: 23 by Continental congress, D21Ja75: 21, Pi2F75: 31--P3F75sll--DllF75sll by Junius, PillMy75: 22 by London livery, PD8D74: 22-- Pi8D74: 23, P16Je75sl2--D17Je75: 22 in Boston, Mass. , PD130c74: 21, D21Ja75: 13, Pi23Mr75: 31 in Buckingham co. , Va. . R4Ag74: 12 in colonies, P3Mr75sll-D4Mr75: 22 in Continental congress, PU0N74: 11-- PD17N74: 11, PD22D74: 12 in Eng. , D14Ja75: 22, P3F75: 41. P7Ap75: 21, Pi4My75: 13 in London, Eng. , Pi270c74: 22, PD3N74: 41, PD10N74: 33, PD17N74: 13. Pi29D74: 11 in Lords, D29Ap75sl2 in Mass. , R22S74: 31--PD29S74: 31, D25F75: 12 in Middlesex co. , Mass. , Pi60c74:22,Pi29S74: 33 in N. Y. , PillMy75: 13--D13My75: 21 in Pa. , PDllAg74: 23--R4Ag74: 31, P24Mr75: 22 in Suffolk co. , Mass. , Pi60c74: 23-- PD60c74: 21 in Va. , PD30Je74: 12--R30Je74: 21, P19F75: 12, P3Mr75: 22--D4Mr75: 21 in Worcester co. , Mass. , PD10N74: 12 opposition in Boston, Mass. , discussed, D11F75: 21 relaxed, P12My75: 11 repeal discussed in Eng. , Pil6Mr75: 23-- P17Mr75: 31--D18Mr75: 13 favored in Eng. , P10F75: 22 favored in Jamaica, W. I. , D29Ap75s33 opposed in Eng. , D14Ja75: 22 of petitioned by N. Y. , Pi4My75: 33 petitioned for in Eng. , P31Mr75: 32 promised, P2F76s22--Pi3F76: 11 proposed. P60c75: 21 proposed in Lords, Pil3Ap75: 32 requested by Jamaica, W. I. , Pi9Mr75: 31--P10Mr75: 31 rumored, P3F75: 33, Pil6Mr75: 33-- P17Mr75s41--D18Mr75: 32, Pil6Mr75: 33, P17Mr75s42, Pi23Mr75: 23, P31Mr75: 22, P21Ap75s31, D22Ap75: 23 urged in London, Eng. ,D12Ag75: 31 suspension of proposed, Pi28Ap75s21 in parliament, Pi4My75: 23 to be enforced by Canadians, PD3N74: 41 Coes, Capt. , of the Warren, P250c76: 21 Coe's ferry, Va. , D160c79: 32 Coetlegon, author, 24My51: 32 Coffee, William, P20D76: 23 Coffee, cultivation in colonies encouraged by parliament, 4S46: 31 destroyed by fire in Martinique, W. I. , PD23J172: 22 duties on import to British colonies, N. Am. , opposed in N. Y. , D8Ap75: 21 repeal proposed, PD23My66: 23, PD13Je66: 23 duties on import to Fr. reduced, R25Ag68: 21 duties on in British colonies, N. Am. , opposed, R10Mr74: 23 export from Hispaniola, W. I. , allowed, DlJe76: 21 exported from Arabia to Egypt, PD4Ap71: 13 exported from Egypt, PD4Ap71: 13 exported from James river, lower district, Va. , to Phila. , Pa. , R14Ap74: 31--PD28Ap74: 23 exported from W. I. , Fr. , D15Je76: 42 exported from Grenada, W. I. , estimated, PD6Ap69: 22 for sale, PD29Ja67: 33--R19F67: 33, PD3F74: 33, PD1D74: 31, Pi22D74: 32, P5J176: 33 at Bermuda Hundred, Va. , PD8Ja67: 32 at Burwell's ferry, Va. , PD240c71: 31, PD21N71: 22, PD5D71: 32, PD19Ag73: 21, P14Ap75: 31-- D15Ap75: 32, P21Ap75: 23-- D22Ap75: 32 in Alexandria, Va. , P3Ap78: 31 in Blandford, Va. , D8N76: 31, D10J178: 22,D13N78: 11 in Charles City co. , Va. , PD1S74: 32 in Dinwiddie co. , Va. , PD5Ag73: 23-- R5Ag73: 23 in Fredericksburg, Va. , P27Mr78: 22, P5Je78: 12, D26Mr79: 22 in Gloucester co. , Va. , P7Je76: 33-- D8Je76: 71, P16Ag76: 33 — D24Ag76: 72, P20S76: 31-- D21S76: 32 in Hobb's Hole, Va. , DllMr80: 32 in Jamestown, Va. , D8N76: 22-- P8N76: 31 in Louisa co. , Va. , D28N77: 22, C27N79: 21--D27N79: 22 in Nansemond co. , Va. , D8Ag77: 21, P15Ag77: 13 in Newcastle, Va. , PD24N73: 23 in Norfolk, Va. , PD30My66: 32-- R30My66: 33, PD29Ja67: 33-- R19F67: 33, PD18Ag68: 31-- R18Ag68: 32, PD24Ag69: 33, PD2N69:31— R2N69: 23, PD18Oc70: 31--R18Oc70: 22, PD11J171: 32, PD150c72: 23-- R220c72: 31, PD29Ap73: 23, PD5Ag73: 23, PD12/\g73: 31, PD23S73:31— R23S73: 33, PD2D73: 22--R2D73: 23, PD20Ja74: 31, PD3Mr74: 32, PD270c74: 31, PD12My74: 43 in Petersburg, Va. , P31Mr75: 41-- D8Ap75:32,D26D77: 12, P5Je78: 11--D10J178: 41 in Portsmouth, Va. , PD10c72: 23, PD11N73:22 in Prince George co. , Va. , D31Ja77: 72--P31Ja77: 32 in Princess Anne co. , Va. , P23My77: 31 in Richmond, Va. , P21Ag78: 33 in Smithfield, Va. , C3J179: 31, D31J179: 12 in South Quay, Va. ,D10Oc77: 31 in Suffolk, Va. , D170c77: 12, D14N77: 22, P12Je78: 31, P21Ag78: 11 in Tappahannock, Va. , PD2D73: 21, D40c76: 42 in Urbanna, Va. , P21Ag78: 13, D31J179: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , 18Ap51: 32, 30c51: 41, 12Mr52: 31, 5Je52: 32, 30N59:32, PD19S66: 31, PD25Je67: 32, PD25F68: 23-- R3Mr68: 34, R28J168: 32, PD28S69: 31, PD15F70: 41, PD12D71: 32, PD290c72: 22-- R290c72: 22,R8Ap73: 33, PD11N73: 22, PD29S74: 32, Pi6Ap75:42,P7Je76:33, Pl9Ap76sll— D20Ap76: 33, P30Ag76: 33, P22Ag77: 32, D8My78: 82, D26Mr79: 22, D2Ap79: 22, DlMy79: 22, C15J180: 22 in Yorktown, Va. , 12S45: 42, 22Ap57: 41, P27D76: 32, C13My80: 32 near Cabin Point, Va. ,D14Mr77: 12-- P21Mr77: 21 growth encouraged by parliament, 14J138: 22 import to British colonies, N. Am. , from W. I. , forbidden, D21Ja75: 13 import to Carenage, St. Lucia, W. I. , allowed, PD29S68: 22--R29S68: 23 import to Ga. from Dominica, W. I. , forbidden, Pi20Ap75: 21 import to Gt. Brit. , from Am. allowed, R2S73: 13 from Dominica, W. I. , regulated, R2S73: 13 from Jamaica, W. I. , regulated, R2S73: 13 import to Swe. forbidden, PD240c66: 13 imported to Accomac district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , PD12Mr67: 32, PD8S68p22 from Phila. , Pa. , PD5S66s43 from R.I. ,PD12Mr67:32 imported to Bordeaux, Fr. , from W. I. , 10Oc55: 21 imported to Hampton, Va. , from Md. , 18Ap45: 32 from Phila. , Pa. , 28Mr45: 41 imported to Hampton roads, Va. , from St. Eustatia, W. I. , D25S79: 22 imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from Antigua, W. I. , R11F68:31 from Bermuda, 29S52: 31 from Boston, Mass. , 29D52: 32 from Cape Nichola, Hispaniola, W. I. , PD10Mr74: 31 from Grenada, W. I. , R12Ja69: 31, PD14Ap74: 23--R14Ap74: 23, R8S74:31 from Jamaica, W. I. , 26S55: 31, RllAg68:24 from Phila. , Pa. , 24N52: 22 from R. I. , PD27Ja74: 32 from St. Eustatia, W. I. , R12Ja69: 31 from St. Vincents, W. I. , R11F68: 31 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , PD28Ja68: 31--R4F68: 31 from Grenada, W. I. , PD7Je70: 31 from Jamaica, W. I. , 14D39: 11 237 Coffee, imported to James river, upper district (cont'd) from New York City, PD7S69: 31, PD7Je70: 31 from Phila. , Pa. , PD24My70: 23 from Salem, Mass. , PD28D69: 31, PD20Ja74: 23 imported to New London, Conn. , from W. I. , P13S76: 21 imported to New York City, from Port au Prince, S. Domingo, W. I. , P21Je76: 22 imported to Phila. , Pa. , D19Je79: 31 from Martinique, W. I. , P23Ag76: 22-- D24Ag76: 71 from W. I. , DlMy79: 21 imported to Rappahannock district, Va. , from Phila. , Pa. , 28Ag52: 31, 17N52: 22 from R. I. , R8Ag66: 22--PD15Ag66: 23 imported to St. Eustatia, W. I. , from W.I. , French, P21Je76: 22 imported to Urbanna, Va. , from St. Eustatia, W. I. , D4Mr80: 22 imported to York district, Va. , from Barbados, W. I. , R12My68: 21 from Hampton, Va. , 8D52: 31 from Jamaica, W. I. , 7N54: 22 lost at sea, PD12F67: 21, PD13Ag67: 22, PD15Ag71: 22--R15Ag71: 22, PD2S73: 21--R2S73: 22,D8Ap75: 22 lost in Dominica, W. I. , flood, PD5My68: 21 plentiful in Dominica, W. I. , PD2J167:31,PD10D67:31 price decrease demanded in Phila. , Pa. ,D12Je79: 11 in Kingston, Jamaica, W. I. , PD23J167: 13 in London, Eng. , 1F40: 41 in Norfolk, Va. , R28J168: 24 in Phila. , Pa. ,D12Je79: 12 regulated in Williamsburg, Va. , D24J179: 21 rises in Phila. , Pa. ,D5Je79: 22 scarce in Surinam, W. I. , R30S73s22 seized by Tories on Nantucket, Mass. ,C15My79: 12 from American ship, D12Mr79: 21 from British ships, P10My76: 21-- DllMy76: 32, P10My76: 23-- DllMy76: 33, P5J176: 21--D6J176: 12, P5J176: 22, P6S76: 22, DHOc76: 21, D9My77: 21--P9My77: 23, D22Ag77: 11, C27N79: 13 from French ships, 20Je45: 22, 29Ag45: 21,DlAp80: 13,DlAp80: 21 from Jamaican ships, P5J176: 21 — D6J176: 12, P180c76: 22,D180c76: 12 from Spanish ship, lv,My46: 32 smuggled from Isle of Man, 26S51: 21 in Ire. . 26Ja39: 31 tax on, in Gt. Brit. , PD170c71: 13 Coffee, Ceylon, imported to Texel, Holl. , from E. I. , 5D45: 22 Coffee, foreign, reexportation restrictions proposed for British colonies, PD23My66: 23, PD13Je66: 22 Coffee, French, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , P10Ja77: 41 Coffee, green, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. , D19D77: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , D7N77: 32 Coffee, Grenada, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. ,PD2My71:33 Coffee, Jamaica, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD28Mr71: 32--R28Mr71: 32, DllMr75:32 Coffee, Java, imported to Texel, Holl. , from E. I. , 5D45: 22 Coffee, Labrador, served in Providence, R.I. ,PD18F68: 22 Coffee, Turkey, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 31J146: 61, 5S51:32,17N52:22, 1D52: 31 Coffee, West India, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD12Ag73: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , 31J146: 61, 1D52: 31 Coffeehouses, adv. lodgings, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD23Ja72: 33-- R6F72: 33 adv. of, in Fredericksburg, Va. , P29My78:31 for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD16My71: 31 in Annapolis, Md. , PD30Ja72: 33-- R6F72: 32 in Baltimore, Md. , PD30Ja72: 33-- R6F72:32,Pil8My75:33 in Boston, Mass. , PD28S69sl2, R4Oc70:21,PD4J171:13 in Fredericksburg, Va. ,D15Ag77: 61-- P15Ag77: 32, D26D77: 31, D12F79: 41, D26F80: 23 in Kingston, Jamaica, PD25J166: 22 in Liverpool, Eng. , PD18My69: 21 conversation clubs in, R1D68: 13 debating society at, R26My68: 14, PD23Je68: 13 in London, Eng. , R25D66: 33, PD9F69: 23, R16F69: 13, R9Mr69: 12, R9Mr69: 13 betting at, PD9J172: 21 exemption from liquor law rumored, 14Ja37: 31 in New York City, PD130c68: 22-- R130c68: 23, PD1J173: 32, PDllN73s21 in Norfolk, Va. , PD20Je66: 33, PD17N68: 23--R17N68: 31; PD9My71: 32--R23My71: 41, PD26D71: 31, R12Mr72: 31, PD6My73: 31 in Phila. , Pa. , R5S71: 33, PD22J173: 32, D20c79: 32 land plat shown at, PD30Ja72: 33-- R6F72: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , 250c65s32, PD10Oc66: 33, PD25Je67: 31, R23J167: 13, PD9F69: 32-- R2F69: 23, PD21S69: 41--R21S69s21, PD30Ap72: 31, PD140c73: 23, PD130c74:32,P26S77:32 Coffee- men, in London, Eng. , oppose liquor law, 1J137: 22 Coffee roasters, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , HOc51: 41 Coffee sets. See China coffee sets Coffeemills, for sale, in Beaufort, N. C. , P160c78: 32 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Williamsburg. Va. , HOc51: 41, PDllAp66: 41, PD3D67: 32, PD28S69: 31, PDllAp71: 32, PD12D71: 32 Coffeepots, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. ,PD18Ap66:33 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23. PD26D71: 31--R6F72: 42, R25Ag74: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. . PD25Je67: 32, PDllAp71:32 See also Copper coffeepots; Silver coffeepots; Tin coffeepots Coffer, Francis, R310c71: 33 Thomas Withers, R2F69: 31 Coffey, Cleveland, R13Ap69: 33 Coffield, John, PD10Ja71:33 William, 12D45: 42, P240c77: 31, D20N79: 31 William, Capt. , of the Industry, 24N52: 22, 8D52: 31 Coffin, Capt. , 25Mr37: 31, PD16D73: 22, PD30D73: 21, PD6Ja74: 32, PD13Ja74: 21, R13Ja74: 22, D1J175: 32, Pi9N75: 11, P1N76: 21 e -capes from Staten island, N. Y. , D1N76: 21 of the Hannah, D160c79: 21 of the Nancy, Pi50c75: 22 Alexander, Capt. , of the Dove, 12Ja39: 42, 9Mr39: 41, 18My39: 3 Edmund, Capt. , PD13Ap69: 21 John, PD23Je74: 12 John, Capt. , of the Neptune, PD28Mr66: 33 N. ,P2F76: 11 Nathan, R15D68: 11 Nathaniel, PD23Je74: 12, P23F76: 32 Nathaniel, jr. , PD23Je74: 12 William, PD23Je74: 12 Coffin furniture, for sale, at Kemp's landing, Va. ,D19Mr79: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD270c74: 31 Coffins, described, PD13S70sll for British army in Boston, Mass. , Pil90c75: 22— P20Oc75: 22-- D210c75:21 Coffland, William, Pvt. , R14Ja73: 13 Coffrey, James, R17F74: 32 Cogbill, George, jr. , P3N75: 12, D8Ap80: 31 Jesse, R26Ag73: 22, P3N75: 12, P16Ap77sll, D90c79: 22 Thomas, D15Je76: 62 Cogdell, R. , Pi31Ag75: 31, PU4S75: 23 Coggan, Micajah, PD20My73: 23, PD9S73: 32, R18N73: 32, PD20Ja74: 32, PD16Je74:31,P5Je78: 12 Coggan' s point, Va. , See Slaves runaway from Coggen, Robert, PD12N67: 23 Coggeshall, Gideon, D40c76: 71 Cogman, Bartholomew, PD27Ap69: 13 Cognac, for sale, in Richmond, Va. , P12Je78: 22--D10J178: 41 See also Brandy, cognac Cohansey, N. J. , See Distemper among horses Cohasset, Mass. . See Militia in Cohoggen, Peter Gossegon, PD30Ja72: 33 Cohoke mill, Va. , PD3F74: 32-- R10F74:33.P6Mr78:32 Cohoon, Mr. , PD290c72: 21 Samuel, PD3Mr68: 32. PD1S68: 23, PD27Ag72: 43, DllMr75: 33, D27My75:42.D8Je76: 72 Samuel, Dr. , D22Ja80: 33 Cohoos, fort at evacuated by Americans, D26Je79: 22 Cohorne, Lt. , D13J176: 62 Cohorns, cargo of Argo. sloop, D11S79: 21 for British navy, 9N39: 32. 21D39: 22 238 Coleman on ships, D18My76: 21, P19J176: 31, D20J176: 32, D28Ag79: 21 — C28Ag79: 23,D11S79:21 seized by British in Norfolk, Va. , D30Mr76: 21 seized from American ships in N. Y, , D3Je75: 23 Coiffield, See Coffield Coinage act, in Gt. Brit. , PD23S73s21 — R23S73: 23 opposed in Eng. , PDllN73sl2 Coins, investigated by parliament, PD4F73: 22 market for, in Sp. , R14F71: 22 minted in London tower, PD31Mr74: 13 price in Eng. , Pil8My75: 31 See also Doubloons; Half-johannesses; Johannesses; Louis d'or; Moidores; Pistsrcdis Coit, Capt. , Pil3J175: 32--P14J175: 33— D15J175:21,D13Ja76:31 of the Harrison, Pi30N75: 23 Coke, Capt., of the Neptune, R5Ja69: 31 Mr. , 14D39: 31, 17N52: 22, HAp55: 31 [Edward] Sir, author, books of for sale, 24My51: 32, D11D79: 22 quoted, PD7J174: 11,D11F75: 11, P7Ap75: 21,P14Ap75: 13 [James], quoted, D4Mr75: 31 James, Capt , of the Neptune, R5Ja69: 31 John, 13Ap39: 31 adv. for missing horse, 20Je51: 32, PDlJa67: 32 adv. land for sale, 18Ap45: 42 estate for sale, PD12Ja69: 41 house of, 5Je52: 32 houses and lots of, PD31Ja71: 33 land of, PD29D68: 31--R5Ja69: 32 lots of, in Williamsburg, Va. , 15S52: 32 pasture of, 7N54: 32 slave of, PD10Ja71: 33 Judith, PD25Mr73: 32, PD6My73: 23, PD18N73: 22 Robey, PD31Ja71: 33, P25J177: 32, C3J179: 32 Samuel, adv. estate for sale, PD12Ja69:41 adv. ferry and taverns, PD15F70: 42 adv. finding gold coin, PD14N71: 22 adv. finding horse, PD17S71: 32 adv. tor man to build mill, PD12Ja69:33 adv. for miller, PD30Ja72: 32 death of, PD11F73:22 disavows responsibility for goods in storehouse, PD12N72: 22 estate for sale, PD18N73: 22 Sarah, PD150c67: 21, PD12Ja69: 41, PD9F69: 31 Coke's mill, Va. , PD18N73: 22 Colander, for sale, in Gloucester co. , Va. , Pl6Ag76: 33— D24Ag76: 72 Colberg, Ger. , raise of siege rumored, 12F62:31 Colbert, Capt. , D13J176: 12 Colbertson, Ens. ,D3Ag76: 11 Colbreath, John, PD20Ag72: 32 Colburn, Reuben, D16S75: 21 Colby, Capt., of the Centaur, 5S51: 22 of the Experiment, 20Je45: 31 Charles, Capt. , of the Torbay, 4Ap55: 22,26S55: 12 Stripling, Capt. , of the Guildford, PDllAg68: 23--RllAg68: 31 of the Industry, PD13S70: 23 Colchester, Eng. , See Accidents in; Anecdotes from; Antiquities discovered in; Emigration from Colchester, Va. , streets, PD9D73: 22— R9D73: 21 See also Association upheld at; Convict servants runaway from; Dwelling houses in; Ferries in; Gardens in; Gristmills, overshot, near; Houses and lots for sale in; Land for sale near; Landings in; Lots for sale in; Lottery, U. S. , tickets for sale in; Lots, reversion, for sale in; Merchants in; Outhouses in; Slaves for sale in; Stables in; Storehouses in; Taverns adv. in; Warehouses in Colchester, H. M. S. , 10Oc55: 21, 7N55: 21,7N55:22,3S56: 22 Indiaman, 20Je45: 22, 4J145: 22, 11J145: 31 man of war, 240c45: 21 ship, 25Ja40: 2, 20Je45: 21 Colcothar, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD21S69: 41--R21S69s21 Cold Bath Fields, Eng. , See Robberies in Coldclough, Capt. , PD70c73: 22 — R210c73:32 of the Peggy, R13My73: 32 Colden, Alexander, PD30Ag70: 32, PD14F71:32— R14F71: 31, PD9J172: 31--R80c72: 41, R15J173: 32, PD29D74: 22--Pi29D74: 22 Cadwallader, addressed (text) by N. Y. committee of association, Pi8Je75: 13— D10Je75: 22 addressed by N. Y. council, DllF75sl3 addresses of, 1769, PD21D69: 13, PD21D69: 21 addresses (text) of, 1775, P3F75: 42— D4F75: 31,DllF75s21, Pi8Je75: 22 — D17Je75: 12 announces Stamp act repeal, PD20Je66: 12 condemns Stamp act congress, 250c65s22 effigy burned, PD4Ap66: 31 ineffectiveness of, PD2D73: 12 offers reward for arrest of M'Dougall, PD22Mr70: 21 opposes Continental congress, D1J175: 22 political aspirations discussed, PD22F70: 23 power usurped, D19Ag7 5: 22 proclamations of, R8F70: 31, PD2Ja72: 23, Pi29D74: 21 prorogues general assembly, Pi20Oc74: 31 requested to mediate between colonies and Gt. Brit. ,D27My75: 31 speaker of council, N. Y. , 4J151: 21 speeches criticized, P24F75sl3 Colding's landing, Va. , PD7J168: 32 Colds, cure for, PD4Ap66: 41, PD13Ag72: 22 deaths from, in Mass. , R23Ap72: 23 Coldstream, Capt. , of the Despatch, PD23Ap67: 23 of the Friendship, D29J176: 12 Coldstream, Eng. , See Oxen, abnormal in Coldwell, Delphia,D21Ja75: 31 Thomas, D21Ja75: 31 Cole, Capt. , PD28Mr71: 12 of the Juno, PDllJe67: 22 Col. ,D13N78: 12 Lt. Col. , 170c55: 21 Mr. , 28J138: 12, 5S51: 32, 3Ap52: 31 [Benjamin?], author, PD18J171: 33, PD25J171: 43, PDlAg71: 43, PD8Ag71: 43, PD17S72: 22, PD10Je73:32 Charles, PD220c72: 21 — R220c72: 22 Dolley, PD6F72: 32 James, 240c51: 31, PD22Ja67: 33, PD15Ag71:32 James, Capt. , D5F80: 41 James, sr. , PD9N69: 31 John, R14Ap68: 41, PD6F72: 32, PD27Mv73: 21— R3Je73: 22, R7Ap74: 32. D31Ag76: 32, D5F80: 41 John, Lt. ,P230c78: 11 Joseph. P29Ag77: 43 Josiah, D6N79: 32 Mary, PD29J173: 23 Richard, PD10D67: 32, PD10Ja71: 33, R15J173: 32 alias of Richard Horn, 2My51: 32 Robert, R29S68: 32 Sarah, PD2F69: 31 Thomas, PD16Ag70: 43, D18F75: 32, P20Je77: 13 William, adv. estate for sale, D5F80: 41 adv. finding horse, PD21My67: 33 adv. for missing horse, PD14Ap74: 32 adv. land for sale, D24Ap78: 32 adv. settlement of debts, 14Mr55: 32 announces intention, to declare bankruptcy, PD3Ja71: 31 announces intention to swear out of prison, PD21F71: 31 confined for debt, R15N70: 23 estate of. 14N55: 22 horse of, 28Ap38: 42 land of, D13D76: 32 meeting of creditors of, PD7F71: 23 property sold for benefit of creditors, PDllAp71: 33 runaway indentured servant, 22Je39: 41 settlement of estate of, 1S38: 41, P15Mr76: 32 suit of, PD14N71: 23 William, Capt. , of the Plymouth, 17S36:42 William, jr. , PD27Je66: 32, DUe76: 32 adv. finding horse, R23My71: 32, D14F77: 31, P25J177: 41, D21Ag79: 31, D18D79:32,D3J179:32 adv. for missing horse, D40c76: 42, D15Ja80: 31 settlement of estate, PD27Je66: 32 Cole-hill, Eng. , 22S38: 41 Cole roti, produced in Fr. , PD18Mr73: 31 Colebrook, Conn. , See Coal houses; Dwelling houses; Forges, double; Iron houses; Sawmills; Stores Colebrook Dale. Eng. , See Earthquakes in Colburn, John, PDllMr73: 31 — RllMr73: 31 Coleman, Capt. , HAg38: 32, PD27Ag67: 23 of the Sally. D10J178: 31 239 Coleman (cont'd) Mrs. , PD17N74: 23 Mr. , PD18F68: 32 Cleverious, PilJe75: ll--P2Je75: 23— D3Je75: 33 Edward, 3N38: 62, P8S75: 31, D26D77: 32 Francis, R31Mr68: 32, PD15D68: 23 — R15D68: 21, PDllMy69s41, R26J170: 23, PD25Mr73: 32, D25F75:33 George, P310c77: 31, D29My79: 32 Henry, Pi3Ag75: 33 Hezekiah, PD7Ap74: 32, PD12My74: 43 James, PD7J168: 23, DlAp75: 11, P8N76: 32, P160c78: 33 John, adv. finding horses, PD240c66: 31, PD19F67: 32 adv. finding steer, PD10c72: 31 adv. for bids for building courthouse, Pi20Oc74: 32 adv. land for sale, PD18Ap71: 32, PD10c72: 23, PD220c72: 31 adv. settlement of estate, D90c78: 41--P160c78: 43 executed for burglary, R11D66: 31 executed for felony, PD11D66: 23 runaway convict servant, 29S38: 42 29S38: 42 John Daniel, R4Ag68: 31 Joseph, Capt. ,11J145:32 Richard, D7S76: 41, P11J177: 43 Robert, PD18Ja67: 32 adv. cock matches, PD24My70: 31 adv. finding cow, D19Je79: 32 adv. finding heifer, 22S52: 32 adv. runaway convict servant held in jail, PD4Oc70: 32 land of, PD8Je69: 31 letter to, in post office, R17F74: 32 ordinary of, PD10S72: 31 Robert Sp. , 6Je51: 32, 14Ag52: 31, PD14F71: 32, PD2My71: 32— R2My71: 23 Samuel, PD23My71: 31, D7S76: 41 jailer, D8My79: 22 Spilsby, PD18J171: 22 Stephen, Capt. , D26F79: 32 Thomas, adv. finding horses, 19J154: 41, 7N54: 32, PD7My67: 33, D1J175: 33 adv. for missing horse, PD16My71: 32, D28N77: 32 adv. slaves for sale, PD17D67: 32 delegate from King and Queen co. , Va. , P2My77s22 on committee in King and Queen co. , Va. , P123F75: 32, D4Mr75: 23 runaway indentured servant, P28J175: 33 Thomas, Capt. , of the Elizabeth, PD27N66: 23, R25D66: 13, PD22Ja67: 32, PD14Ja68: 31, PD18F68: 23, PD28S69: 23 Unity, D19Je79: 32 W. ,D25F75:33 Whitehead, P6Je77: 13 Whitehead, Capt. , P8My78s22 Whitehead, Lt. , P170c77: 32 William, D8Ap80: 31 William, Pvt. , R14Ja73: 13 William, Sgt. , D27N78: 22 Williamson, P12D77: 23 Wyat, PD17Ja71:31 Coleman's ordinary, Va. , R4Ag68: 32 Colerian, Ire. , See Exports from N. Y. , to Coles, Capt. , PD19S66: 21 Edwards, P6S76: 13 [Elisha], author, PD25F68: 41, PD29Ag71: 33, PD10Je73: 34, D11F75S23, D9D75: 41, D2Mr76: 43, P170c77:41,D5Je79:32 John, adv. finding cattle, DHOc76: 71— adv. finding horses, PD8Je69: 32, D9Ap79: 32 adv. for missing horses, 6Ap39: 31, D9S75: 33--P8S75: 32, P4J177: 33 adv. stallion for hire, D9Ap79: 32 of the Albemarle co. , Va. , committee, Pi6J175: 33 — P7J175: 31 Mildred, Mrs. , (Lightfoot), PD19Mr67: 32 Thomas, Capt. , of the Cruizer, 25Ja40: 2 Walter, P8S75: 32— D9S75: 33, P4J177: 33 adv. for bids for building courthouse, PD130c74: 32— Pi20Oc74: 32 adv. for runaway slave, D13N78: 12 adv. land for sale, D20Je77: 31 burgess from Halifax co. , Va. , PD7D69: 31--R7D69: 23, PD19D71: 22 lt. of Halifax co. , Va. , P30My77: 12 marriage of, PD19Mr67: 32 vice-chairman of committee of Halifax co. , Va. , P5J176s21 Coleson, Jack, R24J167: 33 Colewort seeds, for sale, P6Mr78: 11 in Buckingham co. , Va. , P6Mr78: 11 in Cumberland co. , Va. , P6Mr78: 11 in Petersburg, Va. , PD26Mr67: 32 in Richmond, Va. , PD26Mr67: 32, D9S75: 32,D3F76:33 in Williamsburg, Va. , 30N59: 32 Coleworts, for sale, PD26Mr67: 32 Coley, Jacob, PDllMy69: 33 Robert, PD18Je67: 41 Colfield, Capt. , D25D79: 21 Colgin, John, P17My76: 33 Colhoun, James, Capt. , of the Molly, 23My45: 32, 4J145: 3, 10Oc45: 3 Lewis, Lt. , D29J176: 42 Colinet, pseud. , PD24Mr68: 23 Collahan, John, 19J154: 41 Collaring, for sale, in Gloucester, Va. , P19Ap76sll— D20Ap76: 33 Collars, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD18My69: 31— R25My69: 23 imported to Va. , from Bermuda, PD23Je68: 23— R23Je68: 24 See also Hair; Mother of Pearl; Paste; Silk; Velvet Collars, beaded, for sale, in Richmond, Va. , PD5N72sll— R5N72: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD19Ap70s23 — R19Ap70: 31, PD22N70s23, PD170c71: 23 Collars, bugle, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD18My69: 31 — R25My69: 23, PD19Ap70s23 — R19Ap70: 31 Collars, dog, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD12D71: 32, D27Je77: 31 Collars, French, for sale, in Richmond, Va. , PD310c71: 23— R310c71:32 Collars, horse, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PDllAp71: 32 Collars, spangled, for sale, in Richmond, Va. , PD5N72sll — R5N72: 22 College camp, Va. , See Indentured servants runaway from College creek, Williamsburg, Va. , See British navy in College hall, Phila. , Pa. , D11J177: 21 College landing, Williamsburg, Va. , 3Ap46: 42, 4N63: 31, R8F70: 33, PD17Mr74: 32, R31Mr74: 33, PDlS74s22, D3Je75: 33, P31My76: 32— DlJe76: 32, P5S77: 31, P240c77: 31, P7N77s22, P12Je78: 22, P10J178: 23, D13N78: 22.D27N79: 31.D11D79: 22, D12F80:33 horse lost at, P10J178: 13 survey of lots at, PD12My74: 43 See also Carts for hire at; Lodgings adv. for, at; Lots at; Skippers adv. for, at; Storehouses at; Waterman adv. for, at College of physicians, British, 8Ag51: 22 Colleges, encouraged in British colonies, N. Am. , PD14S69: 23 in Edinburgh, Scot. , subscription for, R28Ap68: 22 in Ga. , land granted for, PD30Ja72: 13 in Mecklenburg co. , Va. , lottery to raise funds for, PD28My72: 12 in Va. , R5Mr72: 21 See also Cambridge university; Chelsea college; Dartmouth college; Dublin university; George Augustus university; Gresham college, England; Harvard college; King's college; Leyden university; New Jersey college; Philadelphia college; St. Andrews university; Trinity college; University of Bologna; Upsala university; William and Mary college Collens, Stephen, PD12My68: 31 Collerados, See British navy, ships lost on; Shipwrecks on Collet, Capt. , D20Ap76: 31 of the Catherine, 16Ja46: 32 Daniel, 7N45: 31 Collett, Capt. , P22D75: 32 censure of, P12Ap76: 23 piratical acts of, P5Ap76: 32 reveals British military plans, P22Mr76: 13 Colley, Capt. ,7Mr51:31 of the Latham, R9Mr69: 13 Edward, PD7Je70: 23, R26N72: 33 Mary Strange, PD7Je70: 23 William, R26J170: 22, PD9Ja72: 31, P30Ag76: 41 Collick, Cornelius, R18N73: 32, PD20Ja74: 32 Collicot, William, R30My71: 23 Collier, Capt. , of the Tweed, PD1N70: 21 Mr. , PD1S68: 31 Charles, PD12Mr72: 32 Charles, Lt. ,D23My77: 32 Drury, PD14D69: 32 George, Comm. , C28Ag79: 12, C28Ag79: 13 George, Sir, commands navy to Penobscot, Me. ,D11S79: 12 describes capture of Norfolk, Va. , D25S79: 21 of the Rainbow, P28Je76: 22 — D29Je76;21,DHOc76: 12 240 Colonial agents prize money made by,D25Mr80: 13 succeeds as commander of British navy in U. S. , D8My79: 21 to New York City from Va. , D10J179: 21 warned against arson in Eng. , D21Ag79: 21 Henry, PD18Ap71: 31, PD9My71: 31 — R9My71: 33, PD16Ap72: 33, PD6Ag72: 31 Howell, D23Ja78: 42 Isaac, Pil6Mr75: 33 Isaac, jr. , PD2N69: 31 James, D19Mr79: 22 John, PD19S66: 31, PD15F70: 33, Pi23F75: 32, D11F75: 32, D4Mr75: 23 Lewis, PU7N74: 32 Lockey, PD12Ag73: 31, PD210c73: 31, D15J175: 33, P28Je76: 41, D6N78: 31 Nathaniel, PD2Je68: 23 Sampson, PD27Je71: 33 Thomas, PD15F70: 33 William, 270c52: 31 Collier, Dudley &, P25Ag75: 73 Collieries, in Fatfield, Eng. , PD4Je67: 22 in Long Benton, Eng. , PD21Mr66: 31 Colliers, adv. for, in Buckingham co. , Va. , P2Ag76: 32 in Henrico co. , Va. , P21Je76: 32, P8N76: 43, P16My77: 31 at Hunter's forge, Va. , PD22D68: 33 in Scot. , abolition proposed, P9Je75sll--D24Je75:22 riot in Alloa, Scot. , 21F51: 32 in Bristol, Eng. , 16F39: 41 strike in Scot. , R25Ag68: 14 See also Convict servants as; Slaves as Collineau, Jean, Capt. , P18J177sll Collingwood, Capt. . of the Rainbow, PD21Ap74: 22 of the Tweed, PD23Ap67: 12, PD24N68: 21 Henry, Capt. , of the Catherine, 29S52: 31.29D52: 32 Collins, Capt. , PD12N72: 13,D16S75: 32 arrives in Eng. , Pi50c75: 32 arrives in Williamsburg, Va. , R31My70: 22 of the Achilles, PD5S71: 31— R5S71: 23 of the Chichester, R3Mr74: 31 of the Delaware, D18Mr80: 23 of the Nautilus, Pi28Ap75: 21, P28Ap75s42 of the Vigilant, DlMy79: 12 Lt. , of British army in Phila. , Pa. , R5Ag73: 22 Mr. , house of, D27Je77: 32 mayor of Albany, N. Y. , 14Ag46: 22 Anthony, PD26J170: 22 author, 24My51: 32 Benjamin, 2S57: 42 Francis, D25S79: 32 George, PD220c72: 31 Henry, Capt. , criticism of, Pi29Je75: 11 of the Magdalen, PD7D69: 31, PD19J170: 21, PD26J170: 23, PD17S71: 31, PD19Mr72: 22, PD9J172: 31,D7Ja75: 23, P3Mr75s23, P10Mr75s21, Pi30Mr75: 11 — P31Mr75s21, D22Ap75: 23, P28Ap75s43, PilJe75: 33 — D10Je75:32,P16Je75:12 Henry, Lt. , of the Nautilus, D21S76: 22 Hezekiah, R2S73: 22, PD9S73: 23 — R9S73:31,R210c73:21 Isaac, PD22J173: 32 James, PD13N66: 31 John, PD20Ag67: 32 accessory in murder of Cherokees, PD9S73: 23— R9S73: 31, R210c73: 21 accused of robbery, 7D39: 42 adv. finding hogs, D240c77: 22 letter in post office, PD12Mr67: 13 of R.I. ,P23F76:13 overseer of Boiling Stark, PD13Ag72: 23 runaway indentured servant, 14D39: 32 John, Capt. , of the Kitty, PD15Ja67: 32, R23J167: 31, R23Je68: 23, RllAg68: 23, RllAg68: 24, R12Ja69: 31, PD310c71: 21 of the Molly, PD7Ja73: 32, PD10F74: 23, P28Ap75s42— D29Ap75s33 Luke,R10Je73sll Mitchell, P310c77: 31 Richard, P160c78: 23, C13My80: 31 Sarah, P30My77: 13 Stephen, PD4Ag68: 31 T. W. , P25Ap77: 21 Thomas, 12Je52: 32, PD28Ja73: 31, PD22J173: 33 Thomas, Major, P22Mr76: 12 — D23Mr76: 32 William, Pi25My75: 41, P7F77: 42 Collinson, Capt. , of the Britannia, R170c71:22 Collis, Capt. , 22Je39: 22 of the Enterprize, 28Mr45: 41 Thomas, Capt. , of the Hanover, 4My39: 41, 24Ag39: 3, 2N39: 2, 25Ja40: 3 of the Juliana, 29Ap37: 42, 5Ag37: 42, 19Ag37: 32 Collison, Brownes &, Messrs. , of London, Eng. , PllAg75: 32 — D12Ag75: 22 Colloney, Richard, PD29S74: 33 Colly, James E. , PD13Ag72: 22 James E. , Capt. , of the Nancy, PD9J172: 32 Colman, Mr. , of Nantucket, Mass. , D9S75: 23 Thomas, PD8S68: 31 Thomas, Capt. , of the Elizabeth, PD10D67: 31 Colmand, John, PD170c66: 31 Colmise, Lt. , captures British ship, Pi30D75: 32 Colobre, privateer, 2S57: 21 Colocynth, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 30N59: 32, PD21S69: 41 — R21S69s21 Cologne, Ger. , political news from, 120c52: 11 relations with Aust. , 17Mr38: 12 relations with Gt. Brit. , 20Je51: 22 treaty with Fr. discussed, 18J151: 22 with Gt. Brit, cancelled, lAg51: 22 with Holl. cancelled, lAg51: 22 See also Exports from; Jesuits suppressed in; Prophets in Cologne stones, for sale, in Liverpool, Eng. , R2My71: 31 in Buckingham co. , Va. , P160c78: 31 in Pittsylvania co. , Va. , R2My71: 33 in Prince Edward co. , Va. , P160c78: 31 in Southampton co. , Va. , PD18Ja70: 33 See also Millstones, Cologne Colonial agents, activities of, PDllAp66: 31 addressed (text) by Continental congress, PD22D74: 12 admitted to gallery of Commons, P5My75sll appointed for Ga. , PD25Mr73: 22 approve Vice Admiralty court bill, PD16Je68: 22— R16Je68: 23 attend board of trade and plantations, PD7My67: 12 attend meetings of boards, PD28My67: 12 confer with Secretary Conway, PD7My67: 12 confer with Lord Hillsborough, PD12My68: 13 discuss defense of colonies, PD14Mr71: 31 discuss land grants in Great Britain, PD6Ag67: 21 encourage emigration, PD24S72: 21 favor repeal of Coercive acts, Pil6Mr75: 23 — P17Mr75: 31 — D18Mr75: 13 for Conn, listed, R26Ap70: 33 for Del. , PD8D68: 13, R26Ap70: 33 for Ga. appointed, R12My68: 21 instructed against taxation, R28J168: 23 listed, R26Ap70: 33 for Grenada, W. I. , PD80c72: 12 for Md. , instructed against taxation, R4Ag68: 23 listed, R26Ap70: 33 for Mass. , 18Ap55: 21, PD14J168: 12— R14J168: 13, R18Ag68: 24, R15D68: 12, PD29N70: 13--R29N70: 13, PD2My71: 31 letter (text) from House of representatives, PD5S71: 23 listed, R26Ap70: 33 for N. J. , PD21D69: 21 listed, R26Ap70: 33 for N. Y. , PD9Mr69: 21, R30My71: 22 listed, R26Ap70: 33 salary of, PD28Mr71: 23 for N. S. listed, R26Ap70: 33 for Pa. , PD1N70: 22 appointed, PD5N67: 12 instructed against Townshend acts, PD21Ap68: 22 listed, R26Ap70: 33 for R. I. , PD4D66: 22— R4D66: 13 listed, R26Ap70: 33 for S. C. , PD5F67: 13 listed, R26Ap70: 33 requested to protest against governor, PD10D72: 21— R10D72: 21 for Va. , PD21J168: 13— R21J168: 12, PD14F71:21--R14F71: 11 listed, R26Ap70: 33 presents address to king, PD9J167: 11 in Gt. Brit. , PD25Je67: 23 support paper currency, PD23Ap67: 23 instructed to get encouragement for manufactures, R26My68: 14 interview Hillsborough, PD15S68: 12 meeting in London, Eng. , PD220c72: 21 — R220c72: 13, PD28J174: 21 petition Board of trade, PD2J167: 12, PD23J167: 13— R23J167s21 petition Commons against revenue acts, PD18My69: 22 petition for relief of debtors, 241 Colonial agents, petition debtor's relief (cont'd) PD7Mr66: 32 petition re trials in vice admiralty courts, PD20N66: 21 present bill, PD20My73: 11 present petitions, PD4Je67: 22, PD18Je67:21 to Board of trade, PD26Mr67: 21, R270c68: 12 recommends mints for, PD15Ja67: 23, PD4F68: 31 reorganization proposed, D280c75: 31 report on presentation of petition to king, Pil6Mr75: 33--P17Mr75s33 — D18Mr75:32 requested to petition re lumber trade, PD14Mr66: 42 salary of, PD9My71: 11 sponsor trade regulations, PD16Ja72: 12 work praised, PD27J169: 32 Colony house, Newport, R. I. , R18F73:22 Color extraction, method discovered in London, Eng. , PD150c67: 11 Colors, export from Eng. , to N. Y. allowed, D10J179: 22 for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD10Je73: 22 Colors, of brigantine, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD18Ja70: 43 Colpoys, Thomas, Capt. , of the Seeford, D29J176: 12, DlAg77: 11 Colqhoun, Capt. , of the Buchannan, 19J154: 31 Robert, D3F76: 33 Walter, P15D75: 33--D16D75: 22 — PU6D75: 31, D3Ag76: 31, D7Mr77: 11 — P7Mr77: 23 Colquitt, Hezekiah, P27S76s21, D40c76: 72 Colson, Capt. , PD27My73: 13 C. , adv. horse-racing in Fredericksburg, Va. , HAp51: 41 Charles, 7Mr51: 41 John, P8S75: 31 Thomas, P29D75: 31, D9My77: 41 Rawleigh,DUN75:32 Thomas, PD23My71: 23 Travers, 170c55: 31 William, R12Mr67: 42, R7J168: 23, R4Ag68: 32, PD15D74: 32, D13My75: 33- PillMy75:33 Colston, ship, 250c65s41,R25Ag68: 14 Colt Granby, horse, PD5N67: 13 Coltart, William, P14F77: 33 Colten, Noah, R29J173: 23 Colton, William, P28J175: 33 Colts, driven off Noddle island, Mass. , by Americans, Pi22Je75: 22 — D24Je75: 23 for sale, PD22N70s22--R29N70: 31 Coltsfoot, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. ,24My51: 32, 5S51: 32 Columbia, privateer, D12F79: 31 ship, D25Mr80: 23 sloop, D14Ag79: 21 Columbus, pseud. , PD19My74: 41 brig, D30Oc79: 21 Continental man of war,D250c76: 21 Cont. ship,D2Mr76:23,D4My76: 32, DllMy76:32,DUe76: 12 horse, PDllJe67: 33 privateer, D19F79: 21 ship, D13J176:41 Columbus and Alfred, American frigate, D250c76: 12 Colvard, Benjamin, PD16Je74s22, PD21J174p23 Colvell, Capt. , of the Leveret, PD23Ap67: 23 Colvert, Thomas, Capt. , of the Peggy, R8S74: 31 Colviel, David, Capt. , of the Elliott, PD2Je68: 23 Colvil, Capt. , of the Emerald, D110c76: 12 of the Leopold, 21Mr45: 32 Lord. PD15Ag66:22 of the Northumberland, 26S55: 12 of the Success, 18J151: 32 Frances, R24D67: 31 John, 14Ag52: 31, 26J170: 22, PD9D73: 22 Thomas, R24D67: 31, PD30Ja72: 33 — R6F72: 32 Colville, Lord, Adm. , PD7Mr66: 23, PD7Mr66: 31, PD7Mr66: 41, PD28Mr66: 12 Colvin, James, Capt. , of the Frankling, R21Ja73: 23 William, D31J179: 31, D14Ag79: 32 Columella, [Lucius Junius Moderatus], author, PD29N70: 21, PD13D70: 42 Colyer, Moses, R170c71: 32 Comana, Turkey, See Slaves from Comas, in Saddleworth, Eng. , PD19My74:33 Comb, John, PD2Je68: 23 Comb makers, 30S37: 42 Combs, George, P10J178: 43 James, PlMy78: 32 John,R12J170:23 [John], Capt. , P16My77: 22 Richard, PlMy78: 32 Combs, for sale, in Beaufort, N. C. , P160c78:32 in Norfolk, Va. , DlAp75: 32 in Petersburg, Va. , P5Je78: 11 — D10J178:41 in Williamsburg, Va. , 110c51: 41, PD13Ap69: 32 — R13Ap69: 31. PD19Ap70s23--Rl9Ap70: 31, PD22N70s23, R170c71: 33, PD240c71: 31, PD23Ap72: 23-- R23Ap72: 13, PD30Ap72: 31. PD7My72: 32, PD9J172: 31, PD210c73: 23--R210c73: 22, PD5My74: 31--R26My74: 13, R12My74: 32, Pi20Ap75: 31 — D22Ap75: 32, P10My76: 43 — DllMy76: 23, P18J177: 32, D160c79: 11 in Yorktown. Va. , 25J151: 32 imported to Algiers, Alg. ,D4N75: 12 See also Garnet combs; Gold combs; Horn combs; Ivory combs; Marcasite combs; Paste combs; Paste tortoiseshell combs; Shell combs; Tortoiseshell combs; Wax pearl combs Combs, box, for sale, in Smithfield, Va. ,C3J179: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD13Ap69: 32-- R13Ap69: 31, PD18My69: 31 — R25My69: 23. R260c69: 23, PD2N69: 41, PD10Oc71: 31, PD12D71: 32, PD30Ja72: 32 — R6F72: 32, PD9J172: 31, PD220c72: 23--R220c72: 23 Combs, crooked, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. . D29Ja80: 41 Combs, English India, for sale, in London, Eng. , PD7Je70: 33 Combs, French, for sale, in London, Eng. , PD7Je70: 33 Combs, hair, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , D30My77: 31, D27Je77: 31 Combs, hollow backed, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD22N70s23 Combs, horse, for sale, in Edenton, N. C. ,P160c78:42 Combs, tapering, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. . PD13Ap69: 32 — R13Ap69: 31 Combs, toupee, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. . R25My69: 23 — PD18My69:31 Comedians, company of, adv. performances in Va. , 30Ap52: 32 alter playhouse in Williamsburg, Va. ,21Ag52:31 in Petersburg, Va. , 19D51: 41 in Williamsburg, Va. , 28Ag52: 31, 22S52:31 request subscriptions for building theater, 29Ag51: 32, 240c51: 22 to arrive from London, Eng. , 12Je52:22 See also American company of comedians; Virginia company of comedians Comee, Joseph, D27My75: 31 Comer, Elizabeth, Mrs. , R28Mr71: 33 Samuel, R28Mr71: 33, R24D72: 33 Comes, Esdale, P30c77: 31 Comet, brig, P5Ap76: 31 brigantine, D18My76: 13 brigantine of war, P180c76: 13, D10Ja77: 31 frigate, PD16D73: 12 — R16D73: 31 H.M. Dacket, R10Mr74: 13 H.M.S. ,12D45:21,24Ja52:31,D12Mr79:22 packet boat,D230c79: 22 sloop, D16Ap79: 21, D90c79: 21 S. C. armed ship, D22 Je76: 61 S. C. brigantine, D29Je76: 22 S. C. ship,D13J176: 12 Comet Bomb, H. M. S. , 13Je45: 31, 12D45: 12 ship, 16My45: 31 Comets, announced in London, Eng. , C15J180:11 appear in Edinburgh, Scot. , PD7D69s21 appear in Eng. , PD2N69: 22, PD9N69: 22, PD23N69: 23 described in Eng. . PD23N69: 23 discovered in Canterbury, Eng. , PD15Ag71: 21 in Paris, Fr. , PD27Je71: 23 in Tenterden, England, PD15Ag71: 13 essay on course of, R26J170: 11 explained, PD16N69: 13 in Annapolis, Md. , PD18Ap66: 31 in Fr. , 13My37: 12 in N. Y. , path of discussed, PD19J170: 13— R19J170: 23 in Paris, Fr. ,PDllJe72: 13 in Pa. , 17F38: 22 in Sicily. 3Je37: 21 in Turkey, RllJa70: 12 in Venice, It. , 31Mr38: 11 in Va. , described, R14S69: 11 observed in Charleston, S. C. , D13J176: 12 in Elizabethtown. N. J. , PD14S69: 23 242 Concert hall in Liverpool, Eng. , PD10D67: 11 reported in Haverhill, Mass. , PD28J168: 21--R28J168: 22 seen in Charleston, S. C. , PD9N69s23 in Eng. ,PDllMr73:21 Commette, Fr. warship, 5S55: 21 Comfits, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD14J174: 32 in Richmond, Va. , PD17Je73: 33— R17Je73s23 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD29S74: 32, Pi6Ap75: 42 Comfits, almond, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 30N59: 32, 12F62:42,R12J170:31 Comfits, caraway, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD1J173: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , 15My46:41, 31J146: 61, 17Ja51: 41, 24My51: 32, 18J151: 41, 5S51: 32, 10Ap52: 31, 30Ap52: 32, 15My52: 32, 22My52: 32, 60c52: 32, 2My55: 31, 30N59: 32, 12F62: 42, PD270c68: 32— R270c68: 22, PD7Je70: 31— R7Je70: 31, PD29N70: 31 — R29N70: 23, PD290c72: 22— R290c72: 22, PD11N73: 22, PD1S74: 32 Comfits, coloured, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD15Ag71: 32— R15Ag71:32 Comfits, coriander, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 12F62: 42, PD290c72: 22--R290c72: 22 PD11N73: 22 Commack, James, Pvt. , R14Ja73: 13 Commandant, man of war, PD28Mr66: 21 Commerce, See Trade Commerce, brigantine, P9F76: 32— D10F76:33 schooner, PD20Ja74: 23 ship, 28F55: 31, 28Mr55: 32, 18Ap55: 22, 16My55: 21, 23My55: 21, PD7Mr66: 32, PD4J166: 31--R18J166: 41, PD15Ag66: 21--R15Ag66s21 PD6N66: 21, PD30Ap67: 32, PD15F70: 22, PD2My71: 32, PD13Je71: 33, PD21N71: 22, PD20Ag72: 23, PD4F73: 21, PD16Je74: 21 Commissaries, Continental, accounts ordered by Congress, C11D79: 11 in Va. , honesty defended, D11D79: 11 honesty discussed, D5F80: 12 salary of,DHD79: 12 Commissaries, Va. , adv. for, D26S77:31 — P26S77: 31 adv. for bacon, P5S77: 31 adv. for provisions, P7N77s22 certificates for supplies, D13N78: 11, D15My79:ll sell pork, DlMy79: 22 settlement of accounts requested, P30Ag76: 41 Commissary house, near Capitol, in Williamsburg, Va. , P21Ag78: 31 Commission brokers, in Baltimore, Md. , PD19Mr72: 31 Commission merchants, R80c72: 33 adv. of, at Bedford courthouse, Va. , D18D79: 22 in Boston, Mass. ,D18Ap77: 72— P18Ap75s23 in Norfolk, Va. , PD9My66: 23, PD23My66: 31, PD31Mr68: 31 — R31Mr68: 32, R14Ap68sl4, PD14J168: 32--R14J168: 33, PD16N69: 31--R16N69: 23, PD19Ap70: 33, PD310c71: 23, PD26N72: 22— R26N72: 22, PD2S73: 23, PD16Je74: 22, D7Mr77:41 — P7Mr77: 23 in Petersburg, Va. , D25J177: 31 — P25J177: 23 in Portsmouth, Va. , D7Mr77: 41 — P7Mr77: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , Pi26Ja75: 33— D4F75: 33, D14N77: 31, D13N78: 22, C28Ag79: 11 Commission stores, in Williamsburg, Va. , D8My78: 82 Committees, revolutionary, use of discussed in Philadelphia, Pa. , D7Ag79: 11 Committees of correspondence, carry news of Lexington and Concord, Pi28Ap75s21--D29Ap75s32 formed in Eng. , D280c75: 13 formed in Ire. , D280c75: 13 in British colonies, N. Am. , encouraged in Va. , PD13My73: 23 opposed by Mass. Tories, Pi2F75: 22 in Gt. Brit. , PD14Ap74: 11 inN.Y. ,Pi30Mr75: 13 proposed by Sons of Liberty in Norfolk, Va. , PD4Ap66: 32 set up in Va. , purposes of, P PD18Mr73: 23— R18Mr73: 31 suggested by Va. , PD18Mr73: 23— R18Mr73:31 See also Name of city, colony, county Committees of observation, in British colonies, N. Am. , control price of salt,D15Je76:41 See also Name of county Committees of safety, in British colonies, N. Am. , authorized to censor mail, P10My76: 11 — DllMy76: 33 See also Name of colony, county Committees to enforce Association, See Nzrne of county Commodore, John, alias of John Holmes, PD14Je70s23— R14Je70: 33 Commodore, H. M. S. , 4Ap55: 21, D14S76: 41, D22Ag77: 21--P22Ag77: 22 ship, 2Ja52: 32 Common, William, 25Ap55: 22 Common Man, pseud. , P10My76: 12 Common Sense, pseud. , 10Oc45: 12, D16Ap79: 12 Common Sense, ascribed to Mr. Adams, D27S76: 21 criticized, D23Mr76: 22, D13Ap76: 22, D20Ap76: 12,D27Ap76: 13,D4My76: 13, D25My76: 12 discussed, P12Ap76: 12 extract from, P2F76: 12 — Pi3F76: 31, P5Ap76: 13 supported, P10My76: 12 toasted in Cambridge, Mass. , P26Ap76s21--D27Ap76: 41 Communion cloths, stolen in Charles parish church, Va. , PD15D68: 31 in Nottoway parish, Va. , 3J146: 42 in Southwork parish church, Va. , R290c72: 31 Communion table, stolen, from Ware church, Va. , 15My52: 41 Communistic societies, in Aus. , 4J151: 22 Compass seals, stolen, in Lunenburg co. , Va. , 4N63: 22 Compasses, for sale, in Alexandria, Va. , P3Ap78: 31, D24J179: 22 in Cobham, Va. , P4J177: 31 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Petersburg, Va. , D27S76: 42 in Portsmouth, Va. , P18J177sll seized from British ships, 17J152: 31 See also Brass compasses; Iron compasses; Sea compasses Compasses, carpenters, stolen, R7Je70: 32 Compasses, mariners, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 Compasses, pocket, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD28S69: 31 taken by indentured servants, P30J175s23 Compasses, salvaged, for sale, in Gosport, Va. , PD240c66: 23 in Norfolk, Va. , PD6N66: 22 Compasses, sea, for sale, in Alexandria, Va. , D24J179: 22 Compasses, ship, for sale, at South Quay, Va. ,D10Oc77:31 in Fredericksburg, Va. , D22Ag77: 22 in Lancaster co. , Va. , C19F80: 11 Compeigne, Fr. , See French army camp Composition, lectures on, PD2Ja72: 32 — R6F72:42 Composition and criticism, lectures on, at College of N. J. , PD18N73: 21 Compositors, journeymen, adv. for, in Williamsburg, Va. , P23Je75s32 Compound, See Waters compound Compston (Compton), [John], Lt. , D7F77: 12--P7F77: 11 Compte, Joseph, Capt. , PD16Je68: 23 Compton, Capt. , 24Mr38: 42 of the Oxford, 28S39: 41, 25Ja40: 2 Mrs. ,4F37:32 James, Capt. , of the Sea-horse, 4F37: 32, 18Mr37: 41, 10Je37: 32, 19Ag37: 31, 60c38: 51, 2F39: 41 John, sr. , PD8Je69: 32 Comrie, Margaret, Mrs. , 15Je39: 32 William, Dr. , 15Je39: 32 Comrin, Capt. , of the Inverness, 150c36: 31 Comus, horse, D6N78: 32 Comyn, Capt. , of the Fame, 28N45: 21 John, Sir, author, PD10Je73: 31 Conanicut island, R. I. , attacked by British, P5Ja76(5)sl2— D6Ja76: 31 — Pi6Ja76: 22, P22Mr76: 21 British attack on planned, D6Je77: 11 evacuated by British, P21Ag78: 22 See also British army on; British marines attack; Brown's provincial corps on; Ferries on; Forage removed from; Minutemen on; Prisoners of war, British, captured off Conanicut point, R. I. , See British navy from Newport, R. I. , to Conard, Richard, 2S37: 32 Concannen, James, Capt. , of the Dolphin, 28F55: 31 Conception, ship, lMr38: 32 Concert hall, Boston, Mass. , 243 Concert hall, Boston. Mass. (cont'd) PD12Ja69: 21, PD4J171: 13 Concerts, adv. of, in Fredericksburg, Va. , R24D67: 41 in Hanover, Va. , RllMy69: 41 at King William courthouse, Va. , R270c68: 24 tax on in Gt. Brit, proposed, R3My70: 11 Concklin, Col. , letter from Gen. Oliver DeLancey quoted, D250c76: 22 Concord, Mass. , courthouse burned by British, Pi28Ap75s22--D29Ap75s32 See also British army burn courthouse in; Cannon seized by British army in; Earthquakes near; Lexington and Concord, battle of Concord, Danish packet boat,D2Ap79: 11 Fr. frigate, DllMr 80: 23 ship, 25F37: 41, 270c52: 21, 17N52: 22, 25Ap55:22,7N55:21 Concord forge. Va. , PD7Ja73: 31-- R7Ja73: 32. PD25N73: 23 See also Land for sale at; Slaves for sale in Conduit, James, PD15F70: 42, D170C77: 22--P240c77: 31, P14N77:33,D30Oc78:41 Conelly, John, R25My69: 21 Conerley, James, 12D51: 32 Conesioge, See Earthquakes Coney Skins, horse, D28Mr77: 22-- PUAp77:31 Confectio cardiaca, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD21S69: 41-- R21S69s21 Confectionaries, boycotted in Va. Association,PD25My69: ll--RUe69:13 described in Eng. , PDllJe72: 22 for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , 22S38: 41, PD22N70s23 Confederacy, Cont. navy,D26Je79: 21 frigate, CI 5My79: 21 Conference, ship, D15Ja80: 11 Congdon, Capt. , of the Catherine, Pil9Ja75: 23 Congleton, Eng. , See Hogs, unusual sizes Congo, Afr. , See Slaves from Congregational churches, number in Conn. , PD25Ag74: 21 in Mass. , PD25Ag74: 21 in N. H. , PD25Ag74: 21 in R. I. , PD25Ag74: 21 observes fast day, in Newport, R. I. , PD30Je74: 21 Congress, American ship, D1N76: 31 frigate, D7N77: 12 mortar, P29D75s21 privateer, P21Je76: 21--D22Je76: 51, D22Je76: 62, P28Je76: 13 schooner, P21Ap75: 22 sloop, P26Ap76s21, P16Ag76: 23-- D17Ag76: 12, P28N77: 21 Conis, ship, 240c55: 21 Conjurors, in Cambridge, Eng. , PD13F72: 23 See also Indentured servants as; Slaves as Conkie, Capt. , PD30My71: 21-- R30My71: 22 of the Grace, D29J176: 12 of the Mercury, D20My75: 33 David, PD13Je71: 33 David, Capt. , of the Commerce, PD15F70: 22, PD2My71: 32, PD21N7L22 Conklin, Piatt, Col. , Pi23Mr75: 32 Conkling, Edward, Capt. , of the Eagle, D12Je79: 22, C3J179: 21--D3J179: 21 Conley, William, 2S57: 41 Conn, Hugh, Rev. Mr. , 30J152: 31 Thomas, R10Je73sli Connaway, Mrs. , PD18F68: 31 Conne, William, R2N69: 31 Connecticut, assists in Louisburg expedition, 16My45: 21 attack on by parliament prophesied, PD17N74: 13 census of, 26S55: 12, PD11J166: 13 charter to be revoked rumored, Pi28Ap75: 12--D29Ap75s32 court of judicature, trials in, PDlAp73: 31 delegate to Continental congress 2nd. chosen, PHD74: 21 delegates to Stamp act congress, 250c65s23 dispute with Mohegans settled, R13S70: 21 general assembly, acts of, 1775, D27My75: 31--P2Je75: 22, D20Ja76: 23 adopts Virginia plan of union, PD8J173: 23- -R8J173: 23 issues money to provision troops, 7Mr55:31 letter to Va. general assembly, R12Ag73: 22 relief of Boston, Mass. , discussed, PD30Je74: 22 House of representatives, open debates suggested, PD10N68: 21 replies to Mass. circular letter, PD21J168: 21 — R21J168: 13 invaded by British, P16My77: 22 martial law to be established in, D280c75:31 number of sailors from in French and Indian war, D18My76: 22 ordered to enlist battalions by Continental congress, P40c76sll — DHOc76:42 plundered by British, D30D75: 33 represented on committee for trade relief, PD21Mr66: 31 requested to contribute to Indian funds, 14Ag46: 22 seaports to be burned by British, D7Ag79: 22 supports expedition against Louisburg, N. S. , 18Ap45: 32 supports Mass. , PD22S74: 31 See also Anecdotes from; Assistance, writs of, refused in; Beef destroyed by British in; Boston port bill opposed in; Boundary disputes; Bounties; British army, cruelty by, in; British army, murders by, in; British army, rapes by, in; British army quartered; British army to; Broadcloth manufacture; Cannon sent to Boston, Mass. , from; Census in; Census in 1774 in; Clergy, Anglican, in; Clergy of; Colonial agents for; Congregational churches, number in; Earthquakes; Embargoes continued; Exports from; Exports from Gt. Brit. to; Fast days in; Floods; Fornication in; Imports to; Imports to Gt. Brit, from; Land for sale in; Liberty poles erected in; Magazines (storehouses) in; Manufactures encouragement in; Militia attack British in; Militia of; Minutemen, of; Money; Money issued in; Monuments to Gen. Wooster in; Negroes, population in; Non-consumption agreements supported in; Non- importation agreements; Non- importation agreements supported in; Oxen, price of; Pork destroyed by British in; Post offices established in; Prayer, day of, appointed in; Price control in; Prisoners of war; Prisoners of war, American, released in; Prisoners of war, American, taken by Tories in; Prisoners of war, British, escape from; Prisoners of war, British, in; Privateers; Recruiting for British army in; St. Francis Indians request removal to; Saltpetre, bounties on, in; Saltpetre manufacture in; Sheep propagation of encouraged in; Ships from Albany. N. Y. , to; Ships, Conn. ; Tavernkeepers in; Tories imprisoned in; Tories in; Tories, punishment for, in; Transportation to colonies opposed in Connecticut gazette, extract from, D250c76:22,D8N76: 12 Connecticut military adventures, explore Miss, river, PD16S73: 22 plan west Florida settlement, R16D73:33 settle on Mississippi river, R15.T173: 32 settle in Natchez, PD26Ag73: 22, PD26Ag73: 23 Conn, regiments, in N. Y. , P5A76: 22-- D6Ap76: 31.P26J176: 21 organized by assembly, D27My75: 31-- P2Je75: 22 recruiting ordered, P9F76: 23-- D10F76: 32 Connecticut river, See Ships, American. captured by British in Connecticut sound, commanded by British, D8N76: 12 Connecticut troop of horse, in Providence, R. I. , D7F77: 11 Connecticut troops, arrive in Valley Forge, Pa. , P19Je78: 22 at Lake George, 26S55: 22, 310c55: 12 casualties in battle of Bunker Hill, P7J175: 23--D8J175: 31 entertained in New York City, P22J175s21--D29J175:31 equipment for discussed, P10Mr75sll for Quebec expedition, 3J146: 22 from Harlem, N. Y. , to Long island, N. Y. .P1S75: 13 from New Haven, Conn. , to Greenwich, Conn. , P16Je75sl3 in Boston, Mass. , DllMy76: 31 in French and Indian war, R1D68: 12 in New York City, P12Ap76: 23-- D13Ap76:31 join Continental army, D24Je75: 23, D1J175: 32, Pil7Ag75: 32--P18Ag75: 11, Pi31Ag75:31 244 Consul march to Lake George, 30c55: 12, 30c55: 22, 240c55: 11, 240c55: 21 number of, PilJe75: 31, P9Je75: 23 number of, in Mass. , P4Ag75p22 ordered raised by Continental congress, D6J176: 12 ordered to Crown point, N. Y. , P16Je75s22 raised for Quebec expedition, 11J146: 41 recruited, Pi6J175: 32 recruiting for successful, Pil5Je75: 31 reviewed by Gen. Wooster, Pi29Je75: 32, Pi6J175:31--D8J175: 23 sail for Cape Breton is. , 23My45: 31 to Albany, N. Y. , P2F76s21 to New York City, D20My75: 32, P21J175: 23,P8Mr76:23 to Quebec, Can. , P10My76: 21 — DllMy76:32 to Rye, N. Y. ,D29N76: 32 to Ticonderoga, N. Y. , D17Je75: 23, Pi22Je75: 32— D24Je75: 23, D1J175:32 Connel, Margaret, 19S55: 32 Connell, Andrew, Capt. , of the Musquita, 25J151: 11, 5S51: 11 James, PD10N74: 33 John, sr. ,D19S77:41 Thomas, D27My75; 41 Connelly, Mr. , P21Ap75s43 captured by Americans at Hagerstown, Md. , Pi30N75: 31 John, PD18Je67: 33, PD17S71: 31, PD3S72: 23, PD30S73: 33— R30S73: 33 jailer, PD16J172: 32, PD70c73: 23, PD140c73: 31 John, Capt. , P10N75: 33 John, jailor, PD16J172: 32, PD70c73: 23, PD140c73: 31 John M. , P27D76: 32 William, PD12N67: 21, PD10D67: 31 Connely, Matthew, Capt. , of the Hawke, PD30J167: 31 Conner, Capt. , PD9Je68: 23 Col. , at Crown Point, N. Y. , D29N76: 22— P29N76: 12 Bryan, 10Je37: 41, 18N37: 41 Bryan O. , 210c37: 31-32 Charles, R25F73: 33 Charles, Capt. , of the Little Benjamin, PD7Je70: 31, PD1N70: 22 Crawford, Capt. , of the Little Molly, 9My45: 32 of the William, HAp55: 22 Edward, PD22J173: 31— R22J173s21 James, 14Ag52: 31, PD23Ap72: 23— R23Ap72: 31, PD7My72: 23 James, Capt. , of the Tryal, 23Ja46: 31 John, 150c36: 42, R26J170: 22, PD21Ap74: 23, PD5My74: 22, P25J177: 32 Lewis, 13Ap39: 31, R25F73: 33 Matthew, 10Je37: 41 Morgan, Adj. Gen. , P30My77: 11 Nicholas, PD21My72: 23, PD30Je74: 31 Peter, P14Je76: 33 Roderick, 2Mr53: 42 Thomas, R26Ja69: 31 William, Capt. , of the Charlotta, RllAg68: 23 of the Rebecca, 28F55: 31 of the William, 27Ag56: 32 Conneran, Thomas, D5S77: 32— P10Oc77:ll Conniekabacker, Evert, PD12S66: 22 Connolly, Major, captured by Americans near Hagerstown, Md. , P15D75: 21 — D16D75: 32— PU6D75: 22 Mr. , encourages opposition to colonies, P29Mr76: 12 Dennis, P5Je78: 32 James, P14Je76sll John, PD7Ap74: 31, PD21J174: 21, PD8S74: 23 [John], Capt. , PD3Mr74: 23--R3Mr74: 11, PD9Je74: 23--R9Je74s23 John, Col. , P22D75: 13 John], Dr. , P12Ap76: 23— D20Ap76: 32 John], Major, P26Ja76: 11 Connoly, Mr. , leaves Dunmore for Mass. , D2S75: 32 Connor, Capt. , PD27N66: 21 Judge, murder of, 140c37: 22 Mr. , of Chestertown, Md. , 30My51: 22 John, PD26Ag73: 22 Matthew, 210c37: 32 Morgan, D13N79: 22 Connoway, Michael, R2S73: 23 Robert, Capt. , of the Fanny, P9F76: 12 Conolly, Capt. , relation to Indian uprising discussed, R21 J174: 33 Dr. , qualified as magistrate in Augusta co. , Va. , court, PD7Ap74: 23 Conoly, William, R23J167: 41 Conor, Miss, leaves N. Y. for London, Eng. , PD13J169: 23 Conoys, attend conference at Fort Stanwix, N. Y. , PD1D68: 23 Conqueror, H. M. S. , D28Mr77: 61 ship, DlAp80: 21 Conquest, H. M. S. , PD24Je73: 21 — R1J173: 12 Conquestador, man of war, 21Ag52: 21, D22N76: 12 Conrad, Frederick, D5Je79: 32 Stephen, D5Je79: 32 Conroy, Michael, Pi21S75: 33 Consual, Capt. , PD22Ja67: 23 Conscientious objectors, in N. H. , Pi260c75: 22 regulated by Continental congress, D5Ag75: 31 urged to work in Pa. , D15J175: 21 Conserves, for sale, in Hobb's Hole, Va. , R6J169: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , R3N68: 33 — PD10N68: 22 Conserves of hips, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD21S69: 41 — R21S69s21 Conserves of sloes, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD21S69: 41 — R21S69s21 Conserves of sorrel roses, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD21S69: 41 — R21S69s21 Considerations on the measures carrying on with respect to the British colonies in North America, extract from, R8S74: 13 Considerations relative to the North American colonies, extract reprinted, PD30My66: 11 Consideratus, pseud. , PD11J166: 13 Conspiracies, against state of N. C. , D30c77:41 Conspiracy, fines for, in Philadelphia, Pa. , 2Ja52: 32 whipping for, in Philadelphia, Pa. , 2Ja52: 32 Constable, Robert, jailer, PD170c71: 32, R12Mr72:41 Constance's warehouse, Va. , PD27Ag72: 43 rent for, 29D38: 22 unclaimed tobacco In, P25Ag75: 81 Constant, ship, 3S56: 22 Constant Customer, pseud. , PD20Ap69: 11,P6S76:33 Constant Martha, ship, 12F62: 31 Constant Reader, pseud. ,R30Ag70: 22, PD20S70: 31, PD25Oc70: 22, D11N75:32 Constantine, Edward, 27Ag56: 32 Patrick, 27Ag56: 32 Constantine, Af. , war with Tunis, 14Mr55: 21 Constantinople, Turkey, attack on rumored, PD140c73: 12 conditions in, R29N70: 21 destruction of predicted, PD23S73: 22 fortification by Turks planned, PD24Je73: 13 fortification of, R23S73: 11, PDllN73sl3 insurrections in, 13Ja38: 22, PD25F68: 21, PD22N70: 11, PD13D70: 13, PD2D73s21 — R2D73: 22, R9D73: 12, P19My75: 13 denied, PD31Ja71: 21 rumored, PD11J171: 11 Moorish revolt in, PD24Mr74: 21 — R24Mr74: 22 police punish bakers in, PD5S71: 12 political news from, 9F39: 31 political unrest in, 29D38: 31 port of closed, PD4N73: 12 revolution in, PD170c71: 13— R170c71: 21 revolution in rumored, PD19S66: 11, PD8N70: 21, PD24Mr74: 22 riots in,DU175: 23 See also Antiquities discovered in; British navy to; Christians murdered in; Earthquakes; Epidemics in; Executions in; Famine in; Fires in; Fires near; Floods; Freemasons; Locusts in; Murders in; Plague; Provisions scarce in; Religious toleration violated in; Russian navy leaves; Russian navy to; Ships, British, captured by pirates near; Shipwrecks in; Storms in; Swedish navy; Turkish army in; Treasure discovered in Constitutional Guardian No. Ill, extract from,R14F71: 11 Constitutional post office, P15S75s23, P26Ap76: 21, P17My76: 33, P28Je76: 32 established, P130c75s22 in Williamsburg, Va. , announcement of, P3N75: 12 Constitutional society, subscription for relief of Boston, Mass. , PilOAg75: 32— PllAg75: 32— D12Ag75: 22 Construction superintendents, adv. for employment, D15Ag77: 62— P15Ag77:31 Consul, H. M. S. ,R31Mr74:22 245 Consuls, French Consuls, French, in Va. , D8Ja80: 43 Consumption, cure for, 80c36: 12, PD4Ap66: 41, PD29Ag71: 31, PD13Ag72: 22, Pi23N75: 33, D3Ag76:32--P6S76:42 Contancinau, Jean, D17J179: 21 Contee, John, P28F77sl3 Thomas, P160c78: 41 Content, armed ship, DllMr80: 22 brig, PD24D67: 23 Fr. man of war, 19S51:31 schooner, R12Ja69: 31, D30Oc79: 21 ship,D15Ja80:13 sloop, 12N36: 41, R14Ap74: 31 — PD28Ap74: 23, D17Ag76: 31, P30Ag76: 41 Contineau, Denis Nicholas, Capt. , of the Pallas, D15Ja80: 13 Continental agents, in Cape Francois, Santo Domingo, W. I. , D23Ja78: 21 in Martinique, W. I. ,D12D77: 11 — P12D77: 21 Continental army, address (text) to soldiers of, Pi20D75: 11 — D23D75:11 adjutant's pay regulated, P40c76sll — PHOc76: 51 arms for, P14Mr77: 31 See also Ammunition; Eighteen pounders for; Fieldpieces; Gunpowder assembled in N. Y. , P5Ap76: 22— D6Ap76: 31 at Pompton plains, N. J. ,D19Je79: 31 at Sandy Hook, N. J. , P19J176: 21 — D20J176: 12 attack on in N. J. attempted, D18Mr80: 31 attitude of British army toward, P30Ag76: 21— D31Ag76: 12 behavior of, P3My76: 22 bids for supplying adv. for,DlN76: 32— P1N76: 33 bounties on enlistments in, P12J176sll, P40c76sll--D110c76: 42, P29N76: 23, P6D76: 11,D4J177:42 bounties for reenlistments offered by Virginia, P20Mr78: 21 British attitude toward, D7S76: 21 British desert to, D20Je77: 31 burns forts in Ga. , D29My79: 22 cadets to from Va. , P28J175: 11— D29J175: 32 camp in Baskenridge, N. J. , described, D29Ja80: 23 casualties in, P15N76: 21 celebrates Burgoyne's surrender, D310c77: 11 in Williamsburg, Va. , D310c77: 21, P310c77:22 census of requested by Congress, P25Ap77: 21 characterized, D7N77: 12 charity for soldiers' families in Medford, Mass. , P5D77: 21 clothing donated for, P5D77: 22 commended for battle of Monmouth, N.J. .D17J178: 22 commissary general for southern department appointed, P19S77: 11 condition of, P18Ag75: 31 in Can. ,D10Ag76: 51 conditions in camp of, P60c75sll conduct praised, P10Ja77: 31 in Er.g. , Pil90c75: 13 — P20Pc75: 12— D210c75: 13 conduct of soldiers criticized, D25My76: 12 Conn, troops join, Pil7Ag75: 32 — P18Ag75: 11, Pi31Ag75: 31 conspiracies in, D20J176: 12 contractors meeting, P21F77: 22 council of war proceedings (text), PlAg77sl2 crosses Hudson river, N. Y. , C19Ag80: 12 North river, N. Y. , P13D76: 22, D17J178:31 decrease in advocated, D19Mr79: 12 defends Newark, N. J, , P7F77: 13 defends N. C. seacoast, P7Je76: 31 defenses near New York City, D110c76: 22 — PHOc76: 21 deserters from, P19Ja76: 21 — D20Ja76: 23. P23F76: 13 — D24F76:22. P14Mr77: 33, P28Mr77s22, P23My77: 32, D9Ap79: 32 adv. for, P28F77s21, P18Ap77s22, P18Ap77: 31, P18Ap77s32, P4J177: 33 death ordered by Washington, P26S77:21— D30c77:ll executed, P28Mr77s21 forced into British army,D20Je77: 22— P20Je77: 22 hanged, D23D75: 31 in Can. ,D11N75:23 in Leesburg, Va. , D23Ja78: 31 in Mass. , D4N75: 22, D23D75: 31 inN. Y. ,D30S75:22 in Richmond, Va. , C27N79: 22 in Va. , P160c78: 33 in White Plains, N. Y. , P22N76: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , P17My76: 33, D22My79:41 number of estimated, C6N79": 13 proclamation (text) for apprehension in Va. , P25Ap77: 22 deserters offered pardons by Washington, D2Ap79: 21 desertions from explained in Commons, C6N79: 11 reported in Fr. ,D12F79: 31 discipline in, D30S75: 22 distinctions between officers and privates, P14Je76: 21— D15Je76: 41 distribution in N. Y. .D31J179: 21 drafting for discussed in Commons, C30Oc79: 13 drafting for in Va. , authorized by assembly, D4J177: 42 duration of enlistment discussed in Continental congress, P6D76: 13 eflect ol short enlistments on, D27D76: 12--P27D76: 13 entrenched on Cobble hill, Mass. , D23D75: 31 escape from British off Delaware capes, P24Ja77: 11 false reports of, in Va. , P11J177: 33 fighting method discussed, D280c75: 13 financial support from Pa. ,D140c75: 23 forbidden to quarter in Fredericksburg, Va. , P12D77: 31 formation completed, D1J175: 31 forming of discussed, P9Je75: 23 French officers to join, P25J177: 23 from Boston, Mass. , to Bound Brook, N. J. ,D4J177: 71 to New York City, P12Ap76: 23 — D13Ap76: 31 from N. Y. to Pa. , P29My78: 22 from Newburyport, Mass. , to Can. , Pil90c75:22 from Petersburg, Va. , to Charleston, S. C. ,DllMr80:32 from R. I. to New London, Conn. , P15N76: 21 from Ticonderoga, N. Y. , to Isle aux Noix, Can. , Pil90c75: 23 gambling forbidden, P30My77: 11 Georgia battalion of, D19D77; 32 Germans in, D24Je75: 12 headquarters at Smith's tavern, N. Y. , C3J179: 22— D3J179: 21 in Fishkill, N. Y. , P30Oc78: 31 in Morristown, N. J. , D24Ja77: 31 in Wilmington, Del. , D12S77: 22 — P12S77: 23 moved to Fredericksburg, Va. , D160c78: 31 — P160c78: 22 moved to Middle Brook, N. J. , P13Je77: 31, D20Je77: 12 — P20Je77: 22 to be removed, P4Ap77: 22 health and discipline in, D25J177: 22 — P25J177: 21 health of,D20c79:21 Hessians bribed to join, P13S76sl2— D14S76: 51 horses of, D19S77: 41, D30c77: 41 in Bristol, N. J. , number of troops in, P20D76sl2 in Bucks co. , Pa. , number of troops in,D3Ja77: 11 — P3Ja77sl2 in Cambridge, Mass. , arms for, P5Ja76(5)s21 in Cambridge, Mass. , number of troops in, P5Ap76: 22 preparations in, P9Je75sl2 — D10Je75: 21 in Can. , number of troops in, D20Ja76: 22 — Pi20Ja76: 31, P14Je76p32 statistics on, P6S76: 32 in Chambly, Can. , Pi30N75: 22 in Charleston, S. C. , P5Ap76: 31, D19F80: 22 in Chestnut Hill, Pa. , D310c77: 11 in Crown point, N. Y. , number ot troops in,D30S75: 22 in Elizabethtown, N. J. , P9Ag76: 22 in Germantown, Pa. , P8Ag77: 23, P7N77sll in Hackensack, N. J. , P17Ja77: 22 in La Prairie, Can. , Pi30N75: 22 in Lancaster, Pa. , P21N77: 11 in Morristown. N. J. , D31Ja77: 61 in [New] Brunswick, N. J. ,D20D76: 11 — P20D76sll in N. J. , D20J176: 41 , P25Ap77: 1 1 attack on British rumored, D7F77: 12 — P7F77: 21 size of, P24Ja77: 11 in N. Y. , P19Ap76pl3, P19J176: 22 enumerated, D29N76: 51 in New York City, D27Ap76: 41, DllMy76:32 number of troops in, P6S76: 22, D14S76: 12 in Pluckemin, N. J. , celebrates 246 Continental army alliance with Fr. ,D12Mr79: 21 in Princeton, N. J. , P10J178: 11 in Purysburg, S. C. , D20N79: 22 in Quebec, Can. , P10My76: 31, P17My76: 23 number of troops in, Pil9Ja76: 32, P31My76: 23 reinforcements for, P16F76: 31, P23F76: 21--D24F76: 22, PlMr76: 21, P15Mr76sl2, P24My76: 13 — D25My76: 32 in Sorel, Quebec, Can. , P21Je76: 22 — D22Je76: 51 in Stillwater, N. Y. , D29Ag77: 12 in Ticonderoga, N. Y. , D17Ag76: 21 number of troops in, D30S75: 22, D31Ag76: 21, D180c76: 12-- P180c76:21,PlAg77sl2 in West Point, N. Y. , drilling of, C6N79: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , P7Mr77: 32, P28Mr77s22, PllAp77: 22 in Worth Castle, N. Y. , D29N76: 32 in York, Pa. , reinforcements for, D28N77: 21, D5D77: 11--P5D77: 22 increase in promoted, D8My79: 21 increase reported by Washington, D310c77: 11 increases, P6Je77: 22 inoculated against smallpox, P16My77:31,Pl9S77:21 instructions for enlisting in, PilOAg75: 33 Invalid corps, organization and duties outlined, D11J177: 21 invasion of Canada explained, Pil9Oc75s21--P20Oc75sl2 joined by British, Pi260c75: 22, D4N75: 22 joined by Canadians, P130c75s22, D210c75: 23, P270c75s22, D280c75: 32, P29D75s21 joined by Danes, D4N75: 22 joined by Germans, D4N75: 22 joined by Md. troops, Pi7S75: 11— D9S75: 23 joined by Pa. troops, Pi7S75: 11— D9S75: 23 joined by Paxton boys, Pi260c75: 31 joined by Phila. troops, Pi7S75: 11 joined by Va. rifle company, Pi7S75: 11 joined by Va. troops, D19Ag75: 32, D2S75: 32, Pi7S75: 11--D9S75: 23 in N. Y. ,P6D76:31 joined by York co. , Pa. , troops, Pil7Ag75: 32--P18Ag75: 31— D19Ag75: 32 kills British troops in N. Y. ,D15Ja80: 22 marches from Williamsburg, Va. , north, P20Mr78: 22 marches against St. Augustine, Fla. , P30My77: 23 marches toward North river, N. Y. , DlAg77: H--PlAg77: 22 marching rate praised, D4S79: 21 Md. troops join, Pil7Ag75: 32— P18Ag75: 21--D19Ag75: 31, D19Ag75:32 Mass. troops in, P12Ja76: 22 — D13Ja76: 22 misdemeanors regulated by Congress, D4D78: 21 morale in Trenton, N. J. , D20D76: 11 — P20D76sll morale of, Pi6J175: 32— P7J175: 21 — D8J175: 32, Pi7S75: 11, P15S75s21, D27Je77: 22--P27Je77: 22, D4J177: 72--P4J177: 23, D18J177: 31, P8Ag77: 23, P5S77: 22, D26S77: 21 — P26S77: 23, D10Oc77: ll--P10Oc77: 21, D170c77: 11, D240c77: 21, D5Mr79: 22, C15J180:21 in Morris co. , East Jersey, D24Ja77: 22--P24Ja77: 11 morals of discussed, DllMy76: 22 morality regulated in Va. , P28Je76: 23 movements in Pa. defended, P170c77: 22 near Philadelphia, Pa. , P26S77: 23 near Boston, Mass. , health condition of, P18Ag75: 22--D19Ag75: 32 near Chad's ford, Pa. , P26S77: 13 near Danbury, Conn. , D90c78: 31 near Montreal, Can. , Pi30N75: 22 near [New] Brunswick, N. J. , number of troops in, P23My77: 22 near New York City, PHOc76: 23, D180c76: 12--P180c76: 21 near Philadelphia, Pa. , P29Ag77: 31 celebrate N. Y. victory, D240c77: 12 near Swede's ford, Pa. , P10Oc77: 22 N. H. troops in, P12Ja76: 22— D13Ja76: 22 northern department, administration criticized, D15Ag77: 42 militias ordered to, D22Ag77: 21 — P22Ag77: 23 success prophesied, P170c77: 21 number of troops in, D24Je75: 13, Pi6J175: 32--P7J175: 21--D8J175: 32, D2S75: 32, P15S75s21, D3F76: 41, D13Je77: 21--P13Je77: 31, C6N79: 11, C6N79: 13 in Boston, Mass. , P21J175s32 in Mass. , P23Je75s22 in N. J. , D27Je77: 22—P27Je77: 23 in N. Y. , P23Je75s22, P21J175s32, C3J179: 22 voted, Pi28S75: 22 — P29S75: 11 officers address soldiers, D6Ja76: 12 appointed in, P15Mr76sl2, P5Ap76: 32, D18Ap77: 62 cashiered in, P22S75: 22, P6S76: 22 — D7S76: 31 ordered to report, P12S77: 31, D24Ap78: 22 ordered to submit returns, P2My77s31 promoted, P27S76sll on Brandywine creek, Pa. ,D19S77: 31 — P19S77: 21 on Cobble hill, Mass. , P22D75: 31 on Delaware river, D27D76: 21-- P27D76: 21 on Lake Champlain, statistics on, P6S76: 32 on Schuylkill river, Pa. , D26S77: 22 ordered from Fredericksburg, Va. , to Alexandria, Va. , P12D77: 31 to Lancaster, Pa. , P12D77: 31 ordered to headquarters, D11D79: 21 — C11D79: 11 to N.Y. .P7J175: 21 passes through Philadelphia, Pa. , D24Ag76: 71 pay for, Pi28S75: 22--P29S75: 11, P21Ag78: 11 Pa. troops join, Pi3Ag75: 31 — P4Ag75pll, Pil7Ag75: 32— P18Ag75: 21 — D19Ag75: 31 pensions for disabilities, P13S76: 31 Philadelphia, Pa. , troops join, Pil7Ag75: 32 — P18Ag75: 11 — D19Ag75: 31 plundering by troops prevented, D12F80:22 plundering prohibited by Gen. Washington, P7F77: 13 position around Boston, Mass. described, P8S75sl3 position in Mass. , Pi3Ag75: 31 — P4Ag75pll, Pi3Ag75: 33— D5Ag75: 32 praise of, D23Mr76: 21, D30Mr76: 31 promotions in, D7Mr77: 61 propaganda in, D26Ag75: 23 provisions for,D21F77: 12 — P21F77: 41, D28N77: 21 — P28N77: 22 in Montreal, Can. , P8D75: 21 in Quebec, Can. , D18My76: 32, P24My76: 12 procured in Boston, P14Mr77: 22 Va. draftees to, P6Mr78: 11 See also Bacon; Beef; Biscuits; Blankets; Bread; Cattle; Clothing provisions plentiful, D3F76: 41 in Cambridge, Mass. , P15S75s21 qualifications for,D6Ja76: 12 reconnoitres below Wilmington, Del. , P5S77: 22 recruited by Continental congress, Pil90c75: 12 recruiting for, D14Mr77: 32 authorized, Pi22Je75: 31 difficult, C30Oc79: 13 encouraged, P6Je77: 22 in Boston,. Mass. , P7F77: 21 in Eng. ,D140c75: 22 in Fr. ,D18Ap77:21 in Md. , P21J175s33 in Mass. , P14Mr77: 22 in Va. , P21J175s33, P180c76: 22, D4J177:41,P5Je78: 22 regulated, P26Ap76s23 recruiting instructions for,D3Ja77. 11 recruiting officers, ordered to report, P30My77: 32 recruiting orders by Congress, P7J175: 21, P7J175: 23, P28J175: 21, P40c76sll recruiting regulations, D7Mr77: 62, P14Mr77: 31 recommended by Congress, P25Ap77: 21 recruits for in Va. , collection ordered, P3Ap78: 21 ordered to report, D24Ap78: 41 reestablishment of considered, Pi9N75: 22--P10N75: 13— D11N75: 21 regiments raised in Va. , P5Je78: 31 regiments reduced, D6Ja76: 12 regulations (text) adopted by Congress, D22J175: 31,D29J175: 12 reinforced in Pa. , P24Ja77: 12 reinforcements for, Pi9N75: 23 — P10N75: 22— D11N75: 31, P9My77: 22 religion among soldiers in,D17Ja77: 11 retires to Crown point, N. Y. , P2Ag76: 23— D3Ag76: 11 retreat from Fort Lee, N. Y. , to Newark, N.J. ,D13D76:22 Quebec, Can., described, D8Je76: 61 retreats to Deschambault, Quebec, Can. , D40c76: 61 247 Continental army, retreats (cont'd) toward Philadelphia, Pa. , P13D76: 21 to Trenton, N. J. , P13D76: 22 reviewed by French ambassador, D8My79: 21 in Cambridge, Mass. , D22J175: 33 — P22J175s23 in Philadelphia, Pa. , P14Je76: 23, D18J177: 31--P18JT77: 22 rewarded for conduct at Paulus (Powles) Hook, N. J. , D160c79: 21 St. Francois Indians join, D16S75: 21 skirmish with Canadians, D4My76: 33 near Quebec, Can. , D18My76: 32 smallpox among, in Can. , D13J176: 62 soldiers as waggoners, D7Mr 77: 21 conduct praised, in Portsmouth, Va. , D27S76: 41 escaped from Dumfries, Va. , jail, P170c77:33 ordered to join companies, P10Oc77: 31 ordered to join regiments, P230c78: 11 ordered to return, P21F77: 23, D2Ap79: 21 state troops added to,D24Je75: 23, P22J175sl3--D29J175: 23 subsistence of discussed, D6Ap76: 12 substitutes hired, P23My77: 31, P170c77:31,C27N79:22 surplus supplies for sale, P21Ag78: 41 supported in Can. , Pi23D75: 21 in London, Eng. , PlMr76: 21 — D2Mr76: 21 thanked by Congress for Germantown battle, D240c77: 11 — P240c77: 22 titles denied officers by British, D3Ag76: 12 to Boston, Mass. , P7J175: 21 from Va. , P7J175: 23 to Can. , D24F76: 32, P17My76: 22 to Chelsea, Mass. , Pi9D75: 41 to Crown Point, N. Y. , from Boston, Mass. , P9Ag76: 33 to Eastern Shore, Md. , D5S77: 12 — P5S77: 21 to Germantown, Pa. , D26S77: 12 — P26S77: 23 to Isle aux Noix, Can. , D10Ag76: 51 to New England, D90c78: 32 to N. J. , P19Je78: 21, P19Je78: 22 divisions listed, P19Je78: 21 to N. Y. , D20Ap76: 23, P10J178: 22, D19Je79: 22, C13N79: 11 to New York City, from Boston, Mass. , P9Ag76: 33 to Phila. , Pa. , D8Ag77: 21 — P8Ag77: 22, P8Ag77: 23 to Philadelphia, Pa. , from Va. , P24Ja77: 12 to Redbank, N. J. , P310c77: 21 to R. I. , D22N76: 22--P22N76: 23 to Stillwater, N. Y. , D30c77: 22 to Ticonderoga, N. Y. , from Crown Point, N. Y. ,D10Ag76: 52 toasted by Conn, troops, P22J175s21 — D29J175: 31 toasted in N. Y. , D13J176: 42 treatment of enemies, orders on, DllAp77:31 troops join, Pi31Ag75: 32 uniforms of described, Pil90c75: 13 — P20Oc75: 13--D210c75: 13 volunteers for, D3F76: 41 from Va. , Pi3Ag75: 32— D5Ag75: 23 waggoners for adv. for, P160c78: 41 Washington takes command of, P23Je75s21 weaknesses of, P21F77: 31 winter quarters for, D19F79: 31 withdrawal from N. J. rumored, D12Je79: 21 wounded cared for in N. Y. ,D10Oc77: 11- P10Oc77: 21 See also Commissaries, Continental; Flying camp Continental artillery, deserters from, P30c77: 23 in Va. ,P6Mr78:41 ordered to report, P27Mr78: 11 praised by British, D17J178: 22 Continental battalion, 2nd, deserters from, adv. for, D7Mr77: 21 Continental battalion, 3rd, officers ordered to report, P24Ja77: 23 Continental battalion, 10th, formed, P21F77: 23--D28F77: 32 Continental battalion, 15th, deserters from, D28Mr77: 21 in Eng. , PllAp77: 23 Continental congress, first, Pi6Ap75sl3 address (text) to inhabitants of British colonies, PD3N74: 22— Pi4N74: 22 of Gt. Brit. , PD3N74: 12--Pi4N74: 12 address to king laid before parliament, Pil6Mr75: 23— P17Mr75: 23 — D18Mr75: 12 address (text) to Quebec, Can. , PD10N74: 31 — P110N74: 13 adjourns, PD270c74: 23 — Pi270c74: 31 adoption of Suffolk co. , Mass. , resolutions opposed, P24F75sl2 attitude toward in Gt. Brit. , P31Mr75:22 delegates to listed, Pi270c74: 23 praised, Pi23Mr75: 32 elects chairman and secretary, PD15S74: 31 — R15S74: 32 entertained in Philadelphia, Pa. , PD60c74: 23 — Pi60c74: 32 founded on principles of liberty, PD24N74:21 French and Spanish interest in, PD10N74: 13 Ga. divided on, Pi270c74: 22 held treasonable in Eng. , P3Mr75: 32— D4Mr75: 21 importance disregarded in Eng. , Pi60c74: 32 importance of resolutions in Gt. Brit. , P7Ap75: 21 journal of, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , D28Ja75: 12, DlAp75: 12 journal of, published, PD8D74: 31 reprinted, D21Ja75: 11, D28Ja75: 11 legality discussed in London, Eng. , Pi24N74: 12 of petitions discussed, Pil6Mr75: 31 — P17Mr75sl3— D18Mr75: 22 letter (text) from Boston, Mass. , committee, PD270c74: 22 letter to Gen. Gage, PD10N74: 11 — PilON74: 12, D28Ja75: 11 meeting date decided, R14J174: 23— PD21J174: 13 members of praised, P10F75: 21 opinions of in Eng. , Pil3Ap75: 32 opposed, P3Mr75s23 by Mass. Tories, Pi2F75: 22 in British colonies, N. Am. , Pil3Ap75: 32 in Eng. , PD10N74: 13 in N. Y. , Pi30Mr75: 13, P28Ap75: 22 petition to Commons ignored, P5My75s42 to king discussed, PD22D74: 11, P31Mr75:23 petitions Commons. Pi23Mr75: 23 king, Pi23Mr75: 23 (text) George m, Pi2F75: 31 — P3F75sll — DllF75sll praised, Pi270c74: 21 in Eng. , Pi6Ap75: 31 — P7Ap75: 23 — D8Ap75:31 proceedings of published in London, Eng. , papers, Pi26Ja75: 13 received in Eng. , P17F75sl2— D18F75: 23 proceedings to be published in Williamsburg, Va. , PD10N74: 12 proposed in Boston, Mass. , Pi8Je75: 11 in N. Y. , R9Je74s22 in Philadelphia, Pa. , PD2Je74: 23, PD23Je74: 22— R23Je74: 32, PD7J174: 21— R7JT74: 22 proposes second Congress, PD10N74:11 — PilON74: 12 proposes meeting of Continental congress, second, D28Ja75: 12 recompense for Boston tea party rumored, D7Ja75: 21 resolutions (text) of, Pi29S74: 33— PD60c74: 31, PD60c74: 22, PilON74:ll — PD17N74: 11, PD10N74: 11 — PU0N74: 12, PU7N74: 32 resolutions of discussed in Gt. Brit. , Pil6Mr75: 33 — P17Mr75s41 — D18Mr75: 32 of supported in R. I. , D28Ja75: 21 printed, PD17N74: 21 result of awaited in Eng. , PD20Oc74sll ridiculed in Norfolk, Va. , paper, PD10N74: 33 rules of conduct, D21Ja75: 11 suggestions to discussed, PD270c74: 11 supported by Pa. general assembly, PD29D74: 31 — Pi29D74: 22 in Botetourt co. , Va. , DllMr75: 32 in British colonies, N. Am. , PD7J174: 23, R7J174: 31, R28J174: 13, Pi270c74: 13 in Charles co. , Md. , R7J174: 31 in Del. , PD25Ag74: 13 in Eng. , Pi20Oc74: 31 in Fairfax co. , Va. , R4Ag74: 22 in Frederick co. , Md. , R7J174: 31 in Henrico co. , Va. , PD28J174s21 — R28J174: 31 in London, Eng. , PD130c74: 21 in Lords, D29Ap75sll in Md. , PilD74: 21 in Mass. , PD7J174: 22, R7J174: 23 in Middlesex co. , Mass. , Pi60c74: 23 in Nansemond co. , Va. , PD28J174s22 in Norfolk, Va. . PD14J174: 31 in Pa. , PDllAg74: 23— R4Ag74: 31, PD18Ag74: 21 in Philadelphia, Pa. , PD14J174: 23 in Suffolk co. , Mass. , PD60c74: 22 — Pi60c74: 31 in Va. , PDllAg74: 12— RllAg74: 23 in Wilmington, Del. , R1S74: 23 in York co. , Va. , PD21J174pll — R21J174: 22 248 Continental congress toasted in James City co. , Va. , PD1D74: 23--PUD74: 32 Continental congress, second, account (text) of battle of Lexington and Concord sent to, P26My75s31 acts of, 1775, Pi28S75: 22— P29S75: 11 address (text) of, 1776, D27D76: 11 address to Can. , Pi22 Je75: 32, P23Je75s21 address (text) to Gt. Brit. , D22J175: 21 address to inhabitants of U. S. , D12Je79:31,D19Je79:ll address (text) to Ire. , Pil7Ag75: 22— D19Ag75:ll address (text) to king, D2S75: 22 addressed (text) by Louis XVI, D11D79:21 adjourned, P4Ag75p21, PllAg75p22, D12Ag75: 33, Pil7Ag75: 32— P18Ag75: 22 adjourns from Baltimore, Md. , to Philadelphia, Pa. , P14Mr77: 22 admired by Ger. , D27Ja76: 12 advises government for N. H. and S. C. , D23D75:31 agrees to pay Va. regiments, D30Mr76:23 appoints commissary general for southern department, P19S77: 11 appoints committee to meet with Lord Howe, D40c76: 22— P40c76: 22 appoints fast day, P29Mr76: 23, P10My76: 31--DllMy76: 33, D18My76: 33, D25My76: 22 appoints Patrick Henry col. of 1st Va. regiment, D9Mr76: 23 appoints Thanksgiving day, C20N79:13— D20N79:11 approves constitution of S. C. , D18My76:13 arranges for supplying Continental army, D1N76: 32--P1N76: 33 attends Drayton's funeral, D25S79: 21 attends funeral of Peyton Randolph, Pi9N75: 23— P10N75: 22— D11N75: 23 attitude of army toward, P15Mr76s23 attitude toward in Gt. Brit. , D18My76:33 authorizes reprisals, P3My76: 32 British commissioners appointed to, PlMr76: 22— D2Mr76: 21 Cato quoted in, Pi50c75: 32--P60c75: 13 celebrates French-U. S. alliance, D5Mr79:31 chaplain appointed, P2Ag76: 22 character of discussed in Lords, P15Mr76: 12— D16Mr76: 12 compared to barons of early Britain, Pi6J175:13 committee on British peace proposals reports, D40c76: 22--P40c76: 22 conciliation plan presented in Eng. , P17N75:22— D18N75.-21 confiscates estate of John Stuart, P5Ap76:32 declaration of read at Harvard college, PilOAg75: 32— PllAg75pl2 declarations (text) of, 1775, P29D75: 21 — D30D75: 23 — Pi30D75: 11 on taking up arms, Pi20J175: 22— P21 J175s21— D22 J175: 12 declarations read in Boston, Mass. , PilOAg75: 32— PllAg75pl3— D12Ag75:31 declines Va. reinforcements, P21Ag78:42 delegates chosen, P23My77:23, D26 Je79: 31, C18D79: 11— D18D79: 21 delegates from Va. , Pi31Ag75: 32 discusses conciliation plan by North, Pil7Ag75: 31— D19Ag75: 13 elects officers, P26My75s31 — D27My75:33 erects monument to Gen. Montgomery, D24F76:32 establishes medical service for army, P27Je77:ll franking privilege for members, P24N75sll— D25N75:31 French minister received in, P21Ag78:22 grants money to R. I. , D20Ja76: 22 hears valedictory address at Philadelphia college, Pa. , Pi29Je75:12 in York, Pa. , D10Oc77: 21— P10Oc77: 22 independence resolves rumored in Eng. , D70c75:ll issues proclamation of thanksgiving, D4N80:11 junto organized in, D17J179: 21 legality of defended, P8Mr76: 11 letter (text) from Adams, D4D78: 22 from Gates, D29N76: 22--P29N76: 12 from Maxwell, D19Mr79: 22 from St. Clair, PlAg77sll from Schuyler, D22My79: 22 from Stirling, D6N78: 22 from Washington, D40c76: 21 — P40c76: 13, Dll J177: 11--P11 J177: 22, P18 J177: 22, Dll J177: 21--P11 J177: 23, DlAg77: 11— PlAg77: 21, D8Ag77: 12, D26S77: 11— P26S77: 21, P10J178: 11, D17J178: 12, P30Oc78: 32, D12F80: 21, C15J180:11 sent to by Gates, D12S77: 12— P12S77:21 sent to by Schuyler, D5S77: 11— P5S77:12 sent to by Washington, D19S77: 11 to constituents of, D90c79: 12 letter to London, Eng. , livery, P5Ja76:23 manifestos (text) of, 1778, D4D78: 11 meets with Indian chiefs, D8 Je76: 61 — P14Je76:21 merchandise imported for, D27D76: 12 moved to Baltimore, Md. , D20D76: 12, D27D76: 12— P27D76: 13 oath required to vote for, D12Mr79: 21 offers conciliation plan to Gt. Brit., Pi21S75:32, Pi50c75: 23 opposed by British, Dl J175: 23 by Dunmore, Pi6Ap75sl3 by Martin, Pi4My75: 22 by Pa. general assembly, D15Je76: 41 in Cape Nichola, Hispaniola, W. I. , P12Ja76:22 inN.Y.,DlJ175:22 in U.S.,D12Mr79:12 opposes British treatment of prisoners, C28Ag79:12 conciliation rumored, D70c75: 22 orders capture of Tories in Queens co. , N. Y. ,D10F76:31 enlistment of Va. battalions, D40c76:71 — P40c76sll fast days,P5Ap76:ll funeral oration for Montgomery, P23F76:31— D24F76: 23 imprisonment of Prescot, D24F76: 31 Mass. troops to N. Y. , P26 J176: 23 of, 1776,P6D76:31 of, 1777, P21F77:22, P2My77s31, D4J177: 21, P25 J177: 32, D28N77: 21 — P28N77:22 of, 1778,D6N78:22 Pa. militia to N.Y. ,P5J176: 22 raising of troops in Ga. , Pi6D75: 31 outlaw of proposed, Dl 7 Je75sl 2 pays Va. battalions, PI 5Mr 76: 22— D16Mr76:33 peace settlements to be made through, P10My76:42 petition of Nov. , 1775, P15Mr76: 12— D16Mr76:12 presented in Lords, P16F76: 12— D17F76:22 presented to Geo. m, P8Mr76: 21— D9Mr76:21 rejected by Gt. Brit. , P8Mr76: 32 to be presented to Privy council, D18N75:12 to king, P15D75:11 to king, 1775,D10F76:23 to king ignored, P24N75sll--D25N75: 31 petitions ignored in Eng. , Pi9N75: 33, D18N75:13 political power of advocated in S. C. , D18My76:22 popular support of, Pi50c75: 31 — P60c75:12 postpones drawing U. S. lottery, P5S77:23 praised in Commons, D26Je79: 21 president appointed, P9Je75s23— D10Je75:31 prestige in America, D4My76: 13 proceedings criticized, D17J179: 22 proclamations (text) of, 1778, P29My78:ll of, 1779,D9Ap79:22 promotes Charles Scott, P18Ap77sll loans, D230c79: 22— C6N79: 33 proposals from British ministry, P28Ap75s42 Prussian sent to, D20Je77: 22 questions addressed to, P10My76: 32— DllMy76:41 recognition of, D18My76: 13 refused by Commons, P16F76: 13— D17F76:22 recognized by S.C. , P26Ap76s22— D27Ap76:32 in Eng. ,D14S76:12 recommendations of, 1775, Pi22Je75: 33, P23Je75s21 of, 1777, P14N77:22, D14N77:22 recommends fast day, DllMy76: 22 fortification of Lake George, N. Y. , PilJe75:31 removal of inhabitants from New York City, P23F76: 31--D24F76: 23 reconvenes, P22S75: 23--D23S75: 23 refuses peace offers from Howe, P12D77:22 regulates bounties for enlistments in army, P29N76:23 Indians affairs, P8S75sl3— Pil4S75: 11 regulations (text) for Continental army, D22J175:31,D29J175:12 for seamen, P18Ap77s43 249 Continental congress, second (cont'd) replacement rumored, D29 Je76: 21 resolutions (text) of, 1775, P2Je75: 22--D3Je75: 22, D10Je75: 21 — P16 Je75: 21, P7J175: 21, D22 J175: 21 — P22J175s31, D5Ag75: 31, D16S75: 23, P17N75: 32, PilOJa76: 22— P12 Ja76: 31— D13Ja76: 31, P19Ja76: ll--D27Ja76: 13, P19 Ja76: 32--D20Ja76: 13— Pi20 Ja76: 22 of, 1776, D23Mr76:31,D30Mr76:23, P12Ap76: 11, D13Ap76: 31 — P19Ap76: 11, P19Ap76pll— D20Ap76: 23, P26Ap76s22— D27Ap76: 32, P10My76: 11— DllMy76: 33, P24My76: 11, P31My76:ll--DlJe76:21, P14 Je76: 21--D15 Je76: 32, D15 Je76: 41, D29 Je76: 31, D6J176: 21, D6J176: 52, P12J176sll, D3Ag76: 12, P9Ag76: 11 — D10Ag76: 12, P9Ag76: 31— D10Ag76: 41, P16Ag76: 13, P27S76: 11, P40c76sll — DHOc76: 42, DHOc76: 51, P180c76: 22, P122N76: 11, D22N76: 22— P22N76: 11, P22N76: 23--D29N76: 31, P6D76: 22, P10Ja77:31,D31Ja77:61 of, 1777, P14Mr77:31,D14Mr77:32, P28Mr77s21, D25Ap77: 21, P25Ap77: 21, P23My77: 21, P30My77: 32, Dll J177: 21, D15Ag77: 52— P15Ag77sl2, D22Ag77: 21, P12S77: 23— D19S77: 31 , P26S77: 22— D30c77: 12, D19D77: 12, D23Ja78:22 of, 1778,D8My78:31,D15My78:21, P19Je78: 31, D17 J178: 22, D90c78: 21, D30Oc78:31,D4D78:21 of, 1779,D19F79:22,D5Mr79:31, C15My79: 23--D15My79: 11, D31J179: 11, D7Ag79: 22, D160c79: 21, C30Oc79: 13, CllD79:ll,D29Ja80:32 of, 1780,D8Ap80sll on loan office certificates, P10Oc77: 23 reviews Philadelphia, Pa. , troops, Pi22Je75: 23, Dl J175: 32, P14Je76: 23 revolt against by Philadelphia, Pa. , rumored, D8Ja80: 23 supported by Gov. Johnstone, Pi25My75: 31 — P26My75sll — D27My75:ll by Mohawks rumored, Pi3Ag75: 32 by N. C. general assembly, Pil8My75: 22 by women in colonies, P12My75: 13 in Hispaniola, W. I. , D20Ja76: 22 in N. Y. , D3Je75: 11, D13 Ja76: 22 supports conciliation with Gt. Brit. , D13Ap76:22 to decide on independence, P21 Je76: 23 to move to Baltimore, Md. , P20D76sl2 toasted by Conn, troops, P22J175s21 — D29J175:31 by Newport, R.I. , militia, PillMy75: 31 in Dublin, Ire. , Pi260c75: 21 — D280c75:22 in N. Y. ,D13J176:42 in Norfolk, Va. , P12J176: 13 tribute to, P17My76: 31 tyranny criticized by Tories, C15My79: 13 tyranny of, C30Oc79: 13 united in opposition to Gt. Brit. , D3F76:41 unity in, D12Je79:22 urged to accept Dec. of Independence, P8Mr76sll Continental congresses, delegates, See Name of colony governors ordered to oppose, Pi30Mr75: ll — P31Mr75sl2— DlAp75:31,D22Ap75: 22 Continental dragoons, in Phila. , Pa. , P21Ag78:22 Continental hospital, in Williamsburg, Va. ,P26J176:31 adv. for old linen, P21Je76: 31 Continental loan offices, hold bills of exchange, D29 Ja80: 31 interest paid in specie, P23My77: 22 Continental marine agents, in Portsmouth, Va. , P16My77: 32— D23My77: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , P16My77: 32— D23My77: 31 Continental marines, attack New Providence, W. I. , D18My76: 12 in New Providence, W. I. , D4My76: 32 killed by Indians, in Tybee island, Ga. , D18My76:21 rank regulated by Congress, D22N76: 22 Continental navy, allowed in Texel, Holl.,DllMr80:31 attacked by British in Del. river, P7N77sl2 bounties for enlistments in, D15Ja80: 13 British and Irish in, D15 Ja80: 13 cannonading by, near Philadelphia, Pa. , D310c77: 11— P310c77: 21, P310c77:22 capture of British ship off Nfd. , described, D8Ag77: 12— P8Ag77: 21 captures British ships, P16Ag76: 31 — D17Ag76: 12, D18J177: 21, D15Ag77: 31, D26Je79:21 in Nantasket road, Mass. , D17Ag76: 12 near N. S. , D24Ja77: 21 off Nfd. , D8Ag77: 11 — P8Ag77: 21 carries dispatches to Congress, D24Ap78:22 casualties in, P16Ag76: 23— D17Ag76: 21 cruise of ship described, D11S79: 21, D20c79:21 off Fla. , D26F80: 23 cruises out of Holl. , DllMr80: 12 desertion to Eng. increase, D20c79: 11 drive British down Del. river, P28N77:21 drive British from Long island, N. Y. , D6J176:11 encouraged in Mass. , P8D75: 21 Europeans in, D15 Ja80: 13 flag of described, DllMy76: 23 forced out of Amsterdam, Holl. , DlAp80:12 French in, D15 Ja80: 13 from Brest, Fr. , to Ire. , D15 Ja80: 12 to Wales,D15Ja80:12 from New London, Conn. . to Newport, R.I.,DUMy76:31 from Newport, R. I. , to Boston bay, D8Je76:61 from Providence, S. C. , to Cape Fear, N.C., rumored, P5Ap76: 32 in Boston, Mass. , D25S79: 21 in Charleston, S. C. , D13Ap76: 32 in Del. river, holds against British, D14N77:22 in Lake Champlain near Crown Point, N. Y. , P13S76: 22--D14S76: 31 in Nantasket road, Mass. , rumored, P12Ap76:23 in New London, Conn. , D20Ap76: 31, P3My76:22 ships listed, DllMy76: 32 in Texel, Holl. , DllMr80: 21 in Ticonderoga, N. Y. , ships classified, D31Ag76: 21 leaves New London, Conn. , D18My76:32 near St. Christopher, W.I. , D14S76:12 number of ships off Sunderland, Eng. , D15Ja80:12 off Charleston, S. C. , D8Ap80: 23 off Eng. ,D8Ja80:22 prizes regulated by Congress, D22N76:22--P22N76:11 protects Providence, R. I. , D21F77: 11 pursued by British off Eng. , D15 Ja80: 21 pursues British transports, P6 Je77: 23 recaptures ship from British, D20Ja76:21 sailors runaway from Morris (con- tinental brig), D17J178: 32 sails from Fr. , C13N79: 12 from Philadelphia, Pa. , D2Mr76: 23 ships built in Providence, R. I. , D22N76:22--P22N76:22 ships captured by, P10Oc77: 11, D10Oc77:21 by British, D6 Je77: 12, DlAg77: 11, P22Ag77: 23, D2Ap79: 12, D18Mr80: 23 by British at Capes, Va. , D6 Je77: 21 by British in N. S. , D4 J177: 71 by British off Boston, Mass. , D6N78:22 ships carry army provisions, D30My77: 21 — P30My77: 22 ships classified, D17F76: 32 ships destroyed in Bordentown, N. J. , P29My78:22 ships for, D20Ap76: 21 ships launched, P2Ag76: 22, P9Ag76: 22 in Newburyport, Mass. , P9Ag76: 13— D10Ag76: 31 in Philadelphia, Pa. , P23Ag76: 22— D24Ag76: 71 in Portsmouth, N. H. , D22Je76: 41 — P28Je76:12 in Providence, R. I. , D8 Je76: 32 terms (text) of enlistment in, D20Ja76: 11 to Crown Point, N. Y. , from Ticonderoga, N. Y. , statistics on, P30Ag76: 23 to New York City from New Providence, W.I. ,D27Ap76:32 to R.I. from New London, Conn. , DllMy76:33 to St. Augustine, Fla. , P30My77: 23 toasted in N. Y. , D13 J176: 42 welcomed in Sp. , D12F79: 22 Continental regiment, second, D1N76:32— P1N76: 33 Continental regiment, third, deserters from, pardons offered to, D12Mr79:32 Continental regiment, seventh, D1N76:32— P1N76:33 deserters from, adv. for, P25Ap77: 31 Continental regiment, 15th, recruiting for regulated, P30My77: 11 Continental stores, destroyed in Danbury, Conn. , D16My77: 12— P16My77: 21, D23My77: 22 Continentalist, pseud. , D19S77: 21 250 Convict servants Contraband, between Batavia and New Spain, lAg51: 31 Cork, Ire. and Martinique, W. I. , 16My45:32 Den. and Fr. , 27Ag56: 11 Eng. and Fr. , 27Ag56: 11 Europe and Nfd. . 26S55: 11 Fr. and Gt. Brit. , PD5N72: 13 Gt. Brit, and Fr. prevention urged, PD22Ja67:13 Hamburg, Ger. , and New York City, 28F55:22 Holl. and Eng. , 19D51: 32, 2Ja52:31 Holl. and New York City, 28F55: 22 Sp. and Gt. Brit. , 24My51: 21 Sp. and Gt. Brit, punishment for, 27Je51:21 Swe. and Fr. , 12D55: 21, 27Ag56: 11 British- French, discussions of, 15My52:22, 29My52:12 death penalty for, in Sp. , 21N51: 31 in France, 19S55:11 in Hispaniola, W. I. , PD3 Je73: 23 of furnishings, seized in London, Eng. , PD24S72:11 prohibited by Swe. , 11 Ja40: 22 regulated in Holl. , C9D80: 11 Contraband, French, on Isle of Man, 4J151:32 Contraband goods, seized by British from Dutch, PD21S69s21 Contracted limbs, cure for, PD26F67: 13 Contractors, adv. of. in Yorktown, Va. , PD6Ag72: 23 Contrahierba, exported from Veracruz, Mex. , to.Rota, 25N37:41 for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD21S69:41--R21S69s21 near Warwick, Va. , D28F77: 32 Contrite Debtor, pseud. , PD18Ag74: 31 Convention army, deserters from, D24J179:22, D21Ag79:22 in Charlottesville, Va. , D24J179: 22, D21Ag79:22 provisions for, in Va. , D25Mr80: 23 Convents, in Aus. , age limit for entrance, PD310c71: 12 in Fr. , royalty in, PD29N70: 12 in Port. , seized, PD14Ap69sl2 in Rome, It. , investiture service in, PD28N71:13 regulated in Pol. , D18Mr75: 12 suppressed in Venice, It. , PD14F71: 22 of predicted, PD13My73: 22 Conversation, satires on, 280c37:ll Conversation cards, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , D28Cc75: 23 Conversation clubs, in Liverpool, Eng. , RlD68:13,PD18My69:21 in London, Eng. , PD9F69: 23, R16F69: 13, R9Mr69: 12, R9Mr69: 13 Convict servant traders, in Leedstown, Va. , PD21N71 : 23, R21N71 : 32 Convict servants, anecdotes on at sea, R28J174:32 as apothecaries, PD16My66: 31 PD21N71: 23— R21N71: 32 as bakers, PD6Je66: 32, R3Mr68: 32— PD3Mr68: 31, PD26Ag73: 32— R26Ag73: 31 as barbers, 28Ap38: 42, R3Mr68: 32 — PD3Mr68: 31, PD19Mr72: 32, D17Je75: 33, P21J175: 32 as batten makers, PD10N74: 43 as beggars, PD25F73: 32 as biscuit bakers, 23My45: 41 as blacksmiths, 12D45: 41, 31J146: 51, PD3Mr68: 31--R3Mr68: 32, R12My68: 22, RlAg71: 41, PD21N71: 23-- R21N71: 32, PD5Ag73: 31, PD12Ag73: 31, PD10N74: 43, D25Mr75: 32— P7Ap75: 33, Pi8Je75: 41, P28J175: 33 as bookkeepers, PD21N71: 23 — R21N71: 32 as boxers, P18Ap77: 31 as brass smiths, D25Mr75: 32— P7Ap75: 33 as bricklayers, 9My45: 42, 240c51: 31, R12J170: 23, PD21N71: 23— R21N71: 32, PD30J172: 33, PD4Mr73: 33— R4Mr73: 33, PD12Ag73: 31, R2D73: 32, R2Je74: 23 as butchers, 29My46: 41, R14Ap68: 43, PD21N71: 23--R21N71: 32 as cabinet makers, 240c51: 31, R3Mr68: 32--PD3Mr68: 31, R22S68: 34, PD21N71: 23--R21N71: 32, PD25Je72: 33, R27My73: 31, PD3Je73: 32, PD12Ag73: 31, P28F77: 22 as card players, PD28J174: 33 as carpenters, 6J139: 42, PD3Mr68: 31 — R3Mr68: 32, PD21N71: 23— R21N71: 32, PD12Ag73: 31, PD11N73: 23 — R11N73: 23, R4N73: 32— PD30D73: 31, D12Ag75:33 as carters, 29My46: 41, HAp55: 31, R12Mr67:32 as chandlers, R6F72: 33 as chemists, 4J151: 41 as chimney sweeps, PD170c66: 33, PD17S67: 22 as clock and watch menders, PD4J166:32 as clothiers, 17J152: 32 as colliers, R19F67: 31, P27Mr78: 12 as coopers, 20J139: 41, R3Mr68: 32— PD3Mr68: 31, PD26Ag73: 32— R26Ag73:31,D17Je75: 33 as curriers, PD21N71: 23--R21N71: 32 as dairy maids, R20J169: 31 as dancing mistresses, 3J152: 32 as ditchers, 29My46: 41, PD23Ap72: 32, PD13Ag72: 23— R80c72: 41, P27Mr78: 12 as doctors, 4J151: 41, PD29Ag66: 31 as drivers, PD8J173: 32— R15J173: 33 as dyers, 17J152: 32, PD21 Je70: 32 as farmers, 11 J151: 32, 27F52: 32, R16Mr69: 33, RllMy69: 42— PDlJe69: 32, PD21Je70: 32 — R12J170: 33, R13D70: 31. PD21N71: 23— R21N71: 32, R6F72: 33, PD9J172: 32, PD13Ag72: 23--R80c72: 41, PD8J173: 32— R15J173: 33, PilJe75: 41, Pi3Ag75: 33 as farriers, 12D45: 41 as flax dressers, P8My78s21 as gardeners, 2S37: 32, 17N38: 42, 29My46: 41, PD16Ag70: 42, RlAg71: 32, PD21N71: 23--R21N71: 32, PD20Ag72: 32--R290c72: 32, R290c72: 32, PD8J173: 32— R22J173s21, PD19Ag73: 22 as grocers, PD11N73: 23--R11N73: 23 as hatters, R6My73s22, PD3Je73: 33 as house joiners, PDlAg71: 23— RlAg71: 31 as house servants, R22S68: 34 as husbandmen, 18S46: 41 as jewellers, PD21N71: 23— R21N71: 32 as joiners, 17Je37: 42, 28Ap38: 42. 6J139: 42, 4Ap51: 41, 8Ag51: 41, 240c51: 31, R3Mr68: 32— PD3Mr68: 31, R15Je69: 33, R26J170: 23, R10Ja71: 33, PD21N71: 23--R21N71: 32, PD5Ag73: 31, PD12Ag73: 31, PD11N73: 23— R11N73: 23, R4N73: 32--PD30D73: 31, R7J174: 32, D12Ag75: 33 as knitters, 5Ag37: 42 as laborers, 18Je52: 22, PD170c66: 33 as lawyers, PD14Ap68: 32— R14Ap68: 32 as linguists, P21J175: 32 as locksmiths, 12D45: 41 as malters, HAp55: 31 as millers, R9Je68: 34 as millwrights, R6My73s22 as musicians, 4J151: 41, PD15Ag71: 33, R3D72: 23 as nailors, PD10N74: 43 as painters, RllMy69: 43, R7J174: 32, P5S77: 31 as planters, 29My46: 41 as plasterers, 23My45: 41, R12Mr72: 32, PD12Ag73: 31 as ploughmen, HAp55: 31, RllMy69: 42— PDlJe69: 32 as pumpmakers, R6My73s22 as rail makers, PD10N74: 43 as refiners, PD3Mr68: 31--R3Mr68: 32 as refiners of metal, 4J151: 41 as ropemakers, PD15Ag71: 33, P25J177: 33 as sailors, 29S38: 42, 31J146: 51, lAg51: 32, 7N54: 32, PD17S67: 22, R9Je68: 34, PD23Je68: 31, R13D70: 31, PD23J172: 33, PD8J173: 32— R15J173: 33, PD11N73: 23— R11N73: 23, PD26My74: 32--R2Je74: 23, PU0N74: 33, D29Ap75s42, Pil5Je75: 33, P25J177: 33 as sawyers, PD6Je66: 32, R15Ap73: 33 as scholars, PD26F67: 32, R12Mr72: 32 as schoolmasters, RlAg71: 41, PD21N71: 23— R21N71: 32 as screw makers, D25Mr75: 32— P7Ap75: 33 as ship carpenters, R27My73: 31, PD12Ag73: 31 as shoemakers, 24S36: 41, 19N36: 42, 29S38: 42, 17N38: 42, 18S46: 41, PD7Mr66: 33. PD6Je66: 32, PD5F67: 32--R19F67: 32, R3Mr68: 32— PD3Mr68: 31, R25Ag68: 32, R7Je70: 32, R14F71: 32, PD21N71: 23--R21N71: 32, PD23J172: 33, PD26My74: 32— R2Je74: 23, R28J174: 33, PD24N74: 31, Pi21S75:33,PHOc76: 33 as silversmiths, PD25J166: 31, R3Mr68: 32— PD3Mr68: 31, D18F75: 32, D25Mr75: 32— P7Ap75: 33 as singers, 14D39: 32 as skinners, 24Ap46: 32 as smiths, 310c45: 42, 12D45: 41 as soap makers, R6F72: 33 as soldiers, RllAg68: 31, R25Ag68: 32, P25J177: 33 as spinners, 5Ag37: 42, R20J169: 31 as stay makers, PD3Mr68: 31 — 251 Convict servants, as staymakers (cont'd) R3Mr68: 32 as stocking weavers, R29S68: 31, P123N75: 33, D29Je76: 41, D22N76: 31 — P22N76: 32 as surgeons, PD21N71: 23— R21N71: 32 as tailors, 3F38: 41, PD3Mr68: 31 — R3Mr68: 32, PDllMr73: 32, PD16Je74s22, PD21J174p23, PD28J174: 33, PD60c74: 33, P110N74: 33 as tanners, 24Ap46: 32, PD21N71: 23— R21N71: 32 as teachers, P4Ag75: 32 as tinkers, PD26Mr67: 32 as tin plate workers, PD30J172: 33 as tradesmen, 4N63: 23, PD21N71: 23— R21N71:32 as waggoners, R12Mr67: 32, R13D70: 31 as waiting men, PD29Ag66: 31 as weavers, PD16My66: 31, R19F67: 31, R23J167: 41, PD290c67: 23, R3Mr68: 32- PD3Mr68: 31, R7S69: 41, PD18Ja70: 33, PD4Oc70: 32, PD29Ag71: 32, PD21N71: 23— R21N71: 32, R12Mr72: 32, PD9J172: 32, PD18Mr73: 33, Pil5Je75:33,P5S77:31 as wig makers, 10N52: 31 attempt to pass as free, PD9Ap72:33, D4N75: 33 — P3N75: 32 attempt to pass as sailors, PD29Ag66: 31, R26Ja69: 31, PD21Je70: 32— R12J170: 33, PD4Je72: 33, PD25Je72: 33, PD26Ag73: 32— R26Ag73: 31, P21Ap75: 32--D22Ap75: 33— Pi28Ap75: 41 attempt to pass as seamen, PD8J173: 32— R22J173s21 attempt to pass as soldiers, P4Ag75: 32, P25J177: 33, P5S77: 31 bad influence of, 30My51: 22 boycotted, in Culpeper co. , Va. , R14J174: 32 captured at sea, 16Ja46: 32, 29My46: 22 captured by French at sea, 4S46: 31 clothing of, See Convict servants runaway demand for in Floridas, PD3Mr68: 21 discharges of, 29S38: 42, R16Mr69: 33, PD8J173: 32— R15J173: 33, PD5Ag73: 31 education of, PD14Ap68: 32— R14Ap68: 32 embarked in London, Eng. , P23Je75sl2 English, 17N38: 42, 9Mr39: 41, 20J139: 41, 9My45: 41, 9My45: 42, 23My45: 41, 27Mr46: 41, 24Ap46: 32, 11J151: 32, 240c51: 31, 27F52: 32, PD7Mr66: 33, PD6Je66: 32, PD4J166: 32, R19F67: 31, PD26F67: 32, PDllJe67: 41, PD28Ja68: 33 — R4F68: 41, R12My68: 22, R9Je68: 34, R14J168: 33, RllAg68: 31, R16Mr69: 33, PD7S69: 32, R7S69: 41, R9N69: 32, PD18Ja70: 33, R8F70: 43, PD22Mr70: 32, PD21Je70: 32--R12J170: 33, R27S70: 32, RllOc70: 33, R18Oc70: 31, R14F71: 32, R7Mr71: 33, PD4J171: 32, R18J171: 42, RlAg71: 41, R6F72: 33, R12Mr72: 32, PD19Mr72: 32, PD23Ap72: 32, PD13Ag72: 23— R80c72: 41, PD28.Ta73: 32, PD4Mr73: 33 — R4Mr73:33,R27My73:31, R22.n73s21, PD12Ag73:31, PD11N73: 23--R11N73: 23, PD2D73:31,R4N73: 32— PD30D73: 31, PD10N74: 43— PilON74: 43, D29Ap75s42, Pil5Je75: 33, P4Ag75: 32, D12Ag75: 33, P60c75: 32, P3N75: 32— D4N75: 33, Pi23N75: 33, D29Je76: 41, P26J176: 42, P16Ag76sll, P110c76: 33, D22N76: 31--P22N76: 32, D29N76: 42, P31Ja77: 31, P25J177: 33, P8My78s21, D13N78: 12 entrance to British colonies, N. Am. , prohibited, P23Je75: 22 escape from Chesterfield co. , Va. , jail, D22N76: 31--P22N76: 32 from prison, HAp55: 31 from shipboard, PD12F67: 12 from shipwreck, PD21Ja73: 31 exported from Eng. , to Potomac river, PD80c72: 12 from Ire. , to E. Fla. , PD19F67: 23 from London, Eng. , to Md. , PD10N68: 22 from London, Eng. , to Va. , R10Je73: 23 fever spread by, in Annapolis, Md. , PD5F67: 31 for hire, in Lancaster co. , Va. , 3J152: 32 for sale, at Bermuda Hundred, Va. , PD18Ap66: 33 in Leedstown, Va. , R3Mr68: 32— PD3Mr68: 31 forgeries by in Brit, colonies, N. Am. , P23Je75s21 from Bristol, Eng. , PD24N74: 31 from Carlisle, Eng. , R20J169: 31 from Cumberland co. , Va. , PD13Ag72; 23 from East Indies, R7Mr71: 33 from England, PD170c66: 33, PD5F67: 32— R19F67: 32, PD14My67: 31, R260c69: 31 from Glasgow, Scot. , PDlAg71: 23 from Hertfordshire, Eng. , PDUMr73: 32 from Ireland, R24D67: 44, PDUe69: 32, PD3Ja71: 33 from Lancashire, Eng. , R20J169: 31 from Liverpool, Eng. , PD26My74: 32— R2Je74: 23 from London, Eng. , 18N37: 41, R14Ap68: 41, R22S68: 34, PD30J172: 33, R2Je74: 23, D25Mr75: 32— P7Ap75: 33, D29Ap75s42 from Newcastle, Eng. , PD4Je67: 41 from north England, 150c36: 42, PD9J172:32,R2Je74:23 from Scot. , PD7D69: 32, R13D70: 31 from Shropshire, Eng. , P5S77: 31 from Suffolk, Eng. , R14Ap68: 32 from Switzerland, P21J175: 32 from Wales, RlAg71: 32 from West England, 2S37: 32, PD8J173: 32 — R15J173: C3, R7J174: 32 from West Indies, R22S68: 34 from Westmoreland co. , Va. , PD30J172: 33 from Yorkshire, Eng. , 3J152: 32, HAp55:31. PDllJe67:41,R27S70:32 Germans, 4J151: 41 imported, for sale, in Leedstown, Va. , 4N63:23,PD21N71: 23--R21N71: 32 in Md. , PD3Je73: 22 in Port Royal, Va. ,4N63: 23 imported to Annapolis, Md. , from Dublin, Ire. , 24S36: 22 to Annapolis, Md. , from London, Eng. , PD24Mr68: 32 to James river, Va. , from Newcastle, Eng. , PD240c66: 22 to James river, lower district, Va. , from Hull, Eng. ,R12Ja69: 31 to James river, upper district, Va. , from Newcastle, Eng. , PD4Je67: 41 to Md. , 5D51: 41 to Md. , from Bristol, Eng. , PD16N69: 21 — R16N69: 22 to Potomac district, Va. , from Eng. , 1S38:32 to Potomac district, Va. , from London, Eng. , 22J137: 41 to Rappahannock river, Va. , from Ire. ,29My46:31 to Rappahannock district, Va. , from Liverpool, Eng. , PD21Je70: 32 — R12J170: 33 to Rappahannock district, Va. , from London, Eng. , 22S52: 31, PD12Ag73: 31 to south Potomac district, Va. , from Dublin, Ire. , PD8Ja67: 31 to south Potomac district, Va. , from Whitehaven, Eng. , PD8Ja67: 31 imported to Va. , D10Je75: 33 from Dublin, Ire. , PD21Ja73: 31 from Eng. , Pi23N75: 33 from London, Eng. , 6J139: 42, 20J139: 41, PD29Ag66: 31, R3Mr68: 32— PD3Mr68: 31, R21N71: 32 — PD21N71: 23, P21Ap75: 32 — D22Ap75: 33 — Pi28Ap75: 41, D29Ap75s42 from Yorkshire, Eng. , PilJe75: 41 in Fla. , P23Je75: 22 in Ga. , 4Ja40: 32 Irish, 220c36: 42, 2S37: 32, 3F38: 41, 22S38: 42, 6Je45: 32, 26S45: 31, 12D45: 41, 29My46: 41, 4S46: 32, 18S46: 41, 4Ap51: 41, 9My51: 32, 4J151: 41, 8Ag51: 41, 18Je52: 22, 10J152: 41, 17J152: 32, 10N52: 31, 7N54: 32, 19S55: 32, PD26Mr67: 32, PDllJe67:41,R23J167:41, PD17S67: 22, PD290c67: 23, R22D68: 21, R26Ja69: 31, R7S69: 41, R190c69s22, PD18Ja70: 33, R22Mr70: 22, R10Ja71: 32, R15Ag71: 33, PD20Ag72: 32— R290c72: 32, PD21Ja73: 31, PD28Ja73: 32— R28Ja73:32, PD5Ag73: 31, PD26Ag73: 32— R26Ag73: 31, PD11N73: 23— R11N73: 23, PD270c74: 31 — Pi270c74: 31, Pi8Je75: 41, Pil5Je75: 33, Pi3Ag75: 33, Pi21S75: 33, P18Ap77: 31, P25J177: 33 life in Winchester, Va. , described, P10Mr75: 11 literate, PD18Ja70: 33, PD24My70: 31, RlAg71: 41, R23Ap72: 32, PD30J172: 33, R15Ap73: 33, PD26My74: 32— R2Je74: 23, PD24N74: 31, P16Ag76sll notes of leave, PD26Mr67: 32 number in Md. , RUe69sll number in Va. ,RUe69sll odor of shipboard clothes, P21Ap75: 32--D22Ap75: 33 — Pi28Ap75: 41 pass as runaway sailors, PD10c72: 23 passes of, 27Ja38: 41, 29S38: 42, 9Mr39: 41, 12D45: 41, 24Ap46: 32, PD26F67: 32, PD2J167: 32, R25Ag68: 32, PD18Ja70: 33, 252 Convict servants R18Oc70: 31, R23Ap72: 32, PD30J172: 33, PD13Ag72: 23 — R80c72: 41, PD8JT73: 32--R15J173: 33, D13N78: 12 passes forged, R9Je68: 34, R16Mr69: 33, R20J169: 31, R7S69: 41, PD24N74: 31, PD26My74: 32--R2Je74: 23, P16Ag76sll, D22N76: 31--P22N76: 32, P28F77: 22, P18Ap77: 31 purchase of opposed in Surry co. , Va. , PD21J174p22--R21JT74: 31 quarantine regulations for in Va. , PD23Ap72: 11, PD3D72: 13 rebel in Md. , 2My51: 31 refused entrance to British colonies, N.Am. ,D16S75: 31 runaway, from Albemarle co. , Va. , PD16Je74s22, PD21 J174p23 from Alexandria, Va. , R23J167: 41, PD13Ag72: 23,D17Je75: 33 from Amherst co. , Va. ,R22D68:21 from Annapolis, Md. , 150c36: 42, R2My71: 41, R2Je74: 23, R7J174: 32 from Anne Snow, PD9J172: 32 from Anne Arundel co. , Md. , 11J151:32,R27S70:32 from Augusta co. , Va. , PD170c66: 33, PD26F67: 32, PD14Ap68: 32— R14Ap68: 32, R14Ap68: 43, R16Je68: 33--R30Je68: 42, PD23Je68:31,R14J168:33, RllAg68: 31, PD22D68: 32, R7S69: 41, R8F70: 43. R18Oc70: 31, R15Ag71: 33,R12Mr72:32, D18F75:32,P26My75s43 from Mr. Lewis Ball's, PD11N73: 23— R11N73: 23 from Baltimore, Md. , Rl Je69: 33, PD22Mr70: 32, RlAg71: 32, R6F72: 33 from Baltimore co. , Md. , R29S68:31 from Betsy, sloop, R7Mr71: 33, PD28Ja73: 32 from Billy, schooner, 2S57: 32 from Botetourt co. , Va. , R29Cc72: 31, PD2D73: 31, PD26My74: 32— R2Je74: 23, D4N75: 33 — P3N75: 32 from Brunswick co. , Va. , 9My45: 42 from brig, PD28Ja73: 32--R28Ja73: 32 from Bush river furnace, Md. , R24D67: 44 from Caroline co. , Va. , 29S38: 42, 23My45: 41, PD16Ag70: 42 from Charles co. , Md. , 240c51: 31 from Chester town, Md. , 4S46: 32 from Chesterfield co. , Va. , R19F67: 31 from Colchester, Va. , PD10N74: 43 — PU0N74: 32 from Culpeper co. , Va. , PD4J171: 32, PD23Ap72: 32, PD4Je72: 33, PD13Ag72: 23 — R80c72: 41, P8My78s21 from Culpeper courthouse, Va. , R21S69: 33 from Cumberland co. , Va. , 10N52: 31 from Dinwiddie co. , Va. , P27Mr78: 12 from Donald, ship, PD15Ap73: 32 from Duke of Cumberland, ship, 25My39:42 from Dumfries, Va. ,R23J167: 33, R26Oc69:31,Pil0N74:33, P21Ap75: 32--D22Ap75: 33 — Pi28Ap75: 41, D29Ap75s42, P21J175: 32, P28F77: 22 from Essex co. , Va. , 18N37: 41, 27Ja38:41,PD19Ag73: 22 from Fairfax co. , Va. , 9My45: 41, PD6Je66: 32 from Fauquier co. , Va. , R15Ap73: 33, PHOc76: 33 from Forceput, Va. , R7Ap74: 32 from Frederick co. , Md. , PllJe67: 41, R9Je68: 34, PD3Je73: 22, PD3Je73: 33 from Frederick co. , Va. , 27Mr46: 41, R20J169: 31, PD3Ja71: 33, D29Je76: 41, D22N76: 31 — P22N76: 32 from Fredericksburg, Va. , 9Mr39: 41, 24Ap46: 32, lAg51: 32, 10J152: 41, 17J152: 32, R24D67: 34, R4F68: 41— PD28Ja68: 33, R22S68: 34, RllMy69: 42- PDlJe69: 32, PD21Je70: 32— R12J170: 33, PD19Mr72: 32, PD25Je72: 33, PD10c72: 23, R2D73: 32 from Gloucester co. , 28Ap38: 42, HAp55: 31, PD9Ap72: 33 from Goochland co. , PD19N72: 31 from Green Brier river, P16Ag76sll from Hanover co. , Va. , 18S46: 41, PD18Ja70: 33 from Hanover courthouse, Va. , 12D45:41 from Harford co. , Md. , PD10N74M43 from Hobb's Hole, Va. , PD26Ag73: 32 — R26Ag73: 31 from Justitia, ship, R26Ja69: 31, PD9Ap72: 33 from King and Queen co. , Va. , R14Ap68: 32, R12My68: 31 from King George co. , Va. , 14D39: 32, 18S46: 41, HAp55: 31, PD26S71: 32 from King William co. , Va. , 6Je45: 32, 29My46: 41, 9My51: 32, 18Je52: 22, PD7S69: 32, PD7D69: 32, PD21Ja73: 32, PD25F73: 32 from King William courthouse, Va. , 7N54: 32 from Lancaster co. , Va. , 220c36: 42, 3J152: 32, R4N73: 32--PD30D73: 31, D12Ag75: 33 frcm Loudoun co. , Va. , R12My68: 22, RllMy69: 43, R7S69: 41, R190c69s22, R9N69: 32, PD18Ja70: 33, R18Oc70: 31, Pi8Je75: 41, P26J176: 42, P31Ja77: 31, P25J177: 33 from Lunenburg co. , Va. , PDUe69: 32 from Marlborough iron works, Pi23N75: 33 from Middlesex co. , Va. , 24S36: 41, D25Mr75: 32— P7Ap75: 33 from Montgomery co. , Md. , P18Ap77: 31 from Mossy creek iron works, D13N78: 12 from Nansemond co. , Va. , 5Ag37: 42, 9My45: 42 from Neabsco furnace, PD29Ag66: 31, PD8J173: 32— R15J173: 33 from near Baltimore, Md. ,RlAg71:41 from near Dumfries, Va. , R7 Je70: 32 from near Elk Ridge landing, Md. , R18J17L42 from near Winchester, Va. , R20J169: 31 from New Kent co. , Va. , R16Mr69: 33 from Nomony, Va. , PD17S67: 22 from Northumberland co. , Va. , 17N38: 42, 31J146: 51, PD26Mr67: 32, PD290c67: 23 from Occoquan, schooner, R13D70: 31, R24D72: 23 from Orange co. , Va. , 26S45: 31, 24Ap46: 42, R22J173s21, R28J174: 33 from Petersburg, Va. , 19S55: 32 from Pittsylvania co. , Va. , Pil5Je75: 33, P4Ag75: 32 from Port Tobacco, Md. , R6F72: 33 from Prince Edward co. , Va. , PD18Mr73: 33, PD24N74: 31 from Prince George co. , Va. , 4Ap51:41,PD4J166: 32 from Prince Georges co. , Md. , R3D72: 23, Pi21S75: 33 from Recovery furnace, PD21Je70: 33 from Richmond, Va. , PD7Mr66: 33, PD16My66: 31, R19F67: 32— PD5F67: 32, PD4F73: 31, R27My73: 31, PD12Ag73: 31 from Richmond co. , Va. , 2S37: 32, 22S38: 42, HMy39: 42, R25Ag68: 32, R15Je69: 33, R26J170: 23, R10Ja71: 33, PDlAg71: 23— RlAg71: 31, PD30J172: 33, PD5Ag73: 31, D10Je75:33 from Rockingham co. , Va. , P5Je78: 32 from St. Marys co. , Md. , 310c45: 42 from Thornton, ship, PD23J172: 33 from Triton, ship, 8Ag51: 41 from Spotsylvania co. , Va. , PilJe75: 41, Pi3Ag75: 33, P5S77: 31 from Stafford co. , Va. , R23Ap72: 32, PDllMr73: 32, R28J174: 33 from Staunton, Va. , R6My73s22 from Surry co. , Va. , PD14My67: 31 from Urbanna, Va. , PD4Mr73: 33 — R4Mr73: 33 from Westmoreland co. , Va. , 3F38: 41, 6J139: 42, 20J139: 41, 27F52: 32, R10Ja71: 32, PD20Ag72: 32 — R290c72: 32, PD8J173: 32— R22J173s21, PD28J174: 33, PD60c74: 33, P28JT75: 33, P60c75: 32 from William and Anne, ship, 31J146:51 from Williamsburg, Va. , PD15Ag71: 33 from Yorktown, Va. , 19N36: 42, 19D45:41,PD3Je73:32 Scottish, PDl8Ja70: 33, PD19N72: 31, PD26Ag73: 32— R26Ag73: 31, PD2D73: 31, PD28J174: 33, PD60c74: 33, P28J175: 33 sold, in Loudoun co. , Va. , R17Ja71: 23 speak, See [name of language], spoken by convict servants speak no English, 18Je52: 22, PD15Ap73: 32 spread jail fever in Md. , PD23J167: 31 tattooing on, See Tattooing on convict servants transportation to E. Fla. recommended, PD80c67: 11 transportation to Fla. attempted, PD30Ap67: 11 See also Transportation to colonies wear steel collars, PD14Ap68: 32 — R14Ap68: 32 Welsh, 5Ag37: 42, 25My39: 42, PD18Mr73: 33, R22J173s21, PD2D73: 31, PD26My74: 32— R2Je74: 23 253 Convict servants (cont'd) whipping of, PD7S69: 32 See also Jails in . . . , convict servants held in; And specific crimes by and punishments for Conviction bills, found on convict servants, R22Mr70: 22 Convicts, escape before transportation, PD11F68: 21 escaped from King William co. , Va. , sheriff, 7N54: 32 imported from Bristol, Eng. , 24Je37: 32 in Great Britain, fishing company of suggested, PD3Mr68: 22 join British army in Boston, Mass. , Pi260c75: 22--D280c75: 32 leave Eng. , for colonies, PD26S71: 12 plot against ship's captain, 24Je37: 32 return from transportation, 21Ja37: 22, 28Ja37:41,13J139: 32 revolt en route to colonies, 5D51: 31 transportation to Africa rumored, PD26S71: 23 transportation to America contracted for, 50c39: 31 Convoys, by Amer. privateers, P9My77: 22 from W.I. ,D25D79:21 by Brit. Indiamen, P30Oc77: 12 by Brit, navy, 11S46: 31,D18D79: 12, D25Mr80: 12 for Indiamen, 6Je45: 21 from Antigua, 7N55: 21 from E. I. ,DllMr80: 12 from Jamaica, D8Ag77: ll--P8Ag77: 21 from Oporto, Port. ,D20c79: 12 from Va. , 7N55: 21 importance discussed, D25Mr80: 22 in Baltic sea,D12F80: 22 in W. I. , D25Mr80: 23 to America, 3J146: 22 to Antigua, W. I. , D17J179: 21 to Barbados, 4J145: 22 to Boston, Mass. , PH4S75: 22, D280c75: 32, P10N75: 22, P24My76: 22 to Bristol, Eng. , 7J138: 31 to Brit, colonies, N. Am. , Pil20c75: 21— P130c75s21— D140c75: 32, P20Oc75s21, P28Je76: 22--D29Je76: 21, DHOc76:42 to Cape Breton, 23Ja46: 22 to Carolina, 20J139: 31,D12F79: 21 to Charleston, S. C. , D19F80: 23 to Eng. , 4J145: 21, 240c45: 41, 29Ag45: 21, 28N45: 21, 12D45: 32, 10Ap46: 32, 12F62: 32, D13J176: 61, D10J179: 22,D27N79:11 to Europe, Dl 9 F80: 23 to Germany, 3Ap46: 12 to Gravesend, Eng. , 11J145: 31 to Halifax, N. S. , D13J176: 61, D20c79: 21 to Hellevoetslius, Holl. , 14N55: 21 to Jamaica, 20Je45: 22, D20c79: 12 to London, Eng. , D1N76: 22 to Maryland, 20Je45: 32 to Mediterranean sea, 15D38: 31, 7N55: 22, PD28Mr71: 12 to N.J. ,D160c79:21 to New York City, 20Je45: 31, 26S55: 22, D13J176: 42, DHOc76: 22 — PHOc76: 22, P1N76: 13, P21N77: 21 to Ostend, Belg. , 12S45: 32 to Penobscot, Me. , D15Ja80: 22 to Piscataqua, Me. , 16My45: 31 to Plymouth, Eng. , 21Mr45: 31 to Portsmouth, Eng. , P12D77: 12 to Quebec, Can. , PD17D67: 22, D4N75:23,D10Ag76:22 to St. Christopher, W. I. , D11S79: 31 to S. C. , D2Ap79: 21, Dl 1S79: 31 to Tybee, Ga. , D5Je79: 22 to U. S. , P7N77: 12, D5Mr79: 22, C30Oc79: 23--D30Oc79: 31, D18Mr80: 31 to Va. , 1F40: 41, 20Je45: 32, 12F62: 31, PU6D75: 31 to W. I. , D4Ap77: 21--P4Ap77: 21, D27Je77: 21--P27Je77: 21,D24Ap79: 31, D10J179:21,D9Oc79: 21, D12F80: 13, DllMr80: 12, C15J180: 11 to Whitby, Eng. , DllMr80: 22 by Conn, ships for Louisburg expedition, 16My45: 31 by Continental navy to Va. , D5Mr79: 32 by French navy, PD16Ja72: 21, D22J175:41,C15My79:21 for Amer. ships, PlMy78: 12 for Americans, P27Mr78: 21, P3Ap78: 21 for Span, register ships, 12D45: 11, 12D45:21,31Ja51:22 from Brest, Fr. , D2Ap79: 11 from Cape Francois, W. I. , DllMr80: 21 from W.I. ,D25Mr80: 13 in W. I. , D24Ap79: 31, D12Je79: 22, D4S79: 22, D20N79: 21--C20N79: 11 to Boston, Mass. ,D28Ag79: 21 to Brest, Fr. , D30Oc79: 21 to Cape Francois, W. I. , D23Ja78: 21 to France, 4J145: 21, 8My52: 21, D17J179: 11 to India, D19Mr79: 21 to Martinique, W. I. , 5D45: 21, D26Mr79: 21 to Nfd. , PD18Ap66: 21 to St. Eustatia, W. I. , D3J179: 12 to Spain, 16Ja46: 32 to U. S. , P29My78: 21,D[8My(?)78s]22 to W. I. , D14Ag79: 22, D12F80: 21 by Portuguese navy to Lisbon, Port. , PD23J172: 13 to Portugal, 4Ja40: 21 by R. I. ships for Louisburg expedition, 16My45: 31 by Spanish navy from New Orleans, D6N79: 22 to Alicante, Sp. , D[250c?]76: 52— P250c76: 11 to Corunna, Sp. , 15My46: 22 to Europe, 18My39: 22 to Lisbon, Port. ,20J139: 21 to Havana, Cuba, D27N79: 12 to Salem, Mass. , D12Ag75: 23 to Spain, 60c38: 42, 4Ja40: 22 by Swedish navy to Eng. , D25Mr80: 22 by Va. ships off Va. , D26Mr79: 22 for Brit, ships requested from Ga. andS. C. ,PD28Mr71: 11 from Fr. , to America, PD28Mr71: 11 from Sp. , to America, PD28Mr71: 11 Convulsions, cure for, PD2J172: 32 Conway, Capt. , R14J168: 23, PD80c72: 31, D90c79: 21 of the Alexandria, D12F80: 31 of the Friendship, PD19My74: 42 ordered to join regiment, P230c78: 11 Gen. , PD19S66: 21 Mr. , buys land on Mississippi river, DllF75sl3 Catlett, P170c77: 41 Edwin, accused of violating burgesses' oath, 1D38:41 adv. slave held in jail, R12Mr72: 41 burgess from Lancaster co. , Va. , 3N38: 51, 30Ja52: 32, 27F52: 32 discusses tithables in Northumberland co. , Va. , 29My46: 31 discusses tobacco law, 24N38: 32 letter to, in post office, PD7J168: 23 member of Lancaster co. , Va. , committee, Pi2Mr75: 22 opposes moving Capitol, 17Ap52: 21 opposes tobacco inspection law, 22D38: 21 Edwin, Col. , 22Ap37: 11 Francis, of Prince George co. , Va. , R30Ag70: 32, D28Ja75: 23, D29J175: 42, P22S75: 11, D160c79: 11, C25D79: 12 Henry, of Pittsylvania co. , Va. , DllF75s23 Henry, Capt. , adv. for deserters, P18Ap77s32 Henry Seymour, Gen. and secretary of State, R18J166: 13, R18J166: 22, R8Ag66: 11, PD26S66: 32 censures colonies, PD30Ap67: 23 commander of Amer. forces rumored, PD27Ag72:32 confers with colonial agents, PD7My67: 12 death of rumored, D29N76: 61 discusses disturbances in colonies, PD7Mr66: 22 discusses military policy in Commons, D40c76: 12 favors Boston port bill, PD19My74: 22 favors colonies, PD14Mr66: 23, R9Je74sl2, D17F76: 23, P23F76: 22 Mass. states grievances to, PD24Mr68: 31 — R24Mr68: 31 ministry praised, PD10S67: 13 opposes civil war in America, P26Ja76:23--D3F76: 13 opposes Lord North's colonial policy, D31Ag76: 11 — P13S76: 12 opposes prohibitory act, P9Je75: 22 opposes use of Hanoverian troops, D17F76:41 opposes war with colonies, D10F76: 23, D2Mr76: 22 portrait placed in Faneuil Hall, Boston, Mass. , PDllJe67: 21 receives dispatches concerning Stamp act, PD7Mr66: 21 replaced by Lord Weymouth, PD25F68: 22 resignation rumored, R12Mr67: 23 speaks on Mass. government act, PD14J174: 12 speech of (text), PD9My66: 12 supports Stamp act repeal, PD25Ap66: 23, PD2My66: 11, PD2My66: 13, PD16My66: 22 supports Townshend act repeal, PD24My70: 23 toasted by N. Y. Sons of Liberty, PD13Ap69: 22 toasted by Phila. Sons of St. Patrick, PD13Ap69: 23 James, Lt. , D6Je77: 21--P6Je77: 11 Peter, PD13J169: 32, PD20Oc74: 31, 254 Coolidge Pi2Mr75: 22.D10J178: 21 Richard, PD10N74: 33. P10J178: 12 Richard, Capt. , of the Friendship, R11F68:31 Robert, of Md. militia, P6S76: 21 Robert, Capt. , at Sandy Point, Va. , P6S76: 13 of the Protector, P6S76: 11 [Thomas], Gen. , in battle of Germantown, Pa. , D170c77: 11, D240c77: 21. P240c77: 21 Timothy, Private, R14Ja73: 13 William, C13My80: 31 Conway, ship, PD6N66: 23 Conway's warehouse, Caroline co. , Va. , R4D66: 22, R16Je68: 32, PD12D71: 33, PD13Ag72: 23, RllAg74: 32, D30c77: 31--P10Oc77: 31, D160C79: 11 books inspected, Pil2Ja75: 11 — D14Ja75: 12 counterfeit tobacco notes at, P14N77: 33 rent for, 29D38: 22 tobacco notes on, PDllMr73: SI- RUM^: 32 unclaimed tobacco in, P130c75: 32 Cony wool, drawback on, removed, PD16Je68: 13--R16Je68: 12 Conyear, Capt. , James, of the May, PD14Ap74: 23 — R14Ap74: 23, R8S74: 31 Conyer, Joshua, Capt. , of the James-town, 240c55: 21 Conyers, Capt. , 10N38: 31, 13Je45: 22, PD13Ag67: 22, P15S75: 21 — D16S75: 21 James, opposes taxation of colonies, Pi2Mr75: 31 James, Capt. , of the William, 29D52: 32. 2Mr53: 41 Samuel, Capt. , of the Catherine, 270c52: 21, 17N52: 22 of the Hawk,8D52:31 Conyngham, Capt. , D22Ag77: 12— P22Ag77: 21 Cooch's mill, Del. , P26S77: 11— P26S77: 21 Cook, Capt. , PD15S74: 31 of the Farley, PD220c72: 13 of the Peggy, D40c76: 12--P40c76: 23 of the Race Horse, D22Ja80: 32 of the Salem, D18S79: 21 refuses to carry tea to Phila. , PD210c73: 21 ship of, PD220c72: 13 Col. , of Amer. army in N. J. , D6Je77: 12 Lt. , captures Brit, recruiting party, Pi9N75: 31 Mr. , imprisoned for counterfeiting, P19J176: 23--D20J176:41 prepares Stamp act repeal bill, PD2My66: 11 Andrew, 14Ag52: 31 Benjamin, counterfeiter, PD25F73:31 — R25F73:23.R4Mr73:31, PD22Ap73: 31-- R22Ap73:33,D6N79:31 Benjamin, Capt. , of the Nancy, PD16J167:41 Charles, in Baltimore, Md. , D28Mr77: 62--P28Mr77sl3 Edward, deserter, P14Mr77: 33 of Augusta co. , Va. , Pi6J175: 12 George, indentured servant, PllAp77: 23 Henry, Pi24Ag75: 13--P25Ag75: 72 — D26Ag75: 31 James, deserter, D12Mr79: 32 ordinary of, D170c77: 21 [James], Capt. , account of voyages, published, PD17Mr74: 22, P10F75:42 arrives in Canton, China, D25Mr80: 21 book on published, PD16S73: 22 circumnavigates globe, R140c73: 12 death of described, D8Ap80sl3 discovers island in South seas, Pil90c75: 22--D210c75: 13 discovery of Antarctic announced, R8S74: 33 explores East Indies, D18D79: 12 explores for England, PD4Je72: 23 given neutrality by French, D17J179: 11 of the Endeavour, R270c68: 11, PD17S71: 22, PD18Je72: 21, PD15S74: 31, Pi260c75: 13 of the London, R7F71: 22 of the Resolution, R8S74: 33 records of voyages to be published, PD12D71: 13 Jenny, Negro in Dunmore's troops, D31Ag76: 31 John, alias of John Dawsey, R12My68: 21 alias of John Dorsey, PD21Ap68: 23 manages business for, Andrew Nimmo, D28Ja75: 32 of the Swift, 25Ja40: 2 John, jr. , land of, PD5N67: 23 Joseph, PD25F73: 31--R25F73: 23, R4Mr73: 31, PD22Ap73: 31 — R22Ap73: 33, D23My77: 31. D15Ag77: 72 Joseph, Capt. , of the Seaf lower, D18F75:23 Josias, Pi28Ap75: 41 Nathaniel, land of, D20Ja76: 33 Robert, acquitted of murder, PD10Je73: 21--R10Je73: 33 Robert, Capt. , of the Liberty, PD28Ap74: 23--R14Ap74: 31 Samuel, D27My75: 31 Shem, R4D66: 31, PD25F73: 31 — R25F73: 31, P9My77sl2 Shem, Capt. , adv. for deserters, P28N77: 31 Stephen, D17J178: 32 Thomas, PD13Je66: 21, PD17S67: 12 William, land of, D20Ja76: 33 officer in Oglethorpe's regiment, 23D37: 41 Cooke, Capt. , PD26F67: 31, PD2F69: 22, DllMy76:31 Lt. , recruiting officer, P230c78: 11 Mr. , house of, 24Ja51: 42 land of, PD5N67: 23 of Hillsboro, N. C. , PD25Oc70: 21 Charles, unclaimed tobacco of, R9D73: 22 Charles, Capt. , of the George, 20Oc52: 21 Edward, PD6S70: 32 Edward, Capt. , PD23D73s22 of the Francis, PD29J173: 31 Elizabeth, R28Ap68: 31, R10Ja71: 32 Ephraim, Capt. , of the Ambuscade, 3Ap46: 21 George, PD2Je68: 23 Giles, P130c75: 23 James, PD25F73: 31, P17Ja77: 33 John, P22Mr76: 13, P22Mr76: 21, D7Mr77: 11 — P7Mr77s21 John, Capt. , of the Bobby, 30Ap52: 21, 15My52: 31, 29S52: 32, HAp55: 22, 26S55: 31 of the London packet, PD24D67: 31, R24D67:31,PD20Ja74: 23 of the Robert, 17Je37: 41 of the Robert and John, 9F39: 42, 16Mr39:41 John, jr. ,PD31Mr68:22 John, H. , PD12Ag73: 22 John Newton, R26J170: 22 Littleton, Capt. , of the Dolphin, C13My80: 21 Mordecai, death of, R22F70: 31 Nicholas, Hon. , deputy governor of R. I. , PD9Je68: 22, PU6N75: 31, P19N75: 32 — riON75: 31, Pi9N75: 22 — P10N75: 13--D11N75: 21, Pi9D75: 32 Noah, Mrs. , birth of children, PD10D67: 22 Samuel, author, PD10Je73: 32 [Thomas], author, D2Mr76: 43, D9Mr76: 42, D24Ag76: 53 Tonar, slaves of, C20N79: 21 William, appointed major, 16D37: 32 [William], Col. , of 12th Pa. regiment, D9My77: 22— P9My77: 21 Cookery, books on, 20Mr52s22, 29My52: 31 Cooking, on shipboard, PD30Ap72: 11 teachers of, in London, Eng. , 27J139: 32 Cooks, 7Ag52: 31 adv. for,D27Ap76:33 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD18Ap66: 31, R3Ag69: 31, PD6F72: 32--R6F72: 31, PD19N72: 22, PD5My74: 31, PD14J174:31,C27N79:22 immigrate to Eng. , from Fr. , R16S73: 21 in London, Eng. , PD4Ap71: 21 See also Indentured servants as; Slaves as Cooks, British, praised by king, R30S73sll Cooks, French, at public house, PD22N70s22-23— R29N70: 31 criticized in London, Eng. , 11F37: 41 employed in London, Eng. , R22S68: 21 salary of in London, Eng. , PD2D73s21, PD22S74: 22 Cook's bridge, Va. , PD10c72: 23, D16S75:32,D30Oc78: 31 Cookson, Capt. , of the Senegal, PD9Je68: 22--R9Je68: 31, PD4Ag68: 22— R4Ag68: 22 of the Turner, 7N51: 22 Cool, ship, 15D52: 31 Coolers, for sale, at Marlborough, Va. , PD25Oc70: 23 — R1N70: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD28J168: 23 — R28J168: 31 Cooley, Mr. , violates non -importation agreement in N. Y. , PD22F70: 12 Jacob, D26D77: 31 John, indentured servant, P21Ap75: 32 Mary, Mrs. , estate of, D23Ja78: 41 Simeon, PD10Ag69: 23 Coolidge, Capt. , 18J146: 11 Mr. , of Boston, Mass. , R25Mr73: 22 Judson, adv. land for sale, R9Mr69: 31 Judson, Capt. , of the Elizabeth, 31J146: 61,28Ag46: 32 255 Coomb Coomb, jr. , Mr. , remains in Phila. , P19Je78: 21 Coombe, [Thomas], preaches in London, Eng. , PD24Ag69: 22— R24Ag69: 22 Coombes, Capt. , of Brit, armed ship, D28Mr77: 61--P4Ap77sl2 Michael, Capt. , of the Salisbury, PD28D69: 31 Coones, Henry, PiN76: 41 Coopeland, Capt. , of the Swallow, P29Mr76: 21 Cooper, Capt. , 13Je45: 21, PDlS74sl2 of the Blessing, PD3F74: 21 of the Bowler, PD4Je67: 33 of the Hawk, D29J176: 12 of the John and Unity, PDllAp71: 23 of the Prince of Orange, PD29S68: 21 — R29S68: 21 of the Sampson, D16S75: 12 of the Triton, D30Oc79: 21 Dr. , at Gen. Warren's funeral, DllMy76: 33 flees from Boston, Mass. , D280c75: 23 leaves N. Y. , D3Je75: 23 Lt. , of Brit, army in Boston, Mass. , PD270c68: 23 — R3N68: 13 of Hampton, Va. , court of inquiry, P12J176: 13 Mr. , 17Ja51: 42, 21Mr50/51: 32 house burned in Hampton, Va. , P270c75sl2--D280c75: 33 of Boston, PD20My73: 13 — R20My73: 21 prepares Stamp act repeal bill, PD2My66: 11 presents petition for Amer. episcopate, PD4Je72: 32 Tory, PilJe75: 31 A., author, PD29Ag71: 33 Benjamin, counterfeiter, PD16S73: 22, R70c73: 21, PD140c73: 13, PD6Ja74:22 Betty, Mrs. ,RlAg71:41 Charles, PD22Ja67: 32, PD5N67: 23, R26J170: 22, PD19Ag73: 22, P12Je78: 11 Cyrus, arrives in Baltimore, Md. , D29N76: 32 Edward, 16Ja61: 42, Pi2N75: 23, P29D75: 31 Edmund, convict servant, PD14Ap68: 32 — R14Ap68: 32,R7S69:41 Francis, RlAg71: 41 Francis, Capt. , of the Experience, 10D36:41,llMr37:41 George, of Phila. , Pa. , R28Mr71: 32, PD4Ap71: 23 George, Capt. , of the Polly, PD10Mr74: 31 Gilbert, Col. , of N. J. militia, P230c78: 21 Grey, Sir,D29J176: 11, P27S76: 12 Jacob, Capt. , adv. agency for Madeira wine, PD7N71: 22 of the Elizabeth, 7Mr55: 32, 28Mr55: 32 of the Francis, PD7N71: 22 of the Lightfoot, PD22Ap73: 32 — R22Ap73sl3 of the Virginia Packet, 25J151: 32, 12S51: 32 James, of Norfolk, Va. , R26J170: 22, P12Je78: 11 deserter, 2S57: 42 shot down by Indians, P30Ag76: 21 James, Capt. , of the Anne and Catherine, R6Ap69: 31 Joel, PD10N74:33 John, adv. for bids for erecting church pews, PD20Oc74: 31 adv. for missing horse, 2Mr53: 42, D5D77: 12 adv. slaves for sale, PD22Mr70: 41 — R22Mr70: 22 bond of, D3Ag76: 32 deserter, 3J146: 32 land of, C6N79: 32 mill of,D25Mr80:33 mutineer, PD5S71: 22--R5S71: 22, PD5S71:23— R5S71:22 on James City co. , Va. , committee, PD1D74: 23 John, Capt. , of the Liberty, RllAg68:24 Joseph, R260c69: 41, Pi20Ap75: 31 — P21Ap75s42, P29D75: 31 Leonard, Lt. , P230c78: 11 Levi, deserter, P8Ag77: 32 Myles, Rev. Dr. , R12Mr72: 11, PD20Ag72: 22 Moses, deserter, 2S57: 42 [Samuel], Lt. , P9F76: 23— D10F76:32 [Samuel], Rev. Mr. , of Boston, Mass. , PD9F69:13 Solomon, D28Mr77: 32 Thomas, 25Ja40: 2, D21S76: 42, D24Ap79: 31 Timothy, of Norfolk, Va. , R26J170: 22 William, delegate to Mass. general assembly, D22Je76: 41 deserter, D27S76: 42 inspector for non- importation agreement, PD6S70: 22 on committee to R. I. , PD6S70: 23 slave of, PD29S74: 33 speaker of Mass. house of representatives, D13Ja76: 32 town clerk of Boston, R28Ap68: 14, PD6Ap69: 21, PD8Je69: 13, R3D72: 13, R10D72: 22, R29Ap73: 11, PD3Je73: 22, PD15D74: 21 — PU5D74: 21 Cooper & Shephard, PD28My67: 32 Coopers, adv. for, at Berkeley plantation, Va. , PD18N73: 22 in Charles City co. , Va. , Pl6Ag76sll in Williamsburg, Va. , P13S76: 32 at Milner's, Va. , PD5My68: 22— R12My68: 34 in Falmouth, Va. , PD5My68: 22 — R12My68: 34 See also Convict servants as; Indentured servants as; Slaves as Cooper's ferry, Pa. , P17My76: 32, P5Je78: 21, P19Je78: 21 Coopers' shops, in Berkeley co. , Va. , PD4F73: 31 in Essex co. , Va. , D21F77: 21 in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD21Ap68: 31, PD8Je69: 31, PDllAg74: 33— R18Ag74:32,D13N79:31 in James City co. , Va. , P22N76: 32 in Manchester, Va. , R22Ap73s21 in Prince George co. , Va. , R23J167: 42 Coopers' shops, described, in Alexandria, Va. , PD24N74: 23 — PilD74: 33 Coopers' stores, exported from Brit, colonies to Dominica, W. I. , PD13F72: 23 Coopers tools, for sale, at Falls of Potomac, PD22N70: 22— R29N70: 31 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Spotsylvania co. , Va. , R18Oc70: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD19S66: 31, PDllAp71: 32, D30My77: 31, D27Je77:31,DlAg77:22 in Yorktown, Va. , P21J175: 31 imported, lost, adv. for,29D52:41 stolen, by slaves, D12Mr79: 32 taken by runaway indentured servants, PD26Ja69: 41 by slaves, 16My45: 41, PD22Mr70: 33 Coopers' ware, exported from Accomac district, Va. , to Barbados, PDllJe67:32 imported to York district, Va. , to Boston, Mass. , 3N38: 61 Coopland, William, PD7J168: 23 Coosahomaw, commander of Choctaws, PD27J169: 13 Coosawatie, Ga. , skirmishes near, D3J179: 11 Cootes, Edward, Capt. , D20N79: 31 Copeland, Capt. , PD12N72: 21 of the Happy, 29My46: 31 Mr. , death of in Mass. , PD17Ja71: 13 David, PD8J173: 33, PU0N74: 32, P10Mr75s22 Elisha, D29J175: 41 Joseph, deserter, 2S57: 41 Nancy (Harrison), marriage of, P10Mr75s22 — Pi23Mr75: 13 Peter, PD14My73: 21, R16Je74: 32 Thomas, land of, PD18F73: 31 Copenhagen, Den. , political news from, PDlAp73: 11 See also Anecdotes from; Banks in; British navy to; Danish navy in; Distemper among cattle in; Dueling in; Fires in; French navy in; Hospitals, bastards in; Lotteries in; Manufacturers, Brit. , in; Russian navy in; Ships from Canton to; Ships from Morocco to; Shipwrecks in; Weather report from Copenhagen harbor, Den. , See Ice in Copenhagen roads, See Danish navy in; Russian navy in Copithorn, Capt. , of the Betsey, 12F62:31 John, 2S57: 31, R24D67: 42, R19Ja69: 32 Copithorne, Capt. , of the Fairfax, PD25Ap66: 21 Richard, Capt. , of the Betty Galley, 18My39:ll Copland, Charles, DlAp80: 22 Cople parish, Westmoreland co. , Va. , 7N54: 31, 25Ap55: 31, PD6N66: 21, PD30D73: 23 See also Churches in; Churchwardens in; Glebe houses in; Schools in Copley, Mr. , of Boston, Mass. , PD30D73: 21 John S. , PD23Je74: 12 Coplindson, David, PD8Mr70: 42 Coppedge, Charles, PD10N68: 31 William, 250c65s33 Copper, Norris, Capt. , of the Kitty and Peggy, PD130c74: 22 Thomas, 30N59: 42 Copper, adv. for, P20D76s23 in Norfolk, Va. , R25Ag74: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , 20Je51: 32, D17Ag76: 31 256 Copperplate copies colonial taxes to be paid in, PD15S68: 12--R15S68: 14 discovered in Anglesey is. , Wales, PD22Ap73: 21 — R22Ap73: 31 export from Eng. , to N. Y. allowed, D10J179: 22 exported from Algiers, D4N75: 12 exported from James river, upper district, Va. , to Bristol, Eng. , PD27J169: 32 to Liverpool, Eng. , PD13S70: 23 to Phila. , Pa. , PD270c68: 42 exported from York district, Va. , to London, Eng. , 25N37: 42, 25Ja40: 3 exported from Veracruz, Mex. , to Rota,25N37:41 imported to Brest, Fr. , from Holland, C13My80: 21 imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from Antigua, R11F68:31 imported to Toulon, Fr. , from Holland, C13My80: 21 in Bethel, Va. , P10F75: 41— D11F75: 23 market for in Spain, R14F71: 22 mined in Brit, colonies, N. Am. , PD7S69: 22 in Somerset co. , Eng. , PD7S69: 12 seized from British at Fort Montague, New Providence, W. I. , D4My76: 32 from Brit, ship, P20S76: 21 — D21S76: 11 from Jamaican ship, D180c76: 12 used on Brit, buildings, PD28Ap68: 13 Copper, old, adv. for, at Hunter's iron works, Va. , D4D79: 22 in Norfolk, Va. , R3Ag70: 31, PD26D71:31— R6F72: 42 in Petersburg, Va. , D13J176: 21 exported from York district, Va. , to London, Eng. , 13J139: 42, 2N39: 21 exported to Bristol, Eng. , PD27J169: 32 Copper boilers, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , P15D75: 33 Copper bottoms, lost, adv. for, D13J176: 21 Copper coffee pots, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22 in Smithfield, Va. , D21F77: 22 — P28F77s22 Copper chocolate pots, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , D27Je77: 31 Copper coins, description of, Pi23F75: 33 export from Eng. , to Brit, colonies, N.Am., regulated, PilOAg75: 21 Copper funnels, captured by Americans, D13Ja76:42 Copper hoops, seized from British at Fort Montague, New Providence, W.I. ,D4My76:32 at Fort Nassau, New Providence, W. I. , D4My76: 32 Copper kettles, as lottery prizes, PD28Ja68: 32, R16N69: 23 for sale,D28N77: 22 in Amelia co. , Va. ,D27N78: 31 in Elizabeth City co. , Va. , D17Ja77:22 in Gloucester co. , Va. , D17J179: 32 in Orange co. , N. C. ,D160c79: 31 in Pittsylvania co. , Va. ,D7N77: 32 in Powhatan co. , Va. , C30Oc79: 42 in Smithfield, Va. ,D21F77: 22— P28F77s22 in Yorktown, Va. , 29My46: 32 , D23Ja78: 31 stolen, in Powhatan co. , Va. , P26S77: 32 Copper ladles, captured by Americans, D13Ja76:42 for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22 seized from British at Fort Nassau, New Providence, W. I. , D4My76: 32 Copper manufactures, encouraged in Pa. , P24F75s23 Copper mines, PD17D67: 32--R24D67: 32 discovered in Caithness co. , Scot. , PD3S67: 21 in Cornwall, Eng. ,D22Ap75: 12 In New Ashfore, PD16S73: 22 in Scotland, 22S52: 22 in N.Am. ,R15S68: 21 for sale, in Rocky Ridge, Va. , PD16N69: 23— R16N69: 31 in Dublin, Ire. , accident in, 25N37: 22, 2D37:41 in N. C. ,23F39:41 manager of, adv. for, PD28Mr66: 41, PDlAg66: 31 near Belhaven, Va. , 19J154: 32 near Waterford, Ire. , 16D37: 32 of William Kennon, PD23Ap67: 31 Copper money, allowed in Va. , P24F75:32 issuance of for Va. , Pi23F75: 33, P3Mr75: 33--Pi2Mr75: 33 ordered for N. Y. , R15S68: 21 regulated by Va. , PD23Ap72: 11, D4Mr75: 11 Copper nails, captured by Americans, D13Ja76:42 Copper ore, exported from James river, upper district, Va. , to London, Eng. , PD9J167: 32, PD19F67: 31--R19F67: 22 exported from N. Y. , PD9Ap67: 22 exported from York district, Va. , to London, Eng. , PD19F67: 31 — R19F67:22 Copper plates, imported to Cadiz, Sp. , from Veracruz, Mex. , 21N51: 12 Copper pontoons, for Brit, army, D1N76: 11 Copper powder measures, seized from British at Fort Montague, New Providence, W. I. , D4My76: 32 at Fort Nassau, New Providence, W.I. ,D4My76:32 Copper preserving pans and covers, for sale, P19Ja76: 33— D27Ja76: 41 Copper river, S. C. , See Bridges, over Copper scales, for sale, in Cobham, Va. , P4J177: 31 in Princess Anne co. , Va. , P23My77: 32 Copper sheets, lost, adv. for, D13J176: 21 Copper skillets, for sale, in Smithfield, Va. , D21F77: 22 — P28F77s22 Copper stills, for sale, 15D52: 32 in Albemarle co. , Va. , PD4F68: 32 in King and Queen co. , Va. , D90c79: 32 in King William co. , Va. , PD11J166: 23 in Montgomery co. , Va. , D30My77: 31 — P30My77: 13 in Powhatan co. , Va. , C30Oc79: 42 in Prince Edward co. , Va. , P10Ja77: 43 in Smithfield, Va. , PD9Ja72: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , P5S77: 33 in Yorktown, Va. , 29My46: 32 near Dumfries, Va. , PDlAg71: 22 Copper tea kettles, for sale, in Cabin Point, Va. ,D18J177:31 in Gloucester, Va. , P19Ap76sll— D20Ap76: 33 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PDllAp71: 32, PD12D71: 32, PD11N73: 22 Copper tea kitchens, for sale, P19Ja76: 33— D27Ja76: 41 in Norfolk, Va. , R15N70: 31 — PD22N70: 23 In Williamsburg, Va. , PD11N73: 22 Copper trivets, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD11N73: 22 Copper utensils, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. ,D13J176:21 Copper weights, for sale, in Princess Anne co. , Va. , P23My77: 32 Copper work, bartered for country produce, PD26D71: 31— R6F72: 42 Copper works, in Newark, N. J. , R18Ag68s22 Copperas, for sale, Pi7S75: 32 in Fredericksburg, Va. , D26Mr79: 22 in Hanover co. , Va. , D5F80: 41 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23, D26D77: 21 in Petersburg, Va. , PD14J174: 32, P27Je77: 33, P6Mr78: 32, P27Mr78: 12, D8My78:61,P21Ag78:42 in Richmond, Va. , PD10S72: 23, D5F80:41 in Richmond co. , Va. , P24My76: 42 in South Quay, Va. , D10Oc77: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , 15My46: 41, 24My51: 32, 18J151: 41, 5S51: 32, 10Ap52: 31, 30Ap52: 32, 15My52: 32, 22My52: 32, 2My55: 22, 2My55: 31, 14N55: 22, 16Ja61: 41, PD3D67: 32, PD28S69: 31, PD15F70: 41, R12J170: 31, R8N70: 13, PD29N70: 31 — R29N70: 31, PDllAp71: 32, PD240c71: 31, PD12D71: 32, PD2J172: 32, PD290c72: 22 — R290c72: 22, PD10Je73: 22, PD1S74: 32, PD29S74: 32, D26Ag75: 32, D28N77: 21 — P28N77: 33, D5D77: 12--P5D77: 22, D10J178: 21 — P10J178:33, DlMy79: 22,D160c79: 11, D29Ja80:41, C15J180: 22 in Yorktown, Va. , P30Oc78: 33 importation to Boston, Mass. , allowed, PD24Ag69: 21 importation to Fr. , from Gt. Brit. , allowed, HMy39: 21 imported to Algiers, D4N75: 12 imported, unclaimed, adv. of, Pi21S75:33 at Hobb's Hole, Va. , PD22Ag71:33 unclaimed, adv. of, PD10D72: 23 Copperplate copies, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD10Je73: 34, D9Mr76: 43, D24Ag76: 63. D3Ja77: 43, 257 Copperplate copies, for sale, in Williamsburg (cont'd) D17Ja77:43,D2My77:83 Copperplate printers, See Indentured servants as Copperplates, for counterfeit money, D15My78: 32--P29My78: 42 for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD22N70: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , R150c72: 31 Coppers, for sale, at Marlborough, Va. , PD25Oc70: 23— R1N70: 32 in King George co. , Va. , PD23D73: 23 in Richmond co. , Va. , P24My76: 42 Coppers, brewing, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD26D71: 31— R6F72: 42, R25Ag74: 33 Coppers, fullers, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD26D71: 31— R6F72: 42, R25Ag74: 33 Coppers, hatters, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , R6F72: 42--PD26D71: 31, R25Ag74: 33 Copper's ferry, Pa. , PD18Je72: 31 Coppersmiths, adv. of, in Norfolk, Va. , PD26D71: 31--R6F72: 42, R25Ag74: 33 in Petersburg, Va. ,D13J176: 21 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25F73: 31 in Petersburg, Va. , P27Je77: 12 in St. John, Antigua, PD12N72: 12 See also Indentured servants as Copperware, for sale, in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72: 31 in Norfolk, Va. , R15N70: 31 — PD22N70: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , 30N59: 32, PD19S66: 31.D16D75: 23 Coppidge, John,DllD79:31 Coppinger, Capt. , PD30Oc66: 13 Copson, Mary, of Eng. ,D16S75: 33 Copying clerk, adv. for employment, R190c69sl2 Copyright, trial about in Scot. , PD23S73: 22, PD140c73s22— R140c73:31 Copyright laws, discussed in London, Eng. , PD5My74: 12, PD1S74: 23 Coral, discovered in S. Am. , by British, PD4Je67: 21 for sale, in Hobb's Hole, Va. , R6J169: 31 Coral beads, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD150c72: 31, PD140c73: 23 Coral necklaces, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD240c71: 31, PD29Ap73: 23 Corals, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD10Oc71: 31, PD4Je72: 32, R150c72:31,PD15J173:32, PD11N73: 23— R11N73: 21 See also Silver corals; Silver mounted chased corals Corals, chased, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD150c72: 31, PD220c72: 23— R220c72: 23 Corals, red, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , D12Je79: 32 Corals and bells, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD210c73: 23 — R210c73: 22, PD5My74: 31 — R26My74: 13, PD20Oc74s22— Pi20Oc74: 31 See also Silver corals and bells Corban, John, deserter, 2S57: 42 Corbet, Capt. , R10Mr74: 23 James & co. , ship of, 8Je39: 22 William, Capt. , PD18F68: 31 Corbett, Capt. , PD17Mr74: 21 Edward, of the Katherine, PD2Je68: 23 James, Capt. , of the Unity, 30Je38:41 John, PD28Ap68: 23 Richard, R12My68: 34 Thomas, announces departure, D26D77: 22 Corbin, Capt. , of the Lancashire, 18N37: 41 Col. , 26Ag37: 42, PD23J172: 31, PD22Ap73: 32— R22Ap73sl3, PD13My73: 41— R13My73: 32 quarters of, P18Ap77s33 slaves of, 5N36: 42, PD2D73: 23, P27Je77: 33 Mr. ,D14Mr77: 62— P21Mr77s23 Alice, rebus to, R16Je68: 31 Benjamin, slave passes as, PD15Ag66: 32 Betty (Tayloe), Mrs. , 29J137: 41 Francis, Col. , PD4Je72: 33 of N. C. ,RllAg68: 31 Gawin, P20Mr78: 12 adv. finding horse, P4J177: 42 adv. lots in Fredericksburg, Va. , D13N78:12 adv. settlement of estate, of John Carter, PD23D73: 23 appointed to Va. council, Pi28Ap75: 32- P5My75: 21, P5My75s22, D6My75: 31 burgess from [King and Queen co. ], Va. , 3N38: 51 burgess from Middlesex co. , Va. , PD1D68: 31, PDllMy69s41, PD14S89: 31— R14S69: 22, R9N69: 11 land of, 7Ap38: 41 marriage of, P10My76: 31 proclamation for apprehension of slave, PD16S73: 31 slave of, R29Ap73: 23 son of, 29J137: 41 Gawin, Col., daughter of, «18My39: 32 quarters of in King and Queen co. , Va. ,R4F68:42 slave of, R2Mr74: 41 wife of, 15Je39: 32 Gawin, jr. , P6D76: 33.D13D76: 41, D8My78: 72 George, of Accomac co. , Va. , P17F75:41 Hannah, PD2My66: 41, PD10Mr68: 31, PD7J168: 23 marriage of, 18My39: 32 Jean, of N. C. ,RllAg68:31 John, 10Ag39: 42, 21N45: 32 John, Col. , estate of, PD7Ap68: 31 — R14Ap68: 43 John Tayloe, adv. land for sale, PD19Ag73: 21— R19Ag73: 22 adv. plantation for sale, PD210c73: 23- R210c73:31 burgess from King and Queen co. , Va. , PD8D68: 31, PD15D68: 23 — R15D68: 21, PDllMy69s41, PD28S69: 23, R9N69: 11, PD23N71: 22 joins Association in Va. , R27J169: 23 marriage of, R21F71: 32— PD21F71: 31 of King and Queen co. , Va. , R20S70: 31 sells church organ, R31D72: 32— PD7Ja73: 31 Lettice, Mrs. , PD2My66: 41, PD7Ap68: 31— R14Ap68: 43 Martha, Mrs., death of, 15Je39: 32 Molly (Waller), Mrs. , R21F71: 32 Richard, PD23J167: 32, PD24My70: 23 adv. estate of Christopher Robinson, R15D68: 22— PD15D68: 23 adv. estate of Rev. Mr. Robinson, PD31Mr68: 31 — R31Mr68: 34 adv. slaves, forsale, PD3N68: 23— R3N68: 33 announces exhaustion of tobacco revenue, P24N75: 31— D25N75: 33 announces quit rents due, PD13Je66: 23, PD23J167: 31— R23J167: 31 censured for Toryism, P23Ag76: 31 demands payment of quit rents, PD18F68: 32, PD24Ja71: SI- RS! Ja71: 31 in Stamp act controversy, PD26S66: 22, PD30c66: 13 letter from Lord Dunmore, P16F76: 32, PlMr76: 22 marriage of, 29J137:41 meets with Dunmore on powder question, Pi4My75: 31 — P5My75s22— D6My75: 22 negotiates with Dunmore, P23F76: 31 — D24F76:32 order drawn on, PD2D73: 23 orders sheriffs to collect quit rents, PD5Mr72: 31— R12Mr72: 32, PD18F73: 11— R18F73: 11 pays for gunpowder, P5My75s21 presents proposals to Dunmore, PlMr76: 31 requests sheriffs to pay quit rents, PD10Mr74: 31— R10Mr74: 31 slave of, P21J175: 33 warns sheriffs to pay quit rents, PD12My68: 23, Pi5Ja75: 32 — D7Ja75: 31, P15D75: 32--D16D75: 22 Richard, jr. , adv. for missing horse, PD4Ag74: 32, PD270c74: 31, D22Ap75:33,D20My75:33 Thomas, P20S76: 11,D7N77: 32 Corbin, ship, 27Ag56: 32 Corbin' s bridge, P19S77: 22 Corbit, William, Capt. , PD29Ja67: 13 Corbley, John, PD2F69: 31, R17F74: 32 Corbly, John, PD9JeS8: 23 Cord, See Bed cords Cord, Dutch, manufacture of, in Fredericksburg, Va. , P17Ja77: 22 Cord, hat, for sale, in Suffolk, Va. , P21N77: 31— D28N77: 31 Cord, spangled, for sale, in Alexandria, Va. ,PD20Ag72:31 Cordage, boycotted in Providence, R. I. , PD21Ja68: 31 cargo of sloop Argo, D11S79: 21 export from Eng. , to Brit, colonies declines, PD28J174: 23 to N. Y. allowed, D10J179: 22 exported from Amsterdam, Holl. , to Toulon, Fr. , PD4Je67: 21 exported from Holl. , to Brit, colonies, N. Am. , PD28J174: 23 exported from James river, lower district, Va. , to Md. , RllAg68: 24 exported from south Rappahannock district, Va. , to Barbados, 17N52: 22 exported from York district, Va. , to R.I. ,25N37:42 258 Corks for Barbary states, PD7Ja73: 21 for Russian navy, destroyed in fire, PD12S71: 21 for sale, P15Ag77: 11 at Bermuda Hundred, Va. , PD8Ja67: 32, PD20Ag67: 23 at Kemp's landing, Va. , P160c78: 31 in Alexandria, Va. , D24J179: 22 in Cabin Point, Va. ,D28Mr77: 31 in Essex co. , Va. ,D24Ag76: 62— P23Ag76: 33 in Gloucester co. , Va. ,D18S79: 31 in Hampton, Va. , P3Ap78: 22 in King and Queen co. , Va. , D5J180: 31 in Norfolk, Va. , PD10Ag69: 32, PD7S69: 33, PD21S69: 23, PD24My70: 33--R31My70: 42, PD25Oc70: 23--R1N70: 31, PD22N70: 31, PD3Ja71: 31 — R10Ja71: 32, PD9My71: 33, PD5Ag73: 23, PD2D73: 22— R2D73: 23 in Petersburg, Va. , P21Ag78: 42 in Princess Anne co. , Va. , P19Je78:31 in Yorktown, Va. , 4J145: 42, 29My46: 32, 24Ja52: 41, P230c78: 31 imported, for sale, in Yorktown, Va. , 21Ag46: 32 imported to Accomac district, Va. , from Phila. , Pa. , PD7J168: 23— R7J168: 21 imported to Algiers, D4N75: 12 Imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from Newport, R. I. , PD12F67: 31 imported to Marblehead, Mass. , from Spain, P30c77: 21 imported to Williamsburg, Va. , from Bordeaux, Fr. , P12Je78: 22 imported to York river, Va. , from St. Eustatia, W. I. , D8N76: 22 purchased by British, in Va. , D7F77:21 — P14F77: 21 seized by Tories on Nantucket, Mass. , C15My79: 12 seized from Brit, ships, D13Je77: 11 — P13Je77: 21, D27Je77: 12, D18J177: 21, P30c77: 12 seized from French ships, 5D45: 41 Cordage, British, for sale, in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72: 31 Cordage, European made, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD2D73: 22 — R2D73: 23 Cordova, Mr. , 24Ap52: 21 Corden, James, P23My77: 42 Corder, John, deserter, P25J177: 32 Corderius, author, D30c77: 32 Cordery, author, PD7J168: 31, PD3Ja71: 43, PD17Ja71: 43, PD7F71:43, PD21F71: 43, , PD10Je73: 34,DllF75s23 Cordials, for sale, PD5F67: 31 — R19F67:41 in Williamsburg, Va. , R7Ap74: 32, P7Je76: 33, P22Ag77: 32, D8My78: 82, P21Ag78:41 imported to Accomac district, Va. , from Nev. York City, PD23Je68: 23 — R7J168: 21 imported to Jamaica, PD3S67: 11 See also Bostock's cordial; Godfrey's cordial; Raleigh's (Sir Walter) cordial; Freeman's cordials; Trueman's cordials Cordials, French, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , P10Ja77: 41, P18Ap77s23 Cordials, stomachic, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , D14N77: 31 Cordill, John, P18Ap77sl2 Cordovans, for sale, in Portsmouth, Va. , PD10c72: 23 Cordray, Capt. , D23Ja78: 21 Corduroy, for sale, at Kemp's landing, Va. ,Dl9Mr79:31 in Blandford, Va. ,D13N78: 11 in Smithfield, Va. , D21F77: 22 — P28F77s22 in Williamsburg, Va. , D26Ag75: 32, D7N77: 32 manufacture, in Fredericksburg, Va. , P17Ja77: 22 Cordwainers fire co. , Phila. , Pa. , PD9Mr69: 23 Coreadiere, Capt. . of the American, D20c79: 21 Corelli, Arcangelo, composer, PD29Ag71: 31, PD17S72: 22 Corfu, fortified by Venetians, PD28J174: 13 See Earthquakes on Corgan, James, indentured servants, PD21Mr71: 33 Coriander, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , R12J170: 31 Coriander seeds, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD21S69: 41 — R21S69s21 Coriolanus, pseud. , PD10S72: 11 Cork, Ire. , economic conditions in, 2Je38: 31 See also Anecdotes; Animals slaughtered in; Brit, army from; Brit, army, from Boston, Mass. , to; Brit, army, from Charleston, S. C. , to; Brit, army, from Deptford, Eng. , to; Brit, army, from Phila. , Pa. , to; Brit, army in; Brit, army, recalled to; Brit, army to Brit, army, to America from; Brit, army, to Boston, Mass. , from; Brit, army, to Brit, colonies, N. Am. , from; Brit, army, to Cape Fear, N. C. , from; Brit, army, to Gibraltar, Sp. , from; Brit, army, to Minorca, from; Brit, army, to N. Y. , from; Brit, army, to N. Am. , from; Brit, army, to N. S. , from; Brit, army, to Pensacola, Fla. , from; Brit, army, to Phila. , Pa. , from; Brit, army, to Portsmouth, Eng. , from; Brit, army, to Va. , from; Brit, navy to; Brit, navy, to Gibraltar, from; Brit, navy to Mediterranean sea, from; Brit, transports, from; Brit, transports, from N. Y. , to; Brit, transports, to America from; Brit, transports, to Boston, Mass. , from; Brit, transports, to Halifax, N. S. , from; Brit, victuallers, to N. Y. , from; Children, abnormal born in; Contraband between; Deserters from Brit, army in; Drownings, near; Embargoes; Emigration from; Executions in; Exports from; Exports from Boston, Mass. , to; Exports from James river, lower district, Va. , to; Exports from Md. . to; Exports from N. Y. , to; Exports from South Potomac district, Va. , to; Gambling in; Giants in; Imports to; Imports to James river, lower district, Va. , from; Imports to James river, upper district, Va. , from; Imports to, N. Y. , from; Indentured servants imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from; Indentured servants imported to Va. , from; Lynchings in; Merchants in; Midgets in; Murders in; Prisoners of war, American, treatment of in; Privateers, American off; Provisions, for Brit, navy in; Rape, trials for in; Robberies in; Ships, American, seized in; Ships from; Ships from Bristol, Eng. , to; Ships from Charleston, S. C. , to; Ships from Gt. Brit. , to; Ships from Lisbon, Port. , to; Ships from N. Y. , to; Ships from Phila. , Pa. , to; Ships from St. Augustine, Fla. , to; Ships from St. Christopher, W. I. , to; Ships from Va. , to; Ships from W. I. , to; Ships' sailing time; Ships, to America from; Ships to Boston, Mass. , from; Ships to Brunswick, N. C. , from; Ships to Hampton, Va. , from; Ships to James river, Va. , from; Ships to Milford, Eng. , from; Ships to N. Y. , from; Ships, to Newcastle, Del. , from; Ships, to Norfolk, Va. , from; Ships to Phila. , Pa. , from; Ships to Portsmouth, Eng. , from; Ships to Portsmouth, N. H. , from; Ships to St. Christopher, W. I. , from; Ships to St. Eustatia, W. L , from; Ships to Sandy Hook, N. J. , from; Ships to Va. , from; Shipwrecks, near; Shipwrecks off; Smallpox in; Smallpox inoculations in; Storms near; Suicides attempted in; Trade; Vandalism in; White boys in Cork, bartered for tobacco, C28Ag79: 33 for sale, in Yorktown, Va. , C28Ag79: 33 Cork, seine, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD3D67: 32 Cork sheet, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. ,PD12D71:32 Cork and Orrery, John Boyle, 5th earl of, author, D11F7 5s 23 Cork horses, invented in France, PD29Ag71: 13 Corks, for sale, in Alexandria, Va, , PD20Ag72: 31 in Edenton, N. C. , P160c78: 42 in Norfolk, Va. , 3J146: 41, PD12Ja69: 32 in Suffolk, Va. ,D21N77: 12, P21N77-.31— D28N77:31 in Williamsburg, Va. , 18J151: 41, 10Ap52: 31, 15My52: 32, 22My52: 32, R12J170: 31, D5D77: 12--P5D77: 22 in Yorktown, Va. , 4J145: 42, 29My46: 32 See also Velvet corks Corks, bottle, for sale, in Hanover co. , Va. ,D5F80:41 259 Corks, bottle, for sale (cont'd) in Petersburg, Va. , PD14J174: 32, P27Mr78: 12, D8My78: 61 in Richmond, Va. ,D8My78: 82 — P27My78: 22, P12Je78: 22 — D10J178:41,D5F80:41 in South Quay, Va. , D10Oc77: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD12D71: 32, PD29S74: 32, D10J178: 21 — P10J178:33 Corks, decanter, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD10Oc71: 31, PD14My72: 23, PD220c72: 23 — R220c72: 23, PD210c73: 23 — R210c73: 22, PDllAp66: 41 Corks, seine, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD19S66: 31, PD28S69: 31, PDllAp71: 32 Corks, vial, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD14J173: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , 14N55: 22, PD240c71: 31 Corkscrews, for sale, 12F62: 42 in Beaufort, N. C. , P160c78: 32 in Cobham, Va. , P4J177: 31 in Edenton, N. C. , P160c78: 42 in Gloucester, Va. , P19Ap76sll — D20Ap76: 33 in Gloucester co. , Va. , P16Ag76: 33— D24Ag76: 72 in Williamsburg, Va. , HOc51: 41, DllMy76: 23 — P10My76: 43, D27Je77:31,DlAg77:22 See also Silver corkscrews; Steel corkscrews Corkwood, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD14J174: 32 Corlet, John, ship of, PD220c72: 13 Corlet, brig,R15S74:33 Corlet, Clifton, & Gill, ship of, PD220c72: 13 Cormia, battle at, 17N38: 11 Cormon, Francis, P230c78: 43 Cormorante, sloop of war, PD240c71: 21, PD7N71: 21 Corn, abandoned by Indians in Island Town, Va. , P15N76: 61 adv. for, near Newcastle, Va. , PD28Ja68: 32— R4F68: 41 bartered for bar iron, PD28Ja68: 32— R4F68:41 for bricks, D160c79: 31 for cast iron, PD28Ja68: 32— R4F68:41 for coal, Pi2Mr75: 33 for dry goods, PD11N73: 22— R11N73:22 for European goods, PD9D73: 21, R16D73: 41 for horse-breeding, PD17F74: 31— R17F74: 31, Pi30Mr75: 32— P31Mr75s23— DlAp75: 33, Pi20Ap75: 32,D18Mr80: 32, DlAp80: 32 for land, PD2F69: 32--R2F69: 32, PD24My70: 33, R8N70: 13, PD29Ap73: 22 for leather, D11S79: 32 for Madeira wine, PD20Ag67: 23, R11N73: 23, PD9D73: 21 for merchandise, PD8Ja67: 32, R28J168: 32, PD23Mr69: 32, PD15F70: 41, PD26D71: 31, PD9D73: 23, R16D73: 41, PD1D74: 32— PilD74: 33, Pi29D74: 33 for molasses, PD7Ja68: 41 for pig iron, PD28Ja68: 32 — R4F68: 41 for rum, PD7Ja68:41 for sugar, PD7Ja68: 41 for wine, PD7Ap74: 31--R7Ap74: 31 bounties on export from Gt. Brit. , R4D66: 12, PD4D66: 23, PD10S67: 13, bounties on import from N. Am. , to Gt. Brit. , PD2J167: 12 to Denmark, PD16Ja72: 23 to Eng. , from N. A. , PDllMr73: 22 to Gt. Brit. , PD2J167: 13 to Prussia, PD18Mr73: 21 bounty on in Gt. Brit. , regulated by parliament, R10Je73: 32 burned by British in Nansemond co. , Va. ,D10F76:32 burned in Nansemond co. , Va. , D17F76:32 contributed to Boston by York co. , Va. , Pil6Mr75: 33 — P24Mr75: 32— D25Mr75: 23 crop poor, in Md. , 21Ag52: 22 in S. C. , 29S52: 22 cultivated in Antigua, W. I. , PD25Ag74: 21 — R25Ag74: 12 damaged by frost, in S. C. , PD16Je74sl2 by hurricanes in Williamsbirg, Va. , P8S75: 23 in Va. , PD2J172: 31 dearness of, in Crema, Italy, 10Ja52: 21 demands for decreased, in southern Europe, 12My39: 22 destroyed by Americans in Chemung, N. Y. ,D25S79: 11 by Americans in N. Y. , D90c79: 21 by Americans near Chemung, N. Y. , D4S79: 21 by British near Holmes Hole, Mass. , P230c78: 21 by fire in St. John, Antigua, R190c69:31 by Paxton boys, 4N63: 21 by rain in Va. ,D9S75:32 by storms in Md. , PD28S69s21 by storm in N. C. , PD2N69: 21 by storms in Va. , PD14S69: 31 in Princess Anne co. , Va. , PD18J171: 11 in Williamsburg, Va. , Pi7S75: 31 on Brit, ship, D13Je77: 21 distributed to poor in Sweden, PD15Ag66: 12 duties on import to Sp. repealed, D14Ja75: 22 to London, Eng. , PD18Ag68: 21 — R18Ag68: 14 to Tuscany, removed, PD20N66: 21 embargoes on in Amsterdam, Holl. , PD10S67: 13 in Antigua, W. I. , P21Je76: 22— D22Je76: 61 in Eng. , PD4D66: 23 in Gt. Brit. , PD20N66: 21, PD27N66: 21, PD4D66: 31,R11D66: 22 in Naples, It. , PD4D66: 22 in S. C. ,20Ja38:31 petitioned in Edinburgh, Scot. , PD20N66: 21 export from Brussels, Belg., regulated, D19Ag75: 22 from Charleston, S. C. , prohibited, P16J175: 31 from Fr. , prohibited, 19D51: 22, R60c68: 12, PD18Ag74: 22 — R18Ag74: 23 from Gt. Brit. , prohibited, PDlJa67: 23, PD12F67: 13, R11F68: 22, R16F69: 11, PD14F71: 23, PD13Je71: 21, D17F76:41 from Gt. Brit. , regulated, R15Ag71: 12,R10Je73:32, PD15J173: 12— R15J173: 11 from N. Am. , to Fr. , forbidden, PDllMr73:22 from N. Am. , to Mediterranean, forbidden, PDllMr73: 22 from N. Am. , to Port. , forbidden, PDllMr73: 22 from N. Am. , to Sp. , forbidden, PDllMr73: 22 from Russia to Sweden, permitted, PD16Ja72: 11 exported from Accomac district, Va. , to Antigua, PD23My66: 31, PD22Ja67: 31, PD9Ap67: 23, PD14Ja68: 32 to Barbados, PD12S66: 23.R25D66: 13, PDllJe67: 32, PD31Mr68: 22— R14Ap68: 41, PD26My68: 22 — R26My68: 31, PD8S68p22, PD270c68: 42, PD22D68: 31 to Bermuda, PD12Mr67: 32, PD31Mr68: 22— R14Ap68: 41 to Boston, Mass. , PD12Mr67: 32, PD7My67: 31, PD31Mr68: 22— R14Ap68: 41, PD26My68: 22 — R26My68: 31, PD30Je68: 23— R7J168: 22, PD8S68p22, PD270c68: 42, PD270c68: 43, PD22D68: 31 to Casco bay, PD26My68: 22— R26My68: 31 to Gibraltar, PD26My68: 22 — R26My68: 31, PD270c68: 42 to Halifax, N. S. , PD30Je68: 23— R7J168: 22 to Lisbon, Port. , PD17N68: 22 to Md. , PD7J168: 23--R7J168: 22 to Nantucket, PDllJe67: 32 to New Providence, W. I. , PD12Mr67: 32, PD3D67: 31 to New York City, PD12Mr67: 32, PD8S68p22, PD270c68: 42, PD270c68: 43, PD17N68: 22, PD22D68: 31 to Phila. , Pa. , PD23My66: 31, PD12Mr67: 32, PD9Ap67: 23, PDllJe67: 32, PD6Ag67: 32, PD3D67: 31, PD14Ja68: 32, PD31Mr68: 22--R14Ap68: 41, R26My68: 31 — PD26My68: 22, PD30Je68: 23--R7J168: 21, PD30Je68: 23--R7J168: 22, PD7J168: 23— R7J168: 21, R7J168: 22, PD8S68p22, PD270c68: 42, PD270c68: 43, PD22D68: 31 to Plymouth, PD31Mr68: 22 — R14Ap68:41 to R. I. , PD12S66: 23, PD7My67: 31, PD6Ag67: 32, PD26My68: 22-- R26My68: 31, R7J168: 22, PD270c68: 43 to Salem, Mass. , PD9Ap67: 23, PD30Je68: 23 to S. C. ,PDllJe67: 32 exported from Africa to Europe, 2S37: 12 exported from America to Gibraltar. 260 Corn PD10Ja71: 13 to Ire. , PD30Ap67: 22 to Lisbon, Port. , R22S74: 23 to Portugal, PD15S74: 32 exported from Boston, Mass. , to Cork, Ire. , PD25Je67: 21 exported from Brit, colonies, N. Am. , to Fr. ,D25Mr75: 21 to Port. , PD12Ja69: 12 to Sp. , PD12Ja69: 12 exported from Cologne, Ger. , to Alsace, 7N55: 21 exported from Danzig to Europe, R15J173sl2 exported from Egypt to Syria, R20Ja74: 21 exported from Eng. , benefits of, R12Ag73: 21 exported from Eng. , to Dunkirk, Fr. , PD16Ja72: 12 to Port. ,10Mr38:41 to southern Europe, 26Ag37: 22 to Sp. , 10Mr38:41 exported from Great Britain, evaluated for 1764 and 1766, PD80c67: 11 exported from Greece to Fr. , 21Ag52: 12 exported from Hampton, Va. , to Anguilla, W.I. , 10Oc45: 32 to Antigua, 23My45: 32, 10Oc45: 32 to Barbados, 28Mr45: 41, 23My45: 32, 13Je45: 41. 10Oc45: 31, 10Oc45: 32 to Bermuda, 18Ap45: 41, 10Oc45: 31 to Boston, Mass. , 9My45: 32 to New Providence, W. I. , 10Oc45: 32 exported from James river, Va. , to Barbados, 16Mr39: 41, PD27Ag67: 23, PD17S67: 13 to Boston, Mass. , 16Mr39: 41 exported from James river, lower district, Va. , to Ant'gua, 23Ja46: 42, 24N52: 31, 8D52: 31, 29D52: 32, 26S55: 31, 27Ag56: 32, R12Ja69: 31, PD20Ja74: 23, PD27Ja74: 32, PD10F74: 23, PDlOMr74: 31, R17Mr74: 23, PD14Ap74: 31. PD14Ap74: 31 — R14Ap74: 23, R14Ap74: 31 — PD28Ap74: 23, R8S74: 31, R15S74: 33 to Barbados, 23Ja46: 42, 29My46: 4, 29S52: 31, 29S52: 32, 20Oc52: 21, 24N52: 22, 24N52: 31, 2Mr53: 41, 28F55: 31, 26S55: 31, 27Ag56: 32, 12F62: 31, 12F62: 32, R8Ag66: 31, R11F68: 31, RllAg68: 24, R12Ja69: 31, PD6Ja74: 32, PD10F74: 23, PD10Mr74: 31, R17Mr74: 23 — PD14Ap74: 31, R14Ap74: 31 — PD28Ap74: 23.R8S74: 31, R15S74: 33 to Bermuda, 2Mr53: 41, 28F55: 31, HAp55: 22, 23My55: 21, 26S55: 31, 27Ag56: 32,R11F68: 31 to Boston, Mass. , HAp55: 22 to Cadiz, R14Ap74: 31--R21Ap74: 23 — PD28Ap74: 23 to Curacao, W. I. , R11D66: 33 to Falmouth, Eng. , PD14Ap74: 31 — R14Ap74: 23 to Grenada, Sp. . R12Ja69: 31, PD10Mr74: 31. PD14Ap74: 23 — R17Mr74: 22, PD14Ap74: 31 — R17Mr74: 23, PD28Ap74: 23— R14Ap74: 31--R21Ap74: 23, R8S74: 31.R15S74: 33 to Jamaica, 20Oc52: 21, 24N52: 22, 8D52: 31, 2Mr53: 41, HAp55: 22, R11D66: 33, RllAg68: 31, PD6Ja74: 32, PD14Ap74: 31--R14Ap74: $3 to Lisbon, Port. , PD14Ap74: 31 — R14Ap74: 23, R14Ap74: 31 — PD28Ap74: 23,R15S74:33 to Liverpool, Eng. , RllAg68: 24 to Madeira, 29D52: 32, 23My55: 21, 27Ag56: 32, R11F68: 31, RllAg68: 24, PD6Ja74: 32 to Nevis, W. I. , 29D52: 32, PD20Ja74: 23, PD10Mr74: 31,R14Ap74: 23— PD28Ap74: 23 to New Eng. , PD10Mr74: 31 to New Providence, W. I. , 23My55: 21 to New York City, 2Mr53: 41, 23My55: 21 to Phila. , Pa. , 26S55: 31, R21Ap74: 23, R28Ap74: 23 to Piscataway, N. J. , PD14Ap74: 31 — R17Mr74: 23 to Plymouth, Eng. , R14Ap74: 31 — PD28Ap74: 23 to Providence, R. I. , 20Oc52: 21 to St. Christopher, W. I. , 20Oc52: 21, 24N52: 22, 24N52: 31, 8D52: 31, RllF68:31,R12Ja69: 31 to Salem, Mass. , PD10Mr74: 31 to S. C. , HAp55: 22, 23My55: 21, PD10Mr74: 31, R17Mr74: 23 — PD14Ap74: 23,R21Ap74: 23 to Teneriffe, Canary is. , R15S74: 33 exported from James river, upper district, Va. , Oct. 1763-Oct. , 1766, PD12F67: 23 exported from James river, upper district, Va. , to Antigua, 9F39: 42, 18My39: 41, PD12S66: 23, PD4Je67: 41, PD27Ag67: 23, PD28Ja68: 31 — R4F68: 31, PD2Je68: 23, R22S68: 23 — PD22S68: 23, PD22D68: 31, PD8Je69: 23, PD27S70: 31 to Barbados, 17Je37: 32, 24Je37: 41, 18My39: 41, 3J146: 4, 60c52: 31, PD15Ag66: 31 — R15Ag66s32, R19F67: 22--PD19F67: 31, PD12Mr67: 32, PD19Mr67: 32, PD16Ap67: 23, PD23Ap67: 31, PD9J167: 32, PD6Ag67: 32, PD27Ag67: 23, PD17D67: 31, PD3Mr68: 31, PD10Mr68: 31, PD17Mr68: 31, PD24Mr68: 32— R14Ap68: 42, R26My68: 31 — PD31Mr68: 22, PD7J168: 23 — R7J168: 23, PD1S68: 23, PD270c68: 42, PD22D68: 31, PD20Ap69: 22, PD8Je69: 23, PD27J169: 32, PD10Ag69: 32, PD13S70: 23, PD27S70: 31, PD10Mr74: 31 to Barcelona, Sp. , PD4Je67: 41 to Bermuda, 17Je37: 32, 22J137: 41, 9F39: 42, 18My39: 41, 29My46: 4, PD19F67: 31— R19F67: 22, PD9J167: 32 to Boston, Mass. , 18My39: 41, 10Ag39: 31, 18Ja40: 41, PD19F67: 31 — R19F67: 22,.PD3Mr68: 31 — R3Mr68: 31, PD17Mr68: 31 — R14Ap68: 42, PD26My68: 23 — R26My68: 31, PD23Mr69: 31, PD20Ap69: 23, PD6J169: 32, PD10Ag69: 32, PD7S69: 31, PD18Ja70: 32, PD10F74: 23 to Bristol, Eng. , PD26My68: 23 — R9Je68: 33, PD22D68: 31 to Cadiz, Sp. , PD31Mr68: 23 — R26My68: 31, PD7Ap74: 23, PD26My68: 23 — R26My68: 31 to Ga. , 9F39: 42, 18My39: 41, 10Ag39: 31 to Hull, Eng. , PD7J178: 31 — R7J168: 23 to Jamaica, 14D39: 11, PD26My68: 23 — R26My68: 31 to Lisbon, Port. , PD26My68: 23, PD8Je69: 23 to London, Eng. , PD28J168: 23 to Madeira, 25My39: 42, 9Ja46: 4, R30My66: 32-^PD6Je66: 31, PD2Ap67: 23, PD23Ap67: 31, PD30Ap67: 32, PD10D67: 31, PD10Mr68: 31, PD24Mr68: 32— R14Ap68: 42, PD7J168: 23, PDllAg68: 23--RllAg68: 31, PD8Je69: 23, PD21S69s23 to New York City, 29My46: 4, R25D66: 21, PD22Ja67: 32, PD17Mr68: 31— R14Ap68: 42, PD7J168: 31--R7J168: 23, PD28J168: 23, PD22S68: 23--R22S68: 23, PD270c68: 42, PD20Ap69: 22, PD27J169: 32, R27J169: 32, PD28S69s23 to Perth Amboy, N. J. , PD28J168: 23, PD270c68:42 to Phila. , Pa. , PD8Je69: 23 to Providence, R. I. , PD10Mr74: 23 to R. I. , PD8Je69: 23, PD28S69s23 to St. Vincent's, W. I. , PD7Ap74: 23 to Salem, Mass. , 12F62: 32, PD19F67: 31— R19F67: 22, PD12Mr67: 32, PD19Mr67: 32, PD18F68: 23--R18F68: 31, PD10Mr68: 31, PD17Mr68: 31 — R14Ap68: 42, PD26My68: 22— R26My68: 31,PD1S68: 23, PD22D68: 31, PD22F70: 32, PD20Ja74: 23, PD27Ja74: 32, PD10F74: 23, PD10Mr74: 31, D18Mr75: 32 to S. C. ,HAg38:41 to Vigo, Sp. , PD6J169: 32 to Whitehaven, Eng. , PD26My68: 22— R26My68: 31 exported from Md. , to Bermuda, PD10D72: 22— R10D72: 22 to Cork, Ire. , PD25Je67: 21 exported from Padras, Turkey, to Leghorn, It. , 13My37: 32 exported from Phila. , Pa. , to Falmouth, Eng. , Pil90c75: 11 exported from Rappahannock district, Va. , to Bermuda, 270c52: 21 to New York City, 22S52: 32 to Phila. , Pa. , R8Ag66: 22 — PD15Ag66: 23 to Salem, Mass. , PD6Je66: 31 to Whitehaven, Eng. , 7Ag52: 31 exported from Sardinia to Fr. , R6Ap69: 31 to Port. , R6Ap69: 31 to Sp. , R6Ap69: 31 exported from Scot. , PD10Je73: 13 261 Corn (cont'd) exported from Sicily to Fr. , R6Ap69: 31 to Port. , R6Ap69: 31 to Sp. ,R6Ap69:31 exported from south Potomac district, Va. , to Barbados, 270c52: 21 exported from Va. , to Antigua, R4Ag68: 24 to Eng. ,2S57:22 to Greenock, Scot. , PD16N69: 22 to Nevis, W. I. , PD220c72: 13 to Salem, Mass. , PD16N69: 22 exported from York district, Va. , to Antigua, 16My55: 21, R7J168: 22 to Barbados, 15J137: 42, 19Ag37: 32, 21Mr45: 41, 4J145: 32, 28Mr55: 32, 27Ag56:32,PD27N66: 23, PD19F67: 31--R19F67: 22, R31Mr68: 31, R26My68: 24, R7J168: 22 to Bermuda, 25Mr37: 41, 4Ag38: 42, 2F39: 42, 18My39: 31, Ue39: 42, 10Ag39: 32, 24Ag39: 31, 2N39: 21, 25Ja40: 3, 1F40: 42, 28Mr55: 32 to Boston, Mass. ,25Mr37: 41, 25Ag38: 32, R7J168: 22, Pil6Mr75: 33— P24Mr.75: 32--D25Mr75: 23 to Bristol, Eng. , PD19F67: 31 — R19F67:22 to Jamaica, 2N39: 21, 25Ja40: 3 to Madeira, 8Ap37: 41, 24N38: 42, 12Ja39: 42, 18My39: 31, 22Je39: 31, 24Ag39: 31, 21S39: 41, 2N39: 21, 25Ja40: 3, 19J154: 31, 25Ap55: 22, R26My68: 24,R7J168:22 to New Eng. , 25Mr37: 41, 9Mr39: 41, 18My39: 31, 28Mr55: 32, R31Mr68: 31 to New York City, R31Mr68: 31 to R.I. ,24Ag39: 31-32 to St. Christopher, W. I. , 27Ag56: 32, R7J168: 22 for Brit, army, PD6Je66: 13 in Boston, Mass. , P26Ja76: 13 for Brit, navy in Antigua, W. I. , D22N76: 21 for French army, PD24Je73: 11 for poor, in Whitehaven, Eng. , PD3Mr68: 22 for relief of Boston, Mass. , from Annapolis, Md. , R22S74: 31 from Northampton co. , Va. , PD20Oc74sll, Pil9Ja75: 21 from Norwich, Conn. , PDllAg74: 22 from Rappahannock, Va. , D7Ja75: 23 from Va. , PD20Oc74sll, PD22D74: 23 from York co. , Va. , P24Mr75: 32 for sale, 30Ja52: 41, PD11D66: 32— R11D66: 31, PD5F67: 31— R19F67: 41 PD30Ap67: 32, PD10Mr68: 32, PD16Je68: 31--R16Je68: 32, PD24N68: 32— R24N68: 23, R15D68: 23, R22Mr70: 22, R29N70: 22, PD26N72: 23, PD17D72: 31, P15D75: 33, P9F76: 33, P7Je76: 42, P180c76: 31, P15N76: 13, P16My77sll, P240c77: 33, P21N77: 32, D28N77: 22, D19D77:21 at Amelia courthouse, Va. , R3N68: 34 at Bermuda Hundred, Va. , PD20Ag67: 23 at Bremo, Va. , PD1D74: 31 — PHD74: 33 at Burwell's ferry, Va. , P17Mr75: 41 — D18Mr75: 11, P21Ap75: 23 — D22Ap75: 32 at falls of Potomac, PD22N70s22— R?9N70:31,R2My71:32 at Gloucester courthouse, Va. , P19Ja76: 33 at halfway house, Va. , PD2D73: 23 at Henrico factory, Va. , D5F80: 33 at King William courthouse, Va. , 3N52: 21, PD3F74: 32--R10F74: 33 at Louisa courthouse, Va. , PD29S74: 32— Pi29S74: 33 at Rocky Ridge, Va. , 16Ja61: 41 at Tombeaton Quarter, Va. , D23D75: 23 in Albemarle co. , Va. , 250c65s33, PD21Ap68: 31, PD220c72: 22, PD30S73: 31 in Amelia co. , Va. , PD5S66s33, PD24Ja71: 31— R31Ja71: 32, PD4J171: 32, PD12D71: 33, PD290c72: 22, PD290c72: 22 — R290c72: 23, P22N76: 33, D160c78: 41- P160c78: 23 in Amherst co. , Va. , PD3N68: 31— R3N68: 33, PD30J172: 32, PD25N73: 23--R25N73: 43, PD17N74: 31, P12J176: 32— D13J176: 22, D25S79: 31, C6N79: 31 in Bedford co. , Va. , 28F55: 41, 4Ap55: 32 in Bertie co. , N. C. , PD5N72: 33 in Blandford, Va. , D8N76: 31 in Brunswick co. , Va. , 1D38: 42, 6F52: 32, 19J154: 42, 14N55: 31, PD30Oc66: 31, PD29N70: 23, PD9S73: 32, R18N73: 23, PD8D74: 32, Pil6Mr75: 33, Pi30Mr75: 32, P8N76: 31,P21F77:22,D21Ag79:31 — C28Ag79: 33,D90c79: 12 in Buckingham co. , Va. , PD2N69: 32— R2N69: 31, PD4F73: 31--R4F73: 23, P21Ag78: 33,D29Ja80:33 in Bute co. , N. C. , PD1J173: 33, P29Ag77: 13 in Caroline co. , Va. , PD10Oc66: 41, PD31Ja71: 33— R31Ja71: 23, PD21F71: 32— R21F71: 32, PD26N72: 23--R26N72: 22, D22N76: 32, P29N76: 32, D25Ap77: 31, D30OC78: 31 in Charles City co. , Va. , PD12N72: 23, PD2D73: 23, P15N76: 33, D230c79: 12 in Charlotte co. , Va. , PD7S69: 41— R7S69:42,PD15F70:31 — R22F70: 31,D23D75:23 in Chesterfield co. , Va. , PD7S69: 41--R7S69: 42, PD12D71: 33 in Culpeper co. , Va. , P250c76: 32, D230c79: 12 in Cumberland co. , Va. , PD7S69: 41 — R7S69: 42, PD24D72: 31--R24D72: 22, PD19Ag73: 21 in Dinwiddie co. , Va. , R2N69: 23, PD31Ja71: 33— R31Ja71: 23, PD3N74: 43 — Pi4N74: 33, D28Ja75: 32 — P3F75: 43 — Pi26Ja75: 32, D23D75: 23 in Elizabeth City co. , Va. , R17F74:31 in Essex co. , Va. , D12D77: 21 — P12D77:21,P160c78:31 in Fairfax co. , Va. ,D28N77: 31 — P28N77sll in Fluvanna co. , Va. , D29Ja80: 41 in Frederick co. , Va. , PD30Je74: 23 — R30Je74: 32--Pil2Ja75: 43 in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD220c72: 22 in Gloucester co. , Va. , PD10367: 22, R17N68: 23, R17Ja71: 23, PilD74: 33 in Goochland co. , Va. ,4N63: 23, PD1N70: 23— R1N70: 23, PD12Mr72: 32— R12Mr72: 31, PD80c72: 32, PD140c73: 31 — R140c73: 32, C13N79: 13— D13N79: 22 in Halifax co. , Va. , PD11D66: 32, PD130c68: 23, PD7S69: 41 — R7S69: 42, PD7N71: 31— R21N71: 33, PD21N71:42 in Hanover co. , Va. , PD170c66: 32, PD23N69: 32--R23N69: 31, PD10N74: 43, D21Ja75: 31, P5Ja76: 33— D13Ja76: 33, P30c77: 23, D19D77: 22, C13N79: 21 — D13N79:31 in Henrico co. , Va. , PD3Ja71: 32— R10Ja71: 33. PD140c73: 31 — R140c73: 32, PD1D74: 31, D21N77:21 — P21N77: 32 in James City co. , Va. , PD29D68: 31 — R5Ja69: 33, Pi6Ap75sl2, P20Oc75: 31, P22D75: 33--D23D75: 33.D29N76: 42, P6D76: 32, D13D76: 32--P13D76: 23, D20D76: 21 in King and Queen co. , Va. , PD20Ag67: 31, PD21D69: 11 — R28D69: 12, R8F70: 32— PD15F70: 33, PD13D70: 22--PD13D70: 23 — R13D70: 31, R21N71: 32, PD12Ag73: 23, R140C73: 32, R210c73: 23 — PD140C73: 23 in King George co. , Va. , PD29N70: 23 — R29N70: 22 in King William co. , Va. , 10N52: 31, PD5N67: 32, PD10D67: 32, R60c68: 24, PDllMy69: 31 — RllMy69: 32, PD14D69: 32--R14D69: 31, PD21D69: 11— R28D69: 11, PD10Ja71: 33— R10Ja71: 31, PD170c71: 31— R170c71: 31, PD240c71: 23 — R310c71: 41, PD19N72: 23, PD10D72: 31, PD6My73: 31, PD140c73: 31 — R140c73: 32, PD140c73: 23 — R210c73: 23, PD9D73: 32, PD3F74: 32— R10F74: 33, PD1D74: 31,Pil6F75: 33 — P17F75: 42--D18F75: 31, P270c75: 23, D30D75: 23 — P5Ja76: 42, D17Ja77: 22 — P17Ja77:31,D19D77:31, D160c78: 32 — P160c78: 11, D11S79:32,D20N79:22 in Lancaster co. , Va. , PD290c67: 22, PD25N73: 23, D5S77: 31 — P5S77: 11 in Loudoun co. , Va. , PD3S67: 23, D28N77: 31 — P28N77sll in Louisa co. , Va. , PD13N66: 23, PD10c72: 23, PD25N73: 23, P5Ja76: 33— D13Ja76: 33, D90c79: 12 in Lunenburg co. , Va. , 9My51: 32, R26S71: 31, PDllJe72: 32, PD290c72: 22, Pi2N75: 33, D25N75: 33--P24N75s22 in Manakin Town, Va. , D10Oc77: 22 in Manchester, Va. , P21N77: 31 in Mecklenburg co. , Va. , PD17Qc66: 41--R4D66: 42, 262 Corn PD80c67: 21, PD19N72: 31 — R19N72: 22, PD140c73: 23 — R210c73: 23. PD60c74: 32, Pl9J176:43,D29Ag77: 22, D5Mr79: 32 in Middlesex co. , Va. , PD10Oc66: 41, PD24N74: 23. P20S76: 23 in Nansemond co. , Va. , 24Ap46: 32, PD19N72: 23,C28Ag79: 31 in New Kent co. , Va. , R5S66: 42— PD29Ag66: 31, PD26N67: 31, PD16Je68: 31--R16Je68: 32 R19Ja69: 31--PD26Ja69: 33, PD2N69: 32, R2N69: 31, R15Ag71: 32, PD23S73:31--R23S73:33, PD18N73: 22. PD25N73: 23, D22N76: 32. P31Ja77: 32, P28Mr77s22, P240c77: 31, D7N77: 31-- P7N77sl3, P28N77: 23 — D5D77: 21.D13N78: 22, D4D78: 12, C27N79s21, C18D79: 12--D25D79: 31, D8Ja80: 42 in Newcastle, Va. , P4Ap77: 33 in Norfolk, Va. , PD28F71: 41, PD2My71: 33 — R2My71: 31 in Northampton co. , N. C. , D210c75: 32 in Northampton co. , Va. , P160c78:42 in Northumberland co. , Va. , PD5N72:43--R5N72: 21 in Onancock, Va. , PDllAp71: 32 in Orange co. , Va. , 12S45: 42, PD10Oc71: 32, P14N77: 31, C28Ag79: 32--D28Ag79: 12 in Pittsylvania co. , Va. , D180c76: 32 in Prince Edward co. , Va. , P13S76: 41--D14S76: 71, P10Ja77: 43, P160c78: 11 in Prince George co. , Va. , PD19Mr67: 33, PD28N71: 31, PHOc76: 13, P21F77: 23, P310c77: 13 in Princess Anne co. , Va. , PD12Ja69: 33 In Richmond, Va. , PD15F70: 31 — R15F70: 32, D14N77: 31--P21N77: 32 in Scotch Town, Va. , PD21D69: 11 — R28D69: 11 in Smithfield, Va. , PD21F71: 32 — R21F71:32,PD9Ja72:32 in Southampton co. , Va. , PD11D66: 33 in Spotsylvania co. , Va. , PD21D69: 11— R28D69: 12, R18Oc70: 23, P27S76: 13, P230c78: 31, D160c79: 11 in Stafford co. , Va. , R9Mr69: 33, D6N78: 32 in Surry co. , Va. , PD3N74: 43 — Pi4N74: 33, D28N77: 22, D19D77: 21, D26D77: 12 in Sussex co. , Va. , PD1D68: 31, PD8D68: 31, PD9Mr69: 42, PD5D71: 32, PD80c72: 32, P8Mr76: 33, D1N76: 41 — P1N76: 33, P21Mr77s21, DllAp77: 62, P310c77: 13, P5D77: 32, D27N79: 22 in Urbanna, Va. , PD7J174: 33 in Warwick co. , Va. , PD21Mr71: 32, P15N76: 13,P22N76:33, D27D76:42 — P27D76: 31, D30Oc78:41 in Westmoreland co. , Va. , D160c78: 41 — P160c78: 11 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD4D66: 32, PD12Ja69: 41, PD7D69: 32 — R7D69: 31, PD10Je73: 23, P6D76: 31 in York co. , Va. , PD19F67: 32, PDlAp73: 32, PD8D74: 31, D27D76:42— P27D76:31, D21Mr77: 12 near Amherst courthouse, Va. , D19F80: 31 near Blandford, Va. , D3Ja77: 31 — P3Ja77s23 near Dumfries, Va. , PDlAg71: 22 near Halifax, N. C. , PD7N71: 31 near Hanover, Va. ,D21N77: 21 — P21N77:32,C19F80: 12— D19F80: 31 near Williamsburg, Va. , 17N38: 42 on Appomattox river, Va. , 12D51:41 on Bush river, Md. , PD26N72: 23 on Dan river, Va. , PD2N69: 32 on Gwynn's island, Va. , P16Ag76: 32, P21Ag78: 13 on Pamunkey river, Va. , P28N77sll on Pianketank river, PD8D74: 31 — Pi8D74:33,P10F75:42— D11F75:23 for Turkish army, R14F71: 13 grown in Chamberwell, Eng. , R31D72: 11 on Mississippi river, PD9S73: 23 hoarded in Eng. , RUF68: 24 in Kettering, Eng. , PD19Mr67: 21 illegal purchases in Berks co. , Eng. , PD13G-C68: 21 import of regulated by parliament, R15Ag71: 12 import to Eng. , from Brit, colonies, N. Am. , proposed, PD27My73: 12 import to Fr. , from America prohibited, PD17Je73: 23 import to Gt. Brit, free, PD12F67: 21, PD2J167: 13,R11F68:22 import to Gt. Brit. , from Brit, colonies allowed, PD18Ap66: 21 from Brit, colonies, N. Am. , free, PD19Mr67: 31, PD24Mr68: 31 — R24Mr68: 32 from Brit, colonies planned, PD17Mr68: 23 from Europe free, PD19Mr67: 31 from Flanders ordered, PD17Mr68: 23 from Holland ordered, PD17Mr68: 23 regulated by parliament, R10Je73: 32, PD15J173: 12— R15J173: 11 import to London, Eng. , free discussed, PD4Je72: 23, PD4Je72: 31 import to Sp. , free, PD26Mr67: 22 imported to Barcelona, Sp. , from N.Am. ,PD10N74:23 imported to Bristol, Eng. , PD3S67: 11 imported to Cadiz, Sp. , from N. Am. , PD10N74: 23 imported to Charleston, S. C. , from Pa. ,PDllJe72: 31 from Va. ,PDllJe72: 31 imported to Clyde river, Scot. , from Boston, Mass. , PD7My67: 21 from Phila. , Pa. , PD7My67: 21 imported to Eng. , PD7My67: 11 from Brit, colonies, N. Am. , R14Ja73: 22 from Holland, R23S73: 23 imported to Exeter, Eng. , from Brit, colonies, N. Am. , PD7My67: 13 imported to Ferrol, Sp. , from N. Am. , PD10N74: 23 imported to Fr. , from Eng. , Ue39: 32, 19D51: 22, 13F52: 21 from Holland, 13F52: 21 imported to Gt. Brit. , PD2J167: 13, P17Mr75s21— D18Mr75: 23 from Danzig, PD18Je67: 21 imported to Hampton, Va. , from Md. , 13Je45: 32 imported to Ire. , from Brit. colonies, N. Am. , PD21F71: 21 from Gt. Brit. , PD21F71: 21 imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from Md. , 8D52: 31,9D55: 22 from Grenada, Sp. , PD14Ap74: 23— R17Mr74: 22 imported to Leghorn, It. , PD7My67: 13, PD4Je67: 11 imported to London, Eng. , PD16Ap67: 11, PD9J167: 22, PD10D67: 11, PD12My68: 13 amount of, P9Je75: 13 — D10Je75: 21 from Danzig, PD9Je68: 21 — R9Je68: 22, P30Je75: 22 from Hamburg, Ger. , PD23Ap67: 13, PD9Je68: 21— R9Je68: 22, PDlAp73: 12 from Holland, PD23Ap67: 13, PD9Je68: 21— R9Je68: 22, PDlAp73: 12 from Leghorn, It. , PD9Je68: 21 — R9Je68: 22 from the Straits, PD9Je68: 21 — R9Je68: 22 imported to Norfolk, Eng. , PD16Ap67: 12 imported to Papal states from America, PD7My67: 21 imported to Port Mahon, Minorca, PD18Oc70: 11 imported to Rouen, Fr. , from Amsterdam, Holl. , 19D51: 22 imported to St. Eustatia, W. I. , PD12N72: 21 imported to Whitehaven, Eng. , from Brit, colonies, N. Am. , PDllJe67: 13 lost at sea, PD23Mr69: 23, PD27F72: 23— R27F72: 22, PD15J173: 23— R15J173: 31 lost in flood in Va. , PD6Je71: 31 markets in France guarded, R60c68: 12 monopoly on in Danzig, PD13Ja74: 32 in Gt. Brit. , PD20N66: 21, PD4D66: 23, PD11D66: 13, PD12F67: 21 in India, PD80c72: 12 payment for debts, R10Mr74: 32, D14F77:31, C13My80: 32 plentiful in America, R11F68: 14 in Austria, PD80c72: 11 in Charleston, S. C. , PD6Ag72: 21 in Cornwall, Eng. , PD140c73sl2 in Devonshire, Eng. , PD140c73sl2 in Dorset, Eng. , PD140c73sl2 in Edinburgh, Scot. , PD12S71: 22 in Eng. , PD80c67: 12, PD240c71: 22, R23S73: 23, PD30S73: 22— R30S73s21,PDlS74s21 in Essex, Eng. , R16S73: 23 in Europe, PD30J172: 21 in Great Britain, 18Ag38: 41, 263 Corn, plentiful in Great Britain (cont'd) PDlAg66: 13 in Hawley, Eng. , RllAg74: 13 in Hertfordshire, Eng. , R16S73: 23 in Ire. , PD310c71: 21, PD140c73sl2 — R140c73: 13 in Italy, R6Ap69: 31, PD23N69: 23 — R23N69: 22 in Lancaster, Eng. , PD4F68: 13 in Norfolk, Eng. , R16S73: 23 in northern colonies, R27N66: 22 in Pa. ,P15Mr76: ll--D16Mr76: 12 in Pisa, It. , PD9F69: 22— R9F69: 12 in Scot. , PD13S70s22 in Sicily, PD4D66: 22 in Staffordshire, Eng. , PD8Ag71: 22 in Suffolk, Eng. , R16S73: 23 on Long island, N. Y. , D14S76: 21 price, C15My79: 32 in Antigua, W. I. , PD290c72: 11 — R290c72: 21 in Barbados, W. I. , R16Je68: 24 in Bermuda, W. I. , R12D72sl3 in Bridgenorth, Eng. , PD3S67: 11 in Charleston, S. C. , PDllJe72: 31 in Cornwall, Eng. , PD22J173: 13 in Crimea, 29Je39: 12 in Eng. , PD13Je71: 21 in London, Eng. , P30Je75: 22 in Ire. ,R9My71: 21 in Leipzig, Ger. , PD5N72: 31 in Newbern, N. C. , D7Ag79: 31 in Prussia, PD18Mr73: 21 in St. Eustatia, W. I. , PD290c72: 12— R290c72: 21 in S. C. , 30S37: 41 in W. I. , Brit. , P21Je76: 22— D22Je76:61, P28Je76: 22 price falls in Bedfordshire, Eng. , PD20Oc74: 23 in Exeter, Eng. , PD23Ap67: 21 in Gt. Brit. , PD25Ag68: 22 — R25Ag68: 24 in London, Eng. , R20My73: 12 in Paris, Fr. ,R16Mr69: 12 price forced up in London, Eng. , R24Je73: 12 price high in Bordeaux, Fr. , PD26Ag73: 21— R26Ag73sl3 in Eng. , PD4Mr73: 31— R4Mr73: 31, PD6My73: 21, PDlS74s21 in Fr. , R16S73: 21, P21J175: 11 in Franche Comte, Fr. , PD5S71: 11 in Germany, R2S73s 11 in Gloucestershire, Eng. , PD22Ja67: 22 in Gt. Brit. , PD4D66: 23, PDUa67: 23, R18F68: 24 in Hampshire co. , Eng. , PD28Mr66: 23 in London, Eng. , PD9J167: 22 in Marmande, Fr. , PD26Ag73: 11 — R26Ag73: 13 in Rheims, Fr. , D15J175: 31 in Rouen, Fr. , D210c75: 11 in Toulouse, Fr. , R2S73sl2 in Tours, Fr. , PD19My74: 21 in Whitney, Eng. , R4D66: 11 price reduced in Berwick, Eng. , PD16Ap67: 12 in London, Eng. , PD31D72: 21 price reduction attempted in Gt. Brit. , R23Ap72: 22 price reduction rumored in Gt. Brit. , PD22Ja67: 22 price regulated in Williamsburg, Va. ,D24J179:21 price regulation discussed in Gt. Brit. , PD12F67: 21 production in Eng. , decreases, PD14N71: 13 profiteering, in Gt. Brit. , PD11D66: 21 quality investigated in Gt. Brit. , PD11F68: 13 quarrel over sale of, C15My79: 31 raised in W. I. , Spanish, PD14Ap68: 22 regulates market prices in Sp. , 1S38: 22 ruined by frost, in Williamsburg, Va. ,PD12My74:42 scarce in Algiers, D4N75: 12 in Bavaria, PilOAg75: 22 in Bohemia, PD25J171: 11, PD23Ap72: 21, PD22Ap73: 13 in Cornwall, Eng. , PD25Je67: 21, PD22Ap73: 21 — R22Ap73: 31, PD6My73: 13 in Crimea, 29S38: 22 in Eng. , PD7Ap68: 21, R14Ja73: 22, PD25Mr73: 21, PD29Ap73: 21 in Europe, R11F68: 14 in France, Ue39: 31, 27J139: 22, 17Ag39: 12, 24Ag39: 11, 31Ag39: 31, 27Mr52:21,PDllD66: 21, PD18Oc70: 22— R18Oc70: 13, PD26D71: 22, PD16Ja72: 12, P21J175: 11,D22J175:41 in Gt. Brit. , PD18Ap66: 22, PD20N66: 21, PD11D66: 21 in Hamburg, Ger. , PD10Oc71: 21 in Holland, PD9Ap72: 21 in Italy, PD20N66: 21, PD4D66: 22, PD4D66: 23, PD11D66: 21 in Kingston, Eng. , PD13N66: 11 in Moravia, PD25J171: 11 in Naples, It. , PD4D66: 22 in Portugal, 8My52: 21, PD11D66: 21 in Rouen, Fr. , D210c75: 11 in Scotland, PD4D66: 23 in Sicily, PD11D66: 21, PD23J172: 11 in S. C. , PD240c66: 21 in Spain, 19S51: 21, PD11D66: 21 in Suffolk, Eng. , PDllJe72: 21 in Sweden, PD23Ap67: 21 in Turkey, PD11D66: 21 in Tuscany, PD20N66: 21, PD4D66: 22 in Vienna, Aust. , R20J169: 22 in West Riding, Eng. , PDllAp66: 21 near Boston, Mass. , D70c75: 22 seized by British in Portsmouth, N. H. ,P30Je75sll by populace in Oxford, Eng. , R11D66: 21 by Spanish, PD15J173: 22— R15J173: 21 from Brit, ships, 24Ja51: 31, PilOJa76: 21 — P12Ja76: 22 — D13Ja76: 22, P19Ja76: 13,D24Ag76: 22 from Continental ship by Brit. , P31My76: 23— D8Je76: 22 from Neopolitan ship, 7N54: 11 shortage, in Md. , 30My51: 31, 6Je51: 12 storage ordered in Holl. ,D2D75: 23 in Neth. ,D2D75: 23 stored in Danzig, PD25Mr73: 12, PD31Mr74: 12 storehouses in Eng. , PD23Ap72: 21 taken by slaves, 21 J138: 32 to be cultivated on Cape of Good Hope, PD25Mr73: 11 to be imported to Eng. , from Poland, PD4J171: 11 used to make beer, P17F75s21 to make molasses, P17F75s21 to make sugar, P17F75s21 Corn, Guinea, price of, in Barbados, W.I. ,D22Je76:31 Corn, Indian, P20D76s23 adv. for cargo of, R18Ag68: 32 — PD18Ag68: 31 for army, D28N77: 21--P28N77: 22 bartered for lottery tickets, 250c65s43 for merchandise, PD24Ja71: 32 duty on, in Gt. Brit. , proposed, P3Mr75: 23 embargo on, C3J179: 23, C30Oc79: 33 — D11D79: 22 laid by Congress, P19Je78: 31 export from Charleston, S. C. , regulated, D1J175: 31 from Va. , ban lifted, 16Je38: 32 from Va. , prohibited, 280c37: 31 exported from Accomac district, Va. , to Barbados, R25D66: 13 to Phila. , Pa. , PD7J168: 23 exported from Brit, colonies, N. Am. , to Port. , PD18Oc70: 21— R18Oc70: 11 exported from James river, upper district, Va. , to Antigua, PD7Ap74: 23 to Bermuda, PD7Je70: 31 to Bristol, Eng. , PD19F67: 31 — R19F67:22 to Hull, Eng. , PD7J168:31 — R7J168: 23 to Oporto, Port. , PD7S69: 31 to Piscataway, N. J. , PD15F70: 22, PD7Ap74: 23 to Salem, Mass. , PD15F70: 22 exported from Phila. , Pa. , PD9Ap67: 21 exported from south Potomac district, Va. , to Bermuda, 17N52: 22 to Hampton, Va. , 17N52: 22 to St. Christophers, W. I. , PD22Ja67: 31 exported from south Rappahannock district, Va. , to Barbados, 17N52: 22 to Bermuda, 17N52: 22 exported from Va. , to Piscataqua, Me. ,10Je37:32 to R. I. , PD16N69: 22 exported from York district, Va. , to Antigua, 24N52: 31 to Barbados, 7Ag52: 31, 19J154: 31, 7N54: 31, 25Ap55: 22, R31Mr68: 31, R26My68: 31 to Bermuda, 10F38: 31 to Bristol, Eng. , R7J168: 22 to Cape Fear, N. C. , R26My68: 31 to Jamaica, 25Ap55: 22 to Madeira, R26My68: 31 to New Eng. , 15S52: 32 to Providence, R. I. , 15S52: 32 to R.I. ,28Mr55: 32 to St. Christopher, W. I. , 20Oc52: 22 for Brit, army in America, 3J146: 21 for relief of Boston, Mass. , from Baltimore, Md. , R22S74: 31 from Farmington, Conn. , PD21J174: 12 from Northampton co. , Va. , PD1S74: 31 from Spotsylvania co. , Va. , 264 Cornwall co. , Eng. Pi9F75: 32 from Surry co. , Va. , R28J174: 32 from Va. , R1S74: 32, DlAp75: 31 for sale, PD28F71: 33--R7Mr71: 33, Pi7S75: 32 at Charles City courthouse, Va. , P27Je77: 32 at Lowry's plantation, Va. , PD270c74: 23 in Brunswick co. , Va. , PD4Ap71: 31, R10F74:42,D6N79: 31 in Charles parish, Va. , PD24N74: 31 in Culpeper co. , Va. , P129S74: 41 in Cumberland co. , Va. , C6N79: 32 in Dinwiddie co. , Va. , PD21N71: 23 in Elizabeth City co. , Va. , PD14N71: 23 in Essex co. , Va. , R15D68: 23 in Isle of Wight co. , Va. , PD2Ja72: 32 in James City co. , Va. , PD13D70: 22, D13Ja76:33 in King George co. , Va. , D21Mr77: 12— P21Mr77s21 in King William co. , Va. , 21N45: 42 in Lancaster co. , Va. , Pi23Mr75: 33— P24Mr75: 33--D25Mr75: 31 in Mecklenburg co. , Va. , PD1S74: 32 in New Kent co. , Va. , PD7N71: 31 in Onancock, Va. , 22Ap57: 41 in Prince George co. , Va. , PD2D73: 22, P20D76s23 in Southampton co. , Va. , P20D76s23 in Surry co. , Va. ,D4D78: 22, D12Mr79: 22 in Sussex co. , Va. , PD2Je68: 31 in Westmoreland co. , Va. , P20Oc75: 23 in York co. , Va. , PD3Ja71: 31, P29Mr76: 31 near Port Royal, Va. , PD10F74: 32 near Williamsburg, Va. , D2D75: 32 import to Carenage, St. Lucia, allowed, PD29S68: 22--R29S68: 23 to Charleston, S. C. , enumerated, PD7My72: 23 to Gt. Brit. , free discussed, D25F75:23 td Gt. Brit. , from America duty free, PDllAp66: 21, PD25F68: 21, PD4Mr73: 31— R4Mr73: 32 to Liverpool, Eng. , free, PD13Ag72: 21 imported to Hampton, Va. , from Md. , 18Ap45: 32 to Liverpool, Eng. , from Va. , PD22S74: 31 plentiful in Va. , R4D66: 12, R1S74: 32, Pi8D74: 22 price in Boston, Mass. , 20Ja38: 31 in Ga. , 10S36: 42, Pi9Mr75: 31 — P10Mr75: 31 in Md. , PD3S72: 22 in Norfolk, Va. , R28J168: 24 in Norfolk co. , Va. , P9Ag76: 41 in Phila. , Pa. , 280c37: 32, 20Ja38: 32, 5My38: 22, HAg38: 32, 6Ap39: 22, HMy39: 41, 25My39: 41, 8Je39: 41, 22Je39: 31, 20J139: 32, 3Ag39: 41, 31Ag39: 32, 28S39: 41, R28J168: 24 in St. John's, Antigua, PD150c72: 22 in S. C. , 26Ag37: 42 requisitioned by Brit. , in Suffolk co. , N. Y. ,D8N76: 11 scarce in Charleston, S. C. , PD7My72: 23 seized by Brit. , in Newport, R. I. , D1J175:31 from Amer. ship, Pi6J175: 31 used in trade with W. I. , D16Mr76: 23 Corn, mortgaged, for sale, in Brunswick co. , Va. , PD140c73: 31 Corn cribs, at Flower de Hundred, Va. , PD24S67: 23 in Amelia co. , Va. , 3S56: 32 in Brunswick co. , Va. , 19J154: 42 in Charles City co. , Va. , 7N51: 31 in Charlotte co. , Va. , R15J173: 41 in Dinwiddie co. , Va. , PD26Mr67: 31 in James City co. , Va. , PD22D74: 32 in Mecklenburg co. , Va. , R15J173: 41 in New Kent co. , Va. , P240c77: 31 in Pittsylvania co. , Va. , PD13D70: 23 near Williamsburg, Va. , PlMy78: 41 Corn houses, PD6N66: 31 in Albemarle co. , Va. , 250c65s33 in Amelia co. , Va. , 12D45: 42 in Amherst co. , Va. , PD21Mr71: 32, R26Ag73: 23 in Boyd's Hole, Va. , PD3N68: 31 in Brunswick co. , Va. , 1D38: 42, 2Mr53: 42 in Buckingham co. , Va. , PD12Ag73: 23 in Fairfax co. , Va. , PD19Mr67: 33, R190c69:42 in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD20Ag67: 32 in Gloucester co. , Va. , PllAp77s43 in Goochland co. , Va. , R17Ag69: 31 in Granville co. , N. C. , D160c79: 12 in Hanover co. , Va. , PD5My68: 31, R12My68: 33, D23Ja78: 32 in Henrico co. , Va. , PD9S73: 32 in James City co. , Va. , PD24S67: 21, PD130c68: 23--R130c68: 23 in King and Queen co. , Va. , PD11D66: 33, PD12Ag73: 23 in King William co. , Va. , 10N52: 31, 41, PD170c66: 41, PD27Ag72: 43, D26D77: 12 in Kingston parish, Va. , PD7N71: 23 in Louisa co. , Va. , 9Ja46: 42 in Lunenburg co. , Va. , R25D66: 32— PDlJa67: 33 in Northumberland co. , Va. , PD7My67: 32, R17N68: 31 in Orange co. , Va. , 9Ja46: 42 in Prince Edward co. , Va. , P21Ag78: 11 in Prince George co. , Va. , PD22Ag66: 31 in Richmond co. , Va. , 250c65s42 in Surry co. , Va. , PD12N67: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. ,D8Ag77: 22, P21Ag78: 31,D4D78:22 in York co. , Va. , PD3S67: 22, PD15F70: 42, PD7My72: 32 near Fredericksburg, Va. , D18Mr80: 32 on Pamunkey river, Va. , 14Mr55: 41, HAp55: 32 on Pianketank river, Va. , PD8D74: 31 — Pi8D74: 33, D11F75: 23 — P10F75: 42 Corn lofts, near Edenton, N. C. , C28Ag79: 41 Corn market, in London, Eng. , PD23Ja72: 21 Corn mills, burr stones for, R2My71: 31 Corn sallad seeds, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD26Mr67: 32 in Richmond, Va. , PD26Mr67: 32 Corn shocks, for sale, R17Ja71: 23 in Gloucester co. , Va. , R17Ja71: 23 Corn spirits, distilled in Quebec, Can. , R4D66: 13 Corneck, Africa, Negro in Dunmore's troops, D31Ag76: 31 William, P12Je78: 12 Cornee, Capt. , 21N51: 31 Conner, PD13My73: 43 Cornelia, snow, 19D51: 32, 2Ja52: 31 Cornelius, Indian in Lake George battle, 170c55: 11 Cornelius, Moses, felon, PD17D67: 31, PD21Ap68: 23, PD16Je68: 23, PD20Oc68: 22, PD13Ag72: 21, PD220c72: 21— R220c72: 22 Cornell, Mr. , assemblyman in N. Y. , 23N39:41 of Newbern, N. C. , PD2N69: 21 Samuel, PD13Je71: 23, PD4J171: 21, PD29Ag71: 22, PD220c72: 21, Pi9N75: 23 — P10N75: 21 Cornelys, [Theresa], Mrs. , PD26Ja69: 21, PD17Ag69: 32, PD11J171: 12 Corner, Capt. , of the Hussar, R27J169: 22, PD2N69: 31--R2N69: 22, PD5Ap70: 32, PD6S70: 31 of the Romney, R14J168: 21, PD21J168: 21— R21J168: 14 Thomas, PD2Je68: 23, PD7J168: 23 Cornhill, Eng. , See Emigration from; Lightning in Cornice planes, stolen, R7Je70: 32 Cornick, Joel, Pi5Ja75: 32, PU6F75: 31 Lemuel, 23Mr39: 41 William, Capt. , of the Sally, R17Mr74: 22— PD14Ap74: 23 Cornicks, Roger, Negro in Dunmore's troops, D31Ag76: 31 Cornish, Capt. , of the Stirling Castle, 27Ag56: 12 John, C13N79: 22 Cornock, Joshua, Capt. , of the William, 29S52: 31,8D52:31 Lemuel, Capt. , of the Hansford, PD20Ja74: 23, PD28Ap74: 23 Corns, cure for, PD14J168: 32, R28Ja73: 22 Cornsalve, See Dutton's cornsalve Cornstalk, Shawnee Indian, Pil30c74sl2, P10F75: 41, PU6F75: 33, P23Je75s32, P10N75:41,P3Ap78: 11 Cornthwait, John, PD24N74: 23 — PilD74: 33 Cornuck, Israel, Capt. , of the Bremen Merchant, 20My37: 41, lMr38: 32 Cornwal, H. M. S. , PDllAp71: 12 Cornwall, Capt. , of the Greenwich, 4Mr37: 32, 10Je37: 31, 26Ja39: 42 of the Hector, 4 J145: 12 [Charles Wolfran], R23F69: 21, PD9Je74: 13, R9Je74sll, P28Ap75s22— D29Ap75s22, D15J175:32,D3F76:21 George, Sir, R24Ag69: 13 James, of the St. Albans, 25Ja40: 2 Cornwall, Va. , contributes to sufferers in Montreal fire, PD29Je69: 32 — R6J169: 32 Cornwall co. , Eng. , 18My39: 31 insurrections in feared, D17J178: 11 petitions king, R190c69: 23 See also Adultery in; Anecdotes from; Antiquities discovered in; Barley 265 Cornwall co. , Eng. , See also (cont'd) scarce in; Brit, army to; Charity in; Copper mines discovered in; Corn, price in; Corn plentiful in; Corn scarce in; Epitaphs in; Fish scarce in; Intermarriage in; Merchants' signs in; Money scarce in; Prices high in; Provisions scarce in; Revolutionary war unpopular in; Riots in; Sheep killed by cold in; Shipwrecks off; Shipwrecks plundered off; Silver mines discovered in; Smallpox in; Smuggling in; Stealing in; Strikes in; Suicides in; Tin plentiful in; Tinners of; Unemployment in; Weather report from Cornwall, H. M. S. , 23My45: 31, 24Ja52: 22, PD31Ja71: 22, PD8Ag71: 11, R9S73: 12, D28Mr77: 61, P20Je77: 21, D20N79:21--C20N79: 11 packet, PD1J173: 22--R1J173: 13 ship, 28Mr55: 32, 2My55: 31, 7N55: 21 Cornwall parish, Va. , D4J177: 41 — P4J177: 12 Cornwallis, [Charles], Gen. , army units listed, D14N77: 21 arrives in Staten island, from Carolina, P23Ag76: 22--D24Ag76: 31 attack on Brunswick, N. C. , D29Je76:22 burns property of Gen. Howe, P7Je76: 31 commands British army in Carolina, P24My76: 22--D25My76: 31 commands Brit, troops at Princeton, N. J. , D24Ja77: 32 commands on James island, S. C. , D18Mr80: 31 encouraged attack on Fort Sullivan, S. C. ,P12J176s21 examines Amer. prisoner of war, D24Ja77: 22 given command in S. C. ,D19F80: 23 in attack on Fort Lee, D2My77: 62 in attack on Fort Washington, D2My77: 61 in battle of Brandywine,D26S77: 12 — P26S77: 23 in battle near Bonhamtown, N. J. , D25J177: 22 letter (text) to Washington, D2My77: 11 opposes parliamentary supremacy, R16My66:42 peace commissioner to U. S. , P26J176: 23--D29J176: 52 proposal for cessation of arms, D31Ja77: 32 refuses exchange of prisoners, D7Mr77: 61 refuses to attack in N. J. , D30My77: 12 regiment of reviewed by king, PD12S71: 13 replaced as Brit, commander in N. S. , 18Je52: 12 replaces Clinton rumored, DllMr 80: 21 repulsed at Sullivan's island, S. C. , D13J176:71 resigns command at Williamsburg, Va. ,D16Mr76: 31 sent to S. C. , and Va. , P15Mr76: 22— D16Mr76: 22 supersedes Clinton, D28Ag79: 21 to America, P21Je76: 13 to be sent to America, D6Ap76: 32, D4My76: 31 to Cape Fear, N. C. , from Cork, Ire t , D29J176: 51 to meet Gen. Clinton in Va. , P14Je76: 11 to Va. , P15Mr76sll— D16Mr76: 23, P29Mr76: 21, P21Je76: 11 to Va. , and Carolina, P21Je66: 13 trains Brit, army, PD12S71: 22 troops at Staten island, N. Y. , D7S76: 11 volunteers for service in America, D9D75: 21 Edward, gov. of Halifax, lAg51: 32 gov. of Nova Scotia, 24My51: 22, 30My51: 22, 21N51: 22 Henry, Sir,D13N79: 12 Cornwallis, Brit, galley, D25S79: 21 Cornwell, Aaron, R25Ag68: 32 Ezekiel, R6My73s23 Mary, R26S71: 33 Coromandel, India, See East India co. , British in Coromandel coast, India, British- French claims to, 7N54: 11 supports French, 14N51: 22 suspension of arms on, 10Oc55: 12 See also French army to Coronat, Capt. , of Le Adventure, D30Oc79: 22 Coroner, pseud. , PD170c66: 11 Coroners, R26S71: 32 in Northumberland co. , Va. , R2N69: 22 Corotoman plantation, Va. , PD23My66: 31, R22F70: 22, R21N71: 43, PD24F74: 32 — R3Mr74:42 Corotoman river, Va. , See Ferries on; Ships for sale on Corporal Trim, jr. , pseud. , PD2D73: 11 Corprew, John, P230c78: 32 Joshua, 4Ap55: 32, 12D55: 22 Correggio, da [Antonio Allegri], painter, PD4Mr73: 32 Correll, William, P14N77: 33 Corridon, William, PD23My66: 31, R30My66: 41 Corrie, John, adv. burr stones for sale, PD15Ap73: 23 adv. for bids for building prison, PD4Je67: 41 adv. for runaway slave, RllMy69: 43, R22Mr70: 32, D7N77: 31, DllMr80: 32 adv. goods, R8Ag66: 32 adv. land for sale, PDlAg71: 22, PD220c72: 23 adv. lots for sale, RllMy69: 33 adv. ship for sale, RllMy69: 33 adv. unclaimed chest, D26D77: 12 announces departure, R23Ag70: 32 bond of, RllMy69:41 merchandise stolen, from, D28Ja75: 33 John, Capt. , of the Polly, R18Oc70: 11, PD18OC70: 23, R13D70: 31 Corrie & Mills, 4N63: 41 Corries, John, 10c36: 42 Corrigidores, Dutch man of war, PD15Ag71: 12 Corrin, William, Capt. , of the Dove, 14D39: 1 Corrosive sublimate, for sale, in Richmond, Va. , P12Je78: 22— D10J178:41 in Williamsburg, Va. , R21S69s21 — PD21S69:41 Corrosive sublimate mercuries, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , D12Je79:32 Corsica, advantages of, to France, 30D37: 12 agents in Gt. Brit. , rumored, PD28My67: 12 agriculture encouraged by Fr. , PD21S69: 11— R21S69: 12 aid from Holland rumored, PD4Je67: 22 aided by European powers, PD9F69: 22— R9F69: 13 ammunition for captured, 19Ja39: 41 amnesty granted, PD220c72: 21 armaments for, 9Je38: 31,4Ag38: 21, 25Ag38: 21, 9Mr39: 21, PD18D66: 22, PD15Ja67: 23, PD12F67: 21, PD4Je67: 13, PD16J167: 11, PD16J167: 13, PD30J167: 21, PD80c67: 11, PD11F68: 21, PD25F68: 21, PD7Ap68: 12 armies supplied by British, R6Ap69: 21 arms supplied by British, PD3Ag69: 11 arms for, 70c37: 22 arms supplied by Dutch, R30Mr69: 32 arms supplied by Tripolitans, PD16Mr69: 13 artists in, PD2J167: 11 assassins arrested in, PD21S69: 11 — R21S69: 12 attacked by British navy suggested, 5D45: 22 attacks on French in, PD24Ag69: 11 — R24Ag69: 11 base against Barbary pirates proposed at, 10Oc55: 11 battles in, PD15Je69: 12 battles with French troops, 20Ap39: 22 blockades harbors, PD2J167: 22 bribery by French in, R7S69: 12 British aid for discussed, PD26Ja69: 21 British attitude toward discussed, R6Ap69: 21 British consul for, PD14Mr66: 41 British interest in, PD10N68: 11 British proposals to, PD10Ag69: 22 British protection suggested, PD4Je67: ll,PD4Je67: 12 British ships ordered by, PD19N67: 13 British support of, PD6J169: 22— R6J169: 13 buys British ships, PD18Je67: 11 captured by British, 27Mr46: 41 ceded to France, PD25Ag68: 12, PD25Ag68: 22, R25Ag68: 23, PD15S68: 11--R15S68: 13, PD15S68: 21--R15S68: 23, PD22S68: 21, PD130c68: 13 ceded to Sardinia, PD14Mr71: 22, PD29S74: 22, PD8D74: 23— Pi8D74: 32 cession to Fr. , opposed by Gt. Brit. , PD1S68: 13.PD15S68: 11 cession to Fr. , supported by Gt. Brit. ,PD60c68: 12 clergy of in army, PD10Ag69: 22 compared to Brit, colonies, PD14Ap69sll continues war, PD7My67: 13 cost of French victory in, R14D69: 13 cost of to France, PD310c71: 12 council established in, PD60c68: 11 crown and royal regalia for, PDlAg66:12 defeat of rumored, PD7S69: 23 defeats of French in, R24Ag69: 23 defenses improved, R25Ag68: 14 266 Corsica defensive tactics of, PD6J169: 11 denies French rule, PD29D68: 22 effect of French ownership on Gt. Brit. , PD15S68: 13-- R15S68: 13 epidemic among French troops, PD21S69: 11 evacuated by French, PD60c68: 13 exchanges prisoners with Genoa, PD15Ag66: 12 factions in, 3D36: 12, 7Ja37: 22, l3My37: 21, 27My37: 12, 10Je37: 22, 1J137: 41, 29J137: 32, 2D37: 31, 22Je39: 11 families flee to Holland, PD7S69: 23 families flee to Leghorn, It. , PD21S69: 11 foreign aid for, PD4Je67: 21, R24N68: 13 foreign troops in hated, PD29Ag66: 11 free trade with Minorca discussed, PD9N69: 12 French administration planned for, R24N68: 11 French advantages over, PD22D68: 12-- R22D68: 11 French army in, 13F52: 21, PD23Mr69: 21, PD3Ag69: 13 French attempt bribery, PD130c68: 13 French attitude toward, PD26Ja69: 13 French campaign intensified, PD30Mr69: 31, PD14Ap69sl2 French designs on, 28S39: 21 French discuss disturbances in, 29Ag51: 21 French exclude ships from,R24N68: 12, R1D68: 13 French gold in, PD26Ja69: 13 French government in, RllJa70: 11, PD17D72: 21 French governor for, R21S69: 12 French in, PD4Je67: 11 French losses in, PD22S68: 11, R26Ja69: 22, PD26Ja69: 31-- R26Ja69: 22, PD23Mr69: 21, R170c71: 21 French military preparations in, PD60c68: 11 French navy in, 2Je38: 21 French officer destroys Corsicans, PD23Ja72: 11 French officers in, PD9F69: 23-- R9F69: 21 French plans for, PD15S68: 22, PD15Ag71: 22 French reinforcements for, 29Ag51: 22 French support Genoa in, 27Ag56: 11 French take possession of, R60c68: U--PD130c68: 11, PD130c68: 13, PD8D68: 21 French troops attacked in, 31Ag39: 21 French troops debark from, R190c69: 22 French troops in, 13Ja38: 22, lMr38: 31, 17Mr38: 21, 19My38: 12, 2Je38: 31, 7J138: 32, 60c38: 22, 20Ap39: 31, 25My39: 22, 8Je39: 12, 29Je39: 21, 10Ag39: 31, 17Ag39: 22, 28S39: 21, 14Mr51: 21, 29Ag51: 11, PD29Ag66: 12. PD10S67: 21, PD26Ja69: 22 French victories in, R5Ja69: 13, R27Ap69: 13, PDllMy69: 22, PDllMy69: 23, PD15Je69: 23, PD24Ag69: ll--PD24Ag69: 13-- R24Ag69: ll--R24Ag69: 21, PD7S69: 11, PD7S69: 12, PD7S69: 13-- R7S69: 22, PD7S69: 21--R7S69: 13, PD7S69: 22--R7S69: 21, PD21S69: 21 French withdrawal rumored, R30Mr69: 32 Genoese designs on, PD23Ap72: 13 German troops in, 12My38: 12 growth of Corsican support in, PD17Ag69: 23 hatred of France, PD16Ja72: 11 hostages from, 16F39: 31 hostages in France, 7S39: 11 hostilities to be renewed, R190c69: 31 importance of, PD8S68: 12, PD23F69: 22 importance to France, PD9F69: 22-- R9F69: 12, R16F69: 12, PD14S69: 12 indemnity for rebels offered, PD16Ja72: 11 independence defended, PD270c68: 21 independence favored by Protestant powers, PDlAg66: 13 independence supported by British, PD26Ja69: 13, PD9Mr69: 11, PD16Mr69: 22--R16Mr69: 13, PD23Mr69: 21, R30Mr69: 21, PD30Mr69: 32, PDllMy69: 12, RllMy69: 13, PD17Ag69: 23, R7S69: 12, PD7S69: 13--R7S69: 11 independence supported by Brit. merchants, R60c68: 11 independence supported by Dutch, PD23Mr69: 21 independence supported by European confederation, PD25Ag68: 31, PD8S68: 11 independence supported by European countries, R24N68: 12 independence supported by Protestant powers, PD19S66: 11 independence supported by Prussia, PD15Je69: 23 independence supported by Rome, PDllMy69: 12 independence supported by Scots, R24F69sl3, PD9Mr69: 23, PD16Mr69: 11, PD23Mr69: 12 independence supported in Great Britain, PD25Ag68: 22--R25Ag68s23, PD15S68: 12--R15S68: 21, PD22S68: 11, PD60c68: 21, R130c68: 22, PD10N68: 12, R17N68: 23, PD22D68: 11, R5Ja69: 11, PD24Ag69: 23 independence supported in Holland, PD60c68: 13--R60c68: 21 independence supported in Russia, PD4Ag68: 12--R4Ag68: 11 inhabitants pardoned by France, R22J173sl3 insurrections in, PD18Ap71: 22, PD24Je73: 22, Pil30c74: 22, D24Ap79: 21 invaded by French, PD12Ja69: 12-- R5Ja69: 21 invasion by Fr. . certain, PD22S68: 11 king crowned, 17S36: 21 law code for, PD28Ap68: 13 leaders flee to Leghorn, It. , PD7S69: 11 liberty defended, PD22S68: 21, PD29S68: 12 loans to from Brit, bank, PD130c68: 13-- R130c68: 12 malcontents increase, PD14Ap68: 12 man power in, PD1S68: 12 mediation with Genoa considered, PD18Je67: 22, PD16J167: 11, PD30J167: 22 military losses in, PD23Mr69: 21 military population of, PD3Ag69: 13 military preparations of, PD19S66: 12,R15S68: 23, PD22S68: 11, PD22S68: 21, PD29S68: 12, PD60c68: 21, PD130c68: 13 new government in, 10S36: 31, PD28Mr66: 31, PD2Ja72: 12 occupation by Brit, army suggested, PD22S68: 21 offer to surrender to Fr. , rumored, R24N68: 12 offered asylum by British, PD7S69: 13-- R7S69: 23 offered to Gen. Paoli rumored, PD19Ag73: 13 officers arrested, PD26Mr67: 21 opposes cession to Fr. , PD25Ag68: 21-- R25Ag68: 21 opposition to French in, PD25J171: 12, PD310c71: 13,PD15S74: 12 orders church bells in Eng. , PD30Je68: 13 pardons issued by French, RllJa70: 11 peace proposals rejected by Genoa, PD16J167: 12, PD30J167: 22 peace with Genoa, 4Mr37: 41, 3F38: 22, 2Je38:31,PD19N67: 13 plan for mediation with Genoa proposed, PD2J167: 21 plots against French in, PD18Ag74: 23-- R18Ag74: 31 plots against Gen. Paoli, R27Ap69: 13 political conditions in, 23My55: 11 political news from, 27My37: 11, 19My38: 12, 7J138: 32, 25Ag38: 11, 15S38: 21, 60C38: 41, 270c38: 12, 19Ja39: 22, 4My39: 31, PD23F69: 22 PD31Mr74: 12, PD28Ap74: 12 political status of, 27D51: 21 political unrest in, 12My38: 12, 12Ja39: 21, 16F39: 22, PDlAg66: 11 population of, PD21Ap68: 12 prepares expedition against Fr. , PDllMy69s22 prepares for siege by Genoa, 24S36: 11 prevents Genoese troops from landing, PD25Je67: 13 priests in take up arms, PD3Ag69: 13 prisoners exchanged in, PD17Ag69: 32 provisions for, 1D38: 41 purchase by Spain rumored, PD310c71: 12 rebel army increased, PD5S66s23 rebels against Fr. , R270c68: 11, PD10N68: 11, PD10N68: 13, R17N68: 21, R17N68: 22, R24N68: 11, PD24N68: 13, PD2F69: 11, PD9F69: 23--R9F69: 21, R16F69: 11, R24F69sll, PD30Mr69: 13, PD6Ap69: 11, PD6Ap69: 13, PD2N69: 22, PD20S70: 21, PD27F72: 21--R27F72: 21, PD16J172: 22, PD150c72: 12, D1J175: 22 267 Corsica (cont'd) rebels against Genoa, 10c36: 42, 290c36: 22, 70c37: 22, 2Je38: 21, HMy39: 11, 18My39: 21, 29Je39: 21, 6J139: 21, 13J139: 11, 21S39: 11, 21S39: 21, 28S39: 12, 120c39: 22, 9My45: 22, 6Je45: 11, 10Ap46: 22, 5S51: 21, 5D51: 12, 28Ag52: 12, 24N52: 11, 4N63: 13, PD29Ag66: 13, PD5S66s23, PD12S66: 21, PD18D66: 21, PD4Je67: 21, PD18Je67: 22, PD25Je67: 21, PD2J167: 21, PD9J167: 12, PD30J167: 21, PD6Ag67: 12, PD6Ag67: 21, PD20Ag67: 13, PD27Ag67: 11, PD27Ag67: 12, PD10S67: 11, PD19N67: 12, PD10D67: 13, PD4F68: 12--R4F68: 21 rebels negotiate loan in Amsterdam, PD25F68: 21 rebels organized in, PD9F69: 21-- R2F69: 21 rebels supplied by Irish, PD14Ap69sl2 rebels toasted by N. Y. Sons of Liberty, PD13Ap69: 22 rebels toasted by Philadelphia Sons of St. Patrick, PD13Ap69: 23 refuses peace with France, PD12Mr72: 23 relations with Algiers, PDlAg66: 12 relations with Austria, PD310c71: 13 relations with France, 16F39: 22, PD2J167: 13, PD30J167: 21, R15S68: 22, PD23S73s21, R140c73: 23, R18Ag74: 12, Pi20Oc74: 21 relations with Genoa, 25Ag38: 22, 13F52: 21, PD16Je68: 11— R16Je68: 22, PD16Je68: 21 relations with Genoa mediated, 25Ag38: 21, 16F39: 22, PD27N66: 21, PD4D66: 21, PD11D66: 12, PD24S67: 12, PD30Je68: 13 relations with Gt. Brit. , 1D38: 22, PD30J167:21,R15N70: 12 relations with Italy, 19D51: 22 relations with Morocco, R24Ag69: 13 relations with Prussia, PD30Je68: 13 relies on British aid, PD130c68: 11-- R130c68: 12 resistance to French in, RllJa70: 11, PD19Ap70: 21, PDHOc73s21 revolts against French in, PD15S74: 22 sale of discussed, 140c37: 31, 24Ja51: 22, PD170c71: 21-- R170c71: 22,P2Je75: 21 Scottish trading concerns in, PD3S67:12 PD3S67: 12 Scottish troops, PD23Mr69: 22 seaports fortified, PD4F68: 21-- R4F68: 21 settlement with France rumored, 7S39: 12 ships built in, for France, PD20S70s32 ships for, PDlAg66: 12, PD30Ap67: 12, PD30Ap67: 22 ships regulated by France, PD22D68: 11 skirmishes with French in, PD22S74: 13 sovereignty of Fr. , recognized, 5D51: 11 Spanish troops in, 6Ja38: 12 spies in, PDllMy69: 23 submission to France rumored, PD22D68: 11 subscription for from Florence, R4My69: 31 subscriptions for in Ireland, R24Ag69: 12 subscription for relief of in Boston, Mass. , Pi8D74: 21, P31Mr75: 22 supported by Ecclesiastics, PD3Ag69: 11 supports General Paoli, PD6J169: 21 supports Theodore I, HMr37: 31, 30S37: 32, 5My38: 12, 9Je38: 31, 9Mr39: 22, Ue39: 21, 13J139: 11 surrender of, PD14S69: 21 surrenders to France, PD14S69: 12 takes oath of allegiance to king of France, R21S69: 12 taxed by French, PDllMy69: 12 trade agreements with Fr. ,R26Ja69: 22 trade regulated by French, PD9N69: 11 trade relations with Gt. Brit. , PD30J167: 22 trade treaty with Fr. , R24F69sl3 trade treaties with Gt. Brit. , PD14Ap68: 13, PD28Ap68: 13 trade treaties with Mediterranean powers, R17N68: 22 trade with France, PD30Ja72: 21 trade with Gt. Brit. , requested, PD25Je67: 22 traitors in, PDllMy69: 12 treatment of prisoners described, PD10S67: 11 treaty with Fr. , PD18Ag68: 11 treaty with Genoa, PD12My68: 12, PD26My68: 11 treaty with Holland rumored, PD4Ag68: 12--R4Ag68: 12 treaty with Prussia rumored, R60c68: 11 treaty with Venice, PD26My68: 11, PD26Ja69: 13 truce with Genoa broken, PD15Ja67: 22 Turks escape from, 28Ja37: 41 value as naval base, PD15S68: 13, R15S68: 14 victories in, PD17S71: 22 victories over French, PD29D68: 21, R5Ja69: 11, PD2F69: 12, PD2F69: 23, PD9F69: 21--R9F69: 11, R24F69sl2, PD16Mr69: 13, PD16Mr69: 22-- R16Mr69: 13, R30Mr69: 13, R30Mr69: 21, PD30Mr69: 31, R6Ap69: 31, PD14Ap69sll, R27Ap69: 21, PDllMy69: 12. PD3Ag69: 23, PD10Ag69: 22--R10Ag69: 31, PD17Ag69: 32. PD24Ag69: 12, PD24Ag69: 13--R24Ag69: 21, PD7S69: 12, PD7S69: 22 victories over French described, R5Ja69: 13 victories over Genoa, 3D36: 32, 7Ja37: 31. PD9J167: 13, PD16J167: 11 war funds raised in, R30Mr69: 22 war with France, PD5N72: 23-- R5N72: 12 war with Genoa to be reopened, PD25F68: 21 See also Academy for sciences in; British army to; Arms export from Holland to; Arms for; Arms to be exported from London, Eng. , to; British navy near; British navy off; Duties; Emigration from; Exports from; Exports from Eng. , to: Exports from Holland to; Exports from London, Eng. , to; Exports from Sweden to; Foundries established in; French army; French army leaves; French army to; French navy, ships built in; Gambling forbidden in; Horses purchased by; Imports to; Jesuits, asylum refused in; Jesuits banished from; Jesuits evacuated from; Jesuits transported from Sp. , to; Jesuits transported to; Jews emigrate to; Jews settle in; Jews request admission to; Murders in; Prussian army in; Sardinian army to; Ship-carpenters, British, employed in; Ship-carpenters, French, employed in; Ship carpenters, French, sent to; Ships to; Shipwrecks near; Spanish army to; Taxes in; Taxes levied; Tobacco to be raised in Corsican army, British in, PD16J167: 11, R17N68:21,R30Mr69: 31 described, PD22S68: 11 foreign officers in, PDlAg66: 12 French forbidden to join, R22S68: 14 losses in, PD22D68: 12--R22D68: 11 provisions for, PDllMy69: 12 Scottish highlanders in, PD27Ag67: 21 service forced, PD150c67: 12 size of, PD130c68: 11 Corsican coast, See Pirates, Algerian cruise on Corsican families, flee to Eng. , PD7S69: 13 Corsican navy, British officers sought, R270c68: 12 ships built for, PD30Je68: 11, PD30Je68: 13 strength of, PD2J167: 22 Corsican sailors, wanted in French navy, R60c68: 12 Corsick, Thomas, P7Mr77: 23 Cortelyou, [Simon], Col. , Tory prisoner, D31J179: 21 Corter, Capt. , PD80c72: 31 Cortlandt, Augustus van, PD15D68: 13 John, D110c76: 22 Corunna, Spain, fortified by Spanish, PD9F69:22--R9F69: 12 See also Exports from Veracruz, Mex. , to; French navy to; Prisoners of war, exchanged in; Ships from Boston, Mass. , to; Ships' sailing time; Ships to Newburyport, Mass. , from Coryell's ferry, N. J. , P27Je77: 22, D27Je77: 21 Coryell's ferry, Pa. , D17J178: 12 Cosby, Capt. , of the Montreal, PD14Ja68: 22 Mr. , of Urbanna, Va. , P22J175s32-- Pi27J175: 31--D29J175: 11 Anne, Mrs. , D24Ag76: 61. P30Ag76: 33 Charles, R22D68: 33, R25Ja70: 11-- PD15F70: 23, PD14My72: 31 David, PD22S68: 31, R21N71: 43, D8My78: 62 David, jr., land of, D12S77: 22-- P19S77: 22 James, PD20Je71: 33--R20Je71: 21, D24Ag76: 61, P30Ag76: 33 John, R4Ag68: 31, PD2N69: 43, PD14Ap74: 31, P28F77s23 Mark, Ue39: 42, 26S51: 41, 29My46: 42. 4S46: 32 Overton, R11F68: 33, PD12N72: 23, D30c77: 32, P21Ag78: 13 Overton, & co. . PD270c74: 31-- Pi270c74: 31 268 Cotton Samuel, R27Ap69: 31, PD5N72: 33 Stripling, Capt. , of the Guildford, R16Je68: 24, PD7J168: 23 — R7J168: 22, PDllAg68: 23 — RllAg68: 31,R12Ja69:23 of the Mulberry, PD13Ap69: 23, PD8Je69: 23 William, adv. chariot and harness for sale, PD5Mr72: 32 adv. for missing horse, PD26N67: 31, PD17S71:32 adv. for runaway apprentice, PD9Ja72: 32 adv. riding chair making, PD21Mr66: 41 adv. wheelwright business, Pi6Ap75: 42--P7Ap75: 32 — D8Ap75: 32 announces dissolution, of Cosby & Moore, PD18D66: 33--R25D66: 41 announces removal of shop, PD19My68: 23 high sheriff of N. Y. , 290c36: 41 William, Col. , governor of N. Y. , and N.J. ,16S37:31 William, Mrs. , 1J137: 31 Winf ield, P3My76: 33 Zacheus, R5N72: 23 Cosby & Moore, partnership dissolved, PD18D66: 33--R25D66: 41 Cosby, Mills, Fraser &, P21Ag78: 13 Cosgrave, John, indentured servant, 12Mr52: 31 Cosmopolite, pseud. , PD3Mr74: 11 Cosprey, John, accused of murder, 9F39:41 Cossacks, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22 Cosselt, Valentine, R23My71: 41 Cossens, Capt. , of the Georgia, D10Ja77: 31 Cossing, Mr. , of Nantucket, Mass. , D9S75: 23 Costa Rica, S. Am. , See Hurricanes in Costiveness, cure for, PD10S72: 23 Coterie club, London, Eng. , described, PD20Ag72: 11 Cotesworth Pinckney, privateer, D20Je77: 11 Cotton, Robert, PD15S68: 31 Cotterell, Capt. , escapes from Halifax, N. S. ,D22Je76:42 Charles, of the Canterbury, 25Ja40: 2 Peter, P7Mr77s24 Cotton, Capt. , PD13Ag67: 13 — R13Ag67: 22, PDllAp71: 23 Mr. ,D19Je79: 32 death of in Boston, Mass. ,D9S75: 22 Charles, author, PD29N70: 22, PD13D70: 42, PD3Ja71: 42, PD25J171: 43. PDlAg71: 43, PD8Ag71: 43, PD18J171: 33, PD10Je73: 32 James, R2My71: 32 Cotton, accepted in payment for horse breeding, D4Mr80: 31 adv. for, in Norfolk, Va. , P14Ap75: 31 — D15Ap75:32 in Williamsburg, Va. .D29J176: 52— P26J176: 32, D15Ag77: 61 — P15Ag77: 31 amounts in Jamaica, 1767, estimated, DllMr75: 23 cultivation encouraged in Culpeper co. , Va. , R14J174: 32 in Md. , by provincial congress, PD29D74: 23 in Princess Anne Co. , Va. , R4Ag74: 11 in Va. , Pi30Mr75: 31--DlAp75: 23 export from Eng. , to N. Y. allowed, D10J179: 22 exported from Accomac district, Va. , to R. I. , R7 J168: 22 exported from Gt. Brit. , to America, PD25Ap66: 11 exported from James river, lower district, Va. , to Phila. , Pa. , 26S55: 31 exported from James river, upper district, Va. , Oct. 1763 - Oct. 1766.PD12F67: 22 to Boston, Mass. , PD26My68: 23 — R26My68: 31, PD6J169: 32 to Glasgow, Scot. , PD12S66: 23, PD27N66: 23, PD22Ja67: 32, R19F67: 22--PD19F67: 31, PD12Mr67: 32, PD19Mr67: 32, PD26Mr67: 23, PDUJe67: 32, PD9J167: 32, PD6Ag67: 32, PD17D67: 31, PD11F68: 23, PD26My68: 22--R26My68: 31, PD26My68: 23, PD7J168: 31 — R7J168:23,R22S68:23— PD22S68: 23, PD13J169: 32 to Greenock, Scot. , PD22Ja67: 32, PD30Ap67: 32, PD28Ja68: 31 — R4F68: 31 to Liverpool, Eng. , PD30Ap67: 32, PD27Ag67: 23, PD24S67: 13, PD7J168: 23— R7J168: 23 to London, Eng. , PD9J167: 32, PD22D68: 31 to New York City, PD19Mr67: 32, PD19N67: 22, PD17Mr68: 31 — R14Ap68: 42, PD28J168: 23 to Perth Amboy, N. J. , PD28J168: 23 to Whitehaven, Eng. , PD13S70: 23 exported from Pensacola, Fla. , D8Ap80s21 to Bristol, Eng. , PD13N66: 11 exported from Williamsburg, Va. , to Glasgow, Scot. , PD30J167: 32 exported from York district, Va. , to Bristol, Eng. , R7J168: 22 to Glasgow, Scot. , PD27N66: 22, R19F67: 22— PD19F67: 31, R7J168: 22 to Liverpool, Eng. , 270c52: 21 to London, Eng. , 19J154: 32 to New Eng. , R31Mr68: 31 for sale, in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72: 31, P3Ap78: 31 in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD18Ap66: 32, P4Ap77:32— DllAp77:62 in Gloucester co. , Va. , P7N77s23 in Hanover co. , Va. ,D19D77: 22 in Jamestown, Va. , D8N76: 22— P8N76: 31 in Petersburg, Va. ,D160c79: 12 in Prince George co. , Va. , D31 Ja77: 72- P31Ja77:32, P310c77: 13 in Williamsburg, Va. , 7N54: 42, PD4Je67: 33, PD25F68: 23 — R3Mr68: 34 in Yorktown, Va. , 29My46: 32, 22Ap57:41,P10Ja77:33 grown in E. Fla. , PD1S68: 11 importation to Carenage, St. Lucia, allowed, PD29S68: 22— R29S68: 23 importation to Gt. Brit. , from America duty free, PD18Ap66: 23 imported, lost, adv. for, 5S55: 32 imported to Gt. Brit. , from Phila. , Pa. ,PDUJe72:22 imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from Barbados, 23Ja46:41 from Nevis, W. I. , R8S74: 31 from Providence, R. 1. , 23Ja46: 41 from St. Croix, W. L , PD10Mr74: 31 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from Barbados, R7J168: 22--PD7J168: 23, PD7J168: 23-- R7J168:21,PD3Ag69:32 from Bermuda, 30S37: 41 imported to Lisbon, Port. , from America free, PD25Mr73: 21 imported to Lisbon, Port. , from W. L free, PD25Mr73: 21 imported to south Potomac district, Va. , from Barbados, PD27N66: 22 from Bermuda, 270x52: 21 imported to Va. , from Eng. , P9F76: 12 imported to York district, Va. , from Barbados, 4Ag38: 42, 7N54: 31 jettisoned, PD4Je7 2: 32 lost, adv. for, PD21My72: 23 lost at sea, PD2S73: 21--R2S73: 22 lost in fire, PD17Je73: 31 — R17J.73s22 monopolies on, in India, R10D72: 11 plentiful in Guadeloupe, W. I. , R18Ag68s22 in S. C. , PD14D69: 12 price, in Norfolk, Va. , R28J168: 24 in Philadelphia, Pa. , 280c37: 32, 20Ja38: 32, 5My38: 22, HAg38: 32, 6Ap39: 22, HMy39: 41, 25My39: 41, 8Je39: 41, 22Je39: 31, 20J139: 32, 3Ag39: 41 seized by British, PD22J173: 11 from Brit, ships, P5J176: 21 — D6J176: 12, P5J176: 22, P2Ag76: 22 — D3Ag76: 11, P23Ag76: 22— D24Ag76: 71, D31Ag76: 12, P6S76: 22, P20S76: 21— D21S76: 11— D21S76: 12, D180c76: ll,D180c76: 12— P180c76: 21, P250c76: 21, P1N76: 21, P15N76: 21, D20D76: 11 — P20D76sll, P3Ja77sl3,D8Ag77: 11 from French ships, 4J145: 21, 29Ag45: 21, 240c55: 12, D12Mr79: 21, DlAp80: 13,DlAp80:21 from Jamaican ship, P5J176: 21 — D6J176: 12, P13S76: 21, D180c76: 12, D29N76: 21 from Span, ship, 17Ap46: 22 smuggling to Va. , planned, D10Je75: 31 stolen, in Charles City co. , Va. , 6Ja38: 42 in South Quay, Va. , D25Mr80: 32 substitute for tea, PD13Ja74: 12 Cotton, damaged, for sale, in King and Queen co. , Va. , PD1N70: 22 Cotton, foreign, as enumerated article in Brit, colonies, PD23My66: 23 reexportation restrictions proposed in Brit, colonies, PD13Je66: 22 Cotton, India, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD220c72: 23 — R220c72: 23, D22Ap75: 32 — Pi20Ap75: 31 Cotton, Jamaica, for sale, at Burwell's ferry, Va. , PD5D71.32 Cotton, raw, adv. for, in Norfolk, Va. , 269 Cotton, raw, adv. for in Norfolk (cont'd) PD14J174: 31 imported to Algiers, D4N75: 12 Cotton, spun, adv. for, in Norfolk, Va. , PD14J174: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , C28Ag79: 42 for sale, in Henrico co. , Va. , D5F80: 33 imported to Algiers, D4N75: 12 Cotton, Virginia, for sale, in Henrico co., Va-,D5F80:33 Cotton, West India, for sale, in Henrico co. , Va. , D5F80: 33 Cotton caps, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , UOc51: 41, PD20Oc74s22—Pi20Oc74: 31 Cotton checks, for sale, in Edenton, N. C. , P160c78: 42 in Williamsburg, Va. , 10Oc55: 32, C19F80: 32 Cotton cloth, for sale, at Henrico factory, Va. ,D5F80:33 importation to Fr. , from Gt. Brit. , forbidden, HMy39: 12 Cotton counterpanes, for sale, in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , C13N79: 12 Cotton ferret, for sale, 12F62: 42 Cotton gloves, for §ale, in Williamsburg, Va. , HOc51: 41 Cotton goods, importation to La. , prohibited, PD6Ag72: 21 Cotton gowns, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD25F68: 23— R3Mr68: 34 Cotton handkerchiefs, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 7N54: 42, PD25Ap66: 31, P18J177: 32, D11D79:22 Cotton holland, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD14D69: 32 — R14D69: 23 in Yorktown, Va. , PD25F68: 31 — R25F68: 31 Cotton hose, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. , R19F67: 23 in Gloucester, Va. , P19Ap76sll — D20Ap76: 33 in Petersburg, Va. , PD310c71: 31 in Richmond, Va. , PD310c71: 23 — R310c71:32 in Williamsburg, Va. , 25Ap51: 32, PD18D66: 31, PD12N67: 22, PD60c68: 31--R60c68: 23, PD270c68: 33--R270c68: 22, PD18My69: 31--R25My69: 23, R260c69: 23, PD2N69: 41, R13D70: 32, PD29Ag71: 31, PD10Oc71: 31, R170c71: 33, PD240c71: 31, PD7My72: 32, PD150c72: 31, PD220c72: 23--R220c72: 23, PD140c73: 23, PD210c73: 23— R210c73: 22, PD5My74: 23, R12My74: 32 in Yorktown, Va. , PD310c71: 23 Cotton house, Westminster, 2D37: 32 Cotton laces, for sale, in London, Eng. , PD7Je70: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD14D69: 32 — R14D69: 23, PD19Ap70s23 — R19Ap70: 31 Cotton lasting, for sale, at Kemp's landing, Va. , D19Mr79: 31 Cotton manufacture, bounties for in Isle of Wight co. , Va. , Pi23F75: 23 considered in Va. , PD2Je74: 21 encouraged by Md. , provincial congress, PD29D74: 23 encouraged in Easton, Mass. , P24F75sl2 encouraged in Philadelphia, Pa. , Pi23Mr75: 13 encouraged in Va. , Pi30Mr75: 31 — DlAp75: 23 establishment in Brit, colonies, N. Am. , discussed, P31Mr75s23 in Algiers, Alg. , D4N75: 12 in British colonies, N. Am. , D14S76: 12 in Fredericksburg, Va. , P17Ja77: 22, P28N77: 31 in Phila. , Pa. , PDllJe72: 22 in Prince George co. , Va. ,D18N75: 32 Cotton ribbed stockings, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22 Cotton seed, for sale, in Prince George co., Va. ,D31Ja77:72— P31Ja77: 32 Cotton stockings, for sale, at Henrico factory, Va. , D5F80: 33 in Alexandria, Va. , D24J179: 22 in Blandford, Va. ,D13N78: 11 in Fredericksburg, Va. , D19D77: 22 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , 24Ja51: 41, HOc51:41,PD25Je67:32, PD25F68: 23--R3Mr68: 34, PD29N70: 31--R29N70: 31, PD12D71: 32, PD14My72: 22, PD9J172: 31, PD13Ag72: 21, PD150c72: 31, PD290c72: 22— R290c72: 22, PD12N72: 23, PD22Ap73: 31, PD29Ap73: 23, PD24Je73: 32, R210c73: 22, PD5My74: 31--R26My74: 13, PD12My74: 43, PD20Oc74s22— Pi20Oc74: 31, R23F75: 33 — D25F75: 33, Pi20Ap75: 31 — D22Ap75: 32, D30My77: 31, , D27Je77: 31, C13N79: 12, C19F80: 32 in Yorktown, Va. , P27D76: 32 Cotton stuffs, boycotted in Va. Association, PD25My69: 11 — RlJe69: 13 Cotton tapes, for sale, in London, Eng. , PD7Je70: 33 Cotton thicksets, for sale, 12F62: 42 Cotton thread, for sale, in London, Eng. , PD7Je70: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD10Oc66: 33, PD25Je67: 32, PD10c67: 13, PD12N67: 22, PD60c68: 31 — R60c68: 23, PD13Ap69: 32 — R13Ap69:31,PD12D71:32, PD23Ap72: 23--R23Ap72: 13, PD150c72: 31, PD22Ap73: 31, PD29Ap73: 23, PD140c73: 23, PD11N73: 22, R12My74: 32 Cotton velvet, boycotted in Providence, R.I. ,PD21Ja68:31 import to Fr. , from Eng. , forbidden, PD30S73: 22--R30S73s21 stolen, in Norfolk, Va. , PD5Ap70: 33 — R5Ap70sl2 Cotton wheels, for sale, in Prince George co. , Va. ,D31Ja77: 72— P31Ja77:32 Cotton wool, duties on import to Gt. Brit. , discontinued, PD29Ag66: 13, PD23Ap72: 13 exported from James river, lower district, Va. , to Glasgow, Scot. , RllAg68: 24 exported from James river, upper district, Va. , to Glasgow, Scot. , 29My46: 4 Cottons, for sale, P6Mr78: 32 in King William co. , Va. , PD18Je67: 32 in Norfolk, Va. , PD8N70: 23 in Port Royal, Va. , PD22N70: 23 in Richmond, Va. , PD3S67: 32 in Shockoe, Va. , PD22S68: 23 — R22S68: 24, PD7S69: 42--R7S69: 42 in Williamsburg, Va. , 19J154: 32, PD19S66:31,R28J168:32, PD270c68: 33 — R270c68: 22, PD28S69: 31, R260c69: 23, PD2N69: 41, PD29N70: 22 — R29N70: 23, PD240c71: 31, PD12D71: 32, R150c72: 31, PD12N72: 23,PD140c73: 23, P30Ag76:33,C21Oc80: 22 on York river, Va. , PD8J173: 32— R8J173: 32 stolen, in Norfolk, Va. , PD5Ap70: 33 — R5Ap70sl2 Cottons, checked, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD22N70: 31 Cottons, damaged, for sale, in Falmouth, Va. , R19N72: 22 Cottons, India, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD170c71: 23 Cottons, Kendall, for sale, in Charles City co. , Va. , PD1S74: 32 in Goochland co. , Va. , R4F68: 41 in Norfolk, Va. , PD22N70: 31, PD150c72: 23, PD5Ag73: 23, R12Ag73: 23, PD23S73: 23, PD30S73: 31--R30S73: 33, PD3F74: 33— R10F74: 33, PD1S74: 32, PD22S74: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD15F70: 41, PD4Oc70: 31, PD22Ag71: 32, PD17S7L31— R26S7L41, PD220c72: 22— R220c72: 23, PD23S73: 23— R23S73: 32, PD270c74:31,D90c79:31 — C30Oc79: 42 in Yorktown, Va. , PD25F68: 31 — R25F68:31,PD6Ag72:31 Cottons, Manchester, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD290c72: 22 — R290c72: 22 Cottons, Negro, for sale, in Cabin Point, Va. , PD3S72: 23 in Fredericksburg, Va. , R8N70: 12 in Manchester, Va. , C13My80: 41 in Petersburg, Va. , PD6N66: 21 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD220c67: 22, PD3D67:32,PD12D71:32 Cottons, pattern, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD30Ja72: 32— R6F72: 32 Cottons, printed, for sale, in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72: 31 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22, PD22N70: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD18D66: 31, PD220c67: 22, PD22N70s23, PD29Ag71: 31 Cottons, stamped, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD30S73: 31--R30S73: 33 Cottons, striped, for sale, in Warwick co. , Va. , PD19N67: 23 Cottons, Welsh, for sale, in 270 Counting houses Williamsburg, Va. , PD22Ag71: 32, PD29Ag71: 31, PD17S71: 31 — R26S71:41 in Yorktown, Va. , PD25F68: 31 — R25F68:31 Cottrell, John, D6Je77: 32 deserter, P8Ag77: 33 Richard, R16Je68: 31 Couch, James, P24My76: 33 Couches, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD28J168: 23--R28J168: 31 Couer de Roy, Prittraud, deserter, PlMy78: 32 Coughland, William, PDllAp66: 41 Coughs, cures for, PD29Ag71: 31, Pi23N75: 33, D3Ag76: 32--P6S76: 42 Coulet, Joseph, PDllAp71: 22 Coulson, John, 24Ap52: 21 Coulter, Hugh, 7N54: 32 James, indentured servant, R10Mr74: 32 John,R22S68:41 John, Dr. , R15Ap73: 31, P7N77sl3 Michael, D24F76: 32--PlMr76: 41, D24Ap78:42 William, 15D52: 31 Coulthard, John, 25Ap51: 32 Richard, 2S57: 32 Coulton, John, accused of murder, R4Ag68: 24 Joseph, R4D66: 23 Robert, letter to, in post office, R4D66: 23 Council, Hardy, 2S37:32, R18F73:32 Joshua, R18F73: 32 Councill, Hardy, 120c39: 42 Count de Sabran, frigate, D29Ja80: 32 Count d'Estaing, ship, D11S79: 21 Count Maurepas, corsair, 28Mr45: 22 Counterfeit bills, described, in Newbern, N. C. , R6S70: 13, R20S70: 23 Counterfeit money, circulates in name of army, P19S77: 11 circulates in Phila. , Pa. , 28Mr55: 31, R12Mr72:22 found, at Bedford courthouse, Va. , Pil6D75:32 in Paris,PD16Je68:21 Counterfeiters, 17Ja51: 32 arrested in N. Y. , PD17S67: 13 in Phila. , Pa. , PD8J173: 31 — R8J173:31 escape from Botetourt co., Va. guards, D4S79:31 flee Eng. to Fr. , R13My73: 22 flee Eng. to Holl. , R13My73: 22 imprisoned in New York City, P31My76:13 inN.Y. ,RUe69:22 inVa., reward for, PD25F73: 31 jailed in Alexandria, Va. , D15My78: 32 — P29My78:42 in Phila., Pa. , R5Ag73: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD17D67: 31 Counterfeiting,PD220c67:21, R210c 73:21 -- PD210c73:22 accusations of, PD1 lMr73: 31, PD8Ap73: 31 — R8Ap73: 11, Pi4My75: 33, D3Ag76: 31, D10Ag76: 61, D20N79: 22 act for punishing, by Va. convention, P5J176pl3 arrests made for, in Va. , R25F73: 23— PD25F73.31 death for in R. I. , 24My51 : 22 denials of, PH4S75: 33 described, PD28 Ja73: 31 — R28Ja73: 31, PD11F73:22— R11F73:22, PD14Ap74: 31--R14Ap74: 31 executions for, in Hispaniola, W. I. , R24Je73:31 in Morristown, N. J. , PD70c73: 13, PD140c73:13 in New York, PD17Ag69: 13, PD29Ap73: 22--R29Ap73: 21 in Newbern, N. C. , 10N52: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. ,9My51:31 imprisonment for, R8Ap73: 32, R9S73: 33 in Charleston, S. C. , D6N79: 31 in Va. , P19J176: 23 — D20J176: 41 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD12N67: 21, P14N77.-22 in York co. , Va. , PD4Mr73: 31 in Albany co. , N. Y. , R17D72: 22 in Birmingham, Eng. , PD1J173: 22, R15J173s21 in Brit, colonies, N. Am. , R12My68: 14 in Charleston, S. C. , PD18N73: 13 in Dinwiddie co. , Va. , D13J176: 71, P30Ag76: 31 in Dublin, Ire. , R25Mr73: 32 in Edinburgh, Scot. , 14Mr51: 22, R17Je73s23 in England, 29S52: 21, R22S68: 21, R21N71: 22, PD12Mr72: 22, RlAp73: 21, RlAp73: 23, PllAg75: 31 in Exeter, Eng. , 13My37: 32 in France, 19S55: 11 in Great Britain, R170c71: 23, R31D72: 12, R140c73: 21 in Hispaniola, W. I. , R24Je73: 31 in Liverpool, Eng. , R22Ap73sl3, PD16S73: 21 in London, Eng. , 16Je38: 22, 16Mr39: 32, 13J139: 32, 12D51: 21, R13My73: 22, R13My73: 31, PD8D74: 12 in Md. , R1J173: 31, R15J173: 33, R5Ag73: 22 in Mass. , penalties discussed, R1J173: 22 in Montego bay, Jamaica, W. I. , Pi22Je75: 31 in Nansemond co. , Va. , 18Ap51: 22 in N. J. , R5Ag73: 22 — PD19Ag73: 13, R9S73:33,PD16S73:22 in N. Y. , PD9My66: 22, R5Ag73: 22, PD70c73: 13, D23My77: 21 in Newbern, N. C. , 120c52: 22 in N. C. , opposed by Gov. Tryon, PD10Ja71: 23--R10Ja71: 11, PD10Ja71: 31--R10Ja71: 21, R10Ja71: 13, PD25F73: 31 in Paris, Fr. , 80c36: 32 in Perth Amboy, N. J. , R29J173: 23 in Phila. , Pa. , 2My51: 21, 18J151: 32, PD16S73: 23, D28Mr77: 62 in Reading, Pa. , Pi9N75: 31 in Sandy Hook, N. J. , D12F80: 21 in South America, PD27Ja74: 22 in southern colonies, PD7Ap68: 22 in U. S. , prevention attempted, D19F79: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD25Ap71: 31, PD10Je73: 21 indictments for, in Williamsburg, Va. ,PD15Ap73: 22 in York co. , Va. , R4Mr73: 31 investigation proposed in Va. , PD4F73: 23 of coins, HAg38: 42 of Continental dollars described, D13Je77:21 of Continental money, attempted by British, D20c79: 22 of Md. money, attempted in Ger. , PilJe75: 13 of paper money, prevented in Mass. , PD1J173:31,PD8J173:31 prevented in Va. , PD1J173: 31 of paper stamps, HAg38: 41 of tobacco notes, P14N77: 33 on Long island, N. Y. , P31My76: 12— DUe76: 32 pardons for, in N. J. , PD6Ja74: 22 in Va. ,8Ag51:31 pillories for, in Port au Prince, Santo Domingo, PD29Ap73: 22— R6My73s21 prevented in Mass. , R1J173: 22 prevention discussed in Va. , PD4F73: 11— R4F73: 11, PD4Mr73: 31- R4Mr73: 23, PDllMr73: 23 — RllMr73: 22 proceedings against criticized in Va. , PD18Mr73: 23— R18Mr73: 23 public cautioned against in Va. , DlAg77: 22 punishment for in Va. , P18J177: 31 regulations against in Va. , RlAg71: 21, PDllMr73: 23 — RllMr73: 23, PD18Mr73: 23— R18Mr73: 31 trials for, P30Ag76: 31--D7S76: 32 in Brunswick co. , Va. , P16Ag76: 42 in Guilford co. , N. C. , R24Je73: 31 in Morristown, N. J. , R70c73: 13 in N. C. , P9Ag76: 41 in Va. ,R24Je73:31 in Williamsburg, Va. , 210c37: 32, 280c37: 31, HOc51: 32, 170c51: 31, PD22Ap73: 31— R22Ap73: 33, PD210c73: 22— R210c73: 21, PD21Ap74: 23, P270c75: 13, P24Ja77: 23, P8Ag77: 23, P14N77: 22 Counterfeiting tools, in Va. , PD25F73:31 Counterpanes, for sale, in Dumfries, Va. , P25J177: 33 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD25F68: 23 — R3Mr68: 34 lost, adv. for,PD22Ag71:33 See also Cotton counterpanes Counterpanes, Virginia, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , D14N77: 31 Countess, brig, R15S74: 33 Countess of Darlington, transport, R1J173: 13,PD270c74: 22 Countess of Eglington, Brit, ship, D7F77: 11 — P7F77: 21 Countess of Leicester, packet boat, 21Ag46: 22 Countess of Northumberland, picture, stolen in Hanover, Va. ,D12J180: 41 Countess of Scarborough, ship, D15Ja80: 12 Counting houses, at Aylett's warehouse, Va. ,D30Mr76:33 described, in King William co. , Va. , D26D77: 12 in Albemarle co. , Va. , PD5My68: 31, R12My68: 33 in Cumberland co. , Va. , PD9D73: 23 — 271 Counting houses, in Cumberland co. (cont'd) R9D73: 22 in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD21Ap68: 31, PDllAg74: 33--R18Ag74: 32, D13N79:31 in Hanover co. , Va. , PD9D73: 23, PD3N74: 42 in Prince Edward co. , Va. , PD2N69: 32 in St. Croix, W. I. , destroyed, PD290c72: 13 in Salisbury, Conn. , PD23D73: 31 Counting rooms, at King and Queen courthouse, Va. , R27Ja74: 41 described, in Fairfax co. , Va. , 25Ap51:41,HOc51:32 in Gloucester co. , Va. , PD10F74: 32— R10F74:32 for rent, at falls of Potomac, PD22N70s22--R29N70: 31 at Southampton courthouse, Va. , D160c78:41 in Blandford, Va. , PD24D72: 32 in Albemarle co. , Va. , PD80c72: 33 in Brunswick co. , Va. , PD2D73: 22, PD8D74: 32,D6Je77: 22— P20Je77: 12 in Cabin Point, Va. , PD20Je71: 33 in Granville co. , N. C. , D8Ag77: 31 in Hampton, Va. , D8Ja80: 33 in Louisa co. , Va. , P1D75: 31 in Mecklenburg co. , Va. , PD30J172: 32 in Newcastle, Va. , PD29Ap73: 23 in Petersburg, Va. ,R21JT74: 33— PD28J174:32,D18D79:22 in Shockoe, Va. , PD280c73: 23— R280c73: 33 in Smithfield, Va. , PD6N66: 31, PD9Ja72: 32 in Sussex co. , Va. , P130c75: 31 near Cabin Point, Va. , PD4J171: 32, PD2D73: 22 near Petersburg, Va. , D18D79: 22 on James river, Va. , P14N77: 23 Country Clergyman, pseud. , PD30My71: 21, PD20Je71: 21, PD27Je71: 11, R18J171: 13, PDlAg71: 21 Country dialect, spoken by indentured servants, 9Je38: 42 Country Farmer, pseud. , PD19D71: 23 Country Gentleman, pseud. , PD30My71: 23, PD20Je71: 11, PD27Je71: 21, PD4J171: 22, R18J171: U,PDlAg71:21, PD310c71: 22, Pi9Mr75: 23— P10Mr75sll Country Jack, horse, PD22Ap73: 31 Country Justice, pseud. , R30D73: 12 Country Man, pseud. ,RlAg71: 23, R8Ag71: 12, R5S71: 21, PD310c71: 22, R21N71: 23 Countryman, pseud. , PD21J174: 13 Country Parson, pseud. , PD14Ap68: 31, PD5My68: 22 Country produce, accepted for debts, D14F77: 31 accepted in payment of school fees, D4N80: 12 bartered for candles, R28Ja73: 32 for chariots, DlAp80: 23 for copper work, R6F72: 42— PD26D72: 31 for cotton cards, C15My79: 32 for horse breeding, Pi6Ap75: 42 — P7Ap75: 33--D8Ap75: 32, D4Mr80: 31 for merchandise, PD20Ag72: 31 for phaetons, DlMy79: 22 for physicians' services, D22Ja80:33,D12F80:33 for rum, Pi28Ap75: 41--P21Ap75: 33 for ships, PD18Ag68: 31 — R18Ag68: 32 for shoemaking, D8Ja80: 43 for tutors' services, D19F80: 32 for wool cards, C15My79: 32 cultivation increased in W. I. , Brit. , P18Ag75: 11 price regulated in N. J. ,D29Ja80: 31 sold by Thomas Hepburn, PD20N66: 22— R[llDs?]66:33 Country schools, in Nansemond co. , Va. ,9F39:42 Country workers, See Slaves as Coupar, Capt. , PD16D73: 22, D6My75: 31, D30S75: 22 Couper, Capt. , P29S75: 21 William, of Nansemond co. , Va. , P26Ap76s23 Coupland, David, PD18My69: 31, PD18J171: 22, PD6Ag72: 31, Pi23Mr75: 13, P16F76: 33, PlMy78: 31 James, PD18J171: 22, PD6Ag72: 31 John, Capt. , of the Happy, 10Oc45: 3, 3J146: 4 of the Hawke, PD18F68: 23— R18F68: 31, PD26My68: 22— R26My68: 31, PD25Oc70: 23 — R1N70: 31 Joseph, deserter, 28F55: 42 Courageux, H. M. S. , PD17S72: 12, D27Je77: 12 Courland, duchy of, elects duke, 16S37: 11, 4N37: 11, 25J151: 22 See also Dissidents in Couronne, man of war, [10Ja?]51: 31 Coursey, Lt. , in battle of Long island, N. Y. , P13S76: 23— , D14S76: 32 James, Pi8Je75: 41, Pil5Je75: 33, P7F77:43,D15Ag77:72 William, land of, R1D68: 22 Court, Capt. , of the Caesar, 3Ap46: 22 of the Princess of Wales, PD23My71: 21 Court calendars, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD19F67: 31, PD28Ap68: 22, PD21Mr71: 43, PD28Mr71: 43, DllF75s23 Court plaster, for sale, in Blandford, Va. ,PD21F71:32 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Petersburg, Va. , PD14J174: 32 in Richmond, Va. , PD7Je70: 33, PD17Je73: 33--R17Je73s23 in Williamsburg, Va. , 12F62: 42, PD17Ag69: 33— R17Ag69: 23, PD21S69: 33— R21S69s21, PD21S69: 41--R21S69s21, PD7Je70: 31— R7Je70: 31, PD29N70: 31--R29N70: 23, PDllAp71: 32, PD15Ag71: 32— R15Ag71: 32, PD240c71: 31, PD290c72: 22— R290c72: 22, PD1S74: 32 Courtenay, [William], viscount, D29Ap75s21 Courter, Capt. , of the Oliver Cromwell, DlAg77: 21, P5Je78: 21 Courtland manor, N. Y. , See Dwelling houses in; Fires in Courtney, brig, PD2D73s22 schooner, D25S79: 31 Courts, Mr. , tavern of, Pi31Ag75: 32— P8S75: 32 Joseph, adv. tavern, R19N72: 23 Courts (judicial), See Admiralty courts; Arches court; Doctor's Commons; and under name of city, colony, country, and county Courts (royal), satire on life in, PD29Ag73: 11 See also Name of country (adjective) Courts-martial, authority of questioned, D13Ja76: 32 for deserters, in Va. ,D25My76: 23, P16Ag76: 32, D24Ap78: 31 — PlMy78: 42 for spies in Continental army, P180c76: 22 for Tories in Va. , P22Mr76: 31 for Va. minutemen, P12Ja76: 33 in American navy, P23Ag76sll in Bacon's rebellion, PD23F69: 12 in Boston, Mass. , D23S75: 31, D140c75: 31, P13Je77: 22 in Brest, Fr. ,D2My77: 22 in Brit, army, 15My46: 31, 4S46: 31, 12S51: 31, 26S51: 22, 24N52: 21, 2Mr53: 32, PD240c66: 21, R19Ja69: 23, PD29Je69: 31, PD16J172: 31, PD23J172: 22, PD25Mr73: 21, PD24Je73: 13 in Brit, navy, 13Je45: 11, 13Je45: 12, 20Je45: 22, 20Je45: 32, 4J145: 22, 11J145: 31, 29Ag45: 21, 12S45: 31, 240c45: 31, 28N45: 32, 21Ag46: 22, 12D51: 22, 24Ap52: 11, 15D52: 21, 19D55: 21, 3S56: 22, 22Ap57: 12, 22Ap57: 21, R19Ja69: 23, PD30Ja72: 12, D12F79: 21 in Chatham, Eng. , R8J173: 23 in Continental army, D10Ag76: 62, P13S76sl3— D14S76: 52, PHOc76: 12 in Fairfax co. , Va. , militia, P5Je78: 11 in France, R9S73: 11 in French army, PD15Ag66: 21, PD29Ag66: 11, PD9S73: 11 — R16S73: 23 in French navy, 19D55: 21 in Ga. ,R10Mr74:21 in Gt. Brit. , 26Ja39: 42, 24Ag39: 21, 21Mr45: 31, PD13S70: 23 — R13S70:21,R2D73: 22 in the Hague, Holl. , PD210c73: 13 in Holland, 240c45: 31 in James City co. , Va. ,D12F80: 41 in London, Eng. , 21Mr51: 22 in New Bern, N. C. , PD28Mr71. 31 in Perkiomy, Pa. , D28N77: 12 in Portsmouth, Eng. , 6Ap39: 21 in Va. militia, P27S76s21 in Va. regiment, 6th, P7Mr77sl2 in West Point, N. Y. ,D160c79: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , Pll J177: 33 of N. Y. C. guards, P8D75: 22 of Va. regiment, 5th, in Williamsburg, Va. , P12J176: 13 of Va. regiments, in Williamsburg, Va. , P19J176: 32 Cousens, John, jr. , PD23D73: 31 272 Cowles William, jr. , PD16D73: 23 Cousett, Capt. , opposes Bacon's rebellion, PD23F69: 13 Coush, James, R13J169: 32 Cousins, Capt., of the Amity's Succession, D29J176: 12 Adam,P28N77sll George, PD28Mr66: 41 John, estate for sale, R19Ja69: 32 Robert, PD4Ag74: 31 Coussons, Thomas, 12D45: 41 Couts, John, PDllAp66:41 Coutt, Patrick, PD290c67: 23 Coutts, Capt. , 170c51: 22 Mr. , PD2F69: 32 agent for Thomas Bullitt, PD21F71: 32 Patrick, PD29Je69: 33, PD15Ap73: 31, PD18N73: 22 adv. estate of James Gunn, P21Ap75: 31 — D22Ap75: 32 adv. for missing horse, PD9Je74: 32 adv. for runaway convict servants, PD16My66: 31, PD4F73: 31 adv. land for sale, PD29Je69: 33, PD14My72: 31, PD14Ja73: 32 adv. ship for sale, PD270c74: 23 bondof,D19Ag75:33 death of,D27D76: 21--P27D76: 23 debt due, PD21Ja73: 31 defendant in Chancery court, R2D73:31,PD28Ap74:32 directs Moore's lottery, R14Ap68: 31 — PD1D68: 32 disavows promissory note, R24F69s22 horse of, PD28S69: 32 house of, P3N75: 31— D4N75: 31 houses and lots for sale, PD70c73: 22 land of, Pi260c75: 32--P270c75: 31 — D280c75: 23 listed in Byrd's lottery, PD23J167: 41 — R23J167: 32 manager of lottery, PD14Ja68: 32 of Shockoe, Va. , Pil8My75: 12 promissory note of, R20Ap69: 31 settlement of estate of, D14N77: 31 — P21N77:32 store of, PD12N72: 23 subscriber to meeting of merchants, PD30Je74: 23 takes orders for, Virginia Justice, PD21D69: 23 — R18Ja70: 41 tenement occupied by, D22Ap75: 32 Reuben, D14N77: 31 — P21N77: 32 Robert, D7Ja75: 33 William, D14N77: 31--P21N77: 32, D4S79: 22, D18D79: 31 William, Rev. Mr. , PD21Mr71: 31 — R21Mr71: 32, D10Oc77: 21 — P170c77: 23 Coutura, Jean Antanie, D29N76: 32 Couzens, Henry, D160c79: 32 Thomas, D18S79: 32 Thomas, Mrs. ,D18S79: 32 William, D25D79: 42 Cove, Eng. , See Ships, from Whitehaven, Eng. , to Cove, Ire. , See Brit, army from Phila. , Pa. , to; Brit, army to Boston, Mass. , from; Brit, transports to America from; Ships from Phila. , Pa. , to Covell, George, Capt. , of the Samuel, PD25Ag68: 31 Covenanters, in Dumfries, Scot. , 7N45:31 Convent Garden, London, Eng. , PD7D69:13— R7D69: 13 Convent Garden magazine, PD30S73: 23 Convent Garden market, London, R25Ag68: 13 Convent Garden theatre, London, R10Je73:41, PD16D73:21, PD23D73s22 accidents in, 14 Ja37: 32, 4My39: 41 actors at, PD17S71: 23 actors discharged, 19Ja39: 41 actors raise relief funds, PD4Ap66: 31 actresses* salaries, PD22N70sl3 fire protection at, PD20Ag72: 12 plays in, 13J139: 31, R22J173sl2 riots at,PD17Je73: 31 singers in, PD6My73: 12 Coventon, Richard. 240c51: 31, PD10Oc66:41 Coventry, earl of, [George William], PDldMy68: 12, D29Ap75s21, D3F76: 12 Coventry, Eng. , See Accidents in; Anecdotes from; Bacon, price in; Beef, price in; Canals from Birmingham, Eng. , to; Canals from Oxford, Eng. , to; Charity in; Cheese, price in; Emigration from; Floods in; Mutton, price in; Prices current in; Riots in; Suicides in; Unemployment in Coventry, R. L , See Hunting in; Militia of Coventry, H. M. S. , PD80c67: 13, PD17D67: 23, PD21Mr71: 22, R8S74: 33, P14Ap75: 21 Coveny, Mortimer, Capt. , of the Joscelin and Lone, 80c36: 32 Coverlets, as lottery prizes, PD28Ja68: 32 Coverlets, striped, for sale, in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72: 31 Coverlid manufactures, encouraged in Pa. ,P24F75s22 in Va. , Pi30Mr75: 31— DlAp75: 23 Coverlids, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD3D72: 22--R3D72: 22 Covers, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 See also Chimney covers, painted; Table covers, painted Covers, frying pan, captured by Americans, D13Ja76: 42 Covers, handled, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. .PD25J166: 23 Covers, saddle, for sale, in Smithfield, Va. ,D21F77: 22 — P28F77s22 Covil, Alexander, Lord, of the Success, 10J152: 31 Covington, Mr. , plantation of, R22Mr70: 31 Amy, R4N73: 32 Richard, tavern of, RllMy69: 42 Thomas, 30Ap52: 32 William, R4N73: 32 Covington's ordinary, Fauquier co. , Va. , R18Ja70: 42, R2Je74: 23 Cow harbor, Long island, N. Y. , See Shipwrecks near Cow hides, adv. for, in Norfolk, Va. , PD21S69: 23 Cow horns, exported from Charleston, S. C. , to London, Eng. , R20Je71: 31 Cow houses, in Dinwiddie co. , Va. , P16Ag76sll in Fredericksburg, Va. ,D30Oc78:41 in James City co. , Va. , PD24S67: 21 in Williamsburg, Va. , P21N77: 31 described, in Richmond co. , Va. , 250c65s42 Cow island, York co. , Va. , slaves runaway to, 27Ag56: 42 Cowan, Duncan, deserter, P14Mr77: 33 Elizabeth, convict servant, PD2D73: 31 James, murdered by Indians, PD8S74: 23 John. 270c52: 31 John, Capt. , of the Molly, P7J175s23 — D8J175: 33 — Pil3J175: 33, PllAg75: 33 — D12Ag75:41 of the Nancy, P22N76: 21 — D29N76: 12 Robert, adv. finding cows, C18D79: 12 adv. finding horse, R16D73: 43 adv. land for sale,D24F76: 33 adv. plantation for sale, PDllMy69: 32 announces departure, D14Mr77: 72 of Bedford county, Va. , associators, R21F71: 32 refused admittance to Va. ,D6N78: 31 William, P19Ap76p23 William, Capt. , of the Knowles, 22Ap57: 21 Cowanaross, S. C. , See Murders, by Senecas in Coward, Capt. , of the Integrity, R8F70: 23 Cowardin, John, PD2F69: 31 Cowbridge, Wales, assizes, trials in, PD10N68: 21 See also Anecdotes from Cowbridge society for propagating religion and learning, 20Ja38: 22 Cowen, Capt. , of the Friendship, PD8D68: 13 Israel, convict servant, R16Je68: 33 Cowes, Isle of Wight, See Brit, navy to Portsmouth, Eng. , from; Palatines arrive in Phila. , Pa. , from; Ships from Carolina to; Ships from London, Eng. , to; Ships from Md. , to; Ships from S. C. , to; Ships from Surinam, Dutch Guiana, to; Ships' sailing time; Ships to; Ships to N. Y. , from; Ships to Norfolk, Va. , from; Ships to Phila. , Pa. , from; Ships to Quebec, Can., from; Ships to R. I. , from Cowetas, murders by, R10Mr74: 22 Cowey, Robert, Capt. , of the Susanna, 60c52: 21 Cowgill, John, indentured servant, PD22J173: 33 Cowhides, imported to Lisbon, Port. , from Pernambuco, Brazil, 3N38: 21 Cowie, Capt. , of the Susanna, 10N52: 22 Cowle, Edmund, PD3Mr68: 31 Thomas, R22F70: 32 Cowles, Edmund, PD24Je73: 33, 273 Cowles, Edmund (cont'd) P7Mr77: 31 John, R6My73s22, PD7Ap74: 32, PU3J175: 33 Thomas, adv. plantation for sale, D8N76:31--P8N76:31 adv. settlement of estate of, Nathaniel Crawley, R8F70: 43 bond of, D3Ag76: 32 ferry of, P10My76sl2, D8N76: 31 — P8N76: 31,D12D77: 21, P27Mr78: 12 marriage of, PD8S74: 31 on James City co. , Va. , committee, PDlD74:23--PilD74: 31 tavern of,D8N76: 31--P8N76: 31 Cowles' s ferry, Chickahominy river, Va. , 22Ap57: 42, R19F67: 32, PD29Je69: 33, PD24N74: 31, P24Mr75: 42, P17Ja77: 43, D7N77: 31-- P7N77sl3,D26D77: 12 land on, C6N79: 32 Cowley, Capt. , 20Oc38: 22 Abraham, 17Ja51: 41, 17Ja51:42 21Mr51: 32, PD14N71: 23 — R21N71: 32, R11F73: 22, P14F77: 31 — D21F77: 11, P21Mr77s22 adv. finding horse, R16Je74: 32, P13S76:43 adv. land for sale, P27Mr78: 41 adv. ordinary for rent, PD22N70: 23, Pil3Ja76: 22 author, 24My5 1:32 on Henrico co. , Va. , committee, P24N75: 13 requests settlement of estate of, George Donald, P27Mr78: 41 Abraham, Capt. , P5J176p23 — D13J176: 22 Mary, Mrs. , ordinary of, PD22N70: 23 Richard, DllF75s23 Stephen, Capt. , of the Lydia, PD20Ja74: 23 Cowling, Capt. , of the Lowther, PD7My72: 23 Mr. , owns brew- house near Hampton, Va. ,D25D79: 21 Cowling, Willis & co. , P230c78: 32 Cowly, Mrs. , sale at door of, PD7My67: 32 Cowne, Mrs. , PD18Je72: 32 plantation of, D3J179: 32 Augustine, D3J179: 32 Betsy (Quarles), marriage of, PD5My74: 22 Robert, C19F80: 41 William, adv. for tutor, PD18J171: 22, PD12D71: 32 adv. land for sale, PD2N69: 32, R12Mr72: 32, PD9Ap72: 32 adv. plantation for rent, P29N76: 31 adv. property for sale, PD6My73: 31 executor for Capt. Langborn's estate, R31My70: 23 land of, PD6N66: 31, PD10S67: 22, PDUAg68: 31, PD18Je72: 32, D30c77: 32--P10Oc77: 23 marriage of, PD5My74: 22 sells lands to Langborn estate, R31My70: 22 William, jr. , R18Ag74: 32 Cowpar, Scot. , See Horse-racing in Cowper, Capt. , PD19J170: 21, D18D79: 21 Major, slave of,D31J179: 31 Mr. , discusses regulations of Mass. judicial system, R14J174: 22 house burned, D17F76: 32 Abraham, PD31Ja71: 32 Abraham, Capt. , of the Betsey, PD19N67: 22, PD14Ja68: 31, PD26My68: 23— R26My68: 31, RllAg68: 31 — PDllAg68: 23, R22S68: 23--PD22S68: 23 of the Bowler, PD19F67: 31 — R19F67:22, PDllJe67: 32 of the Thomas, PD20Ja74: 23 Edward, PD17Mr74: 31— R17Mr74: 31, D18Ap77: 72 Elizabeth, D18Ap77: 72 James, D23S75: 12 John, PD10S72:23 John, Capt. , of the Liberty, R12J 69:31 John & co. , D15Ag77: 71 — P15Ag77: 31 Joseph, tried for robbery, Pi20Ap75: 31 — P21Ap75s42— D22Ap75: 31 Philip, PD17Mr74: 31— R17Mr74: 31 Robert, D29J176: 71 Roe, of Elizabeth City co. , Va. , R31My70: 41, PD17Mr74: 31 — R17Mr74: 31, Pi26Ja75: 23 — D28Ja75: 23, Pi2F75: 21 Row, Major, D18Ap77: 72 William, of Mass. , D20Ap76: 21 of Nansemond co. , Va. , Pi9Mr75: 13, DlAp75:33,D8Ap75: 11, P18Ap77sll, P14N77: 23 William, Capt. , of the Peggy, 19D55:22 William, Dr., author, 24My51: 32 Willis, of Nansemond co. , Va. , D10F76:32 Wills, PD18Ap71: 32, PD31Mr74: 31, D28N77: 31--P28N77: 33 adv. boat for sale, PlMy78: 31 adv. estate of Josiah Riddick, for sale, PD19N72: 23 adv. unclaimed box of files', PD12F67: 32 merchant in Suffolk, Va. , PD130c74: 32 on committee of Va. merchants, R26N72: 21 ships of burned by British in Suffolk, Va. , D15My79: 22 slaves of, P14N77: 32 subscriber to meeting, of merchants, PD30Je74: 23 Wills, Capt. ,RllMy69:41, D27My75: 42 Cowper, Riddick &, R26Ja69: 23, PD4My69: 33, RllMy69: 41, R6S70:31,PD3S72: 31 Cows, abnormal, in Keswick. Eng. , P31Mr75: 23 in Long island, N. Y. , PD5Ap70: 32 captured by Brit, at Point Judith, R.I. ,D16Mr76: 31 in James City co. , Va. , PU3J175: 33 near Lechmere's point, Mass. , D9D75: 23 on Fisher's island, N. Y. , Pi7S75: 12 captured from Brit, at [New] Brunswick, N. J. , D28Mr77: 62 — P28Mr77sl2 in N. J. , P25Ap77. 21 driven from Hog island, Mass. , by Americans, Pi22Je75: 22— D24Je75: 23 driven off Noddle island, Mass. . by Americans, Pi22Je75: 22— D24Je75: 23 for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD21D69: 11— R28D69: 12 killed in Boston, Mass. , P18Ag75: 22— D19Ag75: 32 shot in skirmish at Lechmere's point, Mass. , P8D75: 22 stolen in Brandon, Va. , P22Mr76: 23 to be sent to Falkland is. , PD9My71: 22 unusual diseases of, PD5My68. 13 Cox, Capt. ,RllMy69: 22, R21N71: 43, D4Ap77: 21 — P4Ap77: 21 killed at Germantown, Pa. , P240c77: 21 of the Conference, D15Ja80: 11 of the Packet, PD27F72: 22— R27F72: 22 of the Sea-Flower, 11F37: 11 Mr. , South sea company factor in Cuba, 12My38: 32 Abraham, deserter, P2My77sl2 Barclay, P14Mr77: 43 Dan. , leaves Phila. , Pa. , with British, P19Je78: 21 Edward, PD23Je74: 12 Fleet, R14Je70: 32, Pi9F75: 31 Francis, R9S73: 33 Frederick, PD5My68: 23 George, PD19D71: 31, PD29Ap73: 31, D12Ag75: 41, P14Mr77: 32 Henry, R12My68: 31, R16Je74: 31, P23Je75: 23, P18Ag75: 42 Howard, land of, 31J146: 62 Howard, Mrs. , dower of, 31 J146: 62 James, defends Hugh Hamilton, P17F75s22 James, Capt. , of the Dorothy, PD6Ja74: 32 of the Little Betty, 2N39: 2, 25Ja40: 3 of the Little Molly, 24Ag39: 22, 2N39:3,25Ja40:4 John, PD5My74: 31, D23Ja78: 32 adv. finding horse, PD30J167: 33, PD25Ag74: 32, D15Je76: 62 — D22Je76: 71 adv. for bids for building Buckingham courthouse, Va. , D9My77: 32— P9My77: 31 adv. land for sale, R260c69: 31, R21N71:41,P14N77:31 adv. slave held in jail, D10Je75: 33 — Pi27J175: 33 disavows bonds, PD9S73: 32 disavows wife's debts, 20Oc52: 22 letter to, in post office, PD28My67: 32 of Phila. , Pa. , RllOc70: 23. R23Je74: 32 slave of, P1D75: 23 John, Capt. , of the Kitty Snickers, D90c79: 22 of the Lively, R15S74: 33 of the Mary and Martha, 31 Ja51: 32 of the Rachel, PD26Ja69; 31 Mary, Mrs. , 20Oc52: 22 Matthew. P18Ag75: 42 Matthew. Pvt. , land grant to, R14Ja73: 13 Milly (Estis), Mrs. , PD5My68: 23 Osman. Capt. , of the Speedwell, 274 Craig PD28D69: 31, PD22F70: 32 Paul, of Phila. , Pa. ,D12Je79: 12 Peter, 210c37: 41 Reuben, deserter, P28Mr77s23, P13Je77: 12 Richard, deserter, P4Ap77: 32 Richard, Sir, author, PD29Ag71: 33 Samuel, R3N68: 34, P28J175: 33 Thomas, adv. finding horse, PD70c73: 31 death of, 12D45: 32 William, R8Mr70s32, R2My71: 31 indentured servant, PD16My71: 32 merchant in Williamsburg, Va. , PD10N74: 43 of Md. , PD6My73: 23 William, Capt. , of the Dove, llJa40: 41, 25Ja40: 4, 25Ja40: 42 Cox & Dale, in Chesterfield co. , Va. , D17J178:42 Coxall, William Cavalier, R29N70: 23 Coxe, Daniel, finances explorations in America, 4Ap55: 11 Tory, D29Ja80: 22 Daniel, jr. , 4Ap55: 12 Tench, Tory, P24Ja77: 13, P19Je78: 21 See also Cocks Coxen, Capt. , of the Hazard, R8F70: 23 Adam, Capt. , of the Hazard, 3J152: 32, 10N52: 22, 28F55: 31, 28Mr55: 32 Cox's, reinforced by Americans from Pittsburgh, Pa. , D18Ap77: 62 Cox's (Cock's) road, Dinwiddie co. , Va. , PD24Mr68: 33— R24Mr68: 34, PD21Ap68: 23--R28Ap68: 32, RllAg68:32, RlAg71: 42, Pil90c75:33,D7F77:31 — P14F77:41 Coyles, Joseph, R12My68: 41 Cozens, Mrs. , 24N38: 41 William, slave of, P5J176p23 Cozzens, Gregory, Capt. , of Newport, R. L , P10My76: 21 — DllMy76:31 Crab, horse, 250c65s42, PD4Ap66: 33, R24Mr68: 33, P7F77:32,D28Mr77: 12— P28Mr77s23, P29Ag77: 32, P29My78: 42 stallion, PD2Ap67: 31 Crab apple orchards, in King and Queen co. , Va. , R16N69: 32 in King William co. , Va. , PD10D67: 31,R24D67:41 in Middlesex co. , Va. , P18Ap77s42, P16My77s31 Crab apples, used to cure distemper, R18Mr73: 13 Crab Forest, plantation, RllOc70: 33 Crab island, W. L , British claims to, PD24Mr74: 12 claims to, PD18Ag74: 23 — R18Ag74: 31, R18Ag74: 12 to be taken by British, PD7Ap74: 22— R7Ap74: 22 See also British navy in; Shipwrecks at Crabb, Capt. , of the Dorrington, 3Ap46: 22 Carbin, Charles, PD27N66: 23 Crabs, in Gloucester co. , Va. , P310c77: 12 in Princess Anne co. , Va. , P9My77sll near Williamsburg, Va. , PlMy78: 41 Crabs' claws, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. ,D12Je79:32 Crabs-claws powder, for sale, in Newcastle, Va. , PD19N72: 22 used in smallpox inoculations, R30N69: 22 Crabs' eyes, for sale, in Hobb's Hole, Va. ,R6J169:31 in Newcastle, Va. , PD19N72: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. ,D12Je79: 32 Crabs' eyes and claws, prepared, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 18J151:41 Crachead, William, C30Oc79: 42 Cracker, Jack, pseud. , 25Je52: 22 Cracow, Poland, surrender of, PD23J172: 22 See also Austrian army in; Russian army to Craddock, Edmund, C13My80: 41 Mosses, C27N79: 23 William Cross, P8N76: 32 Cradock, James, D19D77: 32, D10J178: 32 Crafford, Carter, PD170c71: 23 Carter, jr. ,D230c79:12 James, DllMr80: 33 Craft, Elizabeth, P3N75: 31 Michael, P3N75: 31 Robert, R26J170: 13 Cr afters, in Blandford, Va. , PD5Mr67: 32— R12Mr67: 41 See also Slaves as Crafton, Capt. , leads attack on Caribs, PD21Ja73: 22 Bennett, adv. wine for sale, R11N73: 23, PD9D73: 21 Crafts, Lt. , reports on battle of Cedars, Can. , P21Je76: 21 — D22Je76: 51 Lt. Col. , defends Boston, Mass. , D6J176: 11 Crafts, See Trades Craftsman, The, capture of Richard Copithorne discussed in, 18My39: 11 extracts from, 3N38: 12, Ue39: 21, 12S45: 12, 17Ja51: 12, PD9F69: 12, PD27Ap69: 11, PD27Je71: 32 trade and commerce discussed in, 2Mr39: 11 Cragg, Capt. , of the Betty, R10Je73: 41 of the Industry, R23J167: 31 Craggs, Anthony, PD23Ap67: 31, R23J167: 22,R2Ag70:31 John, PD30My66: 32 — R30My66: 33, PD23Ap67: 31, R23J167: 22 Craghead, William, PD10N74: 43, PillMy75: 32 — P12My75s21 — D13My75:23,P17N75sll, P23Ag76: 42 Craghill, William, sr. ,D8My79: 31 Craghorn, Capt. , P23My77: 33 Craick, Robert, Dr. , books of, 21Mr55: 41 William, Capt. , of the Mercury, 270c52: 21 Craid, Capt. , settles on Mohawk river, PD70c73: 13— R70c73: 22 Craig, Capt. , PD19N67: 21, PD19Mr72: 23, PD25Mr73: 31 of British army, D8My78: 41 of the New York, PD220c72: 13 wounded in battle of Bunker Hill, P22J175s22— D29J175: 31 Mr. , PD240c71: 23 house of, PD2Je74: 31 land and slaves of, R27F72: 32 saddler, PD20Oc74s22, D29J175: 33 Adam, muster-master general, P30My77:31 Alexander, 10Ja[?]51: 41 — 17Ja51:41,PD2N69:41 adv. cabinet makers tools, P5Ja76s23— D13Ja76: 33 adv. leather for sale, 170c51: 31 adv. for lost dry goods, PD29S68: 23 — R29S68: 31 adv. houses for rent, PD27S70: 32— R27S70: 31 adv. settlement of estate of, Peter Scott, P5Ja76s23— D13Ja76: 33 adv. unclaimed drugs, PD18Ag68: 31 — R18Ag68: 32 appointed to committee for Williamsburg, Va. , Pi9N75: 33 death of, P19Ja76: 32--D20Ja76: 33 — Pi20Ja76: 31 house of, D7F77: 31 — P7F77: 31 indentured servant of, 24My51: 41 lots of, for sale,D12F80: 32 marriage of daughter of, R6Ap69: 31 member of Williamsburg, Va. , common council, PD3D67: 31 plaintiff in suit, PD8D68: 31 settlement of estate of, P23F76: 33— D24F76: 33, D7F77: 31 — P7F77: 31 George, P28J175: 33, P15N76: 32 James, adv. finding of horse, PD2Ap72: 33 adv. for missing horse, D20J176: 42— P19J176: 33,D21F77:22— P21F77:33 adv. for missing parcel, PD29Je69: 31 adv. for runaway indentured servant, PDlJe69: 32 adv. jewelry business, 25S46: 41, 15My52: 32, PD10Oc66: 33, PD7My72: 31, D15Ap75: 32— P21Ap75:31 adv. merchandise for sale, PD7Ap68: 23 adv. property for sale,D5Je79: 32, D160c79: 12 adv. watch and clock making, PD10c72: 22 — R80c72: 32, PD14J174: 31--R14J174: 32 jeweler, PD27Ag72: 43 joins association in Va. , PD26J170: 23 James, Capt. , of the Morant Bay, PD3Ja71: 32— R31Ja71: 32 James, Dr. , land of, PD17Gx71: 31 — R170c71:32 James, Rev. Mr. , PD9My71: 33 John, PD2F69: 31, P1S75: 32, P29D75:31 Judith, marriage of, R6Ap69: 31 Lewis, PD18Ap66: 41 Robert, 17J152: 32 Robert, Capt. , of the Rebecca, PD5Mr67: 22 Thomas, PD26S71: 31 — R26S71: 31, PlMy78: 31 adv. house for sale, PD30Ag70: 32— R3 n Ag70: 31 adv. tavern, PD12F67: 32 — R19F67: 31 275 Craig, Thomas (cont'd) declines tavern keeping, R6S70: 32 deserter, 3J146: 32 house and lot of, PD27Je71: 32 requests payment of debts, PD6Je66: 32, R25D66: 32, PDUa67: 32, PD14Ja68: 32 requests settlement of accounts, 4N63:31 William, PD16Ja72: 41, R16S73: 42, D29Ap75s41 Craige, Capt. , of the John Galley, 27Mr46: 41 Craigen, Robert, D5Je79: 32 Craighead, Robert, deserter, 27Ag56: 32 William, Capt. , D4N75: 32 Craigy, James, P6D76: 13 Craik, James, Dr. , R14Ja73: 13, R25N73:41,P27Je77: 11 Crain, James, Lt. , P230c78: 11 Philemon, deserter, P14N77: 33 Craine, John, adv. for journeyman tailors, R15F70: 32, PD31Ja71: 32 adv. for missing horse, P10J178: 32 adv. slave held in jail, PD29Ap73: 31, R19My74: 43, R4Ag74: 33, Pi9Mr75: 33, Pi6Ap75: 42, Pi31Ag75:33,Pi21S75: 33, P21F77:32 Cralie, W. M. , C15My79: 32 Cralle, John, 170c55: 31 John, jr. , Pi2Mr75: 22, P20S76: 31 — D21S76: 32 Kenner, R290c72: 33 Rodham Kenner, deserter, P27S76: 23 Cramahe, H. T. , D10F76: 21, D6Ap76: 21 Crambe, poem by, R12Mr67: 11 Cramer,' M. , Capt. , of the Dolly and Betsy, R8F70: 23 Crammer & Sturdivant, C27N79: 23 Crammond, Capt. , appointed aide to Gen. Clinton, D17Je75: 21 John, PD2My66: 22, R26J170: 22, P240c77: 23, C15J180: 21 Crammond, Scot. , See Whales off Cramp, Capt. , 2S57: 22 Cranberries, imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , 29D52: 32 from Phila. , Pa. , 24N52: 22 from R. I. , 19D55: 22 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , 9Ja46: 4, PD24D67: 32, PD9N69: 22, PD28D69: 31 from New York City, R25D66: 13, PD22Ja67: 32, PD270c68: 42, PD15D68: 23 from Newport, R. I. , PD12F67: 31 from Salem, Mass. ,R25D66: 13, PD22Ja67: 32, PD15D68: 23, PD29D68: 31, R12Ja69: 31, PD28D69: 31 imported to York district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , 9D37: 42, 3N38: 61 Cranberry inlet, N. J. , See Prisoners of war, British, taken near Cranbrook, Eng. , See Robberies in Crane, Mr. , manager of Whitfield's academy, Ga. , PD4Ag68: 21 — R4Ag68: 21 Aaron, pasture of, 24J152: 32 Henry, R20Ap69: 32 Henry, Capt. , of the Bobby, 9Mr39: 41, 18My39: 3, 25Ja40: 12 of the Patuxent, 18Mr37: 42 Stephen, Pi270c74: 23, PD3N74: 12— Pi4N74: 12, P123F75: 22 Thomas, R4D66: 23 Cranes, See Bottle cranes, double pipe Crane's ferry, N. J. , D19Mr79: 22 Craney island, See Shipwrecks off Cranley, Capt. , of the Olive, R22S74: 13 Cranlies, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22 Cranshaw, Henry, D19F80: 33 Cranston, Lord, brother of, captured by Americans, D20J176: 12 Benjamin, Capt. , of the Duke of Cumberland, 5D45:41 Thomas, PD2Ap72: 31 Cranstone, James, D23Mr76: 33 Crantz, David, author, PD18J171: 23, PD25J171: 33, PDlAg71: 41, PD8Ag71:41,D25N75: 11, D30D75: 11, D24F76: 43, D2Mr76: 41 , D9Mr76: 41, D25My76: 43, D24Ag76: 51 Crap, James, jr. , indentured servant, 3N52:21 Richard, indentured servant, PD28S69: 32— R50c69: 31 Crape, for sale, in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72: 31 in Hanover, Va. , D13J176: 22 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD10c67: 13, PD140c73: 23, D16D75: 23, DlAg77: 22 Crape, hat, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , D14F77: 21 — P14F77: 33, D27Je77: 31 Crape, mourning, for sale, in Yorktown, Va. , PD25F68: 31— R25F68: 31 Crape, Norwich, for sale, 12F62: 42 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD12N72: 23 Crape handkerchiefs, for sale, in London, Eng. , PD7Je70: 33 Crase, Thomas, 4My39: 42 Crauford, James, Capt. , of the Margaret, 30c51: 32, N52: 22, 15D52: 31 Patrick, 28Ja37: 42 William, R14F71: 32, PD22J173: 31 — R22J173s21 William, jr. , PD22J173: 31 — R22J173s21 William, jr. & co. , R14F71: 32 Craufurd, Dunmore & co. , PD22J173: 31 — R22J173s21 See also Crawford Cravats, for sale, in Alexandria, Va. , D14Ag79: 12 — C28Ag79: 43 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22 See also Silk cravats Craven, Charles, governor of S. C. , 10D36: 32 James, register of, Admiralty court, N. C. , 8Ap37: 42 Peter, criminal of N. C. , R2My71: 32 William, Baron, PD28J174: 23 favors repeal of Quebec act, D19Ag75: 22 opposes embargo on British colonies, N. Am. , P26My75s42 signs amendment on Amer. revolution, D18Ap77: 31 276 supports colonies, PDllAg74: 13, P28Ap75: 13— D29Ap75s21, D20Ap76: 11 Craven co. , N. C. , justices defendants in suit, PD7Je70: 13 See also Jails in; Militia of Craw, Capt. , of the Diamond, PD28Ap68: 21 Crawford, Capt. , 20Je45: 32, PD25Ag68: 31 — R25Ag68s23, R3Mr74: 21, PD2Je74: 23, P1N76: 21 of the Anne Galley, 8Je39: 22 of the Dunkirk, PD28Mr71: 31 of the Girzie, PD14My67: 21 of the Grizzie, PD30Mr69: 32 of the Neptune, 20Je45: 41, 4J145: 31, 3Ap46:41 of the Polly, HOc51: 31. 22My52: 31, PD290c67: 21 on court martial board, P12Ja76: 33 shares prize ship, 4J145: 31, 11J145:41 Col. , regiment of in Williamsburg, Va. ,D21S76:21 Lt. , wounded in battle of Bunker Hill, P22J175s22— D29J175: 31 Mr. , 24Ap52: 21, PD6Ag72: 31 Mrs. ,PD21Ap68:31 Ambrose, C27N79: 23 Andrew, R10Mr68: 34 adv. for runaway indentured servant, PD16My71: 32 adv. settlement of estate, of Robert S. Coleman, PD14F71: 32, PD2My71: 32 — R2My71: 23 agent for Thomas Jett, PD17F74: 31— R17F74: 31 announces departure, PD14My72: 22— R21My72: 23 factor of James Ritchie & co. , PD14My72: 22— R21My72: 23 letter to, in post office, PD30J167: 41 sells bills of exchange, D10J178: 22 subscriber to meeting, of merchants, PD30Je74: 23 Archibald, 270c 52: 22 Archibald, Capt. , of the Nancy Warren, 16My51: 32, 12S51: 32, 30Ja52: 32 Arthur, Capt. , D24Ag76: 22, D8N76: 11 Charles, of the Roebock, 25Ja40: 2 David, 310c51: 32 David, sr. , P19S77: 11 George, PD240c66: 31, PD5N67: 23, PD13 J169: 32, PD24Ag69: 32 Gideon, Capt. , of the Freedom, D28Ja75: 21 reports on Fr. attitude toward America, P1N76: 21 Henry, 12My38: 32 Hugh, 270c52: 22 Hugh, Capt. , of the Buchanan, 12S45:32,7N45:31 Isaac, escaps from N. Y. jail, R19F67: 22 James, R5N72: 23 James. Capt. , of the George, 21Mr45:31.240c45: 11 of the Thomas, P8S75s23 Joel,P19S77: 11 John, adv. hemp mill, D15Ag77: 61 — P15Ag77:31 adv. linen for sale, D21Mr77: 21, D25J177:41 — P25J177. 23 Creighton adv. manufacturing of weaving cloth, D18N75:32 adv. manufacturing society in Williamsburg, Va. , D16My77: 21 — P9My77: 31 announces departure, PD150c72: 23 disavows bond, P22D75: 41 draws bill of exchange, R27J169: 31 letter to, in post office, R4D66: 23 John, Capt. , of the Deptford, 8S38: 21,25Ja40: 2 of the Ludlow Castle, 25Ja40: 2 Malcolm, Capt. , of the Ritchie, R7Mr71: 13 Nathan, P22N76: 33 Patrick, P3N75: 31, P10J178: 13, D13N78: 12 Peter, P2My77s32 Robert, PD12Mr67: 13 of the Peggy, PD29Ap73: 22— R29Ap73: 22, PD2D73s22, R17Mr74: 22-- PD14Ap74: 23, PD28J174: 23 of the West India Packet, PD9J167: 32, PD20Ag67: 23, PD10D67: 31, PD26My68: 22--R26My68: 31, R7J168: 22, R25Ag 68: 32--PD1S68: 23, R12Ja69: 23 Samuel, deserter, D12Mr79: 32 Thomas, PD13D70: 23, PD10c72: 31 adv. for runaway slave, PD23J172: 33, PD10c72:23 adv. slaves and boats for sale, P9F76: 32--D10F76: 33, D23Mr76: 32 announces departure, D23Mr76: 32 slave of, PD290c72: 23, PD31D72: 32 store of, PD310c71: 31, PD17S72: 23 storekeeper in Brunswick co. , Va. , D6Je77: 22— P20Je77: 12 William, 17Ap46: 31, Pi6J175: 12, P10N75: 43, P26Ja76: 32— D27Ja76: 12, P27S76: 22 William, Capt , R14Ja73: 12 [William], Col. of 7th Va. regiment, P22N76: 31 on Indian frontier, D18Ap77: 62 William, Lt. Col. , 5th Va. regiment, P12Ja76: 32 — D13Ja76: 32 — Pil3Ja76: 22 See also Crauford; Craufurd Crawford, horse, PD240c66: 31, PD30J167: 33,R6My73:31 ship, PD12D71: 23, PD18N73: 21, D18Mr75:32,D24Je75: 12 Crawford, Pagan & Hamilton, PD26Ag73: 31--R26Ag73: 22 Crawfurd, Dinwiddie & co.. D18F75:32, D8J175: 33--P14J175: 33, D7Mr77: 41 Crawley, Capt. , of the Dublin packet, PD25Je67: 21 David, 24Ap46: 42 Elizabeth, marriage of, PD8S74: 31 Jack, of Northumberland co. , Va. , P19Ap76:33 John, HMr37: 42, 9My45: 41, R19N72: 42 adv. finding horse, D8N76: 32 adv. lodgings, 21N45: 32 land of, PD29D68: 31--R5Ja69: 33, Pi9F75: 33 thanked by Spotsylvania co. , Va. , troops, D9S75: 32 Joseph, R23Je74: 42, Pi3Ag75: 33, D5D77: 12--P5D77: 23, P12D77: 32, P3Ap78: 32 Nathaniel, R24Mr68: 34, R26My68: 34, R7D69: 31--PD7D69: 32, R8F70: 43 Nathaniel, jr. , 24J152: 32, 21Ag52: 31 Nathaniel, sr. , 30Ap52: 32 Robert, 14N51: 31, PD19My68: 23, RllAg68:31,D4D78:31 Rodham Kenner, PD2D73: 23 Samuel, Pi9F75: 33 Samuel, Capt. ,D26Je79: 31 Sarah, R21S69: 31 Thomas, deserter, P14N77: 33 Cray, Thomas, 5S55:41 Craymer, Capt. , R15Je69: 22 Creacy, Elizabeth, of N. C. , PD3N74pll Mary, of N. C. , PD3N74pll Creagh, John, R20Je71: 42, RlAp73: 41 — PD8Ap73: 23, PD17N74: 22, P17Ja77: 23 Patrick, 150c36: 42, 7J138: 42 Cream jugs, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 Cream of tartar, as cure for whooping cough, D27S76: 61 in Hobb's Hole, Va. , R6J169: 31 in Newcastle, Va. , PD19N72: 22 in Richmond, Va. , 5S55: 32 in Shockoe, Va. , PD4Ap66: 41 in Urbanna, Va. , P21Ag78: 13 in Williamsburg, Va. , 24My51: 32. 18J151: 41, 22My52: 32, 30N59: 32, R3N68: 33--PD10N68: 22, R21S69s21 — PD21S69: 41, PD240c71: 31, D12Je79: 32, D29Ja80:41,C15J180:22 near Warwick, Va. ,D28F77: 32 Cream pots, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. ,PD18Ap66:33 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , 12Mr52: 31 Creamer, Capt. , of the Neptune, R4F68: 23 Mrs. , land of, PD170c71: 31 — R170c71:32 Patrick, indentured servant, P110N74: 33 Crease, Thomas, 13Ja38: 41 Creaton, Major, captures Brit. prisoners, D1J175: 32 Creazey, William, RllMy69: 43 Crebillon, Claude Prosper Jolyot de, author, PD17S72: 22, PD10Je73: 32 Credit, essay on, PD8Ap73: 22 laws governing, PD26N72: 22 regulated by Bank of England, PD2J172: 23 Creditors, in Va. , treatment of debtors discussed, R7Je70: 21 Creech, Thomas, author, PD25F68: 41 Creek, Mr. , sculptor in London, 30c51: 22 Creeks, align with French, 16Ja61: 32 alliance with Cherokees rumored, PD10Mr74: 23 attack feared in St. Augustine, Fla. , PD31Mr74: 23 attack on Fincastle co. , Va. , P2Ag76: 11— D3Ag76: 21 on S. C. rumored, PD10Mr74: 23 attacks by in east Fla. , PD3D67: 23 attend conference in Augusta, Ga. , PD28My67: 21, PD23J167: 21 — R23J167s21, PD2F69: 22, PD9S73: 23 in east Fla. , PD26N67: 21 battle with Cherokees, in Charleston, S. C. , 22My52: 12, 29My52: 22 Chickasaws refuse peace with, PD4Ag68: 21 - -R4Ag68: 21 declare war against Cherokees, 30c51: 22 defeated by Choctaws and Chickasaws, PD5Mr67: 21 disclaim murders, in Ga. ,R10Mr74: 23, PD24Mr74: 12, PD31Mr74: 22, R7Ap74: 12 fight Choctaws, PD23J167: 13 — R23J167s21, PD13Ag67: 12— R13Ag67: 22 hostilities in Ga. , R10Mr74: 13 in Carter's valley, Va. , P16Ag76: 31 join Brit, army in Ga. , DlMy79: 21 murders by, in Ga. , PD24Mr74: 12, R31Mr74: 31 in Ogeechee, Ga. , R10Mr74: 13, R10Mr74: 21 peace with Chickasaws and Choctaws desired, PD28J168: 22--R28J168: 22 pilgrimage to Havana, Cuba, DllF75sl3 promise aid to Gt. Brit. , P7Je76: 32 provisioned by Carolina, 16Ag51: 22 receive presents from Spanish, D25D79: 21 refuse aid to Cherokees, D14S76: 42, D40c76: 12 relations with Choctaws, PD9S73: 23 with France, DllF75sl3 with Ga. , PD7Ap74: 21— R7Ap74: 12, D13J176: 12 with Gt. Brit. , PD5F67: 22,DllF75sl3 withS. C. ,30c51:22 with Spain, DllF75sl3 with Span, colonies, PD10Ja71: 21 — RllOc70:21 with W. Fla. ,PD24Cc66:21 return to Fla. , from Spain, PD12My68: 22 sent to Cherokee towns, P1N76: 32 support Americans in Ga. ,D25D79: 21 surrender to Ga. rangers, in Fla. , D14S76: 42 trade with prohibited by Ga. , R7J174: 31 by S. C. , R7J174: 31 treaty with Cherokees denied, R31Mr74: 31 treaty with Ga. , PD25Mr73: 22, PD9S73:31,D4F75: 12 unrest among, PD8Je69: 21 war with Cherokees, 30Ap52: 21 with Choctaws, PD240c66: 21, PD12My68: 22— R12My68: 13, PD20Ap69: 21, PD27J169: 13, R7Ap74: 12,DllF75sl3 with Ga. ,D25Mr75:22 See also Boundary disputes; Boundary lines; Murders by Creeks, Lower, punish murderers, PD28J168: 22— R28J168: 22 Creeks, Upper, attack Choctaws and Chickasaws, PD25Ag68: 12 Creeks, Upper, renew friendship with S. C. ,220c36:31 Creeping Kate, horse, PD1N70: 22, D24Ap79: 32— C15My79: 41 Cregier, Samuel, 14Ag46: 31 Creighton, Capt. , PD26N67: 23, PD29S68: 22--R29S68: 24, PD6Ap69: 22 Mr. , address to graduates of King's college, PD27My73: 22 277 Creighton (cont'd) Daniel, PD28J168: 23 Crema, Italy, disturbances in, 28N51: 12 See also Fires in; Riots in Cremona violins, as prizes, 26N36: 41 for sale in Williamsburg, Va. , PD29N70: 22, PD13D70: 43, PD3Ja71:43 Crenshaw, Charles, PD31Mr68: 22, P17N75sll David, C30Oc79: 23 Henry,R15J173: 41 James, 14Mr51: 41 John, PD30J167: 41, PD21Ap74: 32 Joseph, PD7My72: 33 Mary, PD4N73: 31 Nicholas, PD31Mr68: 22, PD10Ja71: 42 Susannah, PD31Mr68: 22 Thomas, D26F80: 13 William, 240c45: 41 Crenshaws mill, King William co. , Va. 21N45:42 Crenshew, Henry, D18D79: 31 Creole, brig, R8S74:31 ship, P26My75: 11 Creolius, pseud. , 2My51: 31 Crepe, mourning, corner on attempted, in London, Eng. , 16Ja61: 31 Crepes, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , lMr38: 32 Cresap (Cressop), Daniel, PDlAg66: 31 Michael, Col. , arrives in Watertown, Mass. ,D16S75: 21 blamed for Indian unrest, on Pa. frontier, R14J174: 23 death of, P3N75: 22.D11N75: 22 funeral described, Pi9N75: 22 house of, in Md. , 10F38: 11 in attack on Indians, PD2Je74: 23, PD130c74: 21 joins Continental army, Pi3Ag75: 31— P4Ag75pll land of, PD170c71: 31— R170c71: 32 murders Indians, D4F75: 31 marksmanship of troops discussed, P17N75: 12 of Md. troops, D19Ag75: 32, Pi7S75:32--D9S75:23 son blamed for Indian unrest, R7J174: 22 suspected of Indian murder, PD2Je74: 23 Thomas, Col. , death of son of, D11N75:22 Crescent, frigate, PD25Mr73: 22 man of war, PD12N72: 13 Crescents, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD270c68: 33 Crespel, Emanuel, addresses Gov. Carleton, PD3N74: 32 Crespi, France, See Meteors in Cress, for sale, in Richmond, Va. , D9S75:32,D3F76: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD3Mr74: 32 imported, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD31D72: 31 Cress, curled, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD16D73: 31 Cress, garden, for sale, PD26Mr67: 32 Cress seeds, for sale, PD280c73: 22 in Richmond, Va. , D9S75: 32, D3F76: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD3Mr74: 32, Pi6Ap75: 42 Cress seeds, curled, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD16D73: 31 Cress seeds, garden, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD26Mr67: 32, PD10Mr68: 32— R10Mr68: 33 in Richmond, Va. , PD26Mr67: 32, PD10Mr68: 32— R10Mr68: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , 30N59: 32 Cress seeds, Indian, for sale, in Richmond, Va. , PD10Oc71: 32 Cress seeds, round leaf, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD3Mr74: 32 Cress seeds, water, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD10Mr68: 32— R10Mr68: 33 in Richmond, Va. , PD10Mr68: 32 — R10Mr68: 33 Cress seeds, winter, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 30N59: 32 Crete, ceded to Gt. Brit, by Russia, PD10N74: 13 ceded to Gt. Brit, rumored, PD2My71: 13— R2My71: 11 to Russia, PD31Ja71: 13 war with Turkey rumored, PD19Ap70: 21 See also Candia Creuse, Corp. , killed in skirmish on Bunker Hill, Mass. , Pi24Ag75: 32 — P1S75: 21 Crevens, Robert, PillMy75: 33 Crevier, Jean Baptiste Louis, author, PD25F68: 41, PD29N70: 21, PD13D70: 42, PD3Ja71: 42, PD17Ja71: 42, PD24Ja71: 42, PD7F71: 42, PD21F71: 42, PD7Mr71: 42, PD21Mr71: 42, PD28Mr71: 42, PD18J171: 23, PDlAg71: 41, PD8Ag71: 41, PD25J171: 33 Crew, Capt. , PD10Mr68: 31, PD5Ap70: 32 Andrew, Pil2Ja75: ll--D14Ja75: 21 John, 17N38: 41, D13Ap76: 33 John, Capt. , of the John and Unity, RllF68:31,R26My68:31, < R1D68: 21 Joseph, Capt. , of the Anne, PD2Ja72: 23 Josiah, deserter, P26J176: 32 Lydia, D6Ap76: 33 Crewdson, John, R5N72: 23 Crewel, for sale, in Gloucester, Va. , P19Ap76sll— D20Ap76: 33 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD270c68: 33 — R270c68: 22, PD170c71: 23, D27Je77: 31,DlAg77:22 Crews, David, PD11J166: 31 Edward, R15J173: 41 Richard, R29Ap73: 31 Creyk, Capt. , of the Otter, D25S79: 22 Cribs, burned on Prudence island, R. I. ,D10F76: 31 in Brunswick co. , Va. ,D28Mr77: 32 in Bute co. , N. C. , PD23F69: 32 — R23F69: 23 in Dinwiddie co. , Va. , R1D68: 41 in Elizabeth City co. , Va. , PD7Ap68: 31, PD16Mr69: 32 in Hanover co. , Va. , R19F67: 41 in Isle of Wight co. , Va. , 14N55: 22 in Prince George co. , Va. , 17Ja51: 42 in Princess Anne co. , Va. , P9My77sll in Warwick co. , Va. , PD3Mr74: 32 — R3Mr74: 33 Crichton, Robert, 12S45: 32, 31Ja51: 42, 5S51: 11 Crichton & Scrivener, 31Ja51: 42 Cricket matches, in Upham, Eng. , PD9N69: 21 Crickett, Elizabeth, PD3N74pll Crime, essay on, PD140c73s22 increases in Eng. , 25Je52: 12 Crimea, abandoned by Russia, 14Ja37: 32 revolt planned in, D27Je77: 11 treaty with Russia, PD8Ap73: 12 See also Corn, scarce in; Plague in; Russian army in; Turkish navy to Crimes, See Adultery; Arson; Bigamy; Blackmail; Breach of promise; Bribery; Burglary; Castrations; Conspiracies; Convict servants; Convicts; Counterfeiting; Deceit; Desertion; Extortion; Felony; Forgeries; Fornication; Frauds; Gauging; Grand larceny; Highway robbery; Horse stealing; Kidnapping; Larceny; Libel; Maiming; Manslaughter; Misdemeanors; Murder; Mutiny; Negro stealing; Pardons; Perjury; Pickpockets; Piracy; Profanity; Prostitution; Rape; Robberies; Sacrilege; Sedition; Self-mutilation; Sheep stealing; Shooting; Slaves, stealing of; Smuggling; Sodomy; Sorning; Stealing; Store breaking; Swindlers; Treason; Vagrancy Criminals, in Bristol, Eng. , 13My37: 21 in London, Eng. , punished by mob, PD15Ag71: 13 in Gt. Brit. , disposition discussed, PD2S73: 13 — R2S73: 21 See also Transportation to colonies Criminals, British, to be sent to Africa, D8Mr76: 22— D9Mr76: 21 Crimnitz, Hungary, See Mints Crippen, Thomas, Capt. , of the Trial, PD3Je73: 23 Cripple, horse, for hire, D23Mr76:33 — P29Mr76:32,D14S76:72, D14Mr77: 61 — P21Mr77s21, D14N77:41 — P28N77sll stallion, for hire, Pi23Mr75: 33 — D25Mr75:33 Crisis, burned in Eng. , P5My75sl3, Pil8My75: 23 extract from reprinted, D10Ja77: 11 — P10Ja77: H--Pil7Ja77: 11 opposed in Eng. , P5My75s_12 printed in London, Eng. , Pi28Ap75: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , Pi20J175: 11 reprinted, P5My75: 11, D26S77: 21 — P30c77: 11,D27N78: 11 Crisman, George, P20Je77: 31 Jacob, land of, PD14J174: 32 Crisp, Capt. , of the Mary, PD6Ap69: 22 Sarah, R29J173: 23 Crispin, Capt. , of the Halifax, PD28Ja73: 22 William, collector of excise for Pa. , PDllN73s22 Critcher, Easther, D160c79: 12 Thomas, jr. , D160c79: 12 Critendon, Hannah, 18Ap51: 32 John, P4J177: 31 Criticus, pseud. , PD23Ja72: 32, PD6F72: 32, PD13F72: 33, PD5Mr72: 31, PD3Je73: 13 278 Crosby Critmore, Jesse, deserter, D7N77: 32 Crittenden, John, P170c77: 33 Richard, 5S55: 42 Croatia, political unrest in, 30Je38: 21 Crochan, Capt. , of the 6th Va. regiment, D10Ag76: 62 Crockery, exported from Liverpool, Eng. , to N. Y. , Pi6Ap75: 31 — P7Ap75: 32— D8Ap75: 31 imported lost, adv. for, in Halifax co. , Va. , PD23F69: 33 Crockeryware, for sale, D28N77: 22 in Cobham, Va. , P29S75: 33 — Pi50c75: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD3Je73: 32 — R3Je73: 23,D26Ag75: 32 Crocket, Mr. , wagon of,D18D79: 32 Crockett, Capt. , company of, P3Ap78: 31 Mr. , of Md. , P16My77: 23 John, D21S76: 32, P10J178: 13 Joseph, Capt. , P13D76: 32 Walter, P12D77: 32 Walter, Capt. , of Fincastle co. , Va. , P10F75: 32,P10N75:41 Crocus, John, Negro in Dunmore's troops, D31Ag76: 31 Crocus, pseud. , 24Je37: 12 Crocus, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22 Croft, Childermas, of S. C. , 28Mr55: 31 John, of Yorkshire, Eng. , D18Mr80: 33 Crofts, Mr., horse of, R18F68: 33 horse breeder in Eng. , 25Ap51: 32 Archer. Sir, 16S37: 32, 3Ag39: 32, 31Ag39: 32 Richard, D12Mr79: 31 — C15My79: 43 Crofts, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 Croghan, Capt. , company of, P13D76: 32 George, Col. , appointed to committee for Augusta co. , Va. , Pi6J175: 12 arrives in Phila. , Pa. , PD12Mr67: 23 attends Indian conference, PD28Ap68: 22 — R28Ap68: 22, PD16Je68: 23 — R16Je68: 24 commissioner for Indian affairs, in N. Y. , PD22D68: 22 holds Indian conference at Fort Pitt, PD2J167: 31 negotiates with Indians, 250c65s22 professes Indian friendliness, R23Je74:41 success at Indian conference, PD9Je68: 22 threatened by white settlers, PD26My68: 21— R26My68: 23 visits Illinois Indians, PD5Mr67: 31 Croix, M. , of Anguilla, R24Je73: 13 Sieur de la, author, 60c38: 22 Crokatt, Mr. , requests trade relief for colonies, PD21Mr66: 31 Croke, George, Sir, author. 24My51:32 Cromarty bay, Scot. , See Whales in Crombie, George, Capt. , of the Peggy, PD17S72: 21, PD3F74: 22 Cromwell, John, R21S69: 32 Oliver, anecdote about, PD25J166: 21, PD14N71:21 child named for in Boston, Mass. , PD15S68: 23 medals of, 29S38:41, 26Ja39:41 R. ,D15My78: 32— P29My78: 42 Cronder, W. ,RlAp73:41 Cronenburgh, Denmark, fortified, PD15Je69: 21 Crook, Thomas, land of, 11 F37: 42 Crooke, Mr. , of Savannah, Ga. , PD17Ja71: 12 Robert, mill of, PD26Ag73: 32 Crooked Billet wharf, Phila. , Pa. , R3D72: 23 Crooked island, W. I. , See Shipwrecks on Crooker, Benjamin, PD13F72: 33 — R27F72:41 adv. plantation for sale, R8Mr70s32 adv. reward for incendiaries, RllMy69:41 adv. settlement of, estate of John Atkinson, PD18Je72: 33, PD80c72: 33— R80c72: 23 adv. merchandise for sale, by Norfolk, Va. , committee [of correspondence], D14Ja75: 31 clerk of Norfolk, Va. , committee, D13My75: 32 demands lawyers fees in cash, PD30D73: 31 requests payment of bonds, PD80c72: 33— R80c72: 23 requests payment of debts, due trustees of John Atkinson, PD25F73:31 — R25F73: 32 Crooks, Robert, PD22Ag71: 41, PD26S71: 31 Sprowle &, PD270c68: 33 — R270c68: 31, PD310c71: 23, PD19D71: 33, PD3D72: 22--R3D72: 23 Crookshanks (Cruikshanks), Andrew, Capt. , of the Osgood, 10Ap52: 22, 30J152: 31, 10N52: 22, 25Ap55: 22, 7Mr55:31,7N55: 21 Charles, R27J169: 31 Crop, Richard, deserter, P19S77: 31 Crop hands, See Slaves as Cropper's bridge, Hampshire co. , Va. , R20Ap69: 31, R15Mr70: 41, R21Mr71:42 Cropping houses, at Chesterfield courthouse, Va. , D21S76: 32 in Caroline co. , Va. , R8Ag66: 41 in Cumberland co. , Va. , PD22Ag66: 23 in Dinwiddie co. , Va. , PD27Je66: 32 in Gloucester co. , Va. , R12Mr67: 31 in Halifax co. , Va. , R10Ag69: 32 in Mecklenburg co. , Va. , PD29J173: 23 in Northampton co. , N. C. , PD16Ag70: 42 in Prince Edward co. , Va. , PD7J168: 31 in Prince George co. , Va. , PD2F69: 32— R2F69: 23 in Spotsylvania co. , Va. , R13J169: 31 in Warren co. , N. C. , D19Je79: 32 on Staunton river, PD6N66: 23 Crops, damages by caterpillars in Va. , R19My74: 23 destroyed by floods near Richmond, Va. , P160c78: 22 destroyed in St. Vincent's island, W. I. , D24Ap79: 21 fail in Spain, PD130c68: 11 in Barbados, PD14S69: 13 in Dominica, PD14S69: 13 in Grenada, Sp. , PD14S69: 13 in Montserrat, W. I. , PD14S69: 13 in St. Christopher, W. I. , PD14S69: 13 in St. Eustatia, W. L , destroyed in hurricane, PD12N72: 21 in St. Vincent, W. I. , PD14S69: 13 plentiful in Berlin, Ger. , R140c73: 11 in Bridgetown, Barbados, PD10Mr74: 22 in Brussels, Belg. , PD5N72: 11, R280c73:31 in Del. , Pil5Je75: 31 in Durham, Eng. , PD10N74: 23 in eastern Europe, PD150c72: 12 in Edinburgh, Scot. , R80c72: 21 in England, R4F68: 13, PD16Je68: 21, PD4Ag68: 21— R4Ag68: 11, R25Ag68: 23, PD3N68: 11, PDlAg71:21,R170c71:22, PD150c72: 13,R5N72: 11, PDllN73s22--RUN73s22, PD10N74: 22 in Europe, PD14Ja68: 21, PD130c74: 23 in France, 1D38: 31, PD60c68: 21 — R60c68: 14 in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD21J174p23 in Germany, PD150c72: 13, R4N73: 12 in Gt. Brit. , PD25Ag68: 21 — R25Ag68: 24, PD8S68: 22 in Grenada, W. I. , R19Ja69: 23 in Ireland, 2F39: 31, PD12D71: 13 in Leeward islands, PD5F67: 23 in Md. , Pil5Je75: 31 in Mediterranean, PD4Je67: 31 in Newport, Eng. , PD4F68: 23 in Norfolk, Eng. , PD8Ag71: 22, PDlS74s21 in Orkney, Scot. , PD18D66: 22 in Portugal, PD5Ag73: 21 — R5Ag73: 22, PD140c73: 21 — R140c73: 22 in Rome, Italy, R190c69: 22 in Scotland, R1D68: 13, PD150c72: 13, PD150C72: 22, PD10D72: 21, PD15S74:31 in Sicily, PD2N69: 21 in S. C. , PD14N71: 13, PD3S72: 13 in Spain, PD5Ag73: 21 — R5Ag73: 22, PD140c73: 21— R140c73: 22 in Va. , R28J168: 24, P4J177: 21 in West Indies, 12My38: 31 in Yorkshire, Eng. , PD10N74: 23 poor in Sweden, PD16Ja72: 11 in Wurttemberg, PD16Ja72:31 scarce in Antigua, PD14S69: 13 in Germany, PD12D71: 23 in Holland, PD12D71: 23 in Spain, 20J139: 12, PD2N69: 22 See also Name of specific crop Cros, Richard, tobacco of, R14Ap68: 24 Crosbie, Bryan, R2Ag70: 31 — PD16Ag70: 43 James, merchant in Williamsburg, Va. ,4J145:41, 10Oc45: 32, 21N45: 32, 9Ja46: 41, 15My46: 41 John, PD22Ag71: 33 William, PD22Ag71: 33 Crosbie, ship, PD23Ap72: 23 Crosbie & co. , Liverpool, Eng. , PD2My71:32 Crosby, author, PD29N70: 21, PD13D70: 42, PD3Ja71: 42, PD17Ja71: 42, PD24Ja71: 42, PD7F71: 42, PD21F71: 42, PD7Mr71: 42, PD21Mr71: 42, PD28Mr71: 42 Brass, lord mayor of London, case of 279 Crosby, Brass, lord mayor of London (cont'd) discussed, PD13Je71: 13 children named for, PD26S71: 21 committed to tower, PD16My71: 21, PD16My71: 22 confined in. tower, R30My71: 21, PD4J171:11,PD11J171:21 defense provided by London, PD6Je71: 23 gifts to, PD26S71: 22 legality of trial discussed, PD15Ag71: 22--R15Ag71: 21 letter (text) to on Middlesex election, PD18Mr 73: 21 popular support of, PD9My71: 22— R9My71: 32, PD9My71: 23— R9My71: 32, PD16My71: 13, PD16My71: 21, PD20Je71: 23— R20Je71: 21, R20Je71: 22, R20Je71:23,R20Je71:31, PD27Je71: 21, PD27Je71: 22, PD18J171: 13, PD25J171: 13, PD22Ag71: 21, PD12S71: 12, PD12S71: 13, PD26S71: 12, PD26S71: 13, PD26S71: 21, PD170c71: 13 released from tower, PD18J171: 21, PD25J171: 12, PDlAg71: 11 remains in tower, PD13Je71:22 renomination of, PD28N71: 21 satire on, PDlAp73: 23 subscription for by merchants, PD8My71:31 supported by nobility, PD16My71: 22 threatened, PD15Ag71: 22— R15Ag71: 21 to be rechosen lord mayor rumored, PD17S71: 22 treatment of by parliament, PD12S71: 13 visitors in tower, PD13Je71: 12 votes for John Wilkes, PD12S71: 12 Charles, 19J154: 32, 7N54s22 Stripling, Capt. , of the Guildford, PD24Mr68: 32— R14Ap68: 42 William Foster, R18Ag74: 32— PD25Ag74: 31 Crosby, schooner, R13My73: 31 ship, PD290c67: 21, PD2Je68: 23, PD4Ag68: 23, PD23F69: 31 Crosby & co. , ship of, PD220c72: 13 Crosier, Capt. , of the Royal Charlotte, PD17Je73: 31— R17Je73s22 Croson, James, indentured servant, 21Ag52: 31 Robert, indentured servant, 150c36: 42, 8Ap37: 42 Cross, Capt. , of the Tamer, death of, PD9S73: 23 of the Triumph, 4F37: 21 D. , favors Amer. independence, P2F76: 32 David, PD7Ja68: 33, PD7J168: 23, PDllAg68: 23 James, of Prince Edward co. , PD12Ag73:21,P3Ap78:21 Joseph, PD13Ag72: 31, PD2D73: 31 Richard, 30Mr39: 41 Samuel, P21Mr77s22 Thomas, P21Mr77s22 William, PD30S73: 32 William, Capt. , 24N38: 21 Cross Creek, N. C. , See Emigration from Scot. , to; Murders in; Robberies in; Sawmills in; Stores in Cross Galley, ship, Ue39: 42, 24Ag39: 3, 7S39: 32, 21S39: 32, 2N39: 2, 25Ja40: 3 Crossap, Col. , 20Oc52: 31 Crossbows, lost, adv. for, in Williamsburg, Va. , 8J137: 42 Crosse, John, collector, P19F75: 33— D11F75:31 Crosse-galley, slaves imported on, Ue39:42 Crosses, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD13Ap69: 32— R13Ap69: 31, PD170c71: 23, PD240c71: 31, PD30Ap72:31,PD9J172:31,PD29Ap73:23, Pi20Ap75: 31— D22Ap75: 32 See also Foil stone crosses; Garnet crosses; Gold crosses; Marcasite crosses; Paste crosses Crosses, cluster, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , R12My74: 32 Crosses, table, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD220c72: 23— R220c72: 23, PD210c73: 23 — R210c73: 22 Crossfield, Totten &, shipbuilders in N. Y. , PD30J167: 31, PD30Je68: 13, R7S69: 12, PD290c72: 12 Crostwhite, Samuel, Capt. , of the Betsey, R21Ap74: 32— PD28Ap74: 23 Crothouse, Jacob, arrested for robbery, R28Mr71: 32, PD4Ap71: 23 Croton river, N. Y. , See Bridges, on Crotzka, battle of, 16N39: 22, 28D39: 11 Crouch, Sgt. , Negro in Dunmore's troops, D31Ag76: 31 John, P21N77: 42 Richard, convict servant, R2My71: 41 Croucher, Leonard, bond of, P310c77: 12 Samuel, PD29S74: 33 Croule, ship, 240c55: 21 Crow, Capt. , of the Anne, PD29Ap73: 21 James, P7Je76: 42, P28Mr77: 13, P16My77s32 Nathaniel, praised for bravery, P3My76: 31 Samuel, Capt. , 120c39: 41 William, P10My76sll Crow, schooner, D25Mr80: 31 Crowden, Nathaniel, PD26N72: 31 Crowder, Mr. , P16Je75: 31— D17Je75: 33— Pi22Je75: 33 Godfrey, D10J178: 32 Jeremiah, R23My71: 32 John, Pi6Ap75sl2 Nathaniel, R24D67: 41 Richard, D21Ag79: 32 Crowle, ship, 27Ag56:31 Crowley, Mr. , London merchant, opposes colonies, R23F69: 21 Robert, plantation of, Pil2Ja75: 33— D14Ja75: 32 Crown Point, N. Y. , British retreat from, D29N76: 22--P29N76: 12 captured by Conn, troops, D27My75: 31 evacuated by Americans, D15N76: 12— P15N76: 21 French defenses at, 310c55: 12, 7N55: 12 French fortifications described, 240c55: 11 recapture attempted by British, P16Je75s22 scouted by British, 12D55: 21 taken by Americans, PilJe75: 31 See also Brit, army in; Brit, army lands at; Brit, navy in; Continental army in; Continental army retires to; Continental army to; Continental navy to; Fires in; Forts in; Magazines, gunpowder in; Prisoners of war, Brit. , in Crown Point expedition, 170c55: 11 delayed, 12D55: 21 possibilities for discussed, 7N55: 21 postponed, 19D55: 12 preparations for, 5S55: 22, 310c55: 11, 7N55: 12 recruiting urged in Mass. , 5S55: 21 recruits for, 240c55: 12 Crown Tavern, Halifax, N. C. , for rent, PD5S66s33 Crown Tavern, Williamsburg, Va. , adv. of, 12Mr52:31 Crowne, Capt. , of the Adamant, PD25N73: 13— R25N73: 32 Crowningburg, for sale, in Gloucester co., Va. , P16Ag76: 33— D24Ag76: 72 Crowningshield, Capt. , 8J137: 41 Crows, destroying of, regulated by Va. general assembly, PD28D69: 23— R28D69: 23, R25Ja70: 13, PD23Ap72: 11 Croxall, Richard, of Md. , 30J152: 32 Samuel, author, PD18J171: 33, PD25J171: 43, PDlAg71: 43, PD8Ag71: 43, PD10Je73: 32, D25N75: 13, D30D75: 13, D2Mr76: 43, D9Mr76: 42, D24Ag76: 53, D20D76: 43, D3Ja77:42,D17Ja77:42 Croxford, Anne, D70c75: 42 Croxton, Thomas, R4Oc70: 32 William, P25Ap77: 11 Croydon, Eng. , See Oats plentiful in Crozier, Capt. , PD29D68: 23 Crubele, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va.,P10Oc77: 12 Crucibles, for sale, in Baltimore, Md. , Pil8My75: 33 in Blandford, Va. , PD29Je69: 32, PD21F7L32 in Petersburg, Va. , PD30J172: 32, PD1J173: 32, PD30D73: 31, PD14J174: 32, D27S76: 42 in Richmond, Va. , PD10S72: 23, PD17Je73: 33— R17Je73s23 in Williamsburg, Va. , 17Ja51: 41, 24My51: 32, 18J151: 41, 5S51: 32, 30Ap52: 32, 15My52: 32, 22My52: 32, 60c52: 32, 2My55: 22, 2My55: 31, 30N59: 32, PD18D66: 32— R25D66: 42, PD4Je67: 33, PD3D67: 22, PDllAp71: 32, PD12D7L32, PD1S74: 32 Crucibles, common steel, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD28S69: 31 Crucibles, German, for sale, in Williamsburg, PD28S69: 31 Cruden, Alexander, Rev. Mr. , PD9My71: 31— R9My71: 33, PD26Mr72: 32— R26Mr72: 23, P26J176: 31 Cruets, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , D16D75: 23 See also Gilt cruets; Silver chased cruets; Silver cruets Cruets, vinegar, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD270c74: 31 Cruger, Henry, criticizes British 280 Culloden attitude toward N. Y. , D18My76: 31 discusses Brit, colonial policy in Commons, D18My76: 32 of N. Y. council, PD18F68: 22 presents petition from merchants of Bristol, Eng. , Pil3Ap75: 31 — P14Ap75sl3--D15Ap75: 23 requests trade relief for colonies, PD28Mr66: 32 supports colonies, P3Mr75sl2— D4Mr75: 22, D15J175: 32, Pil7Ag75: 11 John, delegate to Stamp act congress, 250c65s23 letter to (text), R8F70: 31, PD22F70: 22 nominated for N. Y. assembly, PD26Ja69: 31--R26Ja69: 22 speaker of N. Y. general assembly, R17Ja71: 13,R5Mr72: 13, DllF75s21, PillMy75: 12— D13My75: 21, PillMy75: 21— D13My75: 22 Cruger's dock, New York City, PD7Mr66: 41, PD28Mr71: 22, P21Ag78: 21 Cruikshanks, See Crookshanks Cruise, Corp. , exchange proposed, Pi260c75: 31 — P270c75s21 Walter, D24Ja77: 31 Cruiser, H. M. S. , PD27Ag72: 13 ship, PD21Ja73: 23--R21Ja73: 22 sloop, P5Ap76: 32 sloop of war, PD21Ja73: 23— R21Ja73: 22 Crulzer, British ship, 25Ja40: 2 H. M. S. , 28Mr45: 31, 24Ja52: 31, PilOAg75: 33 — PllAg75: 32, D30D75: 33 sloop of war,D13Ja76: 31 Cruizes, adv. of, 12S45: 32, 26S45: 32 Crume, Philip, P25J177: 32 Crump, Capt. , company of, P13S76:41 Lt. , of6thVa. regiment, D10Ag76: 62 Mr, , R23Ag70: 41 store of,R18J171:33 A. , Capt. ,D10J178: 12 Abner, Capt. , adv. for deserter, P14F77: 33, P14Mr77: 33, P13Je77: 33 Charles, PD16Ap67: 31 Goodrich, R5Ja69: 31, P28F77s21, PD23Je74: 23--R23Je74: 42, PD14J174: 31--R14J174: 32 Goodrich, Capt. , P25Ap77: 11, D28N77: 12 Gutridge, PD9D73: 22 Jesse, apprentice, R9S73: 41 — PD23S73: 32 John, 17Ap52: 32, R27Ap69: 23, Pil2Ja75: 33, Pil6F75: 33— P17F75s23, P10J178: 33— D17J178: 42, C28Ag79: 32 Lyddal, apprentice, P4Ag75: 31 Nathaniel, R24D67: 31, R27Ap69: 23 Richard, R6Ap69: 31, PDlAg71: 22— RlAg71: 31, PD29J173: 22, PD4Ag74:23,Pi30N75:33 Richard, Lt. , D26D77: 22 Robert, horse of, P17My76: 33 Crump, Boiling & Gray, P7Mr77: 31 Crump's Neck, plantation, Va. , 18Ag38: 42 Crumpton, John, P13D76: 31 Cruos, Richard, DllAp77: 72 Cruppers, for sale, in Cabin Point, Va. ,D18J177:31 in Norfolk, Va. , PD10D72: 23 Crusier, Spanish ship, 23D37: 31 Crutcher, William, PD2My66: 22 Crutchet, George, PD9Ja72: 31, PD9Ja72: 32 John, PD9Ja72: 31 Crutchfield, Mr. , 27Ag56: 32, R26N72: 22 Fortunatus, PD26D71: 31.D25S79: 31 John, of Louisa co. , Va. , P19My75s32 Ralph, PDlS74s22 Samuel, 9My45: 41 Crutchfield' s warehouse, Hanover co. , Va. , 18Ap51: 32, PD25Ap66: 31, R24D67: 44 — PD20Je66: 23, PD18Je72: 32, PD31D72: 32, DlAp80: 22 bids for repairing, adv. for, P14F77: 31 entertainment at, 26N36: 42 inspection at, PD13Ap69: 31 payment for inspection demanded, PD4Mr73: 32--R25F73: 33, Pi20Oc74: 32, D20D76: 22— P20D76s22 payment of debts requested, PD22F70: 32 tobacco damaged in, R31My70: 42 unclaimed tobacco in, P28J175: 32, P18Ag75:42 Cryer, Mrs. Anne, P21Ag78: 32 George, PD5Ag73: 23 Nicholas, land of, P21Ag78: 32 Crystal, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD4Oc70: 31 Crystal bobs, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD17S67: 21 Crystal buckles, for sale, in Baltimore, Md. , Pil8My75: 33 Crystal buttons, for sale, in Baltimore, Md. , Pil8My75: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD4Je72: 32, PD15J173: 32 Crystal earrings, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD17S67: 21, PD4Je72:32, PD15J173.32, PD11N73: 23— R11N73: 21 Crystals, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PDllAp66: 41, PD4Je67: 33, PD12D71:32 importation to Fr. , from Gt. Brit, permitted, HMy39: 21 Crystals, spring, for sale, in Richmond, Va. ,D30c77: 41 Crystals, watch, for sale, in Hanover co. , Va. , D5F80: 41 in Richmond, Va. , D8My78: 82 — P27My78: 22, P12Je78: 22— D10J178:41,D5F80:41 in Smithfield, Va. , C3J179: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD19S66: 31, PD28S69: 31, PDllAp71: 32, P18J177: 32, D14N77: 31, D4Mr80: 13 Cub, horse, 250c65s42, P19Ap76: 43, D24Ap79: 32 stallion, for hire, P3Ap78: 32, D24Ap79: 32 Cub creek bridge, Va. , 12S55: 32 Cuba, attack by British rumored, D12F80:31 Eng. inhabitants ordered to leave, D12Ag75: 23 fortified by Spanish, R16D73: 13, PD15J173: 31— R15J173: 23, R22J173sl3 See also Earthquakes in; Epidemics among Negroes in; Militia of; Negroes, import to; Ships, Brit. , attacked by Span. , at; Ships, Brit. , entrance to; Ships, Jamaica, captured by Span. , off; Ships, Span. , blown up by Brit. , near; Ships from; Ships' sailing time; Shipwrecks in, near, off; Spanish army from New Orleans, La. , to; Spanish army to; Span. -Brit, rivalry in; Cubbin, Andrew, PD20Ap69: 31, PD9My71:33 Cubbins, Dorothy, PD9My71: 33 Cucumber seeds, for sale, P6Mr78: 11 in Buckingham, Va. , P6Mr78: 11 in Cumberland, Va. , P6Mr78: 11 in Petersburg, Va. , PD26Mr67: 32 in Richmond, Va. , PD26Mr67: 32, PD10Oc71: 32, D9S75: 32, D3F76: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD3Mr74: 32 Cucumbers, destroyed by Americans in N. Y. , D90c79: 21 for sale, PD26Mr67: 32 in Richmond, Va. , D3F76: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD3Mr74: 32 imported to Liverpool, Eng. , from Turkey, R15D68: 13 Cuddy, William, convict servant, 26S45:31 Cuddy, horse, PD30My66: 32— R30My66: 33 Cudgel Tail, horse, 11N36:42 Cudgeling, at Williamsburg, Va. , fair,7D39:41 Cudgeling contests, 70c37: 32 Cudgoe, Capt. , commands soldiers in Jamaica, Ue39: 41 Cudjo, Major, prison on Long island, N. Y. , P13S76sll— D14S76: 42 Cudworth, Nathaniel, of Cambridge, Mass. , Pi29S74: 32 Cues, adv. of, in Williamsburg, Va. , 21Ag52: 31 Culbertson, [Joseph], Ensign, D10Ag76: 51 William, settlement of estate, RllMy69:41 Culember, John, deserter, D12Mr79: 32 Culins, Daniel, killed by soldier, P18Ag75: 21 Cullan, John, P17Ja77: 32 Cullee, David, C30Oc79: 32 Cullen, Dr. , imprisoned in Boston, Mass. , D24Ja77: 21 Mr. , author, D2My77: 71 Edward, 15D38: 32 John, indentured servant, R26J170: 31 Mary, indentured servant, 7Ap38: 42 Cullen Arabian, horse, R24Mr68: 33, PD16S73: 32, D7Mr77: 42— P7Mr77s21,D16Ap79: 32 Cullen stones, for sale, R3My70: 41 in Liverpool, Eng. , R3My70: 41 used in gristmills, HOc51: 41, 15S52:32 Cullenders, See Tin cullenders Culley, Christopher, PD26N72: 23 Cullins, James, P30Ag76: 32, C30Oc79: 31 Culloden, battle of, British officers and men classified, 14Ag46: 22 described, 3J146: 31, 11J146: 32, 18J146: 11, 18J146: 21, 31J146: 11 order of battle (diagram), 31J146: 2 281 Culloden. battle of (cont'd) rebel orders for (text), 18J146: 22 rebel standards burned, 11S46: 31 troops addressed by Duke of Cumberland, 11S46:32 H. M. S. , 21N51: 22, 24Ja52: 22, 25Ap55: 21, D29Je76: 21, D26Mr79: 21 Culmer, William, Capt. , of the Sally, RllAg68: 23 Culp, Daniel, P13D76: 23 Culp & Chapline, P13D76: 23 Culpeper, Nicholas, author, PD29N70: 21, PD13D70: 42, PD3Ja71: 42, PD17Ja71: 42, PD24Ja71: 42, PD7F71: 42 Culpeper county, Va. , burgesses elected, 24Ja52: 32, 27F52: 32, 12D55: 22, PD28S69: 22, R9N69: 11, PD4Ag74: 23 census requested, P19Ap76p23 — D27Ap76: 33 committee, orders (text) of, 1775, D20Ja76: 13 — Pi20Ja76: 31 court meeting date changed, R2Ag7o: 31 delegates elected, P26Ap76s23, P9My77: 23 freeholders' meeting, resolutions (text) in, R14J174:32 in fourth senatorial district, D26F79: 32 list of tithables for 1774, not returned, Pil8My75:33--P19My75s32-- D20My75: 33 senator elected, P9My77: 23 sheriff, ordered to summon defendant, PD30Oc66: 31, R10Je73sll size of parishes regulated, 24Ap52: 22 See also Apple orchards in; Associators in; Auctions in; Cabinetmakers in; Churches in; Clergy, Anglican, expelled from; Continental army, soldiers from; Convict servants runaway from; Dairies in; Dwelling houses in; Fast days, violations punished in; Georgia battalion, 2nd, deserters from; Gristmills in; Horse-breeding in; Houses in; Indentured mulattoes runaway from; Indentured servants runaway from; Jails in; Iron mines in; Kitchens in; Land, mortgaged for sale in; Land, mortgaged in; Land, ownership of, disputed in; Land, rent from in; Land, sale of confirmed in; Land, sale of, postponed in; Land for lease in; Land for rent in; Land for sale in; Lots for sale in; Merchants in; Merchants mills in; Militia claims in; Militia in; Mills in; Minutemen of; Orchards in; Ordinaries in; Outhouses in; Overseers in; Overseers' houses in; Palings in; Peach orchards in; Physicians in; Quarters in; Roads in; Saw mills for rent in; Schools, adv. of in; Slaves for hire in; Slaves for sale in; Slaves mortgaged for sale in; Slaves runaway from; Smokehouses in; Stables in; Stealing in; Storehouses in; Stores in; Taverns for sale in; Tobacco houses in; Tories in; Warehouses described in Culpeper courthouse, Va. , See Convict servants runaway from; Grammar schools, adv. at; Land, mortgaged for sale at; Land for sale at; Slaves for sale at; Slaves runaway from; Taverns at Culpeper grammar school, adv. of, P21F77: 23,P9My77:33 Culross, Scot. , See Coal mines in Cumberland, duke of [Henry Frederick], PD26Mr67: 13, R18F68: 33, PD7S69: 13--R7S69: 12, P28Ap75: 13— D29Ap75s21, D19Ag75: 22, P31My76: 12--DlJe76: 12 Cumberland, Richard, character as agent for Nova Scotia, R26Ap70: 32 plays by presented in Williamsburg, Va. , PD170c71: 22, PD240c71: 23, PD12Mr72: 32 Cumberland, Md. , See Deserters in; Indians entertained in Cumberland, British ship, 25Ja40: 2 H. M. S. , 20Je45: 31, 24Ja52: 22, 25Ap55: 12, PD19My74: 32 plantation, PD12S71: 32, PD17S71: 31, PD10Oc71: 31 — R170c71: 33, P2Ag76: 31 schooner, R12Ja69: 23 ship, 18Ap51: 22, 14Ag52: 22, PD19My74: 32 snow, PD2N69: 21 Cumberland co. , Eng. , See Anecdotes from; Bigamy in; Convict servants from; Elections in; Floods in Cumberland, New Kent co. , Va. , See Gardens in; Kitchens in; Lots for rent in; Lots for sale in; Merchants in; Ordinaries for rent in; Prize ships, Irish, cargo for sale in; Ships for sale in; Ships in; Stores in; Vendues in Cumberland co. , N. Y. , establishment repealed by George HI, PD5N67: 12 Cumberland co. , N. S. , See British army deserters in; Indians, in British army, in; Roads cut from Sheperday, N. S. , to Cumberland co. , Pa. , See Buildings in; Iron ore in; Iron works in; Limestone in; Militia of; Murders in; Stealing in Cumberland co. , Va. , burgesses elected, 6F52: 31, 27F52: 32, PD21Ap68: 23— R21Ap68: 21, PD15D68: 23--R15D68: 21 — R22D68: 12, PD21S69s23— R21S69: 23, R9N69: 11, PD12D71: 31, PD4Ag74: 23 census requested, P19Ap76p23 — D27Ap76: 33 committee addresses (text) inhabitants, P14J175s21 resolutions (text) of, P7J175sll contributions to sufferers in Montreal fire, PD19Mr67: 32 court, appoints commissioners for cleaning Willis's river, PD19My74: 43 — Rl9My74: 22 chancery suits in, R20Ap69: 31, RUe69: 32, R15Je59: 42 criminals indicted in, PD12S66: 22 land sold by order of, R18J166: 41, PDllJe67: 33, PDllMy69s33 slaves sold by order of, R15F70: 31, PD8N70: 32 divided by Va. general assembly, D4J177:41 — P4JT77: 12 independent company, thanked by committee, P7JT75sll instructions (text) to delegates, P7N77: 13 senator elected, P9Ag76: 33, P9My77: 23 sheriff, ordered to summon defendants in Chancery court, R20Ap69: 31, RUe69: 32, R15Je69: 42 See also Apple orchards in; Apprentices runaway from; Association of 1774, enforcement regulations in; Bounties in; Bridges in; Buildings in; Cherry orchards in; Churches in; Clergy, Anglican, in; Continental army, soldiers from; Continental [army] regulars, deserters from; Convict servants runaway from; Counting houses in; Cropping houses in; Dairies in; Damson orchards in; Dwelling houses in; Ferries in; Fruit trees in; Fulling mills, manager adv. for in; Georgia battalions, deserters from; Germans in; Gristmills in; Horse-breeding in; Houses in; Indentured servants runaway from; Jails in; Kitchens in; Land, mortgaged for sale in; Land, sale of in; Land for rent in; Land for sale in; Land ownership disputed in; Lawyers in; Lodging rooms in; Meat houses in; Merchant houses in; Merchant mills in; Merchants in; Mills in; Millwrights in; Murders in; Musters in; Orchards in; Ordinaries in; Outhouses in; Overseers in; Peach orchards in; Pear orchards in; Prisoners escape from jail in; Quarters in; Roads in; Roots, medicinal, in; Sailors, runaway from; Salt, price increase criticized in; Saltpetre manufacture urged in; Schools in; Schoolmasters in; Shops in; Slaves for sale in; Slaves runaway from; Smallpox in; Smallpox inoculations in; Stables in; Stealing in; Storehouses in; Stores in; Surgeons in; Tailors apprentices runaway from; Taverns in; Teachers in; Tobacco houses in; Tobacco notes forged in; Tories in; Towns established in; Undertakers in Cumberland courthouse, Va. , meeting at,4N63:31 See also Baptist church, association at; Land for sale at; Prisoners of war at; Slaves for sale at; Taverns at Cumberland dialect, PD7J174: 32 spoken by convict servants, PD13Ag72: 23 Cumberland landing, New Kent co. , Va. , See Ships from Cumberland parish, Va. , 24Ap52: 22, D4J177:41 — P4J177:12 Cumberland parish glebe, Lunenburg co. , Va. , See Clergy, Anglican, in Cambridge, Richard Owen, author, PDlAg71: 41, PD8Ag71: 41 Cumby, Lt. , of the Endeavour, PD7D69s22 Cuming, Capt. , R17Je73sl2 John, PD17D67:32 Cuming 6 Warwick, PD8N70: 23, 282 Cups and saucers PD14My72: 21, PD25Mr73: 33, PD8Ap73: 33, D23Mr76: 33 Cumings, Jonathan, adv. finding horse, R12Mr72: 32, R23Ap72: 32 Cumins, Capt. , of the Success, PD2Je74: 21 Edward, 8D52: 32, PD8D68: 32, R3D72: 22, PD25Ag74: 31, C19F80: 42 Cumlend, H. M. S. , PD19My74: 31 Cummin-seed, imported to Algiers, D4N75: 12 Cumming, Mr. , seized by British in Norfolk, Va. , D70c75: 31 John, R4D66: 23, PD7Ja68: 33 William, Capt. , of the Lord Howe, PD12Ja69: 12 Cummings, Capt. , of the Aurora, D12F80: 12 of the Cruiser, PD27Ag72: 13 of the Mary,D10J179:21 Mr. , appointed vendue master for N. Y. , PD19Mr67: 31 arrives in N. Y. , PD4Ag74: 22 Charles, Rev. Mr. , P10F75: 32 Cummins, Capt. , PD24Ag69: 22 of the Dealcastle, PD1J173: 13 of the Sally, PD25J166: 22 Mr. , murdered by Indians, PD3D67: 23 of Trenton, N. J. , R12Mr72: 22 John, D230c79: 32 Michael, of New York City, PD17Ja71: 13 Thomas, of Phila. , Pa. , PD26J170: 23 Cumpston, John, Lt. , prisoner in Quebec, Can. , D31Ag76: 21 Cumpton, Ambrose, PD23Ap72: 32 Cundiff, Ensign, death of, PilON74: 23 Richard, R14Ap68: 33, R20Ap69: 31 Cuningham, Capt. , of the Fanny, P19Ja76: 33 of the Nancy, PDl9My74: 42— Rl9My74: 23, R26My74: 22 of the Ranger, Dl 6 Ap79: 21 Mr. , indentured servant of, Pi6Ap75: 42 George, D20Ap76: 41 James, 7N54s21,D26F80: 13 Mary, PD31Ja71: 32 Robert, R80c72: 31, PD28J174: 32, PD25Ag74:32,DllF75:31 Walter, of Augusta co. , Va. , P180c76: 11 William, 28F55: 42 escaped prisoner of war, P2My77: 12 Cuningham, ship, PD220c67: 21, PD26Ag73: 23 Cuningham & co. , escheated property for sale, D20N79: 31, D18D79: 22, D25D79: 31, D5F80: 33, C19F80: 11, DllMr80:32 Cuningham creek, Va. , land on, PD18Oc70:31 Cuninghame, Alexander, PD9Je68: 31 James, PD3Ag69: 32 John,D16Mr76:33 William, PD13Ag67: 23, PD9Je68: 31, PD4Mr73: 32--R4Mr73: 33, D3Ag76: 31, D7Mr77: U--P7Mr77: 23 William, & co. , PD4F73: 31 — R4F73: 23, D14F77: 21, D7Mr77: 41 — P7Mr77: 23,D21Mr77: 11 — P28Mr77: 21,D4D78:31 forecloses mortgage, PD4N73: 23 land of for sale, PD29Ap73: 23 payment of debts due requested, PD220c72: 22--R220c72: 31, P15D75: 33--D16D75: 22 — PU6D75: 31 ship of, PD27F72: 32 store in Dumfries, Va. , PD4Mr73: 32— R4Mr73: 33 store in Petersburg, Va. , PD16Je74: 22— R23Je74: 42 store in Richmond, Va. , PD11F73: 23— R11F73: 23 See also Cunningham, Cunninghame Cuninghame, ship, PD15S68: 23 — R15S68: 24, PD20Oc68: 22, PD270c68: 42, PD2N69: 31, PD23N69: 31--R23N69: 23, PD15F70:22,R12J170:21, PD16J172: 31, PD26N72: 21 Cuninghame' s ale, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD16N69: 11 Cuninghame' s beer, PD14J168: 32 in Norfolk, Va. , PD14J168: 32, PD3Mr74: 32 Cunison, Archibald, PD3S72: 22, PD30Je74: 23,D24N75: 32— P24N75s22, P3Cc77: 31 Cunison, Buchanan &, adv. for lost merchandise, PD21My72: 23, PD3S72: 22 Cunn, Samuel, author, PD7J168: 31, D25N75: 13, D30D75: 13, D2Mr76: 42, D9Mr76: 42, D24Ag76: 53, D20D76: 43, D3Ja77: 42 Cunnigham, Robert. PD3pAg70: 33 — R30Ag70: 31 John, PD14D69: 22--R14D69: 23 Cunningham, Capt. , PD27N66: 21, PD21Ja73: 31, P24F75sl3, D9My77: 22, D5Mr79:31,D10J179:21 captured by Brit, privateer, C21Oc80: 11 death of, 31Mr38:31 of the Betsey and Peggy, D25S79: 22 of the Peggy, R13Ja74: 33 of the Phoenix, P5D77: 31,D8Ja80: 31 of the Two Friends, 10N52: 22 thanks Capt. Paul Thilman for treatment of company, P13S76: 41 tried in London, Eng. , D13N79: 21 Mr. , indentured servant of, Pi6Ap75: 42 of the Halifax, N. S. , PD5Mr67: 31 poetry by, PD14J174: 41 Alexander, 18Ap55: 31, PD8Ag66: 31 — R8Ag66:31,R16N69:41 Gustavus [Augustus], Capt. , PiAg77: 22, DllMr80: 31, DlAp80: 12, DllMr80: 12, C28Ag79: 13, D9Ap79: 21, D90c78: 31,D8My79: 21,D22My79: 21, C28Ag79: 12 Henry, governor of Jamaica, 26N36:41, 16S37: 31 James, PD21 Je70: 31, R26J170: 22, D12Mr79:32 James, Col. , R3My70: 11 John, accused of counterfeiting, Pi4My75: 33 acquitted of Toryism, P5J176p21 adv. for missing horse, D250c76: 42, DlAg77: 31 author, PD18J171: 31, PD25J171: 41, PDlAg71: 42, PD8Ag71: 42 land of, PD6N66: 23 letter to, in post office, PD29Ja67: 13, PD2F69: 31 of Augusta co. , Va. , P180c76: 12 soldier, P21Ag78: 11 John, Lt. ,P20Je77sll Joseph, PD18Ap71: 33 Robert, 22Ap57: 41, PD15Ap73: 31, D20Ja76: 12 Samuel, D19F80: 42 Samuel Barron, PlAg77: 13, P8My78s21 Samuel B. , & co. , D5D77: 12— P5D77: 22, D170c77: 12, P12Je78: 31 Teresia, PD3N74pll Thomas, Capt. , of the Hope, PD8J173: 31— R8J173: 31, P31Mr75: 32— DlAp75: 32, P23F76: 21--D24F76: 22 Timothy, author, D11D79: 22 William, 170c55: 31 William, Capt. , of the Jenny, 7Ag52:31,17N52:22 of the Susannah, 10Oc45: 3 See also Cuningham, Cuninghame Cunningham, ship, PD16My71: 23 Cunningham & co. , manufacturers of beer,PD26Mr67: 23 Cunninghame, Alexander, R8Ag66: 31 PD8Ag66: 32. PD6Ag67: 23, PD13Ag67: 23 PD6Ag67: 23, PD13Ag67: 23 Loudon, of Talbot co. , Md. , PD26D71: 23 Cunninghame, ship, PD21N71: 22 Cunninghame & co. , Pi23Mr75: 33 — D25Mr75:31 Cunninghame, Cochran, & co. , of Glasgow, PD13Ag67: 23, R28J168: 34, D12F79: 41 Cunninghame's mill, R3My70: 41 — PD24My70: 42 Cunnison, Archibald, PD18Mr73: 32 Cunyngham, Capt. , R26Ag73: 21 Cupar, Eng. , See Horse-racing in; Sweepstakes in Cupboards, for sale, at half-way house between Williamsburg and Yorktown, Va. ,D160c78:41 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD18Ap66: 32 Cupboards, corner, for sale, at Charles City courthouse, Va. , R18J166: 33 Cupid, H. M. S. ,DlMy79: 12 Cupid's Paradise, entertainment in Williamsburg, Va. , theatre, R19N72: 31 Cuppen, Thomas, of Accomac co. , Va. , P17F75:41 Cups, for sale, in Gloucester, Va. , P19Ap76sll— D20Ap76: 33 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22, PD25J166: 23 See also China cups; Stone cups Cups, flower, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD22N70s23 Cups, India, exported from Veracruz, Mex. , to Rota,25N37:41 Cups and saucers, See China cups and saucers; Queen's cups and saucers Cups and saucers, chocolate, for sale, in Norfolk. Va. , PD25J166: 22 Cups and saucers, coffee, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD2N69. 41 Cups and saucers, tea, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22 283 Cups and saucers, for sale (cont'd) in Williamsburg, Va. , PD18My69: 31 — R25My69: 23 Curacao, Dutch W. I. , claims to, 10Oc55: 11 cruises against Spanish, 28N51: 31 reinforced by Spain, PD31Ja71: 13 Span. , and Fr. banned from, 24My51: 22, 14N51: 31 Span, designs on, 23F39: 11 See also Earthquakes in; Embargoes in; Exports from Cork, Ire. , to; Exports from James river, lower district, Va. , to; Free trade in; Imports to Accomac district, Va. , from; Imports to James river, Va. , from; Imports to James river, lower district, Va. , from; Imports to Newport, R. I. , from; Imports to Philadelphia, Pa. , from; Imports to Va. , from; Merchants in; Money scarce in; Privateers, fitted out in; Provisions, scarce in; Saratoga, N. Y. , surrender celebrated in; Ships, Spanish, captured by English; Ships, Spanish in; Ships from Jamaica, W. L , to; Ships from Va. , to; Ships' sailing time; Ships to Baltimore, Md. , from; Ships to Boston, Mass. , from; Ships to James river, Va. , from; Ships to N. Y. , from; Ships to Newbern, N. C. , from; Ships to Philadelphia, Pa. , from; Ships to South Quay, Va. , from; Ships to Va. , from; Ships to Williamsburg, Va. , from; Ships to York district, Va. , from; Ships to York, Va. , from; Shipwrecks near; Slave insurrections in Curd, Lt. , of 6th Va. regiment, D10Ag76: 62 James, P7F77: 42 Joseph, P27Je77: 43, D90c79: 22, C27N79: 22 William, P18Ag75: 42 Cures, See under specific diseases Cureton, Thomas, P310c77: 13, P21Ag78: 32 William, PD14Mr66: 33 Curing houses, in St. Eustatia, W. I. , PD12N72: 21 Curio, pseud. , Pi30Mr75: 12 Curl (Curie), Oliver, Negro in Dunmore's troops, D31Ag76: 31 Pascow, Capt. , of the Rebecca, 23My55: 21, 26S55: 31, 27Ag56: 31 Curie, Mr. , P230c78: 33 of Va. , PD14J168: 31--R14J168: 31 Benjamin, PD210c73: 22— R210c73: 21 David W. , PD10S67: 23 John, deserter, P21Mr77s22, P16My77: 32 Samuel, P6D76: 31, P11J177: 42, P19Je78: 12 Samuel, Capt. , of the Caple, 31Ja51: 32, 270c52: 21, 17N52: 22, 2Mr53:41 William, PD13F72: 33--R27F72: 41 William R. , R5Ja69: 31--PD12Ja69: 41 William Roscow, PD28My67: 32, PD10S67: 23,PD18F68:31 William Roscow, Mrs. , death of, PD7Ap74: 23 William Roscow Wilson, adv. estate of Mrs. Martha Wallace. D3Ja77: 31— P3Ja77s23 campaigning for Va. general assembly, DllAp77: 71— PllAp77s31 certifies patriotism of H. U. St. George, P24My76: 33 chairman of Elizabeth City co. , Va. , committee, Pi26Ja75: 23— D28Ja75: 23, P22S75: 32--D23S75: 32, P29D75: 31 delegate for Norfolk borough, Va. , D8N76: 31— P8N76: 33, P9My77: 23 demands lawyers fees in cash, PD30D73: 31 marriage of, P6S76: 33 on committee for Hampton, Va. , P1D75: 12--D2D75: 32 signer of Association, in Norfolk, Va. , R26J170: 21 to attend Va. Peninsula meeting, D16S75: 32 Wilson, Capt. , R24Ag69: 32 Curie's, Henrico co. , Va. , R18F68: 33, PD28J174: 32--R28J174: 33 Curie's plantation, PD28S69: 32 Curlett, Nicholas, PD2J172: 31 Curling, Capt. , 15My46: 32, 14Mr55: 32, PD27Ja74: 31— R27Ja74: 33 of the Hampton- Packet, 30Ap52: 21 of the London, PD6Ja74: 21, . PD13Ja74: 21, PD27Ja74: 23 Daniel, Capt. , of the Beausian, PD16Ap67: 21, PD24Ap69: 21— R24Ag69: 22, R20Je71: 31 Curling pipes, for sale, in Yorktown, Va. ,25J151:32 Curls, for sale, in London, Eng. , PD7Je70: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD22N70s23, PD10Oc71: 31, PD9J172: 31, PD150c72: 31, R150c72: 31, PD220c72: 23— R220c73: 23, PD22Ap73: 31, R210c73: 22, PD210c73: 23— R210c73: 22, PD5My74: 31— R26My74: 13; R12My74: 32, PD20Oc74s22— Pi20Oc74: 31, D22Ap75: 32— Pi20Ap75: 31 Currants, for sale, in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72: 31 in Newcastle, Va. , PD19N72: 22 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22, R15N70: 31--PD22N70: 23 in Petersburg, Va. , 12F62: 41, PD10Je73: 22, PD14J174: 32 in Richmond, Va. , PD17Je73: 33— R17Je73s23 in Williamsburg, Va. , 15My46: 41, 31J146: 61, 17Ja51: 41, 18Ap51: 32, 24My51: 32, 18J151: 41, 5S51: 32, 30c51: 41, 27F52: 32, 30Ap52: 32, 5Je52: 32, 60c52: 32, 1D52: 31, 2My55: 31, 30N59: 32, PD19S66: 31, PD18D66: 32 — R25D66: 42, PDllJe67: 32, PD150c67: 22, PD3D67: 32, PD26My68: 23, PD21S69: 33 — R21S69s21, PD28S69: 31, PD7Je70: 31— R7Je70:31,R12J170:31, PD29N70: 31 — R29N70: 31, PD29N70: 31— R29N70: 23, PDllAp71: 32, PD15Ag71: 32— R15Ag71: 32, PD240c71: 31, PD12D71: 32, PD220c72: 22 — R220c72: 23, PD290c72: 22 — 284 R290c72: 22, PD3Je73: 33— R3Je73: 23, PD23S73: 23— R23S73: 32, PD4N73: 22— R4N73:31,PD11N73: 22, PD9Je74: 32— R9Je74: 21, PD29S74: 32— R29S74: 33 Currants, imported, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD31D72: 31 CurreU, John, P28J175: 32 Nicholas, R17F74: 32, Pi2Mr75: 22 WUliam, D12Mr79: 32 Currency, in Brit, colonies, regulated by parliament, PD22Ap73: 22— R22Ap73: 32 regulated by Pa. general assembly, 17Ap46: 21 regulated in Mass. , 27Je51: 32 Currency, Bermuda, as reward for apprehending murderer, PD12S66: 22 Currency, Carolina, stolen, in Yorktown, Va. , P19J176: 41 Currency, continental, counterfeited, D4S79:31 found, adv. of, P30My77: 33 lost, adv. for, P21Mr77: 22, D28Mr77: 22, P27Je77: 32, C13My80:31 stolen, in Yorktown, Va. , P19J176: 41 Currency, convention, lost, adv. for, P27Je77: 32 Currency, New Jersey, counterfeiting of, R9S73: 33 Currency, North Carolina, found, adv. of, P28Je76: 32, P28Je76: 33 lost, adv. for, P27Je77: 32 Currency, paper, books on, R16Mr69: 32 for Brit, colonies, considered by parliament, R5S66: 31— PD5S66sl3 lost, adv. for,DlAg77: 22 overissue in Gt. Brit. , R12N72: 23 Currency, Pennsylvania, lost, adv. of, P5J176: 33 Currency, Virginia, imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from Philadelphia, Pa. , PD20Ja74: 23 from St. Eustatia, W. I. , PD10F74: 23 imported to York district, Va. , from Bermuda, llJa40:41 imported to York river from Turk's island, HJa40:41 lost, adv. for, P2Ag76: 31, C13My80: 31 stolen, in Yorktown, Va. , P19J176: 41 Current, Matthew, 280c37: 41 Currey, Capt. , PD5Ap70: 32 Currey, Lt. , taken prisoner, at Three rivers, Can. ,D13J176: 62 Curricles, adv. of, in Williamsburg, Va. , R21My72: 23— PD18Je72: 33, R7Ap74: 32 Currie, Capt. , of the Venus, D15Ap75: 32 Mr. , 29S52: 41' David, 3J152: 32, PD9N69: 31 George, 31Ja51: 41, 13Je51: 41, 3J152: 32, 16My55: 21, PD19My68: 23, R7Je70: 31 James, adv. finding silver watch, PD23D73: 23 adv. house and lots for sale, PD70c73: 22 adv. lots for sale, P160c78: 33 Custologa adv. tenement for sale, D22Ap75: 32 adv. wig making, 21Ag52: 31 announces departure, PD27F72: 32, D9Mr76: 31 requests payment of debts, 21Ag52: 31 James, Dr. , P31Ja77: 12, D12F79: 41 John, PD210C73: 21--R210c73: 21, PD4N73: 21, PD2D73: 21--R2D73: 23 Peter, deserter, 14N55: 22 [Ross], Lt. , DUOc76: 22— PHOc76: 22 William, of N. Y. , Pi9N75: 22 Curriers, adv. for, P29S75: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD7My67: 31, P22Ag77: 12 See a lso Convict servants as; Indentured servants as; Slaves as Currins, William, Capt. , of the Elizabeth, R8Ag66: 22 Currituck, N. C. , See Imports to; Privateers, N. Y. , lost off; Ships in Currituck co. , N. C. , See Land for sale in; Slaves for sale in; Tenements in; Vendues in Currituck inlet, N. C. , See Shipwrecks in Curruthers, John, Capt. , of the Molly Galley, 23S37: 31 Curry, Sgt. , Negro in Dunmore's troops, D31Ag76: 31 John, PD10Ja71:42 Peter, 19J154: 32 Sampson, D18S79: 31 William, deserter, 19J154: 41 Currycombs, for sale, in Edenton, N. C. , P160c78: 42 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Smithfield, Va. , C3J179: 31 Currying shop, in Edenton, N. C. , PD18D66: 33 Cursing, cure for, 29My52: 12 proclamation against in N. C. , PD14N71: 13 Curson, Mr. , merchant of New York City, D28Ja75: 21 Curson* Seton, N. Y. , RllAg74: 33 — Pi22Je75: 43--PD18Ag74: 32 Curtains, for sale, in Dumfries, Va. , P25J177: 33 in Northumberland co. , Va. , PD5N72:43--R5N72:21 in Williamsburg, Va. , D8Ag77: 22 Curtains, bed, for sale, P19Ja76: 33— D27Ja76: 41 at half-way house between Williamsburg and Yorktown, Va. , D160C78: 41 in Richmond, Va. , PD27S70: 32— R27S70: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD28J168: 23— R28J168: 31 Curtains, mosquito, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , P14Ap75: 31— D15Ap75: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD28S69: 31 Curtenius, Sharp &, of New York City, P3Mr75s23 Curtice, Charles, PD29Ja67: 13 John, PD29Ja67: 13 Rice,D19S77:41 Curtins, pseud. , PD170c66: 31 Curtis, Capt. , PD18D66: 23, R9S73: 32 of the Charlotte, R29J173: 23 of the Foudroyant, D26Mr79: 21 of the Success's Increase, PD23D73: 23--R23D73: 32, PD12My74: 43--R12My74: 33 Mr. , accident of, 50c39: 31 death of in Mass. , PD17Ja71: 13 Agatha, Pi29S74: 41 Charles, PD18F68: 23 Christopher, PD10Oc66: 41, R19F67: 33, PD24N74: 31 Christopher, Mrs. , PD10Oc66: 41 Edward, Capt. , of the Success, PD3F74: 22 J. , arrives in Phila. , Pa. , D9D75: 23 James, apprentice, PDlAg71: 23— RlAg71: 31 Jehu, of Del. assembly, 4Ja40: 12 John, Capt. , of the Endeavor, PD18F68:31 of the St. James, 23D37: 22 Rice, 3N38: 51, 24Ja52: 32, 27F52: 32, PD10D72:31,D3Oc77:41 Rice, jr. ,15D38:41 Rice, Major, 9My55: 21 William, Capt. , of the Enterprize, 15S52: 32, 20Oc52: 22 Curtis creek iron works, Md. , R5Ag73: 23 Curtius, Ann, PD2F69: 31 Curtius, pseud. , PDUa67: 21, PD8Ja67: 13, R2F69: 22, R16Mr69: 11, P31Mr75: 12 Curven, Capt. , of the Hope, P15Mr76sll Curwen, John, Capt. , of the Mentor, PD25Mr73: 32 Curwen, brigantine, PD5F67: 31 Curwin Bay Barb, horse, 250c65s42, PD16S73:32, P19Ap76:43, D7Mr77: 42--P7Mr77s21, P3Ap78: 32 Curwin' s Old Spot, horse, 250c65s42, P19Ap76:43,P3Ap78:32 Cusage de, Capt. , of the L'Aigle, 5S55: 21 Cushears, imported to Sandy Hook, N. J. , from London, Eng. , Pi6Ap75: 22— D8Ap75: 23 Cushing, Col. , of Falmouth, Mass. , PD17Ag69: 13 Thomas, appointed to Mass. committee of correspondence, R1J173: 23 appoints committee to address Gov. Bernard, PD10Ag69: 11— R10Ag69: 11 arrest for treason discussed, PD9Mr69: 31 arrest of ordered, D8J175: 31 arrives in N. Y. , D20My75: 32 chairman of Mass. convention, PD3N68:21— R3N68: 23 delegate to Continental congress, PD7J174: 22, Pi270c74: 23, Pi29D74:13 delegate to Mass. provincial congress, Pi2F75: 23 elected to Mass. house of representatives, PDUe69: 13 — Rl Je69: 22, PD130c74: 21 extends thanks to Continental congress to Rev. Mr. Duche, D21Ja75:ll instructed by Boston, Mass. , town meeting, PD14J168: 13— R14J168: 13 instructions to, PD3Je73: 22 instructions to from Boston, Mass. , PD8Je69: 12 letter from Robert Lloyd quoted, R4Ag68: 23 letters from members of Mass. house of representatives, R18Ag68s21 letter of quoted, D25My76: 31 on committee of Congress on colonial grievances, D21Ja75: 12 on committee of Congress on colonial rights, D21Ja75: 12 on committee to consider association, D21Ja75: 13 prepares letters to colonies unrepresented in Congress, D28Ja75: 12 presents petition to Mass. governor, R3D72: 13 satirized in London, Eng. , PD9F69: 13 signs Association of 1774, PD3N74: 12-- P14N74: 12 signs petition, PD14D69: 12 speaker of Mass. house of representatives, PD29Ja67: 31, PD14My67: 21, R16F69: 21, PD9Mr69: 21, PD29Je69: 23, PD25Je72: 23, PD16Je74s21 supports non- importation agreement, PD6S70: 22 to present address to George Washington, D20Ap76: 21 Cushing' s cousin, pseud. , R14D69: 12 Cushions, for sale, in London, Eng. , PD7Je70: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD240c71: 31 Cussans, Thomas, to Falmouth, Eng. , PD2N69: 21 Cussatoes, representative meets with, governor of S. C. , 220c36: 31 Custar, William, D24Ap79: 31 Custis, Col. , 25S46: 41 horse stolen from, R15N70: 32 house of, 240c45: 41, 24Ja51: 41, 12S55: 32, R3My70: 31, PD20Je71: 33— R20Je71: 33, PD19Ag73: 21— R19Ag73:22,R14Ap74:32 Lt. , ordered to join regiment, P230c78: 11 Mr. ,13Ja38:41 brick house of, R29Ap73: 31 garden of, 1S38: 41 house of, PD4Oc70: 31--R4Oc70: 31 Daniel Parke, adv. for runaway slave, 10Ap46:42, 12D55: 42 daughter of, PD1J173: 32 grows cucumber, 19Ag37: 31 land of, PD29D68: 31— R5Ja69: 32 Fanny Parke, marriage of, 28Je39: 31 John, 29Je39: 31, 9My45: 41, 10Ap46: 41 John, m, Col. , PD19S66: 22 John Parke, adv. estate, for sale, P160c78:42 adv. house and lots for sale, D27N78: 31 adv. for cook, D27N78: 31 adv. land for sale, P21Ag78: 33 adv. plantation for sale,D10Oc77: 21— P170c77: ll,P21Ag78:33 adv. stallion for hire, P27Mr78: 31, D5Mr79: 32, C13My80: 32 land of, P27Je77: 32, P21Ag78: 42 marriage of, PD17F74: 21— R17F74: 23 plantation of, R18J171: 41, P4Ag75: 31, P28Je76: 33 requests payment of debts, P12S77: 31 slave of,D5D77: 12 Martha, death of, PD1J173: 32 Custologa, king of Delaware Indians, 285 Custologa, king of Delaware Indians (cont'd) Pil30c74sll Customer, pseud. , R15F70: 21, R15F70: 23, PD22Mr70: 23 — R22Mr70: 21, R26Ap70: 12, R30Ag70: 22, PD30Ag70: 31, PD20S70: 31, R20S70: 31, R27S70: 21, PD27S70: 31, PD4Oc70: 22, PD25Oc70: 22, PD13D70: 11, PD14Ja73: 23, R28Ja73: 23, R29Ap73: 11, R6My73: 11, PD23S73sll, PilD74: 11, PilD74: 12, Pi8D74: 22, P7Ap75: 32, P3My76: 31.D6J176: 22, D21N77: 12 Customhouses, established at Manchanck, Fla. , RllN73s22— PD18N73: 13 in Boston, Mass. , absolved of Boston massacre, PD17Ja71: 12 closed, PD30Je74: 13 enforce ship regulations, PD25F73: 31 — R25F73:33 open, D2S75: 22 in Gaspee bay, Quebec, destroyed, PilOAg75: 31— D12Ag75: 22 in Gt. Brit. , regulations proposed, PD60c74: 23 in Hampton, Va. , cautions merchants against trade violations, PD27Ap69: 32 money seized by British, Pi27J175: 32— P28J175: 12— D29J175: 32 removed to Norfolk, Va. , PD170c71: 22 ships warned to enter, PD28Ap68: 23 in James river, upper district, Va. , PD8Je69: 31 in London, Eng. , PilJe75: 41 in Plymouth, Mass. , PD30Je74: 13 in Salem, Mass. , destroyed by fire, PD270c74: 21 in south Potomac, R23F69: 22, PD25F73: 32— R25F74: 31 in Urbanna, Va. , Pi4My75: 33— P5My75: 23 moved from Boston to Salem, Mass. , R2Je74: 13 seized in New York City, PillMy75: 32— P12My75sl3— D13My75: 22 See also Naval offices Customs board, for British colonies, N. Am. , PD10S67: 13 for New England, discussed in parliament, PD30J167: 31 Customs collectors, appointed for Savanna la Mar, Jamaica, PD23J167: 13— R23J167s21 in Brit, colonies, N. Am. , authority for appointment of disputed, PD6Ag72: 21 fees illegal, PD22D68: 22 in Halifax, N. S. , dishonest, PD22D68: 22 in Hampton, Va. , PD28Ap68: 23 in James river, lower district, Va. , PD9My66:31 order ships to report, 13Je45: 41 in James river, upper district, Va. , criticized, P10F75: 33 in Newport, R. I. , seize ship, PD9Mr69: 21— R8Mr69: 21 in Norfolk, Va. , support colonies, Pil6Mr75: 31 — P17Mr75s21— D18Mr75: 22 in N. C. , seize rum and molasses, 8Ap37: 42 in Savannah, Ga. , seize molasses and sugar,D22Ap75: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , seize ships, PD28S69s21— R50c69: 22 Customs commissioners, abolition proposed, P60c75: 21 appointed in Great Britain, 23D37: 32 arrive in Boston, Mass. , PD10D67: 21 established in British colonies, N. Am. , PD10S67: 21, PD5N67: 13 for British colonies, N. Am. , appointment rumored, PD21My67: 23 expenses for, PD17D67: 23 for North America discussed, PD7My67: 23 gallows erected for, in Casco bay, Me. , R28J168: 23 in Boston, Mass. , PD10D67: 22 accused of inciting riots, PD1D68: 23 accused of magnifying discontent, R17N68: 12 antagonize populace, PD14J168: 31 celebrate anniversary, PD4Oc70: 21 collections by prohibited, PD25Ag68: 22— R25Ag68: 23 confer with Gov. Hutchinson, PD8S68: 22 defended by James Otis, PD24D67: 22— R24D67: 21 driven out, PD60c68: 12— R60c68: 13 entertain, PD9F69: 31 libel merchants, PD1D68: 22 meet at Castle William, PD21J168: 11 propose suspending office, R25Ag68: 31 quarters moved to town, PD1D68: 23, PD8D68:13,R15D68:12 remain out of town, PD8S68: 21 resign, R16Mr69: 23 safety stressed, PD8D68: 13 satirized, PD270c68: 31 seize ships, PD1D68: 21, PD13Ap69: 21 seize sloop, PD14J168: 11 — R14J168: 11 supported by Gov. Hutchinson, PD22J173: 21, PD5Ag73: 13 in British colonies, N. Am. , deputation by restricted, PD8S68: 21 opposed, R10Mr74: 23 removal rumored, PD19J170: 13 in Charleston, S. C. , seize ships, PD28J168: 22--R28J168: 22, R18Ag68: 21 in Halifax, N. S. , seize ships, PD1D68: 23.R15D68: 12 in Mass. , criticized, R27My73: 11 move to Boston, PD130c74: 13 opposed, PD21Ap68: 21 in Salem, Mass. , PD30Je74: 22 in Va. , opposed, R14Je70: 22 powers of criticized in Boston, Mass. , PD1D68: 21 recall of rumored, PD2N69: 13— R2N69: 21 remove from Boston, Mass. , to New York City, PD26J170: 23 — R26J170: 21 warn captains to report cargoes, PD25My69: 32— RlJe69: 33 Customs comptrollers, in Hampton, Va. , PD28Ap68: 23 in James river, lower district, Va. , R10Ja71:31 Customs officers, in Boston, Mass. , punished for informing, PD14Je70: 13 tarred and feathered, PD1S74: 12 in Cape Anne, Mass. , evade debts, R15Je69: 21 in Elizabeth river, N. C. , 17Je37: 32 in Gt. Brit. , ransack Earl of Albemarle's house, 28F55: 21 revenue increase discussed, D5Je79: 11 in Hampton, Va. , 17Je37: 32 in James river, south side, Va. , 17Je37: 32 in Nansemond river, Va. , 17Je37: 32 in New York City, D28Ja75: 21 — Pi2F75: 22 in Newport, R. L , refuse to take oath, P26Ja76: 21 in N. C. , forswear stamped paper, PD21Mr66: 13 in R. I. , lose trial, PD29Ap73: 22 ridiculed, PD2N69: 12 in St. John's, Nfd. , seize ships, PD27J169: 23--R27J169: 22 in Salem, Mass. , bribery among, R13J169: 21 in S. C. , PD16N69: 21— R16N69: 22 powers opposed by Continental congress, Pi2F75: 31 — P3F75sll— DllF75sll See also Naval officers Customs service, establishment in colonies discussed, PD3Mr68: 12 evaded by ship captains, PD25My69: 32— RlJe69: 33 frauds prevented by Va. general assembly, 22D38: 22, PD21Ap68: 22— R21Ap68: 21 in Boston, Mass. , employees dismissed, PD14Ap68: 21 in England, 13Ja38: 32 in Gt. Brit. , commissioners appointed for, PD28Mr66: 12 cruise against smugglers, PD5N72: 13 regulated by Va. general assembly, 24S36: 31, 17Ap46: 22, 24Ap52: 21, PD23Ap72: 11 regulations violated, in colonies, PD27Ap69: 32, PD8Je69: 31 value of ships seized, R150c72: 21 See also Admiralty court; Duties; Naval officers Cuszens, William, RlJe69sl2, PD15J173: 33 Cut glass inkstands, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD10Je73: 34 Cutaboes, ambush Tuscaroras in S. C. , 220c36: 31 CutDank bridge, Brunswick co. , Va. , PD7My67: 33 Cutchin & Smelly, PD5D71: 32, P25Ag75: 81 Cuthbert, Alexander, indentured servant, PD26N67: 31 Catharine (Blair), marriage of, D14F77: 12 James, Capt. , of the Nelly, PD8Ja67: 31 S. J. , Major, D13D76: 41--P6D76: 32, D14F77:12, P12S77: 31 Samuel, D16D75: 22 William, PD2S73: 22, D2D75: 32 Cuthbertson, James, PD2F69: 31 Cuthbut, James, R4D66: 23 Cutlasses, adv. for, D22Ja80: 33 for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , D20c79: 31 in Portsmouth, Va. , P18J177sll 286 Czar of Muscovy in Williamsburg, Va. , D12F80: 32 on ships, D4S79: 31.D6N79: 31 — C6N79: 31 seized from British, on Staten island, N. Y. , D1N76: 22 — P1N76: 22 taken from armory in Charleston, S. C. ,D27My75:33 from royal ship, at Hampton, Va. , P15S75:31--Pil4S75:32 Cutler, Samuel, R27F72: 41 Cutlers, adv. of, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD14Ap74: 31, PD18Ag74: 32 wanted in Bethel. Va. , P10F75: 41 — D11F75: 23 See also Indentured servants as Cutlery, auctioned in Nansemond co. , Va. , Pi9Mr75: 13 damaged, for sale, at Bowler's, Va. , R2My71: 22 for sale, PD15Ag66: 31 in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD25Ap66: 31 in King and Queen co. , Va. , 2S57: 32 in Lancaster co. , Va. , C19F80: 11 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23, PD7S69: 33, R15N70: 31--PD22N70: 23, PD8Ag71: 23,D14Ja75: 31 in Smithfield, Va. , PD4Ag68: 31 in Urbanna, Va. , P21Ag78: 13, D31J179:31 in Williamsburg, Va. , 27My37: 42, 18S46: 41, 30N59: 32, PD10Oc66: 33, PD7Ap68: 23, R16Je68: 32, R28J168: 32, PD25My69: 32— R25My69: 31, PD220c72: 22 — R220c72: 23, PD290c72: 21, PD3Je73: 32--R3Je73: 23, PD14Ap74: 31, PD18Ag74: 32, D26Ag75: 32, D90c79: 31 — C30Oc79: 42, Dl60c79: 31 in Yorktown, Va. , 4J145: 42, 29My46: 32, PD310c71: 23 imported, lost, adv. for, PD240c66: 23, PD20Ag72: 31 in Halifax co. , Va. , PD23F69: 33 importation to Fr. , from Gt. Brit. , forbidden, HMy39: 21 imported to America from Eng. , R30Ag70: 21 to Williamsburg, Va. , from Glasgow, Scot. , PD22D74: 31 lost, adv. for, PD10D72: 23 Cutlery, London, for sale, in Blandford, Va. ,D13N78: 11 Cutlery ware, for sale, in Petersburg, V?. ,D25J177: 41 — P25J177: 42 imported to Accomac district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , PD22Ja67: 31 Cutteau du chasse hangers, for sale, in Baltimore, Md. , Pil8My75: 33 Cutteaus, for sale, in Gloucester co. , Va. , P16Ag76: 33— D24Ag76: 72 in Suffolk, Va. , P21Ag78: 11 in Williamsburg, Va. ,D21F77: 21 — P21F77:32,D10J178:21 — P10J178: 33, DlMy79: 22, D29Ja80: 41, C21Oc80: 22 Cutter, John, in E. Fla. , PD270c68: 22 Cutters, for sale, in Yorktown, Va. , C28Ag79: 31 Cutters, British, burned by Americans in Mass. ,D1J175:32 Cutters, French, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. ,D5D77:22 Cutters described, adv. of, PD25J166: 33 Cutting box, for sale, in Prince George co., Va. ,D31Ja77: 72--P31Ja77: 32 Cuttings, Mr. , PD6J169: 41 Cutts, Samuel, of Portsmouth, N. H. , Pi8Je75: 12 Cuyler, Abraham C. , of Albany, N. Y. , R16D73: 33 Barend, death of, PD19Mr72: 22 Barend R. , PD14D69: 31 Cuzzens, Capt. , PD23Ap67: 23 William, Capt. , of the Betsey, PD20Oc68: 22, PD29Je69: 31 — R29Je69: 23, R10Ag69: 33 of the Elizabeth, PD15Ag66: 23, PD15Ja67: 32 of the Prince Ferdinand, 4N63: 41 Cyclades islands, uprising against Turks, PD24My70: 11 Cygnet, H. M. frigate, PD5F67: 22 H. M. S. , PD28My67: 21, PD13Ag67: 12— R13Ag67: 22, PD20Ag67: 23, PD26N67: 22, D22Je76: 21 ship, PD28My67: 33 sloop of war,D8Ag77: 11 Cylinders, cast for steam engines in N. Y. C. , P3Mr75s23 Cymblines, destroyed by Americans in N. Y. ,D90c79:21 Cyphax, horse, for hire, D16Mr76: 41 Cypress, canvas made of, PD18Je72: 33 floaters on seines, R2Je74: 23 pettiaugers built of, R26N72: 22 piraguas (pettiaugers) built of, P14Je76: 33 Cypress boards, for sale, at College landing, Va. , D3Je75: 33 at Gray's creek warehouse, Va. , Pi6Ap75sl2 Cypress pales, for sale, in New Kent co. , Va. , R8F70: 33 Cypress palings, PD13D70: 31 — R13D70: 32 in Prince George co. , Va. , PD14Ja73: 23 Cypress plank, for sale, in New Kent co. , Va. , R8F70: 33 exported from York district, Va. , to Liverpool, Eng. , PD27N66: 22 Cypress scantling, for sale, in New Kent co. , Va. , R8F70: 33 Cypress shingles, 240c45: 42, PD13D70: 31— R13D70: 32 in New Kent co. , Va. , PD23S73: 31 — R23S73: 33 for sale, in New Kent co. , Va. , R8F70: 33 in Smithfield, Va. , PD20Ag67: 33 in Suffolk, Va. , PD9My66: 31 Cypress timber, in Bertie co. , N. C. , PD13F72: 33--R27F73: 41 in Charles City co. , Va. , PD24Ja71: 32— R31Ja71: 31 in Isle of Wight co. , Va. , PD26S66: 33, PD20Ag67: 33, PD10S67: 23, PD22Ap73: 32 in King and Queen co. , Va. , PD10c67: 22, PD28Ap68: 22— R28Ap68: 24, R30Je68: 31, R170c71: 31, PD210c73: 23— R210c73: 31, P12S77: 32— D19S77:32 in Nansemond co. , Va. , PD21J168: 32 in New Kent co. , Va. , PD16Je68: 31 — R16Je68: 32, R19Ja69: 31— PD26Ja69: 33, PD18Ja70: 33— R18Ja70: 33, PD24Ja71: 32— R31Ja71: 31, PD23S73: 31 — R23S73: 33, P28N77: 23--D5D77: 21 in Pasquotank co. , N. C. , PD9Ap72: 32-- R23Ap72: 41 in Smithfield, Va. , PD1S68: 31 in Southampton co. , Va. , PD21S69: 31, PD9Ja72: 32 in Sussex co. , Va. , PD22Ag66: 31, R23N69: 23--PD7D69: 41, R12J170: 22, PD19N72: 22— R19N72: 22, PD12Ag73: 23 — R12Ag73: 23 near Smithfield, Va. , 4N63: 23 near Suffolk, Va. , PD19N72: 23 on Bennet's creek, N. C. , PD10S72: 23 Cyprus, fortifications strengthened, PD8Ap73: 21 rebels against Turkey, PD19S66: 11, PD18D66: 13, PD15Ja67: 12 See also Earthquakes on Czar of Muscovy, prize ship, 22Ap57: 41 287 D Dabbs, Joseph, 15Je39: 32 Dabitus, horse, Pi30Mr75: 32 Dabney, Charles, PD22Ja67: 33, R23F69: 21--PD23F69: 33 Charles, Capt. , D17Ag76: 22 Francis, PD2Ap72: 33 George, R21N71: 32, Pi31Ag75: 33, P60c75: 32, P17N75sll George, Capt. ,DlAp80: 32 George, jr. , PD18Ag68: 32, R17Ag69: 31, PD7Je70: 32, PillMy75: 32— P12My75s21--D13My75: 23, P12Ap76: 33--D13Ap76: 33 James, PD18Oc70: 31, PD25N73: 23 delegate from Louisa co. , Va. , P2My77s31 land of, PD25N73: 23 on committee for Louisa co. , Va. , P19My75s32, D23D75: 32, P29D75: 31 John, 9My55: 21, 4N63: 22, PD28Ap68: 23, PD16Je68:31 Lucy, 23F39:41 Nathaniel, PD270c74: 21 Owen, P250c76: 23, D27N79: 31 Richard, D3Ag76: 32, D23Ja78: 42 Robert, P310c77: 33, P21N77: 31, P3Ap78: 32 William, PD18J166: 31, PD10N68: 23, R19Ja69: 32, PD20F72: 33, P6D76: 33 William, Capt. , HAp55: 32 William, Col. , PD31Mr68: 22 Dabney & Smith, PD28S69: 31 Dabney's ferry, Va. , PD17S71: 32, R21N71:32 Dabster, horse, R26Mr72: 23, P15Mr76: 31, P21Mr77s21, DllAp77: 61 — PllAp77s32— PllAp77s43, D18Ap77: 11, P21N77:33--D28N77:32, P27Mr78:31,P3Ap78:32, D26Mr79: 31,D11D79: 22 — C27N79: 21 Dacey, John, PD12My68: 23 Dacier, Andre, author, 24My51: 32, PD25J171: 43, PDlAg71: 43, PD8Ag71: 43 Andre, Mme. , author, PD18J171: 33 Dacres, Capt. , of the Maidstone, D12F80: 12 Dade, Mrs., marriage of, P18Ap77sl2, P16My77: 32 Rev. Mr. , PD30c66: 33 Baldwin, R2My71: 22, R28J174: 23, P3Ja77s23 Francis, R2My71: 31 Horatio, R30Ag70: 23, D28Ja75: 23 Townshend, Capt. , R28J174: 22, P3F75: 43, P22S75: 11, D19D77: 12, C25D79: 12 Townshend, jr. , R4F68: 44, R4Ag74: 22 Daffy's elixir, PD17S72: 22 for sale, PD1D74: 31 in Fredericksburg, Va. , 28Ag46: 31, PD22Ap73: 31 in Petersburg, Va. , 4J151: 32, 12F62: 41, PD30J172: 32, PD30D73: 31, PD14J174: 32, Pi23Mr75: 33 — D25Mr75: 31, D26D77: 21 in Richmond, Va. , 16My55: 21, 5S55: 32, PD7Je70: 33, PD3S72: 23 in Shockoe, Va. , PD4Ap66: 41 in Williamsburg, Va. , 20Je45: 41, 15My46: 41, 31J146: 61, 17Ja51: 41, 24My51: 32, 18J151: 41, 5S51: 32, 10Ap52: 31, 30Ap52: 32, 15My52: 32, 22My52: 32, 60c52: 32, 2My55: 31, 30N59: 32, PD18Je67: 32, PD26My68: 23, PD270c68: 32--R270c68: 22, PD13Ap69: 32--R13Ap69: 32, PD17Ag69: 33--R17Ag69: 23, PD21S69: 33--PD21S69: 41 — R21S69s21, PD7Je70: 31— R14Je70:33,R12J170:31, PD29N70: 22, PD13D70: 43, PD17Ja71: 43, PD24Ja71: 43, PDllAp71: 32, PD15Ag71: 32— R15Ag71: 32, PD29Ag71: 31, PD240c71: 31, PD2J172: 32, PD2SOc72: 22— R290c72: 22, PD10Je73: 22, PD4N73: 22 — R4N73: 31, PD1S74: 32, D10J178: 21 — P10J178: 12,D12Je79:32 in Yorktown, Va. , 31J146: 52, 30My51: 41 Daffy's grand elixir, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 16Ja61: 41 Daffy's purging elixirs, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD18Je67: 33 Daganaer, ship, 240c45: 22 Dagget, Brotherton, jr. , mate of the Laviathan, PD15Ap73: 12 John,RUAg68: 12 Dailey, Hugh, PD3N74: 43 Jadock, P16My77s31 John, P8N76: 42 Daily advertiser, R14J174: 31 Daily gazetteer, extract from, 4N37: 11, 4N37: 21, 4N37: 31, 11N37: 11, 11N37: 12, 18N37: 11, 18N37: 21, 18N37: 32, 25N37: 11, 2D37: 11, lF40:41,10Ja[?]51:31 French foreign policy censured, 29Ag45: 11 Queen Caroline extolled, 7Ap38: 12 Daingerfield, Col. , pasture of, P19S77: 12 Edwin, 21N45: 41 Hannah, Mrs. , D3Ag76: 32 Robinson, adv. land for sale, PD20Ag67: 31, PDllMy69: 32, PD19Ap70: 32— R19Ap70: 33, R12J170: 23--PD19J170: 42 adv. plantation for sale, PD25F73: 32— R25F73:31 adv. slaves for sale, PD19N67: 22, R24D67: 44 announces collector for, M'Call & Elliott, PD16J172: 32 death of, PD4N73: 21 estate of, for sale, R19My74: 43 requests payment for slaves, PD60c68: 23 requests payment of debts, due M'Call & Elliott, R12J170: 31 — PD21Je70: 31, PD18Ap71: 32— R2My71: 33 settlement of estate of,D13N78: 31 storekeeper, PD17S72: 23 William, P24Mr75: 32 adv. estate of Robinson Daingerfield, R19My74:43,D13N78:31 adv. land for sale, D5D77: 21 — P28N77: 23 adv. lots for sale, Pi20Ap75: 32 letter to, in post office, PD!Oc67: 12 near Fredericksburg, Va. , P24Mr75: 32 William, Col. , R4My69: 33 — PD4My69: 31, P12Ja76: 32— D13Ja76: 32--Pil3Ja76: 22, P12J176: 31 Dairies, PD6N66: 31, PD22Ja67: 33 at Oyster Shell landing, Va. , D6Je77: 22— P20Je77: 12 in Berkeley co. , Va. , PD16Je74: 23— R16Je74:31 in Henrico co. , Va. , P29Mr76: 33, D25My76: 23,D240c77: 22 in Albemarle co. , Va. , R23F69: 22 in Amelia co. , Va. , 3S56: 32 in Amherst co. , Va. , R26Ag73: 23 in Bertie co. , N. C. , PD12D71: 32 in Blandford, Va. , P2Je75: 33, D5S77:31 in Boyd's hole, Va. , PD3N68: 31 in Brunswick co. , Va. , 24My51: 41, 2Mr53: 42, 19J154: 42, 23My55: 21, PD7Mr67: 33, PD24My70: 33, PD8D74: 32, P3My76: 33, D28Mr77: 32 in Bute co. , N. C. , R23F69: 23— PD23F69:32 in Caswell co. , N. C. , P12S77: 12 in Charles City co. , Va. , D5J180: 32 in Charlotte co. , Va. , PD31Ja71: 33, P8Ag77: 42, D230c79: 11 in Chesterfield co. , Va. ,D11N75: 32 in Culpeper co. , Va. , PD18Je67: 32 in Cumberland co. , Va. , PD22Ag66: 23 in Dinwiddie co. , Va. , D25J177: 41 in Fairfax co. , Va. , R15Ap73: 32 in Frederick co. , Va. , PD16Je74: 23— R16Je74: 31 in Fredericksburg, Va. ,R5S66:41 — PD5S66: 42, PD21Ap68: 31, PD8Je69: 31, P18Ap77s31, D30Oc78: 41, D13N78: 12, D31My80: 31 in Gloucester co. , Va. , PD10S67: 22, PllAp77s43 in Goochland co. , Va. , R17Ag69: 31, PD12Ag73: 23, PD25N73: 31, P22Ag77: 32, D13N78-.il in Granville co. , N. C. , PD26Ja69: 33, D8Ag77:31,D160c79: 12 in Halifax co. , N. C. , PD5S66s33, PD12D7L32 in Halifax co. , Va. , PD28Ap74: 23 in Hanover co. , Va. , PD10Oc66: 33, R19F67: 41, R12My68: 33, PD20Ag72: 31, PD280c73: 23, PD4Ag74: 31— R4Ag74: 33, D13Ja76: 32— P5Ja76: 33, P8Ag77: 12, P22Ag77: 12, P21N77:33,D23Ja78:32, D24Ap78: 41--P8My78sl2, D4Mr80: 13 in King and Queen co. , Va. , PD11D66: 33, PD12Ag73: 23 in King William co. , Va. , PD170c66: 41, P24My76: 33 in Lancaster co. , Va. , PD19Ap70: 31— R19Ap70: 23 in Louisa co. , Va. , 20Oc52: 22, PlD75:31,D16My77: 12 in Lunenburg co. , Va. , R25D66: 32-- PDUa67: 33 in Manchester, Va. , D310c77: 21— P310c77: 13, P21N77: 31, D28Ag79: 12 in Mecklenburg co. , Va. , PD80c67: 21, R15J173: 41-42, PD29J173: 23 288 Damask in New Kent co. , Va. , PD20Ag67: 32, R310c71:43,P240c77:31 in Newcastle, Va. , 24Ja51: 41, 15D52: 32, PD21S69: 31, PD15J173: 33, P24N75s22 in Norfolk, Va. , R80c72: 31 in Norfolk co. , Va. , PD4J166: 33 in Northampton co. , N. C. , PD150c72: 31 in Orange co. , Va. , 9Ja46: 42 in Petersburg, Va. , 250c65s43, R8N70: 23--PD8N70: 23, R15J173: 41-42 in Pittsylvania co. , Va. , PD13D70: 23 in Prince Edward co. , Va. , P21Ag78: 11, P160c78: 11 in Prince George co. , Va. , 20Je45: 41, 12D45: 41, 24My51: 41, 20Mr52: 22, 28F55: 42, R23J167: 42, D17Ja77: 22 in Princess Anne co. , Va. , R21My72: 23, P9My77sll in Richmond, Va. , PD150c72: 31, PD28Ap74: 32, Pil3Ja76: 22, P160c78: 33, C3J179: 42, DlAp80: 31 in Rowan co. , N. C. , P30c77: 22 in Spotsylvania co. , Va. , R31Mr68: 32 in Sussex co. , 3S56: 41, PD9My66: 31, PD6S70:31,DllAp77:62 in Tyrell co. , N. C. , PDllMy69: 32 in Warwick co. , Va. , PD3Mr74: 32— R3Mr74: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , 20Je51: 32, 22Ap57:41,D5Je79:32 in York co. , Va. , PD3S67: 22, PD15F70: 42 in Yorktown, Va. , 5Je52: 32, 7N54s22, R130c68: 24--PD130c68: 23 near Cabin Point, Va. ,D18F75: 32 near Fredericksburg, Va. , D18Mr80: 32 near Suffolk, Va. , D25Ap77: 31 — P25Ap77: 12 on Hampton river, Va. , PD14N71: 22 on James river, Va. ,D11N75: 32 on Queen's creek, Va. , PD24D67: 32 See also Brick dairies Dairies, described, in Amherst co. , Va. , PD21Mr71: 32 in Chesterfield co. , Va. , PD9N69: 23 in Dinwiddie co. , Va. , R1D68: 41 in Louisa co. , Va. , 13F52: 41 in Martin's Brandon parish, Va. , PD13D70: 31— R13D70: 32 in Richmond co. , Va. , 250c65s42 in Sussex co. , Va. , R23Mr69: 31 on Appomattox river, Va. , 3J152: 32 on James river, Va. , 27Mr52: 31 Dairy furniture, PD26D71: 31 Dairy maids, See Slaves as Daland, Benjamin, jr. ,D27My75: 31 Dalby, Thomas, Pil9Ja75: 21 — D4F75:32 Dale, Alexander, PD28N71: 31 Alexander, jr. , PD28N71: 31 Dale parish, Va. , 24S36: 32, PD170c66: 31, PD29Je69: 32— R6J169: 32, R27S70: 31 — PD4Oc70: 41, PD23Ap72: 11, PD18Mr73: 23— R18Mr73:31 See also Churches in; Undertakers in Dalgleish, Alexander, PD290c67: 23, PD3Mr68: 31— R3Mr68: 32, R24N68: 22--PD24N68: 31 Alexander, Dr. , PD17N68: 11 — R24N68: 41, PD27S70: 31, R27S70: 21, PD29Ag71:32--R5S71:41, PD14N71: 22 John, R31My70: 33— PD24My70: 23, PD1N70: 22— R1N70: 31 John, Dr. , arrest ordered, PD9Ja72: 31 death of, PD30c71: 31 defends smallpox inoculation, PD20Oc68: 22, R15Mr70: 32 estate for sale, PD14N71: 23 explains medical attitude, PD17N68: 12--R24N68: 42, PD20Ap69: 23 inoculates for smallpox, R25Ag68sll, PD8S68pll, PD9Ja72: 22 on contagious diseases, PD8N70: 12 writes on smallpox, PD14Ap68: 11, R2N69: 13 Robert, adv. estate of Dr. John Symmer, PD290c67: 23 adv. plantation for sale, R3Mr68: 32— PD3Mr68: 31 adv. settlement of estate, of Dr. John Symmer, R24N68: 22— PD24N68: 31 death of, PD22Mr70: 22— R22Mr70: 21 settlement of estate of, PD24My70: 23-- R31My70: 33, PD1N70: 22— R1N70:31,PD14N71: 22 Dalglish, Andrew, PD270c74: 22 Dalin, Thadeus, C25D79: 13 Dalkeith, Scotland, See Banquets, described in; Riots Dalling, Capt. , of N. C. , R7J168: 21 John, PD18Mr73:21 Dallis, John, P30My77: 13 Dalmatia, PD16J167: 11, R16Mr69: 21 See also Austrian army to Dalrymple, Capt. , of the Cerberus, PD1J173: 22 of the Juno, D10Ag76: 22 Col. , appointed to post in British army,D15J175: 32 commands troops on St. Vincent, W. I. , PD25F73: 23--R25F73: 23 leads expedition against Caribs (Indians), PD10D72: 22— R12D72sl3 on St. Vincent island, W. I. , PDllMr73:23 ordered to Boston, Mass. , D12Ag75: 22 regiment of in Halifax, N. S. , PD17S67: 12 replaces Franklin as governor of N. J. , PD26My74: 31 — R26My74: 31 to Boston, Mass. , Pil7Ag75: 32 Gen. , in West Indies, PD15Ap73: 13, PD15Ap73: 22— R15Ap73: 22, PD13My73: 23, PD15J173: 11 — R15J173sl2, PD10Mr74: 23— R10Mr74: 22 Lt. , killed in battle of Bunker Hill, P22J175s22— D29J175: 23 Mr. , wounded in battle of Bunker Hill, P22J175s22--D29J175:31 Carib, Col. , embarks for America, D2S75: 12 John, Sir. , R26Ag73: 13, RllN73s21, P22S75: 32, D25N75: 11,D30D75:11 William, Col. , PD270c68: 23— R270c68: 21 actions of praised in parliament, R19J170: 21 builds guardhouse for army in Boston, Mass. , PD10N68: 21 commands British army at Castle William, RllOc70: 21 commands British army in Boston, Mass. , PD270c68: 23 — R270c68: 21, PD21S69s23, PD5Ap70: 23 — R5Ap70: 41, PD3S72: 21 demands troop quarters in Boston, Mass. , PD3N68: 21— R3N68: 24, PD9F69: 31 letters from received, PD7S69: 23— R7S69: 23 orders British troops out of Boston, Mass. , PD5Ap70: 31— R5Ap70: 41 to be chief magistrate of Boston, Mass. , R19J170: 11 to be court-martialed rumored, R19J170: 12 Daltera & Walker, Dobson, PD3Ja71: 23, R23My71: 41 Dalton, Capt. , of Fairfax co. , Va. , RllOc70:31 Mr. ,HAp55:32 Carlyle &, PD4F73: 31, P9My77: 42 George, PD7N71: 22 John, adv. finding cow, R190c69s21 adv. finding horse, P26J176: 33 adv. for bids for building church, R11D66:31 adv. for bids for building glebe houses, R15Ap73: 32 adv. for missing horse, R26S71: 21 adv. for runaway convict servant, R23J167: 41 appointed to committee for Fairfax co. , Va. , R4Ag74: 22 death of, P9My77: 42 defendant in Chancery court, R24D67: 42, R19Ja69: 32 heirs requested to collect pay, P14N77: 32 investigates for associators of Fairfax co. , Va. , R18J171: 32 manages auction, Pi29D74: 32 manages lottery, 10Ja[?]51: 42 sells lot, PD13Je71: 33 subscriber to Falls of Potomac, PD3N74: 42— PilON74: 32 trustee for opening Potomac river, PD3N74: 42--PU0N74: 32, D7Ja75: 32 Mary, PD10D67: 31 Michael, PD3Je73: 23 Samuel, PD9D73: 22--R9D73: 21 Thomas, Pi22D74: 33 William, PD16Je74: 21 — R16Je74: 22 Dalton, brig, PDllAp71: 23 Daly, James, PD23J167: 41— R23J167: 32 Josiah, PD4N73: 31, D16My77: 21, P16My77sll Dalyell, David, 270c52: 22, R13J169: 31 David, & co. , PD4J166: 32 Oswald, & co. , PD17N74: 23— PU7N74: 32 Dalyon, Isaac, PD4Ag74: 23 Daly's landing, N. C. , PD13Ap69: 32 See also Merchants in Damascus, Syria, Turkish designs on, PD2My71: 21— R2My71: 13 See also Jews imprisoned in Damascus, for sale, PD24My70: 33, DllMy76: 23 — P10My76: 43, D13J176: 22, D21F77: 22— P28F77s22, D30My77: 31 Damask, as wallpaper, PD28D69: 31 for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD25Ap66: 31 in Norfolk, Va. , R15N70: 31— 289 Damask, for sale, in Norfolk (cont'd) PD22N70: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , D28N77: 22 imported to Algiers, D4N75: 12 to Portugal from Genoa, PD7Mr66: 13 in Norfolk, Va. , PD14J174: 31 manufactured, in Prince George co. , Va. ,D18N75:32 Damask, India, 10J152: 32, PD25J166: 22, PD28S69: 31, PDllAp71: 32, PD12D71: 32 Damask napkins, PD290c72: 22— R290c72:22,PDllN73:22 Damask tablecloths, PD25J166: 22, R29N70: 31--PD29N70: 31, PD21My72: 23--R21My72: 22, PD290c72: 22--R290c72: 22, PD11N73:22 Dame, George, D25N80: 12 Dameron. Aaron, 2S57: 42 Bartholomew, P27S76sl3 George, R15N70: 43, PD21J174: 31 Jesse, D31Ag76: 31 Samuel, D24Ag76: 41, P6S76: 42 Dameron, Heath & co. , R14Je70: 32 Dames, Capt. , of the John, D25S79: 22 Charles, PD7J174: 32 George, Capt. , of the Content, PD28Ap74: 23--R14Ap74: 31 John, PD7J174: 32 William, 4S46: 32 Damilson, Col. , Mass. regiment of, P12J176sl2 Damon, pseud. , RllAg68: 13 horse, PD7Ap74: 23, PD20Oc74: 31, D29J175: 33, D13Ap76: 33— P19Ap76: 43, P26J176: 41, P28Mr77: 13,D27N78:22 for hire, P15Mr76: 32— D16Mr76: 41 stallion, Pi30Mr75: 32--DlAp75: 33— P31Mr75s23, P6Mr78: 31, D9Ap79: 31 Damore, John, P18J177sl2 Dampier, Capt. , of the Duke, 14F51:21 Damron, Abraham, R20Je71: 32 Dams, in Baltimore co. , Md. , PD6My73: 23 in Elizabeth City co. , Va. , PD14N71: 23 in Hanover co. , Va. , PD15Ap73: 31 — R15Ap73: 31 in Henrico co. , Va. , 240c51: 31, PD140c73: 31— R140c73: 32 in Pittsylvania co. , Va. , PD5My74: 31 in Richmond co. , Va. , P12Ap76: 33— D20Ap76: 33 near Fredericksburg, Va. , PD220c72: 23 See also Mill dams; Stone dams Dams, beaver, R27N66: 23 Dams described, R25D66: 32— PDUa67: 33 Damson (damosel) orchards, 17N52: 22, PD22Ag66: 23 Dan river, Va. , See Ferries on; Land for sale on Dana, Francis, D22Ja80: 31, D8Ap80s23 Francis, Hon. , D3Ja77: 21 Richard, PD8Je69: 11, PD5Ap70: 21, PD6S70: 22 Danae, Fr. frigate, D4S79: 21 H. M.S. ,PD21Mr71:22 Danally, Henry, alias of William Brown, 16S37: 41 Danbury, Conn. , battle losses estimated, D30My77: 21--P30My77: 23 British losses at, P13Je77: 22, P13Je77: 23, D20Je77: 12 burned by British, D16My77: 12 — P16My77: 21, D23My77: 22 stores destroyed in battle at, D6Je77: 12 See also British army retreats from; Continental army near; Continental stores destroyed in; Horses captured from British at; Militia of Conn, attack British near; Prisoners of war, British, taken at and near; Tories lead British to Danby, Capt. , of the Betsey, PD9My71: 31--R9My71: 33, PD21N71: 22, PD14My72: 23 D. , watchmaker, P3My76: 33 John, 20Ap39: 41 Michael, Capt. , of the Bland, PD280c73: 22— R280c73: 32, PD4N73: 22--PD4N73: 23— R4N73: 31, PD11N73: 22, R11N73: 21, PD22S74: 32, PD29S74: 32— Pi29S74: 33, PD20Oc74: 31 — Pi20Oc74: 32, PD270c74: 23— PD270c74: 32--Pi270c74: 32, Pi4N74: 32, D27My75: 33— P26My75s31, PilJe75: 33— P2Je75: 33--D3Je75: 33 Dancan, Charles, D26F79: 32 Dance, Mr. , paints portrait of David Garrick, PD12D71: 12 Stephen, adv. for missing horse, D26Je79: 12 adv. land for sale, PD8D74: 31— Pi8D74: 33, P29Mr76: 32 adv. plantations for sale, PD6S70: 31, PD15Ag71: 32, R4Mr73: 32, PD16S73: 32 Thomas, R14Ap68: 24 Dancer, John,D18F75: 33 William, P27S76s22 Dancers, in London, Eng. , PD27F72: 31- R27F72: 23 See also Indentured servants as; Slaves as Dances, grotesque, 24Mr38: 42 in Williamsburg, Va. , 20Ap39: 32 presented in Williamsburg, Va. , theater, 26S51: 41, 17Ap52: 31, PD31Mr68: 23, PD14Ap68: 23— R14Ap68: 23, R12My68: 22 — PD12My68: 23, PD19My68: 31, PD26My68: 23 See also Minuets Dancing, contests of, 26N36: 41, 70c37: 32 at Williamsburg, Va. , fair, 7D39:41 fees in Rev. Booth's academy, PD27N66: 23 taught at boarding school, D20D76: 42 at Point Pleasant school, Va. , PD20F72: 32 Dancing assemblies, in Montreal, Can. , PD7Ja68: 32 Dancing masters, adv. for, in Norborne parish, Va. , PDllAp71: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , D23My77: 21 — P23My77: 23 See also Indentured servants as Dancing mistresses, See Convict servants as Dancing schools, in Hampton, Va. , 6Ap39: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , 25N37: 42, 6Ap39: 32, Pil7Ag75: 33— P18Ag75: 32— D19Ag75: 32, D13N79: 22,D20N79:31 in Yorktown, Va. , 6Ap39: 32 Dancing teachers, adv. for scholars, in Hampton, Va. , 6Ap39: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , 25N37: 42, 6Ap39: 32, 20Mr52: 12, PD16My71: 31, D13N79:22,D20N79:31 in Yorktown, Va. , 6Ap39: 32 Dancy, Mr., manages Lester's ferry, PD13Ap69: 33 Benjamin, PU0N74: 32, Pil2Ja75: 11— D14Ja75: 13 Edward, P22D75: 41, P29N76: 31 Francis, PD19My74pll, Pil2Ja75: 11 — D14Ja75: 13, P22D75: 41, P29N76: 31 Hardyman, R12My74: 33 John, P25Ag75: 73 William, R9D73: 22 Dandee river Church, See Slaves runaway Dandiprats, See Tortoiseshell dandiprats Dandridge, Capt. , 24Mr38: 42, 2Je38: 41, 8S38: 41 of the Wolf, 7S39: 32, 50c39: 32 schooner of, 4J145: 32 [Alexander], Capt. , P30Oc78: 31 Alexander S. , Lt. , Pil9Ja75: 22, P14F77:41 B. , adv. as attorney, PD16Je74s22— R16Je74: 31 adv. for runaway slaves, R8Ag66: 42 adv. land for sale, R24D67: 33, D24F76: 33, P22N76: 32, P10Oc77: 23 adv. plantation for sale, R270c68: 31 adv. property for sale, C6N79: 32 Bartholomew, PD30Je68: 31, PD30c71: 31 acquitted for assault and battery, R24Ag69: 23 adv. estate, of Charles Jeffery Smith, R31Ja71: 31— PD24Ja71: 32 bond of, D3Ag76: 32 burgess for New Kent co. , Va. , PD28N71: 22, PD14J174: 23— R14J174: 31 Council member, P30My77: 31 delegate to Va. convention, DlAp75: 21, D13Ap76: 32, P19Ap76: 33 deputy to Va. convention, PD21J174pl2-- R21J174: 23 deputy to Va. peninsula meeting, D16S75: 32 executor of Charles Jeffery Smith, PD24Ja71: 32— R31Ja71: 31 judge of Va. general court, P5Je78: 22 letter of, in post office, PDllAp66: 41 letter to, in post office, PD31Mr68: 22 manager of lottery, PD28Ja68: 32 member of Va. privy council, P5J176s21 — D6J176:21 slave of,RlN70:41 sues for libel, R24Ag69: 23 takes subscriptions for White's woolen manufactory, Pi270c74: 31, Pi26Ja75: 32 to sign treasury notes, P22D75: 33— D23D75: 33 Betsey, marriage of, PD15Ap73: 22 Elizabeth, PD4Mr73: 32, R18Mr73: 32 Frances, R24D67: 34, D20J176: 51, 290 Dansie D16Ap79: 21 John, PHOc76: 32, P16My77s21 John, Capt. , P6Mr78: 41 Mrs. , marriage of, P17F75sl3 Lucy, Mrs., death of, P8Mr76: 31 — D9Mr76: 23 Lucy (Webb), Mrs. , D16Ap79: 21 Mary, 7N45: 31, R24Ag69: 23 Nathaniel West, adv. for runaway convict servant, PD18Ja70: 33 adv. for runaway slave, D18Oc80: 32 adv. land for saie, PD29Ja67: 32, PD26Mr67: 31, R23N69: 31 — PD23N69: 32, R15Mr70: 41 — PD22Mr70: 41 adv. slaves for sale, 15S52: 41, P27Mr78: 41, P8My78s21 attestations of, denied by John Aylett, PD17Ag69: 33 conveys estate to creditors, PD10N68: 23 land entail docked, PD23Ap72: 12 land for sale, PD12D71: 33 meeting of creditors, PD8N70: 22— R8N70: 13, PD14Mr71: 31, PD26S71: 31, PD13Ag72: 22 mortgages property, PD26S71: 31 slaves of, PD13D70: 22 testifies in behalf of Thomas Underwood, R20J169: 23, PD27J169: 33 to open school, PD150c72: 23 — R150c72:31 witness in, Underwood vs. Aylett, R21S69: 32 Spotswood, P14Je76p22 W. , adv. for weaver and spinner, P14N77: 32 adv. runaway slave, PD12S66: 32 William, R10F74: 32 adv. cloth for sale, PD18Je67: 32 adv. escheated property for sale, D22Ja80: 33 adv. finding horse, R12Mr72: 33 adv. for kitchen gardener, 23N39:41 adv. for missing horses, P14N77: 33, P5Je78: 31 adv. sale of estate, of Jeffery Palmer, RllMy69: 32--PDllMy69: 31 adv. settlement of estate of, Betty Todd,D24Ap78:41 adv. stallion for hire, P7Mr77: 31, D19Mr79: 32 agent for George Muter, P6Mr78: 22 daughter of, 7N45: 31 land of, PD27Ag72: 43 lands vested in, 24Ap52: 22 letter of, in post office, PDllAp66: 41 letter to, in post office, PD30J167: 41 manager of lottery, PD3S67: 31 marriage of, P17F75sl3 slave of, D23My77: 32 William, Capt. , of the Wolf, 60c38: 51,25Ja40:2 William, Col. , 18Mr37: 41 William, jr. , adv. for runaway slave, Pi8D74: 33, D30D75: 23 adv. for, twine spinners and hacklers, D18D79: 32 adv. meeting of Chatham rope co. , D12F79:42 adv. rope making, D12Je79: 41 adv. settlement of Chatham rope yard accounts, D160c78: 41— P160c78: 23 collects money for lottery tickets, PD18Oc70: 23 Daney, John, P7N77sl3 Danforth, Samuel, of Mass. , R17N68: 13, R1S74: 23, Pi29S74: 31, Pi60c74: 23 Thomas, D13J176: 61 Dangerfield, Betsey, R24Ag69: 23 Robinson, PD3N68: 23--R3N68: 33 William, R12My68: 32 William, Col. , DllMr80: 32 See also Daingerfield Daniel, Andrew, D22Ag77: 31 Beverley, R5S71: 42, P9My77: 23, PlMy78: 32 Edward, 27Mr52: 32, R16F69: 31 Elizabeth, PD3F74: 33 George, PD12Ja69: 33--R12Ja69: 32, R5S71: 42, PD26N72: 23--R26N72: 21, Pi4My75: 33--P5My75: 23 George, Capt. , R17Mr68: 33 Henry, PD7J174: 32, Pi4My75: 33 — P5My75: 23, P5My75: 23— Pi4My75: 33, P310c77: 31 James, 21Mr45: 42, R21J168: 33, PD16Je74: 21--R16Je74: 22 James, Negro, D31Ag76: 31 John, adv. finding horse, P170c77: 42 adv. for missing horse, R12Mr67: 43 adv. land for sale, P6Je77: 32 adv. slave held in jail, R22S68: 31, R29S68: 32, R290c69: 31 estate of, for sale, PD10Je73: 23— R10Je73:33 letter to, in post office, R4D66: 23 Peter, 6Je51: 41, R28J174: 23 Reuben, PD9J172: 32, Pil7N74: 33, DlAp75: 11, D25Mr75: 32— P7Ap75: 33 Reuben, Capt. , PD26N72: 23— R26N72: 21 Richard, R26N72: 33 Robert, R17Mr68: 33, PD12Ja69: 33 — R12Ja69: 32. R5S71: 42, R3Je73: 23, Pi4My75: 33V- P5My75: 23 Samuel, adv. chairmaking and blacksmithing, P28J175: 31 adv. for runaway apprentice, PD8Mr70: 41--R15Mr70: 42 adv. for runaway convict servant, D25Mr75: 32— P7Ap75: 33 lottery of,R17Mr68: 33, R24N68: 31, R19Ja69: 31 plaintiff in Chancery court, R12Ja69: 32 Traverse, R28J174: 22, R28J174: 23 Vivion, D28Ja75: 23 William, R15Ap73: 33 William, jr. , 9Ja46: 41 Daniel, ship, 10N52: 22 Daniel and Anne, ship, 17S36: 42 Danielson, Elizabeth, 2N39: 41 Timothy, PD16Je74s21 Danier, Capt. , of the Friendship, PD150c72: 13 Danill, Reuben, R14Ap68: 33 Danish army, cannon experimented on, 17Ja51: 22 civil posts for, PD23Ja72: 11 German officers in, PD2J167: 12 Hessian troops in, R31D72: 13 increase in, PD15Je69: 21 mobilizes, 9 F39: 31 recruiting in Holstein, Ger. , PD27Ja74: 12 reorganization of, PD2Ap72: 23 size of, PD10N68: 11 Danish navy, aid to Russian navy, PD140c73: 21 bombards Algiers, PD16Ap72: 22 British sailors in, PD9My71: 21 captures Algerian ships, PD19Ap70: 11 in Baltic sea, PDlAg73: 11 in Copenhagen, Denmark, PD16S73: 11 in Copenhagen roads, PD7D69s23 in Mediterranean, PD13D70: 13, PD3S72: 11 in North sea, 27My37: 22 increase in, PD15Je69: 21, PD7My72: 12 joins Swedish fleet, 3S56: 21 movements of, 28S39: 12, 14N51: 21, 5D51: 22,2S57: 21 off Algiers, Alg. , PD13F72: 23 orders for,D10J179: 11 preparations of, PD4My69: 12, PD2Ap72: 21 pursues Algerian pirates, PD21Mr71: 21 recruiting in England, PD9My71: 21 refused entrance to Cadiz, Spain, PD19J170: 21 sailors for, PD24Je73: 11 ships attacked by Russians, PD30Ap72: 21 ships built for, 8Ag51: 12.R17D72: 11, PD2Ap72: 13 ships fitted out, D9My77: 11, D26F79: 22 ships for, PD24Je73: 11 ships launched for, PD16J172: 22 ships lost, PD21My72: 21 to aid Russia rumored, PD19J170: 21 to Algiers, PD20S70s21, PD18Oc70: 11 to Copenhagen, R8F70: 12 to Mediterranean sea, R30N69: 22, PD7D69sl3,RllJa70: 11, PD2My71: 13— R2My71: 11, PD5N72: 31, PD30S73: 23, PDllN73sl2 to Port Mahon, PD18Oc70: 11 Danish nobles, banishment of, PDlAp73: 13 Danish sailors, called back to Denmark, PD3Ja71: 21, PD22S74: 13 petition to king refused, PD3S72: 11 present grievances to king, PD27Ag72: 33 Danish soldiers, ordered to return to Denmark, PD22S74: 13 Danks, Col. , death of, D14Mr77: 21 Dann, Robert, Capt. , of the Esher, PD5S71: 22--R5S71: 21 Dannal, Judith, PD2F69: 31 Dansays, Francis, of the Fubbs, 25Ja40: 2 Dansey, Capt. , 28J138: 41 Dansie, Capt. , 20F52: 41, 22My52: 32, 7Ag52: 32, 28Ag52: 31, 7N54: 31 Anna (Mrs. Thomas), 16Ja61: 42 Anne, Mrs. , R10F74: 32, DlAp75: 33, P8Ag77: 32 Thomas, adv. finding of steer, 27F52:41 adv. for lost horses, 27F52: 41, 8D52: 31 adv. for runaway convict servant, 9My51: 32 adv. for runaway slave, 25J151: 32 defendant in Chancery suit, 16Ja61: 42 291 Dansie (cont'd) Thomas, Capt. , PD2My66: 22, PD29Ja67: 13 of the Albemarle, 2F39: 32, 2F39: 42, 18My39: 3, Ue39: 42, 24Ag39: 3 of the Braxton, 17S36: 42, 13My37: 42, 3Je37: 42, 30S37: 42, 5My38: 32, 25Ag38: 32 of the Neptune, 21Mr45: 41, 26S45:32,310c45:31 Dansie' s wharf, PD20Je66: 31 See also Ships from Danster, Capt. , death of, PD12Ag73: 13 Dantzick, man of war, 3Ap52: 21 Danube river, navigation of, 19My38: 12 See also Drownings in; Floods on; Ice in Danzie, Thomas, Capt. , 20Je51: 41 Davenant, Charles, P29Ag71: 33 Danzig, accedes to Dissidents confederacy, PD9J167: 12 accepts claims of Prussia, PD130c74: 11 administrated by Prussia, PDllMr73: 23 aid from Sweden, PD22S74: 13 besieged by Prussia, PD15S74: 22 claimed by Prussia, PDl9My74: 22 claims to, PD9J172: 13, PD9J172: 21, PD6Ja74: 12, PD22S74: 12 coining of money forbidden, PD29Ap73: 11 conditions in, PD3Mr74: 13 control by Prussia opposed, R15J173sl2 demands on by France, PD20My73: 13 demands on by Prussia, PD4F73: 21, PD20My73: 13, R8J173: 22, R15J173s21, PD19Ag73: 11, PD23S73: 13 demands on by Russia, PD1S74: 11 fortified by Prussia, PD4Mr73: 31, PD29Ap73: 11, PD1S74: 11 fortified by Prussians, PD5Ag73: 12— R5Ag73: 13, PDllAg74: 21 Great Britain refuses to support, PD130c74: 12 guns erected in harbor, PD3Mr74: 21 impressment for Prussian army in, PD19My74: 13 occupied by Prussia, PD24D72: 23, PD31D72: 23— R31D72: 21, PD9Je74: 22 oppose occupation by Prussia, PD15S74: 21 opposed by Russia, PD15S74: 32 oppressed by Russia, PD7Ja73: 12 order maintained in, PD10N68: 11 penalty waived by Russia, 10c36: 11 political importance of, PDllMr73: 21 preparations for war in, PD60c74: 23 prohibits recruiting for foreign armies, PD3Mr68: 22 Prussian claims to, PD22S74: 22, PD22S74: 23, Pi29S74: 22 Prussian demands on, PD18N73: 13 Prussian oppression in, PD13Ja74: 32 relations with Austria, PD10Je73: 22 relations with France, PD16J172: 22, PD10N74: 13 relations with Great Britain, PD4Mr73: 31, PDllMr73: 23 relations with Holland, PD31Mr74: 21 relations with Poland, PDllMr73: 12 relations with Prussia, PD20S70s32, PD18Oc70: 13,PDlAp73: 11, PD8Ap73: 12, PD8Ap73: 13, PD17Je73: 11, PD26Ag73: 11, R16S73: 23,R280c73: 21, R9D73:21,PD21Ap74:23, PD60c74: 12, Pil30c74: 22, PD20Oc74: 13 mediated, R1J173: 11, PD1J173: 22, R15J173s21,PD23S73: 11 relations with Russia, PD18N73: 13, Pil30c74: 22, PD20Oc74: 13 resists Prussian demands on PD1S74: 23 revenues to Prussia, PDlAp73: 13 Russian customhouse abolished, PD20Ag72: 21 supported by Austria, R20Ja74: 21 supported by France, PD130c74: 11 supported by Holland and Britain, PD130c74: 12 surrender to Prussia denied, R17Je73: 23 taken by Prussia, PD7Ja73: 31 trade declines, PD60c74: 12 trade relations with Poland, PD24Mr74: 13 transfers allegiance to Prussia, R80c72: 21 treaty with Prussia rumored, PD70c73: 11— R70c73: 11 See also Bankruptcies in; Charity in; Corn stored in; Dockyards built in; Duties; Emigration from; Emigration of merchants from; Exports from; Flax exportation from; Floods in; Imports to; Imports to Eng. from; Imports to Gt. Brit, from; Imports to London, Eng. , from; Lotteries prohibited in; Merchants, British in; Monopolies on corn in; Prussian army to; Prussian army in; Religious toleration violated in; Swedish army to; Swedish navy to; Taxes; Taxes levied; Taxes on wine; Yarn exportation from Daphne, British ship, P1N76: 13, P1N76: 21 H. M. S. , D8My79: 21 man of war, D26F80: 23 Daran, Eng. , See Dogbites, death from Darby, Capt. ,D12Ag75: 32 on Mass. committee, PD23My71: 12 Col. ,D4N75:21 Miss, in Va. , R6S70: 22, PD6S70: 23 Daniel, R26J170: 22 John, R20Ap69: 23 Capt. ,P15S75sl3 Samuel, PD13Ag67: 13 Richard, D25My76: 31 William, D11S79: 32 Darby, schooner, 25Ag38: 32 ship, 11F37:22, 16S37: 31, PD17Mr68: 31— R14Ap68: 42 Darby & Morgan, PD210c73: 22 Darcas, Andrew, sentenced for robbery, PD26Ag73: 22 Darcey White Turk, horse, 18Ap55: 31 Darcy, Mr. , master of horse, D28Mr77: 22— PllAp77: 31 Thomas, R10F74: 33 Walter, 7N45: 31 Dardanelles, attacked by Russia, PD13D70: 12 See also Earthquakes; Russian navy in; Russian navy to; Ships inspected in; Tunisian navy in; Turkish navy in; Turkish navy off Darden, Jacob, PD19N72: 22 Moses, R16N69: 33, R18Ja70: 33 Dare, Capt. , of the William and John, 10N52: 22 Sussex, R6F72: 31 Dargour, Gen. , D23Ja78: 21 Darien, C. Am. , P12D77: 12 See also Hurricanes in; Indians from Darien gulf, See Earthquakes in Dark, [William], Major, D240c77: 21 Darley, Arthur, Capt. , PD9N69: 22 George, PD20Je66: 13 Darley's Arabian, horse, 18Ap55: 31, PD24Mr74: 32, DlAp75: 11 — P31Mr75: 41, D23Mr76: 33 — P29Mr76: 33, D28Mr77: 21 — PllAp77: 21,D25Mr80:32 Darling, John, Capt. , of the King of Prussia (ship), R5S71: 32 Meredith, D5Je79: 32 Darlington, England, See Weather reports Darnaby, Edward, P180c76: 31, P15N76: 32 Darnal, Isaac, PD18F68: 31 Darrel, Josiah, Capt. , of the Polly, D14Ag79: 22 Darrell, Capt. , PD16J167: 22 Augustus, R14Ja73: 41 James, Capt. , of the Increase, 23My45: 32 Joseph, Capt. , of the Anne, 270c38: 41, 9F39: 42, 5Ja39: 42, 18My39:4 Samuel, Capt. , of the Anne, 10Oc45: 22, 10Oc45: 32 William, Capt. , of the Increase, 19N36:41,24D36:42 Darnall, Henry, 21Ap38: 31 Jeremiah, R2Ag70: 31 John, P5Je78: 32 Darnell, Lawrence, PD8S74: 23 Darnley, earl of, PDllAg74: 13 Darracott, Catharine, death of, D4N75: 31 Cecelia, Mrs. , death of, 9D37: 41 John, 28Ag46: 32 John, Capt. , wife of, 9D37: 41 William, R12J170: 42 Darrah, Lt. , death of, PD25Mr73: 22 William, Capt. , of the Warwick, 29D52: 32, 23My55: 21 Darschin, Capt. , of the Alexowitz, PD16D73: 12— R16D73: 21 Dartford, England, See Storms in Dartmouth, earl of [William Legge], appointed commissioner to promote trade, PD5N72: 23--R5N72: 12 appointed secretary of state for colonies, PD80c72: 22 — R80c72: 22, PD3D72: 13 appointment as secretary for colonies rumored, R5S66: 11 — PD5S66s22 characterized, R5N72: 11, PD12N72: 13 circular letters of. R10Mr74: 13, D22Ap75: 22, Pi31Ag75: 12 colonial policy criticized, PD210c73: 11, D18Ap77:32 criticism of, D9S75: 13 292 Davenport discusses colonies in parliament, D3F76: 12 examines Samuel Dyre, PD3N74: 32 favors colonies, PD7Mr66: 41, PD14Mr66: 23 favors embargo on New England, P19My75: 12 instructions on Gaspee affair, PD21Ja73: 23— R21Ja73: 22 instructions to colonial governors, PD25Ag74: 23 instructions (text) to Gov. Wanton, PD28Ja73: 22, R6My73: 21 introduces bill for governing Quebec, PD14J174: 12 letter (text) from Earl of Dunmore, Pi28Ap75: 31 — P28Ap75sll — D29Ap75sl2, Pi8Je75: 11, Pi8Je75: 32- P9Je75sl2 — D10Je75: 21 opposed in Sussex co. , Va. , P7J175sl3 letter from Gen. Gage, Pi8Je75: 12, D6Ja76: 21 letter from Mass. assembly, PD21J174: 31 letter from Horatio Walpole quoted, PD17D72: 11 letter to defending petition against Mass. governors (text), R19My74: 11 letter to royal governors, PD10F74: 23 letters to presented to Commons, Pil3Ap75: 31 money grant to questioned, Pi8D74: 21 of Rockingham party, R5N72: 13 opinion on memorial of N. Y. general assembly, D22J175: 42 opposed in R. I. , PilD74: 31 opposes conciliation, P14Je76: 21 — D15Je76:31 orders seizure of arms in colonies, D14Ja75: 12 orders to British navy in America, P60c75sll petition to king presented to, Pil6Mr75: 33 — P17Mr75s33— D18Mr75: 32 policy toward colonies opposed, R8J173: 11 presents petition of Continental congress to parliament, P16F76: 12— D17F76: 22 receives petition from Continental congress, Pi23Mr75: 23 removal of rumored, Pil6Mr75: 33— P17Mr75s41— D18Mr75: 32 requests colonial grievances, PilD74: 13 speaks on Mass. government act, PD28J174: 23 speaks on regulation of Mass. judicial system, PDllAg74: 13 supports conciliation with colonies, P28Ap75: 13 supports embargo on colonies, P19My75: 22, D3Je75: 21 supports liberal colonial policy, PD10D72: 13— R12D72sl3 supports Quebec act, Pi270c74: 21 Dartmouth, England, See Privateers, British; Shipbuilding in; Ships from Vigo, Sp. , to; Ships from Va. , to Dartmouth, Mass. , See Ships' sailing time, St. Eustatia, W. L , to; Ships to Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 29S52: 31 See also Indian attacks; Irish deserf; Irish picket Dartmouth, H. M. S. , 11J146: 22, PD23S73: 12--R23S73: 13, D140c75: 21 privateer, 28N45: 22 ship, PD23D73s22, PD30D73: 21 — R30D73: 23, PD13Ja74: 13, PD5My74: 21 Dartmouth college, PD25Je72: 23, R3D72: 21, Pi3Ag75: 32— D5Ag75: 23, Pi31Ag75: 31— D2S75: 21, D10F76:31 Darvell, Ewd, D29Ag77: 31 Darzel, Capt. George, master of the Jean,D12Je79:41 Dasheill, Joseph, PilON74: 32 Dashiell, Capt. , C9D80: 21 Dashon, Jack, PU5D74: 33 Dashwood, Capt. , committee to inspect cargoes in Boston, PD24Ag69: 21 Francis, D20Ja76: 33 Dashwood, packet boat, D2Ap79: 11 Daswell, Thomas, 3Ap52: 31 Dates, fruit, PD28Ap68: 21 Dauge, Dennis, Capt. ,D7S76: 31 Daugherty, Lt. , D11S79: 31 Daughety, Thomas, RlAg71: 21, RlAg71: 33 Daughters of Liberty, P24F75sl2 Daughtree, Michael, PD4Ag68: 23 Dauphin, Indiaman, 19D55: 12 ship, 28Ag52: 31 Dauphin Royal, Fr. navy, D15My79: 21-- C15My79: 13 Dauphin Royal, Fr. warship, 5S55: 21 Dauphiness, man of war, PDlAp73: 13 Daurie, Capt. , of the Britannia, PD25Ap71: 21 Dauvrell, Thomas, 25Ja40: 2 Davenport, Mr. , PD17N68: 23— R17N68: 23 calls meeting of visitors of, William and Mary college, P20S76: 22— D21S76:31 trustee for relief fund, PD9My66: 23 Mrs. , PD18Ap71: 32 A.,DlAg77:22 Ambrose, D30My77: 31, D27Je77: 31, D7N77: 31, D25S79: 31, D5F80: 33 Bernard, DlAp80: 22 Betsey, marriage of, P10Ja77: 31 Berket, PD14My72: 31, P9My77: 23 Catherine, Mrs. , death of, PD18Ap71: 32 David, D12S77: 22--P19S77: 22, PD17S67: 21 Dorothy, PD17S67: 21 Elizabeth, Mrs. , marriage of, P230c78: 23 George, PD18Ap71: 32 agent for James Heart, 4N63: 22 books of, PDlAg66: 31 death of, PD9My66: 23 house of, PD23Ja72: 32 property of for sale,D13N79: 22 settlement of estate of, PDlAg66: 31 James, announces election, Pi9F75: 31 clerk of Westmoreland co. , Va. , committee, Pi9F75: 22, PilJe75: 12— P2Je75: 32, P22J175s42, P19Ap76p23 collector for Va. Gazette, P9F76: 11 death of, P23Ag76: 31 estate of, for sale, P17Cc77: 31 furnishes information on James Young, R30Je74: 32 letter to, in post office, PD10Mr68: 31 settlement of estate, P170c77: 31, D6N79: 32 John, PD290c72: 12, PD290c72: 13 Joseph, 10c36: 42 adv. houses and lots, R29S68: 31 agent for Dr. Henry Potter, 12My38:41 announces departure, PD17S72: 23, PD5My74: 23, D28Ja75: 32, P16My77: 12 announces William & George Lyne, agents, PD5N72: 43 defendant in Chancery court, R30S73: 33 trustee for relief fund, PD19Mr67: 32 Joseph, Rev. Mr. , P10Ja77: 31 Joseph M. , D30Oc79: 32, D13N79: 22 Josiah, of Philadelphia, Pa. , RllOc70: 23 Katherine, PDlAg66: 31' Mary, PD12N72: 23 Matthew, accepts appraisal for William and Mary college building, PD3S72: 22 adv. for plan of College landing lots, PD20Ja74: 32 adv. merchandise for sale, by Williamsburg committee, Pil9Ja75: 33— D21Ja75: 31 adv. new survey of lots, PD12My74: 43 announces meeting of visitors of, William and Mary college, Pi26Ja75: 33— D28Ja75: 31, Pi30Mr75: 32 — P31Mr75s23— DlAp75: 12, Pi25My75: 33 — P26My75s43— D27My75: 33 — P9Je75s23— D10Je75: 32, P19Ap76p23— D20Ap76: 33, P20S76: 22— D21S76: 31, D7Mr77: 41 — P28F77s23 clerk of Hustings court, D10Ja77: 42 — P10Ja77: 33 clerk of visitors of William and Mary college, PD21D69: 32— R28D69: 13, P9Je75s23 clerk of Williamsburg, Va. , committee of observation, D4F75: 32 clerk of Williamsburg, Va. , common council, PD10S72: 22 clerk's notice, PD8D68: 31, PD15Je69: 32 death of,D4J177: 62— P4J177: 22 fills up treasury notes, P17N75: 11 joins association for non- importation, PD19J170: 21 letter of, in post office, PDllAp66: 41 town clerk of Williamsburg, Va. , D13My75: 23 Peachy, marriage of, R31D72: 31 Richard, P23Ag76: 41,D13N79: 41 Samuel, P180c76: 23 Thomas, PD22Ag66: 23 William, D13N79: 22 adv. finding horse, 7N54s21, P1N76: 43 adv. plantation for sale, PD22Ag66: 23 announces opening of tavern, D20c79:31 bond of, due estate of John Shermer, D3Ag76: 32 293 Davenport, William (cont'd) house of, D20N79: 22 unclaimed tobacco of, PllAg75: 41 William, Capt. ,D20N79: 31 Davers, Admiral, 'British naval commander, 23My45: 31, 20Je45: 32 Capt. , of the Grafton, 21D39: 22 Daverson, Capt. , of the Charming Nancy, P17Mr75s21— D18Mr75: 22 Davey, George, D8Ap75: 32 Nancy Rodelphus, Mrs. , D8Ap75: 32 David, Thomas, PI lAg75p22 ship, 18Ap45: 31,DlAp80: 13 Davids, William, D19D77: 32 Davidson, Capt. , PD21My67: 23, PD13Ag72: 21, P128S75: 31— D30S75: 23, C25D79: 11 killed in battle of Bunker Hill, P22J175s22--D29J175: 23 of the Peggy, D2Mr76: 21 of the Phoebe, PD7My67: 22 Dr. , estate of, for sale, 6Ap39: 32 Charles, Capt. , 22Je39: 22 George, D17J178: 41 Henry, PD13Ag67: 23 James, R12My68: 34— PD5My68: 22 John, 4Ap51: 32, R12My68: 34— PD5My68: 22 [Joseph?], author, PD25F68: 41, PD29N70: 21, PD13D70: 42, P3Ja71:43,PD17Ja71:43, PD24Ja71: 43, PD7F71: 43, PD21F71:43,D25N75: 21 Robert, 20My37: 42, 3Je37: 41, 2F3'9: 42 Robert, Capt. , of the Betty, PD26N67: 22 Walter, PD29J173: 22 [William Lee], Gen. , C21Oc80: 12 Davie, Peter, PDllMy69: 32, PD310c71:31 adv. for missing horse, PD14My72: 31, PD16D73: 31 adv. land for sale,R10Ja71: 41— PD3Ja71: 33, PD80c72: 33 adv. settlement of estate of John Fortune, jr. , PD14My72: 23 requests payment of debts, R10Ja71: 41— PD3Ja71: 32 Davies, Adjutant, in Alexandria, Va. , P9My77: 23 Capt. , PD10Ag69: 22— R10Ag69: 31, PD4Je72: 32 killed in riot, PD6Ja74: 12 of the Repulse, D8Je76: 31 Francis, Capt. , of the Italian Merchant, 2S57: 21 Henry, D21Je80: 33 Henry Landon, adv. finding horse, PD9N69: 32, D11F75: 23— P10F75:41 John, Pi26Ja75: 33— D28Ja75: 32 John K. , Lt. , P15Ag77: 23 JohnR. , Lt. ,D24Ja77:41 Nicholas, 12D55: 32, R21Ap68: 21, D11F75:23— P10F75:41 P. , PD23My66: 32 Price, trustee for relief fund for clergymen's widows and orphans, D23My77: 41, D24Ap78: 32 Samuel, author, 17Ja52: 41, DHOc76: 11 poet, 220c36: 32 Samuel, Rev. Mr., author, PD4J166: 32 defends his poetry, 3J152: 12, 10J152:31,2Mr53:ll poetry of criticized, 20Mr52sll, 3Ap52: 12, 10Ap52: 21, 17Ap52: 11, 30Ap52: 22, 29My52: 22, 5Je52: 12, 12Je52:ll,25Je52: 22 poetry defended, 22My52: 21, 18Je52: 21 Thomas, jr. , preacher for relief fund for clergymen's widows and orphans,D13My75: 33— PillMy75: 33 Thomas, Rev. Mr. ,D30Mr76: 33 — P29Mr76: 32 William, PD24N74: 23— PilD74: 33 clerk of Norfolk town meeting, PD14J174: 31— R14J174: 31 demands lawyers fees in cash, PD30D73: 31 publishes accusations against John Brown, P24Mr75: 41 secretary of Norfolk, Va. , committee, Pil2Ja75: 23, P24Mr75: 41, D10Je75: 32, P28J175: 13, PllAg75p23 secretary of Norfolk, Va. , committee of observation, D14Ja75: 23, PU6F75: 31— D25F75: 31, Pi23Mr75: 22 — D25Mr75: 12 secretary of Norfolk, Va. , town meeting, PilJe75: 33— D10Je75: 32 William, Capt. , D140c75: 31 Davies, Elliott &, P5Je78: 41 — P12Je78:41 Davinson, George, Pi25F73: 31 Davis, Adjutant, author, PilOJa76: 31 Capt. , 20My37: 32, PDlJa67: 22, PD310c71:21,P17N75sl2 accused of illegal trade with Spanish, 25Mr37:32 capture of, P2 Ue76: 22 — D22Je76:61 convicted of counterfeiting in N. Y. , PD9My66: 22 killed in battle of Lexington and Concord, D27My75: 31 land of, R29N70: 31 — PD22N70s22-23 leaves N.Y. for London, PD13J169: 23 meets company at Crown Point, N. Y. , P22Mr76: 22 of Norfolk, Va. , troops, P130c75: 22 of Sixth Va. , Regiment, D10Ag76: 62 of the Chester, R8F70: 23 of the Diligence, PD26Ag73: 22 — R26Ag73s23 of the Eunice, PD3.Te73: 23 of the Lord Ligonier, PD4J166: 12 of the Pomona, PD25Oc70: 13 of the St. Peter, 26Ja39: 31 of the Seaford, PD27Ag72: 13 of the Thomas, R20S70: 13 Major, retreats from Orton Mill, N.C.,D29Je76:22 Mr. ,R270c68:31— PD270c68:32, R9Mr69: 23— PD9Mr69: 33, P16Je75:31 author, 24My51: 32 of British navy in Boston, PDllAp7 1:23 receives hogs, for army, D20D76:22 P20D76:21 Mrs. , PD23Ja72: 33, PD3D72: 23 Rev. ,P10J178:22 of Va.,P12D77: 11 preaches in Norfolk, PD6Je66: 23 A., clerk,Pil2Ja75: 12 — D28Ja75:23 Amy,260c39:42 Ann, estate of, C13My80: 32 Barbee,Pi9F75:33— D11F75:31 Benjamin, 3Ap52: 31, 2Mr53: 42, R15Ap73:32,PD23Je74: 12, P16Je75s21 Benjamin, Capt. , of the Elizabeth, D10Ag76: 22 of the Hope,PD30Ap67:23,PD3Ag69:22-- R3Ag69: 23, PD10Ag69: 21 — R10Ag69:22 Tory,D24Ag76:22 Caleb, PD25J171: 23, D22Je76: 41 Caleb, Capt. , P10My76sl3, P8Ag77: 13 Deacon, R29Ap73: 11 Charles, R22S68: 34 Daniel, D2Ag80: 23 David, PD10Ag69: 33, PD4Ap7 1: 31, PD18Je72: 31, D28N77: 32 David, jr. , PD4Je67: 33 Edward, accused of horse-stealing, Pil6F75:33 adv. finding horses, PD29S68: 31, PD24Ag69:33 alias of Benjamin Jones, PD28Ja73: 31 convicted for robbery, PD18Ap66: 31 of Bahama islands, R60c68: 21 well digger, 7Mr51: 32 George, PD10c67: 12,R3Je73:23 Greffitt, PD3Mr74:31 Henry, 18Ap45: 42, PD15S68: 31, PD9N69:31,R12J170:42, PD19J170: 32 Henry L. ,R18J171: 42 Isaac, of Pa. ,R15Ap73:32 of Albemarle co. , Va. , Pi6J175: 33— P7J175: 31 Jacob,R60c68:31,D4D78:31 James, adv. finding horse, R12My74: 41, R26My74: 32 adv. for missing sheep, P1N76: 33 adv. for runaway convict servants, R290c72:31 adv. tailoring, D8Ap7 5: 32 drummer, deserter, P28F77s21 editor of N. C. gazette, PD29Ag71: 23 ordered to join company, P25Ap77: 11 shipyard of, D27My75: 41 Jesse, Capt. ,P230c78: 11 John, accused of counterfeiting, D3Ag76:31 accused of horse-stealing, 30D37: 42 adv. finding horse, R26S71: 41, D25F75:33,DllMr75:43 adv. for journeyman tailor, 2 4Ap52: 31, D12D77: 12 collector, PD7Ja73: 3 1, R14Ja73: 32 commends soldiers' behavior, D5Je79: 32 convicted of felony, 20Oc38: 32 deserter, 2S57: 42 horse of,R12Ag73:22 letter to, in post office, PD18F68: 31 of Augusta co. , Va. , P180c76: 12 reprieved, 2 4N38: 41 runaway indentured servant, HMy39: 41, R50c69: 31— PD28S69: 32 sale at house of, PD7Je70: 33 sentenced for felony, 3N38: 61 signed association, in Norfolk, Va. , R26J170:22 suspected of stealing slave, P15Mr76: 33 under sheriff, 4N63: 32 John, Capt. , of the Greyhound, 294 Dawson 28Ag52:31, 15D52:31 of the Two Brothers, 22S52: 32 , 24N52:31 John, Dr. ,D21S76:21 John, Lt. ,D21S76:21 Jonathan, R12J170: 42. P250c76: 32 Joseph, P27Je77: 13, D9My80: 31 Joseph, Dr. ,D21S76:21 Judith, PD10Mr68: 31 Lewis, PD28N7 1:31 Luke, 19S55: 32 , D19J180: 32 Mary, RlAg7 1:32 adv. lodgings, R15Mr70: 41— PD22Mr70: 41, PD24My70: 41 adv. settlement of estate of Rev. Thomas Davis, D5Mr79: 32 joins association for nor -importation, PD19J170:21 runaway convict servant, PD2 Ua73: 32, PD25F73:32 Matthew, 4N63: 23 Nathan, P9Ag76: 42 Nelly, RllAg68: 13 Nicholas, P7N77s21 Philip, 130c38: 42 Polly Waine, marriage of, D8J175: 23 Price, P4Ap77: 42, P30My77: 43 Price, Rev. Mr. , trustee for clergy relief fund, PD9My71: 31 — R9My71: 33 , PD26Mr72: 32 — R26Mr72: 23, PD7My72: 31, PD5My74: 23, Pi9Mr75: 33 — DllMr75:32 preacher for relief fund, PDllMr73: 31— RllMr73:31 Richard, acquitted of felony, R190c69:33 adv. finding horse, D8N7 6: 32 adv. for missing horse, PD28N71:23 adv. house for rent, PD17D72: 32 — R17D72:31 adv. stables and pasture, R2My71:33 adv. tavern, PD290c72: 21 ensign in Gloucester co. , Va. , militia, P130c7 5: Il--D210c75: 31 land of, PD5N67.23 publication of letter to creditors postponed, R220c72 : 22 runaway convict servant, PD4J166: 32 runaway indentured servant, R27S70:32 settlement of estate of, R26Ag73:23 tavern of, R7Ja73: 33 unclaimed tobacco of, P28J175: 32 Richard, Capt. , D28N77: 31 — P28N77:33,D15My79:22, D4S79:22 Samuel, R14Ap68: 44, R8Mr70s41, P9F76: 11, P23Ag76: 33, D15N76: 32 — P250c76:31 Samuel, Capt. , D3J179: 32 of the Friendship, PD6Ja74: 32, PD14Ap74:31--R17Mr74:23 Septimus, Capt. , D21S76: 21 Solomon, D13N79: 22 Temple, Pil30c74: 33 Thomas, adv. finding horse, R23Je68: 32, R9Je74: 23 adv. for journeymen tailors, PD19Ap70:31 adv. for runaway apprentice, PD15F70:42 adv. property for sale, C28Ag79: 31 adv. settlement of estate , of Capt. Richard Davis, D4S79: 22 appointed lt. of 1st Va. regiment, P29S75:31 convicted of treason, P8Ag77: 31 delivers funeral oration of Peyton Randolph, P29N76: 22 imprisoned for Toryism, D30My77: 22-- P30My77: 32 letter to, in post office, PD2F69: 31 of Newport, Va. , 9F39: 41 of N. C. ,D20D76:22--P20D76:21 robber and horse-thief, 20Oc52:21 runaway convict servant, 2 5My39: 42 runaway indentured servant, 17Je37:42 runaway sailor, P23Ag76: 42 signs treasury notes, P180c76: 23 trustee for clergy relief fund, D16Ap79:22,D15My79:31 unclaimed tobacco of, C30Oc79: 31 Thomas, Adjutant, PI LAg7 5: 33 Thomas, Capt. , of the Speedwell, D10Ag76:22 Thomas, jr. ,R24Je73: 33 in Norfolk, Va. , association, R26J170:22 Thomas, Rev. Mr. , R4Ag74: 32, D5Mr79: 32, D15My79: 22 Tolaver,PD10Ag69:33 adv. finding horses, PD29Ag66: 31 PD10Ag69: 33, PD13D70: 31, PD10c72:31 William, acquitted of manslaughter, P8Ag77:23 adv. for runaway indentured servant, D24Je75: 33--Pi29J e 75: 33 — P30Je75s23, D24Ja77: 41— P7F77:33 adv. for runaway slave, PD31Mr68: 31 adv. sale of estate of John Day, D21S76:41— P20S76:32 adv. lodgings, PD30 J 172: 32 adv. plantation for sale, P18Ap77s41 adv. stallion for hire, D14Mr77: 11 adv. tailoring, PD28Ap74: 31 announces departure, PD11J166: 23, D280c75: 33 deserter, P10My76: 43, P310c77: 12 estate of, for sale, PD2J172: 32 inn-keeper, R30My66: 43 member of committee in Isle of Wight co. , Va. , Pi5Ja75: 32 of the Prince Orange, 25Ja40: 2 ordered to join company, D10J178: 32 requests meeting of creditors, PD8D68:31 secretary of committee for Norfolk, Va. , Pil90c75: 31—D280c75: 11 trustee for clergy relief 'und, 7N54:22 unclaimed tobacco of, C30Oc79: 31 William, Capt. ,26S45: 32,R4Ag74: 31 William, Rev. , estate of, for sale, PD3Ag69: 32,R31My70: 41 — PD24My70: 23, D8J175: 23 William Byrd, PD19J170:21 Zachariah, PD2N69: 43 Davis, Clarkson&,D20N79:21, C18D79: 12,C19F80:32 Davis, Elliott &. D26D77: 21, P160c78:42. D14Ag79: 12, D5F80: 33 — C19F80:32 Davis & co., Elliott, D26Mr79: 22 Davis's, quadrants for sale, PD25J166:23 Davis's, shoes for sale, PD22N70s23 Davis straits, See Explorations in; Fisheries, whale, in; Imports to Hull, Eng. , from; Ships lost near; Ships to New London, Conn. , from; Shipwrecks near Davis' warehouse, Va. , PilOOc75: 33 , P160c78:32 tobacco notes of, PD16D73: 23 — R16D73:42,D14Ag79: 12 unclaimed tobacco in, C27N79: 23, C11D79: 13 Davison, Capt. , of the Charming Nancy, D23D75: 22 of the Hope,P22N76:21 George, PD8Ap73: 3 1— R8Ap73: 12, PD8Ap73: 32 — R8Ap73: 2 1, P29Mr76: 3 1 John, 27Ag56: 32, 30N59: 42, P25Ap77: 32, P5D77:31 Thomas, Capt. , of the Mississippi, PD5Ag73: 2 1— R5Ag73: 21 Davy, ship, 10N38: 32 Daw, Philip, P8Ag77: 23 Dawes, Capt. , of Boston, Mass. , PD20Je66: 11, PDllAp71:22 Dawes, ship, PD290c72: 21, PD290c72:22 — R290c72: 22, PD26N72: 22, R26N72:21 Dawkins, ship, Pil6Mr75: 32 — D18Mr75:23 Dawley, Dennis, Capt. , Pi5Ja75: 32, Pil6F75:31 Dawney, Alexander, D20Ja76: 33 Daws, William, P130c75: 11 — D210c75:31 Dawsey, John, R12My68: 21 Dawson, Capt". , PD28My67:21, PD6Ag67: 22, PD14Je70: 31, D30Mr76: 23, P31My76: 11, D28F77:21 in Bay of Fundy, N. S. , D14Mr77: 2 1 of the Bundell,R22S74:21 of the Harriot, R26J170: 13 of the Marlborough, RllAg74: 32, PD270c74: 23, PD10N74: 41 takes up runaway slave, PD15Ag66: 33 Lt. , of the Hope,R26Ag73s22 Mr. ,P24My76: 12 Mrs. , 4N37: 42, D8Ag77: 21 — P8Ag77:22 Alexander, D29J176: 62 Charles, Capt. , of the Dawson, PD9N69s23 Christopher, PD21Je70: 32 Elizabeth. Mrs. , D16Ap79: 21, D19Je79:31,CllD79:21 George, 18Ap45: 42 George, Capt. , of the Hope, PD21D69: 12 , PD12S71: 31, PD2S73: 2 1, D18Ap77: 32 Henry, death of, P8N76: 23 James, PD7J168: 23, C 15J180: 2 1 James, Capt. , of the Industry, llAp55:22,240c55:21 John, PD10Ag69: 33, C15My79: 41 Musgrave, trustee, 2My55: 12 Penelope, PD3N74psll Priscilla [Bassett], Mrs. , D25Mr75:23 — Pi23Mr75: 32— P24Mr75: 32, P18Ap77s33 Samuel, P13D76: 31 Thomas, 30J152: 32, 8D52: 31, 2Mr53:42,2S57: 32 295 Dawson (cont'd) Thomas, Capt. , of the Hopewell, 4J145:3, 9Ja46:4 Thomas, Rev. , adv. settlement of estate of Rev. William Dawson, 28Ag52:32 announces appointment of collector for William and Mary college, 12D55:41 appointed commissary for Va. , 24N52.22 collects for charity school fund, 25J151: 32 contributes to charity school fund, 240c51:22 elected pres. Wm. and Mary, 310c55: 12 gives Sir John Randolph's funeral oration, HMr37: 31 preaches to convention of clergy, 7N54:21 preaches for clergy relief fund, 2My55: 12 trustee for relief fund, 7N54: 22 wife of,D25Mr75:23 William, PD30Je74: 23--R30Je74: 32 Pil2Ja75:43 accuses John Holt of misrepresentation, P5My75s43 adv. for borrowed books, P10Mr75: 33 adv. for lost brooch, PD5D71: 32 DllMr75:32 adv. for missing horse, P14Ap75: 31 adv for missing tooth pick case, D20D76: 22 announces departure to England, PD24N74: 23, Pi9Mr75: 33, P5My75:23, P16F76: 33 demands payment for slaves, PllAp77s42 disavows bond, P28Ap75: 31 joins Continental army, P6D76: 31 of Gloucester co. , Va. , Pi9Mr75: 11 ordered to return to company, P21F77:23 William, Hon. , D16Ap79: 21 William, Rev. Mr. , adv. for missing horse, 240c45: 41 books of, 60c 52: 31 collects for charity school fund, 25J151:32 commissary for Va. , 24N52: 22 contributes to charity school fund, 240c51:22 death of, 24J152: 22 orders prayers against Jacobite rebellion, 16Ja46: 41 president of William and Mary college, 14Ag52:22 sale of estate of, 60c52: 31 settlement of estate of, 28Ag52: 32 Dawson's brig, D22N76: 22 — P22N76: 22 Day, Capt. , of the General Mifflin, D25J177:12— PlAg77: 11 Major, P29My78: 31, C13My80: 42 Mr. ,D14Ag79:31 of Boston, satirized in London, PD9 F69: 13 of the Boston, D20c79: 22 Benjamin, PD17F74: 31— R17F74: 31, P19Je78: ll,D8My79:31 Edmund, D29J175: 41 Elizabeth, marriage of, PD15Ap73: 12 George, deserter, D11S79: 32 John, adv estate of Thomas Day for sale, PD13Ag72:23 adv. finding horse, R60c68: 32 adv. finding steer, Pil8My75: 33 adv. for bids for building church, PD17Je73: 33— R10Je73sll adv. for mill manager, PD9D73: 21 adv. house and lot for sale, D7Ja75:32— Pi5Ja75: 32 adv. plantation for sale, PD13Ag72: 22 appointed delegate to Va. convention, R28J174:23 defendant in Chancery court, PD21D69:31 elected burgess for Isle of Wight co. , Va. , PD14J174: 23 estate of for sale, D21S76: 41-- P20S76: 32 land of, for sale, P18Ap77s41 London merchant, PD18Ap66: 31 member of Isle of Wight co. , Va. , committee, Pi5Ja75: 32 ordered to join company, P9My77: 42 sends still -head from London, R16Mr69: 32 Nathaniel, Capt. of the Sally, R31Mr68: 31 Oliver, PD5Ap70:41 Richard, PD18Ap66: 31, R16Mr69: 32, R27My73:23 Samuel, (deserter), D26D77: 31 Thomas, PD28Mr71: 31, PD13Ag72: 23 William, R6F72: 33, P12Je78: 11 Zachariah, Capt. , PD4J171: 13 Daybooks, examined in Fredericksburg, Va. ,Pi2F75:21 Dayley, Capt. , P15S75: 22--D16S75: 21 Daylies, Hannah, PD26Mr67: 32 William, PD26Mr67: 32 Dayly, Charles, PD18Ja70: 33 Days, John, Capt. , of the William and Mary, PD27N66: 22 Dayton, Col. , regiment of arrives in New York City, P12Ap76: 23 — D13Ap76:31 Lt. Col. , reviews R. I. militia, PillMy75:32 Deacon, George, PD29Ja67: 13, PD18F68:31, PD2F69:31 William, 3 10c45: 42 Deadman, Susanna, marriage of, R16Mr69:22 Deafness, cure for, PD7Ap68: 31, R14J168: 33— PD1S68: 31, PD4Ag68: 13— R4Ag68: 13, PD30My71: 23 — PD7My72: 23, R3D72: 12, PD20My73: 22 — R20My73: 21, PD3Je73: 23 — R3Je73: 22 discovered in London, PD3Ja71: 13 in Scotland, PD28N71: 22 in Carlisle, Eng. , R30S73: 12 of indentured servants, Pil90c75: 33 treatment offered in Williamsburg. Va. ,R6My73sll Deaken, Capt. , R14Ap68sll Deakin, William of Md. , PD70c73: 22 — R210c73:32 Deakins, William, of Frederick co. , Md. ,D7Ja75:32,RlS74:23, PD3N74: 42— PU0N74: 32 William, jr. , R10D72: 31, Pil2Ja75: 33 Deal, Charles, accused of felony, PD25Oc70: 22 296 Deal, England, harbors of, PD22Ja67: 13 See also British transports in; Ships from East Indies to; Ships from Philadelphia, Pa. to; Ships from Va. , to; Ships to; Ships to Va. , from Deal, Riga, price of, R15J173sl2 Deal Castle, Brit, ship, 25Ja40: 2 H. M. S. , 24Ja52: 31, PD25Ag68: 31 — R25Ag68:31, R22S68: 22, PD4J171: 13, PD1J173: 13, D8Je76:31,D12F80: 12 Deale, Clement, PD4Je72: 33 Dealy, John, Pi6J175: 31 Dean, Capt. , R26Ja69: 23, Pil20c75: 12 P21Mr77sll of the Nero, D280c75: 13 Mr. , adv. for, PD9My71: 32 Mrs. , shop of, P13Je77: 11 Abel, PD9My71: 32 Allen, P2Ag76: 23 Benjamin, deserter, P28Mr77s23 Benjamin, Capt. , of the Tartar, D10Ag76: 22 Daniel, D27N78: 22 Hugh,4J151:41 Isaac, P2Ag76: 31 John, 30J152: 32, C11D79: 21 John, Capt. ,D24F76:22 Jones, soldier, P21Ag78: 11 Jones Allen, D3Ag76: 32 Joseph, R26Ap70sl2, PilD74: 21, D310c77: 21— P310c77: 13, D12Je79: 12 Joshua, counterfeiter, HAg38: 41 Josiah, PD9S73: 32 Julius, Pil6D75: 32, D28Mr77: 72 Richard, 10Oc45: 32, P17F75: 41, P310c77: 12 Robert, 250c65s41, 250c65s42, PDUJe67: 32, RlAp68: 22 — PD14Ap68: 31, PD29D68: 31 — R5Ja69: 32, PD21D69: 32 Thomas, Capt. , of the Lydia, PD4Je72: 32, D11N75: 23, P16F76: 11, D20D76: 11— P20D76sll of the Unity, 29Je39: 31, 20J139: 41, 2N39:2, 2N39: 3, 25Ja40:3, 25Ja40:4 William, D180c76: 31,'D13D76: 32, D28Mr77: 72 Dean, frigate, D24J179: 22, D21Ag79: 31 schooner, D11S79: 22, D18D79: 21, D25D79:21 ship, P160c78: 32 Deane, Capt. , 20Je45: 32, D6Ap76: 23, P250c76:23 of the Britannia, PD23D73: 22 of the New Britannia, PD6Ja74: 11 of the Princess Anne, P28F77: 13 of the Vengeance, D26F80: 23 of Va. , P12Ja76: 32 to Boston, Mass. from Norfolk, Va. ,P15D75:31 Mr. , of N. Y. , PD8S74: 22 — R8S74: 32 prisoner of war, American, P26Ja76:ll Benjamin, deserter, P13Je77: 12 Elizabeth, Pi260c75: 32— P270c75: 31 — D4N75: 32, P8D75: 33, D13D76: 32 Elkanah, adv. carriages, for sale, Pi23Mr75:33 adv. coachmaking, R21My72: 23 — PD18Je72: 33, R280c73: 33, Debts R7Ap74: 32 adv. for journeymen chairmakers, R8Ap73: 33 adv. for runaway indentured servant, Pi2F75:33 adv. for runaway journeyman, Pi23Mr75:33 estate of, for sale,D4N75: 32 — P270c75: 31 — Pi260c75: 32 lots of, R26My74: 41 makes riding chair, P15D75: 33 quarrels with Peter Hardy, R11N73: 22, R18N73:31,R25N73:42 requests payment of debts, Pi22Je75: 33 settlement of estate, Pi260c75: 32 — P270c75: 31--D4N75: 32, P8D75: 33, D13D76: 32 shop of, in Williamsburg, Va. , P15D75: 33, P12Ja76: 41, P11J177: 42 Elkanah, Mrs. , R21My72: 23 Jones Allen, PD21Je70: 23 Josiah, P12Je78: 12 Julius, D15Ag77: 72, P240c77: 23 S. ,C28Ag79:31 Silas, accounts to be adjusted, D12Je79:21 affront to prevented, P9My77: 22 arrives in N. Y. , D20My75: 32 assassination rumored, PlAg77: 21 charges against Arthur Lee, D12Mr79: 22 criticized by Paine, D16Ap79: 12 defended, D26F79: 31 delegate to Continental congress, Pi270c74: 23 delegate to second Continental congress, PilD74:21 goes to The Hague, D6Je77: 11 — P6Je77:21 investigates British depredations, P17N75: 32 letters to Continental congress, D40c76: 71 negotiates treaty with France, PlMy78:21 on committee of Congress on colonial grievances, D21Ja75: 12 protests British treatment of prisoners, P22Ag77: 21 proposes prisoner exchange, PlAg77:21 reports on conditions in France, D15My78:21 reports treaty with France, D[8My( ?)78s]ll, D15My78: 31 restraint in France requested by Great Britain, D23 Ja78: 22 revered in France, PlAg77: 22 signs Association of 1774, PD3N74: 12 — Pi4N74: 12 treatment by Congress criticized, D17J179:21 William, deserter, DlMy79: 31 William, Capt. , of the John, P8Mr76: 31 of the Revenge, P19J176: 33 Deane, Cont. frigate, P5Je78: 21, D7Ag79: 32, D20c79: 21, D26F80: 23 Deans, Capt. , of Philadelphia, Pa. , P17N75:32— D18N75:31 Harvie, PD16J167:41 John, PD16J167:41 Deans, Harvey &, PD3Ja71: 32, PD7Ja73: 32 Dear, John, PD29Ja67: 13, PD18F68:31 William, deserter, P23My77: 33 William, Capt. , of the Industry, 7J138:41 . Dearborn, Henry, Capt. , D31Ag76: 21 Deare, Jonathan, of N. J. , Pi23F75: 22 Dearen, William, deserter, P23My77: 33 Dearin, William, deserter, D12Mr79: 32 Death, William, Capt. of the Terrible, 22Ap57:21 Death, preparation for discussed, R190c69sl2 Death certificates, proposed in Gt. Brit., 26S51:31 Deaths, in London, Eng. , 2Je38: 22 statistics on, in Boston, Mass. , 30J152:22 in England, PD28Mr71: 12 in London, Eng. , PD14Ap68: 13 in Paris, Fr. , PD14Ap68: 13, PD18Ap71: 11 Deaton, Jabez, P18Ap77sl2 John, R25D66: 43 Deavans, Mr. , of Charlestown, Mass. , Pi29S74: 32 Richard, of Mass. , Pi60c74: 22 Debates, in London, Eng. , taverns, P26My75: 23, D24Je75: 21 Debating, in London, Eng. , R25Ag68: 23 Debating societies, in Liverpool, Eng. , R26My68: 14, PD23Je68: 13 Debating Society, Edinburgh, Scot. , PD10Je73: 11 Debenture bills of N. C. , PD20F72: 41 De Berdt, Dennis, addressed by Boston town meeting, PD14J168: 12 — R14J168: 13 agent of Mass. to Gt. Brit. , PD25Je67: 23, R3Mr68: 24 — PD10Mr68: 22, R31My70: 11, R31My70: 13, PD16S73: 21 character as agent for Mass. , R26Ap70: 33 explains activities in England, PD21My67: 22 letter from,quoted, R15D68: 12 letter to, PD21Ap68: 21 letter to from Mass. , PD24Mr68: 31 — R24Mr68:31 letter (text) from Mass. , convention, PD3N68: 13--R3N68: 22 presents Mass. petition to king, PD7D69sl2— R7D69: 12 , PD14D69: 11 requests trade relief for colonies, PD21Mr66:31 sent copy of circular letter, R18Ag68: 24 Debernoux, Galvan, P29My78: 32, P160c78:42 Deberts, William, PD17S67: 22 Deblois, Mr. , of Boston, PD24D67: 23 to England from Halifax, N. S. , D13J176: 61 Gilbert, PD23Je74: 12, D9D75: 22 — Pi9D75: 32 Lewis, PD23Je74: 12 Debnam, Mordecai, R18J166: 33, PD23Ap67: 31, PD31Mr68: 22 Debois, Stephen, Freemason, 10Ag39: 32 Deborah, sloop, PD2N69: 21 Debowe, John, PD290c72: 13 Debreaux, John, PD28Ja68: 31 Debtors, abscond in England, 22S52: 22 attitude toward payment of British debts in Norfolk, Va. , P29D75: 11 die in King's Bench prison, PD2My71: 13 discharged for service in British navy, 4Ap55: 22 discharged in England, R23S73: 13 in London, Eng. , 21J138: 22, PD15Ag66: 13, R8Ap73: 31 discharged from prison in London, Eng. , PD22Ap73: 21— R22Ap73: 31 held in Charles City co. , Va. , jail, R15N70:23, PD7F71: 23 imprisoned, 16Mr39: 41 in England, 27Ja38: 32 in England enumerated, PD220c67: 13 in Gt. Brit. , Pi28Ap75: 21, P2Je75: 12 imprisonment for, R12My68: 24 regulated in England, PD1S74: 22, PDlS74sl2 in Albany, N. Y. , R16D73: 33 in America, petitions for relief of, PD7Mr66: 32 in Chatelet, France, 19D51: 22 in England, allowed additional bread, PD25Je67: 21 relief for provided by parliament, R80c72: 13 in Gt. Brit. , number of, R29Ap73: 23 in Jamaica, W. I. , freed for defense, D5Je79: 12 in London, Eng. , PD16Mr69: 21 in N. Y. , PD2 J167: 32 in N. Y. jail, PD6Ja74: 22 in Sicily, R27Ja74: 23 in Va. , R3N68: 32, R7Je70: 21 payments by in paper money discussed, D6N79: 11 payments regulated by Va. convention, P8S75sll — Pil4S75:23— D16S75: 13 petitions for relief in London, Eng. , 3Ap52: 22 prison maintenance regulated by Va. , general assembly, PD23Ap72: 11 property regulated by West Fla. , PD13Ag67: 22 regulated by Va. general assembly, PD28D69: 23--R28D69: 23 released from New York City jail, P26J176:22 from Marshalsea prison, London, PD20Ap67:21 from prison in England, PDlS74sl2 in Portsmouth, Eng. , PD9S73: 21 — R9S73: 12-21 relief of in Great Britain, P5My75sll recommended in Va. , 2My55: 21 rights tried in London, Eng. , R16D73:23 subscription for, in England, PD10Mr74: 22 treatment of in Holland, PD18Oc70: 12 Debtors, Scottish, in British prisons, PD18Je67: 13 Debts, collected by force in Dunstable, Mass., P24F75sl3 collection of, in England, P40c76: 33 collection in Va. discussed, P2F76: 32 collectors adv. for, PlMy78: 31 collectors adv. for employment, PD19J170:43 contraction opposed in New London, Conn., PD21Ap68:21 imprisonment for. PD20N66: 23 in Eng., 14Ap38:31 297 Debts, imprisonment for (cont'd) in Eng. estimated, P23Je75sll laws considered by parliament, PD4D66:21 lawyers' resolutions protested in Annapolis, Md. , PD23Je74: 22 — R23Je74: 33 of wives, regulations proposed in Gt. Brit. , PD2Ap67: 21 regulated by Va. general assembly, PD28D69: 23--R28D69: 23 sailors' discharge from discussed, 4Ap55:21 sale value of colonial to British, R17N68: 23— PD24N68: 13 secured by Pa. general assembly, 17Ap46:21 by Va. general assembly, 24S36: 32 suits for in Md. prohibited, PD29D74: 23 Debts, book, proving discussed in Va.,PD19D67: 13 Debutts, John, D6N78: 31 Decanters, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Smithfield, Va. , D21F77: 22— P28F77s22 in Williamsburg, Va. , P10My76: 43 — DllMy76:23 See also Glass decanters Decanters, cut, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD4Oc70: 31 Decanters, double flint, for sale, in Yorktown, Va. , R25F68: 13— PD25F68: 31, PD310c71: 23 Decanters, wine, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD18D66: 31 Decator, Capt. , of the Comet, D90c79: 21 Decatur, Capt. , C27N79: 13 Deceit, trials for, in Williamsburg, Va P18Ap77sl2 Dechambeau, Can. , See Provisions , scarce in Dechang, M. , judge of Detroit court, D22 My 79: 22 Decheseau, Adam, Capt. , of the Dolphin, 9F39: 32 Stephen, murdered, 9F39: 41 Deckers ferry, N. Y. , D29J176: 22, D29J176:41— P26J176:21 Declamation, at James Waddel's school, Va. ,4N63:41 Declaration of Independence, approved in Eng. , P28Mr77sl2 attitude toward in Gt. Brit. , PHOc76:22 celebrated in Boston, Mass. , P8Ag77:21 in Charleston, S. C. ,D15Ag77: 21 in Phila. , Pa. .D18J177: 22 — P18J177:21 in Portsmouth, N. H. , D15Ag77: 22 discussed, P8Mr76sll effect on French -American trade, P2Ag76: 23, D40c76: 71 extract from reprinted, P19J176: 22 from New England, discussed in Commons, P7Mr77: 12 from Pa. , discussed in Commons, P7Mr77: 12 literary characteristics of, D25Ap77: 11 opposed by Pa. delegates to Continental congress, P23Ag76: 22— D24Ag76: 31 P23Ag76: 22 opposed in Pa. , D20Ap76: 12 popular support of, in N. J. , P26J176:21— D29J176:41 in Williamsburg, Va., P17My76:31 proclaimed by Continental congress, P12J176:31 in Charleston, S. C. , D27S76: 21 in Europe, D22N76: 21 in New York City, D10Ag76: 31 in Philadelphia, Pa. , P19J176: 21 — D20J176: 31 in Princeton, N. J. , D29J176: 51 in Richmond, Va. , D10Ag76: 61 in Trenton, P26J176: 21 — D29J176:41 in Williamsburg, Va. , P26J176: 23, D29J176: 61 proclamation of ordered by Va. council, P26J176: 11— D29J176: 61 published in London, Eng. , P13D76: 22 reasons in favor of listed, D25My76: 11 reprinted, D20J176: 21— P26J176: 11 rumored, D20Ja76: 22 sent to Gen. Carleton, D7S76: 22 support of, P31My76: 31 supported by Continental army, in New York City, P26J176: 22 — D29J176:41 by Frenchmen, D10Ag76: 52 by Va. convention, P17My76: 41 — D18My76: 33— D18My76: 42 in Charlotte co. , Va. , P10My76: 42 in Md. convention, D29J176: 31 urged in Va. , P19Ap76: 23, P10My76: 32- DllMy76:41 Declaration of rights, Va. , committee appointed for, P17My76: 41- D18My76: 42, DUe76: 22, P14Je76Pll-- D15Je76: 51, P5J176pll Declaration on taking up arms (text), Va. , Pi20J175: 22— P21J175s21 — D22J175: 12 Declaratory act (text), PD2My66: 12, PD13Je66: 12 discussed, PD21J174: 11 Lord Camden's speech (text) «against, R4F68:23 opposed in British colonies, N. Am. , D17F76: 23 in Fauquier co. , Va. , R27Ap69: 22 in parliament, D25Mr75: 21 passed by parliament, PD6Je66: 11 repeal of proposed, P28Ap75: 12, P9Je75: 12 supported in Gt. Brit. , Pil6Mr75: 33 — P17Mr75s41— D18Mr75: 32 upheld by Gov. Hutchinson, PD22J173: 23 in England, PD14Ap69s22 Decoctions, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. ,3Je37:41 Dedham, Mass. , See Non- importation agreements in Dedman, Capt. , of the Speedwell, 7N51: 22 Mr., slave of, PD20Je 74:31 -- R30Je74: 33 Philip, PD27Ag67: 32, PD16Je74: 31 Samuel, Commissioner, D19F80: 32 Deel, Daniel, slave of, P180c76: 23 Deep Bay, schooner, PD220c72: 13 Deep creek, N. C. , See Stores in Deep creek iron works, Md., PD18J171: 23 Deep creek warehouse, Va. , C13N79: 22 Deep Hole plantation, Prince William co. , Va. , P12D77: 33 Deep-sea lines, for sale, PD25J166: 23, PlMy78:42 Deep Spring camp, P20Ag76: 41, P6S76: 33, D21S76: 31 — P20S76: 31 Deer, John, R140c73: 33 Deer, breed preserved by Va. general assembly, PD23Ap72: 11 breeding preserved by Va. general assembly, 22D38: 22 draw vehicles in Norfolk, Eng. , R4F68: 11 in Gainsford, Eng. , R26My68: 14 in Transylvania, D30S75: 33 killed, in Warwick co. , Va. , P19Ja76:41 on Smith's island, Va. , P160c78: 42 scarce in Eng. , R170c71: 21 Deer creek, Md. , See Bread scarce in; Weather report from Deer hunting, in Eng. , PD15Je69: 12 Deer island, Mass. , plundered by Mass. troops, Dl J175: 32 Deer skins, adv. for cargo of, PD3Ja71: 31— R10Ja71: 32 export statistics from Charleston, S. C. ,30c51:31 exported from Charleston, S. C. , to London, Eng. , PD16Ap67: 21, R20Je71:31 exported from Hampton, Va. , to Bermuda, 18Ap45:41 exported from James river, Va. , to Boston, Mass. , 16Mr39: 41 exported from James river, lower district, Va. , to Glasgow, Scot. , RUAg68:24 to Hull, Eng. ,8D52:31 to Philadelphia, Pa. , 23My55: 21 exported from James river, upper district, Va. , to Boston, Mass. , 5Ja39:42, 18My39:41 to Bristol, Eng. , 3J146: 4 to Liverpool, Eng. , PD10F74: 23 to London, Eng. , 9S37: 42, 27J139: 41, 14D39: 11, 9Ja46: 4, R19F67: 22 — PD19F67: 31, PD8Je69: 23, PD7Ap74: 23 to New York City, PD17Mr68: 31 — R14Ap68: 42, PD1N70: 22 to Whitehaven, Eng. , R9Je68: 32 — PD26My68: 23, PD8Je69: 23 exported from Rappahannock district, Va. , to Glasgow, Scot. , PD6Je66: 31 exported from Rappahannock river, Va. , to London, Eng. , 29Je39: 31, PD6Je66:31 exported from south Potomac district, Va. , to Dumfries, Scot. , 270c52: 21 exported from Va. to Whitehaven, Eng. , PDlAp73: 23 exported from York district, Va. , to Bristol, Eng. ,20My37:41, 9S37: 41, 2 Je38: 41, 4Ag38: 42, 18My39: 41, 10Ag39: 32, 24Ag39: 31, 7S39: 32, 2N39: 21-22, 25Ja40: 3, 21Mr45: 41, 7N45: 31 to London, Eng. , 19Ag37: 32, 9S37: 42, 16Je38: 42, 1 Je39: 42, 13J139: 42, 20J139: 41, 10Ag39: 32, 24Ag39: 22, 24Ag39: 31, 2N39: 21-22, 25Ja40: 3, 21Mr45: 41, 4J145: 32, 7N45: 31, 29S52: 32, 120c52: 31, 27Ag56; 32, PD19F67: 31— R19F67: 22 for sale, in Portsmouth, Va. , D14F77: 31— P14F77: 31, P4Ap77: 31 imported to York district, Va. , 298 Delaware capes from N. C. , 20J139: 41, 2N39: 31-32, 25Ja40: 4 price of in Charleston, S. C. , 30c51: 31 stolen, in Williamsburg, Va. , 20Je45: 41 traded in Pensacola, Fla. , PD12My68: 22, R12My68: 13 Deer skins, Indian dressed, exported from James, river, upper district, Va. , to Glasgow, Scot. , PD29D68: 31 stolen, in Petersburg, Va. , D15N76: 22 Deer skins, raw, exported from James river, lower district, Va. , to Hull, Eng. , 23Ja46: 42 to London, Eng. , 29S52: 31 exported from James river, upper district, v".->. , to Glasgow, Scot., 4J145: 3, PD29D68: 31 Deerfield, Mass. , See Accidents in Deering, Lt. , of the Griffin, 11F37: 22 Edward, P19D77: 41 Defence, brig, P31My76: 13, P12J176:22,D29J176:42 continental brig, D13J176: 61 man of war, PD25Ap71: 21, PD25J171: 21 schooner, D6Ja76: 21, P5Ap76: 31 ship, 16S37: 31, P22Mr76: 31 — D23Mr76: 32, D12Ap76: 32, C9D80: 21 S. C. schooner, D29Je76: 22 Defenseur, Fr. warship, 5S55: 21 Defiance, brig, D25D79: 21 British ship, 25Ja40: 2 East Indiaman, PDllAg68: 22 — RllAg68: 11 H. M. S. , 1J137: 41, 14Ag46: 21, 21Ag46: 22, 11S46: 31, 21N51: 22, 24Ja52: 22, 26S55: 12, PD5N72: 31, PD1J173: 22 — R1J173: 21, PD9S73: 21--R9S73: 12, D19F80:23 privateer, 2S57: 21 ship, PD30J167: 32, PD6Ag67: 32, PD27Ag67: 23, PD14Ja68: 31, R3Mr68: 31--PD3Mr68: 31, P18Ap77s43, D15Ja80: 21 sloop, PD28Ap74: 23--R14Ap74: 31, PllAp77:31 Defoos, Micajah, deserter, D24Ja77: 41 De Forest, Cornelius, P15N76: 13, C3J179:33,D20N79:31 De Francey, Mr. , adv for missing trunk, D14Ag79: 31--C28Ag79: 31 — C28Ag79: 33 Degernett, Munford, P29My78: 31 See also Dejarnat(t), Dejarnett Degge, Anthony, jr. , D27Ja76: 33 John, P113J175: 33 — P14Je75: 33 — D15J175: 33, P22J175s33, Pi27J175: 31 — D29J175: 32, P4Ag75: 23 William, accuses Messrs. Mills 6 co. , of violating Association, Pil3J175:33— P14J175: 33— D15J175: 33, P22J175s33-- Pi27J175:31, P4Ag75: 23 Degraff, Mr. , appointed gov. of St. Eustatia, W. L , P6S76: 31 — D7S76: 22 Degraffenreidt, Baker, D18D79: 31 Barbara, Mrs. , 25F37: 42, 70c37: 42, 210c37: 41, 31Mr38; 42, 20Ap39: 32 Tscharner, 26S45: 31, 12D45: 42 Degrushe's ferry, N. Y. , P8D75: 23 Dehart, Capt. , 3S56: 22 John, of N. J. , Pi270c74: 23, D21Ja75: 12, Pi23F75: 22 De Hass, John Philip, Col. , P14Je76: 21, D7Mr77: 71 — P7Mr77sll Dehoff, Capt. , in battle of Long island, N. Y. ,D21S76:21 Deigh, Ferdinando, R10F74: 33 — PD3F74:32 Deism, 2Mr53: 31, PD20My73: 22 — R20My73: 22 Deists, PD8Ja67: 31, PD5F67: 31 Dejarnat, John, D23Ja78: 32 Dejarnatt, Joseph, sr. , D2D75: 41, D30D75: 22 Mumford, PD7My67: 41 Dejarnett, Daniel, 7N54: 31 David, 15S52:32 James, R270c 68s 14 John, slave of, D18D79: 31 Reuben, deserter, P7N77s22 Dejean, Philip, of Detroit, PD17S72: 13, D19Je79: 31, D17J179: 12, D90c79: 31, DlAp80: 22 Delamore, Capt. of the St. Anne, PD12Mr72:21 Delamot, Capt. , of the Louisburg, 11J146: 42 Philip, Capt. , of the Dispatch, 30D37: 32, 10Mr38: 31, 14J138: 32 Delancey, Capt. , P28Ap75s42 of British army in Boston, Mass. , D6My75: 31 of the Nautilus, D29Ap75s32 of N. Y. , PD17Ja71: 22— R17Ja71: 13 opposes second Continental congress, P17Mr75s31— D18Mr75: 31 Mr. , trial for murder of, PD14N71: 13 James, lt. gov. of N. Y. , 21Mr55: 31, 26S55: 22, 30c55: 21, 170c55: 11, 12D55: 12 of N. Y. , PD17Ja71: 21, PD17Ja71: 22 — R17Ja71: 13 James (1732-1800), Tory, address (text) from N. Y. constituents, PD12Ja69: 21-- R12Ja69:22 arrives in N. Y. , PD16Je68: 22 — R16Je68:24 flees from N. Y. , PilJe75: 31 horses of, PD1N70: 22, R220c72: 22, PD9S73: 31--R9S73: 32, R140c73: 31, PD23Je74: 22 letter to (text), R8F70: 31 RD22F70:22 [James], Capt. , owner of Sultana, PD10Je73: 13 John, PD23Je74: 22, P24F75: 31 Oliver, Gen. , D110c76: 22 — PHOc76:21,D8N76: 11 arrives in Williamsburg, Va. , PD220c72: 21 driven from Long island, P14F77: 22 flees from N. Y. , PilJe75: 31 surrenders militia, to Gen. Howe, D250c76:22 Tories desert from, P27Je77: 21 wounded, P6Je77: 23 Peter, PD28My67: 21, PD26S71: 23, PD19D7L21 Susannah, marriage of, PD1N70: 21 — R1N70: 22 De Lancey family, PD22F70: 23 Delander, Mr. , watchmaker, D23Mr76. 33 — P22Mr76: 33 Delaney, Jonathan, appointed commissary general of Va. , PD16Mr69:23 Delany, Dr. , author, PD5Mr67: 12 (Patrick], author, D25N75: 11, D30D75: 11, D24F76: 43, D2Mr76: 41, D9Mr76: 41, D25My76: 43, D24Ag76: 51, D20D76: 41, D3Ja77: 41, D17Ja77: 41, D2My77:81, D4J177: 81 Sharp, R17Mr74: 23, D31Ja77: 61 William, Dr. , C18D79: 12 Delap, Major, takes possession of Putnam's Point, D29N76: 22 — P29N76: 12 Delaplace, Capt. , treatment of by Ethan Allen, D17F76: 22 Delaporte, Capt. , PlMy78: 32, C30Oc79: 42, C13My80:42 [Deorame], Capt. , D310c77: 21 Delasie, Marshal, deserter, DlMy79: 31 Delastre, Mary, Mrs. , R30Ag70: 32 Delaware, appoints colonial agent, PD8D68: 13 committee of correspondence appointed, PD18N73: 21--R25N73: 33, R13Ja74: 32 delegates to Stamp Act Congress, 250c65s23 general assembly, resolutions (text) of, 1776,D13J176: 51 house of representatives, resolutions of, 1773,R13Ja74: 32 See also Circular letters from instructions (text) to delegates, to Continental congress, D13J176: 51 ordered to enlist battalions by Continental congress, P40c76sll — DHOc76:42 petitions against taxation, R16My66: 33, PD8D68: 13 temporary government established, D13J176: 51 See also Arms imported to; Bridges; British navy, ships destroyed by Americans off; British navy from N. Y. to; Canals from; Census in; Colonial agents of; Continental congress, first supported in; Crops plentiful in; Embargoes; Imports to; Lotteries in; Militia of; Mills in; Quartering opposed in; Scots in; Ships, Tory, captured by Americans in; Ships to; Tories in; Virginia resolves adopted in Delaware , brig, D230c79: 21, D18Mr80: 23 continental frigate, P9Ag76: 22 frigate, D170c77: 11, P170c77: 21, D5D77: 11 — P5D77: 22 H. M. S. ,D16Ap79:21 sloop of war, D26Mr79: 22 Delaware battalions, in N. Y. , P13S76sl2— P13S76: 22 — D14S76: 31— D14S76: 51, P15N76: 31, D29N76: 31 Delaware bay See British navy, driven ashore in; British navy from Chesapeake bay to; British navy in; British navy to; Prize ships sent into; Ships, American, captured by British in; Ships, American, destroyed by captain in Delaware capes, See American navy escape from British off; British navy, ships captured by French off; British navy off; Prisoners of war, British taken off; Ships, Spanish, captured by British off; Shipwrecks 299 Delaware capes (cont'd) Delaware coast, See Mutiny, off Delaware counties, 4Ja40: 11, 4Ja40: 12 Delaware ferry, P17Ja77: 21 Delaware lottery, PD7My72: 11, PD4N73:23, PD28Ap74:31 Delaware river, military control of, P170c77: 21, P21N77: 21, P28N77: 21, P12D77: 22 See also British army extends from; British army on; British navy, ships blown up in; British navy in; British transports from N. Y. to; Continental navy attacked by British in; Continental navy drives British down; Continental navy in; Drowings in; Ferries on; Hessians drowned in; Ice in; Imports to; Impressment for British navy in; Militia on; Prisoners of war, British, taken in; Ships, American, captured by British navy off; Ships driven ashore in; Ships to; Shipwrecks in Delawares, agreements with Va. , Pi60c74: 32 alliance with U. S. , D30Oc78: 31 attack near Harris's ferry, Pa. , 14N55: 21 attempts to incite against Va. , D16S75:23 attend conference at Fort Stanwix, PD1D68: 23 claimed for Dunmore's troops, P22Mr76: 31 conference with Va. , quoted, Pil30c74sll disclaim war intentions, PD23Je74: 21— R23Je74:41 discontent on Va. frontier, PD14J174: 23 Dunmore incites against colonies, P10N75:41 expected in Williamsburg Va. , as hostages, PD8D74sll fail to meet American commissioners, P30Ag76: 22 in battle of Point Pleasant, PilON74: 23, PD17N74:21 join Cherokees in war on Va. , P2Ag76: 12 killed by Mingos, PU6F75: 33 killed in Augusta county, Va. , R50c69: 22 murder of, PD2J167: 31 murdered by whites, R260c69: 13 murdered on Ohio river, PD2 Je74: 23 murders committed by, RllN73s23 oppose Ohio settlements, PD16S73: 22 profess friendship for colonists, R23Je74:41 raids in Va. , PD25Ag74: 22 refuse to fight French, 7N54: 12 relations with British, PD9Je74: 23 with Pa. , PH6F75: 33 with Shawnees, Pil30c74sl2 with Va. , PD130c74: 21, PD130c74: 31 scalpings by, D20J176: 4l treaty concluded in Pittsburgh, Pa. , PD16Je68: 23— R16Je68: 24 with British, 27Ag56: 21 with Cherokees, PD9Je68: 21 with Va , PD60c74: 32 unrest among, R7J174: 22 whites among enumerated, PD7Ja68: 33 De La Warr, earl of (John West), 70c37:31 appointed governor of N. Y. , HMr37: 41, 2S37: 31, 16S37: 31, 6Ja38: 41, 5My38: 22 appointed governor of Va. rumored, 22Ap37: 22 Delegates, ship, P27Mr78: 41 Delft bottles, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22 Delft plates, for sale, in Gloucester, Va. , P19Ap76sll--D20Ap76: 33 Delftware, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va , 30N59: 32, R28J168: 32, PDllAp71: 32, PD12D71: 32, R8Ap73: 33 Delgairn, John, adv. finding hogs, R15Je69: 32 Delight, brig, 7N54:31 ship, PD24My70: 23, PD18Ap71: 22 sloop, R3Mr74: 33 Deliverance, man of war, R2S73sl3 ship,19J154:31,7N54:31 Delk, Benjamin, deserter, D24Ja77: 41 David, D250c76: 42 Joseph, D250c76: 42 Delks, Dudley, deserter, 31 J146: 51 Deloney, Henry, R27J169: 32, R50c69: 41, R23Ag70: 33 Delony, Elizabeth, 17N52: 31 Henry, adv. estate for sale, 9My51: 32 adv. for runaway slave, PD27J169: 33, PDllJe72:32 adv. for teacher, D25F75: 32 adv. property for sale, R26J170: 22 adv. slaves for sale, R30Ag70: 31 — PD30Ag70: 33 defendant in Chancery court, 17N52: 31 delegate from Mecklenburg co. , Va. , P9My77: 23 directs George Jefferson's lottery, R28Ap68: 31— PD28Ap8: 31 forecloses mortgage, D18F75: 32 Henry, Capt. , D18Mr75: 11 James Matthew, 17N5* 31 James Matthew, Capt. , of the Johnny, 25J151: 32, 16Ag51: 32 Lewis, 28Ap38: 42, 9My51: 32, 17N52: 31 Matthew, Capt. , of the Johnny, HAp51: 32 Delozier, Daniel, P29My78: 31 Delphini, author, 24My51: 32, PD7J168: 31, PD29N70: 22, PD3 Ja71: 43, PD17Ja71: 43, PD7F71:43, PD21F71:43 Deluc, Jean Andre, invents barometer, R4N73: 11 Demar, Nicholas, PD18Je67: 31 Demarest, Johannes, of N. J. , PD290c67: 12 Demarick, Philip, of Boston, Mass. , D2S75: 22 Demarsque, Thomas, Capt. , of the Portland, D10Ag76: 22 Demerara, Brit. Gui. , British claims to rumored, P21Ap75s32 See also British navy to; Earthquakes; Ships, New England captured near Demere, Paul, Capt. , of independent company, 16Ja61: 31 Raymond, prisoner of war, D6Ap76: 22 Demetrius Donsky, Russian man of war, PD19My74: 12 Demissy, Mr. , of Eng. , PD23My66: 32 of Williamsburg, Va. , PD18D66: 31 Democracy, perils of satirized, P23Je75: 22 Democritus, essay on, PD7J168: 11 Democritus, pseud. , 7Mr51: 11, PD22Ag66: 13, PD26S66: 11, PD240c66: 13,R18F68:31,P7Je76: 21 Dempster, Capt. , P16F76: 31— D24F76: 22 of the Morning Star, PD210c73: 21 Mr. , opposes increasing of British armaments, D17F76 : 31 proposes amendment to prohibition of trade, P8Mr76: 21--D9Mr76: 21 [George], PD19My74: 22, PD19My74: 32, PD18Ag74: 12, R18Ag74: 22, Pil30c74: 11 Hannah, PD20Ja74: 23 Denbigh, earl of [Basil Feilding], PD19My68: 12, PDllAg74: 13, D22J175: 41, P15Mr76: 13— D16Mr76: 13, D10F76: 23 Denbigh, Va. , See Land, posted at; Stewards in Denbighshire, Wales, assizes, 10J152:21 See also Anecdotes; Fires in; Floods; Riots in; Suicides Denby, Arthur, P12Je78: 12 Dence, Stephen, adv. for runaway slave, PD26Mr67: 31, PD25Oc70: 31 Denham, William, PD23D73: 23 Denia, Sp. , See Ships, to Bristol, Eng. , from; Spanish navy in Denim, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD22N70:31 Yorktown, Va. , PD310c71: 23 Denim, serge, for sale, Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. ,D26Ag75: 32, P21Ag78:41 in Yorktown, Va. , R25F68: 31 — PD25F68: 31, PD310c71: 23 Denis, Peter, Sir, of British navy, PD13Je71: 22, PD12S71: 22, Pi260c75: 31— D280c75: 33 Denison, Capt. , PD26Ag73: 22, D6Ap76:31 Jonathan, D12Je79: 41 Denistown, snow, 25J151: 32 Denistown & co. , Oswald, merchants, PD17N74: 23— PH7N74: 32 Denmark, advantage of British marriage, PD30J172:21 aids Polish protestants, PD19F67: 22, PD7My67: 12 alliance against family compact, PD23F69:23 with European powers, D24Ap78: 21 with France, 13Ja38: 31 with Great Britain, 28S39: 21 with Prussia, PD26My68: 11 with Russia, PD31D72: 22, PD140c73: 22, PD23D73s21— R23D73: 22 with Sweden, PD26My68: 11 allows passage to, French & English ships, 24Ag39: 11 anecdotes about queen, PD30Ap72: 11 arms Corsica, PD25F68: 21 courts regulated, PD11J171: 11 demands by Russia, PD7Ja73: 12 detains Prussian artillery, 29S38: 22 dispute with Sweden settled, PD22Ap73: 23 300 Denmark edict against foreign manufactures modified, 10c36: 12 establishes company to trade with Greenland, 8Ag51: 22 estate of Frederick V, PDllAp66: 22 explores Iceland, 14Mr51: 21 forbids exportation of Norwegian wood, 1D52: 12 forbids subjects In foreign service, PD9My71: 11 free trade with East Indies proposed, PDllAp71:ll with West Indies proposed, PDllAp71: 11 furnishes troops to Austria, 26Ja39: 12 grants pardons to deserters, PD12S70sl2 inheritance laws in, PD24Ag69: 31 king acclaimed by British, R5Ja69: 11 king and queen crowned, PD20Ag67: 13 king pays debts of merchants, PD140c73: 21--R140c73: 22 king's popularity, PD25J171: 21 king's sanity asserted, PD5My74: 11 makes grants to literary academies, 10J152:21 military aid to Gt. 'Brit, prepared, 240c45: 32 military preparations of, PD30Ap72: 12, R12D72sl3, PD17D72: 23, PD7Ja73: 12, PDlAp73: 11 mortgages duchies to Prussia, PD7Ja73: 13 naval war with Algeria, PD8N70: 13 offers troops to Gt. Brit. , 25Ja40: 11 orders dissenters to leave, 20Je45: 11 peace with Algiers, PD24S72: 13 political intrigue in, PD10D72: 13 — R10D72: 13, PD24D72: 22 political news from, PDllAp66: 13, PD11D66: 21, PD28Ap68: 11, PD20Ag72: 11, PD4Mr73: 31, PD18Mr73: 11, PDlAp73: 13, PD8Ap73: 11, R70c73: 12, R10F74: 22 PD18Ag74: 21— R18Ag74: 22, D7Ja75: 22, P22J175sl2--D29J175: 23 political plots in, PDlAp73: 11 prohibits foreign manufactures, 14Ja37: 32 protects trade against Britain, D4S79: 11 receives Steinherst lordship, HMy39:21 reforms in, PD15Ag71: 11 relations with Algeria, PD6Je66: 13, RllF68:23,PD16Ag70:13, PD2My71:13--R2My71:ll, PD9My71: 11, PD9My71: 13, PD8Ag71: 13, PD8Ag71: 21, PD26S71< 11, PD28N71 : 21 with Austria, PD10Je73: 12 with France, PD29D68: 22, PD13S70s21 — R20S70: 11, PD17Je73: 31--R17Je73: 31, R8J173:23,D26F79:22 with Germany, PD21Je70: 13 with Gt. Brit. , 3Ag39: 22, 16N39: 32, PD18Ap66: 22, PD6Je66: 13, PDllJe67: 12, PD29D68: 22, PD16My71: 11, R23Ap72: 22, PD20Ap72: 12, PD7My72: 13, PD14My72: 21, PD21My72: 13, PD28My72: 23, PDUJe72: 21, PDllJe72: 22, PD9J172: 11, PD9J172: 12, PD9J172: 13, PD9J172: 21, PD16J172: 31, PD6Ag72: 13, PD20Ag72: 22, PD80c72: 23, PD5N72: 31 — R5N72: 12, PDlAp73: 11, PD8Ap73: 13, R210c73: 11, P27D76: 12, D26F79: 22 with Holland, PDlAg66: 11, PD29D68: 22, D18Mr80: 22 with Holstein, 11S46: 11, PD27Ja74: 12 with Morocco, 15D52: 22 with Norway, PDllMr73: 12, PDlAp73: 11, PD22Ap73: 23 with Prussia, PD29D68: 22, PD21Je70: 13, PD28My72: 23, PD25Je72: 21, PD8Ap73 : 13, PD10Je73: 12, R27Ja74. 23 with Russia, 11S46: 11, PD29D68: 22, PD21Je70: 13, PD67Ja73: 12, PD23S73: 11, PD23S73: 12, PD26Ag73: 13--R26Ag73sl2, PD23S73: 13 with Spain, PD13S70s21 — R20S70: 11, PD240c71: 11 with Sweden, PD18D66: 21, PD30Ap72: 12, PD7Ja73: 12, PD14Ja73: 13, PDllMr73: 21, PDlAp73: 11, PDlAp73: 12, PD10Je73: 12, PD23D73s21--R23D73: 22 requests aid from Gt. Brit. , PD9My71: 11 requests troops from Russia, PD10D72:21 revolution denied, R20Ja74: 23 revolution in, PD16Ap72: 21, PD16Ap72: 22, PD16Ap72: 23, PD16Ap72: 31, PD23Ap72: 21, PD23Ap72: 22, PD30Ap72: 11, PD30Ap72: 12, PD30Ap72: 13, PD30Ap72: 21, PD7My72: 13, PD7My72: 21, PD7My72: 22, PD14My72: 13, PD21My72: 13, PD28My72: 22 PD28My72: 23, PD4Je72: 22, PD4Je72:23, PD4Je72: 31, PDllJe72: 13, PDllJe72: 21, PD25Je72: 21, PD25Je72: 22, PE2J172: 23, PD9J172: 11, PD9J172: 12, PD9J172: 13, PD9J172: 21, PD16J172: 21 — PD16J172: 22, PD16J172 : 31, PD16J172: 32, PD23J172: 12, PD23J172: 21, PD23J172: 22, PD23J172: 31, PD6Ag72: 13, PD20Ag72: 13, PD20Ag72: 21, PD20Ag72: 22, PD27Ag72: 11, PD27Ag72: 13, PD17S72: 12, PD24S72: 12, PD80c72: 11, PD8Qc72: 13. PD150c72: 12. PD5N72: 11, PD5N72: 22, PD24D72: 13, PD20Ja74: 22— R20Ja74: 23 essay describing, PD4Je72: 21 explained, PD30J172: 13 rumored, PD17D72': 22 , PD23S73s21 — R23S73:31 royal entertainment in, PD20Ag72: 11 royal marriage with Germany rumored, R24Je73: 12 with Gt. Brit. , PD6Je66: 13, R5S66: 12 — PD5S66s23 with Mecklenburgh Schwerin, Pi5Ja75: 11— D7Ja75: 12 with Prussia rumored, PD23J172: 13 with Sweden, PDlAg66: 11, PDlAg66: 12, PD27Ag72: 33, R80c72:21 sends troops to Norway, PD31D72: 23 — R31D72: 13 support of U. S. rumored, D15My78: 22 trade flourishing, 24My51: 21 trade activities of, 7Ja37: 31 trade relations with Great Britain, PD8Ag71: 13 with Holland, PD12Mr67: 21 with Morocco, 12D51: 21 trade rights protected, 27My37: 22 trade treaties with Great Britain, PD23Ap67: 13, PD19N67: 13, PD15S68: 22 with Morocco, 12D51: 11, 20F52: 31, 12Mr52: 22 with Prussia, 25J151: 21 trade with British colonies forbidden, PD12Mr67: 21 treaties with Algiers, PD3S72: 11 with Barbary states, 120c52: 11 with France, 10Mr38: 22, 8Je39: 22, PD30Ap72: 13, PD26Ag73: 21 — R26Ag73s21 with Great Britain, 8Je39: 22, 15Je39: 21, 20J139: 31, 10Ag39: 22, 31Ag39:31 with Morocco, 5D51: 32 with Prussia, PD9Je68: 11, PD31D72: 22 with Russia, PD6Ag67: 12, PD9Je68: 11, PD13S70sl2, PD31D72: 23 — R31D72: 13, R17Je73sl3 with Sweden, 22S38: 22, PD30Ap72: 13 treaty annulled with Morocco, 13F52:21 treaty rumored with Algiers, R13S70: 11 with Great Britain, PD130c68: 21, PD31Ja71: 12, PD31Ja71: 21, PD13Je71: 13, PD30Ja72: 21, D18Mr80:22 with Hamburg, PD18Ap71: 11 with Holland, PD31Ja71: 21, PD13Je71: 13 with Prussia, PD31Ja71: 12 with Russia, PD13S70: 21, PD31Ja71: 12, PD31Ja71: 21, PD13Je71: 13 with Sweden, PD31Ja71: 12, PD13Je71: 13 troops offered to Great Britain, 8Je39: 12 war with Algeria, R30N69: 22, R7D69: 22, RllJa70: 11, PD15F70: 21, PD6S70: 22, PD18Oc70: 11, PD18Oc70: 13, PD240c71: 11 with Sweden rumored, PDllMr73: 22 with Tunis rumored, PD9My71: 13 See also Anecdotes from; Books imported free in; Bounties on corn; British navy in; Canals in; Charity in; Contraband between; Danish army; Danish sailors ordered to return to; Danish soldiers ordered to return to; Divorces in; Drawing schools established; Duties; Emigration from England to; Executions; Explorations of Greenland by; Fashions, English in; Fertilizer methods for considered in; Feudalism in; Fever, purple; Freedom of press established; Freedom of press violated in; Frosts in; Grain price in; Hospitals 301 Denmark (cont'd) in; Immigration to; Indentured servants from; Linen manufactures encouraged; Lotteries in; Lutheran church in; Manufactures, British, in; Marriages in; Military utensils for; Navigation schools established; Printing encouraged in; Robberies, punishment for regulated in; Schools, public, in; Sheep export from; Ships from; Silk manufactures; Stocking manufactures encouraged; Tallow export from; Thread manufactures encouraged; Velvet, Manchester, imitation encouraged in; Wool import to Denney, Capt. , P20D76: 21 Jesse, P18Ap77s21 Dennice, Gower, 5Mr52: 31 Dennie, Thomas, of Worcester, Mass. , R22S74: 31 William, of Boston, Mass. , PD24Ag69: 21, PD8Mr70: 12, R29Ap73: 11 ship of, PD6Ja74: 22 Dennis, Capt. , 16My45: 31 detained in Havana, 15My46: 32 of the Rose, 6Ja38: 42, 21Ap38: 41 Mr. , PD290c72: 21— R290c72: 23 Dennis, of the Narrows, N. Y. , PD12Ag73:21 Francis, Capt. , C30Oc79: 23 Henry, R14Ap68: 24, C27N79: 23 John, P28N77:31 alias of Dennis L[y]nch, PD21Ap68: 23 of Somerset co. , Md. , HAp55: 12 John, Capt. , of the John, 20J139: 41, 21S39: 41, 2N39: 2, 2N39: 3, 25Ja40: 3, 25Ja40: 4 John, jr , PD9Ap72: 32 Peter, admiral, of the Trident, PD26Mr73:21 Peter, Capt. , of the Medway, 4Ap55: 31, 10Oc55: 22, 12D55: 11 Richard, jr. , PD19Ap70: 33 Thomas Lodge, PD10N74: 43 William, R26J170: 31, D6Je77: 32 William, Capt.,P21 J175sl3--D22J175:32 of American privateer, D7F77: 11 — P7F77:21 Dennise, Dennise, of N. Y. , D20J176: 21 Dennison, Capt. , PD12N72: 21 Ch. , Capt., of the Russell, 25 Ja40: 2 Jonathan, Capt. , of the William, R23Je68: 24— PD23Je68: 23, PD30Je68: 23 Dennistown, James, PD25Je72: 32 Richard, D22Je76: 31 Robert, D27 Ja76 : 42 Dennistoune, snow, 29S52: 32 Dennistown, James, PD4Je72: 33, PD25Je72:32,PD5N72:33 — R19N72:41 Richard, D22Je76: 31 Tory, P5Je76p21 Robert, D27Ja76: 42 Dennistown, M'Call & co. ,D10F76:32 Dennistown, snow, 27Je51: 41 Dennistowne, ship, 30Ja52: 32 Dennum, Philip, R22D68: 33 Denny, Capt. , P26J176: 31 attacks Dunmore's navy at Gwynn's island, Va. , P19J176: 31 oftheMolly,PD30Mr69:22--R6Ap69:21 of the Polly, P15N76:21 Lt. , fires on Dunmore's navy at Gwynn's island, Va. .D20J176: 31 horse of, P22N76: 32 Mrs. (Fallen), D30My77: 22 Daniel, sailor, PD28Ap68: 21 Samuel, third lt. of artillery company, P16F76:31 Samuel, Capt. , marriage of, D30My77: 22 William, D5S77: 32— P10Oc77: 11, C13N79:22 Denoier, M. , dances of, 26S61: 41 Denson, James, 29My46: 41 John, PD2D73: 31, 17N38: 41 William, 17N38: 41 William, Capt. , D17F76: 33 Dent, Capt. , of Arethusa, D7Mr77: 22 of the Kingsale, 12My38: 32 Anne, Mrs. , of Md. , R28Mr71: 33 D. , Capt. , of the Trident, D20Je77: 11 Digby, Capt. , of the Hampton Court, 25Ja40: 2 Digby, Com. ,25 Mr37: 31, 8J137: 22, 140c37:31 Digby, It., of the Drake, 140c37: 31 George, Col. , 10Ap52: 32 George, jr. , PD28Ap74: 32 — R12My74: 42 [Hatch], Lt. , P13S76:23 — D14S76: 32 Lawrence, Capt. , 310c51: 22 Dentifrices, PD2J172: 31. for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD26D71: 31, PD12Mr72: 32, PD16J172: 32, PD14Ja73: 31, C11D79: 13 See also Dr. Baker's dentifrice; Hemet's pearl dentifrice; Perkin's specific dentifrice; Powder dentifrice Dentists, adv. of, in Fredericksburg, Va. ,PD13My73:23 in Norfolk, Va. , PD20Ag72: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD26D71: 31, PD12Mr72: 32, PD2J172: 31, • PD16J172: 32, PD20Ag72: 31, PD14Ja73: 31, PD210c73: 22 Denton, Jacob, R25My69: 41 James, PD31Mr68: 32 John, R14Ja73: 32 Vachel, of Md. , 290c36: 42 Depak, Francis, deserter, P29Ag77: 11 Depriest, counterfeiter, PD220c67: 21 John, R10Ja71: 41, R19N72: 23, P12D77:32 Randal, sentenced for felony, PDllJe67:22 William, 2S57: 42 Depriest' s gang, PD220c67: 21 Deptford, Eng. , accident in, 29Ap37: 41 See also Accidents in; British army from; British army from Quebec, Can., to; British navy, ships launched in; British navy from; British navy to South seas from; Duels near; Matricide in; Riots in; Ships, to Boston, Mass. , from; Shipwrecks in; Unemployment in Deptford, H. M. S. , 18Ag38: 21, 130c38: 41, 28N45: 21, PD2D73sl2 — R2D73: 21 British ship, 25Ja40: 2 storeship, 8S38: 21 DePuis, John, of Ulster co. , N. Y. , P17Mr75s31— D18Mr75: 31 Derby, John, PDllMy69s33 — RllMy69: 32, PDUe69: 23 — RUe69:31 Richard, R15S74: 23 Richard, jr. , R1J173: 23 Derby, Eng. , See Robberies between Derby, Pa., battle near, D23Ja78: 22 See also Robberies between Derby, ship, 290c36: 22, 2D37: 42, PD22Ja67: 32, PD19Mr67: 32, PD14Ja68:31 Derbyshire, Eng. , petitions king, PD5Ap70: 13— R5Ap70: 12 See also Emigration from; Indentured servants from; Sextuplets in Derham, William, author, 20 Ja38: 22 PD25F68: 41, PD14J168: 22, PD13D70: 42, PD3Ja71: 42, PD17Ja71: 42, PD24Ja71: 42, PD7F71:42,PD21F71:42, PD7Mr71: 42, PD21Mr71: 42, PD28Mr71: 42, PD18J171: 31, PD25J171: 41, PD29Ag71: 33 Dering, James, PD24Ag69: 41, PD17N74:22 William, 25N37: 42, 28Mr45: 41, 10Oc45:32, 11S46:41 Derling, Edward, D18My76: 32 Dernin, Nicholas, 110c51: 32, 170c51:31 Demon, Mr. , D10Oc77: 21 — P170c77: 11 DeRos(s)et(t), Lewis Henry, PD18F68: 31, Pi31Ag75: 23 Derrick, John, R23My71: 31 Peter, D5Je79: 21 Thomas, R23My71: 31 Derricott, Catharine, death of, Pi260c75: 32 Derry, Ire. , insurrections in, PD9J172:22 See also Ships, American, arrested in; Ships from N. Y. to DeSabbe, Joseph Dr. , Pi20Oc74: 31, Pi22D74: 33, Pi29D74: 32, Pil9Ja75: 33, Pi30Mr75: 33, Pi25My75: 33 Desaguliers, Lt. , of British army, PD20Ja74:31 Desbrisay, Albert, 23D37: 41 Desbrison, Thomas, of St. John's is. , PD28S69: 22 Deschambault, Quebec, See Continental army, retreats to Duschamps, Isaac, of St. John's is. , PD30Je68: 22, R12Ja69: 21 Deserters, adv. for, C15My79: 41 in Va. ,P27Mr78:41 escaped from Williamsburg, Va. , jail. P23My77: 32, D24Ap78: 31 — PlMy78: 42 PlMy78:42 executed in Peekskill, N. Y. , D9My77: 22 near Williamsburg, Va. , D20N79: 22 from Anderson's company, Va. , P23My77: 33 from Anspach troops in Holland, P12S77sll from Arell's company, Va. , P28F77: 23 from Bell's company, Va. , 12D55: 41 from Betsy and Polly, sloop, P17Ja77:43 from Blackwell's artillery company, Va. . D8Ap80s23 from Bressies's company, Va. , P16My77s31, P4J177: 32 from British army, 24Qc55: 11, 302 Deserters D10Ag76: 12, P2My77s22, D20Je77: 31 at Bunker Hill, Mass. , D20Ja76: 22 at Fort Oswego, N. Y. , 24Ap52: 21 at King's ferry, N. Y. , C3J179: 22— D3J179:21 capture paid for, P26S77: 12 in Beaufort, S. C. , D5Mr79: 32 in Boston, Mass. , PD1D68: 22, PD28J174: 22, PD4Ag74: 22 — R4Ag74: 31, PD18Ag74: 21, PD22S74: 21, R22S74: 23, PD130c74: 31, PD20Oc74: 22, PH7N74: 23, PD8D74: 21--Pi8D74: 22, Pil9Ja75: 23, D21 Ja75: 23, D25F75: 23, Pi4My75: 23, P9Je75sl2, Pi24Ag75: 33, P1S75: 12, D16S75: 21, Pi28S75: 31--P29S75: 23 — D30S75: 23, D30S75: 22, Pil90c75: 23, D210c75: 23, Pi260c75: 22, Pi260c75: 23, P270c75s22, P29D75s21, P2F76sll — D3F76: 31 — P13F76: 21, D29J176: 22 in British colonies, N. Am. , 9My55:21 in Can. , P30Ag76: 22--D31Ag76: 22, D180c76: 12--P180c76: 21 in colonies punished, D7Mr77: 61 in Cork, Ire. , P16F76: 12 — D17F76:22 in Cumberland co. , N. S. , D250c76: 22 in Elizabethtown, N. J. , D31Ja77: 61 in Fairfield, Conn. , D7Ag79: 22 in Ga. , D18J177: 22— P18J177: 21, D24Ap79: 22, D22My79: 21 in Halifax, N. S. , 24N52: 21, D29N76: 11 in Horseneck, Conn. , D2Ap79: 21 in Ire. ,D16Mr76:31 in Kingsbridge, N. Y. , D5S77: 21, P26S77: 12, D160c78: 31, P230c78: 22 in Long Island, N. Y. , D14S76: 51 in Md. , D12S77: 22 — P12S77: 23 in Mass'. , D26Ag75: 23, P19Ap76pl3 in N. J. , P4Ap77: 22, PllAp77sll, P13Je77: 31, P20Je77: 23, DllJe77: 21 — D11J177: 11--P11J177: 22— P11J1: 23, D10J178: 12,D17J178:22 in N. Y. , PD8S68: 22, D31Ag76: 22, D8N76: 21--P8N76: 21, P8N76: 23, D22N76: 22--P22N76: 23, D29N76: 22 — P29N76: 12, P29N76: 21, P240c77: 23, P21Ag78:22 in N. C. , P26J176: 23 in Pa. , D26D77: 11, P6Mr78: 21, P12Je78: 21, P19Je78: 22, P10J178: 11 in Quebec, Can. , P19Ap76pl2 in R. I. , D18J177: 22, C3J179: 21 in Scotland, P12J176: 23 in S. C. , D24Ag76: 32, D8Ap80: 23 in Va. , 17Ap46: 41. 5S55: 31, 26S55: 31, 310c55:21, Pil3D75: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , 31 J146: 42, 14Ag46:31 join Americans, D3 Je75: 23 near Charleston, S. C. ,D3J179: 12 near Fort Schuyler, N. Y. , D12S77: 21 — P12S77:22 near Peekskill, N. Y. , D19Je79: 22 near Piscataway, N. J. , P30My77: 31 near Quibletown, N. J. , D28F77: 31 — P28F77sl2 near Ticonderoga, N. Y. , P6S76: 22 — D7S76: 11 offered pardons in Ire. , Pi30N75: 12 on Bunker Hill, Mass. , D23S75: 23 on Elk river, Md. ,D12S77: 11 — D12S77: 21— P12S77: 21--P12S77: 23 on R. I. , D20Je77: 12, DlAg77: 12 — PlAg77:21, D8Ag77: 11 on Staten Island, N. Y. , D160c78: 31, D12F80:22 regulated by Va. general assembly, 18J146: 42 shot in Mass. , PD60c74: 31 to Continental army, D20Je77: 31 to Va. troops, P6Je77: 33 treatment discussed, D12Je79: 31 use in militia disqualified by Congress, P5Je78: 22 from British navy, D15Je76: 51, D22Je76: 52, P9Ag76: 33, P26S77: 23 in Boston, Mass. , Pil90c75: 23 in Charleston, S. C. , P12J176sl2 in Chesapeake bay, D5S77: 22 in Cork, Ire. , D10Ag76: 12 in Elizabeth river, Va. , 2N39: 31 in Fr. , PD9Je74: 13 in Hampton, Va. , 14Mr55: 41 in N. Y. , P26J176: 21, P18J177: 22 in Newport, R. I. , Pi30D75: 32, DllMy76:31,D24Ja77:22 in Norfolk, Va. , P15D75: 31, P8Mr76:31 in R. L,D18J177:22 in Savannah, Ga. ,D12Mr79: 22 in S. C.,D13J176:71 in Va. , 260c39: 41, 9My51: 32, P12Ap76: 31 off N. Y. , P9Ag76: 22 from British transports in Holland, DlAg77:21 off N. J. , D8Ag77: 12— P8Ag77: 21 from Brown's company, Va. , P6Je77: 33 from Burwell's company, Va. , P30c77:23 from Cabell's company, Va. , D13J176:22— P5J176:23 from Camp's company, Va. , P4Ap77:31 from Caroline co. , Va. , recruits, P27Je77: 33 from Charles City co. , Va. , recruits, P28N77: 32 from Clopton's company, Va. , P2My77sl2 from Collier's company, Va. , D23My77: 32 from Continental army, P19Ja76: 21 — D20Ja76: 23, P23F76: 13— D24F76: 22, P7Mr77: 32, P14Mr77: 33, P28Mr77s22 , P18Ap77s22, D9Ap79: 32 adv. for, P28F77s21, P18Ap77s22, P18Ap77: 31, P18Ap77s32, P4J177: 33 death ordered by Washington, P26S77:21--D30c77: 11 executions for in Phila. , Pa. , P28Mr77s21 forced into British army, D20Je77: 22 — P20Je77: 22 in Can. ,D11N75:23 in Leesburg, Va. , D23Ja78: 31 in Mass. , D4N75: 22, D23D75: 31 in N. Y. , D30S75: 22 in Richmond, Va. , C27N79: 22 in Va. . P160c78: 33 in White Plains, N. Y. , P22N76: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , P17My76: 33, D22My79: 41 number of estimated, C6N79: 13 pardons offered by Washington, D2Ap79:21 proclamation (text) for apprehension in Va. , P25Ap77:22 reported in France, D12F79: 31 from Continental artillery company, P30c77: 23 from Continental artillery in Va. , P6Mr78:41 from Continental battalion, 2nd, D7Mr77:21 from Continental battalion, 15th, D28Mr77:21 from Continental navy, D20Ja76: 11 from Continental regiment, 3rd, D12Mr79:32 from Continental regiment, 7th, P25Ap77: 31 from convention army, D24J179: 22, D21Ag79:22 from Crump's company, Va. , P14F77:33, P14Mr77: 33 from Davis' company, Va. , D24Ja77:41 from De Laporte's company, Va. , PlMy78: 32 from Deshoncle's company of artillery, Va. , P240c77: 33 from Digges company, Va. , P29Ag77: 11 from Diligence galley, P29My78: 32 from Dragon, ship, D3 J179: 32 from Dudley's company, Va. , P5S77: 33 from Dunmore's navy, P9Ag76: 32 from Dunmore's troops, D9D75: 31, Pi23D75: 12, D6Ap76: 32, D8Je76: 62, D22Je76: 61 from Ewell's company, Va. , P20Je77: 13 denied, P18J177: 13 from Franklin's company, Va. , P7Mr77: 32 from French army in Canada, 30N59: 22 in Louisburg, N. S. , 13Je45: 31 in Quebec, Can. , 5S55: 22 near Halifax, 24N52: 22 from French navy, searched for, PD4Je72: 32 from French regiment, in Williamsburg, Va. , D6Je77: 31, D22Ag77:31 from Ga. battalion, 2nd, P6D76: 32, D24Ja77: 41, P28F77s21, D28F77: 41 — P28F77: 22, P7Mr77s22, PllAp77: 23, P9My77: 42, P9My77sl2, P20Je77sll, P28N77:31, P12D77: 32 from battalion, 3rd, P13Je77: 33, D19D77:32 from battalion, 4th, P28N77: 32 from Ga. battalions, denied, P310c77:31 from Ga. regiment, 2nd, D13N78: 12 from Ga. regiments, D27S76: 42 from Georgia troops, P17Ja77: 43 from German troops, on Long Island, N. Y. , P6S76: 23--D7S76: 12 from Gibson's company, Va. , P14N77: 32 from Gloucester (ship), D2Ag80: 23 from Grayson's regiment, Va. , P16My77s31, P6Je77: 13, P12S77: 13 from Greyhound (brig), P4J177-32 from Grimes company, Va. , P20Je77: 32 303 Deserters (cont'd) from Halifax co. , Va. , regulars, D20Ap76: 33--P26Ap76: 22 from Hamilton's company, Va. , P2My77sl2 from Harrison's company, Va. , 240c55: 31, 12D55:41 from Harrison's regiment of artillery, Va. , D19S77: 41, P14N77:33 from Henry (galley), P6Je77: 33 from Hero, galley, P3Ja77s22, P21Mr77s22, P16My77: 32, P15Ag77:31, P5S77: 33 from Hessians in N. J. , P4Ap77: 22 from Hill's company, Va. , P25Ap77: 12 from Hunter's company, Ga. , P14N77: 33 from Jane (ship), P18Ap77s43 from Johnston's artillery company, Va. ,D25Mr80:33 from Jones' company, Va. , P14N77: 33 from Jones troop of light dragoons, Va. ,P4J177:41 from Lancaster co. , Va. , minutemen, P16Ag76: 43 from Lawson's company, Va. , P21N77: 11 from Lee's company, Va. , P2My77s32 from Lewis' galley, P15Ag77: 32 from Lewis' company, Va. , P15Ag77: 32 from Liberty, armed schooner, D29J176: 62 from Mackilwean's company, Va. , 19J154:41 from Manly, galley, D16My77: 21, P18J177: 33, P30c77: 31, P14N77: 32, D19D77: 32, C28Ag79: 11 from Md. troops, P5J176pll — D6J176: 82 from Mass. regiment, 10th, executed, P13Je77:22 from Mecklenburg co. , Va. , militia, P19S77: 13 from Mecklenburg co. , Va. , troops, P30c77:31, P28N77: 32 from Meriwether's company, Va. , P7Mr77s21, P4J177sll from Moore's company of guards, Va. , P9My77: 43 from Morgan's company, Va. , P25J177: 32 from Murray's company of artillery, Va. , D26S77: 32 from N. J. troops denied, D29J176: 31 from N. Y. regiment, D20J176: 31 from New York City, D16S75: 22 from Nicholas' company, Va. , P25Ap77:31 from Norfolk Revenge, ship, P21N77:33 from N. C. battalion, 2nd, P170c77: 33 from N. C. Continental regiment, 3rd, D9My77: 31, D9My77: 32 from N. C. regiment, 7th, P2My77sll from Northampton, brig, P25J177: 42 , P12S77:33 from Page, galley, P240c77: 33 from Pettit's company, Va. , P9My77: 33 from Pierce's company of artillery, Va. , D28Mr77: 21, D6Je77: 22, P8Ag77: 33 from Pittsylvania co. , Va. , troops, P10My76: 43 from Pope's company, Va. , P13Je77: 33, DlAg77:31 from Prince William co. , Va. , recruits, D11S79: 32 from Raines' company, Va. , P18Ap77s32 from Rudders company, Va. , PllAp77:32 from Ruff in' s company, Va. , P10My76sl2 from Safeguard, galley, P15Ag77: 32, D10J178:32 from Sally, schooner, D10J178: 31 from Scott's company, Ga. , P14N77: 33 from Selden's company, Va. , P11J177: 41 from Shackelford's company, Va. , P4J177:41 from Smith's company, Va. , P22N76: 33, P2My77s32, P12S77: 32 from S. C. independent companies, 3J146: 32 from S. C. regiments, P12J176s22 from Spencer's company, Va. , P5J176p23 from Capt. Stevens' company, Va. , PllAp77s32 from Tanker sley's company, Va. , P21Mr77: 13,P30c77:31 from Tarter, ship, P170c77: 33, P8My78s22,DllS79:32 from Tartar, ship, P8Ag77: 33 from Tomkies ' company, Va. , P250c76: 23 from Tory brigades, P27Je77: 21 from Town's company, Va. , PllAp77:31 from Trelawney's regiment, 12S45: 42 from Triplett's company, Va. , D7Mr77: 11 from U. S. armies, pardons offered by Washington, D28N77: 11 — P28N77: 11 from U. S. forces, pardons offered by Howe, P30c77: 13, D240c77: 12 — P240c77: 22 from Vaile's company, Va. , 19J154: 41 from Va. artillery, P8My78s22 from Va. artillery regiment, P14Mr77:33 from Va. cavalry denied, P21Mr77: 12 from Va. frontier battalion, 30N59: 41 from Va. garrison regiment, D4D78: 31, DlMy79: 31, D20N79: 22 — C20N79:21 from Va. infantry garrison, D19Mr79:22 from Va. marines, P30Ag76: 43, P8N76: 33, P27D76: 33 from Virginia navy, P21Je76: 33, P26J176: 32, P20S76: 31 in Warwick, Va. , P28Je76: 32, P13S76:41 from Virginia regiment, 30c55: 32, 14N55: 22, H27Ag56: 32, 2S57: 41 at Fort Cumberland, Md. , 12D55: 32 to be pardoned, 7N54: 31 from Va. regiment, 1st, P16Ag76: 32, P13S76: 41, P17Ja77: 32, P25Ap77: 31, P25Ap77: 32, P23My77: 33, P18J177sl2, D240c77: 22, D5D77: 11, C13My80: 31 from Va. regiment, 2nd, P17Ja77: 33, P24Ja77: 31, D5S77: 32— P10Oc77: 11, D12S77: 22, P12S77: 12, D7N77: 32, P14N77: 32, P28N77: 31, P6Mr78: 12 in Williamsburg, Va. , P6S76: 33 from Va. regiment, 4th, D21S76: 42 — P20S76: 32, PllAp77s41, P23My77: 32, P23My77: 33, P8Ag77: 32, P10Oc77: 32, P7N77s21 from Va. regiment, 5th, P20S76: 31, P27S76: 23, PllAp77s23, P13Je77: 13, P20Je77: 32, P14N77: 13 from Va. 'regiment, 6th, P26J176: 32, P16Ag76: 33, P30Ag76: 41, P180c76: 31, P8N76: 41, PllAp77: 22, P18Ap77s32, P18Ap77sl2, P18Ap77s21, P2My77sll, D11J177: 31, PlAg77: 31, P21N77: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , P5J176p22 to be executed, D24Ap78: 31 — PlMy78: 42 from Va. regiment, 7th, D25My76: 23, D24Ja77: 41— P24Ja77: 31, P28Mr77s23, D28Mr77: 72, P4Ap77: 32, P13Je77: 12, P8Ag77: 43 from Va. regiment, 8th, P16Ag76: 43, P13D76: 32 from Va. regiment, 9th, D11J177: 32 , D26D77: 31 from Va. regiment, 10th, P4Ap77: 31, P13Je77: 33, P15Ag77: 32, P19S77: 31, P310c77: 12 from Va. regiment, 12th, P7N77s21, P7N77s22 from Va regiment, 14th, P23My77: 33, P4J177: 41, P5S77: 33, P14N77: 32, P28N77: 33, P12D77: 23 draftees, P28N77: 32 from Va. regiment, 15th, P4Ap77: 32, PllAp77: 23, PllAp77: 32, PllAp77s32, P16My77sll, P8Ag77: 33, P21N77: 11 adv. for, PllAp77s23, P27Je77: 13, P19S77: 12 from Va. regiment of light dragoons, 1st, P160c78: 32 from Va. regiments, 12D55: 41, P21Mr77sl3, P21N77: 11 pardons offered, P21N77: 11 from Va state artillery, D19D77: 32, P27Mr78: 22, D9Ap79: 32 from Va. state regiment, D19D77: 32, D26D77: 22, D23Ja78: 32, D20N79: 32 from Va. troop of horse, 4th, P14F77:41 from Va. troop of light horse, P21F77: 41 from Va. troops, P15D75: 22, C21Oc80: 22 in Fredericksburg, Va. , Pi23D75: 12 from Waggoner's company, Va. , 28F55:42 from Water's company of artillery, Va. , P18J177: 33 from Welch's company, Va. , D30c77: 32 from Capt. Willis' company, PI lAp77s23 from Withers company, Va. , P13Je77: 33 from York co. , Va. , recruits, D7Ag79: 32— C28Ag79: 43 from York garrison, Va. , D9Ap79: 32 hanged by Continental army, D23D75: 31 in Spotsylvania co. , Va. , jail, P22Ag77: 32 join Va. regiment, 2nd, P21Mr77s22 penalty for harboring in Va. , 12D55: 32 proclamation (text) for apprehension in Va. , 3S56: 32 return to Lane's company, Ga. , P25Ap77: 32 Desertion denied in Va. , P16My77s22 304 Diall denied in Va. , P16My77s22 discouraged bv Va. assembly, D4J177:41 — P4J177: 11 executions for, D28F77: 21, P18J177: 21 — D25J177:21 from Ballard's company, Va. , denied, P18Ap77s23, P23My77: 31 from British army in America, encouraged by colonies, PD22D74: 21 from Continental army, denied, P170c77:31 explained in Commons, C6N79: 11 increase expected in Eng. ,D20c79: 11 from Georgia battalions, denied, PlAg77: 13 from Meriwether's company, Va. , denied, P8Ag77: 41 Washington's efforts to prohibit, D25Ap77:22--P25Ap77: 11 whipping for in N. C. , PD28Mr71: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , D25My76: 23 See also Under European countries (adj. form), army Deshazo, Peter, PD18F68: 31 Deshield, Capt. , of Baltimore, Md. , PllAp77s22 Deshom, Daniel, Capt. , P10My76: 21 Deshcn, Mr. , imports rams to New London, Conn. , PD23N69:21 Deshoncle. John, deserter, P240c77: 33 Desire, ship. PD290c66: 21, RllAg68: 23, R60c68: 23--PD29S68: 23, PD22D68: 31, PD1N70: 22, R21Ap74: 23, PD16Je74: 21 sloop. R12 Ja69: 23, PD6Ja74: 32, PD10Mr74: 31, R21Ap74: 23 Desk furniture, for sale, at Kemp's landing, Va. ,D19Mr79: 31 in Smithfield, Va. , PD4Ag68: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , 25Ap51: 32, PDUAp66:41 Desk stands, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD18Ja70:42 Desks, as lottery prizes, R19Ja69: 31 exported from James river, upper district, Va. , to Boston, Mass. , PD26My68: 23— R26My68: 31 for sale, PD26D71: 31. Pi7S75: 32, D13Ja76: 33--P5Ja76s23, D27Ja76: 41 — P19Ja76: 33 at half-way between, Williamsburg and York, Va. , D160c78: 41 in Blandford, Va. , P26J176: 41 in Brunswick co. , Va. , D90c79: 12 at Charles City court house, Va. , R18J166:33 in Dinwiddie co. , Va. , R19Ja69: 31 — PD26Ja69: 33 in Elizabeth city co. , Va. , D17Ja77:22 in Gloucester co. , Va. , D17J179: 32 in Hanover, Va. , PD15Ap73: 23 in James City co. , Va. , D18F75: 31 — P17F75: 42— Pil6F75:33 in Jockey's Neck, Va. , R22S74: 33 — Pi29S74:41 in Louisa co. , Va. , D90c79: 12 in Surry co. , Va. , D29Je76: 42 in Williamsburg, Va. , 12S55: 32, PD18Ap66: 32, PD29N70: 22, P18Ap77s33, C15J180:21 near Williamsburg, Va. , 10Oc55: 32 imported to Accomac district, Va. , from R. I. , PD5S66s43, PD31Mr68: 22 — R14Ap68: 41, PD7J168: 23— R7J168: 21 imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , 28F55: 31 from Piscataway, N. J. , PD27Ja74: 32 from Salem, Mass. , R12 Ja69: 23 imported to James river, upper district, from Boston, Mass. , PD28D69:31 from Salem, Mass. , PDllJe67: 32, PD28D69: 31 imported to Rappahanock district, Va. , from R. I. , PD15Ag66: 23 — R8Ag66: 22 imported to York district, Va. , from New England, 18My39: 41, 24Ag39: 31-32 from R. I. ,25Ja40:41 See also Black walnut desks; Mahogany desks Desks, writing, for sale, in Northumberland co. , Va. , PD5N72:43— R5N72:2i Despatch, British armed schooner, P16Ag76: 22— D17Ag76: 22 ship, PD30Oc66: 21, PD23Ap67: 23 Dessel, John, Capt. , of the Augustus Caesar, PD15Ap73: 13 Detector, pseud., Pi23Mr75:12,Pi30Mr75:13, Pi20Ap75: 11 Detroit, Mich. , British garrison remains at, PD25Ag68: 12 British to establish government in, PD18F68:22 capture by Americans prophesied, D31J179:22 captured by Americans, D25S79: 11 English receive Indians at, 250c65s22 fears war with Indians, PD2D73: 13 — R9D73: 13 trials in criticized, D17J179: 21 See also Bounties; Executions for murder in; Executions for robberies in; Indian traders in; Indians in; Indians near; Murders by Indians near; Murders of Indians near; Silversmiths in; Tories in Dettingen parish, Va. , 14Ag46: 32, 10Ap52: 31 See also Brick churches; Churchwardens; Glebe land; Stone churches Deupey, John Bar, R19Ja69: 33 Deux Amis, French Indiaman, D5Je79:22 Deux Helenes, Fr. frigate, D30Oc79: 22 Devall, William, PD3 Je73: 22, PD3Je73: 23 De Veest, Mr. , of Bucks co. , Pa. , PD25Ag68: 13 Devens Mr. , on committee to wait on Gen. Gage, PD1D74: 22 Devereux, Capt. , R60c68: 22 Deverix, James, D29Je76: 41 Devers, Christopher, Capt. , PD7Ap68: 23 Deverson, Capt. , of the Charming Nancy, P19My75: 13 Deviney, Samuel, R2My71: 32 Devizes, Eng. , to celebrate John Wilkes' release, PD14Je70sl2 Devon co. , Eng. , See Murders in Devonshire, Capt. , of the Prince of Orange, 18N37: 41 Devonshire, duke of, [William Cavendish], P28Ap75: 13— D29Ap75s21, P26My75s42, D19Ag75: 22, D12Mr79: 31, C15My79: 33, D8Ap80: 23 Devonshire, Eng. . anecdotes from, 24Ja51:31 instructs representatives, PD7D69sl3, PD15F70: 13 petitions king, PD7D69: 21--R7D69: 21, PD5Ap70: 13— R5Ap70: 12 See also Anecdotes from; Corn plentiful in; Drownings in; Methodists in; Murders in; Riots in; Smallpox inoculations in Devonshire, Brit, ship, D1N76: 12 Devonshire, H. M S. , 240c45: 21, 11S46: 31, 21N51: 22, 24Ja52: 22 ship, 15D52:21 Devonshire Childers, horse, 18Ap55: 31, R30My66: 33 — PD30My66: 32, D12Mr79: 31— C15My79: 33, D9My80: 32 Devormeaux. Bechet, Capt , of the Millain, 28F55: 22 Devoux, Stephen, PD6Je66: 32 Dew, Spencer, alias of Thomas Hines, R12Ag73:22 Dewar, Capt. , 27Ag56: 22 David, Capt. , of the Florida Packet, R8Ag66: 31 — PD22Ag66: 22, PD5S66s43 Dewbery, James, D29N76: 32 John, D29N76: 32, D20D76: 21 Dewey, George, D22Ap75: 42, PlAg77: 13 Nanny Rodelphus, Mrs. , D22Ap75: 42 Stephen, of Prince George co. , Va. , 17Ja52:41, 27F52: 32 Dewick, Capt. , of the Betsey, R4Ag68: 23 of the Lovely Lass, PD30Ja72: 32 Dewindt, Gerard, P13Je77: 23 Dewit, John, death of, R6My73s21— PD13My73: 23 De Witt, Mr., of N. Y. , PD17Ja71: 22 — R17Ja71: 13 supports second Continental congress, P17Mr75s31 — D18Mr75:31 Johnross, PD15Gc67: 22 Thomas, C19Ag80: 22 Walter, adv. finding horse, D3Je75:41, P16Ag76s22 De Wolf, Dr. , alias of W. F. Myer, R7J168:23 Dexter, Mr. , near Boston, Mass. , R25Ag68s22 of R.I. ,R7J168:21 Philip, shoemaker in Newport, R. I. , PD9Je68: 22— R9Je68: 31 Samuel, of Mass. , PD16Je74s21, PD23Je74: 13, PD23 Je74: 22 signs letter to Gage, R17N68: 13 Diabolus, pseud. , D21Ag79: 41 Diachylon, for sale, in Newcastle, Va. , PD19N72: 22 Dial, Edward, adv. assembly (social), 17Ja51: 41, 7F51: 42, 7Mr51: 41, 4Ap51: 42, 2My51: 32, 6Je51: 41 Dialects, See Aberdeen dialect; Bristol; Broad; Cumberland; Lancashire; North County; North County; North England; Scottish; West country; West of England; Yorkshire; Diall, Charles, R30Ag70: 31, PD13D70: 22- R13D70:31, PD18Ap71: 31 John, Capt. , of the Polly, 7Ag52: 31 305 Dialling Dialling, (surveying), taught at Samuel Kemp's school, Va. , D6N78:31 Dials, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 8Ag51:32 Diamant, Fr. man of war, PD15J173: 13 ship, 4 J145: 22 Diamond, Capt. , of the Unity, 10N52: 22 brig, PD28Ap68: 21, PD2Ja72: 23 British ship, 25Ja40: 2, D[250c ?]76: 52 — P250c76: 11,D29N76:52 H. M. S. , 6My37: 31, 10Je37: 31, 22Je39: 12, 18Ja40: 32, 24Ja52: 22, PD1S74: 23, D22My79: 12 horse, Pi22D74: 32 privateer, D7S76: 11, P12S76: 21 — D14S76: 22 privateer ship, P13S76: 21 — D14S76:21 ship, R12Mr67: 22, PD25Ag68: 31, R25Ag68:32--PDlS68: 23,R60c68: 23— PD29S68: 23, PD8Je69: 23, PD27J169: 32, PD23N69: 31--R23N69: 22 sloop, 28Mr45: 41, 18Ap45: 41, 30Ap52: 21, PD2N69: 21, D6Ap76: 23, D10Ag76: 22 sloop of war, PD3Ag69: 12 snow, 12D55:21 Diamond mines, in Paraguay, R11F68: 23--PD17Mr68: 23 Diamond rings, for sale, in Baltimore, Md. , Pil8My75: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , 15My52: 32, PD4Je72: 32 near Williamsburg, Va. , 17N38: 42 Diamond shoe buckles, in London, Eng. ,PD14Ap68:21 Diamond stomachers, evaluated in London, Eng. , PD6Ag67: 21 Diamond tools, 28Ap38: 42 Diamond trade, in Brazil, 29D38: 31 Diamond ware, boycotted in Providence, R. I. , PD21Ja68: 31 Diamonds, decreasing value of, PD5N72: 12 dissolved in Paris, France, PD240c71: 11 for Catherine of Russia, PD80c72: 11 — R290c72:21 for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 15My52:32 imported from Brazil to Lisbon, 4Mr37:22 importation to Spain from S. Am. , forbidden, PD30J167: 21 imported to England, PD8Ag71: 21 to Great Britain, PD27Ag72: 31 to Lisbon from Brazil, PD23J172: 13 to Lisbon from Rio de Janeiro, 20J139:21,24Ag39:ll to Portsmouth from Lisbon, 26Ja39:41 used as barter in England, R25Mr73: 13 Diamonds, glaziers' for sale, in in Williamsburg, Va. , PDllAp66: 41, PD3D67: 32 Diana, brig, R15D68: 12, R12Ja69: 31, PD26N72:21 brigantine, D20Je77: 12 frigate, PD5S71: 31--R5S71: 23, PDllJe72:31 H. M. schooner, P24Mr75: 31 H. M.S. , PD31Ja71:22 prize snow, D11S79:21 schooner, Pi22Je75. 31 ship, 12D51: 11, 12F62: 32, PD30J167: 22, R7J168: 22, RllAg68: 24, PD170c71: 12, PD23Ja72: 23, PD1J173: 32--R1 J173: 31, PD16S73:32,D7Ja75:31 Diana Languish, pseud. , PD26F67: 13 Diaper, for sale, P6Mr78: 32 in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72: 31 in Blandford, Va. , D26F79: 32 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD3D67: 32, R19Ap70: 31--PD19Ap70s23, PD4Oc70: 31, PD22Ap73: 31, R210c73: 22 Diaper, clouting, for sale, in Williamsburg,110c51:41,PD150c72:31, PD29Ap73: 23 Diaper manufacture, in Norfolk, Va. , PD14J174:31 in Prince George co. , Va. , D18N75: 32 Diaries, as prizes for answering enigma, R16F69: 23 Diascun bridge, James City co. , Va. , 13F52: 41, 2Mr53: 42, 30N59: 42 Dibble, Fyler, captured by Americans, P29My78: 21 Dice, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166:23 in Williamsburg, Va. , PDllA p 71: 32 forbidden in Continental army, P30My77: 11 makers of, 9Je38: 41 used in England, PD12D71: 13 Dichoso, Spanish ship, D[250c ?]76: 52 Dick, Capt. , of the Magdalen, R2S73: 11 Mr. , 28F55: 31 Alexander, adv. for deserter, P30Ag76: 43 clerk of Spotsylvania co. , Va. , committee, Pi9F75: 32, P19My75s33, P22S75: 11, P3N75: 13, P29D75: 31 requests release of American prisoners, D27N78: 22 Alex. Capt. , P26J176: 41 Archibald, R30My71: 23 Archibald, Rev. Mr. , P25Ag75: 71, D9S75: 32 Charles, 4S46: 41, 19J154: 42, P26J176: 41 adv. for runaway indentured servant, 14Ag46: 41 adv. houses and lots for sale, 28F55:41 adv. merchandise sold by Spotsylvania co. , committee, Pi9F75:32 adv. settlement of estate of, John Campbell, PD4F73: 23— R11F73: 22 appointed on Fredericksburg, Va. , committee of correspondence, R16Je74: 22 chairman of Spotsylvania co. , Va. , committee, P3N75: 13 directs lottery to build church, R14J168: 32 directs lottery to build roads, R21J168: 34 examines William Triplett for, Spotsylvania committee, Pi2F75: 21 exonerates William Triplett, Pi2F75:21 land of, PD170c71: 31--R170c71: 32 to request calling of convention in Va. , P19My75s33 306 David, Dr. , D22Ja80: 33 John, defends Wyoming, Pa. , PD29Ag71:22 Mathew, adv. fulling business, PD4 J166: 32 Robert, Capt. , of the Hartwood, 26S55: 31 William, Capt. , of the Dutchess of Queensbury, 18J151: 41— 30c51: 32. 24Ap52: 31, 12Je52: 22, 24J152: 32, 7Ag52:31 Dick, ship, PD310c71: 21, PDllJe72: 31, R31D72:31 Dicke, Mrs. , slave of, PD170c71: 32 Dicken, John, PD10D72: 32 Thomas, 7N54s21 Dickenson, Capt. , PDllMy69s33 Mr., of Phila. , Pa. , D240c77: 11 — P240c77:22 of Williamsburg, Va. , PD13My73: 33 Arthur, adv. for missing horse, PlMy78: 32, D8My78: 61 Arthur Major, D27N78: 32 Benjamin, P170c77: 41 John, Pi28Ap75sl2— D29Ap75s32, D21S76:42, P26S77: 13 of Henry county, Va. , D160c79: 32 [John], Capt. , in battle of Point Pleasant, PH0N74: 23 of the Endeavour, 18Ap45: 41, 10Oc45:31 of the Tryal, 31D36: 42 Judith, PD18F68: 31 Mary, adv. mantua making, PD19Ap70s23, PD140c73: 23 Thomas, 11S46: 41, R170c71: 31 William, P28J175: 32 William, & co. , 7N54: 42 Dickenson, ship, P19J176: 13, D20J176: 31, D29J176: 12 Dickenson's drops, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , D12 Je79: 32, Dickenson's ford, PD13N66: 23 Dickerson, David, P8N76: 32 Henry, deserter, PllAp77s23 James, 210c37: 31 John, 240c55: 21, P18J177sl3 M. , adv merchandise for sale, R12My74: 32 William, deserter, P250c76: 23, P8N76: 32 Dickeson, Arthur, 120c52: 32, R12Mr67: 43, P4Ap77: 42, P30My77: 43 John, P16My77s32, D13N79: 32, D11D79: 31 Dickey, Capt., in Montreal, Can., P22Mr76:22 Edward, Pi2Mr75: 31 James, Capt. ,R4F68:42 John, overseer, PD7S69: 41--R7S69: 42 Michael, of Augusta co. , Va. , P180c76: 12 Dickie, Adam, Rev. Mr. , 6Je45: 41, 12S45:41 Anne, 6Je45:41, 12S45:41 Dickins Mr. , 13Je45: 41 Robert, PD6Je66: 33, P14F77: 33 Dickinson, Capt. , 2My51: 22, 30My51: 22, 26S51:32,P29Mr76:31 commands Indian fighters, 30c55: 31 company of, P25Ap77: 31 of the Phenix, PD25Ag74: 23 — R1S74: 22 Lt. , captured by American ship, near Boston, Mass. , D13J176: 62 Dieskau Mr. , slave of, D160c79: 32 Anne, R18Oc70: 32 Arthur, slave of, R15Mr70: 42 — PD22Mr70: 42 Cadwallader, of Phila. , Pa. , D12Je79: 12 David, overseer, PD13S70: 32 Edmund, cabinetmaker, PD3Ja71: 33, PD14N71: 22— R21N71: 33, PD7My72: 31, R16S73: 32, PD28J174:32,D7Ja75:33 Edmund, Capt. , P9F76: 31, P15N76: 12 Edmund B. , Major, P10My76: 32, P16Ag76: 32, P170c77: 21, D17J178: 21, D16Ap79: 22 Jacob, D20c79: 31 James, PD2My66:41 James, Capt. , 29Ag51: 32 of the Anne, 12N36: 41, 24D36: 42 John, elected representative to Mass. , general court, PD23Je74: 13--R23Je74: 23 John, (1732-1808) admired by French, PD29Je69: 31--R29Je69: 22 arrives at Cont. congress, D28Ja75: 11 chairman of Philadelphia town meeting, PD14J174:23 delegate to Continental congress, Pil2Ja75: 31— D14Ja75: 23 extract from pamphlet against precedents, Pil9Ja75: 31 Farmer's letters, adv. in Monthly review, R15D68: 13 Farmer's letters, approved by town meeting, PD21 J168: 12 Farmer's letters, opposed in Eng. , PD23F69: 31--R24F69s21 Farmer's letters, praised, R28Ap68: 13, PD19My68: 13, PD2Je68: 22, PD29S68: 22--R29S68: 23, PD60c68:22 — R60c68: 22, PD8D68:21,PD27J169: 32, R15F70:21 Farmer's letters, printing of, R6Ap69: 11, PD27J169: 32--R27J169: 32 Farmer's letters, quoted, PD22D68: 22 Farmer's letters, read, PD12Ja69: 31, PD27Ap69: 21--R27Ap69: 22, PD29Je69: 23— R29Je69: 22, PD21Je70: 11 Farmer's letters, reprinted, R24D67: 23- - PD7Ja68:ll,PD14Ja68:ll,PD21Ja68:ll, PD28Ja68: 11, PD18F68: 11 — R18F68:14, PD25F68:11, PD3Mr68: 11, PD10Mr68: 11, PD17Mr68: 11, PD24Mr68: 11, PD31Mr68: 11 Farmer's letters, supported in Eng. , PD23F69: 23 fortune in Va. left to, PDL5S68: 23 honored by Society of Fort St. David's, PD26My68: 21, PD2Je68: 22 in charge of printing journal of Continental congress, D28Ja75: 12 lawyer of Philadelphia, PD22Mr70: 22 likened to Virgil, PD9N69s21 on Phila. committee of correspondence, R23 Je74: 32 on committee for instructions to Continental congress, PDUAg74:23— R4Ag74: 32 on committee of inspection, Yorktown, Va. ,D31J179:31 on Pa. committee of correspondence, PDUAg74:32 opposition to colonies denied, P24F75sl 2 patriotism of upheld, Pi9Mr75: 31 praised, PD14Ap69s21, PD9N69s22 — R9N69: 23, PD6S70: 23— R6S70: 13, R25N73:22 Pa. delegate to Stamp act congress, 250c65s23 ships named for pseudonym of, PD3Ag69: 22 signs Association of 1774, PD3N74: 12 — Pi4N74: 12 to prepare address to king from congress, D28Ja75: 12 to prepare letter to colonies unrepresented in congress, D28Ja75: 12 toast of, PD6J169: 11— R6J169: 12 toasted in Boston, PD15S68: 23, PD13Ap69: 22, PD14Ap69s21, PD18My69: 23, PD18Ap71: 31 wax figure of displayed in Boston, PD30c71:23 John, Capt. , of the Mary, 3D36: 42, 25F37: 42 Joseph, R2F69: 32, D10Ag76: 71 Joseph, Capt. , of the Tryal, HJa40:41 Josiah, Capt. , PD4Ag68: 21 M. , adv. slaves for sale, P12Ap76: 32 Mary, merchant, PD22N70s23, PD14Mr71: 32, PD170c71: 23, PD30Ap72: 31 Nathaniel, PD22D68: 2% P27S76: 22 Philemon, Gen. , PlMr76: 22, D7F77: 11— P7F77: 21, D7Mr77: 61, D17J178: 22, C15J180: 11 R. , Capt. , 29Ag51: 32 Thomas, marshal, 29Ag51: 32, 19J154: 41, HAp55: 32, 18Ap55: 31 Dickinson's drops, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD1S74: 32 Dickinson's mill, Richmond co. , Va. , R12Mr67:32 Dickison, Capt. , of the Goodwill, Pi5Ja75: 22 John, D10J178: 42 Dickon, Christopher, R18Ag74: 32 Dicks, John transported to colonies, R13J169:11 Dickson, Capt. , of the William and Mary, PD10Ja71: 13 Col. , at Baton Rouge, La. , D26F80: 22 Mr. , in skirmish in Norfolk, Va. , P24My76: 23 B. , P6Mr78: 22, DlMy79: 22 — C15My79: 42,C15My79: 42 Benjamin, slave of, P160c78: 13 Beverley, PD29Ag71: 31, PD6My73: 32, PD13My73: 41, PU4S75: 23 — P15S75s21— D16S75: 32, P10N75: 43, D17Ja77: 12 James, Capt. , of the Mary, PD26N67: 22 John, P170c77: 43 Nicholas, announces departure, PD3S67: 22, PD2Je68: 31 Nickolas, announces departure, 12Je52:21 Robert, Rev. Mr. , P23Ag76: 32, D20N79: 32 Samuel, Capt. , PD31Mr74: 23 Thomas, 7N51: 32, 29My52: 31, 30N59:42, PD12Mr67: 13 William, PD18F68: 31, PD23Je74: 12, D4F75: 32, P28N77: 33 William, Capt. , of the Berkley, 26S55:31 See also Dixon Dicksons, Mr. , 7N54: 41 Dictionaries, PD12My68: 31, R20J169: 23, PD12D71: 32 Diddep, Archibald, adv. for journeymen tailors, P23Ag76: 43, P14N77: 31 adv. for runaway apprentice, D19D77: 32 adv. for runaway horse, R14Ap74: 32 adv. tailoring, PD13My73: 33 — R13My73: 32, P26Ja76: 33 testifies concerning Mercer's duel, R23J167: 22 Didip, John, adv. tailoring, 5Mr52: 41 Didop, Archibald, PDllAp66: 41 Didsbury, Mr., shoemaker, D18N75: 32 — P24N75:31, P28Je76: 31 Didsbury' s calimanco pumps, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , R60c68: 23 — PD60c68:31 Didsbury' s pumps, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. , R19F67: 23 in Richmond, Va. , PD210c71: 23 — R310c71:32 in Williamsburg, Va. , R60c68: 23 — PD60c68: 31, PD13Ap69: 32 — R13Ap69: 31, PD19Ap70s23 — R19Ap70:31,R17Oc71:33, PD240c71: 31, PD290c72: 22 — R290c72: 22, R8N70: 13, R23F75: 33 — D25F75:33 Didsbury' s satin pumps, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD60c68: 31 — R60c68: 23 Didsbury' s satin shoes, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD240c71: 31 Didsbury' s shoes, adv. for, PD14My72: 23 for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. , R19F67:23 in Petersburg, Va. , PD310c71: 31, PD290c72: 22 in Richmond, Va. , PD310c71: 23— R310c71:32 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD60c68: 31— R60c68: 23, PD13Ap€9: 32— R13Ap69: 31, PD19Ap70s23— R19Ap70: 31, R8N70: 13, PD22N70s23, PD10Oc71: 31, PD170c71: 23, R170c71: 33, PD14My72: 23, PD9J172: 31, PD150c72: 31, PD220c72: 23— R220c72: 23, PD290c72: 22— R290c72: 22, PD22Ap73: 31, PD29Ap73: 23, PD210C73: 23— R210c73: 22, PD5My74: 23--PD5My74: 31— R26My74: 13, PD12My74: 43, R12My74: 32, PD20Oc74s22— Pi20Oc74: 31, D22Ap75: 32— Pi20Ap75: 31 Didsbury' s slippers, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , R13Ap69: 31 — PD13Ap69: 32 Dieppe, Fr., See Exports from; Murders in; Protestants persecuted in Diernkrotte, Austria, See Fires in Dierscon (Diascund?) bridge, Va. , PD30c71: 31 Dieskau, Baron de, R14Ap68sll captured at Lake George, 170c55: 11, 170c55: 12 prisoner at Albany, N. Y. , 240c55: 21 prisoner in French and Indian war, Pi27J175: 22 wounded at Lake George, 30c55: 12, 30c55: 21, 17Qc55: 21, 240c55: 12 307 Diets Diets, described in England, PD18F73: 11 in London, Eng.', PD14Ap68: 13 Diff, Joseph, Capt. , of the Byton, 31D36:42 Difficult bridge, Fairfax co. , Va. , R220c72: 23 Digby, Robert, Capt. , of the Ramillies, D29Ag77: 11 Digby, frigate, D13N78: 21 Diggens, Daniel, alias of Daniel Dunn, PD10N74: 43 Digges, Col. , lMr38: 32, PD25Ag68: 32, R9Mr69: 23--PD9Mr69: 33, PD14S69: 31 Miss, slaves of, P5D77: 32, D26D77: 22 Mr. , of Md. , R26My68: 33 plantation of, PD12Mr72: 32— R12Mr72: 31 Mrs. , PD9My71: 32, PD7My72: 32 Anne, Mrs. , death of, P22D75: 32, D27Ja76: 33— P26Ja76: 33 Anne (Harrison), Mrs. , 10Ag39: 32 Charles, death of, R13Ap69: 22 of Md. , agent of John Philpot & co. , R30Je68: 32 Cole, adv. for missing horse, C28Ag79: 32 adv. estate, of Mrs. Anne Digges, D27Ja76: 33— P26Ja76: 33 adv. settlement of, estate of William Cole, 1S38: 41 daughter of, 24Ag39: 22 death of,D23My77: 21 — P23My77: 23 delegate from Warwick co. , Va. , P18Ap77sll estate of, for sale,D20Je77: 22— P20Je77: 33 musters militia in York co. , Va. , 18Mr37:41 settlement of estate of, P6Je77: 31 soldier, P21Ag78: 11 son of, 10Ag39: 32 Cole, Major, D30Oc78: 41 — P230c78: 31 Cole, sr. , PD14Ap68: 32 Dudley, Adv. estate of James Burwell, PD240c71: 32 adv. for bids for making creek navigable, D28Mr77: 12— P28Mr77s22 adv. for missing horses, 22Je39: 41 adv. for overseer, P20Mr78: 12 adv. land for sale, 11F37:42, R18J171: 33— PD25J171: 23, PD70c73: 22— R70c73: 2g, D170C77: 22— P10Oc77: 31 adv. land of James Burwell, for sale, PD14N71: 22— R21N71: 32 appointed to settle land claims, PD6Ag72: 23 — R80c72: 42 burgess from York co. , Va. , 10Ja52: 32, 27F52: 32, PD1D68: 31 — R1D68: 21, PDllMy69s41, PD7S69: 23--R7S69: 31, R9N69: 11, PD5D71: 31, PD14J174: 23 — R14J174: 31 delegate to Va. convention, P24F75: 32, D25F75: 31, DlAp75: 21, P19Ap76: 33 deputy to Va. convention, PD21J174pll — R21J174: 22 dies of smallpox, PD4F68: 31 — R4F68: 31 directs lottery of John Thompson, PDllMy69: 32 land of, PD17QC66: 32 member of Va. privy council, P5J176s21— D6J176: 21, P30My77: 31 notifies Patrick Henry of governorship, P5J176: 23 — D6J176: 21 on committee of correspondence, PD18Mr73: 23— R18Mr73: 31 on committee of safety for Va. , P25Ag75: 63— D26Ag75: 31, P8S75:21 on committee on petitions to Gt. Brit. R21Ap68: 14 orders statue of Gov. Botetourt, PD25J171: 22 plaintiff in Chancery court, R12Ja69: 32 smallpox at house of, PD28Ja68: 23 Dudley, Capt. , of the Nightingale, 26S55: 12 Dudley, Col. , horses of, 27Mr52: 31 Dudley, jr. , 7N54s22, 9My55: 21, R2N69: 23--PD2N69: 33 E. , Capt. ,DlMy79:31 Edward, adv. for deserter, D20N79: 32 adv. land for sale, P230c78: 31 — D30Oc78: 41 adv. settlement of estate of Cole Digges, P6Je77: 31 marriage of, 10Ag39: 32 ordered to supply Louisburg expedition, 17Ap46: 31 settlement of estate of, PD2N69: 33— R2N69: 23 Edward, Col. , 27Mr46: 42 death of, R30Mr69: 32 Edward, Lt. , P29Ag77: 11, P12S77: 32 George, sails for Eng. , Pi9N75:23— P10N75: 21 Ignatius, 28F55: 41 Marshall, settlement of estate of, 24My51:42 Patty, marriage of, DllMr80: 32 Susanna, marriage of, 24Ag39: 22 Thomas, PD7My72: 32, PD10S72: 22, P6Je77: 31, D30Oc78: 41 — P230c78: 31 [West], at Edinburgh theatre, PD22Ag71: 21 William, adv. land for sale, 28F55:41 adv. settlement of estate of Edward Digges, R2N69: 23--PD2N69: 33 burgess from Elizabeth City co. , Va. , 19D55: 22 burgess from Warwick co. , Va. , 6F52: 31, 27F52: 32, PD1D68: 31, PDllMy69s41, PD14S69: 31 — R14S69: 22, R9N69: 11 deputy for York co. , Va. , to Va. peninsula meeting, D16S75: 32 election to burgesses denied, PD12D71:31 joins Association in Va. , R27J169: 23 member of committee, in Warwick co. , Va. , Pi9Mr75: 33 of Maryland, R13Ap69: 22 on committee of inspection, Yorktown, Va. ,D31J179: 31 overseer of murdered, 2My51: 31 posts land, PD11N73: 22— R11N73: 21 William, Col., land of,DlMy79: 22— C15My79:42 land posted against, PD2D73: 21 mill of, C13My80: 31 posts land, PD2D73: 21 William, jr. , adv. bids for building warehouse, PD29Ag71: 31 adv. for missing horse, PDllAp66: 33 adv. for runaway slave, PD6F72: 33— R6F72: 31 adv. for sawyers, P14N77: 33 adv. land for sale, D30Oc78: 41 — P230c78: 31 adv. settlement of estate of Edward Digges, R2N69:23— PD2N69:33 delegate to Va. convention, P19Ap76:33 posts plantation in Newport News, Va. , PD17S71: 31— R26S71: 31 William, sr. , adv. for steward, PD7My72:31 joins Association in Va. , PD16Ag70: 32 Diggs, Mr. , 28J138: 12 Dudley, PD29S74: 33 — Pi29S74: 41 John, P21N77: 13 William, jr. , PDllJe72: 32 Digin, James, Pil6N75: 33 Dijon, France, See Anecdotes from Dikephilos, pseud. , PD18J166: 21, PD22Ag66: 21, PD29Ag66: 22, PD12S66: 22,PD10Oc66: 11, PD6N66: 11, R27N66: 11, PD18D66: 31, R25D66: 23, PDlJa67: 22 Dikes, Isham, deserter, P14N77: 33 Dikes, in Holland, 80c36: 31, PD28Ap68: 21, PD8Mr70: 22, PD8Mr70: 23, PD80c72: 21 in Rochelle, France, PDllMr73: 12 Dildey, Catherine, Mrs. , PD6Ag72:31 Gutlieb, PD6Ag72: 31 Maria, PD6Ag72: 31 Peter, PD6Ag72: 31 Diligence, armed brig, D12Mr79: 21 galley, deserters from, P29My78: 32, P12Je78: 42 man of war, PD7Mr66: 31 schooner, PD31Mr74: 13, D14Mr77: 21 ship, R280c73: 23 sloop of war, PD26Ag73: 22— R26Ag73s23 Diligent, cutter, PH4S75: 22 man of war, R70c73: 21 sloop, R19Ag73: 21 Dilkes, James, Mrs. , death of, PD20Je66: 13 William, of the Hound, 25Ja40: 2 Dillard, George, D5Mr79: 32 James, PD12S66: 31, Pi20Oc74: 32, P7Je76:31,D12S77:42— P12S77: 32 John, commissioner, D20N79: 31 Joseph, R30Ag70: 32 Thomas, (justice of peace), P27Je77: 13, P21N77: 43 Thomas, jr. , R18Ja70: 43, D24Ap79: 31 William, jr. , P26My75s43 Dilley, Aaron, P20Je77sll Dilleyhay, Charles, sr. , PD14Je70: 33 Dilliard, Thomas, of Pittsylvania co. , Va. ,DllF75s23 Dilligh, Henry, C27N79: 23 Dillon, Capt. , of the Mercury, PD7Ap74: 22, P22J175s22, P5S77: 12 Edmund, PD20Ag72: 23 308 Dinwiddie Jesse, P17Ja77:41 Robert. PD27Ap69: 13 Dillon & Gray, tavern in Charleston, S. C. , R26J170: 21 Dillon's tavern, Charleston, S. C. , PD8D68: 12 Dilts, William, alias of George Gray, PD170c71: 22 Dilworth, Thomas, author, PD25F68: 41, PD29N70: 21, PD13D70: 42, PD17Ja71: 42, PD24Ja71: 42, PD7F71: 42,PD21F7J:42, PD7Mr71: 42, PD21Mr71: 42, PD28Mr71: 42, PD18J171: 33, PD25JT71: 43, PDlAg71: 43, PD8Ag71: 43, PD10Je73: 32, D24Ag76: 61 Dimity, for sale, 12F62: 42 in Blandford, Va. , D13N78: 11 in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD25Ap66: 31 in London, Eng. , PD7Je70: 33 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , HOc51: 41, PD3D67: 32, PD25F68: 23— R3Mr68:34,PD9J172:31, PD150c72:31,D25F75: 33 — R23F75:33 in Yorktown, Va- , 4J145: 42 manufactured, in Fredericksburg, Va. , P17Ja77: 22 in Prince George co. , Va. , D18N75: 32 plentiful in S. C. , PD14D69: 12 Dimity, China, for sale, in Lancaster co. , Va. , C19F80: 11 Dimity, corded, for sale in Williamsburg, Va. , PD25Je67: 32, PD25F68: 23--R3Mr68: 34, PD22Ap73: 31, R210c73: 22, D160c79:31,C13N79:12, C21Oc80: 22 Dimity, English, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD290c72: 22— R290c72: 22 Dimity, figured, for sale, in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , HOc51: 41, PD25F68: 23--R3Mr68: 34, R29N70: 31 — PD29N70: 31, PD290c72: 22— R290c72: 22 Dimity, flowered, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22 Dimity, India, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD25Je67: 32, PD25F68: 23 — R3Mr68: 34, PD28S69: 31, R29N70: 31 — PD29N70: 31, PDllAp71: 32, PD12D71: 32, PD290c72: 22— R29CC72: 22, PD29Ap73: 23, R12My74:32,D16D75:23 Dimity, satin, for sale, in Lancaster co. , Va. , C19F80-.il Dimity, striped, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , D22Ap75: 32— Pi20Ap75: 31, P18J177: 32 Dimity baskets, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD9J172: 31, PD150c72: 31 Dimity bed gowns, for sale, in London, Eng. , PD7Je70: 33 Dimon, Major, captures Tories, P31My76: 13 Dimory, Daniel, triplets of, PD3N68: 23 Dimple, horse, PD270c68: 31 Dimsdale, Dr. , directions for inoculation, R30N69: 31 Dingaderry, William, Capt. , of the Johanes and Aletta, D13N78: 11 Dingee, Charles, Capt. , of the Mulberry, 22S52: 32 of the Susanna, 8D52: 31 of the Susanna and Molly, 24N52: 22 Daniel, Capt. , of the Forrest's Delight, PDllJe67: 32 Dingle, Ire. , See Shipwrecks near Dingle bay, Ireland, See Shipwrecks in; Storms in Dingley, James, Capt. , of the New Hatley, 7N45: 31 Dingley, ship, PD24Mr74: 31 Dingly, Charles, PD18My69: 13 Dinkins, Theophilus, deserter, D9My77: 31 Dinsdale, [Joshua], author, PD29N70: 21, PD13D70: 42, PD7F7L42, PD21F7L42, PD7Mr71: 42, PD21Mr71: 42, PD28Mr71: 42, PD18J171: 23 Dinsie, Thomas, Capt. , of the Albemarle, 25Ja40: 12 Dinsley, Capt. , of the Lightfoot, R22J173: 33 Dinwiddie, Miss, marriage of, PD310c71:21 Robert, adv. finding horse, R15Ap73:33 Robert, It. gov. of Va. , addresses of, 1751,28N51:32,5D51:32 addresses of, 1752, 27F52: 22, 5Mr52: 31, 5Mr52: 22, 24Ap52: 22 addresses of, 1754, 7N54: 21, 7N54: 22 addresses of, 1755,2My55: 21, 9My55: 12 addresses of, 1757, 22Ap57: 31 adv. for guns stolen by deserters, 5S55:31 adv. for deserters, 19J154: 41, 14Mr55: 41, 12D55: 41, 2S57: 41 adv. for recruits, 28F55: 41 appointed It. gov. of Va. , 18J151: 32 arrives in Williamsburg, 21N51: 31 assures citizens of Augusta co. of safety, 26S55: 31 attends council of war, in Alexandria, 14Mr55: 32, 21Mr55: 32 discusses military preparations, 310c55:21 dissolves general assembly, 14N55: 22 embarks for Va. , 170c51: 22 entertains Cherokees, 5S55: 31 grants bounty lands, PD21D69: 23— R28D69: 13, PD31Ja71: 32— R31Ja71:23 marriage of daughter of, PD310c71: 21 orders frontier forts built, 5S55: 31 orders sheriffs to collect quit rents, 15My52: 32 permits plays, 28Ag52: 31 proclamations of, 1751, 21N51: 31, 12D5L32 proclamations of, 1752, 12Mr52: 22, 27Mr52: 22, 10Ap52: 22, 24Ap52: 31, 30Ap52: 21, 5Je52: 31, 28Ag52: 32, 20Oc52: 22 proclamations of, 1754, 19J154: 32, 7N54:32,R14Ja73: 12 proclamations of, 1755. 7Mr55: 31. 7Mr55: 32, 12S55: 31, 10Oc55: 31, 170c55: 22, 12D55: 22 proclamations of, 1756, 3S56: 31, 3S56: 32 receives account from Great Meadows, 19J154: 22 receives Cherokees, 17N52: 21 recovers from illness. PD28Ap68: 21 requests return of deserters, 26S55: 31 returns to Williamsburg, 25Ap55: 21 urges military preparations, 2My55: 21 Dinwiddie, ship, 7Ag52: 31, 14Ag52: 22, 21Ag52: 31,29D52:32 Dinwiddie, Crawford & co. , merchants, D18F75: 32,D8J175: 33 — P14J175: 33, D7Mr77: 41 Dinwiddie & co. , D19F80: 32 Dinwiddie co. , Va. , burgesses elected, 19D55: 22, PD8D68: 31, PD7S69: 23— R7S69: 31, R9N69: 11, PD5D71: 31, PD21J174p23— R21J174: 32 committee, resolutions (text) of, D18N75: 31,P29D75:23 trials for violation of fast day, P7Je76: 33— D8Je76: 62 court, follows docket, D14Ag79: 12 land sold by order of, PD22Ag66: 31, PD8Mr70: 33, PD22Mr70: 33— R22Mr70: 31, PD28Mr71: 32, P16My77: 13 orders bids for building prison. PD28S69: 32--R50c69: 32 slaves sold by order of, PD8Mr70: 33, PD28Mr71: 32 delegates elected, P2My77s22 delegates to Va. convention elected, P26Ap76s23 freeholders, declarations (text) of, PD21J174pl2— R21J174: 23 reported list of tithables, PD22D74: 31 — Pi22D74: 32— D7Ja75: 33 senator elected, P6S76: 32, P9My77: 31 senatorial district for,D8Ja80: 23 sheriff of, R270c68: 32 sheriffs sale in, R270c68: 32 volunteer company adv. for adjutant, D10Je75: 33 See also Apple orchards in; Association of 1774 enforced in; Association of 1774 upheld in; Associations in Va. , number of members in; Auctions in; Bake houses in; Blacksmiths, adv. for, in; Bolting mills in; Bridges in; Buildings in; Cherry orchards; Churches in; Convict servants runaway from; Corn cribs in; Counterfeiting in; County court clerks, adv. for; Cow houses in; Cribs in; Cropping houses in; Dairies in; Dwelling houses in; Farms in; Fires in; Gardens in; Gambling in; Glebe land in; Gristmills in; Hickory timber in; Horse-breeding in; Houses for sale in; Indentured servants runaway from; 309 Dinwiddie co. . Va. (cont'd) Jails in; Kitchens in; Land, mortgaged for sale in; Land, ownership of, disputed in; Land for rent in; Land for sale in; Laundries described in; Mansion houses in; Militia of; Mills in; Musters; Oak timber in; Offices in; Orchards in; Ordinaries in; Outhouses in; Overseers' houses in; Overseers in; Peach orchards; Pear orchards; Physicians in; Pine timber in; Quarters in; Quarters, Negro, in; Red oak timber in; Regulars (army) in; Roads in; Sheriff's sale in; Silversmiths in; Slaves held in jail in; Slaves for hire in; Slaves for sale in; Slaves held by sheriff in; Slaves, mortgaged, in; Slaves runaway from; Slaves runaway held by sheriff in; Smokehouses in; Spring houses in; Stables in; Stealing in; Stills in; Storehouses in; Tailors, apprentices runaway from; Tithables in; Tobacco houses in; Tobacco inspectors in; Tories, accusations against in; Undertakers in; Va. regiment, fourteenth, in; Warehouses in; Weaving houses in; White oak timber in Dinwiddie courthouse, Va. , burned, PD29J173: 22 See also Land, mortgaged for sale at; Land for sale at; Lotteries of land at; Slaves for sale at Dionis, Charles, author, D24J179: 31 Diplomacy, See under countries Dirang, Mr. , signs treaty for Caribs, PD15Ap73: 22--R15Ap73: 22 Diring, James, D23S75: 32 Dirks, captured in N. C. , P15Mr76s21, P22Mr76: ll--D23Mr76: 32 Discovery, H. M. S. , D17J179: 11 Diseases, cures for,9My45: 11, 16My45: ll,23My45: 11, PD28My72: 22 essay on curing of, PD8N70: 11 in Brittany, Fr. , D18Mr80: 22 in Dunkirk, Fr. , PDllMr73: 13 in Eng. , PD21S69s21 in France, PDllMr73: 13 in Jamaica, W. I. , PD18F68: 22— R18F68: 24 in London, Eng. , PD4N73: 11 in Mobile, PDlJa67: 22 in North Britanny, Fr. , PD26Ja69: 12 in northern Europe, PD16J172: 23 of children, in London, Eng. , R16Mr69: 31 of indentured servants, 4 Ag3 8: 32 of slaves, 22Je39: 32 See also Adder bites; Agues; Apoplexy; Asthma; Burns; Cachexy, cure for; Cancer; Cancer, cure for; Cankerworms; Cholic; Colds; Consumption; Costiveness; Deafness; Distemper; Distemper, jail; Dropsy; Dry gripes; Eruptions, cutaneous; Evil; Eye diseases; Eyes, sore; Female disorders; Fevers; Flux; French malady; Gout; Gravel; Green sickness; Head disorders; Inappetency; Itch; Jail fever; Jaundice; Jaundice, yellow; Lax; Leprosy; Measles; Nervous complaints; Palsy; Piles; Plagues; Pleurisy; Pox; Rheumatic pains; Rheumatism; Ringworms; Ruptures; Sciatica; Scurvy; Skin disorders; Smallpox; Sores; Stomach disorders; Stone and gravel; Stones; Strains; Swellings; Throat distemper; Titters; Toothache; Ulcers; Urine suppressions; Venereal diseases; Warts; Whitlows; Whooping cough; Worms; Wounds; Yaws Dish stands, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD18Ja70: 42 Dishes, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22, PD25J166: 23, PD21Mr71: 32 •in Williamsburg, Va. , 12Mr52: 31, PD28S69: 31 imported to York district, Va. , from Boston, 9D37: 42 See also Agate dishes; Brass chafing dishes; Chafing dishes; China dishes; Glass sugar dishes; Iron chafing dishes; Pewter dishes Dishes, baking, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22 Dishes, nappy, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22 Dishes, sugar, for sale, in . Fredericksburg, Va. , PD18Ap66: 33 in Gloucester co. , Va. , D24Ag76: 72 — P16Ag76: 33 Dishes, water, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22 Dishman, John, D27N78: 22 William, Corp. , D27N78: 22 Disinterested, pseud. , PD11J171: 23 Disley, Eng. , See Snow in Dismal, horse, D13Ap76: 33 — P19Ap76: 43 Dismal swamp, Va. , and N. C. , slaves work in, PD5D71: 32 Dismal swamp adventure, PD130c68: 23— R130c68: 31 Dismal swamp co. , Robinson's share in for sale, PD21D69: 12— R28D69: 12, PD5Ap70: 41 — R5Ap70: 11, R13My73: 32 Dismuckies, James, D160c79: 32 Dismukes, Elisha, RlAg71: 42 James, DlAp80: 22 Disney, Major, in Quebec, Can. , PD16Ap67: 22 Daniel, Capt. , PD5Mr67: 22 Dison, Francis, tobacco of, R14Ap68: 24 Dispatch, brigantine,D20c79: 31 H.M. S. ,24Ja52:31 privateer, 13Je45: 22 ship, 30D37: 32, 10Mr38: 31, 14J138: 32, 20Ap39: 12, R22S68: 23 — PD22S68: 22 sloop, 21N51: 22 snow, HAp51: 32 Dissection, of humans, in London, Eng. , PD27F72: 22--R27F72: 22 in Maidstone, England, PD28S69: 11 Dissenter from the Church of England, pseud. , P26Ap76: 21 Dissenters, aid missions in America, PD30Ap67: 22 attempt repeal of Test and Corporation act,20J139:31 dispute with Church of England, PD22Ap73: 22 government financing discussed in Eng. ,R150c72: 21 imprisoned in Eng. , P16F76: 11 imprisonment of clergy in Eng. , D29My79: 22 in Va. , PD22Ja67: 23, R26Mr72: 12, R12My74: 12, P26Ap76: 21, D27D76: 21 — P3Ja77: 13 increase in England, PD14J174: 12 meeting houses, in Fauquier co. , Va. , R4F73: 31 ministers' qualifications considered by parliament, PD9J172: 12 ordered from Denmark, 20Je45: 11 regulations rumored in Gt. Brit. , PDllMy69sl3 rights upheld in Great Britain, PD21My67: 22 toleration for, in Great Britain, PD20My73: 13,R20My73: 11, R10Je73: 3i, PD1J173: 11 Dissidents, in Courland, Latvia, PD24S67: 11 in Lithuania, PD9J167: 13, PD10S67: 11 in Poland, audience with, PD20Ag67: 13 Catholic church opposes, PD12My68: 13 conciliated, PD25F68: 21, PD3Mr68: 21 confederacies discussed, PD9J167: 21 declare loyalty, PD9J167: 21 gain favor of nobility, PD27Ag67: 12 given privileges by Austria, R3Mr74: 31 observed by Austria, PD6Ag67: 13 persecuted, PD25Je67: 22 receive foreign aid, PD9J167: 11, PD9J167: 13, PD9J167: 21, PD30J167: 22, PD27Ag67: 12, PD27Ag67: 13, PD10S67: 12 request Russian aid, PD9J167: 12 supported by Prussia, PD25Je67: 21, PD9Mr69: 23 supported by Russia, PD4Je67: 22, PD25Je67: 21 unite against Catholics, PD2J167: 21 in Polish Prussia, PD9J167: 12, PD27Ag67: 12 Distemper, among cattle, cure for, PD18Ap66: 21,R14S69:31 cure for reported, PD19My74: 23 cure for requested, PD4Ag74: 23 from S. C. , R22S68: 22 in Brussels, Belg. , PD18Oc70: 22 in Bohemia, PDllMr73: 12 in Denmark, 24Ad46: 21 in England, PD5Ap70: 13 — R5Ap70: 12. PD19Ap70: 21 in Flanders, PD16Ja72: 11, R24Mr74: 21 in Hampshire, England, R15Mr70: 21 in Holland, R30Mr69: 22, PD24My70: 12, R12Mr72: 21, R23Ap72: 21 in Madrid, Sp. , Pi5Ja75: 22 — D7Ja75: 12 in Naples, R4F6 8: 14 in Scandinavia, R30Mr69: 22 in Sweden, R30Mr69: 12 in West Flanders, R24Mr74: 11 in Yorkshire, Eng. , R15Mr70: 12 among dogs in Providence, R. I. , PD16N69: 12 among horned cattle, cure for, R18Mr73: 13 310 Dixon among horses in Bohemia, PDllMr73:12 in Bornholm isle, Den. , PD25F68: 21 in Cohansey, N. J. , PD220c67: 21 in England, 14Mr51: 22 in Ireland, 14Mr51: 22 in Lisbon, Port. , PD16Ap72: 31 in London, Eng. , PD4F68: 22 in Spain, R11F68: 23 among Negroes on Gold Coast, PD14Mr66: 43 among sheep in Tiverton, R. I. , PD2Ja72: 23 cure for, R14J168: 33 — PD1S68: 31, R190c69: 41, PD14Je70: 31 in Algiers, Alg. , 15S52: 31 in Bender, Bessarabia, R26My68: 14 in Bristol, Eng. , 23D37: 22 in Boston, Mass. ,D12Ag75: 32 in Calcutta, India, PD16My71: 22 in Catalonia, Sp. , 12Ag37: 41 in Edinburgh, Scot. , P17My76: 23— D18My76:32 in Grand Cairo, It. , PD28Ja68: 22 in India, PD16My71: 12 in London, Eng. , 4N37: 42, HOc51: 21 in Messina, Sicily, 20F52: 31 in Naples, It. ,D1J175: 23 in Old Bailey, London, R31D72: 12 in Paris, Fr. , PD15F70: 21 in Rome, It. , PD14D69: 22 in Turkey, R12Mr67: 23 inoculation of cattle, in Copenhagen, Den. ,PD17S71:21 on Dutch ships, in Portsmouth, Eng. , PD7F71: 13, PD7F71: 22--R7F71: 23 Distemper, jail, PD21Ja73: 31 in Newgate prison, R13My73: 21 Distemper, throat, in Oxford, Mass. , R16N69: 21 Distich, on Trelawney, P2Je75s41 on George Washington, D12D77: 11 Distilleries, for sale, PD5F67: 31 — R19F67: 41 in Alexandria, Va. , P21Ap75: 33 — Pi28Ap75: 41 in Berkeley co. , Va. , PD4F73: 31 in Boston, Mass. , PD24N68: 23 in Halifax, N. S. , 26S51: 32 in New York City, PD28My72: 23, P17F75:41 in Norfolk, Va. , PD4J171: 31 — R8Ag71: 31 in Orange co. , N. C. , D160c79: 31 in Quebec, Can. , R4D66: 13 in Richmond, Va. , PD7My67: 32 in West Indies, PD4Ap66: 23 near Norfolk, Va. , PD21My72: 23 taxes on in Gt. Brit. , 27Je51: 22 See also Stone distilleries Distillers, adv. for, in Gloucester co. , Va. , P21Ag78: 32 in Manchester, Va. , D19D77: 21 in Norfolk, Va. , PD4J171: 31 — R8Ag71:31 in N. Y. , curb slave trade, PD24N74: 21--Pi24N74: 32 Distillery tools, for sale, in Orange co., N. C. ,D160c79: 31 Distilling, adv. of, P28N77sl2 in Sweden, regulated, R17Je73: 21 Distilling houses, damaged in Bristol, R. I. , Pi9N75: 21 destroyed in St. Eustatia, PD12N72: 21 Distoe, Mr. , punished by Regulators, S. C. ,R4Ag68:21 Distress, pseud. , PH6F75: 12 Ditchers, adv. for, in Blandford, Va. , PD2Ap72: 32 in Buckingham co. , Va. , P310c77: 12 in James City co. , Va. , D23Ja78: 41 in New Kent co. , Va. , P10Oc77: 32 See also Convict servants as; Indentured servants as; Slaves as Ditchers' tools, for sale,D14Mr77: 12— P21Mr77:21 Ditchway, Bernard, deserter, P18J177: 22 Ditson, Thomas, tarring and feathering of,D15Ap75:31 Thomas, jr. , describes tarring and feathering, D8Ap75: 22 Ditton, Humphry, author, PD25F68: 41, PD29N70: 21, PD13D70: 42, PD3Ja71: 42, PD17Ja71: 42, PD24Ja71: 42, PD7F71: 42, PD21F7L42, PD7Mr71: 42, PD21Mr71: 42, PD28Mr71: 42, PD17S72: 21, PD10Je73: 31.D25N75: 11, D30D75: 11,D24F76: 43, D2Mr76: 41, D9Mr76: 41, D25My76: 43 Dittond, Anthony Francis, murderer, 25Ag38: 41, 20Oc38: 32, 3N38: 61, 24N38: 41 Diuguid, William, plantation of, 19J154: 32 Diven, William, P4J177: 42 Diver, James, PD9J172: 32 William, D5S77: 32 Divers, George, PD16Je74s22 Divers, See Slaves as Divine right theory, criticized, 29D52: 12 Diving machines, invented in Eng. , PD12My68: 21 Divinity, books on, 240c45: 42, 24My51: 32, PD26D71: 31, P28F77s22 Divorce suits, in London, 'Eng. , PD13S70: 13 — R13S70: 12 Divorces, common in England, PD8Mr70: 22 contemplated in England, PD3N68: 11 granted in England, PD18Je72: 21 granted in London, Eng. , PD27F72: 22, PD27F72:23--R27F72:22 in Denmark, PD16J172: 22 in England, PD18Ap66: 22, PD16Je68: 22— R16Je68: 13 — R16Je68:23,R130c68: 11, PD18Oc70: 21, PD8Ag71: 12, PD15Ag71: 21, R13My73: 22 in Great Britain, increase, PD3S72: 13 in London, Eng. , 22J137: 32, PD3Mr68: 21, PD18Ag68: 31, PD14S69: 12, R8Mr70: 22, PD18Oc70: 13, PD26S71: 21, R23Ap72: 21, R20My73: 12 in Norfolk, Va. , PD20Ap69s22 of Jews in London, Eng. , D5Mr79: 31 prevention proposed in England, PD24My70: 13 refused in London, PD24S72: 11 regulated by parliament, PD9My71: 11 regulation proposed in Eng. , PD15Je69: 22 regulations concerning in Scot. , P5My75sl3 trials for, PDllAp71: 12, PD3S72: 11, R13My73: 23 Divwick, Cornelius, of Md. , R14Ja73:41 Dix, John,R8Ag66: 32,R2My71: 33 Thomas, P16My77s21 Thomas, Lt. , P14N77: 33 Dixcy, Capt. ,R17Ja71: 12 John, Capt. , 11J151: 32 Dixon, Capt. , 29My46: 31 of the Charlotte, Pil90c75: 13 of the Dutchess of Queensbury, 7F51: 41, 7Mr51: 31, 15My52: 31 of the Greyhound, D10Ag76: 12 of the Kitty, 3Ap52: 31 of the Ocean, R2Je74: 22, PD9Je74: 22, D27Je77: 11 Dr. , in Yorktown, Va. , 9Je38: 41 Mr. , PD17N68: 23--R17N68: 23 commands cavalry near Charlotte, N. C. ,C21Oc80: 12 land of,D17J178:41 trustee for clergy's relief fund, PD28Mr66: 33 Mrs. , house of, 24Ja51: 41 Rev. Mr. , of Kingston parish, Va. , PDllJe67:23 Adam, Capt. , of the Guy, 19D55: 22 Anne, Mrs. , PD26My68: 23 Anthony T. , P40c76sl3 Betsey (Peyton), Mrs. , PD11F73: 22— R11F73:22 Beverly, marriage of, D1N76: 32 Christopher, Capt. , of the Watters, PD7Je70: 31, PD4Oc70: 22 Daniel, adv. for runaway slave, PD19Ap70: 41 alias of Daniel Johnson, 120c52: 22, 10N52: 22 Edward, adv. for cargo, PD20Ja74: 32— R20Ja74: 33 adv. ship for charter, PD20Ja74: 32— R20Ja74: 33 announces slaves for sale, PD60c74: 32— Pi60c74: 33 collector for Purdie & Dixon's Va. gazette, PDllAg68: 23 plaintiff in Chancery court, PD60c74: 32— Pi60c74: 33 settlement of estate of, D31J179: 32 supports Association of 1774, Pil2Ja75: 11— D14Ja75: 12 Edward, Capt. , PD9J172: 32, PD3N74: 41 — Pi4N74: 32, D12Je79:31 H. , PDUF68: 31, PD24My70: 31 Haldenby, adv. house and lots for sale, PD15Ap73: 31 attorney for George Pitt,R60c68: 24— PD60c68: 23 counsel in law suit, PD15Je69: 32 directs lottery of John Thompson, PDllMy69: 32 elected to common council, Williamsburg, Va. , PD29N70: 21 of Hanover co. , Va. , D4J177: 62— P4J177: 22 of Williamsburg, Va. , PD2My71: 32— R2My71: 22 plaintiff in suit, PD8D68: 31 Harry, D31J179: 32 disavows wife's debts, PD26My68: 23, PD27Je71: 32 Henry, Capt. , of the Brothers, 4J145: 3,10Oc45:3,3J146:4 James, alias of James Thompson, 311 Dixon, James, alias of James Thompson (cont'd) Pi4My75: 33 requests payment for hire, of slaves, PD3Ja71: 32 John, 15My52: 32, 22My52: 32, Pi20J175: 33,D14Mr77: 71, P16My77s32 administrator of Roger Dixon's estate, PD6Ag72: 31 adv. dissolution of, Purdie & Dixon, PD1D74: 23 adv. estate of Roger Dixon for sale, PD220c72: 22, PD7Ja73: 31 adv. finding horse, R27Ap69: 31 adv. dissolution of Purdie & Dixon, PD12Ag73: 31 adv. for minister of Kingston parish, P21N77: 22 adv. for missing horse, PD18Oc70: 32 adv. houses and lots for sale, PD21N71: 22, PD16Ap72: 32 adv. household goods, for sale, PD13D70:31 adv. land for sale, PD30J172: 32 adv. lots in Fredericksburg, Va. , for sale, PD2Je68: 23 adv. ownership of slave, 4N63: 32 adv. plantations for sale, 250c65s43, PD17Mr74: 31 adv. property for sale, PD18N73: 22 adv. settlement of estate of, Roger Dixon, PD2J172: 31, PD9J172: 31, PD26N72: 23, PD25Ag74: 31 adv. slaves for sale, PD170c66: 32, PD5N67: 32, PDllAp71: 32 adv. sloop for sale, PD18Ja70: 41 agent to collect debts of Joseph Royle, PD7Mr66: 33 alias of John Anderson, PD10Je73: 21 — R10Je73: 33 announces departure, 19S51: 41, 15My52:41 announces dissolution of Purdie & Dixon, PD2Je74: 32 announces schedule of post riders, PD21Mr66: 41, PD14My67: 31, PDUe69: 31 appointed to committee of inspection, Williamsburg, Va. , PD22D74: 23, D24J179: 21 appoints collector for Purdie & Dixon, D7Ja75: 31 clerk's notice, R280c73: 41 counsel in law suit, PD15Je69: 32 defends attachment of debts owed Lyonel Lyde, 25Ap51: 31 demands payment of postage, PD30J167: 33 deputy to Va. peninsula meeting, D16S75: 32 discusses salt making, D9D75: 31 elected colonel of Williamsburg, Va. , militia, Pil4S75: 31 elected mayor of Williamsburg, Va. , PD1D74: 22— PilD74: 32 executor of Joseph Royle, PD8D68: 31 house of, P7N77sl3 member of Williamsburg, Va. , common council, PD3D72: 22— R3D72: 22 partnership with Alex. Purdie, PD20Je66: 23 partnership with William Hunter, PD1D74. 11 plantation of, PD170c66: 32, PD5N67: 32 postmaster in Williamsburg, Va. , PD30Ag70: 32 proclamation for apprehension of William Evans, PD210c73: 23 quarters of, 7Ja37: 42 runaway indentured servant, 10Oc55: 32 sentenced for felony, 4N63: 21 requests payment of debts, PD14Ja73: 23 sues to attach effects of Lyonel Lyde, 14Mr51: 42 supplies rattlesnake root, 5N36: 42 to be paid by general assembly, PD28D69: 23— R28D69: 23 unclaimed tobacco of, P28J175: 32 urged to print Remembrancer, PD22Mr70: 22 John, Capt. , P130c75: 11— D210c75: 31, D27Ap76: 32 John, Col. , signs treasury notes of Va. , P26Ap76s23,D27Ap76: 33— P26Ap76s23 John, jr. , PD80c67: 21, PD11F73: 22— R11F73: 22, P29D75: 33, P30Ag76: 31, D19D77: 22 John, Rev. Mr. , PD8S74: 32 appointed professor at William and Mary college, PD18Ja70: 32 conducts Rind's funeral, PD26Ag73: 23 investigation of ordered, D4Ap77: 21— P4Ap77: 23 land taken by Falmouth, Va. , PD6Ag67: 23 letter (text) to Country Clergyman, PDlAg71: 22 preaches sermon in Williamsburg, Va. , PD29D74: 31 — Pi29D74: 32 property in Falmouth, Va. , discussed, PD2Ap67: 22, PD14My67: 22 quarrel with Thomas Gwatkin, R15Ag71: 23 settlement of estate of,D14N77: 31— P7N77s21 slave of, R6F72: 33, PlMy78: 42, D19D77: 22 warehouses built on land of, RlAg71: 12 John, sr. , PD80c67: 21 Joseph, R2Ag70: 23 Lucy, Mrs. , PD18N73: 22 Michael, R17F74: 33 Milly, acrostics, PD7Ja73: 31, PD14Ja73: 23 Polly (Saunders), marriage of, D1N76:32 Richard, PD18F68: 31 Roger, 22My52: 32, PD2Je68: 23, PD21N71: 22 adv. for cargo, 250c65s41 adv. for descendants of John Hellier, R20Je71: 33 — PD20Je71: 33 adv. for missing horse, l5My52: 32 adv. for runaway slave, PD30Je68: 31 adv. house and lot for sale, PD5S66: 42— R5S66: 41 adv. land for sale, 30Ap52: 32, PD18Je67: 32, R12My68: 32 adv. lots for sale, 22My52: 32, 19J154: 42 adv. Madeira wine for sale, PD31Mr68: 31, R15Je69: 23 adv. merchandise for sale, PD25Ap66: 31 adv. merchant mill, R19J170: 32— PD19J170: 32 adv. plantation for sale, PD23Ap67: 32 adv. property, for sale, PD21Ap68: 31, PD8Je69: 31 adv. slaves for sale, 27F52: 41 adv. sloop for sale, PD12S66: 31 adv. taverns for sale, PD7N71: 31 associator of Spotsylvania co. , Va. , R15N70: 22 burgess for Spotsylvania co. , Va. , PD21S69: 23--R21S69: 23, R9N69: 11 death of, PDllJe72: 31 discusses brother's property in Falmouth, Va. , PD2Ap67: 22 estate of, for sale, PD220c72: 22, PD7Ja73: 31 ferry of, PD21Ap68: 31 in Dixon- Falmouth land controversy, PD6Ag67: 23 land of,R18Ag74:32 land of for sale, PD30J172: 32, PD6Ag72: 31, P270c75: 22 letter to, in post office, PD29Ja67: 13 manages lottery, PD3S67: 31, R31Mr68:32,R14J169:32 merchant mills of, R18N73: 31 on committee for rebating damaged tobacco, RlAg71: 11 protests condemnation of brother's mill, PD14My67: 22 settlement of estate of, PD2J172: 31, PD9J172: 31, PD26N72: 23, PD25Ag74: 31 payment of bonds due estate requested, PD25N73: 23 unclaimed tobacco of, P28J175: 32 Roger, Mrs. , dower of, PD220c72: 22 Thomas, PD18N73: 22, PD14Ap74: 32— R14Ap74: 32, PD8S74: 32, PilON74: 33 prison experiences of, P28Mr77sl3 Thomas, Capt. , estate of, for sale, R17F74:31 of the Amy, 16My51: 32, 24My51: 32, 13Je51: 32, 12S51: 32, 5D51: 41 of the Caesar, 15S52: 32, 25Ap55: 22 of the Colston, 250c65s41 of the Patriot, 27Ag56: 32 slave of, PD15J173: 33— R15J173: 41 Turner, D31J179: 32 William, D110c76: 71, P29My78: 31 adv. for journeymen tailors, PD6N66: 22 adv. for runaway slave, PD25N73: 31 adv. house and lot for sale, PlMy78: 31 opposes Association of 1774, Pil2Ja75: 11— D14Ja75: 12 warns against Rev. Mr. Patrick Lunan, PD26N72: 22 See also Dickson Dixon, Frank &, merchants, 16Ja61:42 Dixon, Lucas &, PD26N72: 23 Dixon, Purdie &, PD6N66: 11 adv. books and stationery for sale, PD27N66: 11, PD10Je73: 31 adv. damaged books for sale, PD14Ja73: 31 adv. for box of books, PD27Ag72: 42 adv. for runaway apprentice, 312 Doctor's PD24Ja71: 32 adv. robbery In post office, PD7Ja68: 33 adv. schedule of riders, PD10Je73: 23--R10Je73: 33 adv. , PD12N72: 22 announce discontinuance of service southwest, PD23My71: 22 announce publication of Congress' proceedings, PD10N74: 12 dissolution of partnership, PD17Je73: 33, PD14J174: 11 — R21J174:11,PD22S74:32, PD17N74: 22, PD1D74: 23 Gazette quoted in Rind, R15Mr70: 32 promise better delivery to Halifax, N. C. ,PD23J172:31 public printing withdrawn from, PD27N66: 11 request payment of debts, PD22S74: 32 request return of unsold almanacs, PD10N68: 22 Dixon & Falmouth warehouse, D19D77: 22 Dixon & Hunter, D30Mr76: 33 adv. books for sale,DHF75s23, DlAp75: 12.D25N75: ll,D20Ja76: 41, D24F76: 43, D2Mr76: 41, D9Mr76: 41, D25My76: 43, D24Ag76: 51, D20D76: 41, D3Ja77: 41-43, D17Ja77: 41-43, D2My77: 81-83, D4J177: 81-83, D11J177: 32, D19S77:32,D24J179:31 adv. Dr. Keyser's pills for sale, D23S75: 33 adv. drugs for sale,D22Je76: 72— D15Je76: 62 adv. for advance payment for Va. Gazette, D18N75: 31 adv. for linen rags, D22J175: 33 adv. for old metal, D17Ag76: 31 adv. hymn books for sale,D20D76: 42 adv. journals of Continental congress for sale, D28Ja75: 12 adv. Maredant's anti- scorbutic drops for sale,D16S75: 33 adv. publication of Virginia Gazette, PD1D74: 23 adv. stationery for sale, D18Mr75: 33, D9S75:41,D6J176:22 agent for John H. Holt,D15N76: 32— P250c76: 31 appointed printers to Va. senate, D12D77: 12, P12D77: 22 catalogue of books at, P21Ag78: 33 catalogue of Byrd library at, D19D77: 21 collector of debts, in Williamsburg, Va. ,DHOc76:ll dissolution of partnership, D5Mr79: 32 passenger agents, D6Ja76: 33— P5Ja76s23 post office for soldiers, D29J176: 62 printing office of, D5D77: 21 request payment of debts, D13Ja76: 32,D20Ap76: 31, D20D76:41,D3Oc77:31, D19D77:21,D5Mr79:32 slave of, P21Ag78: 43 warehouse robbed, D17Ja77: 22 Dixon & Tabb, P18J177: 13 Dixon's warehouse, 22Ap57: 32, PD6Je71: 31 damaged tobacco in, R170c71: 23 for sale,D14N77: 31--Pu7N77s21 payment for inspection demanded, PD6My73: 31--R6My73s22 regulations for tobacco damaged at,RlAg71: 11 tobacco destroyed at, PD25J171: 22— RlAg71:31,R5S71:31 tobacco notes on, PDllMr73: 31 — RllMr73:32 See also Tobacco inspectors Dix's ferry, PD4F73: 31--R4F73: 23 Doack, Robert, burgess for Fincastle co. , Va. , PD17Je73: 33 Doak, John, PD8N70: 22 Doake, Robert, burgess for Fincastle co. , Va. , PD4Ag74: 23 See also Dogue Doane, Capt. , D22Ja80: 23 Elisha, Capt. , 24N52: 22 Joseph, jr. , Capt. , PD10D72: 22 Nathaniel, Capt. , PDUAp71: 23 Dobberan, Germany, See Roman Catholic church, relics of in Dobbie, Capt. ,R260c69: 21 of the John and Presley, PDllJe67: 22, PD18Je67:31,RllF68:31 of the Susannah, R21N71: 23, PD6My73: 23, PD3Mr74: 21-- R3Mr74: 23, PD10Mr74: 32, DlAp75:31,P12My75:21, D13My75: 23 George, PDllMy69: 32 George, Capt. , letter to, in post office, PD10Mr68: 31 of the Russia Merchant, PD26My68: 23 James, R17F74: 32 Dobbins, Hugh, PD18J171: 22, R23Ap72: 13 James, Capt. , of the Plain-Dealer, 29My46: 22 Reubens, 19D55: 31 Thomas, PD7My67: 32 Dobbs, Capt , PD8S68: 22, PD18Je72: 31 Mr. , of N. Y. , PD28My72: 23 Adam, D18My76: 32 Arthur, gov. of N. C. , 21Mr55: 12, PDllAg74: 13 Conway Richard, PDllAg74: 13 Edward Brice, PDllAg74: 13 Dobbs, sloop, PD21Mr66: 11 Dobbs co. , N. C. , See Land for sale in; Militia of; Regulators in; Whipping for Regulators in Dobb's Ferry, N. Y. , D25My76: 31, P27S76sll,DlN76: 22— P1N76: 22, P22N76: 22,D29N76: 22— P29N76: 12 See also British army at; British army to New York City from Dobb 1 s Galley, ship, 31J146: 41 Dobby, Capt. , PD24My70: 32 James, convict servant, R9Je68: 34 Dobie, Mr. , of Montreal, Can. , R9Je68: 24 Dobson, Capt. , of the Prince Rupert, 8Ag51: 22 sails for England, PD1J173: 32— R1J173: 31 Arl, London watchmaker, P22Ag77: 31 Frances, Mrs. , dower of, 2My55:31 John, author, D25N7 5: 11, D30D75: 11 Richard, 2My55: 22, 2My55: 31, 5S55: 32 Robert, alias of Robert Hobday, 4N63: 41 Dobson, Daltera & Walker, PD3Ja71:23,R23My71:41 Dobsworth, horse, D28Mr77: 22— PllAp77:31 Dobyns, Samuel, R24N68: 31 Docks, built in Portsmouth, Eng. , R13S70: 11 in New York City, 2N39: 41, PD7Mr66: 41, PDlJa67: 22, PD140c73: 13, P21Ag78: 21 Dockyards, built in Archangel, Russia, D2D75: 21 built in Danzig, PD17Je73: 22 closed to public in Eng. , Pil90c75: 11 — P20Qc75: 11 established in St. Mary's, Fla. , PD27Ja74: 23 establishment irt British colonies, N. Am. , proposed, R23S73: 21 for British colonies, N. Am. , proposed, PD12D71: 21 for British navy, in Europe, PD60c68: 11 — R60c68: 11 proposed in Dominica, PD26Mr67: 23 in Bengal, India, PD16Ap67: 11 in British colonies, survey ordered, R30D73: 21 in Chatham, Eng. , PD23S73s21, PD1S74: 12, D24Je75: 21, PilOAg75: 21, P130c75s21 in Eng. , PilOAg75: 23— PllAg75: 21, Pil90c75:12,D2D75:21 in France, PD5S71: 12, PD150c72: 12 in Great Britain, foreigners prohibited, PD23J172: 23, P9Je75: 12 French visit, PD5S71: 12 inspected, D19Ag75: 22 investigated, PD12S71: ll,D29Ap75: 23 reviewed by French, PD170c71: 21 stores inspected, PD2Ap72: 21 to be reviewed by king, P23Je75sll workers increased, PD19Mr72: 13 workman discharged, PD20Ag67: 21, PD20Ag67: 22 in Plymouth, Eng. , Pil90c75: 22— P20Oc75:22,D12Je79: 21 in Portsmouth, Eng. , burned, D28Mr77: 61--P4Ap77sl2 activities of, PD13F72: 23 burned, P4Ap77: 22, PllAp77sl2, D18Ap77: 31 improved, PD16Ja72: 12, PD17S72: 12 repaired, PD12D71: 22 set on fire, P2My77s22 stores inspected by king, PD9S73: 21 — R9S73: 12 strikers discharged from, P60c75: 23 workers discharged from, P29S75: 11 in Toulon, Fr. , D23S75: 22 in Woolwich, Eng. , D70c75: 22 Doctors, See Convict servants as; Indentured servants as; Physicians; Slaves as Doctor's Commons court, London, Eng. , decisions reversed, R22Ap73: 23 suits in, PD13S70: 13— R13S70: 12 trials in, PD3Mr68: 21, PD30Ag70: 22, PD13S70sl2, PD8N70: 13, PD4Ap71: 21, PD12S71: 11, 313 Doctor's Commons court, trials in (cont'd) PD12S71: 13, PD27F72: 22 — R27F72:22,PD27F72:23, PD7My72: 12, PD7My72: 21, PD24S72: ll,R20My73: 12 trials increase, PD12S71: 21 Doctors' instruments, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD18Ap66: 33 Doctus sum vel fui, pseud. , PD17N74: 13 Dodd, Capt. , R12My68: 21 Rev. Mr. , sermons of, R190c69: 23 Jacob, PD23My7 1:23 John, drummer, D27N78: 22 William, author, PD18J171: 32, PD18J171: 33, PD25J171: 42, PD25J171: 43, PDlAg71: 42, PDlAg71: 43, PD10Je73: 32, PD10Je73: 33, DllF75s23, D25N75: 21,D30D75: 13,D2Mr76: 43, D9Mr76: 43 Doddington, Indiaman, 2S57: 11 Doddridge, Philip, author, PD25F68: 41, PD29N70: 21, PD13D70: 42, PD17Ja71: 42, PD24Ja71: 42, PD7F71: 42, PD21F71: 42, PD7Mr71: 42, PD21Mr71: 42, PD28Mr71: 42, PD17S72: 21, PD10Je73: 31, D25N75: 21, D30D75: 13, D2Mr76: 43, D9Mr76: 42 Dodge, Capt. , of Magna Charta, R6Ap69: 21 Wilkey, Capt. , of the Sally, D10Ag76: 22 Dodsley, Robert, author, 15Ap37: 21, 29Ap37: 11, 20My37: 22, PD25F68: 41, PD29N70: 22, PD13D70: 42, PD3Ja71: 42, PD17Ja71: 42, PD24Ja71: 42, PD7F71: 42, PD21F71: 42, PD7Mr71: 42, PD21Mr71: 42, PD28Mr71: 42, PD18J171: 32, PD17S72: 21, PD10Je73: 33, PD24Je73: 31 plays by presented in Williamsburg, Va. , PD12My68: 23--R12My68: 22 Dodson, Daniel, PD24S72: 23, D22Ap75: 33 John, PD16D73: 23 Dodsworth, William, Capt. , of the Anne and Mary, 10J152: 31 Dodsworth, horse, 250c65s42 Dodwell, Edward, PDllAp66: 41 Doe, John, pseud. , 31Mr38: 41, 28J138: 12 Doe gloves, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , R60c68: 23— PD60c68: 31, PD170c71: 23, PD220c72: 23— R220c72: 23 Doe mits, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD220c72: 23--R220c72: 23 Doe skin breeches, for sale, in Yorktown, Va. ,4J145: 42 Doe skins, exported from James river, Va. , to Whitehaven, Eng. , HAg38:41 exported from York district, Va. , to London, Eng. , 19Ag37: 32 Doeber, Dr. ,D2My77: 71 Mrs., marriage of, D4F75: 32 Christian, plate, D13D76: 41 F. A. , merchant, R15N70: 31 — PD22N70: 23, PD140c73: 31 Frederick Augustus, D4F7 5: 32, D13D76:41 Doerner, Mr. , jr. , death of, C13N79: 12,C11D79: 13 Doerner & Marck, merchants, P19Je78:31,P160c78:31, D5Mr79:32,C15My79:31, C13N79: 12 Doerner, jr. , Mark, Nephew & co. , C11D79: 13 Dog bites, cure for, 80c36: 12, 17Mr38:41,R13Ag67: 11 deaths from in Brentford, Eng. , PD7My67: 13 in Daran, Eng. , PD2J167: 13 in Gloucester, Eng. , 8Je39: 32 Dog irons, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD19S66: 31, PD3D67: 32, PD28S69: 31, PD12D71: 32 See also Fire dogs Dog stones, for sale, R3My70: 41 in Liverpool, Eng. , R3My70: 41 Doge, Capt. , of the Sally, D6Ap76: 23 Dogfish, near Cape Hatteras, N. C. , R7Ap74: 22 Dogget, Capt. , 12D55: 21 Dogs, abandoned by Indians, P15N76: 31 anecdotes about, R15Ap73: 23 diseases of in Madrid, Sp. , PD16S73: 11 for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , PDllAp71: 32 imported from England, RllAg68: 31 kill children in London, Eng. , PD24Mr74: 21 lost and found, P7Mr77sl4 in Fredericksburg, Va. ,RllAg68: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , D10Je75: 33 ownership of, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD10S72: 22 price of in Eng. , P3F75: 33 restrictions on urged, in King and Queen co. , Va. , R16N69: 13 taxes on in Gt. Brit. , R17Je73: 12 stolen, in Amelia co. , Va. , PD15F70: 42 stolen from Governor's Palace, Williamsburg, Va. , PD28Ap74: 23 taken by indentured servants, PD24S72: 23, PD26N72: 23, D17Je75: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD4Ap71: 31 Dogs, mad, cure for bites of, PD3Mr68: 13, PD7D69sll in Dorchester, Mass. , PD17Ja71: 13 in Edinburgh, Scot. , 25Ag38: 22 in Pa. , 17Ap46: 21 Dogs, spaniel, 170c51: 32, 5Mr52: 31 Dogskin, adv. of, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD28J168: 23 Dogskin pumps, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD30Je68: 31 Dogskin shoes, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD30Je68: 31 Dogue, Robert, burgess, R17Je73s23 See also Doack; Doake Dogue Town bridge, Va. , 25Ap51: 32 Dogwood timber, in Anson co. , N. C. , D12F79: 42 Doig, David, PD2J172: 31 Dolan, Bridget, 31 J146: 61 Bryan, P5My75: 31 Dolebay, H. M. S. , D17J179: 31 Dolfin, Arthur, 7N45: 31 Dolland' s spy glasses, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD10Je73: 34 Dollar bills, counterfeited in Md. , R1J173: 31 Dollard, John, D20J176: 51--P19J176: 33 Dollars, captured by Americans near Hampton, Va. , PU3D75: 22— P15D75: 31— D16D75: 33 counterfeited in N. J. , R29J173: 23, PD16S73: 22 counterfeited in Va. , R24Je73: 31 exchange rate, PD18Ap66: 31 expected in Spain from S. Am. , D10J179: 11 importation to Gt. Brit, from British colonies falls off, R24N68: 13 imported from Havana to Cadiz, PD15Ja67: 12 imported to Accomac district, Va. , from Antigua, PD14Ja68: 31 from Bermuda, R23Je68: 24— PD23Je68: 23 from New York, PD14Ja68: 31, R25Ag68s23 — PD8S68p22, PD270c68: 42 from Perth Amboy, R22D68: 12— PD22D68: 23 from Philadelphia, PD7My67: 31, PD270c68: 42 from R. I. , PD3D67: 31 from Salem on Delaware, PD22Ja67: 31 imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from Philadelphia, PD20Ja74: 23 from St. Croix, PD10Mr74: 31 from Sal Tortuga, R12Ja69: 31 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , PD24D67: 32 lost at sea, PD21My67: 31, PD18F68: 23, PD3N68: 12, P230c78: 21 recovered for American ship, PD26Mr67: 21 refused by tobacco inspectors, Pi28Ap75: 41 seized from British ship, D6Je77: 12, DlAg77: 11 from Danish ship, PD2Ap67: 13 from French ship, 28N45: 22 from ship, 28N45: 21 from Spanish ship, D10Je75: 21, D15Ja80: 21,D15Ja80: 22, D25Mr80: 21,D25Mr80: 22, DlAp80: 13 valuation in Charleston, S. C. , PDllJe72: 31 Dollars, continental, stolen, in Dumfries, Va. , C19F80: 32 Dollars, Spanish, British valuation of, PD3S67: 11 exported from Jamaica, PD3S67: 11 found in Thames river, London, R31D72: 12 found off Caicos islands, Bahamas, R24N68: 13 French valuation of, PD3S67: 11 seized from British ship, P16Ag76: 31 Dollars, Spanish milled, lost at sea, PD14Mr66: 11 Dollison, Capt. , of the Mary, 15Ap37: 12 Dolls, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD140c73: 23, PD5My74: 31— R26My74: 13, PD29S74: 32, 314 Donald PD20Oc74s22--Pi20Oc74: 31, D22Ap75: 32--Pi20Ap75: 31 Dolls, dressed, for sale, in Richmond, Va. , PD310c71: 23--R310c71: 32, PD5N72sll--R5N72:22 in Williamsburg, Va. , R25My69: 23-- PD18My69: 31, R19Ap70: 31-- PD19Ap70s23, PD150c72: 31, PD29Ap73: 23 Dolls, undressed, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , R25My69: 23-- PD18My69: 31, R19Ap70: 31-- PD19Ap70s23, PD170c71: 23, R170c71: 33, PD150c72: 31, PD29Ap73: 23, PD140c73: 23, R12My74: 32 Dolly, ship,R4F68: 23 sloop, D14Ag79: 31 Dolly and Betsy, ship, R8F70: 23 Dolly Henry, sloop, D9Ap79: 22 Dolphin, John, alias of Anthony Weathered, 13Je51: 32 Dolphin, boat, P21N77: 31, P8My78sl2 brig, PD17Ag69: 22--R17Ag69: 23, R8S74: 31, P12N75: 12, D10Ag76: 22 brigantine, PD14Ap74: 23-- R14Ap74: 23 British ship, 25Ja40: 2 H. M. S. , 4Ja40: 21, 28N45: 21, 21N51: 22, 24Ja52: 31, R5S66: 41, PD19S66: 11, PD18D66: 22, PD23Ap67: 12,PD6Ag67: 11, PD24S67: 11,PD10D67: 13, PD28Ja68: 22, PD18Ag68: 22-- R18Ag68: 22, PD25Ag68: 11-- R25Ag68:21,R20S70: 13, PD22S68: 12, PD270c68: 11 privateer, 13Je45: 22, 5D45: 41 schooner, R12Ja69: 23, PD4Ap71: 22, PD10Mr74: 31, PD14Ap74: 23-- R17Mr74: 22, P180c76: 21, C13My80: 21 ship, 25F37: 41, 29Ap37: 42, 4My39: 41, 27J139: 41, 10Ag39: 32, 24Ag39: 3, 2N39: 2, 25Ja40: 12, 25Ja40: 3, 24N52: 31, 28F55: 31, HAp55: 22, 2S57: 11, PD23My66: 31, PD5S66s43, PD22Ja67: 31, PD12Mr67: 32, PD7My67: 31, PDllJe67: 32, PD17D67: 31, R18F68: 31-- PD18F68: 23, PD26My68: 12-- R26My68: 23, PD15S68: 23-- R15S68: 24, PD29S68: 23-- R60c68: 23, PD130c68: 22, PD22D68: 31, PD23Mr69: 31, PD13Ap69: 31, PDllMy69sl3, PD14S69: 31, PD16N69: 22, PD18Je72:21,PD16S73:21, R17Mr74: 22--PD14Ap74: 23 sloop, 3D36: 42, HMr37: 41, 9F39: 32, 21Mr45: 41, 18Ap45: 31, 4J145: 31, 4J145: 32, 7N45: 31, 24Ap52: 31, 22S52: 32 Dolton, Christopher, R15Ag71: 33 Samuel, 8My52: 32 William, PD2My66: 32, R170c71: 32, R4N73:41 Domaine du Roi, sloop, PD240c66: 11 Doman, Capt. , of the Charming Sally, P1S75: 22--D2S75: 22 of Philadelphia, Pa. , P17N75: 32-- D18N75: 31 Domel, Africa, See Negroes in Dominica, W. I. , British attack on rumored, D26F79: 31 captured by British, DlAp80: 21 captured by French, D160c78: 32 census of, PD11 J166: 13 courts established, R18Ag68s22 effect of capture in London, Eng. , D2Ap79: 22 French attack on discussed, D5Je79: 11 government established for, PD26Mr67: 23 levies duty on bread and flour, D6Ja76: 32 separate government for, PD10D67: 23, PD20S70s31 See also Bread plentiful in; Bridges built in; British army in; British army to St. Vincent island, W. I. , from; Carpenters, wages of; Chamber of commerce in; Churches in; Coffee import to Gt. Brit. , from; Coffee plentiful in; Crops in; Dockyards in; Drownings in; Duels in; Duties; Exports from; Exports from British colonies to; Fever on; Fish scarce in; Floods in; Flour, Philadelphia, price of, in; Flour plentiful in; Free trade in; French army, number in; French army in; French army to; Houses in; Houses built in; Imports to; Imports to Bristol, Eng. , from; Imports to Marblehead, Mass. , from; Merchandise ordered for; Molasses returned to; Plantations in; Postal service in; Provisions plentiful in; Provisions scarce in; Ships, British, lost in hurricane off; Ships from; Ships from Boston, Mass. , to; Ships from Philadelphia, Pa. , to; Ships from St. Eustatia, W..L , to; Ships from S. C. , to^ Ships from Va. , to; Ships in; Ships* sailing time; Ships seized by customs in; Ships to Bristol, Eng. , from; Ships to New York City from; Sh'ps to Philadelphia from; Ships to Salem, Mass. , from; Shipwrecks in; Shipwrecks off; Slaves imported to; Slaves imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from; Slaves sold in; Sugar demand high in; Sugar plentiful in; Sugar price low in Domogan, Richard, PD2My66: 41 Don Carlos, horse, P7F77: 32, P29Ag77: 32 ship, PD28J168: 23, PD1S68: 23, D26F79:41 Don Pedro, jackass, R21My72: 23 Don Philip, Spanish frigate, R14J174: 21 Donahew, Capt. , 23My45: 31, 13Je45: 32 Donakow, Patrick, 7Mr51: 32 Donald, Mr. , plantation of, P13Je77: 12 A. , adv. plantation for sale, R23N69: 31--PD23N69: 32 Alexander, PD15Ag66: 32, PD3N68: 23 adv. for lost shoes, PD7J168: 31 adv. for missing horse, PD10c67: 22 adv. for ships for charter, PD10D72: 23 adv. land for sale, PD11D66: 32, PD5F67: 31--R19F67: 41, PD9Ap67: 31 announces departure, R21S69: 31-- PD21S69: 23, PD15Ap73: 32— R15Ap73: 23 collector for merchants, D28Ja75: 32-- Pi26Ja75: 33 manages lotteries, PD27N66: 23-- R4D66: 33, PD14Ja68: 32, R14Ap68: 31-- PD1D68: 32, PD23Mr69: 32-- R21Ap69s21-2 merchant at Major Boswell's, PD4Ap66: 33 plan of lands in Norfolk, Va. , lottery, PD13N66: 22 requests payment of debts to, Cochrane, Donald & co. , PDUa67: 33--R25D66: 31 Alexander & co. , PD1S74: 32 George, D18N75: 32--P17N75sll adv. for runaway convict servant, PD7Mr66: 33, R19F67: 32-- PD5F67: 32 adv. plantation for sale, D25My76: 23 adv. ship for sale,R18Oc70: 22-- PD18Oc70: 31 announces departure, PD18J171: 21 death of, PD9J172: 31 drowned, PD9J172: 31 sells lottery tickets, PD24S67: 21 settlement of estate of, P27Mr78: 41 James, 12Je52: 21, PD23J172: 32, PD290c72: 21--R290c72: 23, PD28J174: 32--R28J174: 33, D160c79:32 adv. for missing horse, PDlAg71: 22 adv. for runaway slave, PD24My70: 31 adv. land for sale, PD29Je69: 42, PD23J172: 32 announces departure, D1J175: 33, D20Ja76: 42 chosen to Chesterfield co. , Va. , committee of inspection, PD15D74: 31--PU5D74: 32 disavows bond held by John Brown, PD23Ja72: 32--R6F72: 32 of Manchester, Va. , Pil8My75: 12 on committee of Bedford co. , Va. , associators, R21F71: 32 requests debts due Robert and James, Donald & co. , 19J154: 32 slave of, P3N75: 31 subscriber to meeting of merchants, PD30Je74: 23 James and Robert & co. , PD28Ap74: 32, D24F76:32--PlMr76: 41 debts due, PD18Ag74: 32, PD22D74: 32 discontinue store in Shockoe, Va. , R10Ja71: 41--PD3Ja71: 32 discontinue trade, in Albemarle co., Va. ,R10Ja71:41--PD3Ja71:32 hold mortgages on land, PD10Je73: 22-- RlOJe73: 33, PD12My74: 43 partnership dissolved, PD22J173: 31-- R22J173s22 plaintiff in Chancery court, R5Ag73: 23 request payment of debts due, PD2D73: 21--R2D73: 31, PD31Mr74: 31- R31Mr74: 33 request settlement of accounts, PD5N72: 33--R5N72: 21 store in Warwick co. , Va. , R29N70: 23--PD8N70: 22 take mortgage on land, PD15J173: 32 James and William & co. .DH29J176: 61, 315 Donald, James and William & co. (cont'd) C18D79: 12 Nancy (Osborne), Mrs. , D27N79: 21 Peter, adv. findinghorses,P24My76s22 surgeon and apothecary, PD13Ap69: 33 Philip M. , deserter, P4J177: 41 Robert, R19F67: 41--PD5F67: 31, R4F68:33,PD19J170:32, R15Ap73:23,D28Ja75:32, Pi6Ja76: 32, D20Ja76: 42, D160c79: 32 accused of falsifying debt owned by, William Watson, D11F75: 31 adv. dissolution of James and Robert Donald & co. , PD22J173: 31- R22J173s22 adv. estate of Robert Paterson for sale,D17Je75:31 adv. finding tobacco notes, PD22D74: 32 adv. for bids for repairing roads, PD18J171: 22 adv. for missing horses, PD13Je66: 32, PD290c72: 21— R290c72: 23 adv. for runaway slaves, PD26N67: 31, R24Ag69: 32— PD24Ag69: 33, PD170c71: 32— R170c71: 32.D25N75: 33 adv. land for sale, PD10D72: 31 — R10D72: 23, D15Ag77: 62, P22Ag77: 32 adv. ownership of land, PD12My74: 43 adv. plantation for sale, D24F76:32--PlMr76:41 adv. settlement of estate of, Robert Paterson, PD2S73: 23 agent for James Donald, D1J175: 33 agent for Donalds, MacAlester & co. , PD21D69: 31 agent for Virginia Gazette, R26My68: 33 alias of Edward Butler, PD21J174p23 announces departure, PD8N70: 22— R29N70:23,D20Ja76:42, D24F76:32--PlMr76: 41 arranges to pay taxes, D2D80: 11 attorney for James and Robert Donald & co. , PD31Mr74: 31— R31Mr74: 33 collector for, MacAlester, Hector & co. , PD23Je74: 22— R30Je74: 32 marriage of, D27N79: 21 on Chesterfield co. , Va. , committee of inspection, PD15D74: 31— P115D74: 32 paid money by Va. general assembly, R18Mr73:31 of Manchester, Va. , D20Ja76: 42 plantation of, D24Ap78: 42 quarrel with William Watson, D25F75:32 subscriber to meeting of merchants, PD30Je74: 23 takes orders for, Virginia Justice, PD21D69: 23— R18Ja70: 41 unclaimed tobacco of, D24J179: 32 Robert & co. , PD22D68: 32, R310c71: 41, PD19Mr72: 32, D28Ja75: 32— Pi26Ja75: 33 Robert and James & co. , 19J154: 32, D24F76:32— PlMr76:41 Robert, jr. , & co. , PD22J173: 31— R22J173s22 Thomas, attorney, 19J154: 32 William, merchant, R4F68: 34— PD28Ja68: 31, R22Mr70: 31— PD22Mr70: 32, PD24My70: 41, PD7Ja73:31,R14Ja73:32 William, Capt. , of the Prince- William, 7N54: 22 William and James & co. ,D29J176: 61, C18D79: 12 Donald, ship, 15My52: 31, 12Je52: 21, PD14Mr66: 32, PD5S66s43, PD12S66: 23, R12Mr67: 22, PD19Mr67: 32, PD30Ap67: 32, PD10S67: 21, PD220c67: 22, PD24Mr68: 32— R24Mr68: 32, PD26My68: 23— R9Je68: 33, RllAg68: 24, PD25Ag68: 31 — R25Ag68: 31, PD22S68: 22— R22S68: 23, PD30Mr69: 32, PD4My69: 31, PDllMy69s33, PD2N69: 31, PD9N69: 22, R9N69: 23, PD28D69: 31, PD10S72: 22, PDllMr73: 31, PDlAp73: 31, PD23S73: 23— R23S73: 32, PD20Ja74: 23, R20Ja74: 33, PD12My74: 42— R12My74: 32, PD8D74sll— Pi8D74: 22, D24Je75: 22 runaway convict servants from, PD15Ap73: 32 Donald & co. , merchants, PD6Ja74: 32, PD16Je74: 22 Donald & French, D6N79: 32— C6N79:32,D26F80:32 Donald, Cochran(e), & co. , R25D66: 31— PDUa67: 33, R21S69: 31— PD21S69: 23, PD7Ja73:31,R14Ja73:32 Donald, MacAlester & co. , PD21D69:31 Donald, Murdocks & co. , PD27S70: 32--R27S70: 23, PD18Oc70: 22— R18Oc70: 31, R29N70:31,PD7Ja73:31, R14Ja73: 32, Pi26Ja75: 33— D28Ja75: 32 Donald, Ross & co. ,D31J179: 32, D160c79: 11 Donald, Scott & co. , PD25Je72: 32, PD5N72: 33— R19N72: 41, D19F80:33— C19F80: 11 Donaldson, Capt. , PD23Ap67: 23 of the Elizabeth and Mary, PD30Ap67: 32, PD11F68: 23 Col. , meets with Cherokees, R31Ja71: 21 Alexander, PD30S73: 32 Alexander, Capt. , of the British King, PD7Mr66: 32, PD2My66: 22 Arthur, of Phila. , Pa. , PilD74: 21 Ebenezer, R26Ap70sll Elizabeth, Mrs. , PD30S73: 32 Hugh, of Phila. , Pa. , RllOc70: 22 James, PD7J168: 23 John, R60c68: 24 Samuel, P12F75: 13, Pi9Mr75: 13, DlAp75:33,D8Ap75: 11, D16D75:23— P15D75: 33, D4Mr80: 23 Stephen, R4D66: 23, R30Je68: 32 William, R6S7 0:32 Donaldson & Hamilton, acquitted of violation of association, Pi24Ag75: 21— P25Ag75: 71 — D26Ag75: 31 Donaldson, Hamilton, & Gibson, D28Ja75: 32, P7J175: 32— D8J175: 32, D6Ja76: 33— P5Ja76s23,D4My76: 33— P19Ap76sll, D230c79: 31— C30Oc79:41 Donally, Hersey, 10D36: 42 Donator, pseud. , PD11D66: 31, PD8Ja67: 23, PD19F67: 21 Donavan, Capt. , of the Charming Molly, 7N51: 22 Doncaster, Eng. , accidents near, 28F55:21 See algp Horse-racing in Doncastle, Mr. , house of, P7Je76sll sale at door of, 26S55: 32, 30c55: 32, 170c55: 31, 240c55: 22 tavern, in Fredericksburg, Va. , 25Ap51: 41 John, adv. ordinary for rent, 3N52: 21 manages horse race, 3J146: 42 tavern of, for rent, 12S45: 42 Thomas, P6S76: 43 adv. for missing horse, PD31Ja71: 33, PD5S71: 32— R5S71: 32 adv. finding horse, PD9J167: 33 adv. horses, for sale,D20Ja76: 31— P26Ja76: 41 — Pi20Ja76: 32 adv. tavern for sale, PD2Je74: 32— R2Je74:22,D30D75:33 ordinary of, PD20N66: 23— R4D66: 33, PD27J169: 11— R27J169: 31 tavern of, PD2N69: 11— R2N69: 11 P26Ja76: 33 Doncastle' s ordinary, New Kent co. , Va. , PD16J167: 41, PD24My70: 43, R18Oc70: 23— PD18Oc70: 33, PD20F72: 33--R27F72: 33, PD24N74:31,Pi9F75:33, P121S75: 32, PillMy75: 33— P12My75s22— D13My75: 31 Done, Capt. , PD80c72: 31 Henry, Rev. Mr. , PD27Je71: 32 Donegan, William, P27Je77: 41 Donelson, Col. , PD14My72: 31, Pi6Ap75sl3 surveys land grants in Va. , Pi30Mr75: 33 John, P28N77: 33, D20N79: 31 burgess from Pittsylvania co. , Va. , PDllMy69s41, PD28S69: 23, R9N69:11 signs Va. Association, PD25My69: 12 Dongan, Col. , taken prisoner on Stat en island, D12S77: 11— P12S77: 21 Thomas, Col. , gov. of N. Y. , 4Ap55: 11 Dongaspah, Gov. of Monte Christi, PD14J168: 21— R14J168: 21 Donlevy, John, PD26Mr67: 32, R10Mr68: 33— PD10Mr68: 32 Donnally, Bryan, PD25My69: 13 Donne, Mr. , captured by British, P7Mr77: 23 Donnel, Henry, deserter, D12Mr79: 32 Donnell, Capt. , of Phila. , Pa. , PilD74: 21 Nathaniel, of Phila. , Pa. ,D12Je79: 12 Donnelly, Christopher, C28Ag79: 41 316 Douglass Donnolly, Andrew, Col. , D24Ap79: 31 James, D24Ap79: 31 Donoho, James, runaway sailor, P28Je76: 32 John, PD70c73: 22--R210c73: 32 Donolly, Col. , repels Indian attack, P12Je78: 22 Donolly' s fort, [Va. ], See Indian attacks on Donop, Col. , commands Germans in British army, P17My76: 21 — D18My76: 31 [Carl Emil Kurt], count, D24Ja77: 31, D7N77: 22— P7N77sl3, P7N77sl2 Donovon, Matthew, Major, 9th Va. regiment, P12Ja76: 32--D13Ja76: 32— Pil3Ja76: 22, P9F76: 32— D10F76: 32, D24F76: 32 Donowho, John, PD70c73: 22— R210c73:32 Donware, importation to France from Gt. Brit. , forbidden, HMy39: 21 Doodle, Capt. , of York co. , Pa. , riflemen, Pil7Ag75: 32— P18Ag75: 31— D19Ag75: 32 Doody, Joseph, PD13S70: 32, D28Ag79: 31 Dooley, Abraham, R4D66: 42 George, land of, P5J176: 33 John, Capt. , recruiting officer, P27Je77: 13 Thomas, 30N59: 42 Doolittle, Isaac, makes printing press, R50c69: 13 Dooly, Col. , attacks Indians in Ga. , DlMy79: 21 John, Capt. ,P12S77: 13 Door knockers, See Brass door knockers Door mats, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 Doors, for sale, in Warwick co. , Va. , D20Je77: 22— P20Je77: 33 Doran, David, Capt. , of the Molly, 240c55: 21 Matthew, Pvt. , land grant to, R14Ja73: 13 Dorcas, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD29Ja67: 32 Dorchester, Mass. , attack on threatened, P22Mr76: 22— D23Mr76:31 capture by Americans described, D30Mr76:32 resolutions (text) of, freeholders meeting, Pi270c74: 13 See also Carpenters in; Hogs, abnormal in; Stamp act, opposition anniversary celebrated in; Taverns in; Tea boycotted in; Virginia burgesses, house of, toasted in Dorchester, S. C. , See Stealing in Dorchester co. , Md. , See Militia of; Robberies in; Slaves found in Dorchester Neck, Mass. , regained by Continental army, P22Mr76: 22— D23Mr76: 31 See also Shipwrecks on Dorchester Pt. , Mass. , attacked by British, D16Mr76: 32 battle reported, Pi6J175: 32— P7J175: 22--D8J175: 23 See also Houses, burned on; Prisoners of war, American, taken at Dorell, Sampson, R17N68: 32 William, ship of, 25J151: 11 Doren, John, indentured servant, 210c37:41 Dormon, George, convict servant, P25J177: 33 Dornall, Jeremiah, D2D80: 31 Dornoch, Scot. , See Emigration from Dorothy, schooner, R8Ag66: 31, R15S74:33 ship, RllAg68: 24, R8J173: 32, R23S73:32,PD2D73:21 sloop, PD6Ja74: 32 Dorothy and Mary, ship, D15Ja80: 21 Dorothy and Rachael, ship, 5D51: 41 Dorrel, Capt. , PD21N71: 21 of the Nonpareil, D7Ag79: 31 Samuel, D7Ja75: 31 Dorrington, ship, 3Ap46: 22 Dorsall, Richard, Capt. , of the Anne, RllAg68: 24 Dorsdale, Capt. , of the Anne, PD17Ag69: 22 Dorsdall, Richard, Capt. , of the Anne, 4N63:32,R12J69:31 of the York, 19D55: 22 Dorsdell, Capt. , of the Anne, PD26My68: 22 Dorset, Earl of, author, PD18J171: 32 Dorsetshire, Eng. , See Accidents in; Castrations in; Corn plentiful in; Murders in Dorsetshire, H. M. S. , 12D45: 11, 24Ja52: 31, PD16Mr69: 13, PDlAg71: 11 ship, 20J139:41,25Ja40: 12, 3Ap46:41,24Ap46:32, PD3Ja71: 23 Dorsey, Mr. , of Maryland, PD25Ap66: 21 John, felon, PD21Ap68: 23 Lall, D2D80: 12 Samuel, jr. ,R5Ag73: 23, PD8D74: 31— P115D74: 33 Dorsey's Forge, Md. , PD8D74: 31— Dl4Ja75: 42— PU5D74: 33 Dortel, Noah,D24F76:32 Dorton, George, P14N77: 32 John, in Ga. regiment, P10Ja77: 42 William, deserter, D28F77: 41 — P28F77:22, P20Je77sll Dorton, privateer, D9My77: 21 Dorum, James, deserter, P310c77: 12 Dorvilliers, M. , in British- French naval engagement, D160c78: 31 — P160c78: 21 Doss, Joel, deserter, P13Je77: 13 Dossie, Robert, writes on agriculture, R14Ap74: 13 Doseon, Thomas, PD170c66: 33 Doswell, Thomas, 3Ap52: 31, PD27N66: 31, R12My68: 41, PD15Ag71: 32 Dothel, composer, PD25J166: 22 Dotterel, horse, for sale, Pi23Mr75: 33- P24Mr75: 33— D25Mr75: 31, P26My75s43— PilJe75: 33, Pi28S75: 32--P29S75: 32--D30S75: 33 stallion, PD6Je66: 31 Dottin, James, of Barbados, 16N39: 11 Double Associators, pseud. , Pil3Ap75: 42, Pi20Ap75: 11 Doubler, Capt. , PD5F67: 23 Doubloon dollars, seized from ship, 28N45: 21 Doubloons, counterfeited, Pi4My75: 33 in Va. , R24Je73: 31 exported from Jamaica, PD3S67: 11 Doubloons, cob, counterfeited in Charleston, S. C. , PD18N73: 13 Doubloons, Spanish, counterfeited in Va. , 18Ap51: 22 Douding, John, P10Oc77: 32 Lucy, Mrs. , P10Oc77: 32 Dougherty, Capt. , PD26N67: 23 in battle at Freeland's fort, Pa. , C28Ag79: 21 Constantine, death of, P19S77: 12 Cornelius, murders Indian, R260c69: 13 Henry, P31My76: 21 Doughty, Capt. , of the Postilion, 15My46: 32 Douglas, Capt. , of the Rachel, 7N51: 22 of the St. Alban, PD240c71: 22, PD2S73: 12--R2S73: 13 Commodore, of the Bedford, 7N55: 21 Mr. ,P3Mr75s23 in Providence Forge, Va. , PD15J173:33— R15J173:41 surveyor, PD3D72: 23 Rev. Mr. , letter of, in post office, 14Ag52: 31 Alexander, 10Ap52: 31 James, PD3S67: 31, PD18Oc70: 33, R17F74:32,D20Ap76:41 James, Sir, Adm. , in Gosport, Eng. , D10F76: 22 John, Capt. , of the Boyd, 7Ag52: 31 Thomas, P170c77: 42 Thomas, & co. , 7N54: 31, 25Ap55: 22 Walter, 25Ap55: 22 William, PD21N71: 23, PD4Ag74: 32— R4Ag74: 33 William, Rev. Mr. , PD2Je68: 23, D17F76: 13 Douglas, Isle of Man, See Storms in Douglas, brigantine, PD10Mr74: 31, PD28Ap74: 23— R14Ap74: 31 ship, PD7D69: 32, PD20S70s21— R20S70: 13 Douglas & Atkin, ship of, PD4Ag68: 21— R4Ag68: 23 Douglas & Wilkins, P5Ap76: 42 Douglass, Capt. , 3Ap52: 31, D8My79: 21 of the Betsey, Pi21S75: 32 of the Boiling, 19S55: 31 of the Hornet, D26Mr79: 22 of the Hunter, DlMy79: 21 of the Mermaid, 4J145: 11 of the Sally, PD21J168: 21 of the Sandwich, D29J176: 12 of the Squirrel, P10My76: 22— DllMy76:31 of the Sterling Castle, D20Je77: 11 Mr. , defendant in Chancery court, R1D68: 22 Alexander, Capt. , of the Encouragement, 270c52: 21, 17N52: 22 Charles, PD22D68: 33 Charles, Capt. , appointed commodore 317 Douglass, Charles, Capt. (cont'd) in British navy, D[250c?]76: 52 of the Isis,D[250c?]76: 52 David, PD30Ap72: 31 actor, PD60c68: 22 arrives in Williamsburg, Va. , PD14Je70: 32 manages of American company of comedians, PD26Ag73: 22— R26Ag73s23, PD20Ja74: 31, PD21J174: 13 to Jamaica, D28Ja75: 21, P17F75: 41 to Phila. , Pa. , PD16S73: 22 [David], Mrs. , PD14Cc73: 13, PD140c73s22, PD27Ja74: 23, PD21J174: 13 George, burgess, 13F52: 32, 27F52: 32 James, PD13Je66: 23.R27N66: 22, R4D66:21,PD8S74: 23 Capt. , of the Fogueux, 25Ap55: 12, 25Ap55: 21 John, D26D77: 12 John, Capt. , PDllAp71: 23 Robert, R4D66: 23 Robert, jr. , PD4Ag74: 23 Thomas, PD220c72: 31, P4Ap77: 43, P30My 77: 43 Walter, PD21S69: 31 William, R27Ja74: 41, D4N75: 31, D26D77: 21 William, Capt. , of the Falmouth, 2F39:31,25Ja40:2 of the Polly, PD5S66s43, PD12S66: 23 Douglass, brig, PD220c72: 13, R8S74: 31 Douglass, Howell &, of Phila. , Pa. , D15Ag77: 51 Douglass' tincture for the teeth, for sale, in Richmond, Va. , R20Je71: 33— PD20Je71: 33 Dounglas, Lt. , of the Brit, army in N. Y. , R5Ag73: 22 Doussett, Mr. , imprisoned in New Orleans, R18Ja70: 22 Douw, Volckert P. , PD6S70: 21 Volkert, Capt. , PD70c73: 13— R70c73: 22 See also Dowe Dove, Capt. , of the Charles, 22Ap37: 32 Dove, brig,D10Ag76:22 brigantine, 13My37: 41 horse, PD5N67: 13, P7F77: 32, DllAp77:61,P29Ag77:32, D26F79:41,D24Ap79:32, DlAp80: 32 schooner, PD27Ja74: 23, R10Mr74: 13, D7Ag79:31,D8Ja80:23 ship, 14Ja37: 21, 18My39: 3, 25Ja40: 4, PD22Ja67: 13, D16Ap79: 21 sloop, 10D36: 41, 21Ja37: 42, 12Ja39: 42, 9Mr39: 41, UJa40: 41, 25Ja40:42,PD16J167:21, R26J170: 13,D6Ap76:21 snow, 14D39: l,18Ja40:32 Dover, Ensign, of Pa. troops, P10My76: 31 Dover, Eng. , garrison reinforced, PD30Ja72: 22 See also Anecdotes from; British army to Boston, Mass. , from; British army to Cork, Ire. , from; Boat racing in; British army to; French navy in; Imports to; Privateers, British, fitted out in; Merchandise returned from Boston, Mass. , to; Robberies in; Russian navy in; Ships from Barbados, W. I. , to; Ships from Boston, Mass. , to; Ships from France to; Ships from Jamaica, W. L , to; Ships from Leeward island, W. I. , to; Ships from Md. , to; Ships from Nantucket, Mass. , to; Ships from N. Y. , to; Ships from Nice, Fr. , to; Ships from N. Am. , to; Ships from N. C. , to; Ships from Quebec, Can., to; Ships from St. Croix, W. L , to; Ships from St. Vincent island, W. L , to; Ships from Va. , to; Ships from York district, Va. , to; Ships' sailing time; Ships' sailing time, Boston, Mass. , to; Ships to; Ships to N. Y. , from; Ships to Philadelphia, Pa. , from; Smuggling in; Storms in; Tories from N. Y. , to Dover, Mass. , See Quadruplets in Dover, H. M. S. , 23Ja46: 22, 21N51: 22, 24Ja52: 22 plantation, Goochland co. , Va. , R1N70: 23— PD1N70: 23 Dover castle, London, Eng. , See Prisoners of war, American, in Dover church, Goochland co. , Va. , RlAg71:33,R23Ap72:33 Doveton, Capt. , of the Glutton, PD28Mr71: 12 Dovigni, Sieur de Castre, author, 6My37: 21 Dow, Mr. , recruits for Dunmore's troops, Pi23D75: 12 [Alexander], Col. , author, R7Ap74: 23 John, P22Mr76: 33 John, Capt. , of the Susannah, P14Ap75: 32 Dowall, James, C15My79: 31 Dowdel, Capt. , in skirmish on Bunker Hill, Mass. , Pi24Ag75: 32— P1S75: 21 Dowdeswell, William, chancellor of exchequer, advocates Stamp act repeal, PD9My66: 22 appointment as chancellor of exchequer rumored, R9F69: 22, R24F69sl3 favors colonies, R23F69: 21, PD23F69: 31— R24F69s21 opinion of third Boston bill, R9Je74sll opposes Quebec act, Pil30c74: 21 opposes regulation of Mass. judicial system, R14J174: 22 speaks on Mass. government act, PD14J174: 12 supports colonies in parliament, PD25My69: 21 Dowdy, John, alias of John Spenster, 24Ja51: 41 Dowe, Capt. , of the Sincerity, 19D51:32,2Ja52: 31 Dowe, Volkert, Capt. , of the Fort Nicholson, 26S55: 22 Dowel, Capt. , of the Pandour, 28N45: 32 John,R20Je71: 21 Dowell, Capt. , 21My45: 32 Ambrose, C20N79: 22 Nehemiah, P12D77: 33 Richard, C20N79: 22 William, R4Ag74: 33 William, Capt. , of the George, 16My45: 32 Dowlas, for sale, in Blandford, Va. , D13N78: 11 in Petersburg, Va. , PD6N66: 21 in Suffolk, Va. , D21N77: 12, P21N77:31— D28N77: 31 in Warwick co. , Va. , PD19N67: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. ,R12My68: 31, PD19D71: 32 lost at sea, PD12F67: 21 seized from Brit, ship, D8N76: 11 stolen, in Charles City co. , Va. , 6Ja38: 42 Dowlas, British, for sale, in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72: 31 Dowlas, German, for sale, in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72: 31 Dowlin, Dennis, deserter, 12D55: 41 Dowling, Daniel, author, D25N75: 11, D30D75: 11 Dowling & Southwell, PD24S67: 13 Downer's bridge, Va. , 2My55: 22, R16Je68: 32, C18D79: 13 Downes, Capt. , in battle of Bunker Hill, P22J175s22— D29J175: 31, D140c75: 32 Major, attacks Indians near Seneca, S. C. , P180c76: 13 Downing, Ensign, imprisoned in N. C. , P22Mr76: 12— D23Mr76: 32 Mr. , accused of plotting against N. Y. , P12J176: 23 Charles, of Northumberland co. , Va. , Pi2Mr75: 22 George, of S. C. , 16Ja61: 32 Jerubabel, PD10c67: 12 of Northampton co. , Va. , Pil9Ja75: 21 — D4F75: 32 William, of N. C. , 31D36: 22, 21D39:41 William, Capt. , land of, PD2S73: 23— R2S73: 32 of the Teneriffe, 31D36: 42 Downing' s mill, Northumberland co. , Va. , R17N68: 31 Downman, Rawleigh, of Lancaster co. , Va. , R29Ap73: 23, R4N73: 32— PD30D73: 31, R3Mr74: 41, Pi2Mr75: 22, D12Mr79: 32, C30Oc79: 42 Rawleigh, jr. , C13N79: 22 Robert, PD5Ag73: 31 Robert, Capt. , R9Mr69: 33— PD9Mr69: 41 Travers, estate of, PD11N73: 23, D11D79:31 William, estate of, PD170c66: 41 Downrichards, Thomas, R21S69: 32 Downright, pseud. ,D25F75: 32 Downs, the, Eng. , harbor enlarged, 6Je45: 21 See also British army to Antigua, W. I. , from; British navy, impressment for in; British navy in; British navy to Antigua, W. I. , from; British navy to Portsmouth, Eng. , from; British transports from; British transports to America from; British transports to Boston, Mass. , from; Dutch navy in; Indentured servants imported to 318 Drawers James river, Va. , from; Ships from Boston, Mass. , to; Ships from Dunkirk, Fr. , to; Ships from East Indies to; Ships from Gravesend, Eng. , to; Ships from India to; Ships from N. Y. , to; Ships from Rappahannock district, Va. , to; Ships from Riga, Latvia, to; Ships from S. Am. , to; Ships from S. C. , to; Ships from Va. , to; Ships in; Ships to; Ships to Boston, Mass. , from; Ships to Haverfordwest, Ire. , from; Ships to Jamaica, W. I. , from; Ships to James river, Va. , from; Ships to Marblehead, Mass. , from; Ships to N. Y. , from; Ships to Potomac-district, Va. , from; Ships to York district, Va. , from; Shipwrecks in; Tea returned from New York City to Dowsing, E. , surveyor, PD9N69: 23 Edward, D23My80: 32 Everard, adv. finding horse, PD16N69:31,P160c78: 11 James, of Warwick co. , Va. , PD14Je70: 31 John, D7Ja75: 33, D25F75: 33 Dowson, Capt. , of the Kingston, 21D39: 21 of the William and Mary, 25Mr37: 22 Dowthaitt, Miss, of Va. company of comedians, R14Ap68: 23— PD14Ap68: 23, R12My68: 22— PD12My68: 23 Mrs. , of Va. company of comedians, PD14Ap68: 23--R14Ap68: 23, R12My68: 22— PD12My68: 23 Doxies, 10Oc55: 32 See also Strolling women Doxsey, Capt. Josiah, of the Potowmack, P3Ap78: 31 Doyl, Thomas, indentured servant, R8Mr70: 32 Doyle, Capt. , of the Guernsey, P15Ag77sl2 Alex, merchant, P170c77: 33 John, sailor, 10Oc45: 41 Thomas, 2S57: 42, P3My76: 33 William, R17F74: 32 Drab, for sale, in Alexandria, Va. PD20Ag72: 31 Drab, Russia, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22 in Suffolk, Va. ,D10J178:32 in Williamsburg, Va. , HOc51: 41, PD15F70: 41, PD4Oc70: 31, D10J178:21 — P10J178:33 in Yorktown, Va. ,R25F68: 31 — PD25F68: 31 unclaimed, adv. of, PD3S72: 22 Draco, pseud. , 1D52: 11 Drafting, for Brit, army, P17My76: 22-- D18My76: 31 in Basseterre, W. L ,D29Ja80: 22, DlAp80: 21 in Boston, Mass. ,D1J175: 23 in Eng. , P21Je76: 11 in Ire. , P21Je76: 11, D110c76: 42 in Scot. , P21Je76: 11 in U. S. , P25J177: 22 in Va. , Pi23N75: 21— P24N75: 21 — D25N75: 31 for Brit, navy, PD6Je66: 11, PD16J167: 11 for Continental army, discussed in Commons, C30Oc79: 13 in Va. ,D4J177:42 for French navy in Rochefort, Fr. , D20c79:12 forN.Y. militia, D13J176: 52 for Va. army, P30c77: 23, P170c77: 31 for Va. regiments, D26Je79: 31 from Hanover co. , Va. , militia, P28N77: 32 from Md. , militia, P9Je75: 23 from Salem, Mass. , militia, P16Ag76: 22 from Va. , militia, P9 Je75: 23 in Charles City co. , Va. , P28N77: 32 in Prince Edward co. , Va. , P7N77s21, P7N77s22 in Prince George co. , Va. , P28N77: 33 in York co. , Va. , 23Ja78: 32 of militia recommended by Congress, P25Ap77: 22 recommended in Va. , P23My77: 23 Dragging Canoe, Cherokee chief, P16My77: 23, D160c78: 32 Dragon, Brit, ship, 25Ja40: 2 H. M. S. , 18Ag38: 21, 7N45: 21, 24Ja52: 22 Indiaman, 25Ap55: 12 ship, 18N37: 41, 23Je38: 31, HJa40: 11, 7N45: 31, 3Ap46: 41, 29My52: 12, 18Je52: 12, 25Je52: 12, PD22Ja67: 32, PD19Mr67: 32, R3Mr74: 41, P240c77: 33, D13N78: 21 , D5Mr79: 32, C15J180: 21 deserters from,D3J179: 32 sloop, D20c79: 22 snow, 22S52: 32 state ship, D24J179: 22 Dragon Canoe, Indian chief, P29N76: 22 Dragon Swamp, land for sale, R28Ap68: 24— PD28Ap68: 22 Dragon Swamp bridge, Va. , R30Je68: 31, R22Mr70: 31, P2My77sll Dragon's blood, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 30Ap52: 32 near Warwick, Va. ,D28F77: 32 Dragon's blood tooth powder, for sale, in Newcastle, Va. , PD19N72: 22 Dragoon, pseud. , PD2Ja72: 21 Drainers, See Slaves as Drake, Capt. ■, death of, PD10D67: 22 Cmdr. , of the Torbay, PD2S73: 12— R2S73: 13 James, author, D24J179: 31 Samuel, death of, PD4Ap71: 22 Drake, Brit, ship, 25Ja40: 2 H. M. S. , 25Mr37: 31, 13J139: 41, 11S46: 31, 24Ja52: 31, 24J152: 22 H. M. sloop, 20Je45: 31, 4J145: 22 H. M. snow, 29My46: 31 ship, 140c37: 31 sloop, 2F39: 41, 9N39: 32, 28D39: 22 Drama, See Plays; Theatres Drams, cordial, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. ,3J146:41 Draper, John, adv. cure for distemper, R190c69:41 adv. for missing horse, PD8D74; 31 — Pi8D74: 33, D30My77: 22— P30My77:33,D13N78:31 adv. for runaway indentured servant, PD11N73: 23— R11N73: 22 adv. for runaway slave, PD20Ja74: 33— R20Ja74: 33, D19F80:33 adv. for stolen horse, R12Ag73: 23, R12My74: 33 adv. tools for sale, C27N79: 22— D27N79:31 deserter, P14N77: 33 Richard, of Boston, Mass. , PD22J173: 32 Richard, Capt. , of the Neptune, 10N52: 22, 24N52: 22, 3D52: 31 , PD29Ja67: 13 Robert, PD18F68: 31 Solomon, deserter, D26J180: 33 William, adv. for missing horses, R21N71:32 WUliam, Gen. Sir, arrives in Charleston, S. C. , PD22Mr70: 22 arrives in Williamsburg, Va. , R31My70: 22 essay against by Junius, RllJa70: 21 expected in Boston, Mass. , D28Ja75: 21 from N. Y. , to Eng. , PD8N70: 21 marriage of, PD1N70: 21— R1N70: 22 proposes enlistment of Swiss in Brit, army, PllAg75pll proposes indemnity for colonies, PD18My69: 11 returns to Eng. , from colonies, PD14F71: 23— R14F71: 23 to be gov. of Mass. rumored, PD21D69: 13 to be gov. of N. Y. rumored, PilD74: 22 to be gov. of N. C. rumored, PD7F71:23 to command British forces in colonies, PD2N69: 22, PD21D69: 12 to visit Charleston, S. C. ,R18Ja70: 22 tour of N. Am. rumored, RllJa70: 12 Draper, ship, 15S52: 22 Drapers' company, 19Ag37: 12 Drapery, See Linen drapery Draw plates, for sale, in Baltimore, Md. , Pil8My75: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD19S66: 31 Draw-wells, near Winchester, Va. , R21Mr71:42 Drawbacks, on beaver wool exportation from Gt. Brit. , PD16Je68: 13— R16Je68: 12 on cony wool exportation from Gt. Brit. , PD16Je68: 13— R16Je68: 12 on linen in Gt. Brit. , 6Je45: 21 on liquors in Va. , PD240c66: 21 on tea in Gt. Brit. , PD7My72: 13, PDllJe72: 31, PD18Je72: 21, PD6Ag72: 13, PD20Ag72: 21 on tobacco, in Gt. Brit. , 26S51: 21, PD6Je66: 22, PD19Mr67: 21, PD23Ap72: 12, P26Ap76s21 — D27Ap76: 31 Drawboy, manufacture of, in Fredericksburg, Va. , P17Ja77: 22 Drawers, adv. for, PD25Ag68: 32 in Richmond, Va. , PD30D73: 31, PD3Mr74: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD3Mr68: 31, PD20Ja74: 32, PD17F74: 32, PD14Ap74: 32 imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , 28F55:31 imported to York river, Va. , 319 Drawers, imported to York river (cont'd) from R. L , 25Ja40: 41 See also Indentured servants as Drawers, shop, for sale, in Goochland co. , Va. ,D30c77: 41 — P10Oc77:33 Drawing, taught at Mr. Lowe's academy, D4N80: 12 Drawing schools, in Denmark, PD27F72: 23 Drawlegs, PD9S73: 31— R9S73: 33 imported, R26My74: 32 Drays, for sale, in Blandford, Va. , R31Ja71: 32--PD24Ja71: 31 Drayton, Henry, supports trial by jury,Pi2Mr75: 23 John, Hon. , R26My68: 22 William Henry, appointed chief justice of S. C. , P10My76: 23 — DllMy76:33 author of pamphlet on revolution, D16Ap79: 11 commander of Broughton's bastion, S. C. , PD150c72: 22 concludes treaty with S. C. rebels, D20Ja76: 12 deputy postmaster general, PD26S71: 23 eulogy on, D25S79: 21 funeral described, D25S79: 21 issues election writs, PD150c72: 22 of S. C. , PD280c73: 22 recruits for S. C. troops in Va. , P14Je76p42--D15Je76: 51 relations with up-country S. C. , Pil6N75:31--P17N75:31 William Henry, Capt. , of the Prosper, P5Ap76: 31 Dreadnought, H. M. S. , 1J137: 41, 12D45: 21, 21Ag46: 31, 24Ja52: 22 ship, P8N76: 21, P10Oc77: 31 Dreams, letter recounting, 28Mr51: 31 Dreghorn, Robert & co. , R3Ag69: 31 Dreghorn & co. , ships of, 8Je39: 22 Dreghorn, Murdoch & co. , PD8S74:31--R8S74:33, PD3N74:43,D3F76:33 Drelincourt, Charles, author, PD29N70: 21, PD13D70: 42, PD3Ja71: 42, PD17Ja71: 42, ?D24Ja71: 42, PD7F71: 42, PD21F71: 42, PD7Mr71: 42, PD21Mr71: 42, PD28Mr71: 42, D25N75: 11,D30D75: 11, D24F76:43,D2Mr76:41, D9Mr76:41,D25My76:43 Drennen, Lawrence, P1N76: 41 Dresden, Ger. , news about, 25Ag38: 12 See also Bread scarcity; Jesuits supported in; Storms in Dresden, treaty of, 3Ap46: 41 Dresden point work, teaching of, PD20F72: 32 Dresden work, teaching of, R27F72:31 Dresser, Amos, mutinied on the Oratava, R2N69: 22 Dresses, Brunswick, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD240c71: 23 — R310c71:33 Dresses, Jesuit, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD240c71: 23 — R310c71:33 Dresses, riding, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. ,D8My78: 82 Dressing, teaching of, adv. , P17Ja77: 22 Dressing glasses, for sale, in Newcastle, Va. , PD20Ja74: 32 Dressmakers, adv. of, in Williamsburg, Va. , R310c71: 33— PD240c71: 23 See also Slaves as Drew, Capt. , of the Bristol, PD16My66:23--R16My66:43 of the Brothers, PD22Ap73: 31— R22Ap73: 33, PD14J174: 23 of the Liberty, P5My75s22 of the Race Horse, DHOc76: 42 of the Sarah, PD15Ja67: 32, PD4Je67: 32, PD11F68: 23— R11F68: 31, PD16Je68: 23— R16Je68: 31, PDllMy69s33, PD19Ap70s23— R19Ap70: 23, PD19J170: 21, PD25Ap71: 31, PD4Je72: 32,D13My75: 23 wounded in battle of Bunker Hill, P22J175s22--D29J175: 31 Dolphin, PD23My66: 32, R11F68: 32— PD25F68: 23, RllMr73: 33, D5Je79: 32, C6N79: 43, C27N79: 13 Edward, Capt. , of the Lucy, R21Ap74: 23 Hannah (Powell), P15N76: 32 Henry, Negro in Dunmore's troops, D31Ag76: 31 James, PD13D70: 42 James, Capt. , of the Sarah, R7J168: 22 John, Capt. , P24Ja77: 32, D2My77: 71 Joseph, Capt. , of the Betsey, R12Ja69: 31 Thomas H. , Lt , D23Ja78: 31 William, clerk's notices by, R8Ap73: 33, R9Je74: 22, P12S77: 31, D8Ja80: 23 marriage of, P15N76: 32 Drewry, Robert, PD26N67: 32, P23Ag76: 43 Samuel, jr. , P6Je77: 32 Thomas, D19D77: 32 William, D2Ap79: 22 Drill (cloth), for sale, in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72: 31 in Hampton, Va. , P8My78s21 in Hanover, Va. , PD28Ap74: 31— R12My74: 42 in Norfolk, Va. , PD13Ja74: 33 in Petersburg, Va. , PD28J174s22, PD7Ap74: 32, P31Mr75: 41 — D8Ap75: 32, P21Ag78: 42 in Richmond, Va. , D14N77: 32 Dring, Capt. , PD16N69: 12 of the Carcass, DHOc76: 12 Drinkard, William, PD26D71: 32 William R. , PD28F71: 33 Drinker, James, of Phila. , Pa. , R11OC70: 22 John, of Phila. , Pa. , RllOc70: 22 Drinking Spring, plantation, Va. , R22S68: 23 Drinkwater, Capt. , of the Aaron, D14S76: 12 Driskell, Giles, Capt. , of the William, 4J145: 3, 10Oc45: 3 Michael, 3S56: 32 Driver, Capt. , of the Lucy, PD2D73:21--R2D73:23 Miss, drowned in shipwreck, PD5Mr72: 31 Mr. , PD13Je66: 32, PD28Ja68: 31, PD9J172: 32 Anne, PD21F71: 32--R21F71: 32 Charles, PD14Ap68: 12, PD21F7L32— R21F7L32 John, PD23Ap67: 32, PD24Ja71: 32, PD14N71: 22, P14Mr77: 33, D25Ap77: 31--P25Ap77: 12 adv. estate of Charles Driver for sale,PD21F71:32— R21F7L32 adv. merchandise for sale, DlAp75: 12 adv. plantation for sale, PD4Ag68: 23 adv. ship for sale, D11J177: 41, D26Je79:32 bond of, D3Ag76: 32 land surveyed for,R17Je73: 33 manages auction in Nansemond co. , Va. , Pi9Mr75: 13 runaway indentured servant, R9D73: 23 slave of, R9D73: 22 John, Capt. , of the Lucy, PD27Ja74: 32 John, jr. ,P21Ag78:43 Robert, D11F75: 32 Driver, horse, PD19My68: 23 Drivers, for army carts, adv. for, HAp55: 31 for hire, in Williamsburg, Va. , 26S45:31 for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 See also Convict servants as; Slaves as Drogboard, Mr. , watchmaker, R22D68: 13 Drogheda, Ire. , See Fires In Droitwich, Eng. , §_ee Earthquakes in Drontheim, Norway, §ee Fish caught in; Floods in Drop lake, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD10Je73: 22, PD14J174: 32 Drops, See. Bateman's antimonial drops; Bateman's drops; Bateman's pectoral drops; Dr. Birt's anti- venereal drops; Dickinson's drops; Fit drops; Gutta vitae drops; Hill's bardana drops; Jesuit's antimonial drops; Jesuit's drops; Maredant's antiscorbutic drops; Maredant's drops; Dr. Norris's antimonial drops; Mrs. Rednap's fit drops; Stougnton's cordial drops; Stoughton's drops; Turlington's drops; Walker's drops; Walker's Jesuit's drops; Ward's white drops Dropsy, cure for, 80c36: 12, PD29Ja67: 23, PD2My71: 31, PD25Je72: 32, PD16J172: 31, PD20Ag72: 23, PD10S72: 23, Pi23N75: 33, D3Ag76: 32— P6S76: 42 in Eng. ,PD24Ag69:31 in Scot. , PD28N71: 22 Drosser, Capt. , of the Granby, PD7Ap68: 21 Drought, Joseph, 31 Oc45: 42 Droughts, in Antigua, W. L , 24S36:31,PD21My67: 23 in Asia, PDlAg71: 12 in Barbados, W. L , PD23J167: 23, PD9Je68: 22--R9Je68: 31 320 Drugs in Barbary, 14J138: 12 in Bordeaux, Fr. , PD17S67: 11 in Canada, 29S5 2: 31 in Edenton, N. C. , PD8D68: 21 in Jamaica, W. L , PD15Je69: 31 in Leeward islands, W. L , 17D36:41,C15My79:21 — D15My79: 21 in Md. , 26Ag37: 42 in Mexico, RllOc70: 21 — PD10Ja71: 21 in Morocco, 1J137: 31 In Naples, It. , PD29D68: 22 in New England, PD280c73: 22 in N. C. , PD280c73: 22 in Rome, It. , PD22D68: 11 in St. Croix, W. L , PDllJe67: 21 in St. Domingo, W. L ,DllAp77: 32 In S. C. , 29S52: 22, R12Ag73: 22, PD9S73: 23--R9S73: 31 in Spain, 27My37: 22, 26Ag37: 22, 19S51: 21 In W. L , 9S37: 32, 9S37: 41, R4Ag68: 21 in Va. , 12D55: 22 of Pamunkey river, Va. , PD18F68: 32 Drownings, PD24Je73: 31, PD24Je73: 32--R24Je73: 31, PD9S73: 31 at St. Louis falls, Can. , PD3Mr68: 23 children revived from, PD12D71: 31 in Boston, Mass. , PD13Ag67: 13, PDllAp71:22 in Bristol, Eng. , 8Ap37: 21 in Charleston, S. C. , R10Mr74: 13 In Chester co. , Pa. , 30My51: 22 In Danube river, PD12S66: 21 In Delaware river, PD16Je68: 23 In Devonshire, Eng. , PD20S70s41 in Dominica, PD19My68: 12 In Gloucester, Eng. , PD19My74: 33 in Gray's creek, Va. , PD10Mr74: 23 In Hampton, Va. , 21Ap38: 41 In Hudson river, N. Y. , PD25Je72: 31 in James river, Va. , 7Ja37: 42, 21S39: 32,PD18My69: 31, PD2My71: 32— R2My71: 22, PD9J172:31,PD6Ag72:22, P180c76:22,DllS79: 22 in Kittery, Me. , PD27J169: 21 in Liverpool, N. S. , PDllAp71: 22 In London, Eng. , 26Ag37: 32 in Lynn, Eng. , PD17N68: 22 In Lynn, Mass. , PD6S70: 23 in Moorcock creek, 23D37: 42 in New Kent co. , Va. , Pi20Ap75: 31 — D22Ap75: 23 in New York City, PD7Ja68: 32, PD6Ag72: 22, PD140c73: 13 in Newbury, Eng. , PD30J167: 23 in N. C. , 30S37: 41 in North river, N. Y. , PD7Ap68: 21 in Pa. , PD27Ag67: 23 in Plaistow, Eng. , R18F68: 13 in Potomac river, Va. , 24Ap52: 21, PD28S69: 23 in Rosseau, Dominica, PD2N69: 12 in Seine river, Fr. , 5Je52: 11 in Susquehanna river, Pa. , PD9 Je68: 23 in Thames river, Eng. , 18J151: 22, PD28Ap74: 13 in Va. , PD30My71: 21--R30My71: 22 in Windsor, Conn. , PD8S68: 22 in Worcester, Eng. , P10Mr75: 13 in York river, Va. , 210c37: 31, 21S39: 32, PD14S69: 31, PD23J172: 31, PD23S73: 23--R23S73: 32 near Birmingham, Eng. , PD16Je74: 12 near Boston, Mass. , PD27J169: 21 near Buchan, Scot. , PD14S69: 13 near Cork, Ire. ,D30Mr76: 31 near Holms, Eng. , 7Ja37: 21 near Lyons creek, Va. , PD14S69: 31 near N. Y. , PD5F67: 22 near Newbury bar, Mass. , PD30Oc66: 13 near Williamsburg, Va. , DUS79: 22 off east Fla. coast, R10Mr74: 13 off Md. ,R260c69: 12 recovery from explained, PD80C72: 11, PD150c72: 11 Druett, Jonathan, 5D51: 41 Drugget, for sale, in King and Queen co. , Va. , 2S57: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , 27My37: 42 in Yorktown, Va. , 29My46: 32 Druggists, PD28Mr71: 31 in Blandford, Va. , PD29 Je69: 32, PD21F71: 32, PD13Ag72: 23 in Fredericksburg, Va. , 31Ja51: 32, 15My52: 32, R30My71: 22— PD6Je71: 32, PD22Ap73: 31 in Hampton, Va. , 28Mr55: 32 in Hobb's Hole, Va. , R29Je69: 33 in Norfolk, Va. , PD10Oc66: 41, PD220c67: 22.R18F68: 32— PD18F68: 32 in Petersburg, Va. , 12F62: 41, Pi23Mr75: 33— D25Mr75: 31, D8Ap75: 32 in Richmond, Va. , 16My55: 21, R20Je71: 33— PD20Je71: 33, P27F72: 32, PD3S72: 23, PD10S72: 23 in Shockoe, Va. , PD4Ap66: 41 in Warwick, Va. , D28F77: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , 20Ap39: 32, 24My51: 32, 18J151: 41, 15My52: 32, 22My52: 32, 60c52: 32, 2My55: 22, 2My55: 31, 14N55: 22, 2S57: 32, 30N59: 32, 16Ja61: 41, 12F62: 42, PDUJe67: 32, PD18Je67: 32, PD18Je67: 33, PD26My68: 23, PD270c68: 32— R270c68: 22 PD270c68: 32— R270c68: 22— R270c68: 23, R3N68: 33— PD10N68: 22, PD21S69: 33 — PD21S69: 41— R21S69s21, R7Je70: 31-- PD7Je70: 31,R29N70: 23— PD29N70: 31, PD150c72: 23, PD290c72: 22— R29Cc72: 22, PD9Je74: 32— R9Je74: 21,D20S80: 22 in Yorktown, Va. , 30My51: 41, 28F55: 31, PD13Ag67: 23, PD16Ja72: 33, D22Je76: 62— P31My76: 33 See also Apothecaries Drugs, export from Eng. , to N. Y. allowed, D10J179: 22 exported from James river, upper district, Va. , to London, Eng. , PD7Ap74: 23 exported from Veracruz to Rota, 25N37:41 for sale, 26S45: 41, 20Oc52: 22, R29N70: 23--PD29N70: 31, PD14N71: 23, P10J178: 22 at Bermuda Hundred, Va. , PD7Ap74: 32 at Flower de Hundred, Va. , 19D55: 31 in Amherst co. , Va. , D25379: 31, C6N79: 31 in Blandford, Va. , 14Ag52: 31, R18J166: 41 — PD4J166:31 In Bute co. , N. C. , D5S77: 31 in Charlotte co. , Va. , P6Mr78: 22 in Charlottesville, Va. , P15D75: 33 in Fredericksburg, Va. , 31Ja51: 32, R30My71: 22— PD6Je71: 32, PD9J172:31,PD6Ag72:23, D29J175: 32, D22Je76: 62— P31My76: 33 in Gloucester co. , Va. , PD290c67: 23, PD9N69: 23 in Goochland co. , Va. , D30c77: 41 — P10Oc77: 33 in Hampton, Va. , 28Mr55: 32, P14N77: 23 In Hanover, Va. , PD280c73: 23, D13My75: 11 — P12My75: 32— Pil8My75: 41, D3Je75: 33— P2Je75s43, D12Ag75: 41, D24J179: 32 in Hanover co. , Va. , PD29J173: 23 in Hobb's Hole, Va. , PD10S72: 23 in Norfolk, Va. , 240c51: 31, 21Mr55: 41, PD10Oc66: 41, R18F68: 32— PD18F68: 32, R20J169: 33--PD27J169: 33, R2My71: 32--PD18Ap71: 32, PD28My72: 23, PD9S73: 32— R9S73: 33, PD16S73: 32, PD4N73: 22— R4N73: 31 in Petersburg, Va. , PD7F71: 23, PD30J172: 32, D13J176: 21 — P12J176:32,D27S76:42, P6Mr78: 32 in Portsmouth, Va. , P14N77: 23 in Richmond, Va. , PD21D69: 32 in Richmond co. , Va. , R20S70: 32, P24My76: 42 in Spotsylvania co. , Va. , 17Ap46: 42 in Surry co. , Va. ,RlMr70: 32 — PD8Mr70: 42 in Tappahannock, Va. , PD270c74: 23 in Urbanna, Va. , 21N45: 41 in Warwick, Va. , PD13Ap69: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , 22Ap37: 42, 20My37: 42, 27My37: 42, 6Ap39: 32, 20Ap39: 32, 23Ja46: 42, 60c52: 32, 21Mr55: 41, 2S57: 32, PD18Je67: 33, PD290c67: 22, PD3D67: 32, PD26My68: 23, PD18Je72: 32, PD25Je72: 32, PD17D72: 31— R17D72: 23, PD14Ja73: 23, PD3Je73: 33— R3Je73: 23, PD23Je74: 22, PD29S74: 32— Pi29S74: 33, D4Mr75: 32, D16S75: 33, D23S75: 33,D15Je76: 62— D22Je76: 72, D28Mr77: 72, D13N78: 22, D4Mr80: 13 in Yorktown, Va. , 5Je52: 32, 19J154: 42, 240c55: 31, PD10Oc66: 41, PDllJe67: 32, PD30J172: 31, PD17Je73: 33, P22Ag77: 12, D22Ag77: 31, P29Ag77: 12, P16Cc78: 32 near Fredericksburg, Va. , P27Mr78: 32 near Rocket's landing, Va. , PD16Ja72: 32 See also Acids, mineral; Agard's pills; Alkaline; Almonds, oil of; Aloes; Alum; Anderson's female pills, pills, scots pills; Angelica, candied; Anise, oil of; Aniseed water; Aniseeds, oil of; Anodyne necklaces; Antimony; Apothecaries' shop utensils; Aqua 321 Drugs, See also (cont'd) mirabilis; Argol; Arsenic; Asafetida; Dr. Baker's dentifrice; Balaustines; Balm of Capivi, of Gilead, of Peru, of Tolu; Balsam; Balsam of amber, of Capivi, of Gilead, of honey, of Peru, of Tolu; Balamic tincture; Bands, rupture; Bardana; Bardana elixir; Bark, Peruvian; Bateman's antimonial drops, drops, golden and plain spirits, pectoral drops; Beaume de vie; Behn, oil of; Bell metal mortar; Berries, juniper; Betton's British oil; Bezoar, Occidental, Oriental; Birdlime; Dr. Birt's anti venereal drops, medicines; Bitter ingredients; Bitters, materials for; Blackrie's lixivium; Bluestone; Dr. Bolder son's worm cakes; Bole, Armenian, Armenic; Boorhave's pills; Borax, Venetian; Bostock's cordial, elixirs, purging elixir; Breast pipes; Brimstone, flowers of, roll; Br inkwell's purging elixir of peppermint; Buckthorn, juice of; Calomel; Calamus; Camomile flowers; Camphor; Canella alba; Cantharides; Capillaire, syrup of; Capivi; Cardamoms, lesser; Cascarilla; Cases, lancet; Castor oil; Caustic, common, lunar; Chase's balsamic pills, pills; Cinnabar, fictitious, native; Cinnamon, oil of; Cloves, oil of; Clyster pipes, common, syringe; Colcothar; Colocynth; Coloquintida; Coltsfoot; Contrayerva; Cordials, stomachic; Corrosive sublimate; Court plaster; Cream of tartar; Daffy's elixir, grand elixir; Decoctions; Diachylon; Dickinson's drops; Douglass's tincture for the teeth; Dragon's blood; Drams, cordial; Dutton's cornsalve; Eaton's balsamic elixir, balsamic styptic, styptic; Eau de luce; Elaterium; Elecampane; Electuaries; Electuary, conitive, lenitive; Elimi; Elixirs; Epsom salts; Eringo, candied; Esquini; Ether; Ethiop's mineral; Extracts; Eye water; Fit drops; Follicules; Fraunce's elixirs, female pills, female strengthening elixir; Freeman's cordials; Friar's balsam; Galbanum; Gallipots; Galls, Aleppo; Gambouge; Gentian; Ginger, syrup of; Glass mortars, mortars and pestles; Glauber's salts; Godfrey's cordial; Goldbeater's skin; Golden rod, tincture of; Grains of paradise; Greenough's tincture; Griffin's tincture; Guaiac; Guaiacum; Gum ammoniac, arabic, guiacum; Gums, medicinal; Gutta vitae drops; Hammond's antimonial essence; Hammond's specific pills; Hartshorn, spirits of; Hartshorn shavings; Helvetius' styptics; Hemet's essence of pear, pearl dentrifice; Hemlock, extract of; Hermodactyls; Hiera picra; Hill's balsam of honey, bardana drops, pectoral balsam of honey, tinctures of golden rod; Dr. Hill's elixir bardani, essence of waterdock, golden rod, tincture of valerian; Hooper's female pills, pills; Hungary water, French; Ichthyocolla; Indian pink; Infusions; Instruments, doctors', mid-wifery, surgeons' , surgeons' pocket, teeth; Ipecacuanha; Iron mortars and pestles; Ivory clyster pipes, syringes; Jackson's tincture; Jalap; James's fever powders, powders; Jesuits' antimonial drops, bark, drops; Juice, Spanish; Juniper, oil of; Kermes, juice of; Keyser's pills; Lancets, common, London; Laudanum, liquid; Lead, extract of, sugar of; Lemons, salt of; Lignum vitae; Lignum vitae shavings; Lint; Lockyer's pills; Lucatelli; Lymington salts; Mace, oil of; Madden' s oil, sovereign oil for bruises; Magisteries; Magnesia, vitriolate; Magnesia alba; Manna, common, flakey; Marble mortars; Maredant's antiscorbutic drops; Maredant's drops; Matthews' pills; Medicines; Measures, Apothecaries; Melilot; Mercurials; Mercurials pirelles; Mercurius calcinatus; Mercury, calcined, sweet; Morocco instrument cases; Mortars; Mortars and pestles; Musk; Mustard, flowers of;Nesbit*s clyster pipes; Nipple glasses; Nipple glasses and pipes; Nitre; Dr. Norris's antimonial drops, drops; Nux vomica; Oil; Oils, chemical; Ointment pots; Ointments, mercurial; Opium; Orpiment; Oxymel of squils; Paregoric; Paregoric elixir; Pectoral balsam of honey; Peppermint, essence of, oil of; Perkin's specific dentifrice; Peru; Peruvian; Pestles; Pewter clyster syringes, syringes; Phials; Pike's ointment, ointment for the itch; Pil cochi; Pill cochiae, succotrine aloes, ex duobus, pots; Pills; Pitch, Burgandy Pitt's bitters; Plasters, issue, sticking; Potash; Powder dentifrice; Powers; Precipitate, red, white; Pugh's famous eye water; Pyrmont water; Radcliffe's elixir, purging elixir; Raleigh's cordial (Sir Walter); Ratsbane; Receivers; Mrs. Rednap's fit drops; Retorts, glass; Rhubarb; Ringworm earth; Rpots; Rosewood, oil of; Dr. Ryan's worm destroying sugar plums; Saffron; Sago; St. Matthew's pills; Sal ammoniac, crude, spirit of; Sal nitre, Rochelle, tartar, volatile; Sal volatile, spirit of; Salt, spirit of; Saltpeter; Salts; Salve, lip; Sarsa; Sarsaparilla; Sarsaparilla roots; Sarsasarsain; Satyrion; Scamonio de Smyrne; Scammony (Scanimony); Scurvy grass, spirits of; Searches, apothecaries; Semarouba; Sement contrafine; Senna; Snakeroot, seneca; Spa water, German; Spanish flies; Spermaceti; Spirits, Jamaica, volatile; Squire's elixir, grand elixir; Stavesacre; Steel, tincture of; Stoughton's bitters, cordial drops, drops, elixirs, pills, stomachic elixir; Sulphur, crocus of, flower of, golden; Sweet almonds, oil of; Sweet sublimate mercuries; Swinsen's electuary for the stone and gravel; Syringes; Syrups; Tartar; Tartar emetic; Teeth drawers; Tile's vitriolic ether; Tinctura odontolgia; Tinctures; Tolu; Tourniquets; Treack, Venice; Troches; Trueman's cordials; Turlington's balm of gilead, balsam, balsam of life, drops; Turmeric; Dr. Turner's ether; Turpentine, oil of, spirit of; Turpeth mineral; Urinals; Uvae ursi; Valerian, tincture of; Verdigris, ground; Vermifuge; Vials, doctors; Vitriol; Volatiles; Walker's drops, Jesuits drops; Ward's essence for the headache, ether for the headache, powder, white drops; Waterdock, essence of; Waters; Waters compound; Wills' s original eye-water, universal drops for the flux; Wine, spirit of; Worm sugar cakes; Wormseed, English; Wormwood, salts of import to Boston, Mass. , allowed, PD24Ag69: 21 import to Fr. , from Gt. Brit. , forbidden, HMy39: 21 imported, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD28My72: 23 in Yorktown, Va. ,28F55:31 imported to Baltimore, Md. , from Martinique, W. I. , D29N76: 32 imported to Cadiz from Veracruz, 21N51; 12 imported to Falmouth, Me. , from Martinique, W. L , D10Ag76: 31 imported to Portsmouth, N. H. , from Holland, D21S76: 12 imported to Yorktown, Va. , from W. L , P29Ag77: 12 imported, unclaimed, R18Ag68: 32-- PD18Ag68: 31 seized by Brit, army in Boston, Mass. , PilOJa76: 21--P12Ja76: 22-- D13Ja76: 22 seized from Brit, ship, P16Ag76: 23-- D17Ag76: 12 Druid, H. M. S. ,D27Je77: 21-- P27Je77: 21 H. M. sloop, PD23My66: 12, R12Mr72: 11 Drum, Bryon, D18F75: 32 Drumm, George, P24My76sl3 Drummers, adv. for, by minutemen, D30S75: 33--P29S75: 33— Pi28S75: 32 in Southampton district, Va. , P10N75:42 to Royal Scots, 3J146: 32 Drummond, CapL , aide-de-camp to Clinton, D6Je77: 11 arrives in N. Y. ,D15Ag77: 52 of the Industry, P3Mr75: 22-- D4Mr75: 21 Lt. , in French and Indian war, 322 Dry goods 22Ap57: 22 Earl of, arrives in Va. , PD80c72: 31, R150c72: 23 arrives in N. Y. , PD60c68: 22— R60c68: 22 letter from Lord Howe quoted, D40c76:22--P40c76: 21 prohibited entrance in N. Y. , P6S76:31--D7S76: 11 requests peace conference with Continental congress, D40c76: 21 — P40c76: 13 settles boundary dispute, PD5Ag73: 21 — R5Ag73: 21 Mr. , horse of, 14D39: 31, 14D39: 32 ordered to Boston, Mass. , D12Ag75:22 Mrs. , dower of,R140c73: 32 Rev. Mr. , of Conn. , PD30J172: 22 Andrew, D8Ap75: 33 Char. , of the Lowstoffe, 25Ja40: 2 Duncan, Capt. ,D30My77: 11 John, PD4Je67: 31 Katherine,310c51: 32, 12Je52: 22 Martha, R12Ag73: 22 Rachel, adv. estate of William Drummond, PD1J173: 33, R16S73:41 adv. Porto Bello plantation, PD2S73: 23— R2S73.31, PD140c73: 31— R140c73: 32, R4N73: 31 Richard, R18J171: 33, 12Je52: 22 William, adv. for runaway slave, 22Je39: 32, PD2S73: 23— R2S73: 31 estate of, for sale, PD1J173: 33, R16S73:41 supports Bacon's rebellion, PD23F69: 11 Drummond, Widdatch &, R9Je74: 22 Drummond' s neck, See Ferries on; Slaves runaway Drummonds wharf, Quebec, Can. , D10F76:32 Drums, 70c37: 32, 9D37: 42 captured by Americans at Boston Neck, Mass. , P4Ag75p22 captured by Americans near Boston, Mass. , D70c75: 23 for Brit, army to America, D6My75: 31 — P12My75: 12 for Carolina volunteer company, P130c75: 23 for Caroline co. , Va. , troops, P130c75: 23 for Va. regiments, Pi28S75: 32— P29S75: 32— D30S75: 31 played by slaves, PD4Ap66: 41 seized from British ship, 17J152: 31 teaching of, adv. , D17Je75s22 Drunken Frank, woman, 270c38: 41 Drunkenness, 2F39: 42 cure for, PD28My72: 23 proclamation against in N. C. , PD14N71: 13 Drury, Lt. , ordered to rejoin regiment, P230c78: 11 Robert, P4Ap77: 31 Timothy, PD26S71: 32 Drury Lane theatre, London, Eng. , 13J139: 31, PDlAp73: 12, PD29Ap73: 13, PD6My73: 12, P10F75: 21 actors' disturbance in, PD16J172: 23 fire panic in, 5D51: 31 fire protection at, PD20Ag72: 12 plays in, 21Ap38: 31, PD4Ap66: 31, PD15F70: 13, PD22N70s21, PD17S71: 31, PD27F72: 22--R27F72:21, PD7My72: 31, R22J173sll riots in, 20My37: 22, 27My37: 31, PD7My72: 12 Dry, Col. , house of burned, P5Ap76: 32 William, collector of customs, Brunswick, N. C. , PD21Mr66: 11, PD21Mr66: 12 Dry docks, in Brest, France, R23D73: 21 Dry goods, as lottery prizes, PD14Ja68: 33 bartered for corn, PD11N73: 22— R11N73:22 for grain, PD14Ap68: 31 for land,R21Ap68: 21 for oystershells, R4F68: 41 — PD28Ja68: 32 for tobacco, PD21Je70: 33, PD11N73: 22--R11N73: 22 for West India goods, PD11N73: 22— R11N73:22 for wheat, PD11N83: 22— R11N73: 22 burned in Annapolis, Md. , PllAg75: 32 captured in battle of Moore creek bridge, N. C. , P15Mr76s21 damaged in St. Eustatia, W. L , C9D80: 21 destroyed by storms in N. C. , PD2N69: 21 exported from France to U. S. , D28Mr77: 62— P28Mr77sl3, P9My77: 22 exported from French W. L , to Spanish W. L , PD14Ap68: 22 exported from James river, lower district, Va. , to N. C. , R14Ap74: 31--PD28Ap74: 23 exported from James river, upper district, Va. , Oct. 1763 - Oct. 1766,PD12F67:22 exported from London, Eng. , Phila. , Pa. , PD10Ag69: 23 for sale, PD20Oc68: 22— R270c68: 32, PD17F74: 31 in Essex co. , Va. ,D29N76: in Fredericksburg, Va. , P5Je78: 12 in Hanover, Va. , D13J176: 22 in Hobb's Hole, Va. ,DllMr80: 32 in Leedstown, Va. , PD21Je70: 33 in Norfolk, Va. , PD4Ag68: 31 — RllAg68: 32, PD16N69: 11 in Onancock, Va. , PDllAp71: 32 in Petersburg, Va. , 250c65s42, D28Mr77: 31,D20c79: 31 in Prince Edward co. , Va. , PD22J173: 32--R22J173: 33 in South Quay, D13N78: 11 in Suffolk, Va. , P12Je78: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD150c67: 22, PD27Ap69: 32, R14S69: 31, PD23Ap72: 23, PD8Ap73: 33, D4N75: 32, P14F77: 31— D21F77: 11, P16Oc78:22,C21Oc80:21 in Yorktown, Va. , PD14Ap68: 31, PD20Oc68: 22— R270c68: 32, PD6Ag72: 31 imported for sale, in Shockoe, Va. , to 42 R22S68: 24--PD22S68: 23 in Yorktown, Va. , R18Ag68: 32— PD25Ag68: 32 imported from Nantz,D5D77: 11 — P5D77: 21 imported to Boston, Mass. , from Bordeaux, Fr. ,D16My77: 12— P16My77: 21 imported to Boston, Mass. , from Ire. , D24J179: 22 imported to British colonies, N. Am. , from Fr. ,D25Mr75:21 imported to Charleston, S. C. , D3Ja77: 12 imported to Chesapeake bay, P8N76: 23 from St. Eustatia, W. L ,D27D76: 12— P27D76: 23 imported to Chester, Pa. , D22Ja80: 23 imported to Currituck, N. C. , P13Je77: 32 imported to Delaware river, P28F77s21 imported to Hampton, Va. , from Martinique, W. I. , D21Mr77: 11 from W. L, Fr. , D13D76: 22 from Cape Francois, Santo Domingo, W. I. , P29N76: 22 imported to James river, Va. , from Bilbao, Sp. , P12Je78: 22 from Curacao, W. L , P21Mr77sl2 from Nantes, Fr. , P21Mr77sl2 from Rochfort, Fr. , P29My78: 22 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from Barbados, PD14Je70: 32 from Grenada, PD7Je70: 31 imported to Marcus Hook, Pa. , from St. Eustatia, W. L , D22Ja80: 23 imported to N. Y. , from Eng. , R29N70: 13 imported to Newport, R. L , from Curacao, W. L , D13J176: 41 imported to Phila. , Pa. , from Cadiz, Sp. , C15My79: 21, D15My79: 21 from Cape Nicola, Hispaniola, W. I. , P2Ag76: 23 from Curacao, W. I. , P21Je76: 21— D22Je76: 51 from Dunkirk, Fr. , P3Mr75s23 imported to Portsmouth, N. H. , from Holland, D21S76: 12 imported to Rappahannock river, Va. , from Curacao, W. I. , P21Mr77sl2 imported to S. C. , D14S76: 41 from France, P13Je77: 31 imported to U. S. , from Fr. , P22N76: 21— D29N76: 21 imported to Va. , from Curacao, W.I. ,DllAp77:31 from France, P9My77: 22 from Spain, D10J179: 31 imported to Williamsburg, Va. , from St. Martin's, W. I. , D15N76: 22 imported to York district, Va. , from Antigua, 4J145: 31 imported to York river, Va. , from Guadeloupe, W. L , P21Mr77sl2 from St. Eustatia, W. I. , D8N76: 22 imported to York, Va. , from W. I. . Fr. ,D13D76:22 imported unclaimed, D23D80: 32 323 Dry goods (cont'd) lost, adv. for,RHAg74:32 lost at sea, 7Mr55: 22, PD220c72: 13 lost infire,R21F71:31. lost off Glover's reef, PD14Je70: 21 market for in Va. , P22D75: 22 price regulated in Williamsburg, Va. , D24J179: 21 in York co. , Va. , D31 J179: 31 recaptured from British, D2Ap79: 21 saved in shipwreck, Pi30N75: 23 seized by American ships, D13Je77:ll--P13Je77:21 from American ships, D28F77: 22, P28Mr77sl3 from British ships, D17Ag76: 21, P1N76: 13, P1N76: 21, P1N76: 22, D10Ja77: 31, P24Ja77: 12, PllAp77sl2, DllAp77: 31--DllAp77: 32— PllAp77sll, D18Ap77: 32, D6Je77: 12, D13Je77: 11, P13Je77: 22,D8My79: 21, D24J179: 22, D11S79: 21, DllMr80: 32 from French ships, D240c77: 11— P240c77: 21,D12Mr79: 21 from Irish ship,D8Je76: 31 from N. J. ship,D13Ap76: 32 from Swedish ships, 13Je45: 22 from Tories in Portsmouth, Va. , D4My76: 33 stolen in Cross creek, N. C. , PD3Mr74: 22 in Hanover, Pa. , PD80c67: 22 Dry goods stores, for rent, at Aylett's warehouse, Va. , P10Ja77: 33 Dry gripes, cure for, 20Mr52sll, 27Mr52:31 Drybrow, Thomas, PD23Ap72: 32 Dryden, [John], author, PD25F68: 41, PD29N70: 21, PD29N70: 22, PD13D70: 42, PD3Ja71: 42, PD17Ja71: 42, PD24Ja71: 42, PD7F71:42, PD21F71: 42, PD7Mr71: 42, PD21Mr71: 42, PD28Mr71: 42, PD18J171: 23, PD25J171: 33, PDlAg71: 41, PD8Ag71: 41, PD17S72: 21, PD10Je73:33,D25N75:21, D30D75: 13,D2Mr76: 43, D9Mr76: 42, D24Ag76: 61, D20D76: 43, D3Ja77: 42, D17 Ja77: 42 Dryden, ship, 28Mr55: 32, 16My55: 12 Drysdale parish, Caroline co. , Va. , 15Je39:41,D90c78:32 See also Churchwardens; Clergy, Anglican, adv. for in; Glebe land Dryskil, Francis, deserter, D5S77: 32— P10Oc77: 11 Duane, James, attorney for Crown, R15D68: 13 delegatcto Continental congress, PD4Ag74:22,R22S74:32, Pi270c74: 23 delegate to N. Y. convention, P31Mr75s22--Pi6Ap75: 22 on committee of Congress on colonial rights, D21Ja75: 12 praised as delegate to Continental congress, Pil5D74: 31, Pi9F75: 32 signs Association of 1774, PD3N74: 12— Pi4N74: 12 warns N. Y. against seizing crown arms, D3Je75: 23— P2Je75: 22 Du Barry, comtesse [Marie Jeanne Becu], anecdote about, PD10F74: 21 character of, PD12S71: 12 children of, PD15S74: 21 denied right to leave convent, PD10N74: 23 enters convent, PD18Ag74: 23— R18Ag74: 31 fall of, PDllN73s21— RllN73s21 in Bath, Eng. , DlMy79: 12 possessions seized, PD18Ag74: 21 — R18Ag74: 22 retired to convent, R18Ag74: 12 retires, PDllAg74: 13 treatment of, PDllAg74: 21 Du Bartas, Guillaume de Salluste, seigneur, author, PD29Ag71: 33 Dubberley, William, 8J137: 42, 21S39: 41 21S39:41 Dubec, Peter, PD12Mr67: 13 Duberg, Edward, PD12My74: 43— R12My74: 33 Dublin, Ire. , addresses king on birth of Princess Augusta, 25N37: 41 elections in, 23D37: 22, PD27F72: 23 instructions to representatives, R140c73: 21 insurrections in, PD21My72: 21 liberties and franchises parade, 14N55: 12 offers services to George HI, D22Ja80: 21 petitions king, PD31Ja71: 13, PD31Ja71: 22 petitions (text) king for British colonies, N. Am. , Pi30N75: 13 prosperity in, PD16J172: 31 receives lord lieutenant, 18N37: 22 streets, PD16Je74: 22 See also Accidents in; Anecdotes from; Assaults in; Autopsy performed in; Bankruptcies in; Banks established in; Beef, price in; British army in; British army, recruiting for in; British colonies, N. Am. , supported in; British navy from; British transports to; Butter price rises in; Cattle exportation from; Coachmakers in; Coal price in; Continental congress, 2nd, toasted in; Convict servants imported to Annapolis, Md. , from; Convict servants imported to south Potomac district, Va. , from; Convict servants imported to Va. , from; Copper mines in; Counterfeiting in; Duels in; Elections in; Emigration from; Exports from; Exports from Baltimore, Md. , to; Exports from Barbados, W. I. , to; Exports from James river, upper district, Va. , to; Exports from N. Y. , to; Famine in; Fast days in; Fisheries established in; Freedom of press upheld in; Gambling in; George in, birthday celebrated in; German troops to; Glass manufactured in; Gold exchange, lowering protested in; Gold exchange, rise in; Gravedigging in; Hanoverian troops in; Hessian troops ordered to; Horse-breeding in; Imports to Eng. , from; Imports to London, Eng. , from; Imports to Rappahannock district, Va. , from; Imports to south Potomac district, Va. , from; Imports to York district, Va. , from; Indentured servants from; Indentured servants imported to Annapolis, Md. , from; Indentured servants imported to; Indentured servants imported to Phila. , Pa. , from; Indentured servants imported to Potomac river, Va. , from; Indentured servants imported to south Potomac district, Va. , from; Indentured servants imported to Va. , from; Indentured servants imported to York district, Va. , from; Linen manufactures in; Lotteries in; Manufactures encouraged in; Merchants in; Murders in; Mutton, price in; Pageants in; Peaches grown; Physicians in; Pineapples grown in; Pots manufactured in; Printers in; Proclamations, royal, authority denied in; Profiteering in; Prostitution abolished in; Quarantines in; Riots in; Riots near; Robberies attempted near; Robberies in; Ships, Irish armed fitted out in; Ships from Bordeaux, Fr. , to; Ships from N. Y. , to; Ships from Rotterdam, Holl. , to; Ships from Va. , to; Ships' sailing time; Ships to Jamaica, W. L , from; Ships to N. Y. , from; Ships to Phila. , Pa. , from; Ships to Potomac district, Va. , from; Ships to Rappahannock district, Va. , from; Ships to Va. , from; Ships to York district, Va. , from; Shipwrecks in; Shipwrecks near; Shoemakers in; Smallpox in; Sodomy in; Statues in; Tanning, new methods discovered in; Teeth offered for sale in; Theatre Royal in; Vandalism in; Whip makers in; WiUs contested in, Wool price in; Workhouses, statistics on inmates in Dublin, brig, R11F73: 31, PD11F73: 31 Brit. guardship,D16S75: 11 Brit, ship, 25Ja40: 2 guardship, PDlS74s21 H. M. S. , 24Ja52: 31, PD29Ap73: 21, PD24Je73: 21, PD1J173: 13— PD1J173: 22— R1J173: 12— R1J173: 13— R1J173: 21, PD2S73: 12— PD2S73:21— R2S73: 13— R2S73: 12--R2S73: 21, PD9S73: 21— R9S73: 12-21, PD16Je74s21 Dublin gazette, extract from, PD30Je68: 13 Dublin journal, extract from, 4Ag38: 22 Dublin Packet, ship. PD25Je67: 21 Dublin university, senators' meeting, 16F39: 21 Du Bloyse, Capt. , of the Ave Maria, PD23Ja72: 13 Dubois, M. , adv. snuff for sale, D10J179:31 Mrs. ,D26Mr79: 22 Dorothy, Lady, poem by reprinted, 324 Duels PD22S68: 41 Dubois (Dubuoys), [Lewis], Major, P24My76: 13--D25My76: 32 Dubot, Capt. , of the Methis, 5S55: 21 Dubral, Anthony, D26D77: 32 Ducane, William, PD16Ag70: 31 Ducapes, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD12N72: 23 Ducats, seized by French ship, D20c79:21 Due de Guinea, ship, 29Ag45: 21 Due de Praflin, Indiaman, R20S70: 11 Duchafaux (Duchafault), Count, commands French fleet in W. I. , P27D76:22,D9My77:ll Duchal, James, author, PD25F68: 41 Ducharm, M. , fur trader, PDl9Ag73: 13, PD26Ag73: 22--R2S73: 22 Duche, Andrew, PD25My69: 32 Jacob, Rev. Mr. ,D21Ja75: 11, D9S75: 33, D280c75: 23, Pi9N75: 23— P10N75: 22--D11N75: 23, P2Ag76: 22 Duchess Penthievre, privateer, 10Oc45: 21 Duck, Stephen, poet, 10c36: 22, 29Cc36:32, P29Ag71: 33 Duck (cloth), exported from York district, Va. , to Md. , 4J145: 32 for Va. army,D70c75: 33— P60c75: 32--Pi50c75:33 imported, for sale, at Yorktown, Va. , 21 Ag46: 32 imported to Accomac district, Va. , from Phila. , Pa. , PD7J168: 23— R7J168: 21, R25Ag68s23--PD8S68p22, PD8S68p22--R7J168:21 imported to James river, Va. , P28N77:21 manufactured, in Fredericksburg, Va. , P28N77:31 seized from Brit, ship, D18J177: 21 Duck, raven, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22 imported to Sandy Hook, N. J. , from London, Eng. , Pi6Ap75: 22— D8Ap75: 23 Duck, Russia, for sale, in Hampton, Va. , P8My78s21 in Smithfield, Va. , C3J179: 31 in Suffolk, Va. , P12Je78: 31 imported to Accomac district, Va. , from Phila. , Pa. , R25D66: 13 imported to Sandy Hook, N. J. , from London, Eng. , Pi6Ap75: 22— D8Ap75: 23 Duck, Russia sail, for sale, in King and Queen co. , Va. , D5J180: 31 in Richmond, Va. ,D8My78: 82 — P27My78: 22, P12Je78: 22— D10J178: 41 in Williamsburg, Va. ,D21F77: 21 — P21F77:32 Duck, sail, for sale, in Beaufort, N. C. , P160c78: 32 in Edenton, N. C. , P160c78: 42, D12F79:41 in Fredericksburg, Va. , P18J177: 32 in Lancaster co. , Va. , C19F80: 11 in Petersburg, Va. , P21Ag78: 42 in Suffolk, Va. ,D21N77: 12, D28N77;31--P21N77:31 in Urbanna, Va. , P21Ag78: 13 in Williamsburg, Va. .D6N79: 31 — C6N79: 32, C15J180: 22 imported and destroyed in Charleston, S. C. , D22Ap75: 22 imported to Providence, R. I. , from W. I. , D29J176: 22 returned to Bristol, Eng. , from Charleston, S. C. , D22Ap75: 22 Ducket, Valentine, shot as deserter, PD60c74: 31 Duckett, John, of Md. , PD21J174: 22, PD270c74: 23, PD29D74: 31 Duckinfield, Nathaniel, of London, 7F5L41 Nathaniel, Sir, PD19D71: 21, PD12Ag73: 21 Ducks, captured by British in U. S. , D20c79: 22 exported from York district, Va. , to Bermuda, 4Ag38: 42 in Prince Edward island, R18Ag68s21 killed at Fort Sullivan, S. C. , P19J176: 23 lost at sea, PD21Ja73: 23 stolen, in Williamsburg, Va. , D18Mr75:33 Duclos, Charles Pinot, author, D25N75: 11, D30D75: 11, D24F76: 43, D2Mr76: 41, D9Mr76: 41, D25My76: 43, D24Ag76: 51, D20D76: 41, D3Ja77: 41, D17Ja77: 41, D2My77: 81, D4J177: 81 Ducrect, John Ecton, P21J175: 32 Dudding, Capt. , of the Swan, 9My45: 31 Dud(d)ingston, Capt. , of the Senegal, D13J176: 61 William, Capt. , of the Gaspee, R27J169: 22, PD3Ag69: 32, PD12S71: 31, PD9J172: 22, PD10D72: 22— R12D72sl3, PD18F73: 13— R18F73:22 death of rumored, PD9J172: 31 in R. L , PD18F73: 23--R18F73: 22 protected against mob, PD3S72: 21 Dudgeon, George, D20c79: 22 George, Mrs. , D20c79: 22 John, P230c78: 32 Richard, PD2N69: 42 Dudlay, Robert, 27Mr46: 41 Dudleian lecture, at Harvard college, PD8Je69: 13 Dudleston, Thomas, PD27N66: 23, PD12N67: 21 Dudley, earl of, [John Ward], P19My75: 12, D22J175:42,D3F76:12 Mr. , transported convict. PD24S72: 12 Ambrose, PD4Ap71: 31, P4J177: 33 Ambrose, Capt. , P28N77: 32 Anne. Mrs. , P4J177: 33 Banks. Lt. ,D4D78:31 Charles, of Second Va. regiment, R20Je71:32 collector of customs, R. I. , PD29Ap73: 22 to Eng. , from Halifax, N. S. , D13J176:61 Christopher, jailer, PD5Mr67: 32, PD27Ag77: 32, PD4F68: 32. PD28S69: 32, PD9J172: 32 Edward, P40c76: 33, D24J179: 31 George, estate of, P8Mr76: 33 — D9Mr76: 23 H. , Capt. , P6Mr78: 12 Henry, D26Je79: 12 James, PD24Mr74: 32 John, 5S55: 42, PD290c72: 22— R290C72: 31, R140c73: 33, P24My76: 32 John, Lt. , P5S77: 33, P28N77: 32 Joshua, R17F74: 33, P10Mr75: 11 Marlow, R18J166: 42— PD22Ag66: 32 Ransone, R29Ap73: 23 Robert, R21Mr71: 43, Pi20Ap75: 31 adv. ferry, R22Mr70: 31 adv. finding horse, 19S55: 41 adv. for horse race, 20Mr52: 22 adv. horse racing, at Dudley's ferry, 12S51: 32 ensign of Spotsylvania co. , Va. , minutemen, P22S75: 11 first lt. of Va. regiments, P16F76s22 runaway slave of, Rl Je69: 32 shipwrecked, P21Ap75s41-2 Robert, Capt. ,9F39: 42 Robert B. , D9Ap79: 31, D4S79: 31 Thomas, adv. finding of horse, 27Mr52: 32, PDllAp66: 41 adv. horse for sale,D9Ap79: 31 adv. to pay bond, D4D78: 31 adv. slaves for sale, R18J166: 32, R5S66: 32 adv. stallion for hire,D14F77: 22 tobacco of, R14Ap68: 24 Thomas, Capt. , estate of, D9Ap79: 31, D4S79: 31 Thomas, jr. , D9Ap79: 31, D4S79: 31 William, P24Gc77: 23 adv. ferry, PD12Mr72: 32 adv. finding horse, PD23Je74: 31 adv. for runaway indentured Negro, R21Mr71:43 adv. for runaway slaves, RUe69: 32, R12J170: 33, PD28My72: 31 adv. land for sale, 30Ap52: 31 adv. lots in Hanover, Va. , for sale,PD15Ag66: 32 joins Association in Va. , PD16Ag70: 32 land of, PD6My73: 31— R6My73: 23 lottery of, PD14Ja68: 32, R12My68: 34 member of committee, in Warwick co. , Va. , Pi9Mr75: 33 settlement of estate of, R27My73: 23 slave of, 27Ag56: 42 William, Capt. , P15N76: 13 Dudley, Eng. , See Merchants in Dudley & Collier, P25Ag75: 73 Dudley & Hayles, P25Ag75: 73 Dudley's ferry, King and Queen co. , Va. , 12S51: 32, 5S55: 42, 19S55: 41, R24D67: 34, R16N69: 32, R22Mr70: 31, PD12Mr72: 32 See also Brick houses at; Horse- racing at Dudoet, Capt. , of the City of Nantz, 20Je45:22, 11J145: 32 Due, Michael, sentenced for murder, PD17S72: 13 Duels, act concerning in Va. repealed, 10Ap52: 22 at Fort Bute. Miss. , PD6Ag72: 21 discouraged in Gt. Brit. ,R15J173sl3 discussed, PD6My73: 12 essay on, PD27Ag67: 11, R24D67: 11,R18N73: 21 forbidden in Bavaria. Ger. , PD31Mr74: 11 — R7Ap74: 22 325 Duels (cont'd) fought in London, PD25J171: 13 in Altona, Den. , PD27Ag72: 12 in Angouieme, Fr. , R6Ap69: 21 in Athlone, Ire. , R15J173: 13, PD24Mr74: 22--R24Mr74: 23 in Austria, 21Ag46: 22, 24N52: 11 in Bath, Eng. , PD24Ag69: 31, DlMy79: 12 in Berwick, Eng. , PD16D73: 21 in Boston, Mass. , D7Ja75: 21, D30S75: 22 in Brit, army and navy, PD31Mr74: 21 in Bucklersbury, Eng. , 17Ap52: 22 in Canterbury, Eng. , PD21S69: 21 in Carlisle, Eng. , R20Ja74: 31 in Charleston, S. C. , PD26S71: 23, PD19D71: 21 in Copenhagen, Den. , PD27Ag72: 22 in Dominica, W. I. , P30Je75sll-- D1J175: 31 in Dublin, Ire. ,R30Mr69: 22, PD5Ap70: 11, PD22Ap73: 21-- R22Ap73: 23, R10Je73: 31, P17Mr75s21 in Dunkirk, France, PDlAp73: 13 in E. Indies, PD23My71: 21 in Edinburgh, Scot. , PD1J173: 22 in England, 3N38: 12, 19S51: 22, 120c52: 21, PD12My68: 21, PD18Ap71: 22, PD8Ag71: 12, PD20My73: 11, PD2D73s21— R2D73: 21 in Exeter, Eng. , PD2My71: 13 in Gartmore, Eng. , PD27Ag72: 12 in Germany, 7S39: 11 in Ga. ,D20Je77: 22--P20Je77: 23 in Gt. Brit, regulated, R22Ap73sl2, R20My73: 11, PD27My73: 12 in Grenada, W. L , PDllAg68: 23-- RllAg68: 11 in Hanover, Va. , 17Ja51: 22 in Ireland, 30My51: 21, PD310c71: 13, PD24D72: 21,D29Ag77: 12 in Italy, 28F51: 21 in Kingston, Jamaica, 2My51: 21, 2My51: 22 in Lisle, France, R9D73: 11 in London, Eng. , 23Je38: 31, 15S38: 21, PD5Mr67: 13, PD3S67: 12, PD15Je69: 23, PD28S69: 13, PD19Ap70: 21, PD16Ag70: 31, PD14Mr71: 22, PD25Ap71: 21, R8Ag71: 21, PD23Ja72: 13, PD7My72: 12, PD5N72: 22, R22Ap73sl3,R22Ap73: 23, PD10Je73: 11, PD1J173: 22, R2S73sl2,R70c73: 13, PD140c73: 12, PD27Ja74: 22--R27Ja74: 23, R3Mr74:22,R3Mr74:23, PD24Mr74: 21--R24Mr74: 21, PD31Mr74: 23, PllAg75: 22, PllAg75: 31,D7Mr77:22 in Maidstone, Eng. , R6Ap69: 21 in N. Y. , PD70c73: Il--R70c73: 13, P21N77: 21 in Noddle's island, Mass. , PD4N73: 21--RllN73s22 in Paris, Fr. , 170c51: 21, PD7S69: 22--R7S69: 21, PD27Ag72: 22, Dl J175: 12 in Phila. , Pa. ,D10Je75: 21 in Portsmouth, Eng. , PD14F71: 22 in Portugal, 27J139: 22 in Quebec, Can. , PD21My67: 21 in Shadwell, Eng. , PD4Ag74: 21 in Surinam, Guiana, 24Ap52: 21 in Tottenham, Eng. , PD24Je73: 21 in Vienna, Aust. , 23Je38: 21 increase in Gt. Brit. ,D2My77: 22 near Bristol, Eng. , DlMy79: 12 near Deptford, Eng. , PD12Ag73: 13 near Hoxton, Eng. ,R30D73: 13 near Kensington, Eng. , PD24Je73: 13 near Marybone, Eng. , 8My52: 21 near Pancras, PD60c74: 13 near Warsaw, Pol. , PD28Ap74: 12 near Williamsburg, Va. , PD28My67: 32, R23J167: 12 opposed in England, R20Ja74: 23 opposed in London, Eng. , PD19My74: 32 prohibited, in Munich, Ger. , R20Ja74: 13 ridiculed in London, Eng. , PD16D73: 21 Duer, Mr. , of St. John, Antigua, PD23Ap67: 22 Duet's ordinary, Va. ,D18My76: 31 Duett, David, P21Je76: 33 Duff, Col. , of Newcastle co. , Del. , P26S77: 13 Arthur, convict servant, 24Ap46: 42 James, indentured servant, Pil5Je75: 32 letter (text) to John Penn, PD31Ja71: 31 Robert, Admiral, gov. of Nfd. , D24Je75: 13, PilOAg75: 31-- PllAg75pl2--D12Ag75: 23, D16S75:ll,D2Mr76:22 Duffel, for sale, at Kemp's landing, Va. ,D19Mr79:31 in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72: 31 in Cabin Point, Va. , PD3S72: 23 in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD3D72: 22--R3D72: 22 in London, Eng. , PD7Je70: 33 in Manchester, Va. , PD25N73: 22, C13My80: 41 in Norfolk, Va. , PD8N70: 23, PD150c72: 23, PD30S73: 31-- R30S73: 33, PD1S74: 32, PD22S74: 32 in Petersburg, Va. , PD6N66: 21, D5S77:22--P5S77:31 in Richmond, Va. , PD3S67: 32, PD30S73: 31--R30S73: 32 in Shockoe, Va. , R22S69: 24-- PD22S68: 23, R7S69: 42--PD7S68: 42 in Suffolk, Va. , 5Mr52: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , 27My37: 42, 30N59: 32, PD3D67: 32, PD15F70: 41, PD4Oc70: 31, PD22Ag71: 32, PD19D71: 32, PD220c72: 22-- R220c72: 23, PD23S73: 23-- R23S73: 32 in Yorktown, Va. , 4J145: 42, PD25F68: 31--R25F68: 31, PD310c71: 23 imported, unclaimed, in Augusta co. , Va. ,R18Ja70:31 Duffel, damaged, for sale, in Falmouth, Va. , R19N72: 22 in Petersburg, Va. , PD14Ja68: 32, PD8Mr70: 33, R18Oc70: 22-- PD18Oc70: 31, PD290c72: 21-- R290c72: 31 Duffel, striped, for sale, in Yorktown, Va. , PD310c71: 23 Duffel blankets, for sale, in Manchester, Va. , PD25N73: 22 Duffey, Samuel, PlAg77: 33, P310c77: 31 Duffield, John, of Phila. , Pa. , PUD74: 21 Duffy, James, Pil5Je75: 31--P16Je75s23 P16Je75s23 Patrick, deserter, P6D76: 32, P7Mr77s22 Dufourt, Jean Baptiste, commits murder, PD28Mr71: 22 Dugal, Elizabeth, felon, R27S70: 33, PD13D70: 22--R13D70: 23 Dugan, Jerry, Major, in Can. , D11N75: 23 Dugard, John, PD22Ap73: 31-- R22Ap73: 33 Duggar, James, PD14Ap74: 32 Dugger, John, land of, PD10N74: 42 Du Halde, Jean Baptiste, author, 24My51: 32 Duhamel, Henri Louis, author, D25N75: 11, D30D75: 11, D24F76: 43, D2Mr76: 41, D9Mr76: 41, D25My76: 43, D24Ag76: 51, D20D76: 41, D3Ja77: 41, D17Ja77: 41, D2My77: 81, D4J177: 81, C19Ag80: 21 Duke, Capt. , of the Providence, PD1J173: 22--R1J173: 13 Clevears, plantation of, D27N79:31 Cleviers, deserter, P23My77: 33 Cluverious, deserter, PllAp77s23 Edmund, P5Ap76: 43 Henry, P5Ap76: 43, P180c76: 22, D13D76: 32--P13D76: 23, D18J177: 32- P18J177: 12 James, PD7D69: 32 John, 30N59:42,R2F69:32 Patrick Thomas, teacher, R21S69: 31, R29N70: 31 Patrick Thomas, Mrs. , R21S69: 31, R29N70: 31 Duke, British ship, 25Ja40: 2 fireship, 16N39: 41 H.M. S. ,24Ja52:22 privateer, 28N45: 21, 14F51: 12, D140c75:21 ship, 27J139: 31, 29S52: 31, 60c52: 31 Duke and Dutchess, ship, PD7S69: 31, PD28D69: 31, PD7Je70: 31 Duke d'Artois, French man of war, PD29S74: 23 Duke d'Aumont, privateer, 2S57: 12 Duke de Noailles, privateer, 12F62: 22 Duke of Argyle, ship, 7N45: 31, 10Ap46:42,22S52: 31 Duke of Bedford, brig, D27N79: 21 privateer, 27Mr46: 31 Duke of Burgundy, Indiaman, 10Oc55: 12 Duke of Cornwall, ship, PD27F72: 23 Duke of Cumberland, H. M. S. , 19D45:31 packet, PD8S68: 22, R4Mr73: 31, PD60c74: 23, D6Ap76: 32 privateer, 5D45: 41 ship, 25F37: 41, 8J137: 42, , 18N37: 41, 12My38: 41, 23Je38: 41, HAg38: 41, 4My39: 41, 10Ag39: 2, 14D39: 1, 4Ja40: 31, 25Ja40: 41, 4J145: 3, 326 Duncanson 9Ja46: 4, 23Ja46: 42, 29My46: 4, 5D51: 22, 15My52: 31, 17J152: 32, 21Ag52:31,19D55:22 convict servants on, 25My39: 42 snow, 15S52: 32 Duke of Dorset, ship, 3Ap46: 22 Duke of Gloucester, sloop, PD6Ja74: 23 Duke of Kingston, Indiaman, PD17Ag69: 21 Duke of Lancaster, sloop, PD23J167: 22 Duke of Norfolk, ship, D14Ja75: 23 Duke of Orleans, Indiaman, 10Oc55: 12 Duke of Portland, Indiaman, PD12Mr72: 22 Duke of Richmond, East Indiaman, PD22N70sl3, PD22N70s21 horse, D14Mr77: 71 Duke of Savoy, ship, PD28S69: 13 Duke of York, ship, PD15Ja67: 32 Duke of York Packet, ship, D15N76:11 Dukinfield, Nathaniel, Sir, R15F70: 23, PD19Mr72: 23, PD27My73: 23 Dulancy, Richard, indentured servant, D23S75: 33 Dulaney, Patrick, PD27J169: 33 Thomas, deserter, P23My77: 33 Dulany, Mr. , leaves Md. , P22S75: 12 Mrs. ,RllMr73: 31 Benjamin, of Md. , RllMr73: 31, PD9S73:31--R9S73:32 Daniel, author, PDllAp66: 31 honored in Phila. , Pa. , PD13Ap69: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , R26Ap70: 32, PD9S73: 31--R9S73: 32 marriage of, 29S38: 41 toasted by John Wilkes, PD14Ap69s21 Daniel, jr. , PilJe75: 41 Henrietta Maria (Lloyd) Chew, Mrs. , 29S38: 41 Lloyd, Pi9N75: 23--P10N75: 21 Sharp, PUD74: 21 Walter, of Md. , death of, PD140c73: 13 Dulin, Edward, R15Ap73: 32 Du Maisonfort, Marquis, 4J145: 12 Dumaresq, Philip, PD23Je74: 12 Dumarsq, Capt. , of the Portland, D29J176: 12 Dumb waiters, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 5S51: 32, R28J168: 31--PD28J168: 23 See also Mahogany dumb waiters Dumbartonshire, Scot. , See Floods in Dumeresque, Capt. , of the Genoa, 22S38: 32 John, of the Otter, 25Ja40: 2 Philip, Capt. ,28S39:32 Dumfries, Scot. , See Banks in; Bigamy in; British army from; British army in; Covenanters in; Exports from James river, upper district, Va. , to; Exports from south Potomac district, Va. , to; Imports to James river, upper district, Va. , from; Merchants in; Riots in; Ships from York district, Va. , to; Ships to James river, Va. , from; Shipwrecks in Dumfries, Va. , committee of correspondence, R23Ag70: 31 lots offered in lottery, R17Ag69: 32 post office, letters in, PD7J168: 23 postmasters, PD18N73: 22— R18N73: 31 See also Apple orchards in; Assembly rooms described; Association enforced in; Association violated in; Buildings near; Convict servants runaway from; Dwelling houses, described in; Farms in; Horse-racing, adv. in; Horse-racing in; Houses and lots in; Indentured servants runaway from; Indentured servants sold in; Jails in; Jockey club in; Land for sale in; Land for sale near; Lots for sale in; Lotteries in; Lumber houses in; Merchants in; Ships for charter in; Ships for sale in; Slaves for hire in; Slaves for sale in; Smallpox inoculation for Continental troops in; Smokehouses in; Snow in; Soldiers escaped from jail in; Stealing in; Store houses in; Stores in; Taverns in; Teachers in; Virginia troops ordered to report to; Warehouses Dumfries warehouse, Va. , PD30Ap67: 32, C30Oc79: 31 Dumlop, author, PD10Je73: 34 Dun, Lord, (David Erskine), author, PD18J171: 33, PD25J171: 33, PDlAg71: 43, PD8Ag71: 43 Andrew, printer and dyer, D310c77: 22 Peter, letter to, in post office, PD3Mr68: 31, PD15J173: 33, Pi20Ap75: 32 Samuel, abnormal size of, PD13My73: 23 William, P170c77: 43 Dunahoe, John, felon, 5N36: 42 Dunahoo, Mr. , D22Ag77: 31 Dunavant, Hodge, D3J179: 32 Dunaway, William, R14Ap68: 33 Dunawho, Hugh, P270c75: 32 Dunbar, Capt. , British commander, PD26S66: 31 of the Reprizal, 17Ap46: 21 Col. ,HAp55:31 regiment of, 28F55: 41, 9My55: 21 Major, exchanged for Amer. prisoners of war,DU175:31 Mr. ,PD15D68:31 of Gloucester co. , Va. , P30c77: 21, D30c77: 22 Hancock, Rev. Mr. , PDllAp66: 41, D4D78:22,D4D78:32 Jefferson, estate of, PD13D70: 31 Richard, Capt. , of the Lovely Lucy, PD27N66: 22 Robert, 14Ag46: 31, PD13Ap69: 22, P20D76: 11 Thomas, Col. , in French and Indian war, 5S55: 31, 10Oc55: 22, 310c55: 11, 310c55: 12,7N55:21 in Philadelphia, Pa. , 26S55: 22 William, Capt. , P5Ja76(5)sl3— D6Ja76: 32 Dunbar, Scot. . See Antiquities discovered in; Coals returned to; Potatoes returned to; Ships to Charleston, S. C. , from; Shipwrecks in Dunbar, sloop, PD11F73: 21 Dunbarr, Capt. , 25Mr37: 31 Duncan, Capt. , PD270c68: 22 of the Two Brothers, R26My68: 23 ship of lost, PD27N66: 21 Mr. , arrives in Pittsburgh, R23Je74: 41 attends conference with Shawnees, PD23Je74: 21--R23Je74: 41 Charles, PD5Mr67: 32— R12Mr67: 41, PD18Oc70: 31, PD12N72: 23-- R19N72: 42, PD28J174: 32— R28J174: 33, D18Mr75: 33— Pil6Mr75:33,D6Je77:31 adv. finding horses, R17D72: 32, R14Ja73: 33, DlAp80: 32 adv. for missing horses, PD7Je70: 41, PDlAp73: 42 adv. for runaway slaves, PD6My73: 32 adv. land for sale, PD6My73: 32 adv. ownership of land, D4D78: 31 adv. plantation for sale, PD80c67: 21 adv. slaves for sale, Pil2Ja75: 33— D14Ja75: 32, P14Ap75: 31 — D15Ap75: 32 announces departure, PD16Ag70: 32-- R23Ag70: 41 collector for Purdie & Dixon's Va. gazette, PDllAg68: 23 horse of, PD13D70: 23 marriage of, PD150c72: 22 storekeeper, D8J175: 33--P14J175: 33 testifies in transaction of John Butler and William Black, PD24Ag69: 33 Duncan, Charles & co. , P28Je76: 41 George, D210c75: 33 James, Capt. , of the Mercury, PD12N72: 23--R19N72: 42 Jeany (Gilliam), marriage of, PD150c72: 22 John, R6My73s22, PD28Ap74: 32 John, Capt. , of the John, PD28Ap74: 23— R21Ap74: 23 of the Othello, PD28S69s23 Joseph, PD18Ja70: 32 Matthew, prisoner of war in Quebec, Can. , D31Ag76: 21, DHOc76: 22— P110c76: 22, D7F77: 12--P7F77: 11 Michael, of Barbados, PD5Mr67: 21, PD5Mr67: 31, PD12Mr67: 22 Samuel, P1N76: 41 William, adv. for missing horse, D6Je77: 31 adv. newspaper in Norfolk, Va. , PD12Ag73: 22 holds bonds of Royster & Hudson, P28Je76: 41 printer of Norfolk Intelligencer, PD10N74: .33 William (1717-1760), author, PD29N70: 22, PD13D70: 42, PD3Ja71: 43, PD17Ja71: 43, PD24Ja71: 43, PD7F71: 43, PD21F71: 43, PD10Je73: 32, D25N75: 21, D30D75: 13, D2Mr76: 43, D9Mr76: 43, D24Ag76: 61 William, jr. , D25N80: 13 WiUiam & co. ,D13My75: 11 — Pil8My75:33,DlJ175:32, D140c75: 33 Duncannon, packet, PD18Je67: 21 ship, 12F62:31 Duncanson, James, PD30J172: 23, 327 Duncanson, James (cont'd) R80c72: 31 adv. damaged goods for sale, R19F67: 23, R10Ag69: 32 adv. for runaway convict servants, PD21Je70: 32--R12J170: 33, PD23Ap72: 32, PD13Ag72: 23— R80c72: 41 agent of William Strahan, R18Ag68: 32 continues business of Duncanson & Maury, R16D73: 42 letter to, in post office, PD29Ja67: 13 merchant, PD25Oc70: 23 on Fredericksburg, Va. , committee of correspondence, R16Je74: 22 partnership with James Maury, PD11F73: 23 Robert, 270c52: 22, 3N52: 21 Robert, Lt. , prisoner of war, D29J176:42 Duncanson & Maury, dissolution of, R16D73: 42 Duncom, Thomas, RllMy69: 41 Duncomb, Capt. , of the Polly, PD7My72: 23 Thomas, adv. for runaway seamen, PDUe69: 31— RlJe69: 33, PDllJe72:32 Thomas, Capt. , of the Amelia, PD18My69: 31--R25My69: 31, PD10Ag69: 32 Duncombe, Capt. , of the Polly, PD14My72: 23 Duncome, Nehemiah, Capt. , of the Exeter, 5Ja39: 42, 9F39: 42, 18My39:4 of the Little Gipsey, 2Je38: 41 Dundalk, Ire. , See Cambric manufacture Dundas, Capt. , PD21J168: 21 — R21J168: 14 of the British army, Antigua, PD23Ap67: 22 of the St. Lawrence, Pil6Mr75: 23— P17Mr75: 31--D18Mr75: 13 Major, of British navy, PD21Ja73: 23 Mrs. , death of, PD21Ja73: 23 Dundas, [Henry], Lord Advocate of Scotland, D17J178: 11 Dundass, Lt. , of the St. Laurence, PD22Ag66: 21 Alexander, Capt. , of the Mary, 7Ag52: 31 Dundee, Scot. , See Riots in; Speculative society in Dundee, ship, 12D45: 31 Dundee Merchant, ship, PD170c71: 12 Dunerux, Thomas, Capt. , of the Portland, P14Ap75: 21 Dunford, Wills, PD19Ag73: 22 Dungan, Col. , death of, P26S77: 13 Dungeness, Eng. , See Ships, British, captured by French off Dungeness Light, Eng. , See Shipwrecks near Dunglass, Scot. , See Whales in Dunham, Col. , reviews R. I. militia, PillMy75: 32 Dunivant, Philip, P23My77: 42 Dunkards, in Va. , R5Mr72: 21 Dunker, John, escaped prisoner of war,P2My77: 12 Dunkerton, Rebecca, PD2Je74: 32 Dunkin, Capt. , of the Cambridge, 18Ap45: 32 George, D160c79: 31 Dunkirk, Fr. , completion of harbor at, 14N55: 11 evacuated, PD15S68: 23 fortifications destroyed, PD25Ap66: 22, PD6Je66: 13, PD22S68: 21 fortifications examined, R22S68: 21 fortified, PD16D73: 12--R16D73: 21, P14Je76p41,D27Je77: 12 harbor blocked, PD21Ap68: 12 harbor improved, PD14Mr66: 42 harbor of unsafe, PD23D73: 21 repair of, 3S56: 12,4N63: 21 repairs canals, PD80c72: 21 seige rumored, 6Je45: 21 See also Artisans, British employed in; Canals in; Duels in; Emigration from Eng. , to; Exports from; Exports from Eng. , to; Exports from Va. , to; French army, number near; French army embarks at; French army in; French army near; Imports to; Imports to Philadelphia, Pa. , from; Privateers in; Privateers, American fitting in; Ships, British, condemned in; Ships from; Ships from Va. , to; Shipwrecks near; Slaves, galley in; Smuggling prevented in; Spies arrested in Dunkirk, British ship, 25Ja40: 2 H. M. S. , 24Ja52: 22, 4Ap55: 22, 2My55: 11, 26S55: 12, 30c55: 22, R27Ap69: 13 privateer, D15Ja80: 21 ship, 140c37: 31, PD15Ja67: 31, PD22Ja67: 32, PD12Mr67: 32, PD11F68: 23, PD18F68: 23 — R18F68:24--R18F68:31, PD26My68: 22--R26My68: 31, PD28J168: 23, PD25Ag68: 31, PD270c68: 42, PD22D68: 31, PD13J169: 32, PD10Ag69: 32, PD7D69: 31, PD28Mr71: 31 Dunlap, Adam, P19D77: 41 Archibald, PD24N68: 31 Benjamin F. ,D90c79: 31 Deborah, death of, D4Mr75: 23 Francis Franklin, death of, P10My76: 31--DllMy76: 33 Johanna (Rowe), Mrs. , marriage of, P26J176: 31 — D29J176: 61 John, of Phila. , Pa. , PD22J173: 32 printer in Lancaster, Pa. , P6Mr78: 32 printer in Phila. , Pa. , PD5S71: 33— R5S7L31 William, PD7Ja73: 31--R31D72: 32 William, Capt. , of the Bogle, PD3Ag69: 32, R3My70: 31 of the Peggy, PD13Je66: 31 William, Rev. Mr. , books of, PD8Je69: 31— R15Je69: 43 character of, Pi2Mr75: 21 death of, D25S79: 22 death of son of, PlOMy76: 31— DllMy76: 33 death of wife of, D4Mr75: 23 dispute with vestry, P30Oc78: 23 marriage of, P26J176: 31 — D29J176: 61 minister in St. Paul parish, D30Oc79: 31 minister in Stratton major parish, R14Ap68:21,D5Mr79: 32 of King and Queen co. , Va. , PDlJe69: 23 — RlJe69: 31, PD17Ja71: 23 offers tutoring for boys, PD8Je69: 31 — R15Je69: 43 poem to, PD7Mr71: 31 preacher for relief fund for, clergy's widows and orphans, PD4My69: 33, PD22Mr70: 42— R22Mr70: 31 resigns from St. Paul's parish, D90c78: 32 resigns from Stratton major parish, P8My78s22 settlement of estate, D90c79: 31 trustee for relief fund for, clergymen's widows and orphans, PD9My71: 31— R9My71: 33, PD26Mr72: 32— R26Mr72: 23 Dunlap, snow, PD4D66: 31--R4D66: 21 Dunlop, Capt. , of the Boyd, PD7D69: 31, PD10D72: 23, PD16S73: 23, P12My75: 21 of the Eagle, PD3S72: 22 of the Pomona, PD27F72: 32 of the President, 30c51: 32 of the Sally and Molly, R23Mr69: 22, PD4My69: 31— R4My69: 33 Mr. , slave of, R9My71: 43 watchmaker in London, 60c52: 32 A. , D29N76: 41 Alexander, author, PD10Je73: 34, DllF75s23, D9D75: 41, D30D75: 21, D2Mr76:43,D24Ag76:63, D3Ja77: 43, D17Ja77: 43, D2My77: 83, D4J177: 83 Archibald, D28Mr77: 31 adv. for missing horse, PD15J173: 33 adv. house for rent, D22Ag77: 31 — P22Ag77: 31 adv. land for sale, PD2Je74: 32, PD9Je74: 32 adv. schooner for sale, PD19N72: 22 adv. storehouse for rent, PD8S74: 31 announces departure, PD30Mr69: 32 partnership with James Baird dissolved, PD29D68: 31 property for sale, for debt, PD20F72: 32 vessels of, R2N69: 31 Betsey (Hill), marriage of, PD4Ag74:23 Colin, merchant of Glasgow, 20Oc52: 31 Colin, Capt. , of the Molly, HAg38:41,4My39:41 — 10Ag39: 2, 14D39: 1, HJa40: 22— 18Ja40: 32 of the Thistle Galley, 20My37: 41 Colin & Son, merchants of Glasgow, P14Mr77: 31 Collin. R24D67: 43, R4F68: 42 Dunlop, David, Capt. , of the Montgomery, 7Ag52: 31, 28Ag52: 31 James, 22My52: 31, PD23Je68: 31, P2My77s32 adv. for stolen merchandise, 21F50/51:42 adv. land for sale, PD26S71: 32— R26S71: 33 adv. unclaimed cask, PD11J171: 32 announces departure, R22S68: 34 defendant in Chancery court, 328 Dunmore R11D66:33 letter to, P2F76: 32 marriage of, PD4Ag74: 23 opposes Association of 1774, Pil2Ja75: U--D14Ja75: 12 prisoner of war, P28Mr77sll refuses oath of loyalty to U. S. , P6D76: 13 store of, robbed, 7Mr51: 32 supports Association, D4F75: 32 James, Capt. , of the Duke of Cumberland, 19D55: 22 John, PilD74: 21 Robert, Capt. , of the Boyd, PD6Je66: 31 Robert and Thomas & co. , PD30My66: 31 William, R4D66: 23 William, Capt. , of the Betty, 23Je38:41,4My39:41 of the Betsey, RllAg68: 24, R16Mr69: 32--PD16Mr69: 31 of the Bogle, R8Ag66: 22— PD15Ag66: 23, R3Ag69: 31 Dunlop, ship, 30My51: 32, 13Je51: 32, 270c52:21,PD23Ja72:32 Dunlop & Ralston. PD30Mr69: 32 Dunlop & Wilson, PD18Mr73: 32, PD13My73: 41— R31My73: 32 Dunluce, ship, D31Ag76: 31 Dunmore, Countess, [Charlotte Murray], arrives in Eng. , Pi50c75: 32, Pil90c75: 22— D210c75: 21 arrives in N. Y. , PD20Ja74: 31 arrives in Portsmouth, Eng. , P130c75s22--D140c75: 32— P190c75: 13 arrives in Va. , R3Mr74: 32 arrives in Williamsburg, Va. , R10F74: 23, PD24F74: 31, PD3Mr74: 21 — R3Mr74:31,R10Mr74: 31 birth of daughter, PD8D74sll, Pi8D74: 32 boards H. M. S. Fowey, P5My75s22 expected in N. Y. , PDllN73s22, R23D73: 32 poetry to, PD3Mr74: 22 praise of, Pi29Je75: 33 sails for England, Pi29Je75: 33, P30Je75sl2--DlJ175:31, P7J175: 23 to sail for Eng. rumored, D24Je75: 31 welcomed to Williamsburg, Va. , PD26My74: 31— R26My74: 31 earl of, [John Murray], P15S75: 31, P22Mr76: 23, P10My76sll, P24My76: 33 abandons Norfolk, Va. , Pi23D75: 21 accused of starting Indian war, P270c75: 21 action against favored, P121S75: 12 address (text) to Quakers, PD26D71: 11 addressed (text) by merchants of Portsmouth, Va. , PD29D74: 31 addressed (text) by Va. house of burgesses, D10Je75: 23, P23Je75s23, P23Je75s33,D24Je75:31 addressed (text) by Va. council, Pi8Je75: 33 — P9Je75sl3 — D10Je75: 23 addresses (text) Norfolk, Va. , Pi5Ja75: 31 addresses of, 1770, PD17Ja71: 13 — R17Ja71: 13--R17Ja71: 21 addresses of, 1771, PD21F71: 31— R21F71:31,PD30c71: 23, PD170c71: 22— R170c71: 23, PD240c71: 11, PD7N71: 22 addresses of, 1772, PD2Ja72: 31, PD13F72: 31, PD13F72: 32, PD27F72: 32— R5Mr72: 23, PD16Ap72: 31 addresses of, 1773, PD4Mr73: 31— R4Mr73: 23, PDUMr73: 23 — RllMr73: 23, PD18Mr73: 23— R18Mr73: 23— R18Mr73: 32 addresses of, 1774, PD3Mr74: 22— R3Mr74: 32, PD12My74: 42, Pil5D74: 32, PD8D74sll — PD8D74sl2- Pi8D74: 32, PD22D74: 23 — PD29D74: 31 addresses (text) of, 1775,D7Ja75: 23, Pi6Ap75: 31— D8Ap75: 31, Pi20Ap75: 22— P21Ap75s41 — D22Ap75: 23, Pi8Je75: 33— P9Je75sl3— P9Je75s21 — D10Je75: 23, Pil5Je75: 13— P16Je75s22— D17Je75sl2— D17Je75:23,P23Je75s22, P23Je75s31, P23Je75s43 — D24Je75: 32 adv. for building, at William and Mary college, PD3S72: 22— PD17S72: 33 agents of, D7F77: 22 aid from N. Y. , P12Ja76: 31— D13Ja76: 23 aides of captured, Pi30N75: 31 appointed gov. of N. Y. , PD8Mr70: 31— R8Mr70: 22 appointed gov. of Va. , PD7Mr71: 31 — R7Mr71: 31, PD28Mr71: 23, PD2My71: 32. PDlAg71: 13 appointed lord It. of Ire. , D18Mr80: 23 appoints chaplain, D18F75: 23 appoints Edward Foy, deputy auditor, PD14N71: 21 — R21N71: 32 approves commission as notary public, DllMr75: 32 approves judges, PD7Ap74: 23 arms sent to, R4Ag74: 32 army of stationed at Gosport, Va. , P22S75: 23 arrests counterfeiters, R25F73: 23— PD25F73: 31 arrives in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD21J174p23 arrives in N. Y. , PD1N70: 21— R1N70: 22 arrives in Williamsburg, Va. , PD17S71: 31, PD26S71: 23 — R26S71: 23, PD8D74sll arrives in Yorktown, Va. , D8J175: 32 attack on reported. D6My75: 31 attempts to incite Indians, P10N75:41 attempts to put down Indian uprising, R25Ag74: 32 attends Indian conference, Pil30c74sll awards land for Va. regiment, R14Ja73: 12 baggage arrives in Williamsburg, Va. , PD12S71:31 bodyguard for, Pi3Ag75: 31 — P4Ag75pll— D5Ag75: 32 burns houses on Potomac river, P2Ag76: 23 burns Norfolk, Va. , D25My76: 33 called rebel, P8D75: 11 calls meeting of Va. general assembly, PD11F73: 22— R11F73: 22 calls militia against Indians, PD14J174: 23 captures French sloop, D13Ap76: 32 captures Gwynn's island, Va. , DUe76: 31 captures Scotish settlers, D27Ja76: 13 celebrates king's birthday, PD290c72: 21— R290c72: 22 clerk of, signs discharges, Pi29D74: 33— D21Ja75: 32 coaches made for, PD18Je72: 33— R21My72: 23, R280c73: 33 concludes peace with Indians, PD60c74: 32 condemned for destruction of Norfolk, Va. ,D10F76: 32— P17F76s21 conduct of censured, D16D75: 21 — PU6D75: 11 confers with king, DllAp77: 32— PllAp77sl2 congratulated by Norfolk, Va. , Pi5Ja75: 31 congratulated on arrival of family, PD3Mr74: 22— R3Mr74: 32 congratulated on victory over Indians, PD8D74sll — Pi8D74: 32 crimes of listed, Pil90c75sll criticized, Pi29Je75: 11, Pi50c75: 32, Pil90c75: 32, Pi23N75: 21 — P24N75: 21--P24N75: 22--D25N75: 31 criticized by Va. committee of safety, Pi260c75: 31--D4N75: 32 criticized for calling Va. general assembly, P19My75s32 criticized for removal of gunpowder, P19My75s42 criticized for removal to Fowey, P30Je75sl3 criticized in Cumberland co. , Va. , P14J175s22 criticized in Gloucester co. , Va. , Pi28Ap75: 32— D29Ap75s41 criticized in Norfolk, Va. , D13My75: 31, P130c75: 21 criticized in Scot. , Pi9N75: 31 criticized in Va. , Pi8Je75: 32 convenes Va. council, PD4F73: 23 cruelty of, D20J176: 32 daughter of, Pil9Ja75: 32, D21Ja75: 23 death desired in Va. , Pi30N75: 31 death of son of, PD22J173: 11 debts paid to, PiD75: 12— D2D75: 32 defeat rumored in London, Eng. , DHOc76:41 defeated on Gwynn's island, Va. , D29J176: 61 defendant in Chancery court, D12J180: 33 demands on Norfolk, Va. , D18N75: 13 demands proof of Ralph Wormeley's loyalty, P26Ap76sll— D4My76: 23 329 Dunmore, earl of (cont'd) demands protection, P5My75s22 demands return of prisoners of war, D25My76: 33 departs for Eng. , P3Ja77sl3 departs on visit to back country, PD8J173:31 destruction by, P28F77: 23 discusses powder removal, Pi4My75: 31--P5My75s22-- D6My75: 22 discusses prisoner exchange, D6Ja76: 32 dissolves Va. burgesses, PD26My74: 23--R26My74: 31 driven from Md. , P26J176: 31 emancipation of slaves, P12Ja76: 31 encourages enemies to colonies, P22D75: 13 encourages opposition to colonies, P29Mr76: 12 enforces Restraining act in Va. , P12Ap76: 31 entertained at Raleigh Tavern, PD30c71:31 entertained by governors of King's College, PD13D70: 21 erects hospital on Gwynn's island, Va. ,D15Je76:42 escheated property for sale, D11D79:31 essay addressed to, R18F73: 23 establishes admiralty court, P26Ap76s22 establishes headquarters in Portsmouth, Va. , P28J175: 12 estate ordered sold, D22Je76: 32-- P21Je76:31 exaggerates danger to self, Pi8Je75: 33 expected in Williamsburg, Va. , RlAg71: 23 expected to end Indian war, PD130c74: 21 explains dissolving Va. general assembly, Pi8Je75: 11 explains removal of gunpowder, D10Je75: 23 falls overboard, PU4S75: 31 false information given to, Pi4My75: 32 family entertained in Williamsburg, Va. , PD26My74: 31--R26My74: 31 favors conciliation with Gt. Brit. , P16F76:32 finances importation from Gt. Brit. , P2F76: 12 fleet of, P17My76: 32, D28Mr77: 22, P28Mr77s22 fortifies Tucker's mill, Va. , D4My76: 33 gives ball, PD310c71: 21-- R310c71: 32, PD280c73: 22 grants pardons, PD2D73: 21 grants treaty to Indians, PD17N74: 21 grievances against, D5Ag75: 11 horse of, PD8Ap73: 33 hostility toward in Md. , D29J176: 61 imports coal from Scot. , R10Mr74: 31 in New York City, P22N76: 23 in Princess Anne co. , Va. , D18N75:31 information sent to, D13Ja76: 32 invades Gwynn's island, P8N76: 32 issues pardon for murder, PD5N72: 32 land of in N. Y. , PD6Ja74: 23 land of leased, D26D77: 22 leadership in church discussed, PD21N71: 11 leads campaign against Indians, PD25Ag74: 22 leaves for Frederick co. , Va. , PD14J174: 23 leaves for N. Y. , PD24My70: 12 leaves N. Y. for Va. , PD18J171: 12 leaves Va. , P9Ag76: 32 leaves Williamsburg, Va. , Pi8Je75: 33, P9Je75sl3, P9Je75s21-- D10Je75: 23 letter (text) from Norfolk, Va. , common hall, P130c75: 12 letter to (text), R15Ap73: 11 letter to Mass. council, PD1J173: 31 letters to Earl of Dartmouth, Pil3Ap75:31,P7JT75sl3 meets with Indians, PD130c74: 31 Mingos desire peace with, PU6F75: 33 mistreats immigrants to Norfolk, Va. , Pi30D75:41 moves to Portsmouth, Va. , P14J175sl3,D15J175:33 negotiates with Richard Corbin, P23F76:31--D24F76:32 newspapers of, P2F76s22 on College creek, Va. rumored, Pil7Ag75: 33 opposed in Caroline co. , Va. , D10Je75: 32 opposed in Eng. , P60c75: 22 opposed in Fincastle co. , Va. , P22J175s42 opposed in Frederick co. , Va. , P7J175s22 opposed in Henrico co. , Va. , P28Ap75s43 opposed in Lancaster co. , Va. , D10Je75: 31 opposed in Loudoun co. , Va. , PilJe75: 33 opposed in Prince Edward co. , Va. , D29J175: 12 opposed in Richmond co. , Va. , P19My75s41 opposed in Va. , P26My75s33, P29D75sll opposed in Westmoreland co. , Va. , PilJe75: 12--P2Je75: 31 opposes Association of 1774, Pi28Ap75: 31--P28Ap75sll-- D29Ap75sl2 opposes conduct of British navy in Norfolk, Va. , D140c75: 31 opposes rebel activities, P21Ap75s23--D22Ap75: 21 orders cannon seized in Norfolk, Va. ,D210c75: 23 orders removal of powder, P21Ap75s33--D22Ap75: 23 orders writs for election of new Va. assembly, PD16Je74s22 outhouse of, robbed, R26Mr72: 23 pacifies Indians, P10F75: 41 petition (text) to from frontier inhabitants, PD8S74: 23 petitions to, R70c73: 22 plantation of, R18Ag74: 32 poetry in praise of, Pi23F75: 23 praised, PDllMr73: 23-- RllMr73: 22 praised by Va. convention, Pi30Mr75: 23--DlAp75: 23 praised by Va. militia, PD22D74: 21 praised for conduct of Indian war, PU5D74: 31--PD22D74: 23, Pi6Ap75:31--D8Ap75:31 praised in Norfolk, Va. , P29D75: 12 prepares for action against Va. , PllAg75p22 proclamations of, 1771, PD26S71: 31, R26S71: 23, R170c71: 23, R21N71: 33, PD12D71: 31 proclamations of, 1772, PD7My72: 31, PD21My72: 12--R21My72: 22, PD2J172: 31, R150c72: 23, R220c72: 22 proclamations of, 1773, PD25F73: 31-- R25F73: 31, R8Ap73: 32, R29Ap73: 23, R27My73: 23, R24Je73: 32, R15JT73: 33, R9S73: 33, R210c73: 21 proclamations of, 1774, PD28Ap74: 22, PD14J174: 23, R14J174: 32, Pi4N74: 32, PU0N74: 33, PD17N74: 21 — PU7N74: 13 proclamations of, 1775, Pil9Ja75: 31-- D21Ja75: 31, Pi26Ja75: 32-- D28Ja75: 31, Pi30Mr75: 11-- Pi30Mr75: 33--P31Mr75sl2— DlAp75: 31, Pi6Ap75sl3, Pi20Ap75: 31, Pi4My75: 31--P5My75s31-- D6My75: 23, PllMy75: 33-- P12My75s21, D13My75: 32, D20My75: 33, Pi23N75: 21-- P24N75: 21--D25N75: 31 proclamations of, 1776.D3F76: 32-- Pi3F76: 12 proclamations of criticized, P4Ag75sll proclamations of satirized, P8D75: 12 proclamations opposed in New Kent co. , Va. , P19My75s43 prohibits importation of Brit. ammunition, P9F76: 12 property loss in Va. estimated, P2My77s22 property protected by Va. Convention, P5Ja76(5)sl2 proposes exchange of prisoner with Gen. Lewis, P5J176pl2 proposes Indian conferences, R14J174: 31 prorogues N. Y. general assembly, PD4Ap71: 23 prorogues Va. general assembly, PD210c73: 21 protected by Brit, marines, Pi4My75: 23 protection promised by Va. burgesses, D5Ag75: 41 public opinion of in Va. , P4Ag75pl2 publishes Virginia Gazette, P23F76: 11 purchases gunpowder, Pi9D75: 21 purchasers of estate requested to pay debts, P16Ag76: 33-- D17Ag76: 31 330 Dunmore's quarter of, D4N75: 33 recall to England rumored, P8S75s22,D70c75: 23, Pi260c75: 12 receives account of battles of Lexington and Concord, D20My75: 32 receives circular letter from Adm. Howe, D3Ag76: 12 receives report of Indian attack, PD16Je74: 21--R16Je74: 22 receives report on battle of Bunker Hill, Pi20J175: 33 recommends locations for British navy, Pi8Je75: 32— P9Je75sl2— D10Je75: 21 recruits army, P8Mr76: 32 refuses to return seized goods, P1S75: 23 reinforced by Highlanders on Gwynn's island, Va. , P21Je76: 23 reinforcements for, from St. Augustine. Fla. , P15S75s21 rejects proposals of committee of safety, PlMr76: 31 report to parliament criticized, D3Je75: 13 requested to leave Va. , D19Ag75: 22 requested to put down Indian revolts, PD8S74: 31 requested to return to Williamsburg, Va. , D5Ag75: 42 requests aid from Gen. Howe, D13Ja76: 32 requests Brit, troops to Va. , P9Je75: 31 requests exchange of prisoners, P15D75: 31, D16D75: 33, D6J176: 21 requests outlawing of counterfeiting, R1J173: 22 requests reinforcements, P12Ja76: 31 requests removal from Va. , Pi9Je75: 32--P9Je75sl2--D10Je75: 21 requests ships stationed in Va. , P26Ja76: 11 resides in N. Y. , D29N76: 61 responsible for destruction of Norfolk, Va. , P9F76: 31 resigns as visitor of William and Mary college, P21Ap75s41 return to Eng. rumored, D23D75: 22, D23D75: 31 return to Williamsburg, Va. , discussed, P23Je75s31 returns from back settlements, PD9S73:31--R9S73: 32 returns from expedition against Indians, Pi8D74: 32 returns to Williamsburg, Va. , P12My75sl3--D13My75: 22 returns to Yorktown, Va. , P7J175: 23 reviews bodyguards, P4Ag75pl2 route to Va. , from N. Y. , PD26S71: 31 sails for England from N. Y. , P3Ja77sll salary granted by king, PD21F71: 31 — R21F71: 31 sale of estate of, P5J176p22 secures Indians' friendship, Pi60c74: 32 seizes ammunition near Norfolk, Va. , D30Mr76: 21 seizes letters, P270c75sll seizes ships, P1S75: 22 seizes ships in Norfolk, Va. , P21J175s32, P25Ag75: 71,D26Ag75: 31 sends French prisoners to Eng. , D6Ap76: 32 sends prisoners to Boston, Mass. , P2F76sl2--D3F76:32 sends spies to Baltimore, Md. , D13Ap76: 32 sends supply ship to Boston, Mass. , PilOJa76: 21--P12Ja76: 22— D13Ja76: 22 ship decorated for, D4N75: 22 ships of captured, D17Ag76: 21 signs acts of Va. general assembly, PD28Mr71: 23 signs land warrant, PD23Je74: 23— R23Je74:41 signs slave's pass, P16Je75: 22 slaves attempt to join, P19S77: 22 slaves escape to, PU6N75: 33— P17N75sl3--D18N75: 33, Pi6Ja76: 32, Pi20Ja76: 32, D18My76: 23 slaves fight for, P12J176: 31 speech of, PD5My74: 22 speeches (text) of, 1775, PilJe75: 32— P2Je75s23— D3Je75: 32 sponsors Society for advancement of useful knowledge, PD13My73: 23 steals account books, DHOc76: 11 stops communication between Williamsburg and Norfolk, Va. , Pi21S75: 32— P22S75: 22 strategy of discovered, P22D75: 12 subscribes to canal project, PD16Ja72:32 supported in Eng. , P15Mr76: 21 — D16Mr76: 22 supported in Norfolk, Va. , P29D75: 12 supported in Portsmouth, Va. , P29D75: 13 supported in Williamsburg, Va. , D29Ap75s41 supports seizure of printing presses, P130c75: 13 takes account books of John H. Holt, P25Cc76:31--D15N76:32 takes prisoners of war, D13Ja76: 32, P8Mr76: 31 to aid Brit, attack on southern colonies, D29Je76: 32 to be aided by Gov. Eden, P7Je76: 11 to be governor of N. Y. , RlMr70: 31 to be gov. of Va. , PD7F71: 23 to publish gazette rumored, P60c75s21 to reside in Portsmouth, Va. , rumored, D24Je75: 31 to sail for N. Y. , PD20S70: 22, PD20S70s31 to S. C. reported, P29N76: 21 to Staten island, N. Y. , P30Ag76: 22— D31Ag76: 22 to supply British in Boston, Mass. , P15S75: 12 to visit Gen. Gage, P30Je75sl2 to West Indies rumored, P15D75: 31 toasted in James City co. , Va. , PD1D74: 23 — PUD74: 32 toleration recommended to, PD21My72: 22 treatment of Negroes criticized, Pi30N75: 31 treatment of Scottish emigrants, P15D75:31 troops for,D9D75: 31 unpopularity of, P24My76: 11 — D25My76: 11 urges preparation for Indian war, R24Mr74: 32 urges reconciliation with colonies, PlMr76: 22 uses bribery to raise army, P22Mr76: 23 uses indentured servants as troops, P17N75sl2 victory over Virginians rumored, Pl9Ap76p21 violates freedom of press, P60c75s21 visit to England rumored, PD4Mr73: 31--R4Mr73: 32 visits Sir William Johnson, PDlAg71:21 warned of Indian war, PD9Je74: 23 — R9Je74s23 warrants for surveying land, on Ohio river, PD24F74: 32— R3Mr74: 42 withdraws from Norfolk, Va. , D23D75: 31 withholds information concerning Va. ,P2Je75: 11 witnesses clerk's notice, PD28N71: 31, PD150c72: 23, R5N72: 22, R19N72: 41, R10Je73sll, R2D73: 32 wounded in battle, P12J176: 31, P19J176: 32, D13J176: 62, D20J176: 32 See also Dunmore's navy; Dunmore's troops; Dunmore's war Thomas, PD22J173: 31--R22J173s21 Thomas & co. , R14F71: 32 Virginia, christening of, Pil9Ja75: 32 Dunmore, brig, R15S74: 33 brigantine, PD14Ap74: 23 — R17Mr74: 22 H. M. S. , D13J176: 62, D20J176: 31 schooner, D18Mr75: 32, D22Ap75: 31 ship, PD10Je73: 21, R30D73: 31, PD26My74: 23, PD22D74: 23, D6Ja76: 32, P23F76: 31 — P23F76: 32--D24F76: 32, PlMr76: 22, D25My76: 33, P12J176: 23, P19J176: 31, P19J176:32,D31Ag76: 31 Dunmore co. , Va. , burgesses elected in, PD4Ag74: 23 census requested, P19Ap76p23 — D27Ap76: 33 delegates elected, P9My77: 23 established, PD9Ap72: 32 freeholders' resolutions (text), R4Ag74: 13 reported list of tithables, PD22D74: 31 — D7Ja75: 33 — Pi22D74: 32 senator elected, P13S76: 31, P9My77: 31 sheriffs sale in, R17Je73: 33. R210c73: 22 See also Dwelling houses described in; Georgia battalion, 2nd; Kitchens in; Land for sale in; Militia in; Murders in; Outhouses in; Slaves runaway from; Smiths shops in; Stables in; Storehouses in Dunmore courthouse, Va. , See Land, mortgaged for sale at Dunmore's navy, condition of, 331 Dunmore's navy, condition of (cont'd) D22Je76:61 deserters fromP9Ag76: 32 divided, P9Ag76: 32 expedition prepared, D12Ag75: 33 in Hampton roads, Va. , P24My76: 31 in Potomac river, P26J176: 31 near mouth of Potomac river, P19J176: 31 off Va. capes, D10Ag76: 61 on Gwynn's island, Va. , P31My76: 22 provisions needed by, D25My76: 33 ships burned off Va. coast, P9Ag76: 32 ships captured, P19Ap76: 22 Dunmore's troops, abandon anchors on Gwynn's island, Va. , P26J176: 31 association of, P2Je75: 11 at Staten island, N. Y. , D7S76: 11 deserters from, D9D75: 31, Pi23D75: 12, D6Ap76: 32, D8Je76: 62, D22Je76: 61 disposition of, P30Ag76: 22— D31Ag76: 22 funerals for in Portsmouth, Va. ,P20Oc75s21 in Gosport, Va. , PllAg75p22 join British army, on Staten island, N. Y. ,D31Ag76:21 joined by Tories in Norfolk, Va. ,P22D75:22 number of, P14Je76p31 on Gwynn's island, Va. , P31My76: 22 provisions for, See Beef; Chickens; Flour; Hogs; Oxen; Pigs recruiting in Fredericksburg, Va. , Pi23D75: 12 in Va. ,D2D75:31 reinforced in Va. , P22D75: 32 retreat from Gwynn's island, Va. , D13J176: 62 riots among, P8Mr76: 23 slaves in listed, D31Ag76: 31 smallpox among, D13J176: 42, D29J176: 61 to Halifax, N. S. rumored, P24My76: 31 treatment of slaves in, D40c76: 32 Dunmore's war, agreements with Indians, Pi60c74: 32 battles with Shawnees, PD130c74: 21 conduct of praised, Pil5D74: 31— PD22D74: 23 hostages in Williamsburg, Va. , PD22D74: 23 hostilities cease, PD7J174: 23 Indian and Virginia preparations, PD25Ag74: 22 Indian attacks described, PD2.Te74: 21, PD23Je74: 22, PD8S74: 23 Indian attacks expected, R30Je74: 23 Indian attacks in Hampshire co. , Va. , PD16Je74: 21— R16Je74: 22 Indian attacks reported, R23Je74: 41 Indian conferences quoted, Pil30c74sll Indian skirmishes described, PD2Je74: 23 Indians declare war, PD9je74: 23— R9Je74: 23, PD23Je74: 21 — R23Je74: 21 information on requested, Pi22D74: 31 militia ordered out, PD14J174: 23 negotiations with Indians, PD130c74: 31 number of Indians killed in, P17N75: 13 peace terms, PD17N74: 21, PD1D74: 22, PD8D74sll plans for, P10Mr75: 12, Pi6Ap75: 31 — D8Ap75: 31 preparations at Fort Pitt, PD21J174: 21 preparations urged in Va. , R24Mr74: 32 Shawnee town attacked, PD18Ag74: 31 — R18Ag74: 31 skirmishes in Fincastle co. , Va. , R12My74: 32 troops gather for, PD130c74: 22 Virginians praised for, Pi9Mr75: 23— P10Mr75sll Dunmow, Eng. , See Anecdotes from Dunn, Capt. , R260c69: 12, PDlAg71: 23 death of, R2My71: 22 of the Esther, PD70c73: 13— R70c73: 22 Lt. , P26J176: 32 Agrippa, PD5Ag73: 31 Andrew, D13N78: 32 Daniel, convict servant, PD10N74: 43 Drury, estate of, for sale, PD31Ja71: 33--R7F71: 33, PD21N71:23,R29Ap73:31 Elizabeth, Mrs. , PD5Ag73: 31 Henrietta, 31Ja71: 23--PD31Ja71: 33 Henry, R26My68: 32 Isaac Budd, PlAg77sl3 James, R26J170: 22, P15Ag77: 31, D15My78: 32— P29My78: 42 John, Pi2N75: 12, P29My78: 32, D19F79:32 John, Capt. , of the Savage, R15S74: 33 Joshua, deserter, PI lAp77s32 Nathaniel, P23My77: 12 Peter, of Charles City co. , Va. , Pil4S75:31--D16S75:32 Peter, Capt. , P18Ap77s22 Robert, R17F74: 32 Samuel, P29My78: 32 Silvester, Pi2Mr75: 31 Thomas, PD24Mr68: 33 Walter, D20N79: 31 William, shop of William Peake at house of, 20F52: 41, 12Mr52: 31, 30N59:42, PD31Ja71: 33-- R31Ja71: 23 Dunnabow, John, deserter, 2S57: 42 Dunnavant, Philip, R8Ag66: 31 Dunnavon, James, Capt. , of the Unicorn, D30Oc79: 21 Dunnett, Capt. , PD27F72: 32 of the Falmouth, PD80c72: 31 John, Capt. , of the Homer, PD8J173: 31--R8J173: 32, D14Ja75: 23 Dunning, [John], accused of writing Junius letters, PD4Ap71: 21 counsel for Benjamin Franklin in London, PD5My74: 11 criticizes conduct of Amer. revolution, P20Mr78: 22 discusses Quebec act in Commons, PD8S74: 11 discusses use of Hanoverians in Brit, army, D3F76: 21 on board to settle Conn. -Pa. boundary dispute, R25N73: 32 opposes policies of Lord North, D3F76: 21 — P26Ja76: 23 opposes Quebec act,R18Ag74: 21, R18Ag74: 31 opposes treason bill, P23My77: 21 speaks on Mass. government act, PD14J174: 12 supports Brit, colonies, N. Am. , D22Ap75: 21, P28Ap75s31 — D29Ap75s23 Joseph, agricultural experiments of, R18F68: 23 Michael, Lt. , in Vt. , D28Ag79: 21, D28Ag79: 22 Dunnivan, Capt. , of the Buck, D25S79: 12 Dunscomb, Daniel, of N. Y. , PU5D74: 31 Grace, marriage of, PD5My68: 21 Jonathan, Capt. , of the St. George, 28F55:31,28Mr55:32 Samuel, Capt. , of the Dolphin, PD23My66: 31 Thomas, of New Providence, W. I. , R29N70: 13 Dunsley, Capt. , R10Ja71: 31, PD25F73: 31 of the Harlequin, D12F79: 32 of the Lightfoot, PD22J173: 32, PD2S73: 22, PD3F74: 22 James, P12Ja76: 41 James, Capt. , of the Thomas and Mary, PD290c67: 21, PD26N67: 23, R31Mr68: 31, R26My68: 31, R19Ap70: 23, PD10Ja71: 32, R7F71:31,PD30Ja72:32, PD9J172: 31 Dunstable, Mass. , See Debts collected by force in Dunstall, Joseph, deserter, D4N80: 32 Dunstan, Jane, DlAp80: 23 Joseph, DlAp80: 23 Dunston, Wallace, deserter, P28N77: 31 Dunton, Isaac, sheriff, R14Ja73: 41 Duntz, John, Sir, P9Je75: 22 Dunwaday, Robert, R15D68: 22 Dunwich, Eng. , See Shipwrecks near Dunwoody, Mr. , ship of, 8Je39: 22 Dupleix, Joseph, Gen. , 28F51: 21, 310c51: 22, 14N51: 22 Duplessi, Mauduit, Hon. Knight, D18Ap77: 32 Duplin co. , N. C. , criminals sentenced in, R12Ag73: 22 See also Robberies in Dupree, John, 17D36: 42, 25F37: 42, 9D37: 42, 17F38: 31, 10Ap46: 42 St. George,D16D75:31 Dupres, John, 28N51: 32 Dupriest, William, death of, PD7Ap68: 22 Dupuy, Bartholomew, 310c55: 22 Durand, Capt. , of the Wolf, R5S66: 22 J[ohn], painter, PD7Je70: 31, PD21Je70:31 Durant, for sale, 12F62: 42 at Kemp's landing, Va. ,D19Mr79: 31 in Edenton, N. C. , 160c78: 42 in Gloucester, Va. , P19Ap76sll — D20Ap76: 33 in London, Eng. , PD7Je70: 33 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22 in Petersburg, Va. , PD6N66: 21 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD28S69: 31, PD15F70: 41, R8N70: 13, PDllAp71: 32, 332 Dutch R170C71: 33, PD290c72: 22— R290c72: 22, D26Ag75: 32, D16D75: 23, D180c76: 32 in Yorktown, Va. , PD25F68: 31 — R25F68: 31, PD310c71: 23, P27D76: 32 Durant, printed, for sale, in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72: 31 Dure, Capt. , of the Elizabeth, 28F55: 21 Durell, Admiral, in Halifax, N. S. , PD15Ag66: 22, PD25Je67: 22 to Newfoundland, PD29Ag66: 12 Capt. , 26N36: 41 of the Centurion, 11F37: 22 of the Eltham, 23My45: 31 of the Cygnet, PD5F67: 22, PD28My67: 21, PD13Ag67: 12— R13Ag67: 22, PD20Ag67: 23, PD26N67: 22 of the Pembroke, PD7S69: 22 Durell, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD25F68: 23--R3Mr68: 34 Durett, Simon, 7Ja37: 22 Durfee, Capt. , of R. I. , R26J170: 13 Durfey, Francis, PD21Mr71: 33, D3Ag76: 32 Severinus, PD16Ag70: 32, PD6Ag72: 31, PD8Ap73: 33, D18My76:22,DlJe76:32, C28Ag79: 11 Durham, Mr. , author, PD29N70: 21 David, PD24N74: 23 James, D11N80: 31 James, Mrs. ,D11N80:31 Matthew, deserter, P14Mr77: 33 Nathaniel, C11D79: 21 William, PD6Ja74: 41 Durham, Eng. , petitions king, R19Ap70: 21 See also Anecdotes from; Brit, army to Newcastle, Eng. , from; Crops plentiful in; Horse-racing in; Indentured servants from; Murders in; Sweepstakes in Durham co. , Eng. , See Accidents in Durham flower of mustard, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. , 15My52:32 in Richmond, Va. , PD17Je73: 33— R17Je73s23 in Williamsburg, Va. , 12Mr52: 31, 30N59: 32, PD18D66: 32--R25D66: 42, R21S69s21--PD21S69: 33, PD15Ag71: 32--R15Ag71: 32, PD290c72: 22 — R290c72: 22, PD4N73: 22— R4N74: 31 Durham mustard, for sale, at Bermuda Hundred, Va. , PD8Ja67: 32 in Urbanna, Va. , P21Ag78: 13 in Williamsburg, Va. , 10Ap52: 31, 22My52: 32, 2My55: 31, PDllJe67: 32, PD18Je67: 32, R13Ap69: 32 — PD13Ap69: 32, PD7Je70: 31 — R7Je70:31,PD9Je74:32— R9Je74:21,PDlS74:32, PD29S74: 32--R29S74: 33, PD270c74: 31, Pi6Ap75: 42 in Yorktown, Va. , PD25F68: 31 — R25F68: 31 Durkie, Alexander, Capt. , of the Cornelia, 2Ja52: 31 Durnell, Robert, 23D37: 22 Durnford, Mr. , signs invoice, D13Ja76:42 Elias, appointed gov. of West Fla., PD28S69: 22 Duroy (cloth), R21J168: 33 for sale, in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72: 31 in Cobham, Va. , P29S75: 33— Pi50c75:33 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22, PD25Je67: 32, PD24My70: 33 in Petersburg, Va. , PD7Ap74: 32, PD28J174s22, P31Mr75: 41 — D8Ap75: 32 in Surry co. , Va. , PD6Je71: 32— R20Je71: 42 in Williamsburg, Va. , 27My37: 42, 28F55: 31, PD25F68: 23— R3Mr68: 34 in Yorktown, Va. , PD25F68: 31 — R25F68:31 lost, adv. for, 16My55: 21 stolen, in Charles City co. , Va. , 6Ja38: 42 Duroy, damaged, for sale, in Falmouth, Va. , PD18J166: 31 in Warwick co. , Va. , PD21My72: 31 Duroy, serge, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , DllMy76: 23— P10My76: 43 Duroy suits, for sale, in Yorktown, Va. ,PD28Ap74:31 Durrant, James, indentured servant, R50c69: 31— PD28S69: 32 Durrel, Capt. , of the Altham, 13Je45: 32 Dursley, Capt. , PD27Ag67: 23 Dursley, Eng. , See Bread, scarce in Dursley, privateer, 14Ag46: 12 Dursley Galley, Brit, ship, 25Ja40: 2 H. M. S. , 14Ag46: 12, 24Ja52: 31 Du Rumain, Forlong, Le Chevalier de, D21Ag79: 11 Duryee, Capt. , murder of, PD5F67: 22, PDllJe67: 22, PD16J167: 22 of the Polly, murder of, PD8Je69: 21 Abraham, of N. Y. , RllAg74: 21 Dutch, arrive in Halifax, N. S. , 19S51:31 as indentured servants, 150c36: 42, 30J152: 32, R13Ap69: 33, P24F75: 33, D8Je76:71 — P14Je76: 32 in S. C. , prosperity of, PD3D67: 22 in Va. regiments, D8Ap80s23 spoken by indentured servants, PD12My74: 43— R12My74: 33, P21Ap75: 32 by slaves, PD19Ap70: 32— R19Ap70:32, C30Oc79: 31 by soldiers, D5J180: 33 Dutch army, adopts Prussian methods, PD12Mr72: 23 augmentation of, PDllAp71: 11 Bavarians in, 11J146: 12 British soldiers in, R210c73: 13 commanded by Duke of Cumberland, 20Je45: 12 condition of, 15S38: 31 enlargement of, PD7D69: 22 French in, PD6My73: 11— R6My73sl2 in East Indies, PD16J172: 23 in Holland, PD8Ag71: 11 increase in, PD17Je73: 22, R17Je73: 22, PD1J173: 22--R1J173: 21, R2D73: 12, R9D73: 21, PD16D73: 11, D8Ja80: 11 increase rumored, PD16Ja72: 31 listed and classified, PD16My71: 11 officers ordered to report, 15My46: 21 officers recalled, P7N77: 11 promotion of officers, 21J138: 12, 6J139: 22 recruiting for, PD16Ap67: 11, PD10Je73: 22 Scots in, D17Je75: 22 size maintained, 10S36: 32 strength of, PD60c74: 13 supports England, 260c39: 22 to French border, PD1S74: 12 to Indian ocean, D29Ap75: 33 to Surinam, W. I. , PD7My67: 21, P3F75: 33 Dutch church, 15My52: 32 Dutch fans, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , R19My74: 42 in Phila. , Pa. , R19My74: 42 Dutch gazette, extract from, 24Ja51: 32 Dutch Holland china, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , D15N76: 22 Dutch island, R. I. , See Rams, seized by British on Dutch leaf, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , R12J170: 31 Dutch marines, strengthened, PD310c71: 13 Dutch metal, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. ,28Ag46: 31 in Richmond, Va. , PD10S72: 23, PD17Je73: 33— R17Je73s23 in Williamsburg, Va. , 20Je45: 41, 18J151: 41, 10Ap52: 31, 22My52: 32, 2My55: 31, 30N59: 32, 16Ja61: 41, PD18Je67: 33, PD270c68: 32— R270c68: 22, PD13Ap69: 32— R13Ap69: 32, PD17Ag69: 33 — R17Ag69: 23, PD21S69: 41 — R21S69s21, PD7Je70: 31— R12J170:31,PDllAp71:32, PD240c71: 31, PD2J172: 32, PD10Je73: 22, D12Je79: 32 Dutch mineral, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , D20S80: 22 Dutch navy, along Barbary coast, 29J137: 12 captures Brit, pirates, PD9S73: 22— R9S73: 22, PD16S73: 13 condition of, 240c45: 31 cruise planned, PD30Ja72: 13 French in, PD6My73: 11— R6My73sl2 from Haarlem, Holl. , to W. I. , PilOAg75: 31--PllAg75: 23, D12Ag75: 21 impressment for, PD13Je71: 22 in Brassay sound, R23S73: 23, R22S74: 21 in Cadiz, Sp. , PD15Ap73: 12 in East Indies, PD16J172: 23 in the Downs, Eng. , 240c45: 22 in English channel, D17J179: 12 in Gibraltar, PD15Ap73: 12 in Lisbon, Port. , PD15Ap73: 12 in Mediterranean sea, PD13D70: 13, PD17Je73: 23 in Plymouth, Eng. , PD28J174: 31 increased, PD11F68: 13, PD16D73: 11, P30Ag76: 22— D31Ag76: 21 loan to Russia rumored, PD12Mr72: 23 mobilized, 23N39: 32 number of ships in, PD22N70: 21, 333 Dutch navy, number of ships in (cont'd) C25D79: 12--D25D79: 21 officers recalled, P7N77: 11 protects Amer. ships in W. L , D29My79:31 protects W. I. trade, D4Ap77: 21 sails for W. I. , 8J137: 32 ships armed for,D24Ap79: 11 ships built for,D24Ap79: 21 ships equipped for, D29My79: 21 ships fitted out, PD16My71: 11, PD16Ja72: 12, D12Ag75: 32-- P18Ag75: 21 ships for, PD18Ap71: 13, PD8Ag71: 13, PD10Je73: 12 ships lost near St. Malo, PD23Ja72: 13 sinks French ship in W. I. , D24Ap79: 21 squadron fitted out, 10Ap46: 32 to Africa, PD17Ag69: 32 to East Indies, PD60c68: 13-- R60c68: 14, PD10Ja71: 13, D70c75: 12 to Mediterranean sea, PD20S70s31, Pi23Mr75: 21, P19My75: 11, Pi29Je75: 32--P30Je75: 31 to St. Eustatia, W. I. , P23Je75sll to West Indies, 23F39: 22, D18J177: 12 Dutch ovens, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , R6F72: 42--PD26D71: 31, R25Ag74: 33 See also Iron dutch ovens Dutch pink, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. ,PD10Je73: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD290c72: 22-- R290c72: 22, PD11N73: 22, PD14J174: 32, PD29S74: 32, Pi6Ap75: 42 Dutch- Portuguese rivalry, in E. I. , D17J179: 12 Dutch press, Fr. influence attempted, 30Je38:21 Dutch pretties, for sale, in Gloucester, Va. ,D20Ap76: 33-- P19Ap76sll Dutch sailors, forbidden to enter Russian navy, PD28Ap74: 21 Dutch settlement, Culpeper co. , Va. , D7F77: 21--P7F77: 32 Dutch troops, for Brit, army proposed, D24Ap78: 21 to America rumored, Pi2N75: 11 Dutchess, privateer, 14F51: 12 ship, 31Ja51: 32, 22My52: 32 Dutchess co. , N. Y. , troops to N. Y. C. , P8Mr76: 23 court, criminals tried, PD5S66s21 See also Arson in; Calves, unusual size of in; Fires in; Gallstones, case of in; Merchants in; Mills burned in; Treason in Dutchess of Gordon, H. M. S. , D6Ja76: 31 ship, PD13J169: 23, R23N69: 23, PD16Ag70: 32, PDllN73s22, R23D73: 32, PD20Ja74: 31, PD27Ja74: 31--R27Ja74: 33, D30D75: 33, P8Mr76: 23, D6Ap76: 31, P19Ap76p22, D18My76: 32, P28Je76: 21 Dutchess of Queensbury, ship, 7Mr51: 31, 25Ap51: 31, 18J151: 32, 18J151: 41, 5S51: 32, 30c51: 32, 24Ap52: 31, 15My52: 31, 12Je52: 22, 24J152: 32, 7Ag52: 31 lost chest imported on, 24Ag51: 41 Dutchess of Tuscany, ship, D8My79: 11 Dutchman, John, Capt. , of the Noble Bounty, PD210c73: 22--R210c73: 31 Dutchy Hill plantation, for rent, D4D78: 22 Duthie, Capt. ,R1N70: 22 of the Cochran, PDllAp71: 23, PD28My72: 23 Robert, Capt. , of the Triton, PD6Je66: 31, PD18F68: 23-- R18F68: 31, PD31Mr68: 23-- R26My68: 31, PD8Je69: 23, PD29Je69: 33, R3My70: 23 Duthy, Capt. , of the Trial, 4J151: 32 Duties, amount collected in London, Eng. , PD8D68: 23 collected in Salem, Mass. , PD4Ag68: 22- R4A g 68: 21 collection prohibited in Boston, Mass. , PD25Ag68: 22--R25Ag68: 23 in Brit, colonies, N. Am. , amount of, PD28J168: 21--R28J168: 22 cause money scarcity, PD4Ag68: 22-- R4Ag68: 21 granted, PD10S67: 21 regulated, PD5S66s23--R5S66: 12 to be used for colonial defense, PD19My68: 13 in Gt. Brit., satirized, R30Mr69: 22 in Newfoundland, opposed in Commons, R18Ag74: 22 La West Fla., regulated by general assembly, PD13Ag67: 22 on barley in Gt. Brit. , P3Mr75: 23 on beef imported to Grenada, W. I. , PDUa67: 22 on betel nut in E. I. , R17Je73sl3 on books imported to Denmark, PDlS74sl2 on brandy imported to Gt. Brit. , PD6Je66: 13, PD29Ag66: 13, R1N70: 21 on brandy imported to Quebec, R18Ag74: 22 on bread imported to Grenada, Sp. , PDUa67: 22 on bread in Dominica, W. I. , D6Ja76: 32 on Brit, goods imported to Corsica, R5N72: 12 to Portugal, PD7Mr66: 13 on Brit, manufactures imported to Hanover, Va. , PD22D68: 11 on Brit, spirits imported to Canada, PDllAg74:22 on butter imported to Grenada, Sp. , PDlJa67: 22 on calfskins imported to Gt. Brit. removed, PDUMy69s32 on cambric, French, exported to British colonies, N. Am. , repeal proposed, PD13Je66: 23, PD29Ag66: 13, PD23Ap72: 13 on cambric, French, imported to Gt. Brit. , PD13Je66: 23 on canvas drilling, imported to Gt. Brit. , PD16J167: 11 on cattle imported to Holland, PD8Mr70: 31 on cheese imported to Grenada, Sp. , PDUa67: 22 on china imported to Brit, colonies, PD30J167: 23 on china imported to Gt. Brit. , PD2D73sl2--R2D73: 13, PD10N74: 23 on cider in Gt. Brit. ,D25F75: 23, P3Mr75: 23 on coal exported from Gt. Brit. , PD18Ap66: 23 on cocoa imported to Mass. , PD10D67: 21 on coffee imported to Brit, colonies, N. Am. , PD23My66: 23, PD13Je66: 23, D8Ap75: 21 on coffee imported to France, R25Ag68: 21 on coffee in Brit, colonies opposed, R10Mr74: 23 on corn imported to London, Eng. , PD18Ag68: 21 — R18Ag68: 14 to Spain repealed, D14Ja75: 22 to Tuscany, removed, PD20N66: 21 on corn, Indian, in Gt. Brit. , P3Mr75: 23 on cotton wool imported to Gt. Brit. discontinued, rumored, PD29Ag66: 13, PD23Ap72: 13 on East India goods, exported from Gt. Brit, repealed, PD5S66s23-- R5S66: 12 on East India goods imported to Great Britain, PD13Je66: 23, PD12F67: 13 on exports from Danzig, PD7Ja73: 12, PDllMr73: 12, PD17Je73: 11 from Poland, PDllMr73: 12 from Polish Prussia, PD7Ja73: 12 from Pomerania, PD7Ja73: 12 to America, proposed in Gt. Brit. , PD7Ap68: 21 to Brit, colonies decreased, PD18Ap66: 23 on flour imported to Grenada, Sp. , PDUa67: 22 on flour in Dominica, W. I. , D6Ja76: 32 on French ships in Denmark, R24Je73: 21 on furs and skins exported from Va. , 22D38: 22, 17Ap46: 22 on furs in Va. , Pi6J175: 13 on glass imported to Brit, colonies, N. Am. , PD30J167: 23, PD27Ag67: 23, PD7S69: 23--R7S69: 23, PD7Je70: 11 on goatskins imported to Gt. Brit. removed, PDllMy69s32 on gunpowder exported to Brit. colonies, N. Am. , PD18Ap66: 22 on hides imported to Gt. Brit. removed, PDllMy69s32 on hops in Eng. , R15J173: 31, P17Mr75s21--D18Mr75: 23 on horses exported from Gt. Brit. , rumored, R17N68: 22 on imports to Brit, colonies decreased, PD18Ap66: 23 to British colonies from Gt. Brit. opposed in N. Y. , PillMy75: 12-- D13My75: 13 to Corsica, PD23N69: 23 to Danzig, PD17Je73: 11, R8J173: 22 to Elbing, Ger. , R8J173: 22 to N. Y. granted by general assembly, R17Ja71: 13 to N. S. , P16F76: 22--D17F76: 31 to Quebec proposed, PD18Ag74: 22-- R18Ag74: 23 334 Duties to Quebec opposed, R18Ag74: 22 to St. Croix, from N. Am. lowered, PD17Mr74: 22 to Va. paid in sterling, PD6My73: 31-- R6My73: 31 on lawn, French, exported to Brit, colonies, N. Am. , PD13Je66: 23, PD29Ag66: 13, PD23Ap72: 13 on lawn, French, imported to Gt. Brit. , PD13Je66: 23 on lead imported to Brit, colonies, N. Am. , PD27Ag67: 23 on leather in Prussia, PD20Ja74: 22-- R20Ja74: 23 on linen imported to Gt. Brit. , PD16J167: 11 on liquor imported to James river, Va. ,PD9My66:31 to N. C. , R12My68: 14 to Quebec, Can. , R15S74: 31 to Va. , 24S36: 31, 22D38: 22, 17Ap46: 22, PD28D69: 23--R28D69: 23, R18Ja70: 23,R14Je70: 13, PD23Ap72: 11 on livestock imported to Grenada, Sp. , PDUa67: 22 on logwood exported from Eng. , removed, PD10S67: 11 on lumber imported to West Fla. , PD13Ag67: 22 on malt in Gt. Brit. , D25F75: 23, P3Mr75: 23 on molasses imported to British colonies, N. Am. , PD12Mr67: 21, PD19N67: 21, PD10D67: 21, PDllAg74: 32 opposed in N. Y. , D8Ap75: 21 reduction rumored, PD16My66: 22 reduction considered, PD13Je66: 22 repayment ordered, PD7Ja68: 23 repeal rumored, PD7Mr66: 22 repeal urged, PD23My66: 23 on molasses, imported to Mass. , PD10D67: 21 to Quebec, Can. , R18Ag74: 22 on mum in Gt. Brit. , P3Mr75: 23 on Negroes imported to Dominica, PD2S73: 12--R2S73s21 to Jamaica, PD2S73: 12--R2S73s21 on oil imported to Gt. Brit. , from Nfd. , R18Ag74: 22 on paint imported to Brit, colonies, N. Am. , repealed, PD7Je70: 11 on painters' colors imported to Brit, colonies, N. Am. , PD30J167: 23, PD27Ag67: 23, PD7S69: 23-- R7S69: 23 on paper imported to Brit, colonies, N. Am. , PD30J167: 23, PD7S69: 23--R7S69: 23, PD7Je70: 11 to Denmark repealed, PDlS74sl2 on pepper imported to Gt. Brit. , 5S51:32 on perry in Gt. Brit. , D25F75: 23, P3Mr75: 23 on pimento imported to Brit, colonies, N. Am. , PD13Je66: 23, D8Ap75: 21 imported to Gt. Brit. , PD23My66: 23 in Brit, colonies opposed, R10Mr74: 23 on pitch imported to Gt. Brit. , PD5Ap70: 13 on pork imported to Grenada, Sp. , PDlJa67: 22 on rum imported to Canada, PDllAg74: 22 to Gt. Brit. , PD29Ag66: 13 to Mass. , PD10D67: 21 to Nfd. , from Brit, colonies, N. Am. , D15J175:32 to Quebec, Can. , R18Ag74: 22, PD15S74: 23 on rum in Gt. Brit. , D25F75: 23 on rum, protested in Quebec, Can. , PDlJa67: 23 on rum to Indians in N. Y. , 23N39: 41 on salt imported to Danzig, R15J173sl2 in East Indies, R17Je73sl3 on seal skins imported to Gt. Brit. , from Nfd. ,R18Ag74:22 imported to Ire. revoked, Pi29Je75: 31-- P30Je75: 21--D1J175: 23 on ship tonnage in Va. , PD5Mr72: 23-- R5Mr72: 23 on ships, in Denmark, R16S73: 31 on ships' cargo, in Fayal, Az. , PD17S72: 13 on silk imported to Gt. Brit. , PD6Je66: 21 on skins in Va. , Pi6J175: 13 on slaves imported to S. C. , PD2F69: 22 on slaves imported to Va. , 24Ap52: 21, PD21D69: 23 amended by general assembly, 22D38: 22 disallowed, R24Je73: 32 levied by general assembly, 24S36: 31, 17Ap46: 22, PD23Ap72: 11 payment requested, 9S37: 42, 310c51:22 regulated by general assembly, PD28D69: 23--R28D69: 23, R18Ja70: 23, R25Ja70: 12 vetoed by Gov. Dunmore, P23Je75s22 on spirits imported to Canada, PD60c74: 31 imported to Gt. Brit. , PD29Ag66: 13 on starch imported to Gt. Brit. , R11F68: 22 on strouds to Indians, in N. Y. , 23N39: 41 on sugar imported to Brit, colonies, N. Am. , proposed, PD23My66: 23, PD13Je66: 23 to Eng. , from Barbados, W, I. , PD23D73s21--R23D73: 23 to Eng. , from Jamaica, PD23D73s21-- R23D73: 23 to Eng. from Leeward islands, PD23D73s21--R23D73: 23 to Gt. Brit. , R8F70: 21 to Mass. , PD10D67: 21 on sugar in Brit, colonies opposed, R10Mr74: 23 on syrups imported to Brit, colonies, N.Am. ,D8Ap75:21 on tea exported from Gt. Brit. , PD5Ap70: 32 to Ireland, PD20Ag67: 21 on tea imported to Brit, colonies, N. Am. , PD27Ag67: 23, R3My70: 31 affect colonial trade, PD21Je70: 13 amount of, PD7Je70: 11, PD13Ja74: 21, PD8D74s22 discussed, PD20Ja74: 11 discussed in parliament, PD30J167: 31, R9Je74sll discussed in Va. , PD3Mr74: 11 maintained, PD28S69: 21 opposed, PD30D73: 22, R10Mr74: 23 opposed in Boston, Mass. , R25N73: 32, PD30D73: 22 opposed in Great Britain, PD5My74: 13 opposed in N. Y. , PD13Ja74: 23-- R13Ja74: 23, D8Ap75: 21, D3Je75: 11 opposed in Prince George co. , Va. , PD30Je74: 21--R30Je74: 22 opposed in Spotsylvania co. , Va. , PD7J174: 31 opposed in Va. , Pi9F75: 12 opposition explained, P9Je75: 22 paid in London, Eng. , PDllN73s21-- RllN73s22, PD2D73s22--R2D73: 22, R16D73: 33 parliamentary action on delayed, PD14Ap74: 23 payment in London proposed, PD2D73: 13 reduction considered, PD20Ag67: 21 removed from East India co. , PD2S73: 22--R2S73: 22 repeal debated, PD14Je70sl3 repeal denied, R8Mr70: 31, R26Ap70: 32,PD7Je70: 13, PD14Je70: 31--R14Je70: 23, R2Ag70: 22, PD20S70: 23, PD31Ja71: 31, PD16Je74: 11 repeal discussed, PD7Je70: 12, PD19J170-.31 repeal proposed, PD18Ag74: 22-- R18Ag74: 23 repeal rumored, PD24My70: 13, PD7Je70: 23, PD19J170: 13, R26J170: 21, R29N70: 12, PD31Ja71: 23, PD31Ja71: 31, PD10Oc71: 22, R21N71: 12, PD12D71: 22, PDllJe72: 31, PD28Ja73: 22-- R28Ja73: 22, PD1J173: 31, PD2D73: 12, PD7Ap74: 23-- R14Ap74: 23 repeal urged, PD5My74: 11 repeal voted on in parliament, PD24My70: 23 repealed, P5Je78: 21 revenue from, PD28J174: 21 upheld by Lord North, PD210c73: 21 on tea imported to Gt. Brit. , PD7My72: 13, PD10S67: 12, PD18Je72: 21, PD29Ap73: 21, PD16S73: 21 decrease rumored, PD18Ap66: 22 reduced, 5S51:32 reduction considered, PD19Mr67: 22 regulated, PD28Mr66: 21 on tobacco exported from Gt. Brit. , PD28Mr66: 13, PD23Ap72: 12 on tobacco exported from Va. , R25D66:23— PDUa67:33, PD21D69:23, R18Ja70:23, PD18J171:11— R18J171.-23, RlAg71:13,PD14N71:22-- R21N71:32 continued, PD290c67: 21 end of, R190c69:33 in arrears, PD4J166: 31--R18J166: 42, PD14Ap68: 22--R14Ap68: 11 proposed, 9My55: 11 questions about, R11N73: 11 335 Duties, on tobacco (cont'd) regulated by general assembly, PD31Ja71:31 on tobacco imported to Gt. Brit. , 12S51:31, 19S51:22, 20F52:32, 29My52:12 decrease rumored, PD6Je66: 22 decreased, PD19Mr67: 21 importance of, Pil6F75sl2-- P17F75:32 reduction urged, 5S51: 32 on tobacco imported to Portugal, R13S70:12 to Prussia, FD140c73sl2-- R140c73:21 to Spain, PD24D72: 11 to Spain from Eng. removed, R31Mr74:12 on tobacco in East Indies, R17 Je73sl3 on tobacco in Eng. , P26Ap76s21-- D27Ap76:31 on turpentine imported to Gt. Brit. , PD5Ap70:13 on velvet imported to Gt. Brit. , PD6Je66:21 on wine exported from Portugal to America, PDllMr73: 21 imported to Brit, colonies, N.Am., PD13Je66: 23, PD30JL67: 31 imported to Canada, PDllAg74: 22 imported to Gt. Brit. , 6 Je45: 22 imported to Scot. , 9My45: 31 in Brit, colonies opposed, R10Mr74: 23 on wine, French, imported to Gt. Brit., PD17Je73:22--R17Je73:21 received, reported by naval officers, D16Ap79: 22— C15My79: 32 regulated in Danzig, PD24Je73: 11 Dutton, Capt. , killed in battle of Bunker Hill, P22J175s22--D29J175: 23 George, horse-stealer, PD170c71: 22 Dutton, Brit, hospital ship, P18J177: 22 East Indiaman, R7D69: 22, R24Mr74: 13, PD7Ap74:13 Dutton' s corn salve, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD290c72: 22-- R290c72:22 Duvaall, Samuel, 24Ap46: 42 Du Val, Benjamin, estate of, RIO Ja71: 33- PD3Ja71:32 Daniel, land of, for sale, D30c77: 31-- P10Oc77:31 Daniel, Lt. , P21Mr77s22 Henry, D30c77: 31--P10Oc77: 31 John, D30c77: 31--P10Oc77: 31 Nancy Pope, PD25 Je72: 31 Robert, RIO Ja71: 33--PD3 Ja71: 32, PD14My72: 22, PD14My72: 23, PD3S72: 22, PD13My73: 41 Samuel, PD4J166: 32, R16 Je74: 23 adv. coal for sale, R4Ag74: 32, Pil9Ja75:33--D21Ja75: 32, Pi2Mr75:33 adv. finding horse, PD11F68: 32 adv. for blacksmiths, colliers, weavers, P8N76: 43 adv. for collier, P16My77: 31 adv. for collier and weaver, P21Je76:32 adv. for missing horses, PD26Ja69: 41, Pil6N75:33 adv. for runaway apprentice, 14F51:41 adv. for runaway slave, 28Mr55: 32 adv. for schoolmaster, R15N70: 23 adv. for shoemaker, bricklayer, blacksmiths, R27F72: 33 adv. land for sale, PD27Ag67: 31, PD150c67:22 adv. ordinaries for rent, PD2N69: 32, R310c71: 32, PD10D72: 31, R17D72: 31 adv. schooner for sale, PD16 Je68: 31 adv. ship for sale, R12 J170: 33 adv. stallion for hire, 22Ap57:42, PD4Ap66:33 appointed to Henrico co. , Va. , committee of correspondence, DllF75s22 burgess from Henrico co. , PD12Mr72: 31--R12Mr72: 23, PD21 J174p23--R21 J174: 32 coal mined by, P29Ag77: 12 delegate to Va. convention, PD28J174s21--R28 J174: 31, P3Mr75s23, DlAp75:21 elected to Henrico co. , Va. committee, P24N75:13 elected to Henrico co. , Va. , committee of observation, DllF75s22 horses of, PD20N66: 23 inferior" coal sold as his, P18 J177: 13 manages sale of imported goods, DllF75s22, DllF75s23 marriage of, PD10S72: 22 of Henrico co. , Va. , P24N75: 13 offers houses for distressed families of Norfolk, Va. , Pi3F76: 32 requests payment for coal, R21My72:23 Samuel, jr. , P110c76: 32, PllAp77s42, C28Ag79:42 Samuel, & co. , salt works, D27N79: 31 William, PD25 Je72: 31, R19N72: 31, PD13My73: 41, Pi26 Ja75: 32, P14J175s23 William, Capt., of the Lucy, PD13S70:23 William, jr. , R27F72: 33 William, Major, Pi270c74: 31 Duval & Booth, P25Ag75: 83 Duvall, Benjamin, sheriff, R2 5 Ja70: 11-- PD15F70:23 Ephraim, of Md. , Pi7S75: 12 G. , clerk of Md. convention, Pi7S75: 21, D15Je76:32, D29Je76:32 Du Vallet, Mr. , signs treaty for Caribs, PD15Ap73: 22--R15Ap73: 22 Duvivier, M. , Fr. navy commander, 16My45: 22, 23My45: 31, 6Je45: 22 Duxborough, Mass. , address (text) to Gen. Gage,Pil6Mr75:31-- D18Mr75:23 Duxburv, Mass. , accidents in, 50c39:31 See also Shipwrecks in; Storms in Duyckinck, Mrs., of Curacao, R29N70:13 Dwar, Messrs. , captured by American ship,D13J176:62 Dwarfs, in England described, 27D51:12 in London, Eng. , 27Mr52: 21, 15My52: 22, PD28Ap68: 13, PD24My70: 11 Dwelling houses at Archer's Hope creek, Va. , PD60c74: 32--Pi60c74: 33 at Bosworth, Va. , R14D69: 31-- PD21D69:32 at Flower de Hundred, PD170c66: 33 at Halifax courthouse, Va. , PD130c74: 32--Pi20Oc74: 32 at Sewell's Point, Va. , 13Ap39: 31 at Swan's Point ferry, PD4Ag74: 31 between York and Hampton, Va. , P8Ag77:12 built in London, Eng. , 2F39: 31 burned, at Milners, Va. , PD30c71: 31 in Accomac co. , Va. , R28Mr71: 32 in Cape Fear, N. C. , PD29Ap73: 22 in Gloucester co. , Va. , D28 Ja75: 32 in King William co. , Va. , PD14Mr71: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , P26Ja76: 31-- D27Ja76:32 damaged in Bristol, R. I. , Pi9N75: 21 for lease, in Norfolk, Va. , R6S70: 32-- PD6S70:32 for rent, 17Ap52:32 at Charlotte courthouse, Va. , PD2N69:41 in Low point, Va. , D22Ag77: 31-- P22Ag77: 31 in Petersburg, Va. , 12F62: 32 in Port Royal, Va. , R10Ag69: 33 in Shockoe, Va. , PD18Ap66: 33, PD5N67:23 in Williamsburg, Va. , HAp55: 31, PD27S70:32--R27S70:31 in Yorktown, Va. , 5Je52: 31, 3J152: 32 for sale, at Northwest landing, Va. , R28J168:31 in Blandford, Va. , PD4J166: 31-- R18J166:41 in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD18Ap71: 32-- R2My71:33 in Gloucester, Va. , PD13S70: 23 in Hanover co. , Va. , D13N78: 22 in Suffolk, Va. ,PD7F71:23 in Tappahannock, Va. , 31Ja51:41 in Urbanna, Va. , 21N45: 41 in Williamsburg, Va. , 7N51: 32, 29My52: 31, 5 Je52: 32, 2Mr53: 42, R6S70:32, PD17Ja71:32 in Yorktown, Va. , 30c55: 32, PD20Oc68: 22--R270c68: 32, PD27Ap69: 32--R27Ap69: 23 near Halifax, N. C. , PD27S70: 32 in Albemarle co. , Va. , PD4F68: 32, PD28Ap68: 23, PD5My68: 31, R12My68:33, PD3Ja71:33 — R10Ja71:41,PD8Oc72:33,D14F77:31 in Amelia co. Va. , 12D45: 42, 27D51 : 32, PD5S66s33, R23 J167: 32, PD11F68: 31, R170c71: 31-- PD170c71: 31, PD12Mr72: 32, PD16S73: 32, PD4N73: 23-- R4N73:32,PD5My74:31 in Amherst co. , Va. , PD2J172: 31, PD1 J173: 33--R1 J173: 32, P12D77: 32, D25S79:31,DlAp80:23 in Anson, N. C. , PD22Ja67: 32, D20J176:51,D12F79:42 in Antigua, W. I. , destroyed, PD12N72:13 in Augusta co. , Va. , R11D66: 32, R28Mr71:32, D19S77: 32 in Bedford co. , Va. , PD23Ap72: 31-- R23Ap72: 31, PD29Ap73: 23 in Berkeley co. , Va. , PD16Je74: 31-- R16Je74:31,C28Ag79:41 in Bertie co., N. C. , PD12D71: 32, R27F72:41--PD13F72: 33 in Blandford, Va. , PD6 Je71 : 32, P4Ag75:31 in Boston, Mass. , lost in fire, 336 Dwelling houses R25Mr73:22 in Brunswick co. , Va. , 31 J146: 52, 24My51: 41, 6F52: 32, 24Ap52: 32, 28F55: 32, 18Ap55: 22, R23Mr69: 41 — PD9Mr69: 33, PD4Ap71 : 31, PD310c71: 31, PD17S72: 23, PD12Ag73: 23 — R12Ag73: 23, R18N73: 23, PD2D73: 22, PD20Ja74: 32, PD7 J174: 32— R30Je74: 32, PD24N74: 23, PD8D74: 32, P15Mr76: 33, D20Ap76: 33, P3My76: 33, P8N76: 31, P21F77: 22, D28Mr77: 32, P13 Je77: 11, D90c79: 12 in Buckingham co. , Va. , PD15Ag66: 32, PD12Ag73: 23, PD10F74: 32, P160c78:31 in Bute co. , N. C. , D20 J176: 51 in Cabin Point, Va. , PD20 Je71 : 33, PD7Ap74: 32— R7Ap74: 31 in Cappahosick, Va. , D26F79: 31 in Caroline co. , Va. , PDlAg66: 31, PD11D66: 32, R3N68: 33— PD3N68: 23, PD12 Ja69: 41, R14D69: 13— PD14D69: 33, R26Ap70s23, PD13D70: 22— R13D70: 31, PD21F71 : 32— R21F71 : 32, PD12D71 : 33, PD220c72: 23, R220c72: 32, PD7Ja73: 32— R7Ja73: 33, R16S73: 33, R1S74: 33, PD8S74: 31, P8N76: 42, D30c77: 31 — P10Oc77: 31, D30Oc78: 31, D27N78: 22, C3J179: 31, D90c79: 32, D25D79: 31, D5F80:33 in Charles City co. , Va. , 22S38: 41, 27Mr46: 42, PD7D69: 32— R7D69: 31, PD1N70: 23, PD18Je72: 33. PD15J173: 33, PD2D73: 23, P20Oc75: 23, D280c75: 33, P7N77sl3, P14N77: 23, D230c79:12 in Charlotte co. , Va. , PD20N66: 23, PD15F70: 33, R15J173: 41-42, Pi20Ja76: 32, P28N77: 23, P5D77: 32 in Chesterfield co. , Va. , PD5S66s33, PD6N66: 31, PD13D70: 31 — R13D70:32, PD25J171:22, PD8Ag71 : 22— R8Ag71 : 23, PD7N71 : 22— R21N71: 31-33, PD12D71:33, PD27F72:32, PD4Je72: 33, PD6Ag72: 31, PD24S72: 22, PD19N72: 31 — R19N72: 21, Pi9F75: 33, D11N75: 32, P15N76:12 in Colchester, Va. , PD9Ap67: 31, R23J167: 42, PD9D73: 22--R9D73: 21 in Courtland manor, N. Y. , PD9Je68: 22 in Culpeper co. , Va. , PDllMy69: 32— RllMy69: 33, PD6Ag72: 31, R6My73s21, PD13My73: 23, PD18N73: 22, P129S74: 41, P8My78s21 in Cumberland co. , Va. , 30Ja52:41, PD26My68: 31, PDllMy69s33, R6F72: 33— PD23 Ja72: 33, PD5Mr72: 32, PD24D72: 31 — R24D72: 22, PD4F73: 31 — R4F73: 23 in Dinwiddie co. , Va. , 29D52: 32, PD6N66: 32, R19 Ja69: 31— PD26Ja69: 33, PD18Ap71 : 32, PD25Ap71 : 32, PD19D71 : 32, PD220c72: 31, R10Je73: 33, PD12Ag73: 23— R12Ag73: 23, Pil7Ag75:33,P16Ag76sll, P30Ag76: 32, D7Mr77: 12--P28F77: 22, D4J177:ll,P19Je78:ll in Edenton, N.C. , PD18D66: 33, RllAg68:31 in Edgecomb co. , N. C. , PD16My71: 31 in Elizabeth City co. , Va. , 12D45: 41, PD14N71: 23, R25N73: 42, R17F74: 31, PD17Mr74: 31— R17Mr74: 31, PilJe75:33— P2Je75s42 in Essex co. , 3N38:62, P20Je77: 31, P160c78:31 in Fairfax co. , Va. , R23Mr69: 31, Pi28Ap75s22— P5My75: 31 in Falmouth, Va. , P19S77: 12, P310c77:23 in Frederick co. , Va. , 20Oc52: 31, RllOc70: 32, PD16Je74: 23— R16Je74:31 in Fredericksburg, Va. , 31 Ja51: 32, PD20Ag67: 32, R18N73: 31, PD16Je74:23,R7J174:31, PDllAg74: 33— R18Ag74: 32, R18Ag74: 32, P8D75: 33, D9D75: 32, P3Ap78:22,DlAp80:31 in Gloucester, Va. , R30Mr69: 33, PDllMy69:32 in Gloucester co. , Va. , 310c45: 32, 7N55: 22, R19F67: 41, R23J167: 41, PD19Ap70: 32, PD7 Je70: 33, R13D70: 32, PD4J171: 32, PD18N73: 23, PD10F74: 32--R10F74: 32, PD5My74: 31, PD16Je74s22, PD4Ag74: 31, PD8D74: 31, PilD74: 33, D27Ja76: 33--P2F76: 32, D9Mr76: 23— P8Mr76: 33, D17Ag76: 22, P13S76: 32, DHOc76:71,D9Ap79:31 in Goochland co. , Va. , 10F38: 41, 21Mr45: 42, PD30Oc66: 23, PD11D66: 33, R17Ag69: 31, PD29 J173: 23, PD12Ag73: 23, PD25N73: 31, D17 Je75: 33, P24My76: 41, P22Ag77:32,D5F80:41 in Granville co. , N. C. , PD20 Ja74: 33 in Halifax co. , N.C. , PD8Je69: 23, PD12D71:32 in Halifax co. , Va. , 4N63: 43, PD6 Je66: 32, PD8Ag66: 32, PD5N67: 23, R10Ag69: 32, PD7My72: 32, PD3D72: 23, PD28Ap74: 23, P7N77s21, D4S79:31 in Hampshire co. , Va. , R28Ap68: 24 in Hampton, Va. , 20Je51:41 in Hanover co. , Va. , 6Ja37: 38, 6 Ja38: 42, 10F38: 41, 3 J146: 42, 28Ag46: 32, 26S51 : 41, 12D55: 41, 4N63: 32, PD6N66: 23, PD27N66: 31, PD14Ja68: 32, R23N69: 31 — PD23N69: 32, R12 J170: 22, PD20Ag72: 31, PD21 Ja73: 31, PD24 Je73: 33— R22J173s21, PD30D73:31,R16Je74:32, PD3N74: 42, D1J175: 33, P31My76: 32— DlJe76*:32, P21Ag78:42, C13N79:21 — D13N79:31 in Henrico co. , Va. ,4F37:42, 10F38: 41, 18Ap45: 41, 240c55: 22, RIO Ja71 : 33--PD3 Ja71 : 32, PD9S73: 32, D25My76: 23, D11D79: 31 in Hertford co. , N. C. , R2F69: 32 in Hobb's Hole, Va. , PD16Je68: 31 in Isle of Wight co. , Va. , 20F52: 41, 14N55: 22, PD13N66: 21, P20S76: 32— D21S76:41 in James City co. , Va. , PD27N66: 31, R19F67: 32, PD25 Je67: 32, PD16J167: 41, PD20Ag67: 33, PD9N69: 23--R9N69: 32, R23Ap72: 42, PD16S73: 32, R140c73: 32, PD22D74: 32— D7 Ja75: 42, Pil6F75: 33--D18F75: 31 — P17F75: 42, Pi21S75: 32, D70c75: 33, D17Ag76:22, P27S76s21, D250c76: 42— P250c76: 31, P6D76:32,P10Ja77:33 in Jamestown, Va. , PD2 J172: 32 in Johnston co. , N.C. , D26F80: 31 in King and Queen co. , Va. , 15S52: 41, PD2My66: 23, PD20Je66: 31, PD10c67: 22, PD31Mr68: 31 — R31Mr68: 34, PD21 J168: 31 — R21 J168: 32, PD26Ja69: 32— R26Ja69: 23, R16N69: 32, PD4Oc70: 32— R4Oc70: 31, R19My74: 43, PD25F73: 32— R25F73: 31, P160c78:42 in King George co. , Va. , 21Ap38: 42, 4Ag38: 41, R8N70: 11, PD24S72: 22, PD23D73:23 in King William co. , Va. , 12D45: 42, 31 J146: 62, 14F51: 41, PD29Ag66: 23, PD170c66: 41, PD20N66: 22, PDUa67:31— R19F67:42, PD12N67: 21, PDllMy69: 32, PD3Ag69: 32, PD15F70: 42, PD24My70: 42, R27S70: 31 — PD4Oc70: 41, R170c71: 31 — PD170c71:31,R310c71:41 — PD240c71: 23, PD19N72: 23, PD10D72: 31, R29Ap73: 31, PD16S73: 32, PD2Je74: 31, PD60c74: 33, PD1D74: 31, D29 J176: 52— P19 J176: 33, D17 Ja77: 22--P17Ja77: 31, P6Mr78: 32, D11S79:32 in Lancaster co. , Va. , P3 Ja77: 23, D14Mr77: 61— P28Mr77: 21 in Louisa co. , Va. , 4 J145: 41, 9 Ja46: 42, 28Ag52: 32, 20Oc52: 22, PD25N73: 23, PD29S74: 32— Pi29S74: 33, PD10N74: 42, P1D75: 31, D16My77: 12, D310c77: 22, P230c78:23, D90c79: 12, C27N79: 21 — D27N79: 22, D27N79: 31, C19F80: 42, DlAp80: 31 in Lunenburg co. , Va. , 17Ap52: 32, 7N54: 31, 30N59: 41, PD10Oc66: 42, PD30Oc66: 31, PD30Ap67: 33, PD12N67:22, P160c78: 12 in Manchester, Va. , D28Ag79: 12 in Mecklenburg co. , Va. , PD5My68: 31, R12My68: 33, PD5N72: 33— R5N72: 21, R19N72: 41, PD1S74: 32, D13N79:31 in Middlesex co. , Va. , PD3D67: 32, R11F68:33, R26J170:33— PD16Ag70: 43, R23My71: 31, P20S76:23 in Nansemond co. , PD2My66: 23, PD28N71: 31, PD130c74: 31, D14Mr77: 71--P14Mr77: 32, D30c77: 32, P7N77s22, D4S79: 31, D4Mr80: 23 in Nash co., N. C. , D17J178: 41 — P10J178:32 in New Kent co. , Va. , 29Ag51 : 32, PD29Ag66: 31 — R5S66: 42, PD19Mr67: 32, PD16Je68: 31 — R16Je68: 32, PD29D68: 31 — R5Ja69:32, R19Ja69:31— PD26 Ja69: 33, PD23F69: 33— R23F69: 22, PD7S69: 32— R7S69: 31, PD14S69: 32, PD18Ja70: 33— R18Ja70:33, R24D72: 22— 337 Dwelling houses, in New Kent co. (cont'd) PD7Ja73: 32, PD23S73: 31 — R23S73: 33, PD18N73: 22, P15Mr76: 32, P22N76: 32, P28Mr77s22, P30c77: 23, P10Oc77: 23, P14N77: 23, P28N77: 23— D5D77:21,D8Ja80:42 in Newcastle, Va. , 17Ja51: 41, 28F55: 42, PD13 Je66: 32, PD170c66: 31, PD17Mr74:31 in Nixonton, N.C. , PD7Ap68: 31, PD1S68:23 in Norfolk, Va. , 17Ja51:41, 7Mr51 : 41, 4Ap51 : 42, 2My51 : 32, PD270c68: 33, R29N70: 22— PD29N70: 22, PD13 Je71 : 33, PD9Ja72:32 in Norfolk co. , Va. , PD24D67: 32— R24D67: 32, R80c72: 31, R18Oc70: 22, PD1J173:33, D40c76:72 in Northampton co. , N. C. , PD5My68: 31, PD130c68: 31, PD10Ag69: 33, PD150c72: 31, D210c75: 32 in Northumberland co. . Va. , PD28Ap68: 23, PD25Ap71 : 32, P20S76:31--D21S76:32 in Orange co. , Va. , 12S45: 42, 9 Ja46: 42, R15Ap73: 32, R16D73: 42, D11D79:31 in Petersburg, Va. , 250c65s42, 250c65s43, D13Ap76: 33--P19Ap76: 42 in Philee, Va. , PD16N69: 22 in Pittsylvania co. , Va. , PD13D70: 23 in Port Royal, Va. , 14Ag52: 32 in Portsmouth, Va. , PD5S71 : 32 in Powhatan co. , Va. , P14N77: 31, D19Je79:31 in Prince Edward co. , Va. , PD150c72: 31--R150c72: 31, PD22J173: 32--R22 J173: 33, PD5Ag73: 23, P10 Ja77: 43, P160c78:31 in Prince George, Va. , PD10Mr74: 32 in Prince George co. , Va. , 30c51: 41, 170c51: 32, PD20Je66: 31, PD18 Je67: 33, R23 J167: 42, PD30Ag70: 33, PD28N71: 31, PD19D71: 31, PD3S72: 23, PD10c72: 23, PD3Mr74: 32, PD10Mr74: 32--PD7Ap74: 42, PDllAg74: 33, D8 J175: 33, P21F77: 23, P28F77s23, P20Je77sll in Prince William co. , Va. , 14Ag46: 32. PD30Ap67: 32, R23J167: 31, PD30Ja72: 33--R6F72: 31, R21 Ja73: 31, R6My73: 32, R9 Je74: 22, C15 J180: 22 in Princess Anne co. , Va. , H3 J152: 32, R6F72:33, R21My72:23 in Putney, Vt. burned, PD25Mr73: 23— R25Mr73:22 in Richmond, Va. , 25J151: 32, 16Ag51: 32, R15N70: 31, PD150c72: 31 — R150c72: 23, PD28Ap74: 32, D22Ap75: 32, P10Oc77:32, P160c78:33 in Richmond co. , Va. , 4Ap51: 42, PD6N66: 23, R26My68: 33 — PD19My68: 23, P24My76: 42 in Rowan co. , N. C. , D17J178: 41 in St. Croix, W. I. , destroyed, PD290c72:13 in St. Eustatia, W. I. , destroyed, PD12N72:21 in St. Vincent island, W.I. , burned, PD3D72:12 in Shockoe, Va.,R9N69:31 in Southampton co. , Va. , PD11D66: 33, P13Je77:ll in Spotsylvania co. , Va. , R24D67: 43, R10F74:32, R28J174:33— PD4Ag74: 32, P13S76: 32, P230c78: 31, D160c79:ll in Stafford co. , Va. , PD15Je69: 32— R15 Je69: 23, PD12Mr72: 32, R6My73:32,C15J180:22 in Staunton, Va. , R11D66: 32 in Suffolk, Va. ,PD11F68:31, PD3Mr74: 31, PD31Mr74: 32 in Surry co. , Va. , 29S52: 32, 14N55: 22, PD16Ap67: 31, PD12N67: 23, RlMr70: 32— PD8Mr70: 42, PD16Ag70: 42, R2My71: 23— PD2My71: 33, PD2D73: 22, PD3F74: 33, PD3N74: 43--Pi4N74: 33, D6My75: 32, P29Mr76: 31--D30Mr76: 33, D26D77: 12, D13N78: 11, D4D78: 22, D12Mr79: 22, D25Mr80: 32 in Sussex co., Va. , PD22Ag66: 31, PD27Ag67: 31, PD1D68: 31, PD14D69.32, PD6S70:31, PD13D70: 23, PD19D71 : 31, PD80c72: 32, P250c76: 31 — D1N76: 41, P23My77: 12, P5D77: 32, D27N79:22 in Tappahannock, Va. , PD10Oc71: 32— R170c71: 33, R10F74: 33— PD10F74: 32, PD270c74: 23 in Tyrrell co. , N. C. , PD19N72: 22 in Urbanna, Va. , P15N76: 13 in Va. destroyed by floods, PD30My71:21 in Warwick co. , Va. , PD3Mr74: 32— R3Mr74:33, P22N76:33, D27D76: 42--P27D76: 31, D30Oc78:41,D13N79:31 in Westham, Va. , PD10D72: 31, R17D72:31 in Westmoreland co. , Va. , 12F62:41, R31My70: 31, PD10D72: 31, P20Oc75: 23, D10Ja77: 42, D160c78: 41--P160c78: 11 in Williamsburg, Va. , 23 Ja46: 42, 27Mr46: 41, 25Ap51: 32, 20Je51: 32, PD18D66: 31, PD19N67: 22, PD3Mr68: 32— R3Mr68: 32, PD28 J168: 23--R28J168: 31, PD7D69: 32— R7D69: 31, PD29N70: 22, PD2Mr71 : 32, R23My71 : 22, PD25J171:23, PDlAg71:21, PD10Je73: 23, PD2S73: 22— R2S73: 31, R23S73: 32, D29J175: 33, D23D75: 33--P22D75: 33, D24F76: 33 — P23Mr76: 33, D7Mr77: 12— P7Mr77: 21, P160c78: 43, D29My79: 32 in York co. , Va. , 4N37: 42, PD3S67: 22, PD7Ap68: 31— R14Ap68sl4, R29S68: 31, PD20Oc68: 23 — R270c68: 34, PDlJe69:31— RUe69:32,R30N69:31 — PD7D69: 33, PD15F70: 42, PD3Ja71: 31, R15Ag71 : 32, PD5Mr72: 32, PD2Ap72: 33, PDlAp73: 32, PD20Ja74: 32, PD24Mr74: 32, PD9 Je74: 31, PD25Ag74: 31, PD8D74: 31, DllMy76: 23, P20S76: 22, D180c76: 41, D21Mr77: 12, D4D78: 31 in Yorktown, Va. , PDllMy69: 32, R29Mr70: 31--PD5Ap70: 42, PD23J172:32 near Buckingham courthouse, Va. , P19Ap76:41 near Cabin Point, Va. , PD27Je71: 33, P10Oc77:32 rear Cabin Point warehouse, PD4J171:32 near Falmouth, Va.,PlS75:32 near Fredericksburg, Va. , D18Mr80: 32 near Hanover, Va. , C19F80: 11— D19F80:33 near Hog island, Va. , 30 Ja52: 41 near Milner's warehouse, Va. , PDllJe72:32 near Petersburg, Va. , PD25J166: 32, PD17D72:31 near Port Royal, Va. , PD15Ag66: 31, PD22S68: 31 near Richmond courthouse, Va. , R20S70:32 near Smithfield, Va. , PD1S68: 31 near Suffolk, Va. , 12D55: 31, D25Ap77: 31 — P25Ap77: 12 near Todd's warehouse, Va. , PD16J172:32 near Williamsburg, Va. , PD21My67: 32, PD16My71:32 near Winchester, Va. , R21Mr71:42 on Appomattox river, Va. , 18Ap45: 41, PD23J167: 32— R23 J167: 31, PD3D67:32 on Bennet's creek, Va. , D4Mr80: 23 on Chickahominy river, Va. , 210c37:32 on Flat creek, D19F80: 32 on Gwyn's island, Va. , P21Ag78: 13 on James river, Va. , P15Ag77: 33 on King's creek, D140c75: 33— P130c75:23 on Mattapony river, Va. , PD13F72: 33 on Meherrin river, Va. , D19F80: 32 on Nanticoke river, PD8N70: 31 on Nottoway river, Va. , 22S52: 32, D1N76:41 — P1N76:33 on Pamunkey river, Va. , 14Mr55:41, Pi29S74:41 on Roanoke river, D19F80: 32 on Slut's creek, PD7N71: 23 on Stamping Branch, 18Ag38:42 on Staunton river, Va. , PD6N66: 23 on Stoney Run, 18Ag38:42 Dwelling houses, overseers, in Hanover co., Va. ,28F55:42 Dwelling houses described, 3 J152: 32, PD6N66: 31, PD8Mr70: 33, PD10Mr74:32 at Flower de Hundred, PD24S67: 23, R260c69: 31--PD2N69: 41 at Great Bridge, Va. , PD290c67: 22 at Martin's Brandon parish, Va. , PD13D70:31 at Osborne's, Va. , PD18Oc70:42 at Oyster Shell landing, Va. , D6Je77:22— P20Je77:12 for rent, in Warwick co. , Va. , 19J154:41 on Pamunkey river, Va. , PD19N67: 22 on Shockoe Hill, Richmond, Va. , PD23My66:32 for sale, PD24Ja71:32— R31Ja71:31 at York courthouse, Va. , 26S55: 32 in Bath, N. C. , PD25J166: 31 in Fredericksburg, Va. , 170c55: 31, PD5S66:42— R5S66:41 in Hampton, Va. , PD220c67: 22 in Newcastle, Va. , 15D52: 32, PD10D72:31 in Richmond, Va. , PD29Ag66:31 338 Dwelling houses in Suffolk, Va.,PD22S68:23 in Tappahannock, Va. , 22Ap57: 42 in Williamsburg, Va. , 7N54: 41, PD30Ag70: 32--R30Ag70: 31 in Albemarle co. , Va. , R23F69: 22, PD16S73: 32, P22D75:41,Pi20Ja76:31 in Amelia co. , 10Ag39: 41, 3S56: 32, PD17D67: 33, PD17F74: 32, PD3N74: 42, PlAg77: 31, D5D77: 21--P5D77: 33 in Amherst co. , PD21Mr71 : 32, PD170c71: 32, R26Ag73: 23, P16My77: 23, D10J178:41,C6N79:31 in Beaufort co. , N. C. , D25Ap77: 31 in Bedford co. , Va. , PDllMy69: 32 in Blandford, Va. , P10Mr75: 32, D5S77:31 in Brunswick co. , Va. , 2Mr53: 42, 23My55: 21, PD7My67: 33, R9F69: 23, PD24My70: 33, PD29N70: 23, R21F71 : 33, R18 J171 : 41, R6F72: 33, PD150c72: 31, PD8J173: 32, D29N76: 41, PllAp77s42, D6Je77: 22--P20Je77: 12, D21Ag79: 22 in Bute co., N.C. , R23F69:23— PD23F69: 32 in Caroline co. , Va. , PD5N67: 31, R24D67: 43, DllMr75: 32, D13N78: 22, D25D79:22 in Caswell co. , N.C. , D8Ag77: 31 in Charles City co. , Va. , R25N73:42, P8N76:41 in Charlotte co. , Va. , PD31 Ja71: 33, D1N76: 41, P8Ag77: 42, D230c79: 11 in Chesterfield co. , Va. , PD2My66: 23, PD9N69:23 in Colebrook, Conn. , PD23D73: 31 in Culpeper co. , Va. , PD18Je67: 32, R15N70: 23, R5S71: 41, R15Ap73: 31 in Cumberland co. , Va. , 30Ja52: 41, PD22Ag66: 23, R140c73: 33, D24F76: 33, D8 Je76: 72, D19D77: 21 — P19D77:22,C28Ag79:31 in Dinwiddie co. , Va. , 15S52: 32, 4N63: 32, R24D67: 33, R1D68: 41, PD9J172: 32, R4Mr73: 32, PD16S73: 32, PD8D74: 31, Pil6Mr75: 41. P29Mr76: 32, D13D76: 31, D25J177: 41 in Dumfries, Va. , D11S79: 32 in Dunmore co. , Va. , R23 Je74: 42 in Edenton, N. C. , D24Ap78: 31, D10J179:31 in Elizabeth City co. , Va. , PD7Ap68: 31, PD16Mr69: 32, D8My79: 22, D8 Ja80: 33 in Essex co., Va. , 21Ap38:41, 9My55:21 in Fairfax, Va. , PD8 Je69: 31 in Fairfax co. , Va. , 25Ap51:41, HOc51:32,D19F79:32 in Falmouth, Va. , 3J146: 42 in Fauquier co. , Va. , R4F73: 31, D3J179:31— C3J179:31 in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD8Je69: 31, D30Oc78: 41, D26Mr79: 31, D5F80: 41 in Gloucester co. , Va. , 31J146:62, PD13N66: 23, PD10S67: 22, PD18Ja70: 32, RllOc70: 32--PD18Oc70: 33, PD22N70: 23, PD22N70: 32, R29N70: 22, PD30S73: 31--R30S73: 31, DllMr75: 32, D10Ag76: 62--P9Ag76: 42, PllAp77s43, P6Mr78:32 in Goochland co. , Va. , 26N36: 42, 9My55: 22, 16My55: 21, 310c55: 22, R4Ag68: 31, R1N70: 23, PD18 J171 : 22, D8Je76:71,D13N78:ll,C30Oc79:42 in Granville co. , N. C. , PD26Ja69: 33, P3Ja77s22, D8Ag77: 31, P230c78: 23, D160c79:12 in Halifax co. , N. C. , PD240c66: 23 in Halifax co. , Va. , P8My78sl2 in Hanover co. , Va. , 7Ja37: 42, 18Ag38: 42, 310c51 : 32, 17N52: 22, 12Q55: 31, PD11 J166: 31, PD10Oc66: 33, R4D66: 42 — PD13N66: 22, R19F67: 41, PD26Mr67: 23, R12My68: 33, PDllMy69s41, PD5Ap70: 41 — R5Ap70Sll, PD12S71: 32, PD3S72: 22, PD280c73: 23, PD9D73: 23, P5Ja76: 33--D13 Ja76: 32, P29Mr76: 32, P12Ap76: 32, P7Mr77: 22, P22Ag77: 12, P22Ag77: 32, P30c77: 23, P6Mr78: 42, D24Ap78: 41--P8My78sl2, P230c78: 31, D24J179:32,D4Mr80:13 in Henrico co. , Va. , 29Je39: 32, D20c79:31 in Hertford co. , N.C. , PD7N71: 32 in Isle of Wight co. , Va. , PD20Ag67: 31, PD20Ag67: 33, PD10S67: 23, PD150c67: 22 in James City co. , Va. , R12Mr72: 33, D29N76:41 in King and Queen co. , Va. , R18 J166: 43, PD11D66: 33, R30Je68: 31, PD15D68:31,PD29Je69:42— PD6 J169: 42, R8F70: 32— PD15F70: 33, PD12Ag73: 23, P7Mr77: 22, DllMr80:33 in King George co. , Va. , P18Ap77s41 in King William co. , Va. , 10 Je37: 42, 4Ap51 : 41, 29My52: 31, 10N52: 31, R19F67: 42--PD22 Ja67: 33, R4F68: 43, R14Ap68: 31 — PD1D68: 32, PD10N68: 23--R17N68: 32, PD5Ap70: 33— R5Ap70sll, PD140c73: 23— R210c73: 23, P24My76: 33, D20Je77: 31 — P20Je77: 31, D13N78: 22, D25D79: 22 in Kingston parish, Va. , PD7N71 : 23 in Lancaster co. , Va. , PD11D66: 32, PD290c67: 22, R17N68: 31, PD19Ap70: 31 — R19Ap70: 23, P10J178:22 in Leedstown, Va. , D10J178.-21 in Louisa co. , Va. , 13F52:41, R12My68: 33P19F75: 33, D29N76: 41 — P13D76:31 in Lunenburg co. , Va. , 9My55: 22, R25D66:32— PDUa67:33 in Manchester, Va. , R22Ap73s21 in Mecklenburg co. , Va. , PD80c67: 21, PD30 J172: 32, R15J173: 41-42, PD29J173:23, P160c78:12 in Middlesex co. , Va. , PD10Oc66: 41, P16My77s31 in Nansemond co. , Va. , PD4Ag68: 23, PD26Ja69: 33, PD9F69: 32 in New Kent co. , Va. , 2Je38:41, 28Ag46: 31, PD15Ag66: 32, PD16Ap67: 31, PD20Ag67: 32, R24D67: 33, PD28Ja68: 32, PD5S71: 32, R310c71: 43, D24F76: 33, P15Ag77: 23, P10Oc77: 32, P240c77: 31, C27N79s21 in Newcastle, Va. , 24Ja51:41, P24N75s22 in Newtown, Va.,R4D66:33 in Norfolk, Va. , PD13N66: 22, PD23Ap72: 31, D27N78: 31 in Norfolk co. , Va. , 24Ap46: 32, PD4J166: 33, R5S66: 32— PD5S66s33, RlAg71:33--PDllJ171:32 in Northumberland co. , Va. , PD7My67:32, R17N68:31 in Northampton co. , N. C. , PD5S66s41, D15N76:31 in Orange co., N. C. , D160c79: 31 in Orange co. , Va. , DlAp75: 11 in Petersburg, Va. , R8N70: 23— PD8N70: 23, PD9S73: 32, D6Ja76: 33— P12Ja76:33 in Pittsylvania co. , Va. , R2My71 : 33, PD11F73:31 in Port Royal, Va. , D170c77: 22— P240c77: 31, D30Oc78: 41 in Prince Edward co. , Va. , PD22Ag66: 32, PD7 J168: 31, D15Ag77: 62, P22Ag77: 32, P21Ag78: 11 in Prince George co. , Va. , 24Je37:41, 20Je45: 41, 12D45: 41, 17Ja51 : 42, 24My51:41, HOc51: 41, 20Mr52: 22, 28F55: 42, PD22Ag66: 31, PD6N66: 32, R13S70: 31, D17Ja77: 22, D26D77: 21 in Princess Anne co. , Va. , R2F69: 23— PD2F69: 32, PD8Ap73: 33— R8Ap73: 33, P9My77sll in Portsmouth, Va. , PD24S67: 22, PD10D72:31 in Richmond, Va. , RlMr70: 32, D9Mr76:23, PlMy78:32 in Richmond co. , Va. , R14F71: 31, P3Ja77:31 in Rocky Ridge, Va. , PD28N71:31 in Rowan co. , N. C. , P30c77: 22 in Scotch Town, Va. , PD21D69: 11— R28D69:11 in Shockoe, Va. , PD280c73: 23 — R280c73:33 in Southampton co. , Va. , PD12S66: 31, PD18Ja70:33 in Spotsylvania co. , Va. , R31Mr68: 32, R8N70:11,D25J177:32 in Stafford co. , Va. , R25D66: 32, R18Ag68s23, R16Je74: 23 in Surry co. , Va. , 2S57: 41, PD16Ag70: 43, PD7Mr71: 32, R18 J171: 41, PD30J172: 32, PD2Je74: 32, D29Je76:42, D15Ag77:71— P15Ag77: 33 in Sussex co. , Va. , 3S56: 41, 250c65s33, 250c65s41, PD9My66: 31, PD1 Ja67: 32, R23Mr69: 31, PD22Mr70: 41, R3My70: 31, PD8N70: 31, P130c75: 31, P24My76: 42, DllAp77: 62, P15Ag77: 12, P12S77: 32, D18D79:31 in West Point, Va. , PD1 1 J171 : 32 in Westmoreland co. , Va. , P29N76: 31, P160c78:31 in Williamsburg, Va. , 12S55: 32, PD7D69: 32, P21Ag78: 33, D4D78: 22 in York co. , Va. , PD2Ap67: 31, R5Ja69: 32— PD29D68: 31, R21Mr71: 42 in Yorktown, Va. , PD130c68: 23— R130c68:24, PD9D73:23 near Alexandria, Va. , PD29J173: 31 — R5Ag73:33 near Blandford, Va. , D17Ja77: 22 near Brunswick courthouse, Va. , D8My79:22 near Cabin Point, Va. , D18F75: 32 near Cabin Point warehouse, Va. , PD2D73:22 near Charles City courthouse, Va. , 4N63:42 near Chesterfield, Va. , 14N55: 22 near Edenton, N. C. , C28Ag79: 31, C28Ag79:41 near Halifax, N.C. , PD15Ag66: 32 339 Dwelling houses, described, for sale (cont'd) near Petersburg, Va. , PD25J166: 32, PDlJa67:32, PD15Ag71:32, D210c75:32 near Richmond, Va. , PllAp77s42 near Williamsburg, Va. , D30c77: 42— P170c77:31 on Alligator river, N. C. . PD19N72: 22 on Appomattox river, Va. , 3J152: 32, PDUa67:32 on Chickahominy river, Va. , PD24 Ja71 : 32— R31 Ja71 : 31, D18Ap77: 72— P18Ap77s42 on Coi-otoman river, Va. , D20N79: 31 on Dan river, Va. , D11S79: 32 on Hampton river, Va. , PD14N71: 22 on James river, Va. , 27Mr52: 31, D11N75: 32, D14Mr77: 12— P21Mr77:21,P14N77:23, D10Oc77: 21 — P170c77: 11 on Nottoway river, Va. , 22S52: 32, PD15Ag71: 32, PD17Mr74: 32, P40c76sl3, D1N76: 41— P250c76: 31, P17Ja77:41 on Pamumkey river, Va. , 1 1 Ap55 : 32, R14Ap68:31 on Potomac river, Va. , PD6J169: 41 — R6J169:43,R27J169:41 on Rappahannock river, Va. , R27J169:41 on Roanoke river, D16Ag80: 31 on Scimino creek, Va. , D27S76: 12 on Yeocomico river, Va. , P160c78: 31 Dwelling plantations, in Northumberland co., Va. ,R270c68:32 Dwight, Capt. , 30c55: 11 aids Mass. settlements, PD19S66: 21 Elijah, of Great- Bar rington, Mass. , R20J169:13 Dwyer, Patrick, PD9Je68: 23, D22N76: 32 Thomas, Capt. , of the Endeavour, D20Je77:ll Dyche, James, PD4 Je67: 41 Thomas, author, PD25F68: 41, PD7 J168: 31, PD29N70: 21, PD13D70: 42, PD3 Ja71: 42, PD10Je73: 31, PD10Je73: 32, D25N75:11,D30D75:11 Dychs, Isham, deserter, D12Mr79: 32 Dycke, James, R18F68: 33— PD18F68: 32 Dyckinck, Christopher, sailmaker in N. Y. , PD27N66: 21--R27N66: 13 Dydaper, Abraham, letter of, 26N36: 42 Dye, Mr., of Richmond co. , Va. , Pi9Mr75:13 Fauntleroy, R260c69: 31, R30Je74: 33 Reubin, free Negro, R140c73: 33 Dye, scarlet, for linen discovered, PD10Je73:12 Dye factories, in Hamptonwick, Eng. , PD16Mr69:23 Dye stuffs, importation to Boston, Mass. , allowed, PD24Ag69: 21 manufacture encouraged in Pa. , P24F75s22 Dyeing, adv. of, in Chesterfield co. , Va. , P180c76:23 in Fredericksburg, Va. , P17Ja77:42 in Lunenburg co. , Va. , D310c77: 22 in Norfolk, Va. , R12Mr72: 31, R80c72:31 in Williamsburg, Va. , 8 J137: 42, 21S39:41 teaching of, adv. , P17Ja77: 22 Dyeing cloth, price of, R14Je70: 33— PD14Je70:32 Dyeing room, described, in Edenton, N.C.,PD18D66:33 Dyer, Capt. , of the Anna Teresa, PD19Mr67:31 of the Defiance, 2S57: 21 Alexander, Capt. , of the Britannia, PD10S67:21 Christopher, Capt. , of the Polly, D4F75:31 Eliphalet, arrives in N. Y. , D20My75: 32 delegate to Continental congress from Conn. , Pi270c74: 23, PilD74: 21 delegate to Stamp act congress, 250c65s23 judge in Conn, court, R15S74: 31 on committee of Congress on colonial rights, D21Ja75: 12 signs Association of 1774, PD3N74: 12— P14N74: 12 James, Sir, author, 24My51: 32 John, PD16Je74: 23, D15Ag77: 72, P240c77: 23 Michael, Capt. of the Endeavour, P21Ap75s42— D22Ap75: 31 of the Rainbow, R17Mr74: 22— PD14Ap74: 23, PD14Ap74: 31— R14Ap74: 23 Sarah, PD27Je66: 32 Dvers, adv. for, at Hanover fulling mill, ' Va.,D13D76:31 in Nansemond co. , Va. ,D31Ja77:81 See also . Convict servants as; Indentured servants as Dyer's Dimple, horse, 250c65s42 Dyer's island, R. I. , plundered by British D20Ja76:22 Dyes, discovered in Europe, R22Ap73sll in London, Eng. , R16S73: 21 of tan bark, PD8J173: 32— R15J173: 33 plants for brought from Eng. , P15S75s23 See also , Indigo; Mazurine blue Dyke, Isham, deserter, D19D77: 32 Dykes, John, R23Ap72: 33, PD18F73: 31 Dymer's warehouse, Pi28Ap75: 41 Dymocke, Walter, pseud. , 20Mr52sll, 15My52:31,29My52:22, 18Je52:21, 25Je52:22, 3J152:12, mock elegy on, 14Ag52: 21 Dymond, Capt. of the Peter and James, 10Je37:31 Dyre, Samuel, examined on Boston tea party, PD3N74: 32 Dysart, Lt. , of Brit, army in N. Y. , R5Ag73:22 James, Capt. of the Betsey, PD20Oc74s22, PD10N74:42 of the Nancy, PD23S73: 31— R23S73: 33 Dysentery, in Contental army, P60c75sll in Sweden, R13Ja74: 21 Dyson, Jeremiah, R12Mr67: 23, PD22S68: 22, PD14S69:22. Jonathan, of Norfolk, Va. , R26J170: 21, R26J170: 22, R290c72: 23 Mary, R4D66:33 340 Earthenware E.D. plantation, Va. , PD7My72: 32 Eachard, Laurence, author, 24My51: 32 Eades, Abraham, 24N52: 31 Peter, P30c77:31 Eads, Abraham, P18Ap77s22 Eage, Edward, PD7My72: 32 Eagle, Doctor, 12D45: 41 Eagle, American ship, D180c76: 12— P180c76:21 brig, 23 Ja46: 41, D22Ja80: 23 British ship, 25Ja40: 2, D40c76: 22— P40c76:21 cutter, PD3Ja71: 22 flat, PD12Ja69:32 galley, 7Ag52: 31 H. M. packet boat, R15Ap73: 22 H. M. S. , 11S46: 31, 11S46: 32, 11S46: 41, 24Ja52: 22, PD30J167: 31, P21 Je76: 22— D22 Je76: 61, P28 Je76: 22— D29 Je76: 22, D29 Je76: 21, P2Ag76: 22-- D3Ag76: 12, D3Ag76: 21, D7S76: 11, D110c76: 12, D7N77: 22— P7N77sl3, D14N77:21 — P14N77:23 H.M. sloop, PD7D69s22 packet, PD25Mr73: 22, D15N76: 11 privateer, 18 Ja40: 21, 240c45: 21, P12D77: 11, D10J178: 11, D12Je79: 22 royal artillery ship, R5Ag73: 21 ship, 10Oc45: 22, 23Ja46: 41, 12F62: 31, PD30My66: 31--R30My66: 32, PD12F67: 11, PD12F67: 21, PD14My67: 31, PD150c67: 13, PD16My71: 23, PD23Ja72: 32, PD3S72: 22, R150c72: 21, R1J173: 13, P28Je76: 22, P28Mr77sl3 sloop, C3 J179: 21--D3 J179: 21 transport, PD5N67: 12, R10Mr74: 13 Eagle island, Mass. , See Shipwrecks on Eagle Packet, snow, D12F79: 31 Eagles, in Eng. , 12D51:21 in Glentanner, Scot. , PD19Mr67: 21 in Killarney, Ire. , PD11 Je67: 12 Eagles, abnormal, in Eng. , PD22Mr70: 13 in London, Eng. , R8Ag71: 22 Eaking bridge, Va. , R12J170:43 Eakins, Joachim, PD1S68: 23 Eales, Thomas, R16Je68:31 Eames, Capt. , R15Ag66s22 Ear cutting, for forgeries, Pi20Oc74: 23 — PD20Oc74:23 Ear diseases, treatment in Williamsburg, Va. ,R6My73sll Earl, Capt., near Bristol ferry, R.I. , Pi9N75:22 of the Baltimore Hero, D3 J179: 22 sloop of set on fire, P12J176: 13 Caleb, R18F73: 22 Daniel, PD15Ja67: 33, D28F77: 32 John, Capt. ,PD15Ag66:23 Earl of Bute, ship, PD12S66: 23, PD27N66: 23, PD30 J167: 32, PD6Ag67: 32, PD7J168: 23— R7J168: 22, R7J168: 23— PD7J168: 31, PD9Mr69: 31, PD23Mr69: 31, PD7S69: 31, PD8Mr70: 21, PD7Je70:31,PD25J171:22 Earl of Chatham, H. M. Schooner, PD30J167:31 ship, RllAg68: 23, R9Mr69: 11 Earl of Donegall, ship, PD3Ag69: 22 Earl of Dunmore, ship, PD1 J173: 32— RlJ173:31,Pi28Ap75sll — D29Ap75s32 Earl of Halifax, packet, PD7Mr66: 43, PD7My67: 21, PD12My68: 13, PD9Je68: 22, R5Ja69: 11, PD28S69: 23, PD2N69: 21, PD19J170: 31 — R19J170:23 ship, 23My55:21 Earl of Lincoln, East Indiaman, PD25Ag68:21 Earl of London, snow, 27Ag56: 22 Earl of Middlesex, East Indiaman, PD60c68: 11 — R60c68: 11 ship, PD7J168:22 Earl of Oxford, transport, D16Mr76: 23 Earl of Sandwich, brig, PD14Mr66: 11 ship, D8My79:12 Earl of Stair, privateer, 26S45: 32, 28Ag46:32 Earle, Joseph, R7J174: 22 Richard, R13J169: 23 Samuel, 30Mr39:41 Earley, Jeremiah, letter to in post office, PD18F68:31 Earlstoun, Scot. , See Storms Early, Jacob, D26Ag75: 33 James, PD12Ag73: 31 Jeremiah, R21F71 : 32, R5Ag73: 23, PD4N73:31 John, R13J169:33 Joshua, P4J177: 42 Earnshaw, John, collector, PD8Je69: 31, PD21Mr71: 32, D11D79: 31 Earpicks, for sale, PD22N70s23 Earrings, for sale in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72:31 in Cabin Point, Va. , P2F76s23— D3F76:33,D18J177:31 in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD18Ap66: 32 in Lancaster courthouse, Va. , PD7J168:32 in London, Eng. , PD7 Je70: 33 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Princess Anne co. , Va. , P23My77: 32 in Richmond, Va. , PD5N72sll— R5N72:22 in Smithfield, Va. , D21F77: 22— P28F77s22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD10Oc66: 33, PD10c67: 13, PD20Oc68: 23, PD270c68: 33— R270c68: 22, PD2N69: 41, PD13Ap69: 32— R13Ap69: 31, PD18My69: 31 — R25My69: 23, PD170c71: 23, PD240c71:31,PD12D71:32, PD30Ap72: 31, PD4Je72: 32, PD220c72: 23— R220c72: 23 found, adv. of, R30My66: 33 See also . Agate earrings; Bead earrings; Coal earrings; Crystal earrings; Enamelled earrings; French bead earrings; French paste earrings; French pearl drop earrings; Garnet earrings; Gold earrings; India pearl earrings; Jet coal earrings; Marcasite earrings; Mother of pearl earrings; Paste cluster earrings; Paste earrings; Pearl earrings; Pinch wax earrings; Silver earrings; Stone earrings; Wax earrings; Wax pearl earrings; Earrings, bloom, for sale in Richmond, Va. , PD310c71: 23 — R310c71: 32 Earrings, finger, for sale in Williamsburg, Va. , PD15J173: 32 Earrings, French, for sale in Petersburg, Va. , PD24 Ja71 : 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD12N67: 22. R210c73:22 Earrings, Italian, for sale in Williamsburg, Va. , PD20Oc68: 23 Earrings, wedding, for sale in Williamsburg. Va. , PD15J173: 32 Ears, essay on value of, R6My73sll Earth, Jean, PD2My66: 41 Earth, See Ringworm earth Earthen bowls, exported from Accomac district, Va. , to Philadelphia, Pa. , PD270c68:42 imported to Accomac district, Va. , from Philadelphia, Pa. , PD270c68: 42 Earthen chinaware, for sale in Edenton, N.C.,P160c78:42 Earthen jugs, for sale in Yorktown, Va. , PD30Ap72:23 Earthenware, export from Eng. to N. Y. allowed, D10J179: 22 exported from James river, upper district, Va. , to Salem, Mass. , PD10Mr74:31 exported from Rappahannock district, Va. , to Md. ,270c52: 21 exported from York district, Va. , to Md. ,4J145:32 for sale at Layton's warehouse, Va. , R3My70:31 in Alexandria, Va. , P3Ap78: 31, D24J179:22 in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD25Ap66: 31, D29My79:32 in Gloucester co. , Va. , D29 Je76: 42 in Hanover, Va. , D24Ap78: 31 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22, PD10Ag69: 32, R190c69s22, PD8N70: 22, PD22N70: 31, PD28Mr71 : 32— R28Mr71 : 32, PD9My71:33--R23My71:33, PD290c72: 21 — R290c72: 31, PD25Mr73: 32, PD5Ag73: 23, PD2D73: 22--R2D73: 23, P12J176: 32-- D13J176:21 in Williamsburg, Va. , 18S46: 41, 12Mr52: 31, PD19S66: 31, PD28S69: 31, PD15F70: 41, D16D75: 23, P10Ja77: 41, P18Ap77s23 in Yorktown, Va. , 4Ja40: 41 on York river, Va. , PD8J173: 32— R8J173: 32 glazing of, D6Je77:32 imported to Accomac district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , PD12Mr67: 32, PD10Mr68: 31— R14Ap68: 41, PD8S68p22 from New York City, PD5S66s43, PD270c68:42 from Philadelphia, Pa. , R25D66: 13, PDllJe67: 32, PD6Ag67: 32, PD14Ja68: 32, PD23 Je68: 23— R7J168: 21, PD7J168: 23--R7 J168: 21, R25Ag68s23— PD8S68p22, PD8S68p22- R7J168: 21, PD29S68: 22--R1S68: 24, PD22D68:31 from R. I. , PD12Mr67: 32, PD3D67: 31, PD7J168:23— R7J168:21, from Salem, Mass. , PD12Mr67: 32 imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , 23Ja46:41,29D52:32 from New York City, 20Oc52: 21, 24N52:22 341 Earthenware, imported to James river (cont'd) from Philadelphia, Pa. , PD20Ja74: 23, R15S74:33 from Salem, Mass. , 28F55: 31, R12 Ja69: 23, PD14Ap74: 23— R14Ap74: 23 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , PD24D67: 32, PD15D68: 23, R12Ja69: 31, PD28D69:31 from Perth Amboy, N. J. , PD7J168: 23— R7J168:22, PD1S68:23 from Philadelphia, Pa. , PD8S68p22, PD7S69:31 from Salem, Mass. , 19Ag37: 32, PD22Ja67: 32, PD10D67: 31, PD14Ja68: 31, PD15D68: 23, PD29D68: 31, PD12 Ja69: 23, PD20Ja74:23 imported to York district, Va. , from New England, PD29 Ja67: 32 from New York City, 17N52: 22 lost, adv. for, 12Je52: 22, R26N72: 21, PD25F73:32 seized from British ship, D30c77: 12 unclaimed, adv. of, 12D51:41, R23Ap72: 31 See also , Roger's earthenware Earthenware, hollow, imported to Accomac district from Boston, PD12Mr67:32 Earthquakes, at Cape Nicola, Hispaniola, W.I. ,R23Je74:31 at Westover, Va. , PD24F74: 31 in Abingdon, Eng. , PD1 1 J171 : 21 in Adrianople, Turk. , 22D52: 22 in Af. ,PD16S73:12 in Albany, N. Y. , D19Ag75: 31 in Aleppo, Sy. , PD30Ap72: 21 in Algarue, Port. , PD12My74: 41 inAspres, Fr. , R70c73: 11 in Aust. , R4F68: 12, PD16Je68: 11— R16Je68: 22 in Auvergne, Fr.,lD52:ll in the Az. , PD26Mr67: 12 in Bangor, Wales, PD15J173: 31 — R15J173:22 in Barbados, W. I. , PD11 Je67: 22 in Belgrade, Yugos. , 22Je39: 11 in Bellunese,PD2My71:22--R2My71:21 in Berne, Switz. , PD28J174: 12 in Blandford, Va. , PD24F74: 31 in Bohemia, PD21Je70: 13 in Boston, Mass. , PD7Mr66: 22 in Boulogne, Fr. ,D4D79:21 in Buenos Aires, Arg. , PD26Mr67: 21 in Burford, Eng. ,R16Mr69: 31 in Cadiz, Sp. , PD15J173: 11-- 'R15J173sll in Cairo, Egy. , HAp55:21 in Caracol, Braz. ,R140c73:23 in Castaloni, It. , PD19N67: 13 in Cephalonia, Gr. ,R12Mr67:23— PD26Mr67:22 in Ceuta, Mor. , PD4Je67: 12 in Chios (Scio) is. , PD4Je67: 13 in Colebrook Dale, Eng. , PD26Ag73: 2 1-- R26Ag73sl3 in Conesiogoe,20Ja38: 32 in Conn. ,24Je37:32 in Constantinople, Turk. , HAp55:21, PD15Ja67: 12,PD4F68: 11.R4F68: 12 in Cuba, W. I. , PD11D66: 22 — R11D66: 41, PD20Ap69: 22 in Curacao, W. I. , PD8Ja67: 23 in Dardanelles, PD15Ja67: 12 in Darien gulf, Colom. , PD16Ap67: 11 in De Marara, Brit. Gui. , PD23J167.31 inDroitwich, Eng. ,R16Mr69: 21 in Enfield, Eng. , PD2Ap72:22 in Eng., 17Ja51: 31,R14Ap68: 21 in Fiume, It. ,27Je51: 21.R4F68: 12 in Florence, It. , PD6Ap69: 12, PD18Ap71: 11 in Fort Edward, N. Y. ,D19Ag75: 31 in Fr. ,290c36:22, 18J151: 31,R8Mr70:22 in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD24F74: 31 in Genoa, It. , 3Ap52: 22 in Ger. , PD9N69: 11 inGibralter,R15S68:21,PDHAp71:21, PD15J173:21,PD22J173: 11 in Gloucester, Eng. , PD16Mr69:22 inGoree, Af. , PD15Ja67:22, PD25Mr73: 11 in Grenada, W.I. , PD26Mr67:23 in Guatemala, C. Am. , PD25N73: 13 — R25N73:33,PD31Mr74: ll,R7Ap74:22, PD19My74: 11, PD15S74:23 in Hanover, Ger. , PD30Ap67: 23 in Hawley, Hants, Eng. ,RllAg74: 13 in Hispaniola, W. I. , PD19J170: 31— R19J170: 23, PD30Ag70: 23, PD25Oc70: 13, PD8Ag71: 13, PD5S71: 23— R5S71: 23, PD26S71: 23, PD12Ag73: 13,D70c75:23 in Hungary, 2 1 Ja37 : 2 1 in Italy, PD30Ap67: 23, PD24S67: 12, PD14Ja68:21,PD17S71:21, PD20My73: 11 in Jamaica, W.I. , PD240c66: 22, PD14My67:21,PD21N71: 13 — R21N71: 13,PD10c72:22,R29J173:23 in Jessopborough, N. Y. , D 19Ag75: 3 1 in Kingston, Jamaica, W.I. , 24My51:22,R15Ag66sl2,R7Ap74: 12 in Kola, Lapland, PD 16J172 : 2 1 in Konigsberg, Nor. , P17Mr75sl3 — D18Mr75:22 in Leghorn, It. ,PD2My71: 11 in Levant is. , Fr. ,R4F68: 12 in Lima, Peru, PD7Ap68: 13,D29Ja80:21 in Lincolnshire, Eng. ,24Ja51: 31 in Lippstadt, Prus. , PD 14My67: 2 1 in Lisbon, Port. , 12F62: 31,R4F68: 13, PDllMy69: 12, PD15Je69: 31— R15Je69:22,PDllJe72:31, PD16J172:31,PD23J172:22, PD15J173: 11— R15J173sll, D280c75: 12 in Long Benton, Eng. , PD21Mr66: 31 in Louisa co. , Va. ,R10Mr74: 31 in Madrid, Sp. , PD15J173: 11— R15J173sll in Malta, PD4Je67: 11 in Manila, PD27Ag72: 23 in Marblehead, Mass. , PD4Ap71: 22 in Martinique, W. I. , PD25Je67: 23, PD26N67: 22, D27My75: 22 in Mass. , 14S39: 32,29Ag51: 31 in Mecklenburg co. , Va. ,R10Mr74: 31 in Mediterranean is. ,R4F68: 11 in Messina, It. ,PD80c72:23 in Montenegro, PD6Ap69: 11 in Montreal, Can. ,R260c69: 11 in Naples, It. , PD4Je67: 11, PD3S72: 12,R24Mr74: 11.PD28J174: 13 in New Haven, Conn. ,24F38: 31 in New London, Conn. ,20Ja38: 31 in New York,20Ja38: 31, 12D55: 11, RllN73s23— PD18N73:21 in Newcastle, Del. , 20Ja38: 32 in Newport, R.I. ,24F38: 31, PD3N74: 32 in Northampton, Eng. , 31Ja51: 31 in Oran, Alg. , P26My75: 22 in Papal States, 2 1N51: 12,5D51: 11, 12D51:21, 12D51:31,6F52:31, 1D52:22 in Parma, It., 16F39:21 in Petersburg, Va. , PD24F74: 31 in Philadelphia, Pa. ,20Ja38: 32, 12D55: 12,PD21My72:22 in Port. ,21Ag52:21,PD24Ja71:22, PD23D73s21 in Pyrenees, 2 4My51: 22 in Quito, Ec. ,R27Ja74:21 in Richmond, Va. , PD24F74: 31 in Rothenbourg, Ger. , PD20Ag67: 21 in Rumania, 31Ja51: 31 in St. Christopher, W.I. , PD26N67:22, R15D68: 12 in St. Domingo, W. I. , PD9Ap72: 31 in St. George, Grenada, W.I. , PD8Ja67:23 in St. Helena is. ,R19J170: 11 in St. Jago, Cuba, W. I. , PD240c66: 22 in St. John's, Antigua, W.I. , 24My51:22,PD18Je72:31 in St. Maure,R8Mr70:21 in St. Sophia, It. ,R16Mr69:21 in St. Vincent, W. I. , PD8Ja67:23 in Salem, Mass. , PD4Ap7 1: 22 in Santa Sofia, It. , PD9F69: 23— R9F69:21 in Segovia is. , Philippine is. , PD19N67:12 in Shropshire, Eng. ,2S37: 11 in Sicily, 27D51: 21 in Silesia, Czech. , PD12My74: 33 in Skara, Swe. , PD21Ap74: 21 in Smyrna, Turk. ,28S39:22,D2Ap79: 11 in S. Am. , PD7Ap74: 12 inSp. ,C27N79: 11 in Spanish island in America, PD15J173: 13 in Spoleto, It. , R4F68: 12 in Surinam, W.I. , PD27Ag67:22, PD16Ja72: 13 in Swansea, Mass. , PD21F7 1:23 in Tangier, Mor. , PDllAp7 1:21, PD15J173: 11— R15J173sll in Termate, E. Ind. , PD29Ag71: 13 in Ticonderoga, N. Y. ,D19Ag75: 31 in Torno, It. , PD22Ag7 1: 2 1 in Trinidad, W. I. , PD8Ja67: 23 in Tunis, Af. , PD28Ap74: 12 in Turkey, 26Ag37: 22, PD4D66: 21 — R4D66:21,PD11D66: 12,PD15Ja67:21 in Tyrol, Aus. , PDllMr73: 11 in Vienna, Aus. , PD28Ap74: 12 inW. I. ,PD12Mr67:22 in Wonersberg, Swe. , PD13My73: 21 in Worcester, Eng. , PD16Mr69:21— R16Mr69:21 near Concord, Mass. ,D7F77: 11 near Guatemala, C. Am. , R1S74: 2 1 on Cephalonia, Gr. ,DtOJ179: 11 on Corfu island, Gr. , PD16S73: 12, PD1S74: 23 on Cyprus is. , P31Mr75: 13 on Hispaniola, W. I. , 8My52:21, 15My52:22,5Je52: 11,R12J170:21 on Long island, N. Y. , R29J173: 23 342 East India co. onScillyis., Corn., Eng. ,R170c71: 22 Easland, William, PD12N67: 23 Easley, Pyrant, PDllJe72: 33, P10J178:43 Roderick, 27F52: 32 William, R15J173: 41.D13N78: 32 Easly, Temperance, Mrs. , 11S46: 41 Wair, P5Ap76: 43 Warram, 11S46:41 Easom, Capt. , of the Castor and Pollux, 4J145: 21 Eason, Samuel, R17F74: 33 Easson, James, PD9J167: 32 Mary,D13Ja76:32 East, James, PD170c66: 33, R27S70: 22 Jesse, D20Je77: 31 John, D12S77: 22— P19S77: 22 South, Capt. , of the Nancy, PDllJe67: 32, PD6Ag67: 32 Thomas, D12S77: 22— P19S77: 22 East Augusta co. , Va. , senators elected, P13S76: 31, P9My77: 23 East Chester, N.Y. , British defeated near, D1N76: 22— P1N76: 22 East Fla. , attack on planned, P6S76:22— D7S76: 11 back country inspected, PD18F68: 22 — R18F68:24 British settlements in, R7S69: 11, PD14S69:23 civil list financed by Commons, P13S76:11 dissents from Continental congress' resolutions, P3Mr75: 23 improvements in, PD23Je68: 22 inhabitants increase, PD3S67: 11 letter (text) from Continental congress, D28Ja75: 12 news from, PD25J166: 22 settlement increases, PD12My68: 22 settlement progresses, R60c68: 21 skirmishes in,D14S76: 42,DlAg77: 11 statehouse built, PD150c72: 22 trade allowed, Pil8My75: 32 See also , Alatcheway, Indian village in; Boundary disputes; Bounties; British army in; British army to; Coffeehouses; Convict servants, transportation; Convict servants exported from Ireland to; Cotton grown in; Creeks attacks by; Creeks attend conference; Emigration from Eng. to; Emigration from Greece; Emigration from Hanover, Ger. , to; Emigration from Italy to; Emigration from London, Eng. , to; Emigration from Mahon, Bal. is. , to; Emigration from Normandy, Fr. , to; Exports from British colonies, N. Am. , to; Ferries; French Protestants emigrate from Guernsey, Channel is. , to; French Protestants emigrate from Normandy to; Greeks revolt in; Illuminations; Immigration to; Irish, commissions to settle; Italians revolt in; Land grants; Maize grown in; Merchandise commissioned for; Murders by Creeks; Plantations in; Protestants emigrate from Gravesend, Eng. , to; Rice grown in; Ships to; Shipwrecks off; Stamp act opposed; Sugar cane grown East Fla. coast, See Drownings off; Shipwrecks off East Florida Merchant, brig, R10Mr74:13 East Florida Merchant, brigantine, PD27Ja74: 23 East Florida Packet, schooner, PD270c68: 22 East Friesland, claims to, 24N52: 12, 15D52:21,19S55:11 discussed in Diet, 120c52: 11 political significance of, 29D52:22 See also Prussian army to East Greenwich, R. I. , See Boston port bill, relief from by; Militia formed in; Militia in East Haddam, Conn. , committee of correspondence, letter (text) to N. Y. , PD22S74: 32— R22S74: 32 East Haven, Conn. , See British navy near; Cattle captured by British near East India, See Slaves from East India companies, European, attack pirate, 14Ja37: 31 competition among, 31Ag39: 22 ships of at Good Hope, PD23J172: 21 East India co. , British, accounts received, PD10S67: 13 acquisitions estimated, PD150c67: 11 activities criticized, PD9J172: 21 administration in India criticized, PD80c72:23 administrative difficulties discussed, PD12N72: 13 affairs discussed by parliament, PD20N66: 13, PD28Ja73: 23 — R28Ja73: 22, PD4F73: 22, PD4Mr73: 23- R4Mr73: 31,RllMr73: 21, PD18Mr73: 13, R18Mr73: 13, PD25Mr73: 23, PD1J173: 23, PD5Ag73: 12— R5Ag73: 13 affairs to be inspected, PD19Mr67: 21 agents resign in Philadelphia, PD11N73:22 agreement with French, 10Oc55: 12 agreements with Indians, PD21S69: 12 aid for widows and orphans, PD24S67: 11 aUiance with Indians, 30J152: 12 American prisoners offered to, P30My77:22 annual revenue for, PD28My67: 12 annuities established by, D8Ja80: 13 appointments in, PD14Je70: 31 armaments and men lost, PD10D72: 13 armaments of, R25Ag68: 13 army depopulates England, PD23Ap72: 21 assets of, PD25Mr73: 21— R25Mr73: 12 bankruptcy of, RlAp73: 13 bond debts of, PD22J173: 12 bounties on enlistments, PD25J171: 21 boycotted in colonies, PD18Ag74: 23, R25Ag74: 13 buys American prisoners of war, D14F77: 12 capital increase discussed, PD4Je67: 13 charter renewal, PD26Mr67: 13, PD28My67: 12, PD4Je67: 13, R23Mr69:23,R16D73:21, PD60c74: 13, D18J177: 21 cloth purchased by, PD10N68: 13 colonial support of, R8F70:32 commissioners of, PD21S69sl3 commissions sent to, PD14S69: 23 committee to investigate chosen, PDllMr73:22 conditions in, PD20S70s31, PD16J172: 31, PD17Je73: 31— R17Je73: 31 confirms Clive's work, PD15Ja67: 13 conquests in India, C9D80: 11 contracts for woolen exports, 110c51:22 corruption of officers in, R10D72: 11 cost of military establishment, PD2Ap72:23 criticized in Essex co. , Va. , PD21J174p21--R21J174: 23 debt of, PD20My73: 21 debts owed to, P26My75: 21 — D27My75: 22 defeated by French, 15S52: 21 defeated by Indians, PD30Ap72: 21 defeats Mahrattas in Bengal, PD27Ag67:21 dependent on crown, PD18Je72: 22 director elected, PD24F74: 31 directors choose ships, 15D38: 31 directors chosen for, PD16S73: 22 directors examine seamen, 15D38: 31 directors receive diamonds, PDlAg66: 12 discusses relations with government, PD13Ag67: 12— R13Ag67: 21, PD2N69: 22 dividends to be restricted, PD24Mr68: 31— R24Mr68: 32 Dutch buy stock in, PD4J166: 12 duties paid by, PD12F67: 13, PD18Mr73: 13— R18Mr73: 21 duty on importations, PD13Je66: 23 employs foreigners as sailors, R31D72:11 engagement with French, 4Ap55: 21 enlistments taxed, R21S69: 13 entertainments of described, PD13N66: 12 establish factory on Madagascar, PD19S66: 12 establish settlement in Balambangar, India, PD7Ap74: 13 expenses of discussed, PD27Ap69: 21 export trade evaluated, PD5Ap70: 12 financial agreements with government, PD10S67:21 financial condition of, PD26Mr72: 31, PD26N72: i3,PD3F74:21 financial statement of, PD80c72: 31 finances of, PD2Ap67: 21 fleet for, PD18Ap71: 11 fraud committed against, PD27F72: 23 French plots against, PD18Ap66: 13 future plans of, PD15S74: 12 garrisons increased, 28N51: 21 garrisons reinforced, PD26Ja69: 12 government control over discussed, PD17D72: 23, PD27My73: 13, PD26Ag73: 21— R26Ag73s21 government for proposed, R1J173: 13 grant to, PD3Ag69: 21 Hanoverian troops in, PD20S70: 21 history and organization of, R17F74: 11 honors Col. Cooke, PD16Ap67: 12 imports diamonds, PD27Ag72: 31 imports muslin, 16F39: 32 in Bombay, Ind. , 7J138: 31 in Coromandel, India, PD7D69: 21 — R7D69.-21 indemnified by Indians, 24N52: 21 Indian uprisings against, PD16My71: 12 343 East India co. (cont'd) Indian victories over,PD18Ap66: 13 influence, PD4D68: 21 judges to receive charter, R24Mr74: 21 Lascars In service of, PDlAg66: 12 loan for negotiated, PD26Ag7 3: 13-- R26Ag73sll loses in Suez trade, D4D79: 21 maintains public credit, PD3S72: 13 maladministration from England, PD18Ap66: 13 military commissions in decreased, PD30J172:21 military operations of, 22My52: 11 military state of investigated, PD21Mr71:21 military training for servants, D5F80:23 money exported from Great Britain estimated, PD2J167: 11 money for relief raised by parliament, R2S73:21 money owed to by France, R24Je73: 21 monopoly of reaffirmed, 120c52: 12 mortality rate of soldiers of, PD26Ja69: 13 native uprisings against, PD18Oc70: 13 new acquisitions of, PD16Mr69: 11 number of employees, PD19S66: 12 officers for,R140c73: 13 operations criticized, R10D72: 11 opposed by London, Eng. , PD26Ag73: 13— R26Ag73sl2 opposed by William Pitt, PD30Ap67: 23 opposed in Dunmore co. , Va. , R4Ag74: 13 opposes free trade to Indies, PD28My67: 13 opposes George Grenville, PD9Mr69: 13 opposition to, PD6My73: 12 opposition to parliamentary regulation discussed, R2S73s22 orders goods for export, PDlAg66: 12 owes money to Bank of England, R2S73s21 Palatines transported by, PD18Oc70: 21 pamphlet about, R8J173: 23 payments to government postponed, PD24D72: 13 peace with Bengal, PD4J166: 11 peace with French, 5S55: 22 petition against East India co. bill, PD12Ag73: 11 petition against regulations, R2S73: 13, R2S73sl3 petition for investigation of revenues, PD30Mr69: 32— R30Mr69: 31 petitions parliament against foreign companies, 24Ja51: 32 policies discussed, R16Je68: 13, PD21Mr71:21 presents clocks to Chinese emperor, PD26Mr67: 11 presents sword to nabob of Arcott, PD23Ap67:22 profits of, PD24N68: 12, PD9Mr69: 23 promotes monopolies, PD80c72: 12 protects Bengal, PD4J166: 12 publicity of, PD17Ag69: 31 purchase by government recommended, PD10D72:21 raises seaman wages, PD14F71: 31 recruits for, PD18Ap66: 21, PD11F68: 13, PD26Ja69: 22, R27Ap69: 13, PD4My69: 21, PDllMy69: 13, PD6J169: 13, R20S70:ll,PD18Ap71:ll reforms in urged, R23Ap72: 21 regulated by parliament, PD25Mr73: 21-- R25Mr73: 12, PD12Ag73: 12, PD26Ag73: 13— R26Ag73sl3, PD2S73: 21— R2S73: 22, PD9S73: 22 — R9S73: 23, R16S73: 31, R23S73: 12, R23S73:23,R30S73sl2 reinforces Indian settlements, PD23J172: 12 relations with Dutch, PD18Ag74: 21 — R18Ag74:21 relations with French, 17N52: 11, 23My55: 11, PD16My71: 12 relations with government, PD23Ap67: 12, PD23Ap67: 13, PD7My67: 23, PD28My67: 13, PD18Je67: 13, PD18Je67: 22, PD18Je67: 23, PD2J167: 21, PD9J167: 22, PD16J167: 11, PD20Ag67: 21, PD26My68: 13, PD24My70: 23 relations with India, R15J173sl2 relations with Indians, PD8N70: 13, PD11J171: 11— R18J171: 21, PD8Ag71: 12, PD16S73: 11— R23S73:31 relations with natives, PD1S74: 22 repayments to Great Britain proposed, PD20N66: 13 requests export duty on tea, PD5Ap70: 32 restores Mahratta prince, D26Mr79:21 revenue from, PDllJe67: 13 revenue from used for charity, PDllJe72:22 revenue to be reviewed by Commons, PD22Ap73: 22 revenues appropriated by government, PD19Mr67:22 revenues to be given public, R31D72:12 sailors demands on, PD22N70sl3 sailors request employment, R31D72:21 sailors resist impressment, PD28Mr71:12 sales regulated, PD6Ag67: 21 secures Indian lands, PD4J166: 12 sells coffee and tea, 1F40: 41 sends aid to Bengal, 2S57: 21 settlers for from Ireland, PD6Ag67: 21 settles Naish suit, 6J139: 31 ship of, attacked by pirates, 290c36:22 ships' commanders chosen by co. , PD130c68: 12 ships fitted out for, PD26Ja69: 22 ships of, 1S38: 32, 26Ja39: 42, 2F39: 31, 31Ag39: 22, 120c39: 22, 20Je45: 21, PD15Ag66: 13, PD17Ag69: 32, PD17S71:31,PD16J172:31,R23S73:22 ships of captured by French, D5F80: 22 ships of seized by Chinese, PD23F69: 22 ships sail,R23Mr69:23 soldiers in enumerated, PD18N73: 13 soldiers pay promised, PD11F68: 21 stock decreases, PD10Ag69: 21 — R10Ag69: 23 stock falls, PD17D72: 22,R17Je73s22 stock fluctuates, PD20N66: 13 stock of declines, PD21Je70: 23 stock report from, PD7Ja73: 21 stock rises, PD4J166: 11, PD19My68: 21, PD17S71:21 stock speculated in, PD4J166: 12, PD26N72: 13 stockholders in Holland, PD6Ag67: 13 stockholders of analyzed, R2S73s21 stockholders meet,R20Ja74: 22 supervisors appointed for,RlAp73: 11 supervisors for,RHMr73: 21 supervisorship for suggested, PD7Ja73:21 supplies Indian troops, 29My52: 12 supported by king, PD12Ag73: 12 taken over by government, PDllMr73: 22 takes captured armaments, R26My68: 21 tax on soldiers raised for, PD23Ap67: 12 taxation of proposed, PD20N66: 13 tea bounty, PD15S74: 13 tea boycott, attitude toward, PD12My74: 32 tea boycotted in Philadelphia, PDllN73s23 tea destroyed in colonies, reimbursed for,R15S74:31 tea export criticized, PDllN73s21 — RllN73sl2 tea export duty free to America, PD2S73:22— R2S73:22 tea export from China to America free, PD29Ap73:22 tea export plan outlined, PD2D73: 13 tea export to colonies denied, PD2D73: 12 tea export to colonies opposed, PDllN73s21— RllN73s22, PD25N73: 11— R25N73: 13, PD25N73: 13— R25N73: 32, PD25N73: 21, PD23D73: 22, PD23D73s22 tea export to colonies rumored, PDllN73s22— RllN73s22 tea exports to colonies, PD210c73: 21, PD280c73: 21, PD2D73s22 — R2D73:22,PD16D73:22 tea policy supported in colonies, PD25N73: 22 tea proposals favor, PD16S73: 21 tea sales increase, PD29Je69: 13— R29Je69: 12 tea stored, amount of, PD80c67: 11 tea stored in England, PD1J173: 31 tea surplus of, PDlAp73: 22 tea warehouses in colonies proposed, PD13Ja74:22 territorial acquisitions claimed by parliament, PD20N66: 13 trade regulation for proposed, PD9S73: 11 trade with opposed in Va. , PDllAg74: 11— RllAg74: 22 trades with French, R270c68: 13 treatment of Indians criticized, PD18Je67: 12 treaty with France rumored, PD8Mr70: 31 treaty with India, R15Mr 70: 12 troops capture Tanjour, PD19My74: 31 troops for, PD21S69: 21 unconnected with tea scheme, PD2Je74: 22 victories in India, PD18Ap66: 21 R5S66: 21--PD5S66s31, R12My74: 31 344 East Indies, French victories in Summor, R5S66: 41 victories over French, 24N52: 21, 8D52: 12 voting qualifications changed, R2S73s21 voting stock of regulated, PD12Ag73: 12, PD12Ag73: 13 wage disputes, PD13N66: 12 war expected, R24Ag69: 13 war in rumored, PD17Ag69: 21 — R17Ag69: 13 war with French, PD24Ag69: 12-- R24Ag69: 13, PD24Ag69: 13, 28Ag52: 22, PD23N69: 22, R19J170: 11, PD17Ag69: 31 war with Indians, PD26Ja69: 23, R16F69: 12, R24F69sll, R9Mr69: 11, PD10Ag69: 21— R10Ag69: 23, PD14D69: 11, PD14D69: 22, PD15J173: 22--R15J173: 13, D22J175:41,PD25Oc70:12 war with Mahrattas rumored, PD30Ap72:21 war with Tanjore, PD19S66: 12, PDllJe72: 22, PD18Je72: 13 weak military position of, R80c72: 11 weavers enlist in, PD18Ap66: 23 wool trade of regulated, D17Je75: 21 East India co. , Danish, 23Je38: 21 East India co. , Dutch, advantages over rivals, 15S52: 22 battles with Javanese, 3J152: 11 compensates France for captured ships, 14Ag46: 11 complains against English, PD23J172: 13 condition of, 15D38: 12 decline explained, 31Ag39: 22 factories closed by French, 29My52:12 increase in trade of, PDlAp73: 13 methods of supplying garrisons, R280c73:21 monopoly in Java, 3J152: 11 pays for captured cargoes, 11S46: 22 recruits for, PD15J173: 21— R15J173:21 reinforcements to, PD2N69: 22 reinforces settlements, D8Ja80: 21 relations with British, PD18Ag74: 21— R18Ag74:21 ships for increased, D22My79: 11 ships lost,R9Je74sl2 stock of declines, 27D51: 21 East India co. , French, 13Ja38: 31 agreement with British, 10Oc55: 12 alliance with Indians, 14N51: 22, 30J152:21 ally of assassinated, 28N51: 31 army movements in India, PD12Mr72:21 captures Pondicherry, 28Ag52: 21 debts to England, PD29Je69: 31 — R29Je69:22 defeat of rumored, 12D51: 31 defeated by British, 24N52: 21 draft of forged, R11D66: 23 draft of ships for navy rumored, 3S56:21 engagement with British, 4Ap55: 21 establishes factory on Madagascar, PD6Je66:21 fights with Indians against Mogul, 20Je51:22 fortifies conquests, 8My52: 21 fortifies Mauritius island, Ind. O., PD15Ja67:21 give presents to, 12D51: 31 in lawsuit, PD18F68: 21 in Pondicherry, 4Ap55: 21 lotteries for, 60c52: 21, PD6J169: 21 military forces of, PD14S69: 23 military operations of, 22My52: 11 monopoly withdrawn, PD2N69: 22 on Coromandel Ind. , coast, 16My55:ll peace with British, 5S55: 22 policy of Dupleix discussed, 18Ap55:21 profits of,R20S70: 11 quarrels with Arabs, 30D37: 12 receives Indian territory, 29My52: 12 reestablishment of, PilOAg75: 21 refuses loan to king, PD19Mr72: 21 reinforced, 24Ap52: 11 reinforcements for, 28N51: 22 relations with British, 17N52: 11, 23My55: 11 robbery of attempted, PD21My72: 12 ships captured and sold by British, 14Ag46: 11 ships of, 8My52:21 station on Zanguebar coast of Africa rumored, 24J152: 22 stock rises, 30Je38: 21 strength of decreased, PD9S73: 13— R9S73:22 termination of rumored, PD7Ja73: 21 treaty with British rumored, PD8Mr70: 31 treaty with Mocha, 6Ja38: 12 troops of, PD24Ag69: 12 — R24Ag69: 13 troops to, RllJa70: 13 victories against Indians, 29Ag51: 22 victories over, 28Ag52: 22 victories over British, 15S52: 21, R14S69: 12 victory over Indians, 12D51: 11, 310c51:22,22S52:21 war with British, 28Ag52: 22, PD7S69: 21--R7S69: 13, R19J170: 11 East India co. , Portugese, 4Ap55:22,PD18Ap66:21 East India co. , Prussian, 10Ja52: 31, 120c52: 12, PD9S73: 21— R9S73: 22 East India co. , Russian, PD9S73: 21 — R9S73:22 East India co. , Spanish, PD9S73: 21 — R9S73:22 East India co. , Swedish, 25Mr37: 12, 13Ja38:31,13J139:12 East India goods, duties on export from Gt. Brit. , PD5S66s23--R5S66: 12 duties on imports to colonies, PD13Je66:23 duties on import to Gt. Brit. , PD13Je66: 23, PD12F67: 13 exported from Fr. to U.S. , P29My78:21 for sale in Annapolis, Md. ,R8F70: 32 in Newcastle, Va. , PD8Mr70: 42, PD22Ag71: 33, PD29Ap73: 23, PD29J173:23 in Norfolk, Va. , PD13Je66: 32, PD20Je66: 33, PD3N68: 23 — R3N68: 33, PD29D68: 31, PDUe69: 31, PD2N69:31--R2N69:23, PD4Oc70: 32— R4Oc70: 23, PD1J173:32 in Williamsburg, Va. ,R12J170: 31 import to Spain restricted, 22Je39: 21 East Indians, as candidates for parliament, R11F68: 23 as slaves, R4Ag68: 32 in London, Eng. , 10J152: 12, PD14My72: 12 East Indies, attack by Spanish rumored, PD2My71:22 British fortunes made in, Pil6Mr75: 23— P17Mr75: 31 — D18Mr75:13 British property seized by French, PD9Ap72:22 British trade in evaluated, PD9My71:13 British victories in expected, D22My79:21 free trade with Denmark proposed, PDllAp71:ll French control in discussed, D8Ja80:21 French driven out of, D25Mr80: 21 French insulted in, PD18Je72: 13 French settlements in, PD12D71: 21 invasion by France rumored, PD14F71:23 laws printed in Arabic, PD24Mr74: 21 — R24Mr74: 21 peace in,R25Ag68: 22 route from Russia to discovered, PD12N72: 11 Scotch merchants propose trade with, R26My68: 14 speculation in,D140c75:21 war expected in, R9F69: 22 See also Balls in; British army to; British navy from; British navy in; British navy to; Convict servants from; Convoys by British navy from; Duels in; Dutch army; Dutch navy to; Dutch- Portuguese rivalry in; Duties; Explorations in; Exports from Eng. to; Exports from Fr. to; Exports fromGt. Brit, to; Exports from Holl. to; Exports from London, Eng. , to; French army from Brest, Fr. , to; French army to; French navy from Brest, Fr. , to; French navy to; Imports to London, Eng. , from; » Imports to Texel, Holl. , from; Imports to Va. from; France trades in; Free trade; French army to; French navy to; Funeral customs; Hospitals established; Missionaries, Lutheran; Monopolies; Portuguese army in; Portuguese navy to; Ships from; Ships from Denmark to; Ships from Holl. to; Ships from Portsmouth. Eng. , to; Ships from Spithead, Eng. , to; Silver coin export fromGt. Brit, to; Silver export from Gt. Brit. ; Slaves from; Spanish army to; Spanish navy to; Storms East Indies, British, PD21Je70: 13 East Indies, Dutch, fortified, PD4Ap71: 21, PD16Ja72: 12, D18Mr80: 22, D8Ap80s21 See also Exports from Holland to; Fast days in; Ships from East Indies, French, See Molasses, import to British colonies, N.Am. , from 345 East Jersey East Jersey, PD25Ag68: 21 East Jersey, See also Baggage seized from British in; Field pieces seized from British in; Manors; Murders in; Prisoners of war, British, taken in; Tories murdered by British in East Kilbride, Scot., See Liquor, drinking of in East Lothian, Scot. , See Coal mines in East North East bridge, Va. , See Land for rent on; Land for sale on East river, N. Y. , D8N76: 12 See also Explosions in; Ships, American, attacked by Americans on; Ships, British, burned on East river, Va. , See Gardens on; Ships described, for sale on; Ships for sale on; Ships in East river warehouse, Va. ,D2Ap79: 32 East Smithfield, Eng. , See Robberies near East warehouse, Va. , PD13N66: 22, PD13N66: 23, PD30Ag70: 33— R30Ag70: 23, PDllMr73: 31-- RllMr73: 32, PD8S74: 32, Pi21S75:32,P6Mr78:12 East Windsor, Conn. , See Prisoners of war, British, taken to East York, Me. , See Militia Eastcourt, ship, 15S52: 21 Easten, Capt. , 28Mr55: 32 of the Hanbury, PD290c67: 21, PD7My72:23 James, C19F80: 11— D19F80: 33 Job, Capt. , of the Britannia, PD14J168: 21— R14J168: 31 Easter, James, R18N73: 32 Eastern Branch, ship, 6F52:31 Eastern Layman, pseud. ,D14Ag79: 11 Eastern shore, See Ships deserted; Virginia regiment, (9th), to be stationed on Eastern Shore, Md. , See Continental army to; Militia on; North Carolina troops to; Oath of allegiance taken on; Tories threatened on Eastern Shore, Va. , See British navy off; Imports to Williamsburg, Va. , from; Ships to; Shipwrecks on; Tories on Eastern Sound, See Ships, British, captured by Americans in Eastes, William, D12Mr79: 32 Eastham, James, R5Ag73: 31 William, PD18F68: 31 Eastin, Richard, D19Mr79: 32, D5Je79:32 Eastland, Joseph, PD25J171: 23 William, P23Ag76: 43 Easton, [James, ] Col. , Pi260c75: 21 — D280c75: 22, Pi30N75: 22, Pi30N75: 23, P29D75sl2— D30D75: 33— Pi30D75: 32, P5Ja76(5)sl3— D6Ja76: 31 John, Capt. , of the Calypso, PD6Ag67: 32, PD26My68: 22 — R26My68: 31 of the Pompey, 4N63: 41 Easton, Mass. , See Cloth manufactures encouraged in; Cotton manufactures encouraged in; Daughters of Liberty, meeting of in; Linen manufactures encouraged in; Non-importation agreements supported; Stocking manufactures encouraged in; Tow yarn manufactures encouraged in; Wool manufactures encouraged in; Worsted manufactures encouraged in Eastwick, Capt. , PD14Mr66: 31, PD20Je66: 13 Eastwood, Capt., of the Pomona, D29J176: 12, P6S76: 31— D7S76: 22 of the Royal Sally, PD9Mr69: 31 Eating contests, in London, Eng. , PD7N71: 21, PD22Ap73: 22, PD3Mr74:21,R22S74:31 in Northumberland co. , Eng. , PD20My73: 12— R20My73: 13 Eaton, Capt. , of the Charming Polly, PD17Ag69:21 Col. , 14N55: 22, PD1J173: 33 Mr. , slave of, P4Ag75p22 Mrs. , ferry of, PllAp77s43— D18Ap77: 11 Alice, R27My73: 31 Amos, P16Ag76: 32 Christopher, PD10Ag69: 31— R10Ag69: 31 George, 22S68: 34 Jarot, R22Mr70: 32— PD5Ap70: 41 John, R27My73: 31, PD12Ag73: 31, P8N76s21 John, Capt. , death of, 50c39: 32 Pinkethman, PD240c71: 23 Rebeckah, D160c79: 32 Rebekah, Mrs. , P5Ap76: 42 Thomas, P25Ag75: 81— D26Ag75: 32— Pi31Ag75: 32, P130c75: 31, PllAp77: 32— D18Ap77: 11, D24Ap78: 32— PlMy78: 31, D10J179: 31 Thomas, Col. ,R18N73:23,D4Mr75: 32- Pi9Mr75:33,D25S79:32 W.,PD3Mr74:31 W illiam, adv. damaged bacon and flour for sale, P21Ag78: 31 adv. finding cattle, R27Ap69: 31 adv. finding horse, R19F67: 33 adv. for bid to build steeple on Bruton Parish church, R15D68: 22 — PD15D68: 31 adv. livestock for sale, D11N75: 32 adv. sale of estate of William Pride, 29D52: 32 adv. sale of land, 7N54: 32 bond of, due estate of John Shermer, D3Ag76: 32 Commissary in W illiamsburg, P310c77: 32, P7N77s22, P21N77: 22, D24Ap78: 31 deputy for York co. , Va. , to Va. peninsula meeting, D16S75: 32 of Bruton vestry, PD10Mr74: 21 of York co. , Va. , PD5Ap70: 33— R5Ap70: 42 opinion of Patrick Henry, P21J175s33 slave of,D25Oc80:31 William, jr. , P5Ap76: 42, PHOc76: 32 Eaton & Browne, DlMy79: 22 Eaton's balsamic styptic, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. , 15My52: 32 in Williamsburg, 15My46: 41, 17Ja51:41,D10J178:21 — P10J178: 12 Eaton's ferry, PD30Oc66: 31, PD8J173:32,PD15J173:33, PUOc76:32,P310c77:32 Eaton's ferry, N. C. , PD7My67: 33, P5Ap76: 42 Eaton's Fort, Va. , P2Ag76: 11 — D3Ag76:21 Eaton's styptic, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD14J174: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. ,24My51:32, 18J151: 41, 5S51: 32, 10Ap52: 31, 30Ap52: 32, 22My52: 32, 60c52: 32, 2My55: 31, 14N55: 22, 30N59: 32, PD15Ag71: 32— R15Ag71: 32 Eau de luce, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD30J172: 32, PD30D73: 31, PD14J174: 32 in Richmond, Va. , PD10S72: 23, PD17Je73: 33— R17Je73s23 in Shockoe, Va. , PD4Ap66: 41 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD18Je67: 33, PD270c68: 32— R270c68: 22, R3N68: 33— PD10N68: 22, PD13Ap69: 32— R13Ap69: 32, PD21S69: 41— R21S69s21, PD17Ag69: 33— R17Ag69: 23, PD7Je70: 31— R14Je70: 33, PD29N70: 22, PD13D70: 43, PD17Ja71: 43, PD15Ag71: 32 — R15Ag71: 32, PD240c71: 31, PD2J172: 32, PD10Je73: 22, PD1S74: 32 in Yorktown, Va. , PD13Ag67: 23 Ebbidge, Robert, R190c69: 33 Ebenezer, Ga. , 15Je39:22, 19D51:22 See also British army in Ebenezer, ship of war, PD24Je73: 11 Eboe, Af. , See Slaves from Ebony, horse, P15Mr76: 31, D7F77:31— P14F77:41, PllAp77: 21— D18Ap77: 71, P29Ag77:32,D14N77:41 — P28N77sll, P3Ap78s22, D24Ap78: 42, D9Ap79: 32, D25Mr80: 31 Ebony, white, on St. Vincent's island, W.I. ,PD6Je66:21 Ebony inkstands, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD10Je73: 34, D9Mr76: 43, D24Ag76: 63 Ebony pounce boxes, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , D24Ag76: 63, D3Ja77: 43, D17Ja77: 43, D2My77: 83, D4J177:83 Ebony sand boxes, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , D24Ag76: 63, D3Ja77:43,D17Ja77:43 Ebors, John, PD8S68: 22 Ebsworthy, Thomas, Capt. , of the Ranger, 7N45: 31 Eccles, Capt. , 15J137: 42 Echard, [Laurent], author, PD29Ag71:33,R26Ag73: 13 Echo, ship, R11D66:23 Echols, Abner, PD15Ap73: 32 Eckerman, Jacob J. , death of, PD8S68:22 Eckhol's mill, Va. ,RlAg71: 33 Eckles, John, PD22Ag66: 32 Robert, D14N77: 31— P14N77: 32 Eckley, John, PD290c72: 12 Joseph, PD290c72: 13 Eckstine, Leonard, D110c76: 71 Mary, Mrs. , DHOc76:71 Eclipse, horse, PD16Ag70: 31, PD8N70: 13, PD8N70: 21, PD22N70: 13, PD31Ja71: 21, R13My73: 23, PD20Oc74: 31, Pil6Mr75: 33, Pi23Mr75: 33— P24Mr75: 33 — 346 Edinburgh, Scot. D25Mr75:31,D9Mr76:31, D13Ap76: 33--P19Ap76: 43, P26J176: 41, D7Mr77: 72 — P14Mr77sll,D26Mr79:31, D9Ap79: 31 stallion, P18Ap77: 32, P3Ap78s22, D19Mr79: 32, D8My79: 31 — C15My79:42 Eclipses, R16Mr69: 23 in Va. , R8Ag66: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , P29My78: 22 observed in Morocco, PD10D67: 11 of moon in U. S. , D10J179: 31 taught in academy in New Kent co. , Va. ,RlMr70:22 visibility in Va. states, PD10c67: 12 Economist, pseud. , D26F79: 31 brigantine, PD13Je66: 21 ship, PD15Ag66: 31— R15Ag66s32, PD4D66: 31 Economy, urged in British colonies, N.Am. ,PD13J169:31 Economy, horse, PD16D73: 12-- R16D73:23 Eda, Capt. , capture of Fort Cumberland, N.S. , reported, D24Ja77:21,D24Ja77:31 Eddens, Samuel, P16My77s21 Eddie, Lt. , taken prisoner at Three Rivers, Can. , D10Ag76: 42 Eddines, William, C15My79: 41 Eddins, Samuel, P130c75: 11— D210c75:31 Samuel, Capt. , P8My78sl2 Eddy, Mr. , wheelwright of Boston, Mass. , PD5Ap70: 23— R5Ap70: 32 Eden, Robert, gov. of Md. , PD29Ap73: 22— R29Ap73: 22 addresses of, 1773, PD5Ag73: 21 appointed lt. gov. of Md. , PD60c68: 13 arrives in Annapolis, PD8Je69: 23 arrives in England, R22S74: 22 arrives in London, Eng. ,P27D76: 12 arrives in Williamsburg, Va. , PD2N69:31— R2N69:22 arrives in Yorktown, PD6S70: 23 at Williamsburg, R6S70: 22 attempts to go to Eng. , P7Je76: 11 calls for election, PD27My73: 21 communication with prohibited by Md. convention, P5J176pll — D6J176: 82 conduct praised by Lord George Germaine, P12Ap76: 23— D20Ap76: 32 departure to Eng. discussed in Md. convention, D29J176: 32 expected in Williamsburg, R15Je69: 22 horse of,R140c73: 31 horse of entered in race, PD23Je74:22 in Lord Dunmore's fleet, rumored, D29JT76: 61 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD9S73: 31 leaves for London, R16Je74: 23 letters to captured, P12Ap76: 23— D20Ap76: 32 made baronet of Great Britain, DllAp77:32 opinion on colonies, P9Je75sll ordered to leave Md. convention, D29Je76:32 receives circular letter from Adm. Howe,D3Ag76:12 returns to Maryland, R9N69: 23 to leave for Eng. ,DUe76: 31 visits England, PD22S74: 22 visits Williamsburg, PD9S73: 31 — R9S73: 32 Robert, Mrs. , R6S70: 22 William, arrives in Phila. , P19Je78:22 Crisis addressed to,D27N78: 11 defends Johnstone from attacks by Congress, D90c78: 11 letter to concerning peace commission, D90c78:21,D160c78:ll, D30Oc78: 21— P30Oc78: 21 peace commissioner to U. S. , P5Je78:21 proclamation (text) to inhabitants of U. S. , D30Oc78: 11— P30Oc78: 11 protests violation of Saratoga convention, D90c78: 12 Eden, ship, PD25J171: 22,R8Ap73: 32 Eden House, N. C. , plantation, PD10Ag69:33 Edenton, N. C. , courthouse to be built, PD4Je67:33 postal service at, 28Ap38: 41, 25My39: 42 See also Bark houses in; Bark mills in; Bark pits in; Bate house in; Brick churches, described in; Brick courthouses, described in; Brick kilns in; Clergy, Baptist near; Corn lofts near; Currying shop in; Droughts in; Dwelling houses in; Dyeing room, described in; Fisheries, herring, near; Gardens in; Hen houses in; Houses and lots for sale; Imports to; Jails in; Kitchens in; Land for sale in, near; Lime house in; Lime pits in; Lots for rent in; Lots for sale in; Merchants in; Mill houses in; North Carolina troops in; Physicians in; Pilot boats for sale in; Postal service between Williamsburg, Va. , and; Ships, Spanish, for sale in; Ships for sale in; Ships from; Ships from Lisbon, Port. , to; Ships of Va. for sale in; Ships' sailing time; Ships to; Shoemakers shops in; Slaves for sale in; Slaves runaway from; Smokehouses in; Stables in; Storehouses in; Stores in; Storms in; Tanyards in; Tenements for sale in; Undertakers, adv. for in; Vendues in; Warehouses in; Water ditches in; Wharves in Edes, [Benjamin], R18J166: 21, Pil6N75: 23 — P17N75: 23--D18N75: 22, P26Ja76: 21 Peter, PH6N75: 23 — P17N75: 23-- D18N75:22,P26Ja76:21 Edes & Gill, publishers of Mass. gazette, PD22F70: 13, PD29Ag71: 22 Edey, Solomon, Capt. , of the Betsey, PD2D73: 22--R2D73: 23 of the James-Town, 60c52: 31 of the Jenny, RllAg68: 24 of the Mayflower, 28Mr45: 41, 23My45: 32, 10Oc45: 32, 23Ja46: 41 Edgar, H. M. S. , 26S55: 11, PD3Ja71: 23, PD7F71: 13.D13N79: 21,D15Ja80: 21 Edgcomb, horse, 14D39: 31 Edgcombe, Admiral, of the Cerebus, PD2S73: 12--R2S73: 13 of the Dublin, PD2S73: 12--R2S73: 12 to command fleet in West Indies, R190c69:31 Commodore, of the Monmouth, 29Ag51: 22 of the Raven, 7N54: 12 George, Capt. , of the Kennington, 7N45: 21 Edge tool makers, See Indentured servants as Edge tools, grinding adv. in Williamsburg, Va. , PD14Ap74: 31, PD18Ag74: 32 Edgecombe co. , N. C. , See Apple orchards in; Dwelling houses; Land for sale in; Outhouses in; Peach orchards; Slaves runaway; Slaves stolen; Stealing Edgecombe court, N. C. , See Stealing Edgecombe precinct, N. C. , See Indentured servants runaway Edgecote, ship, 2S57: 11 Edger, Thomas, PD8S74: 22 Thomas, Capt. , of the Agatha, R14Ap74: 31--PD28Ap74: 23 Edging, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Petersburg, Va. , PD290c72: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , 17N52: 22, PD10c67: 13, PD22N70s23, PD10Oc71: 31, PD170c71: 23, PD140c73: 23, R210c73: 22, PD270c74: 32 Edging, Bath, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD9J172: 31 Edging, blond, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD150c72: 31, PD22Ap73: 31, PD29Ap73: 23, PD140c73: 23, D22Ap75: 32-- Pi20Ap75: 31 Edging, Brussels, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD240c71: 31, PD9J172: 31, PD22Ap73: 31, PD29Ap73: 23 Edging, coxcomb, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , R15N70: 31 — PD22N70: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD140c73: 23 Edging, double, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD310c71: 31 Edging, joining, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD22Ap73: 31, PD29Ap73: 23 Edging, mecklin, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD240c71: 31 Edging, minionet, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va, , PD9J172: 31, PD22Ap73: 31, PD29Ap73: 23, Pi20Ap75: 31— D22Ap75: 32 Edging, minionet blond, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD240c71: 31 Edging, single, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD310c71: 31 Edgware, Eng. , See Charity in Edie, Arthur, R20My73: 23 Edinburgh, Scot. , building in, PD3D67: 23, PD7D69: 22--R7D69: 23 castle inspected, 2Ja52: 31 citizens meet to discuss Porteous trial, 19Ag37: 31 description of, PD12Ja69: 22-- R12Ja69: 23 garrison for, 29J137: 41 guards mounted, lAp37: 32 improvements planned, PD10S67: 13 justiciary court, PD19Ap70: 21 347 Edinburgh, Scot, (cont'd) money raised for, PD150c72: 22 mutiny in, D19F79: 11 parliamentary representative chosen, PD4F68: 13 petitions George II not to fire on city, 19D45: 32 political news from, 1J137: 41 provost welcomed, 2S37: 31 punished for Porteous riot, 26Ag37: 32 square laid out, PD30Ap67: 21 See also Accidents in; Actors, salaries in; Admiralty courts in; Apprentices; Assaults in; Bank of Edinburgh; Bankruptcies in; Banks in; Beef, price of in; Bigamy in; Blackmail in; Bridges in; Cabbages, unusual, in; Colleges in; Comets appear in; Corn plentiful in; Counterfeiting in; Crops plentiful in; Distemper in; Ducks, unusual, in; Duels in; Elopements in; Embargoes; Emigrants sue for passage in; Emigration from; Exchange, rates of, between London and; Extortion in; Fast days in; Festivals in; Forgeries in; Frauds in; Fruit plentiful in; Gambling in; Game laws tried in; Grain, price rises in; Grass plentiful in; Insurance, marine, sale stopped in; Jails in; Lotteries in; Macaronis in; Meal, price of in; Merchants in; Merchants' exchange in; Money, paper, issue discussed in; Monopolies on oatmeal; Multiple births in; Murders in; Murders, trials for in; Mutton, price of in; Museums in; Oatmeal, price high in; Poor rates in; Post chaise, running time to London, Eng. , from; Prices, reduction discussed in; Prices current in; Quartering in; Riots in; Robberies in; Ruby mines discovered in; Scottish troops; Ships from; Ships to Va. , from; Shipwrecks near; Smallpox in; Storms in; Suicides in; Superstitions in; Theatres in; Theatres built in; Topaz mines discovered in; Town planning in; Weather report from Edinburgh, British ship, 25Ja40: 2 Edinburgh, H. M. S. , 29J137: 41, 240c45: 11, 11S46: 31, 21N51: 22, 24Ja52:22,26S55: 12 ship, 20Je51:31 Edinburgh advertiser, PD21J168: 41, P31Mr75sll Edinburgh evening courant, extract from, 9N39: 11, 240c45: 11, 27Mr46: 21 Edinburgh Friendly Insurance office, in Edinburgh, Scot. , PD18Ap71: 31 Edinburgh magazine, extract from, PD3N74: 33 Edinburgh university, PD29Ap73: 13, R6My73sll, PD13My73: 42— R20My73:31 Edinton, William, R14D69: 32 Edisto is. , S. C. , See Shipwrecks on Edloe, Bailey, Mrs. , marriage of, D25F75: 31 John, R23Ap72: 31, D19D77: 22 adv. estate of Elizabeth Cocke, P14N77: 23 adv finding boat, 22D52: 32 adv. for manager for merchant mill, P16Ag76sll adv. for miller, P17Ja77: 32 adv. for runaway slaves, PD6Ja74: 32, P10Mr75: 33, C25D79: 13 adv. for teacher, 22D72: 31 adv. land for sale, C25D79: 13 adv. merchandise for sale, Pi26Ja75: 32 adv. plantation, PD25Je67: 32, C27N79: 21 adv. stallion for hire, P10My76sl3, P21Mr77s23, P27Mr78: 32 agent of Richard Weir, 60c52: 32 announces departure, R15Je69: 42, PD5N72: 33 appointed to committee, Charles City co. , Va. , Pil2Ja75: 11— D14Ja75: 13 land of, R17N68:23 marriage of, D25F75: 31 owns fighting cock, PD8Ap73: 23— R8Ap73: 33 John, Capt. , 12Je52: 31 John, Col. , PD20Ag67: 32 William, R12Mr72: 33 adv. for hired slave, R6My73s22 adv. livestock for sale, P7N77sl3 adv. property for sale, R4Ag74: 33 adv. salt for sale, PD23Ap67: 31 adv. slaves and livestock for sale, PD22S74: 33 appointed to committee, Charles City co. , Va. , Pil2Ja75: 11— D14Ja75: 13 deputy for Charles City co. , Va. , to peninsula meeting, D16S75: 32 letter to, in post office, PD10c67: 12 William, Col. , PD1S74: 32— R1S74: 33,C3J179:41 William, jr. , Pil2Ja75: 11— D14Ja75: 13 Edlow, Acrill &, PD15Ap73: 23 Edlow, Mr. , D8My79: 22 Edmond, D. , Liverpool watchmaker, PD9D73: 22— R9D73: 21 Edmondes, [Clement, Sir], author, 24My51: 32 Edmonds, Capt. , of the Mary, 13Je45: 21 Mr. , of Pa. , Pil2Ja75: 31— D14Ja75: 23 Daniel, PD26Ag73: 23 Elias, R18Oc70: 32, P26J176: 31 Elias, Capt. , D26Je79: 31 John, 15D52: 31 Robert, PD26S66: 33 Thomas, Capt. , P170c77: 21, P28N77: 21 William, R18J171: 32 Edmond' s (John) nonesuch cherry trees, for sale, in Surry co. , Va. , 26S55: 32 Edmondson, Mr. , P19S77: 23 Andrew, PD21D69: 23— R18Ja70: 41 Benjamin, D12Mr79: 32 Benjamin, Ens. , P28N77: 32 James, adv. for runaway indentured servants, PD16Ag70: 41, R27S70: 33 adv. for runaway slave, P128S75: 32— P29S75: 33— D30S75: 33 adv. prisoner escaped from jail, P30My77: 13 appointed to receive relief for Boston, PD21J174p21— R21J174: 23 defendant in general court, R19N72:41 delegate from Essex co. , Va. , PD21J174p21— R21J174: 23, DlAp75: 21 elected burgess for Essex co. , Va. , PD28S69: 22, R9N69: 11, PD5D71: 23, PD21J174p23— R21J174: 32 on committee in Essex co. , Va. , 5Ja75: 31 John, PD7D69: 41, P3My76: 31, P2My77s31, P9My77: 23, P21Ag78: 42, D90c79: 22 John, jr. , PD3S72: 31, R30Je74: 33, C19F80: 12 Joseph, R20Ap69: 32 Philip Parr, adv. forge for sale, RllOc70: 32, PD14Ja73: 33 adv. land for rent, 14N55: 22 adv. land for sale, R18J166: 43, R4D66: 31, PD12N72: 23, PD31D72: 31, C27N79: 22 adv. merchandise for sale, Pi26Ja75: 32 adv. property for sale, P7N77s21 adv. settlement of estate, PD27Je66: 32 announces postponement of sale, PD31D72: 31 appointed to committee, Charles City co. , Va. , Pil2Ja75: 11— D14Ja75: 13 bond of, P16Je75: 31 draws prize in lottery, PD27Je71: 33 sheriff of Charles City co. , Va. , R25Ja70: 11— PD15F70: 23 Richard, jr. , D30D75: 22 Thomas, D5Je79: 32 William, R50c69: 23 Edmondston, Andrew, RllMy69: 43, PD3Ag69: 33, PD29N70: 22, PD17F74: 31, CD18D79: 12 John, PD29N70: 22, PD17F74: 31 William, on committee for Fincastle co., Va. , P10N75: 41 Edmonson, Joseph, PD26My74: 23 Edmonton, Eng. , See Birds, abnormal ; Frauds; Robberies in Edmunds, Capt. , P21N77: 11 Howell, D20D76: 22— P20D76: 21 John, adv. estates for sale, PD14D69: 32, PD15F70: 42 burgess from Sussex co. , Va. , PDllMy69s41, R9N69: 11 death of, PD15F70: 21, R22F70: 22, PD14Je70: 31 elected burgess from Sussex co. , Va. , 19D55: 22, PD1D68: 31— R1D68: 21, PD14S69: 31— R14S69: 22 letter to, in post office, PD12Mr67: 13 sale at house of, PD13D70: 23 slave of, PD15Ag66:33 Nicholas, PD24N74: 23 Sterling, PD13D70: 23 Susan, Miss, marriage of, PD9Je74: 23 Thomas, PD27J169: 33, D6My75: 13 Thomas, Capt. , P230c78: 11 William, 2S37: 32 Edmunds & Rose, PD7My67: 33 Edmundson, Benjamin, D12Mr79: 32 James, R7F71: 32 JohnR. [llDs?]66:32 William, Lt. , P10F75: 32 348 Egg harbor, N. J. Edson, Col. , of Mass. , R1S74: 22 Josiah, PD28J168: 21--R28J168: 21 Education, encouragment advocated in Va. , P31My76: 23, P14Je76: 31 encouragement in colonies important, 25J151: 31 for apprentices, P28N77: 31 for Cherokees, PD21My67: 22 for Indians, in Mass. , 27D51: 22, 2Ja52: 32 funds for, needed in Eng. , 19Ja39: 22 improvement in Va. discussed, PD12My74: 21 in Russia, 3Je37: 12 necessity of, P4J177: 23 of colonials in Europe, R12J170: 41, R23Ag70: 31 of English girls satirized, PD220c67: 12 See also Academies; Schools; Specific schools and colleges; Specific subjects; Teachers; Tutors Edward in, P20D76s22 Edward IV,D4Mr75: 11 Edward, Col. , P6D76: 33 P. ,RlAp73:41 Edward, H. M. sloop, P26Ap76s21 — D27Ap76: 41 ship, PD24Mr74: 31 sloop, R17Mr74: 23--PD14Ap74: 31 Edward and Ann, ship, 9Mr39: 41, 18My39: 4, 14D39: 1 Edwards, Capt. , 13Je45: 22 of the Mary, D29Ap75: 33 of the Mary and Catherine, 18N37:41 of the Princess Mary, 4J145: 12 of the Rose Hall, PD23Ja72: 13 of the Trial, PD16Ap72: 31 Major, in attack on Staten island, N. Y. , D12F80: 22 Mr. , child of baptized, D20Ap76: 23 of Hillsboro, N. C. , PD25Oc70: 21 secretary of Gov. Tryon, PD15Je69: 31-- R15Je69: 22 Rev. Mr. , preaches in Northampton, Mass. , 10Je37: 31 Ambrose, P6Je77: 11, D230c79: 32 Andrew, PD18F68: 31, PD16Ag70: 43 Arthur, P26J176: 42 Belinda, D31Ag76: 31 Benjamin, R12My68: 41 Benjamin, Col. , 24Ja51: 41, 12S51:41 Bryan, R17Mr74: 23 Charles, 2S57: 41 Ellis, D11S79: 32 Ignatius, 2S57: 41 Isaac, PD12Ag73: 23--R13Ag73: 23, P17F75sl3,P10Mr75sl3 John, PD28Mr66: 41, PD17D67: 32, R24D67: 33, PD220c72: 31, P16Je75: 23, P15Mr76: 33 Joice, P12Je78: 11 Jonathan, Rev. Mr. ,28N51:31 Joseph, 20Oc52: 31, D27My75: 41 Margaret, Mrs. , PD240c66: 23, R27Ap69: 23 Mark, acquitted for murder, R19Ap70: 23 adv. as farmer, 9My55: 21 adv. for runaway slaves, PD2Ap67: 32, PD16Ja72: 41, D13My75:33,D18N75: 32, D20Je77: 22, D28N77: 32 disavows wife's debts, PD240c66: 23, R27Ap69: 23 Nathaniel, 19J154: 42, PD8D68:'31, PD21D69: 23 — R18Ja70: 41, PD24My70: 33 Nathaniel, jr. , death of, R31 Ja71: 22 elected burgess for Brunswick co. , Va. , PD8D68: 31, PDllMy69s41, PD28S69: 22— R50c69: 22, R9N69: 11 estate of, for sale, PD28F71: 33— R7Mr71: 33 land of, PD23Ap72: 32 signs Va. Association, PD25My69: 12 Peter, D12Mr79: 32, D12F80: 31 Phil, PD2J167: 32 Philemon, 2S57: 42 Richard, PD23My66: 33, R4Ag68: 31, D25Mr75:32 Robert, P12D77: 33 Samuel, D22Ag77: 21 — P22Ag77: 22 Samuel, Capt. , of the Newport, PD28D69: 31, PD15F70: 22 Sukey, Mrs. , marriage of, D6N79: 31 Susan (Edmunds), marriage of, PD9Je74: 23 Thomas, 30Ja52: 41, 2S57: 42, PD19S66: 31, PD26Ja69: 32— R2F69: 31, R19N72: 22, P27S76sl3 Thomas, Capt. , plantation of, R23Je68: 24 Thomas Gage, D20Ap76: 23 W. ,D25Mr75:33 William, P29Ag77: 32 acquitted of counterfeiting, P9Ag76: 41 adv. estates for sale, PD28F71: 33— R7Mr71: 33, PD4Mr73: 33— R4Mr73: 32 adv. finding bull, D26Je79: 32 adv. for employment, PD8D68: 31 adv. land for sale, PD23Ap72: 32 adv. stallion for hire, PD10Mr74: 32- R10Mr74: 32, P8Mr76: 41 — D30Mr76: 41 approves threshing mill, R26Ap70sll deserter, D3J179: 32 exonerated of counterfeiting, D10Ag76: 61 marriage of, PD9Je74: 23 settlement of estate of, R25N73: 42 William, Capt. , PD7My67: 33 William & co. , PD2J172: 31, PD25Mr73: 33 William Philip, PD27N66: 31, PD8D74: 31 Edwards & Graves, R16Je74: 31, P23Je75:23,P18Ag75:42 Edwards & Grymes, R26J170: 23 Edwards & Marris, Phila. . R3D72: 23 Edwards ferry. N. C. , PD16My71: 31 — R23My71: 33, PD7N71: 31 — R21N71:33 Edy, Solomon, Capt. , of the Mayflower, 13My45: 41 William, Capt. , of the Fanny, 9Ja46: 4 Eelbeck, Joseph, 4J145: 32 Eels, PD31D72: 12 Effigies, burned in Boston, Mass. , D7Ja75: 23 burned in Charleston, S. C. , R26J170: 21 burned in Eng. , P18J177: 23 burned in Frederick co. , Md. , R4Ag74: 31 burned in Kingston, Jamaica, W. I. , PD25J166: 22 burned in London, Eng. , PD17S71: 12,D12Je79:21 burned in N. Y. , PD2D73: 12 burned in New York City, PD4Ap66: 31, PD1D68: 23, PD15D68: 13 burned in Newport, R. I. , PilD74: 31 burned in Richmond co. , Va. , R16Je74: 13 hanged in London, Eng. , PDlAg71: 11 hanged in Manchester, Va. , R25Ag74: 32 hanged in N. Y. , R7J174: 22 hanged in New York City, PD7Je70: 12 hanged in New Bern, N. C. , PD29Ag71:23 hanged in Phila. , Pa. , R26My74: 22, C21Oc80: 11 hanged in Richmond co. , Va. , Pi9F75: 21 hanged in Va. , P10Mr75: 12 in Charleston, S. C. , Pil5D74: 31 Effingham, earl of, [Thomas Howard], declines to fight colonies, Pi6J175: 33 discusses colonies in parliament, D3F76: 12 favors repeal of Quebec act, D19Ag75: 22 opposes arbitrary taxation, P28Ap75s33— D29Ap75: 21 opposes embargo on colonies, P19My75: 22, P26My75s42 opposes Mass. government act, PD28J174: 23 opposes use of Hanoverian troops, D10F76:23 opposes use of mercenary troops, D22Je76: 21 praise of, P21J175: 22, Pil90c75: 11 — D210c75: 12 predicts revolutionary war, PllAg75pll resigns from army in support of colonies, Pil5Je75: 31 — P16Je75s23 — D17Je75sl2 signs amendment of American revolution, D18Ap77: 31 speech (text) in favor of colonies, PilOAg75: 21— D12Ag75: 11 supports colonies, PDllAg74: 13, P29Ap75: 13— D29Ap75s21 thanked by livery of London, Eng. , D16S75: 12 toasted in Dublin, Ire. , Pi260c75: 21 — D280c75: 22 Effingham, Va. , establishment of, D12D77: 21 — P12D77: 31 Effingham, Continental frigate, P29My78: 22 privateer, D8Ap80s22 Egan, Robert, PD27Ag72: 43 Egbergen, Peter, 24Ap52: 21 Ege, Jacob, D5F80: 41 Samuel, R5Ja69: 42 Eger, George, R23My71: 32 Egg harbor, N. J. , attack by British rumored, D30Oc78: 22 S ee also British navy, ships driven ashore off; British navy in; British navy leaves; British navy off; Houses destroyed by British in; Privateers, Philadelphia, Pa. . 349 Egg harbor, N. J. , See also (cont'd) capture British ships off; Prize ships in; Provisions destroyed by British in; Ships, American, burned by British near; Ships, American, destroyed by British in; Ships to Egg island, See Shipwrecks at Egg slicers, for sale, in Gloucester co. , Va. , P19Ap76sll — D20Ap76: 33, P16Ag76: 33 — D24Ag76: 72 Eggleston, Edmund, R8F70: 42 Hannah, PD9Ja72: 32 John, R16N69: 33, P21N77: 33 Joseph, PD17F74: 32, PD5My74: 31 adv. finding hogs, R25D66: 42 adv. finding horses, 12D55: 41, P15S75: 32, P30Ag76: 33, P28F77s23, C3J179: 42 adv. for bids for repairs at James City glebe, R16N69: 32 adv. land for sale, R18J166: 42— PD22Ag66: 32 chosen to James City co. committee, PDlD74:23--PilD74:31 land of, PD11F68: 31 receives mathematical medal at William and Mary college, R18Ag74: 31 Judith, Mrs. , R23D73: 32 Richard, PD28J168: 31--R28J168: 32, PD17F74: 32, PD5My74: 31, D31J179: 32 adv. finding cattle, PD25Ap71: 32 adv. finding horses, 27F52: 41, 170c55: 31, Pi27J175: 33 adv. for missing horses, PD4Oc70: 32— R4Oc70: 32, PD4Ap71: 31 adv. for runaway slaves, 4N63: 31, PD2My66: 32, R18J171: 42 on committee of observation of Cumberland co. , Va. , D25Mr75: 13 unclaimed tobacco of, D24J179: 32 Richard, sr. , P180c76: 31, P14N77: 32, P160c78: 11 William, adv. finding steer, R5S71: 32 adv. for missing pocketbook, PU6N75: 33 adv. for stolen saddle, 29S52: 32 adv. land for sale, PD17F74: 32, PD5My74: 31 adv. ownership of slave, P14Mr77sll agent for estate of John Eggleston, P21N77: 33 debts due, P14N77: 32 See also Egle stone Egglestone, Richard, R6My73: 31 William, D3Ag76: 32 Eggleton, Mr. , imprisoned in Boston, Mass. ,D24Ja77: 21 Thomas, PD20Ag67: 23, R9F69: 31 Eggmond's ordinary, Va. , R12My74: 33 Eggs, for sale, in Cumberland, Va. , P19Ja76: 33 imported to Eng. , from Fr. , PD30Mr69: 31, PD10Ag69. 22 price of in Boston, Mass. , P20Oc75sl2 seized from British ships, P8D75: 21 — Pi9D75: 31, D13Ja76:32 substitutes for, PD14Mr71: 23 Eggs, pomatum, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD270c68: 33 — R27Qc68: 22, PD2N69: 41 Eggs, spunge, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD23Ap72: 23 — R23Ap72: 13 See also Ivory eggs; Ivory pomatum eggs Egill, Benjamin, PD19F67: 32 Eglestone, Richard, PD270c74: 23 See also Eggleston Egleton, Mr. , sale at door of, R31Ja71:31 Joseph, PD13S70: 32 Thomas, PD2My66: 21, PD23J167: 32— R23J167:31,R1N70:32, PD14N71: 22— R6F72: 43, PD26N72: 31 Eglingson, ship, 29My46: 4 Eglington, ship, 3 J146: 4 Eglinton, earl of [Alexander Montgomerie], PD19My68: 12 Egmon, James, DlMy79: 31 Lawrence, P2Ag76: 23, P24Ja77: 32 Egmond, Lawrence, 19J154: 32 Egmont, earl of, John Perceval, 28Mr55: 22, PD15D68: 13— R15D68: 12, R5Ja69: 13 Egmont, port, R13S70: 12 Egmont, H. M. S. , PD21Mr71: 22, PD24Je73: 21— R1J173: 12, PD24Je73: 22, PD2S73: 12— R2S73: 13, PD2S73: 21 — R2S73: 21, R2Je74: 13, PD15S74: 22, D9S75: 21, C15J180: 11 Indiaman, PD26Ja69: 23 snow, PD25Ap66: 23 Egremont, Mass. , See Agrarian revolts; Prisoners of war, Tories, taken in; Tories, battle with in Egrets, for sale, PD19Ap70s23 in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72: 31 in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD18Ap66: 32, R23J167: 32 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Petersburg, Va. , PD310c71: 31 in Richmond, Va. , PD310c71: 23— R310c71: 32 in Smithfield, Va. , D21F77: 22 — P28F77s22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD10Oc66: 33, PD10c67: 13, PD60c68: 31 — R60c68: 23, PD20Oc68: 23, PD13Ap69: 32— R13Ap69: 31, R260c69: 23, PD2N69: 41, R8N70: 13, PD22N70s23, PD10Oc71: 31, PD170c71: 23, PD30Ap72: 31, PD7My72: 32, PD140c73: 23, R12My74: 32 imported, lost, adv. for, PD28Mr71: 31 imported, unclaimed, adv. of, PD11J166: 23 Egrets, French, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. , R19F67: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD12N67: 22 Egrets, Italian, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. , R19F67: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD12N67: 22, PD20Oc68: 23, PD270c68: 33— R270c68: 22, R150c72: 31, 290c72: 41 Egrets, sultan, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD14D69: 32-- R14D69: 23 See also Bead egrets; Coal egrets; Garnet egrets; Mock garnet egrets; Silver egrets Egypt, aided by Russia, PD170c71: 21, PD24Je73: 11 Ali Bey ruler of, PD31Ja71: 21 attack on Syria, PD28N71: 22 capture by Turks praised, PD70c73:ll capture from Turks, PD10Ja71: 11 capture Jerusalem rumored, PDlAp73: 22 capture of Damas, PD14N71: 12 capture of Jaffa rumored, PDlAp73: 22 civil war in, PD12D71: 11 condition of, PD15Ag71: 11 conquered by Ali Bey, PD14F71: 21 declared free from Turkey, PD26S71: 13 defeat of rumored, PD23S73s21 defeated by Turks, PD23S73: 11, R30S73s21 demands on Jews, PD15J173: 13 invasion of planned, PD2S73: 11 — R2S73sll political news from, PD16My71: 11, PD23D73: 22--R23D73: 22 political unrest in, R20Ja74: 21 prosperity of, PD27Je71: 21 rebellion in, PDllN73sl2 revenue to Turkey from,R16D73: 22 revolts against Turkey, PD19J170: 31, PD10Ja71: 13 war with Barbary states, R9N69: 21 war with Syria, PD12D71: 12 war with Turkey, PD10Oc71: 21, PD170c71: 11— R170C71: 13, PD14N71: 12, PD13F72: 23, PD4F73: 22 See also Exports from; Russian army to Egyptian army, successes of in Arabia, PD4Ap71: 13 Egyptian pebble stones, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 31J146: 61 Egyptian- Turkish war, Egyptian victories in, PD7Ja73: 11 Eidson, Henry, R14Ap68: 33 Eight dollar bills, counterfeited in Md. , R15J173:33,R5Ag73:22 Eight-pounders, imported to Newburyport, Mass. , from Fr. , P31My76: 13— DUe76: 12 left in Boston, Mass. , P19Ap76pl2 on ships, 20Je45: 31, D7Ag79: 31 Eighteen-pounders, at Fort Washington, N. Y. , D15N76: 12— P15N76: 21 captured on New Providence, W. I. , D18My76: 12 fired on Gwynn's island, Va. , D20J176: 31 for British army in British colonies, N.Am. ,D9D75: 12 for Continental army, D1J175: 32 for Continental army on Cobble hill, Mass. , P22D75: 31 in N. Y. , P26J176: 21— D29J176: 41 in R. I. , D28F77: 21 on Continental ships, D31Ag76: 21 on Gwynn's island, Va. , P19J176: 31 on ships, D17F76: 32, P10My76: 23— DllMy76:33,DlN76: 22— P1N76: 22, D1N76: 31, D12Mr79: 22, D2Ap79: 22, D15Ja80: 13, D8Ap80: 21 sent to Continental army from 350 Elections Providence, R. I. , D24Je75: 23 See also Brass eighteen-pounders Eilbeck, Messrs. & co. , loss of in storm, Pi7S75: 31 Mr. , PD26D71:31 J. , adv. merchandise for sale, PD220c67: 22 John, PD12My68: 23--R12My68: 24, PD16My71: 23, PD10Ja71: 32, PD20Je71: 32 John, Capt. , of the Neptune, R8Ag66: 22, PD12F67: 13, PD7My67: 23, PD9J167: 32, PD28J168: 23 Jonathan, PD10Ja71: 32 adv. estate for sale, PD10D72: 31-- R17D72: 32 adv. lots in Norfolk for sale, PD140c73: 31 adv. ship for charter, PD20Je71: 32 adv. unclaimed gunpowder, PD16My71: 23 escheated property of, for sale, C15J180: 21 privateer of, D26Je79: 21 Eilbeck, Dunmore's ship, Pi30D75:42 Eilbeck, ship, D2S75: 32, D70c75: 31 Eilbeck, Ross & co. , PD2Ap72: 32— R23Ap72: 43 adv. for runaway slaves, PD10S72: 31 adv. indentured servants for sale, PDlAp73: 32 adv. plantation for sale, PD9D73: 23— R9D73: 22 adv. ship for charter, PD16S73: 31 adv. ships for sale, PD4Je72: 32, PD27Ag72: 43 agent for John Maclean, PD1J173: 32— R8J173: 32 imports merchandise from Great Britain to Va. , D10Je75: 32 obtains judgment against estates, PD22S74: 33— Pi29S74: 41, Pil30c74: 32--PD130c74: 31 ship of captured by British in Norfolk, Va. , P60c75s21 ships of seized, P25Ag75: 71, P1S75: 22 subscriber to meeting, of merchants, PD30Je74: 23 violation of Association discussed, P16Je75s23, P1S75: 23 Eilbeck & Lawrence, PD18Je72: 33, PD80c72: 33— R80c72: 23 Eilbecks, Mr. , Pi2Mr75: 33 Eils, Thomas, R10Mr74: 32 Eimbeck, Ger. , retreat from, 12F65: 21 Eirenopoios, pseud. , PD4Ap71: 13, PD25Ap71: 11 Eisan, Michael, PD220c72: 21-- R220c72:22 Ekard, Baultis, R26J170: 22 Ekart, Adam, R19My74: 42, P7Je76: 33 Ekman, Capt. , of the Calmer, 28N45: 21 Elam, Capt. , of the Florida Packet, PD2D73: 21 — R25N73: 41 Branch, P3N75: 12 Gervas, 5Mr52: 31, 9My55: 22 James, P3N75: 12 John, PD60c68: 23 — R60c68: 24 John, jr. , PD24D72: 32, R31D72: 32 Joseph, 4N63: 23, PDUe69: 31, PD270c74: 31, D12F80: 33, C13My80:41 Richard, D19D77: 31, P21Ag78: 33 Robert, 5Mr52: 31, PD16My66: 31, R20S70: 32, D24J179: 31, D11S79: 32 Robert, Capt. , of the Florida Packet, PD3Mr68: 31--R3Mr68: 31, PDllAg68: 23, PD13Ap69: 23, PD8Je69: 23, PD7S69: 31 of the Sally, PD12S66: 23 William, D19D77: 32, D8My79: 32 William, sr. , PD9Mr69: 33, PD28N71: 31 Elam's, Va. , See Stores Elaterium, for sale, in Hobb's Hole, Va. , R6J169: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , 60c52: 32, PD21S69: 41 — R21S69s21 Elbe river, Ger. , navigability of improved, R16D73: 12 See also Shipwrecks Elbert, [Samuel], Col. , operations in Florida and Georgia, P5Ap76: 31, P30My77: 23, D27Je77: 21 — P27Je77: 21, DlAg77: 11, P28N77: 31, P5Je78: 22, D9Ap79: 12 Elbing, Ger. , See Duties Elby, Nathaniel, PD16Ap67: 31 Elder, Capt. , PDllJe67: 21, PD13Ag67: 21 — R13Ag67: 23 Col. , marches to Sunbury, Pa. , D28Ag79: 22 Charles, P15Ag77: 32 Donald, PD15Ap73: 32 William, PD15Ap73: 32 Elder, substitute for tea, PD13Ja74: 12 Eldersley, ship, C13My80: 22 Eldex, James, of N. C. , PD28My67: 32 Elding, Capt. , of the Munificent, Dlli*p77:31 Eldridge, John, PD22D74: 32 Joseph, PD23My71: 23 Joshua, Capt. , PD10c67: 12, PD12N67:21 Rolfe, PD290c72: 23, P2Je75s33, P14Je76: 43 Thomas, 24My51: 41, 24Ag51: 32, 20Mr52: 22, 270c52: 21 Zephaniah, Capt. , of the Hawke, D27Je77: 21 Elds, Richard, PD21Ap68: 23, PD12My68: 23--R12My68: 21 William, PD25F68: 22 Eleanor, British ship, 25Ja40: 2 fireship, 16N39: 41 ship, R18Ag68s22 Elecampane, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , R3N68: 33--PD10N68: 22 Election advertisements, in Norfolk, Va. , PD10N68: 22 Election pieces, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD17S71: 32 Election writs, for Md. general assembly, invalidated, D6J176: 82 for N. Y. general assembly, PD2F69: 23 for N. C. general assembly, PD22Mr70: 22 for S. C. house of commons, PD150c72: 22 for Va. general assembly, PD16Je74s22 for Va. house of burgesses, 3N38: 61, 12D51: 32, 14N55: 21, PD10Ag69: 32 — R10Ag69: 32 for W. Fla. assembly, PD13Ag67: 12-- R13Ag67: 22 in Scot. , R16Je68: 14 issued in N. Y. , D27Ja76: 32 issued in N. C. , PD15Ap73: 12 Elections, essay on candidates qualifications, PDllAp71: 31 in British colonies, N. Am. , PD8Mr70: 21 in Cambridge, Eng. , D28Ja75: 13 in Carlisle, Eng. , R18F68: 31 in Castlebar, Ire. , PD130c68: 13 in Cumberland, Eng. , PD18Ag68: 13 — R18Ag68: 14 in Dublin, Ire. , PD11F68: 21, PD9Je68: 11, PD9Je68: 22 in Eng. , PD30Je68: 11 in Gt. Brit. , campaigning for, PD130c74: 31 complaints in, PD6My73: 21 corruption, PD23Ap67: 13, PD2J167: 21, PD12My68: 21, PD19My68: 12, PD26My68: 12, PD9Je68: 12, R30Je68: 21, PD7J168: 13, PD4Ag68: 11, PD4Ag68: 13 — R4Ag68: 13, PD130c68: 13, R29Je69: 11, PD19Ap70: 12, PD14Je70sl2, R170c71: 13, PD27Ag72: 22, PD20My73: 21, PD280c73: 22, PD5My74: 12, PD22S74: 23, PD8D74: 23 — P18D74: 32, Pi5Ja75: 11, Pi5Ja75: 21, D14Ja75: 22, D11F75: 21 cost of, PD7Ap68: 12, PD7Ap68: 13— R14Ap68: 21, R28Ap68: 21, PD19My68: 22, PD12My68: 21, PD16Je68: 23--R16Je68: 24, PD23Je68: 13— R23Je68: 23, PD30Je68: 21, R30Je68: 22, R30Je68:23,RllAg68: 12, PD15Je69: 21, PD5My74: 12, PD10N74: 23, P124N74: 13 dinners served at, PD2Je68: 21 oath taken by voters (text), PD19My68: 22 regulated by parliament, PD22Ap73: 23- R22Ap73sl2 regulation proposed, PD14Je70sll soliciting for votes in, R20J169: 11 in Hindon, Eng. , Pi28Ap75: 22 in Huntingdonshire, Eng. , PD2D73sl2-- R2D73: 13 in Ire. , PD12My68: 21, PD16Je68: 12, PD60c68: 13--R60c68: 14, R24N68: 21 in James City co. , Va. , R14J174: 31 in London, Eng. , PD13S70: 21 corruption in, PD16Je68: 13-- R16Je68: 22, PD20S70s22, R20S70: 11, PD12S71: 23, PD23Ja72: 13, R16D73:32,R3Mr74:23 idleness during, PD16Je68: 11 — R16Je68: 22 money spent for, PD11F68: 13 in Middlesex, Eng. , PD14Ap69sll, PD6My73: 21 in New Shoreham, Eng. , PD17S71: 13 in N. Y. ,PD4Ap71:23 in New York City, 70c37: 31 in Newcastle, Eng. , PD22Ag71: 22 in Northampton, Eng. , PD16Je68: 13, R4My69: 23 in Pa. , regulated by general assembly, 17Ap46: 21 in Salop co. , Eng. , 16F39: 22 in Suffolk, Eng. , PD4My69: 21 351 Elections (cont'd) in Va. , 24S36: 31, R310c71: 23, D8Ja80: 23 in Westminster, Eng. , R28Ja73: 11 in Williamsburg, Va. , entertainments at, PD7J174: 21, R14J174: 31, Pil6F75: 32 See also Freedom of election; Names of places; Great Britain, parliament Electoral states, foreign troops excluded, D25Ap77: 21 Electrical experiments, in Bologna, It. , 17N52: 21 in Brussels, Belg. , 15D52: 11 in Paris, Fr. , 270c52: 11, 15D52: 11 in Phila. , Pa. , PD3D72: 12--R3D72: 22 Electrical machines, R29Ap73: 31, PD19Ag73: 21, R19Ag73: 22, P12D77: 12 Electricity, as cure for infirmities discussed, 14Mr55: 22 cures tongue palsy, 19S51: 31 discussed in Lyons, Fr. , P10F75: 21 essay on, R6S70: 11 exhibition of, PD10Oc66: 33 Franklin's theories on, RllAg68: 14 lecture and exhibition on, Pi5Ja75: 32 Electuaries, for sale, in Hobb's Hole, Va. ,R6J169: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , 3Je37: 41, PD21S69: 41--R21S69s21 Electuary, conitive, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 18J151: 41 Electuary, linitive, for sale, near Warwick, Va. , D28F77: 32 Elegant, snow, P18J177sll Elegies, R14Ap68: 22 censuring world, Pi26Ja75: 12 on American independence, D17F76:41 on American volunteers killed August 19, 1775, Pi28S75:41 on bards of Scot. , PD4Ap71: 41 on blackbird, Pi23F75: 32 on death of a lover, PD19J170: 41 on Walter Dymocke, 14Ag52: 21 on John Fleming, P14Mr77: 23 on George II, Pi9Mr75: 12 on James Harrison, PD26My68: 22 on Peggy Hubard, P13D76: 22 on Charles Lewis, P17Mr75: 32, Pi25My75: 41 on love, R19J170: 31 on Mr. McPherson, D16Mr76: 41 on Gen. Montgomery's death, D16Mr76:41 on Anne Peyton, P7F77: 23 on Peyton Randolph, D16Mr76: 41 on simplicity, PD19D71: 41 on spring, PD14Mr71: 41 on summer, PD4N73: 41 on Joseph Warren, D16Mr76: 41 on the world, PD1D74: 41 on virtue, D20My75: 11 on youth, PD21My72: 41 Elephantiasis, in India, PD18Je67: 12 Elephants, in London, Eng. , PD4N73: 13 Elephants' teeth, exported, 29S52: 32 exported from James river district, Va. , 29S52: 32, 29D52: 32 exported from Rappahannock district, Va. , to London, Eng. , 22S52: 32 exported from York district, Va. , to Bristol, Eng. , 25N37: 42, 7N45: 31 to London, Eng. , 29S38: 41, 7N45: 31, 120c52: 31, 3N52: 12 imported to Bristol, Eng. , 7N45: 31, 29S52: 32 Imported to Fr. from Gt. Brit. , HMy39: 21 imported to Cadiz, Sp. , from Buenos Aires, Arg. , 6J139: 11 imported to James river district, Va. , from Af. , 29S52: 31, 20Oc52: 21 from Gambia, Af. , 14D39: 11-12 imported to Lisbon, Port. , from Rio de Janeiro, 24Ag39: 11 imported to London, Eng. , 29S38: 41, 7N4b: 31, 22S52: 32, 120c52: 31, 3N52: 12, 29N52: 32 imported to York district, Va. , from Af. , 15J137: 42, 24Ag39: 3, 3N52: 12 from Guinea, 25Ag38: 32, 22Je39: 31 from London, Eng. , 25Ag38: 32 seized from British ship,D180c76: 11 seized from French ship, 4J145: 21 Eley, Capt. , of the Dolly Henry, D9Ap79: 22 John, jr. ,PD12N67: 23 Elgin, earl of, Charles, R5S71: 21 Elimi, for sale, in Richmond, Va. , 5S55:32 Eliot, Capt. , P4J177: 33 Dr., of Boston, Mass. , P18Ag75:22— D19Ag75: 32 Rev. Mr. , of Boston, Mass. , PD13S70s22 Edward, PD22S68: 22, R16Mr69: 32 John, PD4N73: 21 See also Elliot Eliot, brigantine,DHS79: 21 Eliott, Capt. , of the Nancy, PD8N70: 22 Elixir paregosicum, as cure for whooping cough, D27S76: 61 Elixirs, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 3Je37: 41 See also Bardana elixir; Bostock's purging elixir; Bostock's elixirs; Daffy's elixir; Daffy's grand elixir; Eaton's balsamic elixir; Fraunce's elixirs; Fraunce's female strengthening elixir; Paregoric elixir; Radcliffe's elixir; Radcliffe's purging elixir; Squire's elixir; Squire's grand elixir; Stoughton's elixirs; Stoughton's stomachic elixir Eliza, poem by, R21S69: 12 Eliza, ship, 21Mr45: 31, PD6My73: 22— R6My73: 23, PD4N73: 21, PD2D73s22, PD3Mr74: 21, PD7J174: 21, PD10N74: 33 sloop, 23My45: 32, 13Je45: 41, 10Oc45: 22, 23Ja46: 42, 29My46: 4, 4J145: 32, 3J146: 4 Elizabeth, queen of Great Britain, 16F39: 31, PD22F70: 11, PD20Oc74: 23 Elizabeth, N. J. , See British army to N. Y. , from; Stamp act opposed Elizabeth, brig,D40c76: 12--P40c76: 23, PllAp77sll brigantine, PD20Je66: 22, PD10S72: 22, D18Mr80: 31, D25Mr80: 23 British ship, 25Ja40: 2, DHOc76: 12 H. M. S. , 2D37: 42, 18Ag38: 21, 18Ap45: 22, 28N45: 11, 24Ja52: 22, 25Ap55: 12, 25Ap55: 21, 10Oc55: 22, PD7D69: 22, PD22N70sl2, PD31Ja71: 22 Indiaman, 19S51: 22 schooner, R26J170: 13, D10Ag76: 22 ship, 18N37: 41, 30D37: 32, 2F39: 22, 14S39: 12, 28S39: 31, 23My45: 32, 13Je45: 32, 4J145: 31, 4J145: 3, 11J145: 41, 10Oc45: 3, 310c45: 22, 9Ja46: 41, 3Ap46: 41, 31J146: 61, 28Ag46: 32, 18Ap51: 22, 4J151: 32, 25J151: 32, 12S51: 32, 14N51: 31, 12D51: 32, 20F52: 41, 5Mr52: 31, 3Ap52: 31, 17J152: 32, 7Ag52: 31, 270c52: 31, 3N52: 12, 10N52: 22, 24N52: 31, 28F55: 21, 7Mr55: 32, 28Mr55: 32, 25Ap55: 22, 5S55: 22, 27Ag56: 11, 16Ja61: 41, PD28Mr66: 33, PD23My66: 31, PD15Ag66: 23— R8Ag66: 22, PD27N66: 23, R25D66: 13, PD15Ja67: 32, PD15Ja67: 32, PD22Ja67: 32, PD4Je67: 12, PD10D67: 31, PD14Ja68: 31, PD11F68: 23, PD18F68: 23, PD17Mr68: 31— R14Ap68: 42, PD19My68: 21, R23Je68: 31, R7J168: 22, PD7J168: 31, RllAg68: 23, RllAg68: 24, R25Ag68s23— PD8S68p22, PD270c68: 42, PD270c68: 43, PD8D68: 31, PD22D68: 23, PD22D68: 31, PD9Mr69: 31, PD6Ap69: 21, PD13Ap69: 23, PDllMy69s33, PD8Je69: 23,R14S69: 22, PD14S69: 31, PD28S69: 23, R190c69sl3, R260c69: 21, PD16N69:22,R14D69:23, PD24My70: 31, R26J170: 13, R23Ag70:41,PDlN70:22, PD14Mr71: 23, PD16My71: 23, PD6Je71: 32, PD23Ja72: 22, PD30Ja72: 32, PD27F72: 32, PD5Mr72: 32, PD17S72: 23, PD10c72: 22, PD29Ap73: 22 — R29Ap73: 22, PD10Je73: 22, PD140c73: 22— R140c73: 31, R210c73: 21, PD280c73: 23— R280c73: 32, PD20Ja74: 23, PD3Mr74: 31--R3Mr74: 41, R3Mr74: 33, PD10Mr74: 32, R17Mr74: 22--PD14Ap74: 23, PD16Je74: 31, PD29S74: 32 PD60c74: 32, PD10N74: 31, D11F75: 23, D18F75: 23, D18F75: 31, P24F75: 41, P26My75: 22, Pil5Je75: 31, P16Je75s21, D17Je75sl2, Pi6Ja76: 32, D30Mr76: 31, D10Ag76: 12, D10Ag76: 22, D15Ja80: ll,DlAp80:13 sloop, 31D36: 42, 10Oc45: 31, 23Ja46: 41, 7N51: 22, , PD9Ap67: 21, PD2Ja72: 32 snow, 9Ja46: 4, 29My46: 4, 270c52: 21, R20Ja74: 33, Pi6Ap75: 32— P7Ap75: 32— D15Ap75: 13 Elizabeth and Anne, ship, R31Mr68: 31, PD28Mr71: 12 Elizabeth and Martha, ship, 15D52: 21 Elizabeth and Mary, ship, 170c51: 22, 13F52: 22, 12F62: 32, PD30Ap67: 32, PD11F68: 23 sloop, 31D36:42,30S37:41 Elizabeth Barebones, pseud. , PD20N66: 22, PD27N66: 22 — 352 Elliots R27N66: 22, PD4D66: 11, PD11D66:31 Elizabeth City co. , Va. , 24Ja52: 32, 27F52: 32, 19D55: 22, PD1D68: 31— R1D68: 21, PD14S69: 31— R14S69: 22, R9N69: 11, PD5D71: 31, PD12D71: 31, PD4Ag74: 23 burgesses' letter to Norfolk, PD25Ag74: 22— R25Ag74: 33 committee, members chosen, P29D75: 31 offers terms to Capt. Squires, P22S75: 32— D23S75: 32 orders sale of goods, P12F75: 21, D4F75: 33, D18F75:.31,D18F75: 32 proceedings, P1D75: 12--D2D75: 32 resolutions, text of, 1775, D28Ja75: 23 committee of observation chosen in, Pi26Ja75: 23— D28Ja75: 23 court, land sold by order of, R25N73: 42 merchandise sold by order of, Pi6Ap75sl2 slaves sold by order of, PD14My72: 21 delegates elected, P26Ap76s23, P2My77s22 freeholders' meeting In, R28J174: 31 list of tithables for 1774, Pil8My75: 33— P19My75s32— D20My75: 33 quota of soldiers for,D4J177: 52 resolutions of, PD28J174: 31 senators elected, P30Ag76: 31— D31Ag76: 22, P2My77s31 sheriff's sales in, PD23Je68: 31, R25N73: 42 threatened by Capt. Squires, P22S75: 32— D23S75: 32 See also Apple orchards in; Association of 1774; Associators in; Bake houses in; Blacksmiths, adv. for; Brick dwelling houses in; Brick houses in; Cherry orchards in; Clock and watch repairing in; Cribs in; Dams in; Dwelling houses in; Fires in; Gardens in; George HI, birthday celebrated in; Gum timber in; Hen houses in; Houses in; Jails in; Jewellers, adv. of, in; Kitchens in; Land, mortgaged for sale in; Land, reversion of, for sale in; Land for sale in; Lotteries of land;. Minutemen in; Money, paper, appreciation supported in; Murders in; Musters, general, dates appointed for, in; Oak timber in; Orchards in; Outhouses in; Overseers' houses in; Peach orchards in; Physicians in; Pine timber in; Quarters in; Schools, charity in; Slaves, mortgaged, for sale in; Slaves, murders by, in; Slaves for sale in; Slaves runaway from; Stables in; Stamp act, repeal celebrated in; Stealing in; Storehouses in; Stores in; Virginia regiment, first, in; White oak timber in; Windmills in Elizabeth City courthouse, Va. , See Land, mortgaged for sale at; Slaves, mortgaged for sale in; Slaves for sale in Elizabeth City parish, Va. , contributes to sufferers in Montreal fire, PD8Ag66: 31— R8Ag66: 31 See also Lotteries Elizabeth Dorothea, East Indiaman, R11F68:23 Elizabeth islands, Mass. , See Livestock removed from; Shipwrecks off Elizabeth river, Va. , blockaded by British, D25S79: 22 See also Deserters from British navy in; Flour burned in; Landings in; Privateers, British, capture Americans ships in; Privateers, Va. , captured by British navy in; Ships, American burned in; Ships in; Ships to Elizabeth river district, Va. , naval office established, P17Ja77: 33 Elizabeth river parish, Va. , reimbursed for property destroyed in Norfolk, P12Je78: 12 See also Churchwardens in; Clergy, Anglican, in; Clerks, parish, adv. for Elizabeth square, Portsmouth, Va. , PD18Je67: 33 Elizabethtown, N. J. , attack by British planned, P30Oc78: 32 battle of,D31Ja77:32 British attack on, C19F80: 22— D19F80:22 cannonading of, D14S76: 51 captured by Americans, D31Ja77: 61 evacuated by British troops, D31Ja77: 62 skirmish at described, D19Mr79: 22 See also Association of 1774 supported in; British army in; Comets observed in; Continental army in; New Jersey troops recruited in; Prisoners of war exchanged in; Riots in; Ships from Albany, N. Y. , to Elizabethtown point, N. J. , attack on threatened, D20J176: 21 Elk, in Transylvania, D30S75: 33 Elk island, Va. , See Floods on Elk Ridge, Md. , See Slaves runaway from Elk Ridge church, Md. , R26J170: 31 Elk Ridge landing, Md. , R21S69: 32, R18J171:42,P4Ap77:32 See also Convict servants runaway from Elk river, Md. , See British army, conditions among on; British army, deserters from on; British army land on; British army on; Prisoners of war, British, taken on Elk Run church, Prince William co. , Va. , 17Ap52: 32 Elk skins, exported from York district, Va. , to Bristol, Eng. , 7S39: 32, 2N39: 21, 25Ja40: 3 exported from Charleston, S. C. , to London, Eng. , R20Je71: 31 taken by slaves, D25Mr75: 32 Elkins, Joseph, 20Oc38: 32 Ellas, George, PD28S69: 32— R50c69: 31 Ellason, John, D7Ja75: 32 Elledge, Benjamin, R220c72: 31 Ellegood, Jacob, Col. , P15Ag77: 23 Jacob, Mrs. , P15Ag77: 23 Matthias, PD9Ap72: 32— R23Ap72: 41 Robert, D31Ag76: 31 Sampson, D31Ag76: 31 See also Elligood Ellen, David, 2S57: 42 Ellery, Benjamin, D6Ja76: 31 Ellet, William, 9My55: 22 Elletson, Roger Hope, PD25J166: 22 Ellett, Cornelius, R22Ap73s21 John,D25D79:22 R. , RlAp73: 41 Thomas, R2My71: 31 Ellice, William, Dr. , PD12Mr67: 13 Ellies, John, PD2My71: 33 Elligood, Mr. , wharf of, 260c39: 42 Jacob, PD19My68: 31, R26My68: 33, RllAg68: 32 Jacob, Col. ,23Mr39:41,2Mr53: 42 John, 2My55: 31 See also Ellegood Elligood, ship, R12Mr67: 22, PD28Mr71: 13 Ellington, Mr. , slave of, Pi8D74: 33 John, PD18Ap71:33 Josiah, PD29S74: 33 Thomas, 28Ja37: 41 Elliot, Capt. , appointed gov. of W. Fla. , PD20Ag67: 23 of the Nancy, PD12Mr72: 31 of the Portland, PD10Ja71: 12 Dr. , observes effects of thunder in London, PDllN73sl3 of Boston, Mass. , P20Oc75sl2 Gen. , troops embark for Boston, D6Ja76: 22 Gov. of Fla. , PD9Mr69: 31, PD8Je69: 21, PD27J169: 23 Mr. , of Pa. , Pil30c74sl2 recruits for S. C. troops in Va. , P14Je76p42— D15Je76: 51 Rev. Dr. , D20Ap76: 21 Rev. Mr. , of Boston, PD2F69: 22 Anne, PD16J167: 41 Benjamin, R15F70: 41, PD3S72: 31 Edward, R12Mr67: 23 Gilbert, Sir, P14Ap75sl2— D15Ap75: 22, P28Ap75s22 — D29Ap75s22, D18My76: 32, P13S76: 11 John, R12Ja69: 32, PD20My73: 22, PD2D73: 21 — R2D73: 23 John, Capt. , of the Trident, D29Ag77: 11 to command British at Jamaica, PD20S70s32 John, Vice Admiral, PD18Je67: 22, PD19N67: 13 Ralph, Capt. , of the Orange, PD21Ap68: 31, R5Ja69: 31 — PD12Ja69: 42, R12Ja69: 23 Richard, P3My76: 32 Robert, PD12Mr67: 13, R12Ja69: 32, R26J170: 22 Robert, Capt. , of the Black Prince, PD14Ap74: 31 — R14Ap74: 23 Samuel, P16Je75: 13 Thomas, D27Ap76: 33 Thomas, Lt. Col. , P9Ag76: 33 William, PD9J172: 32, Pi6J175: 1.2 Elliot, brig, D13J176:61 ship, PD26Mr67: 23, PD4Ag68: 31, PD8D68: 31, PD7S69: 31,D210c75: 22 Elliot, M'Call &, PD21Je70: 31 — R12J170: 31, PD18Ap71: 32— R2My71: 33, PD16J172: 32, PD7Ap74: 31--R7Ap74: 31 Elliot & co. , Davis, D26D77: 21 See also Eliot Elliots, Andrew, R260c69: 12 353 Elliot's Elliot's, plantation, Va. , PD1N70: 22— R1N70: 23 Elliott, Capt. ,PDllJe67:32 captures British ships, P29D75s22 of the Orange, PD29S68: 31 of the Polly, D17F76: 32 Mr. , near Charlotte, N. C. , C21Oc80: 21 Benjamin, R22S68: 24, PD21 Je70: 31 Charles, 120c52: 31, R26J170: 12, R26J170' 13 Edward, PD18Ap71:13,PD5N72:23— R5N72: George, D23Ja78: 32 George, Capt. , P15Ag77: 32, P5Je78: 31, P10J178: 32, P160c78: 33 Grey, PD25Mr73: 22 John, 2My51: 32, 16My51: 32, PDllMy69: 33, PD210c73: 21 — R210c73:21 Mary, Mrs. , PD150c72: 23 Ralph, Capt. , of the John, PD18F73: 23 of the Nancy, R190c69s22, PD8N70: 22 of the Orange, PD7Ja68: 41, R5Ja69: 31 — PD12Ja69: 42 Richard, DllMr75: 33, D7Mr77: 42— P7Mr77s21, D14Ag79: 12 Robert, PD29Ag66: 31, PD21My67: 32, PD5N67: 31 Robert, Capt. , of the Black Prince, R17Mr74: 22— PD14Ap74: 23 Solomon, PD10c72: 22 Thomas, PD150c72: 23, P12Ja76: 32— D13Ja76: 32--Pil3Ja76: 22 [Thomas], Col. , reports on Norfolk, Va. , P5Ja76(5)s21 William, PD7Ap68: 32, R16Je68: 34, PD9J172: 32 Elliott, ship, PD16My66: 23, PD15Ja67: 31, PD22Ja67: 32, PD24S67: 13, PD26My68: 23, PD15S68: 23— R15S68: 24, PD15D68: 23, PD19Ap70s23— R19Ap70: 23, PD7Je70: 31 snow, PD26My68: 22--R26My68: 31 Elliott, Snodgrass, & M'Call, PD7Ag74: 31--R7Ap74: 31 Elliott & Davies, P5Je78: 41* Elliott & Davis, P160c78: 42, D26Mr79: 22, D14Ag79: 12, D5F80:33--C19F80:32 Elliotts warehouse, Va. , 13Je45: 41 Ellis, Capt. , 15My46: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD9S73: 31 of the Essex, 3Ap46: 41 of Md. , PD9S73: 31--R9S73: 32 Mr. , discusses military policy in Commons, D40c76: 11 Ambrose, D19D77: 42 Anne, R7Ap74: 32 Benjamin, PD80c72: 33 Elijah, P27D76: 32 George, PD23J167: 41— R23J167: 32, PD30c71: 31 Hezekiah, P17Ja77: 32 James, R23My71: 22, D24J179: 32 John, PD29S68: 31 adv. finding horses, R21J168: 34, PD21Mr71: 33 adv. for employment as stewart, R21J168:32 adv. for missing horse, R2N69: 32 adv. for runaway slaves, PllAp77s32, P30c77: 23 adv. jackasses for hire, P18Ap77s32 adv. land for sale, P21Ag78: 42, D24J179: 32 adv. settlement of estate of Mary Ellis, P29D75: 33 elected to American philosophical society, R17Mr74: 23 of Eng. , P24N75s22— D25N75: 33— Pi30N75: 33 requests payment of bonds, P30c77: 23 sheriff, 3S56: 32 signs petition against Boston port bill, 12 R26My74: 23 slave of, R30Ag70: 32 John, sr. , 270c52: 12 Joseph, PD7Ap74: 32 Joseph, sr. , DllAp77: 62 Mary, R25My69: 33, P29D75: 33 Nathaniel, Capt. , of the Salvina, PD12Mr67: 32, PD7My67: 31 Richard, PD21D69: 32, D24J179: 32 Robert, Capt. , of the Polly, 26S55: 31 Samuel, Capt. , of the Squirrel, PD28My67: 32 Stephen, PD23Je68: 31 Thomas, 7N54: 42, PD11D66: 33, R4N73: 42, P28F77s21, D24Ap79: 31 Welbore, P28Ap75s23— D29Ap75s23 William, PD2My66: 31 adv. finding horses, 2S57: 31, R23Ag70: 33,D26Ag75: 33 adv. for missing horses, R220c72: 32, C11D79: 12 adv. for wagoner, P31Ja77: 33 letter to, PD2My66: 41, PD18F78: 31 overseer to John Ruffin, jr. , PD7Mr71: 32 [William], author, 24My 51: 32, PD29Ag71: 33 Ellis, Burton &, 270c52: 31 Ellis, Storrs &, PD3S67: 32, PD18Ag68: 31 — R18Ag68: 32 adv. damaged goods for sale, PD8N70:23,R8N70: 12 adv. for ships for charter, PD23N69: 32--R23N69: 31, PD31Ja71: 32— R31Ja71: 23 adv. merchandise for sale, PD22S68: 23--R22S68: 24, PD7S69: 42— R7S69: 42 adv. unclaimed goods, PD60c68: 23— R60c68: 24 Ellis's Hughes apple trees, for sale, in Surry co. , Va. , 4N63: 41 Ellison, Capt. , of the Duke of Cumberland, 18N37: 41 Diana, 13Je51: 32 Gerrard, PD25Ap71: 32 Thomas, 13Je51: 32 William, RlAg71: 41 Elliston, Cuthbert, P6S76: 13 Ellott, Benjamin, PillMy75: 33 Ells, Richard, R18F68: 31 Ellwell, Isaac, jr. , Capt. , of the Betsey, PD29Ja67: 32 Ellys, [Clement], author, PD10Je73: 31 Ellyson, Mr. , coal pits of, PD170c71: 33 Gerard, R19F67: 31, PD16Ag70: 43, PD14Mr71: 31 Mary, PD20Oc74: 32 Robert, 17N38: 41, 12Je52: 31 Sarah, Mrs. , PD14Mr71: 31, PD4Ap71: 23 Ellzey, Thomazin, PD31Mr74: 32— R31Mr74: 32 William, RlJe69: 31, R17Ag69: 32, R150c72: 33, PD3N74: 42— PilON74: 32, D7Ja75: 32, P9My77: 23 Ellzey, Blackburn &, R2My71: 32 Elm, John, Pil90c75: 32--D280c75: 11 Elmer, Jonathan, Dr. , R17Mr74: 23 Elms, S. , name on counterfeit bills, D15My78: 32— P29My78: 42 Elmsle, George, Capt. , of the St. Andrew, 270c52: 21 Elocution, taught in academy in New Kent co. , Va. , R21Mr70: 22 Elopements, circumstances of discussed, PD23Ja72: 11 from Eng. , PD22Ag71: 21 in Edinburgh, Scot. , PD23Ap67: 12 in Eng. , PD7My67: 12, R8F70: 22, PD20Oc74: 23 in Gloucestershire, Eng. , PD26D71: 22 in Lisle, Fr. ,R16D73:21 in London, Eng. , PD2Ap67: 13, R11F68: 14, PD28Ap68: 21, R15S68:21,R15S68: 23, PD22S68: 13--R22S68: 21, PD10N68: 21, R23Mr69: 23, PD24Ag69: 31, PD19Ap70: 13, PD14Je70sll,R27S70:21, R2My71: 21, PD240c71: 12, PD240c71: 21, PD23J172: 21, PD23J172: 31, PD27Ag72: 21, PD27Ag72: 22, PD17S72: 13, R80c72: 21, PD5N72: 21, PD31D72: 13, R13My73: 22 in Long Ditch, Eng. , PD7D69: 22 in Mile End, Eng. , D16S75: 11 in Scot. ,PD26D71:23 near St. Cloud, Fr. , R22J173: 33 proposed as felony in Eng. , 30D37: 31 to Fr. , PD22F70: 31, PD28N71: 21 to Guernsey, Chan. is. , PD7D69: 22 to Port Patrick, Scot. , PD10N74: 22 to Scot. , R5Ja69: 12, PDlJe69: 23, PD17Je73: 21— R17Je73: 23, PD12Ag73: 21 Elphingston, John, 22Ap57: 42 Keith, Capt. , of the Perseus, D29Je76: 12, D29N76: 52, D25D79: 21, D12F80: 12 Elphinston, Capt. , of the Egmont, PD15S74: 22 of the Planter, 30c51: 32 of the Triton, R16D73: 31 James, 12D55: 31 John & co. , 12D55: 31 Elphinston, brig, D30Oc79: 22 Elsie, George, 31J146: 51 Elsing Green, plantation, Va. , D9Ap79: 32 Elsinore, Den. , See Fires in; Ice in; Ships, Genoese, in; Ships from London, Eng. , to; Ships' sailing time; Shipwrecks near; Storms in Elsworth, Verdice, P2Ag76: 21 Eltham, Va. , See Slaves runaway from Eltham, British ship, 25Ja40: 2 H. M. S. , 25Mr37: 22, 29J137: 41, 120c39: 41, 16My45: 32, 23My45: 31, 4J145: 12, 29Ag45: 21, 24Ja52: 22 ship, 19My38: 32, 13Je45: 32, 17Ja51: 11 Elton, ship, 24Ap52: 12 Elves, imported to London, Eng. , R28Ap68: 14 Elwell, Capt. , of the Phillis, 354 Emery 7N51:22 Ely, Eng. , See Burning at the stake Elzevir books, for sale, 24My51: 32 Elzey, William, PD3N74: 42— PilON74:32 Emanuel, Ralph, P21Ap75: 32— D22Ap75: 33 — Pi28Ap75: 41, D29Ap75s42 Emanuel, transport, D16Mr76: 23 Emasculation, in London, Eng. , 10D36: 31 Embargoes, in Amsterdam, Holl. , PD10S67: 13 in Antigua, W. I. , 13Je45: 22 in Barbados, W. L , 13Je45: 31 in Bordeaux, Fr. , 240c45: 31 in Buenos Aires, Arg. , 22S38: 32 in Cadiz, Sp. , 29Ag51: 21, 5S51: 21, 19S51: 22, PD30Ap72: 13 in Conn. ,D16S75: 22 in Cork, Ire. , 6Je45: 22 in Curacao, W. L , Pi31Ag75: 31 in Del. , 18Ap55: 21 in Elizabeth river district, Va. , P10J178: 22 in Eng. , 20Oc38: 22, 28S39: 32, 120c39: 21, 120c39: 32, 120c39: 41, 9N39: 31, 21D39: 22, PD7Mr71: 23 lifted, 260c39: 31, 2N39: 11 rumored, PD28Mr71: 13 in Europe, 16N39: 32 in Fr. , 27Mr46: 11, 25Ap55: 12, 7N55: 21, PD31D72: 23— R31D72: 13, P28N77: 22 rumored, D22Je76: 42— P28Je76: 13 in Ga. ,HMr37:41 inGt. Brit. , 23N39: 32, PD20N66: 21, PD27N66: 21 considered, P28F77: 12 in Havana, Cuba, D14Ag79: 22 in Jamaica, W. I. , 12My38: 32, 29Ag45: 22, D250c76: 31 in Martinique, W. I. , P28N77: 22, D12D77:11— P12D77: 21 in Mass. , 2My55: 11 in N. C. , 24My51: 12 in Phila. , Pa. , 18Ap55: 21, P13D76: 22 in Port. , 27J139: 22 in R. I. , PD15D74: 31 in St. Augustine, Fla. , 24S36: 21 in Seville, Sp. .D18J177: 11 in Smyrna, Turkey, PD13D70: 12 in S. C. , HMr37: 41, 25Mr37: 32, 20Ja38: 31 in Sp. , 260C39: 21, PD14F71: 23, R7Mr71:32,D24Je75: 13 in Va. , P20D76s21, P19Je78: 31 in W. I. , D5D77: 11 — P5D77: 22 in W.I. , Brit. , 23My45: 31, D6Ja76: 32 in W. I. , Fr. , D23 Ja78: 21 on arms in Fr. ,D22Je76: 61 on beef in Ire. , PD18Ap71: 22 on British colonies, N. Am. , See Prohibitory act on British ships, in Turkey, R8F70: 21 in Sp. , P21J175: 21 on corn, in Antigua, W. I. , P21Je76: 22--D22Je76: 61 in Gt. Brit. , PD4D66: 23, PD4D66:31,R11D66: 22, PD7Je70: 13 in Naples, It. , PD4D66: 22 petitioned in Edinburgh, Scot. , PD20N66: 21 on cotton textiles in La. , PD6Ag72: 21 on exports, from British W. I. , to N. Am. , D6Ja76: 32 from Ire. , PD4Ap71: 22, PD4Mr73: 31, PDllMr73: 21, PDllMr73: 22 to French colonies, PD9S73: 11 on gunpowder in Fr. , D22Je76: 61 on Irish ships, PD24Je73: 21— R24Je73: 23 on iron ordnance in Gt. Brit. , PD14Mr66: 41 on Md. trade, deferred in Commons, D27My75: 22 proposed in Commons, Pi28Ap75sll— D29Ap75s33 on Mass. , Pi20Ap75: 31—P21Ap75s33— D22Ap75: 23, P19My75: 22, P19My75: 32 on middle colonies, Pi22Je75: 33 on naval stores in Gt. Brit. , PD14Mr66: 41 on New Eng. , Pi20Ap75: 31 — P21Ap75s33— D22Ap75: 23, D6My75: 31 act (text) for, Pil8My75: 31 compared with Prohibitory act, D17Je75s21 discussed in London, Eng. , P9Je75: 31 discussed in parliament, P19My75: 12, P19My75: 22, D3Je75: 12, D17Je75: 11, P23Je75: 21 opposed, Pi22Je75: 31 opposed by Continental congress, D22J175: 21— P22J175s31 opposed by London, Eng. , merchants, D29Ap75s21, P12My75: 21, P19My75: 23, D27My75: 23 opposed by Va. house of burgesses, D17Je75sll opposed in London, Eng. , Pi28Ap75: 21 — D29Ap75s22 opposed in Lords, Pil8My75: 23, P2Je75: ll,D10Je75: 11 proposed, D29Ap75: 21 signed by George m, D27My75: 22, P9Je75: 13 on New England fisheries, D22Ap75: 21, D29Ap75: 31, D29Ap75: 33 on N. H. , Pi20Ap75: 31— P21Ap75s33— D22Ap75: 23 on N. J. , Pi28Ap75sll— D29Ap75s33, D27My75: 22 on Pa. , Pi28Ap75sll— D29Ap75s33, D27My75: 22 on Phila. , Pa. , P13D76: 21 on pork in Ire. , PD18Ap71: 22 on provisions exported from Gt. Brit. ,D28F77: 22— P28F77sl2 in Ire. , 14N55: 12 in R.I. ,D17Je75: 22 in Va. , 12S45: 32, 7Mr55: 31, 12D55: 22, 3S56: 31.D10J178: 22— P10J178: 23, C3J179: 23,C30Oc79:33 — D11D79: 22 laid by Congress, P19Je78: 31 on ships, from Eng. , to Fr. , D22Je76: 11 in Sp. ,PD170c71: 13 in Tunis, Af. , PD15Ag71: 21 on S. C. , Pi28Ap75sll — D28Ap75s33, D27My75: 22 on Va. , Pi28Ap75sll— D29Ap75s33, D27My75: 22 on wheat in Gt. Brit. , R11D66: 13, PD15Ja67: 31 recommended in N. J. , 12S55: 12 warships in Sp. , PD240c71: 11 Embdem company, Ger. , 16My51: 21, 27F52: 21 Embezzlement, in Antwerp, Belg. , R30D73: 13 in Fr. , R16S73: 21 in Gt. Brit. , PD4Je67: 12 in Ind. , R17Je73: 21 in London, Eng. , PD2J167: 32, PD27Ag72: 13 of ships in N. Y. , PD22Mr70: 21 officers cashiered for in Va. , P11J177: 33 Embroidery, taught in Va. , PD21Mr66: 33, PD20F72: 32 smuggled in Eng. , PD10N68: 12 Embry, Major, 1D38: 42 [Henry], 3N38: 51, 25Ap51: 32 William, 25Ap51: 32, 19D55: 22, R60c68:31,R4Ag74:41 Emdem, Ger. , declared free port, 20F52: 32 See also Germans from; Imports to London, Eng. , from; Imports to N. J. , from; Prussian navy in; Ships, American, allowed in Emelia, schooner, 30Ap52: 32 ship, 29D52: 32 Emerald, frigate, P28Je76: 22, D4Ap77: 21, P18J177: 23,D15Ja80: 13 H. M. frigate, PD14Mr71: 31 H. M. S. , PD31Ja71: 13, PD31Ja71: 22, P15Mr76: 21— D16Mr76: 22, D22Je76: 21, P16Ag76: 21, DHOc76: 12,D30c77:22, D12D77: 11— P12D77: 22 ship, P28N77sl2 Emerald rings, for sale, in Baltimore, Md. , Pil8My75: 33 Emeralds, imported to Sp. , from Havana, Cuba, R13S70: 11 Emerson, Capt. , of the Mansfield, PD9J167: 31 Alice, D16Mr76: 41, D20Ap76: 41 James, PD15Ag66: 33, R5Ag73: 31, Pi6Ap75: 42, P17N75sll, P17N75sl3 John, P5Ja76: 41 [William], author, PD25F68: 41, PD29N70: 21, PD13D70: 42, PD17Ja71: 42, PD24Ja71: 42, PD7F71: 42, PD21F71: 42, PD7Mr71: 42, PD21Mr71: 42, PD28Mr71: 42, PD17S72: 21, PD10Je73: 31,D25N75: 11, D30D75: 11, D24F76: 43, D2Mr76: 41, D9Mr76: 41, D25My76: 43, D24Ag76:51,D20D76:41, D3Ja77:41,D17Ja77:41, D2My77: 81.D4J177: 81 See also Emmerson Emery, Mary, P8N76: 41 Stephen, P5Je78:31 Thomas, PD18F68: 31 William, P26J176: 41, D5D77: 21, D6N78: 32 Emery, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , PDllAp66: 41, PD3D67: 32, PDllAp71: 32 355 Emetic Emetic, See Tartar emetic Emigrants, sue for passage in Edinburgh, Scot. , PD15S74: 22 Emigration, criticized in Gt. Brit. , PD18Je67: 12 from Amsterdam, Holl. , to Surinam, W. I. , P40c76: 11— DHOc76:42 from Belfast, Ire. , to Am. , PD9Je74: 23, PD14J174: 21 to Charleston, S. C. , PD11D66: 22-- R11D66:41 to Newcastle, Del. , R5Ag73: 22, Pi28S75: 31 to Phila. , Pa. ,R5Ag73: 22 from Birmingham, Eng. , to N. Y. , R24F69sl2 from Boston, Mass. , to Havana, Cuba, encouraged, PD15J173: 22— R15J173: 13 to Miss. , R22S74: 21 to Ohio, R22S74: 21 from Bristol, Eng. , to St. John's river, Fla. , R24N68: 21 from British colonies, N. Am. , to Honduras bay, D14S76: 12 from Caithness, Scot. , to N. C. , R16D73: 32 from Can. , to Eng. , Pil90c75: 21— P20Oc75: 21 from Carolinas to Miss. , PD26Ag73: 23 from Colchester, Eng. , to Boston, Mass. ,PD22S68:11 from Cork, Ire. , to Am. , PD80c72: 21 to Newcastle, Del. , R5Ag73: 22 to Phila. , Pa. , R5Ag73: 22 from Cornhill, Eng. , to N. Am. , PD14Je70s22 from Cors. , to Am. , R31Mr74: 12 to British colonies, N. Am. , proposed, R19Ja69: 21 to Minorca, PD25Ag68: 22-- R25Ag68: 24 from Coventry, Eng. , to New Eng. , R5N72: 11 from Danzig, PD8S74: 22 from Derbyshire, Eng. , to N. Y. , R26My68: 23 from Dornoch, Scot. , to N. Y. , R16D73:32 to N. C. , R16D73: 32 from Dublin, Ire. , PD140c73: 12, R140c73: 13 from Edinburgh, Scot. , to N. Y. , D24Je75: 22 from Eng. , western, R23D73: 22 from Eng. , to America, PD30Je68: 12-- R30Je68: 22, PD22J173: 12, PD20Oc74: 23, PilD74: 23 to Antigua, W. I. , PD30Ap67: 31 to Boston, Mass. , PD17S71: 21 to Brit, colonies, N. Am. , PD10Je73: 11 to Den. , PD15J173: 22— R15J173: 22 to E. Fla. , R22S68: 14 to Dunkirk, Fr. , D12Ag75: 22 to Ga. , 28J138: 32, 18Ag38: 31 to N. Y. , PD16Je68: 23--R16Je68: 24, PD17S71: 21,R3Mr74:21 to N. S. , PD23J172: 21, PD7J174: 23, PD15D74: 13 to Phila. , Pa. , PD17S71: 21, R23D73:21 to Virginia, PD20Ja74: 32--R20Ja74: 33 to W. Fla. , PD15Ja67: 22, PD4N73: 13 from Europe to Pensacola, Fla. , PD28Ap68: 22— R28Ap68: 22 to U. S. prophesied, DlMy79: 22 from Falmouth, Eng. , to St. John de Appalache, Fla. , R25Ag68: 22 from Fort William, Scot. , to N.Y. ,PDllN73s22 from Fr. , to Am. , 28F51: 21 to U.S. proposed, D22Ag77: 11 — P22Ag77:ll,D22Ag77:22 to W. I. ,5S55:11 from Galloway co. , Scot. , to N. Y. , R14J174: 23 from Ger. , to Russia encouraged, P21J175sll from Glasgow, Scot. , to Am. , 22S38: 41, R210c73: 12 to N. Y. , PD23S73: 12 from Gt. Brit. , PD23D73s21— R23D73: 31 discussed by parliament, PD2D73s21— R2D73:22,R23D73:21 effect on population deplored, PD8Ap73: 11 limitation proposed, PD140c73sl2 opposed, PD31D72: 12 prices affect, P.4D66: 12 regulated, PD140c73s21 remedies for, PD3Mr74: 21 to Am. , PD25Je72: 22, PD17D72: 11, PD25Mr73: 21, PD17Je73: 31— R17Je73: 31 to Brit, colonies, N. Am. , PD19Mr67: 22, PD30Ap67: 12, R22S68: 14, PD17N68: 13 to Fla. , PD30Ap67: 23 to Miss, river, PD5N72: 21— R5N72: 11, R14Ja73: 23 to N. Y. , PD23S73: 23--R23S73: 31 to N. Am. opposed, PD7My67: 11 to Ohio river, PD5N72: 22— R5N72: 11 to S. C. , PD23S73: 23— R23S73: 31 from Gr. , to E. Fla. , PD4Ag68: 21— R4Ag68: 21 from Greenock, Scot. , to Am. , PD60c74: 13, PD130c74: 12, Pi20Oc74: 22 to British colonies, N. Am. , PD28J174: 21, D12Ag75: 13, D9S75: 21 to N. Y. , PD4Ag74: 22 from Hanover, Ger. , to E. Fla. , R140c73: 13 from Holl. , to N. Am. prohibited, PD18D66: 22 to N. S. , 19S51: 31 from Honduras, C. Am. , to Ga. , PD70c73: 13— R70c73: 22, PD210c73: 21 to Mosquito coast, Nic. , PD210c73: 21 from Ire. , PD20Ag72: 11, PD17Je73: 21— R17Je73: 22, PD140c73sl2, PD16D73: 21, R18Ag74: 13, Pi20Oc74: 22 to Am. , 24S36: 11, PD6Ag72: 13, R31D72: 11, PD8J173: 31— R8J173: 31, PD140c73sl2, R14J174: 21, D12Ag75: 22 to Annapolis, Md. , P23Je75: 13 to Baltimore, Md. , P23Je75: 13 to Brit, colonies, N. Am. , PD6My73: 21, PD10Je73: 11, PD17Je73: 21— R17Je73: 22, PD29J173: 22--R29J173: 23, PD5Ag73: 21--R5Ag73: 21, RllN73s21 to Charleston, S. C. , R10Mr74: 13, DllF75sl3 to James river district, Va. , PD80c72: 31 to Md. , 17F38: 31 to N. Y. , P23Je75: 13 to Newcastle, Del. , PD11J171: 21, P23Je75: 13 to Norfolk, Va. , PD27Ag72: 42 to N. Am. , PD19Ap70: 22, PD27My73: 11, PD17Je73: 23-- R17Je73: 31 to Phila. , Pa. , PD11J171: 21, PD9D73: 13, P23Je75: 13 to Placentia, Nfd. , PD2J167: 12 to St. John's, Nfd. , PD2J167: 12 to S. C. , R22S68: 14, PD18N73: 13, R7Ap74: 12 to Va. , PD17N74: 21 from Islay, Scot. , to N. Am. , PD9My71: 12 from Isle of Man to Fla. , PD23Ap67: 22 from Isle of Skye, Scot. , to Brit, colonies, N. Am. , PD10Je73: 22, PD23S73: 12, R210c73: 12, R10Mr74: 22 from It. , to E. Fla. , PD4Ag68: 21— R4Ag68: 21 to Va. , PD28J174: 31— R28J174: 32 from Kent, Eng. , to Am. , PD23D73: 21 from Lame, Ire. , to Charleston, S. C. , PD10D72: 21 from Leeds, Eng. , to British colonies, N. Am. , PD24Je73: 13, RllAg74: 21 from Lewis island, Scot. , to Brit, colonies, N. Am. , PD10Je73: 22, PD140c73: 12, PD23D73: 21 from London, Eng. , to Am. , PD18Ap66: 23 to Boston, Mass. , PD18Ag74: 22-- R18Ag74: 22 to Brit, colonies, N. Am. , PD17Je73: 22— R24Je73: 23 to E. Fla. , PD26Mr67: 22 to Fla. , R18Ag68s22 to N. Y. , PD18Ag74: 22--R18Ag74: 22 to Phila. , Pa. , PD18Ag74: 22— R18Ag74: 22, R1S74: 22 from Londonderry, Ire. , to Baltimore, Md. , RllN73s23— PD25N73: 21 to Halifax, N. S. , PD7Ja68: 23 to Newcastle, Del. , R26Ag73: 21 to Phila. , Pa. , R29J173: 23, R26Ag73:21,RlS74:22 from Long island, Scot. , to Am. , R210c73: 12 from N. J. , to Miss. , PD26Ag73: 23 to Natchez, Miss. , PD5Ag73: 21— R5Ag73: 21 from N. Y. , to St. Augustine, Fla. , PD12My68: 22 from Newport, R. I. , to N. Y. , D22Ap75: 12 to Quebec, Can. , D22Ap75: 12 from Newry, Ire. , to N. Y. , PD5Ag73: 21 to Newcastle, Del. , PD5Ag73: 21, PD18Ag74:21,Pi28S75:31 to Pa. , PD5Ag73: 21 to Savannah, Ga. , R10Mr74: 13 356 Endeavor from Normandy, Fr. , to E. Fla. , PD30Ap67: 22 from North Brit. , to N. Y. , R9S73: 32 from N. C. , to Ky. , D26F80: 31 to Mississippi river, PD9S73: 23 to northward, 310c45: 41 from N. S. , to Eng. , PD15D74: 13 from Pa. , to Natchez, Miss. , PD5Ag73: 21--R5Ag73: 21 from Pol. , to Am. , PD23D73: 22— R23D73: 22 to S. C. , PD7Ap74: 13 from Port Glasgow, Scot. , to Brit, colonies, N. Am. , D12Ag75: 13, D9S75: 21 from Port Mahon, Minorca, to E. Fla. , PD4Ag68: 21--R4Ag68: 21 from Quebec, Can. , to Eng. , D6Ap76: 13 from Ross-shire, Scot. , to New York City, PD27My73: 22, R210c73: 12 from Rotterdam, Holl. , to Phila. , Pa. , Pi270c74: 22 from Scarborough, Eng. , to N. S. , PD9Je74: 22 from Scot. , PD22S74: 23, PD10N74: 22, PD29D74: 21, D20Ja76: 12 to Albany, N. Y. , PD9D73: 13 to Am. , PD25Je72: 21, PD20Ag72: 21, PD140c73sl2, PD16D73: 13— R16D73:31,R9Je74s22 to Boston, Mass. , D20Ja76: 22 to British colonies, N. Am. , PD10Je73: ll,D27My75: 23, D19Ag75: 23 to Carolina, PD24F74: 31 to Cross Creek, N. C. , D27Ja76: 13 to Fla. , PD23Ap67: 21 to Fort George, N. Y. , PD23D73: 21, PD24F74: 31 to Fort William, Can. , PD24F74: 31 to Lake Champlain planned, R25N73:33 to Marblehead, Mass. , PD130c74: 21 to N. Y. , PD1J173: 32--R1J173: 31, PD27Ja74: 21, PD27Ja74: 31 — R27Ja74: 33, PD10F74: 23, R10F74: 31, PD24F74: 31, PD130c74: 21, PD130c74: 31 to New Bern, N. C. , Pi30D75: 41 to N. C. , PD16My71: ll,D20Ja76: 12 to Phila. , Pa. , PD7J174: 23 to Va. , R23D73: 32 to N. Y. , PD19F67: 21 from Sp. , to Am. , 20F52: 31 from Stirling, Scot. , PD15S74: 13 from Stockton, Eng. , to Am. , PD9Je74: 13 from Sunderland, Eng. , to British colonies, N. Am. , PD12Ag73: 13— R26Ag73s22 from Sutherland, Scot. , to Am. , PD24S72: 21, PD150c72: 22, R210c73: 12 from Turkey to Russia, PD17Ag69: 32, R8F70: 23 from Va. , to Carolina, 20My37: 42, 17Mr38: 41, P3Ja77s23, P25Ap77: 31, D14Ag79: 32 to Eng. , 21N45: 41, Pal7Ap46: 42— Pa24Ap46: 42, PD17Je73: 33, R12My74:42,P16F76:32 to frontier, PD4J171: 31--R18J171: 41 to Ga. , 10S36: 42, PD60c74: 32 to Glasgow, Scot. ,P23F76:32 to Ky. , D31J179: 31, D13N79: 32 to London, Eng. , PD17Je73: 33 to Md. , P7Mr77: 23 to Miss. , PD26Ag73: 23, PD4N73: 22, PD18N73: 22 to Nevis, W. I. , R30Ag70: 31 to N. C. , PD5My74: 23— R12My74: 41, Pil6Mr75: 33, P30Ag76: 32, P9My77sll, D27Je77: 31, P10Oc77: 31, D6N79: 31 to Ohio, R3Mr74: 42 to Scot. , Pi50c75: 23--P60c75: 13 to S. C. , PD10N74: 42, D8Ap75: 32 to W. Fla. , PD18N73: 22 from Waterford, Ire. , to Philadelphia, Pa. , R29J173: 23, PD18Ag74: 21 from Whitehorn, Scot. , to Am. , PD19My74: 33 from Yorkshire, Eng. , to Am. , PD17Je73: 32--R17Je73s22 to British colonies, N. Am. , PD15S74: 13 to N. Y. , Pil9Ja75: 23 of British manufacturers, PD17S71: 22 of British soldiers to colonies encouraged, R25Ag74: 32 of Germans promoted by British, PD10D72: 11— R10D72: 11 to Boston, Mass. , PD12D71: 23 to Ga. , 19D51: 22 to N. S. , 24Ap52: 21, 15D52: 22 to Phila. , Pa. , Pi270c74: 22 of merchants from Danzig to Swe. , PD24F74:31 restricted in Fr. , R26My68: 13 to Annapolis, Md. , 24N52: 22 See also Convict servants; Indentured servants; Huguenots; Immigration; Palatines Emilia, schooner, 31Ja51: 32, 6F52: 32 Emmerick, Capt. , arrives in N. Y. , D15Ag77: 52 Emmerson, James, PD31Mr68: 22, R23Mr69: 32, R20J169: 23, PD10Oc71: 32— R170c71: 33, R27Ja74:41,D27N78:22 See also Emerson Emmet, John, P24Ja77: 22 Emms, Capt. , of the Brothers, PD9My71: 31— R9My71: 33, PD27F72: 32 of the Virginia, PD17Je73: 32 Edward, 12D55: 32 Richard, Capt. , of the Betsey, PD240c66: 22, PD27N66: 22, PD60c68: 22— R60c68: 23, R30My71:31,R27F72: 23, R17Je73: 11, Pi9N75: 12 Emons, Joseph, alias of Joseph Amons, 18Ap51: 32 Emory, Capt. , PD9My66: 22, PD9My66: 23 Mrs. , death of, PD29J173: 22— R29J173: 23 William, D6Je77: 32 Emperor, ship, PD4Oc70: 22, PD10Oc71: 31, PD20Ag72: 23, PD27My73: 23— R27My73: 31, R10Je73: 33, PD23D73: 23 — R23D73: 32 stallion, PlMy78: 32 Emperor of Morocco, horse, D26Mr79:31,C13My80:32 Empiricus, pseud. , R18F68: 31 Emplaisters, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 3Je37: 41 Employment, adv. for, HAp51: 41, 24Ag51:32,DllMr75: 33 in Gt. Brit. , problem discussed, 15S52: 22, PD2N69: 22 in Vienna, Aus. , restricted, PDllAp66: 21 Empress of Russia, transport, PD270c74: 22 Ems river, fortified by Dutch, PD6J169: 13 Emus, Capt. , of the Brothers, R15Mr70: 22 Enamel dial plate, for watches, adv. of, in Norfolk, Va. , PD6N66: 22 Enameled buttons, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD17S67: 21, PD220c72: 23— R220c72: 23 Enameled earrings, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD7My72: 32 Enameled necklaces, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD7My72: 32 Enameled nutmeg graters, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD18Ap66: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD13Ap69: 32— R13Ap69: 31 Enameled saucers, for sale, in Yorktown, Va. , PD25F68: 31— R25F68: 31 Enameled snuff boxes, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , D27Je77: 31 Enameled studs, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD17S67: 21 Enameled teacups, for sale, in Yorktown, Va. , PD25F68: 31— R25F68: 31 Enameled toys, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22 Enclosure act, tested in Eng. , R4N73: 22 applied for in Eng. , P10N75: 13 effects of, R4D66: 12 in Chester co. , Eng. , PD12Ag73: 21 in Gt. Brit. , PD14Ja73: 21, PD14J174: 12, PD8D74: 13 in Scot. , causes emigration, PD20Ag72: 21 in Shropshire, Eng. , PD12Ag73: 21 regulated by parliament, PD18Je67: 11, R15J173: 23 Encouragement, ship, 10Ap52: 31, 270c52:21,17N52:22 Endeavour, bark, PD12D71: 22, Pi260c75: 13 brigantine, R4Ag68: 23, D20Je77: 11 British ship, D29N76: 51 frigate, R170c71: 22 H. M. cutter, PD7D69s22 H. M. S. , PD15S68: 11, R270c68: 11, R24N68: 13, PD80c72: 22— R80c72: 23,D29J176: 12 schooner, 28Ag52: 31, 270c52: 21, P21Ap75: 23— D22Ap75: 32, P21Ap75s42— D22Ap75: 31, D12Ag75: 33 ship, 26N36: 41, 25Mr37: 22, 18Ap45: 41, 10N52: 22, 28F55: 31, 357 Endeavor, ship (cont'd) HAp55: 22, 240c55: 21, PD5S66s43, PD22Ja67: 32, PD19Mr67: 32, PD24D67: 32, PD17Mr68: 31 — R14Ap68: 42, PD23Je68: 23— R7J168: 21, PD30Je68: 23— R7J168: 22, PD8S68p22, R60c68: 21, PD270c68: 42, PD270c68: 43, PD17N68: 22, PD22D68: 31, PD5Ap70: 33, PD13S70: 23, PD17S71: 22, PD27F72: 23, PD18Je72: 21, R140c73: 12, PD15S74: 31, PD22S74: 21, PD130c74: 21 sloop, 12N36: 42, 31D36: 42, 22S38: 32, 10Oc45: 31, 23Ja46: 41, PD170c71: 12— R170c71: 21, D20Ap76: 23 Endicott, ship, PD10D67: 31, PD26My68: 23— R26My68: 31, R22S68: 23 Endive seeds, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD10Mr68: 32— R10Mr68: 33 in Richmond, Va. , D9S75: 32, D3F76: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , 30N59: 32, PD16B73: 31, Pi6Ap75: 42 Endowments, in London, Eng. , RllJa70: 12 Endrought, Dutch man of war, PD28J174: 31 Endurance tests, adv. of, in Williamsburg, Va. , theatre, R19N72: 31 Enemy to captious parsons, pseud. , R21Ap74: 23 Enemy to hypocricy, pseud. , PD18J166: 11— R18J166: 23, PD26S66: 21, PD30c66: 33 Enemy to impositions, pseud. , P19Ap76: 41, P3My76: 32, P7Je76: 32, P21 Je76: 31 Enemy to nonsense, pseud. , PD26S66: 11, PD240c66: 13, PilD74: U,Pil5D74: 12, Pi29D74: 32, Pi2Mr75: 21 Enfield, Eng. , See Anecdotes from; Earthquakes; Larks in Enfield, plantation, N. C. , PD10S72: 31 Engineers, arrive in N. Y. , from Eng. , 7N55:21 on Florida coast, PD10D72: 22— R10D72: 22 Engineers, French, loaned to Turk. , R23D73: 22 to St. Domingo, W. I. , PD4Je67: 22 Engines, of William Smith, R12My68: 23 Engines, watch, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , D9Ap79: 31 England, Capt. , PD70c73: 13— R70c73: 22, P22J175s22 — D29J175:31 Ensign, wounded in battle of Bunker Hill, P22J175s22— D29J175: 31 Poole, Lt. , P22J175s22— D29J175: 31 Thomas, R29J173: 23 William, PD15Ap73: 12 England, alliance against family compact, PD23F69:23 civil war in predicted, D30S75: 21 defense stregthened, D27N79: 11 description of, PDlJe69: 13 general congress to be held, P31Mr75: 12 insurrections in, D18J177: 31 — P18J177:23 invasion by French rumored, C27N79: 11 public registers appointed, 7S39: 31 relations with Fr. , PD13S70s21 — R20S70: 11 relations with Sp. , PD13S70s21— R20S70: 11 royal marriages with Den. , PD6Je66: 13 seaports in fortified, PD3Ja71: 22 supplies arms to Port. , 290c36: 12 trade with Scot. , PD30Ap72: 22, D17Je75: 22 union with Ire. discussed, R14Ja73: 21, PDllMr73: 21, R280c73: 13 See also Accidents in; Adultery in; Agriculture, experimental in; Alehouses in; American revolution, importance to; American revolution, peace proposed in; American revolution discussed in; American revolution predicted in; Ammunition, export from; Ammunition, imported to Va. , from; Ammunition to Jamaica, W. L , from; Anecdotes about robberies in; Anecdotes about singers in; Anecdotes from; Anecdotes on corruption in; Annuities in; Antiquities discovered in; Arms, export from; Arson in; Artificers emigrate to New Eng. from; Artisans, French, in; Associations opposed in; Bachelors' marriage encouraged in; Bankruptcies decline in; Bankruptcies feared in; Bankruptcies in; Bankruptcy act; Banks in; Banquets, price in; Barley plentiful in; Barley price in; Beaver wool price in; Beef, price in; Bees tamed in; Bible, nobility read in; Bigamy in; Biscuit, export prohibited in; Blackmail in; Books, price in; Boston massacre discussed in; Boston port bill, reception of, discussed in; Boston port bill, relief from, by; Boston port bill, repeal favored in; Boston port bill, subscription for relief from, in; Boston port bill affects manufacturers in; Boston port bill favored in; Boston port bill opposed in; Boston tea party supported in; Bounties; Brandy smuggled in; Breach of promise in; Bread, export prohibited in; Bread, price high in; Bread, price in; British army; British colonial policy; British colonies. N. Am. ; British marines; British ministry; British navy; British sailors; British transports; Brunswick Wolfenbuttel troops to R. I. from; Buildings erected in; Bunker Hill, battle of, news reaches; Butter, price in; Calves killing prohibited in; Calves, penalty on butchering in; Cambric, import to; Canals in; Candles, prices high in; Cannibalism in; Carriage races in; Carriages, coal, invented in; Carriages, coal, used in; Carriages fitted in; Carts invented in; Cattle, export from; Cattle, price in; Cattle, winter food for discovered in; Caulkers forbidden to leave; Charity in; Children mistreated in; Chinese artists in; Christmas celebration in; Chronometer invented in; Churches in; Cider scarce in; Clergy trials of in; Cloth for Russian army bought in; Clothes purchased in; Clothing manufacture in; Clothing manufacture declines; Coal, price in; Coal, prices high in; Coal merchants in; Coal mines discovered in; Cockmatches in; Coercive acts, repeal discussed in; Coercive acts, repeal favored in; Coercive acts, repeal opposed in; Coercive acts, repeal petitioned for in; Coercive acts opposed in; Coinage act opposed in; Coins, price in; Comets appear in; Comets described in; Committees of correspondence formed in; Confectionaries described in; Continental army, conduct praised in; Continental army, recruiting for in; Continental battalion, 15th, deserters from in; Continental congress, 1st, importance disregarded in; Continental congress, 1st, opposed in; Continental congress, 1st, praised in; Continental congress, 1st, proceedings received in; Continental congress, 1st, result of awaited in; Continental congress, 1st, supported in; Continental congress, 2nd, conciliation plan presented in; Continental congress, 2nd, independence resolves rumored in; Continental congress, 2nd, petitions ignored in; Continental navy, desertion to; Continental navy off; Continental navy pursued by British off; Contraband between; Contraband between Holl. , and; Convict servants exported from; Convict servants from; Convict servants imported to Potomac district, Va. , from; Convict servants imported to Va. from; Convoys by British navy to; Convoys by Swedish navy to; Copper coins, export from; Cordage, export from; Corn, import to; Corn, price high in; Corn, price in; Corn exported from; Corn hoarded in; Corn plentiful in; Corn production in; Corn scarce in; Corn storehouses in; Corn to be imported to; Cotton imported to Va. from; Cotton velvet, import to France from; Counterfeiters flee; Counterfeiting in; Crime increases in; Crisis opposed in; Crops plentiful in; Customs service in; Danish navy, recruiting for in; Debtors in; Debtors, imprisonment for regulated in; Debtors, subscription for in; Debtors discharged in; Debtors imprisoned in; Debtors released from prison in; Debts, collection in; Debts, imprisonments for in; Declaration of independence approved in; Declaratory act upheld in; Deer hunting in; Deer scarce in; Diamonds used as barter in; Dice used in; Diseases in; Dissenters, imprisonment of clergy in; Dissenters in; Dissenters increase in; Distemper, cure for used in; Distemper among cattle in; Distemper among horses in; Diving machines invented in; Divorces, prevention proposed in; Divorces common in; Divorces contemplated in; Divorces in; 358 England Dockyards closed to public in; Dockyards in; Dogs, price in; Drafting for British army in; Drawbacks in; Dropsy in; Duels in; Duels opposed in; Duties; Eagles, abnormal in; Earthquakes in; Education, funds for; Effigies burned in; Eggs imported to; Elections in; Elopements in; Embargoes; Emigration from; Emigration from Can. to; Emigration from N. S. to; Emigration from Quebec, Can., to; Emigration from Va. to; Enclosure act tested in; Enclosures, applied for in; Enumerated articles exported from British colonies, N.Am., to; Episcopate, American, favored in; Essays on corruption in; Excise taxes in; Executions in; Exhibitions in; Exhumations in; Explorations encour- aged in; Exports from; Exports from America to; Exports from France to; Exports from Ire. to; Exports from Md. to; Exports from Mass. to; Exports from New York City to; Exports from N. Am. to; Exports from Scot, to; Exports from Sp. to; Exports from Va. to; Eye operations performed in; Fairs in; Famines in; Farmer's Letters praised in; Farmer's Letters read in; Farthings coined in; Farthings to be coined in; Fashions in; Fast days in; Felony in; Festivals in; Fights in; Fires, methods of preventing invented in; Fish, price low in; Fish- eries, British; Fisheries, Nfd. , whale, encouraged in; Floods in; Flour, American, unsalable in; Flour, meal, export prohibited in; Flour import to; Flying in; Foot races in; Forestallers criticized in; Forests, royal, rent from, in; Forgeries in; Fowling pieces made in; Frauds discovered in; Frauds in; Freedom of election; Freedom of press, investigation proposed in; Freedom of press discussed in; Freedom of press threatened in; Freedom of press violated in; Freemasons in; French army, number of troops to; French army, recruiting for in; French navy, victory over British investigated in; French, number in; Frosts in; Funerals, described in; Gambling criticized in; Gambling in; Gambling increases in; German troops from; Giants arrive in; Gin prohibition in; Gold, price in; Gold coin regulated in; Gout, price of cure for in; Governors, royal, conduct inspected in; Grain, export from British colonies, N. Am. , to; Grain plentiful in; Grain price high in; Grain scarce in; Granaries, public proposed for in; Grapeshot invented in; Grass plentiful in; Great Britain; Guineas coined in; Gunpowder, export from; Gunpowder manufacture in; Gypsies in; Hair, price in; Halfpence coined in; Hanau troops to R. I. from; Hanover troops, recruiting ordered from; Hanoverian troops to; Hardware manufactures in; Hat makers in; Hats returned to; Hay, price low in; Hay plentiful in; Hecklers in; Hemp consumption in; Hemp import to; Hessians to R. I. from; Hides, import to; Highwaymen apprehended in; Horse racing in; Horse stealing in; Horses, export from; Horses, increase in number bred in; Horses, prices of; Horses bought by French in; Horses purchased in; Hospitals in; Hospitals, foundling, in; Hydrometers invented in; Hydrophobia in; Immigration to; Immigration to Fort Cumberland, N. S. , from; Immigration to Va. from; Impeachments in; Imports returned to; Imports to; Imports to Boston, Mass. , from; Imports to Cherbourg, Fr. , from; Imports to Corsica from; Imports to Essex co. , Va. , from; Imports to Fr. from; Imports to Lisbon, Port. , from; Imports to Marblehead, Mass. , from; Imports to Montreal, Can. , from; Imports to Nansemond co. , Va. , from; Imports to New York City from; Imports to Normandy, Fr. , from; Imports to Philadelphia, Pa. , from; Imports to Port, from; Imports to St. Eustatia, W. I. , from; Imports to Salem, Mass. , from; Imports to Va. from; Imports to Williamsburg, Va. , from; Impressment of sailors in; Imprisonment, forced in; Indians presented at court in; Insanity case in; Insurance, marine, rates increase in; Insurance, marine, rates in; Insurance declines in; Insurance rates in; Interest rates, high in; International relations discussed in; Iron masters in; Ironmongers in; Jailors sued for cruelty in; Jails in; Jails built in; Jesuits arrive in; Jesuits from Civitavecchia, It. , to; Jesuits in; Jews, gang formed in; Jews discriminated against in; Jews executed in; Junius, pseud. , criticized in; Juries, coroner's, origin in; Kidnapping in; Kit Cat club in; Knitting machines invented in; Labor regulations in; Laborers scarce in; Lace smuggled in; Lamb scarce in; Lambs, killing to be prohibited in; Lambs, penalty on butchering of in; Land, forfeiture as punishment for rebels proposed in; Land, taxes on in; Land, reclamation suggested in; Lawsuits in; Lawyers satirized in; Libel discussed in; Libel suits in; Libraries, circulating, in; Lightermen, apprentices, protection applied for in; Linen, import to Port, from; Linen, price in; Linen manufactures decline in; Liquor, drinking of in; Lock manufactures in; Locks, price in; Logs invented in; Longitude determinants, invention rewarded in; Looms, improvements in; Lotteries, state, in; Lotteries in; Lotteries proposed in; Mad dogs in; Mail carts, improvements in; Mail protected in; Malt consumption in; Manila ransom discussed in; Manufacturers, British hardware, emigration from; Manufacturers in; Manufactures decline in; Manufactures in British colonies, N. Am. , encouragement urged in; Marines, recruiting for in; Marque, letters of, proposed in; Marriage regulated in; Masquerades popular in; Mass. "circular letter" opposed in; Meat, price in; Meat scarce in; Mercantilism supported in; Mercenaries, use of opposed in; Merchandise ordered for Mobile, Ala. , in; Merchandise ordered for N. Y. in; Merchandise ordered for Pensacola, Fla. , in; Merchandise ordered in; Merchandise returned from Boston, Mass. , to; Merchandise returned from British colonies, N. Am. , to; Merchants, American, to; Merchants in; Methodists, anecdotes concerning, in; Methodists, success of in; Militia advocated in; Militia of; Milk, price high in; Mints, royal, in; Monarchy discussed in; Money, importance discussed in; Money, Portuguese, accepted in; Money, Portuguese, refused in; Money, as lottery prizes in; Money revision considered in; Money scarce in; Money seized by customs office in; Money to be devaluated in; Monopolies in; Monopolies of farm products in; Mortality rate in; Multiple births in; Murders in; Museums in; Music appreciation of in; Music type invented in; Muskets ordered in; Muslin, demand in; Mutes in; Mutton, price in; Nail manufactures decline in; Nails ordered in; Navigation act opposed in; Non-exportation agreements, effect of in; Non-exportation agreements, importance discussed in; Non-exportation agreements, support urged in; Non -exportation agreements approved in; Non -exportation agreements opposed in; Non-exportation agreements supported in; Non- importation agreements, effect of, in; Non-importation agreements, failure rumored in; Non-importation agreements, importance discussed in; Non -importation agreements, ineffective in; Non-importation agreements, maintenance requested in; Non-importation agreements, support urged in; Non-importation agreements, violation in N. Y. , approved in; Non-importation agreements approved in; Non-importation agreements criticized in; Non-importation agreements expected in; Non-importation agreements supported in; North Pole, explorations encouraged in; Nunneries in; Nylghan in; Oats plentiful in; Ohio river, British settlement on, opposed in; Ordinaries in; Oxen, price in; Oxen bred in; Palaces built in; Pamphlets established in; Pamphlets published in; Parchment, price in; Peace commissioners ridiculed in; Pensions, satire on in; Pensions granted in; Perambulator invented 359 England, See also (cont'd) in; Perjuries in; Perjury, trials for in; Petition, effect of in; Petition, right of supported in; Petitions, recipients discussed in; Physiology, discoveries in; Pigs, suckling, killing to be prohibited in; Piracy, executions for in; Pirates, British, brought to; Pirates, trials for in; Pirates tried in; Plague in; Planets discovered in; Plays to be presented in; Ploughs in; Poisoning in; Ponies, Arabian, brought to; Poor relief in; Post office in; Postal service between; Postal service between America and; Postal service between U. S. and; Potatoes, price in; Potatoes plentiful in; Prayers for peace in; Price control in; Price control favored in; Price control proposed in; Prices decrease in; Prices high in; Prices increase in; Prices regulated in; Prisoners indemnified in; Prisoners of war, American, exchanged from; Prisoners of war, American, number in; Prisoners of war, American, ordered to; Prisoners of war, American, release demanded in; Prisoners of war, American, relief for, in; Prisoners of war, American scalping suggested in; Prisoners of war, American, subscription for relief in; Prisoners of war, American, to; Prisoners of war, American, treatment in; Prisoners of war, American, tried in; Prisoners of war, exchange considered in; Prisoners of war, French, sent to; Prisoners of war, Spanish, sent to; Privateers, American, capture British packet near; Privateers, British, captured by French off; Propaganda, British, in; Protestant dissenters in; Prostitution in; Provisions, import to; Provisions, salted, import to; Provisions, scarce in; Provisions for Corsican army in; Public debt in; Puddings used in hairdressing in; Punishments in; Quadrant, universal, invented in; Quadruple alliance announced in; Quakers in; Quakers support colonies in; Quartering opposed in; Quebec act, repeal favored in; Quebec act opposed by Americans in; Quebec act opposed in; Quebec act supported by Roman Catholics in; Races in; Rain, discussion of, in; Rains in; Rams export from; Rape in; Recruiting for foreign service in; Registry offices in; Religious toleration, extinction considered in; Religious toleration violated in; Rents in; Republicans in; Revolutionary leaders transfer to; Revolutionary war, attitude of Americans in; Revolutionary war, attitude toward, in; Revolutionary war, false accounts in; Revolutionary war, naval engagements off; Revolutionary war, opposed in; Revolutionary war, peace between Fr. , and; Revolutionary war, peace terms discussed in; Revolutionary war opposed in; Revolutionary war predicted in; Rice, price in; Rice distilled in; Riots, acts against in; Riots in; Riots in dockyards in; Roads, poor condition in; Robberies attempted in; Robberies in; Robberies, mail, rewards offered in; Roman Catholic church, laws against in; Roman Catholic church opposed in; Roman Catholics in; Rum, consumption encouraged in;Russian navy to; Sailmakers forbidden to leave; Sailors from; Sailors pensioned in; Salt, demand in; Salt provisions from; Salt returned to; Saltpetre manufacture; Satires on 18th century life in; Satires on politics in; Schools in; Scientists in; Sea monsters captured in; Sedition in; Sermons preached in; Servants in; Seven years war discussed in; Shakers in; Sheep export from; Ships, British, captured by Americans off; Ships, British, captured by Continental navy off; Ships, British, captured off; Ships, construction methods, invented in; Ships, experiments in building in; Ships, salvage methods invented in; Ships built in; Ships' carpenters forbidden to leave; Ships convoyed to; Ships from; Ships from Antigua, W. I. ; Ships from Baltic to; Ships from Bath, N. C. , to; Ships from Bombay, India, to; Ships from Boston, Mass. , to; Ships from Buenos Aires, Arg. , to; Ships from East Indies to; Ships from Gibraltar, Sp. , to; Ships from Halifax, N. S. , to; Ships from Hampton roads, Va. , to; Ships from Jamaica, W. I. , to; Ships from James river, Va. , to; Ships from Md. to; Ships from New York City to; Ships from Portsmouth, N. H. , to; Ships from Quebec to; Ships from Rappahannock district, Va. , to; Ships from Salem, Mass. , to; Ships from Smyrna, Turkey, to; Ships from Va. to; Ships from W. I. to; Ships from York district, Va. , to; Ships' sailing time; Ships to; Ships to Boston, Mass. , from; Ships to Capes from; Ships to Choptank river, Md. , from; Ships to Corsica from; Ships to Fort St. George, India, from; Ships to Ga. from; Ships to Halifax, N. S. , from; Ships to Hampton, Va. , from; Ships to Hampton roads, Va. , from; Ships to James river, Va. , from; Ships to Louisburg, N. S. , from; Ships to Madras, India, from; Ships to Nantasket road, Mass. , from; Ships to New York City from; Ships to Newburyport, Mass. , from; Ships to Newport, R. I. , from; Ships to Norfolk, Va. , from; Ships to N. Am. from; Ships to Philadelphia, Pa. , from; Ships to Piscataway, N. J. , from; Ships to Potomac district, Va. , from; Ships to Salem, Mass. , from; Ships to S. C. from; Ships to Va. from; Shipwrecks, cargoes recovered in; Shipwrecks in; Shipwrights in; Shipwrights, emigration from; Shipwrights drafted in; Shipwrights forbidden to leave; Silk, price in; Silk brocade, price in; Silk manufacture in; Silver, scarce in; Silver coinage in; Silver coins, differences in; Silverplate in; Slavery, legality of in; Smallpox in; Smallpox inoculations, deaths from, in; Smallpox inoculations in; Smuggling, precautions against in; Smuggling in; Snow in; Snuff trade declines in; Society of supporters of bill of rights procures petitions in; Sons of Liberty, proceedings published in; Spies for France in; Stagecoaches in; Stamp act, distributors indemnified by; Stamp act, paper returned to; Stamp act, repeal criticized in; Stamp act, repeal supported in; Stamp act called unconstitutional in; Stamp act opposed in; Starch, export prohibited in; Starch made from rice in; Starvation in; Stationery returned to; Stealing in; Stock market falls in; Stock market rises in; Stocking weavers emigration from; Storms in; Straw manufactures encouraged in; Straw plentiful in; Strikes in; Sugar act, repeal rumored in; Suicides in; Suicides, laws for burial of in; Suicides attempted in; Sun, observations of in; Swords, price in; Tailors, journeymen, in; Tanners, journeymen, encouragement to emigration from; Tavernkeepers dishonest in; Taxation of colonies, colonial opposition to attacked in; Taxation of colonies, plan for proposed in; Taxation of colonies, removal promised in; Taxation of colonies discussed in; Taxation of colonies opposed in; Taxation of colonies supported in; Taxation ridiculed in; Taxes, rate of in; Taxes for charity proposed in; Taxes in; Tea, export from; Tea, plentiful in; Tea, price high in; Tea, sales decline in; Tea returned from New York City to; Tea returned from Norfolk, Va. , to; Tea stored in; Tea trees in; Textile manufacturers in; Thread manufactures decline in; Thread papers invented in; Tidewaiters, new regulations in; Tigers brought to; Timber scarce in; Tin trade declines in; Tithes discussed in; Toads found in coal mines in; Tobacco, import to; Tobacco, monopolies in; Tobacco, price low in; Tobacco, price raised in; Tories, attitude in; Tories, treatment in; Tories arrive in; Tories leave New London, Conn. , for; Townshend acts, repeal denied in; Townshend acts, repeal discussed in; Townshend acts, repeal favored in; Trade, British-American, discussed in; Trade, British- American, importance to; Trade, British-American, regulation for proposed in; Transportation to 360 Entertainments colonies, criminals embark from; Transportation to colonies debated in; Travel, notice of departure to; Treason, trials in; Trials, transfer to; Turkeys in; Turnip rooted cabbage used to feed cattle in; Unemployment in; Vagrants in; Virginia criticized in; Virginia resolves supported in; Walking contests in; Watches, repeating, invented in; Watches invented in; Weather reports from; Weavers in; Wheat, price in; Wheat, price low in; Wheat, price rises in; Wheat, substitutes for proposed in; Wheat plentiful in; Wheat scarce in; Wheat spirits, distillation prohibited in; Whipping for eye gouging in; Whipping for kidnapping in; Wild men in; Wills, regulation in; Windlasses invented in; Winds in; Wine, import to; Wine, port, price in; Wine, price rises in; Women in political campaigns in; Wool, export from; Wool, price falls in; Wool, price in; Woolen cloth, export demanded in; Woolen manufacture in England's ordinary, Va. , 22S52: 32 Englar. Adam, PD31Mr74: 23 English, Capt. , of the Bland, 10N52: 22 of the Lizard. PD28Ja73: 22 Charles, 5Mr52: 32 James, R5S71: 32 John, Capt. , of the Swansey, 20My37:41 Joshua, Pi2Mr75: 31 English, as sailors, 10Ap52:31, 5Je52: 32. P26J176: 32 in Georgia battalions, P9My77: 42, P9My77sl2, P20Je77sll in Virginia regiments, 31J146: 42, 14N55: 22. 2S57: 42. P2My77sl2, P2My77s32, P6Je77: 33, P4J177: 33, D5S77: 32--P10Oc77: 11, P19S77: 31, P21N77: 33, D9Ap79: 32, DlMy79: 31, C15My79:41,D7Ag79:32-- C28Ag79: 43, D11S79: 32. D25Mr80: 33, D8Ap80s23 in wool manufactures in Spain, P3Mr75:21--D4Mr75: 13 on Virginia ships, P12S77: 33 See also Convicts servants; Indentured servants English (language), books on, PD18Ap66: 33, PD15Ap73: 23, D17Ja77:22 examinations on, in Princeton grammar schools, PD280c73: 22 prizes in grammar at College of N. J. , PD290c72: 12 prizes in reading at College of N. J. , PD290c72: 12. spoken at Danish court. PD15F70: 13 studied in Rome, PD23My66: 13 taught at College of N. J. , PD18N73: 21 taught at Fredericksburg school, P9My77:41 taught at Samuel Kemp's school, D6N78: 31 taught at Walker Maury's school, P27Je77:32, D29Ja80: 41 taught at Somerset academy, R23F69: 13 taught at Sussex co. glebe school, D12S77:42--P12S77: 11 taught at James Waddel's school, 4N63:41 taught in academy in New Kent co. , Va. ,RlMr70: 22 taught in Fr. , R28Ap68: 21 teachers of, adv. for, at Wilton, plantation, Va. , PD60c74: 32 in Amelia co. , Va. . PD18J171: 21 in Blandford, Va. , PD14Je70: 32 in Cabin Point, Va. , PD19D71: 31, PD23D73: 23 in Dumfries, Va. , P8N76: 31 in Essex co. , Va. , R23My71: 33 in Mecklenburg co. , Va. . D25F75: 32 in Middlesex co. , Va. , PD9D73: 22-- R9D73:21, P21Ag78: 41 in New Kent co. , Va. , PD17S71: 31 in Norfolk, Va. , PD31D72: 32 in Port Royal, Va. , D14Ja75: 31 in Sussex co. , Va. , PD7Je70: 32, P20Je77: 12 in Williamsburg, Va. , R4D66: 11, R15N70: 23, P17My76: 32, P24My76: 42, P6S76sll, D28Mr77:21 near Amelia courthouse, Va. , P16Ag76: 43 teachers of, adv. for employment, in Hanover, Va. , PD150c72: 23-- R150c72:31 in Norfolk, Va. , PD13D70: 22, PD11J171:32 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD14N71: 21, PD27My73: 23 in Va. , 23My55: 22, R29N70: 31, PD2My71: 32--R2My71: 31, P19Ja76: 33, P7Je76: 42, P230c78: 32, D26F80: 32 English billiards, 23Ja46: 42 English channel, blockaded, P6S76: 31-- D7S76:22,D6N79:21 naval engagements in, C30Oc79: 23-- D30Oc79: 31, C20N79: 12. C11D79: 11-- D11D79: 21, D18D79: 12--C25D79: 11, DllMr80:22 See also British navy in; Dutch navy in; French navy in; French navy protects American ships in; Privateers, American, in; Privateers, French, in; Privateers, Salem, Mass. capture British ships in; Shipwrecks in; Shipwrecks near; Spanish navy in; Swedish navy in; English coast, See Shipwrecks off; Storms on English ferry, P30Je75s23 English goods, imported to Va. from R. L, 9Mr39:41 Englishman, pseud. , R21J174: 13, PD21J174p22, PU7N74: ll,D210c75: 11, D19F80: 13 Engravers, See Indentured servants Engraving, adv. of, in Halifax, N. C. , PD29J173: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. . PD17S67: 21, PD4Je72: 32 Engravings, for sale, at Westover plantation, Va. , D19D77: 21 in Williamsburg, Va. , P28Ap75: 23-- D29Ap75s41 in London, Eng. , described, PD18Oc70: 12 Engrossers, criticized in Mecklenburg co., Va. ,D21Ag79:41 employed by British in S. C. , D4S79: 21 prevented in Va. , D24J179: 21 prevention recommended by Congress C11D79: 11 prohibited in Va. , P11J177: 33 Enigmas, contest, R16F69: 23 Ennalls, Henry, jr. , of Md. , 12Je52: 22 Ennery, Count d', gov. of Martinique, PD18Ja70: 31 Ennis, James, Pi6J175: 12 Peter, 24N38: 11 Enniskillen, Ire. , See Hurricanes in Enock, Henry, Pi6J175: 12 Enos, Roger. Capt. , PD16S73: 22 [Roger], Col.,P19Ja76:21 — D20Ja76:23 Entailed land, See Land, entailed Enterprise, frigate, D70c75: 13 H. M. frigate, D10J179: 11 H. M. S. . 23My45: 31. 21N51: 22, 24Ja52:22, PD21Mr71:22, D[250c?]76:52 privateer, P16Ag76: 31, P24Ja77: 12, D24J179: 22, D7Ag79: 32, D21Ag79: 31 ship, 28Mr45: 41, 15S52: 32. PD14Ap68: 22, P15S75s23 sloop, 20Oc52: 22 Enterprizing, Fr. warship, 12D55: 11 Entertainer, extract from, 30c51: 11 Entertainment, books of, PD23Ap72: 31-- R23Ap72:31 Entertainments. 30c55: 32 by Congress in Phila. , Pa. , PwlAg78:23 for British officers described, PD150c72:21 for James City co. , Va. , burgesses, PD7J174:21 for Williamsburg, Va. , inhabitants, Pil6F75:32 in Birmingham, Eng. , PD4N73: 13 in Boston, Mass. , R9Je74s21-- PD16Je74:21 in Eng. , PD14Mr71: 21, R8J173: 23 in Gloucester, Eng. , PD19My74: 33 in London, Eng. , PD21Je70: 22, PD25Je72: 13, PD20Ag72: 11, PD14Ja73: 21, PD10Je73: 21, PD12Ag73: 13, PD23D73: 22, D7Ja75: 21, P23Je75sl2, P30Je75: 11 in New York City, PD24Mr74: 12, PD7Ap74: 23 in Oxford, Eng. , PD23S73: 21 in Petersfield, Hampshire, Eng. , Pi5Ja75: 11 in Pol., PD9S73: 11 in Surrey co. , Eng. , PD1S74: 12, PD1S74: 13, PD1S74: 21 in Williamsburg, Va. , D26F79: 31 in Windsor, Eng. , PD240c71: 12 on French ships in Boston, Mass. , D4D78:21 prohibited in Ga. , Pi20Ap75: 21 prohibited in Prince William co. . Va. , Pil2Ja75: 33 regulated in Gt. Brit. , PD16D73: 21 taxes on in Gt. Brit. , R17N68: 21, PD23Ap72: 13 — R23Ap72: 22, R12Ag73:21 See also Animal show; Balls; Bonfires; Boxing matches; Bullfighting; Carnivals; Carriage races; Cockmatches; Duels; Exibitions; Fireworks; Gambling; Horse -racing; Hunting; Illuminations; Masquerades; 361 Entertainments (cont'd) Opera; Plays; Theatres Entertainments, public, suppressed in London, Eng. , PD29Ap73: 12 Entick, John, author, PD17S72: 22, PD10Je73: 34, DllF75s23, D25N75: 11, D9D75: 21, D9D75: 41, D30D75: 21, D2Mr76: 43, D24Ag76: 63, D3Ja77: 43, D17Ja77: 43, D2My77: 83, D4J177: 83 Entreprenant, Fr. warship, 5S55: 21 Entreprenant, man of war, PD22D68: 11 Entwisle, Bertie, D10Ag76: 22 Enumerated articles, colonists violate regulations of, PD8Je69: 31 exported from Brit, colonies, N. Am. , to Eng. , P3My76: 11 Envy, sloop, 10D36: 41 Eolus, ship, PD16Je74:21 Eolus's harps, for sale, in Norfolk, Va , PD25J166: 22, PD25J166: 23 Eorile, Fr. , ship, D250c76: 11 Epervier, Fr. corvet,D17J179: 11 Epes, Daniel, P4J177: 42 Francis, R12Mr67: 42, PD24S67: 22, PD26S71: 31, PD12D71: 33, PD22J173: 32, D140c75:33 Francis, Capt. , PD21N71: 23 Hamlin, PD27Je66: 32, R23Je68: 32, D140c75: 33 Peter, sheriff, PD28Ap74: 31 Thomas, D26Ag75: 33 See also Eppes Epidemics, among Negroes in Cuba, P5My75s21 in Constantinople, Turk. , D4D79: 21 in Dunmore's troops rumored, D8Je76: 62 in Paris, Fr. , D250c76: 11 in Pol. ,D1J175: 11 in Rome, It. , 17Ja52: 32 in Turk, army, PD4My69: 12 Epigrams, 20My37: 31, R25D66: 23, R24D67: 14, R7D69: 23, PD21D69: 23 Latin, translated, 7Mr51: 32 on Brit, politics, PD7My72: 21 on Brunswick kings, PD4Je72: 31 on ill-matched couple, PD22Ja67: 23 to Peregrinus, PD21D69: 22 Epilepsy, in London, Eng. , PD140c73sll in Plymouth, Eng. , PD10N74: 22 Epilogues, PDllAg68: 41--RllAg68: 13, R13Ja74: 22 to tragedy of Cato, PD21My67: 31 Episcopacy, essay on importance of, D13D76: 11 Episcopal church, in Boston, Mass. , address (text) to Gov. Hutchinson, R23Je74:21 Episcopalian, pseud. , PD5Mr72: 31 Episcopate, American, advocated in London, Eng. , PD2 Ja72: 23 books on, PD26D71: 31 candidates for, R30Mr69: 21, PD12D71: 22, PD9Ap72: 31 clergy favors, R12Mr72: 11 comments on, PD30Ja72: 12 discussed by Va. clergy, PD6Je71: 23 discussed in Va. , PD3Je73: 13, R10Je73: 13 election of discussed, D24Ap78: 11 essay on the value of, PD30My71: 21 essay opposing, PD23Ja72: 32, PD6F72:32, PD13F72:32 essay supporting, PD9Ja72: 11, PD5Mr72:31 establishment improbable, PD6Ag67: 13, PD7My72: 23 establishment rumored, PD6J169: 12 — R6J169: 12, PD10Ag69: 21 — R10Ag69: 23, PD24Ag69: 21, PD9J172: 12 introduction proposed, PD18Ja70: 31 lengthy discussion of criticized, PD12Mr72:31 meeting of clergy to discuss, PD9My71: 31--R9My71: 33, PD16Ja72: 32 opposed by Va. burgesses, PD18J171: 11- R18J171:23 opposed in London, Eng. , PD26D71: 23 opposed in Mass. , R27My73: 21 opposed in Va. , PD20Je71: 11, PD20Je71: 13, R18J171: 11, PD18J171: 12, R8Ag71: 12, R26S71: 11, PD170c71: 22, PD310c71: 21 petitions supporting in England, PD4Je72: 32 poetry on, PD20F72: 32 powers of bishops discussed, PD240c71: 22 promoted by British bishops, PD8S68: 23 proposed in parliament, PD270c68: 21 requested in Md. , PD28Mr71: 22 resolutions (text) against by Va. clergy, PD6Je71: 23 supported, PD6Je71: 31 supported in England, R5Ja69: 22 supported in New Eng. , RlAg71: 21 supported in Va. , PD13Je71: 31, PD20Je71: 21, PD27Je71: 11, PD4J171: 22, PD11J171: 23, RlAg71: 21, PD15Ag71: 23, PD22Ag71: 11, R5S71: 11, PD10Oc71: 11, PD21N71: 11, PD19D71:23 Epitaphs, PD14My67: 13, PD10N68: 41, D7S76: 31 in Buckinghamshire, Eng. , Pi20Oc74: 23 in Cornwall, Eng. , D23D75: 21 mock, PD2Je74: 12— R2Je74: 21 on Alfred the Great, R31D72: 22 on Anti-Sejanus, PD16My66: 21 on authors, PD30Oc66: 12 on Thomas Banks, PDUa67: 12 on William Barnesly, 25F37: 41 on William Beckford, R13S70: 13, R13S70: 22 on Edward Boiling, R13S70: 23 on Queen Caroline, 19My38: 31 on Daniel Chamier, D5F80: 31 on John Dagget, RllAg68: 12 on Dr. Alexander Dalgleish, R27S70:21 on dog, PD8Ap73:41 on faithful servant, PD22S74: 41 on fawn, R21S69: 11 on Francis Fauquier, R10Mr68: 32 on Thomas Gray, PD170c71: 22 on Mrs. Judith Griffin, R30N69: 23 on Richard Griffin, 29Ap37: 41 on Jasper Halket, PD21Mr71: 31 — R21Mr71:32 on Thomas Hammond, RlAp73: 13 on Sir Gilbert Heathcote, 1J137: 31 on an Hotentot, Pi26Ja75: 22 on an invalid, R21S69: 11 on Mrs. Mary Mason, R310c71: 31 on George Nicholas, R21Mr71: 33 on Metriotes, PD19S66: 23 on John Page, PD60c74: 31 on George Pompey, 25F37: 21 on Elizabeth, Prentis, RllOc70: 31 on [Hannah] Pritchard, R25Mr73: 12 on Sir John Randolph, 8Ap37: 11 on Peyton Randolph, P10N75: 31 — D11N75:31 on James Read, PD18Ja70: 31 on sailors, PD12N72: 41 on Margaret Scott, 2N39: 11 on Shakespeare, R9N69: 13 on Dr. Thomas Sheridan, 26Ja39: 32 on Edward Stockdale, PD22D74: 41 on John Taylor, R10D72: 22 on Molly Thacker, 21S39: 32 on Isaiah Thomas, PD29Ag71: 31 on Marshal Thomas, R1D68: 13 on William Waugh, 22My52: 31 on Mrs. Whitefield, PD7S69: 11 on Miss Wilkinson, R4Oc70: 13 on Gen. James Wolfe, R21Ja73: 21, PDlAp73: 23, R19Ag73: 13, R25N73: 31, R30D73:22 Epithalamium, D1N76: 32 to John Bracken and Sally Burwell, P13S76:31 to Edmund Randolph and Miss Nicholas, D31Ag76: 22 Epperson, John, R270c68: 22, P170c77:41 Samuel, R18J166: 33 Thomas, PD220c67: 23 Eppes, Col., horse of , D8My78: 62 Lt. , ordered to join regiment, P230c78: 11 Major, arrives at Great bridge, Va. . P15D75:31 Ainby Scott, Mrs. , P21Ag78: 41 Amey, Mrs. , death of, P29Ag77: 31 Dabney, P21Ag78:41 Edward, PD23F69: 33 Eliza Hill, P21Ag78:41 Francis, PD24My70: 41 adv. estate of, Thomas Williams, sr. , for sale, PD16My71: 31 adv. finding hogs, PlMr76: 41 adv. finding horse, PDllMy69: 33 adv. for missing horse, PD4F73:32, P28N77: 23 adv. for missing sheep, P28Je76: 32 adv. for runaway slaves, PD27Ja74: 33 adv. household goods of John Hylton, sr. , for sale, D4Mr75: 33 adv. land for sale, PD15J173: 32, P27Mr78: 32 adv. land of Edward Eppes, for sale, PD23F69: 33 adv. land of William Moore, for sale, PD9Je68:31 adv. merchandise for sale PD24Mr74: 32 adv. ordinary for rent, P17Ja77: 41 adv. settlement of estate of, John Hylton, P7Mr77: 31 adv. slaves for sale, PD16Je74: 23, PD20Oc74: 32, P13S76: 41 — D14S76: 62 adv. tavern for rent, PD17F74: 32 announces departure, R14Ap74: 33 appointed lt. col. of first Continental regiment, P5Ap76: 32 appointed major of 1st Va. regiment, P25Ag75: 71 362 Eskimos appointed to committee, Charles City co. , Va. , Pil2Ja75: 11 — D14Ja75: 13 captures prisoners of war, P26Ap76s22 death of, 4F37: 32, D27D76: 21 — P27D76: 23 defends Norfolk, Va. , P9F76: 31 elected captain, D11N75: 32 land of. for sale, PD22Mr70: 33 — R22Mr70:31 land title given to, PD28D69: 23 — R28D69: 23 orders seizure of Jacob Ellegood's property, P15Ag77: 23 plantation of, D28Mr77: 22 — P4Ap77: 31 posts land, PD10N74:41 settlement of estate of, D4J177: 11, P21Ag78:41 slaves of, P28F77: 22--D7Mr77: 12, P2My77s31— D2My77: 32 testifies for Capt. Robert Ballard, P5J176p22— D6J176: 52, P23Ag76: 12 to Hampton, Va. , P29S75: 31 Frederick, R270c68: 32, PD3N68: 31 — R3N68: 34, R16Mr69: 33 George, PD23F69: 33 George, Mrs. , PD23F69: 33 Isham, R270c68: 32, PD80c72: 32, PD12N72: 22, R24D72: 31, PD11F73: 31 Isham, Major, P21Ag78: 41 James, RUe69: 33 adv. merchandise for sale, Pil2Ja75: 11— D14Ja75: 32, Pi26Ja75: 32 adv. ordinary, PD23Ap72: 23 appointed to committee, Charles City co. , Va. , Pil2Ja75: 11 — D14Ja75: 13 manages sale of imported goods, Pil2Ja75: 11— D14Ja75: 21 slave of, R16Je74:31 James, jailer, PD28My72: 31, PD23J172: 33, PD220c72: 31, PD12N72: 23 John, PD25Je72: 33, P29Ag77: 43 Joshua, PD14Ja68:32 Nathaniel, R60c 68: 31 Peter, 1D52: 31, PD5F67: 32, PD16Je74: 22, D3Je75: 33, P110c76: 13 Richard, 17Ja52: 41, 27F52: 32 Sarah, RllMr73: 32 Thomas, D25S79: 22 William. R3D72: 22, PD31D72: 32. D310c77:31, P21Ag78: 41 William, Capt. , land of, PD18Oc70: 31 William, jr. . R10Ja71: 32 See also Epes Eppes, Archer and, RlAp73: 31 Eppes mill, R5S71: 32 Eppes' ordinary, PD80c72: 32 Epping forest, Eng. , See Foot racing in Epsey, David, D10Ag76: 42 Epsom, Eng. , See Bonesetters in; Horse racing in; Riots in Epsom salts, discovered in Salisbury, Mass. . PD4Ag74: 22 for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. , P5S77: 33 in Hobb's Hole, Va. , R6J169: 31 in Petersburg, Va. , Pi23Mr75: 33 — D25Mr75:31,D24Ag76:61, D25J177-.41 — P25J177:42 in Richmond, Va. , 16My55: 21, 5S55:32, PD3S72: 23 in Shockoe, Va. , PD4Ap66: 41 in Williamsburg, Va. , 24My51: 32, 18J151: 41, 10Ap52: 31, 22My52: 32, 60c52: 32,2My55: 31, 30N59: 32, PD18Je67: 32, R3N68: 33 — PD10N68: 22, PD240c71: 31, DlMy79: 22, D29Ja80: 41, C15J180: 22 in York co. , Va. , 31J146: 52 Equilibrists, in China, PD28Ja73: 21 Erasmus, [Desiderius], author, 16Ja61: 22, PD7J168: 31, PD29N70: 22, PD3Ja71: 43, PD17Ja71: 43, PD7F71: 43, PD21F71: 43. PD14Ja73: 22, DllF75s23, PD10Je75: 34, D30D75: 21, D24Ap78: 12 Erasmus, ship, 12D45: 21 Erford, Chevalier d', Col. , P20Je77: 23 Eringo, for sale, in Richmond, Va. , PD17Je73: 33— R17Je73s23 in Williamsburg, Va. , 20Je45: 41, 31J146: 61 Eringo, candied, for sale, in Richmond, Va. , PD10S72: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , 15My46: 41, 17Ja51: 41, 24My51: 32, 18J151: 41, 5S51: 32, 10Ap52: 31, 30Ap52: 32, 22My52: 32, 60c52: 32, 2My55: 22, 2My55: 31, 30N59: 32, 16Ja61: 41, 12F62: 42, PD18Je67: 32, R3N68: 33 — PD10N68: 22, PD17Ag69: 33 — R17Ag69: 23, R12J170: 31, PD15Ag71: 32-- R15Ag71: 32, PD240c71: 31 Erie, Thomas, Gen. , D19Ag75: 22 Ermine, boycotted in Providence, R. L , PD21Ja68: 31 Ermine, spotted, for sale, in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72: 31 Erpy, Fr. , See Fires in Erratt, Capt. , of the Endeavour, 25Mr37:22 Erskin, Alexander, R60c 68: 31 Erskine, Capt. , of the Friendship, PD23 Je74: 22 Charles, P7Mr77: 32 [Ralph], author, PD29N70: 21, PB13D70: 42, PD17Ja71: 42, PD24Ja71:42, PD7F71:42, PD21F71: 42, PD7Mr71: 42, PD21Mr71: 42, PD28Mr71: 42, PD17S72: 22, PD10Je73: 33, D25N75: 21.D30D75: 13 Robert, 25Ja40: 2 Thomas, PD12Mr67: 13, PD80c67: 21, R15D68:22, PD6My73: 32 William, Brig. Gen. , D7Mr77: 72 William, Sir, P28F77sl3, D7Mr77: 71, C27N79: 11 Erskine, brig, PD10Mr74: 23 ship, R10Mr74:31 Eruptions, cutaneous, cure for, PD29N70: 22, PD13D70: 43, PD17Ja71: 43, PD24Ja71: 43 Ervin, Capt. , of the Terrible, D11S79:21 Erving, George, PD23Je74: 12, D13J176: 61 John, R17N68: 13, PD23Je74: 12, , D13J176:61 Erwin, Capt. , in battle of Long island, N. Y. ,D21S76:21 Mr. , customs official in New Providence, W. I. ,D18My76: 13 Charles, P12D77: 33 John, R15Je69: 33 Erwing, Col., appointed to council of Mass. , R1S74: 22 Escape, brig, D15Ag77: 51 Escape warrants, requirements for, R6Ap69: 32 Escheated property (Tories), act (text) concerning in Va. , D3J179: 22 for sale, in Bedford co. , Va. , 18D79: 12 in Buckingham co. , Va. , D29Ja80: 33 in Campbleton, N. C. , D8Ap80: 31 in Caroline co. , Va. , D20N79: 31, D5F80: 33 in Elizabeth City co. , Va. , D8Ja80: 33 in Fluvanna co. , Va. , D29Ja80: 41 in Gloucester co. , Va. , D90c79: 12 — C30Oc79:43, D25D79: 31 in Goochland co. , Va. , C13N79: 13-- D13N79:22 in Hanover, Va. , C19F80: 11-- D19F80:32 in Henry co. , Va. , D20N79: 31 in Isle of Wight co. , Va. , D27N79: 31 in Lancaster co. , Va. , D26F80: 31 in Manchester, Va. , C19F80: 11, DllMr80:32 in Nansemond co. , Va. , D4Mr80: 23 in Norfolk borough, Va. , C15J180: 21 in Petersburg, Va. , D18D79: 22. D12F80:33 in Port Royal, Va. , D20N79: 31 in Richmond, Va. , D22Ja80: 33 in Suffolk, Va. , D4Mr80: 23 in Surry co. , Va. , D25Mr80: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , D11D79: 31 near Amherst courthouse, Va. , D19F80:31 near Hanover, Va. , D19F80: 31 — C19F80: 12,D19F80:33 — C19F80: 11 near Newcastle, Va. , D19F80: 33 — C19F80: 11 near Petersburg, Va. , D18D79: 22, C13My80:41 near Suffolk, Va , D4Mr80: 23 on Bennet's creek, Va. , D4Mr80: 23 Escheators, appointed in Va. , PD22F70: 32, PD30c71: 31 Escorte, H. M. frigate, PD6Ag67: 22 Esdaile, Samuel, P25J177: 13 Esdaile, horse, PD16D73: 12 — R16D73: 23 Esdale, John, adv. estate of Edward Booker, for sale, PD310c71: 31, PD12D71: 32 adv. for bids, for repairing roads, PD18J17L22 adv. land for sale, PD5N67: 31 adv. slaves for sale, PD8N70: 32 announces departure, PD8N70: 22 — R29N70: 23 collector for Va. gazette, PDllAg68: 23 defendant in chancery court, R27F72: 41 slave of, PD28My67: 33 Thomas. P18J177sl2 Eset, Capt. , slave of, R6F72: 33 Esher, snow, PD5S71: 22— R5S71: 21 Eskimos, at British court, PD24Je73: 22 related to Greenlanders, RllN73sl3 trade with British merchants in Labrador, PD19S66:21 trade with Europeans, PD4F68: 23 363 Eskridge Eskridge, George, 17Ap46: 31 George, Lt. , P27Je77: 13 Richard, R24N68: 23, R15D68: 22, R13J169:31 Robert, 7Ap38: 41 Samuel, burgess from Northumberland co. , Va. , R50c69: 22, R9N69: 11, R8Ag71:23 Thomas, PD10c72: 23--R80c72: 43 William, P9My77: 23 Esopus, N. Y. , See Negro insurrections discovered in; Tories executed in; Espelita, Juan Joseph, Don, D25Mr80: 12 Esperance, French warship, 5S55: 21 ship, 4J145: 22, R1D68: 13 Esperidion, ship, 15My46: 22 Esplanade, man of war, PD31D72: 23-- R31D72: 13 Esquini, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. , P10Oc77: 12 Esquire, Z. H. , PD19Mr72: 23 Essays, 22J137: 11, 7Ag52: 12 against Gov. Bernard, PD18Ja70: 23 against Catholicism, 3J146: 31 against Sir William Draper, RllJa70: 21 against military power in civil government. PD23S73sll against Scots, Pi26Ja75: 22, D11F75: 21, Pil6Mr75: 11 against slavery, PD18J171: 12 against trading in slave and servants, R16N69: 12, R29Mr70: 11 against use of force, D210c75: 11 against war, PD17Ja71: 31 authorship contested in Rind's gazette, PD13Ag67: 23 biography of Count Brandt, D140c75: 12 biography of Count Struensee, D140c75: 12 character sketch of a fool, PD28Ja73: 22 comparing politicians to cobblers, Pil9Ja75: 13 describing Mt. Aetna, PD280c73: 11 describing December, PD29D74: 13 in defense of Scots, Pi26Ja75: 21, P24F75: 32, DllMr75: 11, Pi23Mr75: 11 in favor of fornication, PDlAp73: 31 literary criticism, 20Mr52sll, 3Ap52: 12, 10Ap52: 21, 17Ap52: 11, 30Ap52: 22, 8My52: 22, 5Je52: 12, 12Je52: 11,R23F69: 11 on advice to Swedish prince, R24D72: 12, R24D72:21 on agriculture, 30Mr39: 11 on April, PD7Ap74: 11 on astronomy, PD30Mr69: 11, PD25My69: 22, PDlJe69: 11, PD29Je69: 11, PD27J169: 11, PD3Ag69: 23, R26J170: 11 on authority of elders, 30Ja52: 11 on avarice, PD15D68: 21, PD9J172: 22, PD25F73:21, Pi24N74:23 on bachelors, PD26F67: 21 on bards, D22Ja80: 11 on beneficent man, PD2J172: 23 on Bible, 2Mr53: 31, PD15D68: 11, PD9F69: 11, PD16Mr69: 23 on blackguardism, R20Ja74: 12 on British economic development, 1558-1752, PD17D67:21 on British liberty, 6Je51: 11 on British life, PD7J168: 21 on British politics, PD21Je70: 11, PD11F73: 11 on causes of national ruin, 29D52: 12 on causes of wars, R12Ag73: 11 on character of authors, 13F52: 11 on charity, R13Ja74: 33 on Charles of Burgundy, 16Ag51: 11 on Chinese jugglers, PD28Ja73: 21 on choosing ministers, D28Ja75: 13 on Christ church, Dublin, Ire. , 19N36: 12 on Christmas, 21D39: 11, PD30D73: 11 on church establishment, D13D76: 11 on city nights, PD28My72: 21 on clothing, D22Ja80: 11 on complaisance, 1D52: 11 on conduct of kings, D4N75: 11 on conjugal happiness, 7Ag52: 11 on the constitution, R25Ja70: 22 on Continental money, D19Mr79: 12 on conversation, 28Ja37: 12, PD5N67: 21, PD15F70: 11, PD19N72: 12 on corruption in Eng. , PD4J171: 11 on country life, 4Ap51: 11, PD30J172: 12, PD140c73:ll on courtiers, 4Ap51: 21 on covetousness, 24My51: 11 on credit, PD8Ap73: 22 on crime, 21Mr51: 12, HAp51: 11, PD140c73s22 on criticism, PD8J173: 12 on cultivation of superiors, PD12Ja69: 32 on customs, 280c37: 21 on the dangers of democracy, PD6J169:23 on dawn, 110c51: 12 on death, HMr37: 11, 14F51: 11, PD14F71: 13, PD6F72: 21, PD10c72: 11, PD12N72: 21, R7Ja73: 11, PD25N73: 12 on debtors in Va. , R7Je70: 21 on decline of marriage, PD7D69s23 on degeneracy in Gt. Brit. , PD8Ap73: 23 on degeneration of gentlemen, 11J151: 11 on Democritus, PD7J168: 11 on Denmark revolution, PD4Je72: 21 on developing character, PD26N67: 11 on diction, PD30Mr69: 11 on dictionaries, HAp55: 11 on disloyalty, Pi24Ag75: 11 on dissipation of talents, 6F52: 11 on distribution of wealth, 19D51: 32 on dreams, 28Ap38: 11 on dress, PD25F73:31 on drinking, 21S39: 11, 13Je51: 12, PD3Ag69: 32 on duels, PD27Ag67: 11, R24D67: 11, R18N73:21 on duty, PD28My72: 21 on duty of parents to children, PD18Ja70: 12 on earthquakes, 27Ja38: 11, 3F38: 11 on eating habits, PD6F72: 11 on education, PD18Je72: 31, PD12My74: 21 on education of kings, R140c73: 11 on effect of luxury on state, PD5S71:21 on elements, R4Mr73: 11 on England's power, PD10c72: 11 on English customs and manners, PD29D74: 12 on English law, 10Oc45: 11 on English women, PD3D72: 21 on entertainment, R19Ag73: 12 on entomology, 30c51: 12 on established churches, P13D76: 11 on etymology, PD11F73: 13, PD4Mr73: 22 on European affairs, PD30J172: 11 on evils of seduction, 17J152: 12 on exercise, 17Ja52: 11 on extravagance, 19D51: 11 on eyes and ears. R6My73sll on fashions, PDllAp71: 31 on favoritism, D13Ja76: 41 on female character, Pi26Ja75: 21, D15Ap75: 11 on flattery, PD2J172: 21 on forgiveness, PD12My74: 23 on fortune, 18Mr37: 11 on free government, R9Je68: 12 on the freedom of election, PD15F70: 11 on freedom of the press, 7Mr55: 11, 14Mr55:21 on freemasonary, PD18Ja70: 11 on freethinkers, 12F62: 12 on French history, 60c52: 11 on friendship and emnity, 12S51: 11, 10J152: 11, PD28Ja73: 21, Pi9Mr75: 21 on the futility of fame, 3N52: 11 on gambling, 5S51: 11, PD3Ja71: 11 on gambling evils, R5S71: 11 on good company, R12Ag73: 12 on good husband, PD21Ja73: 13 on good wife, PD21Ja73: 13 on gossip, 10Ap46: 11 on grades of men, R20Je71: 31 on gratitude, PD4J171: 21, PDllN73s23 on grave, PD1D68: 13 on guardians, R8Ag71: 11 on happiness, 23S37: 32, 24F38: 11, 7F51: 32, PD7F71: 22. PD6F72: 22, PD4Mr73: 22, PD20Ja74: 13 on honest men, 29S52: U,D25Mr75: 13 on honesty in speech, 19J154: 11 on honor, 3Ag39: 11, R23J167: 11, D24Ja77: 11 on hope, 25Ap51: 11 on human mind, PD18Je72: 12 on human nature, PD22F70: 11 on life, 18Ap51: 11, PD20F72: 22, PD8J173: 11, PD70c73: 21, PD30D73: 13. R13Ja74:21, PD10F74: 13, PD29D74: 11 on humor, 18Je52: 11, PD4Mr73: 22 on hypochondria, PD21Mr71: 31 on hypocrisy, Pi9Mr75: 13 on idleness, PD150c72: 11 on immortality, 29D52: 11 on improving morality, PD5Mr72: 21 on impudence, PD25Je72: 13, PD2Je74: 11 on intercepting letters, 7Ap38: 41 on June, PD2Je74:21 on juries, PD22J173: 11 on kings' conduct, R21Ja73: 11 on law, R25F73: 23, PD10F74: 12, D4D78: 11 on lawyers, R24D72: 13 on liberality, PD1D74: 11 on liberty, R24Mr68: 23, PD4Mr73: 23, PD24N74:21, P17S75: 23 on lightning and electricity, R6S70: 11 on literary fame, 20F52: 11 on living, PD11N73:21 on looking glasses, PD20F72: 21 364 Essex co. , Va. on love, PD15Ja67: 11, PD19My68: 11, PD14J168: 23 on luxury, PD5Mr72: 12, PD20Ja74: 21 on Lord Lyttleton, R10Mr74: 11 on mankind, PD19N72: 11 on manners. PD29D74: 13 on marriage, 20My37: 11, 3Je37: 11, 17F38: 21, 14Ap38: 11, PD19N67: 11, PD26N72: 11, R4F73: 13 on medical science, 24Je37: 11 on the memory, 8My52: 11 on men's characters, PDllAg68:21 on mental discipline, 24Ja52: 11 on meticulosity, 24J152: 11 on money, Pi9Mr75: 32 on moral description of 18th century, PD21Ja73: 11 on moral precepts, 24Ja52: 11 on midwifery, PD10c72: 13 on military profession, 3S56: 11 on the mind, PD12Ja69: 23 on miniatures, PD24Ja71: 12 on Mississippi and Ohio lands, PD14Ja73: 11 on monks and monasteries, PD14Ap74: 22 on moral precepts, 30Ja52: 12, 6F52:21,20F52: 12 on morality in literature, 22D52: 11 on morals, PD5F67: 11 on murder, PD22Ag66: 11 on music. D22Ja80: 12 on nature, PD21F71: 11 on necessity of Association, PD22D74: 12 on nothing, R25Ja70: 21, PD9Ap72: 11 on novel, PDllJe72: 12 on oaths, 22D38: 11 on old age, PD8J173: 22 on old maids, PD4T171: 13 on origin of dew, 30c51: 11 on paper money, R7Je70: 13 on patience, D8J175: 12 on patriotism, PD18Je72: 23, PD11N73: 11, Pi5Ja75:23, PH6F75: 11 on persecution. D8J175: 11 on perseverance, 20Oc52: 11 on Philip II, D140c75: 11 on philosophy, 14D39: 21, PD23My71: 11, PD28My72: 13 on physical endurance, 10Ag39: 11 on physicians, PD20F72: 23 on pleasures, 2Ja52: 11, R4Mr73: 13 on poetry, 7F51: 22, R6My73: 11 on politeness, Pil9Ja75: 21, D8J175: 13 on politics in Gt. Brit. , PD28D69: 21 on poverty and riches, 14N51: 11 on power and wealth, D20Ja76; 13 on present and past ages, PD3D67-.il on pride, 16Je38: 11, 7J138: 11, 14J138: 11, PD30J167: 11, PD24N74: 11 on principles of government, Pi22Je75: 11 on procrastination, 10Ja52: 11 on progress of world, PD6Je71: 11 on proper conduct of life, PD24Ja71: 11 on pursuit of happiness, PD18N73: 11 on pursuit of knowledge, 24Ag51: 22 on quackery, R13Ja74: 11 on qualities of politicians, PDllAp71: 23 on reading, PD28Mr71: 22, R8Ag71: 22 on religion, 140c37: 11, 28F51: 11, 4Ap51: 12, 25Ap51: 12, RllAg68: 22, PD1D68: 13,D17Ja77: 11 on religious toleration in Va. , 5Mr52: 11, 20Mr52: 11, PD22Ag71: 32 on resuscitation, 27Mr52: 11 on retirement, R14F71: 21, R20Ja74: 32 on revenge. R24D72: 11 on rise and uses of newspapers, PD2Je74:ll on Roman history, PD280c73: 21, PD17Mr74: 12 on Saxon religion, D22Ja80: 13 on saying grace, PD15F70: 21 on scandal, 8Ap37: 12 on scientific discoveries, 14Ja37: 11 on Scotch frugality, PD10F74: 31 on the seasons, 27D51: 11 on self-deception, 30Ap52: 11 on sin, 28Mr51: 11 on slander, R19Ag73: 11, PD1D74: 13 on smallpox inoculation, 12Mr52: 11, R2N69: 11, R23N69: 12, R15F70: 21 on solitary life, PD21Mr71: 12 on something, R25Ja70: 21 on the soul,28Mr51:31 on spectres, 21Mr51: 11 on spelling and female diction, 18Ap55: 11 on Spring, PD10Mr74: 11 on stores in Va. , R31Ja71: 12 on storms in Va. , PD14S69: 32 — R14S69: 22 on suffrage, R190c69: 11, R260c69: 21 on sunrise, 28Ag52: 11 on support of George m, PD7Je70: 23 on tea, PD13Ja74: 11 on temperance, 23Mr39: 11, PD25Je72: 11, PD8D74: 11 on term "rebel", P8D75: 11 on theology, R6S70: 12 on things, R25Ja70: 22 on time, 10Ap52: 12, 14Ag52: 11, R28Ja73: 11 on the times, PD17Mr74: 11 on tobacco, R25Ja70: 22 on toleration, PD14Je70: 32 on tombs, PD11N73: 12 on transit of Venus, PD13S70: 11 , PD20S70: 31, PD4Oc70: 22, PD25Oc70: 22, PD13D70: 11 on transmigration, PD20Oc68: 11 on travel, 140c37: 21, R31Mr74: 11 on Turkish education, PD9Ap72: 12 on Turkish harems, PD16Ap72: 11 on tyranny, PD9Ap67: 12, D18Mr75: 32, D17F76: 12 on umbrellas, PD29Ag71: 22 on unhappy marriages, 260c39: 11 on vanity, 15S52: 11 on ventriloquism, PD8J173: 12 on vicissitudes of man, PD30D73: 12 on vindication of Providence, PD30D73: 13 on vineyards in Va. , PD25F73: 11, PD18Mr73: 23, PD18Mr73: 31 on Va. government, PD21Ap74: 11 on virtue, PD7J168: 21, R7Mr71: 11, PD30My71: HPD28Ja73: 11 on virtuous life, HOc51: 11 on vocations, 7N51: 11 on wealth, 21N51: 11, 25Je52: 11, PD31Ja71:22 on weather, PD6Je71: 22 on westward expansion, 10Ap52: 11 on women, PD4Mr73: 21 reviewed for publication, PD22Ag66: 13 supporting British colonies, Pi22Je75:21 See also Satires Essex, Thomas, D31Ag76: 31 Essex, H. M. S. , 9Ja46: 11, 24Ja52: 22, 7N55: 21, 14N55: 21, P8S75sl2, D9S75:21 ship, 150c36: 42, 3Ap46: 41, 28N51: 21 Essex co. , Eng. , petitions king to stop riots, PD4My69: 13 See also Anecdotes from; Barley plentiful in; Beans plentiful in; Charity in; Clover plentiful in; Corn plentiful in; Elections in; Floods in; Fowls plentiful in; Geese plentiful in; Horse racing in; Land, monopolies in; Pigs plentiful in; Robberies in; Sermons endowed in; Silver excavated in; Smallpox inoculation in; Smuggling in; Storms in; Turkeys plentiful in; Water systems in; Wheat plentiful in; Wrestling in Essex co. , Mass. , See Militia in Essex co. , N. J. , See Merchants in; Non -importation agreements supported in; Essex co. , Va. , burgesses elected, 30Ja52: 32, 27F52: 32, PD8D68: 31, PD28S69: 22, R9N69: 11, PD5D71: 23, PD21J174p23 — R21J174:32 census requested, P19Ap76p: 23-- D27Ap76: 33 committee elected, Pi5Ja75: 31 committee recommendations, 1775, D18N75:31 committee resolutions, 1776, P14Je76sll court, condemns Negro for felony, PD3S72:31 houses sold by order of, PD14My72: 23- R21My72:23 land sold by order of, PD1D68: 31-- R14D69:23, PD3Ja71: 31, PD2My71: 33--R2My71: 22 prison built by order of, PD4Je67: 41 property sold by order of, PD10Oc71: 32--R170c7^r33 slaves sold by order of, PD17D67: 32 D25J177:41 tobacco sold by order of, PD25J171: 22, RlAg71:23 courthouse in, 28F51: 41 delegates elected, P2My77s31, P9My77: 23 freeholder resolutions (text) of, PD21J174p21--R21J174: 23 freeholders elect committee, Pi5Ja75:31 jailer, PD15Ag66: 33 judges criticized, R3Je73: 21 list of tithables for 1774, Pil8My75: 33--Pil9My75s32-- D20My75: 33 newspaper delivery, PD10Je73: 23-- R10Je73:33 orders (text) of, 1775, P15S75s22 senator elected, P6S76: 32, P2My77s31 sheriff's sales in, PD26N67: 31, PD25J171:22,RlAg71:23, PD10Oc71: 32--R170c71: 33 senatorial district for, D8Ja80: 23 365 Essex co. , Va. (cont'd) See also Apothecaries apprentices in; Apple orchards in; Apprentices runaway from; Association of 1774 enforced in;Associators in; Attorneys in; Auctions in; Auctions of British imports in; Bake houses in; Brick prisons in; Buildings in; Churches in; Convict servants runaway from; Dwelling houses described in; East India co. , British, criticized in; Factors in; Felony in; Ferries in; Fish ponds in; Fuel, export from; Gardens in; Granaries in; Horse-breeding in; Houses in; Hughes crab apple trees in; Imports to; Indentured servants runaway from; Jails in; Kitchens, described in; Land, entailed, docked in; Land, fee simple for sale in; Land, ownership of, adv. in; Land, ownership of, disputed in; Land, reversion of, for sale in; Land for sale in; Merchants in; Merchants mills for rent in; Miller's houses in; Mills in; Musters, general, dates appointed for, in; Naval stores, export from; Orchards in; Ordinaries in; Outhouses in; Overseers in; Peach orchards in; Prisons in; Provisions, export from; Robberies in; Ships for sale in; Shops in; Slaves for hire in; Slaves for sale in; Slaves found in; Slaves runaway from; Slaves stolen in; Stealing in; Teachers, adv. for, in; Tutors, adv. for in; Undertakers, adv. of; Warehouses in Essex courthouse, Va. , See Houses and lots for sale at; Land for sale at; Ships for sale at; Slaves for sale at Essex gazette, extract from, PDlAp73: 31 Estaing, [Charles Hector], count d', arranges plans with Lincoln in Ga. , D230c79:21 arrives in R. I. , P21Ag78: 22 as gov. of St. Domingo, D5Je79: 11 attack on Grenada, W. I. , described, D19F80: 11 attacks St. Lucia, W. I. , D12F79: 32 D26Mr79: 22 blockaded in Port Royal, Martinique, W. I. ,D26F79:31 capture of Brit, army in south rumored, C30Oc79: 23--D30Oc79: 21 capture of Grenada, W. I. , described, D25S79: 12 cowardice inferred by Brit. , D10J179: 12 effect of Savannah, Ga. , attack by, C11D79: 11 entertains in Boston, Mass. , D4D78: 21 expected in N. J. , D30Oc79: 22 fortifies Boston, Mass. , harbor, D160c78:22 given command of Brest fleet, D12F79:31 in battle at Savannah, Ga. , C20N79: 12, D22Ja80: 23 in Fr. ,D8Ap80sl3 of the Languedoc, PD1J173: 21 praised at Savannah, Ga. , D20N79: 22 recalled as governor of St. Domingo, PD18Ap66: 21 receives present from crown, D8Ap80s22 wounded in Savannah, Ga. , D22Ja80: 23 Estas, John, R19Ja69: 33 Estate, James, Col. , D4D78: 22 Estates, act for distribution in Va. repealed, 10Ap52: 22 fraudulent sale criticized, R60c68: 11 management of, in Va. discussed, R31My70:22 Estates de Brelagne, Fr. navy, D27Je77: 11 Estave, Andrew, adv. for missing horses, PD18Oc70: 32--R18Oc70: 31, PD7N7L32, PD4F73: 31 adv. for missing steers, PD13Je71: 33 adv. for runaway slaves, PD20Je71: 33, PD170c71: 32, PD220c72: 31, PD18N73: 23, PD24Mr74: 33, Pil30c74: 33, D23Mr76: 33, D8Je76: 52 bond of, due estate of John Shermer, D3Ag76: 32 discusses raising grapes in Va. , PD18Mr73: 31, PD2S73: 22 justifies treatment of slave, Pi20J175:33 raises silkworms in Va. , D24Je75: 31 teaches apprentices to make wine, R27My73: 23 Esten, Capt. , 12F62: 31, PD7Ap68: 22, R21Ap68: 21, PD13Ap69: 32, PD14S69:31, R25Ja70: 23, R15F70:23 Capt., jr. ,PDllMy69s33 Howard, PD15J173: 32, P21J175: 31 Howard, Capt. , of the Betsey, PD10Ja71: 32 of the Elizabeth, R14S69: 22, R260c69: 21, PD24My70: 31, R23Ag70: 41, PD16My71: 23, PD30Ja72: 32 of the Golden Fleece, PD28My72: 23 of the Virginia, PD8Ap73: 23 — R8Ap73: 32, PD20My73: 22 — R20My73: 21, PD27My73: 23 — R27My73: 23, PD3Je73: 33 — R3Je73: 23, PD10Je73: 22, PD1J173: 32, PD2D73s22, PD24F74: 31, PD130c74- 22 Pi4N74: 32, PD10N74: 33, P17F75s22, P5My75s22, D6My75: 21--P12My75: 23, Pi24N74: 31--PD24N74: 22 requests certificate from Norfolk, Va. , committee, D14Ja75: 23 James, PD30Ap67: 33, PD150c72: 31 — R150c72:31 James, Capt. , adv. for runaway sailor, PD14My67:31 death of, D7Ja75: 23 of the Betsey, 27Ag56: 32 of the Hanbury, PD15Ja67: 31, PD15Ja67: 32, PD29Ja67: 32, PD19F67:31--R19F67:22, R12My68: 21, PD2Je68: 31, PD270c68: 31, PD7D69s23, PD21S69: 22--R21S69: 23, R8F70: 32, PD22F70: 32. PD7Je70: 41, PD2My71:32--R2My71:22, PD23Ja72:32, PD10D72: 23--R10D72: 23, PD8Ap73: 23, PD13My73: 23 — R13My73: 32, PD17Je73: 33 — R17Je73s23, PD9D73:21, PD2Je74:21, Pi5Ja75: 32, D7Ja75:31 of the Harrison, 7Ag52: 31 Esterbrooks, Prince, wounded in battle of Lexington and Concord, D27My75:31 Esterope, Spanish man of war, Pi20Oc74:22 Estes, Abraham, P170c77: 42 Abraham, sr. ,R9D73:41 Benjamin, R21N71: 42 Elisha, PD6F72: 32, Pi2N75: 33, D14S76: 72, PlAg77: 12, P14N77: 31 Richard, 14N55:31 Robert, jr. , Pi2N75: 33, D14S76: 72, PlAg77: 12, P14N77:31 Robert, sr. , Pi2N75: 33, D14S76: 72, PlAg77: 12,P14N77:31 Thomas, 3N52: 21, PD23Ap67: 23 Estham, Mr. , burgess from Culpeper co. , Va. , 12D55: 22 Esthen, Capt. , PD11F68: 23 Esther, James, PD20Ap69s21, R20Ap69: 13, R20Ap69: 21, PD170c71:22 Esther, ship, 10N52: 22, P30My77: 33 — D6Je77: 22 snow, PD70c73: 13— R70c73: 22 transport, PD27F72: 21— R27F72: 21 Esther and Mary, ship, 28Mr55: 32, 5S55: 32 Estis, Milly, PD5My68: 23 Robert, jr. , 20Oc52: 32 Robert, sr. , PD5My68: 23, PD10D72: 31 Estrada, Manuel de, Don, PD23My71: 23 Estremadura, Sp. , insurrections in; D12Ag75:23 Estwood, Samuel, Capt. , of the Susanna, R15S74: 33 Etchings, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va , P28Ap75:23— D29Ap75s41 Ether, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va , PD21S69:33— R21S69s21 PD21S69: 41— R21S69s21, PD240c71: 31, PD290c72: 22 — R290c72: 22 in Yorktown, Va. , PD13Ag67: 23 See also Tile's vitriolic ether; Turner's ether Etheridge, Amos, PD8Mr70: 32 — R8Mr70: 32 Etherington, Major, PD17S72: 13, PD15Ap73: 22— R15Ap73: 22, Pi9N75:23— P10N75:21 Etherton, Jessie, PD30J172: 23 Ethics, taught at James Waddel's school, 4N63:41 Ethiopia, See Slaves from Ethiop's mineral, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , D24Ag76: 61 Etiquette, anecdotes concerning, PD20F72:31 rules of precedency for Americans, PD26My74: 23 Etiquette, court, in Holland, 28F51: 21 Etoile, man of war, PD4F68: 22 Eton school, methods used in Va , P21F77:23 rules in, PD24F74: 31 Etsch, produced in the Tyrol, PD18Mr73:31 Etty, ship, PD19D71: 32, R8Ap73: 32 Etuis (etwees), for sale, in Williamsburg, Va , PD10Oc71: 31, PD240c71: 31, PD23Ap72: 23 — R23Ap72: 13, PD4Je72: 32, 366 European goods PD5My74: 31--R26My74: 13 See also Morocco etuis; Silver etuis Eubank, Daniel, R16N69: 33 William, PD2My66: 41 Eubanks, John, D14Ag79: 32 Euclid, author, PD29N70: 21 Eucosmia, pseud. , PDllAp71: 31 Eudoxius, pseud. , 25Ap51: 21 Eugene, Spanish ship, D24Ag76: 21 Eulogies, criticized, D5Je79: 11 on William Bassett, PD17N74: 21 on John Bowdoin, Pi260c75: 23 on early rising, 8D52: 11 on Frederick, prince of Wales, 8Ag51:21 on John Kennon, D26F80: 31 on Gen. Joseph Warren, D30S75: 23 Eunice, schooner. PD3Je73: 23 Euphan, sloop, R8S74: 31 Euphrates, ship, 29D38: 41 Europa, H. M. S. , PD16J172: 22, D19F80:23 ship, PD7J168: 22 Spanish flagship, D[250c?]76: 52 Europe, affected by U. S. independence, D29Ja80: 23 comments on, 7Mr51: 11 fears domination by Russia, PD13S70sl2 revolutions in prophesied, D25D79: 12 trade with British colonies, N. Am. , solicited, D70c75: 11 See also Balance of power in; Bankruptcies in; Birds, unusual brought to; British colonies, N. Am. , request aid from; British colonies, N. Am. , supported in; British colonies, N. Am. , trade with; British transports to R. I. from; Chinese, religious education in; Contraband between; Convoys by British navy to; Corn import to Gt. Brit, from; Corn plentiful in; Corn scarce in; Crops plentiful in; Declaration of independence proclaimed in; Dockyards for British navy in; Dyes discovered in; Embargoes; Emigration from; Emigration to U. S. from; Exports from Af. to; Exports from Boston, Mass. , to; Exports from British colonies, N. Am. , to; Exports from Danzig to; Exports from Dominica, W. I. , to; Exports from Eng. to; Gold demand in; Grain scarce in; Hurricanes in; Imports to Delaware river from; Imports to Mass. from; Imports to Va. from; Jesuits, suppression aids; Jesuits persecuted in; Jesuits suppressed in; Lumber export from British colonies, N. Am. to; Money scarce in; Oats import to Gt. Brit, from; Provisions, import to Eng. from; Revolutionary war, effect in; Rice, export from Carolina to; Rice, export from Ga. to; Rice, price rises in; Salt, export from Quebec, Can. , to; Salt, import to Quebec, Can. , from; Ships from E. I. to; Ships from Sandy Hook, N. J. , to; Smallpox inoculations in; Snow in; Sugar, export from Brit, colonies, N. Am. , to; Tea trees in; Tobacco, price rises in; Tobacco, export from Va. to; Trade, amount in; Wheat, import to Gt. Brit, from; Wheat ordered in America for European goods, as lottery prizes, 4N63: 23, PD1S68: 23, R16N69: 23 auctioned in Williamsburg, Va. , D4F75: 32 bartered for coaches, D22Ap75: 33 for corn, PD9D73: 21, R16D73: 41 for land, P8Ag77: 12 for plank, PD7Ap74: 31— R7Ap74: 31 for rum, PD9D73: 21, R16D73: 41 for timber, R8F70: 33 for tobacco, 150c36: 31, R1N70: 32, PD9D73:21,R16D73:41 for wheat, PD9D73: 21, R16D73: 41 captured by Spanish, R21J168: 22 destroyed by fire in Martinique, PD23J172: 22 exported from Accomac district, Va. , to Boston, Mass. , PD7My67: 31 to N. C. , PD23My66: 31, R25D66: 13 exported from Fr. to U. S. , P29My78: 21 exported from Hampton, Va. , to Md. , 18Ap45:41 to New Providence, W. I. , 10Oc45: 31 exported from James river, lower district, Va , to London, Eng. , 29D52: 32 to Md. , 23Ja46: 42, 240c55: 21, RllAg68:24 to N. C. , 28F55: 31, RllAg68: 24 to Barbados, W. I. , PD12Mr67: 32 exported from Rappahannock district, Va. , to Md. , 14Ag52: 31 exported from south Potomac district, Va. , to Hampton, Va. , PD27N66: 22 exported from York district, Va. , to Md. , 21J138: 32, 21Ag38: 32 for sale, PD6N66: 21, PD5F67: 31 — R19F67: 41, PD3N68: 31, PD280c73: 22, PD3F74: 33, D15Ap75: 33, P27Mr78: 11 at Fredericksburg, Va. , fair, PD7My67: 32 at Gray's creek warehouse, Va. , Pi6Ap75sl2 at Hunter's ferry landing, Va. , PD17S72:22 at Layton's warehouse, Va. , R3My70: 31 at Suffolk courthouse, Va. , DlAp75: 12 at Todd's warehouse, Va. , 2My55: 32, Pi30Mr75: 32 in Annapolis, Md. , R8F70: 32 in Blandford, Va. , PD7Ap68: 23 — R14Ap68: 42 in Boyd's Hole, Va. , PD9D73: 21, R16D73:41 in Caroline co. , Va. , PD20Je66: 31 in Chesterfield co. , Va. , PD6Ag72:31 in Edenton, N. C. , PD7My72: 32, D12F80:32— C19F80:41 in Fairfax co. , Va. , R22J173: 33 in Falmouth, Va. , PD17S72: 22, PD9D73:21,R16D73:41 in Fredericksburg, Va. , 3N52: 21, 19J154: 42, PD5S66: 31--R5S66: 41, PD10S72: 22, PD17S72: 22, PD3D72: 22— R3D72: 22, Pi9F75: 33, DH3 Ja77: 31 in Hampton, Va. , Pi6Ap75sl2 in Hanover, Va. , P2F76s23 — D3F76:33 in Henrico co. , Va. , 9My55: 22 in King and Queen co. , Va. , 3N52:21 in King William co. , Va. , 27Ag56: 41 in James City co. , Va. , PD20Oc68: 22 — R270c68: 34 in Lancaster co. , Va. , PD18Ag68: 32 — R18Ag68: 31 in New Kent co. , Va. , PD20Oc68: 22 — R270c68: 34, PD24Ja71: 32 — R31Ja71:31 in Newcastle, Va. , PD8Mr70: 42, PD1N70: 22--R1N70: 23, PD22Ag71: 33, PD28Ja73: 32— R4F73: 23, PD29Ap73: 23, PD29J173: 23 in Norfolk, Va. , PDllAp66: 33, PD13Je66: 32, PD20Je66: 33, PD25J166: 32, PD10Oc66: 41, PD30Oc66: 31, PD18Je67: 31, PD5N67: 22, PD12N67: 21, PD3N68: 23--R3N68: 33, PD29D68: 31, PD10Ag69: 32, PD2N69: 31 — R2N69: 23, PD21D69: 33, PD6S70: 32 — R6S70: 32, PD4Oc70: 32— R4Oc70: 23, R15N70: 31— PD22N70: 23, PD23My71: 22— R23My71: 23, PD7N71: 23, PD1J173: 32, PD9D73: 21, PD10Mr74: 32, PD30My66: 32 — R30My66: 33, PDUe69: 31 in Petersburg, Va. , PD240c66: 31, PD6N66: 21, PDllJe67: 32, PD14Ap68: 31— R14Ap68: 22 in Port Royal, Va. , 120c52: 31 in Spotsylvania co. , Va. , R18Oc70: 23 in Tappahannopk, Va. , D70c75: 33 in Westmoreland co. , Va. , D20D76: 42 in Williamsburg, Va. , 18J151: 32, 12Mr52: 31, 120c52: 32, 19J154: 32, 10Oc55: 32, 16Ja61: 41, PD18D66: 31, R12J170: 31, PD170c71: 23 — R170c71:31, PD16J172: 32, PD10N74: 42, PU5D74: 32 — PD15D74: 32, PD15D74: 33, Pil9Ja75: 33— D21Ja75: 31, D21Ja75: 31, P2F76s23— D3F76: 33, P2Ja77s22— D3Ja77: 31, D14F77:21 — P14F77:33,D14N77: 31 in Yorktown, Va. , 5Je52: 31, 3N52: 21, PD25F68: 31--R25F68: 31, PD12Ag73: 22, R19Ag73: 21, PD9D73:23— R9D73:22 near Bowler's ferry, Va. , R1N70: 32 near Cabin Point, Va. , PD30My66: 31 imported to Accomac district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , PD12Mr67: 32 from Md. , R25D66: 13 from Philadelphia, Pa. , PD12S66: 23, R25D66: 13, PD7My67: 31, PD6Ag67: 32, PD23Je68: 23— R7J168: 21, PD7J168: 23— R7J168: 21, R25Ag68s23 — PD8S68p22, R7J168: 21 — PD8S68p22, PD24N68: 31, PD22D68: 23 from R. I. , PD7J168: 23--R7J168: 21 from Salem on Delaware, PD22Ja67: 31 imported to Charleston, S. C. ,D4S79:21 imported to Hampton, Va. , from Glasgow, Scot. ,28Mr45:41, 23My45: 32, 13Je45: 32, 10Oc45: 22 from Hull, Eng. , 13Je45: 41 from Liverpool, Eng. , 18Ap45: 32 from London, Eng. , 10Oc45: 22 from Whitehaven, Eng. , 13Je45: 32, 10Oc45:22 367 European goods (cont'd) imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from Anstruther, Scot. , R8S74:31 from Antigua, W. L , 24Qc55: 21, 19D55:22 from Boston, Mass. , 23Ja46: 41, 29D52:32,28F55:31 from Bristol, Eng. , 23Ja46: 41, 23Ja46: 42, 29My46: 4, 24N52: 22, 23My55:21, 19D55: 22 from Glasgow, Scot. , 29S52: 31, 20Oc52: 21, 24N52: 22, 2Mr53: 41, HAp55: 22, 26S55: 31, 240c55: 22, 19D55-.22, RllAg68:23 from Hull, Eng. , 8D52: 31, 28F55: 31, 23My55: 21, R15S74: 33 from Liverpool, Eng. , RllAg68: 23 from London, Eng. , 23Ja46: 41, 29S52: 31, 8D52: 31, 28F55: 31, 23My55: 21, 240c55: 21, R8Ag66: 31, RllAg68:23, R12Ja69: 31, PD20Ja74:23, R8S74: 31 from New Eng. , 2Mr53: 41 from New York City, PD6Ja74: 32 from Newcastle, PD25Ap66: 31, R15S74: 33 from Phila. , Pa. , PD20Ja74: 23 from Whitehaven, Eng. , 23Ja46: 41, 23My55: 21, 27Ag56: 31, 12F62: 31, R8Ag66: 22, R11F68: 31, R12Ja69: 23, PD10F74:23 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from Aberdeen, Scot. , PD1S68: 23 from Alloa, Scot. , PD10Mr74: 23 from Ayr, Scot. , PD29D68: 31 from Barbados, W. I. , PDllJe67: 32 from Boston, Mass. , 24Je37: 41, 5Ag37: 42, HAg38: 32, 5Ja39: 42 from Bristol, Eng. , 20My37: 41, 17Je37: 32, 18My39: 41-42, 10Ag39: 21, 29My46: 4, R25D66: 13, PD22Ja67: 31, PD220c67: 22, PD17D67: 31, PD18F68: 23--R18F68: 31, PD270c68: 42, PD8D68: 31, PD28S69: 23, PD24My70: 23, PD1N70: 22 from Cadiz, Sp. , 3Je37: 41, 14D39: 11 from Dumfries, Scot. , 10Oc45: 3 from Exeter, Eng. , 5Ag37: 42 from Glasgow, Scot. , 20My37: 41, 3Je37: 41, 10Ag39: 21, 4J145: 3, 3J146: 4, 60c52: 31, PD16My66: 23, PDllJe67: 32, PD24S67: 13, PD290c67: 21, PD12N67: 21, PD18F68: 23--R18F68: 31, PD3Mr68:31, R7J168: 22, PD1S68: 23, PD22S68: 22 — R22S68: 23, PD270c68: 42, PD22D68: 31, PD23Mr69: 31, PD8Je69: 23, PD6J169: 32, PD7S69:31,PD28S69:23, PD9N69: 22, PD28D69: 31, PD5Ap70: 33, PD24My70: 23, PD20S70: 32, PD4Oc70: 22, PD1N70: 22, PD28Ap74: 23 from Greenock, Scot. , 5Ag37:42, HAg38: 32, 4J145: 3, 9Ja46: 4, 29My46: 4, PD30My66: 31 — R30My66: 32, PD12S66: 23, PD19Mr67: 32, PD4Je67: 41, PD24Mr68: 32— R14Ap68: 42, PD26My68: 22--R9Je68: 32, PD7J168: 23, PD22S68: 22 — R22S68:23, PD8D68: 31, PD13S70: 23 from Grenada, W. I. , PD7J168: 23 from Hull, Eng., 1D52: 31, PD29D68:31 from Isle of May, Scot. , 17Je37: 32, PD7J168: 23 from Lisbon, Port. , 5Ag37: 42 from Liverpool, Eng. , 4J145: 3, PD16My66: 23, PD12F67: 31, PD4Je67: 41, PD6Ag67: 32, PD24S67: 13, PD220c67: 22, PD12N67: 21, PD18F68: 23 — R18F68: 31, PD26My68: 22 — R9Je68: 32, R7J168: 22, PD270c68: 42, PD8D68: 31,PD28D69: 31, PD7Ap74: 23, PD5My74: 22, PD24My70: 23, PD27S70: 31, PD4Oc70: 22, PD1N70: 22 from London, Eng. , 27My37: 41, 17Je37: 32, 9Je38: 41, 4My39: 41, 25My39: 42, 27J139: 41, 10Ag39: 21, 14D39: 11, 10Oc45: 3, PD27N66: 23, R4D66:31, PD14Ja68: 31, PD11F68: 23--R11F68: 31, PD26My68: 22--R26My68: 31, PD26My68: 22--R9Je68: 32, PD7J168: 23, PD12Ja69: 23, PD28S69: 23, PD9N69: 22, PD13S70: 23 from Lynn Regis, 14D39: 11 from Madeira, 25My39: 42, 27J139: 41, 14D39: 11 from New York City, PD15D68: 23 from Newcastle, PD27N66: 23, PD4Je67: 41 from Phila. , Pa. , PD8D68: 31 from R. L,9F39:42 from St. Christopher, W. L , PD7Je70: 31 from Salem, Mass. , 19Ag37: 32 from Whitehaven, Eng. , 20My37: 41, 3Je37: 41, 9je38: 41, HAg38: 32, 10Ag39:21, PD12N67:21, PD31Mr68: 22— R26My68: 31, PD270c68: 42 imported to New York City from Bristol, Eng. , R29N70: 21 from Hull, Eng. , R29N70: 21 from Liverpool, Eng. , R29N70: 13 from London, Eng. , R29N70: 21 imported to Rappahannock district, Va. , from Aberdeen, Scot. , 14Ag52:22,270c52:21 from Boston, Mass. , 22S52: 31 from Dublin, Ire. , 7Ag52: 31 from Glasgow, Scot. , 29Je39: 31, 7Ag52: 31, 22S52: 31, 17N52: 22, PD6Je66: 31, R8Ag66: 22 — PD15Ag66: 23 from Greenock, Scot. , 7Ag52: 31 from Irvine, Scot. , 29Je39: 31 from Liverpool, Eng. , 7Ag52: 31, PD6Je66:31 from London, Eng. , 7Ag52: 31, R8Ag66: 22— PD15Ag66: 23 from Whitehaven, Eng. , 7Ag52: 31, 17N52: 22 imported to south Potomac district, Va. , from Dublin, Ire. , PD8Ja67: 31 from Glasgow, Scot. , 270c52: 21, PD8Ja67: 31 from Greenock, Scot. , 17N52: 22, PD8Ja67:31 from Hampton, Eng. , R18J166: 32 from Hull, Eng. , PD27N66: 22 from Leith, Eng. , 270c52: 21 from London, Eng. , R18J166: 32 from Phila. , Pa. , R18J166: 32 from Whitehaven, Eng. , PD8Ja67: 31 imported to Va. from Glasgow, Scot. , PD16N69: 22 imported to York district, Va. , from Antigua, W. L , 25Mr37: 41 from Barbados, W. L , 12Ja39: 42 from Bristol, Eng. , 8Ap37: 41, 29Ap37: 42, 20My37: 41, 25N37: 42, 9D37: 42, 7Ap38: 41, 3N38: 61, 12Ja39: 42, 2F39: 42, 4My39: 41, 18My39: 31, 24Ag39: 31, 21Mr45: 41, 7N54: 31, 28Mr55: 32, 25Ap55: 22, PD27N66: 22, R31Mr68: 31, R7J168:22 from Gainsborough, Eng. , 18My39: 31 from Glasgow, Scot. , 4J145: 32, 15S52: 32, 7N54: 22, PD27N66: 22, R12My68:21 from Greencok, Scot. , 16Je38: 42 from Hull, Eng. , 4J145: 32, 28Mr55:32 from Lancaster, Eng. , 12Ja39: 42, 18My39:31 from Liverpool, Eng. , 4J145: 31, 29S52: 32, 25Ap55: 22, PD29Ja67: 32, PD19F67: 31— R19F67: 22, R7J168: 22 from London, Eng. , 25Mr37: 41, 13My37: 42, 27My37: 41, 15J137: 42, 9D37: 42, 23D37: 42, 7Ap38: 41, 2Je38: 41, 2F39: 42, 9Mr39: 41, 6Ap39: 31, 4My39: 41, 18My39: 31, 22Je39: 31, 24Ag39: 31, 4J145: 31, 4J145: 32, 7N45: 31, 14Ag52: 22, 22S52: 31, 17N52: 22, 7N54: 22, 7N54: 31, 28Mr55: 32, 25Ap55: 22, PD19F67: 31— R19F67: 22, R12My68:21,R7J168:22 from Madeira, 15J137: 42, 23D37: 42, 2Je38:41, 9Mr39:41 from New York City, 25Ap55: 22 from R. L , 18My39: 3 from St. Christopher, W. L , PD27N66:22 from Whitehaven, Eng. , 19Ag37: 32 scarce in Boston, Mass. , P9Je75: 13 seized from British ships, D4J177: 71-- P4J177: 22 European goods, damaged, for sale, at Accomac courthouse, Va. , R3Ag69: 31 European states, request American ambassadors, D6Je77: 11 — P6Je77: 21 Eustace, Hancock, Capt. , R20Je71: 32, P12J176:31— D13J176:22 Isaac, C28Ag79: 32 John, 18Je52: 22, PD21My72: 22, PD15Ap73: 23, D17Ja77: 12 [John], Capt. , P170c77: 21 Kitty, marriage of, PD23My71: 22 Eustis, John, P3Ap78: 21 Eutropius, author, PD7J168: 31, PD29N70: 22, PD3Ja71: 43, PD17Ja71: 43, PD7F71: 43, PD21F71: 43, PD10Je73: 34, DllF75s23,D30c77:32 Evans, Capt. , PD27Ag67: 23, 368 Ewing PD19N67: 21, PD16Mr69: 22, D25Mr80: 23 Comdr. , of the Marlborough, PD2S73: 12--R2S73: 13 Mr. , murder of, 18Ag38: 41, 25Ag38: 41, 20Oc38: 32, 3N38: 61 , 24N38:41 on board Jane and Elizabeth, P23Ag76:31 sails for Eng ,D17Ag76:22 Benjamin, PD17Ag69: 33 Charles, 23 F39: 41 Charles, Capt. , of the Martin, R8Ag66: 22 — PD15Ag66: 23 of the Mermaid, PD22Ja67: 32, PDllJe67: 32 [Christmas], author, PD23Ap72: 23 Edward, PD24Mr68: 31, R14Ja73: 13 Francis, alias of David Powell, 23F39:41 George, Dr. , P30Oc78: 31 Henry Francis, PD30J167: 31 Israel, PD290c72: 12, PD290c72: 13 John, 60c52: 32, 240c55: 22, R20J169: 23, PD8Mr70: 43, P19Ja76: 42, D17J178:42 John, Capt. , PD26N67: 23 of the Two Brothers, PD18F68: 23 — R18F68: 31, PD17Mr68: 31 — R14Ap68: 42 John, jr. ,R10Ag69:32, R30My71:23 John, sr. , PD16J167: 41, PD21J174p23 Joseph, D27Ap76: 32 Joseph, Capt. , of the Freetown, PD14Ap74: 12--R14Ap74: 23 of the Sally, D14Ag79: 22 Joshua, land of, R14 Ja73: 33 Ludwell, PD29Ap73:31 M. , PD28N71: 23 Mary, P16Je75: 32 Nathaniel, Rev. Mr. , author, PD5S71:33--R5S71:31 Phil, P28N77: 33 Robert, R1J173: 33 Simon, Lt.„PD5Mr67: 22 Stephen, PD22Ag71: 33— R5S71: 43 Thomas, adv. finding horse, R5S71: 42 adv. for missing horses, D17Je75: 33, D26Ag75: 33 adv. land for sale, D90c78: 32 — P160c78: 12 announces departure, PD24Je73: 32 — R24Je73: 33, D15Je76: 61 awarded medal by College of William and Mary. Pil7Ag75: 33 — P18Ag75: 32--D19Ag75: 32 guilty of Toryism, P5J176p21 land of, P16Ag76sll runaway convict servant, 31J146: 51 subscriber to meeting of merchants, PD30Je74: 23 suspected of horse-stealing, PD28Ja73: 32 William, adv. slaves for sale, PD27J169: 33 adv. stallion for hire, R18F68: 33 announces departure, PD9D73: 21 escaped from York co. , jail, R280c73:41 excaped prisoner, PD5Ap70: 33 proclamation for apprehension of, PD210c73: 23, R280c73: 41 requests settlement of creditors, R8F70: 33, R20S70: 32 William, Capt. , PD21Mr71: 32 Evan's mill, Va. , R8Mr70s32 Evan's ordinary, plantation, Va. , R10Ag69: 32 Evatt, Nehemiah, PD25N73: 32 Eve, Capt. , PD27Ag67: 23, PD4N73: 21 — R4N73: 23 John, R26J170: 22 John, Capt. , of the Live Oak, R8S74: 31 Eveard, Thomas, R26Mr72: 23 Eveille, Fr. man of war, D9My77: 11 Eveleigh, Mr. , of Charleston, S. C. , R26J170: 13 Evelic, Fr. warship, 5S55: 21 Evelick, Scot. , See Ships sailing time; Ships to New York City from Evengton, Mardum V. , D15Ag77: 62, P15Ag77:31 Evening post, extract from, 9My45: 31, R27S70: 13 Evening schools, adv. of, in Norfolk, Va. ,PD18F73:23 Evening Star, schooner, C19Ag80: 12 Evens, Peter, PD20Oc74s22 Everard, Capt. , of the Albert, 7N51:22 Mr. , overseer of, Pi60c74: 33 — PD60c74: 32 quarter of, PD29D68: 32 John, Capt. , of the Orphan Tehoa, 23Ja46: 42 Richard, Sir, 10F38: 32, 10F38: 41 Thomas, adv. for missing horses, PD16Ag70: 41, D27S76: 42 adv. for missing steers, PD23N69: 32 adv. for runaway slave, PD24Ag69: 33 adv. land and slaves for sale, D160c78:32 adv. settlement of estate,- PD4J166: 31, PD16J172: 32 adv. slave for sale, PD23D73: 23 agent of William Byrd, R12J170: 23 — PD19J170:42 appointed commissioner, P5J176s21, P12J176: 13 appointed to committee, Williamsburg, Va. , PD22D74: 23, Pi9N75: 33 appointed to committee to plan hospital, R2Ag70: 23, R6S70: 11 attorney for Robert Miller, P2Je75s42— D3Je75: 33 certifies Mercer's account of duel, R23J167:21 certifies property of Roote is unmortgaged, PD22Ag66: 23 clerk's notice, R22J173: 33 elected mayor of Williamsburg, PD4D66: 31--R4D66: 21, PD5D71: 23 manager of lottery, PD25Ap66: 31, PD20Je66: 23— R24D67: 44 refuses letters with unpaid postage, PD28Ja73: 23 Evercreech, See Murders in Everett, Capt. , of the Buckingham, 10Oc55:22 Evergreens, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD29Ag71: 33 Everidge, Alice, D31Ag76: 31 John, D31Ag76: 31 Everit, Capt. , of the Champion, D24Ap79: 22 Everitt, Joseph, D90c78: 41 Thomas, R17N68: 32, PD2N69: 33 PD3Ja71:41 Everlasting, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22 in Suffolk, Va. ,5Mr52:31 in Williamsburg, Va. , HOc51: 41, 7N55: 42, PD4Oc70: 31, PDllAp71: 32, PD12N72: 23 in Yorktown, Va. , 4J145: 42, PD310c71:23 Evers, Thomas, Capt. , of the Susannah, PD16My66: 13, PD6Je66: 12, R8Ag66:31 Eversage, Michael, P23My77: 32 Everton, ship, 4J145: 31, 3J146: 22, 28Mr51: 32, 4Ap51: 42, HAp51: 32, 25J151: 32, 24Ap52: 21, 3J152: 32, 25Ap55: 22, 2S57: 22, PD13Je66: 22, PD2Je68: 23, PD4Ag68: 23 Eves, Capt. , R70c73: 21 Evil, cure for, PD7Ap68: 31, PD8Je69: 32, PD30My71: 23, D16S75: 33 Evington, Maurice, R23F69: 21, P29Mr76:32,D21S76:32, D240c77: 22, D12D77: 21 — P12D77: 32, D11D79: 31 Evins, Andrew, PD23J172: 32 Evrie, John, PD18Ja70: 33 Evrit, Simmons, PD19Ag73: 22 Ewell, James, Pil2Ja75: 32 Jesse, Pil2Ja75: 32, P9My77: 23 Solomon, 2S57: 41 Solomon, Capt., of the Molly, 7Ag52:31 Thomas, Capt. .P18J177: 13 Thomas W. , P20Je77: 13 Ewen, Capt. , of the Ocean, Pi23Mr75: 32 — P24Mr75: 32 — D25Mr75: 23 Mr., of Savannah, Ga. , PD17Ja71: 12 James, Capt. , PD14My67: 31 John, R10Ja71: 33 William, D6Ap76: 23 Ewer, Capt. , of the Lillie, PD14Je70: 22 Silas, Capt. , D30Oc79: 21 Ewers, cream, for sale, in Baltimore, Md. , Pil8My75: 33 Ewing, Capt. , PD4Oc70: 22— R1N70: 22 appointed to council of Mass. , R1S74:22 of the Agnes, R5Ag73: 22 of the Jupiter, R26Ag73: 21 of the Ocean, PD23Ap72: 23— R23Ap72: 23, PD80c72: 31, PD29Ap73: 22— R29Ap73: 22, PD8Ap73: 23, PD210c73: 21 — R210c73: 21, PD14J174: 23, P24Mr75:32, PllAg75:33 of the Simpson, PD7D69: 31 — R7D69: 23 Lt. , ordered to join regiment, P230c78: 11 Mr. , land of, P5J176: 33 on committee in Pa ,Pil2Ja75: 31 — D14Ja75: 23 James, P230c78: 33 [James], Brig. Gen. , P9Ag76: 22, D10Ja77: 32 — P10Ja77: 22 James, Capt. , of the Eagle, PD30My66: 31— R30My66: 32 James, sr. , R13D70: 43 John, R20Ap69: 32, PD25Ag74: 32, C15J180:21 John, Capt , of the Cochran, 369 Ewing, John, Capt. (cont'd) PD6Je66: 31 of the Neptune, PD3Mr68: 31, PD31Mr68: 23--R26My68: 31, PD9Mr69: 31, PD21S69: 23, PD10Mr74:23 Nicol, D3F76:33 Robert, PD21J1 74: 32 Robert, jr. , PDlS74s22 William, D4D78: 22 Excavatidns, in London, Eng. , RllJa70:13 in Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Ger. , PD16Je68: 21 in N. Y. , 30My51: 22 in Perth, Scot. , PD150c72: 22 in Peru, 30My51:ll in Rome, It. , 13My37: 11 in Salisbury, Eng. , PD25Je72: 22 in Sandford moor, Eng. , PD11D66: 21 in Shropshire, Eng. , P23Je75sll in Suffolk, Eng. , PD4F68: 22 in Tottenham, Eng. , PD14Je70sl3 in Yorkshire, Eng. , 7s39: 31 near Bardowie, Eng. , Dl J175: 12 near Milan, It. , PD2J167: 12 Exchange, ship, 4Ag38: 42, PD11D66: 23 Exchange rates, between London, Eng. , and Edinburgh, Scot. , PD3Mr74: 21 on Fr. , P10Oc77: 23 on Sp. , 12F62:22 Exchange tavern, Norfolk, Va. , 5s55: 41 sale at, PD3Mr74: 31 Excise taxes, amount of in Eng. , PD29Ap73: 12 in Gt. Brit. , PDilJe67: 11 in Scot. , PD12My68: 13 in Wales, PD29Ap73: 12 in Gt. Brit. , improvment planned, PD23Ap67: 13 reduction sought, PD23My66: 13 opposed in Va. , R14Je70: 22 recommended in Mass. , 27Je51: 32 recommended in Va. , R14Je70: 13 Excommunications, from London Church, 10c36: 32 Executions, P21Ap75s42 decrease attempted in Eng. , R12Mr72: 11 failed in Bristol, Eng. , 24D36: 41 for arson, 170c51: 31, P20Je77: 22— D27Je77:ll for burglary, R11D66: 31, PD7N71: 22, PD2D73: 21--R2D73: 23, Pi20Oc74: 23 — PD20Oc74: 23, Pil2Ja75: 33, P12My75s21— D13My75: 23 for burglary, in Williamsburg, Va. , 6My37: 32, 1J137: 42, PD10Je73: 21 — R10Je73: 33, PD4N73: 21, PD16D73: 22 — R16D73: 41, D14Ja75: 23, Pi20Ap75: 31 — P21Ap75s42, Pil5Je75: 31 — P16Je75s23, D30Oc78: 31— P30Oc78: 32 for "capital crimes", 15D38: 31 for counterfeiting, in Hispaniola, W. I. , R24Je73:31 in Morristown, N. J. , PD70c73: 13, PD140c73: 13 in N. Y. , PD29Ap73: 22— R29Ap73: 21 in New Bern, N. C. , 10N52: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , 9My51: 31 for desertion from British army, PD8S68: 22, PD1D68: 22 from Continental army, D23D75: 31, P28Mr77s21 from Va. regiment, 6th, D24Ap78: 31 — PlMy78: 42 in Boston, Mass. , D21 Ja75: 23, P13Je77:22 in Halifax, N. S. , 24N52: 21 in Peekskill, N. Y. 4 D9My77: 22, P18J177:21,D25J177:21 near Williamsburg, Va. , D20N79: 22 on shipboard, D28F77: 21 for espionage, C21Oc80: 21 in Peekskill, N. Y. , P14Mr77: 22 for felony, 5My38: 41, 2N39: 41, 7N45: 31, PD12N67: 21, PD22D68: 33, PD23F69: 33, R14D69: 23, PD27Je71: 32 P23Ag76: 32 abolition urged in Eng. , R23Ap72: 21 in Williamsburg, Va. , 6My37: 32, 1 J137: 42, 14D39: 31, 13Je51: 32, 12D51: 32, 10Ja52: 32, 7N54: 22, 14N55: 21, 30N59: 31, 4N63: 21, PD4J166: 22, PD11D66: 23, PD7My67: 31, PDllJe67: 22, PD10D67: 31, PD12My68: 23— R12My68: 21, PD167Je68: 23— R16Je68: 31, PD15D68: 23 — R15D68: 21, PDllMy69s33 — RllMy69: 32, PDlJe69: 23 — RlJe69: 31, PD9N69: 22, R9N69: 23, R30N69: 23, PD13Je71: 23, PD7My72: 23 for forgeries in Williamsburg, Va. , Pil5Je75: 31— P16Je75s23, P18Ap77sl2 for grand larceny, in Williamsburg, Va. , D30Oc78: 31— P30Oc78: 32 for horse stealing, 4N37: 42, 5My38: 41, PD7N71: 22, PD2D73: 21— R2D73: 23, Pil2Ja75: 33, in Williamsburg, Va. , 5N36: 42, 23N39: 31, 9My51: 31, 20Oc52: 21, 15D52: 31, PD7My67: 31, PD12N67: 21, PD15Je69: 31, PD10D72: 23— R10D72: 23, PD6My73: 22— R6My73:23, PD10Je73: 21— R10Je73: 33, PD4N73:21, PU5D74: 32--PD15D74: 31, Pi20Ap75: 31— P21Ap75s42 for house-breaking, 4N37: 42 in Williamsburg, Va. , 4My39: 41, PD14Ja68: 31, proposed in Eng. , R23A P 72: 22 for murder, 4N37: 42, 18N37: 41, 24N38: 41, 2N39: 41, 7N45: 31, 5D45: 41, 3J152: 31, PD3Je73: 23 — R3Je73: 23, Pil2Ja75: 33, P12My75s21 — D13My75: 23, D16My77: 12, DlMy79: 22 in Burlington, N. J. , PD22Ag66: 21 in Burlington co. , N. J. , PD2J167: 31 in Detroit, D17J179: 21 in Frederick, Md. , RllN73s23 in Kent, Eng. , PD170c71: 12 in Kingston, Jamaica, W. I. , PD4J171: 13 in London, Eng. , described, PD2D73s22 in Montreal, Can. ;PD17S72: 13 in Nantucket, Mass. , PD9Je68: 21 in New Providence, W. I. , PD9J167: 31 in St. Christopher, W. I. , PD5Mr67: 21 in St. Eustatia, W. I. , PD16 J167: 22 in South Kingston, R. I. , 24My51: 31 in Spanish Town, Jamaica, W. I. , PD10Je73: 13 in Stafford co. , Va. , R20J169: 22 in Sussex, N. J. , PD2J167: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , 5N36: 42, 6My37: 32, 3N38: 61, 4My39: 41, 23N39: 31, 24Ja51: 41, 170c51: 31, 12D51: 32, 27D51: 32, 10Ja52: 32, 12Je52: 21, 9My55: 21, 23My55: 21, 14N55: 21, PD7My67: 31, PDllJe67: 22, PDllMy69s: 33— RllMy69: 32, PD1 Je69: 23— RlJe69: 31, R31My70: 22, PD8N70: 22, PD29N70: 21, PD13D70:22-- R13D70: 23, PD6My73: 22— R6My73: 23, PD10Je73: 21— R10Je73: 33, PD5My74: 22, PD2Je74: 22 — R2Je74: 22, Pi20Oc74: 23 — PD20Oc74: 23, D14Ja75: 23, Pi20Ap75: 31— P21Ap75s42, P24Ja77: 23, P14F77: 22, P18Ap77sl2, D30Oc78: 31--P30Oc78: 32 for Negro stealing, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD7My72: 23 for rape, PD17S67: 22, P12My75s21 — D13My75: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD7My67: 31, Pi20Ap75: 31— P21Ap75s42 for recruiting for British army, D25J177:21 for robberies, 25N37: 42, 16D37: 41, 13Ja38: 41 in Annapolis, Md. , 10J152: 31 in Detroit, D17J179: 21 in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD3F74: 22 in Kingston, Jamaica, W. I. , PD4J171: 13 in Williamsburg, Va. , 27My37: 41, 17Je37: 32, 4My39: 41, 23N39: 31, 24Ja51: 41, 15D52: 31, PD10D67: 31, PD10Je73: 21— R10Je73: 33, D30Oc78: 31--P30Oc78: 32 in Winchester, Eng. , R20My73: 12— PD27My73: 12 for sacrilege, in Williamsburg, Va. , 7N54: 22 for sedition in Charleston, S. C. , P15S75s21 for slave revolts, 20My37: 32, 27My37: 32, P28Ap75s42 — D29Ap75s33 for stealing in Eng. , PD150c72: 13— R150c72: 22 in Kent, Eng. , PD170c71: 12 in Williamsburg, Va. , 170c51: 31, PD5N72: 32, PD5My74: 22, D14Ja75:23, Pil5Je75:31, P24Ja77: 23, P14N77: 22 on N. C. frontier, PD28J168: 22 for Toryism, in Esopus, N. Y. , P13Je77: 23--D20Je77: 12 in Halifax, N. S. , DHOc76: 21 in N. J. , D26F79: 31 in New York City, C3J179: 22— D3J179: 21 in Providence, R. I. , D13Je77: 11 in Va. , D13Ap76: 32 for treason, in New York City, P19J176:21, D20J176:12 inPhila. , Pa. ,DllAp77: 32— PllAp77sl2 in Bristol, Eng. , PD6Ag72: 21 in Cairo, Egy. , R23N69: 21 in Constantinople, Turk. , D25F75: 12 in Cork, Ire. , PD30Ap67: 22 in Den. , described, PD20Ag72: 12 in Eng. PD7Je70: 21 change in procedure enacted, 22S52: 22 regulations for, 14F51: 31, 25Je52: 21, 7Ag52: 21, 14Ag52: 21 370 Exports in Lisbon, Port. , PD16J172: 31 in London, Eng. , PD10D67: 12, PD22S68: 21 in New Bern, N. C. , PD7Ja68: 31 In St. Domingo, W. I. , PD27F72: 22 in Tyburn, Eng. , PD24Je73: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , 4Ja40: 41, PD8J173: 31— R15J173: 33, D26Mr79: 22 in York, Va. ,R23Je68: 23 near Williamsburg, 26N36: 42, D4D78:22 odes on, 31Ja51: 12 of British recruiting officers, in N. Y. , Pi5Ag77: 21— D22Ag77: 12 of British spies, in Valley Forge, Pa. , P19Je78: 22 of slaves, 25F37: 41, PHOc76: 31, P17Ja77: 32 popularity in Gt. Brit. , PD30Mr69: 31 regulated by Va. general assembly, PD28D69: 23— R28D69: 23 Exeter, bishop of, favors repeal of Quebec act,D19Ag75: 22 earl of [Brownlow Cecil], D29Ap75s21 Exeter, Eng. , See Anecdotes from; Corn price falls in; counterfeiting in; Duels in; Floods in; Imports to; Imports to James river, upper district, Va. , from; Murders in; Prices high in; Prices protested in; Sea monsters captured in; Shipwrecks near; Smallpox in; Stagecoaches between Falmouth, Eng. , and; suicides in; Exeter, Mass. , See Lightning in Exeter, N. H. , See Boston port bill, relief from, by Exeter, H. M.S. , 11S46: 22, 11S46: 31, 24Ja52: 22, PD21Mr71: 22, D9S75: 21, D15Ag77: 41--P15Ag77sll, P12S77sll ship, llAg38: 41, PD27Ag72: 21 sloop, 2Je38: 41, 5Ja39: 42, 9F39: 42, 18My39:4 Exhibitions, in Eng. , 18J151: 22, R3My70: 11 in Holborn, Eng. , 15J137: 41 in London, Eng. , 3Ap52: 22, PD2J172: 23, PD29S74: 22 in Naples, It. , R60c68: 12 Exhibitions, art, in Gt. Brit. , PD3S67: 12 Exhumations, in Eng. , PD29S74: 22 Exon, Eng. , petitions king, PD14D69: 13 See also Ships from New York City to Expedition, H. M. S. , 13Je45: 21, 24Ja52:22 packet, PD18Je67: 11 privateer, 28Mr45: 22 schooner, 24Ap46: 42 ship, 25Ag38: 32, 6J139: 21, 4J145: 32, 19D45: 31, 3Ap46: 41, llAp55: 22 snow, 10Oc45: 22, 23Ja46: 42 Experience, pseud. , R25N73: 13 R20Ja74: 12,R12My74: 12, PD28J174: 12 prize ship, 12S45: 42 sloop, 10D36: 41, HMr37: 41 Experiment, Cont. ship, P31My76: 21 H. M. S. , 20Je45: 31, 24Ja52: 31, D70c75: 21, D25N75: 23, D9D75: 13, D17F76:32,D6Ap76:21, P24My76: 22, P12J176sl2, D13J176: 61, D13J176: 71, P23Ag76: 11, D24Ag76: 32, D24Ag76: 71, D14S76:41,D23My77:ll, P20Je77:21, P7N77:12, P21N77:21,D4S79:21, D230c79:22,D6N79:22 privateer, D11S79: 31, D8Ap80: 11 schooner, 18Ja40: 4, R26J170: 13 ship, 16Ja46: 32, 17Ap46: 22, 13Je51: 32, 28F55: 31, 240c55: 21, 19D55:22,PD20Oc68:22, PD17Ag69: 22, R14S69: 22, PD21S69:33,R21S69s21, PD21S69: 41, PD25Oc70: 22, PD15Ag71: 12, PD290c72: 12, D10Ag76: 21, D10Ag76: 22, D10J179:12,D22Ja80:22, D29Ja80: 11 sloop, 9My51: 31, 25J151: 11, 5s51: 12, 24Ap52: 21, PD220c72: 13 Explorations, across N.Am. , PD19N72:12 at North pole, 290c36: 31, PD20My73: 11, R8J173:21,PD15J173:31— R15J173: 31, PD19My74: 21, PD22S74:21,D25F75:12 at South pole, PD22S74: 21 books on British, PD16S73: 22 by British, PD10D72: 12, Pil6Mr75: 23 — P17Mr75: 31--D18Mr75: 13 by Comm. Byron, PD55S66s31-- R5S66: 21, R5s66: 22, PD12F67: 13, PD6Ag67:ll by Fr. navy, PD30Je68: 13 by Capt. McBride, PD18Je67: 12 by Spanish, R10Je73: 32, P26My75: 11, D17Je75:21 encouraged by Russ. , D8Ap80s21 encouraged in Eng. , P22J175sll— D29J175:23,D17F76:23 for Austr. , by Fr. , PD80c72: 21— R80c72:22 for Isle of Mare, Scot. , 5S51: 22, 12S51: 32, 19S51: 32, 27Mr52: 21, 24J152:22,30J152:21 alarms Europeans, 110c51: 31 fail, 28N51: 22 for northeast passage, 9S37: 41, 60c38:41, PD23Ap67:12 for northwest passage, 31J146: 41, PD7Mr66: 11, PD19Mr67: 22, PD30Ap67: 12, PD27Ag67: 13, PD21My72: 21, PD18Je72: 22, PD23J172: 22, PD150c72: 21, PD140c73: 12, PD9D73: 13, R31Mr74:22 in Af . , R9S73: 12, R23S73: 11, R30S73sl3, in Antarctic, PDlAp73: 13, R8S74: 33, in Arctic, PD17Je73: 13— R17Je73: 23 in Calif. , PD20My73: 11, D17J179: 11 in Can. , PD8Ag71: 21 in Davis straights, PD7N71: 21 in E.I. ,D18D79:12 in Great Patent, N. Y. , 30J152: 22 in Greenland, Pi29Je75: 32— P30Je75: 22 in Ice. , 14Mr51: 21, PD150c72: 22, PDllMr73:22,R23S73:13, in Ind. O. , PD3F74: 12 in Japan, PD19N72: 13, D17J179: 11 in New Zealand, R8S74: 33, P3Mr75: 11 in North seas, PD7Ja73: 21— R7Ja73: 21, PD29Ap73: 12 in polar regions, PD9D73: 13 in Red sea, PD3F74: 12 for Solomon is. , PD18D66: 22 in S. Am. by Brit. , PD4Je67: 21 in south seas, 29Ag51: 22, R5S66: 22, PD24S67: 11, PD25Ag68: 11— R25Ag68: 21, PD22S68: 12, RU173: 13, PD15S74: 31, R22S74: 23, Pil90c75: 22— D210c75: 13, Pi260c75: 13 Brit, well received, PD25Ag68: 22 by Brit. , PD10D67: 13, R270c68: 11, by Comm. Byron, PD30J167: 31 encouraged by Brit, government, PD240c71: 21 Spanish forbid Brit. , PD4Je72: 23 value of discussed, P24F75: 23 inW. Fla.,PD12My68:22 — R12My68: 13 near Isle de France, Ind. O. , R16D73: 13 on Mississippi river, PD14Je70s21, PD3S72:ll, PD16S73:22 on St. Lawrence river, Can. , PD17Je73: 21, PD22S74: 23 on Senegal river, Af. , PD8D74: 12 on Tartary coast, China, PD24Je73: 22 Explosions, in Abbeville, Fr. , R3Mr74:31 in Bombay, India, R16F69: 12 in East river, N. Y. , P21Ag78: 21 in London, Eng. , R10Mr74: 11 in Surrey, Eng. , PD2Ap72: 22, PD2Ap72: 31, PD9Ap72: 23 Exports, cockets for, 12D55: 22 from Accomac district, Va. , to Antigua, W. I. , PD23My66: 31, PD22Ja67: 31, PD9Ap67: 23, PD14Ja68: 32 to Barbados, W. I. , PD12S66: 23, R25D66:13,PDlUe67:32, PD31Mr68: 22— R14Ap68: 41, PD26My68: 22— R26My68: 31, PD8S68p22, PD270c68: 42, PD22D68: 31 to Bermuda, PD12Mr67: 32, PD31Mr68: 22, R14Ap68: 41 to Boston, Mass. , PD12Mr67: 32, PD7My67: 31, PD31Mr68: 22 — R14Ap68: 41, PD26My88: 22— R26My68: 31, PD30Je68: 23 — 7J168: 22, PD8S68p22, PD270c68: 42 , PD270c68: 43, PD22D68: 31 to Casco bay, Me. , PD26My68: 22 — R26My68: 31 to Gibraltar, Sp. , PD26My68: 22— R26My68: 31, PD270c68: 42 to Halifax, N. S. , PD30Je68: 23— R7J168: 22 to Lisbon, Port. , PD17N68: 22 to Md. , PD7J168: 23— R7J168: 22 to Nantucket, Mass. , PDllJe67: 32 toN.J. ,PD9Ap67:23 to New Providence, W. I. , PD5S66s43, PD12Mr67: 32, PD3D67: 31 to NewYork City, R8Ag66: 31 — PD22Ag66: 22, PD5S66s43, PD12S66: 23, PD12Mr67: 32, PD3D67: 31, PD26My68: 22 — R26My68: 31, PD8S68p22, PD270c68: 42. PD270c68: 43, PD17N68: 22, PD22D68: 31 to N.C.,PD23My66:31, PD12S66: 23, R25D66: 13 to Philadelphia, Pa. , PD23My66: 23, PD23My66: 31, R8Ag66: 31 -- PD22Ag66: 22, PD5S66s43, PD12S66:23, R25D66: 13, PD12Mr67: 32, PD9Ap67: 23, 371 Exports, from Accomac district (cont'd) PD7My67: 31, PDllJe67: 32, PD6Ag67: 32, PD3D67: 31, PD14Ja68: 32, PD31Mr68: 22 — R14Ap68: 41, PD26My68: 22— R26My68: 31, PD30Je68: 23 — R7J168: 21, PD30Je68: 23 — R7J168: 22, PD7J168: 23, PD7J168:23— R7J168:21, R7J168:21,PD7J168:23 — R7J168: 22, PD8S68p22, PD270c68: 42, PD270c68: 43, PD22D68: 31 to Plymouth, Eng. , PD31Mr68: 22— R14Ap68: 41 to R. I. , PD23My66: 31, PD5S66s43, PD12S66: 23, PD7My67: 31, PD6Ag67: 32, PD26My68: 22- R26My68: 31, R7J168: 22, PD270c68: 43 to Salem, Mass. , PD9Ap67: 23, PD30Je68: 23 to Salem on Delaware, PD5S66s43 to S. C.,PDllJe67:32 from Af. to Europe, 2S37: 12 from Algiers, Alg. , D4N75: 12 from America to Eng. , PD3D72: 12— R3D72: 21 to Gibraltar, Sp. , PD10Ja71: 13 to Ire. , PD30Ap67: 22 to Lisbon, Port. , R22S74: 23 to Port. ,PD15S74:32 to Sp. , PD5My74: 22 from Amsterdam, Holl. , to St. Eustatia, W. I. , PD7F71: 21 — R7F71: 13, Pil6Mr75: 31 — P17Mr75s21— D18Mr75: 21, D10J179: 12 to Toulon, Fr. , PD4Je67: 21 from Annapolis , Md. , to Whitehaven, Eng. ,PD5F67:31 from Baltic to Fr. , D16S75: 31 from Baltimore, Md. , to Dublin,* Ire. , R13Ja74:21 from Barbados, W. I. , to Dublin, Ire. , 24S36: 22 to Quinea, Af. , R4N73: 21 to Norfolk, Va. , P28Je76: 23 from Barbary Coast, Af . , to Sp. , PD5My74: 22 from Bermuda, D2Ap79: 22 from Boston, Mass. , to Cork, Ire. , PD25Je67: 21 to Europe, PD1D68: 21 to Glasgow, Scot. , PD12My68: 21 to W. I. , D3 Ja77: 21 to Whitehaven, Eng. , PD12My68: 21 from Boulogne, Fr. , to Sp. , PD10Ja71: 13 from Bristol, Eng. , PDllMr73: 22 to Boston, Mass. , P8S75sl3 to Nfd. , D15J175: 32 toPhila., Pa.,R20J169:22 to Quebec, Can. , D15J175: 32 to Russia, PD25J171: 13, PD5N72: 23 from British colonies, N. Am. , to Dominica, W. I. , PD13F72: 23 to E. Fla., prohibited, D10Je75: 21— P16Je75: 21 to Europe restricted, PD12F67: 22 to Fr. , Pi23Mr75: 21, D25Mr75: 21 to Ga. , prohibited, D10Je75: 21— P16Je75:21 to Gt. Brit. , PD3Ag69: 22 to It. ,PD28My67:13 to Nantucket, Mass. , regulated, P16Je75: 21 to Nfd. , prohibited, D10Je75: 21— P16Je75:21 to N. S. , prohibited, D10Je75: 21— P16Je75: 21 to Port. ,PD12Ja69:12, Pil30c74: 23— PD130c74: 23, PD18Oc70: 21— R18Oc70: 11 to Quebec, Can. , prohibited, D10Je75:21— P16Je75:21 to St. John's is. , Nfd. , prohibited. , D10Je75: 21— P16Je75: 21 to St. Malo, Fr. , P23Ag76: 21 to Sp. , PD12Ja69: 12, PD29Ap73: 13— R29Ap73: 22 toW. Fla., prohibited, D10Je75: 21— P16Je75: 21 toW.I. ,P7Ap75:31 from Cadiz, Sp. , to London, Eng. , PD21My67: 12 to Marian is. , Indian O. , D16S75: 11 to Philippine is. , D16S75: 11 to Veracruz, Mex. , 24Ag51: 31 from Cape Francois, Santo Domingo, W.I. , to Fr. ,27Ag56:22 from Charleston, S.C., enumerated, 30c51: 31 value of, 1767-68, PD28J168: 21— R28J168: 22 to Bristol, Eng. , R20Je71: 31 to London, Eng. , PD16Ap67: 21, R20Je71: 31, PD10Oc71: 31 to New York City, PD25Ag74: 23— R1S74: 22 from Cologne, Ger. , to Alsace, Fr. , 7N55:21 from Conn, to Bristol, Eng. , PD18D66: 22 from Cork, Ire. , to Bermuda, PD22J173:13,D2S75:21 to Curacao, W. I. , PD23J167: 12 — R23J167sl2 to Martinique, W. I. , 18Ap45: 31 to St. Croix, W.I. ,PD23J167:12 — R23J167sl2 to St. Eustatia, W. I. , PD23J167: 12 — R23J167sl2 from Corsica to Toulon, Fr. , PD23Ap72: 13 from Danzig, duties on, PD7Ja73: 12, PD17Je73: 11 to Europe, R15J173sl2 from Dieppe, Fr. , to Sp. , PD10Ja71: 13 from Dominica, W.I. regulated, R2S73sl3 to British colonies, N. Am. , PD13F72: 23 to Europe, PD10D67: 23 to north of Cape Finisterre, Sp. , PD21My67: 23 from Dublin, Ire. , to British colonies, N.Am., illegal, DHOc76: 12 to W. I. , foreign, PD25F68: 21 from Dunkirk, Fr. , to Sp. , PD10Ja71: 12, PD10Ja71: 13 from Egy. , PD4Ap71: 13 to Syr. , R20Ja74: 21 from Eng. , 14J138: 22 to America, PD9F69: 23--R9F69: 21, R8Mr70: 22 to Boulogne, Fr. , PD30S73: 22— R30S73s21 to British colonies, N. Am. , PD21 Je70: 13, PD8N70: 13, PD280c73: 21, R8S74: 32 to Can. , R7Je70: 23 to Carolina, R7Je70: 23 to Corsica, R17N68: 23 to Dunkirk, Fr. , PD16Ja72: 12 to E.I.,R14S69:11 to Europe, PD13Je71: 22, PD4F73: 22 to Fla. , R7Je70: 23 to Fr. , 27J139: 31, 27J139: 32, PD10Mr74: 22 to Ga. , R7Je70: 23 to Ger. , PD9F69: 22— R9F69: 13 to Holl. , 27J139: 32, 18J151: 22, 12D51:21,PD10Mr74:22 to Hudson bay, Can. , R7Je70: 23 to Ind. , 23Mr39: 31 to Md. , R7Je70: 23 to New Eng. , R7Je70: 23 to New Eng. , stopped, R280c73: 32 to New Providence, W. I. , R7Je70: 23 to New York City, R7Je70: 23, PD18Oc70s21— R18Oc70: 21, R29N70: 12, P28N77: 21,D10J179: 22 to Nfd. , R7Je70: 23 to N. S. , R7Je70: 23 to Pa. , R7Je70: 23 to Port. , lAp37: 22, 10Mr38: 41, PD28Mr66: 23, PD8N70: 21 to Quebec, Can. , D4N75: 31 to Russia, PD31Ja71: 23, PD170c71: 12 to Russia increase, D[250c?]76: 52— P250c76:ll to southern Europe, 26Ag37: 22, 16F39: 32 to Sp. , lAp37: 22, 26Ag37: 32, 26Ag37: 41, 10Mr38: 41, PD28Mr66: 23 to Va. , R7Je70: 23 from Ferrol, Sp. , to Marian is. , Ind. O. ,D16S75:11 to P. I. ,D16S75:11 from Fr. , DllAp77: 31— PllAp77sl2 to Af. , PD10Oc71: 13 to America, D25Mr75: 21, P21Mr77sll to British colonies, N. Am. , PD8D74s22, Pi23Mr75: 21, P21Ap75s21 — D22Ap75: 12,D280c75: 31, P10N75: 12 to E. I. , 8My52: 21 to Eng. , D29Ap77: 12 to It. ,D29Ag77:12 to Lisbon, Port. , 22S52: 22 to Malabar coast, India, PD10Oc71: 13 to Martinique, W. I. , PD2J167: 31 to Phila. , Pa. , PllAp77sl2 to Port. , PD7Mr66: 13, R22S68: 14 to S. C. , P9My77: 22 to Sp. , 17Ap52: 22, D29Ag77: 12 to U. S. , D28Mr77: 62— P28Mr77sl3, P29My78: 21 to Va. , P9My77: 22 to W. I. , D22Je76: 51 from Ga. , to Gt. Brit. , PD15Ja67: 22 from Gt. Brit. , by East India co. , PD2J167: 11 evaluated, Pi23Mr75: 32 to America, PD4Ap66: 31, PD25Ap66: 11, PD7Ap68: 21, PD22S74: 23 to British colonies N. Am, PD290c67: 11, PD8Ag71: 13, PD5My74: 12, Pi29S74: 23 to Can. , Pi29S74: 23 to Conn. , Pi29S74: 23 to E. I. , PD20N66: 13, PD7My67: 13 to Fr. , PDllJe72: 21, PD23S73s21 to Ga. , Pi29S74: 23 372 Exports to Holl. , PD2J167: 11, PD31D72: 12 to Hudson bay, Can. , estimated, P129S74: 23 to Md. , Pi29S74: 23 to New Eng. , Pi29S74: 23 to N. H. , Pi29S74: 23 to New York City, Pi29S74: 23 to Nfd. , Pi29S74: 23 to N. C. , Pi29S74: 23 to N. S. Pi29S74: 23 to Pensacola, Fla. , Pi29S74: 23 to Phila. , Pa. . Pi29S74: 23 to Port. , 10Mr38: 41, 4Ag38: 21 to R. I. . Pi29S74: 23 to St. Augustine, Fla. , Pi29S74: 23 to S. C. , P129S74: 23 to Spain, 10Mr38: 41, D9Ap79: 12 to U. S. , P12D77: 13 to Va. , P129S74: 23 to W. I. ,P12D77: 13 from Gr. to Fr. , 21Ag52: 12 from Grenada, W. I. , PD6Ap69: 22 from Guadeloupe, W. I. , to Casco bay, Me. ,D6Ap76:31 to Md. ,D6Ap76:31 to New London, Conn. , D6Ap76: 31 to N. C.,D6Ap76:31 to Piscataway, D6Ap76:. 31 to Plymouth, Mass. , D6Ap76: 31 to R.I. ,D6Ap76:31 to S. C.,D€Ap76:31 from Hamburg, Ger. , to Holl. , P8D75: 13 from Hampton, Va. , to Anguilla, W. I. , 10Oc45:32 to Antigua, W. I. , 23My45: 32, 10Oc45: 32 to Barbados, W. I. , 28Mr45: 41, 23My45: 32, 13Je45: 41, 10Oc45: 31, 10Oc45: 32 to Bermuda, 18Ap45: 41, 10Oc45: 31 to Boston, Mass. , 18Ap45: 41, 9My45: 32, 10Oc45: 32 to Cape Breton is. , Can. , 10Oc45: 31 to Eastern shore, Va. , 10Oc45: 32 to Liverpool, Eng. , 18Ap45: 41 to London, Eng. , 9My45: 32, 23My45:32 to Md. , 18Ap45: 41 to New Providence, W. I. , 10Oc45:31,10Oc45:32 to Phila. , Pa. , 18Ap45: 32 to St. Christopher, W. I. , 28Mr45: 41 from Holl. to British colonies, N. Am. , PD28J174: 23, P14Ap75: 22 — D15Ap75: 21, P21Ap75s21 — D22Ap75: 12, P2Je75: 21, D24Je75: 21, Pi29Je75:31--P30Je75:13 to Corsica, R60c68: 11 to E. I. , PD€Oc68: 21 to E. I. , Dutch,D22My79: 11 to London, Eng. , PD6My73: 12 to New York City, D23S75: 22 to St. Eustatia, W. I. , P30Je75: 11 — D1J175: 12, PllAg75: 23--D12Ag75: 23 to Surinam, W. I. , P30Je75: 11 — D1J175: 12 to U. S. , P30Ag76: 22--D31Ag76: 21, D18J177:12 from Hull, Eng. , to Fort Cumber- land, N. S. , PD19My74: 33 to Va. ,PD28S69s21 from Ire. , embargoes on, PD4Ap71: 22, PD4Mr73: 31, PDllMr73: 21, PDUMr73: 22, PD24Je73: 21 — R24Je73:23,D2S75:21 to British colonies, N. Am. , P12My75:ll to Eng. ,D3F76:31 to Hamburg, Ger. , PD7Ja73: 23 — R7Ja73:31 to Holl. , PD7Ja73; 23--R7Ja73: 31 to Martinique, W. I. , PDllMr73: 13 to Nfd. , Pi29S74: 23 to W. I. , PD6G-C74: 23, P12My75: 11 from Jamaica, W. I. , PD3S67: 11 regulated, R2S73sl3 from James river, Va. , 10Oc45: 3, 28Mr55:32, D2My77:61 to Barbados, W. I. , 16Mr39: 41, PD17S67:13 to Boston, Mass. , 16Mr39: 41 to Glasgow, Scot. , PD17S67: 13 to Liverpool, Eng. , 20Je51: 41 to London, Eng. , 3N38: 61 to Madeira, 16Mr39: 41 to Teneriffe is. , Can. is. , 16Mr3S: 41 from James river, lower district, Va. ,24N52:22, 28F55: 31 to Af. ,29S52:32 to Anguilla, W. I. , 23 Ja46: 42 to Antigua, W. I. , 23 Ja46: 42, 24N52: 31, 8D52: 31, 29D52: 32, 26S55: 31, 27Ag56: 32, 12F62: 32, R12Ja69: 31, PD6Ja74: 32, PD20Ja74: 23, PD27 Ja74: 32, PD10F74: 23, PD10Mr74: 31, PD14Ap74: 31, PD14Ap74: 31 — R14Ap74: 23,R21Ap74: 23, R14Ap74: 31--PD28Ap74: 23, R8S74:31,R15S74:33 to Ayr, Scot. , 23Ja46: 42 to Barbados, W. I. , 23Ja46: 42, 29S52: 31, 29S52: 32, 20Oc52: 21, 24N52: 22, 24N52: 31, 2Mr53: 41, 28F55: 31, 26S55: 31, 27Ag56: 32, 12F62: 31, 12F62: 32, R8Ag66: 31, R11F68:31, RllAg68:24, PD6 Ja74: 32, PD10F74: 23, PD10Mr74: 31, R17Mr74: 23, — PD14Ap74: 31, R14Ap74: 31 — PD28Ap74: 23, R8S74: 31, R15S74: 33 to Barcelona, Sp. , PD20Ja74: 23 to Bermuda, 2Mr53: 41, 28F55: 31, HAp55: 22, 23My55: 21, 26S55: 31, 27Ag56:32, R11F68:31 to Boston, Mass. , 23 Ja46: 42, HAp55:22 to Cadiz, Sp. ,R11F68:31, PD6Ja74: 32, PD10F74: 23, PD28Ap74: 23--R14Ap74: 23— R14Ap74: 31--R21Ap74: 23 to Cork, Ire. , HAp55: 22, R8Ag66: 31, RllAg68:24 to Curacao, W. I. , R11D66: 33 to Falmouth, Eng. , 8D52: 31, PD14Ap74: 31--R14Ap74: 23 to Glasgow, Scotland, R11F68: 31, RllAg68: 24, R17Mr74: 22— PD14Ap74: 23 to Greenock, Scot. , PD10F74: 23 to Grenada, W. I. , Rll Ag68: 24, R12Ja69: 31, PD20Ja74: 23, PD10Mr74: 31, R17Mr74: 22 — PD14Ap74: 23, R17Mr74: 23 — PD14Ap74: 31, R14Ap74: 31 — PD28Ap74: 23, R21Ap74: 23 — PD28Ap74: 23, R8S74:31, R15S74:33 to Hispaniola, W. I. , PD10Mr74: 31 to Hull, Eng. , 23Ja46: 42, 29S52: 32, 24N52: 31, 8D52: 31, 26S55: 31, 240c55:21,RllAg68:24 to Jamaica, W. I. , 20Oc52: 21, 24N52: 22, 8D52: 31, 2Mr53: 41, HAp55: 22, 12F62: 31, R11D66: 33, RllF68:31,RllAg68:31, PD6Ja74: 32, PD10F74: 23, PD14Ap74: 31--R14Ap74: 23, R14Ap74: 31--PD28Ap74: 23 to Leghorn, Italy, Rl4Ap74: 23 — PD28Ap74:23 to Leith, Scot. , R15S74: 33 to Lisbon, Port. , 8D52: 31, PD6 Ja74: 32, PD20Ja74: 23, PD10F74: 23, R17Mr74: 23 — PD14Ap74: 31— R14Ap74: 23, R14Ap74: 31--PD28Ap74: 23, R15S74:33 to Liverpool, Eng. , 24N52: 31, 27Ag56: 32, RllAg68: 24, R12Ja69: 31, R21Ap74: 23--PD28Ap74: 23 to London, Eng. , 24N52: 31, 29D52: 32, R8S74:31,R15S74:33 to Madeira, 29D52: 32, 23My55: 21, 27Ag56: 32, R11F68: 31, RUAg68: 24, PD6Ja74: 32 to Md. , 23Ja46: 42 t llAp55: 22, 26S55: 31, 240c55: 21, RllAg68: 24, PD10Mr74:31 to Montsarrat is. , W. I. , 23 Ja46: 42 to Nevis is. , W. I. , 29D52: 32, 19D55: 22, PD20Ja74: 23, PD10Mr74: 31, R14Ap74: 23 — PD28Ap74: 23 to New Eng. , PD10Mr74: 31 to New Providence, W. I. , 23My55: 21 to New York City, 24N52: 22, 2Mr53: 41, 23My55: 21, R8Ag66: 31, PD20Ja74: 23, PD10Mr74: 31, R8S74: 31 to N. C. ,28F55:31,19D55:22, RllAg68: 24, R14Ap74: 31 — PD28Ap74: 23 to Phila. , Pa. , 23My55: 21, 26S55: 31, 12F62: 31, RllAg68: 24, PD20Ja74: 23, R21Ap74: 23, R14Ap74: 31 — PD28Ap74: 23 to Piscataway, R17Mr74:23 — PD14Ap74: 31 to Plymouth Eng. , R14Ap74: 31 — PD28Ap74: 23 to Providence, R. I. , 20Oc52: 21, 19D55:22 to R. I. , 19D55: 22, R15S74: 33 to St. Christopher, W. I. , 20Oc52: 21, 24N52: 22, 24N52: 31, 8D52: 31, RllF68:31,R12Ja69: 31 to St. Croix, Que. , 24N52: 31 to Salem, Mass. , PD10Mr74: 31 to S. C. ,HAp55:22, 23My55: 21, PD10Mr74: 31, R17Mr74: 23 — PD14Ap74: 23, R21Ap74: 23 to Surinam, W. I. , R8S74: 31 to Teneriffe, Can. is. , R15S74: 33 to Tobago, W. I. , PD10Mr74: 31 to Whitehaven, Eng. , 29S52: 31, 12F62:31 from James river, upper district, Va. , 18My39: 41, 10Ag39: 31, 14D39: 11, 18Ja40: 41, 4J145: 3, 9Ja46: 4, 29My46: 4, 3J146: 4, 29S52: 32, PD12F67: 22, PD3F74: 22 373 Exports, from James river, upper district (cont'd) to Aberdeen, Scot. , R25Ag68: 32 — PD1S68: 23, PD6J169: 32, PD1N70: 22, to Annapolis, Md. , PD8Je69: 23 to Antigua, W. I. , 9F39: 42, 18My39:41,PD12S66:23, PD4Je67: 41, PD27Ag67: 23, PD28Ja68: 31— R4F68: 31, PD2Je68: 23, PD22S68: 23 — R22S68: 23, PD22D68: 31, PD8Je69: 23, PD27S70: 31, PD7Ap74: 23 to Barbadoes, W. I. , 17Je37: 32, 24Je37: 41, 18My39: 41, 10Ag39: 31, 29My46: 4, 3J146: 4, 60c52: 31, PD15Ag66: 31— R15Ag66s32, PD22Ja67: 32, PD19F67: 31 — R19F67: 22, PD12Mr67: 32, PD19Mr67: 32, PD16Ap67: 23, PD23Ap67: 31, PD9J167: 32, PD6Ag67: 32, PD27Ag67: 23, PD26N67: 23, PD17D67: 31, PD3Mr68: 31— R3Mr68: 31, PD10Mr68: 31--R14Ap68: 42, PD17Mr68: 31— R14Ap68: 42, PD24Mr68: 32, PD31Mr68: 22 — R26My68: 31, PD7J168: 23 — R7J168: 23, PD1S68: 23, PD270c68: 42, PD22D68: 31, PD29D68: 31, R12Ja69: 31, PD20Ap69: 22, PD8Je69: 23, PD27J169: 32, PD10Ag69: 32, PD13S70: 23, PD20S70: 32, PD27S70: 31, PD10Mr74: 31 to Barcelona, Sp. , PD4Je67: 41, PD22F70: 32, PD10F74: 23 to Bermuda, 17Je37: 32, 22J137: 41, 9F39: 42, 18My39: 41,29My46: 4, PD19F67: 31— R19F67: 22, PD9J167: 32, PD7Je70: 31 to Boston, Mass. , 5Ja39: 42, 18My39:41, 10Ag39:31, 18Ja40: 41, 9Ja46: 4, PD19F67: 31 — R19F67: 22, PD290c67: 21, PD3Mr68: 31--R3Mr68: 31, PD17Mr68: 31— R14Ap68: 42, PD26My68: 23— R26My68: 31, PD23Mr69: 31, PD20Ap69: 23, PD6J169: 32, PD10Ag69: 32, PD7S69:31, PD28S69s23, PD18Ja70: 32, PD13S70: 23, PD1N70: 22, PD10F74: 23, PD22D74: 23 to Bristol, Eng. , 8 J137: 42, 16S37: 41, 30S37: 41, 130c38: 41, HAg38: 41, 14D39: 11, 18Ja40: 41, 4J145: 3, 29My46: 4, 3 J146: 4, PD16My66: 23, PD22Ja67: 32, PD16Ap67: 23, PD23Ap67: 31, PD6Ag67: 32, PD31Mr68: 23 — R26My68: 31, PD26My68: 23— R9Je68:32--R9Je68:33 PD22D68: 31, PD29D68: 31, PD13Ap69: 23, PD27J169: 32, PD10Ag69: 32, PD28D69: 31, PD13S70: 23, PD20Ja74: 23 to Cadiz, Sp. , PD28Ja68: 31— R4F68: 31, PD31Mr68: 23 — R26My68: 31, PD26My68: 23 — R26My68: 31, PD22D68: 31, PD13Ap69: 23, PD28D69: 31, PD18Ja70: 32, PD3F74: 22, PD17F74: 31, PD10Mr74: 31, PD7Ap74: 23 to Dublin, Ire. , PD14Ja68: 31 to Dumfries, Eng. , 9Ja46: 4 to Falmouth, Eng. , 14D39: 11, 9Ja46:4, PDllJe67:32, PD28S69s23, PD20Ja74: 23, to Genoa, It. , PD3D67: 31 to Ga. , 9F39: 42, 18My39: 41, 10Ag39:31 to Glasgow, Scot. , 30S37: 41, 14D39: 11, 4J145: 3, 10Oc45: 3, 9Ja46: 4, 29My46: 4, 3J146: 4, 1D52:31, PD16My66:23, R30My66: 32— PD6Je66: 31, PD12S66: 23, PD27N66: 23, R25D66: 21, PD22Ja67: 32, PD12F67: 31, PD19F67: 31 — R19F67: 22, PD12Mr67: 32, PD19Mr67: 32, PD26Mr67: 23, PD11 Je67: 32, PD9J167: 32, PD6Ag67: 32, PD26N67: 23, PD3D67: 31, PD17D67: 31, PD14Ja68: 31, PD11F68: 23, PD3Mr68: 31, PD17Mr68: 31— R14Ap68: 42, PD31Mr68: 23— R26My68: 31, PD26My68: 22— R26My68: 31, PD26My68: 23— R26My68: 31, PD7J168: 31--R7J168: 23, PDllAg68: 23— RllAg68: 31, PD22S68: 23--R22S68: 23, PD29S68: 23— R60c68: 23, PD270c68, 42, PD29D68: 31, PD20Ap69: 23, PD8Je69: 23, PD6J169: 32, PD13J169: 32, PD27J169: 32, PD10Ag69: 32, PD7S69: 31, PD9N69: 22, PD28D69: 31, PD18Ja70: 32, PD15F70: 22, PD7Je70: 31, PD14Je70: 32, PD6Ja74: 32, PD20Ja74: 23, PD17F74: 31, PD10Mr74: 23, PDlOMr74: 31, PD7Ap74:'23, PD14Ap74: 23 to Greenock, Scot. , 22J137: 41, 30S37: 41, 9Ja46: 4, PD22Ja67: 32, PD30Ap67: 32, PD220c67: 22, PD17D67: 31, PD28Ja68: 31 — R4F68: 31, PD26My68: 23— R9Je68: 33, PD14J168: 31, R25Ag68: 32— PD1S68: 23, PD13J169: 32, PD15F70: 22 PD7Je70: 31, PD30Ag70: 31, PD10Mr74: 31 to Hull, Eng. , PD16My66: 23, PD6Ag67: 32, PD7J168: 31 — R7J168: 23, to Jamaica, W. I. , 14D39: 11, PD26My68: 23— R26My68: 31 to Leghorn, Italy, PD12F67: 31, PD12Mr67: 32, PD17F74: 31, PD10Mr74: 31 to Lisbon, Port. , 5Ja39: 42, 18Ja40: 41, PD14Ja68: 31, PD26My68: 23, PD22D68: 31, PD8Je69: 23, PD28D69: 31, PD18Ja70: 32, PD14Je70: 32 to Liverpool, Eng. , 130c38: 41, 10Oc45: 3, 9Ja46: 4, PD15Ag66: 31— R15Ag66s32, R25D66: 21, PD22Ja67: 32, PD30Ap67: 32, PD27Ag67: 23, PD24S67: 13, PD3Mr68: 31--R3Mr68: 31, PD26My68: 23— R9Je68: 33, PD7J168: 23— R7J168: 23, R18Ag68s22, PD1S68: 23, PD20Ap69: 23, PD10Ag69: 32, PD28D69: 31, PD13S70: 23, PD27Ja74: 32, PD10F74: 23, D18Mr75:32 374 to London, Eng. , 3Je37: 41, 24Je37: 41, 2S37: 31, 9S37: 42, 16S37: 41, 30S37: 41, 30S37: 42, 9Je38: 41, HAg38: 41, 5Ja39: 42, 27J139: 41, 14D39: 11, 18Ja40: 41, 10Oc45: 3, 9Ja46: 4, 29My46: 4, 20Oc52: 21,R30My66: 32— PD6Je66:31, PD16Ap67: 23, PD4Je67: 41, PD9J167: 32, PD6Ag67: 32, PD26My68: 22--R26My68: 31, PD26My68: 23— R26My68: 31 — R9Je68: 23, PD28J168: 23, PDllAg68: 23— RllAg68: 31, PD270c68: 42, PD22D68: 31, PD8Je69: 23, PD27J169: 32, PD21S69s23, PD28S69s23, PD7Je70: 31, PD13S70: 23, PD20Ja74: 23, PD7Ap74: 23 to Madeira, 18My39: 41, 25My39: 42, 10Ag39: 31, 18Ja40: 41, 9Ja46: 4, PD10Mr68: 31— R14Apb8: 42. PD24Mr68: 32, R30My66: 32— PD6Je66: 31, PD19F67: 31 — R19F67: 22, PD2Ap67: 23, PD23Ap«7: 31, PD30Apb7: 32, PD26N67: 23, PD10D67: 31, PD7J168: 23, PDllAg68: 23 — RllAg68: 31, PD8Je69: 23, PD21S69s23 to Md. , PD22Ja67: 32 to Montrose, Scot. , PD1N70: 22 to New York City, 29My46: 4, PD27N6b: 22, R25D66: 21, PD22Jat>7: 32, PD19Mrb7: 32, PD27Ag67: 23, PD19N67: 22, PD10D67: 31, PD17Mr68: 31— R14Ap68: 42, PD7J168: 31— R7J168:23, PD28J168: 23, PD22S68: 23 — R22S68: 23, PD29S68: 23 — R60c68: 23, PD27C-c68: 42, PD20Ap69: 22, PD27J169: 32, PD28S69s23, PD28D69: 31, PD7Je70: 31, PD1N70: 22 to Newbury, Eng. , PD13S70: 23 to Newcastle, Eng. , PD15Ag66: 31 to Newport, R. I. , PD27N66: 22 to Norfolk, Va. , PD27J169: 32 to Oporto, Port. , PD7S69: 31, PD7Je70:31 to Penryn, Eng. , PD15Ag66: 31 — R15Ag66s32 to Pensacola, Fla. , PD3Mr68: 31 — R3Mr68: 31 to Perth Amboy, N. J. , PD28J168: 23, PD270c68: 42 to Phila. , Pa. , PD12N67: 21, PD270c68: 42, PD8Je69: 23, PD7S69:31, PD7Je70:31, PD13S70: 23, PD1N70: 22 to Piscataway, PD15F70: 22, PD7Ap74: 23 to Plymouth, Eng. , 30S37: 41 to Providence, R. I. , PD10Mr74: 23 to R. I. , PD8Je69: 23, PD28S69s23 to St. Vincent is. , W. I. , PD7Ap74: 23 to Salem, Mass. , 12F62: 32, PD19F67: 31— R19F67: 22, PD12Mr67: 32, PD19Mr67: 32, PD9J167: 32, PD290c67: 21, PD3D67: 31, PD18F68: 23— R18F68: 31, PD10Mr68: 31 — R14Ap68; 42, PD17Mr68: 31 — R14Ap68: 42, PD26My68: 22— R26My68: 31, PD1S68: 23, Exports PD22D68: 31, PD15F70: 22, PD22F70: 32, PD20 Ja74: 23, PD27Ja74: 32, PD10F74: 23, PD10Mr74: 31, D18Mr75: 32 to S.C., HAg38:41 to Teneriff, Can. is. , 18My39: 41 to Vigo, Sp. , PD6 J169: 32 to Whitehaven, Eng. , 19Ag37: 32, HAg38: 41, 27J139: 41, 14D39: 11, 4J145: 3, 10Oc45: 3, 9Ja46: 4, 15S52: 32, PD15Ag66: 31 — R15Ag66s32, PD9J167: 32, PD18F68: 23, PD26My68: 22 — R26My68: 31, PD26My68: 23 — R9Je68: 32, PD8S68p22 — R22S68: 23, PD20Ap69: 23, PD8Je69: 23, PD14Je70: 32, PD13S70:23, PD3F74: 22, PD10Mr74: 31, PD28Ap74: 23 from Leghorn, It. , to Ancona, It. , 13My37: 32, to Messina, Sic. , 13My37: 32 from Leith, Scot. , to London, Eng. , 25N37:22 (mm Liverpool, Eng. , to New York City, PD8N70: 21, Pi6Ap75: 31 — P7Ap75:32--D8Ap75:31 to Pensacola, Fla. , PDlAp73: 13 from London, Eng. , lAp37: 32, P15Mr76: 22--D16Mr76: 22 to America, PD6Je66: 13, R13My73: 22 to Boston, Mass. , PD23Ap67: 13, R1N70: 22, R23D73: 31, PD130c74: 12 to British colonies, N. Am. , PD28Ap68: 13, PD16Ag70: 31, PD25Oc70:12 to Charleston, S. C. , PD16D73: 22, PD4Ag74:22--R4Ag74:31 to Corsica, PD22S68:21 to E. I. , PD5Ap70: 12, PD13Je71: 12 to Ga. ,llAg38: 22 to Lisbon, Port. , PD80C72: 12, D23S75:22 to New Eng. ,PD15S74:31 to N. J. , D2D75: 23 to New York City, PD23Ap67: 13, PD30J167: 21, R1N70: 22, PD22N70: 12, PD16D73: 22, R23D73: 31, PD130c74: 12, D14Mr77: 22, P9My77: 11 to Phila. , Pa. , PD23Ap67: 13, PD30J167: 21, PD10Ag69: 23, R1N70: 22, PD16D73: 22, R23D73:31,PD130c74:12 to Port. , 21Ja37: 22, PD12My68: 11 to R. I. ,PD16D73:22 to Santa Cruz, W. I. , PD14Mr66: 11 to Scot. ,PD80c67:ll to S. C. , PD16S73: 11--R16S73: 31, R16D73:33 to Va. , 19S55: 11 to W. I. , PD6Je66: 13, R13My73: 22, D8Je76: 51 to York river, Va. , PD24F74: 31 from Long island, N. Y. , to New London, Conn. , D8N76: 12 from Martinique, W. I. ,D14S76: 12 to Casco bay, Me. , D6Ap76: 31 to Md. ,D6Ap76:31 to New London, Conn. , D6Ap76: 31 to Piscataway, D6Ap76: 31 to Plymouth, Mass. , D6Ap76: 31 to R. I. ,D6Ap76:31 from Md. regulated by convention, P7J175sll to Bermuda, PD10D72: 22 — R10D72: 22 to Cork, Ire. , PD25Je67: 21 to Eng. , PDllN73s22— RllN73s22 to Leghorn, It. , PD4Je67: 23 to Liverpool, Eng. , PD29Ap73: 21, PD22J173: 12 to London, Eng. , R19Ag73: 21 to Scot. , 9S37: 41 from Mass. , to Eng. , PD10D67: 21 from New Eng. , to Bristol, Eng. , PD19S66:13 to W. I. ,R4D66:12 from New York City, PD9Ap67: 22 to Balyshannon, Ire. , PD9Ap67: 13 to Belfast, Ire. , PD9Ap67: 13 to Boston, Mass. , PD29D74: 22 — Pi29D74: 22 to Colerain, Ire. , PD9Ap67: 13 to Cork, Ire. , PD9Ap67: 13 to Dublin, Ire. , PD9Ap67: 13 to Eng. , P10Mr75sl2 to Ire. , PD9Ap67: 13 to Leghorn, It. , PD4Je67: 23 from Newcastle, Eng. , to Holl. , PD56My73: 12 from Nfd. , to Oporto, Port. , PDl6Ap67: 31 from N. Am. , to Eng. , PD4D66: 23 to Milford Haven, Eng. , PD4Je67: 21 from Padras, Turk. , to Leghorn, It. , 13My37:32 from Pa. , to Glasgow, Scot. , evaluated, R28Ap68:21 to Gt. Brit. , 29My52: 21 to W. I. , R4D66: 12 from Pensacola, Fla. , evaluated, D8Ap80s21 to Bristol, Eng. , PD13N66: 11 to London, Eng. , evaluated, PD12My68: 22--R12My68: 13 from Phila. , Pa. , listed, PD9Ap*67: 21, PD22Mr70: 23 .to Bordeaux, Fr. ,D29J176: 51 to Falmouth, Eng. , Pil90c75: 11 to Leghorn, It. , PD4Je67: 23 to Lisbon, Port. , PDllN73s23, P16Ag76: 23--D17Ag76: 12 to Nantes, Fr. , D29J176: 12 to Pensacola, Fla. , PD6Ag67: 22 from Polish Prussia, PD7Ja73: 12 from Pomerania, Pol. , PD7Ja73: 12 from Pondicherry, India, to Fr. , 28Ag52: 31 from Portsmouth, Eng. , to Mediterranean, PD24Mr74: 31 from Portsmouth, Va. , to Jamaica, W. I. , P22D75: 22 from Prussia, to New Eng. , Pi22Je75:31 from Quebec, Can. , to Boston, Mass. , P15S75: 23--D16S75:22 to southern colonies, PD3Mr68: 21 to W. I. , PD30Ap67: 22 from Rappahannock district, Va. , 7Ag52:31 to Ayr., .Scot. , 270c52: 21 to Barbadoes, W. I. , 7Ag52: 31 to Bermuda, 270c52: 21 to Bristol, Eng. , 7Ag52: 31, 270c52: 21 to Glasgow, Scot. , 7Ag52: 31, 28Ag52: 31, 22S52: 32, PD6Je66: 31 to Hampton, Va. , 270c52: 21 to Liverpool, Eng. , 7Ag52: 31, 14Ag52:31,28Ag52:31 to London, Eng. , 24N38: 41, 29Je39: 31, 4J151:41, 7Ag52: 31, 14Ag52: 31, 22S52: 32, 270c52: 21, PD6Je66: 31, R8Ag66: 22--PD15Ag66: 23 to Md. , 14Ag52: 31, 270c52: 21, 17N52.22 to New York City, 22S52: 31 to Phila. , Pa. , R8Ag66: 22-- PD15Ag66: 23 to Salem, Mass., PD6Je66: 31 to Whitehaven, Eng. , 7Ag52: 31, 28Ag52: 31, 22S52: 32, 270c52: 21, R8Ag66: 22— PD15Ag66: 23 from Rigo, Latvia, to Cartagena, Sp. , PDlAg66: 13 from Russia, to Fr. , PD26My68: 11 from St. Augustine, Fla., to W. I. , PD30Ap67: 31 from St. Croix, W. I. , to Phila. , Pa. , D29J176: 22 from St. Eustatia, W. I. , to Casco bay, Me. , D6Ap76: 31 to Md. ,D6Ap76: 31 to New London, Conn. , D6Ap76: 31 to N.C. ,D6Ap76:31 to Piscataway, D6Ap76: 31 to Plymouth, Mass. , D6Ap76: 31 to R. I. , D6Ap76: 31 to S. C.,D6Ap76:31 from St. John's, Nfd., to Waterford, Ire. , Pi28S75: 22 from St. Lucia, W. I. , to Af . , PD4Je67: 31 from St. Thomas, W. I. , to Phila. , Pa. ,D29J176: 22 from Sard. , to Fr. , R6Ap69: 31 to Port. , R6Ap69: 31 to Sp. , R6Ap69: 31 from Scot. , PD10Je73: 13 to Eng. ,PDllJe67:12 to Fr.,24Ap52: 11 to Lincolnshire, Eng. , PD12F67: 21 to Md. ,P15S75:11 to Russia, PD4Mr73: 31 to Va. ,P15S75:11 from Severn river, Md. , to London, Eng. , 23Mr39: 32 from Sic. , to Fr. , R6Ap69: 31 to Port. , R6Ap69: 31 to Sp. , R6Ap69: 31, PD5My74: 22 from S. C, to Ga. , PD28J168: 21 — R28J168: 22 to Gt. Brit. ,Pi270c74:31 — PD270c74: 23 to London, Eng. , 28N45: 21, R60c68: 13, PD24Mr74: 12 to Mediterranean, PD270c74: 23 from south Potomac district, Va. , 270c52: 21 to Ayr. , Scot. , 270c52: 21, 17N52: 22 to Barbados, W. I. , 270c52: 21, 17N52: 22 to Bermuda, 17N52: 22, 8D52: 31 to Cork, Ire. ,17N52:22 to Dumfries, Scot. , 270c52: 21, 17N52: 22 to Glasgow, Scot. , 270c52: 21, 15D52:31,PD27N66:22 to Hampton, Va. , 17N52: 22, PD27N66: 22 375 Exports, from south Potomac district (cont'd) to Hull, Eng. ,270c 52: 21 to Leith, Scot. ,17N52:22 to Liverpool, Eng. ,270c52: 21 to London, Eng. , 270c52: 21, 17N52. 22, 15D52: 31, PD27N66: 22, PD22Ja67: 31 to Md. , 270c52: 21 to Montrose, Scot. , 270c52: 21 to St. Christopher, W. I. , 20Oc52:21,PD22Ja67:31 to Whitehaven, Eng. , 270c52: 21, 15D52:31 from Sp. to Eng. , PD23J167: 23 to It. , PD23J167: 23 from Spotsylvania co. , Va. , regulated, P3N75: 13 from Stetin, Prussia, to British colonies, N. Am. , D24Je75: 22 from Stockholm, Swe. , to Rochefort, Fr. , PD2J167: 22 from Surry co. , Va. , prevented, P8Mr76s23 from Swe. to Corsica, PD22S68: 21 to Fr. ,28Mr51:22 to Sp. , D25Mr80: 22 from Texel, Holl. , to Boston, mass. , P3F75:33 to Calif. , P12My75: 12 from Tobago, W. I. , to Bristol, Eng. , PD15Ja67:21 from U.S. to Fr. , P16Ag76: 23 — D17Ag76:12 from Veracruz, Mex. , to Corunna, Sp. ,15My46:22 to Rota, 25N37: 41 to Sp. , PD23Ap72: 13 from Va. , prohibited by convention, Pi27J175:31 published quarterly by order of assembly, 10Ag39: 31 regulated by naval officers, D17Ja77:21 tobacco, 1768-1769, R2N69: 22 tobacco, 1771-1772, PD19N72: 21 tobacco, 1772-1773, PD11N73: 22 to Antigua, W. I. , R4Ag68: 24 to Boston, Mass. , Pil7Ag75: 33 — P18Ag75: 31--D19Ag75: 32 to Bristol, Eng. , 27Je51: 41 to Cadiz, Sp. , PD16N69: 22 to Clyde, Scot. , R23Mr69: 22, R23N69: 22 to Dunkirk, Fr. , Pi22Je75: 31 to Eng. , 2S57: 22, Pi29D74: 33 to Glasgow, Scot. , R12Mr67: 22, R28Ap68: 21, PD8Mr70: 21, PD8D74s22,D2S75:32 to Greenock, Scot. , PD16N69: 22 to Lancaster, Eng. , 2S57: 22 to London, Eng. , 25Ap51: 31, 13Je51:41,R9D73:21 to Nevis, W. I. , PD220c72: 13 to Piscataqua, Me. , 10Je37: 32 to R. I. , PD16N69: 22 to St. Eustatia, W. I. , PD290c72: 12 — R290c72: 21 to Salem, Mass. , PD16N69: 22 to Scot. ,R7Mr71:13 to W. I. , R4D66: 12 to Whitehaven, Eng. , PDlAp73: 23 from W. I. , to London, Eng. , PD170c71:21 from W. I. , French, 240c55: 11, D15Je76:42 to W. I. , Spanish, PD14Ap68: 22 from Williamsburg, Va. , to Glasgow, Scot. , PD30J167: 32 from Wilmington, N. C. , to Salem, Mass. ,R1S74:23 from Yarmouth, Eng. , to Leghorn, It. ,13My37:32 from York district, Va. , 21Ap38: 41, 18My39: 31, 24Ag39: 31, 2N39: 21, 25Ja40: 3, 25Ap55: 22 to Antigua, W. I. , 21Mr45: 41, 24N52: 31, 16My55: 21, R7J168: 22 to Barbados, W. I. , 15J137: 42, 19Ag37: 32, 21Mr45: 41, 4J145: 32, 7Ag52: 31, 19J154: 31, 7N54: 31, 28Mr55: 32, 25Ap55: 22, 27Ag56: 32, PD27N66: 23, PD19F67: 31 — R19F67:22,R31Mr68:31, R26My68: 24, R26My68: 31, R7J168: 22 to Bermuda, 25Mr37: 41, 25N37: 42, 10F38: 31, 4Ag38: 42, 2F39: 42, 18My39: 31, Ue39: 42, 10Ag39: 32, 24Ag39: 31, 2N39: 21, 25Ja40: 3, 1F40:42, 28Mr55: 32 to Boston, Mass. , 25Mr37: 41, 25Ag38: 32, R7J168: 22, Pil6Mr75: 33 — P24Mr75: 32— D25Mr75: 23 to Bristol, Eng. , 25Mr37: 41, 20My37: 41, 24Je37: 41, 15J137: 42, 5Ag37: 42, 19Ag37: 32, 9S37: 41, 30S37: 42, 25N37: 42, 19My38: 41, 2Je38: 41, 16Je38: 42, 7J138: 41, 21 J138: 32, 4Ag38: 42, 25Ag38: 32, 18My39: 41, 1 Je39: 42, 20J139: 41, 10Ag39: 32, 24Ag39: 31, 7S39: 32, 21S39: 32, 2N39: 21, 2N39: 31, 25Ja40: 3, 1F40: 42, 21Mr45: 41, 7N45: 31, 13Je51: 32, 7Ag52: 31, 21Ag52:31,15D52:31, 29D52: 32, 19J154: 32, 16My55: 12, 27Ag56: 32, PD27N66: 22, PD19F67: 31— R19F67: 22, R7J168: 22 to Cape Fear, N.C. , R26My68: 31 to Glasgow, Scot. , 21Mr45: 41, 60c52: 31, 27Ag56: 32, PD27N66: 22, PD19F67: 31— R19F67: 22, R26My68:31, R7J168: 22 to Gt. Brit., 16My51:32 to Greenock, Scot. , 25Ag38: 32, from York district to Jamaica, W. I. , 9D37: 42, 2N39: 21, 25Ja40: 3, 21Mr45: 41, 25Ap55: 22, PD29Ja67: 32 to Lancaster, Eng. , Ue39:42, 24Ag39:31 to Liverpool, Eng. , 4J145: 32, 21Ag52: 31, 15S52: 32, 120c52: 31, 270c52: 21, 19J154: 31, PD27N66: 22, to London, Eng. , 25Mr37: 41, 29Ap37: 42, 20My37: 41, 27My37: 41, 17Je37: 41, 24Je37: 41, 15J137: 42, 19Ag37: 32, 9S37: 42, 25N37: 42, 7Ap38: 41, 2Je38: 41, 16Je38: 42, 7J138: 41, 4Ag38: 42, 25Ag38: 32, 29S38: 41, 60c38: 52, 9Mr39: 41, 18My39: 31, 18My39: 41, 1 Je39: 42, 13J139: 42, 20J139: 41, 10Ag39; 32, 24Ag39: 22, 24Ag39: 31, 7S39: 32, 2N39: 21, 2N39: 31, 25Ja40: 3, 21Mr45: 41, 4J145: 32, 7N45: 31, 17Ja51: 41, 29S52: 32, 120c52: 31, 3N52: 12, 29D52: 32, 19J154: 31, 28Mr55: 32, 16My55: 12, 16My55: 21, 27Ag56: 32, PD27N66: 22, PD19F67: 31--R19F67: 22 to Madeira, 8Ap37: 41, 10F38: 31, 24N38: 42, 12Ja39: 42, 9Mr39: 41, 18My39: 31, 22Je39: 31, 13J139. 42, 24Ag39: 31, 21S39: 41, 2N39: 21, 25Ja40: 3, 19J154: 31, 25Ap55: 22. R26My68: 24, R26My68: 31, R7J168: 22 to Md. , 29Ap37: 42, 5Ag37: 42, 21 J138: 32, 2N39: 21, 25Ja40: 3, 4J145: 32, 7N45: 31 to New England, 25Mr37: 41, 9Mr39: 41, 18My39: 31, 20J139: 41, 2N39: 21, 25Ja40: 3, 15S52: 32, 28Mr55:32, R31Mr68: 31 to New York City, R31Mr68: 31 to N.C. ,21S39:41,2N39:21, 25Ja40: 3 to Piscataway, PD27N66: 22 to Providence, R. I. , 15S52: 32, 120c52: 31 to R. I. , 25N37: 42, 24Ag39: 31, 20Oc52: 22, 24N52: 31, 28Mr55: 32, 27Ag56:32, R7J168: 22 to W. I. ,15S52:32 to Whitehaven, Eng. , 22S52: 31 inspection regulated by Va. general assembly, 17Ap46: 22 regulated by Pa. general assembly, 17Ap46: 21 Expositor, pseud. , PD9F69: 13 Extortion, in Edinburgh, Scot. , 16F39:21 in London, Eng. , PD16Mr69: 22, PD18Je72: 23 tarring and feathering recommended, D10J179:22 Extracts, for sale, in Hobb's Hole, Va. , R6J169: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , 3 Je37: 41 near Warwick, Va. , 28F77: 32 Exum, Elizabeth, 24Ap52: 22 Eye diseases, cure for, PD30My71: 23, PD25Je72: 32 treatment offered in Williamsburg, Va. , R6My73sll Eye gouging, in London, Eng. , PD26Ja69: 13, PD26S71: 12 near Liverpool, Eng. , PD18My69. 21 whipping for, PD170c7L 12 Eye operations, performed in Eng. , R19Ap70: 23 Eye water, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD23J172: 32 See also Will's original eye-water Eyers, Richard, P31My76: 21 Eyes, essays on value of, R6My73sll Eyes, artificial, adv. of, R3D72: 12 Eyes, sore, cure for, PD16D73: 23 See also Crabs' eyes Eyma, J. & co. , DlMy79: 22 Eymouth, Eng. , See Smuggling in Eyre, Mr. , presents address to Gov. Botetourt, R14D69: 21 Abraham, of Md. , R1S68: 32 John, PD5Mr72: 32. PD9Ap72: 32 John, Col. , D12Je79: 12 Jonathan, R2N69: 22 Littleton, 310c51: 32, 13F52: 32, 27F52:32, PD1 Ja67: 21, PD6Ag72: 23— R80c72: 42 Littleton, Col. , PD7J168: 22, 376 Ezell R14J168: 31 elected burgess for Northampton co. , 22Ap57: 22 Severn, appointed to committee on PD8D68: 31, PD19D71: 22 Eyre, Bowdoin, & Smith, PD28J168: 23 petitions to G. B. , R21Ap68: 14 letter from John Holladay, R18Ja70: 31 Eyres, Capt. , Pi20Oc74: 31 burgess from, Northampton co. , on committee for rebating damaged Mr. , arrested for counterfeiting in PDllMy69s41,PD28S69: 23, tobacco, RlAg71: 11 N. J. , PD16S73: 22 R9N69:ll,PD28Ja73:23-- poem on, PD18F73: 23, PD24Je73: 32 Ezell, Isham, PD25Mr73: 33 R28Ja73:23, PD8Ap73: 23-- signs Va. Association, PD25My69: 12 Timothy, PD22Ag66: 32 R8Ap73:32 William, Maj. , 30c55: 21, 170c55: 12, William, PD25Mr73: 33 377 Fables, PD24Mr68: 23, PD31Mr68: 21, D14Ja75:41,Pi9Mr75:13 classical, PD26Mr72: 22 on inconstancy of women, 30J152: 11 on Pitt, PD11D66:11 on wealth, 17J152: 11 poetry on, R28Ap68: 13 See also Aesop's fables Fabricius, pseud. , R9Je68: 14 Fabrigas, Mr. , case against opposed in Va. , P24F75: 12 Fabry, Chevalier de, Capt. , of the Le Fantasque, PD1J173: 21 Face, Mary, PD22Mr70: 33 William, sr. , PD22Mr70: 33 Factor, pseud. , R25My69: 22 Factories, D13N78: 11 built by French in Gambia, Af . , PD4J166: 12 in Boston, Mass. , PD270c68: 23 — R3N68: 13, PD24N68: 21, PD24N68: 22, PD9F69: 23 in Fredericksburg, Va. , P17Ja77: 22, D10J178: 21 in Port. , PD19N67: 13 in Williamsburg, Va.,D6N79:31 Factories, British, established on Fedal isle, PD21Mr66: 31 establishment on Madagascar proposed, PD19S66:12 in Brazil, PD26Mr67: 21 in Havana, Cuba, 10Mr38: 31 in Lisbon, Port. , PD26Mr67: 12 in Madras, It. , PD26Ja69: 23 in Petersburg, Russia, PD30Je68: 11 in Port. , R23S73: 31, PD210c73: 13 in Senegal, Af. , PD30J167: 23, PD25Ag68: 22— R25Ag68s23 on Gold coast, Af. , PD29Ag66: 12 Factories, Dutch, in Af. , PD21My67: 23 on Borneo is. , Mai. arch. , PD2J167: 21, PD4Ag68: 13--R4Ag68: 13 Factories, French, in Guinea, Af . , D70c75: 21 in Madagascar, R31D72: 21 Factories, Portuguese, in St. Jago is. , Cape Verde is. , PD9Ap67: 21 Factors, 20Oc52: 31, PD19N67: 23, D10F76:33 adv. for employment, PD19J170: 43 for William Cunningham & co. , D4D78: 31 for Cunningham, Cockran & co. , D12F79:41 for James & Robert Donald, D160c79:32 for Glassford, Gordon, Monteath & co. , P14N77: 31 for Neill Jamison & co. , D23Ja78: 32 for James Ritchie & co. , PD15D68: 31 for Weare & co. , PD10S72: 22 in Essex co. , Va. , PD14My72: 22 in Hanover, Va. , PD2Je74: 31 in Yorktown, Va. , PD1S68: 23 meeting urged, in Va. , R25My69: 22 Factors, British, profits of, in Va. , PD14Je70s23 profits of, in Va. , PD14Je70s23 requested to examine tobacco inspection, 15D52: 31 Factors, European, in Surat, Ind. , 15S52:21 Factory house, in Boston, Mass. , PD1S74: 21 Fadre, Capt. , 22Je39: 22 Faernesse, author, 24My51: 32 Fagail, John, P28Mr77sll Fagg, Capt. , arrested for embezzling, PD22Mr70: 21 Fagin, Phenix, Capt. ,D11S79: 21 Fagots, for British army in Boston, Mass. , P5Ja76: 31, D13Ja76: 13 Faillant, John Anthony, Capt. , of the Nostra Signora de Fontaine, 14N55: 21 Fair, Edmund, P13Je77: 13 Fair American, brig, P6Mr78: 21 privateer, D12F79: 31 schooner, DlMy79: 22 Fair days, in Richmond, Va. , PD26My74: 23 Fair Lady, ship, PD29Ja67: 32 Fair Virginian, brigantine, R15Mr70: 32 ship, PD20Ap69: 22, PD8Je69: 23 , PD22F70: 32 Fairbanks, Mrs. , keeps school in Bristol, R. I. , PD10Ag69: 13 Fairchild, Capt. , independent company of, 30c55: 22 Judge, escapes shot in Barbados, PD12Mr67: 23 Faircloth, ship, Pi23Mr75: 31 Fairfax, Bryan, PD3N74: 42--PilON74: 32 George, PD9Je68: 23 George William, PD4F73: 31 announces departure, R3Je73: 23 appointed Council member, PDllJe67: 22 burgess from Frederick co. , Va. , 27F52: 32 lands of, PD19Mr67: 33, Rl Je69: 32, PD2Je74: 32— R2Je74: 22— Pi5Ja75: 43, PD20Oc74: 32— Pi20Oc74: 32, C30Oc79: 41 manager of Belhaven lottery, 10Ja[?]51:42 sworn into Council of Va. , PD7Ap68: 22 John, PD10N68: 31 Robert, Hon. , PD25Ag68: 31 — R25Ag68:31 Thomas, Lord, P23My77: 42 goes to Eng. , 210c37: 31 in Chancery court, R2My71: 31, R10Je73sll in dispute of Bullit & Lawson, RlAg71:32 land of, 24S36: 32, 220c36: 41 manor of, PD170c71: 31— R170c71: 32, PD16Je74: 23 visited by Lord Dunmore, PD8J173: 31 William, 15Ap37: 12, 5My38: 32, 24My51:31,23My55:22 William Henry, R4Mr73: 23 Fairfax, Va. , See Gardens in; Houses and lots, for sale in; Lots for sale in; Outhouses in; Stables in; Taverns in Fairfax, ship, 270c52: 21, PD25Ap66: 21 Fairfax co. , Va. , burgesses elected, 13F52: 32, 27F52: 32, PD15D68: 23 — R15D68: 21, PD28S69: 22, R9N69: 11, PD12D71: 31, PD4Ag74: 23 chancery court, R13J169: 31, R24Ag69: 32, R19Ap70: 31, R31My70:42, R20Je71: 41 committee of observation, Pi2F75: 21 court, adjourned to Alexandria, 30Ap52: 21 land sold by order of, PD9Ap67: 31, R23J167: 42, R8N70: 11, R3Je73: 23 regulated by general assembly, 24Ap52: 21 delegates elected, P26Ap76s23, P9My77: 23 freeholders' meeting, R4Ag74: 21 independent company, P14J175s21 instructions (text) to delegates, P26S77:11 list of tithables for 1774, not returned, Pil8My75: 33— P19My75s32— D20My75: 33 military preparations in, Pi270c74: 22 resolutions of, 1774, PD4Ag74: 22 senator elected, P27S76sl2, P9My77: 23 senatorial district for, D8Ja80: 23 sheriff's sales in,R8N70: ll,R3Je73: 23 sheriff's summons, R24N68: 23, R15D68: 22, R13J169: 31, R24Ag69: 32, R19Ap70:31,R20Je71:41 See also Apple orchards in; Association violated in; Associators in; Boston port bill, relief from; Brick dwelling houses, described, in; Brick houses, described, in; Brick houses in; Bridges in; Cedar posts in; Churches in; Churchwardens in; Clergy, Anglican, adv. for in; Clergy, Anglican, in; Coach houses in; Convict servants runaway from; Corn houses in; Counting rooms, described, in; Dairies in; Dwelling houses in; Ferries in; Fish houses in; Fisheries in; Flax raising encouraged in; Forges in; Furnaces in; Gardens in; Gristmills in; Houses in; Houses and lots for sale in; Indentured servants runaway from; Jails in; Kitchens in; Land, mortgaged, for sale in; Land for rent in; Land for sale in; Land, mortgaged in; Landings in; Lawyers in; Locksmiths in; Lots, for lease in; Lots, for sale in; Mansion houses in; Manufacturers encouraged to settle in; Meat houses in; Militia of; Mills in; Negroes, free in; Oak timber in; Offices in; Orchards in; Outhouses in; Overseers in; Peach orchards in; Pine timber in; Prices, rise criticized in; Roads in; Robberies in; Salt, import to Va. urged in; Slaves, adv. for, to buy in; Slaves, lease of, for sale in; Slaves, sale of postponed in; Slaves for sale in; Slaves runaway from; Smoke houses in; Spinning houses in; Stables in; Stealing in; Storehouses in; Taverns in; Taxes advocated in; Tenements in; Tobacco cultivation stopped in; Tobacco houses in; Tradesmen encouraged to settle in; Undertakers adv. for in; Warehouses in: Weavers' shop in; Wheat for relief of Boston from Fairfax courthouse Va. , See Land, mortgaged, for sale at; Land for sale at sheriffs sale at, R17Je73: 33 Fairfax parish, Va. , Clerk's notice posted in. R24D67: 42 See also Brick glebe houses in; Clergy, Anglican, adv. for in Fairfield, Conn. , burned by British, D7Ag79: 22 378 Falmouth, Eng. burning criticized in London, D8Ja80: 22 See also British army, deserters from in; British navy near; British transports near; Houses destroyed by British in; Ships to; Toryism in Fairfield co. , Conn. , See Census in; Insane jailed in; Jails in Fairfield, ship, PD29N70: 21, PD3Ja71: 33, PD7Mr71:32 Fairfield's church, Va. , PD28Ap68: 23 Fairley, James, PD8N70: 22— R29N70: 23 Fairley's ordinary, Va. , D24Ap79: 32 — C15My79:41 Fairlie, James, D28Ja75: 32 adv. estate for sale, PD10c72: 23— R80c72:41 adv. European goods for sale, 250c65s41 adv. for runaway slave, PD31Mr74: 32 — R31Mr74:33 adv. land for sale, PDlAp73: 32-- RlAp73:33 adv. settlement of accounts with Spier, Bowman & co. , PD220c72: 22 announces departure, P2F76: 33 — D3F76: 33 announces storekeeper, in Prince Edward co. , PD12Ag73: 21 plaintiff in chancery court, R17Mr74: 23 subscriber to meeting of merchants, PD30Je74: 23 William, D24F76: 32 Fairly, Capt. , R30S73s23 Fairs, freedom from arrest during, R23S73:32 in Alexandria, Va. , 24Ap52: 22 in Bridgenorth, Eng. , 23Mr39: 31 in Eng. , 14D39: 32 in Ertina, 16Ja46: 31 in Fredericksburg, Va. , 27Mr46: 42, 17Ap46: 42, 3J146: 42, 21Ag46: 42, 7Mr51: 41, HAp51: 41, 25Ap51: 41 PD7My67: 32, PD20Ag67: 32, PD290c67: 22,R26My68: 32, PD18J171: 22--R18J171: 32, PD14My72: 23 authorized by general assembly, 22D38: 31, 24Ap52: 22, R2Ag70: 31, R23Ag70: 32--PD30Ag70: 41 land sold during, 9My45: 32, 17Ap46: 42, 31 J146: 52, 22My52: 32, 19J154: 42, 18Ap55: 31, 9My55: 22, 16My55: 21, 5S55: 32, 27Ag56: 41, PD2My66: 23, PD2My66: 31, PD5S66s32, PD7S69: 32--R7S69: 32, R18Ja70: 42, PD6Ag72: 31, R6My73s21, R1S74: 33, Pi20Ap75: 32 lotteries drawn during, R22D68: 32, R14S69: 23 property sold at, PD25Ag74: 31 sales during, PD29Ag71: 32, PD15Ap73: 32--R15Ap73: 23 slaves for sale at, 17Ap46: 42, PD2My66: 22, PD12S71: 31, PD27Ag72:43,DlAp75:33 theater performances at, 30Ap52: 32 in Halifax, N. C. , D170c77: 21 — P170c77:23, P160c78: 31 in Halifax co. , Va. , P230c78: 33 in Hanover co. , Va. , 70c37: 32 in Henrico co. , Va. , R16Je74: 32 in Jaleppa, 10S36: 41 in Kilmarnock, Scot. , PD28S69sll in Mecklenburg, Va. , R3N68: 32 in Newcastle, Va. , 10Ap52: 22 in Norfolk, Va. ,R23S73: 32 in Richmond, Va. , 24Ap52: 22, PD30S73: 32, PD23D73: 23, PD21Ap74: 31, PD25Ag74: 31 — R1S74: 33; PD20Oc74: 31, P17Mr75s43--D18Mr75: 33, D25Mr75: 42--P31Mr75: 43 in Sinigaglia, Papal states, 250c65s22 in Suffolk, Va. , 10Ap52: 22 in Surrey, Eng. , 14Ap38: 32 in Westchester, N. Y. , PD23N69: 21 in Williamsburg, Va. , 30N39: 32, 7D39:32, 14D39: 31 Fairweather, Capt. , of the Bellona, D26Mr79: 21 Fairwell, Thomas, Capt. , of the Chambord, PD29S68: 21--R29S68: 21 Fairy, horse, D12Mr79: 31— 015My79: 33 Fairy tales, on curiosity, PD19F67: 13 Faithful, Jonathan, 14D39: 31, 4Ja40: 41 Faithful Subject, pseud. , PD7Je70: 23 Falcon, Capt. Thomas, of the Lonsdale, PD3F74: 22 of the Thomas, PD24My70: 23, PD14Je70: 32 Falcon, frigate, D6My75: 31 H. M. S. , 21N51: 22, 24Ja52: 31, PD290c72: 12--R290c72: 21, D30D75: 33, D18My76: 21 sloop of war, Pi29D74: 12— PD29D74: 22, P2Je75: 23, Pil5Je75:23, D17Je75: 22, D24Je75:31,D9S75: 31, PU4S75: 11 — D16S75: 12, PU4S75: 12 — D16S75:13,P22Mr76:21 Falconer, Capt. , PD130c74: 21, P19My75s23, P128S75: 31--D30S75: 22 of the Britannia, PD23My71: 22 of the Mary and Elizabeth, Pi50c75:23 — P60c75: 22 of the Pennsylvania Packet, PD4My69: 31— R4My69: 33 Mrs. , P23Ag76: 11 Anthony, P23Ag76: 11 James, Capt. , of the Betty, HAp55: 22, 26S55: 31, 27Ag56: 31 Nathaniel, D10Ag76: 42 Richard, Capt. , author, PD18J171: 33, PD10Je73: 33, D25N75: 21, D30D75: 13 William, PD17S72: 22, P23Ag76: 11 Falconer's island, climate of, PD30J167: 31 Falkingham, Capt. , of the Salisbury, 80c36: 22 of the Shark, 2My 51: 21 Edw. , Capt. , of the Elizabeth, 25Ja40: 2 Falkirk, Scot. , battle of, described, 15My46: 11 See also Canals in; Iron works in; Ships launched in Falkland, brigantine, D2Ap79:ll H. M. S. , 24Ja52: 22, D16Mr76: 23 sloop of war, D18F75: 23, P14Ap75: 21 — D15Ap75:21 Falkland islands, abandoned by British, PD130c74: 21 British claims to, PD13D70: 21 British garrison on described, PD2My71: 11 British-Spanish dispute over, PD22N70: 21 ceded to Spain rumored, PD13Je71: 12 claims to, PD3Ja71: 22, PD3Ja71: 23, PD10Ja71:ll,R17Ja71: 13, R14F71: 22, PD18Ap71: 11, PD25Ap71: 21, PD2My71: 21--R2My71: 12, PD16My71: 11, PD16My71: 12, PD23My71: 21, PD13Je71: 13, PD12S71: ll,PD80c72:21,R23D73:21 described, PD290c67: 11 French settlement on, PD290c67: 12 importance of discussed, PD2My71: 12, PD310c71:12 neutrality of rumored, PD3Ja71: 22, PD14F71: 31 , PD18Ap71: 13 returned to Gt. Brit. , PD9My71: 13— R9My71:21, PD13Je71: 21 settlement of rumored, PD17S71: 22, PD14Ja73: 13--R14Ja73: 22 Spanish claims to, PD13D70: 21, PD16Ja72: 12 taken by British navy rumored, PD31Ja71:21 taken by Spain, PD22N70sll, PD22N70s21, PD14F71: 21, R14F71:23, PD4Ap71: 13 value of, PD27F72: 31 See also British navy to; Cows to be sent to; Fisheries, French whale, prospects good in; Hogs to be sent to; Sea lions in; Sheep to be sent to; Ships' sailing time; Spanish navy from Buenos Aires, Arg. , to; Spanish navy to; Wild fowl on Falkner, Ralph, D29Ap75s42 Samuel, Capt. , of the Namure, 25Ja40: 2 of the Queensborough, 25Ja40: 2 Fall hill, Fredericksburg, Va. , PillMy75:33 Fallen, Miss, marriage of, D30My77: 22 Charles, R17N68: 31 Fallin, John H. , C13N79: 22 Falling, William, D11F75: 32 Falling creek bridge, Va. , PD18J171: 22 Falling gardens, in Fredericksburg, Va. , P18Ap77s31, D5F80: 41 in Gloucester co. , Va. , P6Mr78: 32 in King and Queen co. , Va. , PD21D69: 11— R28D69: 12, R8F70: 32--PD15F70: 33, PD5Ap70: 41— R5Ap70sll Falling pearl necklaces, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD13Ap69: 32 — R13Ap69:31 Falling yards, in Westmoreland co. , Va. , P29N76: 31 Fallis, Jacob, P14Mr77: 43 Falls, ship, PD5F67: 23 Falls church, Va. , 2My55: 22, R11D66: 31, P8Ag77:33 Falls plantation, Va. , PD8Ap73: 33, PD7Ap74: 32, PD16Je74: 23 PD60c74: 32, D13Ap76: 33 — P19Ap76: 43, D14Mr77: 11, D5D77: 12, D14Ag79:31,D29Ja80:41 Falmer, Thomas, Capt. , of the Marquis of Kildare, P8N76: 21 Falmouth, Lord, supports new colonies, PD5N72: 22 George, HMr37: 41 Falmouth, Eng. , See British army to N. Am. from; British navy off; Emigration from; Exports from James river, lower district, Va. , to; Exports from James river, 379 Falmouth, Eng. , See also (cont'd) upper district, Va. , to: Exports from Philadelphia, Pa. , to; French navy off; Imports to James river, lower district, Va. , from; Packets from; Packets to Boston, Mass. , from; Packets to N. Y. from; Postal service between; Postal service between Charleston, S. C. , and; Postal service between New York City and; Privateers, French, captured by British navy near; Provisions scarce in; Ships from Antigua, W. I. , to; Ships from Jamaica, W. I. , to; Ships from James river, Va. , to; Ships from New York City to; Ships from Philadelphia, Pa., to; Ships from Quebec, Can., to; Ships from Salem, Mass. , to; Ships from Va. , to; Ships' sailing time; Ships' sailing time, Quebec, Can. , to; Ships to; Ships to Boston, Mass. , from; Ships to Charleston, S. C. , from; Ships to Halifax, N- S. , from; Ships to Marblehead, Mass. , from; Ships to New York City from; Ships to Philadelphia, Pa. , from; Ships to Salem, Mass. , from; Ships to Sandy Hook, N. J. , from; Ships to Staten island, from; Ships to Yorktown, Va. , from; Smugglers, ships burned in; Spanish navy off; Stagecoaches between Falmouth, Me. , attack by British rumored, D9My77: 22, P9My77: 13 See also Imports to; Shipwrecks in; Storms in Falmouth, Mass. , bombarding of described, Pi9N75: 32--P10N75: 31, Pil6N75:31 burning of, D11N75: 23, P17N75: 23 — D18N75: 22 evacuation requested by British, P17N75:23— D18N75: 22 skirmish at, C15My79: 12 See also Jails in; Storms in; Tea, bohea, reproduced in; Tories in; Whales caught near Falmouth, Va. , street width, PD6Ag67: 23 streets, PD16My66: 31, PD2Ap67: 22 trustees appropriate land of John Dixon, PD6Ag67: 31 trustees authorized by general assembly, 24Ap52: 22 See also Arson in; Association violated in; Brick kitchens in: Coopers in; Dwelling houses described in; Dwelling houses in; Ferries in: Fires in; Forges in; Freemasons in; Gardens in: Houses and lots for rent in; Houses in: Identured servants for sale in; Kitchens in; Land for sale near; Lots for rent in; Lots for sale in; Lots in; Merchants in; Merchant mills in; Mills in; Ordinaries in; Outhouses in; Physicians in; Public houses in; Robberies in; Saddlers in; Slaves for sale in; Slaves runaway from; Stables in; Stealing in; Stills in; Storehouses in: Stores in; Tavern keepers in; Taverns in; Tenements for rent in; Vendues in; Warehouses in; Wharves in Falmouth, brig, D10Ag76: 22 British ship, 25Ja40: 2 East Indiaman,"R13Ag67: 21, PD10S67: 12, PD24S67: 12 H. M. S. , 2F39: 31, 24Ja52: 22, 27Ag56:ll ship, PD8N70: 32--R8N70: 13, PD80c72: 31, P12My75: 21 Falmouth, treaty of, 27D51: 22 Falmouth packet, sloop, PD17Mr74: 22 Falmouth warehouse, Va. , discontinued, RlAg71:12 for sale, P7N77s21--D14N77: 31 payment for inspection demanded in advance, PD6My73: 31--R6My73s22 R6My73s22 price of damaged tobacco in, R170c71:23 regulations for tobacco damaged at, RlAg71:ll tobacco destroyed at, PD25J171: 22— RlAg71:31,R5S71:31 Fambrough, Benjamin, — PD20Oc68: 23 — R270c68:33 Fame, Charles, Pvt. , R14Ja73: 13 Fame, H. M. S. , 21N51: 22, 24Ja52: 31, PD7Ap68: 13, R26My68: 21, D16S75:ll,D28Mr77:61 privateer, 28N45: 21, 28N45: 22, D29Ja80: 13 ship, 7Mr51: 31, 20Mr52: 22, 14Ag52: 22, 19J154: 32, 7N55: 21, 19D55: 22, PD16My66: 23, PD15Ag66: 31 — R15Ag66: 32, PD14Ja68: 31, PD10Mr68: 31--R14Ap68: 42, R26J170: 13, R26J170: 21, PDllAp71: 23, PD3Mr74: 21, D14Mr77: 22, D4D79: 11 Family compact, alliance against, PD23F69: 23, PD27Ap69: 11 alliance with HolL and Prussia rumored, PD14S69: 11 discussed, PD16Mr69: 11 dissolution threatened, PD18Ap71: 22, PD14Ja73: 21 jealous of Great Britain, PD24Mr68: 23 joined by Port. , PD21Mr66: 22, PD31Ja71: 21, D5D77: 11 — P5D77: 22, D12D77: 11--P12D77: 21 joined by Sardinia, D29Je76: 12 D29Je76: 12 preparations of, PD18Ap66: 23, PD23Mr69: 22 revolution in threatened, D8Ap80s22 violated, PD25J171: 13, PD15J173: 23 — R15J173:22, PDllAg74:13 war with Russia rumored, PD14S69: 11 Family pieces (paintings), adv. of in Williamsburg, Va. , PD23F69: 41 Famines, feared in Austria, PD25Mr73:ll feared in Phila. , Pa. , P21N77: 21, D28N77: 21 in Asia, PDlAg71: 12 in Augsburg, Bavaria, R8Ag71: 22 — PD15Ag71:ll in Bengal, India, PD18Ap71: 13, PD16My71: 12, PD12D71: 21, R12Mr72: 11, PD26N72: 13 in Bermuda, W. I. , 20My37: 32 in Bohemia, PD22Ap73: 13 in Constantinople, Turk. , PD3Ja71: 21 in Dublin, Ire. , PD29Ag66: 13 in Eng. , PD29Ap73: 13--R29Ap73: 22 in France, R23Ag70: 23, PD18Oc70: 22 — R18Oc70:13, PD7N71: 22 in Germany, PD240c71: 21, PD150c72: 13 in Honduras, C. Am. , PD14N71: 13 in India, 25Ag38: 22, PD16My71: 22, PD13Je71: 23, PD8Ag71: 12, PD19D71:21 in London, Eng. , PD27Je71: 31 in Mexico, RllOc70: 21--PD10Ja71: 21 in Palatinate, PD12D71: 23 in Picardy, Fr. , PD26D71: 22 in Poland, 19Ag37: 11, 26Ag37: 22 in Prague, Bohemia, PD9J172: 11 in Ratisbon, Bavaria, R8Ag71: 22— PD15Ag71: 11 in Scot. , PD24S72: 13 in S. C.,26Ag37:41 in south seas, PD29Ap73: 13 in Spain, 26Ag37: 32 Fanar, John, P170c77: 42 Fancy, sloop, 10Oc45: 31, 9Ja46: 4, 23Ja46: 41, 29My46: 4 Faneuil, Benjamin, PD2D73: 11, PD30D73: 21 Faneuil hall, Boston, Mass. , PD14J168: 11--R14J168: 12, PDUe69: 13--RlJe69: 22, PD3D72: 11, R3D72: 12, PD25N73: 21, D16S75:21 British army at, PD270c68: 23 — R3N68: 13, PD3N68: 21 — R3N68: 23, PD24N68: 23 entertainment for Gen. Gage in, PD16Je74: 21— R9Je74s21 meetings at, PD25Ap66: 23, PD19N67: 21, R60c68: 22, PD22F70: 13, PD8Mr70: 11, PD7Je70: 11, PD6S70: 22, PD4Oc70: 21 — R4Oc70: 22, PD25F73: 22, R29Ap73: 11, PD23D73s22, PD30D73: 21, PD2Je74: 22, R9Je74s21, PD7J174: 22— R7J174: 23, PD29S74: 31, PD130c74: 21, Pi2F75:22— D4F75:12 protraits in, PDUJe67: 21 superior court meets at, PD15D68: 12 — R15D68-.il Tory property stored in, PU6N75: 23 — D18N75:22 Fanney, Joseph, PD3N74: 42 — PilON74:32 Fannie, ship, PD15S68: 23--R15S68: 24 Fannies, brigantine, R19Ap70: 31 Fanning, Col. , injured in fire, PD27Ja74: 31— R27Ja74: 32 Edmund, PD22Ja67: 32 Edmund, Col. , arrives in N. Y. , D8J175: 23 arrives in Williamsburg, PD15Je69: 31-- R15Je69:22 criticized, PD5D71: 31 mistreated by Regulators, PD18Oc70sll, PD25Oc70: 21 opposed by Regulators of N. C. , R10Ja71:22, R10Ja71:23 sails for New Bern, N. C. , PD12Ag73: 21 servants of commit murder, PD16S73:22 slave of examined, P28Je76: 13 threatened by Regulators in N. C. , R270c68sll John, Capt. , of Orange, PD7Je70: 31 Phineas, Col. , D250c76: 22 380 Farmer William, PD31Mr68: 32, D19D77: 42 William. Rev. Mr. . R21F71: 33. P19Ap76p23 Fanning, sloop, PD16Ja72: 31 Fanning mills, imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from New York City, PD15D68: 23 from Philadelphia. Pa. , PD7S69: 31 Fanny, brig, PD24F74: 31, Pi23Mr75: 21 — D25Mr75: 12--D25Mr75: 21, P24Mr75:41,P19Ja76:33, D31Ag76:12 brigantine, R12J69: 31, PD24Ag69: 33, PD21Je70: 31, R8N70: 23-- PD22N70: 31, PD10Mr74: 31 privateer brig. , P13Je77: 22 schooner, 30Je38: 42, P9F76: 12, D10Ag76: 22, P23Ag76: 33, D2My77: 71--P2My77s32. P18J177: 32 ship, 24N52:31, HAp55:22, 25Ap55: 22, 23My55: 21, 26S55: 31, PD13Je66: 31, PD11D66: 23, RllF68:31,PD2Je68:23, R7J168: 22, PD23Mr69: 31, PD8N70: 22, PD14N71: 21, PD7My72: 23, PD10c72: 22, PD80c72: 31--R80c72: 23, R150c72: 31, PD19N72: 22, PD3D72: 23, PD8Ap73: 23, Pi20Oc74: 23--PD20Oc74: 23, Pi28Ap75: 21, P22S75: 23. D23S75: 31 D23S75:31 sloop, 9Ja46: 4, HAp51: 32, 14N51: 31, R8Ag66: 31, PD2J167: 22, PD14Ap68: 31, PD220c72: 13, D26Je79: 31 snow, 15D52:31,19D55:31 transport, D8My79: 12 Fanny and Nancy, sloop, D3Ja77: 12 Fanny Forwardly, pseud. , PD15Ja67: 11 Fanny Murray, horse, PD27Ap69: 31 Fans, for sale, in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72:31 in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD18Ap66: 32, R19F67: 23 in Gloucester co. , P16Ag76: 33-- D24Ag76: 72 in Gloucester courthouse, Va. , P19Ap76sll--D20Ap76: 33 in Hanover, Va. , D13J176: 22 in London, Eng. , PD7Je70: 33 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23, R15N70: 31--PD22N70: 23, PD22N70: 31 in Petersburg, Va. , PD24Ja71: 31, PD310c71: 31, PD290c72: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , 27Mr46: 42, 10J152:32, PD10Oc66: 33, PD4Je67: 33, PD10c67: 13, PD12N67: 22, PD20Oc68: 23, PD270c68: 33--R270c68: 22, R260c69:23, PD2N69: 41, PD14D69: 32--R14D69: 23, PD15F70:41, R8N70: 13, PDllAp71: 32, PD240c71: 31, PD13Ag72: 21, PD150c72: 31, PD12N72: 23, PD22Ap73: 31, PD29Ap73: 23, PD140c73: 23, R210c73: 22, PD210c73: 23 — R210c73: 22, PD5My74: 31 — R26My74: 13, Pi20Oc74: 31 — PD20Oc74s22, Pi20Ap75: 31 — D22Ap75:32,D16D75:23, P10My76: 43--DllMy76: 23, D30My77:31,D27Je77:31, DlAg77: 22, D7N77: 31, D28N77: 22 mounting adv. , in Williamsburg, Va. , 22Ap57:41,PD2My71:32, PD20Je71: 33, PD240c71: 31, PD9J172:31 unclaimed, adv. of, PD11J166: 23 See also Bone fans; Gauze fans; Ivory fans; Paper fans; Silver fans Fans, Dutch, for sale, in Newcastle, Va. ,PD21J174:31 in Norfolk, Va. , R19My74: 42 in Williamsburg, Va. , PDllAp71: 32 imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from Philadelphia, Pa. , PD20Ja74: 23 imported to York district, Va. , from Philadelphia. Pa. , R31Mr68: 31 Fans, French mounted, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , R12My74: 32 Fans, India, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD12N67: 22, PD18My69: 31 — R25My69:23,PD9J172:31, PD140c73:23 Fans, mourning, for sale, in Richmond, Va. , PD310c71: 23-- R310c71:32 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD60c68: 31 — R60c68: 23, PD13Ap69: 32 — R13Ap69: 31, D30My77: 31, D27Je77: 31 Fans, second mourning, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD60c68:31 — R6Cc68: 23, PD13Ap69: 32 — R13Ap69: 31, PD22N70s23, R12My74:32 Fans, stick, lost, adv. for in Va. , 8Je39:42 Fans, wedding, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD18Ap66: 32 in Richmond, Va. , PD310c71: 23 — R310c71: 32, PD5N72sll — R5N72: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD60c68: 31 — R60c68: 23, PD13Ap69: 32 — R13Ap69: 31, PD22N70s23, PD220c72: 23--R220c72: 23, R12My74:32 Fans, wheat, for sale, in Hanover co. , Va. , PD10N74: 43 in Henrico co. , Va. , PD3Ja71: 32 — R10Ja71: 33 in Middlesex co. , Va. , P16My77s31 in Norfolk, Va. , PD24Ja71: 32, R4Mr73:32 in Portsmouth, Va. , PD15Ag71: 32, PD14N71: 23, PD10c72: 23, PD11N73:22 imported to Accomac district, Va. , from Phila. , Pa. , PD17N68:22 imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from Antigua, W. I. , R11F68:31 from Philadelphia, Pa. ,R8S74:31 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from Philadelphia, Pa. , PD8S68p22, PD24My70: 23, PD3F74:22 imported to Va. , PD1N70: 22 Fanshaw, Capt. , D8Ja80: 12 of the Monmouth, D5F80: 22 Robert, Capt. , of the Carvsford, P8Mr76: 22— D9Mr76: 22, D8Je76:31 Fantasque, Fr. warship, PD1J173: 21 Fantleroy, Nancy, PD17Mr68: 31, R31Mr68: 31 Fantleroy' s ferry, Va. , PD28J174: 33 Fantt, George, D22My79: 41 Far, Richard, 14J138: 21 Farar, Peter, PD19Mr72: 32 Farel & Jones, R270c68: 32 Farell, Joseph, PD28Mr66: 32 Richard, PD21Mr66: 41 Farguson, Sarah, R14J174: 32 See also Ferguson Fargusson, Samuel, PD28Mr66: 41 Faries, Capt. , of the Minerva, PD8J173: 31 — R8J173:31 Farinello, Italian singer, 10Mr38: 21, 22S38:41 at Spanish court, 2D37: 41, 23D37: 12, 12Ja38: ll,5My38: 11 honored in Spain, 9D37: 12 Farinholtz, David, P6Mr78: 12 Faris, Capt. , PD290c67: 21 Farish, Larkin, D27N78: 22 Richard, Capt. , of the Charlotte, 4Ap51: 31 Robert, 12Je52: 31, PDlAg66: 31, PD13J169: 32— R13J169: 32 Stephen, Capt. , of the Assistance, PD16My66: 23, R8Ap66: 22— PD15Ag66: 23, PD30Jd72: 32, PD21My72:22,R8J173:32, PD23S73: 23, PD19My74: 42— R19My74: 23, Pil9Ja75: 33 of the Duncannon, 12F62: 31 See also Farrish Fariss, John, R26S71: 21 Farley, Mr. , of St. John, Antigua, PD12N72: 13 Betsey (Byrd), marriage of, PD28Mr71: 31 Henry, 18Ap51: 32, 3S56: 32 Hetty, PD19My68: 12 James, R270c68: 23, R310c71: 33, D310c77: 22, D23Ja78: 31 James Park, PD28Mr71: 31, PD26My74: 23, P20D76: 22, D23My77: 21--P23My77: 23 John, P20Je77: 13 John James, P8N76: 32 Joseph, PD19My68: 12 Mary, P8N76: 32 Michael, PD16Je74s21 William, sr. , RlAp73: 41 Farley, ship, PD220c72: 13 Farley's Bristol newspaper, extract from, 30D37: 11,23F39:31 Farley's ordinary. Va. , R23N69: 31, RlMr70: 32--PD8Mr70: 33, P8N76: 32 Farlie, James. R27F72: 41, PD28J174: 32 Farlow, Mr. , PD25Ap71: 32 Farm hands, See Slaves as Farm managers, adv. for, in Prince William co. , Va. , P29Ag77: 11 See also Overseers Farmar, Capt. , of the Africa, PD9Mr69: 31 Thomas, Capt. , of the Little Molly, 12F62:31 Farmer, Capt. , 140c37: 31, PD21F71: 13, PD21F71: 21 in battle of Long island, N. Y. , P13S76sl3— D14S76: 51.D21S76: 21 of the Lady Gage, R10Je73: 32 381 Farmer, Capt. (cont'd) of the Quebeck, D8Ap80: 21 of the Tryon, PD19Mr72: 13 A. W. , pseud. , Pi23Mr75: 32 James, 280c37: 31, 3J146: 32, R16Je68: 33,D13N78:32 Jasper, Capt. , of the Catherine, 5My38: 22 John, PD14N71: 23 Lodowick, 7N54: 42, PD28S69: 23, R9N69: ll,D90c79:32 Matthew, PD29Ja67: 13, PD18F68: 31 Nathaniel, D27My75: 31 Samuel, 15S52: 32, PD24Ag69: 32— R24Ag69: 23 William, R15Ag71: 33, D13N79: 22 Farmer, pseud. , R26Mr72: 22, PD21Ap74:31, P6S76: 41 ship, R21J168: 21— PD28J168: 22, PD25My69: 31 Farmers, adv. for, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD150c67: 21 adv. for employment, 9My55: 21 emigrate from Gt. Brit, to N. S. , 13F52: 22 emigrate from Ire. to N. Am. , PD17Je73: 23— R17Je73: 31 emigration from Gt. Brit. , to colonies planned, PD21Ap74: 23 in Gt. Brit. , conditions among, 26Ag37:22,RlAp73:12 inN. J. ,D30Oc79:22 in Pa. , PD21 Ja68: 22 join Pa. militia, P19J176: 23 taxes in Gt. Brit. , PD25Oc70: 13 See also Convict servants as; Indentured servants as; Slaves as Farmers-general, Fr. , administration of, 23D37;21 contract awarded to, 6Ja38: 31, PD9Ap72: 23 credit refused in Holl. , 19D55: 12 government requests money from, R31D72: 21 plan direct purchase of tobacco in America, 5Ag37: 11, 12Ag37: 11 required to loan money to king, PD12Mr72: 11 terms for tobacco trade, 5My38: 31 Farmer's letters, adv. in Monthly Review, R15D68: 13 approved by Prov. town meeting, PD21J168: 12 British opinion of, PD23F69: 23, PD23F69: 31--R24F69s21 for sale in Williamsburg, PD27J179: 32- R27J169: 32 honored in Pa. , PD26My68: 21 poetry on, PD19My68: 13 praised, R15F70: 21 by Boston town meeting, R28Ap68: 13 by Lebanon, Conn. , town meeting, PD2Je68: 22 by John Wilkes, PD14Ap69s21 in Eng. , PD29S68: 22— R29S68: 23, PD27Ap69: 21— R27Ap69: 22 in London, Eng. , PD60c68: 22— R60c68: 22 in Pensacola, Fla. , PD8D68: 21 in Va. , PD19My68: 13 praises king, PD21Je70: 11 printing in volume form proposed, R6Ap69: 11 read in Fr. , PD21Je70: 11 read in Gt. Brit. , PD12Ja69: 31, PD14Ap69s21 reprinted, R24D67: 23— PD7Ja68: 11, PD14Ja68: 11, PD21Ja68: 11, PD28Ja68: 11, PD18F68: 11 — R18F68: 14, PD25F68: 11, PD3Mr68: 11, PD10Mr68: 11, PD17Mr68: 11, PD24Mr68: 11, PD31Mr68: 11, PD22D68: 22 reprinted in Boston, Mass. , PD25F68: 22 translated into French, PD29Je69: 23— R29Je69: 22 Farmer's ordinary, Va. , 24Ap52: 32 Farmer's tavern, N. Y. , D10F76: 31 Farming, affected by Revolutionary war in Hanover, Ger. , D22N76: 21 discussed in American philosophical society, PD11F73: 22 encouraged in Boston, Mass. , PD18Ag74: 31 encouraged in Ire. , PD21F71: 21 Farmington, Conn. , See Boston port bill, relief from; Boston port bill, resolutions against in; Firearms manufacture in; Sons of Liberty in Farmington, N. Y. , See Prisoners of war, British, in Farms, bartered for slaves, D26F80: 12 creation in Gt. Brit, discussed, PD15Ja67: 22, PD25Je67: 21 engrossing investigated by parliament, PDllMr73: 13 for rent, D9Mr76: 23— P15Mr76: 32, D13N78: 11 in Goochland co. , Va. , D17Je75: 33 for sale, in Dinwiddie co. , Va. , P19Je78: 11 in Williamsburg, Va. , D26F80: 12 near Blandford, Va. , P30Oc78: 33 near Fredericksburg, Va. , PD8Je69: 31 near Petersburg, Va. , PD24F74: 32 near Williamsburg, Va. ,D13N78: 22 in Mecklenburg co. , Va. , C13My80: 41 laid out in Gt. Brit. , PD80c67: 11 near Dumfries, Va. , P11J177: 41 near Port Royal, Va. , D8Ap80: 31 Farnan, Matthias, D30c77: 41 Famed, Edwin, PD5Ag73: 31 Farnham, Capt. , of the Dean, D18D79:21,D25D79:21 of the Patsey, D26F79: 31 Farnham church, Va. , R15D68: 22, R3Mr74:41,P12J176:32, D14S76: 71— P13S76: 33, P19S77: 13 Faro, John, 10Ap46: 42 Farquhar, Capt. , of the Jamaica, PD16S73: 22 of the Jamima, PD60c68: 22 of the New Hope, PD4Je72: 32 Mr. , imprisoned in Havana, D19F80: 23 [George], author, PD25F68: 41 plays presented in Norfolk, 14N51: 31 plays presented in Williamsburg, 10S36: 42, 17Ap52: 31, PD12My68: 23— R12My68: 22 Lewis, Capt. , PD29Ap73: 21 Farquharson, John, PD4J166: 31 — R18J166: 41, PD21D69: 32, PD8N70: 31, P180c76: 31, P180c76:32 Farr, Samuel, PD21J174: 32 author, PD17S72: 21, PD10Je73: 31 Thomas, PD28Mr66: 32, R10D72: 21, D17J179: 31 Farra, Capt. , of the Meridian, 24Je37: 32 Farral, Capt. , killed at Lake George, 170c55: 12 See also Farrel Farrall, Martin, D26F80: 13 Thomas, PD24Mr74: 33 Farrar, John, 4N63: 23, P5Je78: 32, P160c78: 13 Joseph R. , PDUa67: 32, D9Mr76: 31 Peter, PD6S70: 33, R310c71: 41 Richard, PD6My73: 22 Thomas, R15J173: 41, C15J180: 21 William, PD25F68: 31, C15J180: 21 Farrar island, Va. , See Floods on Farrel, Capt. , PD14F71: 31— R14F71: 31 killed at Lake George, 30c55: 12 Dr. , of St. Croix, W. I. , PD290c72: 13 James, PD8J173: 23--R8J173: 23 Robert, PD290c72: 21 See also Farral Farrell, Capt. , PD27N66: 21 Mr. , member of Va. company of comedians, PD12My68: 23— R12My68: 22, PD19My68: 31 Austin, P7F77: 43 John, PD26Ag73: 32— R26Ag73: 31 Joseph & Nephew, 20Mr52: 22 Martin, PD220c67: 21, PD12N67: 21 Mary, PD220c67: 21 Thomas, 27 F52: 32 William, PI 5Ag77: 32 Farrell & Jones, PD24Je73: 32— R24Je73: 33 Farriers, adv. of, in Williamsburg, Va. , R10Ag69: 32, R2N69: 31, P28Je76: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , R190c69: 41 See also Convict servants as; Indentured servants; Slaves as Farrill, Thomas, PD28Ap74: 32 Farringdon, Eng., See Merchants in; Murders in Farrington, Capt. , of British army in N. Y. , R5Ag73: 21, PDllAg74: 22— RllAg74: 21 Reuben, P12S77: 13 Farris, John, R9je74: 22 Michael, P170c77: 41 Farrish, Jolley, P21Ag78: 43 See also Farish Farrow, Betsy, Pi5Ja75: 32— D7Ja75: 23 James, 7N54: 22 Farrow's tavern, Va. , R21Ja73: 31 Farthing, Charles, P31Ja77: 31 William, D3Ag76: 32 Farthings, coined in Eng. , PD20S70: 22, PD10Ja71: 12, PD17Je73: 22— R24Je73: 22, D7Ja75: 22 Fashions, American, 18Ap45: 32 Boston, Mass. , 12My38: 31 British, 10S36: 31, 25F37: 31, 6Ja38: 22, 13Ja38: 32, lMr38: 11, 17Mr38: 32, 24Mr38: 21, 25Ag38: 32, HMy39: 32, 25Ja40: 11, 15S52: 31, 24N52: 12, PD25Ap66: 21, PD6Je66: 22, R19F67: 21 — PD12Mr67: 21, PD5Mr67: 13, PD20Ag67: 22, PD130c68: 22— R130c68: 23, R270c68: 12, R6Ap69: 22, R4My69: 32, PD18My69: 13, R8F70: 13, R13S70: 22, 382 Fauquier co. , Va. PD26Mr72: 32. PD23Ap72: 12, PD28My72: 22, PD3D72: 21, PD7Ja73: 13, PD6My73: 13, PD15J173: 22--R15J173: 13, R22J173: 33. PD5Ag73: 12 at royal ball, 15My52: 31, 4Ap55: 31 burial clothes. 25Je52: 12 criticized, PD30Mr69: 32, PD21Ja73: 11 described, PD4F73: 21, PD17Mr74: 21, P12My75: 21 favored by Russian court, 5D51: 32, 12D51:22 for king, PD14Mr71: 31 for men described, PD11F73: 12 for women, PD240c71: 13, PD11F73: 12, P23Je75sll in Denmark, PD15F70: 13 in France, R28Ap68: 21 influenced by Methodism, 24Ag39: 12 mourning clothes, 31Ja51: 31, 6Je51: 31, 13Je51: 31, HOc51: 22, 5Mr52: 22, PD14Ja68: 23, R18Ag74: 21 reform discussed, R80c73: 13 satirized, D250c76: 12 Danish, 10c36: 12 Dutch, 25F37: 31, PD6Je66: 13 essay on. PDllAp71: 31 French, PD140c73s21, P12My75: 21 German, PD28My72: 22 India, 18Ap45: 11 Philadelphia mourning, Pi24N74: 32 Portuguese, 25Mr37: 21 Scottish, PD19S66: 11 Spanish, 5My38: 11 Surinam, R6My73s21 Swedish, R4D66: 13, PD27Ja74: 12 Williamsburg, Va. , 290c36: 12 Fast days, decreased by Roman catholic church in Fr. , PD4N73: 11 in Boston, Mass. , PD9F69: 13, PD13Ap69: 21, PD21J174: 13, Pi6Ap75: 21 in British colonies, N. Am. , D24Je75: 21 in Caribbee islands, W. I. , PD5N72: 32 in Conn. , R130c68: 11, PD27J169: 23, PD30Je74: 22. R25Ag74: 12 in Cumberland co. , Va. , P14J175s22 in Dublin, Ire. , 7N45: 31 in E. I. , Dutch, PD15Ag66: 13 in Edinburgh, Scot. , 18J146: 11 in Eng. , PD3Ja71: 22, P4Ap77: 21 in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD9Je74: 23 in Gt. Brit. ,D25Mr80: 23 in Holl. , 10Ap46: 32 in Marblehead, Mass. , R25Ag74: 12 in Mass. . 30J152: 22, Pi9Mr75: 31-- P10Mr75: 22, P21Ap75s32, PillMy75: 31, P9Ag76: 13 in New England, R130c68: 11 in New York City, PD7J174: 23, P4Ag75p22,D9S75: 11 in Newburyport, Mass. , PD10N68: 21 in Newport, R. I. , PD30Je74: 21, Pil8My75: 32 in Petersburg, Va. , D25My76: 22 in Philadelphia, Pa. , PD7J174: 23, Pi3Ag75: 32, D9S75: 11 in Rowley, Mass. , PD10N68: 21 in Va. , 16Ja46:41,12S55: 31. PD26My74: 23--R26My74: 23, Pi8Je75: 11. P17Ja77: 23, D31Ja77: 71, P31Ja77: 11. D9Ap79: 31. DlMy79: 22, D8My79: 21 in Williamsburg, Va. , R2Je74: 21, Pil5Je75: 31, , Pi20J175: 33, D18My76:33 in York co. , Va. , PD21J174pll-- R21J174: 22 observed by Mohammedans, PD24Mr74: 13--R24Mr74: 11 proclaimed by George III, D4Ap77: 21--P4Ap77: 12, DllAp77: 12 recommended by Continental congress, Pi22Je75: 33, P23Je75s21, P29Mr76: 23, P5Ap76: 11, P10My76: 31, P10My76: 31-- DllMy76: 33, DllMy76: 22, DllMy76:23,P10Ja77:31, P27Mr78:21,D9Ap79:22, DlAp80: 22 violated in Dinwiddie co. , Va. , P7Je76: 33--D8Je76: 62 violations punished in Culpeper co. , Va. ,D20Ja76: 13--Pi20Ja76: 31 Fasten. Capt. , of the Hanbury. PD290c67: 21 Faston, Thomas, R7J174: 32 Fat, price of, in Belfast, Ire. , 2F39:31 Fatfield, Eng. , See Anecdotes from; Collieries Father Abraham apple trees, for sale, in Surry co. , Va. , 26S55: 32 in Sussex co. , Va. , PDlJa67: 32 Fathere. Ebenezer, Pi23Mr75: 33 Father's Desire, ship, PD7My72: 23 Father's Goodwill, ship, R26Ag73s23 Faucett, Anne, 240c55: 21 Faucit, [William], Col. , D22Je76: 11 Faukland, private ship, D230c79: 21 Faulcon, Mr. , of Cobham, Va. , R4Ag74: 32 Jacob, P4J177: 31, P5S77: 31, D230c79: 12 Jacob & co. , Pi6Ap75sl2, P29S75: 33-- Pi5Cc75: 33, P5S77: 31 John, D19Je79: 32 Nicholas, PD170c71: 23, R290c72: 31, PD28J174: 31, P4J177sl2 Nicholas jr. , adv. estate for sale, D26D77: 12 adv. land for sale, R18J171: 41 adv. merchandise for sale, Pi2F75: 21 adv. settlement of estate, R25N73: 42 agent for Jacob Faulcon, P5S77: 31 appointed deputy to Va. convention, PD21J174p22--R21J174: 31 delegate from Surry co. , Va. , DlAp75: 21 elected burgess from Surry co. , Va. , RlAp73: 31 on committee for Surry co. , Va. , P8Mr76s23 Nicholas, jr. , Capt. , D20D76: 22-- P20D76: 21 Faulcon, ship, 25Ag38: 32, 29S39: 41 Faulin, William, P2Ag76: 12 Faulkener. Ralph, PD26N72: 22 Faulkingham, H. M. S , 6Ap39: 21 Faulkland, British ship, 25Ja40: 2 H. M. S. , 28Mr45: 31, 6Je45: 21, 12S45: 31, 12S45: 32, 11S46: 31, 11S46:41 Faulkland islands, See Falkland islands Faulkner, Capt. , 11J151: 31 of the Royal Oak, D27Je77: 12 of the Victory, D17J179: 12 Peter, P21Ag78: 11 Ralph, P170c77: 42 [Ralph], Capt. , D9Mr76: 22 Richard, 30N59: 42 Faulknor, Capt. , of the Victory, D6N78: 21 Faulks, Joseph, PD220c72: 23-- R22GC72: 31, PD17D72: 31-- R17D72: 32, PD17Mr74: 31, PD26My74: 32 Richard, R18Ag74: 32 Fauntleroy, Mr. , horse of, R140c73: 31 George, Dr. , R20S70: 32 Griffin, R14J174: 32 [Henry], Capt. ,D17J178: 31 Moore, adv. ferry run on cash basis, PD27F72: 32--R27F72: 31 adv. land for sale, PD22D74: 32-- D7Ja75:41,P31Ja77: 32 announces departure, PD28Ja73: 31 horse of, PD17F74: 31, PD7Ap74: 23, PD28Ap74: 22, PD26My74: 23-- R26My74: 22, PD9Je74: 31, PD22S74: 32, PD20Oc74: 31 William, PD22D74: 32--D7Ja75: 41, P4Ap77: 31 William, jr. , PD10Mr68: 31 Fauquier, Catherine (Dalston), PD30My66: 31--R30My66: 32 Francis, It. gov. of Va. , addresses of, 1766, PD6N66: 21, PD16Ap67: 22 attends ball, PD20Je66: 22 burial of, PD10Mr68: 31 — R10Mr68: 32 cook of for sale, PD24N68: 31-- R24N68: 21 death of, PD3Mr68: 23, R3Mr68: 24 dispatches received in London, PD22Ja67: 21 epitaphs to, R10Mr68: 32 mourns George II, 16Ja61: 32 orders to court clerks, PD27N66: 23-- R4N66: 21 petitioned to call general assembly, PD4J166: 22, PD4J166: 23, PD11J166: 12 proclamations of, 1766, PD7Mr66: 32, PD13Je66: 11, PD20Je66: 23, PDlAg66: 23, PD15Ag66: 22, PD10Oc66: 32, PD240c66: 21 proclamations of, 1767, R24D67: 32, R4F68:32,R3Mr68:32 recommends George Mercer to British agents, PD26S66: 12 recovered from illness, PD16J167: 32 replies to burgesses' address, PD20N66: 11 replies to council's address, PD13N66: 21 reports on sums received for sufferers in Montreal fire, PD8Ag66: 31--R8Ag66: 31 settlement of estate, PD31Mr68: 23-- R14Ap68s21 tribute to, PD31Mr68: 21, PD7Ap68: 22 witnesses clerk's notices, PDlAg66: 31, PD30Oc66: 31 Francis, jr. , PD30My66: 31-- R30My66: 32 Fauquier, ship, 4N63: 33, PD13Je66: 22, PD13Je66: 32, PD11J166: 23. PD9J167: 32, R8F70: 23 Fauquier co. , Va. , burgesses elected, 383 Fauquier co. , Va. , burgesses elected (cont'd) PD15D68: 23--R15D68: 21, PD28S69: 22, R9N69: 11, PD26D71: 23, PD4Ag74: 23 census requested, P19Ap76p23— D27Ap76: 33 Chancery court, R26S71: 32, R2N69: 31, C18D79: 13 court, R190c69sl3 delegates elected, P26Ap76s23, P9My77: 23 freeholders' meeting in, R4Ag74: 13 in Fifth senatorial district, D26F79: 32 independent company, P14J175s21 instructs burgesses, R27Ap69: 22 senator elected, P9My77: 23 sheriff's summons, R26S71: 32, C18D79: 13 See also Apple orchards in; Apricot trees in; Associators in; Auctions in; Bolting mills in; Buildings in; Cherry trees in; Churches in; Convict servants runaway from; Declaratory act opposed in; Dissenting meeting houses in; Dwelling houses, described in; Forges in; Gristmills in; Horse-breeding in; Houses in; Indentured servants runaway from; Iron ore in; Land, fee simple, for sale in; Land, ownership of, disputed in; Land, rent from in; Land for rent in; Land for sale in; Land mortgaged for sale in; Land mortgaged in; Land posted in; Manors in; Meeting houses in; Merchants in; Militia claims in; Orchards in; Ordinaries in; Outhouses in; Overseers in; Peach trees in; Pine timber in; Presbyterian meeting houses in; Quarters in; Roads in; Sawmills in; Slaves, entailed, for sale in; Slaves for sale in; Slaves runaway from; Stealing in; Stills in; Stores in; Taverns in; Taxation of colonies opposed in; Tenements in; Tobacco houses in; Towns established in; Vendues in Fauquier courthouse, Va. , See Land for sale at; Musters, general, at; Slaves for sale at Faver, Thomas, R21N71: 32 Favian, Thomas, D26Je79: 21 Favourite, H. M. S. , PD31Ja71: 22, D12F80: 12,D18Mr80: 13 ship, PD14F71: 22, PD21F71: 21, PD2My71: 13, R3Mr74: 21 sloop, PD22N70sll, PD22N70s21, C25D79: 11 sloop of war, PD240c71: 22 snow, R9S73: 32 Favourite Betsey, packet, D23My77: 21 Faw, Abraham, PD10N74: 43 Fawn, John, Capt. , adv. unclaimed casks, PD11J171: 32 of the Prince George, PD3D67: 31, PD3Mr68: 31--R3Mr68: 31, PD2Je68: 23--R9Je68: 32, PD7J168: 31--R7J168: 23, PD28D69: 31, PD15Je69: 31--R15Je69: 22, PD27J169: 32, PD17Ag69: 22, PD8Mr70: 33, PD5Ap70: 33, PD18Oc70: 31, PD11J171: 22, R21My72: 22 of the West India packet, PD15Ag66: 31-- R15Ag66s32, PD19F67: 31 — R19F67: 22 Fawn gloves, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD220c72: 23--R220c72: 23 Fawn mits, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD220c72: 23--R220c72: 23 Fay, Thomas, PD11J171: 33 Fayal island, Az. , naval engagements off, D8Ap80: 13 See also Ships from; Ships from Va. , to Fazakerly, Capt. , imports linen to Va. , Pil90c75: 31--D280c75: 11 James, 4Ag38: 32 Fcaile, exported from Veracruz, Mex. , to Rota, 25N37: 41 Fear, Edward, D25Mr80: 32 Henry, P15Ag77: 32 Fear, as cure for ague, PD24Ja71: 21 Fearis, Capt. , of the James, P18Ap77sll Fearn, John, 20Mr52: 31, R25Ja70: 11 — PD15F70: 23 Meacham, PD21Ap74: 23 Fearnought, for sale, in Williamsburg, PD15F70: 41, PD4Oc70: 31, PD22N70: 31, PD22Ag71: 32, PD15Cc72: 23, PD17S71: 31-- R26S71: 41, PD220c72: 22 — R220c72: 23, PD23S73: 23 — R23S73: 32, PD1S74: 32, PD22S74: 32 in Yorktown, Va. , PD4Oc70: 32, PD310c71: 23 Fearnought, horse, R8Ag66: 41, PD5N67: 13, PD22Mr70: 41, PD4Ap71: 23, PD170c71: 31 — R170c71: 31, PD23Ap72: 23, PD25Mr73: 33, PD12Ag73: 22, PD16S73: 32, PD9je74: 31, PD20Oc74: 31, Pi22D74: 32, DllMr75: 33,D18Mr75: 11, Pi30Mr75: 32— P31Mr75s23— DlAp75: 33, P28Ap75: 23 — D29Ap75s41, D6My75: 33, D10F76: 33, D17F76: 33, P8Mr76: 41 — D30Mr76: 41, D9Mr76: 31, P12Ap76: 33, D13Ap76: 33--P19Ap76: 43, P6D76: 33, P14F77: 31, D21F77: 21, D7Mr77: 42--P7Mr77s21, P7Mr77sl3, P7Mr77s23, DllAp77: 61, DllAp77: 61--PllAp77s32, PllAp77: 32--D18Ap77: 11, PllAp77s43--D18Ap77: 11, P25Ap77:12, P13Je77: 11, P21N77: 31, P21N77: 33— D28N77: 32, P12D77: 23, P27Mr78: 31, P3Ap78: 32, D24Ap78: 42, D8My78: 61, P10J178: 12, P160c78: 32, D12Mr79: 31, D26Mr79: 31, D26Mr79: 32, D16Ap79: 32, D24Ap79: 32, C28Ag79: 43, D160c79: 12, C30Oc79: 42, C27N79: 21-- D11D79: 22, D26F80: 12, D4Mr80: 31, D18Mr80: 32 stallion, PDllAp66: 33, PD26Mr67: 31, PD10Mr74: 32--R10Mr74: 32, PD24N68: 32--R24N68: 22, PD6My73: 32--R6My73s22, PD17Mr74: 31--R17Mr74: 23, D25Mr75: 33, D7Mr77: 11, P7Mr77: 31, D7Mr77:41,Dl9Mr79: 32 Fearon, Capt. , PD23Ap67: 23, PD21My67: 31, R24N68: 21, PD14S69: 31 of the Commerce, PD7Mr66: 32, PD4J166: 31--R18J166: 41, PD6N66: 21, PD30Ap67: 32 of the Jenny, PD18My69: 31 — R25My69: 23, R8F70: 23 Benson, Capt. , of the Friendship, 30N59: 32 of the Ruby, PD28Ap68: 22— R28Ap68: 22, PD26My68: 22— R26My68: 31, PD28J168: 23 John, Capt. , P2Ag76: 32 Fear's place, plantation, Va. , RllOc70: 33 Fearson, Dorothy, D19S77: 41, C18D79: 12— D25D79: 31 Enson, Capt. , of the Jenny, PD28S69s23 William, R14S69: 31, PD15Ag71: 33, PD4N73: 31, P14J175s23, D23My77: 21- P23My77: 23,D19S77:41 Feather beds, for sale, in Northumberland co. , Va. , PD5N72:43— R5N72:21 Feather hats, purchased by Queen [Caroline], 10S36: 31 Feather muffs, for sale, in London, Eng. , PD7Je70: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , D14N77: 31 imported to Gt. Brit. , from Fr. , PD25Ap71: 21 Feather tippets, for sale, in London, Eng. , PD7Je70: 33 Feathers, bartered for merchandise, D2Ap79: 22 boycotted in Providence, R. I. , PD21Ja68: 31 exported from Accomac district, Va. , to Antigua, W. I. , PD14Ja68: 32 to Boston, Mass. , PD7My67t 31, PD31Mr68: 22— R14Ap68: 41, PD26My68: 22--R26My68: 31 to Md. , PD7J168: 23--R7J168: 22 to New York City, PD8S68p22, PD22D68: 31 to Phila. , Pa. , PD23My66: 31, PD5S66s43, R25D66: 13, PD9Ap67: 23, PD6Ag67: 32, PD3D67: 31, PD30Je68: 23— R7J168: 22, PD7J168: 23--R7J168: 21— R7J168: 22, PD270c68: 42, PD270c68: 43, PD22D68: 31 to R. I. , PD7My67: 31, PD6Ag67: 32, PD26My68: 22— R26My68: 31, R7J168: 22, PD270c68: 43 exported from Hampton, Va. , to Bermuda, 10Oc45: 31 exported from James river, lower district, Va. , to Bermuda, HAp55: 22 exported from James river, upper district, Va. , from 1763-1766, PD12F67: 23 to Barbados, W. I. , 10Ag39: 31 to Salem, Mass. , PD17Mr68: 31 — R14Ap68: 42 for sale, PD19Ap70s23 in Petersburg, Va. , PD24Ja71: 31, PD310c71: 31, PD290c72: 22 in Richmond, Va. , PD310c71: 23 — R310C71: 32, PD5N72sll— R5N72: 22 In Williamsburg, Va. , PD60c68: 31 — R60c68: 23, PD270c68: 33— R270c68: 22, PD13Ap69: 32— R13Ap69: 31, R260c69: 23, 384 Fenner PD2N69: 41. PD19Ap70s23-- R19Ap70: 31, PD22N70s23, PD170c71: 23, PD240c71. 31, PD30Ap72: 31, PD13Ag72: 21, PD150c72: 31, PD210c73: 23-- R210C73: 22, PD5My74: 31-- R26My74: 13. R12My74: 32, Pi20Ap75: 31--D22Ap75: 32, D14N77: 31,D8My78: 82 imported to York district, Va. , from N. C. ,20J139:41,25Ja40:4 See also Ostrich feathers; Satin feathers Feathers, bed, imported to London, Eng. , from Can. , 28F51: 22 Featherstone. Capt. , of the Apollo, PD2My71: 32 Charles W. . PD9D73: 22--R9D73: 21 Featonby, Capt. , of the Hannah, D11F75: 21 Feaver, Theophilus. PD21D69: 31 Thomas, PD21D69: 31 Febiger, Christian, Col. , D31Ag76: 21, D15N76: 21--P15N76: 32, P14F77: 23, D26F80: 21, D26F80: 22 [Christopher], Lt. .D7F77: 12-- P7F77: 11 Fedal island, cession to Gt. Brit. discussed, PD26Mr67: 12 fortifications built, PD15S68: 13 French sound coasts, PDlAg66: 13 See also Factories, British, established on Feed, See Canary feed Feemster. Thomas, PD30Ap72: 31 Feid, Andrew, Capt. , of the Friendship, PD1N70: 22 Feild, Capt. ,D13Je77:21 James, PD7F71: 23, P14Je76: 32 John, PD21Je70: 31 Thomas. D18Ap77: 71. D6Je77: 32, D12D77: 21 See also Field Felicity, ship, PD10D67: 31 Felix, Don, 3N38: 12 Felix, register ship, 5Mr52: 22 Fell, John,D16My77: 12--P16My77: 21 Thomas, Capt. , of the York, PD26N72: 22, R10Je73: 33 Fell, snow,DHN75: 23 Fellows, Capt. ,R15Je69: 21 of the Cameron, D14N77: 11 Mr. , in Essex co. . Mass. , PD27J169: 22--R27J169: 13 [John], Gen. , D310c77: 12--P310c77: 22 Felonies, acquittals for, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD18Ap71: 31, Pi20Oc74: 23--PD20Oc74: 23 burning in hand for, 16Je38: 32, 50c39: 32. 2N39: 41, R26S71: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , 5N36: 42, 3N38: 61. 14D39: 31, 9My51: 32, 13Je51 : 32, 12D51: 32, 12Je52: 21, 15D52: 31, 7N54: 22, 9My55: 21, 14N55: 22, PD18D66: 23, PD12N67: 21, PD12My68: 23--R12My68: 21, PD15D68: 23--R15D68: 21, PDllMy69s33--RllMy69: 32, PD15Je69: 31, PD8N70: 22, PD13D70: 22--R13D70: 23. PD9My71: 31--R9My71: 33, PD12D71: 31, Pi20Ap75: 31-- P21Ap75s42 by convict servants, in N. C. , Pi270c74: 31--PD270c74: 31 by runaway servants, R10Ja71: 41 by slaves, 12Mr52: 22, 27Mr52: 22, 270c52: 22 executions for, PD22D68: 33 imprisonment for, PD20Oc68: 22, R15Ag71: 33.R26S71: 33 in Essex co. , Va. , PD16S73: 31 caused by unemployment in London, Eng. ,PD18Ap66:'23 convictions for, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD18Ap71: 31, PD9My71: 31-- R9My71:33 executions for, 5My38: 41, 2N39: 41, PD23F69:33,R14D69: 23, PD27Je71: 32, P23Ag76: 32 in N. Y. ,PD17Ag69: 13 in Williamsburg, Va. , 6My37: 32, 1J137: 42, 13Je51: 32, 12D51: 32, 10Je52: 32. 15D52: 31, 7N54: 22, 14N55: 21. 30N59: 31, 4N63: 21, PD4J166: 22. PD11D66: 23, PD7My67: 31, PDUJe67: 22, PD12N67: 21, PD10D67: 31, PD12Mv68: 23--R12My68: 21, PD16Je68: 23--R16Je68: 31, PD15D68: 23--R15D68: 21, PDllMy69s33--RllMy69: 32. PDlJe69: 23--RlJe69: 31, PD9N69: 22. R9N69: 23, R30N69: 23, PD13Je71: 23, PD7My72: 23 imprisonments for, 21J138: 32, PD20My73: 22 in Eng. estimated, P23Je75sll in Newgate, Eng. , PD17Je73: 22-- R17Je73:21 in Williamsburg, Va. , PDllJe67: 22, PD9My71: 31--R9My71: 33 in Gt. Brit. , PD22Ag71: 22 trials regulated by parliament, R6My73: 22 indictments for, in New Bern, N. C. , R2My71: 32 pardons for, in Williamsburg, Va. , 5N36: 42. 8Ag51: 32, 30Ap52: 22, PD18D66: 23, PD10N68: 22 punishment regulated by Lords, P13S76: 12 sentences for, 7N45: 31 in Williamsburg. Va. , 20Oc38: 32, 3N38: 61, PD220c67: 21 suspect of, 4N63: 22 trials for, 240c55: 21, PD23Ap67: 23, R31Mr68: 34. R14J168: 33, R14D69: 23. PD170c71: 22, P10Mr75: 33 in N. C. , PD12Ag73: 21 in Williamsburg, Va. , 210c37: 32, 18Ap51: 31, 13Je51: 32, HOc51: 31, 170c51: 31, 12Je52: 21, 30Ap52: 22, 20Oc52: 21, 18Ap55: 22, PD18Ap66: 31, PD13Je66: 21, PD170c66: 31, PDllJe67: 22, PD220c67: 21, PD10D67: 31, PD21Ap68: 23, PD20Oc68: 22, R20Ap69: 23, R190c69: 33,R19Ap70: 23. PD25OC70: 22, PD13D70: 22-- R13D70: 23, PD13Je71: 23 whipping for, R8Ap73: 33 Felons, deserters prosecuted as, 26S55:31 imported, PD18Ap66: 33 Felt, Joshua, D27My75: 31 Nathaniel, D24F76: 22 Felt hats, for sale, 12F62: 42 in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72: 31 in Charles City co. , Va. , PD1S74: 32 in Cobham, Va. , P29S75: 33-- Pi50c75: 33, P4J177: 31 in Fredericksburg, Va. ,D26Mr79: 22 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23, R15N70:31--PD22N70:23 in Smithfield, Va. . C3J179: 31 in Surry co. , Va. , PD6Je71: 32-- R20Je71: 42 in Urbanna, Va. , P21Ag78: 13 in West Point, Va. , P160c78: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD60c68: 31-- R6Oc68:23,PD15F70:41, PD19D71: 32, PD290c72: 22-- R290c72: 22, D26Ag75: 32, PlAg77: 23 in Yorktown, Va. , PD25F68: 31-- R25F68: 31 imported to York district, Va. , from Isle of May, Scot. , 13J139: 41, 2N39: 31, 25Ja40: 4 from London, Eng. . 13J139: 41, 2N39: 31.25Ja40:4 Feltom, Eleanor. 18Ap55: 22 Felton, Lt. , treatment of by Ethan Allen. D17F76: 22 Felts, Aaron, 2S57: 42 Female coterie, of London, Eng. , PD13S70s21 Female disorders, cure for, PD30My71: 23, PD10S72: 23 Fencers, See Indentured servants as Fencing, fees in Rev. Booth's academy, PD27N66: 23 teachers adv. for scholars, at King William courthouse, Va. , D17J179: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , D17J179: 32, D13N79: 22, 20Mr52sl2 in Yorktown, Va. , Pi30Mr75: 33 Fencing bouts, in London, Eng. , PD24My70: 12 Fencing masters, D22My79: 22 Fendall, Benjamin, 20J139: 42, 240c51:31 Philip Richard, PD29J173: 23 Fendant, Fr. man of war,D17J179: 11 Fenders, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD26D71:31--R6F72:42 See also Brass fenders; Wire fenders Fenelon, [Francois de Salignac de la Mothe], author, 9S37: 31, 24My51: 32 Fenn, Thomas, jr. , P16My77s21 Fennel, Capt. , 16Ja46: 32 Fennel seeds, for sale, in Richmond, Va. ,D9S75: 32,D3F76:33 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD21S69: 41-- R21S69s21 substitute for tea, PD13Ja74: 12 Fenner, Gen. , in battle of Germantown, Pa. ,D170c77: 11 Thomas, D29J176: 52 adv. finding money, D8Je76: 71 adv. for missing letter, PD3Je73: 32 adv. for runaway slave, PD8J173: 33, PD2S73:31.D170c77: 21 adv. merchandise for sale, PD6Je71: 32--R20Je71: 42 adv. ordinary and ferry, PD16Ap72: 32, PD4Ag74: 31--R4Ag74: 32, PD17N74: 23 publishes account of watch sale, PD18N73: 23 385 Fenner (cont'd) William, Lt. ,D3F76:41 Fenner, Cocke &, PD21D69: 31 Fenney, Christopher, Capt. , of the Frances, 22S52: 32 William, P18Ag75: 42 Fennugreek, seeds of, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD21S69: 41 — R21S69s21 Fenning, [Daniel], author, PD25F68: 41, PD29N70: 21, PD13D70: 42, PD17Ja71: 42, PD24Ja71: 42, PD7F71: 42, PD21F71: 42, PD7Mr71: 42, PD21Mr71: 42, PD28Mr71: 42, PD18J171: 32, PD18J171: 33, PD25J171: 42, PD25J171: 43, PDlAg71: 42, PDlAg71: 43, PD8Ag71: 42, PD8Ag71: 43, PD17S72: 22, PD10Je73: 31, PD10Je73:33,D25N75: 11, D30D75: 11, D24F76: 43, D2Mr76: 41, D2Mr76: 43, D9Mr76: 41, D9Mr76: 43, D25My76: 43, D24Ag76: 61, D3Ja77: 42, D17Ja77: 42 Fenton, Capt. , of the Carrick, PD1J173: 21 [Elijah], author, PD29Ag71: 33 John, R15D68: 11, D24Ap79: 31 Fentress, Hezekiah, 2S57: 41 Moses, 15D52: 32 Nehemiah,D28Mr77: 21 Fenwick, Mr. , horse of, 250c65s42 John, 9Mr39: 31 Fenwicke, Edward, R26My74: 23 Feose, John B. ,D12Mr79: 31— C15My79: 33 Feran, Mark, Capt. , R12Mr72: 22 Ferdenando, Spanish ship,D[250c?]76: 52 Fergus, Capt. , D23Mr76: 31, D20Ap76: 23 Robert, PD12Mr67: 32--R12Mr67: 22 William, D3F76: 33 Ferguson, Capt. , of the Absent Friend, PD29Ap73: 21 of the Adventure, 11J146: 31 of the Commerce, PD16Je74: 21 of the Earl of Donegall, PD3Ag69: 22 of the Furnace, 11S46: 22 of the Furnace Bomb, 11S46: 31 of Tobago, PD10Oc71: 23 tried for murder, R25Ja70: 23, PD7F71: 13--R7F71:21 Mr. , professor at William and Mary, PD24Ag69: 32 Adam, author, PD2My71: 32— R30My71:31,,R2My71:23, R5S71:33,PD10Je73: 31, PD10Je73: 33 opposes conciliation with colonies, P19Ap76:21,DllMy76:ll to write book on Roman history, R26Ag73: 13 writes peace commissioners' proclamation, D26F79: 11 Alexander, R25My69: 41 Archibald, PD170c71: 31 Colin, 4N63: 41,4N63:43 David, R19Ap70: 23, PD10F74: 32 David, Capt. , PD14Mr71: 23 Edward, P14N77: 33 Henry, P23My77: 42 [James], author, PD25F68: 41, PD7J168: 31, PD29N70: 21, PD13D70: 42, PD3Ja71: 42, PD17Ja71: 42, PD24Ja71: 42, PD7F71: 42, PD21F71: 42, PD7Mr71: 42, PD21Mr71: 42, PD28Mr71: 42, PD18J171: 23, PD25J171: 33, PDlAg71: 41, PD8Ag71: 41, PD17S72: 21, PD13My73: 33, PD10Je73: 31, D25N75: 11, D30D75:11 deserter, 12D55: 32 plantation of for sale, PD29Je69: 42 John, PD9J172: 31 adv. for missing horse, 2My55: 32 adv. land for sale, PD29D68: 31— R5Ja69: 32, PD6Ag72: 31 adv. slaves for sale, PD26Mr67: 31 agent for John Carter, R19Ap70: 23 tea factor for Georgetown, Md. , R1S74: 23 Nimrod, PD23My71: 31, P3F75: 43 Obadiah, P14N77: 33, D19D77: 32, D12Mr79: 32 [Patrick], Major, C21Oc80: 12 Peter, 2S57: 42, Robert, 25Ap55: 31, PD24N74: 23 Robert, Rev. Mr. , 19D51: 32, 30Ap52:31 Walter, D28F77: 32 William, PD4N73: 31, R3Mr74: 41, D21Je75: 23 [William], Lt. , D2My77: 31 Se e also Farguson Fergusson, David, jr. , D29J175: 42 John, P17Ja77: 32 adv. finding gold watch, D8Ja80: 42 adv. land for sale, R29Ap73: 31, PD5Ag73: 23 — R5Ag73: 23 adv. plantation for lease, Pil2Ja75: 33— D14Ja75: 32 adv. property for sale, PD29Je69: 32-- R29Je69: 32 adv. settlement of estate, PD23My66: 32 appointed to committee for Williamsburg, Va. , Pi9N75: 33 collector for estate, of Mrs. Tate, D27S76: 12— P27S76sl3 Robert, PD30Oc66: 23, R3My70: 31 Ferley, Stephen, PD20Ag72: 32 Le Ferme, French ship, D[250c?]76: 52 Fermey, Thomas, 21Ag52: 31 Fermoy. Matthias Alexis Roche, de, Brig. Gen. , P6D76: 22, D24Ja77: 31— P24Ja77: 13, P25J177: 12, PlAg77sl2, D22Ag77: 21, P240c77: 21 Fernald, Dennis, PD1J173: 31 George, PD17Ja71: 13 Fernandez is. , held by French, 7J138: 31 Fernandis, [James], Ensign, P13S76: 23— D14S76: 32 Fernando, Benjamin, PD3Mr74:-32 Juan, Don, 11J145:32 Ferney, Thomas, PD4Ag74: 31 Ferr, John, alias of Charles Phillis, P7Mr77s22 Ferrara, It. , See Austrian army to; Jesuits granted asylum in Ferrell, Dennis, PDllAp71: 33 William, 17J152: 32 Ferrell' s bridge, N. C. , D23Ja78: 32 Ferrers, earl of, [Washington Shirley], P28Ap75: 13, D3F76: 12, D18Ap77: 31 Ferret, for sale, in Cabin Point, Va. , D18J177: 31 in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD25Ap66: 31 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , R8N70: 13 in Yorktown, Va. , P27D76: 32 Ferret, H. M. S. , 24Ja52: 31, PD5Mr67: 22 H. M. sloop, 30My51:21,R15S68: 23, D8Je76: 31 Ferriage, allowed tobacco inspectors, D8Ja80: 32 rates of, P10J178: 12 regulated by Va. general assembly, PD28D69: 23--R28D69: 23 Ferrie, Alexander, Capt. , of the Elliott, PD15Ja67: 31, PD26Mr67: 23, PD24S67: 13, PD26My68: 22— R26My68: 31, PD26My68: 23, PD4Ag68: 31, PD15S68: 23— R15S68: 24, PD8D68: 31, PD15D68: 23 Ferries, 4Ja40: 41, 16My51: 32, 6Je51: 32, 5Mr52: 32, 27Mr52: 31, 3Ap52: 31, 10Ap42: 32, 22My52: 32, 24J152: 41, 7N54s21, 2My55: 31, 2S57: 31, PDllAp66: 33, PD18Ap66: 33, PD25Ap66: 31, PD2My66: 22, PD23My66: 33, PD30My66: 31— R30My66: 32, PD13Je66: 21, PD20Je66: 32, PD20N66: 22, R4D66: 23, PD20N66: 23— R4D66: 33, PDUa67: 31— R19F67:42, PD15Ja67: 32, PD5F67:33--R19F67:41, PD7My67: 32, PD3S67: 31, PD24D67: 32, R14J168: 33, R22S68:32,R130c68:24, R270c68: 24, PD18My69: 32, R15Je69: 32, PD29Je69: 33, PD27J169: 41, PD3Ag69: 32, PD7S69: 31 — R7S69: 32, PD21S69: 31, R50c69: 31, R30N69: 32, PD7D69: 41, PD21D69: 23, PD22F70: 32— R22F70: 31, R15Mr70: 41 — PD22Mr70: 41, PDl9Ap70: 33, PD19J170: 33--R19J170: 33, RllOc70: 31, R1N70: 32, PD17S71: 32, PD10OC71: 31, PD270c71: 31, PD3!Oc71: 31— R310c71: 32, PD14N71: 22, PD21N71: 22, PD5D71:32,R23Ap72:31, PD14My72: 23, PDllJe72: 31, PD12N72:22, R19N72: 41, PD11F73: 22, PD25Mr73: 32, PDlAp73: 33, R22Ap73s21, PD10Je73: 23--R10Je73: 33, PD8J173: 32, PD29J173: 22, PD19Ag73: 21, PD30S73: 32, PD23D73: 23--R23D73: 33, PD2Je74: 32— R2Je74: 22, R16Je74: 31, PD1S74: 32, Pi5Ja75: 33— D7Ja75: 33, P24F75: 33, P17Mr75: 41 — D18Mr75: 11, P14Ap75: 31 — D15Ap75: 32, P21Ap75: 23 — D22Ap75: 32, PillMy75: 33 — D13My75: 12, P14J175s23, D30D75: 33, P26Ja76: 33, P2F76: 41, D6Ap76:33,P19Ap76:41, D20Ap76: 33, P26Ap76: 22, P31My76: 32, P26J176: 33, D24Ag76: 41, P30Ag76: 41, D20D76: 21, P17Ja77: 43, P13Je77: 32, P4J177: 41, P19S77: 13, D30c77: 42, P28N77sl2, P27Mr78: 12, PlMy78: 42, D10J178: 31, P21Ag78: 43, D6N78: 32, C3J179: 42, D20c79: 32, D160c79: 32, D26F80: 32 Ferries, adv. of, PD15F70: 42, PD280c73: 22, P5Ap76: 42, P1N76: 33— D8N76: 31 386 Ferries at Flower de Hundred, Va. . PD24S72: 22 at Sleepv hole. Va. . PD8Mr70: 32 at Swan's point. Va. . PD19JT70: 32, PD4Oc70: 31, PD16Ap72: 32 in Gloucester co. , Va. , R26Ja69: 31, P9My77: 43, P10J178: 12, P21Ag78: 13 in Hampton. Va. , D10J178: 31 in King and Queen co. , Va. , 17Mr38: 41, R22Mr70: 31, PD12Mr72: 32 in Portsmouth, Va. , PD28Ja73: 31 in Yorktown, Va. , PD7Ap74: 31 — R7Ap74: 32 on James river. Va. . P18J177sll on York river, Va. , R2F69: 22 Portsmouth, Va. , to Norfolk, Va. , R2F69: 23 as lottery prizes, PD23J167: 41 — R23J167: 32 at Boyd's hole. Va. . PD3N68: 31 at Flower de Hundred. Va. , PD170c66: 33, PD24S67: 23 at Hog island. Va. , 7N51: 31, PD27Je66: 32, PD80c72: 32— R80c72: 32, PD11N73: 23, PD29D74: 32 at Maycox, Va. , Pl60c78: 33 at Port Royal, Va. , 24Ap52: 22 at Swan's point, Va. . D22Ap75: 33, P23Ag76: 33,D18D79:31 at Westover, Va. , 7N51: 31, P160c78: 33 bartered for tobacco. PD15Ap73: 32— R15Ap73: 23 between Boston, Mass. , and Charlestown, Mass. , D20Ja76: 21 between Fredericksburg, Va. , and Falmouth, Va. , PD16Ja72: 33 between N. J. , and Staten island, N. Y. , PD10Mr68: 22--R10Mr68: 31 between Whitestone. N. Y. . and New York City. PD7Ja68: 32 established by Va. general assembly, PD23Ap72:'ll. PD140c73: 23 — R210c73: 23 for lease, in Pittsylvania co. , Va. , R2My71: 33 for rent, PD16Mr69: 32, R7D69: 31. R29N70: 22, P30Ag76: 33, P22N76: 33 at Boyd's hole, Va. . Pi9F75: 33 — D11F75:31 at Flower de Hundred, Va. , R260c69: 31— PD2N69: 41 at King's mill, Va. , PD2S73: 23 at Swan's point, Va. . PD4Ag74: 31, D13N79: 31 at Williams' warehouse, Va. , PD2Ap72: 32— R23Ap72: 13 in Charles City co. , Va. , PilON74: 32 in Cobham, Va. , PD7My72: 32, PD2D73: 22— R2D73: 23, D5D77: 21 in Falmouth, Va. , PD17Mr68: 32 in Gloucester co. , Va. , PD8D74: 23 in Halifax co. , Va. , PD21N71: 23 in Jamestown, Va. , P160c78: 31 in Nansemond co. , Va. , PD30Oc66: 32 in Norfolk co. , Va. , C30Oc79: 23 in Prince George co. . Va. . PD30J172: 31, P30c77: 32, D20N79: 32 in Tappahannock, Va. ,D160c79: 31 — C30Oc79: 33 near Alexandria, Va. , PilJe75: 41 near Fredericksburg, Va. , P27Mr78: 32 near Leedstown, Va. , PD14Ja73: 32 on James river. Va. . R23J167: 42. D13N78: 22 for sale, at Rocky Ridge, Va. . PD24S72. 22 in Essex co. , Va. ,R220c72: 32, PD290c72: 23 in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD21Ap68: 31, PD6Ag72: 31, PD15Ap73: 32 — R15Ap73: 23 in King George co. , Va. , PD18J171: 22— R18J171:32 in Stafford co. , Va. , PD9Je74: 32— R9Je74: 21 in Warwick co. , Va. , P29N76. 33 near Williamsburg, Va. , PD27J169: 11--R27J169: 31 on Dan river, Va. , D11S79: 32 on James river, Va. , R23J167: 42, PD13D70: 31— R13D70: 32, PD2Ag71: 22--R8Ag71: 23, PD7N71: 22--R21N71:31, PD19N72:31 — R19N72: 21 in Amherst co. , Va. , D10J178: 41 in Anteon co. , N. C. , DH20J176: 51 in Augusta co. , Va. , R23Je68: 31 in Bedford co. , Va. , P1N76: 42, D6Je77. 32,DlMy79:31 in Bertie co. , N. C. , PD5N72: 33 in Boston, Mass. . PD23Je74: 13 — R23Je74: 23, P8S75s21 in Botetourt co. , Va. , D24Ap78: 31 in Bristol, R. I. , PH4S75: 12 in Brooklyn, N. Y. , P5Ap76: 23 in Brunswick co. , Va. , PD15J173: 33, R18N73: 23 in Buckingham co. , Va. , R2My71: 42 in Bute co. , N. C. , D4Mr75: 32— Pi9Mr75:33,D20J176:51 in Cappahosick, Va. , 8S38: 42, D26F79: 31 in Caroline co. , Va. , 18Ag38: 42 in Charles City co. , Va. , 22Ap57: 42, R3Mr68: 33--PD10Mr68: 32, P115D74: 32--PD15D74: 32, D7Ja75: 33, P16F76: 33, D8N76: 31 — P8N76: 31, D12D77: 21, D26D77: 12 in Charles co. , Md. , PD18Ap66: 31 in Charlotte co. , Va. , PD9My71: 33 in Charlottetown, Prince Edward is. , Can. ,R21J168: 14 in Chesterfield co. , Va. , R18Je71: 43, PD10Oc71: 32, PD4Mr73: 33, PD12Ag73: 31, PD270c74: 23 in Cobham, Va. , PD17F74: 31 in Colchester, Va. , Pi31Ag75: 32— P8S75: 32, P28N77: 23 in Cumberland co. , Va. , 4N63: 22, PD16Ag70: 33, PD9Je74: 32 in east Fla. , PD3D67: 23 in Essex co. , Va. , 15My46: 42, R310c71: 33, PD2D73: 23--R2D73: 23, PllAp77: 21 in Fairfax co. , Va. , R190c69: 42 in Falmouth, Va. , PD2Ap67: 22, PD14My67: 23, PD6Ag67: 23 in Fincastle co. , Va. , P30Je75s23 in Frederick, Md. , P5Je78: 32 in Frederick co. , Md. , PD30Ja72: 33 — R6F72: 32 in Frederick co. , Va. , PD170c71: 31 — R17Oc71:32,Dl9F80: 31 in Fredericksburg, Va. , 9My45: 42, PD2Je68: 23, R2F69: 32. PD220c72: 22 in Gloucester co. , Va. , 28Mr51: 41, R19F67: 33, PD30Je68: 31 — R30Je68: 31, P21Ag78: 13 in Goochland co. , Va. , 16My55: 21, R12Mr67: 43, R27Ap69: 31," PD1N70: 23--R1N70: 23, RlAg71: 21, PD5N72: 33, PD8S74: 32, P4Ap77: 43, P30My77:43,D9Oc79:32 in Halifax co. , N. C , PllAp77s43 — Dl8Ap77: 11 in Halifax co. , Va. , 12F62: 42, 4N63: 43, PD5My68: 31, , R9F69: 32, PDllMy69s33, R14D69: 32, PD310c71: 31, PD80c72: 33, D11F75: 31, Pi23F75: 33, DllMr75: 32, P10My76sl2, D19S77: 41 — P26S77: 31, P170c77: 42, D19D77: 22, D12Je79: 41, D160c79:32 in Hanover co. , Va. , 18Ag38: 42, PD10Ja71: 42 in Henrico co. , Va. , 1D38: 42, PD13Je66: 32, R21J168: 33, PD10F74: 32, P29Mr76: 33 in James City co. , Va. , PD29Je69: 33, PD2N69: 11--R2N69: 11, PD26D71: 32, PD29Ap73: 22, PD23S73: 32, PD4N73: 23, P10My76sl2, D24Ap79: 31, D22My79: 41, C6N79: 32, D8Ja80: 33 In Jamestown, Va. . PD30S73: 32, R30S73: 33, PD2D73: 23, PD17F74: 31 in King and Queen co. , Va. , 17Mr38: 41, 12S51: 32, 20Mr52: 22, 5S55: 42, 19S55: 41, R24D67: 34, R16N69: 32, PD16Ap72: 32 in King George co. , Va. , 21Ap38: 42, 4Ag38: 41, 15My52: 32, PDllAp71: 32— R2My71: 41, PD18J171: 22— R18J171: 32, D31Ja77: 71--P14F77: 32 in King William co. , Va. , 18Ag38: 42, 4J151: 41, 22Ap57: 42, R25My69: 33, PD16N69: 31 — R16N69: 23, PD8N70: 23, PD10Ja71: 33 — R10Ja71:31,PD17S71:32, PD14N71:23,R21N71:32, R12Mr72: 33, PD12My74: 43, DHOc76:62,P21F77: 31, DllAp77:72, P15Ag77: 31, D26D77: 21, D4D78: 31, D9Ap79: 32 in Lancaster co. , Va. , PD290c67: 22, R12Mr72: 33 in Leedstown, Va. , 8Ag51: 41 in Loudoun co. , Va. , R4F68: 41, P12D77: 33 in Mecklenburg co. , Va. , PD21Ap68: 23— R28Ap68: 32, R20J169: 31.R30N69: 32, R12J170:42,PD12S71:32, PD19N72: 31— R19N72: 22, PD29J173: 23, PD140c73: 23 — R210c73: 23, P19J176: 43, P23Ag76: 43. P29Ag77: 41, D5Mr79: 32 in Middlesex co. , Va. , PD290c67: 23 in Nansemond co. , Va. , 4N63: 23, D14Mr77: 71. C28Ag79: 31 in N. J. , D27Je77: 21, P27Je77: 22, D19Mr79: 22 in New Kent co. . Va. , 26Ag37: 42, PD14F71: 32— R14F71: 32, D4F75: 33, P23Je75: 23, P10Oc77: 32, P7N77sl3— D7N77:31 in N. Y. , P27S76sll, D1N76: 22 — P1N76: 22, P22N76: 22, D29N76: 22— P29N76: 12, C3J179: 21.D31J179: 21 in New York City. R22S74: 32 in Norfolk co. , Va. , R3N68: 32 in N. C. , 12Mr52: 31. PD5My68: 31, 387 Ferries, in N. C. (cont'd) D8Ag77: 31 in Northampton co. , N. C. , PD17S71: 32, P5Ap76: 42 in Pa. , P5Je78: 21 in Port Royal, Va. , P30My77: 13, D8My78: 82 in Portsmouth, Va. , PD5S71: 32 in Prince George co. , Va. , 5Mr52: 31, R12Mr67: 31, PD12Mr67: 33, PD14Ap74: 31 in Prince Georges co. , Md. , R1S74: 33 in Prince William co. , Va. , 7N54s22, R18OC70: 32 in R. I. , D28F77: 21, D4D78: 21 in Richmond co. , Va. , HMy39: 42, PD27F72: 32—R27F72: 31 in St. Stephen's parish, S. C. , PD14Ja73: 32 in South Amboy, N. J. , P12J176sll in S. C. , D2Ap79: 22, D9Ap79: 21, D29My79: 22 in Southampton co. , Va. , PD12S66: 31, P28Je76: 32, D28Mr77: 32 in Stafford co. , Va. , D10J178: 22 in Va. , PDlAg71: 21, PD12S71: 31, PD18Mr73: 23— R18Mr73: 31, D3Je75- 31— PilJe75: 31, D27D76: 22-- P3Ja77: 21, P20S76: 22--D21S76: 22, D4J177:41— P4J177: 12 in West Point, Va. , PD7Ap68: 32 in Westmoreland co. , Va. , R290c72: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD14Ja73: 32 in York co. , Va. , PD14Ja68: 32, PD25F68: 23— R3Mr68: 33, PD20Ja74:32,D6N79:32 in Yorktown, Va. , 310c45: 32, PD25F68: 31— R25F68: 31, PD310c71: 23, PD9D73: 23— R9D73: 22 near Charleston, S. C. , C3J179: 22— D3J179: 12 near Drummond's neck, Va. , P24Mr75: 42 near Halifax, N. C. , PD15Ag66: 32, PD16My71: 31— R23My71: 33 near Nansemond, Va. ,D17F76: 32 near Norfolk, Va. , PD5S66s33 near Williamsburg, Va. , R19N72: 42, PD6My73: 23, R19Ag73: 22, PD18N73: 22, PD28Ap74: 32, PD19My74: 43, PD24N74: 31, D2My77: 71, P9My77: 41, C15My79: 33 on Bouquet river, N. Y. , P26J176: 21 — D29J176:41,D29J176:22 on Bowling creek, Va. , RllMy69: 43 on Charles river, Mass. ,D20Ja76: 22 on Chickahominy river, Va. , R19F67: 32,R29S68:24 on Chowan river, N. C. , PD12Mr67: 33, PD21J168: 32 on Conanicut is. , R. I. , D2S75: 22, P5Ja76(5)sl2— D6Ja76: 31— Pi6Ja76: 22 on Corotoman river, Va. , R17N68: 31 on Dan river, Va. , PD4F73: 31 — R4F73: 23 on Delaware river, P17My76: 32, P17Ja77: 21, P19Je78: 21,D17J178: 12 on Fluvanna river, Va. , PD21Ap68: 23, P18J177sll on James river, Va. , 29My46: 41, 7Mr51:32,PD3Mr68:31, PD28Ap68: 31 — R28Ap68: 31, R16N69: 33, PD7F71: 23, R20My73: 22, D25Mr80: 31 on Long island, N. Y. , D13Ja76: 31, D10Ag76: 52 on Mattapony river, Va. , PD4J171: 31— R18J171: 41, PD3F74: 32— R10F74: 33, Pi9D75: 41 — D11N75:33 — P17N75sl3, D20J176: 42, P8Ag77: 33, P12S77: 33, P170c77: 33, P240c77: 31, P27Mr78: 41 on Meherrin river, Va. , PD7My67: 33, PD29N70: 23 on Moorcock creek, Va. , 23D37: 42 on Nansemond river, Va. , D21F77: 12— P21F77: 32 on North river, N. Y. , D25My76: 31, P18J177sll on Pagan creek, Va. , 24Ap52: 22 on Pamunkey river, Va. , 10Je37: 42, 18Ag38: 42, R26Ap70sll, PD21F71: 32- R21F71: 32, PD19N72: 23--R19N72: 23, PD9Je74: 31--R9Je74: 21, D90c78: 42— P160c78: 43 on Perdido river, Fla. , PD13Ag67: 22 on Potomac river, Va. , PD30My66: 43, R30My66: 43, PD13N66: 31, R24Mr68: 34, PD29J173: 31 — R5Ag73: 33, P19My75s41, P7Mr77: 31, P9My77: 23, D12D77: 11— P12D77: 22, D24Ap78: 31 on Quantico creek, Va. , R23Ap72: 13 on Rappahannock river, Va. , PD13N66: 21, PDlJa67: 23, PD17Mr68: 32, PD290c72: 23, PD28J174: 33, D16My77: 21 — P23My77: 13 on Rivannah river, Va. , P18J177sll on Roanoke river, 23F39: 41, R8Ag66: 32, PD30Oc66: 31, PD26Mr67: 31, PD7My67: 33, PD30J167: 33, PD24Mr68: 33— R24Mr68: 34, PD28Ap68: 31— R28Ap68: 31, R12My68: 33, PD7F71: 31, PD7N71: 31 — R21N71: 33, PD25Ag74: 32, P110c76:32, P310c77: 32, D17J178:41,D160c79:32, C30Oc79: 23,D19F80: 32 on Staten island, N. Y. , D20J176: 21, D20J176:31,D27N78: 22 on Staunton river, Va. , PD6N66: 23, R16Je68: 33, R270c68sl3, PD21S69: 32, RllAg74: 32, D27My75: 41, D7Mr77: 42, P8Ag77: 42 on Susquehanna river, HMr37: 41, P7Mr77sl4 on Tar river, N. C. , 23F39: 41 on York river, Va. , 23Mr39: 41, PD80c67: 21, R19Ap70: 32, D17Je75: 33, C15My79: 32, C30Oc79: 31 regulated by Va. general assembly, 24S36: 32, 22D38: 22, 17Ap46: 22, PD2Je74: 31 rent of, postponed, in Cobham, Va. , PD23D73: 23— R23D73: 33 signals for, 28Mr51: 41, PD30My66: 43 wanted to rent, PD18Oc70: 23 Ferries, free, in King George co. , Va. , 9My45: 42 in Mecklenburg co. , Va. , P4Ap77: 43 Ferries, lease of, for sale, at Hog island, Va. , PD11N73: 23 Ferries, mortgaged, for sale, in Mecklenburg co. , Va. , R26J170: 22 Ferris, Isaac, P18Ap77s22 William, jr. , PD6My73: 32 Ferrit, sloop of war, PD9je68: 22 Ferrol, Sp. , fortified by Spain, PDHMr73:22 See also Exports from; Imports to; Spanish army in; Spanish navy from; Spanish navy in; Spanish navy to Havana, Cuba, from Ferry lots, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD15Ap73: 32— R15Ap73: 23 Ferryboats, adv. for, at Kings mill, Va. ,D12Je79:32 for sale, at Burwell's ferry, Va. , PD7D69: 41 in Cobham, Va. , D5D77: 21 in Essex co. , Va. , PD290c72: 23 in Hampton, Va. , PD2Je74: 31 found, adv. of, PD6Je71: 32 lost, adv. for,D26F80: 13 Ferrybridge, Eng. , See Robberies near Ferryhouses, in Jamestown, Va. , Pi2N75: 32— D4N75: 31 Ferryland, Nfd. , See British navy Ferrymen, adv. for, at Swan's point, Va. ,D18D79:31 in Tappahannock, Va. , P5Je78: 11 See also Slaves as Ferson, Von, PD70c73: 22 Fertilizer, methods for considered in Denmark, R11F68: 14 swamp mud used as, PD10c67: 22 Feskin, James, PD20Je71: 33 Peter, PD20Je71: 33 Festivals, described, PD24Ja71: 13 in Chiaia, It. , 17N38: 22 in Edinburgh, Scot. , PD7D69s21 in Eng. , PD17Ag69: 32 in Litchfield, Eng. , PD22S74: 31 in Naples, It. , PD14My72: 13 in Stratford upon Avon, Eng. , PD21S69s21, R9N69: 11, PD7D69: 12, PD28D69: 12, PD26S71: 22 on St. Andrews day, in Hanover co. , Va. , 26N36: 41, 70c37: 31, 9D37: 41, 14D39: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , 3D36: 41 on St. George's day, in Annapolis, Md. , 15My46: 32 Fetters, on indentured servants, 18Ap45: 42 on prisoners, D24Ap78: 31--PlMy78: 42 Feudalism, in Bohemia, PilOAg75: 22 in Denmark, PD21Ap68: 13 Fever, among British army, in Can. , D180c76: 12— P180c76: 21 cure for, 2S57: 32, PD7Ap68: 31, PD8Je69: 32, PD30My71: 23, PD13Ag72: 22, PD10S72: 23, Pi23N75: 33, D3Ag76: 32--P6S76: 42 in Antigua, W. I. , 20Oc38: 22 in Dominica, W. I. , PD10D67: 23 in Ger. , PD22Ap73: 13— R22Ap73sll in Guadeloupe, W. I. , PD28J168: 22 in Hispaniola, W. I. , PD29Ag71: 21 in Lewis islands, Scot. , PD14Ja73: 22 in N. Y. prison camps, D27Je77: 12 in Norfolk co. , Va. , PD20Ap69: 23 388 Fifes in Paris, Fr. , 11F37:22 in Princess Anne co. , Va. , PD20Ap69: 23 in Rochefort, Belg. , R10Je73: 32 in Scot. , PDllMr73: 13 in Trinity, Martinique, W. I. , PD5S71:31--R5S71: 23 on British ships, PDlAp73: 23 on Dutch ships, in Portsmouth, Eng. , PD7F71: 21 on ships. PD7F71: 13--R7F71: 22, R21N71: 21 Fever, jail, D17J179: 31 in Annapolis, Md. , PD5F67: 31 in Md. , PD23J167: 31 Fever, pestilential, in Bohemia, RlAp73: 11 in Hungary, RlAp73: 11 in Moravia, RlAp73: 11 in Transylvania, RlAp73: 11 Fever, purple, in Den. , PD25Je67: 21 Fever, West Indian, cure for, PD17N68: 11--R24N68: 41 Feversham, Eng. , See Food poisoning in; Murders in; Shipwrecks off Feversham, H. M. S. , 11J146: 31, 24Ja52: 22 Few, James, R2My71: 32, PD7N71: 12 William, PD5S71: 31--R5S71: 23 Fewqua, Joseph, 2S57: 42 Fey, Jane, PD2F69: 23 Ficklin, Anthony, C3J179: 43 William, 18S46: 41 Fiddes, Christopher. R190c69s22 [Richard], author, 24My51: 32 Fiddle contests, 26N36: 41 Fiddle makers, See Slaves as Fiddle strings, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD15F70: 41, PD12D71: 32, PD23Ap72: 23-- R23Ap72: 13, D28N77: 22, D160c79: 11 Fiddle strings, Roman, for sale, in Richmond, Va. , PD310c71: 23-- R310c71:32 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD3D67: 32, PDllAp71: 32 Fiddles, exported from Accomac district, Va. , to Boston, Mass. , PD22D68:31 for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PDllAp66: 41, PD25F68: 23-- R3Mr68: 34, PD28S69: 31, R8N70: 13, PDllAp71:32 imported to Accomac district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , PD270c68: 42 imported to Va. , from Boston, Mass. , PD270c68: 42 made by slaves, P23My77: 13 played by indentured servants, 13Ja38:41, 19My38: 41 played by slaves, 27Mr46: 42, PD7My67: 33, PD18Ag68: 32, PD9Mr69: 41--R9Mr69: 33, PD21D69: 33, PD8Mr70: 33, PD19J170: 41, R2Ag70: 32, R1N70: 31,PD18J171:23, R18J171: 41, PD14My72: 31, PD24Je73: 33, PD22J173: 33, PD17F74: 32. R30Je74: 33, D28Ja75: 32, P3F75: 43, P26Ap76: 23, D9My77: 32, P9My77: 41, D170c77: 21, D26F79: 32. D19Mr79: 31-- C15My79:43 taken by slaves. 5My38: 41, PD4My69: 33 Fiddles, toy, for sale, in Richmond, Va. , PD5N72sll--R5N72: 22 Fiddlesticks, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD4Je67: 33, PD3D67: 32, PD28S69: 31, PDllAp71: 32 Fidelio, pseud. , PD21Je70: 41-- R12J170: 22 Fidelity, ship. D14Ja75: 23 Fidler, William, P14N77: 33 Field, Capt. , PD30Ap67: 31 arrested for forgery, PD23N69: 21 of the Royal George, 13Je45: 21 of the Two Sisters, R26N72: 21 Mr. , PD13Ag72: 22. P21N77: 22 imprisoned in Halifax jail, N. C. , P22Mr76: 12--D23Mr76: 32 tailor of Boston, Mass. , PD5Ap70:23--R5Ap70:32 Mrs. , death of in Salem, Mass. , PD270c74: 22 Alice, PD170C71: 22 H. ,R6My73s22 Henry, 22Ap57: 32, P26Ap76s23, D250c76: 42,D13D76:42 Henry, jr. , R9N69: 11, R15N70: 22, R14J174: 32, PD4Ag74: 23, DlAp75: 21, P13S76: 32--D14S76: 72 James. PD14Je70: 32, D18Mr80: 32 James, Dr. , D8Ap75: 32, D26D77: 31 John, PD6Ag67: 32, PD19My74: 43, P24F75:41 John, Capt. , PD20Oc74s21 John, Col. ,Pil0N74:23,PD10N74:41, D7F77: 21--P7F77: 32 John, Mrs. , 2N39: 12 Joseph, Capt. , PD9Je68: 23 Nehemiah, D27Ap76: 41, D22Ag77: 21-- P22Ag77: 22 Samuel, PD270c74: 21 Stephen, Pi23F75: 32, D4Mr75: 23, P18Ap77s33 Theophilus, adv. for lost hats, 24Ap52: 31 adv. for teacher, 12D45: 42, 27Mr52: 31, PD14Je70:32 adv. land for sale, PD2My66: 31 adv. property for sale, PD3Mr74: 31 death of, Pi5Ja75: 32--D7Ja75: 23 merchant at Boiling's point, Va. , PD20My73: 23 unclaimed merchandise of, 9Ja46: 41 Thomas, 17D36: 42, 25F37: 42, D9Mr76: 31, P27Je77: 42, P3Ap78: 31-- D8My78: 62 Thomas, Rev. Mr. , PillMy75: 33-- D13My75: 33, P29Mr76: 32-- D30Mr76: 33, D18My76: 22-- P24My76: 42, D28Mr77: 72-- P28Mr77s22 William, P250c76: 32 William, Capt. , P11J177: 33, P25J177: 32 See also Feild Field & Call, PD4N73: 23, D13N78: 12 accounts of factors to be examined, DllMr75: 21 adv. for ship's cargo, PD20Ap69: 31-- R20Ap69: 31 adv. land for sale, PD9My71: 33 adv. merchandise for sale, PD14Ja68: 32, PD8Mr70: 33, PD18Oc70: 31-- R18Oc70: 22, PD290c72: 21-- R290c72:31 defendant in Chancery court, R20My73: 23 payment of debts due requested, D6Ap76: 33 Field artillery, for Burgoyne's army, DHOc76: 31 Field hands, See Slaves as Fielding, Capt. , of the Diamond, D[250c?]76: 52--P250c76: 11 of the Kent, PD8S74: 22--R8S74: 32 Comdr. , of the Kent, PD2S73: 12-- R2S73: 13 Henry, books for sale in Va. . 10Je37: 22, PD29N70: 21, PD13D70: 42, PD3Ja71: 42, PD17Ja71: 42, PD24Ja71: 42, PD7F71: 42, PD21F71: 42, PD7Mr71: 42, PD21Mr71: 42, PD28Mr71: 42, R20Je71: 42, PD18J171: 32, PD25J171: 42, PDlAg71: 42, PD8Ag71: 42, PD17S72: 21, PD10Je73: 33, D25N75: 21, D30D75: 13 child named for, D26F79: 21 short stories reprinted, PD28F71: 11 John, Sir, PD27J169: 31 Lewis, P16F76s22 Fieldpieces, arrive in Williamsburg, Va. ,D30Mr76:32 captured by Americans in Germantown, Pa. , P170c77: 21 in Redbank, N. J. , P7N77sl3 near Fort Schuyler, N. Y. ,D29Ag77: 12 captured by British in N. J. , D11J177: 21--P11J177: 23, P11J177: 32 captured from British in east Jersey, D24Ja77: 22--P24Ja77: 11 in Ticonderoga, N. Y. , PilJe75: 31 exported from Stetin, Pr. , to British colonies, N. Am. , D24Je75: 22 for British army in Boston, Mass. , Pi29Je75: 32, D1J175: 31 for Continental army, D1J175: 32 needed by British army in Va. , P26Ja76: 12 recaptured from British in N. J. , P11J177:33 Fields, Lt. , P26S77: 32 Messrs. , imprisoned in Halifax, N. C. , PlMr76: 32 Mr. , of Petersburg, Va. , PD60c68: 23 John, C30Oc79: 33 Thomas, PD29S68: 31 Fier, ship, PD23D73: 21 Fife, John, R26J170: 22, PD9Ja72: 31, PD9Ja72: 32, PD19Mr72: 23 Fife, teaching of, adv. , D17Je75s22 Fife co. , Scot. , See Herring plentiful in; Twins in Fife-majors, adv. for, P19J176: 33-- D20J176: 42 Fifers, adv. for, PllAg75: 33, Pi28S75: 32--P29S75: 33-- D30S75:33,P10N75:42 in seventh Va. regiment, P13Je77: 12 in sixth Va. regiment, R16Ag76: 33 Fifes, for Caroline co. , Va. troops, P130c75: 23 for sale, in Gloucester co. , Va. , P16Ag76: 33--D24Ag76: 72 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD12D71: 32 for Va. regiments, Pi28S75: 32-- P29S75:32--D30S75: 31 Fifes, German, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PDllAp71: 32 Fifes, regimental, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , D29J175: 33 389 Fifties Fifties, for sale, D19F80: 32 in Mecklenburg co. , Va. , D4Mr80: 33 Fig blue, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD25F68: 23--R3Mr68: 34, PD290c72: 22--R290c72: 22, PD11N73: 22, PD29S74: 32, Pi6Ap75: 42 Fig orchards, in Brunswick co. , Va. , 18Ap45:41 in St. Augustine, Fla. , PD30Ap67: 11 Fighting creek, Va. , See Slaves runaway from; Stealing Fights, in Eng. , PD21S69: 22 in Kennington, Eng. , R10Je73: 23 in London, Eng. , PD3N68: 11, PD15Je69: 21, R20J169: 11, R10Je73: 32, PD16D73: 21, PDllAg74:21 Figs, for sale, in Blandford, Va. , PD21F71:32 in Norfolk borough, Va. , 3J146: 41 in Petersburg, Va. , PD10Je73: 22, PD1J173: 32, PD14J174: 32 in Richmond, Va. , PD10S72: 23, PD17Je73: 33--R17Je73s23 in Williamsburg, Va. , 18Ap51: 32, PD18D66: 32--R25D66: 42, PDllJe67: 32, PD18Je67: 32, PD150c67: 22, PD17Ag69: 33 — R17Ag69: 23, R12J170: 31, PD15Ag71: 32— R15Ag71: 32, PD290C72-: 22— R290c72: 22, PD3Je73: 33— R3Je73: 23, PD10Je73: 22, PD4N73: 22— R4N73: 31, PD11N73: 22, Pi6Ap75: 42 Figs, candied, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD21S69: 33— R21S69s21 Figs, dried, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD270c68: 32--R270c68: 22 Figs, preserved, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD29S74: 32 Figs, Turkey, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD26My68: 23 Figueras, Sp. , See Shipwrecks in Figure, horse, R140c73: 31, PD20Oc74: 31, D13Ap76: 33— Pl9Ap76: 43, P7F77:32,PllAp77:21— D18Ap77: 71, P29Ag77: 32, P3Ap78: 31— D8My78: 62, D30Oc78: 41, C13My80: 41 race horse, Md. , R26My68: 33 stallion, P15Mr76: 31 Figure heads, on ships, D27My75: 42 Figures, Rebekah, PD28Ja68: 31 Richard, PD28Ja68: 31 Figures, ornamental, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22 Filbert trees, for sale, in Surry co. , Va. , 26S55: 32 File cutters, adv. for, at Hunter's iron works, Va. , D4J177: 12 File smiths, R30My66: 33 Filers, adv. for, at Hunter's iron works, Va. , P21Je76: 31— D22Je76: 32, D15N76: 22— P20D76: 22,D4J177: 12 Files, adv. for, in Petersburg, Va. , D13J176: 21 for sale, at Hunter's iron works, Va. , P21Je76: 31 — D22Je76: 32, D15N76: 22--P20D76: 22, D4J177: 12 in Edenton, N. C. , P160c78: 42 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Richmond, Va. , D30c77: 41 in Sussex co. , Va. , D19D77: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , 21Mr55: 41, PDllAp66: 41, PD4Je67: 33, PD3D67: 32, PDllAp71: 32, PD12D71: 32, PD220c72: 22— R220c72: 23, D10J178: 21 — P10J178: 33,D160c79: 11 imported to U. S. , from Nantes, Fr. , D18J177:21,P25J177: 11 seized by British on Boston Neck, Mass. ,R25Ag74: 13 taken by indentured servants, 17Ag39:32 unclaimed, adv. of, PD12F67: 32 See also Blacksmiths' files; Brass files; Goldsmiths' files; Shoemakers' files; Silversmiths' files; Smiths' files Files, counting house, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD10Je73: 34 Files, crosscut, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , P27Mr78: 12, P21Ag78: 42 in Smithfield, Va. , C3J179: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , DlMy79: 22 in York co. , Va. , P29My78: 31 in Yorktown, Va. , P20Mr78: 11 Files, crosscut saw, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , D8My78: 61 Files, hand, for sale, in Smithfield, Va. , C3J179: 31 Files, handsaw, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , P27Mr78: 12, D8My78: 61, P21Ag78: 42 in Williamsburg, Va. , DlMy79: 22 in York co. , Va. , P29My78: 31 in Yorktown, Va. , P20Mr78: 11, C13My80: 32 Files, pitsaw, for sale, in Smithfield, Va. , C3J179: 31 Files, rat tail, for Tories in Marinack, N. Y. ,D10F76:31 Files, whip, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , P27Mr78: 12 Files, whipsaw, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , D8My78: 61 in Williamsburg, Va. , DlMy79: 22 in York co. , Va. , P29My78: 31 in Yorktown, Va. , P20Mr78: 11, C13My80: 32 Files and laces, See Pasteboard files and laces Fillets, for sale, PD19Ap70s23 in Norfolk, Va. , PD22N70: 31 in Richmond, Va. , PD310c71: 23— R310c71: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , HOc51: 41, PD10Oc66: 33, PD10c67: 13, PD60c68: 31— R60c68: 23, PD13Ap69: 32— R13Ap69: 31, R13D70: 32, PD10Oc71: 31, PD170c71: 23, PD240c71: 31, PD23Ap72: 23— R23Ap72: 13, R150c72: 31, PD140c73: 23, R12My74: 32 Fillets, dressed, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD19Ap70s23 — R19Ap70: 31 Fillets, gauze, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD19Ap70s23 — R19Ap70: 31 Fillets, Italian, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD18My69: 31 — R25My69: 23 Fillets, plume, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD18My69: 31 — R25My69: 23 Fillikins, Abraham, 31J146: 51 Fillis, John, R25Mr73: 22 Filon, watchmaker of Paris, P20D76s22 P20D76s22 Filters, lost, adv. for, in Halifax co. , Va. ,PD23F69: 33 Final, Europe, claims to, 11J145: 22 Fincastle, Lord, in British colonies, PD20Ja74: 31, PD24F74: 31, PD3Mr74: 21— R3Mr74: 31 Fincastle, Va. , See Shawnees, skirmishes with in; Tories in Fincastle co. , Va. , burgesses elected, PD17Je73: 33— R17Je73s23, PD4Ag74: 23 census requested, P19Ap76p23 — D27Ap76: 33 Chancery court, R12My74: 42 committee, P22J175s41, P10N75: 41 committee of observation elected in, P10F75:32 divided by general assembly, D27D76:21--P3Ja77: 13 established, PD9Ap72: 32, PD23Ap72: 11 Indian attack on threatened, P2Ag76: 13 letter of thanks to Va. delegates to Continental congress, P10F75: 32 list of tithables for 1774 not returned, Pil8My75: 33 — P19My75s32 — D20My75: 33 praises Dunmore for war against Indians, Pi6Ap75: 31— D8Ap75: 31 sheriffs summons, R12My74: 42 See also British ministry opposed in; Buckeye tree timber; Cherokees, attack on in; Ferries in; Indians in; Indentured servants runaway from; Land for sale in; Lead mines in; Militia of; Mills in; Murders by Indians in; Robberies in; Shawnees, skirmishes with in; Surveyors in Finch, Capt. , of the Strombolo, D110c76: 12 Lord, killed in U. S. ,DlAg77: 11, P25J177: 21 Mr. , arrives in Sandy hook, N. J. , D29N76: 61 Abraham, 30J152: 22 Adam, C15My79:41 Agnes, PD18Je72: 33 Comfort, 28F55: 41 Henry, PH4S75: 31— D16S75: 32, P20Je77: 12, P20Je77: 13, D5D77:22— P5D77: 23 [Henry], author, 24My51: 32 John, Capt. , of the Whiting, 27Ag56: 32 Ralph, 30c51: 41, 310c51: 31, P170c77: 23 Ralph, Capt , of the Kitty, R31Mr68: 31, R12My68: 21 of the Providence, 21Ag52: 31 of the Whiting, 28Mr55: 32 William, PD18Je72: 33, P3My76: 33 Finch & Bacon, PilON74: 33, P18Ag75: 43 Finchley, Eng. , See Climate in; Highwaymen in Findly, James, 1 8Ap45: 41 Finers, adv. for in Williamsburg, Va. , PD6N66: 22— R4D66: 43 See also Slaves as 390 Fires Fines, for conspiracy, in Philadelphia, Pa. ,2Ja52: 32 for misdemeanors, PD170c71: 22 In Williamsburg, Va. , PD18Ap66: 31, PD13Je66: 21, PD10D67: 31, PD16D73: 22 — R16D73: 41 Fingers, The, See Shipwrecks on Finglass, Capt. , PD13Ag67: 21 Finks, William, Capt. , of the Experiment, 25J151: 11, 5S51: 12 Finland, James, D9D75: 33 Finland, army assembled in, PD7Ja73: 12 cession to Sweden proposed, D29Ag77: 11 relations with Sweden, PD10Je73: 12 supported by Fr. , PD24Je73: 11 See also Russian army to; Storms in; Swedish army in Finlater, Mr. , of Jamaica, PD14Ap74: 12— R14Ap74: 23 Finlay, Capt., of N. Y. privateer, D12F79: 32 Hugh, PD280c73: 21, PD14Ap74: 11, PD5My74: 12, PD26My74: 23— R26My74: 22, Pi24N74: 32 — PD24N74: 21 James, D16D75: 31 Thomas, Capt. , of the Molly and Peggy, PD22S74: 32 Finlay & company, ships tea to Md. , and Va. , R1S74: 23 Finley, D. , Dr. , at Portsmouth, Va. , P14N77:23 Mr. , of N. Y. , PD28My72: 23 Ebenezer, PD290c72: 12, PD290c72: 13 Samuel, Rev. Mr. , president of College of N. J. , PD4Je67: 31, PD25Je67: 23 Finn, Derby, alias of John Derby, PDllMy69s33— RllMy69: 32, PDlJe69: 23— RUe69: 31 Edward, D16S75: 33 Michael, 24Ap52: 21 Finney, John, 4Ja40: 12, PD6J169: 32, R13J169: 31,P5Je78:32 Peter, PD4N73: 31 Walter, Lt. .D21S76: 21 William, 22Ap57: 41, R16S73: 33 Finnie, Capt. , horse of, 3J146: 41 Lt. , killed in battle of Bunker Hill, P22J175s22— D29J175: 31 of the Glasgow, PD4N73: 21 — RllN73s22 Major, of Va. , PD18My69: 32, R19Ap70: 32 Mr. , 240c51: 31, 20Mr52sl2, 14N55: 31 Mrs. , death of in Gloucester co. , Va. , R9F69: 23 marriage of, P30Ag76: 31— D31Ag76: 22 Mrs. (Chamberlaine), marriage of, P30Ag76: 31— D31Ag76: 22 Alexander, 29Ag51: 32, 310c51: 31, 1D52:31 adv. balls in Williamsburg, 27F52: 41 adv. claim on estate of Roscow, R19Ja69: 32--PD26Ja69: 33 adv. estate for sale, PD9Mr69: 33— R9Mr69: 31 adv. for barber and peruke maker, 12S45:41 adv. for missing dog, 170c51: 32 adv. for missing horse, 2My51: 32, 21Mr55:41,12S55: 32 adv. house for rent, PD24D67: 32 adv. household goods for sale, 1D52:32 adv. Raleigh tavern for sale, 24J152: 41 24J152: 41 adv. wig making, 4J145: 41, 26S45: 32, 29My46: 32, 25S46: 42 announces departure, 24J152: 41, 25Ap55: 22 death of, PD4My69: 31— R4My69: 33 indentured servant of, 24My51: 41 pasture of, 8Ag51: 32 requests payment of debts, 17N52: 22 sale at door of, HAp55: 31, 12S55: 32, 170c55: 22 sells clocks, 270c52: 12 teaching at tavern of, 10J152: 32 Alexander, Adjutant, announces muster dates, PD12F67: 31— R19F67:31,PD11F68:32— R11F68:33,PD2F69:31 — R2F69: 31 Alexander, Capt. , 28F55: 42 Alexander, Major, PDUe69: 31 — RUe69: 32, R30N69: 31--PD7D69: 33 Alexander, Mrs. , PDUe69: 31— RUe69: 32, R30N69: 31 — PD7D69: 33 Alexander, Rev. Mr. , PD2Je68: 23 Charles, Capt , PD5S71: 22— R5S71: 22 James, PD29Ja67: 13, PD18F68: 31 Jane,D19F79: 32 Joanna, Mrs. , D19F79: 32, D19Je79: 32 John Austin, adv. for runaway slave, PD4J171: 32, PD30S73: 32, PD5My74: 32 adv. house for rent, PD4J171: 32 adv. ships' materials for sale, D28Mr77: 31 announces departure, PD26My68: 31 land of, Dl9Je79: 32, D4D79: 22 slave of, R1S74: 33 Mary, D19Je79: 32 William, P10N75: 33— P116N75: 33 adv. brigantine for sale, P20S76: 22— D21S76: 31 adv. for missing dog, P7Mr77sl4 adv. for missing horse, R260c69: 41, P25Ap77: 11 adv. for overseer, PD4J171: 31 adv. for return of public arms, to magazine, P29S75: 33 adv. for wagoners, P160c78: 41 adv plantation for sale, PD28Ap68: 23-- R28Ap68: 24 adv. slave for sale, PD20Oc74: 32 bond of, D3Ag76: 32 marriage of, P30Ag76: 31--D31Ag76: 22 requests clothing for soldiers, P5D77: 22 slave of, P21Ag78: 43 suggests mounting cannon in Williamsburg, Va. ,D16S75: 32 WUliam, Col. , P6S76: 42, P14Mr77sll, P19S77: 23 adv. for bids for building barracks, P9Ag76: 33 adv. for missing horse, D14Mr77: 62, P160c78: 31 adv. for provisions for army, D23Ja78: 32 appoints assistants to quartermasters, D4D78: 12 publishes orders of Gen. Green, D15My79: 11 reports on Washington, P8Ag77: 23 Flpps, Richard, R23My71: 32 Fire alarms, in Norfolk, Va. , PD10c67: 21 Fire companies, in Bridgetown, Barbados, W. I. , PD5Mr67: 31, PD12Mr67: 23 in Phila. , Pa. , PD9Mr69: 23, PD23N69: 21 Fire dogs, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 8Ag51: 32 unclaimed, adv. of, PD31D72: 32 See also Dog irons Fire engines, in Boston, Mass. , P16Je75: 13, P16Je75s21 in Charleston, S. C. , P6Mr78: 21 in Glasgow, Scot. , PD2My71: 31 in London, Eng. , R23J167: 31 In Newport, R. I. , R31Ja71: 21 in Phila. , Pa. , PD23N69:21, PD25Ap71: 31 in St. Augustine, Fla. , PD150c72: 22 in Sunderland, Eng. , PD27My73: 12 in Trenton, N. J. , R12Mr72: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD7J168: 23, PD310c71: 21— R310c71: 32, PD16J172: 32 In Wilmington, N. C. , R21F71: 31 Fire- fighting machines, in London, Eng. , PD80c67: 11, PD290c67: 11, PD24Mr74: 23— R24Mr74: 33 Fire prevention, in Eng. , PD1J173: 22— R1J173: 21, PDlS74s21, PD22S74: 21 in Paris, Fr. , PD7My67: 13 Fire rooms, in Fredericksburg, Va. , 170c55:31 Fire ships, use of against British in Va. proposed, Pi21S75: 13 Firearms, cleaning of adv. , in Williamsburg, Va. , PD14Ap74: 31, PD18Ag74: 32 exported from Holl. , to America, P14Ap75: 22— D15Ap75: 21 for sale, at Kemp's landing, Va. , P160c78: 31 imported to S. C. , from St. Eustatia, W. I. , D2D75: 13 from Santa Cruz, W. I. , D2D75: 13 lost at sea, D25N75: 22 regulated in New England, 2N39: 12 See also Arms Firearms manufacture, in Farmingham, Conn. , Pil7Ag75: 32— P18Ag75: 11 Firebrand, H. M. S. , 24Ja52: 31 Firedrake, H. M. S. , 24Ja52: 31 Firelocks, exported from Eng. , to Corsica. R17N68: 23 exported from Fr. to British colonies, N. Am. , PD8D74s22 exported from Holl. to New York City, D23S75: 22 exported from W. I. to Phila. , Pa. , D29J176: 22 prizes for performing manual exercise, 7D39: 41. recommended for militia, Pi2F75: 21 seized by English, PD4Ap71: 22 used by British soldiers, D280c75: 12 used by Continental army, D280c75: 13 Firemen, See Slaves as Fireplaces, See Brick fireplaces Fires, at Frog's point, N. Y. , PD13N66: 13 391 Fires (cont'd) at New Kent courthouse, Va. , Pi30Mr75: 32 at sea, PD12S71: 22, PD12D71: 23 in Aberdeenshire, Eng. , PD19Ap70: 22 in Accomac co. , Va. , R28Mr71: 32, PD6Ja74: 31 in Albemarle co. , Va. , PD22F70: 32 — R22F70:31 in Amherst co. , Va. , PD15D68: 23— R15D68:21 in Amsterdam, Holl. , PD23J172: 31, PD20Ag72: 12, PD20Ag72: 13 in Aquia, Va. , 21Mr55: 32 in Astrakhan, Russia, PD3Mr68: 22 in Ayr, Scot. , PD26Mr67: 22 inBactria, Persia, PD2D73sll — R2D73: 12 in Barbados, W. I. , PD15Ja67: 21 in Basseterre, St. Christopher, W.I. , DHOc76: 22— P110c76: 22, P180c76:22 in Bastia, Corsica, D7Ja75: 12 in Bergen, Norway, PD4J171: 12, PDlAg71:12 inBisseul, Fr. , PD15S68: 22 in Boston, Mass. , PD80c67: 13, R19Ja69: 23, PD9Mr69: 13 — R9Mr69: 22, R25Mr73: 22, PD15Ap73: 22--R15Ap73: 22, P9Je75s22— D10Je75: 31, Pil5Je75: 23, Pil5Je75: 31, P16Je75: 13, P16Je75s21, PilOAg75:31 in Boston harbor, Mass. , 30My51: 22 in Bourges, Fr. ,R13Ag67: 21 in Brandon, Va. , PD24Je73: 31 — R24Je73:31 in Brescia, It. , PD23N69: 22— R23N69:21 in Brest, Fr. ,D27N79: 12 in Bridewell, Eng. , R190c69: 31 in Bridgetown, Barbados, W. I. , PD6Je66: 23, PD13Je66: 21, PD20Je66: 22, PD4J166: 21, R27N66: 22, PD26F67: 31, PD5Mr67: 21, PD5Mr67: 31, PD12Mr67: 22, PD12Mr67:23 in Bristol, Eng. , PD25Ap71: 22 in Brunswick co. , Va. , jail, 16Mr39:41 in Cambridge, Eng. , PD17Ag69: 32 in Canterbury, Eng. , PD7D69sl2 in Cape Fear, N. C. , PD29Ap73: 22 in Carrick, Ire. ,R22S68: 21 in Cartagena, Colom. , PD24My70: 11 in Cason, Russia, PD7Mr 66: 21 in Chambery, Fr. , PD9D73: 11 in Charles city co. , Va. ,R14J168: 31, PD18F73:23 in Charleston, S. C. , PD26Mr67: 23, PD21F71:23— R21F71:23 in Charlestown, Mass. , PD6J169: 31 in Charlestown, Va. , P5Je78: 31 in Chatham, Eng. , PD28J174: 23 inCheshilly, Fr. , PD9J167: 23 in Chester, Eng. , PD21My67: 13, PD4Je67: 13 in Clogheen, Ire. , PD4Ag68: 21 in Constantinople, Turkey, 5D51: 11, 19D51: 12, 3N52: 12, PD29Ag66: 13, PD4F68:11,PD2N69:21, PD9My71: 11— R9My71: 13, PD17S71: 12, PD10Oc71: 13, PD16Ja72: 11, PD19Mr72: 12, PDllJe72: 13, PD7Ja73: 12, PD26Ag73: 11— R26Ag73: 12, PD19My74: 22, Pil30c74: 22, PD20Oc74: 13 in Copenhagen, Den. , PD20Ag67: 13 in Corsica, 12D51: 12 in Courtland manor, N. Y. , PD9Je68: 22 in Crema, It. ,R25Ag68: 11 in Crown Point, N. Y. , PD3Je73: 22, RllN73s23 in Denbighsire, Wales, 18Ag38: 22 in Deptford, Eng. , PDllAp71: 12 in Devon, Eng. , PD3Ag69: 12— R3Ag69:21 in Diernkrotte, Aust. , PD28J174: 21 in Dinwiddie co. , Va. , PD29J173: 22 in Drogheda, Ire. , PD80c72: 13 in Dutchess co. , N. Y. , PD2Ja72: 23 in Edinburgh, Scot. , PD18Ap71: 23 in Elizabeth City co. , Va. , PD12Mr67: 33 in Elsinore, Den. , PD20Oc74: 13 inErpy, Fr. , PD23S73: 11 — R23S73:31 in Estiga, Russia, PD3S72: 11 in Falmouth, Va. ,R16F69: 22 — PD23F69:32 in Florence, It. , PD21Ap68: 12 in Fort George, N. Y. , PD20Ja74: 31, PD27Ja74: 31--R27Ja74: 32, PD17Mr74:22 in Fort Royal, Martinique, W. I. , PD4J166:21 in Fort St. John's, Can. , D30My77: 21— P30My77: 23 in Fort St. Pierre, Martinque, W. I. , 10J152:31 in Fr.,21Mr45:21 in Franche Comte, Fr. , PD17Je73: 21-- R17Je73:23 in Freyberg, Silesia, PD10N74: 22 in Geneva, Switz. , PD12My74: 33 in Glasgow, Scot. , PD4My69: 31, PD28Mr71: 13, PD2My71: 31 in Gloucester co. , Va. , D28Ja75: 32 inGosport, Va. , P12Ja76: 31 in Great Barrington, Mass. , PD3S72:21 in Grenada, W. I. , PD12Mr72: 31 — R12Mr72: 22, PilOJa76: 11— P12Ja76: 13— D13Ja76: 22, D13Ja76:31 in the Hague, Holl. , PD18Ap71: 11 in Haigh, Eng. , 8J137: 22 in Halifax, N.S. , PD17Mr74: 22 in Hamburg, Ger. , PD19N67: 21 in Hampton, N. H. , PD14Ap69s21 in Hanover, Ger. , 3J152: 11 in Hanover co. , Va. , P3F75s23 — D4F75: 31, D4Ap77: 21, D5F80: 32 in Hanover town, Va. , D4F75: 33— Pi9F75:32 in Hartford, Conn. , PD19Mr67: 31 in Henrico co. , Va. , PD2My71: 32 in Herefordshire, Eng. , 26Ag37: 22, PD24Mr74: 22— R24Mr74: 23 in Isle of Wight co. , Va. , PD4My69: 31 in Jamaica, W. I. , PD28J168: 22 — R28J168:23,R4Ag68:21 in James City co. , Va. , D15Ja80: 23 in Jamestown, Va. , PD29D68: 23, in Jenekoping, Sweden, 29J137: 12 in Keramezel, Fr. , R4F68: 14 in Kettering, Eng. , PD19Mr67: 21 in King William co. , Va. , PD14Mr71: 31, D20D76: 12— P20D76sl2 in Kingston, Eng. , PD20Oc74: 21 in Konigsberg, Prus. , PD14S69: 12, PilOAg75:22 in Landeck, Ger. , 29Je39: 22 in Leedstown, Va, , PD2Je74: 21 in Leicestershire, Eng. , 16Mr39: 32 in Lincoln co. , Eng. , PDllMy69: 22, PDUe69:23 in Lincoln's Inn, London, Eng., 29S52:21,3N52:12 in Lisbon, Port. , 9F39: 31, 30My51: 12, PD6My73:21 in Lisson, Fr. , PD12Mr72: 11 in Listersdorff, Aust. ,R18Ag74: 12 in London, Eng. ,25Mr37: 22, 8Ap37: 22, 20My37: 21, 27Ja38: 22, 5My38: 12, 7J138: 31, 9F39: 32, 23F39: 22, 16Mr39: 31, 6J139: 31, PD19Mr67: 21, PD30Ap67: 13, R23J167: 31, R26My68: 14, R9Je68: 23, PD23Je68: 12— R23Je68: 21, PD22S68: 21, PD22S68: 22, PD130c68: 12— R130c68: 12, PD130c68: 13— R130c68: 13, RlD68:ll,PDllMy69:22, PD29Je69: 13, PD21S69s21, R21S69: 22, PD7D69: 12— R7D69: 12, PD7D69s21— R7D69: 22, PD19Ap70:22,R3My70: 11, PD12S71:12,PD12S71:13, PD23J172: 22, PD30J172: 21, PD27Ag72: 41, PD3S72: 13, PD22Ap73: 21— R22Ap73: 31, PD22Ap73: 23, PD24Je73: 11, PD24Je73: 13, PD1J173: 22 — R1J173: 21, R4N73: 22, PD24Mr74: 23— R24Mr74: 32, R31Mr74: 13, R31Mr74: 23, PD28J174: 21, PD18Ag74: 11, PD10N74: 22, PD8D74: 12, D27My75: 22, PllAg75:31,D12F79:21,D15Ja80:ll in Madrid, Sp. , D5Mr79: 31 in Marblehead, Mass. , PD31Mr74: 22— R14Ap74:22 in Martinique, W. L , 4Ag38: 21, 23My45:31,PD23J172:22 in Mendon, Mass. , 4Ja40: 32 in Montreal, Can. , PD8Ag66: 31 — R8Ag66: 31, PD29Ag66: 13, PD170c66: 31, PD6N66: 21, PD20N66: 22, PD19Mr67: 32, PD26My68: 12, R9Je68: 24, PD21J168: 31--R21J168: 32, PD270c68: 32— R270c68: 31, PD17N68: 23— R17N68: 23, PD9Mr69: 33— R9Mr69: 23, PD16Mr69: 31, PD29Je69: 32— R5J169: 32 in Moscow, Russia, 9S37: 22, 15S52: 31, 20Oc52: 12, 1D52: 12, PD16Ap72: 22, PD4Je72: 23, PD2D73sll in Muskau, Ger. ,PD29Ag66: 11 in New Kent co. , Va. , DlAp75: 31 in N. Y. , PD23N69: 21, R31Ja71: 21, PD28My72: 23, PD270c74: 22 in New York City, R12My68: 21, PD8S68: 22, PD5Ap70: 32, PD28Mr71: 23, DHOc76: 21 — P110c76: 21,D180c76: 12 — P180c76: 21, PP21Ag78: 21 in Newark, N. J. , PD9Je68: 22, R18Ag68s22, PD9Mr69: 22 392 Fish in Newport, R. I. ,R31Ja71: 21 In Norfolk, Va. , PD5S66s32, PD12S66:31,PD12S66:32, P8D75: 31--P19D75: 21, D27Ja76: 32, D13J176:21 inN.C. ,PD6F72:31 in Northumberland co. , Va. , 26S55:22 in Oppelen, Silesia, 2 1S39: 22 in Overwharton parish church, Va. , 16My55:21 in Oxford, Eng. , D26Mr79: 21 in Padua, It. , 18Mr37: 41 in Panama, 2S37: 22 in Paris, Fr. , 6J139: 21, PDlAp73: 21, PD8Ap73: 21--R8Ap73: 31 in Petersburg, Russia, PD12S71: 21, PD12S71:31,PD17S71:22, PD26S71:11,PD12D71:12 in Petersburg, Va. , PD21My67: 31 in Philadelphia, Pa. , PD14J168: 23, PD25Ap71: 31, Pil5Je75: 23, P8N76:22,D29Ja80:31 in Philipstadt, Sweden, PilOAg75: 31 in Portsmouth, Eng. ,RllOc70: 13, RllOc70: 21, PD18Oc70: 11, PD18Oc70s21--R18Oc70: 21, R1N70: 22, PD8N70: 13— R8N70: 22, PD22N70: 12, PD10Oc71: 22, PD240c71: 13, PD240c71: 21, PD240c71: 22, PD7N71: 21, PD14N71:11,PD21N71:21,R21N71:21, R21N71: 22, PD28N71: 22,«>D12D71: 12, PD12D71:13,PD12D71:21 in Portsmouth, Va. , D21Ja75: 23 in Prague, Czech. , PD16Ja72: 23 in Princess Anne co. , Va. , PD18J171:11 in Princeton, N. J. , PD30J172: 23, R9S73:32 in Puerto Peblo, S. Am. ,R19J170: 22 in Putney, Vt. , PD25Mr73: 23 — R25Mr73:22 in Quebec, Can. , PD17S72: 13 inQuimper, Fr. , PD9Je74: 22 in Ranelagh, N. Y. , Pil6Mr75: 32 — P17Mr75s32 in Richmond, Va. , PD3D72: 22 in Rochester, Eng. , PD16Mr69: 21 in Rome, It. , 19My38: 11, PD9D73: 21, PD6Ja74: 12 in Roxbury, Mass. , PD6J169: 31 in Saatz, Bohemia, PD4F68: 12 in St. Croix, W. h , PD8S68: 13 in St. George, Grenada, W.I. , D30D75:33 in St. John, Antigua, W. I. , PD23Ap67: 22, PD28S69: 22, R19Oc69:31,R29Mr70:21 in St. Pierre, Martinque, W.L, 12My38:31 in Salem, Mass. , R22S74: 31, PD270c74:21 in Salisbury, Mass. , PD4Oc70: 21 in Sandisfield, Mass. , R12Mr72: 22 in Saxony, Ger. , 31Ja51: 31 in Selbach, PD3Mr68: 21 in Seydon, Ger. , PDlAp73: 13 in Sherborne, Eng. ,R11F68: 24 in Smyrna, Turk. , 2S37: 21, PD24D72:22 inSouthwark, Eng. , PD12D71: 21 in Stirling, Scot. , PDUMy69s31 in Stockholm, Swe. ,28N51: 22 in Suffolk, Va. , RllMy69: 41 in Sunderland, Eng. , PD27My73: 12 in Surry co. , Va. , 8D52: 31, PD6J169:32,PD7S69:23 in Sussex co. , Va. , PD140c73: 22 in Switz. , 10D36: 22 in Toulouse, Fr. , PDlAp73: 13 in Trenton, N. J. ,R12Mr72: 22 in Upsala, Swe. , PD29Ag66: 13 in Urbanna, Va. , PD14D69: 22 in the Vatican, It. , PD29D68: 22 in Venice, It. , 13J139: 12 in Versailles, Fr. ,19D51:21 inWapping, Eng. ,9S37:32 in Warsaw, Poland, PDllJe67: 11, PD29D68:22 in Weymouth, Mass. , 30My51: 22 in Whitespki, Poland, 1D52: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , 19J154: 32, PD30J167: 32, PD310c71: 21 — R310c71:32,PD21N71:22, PD19N72: 21, P26Ja76: 31 — D27Ja76:32,D9Ap79:22 in Wilmington, N.C. , R21F71: 31 in Wiltshire, Eng. , 8Je39: 32 in Windsor, N. J. , PD27My73: 21 in Wrentham, Mass. , PD17S67: 12 in York co. , Va. , PD5Ap70: 33 — R5Ap70: 42 in Zitzers, Switz. ,R11F68: 23 in Znin, Poland, 5S51: 22 in Zutphen, Holl. , PD15J173: 13 methods of preventing invented in Eng. ,R12Ag73:21 near Constantinople, Turk. , PD10N74:22 near Hampton, Va. ,D14Mr77: 61 — P14Mr77:23,D25D79:21 near Kirkaldy, Scot. , PD20Ja74: 22 near Newberry, Eng. , R4F68: 14 near Phila. , Pa. , PD9Mr69: 22 near Salisbury, Eng. , PD24Mr74: 31 — R24Mr74: 32, R24Mr74: 21 near Vienna, Aust. , 13J139: 21 near Williamsburg, Va. , PD290c72: 21 — R290c72:22,R4Ag74:32 near Yorktown, Va. , PD31Mr68: 21 on Appomattox river, Va. , 4Ap55: 32 on Greenwich island, PD27Ag67: 23 on Prudence island, R. I. , D28F77: 21, P28F77sl2 on ships, 5D51: 31, PD19F67: 23, PD4J171:11,PD18JT71:21, PD10c72: 22, R156c72: 21, R31D72: 11, PD14Ja73: 13--R14Ja73: 22, PD17Je73: 31— R17Je73s22, R23S73:13,R22S74:13 in Barbados, W. I. , PD9J172: 31 in Boston, Mass. ,R10Je73: 31, PD24Je73:31,RU173:31 in La Grana, Sp. ,28F51:21 in Leghorn, It. , PD19F67: 22 in New York City, PDUa67: 22 in Phila. , Pa. , PD19Ap70: 31 in Rochfort, Fr. , Pi5Ja75: 21 in Tagus river, R2S73sl3 near Cape Fear, N. C. , PD29Ap73: 22 plotted by slaves in Ulster co. , N. Y. , P17Mr75s31— D18Mr75: 31 threatened in Oxford, Eng. , PD24Je73: 13 See also Arson Fires, described, in Charleston, S.C., P6Mr78:21 Firetail, horse, D14Mr77: 41 — P21Mr77s23 Firewood, for British army, in Ga. , PD7Ja68: 31 inN.Y. ,R25D66:22 provided by N. Y. general assembly, PD6Ag67:22 for Louisburg, N.S., expedition, 17Ap46: 31 price high in New York City, PD11D66:23 scarce in New York City, PD11D66: 23 Fireworks, in Boston, Mass. , PD1J173:31 in Charleston, S. C. , PD8D68: 12, R26J170:21,D15Ag77:21 in London, Eng. , PD16Ag70: 31, R280c73:23 in N. Y. , PD25Je67: 23, PD23Je74: 21 — R23Je74:31 in New York City, PD21Ap68: 22, PD4J171: 13 in New Bern, N. C. , PD10Ja71: 32— R10Ja71:21 in Paris, Fr. ,28F55: 12, PD13S70: 12, PD15Ag71: 12 in Phila. , Pa. , D18J177: 31 — P18J177:22 in Williamsburg, Va. , 17N52: 21, PD13Ap69: 32, R19N72: 31, R10Mr74:31 Firm, H. M.S. , PDllAp71: 12, P8S75sl2,D9S75:21 Firmers, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166:23 Firne, Martin, Capt. , of the Katie, PD23S73:23 Firth, Samuel, P25Ap77: 12 Firth of Forth, Scot. , See Whales killed in Fisch, Major, wounded in N. Y. , D10Oc77: 11— P10Oc77: 21 Fischer (Fisher), [Johann], composer, PD17S72:22 Fise, John, shoemaker, PD20Ap69s22, R20Ap69:22 Fish, Mr. , of Nantucket, Mass. , Pi9Mr75:31 H. , London watchmaker, D18S79: 31 [Nicholas], Major, D9My77: 22 Thomas, Capt. , 14Ag52: 31 Fish, abnormal, discovered by British, R140c73: 12 in Fishness, Eng. ,R21Ja73: 12 in Mobjack bay, Va. , PD5My68: 22 boycotted by Va. association, PD25My69: 11— RUe69: 13 caught in Thames river, Eng. , PD21S69sl2,R22J173sll contaminated in Boston, Mass. , harbor, PD5My74: 11 duty on import to St. Croix, W. I. , from N. Am. reduced, PD17Mr74: 22 exported from James river, upper district, Va. , 1763 - 1766, PD12F67:23 to Salem, Mass. , PD17Mr68: 31 — R14Ap68:42 exported from New York City, PD9Ap67:22 exported from Nfd. to Oporto, Port. , PD16Ap67: 13 for British army in Boston, Mass. , D30S75:11 393 Fish, for British army (cont'd) in British colonies, N.Am., D14S76: 12 for relief of Boston, Mass. , from Marblehead, Mass. , PDlS74s21 — R1S74:22 for sale, at Belvoir, Va. , Pi20Oc74: 32— PD20Oc74: 32 in Norfolk, Va. , PD8Ja67: 32 imported to Accomac district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , PD12Mr67: 32, PD10Mr68: 31— R14Ap68: 41, PD270c68: 42 from New York City, PD22Ja67: 31 from Plymouth, Eng. , PD14Ja68: 31 imported to Antigua, W. I. , from N.S. , 11J151: 31 imported to Halifax, N.S., from Jeddore, N.S. , 24N52: 21 imported to Hull, Eng. , from Davis straits, N. Am. , PD16S73: 21 imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , 23Ja46: 41, 2Mr53: 41, 28F55: 31 from Falmouth, Eng. , R11F68: 31 from New England, 2Mr53: 41 from New York City, 20Oc52: 21, 2Mr53:41,19D55:22 from N. S. , PD10Mr74: 31 from R.I. ,19D55:22 fromS.C. ,PD6Ja74:32 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , 5Ja39: 42, 9F39: 42, 18My39: 41, R25D66: 13, PD22Ja67: 32, PD24D67: 32, PD14Ja68: 31, PD7S69:31,PD28D69:31 from N. H. , 9F39: 42, 18My39: 41 from New York City, 1D52: 31, PD15F70:22 from Piscataway, N. J. , PD28D69: 31, PD3F74:22 from Salem, Mass. , R25D66: 13, PD22Ja67: 32, PD10D67: 31, PD17D67: 31, PD14Ja68: 31, PD29S68: 23— R60c68: 23, PD15D68: 23, PD29D68: 23, PD29D68: 31, R12Ja69: 31, PD28D69: 31, PD20Ja74: 23, D18Mr75:32 imported to Liverpool, Eng. , from Greenland, R60c68: 21, PD16S73: 21 imported to York district, Va. , from New England, PD29Ja67: 32 from R. I. , 12Ja39: 42, 25Ja40: 41 loss in Halifax, N. S. , estimated, P29D75sl2 lost in shipwreck, R26Ag73s22 market for in Sp. , R14F71: 22 plentiful in Nfd. , R15Mr70: 21, PD20Oc74:22 plentiful near Cape Hatteras, N. C. , R7Ap74: 22 price low in Eng. , P3Mr75: 22 — D4Mr75:21 price of in Boston, Mass. , PD9Mr69: 13 price of in London, Eng. , PD22N70sl3 scarce in Cornwall, Eng. , PD22J173: 13 scarce in Dominica, W. I. , PD10D67: 23 scarce in Halifax, N. S. , PD13Ag67: 13 seized by American ship, D8Ag77: 11 seized by French, PD3Je73: 23 seized from American ship, DHOc76: 21 seized from British ships, P29D75sl2, P1N76: 21, D8N76: 11, P15N76: 21, D29N76: 21, D24Ja77: 21, P24Ja77: 12, D9My77:21,D16My77:12 — P16My77:21,D27Je77:12, D18J177: 22, D8Ag77: 11— P8Ag77: 21, D8My79: 12, D31J179: 21, D7Ag79: 22, C28Ag79: 23— D28Ag79: 21, C30Oc79:22,D6N79:22 seized from French ships, 12D55: 11 taken by slaves, 21J138: 32 See also names of fish Fish, dried, exported from James river, lower district, Va. , to S. C. , PD10Mr74:31 imported to Accomac district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , PD22Ja67: 31 imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from N. S. , PD10Mr74: 31 from Piscataway, N. J. , PD27Ja74: 32 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , PD14Ja68:31 imported to Salem, Mass. , P180c76: 21- imported to York district, Va. , from New England, PD29Ja67: 32 Fish, pickled, imported to Accomac district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , PD22Ja67: 31, PD12Mr67: 32 from Plymouth, Mass. , PD14Ja68: 31 fromR. I. ,PD3D67:31 imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from Piscataway, N.J. , PD27Ja74: 32 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , PD14Ja68:31 from Salem, Mass. , PD22Ja67: 32, PD14Ja68: 31, R12Ja69: 31 recipe for, PD2J167: 11 returned from James river, lower district, Va. , to Piscataway, N. J., R17Mr74:23 Fish and counters, See Pearl fish and counters , Fish houses, in Fairfax co. , Va. , D19F79:32 near Port Royal, Va. , PD15Ag66: 31 Fish ponds, in Amherst co. , Va. , PD1J173: 33 — R1J173: 32 in Buckingham co. , Va. , D10Je75: 33— Pil5Je75:33 in Essex co. , Va. , 240c51: 31 Fish skins, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. ,PD28S69:31 Fishback, Frederick, R4F68: 31 Philip, P1D75: 23 Fishbourn, Capt. , 20Oc38: 31 Fishburn, transport, 7Mr 55: 31 Fisher, Capt. , Pi2F75: 13 captured by Spanish, PD26S71: 23 of the Apollo, PD24My70: 23 of the Devonshire, D1N76: 12 of the Pleasants, 18Ap55: 22 of the Two Sisters, PilD74: 32 Col. ,P30c77:22 Mr.,21Ag52:31 alias of George Washington, PD5S71:23— R5S71.-22 collector of Salem, PD1D68: 21 gun-maker, R23J167: 33 letter to, in post office, PD12Mr67: 13 Angus, P8S75s23 Benjamin, 20Oc38: 32 D. , adv. finding hogs, R15N70: 43 clerk of committee, Brunswick co. , Va. ,P16Ag76:43 Daniel, R2My71: 42, PD27F72: 32-- R27F72:31 adv. finding steers, D10J178: 42 adv. for employment, HAp51: 41 adv. for missing horse, R12J170: 41 adv. for robber, 5S55: 31, 170c55: 22 adv. merchandise for sale, 24Ja51: 41, 25Ap51: 32, 12Mr52: 31, 1D52:31 adv. tavern, 30c51: 32 agent for David Mason, PD1J173: 32-- RU173:32,PllAp77:21 closes out business, 20F52: 41 slave of murdered, R24D67: 32 Edward, R15N70: 31 Eldred, R15F70: 31, R26J170: 22, PD17S72: 22, PD10D72: 23, PD10D72: 31--R17D72: 32, PD140c73:31 George, PDllAp66: 41 author, 19S51: 32, PD18J171: 33, PD25J171: 43, PDlAg71: 43, PD8Ag71: 43, PD29Ag71: 31, PD17S72: 22, D25N75: 21, D30D75: 21, D2Mr76: 43, D9Mr76: 43, D24Ag76: 61 soldier, P21Ag78: 11 Hendrick, 250c65s23, R16My66: 42 Henry, D27Ap76: 41, D2My77: 31, D22Ag77: 21— P22Ag77: 22 John, PD30Ap67: 33, PD29Je69: 31, PD8N70: 32, PD13Ag72: 22 adv. land for sale, PD6N66: 23, PD130c68: 31— R130c68: 24, PD10N68:31 collector for Va. gazette, PDllAg68:23 deserter, P6Mr78: 41 merchant, PD4J166: 32, PD26My68: 31 of N.Y. ,PD19Mr72:22 quarrel with Randolph, PD26Ag73: 23— R26Ag73:22,PD9S73:31 requests payment of debt, PD13Ja74: 33, PD10N74: 41 runaway indentured servant, 20Ap39: 41 subscriber to meeting of merchants, PD30Je74:23 takes orders for Virginia justice, PD21D69: 23— R18Ja70: 41 Joseph, PilON74: 33 Martin, P19Ap76p22 Mary, Mrs. , P6Mr78: 22 Thomas, PD9F69: 32 adv. for runaway slave, D12Je79: 41 entail on land docked, PD28D69: 23 — R28D69:23 letter to, in post office, PD7J168: 23 of Phila. , Pa. ,RUOc70:22 on committee in Northampton co. , Va. , Pil9Ja75: 21--D4F75: 32 on committee in Westmoreland co. , Va. ,Pi9F75:31 plantation of, PDllJe72: 32 wins N. Y. lottery, PD19Mr72: 22 Thomas, Capt. , of the Favourite, R9S73:32,R3Mr74:21 of the Peggy, PD7Ja73: 31, R7Ja73: 32, PD15J173: 32--R15J173: 33, PD19My74: 42— R19My74: 23, PD22D74: 23— Pi22D74: 32, Pi26Ja75: 32, DllF75s22, P16F76: 12— D17F76: 32 394 Fisheries Thomas, Mrs. , PDllJe72: 32 William,RllOc70:23,D4D78:31 Fisher & Bragg, ironmongers in Whitehaven, PD22N70: 31 saddlers, PD10D72: 23 Fisher, Bragg & Fleming, PD8Ag71:23 Fisheries, C15My79: 42 as lottery prizes, PD23J167: 41 — R23J167: 32 as staple of east U. S. , D24Ap79: 31 at Norwood's fall, PD24Je73: 33 for rent, at Belvoir, Va. , Pi20Oc74: 32--PD20Oc74: 32 for sale, PD24Ja71: 32--R31Ja71: 31, PD8Ag71: 22--R8Ag71: 23 at Rocky Ridge, Va. , PD24S72: 22 on James river, Va. , PD19N72: 31 — R19N72: 21, PD13D70: 31 — R13D70:32 in Amherst co. , Va. , C30Oc79: 41 in Bertie co. , N. C. , PD12D71: 32 in Charles City co. , Va. , P20Mr78: 12, D12Mr79: 22 in Charlotte co. , Va. , P8Ag77: 42, D15Ag77:61 in Chesterfield co. , Va. , PD7N71: 22— R21N71: 31 in Fairfax co. , Va. , PD5S66s32, R190c69: 42, PD2Je74: 32 — R2Je74: 22— Pi5Ja75: 43 in Halifax co. , N. C. , PD12D71: 32 in Hartford co. , N. C. , PD21J168: 32, PD7N71:32 in James City co. , Va. , P20Oc75: 31 in King and Queen co. , Va. , R4F68: 34 in King William co. , Va. , PD5F67: 33— R19F67:41 in Mecklenburg co. , Va. , D29Ag77: 22 in Nash co. , N. C. , P10J178: 32— D17J178:41 in N. C. , PD18F73: 31,D15N76: 31 in Pittsylvania co. , Va. , R2My71: 33 in St. Lawrence gulf, R2S73sl3 near Port Royal, Va. , PD15Ag66: 31 off Ire. ,R23S73:23 on Lake George, N. Y. , PD19S66: 13 on Mattapony river, Va. , PD4J171: 31— R18J171: 41 on Pamunkey river, Va. , P28N77sll on Prince Edward is. , R21J168: 21 on Roanoke river, PD24Je73: 33 on Scottish coast, PD19S66: 12 on Staunton river, Va. , P5D77: 32 Fisheries, American, Boston whaling, PD19S66: 21, PD30Oc66: 13, PD17S67: 12 bounties on whale, PDllJe67: 11 bounties petitioned for, PD23J167: 13— R23J167s21 embargoes on, See Prohibitory act importance discussed, D12Je79: 22 petitions concerning, PD4Je67: 22 preference withdrawn, PD9Je68: 21 — R9Je68:24 restraints on discussed, PD21My67: 22, D19Ag75: 22, P16F76: 31— D17F76: 32 See also Rock; Shad Fisheries, British, bounties, PD23J172: 23, Pi29Je75: 31 — P30Je75:21— D1J175:22 encouraged, 28F51: 22, PD15Ag71: 13, D17Je75: 21, P22J175sll — D29J175:23,P23Je75sl3 exempt from attack by French, D5F80:22 French violate boundaries, PD4F68:23 improvement discussed, PD19My74: 32 in Belleisle straits, N. Am. , PD4F68:23 in Canso, N.S. , 6Je45: 22 in Greenland, amount caught, R60c68: 21 bounties for, PD28Mr66: 12, PD18Ap66: 22, PD9Je68: 21 — R9Je68: 24, RD17Je73: 21 — R17Je73:23,R18Ag74:22 ships for, 18J151: 21, PD23J167: 11 — R23J167sll success of, PD24S72: 21 in Nfd. , embargo on considered, P19My75: 12 encouragement proposed, R18Ag74: 22 expansion planned, PD16Mr69: 21 flourishes, PD17Mr68: 23 French forbidden, PD4Je67: 21 importance discussed, D29Ap75: 22 preparations for, PD30J167: 21 protected by navy, PD25Je67: 22 sailors enlisted for,DU175: 11 ships for, PD30Ap67: 21 success of, P3Mr75: 22--D4Mr75: 21 supported by Chatham, R8S74: 32 — PD15S74: 13 in N.S.,24N52:21 off Cape Bonavista, Nfd. , R15S68: 21 patents for, in Labrador, PD19S66:21 plan to exclude Dutch from, D1J175: 22 protection for, 30J152: 21 ships for in Quebec, PD12My68: 12 success of, 19S51: 32, 170c51: 21, 170c51:22,24N52:21 Fisheries, British herring, 28F51: 31 amounts caught, 26Ja39: 42, PD4F68: 12 ballad on,7Mr51:22 busses for,29Ag51:21 financial condition of, 25Je52: 12 foreigners excluded from, PD16Ap72:22 importance of discussed, 29D52: 21, 29D52:22 protected by navy, PD6Je66: 21 sale of catches, 170c51: 22 ships built for, 27Je51: 21 success of, 21F51: 22, 5D51: 32, 12D51: 31, 13F52: 22, 12F62: 22, R11F68:24 Swedish claims to, 1D52: 12 Fisheries, British seal, success of, 60c52:21 Fisheries, British turbot, payments to Dutch fishermen, PD10c72: 22 Fisheries, British whale, 290c36: 31, 60c52: 21, 25Ap55: 11, PD10D72: 13 — R12D72sl3 Fisheries, Cape Breton, French excluded from, PD30Ja72: 21 Fisheries, Danish, establishment discussed, P9Je75: 11 Fisheries, Dutch, in Greenland, 7Ja37: 22, 5D45: 22, PD24Mr68: 23, R60c68:21 on British coast, PD14J174: 21 on Irish coast, PD10S67: 12 Fisheries, Dutch herring, PD24S72: 21, PD5N72: 23--R5N72: 12, R23S73: 23, D1J175:12 Fisheries, Dutch whale, 290c36: 31, 27Ja38:31 amount caught, PD2Ap72: 21 success of, 4Ja40: 22, PD28S69sll, Pi260c75: 13— D280c75: 21 supremacy of, 25Ap55: 11 Fisheries, French, in Belleisle straits, N. Am. , PD4F68: 23 in Cape Breton is. , Can. , 6Je45: 31 in Falkland is. , PD17D67: 22 in Nfd. , breakup, PD7Mr66: 21 cargoes for, PD4My69: 23 claims to, PD5S71: 12, PD80c72: 12 destroyed by British, D20c79: 12 encouraged, Pil3Ap75: 31 increased, D17Je75s22 rights to,R17D72: 11 ships for, PD16Ap67: 11, PD25Je67: 21, PD12My68: 13, PD27Ag72: 13, R7Ap74: 23, D12Ag75: 32--P18Ag75: 21 in N. Am. , profits evaluated, PD21Mr66:22 near Greenland, 7Ja37: 22 near Magellan straits, PD4F68: 22 off Cape Breton, 28N45: 21 on Irish coast, PD10S67: 12 ships for, PD9J167: 23, PD16J172: 23 supply Spanish and Portuguese, P23Je75sl3— D24Je75: 12 Fisheries, Greenland, Altona ships for, PD13Je71:21 Bremen ships for, PD13Je71: 21 Dutch ships for, PD16Je68: 21, PD13Je71: 21, PD28J174: 23 failure of, PD150c67: 12 Hamburg ships for, PD16My66: 11, PD13Je71:21 increase in, PD23J172: 23 Scotch ships for,R24Je73: 21 ships for, 12My38:31 success of, 1F40: 22, PD28J174: 21, PD15S74:31 Fisheries, Greenland whale, failure of, 24Ja51:32 German ships for, PD16Je68: 21 Scottish merchants engage in, PD8Ap73:22 ships for,PD21My67: 12,R26My68: 14 success of, PD16S73: 13 Fisheries, Hamburg whale, success of, 17N52:21 Fisheries, herring, in Hertford co. , N.C.,R2F69:32 in Nansemond co. , Va. , PD28N71: 31 in Scot. , PD10S67: 13, PD25Ag68: 31 near Edenton, N. C. , PD6S70: 32 off N.S. ,21F51:31 on Potomac river, Va. , PD29J173: 31 — R5Ag73:33 on Quantico creek, Va. ,R23Ap72: 13 Swedish claims to; 17N52: 11 Fisheries, Irish, encouraged, PD12My74: 41, D17Je75: 21, P22J175sll— D29J175: 23, P23Je75sl3 established in Dublin, Ire. ,R17Je73sl3 plan to exclude Dutch from,DU175: 22 ships for,DU175: 12 Fisheries, Irish whale, 14Ap38: 22, 14Ap38:31 Fisheries, Labrador, ships for from Quebec, PDllJe67: 11 Fisheries, mackerel, flourish in Eng. , R25Ag68s23 395 Fisheries, Newfoundland Fisheries, Newfoundland, American rights to demanded, D17J179: 22 Americans protected by Spanish, P21J175:11 British participate in, D29Ap75: 23 British report on, D2Mr76: 22 corn spirits for,R4D66: 13 European ships increase, D22J175: 32 — P22J175sl3 forbidden to New Englanders. D29Ap75:21 Franco-British rivalry for, PD12Mr72: 21, PD12Mr72: 31 granted to Fr. , PlMy78: 11 illegal French trade in, PD23J172: 13 protected by British, PD6Je66:21, PD29Ag66: 12, PD15J173: 31 — R15J173:23,D17J178:11 regulations for proposed, PD4D66: 22 ships for from Quebec, PDllJe67: 11 ships forbidden to carry merchandise, R70c73: 11 success of, PD31Mr74: 12--R31Mr74: 23 Fisheries, Newfoundland cod, improvement planned, PD4Je67: 21, RllAg74:13 unsuccessful, R4F68: 13 Fisheries, Newfoundland whale, PD24D67: 22 encouraged in Eng. ,D19Ag75: 23 Fisheries, N.Am., regulated by parliament, Pil8My75: 31 Fisheries, R. I. , 24My51: 22, PDllN73s22 Fisheries, Russian whale, 12D51: 22 Fisheries, St. Lawrence gulf, PDllJe67:ll Fisheries, Scottish, amount caught off Nfd. ,PD18F68:21 encouraged, PD12My74: 41 foreigners to be excluded from, R31Mr74: 22, Pil6Mr75: 23— P17Mr75: 31--D18Mr75: 13 Fisheries, Scottish cod, in St. Kilda, Scot. ,PD30Ap67:13 ships for, PD21My67: 12 Fisheries, Scottish herring, encouraged, PD26Mr67: 12 inStrontian, Scot. , PD10D72: 21 off Caithness, Scot. , PD3N68: 13 success of, PD8D74: 12 Fisheries, Scottish salmon, PD16S73: 13 Fisheries, Scottish seal, PD10S67: 13 Fisheries, Shetland herring, 5S51: 22, 7N51:21 Fisheries, Spanish whale, 7Ja37: 22 Fisheries, whale, in Davis straits, N.Am. ,D16S75:23 off Brazil, PD15Ap73: 12 off Va. coast, 9My51: 31 ships fitted out for in Quebec, PD12My68: 12 subscription for in New York City, PD26My74:22 success of R. I. ships, PD30Oc66: 13 success of Va. ships, 13Je51: 32 Fishermen, enlist in Continental army, DllMy76:31 pledge support to British colonies, D1J175: 12 See also Slaves as Fisher's island, N. Y. , British forces in,D2S75:22 plundered by British, Pi31Ag75: 31, P1S75: 13, Pi7S75: 12, PU4S75: 22 See also British navy off; British navy to Gardner's island, N.Y. , from; British transports wrecked on; Cattle captured by British from; Shipwrecks on Fishery acts, repeal discussed, D2Mr76: 31--P23F76: 32, D6Ap76: 23 Fishguard, Wales, attacked by Irish privateer, D15Ja80: 21 See also Privateers, Irish, capture British ships in; Ships, British, ransomed by Americans in Fishing, in Banff , Scot. , PD150c72: 22 with skimming nets, PD24Je73: 33 Fishing boats, described, R2Je74: 23 Fishing companies, of convicts, PD3Mr68:22 Fishing hooks, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. .D6J176: 22 Fishing lines, for sale, at Kemp's landing, Va. , P160c78: 31 in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72: 31 in Edenton, N. C. , P160c78: 42 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23, PD10Ag69: 32 in Petersburg, Va. , P5Je78: 11 — D10J178:41 in Smithfield, Va. , PlMy78: 42 in Williamsburg, Va. , PDllAp71: 32, D30My77:31,D27Je77:31 Fishing stores, export from Eng. to New York City allowed, D10J179: 22 Fishing tackle, for sale, in Gloucester co., Va. ,P16Ag76:33— D24Ag76:72 in Williamsburg, Va. , P19Ap76sll — D20Ap76: 33 seized from British ship, 17J152: 31 Fishkill, N.Y. See Accidents in; Continental army, headquarters in; Ships from Fishmongers' company, London, 28F51:22,21Mr51:31 Fishness, Eng. , See Fish, unusual in Fishwomen of Paris, Fr. , address Louis XV, 120c39:31 Fisk, Capt. , P16My77: 21, D8Ag77: 11, D22Ag77: 12— P22Ag77: 22 of the Massachusetts, D4J177: 71— P4J177: 22, P25J177: 11, D30c77: 12 of the Tyrannicide, P16Ag76: 22 — D17Ag76:22,P28F77sl3 Fiskin, Peter, PD23Ap72: 32 Fistulas, cure for, PD7Ap68: 31, PD8Je69: 32, PD30My71: 23, D16S75:33 Fit drops, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD30J172: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD2J172: 32, PD10Je73:22 Fitch, Mr. , of Nantucket, Mass. , D9S75:22 Mrs. , of Nantucket, Mass. , D9S75:22 Eleazer,R8S74:22 Samuel, PD2S73: 21 Thomas, gov. of Conn. ,RllAg74: 21 Timothy, C15My79: 11 William, Capt. , of the Vigorous, PD6Ag72: 13 Fithian, Philip, PD290c72: 12, PD290c72: 13 Fitshugh, ship, R2N69: 23 396 Fitzadam, [Adam], author, PD17S72: 21, PD10Je73: 34, D30D75: 21, D2Mr76: 42, D9Mr76: 42, D9Mr76: 43, D24Ag76: 56 Fitzgerald, Capt. , wounded in battle of Bunker Hill, P22J175s22— D29J175: 31 Mr. , imports linen to Alexandria, Pi29D74:32 sentenced for stealing in N.Y. , PD23Mr69:23 Cornelius, P27D76: 32 Florence, R14F71: 32 Garrot, PDllMy69s33 John, accuses Norfolk paper of Toryism, PD10N74: 33 adv. for runaway convict servants, 18Je52:22 adv. land for sale, 18Ap45: 41 convict servant of, 6Je45: 32, 12D45: 41 letter to, in post office, PD28My67: 32 slave of, PD7My72: 32 Letitia,CllD79:21 William, R60c68: 31, PD4Mr73: 33, PD12My74: 43, PD19My74pll, PD10N74: 42, P24My76: 43 William, Capt. ,D160c79: 32 Fitzgibbons, John,D9Mr76: 13 Fitzherbert, Capt. , of the Adventure, PD5Mr67: 22, PD13Ag67: 13 — R13Ag67: 22, PD20Ag67: 23 Lord, appointed gov. of Barbados, PD7Mr66: 31 William, R12Mr67: 23, PD22S68: 22, R16Mr69: 32, PD18Ap71: 13 Fitzherbert, snow, PD2N69: 21 Fitzhugh, Col. , P5D77: 23 slave of, 170c51:31 Cornet, D19S77: 31 Mr. ,RllOc70:32 gives oration at William and Mary, P21Ag78:23 hold bonds, PD15Ap73: 31— R15Ap73: 31 horse of,140c73:31 slaves of join British, D19D77: 12 quarter of, P5S77:33 Barbara, 2Mr39: 41 Dade, Mrs. , P18Ap77sl2 Daniel, appointed ensign, D22Ag77: 22 collector for,D23My77: 31 — P23My77: 32 denies marriage announcement, P16My77:32 letter to in post office, PD16J167: 41, PD10Mr68:31 marriage of, P18Ap77sl2 on committee in Westmoreland co. , Va. ,Pi9F75:31 Elizabeth (Stith), marriage of, PD8N70: 21 George, P23Je75: 31 Henry, appointed to committee in Stafford co. , Va. , R28J174: 23 burgess from Stafford co. , Va. , 3N38:51 death of, P27Je77: 11 marriage of, PD8N70: 21 posts land, P30Ag76: 32 sells tobacco to Fr. , 5My38: 32 slaves of join British, D19D77: 12 Henrv, Col. , PD8N70: 21, P3Ja77sl3, P27Je77: 11,D19D77:12 Henry, jr. ,R28J174: 23 Henry, Capt. ,P27S76s21 Henry, Major, P27S76s21 John, 19J154: 32, PD27N66: 31 — Flats R27N66: 23, R16Je68: 31, R28J174: 23, P23Je75:31,P31My76:33 John, Major, 2Mr39: 41 Martha, D170c77: 22 Molly, P3Ja77sl3 Thomas, 5Mr52: 32, R28J174: 23, P22S75:11 William, PD28Ja68: 32--R4F68: 41, R6S70: 22, D180c76: 31— P180c76: 23, P10J178:22 adv. estate for sale, PD26Mr72: 33 — R23Ap72:42 adv. for bids for building church, 12F62:32,R18J166:33 adv. for missing horses, 15My46: 42 adv. land for sale, 13Je51: 41, R5S66: 32, PD16Je68: 32— R16Je68: 32 appointed ensign, P22S75: 11 arrives at Yorktown, PD6S70: 23 burgess from King George co. , Va. , PD5D71:31,PD4Ag74:23 burgess from Stafford co. , Va. , 13F52:32,27F52:32 delegate from King George co. , Va. , DlAp75:21 delegate from Stafford co. , Va. , P9My77: 23 delegate to Continental congress, D26Je79: 31 horses of, R220c72: 22, PD28Ap74: 22, PD9Je74: 31, PD20Oc74: 31, D13Ap76: 33— P19Ap76: 43, D19Mr79: 31, D24Ap79: 32 land of, R50c69: 23, PD11F73: 23, PD9Je74: 32--R9Je74: 21, PD16Je74:23,P3Ap78:22 letter to,R17F74:33 notice to debtors of Grymes estate, PD12My68: 31— R12My68: 21 on committee for rebating damaged tobacco, RlAg71: 11 on committee for Va. counties, PlMr76: 13 on committee in King George co. , Va. ,D28Ja75:23 on committee in Stafford co. , Va. , R28J174:23 slave of,R24Ag69:31 stable of,P8My78s22 testifies on horse, P31My76: 32 trustee for Grymes' estate, R31My70: 22— PD7Je70: 33 William, Col. , 10Ja[?]51: 42, PD18F68: 31, PD2N69: 31--R2N69: 22 Fitzhugh, ship,R2N69:23 Fitzjarrel, Morris, PD5Ag73: 31 Fitzmaurice, Ulysses, PD19Mr67: 23, PD12N72: 13 Fitzosborne, [Thomas], Sir, author, PD25F68:41 Fitzpatrick, Lt. , death of,D4My76: 32 Mr. , discusses colonial policy in Commons, D18My76: 32 Alexander, PD29S74: 33 Daniel, 17Ag39: 32 George, D25Mr80: 33 Peter,R27S70:31— PD4Oc70:41 William, 12Mr52:31 Fitz Randolph, Kinsey, Capt. , of the Flying-Fish, 28F55: 31, 23My55: 21 Fitzroy, Augustus, Lord, of the Burlington, 10c36: 31 of the Eltham, 25Mr37: 22, 120c39: 41, 25Ja40:2 Fitzwilliam, earl of, [William Wentworth], favors repeal of Quebec act,D19Ag75:22 opposes Mass. government act, PD28J174: 23 opposes mercenary troops, D22Je76: 21 opposes Prohibitory act, P26My75s42, D30Mr76: 21, DUMy76: 22 signs amendment on American revolution, D18Ap77: 31 supports colonies, PDllAg74: 13, D29Ap75s21 Fiume, It. , See Earthquakes in Five Nations, 10Oc45: 22, PD16S73: 22 Five pound bills, counterfeited in Va. , PD25F73:31,R24Je73:31 Fiveash, Thomas, P24Ja77: 23 Fixtures, See Shop fixtures Flack, Conrad, PD2Ja72: 23 Flackfield, Thomas, PD25Je72: 32 Flags, captured by Americans near Boston, Mass. , D70c75: 23 Flags, displayed at St. Andrews day festival, 70c37: 32, 9D37: 42 displayed in Williamsburg, Va. , 21 Ja37: 42, 4N37: 42, 2N39: 41, 7N45: 31 for Carolina volunteer company, P130c75:23 of Baltimore, Md. , militia, described, Pi23F75:32 of Caroline co. , Va. , troops, P130c75: 23 of Continental navy, described, DllMy76: 23 of Newport, R. I. , militia, described, PillMy75:31 of thirteen colonies, D2Mr76: 23, P17My76: 31, D18My76: 33 of U. S. , P12S77: 23--D19S77: 31 of Va. regiments, described, Pi28S75: 32— P29S75: 32— D30S75: 31 used as decoys by British, D20Ap76: 31 See also Marble flags Flags, British, captured by Americans, D13Ja76: 42,D4My76:32 Flagstones, for sale, in Lancaster co. , Va. ,D5S77:31— P5S77: 11 Flake white (paint), price of in Williamsburg, Va. , PU4S75: 31 Flambrough, H. M. S. , 15S38: 41, 4My39: 41 Ue39: 42, 22Je39: 32, 25Ja40: 2, 4J145: 21, 21N51: 22, 24Ja52: 31, PD21Mr71: 22 Flanagan, Samuel, P19Ap76: 33 — D20Ap76: 33 Flanders, fortification of, R23S73: 23— PD30S73: 23 French troops in, 4My39: 31 relations with Austria, PD13Je71: 13 See also Canals; Corn import, to Gt. Brit, from; Distemper among cattle in; Imports to Bristol, Eng. , from; Imports to London, Eng. , from Flandinham, Samuel, R31D72: 33 Flannagin, Samuel, PD170c71: 22 Flannakin, William, 30Ap52: 22 Flannel, for sale, at Kemp's landing, Va. ,D19Mr79: 31 in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72: 31 in Edenton, N. C. , P160c78: 42 in London, Eng. , PD7Je70: 33 in Norfolk, Va. , PD21D69: 32— R28D69: 13, PD8N70: 23 in Petersburg, Va. , PD6N66: 21 in Smithfield, Va. , D31J179: 12 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD25F68: 23 — R3Mr68: 34, R8N70: 13, PD22N70s23, R170c71: 33, PD12D71: 32, P21Ag78: 41, C21Oc80: 22 in Yorktown, Va. , PD25F68: 31 — R25F68:31 Flannel, checked, for sale, in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72: 31 Flannel, embossed, for sale, in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72: 31 Flannel, flowered, for sale, at Warwick courthouse, Va. , PD19N67: 23 in Yorktown, Va. , PD310c71: 23 Flannel, spotted, for sale, at Warwick courthouse, Va. , PD19N67: 23 Flannel, striped, for sale, in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD25F68: 23 — R3Mr68:34,R8N70: 13 in Yorktown, Va. , PD25F68: 31 — R25F68: 31, PD310c71: 23 Flannel manufactures, encouraged in Pa. ,P24F75s22 encouraged in Va. , Pi30Mr75: 31 — DlAp75: 23 Flannel under jackets, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD220c72: 23 — R220c72: 23 Flannel waistcoats, for British army in British colonies, N. Am. , D17F76: 23 for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD10Oc71: 31, PD210c73: 23 — R210c73: 22, Pi20Oc74: 31 — PD20Oc74s22 Flannigan, William, 12Je52: 21 Flarettes, for sale, in King and Queen co. , Va. , 2S57: 32 Flaskets, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 Flasks, powder, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 Flat beach, N. J. , See Scotch soldiers drowned on; Shipwrecks on Flat creek, Va. , See Land for sale on Flat-Holms, Wales, See Lighthouses Flat Rock church, Va. , P12Ap76: 33 Flat Rock road, Va. , 13Je51: 32 Flatfish, in Prince Edward island, R18Ag68s21 Flatirons, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PDllAp71: 32, PD12D71: 32 Flats (boats), adv. for, in James City co. , Va. , D90c79: 32 convict servants escaped from, PD17S67: 22 for hire, at College landing, Va. , D3Je75: 33 for sale, PD27Ag72: 43 at Surry courthouse, Va. , 5S55: 41 in Blandford, Va. , PD24Ja71: 31-- R31Ja71: 32, D23Mr76: 32, P9F76: 32— D10F76:33 in Cumberland, Va. , PD18N73: 22 in Edenton, N. C. ,D12F80: 32— C19F80:41 in Gloucester co. , Va. , D27Ja76: 33— P2F76: 32 in Gosport, Va. , PD9D73: 22 in Hampton, Va. , PD12Ja69: 32 in Hanover, Va. , P17F75: 42— D18F75:32 in King and Queen co. , Va. , PD2My66: 23, PD20Je66: 31 397 Flats (boats), for sale (cont'd) in King William co. , Va. , PD170c71: 31- R170c71:31 in New Kent co. , Va. , PD23F69: 33— R23F69: 22 in Newcastle, Va. , PD27Ag72sll, PD2S73: 23, PD24N74: 23 in Norfolk, Va. , PD80c67: 21, PD270c68: 33, PD10D72: 31, in Northumberland co. , Va. , PD5N72:43--R5N72:21 in Suffolk, Va. , PD19N72: 23 in Surry co. , Va. , 27Mr46: 42 in Warwick, Va. , PD10c72: 23— R80c72: 41 in Westmoreland co. , Va. , 11S46: 41, P6S76:42--D7S76:31 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD280c73: 23, Pu28F77s23 In Yorktown, Va. ,R18Ag68: 32— PD25Ag68: 32, PD20Oc68: 22— R270c68: 32, PDllMy69: 32 near Cabin Point, Va. ,D14Mr77: 12— P21Mr77: 21 near Newcastle, Va. , C19F80: 11— D19F80: 33 found, adv. of, PD30Oc66: 32, PD6Je71: 32 in Hampton roads, Va. , PD22D68: 33 near Mulberry island, Va. , PD9Je68: 31 indentured servants runaway from, 18Ap51: 32 lost, adv. for, P20Mr78: 11 in Jamestown, Va. , 14F51: 41 stolen, on Mattapony river, Va. , Pi9D75: 41— D11N75: 33— P17N75sl3 taken by indentured servants, 28Ap38: 42 Va. built, PD27F72: 32 Flats, decked, for sale, at Broadway's Va. , PD19J170: 33 Flats, described, lost, adv. for, in Gloucester co. , Va. , 2Je38: 42 stolen, in Norfolk, Va. , PD13Ag72: 23 Flats, schooner, for sale, in Alexandria, Va. , P9My77: 42 Flats, ships, for sale, in West Point, Va. , PD24My70: 31— R31My70: 42 Flatulency, cure for, PD10S72: 23 Flavius Josephus, author, PDlAg71: 41, PD8Ag71:41 Flax, adv. for, at Williamsburg, Va. , manufactory, D15Ag77: 61 — P15Ag77: 31 in Alexandria, Va. , D14F77: 31 in Norfolk, Va. , P14Ap75: 31— D15Ap75: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , P23Ag76: 32— D24Ag76: 62 as payment for horse breeding, D4Mr80: 31 bounties on import to Gt. Brit, from colonies, PD30J167: 21 bounties on in S. C. , PD14D69: 12 burned in N. C. , PD25Je72: 31 colonial taxes to be paid in, PD15S68: 12— R15S68: 14 export from British colonies, N. Am. , to Gt. "Brit, opposed, PD3Ag69: 22 export from Danzig forbidden, PD3Ja71: 13 export from Md. forbidden, PD29D74: 23 export from Russia forbidden, PD2My71: 22 exported from James river, upper district, Va. , to New York City, PD17Mr68: 31— R14Ap68: 42 for sale, at Henrico factory, Va. , D5F80: 33 in Fredericksburg, Va. , P6S76: 41 in Nansemond co. , Va. , C28Ag79: 31 in Prince George co. , Va. , D31Ja77: 72— P31Ja77: 32, P310c77: 13 in Williamsburg, Va. , P9My77: 31— D16My77: 21 import to Phila. , Pa. , from New York City allowed, R2Ag70: 21 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from Southhold, PD11F68: 23 lost at sea, PD30Ja72: 12 machines ordered in N. Y. , R19F67: 21 method of softening, PD10Mr68: 21 plentiful in Phila. , Pa. , D13Ja76: 41 plentiful in S. C. , PD14D69: 12 prizes for in N. Y. , R19F67: 21 raised in America, P26Ap76s21— D27Ap76: 31 raised in Scot. , PD21S69s22 raising encouraged in Culpeper co. , Va. ,R14J174:32 in Fairfax co. , Va. , R4Ag74: 22 R4Ag74: 22 in Ire. , P128S75: 21--P29S75: 13 in Md. , PD29D74: 23 . in Nansemond co. , Va. , PD28J174s22 in Pa. , P24F75s22 in Princess Anne co. , Va. , R4Ag74: 11 in Va. , PD30Je74: 22— R30Je74: 22, Pi30Mr75: 31— DlAp75: 23 scarce in Newport, R. I. , PD30Je68: 22 Flax dressers, adv. for, in Fredericksburg, Va. , P6S76: 41 See also Convict servants as Flax dressing, slaves instructed in, P6S76: 41 Flax hackle manufacture encouraged in Va. , Pi30Mr75: 31— DlAp75: 31 Flax manufacture, in Charleston, S. C. , PD22Mr70: 21 in Fredericksburg, Va. , P6S76: 41 in Mass. , PilOJa76: 21 — P12Ja76: 23— D13Ja76: 23 in Va. , PD2Je74: 21 parliamentary grants to improve, 14Ap38: 31 Flax wheel workers, journeymen, adv. for, in Williamsburg, Va. , D24Ag76: 72 Flax wheels, for sale, in Prince George co., Va. ,D31Ja77:72— P31 Ja77: 32 making of adv. , in Williamsburg, Va. , P14Je76: 32 Flaxseed, adv. for, in Portsmouth, Va. , PD10c72: 23 bartered, 250c65s43, PD15Ag71: 32 bounties on import to Ire. , Pi29Je75: 31 — P30Je75: 21— D1J175: 23, D3F76: 31 export from Baltimore, Md. , estimated, 1774-75, P17Mr75s42 export from New Haven, Conn. , prohibited, Pi31Ag75: 31 export from New York City estimated, 1774-75, P17Mr75s42 export from Phila. , Pa. , estimated, 1774-75, P17Mr75s42 export from Prince William co. , Va. , forbidden, Pil2Ja75: 33 exported from Accomac district, Va. , to New York City, PD5S66s43, PD12Mr67: 32, PD3D67: 31, PD270c68: 42, PD17N68: 22, PD22D68: 31 to Phila. , Pa. , R25D66: 13, PDllJe67:'32, PD3D67: 31, PD270c68: 43, PD22D68: 31 exported from Baltimore, Md. , to Dublin, Ire. , R13Ja74: 21 exported from James river, upper district, Va. , 1763-1766, PD12F67: 23 to Glasgow, Scot. , PD26Mr67: 23 to New York City, PD19N67: 22 to Newport, R. I. , PD27N66: 23 to Phila. , Pa. , PD270c68: 42 exported from New York City, PD9Ap67: 22 to Ire. , PD9Ap67: 13 exported from Phila. , Pa. , PD9Ap67: 21 for sale, in Gloucester co. , Va. , D19F79: 32 in Prince George co. , Va. ,D31Ja77: 72— P31Ja77: 32 in WUliamsburg, Va. , PDllAp71: 32, PD12D71: 32, P8D75: 11 imported to Galway, Ire. , from N. Am. , R23Mr69: 31 imported to Ire. from British colonies, N. Am. , P12My75: 11 lost at sea, PD18F68: 22, PD1N70: 21, PD16Ja72: 31, R17Je73sl2 lost infire,R21F71:31 lost in storm, PD29Ap73: 22— R29Ap73: 22 price of in New York City, PD9Ap67: 13 in Phila. , Pa. , 280c37: 32 , 20Ja38: 32, UAg38: 32, 6Ap39: 22, HMy39: 41, 25My39: 41, 8Je39: 41, 22Je39: 31, 20J139:32,3Ag39:41 raising encouraged in Ire. , D1J175: 23 seized from American ship, P23Ag76: 22— D24Ag76: 31 used to cure pleurisy, PH6F75: 11 Fleams, box, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD18Ag74: 3° Fleams, horse, for sale, in Cobham, Va. , P4J177: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , DlMy79: 22 Fleams, spring, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD14Ap74: 31, PD18Ag74: 32 Fleeming, [John], printer of Boston chronicle, PD22F70: 13 Fleet, Edwin, PDlAg66: 43, C30Oc79: 31— D30Oc79: 32 John, Pi2Mr75:22, P11J177:42 William, PD4J171: 31— R18J171: 41 William, Capt. , R12J170: 33, PD21F71:32 Fleet market, London, enlarged, 30Je38: 32 Fleet prison, London, prisoners in, PD30Ja72: 21 Fleetown, See Tories from Fleet's bay, Va. , See Shipwrecks in Fleet's ferry, Va. , R270c68: 24, PD4J171:31— R18J171:41, D11N75: 33 — P17N75sl3 — Pi9D75: 41 Fleetwood, Benjamin, Capt. , of the Betsey, PD8Je69: 23 of the Chatham, PD6Ja74: 32 Fleming, Capt. , of Goochland co. , Va. , troops, P20Oc75s22 on court-martial board, P12Ja76: 33 Col. , leads Continental troops to Phila. , P24Ja77: 12 Dr. ,R31Mr68: 34 398 Floods Lt. , soldier deserted from, 30c55: 32 Mr. , PD3N68: 23 alias of John Wright, Pi20Ap75: 31 — P21Ap75s42 Adam, PD15S68: 31, PD19N72: 22, PD8S74:31 r P5Je78: 12 adv. plantation for sale, PD8J173: 32 adv. property for sale, D22N76: 31 — P22N76: 31 death of, D28F77: 31 factor, P14N77: 31 funeral of, P28F77: 21 settlement of estate of, D14Mr77: 12— P21Mr77: 21,D9My77:32 slave of, PD7Ja73: 33 subscriber to meeting of merchants, PD30Je74: 23 Charles, PD13Ap69: 33--R13Ap69: 32, PD1N70: 23, D25My76: 23, P2Ag76: 32 Charles, Capt. , D23Mr76: 33, P4Ap77: 32, P2My77sl2 David, PD220c67: 22 Edward. Lt. Col. , D16S75: 22 Gardiner, PD7F71: 23 adv. for indentured servant, PD10c67: 13 adv. for journeymen weavers, PD210c73: 22, PD14J174: 31, P14Ap75: 31--D15Ap75: 32, P24My76: 41--D22Je76: 32 manager of lottery, PD1S68: 23 retires as storekeeper, PD24S72: 22 Gilbert, commander of Leeward is. , 30My51: 21 Henry, PD22N70: 31, PD10D72: 23 James, P27D76: 32 John, 27Ag56: 42, PD30c66: 22, R15Je69:42,P16Je75:31 — D17Je75: 33, P14Mr77: 23 John, Capt. ,D210c75: 23, P24Ja77: 22, D24Ja77: 41 — P24Ja77: 22, D31Ja77: 32- P7F77: 13, D31Ja77: 62--P31Ja77: 21 John, Col. , burgess from Cumberland co. , PD21Ap68: 23 death of, PD30Ap67: 32 estate of for sale, PD1N70: 23— R1N70: 23, PD5Mr72: 32— R12Mr72: 32, PD24D72: 31 — R24D72: 22 settlement of estate of, PD4Je67: 33 slaves of, PD10N68: 23--R17N68: 32 Molly, P12S77: 23 Robert, R2Je74: 22 Samuel. PD18J166: 31 Sukey, D16Ap79: 21 Susanna, PD12My68: 31--R12My68: 23, PD13Ap69: 33— R13Ap69: 32, PD1N70: 23--RlN70:31 Tarlton, PD16Ag70: 43, PD13Ag72: 22, P310c77: 31— D7N77: 31, P3Ap78: 31, D13N78:22 Thomas, PD12My68: 31--R12My68: 23 adv. finding hogs, PD14My72: 31 adv. for missing horse, P29N76: 32 adv. land for sale, PD1N70: 23 — R1N70:31 adv. settlement of estates, PD4Je67: 33, D6Ap76: 33 arrives in Phila. , Pa. , D31Ja77: 42 death of,DUe76: 32 elected col. of 9th Va. regiment, P12Ja76: 32--D13Ja76: 32— Pil3Ja76: 22 estate of for sale, P9Ag76: 42— D10Ag76: 62 letter to, in post office, PD3Ag69: 32 orders soldiers to return to regiment, P6D76: 31 runaway indentured servant, R12My68: 41 settlement of estate of, P21Ag78: 32 to Va. from Phila. , Pa. , D20D76: 12 Thomas, Capt. , PD25Ap71: 32 William, PDi2My68: 31— R12My68: 23 adv. land for sale,RHD66: 32, PD1N70: 23— R1N70: 31, C15J180: 21 adv. runaway indentured servant, R12J170: 22--PD19J170: 41 adv. settlement of estate, PD4Je67: 33 burgess from Cumberland co. , Va. , PD12D71: 31, PD4Ag74: 23 delegate from Cumberland co. , Va. , DlAp75: 21 of Cumberland, Va. , PD18My69: 31 on committee of Cumberland co. , Va. D25Mr75: 12 on council, D25D79: 21 plantation of, P130c75: 23 subscriber for opening James river, PDUAg74: 32— RllAg74: 32 William, Capt. , P24My76: 23 William, Col. , R18Ag74: 32— PD25Ag74: 3L PilON74: 23, PD10N74:41,D6Ap76:33 Fleming, Fisher, & Bragg, PD8Ag71: 23 Flemmin, Robert, R60c68: 31 Flemming, Capt. , of the Cockermouth, 9S37: 41 Henry, PD23J172: 32 James, Capt. , of the Bogle, 3J146: 4 Robert, PD18F68: 31, D31Ag76: 31 Robert, Capt. , 10F38: 31 Flemyng, Nathaniel, PD1S68: 23, PD7F71: 23 Fletchall, [Thomas], Col. , Pi6D75: 22 Fletcher, Capt. , 29Ag45: 22, PD10Mr68: 23 of the George, PD23Ja72: 13 Mr. , of Winter harbor, PD16Ja72: 31 Andrew, author, PD18J171: 33 Carter, deserter, P28Mr77s23, P13Je77: 12 James, PD30Oc66: 31, PD21Ja73: 32, P21F77: 23, P21Mr77: 22 James, Capt. , P21N77: 31 John, PD1N70: 23— R18Oc70: 31 PD27My73: 31, D10Ag76: 22 Richard, Pi9F75: 31 Samuel, R15Je69: 22, PD17Ag69: 32 Fletchers, Messrs. & company, R3Mr74: 21 Fleur, sloop of war, R16S73: 22 Fleur de Lys, Fr. warship, 5S55: 21 Fleuron, man of war, HJa40: 21 Fleur y, [Francois Louis de], Lt. Col. , D7Ag79: 22 Fleury, ship, 25Ag38: 22 Flies, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD18Je67: 33 swarm in Bordeaux, Fr. , PD29S68: 13 See also Spanish flies Flin, Anne, R23Je68: 31 Simon, PD10c67: 12 Timothy, R23Je68: 31 See also Flyn Fling, Val, C30Oc79: 31 Flings, seized from British ship, P7Je76: 23 — D8Je76: 61 Flinn, John, D24Ap79: 31 Thomas, PD21J174: 32 Flint, Messrs. , captured near Boston, Mass. ,D13J176:62 James, D29J176: 42 Silas, Mrs. , PD2Ap67: 21 William, D27My75: 31 Flint bottles, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. ,D24Ag76:61 near Warwick, Va. , D28F77: 32 Flint manufacture, encouraged in Phila. , Pa. , P19J176: 22— D29J176: 52 Flints, captured by Americans, D13Ja76: 42 for Augusta co. , Va. , Pi6J175: 12 for sale, at Hanover courthouse, Va. , P23Ag76: 42 in Warwick, Va. , PD19N67: 23 imported to Newburyport, Mass. , from Fr. , P31My76: 13— DUe76: 12 imported to Phila. , Pa. , from Marseilles, Fr. , P16Ag76: 23 imported to Salem, Mass. , from Guadeloupe, W. I. , D10Ag76: 61, D24Ag76: 22 imported to U. S. from Fr. , P16My77: 22 from Nantes, Fr. , P25J177: 11 lost at sea, 3Ap46: 21 ordered by R. I. assembly, D14Ja75: 12 purchase regulated by Va. convention, P8S75sll — Pil4S75: 23--D16S75: 21 taken from armory in Charleston, S. C. , D27My75: 33 Flints, oil, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD24Ja71: 32 in Portsmouth, Va. , PD15Ag71: 32, PD14N71: 23, PD10c72: 23 Flintshire, Eng. , See Accidents in Flippin, Ralph, R14Ap68: 44 Flood, Alice, PD21Ja73: 31 Elizabeth, P24My76: 42, P13S76: 33— D14S76: 71,D18Ap77: 72— P18Ap77s43 [Henry], PD8Ag71: 22 James, 7N45: 32 Nicholas, PD6N66: 23, PD9D73: 21, PillMy75: 33--D13My75: 33 Nicholas, Dr. , defendant in Chancery court, R31Ja71: 23 estate of, P8N76: 43 land of, R31Ja71: 23, P13S76: 33— D14S76: 71 settlement of estate of, P24My76: 42, D18Ap77: 72--P18Ap77s43, P310c77: 12, C6N79: 33 William, adv. estate for sale, PD19My68: 23— R26My68: 33 adv. finding anchor, PD19Mr72: 31 adv. finding horse, D160c79: 32 adv. for runaway slaves, PD19Ap70: 32— R19Ap70: 32 adv. mortgage held on Campbell's estate, R3My70: 32 adv. settlement of estate of Campbell, PDllJe72: 32 requests meeting of Campbell's creditors, PD27F72: 32— R27F72: 31, PD14My72: 22, PD3S72: 22 William, Dr. , PD10Mr68: 31, R4Ag68: 24, P160c78: 31, R12J170: 23, P25Ag75: 81— D26Ag75: 32, P20Oc75: 23 Floods, in Aberdeen, Scot. , PD2F69: 23 in Albany, N. Y. , Pil6N75: 32 399 Floods (cont'd) Albemarle co. , Va. , PD30My71: 21 Andalusia, Sp. , PD28Ja68: 22 Antigua, W. I. , 20Oc38: 22 Augusta co. , Va. , PD30My71: 21 Austria, PD170c71: 11— R170c71: 13 Barbados, W. I. , PD23N69: 21 Bayonne, Fr. , PD16Ag70: 11 Beadland, Scot. , PD20Oc68: 21 Belgium, 8Je39: 32, PD13Je71: 13 Bellunese, PD2My71: 22--R2My71: 21 Bordeaux, Fr. , PD16Ag70: 11 Bremen, Ger. ,8Ap37:31 Bristol, Eng. , PD27F72: 31 Canterbury, Eng. , R5Ja69: 22 Carlisle, Eng. , PD1J173: 22— R1J173: 21 Carmarthenshire, Wales, PD28Ap68: 13 Conn. , R19F67: 22 Constantinople, Turk. , PD4F68: 11 Coventry, Eng. , PD22J173: 11 Cumberland, Eng. , PD10D72: 21 Danzig, P19My75: 21, P9Je75: 11 Denbighshire, Wales, PD4F68: 31 Dominica, W. I. , PD5My68: 21 Drontheim, Norway, PD16My66: 11 Dumbartonshire, Scot. , R11F68: 24 Dunkirk, Fr. , PD14Mr71: 23 Eng. , 290c36: 21, 30D37: 31, 6Ja38: 21, 21Ap38: 32, 5My38: 12, 3Ap52: 22, PD4F68: 22— R4F68: 13, PD8D68: 23, R5Ja69: 12, R6Ap69: 21, PD14Mr71: 23, PD2My71: 11, PD19My74: 21 Eng. , northern, PD30Ja72: 21, PD27F72: 22, PD12Mr72: 22, PD12Mr72: 31, PD19Mr72: 22 in Essex, Eng. , PD23Ap67: 21 in Exeter, Eng. , PD12Mr72: 23 in Fr. , R19J170: 13, PD27S70: 22, PD18Oc70: 22, PD14Ja73: 13— R14Ja73: 22, PDlAp73: 21, D8My79: 11 in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD6Je71: 31 in Ger. , 10D36: 22, 10Ja[?]51: 31, PD2F69: 12, PD17S71: 21, PD28My72: 22 in Glamorganshire, Wales, PD130c68: 12 in Glasgow, Scot. , R11F68: 24 in Gravesend, Eng. , PD23Ap67: 21 in Hamburg, Ger. , PD11J171: 11 , PD10Oc71: 21 in Hanover, Ger. , 24Ag51: 31 in Hereford, Eng. , PD28Ap68: 13 in Holl. , PD21Mr71: 21, PD13Je71: 13, PD240c71: 21, PD19My74: 31 in Huntingdon, Eng. , PD5Ag73: 13 in Isle of Ely, Eng. , R24Mr74: 21 in It. ,4S46: 12,14Mr51:21 in Kirkliston, Scot. , PD4F68: 23 in Latvia, PD8Ag71: 21 in Leith, Scot. , PD11F73: 21 in Lincolnshire, Eng. , Pi8D74: 22— PD8D74: 21 in Liverpool, Eng. , PD14Mr71: 23 in London, Eng. , PD23Ap67: 13, PD21F71: 13 in Lucea, Jamaica, W. I. , PD30J172: 23 in Manchester, Eng. , R4F68: 14 in Montauban, Fr. , PD26Mr67: 11 in New Haven, Conn. , R19F67: 22— PD26F67: 31 inN. J. ,R8Ag66:41 in New Bern, N. C. , PD2N69: 21 in Newport, Eng. , PD7Ja73: 21— R7Ja73: 22 in Nice, It. ,24Ag51:31 In in Normandy, Fr. , PD9F69: 22— R9F69: 13 in Northamptonshire, Eng. , PD5Ag73: 13 in Norwich, Conn. , 20My37: 31 in Nottinghamshire, Eng. , PD30Ap72: 21 in Oneglia, It. , 24Ag51: 31 in Oporto, Port. , Pil6Mr75: 22— P17Mr75: 21— D18Mr75: 23 in Oxford co. , Eng. , 19N36: 31 in Pa. , 5My38: 22, PD5F67: 23, PD2S73: 22— R2S73: 22 in Phila. , Pa. , Pi21S75: 32— P22S75: 22 in Plymouth, Eng. , PD27F72: 31 in Poland, P2Je75: 21 in Prussia, P2Je75: 21 in Richmond, Va. , P160c78: 22 in Riga, Latvia, PD15Ag71: 11 in Rocky Ridge, Va. ,R30My71: 22 in Rome, It. , 24Ag51: 31, PD7Mr66: 21 in Rosseau, Dominica, W. I. , PD2N69: 12 in Scot. , PD28Ja68l 22, PD4F68: 23, PD29S68: 13, R5Ja69: 22 in St. Thomas parish, Jamaica, W. I. , PD80c67: 12 in Sinigaglia, Papal states, 250c65s22 in Sp. , PD17Mr68: 23 in Stainsbridge, Eng. , PD16Mr69: 13 in Tyrol, Aust. , PDllMr73: 11 in Utrecht, Holl. , PD30Ja72: 21 in Vailzen, Hung. , P9Je75: 21 in Venice, It. , R21Mr71: 31 in Va. , 120c52: 22, R4D66: 12, R30My71: 22, PD6Je71: 31, PD13Je71: 23, PD20Je71: 32, D160c78: 32 effect on British merchants, PD17S71: 31 losses in, PD30My71: 21— R30My71: 22 relief for discussed, PD11J171: 22, PD18J171: 11— R18J171: 22— R18J171: 23, PD25J171: 22, RlAg71: 11 in Warwick, Va. , R30My71: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD6Ag67: 23 in Yarm, Eng. , PD27F72: 23 near Hamburg, Ger. , 4Mr37: 22 near Newark, Eng. , PD5My68: 13 on Appomattox river, Va. , PD6Je71: 31 on Danube river, P19My75: 21 on Elk island, Va. , PD6Je71: 31 on Farrar island, Va. , PD6Je71: 31 on Loire river, Fr. , 13Je51: 12 on Pamunkey river, Va. , PD6Je71: 31 on Roanoke river, Va. , PD6Je71: 31, PD6Je71: 32 on Tees river, Eng. , PD28Ap68: 13 on Tercera is., Azores, PD25Mr73: 12 See also Freshes Flooker, Owen, 12Je52: 21 Floor cloths, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 Flooring, for sale, PD24N68: 32 in Hanover co. , Va. , D24Ap78: 41 in King William co. , Va. , PD24N68: 32 in Warwick co. , Va. , D20Je77: 22— P20Je77: 33 Flora, Fr. frigate, D18D79: 12 frigate, 28Ag52: 21, D8N76: 12, D24Ja77: 21 H. M. S. , P15Mr76: 21--D16Mr76: 22, D24Ag76: 22, P22Ag77: 23 ship, PD11J171: 21, D8Je76: 31 Flore, frigate, R31D72: 31 Florence, Joseph, PD18N73: 23 Florence, It. , insurrections in, R11F68: 23 military preparations of, PD19My74: 31 See also Bread scarce in; Earthquakes in; Fires in; Freemasons in; Guild of St. Luke in; Horse racing in; Marriage portions distributed in; Murders in; Religious feasts in; Royal academy of painting in Florentine, Simon, Capt. , of the Success, D160c79: ll,D13N79:3l Florida, cession to Sp. discussed, D18J177:lLD8Ja80:22 expedition against by Americans planned, D14S76: 31 on committee for trade relief, PD21Mr66: 31 settlement of planned, PD16Ap67: 11 See also British army in; Cattle destroyed by Indians in; Census of; Continental navy cruises off; Convict servants, demand for in; Convict servants, transportation to; Convict servants in; Creeks return to; East Florida; Emigration from Gt. Brit, to; Emigration from Isle of Man to; Emigration from London to; Emigra- tion from Scot, to; Exports from Eng. to; Free trade in; French navy damaged by storm off; French Protestants emigrate to; Hurricanes off; Indians in; Land grants in; Negroes recaptured by Americans in; Privateers, Charleston, S. C. , chased by British off; Privateers, N. Y. , captured by Continental navy off; Rangers of; Spanish army from Havana, Cuba, to; Spanish navy from Havana, Cuba, to; Stamp act, reaction to in; West Florida Florida, H.M. S. , PD16Ag70: 31, PD30Ap72: 13 H. M. storeship, PD27F72: 23— R27F72: 23 Florida cape, See Shipwrecks off Florida coast, See Engineers on; Shipwrecks on Florida gulf, See Shipwrecks in Florida Packet, ship, PD5S66s43, PD3Mr68: 31— R3Mr68: 31 PDllAg68: 23, PD13Ap69: 23, PD8Je69; 23, PD7S69: 31, PD7Je70: 31, R25N73: 41— PD2D73: 21 sloop, R8Ag66: 31— PD22Ag66: 22 Floridas, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , D16D75: 23 Florinton, Capt. , of the Success, D20c79: 22 Florio, [Giovanni], composer, PD29Ag71: 31, PD17S72: 22 Florry, John Johnston, D12Mr79: 32 Florus, author, PD7J168: 31, PD29N70: 22, PD3Ja71: 43, PD17Ja71: 43, PD7F71: 43, PD21F71: 43, PD10Je73: 34,DllF75s23, D30D75: 21 Floss, for sale, in WiUiamsburg, Va. , PD22N70s23, PD13Ag72: 21, R12My74: 32 Flota, frigate, 4Ag38: 21 Flotsam and jetsam, laws of, altered in Eng. , lAp37: 32 Flounder, plentiful near Cape Hatteras, N. C. , R7Ap74: 22 Flour, adv. for,D15Je76: 6L P26J176: 43— D29J176: 62 400 Flour American, unsalable in Eng. , PD150c72: 12, PD150c72: 21 — R150c72:21 amount purchased by Va. commissary, D11D79:21 bartered for land, PD2F69: 32— R2F69: 32 for Madeira wine, R11N73: 23, PD9D73: 21 for merchandise, PD24Ja71: 32, PUD74: 33--PD1D74: 32, D15Je76: 61 bounties on in Gt. Brit. , PD12F67: 13 burned in Elizabeth river, Va. , D30c77: 31 captured by Americans in Chambly, Can. , P116N75: 32--P17N75: 31 — D18N75: 22 in Ticonderoga, N. Y. , P2Je75s21 — D3Je75: 23 cleared at Va. naval office, P17Ja77: 33 damaged at sea, R4Ag68: 24 demand low in W. I. , PD14Ap68: 22 destroyed at sea by Americans, Pil3Ap75: 31 by British in Boston, Mass. , P12Ap76: 22--D13Ap76: 31 by Continental army in Peekskill, N.Y. ,D18Ap77:61 by fire in Boston, Mass. , D10Je75: 31 distributed near Westfield, N. Y. , D25J177: 21--P25J177: 13 duties on in Dominica, W. I. ,D6Ja76: 32 in Grenada, W. I. , PDUa67: 22 embargoes on, 3S56: 31, C3J179: 23, C30Oc79: 33--D11D79: 22 in Gt. Brit. ,R11D66: 13 in S. C. , 20Ja38: 31 in Va. ,7Mr55:31 repealed, 12D55: 22 export from British colonies, N. Am. , discussed, P26Ap76s21--D27Ap76: 31 export from Eng. prohibited, PD14F71: 23 export from Va. allowed, PilOAg75: 33— PllAg75: 33— D12Ag75: 33 prohibited, 5Ag37: 42, Pi3Ag75: 23— P4Ag75: 23— D5Ag75: 32 export regulated by Pa. general assembly, 17Ap46: 21 exported from Accomac district. Va. , to Antigua, W. I. , PD14Ja68: 32 to Barbados, W. I. , PDllJe67: 32 to N. C. , PD12S66: 23 exported from America to Sp. , PD5My74: 22 exported from Bristol, Eng. , to Boston, Mass. , P8S75sl3 exported from British colonies, N. Am. , to Port. , PD12Ja69: 12, PD18Oc70: 21 — R18Oc70: 11, Pil30c74: 23 — PD130c74: 23 to Sp. , PD12Ja69: 12 exported from Fr. to Martinique, W. I. , PD2J167: 31 exported from Gt. Brit, to W. I. , P12D77: 13 exported from Hampton, Va. , to Anguilla, W. I. , 10Oc45: 32 exported from James river, lower district, Va. to Antigua, W. I. , 8D52: 31, PD10F74: 23, PD10Mr74: 31, R17Mr74: 23 — PD14Ap74: 31, PD14Ap74: 31 — R14Ap74: 23, R14Ap74: 31 — PD28Ap74: 23 to Barbados, W. I. , 23Ja46: 42, 20Oc52: 21, 2Mr53: 41, 27Ag56: 32, PD15Ag66: 31--R15Ag66: 32, RllAg68: 24, R12Ja69: 31, PD10Mr74: 31, R17Mr74: 23--PD14Ap74: 31, R14Ap74: 31--PD28Ap74: 23, R8S74: 31 to Bermuda, HAp55: 22 to Cadiz, Sp. , R11F68: 31, PD6Ja74: 32, PD10F74: 23, R14Ap74: 23 — PD28Ap74: 23, R14Ap74: 31 — PD28Ap74: 23, R21Ap74: 23— PD28Ap74: 23 to Curacao, W. I. , R11D66: 33 to Falmouth, Eng. , PD14Ap74: 31 — R14Ap74: 23 to Grenada, W. I. , RUAg68: 24, R12Ja69: 31, PD10Mr74: 31, R17Mr74: 22- PD14Ap74: 23, R21Ap74: 23— PD28Ap74: 23 to Jamaica, W. I. , 2Mr53: 41, PD6Ja74: 32, PD14Ap74: 31 — R14Ap74: 23 to Lisbon, Port. , PD20Ja74: 23, PD14Ap74: 31 — R14Ap74: 23, R15S74: 33 to Madeira, RllAg68: 24, PD6Ja74: 32 to Nevis, W. I. , 29D52: 32, PD20Ja74: 23, R14Ap74: 23--PD28Ap74: 23 to New England, PD10Mr74: 31 to N. C. , R14Ap74: 31— PD28Ap74: 23 to St. Christopher, W. I. , 20Oc52: 21, 8D52: 31 to S. C. , PD10Mr74: 31, R17Mr74: 23 — PD14Ap74: 23 to Surinam, W. I. , R8S74: 31 exported from James river, upper district, Va. , PD3F74: 22 from 1763-1766, PD12F67: 23 to Antigua, W. I. , PD27Ag67: 23, PD22S68: 23--R22S68: 23, PD22D68: 31 to Barbados, W. I. , PDl9Mr67: 32, PD23Ap67: 31, PD9J167: 32, PD26N67: 23, PD17D67: 31, PD10Mr68: 31— R14Ap68: 42, PD7J168: 23--R7J168: 23, PD1S68: 23, PD22D68: 31, PD29D68: 31, PD20Ap69: 22, PD3Je69: 23, PD27J169: 32, PD27S70: 31 to Boston, Mass. , PD3Mr68: 31 — R3Mr'68: 31, PD20Ap69: 23, PD6J169: 32, PD10Ag69: 32, PD18Ja70: 32, PD1N70: 22, PD10F74: 23 to Bristol, Eng. , 18Ja40: 41, PD22Ja67: 32, PD16Ap67: 23, PD6Ag67: 32, PD26My68: 23— R9Je68: 33 to Cadiz, Sp. , PD22D68: 31, PD28D69: 31, PD18Ja70: 32, PD17F74: 31, PD10Mr74: 31 to Falmouth, Eng. , PD20Ja74: 23 to Ga. , 10Ag39: 31 to Glasgow, Scot. , PD16My66: 23 to Greenock, Scot. , PD26My68: 23— R9Je68: 33 to Jamaica, W. I. , 14D39: 11 to Leghorn, It. , PD12F67: 31 to Lisbon, Port. , 18Ja40: 41, PD8Je69: 23, PD28D69: 31, PD14Je70: 32 to Liverpool, Eng. , PD30Ap67: 32, PD27Ja74: 32 to Madeira, R30My66: 32— PD6Je66: 31, PD19F67: 31 — R19F67: 22, PD2Ap67: 23, PD26N67: 23, PD10D67: 31, PD24Mr68: 32— R14Ap68: 42, PDllAg68: 23— RllAg68: 31, PD8Je69: 23, PD21S69s23 to Oporto, Port. , PD7Je70: 31 to Pensacola, Fla. , PD3Mr68: 31— R3Mr68: 31 to Piscataway. PD7Ap74: 23 to Providence, R. I. , PD10Mr74: 23 to St. Vincent, W. I. , PD7Ap74: 23 to Salem, Mass. , PD3D67: 31, PD10Mr68: 31— R14Ap68: 42, PD1S68: 23, PD22D68: 31, PD22F70: 32, PD10F74: 23, D18Mr75: 32 to Vigo, Sp. , PD6J169: 32 to Whitehaven, Eng. , PD18F68: 23, PD26My68: 23— R9Je68: 32, PD20Ap69: 23, PD3F74: 22, PD10Mr74: 31, PD28Ap74: 23 exported from Md. to Liverpool, Eng. , PD22J173: 12 exported from New York City, PD9Ap67: 22 to Eng. , P10Mr75sl2 exported from Phila. , Pa. , PD9Ap67: 21 to Bordeaux, Fr. , D29J176: 51 to Lisbon, Port. , quality of, PDllN73s23,R25N73:33 to Pensacola, Fla. , PD6Ag67: 22 exported from Rappahannock district, Va. , to Barbados, W. I. , 7Ag52: 31 to London, Eng. , R8Ag66: 22— PD15Ag66: 23 to Whitehaven, Eng. , 7Ag52: 31, R8Ag66: 22— PD15Ag66: 23 exported from south Potomac district, Va. , to St. Christopher, W. I. , PD22Ja67: 31 exported from Va. to Cadiz, Sp. , PD16N69: 22 to R. I. , PD16N69: 22 exported from York district, Va. , 25Ap55: 22 to Jamaica, W. I. , 9D37: 42 to Madeira, 24N38: 42, 12Ja39: 42, 25Ja40: 3 to Providence, R. I. , 15S52: 32 to St. Christopher, W. I. , 20Oc52: 22, 24N52:31,27Ag56:32 for British army, 29Ag45: 22 in Af. , PD23S73: 22 in Boston, Mass. , P5Ja75: 32, D13Ja76: 13, PD60c74: 32 in British colonies, N. Am. , D18N75: 13 in St. Christopher, W. I. , P15Mr76sll— D16Mr76: 32 for British navy, P17My76: 21— D18My76: 31 in Norfolk, Va. , P15S75s22 in Va. ,P15S75s22 for Continental army, P19Ja76: 21— D20Ja76: 23 for Dunmore's troops on Gwynns island, Va. ,D31Ag76: 31 for relief of Boston from Fairfax co. , Va. , R25Ag74: 13 from Marbletown, N. Y. , Pi29D74: 22— PD29D74: 22 from New York City, D7Ja75: 23 from Pa. , D28Ja75: 21 from Phila. , Pa. .R21J174: 32, R8S74: 22 from Spotsylvania co. , Va. , Pi9F75: 32 for sale, at Berkeley plantation, Va. , 401 Flour, for sale, at Berkeley plantation (cont'd) P5Je78:41,P160c78:42 in Alexandria, Va. , P27Je77: 32, P29My78: 31 in Chesterfield co. , Va. , R14J168: 33 in Colchester, Va. , P29My78: 31 in Dumfries, Va. , P29My78: 31 in Falmouth, Va. , D24Ap78: 22, P29My78: 31 in Fredericksburg, Va. , D22Ag77: 22 in Gloucester co. , Va. , P6Mr78: 12 in Halifax, N. S. , 24Ja51: 41 in Hampton, Va. , P13D76: 31, D12Je79: 32 in Norfolk, Va. , PD12S66: 32, PD28F71: 41, PD4Mr73: 33— R4Mr73: 32 in Petersburg, Va. , P5Je78: 41, P160c78: 42 in Port Royal, Va. , P29My78: 41 in Portsmouth, Va. , PD14N71: 23 in Richmond, Va. , PD18Oc70: 31— R18Oc70: 22, DlAg77: 31--PlAg77: 13 in Surry co. , Va. , D19D77: 21 in Urbanna, Va. , PD7J174: 33, P30c77: 22 in Warwick, Va. , P29Ag77: 12 in Williamsburg, Va. , 30N59: 32, P23F76: 33 on Ware river, Va. , 8My52: 31 for Va. regiments, P29S75: 11— D30S75: 32— Pi50c75: 33 import to Eng. from America discussed, PD23Mr69: 23— R23Mr69: 22, PD80c72: 31 import to Liverpool, Eng. , free, PD13Ag72: 21 import to Martinique, W. I. , from Gt. Brit, forbidden, PD2J167: 31 imported to Charleston, S. C. , D3Ja77: 12 imported to Cork, Ire. , from N. Am. , PDllJe72: 22 imported to Dominica, W. I. , from Guadeloupe, W. I. , R18Ag68s22 imported to Eng. from Europe, P15S75: 13 imported to Greenock, Scot. , from British colonies, N. Am. , PDllJe67: 13 imported to Guadeloupe, W. I. , from Fr. , PD21Ja68: 32 imported to Hampton, Va. , from Md. , 18Ap45: 32,23My45: 32, 13Je45: 32, 10Oc45: 22 from Phila. , Pa. , 28Mr45: 41, 9My45: 32 imported to Ire. from British colonies, N. Am. , P12My75: 11 imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from Md. , 23Ja46: 41, 8D52: 31, PD6Ja74: 32, PD10F74: 23, PD14Ap74: 23— R14Ap74: 23 from New York City, R15S74: 33 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from Annapolis, Md. , PD13Ap69: 23 from Md. , PD10D67: 31, R17Mr74: 22— PD14Ap74: 23 from Phila. , Pa. , PD9N69: 22 imported to Liverpool, Eng. , from New York City, Pi28Ap75: 31 from Va. , PD22S74: 31 imported to London, Eng. , from New York City, PD30Je68: 11 from Phila. , Pa. , PD30Je68: 11 imported to Martinique, W. I. , from Fr. , PD21Ja68: 32 imported to St. Eustatia, W. I. , from ' Eng. ,D22Ja80: 23 from Phila. , Pa. , PD12N72: 21 imported to St. Malo, Fr. , from N. Am. , PD24D72: 21 imported to York district, Va. , from New England, 13My37: 42 inspected in Phila. , Pa. , R25N73: 33 inspection regulated by Va. general assembly, 17Ap46: 22, PD28D69: 23— R28D69:23,RllJa70:23, PD23Ap72: ll,R23Ap72: 12, D27D76: 22— P3Ja77: 13 lost at sea, PD7Ja68: 23, R13Ja74: 33, PD7Ap74: 23, PD21Ap74: 23, D26F80: 22 plentiful in Dominica, W. I. , PD10D67: 23, PD17Mr68: 31— R17Mr68: 31 in St. Christopher, W. I. , PD17Mr68: 31— R17Mr68: 31 prepared by Cherokees, P2Ag76: 12 price of in Bermuda, R12D72sl3 in Boston, Mass. , 20Ja38: 31, D13Ja76: 23 in Charleston, S. C. , 30c51: 31 in Ga. , 10S36: 42 in Gloucestershire, Eng. , PD22Ja67: 22 in Leghorn, It. , PD4Je67: 31 in Lisbon, Port. , R19J170: 23, PDllN73s23 in London, Eng. , R11D66: 21 in Martinique, W. I. , P28Je76: 13 in New York City, 24My51: 31, PD9Ap67: 13 in Norfolk, Va. , R28J168: 24 in Pensacola, Fla. , PD18Je67: 22 in Phila. , Pa. , 280c37: 32, 20Ja38: 32, 5My38: 22, HAg38: 32, 6Ap39:22, llMy39:41, 25My39: 41, 8Je39: 41, 22Je39: 31, 20J139: 32, 3Ag39: 41, 31Ag39: 32, 28S39: 41, R28J168: 24, P28N77: 21, D5Je79: 22,D12Je79: ll,D12Je79: 12 in St. Christopher, W. I. , P15Mr76sll — D16Mr76: 32 in St. Eustatia, W. I. , PD290c72: 11— R290c72: 21, D22Ja80: 23 in U.S. ,DlAp80: 11 in Va. ,D11D79:21 in W. I. ,D16Mr76:31 in W. I. , British, P21Je76: 22— D22Je76: 61 , P28Je76: 22 in W. I. , French, PD14Ap68: 23 in Windward, is. , PD12Mr72: 31 price regulated in Williamsburg, Va. , D24J179: 21 in York-co. , Va. , D31J179: 31 in Yorktown, Va. ,D31J179: 31 recaptured from British, P12J176: 23 sale regulated in Phila. , Pa. , P9My77: 22, D10J179: 22 saved in shipwreck, PD1N70: 21 scarce among British army in S. C. , C3J179: 22— D3J179: 12 in Boston, Mass. , D13Ja76: 23 in Jamaica, W. I. , P10My76: 22— DllMy76:31 in London, Eng. , PD16Ap67: 11 in Nfd. , D22J175: 32— P22J175sl3, Pi28S75: 21 in Quebec, Can. , D16Mr76: 31 in St. John's, Nfd. ,D8J175: 23 in W. I. , P128S75: 22 inW. I. , British, P21Je76: 22— D22Je76: 61 seized by British, D17F76: 32, P22Mr76: 31— D23Mr76: 32 in Newport, R. I. , P21J175sl3— D22J175: 32 in Portsmouth, N. H. , P30Je75sll in St. John, Antigua, W. I. , D6Ap76: 21 seized by French, PD3Je73: 23 seized by populace in Oxford, Eng. , R11D66: 21 seized from American ships, PD2J172: 31, P1S75: 22--D2S75: 22, P10My76: 23— DllMy76: 33, D26Mr79: 22 seized from British in Fort Nassau, New Providence, W. I. , D4My76: 32 seized from British ships, Pi2N75: 11, Pi9N75: 12, P5Ja76(5)sl3— D6Ja76: 32, D13Ja76: 23,D13Ap76: 32, P26Ap76s22, P31My76: 12— DlJe76: 12,D24Ag76: 22, P22N76: 21,D24Ja77: 21, P4Ap77: 21, D9My77: 31,D23My77: ll,D6Je77: 12, D15Ag77: 51, P7N77: 12, P29My78: 21, D8My79: 21, D5Je79: 21, D11S79: 21, D230c79: 22 seized from French ships, 26S55: 21, 240c55: 12, 7N55: 12, 2S57: 12 seized from N. C. ship, D29J176: 12 seized from R. I. ships, P12My75sll, PU3J175: 31--P14J175sl3— D15J175: 22 seized from Spanish ships, 18Ja40: 22, DlAg77: 11 sold in Prince William co. , Va. , P31My76: 23— D8Je76: 22 stolen, P12S77: 31 stolen in New York City, PD14J168: 21 storage regulated by Va. convention, Pi3Ag75: 23— P4Ag75: 23 — D5Ag75: 32 stored in Guadeloupe, W. I. , by French, PD12My68: 11— R12My68: 12 in Martinique, W. I. , by French, PD12My68: 11— R12My68: 12 in S. C. , P16J175: 31 unclaimed, adv. of, PlAg77: 13, P230c78: 32 used in trade with W. I. , D16Mr76: 23 Flour, Alexandria, for sale, in Yorktown, Va. , P30c77: 22 Flour, Baltimore, for sale, in Richmond, Va. , D23Ja78: 31 Flour, country, for sale, P21Ag78: 31 Flour, damaged, for sale, at Capitol landing, Va. , P7N77s22 at College landing, Va. , P7N77s22 in Fredericksburg, Va. , R30N69: 32 in Portsmouth, Va. , P30c77: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , P21Ag78: 31 in Yorktown, Va. , P7N77s22 Flour, Philadelphia, price of in Dominica, W. I. , PD10D67: 23 Flour, ship bread, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , P12Ja76: 33— D13Ja76: 33 Flour Factor, brig, R26My68: 13 Flour houses, for rent, at Potomac falls, Va. ,PD22N70s22— R29N70:31 Flour manufacture, in Fredericksburg, 402 Flying Fish Va. , PD8Je69: 31, PD19J170: 32— R19J170: 32 in Goochland co. , Va. , P1S75: 32 in James City co. , Va. , P15S75s22 Flour mills, adv. of, in Goochland co. , Va. , P1S75: 32 for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , D8Ag77: 22 Flourney, Thomas, Capt. , PD8Ap73: 31 Flournoy, Charles, PD11D66: 33 John James, 270c38: 42 Matthews, PD16My66: 31, PD22Ag66: 32, PD5My68: 23 Samuel, PD2My66: 22, PD19Ap70: 31 Thomas, R13J169: 41, R30Ag70: 32, D29J175: 12, P29D75: 23,D90c79: 22 William, PD1N70: 31 Flowell, ship, 23Je38: 32 Flower, Capt. , of the Speaker, HAg38: 32 Benjamin, Capt. , of the Friendship, 30c51: 22 Matthew, 27Ag56: 32 Flower de Hundred, plantation, Va. , 21F51: 41, 19J154: 41, 19D55: 31, 4N63: 23, PD170c66: 33, PD24S67: 23, PD16N69: 23--R16N69: 31, PD24S72: 22, P9My77s31, P6Je77:31,D24Ap79:32 Flower nourishers, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD14D69: 32— R14D69: 23 Flower of Edinburgh, ship, PD17Je73: 22 Flower of mustard, See Durham flower of mustard Flower pots, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD29Ag71: 33 Flower roots, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 13Ja38: 41 Flower seeds, for sale, PD26Mr67: 32 in Petersburg, Va. , PD26Mr67: 32 in Richmond, Va. , PD26Mr67: 32, R21F71:33,PD10Oc71:32 Flowers, David, PD290c72: 23 Flowers, boycotted in Providence, R. I. , PD21 Ja68: 31 See also Camomile flowers Flowers, American, in Gt. Brit. , PD9Ap72: 23 Flowers, artificial, lost adv. for, PD2My71:32 making of, PD21Mr66: 33 Flowers, artificial breast, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , R260c69: 23, PD2N69: 41 Flowers, breast, for sale, in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72: 31 in Fredericksburg, Va. , R19F67: 23 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Petersburg, Va. , PD24Ja71: 31, PD290c72: 22 in Richmond, Va. , PD5N72sll — R5N72: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD10Oc66: 33, PD10c67: 13, PD60c68: 31— R60c68: 23, PD270c68: 33 — R270c68: 22, PD13Ap69: 32— R13Ap69: 31, PD18My69: 31— R25My69: 23, R8N70: 13, PD10Oc71: 31, PD240c71: 31, PD23Ap72: 23— R23Ap72: 13, PD30Ap72: 31, PD7My72: 32, R150c72: 31, PD220c72: 23--R22Qc72: 23, PD140c73: 23, PD210c73: 23 — R210c73: 22 See also Gauze breast flowers; Silver breast flowers Flowers, dressed, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD19Ap70s23 — R19Ap70: 31 Flowers, French, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD310c71: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , Pi20Ap75: 31 — D22Ap75: 32 Flowers, French breast, for sale, in London, Eng. , PD7Je70: 33 in Richmond, Va. , PD5N72sll — R5N72: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD12N67: 22, PD14My72: 22 Flowers, French head, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD14My72: 22 Flowers, head, for sale, in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72: 31 in Richmond, Va. , PD5N72sll-- R5N72: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD18My69: 31- R25My69: 23, PD10Oc71: 31 Flowers, head breast, for sale, in London, Eng. , PD7Je70: 33 Flowers, Italian, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD10Oc71: 31, PD240c71: 31, PD23Ap72: 23— R23Ap72: 13, PD210c73: 23— R210c73: 22 Flowers, Italian breast, for sale, PD19Ap70s23 in London, Eng. , PD7Je70: 33 in Petersburg, Va. , PD310c71: 31 in Richmond, Va. , PD5N72sll — R5N72: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD12N67: 22, PD20Oc68: 23, PD22N70s23, PD170c71: 23, PD14My72: 22, PD9J172: 31, PD150c72: 31, PD29Ap73: 23, PD140c73: 23, R12My74: 32 Flowers, Italian head, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD14My72: 22 Flowers, shaded, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD14D69: 32— R14D69: 23 Flowers, unusual, in Wilts, Eng. , R18Mr73: 21 Flower's bridge, Va. , PD25Je67: 31 Floy, John, 12D51: 32 Floyd, Capt. , surveys in Kentucky, PD8S74: 23 Mrs. , slave of, D24Ap78: 42 Benjamin, Pi23Mr75: 32 Charles, PD2My66: 31, R27Cc68: 33 Henry, R13J169: 33, R17Ag69: 42 John, P23Ag76: 32, P27D76: 31, D20c79: 31 Sarah, R16F69: 23, PD18Ap71: 32 William, Col. , Pi270c74: 23, PD3N74: 12--Pi4N74: 12, Pi9F75: 32 Floyed, William, PD150c67: 22 Floyer, [John], Sir, author, D24J179: 31 Flucker, Mr. , of Mass. , R8S74: 31 Thomas, secretary of Mass. , PD3Ja71: 31--R17Ja71: 13, PDllAp71: 22, PD18Ag74: 23, PD130c74: 13, D15J175: 23, Pi20J175: 13,D23S75:23 Fluckers, David, PD9D73: 21 Flud, William, D310c77: 22 Fludyer, Samuel, Sir, PD4Je67: 31 Fluharty, John, PD15Je69: 31— R15Je69: 22 Fluker, Thomas, PD4Ag68: 22 Fluor albus, cure for, PD25Je72: 32 Flute makers, R18J171: 42, P3Ja77s21 Flutes, R11D66: 32, R25D66: 42 for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD29N70: 22, PD13D70: 43, PD3Ja71: 43 played by indentured servants, PD22D68: 32--R22D68: 13 teaching of adv. , in Williamsburg, Va. , PD16My71: 31 See also Ivory flutes Flutes, German, PD17S72: 22 for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22, PD25J166: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD29N70: 22, PD13D70: 43, PD3Ja71: 43, PDllAp71: 32, PD29Ag71: 31, PD12D71: 32, PD10Je73: 34, D14N77: 31 in Yorktown, Va. , D23Ja78: 31 lost, adv. for,R18J171:42, PD8J173: 33 music for, PD29Ag71: 31 played by convict servant, R3D72: 23 stolen in Fredericksburg, Va. , P3Ja77s21 teaching of adv. , in Williamsburg, Va. , PD16My71: 31, PD23My71: 22 Fluvanna co. , Va. , See Churches in; Land for sale in; Slaves escape from jail; Slaves for sale in Fluvanna courthouse, Va. , See Land for sale at Fluvanna river, Va. , clearing regulated by Va. general assembly, 17Ap46: 22 See also Ferries on Flux, among British troops in N. Y. , P18J177: 23, P25J177: 13 cure for, 16My55: 21, 2S57: 32, PD17N68: 11--R24N68: 41, R9S73:32:Pi20Oc74:31, P110N74: 32, Pi23N75: 33 false rumors, PD29J173: 22 — R22J173: 33, PD280c73: 22 in Boston, Mass. , D9S75: 22 in Hobb's Hole, Va. , PD19Ag73: 22 in Leedstown, Va. . PD19Ag73: 22 of convict servants, Pi23N75: 33 on British ships, PDlAp73: 23 See also Wills' s universal drops for Fly, for silversmithing invented, R9N69: 21 Fly, British ship, 25Ja40: 2 H.M. S. ,28Mr45:31 ship, 28Mr55: 32, PD21S69: 21, PD16S73: 23--R16S73: 32, PD280c73: 22, PD10F74: 23 sloop of war, 4S46: 22, PD7S69: 21— R7S69: 12,D29Ja80: 13 Fly market, N. Y. , PD13Ap69: 23 Flying, in Eng. , PD15Je69: 23 usefulness of discussed, PD29Ap73: 11 Flying camp, established by Continental congress, D29Je76: 31 Flying Childers, horse, 250c65s42, PD4Ap66: 33, PD2Ap67: 31, D28Mr77: 12— P28Mr77s23, D12Mr79: 31--C15My79: 33 Flying Fish, privateer, D20c79: 21 ship, 2Mr53: 41, 28F55: 31, 23My55: 21, 403 Flying Fish (cont'd) 19D55: 22 Flying Jenny, schooner, D30Oc79: 22 Flying Post, schooner, 10Oc45: 22 sloop, 23Ja46: 42 Flying squirrels, lost, adv. for, R15Ap73: 33 Flyn, Capt. , of the Sovereign, D16Mr76:31 See also Flin Flynn, James, P15Mr76: 23 John, P15Mr76: 23 Flynns, James, R15J173: 41 Foard, Gerrald, PD26Ja69: 41 Worriner,RllMy69:41 Forbes, Capt. , D25Mr80: 23 Fodder, R29N7 0:22 destroyed in Md. , PD28S69: 21 destroyed in Va. , PD14S69: 31, D9S75: 32 destroyed in Williamsburg, Va. , Pi7S75:31 for sale, 30Ja52: 41, PD5F67: 31 — R19F67: 41, R15D68: 23, PD26N72: 23, PD17D72:31,P15D75: 33, P9F76: 33, P180c76: 31, P15N76: 13, D19D77: 21 at Amelia courthouse, Va. , R3N68: 34 at Bremo, Va. , PilD74: 33— PD1D74: 31 at Gloucester courthouse, Va. , P19Ja76: 33 at King William courthouse, Va. , 3N52: 21 in Albemarle co. , Va. , 250c65s33, PD220c72: 22, PD30S73: 31 in Amelia co. , Va. , PD24Ja71: 31 — R31Ja71: 32, PD4J171: 32, PD12D71: 33, PD290c72: 22--R290c72: 23 in Amherst co. , Va. , PD30J172: 32, PD25N73: 23--R25N73: 43, PD17N74: 31, D25S79: 31, C6N79: 31 in Bedford co. , Va. , 28F55: 41, 4Ap55: 32 in Brunswick co. , Va. , 1D38: 42, 6F52: 32, 14N55: 31, PD30Oc66: 31, PD29N70: 23, PD8D74: 32, P21F77: 22 in Buckingham co. , Va. , PD2N69: 32— R2N69: 31, PD4F73: 31--R4F73: 23, P21Ag78: 33,D29Ja80: 33 in Caroline co. , Va. , PD10Oc66: 41, PD31Ja71: 33--R31Ja71: 23, PD21F71: 32--R21F71: 32, PD26N72: 23--R26N72: 22, D22N76:32,D30Oc78:31 in Charles City co. , Va. , PD12N72: 23, PD2D73: 23, P15N76:33,D230c79: 12 in Charlotte co. , Va. , PD15F70: 31 — R22F70: 31 in Chesterfield co. , Va. , PD12D71: 33 In Cumberland co. , Va. , PD24D72: 31— R24D72: 22, C6N79: 32 in Dinwiddie co. , Va. , R2N69: 23, PD31Ja71: 33--R31Ja71: 23, PD21N71: 23, PD3N74: 43 — P14N74: 33, Pi26Ja75: 32— D28Ja75:32--P3F75:43 in Elizabeth City co. , Va. , R17F74:31 in Essex co. , Va. , R15D68: 23, D12D77: 21 — P12D77: 21, P160c78: 31 in Fluvanna co. , Va. , D29Ja80: 41 in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD22Qc72: 22 in Gloucester co. , Va. , R17Ja71: 23, PilD74:33,P130c75:23 in Goochland co. , Va. , 4N63: 23, PD1N70: 23— R1N70: 23, PD80c72: 32, PD140c73: 31— R140c73: 32 in Halifax co. , Va. , PD11D66: 32, PD130c68: 23, PD21N71: 42 in Hanover co. , Va. , PD170c66: 32, PD23N69: 32--R23N69: 31, PD10N74: 43, P30c77: 23, D19D77: 22, C13N79: 21— D13N79: 31 in Henrico co. , Va. , PD3Ja71: 32— R10Ja71: 33, PD140c73: 31 — R140c73:32,PDlD74:31, D21N77:21--P21N77:32 in James City co. , Va. , PD29D68: 31— R5Ja69: 33, PD13D70: 22, Pi6Ap75sl2, P20Oc75: 31, P22D75: 33— D23D75:33,D13Ja76:33, D29N76: 42, P6D76: 32, D13D76: 32— P13D76: 23, D20D76: 21, P160c78: 41--D30Oc78: 42 in King and Queen co. , Va. , PD20Ag67:31,R4F68:34, PD21D69: 11— R28D69: 12, R8F70: 32--PD15F70: 33, PD13D70: 22--R13D70: 31, PD13D70: 23--R13D70: 31, R21N71: 32, PD12Ag73: 23, R140c73: 32, PD140c73: 23— R210c73: 23 in King George co. , Va. , PD29N70: 23— R29N70: 22 in King William co. , Va. , PD5N67: 32, PD10D67: 32, R60c68: 24, PD14D69: 32— R14D69: 31, PD21D69: 11— R28D69: 11, PD10Ja71: 33 — R10Ja71: 31, PD170c71: 31— R170c71: 31, PD240c71: 23— R310c71: 41, PD19N72: 23, PD10D72: 31, PD140c73: 31— R140c73: 32, PD140c73: 23— R210c73: 23, PD9D73: 32, PD1D74: 31, PU6F75: 33 — P17F75:42--D18F75:31, P270c75: 23,D17Ja77: 22— P17Ja77:31,D19D77:31, D160c78: 32— P160c78: 11, D20N79: 22 in Lancaster co. , Va. , PD290c67: 22, D5S77:31 — P5S77: 11 in Loudoun co. , Va. , PD3S67: 23 in Louisa co. , Va. , PD13N66: 23, PD25N73:23,D90c79: 12 in Lunenburg co. , Va. , R26S71: 31, PDllJe72: 32, PD290c72: 22, Pi2N75: 33, P24N75s22— D25N75: 33 in Manakin town, Va. , D10Oc77: 22 in Manchester, Va. , P21N77: 31 in Mecklenburg co. , Va. , PD80c67: 21, PD19N72: 31— R19N72: 22, PD140c73: 23— R210c73: 23, PD60c74: 32, P10J176: 43 in Middlesex co. , Va. , PD10Oc66: 41, PD24N74: 23, P20S76: 23 in Nansemond co. , Va. , PD19N72: 23, C28Ag79: 31 in New Kent co. , Va. , PD26N67: 31, PD16Je68: 31— R16Je68: 32, R19Ja69: 31 — PD26Ja69: 33, R2N69: 31, PD2N69: 32, PD7N71: 31, PD23S73: 31--R23S73: 33, PD18N73: 22, PD25N73: 23, D22N76: 32, P31 Ja77: 32, P7F77:33,P240c77:31, P28N77: 23--D5D77: 21, D13N78: 22, C27N79s21, C18D79: 12— D25D79: 31, D8Ja80: 42 in Northampton co. , Va. , P160c78:42 in Orange co. , Va. , PD10Oc71: 32, C28Ag79: 32— D28Ag79: 12 in Pittsylvania co. , Va. , D180c76:32 in Prince Edward co. , Va. , P10Ja77: 43, Pl60c78: 11 in Prince George co. , Va. , PD28N71: 31, PD2D73: 22, P21F77: 23 in Richmond, Va. , PD15F70: 31 — R15F70: 32, D14N77: 31 — P21N77: 32, in Scotch town, Va. , PD21D69: 11 — R28D69: 11 in Southampton, Va. , PD11D66: 33 in Spotsylvania co. , Va. , R18Oc70: 23, PD21D69: 11— R28D69: 12, P27S76: 13, P230c78: 31, D160c79: 11 in Stafford co. , Va. ,D6N78: 32 in Surry co. , Va. , PD3N74: 43 — Pi4N74:33,D26D77:12 in Sussex co. , Va. , PD5D71: 32, P8Mr76: 33, D1N76: 41 — P1N76: 33, P12S77: 32 in Warwick co. , Va. , P15N76: 13, P22N76: 33, D27D76: 42--P27D76: 31, D30Oc78:41 in Westmoreland co. , Va. , D160c78: 41— P160c78: 11 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD12Ja69: 41, PD7D69: 32--R7D69: 31 in York co. , Va. , PD19F67: 32, PD8D74: 31, D27D76: 42— P27D76:31 near Amherst courthouse, Va. , D19F80:31 near Blandford, Va. ,D3Ja77: 31 — P3Ja77s23 near Dumfries, Va. , PDlAg71: 22 near Hanover, Va. ,D21N77: 21 — P21N77:32, C19F80: 12— D19F80: 31 near Petersburg, Va. , Pi8D74:32— PD8D74: 23 near Port Royal, Va. , PD10F74: 32 near Williamsburg, Va. , 17N38: 42, 4N63: 23, D2D75: 32 on Appomattox river, Va. , 12D51:41 on Dan river, Va. , PD2N69: 32 on Gwynn's island, Va. , P21Ag78: 13 on Pamunkey river, Va. , P28N77sll on Pianketank river, Va. , Pi8D74: 33— PD8D74: 31, P10F75: 42- D11F75:23 standard measure for established in Va. , PD5Mr72: 23— R5Mr72: 22 Foe to false prophets, pseud. , PD240c66: 13 Foe to pedants, pseud. , R25D66: 23 Foese, John, D7Ja75: 33 John B. , PD18Ap71: 33 Fog, William, deserter, PllAp77: 22 Fogey, Daniel, P15Mr76: 33 Fogg, Thomas, 15My46: 42 404 Foote William, PD25Ag74: 32 Fogland ferry, R. I. , D28F77: 21, D4D78: 21 Fogs, in London, Eng. , PD25Mr73: 22— R25Mr73: 32 Fog's journal, 10F38: 21 Foguex, H. M. S. , 4Ap55: 21, 25Ap55: 12 Foil, for sale, in Baltimore, Md. , Pil8My75: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD12D71: 32 Foil stone buckles, for sale, in Baltimore, Md. , Pil8My75: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , Pi20Oc74: 31 — PD20Oc74s22 Foil stone crosses, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD150c72: 31, PD140c73: 23 Foil stone rings, for sale, in Baltimore, Md. , Pil8My75: 33 Folders, See Ivory folders Foley, Mr. , murdered by Indians in Va. , PD8S74: 23 Darby, 6Je45: 32 James, R15N70: 43 Thomas, Capt. , of the Escorte, PD6Ag67: 22 Folger, Capt. , of Nantucket, Mass. , D9S75: 23 Folgier, Capt. , R19Ja69: 23, PD2F69: 22 Timothy, Capt. , PD14Ap68: 21 Folkes, Baxter, P170c77: 31 Edward, PD23My66: 33 Folks, Capt. , of the Favorite, D12F80: 12 John, sr. , PD22Mr70: 42 Folkstone, Eng. , See P rivateers blockaded in; Shipbuilding in Folkstone, H. M. S. , 24Ja52: 22 sloop, 23Je38: 32 Follemache, Capt. ,D18My76: 21 Follett, Capt. , wounded in battle of Bunker Hill, P22J175s22--D29J175: 31 Follicules, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. ,P10Oc77: 12 Folliet, Capt. , of the Lion, R1J173: 13 Folsom, Nathaniel, Col. , R25Ag74: 13, Pi270c74: 23, PD3N74: 12— Pi4N74: 12, D21Ja75: 11, D25Mr75: 23 Fonda, Lt. , killed at Lake George, 30c55: 12 Fonde, Gysbert, PD6S70: 21 Fondroyant, ship, 27Ag56: 12 Fones, Capt. , 21Ag46: 32, 30My51: 22 Fonnereau, Capt. , PD15S74: 31 Fontain, James M. , Rev. Mr. , D16Ap79: 22 John,D20N79:31 Peter, Rev. Mr. , 28N45: 41 William, P17N75sl3 Fontaine, Capt. , company of, P26J176:41 Capt., de, of the L'Evelic, 5S55: 21 Mr. , trustee for relief fund for, clergymen's widows, PD28Mr66: 33 Rev. Mr. , PD20Ja74: 32 Abraham, D19D77: 22 Alice (Burwell), marriage of, PD26D71: 23 Alice, Mrs. , P22D75: 32— D23D75: 32— P123D75: 21 Elisa, R210c73:31 Elizabeth, D21Ag79: 31 James, jr. , 7N54: 42 James, sr. , 7N54: 42 James Maury, Rev. Mr. , death of wife of, P22D75: 32--D23D75: 32— Pi23D75: 21 marriage of, PD26D71: 23 preacher for relief fund for clergy's widows, PD9My66: 23, PD19Mr67: 32, PD30Ap67: 32 to prepare address to king, PD6Je71: 23 trustee for relief fund for clergy's widows, PD5My68: 22--R12My68: 32, PD16Mr69: 31, PD21Mr71: 31 — R21Mr71: 33, PD7My72: 31, PDUMr73: 31— RllMr73: 31, PD6My73: 22--R6My73s21, PD24Mr74: 32— R24Mr74: 41, D18My76: 22— P24My76: 42, D28Mr77: 72--P28Mr77s22, D23My77: 41, D24Ap78: 32, D15My79: 31 Joseph, P21N77: 43 Moses, R23F69: 23, R15Je69: 33, R6My73: 32, R210c73: 31, D19D77: 22 Parson, PD16Ap67: 32 Peter, 11S46: 41, R13J169: 33 Peter, Col. , R210c73: 31, D21Ag79: 31 Peter, jr. , 24Ag51: 32, 310c51: 31, 27D51: 32, 12Je52: 31 [William], Capt. , P10N75: 23 Fontane, Aaron, PD28Ap74: 31 Fontenell, Dr. , R5Ag73: 22 Fontenelle, [Bernard Le Bovier de], author, D25N75: 21, D30D75: 21, D2Mr76: 43, D9Mr76: 43, D24Ag76: 61 Fonthill, ship, PD6Je66: 21 Food, British, 19S51: 31, 10Ja52: 22 for British army in Va. , P26Ja76: 12 for sale, in Norfolk borough, Va. , PD30My66: 32—R30My66: 33 in York, Va. , 31J146: 52 See also Almond powder, for sale; Almonds; Anchovies; Apples, New York; Asparagus; Bacon; Barberries; Barley; Beans, snap; Beef; Beets; Bergamot, essence of; Biscuits; Bread, ship; Broccoli; Butter; Cabbage; Cakes, almond, pintefract; Candy, sugar; Cantaloupe; Capers; Capilaire; Caraway; Carrots; Catchup; Cauliflower; Celery; Cheese, Cheshire, Gloucester; Chips, candied; Chocolate, cake; Citron, candied, preserved; Clay's Eating oil; Codfish, dried; Colewort; Comfits; Confectio Cardiaca; Confectionary; Conserves, of hips, of sloes, of Sorrel roses; Corn, Indian; Crabs' claws, powder of; Crabs' eyes; Crabs' eyes and claws, prepared; Cress, garden; Currants; Endive; Figs; Flour; Fish; Fowls; Ginger, candied, preserved; Grits; Groats; Grocery; Hams, Westphalia; Herring; Hominy; Isinglass; Jams; Jellies; Junk; Lard, hogs'; Leaves, pickled; Leeks; Lemons, essence of, Lisbon; Lettuce, Silesia; Licorice, Spanish; Licorice ball; Licorice juice; Limes; Lupine; Macaroni; Mackerel; Macaroons; Mangoes, East India, India; Molasses; Mushrooms; Muskmelons; Mutton; Nutmegs, candied, preserved; Nuts, pistachio; Oatmeal; Oil, eating, salad; Olive oil; Olives, French, Spanish; Onions; Orange chips; Orange peel, candied; Oranges; Orgeat; Oysters; Parsley, curled; Parsnips; Peas, split; Pickles; Pimento; Plums; Pork; Preserves; Prunes, French; Pumpkins; Raisins, jarr; Rice, South Carolina;Sago; Salt; Samphire, pickled; Shad; Skirrets; Spinach; Squills; Sterlitz; Sugar; Sugar plums, almond; Sweetmeats; Tamarinds, West India; Tongues; Turnips; Vermicelli, dry; Vinegar; Walnuts, English, pickled; Wheat; White pots in Berks co. , Eng. , PD9Mr69: 31 plentiful in Va. , P26Ja76: 13 production declines in W. I. , British, PD25Ag74: 13 scarce in Barbados, W. I. , P4Ap77sl2 in Boston, Mass. , Pi3Ag75: 31 — P4Ag75pll,D70c75:22 in British army in Boston, Mass. , D280c75: 13,D9D75: 12 in Newport, R. L , D28Mr77: 62— P28Mr77sll See also Provisions Food poisoning, in Feversham, Eng. , R30Mr69: 22 Fookes, Chanda, PD13Ag72: 31 Fooks, Lt. , reports on Quebec, Can. , D40c76: 62 Fool, extracts from, 6Je51: 11, 24Ja52: 31, 25J151: 12, 25Je52: 11 Foot, Malachi, Capt. , of the Dragon, 7N45:31,3Ap46:41 of the St. George, PD3Mr68: 31— R3Mr68: 31, PD26My68: 23— R9Je68: 33 See also Foote Foot boats, stolen by convict servants, R7Mr71: 33 Foot racing, at Williamsburg, Va. , fair, 30N39: 32, 7D39: 41 from Chatham, Eng. , to Milton, Eng. , PD30Ap67: 22 in Eng. , R22J173sl3 in Epping forest, Eng. , PD15Ja67: 23 in Hanover co. , Va. , 70c37: 32, 9D37: 41 in London, Eng. , PD21S69sll in Monmouth, Eng. , PD26Ag73: 12— R26Ag73: 13.R23S73: 13 in Paris, Fr. , PD16My66: 11 Football, in Boston, Mass. , PD9Mr69: 21 in Hanover co. , Va. , 26N36: 41 Foote, Capt. , of the Sally, PD8D74: 13 Mr. , of Charleston, S. C. , P16J175: 31 Daniel, 7N54: 22 George, R16Je74: 23 Richard, [jr. ], R16Je74: 23 Richard, sr. , R16Je74: 23 [Samuel], PD26Ja69: 21 at Edinburgh theatre, PD7D69: 13— R7D69: 13, PD22Ag71: 21 imitated, Pi9Mr75: 33 puppet shows of, R22Ap73sll, 405 Foote, [Samuel], puppet shows of (cont'd) PD29Ap73: 12, PD6My73: 12, PD20My73: 12 See also Foot Footing, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Petersburg, Va. , PD24Ja71: 31 Footman, Peter, PD17S72: 23 Richard, PD17S72: 23, C13My80: 41 Footmen, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22 riot in London, Eng. , 20My37: 22, 27My37: 31 See also^ Indentured servants as Fop, horse, 14D39: 32 Forage, burned by Americans on Staten island, N. Y. ,D12S77: 12 removed from Conanicut island, R.I. ,D29Ja80:31 removed from R. I. , D29Ja80: 31 scarce, in [New] Brunswick, N. J. , D7Mr77: 61 seized from British near Quibbletown, N.J. ,D7Mr77:61 Forage magazines, for Continental army, Pi2N75: 11, D4D78: 12 Forbes, Capt. , 4N63: 32 Alexander, 22My52: 31 [Duncan], author, PD25F68: 41, PD29N70: 21, PD13D70: 42, PD3Ja71: 43, PD17Ja71: 43, PD24Ja71: 43, PD7F71: 43, PD21F71: 43, PD7Mr71: 43, PD21Mr71: 43, PD28Mr71: 43, PD17S72: 21, PD10Je73: 33 Gilbert, P12J176: 23, P12J176sll Gordon, Capt. , PD24N68: 23 James, 10Ap52: 31, 22My52: 31, PD3Mr68: 31, PD210c73: 22 John, PD21J174: 32 John, Capt., of the Alsop, DllF75s23 of the Portmahon, 25Ja40: 2 William, PD16Je74: 23 Forbis, John, Capt. , of the Alsop, D14Ja75: 23 Forbs, John, P17Ja77: 41 Forces, John Bo, PH3J175: 33 Ford, Capt. , R17Mr68: 32 murder of, PD12F67: 12, PD19F67: 23 of the Sisters, PD290c67: 21 Col. , harasses British in N. J. , D3Ja77: 11 --P3Ja77sl2 Mr. , Lee's secretary in France, D17J179: 22 Rev. Mr. , arrives in Va. , from France, D14Ag79: 22 Beau, P24F75sl3 Christopher, 19J154: 42, 27Ag56: 41 Christopher, jr. , 120c52: 32, 19J154: 32, 24N52: 31, 21Mr55: 41, 27Ag56: 42 Culverine, R13Ap69: 33 Elizabeth, R16Mr69: 42 Henry, Capt. , of the Gorrell, R3My70: 23, PD24My70: 31— R31My70: 33, PD24My70: 33 Hezekiah, PD5My74: 23, P28N77: 32, D28Ag79: 12, D160c79: 11 — C30Oc79:33,D16Oc79:31 James, Capt. , 4Ap51: 32 James, Pvt. , R14Ja73: 13 John, R23F69: 22, R16Mr69; 42, P17Ja77: 33,D90c78:41 John, jr. , R8Ap73: 32, D13Je77: 22— P20Je77: 13, D4J177: 11, P25J177: 32 Joseph, Capt. , D26S77: 21--P26S77: 23 Mary,D90c78:41 Richard & co. , P28Ap75: 23, D230c79: 31 — C30Oc79: 41 Robert, 60c52: 32 Samuel, accused of counterfeiting, R9S73: 33, PD70c73: 13 arrested for counterfeiting, R5Ag73: 22--PD19Ag73: 13, R70c73: 21, PD140c73: 13 escapes from jail, R70c73: 13, PD280c73: 21, PD280c73: 22 proclamation for apprehension of, R9S73: 33 search for, PD4N73: 21 to W. I. , PD210c73: 21 William, PD29Ap73: 23 Fordyce, Capt. , at battle of Great Bridge, Va. , Pil3D75: 21 — D16D75: 33, P15D75: 22, P15D75: 23, Pi20D75: 22, Pi30D75: 42 Mr. , partner of Henry Neale, R17Je73s22 [James], author, PD25F68: 41, PD29N70: 21, PD13D70: 42, PD17Ja71: 42, PD24Ja71: 42, PD7F71: 42, PD21F71: 42, PD7Mr71: 42, PD21Mr71: 42, PD28Mr71: 42, PD18J171: 32, PD25J171: 42, PDlAg71: 42, . PD17S72:21,PD10Je73:33, DllF75s23,D25N75: 21,D24Ag76: 61 Fore, Peter, PD240c66: 32 Forel' Eveque prison, Paris, escapes from, 17Ag39: 12 Foreman, Mr. , of N. Y. , R19F67: 22 John, 240c55: 21 See also Forman Foremen, See Slaves as Foresight, Jerry, pseud. , R21S69sll Forestalling, criticized in Eng. , PD16Mr69: 21 cure for proposed, D13N79: 11 in Plymouth, Eng. , PD16Ap67: 13 regulated in Gt. Brit. , PD19Mr67: 21 in Va. , D24J179: 21 in west Fla. , PD13Ag67: 22 Forester, ship, D29Ap75: 33 Forests, royal, rent from in Eng. , D30My77: 12 surveyed in British colonies, N. Am. , PD1N70: 21— R1N70: 22 in Great Britain, PD170c71: 21 — R170c71: 22 Forfar, Scot. , escapes from prisons, 17Mr38: 32 Forge carpenters, See Slaves as Forge utensils, for sale, PDlAg71: 22— RlAg71: 31 Forgemen, See Slaves as Forgeries, burning in hand for in Va. , 2N39: 41 charged in Longon, Eng. , PD24Mr74: 21— R24Mr74: 21 denied in Va. , D8Ag77: 32— P8Ag77: 31 ear cut off for in Williamsburg, Va. , Pi20Oc74: 23— PD20Oc74: 23 executions for, in Williamsburg, Va. , Pil5Je75: 31— P16Je75s23, P18Ap77sl2 in British colonies, N. Am. , P23Je75s21 in Carmarthen, Wales, PD11F68: 12 in Edinburgh, Scot. , R1D68: 13, PD11F73: 21 in Eng. , 27Ja38: 32, 17N52: 12, 1D52: 22, P26My75: 12 in Gt. Brit. ,PD4Je72:31, PD16J172:31 in London, Eng. , 9S37: 41, 9Je38:31, 21J138: 22, 31Ja51: 11, 11A P 51: 11, PD21S69sl2, PD27F72: 23, R23Ap72: 22, PD7My72: 13, R80c72:12,R290c72:21, PDlAp73:22, PllAg75:22, PllAg75:31 in Nansemond co. , Va. , 18Ap51: 22 in Paris, Fr. , R11D66: 23 in Phila. , Pa. ,30My51: 22 in Reading, Eng. , PD21N71: 21 — R21N71: 22, PD16Ja72: 23 in Worcester, Eng. , PD26 Ja69: 22 of bills of exchartge, in Newport, R. I. , PD23N69: 21 of bonds in N. C. , PD16Je68: 31 of tobacco notes in N. C. , PDlAp73: 31 pillories for, in Williamsburg, Va. , 30Ap52: 22, PD20Oc74: 23 — Pi20Oc74: 23 regulated by Va. general assembly, PD28D69: 23— R28D69: 23, D4J177:41— P4J177:'ll sentences for, in Williamsburg, Va. , 20Oc38: 32 trials for, in Williamsburg, Va. , P21Ap75s42— D22Ap75: 31 whipping for, in Va. , PD170c71: 22 Forgers, Capt. , of the Diana, Pi22Je75: 31 Forges, R15S68: 24, R2N69: 32, PD18Ja70: 33— R18Ja70: 33, PD18J171: 22, PD21N71: 23, PD26Ag73: 31— R26Ag73: 22, PD23S73 : 31 — R23S73 : 33 , PD25N73: 23, D2My77: 71, D10J178:31 as lottery prizes, PD23J167: 41 — R23J167: 32, PD27Je71: 33, PD12N72: 23 at Rocky Ridge, Va. , PD18Je67: 32 for sale, PD24Ja71: 32--R31 Ja71: 31 in King and Queen co. , Va. , PD23Ap67: 32, RllOc70: 32, P7N77s21 near Baltimore, Md. , R31My70: 43 in Bedford co. , Va. , R220c72: 31 in Charles City co. , Va. , PD12N72: 23 in Fairfax co. , Va. , R23Mr69: 31, D19F79:32 in Fauquier co. , Va. , P1S75: 32 in Frederick co. , Va. , PD3Ja71: 33, PD170c71: 31— R170c71: 32 in King and Queen co. , Va. , R25D66: 43, R14Ap68: 31 — PD1D68: 32, R21 J168: 32, R21 J168: 34, PD29S68: 31, P5Je78: 32 in King George co. , Va. , P8N76: 32 in Md. ,R23Ag70:41,PD8D74:31 — Pil5D74:33 in New Kent co. , Va. , PD5S71: 32, PD15J173:33— R15J173:41, D22N76:32 in Spotsylvania co. , Va. , R24D67: 34. PD9Mr69: 32— R9Mr69: 23, PD7 Ja73 : 3 1 — R7 Ja73 : 32 in Stafford co. , Va. , R18Ag68: 32, P10J178:41 406 Fort Edward, N. Y. in Va. ,D5D77: 12 mortgaged in Bedford co. , Va. , PD10Je73: 22 — R10Je73: 33, PD15J173:32 in King and Queen co., Va..PD14Ja73:33 near Falmouth, Va. , D13N78: 12 near Williamsburg, Va. , PD24N74: 31 on Rappahannock river, Va. , PD22D68:33 workmen adv. for in Va. , PD6N66: 22 — R4D66: 43 Forges, double, for rent, on James river, Va. , PDlAg71: 22 — RlAg71:31 for sale, in Colebrook, Conn. , PD23D73:31 on James river, Va. , PD6S70: 31 — R6S70: 23 on Nanticocke river, Va. , PD8N70: 31 Forges, travelling, captured by Americans at Saratoga, N. Y. , D14N77:21--P14N77:21 Foris, Abraham, Pi9F75: 33 Fork church, Hanover co. , v a. , 17N52: 22, PD13N66: 22--i"-±D66: 42, R16Je74:32, D4Mr75: 33, Pil8My75: 33 Forks, adv. for, in Williamsburg, Va. , P5Ap76: 33 for sale, 12F62: 42 in Alexandria, Va. , P3Ap78: 31, D24J179:22 in Beaufort, N. C. , P160c78: 32 in Edenton, N. C. , P160c78: 42 in Fredericksburg, Va. , P4Ap77: 32— DllAp77:62, P18J177: 32 in Gloucester co. , Va. , D17J179: 32 in Hanover, Va. , D24Ap78: 31 in Newcastle, Va. , D30c77: 32 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Petersburg, Va. , P27Mr78: 12, D8My78:61,P21Ag78:42 in Suffolk, Va. , D10J178: 32, P21Ag78: 11 in Williamsburg, Va. , D21F77: 21 — P21F77: 32,D10J178:21 — P10J178: 33, P21Ag78: 31, C30Oc79: 33, C6N79: 32--D6N79: 31, C13N79: 12, D11D79: 22.D29Ja80:41 in York co. , Va. , D20N79: 22 See also Buckhorn forks; Ivory handled forks;Ivory sliding forks; Silver forks; Silver hafted forks Forks, beef, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166:22 Forks, buffalo sliding, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD22N70s23, PD170c71:23 Forks, carving, for sale, in Smithfield, Va. , C3 J179: 31 Forks, Chinese ivorv, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , R15N70: 31 — PD22N70: 23 Forks, dessert, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD18Ja70: 42, R15N70: 31 — PD22N70: 23 Forks, hunting, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD220c72: 23 — R220c72: 23 Forks, jubilee, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD10Oc71: 31 Forks, pocket, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , Pi20Ap75; 31--D22Ap75: 32 Forks, split bone, for sale, in Urbanna, Va. , P21Ag78: 13 Forks, table, for sale, in Richmond, Va. , D24Ap78: 32, P10J178: 31 in Smithfield, Va. , C3J179: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , DlMy79: 22 Forman, David, Brig. Gen. , P18J177: 23 James, R23J167: 32 See also Foreman Formby, Nicholas, PD20N66: 23 Formers, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 21Mr55:41 Formey, [Jean Henri Samuel] author, PD18J171: 33, PD25J171: 43, PDlAg71: 43, PD8Ag71: 43 Formicola, Serafino, PD27My73: 23, PD5My74:32, P19Ja76: 32, D27Ja76: 41— P2F76: 41, D10Oc77: 22, C20N79:21 Formidable, Fr. warship, 5S55: 21 H. M. S. , PD21Mr71: 22, PDUMr73: 23, R9S73: 12, PilOAg75: 21 ship, 4Ap55: 21 Fornea, Mr., ordinary of, 30Mr39: 41 [Stephen], 3Ap52: 31 Forneau, Mr. , 26 Ja39; 42, 21Mr45: 42, 13Je45:41,21N45:32 Stephen, 14Ag46: 41, 28Mr51: 41 Forneau' s ordinary, Va. , 2Mr53: 42 Forneaux, Capt., of the Syren, D19D77: 11--P19D77: 11 Fornication, essay in favor of, PDlAp73:31 in Amsterdam, Holl. , PD15D74: 13 in Angus, Scot. , 6Ja38: 32 in Conn. , PDlAp73: 31 Forrest, Capt. . of the Minerva, D24Je75: 23 of the Neptune, PD4J171: 11 Mr. , of New Boston, PD24N68: 23 [Arthur], Comm. , R27Ap69: 13, PD20S70s32 Charles, Capt. , of the Hancock and Adams, D110c76: 12 George, 7N55: 22 Henry, D10J178: 22 James, PD23Je74: 12 Richard, P16Je75: 32 Forrester, Capt. , P15N76: 21 of the Caesar, PD3Je73: 23 of the Kingsale, 140c37: 31, 27Ja38: 32 of Leopold, 21Mr45: 32 of the Rover, D22N76: 31--P22N76: 21 sent to prison ship in Norfolk, Va. , P22Mr76: 23 Major, reviews R. I. militia, PillMy75:32 Robert, 10F38:32 Forrester, pseud. (Thomas Paine), P10My76: 12 Forrest's Delight, ship, PDllJe67: 32 Forrister, John, P19Ap76p23 Forse, John, PD30c71: 32 Forsie, John, PD18Oc70: 31, D7Mr77: 72 John, jr.,R23F69:31 Forson, Frederick, P18Ag75: 42 Forster, Col., of Conn. , Pi28Ap75s21 — D29Ap75s32 James, PD8Ap73: 32--R8Ap73: 21 John, Pi23Mr75: 32 Robert, 7N45: 32 William. Capt. , of the Whitehaven, 23My45:32 See also Foster Forsyth, Capt. , of the Gordon, PD2My71: 32 Major, reports on Chesapeake area, P5S77: 22 Patrick, D17Je75: 41 Robert, D7Mr77: 71, D160c79: 22 Thomas, D10Je75: 33 William, PD1 J173: 32 , PD26 Ag73: 23, D6Ap76:32 William, Capt. , of the Apollo. D15Ag77:51 William & co. , PD170c71: 31 — R170c71:31,PD5Mr72:33, PD6My73: 23 Fort, Holliday, D19D77; 31 Jacob, D9My77: 32 Fort Anne, N. Y. , D15Ag77: 32 — P15Ag77;21 Americans arrive at, D25J177: 31 — P25J177: 22 attack at, DlAg77: 12, D22Ag77: 11 fortifications strengthened, DlAg77: 21 Fort Arnold, N. Y. , D19Je79: 31 Fort Augusta, Pa. , See Indians murdered near Fort Beausejour, N. S. , 240c55: 11 Fort Boone, surrender demanded by Tories, D30Oc78: 31 Fort Bute, Miss. , Spain erects fort near, PD13Ag67: 13--R13Ag67: 23 See also Duels Fort Charlotte, S. C. , PD10Mr74: 23 Fort Chartres, 111. , British army at, PD20Je66: 22 captured by Americans, D160c78: 32 destroyed by British, PD3D72: 12— R3D72: 22 Spain erects fort near, PD13Ag67: 21 — R13Ag67. 23 trade at, PD7Mr66: 42 See also British army in Fort Cherokee, described, 30N59: 22 Fort Clinton, N. Y. , C3J179: 22 — D3J179: 21 battle at, D7N77: 12, D26Je79: 22 blown up by British, D28N77: 21 conditions at, D19Je79: 22 See also British army near Fort Congarees, S. C. , 16Ja61: 31, 16Ja61: 32 Fort Constitution, N. Y. , D250c76: 32 burned by Americans, D7N77: 12 renamed Fort Lee, D8N76: 21 — P8N76: 21, D15N76: 12— P15N76: 21 Fort Cumberland, Md. , deserters from, 12D55: 32 See also British army from Fort Cumberland, N. S. , 310c55: 11 attack on expected, D14Mr77: 21 capture of, D24Ja77: 21, D24Ja77: 31 dismantled, PD15S68: 23 See also Exports from Hull, Eng. , to; Immigration to Fort Detroit. D18N75: 31 See also Indians near Fort Dummer, N. H. , 23My45: 22 Fort Dunmore, Ohio, PD23Je74: 22, PD8D74sll Fort Duquesne, 30N59: 22 Fort Edward, N. Y. , 22Ap57: 22, D15Ag77:32— PlAg77:21, D29Ag77: 12 garrisoned, 27Ag56: 21 407 Fort Edward, N. Y. (cont'd) St. Clair ordered to, D25J177: 31 — P25J177: 22 skirmish at,P15Ag77: 21--D22Ag77: 12 See also Earthquakes in; Militia to Fort Fayette, N. Y. , D19Je79: 22 Fort Frederick, Md. , 3S56: 31 Fort Frontenac, 310c55: 11, 7N55: 12 Fort George, N. Y. , 30c55: 12, D31Ag76: 21 barracks to be rebuilt, 23N39: 32 British attack on rumored, D25J177: 12 damaged by British, D30Mr76: 31 evacuation by Americans discussed, DlAg77:21,D15Ag77:31 See also Cannon seized from; Emigration from Scot, to; Fires in; Medicines of Continental army at; Murders by Indians near; Prisoners of war, British, arrive in; Shipwrecks off Fort George, Scot. , 19D55: 12 Fort Gower, Va. , troops stationed at, P28J175: 11 Fort Granville, Pa. , 27Ag56: 31, 3S56:31 Fort Halifax, Me., See Post roads between Satigan, Quebec and Fort Hardy, 27Ag56: 21 Fort Henry, Va. , P16My77: 23 Fort Hill, Boston, Mass. , D22Je76: 42 Fort Howe, Ga. , DllAp77: 32 Fort Hunter, N. Y. , 50c39: 21 Fort Independence, N. Y. , P22N76: 23, D14Mr77: 22 American retreat from, D25J177: 31 — P25J177: 21, DlAg77: 12, PlAg77sll American retreat investigated by Congress, D22Ag77:21— P22Ag77:23 arms captured at enumerated D9My77: 12 captured by General Heath, D7F77: 11--P7F77: 21 destroyed by British, D19D77: 11 — P19D77:21 evacuation by British rumored, D6N78: 22 occupied by Americans, D12D77: 11 surrounded by Continental army, D28F77: 22 See also Deserters from Tory brigades in; Hessians in; Storms at; Tories of Pa. captured at Fort Island, Pa. , D5D77: 11--P5D77: 22 Fort Johnson, S. C. , D13Ja76: 31, P12J176s22, D24Ag76:32 blown up by Americans, D3 J179: 12 captured by S. C. militia, P20Oc75s21 celebrates return of gov. , PD14N71: 12 improved, D40c76: 72 Fort Johnston, N. C. , burned by N. C. troops, PilOAg75:33--PllAg75:32 establishment urged, PD19D71: 11 evacuated by British, D22Je76: 61 houses near burned, P5Ap76: 32 maintenance requested by Gov. Martin, Pi4My75: 22 reinforcement discussed, PD10Ja71: 31 — R10Ja71: 12, PD10Ja71: 32--R10Ja71: 21 support for refused, Pil8My7S: 22 See also Blankets left at; Gunpower for; Lead for Fort Kehl, evacuated by French, 27My37:12 Fort La Fayette, N. Y. , C3J179: 21 Fort Lee, N. Y. , D15N76: 12--P15N76: 21, D22N76: 22--P22N76: 23, D24Ja77: 22 arms captured at enumerated, D9My77:12 British attack on described, D2My77: 62 captured by British, P6D76: 21, P6D76:22,D13D76: 22 reinforced by Gen. Putnam, D29N76: 31 — P29N76: 12 skirmish at, D8N76: 21--P8N76: 21 See also Continental army, retreat from; Prisoners of war, American, taken at Fort Lewis, Botetourt co. , Va. , P6Mr78: 42 See also Slaves for sale at Fort Loudoun, Va. , 27Ag56: 31 Fort Lyman, N. Y. , 30c55: 12, 30c55: 21, 170x55: 11 Fort Lyttleton, Beaufort, S. C. , PD150c72: 22, PD26N72: 13 — R26N72: 12 Fort Mackintosh, Ga. , DllAp77: 32, D2My77:61 Fort Manchac (Monshaek), La. , D19F80:22, D26F80: 22 Fort Mercer, N. J. , P12D77: 22 Fort Mifflin, Pa. , British attacks on, D7N77: 12--P7N77sll, D7N77: 22 — P7N77sl3, P7N77sll, P7N77sl2, P28N77:21,P28N77:22 cannonade at, D310c77: 11 captured by British, P12D77: 22 destroyed by British, D28N77: 21 occupied by Americans, P310c77: 21 Fort Monsey, evacuated by Americans, C28Ag79:21 Fort Montague, New Providence, W. I , D4My76: 32, D18My76: 12 Fort Montgomery, N. Y. , P2Ag76: 22 battle at described, D7N77: 12 blown up by British, D28N77: 21 executions at, P15Ag77: 21--D22Ag77: 12 occupied by British, P310c77: 22, D14N77:21 Fort Moultrie, S. C. , D40c76: 72, D15Ag77:21 See also Fort Sullivan Fort Nassau, New Providence, W. I. , D4My76: 32, D18My76: 12 Fort Necessity battle, See Great Meadows, battle of Fort [Nelson], Va. , attack on discussed, D26Je79: 11 captured by British, C15My79: 21 evacuated by Americans, D15My79: 22, D26Je79:31 Fort Niagara, N. Y. , condition of, 7N55: 12 French army at, 310c55: 11 retreat from, 30N59: 22 Fort Nicholson, N. Y. , 26S55: 22 Fort Oswegatchie, N. Y. , D31 J179: 21 Fort Pitt, Pa. , PD29J173: 31— R5Ag73: 33, PD23Je74: 22, P30Ag76: 21, P23My77:33,C6N79:32 center for Indian traders, PD7Mr66: 42 destroyed by British, PD3D72: 12-- R3D72: 22 garrisons in, PD27Ag67: 23 ordered demolished, PD12N72: 21 traders plan departure, R7J174: 31 Va. troops stationed at, P28J175: 11 See also Bounties; British army arrives; Indians attend conference; Indians near; Indians steal horses; Militia from; Mingos, refractory members near; Pittsburg, Pa. ; Shawnees, murders by near; Weather reports Fort Plank, N. Y. , C9D80: 21 Fort Pleasant, C15My79: 33 Fort Pontchartrain (Detroit), establishment of, PD12My68: 22 — R12My68: 13 Fort Prince George, Keehoowe, S. C. , PD5S66sll, PD5Mr67: 21 commandant appointed, PD25Ag68: 12 provisions for, 16 Ja61: 31 threatened by Indians, 16 Ja61: 32 Fort Randolph, See Indians murdered in Fort Royal, Martinique, W. I. , DlAp80: 21 See also Fires Fort St. David, ship, 19S51:22 Fort St. Frederic, See Crown Point Fort St. George, India, R24Ag69: 13 See also Ships from; Ships' sailing time; Ships to Fort St. John, Can. , D11S79: 22 See also Fires in; Prisoners of war, British, captured near; St. John's, Can. ; Ships, British, captured by Americans near Fort St. Pierre, Martinique, W. I. , See Storms in Fort Salter, Ga. , P28N77: 31 Fort Schuyler, N. Y. , American capture of, D12S77: 12, P12S77: 23, P26S77: 12 American reinforcements for, D12S77:21— P12S77:22 battle near, D29Ag77: 12 Fort Stanwix, N. Y. , D8J175: 23, D15N76:11 battle near, P29Ag77: 23--D5S77: 21, D5S77: 12— P5S77: 13, P5S77: 21 in northern department, D27Je77: 21 preparations at, D15Ag77: 32 treaty of, PD15S68: 23, PD1D68: 23, PD25My69: 32— R25My69: 23 See also Indians attend conferance at Fort Stephen, Virginia artillery at, P8My78s22 Fort Sullivan, S. C. , battle of described, P12J176sl2, P19J176: 11 — D20J176:32, P19J176:23 See also Fort Moultrie Fort Ticonderoga, N. Y. , P13S76: 22 — D14S76: 31, D14Mr77: 22— P14Mr77: 22 Fort Valentine, N. Y. , D9My77: 12 Fort Venango, D18Ap77: 62 Fort Washington, N. Y. , D22N76: 22 — P22N76: 23 arms captured at enumerated, D9My77:12 attack on British ship, D15N76: 12 — P15N76:21 attacked by Gen. Heath, D7F77: 11 — P7F77: 21, D14F77: 12— P14F77: 22 battle of discussed, D29N76: 31 — P29N76: 13, P29N76: 23, P6D76: 21, P6D76: 23, P13D76: 22, D3 Ja77: 12, D2My77:61 British casualties enumerated, D18J177:12 captured by British, P6D76: 22, D13D76: 22 location described, D29N76: 32 See also Hessians in Fort Watauga, Va. , P9Ag76: 32 — 408 Four pounders D10Ag76: 61, P16Ag76: 31 — D17Ag76:21 Fort William, Can. , See Emigration from Scot, to Fort William, Scot. , See Emigration from; Ships' sailing time; Ships to New York City from Fort William, ship, PD18Ap66: 13 Fort William and Mary, N. H. , Pi8Je75: 12, Pi8Je75: 13, P30Je75sll Fort William Henry, N. Y. , building of, 240c55:ll conditions at described, 27Ag56: 21 garrisoned, 27Ag56: 21 siege of described, 22Ap57: 22 Forten, George, Capt. , of the Anne, PD28J168: 22--R28J168: 22, R18Ag68:21 Fortescue, Charles Walter, 14Ag52: 31 [Mathew], Baron, P28Ap75: 13 — D29Ap75s21 Forth, Thomas, PD9J167: 33 Forth, ship, 270c52: 21 Forth river. Scot. , See Canals from; Locks on Forthon, James, R14Ja73: 23 Fortification, teachers adv. for scholars, in Va. , PD2My71: 32 — R2My71:31 in Williamsburg, Va. , P22Ag77: 31 Fortin, John, sr. , R27J169: 32 Fortitude, transport, D2S75: 12 Forton prison, Eng. , American prisoners in, D27N78: 21, D27N78: 22, D8Ap80: 23 Forts, Elias, 27Mr52: 32 Torts, built on Va. frontier, 5S55: 31 captured by Americans in Va. , P19D75: 22 for British colonies, N. Am. , proposed by British, Pil90c75: 11— P20Oc75: 11— D210c75: 12 French, in British colonies, N. Am. , 21Mr55:12 greeted on Pa. frontier, PD23Je74: 21 — R23Je74:41 in Albany, N. Y. , 23N39: 32 in Can. described, 30N59: 22 in Crown Point, N. Y. , PD23Je74: 21 -- R23Je74: 31 inGa. ,7N55:U in Greenbrier co. , Va. , D24Ap79: 31 in Mohawk country, N. Y. , 23N39: 32 in New England, 7N55: 11 in N. H. , D25Mr75: 23 in N. Y. ,7N55:11 in Saratoga, N. Y. , 23N39: 32 in Schenectady, N. Y. , 23N39: 41 in Tierondiquat, N. Y. , 23N39: 32 Fortune, Capt. , of the Charming Sally, D22Ap75: 22 John, PD7D69: 42 John, jr. , PD14My72: 23 Fortune, brig. , PD220c72: 13, PD7Ap74: 22--R7Ap74: 21 H. M. S. , 24Ja52: 31 H.M. sloop of war, 12D51: 22, PD15Ag66: 22, PD22Ag66: 21 ship, PD16Je74: 11 sloop, 18Ap45: 32, P3Ap78: 22 snow, PD21S69: 22--R21S69: 23, R21S69: 31, PD28S69: 32— R50c69: 31 Fortune jail, Eng. , D8 Ja80: 23 Fortune telling equipment, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , D280c75: 23 Forty shilling bills, counterfeited in Va. ,PD25F73:31 Forward, Mr. , brigantine of, 12My38:41 Jonathan, 26N36: 22, 14Ja37: 42, 24F38:32, 50c39:31 Forward, ship, 9Je38: 41, 1S38: 32, 8838:41 Forward Galley, ship, 4N37: 42, 29S38: 42, 6 J139: 42, 20J139: 41 Foscyke, Capt. , P6S76: 21 Fose, John, P14Mr77sll Foskey, Bryan, PD26N67: 21 Fossey, Capt. , 28Mr55: 31 Foster, Capt. , R1N70: 22, D22Je76: 52 captures Cedars, Can. , D6J176: 81, D40c76: 62 cartel with Gen. Arnold, P9Ag76: 22 — D10Ag76: 32 of the St. George, 17Ap52: 31 of the Sally, R3My70: 23, PD25J171: 22, PD7My72: 23, PD5My74: 22 treatment of American prisoners opposed, D7S76: 22 Dr. , of Charlestown, Mass. , Dl J175: 31 Ensign, on court martial board, P12Ja76:33 Mr. , author, PD10Je73: 31 Anthony, PD9Ap72: 33 Charles, D30Oc78: 32 Chillings, PD28J168: 21— R28J168: 21 Edward, PD23Je74: 12 Edward. Capt. , of the Hartley, PD3F74: 33--R10F74: 33, PD10F74: 23, PD14Ap74: 31— R14Ap74: 23 Fergus, Capt. , of the Eagle, PD7D69s22 Francis, R14Ap68: 43, R25Ja70: 11— PD15F70: 23, D19D77: 41, D13N78: 22 George, P23Je75: 23 Isaac, D10J179: 32 [Isaac], author, PD10Je73: 31, D25N75: 11, D30D75: 11, D24F76: 43, D2Mr76: 41, D9Mr76: 41, D25My76: 43, D24Ag76: 51, D20D76: 41, E>3 Ja77: 41, D17Ja77: 41, D2My77: 81, D4J177: 81 Isaac, Dr. , Pi60c74: 22 James, accused of horse stealing, PD13Ja74: 33 adv. finding hog, D19F79: 41 adv. finding horse, 5S55: 42 holds tobacco notes illegally, PD31D72: 32 letter to, in post office, PD12Mr67: 13 runaway indentured servant, PD28S69: 32— R50c69: 31 unclaimed tobacco of, R19Ja69: 33 James, Capt. , P16My77sll, D19D77: 21 — P19D77: 21 Jedediah. Rl J173: 23, PD16Je74s21 Jeremiah, PD2F69: 31 Joell, Capt. , of the Mary and Jane, 19D55: 22 John, adv. finding heifer, D15My79: 32 adv. finding horse, P170c77: 42 deserter, P25Ap77: 31, P23My77: 32 land of for sale, D26D77: 21 letter of, in post office, PDllAp66: 41 John, Capt., of the Betsy, Pi9F75: 32 John, jr., Lt. , P130c75: 11— D21Cc75: 31 John, Lt. ,P130c75:ll— D210c75:31 Joseph, PD22N70: 33, D20Ja76: 42 — Pi20Ja76: 32, P28N77sll Josiah, P130c75: 11— D210c75: 31, P28N77sl2, D160c78: 41, P230c78: 31 Nicholas, 24My 51: 41 Ralph, R190c69sl3 Richard, PD17Je73: 33, P310c77: 11 Robert, Capt. , of the Southampton, PD5Ag73: 13 Samuel, Capt. , of the Lydia, PD22D68: 31 Tabitha, 12Je52: 32 Thomas, R26My74: 32-P26My75s43, P19Ja76:33,C15My79: 12 William, 21S39: 32, PD22Ag66: 32, PD150c72: 32, RllMr73: 33, PD30S73: 32 William, Capt., of the Bransty, 21Mr51: 32, 30My51: 32, 24Ap52: 21, 9My55: 21, 23My55: 21 William, jr. , PD18N73: 23 See also Forster Fotherby, Capt. , of the Middleton, 6J139:41 Fothergill, Capt. , of the Success, 10Je37: 31 Mr., author, PD12D71: 32 John, Dr. , P25Ap77: 21 Fotheringham, Capt. , of the Mercury, PD3S72: 21 Fotherington, Capt. , of the Merlin, PD5S71:31— R5S71:23 Foucalt, Mr. , exported to Fr. as rebel, R18Ja70: 22 Foudrey and Bush, R3D72: 23 Foudroyant, H. M. S. , D28Mr77: 61, P20Je77:21,D26Mr79:21 ship, D2My77: 22 Fougeux, H. M. S. , 21N51: 22, 24Ja52: 22, 25Ap55: 21, 26S55: 12 Foulding, James, P170c77: 43 Fouler, John, PD4J171: 32 Foulin, Charles, Comm. , 5S55: 22 Foulkes, Edward, sr. , PD23My66: 33 Keene, PD23My66: 32, PD26F67: 33 Thomas, Capt. , of the Planter, 18S46: 41 Foundationers, at William and Mary college, P21 Je76: 32--D29Je76: 32 Founders, See Indentured servants as; Slaves as Foundries, described at James river falls, P21Je76:32 established in Corsica, PD9Je68: 11 — R9Je68: 14 in Westham, Va. , PlAg77: 32, P28N77sl2,D10J178:31 See also Iron Fountain, Mr. , escapes from Lord Dunmore, D25My76: 33 William, P17N75sl3 Fountaine, Mrs., slave of, D2Mr76:3l Fountains, bird, for sale, in Norfolk, Va., PD25Ji66: 23 Four Brothers, ship, PD7S69: 31, PD16N69: 22 , PD7Je70: 31 sloop, 18Ja40: 4, R17Mr74: 23 — PD14Ap74:31 Four Mile creek, Va., inspection, PD22S74.32 See also Gardens near; Merchants at; Ships in; Taverns, described for rent near Four pounders , captured by Americans in Mass, Pi22Je75: 22— D24Je75: 23 cargo of sloop Argo, D11S79: 21 409 Four pounders (cont'd) for sale, at South Quay, Va.,P7N77s21 in Edenton, N. C. , D12Je79: 32 imported from Fr. , D24J179: 22 imported to Newburyport, Mass., from Fr. , P31My76: 13--DUe76: 12 imported to U. S. from Nantes, Fr. , P25J177:11 imported to Va. from W. I. , Fr. , P22Mr76: 22 on privateers, 28Ag46: 32 on ships, 20Je45: 31, P16F76: 31 — D24F76: 22, D6Ap76: 22, P28Je76: 23, D6J176: 11, P30Ag76: 23, D14S76: 41, D15N76: 22, P10J178: 13, D12F79: 32, D12Mr79: 22, D2Ap79: 22, D5Je79: 21, D26Je79: 21, D11S79: 21, D25S79: 11, C6N79: 31--D6N79: 31, D18D79: 12 — C25D79: 11, C19F80: 31, DllMr80: 22, D8Ap80: 21, C21Oc80: 22 seized from British ship, P16F76: 31 — D24F76: 22 Four Sisters, schooner, PD20Ag67: 33, R17Mr74: 23--PD14Ap74: 31 Fourneau, Lt. , of the Raleigh, PD12Mr72: 23 Forneaux, Capt. , explores for Eng. , PD4Je72: 23 Fournier, Mr. , adv. for scholars, P22Ag77: 31 Fourteen Mile is., Vt. See Indian attacks on; Tories attack on Foushee, Dr. , arrives in Smithfield, Va. , P116N75: 32 Isabella (Harmanson), marriage of, Pi23Mr75: 12 James, R17Ja71: 22 Mary, Mrs. , R17Ja71: 22 W. , Dr. , announces fees, D8My79: 31 William, PD31Mr74: 32--R31Mr74: 31, William, Dr. , Pi23Mr75: 12 Fowey, frigate, PD20Ag67: 21 H. M. S. , 10Oc45: 41, 15My46: 41, 24Ja52: 22, PD23Je68: 22, PD25Ag68: 12, PD6S70: 23, PD21F71: 23 — R21F71: 23, R6My73s21--PD13My73: 23, R10Je73: 31, PD19My74: 41, D21 Ja75: 23, P28Ap75s42, Pi4My75: 23, Pi4My75:31--P5My75s31--D6My75:23, P5My75s22, D6My75: 31, P19My75: 32, Pi8Je75:32, Pi8Je75:33, P9Je75sl3, P9Je75s21--D10Je75: 23, Pil5Je75: 13--D17Je75: 23, Pil5Je75: 31, P30Je75sl2— D1J175: 31, P30Je75sl3, Pi6J175: 33, P7J175: 23, D8J175: 32, PU3J175: 33, P14J175sl3, D15J175: 33, PilOAg75: 33--PllAg75pl3, P15S75: 23, D30D75: 33, D20Ja76: 22, P26Ja76: 21— D27Ja76: 32, P3My76: 23 — D4My76: 32, D18My76: 33, D15Je76: 51, P5J176pll--D6J176: 82, P19J176: 32, D20J176: 31, P3Ja77sll, D12Mr79: 22, D24Ap79: 22, D230c79: 21 Fowke, Capt. , of the Betsey, PD4Mr73: 31 of the Priscilla, D20Je77: 11 Chandler, R28J174: 23 Gerard, C15My79: 32 Richard, R19F67: 32, R28J174: 22, R28J174:23, P18Ap77s41 Fowkes, Henry, PD10Oc71: 23 See also Fowlkes Fowl, abandoned by Indians in Island town, Va. ,P15N76:31 as lottery prizes, R9Je68: 41 for sale, R22Mr70: 22 number consumed in London, Eng. , PD16Je68: 11— R16Je68: 22 plentiful in Essex, Eng. , PD11D66: 21 in High Suffolk, Eng. , PD11D66: 21 in Scot. , PD20Oc68: 21 price of in Boston, Mass.,PD9Mr69:13 in London, Eng. , PD9Je68: 13 — R9Je68: 22 in Mallow, Ire. , PD2J167: 13 in Pensacola, Fla. , PD18Je67: 22 Fowle, Capt. , 29Ag51: 31 Jacob, PD28J168: 21— R28J168: 21, Pil9Ja75:22, Pi6Ap75: 21 John, Capt., of the Frances, R8S74:31 Fowler, Capt. , PD5F67: 23 of the Hudson bay, 28F51: 22 Mr. , imprisoned for Toryism in N. Y. , D10F.76: 31 Abial, Mrs. , PDUAp71: 22 Andrew, R25N73: 41 Gardner, R21N71: 42 George, adv. for imported merchandise, R26N72: 21 adv. for missing horse, R26N72: 22 adv. merchandise for sale, R1N70:32, R2My71:22, R18J171:33, D29Je76:42 adv. unclaimed box, R18J171: 33 agent of accused of violating Association, P17F75s22 merchant of Alexandria, Va. , Pil9Ja75:ll requests payment of debts, PD9Je74: 31 violates Association, P17F75s23, P14Je76sll James, PD23My71: 23 John, PD19D71:33 adv. for imported merchandise, R26N72: 21 adv. for missing horse, R26N72: 22 adv. merchandise for sale, RlN70:32,R2My71:22, R18J171:33,D29Je76:42 adv. sloop for sale, D27Je77: 31 adv. unclaimed box, R18J171: 33 agent of accused of violating Association, P17F75s22 announces departure from Va. , R2My71: 22 announces postponement of sale, D12D77: 22 criticized, P30Je75s21 denies violating Association, Pil8My75:13,D13J176:21 requests payment of debts, PD9Je74: 31 merchant of Alexandria, Va. , Pil9Ja75: 11 violates Association, P17F75s23, P14Je76sll John, jr. ,P3N75:12 Joseph, 2S37: 32, D29Je76: 42 Matthew, D10Ag76: 61 Thomas, D6Ja76: 31 William, R1D68: 41, PD25N73: 22, R25N73:43 Fowler, Wright, & co. , PD25N73: 22, R25N73: 43 Fowler's ordinary, Va. , R2N69: 32 Fowling, in Charles City co. , Va. , D8N76:31--P8N76:31 in King William co. , Va.' , R24D67: 41 in New Kent co. , Va. , D25S79: 31 in Surry co. , Va. , PD9My66: 31 Fowling pieces, as lottery prizes, PD28Ja68: 32, PD7Ap68: 31 for sale, in Richmond, Va. , D14N77: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , 8J137: 42, 60c38:61,PD12D71:32 found, adv. of, P180c76: 31 made in Eng. . R13My73: 23 seized from American ship, P29S75: 31 Fowlis, Andrew, author, R7J168: 24 Robert, author, R7J168: 24 Fowlkes, Gabriel, PD10Oc66: 41, P19My75s42 See also Fowkes Fox, Capt. , PD26S66: 32, PD31Mr68: 21, PD7Ap68: 22, PD27Ap69: 13, PD5Ap70: 32— R5Ap70: 42 of the Drake, 25Mr37: 31 of the Kingsale, 140c37: 31 of the Matty, PD10Oc66: 33, PD10Oc66: 41, PD30Oc66: 31, PD7Ap68: 23, PD22S68: 22, PD21S69: 22--R21S69: 23, PD28S69: 23— R50c69: 31, PD2N69: 31--R2N69: 23, PD19Ap70s23, PD13S70: 23, PD14Mr71: 31, PDllAp71: 32, PD30My71: 23, PDllAg71: 32, PD12S71: 31, PD30c71: 32, PD310c71: 31, R12Mr72: 23, PD9Ap72: 32, PD23Ap72: 23— R23Ap72: 23 of the Speedwell, D29J176: 12 of the Va. regiment, 6th, D10Ag76: 62 sale at house of, PD15Ag66: 31 Lt. , P25Ap77: 31 Mr. , PD13Je66: 32 bond due to, Pi23Mr75: 33 — D25Mr75: 31 store of, PD14S69: 31 Mrs. (Richards), 17F38: 22 Absolam,R9N69:32 Ann, D10J179: 32 Benjamin, P15S75: 33, D3Ag76: 32, D16Ap79:22 Charles James, appointed to admiralty board, PD18Ap71: 13 attitude toward peace commissioners, P1N76:31 author, PD17S72: 22 character sketch of, Pil5D74: 12 criticizes British colonial policy, D18My76: 32 criticizes British navy, D5Mr79: 21 criticizes conduct of revolution, P20Mr78: 22, D18S79: 22 discussed in parliament, D3F76: 21 eulogizes Montgomery in Commons, D20Je76: 11 opposes Boston port bill, PD19My74: 21, PD19My74:22 opposes North's policies, P26Ja76: 23--D3F76: 13, D31Ag76: 12— P13S76: 12, P14Mr77: 21, D19F79: 12 opposes petition of N. S. in Commons, P8Mr76: 22— D9Mr76: 21 opposes play, PD2D73s22 opposes Quebec act, R18Ag74: 21 opposes treason bill, P23My77: 21 oratory praised, D18S79: 22 remarks on Londoners discussed, PD23My71:21 410 France resigns from government, PD7My72: 12, PD26My74: 22 speaks on Mass. government act, PD14J174: 12 supports British colonies, N. Am. , P14Ap75sl2--D15Ap75: 22, D22Ap75:21,P28Ap75:21, P28Ap75s31--D29Ap75s23, D15J175:32 supports peace with U. S. , D17J178: ll,D12Mr79: 12 supports regulating Mass. , PD19My74: 31 [Francis], author, PD25F68: 41, PD29N70: 21, PD13D70: 42, PD17Ja71: 42, PD24Ja71: 42, PD7F71:42, PD21F71:42, PD7Mr71: 42, PD21Mr71: 42, PD28Mr71: 42 Henry, 12D55: 11 Jacob, R12J170: 42 Jacob. Capt. , of the Jenny, PD6Ja74: 32, PD20Ja74: 23, PD10Mr74: 31, R17Mr74: 22--PD14Ap74: 23, PD14Ap74: 23--R14Ap74: 23 of the Matty, R26S71: 32, PD20Ag72: 31 of the Polly, R8S74: 31, R15S74: 33 James, 12Je52: 21, 3J152: 31 John, PD17D72: 31--R17D72: 32 adv. for house carpenters, P19J176:41 adv. for missing horses and wagons, C3 J179: 42 adv. for missing pettiauger, R190c69s21 adv. for owner of slave L R22Ap73s21 adv. for runaway slaves, PD21Mr66: 33. R3Mr68: 33, R22F70: 32, PD19Ap70s23-- R19Ap70:32,R19Ap70:33.PD18J171:22. R23Ap72:13, PilD74: 32 adv. for stolen horse, 21Ag46: 42 adv. iron work, 28Ag46: 32 adv. land for sale, PD290c72: 22-- R29Oc72:31,R140c73:33 adv. tavern for rent, PD10F74: 32-- R10F74: 32, P20S76: 13 assignee of Jesse May, R25N73: 41 calls meeting of soldiers, P40c76s21 elected delegate for Gloucester co. , Va. , D9Ap79: 22 ensign in Gloucester co. , Va. , militia, P130c75: 11--D21C-C75: 31 land of, PD5N67: 23. PD25N73: 23 requests payment for slaves, R22S68: 34 slaves of , R20My73: 22, PD16Je74: 31-- R16Je74: 32, D18F75: 32, P170c77: 32, PlMy78:42,D230c79: 11 testifies to reputation of Gardner, P21Ag78:13 John. Rev. Mr., marriage of, 17F38: 22 of Ware parish, Gloucester co. , Va. , 21Ja37:42,240c51:22 Joseph, of Pa. . 250c65s23, PD20Je66: 21, R2Ag70: 13, PDllN73s22.R23Je74:32 of Va. , 70c37: 31, 21Ap38: 42, 18Ap45: 42. Pi9F75: 31 Joseph. Capt. , 19S55: 31 Nathaniel, P16F76s22. D14F77: 21 -- P14F77:33, P18Ap77s32 Samuel, PD29Ja67: 13 Thomas, D26Ag75: 33 Thomas, Capt. , of the Newcastle, 25Ja40: 2 William, R25D66: 41, R50c69: 22, PD21Je70:32,R26S71:32, PD310c71:31 William, Capt. , of the Matty, PD6N66: 22--R4D66: 11, PD27N66: 31, R[llDs?]66:33 Fox, East Indiaman, PD70c73: 12-- R70c73: 13 H. M. frigate, D8Ag77: ll--P8Ag77: 21, D8Ag77: 12--P8Ag77: 21 H. M. S. , 20Je45: 22, 11J145: 31, 16Ja46: 21, 23Ja46: 32, 17Ap46: 11, 24Ja52: 31, P8Ag77: 23, D15Ag77: 31, P22Ag77: 23,D12F79:22 horse, 250c65s42, PD30My66: 32-- R30My66: 33 Indiaman, PD15S74: 31 privateer, 12S45: 31 schooner. PD10Mr68: 23, C15My79: 13-- D15My79:21 ship, R12Mr72: 11, R5N72: 13 Fox and Banks, P25Ag75: 81 Fox skins, adv. for, in Williamsburg, Va. 8J137: 42 exported from Accomac district, Va. , to Phila. , Pa. , PD5S66s43, PDllJe67:32 exported from James river, lower district, Va. , to Phila. , Pa. , 26S55: 31 exported from York district, Va. , to London, Eng. , 24Ag39: 22, 2N39: 21,25Ja40:3 imported to London, Eng. , from Can. , 28F5L22 Foxcroft, John, PDllJe67: 22, PD27S70: 13, PD8N70: 21, PD5My74: 12 Fox's ferry, PD7My67: 33, PD5My68: 31, R12My68: 33, R12J170: 42, R12Mr72:33 Fox's mills, N. Y. , C9D80: 12 Fox's ordinary, Va. , P15S75: 33, D250c76: 42--P250c76: 31, P7F77: 23, P7Mr77: 31, D6Je77: 32, D8My78:62, D15Ja80: 23 Foxwell, Richard, D23My77: 32 Foy, Capt. , PDllN73s22, P23F76: 11 arives in N. Y. , PD20Ja74: 31 arrives in Williamsburg, Va. , R150c72: 23, PD3Mr74: 21 — R3Mr74:31 expected in N. Y. , R23D73: 32 expected in Va. , PD80c72: 31, PD24F74: 31 marriage of, PD3S72: 22 of the Medway,llN37:41 to Quebec, Can. , D29J176: 51, DHOc76:31 Mrs. , arrives in Williamsburg, Va. , PD3Mr74: 21--R3Mr74:31 Edward, PD7N71: 22, PD14N71: 21-- R21N71: 32, PD10Mr74: 31-- R10Mr74: 31, PD31Mr74: 31-- R7Ap74: 31, PD16Je74: 22-- R16Je74:22 [Edward], Capt. , appointed commander in British army, P14J175sl3 appointed It. gov. of N. H. , PD60c74: 13. Pi20Oc74: 31 criticized, Pi25My75: 23, Pi50c75: 32 Deputy Adj. Gen. to Gen. Carleton, D7S76: 22 leaves Williamsburg, Va. , P9Je75sl3 returns to Yorktown, Va. . P7J175: 23 secretary to Gov. Dunmore, N. Y. , PD21F71:31--R21F71:31, PD26S71: 23--R26S71: 23 to Boston, Mass. , D15J175: 33 to visit Gen. Gage, P30Je75sl2 John, P10Mr75sl3 Richard, Capt. , of the Live Oak, R16N69: 21, PD23N69: 21 Fractures, skull, cure for, R14Ap68sll Fraills, John, PD23My71: 31 Fraizer, James, P180c76: 12 Frame, David, R14F71: 32 Frame barns, described, in Loudon co. , Va. , PD3S67: 23 in Hanover co. , Va. , 7Ja37: 42 in Prince George co. , Va. , 30c51: 41 in Stafford co. , Va. , R25D66: 32 Frame dwelling houses, described, in Loudon co. , Va. , PD3S67: 23 Frame houses, described, at Martin Brandon parish, Va. , PD13D70: 31-- R13D70: 32 in Spotsylvania co. , Va. , C3J179: 31 in Tyrell co. , N. C. , PDllMy69: 32 for sale, in Warwick co. , Va. , D14Je75:32--P16Je75:23 in Goochland co. , Va. , 26N36: 42 in Southampton co. , Va. , PD12S66: 31 Frame smoke houses, in Hanover co. , Va. , 7Ja37: 42 Frame sticks, for sale, in Yorktown, Va. , 25J151:32 Frame storeroom, in Portsmouth, Va. , D26S77: 31 Frame tobacco houses, described, on James river, Va. , PD17N68: 23 in Brunswick co. , Va. , 19J154: 42 Framery, M. , author, PD18 J171: 32 Frames, See House frames Frames, stocking, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , P19Ja76: 32-- D20 Ja76: 33 Frames, window, for sale, in Warwick co. . Va. , D20Je77: 22-- P20Je77:33 Framin (wine), produced in Tyrol, PD18Mr73:~31 Framing, exported from Hampton, Va. , to St. Christopher, W. I. , 28Mr45: 41 exported from James river, lower district, Va. , to Bermuda, HAp55: 22 to Grenada, W. I. , PD10Mr74: 31 for sale, in Warwick co. , Va. . D20Je77: 22--P20Je77: 33 France, Thomas, P27Je77: 13 France, absolute monarchy discussed, PD29Ag71:13 accedes to Austro-Russian treaty, 16Ja61:31 acquires territory in Luxemburg, 28S39: 12 adjusts colonial boundaries, 6Je51:22 agriculture encouraged, PD3N68: 12 aid from, opposed in America, P26Ap76s21--D27Ap76: 31 in Pa. , D20Ap76: 13, D27Ap76: 13 in Va. ,D20Ap76:32 aid to Algeria, D30S75: 12 to British colonies. N. Am. discussed 411 France, aid to British colonies (cont'd) P30Je75:23— Dl J175: 22, P5Ja76(5)s23,D29Je76: 11 to Poland, PD21My72: 13, PD17Je73: 11, PD17Je73: 12 to Russia, PD15J173: 23 to Sp. , llJa40: 22, PD4Ap71: 21, P3Mr75: 22, D7Mr77: 22 to Sweden, PD17Je73: 11— R17Je73: 11, PD1J173:13 to Turkey, R31My70: 13, PD3Ja71: 21, R14F71: 13, PDlAg71: 11, PD17S71: 22, PD15J173: 31 — R15J173:32,R2S73:11 to Turkey denied, PD7Je70: 21, PD19J170:23 to Turkey rumored, PD21 Je70: 12, PD24Je73: 22, PD23S73: 13, PD19My74: 23, R4Ag74: 31 to U. S. , P27D76: 22 alliance with Aust. , 20J139: 31, 3S56: 21, D29Ap75: 31, P21J175: 13 with Den. , 13Ja38: 31 with Gt. Brit.,PD17S72: 12, PD10Je73: 12, PD17Je73: 23— R17Je73: 23, PD24Je73:22,R8J173:22 with Gt. Brit, denied, R24Je73: 21 with Gt. Brit, opposed, R1J173: 12 with Holl. , PD20S70s31 with Prussia, 18J151: 22, 8Ag5l: 12, P21J175:13 with Russia, P21 J175: 13 with Sardinia, 20J139: 31 with Sicily, 20J139: 31 with Spain, 29Je39: 21, 6J139: 12, 20J139: 31, 28D39: 21, PD20S70s31, PD16 Ja72: 12, PDlOJe73: 12, PD17Je73: 23— R17Je73: 23, PD9Je74: 22, P21J175: 13, P40c76: 11— DHOc76: 42, D28Ag79: 21 with Spain discussed, 24Ag39: 21, D9Ap79: 12, D10J179: 11, D10J179: 12 with Spain rumored, 21D39: 32, D12F79: 22, D5Je79: 21, D17J179: 12, D31J179:31 with Sweden, 13Ja38: 31, D29Ap75: 31 with U. S. , P27Mr78: 21 with U. S. , effect of in Illinois country, D26 Je79: 22 with U. S. criticized by Tories, C15My79: 13 with U. S. denied, P5S77sll with U. S. discussed, D14F77: 11 — P14F77: 21, D4Ap77: 11, D18J177: 11, D12Je79: 22 with U. S. praised, D19Je79: 12 with U. S. prophesied, P5S77: 11 with U. S. proposed, P15Ag77: 22 alliances of, P9My77: 11 ambassador withdraws from Gt. Brit. , 10Oc55: 22 American goods scarce in, 2S57: 22 announces treaty with U. S. to Eng. , P29My78: 12 annuities in, 5D51:22 applies for Asiento with Sp. , 20J139: 21 appoints ecclesiastical commission, 60c52: 21, 120c52: 22 assists Sp. in Ga. and S. C. invasion, 12My38: 32 attack on British colonies feared, P11D74: 22 on Gibraltar rumored, 4Mr37: 41, PD7Mr71 : 31 — R7Mr71 : 31 on It. feared, R1J173: 12 on Mantua, It., rumored, PD17Je73: 12 on Milan, It. , rumored, PD17Je73: 12 on Neth. rumored, PD13Je71: 13 on pirates, 22S52: 21 on Tunis rumored, PD20S70s32 on W. I. , British threatened, D13Ja76: 23 attempts control election of pope, Pil6Mr75: 23— P17Mr75: 23 — D18Mr75:12 attempts mediations in Austro- Turkish war, 29Je39: 12 attempts reestablishment of order in Geneva, 9D37: 22 attempts to prevent alliance between Gt. Brit. , Prussia and Holl. , 15Je39:12 attitude on Spanish war, PD31Ja71: 22 attitude toward U. S. , PHOc76: 22, P1N76: 21, P9My77: 11, P9My77: 22 authorizes reparations to British, PD7My72: 13 bankruptcy of, PD15Ag71: 21 — R15Ag71:21 borrows money, PD13F72: 23 British propaganda in, P29Ag77: 22 buys British ships, PD14Mr66: 41 captures Theodore of Corsica, 23F39:31 cedes Lorraine to Stanislaus, 13My37:12,27My37:12 celebrates Duke of Burgundy's birth, J9D51: 22 cession of Corsica to discussed, PD21My67: 12 chambers of commerce, P7N77: 13 civil war in feared, PD12S71: 31, PDllMr73:23 claims to British colonies, N. Am. , Pi5Ja75:ll claims to Port. , P27Je77: 23 claims to Sardinia, R280c73: 23 compared to Gt. Brit. , PD12S71: 12 conditions in described, PD9My71: 22, PD8Ag71: 21 court news from, Pi5Ja75: 13 court of aides, D25F75: 21 cruises against pirates, PD3Mr68: 22 dauphin endangered, PD20N66: 12 declares war against Tripoli, 22D52: 21 declares war on Tunisia rumored, RllN73sll demands on Danzig, PD20My73: 13 demands on Genoa, It. , PD3Ag69: 12, PD310c71:12 demands reparations from Gt. Brit. , D16Mr76:31,D13N78:21 demands restitution of ships from British, 12D55: 11 demobilization in rumored, PD12Ag73: 21 designs on Corsica, PD12N72: 11 designs on Papal States, PD3N68: 12 disarmament in, R15J173sll discusses Corsica with Spain, 23F39: 21 dowries provided by government 5D51: 21, 12D51: 21, 19D51: 21 economic conditions in described, 25Je52: 21 encourages alliance with Sp. and Aust. , 15Je39: 12 entertains British, PD18Ap66: 13 erects forts in British colonies, N. Am. , D1J175: 22 in Mediterranean, PD80c72: 21 exchanges territory with Aust. , 13My37:ll expansion of discussed, 22J137: 31 feared in Mediterranean, R5Ja69: 21— PD12Ja69: 12 fears power of Aust. and Prus. , PD12N72: 11 fights pirates, 15S52: 22 financial conditions in, 14N55: 12, PD30Mr69: 32— R30Mr69: 13, PD17Ag69: 21— R17Ag69: 13, PD2Ja72: 13, PD16Ja72: 21, PD16Ap72: 31, PD27Ja74: 21, PD19My74: 13, R18Ag74: 13, D20Ap76: 13, D8Ap80s22 financial reform considered, PD15Ag66: 13, PD25F68: 21 forbids emigration to Eng. , PD3Ja71: 12 foreign policy discussed, 12Ja39: 22, 29Ag45:ll,PD25Je72:21 fortifications erected, 29S38: 32, PDllAp66: 21, PD22D68: 11 government criticized, PD15S74: 12 Gt. Brit, 's opinion of, 12Ja39: 22 honors Marshal de Saxe, 18Ap51: 21, 16My51: 12 imperialist groups in, 18Ap55: 21 imports skilled labor from Gt. Brit. , 22S52: 21 indebted to British East India co. , P26My75: 21— D27My75: 22 influence in Austria, PD12Mr72: 21 in Sweden, 27J139: 11 in Turkey, PD12Mr72: 21 in U. S. asserted, P7N77: 12 inheritance laws in, PD8D74: 12 insurrections in, PD2My71: 21 — R2My71: 21, PD15Ag71: 22, PD22Ag71:21,DlJ175:21, D15J175:23, P21J175: 11, P21J175: 21, PilOAg75: 31 — P11 Ag75: 31— D12Ag75: 23 intelligence service with Gt. Brit. , PD16J172: 22 interest in exploration, 24N52: 12 interferes in Den. , PD23Ap72: 22, PD30Ap72: 12 in Dutch press, 30Je38: 21 in Poland, PD17Je73:ll internal conditions in, PD13D70: 21, PD22J173: 12 intrigue of, 24Ag39: 12, PD14Ap69sl2 invades Hesse, D28F77: 22— P28F77sll invasion of East Indies rumored, PD14F71:23 invasion of Holl. rumored, 31D36: 31, PD28S69: 13 Irish opinion of, PD13N66: 12 justifies policy in America, 10Oc55:21 king retakes alienated lands, PD12Mr72: 11 king's rights discussed, PD6Ap69: 11 king's weakness rumored, PDllAp71:13 land tax abolished, 14Ja37: 41 loans from Holl. , P28F77: 12 from Sp. , PD240c71: 22, PD17Je73: 11 — R17Je73:ll 412 France to Holl.,R31My70:13 to Sweden, PD12N72: 11 to U. S. , D18Ap77: 62--P18Ap77sll, P23My77: 23 manners discussed, PD11F73: 13 martials troops in Flanders, 21 Ja37: 31 Mass. seeks direct trade with, PD18Ag74: 11 mediates between Aust. and Prus. , C15My79:21 between Aust. and Sp., HMy39: 21 between Aust. and Turk. , 11N37: 31, 10Mr38: 21, UAg38: 21, 9N39: 22 between Aust, Russ. . and Turk. , 12My38: 11, 9Je38: 12, 14J138: 12 between Corsica and Genoa, 25Ag38: 21, PD27N66:21, PD4D66: 21, PD11D66: 12, PD30J167: 22, PD24S67: 12, PD30Je68: 13 between European powers, 22S38: 31 between Gt. Brit, and Sp. , 6My37: 21, 21D39: 32, 1F40: 31, PD3Ja71: 22 between Holl. , Gt. Brit. , and Sp. , l8Ag38: 31 between Russ. and Turk. , 28Ja37: 42, 11F37: 32, 12My38: 21, 1F40: 21, PD15J173: 21--R15J173: 21, PD19Ag73: 12, PD2D73sl2 — R2D73: 13, RllAg74: 21, PD18Ag74: 12, D14Ag79:21,DllMr80:ll, Pil6Mr75: 22--D18Mr75: 12 between Sp. and Port. , HMr37: 21, D40c76:62--P40c76: 12 in Austro-Turkish war, 17Ag39: 11 in Geneva, 23D37: 12, 8S38: 12 Polish disputes, R28Gx73^ 31 method of presenting petitions to king, PD15S74:22 military preparations of, 15S38: 31, 22S38: 31, 4My39: 31, HMy39: 12, 7S39: 11, 28S39: 32, 120c39: 22, 5D45: 22, 21F51: 32, 24My51: 21, 24My51: 22, 30My51: 21, 4J151: 32, 11J151: 21, 110c51: 21, 4Ap55: 22, 25Ap55: 12, 30c55: 22, PD14Mr66: 43, PD26Mr67: 21, PD4F68: 21, PD19My68: 21, PD8Mr70: 31, PD20S70: 21, R21Mr71: 23, PD80c72: 21, PD17D72: 23, PD17Je73: 31--R17Je73: 31 , PD24Je73: 11, PD1J173: 22 — R1J173: 13, R8J173: 23, R15J173sll, PD26Ag73: 23, PD140c73s21 — R210c73: 13. RllN73s21. PD2D73sll--R2D73: 12, PD7Ap74: 12, PD14Ap74: 13, PD19My74: 31, PD28J174: 21, P3Mr75: 31— D4Mr75: 21, D22J175: 41, PilOAg75: 31 — PllAg75:31--D12Ag75:23, D12Ag75: 13, P15S75: 22 — D16S75:21,D280c75:31, D22Je76: 42— P21Je76: 2\ D22Je76: 61, P16Ag76: 23, P40c76: ll--DHOc76:42, P1N76: 21, P22N76: 21--D29N76: 21, D4Ap77: 11, PllAp77sll, D25Ap77: 11,D12D77: 11 — P12D77:21, P12D77: 12, D15My78: 22, D15My78: 31, D19Mr79: 21, D22My79: 21 D29My79: 1 2, D28Ag79: 21 military strength increased, R31Mr74:21 ministers accused of corruption, 27My37: 22, 3Je37: 31, 8J137: 11. 8J137:21,26Ag37:21 aims. 3Je37: 12 banished, 1J137: 32, 2S37: 21, 9S37: 21 confession parodied. 8J137: 11 to be changed, 26Ag37: 32 money owed to British East India co. , R24Je73:21 national debt estimated, PD19Mr72: 21 naval aid to U. S. rumored, D28F77: 22 — P28F77sl2 naval preparations of, 14N55: 11, PD15J173: 13,R15J173sl2, D22My79: 12 naval relations with Russia, PD19Ag73: 13, R70c73: 12 neutrality of, PD3Ja71: 22 in American revolution, D25Mr75: 21, P2Je75: 13 in Russo-Turkish war stated, PD16Ja72:21 requested by Gt. Brit , D23 Ja78: 22 toward Aust. , 10Ap46: 31 toward Holl. , 24Ap46: 22, 21Ag46: 21, 11S46:31 nobility sells pictures, PD16J172: 21 offers guarantee on loan to Stanislaus, 10Je37:21 opposed marriage between Aust. and Sp. ,29J137:31 mercenaries in America, P29Mr76: 21-- D30Mr76: 23, P2lJe76: 22 — D22Je76:61,PllAp77sl2 mercenaries in British army, P8Mr76: 21--D9Mr76: 21 partition of Poland, R23D73: 12, PD28Ap74: 12 Tuscany' s election to emperorship, 26S45: 12 war, PD21F71: 12 orders ammunition from Holl. , PD5N72:22— R5N72: 12 orders reprisals against Gt. Brit. , 19D55: 11 pardons Corsicans, R22J173sl3 parlements, address (text) to king and queen, D25F75: 21 agree to king's loan, 19S51: 21 compared to British, R30My71: 12 dispute with clergy, 4Ap55: 31 exiles from, PD13F72: 31 reform in, PD12Mr72: 22, PD16Ap72: 31 relations with king, 22Ap57: 11 trials in, 30N39: 21, 7D39: 11 pays debts in Brabant, 31Ja51: 22 peace supported in, PD23J172: 13 with Aust. ,24S36: 11 with Gt. Brit. , PD28My67: 12, D5Mr79:21,D5Je79:21 plans Jamaican expedition, 30c55: 22 plots against heir apparent, 27F52: 21 against king, 22Ap57: 11, PD170c71: 22— R170c71: 22, PD23Ap72: 13 for European war, PDllAp71: 21 political creed of satirized, 29D52:22 political discontent in, 7F51: 22, 5Mr52:21, PD12S71: 21 political news from, 8Ap37: 31, 9S37: 41, 2D37: 31, 30Je38: 12, 30Je38: 21, 7J138: 12, 7J138: 21, 21J138: 21, 130c38: 32, 5Ja39: 31 , 5Ja39: 32, 19Ja39: 21, 16F39: 12, 25My39: 22, 29Je39: 22, 21Mr45: 21, 18Ap45: 22, 16My45: 32, 13Je45: 12, 310c45: 22, 26S51: 31, 8D52: 12, PD28Mr66: 12, PD12S66: 13, PD29S68: 13, R4My69: 31, R8F70: 22, PD14Je70s23, PD20S70s21, PD27S70: 22, PD18Oc70s21, PD8N70: 13--R8N70: 22, PD22N70: 12, PD29N70: 12, PD18Ap71: 11, PD18Ap71: 12, PD18Ap71: 22, PD2My71: 11, PD2My71: 12, PD2My71: 13 — R2My71: 11, PD2My71: 22, PD9My71: 11, PD13Je71: 11, PD13Je71: 21, PD25J171: 11, PD25J171: 21, PDlAg71: 12, PD15Ag71: 21— R15Ag71: 21, PD5S71: 11, PD5S71: 12, PD5S71: 13, PD12S71:31, PD28N71: 13, PD7Ja73: 22— R7Ja73: 22, PD4F73: 22, PDllMr73: 21, PD18Mr73: 11, PDlAp73: 21, RlAp73: 12, PD8Ap73: 11, PD8Ap73: 21, PD22Ap73: 23 — R22Ap73: 22, R2S73sl3, R23S73: 22, R70c73: 11, PD140c73sll, PD23D73s21--R23D73: 31, RllAg74: 21, PD18Ag74: 11, R18Ag74: 12, PD18Ag74: 21 — R18Ag74: 21, PD18Ag74: 22 — R18Ag74: 23, PD1S74: 11, PD15S74: 13, PD29S74: 22, PD130c74: ll, Pi20Oc74:22, Pil7N74:31, PD8D74: 13, D7Ja75: 13, D14Ja75: 22, P10F75: 21, Pil6F75sll, P3Mr75: 21, Pil6Mr75: 23 — P17Mr75: 31--D18Mr75: 13, P31Mr75: 23, D22Ap75: 13 ports open to U. S. , D6Je77: 11 — P6Je77:21, power declines in Europe, PD26Mr72:31 preparations against Tripoli, 24N52: 11 preparations for marriage of Dauphin, PD8Mr70: 22 presents gifts to Turkey, PD30Mr69:13 promotes peace in Europe, PD16J172:22 promotes trade, 24My51: 21, R140c73:23 protects American ships in Martinique, W. I. , D30Mr76: 23, P13S76:31 protests British military preparations, 14Mr55:22 provincial governors in, PD4F68: 22 raises loan, 19S51:21 receives Prince of Brunswick, PDlAg66: 12, PD15Ag66: 12 reception of king, P10F75: 11 refuses assistance to Stuart pretender, PD6Je66: 12 regulates religious writings, 15D52: 12 relations with Algeria, R4N73: 22, Pi23Mr75:31,D70c75: 13 relations with American Indians, 7N55: 11 with Aust. , 14 Ja37: 22, 4Mr37: 22, 27My37: 12, 30Je38: 12, 12Ja39: 22, 19Ja39: 12, 26Ja39: 12, 26Ja39: 22, 413 France, relations with Aust. (cont'd) 2F39: 31, 23F39: 21, 25My39: 22, 25My39: 31, Ue39: 22, 6J139: 21, 7S39:22, 5S51:21, 12D55: 11, PD150c67: 13, R22Mr70: 12, PD5S71: 13,PD310c71: 13, PD27Ag72: 23, PDlAp73: 21, PD22Ap73: 23--R22Ap73: 22, PD17Je73: 31--R17Je73: 31, R8J173: 23, D2S75: 13, D9S75: 13 with Barbary pirates, 4J151: 22 with Basel, Switz. , 21N51: 21 with Bavaria, D2S75: 13 with Borneo, D250c76: 11 with British African co. , PD60c74: 23 with British colonies, N. Am. , P31Mr75:21,D15J175:23, D18N75: 13, P24N75sl2, D2D75: 31, D23D75: 21, P8Mr76: 21, D30Mr76: 31, D6Ap76: 31, P7Je76: 23, D15Je76: 42, D10Ag76:31, P110c76:21 with Corsica, 16F39: 22, PD2J167: 13, PD30J167:21,R15S68:22, PD23S73s21, R140c73: 23, R18Ag74: 12, Pi20Oc74: 21 with Creeks, DllF75sl3 with Danzig, PD16J172: 22, PD10N74: 13 with Den. , PD29D68: 22, PD13S70s21--R20S70:ll, PD17Je73: 31--R17Je73: 31, R8J173:23,D26F79:22 with Eng. , PD13S70s21 — R20S70: 11 with Geneva, PD18Je67: 22, PD21Ap68: 12 with Genoa, It. , PD18D66: 21, PDllAp71: 11, PD20My73: 13, R31Mr74:21, D24Je75:21, Pi29Je75:31--P30Je75: 13 with Ger. ,D4My76:31 with Gt. Brit. , 130c38: 32, 1D38: 12, 20J139: 21, 27J139: 32, 14S39: 31, 21S39: 12, 16N39: 32, 21D39: 21, 24Ap46: 31, 14Ag46: 12, 21F51: 22, 6Je51: 31, 4J151: 22, 29Ag51: 22, 5S51:21, 19S51:31,26S51:31, 12D51: 11, 1D52: 22, 2My55: 11, 16My55: 11, 5S55: 11, 30c55: 11, 30c55: 22, 10Oc55: 12, 7N55: 21, 14N55: 11, 14N55: 12, 12D55: 11, 19D55: 21, 12F62: 22, PD7Mr66: 32, PD14Mr66: 41, PD14Mr66: 42, PD21Mr66: 22, PD18Ap66: 21, PD11D66: 12, PD19N67: 13, PD4Ag68: 12--R4Ag68:12, PD25Ag68: 13, PD25Ag68: 22 — R25Ag68: 24, PD15S68: 11, PD15S68: 21--R15S68: 22, PD15S68: 22, PD22S68: 21, PD60c68: 12, R130c68: 22, R17N68:22, PD22D68: 11, PD22D68: 21--R22D68: 12, PD26Ja69: 21, PD13Ap69: 22, PD7D69: 11, R23Ag70: 21, PD20S70s31, PD20S70s32, R29N70:21,PD3Ja71:22, PD3Ja71: 31, PD31Ja71: 22, PD14Mr71: 22, PD18Ap71: 12, PD18Ap71: 13, PD16My71: 12, PD13Je71: 13, PD8Ag71: 11, PD17S71: 22, PD170c71: 21, R21N71:21,PD12D71: 13, PD30Ja72: 22, PD9J172: 12, PD80q72: 12, PD5N72: 12, PD4F73: 21, PD25Mr73: 31, PD22Ap73: 23--R22Ap73: 22, PD10Je73: 12, PD17Je73: 11 — R17Je73: 11, PD17Je73: 31 — R17Je73s22, PD24Je73: 13, R24Je73:22, PD1J173: 21, R1J173: 12, PD15J173: 23 — R15J173: 23, PD15J173: 31 — R15J173:22, R15J173sll, R15J173sl3, R5Ag73:21, PD19Ag73: 12, PD19Ag73: 13, PD26Ag73:23, R2S73: 11, R23S73: 12, PDUN73sl3 — RllN73sl3, PDllN73s21 — RllN73sl2, PD16D73: 13, PD31Mr74: 11, PD28J174: 13, PD28J174: 21, PDllAg74: 13, PD18Ag74: 12, PD1S74: 12, PD15S74: 12, PD29S74: 23, Pil30c74: 23, PD10N74: 13, PD10N74: 22, PU7N74: 23, PilD74:22, PD15D74: 13, PD22D74:22, Pi5Ja75: 11, D14Ja75:21,D25F75: 13, D25F75:21, P3Mr75:21 — D4Mr75: 13, Pil6Mr75: 23 — P17Mr75:22— D18Mr75: 12, D29Ap75: 32, P5My75sl2, P5My75s42, D6My75: 31, D27My75: 23, P30Je75: 13, Dl J175: 12, D15J175: 23, D22J175: 41, P22J175sl2, PilOAg75: 31 — PllAg75: 31, D12Ag75: 32 — P18Ag75: 13, D2S75: 13, D16S75: 31, P60c75: 23--D140c75: 21, D4N75: 21, D18N75: 13, P24N75sl2, D2D75: 13, D2D75: 21, D2D75: 31, D23D75: 21, D17F76: 32, P23F76: 21 — D24F76:22,D23Mr76:31, D18My76: 13, D18My76: 33, P21Je76:23, D10Ag76: 31, P23Ag76: 21, P6S76: 23--D7S76: 12, P13S76:31,D40c76:62 — P40c76: 12, P40c76sl2, DHOc76: 61, PHOc76:22, P250c76:21, D22N76: 21, P20D76: 12, P20D76: 13, D24Ja77: 21, P14Mr77: 13, P2My77s22--D9My77: 21, D30My77: 21--P30My77: 22, DlAg77: 21, PlAg77: 21, P15Ag77sll, D22Ag77: 12 — P22Ag77: 21, P5S77: 11, P7N77: 12, PlMy78: 11, P29My78: 11, D10J179: 21, D18D79: 11 with Hanover, Ger. , R6My73: 21 with Holl. , 4Mr37: 22, lAp37: 22, 28D39: 21, 23Ja46: 22, 24Ap46: 31, 15My46: 22, 15My46: 41, 31J146: 41, 14Ag46: 11, 14Ag46: 12, 21Ag46: 31, 18S46: 21, 7F51: 22, 16My51: 11, 30c55: 31, 10Oc55: 22, 14N55: 11, PD29S68: 12, PD14D69: 11, PD13S70s21— R20S70: 11, PD11J171: 11, PD25J171: 13, PD8Ag71: 11, PD6My73: 21 — R6My73sl3, PD17Je73: 13 — R17Je73:23, PD16S73: 12, PDUN73sl3— RUN73sl3, PD9Je74: 22, D29My79: 22, D5Je79: 11 with Indian princes, PD7 Je70: 21 with It. , R24Je73: 22, PD23S73: 22, R280c73:23, R27Ja74: 22 with Ire. , P5My75sll, D27My75: 22 with Mingos, P2Ag76: 12 with Morocco, D[250c ?]76: 52 with Gen. Paoli, PD25Ag68: 21 — R25Ag68:21 with Papal states, PD4Ag68: 12, PD24N68: 13 with Poland, 12D55: 11, PDlAg66: 13, PDlAp73: 22, R26Ag73: 11 with Port. , 4Ja40: 21, 12D55: 11, PD19N67: 13, PD31Ja71: 23, R7Mr71: 32, PD18J171: 13, PD27F72: 22--R27F72: 22, PD15J173: 31— R15J173: 22, D70c75: 12, D70c75: 21, P6S76: 23 — D7S76: 12, D180c76: 11, D29N76: 51 with Pretender, PD25Je72: 22 with Prussia, 4Mr37: 22, 10Ap46: 31, 12D55: 11, PD8Mr70: 22, PD27Ag72: 23, R31D72: 13, PD7Ja73: 31, PD22Ap73: 23 — R22Ap73:22,R6My73:21, PD20My73: 13, PD17Je73: 11, PD19Ag73: 12, PD9Je74: 22, PD10N74: 13, D22Ap75: 12, D29Ap75:31, D18D79: 12 with Roman Catholic church, PD9J167: 23, PD10D67: 12, PD8Ag71: 11 with Russia, 27J139: 12, 24Ap46: 21, 14N51: 21, PD7D69: 11, PD19Ap70s22, PD13S70s21— R20S70: 11, PD20S70s32, R29N70: 21, PD22Ap73: 23— R22Ap73: 22, PD17Je73: ll--R17Je73: 11, PD17Je73: 31--R17Je73: 31, PD24Je73: 11, PD24Je73: 22, PD1J173: 21, R8J173: 23, R15J173: 11. PD26Ag73: 21— R26Ag73sl3, R2S73: 11, PD70c73: 13, PD31Mr74: 21, PD7Ap74: 13, PD19My74: 21, PD19My74: 31, PD9Je74: 22, PD15D74: 12, Pi5Ja75: 21 — D7Ja75: 22, Dl8My76: 13, P28Mr77sl2, D5Mr79: 22, D4D79: ll,D8Ap80: 11 with Sardinia, 30c55: 22, 10Oc55: 21, PDllMr73: 22, PD31Mr74: 12, D22Ap75: 12, D2S75: 13 with Saxony, D2S75: 13 with Shawnees, P2Ag76: 12 with Sicily, D2S75: 13 with Sp. , 7J138: 12, 26Ja39: 21, 26Ja39: 22, 16F39: 11, Ue39: 22, 13J139: 21, 28S39: 21, 260c39: 12, 260c39: 21, 11S46: 12, 18S46: 11, 25S46: 32, 1D52: 22, 14N55: 12, 12D55: 11, PD19N67: 13, PD21Je70: 21, PD3Ja71: 22, PD10Ja71: 12, PD7F71: 13— R7F71: 22, R14F71: 22, PD14Mr71: 23, PDllAp71: 21, PD18Ap71: 22, PD2My71: 13 — R2My71: 11, PD16My71: 11, PDl6My71: 22, PD23My71: 12, PD23My71: 21, PD13Je71: 11, PD25J171: 13, PD8Ag71: 11, PD22Ag71: 21, R170c71: 12, PD7N71: 21, PD23Ja72: 21, PD80c72: 22--R80c72: 22, PD4F73: 22, PD22Ap73: 23 — R22Ap73: 22, PD13My73: 22, PD20My73: 13, PD17Je73: 11, PD26Ag73: 21— R26Ag73sl3, PD1S74: 12, Pil30c74: 23, PD130c74: 31, PD140c73s21 — 414 France R210c73: 13, PD10N74: 22, Pil7N74:23,D25F75: 13, D15J175:23, D22J175: 41, D2S75: 13, Pi50c75: 23 — P60c75: 12,D140c75:22, D2D75:21, P6S76: 23 — D7S76: 12, D40c76: 21, D29My79:31,D19Je79:21 with Sweden, 25Mr37: 12, HJa40: 21, PD7My67: 12, PD25Oc70: 12, PD11MT73: 12, PDlAp73: 21, R6My73: 21, PD20My73: 12, PD17Je73:21,PDlJl73:21, PD26Ag73: 21--R26Ag73s21, PD140c73: 21--R140c73: 22, D4N75:21,D17J179:12 with Switz. , R24Mr74: 13, D[250c?]76:61 with Tunis, 15S52: 22, PD20S70: 22, PD27S70:21 with Turkey, R30My71: 13, PD17Je73:31,R15J173:ll, PD12Ag73: 12, PD24Mr74: 21 — R24Mr74: 23, PD9Je74: 22, PD16Je74: 12 with U. S. , D10Ag76: 52, P23Ag76: 21 — D24Ag76: 32. D24Ag76: 11, D31Ag76: 12, P6S76: 23--D7S76: 12, P13S76: 22--D14S76: 22, D27S76: 31 — P27S76sl2, P250c76: 21, D22N76: 21, D27D76: 21--P27D76: 21, P27D76: 23, P7F77: 21, P28F77: 11, P14Mr77: 22, D18J177: 12, P28N77: 22 with W. I. , British, P28Je76: 22 requests loan from Holl. , PD7F71: 21, PD8Ag71: 13 requests passage through Hanover, 11J145:21 revenues increase, 18Ap51: 22 review of reign of Louis XIV, 14Mr55: 11 revolution in, PD25Oc70: 13, PD13D70: 13, PD4F73:22, R13Ja74: 21, Pil90c75: 11 — P20Oc75: Il--D210c75: 12 royal family baptized, 12Ag37: 42 royal marriages celebration prepared, RllJa70: 13 with Aust, , Rll Ja70: 11, PD16Ag70: 12, PD16Ag70: 21, PD30Ag70: 21, PD13S70: 12 with Sardinia, R6My73: 21, PDU173:22,R15J173sl2 withSp. ,9N39:11 seizure of Gibraltar rumored, PD14Je70s23— R14Je70: 32 sends navy against pirates, 8J137:22 sends troops against Chickasaws, lAp37: 32, 30S37: 32, 23D37: 21 sends troops to Corsica, 11N37: 32 state secrets divulged, Ue39: 22 subjects recalled, PD6My73: 11— R6My73sl2 supports British colonies, N. Am. , D6My75: 31,D1J175: 12 Danzig, PD130c74: 11 Finland, PD24Je73: 11 Genoa against Corsica, 23D37: 12, 2D37: 21, 16D37: 21, 30D37: 11, 5My38: 12, 10Ap46: 12 Sp. against Mex , PD4J166: 12 Sweden, 20J139: 22, R8J173: 23, PD17Je73: 31— R17Je73: 31 Turkey, PD8Mr70: 22, R9My71: 22, PD17Je73: 31— R17Je73: 31, R8J173: 23 U. S. , D22 Ag77: 1 1 - -P22 Ag77: 1 1 , D22Ag77:22, P29Ag77:22 surrenders Philipsburg and Fort Kehl, 13My37: 11 tax collectors enumerated, PD9Je74: 13 taxes in, 4Mr37:41 threatens Gt. Brit. , 9N39: 31 threatens Holl. , DllMr80: 22 to declare war in Europe rumored, R21S69:21, PD21S69sl3 trade balance with Gt. Brit. , PD6Je66: 12 trade in tobacco with America discussed, 5Ag37: 11, 12Ag37: 11, 31Mr38: 41, 14Ap38: 11, 21Ap38: 11, 5My38:31 trade of Gt Brit, intercepted by, 29Ap37:41,30D37:32 trade relations with British colonies, N. Am. , D7Ja75: 21, D27My75: 21, P12Ap76: 31,D22Je76:61, D29Je76: 11, D17J175: 12, D14S76: 12 withGt. Erit. , 13My37: 22, 1J137: 31, 4My39: 31, HMy39: 12, 20J139: 12, PD23Ap67: 12, PD7Ja73:21, PD4F73: 21, PDllMr73: 13, PD17Je73: 23, D22Je76: 11, P8N76:21 with Holl. ,D26F79:21 with Port. , PD15Ag71: 21 — R15Ag71: 21, PD26S71: 22, PD25Mr73: 11 withSp. , 13J139:21 with U. S. , P19J176: 13, P2Ag76: 23, D40c76:71,D110c76: 12, P250c76: 11, P8N76:21 trade treaties with Aust. , 22D52: 21 with Barbary states rumored, 4J151: 31 with Corsica, R24F69sl3 withGt. Brit. ,R15S68:21, PD24D72: 12 with Holl. , 29J137: 32, 15Je39: 21, 6J139: 22, 13J139: 12, 27J139: 22, 30My51:21, 12D51:31 with Holl. abolished, 3Ap46: 31, 15My46: 22 with Prussia rumored, 25J151: 21 with Sp. ,25My39:32 trade with Af. increases, R31My70: 21 trade with Archipelago ruined, R23S73: 13 trade with Asia promoted, P17Mr75sl2— D18Mr75: 22 trade with Bengal, India, Pi23Mr75: 21 trade with British colonies, N. Am. , D14Ja75:21,D14Ja75:22, Pi23Mr75:21,P2Je75: 13, P21Je76:22 advocated, PD22D74: 21, P29Mr76: 13, P29Mr76: 23, D90c79:21 increases, Pi22D74: 32 opposed, P3F75:33 prohibited, D4F75: 23 regulated, PD140c73sl2 replaces British, D25Mr75: 21 valued, P24F75: 23 trade with China, Pi23Mr75:21 trade with Corsica, PD30Ja72: 21 trade with E. I. , R270c68: 13 trade with India proposed, R24Je73:22 trade with Port. , PD7Mr66: 13, PD8Ag71: 13, PD10D72: 21 trade with Turkey, PD3Ag69: 21, PD7S69: 12— R7S69: 11, PD24Je73:21 trade with U. S. , D28Mr77: 61, P28Mr77sl2 treasury of discussed, PD3Ag69: 12 treaties with Algiers, R30S73sl3, R210c73:ll with Aust. , 29J137: 12, 9D37: 21, 14Ap38: 22, 2F39: 41, 16F39: 21, 30Mr39: 22, 20J139: 21, PD31 Ja71: 21, PDlAg71: 12, PD8Ag71:ll with Cologne discussed, 18J151: 22 with Corsica, PD18Ag68: 11 with Den. , 10Mr38: 22, 8Je39: 22, PD30Ap72: 13, PD26Ag73: 21 — R26Ag73s21 with Genoa, It. , 27Ag56: 11, PD25Je67: 21, PD25Ag68: 12, R25Ag68: 21, PD25Ag68: 22, R25Ag68: 23, PD9N69: 11, PD15S68: 21— R15S68: 23, PD22S68: 21, PD29S68: 12, PD60c68: 12— R60c68: 13, PD130c68: 13, PD16My71: 11, PD26Ag73: 21--R26Ag73s21 with Genoa, It. , text, PD15S68: 11 — R15S68: 13 with German princes, PD270c68: 21 with Gt. Brit . 27Mr46: 31, 28F51:32, PDllAp66:22, PD10Je73- 11, PD17Je73: 12, PD17Je73: 13— R17Je73: 23, PD17Je73: 22— R17Je73: 21, PD30S73: 22, D22Ap75: 12, P7J175: 12 with Gt. Brit, denied, R24Je73: 22 with Gt Brit, violated, PD4J166: 12, PD12D71:21 with Ire. rumored, D29Ja80: 23 with It. , 1D52: 22 with Morocco rumored, PD24My70: 22, PD15J173: 13--R15J173: 12 with Papal states, PD2Ja72: 12, PDllMr73: 11, PD24Je73: 11 with Port. , PD10Je73: 11, PD30S73: 23 with Prussia, PD31Ja71: 21, PD2J172: 23, PD31D72: 23 — R31D72: 13, PD6My73: 13, PD27My73: 11, PD140c73s21 with Roman Catholic church, PD8Ag71: 13 with Russia, PD6Je66: 11, PD31Ja71: 21, PD4Je72: 23 with Sardinia, PD5S71: 12, PD10N74: 13 with Sp. , 10Ag39: 31, 16N39: 31, 26S45: 21, 12F62: 31, PD28My67: 13, PD31Ja71: 21, PD13Je71: 21, PD8Ag71: 13, PD12D71: 13, PD16 J172: 31, PD10Je73: 11, PD17Je73: 13-- R17Je73: 23, PD24Je73: 11, PD20Oc74: 22 with Sp. , Port. , and Genoa, PD3S72: 12 with Sp.. outlined, D29N76: 51 with.Sweden, 10Mr38: 22, 9F39: 31, 8Je39:21, PD23N69:22 — 415 France, treaties with Sweden (cont'd) R23N69: 21, PD16My71: 11, PD13Je71:21,D6N79:21 with Sweden violated, PD5S66s31 with Tunis, PD3Ja71: 21, PD31Ja71: 12, PD31Ja71: 21 with Turin, It. , rumored, PD14Mr71:22 with Turkey rumored, R13S70: 21, PD23S73s21 with U. S. altered, D12Mr79: 22 with U. S. celebrated, D5Mr79: 31, D12Mr79:21 with U. S. discussed, P15N76: 23, D29N76: 51, P27Mr78: 21, PlMy78: 11, PlMy78: 21, D[8My(?)78s]ll,D[8my(?)78s]21, D15My78:21,D90c78:31, D160c78: 11, D26F79: 21, D20c79: 11 with U. S. , effects of, P21Ag78: 22 with U. S. , publication requested in U. S. , D4D78: 22 with U. S. ratified, D15My78: 32 with U.S. reported, D15My 78: 31 treaty guarantee requested from, R280c73:31 union with Sp. against Austria, PD17Je73: 12 war department administration, PD30Ja72: 11 war with Corsica, PD5N72: 23 — R5N72: 12 with Gt. Brit declared, 27Ag56: 22, D18J177:31--P18J177:23, D17J178:31 with Gt. Brit, denied, PD5Ap70: 12, P21Ag78: 22, D160c78: 31 — P160c78:21 with Gt Brit, discussed, 14S39: 32 , 20Je51:21,7N51: 12, 16My55: 12, 12S55: 31, 30c55: 22, 30c55: 31, 10Oc55: 12, 10Oc55: 22, 240c55: 11, 14N55: 21, 12D55: 21, PD15S68: 23, R15S68: 21, R60c68: 12, R60c68: 21, R24N68: 12, PD9F69: 22 — R9F69: 12, PD8Mr70: 31, R8Mr70: 31, PD5Ap70: 12, PD5Ap70: 31, PD24My70: 22, R31My70: 13, PD21Je70: 12, PD21Je70: 13, PD21Je70: 21, R19J170: 12, PD18Oc70: 12, PD22N70: 22, R7Mr71: 32, PD28Mr71: 11. PD11N73s21--R11N73s21, PD19My74: 23, PilD74: 23, D140c75:22, P17N75:23, P24N75s21, P7Mr77sl2, P30My77: 21, D27Je77: 12, P29Ag77:23,D12D77: 11, P12D77:21,D23Ja78:22, P6Mr78:21,D15My78:21, D5D77: 11--P5D77: 22, D19D77: 12 — P19D77:21, P19Je78: 22, D12F79:11,D10J179: 11 with Gt. Brit, prophesied, PD29S68: 13, R8F70: 22, PD3Ja71: 21, P30Ag76: 22— D31Ag76: 21, D28F77:21--P28F77sll, P28Mr77sl2, D4Ap77: 12, DllAp77:21, PlMy78s22, P5Je78:21, P5Je78:22, D27Je77: 21--P27Je77: 21, P7N77: 13, P28N77: 22 with Gt Brit proposed by U. S. , D18J177: 11 with Gt Brit threatened, P13S76: 11, P110c76:23, P250c76: 12, P15N76:23,D29N76: 12, D29N76:21, P13D76:21, D7F77: 12--P7F77: 22, P14F77: 11 — P14F77:21,D28F77:21, P28F77: 12, P14Mr77: 22, P21Mr77sll, D28Mr77: 61 — P4Ap77sl2, P28Mr77sll, D4Ap77:21, PllAp77s22 with Holl. rumored, 18Ap45: 32, 4J145: 21, 3Ap46: 31, 24Ap46: 22, 31J146:41, R24N68: 12 with Morocco rumored, P17Mr75sl2 — D18Mr75:22 with Port. , PilD74: 23, D14S76: 21 with Russia, PD7Je70: 21, PD21Je70: 12, PD31Ja71: 22 with Sp. rumored, Pi28Ap75: 22, P7Mr77: 11 welcomes American ships, P3Ja77sll— D10Ja77:31 See also Ammunition loaned to U. S. by; Anecdotes from; Annuities in; Arms, export from; Artisans, British, encouraged to emigrate by; Artisans, British, imported to; Bankruptcies in; Beans, price of high in; Begging, methods of prevention attempted in; Benedictines in; Blankets, import to British colonies, N. Am . , from; Bounties; Bread, price declines in; Bread, price high in; Bread, price in; Bread, price lowered in; Bread, scarce in; British colonial policy criticized in; British colonies, N. Am. , offer allegiance to; British colonies, N. Am. , supported in; British navy, officers arrested in; British navy off; British navy to; Calico print manufactures established in; Calvinists in; Cambric act, repeal favored in; Cambric, import to Gt. Brit, from; Canals, subterranean in; Canals in; Cannon, export from; Census in; Charity in; Cloth, import to British colonies, N. Am. , from; Clothing, export from; Clothing loaned to U. S. by; Comets in; Continental army, desertions from reported in; Continental navy sails from; Contraband between; Contraband between Den. and; Contraband between Eng. and; Contraband between Gt. Brit, and; Contraband between Swe. and; Convents in; Convoys by French navy to; Cork horses invented in; Corn, export from; Corn, export from N. Am. to; Corn, import to; Corn, price high in; Corn markets in; Corn scarce in; Cotton velvet, import to; Counterfeiters flee Eng. to; Counterfeiting in; Courts martial in; Crops plentiful in; Deserters from British navy in; Dockyards in; Duties; Earthquakes in; East India co. ; Elopements to; Embargoes in; Embezzlements in; Emigration from; Emigration to; Emigration restricted in; English taught in; Exports from; Exports from Baltic to; Exports from British colonies, N. Am. , to; Exports from Cape Francois, W. I., to; Exports from Eng. to; Exports from Gt. Brit, to; Exports from Greece to; Exports from Pondicherry, India, to; Exports from Russia to; Exports from Sardinia to; Exports from Sicily to; Exports from Swe. , to; Exports from U. S. to; Famine in; Farmers general; Farmer's letters read in; Fashions, British, in; Fashions in; Fires in; Fisheries, French; Floods in; Frauds in; Free trade in; Freedom of press violated in; Freedom of speech violated in; Freemasons forbidden in; French army; French sailors; French transports; Furs, import to; Glauber's salts, recipe for in; Gold, import to British colonies, N. Am. , from; Grain, free trade in; Grain, price decrease in; Grain, statistics on in; Grain plentiful in; Grapes plentiful in; Gunpowder, export from; Gunpowder, import to British colonies, N. Am. , from; Guns, import to British colonies, N. Am. , from; Hardware, import to; Hides, import to; Horses improved in; Hospital, foundling in; Huguenots emigrate from; Huguenots in; Hurricanes in; Immigration encouraged by; Immigration to Eng. from; Imports to; Imports to Boston, Mass. , from; Imports to British colonies, N. Am. , from; Imports to Cadiz, Sp. , from; Imports to Charleston, S. C. , from; Imports to Edenton, N. C. , from; Imports to Eng. from; Imports to Gt. Brit, from; Imports to Guadeloupe, W. I. , from; Imports to Ire. from; Imports to Kent, Eng. , from; Imports to Martinique, W. L , from; Imports to N. H. from; Imports to Newburyport, Mass. , from; Imports to N. C. from; Imports to Portsmouth, N. H. , from; Imports to Providence, R. L , from; Imports to Scot, from; Imports to S. C. from; Imports to U. S. from; Imports to Va. from; Imports to York district, Va. , from; Imprisonment for debt in; Insurance, marine, rates on; Insurance, marine in; Iron, import to; Jesuits banished from; Jesuits granted toleration in; Jesuits suppressed in; Jesuits suppression requested by; Jews, discrimination against in; Kidnapping in; Lace, blond, import to Gt. Brit, from; Land, taxes on in; Law code needed in; Lawn, import to Gt. Brit, from; Lettres de cachet issued in; Linen, import to British colonies, N. Am. , from; Linen, import to Port, from; Longitude determinants invented in; Lotteries in; Lutherans in; Magazines (corn) ordered built in; Magnesia, recipe for in; Marriages, naval, celebrations for in; Meat, price high in; Meat scarce in; Merchants in; Militia of; Money, Continental, bank for in; Money scarce in; Mortars, export from; 416 Franklin Murders in; Nails, import to British colonies, N. Am. , from; Naval stores from Holl. to; Naval stores needed in; Negroes banished in; Nunneries, suppression in; Oats, price high in; Ordnance stores, export from Gt. Brit, to; Pamphlets burned in; Philosophy, theories of in; Physicians in; Piracy, arrest for in; Poll taxes remitted in; Prices high in; Prisoners of war, American, leave Stonehouse prison, Eng . , for; Prisoners of war, British, number in; Prisoners of war, British, sailors held in; Prisoners of war, British, in; Prisoners of war, British, paroled from; Prisoners of war, exchange refused in; Prisoners of war, exchanged in; Privateers, American, expedition prepared in; Privateers, French; Privateers, London, Eng. , fitted out against; Prize ships, British, sold in; Produce, American, price in; Protestants, number in; Protestants, toleration proposed in; Protestants granted toleration in; Protestants in; Protestants persecuted in; Provisions, salt, export from Ire. to; Provisions scarce in; Pulley invented ini Recruiting for Continental army in; Religious toleration in; Religious toleration proposed in; Religious toleration upheld in; Religious toleration violated in; Revolutionary war, peace between; Revolutionary war, peace discussed in; Riots in; Robberies in; Roman Catholic church in; Rye, price high in; St. Anthony, order suppressed in; Sal catharticus amarus, recipe for in; Salt provisions, export from Ire. to; Salt works in; Scaphandre invented in; Sheep, export from Eng. , to; Ship carpenters, British, encouraged in; Ship carpenters scarce in; Ships, American, excluded from; Ships, American, fitted out in; Ships American, to Boston, Mass. , from; Ships, American, to Portsmouth, N. H. , from; Ships, American, welcomed by; Ships, British, captured by French off; Ships from; Ships from Boston, Mass. , to; Ships from Broadway to; Ships from Glasgow, Scot. , to; Ships from Pondicherry, India, to; Ships' sailing time; Ships to Annapolis Royal, N. S. , from; Ships to Boston, Mass. , from; Ships to Charleston, S. C. , from; Ships to Delaware river from; Ships to Hampton, Va. , from; Ships to James river, Va. , from; Ships to Potomac district, Va. , from; Ships to St. Pierre from; Ships to York district, Va. , from; Shipwrecks in; Shipwrights, British, encouraged to settle in; Silk manufacture in; Silver, import to British colonies, N. Am. , from; Skins smuggled to London, Eng. , from; Slaves, galley in; Slaves from; Smallpox inoculations in; Smuggling between British colonies, N. Am. , and; Smuggling between Va. and; Smuggling in; Smuggling to; Snow in; Spanish army in; Specie scarce in; Spies for; Spies in; Storms in; Strolling, prevention attempted in; Suicides in; Tallow, import to; Taxation in; Taxation of colonies opposed in; Taxes levied in; Tents, export from; Timber, export from Minorca to; Tobacco, export from British colonies, N. Am. , to; Tobacco, price in; Tobacco production allowed in; Tobacco trade between; Travel, notices of departure to; Turkish navy, defeat of, affect on; United States aided by; Wages reduced in; Waxworks in; Weavers, British, employed in; Wheat, export from; Wheat, export from British colonies, N.Am., to; Wheat, prices high in; Wine, import to; Wine, import to Eng. from; Wool, export from Gt. Brit, to; Wool, import to; Woolen manufacture in; Worsted goods, import to Frances, brig, R8S74: 31 schooner, 22S52: 32, 20Oc52: 21, P16My77s31 ship, 8D52: 31, 29D52: 32, PD23J167: 23, D1N76: 12, sloop, 10D36: 41, 23D37: 42, R8S74: 31 snow, 28Ag52: 31, 120c52: 31 Franche Comte, Fr. , See Corn, price high in; Fires in; French army in Franche Compte, ship, DlAp80: 21 Francis, Mr. , 28J138: 12, PD5My74: 22 of Phila. , Pa. ,P3N75:21 Ebenezer, Col. , D22Ag77: 11 John, Capt. , of the America, 270c52: 21 [Philip], author, PD25F68: 41, PD29Ag71: 33, PD10Je73: 33 Samuel, of N. Y. , PD2Je74: 22, P22J175s21--D29J175:31 Tench, of Phila. , Pa. ,RllOc70: 22 RllOc70:22 Thomas, 7J138: 42 Thomas, Capt. , of the Pearl, 270c52:21 William, jr. , D23Ja78: 32 Zachariah, R10Je73sl2 Francis, schooner, PD7N71: 22, PD29J173: 31, PD23D73s22, P16My77s31 sloop, 25Mr37: 41 Francisco de Paula, ship, D15Ja80: 21 Francks, Henry, R19N72: 23 See also Franks Franco-British rivalry, 28F55: 11, PD18D66:13 activities of French in America criticized, 21Mr55: 12, 28Mr55: 11 in Africa, 29Ag51: 21, PDlAg66: 12, PD27Ag67: 21, PD16Je68: 13, R270c68: 11, PD16Mr69: 11, PD8Mr70:31, R13S70: 21, R24Je73: 22 in America, 23N39: 41, 29Ag51: 12, 27D51: 31, 6F52: 31, 7Mr55: 21, 4Ap55: 11, 5S55: 12, 19S55: 11 in E.I. ,PD16Ap72:31 in Gambia, Af. , PD4J166: 12 in India, R20S70: 11, PD25Oc70: 12, PD9My71: 13, PD21My72: 21, PD27Ag72: 13 in Indian trade, on Great lakes, R60c68: 22 in Levant, PD4N73: 13 in Nfd. , PDlAg66: 12 in Nfd. fisheries, PDllAp66: 22, PD16Mr69: 21, PD5S71: 12, PD27Ag72: 23, PD80c72: 12, Pi20Oc74:21 in N.S. , 14F5L31 in Ohio country, 14Mr55: 11, 14Mr55:22 in Pa. , 28F55: 22 in slave trade, 10Ja[?]51: 32 inS. C.,7Mr55:22 in trade, 17Ap46: 12, 29D52: 12, 28F55:22 in W. I. , 10Ja[ ?]51: 31, PD3S72: 21, P23Ag76:21 on Gold coast, Af , 240c51: 22, 21N51:22 on Guinea coast, Af. , 310c51: 22 Franco -Dutch rivalry, in Surinam, W. I. , PD28Mr66: 23 on Cape of Good Hope, Af. , PD16S73: 12 Franconia, Ger. , neutrality toward Aust. , 11S46: 11 Frank, Graham, 30N59: 32, 16Jabl: 42, D11D79:31 Robert, RllMy69: 41 Frank & Dixon, 16Ja61: 42 Frankfort, Ger. , annexation to Prussia rumored, PD4F73:22 takes oath of fidelity to emperor, PD15Ag66: 12, PD29Ag66: 12 See also Fruit trees in; Prussian army in Frankfort cartel, 25S46: 31 Frankfort-on-Main, Ger. , unrest in, R20Ja74:21 Frankfort union, 21Mr45: 21, 9My45: 22 Frankincense, imported to Algiers, D4N75: 12 Frankland, Thomas, Capt. , of the Rose, 4J145:21 Frankland, brig, PilOAg75: 33-- PllAg75pl3 Franklin, Capt. , of the Postillion, PD150c67: 13 Mr. , of Henrico co. , Va. , PD2My71: 32 Widow, house burned by British, D6Ja76:31 Abel, D6Ja76: 31 Benjamin, 17Ag39:41 activities in London, PD1D68: 31 — R15D68: 13 activities in Paris, P9My77: 11 addressed (text) by Continental congress, PD22D74: 12 administers subscription for relief of Boston, Mass. , PllAg75: 32-- D12Ag75:22 agent for Ga. , R12My68: 21, R28J168: 23, R26Ap70: 33, PD25Mr73:22 agent for Mass. , PD29N70: 13-- R29N70: 13, PD2My71:31, PD16S73:22 agent for N. J. , PD21D69: 21 agent for Pa. , PD25Je67: 23, PD5N67: 12, R26Ap70: 33, PD1N70: 22, PDllN73s22 ambassador to Can , D30Mr76: 23 417 Franklin. Benjamin (cont'd) ambassador to Fr. ,D18Ap77: 62 — P18Ap77sll, P27Mr78:21, D12Je79:21 appointed by Continental congress to meet with Lord Howe. D40c76: 22 — P40c76:22 appointed postmaster general, Pil7Ag75: 32— P18Ag75: 22 — D19Ag75:32, P18Ag75:31, P1S75: 22 appoints Purdie postmaster in Williamsburg, Va. , P130c75s22 arranges exchange of prisoners, C28Ag79:21— D4S79: 11 arrives in Fr. , D14Mr77: 22, P14Mr77: 22, P21Mr77sll arrives in N. Y. , P12Ap76: 23 arrives in Phila. . Pa. , Pil8My75: 32 — P19My75s23 — D20My75:32 arrives in Watertown, Mass. , Pi9N75: 11 associated with London, Eng. , P3My76:21 attempts Stamp act repeal, PDllAp66:31 authorship of play refuted, R7Ap74: 23 books on, R4D66: 23 child named for, P18J177: 21 chosen fellow of Royal society, PD26My68:21 chosen president of Pa. convention , D3Ag76: 11 comments on by Priestley and Beccaria, D25J177: 12 — P25J177: 11 concludes treaty with Fr. , D20c79. 11 conduct in Commons praised, PD23My66: 22, PD290c67: 13 conference with British ambassador rumored, PlMy78: 11 confers with Lord Howe, P20S76: 21 — D21S76:21,D27S76:22 — P27S76sll conversation with Marie Antoinette, D13N78:21 corresponding member of Society for advancement of useful knowledge, PD16Je74: 22 — R16Je74:22 criticized, R2 Je7<> : 13, D27My75: 21 crosses Lake George, N. Y. , P24My76: 13--D25My76: 32 death of wife, D27My75: 22 delegate to second Continental congress, P26My75s31 — D27My75: 21 — D27My75: 33 demand by British denied, D9My77:22 deputy postmaster general of N. Am. , PD27S70:13 elected to Royal academy of sciences, Paris, PD5N72: 23 elected Pa. delegate to Continental congress, D28F77: 31 electricity discoveries of, 19S55:22, RllAg68:14,R6S70:ll examined in London, PD16My66: 22, PD16My66: 23, PD24Mr74: 23 — R24Mr74: 31, R14Ap74: 23, PD5My74: 11 expected in Phila. , PD210c73: 21 PD210c73:21 experiments imitated in Paris, 270c52:ll fits out frigate, D6Je77: 11 — P6Je77:21 forwards requests for ambassadors, D6Je77: 11 — P6Je77:21 heads revolution, D4Ap77: 12 in waxwork, PD3D72: 12 — R3D72:21 invents electrical machine, P12D77: 12 land granted to, R25Mr73: 21 leaves Albany, N. Y. , P19Ap76pl3 — D20Ap76: 22 letter from Bond quoted, 17 Ag3 9: 31 letter from discussed in Va. convention, Pi30Mr75: 22 — DlAp75:21 letter (text) from Howe, P240c77: 11 negotiates treaty with Fr. , PlMy78: 21 negotiations with Fr. and Sp. discussed, D8Ja80: 22 observes effects of thunder in London, PDllN73sl3 on committee to establish Continental army, Pi9N75: 22 — P10N75: 13--D11N75:21 opinions on colonial relations with Gt. Brit. ,PD15Ag71:22 — R15Ag71:22 opposed by ministry, PD12My74:32 — R12My74:31 opposed in Eng. , PD60c74: 31 petitions Commons, P14Ap75s21 — D15Ap75: 23 poetry to, D27My75: 41 population calculations of, PD30Ja72: 23, PD18N73: 22 praised, PD6S70: 23--R6S70: 13, PD26My74: 22, D27My75: 22, D8Ja80: 22 presented to Louis XVI, P5Je78: 21, D4S79: 11 presents petition to king, Pil6Mr75: 33 — P17Mr75s41--D18Mr75: 32 presents prints to Phila. ,D11J177: 12 presents to, P15S75s21— D16S75: 23 promotion of rumored, PD25Ag74: 23 protests British treatment of prisoners, P22Ag77: 21 received in Paris, PD11F68: 22 receives reports of deserters, D12F79:31 reception in Fr. described, PD25F68: 22, PllAp77sl2, P12D77: 11 recommends French officers, P20Je77: 23 recommends immunity for Capt. Cook, D18D79: 12 refuses conciliation with Gt. Brit. , P240c77: 12 refuses reinstatement, PD15S74: 21 remarks on colonial taxation, P15Ag77:22 remarks on ministry, Pi50c75: 22 — P60c75:21 replaced as deputy postmaster general, PD31Mr74: 31, PD5My74: 12, PD5My74: 13 reports treaty with Fr. , D[8My(?)78s]ll, D15My78:31 represents colonies in Eng. , PD2F69:22 requested to leave Fr. , PlAg77: 21 resigns as colonial agent, PD21Ap74:23 responsible for sending Hutchinson's and Oliver's letters to Boston, PD31Mr74:23 restraint in Fr. requested by Gt. Brit. , D23Ja78: 22 returns to Phila. , PD15S74:32, D15Je76:51 revered in Fr. , PlAg77: 22 scientific achievements discussed, PD5My74:21 seizure requested by British, P2My77s22— D9My77: 21 sends Prussian to Congress, D20Je77: 22 signs petition against Boston port bill, R26My74: 23 State of the contest between Great Britain and America quoted, PD22S74: 11 stays in London, PD20Oc74s21 subscriber to Grand Ohio company, PD18Mr73: 21— R18Mr73: 21, PD10Je73: 11 supervises Continental affairs in Montreal, Can. , P14Je76: 21 supports independent post office, PD26My74: 21, RllAg74: 13 terms of French alliance proposed by, D18J177: 11 to Cambridge, Mass. , D280c75: 32 to Eng. rumored, D70c75: 22 to N. Y. from London, PD70c73: 13 — R70c73: 22 toasted by Continental congress, Pi60c74: 32 — PD60c74: 23 tours Ire. and Scot. , PD12Mr72: 31 treatment by British ministry criticized, PD12My74: 32 treatment opposed in Del. , PD25Ag74: 12 trial of reported, PD5My74: 13 trip to Vienna rumored, D27Je77: 11 warns of British fleet, D17J178: 22 wave prevention theory adopted in Holl. , P30Je75: 13 witticisms on Stormont in Paris, P12S77sll works published in London, Eng. , P3My76: 21 James, PD25Mr73: 33, PD17Mr74: 31, P7Mr77: 32 John, R14Ja73: 13, P27S76: 23 Joseph, Dr. ,21S39: 31 Michael, It gov. of N. S. , PD30Je68: 22 , PD27J169: 21— R27J169: 21, PD23J172:21 Thomas, 16My55: 22 Thomas, jr. , R8F70: 31, PD6S70: 12 Thomas, sr. , D12F79: 41 Thomas, Sir, PD16Je74: 11 William, gov. of N. J. , addresses criticized, P24F75sl3 addresses of, 1767, PD2J167: 23 addresses (text) of, 1775, P10F75:23— DllF75s21, Pi2Mr75: 32. P2Je75sl3, D9D75: 21, D30D75:31,D30D75:32 addresses (text) of, 1776, D6Ja76: 21 arrives in N. Y. , D4D78: 21 attends treaty discussions at Fort Stanwix, PD15S68: 23, PD1D68:23 authorized to grant indemnities, P16F76: 12--D17F76:22 calls general assembly, D13My75: 22 418 Frederick II meets with Gov. Trumbull, D29J176.-41 pardons counterfeiters, PD6Ja74: 22 proclamation denied by provincial congress, D29Je76: 31 proclamations of, 1768, R18Ag68s23 proclamations of, 1776, P14Je76p31 receives circular letter from Howe, D3Ag76: 12 replaced by Col. Dalrymple, PD26My74: 31--R26My75: 31 safety guaranteed by council, D6Ja76: 13 salary denied by provincial congress, D29Je76:31 slave of, R26S71:32 stationed at Wallingford, Conn. , P26J176:23 summons N. J. general assembly, D15Je76: 51 Franklin, Mass. , ships of captured by British, D30Mr76: 31 Franklin, Cont. schooner, P7Je76: 23-- D8Je76: 61 frigate, D10J179: 12 privateer, D24Ag76: 22, D21S76: 12, D26F80: 21 schooner, P7Je76: 23--D8Je76: 32, D27Je77: 12 ship, D17J179: 31, D18D79: 31 Frankling, Jeremiah, D19F80: 31 Thomas, 19J154:41 Frankling, ship, R21Ja73: 23 Franklyn, Mr. , requests trade relief for colonies, PD21Mr66: 31 Peter, Hon. ,D15Ag77:42 Franks, Andrew, PD15Ag71: 33 David, P14Je76: 21--D15Je76: 41 John, 1 Je39: 42, R2QJa74: 33 Ritchie, Miss, PD13J169: 23 See also ^rancks Franks, Levy &, 30My51: 22 Fraser, Adjutant, imprisoned in Halifax jail, N. C. . P22Mr76: 11-- D23Mr76: 32 Capt. , of the Catherine, D22Ap75: 22 Lt. , prisoner of war in Boston, Mass. , D29J176: 51 Lt. Col. , embarks at Cork, Ire. , D10Ag76: 12, D10Ag76: 22 Major, commands British in S. C. , D3J179: 11 Mr., debt of, P240c77: 23 of King William co. , Va. , PD3Mr74: 32 Alexander, PD28My67: 32 [James], author, PD25F68: 41, PD17S72: 21. D25N75: 12, D30D75: 11, D24F76: 43, D2Mr76: 41, D9Mr76: 41, D25My76: 43, D24Ag76: 51 John, 18Ap55: 22, 9My55: 21 John, Capt. , of the Charming Molly, 7N51:21 Malcolm, Lt. , P2Je75s21-- D3Je75:23 Simon, Pi20Oc74: 32--PD20Oc74: 31, D27Ja76: 33 adv. estate for sale, PD10c72: 23-- R80c72:41 adv for runaway slave, PD23Ja72: 33-- R6F72:41 adv. teaching of military discipline, 10J152: 32 adv. ship for charter, PD5Mr72: 32 adv. theft in Williamsburg, PD3N74: 42 announces election to Va. convention, P26My75s42 merchant in Warwick co. , Va. , PD8N70:22--R29N70:23 refuses to accept tea, Pi4N74: 32 retires as agent of John M'Doual & co. ,D26Ag75:31 subscriber to meeting of Va. merchants, PD30Je74: 23 [Simon], Gen. , D29Je76: 12, P30Ag76: 22--D31Ag76: 22, DHOc76:31,DlN76: 12, P310c77:21, C28Ag79: 12 Simon, jr. , D20Ja76: 12 William, PD12My74: 43, P129S74: 33-- PD29S74:32, P9F76: 11, P29Mr76: 23 William, jr. , R20Je71: 33 See also Frazer Fraser & Crosby, mills, P21Ag78: 13 Fraser's ferry, Va. , R270c68: 24, PD3F74:32--R10F74:33, PD12My74: 43, P170c77: 33, P240c77: 31, P27Mr78: 41 See also Ships at Frasher, Philemon, PDllJe 72: 32 Frasier, Daniel, PD12Mr67: 13 John, D3Ag76: 32 Mary, alias of Mary Meade, 240c55: 21 Frauds,inAust.,PD140c73s22--R140c73:31 in Birmingham, Eng. , R15J173: 32 in Bordeaux, Fr. , PD5F67: 21 in Edinburgh, Scot. , 28N51: 31 in Edmonton, Eng. , 110c51: 22 in Eng. , 15D52: 21, PD2My71: 21, PD22Ap73: 22, R10Je73: 41 in France, R16S73: 23 in Gravesend, Eng. , 10J152: 21 in Gt. Brit.,PD15Ag66:12,PD18Ap71:22 in Hispaniola, W. L , PD27My73: 21 in London, Eng. , 1D38: 31, 50c39: 31, 3Ap52: 22, 120c52: 21, 8D52: 21, PD15Ja67: 23, PD29Ja67: 31, PD18Je67: 21, PD12N67: 11, R4F68: 13, R4F68: 14, PD18Ag68: 31, PD10Ag69: 23, PD22Ag71: 22, PD27F72: 23, PD16Ap72: 22, PD4Je72: 23, PD18Je72: 22, RlAp73:12, Pi23Mr75: 21 in Nancy, Fr. , 28N51: 22 inN. Y. ,R20J169:21 penalties rumored in Gt. Brit. , PD16J172: 22 trials for in London, Eng. , D7.Ta75: 13 Fraunce's elixirs, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD30J172: 32, Pi23Mr75: 33--D25Mr75: 31 Fraunce's female pills, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD10Je73: 22 Fraunce's female strengthening elixir, PD17S72:22 for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 30N59: 32, PD18Je67: 33, PD27Oc68:32--R27Oc68:22,PD29N70:22, PD13D70: 43, PD17Ja71: 43, PD24Ja71: 43, PDUAp71: 32, PD29Ag71: 31, PD2J172: 32 Frazer, Capt. , of the British army in N. Y. ,DlAg77:21 of the Lord Mansfield, PD19My74: 31 Col. , in French and Indian war, 16Ja61:21 Major, of British army in N. J. , D6Je77: 12--P6Je77: 22 Mr. , testifies on murder in Va. , PD10Oc66:21 A. , opposes Dr. Griffin's dismissal in Yorktown, P16My77s21 Charles, D31Ag76: 31 Daniel, D18D79: 22 George, PD29Ag66: 23 James, PD10Ja71 : 42, P2My77sl2, C19F80:12 James, Capt. , of the Christie, PD13Ag67:23,RllF68:31 of the Mary, PD22F70:32 John, PD27Ap69: 13, Pi28Ap75: 41, P28J175: 23, P28N77: 32, D18D79: 22 John G., adv. damaged goods for sale, PD29N70: 23 adv. for runaway indentured servants, PD7D69: 32 adv. for ship to charter, R22D68: 13, R5Ja69: 32 adv. stores for sale, PD30My71: 23, PD29Ag71: 32, PllAp77s23 announces departure, P31Mr75: 42 announces dissolution of partnership, PD20S70s42 announces payment of bond, PD20S70s42 announces retirement, PD14F71: 32 arrives in Williamsburg, R26N72: 21 business vouched for, PD20S70s42 conduct criticized by Thomas Moore, PD30Ag70: 32 denies accusations of Thomas Moore, PD20S70s42 settlement of accounts of, PD20S70s42 John George, Pi260c75: 22-- P3N75:21 Peter, Ensign, D29J176: 42 Simon, PD14My72: 23, C25D79: 12 William, lAg51 : 32, D10 Je75: 32, P6D76:32, P6Mr78:32 Frazer & Tremlett, PD20S70s42 Frazer's ferry, Va. , PD10Je73: 23-- R10Je73:33,D20J176:42, P8Ag77:33, P12S77: 33 Frazer's ordinary, Va. , D20J176: 51 See also Fraser Frazier, Ensign, captured by American ship, near Boston, Mass. , D13J176: 62 Lt. , captured by American ship, near Boston, Mass. , D13J176: 62 of 71st regiment at Bonhamtown, N. J. , D9My77: 22--P9My77: 21 Mr., ferry of, PD23D73: 23-- R23D73: 33 Alexander, 18Ap45: 41 John, Capt. , PD5Mr67: 22 Philip, P13D76:31 Thomas. D24Ag76: 22 William, PDllMy69: 31--RllMy69: 32, PD14D69: 32--R14D69: 31 Frearson, David, Capt. , death of in Bardados, PD4J166:21 of the John and Mary, PD20Je66: 22 Frederica, Ga. , described, 21Ja37:41 See also Ships to Phila. , Pa. , from Frederica, sloop, 21 Ja37: 32 Frederick, prince of Wales, 21Ja37: 42, 27Je51:31, PD14Je70s23, PD21Mr71:32 Frederick II, of Prussia, anecdotes 419 Frederick II, of Prussia, anecdotes (cont'd) about, PDllMr73: 12 character discussed, R24Je73: 23, PD16S73: 12, RllN73s22, R30D73: 13, D5Je79: 12, D14Ag79: 21 designs on Russian throne, PD18Oc70: 22 health of, PD240c71: 13 insanity reported, PD240c66: 21 interview with Joseph II, R190c69: 23 letter (text) to Voltaire, PD26J170: 11 literary interests of, R15J173: 12 plans to take ports on Vistula river, D30Mr76:31 praised, PD17Je73: 13 views on U. S. independence, C19F80:21 visit to Eng. rumored, PD13Je71: 21 will of, C13My80:22 Frederick William I, character sketch of, RllN73s22 Frederick, Peter, C30Oc79: 42 Frederick, Md. , committee, resolutions (text) of, 1775, P22D75: 12 suggested as meeting place for Continental congress, R28J174: 13 See also Executions for murder in; Ferries in; Jails in; Prisoners of war, Tories, in; Quitrents in; Robberies in; Stealing in; Steeples, church, in; Stocking weavers in; Weavers, worsted in Frederick, brig, PD4Ap71: 22 ship, 25Ja40: 12, R17F74: 33 Frederick and David, ship, D2D75: 21 Frederick co. , Md. , committee of correspondence in, R7J174:31, R1S74: 23 See also Auctions in; Coal houses in; Convict servants runaway from; Effigies burned in; Ferries in; Furnaces for sale in; Furnaces in; Indentured servants runaway from; Land for sale in; Non -exportation agreements supported in; Non-importation agreements supported in; Slaves runaway from; Stealing in; Stone bellows houses in; Stone buildings in; Stone casting houses in; Stone gristmills in; Weddings, described, in Frederick co. , Va. , burgesses elected, 27F52:32, PD15D68: 23 — R15D68: 21, PD28S69: 23, R9N69: 11, PD26D71: 23, R15Ap73: 23, PD4Ag74: 23 census requested, P19Ap76p23 — D27Ap76:33 chancery court, R2My71: 31, R23My71: 41, R30My71: 23, R15Ap73:32 committee, resolutions (text) of, 1775, P7J175sl2, P7J175s22 court, land sold by order of, PD17S72:23 courts regulated by general assembly, 24Ap52: 21 delegates elected, P9My77: 23 divided, PD9Ap72: 32, PD23Ap72: 11 in sixth senatorial district, D26F79:32 resolutions of, R4Ag74: 32 senator elected, D250c76: 42 — P250c76: 22, P9My77: 23 sheriff's sales in Frederick co. , Va. , R26S71:31,PD17S72:23,R17Je73:33 sheriff's summons, PD30Oc66: 31, R24Ag69: 31, PD25Ap71: 32, R2My71:31,R23My71:41, R30My71: 23, R15Ap73: 32 volunteers join Washington, P24Ja77: 23 See also Boston port bill, relief from by; Clergy, Anglican, in; Convict servants runaway from; Dairies in; Dwelling houses in; Ferries in; Forges in; Georgia battalion, second, enlistments in; Indentured servants runaway from; Iron in; Iron works in; Jails in; Kitchens in; Land, limestone, for sale in; Land, mortgaged for sale in; Land, ownership of, disputed in; Land for sale in; Lead ore in; Lime in; Merchant mills in; Merchants in; Militia of; Militia claims in; Mills in; Musters, general, dates appointed for in; Ordinaries in; Outhouses in; Overseers' houses in; Quarters in; Quarters, Negro in; Robberies in; Sawmills in; Slaves for sale in; Slaves runaway from; Stables in; Stealing in; Stone houses in; Tobacco houses in; Tub mills in; Woodcutters, adv. for in Frederick parish, Va. , vestry dissolved by general assembly, 24Ap52:22 reimbursed by general assembly, PD28D69: 23--R28D69: 23 See also Churches in; Glebe land in Frederick parish church, Va. , clerk's notices posted at, R24D67: 42, PD22N70: 31, PD23My71: 23 Frederick springs, Va. , dentists at, PD29J173: 22 Fredericksburg, N. Y. , See Continental army headquarters moved to Fredericksburg, Va. , army supplies bought at, D28N77:21 — P28N77: 22 committee of correspondence appointed in, R16Je74: 22 independent company, P12My75sl3 post office in, PD23My66: 32, PD29Ja67: 13, PD18F68: 23, R17F74: 32 public square, Pi20Ap75: 32 raises fund for apprehending horse thieves, PD220c72: 22 schedule of post rider at, PD21Mr66: 41, PD14My67: 31, PDUe69:31 streets, 27Mr46: 42, 170c55: 31, PD5S66:42--R5S66:41, R12Mr67: 31, PD23Ap67: 32, PD21Ap68: 31, PD8Je69: 31, PD21N71: 22, PD16Je74: 23, Pi20Ap75: 32, P8D75: 33, D9D75: 32, P17My76: 32, P18Ap77s31, D15Ag77: 61— P15Ag77: 32, P3Ap78:22,D10J178:41, D30Oc78:41, D13N78: 12, D26Mr79: 31, D16Ap79: 31, D13N79:31,D5F80:41, DlAp80:31 town house in, R14J168: 32 trustees of, PD7Ja73: 32 — R7Ja73:33,D13D78: 11 See also American company of comedians in;Apple orchards in; Arms manufacture in; Associations in Va. violated in; Attorneys in; Bake houses in; Balls in; Billiard tables for sale in; Boarding schools, adv. of in; Bolting cloths in; Boston port bill, relief from by; Brew houses in; Brick and stone brew houses in; Brick and stone malt houses in; Brick buildings in; Brick houses, described in; Brick houses in; Brick storehouses in; Butchers in; Cabinetmakers, journeymen, adv. for in; Calico manufacture in; Cambric manufacture in; Card making, adv. of in; Carriage makers, adv. of in; Cellars in; Chariot houses in; Checks manufacture in; Churches in; Circles, adv. making of in; Clerks adv. for in; Cloth manufacture in; Coach houses in; Coffeehouses in; Concerts in; Continental army ordered from; Convict servants runaway from; Corduroy manufacture in; Corn houses in; Corn houses near; Cotton manufacture in; Counting houses in; Cow houses in; Crops plentiful in; Dairies in; Dams in; Dentists in; Deserters from Va. troops in; Dimity manufacture in; Drawboys manufacture in; Druggists in; Dwelling houses described in; Dwelling houses in; Earthquakes in; Executions for robbery in; Factories in; Fairs in; Falling gardens in; Farms in; Fast days in; Ferries in; Fire rooms in; Flax manufacture in; Floods in; Flour manufacture in; Freemasons in; Freestone quarries in; Fuel, price high in; Furnaces near; Gardens in; Goldsmiths in; Grammar schools, public, in; Granaries in; Gun manufacture in; Gunsmiths in; Harness makers in; Hemp manufacture in; Hen houses in; Horse racing in; Houses and lots for sale in; Houses in; Indentured servants for sale in; Indentured servants runaway from; Iron rooms in; Iron works for sale in; Jails in; Jean, Indian, manufactured in; Jean manufacture in; Jewelers in; Jockey clubs in; Joiners shops in; Kitchens in; Land for rent near; Land leased near; Landings in; Laundries in; Laundry houses in; Lawn manufacture in; Lemon trees in; Linen manufacture in; Locksmiths in; Lodgings in; Log houses in; Lots, lease of, for sale in; Lots, ownership of, disputed in; Lots for rent in; Lots for sale in; Lotteries in; Lumber houses in; Malthouses in; Manufactures in; Market houses in; Meat houses in; Merchant mills for rent in; Merchants in; Militia of; Mill houses in; Milliners in; Mills in; Muslin manufacture in; Offices in; Orange trees in; Orchards near; Ordinaries 420 Freedom of press in; Outhouses in; Pastures in; Peach orchards in; Physicians in; Pillow manufacture in; Postriders between; Prices current, textile in; Prize ships, S. C. , cargo for sale in; Prize ships, S. C. , for sale in; Public houses in; Quilting manufacture in; Recruiting for Dunmore's troops in; Robberies in; Rope makers in; Roquelaures, making of adv. in; Saddlers in; Saddlers, journeymen in; Sailors adv. for in; Salt houses in; Salt sheds in; Satinet manufacture in; Schools in; Scotch merchants in; Sermons preached in; Servants apartments in; Sheds in; Ship carpenters in; Ships for charter in; Ships for sale in; Ships from; Ships in; Shipyards in; Shoemakers, indentured, for sale, near; Shoemakers, journeymen, adv. for, in; Shoemakers shops in; Silversmiths in; Slaves, reversion of, for sale in; Slaves for hire in; Slaves for sale in; Slaves found, adv. for in; Slaves found in; Slaves runaway from; Smallpox in; Smiths shops in; Smiths shops, described in; Smoke houses in; Snuff manufacture in; Spinners adv. for in; Spinning, adv. of in; Springs in; Stables in; Staymakers, adv. of in; Stealing in; Stocking manufacture in; Stocking weavers, journeymen, adv. for in; Stone smokehouses in; Stone storehouses in; Stone warehouses in; Storehouses in; Stores in; Surgeons in; Tailors in; Tailors, journeymen in; Tanneries in; Tanyards in; Taverns in; Tea boycotted in; Teachers adv. for in; Tenements for rent in; Tenements in; Theatres in; Thicket manufacture in; Timber yard in; Tobacco inspectors in; Tories imprisoned in; Undertakers adv. for in; Velveret manufacture in; Velvet manufacture in; Vendues in; Virginia light dragoons regiment, 1st, ordered to report to; Virginia light dragoons regiment, 3rd, ordered to report in; Virginia regiment, 5th, ordered to report in; Virginia regiment, 10th, ordered to report in; Virginia regiment requested to meet in; Virginia regiments, officers ordered to report in; Virginia soldiers ordered to report to; Warehouses in; Wash houses in; Watchmakers in; Water mills in; Weavers adv for in; Weaving adv. of in; Wells in; Wharves in; Wheat, condition of crop near; Wheel makers in; Wool manufacture in Fredericksburg, schooner, 7Ag52: 31 ship, 21Mr51:32, 30c51: 32, 14Ag52:31 sloop, R30N69: 32 Fredericksburg brewery, Va. , D13N79:31 Fredericksburg springs, Va. , dentists at, PD15J173: 32 Fredericksburg warehouse, Va. , 29D38: 22170c55: 31, PDllMr73: 31 — RllMr73: 32, D26Mr79: 22 Fredericksville parish, Va. , clerks notice posted in, 25Ap55: 22 refund from St. Martin parish ordered, 17Ap46: 31 Free Born American, pseud. , PD17Mr68:22 Free bottoms, tobacco exported from Va. in, 1771-72, PD19N72: 21 1772-73, PD11N73:22 Free Citizen, pseud. , Pi4My75:"21 Free-Holder, pseud. , D4Mr80: 13 Free Love, Greenlandman, DllMr80:22 Free New York company at Novia Scotia, proposed establishment of, 110c51:31 Free school, in Va. , R29N70: 31 Free thoughts on the present times and measures, letter m reprinted, P19F75: 11 Free trade, between Fr. and Swed. , 31Ja51:31 in Bermuda, PD18Je67: 13, D23D75: 21 in British colonies, N. Am. , P24My76: 11 discussed, P26Ap76s21-- D27Ap76:31 opened by Congress, P9Ag76: 11 — D10Ag76: 12, D14S76: 12 rumored, PD7Mr66: 43, D24F76: 32 supported. D13Ap76: 11, D13Ap76: 32, D20Ap76: 32 supported in Eng. , PD14Mr66: 22 in Curacao, W. L , PD6Je66: 21 in Dominica, W. I. , PD6Je66: 22, PD13Je66: 23, R8Ag66: 41, PD22Ag66: 21, PD5S66s22, PD5S66s23 — R5S66: 12, PD30Ap67: 12 in E. I. , requested by French, PD12My68:13 requested by British, PD28My67: 13, PDllJe67: 13, PD18Je67: 22, PD2J167: 21, PD28Ap68: 12 in Fla. , PD6Je66: 11 in Fr. , PD2N69: 22 in Hispaniola, W. L , DUe76: 21 in Ire. , D4Mr80: 21, DllMr80: 31, D18Mr80:21,D8Ap80: 12 in Jamaica, W. I. , R8Ag66: 41, PD22Ag66: 21, PD5S66s22, PD5S66s23--R5S66: 12, PD3S67: 11, PD10D67: 13, PD19My74: 23, PD18Ag74: 11 in Louisiana, PD6Je66: 11 in Pensacola, Fla. , PD7My67: 11 in St. John is. , Nfd. , PD30Ap67: 12, PD28Ap68: 12 in St. John is. , W. I. , PD27Ag67: 22 in St. Lucia, rumored, PD20N66: 12, PD10D67: 23 in St. Nichola, W. I. , PD10D67: 23 in St. Thomas, W. I. , PD27Ag67: 22 in Savanna la Mar, Jamaica, PD23J167: 13--R23J167s21 in U. S. , D19Mr79: 12, D12F80: 31 in Venice, It. ,80c36:31 in Va. ,P17F75:21 in W. I. , PD28Mr66: 23 in W. L, Dutch, D18J177: 12 Freebody, Capt. , 7J138: 32, PD1J173: 31 of the Lydia, PD28Ja73: 22 John, Newport Tory, P13Je77: 22 Freeborn, John, on N. Y. , PD28My72: 23 Freebrun, John, PD18F68: 31 Freedom, pseud. , PD21J174: 13 Freedom, brig, D28Ja75: 21 Mass. armed brig, D8Ag77: 11, P8Ag77:21 privateer, D9My77: 21, P15Ag77sl2 Freedom of assembly, supported in Middlesex co. , Mass. , Pi29S74: 33, Pi60c74: 23 violated in Pa. , PD7Ap74: 2' Freedom of election, essay on, PD15F70: 11 restored to Eng. , rumored, PD21S69sl3 supported by British nobility, R26Ap70: 32 by Chatham, PD19J170: 21 in Eng. , R17Je73: 21 inxx in Middlesex co. , Eng. , PD18Mr73: 21, PD1J173:21 in Surrey co. , Eng. , PD7S69: 22-- R7S69:21, PD30Ag70: 22 threatened in Eng. , PD12Ag73: 12 violated in Mass. , PD12D71: 22 Freedom of press, R190c69s21 abolished in Paris, Fr. , PD6Ap69: 11 in Swed. , PD28Ap74: 13 discussed in Eng. , R25D66: 11, PD8Mr70: 23, PD2Ja72: 13 in N. C.,PD29Ag71:22 in parliament, PD16My71: 12 in Va. ,Pi2F75:33 established in Den. , PD4J171: 11 in Va. , PD6N66: 12 in British colonies, N. Am. , PD25N73: 13 in Holl., PD23S73s21 in New York City, D27My75: 32 investigation proposed in Eng. , PD21Mr71: 22, R21Mr71: 13, R28Mr71: 12 licenses discussed in Eng. , PD30Ja72:21 ministry influences in Eng. , PD30Ja72: 22 ode on, R15Ag66s31 opposed, D23Mr76: 22 opposed in London, Eng. , Pi28Ap75: 22 — P2875s33 — D29Ap75:21 questioned in Holl. , D18D79: 11 regulated in Paris, Fr. , PD26Ja69: 13 in Swed. , PD18Je67: 22 satirized in Va. , PD6N66: 13 suits denying in London, Eng. , PD15S68: 12--R15S68: 21 supported by Junius, R21My72: 11 by Purdie and Dixon, PD28Mr66: 33 by Wilkes, PD27Je71: 22 in Abingdon borough, Eng. , PD27Je71:22 in Boston, Mass. , PD5Ap70: 32 in Continental congress, PilON74: 21 — PD10N74: 32 in Dublin, Ire. , PD12Ja69: 13, PD170c71: 13 in Eng. , PDllAp71: 13, PD14Ap74: 22, P22D75: 12 in Gt. Brit. , 24N52: 12, PD9Ap72: 22, PD7Ap74: 12, PD5My74: 12, 421 Freedom of press supported in Gt. Brit, (cont'd) PD 12 My 74: 42 in Holl. , PD140c73sl2 in London, Eng. , R19J170: 12, PD9My71: 23--R9My71: 32, PD23My71: 22, PL>27Je71: 21, PD27Je71: 22, PD18J171: 13, PD30Ap72: 22, PD24D72: 23 in Mass. , PD25J171: 21 in Phila. , Pa. , PD5Ap70: 32 in Va. , PD22Ag66: 11, R15Ap73: 11, R13My73: 12. Pi23F75: 32. D18My76: 12, P20S76: 11 — D21S76:22 tested in Eng. , PD20Ag72: 13 threatened in Boston, Mass. , PD27Ap69: 13, PD2Ja72: 22 in Eng. , PD9My71: 13 tried in Commons, PD28Ap74: 21 violated by Gov. Dunmore, P60c75s21 in Altona, Ger. , PD8Ap73: 13 in Boston, Mass. , PDl7Ja71: 12, PD12D71:22 in British colonies, N. Am. , PD5Ap70: 32 in Den. , R16D73: 22 in Eng. , PD2N69: 22, PD7Je70: 22, PD14Je70: 12, PD19J170: 31, R30Ag70: 21, PD13S70s21, PDllAp71: 11, PD13Je71: 21, PD23S73s21, PD28Ap74: 13, Pi28Ap75:22, P1D75: 22 in Fr. , PD22N70: 13, PD25J171: 13, Pil90c75: 11 — P20Oc75: Il--D210c75: 12 in Holl. , PDl9Ap70: 22 in London, Eng. , PD25Ag68: 31, R25Ag68: 13, PD1S68: 21, PD8S68: 13, R29Je69: 12, PD8Mr70: 31, R19J170: 22, R27S70:11, PD9My71: 21, R9My71: 22, R9My71: 23, PD5Ag73: 12, PD30S73: 23, PD210c73: 12, PD22S74: 21, Pil90c75: 21--P20Oc75: 21 — D210c75:21,D18N75: 12, D12Je79:22 in N. Y. , R8F70: 31, PD22Mr70: 21, PD17Ja71: 13 in Nice, Fr. ,D25F75: 11 inN. C, PD25J17L21 in Paris, Fr. , PD22Ja67: 13, PD10N68: 13, PD23D73s21 in Rome, It. , PD23J172: 21 in St. Domingo, W. I. , PD27F72: 22 in Scot , P17Mr75s22 — D18Mr75:23 in S. C. , PD280c73: 22 in Va. , PD22Ag66: 21, PD26F67: 21, PD5Mr67: 31, PD16Ap67: 23, D25F75: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD23D73: 11 See also Virginia gazette Freedom of speech, demanded by prisoners, D90c79: 31 discussed in Richmond co. , Va. , P110c76: 11 supported in British colonies, N. Am. , R14Je70:22 in Eng. , P22D75: 12 in Mass. , C25D79: 11 — D22Ja80:31 violated in British colonies, N. Am , PD29D68: 22 in France, PD8Ag71:2I, PD4F73:22 in Paris, Fr. , PD6My73: 13 in Poland, PD23D73: 13 in Sp. , PD26Mr67: 12 Freehold, N. J. , British attacked in, D11J177: 12— P11J177:31 See also Tories captured near, Freeholder, pseud. , HAp55: 12, PD170c66: 11, PD22F70: 12, DlAp80: 22 Freeholders magazine, extract from, Pil9Ja75: 13 Freeholder's political catechism, extract from, R12J170: 11, D18F75: 11 Freeland, Isaac, PD10D72: 23 — R1CD72:23 James, P8D75: 33— PU6D75: 31, P23Ag76sll,D21S76:31, D21F77: 12, P28F77: 22, D23My77: 31— P23My77: 32 John, D19S77: 41 Mace, PD19N72:31, P2Je75s42 Freeland' s fort, Pa. , See Indian attacks on; Tories attack at Freelove, John, 5N36: 42, 17Ag39: 32 Freelove, brig, PD3Je73: 23 Freeman, Capt. , PD23My71: 13, ■ PD2S73:21 Mr. , sale at door of, D11D79: 31 Allen, PllAp77:22 Charles, P26J176: 32 Dilly, D31Ag76:31 Edmund, Capt. , 11J145: 32 Edward, R6S70: 31 Enoch, PD16Je74s21 Frederick, P18Ap77: 32 Harod, P7Je76sll Isaac, PD18F68: 22— R18F68: 24 James, R1W73: 32 John, 21Ja37: 42, PD23F69: 32, PD15F70: 31— R15F70: 41 Mary Anne, PD29Ja67: 13, PD18F68:31 Olive, 2S37: 32 Robert, PD29Ap73: 23, C30Oc79: 31 ■amuel, P120J175: 32— P21J175sl3 — D22J175: 32 [Samuel], author, D5D77: 22 Simeon, Capt. , of the Betsey, PDllJe72:31 Thomas, PD13Ja74: 33 William, 10Ja52: 32, PD23S73: 31, P10My76: 43, P180c76: 31 William, sr. , PD16S73: 33 Freeman, pseud. , PD7J168: 13 Freeman of Virginia, pseud. , PD6N66: 13 Freeman's bridge, Va. , 4J145: 32, 240c55: 22, 12D55: 41, 4N63: 23, 250c65s41, PD23Ap67: 31, PD27Ag67: 31, R31My70: 32, PD8N70: 31, PD13D70: 31, R23Ap72: 32, P10Mr75: 33, P5Ap76:43, P26Ap76: 22, P40c76sl3, P17Ja77:41, P18J177:33, P12S77: 32, P310c77: 13, P14N77: 23, P27Mr78: 32, P230c78: 32 — D6N78:32,D5Mr79:41, C11D79:23, D18D79: 31 Freeman's cordials, for sale. in Petersburg, Va. , PD30J172: 32, PD30D73: 31, PD14J174: 32, Pi23Mr75: 33— D25Mr75: 31 in Richmond, Va. , PD10S72: 23, PD17Je73: 33— R17Je73s23 in Williamsburg, Va. , 18J151: 41, 10Ap52: 31, 22My52: 32, 2My55: 22, PD18DC6: 32--R25D66: 42, PD18Je67: 33, PD270c68: 32— R270c68: 22, PD10N68: 22 — R3N68: 33, PD13Ap69: 32 — R13Ap69: 32, PD17Ag69: 33 — R17Ag69: 23, PD21S69: 41 — R21S69s21, PD7Je70: 31 — R14Je70: 33, PDUAp71: 32, PD15Ag71: 32— R15Ag71: 32, PD240c71: 31, PD2J172: 32, PD290c72: 22--R290c72: 22, PD4N73:22— R4N73: 31, PD1S74:32, C15J180:22 Freeman's journal, extract from, PD12Ja69: 13 Freemason brooches, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD5My74: 31— R26My74: 13, Pi20Oc74: 31— PD20Oc74s22 Freemason, ship, 23Ja46: 41, 3J146: 4, PD20Ap89: 22, PD27J169: 32 Freemasons, celebrations of in Va. , PD30D73: 23— R30D73: 31, Pi30D75: 42 in Williamsburg, Va. , Pi29D74: 32— PD29D74: 31 conduct funerals, PD30Ap67: 32, PD26Ag73: 23, P29N76: 22, D16Ap79:21 criticism of, 26Ag37: 11 defense of, 19Ag37: 22 encouraged in Williamsburg, Va. , 18Ap51:31 essay on value of, PD18Ja70: 11 forbidden in Fr. , 24Je37: 12 in Holl. , 24Je37: 12 grand master for N. Am. installed, PD12Ja69:21 in Aleppo, Syria, 130c38: 32 in Blandford, Va. , D28F77: 31 in Boston, Mass. , 10Ag39: 31, DllMy76:33 in Cabin point, Va. , D28F77: 31 in Charleston, S. C. , 23S37: 31 in Constantinople, Turkey, 130c38:32 in England, PD15Ja67: 21, R9Mr69: 11, PD7My72: 12, PD18Je72:21 in Falmouth, Va. , PD11J171: 22 in Florence, It. , 16S37: 22, 130c38:32 in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD11J171: 22, P4Ap77: 22 in Leghorn, It , 130c38: 32 in London, Eng. , 10S36: 21, 29J137: 32, 2D37: 41, D27My75: 21 in Luneville, Fr. , 7J138: 21 in Naples, It. , 28N51: 12, 12D51: 22, 10Ja52:21 in New York City, PD14N71: 13 in Palatine, 11N37:21 in Paris, Fr. , 2D37: 12 in Phila. , Pa. , Dll J177: 12 in Rome, It. , 25My39: 32 in St. John, Antigua. W. I , 422 French army PD12N72: 12 in Smyrna, 130c38: 32 in S. C. , PD27Ap69: 13 in Surry co., Va. , P28F77: 21 in Williamsburg, Va , PD31Mr74: 31-- R31Mr74: 31, PD60c74: 32, P10N75:31--D11N75:31, P29My78: 32 insignia explained, 28Ap38: 22 poetry on, R25Ag74: 32 prohibited by Pope, 130c38: 32 seal of, on watch, P14J175s23 Freemen of America, pseud. , P21F77:21 Freemond, Sarah, R24Mr74: 33 Freeport, Charles, 2Mr39: 11 Freestone, used for walls and dairies, PD21Ap68:31 Freestone quarries, in Fredericksburg, Va , PD8Je69:31 near Fredericksburg, Va. , PD21Ap68:31 Freetown, Mass. , See Anecdotes from Freetown, R. I. , burned by British, D10J178: 11 See also Tories in Freetown, sloop, PD14Ap74: 12-- R14Ap74: 23 Freight rates, 10Ja[?]51: 41, PD18F68: 32, PD28Mr71: 32-- R28Mr71: 33, PD25Ag74: 23 Freight service, to Phila. , Pa. , D20D76:21 Freleigh, Mr. , Tory in N. Y. , P15Ag77: 21— D22Ag77: 12 French, Capt. , 28Mr55: 31, PD16Ja72: 31, PD28Ap74: 12 of the Mermaid, PD10Je73: 12 Major, arrives in N. Y. , D28F77: 22 exchanged for American prisoner of war, Pi260c75: 31--P270c75s21 Miss, marriage of, RllMr73: 31 Mr. ,PD12Ag73:21 killed in riot in Westminister, N. Y. , D22Ap75: 22 of Petersburg, Va. , DllAp77: 71-- PUAp77s21 Alexander, Capt. , of the Hollowell, 10Ag39:32 Andrew, R270c68: 33, PD10N68: 23, PD9My71: 33, PD220c72: 22-- R220c72:32, PD8S74: 31 David, 4Ja40: 12 George, P29My78: 31 George, Dr. ,D12F80:33 Hugh, Capt. ,22J137:41 James, D18N75: 32--P24N75: 31, P9My77: 43 adv. for runaway slave, D310c77: 22 adv. land for sale, PD6N66: 23 announces departure, PDllJe67: 32 houses of, PD18J166: 12 land of, PD170c71:31-- R170c71:32 shop of, D2My77: 32 Robert, R10Mr68: 31 French, Donald &, adv. ship for charter. C6N79: 32--D6N79: 32, D26F80:32 French, alliance with Indians, 50c39:41, 10Oc55: 12 as seamen, P18J177sll as slaves, D13My75: 11, P29My78: 32, P230c78:43 as soldiers, P2My77sll attack settlers in S. C. , 7N54: 12 from Cape Breton arrive in Boston, Mass. ,29Ag45:21 in Can. , P28Je76: 23 See also Acadians. in London, PD26D71: 22 in S. C.,D12Je79:21 in Spanish army, D13J176: 11 in Virginia regiments, 2S57: 42, P29Ag77: 11, P240c77: 33, PlMy78:32, P160c78: 33, DlMy79: 31, C15My79: 41, D22My79: 41, D7Ag79: 32-- C28Ag79: 43, D25Mr80: 33 murdered by British near Great Bridge, Va. , C15My79: 22-- D15My79:22 number in Eng. , PD18Je67: 11 number in Surinam, Dutch Guinea, PD24S67: 12 oppose British in Quebec, Can. , D6Ap76: 13 poison wells in Halifax, N. S. , 26S55: 11 settle in W. I. , British, PD18Je67:21 spy in London, 19D55: 21 to Guinea coast, PD15J173: 31-- R15J173:23 transported from Cape Breton, N. S. , 29Ag45: 22 women, characterized, PD11F73: 13 French agents, imprisoned in Boston, Mass. , PD15J173: 22-- R15J173: 13 in British colonies, N. Am. , PD18N73: 12--RllN73s21 French & co. , Spiers, R27J169: 31 French and Indian war, American contributions to, R7 Je70: 22, R16Je74:12, Pi27J175:22 American sailors in enumerated, D18My76: 22 books on, 2S57: 32 British-American unity in, 27Ag56:21 campaigns planned in North, 27Ag56:21 colonial anticipation of, 21Mr55: 11, 28Mr55: 11 communication in, 2My55: 21 cost of to be estimated, PD14Mr66:41 council of war proposed, 310c55: 21 financial support by colonies urged, 2My55:21 by Va. , PD14Ap68:22-- R14Ap68: 11 Mass. and Conn, troops in, R1D68: 12, Pi6J175:21 naval engagements in, 30c55: 22, 10Oc55:21 preparations for, 9My55: 11, 3S56:31 southern attitude criticized, 30c55: 12 See also Bounties for enlistments; British army; British navy; Cherokee war; Chignecto, N. S. ; Crown point expedition; French army; French navy; Great Meadows, battle of; Indian attacks; Indians; Lake George, battle of; Monongahela, battle of; Ohio expedition; Seven Years War; and specific army units and forts French army, aids Spain, PD5S66s31-- R5S66:21 arrives in Quebec, Can. , 28Mr55: 31 at Brewton's plantation, Ga. , D230c79:21 at Giradeau point, Ga. , D230c79: 21 attack on India planned, PDllJe72:22 Bavarians in, PD24Mr74: 13 British soldiers in, PD16D73: 13-- R16D73:23, R30D73:21 British spies in, 10Oc55: 11 buys provisions in Ire. , PD2Ja72: 13 camp in Compeigne, Fr. , PD10S67: 12 cavalry reviewed by king, 16S37:11 command by Prince Ferdinand of Brunswick, PD4D66: 21, PD4D66:31 Corsicans in, PD7S69: 22-- R7S69: 23, PD18Oc70sl2 courage of in Savannah, Ga. , D230c79: 22 decrease in, PD9My71: 13, PD240c71: 22, PD14N71: 11, P15S75:21 deserters from, 26S45: 21, 15My46: 21, 24N52: 22, 7N55;21, 4N63: 13, PD3Ag69: 12 in Can. , 30N59: 22 in Corsica, PD21S69s21 in Quebec, Can. , 5S55: 22 pardoned, PD24N68: 13 threatened, 3Ap46: 22 embarks at Dunkirk, Fr. , 17Ap46: 12 embarks for Corsica, PD13N66: 11 equipment described, 22Ap57: 22 evacuation of N. S. rumored, 19S5L31 exercises of, 29Ag51: 22 expected on R I. , P21Ag78: 21 foreign officers sought, PD27Ag72: 41, PD17S72: 13 from Brest, Fr. , to E. I. , D24Ap79:21 to Guadeloupe, W. L , P27D76: 22 to Ire. , D11S79: 22 to Martinique, W. I. , P27D76: 22 to W. I. , P14Je76: 12--D15Je76: 21 from Cape Francois, W. I. , to U. S. , D25S79: 22 frontier camps denied, 22D52: 21 Germans in, 15S52: 21, 14N55: 11, PD9J172: 13,D3J179:21 guards corn markets, R60c68: 12 horses for, 16My51: 22, PD10Je73: 11 in Bavaria, 11J145: 11, PD17Je73: 11 in Can. , 12S55: 12, 12D55: 21 in Cape Francois, S. Domingo, W. I. , DlJe76:21, P21Je76: 21 — D22Je76:42, P10J178: 11 in Cape Nichola, Hispaniola, W. L , D18My76: 13,DlJe76:21 in Chignecto, N. S. , 6Je45: 22 in Corsica, PD1S68: 13, PD60c68: 21, R270c68: 12, PD18My69: 22, PD21S69s21, Pi20Oc74: 21 desertions in, PD23Ap67: 21, PD130c68: 11, R270c68: 12, PD17Ag69: 32 423 French army in Corsica (cont'd) epidemic in, R190c69: 23 losses in, R60c68: 13, PD270c68: 22, R3N68: 11, PD10N68: 13, PD22D68: 12--R22D68: 11 neutrality ends, PD25Je67: 21 not opposed by Corsicans, PD15S68:21--R15S68:23, PD15S68:22 oppressive measures of, PD3Ag69: 23 provisions for, PD15S68: 23 — R22S68: 14 reinforcements for, R24Ag69: 12, PD15S74: 22 size of, PD130c68: 11 supply problem, PD130c68: 13 — R130c68: 12 in Dominica, W. I. , D6Ja76: 31, D26Mr79:21 in Dunkirk, Fr , PDlAp73: 12 in Flanders, 3S56: 21 in Franche Comte, Fr. , 10Mr38: 21 in Genoa, It , PD30Mr69: 31 — R30Mr69: 13 in Ga. , D25S79: 22 in Guadeloupe W. L , D6Ja76: 31, P15Mr76sll--D16Mr76: 32, D6Ap76:31, D15Je76: 42, P21Je76:22 in Hispaniola, W. L , D20Ja76: 22, P16Ag76:23--D17Ag76: 12, D40c76: 12 in Jamaica, W. L , R15Je69: 21 in Lisle, Belg. , PD28S69: 13 in Mainz (Mentz), 20Je45: 12, 11J145:22 in Martinique, W L , 23My45: 31, PD5S71:31--R5S71:23, D6Ja76: 31, D6Ap76: 31, D15Je76: 42, P21Je76:22,D28F77:21, D24Ap79:21 number of troops, P15Mr76sll — D16Mr76: 32, D26Mr79: 21, C13My80:22 in Mauritius is. , Ind. O. , PD27Ag72: 13, D29Ap75: 31, P14Je76: 13— D15Je76: 31 in Paris, Fr. , PD2My71: 11, PD170c71: 22— R170c71: 22, PD150c72: 12— R150c72: 13, P22J175sl2, PilOAg75:22 in Picardy, Fr. , 20J139: 31 in Pondichery, India, PD17Ag69: 31 in Port au Prince, Santo Domingo, W. I. , PD8Je69: 11, P31My76: 12-- DUe76: 12 in St. Domingo, W. I. , P15Mr76sll — D16Mr76: 32, P14Je76: 13 — D15Je76:31, D15Je76: 42, P21Je76:22 in W. I. ,D5Je79: 11 inW. L, French, P110c76: 22, P29N76:22 increased, PD8N70: 21, PD4Mr73: 31, R16S73:31, Pi24N74: 12 Indians desert from, 30N59: 22 instructs Mahrattas, PD30Ap72: 21 Irish in, 9S37: 11, 19Ja39: 32, 21Mr55:31 Italian spies in, 2S57: 21 joins American armies, D20c79: 12 kills rioters, R60c68: 12 lands in Ga. ,D90c79:22 leaves Corsica, PD26My68: 11 leaves France, R21N71: 22 losses in, R14D69: 13 . marches against Twightwees, 28N£1: 31 marshals eulogized, 13Je51: 22 mobilized, PD24Mr74: 13, PD7Ap: 13— R7Ap74:23, PD7Ap74: 21--R7Ap74: 31, P9My77: 11 movements of, 14Ap38: 21, 29Je39: 21, 14S39: 21, 9N39: 11, 20Je51: 21, 20Je51: 22, 5S55: 1 1, 30c55: 31, 10Oc55: 22, 240c55: 12, 22Ap57:22, PD15S68: 11-- R15S68: 13, R60c68: 11, PD12My74:41 near Dunkirk, Fr. , PilOAg75: 23 — PllAg75:21, D8Ja80: 11 near Holl. , D30Oc79: 12 — C30Oc79:23, D18D79: 21 near Lake George, 12D55: 12 number of troops discussed, 14N55: 12,PD21F71:13,P3Mr75sll — D4Mr75: 22, D1J175: 22, D3J179:21 from Fr.,D18S79:31 to Eng. ,D20c79: 11 to U. S. ,D20c79: 11 occupies towns in southern Fr. , PD22S68: 12 off Tybee is. , Ga. , D90c79: 22 officers, dress regulated, 12Ag3 7: 42 executed, PD15Ag66: 13, PD29Ag66: 12, PD29Ag66: 13 mobilized, PD14Ap74: 22 report to regiments, 27J139: 12, PD24Je73: 13,D9D75:12 restored to positions, PD11F68: 13 retire from, R19Ap70: 22 trained for, 6Je51: 22 on Flanders frontier, 11N37: 31 on French coast, PDllMr73: 21 on Mississippi river, 21Mr55: 31 on Ohio river, 28F55:41 organization described, 6Je45: 12, D6Ap76:21 plans for, Pi28S75:21 plundering in Ger. criticized, 28Mr45:32 plunders near Paris, Fr. , PD17D67: 22 poor condition of, 2S57: 21 preparations of, 30c55: 22, PD3Ja71:22, C19Ag80: 11 promotions in, 19My38:21 provisioned by Irish, PD21Mr71: 21 provisions for, 16My45: 31, 16My55: 11, RllMy69: 22, PD10Ag69: 22— R10Ag69: 31 quartered on coast, PD14J174: 12 recruiting for, 28Mr45: 31, 25Ap51: 22, 4N63: 13, PD6Je66: 11, R15Mr70: 21, PD18Oc70sl2, PD24Je73: 11, PD23S73: 22, D22Je76: 31, P27D76: 12 in Eng , P17Mr75sl3— D18Mr75: 22 . in Ire. , PD15S74: 22, P31Mr75: 22 reviewed by British officers, PD80c67: 11 ships captured by British off Fr. , D4S79:21 Swedish officers in, 10Ap46: 22, 10Ap46: 32,24Ap46:21 Swiss troops in, R12Ja69: 13, D4D79:21 tents for, PD10Je73: 11 to Af. ,PD6Ap69:13 to Brittany, Fr. , PD21F71: 13 to Can. from Brest, Fr. , P30My77:31 to Cape Breton, N. S. , rumored, 21Ag46:32 to Cape Francois, Santo Domingo, W. L , P13S76: 22--D14S76: 22, D23Ja78:21, D23Ja78: 22 from Fr. , P17N75: 23, D23Ja78: 21 to Capraia is. , It. , R25Ag68: 21 to Coromandel coast, India, D19Mr79:21 to Corsica, PD11F68: 12, PD4Ag68: 12— R4Ag68: 12, PD18Ag68: 11, R25Ag68: 11, R25Ag68: 14, R25Ag68: 21, PD25Ag68: 23, PD1S68: 12, PD15S68: 11, PD15S68: 13— R15S68: 13, R15S68:23, PD60c68: 11, PD130c68: 11, R24N68: 11, PD22D68: 11, PD9F69: 21 — R9F69: 11, PD15Je69: 12, PD15Je69: 23, PD6J169: 21, PD24Ag69: ll--R24Ag69: 12, PD21Mr71:21 to Dominica from Fr. , P24N75s21 to E. I. , PD21My72: 13, R10Je73: 32, R17Je73: 22, PD7Ap74: 13, P22J175sl2, Pi27J175:33 from Fr. , D25F75: 13, D22My79: 21 to French coasts, R2S73s21 toGa. ,D20c79:21 to Guadeloupe, W. L , R15Mr70: 21 from Fr. .D12D77: 11 — P12D77:21 to Hispaniola, W. L , R12Mr67: 23, P5Ja76(5)sl2— Pi6Ja76: 22, D31Ag76: 11 from Fr. , P10My76: 22 — DllMy76:31 to India, D25Mr80: 11 to Isle of France, Ind. O. , PD12D7L22 to It. , PD17Je73: 12 to Madrid, Sp. , PD12S66: 13 to Martinique, W. L , R15Mr70: 21, PD80c72: 23, PD24D72: 13, PilOJa76: 12 — P12Ja76: 21 — D13Ja76: 22, D23My77: 21, D23Ja78:21 from Brest, Fr , D26Mr79: 22, D17J179:31 from Fr. , D12D77: 11 — P12D77: 21 to Mauritius is , Ind. O. , PD18Ap71: 13 to Naples, It., rumored, D16S75: 11 to N. Am. ,PD27Ag72:31 to Poland, PD17Je73: 11 to R. I. from Brest, Fr. , D21Ag79:21 to St. Domingo, W. I. , PD12F67: 21, R15Mr70:21 to U. S. , P28Mr77sl3, D18J177: 11, D8Ap80s22 to W. L , PD6Ap69: 13. PD23D73: 21, PD19My74: 31, PD10N74: 21, P5Ja76(5)sl3— D6Ja76: 31 — Pi6Ja76:22,D5D77: 11 — P5D77:22,D14Ag79:22 to W. I. , French, D7Mr77: 22 troops offered to Congress, 424 French navy D17J178:31 uniforms restricted, 10Ja52: 32 widows of soldiers provided for, D160c78: 31--P160c78: 21 See also Courts martial in French artillery officers, to U. S. proposed, P29Ag77: 22 French bead earrings, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , R8N70: 13, PD30Ja72: 32--R6F72: 32, PD7My72: 32, PD150c72: 31, PD22Ap73:31 French bead necklaces, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD10Oc66: 33, PD10c67: 13, PD25F68: 23--R3Mr68: 34, R8N70: 13, PD30Ja72: 32 — R6F72: 32, PD7My72: 32, PD150c72: 31, PD22Ap73: 31 French coast, See British army shipwrecked on; British navy shipwrecked on; French marines on; Shipwrecks off French colonies, arms for, 28F51: 21, PD14Mr66:41 climate and geography described, 7N55: 11 condition described, 12D51: 22 customs described, 21Mr55: 11, 7N55: 11 exempt from taxes and duties, PD9Je74: 13 garrisons reinforced, 24My51: 21, 20Je51:31, lAg51: 21 trade of, 1D38: 12, 21Mr55: 31 See also Embargoes; Roman Catholic church in French court, cosmetics forbidden in, PD15S74:21 ceremonies described, PD26Mr67: 12 entertainment for, PD2Ja72: 12 queen's conduct outlined, 13Ap39: 11 See also Smallpox inoculations at French dialect, spoken by slaves, C3J179:41 French earrings, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , R260c69: 23 French Flanders, See Irish troops to Brittany from French horns, R19N72: 31, PD25N73: 22 played by indentured servants, PD22D 68: 32--R22D68: 13 played by slaves, PD28Mr66: 41, PD23J167:31, PDlAp73: 33 teaching adv. in Williamsburg, Va. , PD23My71: 22 French-Indian, spoken by slaves, 30N59: 32 French language, accountant familiar with, adv. for, C15My79: 31 accounts written in, D15Ja80: 31 adv. written in, D26Je79: 12 essays in, R20Je71: 31 spoken by convict servants, P21J175:32 by indentured servants, PD12My74: 43--R12My74: 33, D8Je76: 71--P14Je76: 32 by slaves, 24Ap46: 42, 17J152: 32, PD4Ap66: 41, PD22D68: 33, R30N69: 32, PD19Ap70: 32 — R19Ap70: 32, PD27Je71: 33, PD24S72: 23, PD28Ja73: 32, PD6My73: 32, PD12Ag73: 31, PDlS74s22,D26Je79: 31, DlAp80: 32 taught at College of N. J. , PD18N73: 21 at Fredericksburg, Va. , school, P9My77:41 at D. H. W. Mara's school, P5D77: 31 at Sussex glebe, Va. , school, D12S77:42--P12S77: 11 at Miss Wheatley's boarding school, Pi20Ja76: 32 teachers of, adv. for, D7Ja75: 31 teachers of, adv. for employment, at King William courthouse, Va. , D17J179:32 in Norfolk, Va. , PD21Mr66: 33, PD13D70: 22, PD18F73: 23 in Southampton co. , Va. , PD3Ja71:32 in Williamsburg, Va. , 20Mr52sl2, PD25Mr73: 32, PD27My73: 23, D17J179:32,D20N79:31 in Va. , PD2My71: 32--R2My71: 31, D26Je79:31 French literature, discussed, PD11F73:21 French malady, cure for, PD3D72: 23 French marines, in Brest, Fr. , PD23Ap67: 12 in Rochefort, Fr. , PD23Ap67: 12 in Toulon, Fr. , PD23Ap67: 12 on French coast, R16S73: 21 recruited, 2My55: 12 French ministry, changes in rumored, R8F70: 13, P21Ap75s22--D22Ap75: 13, D24Ag76:32,D31Ag76:ll, P13S76: 12 orders engraving of Paoli, PD6J169: 21 French navy, acclaimed in Brest, Fr. , D13N78:21 account of strength of ordered, P20D76: 13 armaments for, 28Ag52: 21 arrival on St. Lawrence river rumored, P30Ag76: 21 — D31Ag76: 12 artillery companies formed, PD23Ap67: 12 at Cape of Good Hope, Af. , R20S70: 11, PD12D71: 22, PD27Ag72: 13 at the Gut, PD7F71: 21 at Mauritius is. , Ind. O. , PD12D71: 22, PD70c73: 12 — R70c73: 13 attack on Russian rumored, PD6Je71: 32 attacks Turk's is. , W. L , D4D78: 21 baker impressed for, PD5Ag73: 11 — R5Ag73: 12 blockades Port Mahon, 3S56: 21 British in, 17Ap46: 11 captures British ships, 20Je45: 22, 5D45: 32, 12D45: 11, 9Ja46: 32, 29My46: 22, 26S55: 22, PD12Mr72: 21, P28F77sl3,D6N78:31 captures Dutch ships, R60c68: 11 compared with British navy, PD7Mr71:31--R7Mr71:31, D27N79:12 condition of discussed, PD23F69: 22, D20Ap76:12 cordage for, PD4Je67: 21 Corsicans encouraged to join, PD22S68:22 cost of with Spanish, D15Ja80: 11 cruise against British, 19D55: 12 damaged by storm, off Fla. , D22Ja80: 22 deaths among sailors, D8Ap80: 11 demobilization of, PD11 J171: 21, PD18J171: 13, R19Ag73:21 destroys British settlements in Africa, D19Je79: 31 disarmament in, PD1J173: 22, R2S73sll, R2S73sl2 drafting for in Rochefort, Fr. , D20c79: 12 embarks from Brest, Fr. , D30Oc79:21 engagements with British in W. L , P16My77:23 engagements with Russian navy, PD19Ap70s22 erects factories, 30J152: 21, 30J152: 22 expected in Kakiate, N. Y. , C6N79: 23 expected in R. I. , P21Ag78: 21, C3J179: 21 feared in N. Y , D22Ja80: 31 fired on by British ships, PD7D69:21, PD7D69sl2 from Brest, Fr. , PlAg77: 22, D20c79: 11 from Brest, Fr. , to Cadiz, Sp. , C28Ag79:22 from Brest, Fr. , to E. I. , D26F79:22,D24Ap79:21 from Brest, Fr. , to Guadeloupe, W. I. , P27D76: 22 from Brest, Fr. , to Martinique, W. I. , P27D76: 22 from Brest, Fr. , to Quebec, Can. , P8Ag77: 23 from Brest, Fr. , to Sp. , D28Ag79: 21 from Brest, Fr. , to U. S. , C9D80: 11 from Cape Francois, Santo Domingo, W. I. , to U. S. , D25S79: 22 from Martinique, W. I. , C19Ag80: 12 from Toulon, Fr. , D13N78: 21 from Toulon, Fr. , to Gibraltar, Sp. , D25Mr80: 11 from U.S. to Brest, Fr. , D18Mr80: 23 funds for, 19D55: 12 hue and cry for ships, 10Ja[?]51: 31 impressment for, 14N55: 11, PD31D72: 23— R31D72: 13, PD15J173: 11, PD26Ag73: 21 — R26Ag73sl3, PD19My74: 22 in Antibes, Fr. , 20J139: 32 in Atlantic ocean, PD29Ap73: 22 in Baltic sea, 17Ag39: 11, 17Ag39: 21, 7S39: 12, 28S39: 12, 28S39: 21, 120c39: 11, PD1J173: 13, PD1J173:22 in Basque roads, Sp. , PD22Ag71: 21 in Boston, Mass. , D90c78: 32 in Brest, Fr. , 10Ap46: 31, 3J146: 22, 11J146: 22, 170c51: 21, 4Ap55: 21, 4Ap55: 31, 25Ap55: 12, PD60c68: 13 — R60c68: 14, PD7Mr71: 31 — R7Mr71: 31, PD13Je71: 12, D24Ap79: 12, D8My79: 11, D5Je79:ll,D10J179: 12, D15Ja80: 11 425 French navy (cont'd) in Cadiz, Sp. , 24Ja51: 22 in Canary is. , D2D75: 12 in Cape Francois, Santo Domingo, W. I. , 27Ag56: 22, P10J178: 11, D25S79: 12 in Cape St. Vincent, Port. , P6S76: 22 in Charleston, S. C. , D28Mr77: 62 — P28Mr77sl3, D30Oc79: 22 in Chesapeake bay, D22 Ja80: 23 in Copenhagen, Den. , PD8J173: 31 — R8J173:31 in E.I. ,R31Mr74:23 in English channel, C13N79: 11, D4D79:21 in Goodwin sands, Eng. , 20J139: 32 in Gosport, Eng. , 24Ja51: 31 in Guadeloupe, W. L , D7F77: 12 — P7F77: 22 in Hispaniola, W. L , D20Ja76: 22 in India, PD10N74: 23 in Lisbon, Port. , D15N76: 11 in Louisburg, N. S. , 29Ag51: 31, 2My55: 21, 240c55: 12, 27Ag56: 21 in Martinique, W. I. , 23My45: 31, 13Je45: 22, 20Je45: 32, 28N45: 32, 21Ag46:31,D29N76:32, D5Mr79:31, D16Ap79: 21, C15My79: 13--D15My79: 21, D29My79: 31, D26Je79: 21, D10J179:22, C13My80:22, C15J180: 12 in Mediterranean, PD9F69: 22 — R9F69: 13, PD22N70sl2, R29N70:21, PD13D70: 13, PD6Je71: 32, R17Je73sl2 — PD24Je73: 13, R24Je73: 22, R1J173:11, PD1J173: 13, R23D73: 13, PD14J174: 13, PD28J174: 13, D1J175: 12 in Nfd. , 26S55: 21, PD14Mr66: 41, PD4F73:21 in Newport, R. I. , C19Ag80: 11 in N. Am. , 23My45: 32 in N. S. ,21Mr55:31 in Plymouth, Eng. , PD12D71: 13 inR. L,P21Ag78:22 inRochelle, Fr. , 11S46:41 in Rochfort, Fr. , 4S46: 22, 4Ap55:21, PD9Je74: 22 in St. Augustine, Ha. , 20Je45: 32 in St. Eustatia, W. I. , D3 J179: 12 in St. George, W. L , PD18Je72: 32 in St. Lawrence river rumored, P6S76: 32--D7S76: 22, D4J177: 71 in Sp. ,PD31Ja71:22 in Swed. , 14S39: 11, 260c39: 21 in Toulon, Fr. , 21F51: 31, 20Je51: 22, 28Mr55: 22, PD27Ag72: 23, PD9Je74: 22 in W. I. , 29Ag45: 22, P21Ap75s21 — D22Ap75:12,D5Mr79:32, D19Je79:22,D19Je79:31, D10J179: 11 increase discussed, 21Mr45: 21, 16My51: 21, 20Je51: 22, 29Ag51: 11, 5D51: 21, 5D51: 32, 15S52: 21, 19D55: 21, PD4Je67: 11, PD3Mr68: 22, PD25Ag68: 21, R2F69: 21 — PD9F69:21, PD9N69: 21, RllJa70: 11, R15Mr70: 21, PD5Ap70: 31, PD3Ja71: 22, PD18Ap71: 13, PD18Ap71: 22, PD9My71: 13, PD14N71: 11, PD16Ja72:23, P15S75:21, D30S75: 11 Indiamen in discussed, 3S56: 21 intercepts British ships, 11J151: 32, 12D55:21 junction with Spanish rumored, D5Mr79.21 leaves Brest, Fr. , P30Oc78: 32 mobilized, 8S38: 12, 17Ag39: 11, 14S39:22, PD31Ja71: 12, PD31Ja71: 13 movements of, 2Je38: 31, 17Ag39: 21, 31Ag39: 31, 14S39: 21, 21S39: 31. 2N39: 11, 21D39: 32, 4Ja40: 21, HJa40: 22, 18Ja40: 12, 25Ja40: 11, 9My45: 31, 4J145: 22, 29Ag45: 22, 15My46: 41, 31J146: 42, 18S46: 21, 13S46: 41, 31Ja51: 31, 16My51: 21, 8Ag51: 21, 14N51: 22, 21N51: 22, 12D51: 32, 19D51: 21, 19D51: 32, 28Ag52: 21, 15S52: 21, 8D52: 22, 4Ap55: 22, 2My55: 12, 5S55: 21, 5S55: 31, 19S55: 11, 310c55: 11, 14N55: 11, 12D55: 11, 19D55: 11, 2S57: 22, PD4Je72: 23, P16Ag76: 23 naval stores for, PD27Ag72: 21 near Aix is. , 18S46: 32 near Bardados, W. I. , 4J145: 22 near Dover, Eng. ,24Ag39: 22 near Rochelle, Fr. , 18S46: 31 number of ships in, 4S46: 22, 30c55: 31, PD30Ag70: 23, PD26Ag73: 21, D13J176: 11, P28F77: 21, D15My78: 22, P12Je78: 21, D160c78: 31 — P160c78:21, D13N78:21, C15My79:21,D3J179:21, D4S79: 11, D4S79: 21, D18S79: 31, D15Ja80: 12, C13My80: 21 number of ships with Spanish, D25Mr80: 11 off Af. , P128S75: 21— D30S75: 13 off Capes, Va. ,C27N79: 13 off Charleston, S. C. , D8Ap80: 23 off Falmouth, Eng. , DllMr80: 13 off Ire. , D11S79: 22 off the Lizard, Eng. , C28Ag79: 12, D27N79: 11, D8Ja80: 13 off Louisburg, N. S. , 310c55: 11 off Nfd. , PD16Ja72: 13 off Plymouth, Eng. , PD12D71: 22 off St. Christopher, W. L , D12F80: 12 off St. John de Luz, Fr. , D11S79: 31 off St. Vincent, W. I. , PD16Ja72: 13 off S. C. , D29Ja80: 31, D5F80: 31 off Sussex, Eng. , C2GD79: 11 off Tybee is. , Ga. , D90c79: 22 off U.S. ,D17J178:22 off Ushant is. , Fr. , D11S79: 22 off Va. coast, 28F55: 31 offers protection to American ships, D10Ja77: 31 officers degraded, 21Mr45: 31 officers inspect coasts, PD12F67: 13 officers ordered to report, 21D39: 21, D9D75: 12 on Brittany coast, R12D72sl3 on Gold coast, Af. , 5S51: 31, ' 21N5L22 on Guinea coast, Af. , 21Ag52: 22, 120c52:21 ordered against Tripolitan pirates, 20Oc52:21 ordered to protect American ships D15Ag77: 41— P15Ag77sll orders naval stores, PD16J172: 22 pensions for, 12F62: 22 preparations for war in, 12F62: 21, 12F62: 22, 12F62: 31, RllOc70: 21, PD8N70:21, PD3Ja71: 11, PD3Ja71:21, PD21F71: 13, PD17Je73: 12, PD15J173: 23, PD15J173: 31— R15J173: 22, PD5Ag73: 11, PDllN73sl2, PDllN73sl3— RllN73sl3, PD2D73sl2— R2D73: 13, R9D73: 21, PD1S74: 12, D24Je75: 13, D24Ag76: 21, D24Ag76: 32, D27Je77: 11 promotions in, 12D55: 11, PD24Ag69: 12— R24Ag69: 21 protection of commerce demanded, D22My79: 11 protection of Ire. rumored, D8Ap80s23 protects American trade, 24 Ja51: 22, D250c76:31,D15N76:21, P29N76:22, P12S77sll provisions for, 16My55: 11, R25Ag68: 13, R25Ag68: 14, R8F70: 23 pursues British West Indiamen, D9Ap79: 11 recruiting for, 12D51: 32 reestablishment of, 4N63: 13 reinforced, R14F71: 23 reinforced in Martinique, W. L , DlMy79: 21, C15My79: 13— D15My79:21 reinforced in Mediterranean, D24Ap79: 12 reinforced in W. I. , D9Ap79: 21, C13N79: 12 relations with British, PD12D71: 22 reserve trained for, 24N52: 12 sailors' diet, PD12My68: 21 sailors increased, R210c73: 13 sails against Barbary coast, 2S37:22 searches for deserters, PD4Je72:32 ship losses, 12D45: 12 ship sunk by British, R24Je73: 11 ship sunk by Dutch in W. I. , D24Ap79: 21 ships armed in, PD12D71: 12 ships ashore off Port Royal, W. L , D22My79: 12 ships blown up off Ushant, Fr. , D26Mr79:21 ships built, 24My51: 21, 27Je51: 22, lAg51: 22, 29Ag51: 21, 27D51: 32, 28Mr55: 22, PD4Je67: 13, PD16J167: 13, PD17Mr68: 23, R12My68: 12, PD26My68: 11, PD9Je68: 11, R60c68: 13, PD30Mr69: 31, PD8Mr70: 23, PD23Ja72: 22, PDllJe72: 21, D24Ap79: 12 ships built by Dutch, PD27Ja74: 21— R27Ja74:22 ships built in Bermuda, PD16Ja72: 13, PD80c72:22 ships built in Corsica, PD20S70s32, PD31Ja71: 21, PD16Ja72:21 ships built in Genoa, It. , PD28Mr66: 21, PD28Mr66: 22 426 French sailors ships built in Nantes, Fr. , PD6Ja74: 13 ships built in Swed. , PD2J167: 22 ships built in Stockholm, Swed, , PD28Mr66: 22 ships burned off Fr. , D4S79: 21 ships captured by British, P5Je78:31, P19Je78: 22, C15My79: 21. DllMr80: 21 ships classified, 7N51: 21, 5S55: 21 ships commissioned for, 13F52:21 ships damaged, 17Ap46: 11 ships dismasted, D8Ja80: 23 ships driven on Port. , D29My79: 21 ships escape from British, 26S55: 22 ships fitted out, 16My55: 11, 23My55: 11, 5S55: 11, 14N55: 12, 4N63:21, PD14Mr66: 42, PD4Je67:21, PD28Ap68: 12, PD16Je68: 13, PD30Je68: 13, PD10N68: 11, PD30Mr69: 22, PD9Ap72: 31, PDllMr73: 13, PD140c73: 22, R210c73: 13, PD7Ap74: 13, PD19My74: 31, D15J175:23, P29S75: 11, Pi50c75: 23--P60c75: 12, D2D75: 23, D40c76: 12, D30My77: 21--P30My77: 22 ships fitted out in Brest, Fr. , 27J139: 12, 7S39: 11, PD27Ja74: 21, D250c76:31 ships fitted out in Marseilles, Fr. , R27Ja74:22 ships fitted out in Martinique, W. L , 4J145:22 ships fitted out in Toulon, Fr. , 19Ja39: 22, 26Ja39: 12, 260c39: 22, 21D39: 12, 10Ap46: 12, PD29Ag66: 11, PD19My74: 22, PD19My74: 23, PD14J174:21, P19J176: 13, D250c76:31 ships for, PD5F67: 21, PD30Ap67: 23, PD7My67: 11, PD13Je71: 22, PDUMr73: 21, PD3F74: 21, PD16Je74: 12, R22S74: 23, Pi5Ja75: 22, Pil6Mr75: 23 — P17Mr75: 31--D18Mr75: 13 ships launched, PD9Je68: 21 — R9Je68:22,R17N68:22, PD2Ja72: 13, R23Ap72: 22, PD24S72: 11, PD29S74: 23 ships launched in Quebec, Can. , 5D45: 32 ships launched in Toulon, Fr. , R4N73:21 ships lost,28Mr55:31,R12My68:21, PD27F72: 22--R27F72: 22, PD21My72: 13, PD24S72: 21, PD150c72: 12, PD5N72: 22, PD31D72: 23--R31D72: 12, R16S73:22,PD27Ja74:21 ships proportions, R210c73: 12 ships recalled to Fr. ,D9Ap79: 11 ships trade with W. I. , British, D2My77: 22 ships wrecked on Barbuda, W. I. , D26F80:23 squadrons formed in, 3S56: 21 strength of discussed, 6F52: 32, PD3Ja71:21, PD23S73: 13, D28Ag79:21 strengthened, 14F51: 31, 5Mr52: 21, PD15J173: 23--R15J173: 31 Swedish ships for, PD170c71: 21 timber for, 28Mr51: 22, PD270c68: 22 to Af. , 31Ja51: 22, PD15S68: 22 — R22S68: 14, PD23Mr69: 22 — R23Mr69: 23 to Algiers, Alg. , 24Ja51: 22, PD2N69: 23 to America, 21Ag46: 21 to Baltic sea, 28S39: 21, R24Je73: 21, R15J173sl3 to Boston, Mass. , P28F77: 11, D12F79:31, D22Ja80: 22 to Boston, Mass. , from Fr. , C28Ag79: 22--D28Ag79: 21 to Cape Breton, N. S. , rumored, 21Ag46: 32 to Cape Francois, W. I. , P13S76: 22 — D14S76: 22 to Chesapeake bay, D19Je79: 31, D22 Ja80: 22 to Corsica, PD29Ag66: 13, PD1S68: 13, R17N68: 21,- R24N68: 11 to Corunna, Sp. , D21Ag79: 22 to E. I. , PD29Je69: 13, R17Je73: 22, R24Je73: 23, PD22J173: 13, R9D73:21,R16D73: 13 to E. I. from Brest, Fr , D25F75: 13 to E. I. from Fr. , D22My79: 21 toGa. ,D20c79:21 to Gibraltar straits rumored, D9Ap79: 11 to Greek archipelago, R17Je73sll to Hispaniola, W. L , PD3Je73: 23, D27D76:41--P27D76:23 to Hispaniola, W. L , from Fr. , P10My76: 22— DllMy76: 31 to India, 5D51: 21, PD14Je70: 23, D13N"8:21,D25Mr80: 11 to Isle of France, Ind. O. , PD12D71:22, PD5N72: 11, to James river, Va. , from Rochfort, Fr. , P29My78: 22 to join Spanish navy, PD24Je73: 13, Pil90c75: 11— P20Oc75: 11 — D210c75; 12, D[250c?]76: 52— P25Cc76: 11 to Levant, PD31D72: 11, PDllMr73: 21 to Louisburg, N. S. , PD16Ja72: 21 to Magellan straits, PD4F68: 22 to Martinique, W. I. , PD15Ag66: 13, PD80c72: 23, PD24D72: 13, PDllMr73: 13, D10Ja77: 3i, D23My77:21,D12F79:32 to Martinique, W. I. , from Brest, Fr. , D26Mr79: 22, D17J179: 31 to Martinique, W. I. , from Fr. , P10My76: 21— DllMy76: 33, P13Je77:21,D31J179:22 to Mediterranean, PD5S66s31 — R5S66: 21, R15S68: 22, PD7D69sl2, R8F70:22, PD27S70: 22, PD28Mr71: 12, PD24Je73: 21, R15J173sl2, PD15J173: 23 — R15J173:31, R15J173sl3, R280c73:23 to Monte Christi, W. I. , PD19Mr67: 23 to Nfd. ,R15J173sll to Phila. , Pa. , D4Ap77: 21 — P4Ap77sll to Pondicherry, India, PD15J173: 32 to Quebec, Can. , D31Ag76: 12, P30Ag76: 22— D31Ag76: 22, D31Ag76: 21, D4Ap77: 21-- P4Ap77sll to R. I. from Brest, Fr. , D21Ag79:21 to St. Domingo, W. I. , PD21S69s21 to Teneriffe, Canary is. , R15J173: 32 to Tunis, PD18O.c70: 11 to U. S. , P28Mr77sl3, D18J177: 11, D8Ap80s22 to U. S. from Brest, Fr. , P27Je77: 23, D2Ap79: 11 to W. I. , 16My45: 32, 31Ja51: 22, R24Je73: 11, PD19My74: 31, PD8D74s22, P17Mr75sll — D18Mr75:21,D9My77: 11, D230c79:22,D6N79:21 to W. I. from Brest, Fr. , PilOAg75: 32--PllAg75: 32 — D12Ag75: 21, D22My79: 21 to W. I. from France, D24Ap79: 21 to W. I. from Toulon, Fr. , Pil3Ap75: 31, PilOAg75: 32 — PllAg75: 32— D12Ag75: 21, PllAg75: 12--D12Ag75: 11 transports destroyed by British, 3Ap46:41 transports lost in Bay of Biscay, PD6Ap69: 13 victory over British investigated in Eng. , D5Mr79: 12 welcomed in Spain, D12F79: 22 widows of sailors provided for, D160c78: 31— P160c78: 21 winter quarters for, DllMr80: 13 See also Exploration by French necklaces, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , R260c69: 23 French Negroes, as slaves, C3J179:41 French nobility, imprisoned for treason, PD27Ag72:23 in London, Eng. , R270c68: 11 jewels described, 13Je45: 12 French officers, arrive in Boston, Mass. , D18Ap77: 32, D16My77: 12 — P16My77:21,D8Ag77: 11 in Martinique, W. I , P16My77: 22 in Portsmouth, N. H. , DllAp77: 31 — PllAp77sl2 in Petersubrg, Va. , P25J177: 23 in Phila. , Pa. , D27S76: 22 — P27S76sll offer services to U. S. , P13S76: 31 praised in Newport, R. I. , C19Ag80: 12 recommended by Franklin, P20Je77: 23 support U.S. ,D19D77: 11 French paste earrings, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD290c72: 22 French pearl drop earrings, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD13Ap69: 32— R13Ap69: 31 French Protestants, arrive in Dublin, Ire. , 1D52: 31 emigrate from Guernsey, Channel is. , to East Fla. , PD24S67: 12 from Normandy to East Fla. , PD30Ap67: 22 to Fla. , PD21My67: 13 settle in S. C. , R12My68: 13 French sailors, attempt meeting on British ship, PD80c67: 13 imprisoned in Williamsburg, Va. , 427 French sailors, imprisoned (cont'd) 4J145:31 mistreated by Guinea-men, PD10D67: 11 number in 1751, 7N51:21 number supported by fisheries, PD21Mr66:22 ordered to Fr. , PD15J173: 11 — R15J173sll poisoned by Africans, R31D72: 12 protection against debt collection, PD24S67: 12 riot in Va. , P31Ja77: 12 scarcity of, 19D55.21 French sprigs, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , R260c69: 23 French transports, captured by British, D26Mr79: 21 in Newport, R. I. , C19Ag80: 11 number built, D20c79: 11 to Martinique, W. I. , from Fr. , P13Je77:21 wrecked at sea, D25Mr80: 22 French wax bows, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD140c73: 23 French wax earrings, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD290c72: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD9J172: 31, PD29Ap73: 23 French wax necklaces, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD24Ja71: 31, PD290c72:22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD20Oc68: 23, PD9J172: 31, PD13Ag72: 21, PD29Ap73: 23 Frenchman's bay, Me., See Ships, Prov. , R. I. , recaptured from British in Frerton, John, PD28My67: 32 Frescarob, Capt. , of the Tortola, PD3D72: 12— R3D72:21 Freshes, at Rappahannock falls, Va. , 21Ap38:32 at Quantico, Va. , warehouse, PD25J171: 22— RlAg71: 32 damage tobacco in Va. , PD8Ag71: 22 — R8Ag71:23,R170c71:23 in Buckingham co. , Va. , PD22Ag71: 33 in Falmouth, Va. , PD25J171: 22 — RlAg71: 31,R5S71:31 See also Floods Freshkill creek, N. Y. , See Shipwrecks described in Fretag, George, PD10Mr68: 22 Fretwell, Joseph, P23My77: 32 William, Pil7Ag75: 33 — P18Ag75sll — D19Ag75: 33 Freval, [John Baptist de], author, PD25F68: 41, PD29N70: 21, PD13D70: 42, PD3 Ja71: 42, PD17Ja71: 42, PD24Ja71: 42, PD7F71:42, PD21F71:42, PD7Mr71: 42, PD21Mr71: 42, PD28Mr71: 42, D25N75: 11, D30D75: 11, D24F76: 43, D2Mr76:41,D9Mr76:41, D25My76:43 Freyberg, Silesia, See Fires in Friars, enlist in Spanish army, PD4Ap71:21 Friar's balsam, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD30J172: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD270c68: 32 — R270c68: 22, PD13Ap69: 32 — R13Ap69: 32, PD17Ag69: 33 — R17Ag69: 23, PD7Je70: 31 — R14Je70: 33, PD29N70: 22, PD13D70: 43, PDlxAp71: 32, PD2J172: 32, PD10Je73: 22, PD4N73:22— R4N73:31 Friend, Capt , 13Ja38: 41, 7Ap38: 41, 28J138:41,23My45:32 of the Carteret, 10Oc45: 32 Charles, 24Ag39: 41 Charles, Capt. , accident of, 21J138:31 of the Brothers, 10c36: 42 of the Carteret, 18Ap45: 32, 4J145: 3, 29My46: 4 of the Gooch, 16Je38: 42, 4Ag38: 42, 25Ag38: 32, 4My39: 41, 4My39: 42, 24Ag39: 22, 24Ag39: 3, 2N39: 2, 25Ja40: 12, 25Ja40:3 of the Loyal Friend, 9S37: 42 Edward, 24Ag51: 32, 240c55: 31, PD20Ag72: 32, P3N75: 12 Joseph, R16Je74: 31 Nathaniel, PD27My73: 23, D18Mr75: 33 Thomas, Capt. , of the Henry and Benjamin, 26N36: 42, 3Je37: 41 Friend, pseud. , P22S75: 32 Friend Good Will, schooner, D10Oc77:31 Friend in time of need, pseud. , DlAp80: 12 Friend to America, pseud. , Pi8D74:21,Pi26Ja75: 11, P7Je76: 32 Friend to the American cause, pseud. , P16F76s23 Friend to both kingdoms, pseud. , R14F71:23 Friend to the constitution, pseud. , PD30Oc66: 12 Friend to equal liberty, pseud. , D24Ap78: 12 Friend to liberty, pseud. , R7J168: 21, R26Ap70: 12, Pi2F75: 13, Pi9F75:32,P21Ap75s43, Pi22Je75: 11, C30Oc79: 22 Friend to mankind, pseud. , R7F71: 31 Friend to religion, pseud. , C6N79: 31 Friend to society, pseud. , PD5N67: 22 Friend to that province, pseud. , PD28N71:23 Friend to the true interests of Britain in America, pseud. , R14Ja73:31 Friend to truth, pseud. , R21Ap74: 11, Pil2Ja75: 23, Pi2Mr75: 21, P15Mr76s23— D16Mr76: 33 Friend to Virginia, pseud. , R14Je70:21 Friend to Virtue, pseud. , D3Ag76: 41, P21Mr77: 12 Friendly, Mr. , land of, P5J176: 33 Friendly address to all reasonable Americans, criticized, Pi26Ja75:23, P3F75: 11 Friendly brothers of St. Patrick's, N. Y. ,PD18Ap71:31 Friendly Trader, ship, P19J176: 13 — D29J176: 11 Friends, schooner, PD10F74: 23 ship, PD7Ja68: 33, PD17Ag69: 32 Friends Adventure, sloop, 24D36:42, 25Mr37:41 Friend's Advice, ship, PD10Je73: 11 Friends Goodwill, brig, R260c69: 12 ship, PD30Mr69:21 Friendship, armed vessel, D13J176: 71 brig, 7N51: 22, PD18F68: 23, PD20Ap69:22, R7F71: 31, PD4Mr73: 33— R4Mr73: 32, D29N76: 32 brigantine, PD24My70: 23, PD23Je74: 22 H. M. S. ,D14S76:41 packet, PD21S69: 23— R21S69: 31 schooner, 30c51: 22, 22S52: 32, R11F68:31,PD22D68:23, PD6Ja74: 32, PD10Mr74: 31, R17Mr74: 23 — PD14Ap74: 31, C20N79: 12--D20N79: 21 ship, 28S39: 41, 260c39: 32, 4J145: 3, 10Oc45: 3, 5D45: 41, 12D45: 42, 30c51: 32, 27F52: 32, 29S52: 31. 60c52: 32, 10N52: 22, 24N52: 22, 30N59: 32, PD23My66: 23, PD27N66: 22, PD12Mr67: 32, PD9Ap67: 23, PD12N67: 21, PD18F68: 23, PD7Ap68: 21, PD30Je68: 23 — R7J168:22,R1S68:24 — PD29S68: 22. PD130c68: 22. PD270c68: 33, PD270c68: 42, R24N68:21,PD8D68: 13, PD26Ja69: 12, R16F69: 11, PD20Ap69: 23, PD15Je69: 31 PD29Je69: 32, R20J169: 33 — PD27J169: 33, PD10Ag69: 32, R14S69: 22, PD28S69s23, PD9N69: 22, PD23N69: 22, R23N69: 22, R8F70: 23, PD24My70: 23, PD27S70: 31, PD1N70: 22, PD31Ja71: 21, PD31Ja71: 23, PD21F71: 32, PD23Ja72: 22, PD30Ja72: 32, PD27F72: 22 — R27F72:22, PD25Je72:31, PD150c72: 13, PD29J173: 22 — R29J173:23, PD9S73: 31, R280c73: 32, PD6Ja74: 32, PD24Mr74: 31, PD7J174: 23, PD8D74s22, D4F75: 31, P23Je75: 31, D25N75:23, P12J176s21, D24Ag76:32,D14S76:22, D14F77:31--P14F77:31, P4Ap77:31,D16Ap79:21 sloop, 3Je37:41, 22J137:41, 23Ja46:41, PD13J169: 23, PD7S69:31--R7S69:32, R26J170: 13, R12My74: 41, PD19My74:42, R1S74: 23, P6S76:42— P7S76:31 snow, PD4Ag68: 21--R4Ag68: 21, PD4Je72: 32 transport, PD60c68: 13— R60c68: 14, PD60c68: 22, D12Ag75: 22, D2S75: 12, D29J176: 12 Friendship fire co. , Phila. , Pa. , PD23N69:21 Friendship Goodwill, ship, 20F52: 41 Frier, Robert, R150c72: 32 Frierson, Aaron, Pi2Mr75: 31 John, D8J175: 23 See also Accidents in Friesland, Holl. , 11J146: 21, 26S55: 11 Frieze, for sale, 12F62: 42 at Kemp's landing, Va. , D19Mr79: 31 in Cobham, Va. , P29S75: 33 — Pi50c75:33 in Edenton, N. C. , D12F79: 41 in King and Queen co. , Va. , 2S57:32 428 Fuller in Norfolk, Va. , PD8N70: 23, PD1S74:32, PD22S74: 32 in Petersburg, Va. , PD6N66: 21, PD8Mr70: 33, PD18Oc70: 31 — R18Oc70:22 in Richmond, Va. , PD3S67: 32, PD30S73: 31--R30S73: 32 in Shockoe, Va. , PD22S68: 23 — R22S68: 24 in Suffolk, Va. , 5Mr52: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. . 30N59: 32, PD15F70: 41. PD4Oc70: 31, PD29Ag71: 31, PD290c72: 22 — R290c72: 22. PD23S73: 23 — R23S73:32 in Yorktown, Va. , 4J145: 42, 29My46: 32 lost, adv for. PD22Ag71:33 Frieze mills, in Nansemond co. , Va. , 27My75: 42 Frigate bay, W. L , See Shipwrecks in Frigate d' Affairs, East Indiaman, 20Je45: 22 Fright. Matthew, P25J177: 31 Fringe, for sale, 12F62: 42 in Cabin Point, Va, , D18J177: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD20Oc68: 23, PD9J172: 31, PD150c72: 31 Frique, Samuel, R13D70: 41 Frisbie, Levi, Rev. Mr. , PD25Je72: 23 Frith, George, D26F79: 32 Joseph, PD30My66: 32 Richard, Capt. , of the Joseph and John, 29My46: 4 Thomas, P16Je75:31— D17Je75: 33 — Pi22Je75:33 Frognell, Capt. , of the Duke of Dorset. 3Ap46: 22 Frogs, captured by Americans, D13Ja76:42 for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. , 7N54:41 Frog's point, N. Y. , See Fires at Frohock. John, P30c77: 22 [John] Col. ,R15Ag71:23 Thomas, PD14Ja73: 31--R14Ja73: 32, P30c77: 22 Froman, Paul, P27Je77: 42 Frontiniac, produced in Fr. , PD18Mr73: 31 Frost, Capt , R26My68: 23, PD16Ja72: 32, PD18Ag74: 13 John, PD23Ap67: 32 Peter, PD14Ja73: 32 Samuel, D27My75: 31 Thomas, PD21J168: 33, PD26Ag73: 32 Frost, in Bordeaux, Fr. , PD17S67: 11 in Den. , 9My45: 21 in Eng. , R14Ap68: 21 in Gt . Brit. , PD21Ap68: 12 in London, Eng. , PD16Ap67: 11 in Newcastle, Eng. , R13S70: 22 in N. C. , PD16Je74sl2 in Poland, PD18Ag74: 21 — R18Ag74:21 in Ratisbon, Bavaria, PD18Ap66: 23 in S. C. , 29My52: 22. R9Je74s23, PD16Je74sl2 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD12My74: 42 Frostbite, cure for, PD14J168: 32 in Boston, Mass. , R25Mr73: 22 in Hyde Park, Eng. , PD16Mr69: 21 Frost's point, See Shipwrecks on Froth, Charles, Sir, Tory in N. Y. , Pi26Ja75: 13 Samuel, D1J175: 31 Fruit, boycotted in Va. Association, PD25My69: 11— RUe69: 13 damaged by frost, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD12My74:42 damaged bv snow, in N. Y. , PD26My74: 22 destroyed by storm, R4N73: 12 exported from Eng. , D14Mr77: 22 import to British colonies, N. Am. , direct, discussed, PD13Je66: 23, PD5S66sl3 — R5S66:31, PD30J167: 23 imported to Beaumaris from Lisbon, Port. , 27Ag56: 11 imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from New York City, 20Oc52: 21, 24N52: 22, 28F55: 31, 19D55:22 imported to Jamestown, Va. , P27S76sl2 imported to New York City, from St. Christopher, W. L , P16Ag76: 23 imported to Phila. , Pa. , from Cadiz, Sp. ,D15My79:21 from St Martin's, W. L, P6D76: 23 lost at sea, DlMy79: 12 market for in Gt. Brit. , R14F71: 22 ordered for Va. from Lisbon, Port. , P26Ap76s22 plentiful in Edinburgh, Scot. , PD12S71: 22 in Staffordshire, Eng. , PD8Ag71: 22 in Yorkshire, Eng. , PD15Ag71: 13 plundered from shipwreck, 18J151: 31 seized from British ships, Pi260c75: 23, P31My76: 12 — Dl Je76: 12, P7Je76: 31, D2Ap79: 21, D28Ag79:21,D20c79:21, D26F80:21 seized from French ships, 12D55: 11 Fruit, artificial, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD29S74: 32 Fruit, dried, imported to Algiers, D4N75: 12 Fruit trees, at Porto Bello, Va. , PD140c73: 31— R140c73: 32 cut down near Phila. , Pa. , by British, P5Je78:21 for sale, in Surry co. , Va. , 15D52: 31, 26S55: 32, 4N63: 41, PD17S7L32 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from New York City, PD26Ja69: 32 in Charles City co. , Va. , PD1S74: 32 — R1S74: 33 in Cumberland co. , Va. , PD4F73: 31 — R4F73:23 in Frankfort, Ger. , 21F51: 22 Fry, Col. , 5Mr52: 32, PD2N69:33 — R2N69: 32 commands on Va. frontier, PD26S66: 11 Mr , 3Ap46: 42, PD17S71: 32 Christopher, PD25Oc70: 31 Henry, PD23F69: 32--R23F69: 22, D15Ap75: 32, D18My76: 23 — P24My76: 43, P25Ap77: 31 John, R25Ja70: 11— PD15F70: 23 John, Col. , PD23F69: 32 — R23F69: 22, D18My76: 23 — P24My76:43 Joseph, PD14J168: 21— R14J168: 21 Joshua, 5Ja39: 41, 27F52: 32, HAp55: 31, R14Ja73: 13, R25N73: 41 Robert, R26J170: 22, PD9Ja72: 31, D21F77: 12, D14N77: 31, P5D77: 23 Samuel, D31Ag76: 31 Fry and Jefferson's map, HAp55: 31 Fryatt, Bartholomew, R12 J170: 23 Frye, Joseph, Major, 310c55: 11 Peter, PD28J168: 21— R28J168: 21, R22S74: 32, PD270c74: 21 Peter Pickman, P13Je77: 22 William, 310c51:31 Fryer, Capt. , of the Hope, PD18Ja70: 32— R18Ja70: 31 Fryers. Capt. , of the Charlotte, PD3Je73: 23 Fryet, Bartholomew, 14D39: 32 Fubbs, British ship, 25Ja40: 2 H. M yacht, 20Je45: 22 H. M.S. ,24Ja52: 31 Fudge, John, R12J170: 43, PD22N70: 31, D22N76: 32 William, Capt. , of the Randolph, R25D66: 13, PD22Ja67: 31 Fudkins, Gray, P9My77: 23 Fuel, bounties on import to Prussia, PD18Mr73:21 export from Dinwiddie co. , Va. , forbidden, P29D75: 23 from Essex co. , Va. , to Norfolk, Va , prohibited, D18N75: 31 from Henrico co. , Va. , regulated, P24N75: 13 fees in Rev. Booth's academy, Va. , PD27N66:23 high price, in Fredericksburg, Va. , P12D77:31 scarce in Austria, PD25Mr73: 12 in Boston, Mass. , Pi7S75: 11, PilOJa76: 21— P12Ja76: 22 — D13Ja76: 22, PilOJa76: 22 — P12Ja76: 23— D13Ja76: 23, D20Ja76:21, P26Ja76:21 in New York City, D31Ja77: 61, D26F80:21 in Quebec, Can. , P22Mr76: 22, P19Ap76pl2 in R. L, P14F77:22 in St. John's, Can. , Pi9N75:31 — P10N75:22— D11N75:31 seized from British ship, P29D75sl2 Fugate, Randolph, P20Je77sll Fugler, William, P9My77sl2 Fulcher, William, P14N77: 33 Fulford, George, Pi23Mr75: 33 — D25Mr75:31 John, Capt , of the Mary Feuron, C28Ag79: 33 Fulgham, Charles, P26Ap76s23, P18Ap77sll Joseph, Capt. , of the Commerce, 28F55:31 Fulgham' s warehouse, Va. , P25Ag75: 81 Fulham, Eng. , See Bounties Fulke, William, author, 24My51: 32 Fulkerson, Fulker, P29Ag77: 41 Fulks, Thomas, D31J179: 32 Winny, P22N76:31 Fullam, Baker, P17N75sl2 Fuller, Capt. , of the Aurora, R7S69: 11 429 Fuller, Capt. (cont'd) prepares address to Hutchinson, PD1N70: 13 Mr. , opposes Massachusetts government act, PD18Ag74: 13 opposes Quebec act, Pil30c74: 11 Elizabeth, PD2F69: 31 Peeke, R26My74: 23 [Rose], PD2My66: 11, PD2My66: 13, PD19My74: 22, PD19My74: 32, R9Je74sll, Pil3Ap75:31 Fullers, adv. for, at Mount Prodigal, Va ,P4J177:31 in Chesterfield co. , Va. , D4D78:31 in Nansemond co. , Va. , D27S76: 12, D31Ja77:81 in Stafford co. , Va. , P160c78: 23 Fullers earth, smuggled in Gt. Brit. , PD2J167: 13 Fuller's shears, for sale, at Hunter's ironworks, Va. , P21Je76: 31 — D22Je76:32,D15N76:22 — P20D76: 22, D4J177: 12 Fullerton, Capt. , PD10D67: 23, PD24D67:31, PD3D72: 12 of the Earl of Bute, PD30J167: 32 Alexander, 18J151:41 John, Rev. Mr. , 10S36: 22 William, Capt. , of the Earl of Bute, PD6Ag67: 32 of the Jenny, PD22D68: 23 — R22D68: 12, PD22D68: 31 — R22D68: 12, PD27J169: 32, PD2N69: 31, PD16N69: 22, R16N69: 22, PD7Je70: 31 Fulligar, John, P10Oc77: 32 Mary, Mrs. , P10Oc77: 32 Fulling, adv. of, in Fredericksburg, Va , P17Ja77:42 price of, PD4J166: 32, PD14Je70: 32 — R14Je70: 33 teaching of, adv. , P17Ja77: 22 Fulling mills, adv. of, in Cabin Point, Va. , Pi24Ag75: 33-- P25Ag75: 72--D26Ag75: 32, D9Mr76: 23--P15Mr76: 32 in Chesterfield co. , Va. , P180c76:23 in Hanover co. , Va. , Pi20D75: 42 in Lunenburg co. , Va. , D24F76: 32 in Richmond co. , Va. , P12Ap76: 33 — D20Ap76: 33 in Surry co. , Va. , PD30D73: 31 — R13Ja74:41 in Westmoreland co. , Va. , R7S69: 33--PD21S69: 31, PD14Je70: 32--R14Je70: 33 for sale, in Caroline co. , Va. , PD12Mr72: 32--R12Mr72: 31, PD18Je72: 32 in Albemarle co. , Va. , P22D75: 41 in Hanover co. , Va. , D13D76: 31 in Henrico co. . Va. , PD4J166: 32 in Louisa co. , Va. , D16My77: 12 in Lunenburg co. , Va. , D310c77:22 in Nansemond co. , Va. , D27My75: 42 in Orange co. , N. C. , D160c79: 31 managers adv. for, in Cumberland co., Va. ,R15Je69:31 in Newcastle, Va. , PH4S75: 33 Fulman, John, PD27Ap69: 13 Fulsom's fort, Ga. , DlMy79: 21 See also Prisoners of war, Indians, taken near Fulton, James, PD16Ap67: 31, R27Ap69: 31, PD22Mr70: 33, R20Je71:32 James, Capt. , P31My76: 12 John, Capt. , of the Lark, PD7Ap74: 23 William, Capt. , of the William, PD6Je66:31 Fulwell, John Lewis, PD28My67: 32, D19Mr79:31 Fundom Kiggidos, pseud. , R11F68: 13 Fundy, bay of, N. S. , See Privateers, Marblehead, Mass. , capture British ships in; Privateers, Salem, Mass. , capture British ships in; Shipwrecks in Funeral customs, in Calcutta, India, 24N52: 11 in E. I. , 13Je51: 12 regulated in Ga. , Pi20Ap75: 21 Funeral orations, text of, PH6N75: 11 Funerals, described in Boston, Mass. , PD5Ap70: 21, PD5Ap70: 31 — R5Ap70:41,DllMy76: 33 in Eng. ,D7Ja75: 13 in Hartlebury, Eng. , Pil6F75sll in Kilkenny, Ire. , P24F75: 22 in New York City, Pi9N75: 22 in Norfolk, Va. , PD7Ap68: 22 in Phila. , Pa. , Pi9N75: 23 — P10N75:22— D11N75: 23 in Va. ,PD18Oc70sll in Phila., Pa. , D25S79: 21 in Williamsburg, Va . , P29N76: 22 number in Boston, Mass. , PllAg75p21--D12Ag75: 33 Funey, Christopher, Capt. , of the Frances, 20Oc52: 21 Funk, Henry, PD16N69: 31 Jacob, PD29Ja67: 13,PD18F68: 31 John, 12D55:31,IR30My71:23 Funnell, Peter, R19My74: 43 Funnels, captured by Americans, D13Ja76:42 for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , D24Ag76: 61, D27S76: 42 in Williamsburg, Va , 60c52: 32 See also Glass; Tin Fuqua, Joseph, P6Je77: 13 Moses, PD4Ap66: 33, P18Ag75: 42 Thomas, P240c77: 32 William, PD19N72: 32 Fuqua' s ferry, Va. , PD9My71:33, P8Ag77: 42 Fur hats, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166:23 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD22N70s23, PD29N70: 31--R29N70: 31 Fur muffs, for sale, in London, Eng. , PD7Je70: 33 Fur tippets, for sale, in London, Eng. , PD7Je70: 33 Fur trade, in Can. , PD170c71: 13 in Labrador, PD8Ag71: 13 inN. Y. ,28F55:22 of Hudson's bay company, 28F51: 22 superiority in French America, 7N55: 11 Furbush, William, PD3N74: 43 — PU0N74: 32 Furnace, bombship, 11S46: 31, 21N5L22, C20N79: 12 — D20N79:21 H. M. S. , 14Ag46: 21, 24Ja52: 31 sloop, 25S46: 22 sloop of war, 11S46:22 Furnace men, See Slaves as Furnaces, PD28Mr71: 32 — R28Mr71: 33, PD26Mr72: 33 — R23Ap72: 42, PD9Ap72: 33, PD3S72: 23, PD8J173: 32 — R15J173: 33, PD14Ap74: 32 — R14Ap74:32, P12J176: 32, D23Ja78: 31, C30Oc79: 41 adv. of, on Phelp's creek, Va. , D10J178:31 for rent, in Buckingham co. , Va. , P2Ag76: 32 for sale,D19F80:33 in Frederick co. , Md. , R2Ag70: 31 in Salisbury, Conn. , PD23D73: 31 in Anne Arundel co. , Md. , R5Ag73: 23 in Chester co. , PA. , PD14J168: 22 in Fairfax co. , Va. , D19F79: 32 in Frederick co. , Va. , R26S71: 41 in Hanover co. , Va. , 10F38: 41 in Md. , R24D67: 44, R23Ag70: 41 in New York City, P3Mr75s23 in Prince William co. , Va. , PD4Ag68: 31, R30Mr69: 32, RUe69:33, R27F72:32 in Spotsylvania co. , Va. , PD21Je70: 33, PD11J171: 32 in Va. ,PD29Ag66:31 near Baltimore, Md. , P8Ag77: 23 near Broadhill creek, Del.", PD8N70:31 near Fredericksburg, PD29N70:22-- R29N70:23,D5S77:31 of John Semple, PD26Ag73: 31 — R26Ag73: 22 See also Smelting furnaces Furnaces, potash, money subscribed by Va. general assembly, 22Ap57: 32 Furneaux, Capt. , circumnavigates globe, PD20Oc74: 13 of the Adventure, R8S74: 33 of the Syren, D2D75: 21, D13J176: 71, D250c76: 12 Furnell, Capt. , of the Jamaica Planter, PD25J166: 22 John, Capt. , of the Sheerness, 13Je45: 12, 20Je45: 22, 29Ag45: 21 Organ, Capt. , of the Dursley, 14Ag46: 12 Furnice, John, PD6My73: 22 Furniture, abandoned by British on Gwynn's island, Va. , D20J176: 32 burned by British in S. C. , D14Ag79:22 in Va. , C15My79: 22— D15My79: 22 on James is. , S. C. , C3J179: 22 — D3J179: 12 burned in King William co. , Va. , P20D76sl2 destroyed in Boston, Mass. , P12Ap76: 22— D13Ap76: 31 for sale, in Alexandria. Va. , PD20Ag72:31 imported to Va. from Phila. , Pa. , 24N52: 22 plundered by British in Va. , D15My79:22 seized by Americans, on Gwynn's is. , Va. , P19J176: 32 430 Fyson by British in N. J. , D27D76: 41 — P27D76:21 from American ship, P29S75: 31 from British ships, PilOJa76: 21 — P12Ja76: 22--D13Ja76: 23, P180c76: 13. P180c76:21 See also Bed; Black walnut; Bookcase; Bureau; Cabinet; Coffin; Desk; Kitchen; Mahogany; Tea chest; Walnut Furniture, apothecaries' shop, for sale, PD14N71:23 Furniture, cabinetmakers', for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD28S69:31 Furniture, check, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22 Furniture, dairy, for sale, PD26D71: 31 Furniture, store, for sale, in Newcastle, Va. , PD28Ja73: 32 — R4F73:23 Furr, Ephraim, R18Oc70:31 Thomas, R17Mr68: 34 Furs, colonial taxes to be paid in, PD15S68: 12--R15S68: 14 destroyed by fire in Russia, PD7Mr66:21 duties on export from Va. , 22D38:22, 17Ap46:22 in Va. , opposed in Augusta co. , Pi6J175: 13 exported from Am. to Gt. Brit. , PD25Ap66:ll exported from New York City, PD9Ap67: 22 exported from Phila. , Pa. , PD9Ap67:21 exported from York district, Va. , to London, Eng. , 7J138: 41 import to Carenage, St. Lucia, allowed, PD29S68: 22— R29S68: 23 import to Fr. from Gt. Brit. permitted, HMy39:21 import to Lisbon, Port. , from Am. free, PD25Mr73: 21 fromW. L free, PD25Mr73: 21 import to Phila. , Pa. , from New York City allowed, R2Ag70: 21 imported to Va. from N. C. , 20J139:41. 25Ja40: 4 seized by Spanish from French, PD19Ag73: 13 seized from Spanish ship, D25Mr80:22 seized on Miss, river, P29My78: 22 stored in Can. by French, 3 J146: 22 See also Bear; Beaver; Cat; Fox; Hides and skins; Marten; Musquash; Otter; Wolf; Wolvering skins Fursland, John, 14Ag52: 31 Fury, Honor, PD170c66: 31 Fury,, frigate, D 10 J179: 12 privateer, D8Ap80: 11 Furze seeds, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD3D67: 32, PDllAp71: 32, PD12D71: 32 Fuser, Lt. Col., commands Fla. Rangers, DllAp77:32,D2My77:61 Fuses, captured by Americans, D13Ja76: 42 at Great bridge, Va. , P15D75: 22, P15D75: 23 lost, adv. for, D23S75: 32 seized from British at Fort Nassau, New Providence, W. L , D4My76: 32 seized from Spanish ship, 23Ja46:31 Fustian, for sale, 12F62: 42 in Norfolk, Va. , PD22N70: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , 7N54: 42 in Yorktown, Va. , 4J145: 42, 29My46: 32, PD25F68: 31 — R25F68:31 plentiful in S. C. , PD14D69: 12 Fustian manufacture, in Prince George co. , Va. , D18N75: 32 Fustic, amount in Jamaica, W. L , estimated, 1767, DllMr75: 23 exported from New York City, PD9Ap67: 22 for sale, at Leonard's town, Md. , 7N45:41 in Edenton, N. C. , D12F80: 32 — C19F80:41 in Petersburg, Va. , PD30J172: 32, PD10Je73: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD12D71: 32, D13N78:22,DlMy79: 22, D29Ja80: 41, C15J180:22 in Yorktown, Va. , 10Ja77: 33 imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from St. Thomas, W. L , R8Ag66: 22 lost at sea, P230c78: 21 seized from British ships, P21Je76: 21— D22Je76: 51, P20S76: 21— D21S76: 12 P3Ja77sl3 Fustic galls, for sale, in Petersburg, Va., PD14J174:32 Fuz, James, Capt. , P10My76: 21 — DllMy76:32 Fyson, Walter, 2S57: 41 431 Gable, John, 240c55: 21 Gabriel, George, PD25F68: 22 Gabrielli, Signora, PD4Je67: 13 Gabrouskie, Count, arrives in N. Y. , P21N77:21 Gaby, Joseph, 18Ap55: 22 Gadberry, John, P10Ja77: 32 Gaddey, Richard, D3Ag76: 32 Gaddis, Capt. , of the Holker, D24J179: 22 Gaden, ship, PD16S73: 21 Gadsden, Mr., of Charleston, S.C., R26J170: 12 Christopher, builds bridge to Sullivan's island, D9My77: 31 delegate from S. C. to Continental congress, R1S74: 22, R8S74: 32, Pi270c74: 23, P10Mr75sl3, P31Mr75s21 delegate from S. C. to Stamp act congress, 250c65s23 entertains in Fort Moultrie, D15Ag77:21 of 1st S. C. regiment, D15J175: 21, P12J176s22 on committee of Congress on colonial grievances, D21Ja75: 12 pasture of, PD8D68: 12 promoted to Brig. Gen. by Continental congress, P27S76sll signs Association of 1774, PD3N74:12— Pi4N74: 12 James, R20Je71: 31 Gaedon, Capt. , of the Rainbow, DUMr75:31 Gaffney, Jane, PD16Ag70: 41, R27S70: 33 Terrance, PD16Ag70: 41, R27S70: 33 Gaffs, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD3D67: 32 Gaffs, cock, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PDllAp66: 41, PD4Je67: 33, PD28S69: 31, PDllAp71: 32, PD12D71: 32 Gagahagan, John, PD11N73: 23 — R11N73:23 Gage, Gen. , R21My72: 23 Lord Viscount, as governor of Leeward is. , 9Je38: 32,16Je38: 31, 18Ag38: 22, 130c38:32 Thomas, Gen. , gov. of Mass. , R3Mr68:31,D13Ja76:41 address (text) to Mass. provincial congress, PD10N74: 12 address to N. Y. chamber of commerce, PD8J173: 31— R8J173: 31 address (text) to Worcester co. , Mass. , PD10N74: 12 addressed by Episcopal clergy of Boston, Mass. , R16Je74: 23— PD30Je74: 21 addressed by Mass. council quoted, R17N68: 11 addressed by merchants of Salem, Mass. , PD14J174: 22 addressed (text) by selectmen of Plymouth co. , Mass. , P116Mr75: 31— D18Mr75: 23 addressed on departure for Eng. , D11N75: 23 addresses of, 1774, PD16Je74s21, PD7J174:22,R7J174:23 — PD14J174: 22, PD60c74: 22, PD60c74: 23 addresses (text) of, 1775, D18N75: 23, D18N75:31 aid in suppressing American riots authorized, PD7Mr66: 23 applies to N. Y. for troops, Pi5Ja75:22 appointed gov. of Boston, Mass. , R2Je74: 13 appointed gov. of British colonies, N. Am. , D140c75: 32, Pi260c75: 11— D280c75: 13 appointed governor of Mass. , PD19My74: 33, PD26My74: 31— R26My74: 31, PD9Je74: 21, R9Te74sll appoints council, R1S74: 22 appoints secretary, Pi2F75: 31 assassination predicted in Eng. , Pi29D74: 12 attempts capture of cannon in Salem, Mass. ,D25Mr75:23 attitude toward command, P21Ap75s23— D22Ap75: 13 blamed for American revolution, Pil5Je75: 32 blockades Boston, Mass. ,D7Ja75: 22 burned in effigy, R4Ag74: 31, D7Ja75:23 buys military stores, PD20Oc74s21 calls disarming of America impossible, P5My75s43 calls general court, D13My75: 22 celebrates George Ill's birthday, PD30Je68:22 character of, PD9Je74: 13, PilD74: 12 Charlestown, Mass. , burned by, D25My76: 33 children named for,D25My76: 11 commandeers fire engines in Boston, Mass. , P16Je75: 13, P16Je75s21 commissioner to colonies rumored, P15Mr76sl2 Congress' recommendations concerning, PU0N74: 12 — PD10N74: 11 convenes general assembly, PD22S74: 32 criticized, PD10Ag69: 13, D4F75: 11, Pil8My75:32 criticized by general court, PD270c74: 21 criticized by Gen. Lee, PH3J175: 21— D15J175: 11 criticized for administration, R1S 74: 11 criticized for fortifying Boston, Mass.,Pi270c74:21 criticized for leniency, P16Ag76: 21 criticized in Eng. , PD8D74s21, Pil90c75: 21— P20Oc75: 13— D210c75: 21, Pi9N75: 12 declared enemy to colonies, D10Je75:21 defends action of army,D10Je75: 13 demands funds for troops, PD10Ag69: 11— RiOAg69: 12 denies authorship of letter, PD15D74: 21 denies right of meeting in Mass. , D21Ja75:13 destroys Castle William, Mass., Pi31Ag75: 32, P1S75: 22--D2S75: 22, D2S75:32,D9S75:31 discusses attack on Fort William and Mary, N. H. , Pi8Je75: 12 discusses prisoners, P22S75: 22, Pil20c75: 11— P130c75sll— D140c75:32 dismisses disturber from British army, P10Mr75s21— DllMr75: 31 dismisses Col. Hancock, R8S74: 31, Pi270c74: 13 dispatches of, R5Ja69: 11 dissolves general assembly, PD7J174: 22, PD14J174: 22, Pi20Oc74:21 distributes Tory papers to British in Boston, Mass. ,D22Ap75: 22 embassies from Conn. ,D27My75: 31 entertained in N. Y. , PDU173: 31— R1J173:31 establishes secret service in colonies, P7J175: 21 family comes to America, PD2Je74:22.R2Je74:13 favors reconciliation with colonies, D16Mr76:23 forbids removal of gunpowder, PD29S74: 31 forbids town meetings, PD8S74: 22 — R8S74:32,R22S74:32 forced to leave Boston, Mass. , rumored, D22Ap75: 13 fortifies Boston, Mass. , P2Je75s23 godfather to Grenville Temple, PD24N68:22 granted power to pardon, PD14J174: 21, PD4Ag74: 22— R4Ag74: 31, D8J175: 23 grants pardons in America, P26Ap76: 11 heads troops in colonies, PD20Ag72: 22 health of, Pil7Ag75: 32— D19Ag75: 31 imaginary dialogue with Wolfe, Pi2Mr75: 13 in battle of Lexington and Concord, Pi4My75: 23— P5My75s33 — D6My75: 13 in Boston, Mass. , PD10N68: 21, R9Je74s21— PD16Je74: 21, PD1S74: 22, PD8S74: 22, PU6F75: 23, D13Ja76: 13 in French and Indian war, 16Ja61: 11 in London, Eng. , PD23S73: 21, R210c73: 11, PD5My74: 13, R26My74: 23, P16F76: 23 — D17F76:31,D24F76:31 inaugurated gov. of Mass. , PD2Je74: 22 informed of minutemen, PD22S74: 31— R22S74: 32 inhabitants refuse supplies to, D22Ap75:21 instructions to, D26Ag75: 11 issues army orders, PD26Ja69: 31— R26Ja69:22 judicial power granted to, PD9Je74: 22 letter from Gov. Carleton, D10Je75:22 letter from Continental congress, PU0N74: 12— PD10N74: 11, D28Ja75:ll letter (text) from Gamble, Pi2N75: 12 letter (text) from Junius Americanus, Pi27Qc74: 12, PU5D74: 23 432 Gage letter from Capt. Squire, P26Ja76:13 letter (text) from Trumbull, D10Je75: 12 letter to captured by Americans, DU175:32,Pi6J175:31 letter to Peyton Randolph, PU0N74: 31--PD10N74: 12, Pi2F75:22— D4F75: 12 letter to soldiers under, Pi9F75: 11 letters from received, PD7S69: 23 — R7S69:23 letters to Earl of Dartmouth, Pil3Ap75: 31 letters to Earl of Hillsborough PD2N69:12,R25Ag74:22 may order army from W.I. , PD17N74:21 mediates between Indian tribes, PD9Je68:21 meeting with Putnam, D12Ag75: 21 meets with Mass. council, PD2Je74:23 N.Y. frontier requests protection from, PD3D72: 12--R3D72: 22 offers reward for capture of Gen. Putnam, D70c75:23 opposed by army, Pi24Ag75: 33 opposed by Continental congress, D21Ja75:13,Pi2F75:31— P3F75sll— DllF75sll opposed by ministry, P60c75: 21 opposed in Eng. , Pi8D74: 21, Pi5Ja75:22,P10F75:22, P21Ap75s22— D22Ap75: 12, P18Ag75:21--D19Ag75:31 opposed in Mass. , PD24N74: 21, D16D75: 33 opposed in parliament, R19J170: 21, D25Mr75:21 opposed in S. C. , PD270c74: 12 opposed in Va. , Pi8D74: 21, Pil2Ja75: 12 opposes American post office, PD1S74:22 ordered to arrest revolutionary leaders, Pi28Ap75sl2 — D29Ap75s32 ordered to Eng. , PD16Mr69: 11 ordered to leave Boston, Mass. , D2S75: 12 orders blankets, Pi29S74: 33, PD60c74:32,PilD74:23 orders election of delegates to general court, Pi270c74: 31 orders fortifications on Boston neck, Mass. ,PD29S74:31 orders of (text), D20Ja76: 12 orders seizure of arms in Mass. , PD15S74: 31— R15S74: 32 orders seizure of provisions for Boston, Mass.,PillMy75:32 — P12My75sl3--D13My75: 22 orders seizure of ships, P12My75sl3 orders troops to Boston, Mass. , PD270c68: 23, PD3N68: 21— R3N68:24,PD19Ap70:31, DU175:32— Pi6J175: 31 orders troops to Charleston, S. C. , PD27Ap69: 13 orders troops to E. Fla. , R60c68: 21 orders troops to R. I. , R6My73: 22 orders victualling office moved to Boston, Mass. , PilD74:13 — PD1D74:22 petitioned on Boston port bill, R30Je74:32 petitions to against conduct of British army, D15Ap75: 31 poetry on, PD3N74: 41, P120J175: 13, PU3D75: 21 powers of, D4F75:21 praised in Eng. , D24Je75: 22 praised in N. Y. , PD8J173: 31— R8J173:31 proclamation against Associations, PD21J174p22 proclamation of discussed, D10F76:21 proclamation on Association criticized, R1S74: 12 proclamation on morals opposed, R25Ag74:22,R15S74:22 proclamations of, 1774, PD2U174p22 — R2U174: 32, PDllAg74: 13 — RllAg74: 31, PD18Ag74: 23 — R18Ag74: 31, R15S74: 23, Pi20Oc74: 31— PD20Oc74sll, Pi270c74: 31, PU5D74: 13 proclamations (text) of, 1775, D15J175: 22, P21J175: 22, D23S75: 22 proclamations praised in Eng. , D140c75:22 proclamations satirized, R4Ag74: 23, PD25Ag74:22 promised aid from Can. , PD28J174: 22 proscribes Adams and Hancock, D70c75:22 quarrel with Adm. Greaves, Pil7Ag75: 33— P18Ag75: 31— D19Ag75: 32 quarters troops in Boston, Mass. , PD15D74: 31 reaction to discussed, PD21J174p23 recall denied, D18F75: 23, Pi23F75: 21 recall rumored, PD2N69: 22, R23N69: 22, PD21D69: 12, PD12Ag73: 21, D25F75: 13, P17Mr75sl2 — D18Mr75: 22, P14Ap75: 21— D15Ap75: 21, D140c75: 23, Pil90c75: 23, Pi260c75: 31--D280c75: 33, D280c75:21, Pi30N75: 21 receives money from merchants, P26Ja76:12 receives proposition for exchange of prisoners of war, D3Je75: 23 receives protests of Gov. CampbeU, R12Ja69:21 refused landing by British ministry, P15Mr76sll— D16Mr76: 32 refuses to fight Americans, Pi2N75:32— D11N75:23 refuses to receive address of Suffolk co. , Mass. , PD130c74: 13 reinforcements to, RUOc70: 12, D19Ag75: 22 rejects councillors, PD16Je74s21, PD23Je74: 22 relations with ministry, P17F75sll — D18F75:23--Pi23F75:21 releases printers from prison, PU6N75: 23— P17N75: 23 — D18N75:22 replies to address of Mass. council, R17N68: 13 reported prisoner of Americans, P28J175: 11, D29J175: 32, D19Ag75: 22 reports decrease in revolutionary spirit in Boston, Mass. , Pi28Ap75:22 reports (text) on battle of Bunker Hill, Pi20J175: 33, Pil90c75: 21— P20Oc75: 13— D210c75: 13 reports on battle of Lexington and Concord, P12My75sll--D13My75: 22, D20My75:32 reports on military conditions, D6Ja76:21 requests aid from Can. , P21J175: 22 requests reinforcements, P9Je75: 31, PilOAg75: 32— D12Ag75: 22, Pi21S75:31, P60c75:22 requests removal from Boston, Mass. , Pil90c75: 12— D210c75: 12 requests supplies for sufferers in Boston, Mass.,Pi3Ag75:32— D5Ag75:23 resignation rumored, D4F75: 22, Pil7Ag75: 32— P18Ag75: 31— D19Ag75:32,PlS75:23 — D2S75: 32, Pil20c75: 21— P130c75s22 resigns as commander of British army in Boston, Mass. , D26Ag75: 31 reviews British army at Castle William, Mass. , PD30Je74: 13 reviews troops in New York City, PD25Je72: 31 reviews troops in Phila. , Pa. , PD19N67:21 sale of arms to opposed, PD270c74: 22 sale of blankets to opposed, Pi60c74: 32 satire on, R25Ag74: 13, PD270c74: 13 secretary's death, Pil9Ja75: 23 seizes provisions from inhabitants in Boston, Mass. ,D17Je75: 23 sends flag to Washington, Pi3Ag75: 32 sends Tory leaders to N. C. , P15Mr76s21 shelters Tories, Pi2F75: 23 soldiers complain to against army, D11F75:22 son's death, D7Ja75:21 spies of, D21Ja75:23 supported in Boston, Mass. , Pil3Ap75:32 supported in Marshfield, Mass. , D18F75:23 surveys Mill creek in Boston, Mass. , PD29S74: 31 titles for rumored, P26My75:12,P5Ja76:31 to America rumored, D9D75: 12, D8Je76: 31 to Boston, Mass. , PD270c68: 31, PD9Je74:22,PD29S74:31, P8Mr76: 22— D9Mr76: 21 to Eng. , PD27Ag72: 32, PD18Mr73: 13, RlAp73:21, PD1J173: 32-- R1J173: 31, P270c75sll, P3N75: 22, Pi9N75: 22--P10N75: 21, D11N75: 22, PU6N75: 32 to Eng. rumored, R70c73: 11, Pi23F75: 12, P31Mr75sl2, P14Ap75s23 — D15Ap75:22,D22Ap75:12, D12Ag75:23,Pi2N75:32 — P3N75:23,D13Ja76:13 to New York City, PD12Ja69: 21— R12Ja69:22,R19Ja69:22 to Salem, Mass. , PD23Je74: 13-- R23Je74:23,PD30Je74:13 433 Gage, Thomas, Gen. (cont'd) to stop communication with Boston, Mass. , Pil30c74: 31 treachery of in Boston, Mass. , P2F76s22 treatment of inhabitants of Boston, Mass. , P19My75s22, D12Ag75: 13, P26Ja76:21 twins born, PD7Ja68: 32 visited by Earl of Dunmore, P30Je75sl2 warns against settlement on Ohio, R10Mr74: 13 warns Va. about Indian troubles, PDlAg66: 23, PD31Mr68: 21 wife arrives in Eng. ,D23D75:22 wife sails for Eng. , D9S75: 31 withholds information concerning tea, R7J174: 31 William, PD13J169: 23, D7Ja75: 21 Zachariah, Capt. , R26Ag73s22 Gages, shoemakers tools, taken by convict servants, llMy39: 42 Gaghseonghwa, N.Y. , burned by Americans, D90c79: 21 Gahagan, William, R6J169: 32 Gail, John, 7N54s21 Gaillard, John, PD14Ja73:32 Gaine, Mr. , D8N76: 12 Hugh, accused of lies, P16My77: 22 adv. for runaway apprentice, PD3S72: 23 of the New York gazette, PD7J174:21 of N. Y. mercury, R20J169: 21, PD17Ja71: 13, PD17Ja71: 21 opposed in Suffolk co. , N. Y. , Pi23Mr75: 32 prints exaggerated battle reports, D28Mr77: 62 takes subscription for Gale's Complete surveyor, PD22J173.-32 Gaine & Parker, PD15D68: 13 Gaines, Betty, P6Mr78: 32 Daniel, adv. finding horse, R4D66: 32 adv. slaves for sale, Pi60c74: 32— PD60c74: 33 adv. stallions for hire, P27Mr78: 31, D26Mr79: 31, D4Mr80: 31 associator of Amherst co. , Va. , R13D70: 23 obtains judgment against Joseph Magann, R16Je74: 31 Francis, 15J137: 42, PD14Ap68: 31, R9Je68: 41, R30N69: 33, P8N76s21, PI4N77:33 Francis, Capt. , PD4Ag74: 23 Harry, 27Mr52: 31, 18Je52: 22, PD29Ag66: 23,D5Ag75: 33, D25J177: 41--P25J177: 41, D18Mr80: 33 Harry, Major, death of, PD16J167: 33 land of, PD12N67: 21, PD28Ap68: 22— R28Ap68: 24, PD15F70: 31 — R15F70: 31, P12S77: 32--D19S77: 32 slaves of, PD12N67: 23, R24D67: 31 Henry, P8N76s21 Henry, Major, slave of, PD1D74: 31 James, P10Oc77: 32, P14N77: 31 Richard, R13J169: 33, PD14N71: 31, R15Ap73: 32, P23My77: 13 Thomas, Ensign, P4J177sll William, P10J178: 41 William Fleming, P7Mr77: 32, P14Mr77: 33 Gainsborough, Eng. . See Imports to York district, Va. , from Gainsford, Eng. , See Deer in Gaist, Thomas, PD2F69: 3l Gaitskill, Capt. , of the Russia Merchant, 16Ja61: 41 John, PDllMy69: 32 John, Capt., of the Mayflower, 22S52: 32 of the Tayloe, 13Je51: 32, 7Ag52: 31, 22S52: 32 Galaspie, George, P5Je78: 12 Mary, Mrs. , P5 Je78: 12 Galatea, British ship, D1N76: 21 gun ship, P8N76: 21 H. M. S. , P28Mr77sl3, D8Ag77: 21, D22My79: 21 ship, D15Ag77: 21, D14Ag79: 21 Galba, pseud. , Pil4S75: 31 Galbanum, for sale, in Richmond, Va. , 5S55: 32 Galbraith, Capt. , of the Fannie, PD15S68: 23--R15S68: 24, PD14N71: 21, PD7My72: 23 of the Lord Anson, PD18Ap66: 13 of the Nelly, 30c51: 32, 7Ag52: 31, PD23J172: 31 Charles, D9Mr76: 31 Robert, PD20Ag72: 23 Galbreath, Hugh, P3Ap78: 11 Thomas, P29Ag77: 41 Galden, Jesse, P9My77: 33 Gale, Mr. , assemblyman in N. Y. , 23N39: 41 of N. Y. , PD17Ja71: 22— R17Ja71: 13 opposes second Continental congress, P17Mr75s31— D18Mr75: 31 slave of, 16Ja61: 41 Charles, PD2D73: 31 George, HAp55: 21 Jethro, PD12N67: 23 John, D17Je75: 32, P130c75: 11— D210c75: 32 John, Capt. , C28Ag79: 33 Joseph, Capt. , PD21N71: 23 Matthew, R16Je68: 32 Matthew, jr. , P19J176: 42 Miles, PD4Je72: 33 Sa[muel], author, PD22J173: 32 Thomas, 30Ja52: 32, 27F52: 32 Gale, ship, 30c51: 32, 17N52: 22, DlAp75: 31 snow, Pi29S74: 33 Galenists, doctrines of discussed, R5Mr72: 21 Gales, in St. Eustatia, W. I. , PD14N71: 13 on Turk island, W. I. , PD21N71: 21 Galga, H. M. S. , 6J139: 11, 5S51: 12 Galicia, Sp. , See Ships from W. I. to; Storms in Galiskell, Capt. , of the Tayloe, 30c51:32 Gall, Brig. , taken prisoner at Saratoga, D14N77: 21— P14N77: 21 Capt. , of the Dolphin, PD130c68: 22 of the Mediator, D25Ap77: 21 Sanders, PD9Je68: 23 Gall, transport, D29J176: 12 GaUahan, Abraham, Capt. , PD19Mr72: 23 Solomon, PD10Ja71: 42 Gallahue, Charles, RllAg68: 31 Lawrence, P31My76: 23— D8Je76: 22 Gallant, sloop, 24My51: 22 stallion, D7Mr77: 11, D24Ap78: 42 Gallaway, James, PD4N73: 31, D20Ap76: 41 Galleys, P16Ag76: 32 Gallipots, for sale, in Blandford, Va. , PD29Je69: 32, PD21F71: 32 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22 in Petersburg, Va. , PD30J172: 32, PD1J173: 32, PD14J174: 32, D24Ag76:61,D27S76:42 in Princess Anne co. , Va. , PD15Ag66: 31 in Richmond, Va. , PD7Je70: 33, P24My76: 42 in Williamsburg, Va. , 18J151: 41, 15My52: 32, 12F62: 42, PDllAp66: 41, R3N68: 33— PD10N68: 22, PD21S69: 41— R21S69s21, R12J170: 31, PD15Ag71: 32— R15Ag71: 32, PD240c71: 31, PD1S74: 32 near Warwick, Va. , D28F77: 32 Gallison, John, Pil9Ja75: 22 Galloches, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD30Je68: 31 Galloon, for sale, in Yorktown, Va. , PD25F68: 31--R25F68: 31 Gallop, Samuel, Capt. , of the Polly, 28N51: 31 GaUoway, Mr. , horse of, PD15Ap73: 32— R15Ap73: 31 David, adv. for runaway indentured servants, 26S45: 41 adv. for schooner and cargo, 26S45: 41 land of for sale, R17N68: 31, PD25Ap71: 32 meeting of creditors of, PD18Oc70: 23, PD28Mr71: 31— R28Mr71: 33 plaintiff in Chancery court, 270c52: 22 slaves of for sale, PD10Mr68: 31 David, sr. ,D2My77:71 Joseph, delegate to Continental congress from Pa. , Pi270c74: 23, Pil2Ja75: 31— D14Ja75: 23 elected speaker for Pa. general assembly, PD30Oc66: 21, PD5N67: 12, PD9N69s23, PD1N70: 22, PDllN73s22, PD18Ag74: 23 indentured servant of, R2Ag70: 31 instructions from Phila. , Pa. , freemen, PD1S68: 21 leaves Phila. , Pa. , with British, P19Je78: 21 manages lottery, 250c65s43 on committee of Congress on colonial rights, D21Ja75: 12, protected by Howe in Trenton, N. J. , P10Ja77: 23 questioned in Commons, C30Oc79: 11, C6N79: 11 signs Association of 1774, PD3N74: 12— Pi4N74: 12 Tory in Bordentown, N. J. , P24Ja77: 13 Patrick, Pvt. , R14Ja73: 13 Samuel, adv. for runaway slave, 4S46: 41 horse of, R220c72: 22, R140c73: 31 manages lottery, 250c65s43 of Md. , R26My68: 33, DllAp77: 62, P6Mr78: 31--D8My78: 62 of Phila. , Pa. , PD1N70: 22 Galloway, ship, PD29Ap73: 21 Galloways, horses, HJa40: 41 Gallows, in Williamsburg, Va. , 3J152: 31, PD8J173: 31— R15J173: 33, PD2D73: 21--R2D73: 23, Pil2Ja75: 33 434 Gambling near Williamsburg, Va. , 5D45: 41, PD3Je73: 23--R3Je73: 23, P12My75s21-- D13My75: 23, D16My77: 12, DlMy79: 22 Galls, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD30J172: 32, in Williamsburg, Va. , 30Ap52: 32, 2My55: 22, PD28S69: 31, PD21S69: 41 — R21S69s21,PD12D71:32 imported to Algiers, Alg. , D4N75: 12 Galls, Aleppo, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD10Je73: 22 Gallstones, case of in Dutchess co. , N. Y. , PD19Ap70: 31 See also Stone and gravel Gallway, Stephen Payne, D27My75: 31 Galphin, [George], PD28J168: 22— R28J168: 22, PD9S73: 23, PD24Mr74: 12, R7Ap74: 12,D25D79: 21 Gait, Capt. , of the Dolphin, PD13Ap69: 31 of the Spy, 12D45: 22 Dr. , PD28N71: 23, D16Ap79: 22 Mr. , P23My77: 41 has plans for public buildings, ' D17J179: 32 meeting at house of, D160c78: 41 — P160c78: 23, D12F79: 42, DllMr80: 32 sale at door of, P27D76: 32, DlAg77: 31— PlAg77: 13, D8Ag77: 31 — P8Ag77: 12, P15Ag77: 11, D14N77: 31 — P21N77: 32, D23Ja78: 32, C28Ag79: 42, D22Ja80: 32, D12F80: 32,D12F80:33 tavern of, P170c77: 23 Charles Lee, PH6D75: 31 Gabriel, P18Ap77: 31 adv. dissolution of partnership, PD12Ag73: 22 adv. house for rent, D22Ap75: 42 adv. tavern, D25F75: 32 disavows responsibility for horses, P230c78: 32 meeting at house of, P30My77: 32, D22My79: 22,D4S79:31 postmaster in Richmond, Va. , P31Ja77: 23 rentals at door of, D27N78: 22 sale at door of,D22Ap75: 32, D18S79:31,D230c79:31 J. M. , D13N78: 22, D8My79: 22 James, adv. land and houses for sale, R29S68: 31 adv. removal to Williamsburg, Va. , PD7F71: 23— R7F71:32 adv. tenements for sale, D9Ap79: 31 adv. slaves held in jail, 16Ja61: 41, 12F62:42 announces removal to Shockoe, Va. , PD16My66: 23 child of baptised, Pil6D75: 31 James M. ,Pi9N75:33 John Minson, Dr. , adv. drugs for sale, PD21S69: 41— R21S69s21, R12J170: 31, PD240c71: 31 adv. for lost chair box, PD13Ja74: 33 adv. house and lot for sale, D7F77:31--P7F77: 31 adv. Keyser's pills, PD23Ap72: 31, PD25Je72: 32, PD150c72: 23, PD3D72: 23, PD20My73s22, PD23Je74: 22 adv. property of for sale, P23F76: 33— D24F76: 33, D12F80: 32, D12F80: 33 adv. settlement of estates, P23F76: 33--D24F76: 33, D23Ja78: 41, D20N79: 32 adv. surgery and man-midwifery, PD2F69: 32 attends surgery cases, D15Ap75: 32— Pi20Ap75: 32— P21Ap75: 23 chosen to committee, Williamsburg, Va. , PD22D74: 23, D24J179: 21 joins Association in Va. , PD26J170: 23 marriage of, R6Ap69: 31 Judith (Craig), marriage of, R6Ap69: 31 Samuel, adv. finding horse, 7N51: 22 adv. for apprentices, 2S57: 41 adv. for stolen watch, 3N52: 21 adv. jewelry business, 9Je38: 41, 20Je51: 32 adv. slave held in jail, 30N59: 32 watchmaker in Williamsburg, Va. , 28Mr51:41, 18Ap51: 32 William, 28Mr 51: 41 Gait, Pasteur &,D1 5Ap7 5:32— Pi20Ap75: 32— P21Ap75: 23, D20D76: 21--P27D76: 31, D25J177: 31 — P25J177: 31, D10J178: 21 — P10J178: 12, D13N78: 22*D17J179: 31 Gait & Valentine, PD5N72: 33, PD12Ag73: 22 Galuppi, Baldassare, composer, PD29Ag71: 31 Galway, Ire. , See Anecdotes from; Imports to; Ships from Leghorn, It. , to; Ships' sailing time Gambia, Af. , British control trade at, 2S57: 22 See also Factories built by Fr. in; Franco -British rivalry in; Imports to James river, upper district, Va. , from; Ships from; Ships' sailing time; Ships to James river, Va. , from; Ships to Rappahannock district, Va. , from; Slaves from; Slaves imported to Dominica, W. I. , from; Slaves imported to James river district, Va. , from; Slaves imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from; Slaves imported to Va. from Gambia river, Af. , sickness among British on, PD16J172: 31 See also British army on; Shipwrecks in Gambier, [James], Adm. , commands British navy in Boston, Mass. , PDllAp71: 22 commands British navy in colonies, R19J170: 13, PD20S70s31 entertains on the Salisbury, PD12S71: 31 gives ball in Boston, Mass. , PD4J171: 13 in Boston, Mass. , PD1N70: 21 — R1N70: 22 in England, D10J179: 21 off Long island, N. Y. , D16Ap79: 21 praised in Boston, Mass. , PD12S71: 31 recalled from N. Am. , PD25Ap71: 22, PD9My71: 11, D8My79: 21 ship of captured, D26Mr79: 22 to Boston, Mass. ,RllOc70: 11, RllOc70: 13, PD18Oc70sll, PD25Oc70: 13 Gambier, privateer, D12Mr79: 21 Gamble, Capt. , of British army, PD10N68: 21 Gen. , predicts invasion of Quebec, Can. , P270c75s21 Archibald, PD290c72: 13 James, & co. , D8Ap80: 31 John, Pi2Mr75: 31 Richard, 29My46: 32, 30Ap52: 32, 10N52:31 Thomas, Pi2N75: 12 Thomas, Capt. , PD270c74: 22 William, Capt. , P5Ja76(5)sl3— D6Ja76: 32 Gambler, Capt. , to relieve Commodore Hood, PD19J170: 21 Gambling, PD23J167: 32, R16Mr69: 33, PD80c72: 32 anecdotes about, PD70c73: 21, D22My79: 12 at Dinwiddie courthouse, Va. , R30My71: 23 at Va. cockmatches, 23My55: 21 at Windsor fair, Eng. , 7Mr51: 22 bonds given during, DllMr80: 33 by slaves, PD2Ap72: 31 criticized in Eng. , 14Mr51: 22, 5D51: 11,22S52:22 essays on, PD3Ja71: 11, R5S71: 11 evils described, PD12N72: 22, PD19N72: 12 forbidden by pope, 28F51: 22 , 28F51: 31 forbidden in Berlin, Ger. , R23Mr69: 11 forbidden in Continental army, P30My77: 11 forbidden in Corsica, R17Je73sll forbidden in Northumberland co. , Va. , Pi2Mr75: 22 in Caroline co. , Va. , D10Je75: 32, P16F76s21 in Charleston, S. C. , D5Je79: 22 in Chatham, Eng. , PD30Ap67: 22 in Cork, Ire. , PD30Ap67: 22 in Dublin, Ire. , P17Mr75s21 in Edinburgh, Scot. , R13Ag67: 21 in Eng. , PD13N66: 11, PD29S68: 13, PD24My70: 13, PD17S71: 22, PD10Oc71: 22, PD12Mr72: 22, PD2Ap72: 21, PD9J172: 12, R2S73sl2 in Gt. Brit. , 29D52: 21, 12S55: 31, PD16J167: 13, PD21Ja73: 11 in Hanover co. , Va. , P16F76sl3 in Ire. , PD6Ag72: 21 in Lambeth, Eng. , PD24Ag69: 31 in London, Eng. , PD28Mr66: 21, PD18Ap66: 23, PD23My66: 12, R4D66: 21, PD12Mr67: 21, R12Mr67: 23--PD26Mr67: 13, PD2Ap67: 21, PD30Ap67: 12, PD18Je67: 13, PD6Ag67: 13, PD6Ag67: 21, PD80c67: 11, PD10D67: 13, PD11F68: 21, PD11F68: 22, PD21Ap68: 12, PD28Ap68: 13,R26My68: 13, R26My68: 14, PD9Je68: 12— R9je68: 23, PD16Je68: 13— R16Je68: 13, R16Je68: 12, R25Ag68: 14, R15S68: 22, PD60c68: 13, R60c68: 12, PD270c68: 22— R270c68: 11, PD3N68: 11, PD10N68: 12,R24N68: 12, PD29D68: 22, R12Ja69: 13, R19Ja69: 13, PD2F69: 13, R24F69sl3, R16Mr69: 22, PD30Mr69: 21, PD30Mr69: 23— R6Ap69: 22, R6Ap69: 13, R29Je69: 31, PD6J169: 21, R7S69: 11, PD21S69sl2, PD8Mr70: 23, R15Mr70: 22, PD19Ap70: 21,R31My70: 13, PD7Je70: 21, PD14Je70sl2, PD21Je70: 13, R19J170: 11, PD13S70sll, PD18OC70: 12, 435 Gambling, in London (cont'd) PD10Ja71: 21, PD14F71: 31, PD2My71: 22, PD9My71: 12, PD9My71: 23, PD16My71: 22, R30My71: 21, PD13 Je71: 12, PD13Je71: 22, PDlAg71: 12, PD8Ag71:21,PD5S71:12, PD17S71: 13, PD17S71: 23, PD26S71: 12, PD240c71: 13, PD240c71: 21, PD23Ja72: 21, PD30Ja72: 13, PD27F72: 22— R27F72:22, PD27F72: 23, PD18Je72: 22, PD9J172: 21, PD20Ag72: 11, PD27Ag72: 21, PD24S72: 13, R150c72: 13, R12D72sl3, PD24D72: 22, R14Ja73:22,R14Ja73:23, PD25Mr73: 22— R25Mr73: 32, PDlAp73: 21, R13My73: 23, PD17Je73: 22--R17Je73: 21, R17Je73: 12, PD24Je73: 21, R24Je73: 11, R24Je73: 31, PD5Ag73: ll--R5Ag73: 12, R12Ag73: 13, PD140c73s21 — R140c73: 23, R140c73: 23, PD23D73s21--R23D73: 31, R3Mr74: 23, PD31Mr74: 21, PD5My74: 11, PD9Je74: 13, PD14J174: 12, PD29S74: 22, PD130c74: 12, PD130C74: 31, D22Ap75: 11, P12My75: 12, Pil8My75: 23, P22J175sl2, D29N76: 51, P28F77: 13, D8Ja80: 21, P3F75: 33, Pi23F75: 13 in commodities, PD27Ag72: 23, in Naples, It. , 20F52: 31, PD17Je73: 13 in Newmarket, Eng. , PD23J167: 12— R23J167sl2, R23J167:31 in Orange co. , Va. , DllMr75: 31 in Paris, Fr. , 24D36: 41, PD16My66: 11 in Plymouth, Eng. , PD17Je73: 32, R15S74:23,PD10N74:22 in St. Petersburg, Russia, PD22Ap73: 13 in Scot. , Pi20Oc74: 21 — PD20Oc74: 21 in Southampton co. , Va. , D6My75: 21 increase in Eng. , Pi29S74: 22 near Exeter, Eng. , PD27F72: 22 near London, Eng. , PD12My68: 21 on privateer, 3J146: 31 opposed in Eng. , R10Je73: 23— PD24Je73: 12 opposed in Va. , D14Mr77: 32, D21N77: 11 opposed in Williamsburg, Va. , P21Mr77: 11 punishments by Roman Catholic church for, 7Mr51: 21 regulated by N. Y. general assembly, PD7Ap74: 23 regulated by parliament, 16N39: 32, R18OC70: 12 regulated in Paris, Fr. , PD28Mr71: 12 rumors of, PD18Ja70: 33— R18Ja70: 33 suppressed in Ga. , Pi20Ap75: 21 in Kensington, Eng. , 9N39: 21 in London, Eng. , P3Mr75: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , P21F77: 22 in Va. ,D26F80: 11 suppression urged by Congress, D30Oc78: 31 in Newport, R. I. , PD2Ap72: 31 in Va. , 24Ap52: 22, 29My52: 11 trials for in Sussex co. , Va. , P24My76sl2 See also Dice; Horse racing; Lotteries; Playing cards Gambling houses, raided in London, Eng. ,21F51:31 Game, protected in Pembroke, Eng. , PD16My66: 12 Game laws, tried in Edinburgh, Scot. , PD28Ap74: 21 Games, Harry, Major, PD21Ap68: 23 Gammel, William, Capt. , of the Albany, 30S37: 41 Gammons, exported from James river, lower district, Va. , to Barbados, W. I. , 27Ag56: 32 exported from New York City, PD9Ap67: 22 imported to Hampton, Va. , from Phila. , Pa. , 9My45: 32 Gams, Francis, D12Mr79: 32 Ganes, Major, Pi6Ja76: 32 Ganett, William, jr. , PD13My73: 43 Gang leaders, See Slaves as Ganges river, India, See Shipwrecks in Gannaways, Duke, 13Ja38: 41 Gansevoort, Harmanus, PD6S70: 21 [Peter], Col. , attacks near Fort Schuyler, N. Y. , D29Ag77: 12 captures goods near Fort Schuyler, N. Y. ,P26S77: 11 Indians confer with, Di5Ag77: 32 officers of scalped, D25J177: 21 praised for conduct at Fort Stanwix, N. Y. , D12S77: 12— P12S77: 21 refuses to surrender Fort Stanwix, N. Y. , D5S77: 12--P5S77: 21 reports activities at Fort Schuyler, N. Y. , D12S77: 12— P12S77: 22 Gantt, Col. , of Md. , R13J169: 31 Gaols, See Jails Gappen, John, R2My71: 32 Garanger, Mr., author, D24J179: 31 Garden, James, PD26My68: 31 James, Rev. Mr. , PD12Mr67: 13, PD4N73: 21 Garden houses, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD1S74: 31 Garden implements, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD17D67: 32, R24D67: 33, PD220c72: 31 Garden seeds, for sale, PD280c73: 22 in Buckingham co. , Va. , P6Mr78: 11 in Cumberland co. , Va. , P6Mr78: 11 in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD1D74: 32, D8N76:31 in Manchester, Va. , P6Mr78: 11, D25D79: 31 in Norfolk, Va. , PD17D67: 32, PD220c72: 31 in Richmond, Va. , PD10Oc71: 32, D9S75:32,D3F76:33 in Shockoe, Va. , R10Mr68: 34 in Warwick, Va. , PD13Ap69: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , 13Ja38: 41, 27F52: 32, 14N55: 22, 30N59: 32, R21F71: 33, PD12D71: 32, PD31D72: 31- R31D72: 31, PD18F73: 31, PD16D73: 31, PD29S74: 32, PD10N74: 42, Pi6Ap75: 42, D16D75: 23 Gardener, Capt. , of the Betsey, R19J170: 12 of Cambridge, Mass. , Pi29S74: 32 Jonathan, jr., Capt. , R15S74: 23 William, 28F55: 42, 2S57: 42 See also Gardiner Gardeners, adv. for, P160c78: 12 in Suffolk, Va. , PD17S71: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD17F74: 32 adv. for employment, PD6Ag72: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD6N66: 22, PD28S69s23 at William and Mary college, PD3Mr74: 32 in Jedburgh, Scot. , 25Ap55: 22 in Norfolk, Va , PD28My67: 32, PD17D67: 32, R24D67: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , 13Ja38: 41, R5S66: 31 See also Convict servants as; Indentured servants as; Slaves as Gardening, improvement discussed in American philosophical society, PD11F73:22 Gardens, 5S55: 41, 170c55: 31, PD8Mr70: 33, R80c72: 43, D5Je79: 32, D4D79: 31 at Bedford courthouse, Va. , R14Ap68: 33 at Belvoir, Va. , Pi20Oc74: 32— PD20Oc74: 32 at Bermuda Hundred, Va. , PD17F74: 32 at Bosworth, Va. , R14D69: 31— PD21D69: 32 at Potomac faUs, Va. , PD22N70s22— R29N70: 31 bids for planning requested in Berkeley parish, Spotsylvania co. , Va. , R10Ja71: 32 for rent in Prince Edward co. , Va. , PD5N67: 23 in Albemarle co. , Va. , PD28Ap68: 23 in Amelia co. , Va. , R23 J167: 32, D5D77: 21— P5D77: 33 in Amherst co. , Va. , PD21Mr71: 32, PD170c71: 32, R26Ag73: 23, D25S79:31,C6N79:31 in Beaufort co. , N. C. , D25Ap77: 31 in Blandford, Va. , PD24Ja71: 31— R31Ja71: 32, P10Mr75: 32, P2Je75: 33, P4Ag75:31,D6Je77:22 in Boyd's Hole, Va. , PD3N68: 31 in Brunswick co. , Va. , R9F69: 23 in Buckingham co. , Va. , D10Je75: 33— Pil5Je75: 33, P160c78: 31 in Bute co. , N. C. , PD23F69: 32— R23F69: 23 in Cabin Point, Va. , D29N76: 41 in Caroline co. , Va. , PD11D66: 32, R24D67: 43, PD12Ja69: 41, PD14D69: 33--R14D69: 13, PD21F71: 32— R21F71: 32 in Caswell co. , N. C. , P12S77: 12 in Charlotte co. , Va. , P8Ag77: 42 in Colchester, Va. , PD9Ap67: 31 in Cumberland, New Kent co. , Va. , 60c52: 32 in Cumberland co. , Va. , PD22Ag66: 23, PD16My71:31 in Dinwiddie co. , Va. , Pil6Mr75: 41, D13D76: 31, P19Je78: II in Edenton, N. C. , PD18D66: 33, D24F76: 33,D24Ap78: 31,D10J179: 31 in Elizabeth City co. , Va. , PD7Ap68: 31, PD16Mr69: 32 in Essex co. , Va. , 21Ap38: 41 in Fairfax co. , Va. , PD19Mr67: 33, PD23Ap67: 32, PD8Je69: 31, PD2Je74: 32— R2Je74: 22, D19F79: 32 in Falmouth, Va. , 3J146: 42 in Fredericksburg, Va. , 31Ja51: 32, 28F55: 41, 170c55: 31, PD21Ap68: 31, PD8Je69: 31, P15S75: 32, D26Mr79: 31 436 Gardner in Gloucester co. , Va. , PD10F74: 32— R10F74: 32 in Goochland co. , Va. , 5N36: 42, 26N36: 42, 16My55: 21, PD18J171: 22, PD10S72:31,D17Je75:33 in Granville co. , N. C. , PD26Ja69: 33, D8Ag77:31,D160c79:12 in Halifax, N. C. , PD5S66s33, PD9J172: 32 in Halifax co. , Va. , PD130c68: 23 in Hampton, Va. , 23My45: 32, 14Ag52: 32, PD220c67: 22, PDUe69: 31 in Hanover co. , Va. , PD11J166: 31, PD10Oc66: 33, PD22Ja67: 33 — R19F67: 42, PD14Ja68: 32,PD12S71: 32, PD7N71: 31, PD19D71: 33, PD20Ag72: 31, PD10F74: 31, PD10F74: 32--R10F74: 32, PD4Ag74: 31--R4Ag74: 33, Pi20Oc74: 32--PD20Oc74s22, P123N75: 32, P12Ap76: 32, P22Ag77: 32, D23Ja78: 32, P6Mr78: 42, D24Ap78: 41 — P8My78sl2,D4Mr80: 13 in Henrico co. , Va. , P29Mr76: 33, D240C77: 22 in Hobb's Hole, Va. , PD16Je68: 31, R16Je68: 31 in Isle of Wight co. , Va. , 9Mr39: 41, PD20Ag67: 33, PD10S67: 23 in James City, co. , Va. , PD27N66: 31, P20Oc75:31,P13Je77:32 in King and Queen co. , Va. .PD11J171: 32 in King William co. , Va. , 31J146: 62, PDlJa67: 31--R19F67: 42, PD10D67: 31, R24D67: 41,PD170c71: 31-- R170c71: 31, PD10D72: 31,R29Ap73: 31, PD2Je74: 31, PD60c74: 33, P24My76:33,D26D77: 12 in Leedstown, Va. ,D10J178: 21 in Leesburg, Va. , R150c72: 33 in Louisa co. , Va. , PD25N73: 23 in Low point, Va. , D22Ag77: 31 — P22Ag77: 31 in Lunenburg co. , Va. , R25D66: 32— PDUa67: 33, PD12N67: 22 in Manchester, Va. , PD9Je74: 32— R16Je74: 23, P12S77: 13, D310c77: 21-- P310c77: 13, P21N77: 31, C3J179: 42, D28Ag79: 12 in Martin's Brandon parish, Va. , PD13D70: 31--R13D70: 32 in Mecklenburg co. , Va. ,D21Mr77: 21, D13N79: 31 in Middlesex co. , Va. , PD10Oc66: 41, P18Ap77s42, P16My77s31 in New Kent co. , Va. , 28Ag46: 31, PD14F71:32--R14F71:32, R310c71: 43, P240c77: 31, P14N77: 23, C19F80: 12--D19F80:32 in Newcastle, Va. , 24Ja51: 41, PD13Je66: 32, PD23Mr69: 33, PD21S69: 31, PD170c71: 31, PD15J173: 33, D6My75: 32 in Newport, R. I. , R18F73: 22 in Newtown, Va. , R4D66: 33 in Nixonton, N. C. , PD7Ap68: 31, PD1S68: 23 in Norfolk co. , Va. , 24Ap46: 32, PD5S66s33— R5S66: 32, PD24D67: 32— R24D67: 32, R30Ag70: 31, R18Oc70: 22, PD7N71: 31 in N. C. , P3Ja77s22 in Northampton co. , N. C. , PD150c72: 31 in Northumberland co. , Va. , PD23Mr69: 32 in Petersburg, Va. , 12F62: 32, PD9S73:32,R21J174:33 — PD28J174: 32, D13Ap76: 33 — P19Ap76: 42 in Pittsylvania co. , Va. , PD13D70: 23, R2My71: 33 in Port Royal, Va. , lAg51: 32, P30My77: 13, D170c77: 22— P240c77: 31, D30Oc78: 41, D10J179: 32 in Portsmouth, Va. , PD27S70: 32— R27S70: 23 in Prince Edward co. , Va. , 7N54: 41, P160c78: 31 in Prince George co. , Va. , 17Ja51: 42, R23J167: 42, PD2F69: 31--R2F69: 23, PD14Ja73: 23 in Prince William co. , Va. , R21Ja73: 31 in Princess Anne co. , Va. , R8N70: 33 in Richmond, Va. , 25J151: 32, 16Ag51: 32, PD16Ja72: 32, PD150c72: 31 — R150c72: 23, PD30D73: 31, PD28Ap74: 32, D8Ap75: 32, D22Ap75: 32, P17N75sll— D18N75: 32, D9Mr76: 23, PlMy78: 32, P160c78: 33, C3J179: 42, D4Mr80: 32, DlAp80: 31 in Richmond co. , Va. , 250c65s42, R23J167: 43, R270c68: 31, D12Je79: 42, D26Je79: 12--C3J179: 41 in Salisbury, Conn. , PD23D73: 31 in Shockoe, Va. , PD5N67: 23 in Shropshire, Eng. , R6Ap69: 22 in Smithfield, Va. , PD1S68: 31, PD9Ja72: 32 in Southampton co. , Va. , PD12S66: 31 in Spotsylvania co. , Va. , R27N66: 23, R31Mr68: 32 in Stafford co. , Va. , PD28Ap74: 32— R12My74: 42 in Staunton, Va. , R11D66: 32 in Suffolk, Va. , PD22S68: 23, D28Ja75: 31 in Surry co. , Va. , PD30J172: 42, PD1D74: 31 in Sussex co. , Va. , P130c75: 31, D17F76:33, P18J177: 33 in Tappahannock, Va. , 22Ap57: 42, PD14My72: 22, PD220c72: 22— R220c72: 32.D21F77: 21 in Urbanna, Va. , 21N45: 41, P15N76: 13 in Warwick co. , Va. , D13N79: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , 10S36: 42, 16My45: 41, 5Je52: 32, HAp55: 31, 22Ap57: 41, R29Mr70: 22— PD5Ap70: 41, PD30Ag70: 32— R30Ag70: 31, PD6S70: 32, R6S70: 32, PD20S70: 32, PD27S70: 32--R27S70: 31, PD30C71: 32— R170c71: 41, PD6My73: 23, PD11N73: 23, Pi260c75: 32--P270c75: 31 — D4N75: 32, D8Ag77: 22, D170c77: 12— P170c77: 31, P21N77: 31, D5D77: 21, P21Ag78: 31, P21Ag78: 33,D4D78: 22 in Wilts, Eng. , R16Mr69: 31 in York co. , Va. , P20S76: 22 in Yorktown, Va. , 5Je52: 31, 3J152: 32, 7N54s22, 26S55: 32, 30c55: 32, PD3S67: 22, R29Mr70: 31 — PD5Ap70: 42, PD2D73: 22, PD9D73: 23 near Aquia, Va. , R5S71: 31 near Cabin Point warehouse, Va. , PD4J171: 32 near Four Mile creek, Va. , PD9D73: 23--R9D73: 23 near Fredericksburg, Va. , D18Mr80: 32 near Lawrence's warehouse, Va. , 120c39: 42 near Norfolk, Va. , PD5S66s33 near Richmond, Va. , PllAp77s42 near Suffolk, Va. , D25Ap77: 31 — P25Ap77: 12 near Williamsburg, Va. , 17N38: 42, PD6Je66: 31 on Appomattox river, Va. , PD23J167: 32- R23J167: 31 on East river, Va. , P21N77: 22 on Hampton river, Va. , PD14N71: 22 on Mattaponi river, Va. , PD13F72: 33, D10Oc77: 21 — P170c77: 11 on Potomac river, Va. , PD6J169: 41 — R6J169:43,R27J169:41 on Queen's creek, Va. , PD24D67: 32 on Rappahannock river, Va. , R27J169: 41 on River road, Va. , PD19Ag73: 21 on Shockoe hill, Va. , PD23My66: 32 See also Falling gardens; Plants Gardens, described, in Bucks co. , Eng. ,3N38: 22 in Fairfax co. , Va. , 25Ap51: 41, HOc51: 32 in Hanover co. , Va. , R12My68: 33 in Isle of Wight co. , Va. , PD16My71: 31— R23My71: 33, PD7N71: 31— R21N71: 33 in King William co. , Va. , PD170c66: 41 in London, Eng. , PD21Mr71: 21 in York co. , Va. , PD15F70: 42 near Petersburg, Va. , PD6N66: 31 near Port Royal, Va. , PD15Ag66: 31 on Nottoway river, Va. , PD15Ag71: 32 Gardens, kitchen, on Hog island, Va. , PD80c72: 32— R80c72: 32 Gardens, paled, in Newcastle, Va. , 15D52: 32 Gardiner, Capt. , PD26N72: 21 of the Amazon, 29S52: 22 of the Colchester, 7N55: 22 of the Levant, PD20S70: 13 on committee to wait on Gen. Gage, PD1D74: 22 presents address to Gov. Hutchinson, PD18Mr73: 22 Mr. , entertainment of, in Williamsburg theatre, R19N72: 31 Allan, Capt. , of the Maidstone, D6Ap76:21,D10Ja77:31 Daniel, Capt. , of the Black Prince, R14JT74: 23 Isaac, PD60c74: 22 John, 24Je37: 31, PD4Ag74: 23 Peter, PD13Ap69: 32 Samuel, Dr. , PD60c74: 22 Silvester, PD23Je74: 12 William, R31My70: 42 Zachariah, P10J178: 12 See also Gardener Gardiner's, Dr. , hospital, announcement of opening of, D5Mr79: 41 Gardiner's island, N. Y. , plundered by British, Pi31Ag75: 31, P1S75: 13, D2S75: 22, Pil4S75: 22 See also British navy to; Cattle captured by British from Gardner, Capt. , 7J138: 32, 22S38: 32, R19J170:11,PD12D71:22 aide-de-camp to Gen. Burgoyne, D23D75: 13 in Mass. , PD25Je72: 23 437 Gardner, Capt. (cont'd) of the Adam and Eve, PD23F69: 12 of the Intrepid, D18D79: 21 of the Two Brothers, 10N52: 22 Lt. , killed in battle of Bunker Hill, P22J175s22--D29J175: 31 Mr. , of Boston, Mass. , P7J175: 23— D8J175: 32 Daniel, jr. , P27Je77: 43 E. , PD21Mr66: 33 Elizabeth, PD20F72: 32 Francis, R5Ja69: 31 Henry, Pi60c74: 22, Pil5D74: 13, Pil5D74: 21 Isaac, D27My75: 31 James, PD3Ja71: 31, R18Mr73: 33, PD19Ag73: 22, PD6Ja74: 23 James, Mrs. , PD6Ja74: 23 John, PD210c73: 23— R21Gc73: 31 adv. for runaway convict servant, R14F71:32 adv. household goods for sale, D4S79: 22 adv. ordinary, P27Je77: 13 house burned by British, D6Ja76: 31 ordinary of, R23S73: 33 signer of Association in Norfolk, Va. , R26J170: 22 John, Capt. , 13Je45: 22 Joseph, D22Je76: 41 Joshua, PD24Ag69: 21 Matthew, jr. , 25My39: 42 May, PD18F68: 31 Thomas, PDlJe69: 21 Thomas, Capt. , Rl J173: 23, Pi60c74: 22 Thomas, Col. , Pi6 J175: 32— P7JT75: 22 — D8J175: 23, Pi6J175: 33, PU3J175: 23— P14J175sll— D15J175: 13, P14J175sl3- D15J175: 21, P22J175s21— D29J175: 23 William, PD19Mr67: 33 Zachariah, P9Ag76: 42— D10Ag76: 62, P21Ag78: 13 Gardoque, Mr., letter of, D25My76: 31 Garfett, Austin, D19D77: 21 Garis, Capt. de, of the Bedford, P12D77: 11 Garland, Mr. , PD17N68: 23— R17N68: 23 Ambrose, P4Ap77: 43 Charles, P270c75: 13 Christopher, P130c75: 11— D210c75: 31 David, 24Ap52: 22, PD28Ap68: 31— R28Ap68: 31, PD28D69: 23 — R28D69: 23,DlAp75:21 David, Col. , D26F79: 32 G. , R26Mr72: 23 Griffin, R25Ag68: 32, R10Ja71: 32, R170c71: 31, Pi4My75: 33, C27N79: 22-- D4D79: 31 Guthridge, D12Mr79: 32 James, jr. , P8N76: 43 John, adv. for missing horse, 18Ap45: 42 adv. land for sale, C6N79: 31 executed for felony, R30N69: 23 member of Delegates, D90c79: 22 sentenced for felony, R190c69: 33, PD9N69: 22, R9N69: 23 Mary, Mrs. , C30Oc79: 42 Peter, 26N36: 42, R19F67: 41, C30Oc79: 42 Robert, DlAp80: 22 Samuel, R4N73: 32 Samuel, Capt. , P10Oc77: 31 Sarah, 12Mr52: 22 Thomas,R19F67:41 adv. for bids for building church, PD7Ap74: 32— R7Ap74: 32, R14J174: 32— PD21J174: 31 adv. for bids for repairing warehouses, P14F77: 31 adv. property for sale, D25J177: 41 — P25J177: 41 justice of peace of Hanover co. , Va. , Pi23Mr75: 33— D25Mr75: 31 on committee of Hanover co. , Va. , P17N75sll Vincent, R14J168: 32 William, R5S66: 32, Pi4My75: 33 William, Mrs. , Pi4My75: 33 Garland, H. M. frigate, 26S55: 12 H. M. S. , 12My38: 22, 9Je38: 32, 15S38: 41,24Ja52: 31, 19S55: 31, 26S55: 22, 7N55: 21, PD6Ag67: 22, PE17D67: 23, PD26N72: 21, PD4N73: 21— R4N73: 23, PD25N73: 13--R25N73: 33, P16F76: 31, P19J176: 13 privateer, 29My46: 22 ship, 28F55:31 sloop, PD4Ap71: 22 , PD31Mr74: 23 transport, D29J176: 12 Garlands, for sale, in London, Eng. , PD7Je70: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD60c68: 31— R60c68: 23, PD13My69: 32— R13Ap69: 31 Garland's ordinary, R4Ag68: 24 Garlic, imported to Hampton, Va. , from Barbados, W. I. , 28Mr45: 41 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , 18Ja40: 4 used in cure for bite of mad dog, PD7D69sll used to cure corns, R28Ja73: 22 Garlic, pickled, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 Garlick, John, PD30S73: 31 Samuel, PD12Mr67: 33, PD30S73: 31, D7Ja75: 31 Garlies, Lord, appointed commissioner to promote trade, PD5N72: 23— R5N72: 12,R5N72:11 Garlington, John, PD22S74: 33 Garlix, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22 in Warwick, Va. , PD19N67: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , HOc51: 41, 10Oc55: 32 stolen, in Charles City co. , Va. , 6Ja38: 42 Garner, Presley, P21N77: 11 William, R20Je71: 42 Garner, Woodburne &, PD220c72: 13 Garnet, Henry, Pi5Ja75: 31 Musco, PD10Mr68: 31 William, Capt. , of the Elizabeth, PllAp77sll Garnet beads, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD150c72: 31 Garnet brooches, for sale, in Baltimore, Md. ,Pil8My75:33 in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD18Ap66: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD10Oc71: 31, Pi20Ap75: 31— D22Ap75: 32 Garnet buckles, for sale, in Richmond, Va. , PD310c71: 23— R310c71: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD10Oc71: 31, PD220c72: 23 — R220c72: 23, PD5My74: 31 — R26My74: 13 Garnet bunches, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD13Ap69: 32— R13Ap69: 31 Garnet combs, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD19Ap70s23— R19Ap70: 31, Pi20Ap75: 31 — D22Ap75: 32 Garnet crosses, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD150c72: 31, R12My74: 32 Garnet earrings, for sale, in Baltimore, Md. , Pil8My75: 33 in Halifax, N. C. , PD29J173: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , R8N70: 13, PD10Oc71: 31, R170c71; 33, PD7My72: 32, PD9J172: 31, PD150c72: 31, PD220c72: 23— R220c72: 23, PD290c72: 22, R12My74: 32 Garnet egrets, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , R150c72: 31 Garnet hoops, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD170c71: 23, PD30Ap72: 31, R150c72: 31 Garnet lockets, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD290c72: 22 in Richmond, Va. , PD5N72sll— R5N72: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD14My72: 23, R150c72: 31, PD220c72: 23— R220c72: 23, PD140c73: 23, R12My74: 32, Pi20Oc74: 31 — PD20Oc74s22, Pi20Ap75: 31 — D22Ap75: 32 Garnet mason brooches, for sale, in Baltimore, Md. , Pil8My75: 33 Garnet necklaces, for sale, in Halifax, N. C. , PD29J173: 31 in Petersburg, Va. , PD290c72: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD20Oc68: 23, PD22N70s23, PD10Oc71: 31, PD170c71: 23, PD240c71: 31, PD7My72: 32, PD9J172: 31, PD150c72: 31, PD220c72: 23— R220c72: 23, PD29Ap73: 23, R12My74: 32, D230c79: 31 Garnet pins, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD19Ap70s23— R19Ap70: 31, PD10OC71: 31, PD210c73: 23— R210C73: 22 Garnet rings, for sale, in Baltimore, Md. , Pil8My75: 33 in WiUiamsburg, Va. , PD60c68: 31 — R60c68: 23 Garnet roses, for sale, in WiUiamsburg, Va. , PD10Oc71: 31 Garnet sleeve buttons, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD18Ap66: 32 Garnet sprigs, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD22N70s23, PD10Oc71: 31, PD210c73: 23— R210c73: 22 Garneth, Mr. , land of, D12Je79: 32 Garnets, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD140c73: 23 found in New England, R3Mr68: 24— PD10Mr68: 21 Garnett, Capt. , schooner of, 17J152:32 Ann, C13My80: 32 Augustine, PD21D69: 31 Henry, PD21D69: 31, PD21Je70: 33 — R12J170: 41, PD8S74: 32— R8S74: 33, PilJe75: 12, D18S79: 31 Henry, Capt. , P21Mr77s22 438 Gates Muscoe, adv. for lost imported merchandise, PD27My73: 23— R27My73:31 adv. settlement of estate of John Lee, P22Ag77: 33 appointed to receive relief for Boston, PD21J174p21 — R21J174: 23 defendant in Chancery court, PD21D69: 31 letter to, in post office, PD2F69: 23 manages auction in Essex co. , Va. , PilJe75: 12 on committee in Essex co. , Va. , Pi5Ja75: 31 Muscoe, Mr. & company, R7F71: 31 Reuben, P22Ag77: 33 Gamier, Capt. , of the Hind, P30Je75sll--DU175:31 J. , PD5My74: 13 William, Capt. , of the Argo, D6Ap76: 21, D29J176: 12, D10Ag76: 22 Gamier. & Hubac, C21Oc80: 21 Garrard, James, D90c79: 22, C27N79: 23 James, Capt. , P27S76s21 William, R15Ap73: 32, R28J174: 22, R28J174: 23 William, Capt. , P27S76s21 William, jailer, R190c69s21 Garrat, horse, R220c72: 22 Garratt, Henry, P4J177sll Garret, Elizabeth, PD27Ja74: 31 — R27Ja74: 32 James, 2S57: 42 William, P22D75: 41 Garretson, Job, RlAg71: 41 Garrett, Henry, PD8S68: 31, P19My75s32, D23D75: 32, P29D75: 31, D17F76: 13, P27Je77: 43 Humphrey, D5Mr79: 32 James, P26J176: 42, P20Je77: 33 John, C6N79: 33 Margaret, Mrs. , PD28Ja73: 23— R28Ja73: 31, PD140c73: 22 Robert, R7S69: 33, P130c75: 32 William, 250c65s33, P28J175: 32, PlMr76: 13 Garrick, David, acts before king, R22J173sll acts Hamlet, PDlAp73: 12 acts Lear, PD28Ja68: 13 age of, PD15J173: 21--R15J173: 12 burgess of Stratford upon Avon, Eng. , PD10Ae69: 22 death of, D29My79: 21 directs preparation for festival, R9N69: 13, PD7D69: 12 extract from speech of, PD28D69: 13 gifts to, PD10Ag69: 22, PD24Ag69: 31 honored by Danish king, R12Ja69: 13 in waxwork, PD3D72: 12--R3D72: 21 poetry by, PD26Ja69: 23 portrait of, PD24Ag69: 31, PD12D71: 12 prologue by, PD12N67: 13 Garrie, Mr. , imprisoned as rebel in New Orleans, R18Ja70: 22 Garrigues, Capt. , D27Je77: 12 Garrison, Archibald, D18D79: 22 Garrogon, Patrick, R17F74: 33 Garrot. Isaac, R12J170: 42 Garrott, Stephen, C28Ag79: 33 Garryon, Cautwell, D25My76: 33 Gartan, WLiiam, Capt. , of the Polly, PD10F74: 23 Garter, William, P10J178: 41 Gartering, for sale, 12F62: 42 in Gloucester, Va. , P19Ap76sll — D20Ap76: 33 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , D18Ap77: 71 Garters, captured by Americans in Great Bridge, Va. , PH3D75: 22— D16D75: 33 for sale, in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72: 31 in Norfolk, Va. , PD22N70: 31 in Smithfield, Va. , D21F77: 22— P28F77s22 in Williamsburg, Va. ,D10J178: 21 — P10J178: 33 Garters, Irish, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD13Ap69: 32— R13Ap69: 31, PD210c73: 23 — R210c73: 22, PD20Oc74s22 — Pi20Oc74: 31 Garters, knee, for sale, in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72: 31 in Gloucester, Va. , P19Ap76sll — D20Ap76: 33, P16Ag76: 33 — D24Ag76: 72 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23, PD22N70: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. ,D14F77: 21 — P14F77: 33, DlAg77: 22, D28N77: 22 See also Gold garters; Silk garters; Silver garters Garth, Gen. of British army, condemned for burning Conn, towns, D6N79: 22 Charles, addressed (text) by Continental congress, PD22D74: 12 agent for Ga. , R12My68: 21 agent for Md. , R4Ag68: 23, R26Ap70: 33 agent for S. C. , PD5F67: 13, PD25Je67: 23, R26Ap70: 33 Samuel, Sir, author, PD18J171: 32 Garthright, William, jr. , R19Ap70: 32 Garve, produced in Fr. , PD18Mr73: 31 Garver & Shouldy, Messrs. , manufacture saltpetre, D4N75: 31 Gary, Archibald, 19 J154: 41 Betsey, marriage of, PD22D74: 23 John, PD31Mr74: 32, P24My76sll Mary, 12F62: 32 William, PU6F75: 33--P17F75: 42 — D18F75: 31 Gascogne, Richard, PDllAp71: 21 Gascoigne, Capt. , 10Mr38: 31 Mr. , opinion against Bostonians, PD19My74: 22 opposes colonial agents' petition, P14Ap75s21— D15Ap75: 23 William, PD3F74: 23 Gascoyne, Bamber, PD5N72: 23 John, 25Ja40: 2 Gasford, Samuel, alias of Samuel Carter, R3D72: 23 Gaskett, Anthony, of N. C. , PD28My67: 32 Gaskin, Thomas, Capt. , PD16 J167: 41 Gasking, Charles, PD2F69: 32 — R2F69: 23 Gaskins, Col. , holds title to slave, PD4J171: 32 recruiting officer, P230c78: 11 John, PD30Oc66: 32 Thomas, R23Je68: 31, R27J169: 31, R290c72: 32--PD5N72: 33, PD19N72: 31, P16My77s22 Thomas, jr. , Capt. , P27S76: 23 Gaspard, Capt. , of the Vigilance, 4Ag38: 21 Gasparini, [Francesco], composer, PD29Ag71: 31, PD17S72: 22 Gaspee, American ship, D40c76: 61 brig, PD13Ja74: 21, D13Ja76: 23 H. M. S. , PD12S71: 31, P15S75: 23 — D16S75: 22, P29D75sl2— D30D75: 33 — Pi30D75:32, Pil6D75:21, P5Ja76(5)sl3— D6Ja76: 32 H. M. schooner, R3N68: 14, R27J169: 22, PD3Ag69: 32, PD4Ap71: 23, PD10D72: 22— R12D72sl3, R18F73: 22, PD15D74: 21 ship, PD13Ag67: 21--R13Ag67: 23, Pi9Mr75: 31--P10Mr75: 23 Gaspee affair, account of, PD9J172: 22 British attitude toward, R150c72: 11, PD24Je73: 31— R1J173: 23 British court on investigated by Del., PD18N73: 21--R25N73: 33. British court on investigated in Va. , PD18Mr73: 23— R18Mr73: 31 commissioners for, attitude toward in R.I. ,PD18F73:21 discussed, PD18F73: 13 investigated, R12D72sl2, PD21Ja73: 23 — R21 Ja73: 22, PD28Ja73: 22, PD18F73: 23--R18F73: 22, R18F73: 22, R6My73: 21, PD1J173: 31, R15J173:32 investigation aided by Rhode Islander, R26Ag73s22 investigation criticized, PD21Ja73: 23 — R21Ja73:22, R28Ja73: 12 investigation opposed in Boston, PD3Je73: 22 reward for perpetrators and participants, PD5N72: 23--R5N72: 12, PD18F73: 13 town meetings discussed, PD18F73:21 trials for to be held in Eng. , PD21Ja73: 23--R21Ja73: 22, PD28Ja73: 22, PD18F73: 21, PD18Mr73: 22 Gaspee bay, Quebec, Can. , See Custom houses in Gasquy, Capt. , of the Count of Sabran, D29Ja80: 32 Gassney, Capt. , of the Charlotte, PD18Ag74: 21 Gast, [John], author, PD25F68: 41, PD18J171: 31, PD25J171: 41, D25N75: 12, D30D75: 11, D24F76: 43, D2Mr76:41,D9Mr76:41, D25My76: 43, D24Ag76: 51, D20D76: 41, D3Ja77: 41, D17Ja77: 41 Gates, Mrs. , arrives in Phila. , Pa. , D9D75: 23 Horatio, Gen. , addressed (text) by inhabitants of Prov. , D25D79: 12 agrees to supplies for British prisoners, D30c77:22 appointed adjutant general of Continental army, P7J175: 23 appointed commander of northern department, P12J176: 22, D22Ag77: 21, P22Ag77: 23 arrest ordered by British, D4N75: 21 at battle of Saratoga, P310c77: 23 — D7N77: 22 439 Gates, Horatio (cont'd) at Washington's headquarters, D3Ja77:ll--P3Ja77sl2 awaits attack in Crown point, N. Y. , D15N76: 21 capture of Camden, S. C. , rumored, C19Ag80:21 commands army in Newport, R. I. , C20N79: 11--D20N79: 21 commands on Hudson river, N. Y. , P29My78: 22 complains of cruelty of British army, D30c77: 21 convention (text) with Burgoyne, D7N77:21--P7N77sl2 criticizes Vaughan for destroying property, D14N77: 21— P14N77:'21 enumerates Continental army at Ticonderoga, N. Y. , D180c76: 12 — P180c76: 21 expected in Kakiate, N. Y. , C6N79: 23 forwards Burgoyne' s letter to Congress, D30c77: 12 goes south,D15Ja80: 23 in command in Can. , D20J176: 41 in Albany, N. Y. , D5S77: 11 — P5S77: 13 in Baltimore, Md. , P10Ja77: 23 in Cambridge, Mass. , Pi3Ag75: 33 — D5Ag75: 32 in New York City, P3My76: 22 — D4My76: 31 in Phila. , Pa. , P8Ag77: 23 in Ticonderoga, N. Y. , D40c76: 71 independent company of, 240c55: 11 informs Gen. Carleton of Declaration of independence, D7S76: 22 letter (text) from Sumner, C21Oc80: 21 letters (text) from Arnold, D12S77:21— P12S77: 22 marches down North river, N. Y. , D14N77: 12 — P14N77: 21 negotiates Burgoyne' s surrender, D28N77: 12 offers prisoner exchange with Burgoyne, D310c77: 12 ordered against Fort Montgomery, N. Y. ,D14N77:21 orders courts-martial for Capt. Wentworth, P110c76: 12 outlines instructions for enlisting in army, PilOAg75: 33 plans march to Ticonderoga, N. Y. , P6Je77: 21 praised, D25N75: 22--P1D75: 21, D3F76:41,D15Ag77:42 prophesies attack on Albany, N. Y. , D10Oc77: 12— P10Oc77: 22 pursues British army, P240c77: 22 reports American victories in N. Y. , D19D77: 11 — P19D77: 21 reports British retreat from Crown point, N. Y. ,D29N76:22 — P29N76: 12 reoorts on surrender at Saratoga, N. Y. , D14N77: 12 — P14N77: 21 reports to Congress, D12S77: 12 — P12S77: 21 requests British withdrawal of forces, D15My78: 11 reviews Phila. , Pa. , militia, P14Je76: 23 to join Continental army in N. J. , P24Ja77: 13, D24Ja77: 41 to North river, N. Y. , P13D76: 22 toasted in Cambridge, Mass. , P5D77: 21 Gates, palisade, in Fairfax co. , Va. , PD31Mr74: 32--R31Mr74: 32 Gates, ship, D6N79: 22 Gateshend, Eng. , See Hermits in Gatewood, James, PD1 J173: 33 Joseph, Private, R14Ja73: 13 Philemon, PD19N72: 31, P13Je77: 12 Philip, Pvt. ,R14Ja73:13 William, PD23Ap72: 32, PD19N72: 31 Gathright, Ephraim, PD60c74: 33 Joseph, PD24N74: 23 Miles, PD22N70: 23 Gaugain, Thomas, 31Mr38: 32 Gauging, taught at Samuel Kemp's school, D6N78: 31 Gauling, Alexander, 15D52: 31 Gault, Mr. , store robbed, PD26Ag73: 22 William, P28Mr77sll Gault, -Campbell &, merchants, R15J173:32 Gausin, Gerard B. of Md. , R6F72: 33 Gautier, Nicholas, adv. for missing horses, D22Je76: 32, D27D76: 22 adv. merchandise for sale, D11J177:31, P170c77:23 adv. schooner for sale, D13N78: 11 adv. ship for charter, P16My77s31 declares Charles Tomer innocent, P30c77: 23 disavows note of hand, R24Je73:33 Gauze, boycotted in Providence, R. I. , PD21Ja68: 31 in Va. Association, PD25My69: 11 — RlJe69: 13 for sale, PD19Ap70s23 in Blandford, Va. , D10J178: 22 in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD25Ap66: 31, R19F67:23,R23J167:32 in Lancaster co. , Va. , C19F80: 11 in London, Eng. , PD7 Je70: 33 in Norfolk, Va. , R15N70: 31 — PD22N70: 23 in Petersburg, Va. ,D13Je77: 22, D5S77: 22--P5S77: 31 ; D12S77: 41 — P19S77: 11 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD10Oc66: 33, PD4Je67: 33, PD3D67: 32, PD60c68: 31— R60c68: 23, PD28S69: 31, PD16N69: 22, PD22N70s23, PD23Ap72: 23 — R23Ap72: 13, PD30Ap72: 31, PD7My72: 32, PD150c72: 31, PD220c72: 22— R220c72: 23, PD220c72: 23--R220c72: 23, PD140c73: 23, PD210c73: 23 — R21G-C73: 22, PD5My74: 31 — R26My74: 13, R12My74: 32, Pi20Oc74: 31 — PD20Oc74s22, Pi20Ap75: 31— D22Ap75: 32, P10My76: 43— DllMy76: 23, D180c76: 32, DlAg77: 22, C13N79: 12, D5F80: 33 in Yorktown, Va. , P27D76: 32 laundering and repairing adv. in Norfolk, Va. , PD28N71: 23 Gauze, cap, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. ,D160c79: 11 Gauze, cyprus, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD13Ag72: 21 Gauze, dice, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. ,R170c71: 33 Gauze, English flowered, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD18Ap66: 32 Gauze, English striped, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD18Ap66: 32 Gauze, figured, for sale, PD19Ap70s23 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25 J166: 23 in Petersburg, Va. , PD310c71: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD10c67: 13, PD18My69: 31— R25My69: 23, R170c71: 33, PD240c71: 31, PD310c71: 23— R310c71: 32, PD5N72sll— R5N72:22 Gauze, flowered, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , P20Je77: 33 in Williamsburg, PD20Oc68: 23, R8N70: 13, PD14My72: 22, PD9J172: 31, PD22Ap73: 31, PD29Ap73: 23, D26Ag75: 32, C21Oc80: 22 Gauze, flowered silk, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD15F70: 41 Gauze, glossy, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD18My69: 31 — R25My69: 23, PD14D69: 32 — R14D69: 23, R170c71: 33 Gauze, muslin, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , R170c71: 33 Gauze, net, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. ,PD24Ja71:31 in Williamsburg, Vk. , PD170c71: 23 Gauze, parisnet, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD290c72: 22 Gauze, picquet, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD14D69: 32 — R14D69: 23 Gauze, printed, for sale, in Richmond, Va. , D8My78: 82— P27My78: 22 Gauze, Queens, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD290c72: 22 Gauze, ribbon, for sale, in Richmond, Va. , PD5N72sll— R5N72: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD14My72: 22, PD12N72: 23 Gauze, spider web, for sale, in Richmond, Va. , PD5N72sll — R5N72: 22 Gauze, spotted, for sale, PD19Ap70s23 in Cobham, Va. , P29S75: 33 — Pi50c75: 33 in Gloucester, Va. , P19Ap76sll — D20Ap76: 33 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Petersburg, Va. , P20Je77: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD9J172: 31 Gauze, stock, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD18D66: 31 Gauze, striped, for sale, PD19Ap70s23 in Petersburg, Va. , P20Je77: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD20Oc68: 23, R170c71: 33, D26Ag75: 32, D16D75: 23 Gauze aprons, for 1 sale, in Richmond, Va. , PD310c71: 23— R310c71: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD13Ap69: 32 — R13Ap69: 31, PD240c71: 31, PD30Ap72: 31, PD7My72: 32, PD14My72: 22, PD9J172: 31, PD150c72: 31, PD22Ap73: 31, PD29Ap73: 23, PD140c73: 23, D26Ag75:32,D16D75:23, P10My76: 43— DllMy76: 23, DlAg77: 22 Gauze breast flowers, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , R12My74: 32 440 Geillia Gauze caps, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23, R15N70: 31 — PD22N70: 23 in Richmond, Va. , PD5N72sll — R5N72. 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD18My69: 31--R25My69: 23, PD22N70s23, PD30Ap72: 31, PD7My72: 32, PD14My72: 22, PD150c72: 31, PD140c73: 23, R12My74: 32 Gauze fans, for sale, in Richmond, Va. , PD5N72sll--R5N72: 22 Gauze handkerchiefs, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD18Ap66: 32, PD25Ap66: 31 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22, R15N70:31--PD22N70:23 in Petersburg, Va. , P20Je77: 33 in Richmond, Va. , PD310c71: 23 — R310c71:32,PD5N72sll — R5N72: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , 27Mr46: 42, PD22N70s23, PD23Ap72: 23 — R23Ap72: 13, PD7My72: 32, PD9J172: 31, PD150c72: 31, PD22Ap73: 31, PD29Ap73: 23, PD140c73: 23, PD5My74: 31 — R26My74: 13, R12My74: 32, Pi20Ap75: 31- -D22Ap75: 32, D26Ag75: 32, D16D75: 23, P10My76: 43— DllMy76: 23, D30My77:31,DlAg77:22, D160c79: 11, C21Oc80: 22 in Yorktown, Va. , P27D76: 32 Gauze hats, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 Gauze hoods, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. ,PD310c71:31 in Richmond, Va. , PD5N72sll — R5N72: 22 Gauze lappet caps, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD18My69: 31 — R25My69: 23 Gauze manufacture, in Prince George co., Va. ,D18N75: 32 Gauze mobs, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Willisjnsburg, Va. , PD19Ap70s23 — R19Ap70:31 Gauze mourning ribbon, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD18Ap66: 32 Gauze nosegay, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , R12My74: 32 Gauze ruffles, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD18My69: 31— R25My69: 23, R260c69: 23, PD2N69: 41 Gauze ruffs, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD18My69: 31 — R25My69: 23, R260c69: 23 Gauze shades, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD170c71: 23, PD140c73: 23 Gauze stockings, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. PD25J166: 22 Gauze suits, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Richmond, Va. , PD310c71: 23 — R310c71: 32, PD5N72sll — R5N72: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD18My69: 31 — R25My69: 23, PD22N70s23, PD14My72: 22, PDHOc73: 23 Gauze tuckers, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD18My69: 31— R25My69: 23, R260c69:23 Gawith, John, Capt. , of the Johnson, 27Ag56: 41 of the Nassau, 13Je51: 32, HOc51: 32, 7Ag52: 31, 28Ag52: 31 payment of debts due requested, PD25Mr73: 32 Gay, Mrs. , plantation of, 7N54s22 Henry, R13J169: 41 [John], author, PD25F68: 41, PD29N70: 21, PD13D70: 42, PD3Ja71: 42, PD17Ja71: 42, PD24Ja71: 42, PD7F71: 42, PD21F71: 42, PD7Mr71: 42, PD21Mr71: 42, PD28Mr71: 42, PD18J171: 33, PD25J171: 43, PDlAg71: 43, PD8Ag71: 43, PD29Ag71: 33, PD10Je73: 33, D25N75: 21, D30D75: 21, D2Mr76: 43, D9Mr76: 43, D24Ag76: 61, D3Ja77: 42, D17Ja77: 42 plays by presented in Williamsburg, PD26My68: 23— R26My68: 24 John, Capt. , of the Aurora, PD170c71: 13 Martin, PD23Je74: 12 Martin, Capt. , PD17Ja71: 13 Samuel, PD14F71: 32, R2D73: 32, D18Mr75:33 Samuel, sr. , P18Ap77s22 William, R5Ap70: 42--PD19Ap70: 42, R12J170: 22--PD19J170: 41, PD2D73:31,D30Mr76:41, D28Mr77: 21— PllAp77: 21 Gay Head, Mass. , See British navy off Gayet, Jules, Capt. , of the Modeste, PD22Ja67: 11, PD19F67: 23 Gayle, Christopher, PD5Mr67: 32 John, R14Ap74:31 Joseph, PD13N66: 23, PD12N72: 23, R19N72:42 Joshua, PlMr76: 41 Matthew, D2Ap79: 32 Robert, P130c75: 11, D210c75:31 Gayton, Capt. ,11J145:41 of the Bien Aime Prize, 16My45: 22, 23Mv45:31 of the H. M. S. Mermaid, 26S45: 31, 12D45: 32 of the Panther, PD5S71: 12 of the Romulus, D24Ap79: 31 Clark, Capt. , 240c45: 41 Clark, Mrs. , 11S46: 21 John, Adm. , D29Je76: 21, DHOc76: 12 Gazel, Capt. , surveyor of woods in N. Am. , PD1N70: 21— R1N70: 22 Gazey, ship, D8My79: 21 Gear, Balsar, Pi29D74: 23 Geary, Adm. , PD14Mr71:22 Capt. , of the Chester, 11 J145: 31 Francis, Capt. , of the Somerset, 4Ap55:22, 26S55: 12 George, Capt. , of the John, 28Ag52:31 of the William, 25Ap55: 22 Geddes, Capt. , of the Holker, D11S79:21,C13N79:11 Alexander, Capt. , of the Edinburgh, 25Ja40: 2 Geddies, Capt. , PD6N66: 21 Geddy, Mr. , D310c77: 22 — P310c77: 32 indentured servant of, 150c36: 42 shop of, D170c77: 22 Anne, PD22D68: 41--R22D68: 13 David, 8Ag51:32 James, R23 J167: 42, PD26Mr72: 32, D12Ag75: 41— Pi24Ag75: 33, P19J176:33 adv. for lost crossbow, 8J137: 42 adv. for missing watches, PD11N73: 23 — R11N73:21,D12F79:42 adv. for old silver, P20S76: 32 adv. for runaway apprentices, PD2Ap67: 32 adv. goldsmith work, PD5Mr67: 31 — R12Mr67: 42, PD28S69: 31 , PD4Oc70: 31, PD23My71: 31 adv. guns and brasswork, for sale, 60c38:61 adv. house and lot for sale, P2My77s41, P28N77: 33 adv. jewelry, PDlAg66: 31, PD270c68: 33, PD4Je72: 32, PD15J173: 32, Pil30c74: 32 — PD130c74: 32, PilJe75: 33 — P2Je75:33--D3Je75:33 adv. settlement of accounts, PD19J170:41 adv. store for rent, PD18J171: 23 adv. unclaimed gun, 50c39: 32 appointed to committee for Williamsburg, Va. , Pi9N75: 33 bond of, D3Ag76: 32 elected member of common council, Williamsburg, PD3D67: 31 joins association for non-importation, PD19J170:21 robbery of, R27My73: 23 shop of,PD170c71: 23 John, R23 J167: 42, PD27S70: 32, PD29J173:31,DUOc76:ll, P250c76: 31— D15N76: 32 Nancy, PD26Mr72: 32 William, 8Ag51: 32, P28N77sl2 William, sr. , D3Ag76: 32 Gee, Col. , P240c77: 31 Lt. , on court martial board, P12Ja76:33 Drury, PD2Ap72: 33, P14Ap75: 33 Henry, adv. stallion for hire, D28Mr77: 12 — P28Mr77s23 delegate from Sussex co. , Va. , P3Mr75s23, DlAp75: 21, P25Ap77: 22, P9My77: 23, D90c79: 22 deserter, 31 J146: 51 on committee for Sussex co. , Va. , P7J175sl3,P7J175s21 Henry, Col. , D18D79: 31 James, 19S51: 32 John, PD2Ap72: 33 William, Pi6J175: 12 Geer, Henry, R17F74: 33 Geese, captured by British in U. S. , Pi31Ag75: 31— D2S75: 21, D20c79: 22 exported from York river district, Va. , to Bermuda, 10F38: 31, 4Ag38: 42 for sale, D28N77: 22 killed at Fort Sullivan, S. C. , P19J176:23 plentiful in Essex, Eng. , PD11D66: 21 in High Suffolk, Eng. , PD11D66: 21 price in Boston, Mass. , P1S75: 22— D2S75: 22, PilOJa76: 22 — P12Ja76: 23 — D13Ja76: 23 in Mallow, Ire. , PD2J167: 13 in Pensacola, Fla. . PD18Je67: 22 Geillia, ship, PD27Ja74: 12 — R27Ja74: 21 441 Geils Geils, Andrew, Capt. , of the Elizabeth, 4J145: 3, 10Oc45: 3 Gelding, Isaac, Pi2Mr75: 33 — D4Mr75: 32 Gellespy, William, D230c79: 32 Gelly, Thomas, C30Oc79: 31 Gemmell, William, Capt. , of the Albany, 30Je38: 41, HAg38: 32 Gemmill, James, 16D37: 41 James, Capt. , of the Archibald, RllAg68: 23 Gems, imported to London, Eng. , from Venice, It. , R4F68: 14 Gendarmes, tax for in Fr. , PD5S71: 11 Genealogy, of the kings of Eng. , R31Mr74: 22 General advertiser, extracts from, 4S46:32,D6N78:11 General Association, pseud. , PD10N74: 41 General Clinton, ship, D18My76: 21 General evening post, extracts from, 21Mr51: 21, 120c52: 11, PD2Ap67: 11, PD29N70: 11, R28Mr71: 11, PD2Ja72: 21 General Gage, ship, P5Ap76: 32 sloop, PD12Ja69: 22, R29N70: 13, D13Ja76: 23, P22Mr76: 13, P22Mr76: 21 General Gates, Mass. privateer, D8N76: 11, D26Mr79: 22 General gazette, extract from,PD27Ap69:13 General Green, armed ship, D26Je79: 21, D24J179: 22, D90c79: 21 General Greene, privateer, D180c76: 12 General Hancock, armed ship, P230c78: 21 General Herkimer, brigantine, D29Ag77: 12 General Mercer, privateer, P10Oc77: 23, D12D77:12,C30Oc79:22 General Mifflin, privateer, D12F80: 22 ship, D25J177: 12--PlAg77: 11 General Montgomery, American brig, D1N76: 22 privateer, P11J177: 31 General Pickering, ship, D90c79: 21 General Putnam, privateer, D24J179: 22 General Stark, privateer, C13N79: 11 General Thomas, ship, D6Ap76: 21 General Washington, ship, D17 J179:31, D24J179: 22, D21Ag79: 31, C19Ag80: 12 sloop, DllAp77: 31 General Wolfe, brig, PD6Ja74: 32 ship, PD26N67: 22, PD10Mr68: 23 General Woodely, ship, PD29S68: 21 — R29S68: 21 Generous Friend, ship, PD10S72: 22, PD270c74: 23 Genesee, N. Y. , burned by Americans, D90c79: 21 Genet, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD25F68: 23 — R3Mr68: 34 manufacture in Fredericksburg, Va. , P17Ja77: 22 Geneva, Switz. , independence and sovereignty acknowledged, 8S38: 12 insurrections in, PDlAp73: 12, PDlAp73: 13, R280c73: 22 political unrest in, 18N37: 21, 2D37: 12, 9D37: 22, 9D37: 32, 3F38: 22, lMr38: 32, 2Je38: 21 relations with Fr. , PD18Je67: 22, PD21Ap68: 12 See also Fires in; Storms in Geneva lake, Switz. , drying up described, 21F51: 12 Geneva wine, distillation regulated in Holl. ,Pi23Mr75:31 for sale, in Blandford, Va. ,D13N78: 11 in Hanover, Va. , P31Ja77: 23 — D7F77:32, P14F77: 42 in Williamsburg, Va. , P7Je76: 33 in Yorktown, Va. , 18Ap55: 31 smuggled in Gt. Brit. , PD8Qc67: 12, PD7D69s22 taxes on, in Gt. Brit. , PD22S74: 22 Geneva wine, Holland, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. ,D14N77: 31, D8My78: 82 Genito bridge, Va. , PD2Ap67: 31, PD20Ag67: 31 Genito road, Va. , PD9Mr69: 33 Genoa, It. , abdication of doge discussed, 29S52:11 alliance with Fr. threatened, PD22D68: 11 banking credit in, 12S51: 21, 14N51: 21 bombarded by British, 19D45: 32, 27Mr46: 41 builds ships for Fr. , PD4Je67: 11 defeats Corsica, 26N36: 32 demands on by Fr. , PD310c71: 12 denounces Theodore I, Corsica, 17S36:22 equips ships against Corsica, PD22Ja67: 11 fears loss of Polish loan,R31D72: 21 finances war against Corsica, PD9F69:21--R9F69:11 history of, PD28F71: 31 jewelry controlled in,R80c72: 11 loan to British W. I. suggested, R8Ap73:22 loan to Lyons, Fr. , PD24Je73: 11 made free port, 5D51: 12 maintains sovereignty over Corsica, 3LT146: 41 mediation with Corsica considered, PD16J167: 11, PD30J167: 22 military preparations of, PD8Ag71: 13, PD19My74: 31 naval preparations of, PD1J173: 21 pardons criminals serving against Corsica, 6My37: 21 peace with Corsica, 4Mr37: 41, 3F38: 22, 2Je38: 31, PD19N67: 13 plots against government planned, PD12Mr72:21 political news from, 11J151: 22 prepares to subdue Corsicans, 290c36: 22 rebels in, 27Ja38: 32 rejects Corsican peace proposals, PD16J167: 12 relations with Algiers, PD15J173: 22— R15J173: 12 with Aust. ,21Ag46: 12 with Cors. , 25Ag38: 21, 16F39: 22, 13F52: 21, PD27N66: 21, PD4D66: 21, PD11D66: 12, PD24S67: 12, PD16Je68: 11— R16Je68: 22, PD16Je68: 21, PD30Je68: 13 with Fr. , PD18D66: 21, PDllAp71: 11, PD20My73: 13, R31Mr74: 21, D24Je75: 21, Pi29Je75: 31 — P30Je75: 13 with Gt. Brit. , 20Je45: 11, PDlAg66: 13, PDllJe67: 13, PD2J167: 11, PD1S68:13,PD29S68: 12, PDllAp71:ll with Savoy, 23F39: 12, 6Je45: 11, R8F70:12, PD8Ag71: 13 with Sp. ,PDllAp71:ll, PD20My73: 13, D24Je75: 21, Pi29Je75: 31--P30Je75: 13 with Turin, It. , R15Mr70: 21, PD18Ap71:22 renews fight against Cors. , 7Ja37: 22, PD25F68: 21 sale of Cors. by rumored, 26Ag37: 32 sends supplies to Cors. , 10S36: 32, 29J137: 32 supported by Aust. , 11N37: 21 territorial disputes with Aust. , PD15F70:21 to be free city, PD28S69: 13 treaties with Cors. , PD12My68: 12, PD26My68: 11 with Fr. , 26S45: 21, 27Ag56: 11, PD25Je67: 21, PD25Ag68: 12, PD25Ag68: 22, R25Ag68: 21, R25Ag68: 23, PD5S68: 11-- R15S68:13, PD15S68: 21 — R15S68:23,PD22S68:21, PD29S68: 12, PD130c68: 13, PD9N69: 11, PD16My71: 11, PD26Ag73: 21— R26Ag73s21 with Fr. opposed in, PD60c68: 12 with Fr. praised, PD60c68: 12— R60c68: 13 with Fr. , Sp. , and Port. , PD3S72: 12 with Gt. Brit. , PD14Mr66: 41 war with Gt. Brit, prophesied, PD29S68: 13 with Savoy rumored, PD15D70: 21 with Sp. , 26S45: 21 See also British navy in; Earthquakes in; Exports from James river, upper district, Va. , to; French army in; French navy, ship built in; Imports to Port, from; Jesuits land in; Monks expelled from; Ship carpenters, British, employed in; Ships from Provence, Fr. , to; Ships' sailing time; Ships to Williams- burg, Va. , from; Taxes Genoa, ship, 22S38: 32 Genoese army, leaves Corsica, PD29S68: 12 Genoese navy, ships built for, R60c68: 11 Genter, John, PD21S69: 32 Gentery, Joseph, PD9Mr69: 42 Gentian, for sale, in Shockoe, Va. , PD4Ap66: 41 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD21S69: 41— R21S69s21 near Warwick, Va. , D28F77: 32 Gentil, brig, PlMy78: 41 Gentleman of Va. , pseud. , 14F51: 31 Gentleman's magazine, account of French trials, 30N39: 21, 7D39: 11 Bolingbroke's philosophy criticized, 4Ap55: 12 British claims to Mississippi valley reviewed, 4Ap55: 11 British colonial policy discussed, PD4Ap66: 11, R30My66: 11 Caroline, Queen, extolled, 7Ap38: 12 442 George III Chinese history discussed, 80c36: 21 clergy as expenditors discussed, 3Ag39:12 criticized, 3Je37: 32 custom of Dunmow manor, Essex, Eng. , described, 170c51: 22 drinking discussed, 15S38: 11 eulogy of Frederick, prince of Wales, 13Je51:22 Europe discussed, 14Mr51: 31 extracts from, 24Je37: 12, 140c37: 21, 24Ap46: 21, 29S52: 21, 1D52: 12, 22D52: 21, PD28Mr66: 32, PD29Ja67: 12, R19F67: 11, PD290c67: 13, R11F68: 11, R28Ap68: 23, PD28J168: 41, PD4Ag68: 41, PD270c68: 13, PD16Mr69: 11, PDllMy69: 41, PD18My69: 11, PD28D69: 12, R18Ja70: 12, R23Ag70: 21, R15N70: 11, R12N72:U,R19My74:21, Pil6F75:22 international affairs discussed, 14Ag52:12 Lestock's defense (text), 19D45: 11, 9Ja46: 11 morals discussed, 17Ja52: 32 natural mathematician described, 11J151: 12,2Ja52: 12 poems quoted, 6J139: 21, 21Mr55: 31 punishments discussed, 21Mr51: 12 robberies described, 24Ja51: 11 ships' leaks discussed in, 20Ja38: 12 smallpox cure explained in, 7Ja37: 41 Spanish guarda costas and marine insurance discussed, 1S38: 11 Steinhorst castle discussed, 15Je39: 11 subscriptions to taken by Rind, R26My68: 33 women soldiers discussed, 17Ja51: 11 Gentry, Robert, 30N59: 42 Genusa, Shawnee Indian, PD22D74: 23 Geoghegan, Mr. , D18S79: 31 Anthony, PD24Mr68: 33, PD21Ap68: 23, PD3N68: 31, R19Ap70: 43, PD20S70: 32, Pi2Mr75:33 Geographers, needed in Gt. Brit. , 7Mr55: 21 Geographus, pseud. , R27S70: 23 Geography, discoveries in, PD2My71: 11 discussed, R140c73: 12 taught at academy in New Kent co. , Va. , RlMr70: 22 at College of N. J. , PD18N73: 21 at Fredericksburg, Va. , school, P9My77: 41 at D. H. W. Mara's school, P5D77: 31 at Somerset, Va. , academy, R23F69: 13 at Sussex glebe, Va. , school, D12S77:42--P12S77: 11 at James Waddel's school, 4N63: 41 teachers adv. , in Hanover co. , Va. , PD150c72: 23--R150c72: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , 17N52: 22, R4D66: 33 Geometry, taught at Fredericksburg, Va. , P9My77: 41 at Samuel Kemp's school, D6N78: 31 at James Waddel's school, 4N63: 41 teachers adv. , in Va. , PD2My71: 32-- R2My71: 31 George I, king of Gt. Brit. , 9Je38: 32, 2Mr39:22 George n, king of Gt. Brit. , accession anniversary celebrated, 9S37: 32, 30D37: 21, 2F39: 21, 16Ja46: 31, 31Ja51: 22, 270c52: 12 addresses of, 22Ap37: 31, 22Ap37: 32, 23S37: 22, 24Mr38: 41, 7Ap38: 32, 19My38: 31, 21J138: 31, 18Ag38: 32, 8S38: 21, 20Ap39: 22, 4My39: 31, HMy39: 31, 17Ag39: 22, 14S39: 22, 28Mr45: 11, 28Mr45: 21, 28Mr45: 22, 13Je45: 11, 16Ja46: 32, 3Ap46: 32, 18J146: 31, 16My51: 22, 25J151: 31, HOc51: 31, 27F52: 11, 18Je52: 12, 28Mr55: 22, 19D55: 11 anecdotes about, PDllMy69s22, R16N69:21,RllN73s22 appoints bishop of Osnabruck, Ger. , 1J137:41 appoints regents, 25Je52: 12 approves mutiny bill, 23Je38: 32 at Hampton court, 6J139: 41 at Kensington, Eng. , 6J139: 41, 20J139:31,31Oc45:31 attends church service, 24Mr38: 41 autopsy of, 16Ja61: 31 birthday, 19Ja39: 22 birthday celebrated in Bath, Eng. , 2Mr39: 31 in London, Eng. , 11F37: 11 in Williamsburg, Va. , 5N36: 42, 14Ja37: 42, 21 Ja37: 42, 4N37: 42, 3N38: 51, 2N39: 41, 17N52: 21, 14N55: 21 debts of, PD16My66: 12 drinks Pyrmont waters, 1J137: 31 elegy to, Pi9Mr75: 12 founds university, 8J137: 31 gift to Louis XV, 8 Je39: 41 to princess of Orange, 14Ja37: 42 health of, 15Ap37: 42, 22Ap37: 32 honored on New Year's day, 14Mr51:22 in Hellevoetsluis, Holl. , lAp'37: 31 inspects horses, 8J137: 31 loss at sea rumored, 11F37: 41 loyalty to, 310c45: 22 mourning for in Va. , 16Ja61: 32 observes Epiphany, 30Ap52: 21 offers allowance to prince of Wales, 13My37: 22, 20My37: 21 orders in council of, 18J151: 31 pardons rebels against George I, 7J138:22 plots against, 24Ap52: 11 poem on birthday of, 11F37: 12, 7Mr51:22, 15My52: 31 political influence in Europe, 120c52: ll,120c52:22 presents parliament papers on Spanish depredations, 14J138: 22 proclamations of, 19D45: 32 receives congratulations on birth of prince, 13J139: 31 on birthday of duke of Cumberland, 27J139: 21 refuses to receive at court, 12My38: 31 replies to lord mayor of London, Eng. , 21N51:22 reviews troops, 27My37: 31, 15S38: 32, 60c38: 32 statues of, 30Mr39: 21, 30c51: 22 supports territories of prince of Orange, 11F37: 22, 25Mr37: 12 to Gt. Brit. ,25F37:41,7N45:22, 30c55: 31, 12D55: 21 travels of 21F5L22 visits Hanover, 17S36: 32, 10c36: 32 26N36: 41, 17D36: 41, 14Ja37: 22, 14Ja37: 41, 28Ja37: 42, 4F37: 31, 22Ap37: 21, HMy39: 12, 6J139: 21, 19D51: 21, 3J152: 11, 21Ag52: 21, 15S52: 21, 8D52: 12 , 10Oc55: 22, 7N55: 21 war measures in Hanover, Ger. , 12S45:31 yacht of, 10D36: 32 George HI, king of Gt. Brit. , abilities listed, PD13F72: 22 accepts governorship of Society of free British fishery, 29Ag51: 21, 29Ag51:22 accession anniversary celebrated, PD19S66: 21 in Boston, Mass. , PD30Oc66: 13, PD24N68: 23, PD1D68: 21, PD25Oc70: 13, PD240c71: 22 in London, Eng. , PD13D70: 13, PD10Ja71: 13 in Montreal, Quebec, Can. , PD17N74: 12 in New York City, PD16N69: 12, P19N75: 23 in WiUiamsburg, Va. , PD290c67: 21, PD310c71: 21--R310c71: 32, PD290c72: 21--R290c72: 22 accused of conspiracy against liberty, PD30Ag70: 13 addressed by Continental congress, D28Ja75:12,D2S75:22 by Dublin, Ire. , D22Ja80: 21 by Freemen of America, P21F77: 11 by Jefferson, Pi2Mr75: 11 by Junius, D7Mr77: 22 by Quaker, D9S75: 22 by Tories, D4D79: 11 by Wilkes, PD16Je68: 12--R16Je68: 12 addresses of, PD7Mr66: 22, PD14Mr66: 13, PD14Mr66: 21, PD28Mr66: 22, PD28Mr66: 31, PD28Mr66: 32, PD5S66s21 — R5S66: 11, PD15Ja67: 31, PD22Ja67: 21, PD10S67: 21, PD11F68: 13--R11F68: 22, PD11F68: 22--R11F68: 22, R18F68: 24, PD19My68: 21, PD18Ag68: 13--R18Ag68: 13, R5Ja69: 22, PD26Ja69: 23, R4My69: 31, PDllMy69s23, PD18My69: 11, PD3Ag69: 21-- R3Ag69: 11, PD5Ap70: 11-- R5Ap70:ll,R3My70:21, PD16Ag70: 11, PD31Ja71: 11-- R31Ja71:ll,PD31Ja71:12, PD31Ja71: 31, PD25J171: 12, R15Ag71: 12, PD16Ap72: 21, R23Ap72: 21, PD30Ap72: 21, PD27Ag72: 12, PD4Mr73: 23-- R4Mr73: 31, PD25Mr73: 13, PD25Mr73: 21, PD9S73: 22--R9S73: 22, PD24Mr74: 22--R24Mr74: 21, PD24Mr74: 23--R24Mr74: 31, PD8S74:21,Pi3F75bll-- P3F75s22--D4F75: 22, D4F75: 23, P17F75: 22, P17F75: 33, D18F75: 21, D29Ap75: 13, P21J175sl2-- D22J175: 32, P19Ja76: 22-- D20Ja76: 32--Pi20Ja76: 11, D27Ja76:32,P19Ap76: 13, D22Je76: 22, P16Ag76: 13, P23Ag76: 22--D24Ag76: 22, 443 George III, addresses of (cont'd) D14F77: 11--P14F77: 11, D4Ap77: 11, DllAp77:22, P7N77: 11, P29My78: 21, P21Ag78: 21, D12F79: 11, D5Mr79: 11, C6N79: 21 advice to, R9N69: 23, PD4Ap71: 21, D8J175: 12 allegiance to professed by Congress, P29D75: 21--D30D75: 23 — P130D75: 11 renounced, P10My76: 42 allowance increases, PD10D72: 11 anecdotes about, PD6My73: 12, PD9S73: 22— R9S73: 22, R25Ag74: 23 answers Junius, R21F71: 21 answers petition of London, Eng. , P19Je78:31 appoints commission to investigate Gaspee affair, PD18F73: 13 attitude on peace terms for U. S. , D11S79: 22 attitude toward, PD14Je70: 12, PD14Je70:22 in Mass. , PD9Mr69: 21--R9Mr69: 21 in New York City, P26J176: 22— D29J176: 41 attitude toward colonies, P3Mr75s22, D26Ag75: 21, Pi28S75: 22— P29S75: 22--D30S75: 23, P24N75s21 authority in colonies discussed, R270c68: 14, PD16Mr69: 11, PD13J169: 13— R13J169: 12, DUe76:31 birth of, 1S38:32, 8S38: 31, 15S38: 32 birthday celebrated, 24Ag39: 21, PD28Mr66: 22 in Berwick, Scot. , PD22S68: 13 in Boston, Mass, PD6J169: 31, PD4J171: 13, PD1 J173: 31, PD30Je74: 13 in Charleston, S. C. , R26J170: 13 in Dublin, Ire. , PD27Ag67: 21, PD29S68: 13 in Elizabeth City co. , Va. , PD13Je66: 21 in Hampton, Va. , PD13Je66: 21 in London, Eng. , PD19S66: 11, PD27Ag67: 21, PD10S67: 11, PD7S69: 12, PD16Ag70: 22, PD16Ag70: 31, PD22Ag71: 13 in New York City, PD25Je67: 23, PD30Je68: 22, PD4J171: 13, PD23Je74: 21— R23Je74: 31 in Pa. , PD20Je66: 21, PD25Je72: 31 in Scot. , PD14S69: 13 in Stirling, Scot. , PD1S68: 13 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD6Je66: 23, R260c69: 21, PD7Je70: 23, Pil9Ja75:32 blamed for ministry's acts, D4F75: 23 calls newspapers false, D23D75: 22 characterized, PD4Je72: 31, Pi24Ag75:12,D70c75:31 charity of, PD11F68: 21, PD12Mr72: 22— R12Mr72: 12, PD9Ap72: 31 christening of, 29S38: 32 collects library, PD13Ag67: 13 — R13Ag67:22 compared to Titus of Rome, P12My75: 12 created duke of Gloucester, 14Mr51: 21 created prince of Wales, 13 Je51: 32, 18J151:31 criticized, R21S69sll, R19J170: 12, PD16Ap72: 21, PD17N74: 13, P23Je75:ll,Pi6J175:21, Pi7S75: 21— D23S75: 12, D23S75: 21, DllAp77: 21, D22Ag77: 12 — P22Ag77: 21, P6Mr78: 21 by Junius, R8Mr70sll, R14Je70: 12, PD25Ap71: 22, PD26S71: 22 by Wilkes,D15J175:23 for American war, PlMy78: 21 for colonial policy, R15S74: 11, PD60c74: 11, D18My76: 32 for government, Pi270c74: 11, Pi270c74:12,D7Mr77:22 for issuing pardon, PD5N72: 32 for Quebec act, PD130c74: 11, Pi24N74: 11 for secrecy, PD9J172: 21 for stubbornness, P10F75: 23 in America, P8Mr76s21 in Commons, D26 Je79: 21 in Eng. , PD7Je70: 22, PD8D74: 13, P31Mr75: 21 in London, Eng. , PD24My70: 12, PD5N72: 13, PD16S73: 22, P129S74: 23, Pi28Ap75: 32, D16S75: 12, D22My79: 11 in Md. , D21F77: 11 — P21F77: 21 in Newport, R. I. , Pil30c74: 31 denies petition of London, Eng. , PD3Je73: 21 discontinues homage in churches, PD4Je72: 23 discussed in Botetourt co. , Va. , DllMr75:32 discusses defense of Britain, D4Mr80: 21 disregards Glorious revolution, P21J175:12 doctor claims certificate from, R14J168: 33— PD1S68: 31 duties, R23Ag70: 13 early education, 21Ag52: 22 encourages inventions, PD6J169: 12 essay in support of, PD7Je70: 23 essay to, on corruption of government, R25Ag74: 13 family life described, D16D75: 13 favors Prohibitory act, D18My76: 33 favors war with Sp. , PD31Ja71: 31 followed by mob, PD6J169: 22— R6J169: 21 gifts to, PD3Ag69: 23, PD7D69sl3, RllJa70: 11, PD16S73: 13 — R16S73: 31, PD23D73: 22--R23D73: 22 from Indian princes, PD8Ag71: 11 from Tunis, Af. , PD13Je71: 11 gifts to Indian princes, PD9N69: 12 influence on government , PD9My71: 12— R9My71: 21, R15Ag71: 12, R26S71: 22 influenced against colonies, R31My70: 11 marriage, HOc51: 21, 27D51: 21, 10Oc55: 11 memorials to, P9Ag76:12— D10Ag76: 21 misled by ministry, P20Oc75: 21 — D210c75: 21 ode on birthday of, PH4S75: 41 omens against, D20Je77: 22 opposes conciliation with colonies, P31My76: 12— DlJe76: 12 opposes petition of N. Y. general assembly, Dl 5 Jl 75: 33 orders in council of, R11D66: 13, R11D66:21 orders Tories to replace Hessians, D28F77: 22 — P28F77sll owes tradesmen, PD18Je72: 21 parody on, PD23S73s21 personal hearing with requested by Mass. R20My73: 11— PD24Je73: 12 personal misfortunes of, PD16Ap72: 23, PD30Ap72: 13, PD30Ap72: 21, PD7My72: 23 plans Cherokee attack on Va. , P26J176: 23 plans for increasing colonial trade, PD14Ap68: 22 plans invasion, C27N79: 11 praised in Eng. , PD26My68: 13 private life described, PD4Je72: 22 proclamations of, R25Ag68: 12, PDllMy69sl3, PD3Ja71: 12, R31D72: 22, PD24Je73: 22, Pi8D74: 22--PD8D74: 21, Pi23F75: 33, Pi9N75: 33— P10N75:23— D18N75:21, D25N75: 23, P28Je76: 22— D29Je76: 22, DllAp77:12,D160c79:21 reads newspapers, R15Mr70: 22 reception by parliament, D3F76: 21 refuses audience to Wilkes, PD12S71: 23 refuses to hear petition from London, Eng. , P22S75: 12 relations with ministry, D30S75: 21 — P60c75: 13 relations with people, R7Je70: 11 relied on to defy ministry, Pi50c75: 31 remonstrance to by minority proposed, D26F79: 22 replies to Irish Commons address, PD30Ja72: 31 to Spanish declaration of war, D18S79: 22 requests troops from Irish parliament, D9Mr76: 12 reviews armories in Woolwich, Eng. , PD23S73: 21 reviews army, PD13S70: 22, PD13S70sll, PD13S70sl2, PD25J171: 12, D2S75: 12, D30Mr76: 31, D8Je76: 42, D14S76:ll,D40c76:61 reviews navy, PD2S73: 12— R2S73: 12, PD9S73: 13--R9S73: 23, D8Je76: 32 — P14Je76: 12 ridiculed, D5Je79: 12 satirized, PD4J171: 11, R280c73: 11, PD29S74: 41, Pi21S75: 22, D13Ja76: 21 Scottish influence on, PD14My72: 12 signs embargo on New Eng. , P9Je75: 13 soliloquy of, PD22Mr70: 12 — R22Mr70: 12 speeches attributed to ministry, P17Mr75: 11 speeches criticized, PD30Ap72: 11, P26Ja76: 32 in Md. , D2Mr76: 23 in parliament, P10Mr75: 31 in Va. , D28F77:11 speeches discussed in Commons, P7Mr77: ll,P14Mr77: 11 in Ire. ,D19F79:21 statue erected in Montreal, Can. , PD18N73: 21 in New York City, PD6S70: 22 statue proposed in Va. , PD27N66: 22 statue urged by Accomac co. , Va. , PD170c66: 22 supported in Commons, D3F76: 23 in Eng. , R23Ag70: 21, R30Ag70: 11, R30My71: 21, PD9S73: 21 — 444 Georgia R9S73: 12-21, PD9S73: 22, PD9S73: 23, PD16S73: 22, PD23S73: 11— R23S73: 12, PD11N73: 13,P23Je75sll in Fincastle co. , Va. , P10F75: 32 in Lunenburg co. , Va. , R4My69: 22 in Va. ,PD13J169:11 supports British colonial policy, P16Je75sl3--D17Je75:22 liberties of English, R22Mr70: 11 Lord North, PDllN73sl2— RllN73sl2 parliament, PD24My70: 12, PD25N73:13--R25N73:33 threatened, PD15Ag71: 22--R15Ag71: 21 unpopularity of, PD29Je69: 23 — R29Je69:22,R15Ag71: 11 visits Hanover, Ger. , PD5Mr67: 21, PD13Je71: 11 watermen paid to acclaim, P23Je75sl2 George, Capt. , of the Black Prince, PD9Mr69: 31, PD23Mr69: 31 Anne, Mrs. , PD14My72: 21 Anselm, Pi20Ap75: 32--D22Ap75: 31 David, PD9My71: 33 Delaware, 14N55: 21 Elsley, Mrs. , P30c77: 23 Enoch, PD30J172: 33 Isaac, Pil5Je75: 33 James, PD30Oc66: 23, PD18J171: 22 James, Capt. , of the Kirby Hall, Pil6Mr75: 22— P17Mr75: 21 — D18Mr75: 23 James, Lt. , of the Rambler, D8Ap80: 21 James, sr. , PD26Ja69: 32--R2F69: 31, PD18Oc70: 31 Jesse, P16Ag76: 43 John, D28Mr77: 22--P28Mr77s21, P30c77: 23 John, Capt. , PD21N71: 13 Nicholas, D29J175: 33, PllAg75: 41 Prince, Capt. , of the Recovery, 9Ja46: 4, 23Ja46: 41, 29My46: 4 Richard, 170c51: 32 Robert, Capt. , D26 Je79: 22 William, P14Je76: 33 adv. finding cattle, R12My68: 31 adv. for missing horse, P16Ag76sl2 adv. slaves in jail, D2Mr76: 31, P160c78:13,D14Ag79:32 disavows wife's debts, PD14My72: 21 letter in post office, PD2Je68: 23 repudiates bond, R15D68: 22 runaway criminal, R1N70: 32 runaway indentured servant, PD8D74: 31 — PU5D74: 33 William, Capt. , of the Black Prince, R12Ja69:31 William Cornelius, R10Mr68: 31 George, brig, PD27N66: 21, R21N71: 23, D12D77: 12 brigantine, PD10Mr74: 31 Continental man of war, D17Ag76: 12 H. M. S. , 4Ap55: 22, D30D75: 33 privateer, 11J145: 32, 11J145: 41, 5D45:41,17Ap46:21 schooner, 16My45: 32, PD19Mr72: 23 ship, 16S37: 31, 30D37: 32, lMr38: 32, 14J138: 32, 20Ap39: 12, 21Mr45: 31, 240c45: 11, 31Ja51: 32, 7F51: 41, 7Mr51: 31, 19J154: 31, 7N54: 22, 28F55: 31, 9My55: 21, 23My55: 21, 26S55: 31, PDl4Mr66:32, R30My66:32— PD6Je66: 31, PD30Oc66: 22, PD22Ja67: 32, PDllJe67: 22, PD6Ag67: 32, PD18F68: 23 — R18F68:31,PD3Mr68:31, PD26My68: 23— R26My68: 31, R25Ag68: 31, PD1S68: 23, R1S68: 23. R60c68: 23--PD270c68: 42, PD27Ap69: 31— R27Ap69: 22, PD14S69: 31, PD28S69: 23, PD24My70: 23, PD14Je70: 32, PD18Oc70sl2, PD16My71: 23, PD27Je71: 32, PD23Ja72: 13, PD23Ja72: 22, PD30Ja72: 32, R12Mr72: 23, PD23Ap72: 23— R23Ap72: 23, PD21My72: 31, PD25Je72: 31, PD19N72: 21, PD8J173: 31 — R8 J173: 32, PD15J173: 32, PD5Ag73: 23, PD6Ja74: 32, PD14Ap74: 13, Pil6Mr75: 22— P17Mr75: 21 — D18Mr75: 23 sloop, PD14My67: 21, R17Mr74: 23 — PD14Ap74:31 snow, 20Oc52: 21 transport, D29J176: 41 George and Dragon, cock fighting at, 14F51:41 George and John, ship, R11D66: 33 George Augustus Frederick, prince of Wales, R14Je70: 11 George Augustus university, founded by George H, 8J137: 31 George Galley, ship, 21Mr45: 31, 10Oc45: 3, 9Ja46: 4 George island, discovery of, PD16Ja72:31 George Pious King, pseud. , Pi21S75: 22 George tavern, Mass. , PilOAg75: 32— PllAg75p21, Pi24Ag75: 32, D26Ag75: 11, D26Ag75: 23, D70c75: 31 George tavern, Va. , 5S55: 41 George's banks. See Accidents near; Shipwrecks on George's is. , Mass. , See Shipwrecks on Georgetown, Md. , See Indentured servants runaway from; Merchants in ; Storms in Georgetown, Prince Edward is. , PD30Je68: 22 Georgetown, S. C. , See Militia near; Prisoners of war, British, taken near; Ships, New England, captured near Georgia, artillery for, 7J138: 22 attack by Cherokees rumored, P2Ag76: 13 attacked by S. C. , 23S37: 21 back country inspected, PD18F68: 22— R18F68: 24 civil list financed by Commons, P13S76: 11 claims to, 21 Ja37: 32, 4N37: 32, 16D37: 41, 23D37: 41, 10Mr38: 22, 7S39:22, 14S39:31 climate disagreeable to Swiss, PD23J172: 31 committee of correspondence, R28J168: 23, Pi20Ap75: 22 conference with Cherokees, D20Je77: 12 conflict with S. C. over Indian trade, 220c36: 31 council of safety, D6Ap76: 23 delegates to Continental congress elected, Pi2F75: 22, D4F75: 31, Pi20Ap75: 21, Pi3Ag75: 33 — P4Ag75: 23 described to George n, 27J139: 32 dissents from Continental congress' resolutions, P3Mr75: 23 evacuated by British, D20c79: 11 general assembly, addresses (text) of, D25Mr75: 21 appoints colonial agents, PD25Mr73: 22 declines to send delegates to Continental congress, Pi270c74: 22 dissolved, PD2F69: 23, PD25Ap71: 23 instructions (text) to delegate to Continental congress, D22 Je76: 62 instructs Stamp act congress, 250c65s23 replies to governor's address, PD7Ja68: 23 resolutions of, PD17Ja71: 12 supports Va. and Mass. circular letters. PD9Mr6 9: 22 house of commons, addresses (text) of,D25Mr75:22 invasion rumored, 12My38: 32, 1S38: 32, 20Je45: 32, P5Je78: 22 joins Continental congress, D6 Ja76: 12 letter (text) from Continental congress, D28Ja75: 12 offers bounties to settlers, 10S36: 42 ordered to enlist battalions by Continental congress, P40c76: 11 — DHOc76:42 parliamentary grants to, 24Je37: 31, 7J138: 22, 14J138: 31, 22Je39: 11 petitions (text) king, D280c75: 22 plundered, D27S76: 22, D12F80: 31 prepares for Spanish invasion, 10Mr38: 31 provincial congress meets in Savannah, Ga. , D25Mr75: 23 offers land bounty to enlisted men, P23Ag76: 41 reinforced by British, 16N39: 32 relations with Cherokees, D13J176: 12 with Creeks, PD7Ap74: 21 — R7Ap74: 12, D13J176: 12 with Indians, Pi9Mr75: 31 — P10Mr75: 31 requests aid from S. C. , PD10Mr74: 23 soldiers enlisted for defense of, from Hampton, Va. , P6D76: 32 skirmishes in, P14Je76p22 threatened by Sp. , 18My39: 32, 4Ja40: 32 trade allowed, Pil8My75: 32 unregulated by Gt. Brit. , P19My75sll- D20My75: 23 with Creeks prohibited, R7J174: 31 with Md. suspended, PillMy75: 32— P12My75sl3— D13My75: 22 with S. C. stopped, Pi9Mr75: 31 — P10Mr75: 31, P31Mr75s22 treaty with Cherokees, PD18Mr73: 21, PD25Mr73: 22, PD9S73: 31 with Creeks, PD25Mr73: 22, PD9S73: 31,D4F75: 12 troops, P14F77: 22, P21F77: 41, P28Mr77s21, P4Ap77: 23, P13Je77: 33, P27Je77: 33 deserters from, D27S76: 42, P17Ja77: 43 ordered to reinforce S. C. , troops, Pi6D75: 31 recruiting in Va. , P14Je76p42— D15Je76: 51, P23Ag76: 32 to St. Augustine, Fla. , P19Ja76: 31 — Pi20Ja76: 31, D30Mr76: 31 445 Georgia (cont'd) truce with St. Augustine proposed, D10Ja77:31 trustees of, 23Je38: 31, 29Je39: 21 war with Creeks, D25Mr75: 22 See also Academies established in; Association of 1774, support in; Association of 1774, violation attempted in; Association of 1774 violated in; Associations, text of in; Beef, price in; Boston port bill, relief from by; Boundary disputes; British army, deserters from in; British army, desertion prevented by Indians in; British army, morale in; British army, withdrawal from; British army from N. Y. to; British army from St. Augustine, Fla. , to; British army in; British army to; British army to N. Y. from; British colonies, N. Am. , conciliation urged in; British colonies, N. Am. , independence favored in; British navy, ships captured by French in; British navy from N. Y. to; British navy from S. C. to; British navy in; British navy to; British transports from Cork, Ire. , to; Cattle offered settlers in; Cherokees join British army in; Colleges in; Colonial agents for; Continental army burns forts in; Continental congress, 2nd, orders raising of troops in; Corn, Indian, price in; Courts -martial in; Creeks join British army in; Creeks support Americans in; Deserters from British army in; Duels in; Embargoes; Emigration from Eng. to; Emigration from Hond. to; Emigration from Hond. bay to; Emigration from Va. to; Emigration of Germans to; Exports from; Exports from British colonies, N. Am. , to; Exports from Eng. to; Exports from Gt. Brit, to; Exports from James river, upper district, Va. , to; Exports from London, Eng. , to; Exports from S. C. to; Flour, price in; Forts in; French army, number in; French army lands in; French army to; French navy to; Hurricanes off; Imports to Gt. Brit, from; Imports to James river, upper district, Va. , from; Indians, unrest in; Indians in; Indians mistreated in; Indians with British in; Lightning in; Liquor prohibited in; Livestock plentiful in; Militia of; Murders by Cherokees in; Murders by Creeks in; Murders by Indians in; Mutinies in British army in; Mutiny act obeyed in; Non-importation agreements violated in; Orphanages in; Plantations in; Prices current in; Prisoners of war, American, food ration for in; Prisoners of war, British, taken in; Prisoners of war, Tories, taken in; Quakers in; Quebec act opposed in; Rangers of; Recruiting for militia in; Rice, export from; Rice, export from S. C. to; Rice damaged by British in; Rice for relief of Boston, Mass. , from; Rice served to British army in; Robberies in; Rum ration denied British army in; Saltzburghers in; Ships, American, captured by British in; Ships, British, blockaded in; Ships, British, captured by French off; Ships, British, to New York City from; Ships from York district, Va. , to; Ships to; Ships to James river, Va. , from; Ships to New York City from; Shipwrecks near; Silk mills in;S. C. troops march to; Spies sought by British in; Stamp act disturbances in; Stamp act opposed in; Stealing in; Swiss in; Taxation of colonies discussed in; Taxation of colonies opposed in; Tories defeated in; Tories in; Tories of S. C. to; Tories with British in; Universities in; Vineyards in Georgia, Russia, PD27Ag67: 21, PD24My70: 12, D19Ag75: 22 Georgia, brigantine, D18My76: 21 sloop, D10Ja77: 31 Georgia battalion, 2nd, P6D76; 32-- D13D76: 41, P3Ja77s21, P14F77: 33, P21Mr77s22 deserters from, P6D76: 32, D24Ja77: 41, D28F77: 41--P28F77: 22, P28F77s21, D7Mr77: 21, P7Mr77s22, PllAp77: 23, P9My77: 42, P9My77sl2, P20Je77sll, P28N77:31,P12D77:32 enlistments in Augusta co. , Va. , P27D76: 32 in Dunmore co. , Va. , P27D76: 32 in Frederick co. , Va. , P27D76: 32 meeting called, PHOc76: 32 soldiers ordered to report to, P10Ja77: 42 Georgia battalion, 3rd, deserters from, P13Je77:33,D19D77:32 Georgia battalion, 4th, deserters from, P28N77: 32 Georgia coast, See Pirates off Georgia gazette, extract from, PD8Je69:ll Georgia Diana, British brig, D180c76: 11 Georgia grenadier company, D15J175: 21 Georgia Packet, prize ship, D12F79: 32, D19F79: 32, D2Ap79: 31 Georgia regiment, 2nd, deserters from, D13N78: 12 Georgians, settle on Miss, river, PD8D68: 13 Geran, John, Capt. , of the Charles, 22S52:32 Gerard, [Alexander], Rev. Mr. , author, PD25F68: 41, PD29N70: 21, PD13D70: 42, PD3Ja71: 42, PD17Ja71: 42. PD24Ja71: 42, PD7F71: 42, PD21F71: 42, PD7Mr71: 42, PD21Mr71: 42, PD28Mr71: 42, PD10Je73: 31 [Conrad Alexandre], minister to U. S. , D17J178: 31, P21Ag78: 22, D9G-C79: 21, D30Oc79: 22, D11D79: 21 Timothy, P20Je77sll Gerhard, John, author, PD18J171: 33, PD17S72: 21--PD24S72: 43 Germaine, Mr. , British radical, PD9Je74: 13 George, Lord, D6Ja76: 22 accused of burning American towns, D15Ja80: 21 approves regulating Mass. , PD19My74: 31 attacked by Burgoyne, D19F79: 12 attitude on American war,D3F76: 12, DHOc76: 12 attitude toward in London, Eng. , P21Je76: 12 colonial policy discussed, DllMy76: 33, P31My76:12--DUe76: 12 considers cost of Revolutionary war, DUOc76:22 defense against Burgoyne' s attack, D19F79:21,D12Mr79: 12 discusses military policy in Commons, D40c76: 12 discusses peace commissioners in Commons, P1N76: 31 house assaulted in London, D12Je79: 21 investigation of conduct requested, D12Mr79: 11 letter (text) from Clinton, D6Je77: 11 letter (text) from Prevost, D29Ja80: 11 letters (text) from Burgoyne, D8My78:41,D15My78:ll letters from Gen. Carleton quoted, D40c76: 61, D40c76: 62, D1N76: 12 letters (text) from Howe, D2My77: 61, D9My77: 12 orders Eden's aid in south, P7Je76: 11, D29Je76: 32 plan to attack southern colonies reported, P12Ap76: 31--D20Ap76: 32 plans destruction of American seacoast, D29Je76: 11 position weakened by Clinton, D18J177: 12 president of peace commissioners to America rumored, D20J176: 12 questions Galloway in Commons, C30Oc79:ll,C6N79: 11 recommends exchange of prisoners, D6N79:31 requests observance of Saratoga convention, D6N78: 22 sets British strategy, DHOc76: 41 speaks on Mass. government act, PD14J174: 12 supports British navy, P11J177: 11 supports treason bill, P23My77: 21 to direct Revolutionary war, P28Je76: 21 urges conciliation with colonies, P19Ap76: 22--D20Ap76: 31 war plans to be investigated, D12F79: 22 German, Capt. , of the Neptune, 7N51: 22 Thomas, Capt. , of the Dragon, 22S52:32 German church, Culpeper co. , Va. , 9My55: 22 German Colonist church, Phila. , Pa. , P8Mr76: 23 German Flats, N. Y. , destroyed by Tories and Indians, P230c78: 22 German language, Pa. documents printed in, P24F75s23 teachers, adv. for scholars in Williamsburg, Va. , PD16My71: 31 German officers, in Continental army, D14S76: 12 German princes, alliance with Gt. Brit. , 18Ap51:22 446 Gibbs association of rumored, PD24Je73: 11 converted to Roman Catholicism, 5S55: 11 refuse to aid Gt. Brit. , D19F80: 23 subsidize Aust. , 14Ap38: 21 treaties with Fr. , PD270c68: 21 German Protestants, exempt from Va. parish levies, 17N38: 41 settlements on Miss, planned by, PD23Ap72: 22 German rolls, for sale, in Blandford, Va., Pi29D74: 33--PD29D74: 32 in Petersburg, Va. , PD6N66: 21 German states, aid to Turk. , PDllAp71: 12 army, deserters from, D13J176: 11 strength of, PD23D73: 13--R23D73: 12 demand payment of British debt, PD22D68: 11 favor British -colonial peace, P5Ja76: 22 relations with Prussia, P17Mr75sl3 — D18Mr75: 22 revolution in rumored, PD23D73s21 — R23D73: 23 support of Gt. Brit, denied, D15My78:22 support of British colonies, N. Am. , rumored, D2S75: 12 trade relations with Gt. Brit. , PD17Je73: 13 trade with U. S. solicited, P29Ag77: 23 German troops, bounties for enlistments in British army, D250c76: 11 cripples sent to Britain, D13J176: 11 deserters from, on Long island, N. Y. , P6S76: 23— D7S76: 12 for British army in British colonies, N. Am. , Pil20c75: 21— P130c75s21 — D140c75: 32 for defense of Ire. discussed, D9Mr76: 13 from Eng. to N. Y. , number of, D11S79: 22 from Hamburg, Ger. , to U. S. , D24Ap78: 21 in British army, D16Mr76: 21 near Kingsbridge, N. Y. , C27N79: 12 on Staten is. , N. Y. , P30Ag76: 21 — D31Ag76: 12 recruited for British army, D13J176: 11 to be sent to British colonies, N. Am. , P17My76: 22--D18My76: 31 to Boston, Mass. , D25My76: 31, P31My76: 12 to British colonies, N. Am. , from Eng. , D13J176:61 to Can. , D25My76: 31, P31My76: 12 to Dublin, Ire. , D10Ag76: 12 to U. S. , called cattle by Prussians, P12S77sll See also Brunswick troops; Hanau troops; Hanoverian troops; Hesse-Cassel troops; Hessian troops; Palatines; Prussians; Salzburgers Germanna, plantation, Va. , 260c39: 41, R8Ag66:41,R4D66:22 Germanna, Va. , See Bolting mills for lease in Germans, arrive in Annapolis, Md. , 24N52: 22 in Boston, Mass. , 24N52: 22 in Halifax, N. S. , 29S52: 31 in Phila. , Pa. , P270c75s21 examined in Poughkeepsie, N. Y. , P15Ag77: 21--D22Ag77: 12 from Emden, Prussia, to U. S. , D26Mr79: 21 in battle of Trenton, N. J. , P17Ja77:21 in British army, P15Mr76: 22 — D16Mr76: 23, P14Je76: 11, D180c76: 12— P180c76: 21, PllAp77sll, P30My77: 22 in Continental army, P13S76: 11 expected, D24Je75: 12 in N. C. ,P17My76:23 in Cumberland co. , Va. , 7N54S41: 21 in Md. , industry of, RllN73sl3 in S. C. , prosperity of, PD3D67: 22 in Va. regiments, DlMy79: 31 recruited for Royal American regiment, PD5F67: 23 See also Brunswick troops; Hanau troops; Hanoverian troops; Hess-Cassel troops; Hessian troops; Palatines; Prussians; Salzburgers Germantown, Pa. , battle at, D170c77: 11, P170c77: 21, D240c77: 11 — P240c77: 22, D240c77: 21, P240c77: 21, P7N77sll, P19D77: 21 See also Continental army in; Continental army to; Preaching in; Prisoners of war, British, taken in Germany, See American revolution supported in; British army, recruiting for in; British army, recruiting for, prevention attempted in; British colonies, N. Am. , supported in; Continental congress, second, admired by; Corn, price high in; Counterfeiting of Md. money attempted in; Counterfeiting of Pa. money attempted in; Crop plentiful in; Duels in; Earthquakes in; Emigration from; Exports from Eng. to; Famine in; Fevers in; Floods in; Imports to Eng. from; Imports to Gt. Brit, from; Imports to London, Eng. , from; Jesuits, suppression opposed in; Linen import to Gt. Brit, from; Mercenaries, price of in; Merchants in; Petition, right of accepted in; Religious toleration in; Rye drunk in; Smallpox in; Surgeons from; Taxes; Teachers' schools established in; Weather reports from; Wine, price high in Germany, emperor of, military preparations of, PD18Ag74: 21 — R18Ag74: 21 relations with Den. , PD21 Je70: 13 with Pol. , PD1S74S12 with Prussia, PD21 Je70: 13 with Russia, PD21Je70: 13, PDllAp71: 12 with Sweden, PD17Je73: 11 — R17Je73: 11 with Turk. , PD17Je73: 12 treaty with Russia, PD28Mr66: 32 PD17Je73: 12 with Turk. , D18Mr75: 12 Gerrard, James, R27S70: 21 Gerrish, Col. , at battle of Bunker Hill, D3F76:41 considers address of Thomas Hutchinson, PD1N70: 21 [Samuel], Col. , P22S75: 22 William, 29Je39: 32 Gerry, Elbridge, PD18Mr73: 22, R1J173: 23, P17My76: 32 Gersham, Mr., of N. Y. , 22Ap57: 22 Gervais, John Lewis, Col. , PD3D67: 23 Gerviss, Gaius, PD30J167: 41, PD31Mr68: 22 Gessner, [Solomon], author, PD10Je73: 32 Getcheus, Capt. , of the Aurora, D24Ag76: 71 Jacob, Capt. ,' of the Impertinent, D26Je79: 21 Geter, Andrew, Capt. , P28F77s21 Ghent, Belg. , See Smugglers in Gholson, John, Lt. , R14Ja73: 13 Thomas, PD21Mr71: 32— R21Mr71: 33, PD23Mr69: 33— R23Mr69: 32 Gianicula, siege of, 11N37: 11 Giants, arrive in Eng. , R24F69sl2 in Cork, Ire. , PD10Je73: 12 in Monmouthshire, Eng. , PD9J172: 21 Giasson, M. , of Montreal, Can. , PD26My68: 12 Gibb, Capt. , of the General Gage, PD12Ja69: 22 Mr. , of Phila. , Pa. , P16Ag76: 23 Gibbet, pseud. , PD26S66: 11 Gibbets, Negroes punished on, in Montserrat, W. I. , PD9Je68: 23— R9Je68: 31 Gibbin, John, Rev. Mr. , of Ire. , PD16Je74: 22 Marcus, PD16Je74: 22 Martha, Mrs. , of Ire. , PD16Je74: 22 Gibbon, Mr., author, PD25F68: 41 Capt. , PD24S67: 13, R60c68: 22 Gibbons, Capt. , PD23N69: 21 Mr. , 310c51 : 32, D24J179: 32 British soldier inherits fortune, PD17S67: 12 Mrs. , D28N77: 31 sale at house of, PD23D73s22 Anne, Mrs. , PD25Ag68: 31 — R25Ag68s23 George, Capt. , R7F71: 31 [James], Lt. ,D7Ag79: 22,D160c79: 21 John, 19S51:32, P20S76: 23 adv. estate for sale, 240c55: 31 adv. tavern, PD20Ag67: 23 bar of, P27D76: 31 defendant in Va. chancery court, 8My52: 31 manages horse race, 27Mr52: 31 vendue master, PD7J168: 32— R7J168: 23 John, jr. ,DlMy79:32 L. , Col. ,R60c68:31 Lawrence, R25Ja70: 11— PD15F70: 23 Mary, PD7Ap74: 31--R7Ap74: 32 Gibbon's warehouse, Va. , rent for, 29D38: 22 Gibbs, Capt. , PD24D67: 31-- R24D67: 22, D6Ap76: 23 captured by British off St. Christophers, W. I. , D30Mr76: 32 Gov. , land of, PD31Mr74: 31 — R7Ap74:31 Mr. , brig captured by British near Providence, R. I. , PH3J175: 31 — P14J175sl3— D15J175: 22 merchant mill of, PD170c71: 31 — R170c71:32 Anne, PD31Mr74: 31— R31Mr74: 33 George Baker, Capt. , of the Nancy, 447 Gibbs, George Baker, Capt. (cont'd) D20Je77: 12 Herod, Lt. , PI 70x77:31 Jacob, of Hopkinton, Mass. , PD25Ag68: 13 James, Capt. , of the Thomas, PD20Ja74: 23 John, R31My70: 33, R17F74: 33, P8S75: 31, D9My77: 32, D240c77: 22 John, Capt. , of the Elizabeth, 10Oc45: 31 Sarah, PD10D67: 31 Stafford, PD31Mr74: 31--R31Mr74: 33 William, 17N52: 31, PD6Je66: 32, PD31Mr74: 31— R31Mr74: 33, P19D77:41 William Hasel, R26My74: 23 Zachariah, R4Ag74: 41 Gibel, Mt. , eruption described, PD12S66: 21 Giberne, D. G. , Rev. Mr. , author, R270c68: 32 [Isaac William], Rev. Mr. , R23J167: 43, R270c68:32 adv. glebe for rent, R270c68: 31 letters (text) from Waddell, R21J168:24, R15S68: 11 letter (text) to Waddell, R18Ag68sll moderator at freeholders meeting in Richmond co. , Va. , PD7J174: 31 — R7J174: 22 sermon of, PD16S73: 23 Gibert, John Lewis, PD2J167: 22 Gibling, Patrick, 210c37: 32, 20Oc38:32,3N38:61 Gibraltar, alerted against Moors, PD13J169: 23 armaments for, 14N55: 12, PD19N67: 13 attack by Fr. , D230c79: 22 rumored, PD7Mr71: 31 — R7Mr71:31,C28Ag79:22, C27N79: 11 attack by Spanish, D20c79: 22 , C30Oc79: 22, D30Oc79: 22, C13N79: 12, DllMr80: 32 denied, D70c75: 22 outlined, 1F40:32 rumored, PD7Mr71: 31 — R7Mr71: 31, PD18Ap71: 22, PD25Ap71: 22--R2My71: 11, PD16My71: 23, Pi28S75: 22— P29S75: 12, P29S75: 11, D70c75: 13, D8 Ja80: 21 threatened, 270c38: 31 attack on, D6N79: 21 rumored, PD16My71: 21, PD23My71: 12, PD23My71:21 barred to Algerian corsairs, 14N55: 21 batteries erected, PD7My67: 13 blockade incomplete, DllMr80:21 blockaded, PD7My67: 11, D18S79: 31 by French, C6N79: 22--D6N79: 21 by Spain, C13N79: 11— D13N79: 21, DllMr80: 21 British army at enumerated, D15Ja80:21 British-Spanish skirmish at, PD25Je72: 22 claims to, PD25Ap71: 21 communication with Barbary states stopped, PD22S68: 21, PD22S68: 22, PD60cb8: 11, PD130ct>8: 12 communications reopened, PD6Je66: 13 defense of, PD7My67: 11, D2Ap79: 12 discussed in Lords, R7Mr71: 21 emigration to Minorca necessary, PD24N68: 13 fortifications of, PD14Je70: 11, PD21Je70: 22, R21Mr71: 23, PD4Ap71: 23, R17Je73sl3, PilOAg75: 23— PllAg75: 21 reinforced by British, 22S38: 22, 16N39: 32, 28D39: 22, HJa40: 22, 30c51: 22, 15My52: 22, PD6Je66: 13, PD30Ap67: 23, PD10D67: 12, PD26Ja69: 21, PD15F70: 21, PD18Oc70sl2, PD22J173: 11, D14Ja75: 22, D15N76: 11, D25Mr80: 11 supported in Lords, PD21Mr71: 22 garrison reinforced, PD25Ag68: 23, D17J178:11 garrison relieved, 8Ag51: 31 guards against invasion, PD23Ap72: 13 Moorish designs on, PD2F69: 12 new commander for, 27Ag56: 12 officers ordered to return to, PD24Je73: 21 opened to Russian navy, R19Ap70: 21 peace with Morocco rumored, PD10N68: 11 provisions for, PD20S70s32 relations with Sp. , PD4Je67: 23 return to Sp. discussed, 12D51: 12, 12D51:22,D18Mr80:22 seized by Spanish and French rumored, PD14Je70s23--R14Je70: 32 siege of rumored, C19F80: 21 Spanish at, 10Mr38: 32, D25Mr80: 12 Spanish-British relations at, PD9Ap72: 31 See also Admiralty court established in; Ammunition, exoort from Holl.to; Ammunition for British army in; British army from; British army in; British army to; British army to Eng. from; British army to Ga. from; British navy from; British navy in; British naw to; Bullets for British army at; Cannon balls for British army at; Dutch navy in; Earthquakes in; Exports from Accomac district, Va. , to; Exports from America to; French navy from Toulon, Fr. to; Hanoverian troops recruited for; Hanoverian troops to; Insurance for; Meat, price in; Mutiny in; Pirates, Algerian, in; Prices rise in; Privateers, Hanoverian, fitted out in; Provisions plentiful in; Provisions scarce in; Russian navy to; Salt provisions from Eng. to; Ships, Algerian, in; Ships, British, captured in; Ships from; Ships from Eng. to; Ships from New York City to; Ships from Spithead, Eng. , to; Ships' sailing time; Ships to; Ships to Charleston, S. C. , from; Ships to James river, Va. , from; Ships to New York City from; Ships to Norfolk, Va. , from; Ships to S. C. from; Shipwrecks near; Smuggling between Sp. and; Spanish army in; Spanish army near; Spanish army to; Spanish navy off; Spanish navy to; Stone buildings erected in; Storms in Gibraltar, H. M. frigate, 26S55: 12 H. M. S. , 21S39: 32. 28S39: 32, 28S39: 41. 21N51: 22, 24Ja52: 31, PD12S71: 31,R6My73s21 ship, 28F55: 31 Gibraltar gut, See Spanish navy in Gibraltar straits closed, D30S75: 11 See also British navy, ships captured by French in; French navy to; Spanish navy to Gibson, Capt. , arrives in Williamsburg, Va. , P15D75: 31 company of, D6Ap76: 33 conduct supported, D30Mr76: 32 — P5Ap76: 33 of the Charming Sukey, 18N37: 41 of the Jett, PD7J174: 31--R7J174: 23, D4F75: 31, D29Ap75s33, D6My75: 32, P12My75:21,D17F76:32 reinforces Yorktown, Va. , P5Ja76(5)s22 Col. , regiment of, P14N77: 32 Mr. , P20Je77: 11 land of, 14Mr51:41 of Nansemond co. , Va. , Pi9Mr75: 13 slave of, R28 J174: 33 Andrew, Capt. , of the Cochran, PD16J167: 41, PD25F68: 22, PD27J169: 32, PD7S69: 31 Edward, 240c55: 31, PD1N70: 31 George, P22Mr76: 32 George, Col. , D11J177: 22 Henry, D180c76: 31 Hugh, Capt. , of the Dolphin, R17Mr74: 22 — PD14Ap74: 23 James, PD28Ja68: 31, D180c76: 31 adv. plantation for sale, PD4Ag68: 23 announces departure, PD8Mr70: 32 defendant in suit, PD1 Je69: 31, PD11J171:32 escheated property for sale, D4Mr80: 23 manager of lottery, PD1S68: 23, PD23Mr69: 32— R21Ap69s21 runaway indentured servant, 310c45: 32 takes orders for Virginia justice, PD21D69: 23— R18Ja70: 41 James & co. , PD3Je73: 32, PD30Je74: 23, RllAg74: 33 — PD18Ag74: 32 John,R12Mr72:31 adv. finding horses, R10Ja71: 43, P1D75: 23 adv. land for sale, R16F69: 22, R9Mr69: 33, PD7S69: 32— R7S69: 32, R12Mr72: 31 appointed lt. col. , of 13th Va. regiment, P14F77: 23 appointed to committee for Augusta co., Va. ,Pi6J175:12 auditor general of U. S. , D13Je77: 21 chosen field officer of Va. regiment, D15N76:21— P15N76:32 holds bonds, D24Ap78: 32 Indian trader, PD130c74: 21 manager of Dalyell, Oswald & co. , and Oswald, Dennistown & co. , PU7N74: 32--PD17N74: 23 of Phila. , Pa. , RllOc70: 23, R23Je74: 32 reports Dunmore's letters to committee, P10N75: 33 runaway mulatto slave, RllMy69: 42 troops criticized, P19Ap76: 41 John, Capt. , 14F51: 41, 25Ap51: 41 Jonathan, 10S36: 42, 25My39: 42, 9My55: 22 448 Gill Joseph, 14F51: 41 Randall, 12Je52: 21 Reuben, D12S77: 22 Sarah, R18Ag74: 32 Thomas, PD14My72: 23, P12S77: 33 William, PD270c68: 43 [William], author, PD25F68: 41, PD29N70: 21, PD13D70: 42, PD3Ja71: 42, PD10Je73: 22, PD10Je73:31,D25N75:12, D30D75: 11, D24F76: 43, D2Mr76: 41, D9Mr76: 41, D25My76: 43, D24Ag76:51,D20D76:42, D3Ja77:41.D24J179:31 Gibson, Donaldson & Hamilton, D28Ja75:32,P7J175:32 — D8J175: 32, P5Ja76s23 — D6Ja76: 33, P19Ap76sll — D4My76: 33, D230c79: 31 — C30Oc79: 41 Gibson, Granbery & co. , PD24D67: 32— R24D67:32, PD21J168:32, PD8Mr70: 32 adv. for runaway slave, PD23Je68: 31 adv. for ship for charter, PDlAp73: 32 adv. reward for incendiaries, RllMy69:41 adv. unclaimed trunk, PD7My72: 31 collector for Va. gazette, PDllAg68: 23 dissolution of partnership of, PD3Je73: 32 property for sale, PD3Mr74: 31, PD31Mr74: 32 Gibson & co. , D230c79: 31--C30Oc79: 41 Giddeon, Edward, PD20N66: 31 Giddiness, cure for, PD25Je72: 32 Giddings, Capt. , PD18Ag74: 23 Giddins, Charles, P2Je75s43 Gidley, Jasper Mauduit, R16 Je74: 31 Giekie, William, Capt. , of the King George, R11D66: 41 Giffen, Capt. , PD290c72: 12— R290c72:21 Giffin, Oliver, Capt. , of the Bilboa, R12Ja69: 31 Gifford, Capt. , P6Mr78: 21 Mr. , P20Je77: 31 Andrew, P13D76: 31, D21F77: 12— P21F77: 41 Gift, horse, R2D73: 23, Pi30Mr75: 32, P21Ap75s43, P19Ap76p23 Gijon, Sp., See Ships to Dover from Gilbert, Capt. , of the Friendship, PD18F68: 23 of the Lynn, 16S37: 31 Col. , appointed to council of Mass. , R1S74: 22 Col. , pursued by R. I. militia, PillMy75:32 Mr. , invents horseless carriage, PD6J169: 12— R6J169: 12 shoemaker, D4N75: 32 Aquilla, Pil5Je75: 33 Benjamin, 18J151: 32 Ephraim, Capt. , PD80c72: 31 of the Fancy, 9Ja46: 4, 23Ja46: 41, 29My46: 4 Ezekiel. PD29J173: 23 Felix, R18Ja70: 31, R2My71: 32, D18Mr75:33 Francis, Capt. , of the Norfolk Packet, PD28Ap74: 23— R14Ap74: 31 Geoffrey, Sir, author, 24My51: 32, PD25F68: 41, PD18J171: 31, PD25J171: 41, PD17S72: 21, D11D79:22 Henry, R15Mr70: 42 — PD22Mr70: 42, PD7My72: 33, PD3S72: 22 Henry, Capt. , D21 Ja75: 31 John, P29Mr76: 32 Joseph, R22S74: 31 Preston, R30N69: 32 Robert, R20My73: 22 adv. for journeymen shoemakers, PD25My69: 32, PD13Ag72: 21, PHOc76:32 adv. for missing horses, P9My77sll, P21N77: 23 adv. leather for sale, PD13D70: 31 adv. rooms for rent , P10Oc77: 33 adv. shoemaking, PD30Je68:31, PD28My72: 23, D7Ja75: 31, D8Ja80: 43 requests payment of debts, PD13My73: 33 Thomas, 21Mr45: 42, P12F75: 23 Gilbert, snow, 20Ja38: 31 Gilbert's ferry, Va. , PD13N66: 21 Gilbird, Thomas, 10Oc45: 31 Gilchrist, Mr. , vendue master at Norfolk, PD20Ag67:32 James, PD20N66: 22— R[llDs?]66: 33, PD7My67: 32, PD14My67: 31, PD14J168: 32— R14J168: 33, PD18N73: 23, D6N78: 31 John, PD19N72: 22, PDlAp73: 32 adv. brigantine for charter, PD24Ag69: 33 adv. sails for sale, PD5My68: 31 announces expiration of partnership, PD3Ja71: 31 death by suicide, R210c73: 21 lots of, PD10D72: 31 merchant at Tappahannock, Va. , 12D55: 31 signs agreement with Don Manuel de Estrada, PD23My71: 23 Robert, PD30J172: 31, PD10N74: 41 adv. European goods for sale, 120c52:31 adv. for missing horses, P8D75: 33 — D9D75: 33 adv. French millstones for sale, PD3Qc71: 32 adv. land for sale, PD23Je68: 23, PD13Ag72: 23 adv. tobacco for sale, PD17S72: 23 adv. unclaimed cask, PD310c71: 31 appointed to commission on tobacco damage, RllJa70: 23 exonerated from charges of violating association, R31Ja71: 22 merchant, P270c75: 23, P11J177: 41 requests payment of debts , PD5N72:33— R5N72: 21, PD11N73: 22— R11N73: 22 slave of, P25Ag75: 73 trustee for estate of John Mitchell, PD16Je74: 23 Thomas, PD15Ja67: 33, PD10Oc71: 32, P9My77: 43 adv. brigantine for charter, PD24Ag69: 33 adv. reward for incendiaries, RllMy69:41 adv. sails for sale, PD5My68: 31 announces departure, PD3Ja71: 31 announces expiration of partnership, PD3Ja71: 31 manager of lottery, PD1S68: 23 signs agreement with Don Manuel de Estrada, PD23My71: 23 slaves of, PD14N71: 23, P7N77s21 Gilchrist & Taylor, adv. as commission merchants, PD14J168: 32— R14J168: 33 adv. beef for sale, PD30J172: 32 adv. books for sale, PD18Ag68: 31 adv. damaged goods for sale, PD21D69: 32--R28D69: 13 adv. for runaway slave, PD12Ag73: 31 adv. mahogany for sale, PD10D67: 31 adv. merchandise for sale, PD24My70: 33 adv. ships for sale, PD16N69: 31 — R16N69: 23, PD21Je70: 31, R2Ag70: 23, PD16Ag70: 32, PD11J171: 32 — R18J171: 41, PD18J171: 22— R18J171:33 adv. tar and turpentine for sale, PD19J170: 33--R19J170: 32 adv. wine for sale, PD8Mr70: 32— R8Mr70: 32 adv. rum and pork for sale, PD18Ja70: 43 Gildard, Reuben, 4N63: 21 Gildart, James, PD27Je66: 31, PD29S68: 23--R29S68: 31 James, Capt. , of the Johnston, 8Ap37: 42, 29Ap37: 42 Gildart, ship, 31 J146: 52, 25Ap55: 22, 2S57: 22 Gilders, adv. of, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD28J174: 32 See also Indentured servants as Gildert, Richard & Sons, 18S46: 41 Gilding, adv. of, Pi20Oc74: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD4My69: 33 — R25My69: 23, PD28S69: 23 — R50c69:31,PD28D69:31, R29Ap73: 31, PD19Ag73: 21 — R19Ag73: 22, R7Ap74: 32, R14Ap74: 32 repairing adv. , in Williamsburg, Va. , PD14Ap74: 31 Gilead, John, Capt. , of the Mayflower, 7Ag52: 31 Gilead, See Balm of Gilead; Balsam of Gilead; Turlington's balm of Gilead Giles, Comdr. , of the Retaliation, D22N76: 31 Andrew, 50c39: 32 Andrew, Capt. , 1J137: 32 of the Elizabeth, 23My45: 32, 13Je45: 32 Edward, PD4N73: 31 Jacob, 24Ap46: 42, PD6My73: 23, R2Je74: 23 John, 23D37: 22, D18F75: 32, D8Ja80: 23 Mary, PD28S69: 32— R50c69: 31 Thomas, PD28S69: 32— R50c69: 31 Williams, R270c68sl4, R190c69s21, PD2SV3: 23, P14N77: 32, D90c78: 42 Gilkison, Capt. , of the Nancy, PD30J167: 32 Robert, R270c68: 33 GUI, Capt. ,140c37: 31, D110c76: 21 of the Three Hulks, PD220c72: 13 Mr. , of New York City, PD2My71: 31 Anne, PD2My71:31 Daniel, PDllMr73: 32 Frances, Mrs. , D22My79: 22 John, R18J166: 21, D16S75: 22, 449 Gill, John (cont'd) P116N75: 23--P17N75: 23— D18N75:22,D12Mr79:32 John, Capt. , of the Launceston, PD1D68: 31, PD13Ap69: 23, R13Ap69: 22, PD14S69: 31 Joseph, PD4D66: 32 Moses, PD24Ag69: 21, D20Ap76: 21 Peter, D22My79: 22 Thomas, PD170c66: 31 William, P12J176: 32 Gill, Clifton, & Corlet, PD220c72: 13 Gill, Edes & publishers of Boston gazette, PD22F70: 13, PD29Ag71: 22 Gillard, John, PD31Mr74: 22— R14Ap74: 22 Gillason, John, Capt. , of the Polly, PD20Ja74: 23, R20Ja74: 33, PD10Mr74: 31 Gillese's cider apple trees, for sale, in Surry co. , Va. , 26S55: 32 Gillet, John,D13Je77:22 Robert, D23 Ja78: 32 Simon, PD8N70: 32 Gilley's plantation, Charles City co. , Va. ,P15N76:33 Gilliam, James, jr. , PD28Ja73: 32 Jenny, marriage of, PD150c72: 22 John, 22Ap57: 32, PD12S71: 32, D26Mr79: 22 John, jr. , PD12S71: 32 John, sr. , PD19J170: 33 John & co. , PD21D69: 33, PD19J170: 33, PD10Oc71: 32 Joseph, 18Ap45: 42, 28N45: 41, 31J146: 61 Robert, PD12S71: 32, PlMy78: 41 adv. finding slave, PD16J172: 33 adv. for tobacco to export, D26S77: 32 adv. guns for sale, P29My78: 41 adv. ship for sale, D20Je77: 31 buys hides for Va. army, D90c79: 31 collects debts of John Gilliam & co. , PD10Oc71: 32 Susanna, marriage of, D8Ap75: 31 Thomas, R23N69: 23--PD7D69: 41, R12J170: 22 Thomas, sr. , PDllAp71: 32 William, R9Je74: 22, D10Je75: 42 Gilliam & Shelton, D26F79: 32 Gilliam's ordinary, C28Ag79: 31 Gilliat, Capt. , of the May-Flower, 30c51: 32 Gillies, Capt. , of the Justitia, PD20F72: 32, PD27F72: 33 — R27F72: 31 John, Capt. , of the Betsey, PD30My68: 31— R30My66: 32, PD5F67: 31, PD12F67: 31, PD19Mr67: 32, PD14Ja68: 31, PD5My68: 21 John, Rev. Mr., author, PD10Je73: 31, D25N75: 12, D30D75: 11, D24F76: 43, D2Mr76: 41, D9Mr76: 41, D25My76: 43, D24Ag76: 51, D20D76: 41, D3Ja77: 41, D17Ja77: 41, D2My77: 81, D4J177: 81 Maclaurin, P24F75: 33, D16Mr76: 41 Gilliland, Mr. , justice of peace, D16S75: 21 John, 12S55: 22 Nathan, PDllMy69: 33 Gillintine, John, 310c55: 22 Gilliom, Joseph, 26S45: 31 Gillis, Capt. , of the Polly, R26J170: 13 Gillison, James, PD22S68: 31 Gillum, John, PD27F72: 32 Peter, PD27F72: 32 William, PD27F72: 32 Gilmer, Dr. , R1D68: 22 George, 5N36: 42 adv. drugs for sale, 20Je45: 41, 26S45: 41, 15My46: 41, 31J146: 61, [10Ja?]51: 41, 24My51: 32, 5S51: 32, 30Ap52: 32, 60c52: 32, 2My55: 22, P15D75:33 adv. Raleigh tavern for rent, 19D55: 22 adv. store for rent, 240c 55: 22 aldern.an, 10Oc45: 22 delegate to Va. convention from Albemarle co. , Va. , P26Ap76s23 denies report of death, 27My37: 42 letter in post office, PDllAp66: 41 of Albemarle co. , Va. , committee, Pi6J175:33— P7J175: 31 supplies rattlesnake root, 5N36: 42 George, Dr. , 240c51: 22, PD4D66: 32— R4D66:31,PD3D67:31 George, Lt. , Pi6J175: 33— P7J175: 31 George, Mrs. , 10Oc45: 22 Peachey, Mrs. , R28Mr71: 32 Gilmore, Capt. , P180c76: 23 Charles, D6N79: 32 Robert, Pil9Ja75: 32, D20N79: 31 William, RllMy69: 41 Gilmour, Dr. , PD31D72: 31 Charles, PD24My70: 42, PD30Je74: 23, P10Oc77: 23 John, PD30Je74: 23 Robert, PD3Je73: 41 accused of advancing price of pins, Pi9F75: 22 adv. for lost osnaburgs, PD18Oc70: 23 adv. ships for charter, PD19D71: 31 announces departure, PD6Ag72: 23, R80c72: 41, PD12N72: 23, Pi9F75:33— D11F75: 31, PllAg75: 42— D12Ag75: 41, D250c76: 42 appointed to committee of Va. merchants, R26N72: 21 escheated property for sale, C15J180: 21 hires slave, PD30J172: 33 merchandise lost, PD14My72: 22 requests settlement of accounts, D250c76: 42 slaves of, PD3S72: 31, D2My77: 71 Robert, jr. , PD3 Je73: 41 Robert & co. , Pi9F75: 33— D11F75: 31, D250c76: 42 Gilmour, Logan & co. , adv. merchandise for sale, PD3N68: 23--R3N68: 33, PD2N69: 31— R2N69: 23, PD4Oc70: 32— R4Oc70: 23, PD23My71: 22— R23My71: 23 adv. ships for charter, PD3Ja71: 32 — R31Ja71: 32, PD12N72: 23 — R19N72:42 buy flour in Prince William co. , Va. , P31My76: 23— D8Je76: 22 merchants, PD130c74: 31 settlement of accounts requested, PD6Ag72: 23, PD12N72: 23 Gilpin, Mr. , gives directions for manufacturing saltpetre in Alexandria co. , Va. , P2F76sl3 George, PD22Ag71: 33, PD10N74: 33, PD24N74: 23— D28Ja75: 43 — PilD74:33,Pi29D74:32, D24Ap78:32 William, Capt. , of the Hudson, 270c52:21 Gilpton, George, F.4Ag74: 22 Gilshens, Jacob, Capt. , of the Hawke, R21Ap74: 23 — PD28Ap74: 23 Gilson, Dr. , accused of treason in R. I. , P23F76: 31— D24F76: 31 Gilt brooches, for sale, in Baltimore, Md. ,Pil8My75: 33 Gilt buckles, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Richmond, Va. , PD310c71: 23 — R310c71: 32, PD5N72sll — R5N72: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD13Ap69: 32— R13Ap69: 31, PD22N70s23, PD29Ag71: 31, PD23Ap72: 23 — R23Ap72: 13, PD4Je72: 32, PD220c72: 23— R220c72: 23, PD210c73: 23--R210c73: 22, PD5My74: 31— R26My74: 13, P10My76: 43--DllMy76: 23 Gilt buttons, for sale, 12F62: 42 in Cobham, Va. , P4J177: 31 in Edenton, N. C. , P160c78: 42 in Suffolk, Va. ,P21N77:31 — D28N77: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , 25Ap51: 32, HOc51: 41, PD19Ap70s23 — R19Ap70:31,R15Oc72:31, D27Je77: 31, DlAg77: 22, P160c78: 22, C15J180:22 Gilt canisters, for sale, in Norfolk, Va., PD25J166: 22 Gilt cruets, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 Gilt headed canes, lost, adv. for, P13Je77: 32 Gilt message cards, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD13D70: 43, PD3Ja71: 43, D9Mr76: 43, D24Ag76: 63 Gilt letter paper, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD10Je73: 34 Gilt paper, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD12N67: 22, D18Mr75:33 Gilt seals, for sale, in Smithfield, Va. , D21F77: 22— P28F77s22 Gilt tobacco stands, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22 Gilt trunks, for sale, in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72: 31 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 stolen, in Smithfield, Va. ,21F51:42 Gilt watch chains, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD4Je72: 32 Gilt writing paper, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , Pi20Oc74: 31 — PD20Oc74s22 Gimbo, Thomas, P14N77: 33 Gimcrack, horse, R29Je69: 12, PD10Je73: 13 Gimer, Samuel, D31Ag76: 31 Gimlets, for sale, 12F62: 42 in Beaufort, N. C. , P160c78: 32 in Cobham, Va. , P4J177: 31 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Smithfield, Va. , PD4Ag68: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , HOc51: 41 stolen, R7Je70: 32 450 Gist's plantation Gimp, for sale, in Cobham, Va. , P4J177: 31 in Gloucester co. , Va. , P19Ap76sll — D20Ap76: 33, P16Ag76: 33 — D24Ag76: 72 in Williamsburg, Va. , R170c71: 33 Gin, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PDllN73:22,R7Ap74:32 in Yorktown, Va. , PD30Ap72: 23 imported to Dominica, W. I. , from St. Eustatia, W. I. , R18Ag68s22 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from Salem, D18Mr75:32 prohibition in Eng. , 7Ja37: 31, 14Ja37:31,4F37:21 sale as drug permitted, 28Ja37: 32 seized from British ships, P5Ja76(5)sl2--Pi6Ja76: 22, D12F80: 21 sold illegally in London, Eng. , 10Mr38: 32 substitutions for, 7Ja37: 32 Gin, Holland, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 12Mr52:31 Gin shops, licenses denied in London, Eng. , PD8D74: 12 Gingaskins, trustees for appointed by Va. general assembly, PD18Mr73: 23 — R18Mr73:31 Ginger, amounts in Jamaica, W. I. , estimated, 1767,DllMr75: 23 for sale, PD1D74: 31, Pi7S75: 32 at Burwell's ferry, Va. , PD21N71: 22 at Leonard's town, Md. , 7N45: 41 in Cabin Point, Va. , D18J177: 31 in Charles City co. , Va. , PD1S74: 32 in Gloucester, Va. , P19Ap76sll — D20Ap76: 33 in Jamestown, Va. , D8N76: 22— P8N76:31 in Norfolk, Va. , PD7Ja68: 33, PD14J168: 32, PD18Ag68: 31 — R18Ag68: 32, PD18Oc70: 31 — R18Oc70: 22, PD28Mr71: 32 — R28Mr71: 32, PD11J171: 32, PD19D71:33,PD150c72:23--R220c72:31, PD25Mr73: 32, PD29Ap73: 23, PD5Ag73: 23, PD12Ag73: 31, PD23S73: 31— R23S73: 33, PD30S73: 31--R30S73: 33, PD2D73: 22— R2D73: 23, PD12My74: 43, DllMr75: 32 in Petersburg, Va. , 12F62: 41, PD14J174: 32, P31Mr75: 41 — D8Ap75:32,D25J177:41 — P25J177: 42, D240c77: 21 — P240c77:32 in Richmond, Va. , PD10S72: 23, PD17 T e73: 33— R17Je73s23, D14N77: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , 20Je45: 41, 15My46: 41, 31J146: 61, 18J151: 41, 30c51: 41, 15My52: 32, 1D52: 31, 2My55: 22, 14N55: 22, PD3D67: 32, PD21S69: 33— R21S69s21, R260c69: 23, R13D69: 23 — PD14D69: 32, PD15F70: 41, R8N70: 13, PDllAp71: 32, PD2J172: 32, R150c72: 31, PD290c72: 22— R290c72: 22, PD4N73: 22 — R4N73: 31, PD1S74: 32, PD270c74: 31 in Yorktown, Va. , 22Ap57: 41, P27D76: 32 imported to Accomac district, Va. , from Barbados, W. I. , PD5S66s43 from Boston, Mass. , PD12Mr67: 32, PD8S68p22 imported to Hampton, Va. , from Barbados, W. I. , 23My45: 32, 13Je45:41 imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from Jamaica, W. I. , 26S55: 31, RllAg68: 24, R15S74: 33 from New York City, 2Mr53: 41 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from Barbados, PD7J168:23— R7J168: 21 imported to Rappahannock district, Va. , from Phila. , Pa. , 17N52: 22 imported to York district, Va. , from Barbados, W. I. , 20My37: 41, 17Je37: 41, 16Je38: 42, R7J168: 22 from Jamaica, W. I. , 5My38: 32 price in Phila. , Pa. , 280c37: 32, 20Ja38: 32, 5My38: 22, HAg38: 32, 6Ap39: 22, UMy39: 41, 25My39: 41, 8Je39: 41, 22Je39: 31, 20J139: 32, 3Ag39:41 seized from British ships, P21Je76: 21-- D22Je76: 51, P5J176: 21— D6J176: 12, P5J176: 22, P20S76: 21— D21S76: 12 unclaimed, adv. of, in Va. , PD25Mr73: 32 used to cure plague, R7F71: 31 Ginger, candied, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 17Ja51: 41, 18Ap51: 32, 30N59: 32, PD18Je67: 32, R3N68: 33— PD10N68: 22, PD7Je70: 31— R7Je70: 31, R12J170: 31, PD15Ag71: 32 — R15Ag71: 32, PD240c71: 31, PD29S74: 32 Ginger, preserved, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 2My55: 31, 16Ja61: 41, 12F62: 42, PD12D71: 32, Pi6Ap75: 42 Ginger, raw, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD17S71: 31— R26S71: 41 Ginger, white, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD7Ap74: 32, PD28J174s22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD26My68: 23, PD270c68: 33— R270c68: 22, PD17Ag69: 33— R17Ag69: 23, PD2N69: 41, PD7Je70: 31 — R14Je70: 33, PD17S71: 31 — R26S71:41,PD10Je73:22, PD11N73: 22, PD29S74: 32 Ginger syrup, for sale, in Shockoe, Va. , PD4Ap66: 41 Gingerbread, imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , PD24D67: 32 Gingham, for sale, 12F62: 42 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , 10Oc55: 32, D160c.79:31 found, adv. of, in Portsmouth, Va. , R16F69:31 imported to Va. from Antigua, W. I. , P9F76: 12 Gingham, India, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , P6Mr78: 32 Gingham, striped, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , D160c79: 11 Gingle, Tom, R1S74: 31 Ginlay, Martin, D13Ja76: 33 Ginnes, James, R20Je71: 32 Ginseng, cargo adv. for, PD6N66: 22— R4D66: 11 exported from James river, upper district, Va. , from 1763-1766, PD12F67: 23 to Liverpool, Eng. , R25D66: 21, PD22Ja67: 32 to London, Eng. , 20Oc52: 21, R30My66: 32 — PD6Je66: 31, PD19F67: 31— R19F67: 22, PD16Ap67: 23, PD4Je67: 41, PD6Ag67: 32, PD26My68: 22 — R26My68: 31, PD26My68: 23 — R26My68: 31, PDllAg68: 23 — RllAg68: 31, PD270c68: 42, PD22D68: 31, PD27J169: 32, PD28S69s23, PD7Je70: 31, PD13S70: 23, PD7Ap74: 23 exported from New York City, PD9Ap67: 22 exported from Rappahannock district, Va. , to London, Eng. , 14Ag52: 31, 22S52-. 32, 270c52: 21, PD6Je66: 31 exported from Va. to London, Eng. , 14Ag52:31 exported from York district, Va. , to London, Eng. , 29S52: 32, 120c52: 31, 3N52: 12, 29D52: 32, PD27N66: 22, PD19F67: 31— R19F67: 22 Ginseng root, discovered in Va. , 18Ag38: 41 near Susquehannah, Pa. , 18Ag38: 41 Ginter, Mr. , D19Mr79: 31 John, PD26S71: 32 John Conrad, D4Mr75: 33 Gipson, Elisha, P14N77: 33 Giradeau point, Ga. , See French army at Girlington, Capt. , of the Canterbury, 17N38:31 Girths, for sale, in Gloucester, Va. , P19Ap76sll— D20Ap76: 33 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23, PD10D72: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. ,D10J178: 21 — P10J178: 33 Girtie, Simon, 24My51: 31 Girty, Simon, C27N79: 13 Girvan, Scot. , See Shipwrecks plundered near Girzie, ship, PD14My67: 21 Gist, (Guest), Mr. , announces insurance on ship, PD30Ja72: 32 — R6F72:32 favors American liberty, P12My75s23 merchant of Eng. , R170c71: 12 studies importance of British- colonial trade, D8Ap75: 31 Mordecai, of Md. , PD22Mr70: 32, P28F77sl3 [Nathaniel], Capt. , D13 J176: 12, P2Ag76: 12, D1N76: 31, P1N76: 32, P20D76sl2— D27D76: 42, P14F77:22,D160c79:22 Samuel, 310c51: 22, 15My52: 41, PD6N66: 23, R18Ja70: 43, PD15Ap73: 31— R15Ap73: 31, PD5My74: 31 Samuel of London, Eng. , PD15Ap73: 31, PD10F74: 32--R10F74: 32, PD9Je74: 31, Pi6 Ja76: 32 Sarah, PD4Ap66: 41 Thomas, C6N79: 32 Gist's plantation, Va. , 30c55: 11 451 Given Given, John, PD16Je74:23 Givens, John, D27N79: 31 Samuel, P20D76: 22 Givins, John, D13N79: 22 Givion, James, P9My77: 42 Givricour, Henri de, D29N76: 32 Glacis, H. M. S. , 10Oc55: 21 Gladdin, William, Rlje69: 32 Gladen, Thomas, P5J176: 33 Gladiators, contest of, 14J138: 41 Gladman, Thomas, Capt. , of the Mary, 120c39: 41 Gladston, Arabella, PD28My67: 32 William, PD28My67: 32 Glamorganshire, Wales, See Charity in; Floods in; Navigation instruments invented in Glan, John, PD14D69: 32 Glanville, Edmund, PD10N68: 31, PD140c73: 31 Edmund, jailer, P6S76: 33, P180c76: 23 Glanville, See Shipwrecks near Glapion, Louis Aug. de, PD3N74: 32 Glasby, George, PD24D67: 33 Glascock, Chloe, P18J177: 41 George, P18J177: 41 Judith, P18J177: 41 Richard, PD31Mr74: 31 Thomas, accuses William Glascock, jr. , of forgery, R26N72: 22, RlAp73: 33 adv. land for sale, R19F67: 32, R60c68: 24 letter opened, R26N72: 22, RlAp73: 33 signs Va. Association, PD25My69: 12 William, 14Ag52: 31, Pil7Ag75: 33, P20Oc75:23,P18J177:41 William, jr. , R26N72: 22, RlAp73: 33, R3Mr74: 41 William, sr. , R26N72: 22, RlAp73: 33 Zachariah, R27J169: 32 Glascock's warehouse, Va. , D19Je79:31,C13N79:22 Glascow Neck, Va. , See Slaves runaway from Glasford, Mr. , cured of deafness, PD7My72: 23 John & co. , of Glasgow, Scot. , R22D68: 13 Glasgow, Peter, 4N63: 21 Glasgow, Scot. , description of, PD12Ja69: 22— R12Ja69: 23 offers troops for American service, PlMy78: 12 trade with New York City discontinued, P12F75: 31 with Va. discontinued, PD22S74: 23 welcomes French ambassador, PD24D72: 31 See also Academies, adv. in; Anecdotes from; Arson in; Banks in; Books published in; Bridges in; British army to British colonies, N. Am. , from; British colonies, N. Am. , conciliation supported in; British colonies, N. Am. , supported in; British sailors, wages decline in; British sailors strike in; Building, decline in; Cambric manufacture perfected in; Canals in, Carriages, horseless, invented in; Charity in; Convict servants from; Emigration from; Emigration from Va. to; Exports from Boston, Mass. , to; Exports from James river, lower district, Va. , to; Exports from James river, upper district, Va. , to; Exports from James river, Va. , to; Exports from Pa. to; Exports from Rappahannock district, Va. , to; Exports from south Potomac district, Va. , to; Exports from Va. to; Exports from Williamsburg, Va. , to; Exports from York district, Va. , to; Fire engines in; Fires in; Floods in; Grain, plentiful in; Hurricanes in; Imports to; Imports to Hampton, Va. , from; Imports to James river, lower district, Va. , from; Imports to James river, upper district, Va. , from; Imports to New York City from; Imports to Rappahannock district, Va. , from; Imports to South Potomac district, Va. , from; Imports to Va. from; Imports to Williamsburg, Va. , from; Imports to York district, Va. , from; Indentured servants imported to Va. from; Indians visit; Insurance offices in; Lighthouses requested in; Manufacturers in; Marriages in; Merchants in; Money plentiful in; Money scarce in; Murders in; Rain in; Robberies in; Scotch troops from; Ships from; Ships from Bermuda hundred, Va. , to; Ships from Broadway, Va. , to; Ships from Cape Fear, N. C. , to; Ships from James river, Va. , to; Ships from Nansemond river, Va. , to; Ships from New York City to; Ships from Norfolk, Va. , to; Ships from Portsmouth, Va. , to; Ships from Potomac district, Va. , to; Ships from Rappahannock district, Va. , to; Ships from Va. to; Ships from York district, Va. , to; Ships in; Ships' sailing time; Ships to Boston, Mass. , from; Ships to Chesapeake bay from; Ships to Hampton, Va. , from; Ships to Hampton roads, Va. , from; Ships to James river, Va. , from; Ships to Jamestown, Va. , from; Ships to Marblehead, Mass. , from; Ships to New York City from; Ships to Norfolk, Va. , from; Ships to Phila. , Pa. , from; Ships to Potomac . district, Va. , from; Ships to Rappahannock district, Va. , from; Ships to Sandy Hook, N. J. , from; Ships to Va. from; Ships to Williamsburg, Va. , from; Ships to York district, Va. , from; Slaves exported to; Sewing machines invented in; Stealing in; Storms in; Strikes in; Surgeons in; Tobacco, price in; Tobacco, profit in; Triplets in; Unemployment in; Weavers in; Wheat, price in, Wig makers in Glasgow, British frigate, D7Mr77: 22 British ship, D250c76: 12, D8N76: 11, D22N76: 11 H. M. S. , 19D45: 31, 7N51: 22, 24Ja52: 31, PD18D66: 23, PD15S68: 23. PD270c68: 23--R270c68: 21, PD24N68: 21, PD3Ja71: 13, PD10S72: 22, PD21Ja73: 31 — R21Ja73: 31, PD4N73: 21 — RllN73s22, PD16Je74sl2, D7Ja75: 23, P1S75: 22— D2S75: 22, Pil4S75:22,P15S75:23 — D16S75:22, P3N75:22 — D4N75: 23, D4N75: 22, Pi9N75: 22, P19Ag76: 22, P26Ap76s21 — D27Ap76: 32, D27Ap76: 41, P3My76: 22, D4My76: 32, D8Je76:61,D15Je76:31, D13J176: 61,D11S79:31 ship, 17S36: 42, 3Je37: 41, 30S37: 41, PD9F69: 31, PD7My72: 23, D18N75:22, P19Ap76pl3 — D20Ap76: 23 sloop, 22S52: 32 Glasgow journal, extracts from, R22S68: 11, R13 Ja74: 21, R20Ja74: 32 Glaspey, William, PD150c72: 32 Glass, Capt. , murdered on high seas, PD6J169:21 of the Sandwich, PD 14 Mr 66: 43, PD28Mr66: 32 repels Indian attack, P12Je78: 22 David, R26S71: 32 George, 19D45:41 [Hannah], Mrs., author, PD25F68: 41, PD29N70: 21, PD13D70: 42, PD18J171: 31, PD25J171: 41, PD10Je73:31,D25N75: 12, D30D75: 11, D24F76: 43, D2Mr76: 41, D9Mr76: 41, D25My76: 43, D24Ag76: 51, D20D76: 41, D3Ja77: 41, D17Ja77:41 Henry, P19Ap76p22 John, R4F68: 44, PD20Ja74: 32 Mary, 4N63: 23 Robert, R4D66: 23, PD2F69: 31 Robert, Capt. , of the Jenny, PD7J168: 23--R7J168: 23, PD8S68p22 — R22S68: 23, PD22D68: 31, PD7S69: 31 Thomas, PD4Ap71: 23, R4F73: 31, PD12Ag73: 31, P21Ag78: 32 [Thomas], author, D24J179: 31 Glass, boycotted in Boston, Mass. , PD8S68: 21 in Va. , PD18J171: 11--R18J171: 23 duties on import to British colonies, N.Am , PD30J167: 23, PD27Ag67: 23, PD7S69: 23--R7S69: 23, PD7Je70: 11 duties on in inter -colonial trade, PD3Ag69: 32 export from Eng. to New York City allowed, D10J179: 22 for sale, at York river, Va. , PD8J173:32— R8J173: 32 in Bute co. , N. C. , D5S77: 31 in Middlesex co. , Va. , PD25Je72: 33 in Williamsburg. Va. , P5D77: 33 import to Fr. from Gt. Brit, permitted, HMy39:21 imported to Accomac district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , PD8S68p22 from New York City, PD23Je68: 23 — R7J168: 21 from Phila. , Pa. , PD5S66s43 unclaimed, adv. of, in Va. , 14Mr51: 42, PD210c73: 23, PD280c73: 23 Glass, American Flint, for sale, in Manheim. Pa. , R5S71: 33 Glass, London crown window, for sale, in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag7231 452 Glasses Glass, pier, for sale, 23My55: 21, P19Ja76: 33— D27Ja76: 41 in Newcastle, Va. , D30c77: 32 Glass, window, for sale, at Kemp's landing, Va. , P160c78:31 in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72: 31, D24J179:22 in Beaufort, N. C. , P160c78: 32 in Edenton, N. C. , P160c78: 42 in Lancaster co. , Va. , C19F80: 11 in Williamsburg, Va. , 170c51: 31, PDllAp66: 41, PD19S66: 31, PD3D67: 32, PD28S69: 31, PD15F70: 41, PDllAp71: 32, PD12D71: 32,D16D75:23, P10My76: 43--DllMy76: 23, D28Ag79:31, C13N79: 12 in Yorktown, Va , 29My46: 32, PD25F68:31— R25F68:31 near Cabin Point, Va. ,D14Mr77: 12 — P21Mr77:21 imported to Accomac district, Va. , from Phila. , Pa. , PD22D68: 31 imported to Boston, Mass. , from Bristol, Eng. , PD18Ja70: 23 manufacture established, in Glasgow Scot., 7Ag52:21 price high, in Boston, Mass. , PD18Ja70:23 unclaimed, adv. of, in Va. , PD3Mr68:31 Glass bottles, imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from Greenock, Scot. , PD7J168: 23 from Isle of May, Scot , PD7J168: 23 regulated by parliament, 4F37: 21 seized from British ship, D7F77: 11 — P7F77:21 Glass bowls, for sale, in Gloucester co. , Va. , P19Ap76sll--D20Ap76: 33, P16Ag76: 33--D24Ag76: 72 Glass buttons, for sale, in Baltimore, Md. , Pil8My75: 33 Glass canisters, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22 Glass cases, (show cases), for sale in Williamsburg, Va. , P60c75: 31 — D140c75: 33--Pil90c75: 33, P24N75:32--D25N75:33 Glass cementing, invented in Paris, Fr. , 6Je51: 22 Glass chinaware, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , C6N79: 32 — D6N79: 31 Glass decanters, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD4Oc70: 31 in Yorktown, Va. , D23Ja78: 31 Glass factories, adv. of, in Manheim, Pa. ,R5S71:33 Glass funnels, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166:22 in Petersburg, Va. , PD30J172: 32, PD14J174: 32. Pi23Mr75: 33 — D25Mr75: 31, D24Ag76: 61 in Williamsburg, Va. . 16Ja61: 41, PD15Ag71: 32— R15Ag71: 32, PD240c71:31 Glass grinders, strike in Southwark, Eng. ,R25Ag68: 14 Glass manufactures, encouraged in Pa. , P24F75s23 established in N. Y. , RUD66: 22 establishment in British colonies, N.Am., regulated, R19Ap70: 21 in Va. proposed, PD18Ap66: 31 — R30My66: 42 in Braintree, Mass. , planned, 24N52: 22 in Dublin, Ire. . 14Ap38: 31 in Paris, Fr. , 6Je51:22 in Rome, It. , 6 Je 5 1:22 Glass manufacturers, in Bristol, Eng. , PD7Ap68:21 Glass marble mortars, for sale, in Gloucester co. , Va. , PD9N69: 23 Glass mortars, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD14J174: 32, Pi23Mr75: 33— D25Mr75: 31, D24Ag76:61,D27S76:42 in Williamsburg Va. , PD12D71: 32 Glass mortars and pestles, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD28S69: 31 Glass mugs, for sale, in Yorktown, Va. , PD25F68: 31--R25F68: 31 Glass mustard pots, for sale, in Cobham, Va. , P4J177: 31 Glass ordinary, Va., 240c55:22 Glass pyramids, for sale, in Yorktown, Va ,D23Ja78:31 Glass retorts, for sale, in Goochland co. , Va. , D30c77: 41 — P10Oc77:33 Glass rings for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. ,20Je45:41 Glass salts, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD18Ja70: 42 Glass smelling bottles, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD140c73:23 Glass sugar dishes, for sale, in Yorktown, Va. , PD25F68: 31 — R25F68:31 Glass stonewares, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , D25J177: 41 — P25J177:42 Glass tumblers, for sale, in Alexandria, Va. , P3Ap78: 31 in Fredericksburg, Va. , P4Ap77: 32 — DllAp77:62 in Gloucester co. , Va. , P16Ag76: 33-- D24Ag76: 72 in Smithfield, Va. , D31J179: 12 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD15F70: 41 Glasscock, John, PillMy75: 33 Richard, P310c77: 11, P14N77: 33 Thomas, PD12Mr67: 13, PD8D68: 31, PDllMy69s41, D240c77: 21 — P310c77: 12, William, PD17S67:22 Glassel, Mr. , D7F77: 21 — P7F77: 32 John, P3Ap78: 22 Glassell, Mr. , of Fredericksburg, Va. , PD31Ja71:31,PD7F71:23 Andrew, D12S77: 41 John, PD13Ap69: 33— R13Ap69: 32, R23Ag70: 33--PD30Ag70: 41, PD6Ag72:31 adv. damaged merchandise for sale, R9My71:33 adv. for runaway convict servant, PD10c72:23 adv. for ship to charter, PD12F67: 31— R19F67: 31 adv. merchandise for sale, R9Je68: 34 agent for Lachlan Campbell, D18Ap77: 71--P18Ap77s32 announces departure, P30Je75: 31 directs lottery to build roads, R21J168:34 merchant in Fredericksburg, PD10N74:43 requests settlement of accounts, R9Je68:41 store of, R26S71: 32, PD16Je74: 23, PD3N74:42 subscriber to meeting of merchants, PD30Je74:23 Glassell, Hunter &, R9Je68: 41 Glasses, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD18D66: 31 See also Chimney; Half-hour; Hour; Looking; Mahogany dressing; Minute; Mirror; Morocco; Nipple; Show; Silver; Silver salt; Spy; Tortoiseshell; Walnut dressing Glasses, beer, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. , P5Je78: 11 in Smithfield, Va. , D21F77: 22 — P28F77s22 in Williamsburg, Va. , D30My77: 31, D27Je77: 31, DlAg77: 22, D7N77: 31 in Yorktown, Va. , 29My46: 32, PD25F68: 31--R25F68: 31 Glasses, bird, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PDllAp66: 41 Glasses, cider, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , 12Mr52: 31, D7N77: 31 Glasses, concave, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD4Je67: 33, PD12D71: 32 Glasses, convex, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD4Je67: 33, PD12D7L32 Glasses, cupping, for sale, in Richmond, Va. , R15N70: 31 Glasses, dressing, for sale, P19Ja76: 33— D27Ja76: 41 in Bute co. , N. C. , D5S77: 31 in Newcastle, Va. , D30c77: 32 in Williamsburg, Va., P10My76:43-- DllMy76:23 Glasses, drinking, for sale, in Dumfries, Va. , P25J177: 33 Glasses, eye, See Spectacles Glasses, hand, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD3D67: 32, PDUAp71: 32 Glasses, jelly, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , D27Je77: 31 Glasses, lemonade, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 Glasses, pap, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. , 15My52: 32 Glasses, perspective, for sale, in King and Queen co. , Va. , R19My74:43 Glasses, punch, for sale, in Norfolk, Va ,PD25J166:23 Glasses, reading, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD28S69: 31, PD29N70: 22, PD13D70: 43, PD3Ja71: 43, PD29Ag71: 31, PD12D7L32, PD17S72: 22, PD220c72: 23— R220c72: 23, PD10Je73:34 Glasses, salvaged, for sale, in Gosport, Va. , PD240c66: 23 in Norfolk, Va. , PD6N66: 22 453 Glasses Glasses, sconce, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 5S51: 32 Glasse? ship, for sale, in Lancaster co. , Va. , C19F80: 11 Glasses, temple, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , C15J180: 22 Glasses, sweetmeat, for sale, P19Ja76:33— D27Ja76:41 Glasses, tumblers, for sale, in Yorktown, Va. , PD310c71: 23 Glasses, water, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. , P5Je78: 11 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 Glasses, wine, for sale, in Cobham, Va. ,P4J177:31 in Fredericksburg, Va. , P5Je78: 11 in Gloucester, Va. , P19Ap76sll — D20Ap76: 33, P16Ag76: 33 — D24Ag76: 72 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Petersburg, Va. , D26D77: 21 in Smithfield, Va. ,D21F77: 22 — P28F77s22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD15F70: 41, Pi20Ap7 5: 31--D22Ap75: 32, P10My76: 43--DllMy76: 23, D30My77:31,D27Je77:31, DlAg77:22,D7N77:31 in Yorktown, Va. , 29My46: 32, PD310c71: 23, D23Ja78: 31 Glassford, Mr , merchant of Glasgow, Scot. , PD7F71: 23 James, PD16N69: 11, PD5S71: 32 — R5S71:23, PD10D72: 31, PD13My73: 33, PD30Je74: 23 James, Capt. , of the King of Prussia, PD21Mr66: 42 John, R15D68: 22, R19Ap70: 31 John & co. , R5Ja69: 33, R8N70: 11 Glassford, Gordon, Monteath & co. , P14N77:31 Glassford & Henderson, merchants of Glasgow, Scot. ,R18J171:32, P13S76:33— D14S76: 71, P20S76: 12--D21S76:41 Glassware, auctioned in Charles City co., Va. ,Pil2Ja75:ll--D14Ja75:21 for sale, in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72: 31, D24 J179: 22 in Cabin Point, Va. , P2F76s23 — D3F76:33 in Lancaster co. , Va. , C19F80: 11 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23, PD9Ky71: 33--R23My71: 33 in Peiersubrg, P12J176: 32 — D13Ji76:21 in Trinity glebe, Va. , D28N77: 22 in Williamsburg, 18S46: 41, PD19S66: 31, PD28S69: 31, PD29N70: 31--R29N70: 31, PDllAp71: 32, PD12D71: 32, D14N77:31,D8My78:82 in Yorktown, Va. , D23Ja78: 31 imported to Accomac district, Va. , from Phila. , Pa. , PD12S66: 23 from R. I. , PD12Mr67: 32 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from Perth Amboy, N. J. , PD7J168:23--R7J168:22 stolen, 20Mr52: 22 See also Japan; Queen' s Glastonbury, Conn. . See Boston port bill, relief from by Glastonbury, Eng. , See Springs, mineral in Glatz, Ger. , insurrections in, PD140c73:21 Glauber's salts, for sale, in Hobb's Hole, Va ,R6J169:31 in Newcastle, Va. , PD19N72: 22 in Petersburg, Va. , Pi23Mr75: 33 — D25Mr75:31,D24Ag76:61 in Portsmouth, Va. , D11J177: 31 in Richmond, Va. , 16My55: 21, 5S55: 32, PD3S72: 23, D8My78: 82 — P27My78: 22, P12Je78: 22 — D10J178:41 in Shockoe, Va. , PD4Ap66: 41 in Smithfield, Va. , D31J179: 12 in Williamsburg, Va. , 24My51: 32, 18J151: 41, 10Ap52: 31, 22My52: 32, 60c52: 32, 2My55: 22, 2My55: 31, 30N59: 32, PD18Je67: 32, R3N68: 33 — PD10N68: 22, PD240c71: 31, PD290c72: 22 — R290c72: 22, D28N77: 21 — P28N77:33, C15J180: 22 near Warwick, Va. , D28F77: 32 recipe for in Fr. , D25J177: 22 Glaze, Benjamin, 240c55: 32 Glaziers, 8Je39: 42 See also Indentured servants as; Slaves as Glazing, adv. of, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD4My69: 33— R25My69: 23, PD28S69: 23— R50c69: 31, PD28D69: 31, PD18Ja70: 41 — R18Ja70: 32 Glebe houses, bids for repairing, in Albemarle parish, Va. , 19S51: 32 in Berkeley parish, Va. , adv. bids for building, RIO Ja7 1:32 in Bromfield parish, Va. , adv. bids for building, PD8D68: 31— R15D68:32 in Cameron parish, Va. , bids for addition, adv. for, R31Mr74: 32 in Caroline co. , Va. , D22 Ja80: 33 in Cople parish, Va. , adv. bids for repairing, R5S71: 41 in Lunenburg parish, Va. , for .rent, R23 J167: 43, D26 Je79: 12--C3 J179: 41 in Nottoway parish, Va , adv. for bids for building, R19F67: 23 in Petsworth parish, Va. , bids for building, 31 J146: 62 in St. Peter's parish, Va. , bids for building, 170c55:31 in Truro parish, Va , adv. bids for building, 30J152: 32 See also Brick glebe houses Glebe land, for sale, in Dinwiddie co. , Va , PD8D74:31 in Antrim parish Va. , for sale, PD2N67: 23 in Bath parish, Va. , PD16S73: 32 in Bristol parish, Va. , for sale, PD18Oc70: 32— R18Oc70: 22 in Dettingen parish, Va. , for sale, PD2Je74:31--R2Je74:23 in Drysdale parish, Va. , for sale, D22Ja80: 33 in Frederick parish, Va. , for sale, R21Mr71:42 in Hamilton parish, Va. , for sale, 14Ag46:32,R2Ag70:31 in Hungar's parish, Va. , sale approved, 17Ap46: 31 in King and Queen co. , Va. , PD15D68:31 in Lunenburg parish, Va. , for rent, R270c68: 31, D26Je79: 12 — C3J179:41 in Meherrin parish, Va. , for lease, R21F7L33 for sale, PD24My70: 33 in St. Anne's parish, Va. , for sale, C28Ag79: 42 in St. John parish, Va. , sale approved, 24S36: 32 in St. Patrick's parish, Va. , for sale, D10J178: 21 — P10J178: 23 in Truro parish, Va. , for sale, PD19Mr67: 33 sale permitted, 24Ap52: 22 in Ware parish, Va. , for sale, PD20Ja74: 32 in Warwick parish, Va. , sale approved, 24S36: 32 in Washington parish, Va. , purchase permitted, 24Ap52: 22 Glebes, in Dettingen parish, Va. , sale regulated, PD28D69: 23 — R28D69: 23 in Drysdale parish, Va. , D26Mr79: 22 in Isle of Wight co. , Va. , for rent, PD2Ja72: 32 in James City co. , Va. , adv. for bids for repairs, R16N69: 32 in Kingston parish, Va. , P21N77: 22 in Meherrin parish, Va. , sale regulated, PD28D69: 23 — R28D69: 23 in Russell parish, Va. , for sale, D230c79: 12 in St. George's parish, Va. , 10S36:42 in St. Marks parish, Va. , sale regulated, PD28D69: 23 — R28D69: 23 in Stratton Major parish, Va. , D5Mr79: 32 for rent, R31D72:32 in Ware parish, Va. , sale regulated, PD28D69: 23-- R28D69: 23 Gleichen, Ger. , See Anecdotes from Glen, James, gov. of S. C. , 30c51: 22, 7Mr55: 22, 28Mr55: 22, 28Mr55: 31, 19S55: 12 James, jr. , PD210c73:31 John, R10D72: 31, P18Ap77sll Thomas, P18J177: 33 William, PD24N74: 23 Glencairn, ship, PD3Mr74: 21, D20c79:21 Glendening, David, 27Ag56: 32, PD170c66:31 Glengary, Scot. , .See Emigration from; Ships to New York City from Glenn, Gideon, 11 Ap55: 32 John, RlAg71: 42, P10N75sll, P14Je76: 33--D22Je76: 62 John, Maj. , P17My76: 23 Glentanner, Scot. , See Eagles in Glider, invention described, 20Mr52: 11 Glidwell, Nash, PD26Mr72: 33, D13N78:32 Globe. brigantine,12D45: 11 Globe tavern, London, Eng. , D25N75: 23 454 Gloucester is. Globe tavern, N. H. , R27My73: 22 Globes, PD17S72: 22 at Broadwater school, PD3Ja71: 32 for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD18Ja70: 42 in Princess Anne co. , Va , D30c77:32 in York co. , Va. , DllMy76: 23 teacher, adv. for scholars, PD2My71: 32--R2My71: 31 use taught at Samuel Kemp's school, D6N78:31 taught at D. H. W. Mara's school, P5D77:31 taught at James Waddel's school, 4N63:41 Gloire, Fr. man of war, PD15J173: 13, DllMr80:23 Gloria. H. M. S. , 29Ag51: 22, 24Ja52: 22 Glorieux, man of war, PD5N72: 22 Glorioso, frigate, 11 J146: 22 Sp. man of war, DHOc75: 21 Glorious revolution, PD9Mr69:21 — R9Mr69:21 basis of British constitution, PD22S74:21 disregarded by George HI, P21J175: 12 effects in Eng. , D13Ja76: 11 * establishes king's powers, D5F80:22 principles supported in Eng. , PD27Je71:22 in Va. , P8D75: 11 Glory, H. M. S. , PD16Ag70: 32, PD31Ja71:22 ship, PD21S69: 21, PD7D69sl2, PD28Mr71: 12, PD27Ag72: 43 Gloucester, duke of [William Henry], favors repeal of Quebec act, D19Ag75:22 opposes Quebec act, R8S74: 33 popular support of, PD15S74: 21, PD60c74: 13 praised in Eng. , PD60c74: 12 toasted by Continental congress, Pi60c74: 32--PD60c74: 23 validity of marriage doubted, PD12Ag73: 13 Gloucester, Eng. , celebrates Wilkes release from prison, R14Je70. 22 petitions Commons, PD25Mr73: 21 See also Accidents in; Anecdotes from; Bread scarce in; Cattle, price falls in; Cattle plentiful in; Charity in; Dog bites in; Drownings in; Earthquakes in; Entertainments in; Fire prevention, method discovered in; Heresy in; Imports to; Methodists in; Oxen abnormal in; Prices fall in; Quintuplets in; Religious toleration violated in; Riots in; Robberies in; Sheep plentiful in; Theatres in; Wheat plentiful in Gloucester, Mass. , bombarded, Pi7S75: 11 — P8S75sl3, D9S75: 31 skirmish at described, PH4S75: 11 — D16S75: 12 See also Boston port bill, relief from, by Gloucester, brig, P9My77: 23 British ship, 25Ja40: 2 H. M. S. , 240c45: 11, 24Ja52: 22, 18Je52: 12 ship, 7Mr51:31 sloop, PD4D66: 22--R27N66: 21 Gloucester co. , N. J. , See Storms in Gloucester co. , Va. , burgesses elected, 10Ja52: 32, 27F52: 32, 12D55: 22, PD1D68:31--R1D68:21, PD14S69:31--R21S69:23, R9N69: 11, PD5D71: 31, PD21J174p23--R21J174: 32 chancery court, R30S73 : 33 cockmatch with New Kent co. , Va. , 23My55:21 committee, elects militia officers, P130c75: 11— D210c75: 31 resolutions (text) of, Pi28Ap75:32 — P28Ap75s42--D29Ap75s33, Pi4My75: 32— D6My75: 32, P4Ag75: 23 committee of correspondence, Pi24N74: 31— PD24N74: 22 committee of observation, P17F75s22 contributes to sufferers in Montreal, Can., fire, PD17N68: 23 — R17N68:23 court follows docket, C20N79: 21 land sold by order of, PD10Mr68: 32— R10Mr68: 33, PD9Je68: 31 — R9Je68: 33, PD19Ap70: 32, R150c72: 32, PD18N73:23, PD17F74:32 order concerning smallpox inoculation, P7N77sl3 slaves sold by order of, R24D67: 41, PD3Ja71: 33— R10Ja71: 33, PD310c71: 31— R310c71: 32, PD14Ja73: 32— R14Ja73: 33, PD18F73: 23--R18F73: 32 courthouse, PD4Ap66: 33 land for sale, PD25J166: 32 delegates elected, Pi9Mr75: 33, P19My75:33,D9Ap79:22 escheator appointed, PD22F70: 32 freeholders' meeting in, R28J174: 23 in third senatorial district, D26F79:32 newspapers delivery in, PD9Ap67: 31, PD10Je73: 23— R10Je73: 33 resolutions of, PD28J174: 31 senators elected, P6S76: 32, P9My77:31 sheriff's sales at, PD23J167: 32 — R23J167: 33, PD31Mr68: 31 — R31Mr68: 33, R3My70: 32, PD17F74: 32 sheriffs summons, R30S73: 33 See also Accidents in; Apple orchards in; Apprentices runaway from; Association of 1774 supported in; Association of 1774 violated in; Auctions in; Batteries in; Bounties; Brick dwelling houses, described in; Brick houses, described, in; Brick prisons in; Brick windmills in; British army lands in; Chestnut timber in; Churches in; Cider houses in; Clergy, Anglican, in; Cloth manufacture proposed in; Coach houses in; Convict servants runaway from; Corn houses in; Counting rooms, described, in; Crab in; Cropping houses in; Dairies in; Distillers, adv. for in; Dwelling houses and lots for sale in; Dwelling houses described in; Dwelling houses in; Falling gardens in; Fires in; Gardens in; Gristmills in; Gum timber in; Hail in; Hatters, journeymen, in; Horse-breeding in; Horse -racing in; Houses and lots for sale in; Houses in; Hughes's apple orchards in; Indentured servants runaway from; Jails in; Kitchens in; Land, entailed, docked in; Land, entailed, for sale in; Land, entailed, in; Land, mortgaged for sale, in; Land, mortgaged, in; Land for rent in; Land for sale in; Land lease in; Landings in; Looms in; Lots for sale in; Magazines in Williamsburg, Va. , removal of powder opposed in; Meat houses in; Merchants in; Militia defends; Militia of ; Milldams in; Mills in; Murders in; Musters in; Oak timber in; Offices in; Orchards in; Ordinaries in; Outhouses in; Overseers' houses in; Oysters in; Peach orchards in; Physicians in; Pilot boats in; Pine timber in; Piraguas in; Plantations for rent in, for sale in, in; Price control violated in; Prize houses in; Quarters, described, in; Quarters, Negro, in; Quarters in; Robberies in; Salt manufacture in; Ships, described, for sale; Ships, salvaged, for sale in; Ships driven ashore in; Ships for sale in; Shipwrights in; Slave traders in; Slaves, ownership disputed in; Slaves, reversion of for sale in; Slaves adv. for in; Slaves for hire in; Slaves for sale in; Slaves mortgaged for sale in; Slaves runaway from; Smallpox inoculations adv. of in; Smokehouses in; Stables in; Stealing in; Stills for sale in; Storehouses in; Stores in; Surgery, adv. of, in; Tailors, adv of, in; Tailors apprentices runaway from; Taverns in; Teachers adv. for in; Tobacco houses in; Undertakers adv. for in; Vendues in; Va regiments defend; Warehouses in; Water fowl in; Weavers in; Weavers runaway from; Wheat threshing machine in; White oak timber in; Wild fowl in; Windmills in; Yorktown, Va. , tea party supported in Gloucester courthouse, Va. , lots offered in lottery, PDUMy69: 32 sheriff's sales at, PD31Mr68: 31 — R31Mr68: 33, R20J169: 22, PD27Ag72: 43, R150c72: 32, PD18F73: 23— R18F73: 32 See also Cock matches in; Ferries in; Horsemanship, exhibition of, at; Hospitals in; Indentured servants runaway from; Land, mortgaged, for sale at; Land for sale at, near, in; Lotteries in; Merchants in; Minutemen meet at; Ordinaries for rent at; Overseers in; Sailors adv. for in; Salt works, public, at; Ships, British, fired on off; Slave traders at; Slaves for sale at; Storehouses for rent at; Undertakers adv. for at; Warehouses, described, in; Wind- mills in Gloucester is. , Pac. O. , discovery of, 455 Gloucester is. , Pac. O. , discovery (cont'd) PD25Ag68: 12--R25Ag68: 22 Gloucester journal, extracts from, 26Ag37: 32, PD16J167: 23 Gloucestershire, Eng. , presents petitions to king, PD7D69: 21 — R7D69:21 receives prince of Wales, 2F39: 32 to celebrate Wilkes release from prison, PD14Je70sl2 See also Abnormal persons in; Accidents in; Assaults in; Balls given in; Barley, price in; Charity in; Clothiers in; Corn, price high in; Elections in; Elopements in; Fires in; Flour, price in; Incest in; Murders in; Provisions scarce in; Quadruplets in; Robberies in; Sheep, abnormal in; Starvation, deaths from in; Unemployment in; Wheat plentiful in; Woolen manufacture declines in Glovay, Sieur de, P18J177sll Glove strings, for sale in Williamsburg, Va. , PD23Ap72: 23 — R23Ap72: 13 Glover, Capt. , of the Apollo, PD15Ja67: 32 of the Champion, PD30J172: 23 Col. , Dl J175: 32, D6J176: 12 Lt. , ordered to join regiment, P230c78: 11 Elias, Capt., of the Apollo, PD27Je66:32 Elisha, Capt. , of the Charlotte, PD10Mr68: 31— R14Ap68: 42, PD26My68: 23— R26My68: 31 James, 30N59: 42, P10Mr75: 33 John, P19Ap76: 41, D230c79: 12 [John], Col. , D13Ja76: 22, D1N76: 22 — P1N76:22,D8N76:21 — P8N76:21,D7Mr77:71 — P7Mr77sll John, jr. ,PD28J168:31 Joseph, Pi9N75: 12, D19Je79: 32 Samuel, R270c68: 32, P21N77: 43 Thomas, Capt , of the Bladen, 7N45:31,3Ap46:41 William, PD19My68: 22, PD6My73: 23, PD16Je74:23 Glover and Bill, 250c65s42, PD14Ap68: 31— R14Ap68: 22, PD29D68: 31— R5Ja69: 32 Glovers, adv of, in Williamsburg, Va. , 22Je39: 32 Glover's reef, See Shipwrecks off Gloves, adv of, in Williamsburg, Va. , 17Je37:42 boycotted in Providence, R. I. , PD21Ja68: 31 captured by Americans in Great Bridge, Va. , PH3D75: 22 — D16D75: 33 export from Eng. to New York City allowed, D10J179: 22 for sale, 12F62:42 in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72: 31 in Cobham, Va. , P29S75: 33 — Pi50c75: 33, P4J177: 31 in Hanover, Va. , D13J176: 22 in Norfolk, Va. ,31146:41 PD25J166: 22, PD22N70: 31, DlAp75: 32 in Petersburg, Va. , PD290c72: 22 in Smithfield, Va. , D21F77: 22 — P28F77s22 in Williamsburg, Va. , !Mr38: 32, 20Je45: 41, 18S46: 41, 10J152: 32, 30N59:32,PD18My69:31 — R25My69: 23, R8N70: 13, PD29N70: 22— R29N70: 23, PDllAp71: 32, PD170c71: 23, R170c71: 33, PD240c71: 31, PD23Ap72: 23— R23Ap72: 13, PD9J172: 31, PD22Ap73: 31, PD29Ap73: 23, PD140c73: 23, R210c73: 22, Pi20Oc74: 31 — PD20Oc74s22, PD270c74: 31, Pi6Ap75:42, D16D75: 23, P10My76: 43— DUMy76: 23, D14F77:21 — P14F77: 33, D28Mr77: 72, D30My77: 31, D27Je77:31,DlAg77:22, D7N77:31,D90c79:31 — C30Oc79:42 in Yorktown, Va. , 29My46: 32, 31J146: 52, PD25F68: 31 — R25F68:31, PD7Ja73: 32 import to Fr. from Gt. Brit, forbidden, HMy39:21 prizes for foot races in Va. , 7D39: 41 smuggled to London, Eng. , from Fr. , PD1S74: 22 See also Chamois; Doe; Fawn; Kid; Lamb; Leather; Silk; Thread; Washleather; Woolen; Worsted Barcelona Gloves, French, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD10Oc66: 33 Gloves, French kid, for sale, in Richmond, Va. , PD5N72sll — R5N72: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD25F68: 23 — R3Mr68: 34, PD60c68: 31 — R60c68: 23, PD29S74: 32, D28N77: 22 Gloves, furred, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD10Oc71: 31 Gloves, glazed, for sale, in Richmond, Va. , PD5N72sll— R5N72: 22 Gloves, glazed in grain, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD19Ap70s23— R19Ap70: 31 Gloves, riding, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD22N70s23, R12My74: 32 Gloves, wash, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD22N70s23 Gloves, woodstock, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD60c68: 31 — R60c68: 23, PD210c73: 23 — R210c73:22 Glue, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD12D71: 32, PD11N73: 22, C15J180:22 import to Fr. from Gt. Brit, permitted, llMy39:21 Glue factory, suitable for Williamsburg, Va , P13Je77: 11 Glue manufacture, encouraged in British colonies, N. Am. , PD14Ap68:22 in Phila , Pa. , PD14Ap68: 22 Glutton, East Indiaman, PD28Mr71: 12 Glyn, Capt. , of the Industry, PD29J173: 22--R29J173: 23 William, 27J139: 22 Glynn, Capt. , PD14Ja73: 22 John, address from freeholders of Middlesex co. , Va , quoted, PD30Mr69: 22 counsel for Benjamin Franklin in London, Eng. , PD5My74: 11 discusses short parliaments, P13S76: 11 favors colonies, PD20S70sl2 instructions to as m. p. from Middlesex co. , Eng. , P5Ja76: 22 — D6Ja76:22 opposes Quebec act, R18Ag74: 31, PD8S74: 11 praised in Va , P24F75: 21 speech at trial of Wilkes, R22F70: 12 supports Quebec act, R18Ag74: 21 thanks Middlesex co. , Va. , freeholders, R16Mr69: 12 toasted by Phila. Sons of St. Patrick, PD13Ap69: 23 toasted by John Wilkes, PD14Ap69s21 Gnadenbutten, Pa. , See Indian attacks in Gnawpost, horse, PD5S71: 13 Gnesen, Pol. , See Prussian army. vandalism in Goa, India, besieged by Indians, 21D39:31 insurrections in, PD70c73: 12 — R70c73: 13 Portuguese in, PD30Ap72: 21 Goadlet, Adam, P21F77: 23, D90c78: 41 Goalman, William, P9My77: 42 Goar, H. , clerk of Halifax co. , Va. , D13N79: 32 Goat hair, for sale, in Yorktown, Va. , 25J15L32 Goats, adv. for, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD2N69: 31 census in Martinique, W. I. , PD25Mr73: 22— R25Mr73: 22 in St. Lucia, W I. , PD25Mr73: 22 — R25Mr73:22 for British army, 7N55: 21 for sale, in Brunswick co. , Va. , D90c79: 12 in Buckland, Va. , D23Ja78: 41 in Norfolk, Va. , PD13Je71: 33 ordered confined in Suffolk, Va. , by general assembly, PD23Ap72: 13 Goatskins, duties on import to Gt. Brit, removed, PDllMy69s32, P22J175sl2— D29J175: 23 Goble, John, 14N55: 22 Godbolt, John, author, 24My51: 32 Goddard, Capt. , of the Lord Hyde, PD4Je67: 21, PD18Ap71: 31 John, Capt. , R15Ag66s22, PD25My69:21 M. K. , D2Ap79: 22 Mary C. , D2S75: 32 William, address to Continental congress, D21Ja75: 13 carries dispatches to southern colonies, PD7J174: 21 character upheld, R4Ag74: 23 criticized, R21Ap74: 23 establishes offices for post office, P1S75:22 in Boston, Mass. , PD26My74: 21 inN. Y. , P27S76sll in Phila , Pa. , PD2Je74: 13 post office scheme discussed, PD12My74: 31, R21J174: 32, PDllAg74:32 printer of the Pennsylvania chronicle, R50c69: 13, R5S71: 23 reports on conditions in Ga. , P5Ag76: 23 456 Gold bands supported in N. Y. , PDl4Ap74: 12 — R14Ap74: 22 supports colonial post offices, PD14Ap74: ll--R14Ap74: 22, PD28Ap74:21 to establish colonial post office in Williamsburg, Va. , PD4Ag74: 22 tours colonies, PD7Ap74: 22 Goddart, Mr , letter in post office, R4D66: 23 Godfrey, Mr. , on committee to wait on governor, Mass. , PD23My71: 13 Charles, R26J170: 22 James, Capt. , of the Lady Washington, P1N76:21 of the Providence, 13Je45: 41 John, P12Je78: 12 Matthew, R24Mr68: 33, R26J170: 22, P9My77:23, C15J180:21 Thomas, Capt. , of the Speedwell, 26S55: 22 William, PD25Ap66: 32, R8N70: 23 Godfrey's cordial, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. , 15My52: 32, PD22Ap73:31 in Petersburg, Va. , 4J151: 32, PD30J172: 32, PD30D73: 31, PD14J174: 32, Pi23Mr75: 33 — D25Mr75:31 in Richmond, Va. , PD10S72: 23, PD17Je73: 33— R17Je73s23 in Shockoe, Va. , PD4Ap66: 41 in Williamsburg, Va. , 18J151: 41, 2My55: 31, 14N55: 22, PD18D66: 32 — R25D66: 42, PD18Je67: 33, PD270c68: 32--R270c68: 22, R3N68: 33 — PD10N68: 22, PD13Ap69: 32--R13Ap69: 32, PD17Ag69: 33--R17Ag69: 23, PD21S69: 33--R21S69s21, PD21S69: 41— R21S69s21, PD29N70: 22, PD13D70: 43, R13D70: 32, PD17Ja71: 43, PDUAp71: 32, PD15Ag71: 32 — R15Ag71: 32, PD240c71: 31, PD2J172: 32, PD290c72: 22 — R290c72: 22, PD4N73: 22 — R4N73:31, PD1S74: 32, D10J178: 21 — P10J178: 12 Godmanchester, Eng , See Boats, ice, in Godolphin, Lord, horse of, D8My78: 61, D2Ap79:31,D16Ap79:32 Godolphin, horse, P5My75: 31, D9Mr76:31, D18Ap77: 71, P21N77:31, P12D77: 23, P3Ap78: 32--D24Ap78:41, C27N79S11 ship, 120c39: 22, 3Ap46: 22, 24Ap52: 12 stallion, PD17Mr74: 31--R17Mr74: 23, D18Mr75: 11, D8My78: 62 — P3Ap78:31 Godolphin Arabian, horse, 250c65s42, R24Mr68: 33, D13Ap76: 33 — P19Ap76: 43, P7F77: 32, DllAp77: 62, PUAp77: 21, D14N77: 41 — P28N77sll, P6Mr78: 31 — D8My78: 62, P27Mr78: 31, D24Ap78: 41, D8My78: 61, D160c78:41,D5Mr79:32, D12Mr79: 31 — C15My79: 33, D26Mr79: 32, D9Ap79: 32, D24Ap79: 32, C13My80: 32, C13My80:41 stallion, D14Mr77: 12 — P21Mr77: 22 Godos, N S. de los, 24My51: 12 Godwin, Capt. , PDl9My68: 13 Ens., P13S76:41 Mr. , member of Va. company of, comedians, PD31Mr68: 23, PD7Ap68: 23, PD14Ap68: 23 — R14Ap68: 23, PD12My68: 23 -- R12My68: 22, PD19My68: 31, PD26My68: 23 Anthony, P10J178: 12, D20c79: 31 B. , on committee in Isle of Wight co. , Va ,Pi5Ja75:31 Betsey, marriage of, PD10S72: 22 Brewer, D27N79: 31 Brewer & co. , D14Ag79: 31 Christopher, PDllJe72: 32 Devareux, Pi20Oc74:33 Henry, D8Ap75: 33, D27My75: 41 James, D14Mr77: 71— P14Mr77: 32, P6Je77:31,D30c77:32 Jeremiah, R6S70: 22, PD5My74: 32 John, PD15Ap73: 32 Jonathan, P19S77: 12, P170c77: 23, D20c79: 31 Joseph, D21F77: 12— P21F77: 32, P160c78:22 Joseph, Dr. , PD19Mr72: 22 Joseph M. , P170c77: 32 Kinchen, Pi2F75: 13 Lemuel, P15Mr76: 23 Matthew, D14Mr77: 71--P14Mr77: 32, D30c77: 32 Mills, D18S79: 32 Patsy (Wilkinson), P160c78: 22 Susannah, P10J178: 12 Thomas, PD18F68: 31, PD19Mr72: 22, DlAp75: 33, D8Ap75: 11, P40c76s23, D18S79:32 Thomas, Capt. , 22D38: 32 Thomas, jr. , 22D38: 32 Godwin, Reade &, PD3Ja71: 31, PD26N72: 22, P18Ag75: 43 Goes, man of war, 7N45: 21 Goff, Capt. , PD15Ja67: 32 Anne, RllMy69:43 Stephen, PD29Ap73: 23 Goff igin, Capt. , of the Molly, R25N73:41 Goforth, Capt. , D23S75: 23, D3F76: 32 Goibau, Gacel, PD15Ap73: 22 — R15Ap73:22 Goir, Capt. de, in Williamsburg, Va. , P20Je77:23 Golat, John, D29N76: 42 Golconda, India, British attack on described, R25Ag68: 12 cedes territories to Fr. , 29My52: 12 defeated by French, 310c51: 22, 12D51: 11, 28Ag52:21 Gold, Capt. , of the Swift, D16Ap79: 21 Lt Col. , killed near Saugatuck, Conn. , D23My77: 22 Daniel, P29Ag77: 41 John, PD25J166:31 Gold, adv. for, in Williamsburg, Va. , 20Je51: 32, PD10Oc66: 33 in Halifax, N. C. , PD29J173: 31 captured from Moorish ship, 240c45: 11 coined in London, Eng. , PD2D73s21 demand for in Europe, PD30J172: 22 discovered near Bombay, India, PD60c68: 11— R6Qc68: 11 export from Port forbidden, 8My52: 21 from Russia forbidden, 14N51: 22, PD15J173: 13--R15J173: 12 exported from Eng. to Holl. , 18J151: 22, 12D5L21 exported from Gt. Brit, to E. I. , PD20N66: 13 exported from London, Eng. , lAp37:32 exported from Pa to Gt. Brit. , 29My52:21 exported from Vercruz, Mex. , to Sp. , PD23Ap72: 13 import to British colonies, N. Am. , from Fr. proposed, P29Mr76: 23 import to India from Gt. Brit. criticized, 28Mr55: 21 imported to Cadiz, Sp. , PD9Je74: 23 from Buenos Aires, Arg. , 6J139: 11 from Lima, Peru, PD29D68: 21 from S. Am. , 22Ap57: 11 from Veracruz, Mex. , 21N51: 12 imported to Holl. from India, PDlAp73: 13 imported to Lisbon, Port. , from Braz. , 4Mr37:22, PD23J172: 13 from Pernambuco, Braz., 3N38: 21 from Rio de Janeiro, Braz. , 20J139:21,24Ag39: 11 imported to London, Eng. , 270c38: 31 from Boston, Mass. , R15D68: 11 from Newcastle, Va. , PD6J169: 23 imported to Russia from Siberia, PD16Je74:ll imported to Sp. from Veracruz, Mex. , 8D52:12 lost at sea, PD14Mr66: 11, PD18F68: 23, PD17Je73: 11— R17Je73: 11, Pil90c75: 22— D210c75: 21 manufacture improved, PD23J172: 11 manufacture in Petersburg, Russia, 17S36:21 market for in Gt. Brit. , R14F71: 22 mined in Somerset co. , Eng. , PD7S69: 12 price in Eng. , PD140c73: 21 in London, Eng. , R23Mr69: 23 rescued at sea, D3 Je75: 23 seized by French ship, D20c79: 21 seized from French ships, 4J145: 21, 28N45: 22 seized from ship, 7N45: 21 seized from Spanish ship, 12D45: 21 stolen in N. Y. , 30J152: 22 Va. treasury notes redeemed with, PD6Je71: 32— R20Je71: 33, PD14N71: 22— R21N71: 32 Gold, milled, lost, adv. for, in Va. , PD5Mr72:31 Gold, old, adv. for, in Baltimore, Md. , Pil8My75: 33 in Portsmouth, Va , P16My77s31 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD17S67: 21, Pi60c74: 33— PD60c74: 33, Pil30c74: 32 — PD130c74: 32 bartered for gold work, PD28S69: 31 Gold, Portuguese, value increased in colonies, PD18Oc70sl2 Gold bands, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD13Ap69: 32— R13Ap69: 31, PD170c71: 23, PD240c71: 31, PD30Ap72: 31, PD7My72: 32, R150c72: 31, PD22Ap73: 31, R12My74:32 457 Gold bars Gold bars, seized from ship, 28N45: 21 Gold basket buttons, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD310c71: 31 Gold bobbs, for sale, in Smithfield, Va. , D21F77: 22--P28F77s22 Gold brocade, smuggled in Eng. , PD10N68: 12 Gold brooches, for sale, in Baltimore, Md , Pil8My75: 33 in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD18Ap66: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD17S67: 21, PD270c68: 33, PD10Oc71: 31, PD23Ap72: 23— R23Ap72: 13, PD15J173: 32, Pi20Ap75: 31 — D22Ap75: 32 lost, adv. for, in Va. , PD5D71: 32, DllMr75:32 Gold buckles, for sale, in Richmond, Va. , PD310c71: 23— R310c71: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD14My72: 23, PD220c72: 23— R220c72: 23, PD15J173: 32, PD210c73: 23 — R210c73: 22, PD5My74: 31 — R26My74: 13, Pi20Ap75: 31 — D22Ap75: 32 Gold buttons, boycotted in Providence, R. I. , PD21Ja68: 31 for sale, in Baltimore, Md. , Pil8My75: 33 in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD18Ap66: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD5Mr67: 31— R12Mr67:42, PD17S67:21, PD13Ap69: 32--R13Ap69: 31, PD170c71: 23, PD30Ap72: 31, PD7My72: 32, PD14My72: 23, R150c72: 31, PD220c72: 23 — R220c72: 23, PD22Ap73: 31, PD11N73: 23--R11N73: 21, R12My74: 32, Pi20Oc74: 31 — PD20Oc74s22 Gold church plate, seized from Spanish ship, 25Ja40: 12 Gold ciphers on saddles, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD8Ag71: 23 Gold coast, Af. , British on attacked by Pholies, PD9J172: 13 European competition on, PD29Ag66: 12 French claims to, 13F52: 32 French settlement on, 5S51: 31 hostilities against British in, D1J175:11 sacked by French, C3J179: 22 — D3J179: 12 See also Distemper among Negroes on; Factories, British, on; Franco- British rivalry on; French navy on; Pirates, French, on; Slave trade on; Slaves from; Slaves imported to James river district, Va. , from; Slaves imported to Va. from; Spanish navy to Gold coinage, in Gt. Brit. , discussed, PD24Mr74: 23, PD31Mr74: 21 proposed for British colonies, N. Am. , PD16Ap67: 11 regulated in Gt. Brit. , PD8S74: 13 Gold coins, counterfeited in British colonies, N. Am. , PD140c73: 13 export prohibited by Port. , PD7Mr66: 11 exported from Eng. to Holl. , 27J139: 32 found at Burwell's ferry, Va , PD14N71:22 in Elgin, Scot. , PD20Ag72: 22 regulated in Eng. , PD16S73: 12 scarce in London, Eng. , R13Ag67: 21 weight regulated by parliament, PD30S73:23 Gold combs, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , Pi20Ap75: 31— D22Ap75: 32 Gold crosses, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD140c73: 23, R12My74:32 Gold currency, counterfeiting prevented in Mass. , R1J173: 22 Gold dust, discovered in Af. , PD15S74:22 imported to London, Eng. , from W. L , 23D37: 32 imported to York district, Va. , from Guinea, 22Je39:31 imported to Va. from Af. , 24Ag39: 3 lost at sea, PD14Mr66: 11 plentiful in Af. , PD25Ag68: 22 — R25Ag68s23 near Podor, Af. , PD30J167: 23 seized from British ships, D180c76: 11, P6D76: 23 Gold earrings, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD17S67: 21, R170c71: 33, PD7My72: 32 Gold epaulets, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , D8My78: 82 Gold exchange, lowering protested, in Dublin, Ire. , 220c36: 12, 18N37: 31, 2D37:31, 30D37: 32 rises in Dublin, Ire. , 2D37: 32 Gold garters, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. .D14F77: 21 — P14F77:33 Gold hair lockets, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD310c71: 31 Gold hatbands, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD10Oc71: 31, PD23Ap72: 23— R23Ap72: 13, PD220c72: 23— R220c72: 23 Gold hats, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166:23 Gold knots, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD220c72: 23— R220c72: 23 Gold lace, boycotted in Providence, R. I. , PD21Ja68:31 seized by British from French, 6Ja38: 22, 13Ja38: 32 Gold leaf, adv. for, in Hanover co. , Va. , P3Ja77:31 for sale, in Blandford, Va. , PD29Je69: 32, PD21F71:32 in Fredericksburg, Va. , 28Ag46: 31 in Hobb's Hole, Va. , R6J169: 31 in Newcastle, Va. , PD19N72: 22 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Petersburg, Va. , PD30J172: 32, PD10Je73: 22, PD1J173: 32, PD14J174: 32, Pi23Mr75: 33 — D25Mr75:31 in Richmond, Va. , 5S55: 32, PD10S72: 23, PD17Je73: 33 — R17Je73s23 in Williamsburg, Va. , 20Je45: 41, 31J146: 61, 18J151: 41, 5S51: 32, 10Ap52: 31, 30Ap52: 32, 22My52: 32, 2My55: 22, 2My55: 31, 30N59: 32, 16Ja61:41,PD4Je67:33, PD18Je67: 32, PD18Je67: 33, PD26My68: 23, PD270c68: 32— R270c68: 22, R3N68: 33 — PD10N68: 22, PD13Ap69: 32 — R13Ap69: 32, PD17Ag69: 33 — R17Ag69: 23, PD21S69: 33 — R21S69s21, PD21S69:41 — R21S69s21,PD7D69:32, PD7Je70: 31— R7Je70: 31 — R12J170:31, PD29N70: 22, PD29N70: 31— R29N70: 23, PD13D70: 43, PD3Ja71: 43, PDUAp71: 32, PD15Ag71: 32 — R15Ag71: 32, PD240c71: 31, PD18Je72: 32, PD2J172: 32, PD290c72: 22— R290c72: 22, PD3Je73: 33— R3Je73: 23, PD10Je73: 22, PD10Je73: 34, PD4N73:22--R4N73:31 in Yorktown, Va. , PD13Ag67: 23 Gold leaf books, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , D7S76: 31 Gold lockets, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD18Ap66: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD14My72: 23, PD150c72: 31, PD220c72: 23 — R220c72: 23, PD22Ap73: 31, PD15J173: 32, PD140c73: 23, Pi20Oc74: 31--PD20Oc74s22, R12My74: 32, Pi20Ap75: 31 — D22Ap75: 32 lost, adv. for, in Va. , PDllMy69: 32, R2 Je74: 23 Gold loops, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD13Ap69: 32 — R13Ap69: 31, PD170c71: 23, PD30Ap72: 31, PD7My72: 32, R150c72: 31, PD22Ap73: 31, R12My74: 32 Gold Mason brooches, for sale, in Baltimore, Md. , Pil8My75: 33 Gold Mason medals, for sale, in Baltimore, Md. , Pil8My75: 33 Gold medals, for Washington from Williamsburg, Va. , D8Ag77: 2 1 Gold mines, Pi6Ap75sl3 discovered in Braz. , PD18Oc70: 13 on California coast, PD12Mr72: 11 on Tenerif is. , Can. Is. , PD10D67: 13 in Parag. , R11F68: 23— PD17Mr68: 23 in Tobago is. , W. L , R4D66: 13 sought in Senegambia, Af. , PD21My67: 13 Gold mourning rings, lost, adv. for, in Hobb's Hole, Va. , PDllMy69: 32 Gold necklaces, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD7My72: 32 Gold plate, exported from Veracruz, Mex. , to Rota, 25N37: 41 Gold pocketbooks, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD19Ap70s23 — R19Ap70: 31 Gold rings, for sale, in Baltimore, Md. , Pil8My75: 33 in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD18Ap66: 33 in Gloucester, Va. , P19Ap76sll — D20Ap76: 33 in Smithfield, Va. , D21F77: 22 — P28F77s22 in Williamsburg, Va. , 31J146: 61, 17N52:22,D27Je77:31 found, adv. of, in Va. , Pi2N75: 33 lost, adv. for, in Williamsburg, Va. , R12My68:31 stolen by convict servants in Va. , 24Ap46: 42 458 Gooch in Caroline co. , Va. , 15D38: 32 Gold scales, for sale, in Baltimore, Md. , Pil8My75: 33 Gold seals, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD17S67: 21, PD4Je72: 32, PD11N73:23--R11N73:21 lost, adv. for, in Va. , 29My52: 31 Gold sleeve buttons, found, adv. in Rocky Ridge, Va. , PD24Mr68: 32 stolen in Va. , R27My73: 23 Gold snuff boxes, for sale, near Williamsburg, Va. , 17N38: 42 lost, adv for, in Va. , R14Je70: 33 Gold sprigs, on saddles, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD8Ag71: 23 Gold standard, in Gt. Brit. , adoption proposed, R4N73: 13 Gold stock buckles, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD17S67: 21 Gold studs, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va , PD17S67:21 found, adv. in Va. , P19S77: 22 Gold stuffs, imported to Algiers, Alg. , D4N75: 12 Gold thread, for sale, in Smithfield, Va. , D21F77: 22--P28F77s22 Gold toothpick cases, for sale, near Williamsburg, Va. , 17N38: 42 Gold trade, expansion advocated, 4F37:22 Gold tweezers, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. ,31J146: 61 Gold watches, as prize for horse- racing, 2S57: 31 for sale, at Lancaster courthouse, Va. , PD7J168:32 in Richmond co. , Va. , PD170c66: 41 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD25J171: 23, PD5My74: 31--R26My74: 13 found, adv. in Va. , PD7F71: 23, D18D79:31,D8Ja80:42 lost, adv. for, in Va. , Pi23N75: 33 — P24N75s22, P22Mr76: 33 — D23Mr76: 33, P20D76s22, P22Ag77:31,D12F79:42 stolen by indentured servants in Va. , PD6J169:41 in Va. , 170c55:22 near Bladensburg, Md. , 5S55: 31 Gold watches, described, stolen in Williamsburg, Va. , 3N52: 21 Gold weights, for sale, in Baltimore, Md. , Pil8My75: 33 Gold wires, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD10Oc71: 31, PD210c73: 23 — R210c73: 22, PD5My74: 31 — R26My74: 13, Pi20Ap75: 31 — D22Ap75:32 Gold work, adv. of, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD7F71: 23— R7F71: 32, PD10c72: 22— R80c72: 32 bartered for old gold, PD28S69: 31 boycotted in Va. Association, PD25My69: 11— RUe69: 13 for sale, in Newcastle, Va. , PDlAg66:31 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD28S69:31, PD4Oc70:31,Pil3Oc74:32 — PD130c74:32 D15Ap75: 32— P21Ap75: 31 making adv. , in Williamsburg, Va. , PD28Ap74: 32, PD14J174: 31 — R14J174:32 stolen by convict servants in Va. , PD25J166:31 Gold work, country made, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD24Ja71: 31, PD310c71:31 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD4Oc70: 31 Gold wrought buttons, seized by British from French, 13Ja38: 32 Goldbeater's skin, for sale, in Richmond, Va. , 5S55: 32, PD17Je73: 33— R17Je73s23 in Williamsburg, Va. , 16Ja61: 41, PD270c68: 32— R270c68: 22, D12Je79:32 in Yorktown, Va. , PD13Ag67: 23 Golden, Alexander, PD22J173: 32 William, PD18F68:31 Golden ball, The, Williamsburg, Va. , PD10c72: 22— R80c72: 32, PD290c72: 21, PD2Je74: 31, PD14J174: 31— R14J174: 32 Golden Fleece, ship, R12J170: 31, R12 J170: 33, PD13S70: 23, PD25Oc70: 31, PD10Ja71: 32, R23My71: 32, PD28My72: 23 Golden Lion, ship, 170c51: 22, R60c68:21, PD16S73:21 Golden rod, substitute for tea, PD13Ja74: 12 See also Hill's; Hill's tinctures Golden rod, tincture of, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD30D73: 31, PD14J174: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD18Je67: 33, PDllAp71: 32, PD2J172: 32, PD10Je73:22 Golden Rule, transport, D16Mr76: 23 Golden russeteen apple trees, for sale, in Surry co. , Va. ,4N63:41 Goldfinder, horse, PD7D69: 13, D28N77: 22 stallion, D24Ap79: 32— C15My79: 41 Golding, James, PD12N67: 21 Goldman, Lt. , wounded in battle of Point Pleasant, PH0N74: 23 Goldrich & sons, sells provisions to British, D17F76: 32 Golds, de, Mr., author, 28Mr51: 31 Goldsborough, Mr. , on committee of Congress on colonial rights, D21Ja75: 12 John, R29N70: 21 Robert, PD21J174: 22, Pi270c74: 23, PD29D74: 23, D15Je76: 32 Goldsbury, William, P10J178: 32 Goldsbury, ship, PilOAg75: 23 — PllAg75:21 Goldsmith, John, 17N52: 22 [Oliver], author, PD29N70: 21, PD13D70: 42, PD3Ja71: 42, PD17Ja71: 42, PD24Ja71: 42, PD7F7L42, PD21F7L42, PD7Mr71: 42, PD21Mr71: 42, PD28Mr71: 42, PD18J171: 23, PD25J171: 33, PDlAg71: 41, PD17S72: 21, PD10Je73: 31, PD10Je73: 33, PD10Je73: 34, DllF75s23, D25N75: 22, D11D79: 22 assaults bookseller, PD3Je73:21 extract from "The Deserted Village", PD25Oc70:41 plays presented in London, Eng. , PD19Ag73: 12 plays of presented in New York City, PD12Ag73: 21, PD26Ag73: 22 — R26Ag73s23 [Thomas], Lt. , D29N7-6: 31 William, 21Ag46: 32, 17N52: 22 Goldsmiths, adv. of, in Baltimore, Md. ,Pil8My75:33 in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD18Ap66: 33 in Hanover, Va. , PD4Ap71: 23, R4F73:31 in Shockoe, Va. , PD16My66: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD5Mr67:31 — R12Mr6.7:42, PD17S67: 21, PD4Oc70: 31, PD4J171: 31, PD130c74: 32, PilJe75: 33— P2Je75: 33 — D3Je75:33 in Boston, Mass , P18Ag75: 22 — D19Ag75: 32 in Salem, Mass. , PD270c74: 21 in Williamsburg, Va. , 13Ap39: 31 See also Indentured servants as Goldsmiths' apprentices, adv. for, in Williamsburg, Va. , 2S57: 41 Goldsmiths company, London, Eng. , honor king, PD11N73: 13 Goldsmiths' files, for sale, in Smithfield, Va. , PD4Ag68: 31 Goldsmiths' materials, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD15J173: 32 Goldsmiths tools, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD23My71: 31, P28N77: 33 Goldsmiths work, for sale, in Halifax, N. C. ,PD29J173:31 Goldson, Thomas, PD24Mr68: 32 — R24Mr68:33, P18Ap77s31 Goldthwait, Mr. , supports Association in Newport, R. I. , Pil9Ja75: 23 Ebenezer, D27My75: 31 Ezekiel, PD23Je74: 12 Joseph, PD3N68: 22, PD10Ag69: 11 — R10Ag69: 12, PD23Je74: 12 M. B. , PD23Je74: 12 Goldwell, Mrs. , sale at, P30c77: 23 Nicholas, P30c77: 23 Temprence, C28Ag79: 31 Golestone, William, PD16Je74: 23 Golgoa, privateer, 15My46: 32 Goliah, horse, 250c65s42 stallion, PD20Ap69: 23—R20Ap69: 23, R5Ap70: 42— PD19Ap70: 42 Gomain, Capt. , of the L'Appollon, 5S55:21 Gondolas, for sale, in Suffolk, Va. , PD19N72:23 used by British, P27S76s21 Gonnion, John, R14Ap68: 43 Gonzaga, treaty with Aust. , R23S73: 11 Gooch, Mr. , horse of, 14D39: 31, 14D39: 32 Claiborne, P28N77: 32 John, R15N70:43 Joseph, P14Mr77: 42 [Rebecca Stanton], Lady, P5My75: 22 Rowland, R22J173s22 William, 31J146: 51, 17Ap46: 42, D13N79: 32 William, jr. , 4My39: 42, 2N39: 41 William, lt. gov. , of Va. , 5N36: 21, 11N37: 41, 23My45: 32, 5D51: 32, PD19S66: 23, P5My75: 22 addresses of, 24S36: 32, 3N38: 52, 10N38: 32, 10N38: 41, 22D38: 31, 17Ap46: 31, 3J146: 11, 18J146: 32, 18J146:41 adv. for deserters, 14Ag46: 31 459 Gooch, William, It. gov. (cont'd) adv. for John Saunders, 13J139: 42 assents to bills, 24S36: 31, 22D38: 22, 22D38:31 commands expedition against French, 11J146:41 death of, 27F52: 31 equips guard ship, 23My45: 32 gives ball for king's birthday, 5N36:42,4N37:42, 3N38: 51, 2N39:41 gives ball for prince's birthday, 21Ja37:42 issues letters of marque, 31Ag39: 1 mourns for Queen Caroline, 31Mr38:42 musters militia, 18Mr37:41 ode to, 3D36: 11 orders officers of the militia to report, 3J146: 31 orders seacoast counties to prepare for French invasion, 23My45: 31 proclamations of, 5Ag37: 42, 210c37: 22, 280c37: 31, 23D37: 41, 28Ap38: 32, 5Ja39: 41, HMy39: 41, 13J139: 41, 260c39: 41, 9N39: 32, 11 Ja40: 41, 9My45: 32, 16My45: 41, 12S45: 32, 26S45: 41, 12D45: 32, 16Ja46:41, 17Ap46: 32, 17Ap46:41 promises protection to missionaries, 21N45:31 receives report of Louisburg expedition, 6Je45: 31 recommends John Tennent, 22S38: 12 requested to continue prohibition on export of grain, 210c37: 32 requests burgesses to elect speaker, 3N38: 51 slaves of, 14F51: 41, 270c52: 22, R12My68: 33, PD8D68: 32 statement on shipwreck, 23Mr39:41 visits Norfolk, Va. , 21S39: 32 Gooch, ship, 17S36: 42, 25F37: 41, 15J137: 42, 4Ag38: 42, 16Je38: 42, 25Ag38: 32, 4My39: 41, 4My39: 42, 24Ag39: 22, 24Ag39: 3, 24Ag39: 41, 2N39: 2, 25Ja40: 12, 25Ja40: 3, 23Ja46: 22, 11S46: 41, 6F52: 31 Goochland co. , Va. , burgesses elected, 24Mr38: 42, 24N38: 41, 6F52: 31, 27F52: 32, PD15D68: 23--R15D68: 21, PD21S69s23--R21S69: 23, R9N69: 11, PD12D71: 31, PD4Ag74: 23 census requested, P19Ap76p23 — D27Ap76:33 chancery court, PD9N69: 31 committee offers refuge to invaded colonies, D20Ja76: ll--P2F76s23 resolutions of, P31Mr75sl3 trials "for Toryism, D17F76: 13 court, European goods sold by order of, R4F68:41 land sold by order of, D5S77: 32 suits in, R16Je68: 33 court day altered by general assembly, PD21Ap68:23 hustings court, R21S69:32 list of tithables for 1774 not returned, Pil8My75: 33 — P19My75s32-- D20My75: 33 senators elected, P6S76: 33, P9My77:31 sheriff's sales at, R4F68: 41, PD12Mr72: 32--R12Mr72: 31 sheriff's summons, PD9N69: 31 troops arrive in Williamsburg, Va. , P20Oc75s22 See also Apple orchards in; Association of 1774 enforced in; Auctions in; Auctions of British imports in; Barns in; Carpenters, apprentices, runaway from; Cherry orchards in; Churches in; Convict servants runaway from; Cornhouses in; Dairies in; Dwelling houses, described, in; Dwelling houses in; Farms for rent in; Ferries in; Flour manufacture in; Flour mills, adv. of, in; Frame houses in; Gardens in; Granaries in; Gristmills in; Hen houses, described, in; Horse-breeding in; Houses in; Iron ore in; Jails in; Kitchens in; Land, ownership disputed in; Land, reversion for sale in; Land for rent in; Land for sale in; Land posted in; Lumber rooms in; Manor plantations in; Merchant mills in; Merchants in; Milk-houses, described, in; Mills in; Musters, general, dates appointed for in; Office houses in; Orchards in; Ordinaries in; Outhouses in; Overseers' houses in; Overseers in; Quarters in; Quarters, Negro, in; Roads in; Robberies in; Sheds in; Slaves for sale in; Slaves runaway from; Smokehouses in; Stables in; Stealing in; Stills in; Storehouses in; Stores in; Teachers adv. for in; Tenements in; Tobacco houses in; Treading floors in; Undertakers adv. for in; Warehouses in; Weavers in; Wild fowl in Goochland courthouse, Va. , See Cock matches at; Gardens at; Land, mortgaged for sale at; Orchards at; Ordinaries at; Outhouses at; Slaves for sale at; Vendues at Good, Capt. , PD12Ag73: 23 of the Anti Sejanus, R23S73: 13 Mr. , adv. stallion for hire, D25Mr75:31 John, R26Ag73: 22 M'Ness, DllMr75: 13, DllMr75: 21 Mark, C27N79: 23 Thomas, R9Je68: 34 Good Intent, brig, R19Ag73: 21 schooner, D10Ja77: 41--P10Ja77: 42, D5S77:31,D19D77:22 — P19D77: 11, D12Je79:42 ship, 27Ag56: 31, 27Ag56: 32, 30N59: 32, PD27N66: 22, PD15Ja67: 32, PDllF68:23,R16Je68:24, PD23Je68: 23--R23Je68: 23, PD7J168:23--R7J168:22, RllAg68: 23, PD270c68: 42, PD9Mr69: 31, R26J170: 13, PD28Mr71: 12, PD29J173: 31 — R5Ag73: 32 sloop, 22S52: 32, DllAp77: 62 — P4Ap77:32 Good Success, ship, PD23Mr69: 31 Goodall, Mr. , cured of blindness, PD10Je73:21 Anne, 24My51:42 Charles, PDUa67: 31, R19F67: 42 — PD22Ja67: 33 adv. finding ewes, 5Je52: 32 adv. finding horse, D10J178: 42 adv. land for sale, PD13N66: 22 — R4D66: 42 adv. lots in Hanover for rent, PD13Je66:31 land of, PD8N70: 31 payment of debts due requested, PD8Mr70: 33 settlement of estate of. PD27A^67- 31 Charles, sr. ,24My51:42 John, P310c77:32 Parke, PD8Mr70: 33, PD13Ag72: 22, R31Mr74: 33, PillMy75: 33 — P12My75s22— D13My75: 31 Richard, PD8Mr70: 33, R31Mr74: 33, P19J176:41 Goodall, Richard, & Parke, R31Mr74: 33 Goodall, William, Pi50c75: 33, D70c75:33 Goodchild, Mr. , of St. Croix, W. I. , PD290c72: 13 William, PD5D71: 31, PD10S72: 31, DlMv79:32 Goode, Capt. , PD28J174: 32 Major, C13N79: 21 Mr. , slave of, PD10Ag69: 32 wagon master, P21Ag78: 31, P160c78:43 Bennet,R4D66:31,DlAp75:21, PilJe75: 11— P2Je75: 23 — D3Je75:33,P26Ap76s23 Francis, PD24D72: 32, PH5D74: 32 — PD15D74: 31, D12Mr79: 31 — C15My79:33 John, Pi9Mr75: 33--P10Mr75: 33 Mack, PD21Ja73: 32, P20Mr78: 11 Mackerness, P12D77: 33 Mackness, 310c55: 42 Martha, PllAg75: 41 Philip, PD12S66: 31 Robert, PD5N67: 23, PD3D67: 31 accuses slave of stealing, PD18Ag68: 31 adv. finding cattle, 19J154: 41, PD19Ag73: 22, P14Mr77: 43 adv. finding horses, R25F68: 31, PD4F73: 32, D20Je76: 33, P10J178: 43 adv. stallion for hire, PD31Mr74: 31 capt. of Chesterfield co. , Va. , militia, P3N7 5: 12 chosen to committee of inspection, Chesterfield co. , Va. , PU5D74: 32 — PD15D74:31 holds mortgage on land, R23Je74: 42 marriage of, PD23Je68: 23 money order to, PD4Ag74: 23 Sally (Bland), marriage of, PD23Je68:23 Samuel, P3N75: 12, D160c78: 42 — P160c78: 13,D90c79:22 Samuel, jr. , PD25Oc70: 31 Samuel, sr. ,PD13N66:31 Thomas, adv. finding horses, P27S76s22, P1N76: 41, D12Je79: 41 adv. stallion for hire, D26Mr79: 32 ens. of Chesterfield co. , Va. , militia, P3N75: 12 runaway indentured servant, R4Ag74: 33 William, D21S76: 42 Goode' s bridge, Va. ,4N63:43, R8Ag66:31,PD7S69:41 — R7S69:42,Pi9Mr75:33 — P10Mr75:33,P14Mr77sll - 460 Goosley D7Mr77:72,P23My77:42, P19D77:41,D90c78:41, D12Mr79: 31--C15My79: 33, D3J179:32,D28Ag79:31 See also Horse-breeding near; Stables near Goode's ferry, Va. , 4N63: 22 Goodfellow, ship,21J138:21 Goodgame, Daniel, PD5Mr72: 32 Goodgion, Capt. , of Ga. militia, R10Mr74:21 Goodhue, Hezekiah, P7Mr77s21 Goodin, Mr. , of London, Eng. , PlMy78:22 Gooding, Capt. , D24Ag76: 22 Abraham, PD18F68: 31 James, 14Ag52: 31 Goodloe, Robert, D2D75: 33 Goodman, Capt. , 20Ap39: 32 of the Robert and Alice, 28S39: 41 Mr. , of American company of comedians, R13Ja74: 22 Charles, PD26Mr67: 33, C11D79: 21 Elizabeth, 27Mr46: 42 John,PD16Je68:32 John, author, PD18J171: 33, PD25J171:43,PDlAg71:43, PD8Ag71:43 Joseph, PD14Je70:33, P25Ag75: 73 — D26Ag75:31 Thomas, Capt. , of the Charming Anne, 5Ja39: 42, 10Ag39: 2 of the Lucy, 10Ag39: 31, 14D39: 1, 18Ja40:4 property for sale,27Mr46: 42 Timothy, P25Ag75: 73--D26Ag75: 31 William, P25Ag75: 73- D26Ag75: 31, P28N77: 32 Goodrich, Capt. , P9Ag76: 33 captures British ship, P26Ap76s22 exchanged for British prisoner of war,D7F77: 12--P7F77: 11 lot of, P16Je75:33 of the Despatch, P16Ag76: 22 — D17Ag76:22 of the Mississippi, PD26Ag73: 22, PD16S73:22 Col., regiment of, 170c55: 21 Messrs. , privateers of, P10J178: 22, D22My79: 21, D30Oc79: 22 traitors in Baltimore, Md. , P10Ja77:23 Mr.,P12Ap76:31 burns ships in Ocracoke inlet, P19Je78:22 captured by Americans in Hampton, Va.,Pi30D75:42 captured by Gov. Dunmore, D210c75:23 privateers of, D12Mr79: 21, D19Je79:31 wharf of, PD20Je66:31 Mrs. , plantation of, D7N77: 22 Bartlett, P9F76: 12, P7Je76: 31, D8Je76:62,P9My77:23 Bartlett, Capt. , of the Hammond, P29D75s22,D25S79:22 Bridger, D7F77: 22, P3Ap78: 21 J. ,PD14S69:31 John, PD21My72: 23, P3My76: 23 adv. packet boat, PD8S68p23 — R22S68: 33 adv. unclaimed goods, PD16Ap67: 23, PD25F68: 23 , PD23J172: 31, PD4Mr73:32 escheated property for sale, D4Mr80:23 houses destroyed, D4My76: 33 imports British goods, P9F76: 11 imprisoned as Tory in Va. , D29Ag77:22,P29Ag77:31 prisoner of war, D27Ap76: 32 release of wife demanded by British, D29My79:31 settlement of accounts of, PD12Ag73:21 John, Capt. , PD27N66: 31, R50c69: 22, R26S71:32,P3My76:31, P5J176p23 John, jr.,PDlAp73:33,P9F76: 11, P9F76: 12,C15J180:21 John, sr. , D10Ag76: 62, P22Ag77: 31, P21Ag78:ll,C15J180:21 Johnfc co. ,PD12Ag73:21, PD19Mv74pll Thomas, PD28D69: 31, P27S76: 22 Wait, Capt. ,PD4Ap7 1:22 William, P29D75: 11, P9F76: 11, D7F77:22,P28Mr77sl3 William, Capt. , captures British ship, P26Ap76s22 of the Diamond, 28Mr45: 41, 18Ap45:41 of the Peggy, RllAg68: 24 of the Speedwell, 19Ag37: 32 prisoner of war of British, P15D75:31 taken prisoner of war in Quebec, Can. , D31Ag76:21 Goodrich & Shadden, D160c79: 11, D25D79:21 Goodridge, Capt. , of the Duke of Cumberland, R4Mr73: 31 Col. , killed at Lake George, N. Y. , 26S55:22 Brigden, Capt. , of the Molly, D40c76: 12--P40c76: 23 John,C13N79:22 William, PD2Je68: 23— R9Je68: 42 Goodrum, James, R28Mr71: 21 Goodson, Mr., store of, C19F80: 32 of Williamsburg, Va. , Pi30D75: 22— P12Ja76sll William, adv. for missing horse, D22My79: 41 agent for Samuel Spurr,D160c79: 31 appointed to committee for Williamsburg, Va. , Pi9N75: 33 buys hides for Va. army, D90c79:31 joins association for non- importation, PD19J170: 21 merchant in Williamsburg, Va. , D4J177:72 Goodwich, Edward, 19D55: 22 Goodwill, ship, Pi5Ja75:22 Goodwin, Capt. , of the Harlequin, D1N76: 12 taken prisoner in Chambly, Can. , P116N75: 32--P17N75: 31 — D18N75:22 Mr. , effects of sold,D6Je77: 21 — P6Je77: 11 Mr., author, 24My51: 32 Edward, Pvt. ,R14Ja73: 13 Elizabeth, 4N63: 41, PD15Ag71: 32 Jacob, Capt. ,D8Ap75:22 James, 4N63: 41 John, adv. finding horses, PD10Oc66: 33, PD150c67: 22 boats stolen from, PD6S70: 32 deserter, P6Je77: 13 holds bonds of Thomas Theat, PD14My72:22 party to suit in Va. general court, 2My55:31 plantation of, D19D77: 41 settlement of estate of, D10J178: 22 John, Capt. , of the Frederica, 21Ja37:32 Mary, 2My55:31 Peter, Pi20Oc74: 32, D31Ag76: 31 Reuben, D14Ag79: 32 Robert, R4Ag68: 31 Robert, sr. , D18Ap77: 62 Samuel, PD12D71: 31, D31Ag76: 31 Thomas, 22Ap37: 42, 20My37: 42, 3Je37:41,R5Ag73:23 Goodwin Sands, Eng. , See French navy in Goodwyn, Hannah, R170c71: 32 Thomas, R31Ja71: 31 William, Pil6Mr75: 41 Goodwyn & Goodwyn, R80c72: 31 Goolsby, Thomas, PD8Mr70: 43 Goore, Charles, of Liverpool, Eng. , PD17N68: 22--R17N68: 31, PD4Oc70: 23--R4Oc70: 31, PD16Ja72:32--R6F72:41 Goose island, plantation, Va., Pil6Mr75: 33— D18Mr75: 33 Goosley, Capt. , PD9Mr69: 31, R9Mr69: 23, PD25Ap71: 31, PD31D72: 31— R31D72: 31, D21Ag79:22 of the Anne,R3My70:23 of the Unity, PD14My72: 23, PD10D72: 23--R10D72: 23, PD31D72: 31--R31D72: 31, PD7Ja73: 32, PD14Ja73: 31, PD25F73: 32, PD18Mr73: 32 Cary, R5Ja69: 32, PD24My70: 23, PD21Mr71: 32, PD2J172: 31 Ephraim, 6Je51: 32, 170c51: 31, 5Je52:31,270c52:31 George, P30My77: 33,P8My78s21 George, Capt. , of the Golden Fleece, R12J170:31,R12J170:33, PD13S70: 23, PD25Oc70: 31, PD10Ja71: 32, R23My71: 32 of the Lyon, PD23My71: 22, RlAg71:31,PD30c71:31, PD28N71:22 Ludwell (Harrison), marriage of, PD21Ja73:31 W. , adv. chais-marine for sale, P8Ag77: 12 adv. damaged goods for sale, PD12Ja69:41 adv,. for cargo, PD22J173: 32 adv. for missing horse, PD17S72: 23 adv. for missing watch, P27S76s21 adv. land for sale, PD22J173: 33, P10Oc77:31,D20N79:31 adv. merchandise for sale, C13My80:32 adv. slaves for sale, PD26Ja69: 32 — R26Ja69:23 announces departure, PD21Mr71: 32 requests payment of debts, PD18Ja70: 32— R18Ja70: 32 W. , & co. , P20Mr78: 11, C26Ag79: 31, 461 Goosley, W. , & co. (cont'd) C28Ag79:33 William, PD22N70: 31, PD26N72: 31, D11D79.11 adv. for cargo, R22J173: 33 adv. for missing cow, PD30S73: 32, R30S73:33 adv. land for sale,R22J173: 33, PD30S73: 32--R30S73: 32, PD9D73:22--R9D73:21, P8My78s21,D90c79:31 — C30Oc79: 43 adv. merchandise for sale, PD4Oc70: 32 adv. ship for sale,D90c79: 31 agent for J. H. Norton, PD22S68: 23 — R22S68: 31, PD10N68: 22 — R17N68: 33, PD16Mr69: 31 — R16Mr69:32 announces departure, PD21J174: 31 appointed capt. of York co. , Va. , company, PH4S75: 31--D16S75: 32 defendant in Va. chancery court, PD28Ap74:32 marriage of, PD21Ja73: 31 plaintiff in Va. chancery court, R2D73:31 William, & co. , P29My78: 31 Gordan, Anne J. , Mrs. , D11D79: 22 Gordian, Albian, P6Mr78: 12 Gordon, Capt. , 27Ag56: 22, PD12N72: 13, PD3Je73: 23 of the Chesterfield, 23Ja46: 32 of the Endeavour, PD130c74: 21 of the Rainbow, DllMr75: 31, D23S75:31 of the Ruby, 13Je51: 32, 30c51: 32 of the Sally, PD18Je67: 31, PD18Je67: 32, PD18Je67: 33, PD12My68:22 of the Warren, 11J145: 32 Col. , orders arms for Pittsylvania co. Va.,PD25Ag74:22 duchess of (Jane Gordon), arrives in N. Y. , PD60c68: 22--R60c68: 22, PD12Ja69: 22, PD13J169: 23 — R13J169:22 Gen. , murder of, D7S76: 22 Lt. , captured by American ship .near Boston, Mass. ,D13J176: 62 Lt. Col. , arranges prisoner exchange, D8Ap80s23 Mr. , author, PD17S72: 21, PD17S72: 22, PD10Je73:33 ferry of, 9My45: 42 of Wilmington, Del. , PD26J170: 23 Adam, Lord, PD7Mr66: 12, PD7Mr66: 21, PD13N66: 12 Alexander, adv. drugs for sale, PD10Oc66:41,PD18F68 : 32 — R18F68: 32, R20J169: 33 — PD27J169: 33, PD18Ap71: 32 — R2My71:32,PD28My72:23, . PD4N73: 22— R4N73: 31 adv. for runaway apprentice, PD2J172: 31 adv. for runaway indentured servant, PD23Ap72: 31, PD7Ja73: 32 adv. for weaver, P29Ag77: 12 adv. land for sale, PD13D70: 23, P10Mr75:32,P4Ag75:31, D2My77:62,D5S77:31 adv, settlement of estate, PD27Ja74: 32 adv. slaves held in jail, PD25Oc70: 31, PD16My71: 32, PD12S71:33, PD7N71:32 announces departure, P21Ap75s43 appointed agent for British army, N.S. ,R25Ag68: 13 heir of Samuel Gordon, PD26S71:32— R26S71: 31 letter in post office, R17F74: 33 marriage of, PD130c74: 23 of Norfolk, Va. ,PD12D71:31 publishes statement concerning Ralph Inman, PD12F67: 22 settlement of estate of, C6N79: 32 Alexander, Col. , D14F77: 12 [Alexander], Dr. , PD30J172: 31, Pil6F75:31— D25F75: 31 Alexander, Rev. Mr. , of Antrim parish, PD5N67: 23 Anthony, PD9F69: 31 Archibald, [10Ja?l51:41 Archibald, Col. , PD70c73: 22, PD18N73:22 Arthur, PDlAg71: 12 Daniel, C3 J179: 32 Francis Grant, Capt. , of the Argus, P14Ap75:21 George, PD10Oc71: 31, PD4N73: 21 George, Capt. , of the George, 26S55:31 of the Guardoqui, R27My73: 31 George, Lord, D26Je79: 21 Harry, Capt. , PD5Mr67: 31 James, adv. finding identured servant, Pil90c75:33 adv. merchandise for sale, PD26F67: 31, R7S69: 33 adv. slaves for sale, PD20Ag67: 32 announces departure, D22 J175: 43 appointed collector for William Snodgrass, PD7Ap74: 31 — R7Ap74:31 delegate from Lancaster co. , Va. , P9My77: 23 on committee in Lancaster co. , Va. , Pi2Mr75:22 owner of Active, PD23 J167: 22 refuses oath of loyalty to U. S. , P6D76: 13 runaway indentured servant, PD270c74:31 suit in York co. , Va. , court, PD20My73: 23 James, Capt. , 310c51: 32, PD9N69s23 James, Col. , PD14Ja68: 31, PD18Ag68: 32— R18Ag68: 31, C19F80: 11 James, Lt. , PD80c72: 22-- R80c72: 23 James, Mrs. , PD270c74: 31 John, adv. finding horse, PD10S67: 23 adv. for musicians for St. Cecilia society, PD18J171: 21 adv. for runaway slaves, P10N75:42— D11N75:32, D2My77:71, P29My78: 41 adv. land for sale, 250c65s42, PD23J172: 33 adv. personal property for sale, PD7J168: 32 alias of Andrew Wilson, D20N79: 22 announces departure, PD2Je74: 32, P21Ap75s43 escapes from York co. , Va. , jail, R4Ag74: 33 marriage of, P21Ap75s42 — Pi28Ap75: 32 pasture of, 16Ja46: 42 slaves of, Pi6Ap75: 42, D6Je77: 31 Lucy (Poythress), Mrs. , P21Ap75s42 — Pi28Ap75: 32 Mary, C6N79: 32 Moses, Pi2Mr75: 31 Nathaniel, PD18Oc70s22 — R18Oc70:23 Patrick, 8J137: 41, 10Je37: 32, PD10S72:31 [Patrick], author, PD29N70: 21, PD13D70: 42, PD13D70: 43, PD3Ja71: 42, PD17Ja71: 42, PD24Ja71:42, PD7F7L42, PD21F71: 42, PD7Mr71: 42, PD21Mr71: 42, PD28Mr71: 42, PD29Ag71:33 Patrick, Capt. , of the Archibald, R11F68:31 Robert, PD23J167: 41 — R23J167: 32, PD24N68:23,PD18J171:21, PD28N71:31, PD16S73: 31, D28Ag79: 12 Robert, Capt. , of the Hunter, 250c65s33 of the Margaret, 7N54: 22 of the Sally, PD11F68: 31 — R11F68: 32,RllAg68:24 Samuel, 270c52: 21, PD9J172: 32 adv. sale of estate of James Boyd, 2S57:32 death of. PD25Ap71: 31, PD30My71: 23 - R30My71:22 land of, PD14N71: 22--R6F72: 43, PD5Mr72: 32— R12Mr72: 33 Negro in Dunmore's troops, D31Ag76:31 plaintiff in Va. chancery court, PD13D70:42 receives aid for poor family, 30N59:31 requests payment of debts, 270c52:21 settlement of estate of, PD26S71: 32 — R26S71:31, PD27Ja74: 32, C6N79: 32 Samuel, Mrs. , PD26S71: 32 — R26S7L31 Solomon, D21N77: 12 Thomas, PD13D70: 23, PD26N72: 22, Pi270c74: 32— PD270c74: 23, D2My77: 62, D2My77: 71 — P9My77:41 adv. estate for sale,D7N77:32 adv. for missing horses, PD2J172:32, PD30J172: 33 adv. for runaway slave, PD10D72: 32 — R17D72: 32 adv. houses for sale, D170c77: 21 adv. land for sale, PD29Ap73: 23, PD4N73:23, DllAp77: 71, DlAp80: 23 announces departure, D20c79: 31 collector for Gordon & Ramsay, P5My75: 23— D6My75: 32 factor for William Cunningham & co. , D4D78:31 imports from St. Eustatia, W. I. , D18Oc80:31 462 Govan marriage of, PD130c74: 23 request payment of debts, PlMr76: 33 — D2Mr76:31 runaway indentured servant, PD20Oc74: 32 slave of, PD13My73:33 storekeeper at Petersburg, Va. , PD16Je74: 22--R23Je74: 42 Thomas Knox, PD150c72: 22 WUliam, 270c52: 22 of Roxbury, Mass. , P7J175: 12 William, author, PDllMy69: 31, PD17S72: 21, PD10Je73: 31, D25N75: 12, D30D75: 11, D24F76:43.D2Mr76:41, D9Mr76:41,D25My76:43, D24Ag76: 51, D20D76: 41, D3Ja77:41,D17Ja77:41, D2My77:81,D15My79: 11 Gordon, ship, PD4Oc70: 22, PD2My71:32 Gordon, Monteath & co. , Glassford, Va.,P14N77:31 Gordon & Alston, R25D66: 41 — PDUa67:32,PD9F69:31 Gordon & Boyd, 2S57: 32 Gordon & Ramsay, PD7Ap68: 23 — R14Ap68: 42, PD4My69: 33 — R13J169: 32, PD30My71: 23 — R30My71: 22, PD70c73: 22, P5My75:23— D6My75:32 Gore, Capt. , of British army in Boston, Mass. , P21Ap75s33 Lt. . death on St. Vincent is. . W. I. , PD25Mr73:22 Charles, D18D79: 22 John, PD5Ap70: 31, PD23Je74: 12, D13J176:61 John, Capt. , PD5Ap70: 21 Sammy, PD5Ap70: 21 Goree is. , French W.Af. , French capture rumored, D5Je79: 12 French governor incites war, R270c68:ll fortified by French, PD28Mr66: 21 See also Earthquakes in; Shipwrecks near Goreham, Col. , promoted to gen. of British army,D15J175: 32 Gorgets, worn by British army officers, D280c75: 12 Gorham, Capt. , PD31Mr74: 23, PD16Je74:ll,PD15S74:31 of the Fortune, PD7Ap74: 22— R7Ap74:21 Col. , D110c76: 21 commands in Louisburg, 13Je45: 31 in Cumberland co. , N. S. , D250c76:22 ship of, lAg51: 32 Joseph, 16Ja61: 31 Joseph, Capt. , 27Je51: 31 Nathaniel, PD18Mr73: 22 Prince, Capt. , PD290c67: 21, RllAg68: 23, PD29S68: 23 — R60c68:23,PD22D68:31, R12Ja69:23,PDlN70:22, PD6Ja74: 32, PD10Mr74: 31, R21Ap74:23,PD16Je74:21 Gorman, Capt., appointed governor of Placentia, Nfd. ,1D38:31 David, Pvt. ,R14Ja73:13 Gorrell, ship, R3My70: 23, PD24My70: 31, R31My70: 33, PD24My70: 33 Gorries, Daniel, R15J173: 41 Gorsuch, John, RlAg71: 41 Goshen, Conn. , See Houses in; Storms in Goshen, N. Y. . See Militia of; Tories imprisoned in Gosling, John,P6Je77:ll Susannah, Mrs. , P6Je77: 11 Gosport, lord of, grave of, P19J176: 32 Gosport, Eng. , fortifications for, 24Ja51:31 See also Ammunition seized from Dutch in; Boat races in; British army to U.S. from; British navy to Am. from; British navy to Boston, Mass., from; British navy to Gibraltar, Sp. , from; British navy to Va. from; French navy in; Lodgings, price in; Ships from Quebec, Can. , to Gosport, Va. , burned by Americans, PilOJa76: 32 criticized for supporting British, Pi21S75: 12 See also British army, sentries from Tinnie's point, Va. , to; British army from St. Augustine, Fla. , to; British army to;Dunmore's army in; Notary public in; Ships for sale in; Ships in; Slaves stolen in; Storehouses in; Vendues in; Warehouses in Gosport, H.M.S.,6Je45:21, 5S51: 22, 24Ja52: 22, 27Ag56: 12 Goss, Benjamin, R270c68sl3 Gossigan, Capt. of the Virginia packet, D24Ap78: 32 Peter, PD23Ja72: 33— R6F72: 41, PD23Ap72: 23--R23Ap72: 31, PD7My72: 23, PDllJe72: 31 Gossom, William, PD2F69: 31 Goswell, Eng. , See Snuff contests in Gothard, Joseph, PD21Ap74: 32 Gothenburgh, Swe. , See Imports to York river, Va. , from; Owls, unusual in; Ships' sailing time; Ships to Boston, Mass. , from; Ships to York from Gother, Anthony, Capt. , 12S51: 32 Gothick Lion, ship, PD16Ja72: 31 Gotier, Andrew, PD18N73: 23 Gottland is. , Swe. , See Russian navy in Gottschalk, Capt. of the Frederick and David, D2D75: 21 Gouch, James, Capt. , of the Norfolk, PD19F67:31--R19F67:23 Goudgion, Capt. oftheGa. militia, PD24Mr74: 22, PD31Mr74: 22 Gouge, Clayborne, 26Ag37: 42 Gouger, Dominy, PD21Mr68: 22 Gouges, for sale, in Gloucester co. , Va. , P19Ap76sll— D20Ap76: 33, P16Ag76: 33--D24Ag76: 72 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Smithfield, Va. , D21F77: 22 — P28F77s22 in Williamsburg, Va. , D27Je77: 31, DlAg77: 22 stolen in Va. , R7Je70: 32 Gouges, scribing, for sale, in Cobham, Va.,P4J177:31 in Williamsburg, Va. , 21Mr55: 41 Gough, Mr. , of Md. , house of, PD8J173:32--R12Ag73:31 Charles, Capt. , of the Richmond, 11F37:22 Joshua, Capt. , PD23S73: 23-- R23S73:32 Gough' s point plantation, Va. , PD11J171: 32 Gouging, burning in hand for, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD8N70: 22 trials for, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD25Oc70: 22 Goulard, [Thomas], author, PD10Je73: 33 Gould, Capt. of the York, lMr38: 11 Lt. , killed in battle of Bunker Hill, P22J175s22--D29J175: 23 Mr., of Dominica, W. I. , PD2N69: 12 Edward Thoroton, Lt. , P2Je75s22 — D3Je75:32 Frank, D24Ag76: 22 George, R17Mr74: 23 Samuel, 14Ag52: 31 Samuel, Capt. , of the Industry, 24N52:31 of the Olive Branch, 27Ag56: 32 William, author, PD25F68: 41, PD24Ja71: 42, PD7F71: 42, PD21F71: 42, PD7Mr71: 42, PD21Mr71: 42, PD28Mr71: 42, PD17S72:21 Gould (Guild) is. , R. I. , See Sheep taken by British from Goulding, James, PD10D67: 31 John,R22S74:31 Gouldman, Thomas, D25J177: 41 Gourd, wild juice, used to cure decayed teeth, R28Ja73: 22 Gourley, John, Capt. , of the Polly, D4F75:31,D18Mr75:32 Gout, Roger, PD24Ja71: 32 Gout, cure for, 80c36: 12, 27Ja^8: 22, 24F38: 22, 16Je38: 41, 7S39: 21, PD13N66: 13, PD26F67: 13, PD14Ja68: 23, PD7Ap68: 31, PD8Je69: 32, PD30My71: 23, PD17S71: 23, PD25Je72: 32, PD13Ag72: 22, PD10S72: 23, PD10Je73: 22, PD210c73: 21, D23S75: 32 in London, Eng. , PD24Mr74: 23 price of cure for in Eng. , PD16Ag70: 13, PD16Ag70: 22 Goutier, Benjamin, PD21Ja68: 33 Govan, Mr. , slave of, PD2S73: 31 Archibald, PD11F68: 31--R11F68: 32, PD290c72: 21--R290c72: 23, Pi20Oc74: 32--PD20Oc74: 31, P2F76s23--D3F76: 33, P10Ja77: 33 adv. collection of debts, R29N70: 31 adv. flats for sale, P17F75: 42 — D18F75:32 adv. for lost Moses boat, PD7Ap74: 31 adv. house for rent DHAp77: 62-- PllAp77s22 adv. houses and lots for sale, PD30D73:31,PD10F74:31, Pi20Oc74: 32— PD20Oc74s22 adv. land for sale, PD11D66: 32, PD9Ap67: 31, PD12Ja69: 41, PD14D69: 33--R14D69: 13, R29Ap73:31 463 Govan, Archibald (cont'd) adv. settlement of estate, PD14Ja73:23 adv. sloop for sale, P21Je76: 32-- D22Je76: 32 adv. tavern for sale, PD16D73: 23 announces closing of store at Ayletts, PD18Oc70: 22--R18Oc70: 31 announces departure, P19Ja76: 33-- D20Ja76: 42 appointed to committee of trade of Va. merchants, R26N72: 21 collector for merchants, Pi26Ja75: 33--D28Ja75: 32 escheated property for sale, C19F80: 11— D19F80: 33 holds bond, P7N77s23 merchant, PD4Ap66: 33 passenger agent, P5Ja76s23-- D6Ja76: 33 ships captured by Americans, Pi6D75:32,P15D75:32 — PU6D75: 22 subscriber to meeting of merchants, PD30Je74: 23 takes orders for Virginia justice, PD21D69: 23--R18Ja70: 41 James, P10Ja77: 33 adv. for lost cutlery, PD10D72: 23 adv. houses for rent, D30Mr76: 33 adv. merchandise for sale, PD18Oc70: 31--R18Oc70: 22, P2F76s23--D3F76:33 adv. sloop for sale, P2LTe76: 32-- D22Je76: 32 announces departure, P19Ja76: 32-- D20Ja76: 42 passenger agent, P5Ja76s23 — D6Je76: 33 Gover, Capt. , of the George Galley, 21Mr45: 31 Robert, Capt. , of the Mary, 21Ap38: 41, 10Ag39: 2, 14D39: 1 Governesses, adv. for, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD8Mr70: 41 offer services for passage to Eng. ,P130c75:23 Governeur, brig, D29Ja80: 32 brigantine, D5Je79: 31, D12Je79: 42 ship,D14Ag79:31 Governeur Livingston, ship, C28Ag79: 33 Government, essay on free, R9Je68: 12 essay on principles of, Pi22Je75: 11 forms discussed, D8Je76: 11, D15Je76:ll powers discussed in Augusta co. , Va.,D20D76:12 Government houses, in Antigua, W. I. , PD12N72: 12 Governors, royal, British colonies, advise parliament, PDllAp66: 22 choice opposed in Del. , PD25Ag74: 12 circular letters to, PD10F74: 23, R10Mr74:13 conduct inspected in Eng. , R23S73: 23, PD70c73: 12-- R70c73:13,R70c73:ll discussed, PD14Ap69sll financial independence opposed, PD21Ap68: 21, PD5S71: 23, R170c71: 11 opposed in Boston, Mass. , PD24D72: 12, R6My73:23 proposed in Gt. Brit. , PD25Je67: 31, PD30J167: 23, PD20Ag67: 23, PD18Mr73: 22 independence confirmed by British ministry, RlAp73: 21 instructions to opposed by colonies, PD5S71: 23 ordered to prohibit colonial congresses, PD6Ag67: 13 policies opposed in colonies, PU6F75: 22 recall rumored, PD9Mr69: 23, PD23Mr69: 22--R23Mr69: 22, R29N70: 12, PD29Ap73: 12 request recall, PD60c68: 13, PD2D73s21 salaries augmented, PD8Mr70: 23 support of administration rewarded, PD3S67:21 under control of ministry, R150c72: 21 vacant in Am. , 80c36: 41 Governor's is., Dorchester point, Mass. , fortification of, D22Je76: 42 plundered by Americans, Pi260c75: 23, D280c75: 32 Governor's is. , N.Y. , fortified by Continental army, D27Ap76: 41 See also Cannons moved from Gower, earl of [Granville Leveson- Gower], discusses colonies in parliament, D3F76: 12 favors colonies, PD16My66: 21 opposes British colonies, N. Am. , Pil3Ap75: 31--P14Ap75s23 — D15Ap75: 31 protests repeal of Stamp act, PD19My68: 12 supports new colonies, R150c72: 21, PD5N72: 22 supports peace commissioners' proclamation, D26F79: 12 supports peace with U.S. , P30c77: 21 to succeed Lord North rumored, Pil6Mr75: 33--P17Mr75s41— D18Mr75:32 Gower, horse, D24Ap79: 32 Gowns, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD240c71: 23--R310c71: 33 See also Dimity bed; Silk Gowns, clerical, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD15J173: 32 stolen from Ware church, Va. , 15My52:41 Gracchus, pseud. , R6S70: 22 Gracchus Americanus, pseud. , D27Ja76:23 Grace, Capt. , 18S46: 41 Mr. , rifle lock manufacturer, P26J176:41 John,R10F74:33 Grace, cutter, PD24S72: 13 ship,60c52:21 transport, D29J176: 12 Grace and Sally, sloop, PD10F74: 23 Gracey, Capt. , of the Greyhound, 5D51: 41 Gracieuse, French frigate, LAg51: 22, 29Ag51: 11 Graeme, James, 23S37: 31 John, 30Je38: 41, 19Ja39: 42, 18Ap45:31 [Thomas], Dr. , 210c37: 22 Graemes, Mr. , of Charleston, S. C. , R26J170: 13 Grafton, duke of [Augustus Henry Fitzroy], appointed commisioner of exchequer, R16Mr69: 32 appointed first lord of the treasury, PD26S66: 32 attacked by Junius, R19Ap70: 11, R8N70:21 commissioner to Am. , P12Ap76: 22-- D13Ap76: 31 criticizes conduct of war, D26F79: 12 defended against Junius' attack, R26S71:13 discusses colonies in parliament, D3F76: 12 dismissal from ministry rumored, PD23Mr69: 21 favored politically, PD23Ja72: 21 favors colonies, PD25Je67: 31, P9F76:21, P23F76: 22 favors conciliation, P14Je76: 13 — D15Je76:31 favors embargo on New Eng. , P19My75:12,D17Je75:ll importance in ministry, PD26My68: 12 Junius addresses, PD23Ja72: 23, R27F72:ll,R12Mr72:13 letter from Junius mentioned, PD26S71: 22 opposes colonies, PD27Ap69: 22, R31My70: 11 opposes Revolutionary war, D10F76: 23 opposes use of Hanoverian troops, D10F76: 23 resignation from ministry rumored, PD19Ap70: 11, PD20S70s22, PDHN73s21--RHN73sl3 resigns as secretary of state, PD30Ap67:31 resigns from ministry, PD19Ap70: 13, PD19Ap70sll satirized, R19Ap70: 21 Senius addresses, R18Ja70: 12 subscribes to relief of American prisoners, D8Ap80: 23 supports appointment of Botetourt, PD12Ja69: 12 supports peace with U. S. , P30c77:12 to be lord privy seal rumored, PD19Ap70:12,PD5S71:13 to be secretary of state rumored, PD170c71: 21--R170c71: 22 Richard, 4Ja40: 12 Grafton, Mass. , See Accidents in; Meeting houses in Grafton, British ship, 25Ja40: 2 H. M. S. , 22Je39: 12, 24Ja52: 22, 4Ap55: 22, 25Ap55: 12, 25Ap55: 21, 26S55: 12, 240c55: 12, 27Ag56: 21, PD170c71: 21, PD16Ja72: 12 ship, 21D39: 22 Graham, Capt. , P24F75sl3 of the Kingfisher, P23F76: 32 of the Kingston, PD14J168: 22-- R14J168: 23 of the Mercury, P23F76: 31 Constable, in N. Y. , PD140c73: 13 Dr. , adv. eye and ear work, R3D72:11, PD25F73: 31-- 464 Grain R25F73: 31, R6My73sll, PD13My73: 42 — R20My73: 31 aid to patients reported, R6My73: 23 — PD13My73: 33 appoints successor in each colony, R6My73sll vailable for consultation, PD20My73s23--R20My73: 31 cures affected by, PD7My72: 23, PD20My73: 22--R20My73: 21, PDlUe72: 31 departure of, PDU173: 32 expected in Williamsburg, Va. , PD28Ja73: 23--R28Ja73: 23, PDllF73:22,R17Je73s23 horse of, R7Je70: 32 in New York City, PD19Ag73: 13 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD29Ap73: 22 — R29Ap73: 22, PD10Mr74: 13 testimonials to, PD20My73: 22 — R27My73: 22, PD3Je73: 23 — R3Je73:22,PD10Je73:21 Lt. , of the Egmont, PD25Ap66: 23 of the Mercury, P15S75s21, D23S75:31 Mr. ,D3F76:33 debts contracted with,D4N75: 31 Alexander, adv. for lost sugar, PD22Ag71: 41 announces departure, PD10F74: 31 escheated property for sale, D8Ja80:33 merchant in halfway house, PD26D71:32 payment of debts due requested, P14F77:33 sponsors fair In Hanover co. , Va. , 70c37:32 store of,D17Ja77:22 Andrew, 23My55: 22 Augustine, llMr 37: 42 Catherine Sawbridge Macaulay, See Macaulay, Catherine Christopher, P180c76: 12 Dun,20Je45:41 Duncan, 5Mr52: 32, PD30Ap67: 33 adv. for missing horses, 24J152:32,PD4F73:32 — R4F73:31 adv. land for sale, PD20Je66: 31, P7N77s21--D14N77:41 manager of lottery, PD14Ja68: 32 merchant at Newcastle, 25Ap51: 41, 27Je51:41 Elizabeth, Mrs. ,R28Mr71: 33 Ennis,PD17Ag69:13 George, adv. for missing horse, D10Je75: 33— Pil5Je75: 33 adv. runaway convict servants, R23J167:33 announces departure, D13Ja76: 32 delivers merchandise to Elizabeth City co. , Va. , committee, D28Ja75:23 escheated property for sale, D8Ja80:33 merchandise sold by committee, D18F75: 31 payment of debts due requested, P14F77: 33 slave of, C28Ag79:32 store of,D17Ja77:22 George, Lord, 25Ja40: 2, 11S46: 32 Henry, PD2F69: 31 James, 4Ap51: 41, 12Je52: 22, 29D52:41 adv. finding horse, PD4D66: 32 adv. for Francis Mountain, 12S45: 42 adv. for runaway sailors, 60c52: 32 adv. land and slaves for sale, 7N54: 42 adv. sale of merchandise, 22My52:31 discharged from Va. insane hospital, DlAp80: 22 land of, PD9My66: 31 John, P24N75s22--D25N75: 33 accuses Norfolk, Va. , paper of Toryism, PD10N74: 33 adv. finding horse, R13J169: 33 adv. for missing cows, P8Ag77: 33 adv. lottery, R17Ag69: 32 announces departure, D26Ag75: 32, P14F77:33 appointed store manager, PD8S74: 31 clerk of court, RLAg71: 32 conveys property to creditors, R28Mr71:33 deserter, P17Ja77: 43 land of, R130c68: 24 plaintiff in Va. chancery court, 270c52:22 of Savannah, Ga. , D29Ja80: 23 settlement of estate of, P7N77s21— D14N77: 41 John, Capt. , of the Success, 10Oc45:3, 9Ja46: 4 Reginald, R7J174: 31, P31Mr75: 41, D23Ja78:31,D230c79:32 Richard, R4Ag74: 32 adv. for bids for building in Dumfries, Va. ,R23Mr69: 32 adv. for cargo, 4N63: 42, C21Oc80:22 adv. for missing horse, 24Ja51:41 adv. for runaway convict servants, R260c69:31, P21J175:32 adv. horse races at Dumfries, Va. , PD4Ag74: 31, P117N74: 32 — PD17N74: 22, PD270c74: 23 calls meeting of Jockey club of Dumfries, Va. , PD12My74pll— R12My74: 32 deputy commissary general for Va. , D21F77: 12--P21F77: 41 on committee for Prince William co., Va. ,Pil2Ja75:32, PiUe75: 11— P2Je75s41 of Dumfries, Va. , P23My77: 22 requests payment of debts, R50c69:23 slave of, C28Ag79: 32 treasurer for relief fund for Va. clergy, PD28Mr66: 33 Richard, Rev. Mr. , professor of mathematics, William and Mary college, 240c51: 22 Robert, R4D66: 23 Samuel, PD14N71: 31 Thomas, D13N79: 32 William, PD19N72: 23--R19N72: 23 adv. for missing horse, PD23J167:32 announces departure, D30c77: 32 announces will try law cases of David Ker, PD20Ag72: 23 collector for estates, P8S75: 32 — D9S75: 32 marriage of, D2Ap79: 12 refuses to take oath of allegiance, P20S76: 11 William, Capt. , P21N77: 23 William, Rev. Mr. , P8N76: 33, P4J177:23 Graham, ship, 8Je39: 22 Graham, Mitchell &, D12Je79: 42 Grahame, James, 23My55: 22, 2S57:41 Richard, PD7J168: 23 Grain, American, acceptable in Eng. ,PD150c72:21 bartered for dry goods, PD14Ap68: 31 bounties in Aust. , PD25Mr73: 12 burned, in Long island, N. Y. , P13S76sl2— D14S76: 51 in Princeton, N. J. ,R9S73: 32 destroyed by British in N. J. , D4J177: 32 by fire in Russia, PD7Mr66: 21 by storm, R4N73: 12 in Mentz, Ger. , R26Ag73: 13 in Salem co. , N. J. , R2U168: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , P17S75: 31 distilling prohibited in Swe. , R17Je73:21 in Va. ,D2Ap79: 22--C15My79: 43 embargo on, 3S56: 31 export from British colonies, N. Am. , prohibited, P29Mr76: 11 to Eng. , P5My75s42 export from Gt. Brit, prohibited, PDHAp66: 21, PD14F71: 23 regulated by parliament, R10Je73: 32 export from Hanover co. , Va. , regulated, D18N75: 31 export from It. forbidden, R24N68:11 export from Md. prohibited, 26Ag37: 42 export from Sardinia forbidden, PD5F67:21 export from Va. allowed, 16Je38: 32, PilOAg75: 33— PllAg75: 33 — D12Ag75: 33 prohibited, 5Ag37: 42, 210c37: 32, 280c37:31,P28J175:12 — D29J175: 32, Pi3Ag75: 23 — P4Ag75: 23— D5Ag75: 32 exported from British colonies, N.Am., to Fr.,Pi23Mr75:21 exported from Eng. to southern Europe, 16F39: 32 exported from New York City, PD9Ap67:22 exported from Va. to W. I. , P2F76:31 exported from York district, Va. , to W.I. ,15S52:32 for French navy, supplied in N. J. , D30Oc79:22 for relief of Boston, Mass. , from Allentown, N. J. , Pi29S74: 33 from Chester, Md. , PD28J174: 22 from Farmington, Conn. , R8S74:22 from Glastenbury, Conn. , Pil5D74:21 from Hartford, Conn. , PD130c74: 22 from Kensington, Conn. , 465 Grain, for relief of Boston (cont'd) PD130c74:22 from Md. ,PD25Ag74:21 from Middle Hadden, Conn. , PD130c74: 22 from Middletown, Conn. , PD130c74:22,Pil5D74:21 from Quebec, Can. , PD20Oc74sll, PD20Oc74s21 from Reading, Mass. , D11F75: 22 from Southington, Conn. , Pil5D74: 21 from Va. , PD25Ag74: 21 from Westmoreland co. , Va. , R2U174:21 from Wethersfield, Conn. , R8S74: 22, Pil5D74: 21 from Windham, Conn. , R8S74: 22 for sale, in Charles City co. , Va. , D12Mr79:22 in Port Royal, Va. , P11J177: 41 in Sussex co. , Va. , PD9Mr69: 42, P12S77:32 free trade in, in Fr. , PD10N68: 12 import to Gt. Brit, free, PD2J167: 13 from British colonies, N. Am. , free, PD18Ap66: 21, R9F69: 22 regulated by parliament, R10Je73: 32 importance to Va. , PD22Mr70: 23 imported to Gt. Brit. , enumerated, PD18Je67: 11 imported to London, Eng. , account requested, PD6My73: 21 from Bremen, Ger. , D9S75: 21 from Danzig, D9S75: 21 lost at sea, R19F67: 22--PD26F67: 31, PD18F68:22 lost in flood in Va. , PD6Je71: 31 market low in Barbados, W. I. , PD16Je68: 23— R16Je68: 24 plentiful in Bohemia, PDllN73sl3-- RUN73sll in Fr. , PD1S74: 11 in Glasgow, Scot. , PD24S72: 21 in Gt. Brit. , PD150c67: 13, PD2N69: 23, PD5N72: 12-- R5N72: 11, R22S74: 21, D16Mr76: 33 in Ire. , PD310c71: 21, R9D73: 12, D16Mr76:33 in Prussia, PD80c72: 11 in Scot. , PD20S70s41, PD28N71: 22 in Spain, PD310c71: 13, PD60c74: 12 in Surry, Eng. , PD28S69: 22 preservation methods discovered in Va.,R17Ja71:22 price decreases in Fr. , PD10N68: 12 high in Eng. , PD11D66: 23 in Den. ,PD23D73:12 in Rome, It. , R140c73: 11 low in Mediterranean, PD2J167: 22 rises in Edinburgh, Scot. , PD6Ap69: 21 scarce in Charleston, S. C. , D1J175: 31 in Europe, P29Mr76: 11 in Gt. Brit. , PD31D72: 21, PD12Ag73: 13 in Munich, Bav. , R8Ag71: 22-- PD15Ag71: 11 in Scot. , PD24S72: 11 in Swe. . PD15Ag66: 12 seized from British ship, PD14J174: 11 from R.I. ship,D12Mr79:21 standard measure for established in Va. , PD5Mr72: 23--R5Mr72: 22 statistics taken on in Fr. , PD9S73:11— R16S73:23 storage regulated by Va. convention, Pi3Ag75: 23--P4Ag75: 23-- D5Ag75: 32 survey proposed in Gt. Brit. , R13Ag67:21 transportation prohibited by Hanover co. , Va. , committee, P17N75sll transportation prohibited by Va. committee of safety, P17N75sll Grain coast, Af. , See Murders on Grain magazines, established by Continental army, Pi2N75: 11 Grainger, James, 12D51: 32 Grains of paradise, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 2My55: 22, PD21S69:41--R21S69s21 Grammar, tutor adv. for, in Va. , R12Mr72:32 Grammar schools, adv. of, at Culpeper courthouse, Va. , D90c78: 41 adv. of, in Isle of Wight co. , Va. , PD13D70: 22, PD170c71: 23 at William and Mary college, criticized, R19My74: 13 in Fredericksburg, Va. , proposed, PD12My74: 22 . in Lancaster co. , Va. , 4N63: 41 in Princeton, N. J. , PD290c72: 12, PD280c73: 22, PD18N73: 21, Pi4N74: 32 in Wilmington, Del. , PDllN73s23 need for in Va. , P22N76: 11 Grammer & Sturdivant, C11D79: 13 Grampus, brig, PD19N67: 21 British ship, 25Ja40: 2 H. M. S. , 28Mr45: 31, 21N51: 22, 24Ja52:31 H.M. sloop,12S45:12,2S57:12 schooner, 10F38: 31, 21J138: 32, 25Ag38: 32, 3N38: 61, 12Ja39: 42, 6Ap39:31,22Je39:31 ship, 24Ag39:3,28S39:41, 2N39: 3, 25Ja40: 3, 25Ja40: 4, R60c68:21,PD16S73:21 storeship, D29Ag77: 11 Grampuses, whales, killed near Yorktown, Va. , 5D45: 41 Granada, H. M.S. , 24Ja52: 31 Granard, earl of [George Forbes], 6Ja38: 41, 25Ag38: 31, 25Ag38: 32, 29S38:41 Granaries, at Aylett's warehouse, Va.,P10Ja77:33 destroyed by fire in St. John, Antigua, W. I. ,R190c69: 31 for rent, at Pamunkey river falls, Va. P240c77: 33, PD22N70s22-23 — R29N70: 31 in Tappahannock, Va. , R15N70: 23-- PD22N70:32 on Pamunkey river, Va. , PD8D74:31 for sale, PD24Ja71: 32--R31Ja71: 31 in Brunswick co. , Va. , P3My76: 33 in Buckingham co. , Va. , P160c78: 31 in Charlotte co. , Va. , P8Ag77: 42, D17J178:42 in Essex co. , Va. , D21F77: 21 in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD20Ag67: 32, PD16Je74: 23, P8D75: 33,D9D75: 32, P18Ap77s31, P19S77:22,P3Ap78:22 in Goochland co. , Va. ,D17Je75: 33 in Granville co. , N. C. , PD20Ja74: 33 in Hanover, Va. , PD14Ja68: 32, PD16My71: 32, PD10F74: 32-- R10F74:32,P3Oc77:23 in James City co. , Va., R19F67: 32. P22N76: 32 in Low point, Va. ,D22Ag77: 31-- P22Ag77: 31 in Nash co. , N. C. , P10J178: 32-- D17J178:41 in Newcastle, Va. , PD29Ap73: 23, PD24Je73:33 in Norfolk, Va. , PD23Ap72: 31 in Norfolk co. , Va. , PD11J171: 32-- RlAg71: 33 in Petersburg, Va. , PD30Ja72: 33 in Port Royal, Va. ,D10J179: 32 in Prince Edward co. , Va. , P160c78: 31 in Prince George co. , Va. , D17Ja77:22 in Richmond, Va. , PD150c72: 31-- R150c72:23,P160c78:33 inShockoe, Va. , PD280c73: 23-- R280c73:33 in Surry co. , Va. , D15Ag77: 71-- P15Ag77:33 in Va. , lost in flood, R30My71: 22 in West Point. Va. , PD14F71: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. . R29Mr70: 22-- PD5Ap70:41,P21N77:31 near Fredericksburg, Va. , PD21Ap68: 31 on Mattapony river, Va. , D10Oc77:21--P17Oc77:ll on Pianketank river, Va. , PD10D72:32 Granaries, described, for rent, on Chickahominy river, Va. , P25Ap77:12 for sale, in Cobham, Va. , P29S75:33--Pi50c75:33 in Brunswick co. , Va. , R6F72:33 in Westmoreland co. , Va. , P20Oc75: 23, P160c78: 31 near Cabin point, Va. , D18F75: 32 near Richmond, Va. , PHAp77s42 Granaries, public, established in S.C.,Pi6J175:31 proposed for Eng. and Wales, PD14Ap68: 21 Granbery, Mrs. , marriage of, D4F75:32 Josiah, PD5S66s41, PD24Ja71: 32 adv. estate for sale, PD19N72: 23 agent of James Gibson, PD8Mr70: 32 death of, PD10D72: 23, R17D72: 22, PD3Je73:32 defendant in suit, PDUe69: 31 Samuel, PD16My71: 31 William, adv. plantation for sale or rent, PD5S66S41 adv. slaves held in jail, PD3N68: 32, PD23F69: 33, PD15F70: 41, PD16Ag70: 43, PD3Ja71: 42, PD3LTa71: 33, PDlAg71: 23, PD29Ag71: 32, PD14N71: 23 Granbery, Gibson & , PD21J168: 32, 466 Graters PD8Mr70:32 adv. for runaway slave, PD23Je68: 31 adv. for ship for charter, PDlAp73:32 dissolution of partnership of, PD3Je73: 32 lots for sale, PD24F74: 33 merchants in Suffolk, Va. , PD24D67: 32--R24D67: 32, RllMy69: 41 property for sale, PD31Mr74: 32 Granbury, Capt. ,D27Je77: 12 Granby, Lord, horses of, PD18Ap66: 32 marquis of [Charles Manners], D4N75: 21, Pi23N75: 13, D15My78: 22. D16Ap79: 32 Granby, S. C. , See Stores in Granby, East Indiaman, PD28Ap68: 12 ship,PD7Ap68:21 sloop, PD23My71: 13 stallion, D2Ap79: 31, C13My80: 41 Grand Alexander, ship, 20Je45: 22, 1LT145: 31 Grand Bitch, corsair, 28Mr45: 22, 29Ag45: 21 Grand Caicos, ship, PD8Ja67: 31 Grand Cairo, It., See Distemper in Grand Duke, ship, 14N55: 12 Grand Duke of Tuscany, privateer, D10J179: 11 Grand larceny, acquittals for in Williamsburg, Va. , Pi20Oc74: 23— PD20Oc74:23 burning in hand for, in Williamsburg, Va. , PDllMy69s33--RllMy69: 32, PD7My72: 23, PD6My73: 22 — R6My73:23,PD4N73:21, Pi20Oc74: 23--PD20Oc74: 23, Pi20Ap75: 31— P21Ap75s42 — D22Ap75: 31, P14N77: 22 convictions for in Williamsburg, Va. , PD18Ap71: 31 executions for, in Williamsburg, Va. , D30Oc78: 31--P30Oc78: 32 trials for,PD170c71: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , R190c69: 33, PD23Ap72: 23--R23Ap72: 31, PD220c72: 21— R220c72: 22, PD22Ap73: 31— R22Ap73: 33, PD210c73: 21--R210c73: 21, PD210c73: 22— R210c73: 21, P270c75:13,P18Ap77sll Grand Terrein, Fr. West Indiaman, D25Mr80: 12 Grand Tiger, schooner, C19F80: 11 Grand Turk, corsair, 28Mr45: 22 man of war, 27Mr46: 41 privateer, 29Ag45: 21 Grandison, Charles, Sir, author, PD20Je66:31, PD18J171: 32 Grandurell, for sale, 12F62: 42 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD25F68: 23 — R3Mr68: 34 Grandville, Capt. , of the Faulkland, 6Je45:21 Grandy, Capt. , PD22D68: 22 Francis, Capt. , Pi6Ap75: 21 Granger, Francis, PD24Mr74: 32 James, author, PD10Je73: 31 Granier. John, PD7My72: 21 Grant, Capt. , 31Ag39: 32, 30c51: 22, D30S75:12,D20Je77:12 Col. , criticizes Americans, Pi27J175:32 killed in battle of Long island. N. Y. , P13S76sl3— D14S76:52 of British army in N. J. , D4J177: 62 Lt. ,PD31Mr74:22 murdered by Creeks, R10Mr74: 21, PD24Mr74: 22, R31Mr74: 31 of British army in N. Y. , R5Ag73: 21 taken prisoner by Creeks, PD10Mr74: 23 Maj. , boards American ships In Savannah, Ga. , P5Ap76: 31 defeat of, 30N59: 22, P5Ap76: 31 in Savannah, Ga. , D6Ap76: 22 takes prisoner of war, D6Ap76: 22 Mr. , in Baltimore, Md. , D6N78: 31 of Quebec, Can. , Pi2N75: 12 surgeon in British army in Boston, Mass. ,D280c75:12 A. , appointed to committee in Stafford co. , Va. , R28J174: 23 Alexander, PD13N66: 22, PD9Je74: 32 — R9Je74: 21 Andrew, adv. house for rent, PD3N68: 31 adv. merchandise for sale, PD9D73:21,R16D73:41 adv. property for rent, Pi9F75: 33 — D11F75:31 adv. unclaimed merchandise, PD10N68: 22, R10Ag69: 33 defendant in Va. chancery court, R31My70:32 manager of Joseph Calvert's lottery, PD27N66: 23--R4D66: 33 storekeeper at Boyd's Hole, PD6My73: 22— R6My73: 31 Archibald, Sir, PD80c67: 11 Daniel, PD8J173: 32— R12Ag73: 31, PD7Ap74:31,DllS79:32 Ebenezer, Capt. ,D22Ag77: 11 Elizabeth, R4D66: 23 Francis, Pil7Ag75: 32--P18Ag75: 11— D19Ag75: 31 [James], Col. ,D2S75: 12 James, Gen. , D31Ja77: 62, D13Je77: 11, D4J177:71,D240c77:ll — P240c77 : 22, D25Mr80: 12 [James], governor of E. Fla. , PD30Ap67: 11, PD26N67: 21, PD270c68: 22, PD2S73: 21 John, 3J146: 42, D13Ja76: 42 John, Capt., of the Little William, R15Ag66s21— PD15Ag66: 22 John, Dr., of Jamaica, W.I. , PD28My67:32 Peter, R4Ag74: 13 Temperance, PDllN73s22 Thomas, D11S79: 32 William, PD13My73: 43, P27D76: 32 William, Lt. , PD130c74: 31 Grantham, Capt. , of the Hardy, 27Ag56: 22 opposes Bacon's rebellion, PD23F69:13 Grantham, packet, PD15Ja67: 23, PD28My67: 21, PD4Ag68: 21, Pi9Mr75: 31— P10Mr75: 31, D22My79:21 Granthem, Thomas, PD16Ap72: 33 Grantlain, William, plantation of, PD25Ag68:32 Grantland, James, D9S75: 33 William, PD3D67: 31 Granville, earl of [John Carteret], 9My51:32,10N52:22 Granville, ship, PD5Ap70: 32 — R5Ap70:42,PD30Ja72:21 Granville company, meeting of, 7Ag52:31, PD25J166: 31, PD22Ag66: 23, PD2J172: 31 Granville co. , N. C. , See Apple orchards in; Buildings in; Chapels in; Corn houses in; Counting rooms in; Dairies in; Dwelling houses, described, in; Dwelling houses in; Gardens in; Granaries in; Gristmills in; Hen houses in; Horse-breeding in; Houses in; Kitchens in; Land, mortgaged for sale in; Land, patent, for sale in; Land for rent in; Land for sale in; Lumber houses in; Meat houses in; Militia of; Ordinaries in; Outhouses in; Palings in; Peach orchards in; Quarters in; Seminaries in; Slaves for sale in; Slaves runaway from; Smiths' shops in; Smokehouses in; Spinning houses described in; Spinning rooms in; Stables in; Stealing in; Storehouses in; Taverns in; Tobacco houses in; Vendues in; Warehouses in Granville courthouse, N. C. , See Slaves for sale in Grape is. , Mass. , battle described, P16Je75sl3— D17Je75: 23 Grape seed, exported from Ire. to Eng. ,D3F76:31 Grapel, Henry, PD22N70: 31 Grapell, Joseph, R24D67: 42 Grapes, grown in Va. , D9S75: 23 plentiful in Boston, Mass. , D9S75:22 in Fr. , R17Je73: 21, P10F75: 21 Grapeshot, invented in Eng. , PD2D73s22 Grapevines, in Anson co. , N. C. , D12F79:42 Grapnels, taken from British ship in Hampton, Va. , PU4S75: 32 — P15S75:31 Grapp, Mr., author, PD10Je73: 34 Grapplings, lost, adv. for, in Va. , PD20F72: 33— R27F72: 33 Grass, plentiful in Edinburgh, Scot. , PD12S7L22 in Eng. , PDlS74s21 in Hawley Hants, Eng. , RllAg74: 13 in Scot. , PD20S70s41 Grass mowers, invented in London, Eng. ,D25My76:ll Grass seed, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD17D67:32,R24D67:33 in Williamsburg, Va. , PDHAp66: 41, PD4Je67:33 Grasse-Tilly, [Francois Joseph Paul], Marquis de,D6Ap76: 21, D12F79:31,D16Ap79:21 Grassy pond church, Va. , D180c76:31— P180c76:31, D29N76: 41 Grater, Michael, jailer, P5D77: 31 Graters, nutmeg, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD25Je67: 32, PD13Ap69: 31— R13Ap69: 32, PD2N69: 41. PD10Oc71: 31, PD170c71: 23, PD220c72: 23 — R220c72:23 467 Graters, nutmeg (cont'd) See also Enameled Grates, fire, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va.,PD28S69:31 See also Brass; Iron Grattan, John,R4F68: 42, D13Ap76: 33 Gratton, Col. , in Dechambeau, Can. , P31My76:22— DUe76: 21 Thomas, deserter, PllAp77: 31 Grave, Capt. , 12D55: 21 H. F. ,PD3N74:32 Grave creek, Va. , See Land, ownership disputed in Gravedigging, in Dublin co. , Ire. , 7Ja37:12 Gravel, cure for, PD18Je67: 33, R17Mr68: 41, R3N68: 33--PD10N68: 22, PD8Je69: 32, PD21S69: 33 — R21S69s21. R22Mr70: 11, PD30My71: 23, Pi20Oc74: 31, Pi20Ja76: 32 See also Swinsen's electuary Gravelines, Fr. , developments at protested, 2F39: 22 fortified by French, PD27Ag72: 12 See also Canals in Graven, Morgan, 4J151: 41 Gravenor, Capt. , of the York, 27Mr46: 22 Graves, Comdr. , of the Raisonable, PD2S73:12— R2S73:13 Mr.,C13N79:21 Charles H. ,D15Ja80: 31 Edmund, 5Je52: 31 Edward, PD18F68: 31 Elijah, PD28My72: 23 John, 120c52:32 Joseph, D5Mr79: 41 King, P3N75: 12 Margaret, P15Ag77: 13 Moses, PD170c71: 32 Rice,P13Je77:12 Richard, adv. lottery, PD28Ja68: 32, PD29D68: 31--R5Ja69: 32, R19Ja69: 32 Richard C. , PD29D68: 31— R5Ja69:32,D13Je77:21 Richard Croshor, R12Ag73: 23, D3Ag76:32,P7N77s22 Robert, D24Ja77: 41— P24Ja77: 31 [Samuel], Adm. , American ships captured by counted, DHOc76: 41 arrives in Boston, Mass. , PD28J174: 22 arrives in London, Eng. , D18My76: 31, D8Je76: 42 commander of British navy in Am. ,D4F75:31 commander of British navy in Boston, Mass. , PD16Je74s21, P24Mr75: 31 criticized in Eng. ,D2D75: 12 departure for Boston, Mass. , reported, R2Je74: 13 holds warrants to impress American seamen, P3My76: 22— D4My76: 31 letters to captured by Americans, D1J175: 32, P16J175: 31 of the Preston, PD26My74: 22, R28J174: 33 orders colonists not to resist, D6Ja76:31 orders ships to Boston, Mass. , fromN.Y. ,D18N75:22 quarrel with Gen. Gage, Pil7Ag75: 33— P18Ag75: 31— D19Ag75: 32 recall rumored, Pi260c75: 23 receives letter from Lord Dunmore, P26Ja76: 11 releases John Brown, D10Je75: 22 returns to Eng. , Pi260c75: 12 — D280c75: 13 succeeded by Adm. Shuldham, P24My76: 22--D25My76: 31 Samuel, Capt. , of the Viper, D6Ap76:21,D10Ag76:21 Solomon, 240c55: 31 Thomas, 25Ja40: 2, R29S68: 32 Thomas, jr. ,D5Mr79: 41 Thomas, sr. , D5Mr79: 41 W. , supports Rev. Mr. , John Bracken, PD3Mr74: 31 William, PD29D68: 31— R5Ja69: 32, P14J175s23,P2U175s33 adv. finding horse, PD22Ag66: 32 adv. finding joiner's tools, R130c68: 32 adv. finding steer, P10J178: 43 adv. for bids for building bridge, PD12Ag73: 31 adv. for bids for making creek navigable, D28Mr77: 12 — P28Mr77s22 adv. for runaway slaves, R4Ag68: 31, P21Je76:33 adv. land for sale, PD16N69: 22 adv. settlement of estates, R8F70: 43^ D13N79: 32 bond of, D3Ag76: 32 holds mortgage on land, PD22S74: 32 posts land, PD16D73:23 William, Sgt. , D27N78: 22 Graves, Edwards & , R16Je74: 31, P18Ag75: 42 Graves' ferry, Va. , 17Mr38: 41, 23Mr39:41,27J139:41 Graves' mill, Va. ,PD18Je72: 33 Gravesend, Eng., See Accidents in; Anecdotes from; Floods in; Frauds in; Indians visit; Protestants emigrate from; Ships from; Ships from Md. to; Ships from Va. to; Ships to Ga. from; Ships to Phila. , Pa. , from Gravy pots, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166:23 Gray, Capt. , indentured servant of, R150c72: 32 of the Carteret, D8Ap80s21 of the Justitia, R6My73s22, PD26Ag73: 32— R26Ag73: 31, PD3Mr74: 21 of the Ruby, 18Ap45: 32 Major Gen. , army units after Brandywine listed, D14N77: 21 Mr. , author, PD10Je73: 33 letter in post office, PD2My66: 41 of Phila., Pa.,PD5S66s21 Widow, plantation of, PD15Ap73: 32 Alexander, PD1U171: 32 Andrew, Capt. , of the Benning, PD18Ja70: 32 of the Betsey, PD14Ap74: 23— R14Ap74: 23 of the Glasgow, 17S36: 42, 30S37: 41 Andrew, Rev. Mr. , author, PD18J171: 31, PD25J171: 42, PDlAg71: 42, PD8Ag71: 42 Anne, HOc51: 31, 170c51: 31 Benjamin Dingley, R28J168: 31, PD5Ap70: 31— R5Ap70: 41, Pi23Mr75:22 [Charles], Gen. ,D7Mr77: 61— P7Mr77sl2, P4Ap77: 11 David, P180c76: 12 David, Capt. , of the Charming Molly, PD14Ja67: 32, PD6Ag67: 32, PD14Ja68: 31, PD7J168: 23 — R7J168:21— R7J168:22, R1S68: 24--PD29S68: 22, PD8S68p22 Edward William, D16D75: 31 Edwin, adv. for missing horse, P29D75:33,D30D75:23 adv. settlement of estates, P21Ag78:32,D18S79:32 agent of James Gray, PllAp77: 22 chairman of Southampton co. , Va. , committee, D6My75: 13 collects money for ammunition of Va. militia, D6My7 5: 21 collects money for use of Va. delegates to Continental congress, D6My75: 21 delegate to Va. convention from Southampton co. , Va. ,DlAp75:21 elected burgess for Southampton co. , Va. , PD1D68: 31, PDUMy69s41, PD21S69: 23, R9N69: 11, PD19D71: 22, PD4Ag74: 23 senator in Va. , P9My77: 23 signs Va. association, PD25My69: 12 slave of, P1D75:23 Elizabeth Chamberlayne, marriage of, 14Ap38: 41 Ellis,P16Je75:13 Etheldred, PD9N69: 31, PD170c71: 23, PD20F72: 32, PD6Ag72: 31, P8Mr76s23,D26D77:22 Finley, Capt. , PD24Mr74: 32 George, appointed member of Pa. council of safety, D10Ag76: 42 convicted for horse-stealing, PD170c71: 22 estate for sale,RHMy69: 32 land rented by,R18Ja70: 42 letter in post office, 14Ag52: 31 sentenced for horse stealing, PD7N71:22,P24Ja77:23 settlement of estate of, PD10Oc66: 33, PD24Mr74: 32 testifies to slaves held on English ship, P8S75s23 Harrison, R17N68: 13, PD23Je74: 12, R1S74: 22, PU5D74: 13, D13J176: 61 Harrison, jr. , PD23Je74: 12 Henry, PD28Ja68: 31, PDUe69: 31 Isaac, P31Mr75s23 James, 31Ja51: 41, 12D55: 31, PD9Je68: 31— R9Je68: 33, PHAp77:22,P16My77:13 James, Capt. , adv. for deserters, P28Mr77s22 of the Diana, RHAg68: 24, R12Ja69: 31 Jesse, D7Mr77: 62 John, adv. meeting to settle accounts, R4N73:32 apologizes for opposing delegation to Continental congress, PD130c74: 23 death of, PD28Mr71: 31— R28Mr71: 32 of Port Royal, Va. , PD3N74: 41— Pi4N74: 32 pardoned for horsa- stealing, 24Ja51: 41 refuses oath of loyalty to U. S. , P6D76: 13 468 Great Britain ropewalk attacked, R5Ap70: 21 trustee for estate of John Mitchell, PD16Je74: 23 unclaimed tobacco of, C11D79: 13 Joseph, 3J146: 42, 16Ja61: 41, P28J175: 22 Lewis, D280c75: 32 Mary,RllMy69:32 Richard, PD7My72: 23 Robert, P15D75: 33, P29D75: 12, P4J177: 33 Robert & co. , PD12My74pll Samuel. PD5Ap70: 23--R5Ap70: 32, PD5Ap70: 31--R5Ap70: 41, PD29N70: 13--R29N70: 13, PD3Ja71: 13, PD4Ap71: 22 Thomas, 23Mr39: 32, 20Oc52: 22, 5S55: 41. PD8Mr70: 33. PD28Mr71: 32, PD23Je74: 12 Thomas, poet, PD170c71: 22— R170c71: 13 W. , D24Ap79: 31 Watson, PD30c66: 41 William, PD22D74: 32 accused of horse-stealing, P23Je75: 31 adv. for lost stick fan, 8Je39: 42 adv. land for sale, 21Ap38: 42 announces departure, PHOc76: 32 defendant in suit, PD9Je68: 31 — R9Je68: 33 executed for burglary, PillMy75: 33, P12My75s21--D13My75: 23 guilty of burglary, D22Ap75: 31 guilty of horse-stealing, PD25Oc70: 22 marriage of, 14Ap38: 41 runaway convict servant, PD4F73: 31, PD2D73: 31 sentenced for burglary, Pi20Ap75: 31 — P21Ap75s42 [William], Lt. , D14S76: 41, D21S76: 21 William, Maj. , 10Oc45: 32 William F. , P30My77: 12,DllMr80: 33 Gray, Dillon &, R26J170: 21 Gray & company, D20N79: 31 Gray & Crump, Boiling, P7Mr77: 31 Gray maggot, pamphlet called, P24F75sl2 Grayhound, schooner, PD27Ja74: 32 Grayland, Thomas Arthurnot, PD26My68: 21, PD16Je68: 23— R16Je68: 31.R22S68: 23 Gray's creek, Va. , See Drownings in; Lots, for sale on; Merchants in Gray's creek warehouse, Va. , 24S36: 32, 6F52:32, Pi6Ap75sl2 rent for, 29D38: 22 tobacco destroyed in, 17Ap46: 22 tobacco note on, PD23J172: 32 unclaimed tobacco in, PD30Oc66: 31, P7J175s23, PllAg75p23 Gray's plantation, Va. , PD27N66: 31 Grayson, Col. , in Hampton, Va. , P9F76: 31 regiment of, P16My77s31, P6Je77: 13, P310c77: 31 Comm. , D2Ap79: 22 Mr. , accused of horse- stealing, D10J179: 31 convict servant of, R23J167: 33 letter in post office, R4D66: 23 of Md. , R7J174: 32 Anthony, Capt. , of the Albemarle, 10Oc45: 3, 3Ap46: 41, 29My46: 32, 3J146: 4 Benjamin, PD9Ap67: 31, R23J167: 42, R24Ag69: 32, R20Je71: 41, PD9D73: 22--R9D73: 21 James, Capt. . of the Londsdale, PD18Ag74: 31, PD1S74: 31, Pi29S74:41--PD29S74: 32 of the Venus, R190c69sl3 Spence, R24Ag69: 32, R13D70: 32, R20Je71:41 Rev. Mr. , R31Mr74: 32 William, R17Ag69: 32, Pil2Ja75: 32, PilJe75: U--P2Je75s41, Pi7S75: 31 William, Col. , P29D75s22, P22Mr76: 32, P22N76: 23, P13D76: 22, P12S77: 13, D23Ja78: 31 Graziers, in Williamsburg, Va. , 240c45:41 Grean, Maisin, PD31Mr68: 22 Grear, Joseph, R26J170: 22 Greary, Mr. , tried in Mass. superior court, R19Ja69: 22 Greased pigs, prize for contest of, 7D39:41 Great and Small Belts, Den. , See Ice in Great Barrington, Mass. , court, closing forced, R15S74: 31 upholds circular letter, R20J169: 13 See also Agrarian revolts in; Fires in Great Bengal, ship, PD18Ja67: 23 Great Bridge, Va. , PD5S66s33 — R5S66: 32, PD290c67: 22, PD130c68: 23- R130c68: 31, PD23Mr69: 32— R21Ap69s21, R15Je69: 41, R80c72: 31, PD24Je73: 33, PD280c73: 31, D30Oc78: 41, C28Ag79: 33, D25S79: 31, C13My80:42 battle of, Pil3D75: 21--D16D75: 33, PU3D75: 22, P15D75: 22, Pi20D75: 22, Pi30D75:41,P26Ja76: 11 cannonading of, D9D75: 31 capture by Americans rumored, Pi6D75: 32 destroyed, P26Ja76: 13 forts near captured by Americans, Pi9D75: 31 land near, 24Ap46: 32 skirmishes at, D2D75: 31, P8D75: 31— Pi9D75: 21 — Pi9D75: 22 See also Balls in; Bonfires in; Carolina troops arrive at; Churches in; Illuminations in; Kitchens at; Lotteries at; Murders by British army at; Outhouses in; Sheds, described, at; Slaves for sale at; Stables at; Stamp act, repeal celebrated in; Storehouses at; Virginia troops at Great Britain, addressed (text) by Continental congress, PD3N74: 12— Pi4N74: 12, D22J175: 21 admiralty, See Admiralty adopts Roman customs, D7Ja7 5: 22 aid from Russia, D9D75: 12, P22N76: 21 — D29N76: 12, P21Mr77sll, D28Mr77: 61- P4Ap77: 13,D23My77: 12— P23My77: 21 refused by Russia, D9Ap79: 22 requested by Sp. against Moors, D280c75:31 aids Corsica, 24Ap46: 22 Polish protestants, PD19F67: 22, PD7My67: 12 Russia, R31My70: 13, PD21Je70: 12, PD15J173: 23— R15J173: 22, PD19My74: 23 Turkey, PD15J173: 23 alliance with Aust. , 18Ap51: 22, R8J173: 22, PD20Oc74: 22 with Den. , 28S39: 21 with Fr. , PD17S72: 12, PD10Je73: 12, PD17Je73: 23--R17Je73: 23, PD24Je73: 22, R24Je73: 21, R1J173: 12, R8J173: 22 with German princes, 18Ap51: 22 with German states, D11S79: 31 with Roll, discussed, 11N37: 31, 21Mr45: 11,PD11J171: 11 with Indian tribes, PDllN73s21 — RllN73s21 with Papal states rumored, R8J173: 23 with Persia rumored, PD25Ag74: 23 with Prussia suggested, 10Oc55: 22, PD11J171: 11, PD20OC74: 22 with Russia, 28S39: 21, PD14S69: 11, PD11J171: 11, PD24Je73: 22, PD20Oc74: 22 with Sp. , PD10Je73: 12, PD17Je73: 23— R17Je73: 23, R24Je73: 21, R8J173: 22 alliances in Europe refused, D24Ap79: 31 alliances with European powers, D24Ap78: 21 allowance to Queen of Denmark, PD14Ja73: 13 ambassadors rewarded, PD14My72: 21 amnesty granted in, 31Ja51: 32 attack by Fr. and Sp. feared, PD4F73: 22 attack by Sp. feared, D70c75: 22 attack Candia, PD31Ja71: 21 attitude toward colonies discussed, PD4Ag74: ll,D90c78:32 attitude toward N. Y. expedition, D29N76: 51 attitude toward Revolutionary war, D29N76: 11 banishes Venetian ambassador, 16S37: 31 board of trade, changes rumored, PD16Ja72: 21 bond subscriptions planned, PD23J172: 12 budget, PD26My68: 13, PD13Je71: 22, PD12Mr72: 22, PD23J172: 11, PD9Je74: 22— R9Je74sl3, P23Ag76: 21 captured French ships justified, 19D55: 11 cession of American territory to Den. rumored, PD19S66: 12 chancery court trials, 10F38: 11, 7F51:11, PD7S69: 31-- R7S69: 32, PD13S70sll, PD13S70sl2, PD14My72: 13, PD25Mr73: 21 — R25Mr73: 12, R22Ap73: 23, PD3N74: 42— Pi4N74: 33, P24F75: 21, P3Mr75:31 characterization of people, PD21Mr71: 11 cities petition king, R21S69: 13 civil list, PD4My69: 21, PD28S69: 13, R31My70: 13, PD27F72: 22— R27F72: 22, PD4Je72: 23, D14Ja75: 22, D15Ag77: 41--P15Ag77sll, D18Mr80:22 civil officers regulated, P5My75sl2 civil war in, PD16Ap67: 12, PD7Je70: 13, P10Mr75: 32, D140c75: 23 coalition of political parties, PD29Je69: 22— R29Je69: 21, PD5My74: 21 colonial claims adjusted with Fr. , 6F52:31 commercial treaty with Russia rumored, PD8Ag71: 11, R15J173sl2 469 Great Britain (cont'd) commercial union with colonies improved, R13My73: 23 common pleas court, lawsuits in, PD6S70: 12,D180c76: 11 trials in. 13My37: 31, 27Je51: 22, PD19S66: 13, PD12My68: 12, PD15S68: 12--R15S68: 21, PD2N69: 22, PD20S70s22, R7F71: 22, PD2My71: 13, PD2My71: 21--R2My71: 12— R2My71:21, PD20Je71: 23--R20Je71: 21. PD27Je71: 23, PD27F72: 22— R27F72: 22. PD22Ap73: 21 — R22Ap73: 23. R13My73: 22, R13My73:23, PD30S73: 23--R30S73s21, P3Mr75: 31. Pi28Ap75: 22 compared to Fr. , PD12S71: 12 compared to Roman empire, P24F75: 23, DllAp77: 12 conciliation with favored in Va. , PD21J174: 22 See also British colonies conciliation with U. S. supported, P7N77: 13 conditions in, PD15Je69: 31, PD30My71: 12, PD24Je73: 12, PD20Oc74sll, P26My75: 12 conferences with Sp. suspended, 260c39: 21 conflict with Fr. in America, 23N39: 41 constitution, PD23My71: 22, R26S71: 22, R23Je74: 11, PD30Je74: 21, R30Je74: 11 contracts for oxen and hogs, 19D55: 12 convention with Sp. , PDllAp71: 21, PD18Ap71: 12, PDl<:Ap71: 13, PD18Ap71: 21, PD18Ap71: 22, PD25Ap71: 13, PD25Ap71: 21, PD25Ap71: 22, PD25Ap71: 31, PD2My71: 13--R2My71: 11, PD2My71:23, PD9My71: 13--R9My71: 21, R9My71: 11, PD16My71: 22, PD13Je71: 11, PD13Je71: 22 corruption in government criticized, PD25F68: 22, PD3N68: 12, PD1D68: 21, PD27Ap69: 21, PD4My69: 32— R4My69: 21, PD24S72: 13, PD30Je74: 21 curtailed, PD20S70s22 described, PD13F72: 21, R10F74: 23 discussed, 29D52: 22, PD14Ja68: 22, PD27J169: 21--R27J169: 21, PD2N69: 12--R2N69: 13, R7D69: 23, PD14D69: 21, R14D69: 11, RllJa70:21, PD15F70: 11, R26Ap70: 12, PD14Je70: 31, R8N70: 21, PD17Ja71:ll — R17Ja71: 11, PD14F71: 22, PDllAp71: 12, PD16My71: 11, PD23My71: 21, R30My71: 13, PD4J171: 11, PD18J171: 21, PD12D71: 12, PD7My72: 13, PD17Je73: 32— R17Je73s21, R2S73: 21, R23S73: 21, R30S73sl2, R140c73: 12, R210c73: 11, R280c73: 11, PD16D73:22, R16D73: 21, PD23D73s21— R23D73:23, R7J174: 12, R14J174: 23, R25Ag74: 13, Pi270c74: 12, P124N74: 11, Pi5Ja75:22, P10F75: 22, D4Mr75: 13, P31Mr75: 13, Pi31Ag75: 11, P116N75: 22, PlMy78: 12, D2Ap79: 12.D12F80: 12 exposed, R8Ag71: 21 feared, PD30S73: 23 increases in, PD30J172: 21 opposed, PD7N71: 21, PD20Oc74: 22, PD10N74: 41, P31Mr75: 21, D3Je75:22 opposed by Bill of rights society, PD10N74: 21 opposed by Junius, PillMy75: 21 opposed by Dean Swift, Pil5Je75: 23 opposed in London, Pi8D74: 23-- PD8D74: 21 opposed in Mass. , R22S68: 22 satirized, R21My72: 21, Pi29D74: 12 cost of war with British colonies, N.Am. ,P31Mr75:22 court described, PD27Ag72: 12 investigation proposed, PD21Mr71: 22, R21Mr71: 13, R28Mr71: 12 officers installed, 19Ja39: 41 courts, bail granted thief, PD30Ja72: 22 changes in, PD9S73: 11, PD16S73: 13, PD140c73: 12 corruption in, R30S73sll criticism of, 24J152: 22 impartiality discussed, R12Mr67: 21 opinions, PD11J171: 13 satirized, PD26S71: 11 shortened proceedings proposed, 17N52: 21 witnesses unrestricted, PD30Ja72: 22 credit voted in, D30Oc79: 22 criticized by French visitor, 14F51: 22 customs revenue increases, PD31Mr74: 13 debt to German states unpaid, PD22D68: 11 debt to Holl. , PD6J169: 21, PD28S69: 13 debt to Prussia, PD6J169: 21 declares war on Sp. rumored, PD4Ap71: 23, PD18Ap71: 12 decline of empire described, P27D76: 11 default on public funds, R50c69: 12 defense discussed by George ITJ, D4Mr80: 21 demands on by Prussia, PD7Ja73: 21, PD14Ja73: 13, PD10Je73: 21, PD17Je73: 31— R17Je73: 22, PD140c73: 21— R140c73: 22, PD27Ja74: 22--R27Ja74: 23, D2S75: 12, D25N75: 22--P1D75: 21 demobilization in, PD25J171: 21 diplomatic immunity violated in, PD16Ap72: 31 disarmament criticized, R19Ag73: 21 dismisses French ambassador, 1O0C55: 21 dispute with Sp. , PD31Ja71: 13, PD12S71: 11 Dutch investments in, D18D79: 11 earl marshal's court, trials in, 9S37:41 economic condition of, PD27N66: 21, PD24Mr68: 23 embezzlement of public funds, PD28S69: 21 empire started under Elizabeth, D5Je79: 11 exchequer court, trials in, HOc51: 22 , PD12S71: 11 excise revenue in, PDllJe72: 21 favorable conditions in discussed, PD12Mr72: 13 federal union with U. S. proposed, PlAg77: 11 finances of, PD15Ja67: 22, PD7My67: 12, PD31Ja71: 31, PD27Ag72: 23, PD27Ag72: 31, PD27Ag72: 32, PD27Ag72: 41, PD3S72: 22, PD24S72: 11, PD24S72: 21, PD17Je73: 12, PD16S73: 21, PD24Mr74: 23 — R24Mr74: 32, PD31Mr74: 12, R31Mr74: 21, PD7Ap74: 21 — R7Ap74: 31, PD12My74: 41, PD14J174: 13, D4My76: 11, DHOc76: 41, PllAp77sll, D15My78: 22, D29Ja80: 21, D8Ap80s22 financial aid from Manchester, Eng. , P24N75sl2 fine arts encouraged, Pi5Ja75: 12— D7Ja75: 21 foreign aid to discussed, D8Ja80: 21 foreign ministers' dispute in, PD27Ag72: 12 foreign policy, 16My51: 21, 29D52: 31, PD7My67: 11, PD31Ja71: 22, PD24S72: 13 foreigners in, PD12D71: 12, PD12D71: 21, PD27Ag72: 12 fortifications, PD30J167: 23, PD16Je68: 13, R20S70: 11, PD3Ja71: 23, PDlAg71: 11 forts inspected, PD7F71: 13--R7F71: 22 Fr. seeks support of, PD12N72: 11 freedom upheld in, R10D72: 12 French demands on, D16Mr76: 31 French intervention in Corsica discussed in, 5My38: 12 French labor in opposed, 23My55: 12 funds for Revolutionary war requested, P16Ag76: 21 garrisons repaired, D10J179: 12 general elections, PD10D67: 12, PD10D67: 13, PD28Ap68: 12, PD19My68: 21 gentry in discussed, Pi23F75: 11 government criticized, PD13S70s22, PD6My73: 21 discussed, D18F75: 11, D6N78: 11 satirized, PD10Oc71: 23, PD5Ag73:ll — R5Ag73: 12 supported, PD16Ag70: 31 internal unrest in, PD4My69: 31, PD6J169: 32--R6J169: 31 granted free navigation of Black sea, PD29Ap73: 13 imperial policy criticized, PD10S72: 11 importance in European affairs, lAg51: 21 importance of colonies to, PlMy78s22 indebted to British East India co. , P26My75: 21— D27My75: 22 independent companies formed in, D22Ap75: 13 influenced by Scot. , PD17Je73: 12, PlMy78: 12 inhabitants characterized, R29Je69: 12 inhabitants to be addressed by Continental congress, D28Ja75: 11 inhospitality of, PD21Mr71: 21 instructs governors in Am. , 10N52: 21 insurrections in, D4J177: 62,D30Oc79:22 intrigue against, 23N39: 32 invasion by Fr. rumored, 3Ap46: 41, D20c79: 11, D160c79: 21, C30Oc79:22, C30Oc79: 23— D30Oc79: 12, D30Oc79: 22, C13N79: 12, C11D79:11 — D11D79: 21, D18D79: 12, D18Mr80: 23 invasion plots rumored, 260c39: 22, 9N39: 31, 21D39: 22, 4Ja40: 22, D30OC79: 31 investigates U. S. peace terms, D22My79: 12 Ire. opposes union with, PD8Ap73: 21 Irish funds considered. R150c72: 13 isolation policy of. PD6J169: 21 470 Great Britain issued ultimatum by Turk. , RllJa70:12 jury's decision by majority rumored, 11J151: 32 justices of peace, financial qualifications for, PD80c67: 11 kingdoms evaluated, PD12My68: 11-- R12My68: 13 king's bench court, acquittals in, 27Mr52: 21 indictments in, PD18Ag68: 22 refuses bail, PD18Ag68: 13 speeches (text) before, R22S68: 11 trials in, 13My37: 31, 19My38: 22, 16F39: 22, 30Mr39: 22, 3Ag39: 12, 17Ag39: 22, 50c39: 31, 20Je51: 31, HOc51: 22. 170c51: 21, 5D51: 21, 120c52: 12, PDlAg66: 11, PD22Ag66: 21, PD12My68: 12-- R26My68: 12, PD30Je68: 21, PD28J168: 22--R28J168: 24, PD4Ag68: 12--R4Ag68: 12, PD18Ag68: ll--R18Ag68: 11, PD25Ag68: 23--R25Ag68s22, R25Ag68: 24, PD8S68: 12, PD8S68: 13, PD15S68: 11-- R15S68: 14, PD15S68: 12-- R15S68: 14— R15S68: 21, PD15S68: 13, R15S68:21--PD22S68: 12, PD22S68: 13, R9F69: 12, R30Mr69: 22, R8Mr70: 21, PD13S70s21, PD20S70sl2--R20S70: 21, PD20S70s22, R20S70: 11, R20S70: 12, R20S70: 13, R14F71: 12, PD21Mr71: 21, PD25Ap71: 31, PD2My71: 13 — R2My71: 12, PDlAg71: 12, PD15Ag71: 12, PD22Ag71: 21, PD17S71: 13, PD7My72: 12, PD4Je72: 31, PD23J172: 22, PD23J172: 23. PD23J172: 31, PD30J172: 21, PD27Ag72: 23, PD27Ag72: 31. PD27Ag72: 32, PD24S72: 12, PD80c72: 12, R220c72:12, R18Mr73: 13, R22Ap73sl2, R20My73: 13, PD22J173: 11, PD23S73s21, PD30S73:23, R10F74: 22, PD3Mr74: 21, R3Mr74: 12, R3Mr74: 23, PD28Ap74: 12, PD15S74: 22, PD22S74: 21, Pi27J175: 33, D24Ap78: 21 Wilkes' trial in, PD23Je68: 11 — R23Je68: 13 king's bench prison, jail breaks from, PD8Ag71: ll--R8Ag71:21 prisoners in, PD220c67: 13, PD3Ag69: 23, PD9J172: 11 riots in. PD15Ag71: 13 king's powers, PD14S69: 21, PD13F72: 21, PD17S72: 21, R17D72: 21 laws criticized, PD25Ag74: 21 to be revised, R22S74: 31 lends money to Aust. , 26Ag37: 41 lethargy of inhabitants in defense, D8Ja80: 22 liberal party divided, PD27Ag72: 22 loans for, PD16My66: 11, PD8S68: 11, PD13Je71: 12, D18J177: 21, D24Ap79: 12, D3J179: 12, D20c79: 12 from Holl. needed, PD25Mr73: 11 to Holl. , Pi20Oc74: 22 to Prussia. PD25J171: 13, PD15S74: 32, R22S74: 22, PD20Oc74: 21 to Russia. PD170c71: 12--R170c71: 21 lords commissioners' addresses, PD18Ag68: 12--R18Ag68: 11 mediates among Aust. , Russia and Turk. , 12My38: 11, 9Je38: 12, 130c38:31 among Prussia, Poland and Hungary, 3Ap46: 21 between Aust. and Turk. , 25My39: 22 between Corsica and Genoa, PD4D66: 21 between Fr. and Prussia, PD2CMy73: 13 between Prussia and Danzig, PD1J173: 22, R1J173: 11, R15J173s21 between Russia and Prussia, 30My51: 12 between Russia and Turk. , 11F37: 32, 12My38: 21, PD2US70s31, PD31Ja71:12, PD19Ag73: 12, PD16S73: 21 — R16S73: 23, R23S73: 12, PD140c73s21, PD2D73sl2--R2D73: 13, PD23D73:12-- R23D73: 11, PD23D73: 21--R23D73:13, R3Mr74: 22, PD12My74: 33 between Sp. and Port. , HMr37: 21, D40c76: 62, P14Mr77: 13 between Turk, and Europe, 23S37: 12 Polish disputes. R280c73: 31 mediation with Fr. refused, 1D38: 32, 21D39: 32 military aid to, D9My77: 11 military experiments, PD18F68: 21 military government in, Pil7N74: 23 military power discussed, P3F75: 13 military preparations of, 1S38: 32, 28S39: 32, 120c39: 12, 25Ja40: 12, 9My45: 31, 240c45: 21, 12Je52: 11, 14Mr55: 22, 25Ap55: 12, 25Ap55: 21, 30c55: 22, 12F62: 22, PD7My67: 11, PD18Je67: 13, PD22N70s21, PD10Ja71: 11, PD21F71: 12, PD14Mr71: 22, PD28Mr71: 21, PD28Mr71: 23,PDllAp71: 12, PD18Ap71: 12, PD25Ap71: 22, PD2My71: 21--R2My71: 12, PD16My71: 11, PD16My71: 21, PD16My71: 22, PD4J171: 13, PD27F72: 31, R1J173: 12, R1J173: 31, R1S74: 32, D15J175: 33, P24N75sll, P2My77s22, P30My77: 21 military superiority over Fr. , 10Oc55:21 misappropriation of funds in, PD6J169: 22 mixed government of, PD30Ag70: 13, R30My71: 13, PD4Mr73: 23 mobs hired to acclaim king, PD25J171:21 mourns Frederick, prince of Wales, 24My51: 31, 6Je51: 31, 13Je51: 31, 20Je51: 31 national debt, 28S39: 21, PD4Je67: 31, R19Ja69: 21, PD9Mr69: 11, PD7D69sl3, PD4Ap71: 21, PDllAp71: 12, PDlAg71:ll, PD23S73s21, R16D73: 12, PDllAg74:13 — R18Ag74: 13, R8S74: 33, PD22D74: 21 estimated, PD25Je67: 22, R12My68: 14, R26My68: 14, PD19Mr72: 21 reduced, 19Ag37: 12, PD18Ap66: 21, PD6Je66: 12, PD20N66: 13, PDllJe67:13, PD18Je67: 12, PD30J167: 23, PD8Mr70:22, PD14Mr71: 31, PD19Mr72: 22, PD2Ap72: 31, PD23Ap72: 21, PD25Je72: 22, PD19Ag73: 13, PD210c73: 13, R23D73: 21, R30D73: 12, P30Je75: 22--D1J175: 21 national pride of people, PD7My72: 23 naturalization discussed, 18J151: 32, 17N52: 12 naval power of, D8My78: 71 navy department changes rumored, PD18Ap66:22 negotiations with Algiers, Alg. , described, 17Ja51: 22 negotiations with Hesse for troops, D23My77: 11 neutrality of, PD17Je73: 11, R17Je73sl3, PD24Je73: 12, R17Mr74: 13 new parliament called for, PD9N69: 13 nobility's morals, PD16J172: 23 offers asylum to Corsicans, PD7S69:13--R7S69:23 offers independence to U. S. , D24Ap79: 31 offers reward for criminal, PD6Je66: 22 officers listed, PD9J167: 13, PD9J167:22 offices filled, 14S39: 31 opposes Dutch- French neutrality, 21Ag46: 21 opposes Dutch trade with U. S. , D20Je77: 21, P20Je77: 23 opposes French trade with colonies, D25Mr75: 21 opposes Swedish officers in French army, 10Ap46: 22 opposition to in Europe, PD24Mr68: 23 oppressive conditions criticized, R12Ag73: 22 order to foreign Roman Catholics to leave rumored, 1F40: 31 orders ships from Sp. , 28S39: 32, 120c39: 21 owes money to Prussia, P9Je75: 12 patriot politicians criticized, PD20Ag72: 13 pays interest to Holl. on stocks, PDllMr73: 23 peace with Fr. , PD28My67: 12, D5Mr79: 21 peace with Sp. discussed, 260c39: 31 peaceful relations with Europe, PD12Mr72: 23 penal laws in revised, PD23S73s21 pensions in discussed, R27S70: 13 poetry on, D6J176: 22 political conditions in, PD80c67: 12, PD290c67: 13, R15Mr70: 12, R3My70:21,PD7Je70: 13. PD2Ja72: 22, D5Je79: 12 political dissension in, PD30Ja72: 23 political interest declines, 120c52: 11 political news from, PD23My66: 21, PD20N66: 12, PD19Mr67: 21, PD2Ap67: 13, PD28My67: 13, PD18Je67: 23, PD23J167: 22— R23J167s22, PD3S67: 12, PD24S67:12, PD10D67: 13,R11F68: 11, PD15S68: 22, R22Mr70: 11, PD5Ap70: 12, R14Je70: 23, PD20S70s31, PD22N70: 12, PD18Ap71: 12, PD25J171: 21, PDlAg71: 21, PD170c71: 21 — R170c71: 23, PD25Je72: 22, RlAp73:ll, PD29Ap73: 12, R17Je73: 22, R9S73:11, PD70c73: 13,R3Mr74: 13,R18Ag74: 13, PilOAg75: 33 — PllAg75pl3— D12Ag75: 32, P28Je76: 21, P13S76: 13 political opposition decreases, PD7My72: 23 political parties in, 5S51: 22, PD22Ja67: 13, PD290c67: 13, PD11F68: 23, PD10S72: 13 471 Great Britain (cont'd) political prisoners in, D3F76: 21 , D3F76:23 politics in, PD6Je66: 21, PD15Je69: 11, R7Je70: ll,R14Je70: 12, PD21Je70: 11, R23Ag70: 21, PD11F73: 11, R4N73: 13, D22Ap75: 11 satirized, PD23Mr69: 12, PD28S69: 21, PD22Mr70: 12, PD27S70: 22, RllOc70: 11, PD17Ja71: 11 — R17Ja71: 11, PD28Mr71: 12, PDllAp71: 21, PD30My71: 12, PD27Je71: 32, PD4J171: 11, PDlAp73: 23, PD23S73s21, PD16D73: 21, PD10N74: 23, P27D76:12 population decreases, PD8Ap73: 11, PD24Je73: 21 poverty and wealth in, R150c72: 12 power declines, D26Ag75: 13 discussed, PD10c72: 11 praised, C21Oc80: 11 prepares for war, 10N38: 22, PD14F71:23 prince of Wales* titles discussed, 12S51:22 privy council, anecdotes concerning new members, PD30Ja72: 23 attitude toward British colonies, D24Je75: 12 promises aid to Can. , D8Je76: 31 promotion of Indian uprisings discussed, Pi8D74: 21 protection for India requested, R140c73: 11 public credit, control by merchants, PD8Ap73: 13 managed by British ministry, RlAp73: 23 to be regulated, PD8Ap73: 12 value of, PD8Ap73: 11 public funds embezzled in, R7D69: 21 public officers' salaries criticized, 25J151: 12 public offices' appointments discussed, 20J139: 31 punishment for Boston, Mass. advised, PD14Ap74: 22 purchases gunpowder and saltpetre, PD14S69: 12 purchases Tabarca is. , Tun. , from Moors, 15My52: 22 recalls ambassador to Sp. , 120c39: 21, 120c39:22,21D39: 22 reconsiders excise, PD23My66: 13 reformation of public morals urged, 22S52: 11 refuses Russian treaty, PD24S72: 21 support to Danzig, PD130c74: 12 to mediate between Russia and Turk. , R16D73: 22 to return French ships, 12D55: 11 relations with Algiers, Alg. , PD25Ag68: 23, PD8S68: 11, PD10c72: 21, PDllMr73: 21, R280C73: 13, PD16D73: 12 — R16D73: 21, PD31Mr74: 12, PD31Mr74: 13, PD31Mr74: 21, R31Mr74: 22, PD18Ag74: 11, R18Ag74: 12, PD18Ag74: 21 — R18Ag74: 21, R22S74: 13, PD60c74:13-- Pil30c74: 23, PD60c74: 23, PD3N74: 33, PD10N74: 21, D7Ja75: 21 with Aust. , 28Ag52: 21, 120c52: 22, PDllN73s21--RllN73sl2, D4N75: 21, C9D80: 11 with Barbary states, 4J151: 22, PD18D66: 22, PD4F73: 22, PD22Ap73: 23--R22Ap73sl3 with British colonies, N. Am. , PD1N70: 21--R1N70: 22, PD17Ja71: 13, PD31Ja71: 23, PD7F71: 22— R7F71: 21, PD14F71: 21, PD25J171: 11, R21N71: 12, PD12My74: 22, R14J174: 11, PD4Ag74: 21, RllAg74: 11, PD17N74: 12, D12Ag75: 41 with Cologne, Ger. , 20Je51: 22 with Corsica, 1D38: 22 , PD30J167: 21, R15N70: 12 with Creeks, DllF75sl3 with Danzig, PD4Mr73: 31, PDllMr73:23 with Den. , 3Ag39: 22, 16N39: 32, PD18Ap66: 22, PD6Je66: 13, PDUJe67: 12, PD29D68: 22, PD9My71: 11, PD16My71: 11, R23Ap72: 22, PD30Ap72: 12, PD7My72: 13, PD14My72: 21, PD21My72: 13, PD28My72: 23, PDllJe72: 21, PDllJe72: 22, PD9J172: 11, PD9J172: 12, PD9J172: 13, PD9J172: 21, PD16J172: 31, PD6Ag72: 13, PD20Ag72: 22, PD80c72: 23, PD5N72: 31 — R5N72: 12, PD8Ap73: 13, PDlAg73: 11, R210c73: 11, P27D76:12, D26F79: 22 with Europe, 15Ap37: 41 with Fr. , 130x38: 32 , 1D38: 12, 20J139: 21, 27J139: 32, 14S39: 31, 21S39: 12, 16N39: 32, 21D39: 21, 24Ap46: 31, 14Ag46: 12, 21F51: 22, 6Je51: 31, 4J151: 22, 29Ag51: 22, 5S51:21,19S51:31,26S51:31, 12D51: 11, 1D52: 22, 2My55: 11, 16My55: 11, 5S55: 11, 30c55: 11, 30c55: 22, 10Oc55: 12, 7N55: 21, 14N55: 11, 14N55: 12, 12D55: 11, 19D55: 21, 12F62: 22, PD7Mr66: 32, PD14Mr66: 41, PD14Mr66: 42, PD21Mr66: 22, PD18Ap66: 21, PD11D66: 12, PD19N67: 13, PD4Ag68: 12--R4Ag68: 12, PD25Ag68: 13, PD25Ag68: 22— R25Ag68: 24, PD15S68: 11, PD15S68: 21— R15S68: 22,PD15S68:22, PD22S68: 21, PD60c68: 12, R130c68:22, R17N68: 22, PD22D68: 11,PD22D68:21 — R22D68: 12, PD26Ja69: 21, PD13Ap69:22, PD7D69: 11, R23Ag70: 21, PD20S70: 21, PD20S70s31, PD20S70s32, R15N70: 12, R29N70: 21, PD3Ja71: 22, PD3Ja71: 31, PD31Ja71: 22, PD14Mr71: 22, PD18Ap71: 12, PD18Ap71: 13, PD16My71: 12, PD13Je71: 13, PD8Ag71: 11, PD17S71: 22, PD170c71: 21,R21N71:21,PD12D71:13, PD30Ja72: 22, PD9J172: 12, PD80c72:12, PD5N72: 12, PD4F73: 21, PD25Mr73: 31, PD22Ap73: 23 — R22Ap73: 22, PD10Je73: 12, PD17Je73: 11 — R17Je73: 11, PD17Je73: 31 — R17Je73: 22, PD24Je73: 13, R24Je73: 22, PD1J173: 21, R1J173: 12, PD15J173: 23 — R15J173: 23, PD15J173: 31--R15J173: 22, R15J173sll; R15J173sl3, R5Ag73: 21, PD19Ag73: 12, PD19Ag73: 13, PD26Ag73: 23, R2S73: 11, R23S73: 12, PDllN73sl3— RllN73sl3, PDllN73s21— RllN73sl2, PD16D73:13, PD31Mr74: 11, PD28J174: 13, PD28J174: 21, PDllAg74: 13, PD18Ag74: 12, PD1S74: 12, PD15S74: 12, PD29S74: 23, Pil30c74: 23, PD10N74: 13, PD10N74: 22, PU7N74: 23, PilD74: 22, PD15D74: 13, PD22D74: 22, Pi5Ja75: 11, D14Ja75: 21, D25F75: 13, D25F75: 21, P3Mr75: 21--D4Mr75: 13, Pil6Mr75: 23 — P17Mr75: 22— D18Mr75: 12, D29Ap75: 32, P5My75sl2, P5My75s42, D6My75: 31, D27My75: 23, P30Je75: 13, D1J175: 12, D15J175: 23, D22J175: 41, P22J175sl2,P10Ag75:31 — PllAg75: 31, D12Ag75: 32— P18Ag75: 13, D2S75: 13, D16S75: 31, P60c75: 23— D140c75: 21, D4N75: 21, D18N75: 13, P24N75sl2, D2D75: 13, D2D75: 21, D2D75: 31, D23D75: 21, D17F76: 32, P23F76: 21--D24F76:22, D23Mr76: 31, D18My76: 13, D18My76: 33, P21Je76: 23,D10Ag76:31, P23Ag76: 21, P6S76: 23--D7S76: 12, P13S76: 31,D40c76: 62— P40c77: 12, P40c76sl2, DHOc76: 61, P110c76: 22, P250c76: 21.D22N76: 21, P20D76: 12, P20D76: 13, D24Ja77: 21, P14Mr77: 13, P2My77s22— D9My77: 21, D30My77: 21 — P30My77: 22,DlAg77: 21, PlAg77: 21, P15Ag77sll,D22Ag77: 12— P22Ag77: 21, P5S77: 11, P7N77: 12, PlMy78: 11 with Fr. and Sp. , PD80c72: 22 — R80c72: 22 with Fr. mediated, D10J179: 21, D18D79: 11 with Fr. severed, P29My78: 11 with Genoa, 20Je45: 11, PDlAg66: 13, PDllJe67: 13, PD2J167: 11, PD1S68: 13, PD29S68: 12, PDllAp71: 11 with Holl. , 4Mr37: 31, 24Je37: 12, 14S39: 22, 14S39: 31, 24Ap46: 31, 14Ag46: 12, 25S46: 31, 13F52: 21, 4N63: 21, PD16My66: 12, PD23My66: 13, PD19F67: 23, PD21My67: 11, PD7Ap68: 13, PD29D68: 22, R13S70: 12, PD25Oc70: 12, PD8N70: 13 — R8N70: 22, PD8Ag71: 11, PD19Mr72: 21, PD14Ja73: 13, PDllMr73: 22, PD6My73: 13, PD17Je73:13--R17Je73:23, PD18Ag74: 22— R18Ag74: 23, PD22S74: 23, Pil6F75sll--P17F75: 22, D24Je75: 22,D1J175: 23, Pil7Ag75: 33, D8Je76: 42, D29Je76: 11, P6S76: 31 — D7S76: 22, D28Mr77: 61, D4Ap77: 21, D18J177: 12, D19F79: 31, D26F79: 22, D19Mr79: 21, D2Ap79: 12, D9Ap79: 12, D24Ap79: 11, D24Ap79: 22, DlMy79: 11, D29My79: 22, D5Je79: 11, D17J179: 11, C6N79: 22, D27N79: 21, D18D79: 21, DllMr80: 21, DllMr80: 31, D18Mr80: 21, D18Mr80: 22, DlAp80: 12, C9D80: 11 with India, PD70c73: 12, PD210c73: 12— R210c73: 12 with Indians, PD23J167: 13 — R23J167s21 with Ire. , R22Mr70: 12, PD20Ja74: 22 — R20Ja74: 22 with It. , PD12D71: 13 with Leghorn, It. , 17Ja52: 32 with Morocco, 20My37: 21, PD25Ag68: 23, PD15S68: 21, R17N68: 22, PD9F69: 22 — R9F69: 13, R2!Oc73: 12, PDllN73sl3 — 472 Great Britain R11N73S13, PD18Ag74: 22 — R18Ag74: 23. Pi23Mr75: 21, D9Ap79: ll,D8My79: 11 with Palatinate, PD18Je67: 22. P21J175:21 with Papal States. PD10N68: 21, Pi5Ja75: 13 with Pol. . 27D51: 22. PD7Ja73: 22, R26Ag73: 11 with Port. . 1 J137: 41, 9S37: 22, 22S52: 22. 17N52: 11, 1D52: 12, PD21Mr66: 22. PD23Ap67: 21, PD21My67: 21, PD25Je67: 21, PD2J167: 12, PD2J167: 13, PD30J167: 21, PD290c67: 21, PD19N67: 13, PD24D67: 31--R24D67: 22, PD21Ja68: 32, PD18Ag68: 21 — R18Ag68: 21, R17N68: 22, PD19Ap70: 22, PD22N70: 21, PD3Ja71: 13, PD31Ja71: 21, PD7F71: 13 — R7F71: 22, R7Mr71: 32, PD9My71: 11, PD18J171: 13, PD170c71: 12, PD170c71: 13--R170c71: 13, PD2Ap72: 12, PD10N74: 13, D25F75: 12, P121S75: 31, D70c75: 12, D15N76: 11, DllAp77: 21, D27N79: 12 with Prussia, 4Ag38: 22, 9F39: 31, 12Mr52: 22, PD19S66: 13. PD19Mr67: 21, PD29D68: 22, PD18Ap71: 12, PD18Ap71: 22, PD14Ja73: 21, PD4Mr73: 31, PD22Ap73: 23, R6My73: 21, PD10Je73: 11, PD10Je73: 22, PD17Je73: 11, PD17Je73: 31 — R17Je73s22,R17Je73:22, PD24Je73: 22. R24Je73: 21, R24Je73: 22, R1J173: 12, PD19Ag73: 12, PDllN73s21--RllN73sll, PD27Ja74: 13--R27Ja74: 21, P129S74: 22, PD60c74: 13, PD130c74: 23, D22Ap75: 12, D24Je75: 22, Pil90c75: 22— P20Oc75: 22— D210c75: 21, D4N75: 21, D2My77: 22, P27Mr78: 21 with Russia, 24My51: 21, PD30Je68: 11, PD29D68: 22, PD12D71: 13, PD25Je72: 22, PD29Ap73: 21, PD10Je73: 11, PD1 J173: 21, PD15J173: 23--R15J173: 23, PDllN73s21--RUN73sl2, PD10N74:21,Pi8D74:32 — PD8D74: 23, Pi29D74: 22 — PD29D74: 23, P28J175: 12, D9Mr76: 22, D18My76: 33, D29N76: 11, P13D76: 21, P27D76: 12. D19Mr79: 22, D10J179: 11,D18D79:12, C9D80: 12 with St. Eustatia, W. I. , P6S76: 31 — D7S76: 22 with Sallee pirates, 4Ja40: 22, 10Oc55: 11 with Sardinia, PDllN73sl3 — RllN73sl3.D22Ap75:12 with Scot. , PD10c72: 21 with Sp. , 4Mr37: 21, 10N38: 22, 1D38: 22, 1D38: 31, 1D38: 41, 23F39: 21, 16Mr39: 31, 20J139: 21, 7S39: 22, 14S39: 31, 21S39: 22, 260c39: 22, 260c39: 32, 21D39: 31, 4Ja40: 31, 30c51: 22, 7N51: 12, 12D51: 11, 8D52: 12, 28Mr55: 21, 10Oc55: 12, 14N55: 12, PD6Je66: 13, PD20N66: 13, PD7My67: 11, PD7My67: 12, PD7My67: 13, PDllJe67: 12, PD19N67: 13, PD4F68: 31, PD14J168: 21 — R14J168: 21, PDUMy69: 21, R15Mr70: 12, PD19Ap70: 21, PD24My70: 22, R20S70: 11, PD22N70: 21, PD22N70sll, PD22N70s21, R29N70: 21, PD13D70: 21, PD3Ja71: 13, PD3Ja71: 22, PD3Ja71: 23, PD3Ja71: 31, PD10Ja71: 11, PD10Ja71: 12, PD31Ja71: 12, PD31Ja71: 23, PD31Ja71: 31, PD7F71: 13--R7F71:22, PD7F71: 21, PD7F71: 22 — R7F71:21,PD14F71:22, PD14F71:31,R14F71: 22, PD7Mr71: 31--R7Mr71: 32, PD14Mr71: 23, PD28Mr71: 21, PD4Ap71: 13, PDllAp71: 12, PD25Ap71: 21--R2My71: 11, PD16My71: 12, PD16My71: 21, PD13Je71: 21, PD13Je71: 22, PD8Ag71: 11, PD15Ag71: 22, PD17S71: 13, PD170c71: 12, PD170c71: 21— R170c71: 22, PD240c71: 13, R21N71: 21, PD12D71: 13, PD16Ja72: 12, PD16Ja72: 21, PD30Ja72: 31, PD27F72: 23, PD12Mr72: 21, PD12Mr72: 22, PD19Mr72: 21, PD2Ap72: 12, PD2Ap72: 22, PD16J172: 22, PD150c72: 12 — R150c72: 13, PD7Ja73: 21, PD4F73: 21, PD11F73: 21, PDllMr73: 21, PD13My73: 22, PD15J173: 31--R15J173: 22, R15J173sll, R5Ag73: 21, PD19Ag73: 13, PD26Ag73: 23, PD140c73sl2, R210c73: 11, PD4N73: 11--R4N73: 21, R4N73: 12, PDllN73sl3--RllN73sl3, R16D73: 31, PD23D73s21 — R23D73: 31, R23D73: 21, PD27Ja74: 21, PD24Mr74: 12, PD31Mr74: 11, R31Mr74: 22, PD28J174: 13, PD18Ag74: 23--R18Ag74: 31, R18Ag74: 12, R18Ag74: 13, PD1S74: 12, PD22S74: 23, PD60c74: 13 — Pil30c74: 23, PD10N74: 13, PD10N74: 21, PD10N74: 22, PU7N74: 23, Pi24N74: 32, PD22D74: 22, P17F75: 13, Pi28Ap75: 31, D29 Ap75: 32, P5My75s42, D6My75: 31, D24Je75: 13, D24Je75: 21, D24Je75: 22, D24Je75: 31, P30Je75: 13, P21J175: 11, P21J175:21,P21J175sll, D22J175: 41, P22J175sl2, PilOAg75: 13, D12Ag75: 13, D2S75: 13, D9S75: 21, Pil4S75: 22, P15S75: 21--D16S75: 21, D16S75: 31, Pi28S75: 22, Pi28S75: 31 — D30S75: 23, D30S75: 12, P60c75: 23 — D140c75: 21, D140c75: 22, Pil90c75: ll--P20Oc75: 11 — D210c75: 12, Pi260c75: 21, D4N75: 21, D25N75: 22, D2D75: 13, D2D75: 21, D23D75: 21, D18My76: 13, P23Ag76: 21, P13S76: 31, P40c76: 11 — DHOc76: U,D22N76:21,P20D76: 13, DlAg77: 21, D15Ag77: 41, D12F79: 22, D2Ap79: 11, D9Ap79: 11, C30Oc79: 22, D29Ja80: 21.C9D80: 12 with Swed. ,8Je39: 21. 10Ag39: 21, 14S39: 21, PD17D72: 21. D4N75: 21, C9D80: 12 with Tripoli, 5D51: 11 with Tunisia, PD16D73: 12--R16D73: 21 with Turk. , 4Ap55: 31, 23My55: 11, PD19J170:23,PD3Ja71: 11, PD17Je73: 31, R17Je73sll, PD23S73: 22, PDllN73s21 — RllN73sl2, PD31Mr74: 21, R7Ap74: 23 with Venice, 31Mr38: 11 with W. I., French, P30Ag76: 22-- D31Ag76:22 remonstrance to Holl. , PDllAp71: 12 reparations from demanded by Fr. , D13N78: 21 requests French neutrality, D23Ja78: 22 resents French accusations, 22Ap57: 21 revenue deficiency in, PD24Mr74: 21 — R24Mr74: 21 revenue expenditure discussed, PD21S69sll revenue increase proposed, R150c72: 21 reversionary grants to be stopped, PD6Je66: 22 reversions in discussed, R27S70: 13 revolutions in, PD21D69: 21, R31My70: 13, PlMy78: 11, D5Je79: 21 Rockingham party divided, PD30Ja72: 21 royal estates in Scot. , PD7Mr66: 11 royal family, funds for, PD5Mr67: 21 royal marriages discussed, PD19Mr72: 23, PD30Ap72: 12, PD30Ap72: 22, PD7My72: 12, PD7My72: 13, PD7My72: 22 regulated, PD27F72: 21--R27F72: 21, PD14My72: 21, PD4Je72: 31, PD25Je72: 22 with Den. ,R5S66: 12--PD5S66s23 with HoU. , PD13N66: 11, PD4D66: 21, D9Ap79: 12 with Swe. ,D9Ap79: 12 rupture with colonies discussed, PD28J174: 21 sale in public offices stopped, PDllAp66: 21 satirized, 17Ja51: 12, R210c73: 11, R13Ja74: 21,Pi6D75: 11 secret service in, P26My75: 11 secret treaty with Fr. , rumored, P7J175: 12 secretary of state for colonies discussed, 2S57: 21, PDlAg66: 21, PD7Ap68: 12, PD7Ap68: 13 , PD12My68: 21 sells lands in W. I. , PD18D66: 22 sends ultimatum to Sp. , 120c39: 21 settlement with Sp. , PD10Ja71: 12 sheriffs' practices criticized, PD19Mr72:21 sinking fund, PD2My71: 21 — R2My71: 13, P26My75: 11, D9D75: 13 size compared with U. S. , D22N76: 11 Sp. breaks convention with rumored, PD17S71: 13 Sp. delcares war against, D21Ag79: 22 Spanish agents leave, 1F40: 22 Spanish manifesto (text) against, D18S79:21 standard of living raised, PD16D73: 13 473 Great Britain (cont'd) supplies Russian navy, PD24Mr74: 23 — R24Mr74: 31, PD24Mr74: 31 support of king discussed, R3My70: 21 supported by Russia, D22Ja80: 21 supports Corsica, 10Ap46: 22, 11J146:22 Danzig, PD130c74: 12 Holl. ,21Ja37:32 Russia, R15Mr70: 22, R19Ap70: 22 supremacy over colonies asserted, R19My74:31,R26My74:22 tariff with Aust. , 6Ja38: 12 with Austrian Neth. discussed, 2S37:31 taxes considered by, PD28Mr66: 21 trade balance with Fr. , PD6Je66: 12 with Port. , RllN73sl3--PD18N73: 13 with Sp. ,PD12Mr72:23 trade declines, PDllMy69: 11 — RllMy69: 11, PD6J169: 12, D22My79:ll,C30Oc79:22 encouraged, 4J145: 22 in Baltic sea protected, D26Mr79: 12 in W. I. discussed, D8Ja80: 12 intercepted by Fr. , 29Ap37: 41, 30D37: 32 intercepted by Sp. , 25Mr37: 11, 22Ap37: 32, 6Ja38: 22, 13 Ja38: 21, 30Je38: 41 of Sp. intercepted by, 18Mr37: 32 trade relations with Algiers, Alg., 24Ja51: 32 with Austrian Neth. discussed, 16D37: 31 with Corsica discussed, PD30J167: 22 with Den. , PD8Ag71: 13 with Fr. , 13My37: 22, 1J137: 31, 4My39: 31, HMy39: 12, 20J139: 12, PD23Ap67: 12, PD7Ja73: 21, PD4F73: 21, PDllMr73: 13, PD17Je73: 23, D22Je76: 11, P8N76: 21 with Ger. states, PD17Je73: 13 with Hamburg, Ger. , D29Ap75: 33 with Holl. , PD17Je73: 13 with India, PD6Ja74: 13 with Morocco, PD22S68: 21 with Nice, Fr. , PD2Ja72: 13 with N. Am. Indians, R16S73: 31 with Nor. , D8My78: 71 with Port. , PD20N66: 13, PD4D66: 21, PD12F67: 13, PD26Mr67: 13, PD26Mr67: 21, PD16Ap67: 12, PD30Ap67: 12, PD7My67: 13, PD7My67: 23, PD21My67: 13, PD28My67: 12, PD28My67: 13, PD18Je67: 11, PD19N67: 13, PD26N67: 23, PD10D67: 12, PD15S68: 22, PD130c68: 11, PD31Ja71: 13, PD25J171: 13, PD15Ag71: 21--R15Ag71: 21, PD13F72: 31, PD24D72: 12, PD7Ja73: 23--R7Ja73: 31, PD4F73: 22, PD25Mr73: 11, PD25Mr73: 21, PD29Ap73: 22, PD31Mr74: 12--R31Mr74: 12, PD31Mr74: 21 with Prussia, 27F52: 21, R280c73: 21 with Russia, PD17Je73: 13, D15N76: ll,D8My78: 71,C19Ag80: 11 with Sp. , 26Ag37: 41, 17Mr38: 31, 18Ag38: 31, 22S38: 22, 60c38: 31, 60c38: 42, 270c38: 12, 1D38: 11, 4J151: 31, 27Mr52: 22, 29My52: 12, 22S52: 21, 120c52: 22, 17N52: 12, 24N52: 12, 1D52: 22, 29D52: 22, 14Mr55: 21, 21Mr55: 22, HAp55: 21, PDlAp73: 13, R24Je73: 11, D14Ja75: 22, D30S75: U,D8My78:71 with Swe. , PDllMy69sl2, D8My78: 71 trade route from India regulated, DllMr80: 11 trade satirized, P12D77: 13 trade treaties violated by Sp. , 3F38: 32, 10Mr38: 22, 17Mr38: 31, 12My38: 22, 2Je38: 21, 23Je38: 22, 14J138: 21, 14J138: 32, 21 Ji38: 22, 18Ag38: 11, 18Ag38: 32, 50c39: 31 with Algiers, Alg. , 14N51: 21 with Corsica, PD14Ap68: 13, PD28Ap68: 13 with Den. , PD23Ap67: 13, PD19N67: 13, PD15S68:22 with Fr. , R15S68: 21, PD24D72: 12 with Guinea, 17N52: 12 with Holl. , 120c39: 12 with Morocco, PD5S66s31 with Port. , PD7Mr66: 13, PD20N66: 13, PD11D66: 22, PD19Mr67: 23, PD4F68: 21— R4F68: 12, PD15Ag71: 22 — R15Ag71: 21, PD240c71: 21 with Prussia, PD23Ap67: 13, PD22Ap73: 23, PD14J174: 11--R14J174: 21 with Russia, 12F62: 31, PD19S66: 13, PD15Ja67: 31, PD16J167: 11, PD19Mr72: 13, R31Mr74: 21 with Senegambia, W. Af. , PD19S66: 13 with Sp. , 6My37: 21, 5Ja39: 32, 5Ja39: 41, 26Ja39: 42, 20Ap39: 11, 20Ap39: 31, 4My39: 11, 4My39: 12, 29Je39: 21, 3Ag39: 32, 17Ag39: 11, 17Ag39: 21, 24Ag39: 11, 24Ja51: 32, 31Ja51: 32, 21F51: 31, 21F51: 32, 6F52: 31, 13F52: 22, 20F52: 31, PD4Ap66; 31, PD20N66: 21, PD20Ag72:ll with Swe. , 17N52: 11, PD23Ap67: 13, PD19Mr72: 13 with Turk. , PD11D66: 22 with Venice, PD16D73: 12 trade unprotected by navy, D12Mr79: 21 with Af. declines, R31My70: 21, PD22S74: 21, P28Mr77sll, D16G-C78: 32--P160c78: 21 with Af. investigated, 2My51: 12 with Baltic declines, PD17Je73: 31 — R17Je73: 31 with Boston, Mass. , allowed, D2S75: 22 with Canary is. increases, PD8Ag71: 13 with Corsica requested, PD25Je67: 22 with E. I. evaluated, PD9My71: 13 with India requested, PD23Ap67: 21 with Morocco stops, PD14Ap69s22— R13Ap69: 22 with Persia declines, R16S73: 21 with Port, declines, PD7Mr66: 13, PD10Ag69: 21, R2My71: 11, PD12N72: 12, R17D72: 21, P31Mr75: 22, D24Je75: 21 with Port, colonies, PD4J171: 11 with Russia increases, RllOc70: 12 with Senegal, Af. , increases, PD17Je73: 22--R17Je73: 12, PilOAg75: 31--PllAg75: 31 — D12Ag75: 23 with South seas suggested, R24Je73: 12 with Sp. forbidden, D4S79: 21 with Sp. regulated, PD13Je66: 23 with Turk, declines, R14D69: 13, PD24Je73:22,D5Je79:ll with Turk, regulated, PD13Je71: 12 with U. S. discussed, PlAg77: 12 with W. I. declines, PD15F70: 21, P26My75: 21,D5F80:23 treasury investigated, PD25J171: 13 treaties against Barbary states, 26Ja39: 12, PD21Mr66: 31, PD28Mr66: 23 with Algiers, Alg. , 5Mr52: 21 with Aust. and Fr. refused, 9D37: 21 with Bavaria discussed, 21N45: 11 with Brunswick, Ger. , D8 Je76: 31 with Caribs, RlAp73: 12, PD15Ap73: 22— R15Ap73:21 with Cologne, Ger. cancelled, lAg51: 22 with Den. , 8Je39: 22, 15Je39: 21, 20J139: 31, 10Ag39: 22, 31Ag39: 31, PD130c68: 21, PD31Ja71: 12, PD31 Ja71: 21, PD13Je71: 13, PD30Ja72: 21, D18Mr80: 22 with Fr. , 27Mr46: 31, 28F51: 32, PDllAp66: 22, PD4J166: 12, PD12D71: 21, PD10Je73: 11, PD17Je73: 12, PD17Je73: 13 — R17Je73: 23, PD17Je73: 22— R17Je73:21,R24Je73:22, PD30S73: 22, D22Ap75: 12 with Genoa, PD14Mr66: 41 with Hanau, Ger. , D8Je76: 31 with Hesse, Ger. , D8Je76: 31 with HoU. , 260c39: 22, 21D39: 12, 28D39: 21, PD30Ap67: 12, PD3Ja71: 21, PD31Ja71: 21, PD13Je71: 13, PD15J173: 21, PDlS74sl2, Pi20Oc74: 22 with Mentz, Ger. , 14N51: 31 with Morocco, PDllAp66: 22, PD28My67: 13, PDlAp73: 22 with N. S. ,P19Ap76:21 with Pol. , 13Je45: 12 with Port. , PD28Mr66: 13, PD10Je73: 11 with Prussia, 26Ja39: 12, PD31Ja71: 12, PD23S73: 22, PD7Ap74: 13, PD18Ag74: 12, P17Mr75sl2 — D18Mr75: 22, D27My75: 22, D12F79:22,D26Mr79:21 with Russia, 21Ag46: 11, PD31Ja71: 12, PD31Ja71: 21, PD13Je71: 13, PD12Mr72: 31, PD9Ap72: 22, PDllMr73: 22, PD130c74: 23, Pi20Oc74: 22, P17Mr75sl2— D18Mr75: 22, D27My75: 22, D29Je76:12,D18Ap77:21, D12F79: 22, D5Mr79: 22, D26Mr79: 21, C27N79: 11— D27N79: 12, D18Mr80: 22 with Sardinia, PD5S71: 12 with Saxe Gotha, 12D51: 21 with Shawnees and Del. , 27Ag56: 21 with Sp. , 4N37: 32, 2F39: 41, 260c39: 31, 7Mr51: 12, 7Mr51: 31, PD7Mr66: 12, PD14Mr66: 21, PDllAp71: 13, PD12S71: 21, PD10Je73: 11, PD17Je73: 13 — R17Je73: 23, PD16S73: 12--R23S73: 12, PD210c73: 13, D22Ap75: 12 with Swe. , PD31Ja71: 12, PD13Je71: 13, PD10D72: 12--R10D72: 13, PD3Mr74: 21 with Tripoli pirates, 6F52: 22 with Turk, rumored, PD12S71: 31 with Venice rumored, PDUMr73: 22 474 Great Britain treaty guarantee requested from, R280c73:31 of commerce with U. S. urged, P31Ja77: 13, D18Ap77. 31 triennial parliaments favored, PD20N66: 21 truce with British colonies, N.Am. , rumored, D2D75: 12 tyranny and corruption discussed, PD9Je74: 13, R21 J174: 13, PD10N74:31 ultimatum to Sp. , PD3Ja71: 22, PD14F71: 23. PD13Je71: 13 union to be perfected, PD15S68: 22— R15S68:22 with colonies discussed, PD29Ap73: 11 with Ire. discussed, 19S51: 31, PD25Mr73: 11, PDlAp73: 12, PD8Ap73: 11, R280c73: 21, PD4N73: 21, PD16D73: 12, D17J179: 12 unites with Holl. against Sp. , 16S37: 11 unity in war encouraged, 19D55: 21 unprepared for war, PD7F71: 21 — R7F71: 12 unrest in, PD28S69s21 urged to declare war on Sp. , PD3Ja71:22 urged to oppose partition of Pol. , R23D73: 12 war against declared in Porto Rico, W. I. , C28Ag79: 23--D28Ag79: 22 war department, changes rumored, PD18Ap66: 22 war rumored, PD3Ja71: 12, PD16Ja72: 23, P3Mr75sll war with Algiers rumored, PD8S68: 22, PD8S68: 23, Pi5Ja75: 11, D8J175: 23 with Baragh, Af . , PD130c68: 22 with Caribs, PD17Je73: 22— R17Je73: 21 with colonies feared, Pi8D74: 31 — PD8D74: 23, PD22D74: 21, D7Ja75: 22, P3Mr75sl2, D29Ap75:31 with Fr. ,D140c75:22 with Fr. declared, 27Ag56: 22, PD3N68: 12, D18J177: 31--P18J177: 23, D17J178: 31, D160c78: 31--P160c78: 21 with Fr. denied, PD5Ap70: 12, P21Ag78: 22 with Fr. expected, 14S39: 32, 7N51: 12, 16My55: 12, 12S55: 31, 30c55: 22, 30c55: 31, 10Oc55: 12, 10Oc55: 22, 240c55: 11, 14N55: 21, 12D55: 21, PD15S68: 23, R15S68: 21, PD29S68: 13, R60c68: 12, R60c68: 21, R24N68: 12, PD9F69: 22--R9F69: 12, R8F70: 22, PD8Mr70: 31, R8Mr70: 31, PD5Ap70: 12, PD5Ap70: 31, PD24My70: 22, R31My70: 13, PD21Je70: 12, PD21Je70: 13, PD21Je70:21,R19J170:12, PD18Oc70: 12, PD22N70: 22, PD3Ja71: 21, R7Mr71: 32, PD28Mr71: 11, PDllN73s21 — RllN73s21, PD19My74: 23, PilD74: 23, P17N75; 23, P24N75s21, P30Ag76: 22--D31Ag76: 21, P13S76: 11, P110c76: 23, P250c76: 12, P15N76: 23, D29N76: 12, D29N76: 21, P13D76: 21, D7F77: 12--P7F77: 22, D14F77: 11--P14F77: 21, D28F77: 21 — P28F77sll, D28F77: 22, P28F77: 12, P7Mr77sl2, P28Mr77sl2, DllAp77: 21, PllAp77s22, P30My77: 21, D27Je77: 12, D27Je77: 21— P27Je77: 21, P29Ag77: 23, P7N77: 13.P28N77:22.D5D77: 11 — P5D77: 22, D12D77: 11, P12D77: 21, D19D77: 12— P19D77: 21, D23Ja78' 22, P6Mr78: 21, PlMy78s22. D15My78. 21, P5Je78: 21, P5Je78: 22, P19Je78: 22, D10J179: 11 with Fr. and Sp. threatened. P14Mr77: 22, P21Mr77sll, D28Mr77: 6l--P4Ap77sl2, P28Mr77sll, D4Ap77: 12, D4Ap77: 21 with Genoa prophesied, PD29S68: 13 with Holl. rumored. C9D80: 21 with Morocco rumored, PD15S68: 12 — R15S68: 14 with pirates declared, 260c39: 32 with Port, predicted, P30Ag76: 22 — D31Ag76:21 with Sp. , 20J139: 32, PD31 Ja71: 31 with Sp. declared, HJa40: 3, D18J177:31— P18J177: 23, C28Ag79:31 with Sp. favored in, PD10Ja71: 12, PD31Ja71: 13, PD14F71: 23 — R14F71: 23, PD22Ag71: 13, P10J178:ll,D2Oc79:12 with Sp. rumored, 24F38: 32, HAg38: 22, 30Je38: 41, 130c38: 41, 20Oc38: 22, 20Oc38: 31, 25My39: 41, 27J139: 32, 31Ag39: 32, 14S39: 12, 14S39: 32, PD10Oc66: 32, PD8S68: 22, PD60c68: 22— R60c68: 22, R9F69: 23, PD24My70: 11, PD21Je70: 21, PD22N70s21, PD13D70: 22--R13D70: 23, PD3Ja71: 21, PD17Ja71: 23, PD31Ja71: 22, PD31Ja71: 23, PD7F71: 13 — R7F71: 22, PD14F71: 23--R14F71: 23, PD14F71: 31, PD14F71: 32 — R14F71: 31, PD28F71: 33, PD7Mr71: 23, PD7Mr71: 31--R7Mr71: 32, R7Mr71: 21, R7Mr71: 32, PD14Mr71: 31, PD21Mr71: 31, PD28Mr71: 11, PD28Mr71: 13, PD28Mr71: 23, PD4Ap71: 21, PD4Ap71: 23, PD18Ap71: 11, PD23My71: 12, PD23My71: 21, PD18J171: 21, PD16Ja72: 13, PD27F72: 31, PD12Mr72: 22, PD12Mr72: 23, PD22J173: 12, PilD74: 23, Pi9N75: 33, D18N75: 13, P30Ag76: 22--D31Ag76: 21, P13S76: 11, PHOc76: 23, P250c76: 12, P15N76: 23, P13D76; 21, P28F77: 13, P28Mr77sl2, DllAp77: 21, D27Je77:12,D26F79:21, D9Ap79: 12, D10J179: 12, D10J179: 21 with Turk, expected, PD24Ag69: 12, PD21Je70: 12 with U. S. discussed in parliament, D12F79: 11 war with, urged in colonies, PD28J174: 31, R25Ag74: 11, warrants on Americans in London, Eng. , P20D76: 12 weakness satirized, C28Ag79: 21 welcomed in Europe, D28Ag79: 21 See also Admiralty act supported in; Agriculture, scientific in; American sailors imprisoned in; Ammunition, export from; Annuities in; Armaments, import to British colonies, N. Am. , from; Armaments scarce in; Arms, export from; Arms ordered in; Artisans, emigration from; Association of 1774, effect on in; Bacon import to; Balance of trade against; Bankruptcies in; Banks in; Banks regulated in; Beaver wool, drawback on exportation from; Beef, import to; Beef, Irish, imported to; Bees tamed in, Bible commentaries published in; Births decrease in; Blasphemy restrained in; Boston port bill opposed in; Boston tea party, attitude toward in;Boston tea party, reparation expected in; Bounties; Brandy, colonial production important to; Bribery in elections in; British army; British colonies, N. Am.; British ministry; British transports; Bullion, export from; Butter, import to; Calendar revised in; Calico, marking regulated in; Calves killing to be prevented in; Cambric, import to; Cambric, import to Ire. from; Cambric act, repeal laid aside in; Cambric act, repeal opposed in; Candles, import to; Candles, price in; Cannon improved in; Carriages, horseless invented in; Cataract operations successful in; Cattle, import to; Cattle breeding encouraged in; Charity, accounting required in; Charity in; Charity in N. Y. from; Chases in; Cherokees promise aid to; Chicasaws promise aid to; China manufacture encouraged in; China manufacture invented in; Church of England opposes corruption in; Cider regulation in; Clergy, number in; Coaches, taxes on in; Cocoa, import to; Coffee, import to; Coinage act in; Colonial agents discuss land grants in; Colonial agents in; Continental congress, 1st, address (text) to inhabitants of; Continental congress, 1st, attitude toward in; Continental congress, 1st, importance of resolutions in; Continental congress, 1st, resolutions of discussed in; Continental congress, 2nd, supports conciliation with; Continental congress, 2nd, united in opposition to; Continental congress offers conciliation plan to; Contraband between; Contraband between Fr. and; Contraband between Sp. and; Convicts in; Corn, export forbidden in; Corn, import to; Corn, Indian, import to; Corn, price falls in; Corn, price high in; Corn, price reduction in; Corn, price regulation discussed in; Corn, quality investigated in; Corn plentiful in; Corn scarce in; Corsica, independence supported in; Counterfeiting in; Courts- martial in; Creeks pronise aid to; Criminals, exile to Af. or E. I. proposed in; Criminals in; Crops plentiful in; Customs office in; Customs officers in; Customs service in; Customshouses in; Dachymeters invented in; Debtors, imprisonment regulated in; Debtors, relief in; Debtors in; Debts of wives, regulation proposed in; Declaration of independence, attitude toward in; 475 Great Britain, See also (cont'd) Declaratory act supported in; Diamonds imported in; Dissenters, rights upheld in; Dissenters in; Divorces in; Dockyards in; Dollars, import to; Drawbacks in; Duels discouraged in; Duels in; Duels increase in; Duties in; East India co. ; Elections in; Embargoes; Embargoes considered in; Embezzlements in; Emigration criticized in; Emigration from; Employment in; Enclosures in; Enclosures prevented in; Entertainments regulated in; Essays on politics in; Excise taxes in; Executions, popularity in; Exhibitions, art in; Exports from; Exports from British colonies, N. Am. , to; Exports from Ga. to; Exports from Pa. to; Exports from S. C. to; Exports from York district, Va. , to; Farmers in; Farmer's letters read in; Farmers taxed in; Farms for poor advocated' in; Farms laid out in; Felony in; Fisheries; Flax, export from British colonies, N. Am, to; Flour, import to Martinique, W. I. , from; Flowers, American in; Forestalling regulated in; Forests in; Forgeries in; Frauds in; Freedom of press supported in; Freemasons in; Frost in; Fruit, market for in; Furs, import to Fr. from; Gambling in; Geographers needed in; Goatskins, import to; Gold, market for in; Gold coinage in; Gold coinage regulated in; Gold standard in; Grain, export from; Grain, import to; Grain plentiful in; Grain scarce in; Grain survey in; Gunpowder, export from; Gunpowder purchased by; Guns export from; Habeas corpus act suspended in; Hangman needed in; Hardware, import to Fr. from; Hats, export from; Hemp, amount consumed in; Hemp, import to; Hides, export from British colonies, N. Am. , to; Hides, import to Fr. from; Holidays in; Honey, market for in; Horse racing, suppression in; Horses, export from; Immigration to; Imports returned to; Imports to; Imports to Boston, Mass. , from; Imports to British colonies N. Am. , from; Imports to Charleston, S. C. , from; Imports to Hampton, Va. , from; Imports to Ire. from; Imports to Phila. , Pa. , from; Imports to Va. from; Indigo, import to; Insolvency act in; Iron bar, import to; Iron, pig, import to; Jails in; Jesuits, petition to settle in; Jesuits banished from; Jesuits flee to; Jesuits supported in; Jews request settlement in; Juvenile delinquency in; Lace, blond, import to; Lambs, kiUing prohibited in; Land, price high in; Land, taxes in; Land, cultivation extended in; Lawn, import to; Lawn, import to Ire. from; Liberty esteemed in; Linen, import to; Linen marking regulated in; Linen manufacture growth in; Linen manufacture in; Linen rags, price high in; Livestock, export from; Loans floated in; Log improved in; Lotteries in; Lotteries proposed in; Lumber, export from Hispaniola, W. I. , to; Lumber export from U. S. to; Luxury criticized in; Magazines in; Manila ransom, payment demanded by; Manufactures decline in; Manufacturing utensils, export from; Marriage act, effect in; Marriage act, repeal rumored in; Marriages encouraged in; Masquerades, prohibition in; Massachusetts opposed in; Meal, import to; Meal, import to Martinique, W. I. , from; Meat, price in; Meat, price reduction in; Meat, salt import to; Merchandise to be imported to Boston, Mass. , from; Merchandise to be imported to Phila. , Pa. , from; Merchants decline in; Merchants in; Methodists in; Military stores, export from; Military stores in; Militia of; Mills invented in; Molasses, export from Hispaniola, W. I. , to; Monarchy, divine-right, discussed in; Money, coinage regulated in; Money, export from; Money, paper regulations in; Money, Portuguese forbidden in; Money coined in; Money unappropriated in; Monopolies, laws against revised in; Monopolies in; Morals, reformation urged in; Naval stores, colonial production important to; Naval stores in; Navigation acts, reform discussed in; Navigation in; Negroes in; Newspapers; Non -importation agreements, effect in; Non- importation agreements, violation attempted by; Northwest passage sought by; Oak scarce in; Oats, import to; Oil, import to; Oil, market for in; Ordnance, export from; Packets between; Packets from; Parks in; Peace commissioners supported in; Penal laws, reform urged in; Pensions, corruption in; Pensions, investigation in; Pensions for nobles requested in; Pensions in; Perjuries in; Poetry on politics in; Poor relief in; Pork, import to; Pork, Irish, imported to; Postal service between; Postal service between Am. and; Poverty in; Price control in; Prices, reduction attempted in; Prices high in; Prices in; Prisoners in; Prisoners of war, American, number in; Profiteering in; Provisions, price high in; Provisions plentiful in; Provisions scarce in; Public legacies in ; Quakers loyal to; Quakery, law suits against; Quarantines in; Quebec act opposed in; Radicals in; Revolutionary war, cost to; Revolutionary war, effect on trade in; Revolutionary war, peace offers by; Revolutionary war, treaty authorized in; Rice, import to; Riots in; Roman Catholic church, growth in; Roman Catholics in; Roman Catholics listed in; Rye cultivation in; Sago powder, import to; Salted provisions, import to; Saltpetre, export from; Saltpetre purchased by; Satires on politics in; Schools for Roman Catholics established in; Scots influence in; Sedition in; Sheep, export from; Ships, British, captured by Americans off; Ships, Dutch, captured by; Ships, health regulations in; Ships, self-propelled, demonstrated in; Ships built in; Ships from; Ships from W. I. to; Ships from Wicomico river, Md. , to; Ships to Louisburg, N. S. , from; Ships to New York City from; Ships to Potomac river from; Shipwrecks, act against plundering in; Shipwrights, employment increased in; Shipwrights emigrate from; Silk, colonial production important to; Silk, import to; Silk, import to Port, from; Silk, market for in; Silk, marking regulated in; Silk manufacture encouraged in; Silver, export from; Silver, market for in; Silver coin, export from; Silver coins regulated in; Silver coin scarce in; Slavery opposed in; Slavery tested in; Smuggling, prevention proposed in; Smuggling in; Sons of liberty supported in; Speculation in; Spies encouraged in; Stamp act, declared unconstitutional in; Stamp act repeal discussed in; Stamp act repeal favored in; Starch, import to; Starvation in; Stocking weavers from; Sugar, import to; Suicides in; TaUow, import to; Tallow, import to Fr. from; Taxation of colonies, amount levied by; Taxation of colonies discussed in; Taxation of colonies encouraged in; Taxation of colonies opposed in; Taxation of colonies proposed in; Taxation of colonies supported in; Taxes in; Tea, export from; Teachers, licenses for in; Textile machinery export from; Textile manufacture in; Theatres, popularity in; Thirty-nine articles, repeal supported in; Timber, import to; Tobacco, revenue value to; Tobacco trade with;Town- shend acts, repeal discussed in; Trade, British-American, importance to; Trade, extension discussed in; Trade declines in; Trade increase in; Treason in; Treason regulated in; Unemployment in; Velvet, import to; Vermicelli, import to; Voting in; Warrants, general, declared illegal in; Warrants, general, legality questioned in; Weavers, journeymen, emigration to Boston, Mass. , from; Weavers, journeymen, emigration to N. Y. from; Weights and measures, uniform standard for; Wheat, American in; Wheat, export; Wheat, import to; Wheat, price high in; Wheat, price reductions in; Wheat cultivation in; Wheat flour, import to; Wheat for hair-powder and starch forbidden in; Wheat for starch in; Wheat plentiful in; Wheat scarce in; Wine, colonial production important to; Wine, import to; Wine, import to Fr. from; Wine, market for in; Wool, export from; Wool, export from British colonies, N. Am. , to; Wool, import to; Wool, import to Fr. from; Woolen manufacture in; 476 Green Woolen manufactures, export from; Worsted goods, import to Fr. from Great Britain, privateer, 7N45: 21 Great dock, New York City, PDUa67: 22 Great island, See Indians on Great lakes, trade on increases, PD12My68: 13 See also British navy on; Franco- British rivalry in Indian trade on Great Massingham, Eng. , See Smallpox inoculations in Great Meadows, battlp, 19J154: 22, 2My55: 21, PD21D69: 23-- R28D69: 13, PD21 Je70: 23, P27S76: 22 Great Patent, N. Y. , See Explorations in Great Plains, Can. , described, PD19N72:12 Great Sycamore is. , See Tobacco houses on Great Wolf of N. C. , Indian name for Gov. Tryon, PD13Ag67: 12-- R13Ag67:22 Greatcoats, borrowed, adv. for, in Va. , 16Ja61: 32 for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 27My37:42 found, adv. of, in Va. , PD29D68: 32 lost, adv. for, in Va. , PD23Ja72: 33, P8N76:42 stolen, in Norfolk, Va. , PD26S66: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , P25Ap77: 11 Greathouse, [Daniel], PD2Je74: 23 Greaves, Capt. , of the Diana, P24Mr75:31 of the Nautilus, Pil20c75: 12, D210c75:22 of the Viper, Pi9N75: 22 Greece , aided by Russia, PD19J170: 23 demands on by Turk. , PD7Ja73: 21 relations with Russia, PD26Mr67: 22 revolt against Turk. , PD19J170: 23 Russian acquisitions in, PD16Ag70: 11 war with Turk, rumored, PD19Ap70: 21 See also Antiquities discovered in; British navy to; Emigration from; Exports from; Turkish navy to Greek, examinations on in Princeton grammar schools, PD280c73: 22 prizes in reading at College of N. J. , PD290c72:12 taught at academy in New Kent co. , Va. , RlMr70:22 at College of N. J. , PD18N73: 21 at Fredericksburg, Va. , school, P9My77:41 at D. H. W. Mara* s school, P5D77: 31 at Walker Maury's school, P27Je77: 32, D29Ja80: 41 at Somerset academy, Md. , R23F69: 13 at Sussex co. , Va. , glebe school, D12S77:42--P12S77: 11 at James Waddel's school, 4N63: 41 teachers adv. for, at Mansfield, Va. , D4J177:11--P4J177:31 in Cumberland co. , Va. , PD22Ap73: 32-- R22Ap73s21 in Hanover co. , Va. , PD150c72: 23-- R150c72:31 in Norfolk, Va. , PD31D72: 32 in Port Royal, Va. , D14Ja75: 31 in Prince George co. , Va. , 27Mr52:31 in Va. , Pi24Ag75: 33, P6S76sll teachers adv. for employment, in Cumberland co. , Va. , D9S75: 33 in Hanover co. , Va. , PD150c72: 23-- R150c72:31 in Norfolk, Va. , PD13D70: 22, PD11J171:32 in Southampton co. , Va. , PD3Ja71: 32 in Va. , R4My69: 33, PD2My71: 32-- R2My71:31,Pi21S75: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , R4D66: 33 Greek Archipelago, See Antiquities discovered in; French navy in; Hurricanes in; Russian navy in; Russian navy to; Shipwrecks in Greek church, in Mahon, Minorca, presents to, PD4Ap71: 13 Greek Orthodox church, converts to, 19S51:31 dispute with Roman Catholics, PD12Mr72:23 intolerance of in Pol. , PD17Je73: 22 Greeks, emigrate from Straits to St. Augustine, Fla. , R29S68: 11 in Russian army, PD7Ja73: 12 in Tunis, Af . , arrested, PD20S70: 12 killed by Turks, PD22N70sl2, PD16My71: 11 settle near Mosquito inlet, Fla. , R60c68: 21 revolt in east Fla. , PD270c68: 22 Greely, Capt. , P1N76: 22 Green, Capt. , 16Ja46: 32, 28Mr55: 31, 250c65s23 attacks British on James river, Va. , P24N75sll hostage at Cedars, Can. , D6 J176: 81 in skirmish at Jamestown, Va. , P17N75:21 Indian trader, 10Mr38: 42 of the Anne, 7N51: 22 of the Eagle, R150c72: 21 of the Franklin, D27Je77: 12 of the Increase, 25Mr37: 22 of the Patience, PD1D74: 22 of the Sarah, 140c37: 31 of the Success, PD19Mv74: 42 — R19My74:23 Col. , R5S71: 41 of British army in Boston, Mass. , PD3N68:21--R3N68:23 Major, distiller in Boston, Mass. , PD24N68: 23 Mr. , PD23J172: 32 merchant, 22Ap57: 41 of Boston, Mass. , PD17Ja71: 12 Abraham, PD17S71: 32, D7F77: 31, P4Ap77: 33, P21N77: 21 Abraham, jr. , RllMr73: 31, D90c78: 41 Anderson, P9My77: 42, P13Je77: 33 Andrew, Capt, , of the John and Bella, PD4N73: 21--R4N73: 31, PD20Ja74: 23, R20Ja74: 33, R26My74: 22, D11F75: 23 Anne, P10J178: 42 B. , adv. finding horse, PD30Je68: 31 Baylie, Dr. , 240c55: 31 Benjamin, Ens. , P28N77: 33 Betsey (Browne), marriage of, P21N77:21 Burwell, PD10Ag69: 33, PD18J171: 22 Charles, R24Ag69: 32, R20Je71: 41 Charles, Rev. Mr. , 30J152: 32 Christian, Col. , D31 Ag76: 21 Duff,R190c69sl3 Elizabeth, PD3N74pll F. , jr., opposes Dr. Griffin's dismissal in Yorktown, Va. , P16My77s21 Filmer, jr. , R5Ja69: 31 Francis, PD23Je74: 12 Francis B. , D8N76: 31, P28F77s23 Garner, P30c77: 31 Garrett, PD8J173: 33 George, R22Ap73s21, P130c75: 11-- D210c75:31 Hammond, PD17Ja71: 12--R17Ja71: 12 High, P13D76:32 Hildrop, Mrs. ,D210c75:32 Hugh, D24Ja77: 41 Isaac, P14N77: 31 James, R12My67: 22, PD26My68: 31 P9Ag76sll,D10Ag76:62 James, Capt. , D6Ap76: 23 of the Sally and Betsy, D10Ag76: 22 James, jr. , clerk of house, N. C. , R31Ja71: 12, PD15Ap73: 12, P22Mr76: 13, D22Je76: 61, P9Ag76: 41 Jeremiah, PD23Je74: 12 John, P10Mr75: 33 accused of stealing horses, D210c75:32 accuses John Sorrell, Pi29D74: 33 adv. land for sale, R5S71: 41 adv. shoes for sale, D8J175: 33 announces departure, D2Mr76: 31 burgess for Culpeper co. , Va. , PD15D68: 23--R22D68: 12, PDllMy69s41, PD28S69: 22 denies partnership with John Sorrel, PU7N74: 33 editor of Boston, Mass. , Post boy and advertiser, PD22D68: 21 estate for sale, PD14S69: 32 letter in post office, PD2My66: 41 merchant, D2Mr76: 31 on surveying trip, PD8S74: 23 partnership with John Sorrel attested, Pil5D74:32 saddler, D16Ap79: 31 signs Va. Association, PD25My69: 12 wounded during Boston, Mass. , massacre, PD5Ap70: 23--R5Ap70: 32 [John], Col.,P7N77sl2 John, Maj.,P5Ap76:32,D15N76:12-- P15N76:22 Jonas, HAp55: 12, PD7My67: 23 Joseph, PD11F68: 31--R11F68: 33, R14Ap68: 41, PD23Je74: 12, P28N77: 31 Marston, PD24My70: 33 [Maurice], Dr. , 11F37: 12, lAp37: 21 Milden, P2F76: 41 Nicholas, R15Ap73: 31 P. , Capt. , of the Polly Diggs, C11D79:12 Parson, PD14J174: 31 Peter, R2D73: 31 Peter, Capt. , of the Champion, PDllAp71: 23 Philip, 8 J137: 41 Richard, 14F51: 41 Richard, Capt. , of the Bethia, PD7Ja68: 22 Robert, 26S45: 31, 5Mr52: 32, R15Ap73: 32, D20Ja76: 13-- Pi20Ja76: 31 Rufus, PD23Je74: 12 Samuel, Capt., PD2S73:21-- R2S73:22 of the Nassau, 10Oc45: 31 477 Green (cont'd) Sarah, 240c55: 31 Sarah Packe, Mrs. , 28Mr55: 32, UAp55:32, 18Ap55: 41 Simon, D24Ja77: 41--P24Ja77: 31 Thomas, PD220c67: 21, R21S69: 32. PD24My70: 33, P18Ap77sl2 , D16My77: 12 Timothy, PD17S67: 13 William, PDllJe67: 33 adv. for missing horses, PD16Ag70: 43, DlMy79: 32 adv. for runaway slave, P9My77: 41 adv. settlement of accounts, 28Mr55: 32, 18Ap55:41 burgess from Culpeper co. , Va. , 24Ja52: 32, 27F52: 32, 12D55: 22 denies right of George Pitt to estate of Sarah Packe Green, HAp55: 32 [William], Capt. , P60c75s21 — D70c75:31,P18Ap77s43 William, Col. , R23Ag70: 32, R15N70:23 Green Briar, Va. , See Indian attacks expected near Green church, Amelia co. , Va. , D14S76:62 Green is. , W. I. , See Shipwrecks on Green Mountain Boys, attack British, P24N75s21 attack Gen. Carleton, Pi23N75: 23 in battle of Montreal, Can. , D11N75: 23 in Longueuil, Can. , Pi30N75: 22 in Montreal, Can. , P22Mr76: 22 in skirmish at Longueuil, Can. , Pi30N75:23,D2D75:31 in skirmish near St. John's Can. , Pi9N75: 11 march northward, D8Ag77: 11 prisoners taken by, D5S77: 22 to participate in campaign against Can. , D30S75: 22 Green River, ship, R150c72: 31 Green seeds, German, for sale, in Richmond, Va. , PD10Oc71: 32 Green sickness, cure for, PD23Ap72: 31 Green Spring, plantation, Va. , 10Je37: 42, 20Oc38: 32, 30N59: 41, PD12N67: 22, PD8Mr70: 33, RlAg71: 21, R8Ag71: 31, PD10Oc71: 32, P28Je76: 32, PllAp77s32, P18Ap77s32, P30c77: 23 damaged by hail storm, P26My75s31 slaves runaway from, P30c77: 23 Greenaway, Capt. , of the Polly, D12Ag75:32 Greenbe, John, D12Je79: 32 Greenbrier co. , Va. , See Forts in; Indian attacks in Greencroft, plantation, Va. , D8My79: 31 Greene, Benjamin, PD8Mr70: 11, PD8Mr70: 12, PD23Je74: 12 Benjamin, jr. , PD23 Je74: 12 [Christopher], Col. , P310c77: 21 David, PD23Je74: 12 Joseph, R1S74: 23 [Nathaniel], Gen. , arrives in N. Y. , DllMy76:32 at Fort Lee, N. Y. ,D29N76: 31-- P29N76: 12 discusses British plans to burn towns, Pil6N75:31 in battle of Germantown, Pa. , D170c77:ll,P240c77:21 in battle of Monmouth, N. J. , D17J178. 21 in battle of Norfolk, Va. , P26 Ja76: 31 in battle of Princeton, N. J. , P7F77: 12 in battle of Springfield, N. J. , C15J180: 11 in command at Quebec, Can. ,D10F76: 32 in skirmish at Litchmore's point, Mass. , P130N75: 22 issues orders regarding army certificates, D15My79: 11 near [New] Brunswick, N. J. , D11J177:21 ordered to Providence, R. I. , P19Ap76p21--D20Ap76: 23 orders soldiers to join regiment, P19S77: 22 pursues British in N. J. , D4J177: 72-- P4J177: 23, D11J177: 11--P11J177: 22 reports capture of Stony point, N. Y. , D31J179: 22 reports military situation in N. Y. , P29N76: 21 reports on La Fayette's attack, D19D77:12--P19D77:21 thanks troops, Pi9D75: 41 wounded in skirmish near New Rochelle, N. Y. ,P15N76:31 Robert, Dr., author, PD29Ag71: 33 Thomas, PD12N67: 21 Greenfield, John, R20Ap69: 31, R15Mr70: 41, R21Mr71: 42, R2My71: 31, R30My71: 23 William, R2My71: 31, R30My71: 23 Greenhill, Mrs. , plantation of, PD2Je74: 32 David, adv. finding horses, PD240c66: 32, R16N69: 41 adv. finding hogs, 14N55: 31 adv. finding steer, 27Ag56: 42 adv. for tutor, PD18J171: 21 adv. land for sale, PD7J168: 31, R3Ag69: 31--PD14S69: 33, PD21D69: 33 pasture of, 4N63: 43 unclaimed tobacco of, P25Ag75: 73 David, Capt. , PD27Ag67: 31 Joseph, P5My75: 31, P7Mr77s23 Paschal, adv. for missing horses, D17J178:42 adv. land for sale, D5D77: 21-- P5D77: 33 announces departure, R25F73: 31 burgess from Prince Edward co. , Va. , PD28S69: 23, R9N69: 11, PD19D71: 22 disavows bonds, PD10N74: 42 slave of, R5Ag73: 31 testifies for Robert Lawson, PD8Ap73: 31— R8Ap73: 12 Sally, marriage of, P160c78: 22 Greenhow, Mr. , P10Ja77: 32 of Williamsburg, Va. , PDlAg71: 21 store of, PD9S73: 31--R9S73: 33 John, PDlAg66: 31 adv. for runaway slaves, PDllAp66: 41, P110c76:33,P17Ja77:31 adv. linseed oil for sale, P14Je76: 31 adv. merchandise for sale, PDllAp66: 41, PD19S66: 31, PD4Je67:33,PD3D67:32, PD29S68: 23, PD28S69: 31, PDllAp71: 32, PD12D71: 32, D13N78: 22, DlMy79: 22, D29Ja80: 41, C15J180:22 adv. plantation for sale, PD17Mr74: 32 adv. sugar for sale, C19F80: 41 adv. wine for sale, PD17Je73: 33 announces departure, P22S75: 32 house struck by lightning, RlAg71: 23 plaintiff in suit, PD8D68: 31 sale at door of, Pil9Ja75: 33-- D21Ja75:31 slaves of, DlMy79: 31, C30Oc79: 43 store of, PD12Mr67: 33, PD5Ag73: 23, D14N77: 31 William, Pil4S75: 31 Greenland, colony on discovered, 21N51:31 See also Bounties in; Explorations of; Fisheries; Imports to Aberdeen, Scot. , from; Imports to Liverpool, Eng. , from; Imports to Newcastle, Eng. , from; Ships from; Ships' sailing time; Shipwrecks in Greenland, ship, 23Je38: 32 Greenlaw, John, PD23Je74: 12 William, PD10Mr68: 31 Greenleaf, Mr. , on committee to address Gov. Bernard, PD10Ag69: 11-- R10Ag69: 11 Sheriff of Boston, Mass. , PD1D68: 23, PD8Mr70: 21, PD30D73: 21, PD26My74: 13 Jonathan, Capt. , Rl J173: 23 Joseph, PD29Ag71: 23, PD12D71: 22, PD2Ja72: 22, R29Ap73: 11 Joseph, Capt. , of the Hawke, PD2F69: 22 Mayo, Capt. , of the Triton, 2Mr53:41 Stephen, PD9F69: 23 William, PD6S70: 22, R29Ap73: 11 Greenlee, John, PD150c72: 32 Greenlees, William, D4N75: 33 Greenley, Eliz. , 5N36: 42, 26N36: 42 Greenock, Scot. , See British army from; British sailors strike in; Emigration from; Exports from James river, lower district, Va. , to; Exports from James river, upper district, Va. , to; Exports from Va. to; Exports from York district, Va. , to; Imports to; Imports to James river, upper district, Va. , from; Imports to Rappahannock district, Va. , from; Imports to south Potomac district, Va. , from; Imports to York district, Va. , from; Indentured servants from; Riots in; Ships from Boston, Mass. , to; Ships from Va. to; Ships to James river, Va. , from; Ships to Va. from; Shipwrecks near; Smallpox in; Storms in; Strikes in; Watchmakers in Greenock, brig, 5Ag37: 42, lb Je38: 42 brigantine, 30S37: 41, 25Ag38: 32 ship, 30c51: 32, 7Ag52: 31 Greenough, Epes, Capt. , of the Occasio, R2bAg73s22 of the Richard, PD3F74: 22 of the Richmond, PD7Ap74: 23 Greenough' s tincture, for sale, in Blandford, Va. , PD29Je69: 32 in Fredericksburg, Va. , 15My52: 32, PD22Ap73:31 in Hobb's Hole, Va. , R6J169: 31 in Newcastle, Va. , PD19N72: 22 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Petersburg, Va. , PD30J172: 32, PD1J173: 32, PD30D73: 31, PD14J174: 32, Pi23Mr75: 33-- D25Mr75:31 478 Gregory in Richmond, Va. , PD3S72: 23, PD10S72: 23, PD17Je73: 33 — R17Je73s23 in Shockoe, Va. , PD4Ap66: 41 in Williamsburg, Va. , 30N59: 32, 16Ja61: 41, PD18Je67: 33, PD26My68: 23, PD270c68: 32--R270c68: 22, R3N68:33--PD10N68:22, PD13Ap69: 32--R13Ap69: 32, PD17Ag69: 33— R17Ag69: 23, PD21S69: 33--R21S69s21, R12J170: 31, PDllAp71: 32, PD15Ag71: 32— R15Ag71: 32, PD240c71: 31, PD2J172: 32, PD10Je73: 22, PD4N73: 22--R4N73: 31, D26Ag75:32,D12Je79:32 Green's church, Nottaway parish, Va. , PD30J167: 33, D25J177: 41, D14N77: 31 — P14N77: 32 Green's ordinary, York co. , Va. , 29My46: 41 Greenshaw, Mr. , of Va. , R170c71: 12 Greenstead, James, 7N54: 32 Greenup, Christopher, P5J176p21, P6Je77: 13 Greenvale, ship, PD19Ap70: 33, R26Ap70sll, PD24Ja71: 31--R31Ja71: 31, PD28N71: 22, PD5D71: 32, PD23Ja72: 32 Greenvile, Capt. , of the Faulkland, 28Mr45:31 Greenway , Capt. , of the Anne and Dorothy, PD19Ap70: 31 of the Lady Washington, D3 J179: 22 William, Capt. , of the Polly, 12D51:32 Greenwich, Conn. , committee of safety, D25My 76 : 31 See also Conn, troops from New Haven, Conn. , to Greenwich, Eng. , celebrates Wilkes' release from prison, PD21 Je70: 22 market for, 21 Ja37: 22 See also Accidents in; Anecdotes from; Manslaughter near; Markets in; Robberies in Greenwich, N. J. , See Houses in Greenwich, Va. , See Slaves runaway from Greenwich, British ship, 25Ja40: 22 East Indiaman, PD2bJa69: 23, PD5S71: 11 H. M. S. , 4Mr37: 32, 10Je37: 31, 26Ja39: 41, 26Ja39: 42, 24Ja52: 22, 25Ap55:21 ship, R24F69sll, PD9S73: 13--R9S73: 22 Greenwich hospital, colonial fishermen refuse to support, PD1D68: 21 Greenwich island, See Fires on Greenwood, Mr. , ivory turner of Boston, Mass. , PD5Ap70: 23 — R5Ap70: 32 requests trade relief for colonies, PD21Mr66:31 slave of, P31Ja77:42 studies importance of British-colonial trade, D8Ap75: 31 James, author, PD18J171: 33, PD25J171: 43, PDlAg71: 43, PD8Ag71: 43. PD10Je73: 33, D25N75: 21, D30D75: 21, D2Mr76: 43, D9Mr76: 43 John, PD60c68: 23— R60c68: 24, PD27Je71: 33, PD14Ja73: 32 adv. estates for sale, PD13Je71: 33, PD9S73:32-R9S73: 33 adv. for cargo, PD18Ag68: 31 — R18AgG8:32,PD8N70:22 adv. for passengers, PD4Je72: 32 adv. for stolen merchandise, PD26S66: 33 adv. house for sale, PD80c72: 32 — R80c72: 23 adv. merchandise for sale, PD11J171: 32, PD25Mr73: 32 adv. ships for charter, PD26S66: 33, PD17D67: 32--R24D67: 33, R190c69s22, PD18Oc70: 31 — R18Oc70: 22, PD25Oc70: 23 — R1N70: 31, PD11J171: 32, PD7My72: 31, PD17S72: 23, PD10c72: 22, PD31D72: 32, PD7Ja73: 32, PD18F73: 23, PD25Mr73: 32, PD22J173: 31, PD5Ag73: 23, PD210c73: 23--R210c73: 21 adv. ships for sale, PD29Ja67: 33 — R19F67: 33, R4Ag68: 31, R18Ag68: 32, R5Ja69: 31--PD12Ja69: 42 adv. slaves for sale, PD28S69: 32 adv. store for sale, PD30Ja72: 33 announces departure, PD17S71: 32 — R26S71:41 land of,R30Ag70:31 signer of Association, in Norfolk, Va. , R26J170:22 Nathaniel, PD23Je74: 12 Thomas, PD17Ja71: 12— R17Ja71: 12 Greenwood, ship, DlAp75: 31 Greenwood, Leger and, PD13 Ja74: 21 Greenwood, Marsh & co. , PD2My71: 33 Greenwood, Ritson & Marsh, adv. brig for charter, PD3F74: 33 — R10F74: 33, P4Ag75: 31— D5Ag75: 33 adv. for cargo, PD3Mr74: 32— R3Mr74: 41, R26My74: 41, PDlbJe74: 22--R16Je74: 31 adv. coal for sale, PD12My74pll — R12My74: 41 adv. merchandise for sale, PD30S73: 31— R30S73: 33, PD2D73: 22— R2D73: 23 adv. ships for charter, PD5Ag73: 23, PD11N73: 22— R11N73: 23, PD12My74pll — R12My74: 41, PD17N74: 23 — Pil7N74: 32, P12My75: 32--D13My75: 11 merchants in Norfolk, PD10N74: 43 request settlement of accounts, D19S77:41 Greer, S. , upholds behavior of Col. Andrew Donnolly, D24Ap79: 31 Greer's settlement, land on, P5J176: 33 Greeves, Capt. , P2Je75: 23— D10Je75: 22 Gregg, Capt. , D6Ap76: 23 of the Industry, R21S69: 23 [James], Capt. , D25J177: 21, D15Ag77:32 Robert, R9Je74: 22 Gregorie, James, PDllAg68: 23, PD26Mr72: 33, PD7My72: 32, PD19N72: 23--R19N72: 23, P8S75:32— D9S75:32 John, DlAp75: 33, D8Ap75: 11, Pi24Ag75: 21— P25Ag75: 71 — D26Ag75:31 John Taylor, PD7J168: 23 Peter, PD7J168: 23 Gregory, Capt. , R24Ag69: 23 of the George, PD27N66: 21 of the Minerva, PD15S68: 23 of Va. regiments, D9Mr76: 22 Mr. , counselor for Thomas Walker in Quebec, Can. , PD16Ap67: 22 of Urbanna, Va. , P22J175s32 — Pi27J175:31— D29J175: 11 Andrew, P10J178: 43 Charles & co. , PD18Oc70: 31, PD26N72: 22 [David], author, PD25F68: 41, PD18J171: 33, PD25J171: 43, PDlAg71: 43, PD8Ag71: 43, PD29Ag71: 33, PD10Je73: 31 , D25N75: 12, D30D75: 11, D24F76: 43, D2Mr76: 41, D9Mr76: 41, D25My76: 43, D24Ag76: 51, D20D76: 42, D3Ja77: 41, D17Ja77: 41, D2My77: 81, D4J177: 81 Isaac, DbMy75: 11 James, PD3Mr68: 31--R3Mr68: 32, PD14D69: 22 of N. C.,PD16Je68:31 James, Capt. , P2Ag76: 31— D3Ag76: 31 John, adv. for deserters, PllAp77: 23 adv. merchandise for sale by Nansemond co. , Va. , committee, P12F75: 21 adv. property for sale, P15N76: 33 adv. settlement of estate, P6S76: 43, P29My78: 41 adv. slave held in jail, PD12Ag73: 31, D17J179:32 clerk of Nansemond co. , Va. , committee of inspection, PilD74: 11 collector for Va. gazette, P9F76: 11 estate for sale, P20Oc75: 23 president of council, Jamaica, 14J138:32 John, Capt. , of the Polly, PD13S70: 23 [John], Lt. ,P28F77s21,D7Mr77:71, P14Mr77: 23 Mildred, P20Oc75: 23 Mary, Mrs. , PD14N71: 21 Richard, 28Ap38: 42, R24D67: 41, PD3F74: 32--R10F74: 33, DllMy76: 42, D31Ja77:71— P31Ja77:23 Richard Fletcher, PD15D68: 23 — R15D68:21 Robert, Capt. , of the Scarborough, PD9Je68: 22 Roger, adv. finding horse, 20Oc52: 31 adv. for runaway slave, PD27Je66: 32 adv. ordinary for rent, PD15S68: 31 death of wife of, PD14N71: 21 in horse race in Williamsburg, Va. , PD270c68: 31 justice of King William co. , Va. , R9My71:43 land of, PD3F74: 32--R10F74: 33, PD12My74:43 letter in post office, PDllAp66: 41 of King William co. , Va. , PD14F71: 32 owner of the Friendship, PD24My70: 23 plantation, mortgaged, for sale, PD2D73:23— R2D73:32 Samuel, R22S74: 33 Stith, R12My74: 42, R16Je74: 32, R1S74: 33, R8S74: 33, P15D75: 33 Sylvanus,R25N73:42 adv. estates for sale, P20Oc75: 23 adv. for runaway slave, R18F68: 33, PD4My69: 33, PD220c72: 31 adv. merchandise for sale, by Charles City co. , Va. , committee, Pil2Ja75: 11— D14Ja75: 32 adv. property for sale, P15D75: 33 appointed to committee for Charles 479 Gregory, Sylvanus (cont'd) City co. , Va. , Pil2Ja75: 11 — D14Ja75: 13 collector for M'Keand & Buchanan, PD2D73:21--R2D73:31 deserter, D2bD77: 22 estate for sale, P15N76: 33 manages sale of imported goods, Pil2Ja75: ll--D14Ja75: 21 pasture of, D11F75:32 settlement of estate of, P15N76: 33 testifies slaves escaped from jail, P20Oc75:31 William, Capt. , PD22S74: 32, P7Je76: 31, P6S76: 43, P29My78: 41 William, deputy sheriff, R190c69s23, P15D75:33 Greig, Capt. , of the John & Samuel, PD11F68:23 Archibald, Capt. , of the Nelly, PD18Ap71: 32--R2My71: 32, R18J171: 33, PD29Ap73: 22— R29Ap73: 22, PD9D73: 21 William, PD18J171: 23 Greigg, Johnston, Capt. ,R11D66: 23 Grenada, W. I. , assembly, acts of, PD1 Ja67: 22 described, PD6Ap69: 22, D19F80: 21 French attack on, D24Ap79: 12, D28Ag79:ll,D19F80:ll French capture of, D5Je79: 12, D7Ag79:31,D14Ag79:22, D21Ag79: 21, D25S79: 12, D8Ja80: 11, D8Ja80: 12 house of assembly, resolutions (text) of,D19Ag75:23 naval engagements off, D25S79: 12 oath required of French, PDllJe72: 31 petitions for conciliating Am. , P5Ja76: 32 Roman Catholics in Council, PD30Ap72: 21 trade with N. Am. discussed, PD70c73:23 treatment by French discussed, D8Ap80: 11 See also Bounties; British army in; British army to; British navy damaged at; British navy in; British navy to Jamaica, W. I. , from; Census of; Colonial agents in; Crops in; Crops plentiful in; Duels in; Duties; Earthquakes in; Exports from; Exports from James river, lower district, Va. , to; Fires in; Hurricanes in; Imports to James river, lower district, Va. , from; Imports to James river, upper district, Va. , from; Jesuits in; Lumber inspectors in; Money scarce in; Murders by Negroes in; Ordinance for British army on; Prisoners of war, American, imprisoned in; Privateers, American, captured by British off; Provisions scarce in; Religious toleration in; Ships, British, captured by French in; Ships from Norwich, Conn., to; Ships in; Ships' sailing time; Ships to; Ships to Cape Henry, Va. , from; Ships to James river, Va. , from; Ships to New York City from; Ships to Newport, R. I. , from; Ships to Norfolk, Va. , from; Ships to Phila. , Pa. , from; Ships to Providence, R. I. , from; Ships to Tybee, Ga. , from; Shipwrecks in; Slave insurrections in; Slaves imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from; Smuggling in; Stamp act accepted in; Sugar, amount produced in; Taxes levied in Grenada Packet, ship, R25N73: 41 Grenadier, ship, R31D72: 11 snow, 31Ja51:32 Grenadoes, seized from British at Fort Nassau, New Providence, W. I. , D4My76: 32 Grenall, Capt. , 13Je45: 22 Grenell, Capt. , PD4Je72: 32 Grenhill, David, R14Ap68: 24 Grennell, Capt. , escapes from Staten island, N. Y. , D1N76: 21 Grenoble, Fr. , See Anecdotes from; Antiquities discovered in Grenville, George, advocates enforcements of Stamp act, PD14Mr66: 22 appointed commissioner for trade and plantations, PD18Ap71: 13 appointed commissioner to promote trade, PD5N72: 23--R5N72: 12 appointment as chancellor of exchequer rumored, PD10D67: 11, PD23Mr69: 21 appointment as secretary of state rumored, R9F69: 22, R24F69sl3, PD6Ap69: 22--R6Ap69: 31 at court, PD22Ja67: 11 attitude toward colonies, PD21Mr66: 32, PD2J167: 23, PD8Je69: 22 characterized, PD25F68: 22 colonial policy criticized, PD14Ap68: 21 criticized, PD23My66: 11, R16Je74: 11 death of, PD17D67: 31, PD31Ja71: 22, PD31Ja71:31,R31Ja71:22 defends Stamp act, PD25Ap66: 23 denounces Americans, PDllAp66: 23, PDllAp66:31 discusses American situation, PD23F69: 22 discusses colonial policy, R19J170: 21 discusses debt from French and Indian war, PD26My68: 13 favors colonial taxation, PDllApt)6: 22 favors John Wilkes, PD17Ag69: 21 — R17Ag69: 13 in office, PD19My68: 12 letters to from Hutchinson, PD210c73: 12— R210c73: 12 ministry post for rumored, PD25Je67: 21. PD9Mr69: 13, R16Mr69: 23 opposes American fisheries, PD9Je68: 21— R9Jeb8: 24 opposes colonies, PD24Mr68: 31 — R24Mr68: 32, R24Mr68: 32, R23F69: 21, PD27Ap69: 22 — R27Ap69: 22 opposes Pitt, PDllAp66: 32 , PD18Je67: 22 opposes Townshend act, PD27J169: 21 — R27J169: 21, PD27J169: 32 opposes war in Am. , D3F76: 22 opposes Wilkes' expulsion, R13Ap69: 22— PD14Ap69s21 outlines reforms on Boston, Mass. , PD9Mr69: 13— R9Mr69: 23 popularity in Eng. , PD23J167: 23 proposes increase in troops in colonies, PD21My67: 23 proposes oath of allegiance for colonists, PD30J167: 31 speech (text) for Stamp act repeal, PD9My66: 12 speeches (text) in Commons, R2Ag70: 11 supports Parliamentary supremacy, PD23F69: 31— R24F69s21 supports Stamp act, PD14Mr66: 31, PD16My66: 21 suppresses Bernard's letters, PD23My66:22 to be lord It. of N. Am. , PD14S69: 22 union with Rockingham predicted, PD17Mr68:23 works against colonies, PD18F68: 22 Richard, Pi9F75: 12 Grenville, East Indiaman, R15Ag71: 13 packet boat, R11D66: 41, PD6Ag67: 22 schooner, R12Ja69: 31 Gresap, Thomas, PD3N74: 42— P110N74: 32 Gresham, Esther, PD10c67: 12 James, 20Mr52: 31 John, PD14Mr71: 32, PDllAp71: 32 Thomas, PD29J173: 31— R29J173: 23 William, PD2D73: 21, PD2D73: 23 Gresham college, Eng. , 220c36: 22 Gresham' s calimanco shoes, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD5My74: 23 Gresham's pumps, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD12N72: 23, PD140c73: 23, R12My74: 32 Gresham's satin pumps, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD7My72: 32, PD5My74: 23 Gresham's shoes, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD240c71: 31, PD150c72: 31, PD22Ap73: 31, PD29Ap73: 23, PD140c73: 23, PD12My74: 43. PD270c74: 32 Gresley, Jeffery, PD3Ag69: 32 Gresome. Thomas, PD3S67: 22 Greter, Michael, jailer, R5S71: 32 Gretna Green, Scot. , See Anecdotes from Greton, Col. , regiment arrives in New York City, P12Ap76: 23— D13Ap76: 31 Joseph of Md. ,7J138:42 Gretter, Michael, jailer, R20Je71: 33, RlAg71:33, P25Ap77: 32 Grey, Alexander, P10J178: 43 Andrew, Capt. , of the Glasgow, 17S36:42,3Je37:41 George, R6My73: 23 Joseph, of Fincastle co. , Va. , P23Je75s32 Richard, R22Mr70: 22— PD5Ap70: 42 Greyhound, brig, 7N51: 22, D2Mr76: 21, D10Ag76: 22 , P4J177: 32 brigantine, D6Ap76:21 British ship, 25Ja40: 2 H. M. cutter, PD170c71: 21, PD9S73:21— R9S73:12 H. M. frigate, D28Ag79: 21 H. M. S. , 260c39: 31, 21D39: 22, 24Ja52:31,D10Ag76: 12 horse, PD16S73: 32, D7Mr77: 42 — P7Mr77s21, D18Mr80: 33 privateer, D22My79: 12, D4Mr80: 21, D25Mr80: 13 schooner, PD26N72: 21, R17Mr74: 23 — PD14Ap74: 31 480 Grinders ship, 5D51: 41, 28Ag52: 31, 15D52: 31, 28Mr55: 31, PD10c67: 12, PD12N67: 21, P12J176: 23, P29My78: 22 sloop, D14Ag79: 21 sloop of war, P16F76: 22— D17F76: 31, D20Ap76:31 Greys, adv. nf, in Williamsburg, Va. , 21Ag52:31 Gribble, Capt. , of the Hawke, P12D77: 12 Gridiron rock, See Shipwrecks on Gridirons, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. ,C15J180:22 Gridley, Benjamin, PD23Je74: 12, D13J176:61 Jeremy, PD12Ja69: 21 John, PD28S69sl2 Grier, James, PD290c72: 12, PD290c72: 13 Robert, R14D69: 31 Susanna, Mrs. , R14D69: 31 Grierson, Col. , of Ga. militia, R10Mr74:21 Grierson, Brown, & co. , PD26N72: 22, PD9D73: 21 Griffen, James, Capt. , of the Nanny, 9F39:42 Lery, PD7J168: 23 Thomas, Capt. , of the Princess Carolina, 25Ja40: 2 Griffin, Capt. , of the Elizabeth, PD14Mr71:23 of the Oxford, 50c39: 31 of the Valentine, PD27Ag67: 21 Col. , skirmishes with Hessians, D10Ja77:41,P10Ja77:21, P24Ja77: 12 Dr. , PD21Mr71: 33--R21Mr71: 33 Mr. , slave of, D20c79: 31 Anthony, P5D77: 23, C15My79: 41 Benjamin, R2Ag70: 23 Charles, D31Ag76: 31 Charles, Capt. , of the John and William, 4J145: 32 Corbin, adv. cessation of practice, P160c78:32 adv. houses and lots for sale, PD30J172: 32 adv. plantation for sale, P10J178: 22 adv. shop utensils for sale, P160c78: 32 defendant in Va. chancery court, R2D73:31,PD28Ap74:32 delegate to Continental congress for York co. , Va. , P30Ag76: 31 delivers duel challenge, R23J167: 12 deputy for York co. , Va. , to peninsula meeting, D16S75: 32 letters (text) on dismissal from York hospital, D16My77: H--P16My77s21 partnership with Thomas Powell dissolved, PD16Ja72: 33 slave of, PD29S74: 33 testifies concerning Lee-Mercer duel, PD28My67: 32 Cyrus, P9My77: 23, P5Je78: 22, D26Je79: 31, C18D79: 11--D18D79: 21 Hannah, D31Ag76: 31 James, P27Mr78: 12 James, Capt., of the Nancy, Ja39: 42 of the Nanny, 18My39: 4, 10Ag39: 31, 14D39: 1 John, P12Je78: 12 John, Capt. , of the Cumberland, 14Ag52:22 John, Dr. , P22Ag77: 32 John, Sir,D29Ap75:33 John T. , Pl9Je78: 12 John Tayloe, P18Ap77s31 Judith, Mrs. , R30N69: 23 Le Roy, 20My37: 42, R15Je69: 23, PillMy75: 33--D13My75: 33 Leroy, Major, P10N75: 23 Oliver, Capt. , of the Bilboa, R12Ja69:31 Peter, Capt. , of the Elton, 24Ap52: 12 S. , successor as aid-de-camp to Gen. Lee appointed, Pil6N75:23 — P17N75:23--D18N75:21 Samuel, adv. land for sale, R12My68: 33 appointed aid-de-camp to Gen. Lee, P7J175:33 appointed deputy adjutant gen. , P9Ag76:21--D10Ag76:32 appointed to committee , Williamsburg, Va. , D24J179: 21 defendant in Va. chancery court, R2D73:31,PD28Ap74:32 elected mayor of Williamsburg, Va. , D4D79: 22 orders recruits to report, C11D79: 13 ship of lost at sea, R3Mr74: 33 slaves of, PD22Ag71: 33, R26S71: 32, R19My74:43 [Samuel], Col. , D1N76: 22 — P1N76: 22, D3Ja77: 11— P3Ja77sl2 [Susanna Chiswell] Robinson, PD16My71: 23 Thomas, PD10D67: 22, R140c73: 33 Thomas, Capt. , PD24D67: 21 — R24D67: 21 Thomas B. , PD3S72: 23— R80c72: 41, D12Ag75: 33, D14Mr77: 61 — P28Mr77: 21 adv. estate for sale, Pi23Mr75: 33 — P24Mr75: 33— D25Mr75: 31 adv. for stolen mourning rings, PD21Mr71: 33— R21Mr71: 33 adv. land for sale, R12My68: 32, R17N68: 33 announces election of committee in Lancaster co. , Va. , Pi2Mr75: 22 death of, D8My78: 71 property for sale, P29My78: 41 Thomas Bertrand, PD10Mr68: 31 William, PD3S72: 23— R80c72: 41 accused of theft, Pi270c74: 32 adv. finding horse, 7N54s21, R16N69:41,PD5N72sll adv. for runaway slaves, PD24F74: 33— R3Mr74: 42, PD10N74: 43 adv. property for sale, P29My78: 41 arrested for fighting in New York City, PD17Ag69: 13 defendant in Va. chancery court, R2D73: 31, PD28Ap74: 32 gives directions for manufacturing saltpetre in King and Queen co. , Va. , P2F76sl3 marriage of, PD16My71: 23 runaway apprentice, 30Ja52: 41 Griffin, H. M. S. , 11F37: 22, 1J137: 41, 24Ja52: 31 ship, 260c39: 31, 11S46: 21, 7Ag52: 31, D25Mr80: 12 Griffing, Aaron, PD3Ja71: 32— R10Ja71:41 Griffin's tincture, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. ,4J151:32 Griffin's wharf, Boston, Mass., PD10N68: 21, PD24N68: 23, PD13Ja74: 21 Griffis, Thomas, PD10c72: 23 Griffith, Capt. , of the Nonsuch, D9My77: 21 of the True Blue, PD30Ja72: 21 Charles G. , of Md. , R9Je68: 34 [Charles Greenberry], Col. , D40c76:41— P40c76:32 David, alias of David Smith, 10N52: 22 David, Capt. , of the Little George, 9Ja46: 4, 23Ja46: 41, 29My46: 4 [David] Rev. Dr. , P29Mr76: 23 Henry, jr. , of Md. , R9Je68: 34 John, P8Ag77: 33 Maurice, R11F68: 33 Owen, PD16J167: 41, R30Ag70: 32, R27S70:31 Robert, P14Mr77: 43 Thomas, PD1 Je69: 31— RUe69: 33 William, R7Je70: 32 Griffith & Bosworth, of London, Eng. , 15D52:31 Griffiths, Capt. , of the Dorsetshire, PDlAg71:ll of the Namur, PDlAg71: 11 of the Wilmot, 24N38: 22 John, P160c78: 32 John, Capt. , of the Betsy Gregg, Pil6Mr75: 32— D18Mr75: 23 Thomas, PD10Mr74: 31— R10Mr74: 31 Griffiths, Thomas, & Thomas, 4N63: 22, PD30J167: 33 — PD6Ag67: 33, PD10Mr74: 31— R10Mr74: 31 Griffiths & Thomas, PD30J167: 33, PD10Mr74: 31— R10Mr74: 31 Grigby, John, P25J177: 32 Grigg, Capt. , 30My51: 22, PD26N67: 31 John, R28J174: 23, P25Ap77: 12 William, PD4Ag74: 32 Grigger, Michael, C3J179: 42 Griggs, Mr. ,PD19S66:21 Grigg' s mills, N. J. , D27Je77: 21 Grigsby, James, D13D76: 42, Pll Ap77s32 John, PD25J166: 33, R14J174: 33 Nancy, marriage of, PD6My73: 22 Samuel, RllMr73: 33, C30Oc79: 31 WiUiam,C30Oc79:31 Grim, David, PD14Ap74: 13 Grimball, Thomas, Capt. ,D15Ag77: 21 Grimes, John, P17Ja77: 43 [John], Capt. , P10My76:21 — DllMy76:31 Maximilian, PD30Ja72: 33 Moses, PD18Ap71: 31 Philip, jr. ,P8Ag77: 11 Philip, sr. , P8Ag77: 11 William, Capt. , D28Mr77: 21, P20Je77: 32 Grimke, Lt. , P9Ag76sll Grimkes, Mr. , of Charleston, S. C. , R26J170: 13 Grimnel, Capt. , of the Little Tom, PD26J170: 23 Grimshaw, Aaron, PD2N69: 31 — R2N69:31 Grindal, Capt. , of the Norfolk, D14S76: 11 Grindall, Oliver, Capt. , of the Charming Ketty, 28F55: 31 Grindal' s bridge, Va. , PD18J171: 22 Grinders, adv. of, in Williamsburg, Va. , 481 Grinders, adv. of (cont'd) PD18Ag74: 32 Grindly, Capt. , of the Thames, PDllAp71:21 Grindstones, exported from James river, lower district, Va. , to Md. , RllAg68:24 exported from James river, upper district, Va. , to R. I. , PD8 Je69: 23 for sale, at Bermuda Hundred, Va. , PD8Ja67: 32 in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72: 31 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23, PD22N70: 31 in Petersburg, Va. , D25J177: 41 — P25J177: 42 in Portsmouth, Va. , PD15Ag71: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD19S66: 31 on York river, Va. , PD29Je69: 32 — R29Je69: 32 import to Boston, Mass. , allowed, PD24Ag69: 21 imported to Accomac district, Va. , from R. I. , PD22D68: 31 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from Antigua, W. I. , PD26My68: 22— R9Je68: 32 manufactured in New Eng. , R3Mr68: 24--PD10Mr68: 21 seized by Tories on Nantucket, Mass. , C15My79: 12 Grinnel, Capt. , PD8D68: 21 Benjamin, Pi2F75: 23 Grinnell, Richard, Capt. , R260c69: 11 Grinstead, John, 7N51: 22 Gripping, William, P270c75: 13 Grisley, Jeffery, PD21 Je70: 31 adv. for missing horse, PD25J166: 32 adv. land for sale, PD15F70: 42, PD19Ap70:41 announces departure, PD14Je70: 32 death of, PD140c73s22 meeting of creditors of, D4Mr75: 32 plantation of, PD24My70: 42 settlement of estate of, PD9D73: 22 Griste, Capt. , PD7Mr71: 31 — R7Mr71:32, R7Mr71:21 Gristmills, RllOc70: 33, PDlAg71: 22, P8Ag77: 11, P5D77:31 as lottery prizes, PD3S67: 31, R17Ag69: 32, PD27Je71: 33, PDlAg71:22--RlAg71:31, PD12N72:23 destroyed by Tories in German flats, N. Y. , P230c78: 22 for lease, near Germanna, Va. , 260c39:41 for rent, at Potomac falls, Va. , R29N70: 31--PD22N70s23 in King and Queen co. , Va. , 7N54:31,D20Je77:31 near Petersburg, Va. , R16S73: 33 near Williamsburg, Va. , PD18N73: 22 on James River, Va. , PDlAg71: 22 — RlAg71:31 for sale, PD18J171: 21--R18J171: 33, Pi7S75: 32 in Cumberland co. , Va. , PD22Ag66: 23 in Gloucester co. , Va. , R12Mr67: 31 in Hanover co. , Va. , PD23N69: 32 — R23N69: 31, PD5Ap70: 41 — R5Ap70sll in Isle of Wight co. , Va. , D90c78: 41 in King and Queen co. , Va. , PD23Ap67: 32 in Surry co. , Va. , PD25Ap71: 32 — R2My71:32 in Westmoreland co. , Va. , PDlAg71:22 in York co. , Va. , PD28J168: 23 — R28J168:31 near Amherst courthouse, Va. , D19F80:31 near Petersburg, Va. , R16S73: 33 near Williamsburg, Va. , PD2Ap67: 23 on James river, Va. , PD6S70: 31— R6S70: 23 on Nanticocke river, Md. , PD8N70: 31 in Albemarle co. , Va. , PD16S73: 32, P22D75:41 in Amelia co. , Va. , 27D51: 32, 7N55: 22, PD4N73: 23--R4N73: 32 in Amherst co. , Va. , PD25N73: 23 — R25N73: 43, P14Ap75: 32 — Pi20Ap75: 32 in Anne Arundel co. , Va. , R5Ag73: 23 in Anson co. , N. C. , PD22 Ja67: 32 in Augusta co. , Va. , Pi9F75: 33 in Baltimore co. , Md. , PD6My73: 23 in Bath, N. C. , PD25J166: 31 in Bedford co. , Va. , 24F75: 33 — D4Mr75: 32 in Bertie co. , N. C. , PD13F72: 33 — R27F72.41 in Brunswick co. , Va. , PD17S72: 23, PllAp77s42, P30c77:22 in Buckingham co. , Va , P160c78: 31 in Bushwick, L. I. , PD25Je67: 23 in Bute co. , N. C. , D20J176: 51 in Caroline co. , Va. , PD5S66s33 in Charles City co. , Va. , PD18F68: 32- R18F68:32,R190c69:41, P29My78:42,D230c79: 12 in Charlotte co. , Va. , PD9N69: 23— R9N69:32, PD15F70: 33, PD9My71: 33, R15J173: 41, D15Ag77: 61 in Chesterfield co. , Va. , P15N76: 12 in Culpeper co. , Va. , PDllMy69: 32— RllMy69:33 in Cumberland co. , Va. , R21Ap68: 21, PD23Ja72: 33— R6F72: 33, PD4F73:31— R4F73:23 in Dinwiddie co. , Va. , 15S52: 32, R12Mr72: 31, D17Je75s22 in Fairfax cc. , Va. , 310c51: 32, D19F79:32 in Fauquier co. , Va. , R17Mr68: 34, PlS75:32,D8My79:22 in Gloucester co. , Va. , PD290c67: 23, PD9N69: 23 in Goochland co. , Va. , D25D79: 22 — C25D79: 12 in Granville co. , N. C. , PD26Ja69: 33, D160c79: 12 in Halifax co. , Va. , PDUMy69s33, PD16Ag70: 41, PD7My72: 32, PD1 2 Ag73 : 23 - -Rl 2Ag73 : 23 in Hanover, Va. , PD23N69: 32 — R23N69: 31 in Hanover co. , Va. , 18Ag38: 42, PD3N74: 42, D19S77: 32 in Isle of Wight co. , Va. , PD26S66: 33, PD20Ag67: 33, PD10S67: 23, P20S76:32— D21S76:41, P18Ap77s41 in James City co. , Va. , P22N76: 32, P13Je77:32,P10Oc77:23 in Johnston co. , N. C. , D26F80: 31 in King and Queen co. , Va. , PD18F68: 32--R18F68: 32, PD7Ap68: 31, R14Ap68: 31 — PD1D68:32, R23F69:22, R8F70: 32— PD15F70: 33, R23S73: 33, PD140c73: 23 — R210c73:23,D90c79:32 in King George co. , Va. , PD20Ag72: 23, D14N77:32— P14N77: 31 in King William co. , Va. , PD29Ag66: 23, PD3S67: 31, PD12N67: 21, PD7Je70: 31 in Lancaster co. , Va. , PD7My67: 31 in Louisa co. , Va. , D16My77: 12 in Lunenburg, co. , Va. , 8Ag51: 32, PD12N67: 22 in Manchester, Va. , R22Ap73s21 in Mecklenburg co. , Va. , D18F75: 32, D21Mr77':21 in New Kent co. , Va. , PD16Ap67: 31, C19F80: 12— D19F80:32 in Northhampton co. , N. C. , D210c75:32 in Northampton co. , Va. , PD5S66s41 in Orange co. , N. C. , D160c79: 31 in Pittsylvania co. , Va. , R4F68: 44, R2My71: 33, PD30J172: 31 in Prince Edward co. , Va. , PD22Ag66: 32 , PD10N68: 31, P21Ag78: 11, P160c78:31 in Prince George co. , Va. , HOc51:41 in Prince William co. , Va. , R14Ap68: 23, R28Mr71: 33 in Rowan co. , N. C. , P30c77: 22 in Smithfield, Va. , PD1S68: 31 in Southampton co. , Va. , PD18Ja70: 33 in Spotsylvania co. , Va. , R27N66: 23, R13J169:31 in Stafford co. , Va. , PD18F73: 31 in Surry co. , Va. , PD16Ap67: 31, PD16Ag70: 42, PD9Je74: 32, D230c79: 12 in Sussex co. , Va. , R3My70: 31, R13S70:31,DllAp77:62 in Wake co. , N. C. , PD2D73: 23 in York co. , Va. , R19My74: 43 manager, adv. for in Va. , PD9D73:21 near Cabin Point, Va. , D18F75: 32 near Chickahominy river, Va. , D18Ap77: 72— P18Ap77s42 near Halifax, N. C. , D10J179: 31 near Richmond, Va. , P27D76: 32 near Williamsburg, Va. , 10Oc55: 32, R29Mr70: 22— PD5Ap70: 42, PD30Ja72: 32 on Mattapony river, Va. , PD4J171: 31 — R18J17L41 on Nottoway river, Va. , 22S52: 32 on Pamunkey river, Va. , 29Je39: 32 on Roanoke river, Va. , PD24Je73: 33 on Southern branch, near Norfolk, Va. , PD2Ap72:32 situation, adv. for in Va. , PD30My71:23 See also Stone gristmills Gristmills, described, for sale, near Suffolk, Va. , PD3Mr68: 32 in Nansemond co. , Va. , D14Mr77: 71 — P14Mr77:33 482 Grymes Gristmills, double in Albemarle co. , Va. , Pil6Mr75: 33, Pi20Ja76: 31 Gristmills, mortgaged, in Charlotte co. , Va. , PD10N68: 23 Gristmills, overshot, near Colchester, Va. , P28N77: 23 Gristmills, water, PDllJe72: 32 for sale, PD24Ja71:32 — R31Ja71:31 in Dinwiddie co. , Va. , PD27Ag72sll in King and Queen co. , PD29Je69: 42, PD5Ap70: 41--R5Ap70sll in Norfolk, Va. , PD10c72: 22 in Sussex co. , Va. , PD2Je68: 31 in Brunswick co. , Va. , 31J146: 52 in Charles City co. , Va. , PD12N72: 23 in Hanover co. , Va. , PD9D73: 23 in Isle of.Wight co. , Va. , PD9Ja72: 32 in Northumberland co. , Va. , PD5N72: 43— R5N72:21 in Spotsylvania co. , Va. , 19J154:42 in Williamsburg, Va. ,29D38:41 Griswold, Matthew, PD16N69: 12, Pi9N75:22--P10N75: 13 — D11N75:21 Michael, Capt. , of the Young David, 23My45: 32 Grits, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 12F62:42,R12J170:31 Grizard, Ambrose, R31Mr74: 33, P30My77: 42 Grizie, ship, [10Ja?]51: 12, 17Ap52: 32, 24N52: 22, PD2My71: 32 Grizles, adv. of, in Williamsburg, Va. , 21Ag52:31 Grizzie, ship, PD30Mr69: 32, PD29Ap73: 22--R29Ap73: 22, PD270c74: 23 Groats, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 16Ja61: 41, PD28S69: 31, PDllAp71: 32, PD240c71: 31, PD12D71:32 Groceries, export from Eng. to New York City allowed, D10J179: 22 for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 18S46:41 in Yorktown, Va. , 29My46: 32 import to Fr. from Gt. Brit, forbidden, HMy39:21 lost, adv. for, in Va. , PD18My69: 31 Grocers, See Convict servants as Groeve, William, Capt. , of the Elizabeth Dorothea, R11F68: 23 Groevii, Mr. , author, 24My51: 32 Grog, used to recruit troops for Gov. Dunmore, Pi23D75: 12 Grog, brig, D6Je77: ll--P6Je77: 21 Groghan, George, Col. , PD9Mr69: 22 Grogoon, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 10J152: 32 Groningen, discusses conduct of war, UJ146:21 Grooms, 18Ap55: 31 adv. for, in Williamsburg, Va. , R12Mr67:43 adv. for employment, 250c65s42, R10Ag69: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , R2N69: 31 See also Indentured servants as; Slaves as Grose, [John Henry], author, PD18J171: 32, PD25J171: 42, PDlAg71: 42, PD8Ag71: 42 Grosh, Capt. , of Md. militia, D19Ag75:32 Grosley, [Pierre Jean], author, PD3D72: 21 Gross, Daniel, PD2F69: 31 Solomon, Capt. , P22Mr76: 12 — D23Mr76: 32 Grosse, Sarah, P8D75: 33 Grosthwait, Isaac, PllAg75: 42 Grosvenor, [Richard], Lord, D3F76: 12 Grosvenor, Indiaman, R26Ag73s23 ship, PD9S73: 31--R9S73: 32 Grotius, Hugo, author, PD25F68: 41, D4My76:21 [Pierre], author, 24My51: 32 Groton, Conn. , mobilized, D14Ja75: 12 Groton, Mass. , See Non -importation agreements supported in Grots, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD18Je67: 33 seized from British ship, D6Je77: 11 — P6Je77:21 Ground squirrel bridge, Va. , 14Mr51: 41, 15My52: 32, D26F80: 13 Grove camp, near Williamsburg, Va. , PHOc76:32 Grover, Ebenezer, jr. , D24Ja77: 22 John Sedgewick, PD14Je70:32 William, PD12Mr67: 22 Groves, Capt. , PD21N71: 21 Mr. , of N. C. , P5J176p23 Elijah, P2Je75: 33 Ichabod, Capt. , of the Three Brothers, D18F75: 23 William, 28Ja37: 41, PD22D68: 33 Groyne, Sp. , See British navy to Grozier, Mr. , of Montreal, Can. , PD26My68: 12 Grub, John, PD28Ap68: 21 Grubb, Capt. , in battle of Long island, N. Y. ,D21S76:21 Grubbs, Heneley, P28N77: 32 Hensley, PD23Je74:31 Gruchy, Capt. , 13Je45: 21 Grume, Thomas, D30c77: 32 Grumley, Michael, 18J151: 32 Grundy, George, PD3Ag69: 32, P17My76: 33 Grunsell, Thomas, P8My78s22 Grymes, Capt. , of the Royal Widow, PD30Mr69: 32 Col. , forge of, PD21N71: 23 house of, 1S38: 42 Mr. , of Fredericksburg, Va. , R15N70:23 Anne (Lightfoot), PD11N73: 22, P18Ap77sl2 Benjamin, 20Oc52: 22, 15D52: 31 accused of Toryism, P5J176s22 adv. advantages of western lands, PD18N73: 22 adv. for runaway convict, R7Ap74: 32 adv. for runaway indentured servants, R16F69:31 adv. house for sale, PD20S70: 32 — R20S70:31 announces removal to Miss. , PD4N73: 22 answers charges, R9Je74: 21 associator of Spotsylvania co. , Va. , R15N70: 22 books of, PD20F72: 33— R27F72: 33 burgess for Spotsylvania co. , Va. , PD15D68: 23--R15D68: 21, PDllMy69s41, PD21S69: 23— R21S69:23,R9N69:11, PD30c71: 32--R170c71: 41 charges of answered, R9Je74: 21 contribution to Gazette refused, PD24S67: 13 defendant in Va. chancery court, R19My74: 22 defends character, PD21My67: 31 defends John Dixon's mill, PD14My67: 22 denounced by Wm. Champe, PD15F70: 22--R15F70: 32 discusses separation of Va. treasurer and speakership, PD10Oc66: 32 dispute with Col. John Champe, R3Mr68: 33 estate for sale, PD7N71: 31 — R21N71:21, PD16Ja72: 33, PD20F72: 33— R27F72: 33, PD26Mr72: 33--R23Ap72: 42 explains difference in dates of land sale,R23Mr69:31 justifies position in Dixon -Falmouth land controversy, PD6Ag67: 23 land of, R39N69: 31, PD25N73: 23 land of sold for debt, PD16My71: 31 — R23My71: 33 letter defending self, R26S71: 32 letter in post office, PD18F68: 31 letter to William Champe about furnace, PD15F70: 22--R15F70: 33 letters on debts, R18Ja70: 31, R29Mr70:31 marriage of, PD140c73: 22 meeting of creditors of, R30N69: 31, PD26S71: 31— R26S71: 31, PD15Ap73: 31— R15Ap73: 31 meeting of creditors postponed, PD18N73: 22 notices to creditors, R12My68: 24, PD9Mr69: 32— R9Mr69: 32 owner of Miss Spot, PD20Oc74: 31 property for sale, PD3S72: 23 property sold for debt, PD9Mr69: 32 — R9Mr69: 23 requests meetings of creditors, R1D68: 22, R27Ap69: 23, R4My69: 33 settlement of estate of, PD12My68: 31-- R12My68: 21, R18Ja70: 32, R31My70: 22— PD7Je70: 33, R14Je70: 42, PD15Ap73: 31 — R15Ap73: 31, D24Ap78: 32 slaves of, PD29S68: 31, PD12Mr72: 33, PD6My73: 32, PD15J173: 33 — R15J173: 41, R4Ag74: 33 Benjamin, jr. , PD3Ja71: 33 — R10Ja71: 41, PD7Mr71: 31 — R7Mr71: 33, R6My73s21, PD13My73: 23, R19My7*4: 22, P21Ap75: 31 Charles, P4J177: 31 adv. for runaway slave, PD130c74: 32 adv. land for sale, PD3Ja71: 33 — R10Ja71:41, R280c73: 33 adv. stud horses for sale, D14Ag79: 12 announces postponement of land sale, PD7Mr71: 31— R7Mr71: 33 charges answered by Ben Grymes, R9Je74:21 marriage of, PD11N73: 22 483 Grymes, Charles (cont'd) plaintiff in Va. chancery court, R19My74: 22 wife of, P18Ap77sl2 Charles, Col. , 29J137: 41, 27Mr46: 42, PD8Mr70: 33 Edward, PD18Ag74: 32 Frances, 29J137: 41 John, accused of Toryism, P5J176s22 adv. estate for sale, 17Ap46: 42 adv. for runaway slave, 18Ap45:41 charges answered by Ben Grymes, R9Je74:21 daughter of, 6Ja38: 42 letter from Ralph Wormeley quoted, P26Ap76sll— D4My76: 23 mourning ring of, PD21Mr71: 33 — R21Mr71:33 plaintiff in Va. chancery court, R19My74:22 property seized by Americans, P19J176:32 runaway indentured servant, P28J175:33 sells tobacco to Fr. , 5My38: 32 Judith (Wormeley), PD3Je73: 23 — R3Je73:23 Judy (Robinson), marriage of, PD140c73:22 Lucy, marriage of, 6Ja38: 42 Ludwell, 170c55: 22, R8Ag66: 41 Mary, PD4F73: 23 Mary, Mrs. , PD21Ja68: 32 Molly, marriage of, PD270c74: 23 Philip, PD3D72: 22— R3D72: 22 adv. for runaway indentured servant, 20F52:41 adv. for teacher, 19S55: 32 burgess for Middlesex co. , Va. , PD1D68: 31 charges answered by Ben Grymes, R9Je74:21 heirs of, plaintiffs in Va. court, R19My74:22 land for sale, PD22Ja67: 32 — R19F67: 42, PD3Ja71: 33 — R10Ja71:41 marriage of daughter of, PD270c74: 23 slaves of, PD13D70:32 — R13D70:32 son of, PD140c73:22 Philip, Hon. , 15D52: 31, PD21Ja68:32 Philip Ludwell, adv. land for sale, R26J170: 33— PD16Ag70: 43, PD19N72: 21 burgess from Middlesex co. , Va. , PDllMy69s41,PD14S69:31— R14S69:22, R9N69: 11 land entail docked by Va. general assembly, PD23Ap72: 12 marriage of, PD3Je73: 23 — R3Je73:23 ownership of land contested, R18Mr73:32 plaintiff in Va. chancery court, R19My74: 22 signs Va. Association, PD25My69: 12 Susannah, marriage of, PD3D72: 22 — R3D72: 22 William, Capt. , of the George, PD10Mr74: 31 of the Royal Widow, RllAg68: 24 Grymes, ship, 18Ap51: 22 Grymes, Edwards &, R26J170: 23 Grymes' forge, Va. , R24D67: 34 Guadeloupe, W. I. , British ships excluded from, PD10D67: 23 fortifications erected by Fr. , PD13N66: 12, PD15J173: 22 — R15J173: 13, PD25Ag74: 13 French magazines in, PD23My66: 21 reinforced, PlMr76: 21— D2Mr76: 21 See also Agriculture encouraged in; British army to; Cattle raising encouraged in; Cotton plentiful in; Exports from; Fever in; Flour stored in; French army in; French army to; French navy from Brest, Fr. , to; French navy in; Hurricanes in; Imports to; Imports to Boston, Mass. , from; Imports to Dominica, W. I. , from; Imports to Phila. , Pa , from; Imports to Salem, Mass. , from; Imports to York river district, Va. , from; Privateers in; Provisions, salt, stored in; Ships, American, captured by British near; Ships, N. C. , to New Bern, N. C. , from; Ships' sailing time; Ships to Boston, Mass. , from; Ships to New London, Conn. , from; Ships to Stonington, Conn. , from; ' Shipwrecks in; Slaves from; Storms in; Sugar plentiful in Guadeloupe, man of war, PD15S68: 23, PD16D73: 12— R16D73: 23 Guaiacum, for sale, in Richmond, Va. , 5S55:32 Guardaloupe, N. S. de, register ship, 24My51: 12 Guardhouses, in Portsmouth, Va. , slaves escaped from, C30c79: 43 in Williamsburg, Va. , bids for building, 5S55:31 Guardian, The, physical endurance discussed in, 10Ag39: 11 Guardoqui, ship, R27My73: 31 Guarland, British ship, 25Ja40: 2 ship, 22Ap57: 42 Guasco, frigate, PD2S73: 13 — R2S73s22 Guatemala, C. Am. , See Earthquakes in, near; Volcanoes in Gudgeon, William, of S. C. , PD28My67: 32 Gudgeons, for sale, in Louisa co. , Va. , PD18J166:31 Guellettee, [Thomas Simon], author, PD18J171: 32, PD25J171: 42, PDlAg71: 42, PD8Ag71: 43 Guerard, Benjamin, D8My79: 21 Guerier, ship, DlAp80: 13 Guerin, Dr. , of Fr. , pupil in Norfolk, Va. , R14J168: 33--PD1S68: 31 Guernsey, H. M. S. , 24Ja52: 22, PD14Mr66: 41, PD4Je67: 21, PD4F68: 23, PD25Ag68: 22 ship, P15Ag77sl2 Guernsey cattle, R25D66: 41, PD10Mr74: 32— R10Mr74: 31 Guernsey is. , Chan. is. , attack by French fails, D4S79: 11 British reinforce, 3S56: 22 conquered, D14Ag79: 21 export trade regulated, PD18Ag74: 23 — R18Ag74:31 fortified by British, PD13Je71:21,R22J173sl3 trade with Nfd. and Am. allowed, R6J169: 22 See also British army in; British army to; Elopements to; French Protestants emigrate from; Imports to James river, upper district, Va. , from; Murders in; Ships to; Ships to James river district, Va. , from; Smuggling on Guerre, Martin, 30N39: 21, 7D39: 11 Guest (Gist) Capt. , of Va. , murdered by Indians, PD10D72: 22 [Isaac] Major, P13S76:23 — D14S76:32 Nicholas, Capt. , P29N76: 22 Guido [Renel, painter, PD4Mr73: 32 Guidott, [Thomas], author, D24J179: 31 Guier, Thomas, 10Ja52: 32 Guild, Nathaniel, PD24Mr74: 22 Guild of St. Luke, in Florence, It. , R70c73: 12 Guilders, financial aid to Pol. , RllN73sll Guildford, Eng. , assizes, PD130c68: 13, PD130c68:21 oyer and terminer court, 10N52: 21 Guildford, ship, PD12S66: 23, R25D66: 13, PD22Ja67: 31, PD4Je67: 41, PD6Ag67: 32, PD24Mr68: 32--R14Ap68: 42, R16Je68: 24, PD7J168: 23 — R7J168: 22, PDllAg68: 23 — RllAg68:31,R12Ja69:23 Guilford, Conn. , See British army plunders near Guilford co. , N. C. , See Arson in; Counterfeiting, trials for in; Horse-breeding in; Land, mortgaged for sale in; Land, ownership disputed in; Land for sale in Guilford river, See Ships on Guilford warehouse, R5Ap70: 42, D12Je79:41 Guill, Alexander, PU7N74: 33 Guillar, Gasper, 3Ap46: 21 Guin, John, R12Mr72: 32 Guinea bridge, Va. , P130c75: 32 Guinea coast, Af. , armed by French, 25Ap51: 22, 20Je51: 22, 20Je51: 31 British defenses investigated, R5N72: 12 British forts on, PD17S71: 31 French fort attacked by British, 26S5L31 by Negroes, 170c51:21 French settlements on, 24My51: 21, PD13Je71:21 French trading interests on, 19S51: 31 friendship with Fr. professed, 21N5L21 trade treaty with Gt. Brit, discussed, 17N52: 12 See also British navy in; British navy to; British navy to Eng. from; Exports from Barbados, W. I. , to; Factories, French, establishment in; Franco-British rivalry in; French navy on; French navy to; Imports to James river, upper district, Va. , from; Imports to York district, Va. , from; Merchandise returned from; Ships, American, capture ordered by British off; Ships from; Ships to Hampton, Va. , from; Ships to James river, Va. , from; Ships to York district, Va. , from; 484 Gunpowder Shipwrecks on; Slave trade on; Slaves from; Slaves imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from; Slaves imported to James river district, Va. , from; Slaves imported to York district, Va. , from; Spanish navy to Guinea company of commerce, Danish, dissolved, D250c76: 11 Guinea marks, on slaves, D12Je79: 41 Guinea road, Va. , D24F76: 33, DlAg77:31--PlAg77:32 Guineas, captured from American ship,D3F76:32 coined in Eng. , R20J169: 11 in London, Eng. , PD140c73s21 counterfeited in Dublin, Ire. , R25Mr73:32 in Edinburgh, Scot. , R17Je73s23 in Eng. ,RlAp73:21 in Liverpool, Eng. , R22Ap73sl3 in London, Eng. , R13My73: 22 in Va. ,R24Je73:31 for British army in U. S. , P7N77: 12 for British prisoners of war in Va. , D26Mr79:22 reduction of value proposed, PD4F73:22 regulation of weight discussed, PD30S73: 23--R30S73s21, R30S73sll seized by French ship, D20c79: 21 from British ships, Pi30D75: 42, P16Ag76: 23— D17Ag76: 12 taken from Tories in N. C. , P22Mr76: 11— D23Mr76: 32 Guiney's bridge, Va. , R16N69: 32 Guirlande, French navy, PD19My74: 31 Guiror, Manuel de, 12S45: 11 Guitars, for sale, in Westmoreland co. , Va. ,P170c77:31 in Williamsburg, Va. , Pi20Ap75: 31 — D22Ap75:32,D14N77:31 music for, PD29Ag71: 31 taught at Va. boarding school, D20D76: 42 teaching adv. in Va. , Pi30Mr75: 32 — DlAp75: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , D4 J177: 72 Gulf of Florida, See Shipwrecks in Gulf of Mexico, See British navy in; Hurricanes in; Pirates in; Spanish army to; Spanish navy to Guliker, John, Capt. , of the John, PD270c68: 42. PD22D6&: 31 Gulix, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 10J152:32 Gulliver, [Lemuel], author, D9Mr76:43 Gum, John, PD1S68: 32 Gum, colonial taxes to be paid in, PD15S68: 12--R15S68: 14 discovered in Af. , PD15S74: 22 for sale, in Hobb's Hole, Va. , R6J169:31 in Richmond, Va. , 5S55: 32, R3N68: 33— PD10N68: 22, PD21S69: 41— R21S69s21 imported to Algiers, Alg. , D4N75: 12 plentiful in Af. , PD25Ag68: 22 — R25Ag68s23 near Podor, Af. , PD30J167: 23 Gum, medicinal, for sale, near Warwick, Va. , D28F77: 32 Gum ammoniac, as cure for whooping cough, D27S76: 61 Gum arabic, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. , P5S77: 33, P10Oc77: 12 in Petersburg, Va. , Pi23Mr75: 33 — D25Mr75: 31, D24Ag76: 61, D11J177:32 in Richmond, Va. , D8My78: 82 — P27My78: 22, P12Je78: 22 — D10J178:41 Gum guiacum, for sale, in Newcastle, Va. , PD19N72: 22 Gum plank, exported from York district, Va. , to Bristol, E n g. ( 30S37:42, 25N37:42 for sale, in Hanover, Va. , PD30J172: 31 Gum scantling, for sale, in Hanover, Va. ,PD30J172:31 Gum spring meeting house, Va. , R10D72: 31 Gum timber, in Elizabeth City co. , Va. , PD19N67: 23 in Gloucester co. , Va. , P310c77: 12 in Prince George co. , Va. , PD30S73:32--R30S73:32 in Warwick co. , Va ,D13N79:31 in York co. , Va. , R15Je69: 23 near Yorktown, Va. , R22F70: 32 Gume, Christopher, 12D51: 32 Gummims, Lt. , of Hampton, Va. , court of inquiry, P12J176: 13 Gums, sore, cure for, R28Ja73: 22 Gun balls, for British army in Boston, Mass. , P3My76: 22— D4My76: 31 in Bull island, S. C. , P5Ap76: 32 Gun barrels, made of Va. iron, D10J178:31 Gun carriages, captured by Americans in Fort Schuyler, N. Y. , P26S77: 12 destroyed by British in Boston, Mass. , P12Ap76: 22— D13Ap76: 31 on ships, P10J178: 13 Gun cases, captured by Americans, D13Ja76:42 Gun covers, captured by Americans, D13Ja76:42 Gun manufacture, adv. for brass in Va. ,P2F76:33 Gun manufacture in Fredericksburg, Va. , PH3D75: 11 Gun stockers, adv. for, in Williamsburg, Va. , D19Je79: 31 Gunboats, captured by Americans at Lake George, N. Y. , D10Oc77: 21 — P10Oc77:22 in Ticonderoga, N. Y. , D10Oc77: 12 — P10Oc77:22 Gunflints, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD20Ja74: 31 in Richmond co. , Va. , P24My76: 42 in Petersburg, Va. , D25J177: 41 — P25J177:42 in Smithiield, Va. , C3J179: 31 imported to Baltimore, Md. , from Martinique, W. I. , D29N76: 32 Gunhouses, William, Capt. , of the Adventure, 30J152: 31, 7Ag52: 32, 8D52:31, 19D55: 22 Guninson, Archibald, R10Ag69: 33 Gunlocks, exported from Fr. to Phila. , Pa. , PllAp77sl2 imported to Phila. , Pa. , from Nantes, Fr. ,D4Ap77: 12 — P4Ap77:21 imported to Sinepuxent, Md. , from Nantes, Fr. , D6Je77: 21 unclaimed, adv. of, in Va. , PD30Ag70: 32 Gunmakers, in Whitehaven, Eng. , R23J167:33 Gunn, Capt. , PD18Je67: 32 meeting at house of, R19Ag73: 22 Mr. , sale at door of, DllMr75: 32 Elisha, R3My70: 32 James, adv. finding horses, PD29S74: 33, D23S75: 33 adv. for drawers, PD30D73: 31, PD3Mr74:31 estate for sale, P21Ap75:31 — D22Ap75:32 manager of horse race at Richmond, Va. , PD30S73: 32, PD21Ap74: 31, PD25Ag74: 31— R1S74: 33 meeting at house, PDllAg74: 32 — RllAg74: 32 sells lottery tickets, PD14Ja68: 32 tenement listed in Byrd's lottery, PD23J167: 41— R23J167: 32 tenement of, PD9D73: 22 James, Capt. , PD26Mr67: 33, R29Ap73: 23, P31Mr75sl3, P3N75:31— D4N75: 31 John, 26S51: 32 William, PD15Ag71: 32 Gunnell, Henry, R3Je73: 23, R4Ag74: 22 Gunnersbury, Eng. , See Charity in Gunnery, experiments in British army, 7N45: 22 problems in solved, P2F76: 23 teachers adv. for scholars in Va. , PD2My71: 3 2— R2My71: 31 See also Marksmanship Gunning, Col. of British army, at battle of Bunker hill, D5Je79: 11 Gen. , to command British army in Am. ,D3Je75:21 Mr., U.S. envoy to Fr. ,D4Ap77:21— P4Ap77sll Gunnison, Benjamin, Capt. , D17J178: 32 Gunn's tavern, Va. ,DlAp80: 31 Gunpowder, arrives in New York City, P19Ja76: 31— D20Ja76: 33 — Pi20Ja76:31 in Phila. , Pa. , Pi7S75: 11, D20Ap76:31 in R. I. , D30S75: 22 as payment for Cherokee lands, P10Mr75s21 auctioned in Petersburg, Va. , Pi26Ja75: 12 bought by Gov. Carleton in Quebec, Can. , Pi260c75: 31--P270c75s21 — D280c75:33 bought in N. Y. for Mass. , PH6F75: 23 bounties on in Gloucester co. , Va. , Pi28Ap75: 32— P28Ap75s42 — D29Ap75s33 in Northampton co. , Va. , D4F75: 32 bounties on manufacture in Isle of Wight co. , Va. , Pi23F75: 23 buried in St. John's, Can. , P29D75s21 captured by Americans, P10My76:21 at Fort Chambly, Can. , P17N75: 31 485 Gunpowder, captured by Americans (cont'd) at Fort William and Mary, N. H. , Pi8Je75: 12 at Ticonderoga, N. Y. , P2Je75s21 — D3Je75: 23 in battle of Great Bridge, Va. , P15D75:23 in Can. , D18N75: 22, D2D75: 31 in Chambly, Can. , Pil6N75: 31, Pil6N75: 32--P17N75: 31 — D18N75:22 in Great Bridge, Va. , Pil3D75: 21 — D16D75:33, Pil3D75:22 — D16D75:33 in S. C. , Pi3Ag75: 33 near Charlotte, N. C. , C21Oc80: 21 captured by N. J. militia on Long island, N. Y. ,D24F76:23 captured by provincials in Boston, Mass. , P18Ag75: 22--D19Ag75: 32 captured from British at Ticonderoga, N. Y. , PilJe75:31 cargo of sloop Argo, D11S79: 21 carried from Va. to N. C. , D23S75: 31 destroyed by Americans in Va. , D15My79:22 by British in N. J. , Pi2N75: 32 — P3N75:23 duties on exported to British colonies, N. Am. , PD18Ap66: 22 embargo on released by Fr. , D22Je76: 61 export from Eng. , prohibited, P17N75:22— D18N75: 13 from France to U. S. proposed, P29Ag77: 22 from Gt. Brit, prohibited, PD8D74s22, D14Ja75: 12, D17Je75:21 from Gt. Brit, regulated, PD3F74:21 from Gt. Brit, to British colonies, N.Am., forbidden, D7Ja75: 21, D1J175:13 from Holl. regulated, Pi30N75: 11 — D2D75: 11 from Liverpool, Eng. , forbidden, Pi26Ja75: 13 from London, Eng., to British colonies, N.Am., prevented, D9D75: 21 exported from Accomac district, Va. , to Boston, Mass. , PD22D68: 31 from Boulogne, Fr. , to Sp. , PD10Ja71: 13 from Cork, Ire. , to Martinique, W. I. , 18Ap45:31 from Dieppe, Fr. , to Sp. , PD10Ja71: 13 from Dunkirk, Fr. , to Sp. , PD10Ja71: 12, PD10Ja71: 13 from Eng. to Europe, PD4F73: 22 from Eng. to Quebec, Can. , D4N75:31 from Fr. to British colonies, N.Am., PD8D74s22 from Fr. to W. I. , D22Je76: 51 from Guadeloupe, W. I. , to Casco bay, Me.,D6Ap76:31 from Guadeloupe, W. I. , to Md. , D6Ap76:31 from Guadeloupe, W. I. , to New London, Conn. , D6Ap76: 31 from Guadeloupe, W. I. , to N. C. , D6Ap76:31 from Guadeloupe, W. I. , to Piscataway, D6Ap76 : 31 from Guadeloupe, W. I. , to Plymouth, Mass. , D6Ap76: 31 from Guadeloupe, W. I. , to R. I. , D6Ap76:31 from Guadeloupe, W. I. , to S. C. , D6Ap76:31 from Hamburg, Ger. , to Holl. , P8D75: 13 from Holl. to British colonies, N. Am. , rumored, Pi29Je75:31— P30Je75: 13 from Holl. to U. S. , P30Ag76: 22— D31Ag76:21 from James river, upper district, Va. , to New York City, PD17Mr68: 31-- R14Ap68: 42 from Martinique, W. I. , to Casco bay, Me. ,D6Ap76:31 from Martinique, W. I. , to Md. , D6Ap76:31 from Martinique, W. I. , to New London, Conn. , D6Ap76: 32 from Martinique, W. I. , to N. C. , D6Ap76:31 from Martinique, W. I. , to Piscataway, D6Ap76: 31 from Martinique, W. I. , to Plymouth, Mass. , D6Ap76: 31 from Martinique, W. I. , to R. I. , D6Ap76: 31 from Martinique, W. I. , to S. C. , D6Ap76: 31 from St. Eustatia, W. I. , to Casco bay, Md. ,D6Ap76:31 from St. Eustatia, W. L , to Md. , D6Ap76:31 from St. Eustatia, W. I. , to New London, Conn. , D6Ap76: 31 from St. Eustatia, W. I. , to N. C. , D6Ap76:31 from St. Eustatia, W. I. , to Piscataway, D6Ap76: 31 from St. Eustatia, W. I. , to Plymouth, Mass. , D6Ap76: 31 from St. Eustatia, W. I. , to R. L , D6Ap76: 31 from St Eustatia, W. I. , to S. C. , D6Ap76:31 from Stetin, Prussia, to British colonies, N. Am. , D24 Je75: 22 from W. L to Phila. , Pa. , D29J176: 22 from York district, Va. , to Providence, R. L , 120c52: 31 for Augusta co. , Va. , Pi6J175: 12 for British army, PD23D73: 22 — R23D73:22 amount ordered, P30Je75: 21 in America, P14Ap75s23 — D15Ap75: 22, Pi260c75: 12 — D280c75:21, P1D75: 22, D9D75:21 in Boston, Mass. , Pil90c75: 12 — P20Oc75: 12--D210c75: 13, D25N75:22 in Quebec, Can. , D18N75: 21, P8D75:21,D30Mr76:31 in Va. , Pil6D75: 31 for British navy, PD9Ap72: 23, PD17Je73:22— R17Je73: 12, PD15J173: 22— R15J173: 22 for Continental army, P18Ag75: 31 in Cambridge, Mass. , P5Ja76(5)sl3 — Pi6Ja76: 22 for Fort Johnston, N. C. , PD10Ja71: 31- R10Ja71: 12 for N. C. troops, P29D75: 11 for sale, at Aylett's warehouse, Va. ,D2My77:71--P2My77s32 at Broadway, Va. , P29My78: 41 at Hanover courthouse, Va. , P23Ag76: 42 in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72: 31 in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD25Ap66: 31, D28F77: 41 — P28F77s22, P4Ap77: 32--DllAp77: 62 in Norfolk, Va. , 3J146: 41 in Northampton co. , N. C. , D15Ag77: 71— P15Ag77: 31 in Petersburg, Va. , D18Ap77: 71 — P18A177s42, P20Je77: 33, D25J177: 41— P25J177: 42 in Portsmouth, Va. , P18J177sll in Princess Anne co. , Va. , P19Je78:31 in Richmond, Va. , D10Ja77: 41 — P10Ja77:42 in Surry co. , Va. , PD6Je71: 32 — R20Je71:42 in Warwick, Va. , PD19N67: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , P14F77: 31 — D21F77: 11, D30My77: 31, D27Je77:31,DlAg77:22, D29Ja80:41, C15J180:22 in Yorktown, Va. , 4J145: 42 near Cabin Point, Va. , PD6Je71: 32— R20Je71:42 for soldiers, seized from British ship, P20D76sl2 for the Spanish army, PD10Ja71: 12, PD4Ap71:22 for Tower of London, PD15J173: 22 — R15J173:21 for Va. troops, P18Ag75: 31, Pil90c75: 32, P4Ap77: 23 import to British colonies, N. Am. , encouraged, P8S75sl3 — PU4S75: 11,P17N75:32 imported, lost, adv. for in Suffolk, Va. , 25Ap51 : 32— R9My51 : 32 imported, unclaimed, adv. for, 21F51: 41, 12D51: 41, PD16My71: 23, PD14N71: 22, PD23J172: 31 imported near Louisburg, N. S. , from Holl. ,P9Je75:13 — D17Je75:21 imported to Accomac district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , PD22Ja67: 31, PD12Mr67: 32, PD10Mr68: 31 — R14Ap68: 41, PD270c68: 42 from Phila. , Pa. , PD12S66: 23, R25D66: 13, PD3D67: 31, PD7J168: 23— R7J168: 21, PD8S68p22, PD24N68: 31 from Plymouth, Eng. , PD8S68p22, PD22D68: 23 imported to Baltimore, Md. , PilJe75:31, P2Je75s33 from Cape Francois, Santo Domingo, W. I. , P27D76: 23 from Martinique, W. I. , D29N76: 32 imported to Boston, Mass. , from Martinique, W. L , D16My77: 12 — P16My77: 21, D23My77: 22 from Nantes, Fr. , P16My77: 21 imported to British colonies, N. Am. . from Fr. proposed, P29Mr76: 23 from St. Malo, Fr. , P23Ag76: 21 486 Gunpowder plot imported to Charleston, S. C. , D22Je76: 61, D10Ja77: 31 from St. Eustatia, W. I. , P21Je76: 23 from St. Francois, Can., D8Ag77: 21 imported to Chesapeake bay, P8N76: 23 imported to Conn. , D3F76: 41 imported to Hampton, Va. , from Martinique, W. I. , D21Mr77: 11 imported to Hampton roads, Va. , from Cape Francois, Santo Domingo, W. I. , D27D76: 12 imported to Indian river from St. Eustatia, W. I. , D18My76: 32 imported to James river district, Va. , Nantes, Fr. , P21Mr77sl2 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from Southhold, PD11F68:23 imported to Long island, N. Y. , from Lisbon, Port. , P6S76- 22 imported to Mass. from Europe, P24My76: 22 imported to New London, Conn. , from St. Eustatia, W. L , DllMy76:31 imported to Newburyport, Mass. , from Fr. , P31My76: 13 — DlJe76: 12 imported to Newport, R. I. , from Curacao, W. I. , D13J176: 41 imported to Phila. , Pa. , P18Ag75: 31, D3F76:41,P8Mr76:31, D15Je76:51,P26J176:23 from Guadeloupe, W. I. , P19Ap76pl3 from Marseilles, Fr. , P16Ag76: 23 from Martinique, W. I. , P23Ag76: 22 — D24Ag76: 71 imported to Pomfret, Conn. , Pi9Mr75:23 imported to Portsmouth, N. H. , P12Ap76: 22 from Fr. ,DllAp77:31 — PllAp77sl2 imported to Providence, R. I. , Pi9Mr75:23,D3F76:41 from W. L , D29J176: 22 imported to St. Eustatia, W. I. , from Zealand is. , Den. , P12J176:22 imported to Salem, Mass. , from Guadeloupe, W. I. , D10Ag76: 61, D24Ag76: 22 imported to Savannah, Ga. , from W. I. , D10Ja77: 22 imported to Sinepuxent, Md. , from Nantes, Fr. , D6Je77: 21 imported to S. C. , D14S76: 41 imported to U. S. from Fr. , P30Ag76: 22--D31Ag76: 22, P22N76:21--D29N76:21, P16My77:22 from Nantes, Fr. , P25J177: 11 from West Indies, Dutch, D22N76: 11 imported to Va. , P20Oc75s22, D18My76:33,D3Ag76:22 from W. I. , French, P22Mr76: 22 imported to Williamsburg, Va. , P9Ag76: 32 imported to York river, Va. , from St. Eustatia, W. L , D8N76: 22 improved in New London, Conn. , D16Mr76:31 lost, adv. for, in Williamsburg, Va. , 10Oc45: 32 lost at sea, PD23My66: 12, D25N75: 22, D10Ja77:31 manufactured in Eng. , 14Ap38: 31 in Bedford co. , Va. , P16Je75s21 in Va. , PH3D75: 11 method of making discussed, P8D75: 12 moved from Newcastle, N. H. , Pil9Ja75:23 ordered by R. I. assembly, D14Ja75: 12 ordered for British government, PD10N68: 12 plentiful in British colonies, N. Am. , Pi2F75:23 in Cape Francois, Santo Domingo, W. L , P27D76: 23 in Hispaniola, W. L , P6S76: 31 in Martinique, W. I. , P28Je76: 13 in Va. , P270c75: 22 price high in Port Royal, Va. , P21Ap75s43 price of in British colonies, N. Am. , D6Ap76: 31 in Eng. , PD4F73: 22 regulated by Va. convention, P15D75: 11 rises in Phila. , Pa. , Pi20Oc74:31 — PD20Oc74s21 prohibition of exportation opposed in Liverpool, Eng. , Pil9Ja75: 23 — D28Ja75:21 purchase regulated by Va. convention, P8S75sll — PU4S75: 23 — D16S75:21,P15D75: 11 purchased by Gov. Dunmore, Pi9D75:21 by Gt. Brit. , PD14S69: 12 by Isle of Wight co. , Va. , Pi23F75:23 by treasurer of Va. , P8D75: 32 for Augusta co. , Va. , militia, Pil6Mr75:22 in London, Eng. , for Fr. , R25Ag68: 13 in Russia for Fr. , R25Ag68: 14 removal from Charlestown, Mass. , opposed in Suffolk co. , Mass. , Pi60c74: 23--PD60c74: 21, PD130c74: 13 scarce, in British colonies, N. Am. , D6Ap76:31 in Canada, 11J146:42 in Continental army, D4N75: 22 in Phila., Pa. , P28J175: 21 in Pittsylvania co. , Va. , PD25Ag74:22 on Va. frontier, PD130c74: 23 seized by British army in Boston, Mass. , Pil9Ja75: 22, D18N75: 13 by British army in Charlestown, Mass. ,Pil9Ja75:22 by Continental navy from Bahama island, W. I. , P29Mr76: 22 — D30Mr76: 32 from American ships, P31My76: 22 — DUe76:21, P24Ja77: 11, P28Mr77sl3, D19F79: 21 from American ships in N. Y. , D3Je75:23 from British at Fort Nassau, New Providence, W. I. , D4My76: 32 from British ships, 17J152: 31, P15S75sl3, P16F76:31 — D24F76: 22, P29Mr76: 22 — D30Mr76: 32, D30Mr76: 21, P26Ap76s21, P26Ap76s22, P7Je76:23--D8Je76:61, P16Ag76: 22--D17Ag76: 22, D8N76: 11 — P8N76: 21, P22N76: 21--D29N76: 12, P6D76:23,D27Je77: 12 from Castle William and Mary, N. H. , Pi9F75: 22 from Dutch in Gosport, Eng. , D2D75: 13 from Dutch ship, DlAg77: 11 from French ships, R30Mr69: 13 — PD6Ap69: 13, P12Ap76: 31, D13Ap76: 32 from Irish ship, D8Je76: 31 from N. J. ship, D13Ap76: 32 from pirate ship, D8Je76: 62 from Spanish ships, 21D39: 32, 23Ja46:31,4S46:22 in Charlestown, Mass. , Pi26Ja75: 13 seizure by British ordered, P12Ja76: 13 seizure ordered in British colonies, N.Am. ,D14Ja75: 12 shipped up Potomac river, D23Mr76: 32 subscribed for in Va. , PilOAg75: 21 subscriptions for in Amelia co. , Va. , P19My75s42 taken from magazines in Charleston, S. C. , Pi25My75: 33, D27My75: 33 taken off New Providence, W. L , D18My76: 12 unclaimed, adv. of, 27Ag56: 41, PD18F73:23 See also Powder magazines Gunpowder, damaged, for sale, in Falmouth, Va. , PD18J166: 31 Gunpowder, mealed, captured by Americans, D13Ja76: 42 Gunpowder manufacture, bounties on, in Cumberland co. , Va. , D25Mr75: 13 directions given for, P16F76s23 encouraged in Augusta co. , Va. , Pil6Mr75:22 in British colonies, N. Am. , D1J175: 13, P16F76s23 in Pa. , P24F75s22, Pi9Mr75: 31 in Va. , P10Mr75: 12, Pi30Mr75: 31 — DlAp75:23, P25Ag75: 71 in Bedford co. , Va. , P130c75s22 in British colonies, N. Am. , P16F76:23 inN.Y. ,D3F76:41 in Pa. , P15Mr76: 11— D16Mr76: 12 in Phila., Pa. ,D3F76:41 in Va. , P270c75: 22 Gunpowder manufacturers, notified sulphur available, P8My78s22 Gunpowder mills, bounties for, in Md. , P17S75: 31 in Haverhill, Mass. , D22Je76: 42 — P28Je76: 12 in Stoughton, Mass. , D22Je76: 42 — P28Je76: 12 in Surrey, Eng. , blew up, PD26D7L22 in Va. , P8Mr76:31 Gunpowder plot, anniversary 487 Gunpowder plot, anniversary (cont'd) celebrated, 11F37:21 in London, Eng. , PD14Ja73: 21 commemorated in Newport, R. I. , P11D74: 31 Gunrods, exported from James river, upper district, Va. , to London, PD26My68: 22— R26My68: 31 Guns, adv. for, P26Ja76: 32 captured by Americans at Boston Neck, Mass. , P4Ag75p22 in Fort Schuyler, N. Y. , P26S77: 12 in Great Bridge, Va. , PU3D75: 22--P15D75: 23 — D16D75:33 near Briar creek, S. C. , D25S79: 12 near Fort Schuyler, N. Y. , P26S77: 13 near Kittanning, Pa. , D31J179: 22 captured in battle of Moore creek bridge, N. C. , P15Mr76s21 collected in Va. , P10Ja77: 32 export from Gt. Brit, to colonies forbidden, D7Ja75: 21 from Holl. regulated, Pi30N75: 11 — D2D75: 11 from Liverpool, Eng. , forbidden, Pi26Ja75: 13 fired for king's birthday, 2N39: 41, 7N45:31 inPhila. , Pa. , PD25Je72: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , 5N36: 42, 21Ja37:42,4N37:42 for sale, 12F62:42 in Blandford, Va. , 2S57: 32 in King William co. , Va. , R60c68:24 in New Kent co. , Va. , R19Ja69: 32 in Norfolk, Va. , PD24My70: 33, PD22N70:31,DlMy79:32 in Princess Anne co. , Va. , P23My77:32, P19Je78:31 in Smithfield, Va. , D21F77: 22 — P28F77s22 in Warwick, Va. , PD19N67: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , 8J137: 42, 60c38: 61, 8Ag51: 32, 28F55: 31, PD270c74: 31, P10My76: 43 — DllMy76: 23, D10J178: 21 — P10J178:33 in Yorktown, Va. , D23Ja78: 31 for Spanish army in W. I. , PD20My73:21 imported, lost, adv. for, PD18J171: 21, P24F75:33 imported to British colonies, N. Am., from Fr. proposed, P29Mr76: 23 lost, adv. for, 7Ag52: 32 lost and found, in Cumblerland co. , Va. , R14Ap68: 44 on brigatines, 7N45: 41 on ship Gildart, 31J146: 52 on privateers, 28Ag46: 32 on prize ship Providence, 3 J146: 41 ordered returned to Va. public magazine, P4Ap77: 11 plentiful in Va. , P270c75: 22 seized by British in Norfolk, Va. , D30Mr76:21 seized from American ship, D140c75:31 spiked, in Boston, Mass. , D22N76: 12 stolen by convict servants, 2S37:32 by deserters, 5S55: 31, P26Je76: 32 by indentured servants, PD14S69: 33 by slaves, 30Ja52: 32, PD28My67: 33 in Granville co. , N. C. , PD2N69: 42 in N. Y. ,R19F67:22 taken by convict servants, 9Mr39: 41, 240c51: 31, PD22D68: 32, P16Ag76sll by indentured servant, 280c37: 41, 18J151: 41, 8Ag51: 41, 10Ap52: 32, 12Je52: 22, D7Ja75: 32, P21Ap75: 32 by slaves, 18J151: 41, 7N51: 31, 170c55:31,PD6Je66:32,PD4My69:33, PD4F73. 32, P16Je75: 22 from Tories in N. C. , P22Mr76: 11 — D23Mr76 32 unclaimed, aiv. of, PD30Ag70: 32 in Wdliamsb >rg, Va. , 50c39: 32 See also Blundei t usses; Carriage guns; Cohornes; Fireaims; Four pounders; Fowling pieces; Hand pikes; Howitzers; Minute guns; Mortars; Muskets; Pistols; Rifle carbines; Rifles; Six pounders; Small arms; Swivels; Thirty -nine pounders; Three-pounders; Twelve pounders; Twenty-four pounders; Wall pieces Guns, described, taken from slaves, PD60c68: 31 Guns, Dutch, stolen by indentured servants, R24Mr68: 34 Guns, rifle barrel, carried by Americans, D19Ag75: 22 Guns, smooth bore, stolen by indentured servants, PD24N74: 31, P30Je75s23 taken by convict servants, Pi8Je75: 41 Guns, swivel, PD10c67: 21 for sale, at South Quay, Va. , P7N77s21 Gunsmiths, adv. for in Fredericksburg, Va. , Pi21S75: 33— P22S75: 11— D23S75: 32 in Norfolk, Va. , R2Ag70: 31, PD30J172: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , 8Ag51: 32, PD22S68: 31 from Birmingham, Eng. , PD22S68: 31 in Prince George co. , Md. , D29N76: 42 in Williamsburg, Va. , R10Ag69: 32, PD30Ag70: 32 See also Slaves as Gunsmiths, apprentices, adv. for, in Williamsburg, Va. , P23Ag76: 33 — D24Ag76:41, P13D76: 23 Gunsmiths, journeymen, adv. for, in Williamsburg, Va. , P23Ag76: 33— D24Ag76:41, P13D76: 23, P30c77: 22 Gunsmiths' tools, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. ,DlMy79:32 Gunter, Charles, P24Ja77: 23 William, PD2Ua73: 31, P24Ja77: 22, P12D77:23 Gunther, Mr. , DlMy79: 22 C. , adv. for missing horse, C3J179:32 John Conrad, PD17Je73: 33 Gunworkers, in Yorktown, Va. , 6Je51:32 Gunyon, John, R80c72: 31 Gurley, George, death of, PD10Ja71:32 of Southampton co. , Va. , D6My75: 13, P2F76:31 George, Rev. Mr. , PD10Ja71: 32 Gurlinton, Richard, of the orford, 25Ja40:2 Gurnet [Shoal], Mass. , See Ships, British, captured by Americans near Gurney, [Francis.], Col. , D7F77: 12 — P7F77: 22, P26S77: 13 Gustavus HI, of Sweden, PD9My71: 11 — R9My71: 13 Guteridge, John, Capt. , R[llDs?]66: 33 Guthrey, Henry, PD14Ja73: 23 Thomas, 4My39: 41 Guthrie, Mr. , translator of Cicero, PD8Ap73:33 Samuel, P7N77s23 [William], author, PD25F68: 41, PD29N70: 21, PD13D70: 42, PD3 Ja71: 42, PD17Ja71: 42, PD24Ja71: 42, PD7F71: 42, PD21F71: 42, PD7Mr71: 42, PD21Mr71: 42, PD28Mr71: 42, PD4Ap71: 21, PD29Ag71: 33, PD17S72: 21, PD10Je73: 31, DllF75s23,D25N75: 12, D30D75: 11, D24F76: 43, D2Mr76:41, D9Mr76: 41 Guthry, Alexander, P12Je78: 11 Henry, 19D55: 31 Simon, R27S70: 32 Gutridge, Severn, R7Je70: 32, R19J170:33 Gutta vitae drops, for sale, in Yorktown, Va. , 30My51: 41 Guttery, Col. , commands soldiers in Jamaica, W. L,Ue39:41 John, PD30Je68:31 — R30Je68: 31, PDllMy69: 23 Mary, P18Ap77: 32 Guttrey, Alexander, R14Ap68: 32 Thomas, R24D67: 33 Guy, Lt. , of the Britannia, 11F37:22 Alexander, Capt. , of the London, 290c36:31 G. , witnesses oath, D30D75: 22 George, PD6My73: 31--R6My73: 23, Pi22D74: 32--PD22D74: 31, Pil2Ja75: 11— D14Ja75: 12, P7F77:43, D30Oc78: 31, D5Mr79:41 Henry, PD12My68: 31, R14Ap74: 33, Pil9Ja75:21— D4F75:32 Pierre, D16D75: 31 Guy, ship, 19D55: 22 Guy Fawkes day, origin discussed, R22S74:21 Guyenne, Fr. , insurrections in, R9S73: 11 Guyn, John, Capt. , 15Je39: 31 Gwathney, Owen, D21S76: 22, P180c76:32, P21F77:33, P21N77:23 Owen, Capt. , PD5F67: 32 Gwatkin, Charles, D22My79: 42 Charles, Capt. , D160c79: 32 James, Pil2Ja75: 32, P20D76s23 Thomas, Rev. Mr. , PD6F72: 32, PD20F72: 33 appointed chaplain to Gov. Dunmore, D18F75:23 criticism of, Pi8Je75: 31, Pi8Je75: 33 criticizes Samuel Henley, Pi23F75: 31 488 Gypsies excused from appointment to preach on Va. last day, PD26My74: 23 in Henley -Bracken quarrel, PD10Mr74:21 letter (text) from Camm, PD15Ag71: 23, PD22Ag71: 11 letter (text) to, RlAg71:21 letter (text) to William Byrd, R15Ag71:32 master of grammar school, William and Mary college, PD6My73: 22— R6My73: 23 opposes American episcopate, PD6Je71: 23, PD18J171: 11 — R18J171:23,R8Ag71: 12, PD310c71:21 opposes British colonies, N. Am. , Pi8Je75:ll praise of, PD3Je73: 13 protest against American episcopate answered, PD13Je71: 31 sails for Eng. , P30Je75sl2 writes sermon for fast day, Pil5Je75:31 Gwillam, Lewis, Rev. Mr. , DllF75s23 Gwin, Mrs. , PD27Ag72: 43 James, Pvt. , R14Je73: 13 Walter, Pi6Ja76: 32 Walter, Capt. , of the Friendship, PD7S69:31— R7S69: 32 Gwinnet, Button, president of Ga. , D20Je77: 22 — P20Je77: 23 Gwyn, Mr. , PD6Ag67: 32 Daniel, 9Mr39: 41 Humphrey, P16Ag76: 32, P21Ag78: 13 John, PH6N75: 41--D18N75: 32 Richard, PD23J167: 32, PD150c72: 32 William, PD7My67: 33 Gwynfield, plantation, Va. , R22Mr70: 32- PD5Ap70:41 Gwynn island, Va. , attack on described, D13J176: 62 battle at described, P12J176: 23, P19J176: 31, D20J176: 31, D29J176: 61 captured by British, DUe76: 31 invaded by Lord Dunmore, P8N76: 32 See also Anchors abandoned by Dunmore' s troops on; Apple orchards on; British army on; British navy to; Cables abandoned by Dunmore 's troops on; Dunmore's navy on;Dunmore's troops on; Dwelling houses on; Houses on; Land for sale on; Oysters on; Peach orchards on; Ships, British, captured by Americans at; Smallpox on; Smallpox inoculations on Gwynther, Capt. , of the Mary and Susannah, 10N52: 22 Gyles, John, Capt. , of the Mercury, 2S57:22 Gypsies, activities described, 25N37: 31 in Eng. , PD2N69: 22 in Surry, Eng. , PD3Mr68: 22 489 H Haarlem, Holl. , See Dutch navy from Haarlem Lake, Holland, draining of planned, 26S51: 31 Habeas corpus, right of, supported by Continental congress, PD10N74: 32 — PilON74: 21 Habeas corpus, writ of, violated in N. Y. , P3Mr75s21 Habeas corpus act, suspended in Gt. Brit. ,D9My77:31 Haberdasher's company, London, Eng. , boat of, 2F39:31 Haberdashery, export from Eng. to N. Y. allowed, D10J179: 22 for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD7S69: 33, R15N70: 31--PD22N70: 23, PD9My71: 33--R23My71: 33 in Petersburg, Va. , D25J177: 41-- P25J177:42 in Williamsburg, Va. , 27My37: 42, 18S46: 41, 19J154: 32, PD25My69: 32-- R25My69: 31, PD30Ja72: 32-- R6F72:32 in Yorktown, Va. , 29My46: 32, PD310c71:23 imported to Accomac district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , PD10Mr68: 31--R14Ap68: 41 from R. L, PD22D68: 31 imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , 23Ja46:41 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from Barbados, W. I. , PD7J168: 23--R7J168: 22, PD7J168:23--R7J168:21 from Boston, Mass. , PD14Ja68: 31 imported to York district, Va. , from R. I. ,25Ja40:41 lost, adv. for, PD3D67: 32 seized from British ship, D7F77: 11-- P7F77:21 Haberdashery, damaged, for sale, in Accomac co. , Va. , PD7Ja73: 31-- R7Ja73: 33 Habersham, James, PD7Ja68: 23, PD2My71: 11, D16S75: 23, P5Ap76:31 Habitmakers, See Indentured servants as Hack, Peter, PDllAp66: 41 William, P7J175s23 Hacke, Tunstall, 21Ag52: 22, 28Ag52: 32 Hackensack, N. J. , skirmish near, D160c78:31 See al so Continental army in; Prisoners of war, British, taken at; Tories captured in Hacker, Capt. , of the Providence, D3Ja77:21--P3Ja77sll Mr. , Ue39: 42 adv. German spa water, for sale, 8J137: 42 Anne, PD18F68: 31 Michael, PD24N74: 22, Pi8D74: 11 Peter, Pi20Oc74: 23--PD20Oc74: 23 Hackett, Michael, Capt. , of the Lark, 23Ja46:41,23Ja46:42 Hacklers, adv. for, in Richmond, Va. , D18D79:32 Hackles, for sale, in Gloucester co. , Va. , R17N68: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD4Je67: 33 Hackles, flax, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD19S66:31, PD3D67:32, PD28S69: 31, PD12D7L32 Hackles, hemp, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD19S66: 31 Hackley, Samuel, P30Ag76: 13 Hackney, Benjamin, Pi60c74: 33-- PD60c74:33 John, PD5S66s32, PD4D66: 32, R16Je68:33 Hackney & Sutton, adv. unclaimed tobacco for sale, P15S75: 32 Haddin, Thomas, P7J175s22, Pil5Je75:21--D17Je75: 31 Haddington, Scotland, See Prices current in Haddock, Nicholas, Adm. , 14D39: 31 British navy commander, 18Ag38: 12, 18Ag38: 21, 18Ag38: 41, 25Ag38: 31, 25Ag38: 32, 60c38: 42, 130c38: 31 in Madeira, 1S38: 32 squadron of, 8S38: 41, 20Oc38: 31 Rear Adm. , of the Sommerset, 25Ja40:2 Haddon, Thomas, R3My70: 41, D29N76:42 Haden, Anthony, PD21Mr71: 33, D4My76: 33 Elizabeth, D23S75: 12 Isaiah, P170c77: 43 John, P20Je77: 13 Zachariah, P24My76: 41 Hadges, Drury, P14N77: 22 Hadley, Capt. , of the Sarah, 7N45: 21 Anthony, PD220c67:21 Joseph, P14N77: 22 Samuel, D27My75: 31 Thomas, D27My75: 31 Hadley' s quadrants, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , R13D70: 32 Haesbrook, Mr. , assemblyman in N. Y. , 23N39:41 Hagan, Capt. , of the Rowley, P26My75: 22 James, R25Mr73: 33 John, PD18Ap66: 31 Hagan & co. , failure of in London, PD4Je67: 23 Hagar, Jonathan, PD3N74: 42-- PilON74:32 Hager, John, PD27Ag67: 22 Hagerstown. Md. , See Prisoners of war, British, taken near; Prisoners of war, Tories, taken in Haggan, Wolfgang, 30 J152: 31 Haggett, Edward, 17Ap45: 42 Haggey, Capt. , of the Newmarket, PD14Ap74: 13 Haggot, James, 9My51: 32 Hagins, John, R29S68: 32 Hagley, Mr. , escapes from Lord Dunmore, D25My76: 33 Hagset, James, 19J154: 41 Hague, Francis, R190c69s22 John, P24My76s21 Joseph, R23My71: 31 Hague, The, Holl. , plots against burghers, PD13F72:23 See also Bankruptcies in; British colonies, N. Am. , conciliation advised in; Courts martial in; Smallpox in Hague gazette, extract from, PD19S66: 13, PD20Ag67: 21, R25Ag68: 21, R24F69sl2 Haigh, Eng. , See Fires in; Mines in Hail, George, RlAg71: 33 Joseph, PD26Mr67: 33 Hail, in Alenzon, Normandy, Pi24N74: 12 in Gloucester co. , Va. , R19My74: 22 in Halifax co. , Va. , PD11D66: 23 in Va. , PD19My74:41 damage done by, PD30Je68: 23 Haile, Abednego, PD14Ap74: 32 Nicholas, 24Ag51: 32 Hailey, Bartlett, D11J177: 32 John, deserter, D12Mr79: 32 Hailstorms, in Cocksoky, N. Y. , PD30J172:22 in Norfolk, Va. , damage estimated, PDllAp71:23 in Williamsburg, Va. , D27My75: 33-- P26My75s31 Haily, Thomas, 14 Ag46: 41 Haines, Joseph, PD6Ja74: 22 Hair, James, Capt. , of the Providence, 24N52: 31 Matthew, P10My76: 32 Hair, for sale, at Blandford, Va. , PD6Je71:32 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD12D71: 32 in Yorktown, Va. , 25J151: 32 price in Eng. , PD23S73s21 unclaimed, adv. of, 2Mr53:42 Hair, curled, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PDllAp66: 41, PD19S66: 31, PD3D67: 32 imported, for sale, in Hampton, Va. , 5S55:32 stolen, in Williamsburg, Va. , 20Je51:32 Hair, horse, for sale, in Yorktown, Va. ,PD31Mr68:23 Hair, human, adv. for, P27Mr78: 11 for sale, PD31Mr68:23 Hair brooms, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD11N73: 22, PD270c74: 31 in Yorktown, Va. , PD25F68:31-- R25F68:31 Hair cloth, import to Fr. from Gt. Brit. forbidden, HMy39: 12 Hair collars, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD23Ap72: 23--R23Ap72: 13 Hair -cutting, adv. of, in Yorktown, Va. , 310c45:31 as punishment for slaves, D170c77: 21 Hair for wig making, adv. for, in Williamsburg, Va. , P22N76: 33 for sale, in Yorktown, Va. , 26S45:41,22My52:32 imported to Va. from London, Eng. , 19J154:31 to Yorktown, Va. , from Liverpool, Eng. ,4Ap51:42 Hair goods, for sale, in Hanover, Va. , D26Mr79:31 Hair hats, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 10J152:32 Hair lockets, for sale, in Baltimore, Md. , Pil8My75:33 Hair mattress, damaged, for sale, in Yorktown, Va. , PD7Ja73: 32 Hair meal sifters, unclaimed, adv. of, PD18F73:23 Hair net, for sale, in Williamsburg, 490 Half-thick Va. , PD23Ap72: 23— R23Ap72: 13, Pi20Oc74: 31--PD20Oc74s22 Hair powder, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. 3J146:41. PD25.T166:23 in Williamsburg, Va. , 25S46: 41, PD14D69: 32--R14D69: 23, PD170c71: 23, R150c72: 31, R12My74:32 Hair powder, violet, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD20Oc74s22 — Pi20Oc74:31 Hair -seating (for chairs), for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD7J174: 32. PD270c74:31 Hair shag, stolen, in Lunenburg co. , Va. ,4N63:22 Hair sieves, imported to Accomac district, Va. , from Phila. . Pa., PD12S66:23 damaged, for sale, R18J171: 33 Hair sprigs, for sale, in Baltimore, Md., Pil8Mv75:33 in Petersburg. Va. , PD290c72: 22 in WUliamsbure. Va. , PD270c68: 33, D8Mv78: 82 See also. Paste hair sprigs Hair trunks, as lottery prizes, PD28Ja68: 32 for sale in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 imported, unclaimed, adv of, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD4My69: 33 stolen, in Williamsburg, Va D14Ag79:31— C28Ag79 33 Hairbrushes, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD270c74: 31 made by slaves, P2My77r,32 Hairdressers, adv. for, R21N71: 32 adv. of, in Petersburg. Va. , R31D72:32 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD7Mr71: 32 — R7Mr71:33,PD10D72:23, PD21Ja73: 31, PD24Mr74: 32, P27Oc75:22,D30D75:23 in London, Eng. , PD22J173: 11 in Norfolk, Va. , PD10S72: 31 See also Indentured servants as; Slaves as Hairdressers, French, adv. of, in Williamsburg, Va. ,R6S70:31 Hairdressers, journeymen, adv. for, in Williamsburg, Va. , D14F77: 22 Hairdressings, in Bath, Eng. , PDUe69: 23--RUe69sll In London, Eng. , PD12Mr67: 21-- R19F67:21 Hairlow, Joseph, P8N76: 33 Hairpins, for sale, in Smithfield, Va. , D21F77:22--P28F77s22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD10c67: 13, PD60c68: 31--R60c68: 23, PD270c68: 33— R270c68: 22, PD18My69: 31--R25My69: 23, R260c69:23. PD2N69:41, PD4Oc70:31,R13D70:32, PD170c71: 23, PD13Ag72: 21, Pi20Oc74: 31--PD20Oc74s22 See also Marcasite hair pins; Stone hair pins Hairstone, Samuel, R25Ja70: 11 — PD15F70:23 Hait, Benjamin. D9S75: 13 Haiti, W. I. , See_ Hispaniola, W.I. Halbert, John, D8Ag77: 21, P15Ag77: 13 Halberts, captured by Americans at Boston Neck, Mass. , P4Ag75p22 in Roxbury, Mass. , Pi3Ag75: 32 used by British soldiers, D280c75: 12 Halcomb, Capt. , company of, P8Ag77: 32 Halcombe, John, P29D75: 23 Philemon, P29D75: 23, P170c77: 32, P10J178:42 Philip, Capt , D9D75: 32 Halcrow, Henrv, PD21Ap68: 31 — R28Ap68:33 Haldane, James, PD26D71: 31-- R6F72: 42. PD25F73: 31, R25Ag74:33,D13J176:21, P27Je77: 12 Halde, Father, author, 80c36: 21 Haldimand. [Frederick], Gen. , arrives in Apalatches. PD27Ap69: 13 arrives in Eng. . D280c75: 31, P10N75: 12 arrives in N. Y. , D8J175: 31, P113J175: 23--P14J175: 31 — D15J175:32 arrives in Pensacola, Fla. , PD28My67:21 British army commander in America, PD4Ap66: 23 death denied, PillMy75: 33 — P12My75sl2 directs construction at Pensacola, Fla. , PD23J167: 21--R23J167s21 directs fortification of Pensacola, Fla.,PD19D71:21 embarks for Boston, Mass. , PD270c74: 22 embarks for Pensacola, Fla., PD5F67:22 established post on Lake Pontchartrain, La. , PD12My68: 22 — R12My68: 13 expected at Natches, Miss. , PD13Ag67: 21--R13Ag67: 23 in French and Indian war, 16Ja61: 11, 16Ja61: 21 in Jamaica, W. I. , PD23Ap67: 23 in N. Y. , PD1J173: 32, PD23Je74: 21 — R23Je74:31 offers reward for murderer of Cherokee Indians, R210c73: 21 plans new fortifications in Pensacola, Fla. , PD18Je67: 22 recruits German troops, P3Ap78: 12 reported killed in battle of Lexington and Concord, Pi4My75: 23— P5My75s41 — D6My75: 13 reviews army in N. Y. , PD25N73: 13 reviews British army in N. Y. , PD2 Je74: 22 reviews British army in Perth Amboy, N. J. , R16D73: 33 sails for Falmouth, Eng. , P22J175s22 to command British army in colonies, PD18Mr73: 13 Hale, Capt. , of the Robert and Anne, 7Mr55:22 Col. , near Ticonderoga, N. Y. , D25J177: 12 Lt. , killed in battle of Bunker Hill, P22J175s22— D29J175: 31 Matthew, Sir, author, PD18J171: 31, PD25J171: 42, PDlAg71: 42, PD8Ag71: 42 [Nathan], Col., D22Ag77: 11 Thomas. D14N77: 42 Hales, John, adv. for missing horse. RllMy69:42 adv. for runaway slave, Pi30Mr75: 13-- DlAp75: 12 adv. settlement of estate, R13Ap69: 32 appointed to Henrico co. , Va. , committee of correspondence, DllF75s22 elected to Henrico co. , Va. , committee, DllF75s22. P24N75: 13 manages sale of imported goods, DllF75s22 [Stephen], author, D24J179: 31 Haley, David, P14N77: 33 John, 170x55:31 Half crowns, coined in London. Eng. , D14Ja75:22 counterfeited in Dublin, Ire. , R25Mr73:32 Half-hour glasses, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. . PD25J166: 23 in Williamsburg. Va. , D7N77: 32 Half jerseys, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD22N70:31 Half-johannes (joes), counterfeited in N. J. , R29J173: 23, PD16S73: 22 in Va. ,R24Je73:31 exported from Accomac district. Va. . to Phila. . Pa. , PD270c68: 42 imported to Accomac district, Va. . from Antigua, W. I. , PD14Ja68: 31, PD31Mr68: 22— R14Ap68: 41 from Bermuda, PD23Je68: 23 — R23Je68:24 from New York City, PD14Ja68: 31 from Perth Amboy, N. J. , PD22D68:23— R22D68: 12 from Phila. , Pa. , PD270c68: 42 from St. Eustatia, W. I. , PD31Mr68: 22--R14Ap68: 41 lost at sea, R130c68: 23, PD10c72: 22 stolen, RllAg74:33 — PD18Ag74:32 taken from Tories in N. C. , P22Mr76: 11— D23Mr76: 32 value in Continental money, D19Mr79: 12 Half moon pearl sprigs, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , R8N70: 13 Half moons, See Marcasite half moons; Pearl half moons Halfmoon, N. Y. , See. Minutemen of Halfpences, coined in Eng. . PD20S70: 22. PD10Ja71: 12 coined in London, Eng. , PD17Je73: 22 — R24Je73:22.D7Ja75:22 exported from London, Eng. . to N. Y. , PD30J167:21 to Philadelphia, Pa. , PD30J167: 21 to Scot. , PD80c67: 11 to S. C. , PD16S73: 11--R16S73: 31 to York river, Va. , PD24F74:31 Halfpenny, Mr., author, D11D79: 31 John, 20Ap39: 32 William. PD9S73: 32 Half-thick, for sale, in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72:31 in Elizabeth City co. , Va. , D4F75:33 in Hampton, Va. , Pi2F75: 21 in Norfolk, Va. . PD22N70: 31. PD15Qc72: 23, PD1S74: 32. 491 Half -thick, for sale in Norfolk (cont'd) PD22S74: 32 in Petersburg, Va. , PD6N66: 21 in Shockoe. Va. , PD22S68: 23 — R22S68: 24, PD7S69: 42 — R7S69: 42 in Suffolk, Va. , 5Mr52: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD19S66: 31, PD15F70: 41, PD4Oc70: 31, PD29N70: 22— R29N70: 23. PD17S71: 31— R26S71: 41, PD220c72: 22--R220c72: 23, PD290c72: 22--R290c72: 22, PD11N73: 22. PD29S74: 32 in Yorktown, Va. , PD25F68: 31 — R25F68:31. PD4Oc70: 32, PD310c71: 23, PD26N72: 22 stolen, in Charles City co. , Va. , 6Ja38: 42 Halfway house, Va. , P17Ja77: 33, P16My77s32 between "Williamsburg and Yorktown, Va. ,30N59:41, 170c55: 31, PD16Ap67: 32. PD22D68: 32, PD21N71: 23. PD6My73: 23, P26J176:42.D19D77:32, D160c78:41. C3J179: 32, D14Ag79:31 between Yorktown and Hampton, Va. , R29S68: 31. PD26D71: 32. PD2J172: 32, PD30J172: 33, D4J177:72,D10J178:21 for rent. PD28J168: 23. PD2N69: 43, PD280c73: 23 for sale. PD28J168: 23. PD2D73: 23, D31J179:31 See also Apple orchards in; Land for sale near; Merchants in; Peach orchards in; Sawyers in; Slaves for sale in Halibut, imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from Salem, Mass. . R12Ja69:31 imported to Va. from Salem, Mass. , R12Ja69:31 Halico. Finland, See Bears in Halifax, earl of, [Charles Montagu], author. PD18J171: 32 [George Montague Dunk], 5S51: 22, 170c51: 21, PD19My68: 12, PD15F70: 13 Halifax, marquis of, [George Savillo], author, PD29N70: 21, PD29N70: 22, PD13D70: 42. PD3Ja71: 43, PD17S72: 22. PD10Je73: 33, D25N75:21.D30D75:21, D2Mr76:43,D9Mr76: 43, D24Ag76: 61, D3Ja77: 43. D17Ja77:42 Halifax, Eng. , See Clothiers in; Imports to Va. from; Merchandise, price in; Shipwrecks in: Shipwrecks off Halifax. N.C.. town meeting, resolves (text) published, PD31Mr74:23 See also Apple orchards in; Cabinetmakers, journeymen, adv. for in; Clock and watch repairing in: Dairies in; Dwelling houses, described, near; Engraving in; Fairs in; Ferries in; Gardens in; Gristmills in: Horse-breeding in: Houses and lots for rent in; Houses and lots for sale in; Houses near; Jails in; Kitchens in; Lawyers in; Merchants in; Newspapers, delivery by riders to; Outhouses in; Peach orchards in; Regulators imprisoned in; Shops in; Slaves for sale in; Smokehouses in; Stables in; Stealing in; Storehouses in; Stores in; Taverns in; Tenements in; Warehouses in Halifax, N. S. , appoints peace commission to Indians, 24N52: 22 British army and navy leave, PD22D68: 22 captured by Americans rumored, D30S75:21 census of, 26S55: 12. conditions in, 30Ap52: 21. R12Ja69: 21 congratulates Gov. Lawrence on victory, 12S55: 21 fortification of, D250c76: 22 French designs on, 30c55: 22 French plot against, 12D55: 21 military importance belittled, D18Ap77: 31 prosperity of, 19S51: 32 reinforced, 24Ap52: 21, 28Mr55: 22 relations with Indians, 24N52. 21 resistance to British in, D24Je75: 23 See also Accidents in; Admiralty court in; Ammunition from N. Y. to; Arms shipment to; Artificers from; Boston port bill, relief from, by; Brass cannon from N. Y. to; British army, arms for in; British army, recruiting for, in; British army from; British army from Boston, Mass. , to; British army from Cambridge, Mass. , to; British army from Fort Cumberland, Md. , to; British army from N. Y. to; British army from N. Y. C. to; British army in; British army to; British army to Boston. Mass. , from; British army withdraw from; British cavalry in; British marines in; British navy from; British navy from Boston, Mass. , to; British navy from Hampton roads, Va. , to; British navy from N. Y. to; British navy from Newport, R. L , to; British navy in; British navy to; British navy to Boston, Mass. , from; British navy to Nfd. from; British navy to Norfolk, Va. , from; British navy to Portsmouth, Eng. , from; British navy to Sandy Hook, N. J. . from; British transports from N. Y. to; British transports to; British navy withdraw from; Convoys by British navy to; Custom collectors in; Custom commissioners in; Distilleries erected in; Emigration from Londonderry, Ire. , to; Exports from Accomac district, Va. , to; Fires in; Fish scarce in; French poison wells in; Germans arrive in; Hay burned in, Hessian troops in; Hessian troops to; Hurricanes in; Imports to; Imports to south Potomac district, Va. , from; Lighthouses in; Military stores captured by American in; New Yorkers in; Palatines in; Palatines immigrate to; Peace commissioners in; Prisoners of war, American, escape from; Prisoners of war, American, escape prison in; Prisoners of war, American, mistreated in; Prisoners of war, Tories, to Marblehead, Mass. , from; Prisoners of war exchanged from; Prisoners to; Prize ships, British, condemned in; Prize ships, French in; Provisions plentiful in; Provisions scarce in; Rents high in; Shipbuilding in; Ships built in; Ships from; Ships from Boston. Mass. . to; Ships from Cape Cod, Mass. , to; Ships from Chignecto, N. S. , to; Ships from Newport, R. L , to; Ships from Piscataqua, Me. , to; Ships from Quebec, Can. , to; Ships from Savannah, Ga. , to; Ships from S. C. , to; Ships in; Ships' sailing time; Ships to; Ships to Boston, Mass. , from; Ships to Hampton roads, Va. from; Ships to Hartford, Conn. , from; Ships to Ipswich, Mass. . from; Ships to Marblehead. Mass. , from; Ships to N. Y. from; Ships to Old York, N. H. , from; Ships to Phila. , Pa. , from; Ships to Providence, R. L , from; Ships to Rappahannock district, Va. , from; Ships to Williamsburg, Va. , from; Ships to York district, Va. , from; Stamp act opposed in; Stealing in; Storms off; Swedes settle in; Tea boycotted in; Tea, price of, in; Tea from Portsmouth, N. H. , to; Tea stored in; Tories from Boston, Mass. , die in; Tories in; Tories opposed in; Vendues in; Wine seized by customs in Halifax, N. S. , navy yard, stores for, PD23My71: 13 Halifax, armed schooner, PD12S71: 31 H. M. schooner, Pi6Ap75: 21 packet, PD30Ap67: 31. PD6Ap69: 22 — R6Ap69: 31, PD13Ap69: 21, PD27Ap69: 21, C13N79: 11, D11N75:22 schooner, PD28Ja73: 22 sloop, D15Ag77: 51 Halifax co. , N. C. , committee of observation criticized, Pi26Ja75: 11 resolutions (text) of, 1774, Pil2Ja75: 12- D28Ja75:23 See also Apple orchards in; Association of 1774 enforced in; Association of 1774 violated in; Attorneys in; Billiard houses; Brick houses, described, in; Dwelling houses in; Ferries in; Fisheries in; Horse-breeding in; Land for sale in. near; Lots for sale in; Merchants in; Peach orchards in; Postriders from New Bern, N. C. . to; Quarrels, personal in; Robberies in; Slaves, found, adv. of, in; Slaves for sale in; Slaves runaway from; Storehouses in Halifax co. , Va. , burgesses elected . PD15D68: 23--R15D68: 21, PD22D68: 23--R22D68: 12. R9N69: 11. PD7D69: 31 — 492 Hall and Sellers R7D69:23, PD19D71: 22, PD4Ag74: 23 committee, resolutions, (text), of 1775, P31Mr75sl3 trials for Toryism, P5J176s21 court, location regulated by general assembly, D27D76: 22 — P3Ja77: 13 court of chancery, suits in, PD16Je68: 32, PD14My72: 23, P21Ag78: 12,D13N79:32 courthouse, bids for building adv. for, PD130c74: 32--Pi20Oc74: 32 delegates elected, P9My77: 23 letter (text) to inhabitants, Pi20Oc74: 12 in second senatorial district, D26F79:32 reported list of tithables, Pi22D74: 32 — PD22D74:31 senator elected, P27S76sl2, P9My77:31 sheriff's summons, PD14My72: 23, D13N79:32 See also Apple orchards in; Artillery in; Attorneys in; Auctions in; Booker's ferry for rent in; Buildings in; Cropping houses in; Dwelling houses described in; Fairs in; Ferries in; Glebe land, Antrim parish, for sale in; Gristmills in; Hail in; Horse- breeding in; Houses in; Indentured servants runaway from; Jails in; Kitchens in; Land, mortgaged, for sale in; Land, mortgaged, in; Land, ownership of, disputed in; Land, patent, for sale in; Land, sold in; Land, surveys of, in; Land for rent in; Land for sale in; Lawyers in; Log houses in; Lotteries of land in; Musters in; Oak timber in; Orchards in; Ordinaries in; Outhouses in; Overseers' houses in; Peach orchards in; Physicians in; Pine timber in; Quarters in; Quarters, Negro, in; Robberies in; Ships for sale in; Slaves for sale in; Slaves runaway from; Stables in; Stealing in; Storehouses for rent in; Stores in; Surveyors in; Tithables in; Tobacco houses in; Walnut timber in Halifax co. , Va. , troops, deserters from, adv. for, D20Ap76: 33 — P26Ap76: 22 Halifax courthouse, Va. , See Apple orchards at; Dwelling houses at; Land for sale at; Ordinaries for rent at; Slaves for sale at Halifax gazette, extracts from, P7Je76:21--D8Je76:32 Halker, brig, C13N79: 11 Halket, Mr. , death of, PD9 Je68: 22 Jasper, PD21Mr71: 31--R21Mr71: 32 Peter, Sir, 28F55:41 Hall, Capt. ,210c37: 11, 210c37:21, 20Ap39: 22, 310c55: 11, R6J169: 23, PD6J169:31--R6J169:23, PD26J170: 12, R13D70: 23, R21N71: 13, PD16D73:22, R30D73:31, PD6Ja74: 21, PD6Ja74:23, PD6Ja74: 32, PD13Ja74:21,R13Ja74:22, PD26My74: 13, D18D79: 21. D25Mr80: 23 of the Dartmouth, PD23D73s22, PD30D73: 21--R30D73: 23, PD5My74:21 of the Elizabeth, 28S39: 31 of the Mary, PD2J167:21 of the Mary Harriot, R8F70: 23 of the Tiger, D7Ja75: 12 of the Vine, 25Ag38: 32 warned not to unload tea in Boston, Mass. , PD30D73:21 Dr. , house of, PD12Ag73: 23— R12Ag73:23 of Va. , PD10S72: 22 Mr. , performs operation in Boston, Mass., PD4Oc70:21 sons of, 6F52: 31 tavern of, D6Je77: 22 Messrs. , printing office of in Salem, Mass. , PD270c74: 21 Anne. , 4Ag38: 41, PD17F74: 31, PD3N74pll Anne Hunt, R7Je70: 31 Benjamin, PD220c67: 21, D25S79: 32 Charles, Capt. , of the Virgin Queen, 120c39:41 Claiborne, P18Ap77s21 David, PD14Ja73: 23— R14Ja73: 23 [David], Col. , P240c77: 21 Durham, 12D45: 42 adv. privateer for sale, 28Ag46: 32 settlement of estate, 7F51:41, 18Ap51:32, 8D52: 31 sloop of, 9My51: 32 wine of, for sale, 27Je51: 32 Edward, 20Oc52: 31, PD2My66: 31, PD23My66: 32, PD29Ja67: 13, PD18F68:31 Edwin, Capt. , P8Ag77: 33 Elihu, PD17Ja71: 13 Elisha, P27Mr78: 12 Frances, PD3N74pll George, PD13N66: 21, Pi4My75: 33 Henry, PD7Ja73: 32, R14Ja73: 41, PD7J174:23 Instance, PD210c73: 22, D8N76: 31, D4Ap77: 22 Isaac, D210c75: 31, D11N75: 31, D11N75: 32, D13N78: 31, D18Mr80: 32 Isaac, Dr. ,D10J179:32 Jacob, P10My76: 42 James, 7J138: 42, R7D69: 32, PD2My71: 33, PD3Mr74: 31, PD23Je74: 12, P3Ap78: 11 James, Capt. , of the Mayflower, 7Ag52: 31 of the Seaflower, 22S52: 32 James Ashley, R26Ag73s22 James, jr. , P22D75:41 John, R7Je70:31 adv. finding horse, PD4J166: 33 adv. for lost merchandise, 25Ap51:32 appointed Md. delegate to Continental congress, PD29D74: 23 appointed to Annapolis, Md. , committee of correspondence, R9Je74s23 appointed to Md. committee of correspondence, PD29D74: 23 house burned in Barbados, W. I. , PD5Mr67:21 letter to, in post office, PD28My67: 32, PD2i-69:31 John, Capt. , of the Conway, PD6N66: 23 of the Jenny, PD27N66: 22 John, Lt. , 30c55: 32 John, jr. ,R7Je70: 31 Jonathan, PD22Ag71: 33, P8My78sl2 [Joseph], Dr., author, D25N75: 12, D30D75: 11, D24F76: 43, D2Mr76: 41, D9Mr76: 41, D25My76: 43 Josiah, Pil5Je75: 33 Judith, Mrs. , PD7Ja73: 32 Leonard, PD5Ap70: 42 Lyman, Dr. , PD28My67: 32 Margaret, R30N69: 33 Molly (Power), 30S37: 41 Nathaniel, 14N55: 22, P28F77s21 Patrick, PD23My71: 31 Philip, Pi21S75:33 Richard, PD28Ap74: 22, P130c75: 11 — D210c75:31,P5D77:23 Robert, R3Ag69: 31 Robert, Capt. , of the Brothers, 27My37:41,24N38:41 of the St. Mungo, 19D55: 22 Robert, Dr. , P7Mr77sl2 Samuel, 20Je51: 32 Sarah, PD13Ag72: 21, PD220c72: 21 — R220c72: 22, PD5N72: 32 Tabitha (Ste.vens), PD7J174:23 Thomas, adv. for a school master, 21Mr51:42 adv. for lost snuffbox, 13 Ja38: 42 adv. for teacher, 11J151: 41 adv. household goods for sale, D28N77: 22 adv. land for sale, 12D45: 41 announces departure, D9Ap79: 31 marriage of, 30S37: 41 runaway convict servant, PHOc76: 33 sheriff of Prince George co. , Va. , 16Ja61: 32 thanked by Louisa co. , Va. , committee of safety, P29D75: 31 thanked for service to country, D23D75: 32 Thomas, Capt. , of the Industry, 10Oc45:31 of the Phoenix, 26S55: 31 [Thomas], Lt. , D14S76: 41 Thomas, Maj. , 28F55: 32 Thomas, Rev. Mr. , D23D75: 32, P29D75:31,D17F76: 13 William, adv. finding horse, R4Oc70:31, P117N74: 33 adv. plantation for sale, barter, or lease, PD7Ja73:32 deserter, P7N77s21 jailer, P21Je76: 33 of Carolina, R1N70: 31 ordinary of, P20S76: 13 tavern of, for rent, PD10F74: 32 — R10F74:32 unclaimed tobacco of, C25D79: 12 William, sr. , PD11J166: 31 Wills (Nobbs), P7Mr77sl2 Hall, Richards & co. , adv. merchandise for sale, P4Ap77: 32 — DllAp77:62,D2My77:71 Hall & Horner, adv. drugs for sale, P5S77: 33 adv. ownership of ship, D10J179: 32 adv. ships materials for sale, P9My77:41 Hall and Sellers, editors of 493 Hall and Sellers, editors of (cont'd) Pennsylvania gazette, letter (text) to, PD29Ag71:22 editors of Philadelphia paper, letter to, PD3Ag69: 22 election returns delivered to, PilD74:21 letter to, PD19My68: 13, R15Ag71: 22 letter to reprinted, PD13Ag67: 21-- R13Ag67: 23, PD27Ag67: 22, R22S68: 22, PD6F72: 11 take subscriptions, PD22J173: 32 Hall of Manufactory, Boston, Mass. , PDllAp71: 22 Halladay, John, jr. ,P2F76:41 Hallam, Miss, actress, PD140c73: 13 leaves for Eng. , R7J174: 31 of the American company of comedians, PD16Je74sl2 Mr. , 21Ag52: 31, 28Ag52: 31 to arrive from London, Eng. , 12Je52:22 Mrs. ,28Ag52:31 Lewis, 17N52:21, PD19Ag73: 13, PD26Ag73: 22--R26Ag73s23, PD27Ja74: 23, PD16Je74sl2, R7J174:31 Sarah, Pil7Ag75: 33--P18Ag75: 32 — D19Ag75:32 Hallern, Michael, P5J176: 33 Halles, Capt. , of the Three Sisters, PD30S73: 22--R30S73s21 Hallet, Capt. , of the Hardwick, 28N45:22 Halley, Capt. , arrives in N. Y. , R9S73: 32 Henry, PD2S73: 31 Halliday, Hezekiah, adv. for runaway slave, PD8S74: 32 Hallifax, ship, 27J139: 22 Hallock, Capt. , of the Hero, C21Oc80:22 of the Lexington, P24Ja77: 11 of the Wasp, P19Ap76pl3 Hallowell, Mr. , chased out of Cambridge, Mass. , Pi29S74: 32 leaves Boston, Mass. , for Eng. , PD21D69: 12 Benjamin, R15Ag66s22, PD5Ag73: 13 Benjamin, jr. , R17Ja71: 13 Robert, R17Ja71: 13 Hallowell, ship, 10Ag39: 32 Hallsfield, Va. , plantation, PD4Ap66: 33, PD2Ap67: 31, PD13Ap69: 31 Halock, William, Capt. , R21Ja73: 31 Halpin, John, 30Mr39:41 Halsey, Col. , It. gov. of [Ga. ], 24F38:32 Halstead, Capt. , of the Jersey, D9Mr76:21, DHOc76: 12 Halters, bit, captured by Americans, D13Ja76: 42 Halters, pillories, HAg38: 42 Haltwistle, Eng. , See Bears in Haly, Dr. , to be tried for murder in S. CPD14N71: 13 Humphrey, P14Mr77sll John, Dr. , PD26S7L23, PD19D7L21 William, R2My7 1:32 Halyburton, William, Rev. Mr. , PD18F68:31 Ham, George, PD20F72: 41 Samuel, P10F75:42 Haman, Philip, D24Ap79: 31 Hamar, Joseph, Capt. , of the Flamborough, 4J145: 21 Hambach, Frederick, PD19My68: 13 Hambden, pseud. , R30Je74: 21 Hambleton, Dr., horse of, D26F79: 41 John, 4Ag38: 32 Robert, RllAg68: 32, P4J177: 33 Thomas, 250c65s33 William, PDllAp71: 33, D19D77: 41 Hambleton, Eng., See Horse -racing in Hamblin, Charles, jr. , D160c78: 42 John, P16F76sl2 Hamborough, H. M. S. , 21N51: 22 Hamburg, Ger. , forbids Prussian recruiting, PD140c73s21-- R140c73: 23 gives armaments to Algiers, Alg. , 15My52:21 political news from, R16D73: 13 prevents shipment of arms to Corsica, PD1S68: 13 relations with Prussia, PD20S70s32 with Sp. , 5Je52: 11, 15D52: 22 supplies money for Turkish war, 26Ja39: 11 trade relations with Gt. Brit. , D29Ap75: 33 trade relations with Sp. prohibited, 18Je52: 12 trade treaties with Algiers, Alg. broken, 8D52: 22 with Algiers cancelled, 5Je52: 11 with Holl. , 17Ja51: 31, 24Ja51: 32 with Morocco, 13F52: 32 trade with British colonies, N. Am. , discouraged, D29Ap75: 33 trade with Sp. permitted, 21Ag52: 21 prohibited, 13F52:32 reopened, 8D52:22 treaty with Den. rumored, PD18Ap71: 11 with Prus. , PD2D73s21, R16D73: 13 See also Accidents in; Anecdotes from; Antiquities discovered in; Arms export from; Banking houses, losses of, in; Bankruptcies in; British army, bounties for enlistments in; Cannon export from; Cannon ordered in; Contraband between; Corn scarce in; Exports from; Exports from Ire. to; Fires in; Floods in; German troops from; Imports to London, Eng. , from; Merchants in; Naval stores purchased in; Prices high in; Printing in; Prussian army, recruiting in; Prussian army to; Recruiting for British army in; Ships from Kola, Lapland to; Ships to Phila. , Pa. , from; Sleeping sickness in; Sugar refining method invented in; Weather report from Hamburg fleet, in Hull, Eng. , 4S46:22 Hamburg lines, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 Hamells, for sale, in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72:31 Hameln, Ger. , fortification of, strengthened by British, PD18Ap71: 11 Hamen, Lt. , taken prisoner in Chambly, Can. , PH6N75: 32 — P17N75:31— D18N75:22 Hamilton, alias of Anthony Collins, PD26J170: 22 Capt. , 18Ag38: 41, PD20N66: 21, PD4D66: 31, PD13N66: 13, PD13J169: 23— R13J169: 22, P20Oc75s21 in battle at Freeland's fort, Pa. , C28Ag79:21 of the Fairfield, PD29N70: 21 of the Grizzie, 10Ja[ ? ]51: 42 of the Havannah, D210c75: 23 of the Lancaster, 10Oc55:22 of the Lizard, D23S75: 21 of the Nancy, PD11J166: 22, R12Mr67: 22, PD10c67: 12 of the York, 10Oc45:41 Col. , commands British navy at Quebec, Can. , D40c76: 61 Com. , of the Augusta, 21Mr45: 31 Dr. , horse of, R220c72: 22, R140c73:31, PllAp77:21 of Md. , R26My68: 33, P15Mr76: 31 duke of [Alexander Hamilton Douglas], horse of, D14N77: 41--P28N77sll Gen. , governor of Leeward islands, 12My38:22 Gov. , at Chesterfield courthouse, Va. ,C13N79:21 Lt. , conduct praised by queen, lAp37: 32 exchanged for American prisoners of war,DlJ175:31 wounded in battle of Bunker Hill, P22J175s22— D29J175: 3i Maj. , marches British army to Phila., Pa. ,PD10S72:21 of British army in Phila. , Pa. , PD25N73: 13 Master, death of, P17Mr75s32 Mr. , alias of Mr. Mackmare, 27J139:41 arrested for stealing in New York City, PD10Ag69: 23 in British army, P15D75: 31 of Nansemond co. , Va. , Pi9Mr75: 13 Tory of Va. , PllAg75p22 Mrs. , PD20Ag72: 32 A. , PD9Ap72: 33 Alexander, 12D55: 32, P12Je78: 22 [Alexander], Lt. Col. , D8Ap80s23 Andrew, adv. for journeymen tailors, PD14Ap68: 31, PD23Je68: 32, PD19J170: 31, PD28Mr71: 32, PD220c72: 22 adv. for runaway convict servant, R15Ag71:33 adv. for runaway indentured servant, PD130c74: 32 house of, 22 Je39: 22 letter to, in post office, PD12Mr67: 13 Anne, 25Ap55: 22 Archibald, 27My37: 41, PD24My70: 41, D8Ag77:21, P15Ag77: 13, P21N77:21 Archibald, Capt. , of the St. Paul, 10Oc45:3,9Ja46:4 Archibald & co. , adv. property for sale, D8Ag77:21 announce departure, D8Ag77: 21 hold bond,D6N79:32 succeed John Hamilton & co. , PD12My74pll Arthur, PD17D67: 33, PD22Mr70: 42 — R22Mr70: 31, PD21Mr71: 31 — 494 Hammers R21Mr71:33 Arthur, Rpv. Mr. , PD3N68: 23-- R3N68:32, PD22D68:23-- R22D68: 12, PD4My69: 33 Charles, 28Ag52: 31 Charlotte, 28Ag52: 31 David, Pil5D74:33 [David J, Sir, author, D24J179: 31 Douglas, PD26N72: 31, D4My76: 33-- P19Ap76.sll Frederick, D4Ap77: 21--P4Ap77sll Gawin, PD15J173: 32, Pi270c74: 32-- PD270c74: 23, P16Je75: 31-- D17Je75: 33, P10N75: 43 Gavin. Capt. , of the Betsey, R4D66:31 of the Fairfield, PD3Ja71: 33, PD7Mr71:32 Gavin & co. , Norfolk merchants, PD13My73: 41-- R13My73: 32 George, adv. carving and gilding, PD28J174:32 adv. for mi^sinfi horse. D14S7f: 72 adv. for runaway slave, P14Ap75: 32 announces departure, P9F76:3^-- D10F76: 32. D180c76: 32, D28Mr77: 31 guilty of Toryism, P20D76: 11 George, Capt. , of the Nancy, PD29S68: 21--R29S68: 22 ' Gilbert, PD29Ja67: 13. PD16J167: 41 Henry, It. gov. of Detroit, appointed, D8J175: 23 defeated at Vincennes, Can. , D22My79: 22 in Williamsburg. T /a. . as prisoner, D19Je79:31 parole ordered, D90c79: 31 proposes articles of capitulation to Clark, D5Je79: 22 surrenders Vincennes. Can. , D26Je79: 22 threatens Indian attacks, D26Je79: 11 tyranny of criticized, D17J179: 12 Hugh, accused of violating Association of 1774, P17F75s22 adv. dissolution of partnership, PD23S73: 31--R30S73: 33 mortgage held on estate, R3My70: 32 adv. settlement of estate of, PDllJe72:32 announces departure, P16Je75: 32-- D17Je75:31 letter to, in post office, PD2F69: 23 requests meeting of creditors, PD27F72:32--R27F72:31 PD14My72: 22, PD3S72: 22 James, 30c55: 32 adv. for missing horse, P6S76: 43 adv. goldsmithing, PD18Ap66:33, R26S71:32 announces departure, PD6Je66: 31, R15D68:31,D24F76:33 appointed gov. of Pa. during absence of gov. ,PD23My71: 22 deserter, 2S57: 42, P15Ag77: 32 elected burgess from Loudoun co. , Va. , PD15D68: 23--R15D68: 21, R15D68: 21, PDllMy69s41, PD28S69: 23, R9N69:11 killed by Indians, PD8S74: 23 letter to, in post office, PD29Ja67: 13 lottery of, R26My68: 32, R23 Je68: 24, R15D68:31 signs Va. Association, PD25My69: 12 James, Capt. , of the Dartmouth, D140c75:21 [Jamesj, Gen. , D14N77: 21--P14N77: 21 James, gov. of Pa. , 29My52: 21 Maj. , 16Ja61:32 John, PD10Oc71: 32, PD24S72: 23, PD25F73:32 adv. for missing horse, P19Je78: 11 adv. lottery, R17Mr68: 34 adv. merchandise for sale, PD270c74: 23 announces departure, D9Mr76: 31 appointed to committee of trade of Va. merchants, R26N72: 21 describes naval engagement near Phila. ,Pa. ,P31My76:21 executed for murder, R31My70: 22 horses of, for sale, P29Ag77: 32 manager for Archibald Hamilton & co. , PD12My74pll of N. C. , PD27Ag67; 31, D8Ag77: 21, P15Ae77:13 leaves N. C. , P21N77: 21 sentenced for murder, R19Ap70: 23 slave of, D28Ja75: 32, P15S75s23 store of, in N. C. , PD14D69: 33 subscriber to meeting of merchants, PD30Je74: 23 John, Sgt. ,R14Ja73:13 John & co. , adv. for ship for charter, PD6F72: 32, PD21My72: 22, PD2J172: 32, R4F73: 31, PDlAp73: 32-- RlAp73:33 adv. plantation and houses for sale, PDllJe72:32 requests payment of debts, PD12My74pll takes over business of William Hamilton & co. , PD27Je71: 32 Matthew, R2My71: 32 Morris, R15N70: 43 Otho, Lt. , Col. , PDlS74s22-- R1S74;22 Patrick, R3D72: 23 Patt. ,P5Je78:31 Phillis,D31Ag76:31 Robert, 1F40: 41. 18Ap55: 22, R29S68: 32 Capt. , of the Annabelia, 10Oc45; 22, 28Ag46:32 of the Murdock. 310c51: 22, 14N51: 31, 15S52: 32, 27Ag56: 32 Sir, Pil7Ag75: 32--P18Ag75: 11-- D19Ag75:31 Samuel, P9My77: 43 Thomas, PDllMr73: 32, P2My77sl2, P29Ag77:32 W. , & co. . adv for ship for charter, PD6S70: 31 William, adv. finding horse, P29Ag77:41 announces departure, PD14Ap68: 31 author, PD18J171: 32, PD25J171: 42, PDlAg71: 42, PD8Ag71: 42 defendant in Chancery court, 270c52: 22 270c52:22 deserter, 30c55: 32 storekeeper for James Anderson, , PD3Je73:32 William, & co. , adv. dissolution of partnership, PD27Je71: 32 PD27Je71:32 adv. land for sale, PD27Ag67: 31 attorneys for Charles Gilmour, PD24My70: 42 merchants, PD6J169: 33 Hamilton, Donaldson &, acquitted of violation of Association, Pi24Ag75: 21-- P25Ag75:71--D26Ag75:31 Hamilton, Gibson, Donaldson, &, adv. for runaway slave, D28Ja75: 32 bought bills of exchange, D230c79: 31-- C30Oc79:41 passenger agents, P5Ja76s23-- D6Ja76: 33 payment of debts due requested, P19Ap76sll--D4My76: 33 ships of seized by British, P7J175: 32-- D8J175:32 Hamilton, Pagan, Crawford, &, debts of John Semple to, PD26Ag73: 31-- R26Ag73: 22 Hamilton, Scot. , See Schools, charity in Hamilton, brigantine, PD12My74pll ship, 25S46: 41, 25S46: 42, R8S74: 31, DlAp75:31 Hamilton parish, Va. , divided by general assembly, PD28D69: 23-- R28D69: 23 See also Churchwardens in; Glebe land in Hamlet, James, P23My77: 43 Thomas, 4N63: 31 William, P14Mr77: 32 Hamlin, Capt. , 170c51: 32, PD14S69: 31 of the Betty, 15Ap37: 12 of the Experiment, PD20Oc68: 22, PD17Ag69: 22, PD21S69: 33 — R21S69s21, PD21S69: 41--R21S69s21, PD25Oc70: 22, PD15Ag71: 12 Stephen, PD30Ag70: 31 Thomas, P160c78: 42 Capt. , of the Betty, 3D36: 42, 25Mr37:41 of the Little Molly, HAg38: 41, 9F39: 42, 18My39: 4, 14D39: 1 William, RllOc70: 32, PD2My71: 32, PD27Je71: 33, PD14My72: 23, P25Ag75:73,P8Mr76s23 William, Capt. , of the Experiment, R14S69:22 Hamm, James, PD13Ag72: 22 Hammerer, Mr. , missionary to Cherokees, PD21My67: 22 Hammermen, See Slaves as Hammers, captured by Americans, D13Ja76:42 for sale, 12F62: 42 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Smithfield, Va. , D21F77: 22-- P28F77s22 in Williamsburg, Va. , HOc51: 41 seized from British at Fort Nassau, New Providence, W. I. , D4My76: 32 stolen, R7Je70: 32 Hammers, claw, for sale, at Kemp's landing, Va. , D19Mr79: 31 in Princess Anne co. , Va. , P23My77: 32 Hammers, forge, imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from New York City, PD7J168: 23 Hammers, gun, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. ,HOc51:41 Hammers, hand, seized from British ship, P7Je76: 23--D8Je76: 61 Hammers, sadler, for sale, at Kemp's landing, Va. , D19Mr79: 31 Hammers, shoe, for sale, in Smithfield, Va. , D21F77: 22--P28F77s22 Hammers, shoemakers', for sale, at 495 Hammers, shoemakers', for sale (cont'd) Kemp's landing, Va. , D19Mr79: 31 Hammers, spinnet, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PDllAp71: 32 Hammerton, John, 23S37: 22 Hammet, Capt. , of the Satisfaction, 10N52: 22 Hammett, John, R23Ap72: 13 William, P16Ag76s22 Hammocks, stolen, by sailors, P24F75:41 Hammond, Capt. , PD28Ap68: 22, PD26Ja69: 31--R26Ja69: 23, PD16J172:31 of the Arethusa, PD2Ja72: 31, PD7My72: 23, PD80c72: 31, PD28Ja73: 22 of the Barfleur, PD13Je71: 22 of the Conqueror, DlAp80: 21 of the Orpheus, D13J176: 61 of the Warner, D13Ja76: 13 sends Capt. Forrester to prison ship, P22Mr76: 23 to Ga. ,D24Ap79:31 Com. , orders cessation of fire, P23F76:32 Andrew, Sir, D13N79: 12 Andrew, Sir, Capt. , of the Roebuck, P16F76:31--D17F76:32, P19J176:31,D160c79:21, D29Ja80: 23 Benjamin, Capt. , of the Elizabeth, PD23My66: 31 of the Neptune, PD29N70: 23 slave of, R14Ja73:41 Charles, PD22D74: 32, P3Ja77: 31, P29My78: 32 jr. , R2bJ170:31 Edward, P25Ap77: 12 Giles, PD24Ja71: 32 Henry, Dr. , author, 24My51: 32 J. , Dr. , author, PD18J171: 31, PD25J171: 41, PDlAg71: 42, PD8Ag71: 42, PD17S72: 21, PD10Je73:31,D25N75:12, D30D75: 11, D24F76: 43, D2Mr76: 41, D9Mr76: 41, D25My76: 43, D24Ag76: 51, D20D76: 42, D3Ja77: 41, D17Ja77: 41, D2My77: 81, D4J177: 82 John, 9My55: 22, PD10D67: 31 Leonard, Capt. , of the Betsey, PD8S68p22, PD270c68: 42 LeRoy, Col. , DlMy79: 21 Lewis, D14S76: 62 Matthias, R9Je74s23 [Nathaniel], author, PD25F68: 41 Philip, speaker of Md. house of delegates, 6Je51: 21, 17J152: 31 Thomas, 27Ag56: 32 Thomas, Capt. , 13Je45: 22 of the Anne and Jean, 270c52: 21 Dr. , PD10S72: 23, PD7Ap74: 32 William, PD80c67: 13 Hammond, brig, D25D79: 21 British privateer, D230c79: 31, D18D79: 22 privateer, D12Je79: 31, D25S79: 22 Hammonds, John, R15J173: 41 Hammond's antimonial essence, adv. of, PD10S72: 23 for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , D16Ap79:22,D24J179:31, D4Mr80: 13 Hammond's specific pills, adv. of, PD10S72: 23, PD7Ap74: 32 for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , D16Ap79:22,D24J179:31 Hamond, Samuel, DlMy79: 31 Hamour, Mark, D23Ja78: 42 Hampden, Mr. , PD20Ja74: 11 Hampden, pseud. , PD11N73: 11, PD11N73: 12--R11N73: 11, PD25N73: 12- R25N73: 22, PD2D73: 11, D20Ap76: 32, D27Ap76:31 ship, D5Je79: 21 Hampden -Sidney academy, Va. , P30Ag76: 13 adv. for steward, D14F77: 31, PlbOc78:33 adv. of, D70c75: 32, D9D75: 32 board at, P160c78: 33 lottery for, P4J177s41, P20Mr78: 12 authorized by assembly, D4J177: 41 — P4J177: 12 drawing of, at Prince-Edward court- house, Va. , P10J178: 23 students requested to bring own beds, D27Ap76:33 Hampshire, Eng. , See Anecdotes from; Artifacts discovered in; Distemper among cattle in; Jails in; Medical science, deformities in; Wheat, price in Hampshire, H. M. S. , 12D45: 12, 12D45: 21, 21N51: 22, 24Ja52: 22, 16Ja61:32 ship, 28N45: 32, P28F77: 13 Hampshire co. , Eng. , See Corn price high in Hampshire co. , Mass. , grand juries in, 250cb5s22 See also Militia of Hampshire co. , Va. , burgesses elected, PD15D68: 23--R15D68: 21, PD28S69: 23, R9N69: 11, PD4Ag74: 23 census requested, P19Ap76p23 — D27Ap76: 33 chancery court, suits in, R30My71: 23, R19My74:43,R9Je74:22 court, property sold by order of, R26S71:31 delegates elected, P9My77: 23 freeholders, praise burgesses, R50c69:22 in sixth senatorial district, D26F79: 32 list of tithables for 1774, not returned, Pil8My75: 33--P19My75: 32— D20My75: 33 senator elected, D250c76: 42— P250c76:22, P9My77: 23 sheriff's sales in, R17Je73: 33, R210c73: 22, R12My74: 32 sheriff's summons, PDlAg66: 31, R30My71: 23, R10Je73sll, R19My74:43,R9Je74:22 See also Auctions in; Bridges in; Dwelling houses in; Houses in; Indentured servants runaway from; Indian attacks in; Jails in; Kitchens in; Land, mortgaged, for sale in; Land for sale in; Manor plantations in; Militia claims in; Militia in; Mills in; Musters, general, dates appointed for in; Physicians in; Saltpeter works in; Slaves runaway from Hampshire courthouse, Va. , sheriff's sale at,R26S71:31 See also Land, mortgaged, for sale at; Sheriff's sales at Hampstead, Eng. , See Charity in Hampstead sloop, 9Ja46: 4, 29My46: 4, 3J146: 4 Hampstead Plains, N. Y. , See Horse racing in Hampton, Mr. , of New York City, PD5Ap70: 32 John, RlAg71:42 John, Capt. , of the Sally and Polly, PD5S66s43, PD12S66: 23, PD9Ap67: 23, PD22D68: 23, PD22D68: 23--R22D68: 12, PD22D68:31 Wade, PD5F67: 32 Hampton, N. H. , See Fires in; Stores burn in Hampton, Va. , battle of, British casualties in, P10N75: 23 described, Pi260c75: 32, P270c75sll — D280c75:33,Pi2N75:22 horses lost at, D27 Ja76: 33 painting of, Pi9N75: 33 blockaded by British, D25S79: 22 committee, letter to, P15S75: 31 offers terms to Capt. Squires, P22S75:32--D23S75:32 proceedings of, P1D75: 12— D2D75: 32 requests force to protect city, Pil4S75:32--P15S75:31 lottery drawn at, PD30Mr69: 33 poem on satirized, R28Ap68: 12 post office at, to Alexander Purdie, render accounts, P28Je76: 32 refuses to return confiscated English supplies, PH4S75: 32— P15S75: 31 schedule of postrider at, PD21Mr66: 41, PD14My67: 31, PD1 Je69: 31 sheriff's sales at, PD13S70: 23, Pi6Ap75sl2 streets, 23My45: 32 threatened by British, P22D75: 32 threatened by Capt. Squires, P22S75:32--D23S75:32 See also Auctions in; Auctions of British imports in; Balls in; Barbers in; Brewhouses near; Brick dweUing houses, described, for sale in; Brick houses, described, in; Brick houses for rent in; Brick houses for sale in; Brick houses in; Brick stores for rent in; British navy, deserters from, in; British navy, from; British navy to; Corn, Indian, import to; Counting rooms in; Court of inquiry, in; Customhouses in; Customs collectors in; Customs comptrollers in; Customs officers in; Dancing schools in; Drownings in; Druggists in; Dwelling houses in; Exports from; Exports from Rappahannock district, Va. , to; Exports from south Potomac district, Va. , to; Ferries in; Fires near; Gardens in; Houses in; Houses and lots for sale in; Imports to; Imports to south Potomac district, Va. , from; Imports to York district, Va. , from; Kitchens in; Land for sale in, near; Lotteries for poor house in; Lodgings adv. of in; Lumber houses in; Mechanics arrive in; Merchants in; Militia of; Militia of Williamsburg, Va. , to; Mills near; Minutemen of; 496 Hancock Naval offices in; Orchards near; Outhouses in; Physicians in; Pilot boats for sale in; Plantations near; Prisoners of war, British, captured near; Prisoners of war, British, taken in; Rain storms in; Salt imported to; Ships, American, seized by British in; Ships, British, burned by Americans in; Ships, British, burned by Americans near; Ships, British, burned near; Ships, British, captured by Americans near; Ships, British, captured by ship from; Ships, British, captured in; Ships, British, captured near; Ships, described, for sale in; Ships, Eastern Shore, Va. , seized by British in; Ships, French, to; Ships for charter in; Ships for sale in; Ships from; Ships in; Ships' sailing time; Ships to; Ships to Rappahannock district, Va. , from; Ships to York district, Va. , from; Shipwrecks near; Slaves, reversion of, for sale in; Slaves for hire in; Slaves found, adv. of, in; Slaves imported to; Slaves runaway from; Smallpox in; Soldiers quartered in; Stables in; Stamp act repeal celebrated in; Stealing in; Storms in; Taverns in; Teachers adv. of, in; Tenements, described, for sale near; Virginia state artillery recruits ordered to report in; Virginia troops from Williamsburg, Va. , to; Virgina troops to; Warehouses for rent in; Watchmakers in; Wharves in Hampton, brig, P7N77s22, D23 Ja78: 31 ship, 1D52:31,30J152:31 Hampton beach, N. H. , See Shipwrecks on Hampton company, prize money due, D21N77:12— P28N77:33 Hampton co. , S. C. , See Jails in Hampton Court, British ship, 25Ja40: 2 H. M. S. , 240c45: 11, 15My46: 31, 11S46: 31, 24Ja52: 22, 27Ag56: 11 Hampton courthouse, Va. , See Slaves for sale at Hampton creek, Va. , See Ships for sale in Hampton river, Va. , See Gardens on; Oysters in; Ships in; Warehouses, described, on; Wharves for rent on Hampton palace, Eng. , prepared for king, 8J137:31 See also Barracks in Hampton Packet, ship, 30Ap52: 21 Hampton parish, Va. , contributes to Montreal fire fund, PD270c68: 32 — R270c68:31 Hampton road, Va. , PD14N71: 22 shipping controlled by British, D24F76:32 See also Boats, American, seized by British in; British navy from; British navy in; British navy to; British navy to York river, Va. , from; Ice in; Imports to; Indentured servants for sale in; Lightning in; Ships, British in; Ships, Spanish, in; Ships, Va. , seized in; Ships from; Ships from N. C. , to; Ships in; Ships' sailing time; Ships to Hampton Wade bridge, Va. . C15My79: 32 Hamptonwick, Eng. , See Anecdotes from; Dye factories in Hams, exported from Accomac district, Va. , to Barbados, W. I. , PD31Mr68: 22- R14Ap68:41 exported from James river, lower district, Va. , to Antigua, W. I. , PD14Ap74: 31--R17Mr74: 23 to Barbados, W. I. , RllAg68: 24, R14Ap74: 31--PD28Ap74: 23 to Grenada, W. I. , R17Mr74: 22 — PD14Ap74: 23, R17Mr74: 23 — PD14Ap74: 31. R21Ap74: 23 — PD28Ap74: 23 to Jamaica, W. I. , PD14Ap74: 31 — R14Ap74:23 exported from James river, upper district, Va. , 1763-1766, PD12F67:23 to Barbados, W. I. , PD12Mr67: 32, PD20Ap69: 22, PD10Ag69: 32, PD13S70:23 to London, Eng. , PD28J168: 23 to Madeira, PD23Ap67: 31 to New York City, PD22S68: 23 — R22S68:23 to Salem, Mass. , PD17Mr68: 31 — R14Apb8:42 exported from York District, Va. , to Barbados, W. I. , 4J145: 32, R26My68: 24 for sale, in Cumberland, Va. , PD19Ja76: 33 in Smithfield, Va. , PD20Ag67: 33 imported to Accomac district, Va. , from New York City, PD23Je68: 23 — R7J168:21 imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from Barbados, W. I. , R8S74:31 seized from British ships, P31My76: 12 — DlJe76: 12 Hams, Westphalia, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. ,3J146:41 Hamton, See Hampton Hamtor, John, Capt. , PD12S66: 23 See also Hampton Han, Johannes de, PD16J167: 22 Hanan, Capt. , of the Prince Frederick, PD6Ag67:21 William, D2My77: 32--P9My77: 43 Hanau, Ger. , claims to, 9D37: 11 treaty with Gt. Brit. , D8Je76: 31 See also British army, recruiting for, in Hanau troops, amount paid by Gt. Brit. , D15Je76:22 in British army in British colonies, N. Am. , statistics on. D4My76: 31 in St. John's, Can. , D1N76: 21 opposed in Lords, D22Je76: 21 pay provided by Commons, D20Je77: 11 — P20Je77:22 to Boston, Mass. , D29Je76: 21 to R. I. from Eng. , D6Je77: 11 — P13Je77:22 Hanbury, Mr. , 16Je38' 42 favors colonies, PD23My66: 22 requests trade relief for colonies, PD21Mr66:31 ship of.7Mr51:31 studies importance of British-colonial trade. D8Ap75: 31 Capel. PD28Ja68: 32, PD29S68: 31, PD30Mr69: 32, D8Ja80: 33 John, 25Ja40: 41 Osgood, PD28Ja68: 32, PD29S68: 31, PD30Mr69; 32, D8Ja80: 33 Hanbury, & co. , London, Eng. , P14Ap75: 23 Hanbury, Capel & Osgood, London, Eng. , PD8Je69:31 Hanbury, ship, PD15Ja67: 31, PD15Ja67: 32, PD29Ja67: 32, PD19F67: 31--R19F67: 22, PD30Ap67: 33, PD14My67: 31, PD290c67: 21, R12My68: 21, PD2Je68: 31, PD21S69: 22 — R21S69: 23, PD270c68: 31, PD7D69s23, R8F70: 32, PD22F70: 32, PD7Je70: 41, PD2My71: 32, PD23Ja72: 32, PD7My72: 23, PD10D72: 23--R10D72: 23, PD8Ap73: 23, PD13My73: 23 — R13My73: 32, PD17Je73: 33 — R17Je73s23,PD9D73:21, PD2Je74: 21, Pi5Ja75: 32, D7Ja75: 23, D7Ja75: 31, P26My75s31 Hancher, John, P7Mr77: 23 Hanchet, (Hanchell), Oliver, Capt. , D31Ag76: 21, D7F77: 12--P7F77: 11 Hancks, James, R13J169: 33 Hancock, Col. , dismissed by Gen. Gage, Pi270c74: 13 of Boston, Mass. , PD30D73: 21 of cadet corps in Boston, Mass. , PD16D73:22 Lt. , enlists soldiers, P27D76: 32 Mr. , R28Ap68: 31, D12S77: 32 — P19S77: 22 ordered from Boston, Mass. to Eng. , PD19My74: 22 Benjamin, P16My77s32 Edward, -D6N78: 31 George, PD16Ap67: 32, PD80c72: 32 Capt. ,D13N78:12 James, PD18Mr73: 22 John, adv. finding horse, R27S70: 33 appointed president of Continental congress, second, P9Je75s23 — D10Je75:31 appointed to Mass. committee of correspondence, R1J173: 23 arrest ordered, PD28J174: 21, D8J175:31 arrives in Mass. from Phila. , Pa. , Pil4S75:22 arrives in N. Y. , D20My75: 32, D16S75: 22 arrives in Phila. , Pa. , from Conn. , Pi21S75: 32--P22S75: 23— D23S75: 23 attends funeral of Peyton Randolph, Pi9N75: 23--P10N75: 22— D11N75: 23 Boston selectman, PD6Ap69: 21 buildings undamaged by British, P12Ap76: 22— D13Ap76: 31 captured by Gov. Dunmore, D210c75:23 celebrates Stamp act repeal, PD20Je66: 11 charges against in admiralty court dropped, PD27Ap69: 13 chosen chairman of Mass. general court, PD270c74: 21 chosen delegate to Mass. Provincial congress, Pi2F75: 23 chosen Mass. delegate to Continental congress, second, Pi29D74. 13 497 Hancock, John (cont'd) chosen president of Mass. Provincial congress, PD270c74: 21, P3Mr75s21 chosen representative to Mass. general court, PD130c74: 21 command of Mass. militia, PD1.T173: 31 dismissed by Gov. Gage, R8S74: 31 elected to Mass. general assembly, PDlJe69:13--RUe69:22 health of, R9.Te74s21, R7J174: 31, R28J174: 33, R4Ag74: 31 house of attacked by British soldiers, P21Ap75s32 house plundered by British, D3 Je75: 23 influence in burning customs barge denied, PD3N68: 21--R3N68: 23 instructed by Boston town meeting, PD14J168: 13— R14J168: 13 instructions to, PD3Je73: 22 instructions to from Boston, Mass. , PD8Je69: 12 land entail docked by Va. general assembly, PD23Ap72: 12 letter (text) from Gates, D14N77: 12 — P14N77: 21 letter (text) from Hamilton, D4Ap77: 21-- P4Ap77sll libelled in admiralty court, R15D68: 11, R19Ja69: 22 manages sale of imported goods, Pil6F75:32 marriage of, P15S75: 22--D16S75: 22 misrepresented by Gov. Hutchinson, PD5Ag73: 13 moderator of Boston town meeting, PD25F73: 22, R29Ap73: 11 mortars found on wharf of, D24Ag76:22 on committee for Princess Anne co. , Va. , Pi5Ja75: 32, Pil6F75: 31 on committee to question George Logan, PH6F75: 32 on committee to wait on Lt. Gov. Hutchinson, PD5Ap70: 23 — R5Ap70: 41 on committee to wait on governor, PD23My71:ll orders for arrest of, R1S74: 32, Pi28Ap75sl2--D29Ap75s32 owner of Last Attempt, PD22D68: 21 pardon denied by Gage, D8J175: 31, D15J175: 22 pays passage for manufacturers, PD1N70:21--R1N70:22 picture of, P10Ja77: 32 plans to capture by British, D2D75: 12 play bill distributed to, D13Ja76: 23 prepares address to Thomas Hutchinson, PD1N70: 13, PD1N70: 21 prepares protest to Thomas Hutchinson, PD1N70:21,PD1N70: 13 presents picture of Washington to Estaing, D4D78: 21 president of Mass. provincial congress, PD1D74: 22, D14Ja75: 12, Pil2Ja75: 31 presides at meeting of freeholders, PD3D72: 11 prohibits British communication with N. Y. , P26Ap76s21--D27Ap76: 41 proscribed by Gen. Gage, D70c75: 22 receives relief for Boston, Mass. , R25Ag74: 13 requested to review militia in Phila. , Pa. ,D24Je75:31 served with precept by admiralty court, PD1D68: 23 ship of in Nantasket road, Mass. , P11D74: 22 signs letter to London livery, P5Ja76:23 sloop of seized by customs, PD14J168:11--R14J168:11 speech of excites merchants, R22S74: 13 supports non -importation agreement, PD6S70: 22 toasted by Continental congress, PD60c74: 23 — Pi60c74: 32 toasted in Eng. , P60c75: 22 transmits proceedings of Boston town meeting to New York City and Phila. , Pa. , PD30D73: 22 turtle presented to, D22Je76: 61 Nathaniel, Capt. , of the Norfolk, 28N5L31 Robert, 16D37: 41, PD16Ap67: 32 William, PD24N74: 23, PH6F75: 32, Pi23Mr75:22 Capt. , Pi5Ja75: 32, PU6F75: 31, Pil6F75:32 See also Handcock Hancock, Continental frigate, P2Ag76: 22, P22Ag77: 23 Continental ship, P9Ag76: 13—D10Ag76: 31 privateer, D24Ag76: 22, P23Ag76: 22 — D24Ag76: 71, P6S76: 21--D7S76: 11, P13S76: 21--D14S76:21,D21S76:12, P15N76: 21, D12Je79: 31, D10J179: 22, D31J179:21,D20c79: 21 ship, D31J179: 21 Hancock and Adams, ship, P16Ag76: 23 — D17Ag76: 12, D110c76: 12, P29N76: 13 Hancocke, Simon, 22Ad57: 41 Hancolt, brig, D10Ag75: 22 Hand, [Edwardj, Brig. Gen. , P6S76:23— D7S76: 12,D15N76: 12— P15N76; 22, D24Ja77: 32, D13Ap77: 62, P25Ap77: 21— D2Mv77: 31, D4S79: 21 Ezekiel, Capt. , of the Nancy, PD10D72: 22 Henry, P25J177: 32 Jesse, PD24N74: 21 John, 14Ag52: 31 Thomas, P25J177: 32 Hand grenades, captured by Americans in Chambly, Can. , PH6N75: 32— P17N75:31— D18N75:22 Hand lines, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 Hand organs, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD17S67: 21 Hand pikes, on ships, C28Ag79: 31 Hand vises, taken by indentured servants, 17Ag39: 32 Handbarrows, seized from British ship, P7Je76:23— D8Je76:61 Handbills, seized from British ship, P7Je76: 23— D8Je76: 61 Handcock, John, PD7 Je70: 41 Simon, Capt. , of the Molly, 20My37: 41 Solomon, D10J178: 42 See also Hancock Handcuffs, punishment for runaway slaves, 20Je51: 32 Handel, Capt., of the Nero, PD24D67: 11 Handel, [Georg Friedrich], 28J138: 32 Handirons, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , D8Ag77: 22 Handkerchiefs, captured by Americans in Great bridge, Va. , PH3D75: 22— D16D75: 33 for sale, at Kemp's landing, Va. , P160c78:31,D19Mr79:31 in Cabin Point, Va. , P2F76s23 — D3F76:33 in Norfolk, Va. , PD24My70: 33, R15N70: 31--PD22N70: 23, PD22N70: 31 in Petersburg, Va. , PD24Ja71: 31, P5Je78: 11— D10J178: 41 in Richmond, Va. , P12Je78: 22— D10J178:41,P10J178:31 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD10Oc66: 33, PD220c67: 22, PD12N67: 22, PD16N69: 22, PD13Ag72: 21, R8Ap73: 33, D28Mr77: 72, PlAg77: 33, D5D77: 22--P5D77: 33, D10J178: 21 — P10J178: 33, DlMy79: 22, C30Oc79: 42 imported to Accomac district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , PD270cb8: 42 imported to Gt. Brit, from Holl. , 2Ja52:31 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from Salem, Mass. , PD15D68:31 lost, adv. for,D13D76:32 stolen, adv. for, P27D76: 31 See also Chintz handkerchiefs;Crepe handkerchiefs; Gauze handkerchiefs; Lawn handkerchiefs; Linen hand- kerchiefs; Lustring handkerchiefs; Muslin handkerchiefs; Net handker- chiefs; Silk handkerchiefs; Thread handkerchiefs; Worsted Barcelona handkerchiefs Handkerchiefs, bandano, for sale, in Yorktown, Va. , PD310c71: 23 Handkerchiefs. Barcelona, D18F75: 32 for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , D26D77: 21 in Richmond, Va. , PD310c71: 23 — R310c71: 32, D8My78: 82— P27My78: 22 in Urbanna, Va. , P21Ag78: 13 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD4Je67: 33, PD28S69: 31, D26Ag75: 32, C6N79:32— D6N79:31 in Yorktown, Va. , PD310c71: 23 Handkerchiefs, book, for sale, in Richmond, Va. , PD5N72sll — R5N72: 22 Handkerchiefs, bordered, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD60c68: 31 — R60c68: 23, PD13Ap69: 32— R13Ap69: 31, PD22N70s23, PD23Ap72: 23— R23Ap72: 13 Handkerchiefs, British, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22 Handkerchiefs, casting, for sale, in Richmond, Va. , PD310c71: 23 — R310c71:32 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD140c73: 23, R12My74: 32 Handkerchiefs, check, for sale, in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72: 31 in Norfolk, Va. , D14Ja75: 31 in Petersburg, Va. , D26D77: 21 in Richmond, Va. , D8My78: 82— P27My78: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , 7N54: 42, 10Oc55: 32, 30N59: 32, PD18D66: 31, PD15F70: 41, R12My74: 32, 498 Hanover, Ger. D29Ja80: 41 in Yorktown, Va. , PD25F68: 31 — R25F68:31 Handkerchiefs, Chinese, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , R150c72: 31 Handkerchiefs, Dutch pin work, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD29Ja67: 32 Handkerchiefs, embroidered, exported from Algiers, Alg. , D4N75: 12 Handkerchiefs, figured, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD19Ap70s23 — R19Ap70:31 Handkerchiefs, flounced, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD13Ap69: 32 — R13Ap69: 31, PD30Ap72: 31 Handkerchiefs, flounced casting, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD22N70s23 Handkerchiefs, flowered, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD22N70s23, PD150c72:31 Handkerchiefs, India, for sale, in Alexandria, Va. , D14Ag79: 12 — C28Ag79: 43 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22 in Petersburg, Va. , D12S77: 41 — P19S77: ll,P6Mr78:32 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD4Je67: 33, D8My78: 82, C21Oc80: 22 Handkerchiefs, India cotton, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , D29Ja80: 41 Handkerchiefs, India silk, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD210c73: 23 — R210c73:22 Handkerchiefs, laced, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD22N70s23, PD30Ap72: 31 Handkerchiefs, laced casting, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD13Ap69: 32 — R13Ap69:31 Handkerchiefs, love, for sale, in London, Eng. , PD7Je70: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD13Ag72: 21 Handkerchiefs, pocket, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. , D19D77: 22 in Richmond, Va. , PD310c71: 23 — R310c71: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD270c68: 33 — R270c68: 22, PD13Ap69: 32 — R13Ap69: 31, PD18My69: 31 — R25My69: 23, PD14D69: 32 — R14D69: 23, R170c71: 33, PD13Ag72: 21, PD12N72: 23, PD140c73: 23, PD210c73: 23— R210c73: 22, Pi20Oc74: 31--PD20Oc74s22, Pi20Ap75: 31--D22Ap75: 32, P18J177: 32, D28N77: 22, D8My78: 82, D160c79: 11 Handkerchiefs, printed, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , D8My78: 61 in Williamsburg, Va. , 30N59: 32, PD15F70:41 Handkerchiefs, printed lawn, for sale, in Yorktown, Va. , PD25F68: 31 — R25F68:31 Handkerchiefs, puUicat, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD19Ap70s23 — R19Ap70:31 Handkerchiefs, Scotch, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22 Handkerchiefs, spotted, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD22N70s23, PD150c72:31 Handkerchiefs, sprigged, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD17Gx71: 23 Handkerchiefs, striped, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. , P4Ap77: 32 — DllAp77:62 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD22N70s23, PD170c71: 23 Handley, Daniel, 210c37: 32, 25N37: 42 Handlin, Capt. , 10N38: 31 Handricks, Pritlow, 17N52: 31 Hands, See Hour hands Handsaws, for sale, at Kemp's landing, Va. ,D19Mr79:31 in Gloucester, Va. , P19Ap76sll-- D20Ap76: 33 in Gloucester co. , Va. , P16Ag76: 33 — D24Ag76: 72 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Portsmouth, Va. , P18J177sll in Princess Anne co. , Va. , P23My77: 32 in Smithfield, Va. , D21F77: 22— P28F77s22 in Sussex co. , Va. , D19D77: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , 24Ja51: 41, PD220c72: 22— R220c72: 23, D27Je77:31,DlAg77:22 seized from British ship, P7Je76: 23 — D8Je76:61 taken by indentured servants, Pi2Mr75: 33--D4Mr75: 32 taken by slaves, P16Je75: 22 Handsaws, steel plate, stolen, R7Je70: 32 Handshaw, Capt. , P20Je77sll Handspikes, captured by Americans, D13Ja76: 42 exported from James river, lower district, Va. , to Cork, Ire. , R8Ag66:31,RllAg68:24 to London, Eng. , 29D52: 32 exported from James river, upper district, Va. , 29S52: 32 1763-1766, PD12F67: 23 to Glasgow, Scot. , R30My66: 32 — PD6Je66: 31 to Liverpool, Eng. , PD30Ap67: 32 to London,. Eng. , PD26My68: 22 — R26My68: 31, PD28S69s23, PD13S70: 23, PD7Ap74: 23 exported from York district, Va. , to Bristol, Eng. , 27Ag56: 32 to London, Eng. , 27Ag56: 32 for sale, R50c69: 23 in Alexandria, Va. , R20Je71: 33 in Yorktown, Va. , R50c69: 23 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , PD24D67: 32 lost at sea, D8Ap75: 22— Pil3Ap75: 31 seized from British ship, P7Je76: 23 — D8Je76:61 Handy, Capt. , of the Buckskin, P28Mr77sl3 John, Capt. , HAp55: 12 Hane, Jeremiah, R30D73: 32 Haner, Hermanus, R17F74: 33 Hanewinkel, Alexander, P6S76: 41 Hanewinkel, Atkinson &, P6S76: 41 Haney, Richard, PD23My71: 31 Hangers, See Cutteau du chasse hangers; Silver mounted hangers Hanging, for plotting insurrection, in Jamaica, W. I. , PDllAp71: 21 for theft, PD7Mr71: 32— R7Mr71: 32 in King William co. , Va. , 2!Oc37: 31 of slaves, 25F37: 41 Hangings, See Paper hangings Hangman's point, N. C. , fort erected, D13Ja76:31 Hangmen, needed in Gt. Brit. , PD19Mr67: 21 Hank, John, PD21J174: 32 Hankerson, Thomas, Capt. , of the Arundel, 26S55: 12 Hankin, Charles, D3Ag76: 32 John, PD9Mr69: 42, D3Ag76: 32 William, PD1D74: 23— PUD74: 31 Charles, PD31Mrb8: 22, P21Ag78: 32 Daniel, Capt. , P12D77: 23 Hankley, James, C25D79: 12 Hanmer, Col. , 150c36: 31 John, PD18F68: 31, D15My79: 32 Joseph, PD29Ja67: 13 William, Rev. Mr. , R17F74: 33 Hannah, George, PD26D71: 32 Joseph, PD2F69: 31 Nancy, Mrs. , P28F77: 23 Robert, P28F77: 23 Hannah, brig, PD4J166: 21, PD70c73: 22, D9My77: 21 schooner, PD10F74: 23, PD14Ap74: 23 — R17Mr74: 22, Pi27J175: 31— D29J175: 32, D4S79:22,D4S79:31 ship, 17Je37: 32, 30S37: 41, 14Ap38: 41. HAg38: 41, 4My39: 41, 10Ag39: 2, 14D39: 1, 170c51: 32, 28Mr55: 32, 23My55:21,R12Mr67:22, PD4Je67: 31, PDllJe67: 11, PD17D67: 32--R24D67: 33, PD18Ag68: 31--R18Ag68: 32 R15D68:11,PD15D68:23, PD23F69: 23--R24F69s21, PD12S71:31,R26Ag73:21, PD9D73: 21, R1S74: 22, D11F75: 21, D160c79:21 sloop, 7N51: 22 Hannan and Elizabeth, brigantine, 29S52: 31 ship, 24N52: 22 Hannah & Rachel, sloop, PDl6Ap67: 23 Hannay, Alexander, PD21Mr66: 31 Ramsay, PD2Ap67: 23 Thomas, P29Mr76: 31 Hannay, Mackintosh &, R18Ja70: 32 Hanney, Thomas, P30My77: 13 Hanover, Ger. , attack by Prus. rumored, D7Oc75:ll,D20Je77:22 castle at stripped, 2S57: 21 claimed by Prus. , PD27My73: 11 compared with Eng. , 17Ja51: 12 defense by Gt. Brit, opposed, PD21Mr66: 22 fortifications of strengthened by British, PD18Ap71: 11 insurrections feared, R210c73: 12 invasion by French rumored, D30Oc79: 21 invasion by Prus. rumored, PD17Je73:ll lends money to Saxony, 18Ap51: 22 military preparations of, 120c39: 21, 11J145: 21, PD25Je72:22 opposes sending troops to British army, D29Je76: 11 political news from, PD140c73s21 politicians convene at. 28Ag52: 21, 120c52: 22 post office in, PD23My66: 32 Prussian claims to. R280c73: 13 499 Hanover, Ger. (cont'd) regiment against America proposed, P5Ja76: 32 relations with Fr. , R6My73: 21 relations with Prus. , PD20S70s32, PD29Ap73: 21, R6My73: 21, R23D73:31,D23D75: 21 seized Steinhorst territory, 20Ap39:21,15Je39:ll taken possession of by Prus. rumored, PD17Je73: 31--R17Je73s22 treaty with Duchy of Brunswick- Wolf embutUe, PD17Ag69: 23 treaty with Prus. , 100x55: 21, PD20Oc74: 13 taxes remitted by king, R140c73: 21 See also British army, in; British army, preparations for in; British army, recruiting for in; Census, in; Earthquakes in; Emigration from; Duels in; Fires in; Hunting in; Manufactures, affected by Revolutionary war in; Plays presented in; Prussian army, registration for, in; Prussian army to; Robberies in Hanover, Mass. , address (text) to Gen. Gage, Pil6Mr75: 31--D18Mr75: 23 Hanover, N. C. , instructions to representatives, R10Mr74: 22 Hanover, Va. , army supplies bought at, D28N77:21--P28N77:22 lots offered in lottery, PD20Je66: 23— R24D67: 44 schedule of post rider at, PD14My67: 31, PDUe69:31 streets, PD16My71: 32 See also Balls in; Billiard houses in; Blacksmiths adv. for, in; Bookkeepers, adv. for; Brick stores, described, in; Bridges in; British army camp in; Clock and watch repairing in; Concerts; Duties; Dwelling houses near; Factors in; Gardens in; Goldsmiths in; Granaries in; Gum plank for sale in; Gum scantling for sale in; Horse-breeding in; Horse - racing in; Houses and lots for rent in; Houses and lots for sale in; Houses near; Kitchens in; Lots, for rent in; Lots, for sale in; Lotteries in; Merchants in; Ordinaries in; Outhouses in; Physicians in; Recruiting for British army in; Riding chair makers, journeymen, adv. for, in; Roads to; Rye drunk in; Sheds in; Slaves for sale in; Slaves runaway from; Slaves, sale of in;. Smoke houses in; Stables in; Stealing in; Storehouses in; Stores in; Surveyors in; Taverns in; Undertakers in; Va. committee of safety meets in; Warehouses in; Weavers in; Wholesale merchants in Hanover, packet boat, PD28N71: 21 privateer, 18Ja40: 21 ship, 25Mr37: 11, 11N37: 41, 19My38: 41, 4My39: 41, 24Ag39: 3, 2N39: 2, 25Ja40: 3, 9My45: 31 Hanover army, augmentation of, PD23S73: 22 in Gibraltar, D3F76: 31— Pi3F76: 21 increased, R8F70: 21, PD27Ag72: 31, PD10D72: 13 movements of, 21Mr45: 11 number of troops, PD18Ag74: 21 — R18Ag74: 22 officers ordered to report, PD4Je72: 23 prepared to march, 2s37: 21 recruiting for, 24Ag51: 31, D23D75: 21 strengthened, PD31D72: 22 Hanover co. , Va. , burgesses elected, 24S36: 31, 13F52: 32, 27F52: 32, 12D55: 22, PD8D68: 31, PDllMy69s41, PD21S69s23— R21S69: 23, R9N69: 11, PD5D71: 23, RlAp73: 31 census requested, P19Ap76p23— D27Ap76: 33 chancery court, suits in, R17Mr74: 23 committee, list of members, P17N75sll officers for Va. regiments chosen by, P16F76sl3 orders (text) of, 1775, D18N75: 31 orders sale of gunpowder, P23Ag76: 42 proceedings of, 1775, P60c75s22, P17N75sll regulates salt "distribution, P16F76s22 resolutions (text) of, 1775, PillMy75: 33- P12My75s22— D13My75: 31, D27Ja76: 11 trial for gambling, P16F76sl3 trials for Toryism, P5J176p21, P19J176:41 contributes to sufferers in Montreal . fire, PD6N66: 21 court, 30 Ja52: 41 appoints commissioners, PD15S68: 31 — R15S68:24, PD17S72: 22 clerks, 70c37: 32, 12D55: 31 contribution taken for Harry Tompkins, PD9My71: 32--R23My71: 31 house and lots sold by order of, PD16Je74: 22 land sold by order of, PD10Ja71: 33— R10Ja71; 31, PD21Ja73: 31 slaves sold by order of, R3My70: 32— PD24My70: 42 trials in, R27S70: 21 delegates elected, PD27N66: 22— R27N66: 22, P9Ag76: 33, P2My77s22, D9Ap79: 22 delegates to Va. convention elected, P17Mr75: 32, D13Ap76: 32, P19Ap76:33 freeholders meeting, address (text) of, PD28J174sll— R28J174: 21 resolutions (text) of 1775, P17Mr75: 32 list of tithables for 1774, not returned, Pil8My75: 33— P19My75s32— D20My75: 33 officers criticized, PD28My67: 32 St. Andrew's society in, 15D38: 41 senator elected, P6S76: 33, P18Ap77sll senatorial district for, D8 Ja80: 23 sheriff's sale in, R3My70: 32— PD24My70: 42 sheriff's summons, R17Mr74: 23 supports resolutions of Continental congress, P17Mr75: 32 See also Adultery in; Apple orchards in; Apprentices runaway from; Armaments seized from Tories in; Association of 1774 supported in; Attorneys in; Auctions in; Blacksmiths adv. for, in; Blacksmith's shops in; Brick cellars in; Brick churches, described, in; Brick houses, described, in; Brick storehouses in; Bridges in; Buildings in; Cabinetmakers in; Carpenters, Negroes adv. for, in; Cellars, described, in; Chairmakers, journeymen, adv. for in; Cherry orchards in; Churches in; Clapboard houses, described, in; Clergy, Anglican, adv. for, in; Coachmakers in; Coal, pit, in; Convict servants runaway from; Corn houses, described, in; Counting houses in; Cribs in; Dairies in; Dams in; Damson orchards in; Drafting for militia in; Dwelling houses, described, in; Dwelling houses, overseers, in; Dwelling houses in; Fairs in; Ferries in; Festivals in; Fires in; Frame barns in; Frame smoke houses in; Fulling mills in; Furnaces in; Gardens, described in; Gardens in; Grain export from; Granaries in; Gristmills in; Hen houses in; Horse breeding in; Houses and lots for rent in; Houses in; Hughs' crab apple trees in; Indentured servants runaway from; Jails in; Kitchens in; Land, dower in, for rent in; Land, entailed, docked in; Land, lease of for sale in; Land, mortgaged, for sale in; Land, ownership of, disputed in; Land for lease in; Land for rent in; Land for sale in; Land rented in; Lots drawn for, in; Lots for sale in; Lotteries in; Lumber houses in; Magazine (storehouse) in Williamsburg, Va. , removal of powder opposed in; Mansion houses, described, in; Meat houses in; Merchants in; Militia of; Milk houses in; Mills in; Minutemen of; Missing persons in; Murders in; Musters in; Nurseries in; Oak timber in; Office houses in; Offices in; Orchards in; Ordinaries in; Outhouses in; Overseers' houses in; Overseers in; Peach orchards in; Physicians in; Pine timber in; Plantations in; Postmen in; Preaching in; Quarters, Negro, in; Roads in; St. Andrew's day festival in; St. Andrew's society; Salt, hoarding prevented, in; Salt scarce in; Sawmills in; Schools in; Sheds in; Ships for sale in; Shops in; Slaves adv. for to hire in; Slaves, dower in, for hire in; Slaves for sale in; Slave insurrections in; Slaves, ownership of, disputed in; Slaves runaway from; Slaves, sale of, in; Smith shops in; Smoke houses in; Spinning houses in; Stables in; Stealing in; Stills in; Stocking weavers in; Storehouses in; Storekeepers in; Stores in; Storms in; Surgeons in; Taverns for rent in; Taverns in; Teachers in; Tenements in; Tobacco houses in; Tories, trials for, in; Town planning in; Undertakers in; Undertakers adv. for, in; Vendues in; Warehouses in; Wash houses in; Water mills in; Weavers adv. for in; White oak timber in; Williamsburg, Va. , volunteers praised in; Woolen manufactory in; Worsted manufactory in Hanover co. , Va. , independent co. , 500 Hanson in Louisa co. , Va. , P19My75s32 in Orange co. , Va. , P19My75s33 in Prince Edward co. , Va. , D29J175: 12 Hanover co. , Va. , independent troops, criticized, PillMy75: 23 opposed by Dunmore, Pil5Je75: 13 — D17Je75: 23 praised by Lancaster co. , Va. , Pi29Je75: 33 Hanover co. , Va. volunteer co. , resolutions (text) of, 1775, D17Je75:31 Hanover courthouse, Va. , sale at, 18Ag38: 42, 19J154: 32, D17Je75s22 condemned by Dunmore, D13My75: 32 defends frontier against Indians, 7N55: 22 praised by Caroline co. , Va. , P19My75s33 by Culpeper co. , Va. , P19My75s33 in James City co. , Va. , P16Je75s23 sheriff's sale at, PD10Ja71: 33-- R10Ja71:31 See also Convict servants runaway from; Land, mortgaged, for sale at; Land for sale at; Lotteries at; Outhouses at; Prisoners of war, British, paroled at; Prisoners, British, runaway from; Slaves for sale at; Slaves imported for sale at; Stealing at; Taverns at Hanover fulling mill, Va. , D13D76: 31 Hanover parish, Va. , church, clerk's notices posted at, R24D67: 43, R4F68:42, R1D68: 22 See also Clergy in Hanover Planter, ship, PD11J171: 32-- R18J171:41 Hanover town, Va. , See Auctions in; Fires in; Indentured servants runaway from; Land for sale in Hanover troops, for British army in Boston, Mass. ,D280c75: 12 for British army in British colonies, N.Am. ,D280c75: 12 in Belg. , P16F76: 23--D17F76: 31 in British army, PD10N74: 21, PD10N74: 22, P8S75s21, P60c75: 22, P12Ja76: 12--D13Ja76: 12, D20Ja76: 23, P29Mr76: 13, P17My76: 21--D18My76: 31 ordered to America, D210c75: 23 in British east India co. , PD20S70: 21 in Dublin, Ire. , D27Ja76: 13 in Gibraltar, D30Mr76: 31 in Minorca, D30Mr76: 31 in Plymouth, Eng. , D16Mr76: 23 legality of discussed in Commons, D17F76:41 mutiny in Gibraltar, D29Je76: 11 ordered for British army, D4D79: 21 ordered for British army in U. S. , D18Mr80:22 recruited for Gibraltar and Port Mahon, Minorca, D7Mr77: 21 recruiting ordered from Eng. , D20c79: 11 to America rumored, Pi2N75: 11 to British colonies, N. Am. , Pi23D75: 12, P24My76: 22-- D25My76:31 to Charleston, S. C. , P17N75: 32-- D18N75:31 to Eng. , D9D75: 12 to Gibraltar, P270c75sll, D280c75: 31, D4N75: 22, D9D75: 12, D16D75: 32, P19Ja76: 22— D20Ja76: 32--Pi20Ja76: 11 from Stade, Ger. , P10N75: 12 to Ire. , D2Mr76: 31--P23F76: 32, D12Je79:21 to Minorca, P270c75sll, D16D75: 32, P19Ja76: 22--D20Ja76: 32-- Pi20Ja76:ll to Port Mahon, Minorca, D280c75: 31, D4N75:22,D9D75:12 from Stade, Ger: , P10N75: 12 to Quebec, Can. , P24My76: 11-- D25My76: 31, P24My76: 11-- D25My76:32 to U. S. ,DllMr80:21 use of criticized in Lords, D10F76: 23 use of criticized in parliament, D3F76:12 Hansborough, Mr. , wants cure for cancer, PI 1J177: 41 Peter, R28J174: 23 Hansbrough, Mr. , P20Je77: 33 James, P9My77: 42 Peter, Pi2Mr75: 33 William, D6Je77:31--P6Je77: 32 Hanse, Capt. , PD14Je70: 21, PD19Mr72: 23, PD26N72: 21 Hansell, John, jr. , 240c55: 21, 14N55: 22 Hansen, Peter, PD28My72: 23 Hansfield, Thomas, 310c71: 41 Hansford, Mr. , D19D77: 32 , D19Mr79: 31-- C15My79:43 Charles, PD13J169: 31--R13J169: 23, PD18Ap71: 33, PD21N71: 23, PD6My73: 23, D8My78: 71, D5Mr79:32 Charles, jr. , 170c55: 31, 30N59: 41 Edward, PD18F68: 31, PD2Je68: 23, P8N76:23 Elizabeth, PD13J169: 31--R13J169: 23, P12Je78:12,D5Mr79:32 Lewis, PD28Ja68: 31, PD13D70: 32 adv. land for sale, 4N63: 23, PD5N67: 23 adv. merchandise for sale, D21F77: 22--P28F77s22 adv. settlement of estate, 17Ap52: 32, 8D52: 31 announces departure, PD4J166: 32 arrest of described by Joseph Calvert, R20Ap69: 13 charges mistreatment by Joseph Calvert, PD20Ap69s22 discusses smallpox inoculation in Norfolk, Va. ,R25Ag68sl2 escape warrant for, R6Ap69: 32, R6Ap69:33 favors inoculation, PD8S68pll house of mortgaged, PD14S69: 33-- R14S69: 31 in inoculation discussion in Norfolk, Va. , PD20Oc68: 21 land of, PD15D68: 31--R15D68: 21 land of, for sale, PD22D68: 32 letter of, mentioned, R6Ap69: 31 offers security for writ, R20Apb9: 21 opposes removal of inoculated persons, PD1S68:22--R1S68:31 plantation of, PD21My67: 32 protests escape warrant, R6Ap69: 33 reimbursed for property destroyed in Norfolk, Va. ,P12Je78:ll signer of Association, R26J170: 22 slave of, PD12Ag73: 31 Lewis, & co. , PD4Ap66: 33 Molly, P7J175: 31 Thomas, PD13Ap69: 33, PD30Ja72: 32, D21Ag79:32 sr. , DlAg77: 22--PlAg77: 31 William, R2D73: 32, R16D73: 43, D19F80: 33 Hansford, Taylor &, P12Je78: 11, D31J179: 12 Hansford, brig, PD20Ja74: 23 brigantine, R14Ap74: 31--PD28Ap74: 23 schooner, PD30J172: 32, PD26N72: 21, C19Ag80:12 Hanshaw, Capt. , of the Phoenix, 25N37: 32 Hansley, Charles, P18Ap77s32 Hanson, Capt. , removes cannon for battery in N. Y. , P8S75s21-- Pil4S75:12 Mr. , PD9S73: 31 on board Jane and Elizabeth, P23Ag76: 31 sails for Eng. , D17Ag76: 22 store of, PD12Ag73: 23--R12Ag73: 23 Benjamin, 240c45: 41 Charles, D2Ap79: 31 John, PD3N74: 42--PU0N74: 32 Capt. , PD26My74: 22 Richard, R2N69: 32, D20J176: 42, P23Ag76: 32--D24Ag76: 72 accused of violating fast day, P7Je76:33--D8Je76:62 adv. damaged merchandise for sale, PD25F73:32 adv. for ships passengers, PD23My71: 23 adv. household goods for sale, P12J176:32--D13J176:21 adv. houses and lots for sale, D13Ap76: 33--P19Ap76: 42 adv. land for sale, PD6N66: 31, PD15F70:31--R22F70:31 adv. mortgage on estate, PD14Ja73: 31-- R14Ja73: 42 adv. osnabrugs for sale, PD140c73: 23 PD10Mr74: 32 adv. plantation for sale, PD30Oc66: 31, PD25J171: 22 adv. property for sale, PD2Je68: 23, PD22S68:31--R22S68:24 adv. slaves for sale, PD29Ja67: 32, PD28Ap68: 31--R28Ap68: 24 adv. table clocks for sale, PD3Ja71: 32 announces departure, PD7Je70: 32 claims slaves for Lyonel Lyde, PD15Ap73: 23--R15Ap73: 23 denies intention to violate fast, P7Je76:41--D8Je76:62 entertains Scots, D25My76: 22 exonerated for violating fast, Pu7Je76: 33--DH8Je76: 62-- Pul4Je76sll holds bond illegally, PD21Je70: 31, P29Mr76: 31 house of, 250c65s42 note of,D19Ag75:33 slave of, P22Mr76:33 subscriber to meeting of merchants, PD30Je74: 23 S. , accuses Capt. Conway of dishonoring Md. militia, P6S76: 21 501 Hanson (cont'd) Samuel, PD24N74: 31 Hanum, Mr. , PD16N69: 31 Hanway, Capt. , of the Weymouth, 10Oc55: 22 Lt. , on court martial board, P12Ja76:33 Happer, Sarah, PD12Mr67: 13 Happiness schooner, D13N78: 11 Happy, H. M. S. , 28Mr45: 31 snow, 10Oc45: 3, 29My46: 31, 3J146: 4, 7Ag52:31,270c52:21 Happy Janet, ship, D22Ap75: 22 Happy Nuptials, ship, 170c51: 22 Happy Return, privateer brig, DllS79:12,D20c79:21 Harbert, Judith, R18J171: 41 William, D24J179: 22 Harbey, John, D10 J178: 22 Harbison, John, Capt. , of the Ranger, PD27N66: 22 Harbors, parliamentary grants to build, 14Ap38:31 Harbottle, Capt. , 20Je51: 32 Harcourt, Col. , of British army in N. J. , D2My77: 62 of British army in U. S. , D18J177: 21 Lt. Col., captures Gen. Lee, D3Ja77: 11- P3Ja77sl2 commands British cavalry in New York City, D8N76: 12 Harcourt, earl of [Simon, Harcourt], PD8Ap73:13,D3F76:31 Harcourt, East Indiaman, R21N71: 21, Pi8D74: 21 transport, D17F76: 32 Harcum, Joseph, P28Mr77s22 Hard, Thomas, Maj. , D9Mr76: 31 Hardage, James, R26Ag73: 23 Hardaway, Daniel, D21S76: 32, D8Ag77:31,C28Ag79:ll Henry, D21 Ja75: 32, DllMr75: 33 John, R31My70: 32, R2My71: 31, P17Ja77:43,D6N79:31 Joseph, PD19F67: 32 Hardcastle, Capt. , PD2J167: 32 Joshua, Pi7S75: 31— D9S75: 32, D1N76: 41, D9My77: 42— P9My77: 41 Hardeburg, Ger. , fortifications of, strengthened by British, PD18Ap71: 11 Harden, Abraham, PD6Ja74: 23 Edward, P10My76sl2 Giles, PD3F74: 32— R10F74: 41 Jesse, P8N76: 33 John, Capt. , P25Ap77: 31 Hardenbergh, Mr. , assemblyman in N. Y. , 23N39: 41 Hardenbrook, Abel, jr. , Pil30c74: 32 Harden' s bridge, Va. , R2My71: 42 Harden' s mill, Va. , R12J170: 42 Hardgraves, George, PD4Je72: 33 Willis, DlAp75: 33, D8Ap75: 11 Hardham's rappee, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD29Ag71: 31 Hardham's rappee no. 9, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD150c72: 31 Hardham's rappee snuff, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD16My71: 23, Pi6Ap76: 42 Hardham's snuff no. 9, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD1 J173: 32. PD30D73: 31 Hardham's strasburg, no. 9, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD11N73: 22 Hardi, French man of war, 3S56: 21, PD1J173: 21 Hardia, John, D26D77: 31 Hardie, French ship, PD19My 74: 31 French ship of war, D25Mr80: 11 Hardiman, Mr. , horse of, P31My76: 32 Littlebury, P24Mr75: 42 William, PU6N75: 41— D18N75: 32 Hardin, Capt. , land of, PD170c71: 31-- R170c71: 32 Erasmus, PD27Ag72sll Giles, PD4Ag74: 23 Hopkins, R20Je71: 32 Harding, Capt. , P1N76: 21 of the Defence, P31My76: 13 of the Endeavour, D12Ag75: 33 of the Lucy, PD3N68: 23 of the Oliver Cromwell, P30c77: 12 of the Totness, D12Ag75: 33 Lt. , marches against Senecas, D31J179:22 George, R11F68: 31 Giles, Pi20Ap75: 32— D22Ap75: 31, P3My76: 33 Groves, PD2S73: 23 Joseph, R4N73: 31 Samuel, Capt. , of the Abigail, R21Ja73:31 Seth, Capt. ,D13J176:61 of the Defence, P12J176: 22 Thomas, P27Mr78: 12 W. , Capt. , of the Cato, 29Ap37: 42 William, 240c55: 22, 310c55: 22, 2S57: 42 Capt. , of the Duke of Cumberland, 25Ja40: 41 of the Gooch, 25F37: 41 Harding's mill, Va. , R27J169: 32, PD26N72: 31 Hardin's ordinary, Va. , PD4Ag74: 23 Hardman, John, 7N45: 32, 20Je51: 41, 17J152: 32 Hardres, [Thomas], Sir, author, 24My51:32 Hardtman, Isaac, Capt. , of the Jane, 14N51:31 Hardware, bartered for tobacco, C3J179:23 cartel between Fr. and Gt. Brit. , PD4F73: 21 exported from Eng. to Russ. , D[250c?]76: 52— P250c76: 11 exported from Gt. Brit, to America, PD25Ap66: 11 exported from Liverpool, Eng. , to N. Y. , PibAp75: 31— P7Ap75: 32— D8Ap75: 31 exported from London, Eng. , to St. Croix, W. I. ,PD14Mr66:ll for sale, C3J179: 23 in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72: 31 in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD25Ap66: 31 in Gloucester co. , Va. , D29Je76: 42 in Norfolk, Va. , R4Ag68: 31, PD24My70: 33, PD8N70: 22, PD22N70: 31, PD9My71: 33— R23My71: 33, PD8Ag71: 23, PD290c72: 21— R290c72: 31, PD10D72:23,D14Ja75:31 in Petersburg, Va. , PD6N66: 21, D25J177:41— P25J177:42 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD18D66: 31, PD220c72: 22— R220c72: 23 import to Fr. from Gt. Brit, forbidden, PD10S67:12 imported to Accomac district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , PD10Mr68: 31 — R14Ap68:41 imported to Boston, Ma^s. , from Bordeaux, Fr. , D16My77: 12— P16My77: 21 lost, adv. for, PD22N70: 31 market for in Sp. , R14F71: 22 seized from British ship, P12D77: 21 See also Adzes; Alembics; Alleys; Anvils; Augers; Awl blades; Awls; Axes; Backs, cast; Bags, fowling; Barrels; Beams, scale; Bearers; BeUows, stock; Bits; Black stones; Blacksmiths' materials; Bluepots; Bobbing; Bobbins; Bodkins; Bolts; Bottle cranes, double pipe; Box irons; Boxes; Brads; Brass; Braziery; Bricklayers' materials; Brushes and wires; Building materials; Bullions; Burrstones, French; Butts, table; Cabinetmakers' materials; Cards; Carlisle perch hooks; Carpenters' materials; Cart wire; Cases, bottle, instrument; Cast iron weights; Castings; Catches, table; Chains; Chains and screws; Chisels; Cisterns; Clamps; Clock faces: Cobalt; Cocks; Copper; Copperplate; Coppers; Crucibles; Cullen stones; Cutters, French; Davis's quadrants; Diamonds, glazers; Dog stones; Doors; Drivers; Dutch metal, mineral; Emery; Fans, wheat; Files; Firmirs; Flat irons; Fleams; Flints; Flintwace; Foil; Footman; Forks, hunting; Formers; Frames, window; Frogs; Funnels; Gimlets; Glass; Glass cases, stonewares; Gold scales, weights; Goldsmiths' files, materials; Gouges; Grindstones; Hamells; Hammers; Hands, hour, minute; Handsaws; Handspikes; Harrows; Hasps; Hatchets; Hackles; Hinges; Hoes; Hooks; Hoops; Horns, hunting; Howells, cooper's; Indian ware; Iron; Ironmongery; Irons; Ironware; Ivory bo.'kins; Jacks; Jewellers' materials; Jocks, door; Jointers, glue; Keys, bed; Knives; Knobs, coach; Lanterns, saloon; Latches; Lead, sheet; Lead utensils; Locks; Locks and mountings; Machines; Magnets; Mahogany swingers, with swivels and rings; Marble flags, mortars, slabs, squares; Marbles; Measures, ounce; Millstones; Moor's bramble scythes, grass scythes; Mullers; Nail rods; Nails; Needles, sail; Nippers, shoe; Oilstone slips; Oilstones, Turkey; Ore; Padlocks: Pails; Paintbrushes; Palm irons; Palms; Pettiaugers; Pewter; Pewter measures, utensils; Pilots; Pincers; Pipes; Pitsaws; Planes; Plantation utensils; Plates, draw; Pliers; Plow shares; Plows; Points, turners; Posts, garden; PuUies and frames for sashes; Pumice stones; Pumps; Punches; Quicksilver; Ragstones; Rakes, garden; Rasps, shoemakers'; Reap hooks; Rests, saw; Riddles, wheat; Rivets; Sashes, window; Saws; Scales; Scissors; Scoops, coal; Screens, rolling; Screw plates; Screws; Scrubs; Scuttles, coal; Scythes; Sets, saw; 502 Harmanson Sharps; Shaves, mast; Shears; Shop fixtures; Shovels; Show glasses; Sickles; Sieves; Sifters, coal; Silver bodkins, screws; Silver bowed scissors; Silversmiths' material; Slabs; Slips; Spades; Spelter; Spinel; Springs; Squares; Staples; Staves; Steel; Steel keys, pads, plates, scissors; Steels, currying Steelyards, pocket; Still worms; Stills; Stone slips; Stones, levigating, scythe; Swivels; Tackle; Tacks, saddlers', upholsters'; Tin, block; Tin sheets; Tongs; Tools; Traces; Traps; Trivets; Trowels; Tubs; Ventilators, window; Vices; Walnut swingers, with swivels and rings; Watchmakers' materials; Weights; Whipsaws; White oak staves; White's steelplate saws; Windows, bow; Wire; Wire shortcloths, work; Wires and brushes; Wood screws; Wooden screw pullies; Zinc, yellow Hardware, damaged, for sale, in Suffolk, Va. , PD80c67: 21 Hardware manufacturers, in Eng. , petition for trade relief, PD18Ap66:23 trade declines, PD18Ap66: 22 Hardweek, Younger, D160c79: 32 Hardwick, John, 15Je39: 32, R14Ap68: 44 Thomas, D11F75: 31 Hardwick, Mass. , See Accidents in Hardwick, privateer, 7N45: 21 ship, 28N45: 22 Hardwicke, [Philip Yorke] Lord, author, PD17S72: 21, PD10Je73: 31 Hardwicke, East Indiaman, PD15Ja67: 23 Hardwood manufacture, improves in Birmingham, Eng. , PD30Ja72: 23 Hardy, Mr. , gives oration at William and Mary, P21Ag78: 23 letter to, in post office, PD31Mr68: 22 Andrew, D7Mr77: 21 Charles, Sir, appointed gov. of N. Y. , 4Ap55:22 arrives in Albany from New York City, 170c55:21 arrives in N. Y. , 19S55: 31 attends council of war, 12D55: 12 expedites supply of army, 7N55: 12 gov. of N. Y. ,310c55: 11 in Albany, N. Y. , 26S55: 22 of the Royal Carolina, 25Ja40: 2 proclamations of, 1755, 170c55: 21 sends provisions to army, 30c55: 22 supports Stamp act, PD16My66: 21 to be appointed gov. of Mass. rumored, PD7D69sl2 Curtis, P28Mr77s23, P13Je77: 12 Elias,D6J176:32 Ishmael, Capt. , of the General Hancock, P230c78:21 John, R26J170: 22, PD210c73: 22, P18J177sl2, P160c78: 23, C15J180: 21 Molly, C28Ag79: 31 Peter, adv. coach and chairmaking, PD19Ag73: 21--R19Ag73: 22, Pi20Oc74:32--R4N74:41 adv. coach and chair repairing, R29Ap73:31 adv. coach and chaise making, R14Ap74:32 answers criticism of Elkanah Deane, R11N73:22 quarrel with Elkanah Deane, R25N73:42 reply to [Elkanah DeaneJ, R18N73: 31 Richard, 20F52: 41, PD5D71: 31, R10Je73sll--PD17Je73:33, R28J174: 23, Pi5Ja75: 31, D27N79: 31 Thomas, PD210c73: 22 William, P24Ja77: 31, P7Mr77s22 Hardy, ship, 27Ag56: 22 Hardy & Little, Lowther, PD13S70: 23 Hardyknute ship, 22J137: 41 Hardyman, Mr. , 150c36: 42, R23J167: 13, PD24My70: 23-- R31My70:41 James, P5Je78: 12 John, 9My51:32 Littlebury, R15Je69: 32 adv. lots for sale, PD8N70: 23-- R8N70: 23 adv. slaves for sale, PD13Ag67: 23 adv. stallion for hire, PD18Ap66: 32, R24Mr68: 33, PD21Mr71: 32 horse of, D16Ap79: 31 land of, for sale, PD17S72: 23 property of, for sale, PD17S71: 32-- R26S71: 13 settlement of estate of, PD17S71: 32-- R26S71:13 Littlebury, Capt. , PD5My68: 21, PD27Ap69: 31, PD21N71: 23, PD8D74: 31 Nancy (Black), marriage of, D17Je75:31 Stith, PH4S75: 31--D16S75: 32, Pil2Ja75: ll--D14Ja75: 13 William, D210c75: 32 adv. finding horse, R4D66: 41 adv. for runaway slave, PD11J171:33, PD20Ag72: 32 horse of, PD26My74: 23 marriage of, D17Je75: 31 slave of, R18J171: 41 William, jr. , P2My77s32 Hardyman, Wayles &, R190c69: 41, PD16N69: 23--R16N69: 31 Hardy's ferry, Va. , PD12S6S: 31, PD30S73:32 Hare, Edward, Capt. , PD28J174s22 John, PD24Je73: 33 Moses, jr. , PD28J174s22 Moses, sr. , PD28J174s22 Parker, R24D67: 33, R260c69: 31 Hare furs, adv. for, in Williamsburg, Va. ,21S39:41 Hare skins, adv. for in Williamsburg, Va. ,8J137:42 Harelips, surgery on, in Mass. , PD4Oc70:21 Harfield, David, D10J178: 22, D13N78: 22 Harford, James, D4D78: 31 John, P30c77: 31 Harford co. , Md. , See Convict servants runaway from; Indentured servants runaway from Harford, Robson &, attorney for, D4D78: 31 Hargess, Abraham, R8N70: 11 Hargil, Christopher, C15My79: 12 Hargis, Shadrach, PD170c71: 32 Hargiss, Abraham, R19Ap70: 31 Hargrave, Samuel, R27Ap69: 31 Hargraves & Orange, R22S74: 33 Hargrove, Jesse, PD23Ap67: 31, P15Ag77:ll John, PD240c66: 32, D31Ag76: 32 Samuel, Pil2Ja75: ll--D14Ja75: 12, P240c77:33 Hargroves, John, C27N79: 23 Haricain church, Va. , D13D76: 41 Hariss, Thomas, R23My71: 41 Harland, Adm. , PD13Je71: 22 Capt. , of the Essex, 7N55: 21 Robert, Sir, of the Northumberland, PD16My71: 13 Vice-Adm.,D6N78:21 Harle, Richard, Capt. , of the Harle, 24Je37:32,10Mr38:41 Harle, frigate, 24Je37: 32, 70c37: 31, 210x37: 11, 10Mr38: 41 Harleian, Mr., author, 24My51: 32 Harlem, N. Y. , attack on planned by British, P1N76: 31 deserted by British, P250c76: 21 fortification of, DHOc76: 22-- PHOc76:21 See also Conn, troops from; Hessians, plundering of, in; Taverns in Harlem Heights (Fogg's point), N. Y. , attacked by British, D1N76: 22-- P1N76:21 Harlem Plains, N. Y. , battle of, P40c76sl2 casualties in, DHOc76: 22 described, D40c76: 31--P40c76: 31, D40c76:32--P40c76:31, D40c76: 41--P40c76: 32, D110c76: 32 preparations for battle, D250c76: 32-- P250c76:21 Harlequin, extract from, P26My75: 33 pseud. , 20Oc38: 21 Harlequin, brig, D31Ag76: 12 British ship, D1N76: 12 privateer, PHOc76: 31, D180c76: 12, PbD76: 31, D20D76: ll--P20D76sll, D2Ap79: 11 ship, PD19Ap70: 13, P5Je78: 12, D12F79:32 sloop, R8Ag66: 31, PD4Ag68: 21 Harlett, Jane, 220c36: 41 Harley, Mr. , held in public gaol in Williamsburg, Va. , 16S37: 32 Jeremiah, D7Mr77: 11 Harlow, Jesse, Capt. , of the Success, PD8S68: 22, PD270c68: 42 Nathaniel, R2My71: 42 Harmain, Joseph, PD29Ja67: 13 Harman, Capt. , PD19N67: 21 of the Sea-Nymph, 29Ap37: 41 Edward, R14Ap68: 32 Henry, PD22N70: 33 Henry, sr. , R14Ap68: 32 J. , watchmaker, PD29Je69: 13-- R29Je69:21 Jacob, D24Ap78: 32 Harmanson, Elizabeth, R17F74: 22 Isabella, Pi23Mr75: 12 John, PD8D68: 31, PDllMy69s41 PD25My69: 12, PD13My73: 42, Pil9Ja75: 22, Pil9Ja75: 21-- D4F75.32 John & co. , D14F77: 31--P14F77: 31, P4Ap77: 31 Patrick, Pil9Ja75: 21--D4F75: 32 William, Pil9Ja75: 21--D4F75: 32 Harmanson & co. , D26S77: 31-- P26S77:31 503 Harmanson & Harvey Harmanson & Harvey, R4Mr73: 32 Harmanson & Wilkinson, PD28 J168: 23 Harmer, John, 2D37: 42, 23Mr39: 41, 18Ap45: 41, 7N45: 32, 28Ag46: 31, D19F80:31 Harmer & King, 8Ag51: 32, 240c55: 22 adv. for John Woodson for altering tobacco notes, 17S36: 42 adv. imported slaves for sale, Ue39: 42 adv. property for sale, 23Ja46: 42, 27Mr46: 41 adv. slaves for sale, 31 J146: 52 merchants in Williamsburg, Va. , 31Mr38:42 tobacco inspectors, 17S36: 42 Harmon, Anne, 10c36: 42 John, Capt. , of the Putnam, D8N76: 11 Harmonson's warehouse, Va. , unclaimed in, 310c55: 22 Harmony, brig, Pi9N75: 22 horse, R220c72: 22, R140c73: 31 Harn, James, 4N63: 33 Harness, William, P12S77: 13 Harness, See Chair harness, furniture for; Coach harness, furniture for Harness, damaged, for sale in West Point, Va. , PD29N70: 23 Harness furniture, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , P23F76: 33 — D24F76: 33 Harness [gears], for sale on Dan river, Va. ,D11S79:32 Harness goods, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. P23F76: 33--D24F76: 33 Harnesses, adv. of in Williamsburg, Va. , R21My72: 23— PD18Je72: 33, R7Ap74: 32 boycotted in Providence, R. I. , PD21Ja68:31 captured by Americans, D13Ja76: 42 exported from Accomac district, Va. , to Boston, Mass. , PD22D68: 31 for sale, 130c38: 42, 25Ja40: 41, 7Mr51: 32, 5Mr52: 31, PD6N66: 31, R19F67: 32, R4F68: 32, PD19My68: 23 — R26My68: 33, R22Mr70: 22 — PD5Ap70: 42, R31My70: 42, R9My71:21,PD26D71:31, PD30Ap72: 31, D2Ap79: 31 at College landing, Williamsburg, Va. , D3Je75: 33 at Halfway house, (between Williamsburg and York, Va. , ), D14Ag79: 31 at Kingston glebe, Va. , PD13D70: 31 at Lancaster co. courthouse, Va. , PD7J168: 32 at Marlborough, Va. , PD25Oc70: 23 — R1N70: 32, PD9My71: 32--R9My71: 21 at Rocky Ridge, Va. , PD26Mr67: 33 in Annapolis, Md. , R8F70: 32 in Bermuda Hundred, Va. , P8Ag77: 13 in Brunswick co. , Va. , PD9Mr69: 33— R23Mr69:41 in Caroline co. , Va., PD7Ap68: 31 — R14Ap68: 43 in Charles City co., Va., PD21N71: 23 in Elizabeth City co. , Va. , R17F74: 31, D17Ja77: 22 in Edenton, N. C. , D28F77: 32 in Frederick co. , Va. , D27N78: 31 in Fredericksburg, Va. , D5D77: 22, D12D77:22 in Gloucester co. , Va. , D9Ap79: 31, D17J179: 32 in Gosport, Va. , PD17D67: 32 in Hampton, Va. , D19F79: 32 in Hanover, Va. , D24J179: 32 in James City co. , Va. , Pil6F75:33— P17F75: 42--D18F75: 31, D29N76: 42, D20D76: 21 in King and Queen co. , Va. , 30N59: 32,R21N71:32 in King William co. , Va. , 28F55: 32, PD6N66: 31, PD5My68: 31, R12My68: 32, PD6My73: 31 in Lancaster co. , Va. , Pi23Mr75: 33 — P24Mr75: 33— D25Mr75: 31 in Middlesex co. , Va. , P16My77s31 in New Kent co. , Va. , R24D67: 34 in Newcastle, Va. , C30Oc79: 42, D5F80:33 in Norfolk, Va. , PD13Je66: 32, PD24Ag69: 32--R24Ag69: 23, PD14F71: 32, PD8Ag71: 23, PD10D72: 23 in Norfolk co. , Va. . D40c76: 72 in Portsmouth, Va. , PD18Je67: 33 In Prince George co. , Va. , P310c77:13 in Richmond, Va. , DllMr75: 32, P21N77: 32,D2Ap79:31 in Richmond co. , Va. , PD6N66: 23, PD19My68: 23— R26My68: 33 in Smithfield, Va. , PD9Ja72: 32 in Stafford co. , Va. , P12D77: 31 in Surry co. , Va. , PD26F67: 32 in Tappahannock, Va. , PDlAg66: 31 in Urbanna, Va. , PD24N68: 32 — R24N68: 22 in West Point, Va. , PD24My70: 31 — R31My70: 42 in Westmoreland co. , Va. , 12F62: 41, P170c77:31 in Williamsburg, Va. , 6Ap39: 32, Ue39: 42, 240c45: 41, 4S46: 32, 18J151: 32, 19S51: 41, 7N54s21, PD18Ap66: 32, PD6N66: 22, PD18D66: 31, PD22Ja67: 33, PD30Ap67:32,PD16J167:33— R23J167:42, PD270c68: 33, R3N68: 34, R12J170: 33, PD20S70: 32, PD22N70: 23, PD17Ja71: 32, PDllAp71: 32, PD25J171: 23, PD240c71: 23, PD5Mr72: 32, R23Ap72: 31, PD5N72: 43, PD10Je73: 23, PD24Je73: 32, R280c73: 33, D20My75: 33, P7Je76: 33, P21Ag78: 31, D4D78: 22, D8My79: 22, D28Ag79: 31, D20c79: 31, DlAp80: 23, C2lOc80: 21 in York co. , Va. , PD20Ja74: 32 in Yorktown, Va. , 16Ag51: 32 , 18Je52:22, PDllAg68:23, P8Ag77: 12 near Blandford, Va. , D3Ja77: 31 — P3Ja77s23 near Cabin Point, Va. ,D14Mr77: 12 — P21Mr77:21 found, adv. of, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD14Ja73: 31 imported to Accomac district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , PD8S68p22 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , PD10Mr68: 31--R14Ap68: 42 from Salem, Mass. , PD15D68: 23 imported to York district, Va. , from London, Eng. , 20J139: 41, 2N39:31,25Ja40:4 lost, adv. for,PD12Ag73: 22 stolen, in Gloucester co. , Va. , C3J179:42 Harnesses, men's, captured by Americans, D13Ja76: 42 Harnessmakers, adv. of , D22Ap75: 33 in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD4J171:31,Pil7N74:33 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD24S67: 13, PD26S71:31--R26S71:31, P15D75:33 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD9Ap72: 33, P23F76:33— D24F76:33 See also Indentured servants as; Slaves as Harnessmakers, journeymen, adv. for, R4F68-.32 Harness-making, materials, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD24Mr68: 32 taught apprentices, P28N77: 31 Harnett, Cornelius, letter from Col. Richard Caswell quoted, P22Mr76: 11 pardon refused, P7Je76: 31— D8Je76: 51 president of N. C. council of safety, P9Ag76:41,D10Ag76:61 president of N. C. , provincial council, P22Mr76: 11— D23Mr76: 32, P22Mr76: 13 superintends funeral of Drayton, D25S79: 21 Harnson, James, PD12Mr67: 13 Harold, Gilliard, R11D66: 42 Housen, PD22D68: 33 Harp, John, deserter, 2S57: 42 Harper, Capt. , R27N66: 22, PD21My67: 23 of the Becky, DlAp75: 31 of the Lady Washington, D22N76: 31 Elizabeth, PDllAp66: 41 Ely, R14Ja73:33 Jesse, P14F77: 41 John, PDllMy69: 33, PD22N70: 33, Pi22Je75:33,D14N77:22 John, & co. , P6Mr78: 32 Joseph, D14N77: 22 jr. , PD10Oc66: 42, PD15Ag71: 33 sr. ,PD15Ag71:33 Joshua, Pi20Oc74: 23 — PD20Oc74: 23 Josiah, 12D51: 32 Margaret, PD24My70: 32 Robert, 3J152: 32, R220c72: 31, PD10Je73: 22— R10Je73: 33, PD15J173:32, R5Ag73: 23 William, P160c78: 13 Harper & Hartshorne, PD24N74: 23 — P11D74: 33 Harper's ferry, Va. , PD30Ja72: 33 — R6F72: 32 Harpiron, Mr. , indentured servant of, P2F76:41 Harps, See Eolus's harps; Jews harps Harpsichord, teachers of, adv. of in Williamsburg, Va. , 28Mr55: 41 Harpsichord makers, in London, Eng. , PD6Ag67: 32 See also Indentured servants as Harpsichords, R11D66: 32 adv. making and repairing in Williamsburg, Va. , PD8Ja67: 32 for sale, DllAp77: 71— PllAp77s21 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD6Ag67: 32 music for, PD29Ag71: 31 Harpsichord, double key, imported, for 504 Harris's fort sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , R3N68:33--PD10N68:22 Harr, Capt. , P10N75: 22 Harradan, Capt. , of the Pickering, D18D79:12--C25D79:11 Harrateen, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD14D69: 32--R14D69: 23 Harredon, Capt. , of the Tyrannicide, D4J177:71--P4J177:22 See also Harrington, Capt. Harress, William, sr. , P21N77: 43 Harrett, Job, sr. , 30N59: 42 Harretter, Paul, R22D68: 21 Harriet, Mr. , of St. Croix, W. I. , PD290c72: 13 Harriet, packet, D27My75: 31 ship, PD14Je70: 31--R14Je70: 32 Harrifield, James, P12D77: 32 Harrill, Daniel, PD19N72: 32 Harringdon, Capt. , of the Pickering, D230c79: 21 Harringham, James, 4N63: 33 Harrington, Capt. , of the Tyrannicide, D8Ag77:ll See also Harredon, Capt. Caleb, D27My75: 31 Jonathan, D27My75: 31 Harrington, Eng. , See Murders in Harrington, ship, 10Oc45: 3, 9Ja46: 4, 23Ja46: 22 Harriod, Edward, PD3Ag69: 32 Harriot, Capt. ,D29J175: 31 of the Helena, PD13Ag67: 13-- R13Ag67:22 Harriot, brig, PD9N69s23 brigantine, R26J170: 13 H. M. packet, PD4D66: 23 packet, R60c68: 13, R16F69: 12, PD31Ja71:23,R5Ag73:21, Pi9N75:23--P10N75: 21, P16F76: 22, D27N78: 22, D12F79: 31. D19F79:21 ship, R11F68: 31, PD7J168: 23 — R7J168:23 Harriot and Theodotia, ship, 18My39: 3 Harriott, Capt. , of the Swan, 29Ag51: 22 Harriott, ship, PD5S66s43, PD12S66: 23, PD16 J167: 33, PD6Ag67: 32, R25Ag68: 32--PD1S68: 23, PD29Je69: 33, PD11N73: 22 Harris, Capt. , 250c65s23, PD26Mr67: 23, P170c77:31 captured by Americans, P5Ja76(5)sl3-- D6Ja76: 32 captured by Americans in N. Y. , P8D75: 23 of the Muskito, P8N76: 33, D11J177: 31--P11J177: 33, D8Ja80: 23 of the Union, R19Ag73: 21 wounded in battle of Bunker Hill, P22J175s22--D29J175: 31 Col. , death reported in Ga. , D9Ap79: 12 defeated by British in Ga. , DllAp77: 32 of Georgia, P310c77: 23 regiment of, 170c55: 21 Mr. , address to graduates of King's college, PD27My73: 22 clerk at Fort Bute, PD6Ag72: 21 requests trade relief for colonies, PD21Mr66:31 store of, 25F37: 41 Anne,7Mr51:32 Benjamin, 28Ag52: 32, PD2My66: 32, PD12Mr67: 13, D8Je76: 71, D3Ag76:41,D10Oc77:22 Benjamin, Capt. , PllAg75: 41 Charles, 18J151: 41 Daniel, R50c69: 23 David, 17N52: 31, 2S57: 42, R17F74: 32, P15Ag77:13 Drury,D8Ag77:31 Edward, PilD74: 31--PD1D74: 23, D21Ja75: 31,D3Ag76:32 Elizabeth, D25Mr80: 23 Francis, PD23Ap72: 23--R23Ap72: 31 Francis Eppes, P7Mr77: 31 Frederick, PD21N71: 22--R21N71: 31, PD25N73: 23 George Fuller, PD18Ap71: 33 Hugh, P17Ja77:43 James, adv. finding cow, PD19D71: 33 calls colonies rebels, PDllAp66: 23 captain of Chesterfield co. , Va. , militia, P3N75: 12 claims to be free Negro, 16Ja61: 42 land of, PD14D69: 32, PD19Mr72: 32, R12My74:41 Jeremiah, Capt. , PD150c72: 22 John, adv. mortgaged estate for sale, 5S55:41 adv. estate for sale, 5S55:41 adv. finding of heifer, D4S79: 32 adv. for runaway indentured servant, PD22J173:33 adv. slaves for sale, PD10Ag69: 33 adv. stallion for hire, PD18Ap66: 32, D9Mr76: 31, D7Mr77: 72-- P14Mr77sll, P3Ap78s22, D2Ap79: 31 alias of indentured servant, PD26Mr67: 32 bond of, PD28 Ja73: 31 chosen to James City co. , Va. , committee, PD1D74: 23-- PilD74: 31 convicted for felony, 210c37: 32 death of, 21S39: 31, 14N55: 21 deserter, P30c77: 31 estate of for sale, PD7Mr71: 32, D30Oc78:31 letter of, in post office, 14Ag52: 31 runaway indentured servant, 28J138:41 settlement of estate of, C30Oc79: 23 shipof,PD7Ja68:22 slave of, PD24Je73: 33 stable of, R13Ap69: 32 John, Capt. , of the Corlet, R15S74: 33 John, Col. ,D19Mr79:32 John Skipp, R14D69: 31, R220c72: 33, D25Ap77: 31 Joseph, PD9J172: 32, R4Ag74: 33, P24Ja77: 23 slave, P22S75: 31--D23S75: 31 Little Fighting Jack, pseud, of John Harris, C30Oc79; 23 Matthew, PD13Ag72: 31 Moses, PD25Je67: 32 Nathan, R30My7T. 23 Nathaniel, P28N77: 32 Robert, 6Ja38: 42 adv. finding horse, R3Ag69: 32 adv. finding steer, 12Je52: 31 adv. for missing horse, PD2N69: 42, PD14D69: 32 adv. plantation for sale, PD26Ja69: 33 burgess from Hanover co. , Va. , 24S36:31 letter to, in post office, PD31Mr68: 22 of N. C.,PD9N69:31 Robert, jr. , 1D38: 42 S. ,R140c73:31 Samuel, 22Ap57: 42, PD26F67: 23, Pi31Ag75: 33, P15N76: 33, D4D79: 22 Sarah, PD12Mr67: 13, D25Ap77: 31, D30Oc78:31 Sherwood, 310c55: 42 Simeon, D40c76: 72 Simeon, Dr. , R22Mr70: 21, P27S76s21,P14F77:32 Thomas, adv. finding horse, PD15F70: 42, P22S75: 33, P4Ap77: 43, P30My77:43 adv. for missing horse, P4J177sl2 adv. ownership of land, D29Ap75s41 of Great Britain, PD3N74: 42-- Pi4N74: 33 sale at house of, PD2J172: 32 slave of, P31Ja77:31 Tyree, 9My55: 21, R60c68: 31, D18My76:23 Walter, P18Ap77s21 [Walter], Dr., author, PD29N70: 21, PD13D70: 42, PD3Ja71: 42, PD17Ja71: 42, PD24Ja71: 43, PD7F71:42,PD21F71:43, PD7Mr71: 43, PD21Mr71: 43, PD28Mr71: 42, PD18J171: 23, PD25J171: 33, PDlAg71: 41, PD8Ag71: 41, PD17S72: 21, PD10Je73: 31, D25N75: 12, D30D75: 12, D24F76: 43, D2Mr76: 42, D9Mr76: 41, D25My76: 43, D24Ag76:52,D24J179:31 William, D23Ja78: 42 accused of horse stealing, D17J178:42 acquitted of felony, Pi20Oc74: 23-- PD20Oc74:23 adv. finding heifer, PD13D70: 32 adv. finding horse, R13J169: 32 agent of Archibald Gavan, PD22N70: 32 collector of debts, R29N70: 31 convict servant, R12J170: 23 defendant in suit, PD9N69: 31 deserter, P30c77: 31 , P21N77: 33 escapes murderers, PD5Mr67: 21 gives deposition on murder, PD5F67:22 holds bond illegally, D180c76: 22 letter to, in post office, PD2Je68: 23 lottery of, RUe69: 32, R30My71: 23 of N. C, PD28My67: 32, P30c77: 31, D12F79:41 runaway convict servant, PD30J172: 33 sale at door of, D28Ja75: 32 witnesses murder, PD16J167: 22 [William], D.D. , author, PD25F68: 41, PD29N70: 21, PD13D70: 42, PD3Ja71: 42, PD17Ja71: 42, PD24Ja71: 43, PD7F71: 42, PD7F71:43,PD7Mr71:43, PD21Mr71: 43, PD28Mr71: 42, PD17S72:21 William, jr. , P23Ag76sll Harrisbury, N. C. , See_ Merchants in Harris' creek, Va. , See Land for sale on; Ships, damaged, for sale in Harris's ferry, Pa. , See Indian attacks near Harris's fort, 27Ag56: 31 505 Harrison Harrison, Capt. , 20Oc52: 32, 25Ap55: 12, PD6Je66: 12, PD5N67: 12, PD8S68: 22 fires on Dunmore's navy at Gwynn's island, Va. ,P19J176:31, D20J176: 32 in battle of Point Pleasant, PilON74: 23 of Boston, Mass. ,PD10D67:21 of the Brayton, 13Je51: 32, 30c51: 32 of the Monmouth, 10Oc55: 22, 7N55: 21, 14N55:21 of the Peggy, PD16My66: 13 of Sussex co. , Va. , militia, P7J175s21 Col. , 17D36: 12, D27Je77: 32 — P27Je77:32,P22Ag77:31 battalion of, P6Mr78:41 in skirmish at Sandy point, Va. , P6S76: 11 mill of, P18J177:32 regiment of, D19S77: 41, P14N77: 33, P27Mr78: 11 shipyard of, P6D76: 31, P3Ja77s21, D31Ja77:81 slave of, PD8N70: 32 slaves of sold, Pi6Ap75sl2 — P7Ap75: 32— D8Ap75: 33 train of artillery, PlAg77: 13 Com., of the Guernsey, PD4Je67: 21 Lt. , taken prisoner in Chambly, Can. , P116N75: 32--P17N75: 31 — D18N75:22 Maj. , brigantine of, 18Ag38: 41 Mr. , PD9Mr69: 33— R9Mr69: 23 bond to, Pi6Ap75sl2 — P7Ap75: 32 — D8Ap75: 33 invents watches in Eng. , PD24My70: 22 of Brandon, Va. , P22Mr76: 23 requests trade relief for colonies, PD21Mr66:31 surveyor general of customs, southern department, 210c37: 31, 280c37: 32 Mrs., of Boston, Mass. , PD10D67: 21 Rev. Mr., land of, PD2F69: 32 — R2F69:32 Andrew, 2My55: 22, PD21Je70: 32 Anne, 10Ag39: 32 B., adv. land for sale, PD16N69: 22 — R30N69:32,R23Je74:42 B. , Col. , imports slave, 18Ja40: 4 Benjamin, PD28Ja68: 31, P7Mr77s24 addressed (text) by Botetourt co. , Va. , P24Mr75: 32 addresses (text) freeholders of Augusta co. , Va. , P14Ap75: 31 adv. extinction of smallpox at Berkeley, PD10D72: 23 adv. finding horse, 2S57: 31, PD26Mr72:33 adv. for cargo, R8N70: 12 adv. for millers, PD22Ag7 1:33, PD25Je72:33 adv. for missing horse, 20Je45: 42, PD21Mr66:41 adv. for runaway indentured servant, 19My38: 42 adv. for runaway slave, HAp51: 41, 5S51: 32, 60c52: 32, R23J167: 31, R24D67: 33, PD18Oc70s22 — R18Oc70: 23, R6My73: 32, D14Ja75: 32 adv. horse for sale, PD8Ap73: 33 adv. land for sale, 240c55: 22, R24D67:43, PD25Ag74: 32 adv. schooner for sale, R9My71: 33 adv. ship biscuit for sale, 15Je39: 32 adv. ship for sale, PD21J168: 32, PD8Mr70: 32--R8Mr70: 32, PD19N72: 31, PD6My73: 31 adv. slaves and livestock for sale, 12D55:31 adv. slaves for sale, PD25N73: 23, PD6Ja74: 32, PD24F74: 32 announces smallpox inoculation, PD24S72: 22 appointed to committee of observation for Charles City co. , Va. , Pil2Ja75: 11— D14Ja75: 13 appointed to committee on petitions toGt. Brit. ,R21Ap68:14 arrives in Watertown, Mass, Pi9N75: 11 burgess from Charles City co. , Va. , 3N38: 51, 24Ja52: 32, 27F52: 32, 12D55: 22, PD1D68:31— R1D68: 21, PDllMy69s41, PD14S69:31 — R2169: 23. R9N69: 11, PD5D71: 31, PD28J174:31 12D55:22 chosen clerk of Va. delegates, D15My78: 32 chosen congressman, P23My77: 23 chosen member of Va. privy council, P5J176s21— D6J176:21 defendant in husting court, R21S69:32 delegate from Charles City co. , Va. , Pi9Mr75:33, DlAp75: 21, P18Ap77sll deputy appointed in room of, D16S75:32 deserter, P10My76sl2 elected delegate to Continental congress, PD4Ag74: 23— R4Ag74: 32, PDllAg74: 12— RllAg74: 31, Pi270c74: 23, Pi30Mr75: 31 — DlAp75: 23, P23 Je75s22, D19Ag75: 32, P15Mr76: 13--D16Mr76: 13, D110c76:61 — PHOc76:22 elected visitor of William and Mary college, P21Ap75s41 house of, burned by lightning, PD24Je73: 31— R24Je73: 31 in Stamp act controversy, PD30c66: 22 land agreement of, 24Ap52: 22 letter to, in post office, PD23Ap67: 31, PD3Ag69: 32 manager of Moore's lottery, R14Ap68: 31— PD1D68: 32 marriage of, P19Ap76p22 marriage of daughter of, P10Mr75s22 of Brandon, Va. , D3Je75: 33 on committee of correspondence, PD18Mr73: 23— R18Mr73: 31 on committee of defense in Va. , Pi30Mr75: 23— DlAp75: 22 on committee to encourage manufactures in Va. , Pi30Mr75: 31 — DlAp75:23 on committee to establish Continental army, Pi9N75: 22--P10N75: 13 — D11N75:21 on committee to regulate counterfeiting, RllMr73:31 praised in Augusta co. , Va. , P14Ap75:23 praised as Va. delegate to Continental congress, P10F75: 32 praised for participation in first Continental congress, D25Mr75: 13 prepares bill for relief of flood victims, R18J171: 23 presents address to governor from burgesses, R5Mr72: 23 resigns as delegate to Continental congress, D14N77: 12 resigns from Va. privy council, PUOc76:22 returns from Continental congress, PD3N74:11— Pi4N74:32 signs Association of 1774, PD3N74: 12 — Pi4N74: 12 slave of,R4N73:31 thanked for conduct at Continental congress, Pi30Mr75: 22--DlAp75: 21 to Cambridge, Mass. , D280c75: 32 urges defense of Phila. , Pa. , D29N76:21— P29N76:21 Benjamin, Col. , 17J152: 32, PD6N66: 31, P5My75:21 attends Va. convention, PllAg75p22 buys arms for Brunswick co. , Va. , 22D38:31 escorted to Md. , P12My75sl3 imports Madeira wine, 20Ap39: 32 indentured servant of, 13Ja38: 41 land of, 240c55:22 letter to, in post office, PD12Mr67: 13 of Brandon, Va. , P7Mr77s: 24 ships of, 15Ap37: 12, 7D39:41 slaves of, 2S57: 31, PD15Ja67: 33 Benjamin, jr. , PD27N66: 31 — R27N66:23,P5Je78:41 adv. for cooper, PD18N73: 22 adv. for mate and seamen, D23Ja78: 41 adv. for overseers and gardener, P160c78: 12 adv. for runaway slave, R13D70: 33, PD7Ap74: 32 adv. for sail boat,D14Ag79: 12 adv. for ship carpenters, P22Ag77: 12 adv. sloop for sale, PD14J174: 31 appointed to committee of observation, Charles City co. , Va. , Pil2Ja75: 11— D14Ja75: 13 attorney for Robert Necks, PD23D73: 23 chosen delegate for Charles City co. , Va. , P23Je75s22 delegate from Prince George co. , Va. , P18Ap77s:ll letter to, in post office, R17F74: 33 requests money due for sale of slaves, PD22D74: 31 sells army biscuit and flour, P160c78: 42 slave of, PD4My69:33,PD18My69:31 Benjamin, jr., Mrs. , PD26N67: 23 Benjamin, Maj. , 9D37: 42, 24Ag39: 22 Benjamin, sr. ,R15S68: 24 Betsey, P5My75: 21 Burr, R6S70: 32, P20D76: 21, P8Ag77: 13 Burr, Capt. , R17Je73:33, R210c73: 22 Burr, Col. ,PlMr76:ll Carter, 240c55: 31, R19Ag73: 22, D25Mr75:12,D23S75:33 Carter, Capt. , 12D55: 41 Cary, R14Ap68: 33, PD2Ja72: 32 — R6F72: 42, R23Ap72: 33, PD26N72: 23, D8Je76:72 Charles, PD9My66: 31, PD16Ag70: 43, PD30Je74: 31, D18F75: 32, D18F75: 33, P16F76:31 directs recruiting officers, P28F77s21 horses of, D26F80: 32 marches to Charleston, S. C. , DllMr80:32 regiment of, P14Mr77: 33 regiment of artillery, P18Ap77s32, 506 Harrowgate, Eng. D11J177: 32, P8My78s22, D22Ja80: 33 settles dispute, D19S77: 31 Charles. Mrs. , PilOAg75:33 — PllAg75:33--D12Ag75:33 Cuthbert, PD22D74: 32, Pil2Ja75:32, Pil Je75: H--P2Je75s41, PlMr76: 11, P14Je76p22 GUbert, Capt. , PD18N73: 13 — R25N73:33 H. , Col. ,5N36:31 Heartweil, P28N77:33 Henry, administrator of, D280c75: 33 adv. land for sale, PD24S67: 21, PD10D67: 32, PD24Mr68: 33, PDllAp71:32 estate of for sale, D1N76: 41 — P1N76:33 plantation of, P21Mr77s21 tobacco of estate of, P7J175s23 Henry, Capt., estate for sale,PD2Ap72:33, PD80c72: 32, PD26N72: 23 land of, PD28Ja68: 32 of the Happy, 7Ag52: 31, 270c52: 21 of the Salamander, 25Ja40: 2 plantation of, PD10D67: 32 James, 250c65s33, PD7My67: 33, PD26My68: 22, PDllMy69: 32, P23Je75:32 John, PD24Je73: 22, PD15J173: 31 — P 15J173: 31, PD2S73: 12--R2S73s21, R9D73: 12,D25F75:32 John, Capt., of the Bayton, 7Ag52:31, PD5F67:31 of the Briton, 28Ag52: 31 of the Nestor, PD3F74: 33, PD10Mr74: 31, R14Ap74: 23— PD28Ap74: 23 John, jr. ,R22S74:33 Joseph, PD13J169: 22, PD7S69: 23 — R7S69: 23, PD27S70: 13, PD13Ja74: 13 [Joseph], author, PD7Mr71: 42, PD21Mr71: 42, PD28Mr71: 42, PD18J171:31,PD25J171:41, PDlAg71: 42, DllF75s23, D11D79: 22 Lucy,P5My75:21 Ludwell,PD21Ja73:31 Matthew, D19D77: 42 Matthew, Capt.,R7J174: 31 --PD14J174: 32 N. , adv. for missing horse, P5S77: 33 N. , Col. ,24D36:12 Nancy, P10Mr75s22, Pi23Mr75: 13 Nathaniel, R22J173: 33, PD22J173: 33, PD30S73: 32--R30S73: 32, D18F75: 32 adv. corn for sale, P21Mr77s21 adv. estate for sale, PD2Ap72: 33, PD80c72: 32, PD26N72: 23, D280c75:33,DlN76:41 — PlN76:33,P30c77:31 adv. for missing horses, 27Mr46: 42, PD27 Je71 : 33, PD22 J173 : 33, P8My78s22 adv. for runaway slave, 21J138: 32, PD5Mr72: 32, PD7My72: 32 adv. land for sale, PD27N66: 31— R27N66:23 adv. livestock for sale, PD170c66: 33 adv. sale of slaves, PD27N66: 31— R27N66:23 adv. settlement of estate, P170c77: 23 adv. slaves for hire,D12D77: 12 adv. slaves for sale, PD27N66: 31 — R27N66:23 appointed to committee for Prince George co. , Va. , D3Je75: 33 builds Stafford co. , Va. , courthouse, 24Ap52:22 daughter of, 10Ag39: 32 elected council member, P30My77: 31 elected to Va. privy council, D250c76: 42- P250c76:22 orders prompt election returns, D8Ja80:23 proclamation for apprehension of, 12Mr52:22 quarter of,D31J179: 32 son of, 24Ag39:22 Nathaniel, Col. , 12D45:42, 170c51: 41, R21S69:32, P7F77:32 agent for estate, 170c51: 42 certifies pedigree of horse Junius, DllAp77:61 horse of, PD16S73: 32 indentured servant of, 28Mr51: 41 involved in suit, PD17Ag69: 33 landing of, PD30My66: 43 letter to, in post office, PD2Je68: 23 plantation seat of, 7N51: 31 slave of, 28F55: 32 Nathaniel, jr. , PD12Mr67: 33 Nehemiah, P29Ag77: 41 Peter E. , P170c77: 23 Philip, D31Ag76: 31 Price, P21Ag78: 11 Pichard, 7Ag52: 32, PD10N74: 33, 3J179:33 Richard, Capt., of the Nelson, 7Ag52: 31, 17N52: 22 Robert, PD19Mr67: 33, PD18Je67: 33 charged with false suit, PD5My68:23 clerk of Fairfax co. , Va. , meeting, R4Ag74:21 debt due Col. John Syme, PD24Mr68:33 defendant in Hustings court, R18J166:33 defendant in suit,R18J166: 33 estate for sale,D280c75: 33 horse of,D24Ap78: 42 land of,R18J166:33 Robert H. , PD10N74: 33, P129D74: 32, Pi2F75:21,D7F77: 12--P7F77: 11, P14F77: 11,D26S77:11 Robert Hanson, R4Ag74:22, PD10N74:42, P8D75:21 [Robert Hanson], Lt. Col. ,D2My77: 11, P2My77s21 Samuel, R4D66: 23 [Sarah], author, PD18J171: 32, PD25J171: 42, PDlAg71: 42, PD8Ag71:43 Susan, PD2Je74: 22 Susanna (Digges), 24Ag39: 22 Susannah, Mrs. , P30c77: 31 Thomas, advertises land for sale, R17Ag69: 31 burgess from Fauquier co. , Va. , PD15D68: 23--R15D68: 21, R27Ap69: 22, PDllMy69s41 burgess from Prince William co. , Va. , 27F52:32 denounced as scoundrel, PD3S67: 32 directs lottery, R17Ag69: 32 of Md. ,PD17Mr74:31 repudiates bond, R14N70: 31 runaway indentured servant, PD3S72:31 signs Va. Association, PD25My69: 12 William, PD21My72: 22, P30Ag76: 21, P20D76:23 adv. ferry, P18J177sll adv. finding horse, R5Ag73: 31 adv. finding steer, PD19D71: 33 adv. for missing horse, 4N63: 31, PD26N67:32,D18D79:31 adv. for runaway slave, R23Ap72: 32 adv. land for sale, D210c75: 32 adv. merchandise for sale, PD25N73:22 adv. plantation for sale,R17Ag69: 31 announces auction in Dinwiddie co. , Va. ,Pi26Ja75: 12 announces departure, PD17N74: 23 announces estate conveyed to creditors, PD29J173: 23 defendant in Chancery court, PD21Je70: 32, PD28N71: 31 denounces brother, PD3S67: 32 deserter, P18Ap77s22 escheated property for sale, C13N79: 13— D13N79: 22 of Dinwiddie co. , Va. , committee, D18N75: 31 preacher for relief fund for clergy's widows and orphans, PD7My72: 31, PD5Mv74:23,Pi9Mr75:33--DllMr75:32 sale at house of, R4F68: 41 settlement of estate, D90c79: 32 subscriber to meeting of merchants, PD30Je74: 23 trustee for relief fund for clergy's widows and orphans, PillMy75: 33 — D13My75: 33, P29Mr76: 32 — D30Mr76: 33 unclaimed tobacco of, C27N79: 23 William, Capt. , P31Mr75sl3 of the Nancy, R10F74: 31 William, jr. ,R13S70: 32 Rev. Mr. , PDllMr73: 31 — RllMr73:31,D13Ap76:33, D25My76:22,D13D76:31 Harrison, Hooe &, P3Ap78: 31, D24J179: 22 Harrison, Watts &, PD26N72: 23, P25Ag75:73 Harrison, armed schooner, Pi30N75: 23 brig,PD30J167:31 ship, 17S36: 42, 30S37: 41, 9Je38: 41, 30Je38: 42, 60c38: 52, 30c51: 32, 6F52: 31, 7Ag52: 31, D26Mr79: 22 Harrison's bridge, PD17Je73: 33 Harrison's red apple trees, for sale, in Surry co. , Va. , 26S55: 32 Harriss, Benjamin, Pi24Ag75: 33 Edward, 28Mr55: 41 John, 14N55: 31, PD290c67: 23, Pil90c75: 33, D26S77: 32, C28Ag79: 42 Polly, R17Mr74: 12 Robert, D110c76: 71 Roe,CllD79: 13 Thomas, 2Mr53: 41, 2Mr53: 42 William, Pi21S75: 33 Harris's, plantation, Va. , PD3D72: 23 Harrocks, Mr. , R270c68: 31— PD270c68:32 Richard, D24Ag76: 72, P12D77: 23 Harrocks, Honey &, P14Je76: 32 Harrodsburg, Ky. , inhabitants address George Rogers Clark, P12D77:22 Harrop, William, Capt. , PD8Je69: 11 of the Bacchus, PD18My69: 21 Harrowgate, Eng. , See Prices current in 507 Harrows Harrows, for sale, PD5F67: 31 — R19F67:41,Pi7S75:32 Harry, Capt. , of the Barbuda Packet, 7N51:22 William, PD9Ap67: 21 Harry, sloop, 7F51: 41, 18Ap51: 32 ship, RllMy69:32, PD23N69:31 — R23N69: 22, PD16My71: 23 Harstone, Robert, PD3N74pll, P14Ap75:33 Hart, Mr. , PD20S70s42 Tory of Duke's co. , N. Y.,D13Je77: 11 Casper, PD4D66: 23 Daniel, PD5N67: 12 David, D29Je76: 41, P12S77: 12 John,C21Oc80:22 adv. finding heifer, C3J179: 43 adv. for lost merchandise, PD28Mr71: 31 announces departure, PD28Ja73: 32, P15Ag77:ll bond of, due estate of John Shermer, D3Ag76: 32 convicted for felony, 240c55: 21 of Pa. ,PD19N72:21 sentenced for felony, 14N55: 21 settlement of estate of, P10J178: 13 Hart, John, & co. ,D21F77: 21 — P21F77:32 JohnOdell,D7Mr77:62 Malcolm, PD19N72: 21, D5Je79: 32 adv. for missing horse, D3J179: 32 announces departure, D23Mr76: 33 apologizes for criticizing colonies, P115D74: 32— PD15D74: 31 collector for estate, PD2S73: 23 collector for merchants, Pi26Ja75: 33-- D28Ja75:32 requests payment of debts, D6Ap76: 33 Nathaniel, D29Je76: 41, P12S77: 12 Oliver, Baptist minister, D18My76: 21 Patrick, 30D75: 21 Ralph, D27D76: 41--P27D76: 21 Robert, PD6N66: 22--R4D66: 11, PD30Ap67: 33, PD10N74: 43 adv. dissolution of partnership, PD270c74: 32 adv. for runaway slaves, D18My76: 23 adv. houses and lots for sale, PD270c74: 32 adv. settlement of estate, C27N79: 21— D27N79: 22 agent for Malcolm Hart,D6Ap76: 33 debt due, PD6My73: 31— R6My73: 23 sells lottery tickets, PD24S 67: 21 Silas, P3N75: 13 Thomas, R4D66: 23, PD29Ja67: 13, PD18F68: 31, Pi21S75: 33, D29Je76: 41, D160c79:31 William, 4S46: 32, P8Mr76s22, D3Ag76: 32 Hart, Allen &, collector for, P15Ag77:ll,P10J178:13 Harte, [Walter], author, PD7J168: 31, D25N75: 12, D30D75: 11, D24F76: 43, D2Mr76: 41, D9Mr76: 41, D25My76: 43 Hartfield court, Eng. , See Anecdotes from Hartford, Conn. , Superior court, criminals acquitted in,2N39: 12 See also Accidents in; Bears in; Boston port bill, relief from, by; Cancer in; Churches in; Fires in; Merchants, in; North meeting house in; Prisoners of war, British, to; Prisoners of war, Tories, in; Ships to; Storms in; Surgery for lithotomy in; Tories attack nearfTories, from N. Y. arrested in; Tories in Hartford co. , Conn. , See Census in Hartford, plantation, Va. , D160c79: 31 Harthorn, Mr. , gives directions for manufacturing saltpetre in Alexandria co. , Va. , P2F76sl3 Harthorne, Daniel, Capt. , P22N76: 21 Hartington, Capt. , of the Tyrannicide, D13Je77: 11— 'P>3Je77: 21 Hartlebury, England, See Funerals, described in Hartley, Benjamin, Capt. , of the St. John, 13My37:32 [David], discusses cost of Revolutionary war in Commons, P19J176: 12— D29J176: 11 discusses military policy in Commons, D40c76: 11 letter (text) of requisition to colonies, D26Ag75:21 opposes prohibitory act, P9Je75: 22 proposes repeal of Declaratory act, P9Je75: 12 supports British colonies, N.Am. , Pi27J175: 21, P26My75: 13 — D27My75:22,Pi3Ag75:ll Richard, Capt. , of the Patowmack Merchant, 270c52: 21 [Thomas], Col. ,D10Ag76: 51, D15N76:12— P15N76:21 William, P14N77: 22 Hartley, Eng. , See Anecdotes from Hartley, brig, PD3F74: 33 — R10F74:33 mare, C13My80:41 ship, PD10F74:23 Hartling, Mary, PD17Ja71: 13 Hartly, horse, D2Ap79: 31 snow, PD14Ap74: 31— R14Ap74: 23 Harts, Benjamin, C18D79: 13 Eless,C18D79: 13 Hartshorn, Hall,R10Je73: 41 John,R21N71:43 Mary, Mrs. , PD3S72: 21 Hartshorn, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va.,28Ag46:31 Hartshorn, spirits of, for sale, in Newcastle, Va. , PD19N72: 22 in Petersburg, Va. ,D24Ag76: 61 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD21S69: 41 — R21S69s21 Hartshorn shavings for sale, in Norfolk, Va.,PD25J166:23 in Petersburg, Va. , PD1J173: 32, PD30D73: 31, PD14J174: 32, D25Mr75: 31-- Pi23Mr75: 33, D24Ag76: 61 in Richmond, Va.,5S55:32, PD10S72: 23, PD17Je73: 33 — R17Je73s23 in Williamsburg, Va. , 24My51: 32, 22My52: 32, 2My55: 22, 2My55: 31, 14N55: 22, 30N59: 32, PD270c68: 32 — R270c68: 22, PD13Ap69: 32--R13Ap69: 32, R12J170: 31, PD29N70: 31 — R29N70: 31, PDllAp71: 32, PD240c71: 31, PD2J172: 32, PD290c72: 22--R290c72: 22, PD10Je73: 22, Pi6Ap75: 42 Hartshorne, William, R4Ag74: 22, Pi29D74: 32, D24Ap78: 32 Hartshorne, Harper &, PD24N74: 23 — PilD74:33 Hartson, Capt., near Purysburgh, S.C., D22My79:21 Hartswell, Rev. Mr. , 4Ja40: 41 poem of, to Sir Yelverton Peyton, 1F40:42 R. , comments on poetry, PD29Ja67: 12 Richard, PD19S66: 23, PD30Oc66: 12 author, R4F68: 34 Hartwell, Capt. , of the Blenheim, P20Je77:21 of the Boyne, PD21Ap74: 22, D7Ja75:22 Mrs., land of, P21N77: 31 J. , Capt. , of the Ocean, D20Je77: 11 John, Capt., of the Boyd, PD11 J171:32 Paul,P5D77:31 Hartwell, Cocke & co. , P11J177: 41 Hartwell, snow, 30N59: 41 Hartwood, ship, 26S55: 31 Haruley, Joshua, 7N54: 31 Harvard, Mass. , See Non-importation agreements supported in Harvard college, 29My52: 21 addresses Gov. Hutchinson, R7J174: 31 building struck by lightning, PD28J168: 21— R28J168: 22 celebrates Burgoyne's surrender, P5D77:21 commencement abolished, PD30Je74: 13 confers Doctor of laws degree upon Gen. Washington, DllMy76: 32 declaration of Continental congress read at, PilOAg75: 32— PllAg75pl2 general court meets at, PD26J170: 21, PD2Ja72: 23, PD25Je72: 23 house of representatives opposes meeting at, PD11J171: 21 lectures at, PD8Je69: 13 Mass. assembly meets at, PD25Oc70: 13 military training for students at, PD23My71: 13 students wear American cloth, PD4Oc70: 21— R4Oc70: 22 Harvard hall, Harvard college, lightning rods on, RllAg68: 14 Harvey, Capt. , 17Ap46: 22, 120c52: 32, P5Ja76:22 of the America, PD2N69: 21 of the Perm, P19My75: 21 of the Ponsonby, PD25Je67: 21 of the Phoenix, 7N54: 11 Col. ,5Mr52:32 Gen. , to America considered, P14Je76:ll Mr. , stay maker of Phila. , Pa. , PD25Ap71:31 Benjamin, D14Ag79: 31 Henry, 19D55: 31 Henry, sr.,8Ag51:41 James Kennersley, Capt. , PD23N69:21 Joel, P3Mr75s22 John, adv. finding horse, PD9Ap72:33,R16D73:41 appointed to admiralty board, PD18Ap71: 13 escaped prisoner, 17Je37:42 merchant in Essex co. , Va. , 20Je45:41 ordered to report to company, D19D77:32 speaker of N. C. general assembly, PD10Ja71: 23— R10Ja71: 11, 508 Hastie PD15Ap73: 11, Pi4My75: 21, Pil8My75:22 Capt., of the Rebecca. D24F76: 33 Matthew, D19D77: 32, D10J178: 32 Mango, P23Je75: 31, P5J176p23, C13N79:22 Onetepherus, D20N79: 31 Richard, PD18J171: 22, D10Oc77: 22, D10J179:32 Seth, Capt. , of the Lebanon, 31Ja51:32 Thomas, PD30J172: 31, PD15Ap73: 31, D10J178: 32 William. PD30J167: 33.D4F75: 32, P6S76:33 [William], author, PD17S72: 22 William, jr. , PD30Ap72: 31, D2S75: 33, D21S76:32 Zeth, Capt. . of the Neptune. 31D36:42 Harvey, Harmanson & , R4Mr73: 32 Harvey & Deans, PD3Ja71: 32, PD7Ja73:32 Harvey's apple trees, for sale, in Surry co. , Va. , 4N63: 41 Harvie, Capt. , of the Caledonia, 170c51:22 Mr. , witness against Robert Gilmour in Va. ,Pi9F75:22 John, adv. finding horse, 7N54s22 adv. for missing money, P9F76:33--D10F76:33 adv. unclaimed bundle, 2N39: 32 appointed Va. delegate to Continental congress, P5Je78: 22 chosen congressman, P23My77: 23 delegate from Albemarle co. , Va. , P2My77s31 delegate from Augusta co. , Va. , Pi30Mr75: 22--DlAp75: 21, Pi6J175: 12 escapes from Caroline co. , Va. , jail,9Ja46:41 instructions to from Augusta co. , Va. , Pi6J175:12 Harwell, Mark, D11N75: 33 Harwich, Eng. , See Privateers, American, capture British ships near; Storms in Harwich, Mass. , See Non- importation agreements supported in Harwich. H. M.S. , 6Je45: 21, 24Ja52:22 man of war,2S57: 21 Harwood, Ca pt. , of the Needham, 24F38: 22 Col., mill of,R3Mr74:41,PD16Je74:31, P27D76:31,D14Mr77:62 mill destroyed in Warwick co. , Va. , PD6Ag67:23 Mr. , PD5Mr72: 32--R12Mr72: 41 Mrs. , thanked for kindness to Va. regiment, 7th, P5 J176p22 Widow, 4J145: 41 Benjamin, P21Ag78: 31 Christopher, PD210c73: 31, PDlS74s22, P29N76: 31, D10J179: 31 Daniel, PD18F73: 23, P24My76: 42 — D25My76:23 E. , member of committee for Warwick co. , Va. ,Pi9Mr75:33 Edward. D10Oc77:22--P10Oc77: 12, P160c78: 22, D30Oc78: 31, D90c79: 22 Humphrey, adv. estate for sale, PD22Ja67:33 adv. for journeymen bricklayers, PD6Je71:32,PD3Je73:32 adv. for missing horse, D11S79: 31 adv. for runaway apprentice, PD5S71:32 adv. for runaway indentured servant, PD21DR9:23 adv. settlement of estate, PD26Mr67: 31 appointed It. of Williamsburg, Va. , company, PH4S75: 31— P15S75s22 — D16S75:32 appointed to committee for Williamsburg, Va. , P19N75: 33, D24J179:21 land of,D16Ap79:22 John, PD240c66: 32, R2Ag70: 23, P17My76:33,P28Je76:33, P21Ag78: 13 John, Capt. , 5My38:32 of the Caesar, 7J138: 41, 28J138: 41 of the Sea Nymph, 18My39: 41, 24Ag39: 22, 24Ag39: 3, 2N39: 2, 25Ja40:3 John, jailer, P5J176p23, P13D76: 32, P31Ja77:31 John, sr. , PD19J170: 41, R2Ag70: 32 Joseph, PD17Mr74: 31 Samuel, accuses Mr. Murdoch of Toryism, P24My76: 32 adv. for missing horse, 9My45: 41 adv. land for sale,R23S73: 33, P8Ag77: 42 adv. settlement of estate, P3Ja77: 23 appointed major of Va. battalion, Pil4S75: 31--P15S75s21 — D16S75:32 appointed to committee of observation for Charles City, co. , Va. , Pil2Ja75: ll--D14Ja75: 13 bond of, due estate, D3Ag76: 32 chosen delegate to Va. convention for Charles City co. , Va. , P19Ap76: 32 deputy for Charles City co., Va., to Va. peninsula meeting, D16S75: 32 on committee for Buckingham co. , Va. , P30Je75s21 Samuel, Maj. , D24Ap78: 31, P29My78: 41, P10J178:12 Thomas, adv. ferry, R2F69: 22 adv. for freight and passengers, D40c76: 72--P40c76s21 adv. tavern, P2F76: 41 appointed It. of York co. , Va. , company, PU4S75: 31--D16S75: 32 bond of, due estate, D3Ag76: 32 collector for Va. gazette, P9F76: 11 kept Capahosick ferry, Va. , P5Ap76: 42 ofUrbanna, Va. , P18J177: 11 of West river, Md. , Pi7S75: 12 Thomas, Capt., of the Lightfoot, 17S36:42 William, 2 1N45: 42 adv. boat for sale, D26Je79: 31 adv. for missing horse, D20My75: 33 adv. for runaway slaves, R17F74: 31 adv. lease of land for sale, R18J166:33 adv. plantation for sale, D5Mr79: 32 adv. sale of land,R18J166: 33 adv. spinning and weaving factory, P17Ja77:42 burgess from Elizabeth City co. , Va.,19D55:22 burgess from Warwick co. , Va. , 6F52: 31, 27F52: 32, PD1D68: 31, PDllMy69s41, PD14S69: 31 — R14S69: 22, R9N69: 11, PD5D71: 31, PD28J174: 31 delegate from Warwick co. , Va. , P16Je75:21,P19Ap76:33 deputy for Warwick co. , Va. , to Va. peninsula meeting, D16S75: 32 William, Capt. , PD30S73: 23--R30S73: 31, R27Ja74:41 William, Col. , PD28J168: 23, R26Ap70sll, Pi9Mr75:33,P3My76:33 William, jr. , PD12Ja69: 33, PD2N69: 31, PD23J172:32 William, Maj., 10Je37:32 Harwood, ship, PD7Ap68: 21 Harwoods mill, Va. , PD13 Ja74: 33 Hasalgrove, John, adv. for runaway slave, P29My78: 32— D10J178: 41, D16Ap79:31 Haselton, C a pt. , PD14J168: 23 — R14J168:23 Haskins, Aaron, PD16Ja72: 41 — R6F72:32,R6My73:32,D22My79:22 Benjamin, D210c75: 33 Christopher, R19Ap70: 31 — PD24My70: 42 Creed, R50c69: 31, PD22Mr70: 41, R6My73:32,P3N75:12 Edward, D25Mr75: 13 John,R6My73:32 Joseph, R6My73: 32, D25My76: 23 Robert, R6My73: 32, P3N75: 12 Thomas, D29J175: 12, D6Je77: 41 Zebulon,R17Mr68:41 Haskins race field, PD26Ag73: 23 — R26Ag73:22,PD9S73:31 Haslam, James, R8F70: 43 Haslet, [John], Col. ,D15N76: 12 — P15N76: 22, D29N76: 31, D24Ja77: 32, D31Ja77:62— P31Ja77:21 [John], Maj.,P15N76:31 Hasley, John, P28F77: 23 Hasps, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , D27Je77:3LDlAg77:22 Hassan Bey, pirate, R11F68: 21 Hasse, George, PD7Ap68: 21 Hassel, Capt. , of the Earl of Middlesex, PD7J168: 22 Hasset, Sarah, PD17F74: 32 Hasslett, Moses, R5S71: 41 Hassoman, John, 310c55: 22 Hastie, Capt. , PD20Ag72: 23, PD4F73: 21 of the Dorothy, R23S73: 32 of the Homer, PD14My67: 21, PD220c67: 21, PD24Mr68: 32, PD23Mr69: 31, PD14S69: 31, PD8Mr70: 21, R26Ap70: 32, PD27S70:31 James, Capt., of the Elizabeth,310c45:22, 9Ja46:41 John, Capt. , of the Alexandria, PD21N71:22,PD21N71:23-R21N71:32, PD6Ag72: 13 of theHawke,D18D79: 11 Robert, PD4Ag68: 31, PD14My72: 23 Robert, Capt. , of the Homer, PD27N66: 23, PD290c67: 21, PD17D67:31,PD1S68:23, PD29S68: 23— R60c68: 23, PD28S69: 23, PD4Oc70: 22 Robert, & co. , PDUMy69s33 509 Hastie, Buchanan & Hastie, Buchanan &, PD6Ja74: 32, PD16Je74:22,PllJ177:41 Hastie, Buchanans, & co. , PD26S71:31,PD7J174:31, P24N75s22--D25N75: 32 Hastings, Capt. , Pi2N75: 32 — P3N75:23 of the Rachel and Francis, Pi9N75: 31 William, PD4Je72: 13 Hastings, H. M.S. , 23My45: 32, 6Je45: 22, 20Je45: 22, 11S46: 31, 24Ja52:22 Haswell, ship, 25Mr37: 41, 17Je37: 41, 9D37: 42, 21Ap38: 41, 4My39: 41, 10Ag39: 32, 24Ag39: 3, 2N39: 2, 25Ja40: 12,25Ja40:3 Hat manufactures, in London, Eng. , PD6Je66:22 prohibition in colonies, opposed in Del. , PD25Ag74: 11 restricted in British colonies, N. Am. , P29Mr76: 11 Hatbands, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. ,lMr38:32 See also Gold hatbands; Silver hatbands; Velvet hatbands Hatch, Capt. , PD25Ap66: 23, P10Mr75s21 Crowel, Capt. , opposes British colonies, D22Ap75: 31 Crowell, Capt. , of the Betsey, PD15F70: 22, PD16Ag70: 32, PD13S70: 23— R13S70: 23, PD1N70: 22, PD310c71: 23 — R310c71:32,R80c72:32 of the Neptune, PD10F74: 23 John,PD12Mr67:33 Nathaniel, PD23Je74: 12, D13J176: 61 Robert, PD16N69: 31 Hatch bars, for sale, in Portsmouth, Va.,P18J177sll Hatchell, Abraham, D14Ag79: 12 Hatchels, See Flax hatchels; Hemp PD9S73: 31 Frederick, D25Mr75: 13 Gideon, R18Ag74: 32 Henry, R18J166: 41, PD19D71: 33 Jeremiah, 22Ap57: 32 Margaret, PD2Ap67: 23 Thomas, PD9J167: 33, PD7Ap68: 32 William, jr. ,PD9N69: 23 Hatchets, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22, PD25J166: 23 Hatchets, hand, seized from British ship, P7Je76: 23--D8Je76: 61 Hatchets, joiners, taken by convict servants, 240c51: 31 Hatchett, William, PD6F72: 32 Hatchinson, Mr., author, D20D76: 42 Hatchitt, William, PD27My73: 31 Hatfield, Col. , captured in Morrissania, N.Y. ,D19F80:22 James, UJ151: 41 Richard, PDllMy69: 33 Hatfield, Mass. , representative elected, PD23Je74: 13— R23Je74: 23 town meeting disapproves convention, R3N68: 14 hatchels Hatcher, Mr. , debt due, from Charles Brooke, PD25Ap71: 32 Mrs. , slave of, PD28My67: 33 Edward, PD26Ag73: 23— R26Ag73: 22, Hathaway, James, Capt. , of the Medford,25Mr37:41 of the Ruth,25Ja40:41 William, PD16N69: 22, PD3Ja71: 31, PD2My71: 33— R2My71: 22, PD14My72: 23— R21My72: 23 Hatherly, Benjamin, 2My51: 31 Benedict Leonard, 2My51: 31 Elizabeth, 2My51: 31 John, 2My51:31 Hathorn, Col. , in battle of Minisink, N.Y. ,C28Ag79:13 sons of accused of Toryism, Pi2F75:23 Jahleel, Pi2F75:23 Nathaniel, Capt. ,R260c69: 11 Hatley, Roger Peter H. , PD6Ag72: 21 Hatley, ship, 17S36: 42, 25F37: 41, 19Ag37: 32, 18N37: 41, 6Ap39: 31, 20J139: 41, 24Ag39: 3, 2N39: 2, 25Ja40: 12, 25Ja40: 3, 7Mr51: 31, 18Ap51: 22, 24My51: 31, 24My51: 32, 30Ja52: 32, 30Ap52: 21, 8My52: 31, 18Ap55: 22, 16My55: 21, 7N55: 21 Hatly, ship, 13Je51: 41, 10N52:22 Hatmakers, in Eng. , prosperity of, PD16Je68: 13— R16Je68: 12 Hats, as prizes, 70c37: 32, 7D39: 41 boycotted in Providence, R. I. , PD21Ja68:31 boycotted in Va. Association, PD25My69: 11— RUe69: 13 captured by Americans in Great bridge, Va. , P113D75: 22 — D16D75:33 export from Eng. to N.Y. allowed, D10J179:22 export from Gt. Brit, to Port. declines, PD28My67: 13 exported from London, Eng. , to Santa Cruz, W. I. , PD14Mr66: 11 exported from York district, Va. , to Lancaster, Eng. , Ue39: 42 for sale,P5J176:33 at Kemp's landing, Va. , P160c78: 31, D19Mr79:31 at Lancaster courthouse, Va., PD7J168: 32 in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72: 31, D24J179:22.D14Ag79:12— C28Ag79:43 in Beaufort, N. C. , P160c78: 32 inBlandford, Va. ,D10J178: 22, D13N78: 11 in Cabin Point, Va. , P2F76s23 — D3F76:33 in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD18Ap66: 32, PD25Ap66: 31.R23J167: 32 in Gloucester, Va. , P19Ap76sll— D20Ap76: 33 in Gloucester co. , Va. , P7Je76: 33 — D8Je76: 71, D29Je76: 42, P16Ag76: 33 — D24Ag76: 72, P20S76: 31 — D21S76: 32 in London, Eng. , PD7Je70: 33 in Norfolk, Va. , 3J146: 41, R4Ag68: 31, PD10Ag69: 32, PD24My70: 33, R15N70: 31--PD22N70: 23, PD9My71: 33- R23My71: 33, PD8Ag71: 23, PD290c72: 21--R290c72: 31, PD5Ag73: 23, R12Ag73: 23, PD30S73: 31--R30S73: 33, PD2D73: 22--R2D73: 23, D26D77: 21 in Petersburg, Va. , PD24Ja71: 31, PD310c71: 31, PD290c72: 22 510 in Princess Anne co. , Va. , P19Je78:31 in Smithfield, Va. ,D21F77: 22 — P28F77s22,D31J179: 12 in Williamsburg, Va. , 27My37: 42, 21S39: 41, P18S46: 41, HOc51: 41, 17N52: 22, 28F55: 31, PD10c67: 13, PD220c67: 22,R28J168: 32, R60c68: 23--PD60c68: 31, R13Ap69: 31— PD13Ap69: 32, R25My69:23— PD18My69:31, R14D69: 23— PD14D69: 32, PDllAp71: 32, PD29Ag71: 31, PD10Oc71: 31, PD240c71: 31, PD12D71: 32, PD30Ja72: 32 — R6F72: 32, PD23Ap72: 23 — R23Ap72: 13, PD13Ag72: 21, PD150c72: 31, PD220c72: 22 — R220c72: 23,PD220c72: 23 — R220c72: 23, PD290c72: 22 — R290c72: 22, R8Ap73: 33, PD29Ap73: 23, PD140c73: 23, PD210c73:23--R210c73:22,PDllN73:22, PD29S74: 32, PD20Oc74s22 — Pi20Oc74: 31, PD270c74: 31, Pi6Ap75: 42, D22Ap75: 32 — Pi20Ap75: 31, DllMy76: 23 — P10My76:43,P7Je76:33, D180c76: 32, D28Mr77: 72, P18J177:32,D5D77: 12 — P5D77:22,D10J178:21 — P10J178: 33, D90c79: 31 — C30Oc79:42,D6N79:31 — C6N79: 32, C13N79: 12, D29 Ja80: 41, C21Oc80:22 inYorktown, Va. , 29My46: 32, P27D76: 32 on York river, Va. , PD8J173: 32— R8J173:32 found, adv. of, PD170c66: 31 in Halifax co. , Va. , D8My79: 31 import to Fr. from Gt. Brit. forbidden, HMy39: 21 import to Port, from Eng. forbidden, PDllAp71: 12 imported, lost, adv. for, PD4J171: 31 imported to Accomac district, Va. , from Lewes on Delaware, PD6Ag67:32 imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , 23Ja46: 41 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from Barbados, W.I. ,PD14Je70:32 imported to Marblehead, Mass. , from Sp. , P3Cc77:21 imported to south Potomac district fromPhila, Pa. ,R18J166: 32 intercolonial trade prohibited by parliament, R10Mr74: 23 lost, adv. for,3Ap52:31,24Ap52:31, R18J171:33 making of adv. , in Williamsburg, Va. , PD9J172:31 plentiful in S. C. , PD14D69: 12 returned to Eng. from Boston, Mass. , PD18Ap66:23 fromPhila, Pa. , PD18Ap66: 23 seized from British ship, D30c77: 12 stolen by slaves, PD7F71: 31 in Norfolk, Va. , PD5Ap70: 33 — R5Ap70sl2 in South Quay, Va. ,D25Mr80: 32 unclaimed, adv. of,24J152:32,27Ag56:41 Hawke PD4D66: 32 See also Beaver hats; Felt hats; Fur hats; Gauze hats; Hair hats; Horse hair hats; Lace hats; Leghorn hats; Satin hats; Silk hats; Silver hats; Silverplated hats; Worsted Barcelona furred hats Hats, cane, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD29Ag71: 31, PD240c71: 31, PD140c73: 23, PD5My74: 31 — R26My74: 13, R12My74: 32, Pi20Ap75: 31--D22Ap75: 32 Hats, castor, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23, R15N70: 31 — PD22N70:23 in Urbanna, Va. , P21Ag78: 13 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD15F70: 41, PD19Ap70s23--R19Ap70: 31, PD19D7L32 in Yorktown, Va. , PD25F68: 31 — R25F68:31 lost, adv. for,P27Je77:32 Hats, chip, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166:23 in Williamsburg, Va. , R13D70: 32, PD240c71: 31, PD9J172: 31, PD13Ag72: 21, PD150c72: 31, PD29Ap73: 23, PD140c73: 23, PD5My74: 31— R26My74: 13, R12My74: 32 Hats, damaged, for sale in Accomac co. , Va. , PD7Ja73:31 — R7Ja73:33 in Falmouth, Va. ..PD18J166: 31 Hats, Denmark, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD22N70s23 Hats, furred, for sale, in Smithiield, Va. , D21F77: 22--P28F77s22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD15F70: 41 Hats, laced, captured by Americans on Long island, N. Y. ,D18J177: 22 for sale, in Suffolk, Va., P21N77:31— D28N77: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD19Ap70s23 — R19Ap70:31 Hats, riding, for sale, in Richmond, Va. , PD5N72sll--R5N72: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD13Ap69: 32 — R13Ap69: 31, PD19Ap70s23 — R19Ap70: 31, PD22N70s23, PD170c71: 23, PD23Ap72: 23 — R23Ap72: 13, PD30Ap72: 31, PD22Ap73: 31, PD29Ap73: 23, PD140c73: 23, R210c73: 22, PD210c73: 23--R210c73: 22, PD11N73: 22, PD5My74: 23, PD12My74: 43, PD5My74: 31 — R26My74: 13, R12My74: 32, Pi20Oc74: 31--PD20Oc74s22, PD270c74: 32, Pi20Ap75: 31 — D22Ap75:3?.,D14N77:31, D8My78: 82 Hats, salvaged, for sale, in Norfolk, Va.,PD25J166:32 Hats, Thanet riding, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD30Ja72: 32 — R6F72:32 Hattan, Samuel, P18J177sl2 Solomon, P18J177sl2 Hatter, Edward, 15Je39: 32 William, 15Je39: 32 Hatters, 12D55:41 adv. of, in Williamsburg, Va., 8J137:42 inPhila, Pa. , PD25Ap71: 31 in Salem, Mass. , PD270c74: 21 See also Convict servants as; Indentured servants as Hatters, journeymen, adv. for, in Gloucester co. , Va. ,P7N77s23 Hatter's shops, for rent, at Charlotte courthouse, Va. , PD2N69:41 Hattie, ship, PD8D68: 31 Hatton, Capt. , PD220c67: 21 James, 14N55: 22 John,30c51:22 Lewis, Capt. , of the Betsey, PD27Ja74:32,PD14Ap74:23 — R14Ap74:23 of the Sally, R11D66: 33 Richard, R23J167: 33 Robert, PD18F68: 31, P12Je78: 11 Thomas, P10J178: 13 Walter, PD28J168: 23, P2F76: 11, P23F76:32 William, R29S68: 31 Hatton-Garden, Eng. , See Blackmail in Haughton, Anne, PD3N74pll Hauks, John, PD15F70:33 Hauson, Thys, Capt. , of the L'Esperance,RlD68: 13 Hautboy players, adv. for, in Charleston, S. C. , PD18J171: 21 Hautboys, 70c37: 32, R11D66: 32 music for,PD29Ag71: 31 teaching of, in Williamsburg, Va., PD23My71:22 Havana, Cuba, British banished from, 30S37: 32 British ships excluded, HAp51: 32, PD13Ag67:13,R13Ag67:22, PD24D67: 31— R24D67: 22, PD28Ap68: 22 defense strengthened, PD10D67: 13, PD23Ap72: 13, PD23J172: 13, D19Je79: 22 fortified by Spanish, PD8Je69: 21, PD27J169: 13, PD22N70sl3, PD3Ja71:22,PD31Ja71:13 military preparations in, 1S38: 32, PilD74:23,D18J177: 12 recognizes U.S. independence, D14Ag79:22 river entrance blocked, PD22J173: 12 supports U.S. ,D21Ag79: 22 See also Artisans, British, ordered to leave; Bricks import to; Convoys by Spanish navy to; Creeks (Indians) pilgrimage to; Embargoes in; Emigration from Boston, Mass. , to; Factories, British, in; Hurricanes in; Imports to Cadiz, Sp. , from; Imports to London, Eng. , from; Imports to Sp. from; Jesuits from; Merchants, British, banned from; Prisoners of war, British, in; Privateers, commissioners against British granted in; Privateers, French, from; Ships, American, welcomed in; Ships, British, excluded from; Ships, described, built in; Ships, New England, sunk by Spanish near; Ships built in; Ships from; Ships from Sp. to; Ships' sailing time; Ships to Baltimore, Md. , from; Ships to Boston, Mass. , from; Ships to Charleston, S.C. , from; Ships to Phila, Pa. , from; Ships to Va. from; Shipwrecks in; Shipwrights, British, in; Spanish army from; Spanish army from New- Orleans, La., to; Spanish army in; Spanish army to; Spanish navy at; Spanish navy from; Spanish navy from Ferrol. Sp. , to; Spanish navy in; Spanish navy to; Spanish navy, ships built in; Tornadoes in Havana, battle of, in Williamsburg, Va. , theatre, PD13Ap69: 32, R19N72: 31 Havannah, brig, D210c75: 23 ship, 310c45: 41.R27S70: 31 Havanna Galley, ship, 13Je45: 22 Havens, Capt. , of the Beaver, D12F80:21 Jeremiah, Capt. , of the Defiance, PD14Ja68: 31, PD3Mr68: 31 — R3Mr68:31 of the Lucitania, PD2N69: 21 Haverfordwest, Ire. , See Ships to Haverhill, Mass., See Charity in; Comets reported in; Non- importation agreement violated in; Powder mills in Haverstraw bay, N.Y. , See British navy in Haviland, Capt. , PD7Mr66: 41 Col. , in French and Indian war, 16Ja61:ll William, Pil7Ag75: 32— P18Ag75: 11 — D19Ag75:31 Havre, Le, See Merchants in Havre de Grace, See Ships from Glasgow, Scot., to; Ships from Liverpool, Eng., to; Ships sailing time; Ships to James river, Va. , from; Ships to Rappahannock district, Va. , from; Shipwrecks near; Storms in Hawes, Benjamin, Capt. , of the Dove, 14Ja37:21,13My37;41 Jacob, D31Ag76: 31 John, R23My7 1:41 Samuel, P22S75: 11, P2F76: 32 [Samuel], Capt. ,D9Mr76: 22, D12S77:22 Samuel, jr. , PD3N74: 41— Pi4N74: 31, D10Je75:32,P16F76s21 Hawk, Edward, Capt. , of the Portland, 25Ja40:2 Richard, P26J176: 42 Stephen, D9Ap79: 32, D22My79: 41 Hawk, armed brig, D8Ag77: 11 — P8Ag77: 21 British ship, 25Ja40: 2 H.M.S.,21Ja37:22,21Ja37:32, 17N38: 31, 16N39: 41, 24Ja52: 31 D29J176: 12 H.M. sloop, PD7D69: 21 ship, 27F52:21,8D52:31 sloop, P27Je77: 33, D30Oc79: 21 Hawke, Capt. , of the Harriet, R16F69: 12 Mr. , in Newgate prison, R14J174: 21 Edward, Sir, commander of the St. George, 10Oc55:22 Hawke, brig, PD25Oc70: 23 — RlN70:31,PD23Ja72:22 cutter, C28Ag79: 12 H.M. schooner, PD30J167: 31 H.M.S.,PD4D66:23 511 Hawke (cont'd) H.M. sloop, PD7D69sl2,PD16S73: 13, D1J175:12,D23S75:21 letter of marque, P12D77: 12, D18D79: 11 schooner, R11F68: 31, PD25Ag68: 12, PD8S68: 22, PD2F69: 22, PD24F74: 31, D27Je77:21 ship, 24N52: 22, 4N63: 21, PD28My67: 32, PD26N67: 23, PD18F68: 23 — R18F68: 31, PD26My68: 22 — R26My68: 31, RllAg68: 24, PD7D69: 21— R7D69: 21, PD7F71: 12, PD27F72: 22, PD27F72: 23, PD31Mr74: 23, R21Ap74: 23 — PD28Ap74: 23 sloop, PD12Mr72: 13, R290c72: 11 sloop of war, PD13Je71: 12 snow,D14S76: 11 tender, P3N75: 21 Hawker, Capt. , of the Resolution, P23Ag76:21 James, Capt. , of the Sardine, PD23J167:22 Hawkers, arrested in Paris, Fr. , PD15Ag71:21 licenses for, in N. Y. , regulated by general assembly, R17Ja71: 21 Hawkes, Capt. , of the Mermaid, D10Ag76: 12 Hawkesworth, [John], Dr. , author, PD16S73: 22, PD17Mr74: 22, P10F75:42,DllF75s23 Hawking, George Frazer, P6S76: 21 Hawkins, Capt. , 2S57: 22, PD280c73: 22 of the Endeavour, D29N76: 51 Col., of Md. ,20Ja38:32 surveyor general of customs in southern department, 280c37: 32 Lt. ,D7Mr77: 11 Mr. , 20Oc38: 32, P5J176: 33 Mrs. , 15D52:32 Benjamin, 4N63: 32, PD2My71: 33, P2F76:41 Daniel, P12J176sl2 Edmund, D29Ja80: 33, D5F80: 43, D26F80: 32 James, DlAp75: 12, P20Je77sll James, Capt. , of the Racehorse, 10Oc45:32,23Ja46:42 John, PD25N73: 23--R25N73: 43, D16D75: 22--P8D75: 32, D10J179: 32 adv. estate for sale, PD10c72: 23 adv. for bacon and pork, P31My76: 32— DUe76: 32 adv. for cattle for army, D24Ap78:31 adv. for missing horse, Pi50c75: 33 adv. for owner of money, D16Mr76: 33 adv. land for sale, PD2S73: 23 — R2S73:32 adv. settlement of estate,R21Mr71: 33, Pi24N74: 33 adv. slave for sale, PD11D66: 32 — R11D66: 31, PD3N68: 31 — R3N68:33,R10Ag69:32, PD24Ag69: 33— R24Ag69: 23, R23N69:31,R12J170:31, PD19J170: 32— R19J170: 31, PD310c71: 31--PD14N71: 41 — R310c71: 33, PD19N72: 23 — R19N72:22,PD10N74:42 announces purchase of > rovisions for Va. , regiments, P29S75: 11 — D30S75:32--Pi5Oc75:33 appointed collector of provisions in Va.,P3Ap78sll commissary to Va. regiment, 5th, P3Ja77s21 conducts sale, PD24My70: 31 — R31My70:42 conducts sale of slaves, PD13N66: 21, RlMr70: 32, PD8Mr70: 33 holds bond of John Corrie, RllMy69:41 notifies sellers where to deliver hogs, D20D76: 22— P20D76: 21 requests payment for slave sale, PD17S67: 13 requests payment of debts, PD8Ap73: 33— R8Ap73: 32 requests settlement of accounts, P24My76: 33, P30Ag76: 41 resigned from army, P7Mr77s22 sells lottery tickets, PD24S67: 21, PD14Ja68: 32 unable to survey land in lower Va. , D29Ja80:33,D5F80:43 unclaimed tobacco of estate, C13My80: 32 John, Capt. , PD240c66: 22 John, jr. ,D10Ja77:42 Joseph, PD2F69: 31, R19Ap70: 23— PD19Ap70: 31, P20S76: 32, PlAg77: 13 Joseph, jr.,240c55:31 Levin, C13My80: 32 Margaret, P17Ja77sll, C13My80: 32 Martin, D31J179: 31, D5F80: 43 Michael, D13N79: 32 Moses, P8S75: 31, P27D76: 32 Nathan, 5Mr52: 32 Philemon, P19Ap76p23, D20J176: 51, D15Ag77:71 Thomas, 16Ja61: 32 [William], author, 24My51: 32, D11D79:22 William, jr. , P21Ag78: 12 Hawkins Old place, Va. , PD21D69: 32 Hawkinshaw, ensign, dismissed from army for insulting Boston watch, P10Mr75s21— DllMr75: 31 Hawks, John, PD12D7 1:33 Hawley, Capt. , captures Tory on Long island, N. Y. ,D29Ja80: 31 Maj. ,D20Ap76:21 David, Capt. , D8Je76: 61, D20Je77: 12 [Joseph], PD10Ag69: 11 — R10Ag69: 11, R1J173: 23 Hawley, Hants, Eng. , See Corn plentiful in; Earthquakes in; Grass plentiful in Haword, John, Capt. , of the Nancy, 18Ap45: 32, 13Je45: 32, 13Je45: 41 Haws, Pelatiah, PD28My72: 23 Samuel, Pil2Ja75: 11— D14Ja75: 12, P21Ap75s43 Samuel, jr. , Pi22D74: 32— PD22D74:31,D7Ja75:31 Samuel, jr. , Capt. , P21Mr77s22 Hawsers, found in Chesapeake bay, PD16Ja72:33 taken from royal ship in Hampton, Va. , PH4S75: 32— P15S75: 31 Hawses, for sale, in Yorktown, Va. , 24Ja52:41 Hawsie, Thomas, PD18F68: 31 Hawthorn's ordinary, Va. ,R2My71: 41 Hay, Capt., of the Pomona, PDlAg71: 11 Dr. , 18Ap51: 41, PD6Je66: 31 Maj., parole ordered, D9Cc79: 31 Mr., cabinet-worker, PD9Mr 69: 33 — R9Mr69:31 discusses British colonial policy in Commons, D18My76: 32 in Moore-Frazer controversy, PD18Oc70:23 Alexander, 24Ap52: 32 Anthony, R24D67: 34, PD31Mr68: 23— R31Mr68: 33, PD30Ag70: 32, PD20S70s42 adv. chariot for sale, R22Mr70: 22 — PD5Ap70: 42 adv. for lost watch, R22D68- 13 adv. horse-racing in Williamsburg, Va.,R19F67:23 adv. settlement of estate, PDlAg66:31 adv. tools for sale, 21Mr55: 41 Bradley's creditors meet at house of,R270c68:24 burgesses meet in the house of, PD18My69: 22 death of, PD13D70: 22 estate of for sale, PD17Ja71: 32, PD14F71:33 letter to, in post office, PD10c67: 12 lottery drawn at house of, PD20Je66: 23--R24D67: 44, PD3S67: 31, PD13Ap69: 31 — R13Ap69: 31, R25My69: 32, R16N69:22 meeting at house of, PD14My67: 31, PD23Mr69: 31— R23Mr69: 33, R13S70:31 pasture of, PD14Ap68: 32 — R14Ap68: 24, R260c69: 41 sale at door of, PD26Mr67: 31, PD2Ap67: 31, PD23Ap67: 31, PD30Ap67: 32, PD21My67: 32, PD20Ag67: 31, PD80c67: 21, PD25F68: 23— R3Mr68: 33, PD31Mr68: 31, PD22S68: 23 — R22S68: 23, PD130c68: 23 — R130c68: 23, PD130c68: 31 — R130c68: 24, PD10N68: 31, PD24N68: 31— R24N68: 31, PD1D68:31— R1D68: 22, PD1D68:33— R1D68:22, PD15D68: 31— R15D68: 21, PD22D68:33,PD29D68:31— R5Ja69:32, PD30Mr69: 32, PD30Mr69: 33 — R30Mr69: 32, PD13Ap69: 31— R20Ap69: 32, R27Ap69: 23, PD27Ap69: 32— R27Ap69: 23, PD25My69: 32— R25My69: 31, PDUe69: 31--RUe69: 32, PD8Je69: 31, PD8Je69: 32 — R 15Je69: 41, R7S69: 42, R50c69: 22, PD9N69: 23, PD23N69: 32 — R23N69: 31, PD23N69: 32, R30N69: 31— PD7D69: 33, PD7D69: 33, PD18Ja70: 42, PD19Ap70: 41, R29Mr70: 22 — PD5Ap70: 42,RUOc70: 32, PD18Oc70: 33--R18Oc70: 23, R1N70: 23 sells business, PD8Ja67: 31, PD8Ja67:32 sells theatre tickets, PD26My68: 23 settlement of estate of, PD240c71: 31, PD20Ag72:31 shop of, PD3Ja71:33 tavern of, PD21D69: 23 Betsey (Cary), marriage of, 512 Haynes PD22D74:23 Charles, Capt., of the Tamar,PD12S71:31, PD4Je72:32 David, PD8D68: 31 David, Capt. , of the Train, R27J169:22 Edward, PD14Ja73: 21, PDllMr73: 22 Elizabeth, PD20My73: 22 — R27My73:22 Francis, PD220c72: 22--R220c72: 31, PD4Mr73: 32--R4Mr73: 33 George, Capt. , of the Granby, PD23My71: 13 Gilbert, 270c52: 31 Grissel, R3Mr68: 42, PD8D68: 31, R8J173:33 Grizel, Mrs. , D17Je75: 32, D8My78: 71 Helen, PD8D68: 31 James, PD7N71: 23, D8N76: 32, P28Mr77sll James, Capt. , of the Elizabeth, PD14Ap74:23 Jeremiah, PD16J167: 41--R23J167: 42 John, P14N77: 31, D4Mr80: 32 accused of Toryism, PllAg75: 33 adv. settlement of estate, PD2Ja72: 32 bidding at store of, PD3N68: 31 collector for Va. gazette, PDllAg68: 23 death of,P5D77:22 marriage of, PD22Mr70: 22 runaway indentured servant, R13Ap69:32 settlement of estate of, D24J179: 31 thanked for hospitality to soldiers, P19Ap76:33 John & co. , PD29D68: 31, PD30Je74: 23, PD10N74:43 Lydia,PD8D68:31 Mary,PD8D68:31 Matthew, PD30Ap67: 33 Peggy, PD20My73: 22— R20My73: 21, PD20My73: 22--R27My73: 22, PD3Je73:23--R3Je73:22 Peter, adv. drugs and spices for sale, [10Ja?]51:41,18J151:41 adv. drugs for sale, 31J146: 61, 15My52:32,14N55:22 adv. sale of household goods, 21N45:42 executor of summoned by Hustings court, PD8D68: 31 takes orders for Virginia justice, PD21D69:23--R18Ja70:41 Peter, Dr., books of, PD29Ja67: 32, PD26F67:31 death of, PD27N66: 22--R27N66: 22 estate of, for sale, PD18D66: 32, PD29Ja67: 32, PD26F67: 31, PD8Je69: 32--R15Je69: 41 settlement of estate of, PD26Mr67: 31 slaves of, PD14My67: 31, PD18Je67: 31 Peter, Mrs. , PD8Je69: 32--R15Je69: 41 Richard, C11D79: 13 Robert, PD8D68: 31, P14N77: 31, D24J179:31 Thomas, PD31Mr74: 31--R31Mr74: 31 [Udney], Lt. Col. ,D25J177: 31 — P25J177:21,DlAg77:12,D10Oc77: 12 — P10Oc77:22 William, 28Ag46: 32 adv. for runaway slave, D31Ja77: 81 adv. plantation for sale, PD23Ja72: 33 adv. retirement from law business, DlMy79:31 adv. settlement of estate, PD31D72:32--R31D72:31 announces departure, PD16S73: 31 appointed chief justice of Quebec, Can. PD6Je66: 22 collects bills for Purdie & Dixon, PD20Je71:32 holds bond illegally, PD9S73: 32 marriage of, PD15Ap73: 12, PD22D74:23 sells lots on James river, Va. , PD7My72: 32 Hay, burned by Americans on Governor's island, Mass. , D280c75:32 by Americans on Noddle island, Mass. , Pi22Je75: 22--D24Je75: 23, PilOAg75: 32— PllAg74p21 by Americans near Woodbridge, N.J. , D18Ap77: 62 by Mass. troops, P16Je75sl3 — D17Je75:23 in Halifax, N.S. , Pil5Je75: 23 in Long island, N. Y. , P13S76sl2 — D14S76:51 in Princeton, N. J. ,R9S73: 32 in Windsor, N. J. ,PD27My73: 21 captured by British from Gardiner's island, N. Y. , Pi31Ag75: 31 — D2S75:21 destroyed by Americans near Boston, Mass. ,D12Ag75:32 by Americans on Staten island, N. Y. , P5S77:22 by British in Boston, Mass. , P12Ap76: 22— D13Ap76: 31 by British in Danbury, Conn. , D6Je77: 12 by storms in Md. , PD28S69: 21 on British ship, D13Je77: 21 for British army in Boston, Mass. , from Quebec, Can. , Pi2N75: 12 for sale, Pi7S75: 32 in Blandford, Va.,D8N76:31 in Buckland, Va. , D23Ja78: 41 in Charles City co. , Va. , D19S77: 32 — P19S77: 12, D12D77 : 12 in James City co. , Va. , D13D76: 32 — P13D76:23 in King and Queen co. , Va. , PD140c73: 23— R210c73: 23 in King William co. , Va. , PD140c73: 23— R210c73: 23 in Loudoun co. , Va. , PD3S67: 23 in Mecklenberg co. , Va. , PD140c73: 23— R210c73: 23, PD1S74:32 in Richmond, Va. ,R15N70: 31 inWestover, Va. , P170c77: 11 near Dumfries, Va. , PDlAg71: 22 imported to Halifax, N.S., from Jeddore, N.S. ,24N52: 21 imported to James river, lower district, Va., from Phila. , Pa., R8S74:31 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from New York City, PD9N69: 22 imported to Newport, R. I. , fromN.Y. , D24Ja77:22 plentiful in Berkshire, Eng. , PD22S74:22 in Canterbury, Conn. , PD26D71:23, in Eng. , PD1S68: 13, PD17Je73: 21 — R24Je73: 13,R24Je73: 13, PD140c73sl2 in Isle of Wight. Eng. , PD80c67: 11 in Scot. ,PD13S70s22 in Staffordshire, Eng. , PD8Ag71: 22 price in Eng. , R17Je73: 22 low in Eng. ,R22S74:21 near Edinburgh, Scot. , PD150c72: 22 requisitioned by British in Suffolk co., N.Y. ,D8N76: 11 seized by British at Point Judith, R. I. , D16Mr76 : 31 by British on Dyer island, R. I. , D20Ja76:22 from British at [New] Brunswick, N. J., D28Mr77: 62 — P28Mr77sl2- from British on R. I. ,D4Ap77: 12 from British ship, Pi30N75: 23, D2Mr76:21,P10My76:21 — DllMy76:32,D12F79:31 standard measure for established in Va. , PD5Mr72: 23— R5Mr72: 22 Haydamacks, incursions in Ukraine, R11F68:23 Haydon, Capt. , of the Ulysses, 13Je45:21 Richard, P8Ag77: 33 Hayes, Capt., of the Lark, PD26S71: 22 Mr. , American merchant in Bristol, Eng. ,D13Ja76: 13 murdered by Indians in Va. , PD8S74:23 Henry, D27Ap76: 33, P10J178: 42 Hugh, P130c75: 11— D210c75: 31 John, PD19Mr72: 31, P130c75: 11 — D210c75:31 Richard, R8Mr70s41, P30My77: 41 Robert, PD19My74: 43 Thomas, 29D38: 22 William, Capt. , of the Elizabeth, 7Ag52: 31, 270c52: 21, 24N52: 31 Hayes & Campbell, of Eng. , PDllAp66:33 Hayfield, plantation, Va.,5My38:41 Hayles, Richard, PD4My69: 33 Hayles, Dudley &, P25Ag75: 73 Hayley, Mr. , favors colonies, PD15D68: 13— R15D68: 13 opposes coercive acts, Pil6Mr75: 31 — P17Mr75s22— D18Mr75: 21 Hayling, ship,RU173: 21 Hayly, John, P19S77: 31 Haymaker, John,D5Je79: 32 Haymarket, Boston, Mass. , Pil90c75:22 Haymarket theatre, London, Eng. , PD18N73: 13 Haynce, Peter, PD22Ag71: 33 Hayne, John, P10My76sl3 Haynes, Lt. , wounded in battle of Bunker Hill, P22J175s22 — D29J175:31 Mr. , lottery of, PD13D70: 31 Andrew, 30c51: 41, 7N54: 32 Anne,7N54:32 Catherine, PD11D66: 33, PD27J169: 32 Deacon, 21S39: 31, D27My75: 31 Eaton, PDllMy69s33— RllMy69: 33, R14Ap74: 32, D23S75: 31, P130c75: 31 Elizabeth, PD10F74: 32 Erasmus, Capt. , Pi5Ja75: 32, Pil6F75:31 Francis, Capt. , of the Savage, 513 Haynes, Francis, Capt. (cont'd) PD7Ap74: 23 Harbert,PD13N66:21 Henry, R14Ap68: 33 Herbert, adv. land for sale, PD18Ap71:32 adv. stallion for hire, D4Mr75: 32— Pi9Mr75: 33 horse of, PllAp77: 32--D18Ap77: 11 lottery of, R31My70: 32--PD7Je: 33, PD6S70: 31 security for bond,D6N79: 32 tobacco in warehouse, R60c68: 31 J., adv. drugs for sale, PD30J172: 31 John,PD21S69:32 Joseph, PD23N69: 21, PD60c74: 33 Robert, D6My75: 32 Samuel, PD16S73: 22, R70c73: 21, PD140c73: 13 Thomas, adv. for bids for building church, R17D72: 31 adv. settlement of estate, PD24Mr74: 31— R24Mr74: 33 appointed It. of Warwick co. , Va. , company, P114S75: 31— D16S75: 32 estate of for sale, P22N76: 33 member of committee for Warwick co., Va.,Pi9Mr75:33 on Halifax co. , N. C. , committee of observation, Pil2Ja75: 11— D28Ja75: 23, P31Mr75sl3 posts land, P19Ja76:41 William, PD12S66: 31, PD11D66: 33, P8My78s22 William, Capt. , of the Anne and Susanna, 29S52: 31 of the Fanny, 23My55: 21, 26S55: 31 Haynie, Bridgar, 310c55: 42, R12Mr72: 41 Hays, Elizabeth, PD28S69: 32 — R50c69: 31 Henry, C27N79: 23 Nicholas, PD17N74: 23 Samuel, 7N54: 41 William, DlAp80: 32 Hay's store, Va. , P7Mr77sl3 Hayth, William, PD16My71: 32 Hayton, George, R17F74: 33 Richard, Capt. , of the Thetis, PD22J173: 12 Hayward, Francis, 6Ap39: 32 William, 170c55: 22 Haywood, Capt. , of the Dove, D16Ap79: 21, D7Ag79: 31, D8Ja80: 23 Egbert, PD12A.g73: 22, P31Mr75sl3, Pil2Ja75: 11— D28Ja75: 23 Joshua, PD16S73: 22 William, P130c75: 11— D210c75: 31 Hazard, Mr. , postmaster of New York City,PHOc76:23 George, 6Ap39: 22, PD23Ap67: 22 [John], Capt. , of the Providence, DllMy76:32 Mary, 6Ap39: 22 Robert, 6Ap39: 22 Stanton, Capt. , of the King George, D11S79:21 Hazard, played in London, Eng. , R29Je69:31,P3Mr75:23 Hazard, French ship, D[250c?f76: 52 Hazard, H. M.S. , 24Ja52: 31, PD20Ag72: 12 H.M. sloop, 19D55:12,PD9S73:21 — R9S73: 12 schooner, PD220c72: 13 ship, 3J152: 32, 10N52: 22, 28F55: 31, 28Mr55: 32, PD28My67: 33, R8F70: 23, PD10Ja71: 32, R12Mr72: 23 sloop, 29My46: 22, 11J146: 41, 31J146:41,21Ag46:31 sloop of war, PD24S72: 13 Hazelby, Capt. , of the Planter, 2S57:22 Hazelton, James, Capt. , PD22S74: 32— R22S74:32 PD22S74: 32— R22S74: 32 Hazelwood, Mary, D3Ag76: 32 Hazen, Col. , house of burned, D3Ag76: 11 regiment of, P19S77: 23, P160c78: 33 [Moses], Col. ,D11S79:22 Hazlegrove, John, R2D73: 32, D17F76: 33, P18J177:32 Hazlewood, Capt. , P18Ag75: 21 — D19Ag75:31 [John], Com. , P7N77sl2, D14N77: 21 Luke,PllAp77:31 Thomas, Capt. , of the Sandwich, 13Je51: 32, 4J151: 41, 29Ag51: 32, 12S51: 32, 30c51: 32, 14N51: 31, 3Ap52:31 Heaburn, Capt. , of the Mansfield, R27J169: 22 Head, Benjamin, 12D55: 32 Edmund, Sir,R20Je71: 31 John,270c52:22 John, Capt. , of the Moseley, 10D36:42 Head disorders, cure for, PD30My71: 23 Headaches, cures for, PD7Ap68: 3L PD3Je69: 32, PD30My71: 23, PD12D71:32,PD10S72:23 See also Ward's essence for headaches; Ward's ether for headaches Headen, John, PD5Ag73: 31 Headford, John, 20J139: 41 Heading, adv. for,D29J176: 62 — P26J176: 43 bounties on in Gt. Brit. , PD15Ag71: 22— R15Ag71:22 exported from Accomac district Va. , to Barbados, W. I. , PD270c68: 42, PD22D68: 31 to Boston, Mass. ,PD22D68:31 exported from Hampton, Va. , to Barbados, W. I. , 13 Je45: 41, 10Oc45:31,10Oc45:32 to Bermuda, 18Ap45: 41 to St. Christopher, W. I. 28Mr45:41 exported from James river, lower district, Va. , to Antigua, W. I. , 29D52: 32, 26S55: 31, PD6Ja74: 32, PD20Ja74: 23, R17Mr74: 23— PD14Ap74: 31, PD14Ap74: 31 — R14Ap74:23 to Barbados, W. I. , 23Ja46: 42, 29S52: 31, 29S52: 32, 24N52: 22, 24N52: 31, 26S55: 31, RllAg68: 24 to Bermuda, 28F55: 31, HAp55: 22 to Grenada, W. I. ,RllAg68: 24, R12Ja69: 31, PD20Ja74: 23, R17Mr74: 22— PD14Ap74: 23, R21Ap74: 23— PD28Ap74: 23, R14Ap74: 31— PD28Ap74: 23 to Hispaniola, W. I. , PD10Mr74: 31 to Jamaica, W. I. , 24N52: 22, R11D66: 33, R11F68: 31, PD6Ja74: 32 to Lisbon, Port. , R15S74: 33 to Liverpool, Eng. , Rll Ag68: 24 to Madeira, 29D52: 32 to Nevis, W.I. ,PD20Ja74:23 to St. Christopher, W. I. , 24N52: 22 to Tobago, W. I. , PD10Mr74: 31 exported from James river, upper district, Va.,29S52:32 1763-1766, PD12F67: 23 to Antigua, W. I. , PD28Ja68: 31 — R4F68:31,PD2Je68:23 to Barbados, W. I. , 24Je37: 41, 10*g39: 31, 60c52: 31, PD26N67: 23, PD17D67: 31, PD3Mr68: 31— R3Mr68: 31, PD1S68: 23, PD13S70: 23 to Boston, Mass. , PD26My68: 23— R26My68: 31 to Bristol, Eng. , PD26My68: 23 — R9Je68: 33 to London, Eng. , 3Je37: 41, PD7Je70: 31 exported from Phila. , Pa., 1765- 1766,PD9Ap67:21 exported from Rappahannock district, Va. , to Salem, Mass. , PD6Je66: 31 exported from south Rappahannock district, Va. , to Barbados, W.I. , 17N52:22 exported from south Potomac district to Dumfries, Scot. , 270c52:21 exported from York district, Va. , to Antigua, W. I. , 24N52: 31 to Barbados, W. I. , PD27N66: 23 to Bristol, Eng. , 1F40: 42 to Glasgow, Scot. , 27Ag56: 32 to Liverpool, Eng. ,270c52: 21 to London, Eng. , 29Ap37: 42, 29S38:41,10Ag39:32 for sale, in Edenton, N. C. ,D5S77: 31 in Norfolk, Va. , PD4Mr73: 33— R4Mr73: 32 seized by British in St. John's, Antigua, W. I. , D6Ap76: 21 Heading, hogshead, exported from south Potomac district to St. Christophers, W. I. , PD22Ja67: 31 exported from York district, Va. , to Jamaica, W. I. , PD29Ja67: 32 Heads, See Cane heads; Lappet heads Heafield, British ship, P22N76: 21 Heale, George, PD16J172: 31 George, Col.,D7Mr77: H--P7Mr77s21 P7Mr77s21 Healey, George, PD10N74: 21 Health, books on, 20Mr52: 21, PD12D71:32 See also , Baths; Medical. . . ; Medicine; Physicians; Springs; Watering places Heap, Lt. , ofS.C. militia, D8My79: 21 Heard, Col. , suppresses Tories in Long island, N. Y. , D24F76: 23 Nathaniel, PD18F68: 22--R18F68: 24 [Nathaniel], Col. ,D10F76: 31 Thomas, 12S45: 41 Hearding, John, Capt. , of the Elizabeth and Anne, R31Mr68: 31 of the Lucy, PD27N66: 22, PD19F67: 31- R19F67:22 Hearn, Richard, PD28My67: 32 Hearring, Jonathan, D6My75: 11 Hearsey, Mr. , on committee to wait on governor, Mass. , PD23My71: 13 514 Helvetius styptics Heart, James, 4N63: 22, PD20N66: 22, PD14My67: 31, R50c69: 22 Robert, PD14Ja68: 32 Heart in hand fire co. , Phila. , Pa. , PD9Mr69:23 Heart of Oak, sloop, P10Oc77: 11 Heart pine shingles, for sale, in Kingston parish, Va. , PD27F72: 32 Hearts, See Marcasite hearts Hearts and skirts, seized from British ship,D6Je77: 11 — P6Je77:21 Hearts of steel, raids of in Ire. , PD8Ag71:22 Heastie, James, Capt. , of the Elizabeth, 9Ja46: 4, 29My46: 4 Robert, Capt. , of the Beaver, PD20Ap69: 23 of the Homer, R12Mr67: 22, R1S68: 23, R23Mr69: 22, R4My69: 33, PD9N69: 22, PD24My70: 23, PD7Je70: 31 Heat, in Norfolk, Va, deaths from, PD6J169: 32 Heaters, for sale, 12F62: 42 in Williamsburg, Va. , 24Ja51: 41 imported, unclaimed adv. of, R50c69:22 Heaters, box, for sale, in Smithfield, Va. , D21F77: 22— P28F77s22 Heath, Capt. , on committee to wait on Gen. Gage, PD1D74: 22 presents address to Thomas Hutchinson, PD1N70: 13 Alexander, PD19N67: 21 , PD10D67: 31, PD14Ja68:31 David, R140c73: 31 Erasmus, PD21Ap68: 23 H. , Dr. ,D26Mr79:31 Henry, R14Ap68: 24,R17N68: 32, R12My74:32,C13My80:42 John, adv. for missing money, PD22Ag71:33--R5S71:42 adv. ownership of slave, P18J177: 41 adv.schooner for sale, PD23 Ja72:33 — R6F72:41 adv. slaves and land for sale, PD5N72:43--R5N72:21 adv. slaves for hire, PD12Mr72: 32 agent for Archibald Dunlop, PD30Mr69: 32 death of son of, DlAp75: 31 land of, mortgaged, for sale, PD9D73:21 letter to, in post office, PD7J168: 23 oration of,D22Ag77: 22 Judith Glascock, P18J177: 41 Luke, Capt. , of the Nancy, PD6Ag67: 32 Luke, & co. ,PD10c67: 12 Robert, Sir,4Ap55: 11 Samuel, PD7J168: 23, P18J177: 41 Thomas, - J D19N67: 21, PD10D67: 31, PD14Ja68:31,DlAp75:31, P180c76:32 William, 20Oc52: 22, PD15S68: 31, P14F77:23 William, Capt. , PD18Mr73: 22, RU173:23,PD60c74:22 [William], Gen. , arrives in New York City, P12Ap76:23-- D13Ap76: 31, P19Ap76pl2 — D20Ap76:23 attacks Fort Independence, NY. . D28F77:22 captures Fort Independence, N. Y. , D7F77: 11— P7F77:21 commands on Hudson river, D31J179: 21 commands provincial armies around Boston, Mass,D12Ag75: 13 crosses North river, P7F77: 13 in charge of British prisoners in Boston, Mass. ,P19D77: 11 marches to Kingsbridge, N. Y. , P31Ja77:22 recaptures Manhattan island, N. Y. , D14F77: 12 — P14F77: 22 stationed at Hackensack, N. J. , P17Ja77:22 toasted in Cambridge, Mass. , P5D77: 21 William, Lt. ,D31 Ag76: 21 William, Maj. ,D15N76: 21 — P15N76:32 Heath & Wing, P3Ja77s21, D11J177: 32 Heathcate, Lydia, PD24Mr74: 32 Heathcock, Elisha, P28F77s21 Heating system, invented in London, Eng. ,PD18Je72:22 Heatly, Capt., of the Tryton, 1D52: 31 Heatton, Austin &, company of comedians, PD18My69: 21 Heautboy, horse, 18Ap55: 31 Hebb, William, 3 10c45: 42 Hebber. John, P31Mr75s23 Hebblethwaite, Edward, 8My52: 31 Hebrew, taught at James Waddel's school, 4N63: 41 Hecker, Joseph, D17J179: 21 Heckie, Peter, 10Je37: 41, 210c37: 31, 18N37: 41 Heckle making, adv. of, in Fredericksburg, Va.,P6S76:41 Hecklers, adv. of, in Williamsburg, Va. , D21Mr77:21 Hecklers, from Eng. , P9My77: 31 — D16My77:21 Heckles, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. ,P6S76:41 in Prince George co. , Va. , D31Ja77:72--P31Ja77:32 Heckley, James, PillMy75: 33 Heckling, price of, in Williamsburg, Va. , D15Ag77: 61— P15Ag77: 31 Hecla, Mt. , Ice., eruption of, R11F68: 23, PD23Je68: 13 — R23Je68:23 Hector, British ship, 25Ja40: 2 East Indiaman,R16D73: 32 H.M.S. , 12My38:22,29S38:41, 60c38: 51, 7S39: 32, 50c39: 32, 2N39: 31, 13Je45: 31, 20Je45: 31, 4J145: 12. 29Ag45: 21, 24Ja52: 22, 15S38:41,PD18Ag74: 11 horse, PD5N67: 13 Indiaman, PD4A g 68: 13--R4Ag68: 13 pseud. ,PD29Ja67: 12 ship. PD24S67: 13 snow.D2D75: 12 stallion, D12Mr79: 31--C15My79: 43 Hedden, Mr. . justice of N. J. , taken prisoner by B'ritish, C19F80: 22 — D19F80:22 Hedding, Benjamin, D4Oc80: 33 Hedges, John, PD240c66: 31,R26My68: 34 Thomas. 19My38: 41 Hedgman, Peter, 24S36: 31, 3N38: 51, 13F52: 32, 27F52: 32, 16My55: 21, PD2My66:23 Hedgman river, Va.,5My38:41 See also Land for sale on Hedrico, Mr., author, D25N75: 11, D30D75: 11. D24F76: 43. D2Mr76: 41, D9Mr76: 41. D25My76: 43 Heels, See Wooden heels Heeritter, Paul, R26J170: 22, PD24S72:23 Heeth, James, 31J146: 51 Heeton, Edmund, R26J170: 22 Hefferman, John, & co. , PD12Ag73: 23 Heidelberg, Ger. , See Antiquities discovered in Heirsemon, Andrew, R15N70; 43 Heisler, Laurence, Dr. , author, PD18J171:23, PDlAg71:41, PD8Ag71:41 Heister, [Lorenz], author, PD25F68: 41, PD29N70: 21, PD13D70: 42, PD3Ja71: 42, PD17Ja71: 43, PD24Ja71: 43, PD7F71: 43, PD21F71: 43, PD7Mr71: 43, PD21Mr71: 43, PD28Mr71: 42, PD17S72:21,PD10Je73:31 M. , Lt. Gen. , commands Hessians in British army, P17My76: 21 — D18My76:31 [Philip von], Lt. Gen. ,D2My77: 62, D25J177: 22— P25J177: 21, D170c77: 11— P170c77: 21 Heldt, Capt. , of the Lady Mary, R8F70:23 Helena, brig, PD13Ag67: 13 — R13Ag67:22,D23Mr76:32 ship, 27Ag56: 32 Helenford, Philip, R14Ap68: 32 Hell gate, N.Y. , reward for entering offered by British, DllAp77: 22 See also British army, in; Shipwrecks at Helles, Capt. , of the Henry and Esther, D14S76: 11 Hellevoetsluis, Holl. , See Ships from Eng. to; Shipwrecks near; Storms in Hellie, John,R4D66: 23 Hellier, John, PD20Je71: 33 — R20Je71:33 Helm, Leonard, R22J173s21 Lynaugh, Pil2Ja75: 32, PilJe75: 11 — P2Je75s41,C30Oc79: 31 Thomas, PD18Mr73: 33 William, R190c69s21, R29Ap73: 31 Helms, Lt. , of R. I. ,D4D78: 22 Helpen, Peter, 60c52: 41 Helsham, [Richard], author, PD25F68: 41, PD29N70: 21, PD13D70: 42, PD3Ja71: 42, PDUa71:43,PD24Ja71:43, PD7F71:43,PD21F71:43, PD7Mr71: 43, PD21Mr71: 43 PD28Mr71: 42, PD18J171: 23, PD25J171: 33, PDlAg71: 41, PD8Ag71: 41, PD17S72: 21, PD10Je73: 31. D24J179: 31 Helter, Hannah, D31Ag76: 31 Heltzer, Capt. , of the Gothick Lion, PD16Ja72:31 Helvenstone, P. , elected major of 8th Va. regiment, P12Ja76: 32 — D13Ja76: 32— Pil3Ja76: 22 Helvetius, [Claude Adrian], PD26D71:21 Helvetius styptics, for sale, in Williamsburg. Va. , 18J151: 41, 515 Helvetius styptics, for sale, in Williamsburg (cont'd) 10Ap52: 31, 22My52: 32, 2My55: 31 Hemenway, Mr. , wounded in battle of Lexington and Concord, D27My75: 31 Hemet's essence of pearl powder, for sale, In Williamsburg, Va., PD10Oc71: 31, PD220c72: 23 — R220c72:23 Hemet's pearl dentifrice, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD10Oc71: 31 Hemingway, Daniel, D26Je79: 12 Hemings, John, PD19N67: 21 Hemley, Capt. , of the Morning Ftar, 11N37:41 Hemlock, extract of, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. ,PD21S69: 41— R2iS69s21,R12J170:31 Hemmington, John, Capt. , of the Princess Amelia, 25Ja40: 2 Hemp, accepted in payment for horse breeding, D4Mr80: 31 adv. for cargo of,PD18Ag68: 31 — R18Ag68:32,PD3N68:23, R5Ja69: 31— PD12Ja69: 42 adv. for, in Alexandria, Va. , D14F77:31 in Williamsburg, Va. ,D24Ag76: 62 — P23Ag76: 32, D15Ag77: 61 — P15Ag77:31 amount consumed in Gt. Brit. , 1756- 68,R15S68:22 auctioned in Phila. , Pa. , PD29D74: 31 bartered for land,RUOc70: 33 for Madeira wine. PD20Ag67: 23 for merchandise, R9Je68: 41, PD24Ja71: 32, D26Mr79: 22 bounties on import to Gt. Brit, from British colonies, N. Am. , PD26Mr67: 22, PD21Ap68: 13 requested, PD30J167: 21 bounties on, in Charleston, S. C. , PD8Je69: 11 in Eng. , P26Ap76s21— D27Ap76: 31 inS.C.,PD14D69:12 in Va. , 17Ap46: 22, PD23Ap67: 31, PD14Ja68: 33 colonial taxes to be paid in, PD15S68: 12— R15S68: 14 consumption in Eng. estimated, 1764-1774, PD10N74: 22 cultivation encouraged in Pa. , P24F75s22 export from Russia forbidden, PD2My71:22 exported from Baltic to Fr. , D16S75:31 exported from Charleston, S. C. , to London, Eng. , PD16Ap67: 21 exported from James river, lower district, Va., to Liverpool, Eng., R12Ja69:31 to New York City, PD20Ja74: 23, PD10Mr74:31,R8S74:31 to Phila. , Pa. , PD20Ja74: 23, PD21Ap74:23,R14Ap74:31 — PD28Ap74:23 exported from James river, upper district, Va. , 1763-1766, PD12F67:23 to Boston, Mass. ,PD290c67: 21, PD10Ag69: 32, PD7S69: 31, PD18Ja70: 32, PD1N70: 22, PD10F74:23 to Bristol, Eng. , PD26My68: 23 — R9Je68:33,PD29D68:31, PD10Ag69: 32, PD28D69: 31 to Glasgow, Scot. , PD26Mr67: 23, PDllJe67: 32, PD26N67: 23, PD3D67: 31, PD14Ja68: 31, PD3Mr68: 31, PD26My68: 22— R26My68: 31, PD7J168: 31 — R7J168:23,PD9N69:22 to Greenock, Scot. , PD28Ja68: 31 — R4F68: 31 to HuU, Eng. , PD6Ag67: 32 to Liverpool, Eng. , PD15Ag66: 31 — R15Ag66s32, PD27Ag67: 23, PD24S67: 13, PD3Mr68: 31 — R3Mr68:31, PD26My68: 23--R9Je68: 33 PD7J168: 23— R7J168: 23,R18Ag68s22, PD1S68: 23, PD20Ap69: 23, PD10Ag69: 32 to London, Eng. ,PD4Je67: 41, PD9J167: 32, PD6Ag67: 32, PD28J168: 23, PD270c68: 42, PD28S69s23 to New York City, PD27N66: 23, PD19Mr67: 32, PD27Ag67: 23, PD19N67: 22, PD10D67: 31, PD28J168: 23, PD29S68: 23 — R60c68:23,PD22D68:31, PD27J169: 32, PD28S69s23, PD28D69: 31, PD7Je70: 31, PD1N70:22 to Newport, R. I. , PD27N66: 23 to Phila., Pa.,PD7Je70:31, PD13S70:23,PD1N70:22 to Whitehaven, Eng. , 14D39: 11, PD15Ag66: 31— R15Ag66s32, PD18F68: 23, PD26My68: 22 — R26My68: 31, PD26My68: 23 — R9Je68: 32, PD8S68p22 — R22S68: 23, PD20Ap69: 23, PD8Je69: 23 exported from York district, Va. , to Boston, Mass. , R7J168: 22 to Bristol, Eng. , PD27N66: 22 for sale at Bermuda Hundred, Va. , PD20Ag67:23 in Culpeper co. , Va. ,D230c79: 12 in Fredericksburg, Va. , P6S76: 41 in Henrico co. , Va. ,D5F80: 33 in Smithfield, Va. , PD20Ag67: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , P9My77: 31 — D16My77:21 inYorktown, Va. , R50c69: 23 import to Eng. from Ire. discussed, D10J179:21 import to Gt. Brit, from Miss. expected, PD14My72: 13 import to Phila. , Pa., from New York City allowed, R2Ag70: 21 importance to Va. , PD22Mr70: 23 imported to Brest, Fr. , from Holl. , C13My80:21 imported to Fr. from Baltic, 27Ap56:ll imported to Toulon, Fr. , from Holl. , C13My80:21 lost at sea, PD30Ja72: 12 machines for ordered in N. Y. , R19F67:21 plentiful in S. C. , PD4Ag68: 21 — R4Ag68:21,PD14D69: 12 price in Norfolk, Va. , R28J168: 24 prizes for in N. Y. , R19F67: 21 raised in Va. back country, PD14Ja68:33 raised in western S. C. , PD3D67: 22 raising encouraged in Culpeper co. , Va.,R14J174:32 in Nansemond co. , Va. , PD28J174s22 in Princess Anne co. , Va. , R4Ag74: 11 in Va. , PD30Je74: 22— R30Je74: 22, Pi30Mr75: 31— DlAp75: 23 raising in Md. , encouraged by provincial congress, PD29D74: 23 recipe for making, PD9Ap67: 13 trade in, by John Howard, PD14Ja68: 33 Hemp hackles manufacture, encouraged in Va. , Pi30Mr75: 31-- DlAp75:31 Hemp manufacture, in America, PD7Mr66: 13 in Fredericksburg, Va. , P6S76: 41 inS.C. , successful, PD6Ag67: 22 parliamentary grants to improve, 14Ap38:31 Hemp mills, adv. of, in Williamsburg, Va.,D15Ag77:61— P15Ag77:31 for sale, in Henrico co. , Va. , D5F80:33 Hemp seed, exported from Rappahannock district, Va. , to Phila., Pa.,PD15Ag66:23 — R8Ag66: 22 Hemp stones, for sale, in Louisa co. , Va.,D25Ap77:31 Hempen rolls, for sale, 12F62: 42 In Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72: 31 in Gloucester co. , Va. , PDllAg74: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD17S71: 31 — R26S7L41 inYorktown, Va. , PD4Oc70: 32, PD29Ag71:31 Hempenfelt, Capt. , of the Buckingham, PD21Mr71: 22 Hempenstall, Mr. , arrives in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD15S74: 31 Abraham, PD8S74: 23 Hempstead, Eng. , See Murders in Hempstead plains, N.Y. , See British army in; British army to Hen coops, lost at sea, PD30Ja72: 21 Hen houses, in Elizabeth City co. , Va. , PD7Ap68: 31, PD16Mr69: 32 in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD21Ap68:31 in Granville co. , N. C. , PD26Ja69: 33 in King William co. , Va. , PD170c66:41 in Orange co. , Va. , 9Ja46: 42 in Princess Anne co. , Va. , P9My77sll in York co. , Va. , PD3S67: 22 near Edenton, N. C. . C28Ag79: 41 on Hampton river, Va. , PD14N71: 22 on Pamunkey river, Va. , HAp55: 32 Hen houses, described, in Amelia co. , Va. ,10Ag39:41 in Goochland co. , Va. . 26N36: 42 in Hanover co. , Va. . 7Ja37: 42 Henbane, used to cure decayed teeth, R28Ja73: 22 Henchman, Dr. , coat of arms stolen, 9S37:41 Hencock, Richard, PD9Ap67: 21 Henderson. Capt. , PD5Mr67: 22, PD5Mr67: 31. PD3Je73: 23, R5Ag73: 22.D30S75: 23 516 Henley of the Beulah, PD60c68: 22— R60c68: 22 of the Fanny, PD2J167: 22 of the Lady Gates, D230c79: 21 Col. , P8My78sl2 Mr. , claims land on Ohio river, D15Je76: 12 of Jamaica. W. I. , Pi23Mr75: 21 — D25Mr75: 12, P24Mr75: 41 A. , adv. settlement of estate, R29Ap73: 31 Alexander, PD9Ap67: 31, R23J167: 42, PD25Je72: 32, C30Oc79: 41 adv. finding horse, R11D66: 41 adv. for money for bills of exchange, P5Ap76:42--D6Ap76:33 adv. for runaway convict servant, PilON74: 32--PD10N74: 43 adv. houses and lots for sale, P13S76: 33 — D14S76: 71 adv. merchandise for sale, P20S76: 12 — D21S76: 41 collector for Donald, Scott & co. , PD5N72: 33--R19N72: 41 describes naval engagement near Phila. , Pa. , P31My76: 21 manager of Wm. Bradley's lottery, PD23Mr69: 32— R21Ap69s21 property of, PD9D73: 22— R9D73: 21 upholds Association, R18J171: 32 Alexander, Capt. , of the Peggy, 12D51: 32 of the William, 3J152: 32, 17N52: 22 Archibald. 14Ag52: 31, R15D68: 22 Bennett, P3Ap78: 32 Daniel, D27S76: 42 George. 14Ag52: 31 James, adv. for missing horse, D15N76: 22 — P22N76: 33 adv. for runaway slave, PD8N70: 32— R8N70: 23 , PD16My71: 32 continues store, PD12My74: 43 mariner on the Betsy, D13Ja76: 23 refuses to take oath to Va. , P31Ja77: 11 takes orders for Virginia justice, PD21D69: 23 — R18Ja70: 41 James, Capt. , of the Charming Polly, PD10Ag69: 31 — R10Ag69: 31 John, adv. finding horse, R270c68: 22, PD25J171: 23 adv. finding steers, D27S76: 42 adv. for bids for building jail, R31Ja71: 31 announces departure, PD14J168: 32 horses of, PD21Je70: 33 — R12J170: 41 letter to. in post office, R4D66: 23 John, jr. ,Pi6J175:33 — P7J175: 31 John, sr. . P7Mr77: 22 Joseph, R1S74: 33 Michael, Capt. , of the Charles and Sally, 24N52: 22 of the Charming Sally, 20Oc52: 21 Richard, P10My76sll adv. land for sale, 29Je39: 32, R5Ja69: 33, D5Je79: 32 adv. plantation for sale, R22D68: 13 agent for settlement of Transylvania, D30S75: 33 inspector of lottery, PD28My72: 12 opposed by Regulators of N. C. , R10Ja71: 22 ownership of land in west denied by governor, Pi6Ap75sl3 postpones settlement of Transylvania, D29Je76:41 purchases land from Cherokees, P10Mr75s21 violates regulations of land grants in Va. , Pi30Mr75: 33 [Richard], Judge, PD25Oc70: 21 Richard, & co. , D25Mr80: 32 Samuel, 170c55: 31 Thomas, Capt. , of the Fanny, 24N52: 31 of the John and Eleanor, 3J152: 32, 30J152:31,3N52: 12 W. , Ensign, taken prisoner in battle of Long island. N. Y. , D21S76: 21 William, adv. claims against Parks Smith, Pi23Mr75: 33 — D25Mr75: 31 adv. finding horse, 12D51: 41 adv. for runaway slave, PD16Ja72: 33— R6F72: 42 adv. store at Richmond, Va. , PD4F73: 31--R4F73: 23 announces departure, D21Mr77: 11— P28Mr77:21 collector for Va. gazette, PDllAg68: 23 escheated property of, for sale, D25Mr80: 32 factor for Cunningham, Cockran & co. , D12F79:41 letter of, in post office, 14Ag52: 31 quarrels with Andrew Chalmer, PD11F73: 23— R11F73: 23 refuses to take oath to Va. , P31Ja77:ll P31Ja77: 11 slave of, PD13D70: 22 subscriber to meeting of merchants, PD30Je74: 23 Henderson & Murray, ship of, PD220c72: 13 Henderson, Glassford &, R18J171: 32, P13S76: 33--D14S76: 71, P20S76: 12— D21S76:41 Henderson, M'Caul & co. , PDllMr73: 31, PD2S73: 22, PD17N74: 31, P23My77:12, D23My77: 32 Henderson, Peachy, Griffin & co. , PD12My74:43 Henderson's store, Va. , PD12Mr72: 32 Hendley. Robert, Capt. , of the Eleanor, 25Ja40: 2 Hendon, Eng. , See Robberies in Hendre, William, D6N79: 32 Hendrick (Mohawk), burial of, 240c55: 21 death of resented by Mohawks, 7N55: 12 in French and Indian war, 10Oc55: 22 killed at Lake George, 30c55: 12, 30c55: 21, 170c55: 12, 310c55: 12 son of, 170c55: 21 Hendrick, Capt. , of the John and Robert, 8S38: 41 Ezekiel, P28N77sl2 Humphrey, R14Ap68: 24 John, R16Je74: 32 Moses, P16Ag76s22 Zachariah, PD9My71: 31--R23My71: 31, R17F74:31 Hendricks, Col. , captured by Tories in N.J. ,D3J179:22 Major, reports on British navy in James river, Va. , D25My76: 33 reports on Dunmore's fleet. P24My76: 31 Mr. , sells lottery tickets in N. Y. , P17F75:41 George, R22D68: 21 James, PD10N74: 33, P12Ja76: 32— D13Ja76: 32--Pil3Ja76: 22 James, Col. , P6Mr78: 11 wounded at Germantown, Pa. , P170c77: 11, P170c77:21, P240c77: 21 James, Major, P12J176: 13, P19J176: 32, D10Ag76: 62 [William], Capt. , Pi31Ag75: 32, P9F76: 23—D10F76: 32 Hendrickson, Daniel, Capt. , of the Rainbow, PD7J168: 23--R7J168: 22, PD28J168: 23 Jonathan, PD220c67: 21 Hendrie, William, PD26S71: 32— R26S71: 33, PD3D72: 23, PD9D73: 21 Hendry, James, PD28J168: 23 Henes, John, PD6Je66: 32 Hening, David, Pi29S74: 41 Robert, jr. , R17Mr68: 34, R13D70: 41, R26S71:32 Samuel, P129S74: 41 Henley, Mr. , solicits in Va. for subscription for relief of Boston, Mass. ,R25Ag74: 13 James, Capt. , Pi5Ja75: 32, Pil6F75: 31 John, 13F52:41 Leonard, P18Ap77s33, P21Ag78: 11, P21Ag78: 33 Michael, PD16Ag70: 41 Richardson, 30N59: 42, D3Ag76: 32 Richardson, Capt. . PilD74: 31 — PD1D74: 23 Robert, Lord, R23F69: 21, PD23F69: 31 — R24F69s21 [Samuel], Rev. Mr. , PD6My73: 22— R6My73s21, PD27My73: 23, PD5My74:23 accusation of deism, retracted, PD20My73: 22— R20My73: 22 accused by Real associator, PD29D74:31 acting minister of Bruton parish church, PD20Je71: 32 announces departure, P28Ap75: 23 — D29Ap75s41 attacked by Real associator, D21Ja75: 21 attacked in quarrel with Robert Carter Nicholas, D25F75: 31 author, R9My71: 33 — PD16My71: 23, PD28Ap74: 31 — R12My74: 41 candidate for vacancy in Bruton parish, PD3Je73: 11 comments on American pseud. , PD28N71: 23 correspondence with Bracken quoted, PD9D73: 21 criticism of, Pi20Ap75: 11 criticized by Page, R19My74: 21 criticized by Real associator, D18F75:31 criticized for opinion on episcopate, PD9Ja72: 11 criticism of, Pi23F75: 31, Pi30Mr75:ll defended for opinion on episcopate, PD23Ja72: 32. PD6F72: 32 defense satirized, Pi6Ap75: 11 demands proof of Rev. Mr. Bracken's changes. PD24F74: 32 denies authorship of queries, D11F75: 21 denies recommending minister to Orange parish, Va. , PD21N71: 22— R21N71:31 denies writing queries, D14Ja75: 31 gives lectures on elementary ideas of poetry, PD2Ja72: 32— R6F72: 42 letter (text) from Camm. PD11J171:23 517 Henley, [Samuel], Rev. Mr. (cont'd) letter (text) from Country man, R5S71: 11 letter (text) from Robert Carter Nicholas, PD20My73sll, PD24F74:11, PD12My74: 11 letter replying to Real associator, D25Mr75: 12 letter to Robert Carter Nicholas, PD13My73: 23, PD3Je73: 23 letter (text) to Page, R9Je74: 11 letter (text) to Real associator, PD22D74: 23, D4Mr75: 32 letters (text) to, RlAg71: 21 opposed by Rev. Mr. John Bracken, PD16D73: 22 opposes American episcopate, PD6Je71: 23, PD20Je71: 21, PD18J171: 11--R18J171: 23, PD18J171: 13,R8Ag71:21, PD170c71: 23, PD21N71: 11 poetry of parodied, R6F72: 13 preacher for relief fund for clergy's widows and orphans, PD21Mr71:31— R21Mr71: 33 protest against American episcopate answered, PD13Je71: 31 quarrel of, R21N71: 31, PD19D71: 23 quarrel with Richard Bland, PD10Mr74: 12 quarrel with John Bracken, PD23D73sll, PD30D73: 23, PD20Ja74: 13, PD3F74: 32, PD17F74: 21, PD24F74: 13, PD3Mr74: 23, PD10Mr74: 21, Pil3Ap75: 22, Pi20Ap75: 21 quarrel with Joseph Kidd, Pil6Mr75:21, Pi23Mr75: 12, Pi30Mr75: 13 quarrel with Robert Carter Nicholas, PD3Mr74: 31, PD31Mr74: 31, Pi23Mr75: 23, P10Mr75s23 secretary of the Society for the advancement of useful knowledge, PD13My73: 23 uses Hoadleianus as pseud. , PD24F74: 11 Turner, P24Je77: 32 William, PD170c71: 32 Henley, Eng. , See Murders in Henly, L. , acquitted of fraud by court- martial, D12F80: 41 William, R27F72: 33 Hennesey, John, PD17Ag69: 13 Hennon, Capt. , of the James River, 9My45: 31 Henrico, schooner, C6N79: 32— D6N79: 32 Henrico co. , Va. , burgesses elected, 17Ja52: 41, 27F52: 32, 19D55: 22, PD8D68: 31, R14S69: 22, PD21S69: 23, R9N69: 11, PD12D71: 31,PD12Mr72:31- R12Mr72: 23, PD21J174p23— R21J174: 32 census requested, P19Ap76p23— D27Ap76: 33 committee, resolutions, text of, 1775, DllF75s23, P24N75.13 committee of observation chosen in, DllF75s22 committee of safety, orders (text) of, 1777,P31Ja77: 11 court, adjourned to Richmond, Va. , 30Ap52: 21 adv. for bids for building courthouse, 17Ja51:41 land sold by order of, 7N54: 42, PD26S66: 33, R15N70: 22 slaves sold by order of, PD13Ja74: 33 suits in, PD20Ag72: 23 delegates elected, P3Mr75s23, P26My75s33, P19Ap76: 33, Pul8Ap77sll,D8Ap80: 23 election of committee, P24N75: 13 freeholders, address (text) of, PD28J174s21--R28J174: 31 jails in, 9D37: 41 list of tithables for 1774, not returned, Pil8My75: 33— P19My75s32— D20My75: 33 resolutions (text) of, 1775, P28Ap75s43 senators elected, P6S76: 33, P9My77: 31 sheriff's summons, R2My71: 41 towns established in, regulated by general assembly, PD28D69: 23— R28D69: 23 troops arrive in Williamsburg, Va. , D210c75: 23 warned against neutrality, Pi22Je75: 11 See also Apple orchards in; Attorneys; Auctions in; Auctions of British imports in; Beef scarce in; Blacksmiths adv. for, in; Bridges in; Carpenters, journeymen, adv. for, in; Carpenters apprentices, runaway from; Chair houses in; Coal pits in; Colliers adv. for, in; Corn nouses in; Cow houses in; Dairies in; Dams in; Dwelling houses in; Fairs in; Ferries in; Fires in; Gardens in; Hickory timber in; Horse-breeding in; Houses in; Husbandry encouraged in; Indentured servants runaway from; Jails in; Joiners, apprentices, runaway from; Joiners, journeymen, adv. for, in; Kitchens in; Land, ownership of, disputed in; Land for rent in; Land for sale in; Landings in; Lots^or sale in; Manufactures encouraged in; Meat scarce in; Merchants in; Militia of; Mill houses in; Mills in; Money scarce in; Musters, general, dates appointed for in; Oak timber in; Orchards in; Ordinaries in; Outhouses in; Overseers' houses in; Pastures in; Peach orchards in; Pine timber in; Pines in; Pork scarce in; Provisions, export from; Quarters, Negro, in; Roads in; Robberies in; Salt importance in; Slaves for hire in; Slaves for sale in; Slaves found, adv. of, in; Slaves runaway from; Stables in; Stealing in; Stills in; Storehouses in; Storekeepers in; Stores in; Tenements for rent in; Tobacco houses in; Trading concerns, manager of, adv. for, in; Undertakers adv. for, in; Vendues in; Warehouses in; Weavers adv. for, in; Whipping posts in Henrico courthouse, Va. , See Land for sale at; Ships for sale at; Slaves for sale at; Slaves, mortgaged, for sale at Henrico factory, Va. , property of, for sale, D5F80: 33 Henrico parish, Va. , See Clergy in Henrico parish church, Va. , clerk's notice posted at, R2D73: 31, PD28Ap74: 32 Henrietta, ship, 170c51: 22 Henry IV, king of France, anecdotes on, D13J176: 52 Henry VHI, anecdotes about, Pi23Mr75: 21 Henry, Capt. , PD13Ag72: 21, D1N76: 12 in battle of Princeton, P7F77: 12 of the Betsey, PD3S72: 22 of the Rachel, PD27F72: 23— R27F72: 22, PD19Mr72: 13 Col. , appointed to committee on prices in Phila. , Pa. , D12Je79: 12 Cornet, P5J176p22 Maj., land of, 10F38: 41 Rev. Mr. , preaches St. Andrew's day sermon, 15D38: 41, 14D39: 32 Hugh, PD24Mr68: 33 James, PD12D71: 31, PD6Ja74: 31, P17F75: 41, P22J175s41, P15N76: 11, C18D79: 11 — D18D79: 21 John, adv. finding cattle, PD21D69: 33 adv. finding steer, 13F52: 41 adv. for draught of Pamunkey river, PD18F68: 32, adv. for surveyors, PD17D67: 32 adv. land for sale, 23My55: 21, PD21D69: 43 adv. surveys for maps, PD25Je67: 32 announcement of surveys in Northern neck, PD9Je68: 23 announces departure, PD13D70: 31 asserts accuracy of his map of Va. , PD30Ag70: 33 chosen cornet of Va. light horse company, P14Je76p22 exchanged for British prisoner of war, D7F77: 12— P7F77: 11 map of discussed, R27S70: 22, PD4Oc70: 22, PD13D70: 11, PD31Ja71: 32 maps of for sale, PD30J167: 32 murdered by Indians, PD130c74: 22 prepares theater in Annapolis, Md. , PD26Ag73: 22— R26Ag73s23 requests records of co. boundary lines, PD17S67: 21, PD150c67: 21, PD5My68: 23 taken prisoner of war in Quebec, Can. , D31Ag76: 21 unclaimed tobacco of, P18Ag75: 42 Lt. ,P21Ag78:ll [Matthew], author, PD10Je73: 33, D25N75: 21, D30D75: 21, D2Mr76: 43, D9Mr76: 43, D24Ag76: 61 Michael, P2My77sll Patrick, 12D55: 31, PD24S67: 21 gov. of Va. , accepts governorship, P5J176: 23— D6J176: 21 addressed (text) by Botetourt co. , Va. , P24Mr75: 32 addressed by Va. officers, P9Ag76: 33 addresses (text) freeholders of Augusta co. . Va. , P14Ap75: 31 adv. for guns, P26Ja76: 32 aid to forbidden, D13My75: 32 announces bounty for reenlistments in Continental army, P20Mr78: 21 announces Congress has no need for reinforcements, P21Ag78: 42 answer (text) to tribute from Va. regiment, 1st, PlMr76: 31 — D2Mr76: 23 appointed col. of Va. regiment, 1st, D9Mr76: 23, D30Mr76: 22 appoints collector of provisions, P3Ap78sll 518 Hensley appoints John Hawkins to collect cattle for army, D24Ap78: 31 arrives in Williamsburg, Va. , Pi21S75: 32--D23S75: 31, P22S75: 23 burgess from Hanover co. , Va. , PD8D68: 31, PDllMyS69: 41, PD21S69s23--R21S69: 23, PD21S69s23, R9N69: 11, PD5D71: 23 commits prisoner of war to jail, P30My77: 12 conduct of praised in James City co. , Va. , P16Je75s23 criticism of, P21J175s33 delegate to Continental congress, PD4Ag74: 23--R4Ag74: 32, PDllAg74: 12--RllAg74: 31, Pi270c74: 23, Pi30Mr75: 31 — DlAp75: 23,D26Je79:31 delegate to Va. convention, PD28J174sll--R28J174: 21, P17Mr75: 32, DlAp75: 21, D13Ap76: 32, P19Ap76: 33 demands lawyers fees in cash, PD20My73: 22--R20My73: 22 enforces embargo in Va. , P19Je78: 31 escorted to Continental congress, 2nd, P19My75s33 forwards criticism to Va. gazette, 2Mr53: 11 given special wartime powers, D3Ja77: 22--P3Ja77: 11 leads militia to Williamsburg, Va. , P5My75s21 letter from Col. William Christian, P1N76:31,P29N76:21 letter from Col. Elliott quoted, P5Ja76(5)s21 letter from Gen. Greene, P29N76: 21 letter (text) from Gov. Johnson, D26S77: 22 letter to, P9F76: 31, P20Je77: 11 on committee for rebating damaged tobacco, RlAg71: 11 on committee of Congress, D21Ja75: 12 on committee of correspondence, PD18Mr73: 23--R18Mr73: 31 on committee of defense in Va. , Pi30Mr75: 23--DlAp75: 22 on committee to encourage manufactures in Va. , Pi30Mr75: 31--DlAp75: 23 on committee to investigate land grants, Pi30Mr75: 31--DlAp75: 31 on committee to prepare address to king, PD22D74: 11 on Indian trade commission, PD19J170: 21--R19J170:23 opposes high price of rum, Pi30D75: 22--P12Ja76sll orders recruiting officers to report, P3Ap78: 21 orders regular forces to Williamsburg, Va. , P22S75: 33 pardons deserters, P4J177sll popular support of, PlMr76: 31 praised as Va. delegate to Continental congress, P10F75: 32 praised by committee of Frederick co. , Va. , P7J175sl2 praised by Lancaster co. , Va. , Pi29Je75: 33 praised by Louisa co. , Va. , P19My75s32 praised for participation in Continental congress, 1st, D25Mr75: 13 praised in Augusta co. , Va. , P14Ap75: 23 praised in Fincastle co. , Va. , P22J175s41 praised in Loudoun co. , Va. , PilJe75: 33 praised in Orange co. , Va. , P19My75s33 praised in Prince Edward co. , Va. , D29J175: 12 praised in Spotsylvania co. , Va. , P19My75s32 proclamations (text) of, 1776, P27S76: 11, P27D76sl2, D3Ja77: 22-- P3Ja77: 12, P17Ja77sll proclamations of, 1777, P3Ja77: 22, P17Ja77: 23, P31Ja77: 11, P21F77:11, P28Mr77sll. P25Ap77: 22, P11J177: 33, P22Ag77: 31, P310c77: 23--D7N77: 22 proclamations of, 1778, P6Mr78: 11, P3Ap78: 11 proclamations (text) of, 1779, C15My79: 23--D15My79: 22 John Randolph denies speech against, P14J175s23 receives bid for building soldiers hospital, P21F77: 22 receives news of skirmishes in Princess Anne co. , Va. , P17N75:32 receives report from Col. Christian, P15N76:31 receives reprisal for seizure of gunpowder, PillMy75: 33-- P12My75s22--D13My75: 31 recovered from illness, P2Ag76: 23 reelected, D30My77: 22, P30My77: 31, P5Je78: 22 refuses Continental commission, D30Mr76: 23 reinforces Congress' prohibition on exports, P10Ja77: 31 replaced as delegate to Continental congress, Pil7Ag75: 33-- P18Ag75: 32 replies to assembly's thanks, D5Je79: 31 replies (text) to Baptist churches association of Va. , P23Ag76: 21-- D24Ag76: 71 replies to congratulations of Va. regiments, P5J176: 31 requests report on Va. troops, P30c77: 22 requests cattle from Continental army, P20tylr78: 21 resignation from Continental army discussed, P15Mr76s23, P22Mr76: 32 resignation of rumored, P15Mr76s22- D16Mr76: 33 resigns from Va. regiment, 1st, PlMr76: 31--D2Mr76: 23 returns from Continental congress, PD270c74: 23--Pi270c74: 31 satirized, PDlJa67: 21 seat in Congress replaced, P9Ag76:33 signs Association of 1774, PD3N74: 12--Pi4N74: 12 signs Va. Association, PD25My69: 12 supported in Prince William co. , Va. , PilJe75: H--P2Je75s42 supported in Va. , P4Ag75sll supports Continental congress, P15Mr76s23 takes Nicholas' unfinished cases in general court, PD7Ja73: 31-- R7Ja73: 32 takes orders for Virginia justice, PD21D69: 23--R18Ja70: 41 thanked by Senate, D5Je79: 31 thanked for conduct in Continental congress, Pi30Mr75: 22-- DlAp75: 21 thanked for control of troops in Williamsburg, Va. , Pil3D75: 11-- D16D75: 22 warned by Washington, D13Je77: 21-- P13Je77:31 witness for Zachariah Rowland, P24N75: 13 Patrick, Rev. Mr. , 14D39: 32, 21D39:41,DllAp77:32 Robert Jenckins, Col. , HAp55: 12 William, PlMr76: 33, D12Je79: 21 William, Capt. , PlMr76: 32 of the Industry, 12D51: 32 William, Col. , P27Mr78: 41 Henry, British brig, D1N76: 12 galley, P17Ja77: 31, P6Je77: 33 privateer, 4J145: 22 ship, PD6Je66: 31, PD20Je66: 31, PD16Ja72: 31, PD16Ja72: 32, P14N77: 32 sloop. 17J152: 32, PD20Ja74: 23 Henry and Benjamin, brig, 3Je37: 41 brigantine, 26N36: 42 Henry and Esther, British ship, D14S76: 11 Henry and Mary, privateer, 20Je45: 41, 4J145: 21 Henry co. , Va. , court, location established by general assembly, D27D76:21 — P3Ja77: 13 See also Buildings in; Houses in; Land for rent in; Land for sale in; Land leased in; Land ordered recorded in; Mills in; Orchards in; Stealing in Henry Dawkins, ship, PD27F72: 23-- R27F72: 22 Henry of Queensferry, ship, 240c45: 31 Henshaw, Capt. , PD25F73: 23-- R25F73: 23 John, adv. settlement of estate, D25J177: 41 adv. slaves for sale, D25J177: 41 estate of unclaimed tobacco of, C13My80:32 letter to, in post office, PD10Mr68: 31, PD7J168: 23 manages auction in Essex co. , Va. , PilJe75: 12 member of committee in Essex co. , Va. , Pi5Ja75: 31 Joshua, PD6Ap69: 21, PD8Je69: 11, PD5Ap70: 23--R5Ap70: 41 Samuel, PD21D69: 31 Hensler, W. , adv. settlement of estate, C18D79: 12 Hensley, Capt. , PD19D71: 21 Hannah Wood, P19Je78: 12 John, P19Je78: 12 Joseph, 2S57: 42 Mary (Saunders). PD8S68: 31 519 Hensley (cont'd) Nicholas, Capt. , of the Friends, PD10F74: 23 Penhellick, Capt. , of the Sarah and Elizabeth, 14F51: 32, l6My51: 32 Philip. PD8S68:31 Thomas, 12D55: 41 William, PD14Je70: 33 Heny, Capt. , wounded near Sabbath day point, N. Y. , D2My77: 31 Eleanor, PD3N74: 42--Pi4N74: 33 Hugh, PD3N74: 42— Pi4N74: 33 James, PD3N74: 42--Pi4N74: 33 Jane. PD3N74: 42--Pi4N74: 33 Hepburn, James. P22Mr76: 12— D23Mr76: 32, D29Ja80: 22 Thomas, PDlAg66: 31, PD290c72: 23 — R290c72: 23 adv. for lost cutlery, PD20Ag72: 31 adv. linen for sale, PD4J166: 31 adv. sale of bxigantine, PD16My66: 31 adv. services as commission merchant, PD9My66: 23 merchant at Norfolk, R4D66: 11— PD6N66: 22 resigns as vendue master, PD20N66: 22--R[llDs?]66: 33 William, P8Ag77: 23, P15Ag77: 11, P12Je78:31 Hepburn & Mitchell, PD2N69: 41, PD19J170: 32, PD24Ja71: 31 — R31Ja71: 31, PD18Ap71: 32— R2My71: 41 Herald painters, adv. of, in Williamsburg, Va. , 18Ap51: 32, PD14Ap74: 31 Herbert, Capt. , P29My78: 22 in battle of Long island, N. Y. , D21S76: 21 of the Friendship, 260c39: 32 of the Liberty, P18J177: 23 of the Livingston, D26F79: 31 Lt. , P28Je76: 23 Miss, seized by British in Va. , D15My79: 22 Mr. , 28Ag52: 31 favors Boston port bill, PD19My74: 22 Buttler,7Ag52:31 Caleb, R26J170: 22 Elizabeth, 2N39: 41 Ester, D31Ag76: 31 Frances Anderson, 7Ag52: 31 Henry, R80c72: 31 Henry, sr. , P230c78: 23 James. C3J179: 32 John, 7Ag52: 31, PD14My67: 31, PD28My67: 33, PD7S69: 41 Johnny, Major, D3F76: 13 Jonas, Capt. , of the Abby, PD10Ag69: 32, PD7S69: 31, PD7Ja73: 32, PD5Ag73: 23, PD5Ag73: 21, PD24Mr74: 31 — R24Mr74: 33, Pil7N74: 32— PD17N74: 23, P4Ag75: 31 — D5Ag75:33,D2Mr76:23 Judith. PD28My67: 33 Martha, 7Ag52: 31 Reuben, P160c78: 13 Richard, 7Ag52: 31 Robert, 16S37: 32, 21Mr45: 22 Thomas, P9F76: 31, D21S76: 21 Thomas, Capt. , of the Liberty, P21Ag78: 12 William, PD28My67: 33, PD10N74: 33, D13N79: 22 William, Capt. , D30My77: 31 — P30My77: 13 Herbert, ship, R10Je73: 41 Herbert, of Cherbury, baron [Edward Herbert], author, PD10Je73: 33 Herbert, Richard, Capt. , of the Norwich. 25Ja40: 2 Herbs, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. . PD220c72: 31 in Urbanna, Va. , 21N45: 41 Herculaneum, It. , See Antiquities discovered in Hercule, man of war, [10Ja?]51: 31 Hercules, brig, D15My79: 21 — C15My79: 13 H. M. S. , PD1J173: 22--R1J173: 21, D28Mr77: 61 ship, Pi28S75: 22 Herd, Gen. , fires on British ship, P26J176: 21--D29J176:41 of N.J. militia, D6Je77: 12— P6Je77: 21 Herdman, Capt. , of the Harriot, R11F68:31 James, PD29Je69: 33, D13Ja76: 23 [James], Rev. Mr. , PU4S75: 31, D20Ja76: 13--Pi20Ja76: 31, P31Ja77: 11 Thomas, Capt. , of the Harriott, PD12S66: 23, PD16J167: 33, . PD6Ag67: 32, PD7J168: 23--R7J168: 23, R25Ag68: 32--PD1S68: 23, PD29Je69: 33 Hereditary Prince, ship, D3J179: 12 Hereford, Eng. , assizes, 28N51: 21 petitions king, PD7D69: 21 — R7D69:21,PD14D69: 12 See also Floods in; Murders in Herefordshire, Eng. , petitions king, PD5Ap70: 12, PD5Ap70: 13 — R5Ap70: 12 See also Fires in; Indentured servants from; Races in Heresy, accusations of, 9Je38: 32 in Gloucester, Eng. , trials for, PD24F74: 23 Herford, Henry, PD27F72: 31 — R27F72: 23 Herifford, John, R5S71: 32 Heriter, Paul, PD25Ap66: 32 Herkimer, Johannes Jost, P29Ag77: 31— D5S77: 21 [Nicholas], Gen. , P29Ag77: 23— D5S77: 21 Hermaphrodites, horses as, 270c52: 12 in Mass. , PD22F70: 13 Hermitage, Ga. , See Shipwrecks near the Hermitage, produced in Ft. , PD18Mr73: 31 Hermitage, ship, 60c52: 21 Hermits, in Gateshend, Eng. , PDllJe67: 21 Hermodactyls, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 30Ap52: 32 Hern, John, PU0N74: 32— PD10N74:43 Herndon, Mr. , adv. planks for sale, PD5F67: 31 — R19F67: 33 Benjamin, R25D66: 43 Edward. R12My68: 34, DlAp75: 11, P29D75: 31, P10J178:43 George, PD17S72: 23, PHOc76: 13, D5S77: 32 520 James, D3Ag76: 32 John, R12My68: 32, P29D75: 31, P16My77:31,P4J177sll Joseph, R9Je74: 22, PD25Ag74: 31, P29D75: 31,D160c79: 11 Reuben, D25J177: 41 — P25J177: 41 Sarah. C30Oc79: 42 William, PD18F73: 31— R18F73: 33 Herndow, Joseph. PD28Ap74: 31 Hero, brigantine, D24Je75: 32 galley, D6J176: 31, P26J176: 32, P23Ag76: 43, P30Ag76: 43, P20S76:31, P3Ja77s21, P3Ja77s22, P21Mr77s22, P5S77: 33, P16My77: 31, P16My77: 32, P15Ag77: 31, P30c77: 33, P14N77: 23, P21N77: 21 H. M. S. , PD4My69: 23 horse, PD240c66: 22 privateer. C21Oc80: 22 ship, R7Ap74: 23, D7Ja75: 23 snow, C21Oc80: 22 Herod, John, C27N79: 23 William, D3J179: 32 Herod, horse, R23J167: 31, C28Ag79: 43 Herod's ordinary, Va. , R18Ja70: 42 Heroine, French warship, 5S55: 21 Heron, Col. , appointed gov. of Bermuda, 23Ja46: 22 Mr. ,12Mr52:31 imprisoned in Hartford, Conn. , Pil7Ag75: 32— P18Ag75: 11 taken prisoner in N. Y. ,D29J175: 31 Alexander, 23D37: 41 Nathaniel, D27Ja76: 42 Herory, Capt. , PD30My71: 23 Heros, French warship, 5S55: 21 Herralson. burgess, PD16Je68: 31 Herrin, Benjamin, PD20F72: 33 — R27F72: 33, Pi60c74: 33— PD60c74: 33 Elias, PD9Mr69: 33 Herring, Daniel, PD16J167: 41 John, D21 Ja75: 13 William, R27F72: 41, PD220c72: 31, D7Mr77: 21, D10J178: 42 Herring, exported from Accomac district, Va. , to Antigua, W. I,, PD14Ja68: 32 exported from James river, lower district, Va. , to Barbados, W. I. , RllAg68: 24 to Grenada, W. I. , RllAg68: 24 exported from Yarmouth, Eng. , to Leghorn, It. , 13My37: 32 for sale, PD21J168: 32 at College landing. Williamsburg, Va. ,D3Je75:33 in Edenton, N. C. , PD220c72: 23 in Suffolk, Va. , P8Ag77: 42 import to Fr. from Gt. Brit. permitted, HMy39: 21 import to Gt. Brit, forbidden, 31Ja51:31 imported to Williamsburg, Va. , from Glasgow, Scot. , PD22D74: 31 in Va. , 12D45:41 near Port Royal, Va. , PD15Ag66: 31 plentiful in Fife co. , Scot. , PD8N70: 21 price in Scot. , PD8D74: 12 prices in London, Eng. , 1D52: 12, 8D52: 22 seized by British in St. John's, Antigua, W. I. , D6Ap76: 21 seized from British ship, 17J152: 31, Hessian troops D24Ag76: 22. D6Je77: ll--P6Je77: 21, D27Je77: 12 See also Fisheries, herring Herring, barreled, for sale, in Edenton, N. C. , D12F80: 32— C19F80:41 Herring, pickled, price in London, Eng. , 170c51: 22 Herring, red, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 5Je52: 32, 1D52:31 Herring, Scotch, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD9My71: 33--R23My71: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , 27F52: 32 Herring, Susquehanna river, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD24Ja71: 32 Herringham, Francis, R19F67: 33 Mary, R19F67: 33 William, R19F67: 33 William, n, R19F67: 33 Herrington, Samuel, Pi22D74: 33 Herriott and Theodosia, ship, 25Ja40: 12 Herriter, Casper, D8Je76: 71 — P14Je76: 32 Hertford, earl of, [Francis Seymour], D15JT75: 23 Hertford, Eng. , celebrates John Wilkes' release from prison, R14Je70: 22 See also Breach of promise in; Robberies Hertford co. , N. C. , committee, pursues counterfeiter, P16Ag76: 42 See also Apple orchards in; Buildings in; Dwelling houses, described, in; Dwelling houses in; Fisheries in; Fisheries, herring, in; Juniper timber in; Kitchens in; Jails in; Landings in; Lotteries in; Peach orchards in Hertfordshire, Eng. , See Anecdotes from; Bankruptcies in; Barley plentiful in; British army quartered in; Convict servants from; Corn plentiful in; Fires in; Houses described, in; Indentured servants from; Lightning in; Poor houses in; Quartering in; Robberies in; Smallpox in; Starvation in; Superstitions in; Veterinaries in; Wheat grown in; Wheat plentiful in Hervey, Capt. , of the Launceston, PD10D67: 22 of the Magdalen, PD10D67: 22 Mr. , to be governor of Jamaica, W. I. , rumored, R25Mr73: 12 James, author, 20Mr52s22, 30J152: 32, PD6S70: 32, PD29N70: 21, PD29N70: 22, PD13D70: 42, PD3Ja71: 42, PD17Ja71: 43, PD24Ja71: 43, PD7F71: 43, PD21F71: 43, PD7Mr71: 43, PD21Mr71: 43, PD28Mr71: 43, PD18J171: 32, PD25J171: 42, PDlAg71: 42, PD8Ag71: 42, PD17S72: 21, PD10Je73: 33, D25N75:21 Sampson, Capt. , PD14N71: 13 Wil. , Capt. , of the Superb, 25Ja40: 2 Herzegovina, Aust. , See Plague in Hesiod, author, C19Ag80: 21 Heslop, Isaac, R17Mr68: 33, PD2Ap72:32, D7Mr77: 12,D6N78:31 Isaac, & co. , R17Mr68: 33 William, PD4F73: 23 Heslop & Blair, PD20S70: 32, PD25Oc70: 23, R8N70: 12, PD2Ap72:32, P23F76:41,D7Mr77: 12 Heslop, Miller &, PD18F73: 31 — R18F73: 32,D12F79:42 Hesse, Ger. , alliance with Gt. Brit. , D11S79:31 erection as electorate rumored, 21Ag52: 21 invaded by Fr. , D28F77: 22— P28F77sll prince converted to Roman Catholicism, 14Mr55: 21, HAp55: 22 treaty with Gt. Brit. , D8Je76: 31 Hesse, plantation, Va. , P7Mr77s23 Hesse Cassel, Ger. , negotiations with Britain for troops, D23My77: 11 See also British army, recruiting for, in; Suicides in Hesse Cassel troops, in British army, D6Ap76: 13 Hesse Darmstadt, royal marriage with Den. rumored, R24Je73: 12 royal marriage with Holstein Eutin, Ger. ,D25F75: 11 royal marriage with Russia, R2D73: 12, PD9D73: 13— R16D73: 23 Hessen, imported to Sandy hook, N. J. , from London, Eng. , Pi6Ap75: 22— D8Ap75: 23 imported to Eng. from Ger. , 27J139:32 Hessian army, embarks for Flanders, 18J146:32 Hessian bands, play in Phila. , Pa. , D18J177: 22--P18J177:21 Hessian troops, amount payed by Gt. Brit. ,D15Je76:22 arrive off Sandy hook, N. J. , D29N76: 52 at battle of Bordentown, N. J. , D3Ja77:21 at battle of Charleston, S. C. , D29Ja80: 11 at Staten island, N. Y. , D7S76: 11 atrocities by, in N. J. , P14F77: 13, D21F77: 11 — P21F77: 21, D27D76:41 — P27D76: 21 in Pa. , P30c77: 12 attack Fort Mifflin, Pa. , D7N77: 22— P7N77sl3 attacked near [New] Brunswick, N. J. , D28Mr77: 62— P28Mr77sl2 bribed to join Continental army, P13S76sl2— D14S76: 51 British agreement for expires, D240c77: 11 — P240c77: 12 captured on British ship, P13S76: 21— D14S76: 21, D4J177: 32, D4J177: 71— P4J177: 22 casualties in, D2My77: 61 clemency recommended in Pa. , D31Ja77:41 criticized by British, P13Je77: 22 decrease in N. Y. , D28F77: 21— P28F77sll defeated in N. J. , P230c78: 22 near Tarrytown, N. Y. , P30Oc78: 32 desert from British army in N. J. , D17J178: 22 in N. Y. , D22N76: 22--P22N76: 23, D29N76: 22--P29N76: 12 , P29N76: 21 in R. I. , D18J177: 22 desert from British transports in Holl. , DlAg77: 21 deserters arrive in Charleston, S. C. , D22My79: 21 desertions from in N. J. , P4Ap77: 22 disagreements with British troops, D25J177:22— P25J177: 21 discontent in R. I. , D18Ap77: 32 dispute with British, in [New] Brunswick, N. J. , P21Mr77sl2 drowned in Del. river, D7N77: 21 — P7N77sll embark at Bremerlebe, Ger. , D10Ag76: 11 for N. Y. , P7N77: 12 forced into British army, D15Ag77: 51 from N. Y. , D12Mr79: 21, D5F80: 32 to N. J. , D6Je77: 12— P6Je77: 22 to W.I. ,D12F79:31 hired by Den. , PD31D72: 23— R31D72: 13 in attack on R. I. , D6Je77: 11 in battle at Trenton, N. J. , D10Ja77: 32— P10Ja77: 22 near New Rochelle, N. Y. , D8N76: 21— P8N76: 22 of Fort Washington, N. Y. , P6D76: 21, P13D76: 22,D3Ja77: 12 of Harlem plains, N. Y. , D40c76: 41 — P40c76: 32 of White plains, N. Y. , P15N76: 21 in British army, 2S57: 21, D20Ja76: 23, P8S75s21, D13Ja76: 12, P17My76: 21— D18My76: 31 discipline of impossible, P22N76: 31 enumerated, P14Je76: 12, P21Je76: 11 in British colonies, N. Am. , statistics on,D4My76:31 in N. Y. , D29N76: 32 in U. S. , D27Je77: 11, P3Ap78: 12 in Fort Independence, N. Y. , D5S77: 21 in Fort Washington, N. Y. , D5S77: 21 in Halifax, N. S. . D230c79: 21 oath taken by, D28F77: 21— P28F77sll reported, P31My76: 21— DlJe76: 21 in Long island, N. Y. , D31Ag76: 22 in [New] Brunswick, N. J. , P7F77: 13 in N. J. , provisions adv. for, D24Ja77: 31 skirmishes with, P10Ja77: 21, D10Ja77:41 in N. Y. hospital, D5S77: 21 in Newport, R. I. , D24Ja77: 22 in Plymouth sound, Eng. , D[250c?]76: 52 — P250c76: 11 in Portsmouth, Eng. , D10Ag76: 22 in Skeensborough, N. Y. , number of, PlAg77sl2 in skirmishes on Manhattan (York) is. , N.Y. ,P29N76: 21 in U.S. ,PHOc76: 23 killed by Americans at Dobb's ferry, N. Y. , D29N76: 31--P29N76: 13 killed in battle of Fort Washington, N. Y. , P6D76: 23 land near Peekskill, N. Y. , D19Je79: 22 number on R. I. , D18J177: 22, D8Ag77:ll on Staten island, N. Y. , D8Ag77: 12— P8Ag77: 21 number of troops, P250c76: 21 oppose service in America, D29Je76: 11 opposed in Lords, D22Je76: 12 ordered to Dublin, Ire. , D2Mr76: 22 passage to America delayed, P14Je76: 13 pay provided by Commons, D20Je77: 11-- P20Je77: 22 plunder of recaptured in Shrewsbury, 521 Hessian troops, plunder of, recaptured in (cont'd) N. J. , D7F77: 12--P7F77: 22 plundering of in Harlem, N. Y. , P22N76: 21 praised by Howe, D2My77: 62 provisions adv. for, in N. J. , D24Ja77: 31 quarrel with British troops, D4J177: 62 recalled from America, D28F77: 22— P28F77sll reinforcements for British, D18Ap77:61 in N. Y. , P25J177: 12 in U. S. , D20Je77: ll--P20Je77: 21 requested by British, D27Je77: 21 repelled in N. Y. , C9D80: 21 rescued at sea, D23My77: 21 retreat across Schuylkill river, Pa. , P170c77: 21 service time expires, P6Mr78: 21 settlement in British colonies, N. Am. , rumored, P28Je76: 21--D29Je76: 22 sickness among, P16My77: 22 spirit of discussed, D22Je76: 11 to Boston, Mass. , P24My76: 11— D25My76: 31, P24My76: 11 — D25My76: 32, D22Je76: 31, D29Je76:21, D29J176: 51 to British colonies, N. Am. , P24My76: 22--D25My76: 31, D8Je76:31, P16Ag76: 21 from Portsmouth, Eng. , DHOc76: 3i number of, DHOc76: 42 to Halifax, N. S. , D24Ag76: 22 to Ire. , D2Mr76: 31 — P23F76: 32 to Nantasket roads, Mass. , rumored, P24My76: 23 to Phila. , Pa. , rumored, D25My76: 33, P14Je76: 23— D15Je76: 42 to R. I. from Eng. , D6Je77: 11 — P13Je77: 22 to Sandy hook, N. J. , number of troops, D160c79: 22 to U. S. ,D18J177: 11, DllMr80: 21 Tories ordered to replace, D28F77: 22— P28F77sll vacancies in N. Y. , D26F79: 22 warned against Americans, P15N76: 32 withdraw from Charleston, S. C. , D14Ag79: 21 See also Prisoners of war, Hessian Hessians, for sale, in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72: 31 Hester, Charles, Pil8My75: 33 Joseph, D22J175: 43 Robert, PD12Mr67: 13 Hester, privateer, 18Ap45: 31 ship, 13Je45: 22 Hetfield, Cornelius, D19Mr79: 22 John Smith, D19Mr79: 22 Heth, Lt. , exchanged for British prisoner of war, D7F77: 12— P7F77: 11 Henry, R15Mr70sl2 William, P7J175sl3, P7J175s22 Hetley, Sir [Thomas], author, 24My51: 32 Hetty, sloop, D18My76: 13 Heureux, ship, PD23Ap72: 12 Heureva, corsair, 28Mr45: 22 Hewell, Joseph, R21N71: 42, P129D74: 33 Hewers, See Slaves as Hewes, James, D1J175: 31 Joseph, PD4Je67: 33, Pi270c74: 23, PD3N74: 12— Pi4N74: 12,D21Ja75: 12, D12F80:32— C19F80:41 Shubael, D23D75: 31 Hewes, Smith & Allen, D12F80: 32— C19F80:41 Hewes & Smith, D12F80: 32— C19F80:41 Hewet, William, 22Je39: 22 Hewett, Elkanah, Capt. , PDllN73s22 Israel, Major, PDllN73s22 John, D12Mr79: 32 Temperance (Grant), marriage of, PDllN73s22 Hewie, Capt. , of the Anne, R3My70: 23 Hewitt, Lt. , commands at Mount Hope, D15Ag77: 22 Rev. Mr. , preacher for relief fund for clergy's widows and orphans, PD28Mr66: 33 Dan, PDlJa67: 21 Richrj-d, PD17Mr68: 31— R17Mr68: 33, PD5My68: 22--R12My68: 32, PD16Mr69:31,R28J174: 23,D25N75:11 Richard, Rev. Mr. , character sketch of, PD28Ap74: 22 death of, PD24Mr74: 31 death of, eulogy on, R14Ap74: 11 horse of, D16Ap79: 31 opposes American episcopate, PD6Je71: 23, PD18J171: 11— R18J171: 23 settlement of estate of, P160c78: 22, D30Oc78: 31 . trustee for relief fund for clergy's widows and orphans, PD30Ap67: 32 Thomas, D16S75: 33, P180c76: 12 William, PD22D68: 23, D25N75: 11, D10Oc77: 22— P10Oc77: 12 Hewitt, & co. , Morris, P18J177: 32 Hewlet, John, 3J146: 41 Hewlett, Hannah, R27My73: 31 Leroy, PD14My72: 31 Martin, P23My77: 13 William, R50c69: 23, P18J177sl2 William, Lt. , C21Oc80: 12 William, sr. , P23My77: 13 Hewlings, J. W. , poetry on liberty, D29J175: 41 Hewlitt & Poindexter, P18Ag75: 43 Hews, Capt. , of the Comet, D16Ap79: 21 of the Nansemond, 4Ap51: 31 Aaron, PD25Ap71: 31 Christopher, Capt. , PD4Ap71: 22 Donald, Lt. , P22Mr76: 12— D23Mr76: 32 Joseph, PD15Je69: 31— R15Je69: 22 Joshua, Lt. , P22Mr76: 12--D23Mr76: 32 William, Capt. , of the Unity, 29D52: 32 Hexham, Eng. , See Lightning in Hext, Col. , leads troops to Port Royal, 25Mr37: 32 Hey, Mr. , chief justice of Quebec, opposes Quebec act, Pil30c74: 22 Heyducs, etymology of, 15S52: 31 Heylin, [John], 22Ap37: 32 Heylyn, John, 22Ap37: 42 Heysham, Capt. , appointed to committee on prices in Phila. , D12Je79: 12 Heyward, Capt. , of the Dove, D8Ja80: 23 Heywood, Major, foreman of grand jury, Worcester co. , Mass. , 250c65s22 Hezekiah, ship, PD7Ap74: 13 Hiatt, George, P8My78s22 Hibbs, Capt. , PD19Mr67: 31 Jonathan, Capt. , of the Sally and Betsey, PD2N69: 21 Hibernia, privateer schooner, D28Ag79: 21 schooner, D8My79: 21 ship, PD7Ap68: 21, R26My68: 23, PD9D73: 21, P19J176: 13— D29J176: 11 snow, PD3Ja71: 32— R10Ja71: 33, PD19Ag73: 21— R19Ag73: 22 Hibernia fire co. , Phila. , Pa. , donates fire engine, PD23N69: 21 Hibernian, note of Elkanah Deane signed by, R18N73: 31 Hibernian Hero, armed ship, D27N79: 12 Hibernian journal, extract from, PD310c71: 11— R310c71: 21 Hickenbothom, Capt. , pursues Indians, 4N63: 21 Hickes, [George], author, PD10Je73: 33 Hickingbrook, H. M. sloop, 240c45: 12 Hicklen, Hugh, P7Je76: 42 Hickman, Anne, D27Ja76: 33 John, PD6Ag67: 32, R21N71: 32, D18My76: 23, D24Ap78: 42, D26F80: 32 John, Maj. , Pi270c74: 31, Pi26Ja75: 32, D3Ag76: 32 Thomas, R80c72: 33 William, R80c72: 33, R6My73: 32 William, jr. ,D30Oc78: 32 Hickory, exported from Rappahannock district, Va. , to London, Eng. , 270c52: 21 Hickory, horse, P21Ag78: 43 [Hickory hill], Ga. , skirmish at, D14Ag79: 22 Hickory creed, Louisa co. , Va. , Pi30Mr75: 42 Hickory neck church, Va. , bids for building additions to, adv. for, PD3Mr74: 32— R3Mr74: 33 Hickory timber, for sale, Pi3F76: 32 in Anson co. , N. C. , D12F79: 42 in Bedford co. , Va. , PD23Ap72: 31 — R23Ap72: 31 in Brunswick co. , Va. , D230c79: 12 in Dinwiddie co. , Va. , PD30c71: 31 in Henrico co. , Va. , P27Mr78: 12 in James City co. , Va. , P20D76: 21 in King and Queen co. , Va. , PD12Ag73: 23 in Princess Anne co. , Va. , P9My77sll in Surry co. , Va. , PD30J172: 32 in York co. , Va. , R15Je69: 23 near Petersburg, Va. , P230c78: 32— D6N78: 32 Hicks, Capt. , company of, P20Oc75s22 Lt. , of the Hornet, PD10c67: 21 Benjamin, PD220c72: 22, PllAp77s42, D6N79: 32 Benjamin, Capt. , 24Je37: 32, P5S77sl3 Charity, PD28Ja68: 31 Gersham, PD17Mr68: 31 Isaac, P13Je77: 33 Isaac, Capt. , P310c77: 31 Isaac, Col. , 24Je37: 32 James, PD5My68: 32, PD220c72: 22 James, jr. , R6F72: 33, PD17S72: 23 James, sr. , PD2My71: 33 John, P7Ap75: 31, D27My75: 31, D1J175: 33, D29J176: 21, C15My79: 12 Nathaniel, PD28Ja68: 31 Whitehead, mayor of New York City, R27Ja74: 32— PD27Ja74: 31, D6Ja76: 31 appointed judge of supreme court of N. Y. , P8Mr76: 23 imposes fines, PD6Ag67: 22 522 Highwaymen letter (text) from Tryon, D11N75: 21, D30D75:33,D6Ja76:31 letters (text) from G. Vandeput, D9S75: 31 promises protection to Tryon, D11N75: 22 receives money from governor for debtors, PD6Ja74: 22 resigns mayorality of N. Y. , P8Mr76: 23 Zachariah, 20Ap39:41 Hicks, ship, PD8Ja67: 31 Hick's ford, Va. , See Slaves for sale at Hick's ford bridge, Va. , D10JT78: 32— P10J178: 32 Hicks' hall, London, Eng. , trials in, PD15Ja67: 23 Hicly, Edward, R14J168: 33 Hide, Capt. , pirate, PD30Oc66: 13 Mr. , Boston post, D1J175: 32 Elijah, Capt. , P7J175: 23--D8J175: 32 Hides, adv. for, D90c79: 31 captured by pirates, PD31Ja71: 23— R14F71: 13 captured from Spanish ship, DlAp80:13 colonial taxes to be paid in, PD15S68: 12--R15S68: 14 duties on imported to Gt. Brit. removed, PDllMy69s32 export from British colonies, N. Am. , to Gt. Brit, opposed, PD3Ag69: 22 exported from Algiers, Alg. , D4N75: 12 for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , D7Mr77: 12--P7Mr77: 21 import to Carenage, St. Lucia, W. I. , allowed, PD29S68: 22--R29S68: 23 import to Eng. from Holl. free, R30Mr69: 22 import to Eng. permitted, D17F76: 41 import to Fr. from Gt. Brit. discussed, HMy39: 21 imported to Cadiz, Sp. , from Buenos Aires, Arg. , 6J139: 11 from S. Am. , 22Ap57: 11 imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from Barbados, W. I. , PD10Mr74: 31 imported to Lisbon, Port. , from Pernambuco, Braz. , 3N38: 21 from Rio de Janeiro, Braz. , 20J139: 21,24Ag39: 11 imported to York district, Va. , from N. C. ,2N39:31 lost at sea, PD12F67: 22, PD28Mr71: 13 price in Belfast, Ire. , 2F39: 31 scarce in Algiers, Alg. , D4N75: 12 seized from British ships, P21Je76:21 — D22Je76: 51, P5J176: 21--D6J176: 12, P5J176: 22, D20D76: ll--P20D76sll seized from Dutch ship, 16My45: 32 seized from French ships, 20Je45: 22, 11J145:31, 11J145:32 seized from Spanish ships, 17Ap46: 21, 15My46: 32, D15Ja80: 21, D25Mr80: 21, D25Mr80: 22 taxes on in Ire. proposed, PD3Mr68: 21 used for mantelets, DHOc76: 12 Hides, cured, seized from British ship, P7Je76: 23--D8Je76: 61 Hides, raw, adv. for, in Richmond, Va. , P20S76: 23 exported from Charleston, S. C. , to London, Eng. , R20Je71: 31 exported from Veracruz, Mex. , to Rota, 25N37: 41 for sale, in York co. , Va. , P27S76s21 in Yorktown, Va. , P27S76s21 imported to Cadiz, Sp. , from Veracruz, Mex. ,21N51: 12 price regulated in Williamsburg, Va. , D24J179: 21 Hides, tanned, captured by Americans, D13Ja76:42 exported from Veracruz, Mex. , to Rota, 25N37: 41 imported to Cadiz, Sp. , from Veracruz, Mex. ,21N51: 12 seized from British at Fort Nassau, New Providence, W. I. , D4My76: 32 Hides and skins, adv. for, in Williamsburg, Va. , 8J137: 42 near Williamsburg, Va. , D9My77: 32— P9My77: 32 dressing of, adv. of, in Williamsburg, Va. , 22Je39: 32 exported from York district, Va. , to Bristol, Eng. , 7J138: 41, 21S39: 32, 2N39:21,25Ja40:3 for sale, at Burwell's ferry, Va. , PD5D71: 32 in Norfolk, Va. ,21F51:41 in Portsmouth, Va. , D12F79: 32 in Prince George co. , Va. , D31Ja77: 72--P31Ja77: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , 170c51: 31 import to Gt. Brit, from America duty free, PD3Ag69: 21 imported to York district, Va. , from N. C. ,20J139:41,25Ja40:4 report on number available requested, C13N79: 13— D13N79: 32 See also Ass skins; Bear skins; Beaver fur; Buck skins; Calf skins; Deer; Elk; Fox; Furs; Hare; Kip; Muskrat; Raccoon; Rattlesnake; Seal; Swan Hiera picra, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , D12Je79: 32, C15J180: 22 Hieres, Fr. , See Riots in Hieres, isles of, fortified by French, PD26Ja69: 13 Higgans, Robert, PD13Je66: 21 Higgenson, Joseph, P7Ap75: 33— D8Ap75: 33 Higgin, Benjamin, P270c75: 13 James, P13D76: 32 Joel, PD18OC70: 32, Pi6Ap75sl2 Higginbotham, Aaron, RllMy69: 43 James, C25D79: 13 Higgins, Capt. , 29My46: 31, PD4Ag68:21 — R4Ag68: 21, PD18Ag68: 22— R18Ag68: 22 Lt. , killed in battle of Bunker Hill, D140c75: 32 Higginson, Mr. , appointed surveyor of customs, Charleston, S. C. , 3N38: 21 Robert, 20Je51: 32, 20F52: 41, 7Ag52: 32, PD1D74: 23 — PUD74: 31, Pi6Ap75sl2, D170c77: 31— P170c77: 32 Stephen, D29Ap75: 22 Higgs, Capt. , R20J169: 22, PD15Ag71:22— R15Ag71: 22 Jeremiah, Capt. , of the Eliza, 23My45: 32. 13Je45: 41, 10Oc45: 22. 23Ja46: 42, 29My46: 4 William, Capt. , of the Aurora, 23My55: 21 High, Joseph, PD7D69: 42 High Hills, plantation, Va. , D17F76: 33, P40c76sl3 High Suffolk, Eng. , See Barley plentiful in; Beans plentiful in; Clover plentiful in; Fowls plentiful in; Geese plentiful in; Pigs plentiful in; Turkeys plentiful in; Wheat plentiful in Highgate house, Gloucester, Va. , R30Ag70: 32 Highland, Robert, R23J167: 21, PD5My74: 23 Highlanders, arrive in Jamestown, Va. , P21Je76: 23 as convict servants, PD15Ap73: 32 bravery in U. S. praised, D30My77: 22— P30My77: 31 captured near Phila. , Pa. , P28Je76: 23 defeated in N. C. , PlMr76: 32, P15Mr76sl3 near [New] Brunswick, N. J. , P23My77: 22 in battle of Harlem plains, N. Y. , D40c76: 41 — P40c76: 32 in British army enumerated, P21Je76: 11 in British army in N. J. , P8My78sll in British army, misled, P12J176: 23 recruited for service in America, D14F77: 11 sent to N. H. ,D40c76:71 to British colonies, N.Am., from Portsmouth, Eng. , DHOc76: 31 to Cape Ann, Mass. , from Scot. , D29J176: 41 to embark for British colonies, N. Am. , D29Je76: 12 to Skeensborough, N. Y. , PD27My73: 22 See also Prisoners of war Highlands, The, Mass. , ^ee Ships, American, run ashore by British on Hight, John, PD30Oc66: 32, R25Ag68: 32 Hightower, Mr. , slave of, Pi20Ja76: 32 Charnell, PD7D69: 41, Pil90c75: 33 George, R16Mr69: 33, R26J170: 22, R26J170: 23, PD4Ag74: 32 John, PD7My72: 23, D30Oc78: 31 — P30Oc78: 32 accused of counterfeiting, PD25F73: 31— R25F73: 31 acquitted of passing counterfeit money, PD21Ap74: 23 defendant in Chancery court, R26J170: 22, R26J170: 23 held in jail in Williamsburg, Va. , R13Ja74: 33 imprisoned in Williamsburg, Va. , R13Ja74: 33 property of, for sale, R5Ja69: 31 property of, sold for mortgage, PD15D68:31 slave of, PD21Ap74: 32 Joseph, D17J178: 31, D18S79: 31, D90c79: 32 William, PD25F73: 31--R25F73: 31 Highway robbery, executions for, in Williamsburg, Va. , 15D52: 31 trials for, in Williamsburg, Va. , P21Ap75s42 Highwaymen, apprehended in Eng. , 29My52: 12, PD16Ja72: 23 in Finchley, Eng. , P19My75: 12 in London, Eng. , PD3Ja71: 11 in Newgate prison, London, Eng. , R14J174: 21 523 Highways Highways, improvement by Va. general assembly, 22D38: 22 method of improving, discussed in American philosophical society, PD11F73: 22 Higson, Giles, P17Ja77: 42 John, P17Ja77: 42 Higton, Paul,RlAg71:41 Hilcendale, Anthony, R20J169: 31 Hildereth, Benjamin, 23S37: 32, PD28My72: 23 Hildibrand Hothead, pseud. , Pi2N75: 22 Hildrith, Isaac, PD290c72: 21 Hildrop, [John], author, PD23Ap72: 23 Hildrup, Samuel, 24Ap46: 32, P29Ag77: 42 Hilfarrence, Eng. , See Methodists in Hill, Capt. , 260c39: 32, PD80c72: 31, Pil7Ag75: 33--P18Ag75: 31 — D19Ag75: 32 of British privateers, D8My79: 21 of the Gloria, 29Ag51: 22 of the John, PD220c72: 13 of the New Hampshire, 14Ap38: 32 of the Queen Mary, 30J152: 21 of the Sandwich, D20c79: 22 of the Success, D8N76: 22 of Sussex co. , Va. , militia, P7J175s21 Com. , of the Barfleur, PD21Mr71: 22 Hill, Dr. , books presented to King's college, N. Y. , PD150c72: 12 Justice, attacked by British soldiers in Boston, Mass. , R5Ap70: 22 Mr. ,P12S77:31 accused of horse-stealing, 16F39: 42 horse of, Pil8My75: 33 land of, P5J176: 33 letter to, in post office, PD29Ja67: 13 of Tar borough, N. C. , PD150c72: 22 sheriff of King William co. , Va. , P25J177: 33 Mrs. , letter to, in post office, PD18F68: 31 Aaron, 12F62: 11 Abraham, PD150c72: 32, P20Je77: 32 Alexander, R29Ap73: 11 Benjamin, PD7S69: 42 Benjamin, Col. , 13Ap39: 31 Bennett, D20D76: 22--P20D76: 21 Betsey, marriage of, PD4Ag74: 23 Clement, C30Oc79: 43 Edward, R23J167: 42, PDl6Ag70: 42 adv. damaged osnaburgs for sale, PD9J172: 31 adv. estate for sale,D9S75: 32 adv. for runaway convict servants, PD4J166: 32 adv. land for sale, PD26N72: 23 — R26N72: 22 adv. merchandise for sale, D2My77:71- P2My77s32 adv. settlement of estate, D17Je75: 41 adv. slaves for sale, D28Mr77: 22— P28Mr77s21 Edward, sr. , 20Oc52: 31 Elijah, R15Ap73: 33 Ephraim,R10Ja71: 33 Francis, 12D55: 32, D13D76: 32 — P13D76: 33 George, R31Ja71: 23, PD30c71: 32— R170c71:41 George, Capt. , of the Bacchus, Pil6Mr75: 22--P17Mr75: 21 — D18Mr75: 23 of the Hatley, 7Mr51: 31, 18Ap51: 22, 24My51: 31, 30Ja52: 32, 30Ap52: 21, 8My52: 31, 10N52: 22, 18Ap55: 22, 16My55:21,7N55:21 of the New Hatley, 13Je51: 32, 12S51: 32, 22My52: 32, 30J152: 31. 25Ap55: 22 Hansford, PD31Mr68: 22 Henry, 26S51: 32, 170c55: 31, R15S68: 24, R2F69: 32, D20Ja76: 13--Pi20Ja76: 31, D22Je76:41 [Henry], author, 24My51: 32 Hugh, PD30Ag70: 33, PD25Oc70: 23, R170c71: 42 Hugh, Capt. , of the General Wolfe, PD6Ja74: 32 Humphrey, 310c45: 32, 18S46: 41, R23Ag70: 33--PD30Ag70: 41 adv. finding horse, PD5Ag73: 31 — R5Ag73: 23 adv. for missing merchandise, 17S36:42 adv. for missing person, PD20Ja74:32— R20Ja74: 33 adv. imported slaves for sale, 5Je52:31 adv. land for sale, 13Je51: 32, 7Ag52:32, PD5S66s33, PD26N72:23--R26N72: 22 adv. slaves for sale, 30J152: 31, 270c52: 12 land of, for sale, D28N77: 22, P28N77:33 settlement of estate of, P16Je75: 23— D17Je75:41 Humphrey, Col. , R6F72: 33, D29Ap75s33, Pi7S75:32--D9S75:32 Jacob, D110c76: 31 James, PD22Ap73: 31--R22Ap73: 33, D10Oc77: 21--P170c77: 11, P27Mr78: 31 Joel, PD16Ag70: 33--R30Ag70: 43 John, R23Ag70: 33--PD30Ag70: 41, P12D77: 32 adv. estate for sale, Pi7S75: 32— D9S75: 32 adv. finding cow and steer, PD5N72: 33 adv. land for sale, D17J178: 31 adv. settlement of estate, D17Je75: 41 convicted of horse-stealing, 18Ap51: 22 death of, PD26Ag73: 22--R26Ag73s23 ensign of Chesterfield co. militia, P3N75: 12 hears case of riot in Mass. , P24F75sll lieutenant of Chesterfield co. , Va. , militia, P3N75: 12 Jamaica, W. I. , slave of, 19S55: 32 petitions court for clemency, 9My51: 32 quarter of, R6F72: 33 receives prize for linen in N. Y. , R12Mr67: 21 sentenced for horse-stealing, 9My51: 31 settlement of estate, 12My68: 34 signs letter to Gage,R17N68: 13 unclaimed tobacco of, R16Je74: 31 [John], author, 24My51: 32, PD25F68: 41, PD18J171: 31, PD25J171: 42, PDlAg71: 42, PD8Ag71: 42, PD17S72: 21, PD17S72: 22, PD150c72: 12, PD10Je73: 31, PD10Je73: 31, D25N75: 12, D30D75: 11, D24F76: 43, D2Mr76: 41, D9Mr76: 41, D25My76: 43, D24Ag76: 51, D20D76:42, D3Ja77: 41, D17Ja77: 41, D2My77: 81, D4J177: 82 John, sheriff, P17Ja77: 32 Joseph, 26S51: 32 Mary, R15Mr70: 42— PD22Mr70: 42, PD24Ja71: 31, PD3!Oc71: 31, PD290c72: 22 Mildred, PD22S68: 31 Molly, marriage of, P9Je75s23 Richard, PD24Mr74: 32 Richard, Lt. , P25Ap77: 12 Robert, PDllAp66: 41, D7Ja75: 31, Pi23F75: 32, D4Mr75: 23, P160c78: 33 Samuel, PD6My73: 23 Susanna, D29Je76: 32 Thomas, adv. finding horse, 120c52: 31 adv. finding steer, P170c77: 43 adv. for runaway apprentice, R10Ja71: 41, PD16Ap72: 32 adv. stallion for hire, D8My78: 62 deserter, P8Ag77: 43 London watchmaker, PD29Ap73: 23 secretary of Board of trade, 13Ja38:32 supports association in King and Queen co. , Va. , R20S70: 31 Thomas, Capt. , of the Stannage, 17S36: 42 William, adv. estate for sale, Pi7S75:32— D9S75:32 adv. finding horse, P21N77: 42 adv. for missing horse, D12Ag75:41 — Pi24Ag75: 33 adv. losing bond, PHOc76: 32 adv. settlement of estate, P16Je75:23— D17Je75:41 announces departure to S. C. , PD10N74: 42 deserter, D20Ap76: 33— P26Ap76: 22 of N. C. , PD28My67: 33 ordered to join company, P25J177: 32 plantation of, P21F77: 33 sentenced for felony, PD15Je69: 31— R15Je69: 22 William, Col. , PD19Mr67: 23 William, Lt. , of the Mecklenburg, PD12S71: 22 Hill, & Rootes, 16My51: 32, 28Ag52: 31 Hill, Bissett, Lamar & co. , PD2D73:22— R2D73: 23 Hill, Buchanan &, 12S45: 32 Hill, Hubbard, & Norton, 18S46: 41 Hillary, Dr. , 30Je38: 42 HiUdrup, Samuel, 2My55: 22 Hillegas, Michael, Pil7Ag75: 32— P18Ag75: 22— D19Ag75: 32, D14Mr77:32 HiUegas, Samuel, D14Mr77: 32 Hiller, John, 12Je52: 22 HiUey, Francis, D5S77: 32 HiUhouse, & Randolph, Sedgley, R25D66: 32, PD22Mr70: 33— R22Mr70: 31 Hilliard, Lt. , killed in battle of Bunker Hill, P22J175S22— D29J175: 23 Job, PD10D67: 31 John, PD10D67: 31 Hilliard family, PD20Je71: 33— R20Je71: 33 Hill's balsam of honey, adv. of, PD14Ja73: 23 for sale, in Richmond, Va. , PD20Je71: 33— R20Je71: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD1S74: 32 Hill's bardana drops, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD25F68: 23— R3Mr68: 34 Hill's elixir bardana, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD26My68: 23, PD270c68: 32— R270c68: 22, PD13Ap69: 32— R13Ap69: 32, PD17Ag69: 33— R17Ag69: 23, 524 Hind PD7Je70: 31--R12J170: 31, PDllAp71: 32, PD2J172: 32, PD10Je73: 22, PD1S74: 32, D12Je79: 32 Hill's essence of waterdock, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD30J172: 32 in Shockoe, Va. , PD4Ap66: 41 in Williamsburg, Va. , PDllJe67: 32, PD270c68: 32--R270c68: 22, PD13Ap69: 32--R13Ap69: 32, PD17Ag69: 33--R17Ag69: 23, PD7Je70: 31--R12J170: 31, PD1S74: 32, D10J178: 21 — P10J178: 12, D12Je79: 32 Hill's goldenrod, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD270c68: 32 — R270c68: 22 Hill's pectoral balsam of honey, for sale, in Hobb's Hole, Va. , R6J169: 31 in Petersburg, Va. , PD1J173: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD21S69: 41 — R21S69s21, PD4N73: 22— R4N73: 31 Hill's tinctures of goldenrod, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD1S74: 32, D12Je79: 32 Hill's tincture of valerian, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD18Je67: 33, PD270c68: 32— R270c68: 22, PD15Ag71: 32— R15Ag71: 32, PD1S74: 32 Hills, Mr. , violates non- importation agreements in N. Y. , PD26J170: 22 Hillsborough, earl of (Wills Hill), R12N72: 13 addressed by American merchants in London, Eng. , R25F73: 22 addressed by Junius Americanus, R26N72: 11 addresses Gov. Bernard, PD28J168: 11— R28J168: 11 addresses R. I. assembly, PD21J168:11 advised by Otis, PD28S69sl3 American petitions presented to, R9N69: 21 anecdote about, R25F73: 22 appointed commissioner for trade and plantations, PD18Ap71: 13 appointed secretary of state for colonies, PD25F68: 22, PD7Ap68: 12, PD7Ap68: 21 appointed to Board of trade, R16Mr69:32 appointment as Lord of trade approved in colonies, PD15S68: 12 appoints clerks for colonial department, R14Ap68: 21 approbation of Hutchinson, PD12D71: 22 approves Hutchinson's conduct, R150c72:21 blamed for disorders in colonies, R16Ag70sll British merchants confer with, R14Ap68: 21 characterized, PD17D72: 11 circular letter criticized, D18Ap77: 32 circular letter of opposed in N. Y. , PD12Ja69: 22— R12Ja69: 23 comments on Gaspee affair, R150c72: 11 confers with colonial agents, PD12My68: 13 declares war on Caribs, R6My73sl3 discusses defense of colonies, PD14Mr71: 31 discusses new colonies, R80c72: 13 enforces colonial regulations, PD1D68: 22 favored at court, PD9Mr69: 12 favors repeal of Townshend act, PD7Je70: 12 instructions to Bernard criticized, R2F69: 22 instructions to Hutchinson, R21N71: 13 interviewed by London merchants, PD21Ap68: 13 interviews colonial agents, PD15S68:12 inspection of colonies rumored, R150c72: 13 leaves for Ire. , R5N72: 11 letter considered in Mass. , PD21J168:11 letter from Mass. house of representatives quoted, R18Ag68: 22 letter of discussed, R12Ja69: 11 letter (text) to Gov. Hutchinson, R5S71: 23 letters from officials in America publicized, PD2N69: 12 letters restricted in colonies, R12Ja69: 21 letters to colonies to be examined, R19J170: 11 marriage of, R19Ja69: 21 Mass. assembly addresses, PD28J168: 12— R28J168: 12 misinformed on colonies, PD25Ag68: 12 on committee to investigate British colonies, PD16Ag70: 22 opinion on punishment of colonies, PD26My74: 21 opinions of on non- importation agreements, PD21D69: 13 opposed in Va. , PD26D71: 23 opposes British settlement on Miss. river, R150c72: 12 opposes colonial American post office, PD26My74: 21 opposes colonies, PD27Ap69: 22 , PD27Ap69: 22— R27Ap69: 22, PD25My69: 21, R25My69: 22, R31My70:ll, RllOc70: 23, PD210c73: 11 opposes colony on Miss, river, R150c72: 21 opposes legalizing Continental congress, D14S76: 12 opposes new colonies, PD5N72: 22, PD5N72: 31 opposes paper money for colonies, PD26My68: 13 opposes protest against Stamp act repeal, PD19My68: 12 opposes taxation, PD29Je69: 31— R29Je69: 22 opposition to, R170c71: 11 orders criticized, PD13Ap69: 22 orders to Lord Botetourt, PD21S69: 12 policy toward colonies, R14Ja73: 31 political character of, PD10D72: 13 presents letters from Mass. to king, R15D68: 12 promotes Protestant religion in Ire. , PD16Ag70: 12 publication of letters in colonies forbidden, PDl3Ap69: 22 reasons for resignation, R5N72: 11 recalls Bernard rumored, PD6J169: 31— R6J169:23 receives all colonial dispatches, PD14Ap68: 21 recommendations concerning Boston, Mass. , PD24N68: 22 replies to merchants of London, Eng. , R19N72: 21 report of requested by parliament, PD23F69: 23 requests capture of Melchisedeck Kinsman, R22S68: 33 resignation as secretary of colonies approved, PD3D72: 13 resignation as secretary of state rumored, R5Ja69: 13, PD16N69: 12, PD19Ap70: 11, PD10c72: 21, PD80c72: 22— R80c72: 22 resignation of, PD12N72: 13 resignation of denied, PD19Ap70sll returns to Eng. , R18Ja70: 22 satirical comments on, R18Ag68s21 supported by Board of trade, PD80c72: 23 supported by merchants, PD80c72:23— R5N72: 13 supports appointment of Botetourt, PD12Ja69: 11 supports Bernard, R13J169: 21 supports supremacy of parliament, PD4Ap71: 23 to be lord It. of Ire. rumored, PD15Ag71: 22— R15Ag71: 21 to be secretary of state for colonies, PD14S69: 22 to succeed Lord North rumored, Pil6Mr75: 33— P17Mr75s41 — D18Mr75: 32 transmits colonial petitions to king, PD12Ja69: 21— R12Ja69: 21 vindicated in British papers, PD24D72: 22 Hillsborough, N. C. See also Churches, described in; Irish in; Militia in; Murders by Indians in; Race-field in; Mulattoes runaway from; Stealing in; Undertakers in Hillsborough, packet boat, PD12My68: 22 • R12My68: 13 ship, PD16Ap67: 13 Hillsman, Matthew, Pi20Ja76: 41 Hilly, Francis, D12S77: 22— P19S77: 22 Hillyard, Francis, 8Je39: 11 Joseph, PD24N68: 32, PD70c73: 23, P16Je75: 23, D180c76: 31, D10J178: 31 Simon, PD2J172: 32 Hilton, Mr. , land of, P5J176: 33 James, 5Mr52: 31 John, D1J175: 31 John, Capt. , of the Westmoreland, D12Mr79:21 Hiltzheimer, [Jacob], PD1N70: 22 Hilyard, Richard, P170c77: 23 Hinch, Richard, 28F55: 41 HinchenbroOk, H. M. sloop, 3J146: 21 Hinchin, William, (N. C. ), P30Ag76: 41 Hinchinbrook, British schooner, P5Ap76: 23 H.M. S. ,24Ja52:31 ship, D6Ap76: 22 Hinchinbroke, H. M. S. , D3Ja77: 12 Hind, Capt. , PD80c67: 13 Jonathan, PDllAg68: 23 Thomas, R27J169: 31, Pi30Mr75: 32, Pi20Ja76: 32 Hind, H.M. frigate, PD29D74: 22— Pi29D74: 12 H. M. S. , 16My45: 22, 24Ja52: 31, PD20Je66: 12, PD4My69: 23, 525 Hind, H.M. S. (cont'd) P30Je75sll--DU175:31 ship, PD21S69: 21, D6Ap76: 23, D10Ag76: 22 sloop of war, PD8D74s22, PD15D74: 21 snow, 12D45: 12, 12D45: 21 Hinde, Capt. , of the Hope, D90c79: 21 Matthew, PDllJe72: 31 Hindly, Peter, Capt. , of the Jenny and Nancy, 7Ag52: 31, 22S52: 32 Hindon, Eng. , See Bribery in; Elections in Hinds, David, P25J177: 33, C27N79: 23 Hindsdale, Mass. , freeholders urged to surrender land, PD6F72: 31 granted to British It. col. , PD6F72: 23— R6F72: 23 Hindson, Capt. , R12My74: 31 Hine, Capt. , of the Carlotte, PD28J168: 22--R28J168: 23 Hines, Henry, P1N76: 41 James, R23Mr69: 32 Richard D. , PD30Ja72: 33, PD15Ap73: 32 Thomas, R12Ag73: 22 William, jr. , R1J173: 33 Hines' s bridge, Va. , PD30J172: 33 DllAp77: 62 Hinge, Charles, PD6S70: 31 Hinges, adv. of, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD14Mr66: 32 for sale, 12F62: 42 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23, Pil5Je75: 32 in Petersburg, Va. , D26D77: 21 in Smithfield, Va. , D21F77: 22-- P28F77s22 in WiUiamsburg, Va. , 24Ja51: 41, 8Ag51: 32, PDllAp66: 41, PD19S66: 31, PD3D67: 32, PD28S69: 31, PD15F70: 41, PDllAp71: 32, PD12D71: 32, PD11N73: 22, P18Ap77s23, D27Je77: 31, DlAg77: 22, P5D77: 33 See also Brass-butt hinges; Brass hinges Hinges, chest, for sale, in Princess Anne co. , Va. , P28My77: 32 Hinges, cross garnet, for sale, in Gloucester co. , Va. , P16Ag76: 33— D24Ag76: 72 in Williamsburg, Va. , D7N77: 31, C15J180: 22 Hinges, door, for sale, in Beaufort, N. C. , P160c78: 32 in Gloucester, Va. , D20Ap76: 33-- P19Ap76sll Hinges, dovetail, for sale, in Gloucester, Va. , P19Ap76sll— D20Ap76: 33 in Gloucester co. , Va. , P16Ag76:33— D24Ag76: 72 in Princess Anne co. , Va. , P23My77:32 Hinges, garnet, for sale, in Smithfield, Va. , C3J179: 31 Hinges, H, for sale, in Princess Anne co. , Va. , P23My77: 32 in Smithfield, Va. , C3J179: 31 Hinges, HL, for sale, in Princess Anne co. , Va. , P23My77: 32 in Smithfield, Va. , C3J179: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , C15J180: 22 Hinges, X, for sale, in Smithfield, Va. , C3J179: 31 Hingham, Mass. , See Accidents in; Children, abnormal in; Ships to Norfolk, Va. , from Hingston, John, leads Kentuckians to Fort Pitt, Pa. , P30Ag76: 21, P180c76: 12 Hinkley, Samuel, Capt. , of the Nancy, D10Ag76: 22 Hinley, Catherine, PD18F68: 31 Hinman, Benjamin, Col. , D27My75: 31— P2Je75: 22, Pi22Je75: 32— D24Je75: 23, D1J175: 32 [Elisha], Capt. , of the Cabot, P5J176: 21--D6J176: 12, P15N76: 21, D29N76: 21 Hinsley, James, PD23Ap67: 23 Hinson, Capt. , PD5Ag73: 21 Joseph, Capt. , of the Mary, 25F37: 41 Robert, R25D66: 23, Pi3F76: 42 Hinsons creek, Hanover co. , Va. , 7Ja37: 42 Hinton, Capt., of the Ranger, D16Ap79:21 Henry, PD30c71: 31 Samuel, PD240c66: 23 William, D29Ag77: 22 Hip, horse, 250c65s42 Hipditch, William, P31Ja77: 31 Hipkins, John, D18F75: 33, P160c78: 42 Leroy, adv. estate for sale, PD26My68: 23--R26My68: 32, PD24N68: 32--R24N68: 23 adv. land for sale, PD24N68: 31— R24N68: 23, R16F69: 42, DllMr75:32 adv. postponement of land sale, PD7J168: 31 adv. slaves for sale, PD12Mr72: 32— R12Mr72: 31 Lewis, P6Je77: 32 Richard, PD26N67: 31, PD4F68: 31— R4F68: 31, PD21D69: 31, Pil2Ja75:33, P170c77: 31 Samuel, PD7J168: 31, R27S70: 31, P8Ag77: 42 adv. for runaways, R25Ag68: 32 adv. postponement of land sale, PD7J168: 31 adv. rum for sale, D14Ag79: 12 letter to, in post office, PD2Je68: 23 subscribed to general store, R31Ja71:21 Samuel, jr. , PD26My68: 23— R26My68:32, PD24N68: 32--R24N68: 23 Samuel, sr. , PD26My68: 23— R26My68: 32, PD24N68: 32 — R24N68: 23 Hipling, London watchmaker, PD11N73:23 Hipper, Thomas, Capt. , of the Warrington, 13Ja38: 21 Hippomines, in waxwork, D4N75: 32 Hippototame, French warship, 3S56: 21 Hirley, Patrick, R24D67: 44 Hirondel, corsair, 28Mr45: 22 Hirons, Richard, PD23Je74: 12 Hiscox, ship, 10Oc45: 3, 9Ja46: 4 Hispaniola, W. I. , ceded to Fr. , D27D76:41 — P27D76: 23 cession to Sp. discussed, PD28My67:13 disturbances in cease, PD13J169: 22— R13J169:22 favors U. S. , D250c76: 31 — P250c76:21 fortification by Fr. estimated, PD12Mr67: 21 fortifications costs estimated, PD22Ja67: 11 fortified by French, P6S76: 31 martial law established in rumored, P10My76: 22— DllMy76: 31 naval engagement near described, D7Ag79: 31 relations with British colonies, N.Am. ,P6S76:31 relations with U. S. , P15N76: 21 Spanish attack French in, PD10D67: 31 trade good, PD8D68: 13 trade with Monte Christi, W. I. , checked, PDllJe67: 21 See also Anecdotes from; British army in; British navy in; Continental congress, second, supported in; Contraband in; Counterfeiting in; Earthquakes in; Executions for counterfeiting in; Exports from James river, lower district, Va. , to; Fever in; Fraud in; Free trade in; French army in; French army to; French navy in; Gunpowder plentiful in; Hurricanes in; Imports to James river, lower district, Va. , from; Imports to James river, upper district, Va., from; Imports to James river, Va. , from; Imports to Phila. , Pa. , from; Imports to Va. from; Jails in; Lumber export from; Marque, letters of, French, captured by British off; Molasses export from; Plague in; Plantations in; Ship captains, American, imprisoned in; Ships, American, boycotted in; Ships, American, protected by French off; Ships, French, captured by British off; Ships, French, to Hampton, Va. , from; Ships from; Ships from Jamaica, W. I. , to; Ships from N. Y. to; Ships from Phila. , Pa. , to; Ships' sailing time; Ships to; Ships to Boston, Mass. , from; Ships to Dartmouth, Mass. . from; Ships to Delaware river from; Ships to James river, Va. , from; Ships to N. Y. from; Ships to Newport, R. I. , from; Ships to Norfolk, Va. , from; Ships to Phila. , Pa. , from; Ships to Providence, R. I. , from; Ships to R.I. from; Ships to Va. from; Shipwrecks in; Shipwrecks off; Spanish navy in; Spanish navy near; Spanish navy to; Storms near History, taught in academy in New Kent co., Va. ,RlMr70:22 taught in D. H. W. Mara's school, P5D77: 31 tutors of, adv. for scholars, in Hanover co. , Va. , PD150c72: 23— R150c72: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , 17N52: 22 History, natural, discoveries in, PD170c71: 21— R170c71: 13 History, Roman, essay on, PD280c73:21 History, Virginia, books of, 21Mr45: 41 Hitchcock, Gad, Rev. Mr. , address at Plymouth, Mass. , celebration, Pi2F75: 22 Hitchinham, Capt. , of the Sea Nymph, D18N75: 12 Hitchings, James, PD28S69: 32— R50c69: 31 Hite, Abraham, appointed trustee for opening navigation of Potomac river, PD3N74: 42— PilON74: 32 526 Hodgson burgess from Hampshire co. , Va. , PD15D68: 23--R15D68: 21, PDllMy69s41, PD28S69: 23, R9N69:11 defendant in Chancery court, R19My74:43 delegate from Hampshire co. , Va. , P9My77: 23, D90c79: 22 signs Va. Association, PD25My69: 12 subscriber to Potomac falls, PD3N74:42--Pil0N74:32 Abraham, Col. , R28Ap68: 24, R50c69: 22, PD16Je74: 21 — R16Je74: 22, PD16Je74: 23 Edward, Pi7S75: 32 Isaac, R24Ag69: 31, PD8S74: 23, D24Ap78: 22, D27N78: 31, C28Ag79:31 Jacob, adv. mills and merchandise for sale, Pi7S75: 32 claims title to land, R130c68: 24 defendant in suit, R24Ag69: 31, PD17S72: 23 denounces criticism that county court is arbitrary, R24Ag69: 31 family captured by Indians, P30Ag76: 22 land and merchant mill of, PD170c71: 31--R170c71: 32 leaves Cherokee lands, PD24Mr74:22 letter to, in post office, R17F74: 33 mill of, R80c72: 32 murdered by Indians, P30Ag76: 22 quarrel with Adam Steven, Pi6J175: 11,D30S75:32 John, R24Ag69: 31, PD4Ag74: 23, PD3N74: 42--PilON74: 32, D30S75: 32 Matthias, PD15Je69: 31--R15Je69: 22 Thomas, D30S75: 32, P9My77: 23 Hix, Frederick, P14Mr77: 32 John, PD29Je69: 33, PD5Ap70: 22— R5Ap70: 31, PD12Mr72: 32, P14N77: 32 Hoadleianus, pseud. , of Rev. Mr. Samuel Henley, PD3Je73: 13, R3Je73: 21, PD3Je73: 31, R10Je73:ll, R17Je73:31,PD24F74:ll Hoadley, Benjamin, Bishop, PD4Ag74: 13 Hoar, Mr. , of Cambridge, Mass. , D28Ja75: 21 Edward, PD10F74: 32, D5Je79: 32 Elias, R28J174: 23 Hob, horse, D24Ap78: 41 Hobb, Etheld, C27N79: 23 Hobbs, Amy, PD4N73: 31 David, PD23Je74: 31 James, 28S39: 41 James, Capt. , of the Abry and Elizabeth, 18Ja40: 4 Nathaniel, PD12S71: 32, D13N78: 31, D24Ap79: 32 Robert, P20Je77: 31 William, PD16Je74: 31 Hobb's Hole, Va. , articles on discussed, PD28Mr66: 33 post office, letters in, PD16J167: 41, PD7J168: 23 to render accounts to Alexander Purdie, P28Je76: 32 schedule of post rider at, PD21Mr66:41, PD14My67: 31, PDUe69: 31 See also Apothecaries apprentices in; Brick houses, described, in; Cock matches in; Convict servants runaway from; Druggists in; Dwelling houses in; Flux in; Gardens in; Gums for sale in; Houses and lots for rent in; Houses and lots for sale in; Indentured servants for sale in; Indentured servants runaway from; Land for sale near; Lots for sale in; Lots, mortgaged, for sale in; Merchants in; Naval offices in; Ordinaries in; Ordinary keepers in; Physicians in; Piraguas in; Postriders between Fredericksburg. Va. , and; Postriders between Urbanna, Va. , and; Robberies in; Ships, French, in; Ships built in; Ships from; Ships in; Ships stolen in; Slaves imported for sale in; Slaves runaway from; Slaves for sale in; Smallpox in; Stealing in; Tappahannock, Va. ; Theatres in; Virginia marines in; Warehouses in; Wharves in Hobby, [Thomas], Major, P60c75sll— D70c75: 23, Pil90c75s22, Pil90c75:31 Hobday, Mrs. , horse of, 30N59: 32 Isaac, PD2D73: 21, D4F75: 33, PllAp77s31 John, adv. for missing horse, 17Ap52: 32 adv. for runaway indentured servant, 10Oc55: 32 adv. wheat separating machine for sale, PD19N72: 22 adv. instructions for wheat machines, PD2D73: 21 announces alteration in wheat machines, PD27My73: 23 recommends wheat machine, PD28Ja73: 31 requests payment of subscriptions, D27N78: 32 rewarded for invention, PD16Je74: 22 — R16Je74: 22 Richard, 4Ap51: 42, 26S51: 41, 17N52: 31, PD5S71: 32 Robert, 4N63: 41 William, 19My38: 42 Hobday's wheat machines, lumber prepared for, PD7Ap74: 31 — R7Ap74: 31 Hobdy, Edmund, PD21Mr71: 33 Hobgoblin, horse, R24Mr68: 33, D24Ap79: 32 Hobgood, John, D25F75: 33 Hobhouse, ship, 17Je37: 41, 30S37: 42, lMr38: 32 Hobson, Gov. , arrives at Halifax, N. S. , 29S52:31 Francis, PDllMy69: 32 John, R26My74: 23 Nicholas, R12My74: 41, P26J176: 32 Samuel, P30My77: 43 William, R17F74: 33, D24F76: 33, D8Je76: 72 Hochkeim, produced on the Rhine river, PD18Mr73:31 Hockaday, James, PD15Ag66: 32, PD10Oc66: 42 Philemon, Ensign, P18Ap77sl2 William, 240c45: 42, 24Ap46: 32 Hocker, Capt. , of the Simm, PD15D74: 31, PU6F75: 33 Hodge, Capt. , R13J169: 22, D12Ag75: 32--P18Ag75: 13 Mr. , imported convict servants, D25Mr75: 32--P7Ap75: 33 ship of, PD8N70: 32 Andrew, PD290c72: 12, PD290c72: 13, D6N78: 31 Thomas, 16Ja61: 42, PD28Ja73: 32 adv. convict servants for sale, PD3Mr68: 31 — R3Mr68: 32 adv. for runaway convict servants, R26Ja69: 31, PD9Ap72: 33, D29Ap75s42 adv. indentured servants for sale, PD5N67: 31, PD22D68: 32--R22D68: 13, R8Mr70s32, PD4Oc70: 33— R4Oc70: 31, PD28Mr71: 32— R28Mr71: 33, PD10Oc71: 32, PD27F72: 33--R27F72: 31, PD25Je72: 33, PD9J172: 32, PD29J173: 31--R5Ag73: 32, PD10Mr74: 32— R10Mr74: 32, D18Mr75: 33--Pil6Mr75: 33 — D18Mr75: 33, P130c75: 31 — D140c75: 41— Pil90c75: 33 adv. ship for charter, R4Oc70: 23 appointed to committee of trade of Va. merchants, R26N72: 21 convict servants of, R7Mr71: 33 death of, P15D75: 32 indentured servant of, R12My68: 31 indentured servants imported by, PD12My74pll — R12My74: 33 merchant in Leedstown, Va. , PD2Je74: 21 of Leeds, Eng. , R19F67: 33 sells convict servants, R13D70: 31 subscriber to meeting, PD30Je74: 23 William, PD9D73: 22--R9D73: 21 Hodge, pseud. , PD25Ap66: 12 Hodges, Capt. , D22N76: 12, D6N79: 21 Mrs. , slave of, P19Ja76: 33 Christopher, PD12N72: 13 Edmund, R21N71: 42 Elizabeth, RllMr73: 31 James, D19D77: 32, P19Je78: 22, D30Oc78: 31 — P30Oc78: 32, C15J180: 21 John, PD2Ja72: 32, PD30S73: 32 accused of illegal tobacco inspection, Pi20Ap75: 32 adv. for missing horse, 4N63: 33 adv. land for sale, PD290c72: 21 deserter, P28N77: 32 letter to, in post office, PD3Mr68: 31, PD31Mr68: 22 Josiah, C15J180: 21 Richard, R27F72: 32 Robert, D30Oc78: 31 — P30Oc78: 32, D4D78: 22 William, PD28Ja68: 31, R6S70: 31 Hodges, Wilson &, D26Ag75: 32, P24My76: 41 Hodgkin, Mr. , of Baltimore, Md. , PD270c74: 23 Hodgson, Capt. , PD16Mr69: 22 of the Elizabeth, 30D37: 32 of the Royal Exchange, PD17N68: 21 Hodgson, Mr. , horse breeder, 250c65s42 horse of, R18F68: 33, P19Ap76: 43, P3Ap78: 32,D24Ap79:32 Francis, Capt. , of the Betsey, R15S74: 33 Leonard, Capt. , of the King of Prussia, PD2J167: 22 Mark,8Je39: 11 Robert, 3J146: 32 Robert, Capt. , 17Ap46: 32, 17Ap46: 41, 3J146:32 527 Hodgson (cont'd) Thomas, R1D68: 22, R7S69: 32 Hodgson, Marsden &, PD29Ja67: 33— R19F67: 41, PD19J170: 32— R19J170: 33 Hodgson, Sydenham &, 7Mr51: 31, R15Je69: 23 Hodgson, ship, 2S57: 32 Hodnett, Ayres, PD10Oc66: 41 John, 290c36: 42, R24Je73: 33 Hodsden, Henry, PD4Ap66: 33 Hodsdon, J. , Capt. , of the Anne, 18Ja40:4 Hodson, Capt. , of the Columbia, D14Ag79: 21 Hoe, John, Capt. , 20J139: 42 Hoes, boycotted in Va. Association, PD25My69: 11— RlJe69: 13 exported from James river, lower district, Va. , to Phila. , Pa. , 23My55: 21 for sale, in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72: 31 in Blandford, Va. , D13N78: 11 in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD25Ap66:31, D26Mr79: 22 in Gloucester, Va. , Pl9Ap76sll— D20Ap76: 33 in Gloucester co. , Va. , P7Je76: 33— D8Je76:71,P16Ag76:33— D24Ag76: 72 in New Kent co. , Va. , R15Ag71: 32 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Petersburg, Va. , PD6N66: 21, PD7Ap74: 32, P31Mr75: 41 — D8Ap75: 32 in Richmond, Va. , D14N77: 32 in Smithfield, Va. ,D21F77: 22— P28F77s22 in Warwick, Va. , PD19N67: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD15F70:41, PD12D71: 32, PD19D71: 32, D18Ap77: 72, DlAg77: 22, C15J180:22 in Yorktown, Va. , 29My46: 32, 17Oc51:31,PD4Oc70:32 imported, lost adv. for, R15Je69: 31, D25Mr75:31 imported to James river, Va. , from Bristol, Eng. , 5My38: 32 imported to south Potomac district from Phila. , Pa. , R18J166: 32 Hoes, broad, unclaimed, adv. of, 24J152: 32 Hoes, grubbing, for sale, in Smithfield, Va. ,D21F77: 22— P28F77s22 in Williamsburg, Va. , P10My76: 43— DllMy76: 23, D30My77: 31, D27Je77:31 Hoes, hilling, for sale, in Cabin Point, Va. , PD3S72: 23 in Norfolk, Va. , PD29Ja67: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , P10My76: 43— DllMy76: 23 Hoes, weeding, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. PD29Ja67: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , Pi6Ap75: 42 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from Phila. , Pa. , PD8S68p22 Hoffler, Capt. , company of, P18J177sl2 Hoffman, [Joannes Georgius Henricus], author, D24J179: 31 Peter, PD10N74: 43 Philip, PD170c66: 31, PD11D66: 23, R11D66: 31 Hog, Lt. , captured by Indians, D3Ag76: 11 Peter, R24Ag69: 31, R14Ja73: 12, R19Ag73: 22, R30S73: 32, R25N73: 41 Robert, PD23N69: 21 Hog island, Mass. , battle of, British casualties in, Pi22Je75: 32 casualties listed, P30Je75sl2 described, Pi22Je75: 22--D24Je75: 23 Hog island, Va. , See Blacksmiths, adv. for, on; Brick houses on; Dwelling houses near; Ferries at; Gardens, kitchen, on; Horse-breeding on; Land for lease on; Land for sale on; Livestock captured by British on; Ordinaries for sale on; Overseers adv. for, on; Ships in; Shipwrecks on; Slaves for sale on; Slaves runaway from; Stables on Hog island bridge, Va. , bids for re-building adv. for, P29My78: 31 wrecked by storm, PD21S69: 31 Hog island ferry, Va. , 7Mr51: 32 , 7N51: 31, PD27Je66: 32, PD21S69: 31, PD11N73: 23 for rent, PD29D74: 32 postal stage crosses, 28Ap38: 41 Hog island ordinary, Va. , PD11N73: 23 Hogan, Capt. , Pi9N75: 11 James, Pil2Ja75: 33 John, R4F68: 34 Mary, PD220c67: 21 William, Pvt. , R14Ja73: 13 Hogans, James, P31Mr75sl3 Roger, PD16Je74: 21— R9Je74: 22, Pi20Oc74: 23— PD20Oc74: 23 Hogarth, William, artist, PD17S71: 32, PD29N70: 21, PD13D70: 42, PD3Ja71: 42, PD17Ja71: 43, PD24Ja71: 43, PD7F71:43,PD21F71:43, PD7Mr71: 43, PD21Mr71: 43, PD28Mr71: 43 Hogarth's prints, for sale, at halfway house between, Va. , D160c78: 41 Hoge (Hogg) [John], Lt. ,D10Ag76: 51, DHOc76: 22— P110c76: 22 John, Rev. Mr. , PD170c71: 31 — R170c71:32 Hoges, A. , slave of, C13My80: 42 Hogg, Capt. , 24Je37: 32 Mr. , tavern of, D17J179: 32 Fielding, PD29Ap73: 23 Gideon, P28N77: 32 James, D29Je76: 41 Peter, R30My71: 23, PD16Je74: 23 Richard, PD29Ap73: 23, P1D75: 22 Thomas, PD13F72: 33, PD8S74: 23 Hogg & Rowland, PD21Ja73: 31, PD15Ap73: 31, PD15J173: 33 — R15J173: 41, PD280c73: 23— R280c73: 33, Pi23Mr75: 33— D25Mr75: 31, C3J179: 32— D3J179: 31 Hoggard, Thurmer, D26Mr79: 31, D27N79: 21 Hoggart, Anthony, 26N36: 42 Samuel, 31Ja51: 41, 28F51: 41 Hoggatt, Anthony, 290c36: 41, 26N36:42, 280c37:32,15Je39:32 Nathaniel, R190c69: 33 Hogs, [Mr. ], PD24Mr74: 22 Hogs, abandoned by Indians in Island town, Va. , P15N76: 31 act prohibiting in Va. repealed, 10Ap52:22 adv. for, at Osborne's warehouse, Va. , D26S77: 31 as lottery prizes, PD28Ja68: 32 bartered for land, PD27S70: 32 bred in N. J. , 24F38: 32 captured by British from Gardiner's island, N. Y. , Pi31Ag75: 31 — D2S75: 21 census on in Martinique, W. I. , PD25Mr73: 22— R25Mr73: 22 die at sea, P9F76: 21 export from Den. forbidden, 10Ap46:32 exported from Accomac district, Va. , to Plymouth, Mass. , PD31Mr68: 22— R14Ap68: 41 exported from Va. to Boston, Mass. , Pil7Ag75: 33 — P18Ag75: 31 — D19Ag75: 32 exported from York district, Va. , to Bermuda, Ue39: 42, 24Ag39: 31 to R. I. , 24Ag39: 31 for British army, 7N55: 21, PD8D74s22, P19J176: 11— D20J176: 11 for Dunmore's troops, P26Ap76s22 for hire, in Norfolk, Va. , 12D51: 41 for sale, 24Ja51: 41, PD29Ja67: 32, PD5F67: 31--R19F67: 41, PD30Ap67: 32, PD7J168: 31, PD24N68: 32--R24N68: 23, R22Mr70:22, PD28F71: 33— R7Mr71: 33, PD2Ja72: 32, R23Ap72: 31, PD150c72: 31, PD26N72: 23, PD16D73: 23, PD29S74: 32, Pi7S75: 32, P9F76: 33, P7Je76: 42, P180c76: 31, D4Ap77: 31, P240c77:33, P21N77: 32, D26D77: 21, D5F80: 33 at Belvoir, Va. , Pi20Oc74: 32— PD20Oc74: 32 at Bremo, Va. , PD1D74: 31— R1D74:33 at Buckland, Va. , D23Ja78: 41 at Chickahominy river, Va. , PD23D73s22 at halfway house, Va. , PD2D73: 23 at Ivy's [Nansemond co. ], Va. , C28Ag79: 31 at King William courthouse, Va. , 3N52:21 at King's creek, Va. , P130c75: 23— D140C75: 33 at Lowry's, Va. , PD270c74: 23 at Nap's neck, Va. ,D90c79: 32 at Swinyard's, Va. , PDllAp71: 33 at the Tombeaton quarter, Va. , D23D75: 23 in Albemarle co. , Va. , 250c65s33, PD30S73: 31 in Amelia co. , Va. , 3S56: 32, PD5S66s33, R3N68: 34, PD24Ja71: 31 — R31Ja71: 32, PD170c71: 31, PD170c71: 31--R170c71: 31, PD290c72: 22 — R290c72: 23, Dl8Ap77: 71, P8Ag77: 12 in Amherst co. , Va. , PD30J172: 32, R2SAg73:23,P12J176:32— D13J176: 22, P28N77: 23 in Augusta co. , Va. , 28F55: 42 in Bertie co. , N. C. , 7F51: 41, PD5N72: 33 in Beaufort, N. C. , R220c72: 32 in Berkeley co. , Va. , PD4F73: 31, PD16Je74: 23— R16Je74: 31 in Blandford, Va. , D8N76: 31, D17J179: 32 in Brunswick co. , Va. , 1D38: 42, 528 Hogs 6F52: 32, 12Je52: 21, 19J154: 42, 14N55:31,PD30Oc66:31, PD9Mr69: 33--R23Mr69: 41, R19J170: 32, PD29N70: 23, PD4Ap71:31, PD13Ag72: 23, PD4Mr73: 33— R4Mr73: 32, PD25Mr73: 33, R18N73:23, R10F74: 42, Pil6Mr75: 33, P8N76:31, P21F77: 22, D21Ag79: 31— 28Ag79: 33, D90c79: 12 in Buckingham co. , Va. , PD2N69: 32-- R2N69:31,P21Ag78:33 In Bute co. , N. C. , P29Ag77: 13 In Cabin Point, Va. , PD7Ap74: 32— R7Ap74: 33 in Caroline co. , Va. , R8Ag66: 41, PD10Oc66: 41, PD7Ap68: 31 — R14Ap68: 43, PD3N68: 23--R3N68:33, PD21F71: 32— R21F71: 32, P29N76:32, D30Oc78:31,D13N78:22 in Charles City co. , Va. , 29Ag51: 32, PD21N71: 23, PD18Je72: 33, PD15J173: 33, PD23S73: 31 — R23S73: 33, R4Ag74: 33, PD22S74: 33, PD8D74: 31, PD15D74: 32— R15D74:32, D280c75: 33, P15N76: 33, P7N77sl3, P14N77: 23, D21N77: 12, D12D77: 12, D230c79: 12 in Charles parish, Va. , PD23Je74: 23 in Charlotte co. , Va. , PD15F70: 31 — R22F70:31,DH23D75:23 in Chesterfield co. , Va. , PD5S66s33, PD24N68: 32, R13J169: 23 — PD27J169: 41, PD6Ag72: 31, DH19D77: 31 in Concord forge, Va. , PD7Ja73: 31 — R7Ja73: 32 in Culpeper co. , Va. , P129S74: 41, D230c79: 12 in Cumberland co. , Va. , PD5Mr72:32— R12Mr72: 32, PD18N73: 22, D6N78:32, C6N79: 32 in Dinwiddie co. , Va. , 29D52: 32, R19Ja69: 31--PD26Ja69: 33, PD15Je69: 32, R2N69: 23, R31Ja71:23— PD31Ja71: 33, PD18Ap71: 32, PD21N71: 23, PD19D71: 32, PD13Ag72: 23, PD80c72: 32, PD10Mr74:32, PD3N74:43— R4N74:33, Pi26Ja75: 32— D28Ja75: 32--P3F75: 43, D23D75: 23 in Elizabeth City co. , Va. ,R17F74:31, PD14N71: 23, PD17Mr74: 31 — R17Mr74: 31 in Essex co. , Va. , PD14J168: 33— R14J168:42,R15D68:23, PD290c72: 23, P160c78: 31, D18S79:31 in Fairfax co. , Va. , R190c69: 42, R1J173: 33, D28N77: 31--P28N77sll in Fauquier co. , Va. , C30c79: 42 in Frederick co. , Va. , PD16Je74: 23— R16Je74: 31, PD30Je74: 23— R30Je74: 32 in Fredericksburg, Va. , D18Mr80: 32 in Gloucester, Va. , R30Mr69: 33 in Gloucester co. , Va. , R17N68: 23, R29N70: 22, P11D74: 33, PD8D74:31, P130c75: 23, P8Mr76: 33— D9Mr76: 23, P9Ag76: 42— D10Ag76: 62 in Goochland ce. , Va. , P15Je39: 32, PD26Ja69: 32--R2F69: 31, PD12Mr72: 32— R12Mr72: 31, PD140c73: 31— R140c73: 32, P12D77: 23 in Granville co. , N. C. , P230c78: 23 in Halifax co. , N. C. , P160c78: 11 in Halifax co. , Va. , PD11D66: 32, PD24D67: 33--R24D67: 31, PD130c68: 23, D19S77: 41 — P26S77: 31 in Hanover, Va. , PD4Ag74: 31— R4Ag74: 33, D24Ap78: 31 in Hanover co. , Va. , 10F38: 41, PD27N66: 31, PD23N69: 32— R23N69: 31, PD4Oc70: 31 — R4Oc70: 23, PD5Ag73: 23, PD9D73: 32, R16D73: 41— PD23D73s22, PD10N74: 43, P5Ja76: 33— D13Ja76: 33, D24J179:32 in Henrico co. , Va. , PD3Ja71: 32— R10Ja71: 33, P13Je77: 33, D21N77:21 — P21N77: 32, D12D77: 21 — P12D77: 32 in Isle of Wight co. , Va. , PD13Ag72: 23 in James City co. , Va. , R4D66: 43, PD29D68: 31— R5Ja69: 33, R23Ap72: 42, Pil6F75: 33— P17F75: 42--D18F75: 31, D23S75:33, P20Oc75:31,D17Ag76:22, P27S76s21, D29N76: 42, P6D76: 32, D13D76: 32--P13D76: 23, D20D76:21, P160c78: 41--D30Oc78: 42 in Jockey's neck, Va. , R22S74: 33 in Johnston co. , N. C. , D26F80: 31 in King and Queen co. , Va. , 30N59: 32, PD31Mr68: 31 — R31Mr68: 34, PD15D68: 31, PD4Oc70: 32— R4Oc70: 31, R21N71: 32, PD28Ja73: 31— R28Ja73: 32, PD12Ag73: 23, PD16D73: 31— R16D73: 42, Pi7S75:32— D9S75: 32, D25J177: 41--P25J177: 41, D90c79: 32 in King George co. , Va. , R8N70: 11, PD29N70: 23— R29N70: 22, PD23D73: 23, D21Mr77: 12— P21Mr77s21 in King William co. , Va. , 10N52:31, PDlJa67:31 — R19F67:42, PD10D67: 32, PD25F68: 23— R25F68: 31, R60c68: 24, PDllMy69: 31 — RllMy69: 32, PD14D69: 32 — R14D69: 31, PD21D69: 11— R28D69: 11, PD10Ja71: 33— R10Ja71: 31, PD240c71: 23--R310c71: 41, PD16S73: 32, PD140c73: 31 — R140c73: 32, PD9D73: 32, P116F75: 33— P17F75: 42 — D18F75:31,D17Ja77: 22 — P17Ja77:31,D19D77:31, D26D77: 21, D160c78: 32 — P160c78:ll, D13N78:22, D11S79:32 in Kingston parish glebe, Va. , D12D77:21 in Lancaster co. , Va. , Pi23Mr75: 33— P24Mr75: 33 — D25Mr75: 31, D14Mr77: 61 — P28Mr77: 21, D5S77: 31 — P5S77: ll,P29My78:41, P10J178:22 in Loudoun co. , Va. , PD3S67: 23, D28N77:31— P28N77sll in Louisa co. , Va. , P5Ja76: 33-- D13Ja76: 33, D90c79: 12, C27N79:21--D27N79:22 in Lunenburg co. , Va. , 25Ap51: 32, 9My51:32, PD15D68: 31, R26S71:31,PDllJe72:32, PD290c72: 22, P40c76: 33 in Manakin Town, Va. , D10Oc77: 23 in Manchester, Va. , P21N77: 31 in Mecklenburg co. , Va. , PD170c66: 41--R4D66: 42, PD80c67:21, R26J170: 22, PDlS74:32,D5Mr79:32 in Middlesex co. , Va. , PD10Oc66: 41, PD5N67: 31, PD24N74: 23, P20S76: 23 in Nansemond co. , Va. , PD4Ag68: 23, PD19N72: 23 in New Kent co. , Va. , PD20N66: 23— R4D66: 33, PD290c67: 22, PD26N6T: 31, PD16Je68: 31 — R16Je68: 32, PD29D68: 31 — R5Ja69:32,R19Ja69:31 — PD26Ja69: 33, PD14S69: 32. R2N69: 31, PD2N69: 32, PD18Ja70: 33- R18Ja70:33, R15Ag71:32, PD5S71:32, PD16S73: 32, PD23S73: 31— R23S73: 33, PD18N73: 22, PD25N73: 23, R23D73: 33, D22N76: 32, P7F77: 33, P30c77:23,D13N78:22, C18D79:12— D25D79:31, D27N79:22, D8Ja80: 42 in Newcastle, Va. , PD17Mr74: 31, D30c77:41 in Newport glebe, Va. , PD2Ja72: 32 in Norfolk co. , Va. , PD17N68: 23 — R17N68:31 in Northampton co. , N. C. , PD16Ag70: 42, PD17S71: 32, D210c75:32, P5Ap76:42 in Northampton co. , Va. , PD5S66s41 in Northumberland co. , Va. , PD5N72:43— R5N72:21 in Orange co. , Va. , 12S45: 42, PD4J166: 32, PD10Oc71: 32, D210c75:33, P14N77: 31, C28Ag79:32--D28Ag79: 12 in Peytonsburg, Va. , PD12Ag73: 23 in Pittsylvania co. , Va. , D7N77: 32 in Port Royal, Va. , R10Ag69: 33 in Porto Bello, Va. , PD9Mr69: 33 — R9Mr69:31, PD1J173:33 in Powhatan co. , Va. , C30Oc79: 42 in Prince Edward co. , Va. , P10Ja77: 43, P8Ag77: 12, P160c78: 11 in Prince George co. , Va. , 21F51:41,PD19Mr67:33, PD15Je69: 32, PD28N71: 31, PD13Ag72: 23, PD3S72: 23, PD2D73: 22, PD3Mr74: 32, P110c76: 13, D22N76: 31 — P22N76: 31, D31Ja77: 72 — P7F77:33, P21F77:23, P12D77:23 in Prince William co. , Va. , 21Ap38:42,4Ag38:41 in Princess Anne co. , Va. , 3J152:32, 15D52: 32 in Richmond, Va. , 12S55: 32, PD15F70: 31— R15F70: 32, R15N70: 31, P21Ap75: 31 — D22Ap75: 32, D14N77: 31 — P21N77:32 529 Hogs for sale (cont'd) in Richmond co. , PD170c66:41, PD19My68: 23— R26My68: 33, P19S77: 13 in Rowan co. , N. C. , P30c77: 22 in Scotch Town, Va. , PD21D69: 11 — R28D69: 11 in Smithfield, Va. , 22My52: 31, PD21F71: 32--R21F71: 32, PD9Ja72: 32 in Southampton co. , Va. , 24Ja51: 41, PD6N66: 32, PD11D66: 33, P20D76s23, P13Je77: 11 in Spotsylvania co. , Va. , PD20Ag67: 32, R18Oc70: 23, R9Je74: 22, Pi22D74: 32, P230c78:31 in Stafford co. , Va. , R9Mr69: 33, RllMy69:32, P12D77:31 in Surry co. , Va. , PD26F67: 32, PD15F70: 42, RlMr70: 32— PD8Mr70: 42, PD16Ag70: 42, R27F72: 31, PD3N74: 43— R4N74:33,D29Je76:42, D28N77:22,D19D77:21, D26D77: 12, D4D78: 22 in Sussex co. , Va. , PD27Ag67: 31, PD2Je68: 31, PD1D68: 31, PD8D68: 31, PD9Mr69: 42, PD14D69: 32, PD13D70: 31, P8Mr76:33,DlN76:41 — PlN76:33,DllAp77:62, P310c77: 13, P230c78: 32 — D6N78: 32 in Wakefield, Va. , P30c77: 31 in Warwick co. , Va. , PD21Mr71: 32, P22N76: 33, D27D76: 42 — P27D76: 31, P28F77:21, D20Je77: 22— P20Je77: 33, D30Oc78:41,D13N79:31 in West Point, Va. , PD24My70: 31 — R31My70: 42 in Westmoreland co. , Va. , PD9N69: 31, P25Ag75: 81 — D26Ag75: 32, P160c78: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD22Ag66: 31, PD7D69: 32— R7D69: 31, C15J180:2r in York co. , Va. , PD19F67: 32, PD3S67: 22, R20J169: 22, PD3Ja71: 31, PDlAp73: 32, PD9Je74: 31, PD25Ag74: 31, PD8D74: 31, DllMy76: 23, D27D76:42--P27D76:31, D21Mr77: 12, D20N79: 22 near Amherst courthouse, Va. , D19F80: 31 near Cabin Point, Va. , PD10c72: 23, D14Mr77: 12 — P21Mr77: 21 near Dumfries, Va. , PDlAg71: 22 near Falmouth, Va. , P19S77: 12 near Fredericksburg, Va. , PD8J173: 32 near Hanover, Va. , D21N77: 21 — P21N77:32,C19F80: 12 — D19F80:31 near Hog island, Va. , 30Ja52: 41 near King George courthouse, Va. , PD16Ja72: 33 near Monk's neck creek, Va. , P13D76:31 near Port Royal, Va. , PD10F74: 32 near Richmond courthouse, Va. , R4D66: 32 near Williamsburg, Va. , 10Oc55: 32, Pi9F75:33 on Appomattox river, Va. , 12D51: 41 on Dan river, Va. , PD2N69: 32, D11S79:32 on King's creek, Va. , PD23J167: 32 on Pianketank river, Va. , Pi8D74: 33— PD8D74: 31, P10F75:42— D11F75: 23 on Pope's creek, Va. , R2Je74: 23 on Roanoke river, Va. , 20Ja38: 41 on York river, Va. , PD29Je69: 32— R29Je69: 32 for Va. troops, delivery discussed, D20D76: 22--P20D76: 21 killing justified in Va. , PD31Mr68: 32 imported to York district, Va. , from R.I. , 18My39:31 in Cheshire, Eng. , PD2F69: 21 lost and found, R12My68: 24, R10Je73sl2 in Albemarle co. , Va. , 12D55: 32 in Amelia co. , Va. , 14N55: 31, PD60c68: 31, R12Ap69: 33, R12J170:43 in Amherst co. , Va. , R27F72: 33, PD21My72: 23, R25Mr73: 33, D15My79:32, D20N79: 12 in Bedford co. , Va. , R13 J169: 33, PD26Ag73: 32, D20N79: 42 in Brunswick co. , Va. , 2Mr53: 42, PD9Ap67: 31, PDllMy69: 33, R15N70: 43, PD23Je74: 31, P5Ap76: 43, D23Ja78: 42, D10J178: 42, D12Mr79: 32 in Buckingham co. , Va. , R270c68: 22, PD22N70: 33, R19My74:43 in Caroline co. , Va. , PD28D69: 31, Pi6Ap75sl2 in Charles City co. , Va. , R12Mr72: 33, R16Je74:32 in Charlotte co. , Va. , PD7My67: 33, PD18Ag68: 32, R18Oc70: 32, R26My74:32,D19F79:41, C15My79:41 in Chesterfield co. , Va. , R7F71: 32, PD26D71: 32, PlMr76: 41 in Culpeper co. , Va. , D15Ap75: 32 in Cumberland co. , Va. , 12F62: 32, R28Ja73: 33, P26J176: 42, D110c76:71,D90c78:42, D15My79: 11 in Dinwiddie co. , Va. , PD13N66: 31, R23Je68: 32, PDllJe72: 33, PD21Ja73: 32, P20D76: 23 in Frederick co. , Va. , RlAg71: 42 in Goochland co. , Va. , R14Ap68s21, PD5D71: 33, PD14My72: 31, PD17Je73: 41, Pi29Je75: 33, D20N79: 12 in Halifax co. , Va. , PD28Ap74: 32, P10My76sl2,D8Ja80:33 in Hanover co. , Va. , PD21D69: 41, PD28Ja73: 32, PD23D73: 31, Pil6F75:33,D9D75:33, D10Ag76: 71 in Henrico co. , Va. , R21Mr71: 41, PD29D74: 32 in Isle of Wight co. , Va. , D11F75: 32, Pi23Mr75: 33 in James City co. , Va. , PD21Ja73: 32, D23Ja78:31 in Loudoun co. , Va. , R16Je68: 33 in Louisa co. , Va. , D13 Ja76: 33 in Lunenburg co. , Va. , D30Mr76: 33, D10J178:42 in Mecklenburg co. , Va. , PD4Ag74: 32, Pi6Ap75sl2, P60c75:31, P26Ap76:31, D10J178: 42 in Northampton co. , Va. , P8N76s21 in Northumberland co. , Va. , RllMy69:33 in Orange co. , Va. , R13J169: 33, PD6Je71:33, PD11F73:31, PD17F74:32,R9Je74:23 in Pittsylvania co. , Va. , PD5Mr72: 33, P10J178:43 in Prince Edward co. , Va. , R15Ap73: 33, P16My77s32, D25D79:32 in Prince William co. , Va. , R15Je69: 32, PD20Je71: 33, P16Je75:32,P10J178:41 in Southampton co. , Va. , PD4Je67: 33, R6F72: 32, PD12D77: 33 in Spotsylvania co. , Va. , D240c77:22 in Stafford co. , Va. , C3J179: 42 in Sussex co. , Va. , PD20Ag67: 31, PD24Mr68: 33, P4Ap77: 43, P30My77: 42, P170c77: 43 inWestham, Va. ,D4D79:31 in York co. , Va. , PU0N74: 32 near Amelia courthouse, Va. , R25D66:42 near Barret's ferry, Va. , 19Ja39: 42 near Westham, Va. , D25D79: 22 lost in flood in Va. , PD6Je71: 31 lost in storm in N. C. , R220c72: 21 offered settlers in Ga. , 10S36: 42 ordered confined in Newcastle and Newtown, Va. , by general assembly, 17Ap46: 31 ordered confined in Suffolk, Va. , by Va. general assembly, PD23Ap72: 12 in Williamsburg, Va. , 15S52: 32 plentiful, on Long island, N. Y. , D14S76:21 rice as food for, D6Ap76: 22 seized by British on Fisher's island, N. Y. , Pi7S75: 12 seized from British ship, P5Ja76(5)sl2- D6Ja76:31— Pi6Ja76:21, P19Ja76: 13, P16F76: 31 — D24F76:22,D2Mr76:21 shown in London, Eng. , 21 Mr 51: 31 sold at Williamsburg, Va. , fairs, 30N39: 32, 7D39: 41, 14D39: 31 stolen by British near Hampton, Va. , P8S75:31 by convict servants, PD26Ag73: 32 — R26Ag73:31 in Williamsburg, Va. , PH4S75: 31 to be kept off the streets of Williamsburg, Va. , 15S52: 32 to be sent to the Falkland islands, PD9My71:22 unusual sizes, in Congleton, Eng. , PD6Ap67: 12 in Sussex co. , Va. . PD13Ap69: 23 — R13Ap69: 22 Hogs, abnormal, in Dorchester, Mass. ,PD22F70:12 530 Holland near Newport, R. L , PD27Ja74: 23 Hogs, bristles, adv. for, in Williamsburg, Va. , D4D78: 22 Hogs, mortgaged, PD7My67: 32 for sale, in Lunenburg co. , Va. , R5Ja69:31 in Lunenburg co. , Va. , PD15D68: 31 Hogs, shoats, for sale, in Jamestown, Va. ,PD2J172:32 Hog's fat, seized from British ships, D2Mr76:21 Hogsflesh, Samuel, 120c39: 41 Hogshead, David, R270c68: 33 Hogsheads, for sale, in Portsmouth, Va. , P18J177sll See also Iron bound hogsheads Hogskin saddles, stolen, in Charles City co. , Va. , PU6N75: 41-- D18N75: 32 near Osborne's warehouse, Va. , D12Je79:41--C3J179:42 Hogun, James, Pil2Ja75: 11 — D28Ja75: 23 Hogwood, Daniel, D31Ag76: 31 John, R12My74:32 Holaman, John, P7Ap75: 33 Marhew, Mrs. , P7Ap75: 33 Holborn, Com. , of the Tavistock, 2My51:21 Holborn, Eng. , See Abnormal persons in; Accidents in; Anecdotes in; Exhibitions in; Suicides in Holbourne, Francis, Adm. , 26S55: 11, 26S55: 21, 30c55: 12, 240c55: 12, 310c55: 11 William, Capt. , of the Terrible, 26S55: 12 Holburion, Thomas, Capt. , of the Virgin, R18Ag68s22 Holburn, Capt. , of the Ramillies, 25Ap5521 Holcom, William, R17Ag69: 31 Holcomb, John, Capt. , P23My77: 32 Holcombe, Phil, D27Ap76: 33 Philemon, R27F72: 33 Holdcraft. Mary, R29S68: 31 James, PD23J172: 32 Holden, Capt. , R14J174: 31 George, PD6Ja74: 31. P18Ap77sl2 Jeremiah, Capt. , of the Duke and Dutchess. PD7S69: 31, PD28D69: 31, PD7Je70:31 of the Rebecca, PD9Mr69: 31, PD20Ja74: 23, R14J174: 23, R8S74:31 John, 2My55: 31, PD2My66: 41 [John], author, PD17S72: 22 William, PD60c74:22 Holder, Ensign, captures British ship, P130D75: 32 William Thorpe, PD20Je66: 22 Holderness, George, P25J177: 33 James, PD2N69: 33 Holdernesse, earl of [Robert D'Arcy], PD27Ap69: 22 Holdfast, Zebulon, R2 1 My 72 : 23 Holdfast, pseud. , PD26F67: 12 Holebreech, Mr., of Md. , R22Mr70: 22 Holeclaugh, Henry, P17Mr75: 41 Holeman, John, P2Ag76: 31 Holiar. Simon, PDlAg71: 22, PD240c71: 31--R21N71: 41, D160c78:42— P160c78: 13 Holidays, in Gt. Brit. , PD7My72: 13 See also Thanksgiving day Holker, Adam, P28N77: 23 John, D29Ja80:31 Holker, brig, D24J179: 22 privateer, D11S79: 21 privateer brig, D4Mr80: 21 Holladay, Col. D14Mr77: 71 Anthony, 24Ap52: 31 Anthony, Col. , P29My78: 22, P10J178: 12 Benjamin, R22S68: 31, P16F76s22 John, PD28Ja68: 32— R4F68: 41, PD21Ap68: 32— R28Ap68: 33, PD21Ap68: 31— R28Ap68: 33, PD12My68: 31— R12My68: 21 — R12My68:23, R18Ja70: 31 John, jr. , adv. finding horse, R12My68: 34, C19F80.32 adv. finding steers, PD22D74: 32 adv. for runaway indentured servant, P25J177: 31 adv. horse for sale, P28F77s22 collector for William Houston, D22Ap75: 32 collector for Jacob Whitler, D22Ap75:31 Joseph, 240c55: 31, R29S68: 32 See also Holliday, Holloday, Hollyday Holladay' s ordinary, Spottsylvania co. , Va. , P31Ja77: 33 Holland, Baron [Henry Fox], R50c69: 12 Capt. , of the Samuel and Mary, 9F39:22 Lt. , ordered to join regiment, P230c78: 11 Mr., representative, N. Y. assembly, R16F69:21 Agnes. PD30Ag70: 32 Dick, PD28J174: 32 Elizabeth, PD30Ag70: 32 George, PD22Ag66: 32, P21N77: 43 J. , & co. , PD6Ag72: 23 Joel, P28N77:31 Joseph, P16My77sll Richard, Pil90c75: 33--D4N75: 32 Samuel, R21J168: 14, R260c69: 12 Susannah, PD14 J174: 23 Thomas, P27S76: 23 William, PD18F68: 31, PD30Ag70: 32 William, Capt. , D29N76: 42 Holland, affected by change in English coinage, PD1S74: 11 aid to Barbary states, PD7Ja73: 21 aid to British colonies N. Am. , D23S75:22, P24N75sl2, D25N75: 23, D2D75: 13, P8D75: 13 to Corsica rumored, PD4Je67: 22 to Gt. Brit, rumored, D30Oc79: 22 to Prus. PD8Ap73: 12 to Sp. , PD4Ap71: 22, P19My75: 11 to U. S. ,D28Mr77:61 alliance against family compact, PD23F69: 23. PD14S69: 11 alliance with Fr. , PD20S70s31 with Gt. Brit, discussed, 11N37: 31, 21Mr45: 11, PD11J171: 11 with Prus. , PDllAp71: 11, PD11J171: 11 with Russ. rumored, PD11J171: 11 with Sp. , PD20S70s31 armed neutrality considered, C9D80: 11 arrests Theodore I, 29J137: 21 conducts smuggling with British colonies, N. Am. , P19My75: 23 customs collectors abscond, 12D51: 12, 19D5L21 declines to join Eng. against Sp. , 1S38:21 defenses strengthened, PD26D71: 22 demands on by Prus. , PD6My73: 11 English debts to, PD6J169: 21 favors British- colonial peace, P5Ja76: 22 financial aid to Pol. , RUN73sll financial disputes in, PD12Mr72: 22 fits out ships against Algerines, 26S55: 11 forbids shipping for foreigners, D18D79: 12 fortification of, R23S73: 23 — PD30S73:23 fortifications strengthened, 30Mr39:22 free port discussed, 120c52: 11 furnishes arms to Corsica, PD25Ap66:22 garrisons in strengthened, PDllAp71: 12 government criticized, D23Mr76: 31 installs prince of Orange, PD6Je66: 13 instructs ambassador to Fr. , 21N45: 11 interest on stocks in Eng. , PDllMr73:23 intervenes in dispute over Corsica, 23F39: 11 investments of in Eng. , R5Ja69: 11, PD26Ja69: 12 lends ships to Portugal, PD2S73: 11 — R2S73: 11 loan from Gt. Brit. , Pi20Oc74: 22 loan to Prus. , PD24S72: 21 loans to British W. I. suggested, R8Ap73: 22 loans negotiated in, PD2Ap67: 21 loans paid by Silesia, R7Ap74: 23 loans to Fr. ,PD7F71:21, PD8Ag71: 13, P28F77: 12 loans to Russia, PD13S70: 22, PD20S70: 21, PD170c71: 21, R16S73: 23, PD23D73s21 — R23D73: 31 lost at sea, PD12F67:22 mediates between Aus. and Tur. , 25My39:?2 between Aus. , Russ. , and Tur. , 12My38: 11, 9Je38: 12, 130c38: 31 between Russ. and Tur. , 12My38: 21 between Sp. and Gt. Brit. , 9N39: 12, PD3Ja71: 23 between Sp. and Port. , UMr37: 21 between Tur. and Europe, 23S37: 12 between Tur. and Russ. , 70c37: 11 70c37: 11 mediation for Eng. requested, DllMr80: 12 military preparations of, 28S39: 32, 120c39: 12, 21Mr45: 31, PD20N66: 21, PD7My67: 21, PD21Ap74: 23, PD10N74: 13, D2S75: 13, D22My79: 11 inW. L , PD20N66: 12 military reform discussed, 120c52: 11 minority of stadtholder discussed, 1D52:21 neutral in Seven years' war, 27Ag56: 22 neutral toward Fr. and Eng. , 531 Holland, neutral toward (cont'd) C15My79:21 neutrality asserted, PD12Mr72: 12 discussed, PD31Ja71: 22 encouraged by Fr. , D30Oc79: 21 in Revolutionary war, D30Oc79: 22, D25D79: 21 — C25D79: 11 opposed in, 11S46: 11 toward France discussed, 21Ag46:21, 11S46:31 offers to mediate between Fr. and Eng. , DllMr80: 13 between Gt. Brit, and Sp. , 120c39: 12 opposes aid to U. S. , D9My77: 11 opposes partition of Pol. , R23D73: 12 opposes trade regulations in Austrian Netherlands, 16S37:21 paid by Fr. ,R31My70: 13 plans promotion of general officers, 13Ja38:31, 10Ap46: 32 political discontent in, 21F51: 22 political issues in, 8D52: 12 political news from, 25Mr37: 11, 10Je37: 21, 29J137: 31, 14Ap38: 22, 21J138: 12, 13Je45: 12, 14N51: 31, 12D51:22, PD4D66: 21 position in European affairs, PD24D72:21 Prince of Orange takes over government, PD18Ap66: 23 prohibits enlistments in foreign service, PD13Je71:22 protects trade against Gt. Brit. , D4S79: 11 protests against Spanish depredations, 25Ag38: 22 protests cession of Luxemburg to Fr. , 1S38:22 provinces supporting Fr. listed, D27N79: 12 Prussian influence in, PD22S68: 12 public opinion toward Gt. Brit. , P23Je75sl3 ransoms seamen from Barbary pirates, 8My52:21 receives prince of Orange, PD4F68: 11, PD4F68:22 refuses loan to Aus. , 6J139: 11 relations with Alg. , R22S74: 13, PD60c74: 13, PD60c74: 23, PD20Oc74:21 with Aus. , PD3S72: 12 with Barbary states, PD15Ap73: 12 with Bavaria, P21J175: 13 with British colonies, N. Am. , D23D75:21 with Danzig, PD31Mr74: 21 with Den. , PDlAg66: 11, PD29D68: 22, D18Mr80: 22 with Fr. , 4Mr37: 22, lAp37: 22, 28D39: 21, 23Ja46: 22, 24Ap46: 31, 15My46:22, 15My46:41, 31J146: 41, 14Ag46: 11, 14Ag46: 12, 21Ag46: 31, 18S46: 21, 7F51: 22, 16My51: 11, 30c55: 31, 10Oc55: 22, 14N55: 11, PD29S68: 12, PD14D69: 11, PD13S70s21--R20S70: 11, PD11J171: 11, PD25J171: 13, PD8Ag71: 11, PD6My73: 21 — R6My73sl3, PD17Je73: 13 — R17Je73:23, PD16S73: 12, PDllN73sl3--RUN73sl3, PD9Je74: 22, D29My79: 22, D5Je79: 11 withGt. Brit. ,4Mr37:31, 24Je37: 12, 14S39: 22, 14S39: 31, 24Ap46: 31, 14Ag46: 12, 25S46: 31, 13F52: 21, 4N63:21,PD16My66: 12, PD23My66: 13, PD19F67: 23, PD21My67: 11, PD7Ap68: 13, PD29D68: 22, R13S70: 12, PD25Oc70: 12, PD8N70: 13 — R8N70:22, PD8Ag71: 11, PD19Mr72: 21, PD14Ja73: 13, PDllMr73: 22, PD6My73: 13, PD17Je73: 13— R17Je73: 23, PD18Ag74: 22--R18Ag74: 23, PD22S74: 23, Pil6F75sll — P17F75:22,D24Je75:22, DlJ175:23,Pil7Ag75:33, D8Je76:42,D29Je76: 11, P6S76:31--D7S76:22, D28Mr77: 61, D4Ap77: 21, D18J177: 12, D19F79:31, D26F79:22,D19Mr79:21, D2Ap79: 12, D9Ap79: 12, D24Ap79: 11, D24Ap79: 22, DlMy79: 11, D29My79: 22, D5Je79: 11,D17J179: 11, D27N79:21,C6N79:22, D18D79:21,DUMr80:21, DllMr80: 31, D18Mr80: 21, D18Mr8fc 22, DlAp80: 12, C9D80: 11 with Mor. , PD20Ag72: 11, PD4N73: 13, PD20Oc74: 13, Pi23Mr75: 21, P26My75:22, D15J175:23 with Palatine, R13S70: 11, PD13S70sll with Pol. , R26Ag73: 11 with Port. , R23D73: 22 with Pruss. , 19N36: 22, 21Ja37: 22, PD23My66: 13, PD15S68: 11, PD29D68: 22, PD13S70sll, PD17S71:22, PD7Ja73: 13, PD27My73: 12, PD17Je73:21 — R17Je73:23, PD3F74:21 — R10F74:22, PD15D74:21 with Russ. , PD29D68: 22 with Sp. , 29J137: 31, 2Je38: 22, 18Ag38: 31, 16F39: 11, 24Ag39: 12, lAg51:31, PD13S70s21 — R20S70: 11, PD8Ag71: 11, PD12S71:21, PD26S71: 11, PD150c72: 12, PD13My73: 22, PD17Je73: 13--R17Je73: 23, R24Je73: 23, PD60c74: 13, Pi23Mr75: 21, D12Ag75: 32 — P18Ag75:21 withSwed. ,21Ja37:31 with Switz. , P21J175: 13 with Tur. , PD17Je73: 31, R17Je73sll withU. S. ,D26F79:31, D29My79: 22 with Venice, It. , P21J175: 13 releases Theodore I of Corsica, 30S37:32 remonstrance from Gt. Brit. , PDllAp71: 12 revolt against Sp. discussed, P3Mr75: 13 revolution threatened, D29My79: 22 royal marriages with Gt. Brit. , PD13N66: 11, PD4D66: 21, D9Ap79: 12 with Prus. , PD10S67: 11, PD24Mr68: 23 satirized by Frederick the Great, C13My80: 22 sells arms to Corsica, PD15Ja67: 23 succession to stadtholdership, 6F52:22,20F52:31 supplies arms to British colonies, N. Am. ,Pil90c75: 12 — P20Oc75: 12— D210c75: 12 to Port. , 290c36: 12 supports Danzig, PD130c74: 12 Gt. Brit, against Sp. , 30Mr39: 12 Pol. ,R23D73:21 suppresses pro -Austrian newspaper, 10Oc45:21 tariff with Aus. , 6Ja38: 12, HAg38: 21 threatened by Fr. , DllMr80: 22 threatens reprisals against Spanish shipping, 8J137:31 trade conditions good, PD4Ap66: 23 trade conditions in, PDlAp73:21 trade conferences held, 31Ag39: 21 trade intercepted by Sp. , 25Mr37: 11, 29J137: 31, 16D37: 32, 13Ja38: 21 trade relations solicited by British colonies, N. Am. , D14S76: 12 with Austrian Netherlands, 16D37: 31, 15Je39:21 with Den. , PD12Mr67:21 with Fr. , D26F79: 21 with Gt. Brit. , PD17Je73: 13 with Polish Prus. , PD25Mr73: 11 with Port. , 12D51:22 with Prus., 13Je51: 11 with Sp. , 21J138: 12, 5Ja39: 31, 26Ja39:22, 23F39: 11, 30Mr39: 12, Ue39: 22, 15Je39: 21, 6J139: 12 trade revival planned, 6F52: 22 trade treaties violated by Sp. , 2Je38:21 with Fr. , 29J137: 32, 15Je39: 21, 6J139: 22, 13J139: 12, 27J139: 22, 3Ap46: 31, 15My46: 22, 30My51: 21, 12D51:31 with Gt. Brit. , 120c39: 12 with Hamburg, Ger. , 17Ja51: 31, 24Ja51:32 with Port. , PD15J173: 21 — R15J173: 12 with Silesia, 8My52: 21 with U. S. , D9Ap79: 22, D24Ap79: 31, D22My79: 12 trade with British colonies, N. Am. , D14Ja75:21,D14Ja75:22, P14Ap75: 22--D15Ap75: 21, D27My75: 21, P2Je75: 13, D12Ag75: 23 with British colonies, N. Am. , increases, D7Ja75: 21 with British colonies, N. Am. , prohibited, P2Je75:21, Pi28S75:21 — P29S75: 13 — D30S75: 13, P60c75: 23 with Fr. discussed, D8Ap80: 12 with Gibraltar forbidden, C13My80:21 with U. S. .D10J179: 12 with U. S. opposed by Gt. Brit. , D20Je77:21, P20Je77: 23 with U. S. solicited, P29Ag77: 22 treaty against Barbary pirates, 26Ja39: 12 532 Holliday's cove with Aus. , and Fr. refused, 9D37:21 with Aus. rumored, PD7Ja73: 22 with Cologne, Ger. , cancelled, lAg51:22 with Corsica rumored, PD4Ag68: 12-- R4Ag68: 12 with Den. rumored, PD3Ja71:21, PD31Ja71:21, PD13Je71: 13, PD15J173: 21, PDlS74sl2, Pi20Oc74:22 with Pol. , 13Je45:12,Pil30c74:23 with Port, discussed, 15D38: 12 with Prus. , PD24Mr68: 23, PD28Ap68: 13, R60c68: 11, PD7Ja73: 22. R27Ja74: 23, D8Ap80s21 with Russ. , PDUMy69: 13, PD7D69: 22, PD31Ja71: 21, PD13Je71: 13, PD7Ja73: 22 with Saxony, 10Ap46: 31 with Sp. , PD170c71:21, PD10D72:21 with Sweden rumored, PD13Je71: 13 with U. S. to be made, P27Mr78: 21 unites with Gt. Brit, against Sp. , 16S37: 11 war for independence, cited as example for America, PD1S74: 12 PD31Ja71: 21, PD13Je71: 13 with Gt. Brit. ,260c39:22, 21D39: 12, 28D39: 21, PD30Ap67: 12, war scare in, P1D75: 21--D2D75: 13 war with Alg. rumored. PD23Je68: 12-- R23Je68:21 with Brack, PD3Ag69: 13 with Fr. rumored, 18Ap45: 32, 4J145: 21, 3Ap46: 31, 24Ap46: 22, 31J146:41,R24N68: 12 withGt. Brit, rumored, C9D80: 21 with Mor. , Pi28Ap75: 21, D4N75: 21 with Spanish in America, 10Oc55: 11 with Tripoli declared, 15S52: 22 waterways of, 20Oc38:22 wealth of, PD25Mr73:ll withdraws money from Eng. , PD24S72: 11 See also Ammunition export from; Ammunition price high in; Ammunition storing ordered in; Anecdotes from; Arms export from; Assassinations attempted in; Bankruptcies in; Beans plentiful in; British colonies, N. Am. , supported in; British ministry opinions against in; British navy off; Canals in; Carpenters, emigration from; Continental navy cruises out of; Contraband between; Contraband regulated in; Cordage export from; Corn, import to Gt. Brit. , from; Corn scarce in; Corn storing ordered in; Counterfeiters flee Eng. to; Courts-martial in; Debtors, treatment of, in; Dikes in; Dikes repaired in; Distemper among cattle in; Dutch army; Emigration from; Etiquette, court, in; Exports from; Exports from Eng. , to; Exports from Gt. Brit, to; Exports from Hamburg, Ger. , to; Exports from Ire. to; Exports from Newcastle, Eng. , to; Fast days in; Floods in; Freedom of press in; Freedom of press questioned in; Freedom of pre^s upheld in; Freedom of press violated in; Freemasons forbidden in; French army near; Gunpowder export from; Guns export from; Hessians desert from British transports in; Hides import to Eng. from; Hurricanes in; Imports to; Imports to Brest, Fr. , from; Imports to Bristol, Eng. , from; Imports to Eng. from; Imports to Fr. from; Imports to Gt. Brit, from; Imports to Liverpool, Eng. , from; Imports to London, Eng. , from; Imports to N. Y. from; Imports to Portsmouth, N. H. , from; Imports to St. Eustatia, W. I. , from; Imports to Toulon, Fr. , from; Imports to Va. from; Imports to Whitehaven, Eng. , from; Insurance, marine, bought by Sp. in; Insurance, marine in; International relations discussed in; Linen, import to Port. , from; Linen price high in; Lotteries in; Merchants in; Money scarce in; Naval stores export from; Naval stores from; Naval stores price high in; Non- importation agreements opposed in; Oats plentiful in; Ordnance price high in; Peas plentiful in; Plague prevention attempted in; Provisions export from; Provisions scarce in; Religious toleration upheld in; Ships from; Ships from S. Am. to; Ships' sailing time; Ships to Boston, Mass. , from; Ships to Broadway, Va. , from; Ships to Halifax, N. S. , from; Ships to Hull, Eng. , from; Ships to James river from; Ships to New York City from; Ships to Pa. from; Ships to Phila. , Pa. , from; Ships to St. Eustatia, W. I. , from; Shipwrights , emigration from; Shot export from; Smiths, emigration from; Smuggling in; Smuggling to British colonies, N. Am. , from; Stock exchange in; Storms off; Tariffs in; Taxation of colonies opposed in; Tea price in; Tobacco trade between; Veterinarians in; Wheat plentiful in; Wine, Geneva, distillation regulated in Holland, for sale, in Blandford, Va. , D10J178:22 in Fredericksburg, Va. , P4Ap77: 32-- DllAp77:62 in Gloucester co. , Va. , PDllAg74: 33 in Hanover, Va. , P31Ja77: 23-- D7F77: 32 in King William co. , Va. , PD18Je67:32 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22, D14Ja75:31 in Williamsburg, Va. , 10Oc55: 32, PDUa67: 23, PD19Ap70s23-- R19Ap70:31. PD19D71: 32 in Yorktown, Va. , PD12Ja69: 41, PD310c71: 23, PD6Ag72: 31 found, adv. of, PD7Ap68: 23 Holland, checked, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. ,PD25J166:22 in Williamsburg. Va. , 30N59: 32 PDUa67:23 Holland, Clark &, PD1D74: 31 Holland, damaged, for sale, in Yorktown, Va. , PD12Ja69: 41 Holland, Dutch, for sale, P14F77: 42 for sale, in Hanover, Va. , D7F77: 32, P14F77:42 in Petersburg, Va. , D25J177: 41-- P25J177:42, P21Ag78:42 in Williamsburg. Va. , D15N76: 22 Holland, gulix, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. ,28F55:31 Holland, Irish, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , HOc51:41 lost, adv. for, Pi22D74: 33 Holland, Scotch, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD220c72. 22-- R220c72:23 Holland, striped, for sale, in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72: 31 in Blandford, Va., D10J178: 22 in Norfolk, Va. , PD24My70: 33 in Petersburg, Va. , P21Ag78: 42 in Smithfield, Va. , D31J179: 12 in Williamsburg, Va. , 28F55: 31, 30N59: 32, PD18D66: 31, PD220c67: 22, PD25F68: 23--R3Mr68: 34, PD15F70: 41, R170c71: 33, PD270c74: 31, D18Ap77: 71 imported to Va. from Antigua, W. I. , P9F76: 12 from Glasgow, Scot. , 2N39: 32 Holland, tandem, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 110c51: 41 Holland, warpt, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD25F68: 23 — R3Mr68: 34 Holland & co. , PD9Je74: 31-- R16Je74:23 Holland coast, See Shipwrecks on Holland manufacture, in Fredericksburg, Va. ,P17Ja77:22 Hollaway, Col. , R23My71: 22 John, P30Ag76: 42 William, P25J177: 32 See also Holloway Hollbrooke, E. , adv. for missing letters, 31J146: 51 John, Rev. Mr. ,31J146: 51 Holiday, Anthony, 4N63: 23 Holleman, Joseph, P6S76: 33 Hollen, Jeremiah, Capt. , of the Rebecca, PD1N70: 22 Hollens, Richard, P4Ag75: 31 Holies, Mr. , finances Indian education, 2Ja52: 32 John, R190c69: 33 Thomas, 14Ag52: 31 Holliday, Ensign, member of Hampton, Va. court of inquiry, P12J176: 13 Mr. , of Charleston, S. C. , PD26S7L23 George, Capt. , of the Jenny, 270c52:21 John R. , RlAg71: 33 T. , writes in Gentleman's magazine, 2Ja52: 12 William, P3N75: 31, P12Ja76: 41, D27N79:31--C27N79:22 William, & co. , PD9Ap72: 33 See also Holladay Holliday's cove, attacked by Americans, D18Ap77: 62 533 Hollier Hollier, Simon, P29D75: 31, C3J179: 32 Holliman, Jesse, PD10c67: 22 Hollinback, Daniel, C13My80: 41 Hollingsbury, Mr. , letter to, in post office, PD2F69: 31 Hollingshead, Mr. , of Burlington, N. J. R26J170:21 William, P11D74: 21 Hollingshow, Michael, 30J152: 32 Hollingsworth, Mr. , D15My79: 11 of Phila. , Pa. , PDllAp71: 23 on Elk river, Md. , D10J178: 12 — P10J178:22 [Henry], Lt. Col. , DllAp77: 32 Jesse, D310c77: 11 Zebulon, 20Oc52:21 Hollingsworth quarter, Va. , R50c69: 32 Hollins, William, P2My77sl2 Hollis, Bathsheba, P8Ag77: 11 Bazil, PD25Oc70: 22, PD13D70: 22 — R13D70:31 Isaac, Rev. Mr. ,28N51:32 Mark, Sgt. , R14Ja73: 13 Thomas, P7J175: 12 Hollis hall, Harvard college, damaged by lightning, RllAg68: 21 Hollischau, Moravia, See Murders in Holloday. Anthony, 30Ja52: 32, 27F52:32 See also Holladay Holloway, Ensign, on court martial board, P12Ja76: 33- Mr. , house of, R9D73: 22 Mrs. , land of, 15S52: 32 Elizabeth, 23My55: 21 George, PD18F68: 31, PllAp77s32 James, PD30c71: 33, PD28N71: 31, R28J174: 33 John, PD10N74: 42, P20D76: 22 adv. books for sale, PD21D69: 32 adv. merchandise for sale, P21Ag78:42 adv. sloop for sale, D2My77: 71, P9My77:41 agent for Gordon & Alston, PD9F69:31 posts land of Major Robert Shields, PD26S71: 32 store of, P27Mr78: 12, D8My78: 61 Richard, PD18F68: 31, PD26Ag73: 22 — R2S73: 22,.PD16S73: 22 William, 7N45: 31, 5D45: 41, R2N69: 22 See also Hollaway Hollowell, Capt. , D29N76: 11 Comptroller, letters from received, PD7S69:23— R7S69:23 Mr. , of London, Eng. , PD8D68: 12 Benjamin, PD21J168:21 John, PD4J166: 33, PD30c66: 41 William, P27Je77: 43, P4J177: 33 Hollwall, John, Capt. , of the Gibraltar, 26S55: 12 Holly, Capt. , 26S51: 32 Hollyday, Wharton, R27Ap69: 31 See also Holladay Holm, Christian, Capt. , of the Friendship, 5D45:41 Holman, Capt. , 13Ap39: 31, PD27Ag72: 11 John, PD15Je69: 32, PD19Ap70: 33, PD19D71: 33, PD17Mr74: 32, P21Ag78: 11 Sarah, 27Ag56: 32 William, P7Je76s21, D8N76: 22, D13N79:22— C13N79: 13 Holmer, Christian, Major, P22Ag77: 31, P13S76:33 Holmes, Capt. , DlAp75: 31 of the Hope, PD16D73: 31, PD16D73: 22— R16D73: 33, PD30D73:31 Ensign, adv. for deserters, P28N77: 32 Mr. , at Carlisle, Pa. , jail, PD25F68:22 horse of, P270c75: 32 taken prisoner by Georgians, D14S76:42 Benjamin, Ens. , P22S75: 11 Benjamin M. , PD23Je74: 12 Charles, PD26Ag73: 22--R2S73: 22, PD16S73: 22 Charles, Capt. , of the Anson, 4Ap55: 21 of the Grafton, 25Ap55: 21, 26S55: 12, 27Ag56:21 Edward, 7J138.42 George, Capt. , of the Hope, PD20Ja74: 32— R20Ja74: 33 Isaac, PilJe75: 11— P2Je75: 23 — D3Je75: 33 Isaac, Ens. ,P30c77:31, P170c77: 32 James, PD23D73: 31 John, 2N39: 41, PD14Je70s23— R14Je70: 33 [John], author, PD10Je73: 34, DllF75s23, D9D75: 41, D30D75: 21, D2Mr76: 43, D24Ag76: 63, D3Ja77: 43, D17Ja77:43,D2My77:83, D4J177: 83 Peter, Capt. , of the Tom, PD12N72: 12 Samuel, PD21Mr66: 42 Stephen F. , 25Ap51: 41 Thomas, PD4J171: 31 William, 28F55: 42, PD3 Ja71: 33 William, Capt. , of_the Fredericksburg, l4Ag52: 31 Holmes Hole, Mass. , ravaged by British, D160c78: 22 See also British navy, plundering by, in Holms, William, Capt. , of the Fredericksburg, 7Ag52: 31 Holms, Eng. , See Drownings in Holroyd, James, PD13Ag72: 22 Turpin, Capt. , D30Oc79: 21 Holshoo, Michael, 30J152: 32 Holson, William, P240c77: 32 Holstead, Latimer, R290c72: 23, P9Ag76:41, P30Ag76: 13 Holstein, Ger. , claims to, PD23S73: 13 relations with Den. , 11S46: 11, PD27Ja74: 12 See also Danish army, recruiting for, in Holstein Eutin, Switz. , royal marriage with Hesse Darmstadt, D25F75: 11 Holsters, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD8Ag71: 23, PD10D72: 23 Holston river, See Murders by Cherokees on Holsture, Moses, D31Ag76: 31 Holt, Chief justice, anecdotes about, PD10Ag69: 23 Mr. . PD14S69: 23, P3My76: 33 books sold at store of, PD4J166: 32 forge of, PD18Ja70: 33— R18Ja70: 33, D5D77: 12 mill of, sale at. D18S79: 31 shop of, P29Ag77: 42 store of, 25S46:41 David, R19Ap70: 22, R5S71: 31, PD7N7L32 Debdal,R5S71:31 Elizabeth, PD27Je66: 32, PDllJe72: 32, PD80c72: 32— R80c72: 32 J. , adv. ferry for rent, PD29D74: 32 adv. land for sale, PD18J171: 22 adv. personal estate for sale, PD4Ap71:31 James, adv. estate for sale, 14Ag52: 32 adv. for stocking weaver, R4Ag74: 32 adv. land for sale, PD21My67: 32 adv. surplus sheep, D10Je75: 33 appointed judge of admiralty court, Va. ,D27Ja76:23 attorney, 28Mr 55: 41 council for William & John Brown, PD9Je74: 32 death of, D12Je79: 31 delegate to Va. convention from Norfolk, Va. ,DlAp75:21, D13My75:31 elected burgess from Norfolk co. , Va. , PD5D71: 31, PD28J174: 31 elected to Va. senate by Va. counties, P6S76: 32 member of committee in Norfolk, Va. , P24Mr75:41 on committee, in Norfolk, Va. , Pil6F75:31— D25F75:31, Pi23Mr75: 22— D25Mr75: 12 on committee to encourage manufactures in Va. , Pi30Mr75: 31 — DlAp75:23 reimbursed for property destroyed in Norfolk, Va. , P12Je78: 11 senator for Princess Anne, Norfolk and Nansemond co's. , Va. , P9My77:23, P9My77: 31 signs Association in Norfolk, Va. , R26J170:22 John, [10Ja?]51:41, PD21N71:22 — R21N71:31,R220c72:31, P28J175:21,D1N76:41 adv. for blacksmith, 7N51: 31 accuses John Johnson of stealing slave, Pil2Ja75: 33 accused of misrepresenting slaves in sale,P28Ap75:31 adv. estate for sale, D17Ag76: 22, P15Ag77: 33 adv. for lost papers, R3My70: 41 adv. for missing horse, R25D66: 42, R19My74:43 adv. for overseer, 310c45: 32, 7N5L31 adv. land for sale, PD23J172: 32 adv. merchandise for sale, 18S46:41 adv. slaves for sale, 7N55: 22 adv. sale of Matthew Holt's store, R4F73:23 adv. settlement of estate, D17Ag76: 22 adv. store to rent, Pi6Ja76: 32 adv. tenement for rent, D21S76: 31 agent for Matthew Holt, R25F73: 33 announces departure, 24Ag51: 32 announces ferry and plantation for rent, 7N51:31 capture of ordered in Norfolk, Va. , Pi50c75: 32 convicted of felony, 170c51: 31 534 Honduras. C. Am. defends publishing account of effigy burning, PD15D68: 13 denies misrepresentation in sale. P5My75s43 editor of the New York gazette, R5Ap70: 22 elected mayor of Williamsburg, Va. , 1D52:31 escapes capture, D70c75: 31 imprisoned for felony. 110c51: 31 keeps N. Y. loyal to British, D140c75:23 lots of, in Newcastle, Va. , 19J154: 32 mortgages land, PD18Oc70: 33 — R18Oc70:23 paper quoted, R30Je74: 32 press of moved to Lord Dunmore's ship, P22Mr76:31 printing house of plundered by British, P60c75s21 requests payment of debts, R22Ap73s21 requests return of books, PD6S70: 32 tobacco note of, PD1N70: 22 warns planters not to mix stem and leaf tobacco, 22 My 52: 31 John H. . P250c76: 31--D15N76: 32 John Hunter, P130c75: 31 — D210c75:33.D13My75: 11 John W.. P21J175:31 Joseph, R31Mr74: 33. D1N76: 41, P12S77: 13 Josiah. PD2Ap72: 32. Pil30c74: 32 — PD130c74:31,R16D73:42. PD22S74:33--Pi29S74:41 Margaret, PD18Oc70: 33 — R18Oc70:23 Matthew, adv. merchandise for sale. PD23Ap72: 23 adv. ownership of slaves. PD10c67: 21 adv. slaves for sale, PD30Ap72: 31 announces departure. R14S69: 31 announces opening of store, PD8Ag71:23 announces removal to country, R25F73:33 broadcloth sold at house of, R30My71: 31 disavows connection with lottery of William Harris, RUe69: 32 joins Association in Va. , PD26J170: 23 payment of debts due requested, R22Ap73s21 store of, for sale, R4F73: 23 Michael, PD14Ja73: 31--R14Ja73: 32 Nicholas, R22Mr70: 41 Randolph, PD9My66: 31. PD27N66: 31, PD6S70: 32. PD4Ap71:31. PDllJe72:32 Richard, R19Ap70: 23, PD220c72: 31 Richard, jr. . R15Mr70s21 Thomas, 7N54: 32. PD2My71: 32, D24Ap79:31. D22My79:41 adv. estate for sale, P20Oc75: 23 adv. for missing horse, PD30c71: 32 adv. merchandise for sale, Pil2Ja75: ll--D14Ja75: 32. Pi26Ja75:32 announces court will follow docket, D7Ag79:31 appointed to committee for Charles Citv co.. Va. . Pil2Ja75: 11 — D14Ja75: 13 manages sale of imported goods, Pil2Ja75: ll--D14Ja75: 21 Thomas. Capt. , PD3N74: 43--Pi4N74: 33, Pi21S75:33 Thomas, sheriff, P29Ag77: 13 William, PD4Ap66: 33, PD10N68: 23, PD9My71:33. PD7N71: 32. PD19My74pll. PD24N74: 23 — PilD74:33 adv. finding horse, 240c55: 31 adv. for bids for building causeway, R12Ag73:22 adv. for missing horse, PD4Ag74: 32 — R4Ag74: 33 adv. for runaway slave, PD5S66s41, PD2£J168:31— R28J168:32,D19Mr79:31 adv. slaves for sale, 4N63: 41 announces departure, R310c71: 32 appointed judge of Va. court of admiralty, P20D76sll bond of, due estate, D3Ag76: 32 forge of, PD5S71:32 house of, PD28F71: 33 merchant, PD7D69: 32 property of, PD24Ja71: 32 — R31Ja71:31 of Williamsburg. Va. ,D4N75:31 requests payment of debts, PD24Ja71: 32— R31Ja71: 31, D4D78: 32 store of. PD19Ap70s23 supplies British navy in Norfolk, Va. , P15S75s22 Holt, Jerdone &, PD21N7L23, PD15J173:33,R15J173:41 Holt. Smith &. PD24Ja71:32— R31 Ja71:31 Holt & Gregory, Messrs., PD12Mr67: 13 Holten. Samuel, Dr. , PD18Mr73: 22 Holton, Capt. , of the Charles, 3N52: 12 Holt's forge, Va. , PD23S73: 31 — R23S73:33, PD24N74: 31 Holt's landing, Va. , [10Ja?]51: 41. PD19J170: 33--R19J170: 33 Holt's sugar pear trees, for sale, in Surry co. . Va. , 26S55: 32 Holt's warehouse, Va. , PD16Ag70: 32 Holtzclaw, John, R26S71: 32 Henry, R26S7 1:32 Holwell, Capt. , of the Glory, PD7D69sl2 of the Phoenix, PD19My68: 12 Holy, James, R27My73: 31 Holy Queen, frigate, 28Ag52: 22 Holy Roman emperor, candidates for, 6Je45: 11 , 20Je45: 21, 20Je45: 22, 11J145: 22, 29Ag45: 21, 240c45: 32 election date set, 26S45: 31, 240c45: 22, 7N45: 22 election of Francis Stephen, 21N45:32 election of planned, 310c45: 22 hears complaints of populace, PD21S69:22 preparations for election, 10Oc45: 12, 10Oc45:21 Holy Roman empire, arming of, 3Ap46:21 Austrian control of, 25J151: 22 disputes in, PD10D72: 12 election of emperor, 9My45: 32 election of emperor proposed, emperor dies. 23My45: 22 importance to balance of power. D24Ap79: 11 See also Austria; Bavaria Holy Sacrament island, siege of, 290c36: 12 Holy Trinity, ship, 15My46: 22 Spanish ship, PD15D74: 13 Holyhead, Wales, See Ships to; Ships' sailing time; Shipwrecks near Holyoke, Edward, Rev. Mr. , PD29Je69: 22 Homans, John, Capt. , PD60c74: 22 Thomas, Capt. , 13Ap39: 22 Home, Alexander, It. gov. of Tortola, W. L , R7Ap74: 12 [John], author, PD10Je73: 33, D25N75:21,D30D75:21, D2Mr76:42,D2Mr76:43, D9Mr76:43 Homedieu, Ezra, Pi23Mr75: 32 Homer, author, 24My51: 32, PD3Ja71: 43, PD17Ja71: 43, PD21F71:43,D25N75: 13, D30c77:32, C19Ag80:21 poem burlesquing. 7Mr51:41 Homer, ship, PD27N66: 23, R12Mr67: 22, PD14My67: 21, PD220c67: 21, PD290c67: 21, PD17D67: 31, PD24Mr68: 32, R1S68: 23, PD1S68: 23. PD29S68: 23 — R60c68:23,R23Mr69:22, PD23Mr69: 31, R4My69: 33, PD14S69: 31, PD28S69: 23, PD9N69: 22, PD8Mr70: 21, R26Ap70: 32. PD24My70: 23. PD7Je70: 31, PD27S70: 31, PD4Oc70: 22, PD16My71: 23, PD16Ap72: 31, PD290c72: 21 — R290c72: 22, PD18Mr73: 32, PD8J173:31--R8J173:32, D14Ja75:23 Homes, James, C30Oc79: 31 James, Capt. , of the George and John, R11D66:33 Samuel, PD26Mr67: 32 Homespun dresses, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD19Ap70: 22 Homing-Bird, sloop, 31D36: 42 Hominy, exported from James river, upper district, Va. , to Salem, Mass. , PD17Mr68:31 — R14Ap68:42 for sale, at Kemp's landing, Va. , P30Oc78:33 Hominy beans, cultivation of encouraged, PD7Ap74:23 Homo, pseud. , R4Oc70: 13 Homo Sum, pseud. , PD17Mr74: 23 Homo Trium Literarum, pseud. , R2Je74: 13 Homosexuality, in London, Eng. . PD150c72: 11 Honbough. Mr. , Indian trader. murdered. R60c68: 22 Honduras, C. Am. , insurrections in, PD25N73: 13--R25N73: 33 relations with Sp. . Pi28Ap75: 31 requests protection of British navy. R70c73:21 See also British navy to; Burning at stake as punishment for slave revolt in; Emigration from; Famines in; Hurricanes in; Imports to R. I. from; Indian attacks in; Locusts in; Logwood, British demands fur. In; 535 Honduras, C. Am. , See also (cont'd) Logwood cut in; Logwood in; Logwood scarce in; Mahogany for relief of Boston. Mass. , from; Negro insurrections in; Ships, British, captured by Dutch in; Ships' sailing time; Ships to Boston, Mass. , from; Ships to Charleston, S. C. , from; Ships to London, Eng. , from; Ships to N. Y. from; Ships to Newport, R. I. , from; Ships to Phila. , Pa. , from; Woolen manufactures, British, undersold by French in Honduras bay, C. Am. , attacked by Spanish, 24Je37: 32 demanded by British, 28Mr55: 31 See also Emigration, from British colonies, N. Am. , to; Logwood in; Logwood, French trade in; Murders in; Negro insurrections in; Privateers, Marblehead, capture British ships near; Provisions scarce in; Ships, American, captured by Spanish near; Ships, British, in; Ships, Spanish register, lost in; Ships, Spanish register, plundered in; Ships from; Ships' sailing time; Ships to Boston, Mass. , from; Ships to Charleston, S. C. , from; Ships to London, Eng. , from; Ships to N. Y. from; Ships to Norfolk, Va. , from; Ships to Phila. , Pa. , from; Spanish-British rivalry in; Tigers, man-eating, in; Timber plentiful in Hones, for sale, in Smithfield, Va. , D21F77:22--P28F77s22 Hones, barbers, stolen, in Yorktown, Va. .D25My76:22 Hones and straps, for sale, in Yorktown, Va. , 25J151: 32 Honest Buckskin, pseud. , PD4Ap66: 23, PDlAg66:21, PD5S66: 11, PD170c66: 11, PD6N66: 13 Honest Farmer, pseud. , P15Mr76s23 Honest Man, pseud. , PD19F67: 22 Honestus, pseud. , PD25Ap66: 12, PD13F72: 11. PD19Mr72: 23, PD5N72: 32, Pi7S75: 23, D26F79: 31 Honey, James, D24Ag76: 72, DlAp80: 23 Honey, as cure for whooping cough, D27S76: 61 exported from James river, lower district, Va. , from Barbados. W. I. , RllAg68:24 exported from James river, upper district, Va. , to Barbados, W. I. , PD27S70:31 imported to Algiers, Alg. , D4N75: 12 market for, in Gt. Brit. , R14F71: 22 used to clean teeth, R28Ja73: 22 used to exterminate rats, PD15J173: 13--R15J173: 21 See also Balsam of honey; Hill's balsam of honey; Hill's pectoral balsam of honey; Pectoral balsam of honey Honey & Horrocks, P14Je76: 32 Honeycomb Gunch, horse, D12Mr79: 31— C15My79: 33 Honger river, Md. , See Ships in Honnon. Reuben, Capt. , of the Phoenix, 16My51: 32, 12S51: 32, 5D5L41 Hononchrotonthologos, pseud. , R13Ja74:23 Honorisicabilitudinitatibus, pseud. , Pi30Mr75: 12 Honour. Capt. , of the Phoenix, 2My51:31,29D52:32 Honourable Creditors, ship, 16My51:32, 16Ag51:32, 29Ag51:32 Honston, Caleb, P16Je75: 31 Honycott, Capt. , of the Tarter, C13My80:32 Hoo, Ossley, P310c77:33 Hood, Capt. , PilD74: 22 of the Antelope, 2S57: 12 of the Jamaica, 28Mr55: 32, 26355:22 of the Newry Packet, R23J167: 31 of the Romney, R7F71: 22 of the Watson, PD220c72: 13 Com. , arranges murder trial, PD25My69:21 of the Romney, R12Ja69: 21 Alexander, Adm. , PD25Je67: 22 Alexander, Capt. , of the St. Andrew, 16Ag51:32, 1D52: 31 John, 7Ag52:32,29D52:41 adv. for runaway indentured servant, 28Mr51:41 adv. slaves for sale, 19S55: 32 books of, PD20Je66: 31 collector for Henry Harvey, 19D55:31 estate of, for sale, PD20Je66: 31 house of, 19D55: 31 merchant in Prince George co. , Va. , 21F5L41 of Md. , R27S70: 32 property of, for sale, R12Mr67: 31 schooner and sloop of, 10Ja52: 41 John, jr. ,R27S70:32,RllOc70:33 John, sr. ,RllOc70: 33 Mary, PD24Je73: 33 Nathaniel, PD26D71: 32 Samuel, Capt. , of the Jamaica, 26S55: 12 [Samuel], Com. , arrives in Boston, Mass. , PD15D68: 12--R15D68: 12, PD18Oc70sll arrives in Eng. from colonies, R14F7L23 commands British navy in America, PD4Je67: 22 expected in N. Y. , PD6Ag67: 22 judge of Admiralty court, PD13J169: 22 letters from received, PD7S69: 23 — R7S69: 23 letters to Earl of Hillsborough publicized, PD2N69: 12 letter to Earl of Hillsborough quoted, PD2N69: 13--R2N69:21 of the Romney, PD30J167: 21, PD9Mr69: 13, PD1N70: 21 — R1N70: 22 praised for pardons, R19 Ja69: 23 praised in Boston, Mass. , PD21S69s23 purchases merchant vessel, PD8S68: 22 removed as commander-in-chief in America, R19J170: 13 resigns as commander of British navy in N. Am. . PD20S70s31 takes over Romney, H. M. S. , PD24N68: 22 to be relieved in Halifax, N. S. , PD19J170:21 to Boston, Mass. , from Halifax, N. S. rumored, PD25Oc70: 13 to Halifax, N. S. , PD24Ag69: 22 to sail for Eng. , PD1N70: 21 — R1N70: 22 visits schools in Boston, Mass. , PD3Ag69: 22 Seymour, P19Ap76p21 Thomas, PD18F73: 31 William, P20Je77sll Zachariah, R25Mr73: 23 Hoods, for sale, at Cabin Point, Va. , P2F76s23— D3F76:33 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD23Ap72: 23-- R23Ap72: 13 See also Gauze hoods; Lace hoods; Net hoods; Silk hoods; Velvet hoods Hoods, laced, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , D27Je77: 31 Hoods, patent, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD170c71: 23, PD150c72: 31, R12My74: 32 Hood's ferry, Va. , R23J167: 42 Hood's landing, Va. , PDUa67: 32, D90c79: 31— C30Oc79i 43, D20N79:31 Hoods' warehouse, Va. , D18F75: 32, D6Je77:22— P20Je77:12 sale at, PD5Ap70: 33 Hooe, Col. , schooner of, P28N77sl2 Mr. , appointed to committee in Stafford co. , Va. , R28J174: 23 Mrs. , ferry of on Potomac river, P19My75s41 Bernard, C28Ag79: 42 Gerard, R24Mr68: 34, R12My68: 23, P7Mr77:31, C15My79:33 Gerrard, R28J174: 23 Howson, Pil2Ja75: 32 John, Pil2 Ja75: 32, D90c79: 22 Robert F. , P7N77s21 Seymour, R28J174: 23, P22S75: 11 William, R2My71: 22, PD15Ap73: 23, R28J174:23 Hooe, Jenifer &, D13D76: 31, P240c77:33, P7N77s21 Hooe & Harrisons, P3Ap78: 31, D24J179:22 Hooe's ferry, Potomac river, R22S68: 32, D16My77: 21— P23My77: 13.D12D77: 11 — P12D77: 22, C3 J179: 42 Hooghly river, India, See Ships in Hook, John, PD5F67: 31— R19F67: 41, PD29Je69: 42 adv. commission business, D18D79: 22 adv. settlement of estate, PD9D73: 22 announces departure, PD18J166: 31, PD5S71: 32 merchant in Bedford co. , Va. , Pi270c74: 31— PD270c74: 31 requests meeting of creditors, D4Mr75:32 Hooke, Dr., author, PD14J168: 22 [Nathaniel], author, PD7J168: 31, R26Ag73: 13 [Robert], author, PD14J168: 22 Hooker, James, 4N63: 31 536 Hope Richard, PD4Ag74: 13 Hookins, Thomas, D17Je75s22 Hooks, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , C15J180:22 See also Brass hooks; Carlisle perch hooks; Reap hooks Hooks, chimney, for sale, in Princess Anne co. , Va. , P23My77: 32 Hooks, earring, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , R12My74: 32 Hooks, fire, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD28S69: 31 Hooks, fish, for sale, in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72:31 in Beaufort, N. C. , P160c78: 32 in Fredericksburg, Va. , D26Mr79: 22 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Petersburg, Va. , P5Je78: 11 — D10J178:41 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD28S69: 31, PDllAp71: 32, P10My76: 43 — DllMy76: 23, D30My77: 31 Hooks, picture, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD28S69: 31 Hooks, pot, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD12D71: 32 Hooks, stay, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD10Oc71: 31, PD220c72: 23— R220c72: 23, PD210c73:23--R210c73:22, PD5My74: 31— R26My74: 13, R12My74: 32 Hooks and eyes, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , HOc51: 41 Hool, Gerard, R24Mr68: 34 Hoolm, Thomas, R4D66: 22 Hoomes, Ens. , in battle of Great Bridge, Va. ,P15D75:23 of Va. troops, PH3D75: 22 — P15D75:23—D16D75:33 Mr. , PD12Ag73: 23— R12Ag73: 23 Ben., Lt. , PllAp77s23 John, R13S70: 31, PD19N72: 22 — R19N72:22, P6D76:31 adv. finding horse, P19J176: 42 adv. for missing cows, P11J177: 42 adv. houses for rent, R2D73: 23 adv. land for sale, D19D77: 31 adv. ordinary for rent, R190c69s22 adv. plantation for lease, PD12S71:32 adv. plantation for sale, P2Ag76:31 adv. property for rent, PD8D74: 31 adv. retraction of adv. for lease of plantation, PD17S71:31 adv. stallion for hire, D19Mr79: 32 agrees to buy land, PD10Oc71: 31 — R170c71:33 Stephen F. , PDllAp66: 41, PD19N67: 22 Stephen Furnea, R16F69: 23, PD23F69: 33--R23F69: 22 William, 30Ap52: 22 Hoop poles, exported from York district, Va. , to Bermuda, 25N37: 42 Hoop rings, See Marcasite hoop rings; Marquisette hoop rings Hooper, Capt. , 12F62: 31 Dr. , inoculates for smallpox, 210c37:22 Mr. , church of in Boston, Mass. , 13Ap39:22 mistreated by Regulators, PD25Oc70:21 of Charlestown, Mass. , PD6J169: 31 of N. C.,R10Ja71:22 Absalom, PD26Ag73: 22--R2S73: 22, PD16S73:22 Amos, PD26Ag73: 22— R2S73: 22 Anthony, P10Ja77: 42 Earnest, PD16S73:22 George, PD3Ag69: 32, PD21Je70: 23 Henry, 14Mr55: 32 [Henry], Brig. Gen. , P4Ap77: 12 Joseph, Pil9Ja75: 22 Richard, 13Ja38: 41, Pil9Ja75: 22, P30Ag76:41, PUAp77: 22 Robert, Hon. , PD30Je74: 13 Robert, jr. , Pil9Ja75: 22 Robert Lettice, 6Ap39: 22 Samuel, Capt. , of the Phoenix, R9Mr69:22 Swett, Pil9Ja75: 22 William, adv. merchandise for sale, 27My37:42 arrives at Continental congress, D21Ja75: 12 delegate to Continental congress from N. C, Pi270c74:23 horses of, PD10S72: 31 house of burned, P5Ap76: 32 on committee of Congress on colonial rights, D21Ja75: 12 overseer, DllAp77: 72 signs Association of 1774, PD3N74: 12- P14N74: 12 [William], author, D3Ja77: 41, D3Ja77:42 Hooper and Jones's, PD21My72:23 Hooper's female pills, PD17S72: 22 for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. , 15My52:32 in Petersburg, Va. , PD14J174: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD26My68: 23, PD29N70:22, R13D70: 32, PD13D70: 43, PD17Ja71: 43, PD24Ja71: 43, PD29Ag71: 31 Hooper's pills, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD22Ap73: 31 in Petersburg, Va. , PD30D73: 31, Pi23Mr75: 33— D25Mr75: 31 in Richmond, Va. , PD7Je70: 33, PD3S72:23 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD13Ap69: 32 — R13Ap69: 32, PD17Ag69: 33 — R17Ag69: 23, PD21S69: 41 — R21S69s21,R12J170:31, PD7Je70:31--R12J170:31, PD240c71:31 Hoops, David, Pi29S74: 41, P22Mr76: 33 — D30Mr76: 33, P29Mr76: 32, D13N78: 32 Robert, Hon. , C30Oc79: 42 Sally, marriage of, PD14Ap68: 23 Hoops, exported from Accomac district, Va. , to Barbados, W. I. , PD22D68:31 exported from James river, lower district, Va. , to Barbados, W. I. , 23Ja46: 42, 2Mr53: 41, 26S55: 31, 27Ag56:32,RllAg68:24 to Bermuda, HAp55: 22 to Glasgow, Scot. ,R17Mr74:22 — PD14Ap74:23 to Grenada, W. I. , RllAg68: 24, R21Ap74: 23 — PD28Ap74: 23 to Jamaica, W. I. , R11F68: 31 to Surinam, W. I. . R8S74: 31 exported from James river, upper district, from 1763-1766, PD12F67: 23 to Barbados, W. I. , 10Ag39: 31, PD27Ag67: 23, PD10Mr68: 31 — R14Ap68: 42, PD7J168: 23 — R7J168:23,PD22D68:31, PD20Ap69: 22, PD13S70: 23, PD27S70:31 to Glasgow, Scot. , PD16My66: 23, PD22Ja67: 32, PD26Mr67: 23, PD3D67: 31, PD14Ja68: 31, PD17Mr68: 31 — R14Ap68: 42, PD31Mr68: 23--R26My68: 31, PD26My68: 22--R26My68: 31, PD26My68: 23, PD7J168: 31 — R7.T168:23,RllAg68:31- PDUAg68: 23, PD29D68: 31, PD8Je69: 23, PD27J169: 32, PD10Ag69: 32, PD18Ja70: 32, PD15F70: 22, PD7Je70: 31, PD14Je70: 32, PD10Mr74: 23 to Greenock, Scot. , PD220c67: 22, PD22Ja67: 32, PD17D67: 31, PD26My68: 23— R9Je68: 33, PD14J168: 31, R25Ag68: 32 — PD1S68: 23, PD13J169: 32, PD7Je70: 31, PD30Ag70: 31 to Liverpool, Eng. , PD7J168: 23 — R7J168:23 exported from Phila. , Pa. , PD9Ap67: 21 exported from Rappahannock district, Va. , to Glasgow, Scot. , 22S52: 32 exported from south Potomac district, Va. , to Ayr, Scot. , 17N52: 22 to Dumfries, Scot. , 270c52: 21, 17N52:22 to Glasgow, Scot. , 270c52: 21 to Montrose, Scot. , 2 70c 52: 21 exported fromYork district, Va. , to Barbados, W. I. , 7N54:31, PD27N66: 23 to Glasgow, Scot. , 27Ag56: 32 to Madeira, 8 Ap3 7: 41 for sale, in Alexandria, Va. , R20Je71: 33 in Marlborough, Va. , PD25Oc70: 23 — R1N70: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , 10J152: 32 importation to St. Croix, W. I. , free, R290c72: 12 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from Md. , R17Mr74: 22— PD14Ap74: 23 See also Garnet hoops; Marcasite hoops; Paste hoops; Tortoiseshell hoops Hoops, pincushion, for sale, in Baltimore, Md. , Pil8My75: 33 Hoops, rolled, for sale, at Hunter's iron works, Va. , D4D79: 22 Hoops, staves, seized by American ship,D8Ag77: 11 Hoose blocks, for sale, in Portsmouth, Va. , P18J177sll Hoosman, James, Pi20Oc74: 23 — PD20Oc74:23 Hope, Capt. , of the Virginia, 30Ap52:21 Lord, embarks for London, Eng. , PD28My67:21 Mr. , militiaman in Halifax co. , Va. , P7N77s21 537 Hope (cont'd) Benjamin, P18Ap77sl2 Richard, 8S38: 42 Thomas, PD10N74:41, P5J176s21. D14Mr77: 11, P28Mr77sll William, Sir, translator. 22Ap57: 32 Hope, armed schooner, R26Ag73s22. PD2S73:21 brig, PD26N67: 22. PD15D68: 23 — R12Ja69: 31. D18Ap77: 32, D18D79:21--C25D79: 11 brigantine, PD4Ag68: 21 — R4Ag68:21, PD1S68:31 British brig, D250c76: 21, P22N76: 21 British ship, DUOc76: 21 British transport, D40c76: 62 H. M. S. . PD4A S 68: 22--R4A^68: 22, PD12S71:31,D30D75:33, P3My76: 23--D4My76: 32 H. M. snow. 13Je45: 22 privateer brig, D90c79: 21 schooner, PD24N68: 21, PD21D69: 12, PD29Ag71: 21, PD8J173: 31 — R8J173: 31, P31Mr75: 32 — DlAp75:32, P23F76:21 — D24F76:22 ship, 16D37: 32. 8D52: 31, 12F62: 31, PD29Ag66: 23, R12Mr67: 22. PD30Ap67: 23, PD2Je68: 23, PD25Ag68: 31, PD3Ag69: 22 — R3Ag69: 23, PD10Ag69: 21 — R10Ag69: 22, PD16N69: 21, PD23N69: 31--R23N69: 22, PD18Ja70: 32--R18Ja70: 31. PD30Ja72: 23. PD29Ap73: 22 — R29Ap73: 22, R17Je73s22, PD9S73: 23, PD16D73: 22 — R16D73:33.PD16D73:31, PD30D73: 31, PD18Ag74: 21. Pi29D74: 32. P15Mr76sll, D3Ja77: 21, D15Ja80: 11 sloop, 7N51: 22, PD10Mr74: 31 snow. PD27N66: 23. PD20Ja74: 32 — R20Ja74: 33 Hope island, R. I. , See Rams, taken by British from; Wood cut by British on Hope river, Jamaica, W. I. , course changed, PD21J174: 13— R14J174: 23 Hopes, Thomas, 19 Jl 54: 41 Hopewell, N. J. . plundered by British army, D27D76: 41--P27D76: 21 See also Murders by slaves in Hopewell, brigantine, 4N63: 42 schooner. PD290c72: 11— R290c72: 12 ship, 24Ag39: 3, 21Mr51: 32, 15D52: 31, PD7Ja68: 23. PD26Ag73: 22 — R26Ag73s23. R9S73: 32, PD11N73: 22— R11N73: 23, D29Ja80: 21 sloop. 9Mr39: 41, 18My39: 3, PD12N72: 12 snow. 6Je45: 31, 4J145: 3, 9Ja46: 4, R31My70:21 Hopcyard quarter, Va. , See Slaves runaway from Hopkins, Capt. , accomplice of Maj. Rogers, PD30Je68: 22 — R30Je68: 23, R18Ag68s22 leaves New London, Eng. , P10My76:22 Mr. . discusses military policy in Commons, D40c76: 12 prophesies attack on Quebec, Can. . P24My76:31 Arthur, PD29J173: 23. DllF75s23, D180c76:32 Arthur, Capt. , PD30J172: 31 Esek, Com. , attack on New Providence, W. I. ,D18My76: 12 attacks British off Long island, N. Y. , P26Ap76s21— D27Ap76: 32, D27Ap76:41 brings prisoners of war to New London, Conn. , DllMy76: 31 captures British ships, P19Ap76: 22, D6J176: 81 captures prisoners of war, DllMy76:32 commands Continental navy, D2Mr76: 23 commands minutemen to Newport, R. I. , D4N75: 23 defends Providence, R. 1. , D21F77: 11 describes capture of Fort Nassau, New Providence, W. L , D4My76: 32 in New London, Conn. , P3My76: 22 naval engagement near Block island, R. I. ,D4My76:33 near St. Christopher, W. I. , D14S76: 12 of the Alfred. DllMy76: 32 of the George, D17Ag76: 12 seized armaments from Bahama is. , W. I. ,D30Mr76:32 spinning at house of, PD18F68: 22 Francis, PD20N66: 31, P14N77: 33, D12Mr79:32 George, D28N77: 11 Grecian, D31Ag76: 31 Hannah, 30Ap52:22 James, Pi20Ap75: 31— D22Ap75: 31, D13My75: 32, P26My75s31, Pil5Je75:31, P13Je77: 33, D20N79: 12 John, PD16Ap67: 32, R21N71: 31, Pil5Je75:33, P16F76s23, P24My76sl2 John, Capt. , of the Reprizal, 17Ap46: 22 [John B. ], Capt. , P26Ap76s21 — D27Ap76: 32 of the Cabot, D4My76: 33, DllMy76:32 Jonathan, 30N59: 32 Joseph, 25J151: 32, PD23J167: 41 — R23J167: 32 Patrick, D11S79: 32 Penelope, D31Ag76: 31 Richard. 4J151: 32, PD21Ap68: 23 Samuel, PilD74: 31, P16Ag76: 33 Samuel, Capt. , PllAp77: 22, P18Ap77sl2 [Samuel], Com. , P9F76: 31 Samuel, jr. , PilJe75: ll--P2Je75: 23 — D3Je75:33 Stephen, PD27My73: 21— R3Je73: 22, Pi270c74: 23, PD3N74: 12 — Pi4N74: 12,D21Ja75: 11, D21Ja75: 12, D38Ja75: 21 Stephen, Mrs. , PD27J169: 23 William, 16Ag51: 32, Pil4S75: 31 — D16S75: 32, P25J177: 32, C3J179: 32, D11D79: 11 Wright, Maj. ,D28Ag79:21 Hopkins & Pryor, P21Ag78: 11 Hopkinson, Benjamin, D40c76: 62 [Francis), D12Je79: 21 Thomas. 2Ja52: 32 Hopkinton, Mass. , See Snakes in Hopper, Mr. , horse breeder, 250c65s42 George, PD16Ap67: 32 John, PD19N72: 32 John, sr. , PD22N70:33 [Jonathan], Capt. . D5Je79: 22, D12Je79:31 Richard, Capt. , of the Rockingham, P5Ja76s23--D6Ja76:33 William, D12Mr79: 32 Hops, duties on in Eng. , amount of, R15J173:31 duties on in Gt. Brit, estimated 1774, P17Mr75s21— D18Mr75: 23 exported from James river, upper district, Va. , from 1763-1766, PD12F67: 23 for sale, in Fauquier co. , Va. , P160c78: 32— D13N78:31 in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD29Ag71:33,D13N79:31 in Williamsburg, Va. , 15My46: 42 imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , 240c55:21 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , 9Ja46:4 imported to York district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , 3N38: 61 from London, Eng. , Ue39: 42, 24Ag39:31 from New England, 17Je37:41, Ue39:42 price in Bridgnorth, Eng. , 23Mr39: 31 in London, Eng. , 26Ag37: 32 price low in London, Eng.', PD16Ap67: 11 raising of encouraged in Va. , Pi30Mr75: 31— DlAp75: 31 Hopson, Ens. , PllAp77:31 Gen. , commander of troops for N. Am. ,22Ap57:21 Peregrine Thomas, 18Je52: 12 Samuel, P4Ap77: 43, P30My77: 43 Hoquart, Capt. , of the L'Aleide, 5S55:21 Horace, author, PD7J168: 31, PD3Ja71: 43, PD17Ja71: 43, PD7F7L43, PD21F7L43, PD10Je73: 34, DllF75s23, D9D75: 41, D30D75: 21, D2Mr76: 43, D24Ag76: 63, D30c77: 32 parodied, 19Ag37: 31 quoted, in parliament, PD6My73: 13 Horance, Milon &, D28Mr77: 72 Horatti Satyrarum m, pseud. , 7J138: 11 Horbert, Thomas, D18F75: 32 Hord, James, P22S75: 11 Rhodam, R26S71: 43 Thomas, PD6My73: 31— R6My73s22 Thomas, Maj. , D9Mr76: 31 Hore, Elias, P3Ja77s23 Freke Dikes, R26Ag73sl2 Hormer, William, Pi5Ja75: 32 — D14Ja75: 32 Horn, Capt. , of the Hector, 20Je45: 31 Ehren, R4Ag68: 24 Nicholas, 170c51:31 Ralph, D27N78: 22 Richard, 2My51: 32 William, R25N73: 41 Horn, importation to Fr. from Gt. Brit. 538 Horse-breeding permitted, HMy39:21 Horn books, PD7J168: 31 Horn combs, boycotted in Providence, R. I. , PD21Ja68:31 for sale, at Aylett's warehouse, Va. , D2My77: 71--P2My77s32 in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72: 31, D24J179:22 in Baltimore, Md. , Pil8My75: 33 in Fredericksburg, Va. , P4Ap77: 32 — DllAp77: 62 in Gloucester, Va. , P19Ap76sll — D20Ap76: 33 in Hanover co. , Va. , D5F80: 41 in London, Eng. , PD7Je70: 33 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Petersburg, Va. , PD24Ja71:31, PD290c72:22 in Richmond, Va. , D8My78: 82 — P27My78: 22, P12Je78: 22 — D10J178: 41, P10J178: 31, D5F80: 41 in Smithfield, Va. , C3J179: 31 in Suffolk, Va. ,P21Ag78: 11 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD12N67: 22, R16Je68:32,R28J168:32, PD270c68: 33— R270c68: 22, R260c69:23. PD2N69:41, PD19Ap70s23--R19Ap70: 31, PD22N70s23, PD170c71: 23, PD240c71 : 31, PD12D71: 32, PD30Ja72: 32--R6F72: 32, PD7My72: 32, PD9J172: 31, PD150c72: 31, PD29Ap73: 23, PD140c73: 23, D10J178: 21 — P10J178:33, C13N79: 12, D29Ja80:41,C21Oc80:22 made by slaves, P2My77s32 Horn crooked combs, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD14D69: 32 — R14D69:23, PD10Oc71:31 Horn fair, in Charlton, Eng. , R12Ja69: 11 Horn lanterns, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD270c74: 31 Horn poll combs, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD31Qc71: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD18My69:31 — R25My69: 23, PD4Oc70: 31, PD12D71: 32, PD15J173: 32 Horn pounce boxes, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , D24Ag76: 63, D3Ja77:43,D17Ja77:43, D2My77: 83, D4 J177: 83 Horn quarter bridge, Va. , PD19My74: 43- R19My74: 22 Horn snakes, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. ,PD170c71:23 Horn tumblers, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD28S69: 31 Homage, Richard, D90c78: 32 Hornby, Mr. , adv. dentistry, PD20Ag72:31 Daniel, 2S37: 32, 210c37: 41, HMy39:42,310c45:31 Home, John, Rev. Mr. , D24Ap78: 21 Pooling, PU0N74: 32--PD10N74: 43 Robert, R6F72: 42, PD7My72: 31 William, Pi5Ja75: 32--D14Ja75: 32, D20Ja76:42 Horner, Hall &, P9My77: 41, P5S77:33, D10J179: 32 Horner & Ward, Pi5Ja75: 32 — D14Ja75:32 Hornet, British ship, D7Mr77: 22 Cont. ship, DlAg77: 11 cutter, PD170c71:21 H. M. S. , 24Ja52: 31. PD9My66: 23 H. M. sloop, 25Ap55: 12, 25Ap55: 21, 26S55: 12, PDlJa67: 23 privateer, D26Mr79: 22 ship, 27Ag56: 31, PD19F67: 12, PD28My67: 32 sloop, P10My76: 23— DllMy76: 33 sloop of war, PD10c67: 21, PD5N67: 12, R28Ap68: 14 Horniblow, Anne, PD3N74pll Hornisham, Eng. , See Broadcloth mills destroyed in; Strikes in Hornpipes, presented in Williamsburg, Va. , PD12My68: 23--R12My68: 22 Horn's hook, N. Y. , See British army, encamped at Horns, R11D66: 32 Horns, hunting, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD3D67: 32, PD28S69: 31, PDllAp71: 32, PD12D71:32 Hornsby, Mr. , of Bruton vestry, PD10Mr74:21 slave of, PD3F74: 33 Joseph, adv. estate for sale, PD22Ag66:31,D23S75:33 adv. for ditchers, D23Ja78: 41 adv. for escaped prisoners, R4Ag74:33 adv. for runaway slave, D27D76: 41, D4Ap77: 22 adv. horses for sale,D27N78: 31 adv. plantation for sale, D180c76: 41 adv. settlement of estate, PD18Je72: 32, PD2S73: 22 — R2S73:23,D13Ja76:33 adv. slaves for sale, PD4D66: 32, D13Ja76:33 adv. stallion for hire, D24Ap78: 41 announces departure, PH5D74: 32 — PD15D74: 32 appointed to committee for Williamsburg, Va. , Pi9N75: 33 elected major of Williamsburg, Va. , militia, Pil4S75:31 horse of, P12S77: 32 manager of lottery, PD28Ja68: 32 marriage of, R26Ja69: 23 receives money for relief of Boston, Mass.,RUAg74:32 supports Rev. Mr. John Bracken, PD3Mr74:31 Margaret, RlMr70: 31 Mildred, (Walker), R26Ja69: 23 Thomas, 29S52: 32, RlMr70: 31, PD28My72: 23, PD18Je72: 32, PD2S73:22— R2S73:23, PH5D74: 32— PD15D74: 32 William, PD18Je72: 32, PD2S73: 22 — R2S73: 23, PD1S74: 31, P28Ap75: 22-- D29Ap75s41 Hornsly, Thomas, PD;7Mr66: 33 Horred, Hamilton, 7N54: 31 Horres, Andrew. H2S57: 41 Horrocks, [Frances], PD16D73: 22 — R16D73:33 [James], Rev. Mr. , PD16D73: 22 — R16D73: 33 appointed commissary of Va. , PD19My68: 22 books of, for sale, PD13Ag72: 21 calls a convention of the clergy, PD10N68: 23--R17N68: 32 criticized, PD9N69sl3 death of, PD23J172: 31 defended, PD23N69: 31, R30N69: 21 denies Mr. Johnson use of pulpit of Bruton parish church, PD30D73: 23 discussed, PD14D69: 23 employed Samuel Henley, PD3Je73: 11 favors American episcopate, PD20Je71:ll, PD4Je74:32 in London, Eng. , PD26D71: 23 preacher for relief fund for clergy's widows and orphans, PD4My69: 33 preaches sermon, PD290c67: 21 regulates application for Holy Orders, PD24Ag69: 32 — R21S69s21 substitute for, PD24F74: 21 trustee for relief fund for clergy's widows and orphans, PD9My66: 23, PD19Mr67: 32 visits Eng. , PD20Je71: 32 — R20Je71:31 Horry, Daniel, R26J170: 13, PD9S73: 32 Horsburgh, Alexander, PD16Je74: 22 — R23Je74:42,D14F77:21, C25D79: 12 Horse boats, at Mulberry island ferry, Va. , P29N76: 33 at Swan's point, Va. , D13N79: 31 lost, adv. for, D26F80: 13 Horse-breeding, 8My52: 32, 2Mr53: 42, D25F75:33,D25Mr75:31, Pi23Mr75: 33— D25Mr75: 33, PllAp77: 32— D18Ap77: 11, D24Ap78: 22, D24Ap78: 32 — PlMy78:31 at Berkeley plantation, Va. , PD8Ap73: 33 at Brandon, Va. , R6My73: 32 at Broad creek, Va. , D9Ap79: 32 at Cherry cook, Va. , P21Mr77: 13 at the Falls plantation, Va. , D14Mr77: 11 at Hallsfield, Prince George co. , Va. , PD2Ap72: 32 at Indians fields, Va. , P15Mr76: 32 at Kingsmill, Va. , D19Mr79: 31 at Lunenburg courthouse, Va. , P5Ap76: 42 at Marlborough, Va. , PD16Ap72: 32 — R23Ap72:33 at Marske, Richmond co. , Va. , PD30My66: 32— R30My66: 33, R26Mr72:23 at Mount Airy, Va. , Pi6Ap75: 42 — P7Ap75: 33— D8Ap75: 32, P12Ap76: 33— D13Ap76: 33, P7Mr77:22, P27Mr78: 31 at Northampton courthouse N. C. , PD18Mr73:32 at Paradise, Va. , P27Mr78: 31 at Powhatan courthouse. Va. , C13My80:41 at Rosegill, Va. , PD6My73: 32-- R6My73s22, PD24Mr74: 32 — R31Mr74: 33. P7Ap75: 33 — D8Ap75: 32. D30Mr76: 33, D25My76:23 at Rosewell, Va. . P27Mr78: 31, D26Mr79:31 539 Horse-breeding (cont'd) at Stratford. Va. . P26My75s43 — PilJe75:33 in Albemarle co. . Va. , P15Mr76: 31, P3Ap78:32.D9Ap79:32 in Amelia co. , Va. , R19Ap70: 31 — PD24My70: 42, PllAp77s31, DllAp77: 62.D8My78: 62. D24Ap79: 32--C15My79: 41, DlAp80: 32 in Amherst co. , Va. , P27Mr78: 31, D26Mr79: 31, D4Mr80: 31 in Appomattox, Va. , P31Mr75: 41, DlAp80:32 in Augusta co. , Va. , P7Mr77s23 in Bedford co. , Va. , DllAp77: 62 — PllAp77: 32, P18Ap77s22 in Blandford, Va. , D12Mr79: 31 — C15My79:43 in Brunswick co. , Va. , PD19Mr67: 32, R24Mr68: 33, PD24Mr68: 32 — R24Mr68: 33, PD28Ap68: 23, PD23Mr69: 33--R23Mr69: 32, PD13Ap69: 31, R2My71: 41, PD10Mr74: 32--R10Mr74: 32, DllMr75: 33, D25Mr75: 33, Pi30Mr75:32, P29Mr76:32, P8Mr76: 41--D30Mr76: 41, P3My76: 32, D7Mr77: 42 — P7Mr77s21, P28Mr77: 13, PllAp77: 31, DllAp77: 61 — PllAp77s33. P3Ap78: 31 — D8My78:62,D26Mr79:32 in Bute co. , N. C. , D4Mr75: 32 — Pi9Mr75: 33, D25Mr75: 33, D17F76:33,D26Mr79:32 in Caroline co. , Va. , PDllAp66: 33, PD23Ap72: 23, R14Ap74: 32, P14Ap75:32, P15Mr76:31, P29Mr76: 33--D30Mr76: 41, D21Mr77: 12--P21Mr77s22, DllAp77: 61, P25Ap77: 12, D26F79:41,D19Mr79:32, D9Ap79:31,D4Mr80:31 in Charles City co. , Va. , PD18Ap66: 32, PD14Je70s23, PD21Mr71: 32, R23Ap72: 31, PD14Ap74: 31, Pi20Ap75: 32, P26Ap76: 22, P10My76sl3, P21Mr77s23, D28Mr77: 22--PllAp77: 31, PllAp77s42, P2My77s32, P27Mr78: 32, PlMy78: 41 in Chesterfield co. , Va. , PD8Ap73: 33, PD31Mr74: 31, PD7Ap74: 32, Pi9Mr75: 33— P10Mr75: 33. P24Mr75: 42— D25Mr75: 33, DlAp75: 32, Pi6Ap75sl2, D13Ap76: 33 — P19Ap76: 43, D7Mr77: 72--P14Mr77sll, P12D77: 23, P3Ap78s22, D19Mr79: 32, D26Mr79: 32, D25Mr80:31 in Chowan co. , N. C. , R18F68: 32 in Culpeper co. , Va. , P19Ap76p23 in Cumberland co. , Va. , PD9Ap67: 31, RCMr68; 33, R13Ap69: 32, R5Ap70: 42 — PD19Ap70: 42, D9Mr76:31,D30Mr76:41, D28F77: 32, D28Mr77: 21 — PllAp77:21 in Dinwiddie co. , Va. , D22Ap75: 32 — Pi4My75: 33. P15Mr76: 31 — D16Mr76: 33, D23Mr76: 33 — P29Mr76: 33. D28Mr77: 22 — P4Ap77:31, P6Mr78: 31, D24Ap78: 42. D8My78: 61, D19Mr79: 32, D26Mr79: 32, D9Ap79:31,D16Ap79:32, D24Ap79: 32 in Dublin, Ire. , PD24Ag69: 31 in Essex co. , Va. , PD2My66: 22, R22Mr70: 32--PD5Ap70: 41, PllAp77: 21, P27Mr78: 22 in Fauquier co. , Va. , PD24Mr74: 32 in Gloucester co. , Va. , 12F62: 41, Pi30Mr75: 32 — P31Mr75s23 — DlAp75: 33, P15Mr76: 32 — D16Mr76: 41, P7Mr77s23, P18Ap77:32, P6Mr78: 31, P27Mr78: 22, D8My79: 31 — C15My79:42 in Goochland co. , Va. , PD20Ap69: 23 — R20Ap69: 23, PD22Mr70: 32 — R22Mr70: 32, PD2My71: 33 — R2My71: 22, PD16Ap72: 32 — R23Ap72: 41, PDllMr73: 31 — RllMr73: 32, P7Mr77sl3, D25Mr80:32 in Granville co. , N. C. , D9Ap79: 32 in Guildford co. , N. C. , P29My78: 42 in Halifax co. , N. C. , D6My75: 32, D14Mr77: 41— P21Mr77s23, PllAp77s32, PllAp77s43 — D18Ap77: 11 in Halifax co. , Va. , PD5F67: 32, PD8Ap73: 33 in Hanover, Va. , C13My80: 32 in Hanover co. , Va. , PD21Mr66: 41, P29Mr76: 32--D23Mr76: 33, D15Je76: 52, P7Mr77: 31, D14Mr77: 61--P21Mr77s21, D28Mr77: 22, PllAp77: 21, P27Mr78: 31, P3Ap78: 32 — D24Ap78: 41, D24Ap78: 42, D8My78: 61--P27Mr78: 31, D19Mr79: 32, C15My79: 43, DlAp80: 32 in Henrico co. , Va. , 22Ap57: 42, PD4Ap66: 33, PD5My68: 22 — R12My68: 32, P12Ap76: 33 in James City co. , Va. , R6My73: 31, P21Ap75s43, Pi28Ap75: 41, D16Mr76: 41, D24Ap78: 41, D25Mr80: 31 in Jamestown, Va. , PD18Ap66: 32 in King and Queen co. , Va. , PD17Mr74: 31, D14F77: 22, P27Mr78: 32, D18Mr80: 33 in King George co. , Va. , 240c51:31, P3Ap78: 32, D24Ap79: 32 in King William co. , Va. , PD7My72: 32, D28Mr77: 32 — P28Mr77s23, D24Ap78:42,D9Ap79:32 in Leedstown, Va. , 25Ap51:32 in Louisa co. , Va. , D15Je76: 52 in Manakin. Va. , P3Ap78s22 in Mecklenburg co. , Va. , D18Mr75: 11, P15Mr76: 31, PllAp77: 21— D18Ap77: 71, C13My80:41 in Middlesex co. , Va. , P28Mr77s22, PllAp77: 31--D18Ap77: 11, PlMy78: 32 in Nansemond co. , Va. , D14Mr77: 71 in New Kent co. , Va. , D18Mr75: 33, D8My78:61,D5Mr79: 32 in Newcastle, Va. , PD9Ap67: 31, D24Ap78:42 in Newmarket, Va. , PD26Mr67: 31, PD22Mr70: 41, PD4Ap71: 23, PD25Mr73: 33, D7Mr77: 41, D24Ap78:42 in Newport, Va. , PD16S73: 32 in Newpost, Va. , PD17F74: 31 — R17F74:31 in N. C. , PD17Mr74: 31. PD26My74: 32, DllAp77: 61 in Northampton co. , N. C. , PD5Ap70: 41, D14Mr77: 12 — P21Mr77:22 in Northampton co. , Va. , PD22Ap73: 31 in Northumberland co. , Va. . P19Ap76:43 in Orange co. , Va. , D7Mr77: 11, PllAp77s32,DllAp77:61, D24Ap78: 42 in Petersburg, Va. , D19Mr79: 42 in Powhatan co. , Va. , D19Mr79: 32, D2Ap79: 31 in Prince Edward co. , Va. , P15Mr76:31, P7F77: 32, DllAp77: 61, P27Mr78: 31, P3Ap78: 12 in Prince George co. , Va. , PD4Ap66: 33, PD9My66: 31, PD2Ap67: 31, PD31Mr68: 23, PD13Ap69: 31, PD17Mr74: 31, D9Mr76: 31, P21Mr77s21, D18Ap77: 71, D18Mr80: 32 in Richmond, Va. , 18Ap55: 31, PD18J171: 21— R18J171: 33 in Richmond co. , Va. , PD24F74: 32 — R3Mr74: 42 in Sandy point, Va. , PD22Ap73: 31, D24Ap78: 42 in Southampton co. , Va. , PD24Mr74: 32, D25Mr80:32 in Spotsylvania co. , Va. , D25F75: 33 in Stafford co. , Va. , PD18Ap66: 31, D12Mr79:31 in Surry co. , Va. , R18F68: 33, PD19Ap70: 33— R19Ap70: 33 in Sussex co. , Va. , PD23Ap67: 31, PD21Mr71: 32, D25Mr75: 33, P26Ap76: 22, D28Mr77: 12 — P28Mr77s23, P6Mr78: 31 — D8My78: 62, D8My78: 62, D19Mr79:32 in Warwick co. . PD20Ap69: 31 — R20Ap69:23 in Westmoreland co. , Va. , PD6Je66:31 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD24My70: 33 — R14Je70:41, C13My80: 32 in Yorkshire, Eng. , 25Ap51: 32 in Yorktown, Va. . PD18Ap66: 32, PD15Ap73: 32— R15Ap73: 31, D14Mr77: 11 near Alexandria, Va. , P24F75: 41, C13My80:32 near Bute courthouse, N. C. , D10F76:33 near Cabin Point, Va. , PD24Mr68: 32, P27Mr78: 32 near Goode's bridge, Va. , D12Mr79: 31— C15My79: 33 near Halifax, N. C. . R14Ap74: 32, D24Ap78:41,D26F79:32 near Hanover, Va. , D26Mr79: 31 near Petersburg, Va. , PD17Mr74: 31-- R17Mr74: 23, PD24Mr74: 32. P31Mr75:41--DlAp75: 11. 540 Horses D7F77:31--P14F77:41 near Port Royal, Va. , D19Mr79: 32, D8Ap80:31 near Swan's point, Va. , D14Mr77: 72--P28Mr77: 21 near Williamsburg, Va. , D18Mr75: 11, P7Mr77:23, D21Mr77: H--P21Mr77s22, P27Mr78: 31, P27Mr78: 32, D26Mr79:31,D9Ap79:31, DlAp80: 23 near Yorktown, Va. , Pi23Mr75:41 — P24Mr75: 42--D25Mr75: 33 on Appomattox river, Va. , D24Ap79: 32 on Hog island, Va. , C13My80: 41 payment for, in corn, PD17F74: 31 — R17F74:31 payment for, in peas, PD17F74:.31 — R17F74: 31 payment for, in wheat, PD17F74: 31 — R17F74:31 satirized, R23Je74:42 Horse clothes, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD10D72:23 Horse collars, seized from French ships, 3Ap46: 22 Horse fleams, for sale, in Princess Anne co. , Va. , P23My77: 32 Horse furnishings, for British army in U. S. ,D18Mr80:31 seized from British ship, D25Mr80:23 seized from Spanish ship, 17Ap46: 22 Horse mills, for sale, in Yorktown, Va. , 4Ja40: 41 Horse-Pens, plantation, Va. , 18Ap55:22 Horse racing, PD15Ap73: 32 — R15Ap73:31,D10J178:21 adv. of, in Aquia, Va. , R22J173s21,R4Ag74:32 in Cabin Point, Va. , PD5My74: 31 in Dumfries, Va. , PD4Ag74: 31 — R4Ag74: 32, PD270c74: 23 in Fredericksburg, Va. , PDllAg74:32 in Portsmouth, Va. , R21J174:33 in Richmond, Va. , PD30S73: 32, PD25Ag74:31--RlS74:33 at Beverley, Va. , 18Ap55: 31 at Dudley's ferry, Va. , 12S51: 32, 20Mr52:22 at Epsom, Va. , D7F77: 31 — P14F77:41,D9Ap79:32 at Fredericksburg fair, Va. , R23Ag70: 32--PD30Ag70: 41 at King William courthouse, Va. , 3J146: 42 at Richmond courthouse, Va. , R14J168:32 at Ruffin's ferry, Va. , P26Ap76: 22, P31My76:32 at Upper Marlborough, Md. , R11F68:32 at Williamsburg, Va. , fair, 30N39: 32, 7D39: 41. 14D39: 31 cancelled in Md. , PilD74: 22 from London to York, Eng. , PD2D73sll--R2D73: 12 in Annapolis, Md. , R220c72: 22, R140c73: 31, RllN73s23, PD270c74: 23, D13Ap76: 33--P19Ap76: 43, DllAp77:61,DlAp80:32 in Aquia, Va. , R24Mr68: 33, R28J168: 31, R27J169: 31, R23Ag70: 33, R5S71:31 in Baltimore, Md. , DllAp77: 61, DlAp80:32 in Bath, Eng. , PD130c74: 31 in Chester, Md. , R4D66: 21 in Chestertown, Md. , R11D66: 23 in Cowpar, Scot. , PD2Ap67: 31 in Cupar, Eng. , 250c65s42, D28Mr77: 12--P28Mr77s23 in Doncaster, Eng. , D26Mr79: 32 in Dumfries, Va. , PU7N74: 32 — PD17N74: 22 in Durham, Eng. , 250c65s42, PD2Ap67: 31, D28Mr77: 12 — P28Mr77s23 in Eng. , 7Ja37: 22, PD15Je69: 23, R29Je69: 12 in Epsom, Eng. , 28S39: 21 in Essex, Eng. ,8J137:31 in Florence, It. , PD10Oc71: 21 in Fredericksburg, Va. , HAp51: 41, PD12S66: 31, R18N73: 31, PD10F74: 23, PD17F74: 31, PD17F74: 31 — R17F74:31,PD7Ap74:23, PD20Oc74: 31, D13Ap76: 33 — P19Ap76: 43, PD28Ap74: 22, PD9Je74: 31 in Gloucester co. , Va. , 11 Ja40: 41, D25S79:32 in Gt. Brit. , R9Mr69: 11 in Hambleton, Eng. , D10F76: 33, D17F76:33,D26Mr79:32 in Hampstead Plains, N. Y. , PD4N73: 21 in Hanover co. , Va. , 26N36: 41, 70c37: 32, 70c37: 31, 18N37: 41, 9D37: 41 in Ire. , P29My78: 42 in King and Queen co. , Va. , 20Mr52: 22 in Leedstown, Va. , 14Ag46: 41, 8Ag51: 41, 7Ag52: 32, 27Ag56: 42, 2S57: 31, 250c65s42, R7S69: 32, R8N70: 23, PD12Ag73: 22, PD9S73: 31 — R9S73: 32, PD16S73: 32, D13Ap76: 33 — P19Ap76: 43,P3Ap78:31— D8My78:62 in Leith, Scot. , 25N37: 22, D26Mr79: 32 in London, Eng. , PD4Ap66: 31, PD30Ap67: 11, PD18Je72: 22, PD27Ag72: 13, PD16D73: 12 — R16D73:23 in Manchester, Va. , D28Ag79: 12 in Newmarket, Eng. , PD16J167: 13, R23J167:31,PD6J169:13, R20J169: 12, PD7D69: 13— R7D69: 13, R14F71: 13,PD23J172:31, R14Ja73: 22, P23Je75sl3, D12Mr79: 31--C15My79: 33, D26Mr79:32 in Newmarket, L. I. , D12Mr79: 31 — C15My79:33 in Newmarket, S. C. , R12My68: 21 in Peterborough, Eng. , PD3N68: 12, PD30J172: 21 in Phila. , Pa. , PD5N67: 13, PD9Je68: 23, PD1N70: 22, PD10Je73: 13, PD23Je74: 22, D12Mr79:31— C15My79:33 in Port Royal, Va. , PD26My74: 23 — R26My74: 22, D13Ap76: 33 — P19Ap76:43 in Portsmouth, Va. , PD16Je74s22, PD22S74: 32 in Richmond, Eng. , PD2Ap67: 31 in Richmond, Va. , 18Ap55: 31, 250c65s42,R2D73:23, PD21Ap74: 31, PD26My74: 23, D28Mr77: 12— P28Mr77s23 in Richmond co. , Va. , R4Ag68: 24 in Rome, It. , PD6J169: 13 in Scot. , Pi20Oc74: 21— PD20Oc74: 21 in Shoreditch, Eng. , 30Je38: 32 in Siddenham, Eng. , 1S38: 31 in Upper Marlborough, Md. , R26My68: 33, D13Ap76: 33 — P19Ap76: 43 in Va. , PD30My66: 32—R30My66: 33 in Warwick, Va. , R220c72: 22, R9S73: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , 1J137: 42, PD25Ap66: 31, PD240c66: 22, R19F67: 23, PD23Ap67: 23, PD290c67: 21, PD5My68: 21, PD270c68: 31, PD27Ap69: 31 in York, Eng. , PDUa67: 23, PD18Oc70sl2, PD8N70: 13, PD22N70: 13 in Yorkshire, Eng. , PD5N72: 23 in Yorktown, Va. , 9My45: 41, 27Mr52: 31, 21Mr55: 41, H18Ap55: 31, D26Mr79:32 near Cambridge, Eng. , PD5My68: 13 near Liverpool, Eng. , 9F39: 31 near Petersburg, Va. , PD16My66: 23, PD28My67: 31 near Yorktown, Va. , 12S45: 41 on Barham Downs, Eng. , PD5N72: 31 on Long island, N. Y. , D12Mr79: 31 — C15My79:33 opposed in York co. , Va. , PD21J174pll-- R21J174: 22 prohibited in Ga. , Pi20Ap75: 21 royal support of withdrawn in Gt. Brit. , R80c72: 21 rules of, R19F67: 23 suppression in Gt. Brit, rumored, PD12My74: 41 suppression urged by Congress, D30Oc78:31 Horse thieves, reward for apprehension of in Va. , PD6Ap72: 31, PD220c72: 22 Horse trading, between N. C. and Va. , P8Mr76:33 Horsehair, for sale, PD31Mr68: 23 in Yorktown, Va. , 25J151: 32 Horsehair hats, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 Horseley, Robert, 30Ja52: 32 Horsleydown, Eng. , See Charity in Horsmanden, Daniel, judge of N. Y. , PD14S69:23,DllF75s21 Horsemanship, adv. of, at Gloucester courthouse, Va. , PD17Mr74: 31 exhibition of, at Gloucester courthouse, Va. , PD17D72: 31— R17D72: 32 exhibition in London, Eng. , PD21J168: 11 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD220c72: 23 in Paris, Fr. , PD12My68: 13 Horsemen, See Slaves as Horsendon, East Indiaman, R15Ag71: 13 Horseneck, Conn. , battle at, D2Ap79: 21 See also Salt works in Horses, abandoned by British on Gwynn's island, Va. : D20J176:32 abandoned by Indians in Island Town, Va. P15N76:31 adv. for, for Va. cavalry, P5J176: 33 — 541 Horses. ;idv. for. for Va. cavalry (cont'd) D6J176: 52, P26J176: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , R22S68: 24, P7Ap75: 33, D17F76: 33, P19J176: 33, P19Je78: 11, C3J179: 32, C11D79: 12 — D11D79:22 age of, disputed. P2F76: 41 America bred, 27Ag56: 42 as lottery prizes, PD28Ja68: 32, R31Mr68: 32, PD7Ap68: 31, R14Ap68:31--R24N68:32, R14Ap68: 31--PD1D68: 32, PD19My68:23.R2F69:32. R17Ag69:32, PD21S69: 32 R16N69: 23,R7Je70: 32 bartered for horses, DHOc76: 62 bartered for land, P24My76: 41, D11D79:31 bartered for mules, D25My76: 22 bartered for post chariots, PD24Ag69: 32--R24Ag69: 23 bartered for slaves, P7F77: 32 bartered for tobacco, C19F80: 12. D25Mr80: 31 books on, 22Ap57: 32 bought by French in Eng. , PD30J167>22 breeding improved in Eng. , 8J137: 32 burned, in Windsor, N. J. , PD27My73: 21 captured by Americans, C27N79: 12 at Setauket, N. Y. , D12S77: 11 from Governor's island, Mass. , D280c75:32 in Chillicothe, (Indian village), D10J179:31 in New Rochelle, N. Y. , C28Ag79: 23 — D28Ag79: 22 near Briar creek, S. C. , D25S79: 12 near Charlotte, N. C. , C21Oc80: 21 near Derby, Pa. , D23 Ja78: 22 near Kittanning, Pa. , D31 J179: 22 on North river, N. Y. , P30Oc78: 32 captured by British in S. C. , D14Ag79: 22 in Ticonderoga, N. Y. , DlAg77: 12 near Lechmere's point, Mass. , D9D75: 23 captured by Tories in Shrewsbury, N. J. , D3J179: 22 captured from British at Danbury, Conn. , D6Je77: 12 in N. J. , P25Ap77: 21 census on in Martinique, W. I. , PD25Mr73: 22--R25Mr73: 22 in St. Lucia, W. I. , PD25Mr73: 22 — R25Mr73:22 disease among in Munich, Ger. , PD22Ap73: 13--R22Ap73sll disease of, P28J175: 31 driven from Hog island, Mass. by Americans, Pi22Je75: 22--D24Je75: 23 duties on export from Gt. Brit, rumored, R17N68: 22 export from Eng. estimated 1750-1772, PD16S73:11 opposed, PD9Mr69: 31 to Fr. prohibited, PD25Mr73: 12 export from Gt. Brit, forbidden, PD23Ap67:ll export to be regulated in Gt. Brit. , PD30Ap72: 22 exported from Accomac district, Va. , to R.I. ,PD23My66:31 exported from Eng. to Fr. , 27J139: 31 to Ger. , PD9F69: 22--R9F69: 13 exported from Gt. Brit, to Fr. , PD23S73s21 exported from James river, lower district, Va. . to Surinam, W. I. , R8S74: 31 exported from James river, upper district, Va. , to Antigua, W. I. , PD2Je68: 23 to Boston, Mass. , PD3Mr68: 31 — R3Mr68: 31 to Phila. , Pa. , PD270c68: 42 exported from London, Eng. , to Lisbon, Port. , PD80c72: 12 exported from New Eng. to W. I. , R4D66: 12 exported from Pa. to W. I. , R4D66: 12 exported from south Rappahannock district, Va. , to Barbados, W. I. , 17N52: 22 exported from Va. to W. I. , R4D66: 12 for Austrian army, PD25Je67: 21 for British army in Boston, Mass. , D210c75:22,Pi260c75: 11, D25N75: 23 in Quebec, Can. , P21Je76: 11 in U. S. , D1N76: 22--P1N76: 31, D8Ap80: 23 for French army, PD24Je73: 11 in Scot. ,27Mr46: 11 for French cavalry, 28Mr51: 22 for hire, at Burwell's ferry, Va. , PD15F70:42 in Norfolk co. , Va. , 12D51: 41 in Portsmouth, Va. , R2F69: 23 in Richmond, Va. , R15N70: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , 18Ap45: 42, 26S45:31 for King of Prussia, D1J175: 11 for Prussian army, 10Ap46: 32, PD17Je73: 12-- R17Je73: 12 for sale, 24Ja51: 41, 20Oc52: 22, PD15Ag66: 31, PD29Ja67: 32, PD5F67: 31--R19F67: 41, PD30Ap67: 32, PD7J168: 31, PD24N68: 32 — R24N68: 23, R22Mr70: 22, PD28F71: 33--R7Mr71: 33, PD14N71: 23, PD26D71: 31, PD2Ja72: 32, R23Ap72: 31, PD27Ag72: 43, PD150c72: 31, PD26N72: 23, PD17F74: 31, PD29S74:32,Pi22D74:32, P270c75: 32, D11N75: 32, D20Ja76: 31--Pi20Ja76: 32 — P26Ja76: 41, P9F76: 33, P7Je76: 42, D110c76:62,P180c76:31, D21Mr77: H--P21Mr77sl3, D4Ap77: 31, P240c77: 33, P21N77: 32, D28N77: 22, P21N77: 33--D28N77: 32, D26D77: 21, C27N79: 21-- D11D79: 22, D25Mr80:31 at Belvoir, Va. , Pi20Oc74: 32-- PD20Oc74: 32 at Bremo, Va. , PD1D74: 31 — R1D74: 33 at the Brick house, New Kent co. , Va. , PD30Oc66: 23 at Brunswick courthouse, Va. , PD27J169: 33 at Buckingham furnace, Va. , D19F80: 33 at Burwell's ferry, Va. , PD7D69: 41, PD18N73: 22 at Caroline courthouse, Va. , PD10S72: 32 at Charles City courthouse, Va. , R18J166: 33,D24Ap78:31 at Concord forge, Va. , PD7Ja73: 31 — R7Ja73: 32 at Fall hill, Va. , P27Mr78: 32 at Gloucester courthouse, Va. , PD31Mr68: 31--R31Mr68: 33, PD12N72: 23, P14Ap75: 32 — D15Ap75:32 at Goochland courthouse, Va. , P3Ap78: 31 at Green spring, Va. , PD12N67: 22, PD10Oc71:32 at Halfway house, Va. , PD2D73: 23 at Halfway house, between Williamsburg, and York, Va. , D14Ag79: 31 at Hampton roads, Va. , 24My51: 41 at Hog island. Va. , D25Mr80: 31, C13My80r41 at King and Queen courthouse, Va. , R27Ja74:41 at King's creek, Va. , P130c75: 23 — D140c75:33 at Lancaster courthouse, Va. , PD20Ag67: 32 at Lowry's, Va. , PD270c74: 23 at Marske, Va. , R26Mr72: 23 at Martin's Brandon, Va. , PD170c66: 33 at Mt. Airy, Va. , P7Mr77: 22 at Nap's neck, Va. , D90c79: 32 at North West landing, Va. , D4Mr80:31 at Nottoway glebe, Va. ,D17Ja77: 22 at Porto Bello, Va. , PD18My69: 32, PD1J173:33 at Surry courthouse, Va. , PD1D74: 31 at Sussex courthouse, Va. , PD16D73: 23 at Swinyard's, Va. , PDllAp71: 33 at the Tombeaton quarter, Va. , D23D75: 23 at Westover, Va. , D14Mr77: 61 — P14Mr77: 32, D19S77: 32--P19S77: 12, P170c77: 11 in Albemarle co. , Va. , PD8Je69: 31, PD30S73: 31 in Alexandria, Va. , C28Ag79: 43 in Amelia co. , Va. , PD5S66s33, R3N68: 34, PD24Ja71: 31--R31Ja71: 32, PD17G-C71: 31, PD170c71: 31 — R170c71: 31, PD12Mr72: 32, PD290c72: 22— R290c72: 23, D18Ap77: 71, D8My78: 62, D27N78: 31, D22Ja80: 33 in Amherst co. , Va. , PD1^0c71: 32, PD30J172: 32, PD25N73: 23 — R25N73:43,D26Mr79:31 in Annapolis, Md. , D24Ap79: 32 in Augusta co. , Va. , 28F55: 42, C28Ag79:42 in Beaufort, Va. , R220c72: 32 in Bedford co. , Va. , 28F55: 41, 4Ap55: 32 in Berkeley, Va. . PD8Ap73: 33 in Berkeley co. , Va. , PD4F73: 31. PD16Je74: 23— R16Je74: 31, P29Ag77: 32 in Bermuda Hundred, Va. , P8Ag77: 13 in Blandford, Va. , 14Ag52: 31, PD4J166: 31--R18J166: 41. R18J166:41 — PD4J166: 31. PD24Ja71: 31 — R31Ja71: 32, PD5S71: 32, D17J179: 32 in Brunswick co. , Va. , 6F52: 32, 19J154: 42, PD9Mr69: 33 — R23Mr69: 41, R19J170: 32, PD29N70: 23, PD4Ap71: 31. PD13Ag73: 23, 542 Horses PD4Mr73: 33--R4Mr73: 32, PD25Mr73: 33, R10F74: 42, Pil6Mr75: 33. P21F77: 22, P13Je77: 32, D26D77: 12, D21Ag79: 31 — C28Ag79:33 in Buckingham co. , Va. , PD2N69: 32 — R2N69:31.D19D77: 31 in Bute co. , N. C. , D5S77: 31 in Cabin Point, Va. , 4N63: 23, D18J177:31 in Camden, S. C. . Pi60c74: 33 in Caroline co. , Va. , R8Ag66: 41, PD10Oc66: 41, PD7Ap68: 31 — R14Ap68: 43, PD7Ja73: 32 — R7Ja73:33,PD26Ag73:31, D6My75: 33. D22N76: 32, P29N76: 32, D5D77: 21, P27Mr78: 12, D30Oc78: 31, D13N78:22,D25D79:22 in Charles City co. , Va. , 29Ag51: 32, R18J166: 33, PD17S71: 32 — R26S71: 13, PD21N71: 23, PD12N72: 23, PD15J173: 33, PD23S73: 31 — R23S73: 33. R4Ag74: 33, PD22S74: 33, PD15D74: 32--R15D74: 32, D280c75: 33, P15N76: 33, P7N77sl3, P14N77: 23, D23Oc79:12,D26F80: 12 in Charles parish, Va. , PD23Je74: 23, PD24N74: 31 in Charlotte co. , Va. , PD15F70: 31 — R22F70: 31, D23D75: 23, P20Mr78: 11, D230c79: 11 in Chesterfield co. , Va. , PD5S66s33. PD24N68: 32, PD27J169: 41 — R13J169:23,PD27F72:32, PD6Ag72: 31, PD19N72: 31 — R19N72: 21, P12D77: 23.D19D77: 31, D14Ag79:31 in Culpeper co. , Va. , Pi29S74: 41, D230c79: 12 in Cumberland, Va. , PD18N73: 22 in Cumberland co. , Va. , PD24D72: 31 — R24D72: 22, D6N78: 32, C6N79: 32 in Dinwiddie co. , Va. , PD26Ja69: 33 — R19Ja69: 31, PD15Je69: 32, R2N69: 23, PD31Ja71: 33--R31Ja71: 23, PD18Ap71: 32, PD21N71: 23, PD19D71: 32, PD13Ag72: 23, PD80c72: 32, R10Je73: 33, PD10Mr74: 32, PD3N74:43--R4N74:33, Pi26Ja75: 32--D28Ja75: 32 — P3F75: 43, D23D75: 23, P28F77: 22 — D7Mr77: 12,D4J177:11 in Dumfires, Va. , P20S76: 12 — D21S76:41 in Edenton, N. C. , PD7My72: 32, D12F80:32--C19F80: 41 in Elizabeth City co. , Va. , PD14N71: 23, R25N73: 42, R17F74: 31, PD17Mr74: 31 — R17Mr74: 31, D17Ja77:22 in Essex co. , Va. , 240c45: 41, R14J168: 42--PD14J168: 33, R15D68: 23, PD290c72: 23, PD2D73: 23--R2D73: 23, P160c78: 31, D18S79:31 in Fairfax co. , Va. , R190c69: 42, R1J173: 33,D28N77: 31 — P28N77sll in Falmouth, Va. , D24Ap78: 22 in Fauquier co. , Va. , P160c78: 32 — D13N78: 31,C30c79:42 in Frederick co. , Va. , PD16Je74: 23 — R16Je74: 31, PD30Je74: 23- R30Je74:32.D27N78:31 in Fredericksburg, Va. , 250c65s42, PD29Ag71: 33, P7N71: 31 — R21N71: 21, PD220c72: 22, PD19N72: 23, D12S77: 41, D5D77: 22 in Gloucester, Va. , R30Mr69: 33 in Gloucester co. , Va. , PD290c67: 23, R17N68: 23, R3My70: 32, R29N70: 22, PilD74: 33, PD8D74: 31, P130c75: 23, D9Mr76: 23--P8Mr76: 33, P9Ag76: 42 — D10Ag76: 62, P21Mr77sl3, P16My77: 12, D27N78: 22, D9Ap79: 31 in Goochland co. , Va. , 26N36: 42, PD30Oc66: 23, PD26Ja69: 32 — R2F69: 31, PD12Mr72: 32 — R12Mr72: 31, PD80c72: 32, PD140c73: 31--R140c73: 32, P12D77: 23, D27N78: 31, D13N79: 22 — C13N79:13 in Granville co. , N. C. , P230c78: 23 in Halifax co. , Va. , PD11D66: 32, PD5F67: 32, PD24D67: 33--R24D67: 31, PD130c68: 23, PD7S69: 41 — R7S69: 42, PD7N71: 32, D19S77: 41 — P26S77:31,P230c78:33 in Halifax town, N. C. , D170c77: 21 — P170c77: 23 in Hampton, Va. , R8Mr70s32 in Hanover, Va. , D24Ap78: 31 in Hanover co. , Va. , PD27N66: 31, PD23N69: 32--R23N69: 31, PD4Oc70: 31--R4Oc70: 23, PD5Ag73: 23, PD9D73: 32, PD4Ag74: 31--R4Ag74: 33, PD10N74: 43, P5Ja76: 33--D13Ja76: 33, P15Ag77: 13, D19D77: 22, D26D77: 21, D24Ap78: 42, D24J179: 32, D29Ja80: 33, D26F80: 32 in Henrico co. , Va. , PD3Ja71: 32 — R10Ja71:33,P13Je77:33, D12D77: 21— P12D77: 32, D11D79: 31 in Isle of Wight co. , Va. , PD13Ag72: 23, P20S76: 32--D21S76: 41, C21Oc80: 22 in Ivy's, Nansemond co. , Va. , C28Ag79:31 in James City co. , Va. , R4D66: 43, R19F67: 32, PD26F67: 32, PD29D68: 31— R5Ja69: 33, PD13D70: 22, R23Ap72: 42, PU6F75: 33--P17F75: 42 — D18F75: 31, Pi6Ap75sl2, D23S75: 33, D17Ag76: 22, P27S76s21, D29N76: 42, P6D76: 32, D13D76: 32--P13D76: 23, D20D76: 21 in Jockey's neck, Va. , R22S73: 33 — Pi29S74: 41 in King and Queen co. , Va. , 30N59: 32, PD31Mr68: 31— R31Mr68: 34. PD21J168: 31— R21J168: 32, PD15D68: 31, PD4Oc70: 32 — R4Oc70: 31, R21N71.32, PD28Ja73:31 — R28Ja73: 32, R140c73: 32, PD16D73: 31- R16D73: 42, Pi7S75: 32— D9S75: 32 D25J177: 41--P25J177: 41, D14F77: 22, D9Ap79: 31, D90c79: 32, DllMr80: 33 in King George co. , Va. , R8N70: 11, PD29N70: 23--R29N70: 22, PD23D73: 23, D21Mr77: 12 — P21Mr77s21, D24Ap79: 32 in King William co. , Va. , 21N45: 42, 10N52: 31, 28F55: 32, PDlJa67: 31 — R19F67: 42, PD10D67. 32, PD25F68: 23--R25F68: 31, R60c68: 24, PDllMy69: 31 — RllMy69: 32, PD14D69: 32 — R14D69:31,PD21D69: 11 — R28D69: 11, PD10Ja71: 33 — R10Ja71: 31, PD240c71: 23 — R310c71: 41, PD240c71: 23 — R310c71:41, PD6M>73:31, PD16S73: 32, PD140c73: 31 — R140c73:32, PD9D73: 32. P:16F75: 33--P17F75: 42--D18F75: 31. D17Ja77: 22--P17Ja77: 31. D7Mr77:41,D19D77:31. D160c78: 32— P160c78: 11. D13N78: 22 in Kingston parish glebe, Va. . D12D77: 21 in Lancaster co. , Va. , Pi23Mr75: 33 — P24Mr75: 33 — D25Mr75: 31, D14Mr77: 61 — P28Mr77: 21, D5S77: 31--P5S77: 11, P29My78: 41, D10J178: 21 in Leeds, Va. , Pil90c75: 33 — D4N75: 32 in Leedstown, Va. , PD12Ag73: 22 in Loudoun co. , Va. , PD3S67: 23, R50c69: 32. P5Ja76: 33— D13Ja76: 33, D28N77: 31 — P28N77sll in Louisa co. , D12S77: 42--P12S77: 32, D28N77: 22, D90c79: 12, C27N79: 21 — D27N79: 22 in Lunenburg co. , Va. , 9My51: 32, PD28Ap68: 31— R28Ap68: 24, PD2Je68: 23, PD15D68: 31. PD3N74: 43, P12N75: 33, P40c76: 33 in Manakin town, Va. , D10Oc77: 23 in Manchester, Va. , P21N77: 31, D4D78: 22 in Marlborough, Va. , R15D68: 23, PD25Oc70: 23--R1N70: 32. PD9My71: 32— R9My71: 21 in Md. , R31My70: 43. R23Ag70: 41 in Mecklenburg co. , Va. , PD170c66: 41--R4D66: 42, R26J170: 22 in Middlesex co. , Va. , PD10Oc66: 41, PD5N67: 31. PD24N74: 23, P20S76: 23, P18Ap77s42, P16My77s31,D14Ag79: 12 in Montgomery co. , Va. , D30My77: 31 — P30My77: 13 in Nansemond co. , Va. , PD4Ag68: 23, PD19N72: 23 in New Kent co. . Va. , PD20N66: 23 — R4D66: 33, PD290c67: 22, PD26N67: 31, PD16Je68: 31 — R16Je68: 32, PD29D68: 31 — R5Ja69: 32, PD26Ja69:33-- R19Ja69: 31, PD23F69: 33 — R23F69: 22, PD14S69: 32, PD2N69: 32, R2N69: 31, PD18Ja70: 33-- R18Ja70:33,R15Ag71:32, PD7N71: 31,PD16S73:32, PD23S73: 31--R23S73: 33, PD18N73: 22, PD25N73: 23, PD22S74: 33— R29S74: 41, PD130c74: 31--R130c74: 32, D22N76: 32, P30c77: 23, D27N79: 22, D8Ja80: 42 in Newcastle, Va. , PD15J173: 33, PD17Mr74: 31, PD24N74: 23, P4Ap77:33,C30Oc79:42 in Norfolk, Va. , PD13Je71: 33. PD9S73: 32--R9S73: 33 in Norfolk co. , Va. . PD17N68' 23 — R17N68: 31. D4Qc76. 72, D30Oc78: 41 543 Horses, for sale (cont'd) in Northumberland co. , Va , PD5N72: 43--R5N72: 21 in Northampton co. , N. C. , PD16Ag70: 42, D210c75: 32, P5Ap76: 42 in Orange co. , Va. , PD4J166: 32, PD10Oc71: 32, D210c75: 33, P14N77: 31, C28Ag79: 32--D28Ag79: 12 in Petersburg, Va. , PD60c68: 23, PD16Ag70: 42, PD9My71: 33, D14F77: 21, DllAp77: 71 — PllAp77s21, D2My77: 62, P160c78: 22, P30Oc78: 33, D12Mr79:22,D160c79:12 in Peytonsburg, Va. , PD12Ag73: 23 in Pittsylvania co. , Va. , P14Ap75: 32, D7N77: 32 in Port Royal, Va. , R10Ag69: 33 in Powhatan co. , Va. , C30Oc79: 42 in Prince Edward co. , Va. , P10Ja77: 43 in Prince George co. , Md , P29Ag77: 32 in Prince George co. , Va. , 21F51: 41, PD19Mr67: 33, PD15Je69: 32, PD28N71: 31, PD13Ag72: 23, PD3S72: 23, PD2D73: 22, PD3Mr74: 31, PD3Mr74: 32, PHOc76: 13, P20D76s23, D31 Ja77: 72--P7F77: 33, P21F77:23,P10Oc77:31, D17Gc77: 21, P310c77: 13, P12D77: 23 in Prince William co. , Va. , 21Ap38: 42, 4Ag38: 41 in Richmond, Va. , 12S55: 32, PD29Ag66: 31, PD15F70: 31 — R15F70: 32, R15N70: 31, PD13My73: 41, DllMr75: 32, P21Ap75: 31 — D22Ap75: 32, D14N77: 31— P21N77: 32, D2Ap79:31,D25S79:31 in Richmond co. , Va , PD170c66: 41, PD6N66: 23, PD19My68: 23 — R26My68: 33, P24My76: 42, P19S77: 13 in Rocky ridge, Va. , PD26Mr67: 33, PD24S72: 22, D20Ja76: 33 in Rowan co. , N. C , P30c77: 22 in Scotch town, Va. , PD21D69: 11 — R28D69: 11 in Smithfield, Va. , 22My52: 31, PD21F71: 32--R21F71: 32, PD9Ja72: 32 in Southampton co. , Va. , 24Ja51: 41, P20D76s23,P13Je77: 11 in Spotsylvania co. , Va. , 17Ap46: 42, PD20Ag67: 32, R18Oc70: 23, R9Je74: 22, P122D74: 32, P13S76: 32, P28F77s22, P230c78: 31 in Stafford co. , Va , R9Mr69: 33, RllMy69: 32, P7F77: 32, P12D77: 31 in Suffolk, Va , P21Ag78: 42 in Surry co. , Va , PD26F67: 32, PD16Ap67: 31, PD15F70: 42, RlMr70: 32--PD8Mr70: 42, PD16Ag70: 42, R27F72: 31, PD3N74: 43--R4N74: 33, D29Je76: 42, P2Ag76: 31, P6s76: 33, D28N77: 22, D19D77: 21, D26D77: 12, D13N78: 11, D4D78: 22, D26F80: 13 in Sussex co. , Va. , 12D55: 31, PD27Ag67: 31, PD2Je68: 31, PD1D68: 31, PD8D68: 31, PD9Mr69: 42, PD14D69: 32, PD13D70: 23, PD13D70: 31, PD2Ap72: 33, D1N76: 41--P1N76: 33, D13D76: 31, D19D77: 31, P230c78: 32--D6N78: 32, D27N79: 22 in Tappahannock, Va. , PD3Mr74: 32 — R17Mr74: 31, PD270c74: 23, P230c78:31 in Urbanna, Va. , 18Ap45: 41, PD24N68: 32--R24N68: 22, PD19N72: 23--R19N72: 23, Pi4My75: 33--P5My75: 23 in Warwick, Va. , D6Ap76: 33 in Warwick co. , Va. , PD21Mr71: 32, P22N76: 33, D27D76: 42--P27D76: 31, D30Oc78: 41 in West Point, Va. , 24My51: 41, PD24My70: 31--R31My70: 42 in Westmoreland co. , Va , 12F62: 41, PD9N69: 31, R310c71: 32, Pi23Mr75: 33--P24Mr75: 33 — D25Mr75: 31, P25Ag75: 81 — D26Ag75: 32, Pi28S75: 32 — P29S75: 32— D30S75: 33, P170c77: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , 12My38: 41, 6Ap39: 32, 260c39: 41, 28Mr45: 41, 4S56: 32, 18J151: 32, 19S51: 41, 60c52: 31, PD8Ag66: 31, PD22Ag66: 31, PD18D66: 31, PD22Ja67: 33, PD16J167: 33--R23J167: 42, PD16Je68: 31--R16Je68: 31, PD28J168: 23--R28J168: 31, R25Ag68: 32, PD25Ag68: 32, PD12Ja69: 41, PD18My69: 32, PD7D69: 32— R7D69: 31, PD21D69: 11--R28D69: 12, PD5Ap70: 41--R5Ap70sll, PD20S70: 32, PD17Ja71: 32, PD27Je71: 32, PD25J171: 23, PD16J172: 32, PD20Ag72: 31, PD22Ap73: 32, PD10Je73: 23, R17F74:31,R10Mr74:32, PD21Ap74: 31, PD26My74: 32, R23Je74: 33, D4Mr75: 33, P21Ap75s43, P28Ap75: 23 — D29Ap75s41, PilJe75: 33 — P2Je75s42--D3Je75: 33, D29J175: 33, P24N75: 31, P23F76: 33--D24F76: 33, P8Mr76: 41, P7Je76: 33, P2Ag76: 31, P30Ag76: 33, P30Ag76: 33-- D31Ag76:32,D14F77:21 — P14F77: 33, P14F77: 31, D21F77: 21, D18Ap77: 72--P18Ap77s23, P4J177: 31, D28N77: 22, P21Ag78: 31, D27N78: 31, D4D78: 22, D16Ap79: 31, D8My79: 22, D28Ag79: 31, D20c79: 31, C19F80: 31--D19F80: 33, DlAp80: 23, C21Oc80: 21 in York co. , Va. , PD19F67: 32, PD3S67: 22, R24Mr68: 34, R20J169: 22, PD3Ja71: 31, PD20Ja74: 32, P10N75: 33, DllMy76: 23, D20N79: 22 in Yorktown, Va. , 4Ja40: 41, 18Je52: 22, PD3S67: 22, PD24Ag69: 32— R24Ag69: 31 near Alexandria, Va , P24F75: 41 near Amherst courthouse, Va , D19F80: 31 near Blandford, Va. , D3Ja77: 31 — P3Ja77s23 near Cabin Point, Va. , PD30My66: 31, D14Mr77: 12--P21Mr77: 21 near Dumfries, Va. , PDlAg71: 22 near Falmouth, Va. , PD28N71: 31, P19S77: 12 near Fredericksburg, Va. , PD16Ja72: 33, PD20F72: 33 — R27F72: 33, PD8J173: 32, P27Mr78: 32 near Hanover, Va. , D21N77: 21 — P21N77: 32, C19F80: 12— D19F80: 31 near Hog island, Va , 30Ja52: 41 near King George courthouse, Va. , PD16Ja72: 33 near Monk's neck creek, Va. , P13D76: 31 near Petersburg, Va. , PD8D74: 23 — R8D74:32,D18D79: 22 near Port Royal, Va. , PD10F74: 32 near Richmond, Va ,D27S80:31 near Richmond courthouse, Va. , R4D66: 32 near Williamsburg, Va , 10Oc55: 32, PD16My71: 32, Pi9F75: 33, D2D75:32, D21Mr77: 11 — P21Mr77s22, D9Ap79: 31 on Appomattox river, Va , 12D51: 41 on Dan river, Va. , PD2N69: 32, D11S79:32 on Gwynn island, Va. , PD9Mr69: 32, P21Ag78: 13 on King's creek, Va. , PD23J167: 32 on Nanticocke river, Va. , PD8N70: 31 on Pamunkey river, Va. , P28N77sll on Pianketank river, Va. , Pi8D74: 33--PD8D74: 31, D11F75:23 — P10F75:42 on Pope's creek, Va. , R2Je74: 23 on York river, Va. , PD29Je69: 32 — R29Je69: 32 for Swedish army, PD140c73: 21 — R140c73: 22 for Va. troop of horse, 3rd, adv. for, P5J176p22 hired, P10J178: 32 import to Fr. from Gt. Brit, permitted, HMy39: 21 imported to Fr. , 20Je51: 21 imported to Gt. Brit from Ger. , PD2J167: 13 imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from Falmouth, Eng , R11F68:31 from New York City, 2Mr53: 41 imported to London, Eng. from E.I. , R5S66:41 imported to New York City from Eng. , R9S73: 32 imported to Va , PD24Mr68: 32, PD21Mr71: 32, R18J171: 33 — PD18J171: 21, PD7My72: 32, P29Ag77: 32, D19Mr79: 32, D26Mr79: 32, D9Ap79: 32, C27N79: 21— D11D79: 22, C19F80: 12 from Barbary coast, D26Mr79: 31, C13My80: 32 from Eng. , PD5My68: 22— R12My68: 32, PD16Ap72: 32--R23Ap72: 33, Pi23Mr75: 33— P24Mr75: 33 — D25Mr75: 31, D14N77: 41— P28N77sll, P3Ap78s22, P29My78: 42, D12Mr79: 31--C15My79: 33, D12Mr79: 31--C15My79: 43, D16Ap79: 32, C13My80: 41 from London, Eng. , PD12Ag73: 22 from Tetuan, Mor. , C13My80: 41 imported to York district, Va , from London, Eng. , 17N52: 22 from R.I ,12Ja39:42 impressed by N. Y. general assembly, 14Ag46:31 impressed in N. Y. , 170c55: 21, 12D55: 12 544 Horses impressment of, D27Ja76: 33, D22Je76: 32, P6Je77: 13, P12S77: 32, D4D78: 12, D4D78: 32 discussed in Md. , 14Mr55: 22 improved breeding in Fr. , PD20Ag67: 22 in Albemarle co. , Va. , PD21 J168: 32 in Hanover co. , Va , PD13Ag72: 22 increase in number bred in Eng , PD14N71: 13 killed by Americans on Noddle island, Mass , Pi22Je75: 22--D24Je75: 23 killed by British on Dyer island, R. I. , D20Ja76: 22 on Wicomico river, Md. ,D19Je79: 31 killed by Continental army on Governor's island, Mass. , Pi260c75: 23 killed by hurricanes in Charles City co. , Va. , Pil4S75: 23 killed in Charles City, Md., R26Ag73: 22 left by British on James island, S. C. , C3J179: 22--D3J179: 12 left in Boston, Mass. , by British army, P12Ap76: 22--D13Ap76: 31, P19Ap76p22--D20Ap76: 31 lost and found, 240c45: 41, 21N51: 32, 27F52: 41, 5Mr52: 32, 24Ap52: 32, 18Je52: 22, 20Oc52: 32, 21Mr55: 41, 2My55: 41, 23My55: 22, 12S55: 32, 240c55: 31, 310c55: 42, 19D55: 31, 22Ap57: 42, 2S57: 31, 30N59: 42, 4N63: 43, PD2My66: 32, PDllJe67: 33, PD9Je68: 32, RllMy69: 43, R13J169: 32, PD3Ag69: 33, PD22Mr70: 42, PD5Ap70: 42, PD24My70: 32, PD30Ag70: 32--R30Ag70: 32, PD6S70: 33, PD13S70: 32, R7Mr71: 42, R2My71: 41, R18J171: 21, RlAg71: 33, RlAg71: 42, R21N71: 43, PD16Ja72: 33 — R6F72: 42, R12Mr72: 32, R12Mr72: 33, R26N72: 22, R10D72: 31, PD24D72: 32 — R24D72: 22, R12My74: 33, PD3N74: 43, PD17N74: 23, Pil8My75: 33, Pil3J175: 33, P10N75: 33--P116N75: 33, D21F77: 22--P21F77: 33, P19S77: 12, D10Oc77: 23, P21N77: 22, C30Oc79: 31 at Albemarle barracks, Va ,D28Ag79:31, C13My80: 41 at Albemarle courthouse, Va , HAp55:32,llAp55:41 at Armistead's mill, Va. , PD23D73. 23--R23D73: 33, PD3Mr74: 32 at Anderson's race ground, Va. , 15My46:42 at Augusta courthouse, Va. , 7N54: 42 at battle of Hampton, Va. , D27Ja76: 33 at Bermuda Hundred, Va. , PD16J167: 41--R23J167- 42, PD220c67: 22, P10My76sl3, D10J178: 31 at Brickhouse, Va. , 25S46: 41 at Burwell's ferry, PD17S71: 32, D20Ap76: 33 at Capitol landing, Williamsburg, Va. , D28N77: 32 at Cedar run, Va. , R23Ap72: 32 at Carter's ferry, Va. , R16N69: 33 at Cartwright's ordinary, Va. , P25Ap77: 11 at Charlotte courthouse, Va. , PD26D71:32,P22Ag77:33 at College camp, Va. , P30Ag76: 42 at College landing, Williamsburg, Va. , 26S45:31,P10J178: 13 at Culpeper courthouse, Va. , PHOc76: 23 at Deep spring camp, Va. , P20S76:31--D21S76:31 at Fauquier courthouse, Va. , P6Je77: 12 at Flower de Hundred, Va. , 12F62:42 at Gloucester courthouse, Va. , PD9My71: 32 at Green spring, Va. , 10Je37: 42 at Halfway house, Va. , PD21N71: 23, P26J176: 42 at Hanover courthouse, Va. , 12S45: 41, 17Ja51: 42, 21Mr51: 32, 13F52: 41, HAp55: 32, D22Je76: 62 — P14Je76: 33, P9My77s31, P5S77: 23 at Hich's ford, Va. , D6Je77: 32 at Hog island, Va. , PD10Oc71: 32 at Hood's, Va. ,PD15Ag71:33 at Jamestown ferry, Va. , PD2D73: 23 at King and Queen courthouse, Va. , 27Mr52: 32, P28Je76: 33 at King William courthouse, Va. , PD5N72: 43 at King's mill, Va. , PD9D73: 23 at Martin's Hundred, Va. , PD6Je66: 32 at Milner'swarehouse, Va., PD14My72:31 at Mt. Airy, Va. , R30Mr69: 32 at Mulberry island ferry, Va. , P30Ag76: 41 at Nassau, Va. , 310c55: 22 at New Kent courthouse, Va. , P25Ap77: 12,C18D79:21 at Newpost plantation, Va. , P21N77: 23 at Osborne's, Va. , PD19J170: 33, PD24S72: 23, P16Je75: 31 — D17Je75: 33--Pi22Je75: 33 at Porto Bello, Va. , PD12My74: 43 at Prince George courthouse, Va. , 1D52: 31, R12Ja69: 32, PD18Oc70: 33 at Rocket's landing, Va. , PD29N70: 31 at Shirley Hundred, Va. , P21Mr77: 13 at Shockoe's creek, Va. , 24Ap46: 42 at South Quay bridge, Va. , P30My77:33 at Southampton courthouse, Va. , P6Je77: 32 at Springfield camp, Va. , D29J176: 52, P6S76: 33 at Swan's point, Va. , D11S79: 31 at Turkey island, Va. , 12S45: 42, PD22D74: 32 at Verina ferry, Va. , PD23My66: 33 at Westover, Va. , 240c51: 31 at William and Mary college, Pi24N74: 33 from country pasture, P310c77: 32 from Falls of James river, Va. , 120c52:32 from Governor's pasture, 4My39: 42, 31J146: 52 from York-Hampton glebe, Va. , 5Je52: 32 in Albemarle co. , Va. , 12D51: 41, 17Ja52: 41,20Mr52: 31, 27Mr52: 32, 24Ap52: 32, 12Je52: 32, 17J152: 32, 24J152: 41, 20Oc52: 31, 270c52: 31, 24N52: 31, 19J154: 32, 7N54s22, 28F55: 32, 25Ap55: 31, 9My55: 21, 16My55: 22, 30c55: 32, 240c55: 31, 14N55: 31, 12D55: 32, 22Ap57: 32, 30N59: 42, 16Ja61: 41, PD2My66: 32, PD30c66: 41, PD20N66: 31, PD11D66: 33, PD29Ja67: 33, PD26Mr67: 33, PD220c67: 23, R24D67: 41, R14Ap68s21, R14Ap68: 44, PD16Je68: 32— R16Je68: 33, PD28J168: 31— R28J168: 32, R60c68: 23, R19Ja69: 32, R23Mr69: 32, R13Ap69: 33, PD8Je69: 32, R27J169: 32, R3Ag69: 32, R2N69: 23, R16N69: 33, PD7D69: 42, PD8Mr70: 43, R31My70: 33, PD7Je70: 41, PD14Je70: 33, R12J170:43,PD18Ap71:33, PD25Ap71: 32, R2My71: 41, R2My71: 42, R20Je71: 21, PD17S71: 32, R170c71: 32, R21N71:43,PD28N71:31, R290c72:31, R26N72: 33, R3D72: 22, PD24D72: 32, PD27F72:33,RllMr73:31, PD29Ap73: 31, PD5Ag73: 31, R5Ag73: 32, R4N73: 41, PD16D73: 31, R4Ag74: 33, Pil2Ja75: 33, Pil5Je75: 33, D29J175:33, P8S75: 32--D9S75: 33, D210c75: 33, P28Je76:33, DHOc76:71, P6Je77: 11, D10Oc77: 22, D9Ap79:32, C30Oc79: 42, C20N79: 22 in Alexandria, Va. , R4D66: 42, R11D66: 41, R26S71: 21, P6Je77: 32, P18J177sl2, P5D77: 23, D13N79: 22 in Allegheny river, Pa , C6N79: 32 in Amelia co. , Va. , 12S45: 42, 3Ap46: 42, 18Ap51: 32, 20Je51: 41, 8Ag51: 32, 110c51: 32, 19D51: 32, 27F52: 41, 12Mr52: 31, 27Mr52: 32, 8My52: 32, 12Je52: 32, 20Oc52: 31, 270c52: 12, 7N54s22, 28F55: 41, 21Mr55: 41, 18Ap55: 31, 9My55: 22, 23My55: 22, 310c55: 22, 7N55: 22, 27Ag56: 41, 22Ap57: 41, 22Ap57: 42, PD2My66: 32, PD13 Je66: 32, PD25J166: 32, R8Ag66: 31, PD22Ag66: 32, PD10Oc66: 41, PD240c66: 31, PD240c66: 32, PD20N66: 31,R4D66: 31, R4D66: 32, R25D66: 43, PDlJa67: 32, PD16Ap67: 32, PD28My67: 33, PDllJe67: 41, PD30J167: 33, PD20Ag67: 33, PD10S67: 23, PD150c67: 22, R24D67: 41, R4F68: 33, R24Mr68: 41, PD7Ap68: 32, R14Ap68: 44, R12My68: 31, PD23Je68: 31, PD28J168: 31 — R28J168: 32, R270c68sl4, R270c68: 23, PD29S68: 31, R5Ja69: 42, PD26Ja69: 41, R23Mr69:32,R13Ap69:33, PDllMy69: 33, RlJe69sl2 , PD8Je69: 32, R13J169: 33, PD27J169: 33, R190c69s22, R2N69: 41, PD9N69: 32, R16N69: 41, PD19Ap70: 33, R31My70: 32, PD7Je70: 32, PD14Je70: 33, R12J170:41,R12J170:43, R8N70:23,PD29N70:31, PD13D70: 23, PD10Ja71: 42, PD21F71: 33, PD23My71: 31, R30My71: 23. PD17S71: 32, R170c71: 32, PD14N71: 23, PD5D71: 33, PD19D71: 33, PD16Ap72: 32, R23Ap72: 32, PD23Ap72: 32, PD150c72: 32, PD220c72: 31, R19N72: 32, R14Ja73: 41,PD4Mr73: 33, 545 Horses, lost and found (cont'd) PDllMr73: 32, R15Ap73: 33, R10Je73sll.R10Je73sl2, PD24Je73: 33, PD210c73: 31, R4N73: 33. R4N73: 42, PD16D73: 23, PD23D73: 31, PD20Ja74: 32, PD28Ap74: 32, PD19My74pll, PD18Ag74: 33, PD8S74: 32. PD29S74: 33. P110N74: 33. Pi2F75:33,Pi23Mr75: 41, D13My75: 12. P16Je75: 32, D17Je75: 43,D12Ag75: 41, D26Ag75:33.D23S75:33, Pil90c75: 33, P20Oc75: 31, D210c75: 33, D11N75: 32, P1D75: 23. Pi20Ja76: 41, DllMy76: 33, D22Je76: 71, D21S76: 42, P27S76: 13, PHOc76: 31, P250c76: 33, P1N76: 42, P20D76: 23, P20D76: 31, D27D76: 42, P7F77: 43, P14Mr77: 42, P14Mr77: 43, P18Ap77: 31, P23My77: 42, P23My77: 43, D30My77: 31, P30My77: 41, P30My77: 42, P27Je77: 33, D25J177:41,D310c77: 22, P12D77: 33, P19D77: 41, D19D77: 42, D90c78:42,D13N78:32, D12Mr79: 32, D24Ap79: 32. D12Je79: 32,D27N79:32 in Amherst co. . Va. . 250c65s33, PD240c66: 31. PD240c66: 32, R4D66: 32. R4D66: 42. PD16Ap67: 32, PD23Ap67: 32. PD150c67: 22, PD220c67: 23, R14Ap68s21, R14Ap68: 44, R1D68; 41, R15D68: 22, PD15D68: 32, R22D6P-- 31, RllMy69: 43, R25My69: 41, R6J169: 41,R13J169:33, PD2N69: 43, R14D69: 31, R14D69: 32, R31My70:32,R12J170: 42, R10Ja71: 41, R10Ja71: 42, R10Ja71: 43, PD6Je71: 33, PD25J171: 23,R21N71:42, PD27F72: 33, PD6Ag72. 31, PD13Ag72: 31, PD5N72sll, R19N72:23,R25Mr73: 33, R15Ap73: 33, R22Ap73s2l, PD13My73: 43. PD1 J173: 33, R25N73: 42, R2D73: 32, PD19My74: 43, R19My74: 43, R26My74: 32, R26My74: 42, PD30Je74: 23, R4Ag74: 41. PD29S74: 33. PD22D74: 32, D27My75: 41, D210c75: 33, P24N75s21, P27S76s23. PHOc76: 33, P1N76: 42, P1N76: 43, P22N76: 33, P14Mr77: 43. P170c77: 42, P170c77: 43. P10J178: 42, D15My79: 32. C15My79: 41, C30Oc79: 43 in Augusta co. , Va. , 12D51: 41, 20Oc52: 31, 20Oc52: 32. 270c52: 22, 3N52: 12. 3N52: 21, 10N52: 31, 7N54: 41, 18Ap55: 22, 18Ap55: 31, 9Mv55: 22, 170c55: 31, 240c55: 31. 7N55: 31, 30N59: 42. 12F62: 42, 25Gc65s41, PD27Je66: 32, PD170c66: 33, PD20N66: 31, PD4D66: 32, R19F67: 23, PD16Ap67: 31, PD16Ap67: 32, R14Ap68: 44, PD5My68: 32,R16Je68: 34. R23Je68: 31, PD1S68: 32, R22S68: 41, R130c68: 31, R270c68: 22, PD22D68: 33. R20Ap69: 32, PDllMy69: 33, RllMy69: 42, R13J169: 32, R13J169: 33. R13J169: 41, R20J169: 31, R16NG9: 33. R18Ja70: 33, R18Ja70: 43. R12J170: 43, PD19J170: 42, R6S70: 31. R18Oc70: 32, PD22N70: 31, PD10Ja71: 42, R2My71: 42, R18J171: 33, PD14N71: 23, R21N71:43.PD28N71: 31, PD26D71: 32, R27F72: 32. PD30Ap72: 31, PD220c72: 31, PD5N72sll, R28Ja73: 33. R4F73: 23. R6My73s22. PD8J173: 33. PD12Ag73: 32. R280c73: 33, R9D73: 42. R7Ap74: 32, Pi22Je75:33,Pil3J175:33, P4Ag75: 31, D210c75: 33. P10N75: 43, P29D75: 33, P29D75: 41, P19Ap76: 43, P7Je76: 42, P21 Je76: 33, P19J176: 42, D20J176: 52, P26 J176: 42, D8N76: 32, P7F77: 42, P23My77: 43, D29Ag77: 31, P29Ag77:41,P21N77: 23, P12D77: 33, P19D77: 41, D26D77: 31, P10J178:42,D23Oc79:32, D13N79: 32 in Bedford co. , Va. , 27Ag56: 41, 2S57: 31,2S57:41,30N59:42, 4N63: 31, PD4Ap66: 33, PD23My66: 33, PD30My66: 32, PD30c66: 41, PD10Oc66: 42, R4D66: 41, R4D66: 42, R11D66: 42,PD22Ja67: 33, PD23Ap67: 32, PD150c67: 22, PD220c67: 22, PD220c67: 23, PD17D67: 33, PD24D67: 33, R14Ap68: 33, PD21J168: 33, PD20Oc68: 23, R270c68: 22, PD22D68: 33, R16F69: 23, PD9Mr69: 41, R16Mr69: 42, PD20Ap69: 31, R20Ap69: 31, R20Ap69: 32, R25My69: 33, R25My69: 41, PD15Je69: 32, PD29Je69: 43,R6J169: 41, R20J169: 31, PD21S69: 32, R30N69: 32, PD21D69: 41, R12J170: 42, PD19J170: 42, PD6S70: 33, PD22N70: 33, PD10Ja71: 42, PD23My71: 31, RlAg71: 21. RlAg71: 33, RlAg71: 42, PD14N71: 23, PD14N71: 31, R21N71: 42,R21N71:43, R23Ap72: 32, PD13Ag72: 31, PD24S72: 23. R290c72: 22, R19N72: 31, R19N72: 32, PD24D72: 32, R4F73: 33, PD18Mr73: 33, RlAp73: 41, R15Ap73: 33, PD29Ap73: 31, R29Ap73: 33, PD13My73: 43, PD12Ag73: 32, R16D73: 43, PD10F74: 32, PD17F74: 32, PD14Ap74: 32, R14Ap74: 33, PD28Ap74: 32, R9Je74: 23, R16Je74: 32, R16 Je74: 33, PD23Je74: 31, PD21J174: 32, PD25Ag74: 32, PDlS74s22, PD3N74pll,PD17N74: 23, P31Mr75s23, P7Ap75: 41, D29Ap75s42. D3Je75: 41, Pil5Je75: 33, Pi29Je75: 33, DlJ175:33,D26Ag75:33. Pil6D75:32,P15Mr76: 33, D18My76: 23, P24My76: 43, P24My76s22, D10Ag76: 71, P16Ag76s22, P27S76: 13, P1N76: 42, P6D76: 33, P14Mr77: 43, D30My77: 31,D6Je77: 32, D6Je77: 41, P6Je77: 42, P4J177: 42, P29Ag77:41,P170c77:41, P170c77:43,D14N77:42, P21N77:42,D30Oc78:32, D22My79: 42, C30Oc79: 43, C20N79: 13 in Berkeley co. , Va , PD17S72: 23, PD17S72: 31, PD14Ap74: 32, P17My76: 33 in Blackwater, Va. , PD26Mr67: 33, PD30J172: 33 in Blandford, Va. , 5S55: 41, R23J167: 42, PD2N69: 42, PD18Ja70: 42, DlAp75: 12, D13D76: 31, D6Je77: 31, D19Je79: 32, D8Ap80: 31 in Botetourt co. , Va. , R8Mr70s32, R12J170: 43, PD4Oc70: 33.R15N70: 43, R10Ja71: 43, PD28Mr71: 32, PD23My71: 31, R20Je71: 21, RlAg71: 42, R170c71: 32, R21N71: 42, PD28N71: 31, R23Ap72: 32, PD150c72: 32, PD5N72sll, R5N72: 23. R19N72: 42, R4F73: 33, PD15Ap73: 32, PD210c73: 31, PD4N73: 31, PD20Oc74: 32, PD20Oc74s22, PD270c74: 23, D15Ap75: 32, P10My76: 32, P170c77: 43, P21N77: 42, P21N77: 43, D5D77: 31, P6Mr78: 42, P10J178:42,D16Ap79: 22 in Brunswick co. , Va. , 24Ap52: 32, 12Je52: 32, 17J152: 32, 24J152: 32, 24J152: 41, 270c52: 31, 7N54: 32, 7N54s21, 28F55: 32, 23My55: 22, 12S55: 32, 310c55: 22, 30N59: 42, 16Ja61: 41, 250c65s33, PD15Ag66: 33, PD19S66: 31, PD30c66: 41, PD240c66: 31, R11D66: 33, PD19F67: 32, PD19Mr67: 41, PD7My67: 33, PD16J167: 33, PD6Ag67: 33, PD80c67: 22, PD220c67: 23, PD3D67: 32, PD10D67: 32, PD5My68: 32, PD23Je68: 31, R23Je68: 32, R29S68: 32, PD270c68: 43, PD10N68: 31, R22D68: 33, PD2F69: 33, PD8Je69: 32, R3Ag69:32,R24Ag69: 32, PD7S69: 33, R7S69: 42, PD28S69: 32, R16N69: 32, PD24My70: 32, PD24My70: 43, R12J170: 41, R12J170: 42, PD30Ag70: 41, R30Ag70: 42, R6S70: 31, PD18Oc70: 32, PD1N70: 23, PD1N70: 31, PD13D70. 23, PD13D70: 31, PD2My71: 33, R2My71: 42, PD23My71: 31, PD12S71: 33, PD12Mr72: 33, PD14My72: 31, PD13Ag72: 31, R220c72: 32, R17D72: 31, PD13My73: 43 R20My73: 22, R5Ag73: 31, PD4N73:31,R10F74:42, R17F74: 32, PD17Mr74: 32, PD7Ap74: 32, PD14Ap74: 32, PD26My74: 32, R7J174: 32, PD60c74: 32, P10Mr75: 41, P5My75: 31, P2Je75s43, P9Je75: 31, P9Je75:33,P21J175:33, P28J175: 23,P28J175: 31, P4Ag75: 33, P8S75: 32, D2D75: 33, P30Ag76:42,D8N76:32, P8N76: 41, P6D76: 33, P17Ja77: 43, P7Mr77sl3, P16My77s32, P4J177: 42, P11J177: 43, D19D77: 42, D10J178:42, P30Oc78: 43, C15My79:41,D5Je79:32, 546 Horses D31J179:32.D20N79: 12 in Buckingham co. . Va , PD25J166. 32. PD8Ag66: 32, PD19S66: 31. PD10Oc66: 41, PD170c66: 33, PD240c66. 31, R4D66. 41, PD11D66: 33. PDUa67: 32, PD7My67. 33, PDllJe67. 33, R14Ap68: 33, R26My68: 33. R16Je68:33,R23Je68:32. PD28J168: 31, PD4Ag68: 31, PD8S68: 31. PD270c68: 43, R270c68sl3. R15D68: 23, R22D68: 33, R27Ap69: 31, PDllMy69s42, RllMy69: 43, R15Je69: 42. R13J169: 32, R30N69: 32, R30N69: 33, R31My70: 33, R12J170: 41, R12J170: 43, PD1N70: 31, R15N70: 43, PD22N70: 33, R2My71: 42, R23My71: 32, PD29Ag71: 32. R26S71: 33, R21N71:42.R21N71:43, R27F72: 32, R27F72: 33, R80c72: 31, R19N72: 23.PD19N72: 31, R19N72:33,PD26N72: 31, RllMr73: 33, R25Mr73: 33, R29Ap73. 32, R24Je73: 33, PD70c73: 31, PD11N73: 23, PD25N73: 31. PD25N73: 32, R12My74: 33, R26My74: 32, PD23Je74: 31, PD30Je74: 31, PD21J174: 32, PD3N74pll, Pi9F75:33,P31Mr75:41, P5My75: 31, PilJe75: 33, P2Je75s42,D10Je75:42, Pil5Je75: 33, P10N75sl2, D11N75: 33,P1D75: 23, Pi6Ja76:32,D18My76: 23, P16Ag76s22, P23Ag76: 41, P30Ag76: 42, D1N76: 32, D13D76: 31, P20D76: 23, P14F77: 43, P31Ja77: 31,PllAp77: 23, D25Ap77: 31, D16My77: 32, P23My77: 42, P23My77: 43, P27Je77: 43, D11J177: 32, P170c77:42, D26D77: 32, D13N78:32,C28Ag79:33, D20N79: 12,C27N79:22 in Bute co. , N. C. , PD18Ja70: 33, in Cabin Point, Va. , 13Ap39: 31, PD24My70: 32, PD4Oc70: 32, PD30J172: 33, PD15J173: 33, PD4Ag74: 32, P23Ag76: 33 — D24Ag76: 72 in Caroline co. , Va. , 24S36: 41, 19N36: 42, lAp37: 41, 15D38: 32, 310c45: 32, 5D45: 42, 25Ap51: 32, 170c51:31,27Mr52:32, 3Ap52: 31, 17Ap52: 32, 12Je52: 31, 12Je52: 32, 3N52: 21, 2My55: 22, 10Oc55: 32, 27Ag56: 41, 250c65s41, PDllAp66: 41, PD18Ap66: 33, PD30My66: 32, PD4J166: 33, PD11J166: 31, PD4D66: 32, PD11D66: 33, PD2Ap67: 32, PD30J167: 33, PD290c67: 23, R130c68:32, R13J169: 31, PD21S69: 32, R50c69: 23, R16N69: 32, R18Ja70:43,PD15F70: 42, PD8Mr70: 43. R31My70: 33, PD18Oc70: 32. R15N70: 43, PD3Ja71. 33, PD24Ja71: 33, R2My71: 42. PD23My71: 31, R30My71: 23, PD12D71: 33, PD19D71: 33, PD13Ag72: 31, PD21Ja73: 31, PD21Ja73: 32, PD4F73:32--R4F73: 31, PD1 J173: 33, R5Ag73: 22, PD20Ja74: 32, R10F74: 42, PD17N74: 23, PD8D74: 23, P130c75:32,P19Ap76: 43, D27Ap76: 33, P19J176: 42, P16Ag76sl2, P16Ag76s22, P20D76: 23, P7F77: 43, P7Mr77: 31, D27Je77: 32, P18J177sl3, D1-6J177: 32, P170c77: 42, P21N77: 23. D90c78: 42, P160c78: 23, C30Oc79: 33 in Charles City co. , Va. , 9N39: 41, 170c51: 41, 12Je52: 31, PD21Mr66: 41, PD20Je66: 32, R4D66: 41, PD18Je67: 41, R10Ag69: 33, PD6Je71: 33, PD4F73:32, RllMr73: 32, PD14Ap74:32,DllF75:32, Pil4S75:33,P17N75sl3, Pi3F76: 32, P5Ap76: 43, P10My76: 32, P17My76:33,P7Mr77:31, DllAp77: 72, P4J177sl2, P240c77: 31, P21N77: 42, D26D77: 32, PlMy78: 32, P21Ag78: 13 in Charlotte co. , Va. , 250c65s33, 250c65s42, PD12S66: 31, PD170c66: 33, PD240c66: 31, PD30Oc66: 32, R4D66: 32, PD18Je67: 33, PD290c67: 23, PD7Ja68: 41, R16Je68: 33, PD10N68: 31, PD15D68: 32, R27Ap69: 31, PD2N69: 42, PD2N69: 43, PD24My70: 42, PD24My70: 43, PD16Ag70: 33, R18Oc70: 32, R2My71: 42, PD23My71: 31, R23My71: 32, R20Je71: 42, PD25J171: 23, PD14N71: 23, PD14N71: 31, R21N71: 43, PD13F72: 33, PD23Ap72: 32, PD30Ap72: 31, PD150c72: 32, PD5N72sll, PD19N72: 32, R19N72: 33, R26N72: 33, R24D72: 33, PD29Ap73: 31, R6My73s23, R16D73: 43, PD19My74: 43, R14J174: 32, PD4Ag74: 32, PDlS74s22, R130c74: 33, PD17N74: 23, D25Mr75: 32, D12Ag75: 41, Pil7Ag75: 33,Pil4S75: 33, P8D75: 33, D9Mr76: 31, D20Ap76: 41, P10My76sl2, P7Je76sll, P14Je76: 31, P14Je76: 32, PHOc76: 33, P1N76: 41, P1N76: 43, P7Mr77sl4, DllAp77: 72, P23My77: 43, P4J177: 33, P29Ag77: 42, P170c77:41,P170c77:42, D26D77: 31 , P10J178: 43, D30Oc78: 32, P30Oc78: 33, D13N78: 32, D90c79: 32, D26F80: 13 in Charlottesville, Va. , D26D77: 22 in Chesterfield co. , Va. , 240c51: 32 27F52: 32, 5Mr52: 32, 22S52: 32, 20Oc52: 31, 270c52: 12, 7N54: 42, 7N54s22, 28F55: 32, 2My55: 22, 240c55: 31, 12D55: 41, 12D55: 42, 22Ap57: 41, PD23My66: 32, R30My66: 41, PD15Ag66: 33, PD240c66: 31, PD6N66: 32, R4D66: 41, R4D66: 31--PD11D66: 33, PD12Mr67: 33, R12Mr67: 41, PD16Ap67: 31, PD16Ap67: 32, PD27Ag67: 32, PD290c67: 23, R24D67: 34, PD14Ap68: 32, R14Ap68: 32, PD21Ap68: 32, R16Je68: 34, PD22S68: 31, PD20Oc68: 23, PD13Ap69: 41, R27Ap69:31,RUe69:33, PD27J169: 33. R27J169: 32, PD24Ag69: 41, PD7S69: 42, R260c69: 32. PD21D69: 33, PD19Ap70: 42, PD7Je70: 32, R12J170: 42, R12J170: 43, PD19J170: 33, R6S70: 32, PD18Oc70: 32, PD1N70: 31, PD22N70: 33, PD2My71: 33, R2My71: 42, PD30My71: 31, PD18J171: 22, R18J171:43,PD25J171: 23, PD10Oc71: 32, PD310c71: 31, PD14N71: 31, R21N71: 43, PD28N71: 31, PD19D71: 33, PD16Ja72: 41-- R6F72: 32, R12Mr72: 31, R12Mr72: 32, R23Ap72: 32, PD21My72: 31, PD9J172: 32, PD30J172: 33, PD20Ag72: 32, PD3S72: 31, PD17S72: 23, R24D72: 31, PD24D72: 32, PD4F73: 32, PD25F73: 32, PD4Mr73: 33, PDllMr73: 32, R27My73: 31, PD12Ag73: 31, PD17Mr74: 32, PD7Ap74: 32, PD16Je74: 23, PD16Je74s22, PD21 J174: 32, PD25Ag74: 32, R15S74: 33, PD3N74: 43, PD17N74: 23, D11F75: 32, D15Ap75: 32, D29Ap75s42, P1S75: 32, P10N75sll, D9Mr76: 31, D15Je76: 62, P30Ag76: 42, P27S76s22, P27S76s23, P1N76: 41, P1N76: 42, D20D76: 22, P30My77: 42, P27Je77: 43, P29Ag77: 42, P29Ag77:43,P170c77:42, P28N77: 23, D17J178: 42, D9Ap79: 32, D8My79: 31, D29My79: 32, D12Je79: 41, D3J179: 32, D31J179: 31, D28Ag79: 31, C6N79: 32, DlAp80: 32, D8Ap80: 31 in Culpeper co. , Va. , HOc51: 41, 30Ap52: 32, 15My52: 32, 15D52: 32, 2Mr53: 42, 7N54s21, 9My55: 22, 9My55: 31, 5S55: 42, 310c55: 22, 27Ag56: 42, 22Ap57: 32, 22Ap57: 41, R4D66: 32, R11D66: 33, R11D66: 41, R4F68: 31, R28Ap68: 24. R25My69:41, R13J169: 32, R13J169: 33, R7S69: 41, R30N69: 33, PD7D69: 42, PD18Ap71: 33, R23My71: 32, R18J171: 33, R5S71: 41, R12Mr72: 33, R21My72: 23, R5N72: 22, R15Ap73: 33, R6My73s22, R140c73: 33, R19My74: 43, R30Je74: 33, R7J174: 31, R14J174: 33, R4Ag74: 41, R18Ag74: 32, R1S74: 33, Pil30c74: 33, Pi29D74: 33, Pil8My75: 33, P7Je76sll, P16Ag76s22. D24Ag76: 41, P13S76: 41, P1N76: 41, D14F77: 22, D13Je77: 22, P4J177: 42, D14N77: 42, P21N77: 42, P10J178: 41, P10J178: 42, D13N78: 32, D11D79: 32 in Cumberland co. , Va. , HOc51: 32, 170c51: 32, 13F52: 41, 27Mr52: 32, 3Ap52: 31, 10Ap52: 32, 12Je52: 31, 12Je52: 32, 7N54s21, 7N54s22, 14Mr55: 41, HAp55: 32, 25Ap55: 31, 30c55: 32, 310c55: 42, 12D55: 32, 22Ap57: 42, 2S57: 31, 30N59: 42, 250c65s42, PD28Mr66: 41, PD18Ap66: 33, PD2My66: 32, PD11J166: 31, PD18J166: 32, PDlAg66: 31, PD240c66: 31, PD20N66: 23, PD20N66: 31, R12Mr67: 43, PD9J167: 33, PD30J167: 33, PD80c67: 22, PD220c67: 23, R24D67: 33, PD18F68: 33, PD24Mr68: 33, PD7Ap68: 32. R14Ap68: 44, R28Ap68:33.R12My68:31, PD16Je68: 32, PD28J168: 31-- R28J168: 32, PD8S68: 31, PD15S68: 31, PD23F69: 41, R13J169: 41, PD13Ap69: 41, 547 Horses, lost and found (cont'd) PDllMy69: 33, PD17Ag69: 33, R17Ag69: 31, PD7S69: 33, R50c69: 23, R50c69: 31, R260c69: 32, PD9N69: 31, PD9N69: 32, R16N69: 32, R16N69: 43, PD7D69: 32, PD7D69: 42, R14D69: 31, PD21D69: 41, PD15F70: 42, PD8Mr70: 42, R22Mr70: 32, PD5Ap70: 42, PD19Ap70: 33, R3My70: 32, R31My70: 33, R12J170: 42, PD21Je70: 33, PD19J170: 41, PD13S70: 32, PD4Oc70: 32 — R4Oc70: 32, PD18Oc70: 32, PD22N70: 33, PDllAp71: 33, PD25Ap71: 32, R2My71: 42, R23My71: 41, RlAg71: 42, PD8Ag71: 23, PD19D71: 33, PD26D71: 32, R80c72: 31, R26N72: 22, PD28Ja73: 32, PD29Ap73: 31, PD13My73: 43, PD5Ag73: 31, PD140c73: 31, PD210c73: 31, PD4N73: 31, R12My74: 42, R4Ag74: 33, PU0N74: 33, PU7N74: 33, D14Ja75: 33, D11F75: 32, P21Ap75: 32, P16Je75: 32, D17Je75: 43, Pi27J175: 33, P22S75: 33, Pi20Ja76: 41, P16F76: 33, D4My76: 33, D8Je76: 72, D8N76: 41, P7F77: 42, P20Je77: 33, P18J177: 43, P170c77:41,P170c77:42, P21N77: 33, D19D77: 41, D15My79: 32 in Cumberland town, Va. , 2S57: 31, R26J170: 23 in Dinwiddie co. , Va. , 10J152: 41, 120c52: 31, 20Oc52: 31, 270c52: 31, 30N59: 42, PD2My66: 32, PD20Je66: 31, PD27Je66: 32, PD30c66: 41, PD13N66: 31, R[llDs?]66: 32, PD5F67: 32, PD7My67: 33, PD9J167: 33, PD3S67: 32, PD14Ja68: 32, PD17Mr68: 32, PD19My68: 31, PD21J168: 33, RllAg68: 32, R22D68: 33, PD26Ja69: 41, PD13Ap69: 41, R6J169: 33, PD7S69: 33, R16N69: 33, R16N69: 41, PD7D69: 42, R8F70: 42, R31My70: 33, PD25Oc70: 31, PD10Ja71: 33, R10Ja71: 32, PD18Ap71: 33, RlAg71:31,RlAg71:42, PD8Ag71: 23, R5S71: 32, R170c71: 32, PD14N71: 23,R21N71:42, PD12D71: 33, PD26D71: 32, PD14My72: 31, PD20Ag72: 32, PD10c72: 31, PD19N72: 31 — R19N72: 22, R3D72: 22, PD4Mr73: 33, PD18Mr73: 33, R25Mr73: 33, PD29Ap73: 31, R24Je73: 33, PD12Ag73: 32, PD5My74: 33, R23Je74: 42, PD30Je74: 31, PD21 J174: 32, PD25Ag74: 32, Pi22Je75:33,D26Ag75:33, P60c75: 32, Pil90c75: 33, D2lOc75: 33, P27S76s23, P1N76: 42, P15N76: 32, P6D76: 33, D7F77: 31, P25J177:41,D29Ag77: 31, P29Ag77:42, P240c77: 33, D310c77: 31, D10J178: 32 — P10J178: 32, D8My79: 32, D25S79: 32, D26F80: 13, C13My80: 31 in Dumfries, Va. , R7J174: 31, D10Je75: 33--Pil5Je75: 33, P20Je77:31,P27Je77:41, P11J177: 41, P19S77: 23, P310c77: 32, P19Je78: 11, D11S79: 31, D230c79: 32 in Dunmore co. , Va. , R210c73: 31, R19My74: 43, P1N76: 42, P1N76: 43, P16My77s32 in Elizabeth City co. , Va. , 28Ap38:41, PD14My67: 32, PD12Ag73: 31, R4Ag74: 41, P4Ap77: 43, P30My77: 42 in Essex co. , Va. , 25Ja40: 41, 15My46: 42, 7Mr51: 41, 6Je51: 32, 29Ag51: 32, 20Mr52: 31, 19J154: 41, 18Ap55: 31, 27Ag56: 41, 27Ag56: 42, 30N59: 42, R18J166: 32, PD15Ag66: 33, PD5N67: 31, R6Ap69: 32, R20J169: 23, PD21Je70: 33--R12J170: 41, R4Oc70: 32, R18Oc70: 32, R20Je71: 42, R5S71: 42, R170c71: 42, R27F72: 32, PD19N72: 31, R10.Te73sl2, R30Je74: 33, Pi23F75: 33 — D25F75: 33, D24Je75: 32, PH3J175: 33 — P14J175s23, P17Ja77sll, D28Mr77: 22, P27Je77: 12,D26D77:31 in Fairfax co. , 2My55: 22, 9My55: 22, 9My55: 31, 16My55: 22, 250c65s33, PD21My67: 32, PD21My67: 33, PD26My68: 31, R22S68: 31, R310c71: 33, R220c72: 23, R8S74: 33, PD3N74: 43, P28J175: 23, Pll J177: 43, D230c79: 32, CD25D79: 13, D5F80: 33 in Falmouth, Va. , 27Mr52: 32, PD15Je69: 32--R15Je69: 31, PD19N72: 31--R19N72: 23,D14S76: 72, P6D76: 33, P18J177: 33, P15Ag77: 31, D10J179:32 in Fauquier co. , Va. , 250c65s33, R4D66: 23, R25D66: 23, PD10D67: 32, PD8S68: 31, PD10N68: 31, RllMy69: 43, R27J169: 32, R16N69: 33, R30N69: 41, R13S70: 31, R18Oc70: 32, PD22N70: 33, R2My71: 42, R23My71: 32, R5S71: 32, R21N71: 43, PD14My72: 31, PD19N72: 32, R9S73: 41, PD4N73: 31, PD24Mr74: 32, R4N73: 42, Pi29S74: 41, P1D75: 23, Pi3F76: 42, P7F77: 43, P23My77: 42, P5S77: 33, P10J178: 42, D230c79: 32, D8Ja80: 43 in Fincastle, Va. , R12My74: 41, D40c76: 52 in Fluvanna co. , Va. , P170c77: 41, D19F79: 41, C15My79: 42, C3J179: 43, D230c79: 32, C30Oc79: 32, C6N79: 43, D13N79: 22 in Frederick co. , Md. , R15N70: 43 in Frederick co. , Va. , 170c51: 32, 10J152: 32, 20Oc52: 31, 20Oc52: 32, 7N54: 42, 7N54s21, 2My55: 22, 16My55: 22, 22Ap57: 41, PD18Ap66: 33, PD10Oc66: 42, R21Ap68: 22, R22S68: 41, R260c69: 32, R2N69: 41, R16N69: 33, R12J170: 42, R6S70: 32, PD10Oc71: 32, PD16Ap72: 33, R25Mr73: 33, R4N73: 43, D19Mr79: 32 in Fredericksburg, Va. ,PD10c67: 22— PD150c67: 41, R12My68: 41, R2F69: 32, PD8Mr70: 42, R15N70: 43, R31Ja71: 23, PD24Ja71: 32— R31Ja71: 33, PD12S71: 33, PD30c71: 32, PD9Ap72: 33, PD16J172: 32, PD150c72: 31--R150c72: 32, PD28Ap74: 32, RllAg74: 32, D27My75: 41, D10Je75: 33, Pi22Je75: 41, Pi22Je75: 42, P270c75: 23--D280c75: 33, D18My76: 31, P29N76: 32, P25J177: 33, PlAg77: 32, D19S77: 41, P19S77: 23, D30c77: 41, D170c77: 12, P240c77: 32, D26D77: 31, P21Ag78: 13, P21Ag78: 42, D30Oc78: 31, C28Ag79: 41, D27N79: 31, C13My80: 42 in Freestone point neck, R26S71: 43 in Georgetown, Md. , R14D69: 23 in Gloucester, Va. , D20c79: 31 in Gloucester co. , Va. , 4My39: 42, 30c51: 41, 310c51: 31, 17Ap52: 32, 5S55: 32, 5S55: 42, 240c55: 22, 12D55: 41, 4N63: 33, R23J167: 41, PD30J167: 33, R23Ag70: 42, R12Mr72: 33, R80c72: 31, R10Je73sl2, P21J175: 32, DllMy76: 42, P20D76: 21, P24Ja77: 32, P21Ag78: 41, P230c78: 23, D6N78: 42 in Goochland co. , Va. , 280c37: 32, 5Mr52: 32, 20Mr52: 31, 20Oc52: 31, 7N54: 41, 7N54s22, HAp55: 41, 2My55: 22, 310c55: 42, 27Ag56: 41, PD18Ap66: 41, PD4J166: 33, PD30c66: 41, PD10Oc66: 33, PD10Oc66: 41, PD170c66: 33, PD20N66: 31, R4D66: 31, R4D66: 32, PD1 Ja67: 32, PD22Ja67: 33, PD12F67: 32, R12Mr67: 43, PD30Ap67: 33, PD30J167: 33, PD10S67: 23, PD28Ja68: 31, PD18F68: 33, R25F68: 31, PD5My68: 31, PD16Je68: 32, R22D68: 33, R27Ap69: 31, PD29Je69: 33, R7S69: 41, R21S69: 33, R16N69: 43, PD7D69: 42, PD7Je70: 41, R15N70: 32, R15N70: 43, PD14F71: 33, RlAg71: 21, R26S71: 43, PD14N71: 23, PD23Ja72: 33, PD30Ja72: 33, R12Mr72: 32--PD19Mr72: 32, R23Ap72: 33, PD30Ap72: 31, PD5N72: 33, PD10D72: 32, R10D72: 23, PD18F73: 31, RllMr73: 31, PD15Ap73: 32, PD29Ap73: 31, R13My73: 32, R5Ag73: 31, PD18N73: 23, R18N73: 32, PD9Je74: 32, R30Je74: 33, R18Ag74: 32, PD8S74: 32, Pil5Je75: 33, D5Ag75: 33, P19Ja76: 42, D9Mr76: 31, P24My76sl2, P7Je76s21, D40c76: 72— P40c76: 33, P4Ap77: 43, P30My77: 43, P170c77: 41, P21N77: 42, P10J178: 41, P230c78: 33, D2Ap79: 22--C15My79: 43, D230c79: 32 in Halifax, Va. , 7N54s22 in Halifax co. , Va. , 2My55: 22, 9My55: 22, 9My55: 31, 310c55: 22, 22Ap57: 42, 2S57: 31, PD11J166: 31, R5S66: 42, PD240c66: 32, PD13N66: 31, PD20N66: 31, PD4D66: 32, PD12N67: 23, PD12N67: 31, PD21Ap68: 32, PD5My68: 31, R270c68sl3, R270c68sl4, R22D68: 33, R9F69: 32, R9Mr69: 32, PDllMy69: 33, PDllMy69s33, PDllMy69s42, PD7D69: 42, R14D69: 32, R12J170: 42, PD22N70: 33, PD23My71: 31, R26N72: 33, PD19N72: 32, R6F72: 41, PD26Mr72: 33, R25Mr73: 33, PD15Ap73: 32, R29Ap73: 31, R18N73: 32, R4Ag74: 41, RllAg74: 32, PD3N74: 43, P110N74: 33, P3F75: 43, Pi23F75: 33, Pi30Mr75: 33, P18Ag75sll, D4N75: 33, P22D75: 42, D6Ja76: 41, P10My76sl2, P16Ag76s22, P4Ap77: 43, P30My77: 43, P29Ag77: 41, D19S77: 41, P170c77: 41, P170c77: 42, P21N77: 43, P10J178: 42, P10J178: 43, D30Oc78:32,D12Je79:41 in Hampshire co. , Va. , R25My69: 41, R7D69: 32, R15N70: 32, R27F72: 32, P20D76: 23 in Hampton, Va. , PD20N66: 23, PD30J172: 33, D28Ja75: 33, D12Ag75: 33, P10N75: 43, P26Ja76: 33, D24F76: 33 — P23F76: 33, P7Je76: 43, D14N77: 32, D28N77:32,C3J179:42 548 Horses in Hanover, Va. , PD170c71: 32, PD26D71: 23, PD14Ja73: 32, P19J176: 42--D20J176: 42, D21S76: 42, D40c76: 81, P21Ag78: 32 in Hanover co. , Va. , 12N36: 42, 13Ja38: 41, 7J138: 41, 20Oc38: 32, 1D38: 42, 1 ED38: 41, 16F39: 42, 20J139: 41, 10Ag39: 41, 14D39: 32, 21D39: 41, llJa40: 42, 11J145: 41, 240c45: 41, 21Ag46: 32, 14Mr51: 41, 240c51: 32, 19D51: 41, 30Ap52: 32, 12Je52: 31, 12Je52: 32, 10J152: 32, 20Oc52: 32, 10N52: 31, 17N52: 31, 15D52: 31, 2Mr53: 41, 2Mr53: 42, 19J154: 32, 7N54s21, HAp55: 32, 25Ap55: 31, 23My55: 22, 170c55: 31, 22Ap57: 41, 2S57: 31, 4N63: 31, 250c65s41, PD4Ap66: 33, PD18Ap66: 41, PD2My66: 32, PD6Je66: 33, PD15Ag66: 33, PD5S66s41, PD7My67: 33, PD10S67: 23, PD290c67: 23, PD12N67: 23, R11F68: 33, R12My68: 41, PD18Ag68: 32, PD1S68: 31, R60c68: 32, R19Ja69: 32, R2F69: 41, PD9Mr69: 42, R13J169: 31, R13J169: 33, R13J169: 42, PD27J169: 33, PD10Ag69: 33, R16N69: 33, PD16Ag70: 33, R18Oc70: 32, PD22N70: 33, PD10Ja71: 42, PD23My71: 31, PD4Je72: 33, PD19N72: 32, PD29J173: 31, R280c73: 33, PD23D73s22,R17F74:32, PD7Ap74: 32, PD21Ap74: 32, PD23Je74: 23, R30Je74: 33, R18Ag74: 32, Pi20Oc74: 32, PD20Oc74: 32, Pi29D74:33, Pil9Ja75:33, D4Mr75:33,D17Je75: 33,D29J175: 33-- P4Ag75:32, D9S75: 33, D16S75: 32, D23S75: 33, D210c75: 33, Pi30N75: 33, D4My76: 33, D10Ag76: 71, P250c76: 23, D23My77: 31, P29Ag77: 41, P170c77: 23, P170c77: 41, P170c77: 42,P310c77: 33, D7N77: 31--P7N77s22, D14N77: 32, D5D77: 42, D26D77: 31, P3Ap78: 32, P10J178: 41, D3J179: 32, C3J179: 43, D26F80: 13 in Henrico co. , Va. , 10Mr38: 42, 22D38: 32, 28N45: 41, 26S51: 32, HOc51: 41, 5Mr52: 32, 20Oc52: 31, 19J154: 41, 7N54s21, 21Mr55: 41, 25Ap55: 31, 16My55: 22, 12F62: 42, 250c65s41, PD240c66: 32, R4D66: 31, PD11F68: 32, R21J168: 33, PD25Ag68: 32, PD60c68: 31, PD24N68: 32, PD1D68: 32, R22D68: 21, PD12Ja69: 33, R20Ap69: 32, R20J169: 31, PD28S69: 32, R22Mr70: 32, PD27S70: 33, PD25Ap71: 32, R26S71: 21, PD26D71: 32, PD13Ag72: 31, PD17S72: 23, PD11F73: 31, PDllMr73: 32, PD15Ap73: 32, R30S73: 33, PD10F74: 32, PD2Je74: 32, R16Je74: 32, D26Ag75: 33, P8Mr76: 41, D8Je76: 72, D13D76: 32, P7F77: 42, P7Mr77s24, P25J177: 41, P29My78: 32, D19J179: 32 in Henry co. , Va. , P27Je77: 42, P21N77: 43, D160c79: 32, D25Mr80: 33 in Hobbs Hole, Va. , PDlAg66: 32, PD29Je69: 41--R6J169: 33, PD2N69:33--R2N69:32 in Isle of Wight co. , Va. , 3J152: 41, 22Ap57: 42, PD23My66: 32. PD10Oc66: 42, PD60c68: 31, R7D69: 32, PD25J171: 23, R25Mr73: 33, R5Ag73: 32, PD23S73: 32, PD2D73: 31, P10My76sll, P29Ag77: 42, P10J178: 33--D17J178: 42.D25S79: 32, D18D79:32 in James City co. , Va. , 14Ag46: 42, 24Ja52: 41, 13F52: 41, 2Mr53: 42, 28F55: 41, 38Mr55: 41, 14N55: 31, 30N59: 42, 16Ja61: 41, TD27Je66: 32, PD22Ag66: 32, PD5S66s41, PD21My67: 33, PD9J167: 33, R18F68: 33, PD130c68: 31, R5Ja69: 31.R27J169: 32, PD27J169: 33, PD24My70: 32, R26J170:31,R23My71:32,RlAg71:21, R21N71: 32, R12Ag73: 22, P21Ap75s43, P5My75: 31, D27My75: 41, P113J175: 33, P127J175: 33, D5Ag75: 33, Pi24Ag75: 33, P15S75: 32, P15S75: 33, P10My76sl2, P7Je76sll, P23Ag76: 43, P30Ag76: 33, P20S76: 33, D27S76: 62, P1N76: 41, D8N76: 32, P13D76: 33,D14F77: 31, P28F77s23, P14Mr77: 42, P9My77: 33, P23My77: 43, P30My77: 42, D6Je77: 32, P6Je77: 42, P4J177: 42, P25J177: 41, P29Ag77: 42, D30c77: 42, D170c77: 22, P27Mr78: 12, D8My78: 62, D10J178: 42, D12Mr79: 32, D24Ap79: 31, D22My79: 41, D3J179: 32, C3J179: 42, D21 Ag79: 31, C28Ag79: 32, C28Ag79: 42, D90c79: 32, D18D79: 32, D15Ja80: 31, D25Mr80: 33 in Jamestown, Va. , 15My46: 42, 30N59: 41, PD2D73s22, P14Mr77: 42, D26D77:31 in King and Queen co. , Va. , 20Oc38: 32, 260c39: 42, 3J146: 32, 14Ag46: 42, 4S46: 41, 17J152: 32, 5S55: 41, 5S55: 42, 19S55: 41, 240c55: 22, 2S57: 31, 250c65s42, PD19S66:31,R25D66:43, PD23J167: 32, PD20Ag67: 33, R24D67: 34, R14Ap68: 33, R9Je68: 41, R7J168: 23,R21J168: 34, PD25Ag68: 32, R5Ja69: 31, PD24My70: 43, PD14Je70: 33, PD21Je70: 33, R12J170: 41, PD16Ag70: 33, PD10Je73: 23, PD5Ag73: 31-- R5Ag73:23,R12My74:43, R15S74:33--PD22S74:33, P28Je76: 33, P8N76s21, P29Ag77: 43, P21N77: 23, P5Je78: 32, D10J178: 42, C6N79: 33 in King George co. , Va. , 15My52: 32, PD10D67: 32, R14Ap68: 44, PD5My68: 31, R23Je68: 31, R9F69; 32, PD6J169: 33, R7S69: 42, PD24My70: 43, R12J170: 42, PD22N70: 33, R26S71: 43, R310c71: 33, R19N72: 42,R4F73: 32, R4F73: 31, R13My73: 32, R9D73: 41, PD10F74: 32, D11F75: 32, D210c75: 33, D6Ap76: 33, P7Je76: 43, P8N76: 32, P29Ag77: 42, P10J178:42,D20N79: 12 in King William co. , Va. , 10F38: 41, 28Ap38: 42, 15D38: 32, 23F39: 41, 27J139: 41, 24Ag39: 41, 23My45: 42, 21 Ag46: 32, 4J151: 41, lAg51: 32, 24J152: 32, 20Oc52: 31, 2Mr53: 42, 28F55: 42, 18Ap55: 31, 5S55: 42, 240c55: 31, 4N63: 31, 4N63: 33, PD8Ag66: 32, PD29Ag66: 31, PD10Oc66: 33, PD6N66: 21, PD5F67: 32, PD3S67: 32, PD24S67: 22, PD26N67: 32, PD7Ap68: 32. PD28Ap68: 22, R12My68: 34, R22S68:31,PD60c68:31-- R60c68: 31, PDUe69: 32, R27J169: 32, R17Ag69:31,R15F70:41, PD21F71: 32, PD28F71: 41, R2My71:31,R12Mr72:33, PD14My72: 31, PD3S72: 31, PD10S72:32,PD17S72:23, R29Ap73: 32, R29Ap73: 33, R6My73s23, PD17Je73: 33, PD2S73:31,R23S23:41 R2Je74:31,PD2Je74:32, R18Ag74: 32, D27My75: 41, P17N75sll--Pi23N75: 32, P30Ag76:32,P18Oc76:32, P21F77:31,P21F77:33, DllAp77:72,P19S77: 11, P24Oc77:31,D10J178:31 in Kingsmill, Va. ,D29Ag77: 31-- P29Ag77: 12 in Lancaster co. , Va. , 7Mr51: 42, R19F67: 31,R21N71: 43, P26J176: 31, P5D77:23 in Laneville, Va. , PD4Ag74: 32 in Leeds town, Va. ,R3Ag69: 32 in Loudoun co. , Va. , PD30Ap67: 33, PD220c67: 23, R24D67: 41,R4F68: 41, R28Ap68: 31, PD5My68: 32, R12My68:41,R16Ja68:34, R30Je68: 32, R29S68: 32,R12Ja69: 32, PD2N69: 43, R16N69: 33, R18Ja70: 33, PD150c72: 32, R10D72: 31, PD13My73: 43, Pi29S74: 41, Pil30c74: 33, Pi6Ap75sl2, D20J176: 52, P27Je77: 42, P170c77:41,P12D77:33, P10J178:41,D15My79:32 in Louisa co. , 18Ap45: 42, 12D45: 41, 30Ja52: 41, 5Mr52: 32, 5Mr52: 41, 10Ap52: 32, 8My52: 32, 12Je52: 32, 22S52: 32, 20Oc52: 32, 3N52: 21, 28F55: 32, 28Mr55: 32, 170c55: 31, 240c55: 31, 7N55: 31, 14N55: 31, PD22Ag66: 32, PD20N66: 31, PD11D66:33,R19F67:33, PD26Mr67: 33, PD9Ap67: 31, PD30J167: 33, PD12N67: 23, PD7Ap68: 32, R14Ap68: 43, PD5My68: 32, PD16Je68: 32, R60c68: 32, R22D68: 33, R23F69: 31, PDllMy69: 33,R25My69: 41, R13J169: 32, R13J169: 33, R18Ja70: 43, PD1N70: 31, PD10Ja71: 33, PD2My71:33,R2My71:4l, PD25J171:23,R8Ag71:31,R12Mr72:32, PD18Je72: 33, PD220c72: 31, R5N72: 23, R19N72: 42, R26N72: 33. R4F73: 32, PD4F73: 32, PD29Ap73: 31, PD13My73: 43, PD18N73: 23, R24Mr74: 33,R31Mr74: 33, R26My74:32,R4Ag74:41,R18Ag74:32, Pi270c74: 32, Pil8My75: 33, D1J175: 33, P2F76: 33, D31Ja77: 72. P16My77s31, D11J177: 32, P14N77: 33, D14N77: 42, P21N77: 42, P21N77: 43, P12D77: 33, D23Ja78: 42, P230c78: 33, D13N78:32 in Lunenburg co. , Va. , 12Je52: 32, 29S52: 41, 7N54s21, 7N54: 41, 28F55: 31, 9My55: 22, 23My55: 22, 12S55: 32, 26S55: 32, 30c55: 41, 240c55: 22, 240c55: 31, 310c55: 42, 12D55: 41, 22Ap57: 32, 2S57: 31, 16Ja61: 41. PD8Ag66: 32, PD15Ag66: 33, PD240c66: 31, PD240c66: 32, 549 Horses, lost and found (cont'd) RllD66:42,PD7My67:41, PD23J167: 32, PD150c67: 22, R24D67:42,R12My68:41, PD9Mr69: 42, PD20Ap69: 31, PD17Ag69: 33, R260c69: 23, PD16N69: 31, R30N69: 32, R8F70: 33, PD24My70: 32, R12J170: 42, R13S70:32,PD18Oc70:32, PD22N70:33,PD5D71:33, R23My71:32,R21N71:42, P21N71:43,R27F72:41, PD2Ap72: 33, PD12D72: 23, PD26N72:31,R26N72:33,R10D72:31, R24D72:23,R29Ap73:31,R6My73:33, R5Ag73: 31, PD5Ag73: 31, PD2S73: 31 PD25N73: 31, PD28Ap74: 41, R12My74: 41, R19My74: 43, PD17N74: 23, D6Ap76: 33, P24My76sl3, P23Ag76: 43, D40c76: 41, P7F77: 43, D6Je77: 32. D19S77: 41, P170c77: 41, P3Ap78: 32, P10J178: 42, C15My79: 41 in Manchester, Va. , P14Mr77: 43, P5Je78: 32, D12F79: 32, D28Ag79: 31 in Md. , PD30My66: 32 in Mecklenburg co. , Va. , 250c65s41, PD2My66: 32, PD29Ag66: 31, PD5S66s41, PD240c66: 31, PD20N66: 31, PD220c67: 23, PD12N67: 23, PD7Ja68:41,R25F68:31, PD10Mr68: 32, R23Je68: 32, PD23Je68: 31, R25Ag68: 33, PD29S68: 31, PD30Mr69: 33, PD29Je69: 41, PD13J169: 32, R20J169: 31, PD24Ag69: 33, R2N69: 41, PD9N69: 32, R30N69: 32, PD7D69: 32, PD28D69: 31, PD24My70: 32, PD24My70: 43, R12J170: 42, PD23My71: 31, R23My71:32,PD6Je71:33, PD25J171: 23, PDlAg71: 23, PD240c71: 32, R21N71: 43, PD23Ap72: 32, PD20Ag72: 32, PD5N72sll, PD5N72: 43, R19N72: 42, R26N72: 32, R26N72: 33, R28Ja73: 33, R4F73: 33, R22J173s22, PD5Ag73: 31, PD70c73: 31, PD140c73: 31, R18N73: 32, PD23D73s22, F10F74: 42, R4Ag74: 41, Pi9F75: 33, P2Je75: 33, P16Je75:31,D18My76:23, D29J176:71,D17Ag76:31, P23Ag76:43,P20S76: 13, P3Ja77s23, P4Ap77: 43, P18Ap77: 31, P30My77:43,PllJ177:43, PlAg77:32,P29Ag77:41, P170c77:43,D19D77:41, D21Ag79:32,C30Oc79:32 in Middlesex co. , Va. , 21Ag52; 31, R19F67:33,R4Ag68:32,R6F72:32, PD24Je73: 33, Pi5Ja75: 33, Pi23F75: 33, D21F77: 12, P4J177: 42, P10J178: 32, P230c78: 33, D5Je79: 32 in Nansemond co. , Va. , 29My46: 41, 30N59: 42.F30N69: 33,R15Mr70: 42, R5S71: 42, PD10N74: 43, D8N76: 32, P9My77s31, pl5Ag77: 32, D170c77: 21, D20N79: 12 in New Kent co. , 26N36: 42, 28Ap38: 42, 17N38: 42, 10Oc45: 32, 14Ag46: 41, 27F52: 41, 12Je52: 31, 30J152: 32, 60c52: 32, 20Oc52: 31, 2Mr53: 42, 25Ap55: 31, 16My55: 22, 240c55: 31, 2S57: 31, PD23My66: 32, PD26F67: 33, PD26F67: 33, PD3S67: 33,R23Je68: 31,R18Ag68: 32, PD1S68: 31, R17Ag69: 31, R16N69: 33, R21Mr71:41,R20Je71:33,RlAg71:42, PDllJe72: 32, PD5Mr72: 32, PD19Mr72: 32, R20My73: 23, R27My73: 31, R16D73: 42,R20Ja74: 33, D25Mr75: 32, PilJe75: 41, D20J176: 51, P4Ap77: 42, P30My77: 43, P29Ag77: 41, D10J178:22,P10J178:43 in New London, Conn. , PD4N73: 31 in Newcastle, Va. , 20Je45: 41, 8Ag51: 41, 22D52: 32, PD25J166: 32, PD16S73: 33, PD22S74: 33, D13My75: 11, D250c76:42,DlAg77:31 inNewpost, Va. , Pi30Mr75: 32 in Norfolk co. , Va. , R2Ag70: 23, D19D77:42,D8My78:62 in N. C. , PD10Ag69: 33, D16S75: 32 in Northampton co. , N. C. , PD13F72: 33--R27F72: 41, R31Mr74:33 in Northumberland co. , Va. , 12D51: 41, 16Ja61: 41, R30My66: 42, R20Ap69:32,R20Je71:42,R29Oc72:33, Pi20Oc74: 31, P20D76: 22, P20D76: 23, P17Ja77:32,P7F77:42 in Orange co. , N. C. , PD31Mr68: 23 in Orange co. , Va. , 220c36: 41, 12D51: 41, 5Mr52: 32, 30Ap52: 32, 15D52: 32, 10Oc55: 32, 12D55: 31, 12D55: 32, 30N59: 42, 250c65s41, PD2My66: 32, PD25J166: 33, PD170c66: 33, PD27N66: 32, R19F67:31,R14Ap68:33, PD5My68: 32, R30Je68: 32, R4Ag68: 32, R22S68: 34, PD15D68: 32, R20Ap69: 32, R27Ap69: 31, PDllMy69: 33, R25My69: 41, R13J169: 33, R18Ja70: 33, PD24My70: 43, PD16Ag70: 33, PD25J171:23,RlAg71:42, PD9Ap72: 33, PD2J172: 32, PD150c72: 32, PD5N72sll, R26N72: 33, PD13My73: 43, PD8J173: 33, R5Ag73: 31, R9S73: 41, R280c73: 33, R16D73: 41, R30D73: 32, PD2Je74: 32, R9Je74: 23, R4Ag74: 41, Pil7N74: 33, D28Ja75: 33, Pi2F75: 33, P10F75: 42, P31Mr75: 41, PilJe75: 33, Pi8Je75: 41, Pil5Je75: 33, D17Je75s22, PllAg75: 42, P8S75: 32, P270c75: 31, D9D75: 33, P28Je76: 33, P23Ag76: 43, D40c76: 81, P7F77: 43, P14F77: 32, P23My77: 42, P27Je77: 43, D15Ag77: 72, D19S77:41, P170c77: 41, P19D77: 41, P6Mr78: 42, P10J178: 42, P160c78: 33, D26Je79:32,D230c79:32 in Petersburg, Va. , 28Ag52: 32, 4N63: 43, PD18J166: 31, PD18J166: 32, PD30Oc66: 32, PD26Mr67: 32, PD23F69: 42, R15Mr70: 42 — PD22Mr70: 42, R7F71: 32, PD170c71: 31--R170c71: 31, PD19Mr72: 32, PD2J172: 32, PD30J172: 33, PD17F74: 32 — R17F74: 31, PD23Je74: 23, PD7J174: 32, PD25Ag74: 32, D16D75: 22, P2Ag76: 31, D13D76: 32 — P13D76:33,P16My77:32, D11J177: 32, P18J177: 33, P240c77: 31, P10J178: 33, D13N78: 31, D12F79: 32, C15My79:32,D18D79:31 in Pittsylvania co. , Va. , PD24Mr68:33,R21Ap68:22, PD5My68: 31, R16Je68: 34, R22D68: 33, 550 R20Ap69: 32, PD15Ja69: 33, F13J169: 32, R260c69: 32, R260c69: 41, R14D69: 23,R18Ja70: 43, R12J170: 42, PD10Ja71: 33, PD18Ap71: 33, R20Je71: 41,R21N71: 42, R23Ap72: 32, PDllJe72: 33, PD17S72: 23, PD150c72:32,R26N72:22,R26N72:32, P26N72:33,R17D72:32,R14Ja73:33, PD11F73: 31, PD15Ap73: 32, PDU173:33,R16Je74:32, PD3N74pll, PD17N74: 23, PD22D74: 32, PD29D74: 32, D25F75:33,DllMr75:43, P14Ap75:33,P21Ap75:32, Pi22Je75: 33, P24My76: 43, P31My76:32,D15Je76:62, P26J176: 33, P1N76: 42, P7F77: 42, D30My77: 31, P4J177: 42,D5S77: 32, P170c77: 41, P21N77: 43, D10J178: 42, P10J178: 43, D6N78: 42, D13N78: 32, D30Oc78: 32, D22My79: 41, D29My79: 32, D31J179:31,D26F80: 13 in Port Royal, Va. , PD12S71: 33, PD310c71: 32, PD16Je74: 31, PD22D74: 32 in Portsmouth, Va. , D27D76: 22, D10Ja77: 42, D29Ag77: 31— P5S77: 32, D28N77: 31.D3J179: 32 in Powhatan, Va. , 6F52: 32, 3J152: 41 in Powhatan co. , Va. , P170c77: 42, P21N77: 43, D90c78: 42, D8My79: 32, D160c79: 32, D26F80: 33, D8Ap80: 31 in Prince Edward co. , Va. , 7N54s21, 18Ap55: 31, 30N59: 42, PD16My66: 31, PD170c66: 33, PD240c66: 32, PD6N66: 42, PD13N66: 31, R4D66: 31, PD7My67: 41, PD220c67: 22, PD21Ap68: 32, PD5My68: 31,R16Je68: 33, PD20Oc68: 23, R270c68sl4, R12Ja69: 33, R20Ap69: 32, R27Ap69: 31, R13J169:33,R13J169:41,R7S69:42, R16N69: 33, R16N69: 41, R30N69: 33, R7D69: 33, R18Ja70: 33, PD24My70: 41, PD7Je70:32,R12J170:22,R30Ag70:32, R4Oc70:31,PD25Oc70:31, PD1N70:31,R13D70:43, PD4Ap71:31,R2My71:42, R23My71: 32, PD170c71: 32, PD14N71:31,R27F72:33, PD30Ap72: 31, PD14My72: 31, PD8J173:33,R140c73:33, R2D73:32,PD28Ap74:32, PD28J174: 32--R28J174: 33, Pil7N74:33,PD22D74:32, Pi23Mr75:41,P2Je75s43, PllAg75:42,P26Ap76:23, P10My76sl2, P28Je76: 33, P7F77: 42, P7F77: 43, P14Mr77: 43, D28Mr77: 71, DllAp77: 72, D16My77: 22--P16My77s22, 6Je77: 41, P4J177: 42, P170c77: 42, D10J178: 42. P10J178: 43. P21Ag78: 12. D8My79:32,D10J179:32, D25S79: 32, 20N79: 12, D8Ja80: 43 in Prince George co. , Va. , 22S38: 41, 16Ag51: 32, 26S51: 32, 20Oc52: 32. 1D52: 31, 19J154: 41, 7N54s21, 12D55: 31, 12F62: 32, 4N63: 31, 250c65s33. PD18Ap66: 41, PDlAg66: 31, PD10Oc66: 42. PD20N66: 31, PDUa67: 43, PD19F67:32.PD17S67:23, PD10c67:22,PD5N67:32, Horses PD18Ag68: 32, PD8S68: 31, PDllMy69:33,R6J169: 33, R16N69: 32, R7D69: 32, R18Ja70: 33, PD16Ag70: 43, PD21Mr71: 33, PD2My71: 33, PD27Je71: 33, R21N71: 42, PD12Mr72: 33, PD26Mr72: 33,R23Ap72: 33, PD80c72:33,R19N72:31, R24D72: 31, R4F73: 23, RllMr73: 32, R1J173: 33, P22J173: 33, PD4N73: 31, PD23Je74: 31, PDlS74s22, P19My75: 33, D26Ag75: 33, PlMr76:41,P19J176:42, P30Ag76:42,P7Mr77sl3, P4Ap77:43,P30My77:43, D6Je77: 32, P27Je77: 43, P4J177: 42, PlAg77: 12, P170c77: 42, P28N77sll, D26D77: 31, P29My78: 41, D90c79: 32 in Prince William co. , Va. , 17Ap52: 32, 7N54: 32, 7N54: 41, 7N54s22, 7Mr55: 32, 9My55: 22, 240c55: 32, 12D55: 32, 12F62: 32, PD240c66: 31, R4D66: 42, PD14Ap68: 32,R28Ap68: 31, R16Mr69: 42, R25My69: 33, RUe69:33,R14Je70:42, PD19J170:41,R12J170:43, R18Oc70: 32, PD10Ja71: 42, PD11J171:33,R26S71: 33, R23Ap72:32,R14Ja73:33, PD18N73: 23, PD25N73: 31, R9Je74:23,P16Je75:32, P10My76sl2, P7Mr77s24, P23My77: 42, P27Je77: 42, P10J178:41,C28Ag79:42, D25S79:32 in Princess Anne co. , Va. , 30N59:32,PD16Ag70:43, R27S70:33,C27N79:23 in Providence forge, Va. , D26Je79:32--C3J179:42 in Quantico, Va. , 15D52: 32 in Richmond, Va. , 6Je51: 32, PD20N66: 23, PD18Ag68: 32, R5Ja69:42,RllMy69:43, PD24My70:41,PDlAg71:22, PD14My72: 23, PD14My72: 31, PD290c72: 23--R290c72: 32, PD12N72: 23, PD19N72: 31 — R19N72:23,PD26N72:31, PD9Je74:32,P4Ag75:32, D26Ag75: 33--Pi31Ag75: 33. Pil6N75: 33, P14Je76:33,P13S76:43, P1N76: 41, P14N77: 33, D19D77: 42, P21Ag78: 12,P21Ag78:43, P230c78:32,CllD79:21 — D11D79:31,D5F80:41 in Richmond co. , Va. , 31J146: 52, 27Ag56: 42, R24N68: 31, R15D68: 22, R2fiOc69: 31, R5S71: 32, PD20Ag72: 32, R5N72: 23, PH6F75: 33, P21N77: 43, P19Je78: 12, D10J178: 22 in Rockbridge co. , Va. , D230c79: 32 in Rockingham co. . Va. , D13N79: 22 in Rocky mills, Va. , P21N77: 22 — D5D77: 12 in Rocky ridge, Va. , PD130c68: 31, PD23F69: 33, PD24My70: 32, P14Ap75:33,D27Ja76:33 in Scotch town, Va. , P10My76: 42, P160c78: 11 in Shockoe, Va. , 6Ap39: 31, PD19Ap70:42 in Smithfield, Va. , Pi4My75: 33, P22Mr76:33 in South Quay, Va. , Pl60c78: 13 in Southampton co. , Va. , 27Mr52: 32, 270c52: 12, 9My55: 31, 27Ag56:42,22Ap57:41, PD25J166: 33, PD30c66: 41, PD13N66: 31, PD10c67: 22, PD14Ja68: 32, PD2Je68: 31, PD26Ja69:'33, PD9Mr69: 33, R13Ap69: 33, PD17Ag69: 33, R18Ja70: 43,R23Ag70: 33, PD22N70: 33, PD27Je71: 33, PD5S71: 32, PD28Ja73: 32, R22S74:41,Pi9Mr75:33, D3Je75: 33, D30S75: 33, P5Ja76: 41, P23Ag76: 42, D28Mr77: 32, D23My77: 32, P27Je77: 42, P18J177:43,P170c77:43, D23Ja78: 32, D17J178: 42 — Pl9Je78: 11 in Spotsylvania co. , Va. , 10S36: 42, 7Ja37: 42, 15D38: 32, 27F52: 41, 5Mr52: 32, 17Ap52: 32, 15My52: 32, 12Je52: 32, 17J152: 32, 24J152: 41, 28Ag52: 32, 120c52: 31, 3N52: 21, 8D52: 31, 15D52: 31, 7N54: 32, 7N54s21, 2My55: 22, 9My55: 42, 240c55: 31, 240c55: 32, 310c55: 22, 14N55: 22, 2S57: 31, 30N59: 42, PD18Ap66: 41, PDUa67: 32, R19F67: 33, R24D67: 34, R14Ap68: 44, R12My68: 34, R26My68: 33, R16Je68: 33, R22S68: 32, PD15D68: 32, R22D68: 21, RlJe69sl2,R14D69:32,R31Ja71:23, PD18Ap71: 33,RlAg71: 33, R21N71: 42.R26N72: 22, R13My73: 33, R26My74: 32, PD21J174: 32, R18Ag74: 32, PD8S74: 32 — R8S74: 33, Pi270c74: 32, PH0N74: 32, Pil5D74:33,PD22D74:32, Pil8My75:33,DU175:33, D15J175:33,P10My76:32, P30Ag76: 42, D7S76: 41, P1N76: 43, D21Mr77: 21, P16My77s32, D30My77: 22— P30My77: 33, P11J177: 43, P25J177: 41, D15Ag77: 72, P29Ag77: 42. D5D77: 22--P5D77: 33. P12D77: 33, D26D77: 32, P10J178: 43, D20c79: 32, C18D79: 13, C19F80: 32 in Stafford co. , Va. , 16My45: 42, 24Ap52: 32, 7N54s21, 28Mr55: 41, 25Ap55: 31, 9My55: 22, PD2Ap67: 32, PD7My67:33,R28Ap68:31,R9Mr69:31, R27Ap69:31,R26Oc69:41,R14Je70:42, P3Mr75: 33, P28J175: 31, Pi31Ag75: 33, P3Ja77s23, P31Ja77: 31, P14Mr77: 43, P16My77s22, P18J177: 43, PlAg77: 32, P12D77: 33, P6Mr78: 42, D10J178: 22, D3J179: 32 in Suffolk, Va. ,P26Ja76:41, D22Je76: 32 in Suffolk co. , Va. , PD17Ag69: 32, D17J178:41 in Surry co. , Va. , 20Je45: 42, 30My51: 32, 6F52: 32, 15My52: 41, 30c55: 32, 14N55: 31, 27Ag56: 42, PD2My66: 23, PD5S66s41, PD21J168: 32, R25Ag68: 32, PD15S68:31,PD17S71:32, PD4Ag74: 32, PD20Oc74: 32, D18Mr75: 33, D6Ja76: 41, D7F77: 31, P4Ap77: 33, P6Je77: 32, P12S77: 32, D10J178:42,D27N79:31 in Sussex co. , Va. , 7N54s22, 19J154: 41, 25Ap55: 31, 23My55: 22, 240c55: 31, 27Ag56: 42, 22Ap57: 41, PD22Ag66: 32, PD30c66: 41, PD240c66: 32, PD80c67: 2?, PD4F68: 32, R4F68: 43, PD10Mr68: 32, PD17Mr68: 32, PD30Je68: 31, PD18Ag68: 32, PD10N68: 31, PDUe69:32,PD7S69:42, R190c69s22, PD24My70: 32, PD14Je70: 33, R12J170: 23, PD16Ag70: 41, PD30Ag70: 31, PD25Oc70: 31, PD18Ap71: 33, R23My71:32,R18J171:42, PD25J171:23,R26S71:41, PD10Oc71: 32.R27F72: 41, R23Ap72:32,R23Ap72:33, PD7My72: 32, R19N72: 33, R10D72: 31, PD7Ja73: 33, R1J173: 33, R10Mr74: 32, R31Mr74:33,R18Ag74:32, P16Je75: 32, P5Ap76: 43, P10My76sl2, D7F77: 32, P27Je77: 42, P4J177: 41, P4J177sl2, P240c77: 31, D13N78: 31 in Urbanna, Va. ,R12Mr67: 43, PD7J174: 32 in Wake co. , N. C. , PD30S73: 32 in Wakefield, Va. , 9D37: 42, 7Ag52: 32 in Warren co. , N. C. , D25S79: 32 in Warwick, Va. , PD19J170: 42, PD10Ja71:33 in Warwick co. , Va. , 17Je37: 42, 19J154:42,PD13Je66:32, PD20N66: 31, PD3N68: 31, PD27J169: 41, PD2N69: 31, R3Mr74: 41, D7Ja75: 33, D25F75: 33, P29N76:32,P23My77:42, D19Mr79:32,C3J179:33, C28Ag79: 33 in Washington co. , Va. , P10J178: 42, C3J179:32 inWestham, Va. , D70c75: 32 in Westmoreland co. , Va. , 15My46: 42, 17J152: 32,R9Je68; 34, R23My71: 42, PD13Ag72: 31, PD17S72: 23, PD5N72sll, R19N72: 23, P12Ap76: 32, D21S76: 42,D20Je77: 31, D19D77: 42, P5Je78: 32, D18Mr80: 32 in West Point, Va. , Pil5Je75: 42 in Williamsburg, Va. , 10c36: 42, 12N36: 42, 17D36: 42, 4F37: 42, 24Je37: 41, 11N37: 41, 9D37: 42, 17F38: 31, 28Ap38: 42, 30Je38: 41, 4Ag38: 41, 20Oc38: 32, 30Mr39: 32, 8Je39: 42, 20J139: 42, 3Ag39: 41, 10Ag39: 42, 16N39: 42, 23N39: 42, 4Ja40: 41, 18Ap45: 41, 9My45: 41, 23My45: 32, 12S45: 32, 26S45: 31, 240c45: 41, 7N45: 32, 21N45: 42, 24Ap46: 32, 3J146: 42, 31J146: 52, 31J146:61,[10Ja?]51:41, 17Ja51: 42, 24Ja51: 41, 24Ja51: 42, 31Ja51: 41, 28F51: 41, 21Mr51: 32, 7N51: 22, 2My51: 32, 30My51: 32, 6Je51: 32, 20Je51: 42, 27Je51: 32, 8Ag51: 32, 3Ap52: 31, 10Ap52: 32, 30Ap52: 32, 8My52: 32, 15My52: 32, 22My52: 32, 29My52: 32, 24J152: 32, 28Ag52: 32, 120c52: 32, 24N52: 31, 15D52: 32, 2Mr53: 42, 19J154: 32, 7N54: 32, 7N54: 41, 2My55: 32, 16My55: 22, 23My55: 32, 12S55: 32, 27Ag56: 41, 16Ja61: 32, 12F62: 42, 4N63: 33, PD28Mr66: 41,R16My66: 32, PD11J166:31,PD19S66:31, PD240c66: 23, PD240c66: 31, 551 Horses, lost and found (cont'd) PD30Oc66: 31--R4D66: 43, R4D66: 42, R25D66: 42, PDUa67: 32, PD21My67: 32, PD21My67: 33, PD4Je67: 33, PD18Je67: 33, PD2J167:33,PD12N67:31, PD26N67: 31, PD7Ja68: 33, R4F68: 34,R18F68: 33, PD14Ap68: 32-- R14Ap68: 24, PD23Je68: 31, R4Ag68:31,PD60c68:31, PD10N68: 31, R25My69: 21, PD24Ag69: 32--R7S69: 32, R260c69: 41, R2N69: 32, R16N69: 32, R23N69: 23, R7D69: 31, R29Mr70: 32, PD24My70: 33, PD18Oc70: 32, R15N70: 32, PD22N70: 23, PD14F71: 32, PD28Mr71: 32, PD4Ap71: 32, PD2My71: 33, PD16My71: 32, R20Je71:42,PD24Oc71:31, PD7N71: 32.R21N71: 32, PD28N71: 23, PD26D71: 32, PD21My72: 23, PD18Je72: 33, PD6Ag72: 31, PD24S72: 22--R80c72: 43, PD17D72:32,R25F73:33, PD15Ap73: 32, PD6My73: 32, PD20My73: 23, PD2S73: 31, R16S73: 32, PD23S73: 32, PD4N73: 31, PD30D73: 31, PD24F74: 33, R14Ap74: 32, PD21Ap74: 31, PD5My74: 32, R19My74: 43, R16Je74: 32, PD4Ag74: 32 — R4Ag74: 33, PD8S74: 32, R130c74: 33, PD20Oc74: 32, Pi20Oc74: 32, PD10N74: 43, PD17N74: 23, PD24N74: 31, Pi8D74: 33 — PD8D74: 31, D7Ja75: 33, D4F75: 33, Pil6F75: 33--P17F75s23, P24F75: 33, D25Mr75:32,P14Ap75:31, Pil8My75: 33, Pi24Ag75: 33, Pi50c75: 33, P3N75: 31, Pi30N75: 33, P29D75: 33, D30D75: 23, P19Ja76: 32, P26Ja76:41--D27Ja76:33, D27Ja76: 41— P2F76: 41, P16F76: 33, P29Mr76:32,D13Ap76:33, P12Ap76: 33— D13Ap76: 33, P26Ap76: 21, P26Ap76: 23 — D27Ap76: 33, P3My76: 33, P17My76: 33, P10My76: 32— D18My76: 31, DUe76: 32, P7Je76: 43, D8Je76: 72, P21Je76: 33--D22Je76: 62, P5J176p23-- D13J176: 22, P5J176: 41, P12J176: 33, D20J176: 42, P19J176: 33 — D20J176: 42, P2Ag76: 32, D3Ag76: 41, P9j»g76: 33, D10Ag76: 62, P23Ag76: 33- D24Ag76: 62, P6S76: 43, P20S76: 32, P27S76s23,D27S76:41 — P27S76s22,D27S76: 42, P40c76sl3, P110c76:23,P180c76:32, P250c76: 23, P250c76: 32, P15N76: 13, P22N76: 32, P13D76: 32, P20D76:21,P13D76:32 — D20D76:22,P10Ja77:33, P10Ja77:43,P17Ja77:23, P17Ja77:32,P17Ja77:33, P17Ja77:41,P14F77:32, D7Mr77: 21, D14Mr77: 62, P14Mr77sll, P21Mr77s22, P9My77sll,D16My77: 12, P16My77sll, P23My77: 33, D30My77:22,D6Je77:32, D6Je77: 41--P6Je77: 31, P27Je77: 33, P4J177:32,P18J177sl2, P8Ag77: 32--D12S77: 42, P12S77: 32, D19S77: 41— P19S77: 11, D26S77: 22, P26S77: 32, D10Oc77: 22, P240c77: 23, D310c77: 22--P310c77: 32, P310c77: 32, D14N77: 31, D14N77: 41, P14N77: 33, P21N77: 23, P28N77sl2, D28N77: 31, D28N77: 32, P28N77: 32, D5D77: 12 — P5D77: 23, D5D77: 22 — P5D77: 23, D5D77: 31, P6Mr78: 42, P27Mr78: 22, P27Mr78: 32, P27Mr78: 41, P3Ap78: 31, P8My78s22. P29My78: 42, P5Je78: 31, P10J178: 33, P160c78: 13, P160c78: 31, P160c78; 33, P160c78: 41, P230c78: 33, D30Oc78: 32, D13N78: 31, D13N78: 32, DlMy79: 32, C15My79:33,C15My79:42 ; D22My79: 41, D26Je79: 12, D25S79: 32, D90c79: 31, D90c79: 32-- C30Oc79: 43, C30Oc79: 31 — D30Oc79: 32, C30Oc79: 42, D30Oc79:32,C27N79sll, C25D79: 23, D5F80: 33, D19F80: 33, C19F80:42,C13My80:31, C15J180:21 in Winchester, Va.,4N63:33, PD25Oc70: 31 in Yohogania co. , Va. , P27Je77: 42 in York co. , Va. , 18Ap51: 41, 25J151: 32, 20Mr52: 22, 24Ap52: 32, 30Ap52; 32, 3J152: 41, 21Ag52: 31, 120c52: 32, 14Mr55: 41, 10Oc55: 32, 19D55: 31, 4N63: 31, PDllAp66: 33, PD25J166: 32, R19F67: 31, R19F67: 33, PD27Ag67: 32, PD21Mr71: 33, PD18Ap71: 33, PD30My71: 31 — R30My71: 23, PD20Je71: 33 — R20Je71:21,PD15£g71:32, PD23Ja72: 33, PD7My72: 32, PD19Ag73: 22, PD17Mr74: 32, Pil6Mr75: 33, D20My75: 33, D17Je75s22, P14J175s23, P60c75: 31, P2F76: 33, D3Ja77: 31, P18Ap77s33, D2My77: 72, P16My77s32, P30My77:43,D13Je77:22, D15Ag77: 52,D19D77: 42, PlMy78: 32, D8My78: 61, D10J178: 42, P30Oc78: 43, D6N78: 32, C3J179: 32, C28Ag79: 32 — D28Ag79: 31, D230c79: 32, C27N79: 22, C18D79: 21, D15Ja80: 31, C13My80:31 in Yorktown, Pa. , P10J178: 22 in Yorktown, Va. , 17Je37: 42, 16S37: 41, 25Ag38: 41, 20Ap39: 41, 15Je39: 32, 6J139: 42, 7S39: 32, 7S39: 41, 21Mr45: 42, 9My45: 42, 23My45: 42, 6Je45: 41, 240c45: 42, 310c45: 32, 21N45: 42, 15My46: 41, 29My46: 41, 21Ag46: 32, 24Ja51: 41, 25 \p51: 41, 20Je51: 32, 310c51: 31, 27Mr52: 31, 17Ap52: 32, 22My52: 31, 7Ag52: 32, 19J154: 42, 16My55: 22, PDlAg66: 32,R12Mr67: 43, PD4Je67:41,R23J167:42, PD21Ap68: 23, PD9Je68: 31 — R9Je68: 33, PD9Je68: 33 — R9Je68:33,R25My69:21, PD6J169: 32--R6J169: 33, PD21D69: 33, PD4Ap71: 31, PD5S71:32,PD26S71:32, PD17S72:23,PD4F73:31, PD60c74: 33, PD24N74: 23, PD24N74:31,D7Ja75:33, P6Oc75:32,P10My76:32, P12J176: 32, P8N76: 42, P6Je77: 13, D13Je77:22,D22Ag77:22, P22Ag77:33,P170c77:32, DlMy79:32,D24J179:32, D31J179:32,C6N79:32 near Albemarle courthouse, Va. , 15D52:32 near Amelia courthouse, Va. , 14N55:31 near Blandford, Va. ,R29Ap73:33, P5My75:31 near Brunswick courthouse, Va. , 7Mr55:32 near Burwell's ferry, Va. , R15Je69:32 near Cargill's ferry, Va. , D20c79:32 near Charles City courthouse, Va. , Pil8My75:41 near Cumberland courthouse, Va. , R50c69:31 near Dinwiddie courthouse, Va. , D12F79:32 near Halfway house, Va. , D4J177: 72 near Gwynn's island, Va. , D6J176: 52 near falls of James river, Va. , 24Ag51:32 near Falmouth, Va. , D28Mr77: 22 — P28Mr77s21 near Flat creek, Va. ,R14Ap68s21 near Fredericksburg, Va. , 16Ja46:42,PD15Ag71:33, D4N75: 33, P19S77: 13, D26D77: 31 near Hampton, Va. , 18Ap51: 41 near Hanover, Va. ,F26N72: 22, P23My77: 13.C18D79: 13 near Jamestown, Va. , 20Je51: 32 near Jefferson's ferry, Va. , R8Ag66: 32 near Leedstown, Va. , PD22Ag71: 33 near Lester's ferry, Va. , PD20Je66: 32 near Moley's creek, Va. ,R23My71: 32 near Naylor's hole, Va. ,R30Je74: 33 near Newcastle, Va. , 4S46: 41, R10Je73sl2 near Occoquan ferry, Va. , 5Mr52: 32 near Orange courthouse, Va. , 12D55:32 near Owen's ferry, Va. , D160c79: 32 near Page's warehouse, Va. , PD24Je73:33 near Petersburg, Va. , 16Ja61: 32, PD26N67:32,PD3Ja71:33, Pi23F75:33,Pi20D75:42, D4Mr80:31 near Pocahontas, Va. ,R28Mr71: 21 near Port Royal, Va. , 240c55: 32, D4F75:33 near Prince George courthouse, Va. , R12Ja69:32 near Richmond, Va. ,250c65s33, P18J177: 33, P7N77: 13, D160c79: 32 near Roan's mill, Va. ,R12J170: 23 near Roy's warehouse, Va. , 260c39: 42 near Smithfield, Va. , PD16N69: 31 near South Quay, Va. , P21Ag78: 43, D4S79:32 near Southampton courthouse, Va. , R8Mr70s41 near Staunton river, Va. , D18N75: 42 near Todd's bridge, Va. , PD30Ag70: 33 near Westmoreland courthouse, Va. , 7N54s21 near Williamsburg, Va. , 22Je39: 32, 9Mv45:41, 27Mr46:42. 15My46:42, 552 Horses 3J146:41. [10Ja?j51:41. 12Mr52:22. 3Ap52:31,PD27Je66:32, PD16Ag70: 33--R23Ag70: 41, PD18Oc70: 33, PD7N71: 32, R19N72: 42, PD19My74: 43, PDlS74s22, P6S76: 42, D40c76: 42, DlMy79:32 near Willis's creek, Va. , R12J170:41 near Wilmington, N. C. , 12D45: 41 near Winchester, Va. , 18Ap55: 22, R4F68:44 near Youghiogheny (Yohoganie) river. Pa. ,C6N79:32 near Yorktown, Va. , 27Mr46: 42, R5S71:42,D5Je79:32 on Appomattox river. Va. , PD24My70: 41, D4Mr75: 33 on Beaver dam swamp, Va. , R23Ap72:32 on Back river, Va. , P19S77: 13 on Black water river, R4D66: 41 on Buffalo creek, Va. , PD17S72: 31 on Flat creek, Va. , 5S55: 42 on Foiling river, Va. , 2S57: 41 on George's creek, Va. , P25Ap77: 31 on Haw river, N. C. , PD220c72: 31 on James river, Va. , R2Je74: 31 on Randolph Jefferson's plantation, Va. ,PD17Je73:41 on Moorman's river, Va. , PD11D66:33 on Queen's creek, Va. ,R170c71: 31, R21N71:42 on Roanoke river, Va. , PD28Ja73: 32, C13My80:41 on Rock creek, Md. , R14Ap68: 33 on Sappony creek, Va. ,R26My74: 32, PD2Je74:33--R2Je74:31 on Shenandoah river, Va. , PD4J166: 33 on Slate river, Va. , R2My71: 42 on South river, Va. ,R18Oc70: 32 on Staunton river, Va. ,R4D66: 41, R20J169:31 on Stone house creek, Va. , 170c55: 31 on Terrible creek, 12Je52; 31 on Tye river, Va. , PD24D67: 31, lost at sea,R19F67:22--PD26F67:31, PD26N67: 22, PD24D67: 31-- R24D67: 22, PD23Mr69: 23, PD4Ap71: 22, PDllAp71: 23, PD21N71: 13, PD220c72: 13, P24F75sl3, Pil6Mr75: 22-- P17Mr75: 21--D18Mr75: 23, P1N76: 13 lost in fires, PD310c71: 21-- R310c71:32 lost in flood in Va. , PD6Je71: 31 lost in storm in N. C. , R220c72: 21 mortality among in W. I. , R4D66: 12 mortgaged, PD7My67: 32 of Regulators, captured by militia, PD13Je71: 23, PD27Je71: 31 offered settlers in Ga. , P10S36: 42 ordered by Ger. from Gt. Brit. , PD7My67: 13 ownership of, disputed, in Hanover co. , Va. ,P27S76:22 in Louisa co. , Va. , P13S76: 33-- D14S76: 72. D110c76: 62, D180c76: 31 pasturage and food for, at Warm Springs, Va. , PD7Je70: 32-- R7Je70:31 plundered by British in S. C. , D29My79:22 price in Eng. , PD7Mr66: 11 in Smithfield, Eng. , PD1S68: 13 purchased by Corsica in Eng. , PD28Ap68:21 purchased in Eng. for Fr. , PD1S68: 12 removal from British coast ordered, D160c79:21 sale of, denied, D25My76: 23 in New Kent co. , Va. , PD14D69: 32 seized by Americans, on Gwynn's island, Va. , P19J176: 32 by Tories in German flats, N. Y. , P230c78: 22 from American ship, Pi50c75: 32, D70c75:23 from British at [New] Brunswick, N.J. , D28Mr77: 62— P28Mr77sl2 from British in Somerset co. , N. J. , D7F77: 12, D7F77: 11--P7F77: 21 from British ships, HAp51: 32, 27Ag56: 22, P1N76: 13, D25Mr80: 23 from Tories, P15Ag77: 23 seizure from American authorized by Burgoyne, D19S77: 11 shot in skirmish at Lechmere's point, Mass. ,P8D75:22 sold at Williamsburg fairs, 30N39: 32, 7D39:41,14D39:31 for debts, P240c77: 23 illegally, D5Je79: 32 in London, Eng. , PD5S71: 13 Spanish breed, P15Mr76: 31 stain for invented in Ire. , PD28J174: 21 stolen, 12D55: 31, R22S68: 24, R5Ja69: 33, R25My69: 32, R8N70: 23, PD5S71: 32-- R5S71: 32, PD13F72: 33,R12Ag73: 23, PD13Ja74: 33, Pi30Mr75: 32, Pi30Mr75: 42, D27Ap76: 33, D17J178:32 at Albemarle courthouse, Va. , R7S69: 41 at Bedford courthouse, Va. , PD290c72: 21--R290c72: 23 at Burwell's ferry, Va. , PD6My73: 23, Pi5Ja75: 33-- D7Ja75:33 at Caroline courthouse, Va. , PD17N74:23 at Chatham, Va. , P8My78s22 at Fourmile creek, D28Ja75: 32 at halfway house between Williamsburg and Yorktown, Va.,2My55:32 at Hanover courthouse, Va. , R4N63:31 at Col. Bernard Moore's forge, R2N69: 32 at Noland's ferry, P5Je78: 32 at Patuxent iron works, Ma. , P5Ja76:41 at Richmond hill, Va. , P18Ap77s23 by apprentices, R14Ja73: 41 by British in N.J. ,D27D76:41-- P27D76:21 by convict servants, 12D45: 41, 27Mr46: 41, 24Ap46: 42, 29My46: 41, 18S46: 41, 27F52: 32, R24D67: 34, R7S69: 41. R7Je70: 32, R18Oc70: 31, PD20Ag72: 32--R290c72: 32, PD16Je74s22, PU0N74: 32-- PD10N74:43,D22N76:31-- P22N76:32 by Creeks, PD24Mr74: 12 by deserters, P18J177sl2, P5J176p23--D13J176:22, P4J177:32 by indentured servants, 25F37: 42, HMr37: 42, 19My38: 42, PD7Mr66: 33, R13Ap69:33,R21S69: 32,R21S69: 33, PDllAp71:33,R310c71:41, PD7Ap74:31,P19J176:42 by Indians, PD2J167: 31 by slaves, 22Ap37: 32,22Ap37: 42, 10Je37: 41, 7N54: 41, 30c55: 32, 10Oc55: 32, 10Oc55: 41, 4N63: 31, PD23My66: 33, R17N68: 33, PD2My71: 33, PD26Mr72: 33, PD4F73: 31, PD4Mr73: 33, Pi23F75:33,Pil6N75:33, PU6N75: 33--P17N75sl3--D18N75: 33, D2D75: 33, P3Ja77s23, D6N78: 32, C3J179: 32 by soldiers, D24Ap78: 31-- PlMy78:42 from Falls plantation, PD13F72: 33 in Albemarle co. , Va. , 14Ag46: 32, R21S69: 32, P26My75s31, P24Ja77: 32 in Alexandria, Va. , R12J170: 41 in Amelia co. , Va. , 4N63: 42, D7Ja75: 33, P25Ag75: 82, D24Ag76: 41, P6S76: 42, D15N76: 22--P22N76: 33, D170c77:21,D90c78:42 in Aquia, Va. ,R26My68: 34 in Augusta co. , Va. , Pil5Je75: 31-- P16Je75s23,P15N76:32 in Berkeley co. , Va. , P230c78: 43 in Berkeley, Va. , Pi20Ap75: 31 in Berks co. , Pa. , P10N75: 43 in Blandford, Va. , PDUa67: 42, PD4F68: 32, PD310c71: 32, C30Oc79:32 in Botetourt co. , Va. , PD26Mr72: 33, P250c76: 32, P3Ja77: 23, P3Ja77s23 in Brunswick co. , Va. , PD28My67: 41, PD26N67:32,D4My76:33, P8N76:42,D4J177: 11, P21N77: 23, P21Ag78:32 in Bute co. , N. C. , PD2D73: 31 in Cabin Point, Va. , PD30c71: 32, D18F75:33 in Caroline co. , Va. , 9Ja46: 41, PD19Ap70: 41--R19Ap70: 33, PO13S70:32--R13S70:32, PD9J172:32,P180c76:31, P24Ja77:32,P160c78:33, C18D79: 13 in Charles City co. , Va. , 3Ap52: 31, D14Ja75: 32--Pi26Ja75: 33, P28J175: 32--PllAg75sl2, Pil6N75:41--D18N75:32, D6Ap76:33,P21Ag78: 13, P160c78:13 in Charlotte co. , Va. , D17J178: 42 in Chesterfield, Caroline co. , Va. , 7N5L31 in Chesterfield co. , Va. , PD23My66: 32, R170c71: 42, D210c75:32,P12Ap76:33, P13D76:33,P160c78: 13, D21Ag79:31.D29Ja80: 41 in Chowan co. , N. C. . PD15Ja67: 33. PD12Mr67:33 in Culpeper co. , Va. , 12D55: 32, 12F62:42,PD15Ap73:32, P230c78:33 in Cumberland co. . Pa. , PD3N68: 32. 553 Horses, stolen (cont'd) P28Ap75:31 in Dinwiddie co. , Va. , PD30Oc66: 31, PD14My72: 31, PD2J172: 32, PD10c72: 31, P16My77sl2, D26Je79: 12,D13N79: 22, D8Ap80:31 in Dumfries, Va. , P6Je77: 13, C19F80:32 in Eng. , 23Mr39: 22 in Essex co. , Va. , 15My46: 42, R20Je71: 42, PD24D72: 32 — R24D72: 23, PD2D73: 23, P6D76: 33 in Falmouth, Va. , R27Ap69: 23 in Fauquier co. , Va. ,RllMy69: 42, PlMy78:42 in Frederick co. , Md. , R15N70: 43 in Fredericksburg, Va. , 21Ag46: 42.R22S68: 34, PD22D68: 33, PD20Ag72: 31, PD220c72: 22, PD25Ag74: 31--R18Ag74: 32, D20Je77:32,P6Mr78:41 in Gloucester co. , Va. , PO30J172: 33, C3J179:42 in Goochland co. , Va. , PD28Ja73: 32, P21Ag78: 32, C18D79: 13 — D25D79:31,D26F80:33 in Granville co. , N. C. , PD2N69: 42, PD9N69:31 in Halifax, N. C. , P21Ag78: 43 in Halifax co. , Va. , P310c77: 31, D8My79: 31 in Hampton, Va. ,R11N73: 22, D17J178:32 in Hanover, Va. , D26Ag75: 33 in Hanover co. , Va. , 14Mr51: 41, PD20Ag67: 31, PD24D67: 33, R8F70:42, PD19Ap70:41, PD25N73:31,D8J175:33, D14S76:72,D31Ja77:72 — P14F77:32,D28Mr77:31, P240c77:23,P21N77:31, D7Ag79:32,C30Oc79:23 in Henrico co. , Va. , 14F51: 41, 31Oc55:22,PD10S67:23, PD26Ja69: 41, RllMy69: 42, P21J175:31,Pil6D75:32, D15Je76: 52, P19J176: 33 — D20J176: 51, P30Ag76: 33, D180c76: 31--P180c76: 32, P6Je77:33,D13N78:31, D90c79:32,C13N79: 13 — D13N79:22,D26F80:33 in Henry co. , Va. , P13Je77: 12 in Hillsboro, N. C. , PD10S72: 31 in Isle of Wight co. , Va. , Pil3J175:33 in James City co. , Va. , P23My77: 43, P27Je77:32,P310c77:32, P28N77sl2, D5D77: 12, D4D78: 31 in King and Queen co. , Va. , 14D39: 41, 18Ja40: 32, 27Mr46: 41, R8Ag66: 32, PD14Ap68: 31, PD10N68: 31, PD7Ja73: 32, D2S75:33,P3My76:33 in King George co. , Va. , 10N38: 42, 15My52:32,D8Ap75:33 in King William co. , Va. ,D5Ag75: 33, D180c76: 31, P30c77: 32, D13N78: 31, D12F79:41 in Lancaster co. , Pa. , 4N63: 33 in Leesburg, Va. , P16My77: 32 in London, Eng. , PD24Mr74: 21 — R24Mr74: 13 in Loudoun co. , Va. ,R12My68: 22, R30Je68:32,P12S77:33 in Louisa co. , Va. , P31Mr75s23 in Lunenburg co. , Va. , 4N63: 43, PDllJe67: 33, P170c77: 32 in Mecklenburg co. , Va. ,R3My70: 32, P21F77:33,P28N77:31 in New Kent co. , Va. , R28Ap68: 32, D2S75: 33, D17Ag76: 31, P23Ag76: 42, P6D76:32,D19D77:41 inN.Y. ,R19F67:22 in Newcastle, Va. , PD13N66: 31, Pi29D74: 33--D21Ja75: 32, P13D76:32,P18Ap77sl2 in Norfolk co. , Va. , D12Mr79: 32 in N. C. , P21F77: 33, D4D78: 32 in Northampton, N. C. , 3J146: 32 in Northampton co. , N. C. , PD30J167: 33, P310c77: 32 in Norwich, Eng. , 15D38: 31 in Orange co. , Va. , P21Ap75: 31, Pil5Je75:31 in Paramus, N. J. , D5Je79: 22 in Pa.,R31My70:41 in Petersburg, Va. , 14N51: 31, 17N52: 31, PD18J166: 31, PD26N67: 32, R15Je69: 31, PD20Je71: 33 — R20Je71:33,PD30Ja72:33, PD27F72: 33--R27F72: 32, PD24S72:23 in Phila. , Pa. , 10c36: 42, PDllAp71: 23 in Pittsylvania co. , Va. , D160c79: 31 in Poplar spring, Lunenburg co. , Va. ,8D52:32 in Port Royal, Va. , P8D75: 33 — D9D75:33,D30Oc78:32 in Portsmouth, Va. , C3J179: 41 in Powhatan co. , Va. , P26S77: 32, D13N78:32,D10J179:32 in Prince Edward co. , Va. , R4Ag74:33,P23Je75:23 in Prince George co. , Va. , 30D37: 42, 12D45: 42, PD12Ja69: 42, PD16Ag70: 43, PD5Mr72: 32, PD8J173: 33 in Prince Georges co., Md., R31Mr68:34:D29N76:42 in Prince William co. , Va. , 30Mr39: 41, PD25F68: 22, R9Mr69:41,P12D77:31 in Richmond, Va. , PD13Ag72: 23, P23Ag76: 42, P27S76: 13, P19S77: 23, P310c77: 31--D7N77: 31, D10J178: 32 in Rocky ridge, Va. , PD30J167: 33 in Smithfield, Va. , Pi60c74: 33 — PD60c74:33,PD3N74:43 in S. C. , PD2J167: 22,F26My68: 22 in Southampton co. , Va. , 18Ap51: 22, P26S77: 32, D26F80: 33 in Spotsylvania co. , Va. , R2My71: 41, D14N77: 41 — P21N77:33 in Stafford co. , Va. , R9Mr69: 31 — R310c71: 33, PD25F73: 31, P23Je75:31,P6Je77: 13 in Surry co. , Va. , PD2My66: 23, PD3Ja71: 32, PD80c72: 33, R5Ag73: 31, D8J175: 33, P19Ap76: 33 — D20Ap76:33 in Sussex co. , Va. , PD14Mr71: 32 in Wake co. , N. C. , PD150c72: 32 in Warren co. , N. C. , D19Je79: 32 in Warwick, Chesterfield co. , Va. , R25D66:42 in Warwick co. , Va. , 28F51: 41, D5Je79:32 inWestham, Va. , P7Mr77: 22, D4S79: 32 in Westmoreland co. , Va. , R23My71:42 in Westover, Va. , P2Ag76: 32 — D3Ag76: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , 29S52: 32, HAp55: 32, 23My55: 22, PD28Mr66: 41, PD5S66s33, PD3N68: 32, PD2F69: 32 — R2F69: 31, PD9F69: 32--R9F69: 23, PD18My69: 31, PD16Ag70: 41, PD18Oc70: 32--R18Oc70: 31, PD16My71: 32, PD17S71: 32, PD9Ap72: 33, PD21Ja73: 32, R12My74: 33, D21Ja75: 32, D12Ag75: 41- Pi24Ag75: 33, P22D75: 33, P12J176: 33, P24Ja77: 32, P28Mr77s23, P4J177: 33, P5S77: 33, D6N78: 32, D19Je79: 32, D10J179:31,C28Ag79:32, D11S79:31 in York co. , Va. , PD14Ap68: 32, PD16S73:33,D29N76:32, D20D76:21 inYorktown, Va. , 10Ja52: 41, PD16Ag70: 33, PD3S72: 23, D19D77:41,C15My79:32 in Yorktown, Pa. , R14Ap68: 42 near Bedford courthouse, Va. , D7N77:32— P21N77:11 near Blandford, Va. ,D27S76:42— P27S76s22 near Burwell's ferry, Va. , P19Ap76:41 near Dorchester, S. C. , PD9S73: 32 near Four Mile creek, Va. , P26Ap76:23 near Frederick, Md. , P5Je78: 32 near Fredericksburg, Va. , PD17Je73: 33, C15My79: 32, C11D79:12 near Osborne's warehouse, Va. , D12Je79:41— C3J179:42 near Port Royal, Va. , P29N76: 32 near Richmond, Va. , P230c78: 33 — D13N78:31 near Seneca falls, R14D69: 23 near Suffolk, Va. , P31Ja77: 32 near Williamsburg, Va. , P10N75:43,P26J176:33— D29J176:61,P12D77:32, D24Ap79: 32 near Yorktown, Va. , D27N78: 32 on Alleghany river, C6N79: 32 on Buckingham road, Va. , PD9Mr69: 33 onN.C. frontier, PD28J168: 22 taken by Americans near Cambridge, Mass. , D22J175: 33— P22J15s23 by apprentices. R9F69: 31, PD8Mr70: 41— R15Mr70: 42 by convict servants, 24S36: 41, 26S45: 31, PDUe69: 32, R14D69: 31, RlAg71: 41,R12Mr72: 32, PD13Ag72: 23, PD19N72: 31, R3D72: 23, Pi8Je75: 41, P3N75: 32 — D4N75:33,D29Je76:41 by felony suspect, 4N63: 22 by indentured servants, 12N36: 42, 10D36: 42, 17D36: 42, 16D37: 42, 17Mr38: 41, 9Je38: 42, 4Ag38: 32, 22D38: 32, 15Je39: 41, 30N39: 41, 26S45: 31, 18J151: 41, 310c51: 31, 5Mr52: 32, 30J152: 32, 60c52: 41, 554 Hospitals 28F55: 41, 4Ap55; 32, HAp55: 31, 7N55: 22, 12D55: 31, PDUe69: 32, R17Ja71:33,R2My71:31, PD16My71: 32,R23My71: 31, PD12Mr72: 33, P10Mr75: 41, D25Mr75: 32, P2Je75s43, P28J175: 31, D23S75: 33, D23D75: 33, P8Mr76:41 by slaves, 18J151: 41, 310c51: 32, 28F55: 32, 5S55: 42, PD6Je66: 32, PD15Ag66:33,R12Mr67:33, PD31Mr68: 31, PD17Ag69: 33 — R17Ag69: 31, R24Ag69: 31, PD7S69:33,PD9N69:31, PD23N69: 32--R23N69: 33, PD7Je70: 32, PD1N70: 31 — R8N70:31,PD31Ja71:33, R310c71:33,PD31D72:32, R7Ja73:33,RllAg74:32, P16Je75:22,D6Ap76:33, D18My76: 23, P31My76: 33, P26J176:33,P20Je77:31, P20Je77:33 by soldiers, D7Mr77: 21 taken from thieves, in Stafford co. , Va. ,Pi2Mr75:33 taken from Tories in N. C. , P22Mr76: 11— D23Mr76: 32 tax on the exportation from Gt. Brit. , R21N71:21 taxes in Gt. Brit, rumored, R17N68:22 undersold in Va. , R60c68: 11 Virginia bred, 27Ag56: 42 Horses, abnormal, in London, Eng. , PD240c71:21 Horses, British, for Prussian army, PD8N70:21 Horses, carriage, bartered for stallion, D24Ap79: 32 Horses, draft, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD30c71: 32--R170c71: 41 Horses, English, PD24Mr74: 32 for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD4Ag74: 23 Horses, hunting, PD2My66: 22 Horses, Irish, killed at Marblehead, Mass.,Pil5Je75:31 sold at Kilmarnock, Ire. , PD28S69sll Horses, mortgaged, in Lunenburg co. , Va.,PD15D68:31 for sale, in Lunenburg co. , Va. , R5Ja69:31 in Pittsylvania co. , Va. , PD30Ag70: 33— R30Ag70: 31 Horses, riding, for sale, P21Ag78: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. ,R14Ja73: 33 Horses, saddle, tax in Gt. Brit. , R21N71:21 Horses, Scottish, sold at Kilmarnock, Ire. ,PD28S69sll Horses tails, used as harnesses in Ire. ,PD28N71:21 Horseshoes, for British army, in British colonies, N.Am., D22Je76: 11 made of Va. iron,D10J178: 31 seized from Spanish ship, 23Ja46: 31 Horsestealers, rescued from Salisbury, N. C. , PD8S68: 13 in Va. , reward for regulated by general assembly, D27D76: 22 — P3Ja77:21 Horsestealing, becomes prevalent, PD220c72:22 Horsey, [Samuel], Col. ,2S37: 31, 9Je38:32, 1D38: 32 Horsley, Capt. , of the Martin, PD19My74:21 William, P270c75: 13 Horsmanden, Daniel, appointed chief justice of N. Y. , PD14Ja73: 21 arrives in Newport, R. I. , PD28Ja73:22 investigates Gaspee affair, R12D72sl2,PD21Ja73:23 — R21Ja73: 22, PD18F73: 23 — R18F73:22,R6My73:21, PD1J173:31 issues warrant for arrest of Alexander M'Dougall, PD17Ja71: 21 judge of supreme court, N. Y. , PD15Ag66: 22— R15Ag66s22 orders arrest of Capt. M'Dougall, PD22Mr70:21 salary of, PD27My73: 13 speaker of N. Y. council, R5Mr72: 12 Hortentius, pseud. ,D6N78: 12 Horticulture, See Plants Horton, [Charles], author, PD10Je73: 33 Mary, PD21My67: 22 Tobias, Capt. , 26S45: 41 William, PlAg77: 12 Hosca, Samuel, PllAp77: 23 Hose, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD7S69:33,D14Ja75:3l in Petersburg, Va. , PD290c72: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , 18S46: 41, 19J154: 32, PD30Ja72: 32 — R6F72:32 in Yorktown, Va. , PD29Ag71: 31 imported to Accomac district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , PD10Mr68: 31 — R14Ap68:41 imported to James river, Va. , P28N77: 21 to Marblehead, Mass. , from Sp. , P30c77:21 unclaimed, adv. of. , PD4Ag68: 31 seized from British ship,D24Ag76: 22 smuggling to Va. planned, D10Je75: 31 See also Raw silk hose; Silk hose; Thread hose; Welsh hose; Woolen hose; Worsted Barcelona hose; Yarn hose Hose, China, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD30Ap72: 31, R12My74: 32 Hose, China silk, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. ,R19F67: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD13Ap69: 32 — R13Ap69: 31, PD170c71: 23 Hose, clouded, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va.,R8N70:13 Hose, India cotton, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD60c68: 31 — R60c68: 23, PD13Ap69: 32 — R13Ap69: 31, PD170c71: 23 Hose, Irish, for sale, at Yorktown, Va. ,PD12Ja69:41 Hose, marble, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD22N70s23 Hose, patent, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , R12My74: 32 Hose, plaid, for sale, In Petersburg, Va. , PD6N66: 21 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD23S73: 23 — R23S73:32 in Yorktown, Va. , PD310c71: 23, PD6Ag72:31 imported, lost, adv. for, D26Ag75: 32 unclaimed, adv. of, PD3S72:22 Hose, ribbed, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 25Ap51: 32, PD240c71: 31, PD220c72: 23 — R220c72: 23, R12My74: 32 Hose, Shetland, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD23S73: 23 — R23S73:32 Hose, spotted, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD270c68: 33 — R270c68:22 Hose, spun silk, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD13Ap69: 32-- R13Ap69:31 Hose manufacture, declines in Scot. , PDllMr73:21 encouraged in Pa. , P24F75s22 encouraged in Va. , Pi30Mr75: 31 — DlAp75:23 Hosea, John, P7N77s21 Hosier, Samuel, PD21Qc73: 22 — R210c73:21 Hosiers, from London, Eng. , PilJe75:33 Hoskins, Sarah, PD3N74pll William, R25Ja70: 11— PD15F70: 23 Hoskinson, John, PD23Ap72: 23 — R23Ap72:31 Hoslin, Willis, P19Ja76: 33 Hosmer, Mr. , killed in battle of Lexington and Concord, D27My75: 31 John, Capt. , of the Fanning, PD16Ja72:31 Titus, P11D74: 21 Hospital ships, military, off Boston, Mass. ,Pi2F75:23 Hospitals, established in E. I. , PD150c67: 12 for smallpox, in King and Queen co. , Va.,D5Mr79:41 in Antigua, W. I. , PD290c72: 12 — R290c72:21 destroyed by hurricane, PD12N72: 13 in Den. ,PD15F70: 13 in Eng. , 17Mr38: 31, 17Mr38: 32, PD10D72: 11 for freemasons planned, R9Mr69: 11 number of patients, 18J151: 22 nurses for, PD15Je69: 21 use Keyser's pills, PD23Ap72: 31 in Fr. , use Keyser's pills, PD23Ap72: 31 in Gloucester, Va. , supported by Lord Botetourt, R18J171: 31 in Jamaica, W. I. , PD28J168: 22 — R28J168:23,R4Ag68:21 in London, Eng. , city control advocated by Wilkes, PD23Mr69: 22-- R30Mr69: 23 in Lyons, Fr. , attacked by mobs, in New York City, PD19Ag73: 13 PD16Mr69:21 for beggars, PD16Ag70: 11 in Paris, Fr. , king disputes with parliament over, 7N51: 22 , 21N5L21 in Phila. , Pa. , PD5S66s21, RlMr70:31 in Portsmouth, Va. , P14N77: 32 555 Hospitals (cont'd) inRanelagh, N. Y. , Pil6Mr75: 32-- P17Mr75s32 in St. John, Antigua, W. I. , PD12N72: 13 in Southampton co. , Va. , PD28F71: 33-- R21Mr71:42 inVa., adv. for vinegar, D240c77: 22-- P240c77:31 in Williamsburg, Va. , R29Ap73: 31, P26J176: 31, P2Ag76: 23, D26S77: 22 in York garrison, Va. ,D12Mr79: 32 inYorktown, Va. , D22Ag77: 31-- P22Ag77:32 rebuilding in N. Y. provided for, P31Mr75s22 rebuilding of subscribed in N. Y. , Pi6Ap75:22--D8Ap75:23 See also Pest houses Hospitals, army, bids for building, adv. for,P21F77:22 facilities praised, P27Je77: 11 Hospitals, bastard, in Copenhagen, Den. ,PD15Ag71:ll Hospitals, British military, in U.S., conditions in,D20c79:22 Hospitals, Continental, in Va. , physicians appointed, P14Je76p31 Hospitals, foundling, amusement tax for rumored in Gt. Brit. , 21N51:22 in Eng. , 1F40: 31 benefit performance of Othello for, 8Ag51:12 charity for, 30c51:22 support of, PD13Je71: 22 in Fr. , 27J139: 12 in London, Eng. , 16My51: 22, PD28Mr66: 22 needed in London, Eng. , 19Ja39:22 Hospitals, insane, admissions to, PD23S73:23 adv. opening of, PD16S73: 31-- R16S73:33 establishment urged by Gov. Fauquier, PD6N66:21 in Eng. , false commissions to, R220c72: 12 in London, Eng. , described, PD18Je72:23 subscriptions for, 21F51: 41 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD19Ag73: 21-- R19£g73:22,R280c73:33, P24Ja77:23,P21Ag78:43 adv. for workmen, PD30c71: 31 announcement of building date, PD25Je72:32 attendants at, D6N78: 31 bids for building adv. for, R2Ag70: 23 classes of people eligible for, PD3F74:32— R10F74: 41 commitments to, P8N76: 23 committee to plan building appointed, R2Ag70:23 establishment urged by Gov. Fauquier, PD16Ap67: 23 inmates discharged, DlAp80: 22 plans for building discussed, R13S70:31 undertakers adv. for,R6S70:ll need for in Va. , PD6J169: 32-- R6J169:31 patients discharged from,D3J179: 22, D20N79: 22 sale at,C13My80:31 Hospitals, lying-in, erected in London, Eng. ,PD22N70sl3 in London, Eng. , PD23Ja72: 12 Hospitals, marine, in Poplar, Eng. , 2Je38:31 Hospitals, military, conditions in, D27Je77: 22 — P27Je77: 22 in Elizabeth City co. , Va. , D8My79: 22 in Hampton, Va. , need bandages, P29Ag77:ll in [New] Brunswick, N.J. , commended, D3J179: 22 inN.Y. ,PD270c74:22 in Portsmouth, Va. , need bandages, P29Ag77: 11 in U.S., praised, D20c79: 21 in Williamsburg, Va. , need bandages, P29Ag77: 11 in York, Va. , need bandages, P29Ag77: 11 inYorktown, Va. , D23Ja78: 41 director's dismissal opposed, D16My77: H--P16My77s21 near Williamsburg, Va. , P40c76sl3 physicians at characterized, P16My77:22 regulations for discharging, soldiers, P18Ap77sll--D25Ap77: 21 Hospitals, royal, in Lisbon, Port. , rebuilt, 30My51: 12 Hostages, exchanged with French for ship, 12D45: 11 Hostis Sum Nemini, pseud. , Pil5D74: 11, Pi29D74: 32, Pil2Ja75:23,Pi2F75:32 Hostlers, adv. for, 29Ag51: 32, P8Mr76:33, employment, P23My77: 41 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD25N73: 22, D22Je76:32,P7F77:31 for army, adv. for, HAp55: 31 See also Indentured servants as; Slaves as Hot springs, Augusta co. , Va. , contract for improvement rescinded, PD21F71:32 Hotchkiss, John, PD290c72: 13 Hotham, Capt. , of the Hero, PD4My69: 23 Comdr. , of the Resolution, PD2S73: 12--R2S73: 13 [William], Com. , D10Ag76: 12, P16Ag76:21,DHOc76:12, D31Ja77:71 Hough, Amos,P170c77:41 John, PD3N74: 42--P110N74: 32 Houghland, Capt. , in attack on Shawnees, PD130c74: 21 Houghton, Lt. , of the British army inN.Y. ,R5Ag73:22 John, author, PD29Ag71: 33 Houlse, Silas, 30J152: 22 Houmahta (Indian), murders committed by,D4F75:12 Houmas, sell land on Mississippi river, DllF75sl3 Hound, British ship, 25Ja40: 2 H.M.S. ,24Ja52:31,PD30Ap72: 13 H.M. sloop, PD27F72: 23-- R27F72:23 sloop of war, R26My68: 13, PD30Ja72: 13, D9My77: 31 Houndsfield, Eng. , See Robberies in Hounslow Heath, Eng. , See Robberies in Hourglasses, for sale, in Norfolk, Va.,PD25J166:23 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD19S66: 31, PDllAp71: 32, PD12D71: 32 Hour hands, for sale, in Richmond, Va. ,D30c77:41 in Williamsburg, Va. , PDllAp66: 41 House, Capt. , D2Mr76: 21 Mrs., ofPhila., Pa. , D240c77: 11-- P240c77:22 Jordan, PD4Ap71: 31 House cleaners, See Slaves as House painters, See Indentured servants as House servants, See Indentured servants as; Slaves as Housebreaking, execution for, 4N37:42 in Williamsburg, Va. , 4My39: 41, PD14Ja68: 31 hard labor as punishment for proposed, PD23S73s21 punishments for,RlAg71: 32 House carpenters' tools, for sale, in New Kent co. , Va. , P30c77: 23 House frames, for sale, in Norfolk co., Va.,PD17N68:23-- R17N68:31 in Warwick co. , Va. ,P16Je75: 23-- D17Je75: 32 House joiners, adv. for, in Brunswick co. , Va.,PD10Mr74:31 in Charles City co. , Va. , R23F69: 21 in Norfolk, Va. , 5Mr52: 31 See also Convict servants as; Indentured servants as; Slaves as House joiners, apprentices, runaway, from Northumberland co. , Va. , PD2D73:23 House joiners, journeymen, adv. for, in Brunswick co. , Va. , PD2N69:31 in Henrico co. , Va. , P29Mr76: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD21Je70: 23 House joiners' tools, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , D28Ag79: 31 House servants, adv. for, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD18Ap66: 31 Household economy, teachers of, adv. for employment, D30Oc79: 31 Household furniture, seized by British on Prudence island, R. I. , Pil6D75:21 Household goods, adv. for, in Williamsburg, Va. , P27S76sl3 as lottery prizes, PD24S67: 21, PD14Ja68: 32, PD28Ja68: 32, R10Mr68: 32, R31Mr68: 32, R31Mr68: 33, PD7Ap68: 31, R16N69:23 bartered for mahogany timber, P26J176: 41 bartered for tobacco, PD22S68: 31-- R22S68:24 bartered for walnut timber, P26J176: 41 bill of sale on, PD18Ja70: 33 exported from Hull, Eng. , to Fort Cumberland, N. S. , PD19My74: 33 for barter in Johnston co. , N. C. , D26F80:31 for rent,R80c72:43 in Fredericksburg, Va. , 17Ap46: 42 556 Household goods for sale, 18Ap45: 41, 24Ja51: 41, PD11D66:32--R11D66:31, PD22Ja67: 33, PD29Ja67: 32, PD26F67: 31, PD30Ap67: 32, R4F68:32,PD7J168:31, PD2N69:32,R22Mr70:22, R29N70: 22, PD28F71: 33— R7Mr71: 33, PD18J171: 21 — R18J171:33,PD310c71:31, PD14N71: 23, R23Ap72: 31, PD27Ag72:43,PD3S72:23, PD150c72: 31, PD17D72: 31, PD16D73: 23, PD29S74: 32, PD1D74: 23, Pi22D74: 32, P15D75: 33, P9F76: 33, P7Je76: 42, P15N76: 13,D21Mr77: 11 — P21Mr77sl3,D4Ap77:31, P16My77sll, P23My77: 12, P21N77:32,D19F80:32 atBelvoir, Va. , Pi20Oc74: 32 — PD20Oc74: 32 at Bermuda Hundred, Va. , R190c69s21,D4Mr75:33, P8Ag77: 13 at Bosworth, Va. , PD4Oc70: 31 — R4Oc70: 23 at Bremo, Va. , PHD74: 33 — PD1D74:31 at Bunnell's ferry, Va. , PD16Mr69: 32, PD18N73: 22 at Cabin Point, Va. , PD7Ap74: 32— R7Ap74:31,P21Ag78:32 at Capitol landing, Williamsburg, Va. , P21J175: 32--D22J175: 33 at Charles City courthouse, Va. , PD290c67:22 at Concord forge, Va. , PD7Ja73: 31 — R7Ja73:32 at falls of Potomac, R2My71: 32 at Gloucester courthouse, Va. , PD12N72: 23, PD10F74: 32 — R10F74:32 at Great bridge, Va. , C28Ag79: 33 at Halfway house, Va. , PD2D73: 23 in Hanover courthouse, Va. , P18Ag38:42 at Henrico factory, Va. , D5F80: 33 at King's creek, Va. , P130c75: 23 — D140c75:33,P23Ag76:41 at Kingston glebe, Va. , PD13D70: 31 at Lester's ferry, Va. , PD3Ag69: 32 at Marlborough, Va. , PD25Oc70: 23 — R1N70: 32, PD9My71: 32— R9My71:21 at Newport glebe, Isle of Wight co. , Va.,PD2Ja72:32 at North West landing, Va. , D4Mr80: 31 at Northumberland courthouse, Va. , R2N69:23 at Porto Bello, Va. , PD9Mr69: 33 — R9Mr69:31,PDU173:33 at Surry courthouse, Va. , 5S55: 41 in Amelia co. , Va. , PD170c71: 31 — R170c71: 31, PD12Mr72: 32, PD290c72: 22--R290c72: 23, P22N76:33,D18Ap77:71, P19Je78:ll--D10J178:32 in Amherst co. ,R26Ag73: 23 inBelvidere, Va. ,D14N77: 31 — P21N77:32 in Berkeley co. , Va. , PD4F73: 31 in Blandford, Va. , 14Ag52: 31, PD4J166:31— R18J166:41, PD18D66: 33, PD6Je71: 32, PD19N72: 23, PD16Je74: 22 — R16Je74:32,P16Je75:23, D4Ap77:22,D17J179:32 in Brunswick co. , Va. , 6F52: 32, PD9Mr69: 33--R23Mr69: 41, PD4Ap71:31,R18N73:23, P21F77:22,D6N79:31 in Caroline co. , Va. , 260c39: 42, 30Ap52:31,PDlAg66:31, R8Ag66:41,PD5S66s33, PD290c67: 23, PD7Ap68: 31-- R14Ap68: 43, PD13D70: 22 — R13D70: 31, PD31Ja71: 33 — R31Ja71: 23, PD12Mr72: 32 — R12Mr72: 31, PD18Je72: 32, PD26Ag73:31,RlS74:33, D30Oc78:31 in Charles City co. , Va. , PD21N71: 23, PD18Je72: 33, PD15J173: 33, PD23S73: 31 — R23S73:33,R4Ag74:33, PH5D74: 32--PD15D74: 32, P20Oc75: 23, D280c75: 33, D19S77:32--P19S77:12, P14N77:23,D21N77: 12, D230c79: 12 in Charles parish, Va. , PD23Je74: 23, PD24N74: 31 in Charlotte co. , Va. , P20Mr78: 11 in Chesterfield co. , Va. , PD5S66s33,PD26S66:33, PD24N68: 32, PD27F72: 32, PD6Ag72:31,D19D77:31 in Cobham, Va.,D5D77:21 in Culpeper co. , Va. , Pi29S74: 41, D230c79: 12 in Cumberland, Va. , PD18N73: 22 in Cumberland co. , Va. , PD5Mr72: 32— R12Mr72: 32, PD19Ag73:21 in Currituck co. , N. C. , D31My80: 32 in Dinwiddie, Va. , 30N59: 32 in Dinwiddie co. , Va. , 29D52: 32, R24D67: 33, PD31Ja71: 33 — R31Ja71: 23, PD18Ap71: 32, PD19D71: 32, PD10Mr74: 32, D4J177:11 in Dumfries, Va. , P20S76: 12— D21S76:41 in Edenton, N. C. ,RHAg68: 31, PD7My72: 32 in Elizabeth City, co. , Va. , PD14N71:23,R17F74:31, PD17Mr74: 31— R17Mr74: 31 in Essex co. , Va. , 240c45: 41, R14J168: 42--PD14J168: 33, PD2D73: 23— R2D73: 23, D29N76: 42, P160c78:31 in Fairfax co. , Va. , R190c69: 42, R1J173:33 in Falmouth, Va. , P19S77: 12, D24Ap78:22 in Fredericksburg, Va. , 7Mr51: 41, PD25Je67: 32, R23Ag70: 41, R13S70:32,PD29Ag71:33, PD26Mr72: 33--R23Ap72: 42, PD3S72: 23, PD220c72: 22, R7J174:31,R18Ag74:32, PD25Ag74:31,D21Ja75:32, P15S75:32 in Gloucester, Va. , R30Mr69: 33 in Gloucester co. , Va. . PD290c67: 23, R17N68.23, R3My70: 32, PD7Je70: 33. R17Ja71: 23, PD23J172: 32, PD17F74: 32, PUD74: 33, PD8D74: 31, Pi21S75: 32, D27Ja76: 33--P2F76: 32, P8Mr76: 33--D9Mr76: 23, P9Ag76: 42--D10Ag76: 62, D17Ag76: 22, PlAg77: 23, D12D77: 21, D9Ap79: 31 in Goochland co. , Va. , 26N36: 42. PD26Ja69:32--R2F69:31,P12D77:23, C13N79: 13— D13N79: 22 in Halifax, N. C. , PD5S66s33 in Halifax co. , Va. , PD130c68: 23, D19S77:41— P26S77: 31 in Hampton, Va. , 14Ag52: 32, PD220c67: 22, R8Mr70s32 in Hanover, Va. , PDUa67: 31, PD4Ag74: 31— R4Ag74: 33, D24J179: 32 in Hanover co. , Va. , PD10Oc66: 33, PD6N66: 23, PD5Ag73: 23, P5Ja76:33--D13Ja76:33, D19D77: 22, D29Ja80: 33 in Henrico co. , Va. , PD13J169: 32 — R13J169: 23, P13 Je77: 33, D12D77: 21— P12D77: 32, D11D79: 31 in Isle of Wight co. , Va. , PD13Ag72: 23 in James City co. , Va. , R4D66: 43, PD26F67: 32, PD15S68: 31, PD29D68: 31— R5Ja69: 33, PD24My70: 31, PD13D70: 22, R23Ap72: 42, Pi6Ap75sl2, D23S75: 33, D17Ag76: 22, P27S76s21, D29N76: 42, P6D76: 32, D13D76: 32— P13D76: 23,D20D76:21 in Jamestown, Va. , PD2J172: 32 in Johnston co. , N. C. , D26F80: 31 in King and Queen co. , Va. , 7N54: 31, 30N59: 32, PD2My66: 23, PD21J168: 31— R21J168: 32, R16N69: 32, PD4Oc70: 32 — R4Oc70: 31, PD13D70: 22 — R13D70:31,PD17S72:23, PD28Ja73: 31— R28Ja73: 32, PD16D73: 31— R16D73: 42,R19My74: 43, D25J177:41 — P25J177-.41, D90c79: 32 in King George, Va. , Pil5Je75: 33 — D17Je75s22 in King George co. , Va. , R12Mr67: 32, R8N70: ll,D21Mr77: 12--P21Mr77s21 in King William co. , Va. , 21N45: 42, 14F51: 41, 27Ag56: 41, PDllMy69: 31 — RllMy69: 32, PD10Ja71: 33 — R10Ja71: 31, PD170c71: 31 — R170c71: 31, PD240c71: 23 — R310c71: 41, PD6My73: 31, PD16S73: 32, PD1D74: 31, P270c75: 23, D17Ja77: 22 — P17Ja77: 31, D26D77: 21 in Lancaster co. , Pi23Mr75: 33 — Pu24Mr75: 33— D25Mr75: 31, P3Ja77:23,P29My78:41 in Louisa co. , Va. , C27N79: 21 — D27N79: 22 in Lunenburg co. , Va. , P40c76: 33 in Manchester, Va. , P21N77: 31 in Mecklenburg co. , Va. , PD60c74: 32, D4Mr80: 33 in Middlesex co. , Va. , 16Ja61: 41, PD10Oc66: 41, PD5N67: 31, PD13S70: 23, PD24N74: 23, P16My77s31 in Montgomery co. , Va. , D30My77- 31 — P30My77: 13 in Nansemond co. . Va. , 24Ap46: 32. PD4Ag68: 23, PD19N72. 23, 557 Household goods, for sale (cont'd) D14Mr77: 71--P14Mr77: 32, D8Ag77: 21, P15Ag77; 13, C28Ag79: 31 in New Kent co. , Va. , PD29Ag66: 31 — R5S66: 42, PD20N66: 23 — R4D66: 33, PD290c67: 22, PD26N67: 31, R24D67: 31, PD4F68: 32, PD16Je68: 31--R16Je68: 32, PD29D68: 31--R5Ja69: 32, PD26Ja69: 33 — R19Ja69: 31, PD23F69: 33--R23F69: 22, PD18Ja70: 33--R18Ja70: 33, R15Ag71:32, PD16S73: 32, PD23S73:31--R23S73:33, PD18N73: 22, PD25N73: 23, PD22S74: 33 — P129S74: 41, Pil30c74: 32 — PD130c74: 31, D22N76: 32, P31 Ja77: 32, P28Mr77s22, P30c77:23,C27N79s21 in Newcastle, Va. , PD15J173: 33, PD17Mr74: 31, P4Ap77: 33, D30c77: 41 in Norfolk, Va. , PD22Ag66: 31, PD18Ag68: 32--R18Ag68: 31, PD270c68: 33, PDUe69: 31, PD10Ag69: 32, PD7S69: 33, PD6S70: 32— R6S70: 32, PD18Oc70: 33, PD13Je71: 33, PD19D71: 33, PD9Ja72: 32, PD10D72: 31 — R17D72: 32, PD9S73: 32— R9S73: 33 in Norfolk co. , Va. , PD4J166: 33 in Northampton co. , N. C. , PD17S71: 32 in Northumberland co. , Va. , PD21My72: 23, PD5N72: 43 — R5N72: 21,R19N72:22 in Orange co. , Va. , 30Ap52: 31, D210c75: 33, C28Ag79: 32 — D28Ag79: 12 in Petersburg, Va. , PD22S68: 31 — R22S68: 24, PD60c68: 23, PD9My71: 33, D13Ap76: 33 — P19Ap76: 42, D14F77: 21, DllAp77: 71 — PllAp77s21, D2My77: 62 in Pittsylvania co. , Va , D180c76: 32 in Port Royal, Va. , R10Ag69: 33, D170c77: 22--P240c77: 31 in Portsmouth, Va. , PD18Je67: 33 in Prince Edward co. , Va. , PD22J173: 32--R22J173: 33, P10Ja77:43 in Prince George co. , Va. , 21F51: 41, 24Ag51: 32, PD20Je66: 31, R23J167:42, PD2F69:31 — R2F69:23,PD15Je69:32, PD28N71:31,PD3S72:23, D8J175:33,P110c76: 13, D31 Ja77: 72— P31 Ja77: 32, P21F77: 23, P20Je77sll, D170c77:21,P310c77: 13, P12D77: 23 in Rappahannock river town, Va. , R25D66: 41 in Richmond, Va. , 12S55: 32, PD29Ag66: 31, PD15F70: 31 — R15F70: 32, PD27S70: 32 — R27S70: 22, R15N70: 31, PD13My73: 41, DllMr75: 32, P21Ap75: 31 — D22Ap75: 32 in Richmond co. , Va. , 22Ap57: 32, PD170c66: 41, PD6N66: 23, PD19My68: 23--R26My68: 33, P24My76:42,P19S77:13 in Rocky ridge, Va. , PD16N69: 23 — R16N69:31 in Rowan co. , N. C. , P30c77: 22 in Scotch town, Hanover co. , Va. , 2S57: 41 in Smithfield, Va. , 22My52: 31, PD21F71: 32— R21F71: 32, PD9Ja72: 32 in Southampton co. , Va. , 24Ja51: 41, P13Je77: 11 in Spotsylvania, Va. , R9Je74: 22 in Spotsylvania co. , Va. , 17Ap46: 42, 19J154:42, PD27N66: 31, R23Ag70: 33--PD30Ag70: 33, P27S76: 13, P230c78: 31 in Stafford co. , Va. , R9Mr69: 33, RllMy69: 32, PD18J171: 21 — R18J171: 33, PD24F74: 32--R3Mr74: 42, P12D77: 31 in Stratford, Va. , P5Ap76: 33 — D6Ap76:32 in Suffolk, Va. , D28Ja75: 31 in Surry co. , Va. ,4N63:42, PD26F67: 32, PD16Ap67: 31, RlMr70: 32 — PD8Mr70: 42, R27F72: 31, PD3N74: 43— P14N74: 33, D6My75: 32, P29Mr76: 31 — D30Mr76: 33, D28N77: 22, D26D77: 12, D13N78: 11,D4D78: 22 in Sussex co. , Va. , PD12F67: 32, PD27Ag67: 31, PD2Je68: 31, PD8D68: 31, PD9Mr69: 42, PD14D69: 32, PD13D70: 23, PD13D70: 31, PD2Ap72: 33, PD80c72: 32, P8Mr76: 33 in Tappahannock, Va. , PDlAg66: 31, PD14My72: 22, PD3Mr74: 32— R17Mr74: 31, PD20Oc74s22, PD270c74: 23 in Urbanna, Va. , 21N45: 41, PD19N72: 23--R19N72: 23, Pi4My75: 33--P5My75: 23 in Wakefield, Va. , P30c77: 31 in Warwick, Va.,PD10c72:23— R80c72:41 in Warwick co. , Va. , PD21Mr71: 32, P22N76: 33, D27D76: 42--P27D76: 31, P28F77: 21, D20Je77: 22 — P20Je77: 33, D30Oc78:41,D13N79:31 in West point, Va. , 27F52: 41, PD24My70: 31— R31My70: 42 in Westmoreland co. , Va. , 7Ap38: 41, 12F62: 41, R290c72: 23, P25Ag75: 81 — D26Ag75:32, P170c77:31, D160c78: 41--P160c78: 11 in Westover, Va. , P170c77: 11 in Williamsburg, Va. , 12My38: 41, 17N38: 42, 6Ap39: 32, 260c39: 41, 28Mr45: 41, 23Ja46: 42, 27Mr46: 41, 4S46: 32, 18J151: 32, 29Ag51: 32, 19S51: 41, 2Ja52: 41, 60c52: 31, 17N52: 22, 1D52: 32, 8D52: 31, 19J154: 41, PD22Ag66: 31, PD18D66: 31, PD18D66: 32, PD16J167: 33 — R23J167: 42, PD16Je68: 31 — R16Je68: 31, PD25Ag68: 32, R25Ag68: 32, PD12Ja69: 41, PD2F69: 32--R2F69: 23, PD4My69: 33 — RllMy69: 33, PD7D69: 32 — R7D69: 31, PD21D69: 11--R28D69: 12, PD5Ap70: 41--R5Ap70sll, R6S70: 32, PD20S70: 32, PD29N70: 22, PD17Ja71: 32, PD21Mr71: 32, PD20Je71: 33--R20Je71: 33, PD27Je71: 32, PD16J172: 32, PD10Je73: 23, PD2S73: 22 — R2S73: 31, R23S73: 32, R10Mr74: 32, R30Je74: 33, Pi22D74: 32 — PD22D74: 31,D21Ja75: 31, D4Mr75: 33, P28Ap75: 23--D29Ap75s41, PilJe75: 33 — P2Je75s42— D3Je75: 33, Pi260c75: 32--P270c75: 31 — D4N75: 32, Pi9N75: 33--P10N75: 42 — D11N75: 32, P22D75: 33— D23D75: 33, P23F76: 33--D24F76: 33, P15Ag77: 33, D14N77: 31, P12D77: 23, D8My78: 82, D10J178: 32, P21Ag78: 31, P21Ag78: 33, D8My79: 22, D19Je79: 31, C19F80: 42, DlAp80: 23 in Winchester, Va. , R26S71: 31 in York co. , Va. , PD19F67: 32, PD7Ap68: 31--R14Ap68sl4, R20J169: 22, PD3Ja71: 31, PD4N73: 23, PD8D74: 31, P10N75: 33, DllMy76: 23, D21Mr77: 12 in Yorktown, Va. , 4Ja40: 41, 5Je52: 32, 5Je52: 31, 18Je52: 22, PD3S67: 22, PD2Je68: 31, PD9My71: 33, PD20F72: 33, PD21Ja73: 31, PD17Je73: 33, P130c75: 32 — D140c75: 33, P16F76: 33, P250c76: 31 near Blandford, Va. , D3Ja77: 31 — P3Ja77s23 near Cabin Point, Va. , PD10c72: 23, D14Mr77: 12--P21Mr77: 21 near Dumfries, Va. , C15J180: 22 near Falmouth, Va. , PD28N71: 31 near Fredericksburg, Va. , PD7N71:31— R21N71: 21, PD16Ja72: 33, PD20F72: 33 — R27F72: 33, PD7Ja73: 31, R8J173: 32, P27Mr78: 32, D18Mr80: 32 near Hampton, Va. , P14J175: 41 near Hog island, Va. , 30Ja52: 41 near King George courthouse, Va. , PD16Ja72: 33 near Newcastle, Va. ,C19F80: 11 — D19F80: 33 near Petersburg, ■ Va. , D18D79: 22, near Port Royal, Va. , PD10F74: 32 near Richmond, Va. , D22Ja80: 33 near Richmond courthouse, Va. , R4D66: 32 near Williamsburg, Va. , 10Oc55: 32, PD16My71: 32, Pi9F75: 33 on Appomattox river, Va. , 12D51: 41 on Dan river, Va. , PD2N69: 32, D11S79:32 on Gwynn island, Va. , P16Ag76: 32 on Pianketank river, Va. , P10F75:42— D11F75:23 on Pope's creek, Va. , R2Je74: 23 on Roanoke river, 20Ja38: 41 See also Agate dishes, plates; Alabaster teas sets; Andirons; Basins; Baker's belmetal pans; Baskets; Bed cords, furniture; Bedbunts; Bedding; Bedpans; Beds; Bedsteads; Bells; Black walnut bedsteads, chairs, desks, furniture, tables; Blankets; Beds; Bedsteads; Blankets; Blunts; Boilers, sugar; Bolsters; Book case furniture; Book press; Bookcases; Bowls; Boxes; Brass; Britannia china; Brooms; BrushesjBuckets, cream;Buckhorn forks, knives; Buffets (Beaufets); Bureau furniture; Bureaus; Butter boats, pots; Butler voiders; Cabinet furniture; Cabinets, India; Candle wicks; Candles; Candlesticks; Canisters; Cans; Canvas shades; Carboys; Carpeting, Scotch; Carpets, Scotch; 558 Houses Carpetry; Castor sets, stands; Castors; Chafing dishes; Chains, pincushion; Chairs; Chamber pots; Cherry chairs, tables; Chests; Chimney covers; China; Chinaware; Chocolate mills, pots; Choppers; Clocks; Closestool; Coal, chamber; Cocks; Coffee mills, pots, roasters; Coffee mills, pots, roasters; Coffin furniture; Colanders; Coolers; Copper coffeepots, chocolate pots, kettles, ladles, plates, preserving pans and covers, skillets, stills, teakettles, tea kitchens, trivets; Copperware: Cotton counterpanes; Couches; Counterpanes, Virginia; Coverlets, striped; Covers, handled; Cream jugs, pots; Crockeryware; Crosses, table; Cruets; Cupboards, corner; Cups; Cups and saucers: Curtains; Cushions; Cutlery, London; Cutlery wares; Damask napkins, tablecloths; Decanters; Delf plates; Delftwares; Desk furniture; Desks, writing; Dials; Dimity baskets; Dishes; Dog irons; Dogs, fire; Door mats; Draw plates; Duffel blankets; Dumb waiters; Dutch Holland China; Earthen chinaware, jugs; Earthenware; Egg slicers; Enameled nutmeg graters, saucers, tea cups; Ewers, cream; Fenders; Figures, ornamental; Flaskets; Floor cloth, painted; Flour mill; Forks; Fruit, artificial; Funnels; Furniture; Gauze shades; Gilt canisters, cruets; Glass; Glasses; Glassware; Graters; Grates, fire; Gravy pots; Gridirons; Hair brooms, mattresses; Hair-seating; Half-hour glasses; Hammocks, camp; Handirons; Heaters, box; Hogarth's prints; Horn lanthorns, tumblers; Hour glasses; Hour hands; Housewives, pincushions; India china, dimity baskets, plate snuffers, tea chests; Iron candlesticks, chafing dishes, chests, coffee mills, dogs, dutch ovens, grates, kettles, pots, skillets, spice mortars, teakettles; Ivory handled forks, knives; Ivory sliding forks, sliding knives; Jack; Japan bread baskets, candleboxes, candlesticks, glassware, plate warmer, Roman waiters, snuffers, sugar tongs, tea boards, tea kitchens, tea trays, waiters; Jars, pickling; Jugs; Kettles; Kitchen furniture, goods; Knives; Ladles; Lamps; Lanthorns; Lawn searches, sieves- strainers; Lead pots; Leather casters; Linen; Linen drapery; Looking glasses; Mahogany bedsteads, bookcases, bureau, chairs, chests, desks, dressing boxes, dressing glasses, dumb waiters, furniture, knife cases, looking glasses plate case, prints, scrutaires, tables, tea trays, teaboards; Mattresses; Metal plates; Milk pans, pots; Minute glasses; Minute hands; Mirror glasses; Mops; Morocco glasses; Mortars and pestles, spice; Molds; Mugs; Mustard pots; Nankeen china bowls, mugs; Napkins; Nipple pipes and shells; Ornaments and mottos; Ovens, Dutch; Pannykins; Pans; Pap boats; Paper hangings; Pembroke tables; Pewter, metal; Pewter dishes, plates, porringers, tea sets; Pewterware; Pewtery; Pictures; Piggings; Pillows, dyed; Pincushions; Pincushion trunks; Pipkins; Pitchers, water; Plate; Plate warmers, capuchins; Plates; Porringers; Pots; Presses, clothes; Prince's metal candlesticks; Prints, copper plate; Queen's china; Queen's china mugs, plates; Queen's cups and saucers, glassware, ware; Quilting, Marseilles; Quilts; Rings, curtain; Roasting jack; Rugs; Rummers; Safes, Dutch; Salamanders; Salts, pierced; Salvers; Satin baskets, quilts; Sauce boats; Saucepans; Saucers; Screens, fire; Screws, bed; Scrubs; Scummers; Search bottoms; Searches; Shades; Shags, hair; Shapes; Sheets; Shovels, salt; Sieves; Sifter bottoms; Sifters, hair; Silk quilts, searches, shades; Sillabubs, ventilators for; Silver candlesticks, cans, casters, chased cruets, coasters, coffee pots, cruets, fluted butter ladles, forks, glasses, halted forks, hafted knives, knives, mounted chased bells, mugs, nutmeg graters, pap boats, plates, punch strainers, salt cellars, salt glasses, slats, soup spoons, snuffers, spoons, sugar tongs, tablespoons, tankards, tea canisters, tea tongs, teapots, teaspoons, tongs, waiters; Silverplate; Silverware; Skillets, bell metal; Snuffers; Spatulas; Spinning wheels; Spoons; Squeezers, lemon; Stands, butter, cauliflower, pickled, shaving; Steel plates, snuffers; Steels, fire; Stone basins, cups, jugs, mugs, pitchers, plates; Stoneware; Stoves; Strainers; Syrup pots; Table sets; Tablecloths, diaper; Table covers, painted; Tables; Tablespoons; Tankards; Tapers, wax; Tea boards, chest furniture, kitchens; Tea napkins, diaper; Tea sets, toy; Teaware, toy; Teakettles; Teapots, balm, sage; Teaspoons; Tiles, Dutch; Tin canisters, cans, cullenders, coffee measures, coffeepots, funnels, kettles, lanthorns, pans, plates, pots, teakettles; Tinware; Toasters, cheese; Tongs; Tongues, curling; Tops, sugar; Towels; Trea; Trenchers; Trivets; Tubs; Tumblers; Tunbridge tea sets; Tureens; Tutenague salt cellars; Urns; Valences, bed; Venetians; Vials; Waiters; Wallpaper; Walnut bedstead, suit of curtain with; Walnut bookcases, cabinets, candlesticks, chairs, dressing boxes, dressing glasses, furniture, tables, tea chests; Wash stands; Watches; Wiltons; Wire fenders; Wooden casters, coffee mills; Worsted shades imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from Phila. , Pa. , 24N52: 22 offered settlers in Ga. , 10S36: 42 sold at Williamsburg, Va. , fairs, 30N39. 32 undersold in Va. , R60c68: 11 Household goods, mortgaged, PD3Mr68: 32, PD16Mr69: 31--R16Mr69: 32, PD10Oc71: 32--R170c71: 33 for sale, at Charles City courthouse, Va. , PD1N70: 23 at Goochland courthouses, Va. , PD3Mr68: 32 at Swinyard's, Va. , PDllAp71: 33 in Brunswick co. , Va. , PD25Mr73:33 in Dinwiddie co. , Va. , PD25Ap71: 32, PD80c72: 32 in Lunenburg co. , Va. , R15J173: 41 in Mecklenburg co. , Va. , R26J170: 22 in Petersburg, Va. , PD16Ag70: 42 in Peytonsburg, Va. , PD4N73: 23 in Pittsylvania co. , Va. , PD30Ag70: 33-- R30Ag70: 31 in Pocahontas, Va. , P12S77: 33 in Prince George co. , Va. , PD3Mr74: 31, D22N76: 31 — P22N76: 31, P27D76: 32 in Tappahannock, Va. , PD10Oc71: 32-- R170c71: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , P130c75: 23-- D140c75: 33--Pil90c75: 33 in Lunenburg co. , Va. , PD15D68: 31 in Prince William co. , Va. , R28Mr71:33 Housekeepers, adv. for, PD28Ap68: 22-- R28Ap68: 31 employment, D10Je75: 33 in Mecklenburg co. , Va. , P2F76: 33 in Nansemond, Va. , PD30Oc66: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD21Mr66: 33, PD29Ag71: 31, PD14My72: 21, PD280c73: 23, PD2Je74: 23, P60c75: 32, P27S76sl3, P27D76: 31, P2My77s32, P21Ag78: 32 exempted from impressment in British navy, PD22N70sl3 See also Slaves as Houselines, See Marline houselines Housemaids, See Indentured servants as Housemen, See Slaves as Houses, at Burwell's ferry, Va. , PD15F70:42 at Chesterfield courthouse, Va. , D8N76: 41 at Isle of Wight courthouse, Va. , 9Mr39: 41 at Page's warehouse, Va. , 18Ag38: 42 bartered for tobacco, D4Mr80: 13 built in Charleston, S. C. , PD25Ag68: 23 built in Dominica, W. I. , PD2J167: 31 burned by Americans in Sandy hook, N.J. ,D12F80:21 near Boston, Mass. ,D70c75: 23 on Noddle is. , Mass. , Pi22Je75: 22-- D24Je75: 23 burned by British in Norfolk, Va. , D27Ja76: 32 in Portsmouth, Va. , C15My79: 21 in N. Y. , D19Je79: 22 in St. John's, Can. , P25J177: 12 in S. C. , D17J179: 31, D14Ag79: 22 in Va. ,D15My79: 22 near [Perth] Amboy, N. J. , D18J177: 31 burned by Dunmore on Potomac river, P2Ag76: 23 burned by Indians in Murray township, Pa. , C28Ag79: 21 burned in Falmouth, Mass., enumerated, P17N75:23--D18N75:22 in Hanover co. , Va. , D5F80: 32 559 Houses, burned (cont'd) in Nansemond co. , Va. , D10F76: 32, D17F76:32 in N. H. ,D250c76: 21 in N. Y. , C3 J179: 22 in N. Y. , by British, D28N77: 11 in Norfolk co. , Va. , PD8S68p22 — R22S68: 33 in Poughkeepsie, N. Y. , P3Mr75s22 in Roxbury, Mass. , P22J175s21 on Dorchester point, Mass. , D16Mr76: 32 on Isle aux Noix, Can. , P25J177: 12 on Prudence island, R. I. . D10F76: 31 on Wicomico river, Md. , D19Je79: 31 destroyed by British in Boston, Mass. , Pil90c75: 22 in Egg harbor, N. J. , P230c78: 22, P30Oc78: 32 in Fairfield, Conn. , C28Ag79: 13 in N. J. , D4J177: 32, D4J177: 72 — P4J177: 22, Dll J177: 11, Dll J177: 21 in Norwalk, Conn. . C28Ag79: 13 near Guilford, Conn. , D18J177: 22, P25J177: 12 destroyed by fire at Gosport, Va. , P12Ja76:31 in Norfolk, Va. , P12Ja76: 31 destroyed by hurricanes, in Charles City co. , Va. , PQ4S75: 23 destroyed by Tories in German flats, N. Y. ,P230c78: 22 destroyed in Bordentown, N. J. , P29My78: 22 destroyed in Boston, Mass. , P20Oc75sl2 destroyed in Casco bay. Me. , D30Mr76: 12 destroyed in Norfolk, Va. , D2D75: 31 for lease, PD5F67: 31--R19F67: 41 in Portsmouth, Va. , PD18Je67: 33 in Yorktown, Va. , PD3S67: 22 for rent, 170c55: 31. R80c72: 43. PD6My73: 31, D13N79: 22, D4D79: 31 at Aylett's warehouse, Va. , D30Mr76: 33 at Falls of Potomac, Va. . PD22N70s22--R29N70: 31 at Rocket's landing, Va. , PD2N69: 32 at Williams warehouse, Va. , PD2Ap72: 32--R23Ap72: 13 in Boyd's hole, Va. , PD3N68: 31 in Brunswick co. , Va. , P10Oc77: 23 in Cabin Point, Va. , D29N76: 41 in Caroline co. , Va. , R2D73: 23 in Charlotte co. . Va. , D4S79: 31 in Hampton, Va. . PD16Ap67: 31 in Hanover co. , Va. , Pi23N75: 32, P22Ag77: 12 in King and Queen co. , Va. , 28F55: 31, D8N76: 22 in King William co. , Va. , PD27Ag67: 31 in Manchester. Va. , P17My76: 32 — D18My76: 23, C3J179: 42 in Nansemond co. , Va. , D8Ag77: 21, P15Ag77:13 in Richmond, Va. , P3N75: 31 — D4N75: 31, PllAp77s42, C3J179: 42 in Richmond co. , Va. , PD15D74: 33 in Staunton, Va. , D8Ag77:32 — P8Ag77: 31 in Surry co. , Va. , PD1D74: 31 in Tappahaimock, Va. , D21F77: 21 in Warwick co. , Va. , PD8S74: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , 12My38: 41, PD12Ja69: 41, PD6S70: 32, D27N79:31,D29Ja80:33 in Yorktown, Va. , 12S55: 32. PD9D73: 23--R9D73: 22 near Alexandria, Va. , Pil Je75: 41 near Aquia, Va. , R5S71: 31 near King William courthouse, Va. , PD220c67: 22 on Pamunkey river, Va. , PD8D74: 31 for sale, in Blandford, Va. ,D19F80:31 in Camden, S. C. , Pi60c74: 33 in Chatham, S. C. , Pi60c74: 33 in Dinwiddie co. , Va. , D17Je75s22, D14N77: 41— P28N77sll in Essex co. , Va. , PD7N71: 31 in Gloucester, Va. , P21Ag78: 32 in Norfolk, Va. , R310c71: 32 in Petersburg, Va. , PD26N72: 31, PD12Ag73: 23--R12Ag73: 23 in Port Royal, Va. , P30My77: 13 in Portsmouth, Va. , PD18Je67: 33, PD27S70: 32— R27S70: 23 in Prince Georges co. , Md. , P29Ag77: 32 in Prince George co. , Va. . R23J167: 42 in Richmond, Va. , PD16Ja72: 32 in Tappahaimock, Va. , PD220c72: 22 — R220c72:32 in Williamsburg, Va. , 17N38: 42, 19D55: 31, PD30Ag70: 32, PD15Ap73: 31, PD29Ap73: 23--R6My73s21, PD140c73: 31, D4Mr75: 33, Pi20Ap75: 32, P28Ap75: 22 — D29Ap75s41, D29Ap75: 42, D5D77: 21, D29Ja80: 33 in Winchester, Va. , D10J178: 21 in Yorktown, Va. , 18Je52: 22, PD3S67: 22. PD17Je73: 33, PD9D73: 23--R9D73: 22. PilON74: 31 — PD10N74: 41, P130c75: 32 — D140c75:33 near Norfolk, Va. , 28Mr55: 41 in Albemarle co. , Va. . PD23Ap67: 32, PD24D67: 32, PD3Mr68: 32. PD19Mr72: 32. P15Mr76: 31, P3Ap78:32.D9Ap79: 32 in Alexandria, Va. , R13 J169: 23 in Amelia co. , Va. , 18Ap51: 42, PD30Ap67: 32. PD24Ja71: 31 — R31Ja71: 32. PD10Mr74: 32. P31Oc77:23,DlAp80:32 in Amherst co. . Va. , PD30J172: 32, R16Je74: 31, P10Mr75: 32, PillMy75: 33--D13My75: 12. D25Mr80: 31 in Augusta co. , Va. , Pil3J175: 33 in Baltimore co. , Md. . PD6My73: 23 in Bedford co. , Va. , PDllMv69: 32. P24F75:33--D4Mr75:32, P17Ja77:41 in Berkeley co. , Va. , D19Mr79: 41 in Blandford, Va. , PD30My71: 23 — R30My71: 22, P16Je75: 23 in Boston, Mass. , PD27Ag67: 22 for British army, R3N68: 14, PD10N68: 21 used for fuel, D20Ja76: 21 in Brunswick co. , Va. , 13Je51: 32, 24J152:32,R23Mr69:31, PD15F70:32,PD7F71:23, R18J171: 41, RlAg71: 23, P29Mr76: 32, DH180c76: 31--P180c76: 31, P8N76: 31, P28Mr77: 13, D28Mr77: 21, DllAp77: 61--PUAp77s33, P5D77: 32 in Buckingham co. , Va. , D10Je75: 33 — Pil5Je75: 33, P310c77: 12 in Caroline co. , Va. , 19J154: 32, 7N54s22, PD26My68: 23--R26My68: 32, PD21D69: 23--R18Ja70: 42, R31My70: 41, R16S73: 33, R14Ap74: 32, P22D75: 33, D21Mr77: 21, D6Je77: 22 — P6Je77:31,D29Ja80:33 in Charles City co. , Va. , PD18F73: 23, PilON74: 32, PU6N75: 41— D18N75: 32, D31Ja77: 81, D28Mr77: 22 — PllAp77:31, PlMy78:41 in Charles co. , Md. , P28Je76: 33 in Charleston, S. C. , PD12My68: 22 — R12My68: 13 in Charlotte co. , Va. , PD6N66: 31, R25My69: 31, PD15F70: 31 — R22F70:31,PD25J171:22, P13D76: 33 in Chesterfield co. , Va. , PD19Ap70: 42, PD25J171: 22, PD31Mr74: 31, D19Mr79: 32 in Chowan co. , N. C. , R2F69: 32 in Culpeper co. , Va. , PD23Ap67: 32, PD10N68:31,R28Oc73:33, P250c76: 32 in Cumberland co. , Va. , PD13Ap69: 33 — R13Ap69: 32. D24F76: 33, D8Je76: 72. D28F77:32 in Dinwiddie co. , V a . , PD1 Ja67: 32, PD24S67: 22. R8N70: 12. D22Ap75: 32 — Pi4My75: 33, P15Mr76: 31 — D16Mr76: 33, P14Mr77: 33, P18Ap77: 32, P9My77: 33, P29Ag77: 31, D310c77: 22. D24Ap78: 42, D9Ap79:31,D24Ap79:32 in Dominica, W. I. , PD10D67: 31 in Elizabeth City co. , Va. , PD5My68: 23- R12My68:23.P10J178:13, D20N79:U in Essex co. . Va. , 28Mr5T. 41, R10Ag69: 32. PD2D73: 23--R2D73: 23, P27Mr78: 22 in Fairfax co. , Va. , R190c69: 42 in Falmouth, Va. , PD17Mr68: 32 in Fauquier co. , Va. , R4F68: 32. R17Mr68:34 in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD18N73: 22. P5Ap76: 42 in Gloucester, Va. , R30Ag70: 32 in Gloucester co. , Va. , R3My70: 32. PD30Ag70: 33— R30Ag70: 23, R8N70: 12. PD290c72: 22 — R290c72:31, P18Ap77: 32, D18S79:31 in Goochland co. , Va. , 16My55: 21, PD21J168: 31--R21J168: 32, PD9D73: 22--R9D73: 23, C13N79: 13 — D13N79:22 in Goshen, Conn. , PD16J167: 21 in Granville co. , N. C. , D14Mr77: 71 — P14Mr77: 33 in Greenwich, N. J. . destroyed by British, P2Ag76: 21 in Halifax co. , Va. , 12F62: 42, PD21S69: 32, PD10S72: 31, PD30S73: 31, PD6Ja74: 32, PD27Ja74: 32 in Hampshire co. , Va. , R20Ap69: 31 in Hampton, Va. , PD30Ap72: 31 in Hanover co. , Va. , P3Je37: 42, UAp55: 32, 9My55: 21, 170c55: 22, R19N72: 22, P24F75: 33— D4Mr75: 32, D28Mr77: 22, PllAp77: 21, D26D77: 21,P27Mr78: 31, 560 Houses D24Ap78: 42, P27Mr78: 31 — D8My78: 61, D20N79: 31 — C27N79sl2, D25S79: 31, D5F80: 43, DlAp80: 32 burned, D4Ap77: 21 in Henrico co. , Va. , 240c51: 31, 7N54: 42, 28Mr55: 32, PD14J168: 31 — R14J168: 31, R16Je74: 32, P29Mr76: 33, D240c77: 22 in Henry co. , Va. , D160c79: 32 in Isle of Wight co. , D19D77: 21 in James City co. , Va. , P20Oc75: 31, P7Je76sll,P160c78:41 — D30Oc78: 42, D25Mr80: 31 in Jamestown, Va. , PD18Je72: 32, P4Ag75: 32 in Johnston co. , N. C. , D26F80: 31 in King and Queen co. , Va. , PD3N68: 23--R3N68: 33, R27J169: 31, P27Mr78: 32, D18Mr80: 33 in King George co. , Va. , 4Ag38: 41, R4F68: 32, PD24S72: 22 in King William co. , Va. , 29My52: 31, R25D66: 32--PDlJa67: 41, PDllMy69: 31— RllMy69: 32, PD14D69: 32--R14D69: 31, PD10Ja71: 33--R10Ja71: 31, PD17S71:32,R12My74:43, D24Ap78: 42 burned, D20D76: 12--P20D76sl2 in Lancaster co. , Va. , PD25F68: 23, PD23Mr69: 32, P20S76: 12 in London, Eng. , described, PD12Ag73: 12 number built, R17N68: 23 razed, 27J139: 31 in Loudoun co. , Va. , R9Je74: 22 in Louisa co. , Va. , R270c68: 31 in Lunenburg co. , Va. , 9My51: 32, 10Oc55. 32, PD26F67: 33, PD9F69: 32 — R16F69: 22, R24F69s22, PD6 J169: 32, D14S76: 62. D19J180: 33 in Manchester glebe, Va. , bids for building adv. for, PD3S72: 22 in Mecklenburg co. , Va. , D24F76: 32 — PlMr76:41,D21Mr77: 21 in Middlesex co. , Va. , PD25Je72: 33, P28Mr77s22 in Nansemond co. , Va. , 20F52: 41 in Nash co. , N. C. , P10J178: 32 — D17J178: 41 in Newcastle, Va. , 28F55: 42, PD170c71:31 in New Kent co. , Va. , 4J145: 31, 9My55: 21. PD18J166: 31. PD12S71: 32, P10Oc77:32 in Norfolk, Va. , PD10Oc72: 22, PD10D72: 31--R17D72: 32, DlMy79:32 in Norfolk co. , Va. , 12D51: 41, R28J168:31 in Northampton co. , N. C. , PD17S71: 32, R6My73: 31, D4N75: 32, D14Mr77: 12 — P21Mr77: 22 in Northampton co. , Va. , P160c78: 42, D230c79: 31 in Northumberland co. , Va. , PD23Mr69: 32, P19Ap76: 43 in Orange co. , N. C. , PD23S73: 31 — R30S73:32 in Orange co. , Va. , PD24My70: 33, DlAp75: 11 in Paulus (Powlis) hook, N. J. , destroyed by British, P2Ag76: 21 in Pensacola, Fla. , number of, PD28Ap68: 22--R28Ap68: 22 in Petersburg, Va. , D210c75: 32, D18N75:32--P24N75:31 in Phila. , Pa. , PD19Mr67: 32, PD27Ag67:23 census of, R8F70: 31 in Pittsylvania co. , Va. ,D14Ja75: 32, P14Ap75:32 in Prince George co. , Va. , 5Mr52: 31, 28F55: 42, PD30Oc66: 31, R12Mr67: 31, P12D77: 23 in Prince William co. , Va. , R14Ap68: 23 in Princess Anne co. , Va. , 15D52: 32, D4Ap77: 31, P23My77: 31, D20N79: 32 in Richmond, Va. , P24F75: 33 — D4Mr75: 32, P17N75sll--D18N75: 32, Pi3F76: 32 provided for ropery workers, D29Ag77: 22--P29Ag77: 33 in Romney, Va. , R28Ap68: 24 in Roxbury, Mass. , burned by British, D22J175:32--P22J175sl3 in Shockoe, Va. , R29Ap73: 23 in Southampton co. , Va. , PD25J166: 31, PD23Ja72: 33 in Spotsylvania, Va. , R2£Mr71: 33 in Spotsylvania co. , Va. , 29S38: 41, R27N66: 23, R4F68: 32, PD7Ja73: 31 — R7Ja73: 32, P17Ja77: 32 in Suffolk, Va. , RllMy69: 41, D28Ja75: 31 in Surry co. , Va. , 4J145: 32, PD9N69: 31, Dll J177: 31, D230c79: 12 in Sussex co. , Va. , D17F76: 33, P28F77s22, PllAp77s32, P18Ap77: 32, P14N77:23 in Tappahannock, Va. , PD3Ja71: 31, PD2My71: 33--R2My71: 22 in Urbanna, Va. , D28N77: 21 in Va. , PD2J172: 31 in Warwick co. , Va. , D16Ap79: 22, D13N79:31 in Westmoreland co. , Va. , R6S70: 31, R30Je74: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , HAp51: 41, 25Ap51: 32. 27Je51: 32, PD26Mv68: 21-- R26My68: 24, PD18Ja70: 41 — R18Ja70: 32, R3My70: 31, PD27Je71: 32, PD11F73: 22, PD8Ap73: 33, PD23S73: 31--R23S73: 32, R14Ap74: 32, PD21Ap74: 31, R12My74: 42, PD2Je74: 31, R30Je74: 33, P9Ag76: 41, P13S76: 32, D28F77: 32--P28F77s23, P21Mr77: 21--D28Mr77: 31, D6Je77: 21. D27Je77: 32, D170c77: 22 — P170c77: 31, D310c77: 22 — P310c77: 23, D24Ap78: 22--PlMy78: 31, D10J178: 32, P21Ag78: 33, D9Ap79: 22, D15Ja80: 31,DlAp80:23 in York co. , Pa. , PD14J168: 31 in York co. , Va. , P20S76: 22, D8My78:61 in Yorktown, Va. , PD13Je66: 21, PD13My73: 41--R13My73: 32, P30My77: 33 lease of, for sale, in Richmond, Va. , D4Mr80: 32 lost in flood in Albemarle co. , Va. , PD30My71: 21 in Augusta co. , Va. , PD30My71: 21 in Va. , PD6Je71: 31 near Amherst courthouse, Va. , D19F80:31 near Blandford, Va. , D12Mr79: 31 — C15My79:43 near Cabin Point, Va. , P27Mr78: 32 near Falmouth, Va. , PD28N71: 31, P19S77: 12 near Fourmile creek, Va. , D28Ja75: 32 near Fredericksburg, Va. , D5S77: 31 near Halifax, N. C. , D24Ap78: 41 near Hampton, Va. , PD14J168: 31 — R14J168: 31, R16F69: 22, PD21D69: 23 near Hanover, Va. , D26Mr79: 31, C13My80: 32 near Lawrence's warehouse, Va. , 120c39:42 near Petersburg, Va. , 5Mr52: 31 near Port Royal, Va. , PD10F74: 32 near Tarborough, N. C. , PD17D67: 32 near Turk's ferry, Va. , R19N72: 41 near Williamsburg, Va. , PD2Ap67: 23, PD12Ag73: 31 near Yorktown, Va. , PD31Mr68: 21 on Chickahominy river, Va. , PD24Ja71: 32— R31Ja71: 31 on Chincoteague, Va. , P110c76: 31, P110c76:32 on Dan river, Va. , PD2N69: 32 on Gwynn island, Va. , P16Ag76: 32 on Mattapony river, Va. , R31My70: 41 on Meherrin river, Va. , PD7F71: 23 on Nansemond river, Va. , D20N79: 31 on Nottoway river, Va. , P17Ja77: 41 on Pamuhkey river, Va. , P28N77sll on Plantation swamp, Va. , Pi3F76: 32 on Queen's creek, Va. , PD14J168: 31 — R14J168:31 on Rappahannock river, Va. , PD14Ja73: 32 on Scimino creek, Va. , D27S76: 12 on Totapotomy creek, Va. , 18Ag38: 42 pillaged in Boston, Mass. , P12Ap76: 22 — D13Ap76:31 price of, in London, Eng. , PD18Je67: 21 wall thickness in Md. , PD28S69s21 See also Brick houses; Clapboard; Frame; Glebe; Log; Mansion; Milk; Millers; Necessary; Overseers; Prize; Stone; Summer Houses, described, at Capitol landing, Williamsburg, Va. , 29Ap37: 42 bids for building, adv. for, P240c77: 33 for lease, in Petersburg, Va. , PD14N71: 22— R6F72:43 for rent, 22Ap57: 32 in Cumberland, Va. , 60c52: 32 in Edenton, N. C. , D24F76: 33 in Hanover co. , Va. , P8Ag77: 12, P21N77:33 in Manchester, Va. , P12S77: 13 in New Kent co. , Va. , PD20N66: 23 — R4D66: 33 in Richmond, Va. , D8Ap75: 32 on Queen's creek, Va. , PD24D67: 32 for sale, in Blandford, Va. , P2Je75: 33 in Cumberland, Va. , 60c52: 32 in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD20S70: 32-- R20S70: 31 in Hampton, Va. , 23My45: 32 in King William co. , Va. , D26D77: 12 in Newcastle, Va. , PD23Mr69: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , D8Ag77: 22, D170c77: 12--P170c77: 31, P_21Ag78:31 in Yorktown, V a . , P14N77: 31 in Albemarle co. , Va. , Pil6Mr75: 33 in Alexandria, Va. , HAp55: 32 561 Houses , described (cont'd) in Amherst co. , Va. , PD21Mr71: 32 in Blandford, Va. , PD12S71: 32 in Buckingham co. , Va. , DlAg77: 31 — PlAg77: 32 in Cumberland co. , Va. , PD16Ag70: 43, PD16My71: 31, D2Ap79: 31 in Halifax, N. C. , PD5S66s33, PD9J172: 32 in Hanover co. , Va. , D23Ja78: 32 in Hertfordshire, Eng. , 13J139: 32 in King and Queen co. , Va. , R16N69: 32 in King William co. , Va. , R4F68: 43 in Manchester, Va. ,D310c77: 21 — P310c77: 13 in New Kent co. , Va. , C19F80: 12 — D19F80:32 in Newcastle, Va. , PD21S69:31 in Petersburg. Va. , PD20Ag67: 23 in Port Royal, Va. , lAg51: 32, D10J179:32 in Portsmouth, Va. , PD23Mr69: 32 — R21Ap69s21 in Prince Edward co. , Va. , PD18J166: 12 in Prince George co. , Va. , PD14Ja73: 23 in Rappahannock river town, Va. , R25D66:41 in Richmond, Va. , 22Ap37: 41 in Southampton co. , Va. , PD19My68: 22 in Spotsylvania co. , Va. , PD21D69: 23 — R18Ja70:42 in Surry co. , Va. , C13N79: 13 in Sussex co. , Va. , PD23F69: 41, P18J177:33 in Williamsburg, Va. , R15Mr70: 41 — PD22Mr70: 41, PD11N73: 23 near Edenton, N. C. , PD4J166: 31 near Fredericksburg, Va. , P5D77: 33, P8My78s21 near Petersburg, Va. , PDUa67: 32 on Nottoway river, Va. , 4J145: 32 Houses, lease of, for rent, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD2F69:32--R2F69:23, PD4My69: 33--R1 lMy69: 33 Houses, leased, for sale, in Richmond, Va. , PD7My67: 32 Houses, mortgaged, PD16Mr69: 31 — R16Mr69: 32 for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , P130c75: 23 — D140c75: 33 — Pil90c75:33 Houses, overseers, in Bedford co. , Va. , 28F55:41,4Ap55:32 in Lunenburg co. , Va. , R25D66: 32 — PDUa67: 33 Houses, overseers, described, in Brunswick co. , Va. , 19J154: 42 Houses and lots, as lottery prizes, PD13N66: 22 bartered for land, D15My78: 32 — P29My78: 41, D26Mr79: 31 for slaves, D15My78: 32--P29My78: 41 for tobacco, PD22S68: 31--R22S68: 24 for lease, in Richmond, Va. , PD70c73: 22 for rent, at Capitol landing, Va. , 29Ap37: 42 in Alexandria, Va. , P27Je77: 32 in Beaufort, Va. , PD14Ja73: 32 in Blandford, Va. , R12My68: 24, D8N76: 31 in Falmouth, Va\ , D180c76: 31 — P180c76:23,D24Ap78:22 in Fredericksburg, Va. , 31Ja51: 32, PD23Ap67: 32, R18N73: 31, R7J174: 31, R18Ag74: 32. P15S75: 32, D21F77: 12 in Halifax, N. C. , PD8S74: 31 in Hampton, Va. , PD150c67: 21 in Hanover, Va. , PD22Ja67: 33 — R19F67: 42, PD30D73: 31, PD10F74: 31, PD10F74: 32--R10F74: 32, PD4Ag74: 31--R4Ag74: 33, PD270c74: 32, D16My77: 21, C27N79:21--D27N79:22 in Hobb's Hole, Va. , PD16Je68: 31 in Newcastle, Va. , D28Mr77: 21 in Richmond, Va. , 7N54: 32, PD15F70: 31--R15F70: 32, RlMr70:32,Pi26Ja75:32, D9Mr76: 23 in Shockoe, Va. , 250c65s33 in Smithfield, Va. , PD22D68: 32, PD9Ja72: 32 in Staunton, Va. , DllAp77: 62 — P18Ap77s31 in Tappahannock, Va. , R15N70: 23 — PD22N70: 32 in Urbanna, Va. , P15N76: 13 in Williamsburg, Va. , 10S36: 42, HAp51: 41, 3J152: 32, R3Ag69: 31, PD22N70: 23, PD29Ag71: 32 — R5S71: 41,PD170c71:31 — R170c71: 31, PD17D72: 31, Pi260c75: 32--P270c75: 31 — D4N75:32,D15My78:32, D28Ag79:31 in Yorktown, Va. , PD2Je68: 31, PD22N70: 31 near Cabin Point warehouse, Va. , PD20Je71: 33, PD4J171: 32 near Williamsburg, Va. , 15D52: 32, PD6Je66: 31, PD17Mr74: 32 for sale, at Capitol landing, Va. , 29Ap37: 42 at Osborne's, Va. , PD18Oc70: 42 in Alexandria, Va. , HAp55: 32, R2My71: 31, P13S76: 33--D14S76: 71 in Bath, Va. , C28Ag79: 41 in Blandford, Va. , R12My68: 24, PD24Ja71: 31--R31Ja71: 32, R28Mr71: 41, DllAp77: 71, D6Je77:22,D170c77:21 in Cabin Point, Va. , PD4J171: 32 in Campbelton, N. C. , D18My76: 23 in Cobham, Va. , D5D77: 21 in Colchester, Va. , R23J167: 42 in Dumfries, Va. , D11S79: 32 in Edenton, N. C. , D28F77: 32, D24Ap78:31,D10J179:31 in Essex co. , Va. , R80c72: 41 in Fairfax, Va. , PD8Je69: 31 in Falmouth, Va. , PD7N71: 23 in Fredericksburg, Va. , 27Mr46: 42, 31Ja51: 32, 28F55: 41, PD23Ap67: 32, PD20Ag67: 32, PD9Mr69: 32 — R9Mr69:23,PD8Je69: 31, PD3Ja71: 31--R10Ja71: 33, PD21N71: 22, PD16Ap72: 32, PD6Ag72: 31, PD27Ag72: 43, PD220c72: 22, PD15Ap73: 31 — R15Ap73:33,R18N73:31, PDllAg74: 33--R18Ag74: 32, D21F77: 12, P28F77: 22, P18Ap77s31, P13Je77: 12, P3Ap78: 22, P10J178: 23, D10J178: 41, D30Oc78: 41, D13N78: 12, D12F79: 42, D26Mr79: 31, D5F80:41 in Gloucester, Va. , R18Ag68: 32 — PD25Ag68: 32, R29S68: 31 in Halifax, N. C. , PD240c66: 23, PD9J172: 32, PD8S74: 31, D18My76: 23 in Hampton, Va. , R20Ap69: 23, D4S79: 22, D8Ja80: 33 in Hanover, Va. , PD27S70: 32 — R27S70. 23, PD280c73: 23, PD30D73: 31, PD10F74: 31, PD20Oc74s22--Pi20Oc74: 32, PD270c74: 32, D17Je75: 31, C27N79:21--D27N79:22 in Hobb's Hole, Va. , PD16Je68: 31, R16Je68:31 in Leedstown, Va. , D10 J178: 21 in Manchester, Va. , P27D76: 33. P3Ap78: 31 in New London, Va. , C18D79: 12 in New Bern, N. C. , D18My76: 23 in Newcastle, Va. , 17Ja51: 41, 24Ja51: 41, 30My51: 32, 2My55: 22, PD20N66: 23, PD21S69: 31, PD27Ag72sll, PD15J173: 33, PD16Je74: 22, PD24N74: 23, D6My75: 32, D16D75: 23, D23Mr76: 33, D28Mr77: 21, P4Ap77: 33, C13N79:21— D13N79: 31 in Norfolk, Va. , 29D52: 41, 7Mr55: 32, 2My55: 21, PD19My68: 31, R26My68: 33, R270c68: 24, R30Ag70:31, PD7N71: 31, R6F72: 33, PD13My73: 33, D27N78:31 in Norfolk co. , Va. , 24Ap46: 32 in Patesfield, Va. , D27N79: 31 in Petersburg, Va. , 250c65s43, R25D66: 41— PDlJa67: 32, R31 Ja71: 31, R15J173: 41, PD270c74: 31, D6Ja76: 33--P12Ja76: 33, D13Ap76: 33 — P19Ap76: 42, P23Ag76: 32— D24Ag76: 72, D170c77: 21, C11D79: 22--D18D79: 31, D18D79: 22, D12F80: 33, C13My80: 41 in Port Royal, Va. , lAg51: 32, 170c51: 31, 14Ag52: 32, PD5N67: 31, R10Ag69: 33, R28D69: 13, D30Oc78: 41, D20N79: 31 in Portsmouth, Va. , PD24S67: 22, PD3Ja71: 32, PD10D72: 31, D18Ap77:62 in Richmond, Va. , 25J151: 32, 16Ag51: 32, PD2F69: 32, PD13My73: 41, PD70c73: 22, D9Mr76: 23, D22Ja80: 33 in Smithfield, Va. , PD9Ja72: 32, Pi5Ja75: 32--D7Ja75: 32, D27N79: 31, C11D79:21 in Suffolk, Va. , PD27Ag72: 43, DHOc76:71 in Tappahannock, Va. , R15N70: 23 — PD22N70: 32, PD14My72: 22, R5N72: 22, PD6My73: 22, PD3Mr74: 32 — R17Mr74: 31, PD20Oc74s22 in Urbanna, Va. , 18Ap45: 41, PD10Je73: 23— R10Je73: 33, Pi4My75: 33--P5My75: 23 in West point, Va. , PD7Ap68: 32, P27Mr78: 12 in Williamsburg, Va. , 10S36: 42, 6Ap39: 32, 9My45: 41, 16My45: 41, HAp51: 41, 20Je51: 32, 5Je52: 32, 12S55: 32, 26S55: 32, 22Ap57: 41, PD21My67: 32, PD80c67: 21, PD5N67: 23, R25F68: 31, R30Je68: 31, PD25Ag68: 32, R25Ag68: 32, PD130c68: 23--R270c68: 34, 562 Howard PD15D68:31--R15D68:21. R13Ap69: 32, R27Ap69: 23, PD8Je69: 32--R15Je69: 41, R7S69: 42, PD21D69: 11--R28D69: 12, PD18Ja70: 42. PD5Ap70: 41-- R5Ap70sll.PD20S70:32. PD18Oc70:33. PD1N70: 22. R1N70: 23. PD16My71: 31. PD27Je71. 32. PD29Ag71: 32-- R5S71: 41, PD30c71: 32--R170c71: 41. PD170c71: 31--R170c71: 31, PD13Ag72. 23. PD20Ag72: 31, PD31D72: 32. PD7Ja73: 32-- R7Ja73: 33, PD21Ja73: 32-- R21Ja73: 31. PD15Ap73: 32-- R15Ap73: 31. PD20My73: 23. R4N73: 31. R10Mr74: 32. PD5My74: 23. Pi4N74. 32, PD24N74: 23, PD1D74: 32. PD22D74: 31, D21Ja75: 31. Pi260c75: 32-- P270c75:31--D4N75:32. D7F77: 31--P7F77: 31. P2My77s41. P9My77: 32. P26S77: 32. P28N77. 33. PlMy78: 31. P8My78s21, D8My78: 71, D8My78: 72, D15My78: 32--P29My78: 41. D17J178: 31, P21Ag78: 33, P160c78: 23, P160c78: 43. D27N78: 31, D4D78: 22, D8My79: 22, D5Je79: 32, D12Je79: 32, D19Je79: 31. C3J179: 23, D28Ag79: 31, DlAp80: 31 in Winchester, Va. , R28Ap68: 24 in Woodstock, Va. , C13My80: 42 in Yorktown, Va. , 5Je52: 32, 12S55: 32, PD10Oc66: 41, R24Mr68: 34, PD2Je68: 31. R18Ag68: 32 — PD25Ag68: 32, PD130c68: 23--R130c68: 24, PD18Ja70: 41, PD24My70: 33, PD22N70: 31, PD30J172: 32, PD21Ja73: 31, PD6My73: 32, PD30S73: 31, PD2D73: 22, PD9D73: 23, D27Je77: 32-- P27Je77: 33 near Cabin Point warehouse, Va. , PD20Je71:33, near Petersburg, Va. , PD22S68: 31-- R22S68: 24 in Fairfax co. , Va. , R31Mr68: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , sold to George Pitt, HAp55: 32 Houses, and lots, described, for rent in Hanover, Va. , DllAp77: 62-- PllAp77s22 for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD21Ap68:31 in Hampton, Va. , PD9Ap72: 32 Houses and lots, mortgaged, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD16 Je74: 23 in Newcastle, Va. , PD15J173: 33 in Norfolk, Va. , PD14S69: 33-- R14S69:31 in Tappahannock, Va. , PD10Oc71: 32-- R170c71: 33, PD14My72: 23-- R21My72: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD1D68: 31-- R1D68: 22,PD31Ja71:33. PD17Mr74: 31. D17J178: 32 in Suffolk. Va. . 7N45: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , 7N45: 32 Housewives (sewing kits), for sale, in Williamsburg. Va. . PD60c68: 31-- R60c68: 23. PD13Ap69: 32-- R13Ap69:31 Housewives, pincushion, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. ,R8N70:13 Housing, as prizes for horse racing. HJa40:41 stolen, in Henrico co. , Va. , 14F51:41 in King and Queen co. , Va. , 14D39:41 in Williamsburg. Va. . 29S52: 32 taken by indentured servants, 15Je39: 41 Housing, cloth, found, adv. for, 30Ja52: 32 Housing, saddle, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. ,PD8Ag71:23 in Smithfield, Va. . D21F77: 22-- P28F77s22 Housing regulations, in Newtown, Va. , PD7My72: 32 Houselines, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 Housling. Mr. , warehouses built on land of, RlAg71: 12 Houston, Capt. , of the Greyhound, 7N51:22 Mr. , P29My78: 32--D10J178: 41 death of, P115D74: 32 of Fredericksburg, Va. , PD28Ap74: 32 slave of, Pi29D74: 33 Mrs. , slave of, PU5D74: 32 Fanny, R7J174: 31 George, PD2Je68: 23 Hugh, D16Ap79: 31 adv. settlement of estate of, William Houston, R170c71: 31 estate of, Pi26Ja75: 33 indentured servant of, Pi20Oc74: 33 settlement of estate of, R7J174: 31, P2F76:41 [John], delegate to Continental congress, P5Ap76:31 John, Pvt., land grant to, R14Ja73: 13 Thomas, describes naval engagement near Phila. , Pa. ,P31My76:21 William, adv. for runaway indentured servant, R18Oc70: 31--PD1N70: 23 houses of, for rent, R7J174: 31 lot of, in Fredericksburg, Va. , D16Ap79:31 lots of,P17My76:32 requests payment of debts, D22Ap75: 32 settlement of estate of, R170c71: 31, P2F76. 41 William C. , P5S77: 23 Houston, ship, D7Ja75: 32 Houston's, Ga. , See Prisoners of war, British, taken near ' Houston's tannery, Fredericksburg, Va. , PD16Je74: 23 Houstoun, John, Ga. delegate to Continental congress, Pi20Ap75: 21 Houton, Andrew, PD28My67: 33 How, Capt. , of the Elligood, PD28Mr71: 13 of the Mary, PD8D74: 13 George, ship of stolen, PD24D67: 32 Micajah, on Trenton, N. J. . R12Mr72: 22 Neb. , captured by French and Indians, 5D45: 41 Peter, R28Ap68: 24. R30My71: 23 Richard, alias of Thomas Butler, 23My45:41 Robert. Capt. , of the Campbelton, PD26Mr67: 23. PD25F68: 22 How, ship, 13Je51:32,30c51:32. 7Ag52:31 Howard, Capt. . PD1D68: 23, R24Je73: 31 of the Carlisle, R12Mr72: 23 of the Experiment, PD220c72: 13 Gen. , supports Stamp act repeal, PD16My66: 22 Lt. Col. , of British army, receives land grants in Mass. , PD6F72: 23-- R6F72:23 Mr. , appointed chief justice of N. Y. , PD30Ja72: 31 death of near Annapolis, Md. , PD23J167:31 exchange for American prisoner proposed, D7Mr77: 61 leaves Boston, Mass. , for Eng. , PD21D69: 12 letter to, in post office, PD2F69: 31 slave of, PD4Ag74: 32--R4Ag74: 33 Mrs. , death of, DlAp75: 32 Allan, burgess from Albemarle co. , Va. 27F52: 32 Benjamin, P7Mr77: 31 adv. finding horse, Rl 5 Je69: 42 adv. for runaway convict servants, R18J171:42 burgess for Buckingham co. , Va. , PD15D68: 23---R15D68: 21, PDllMy69s41, PD28S69: 22, R9N69: 11, PD19D71: 22 death of, PD9Ja72: 32 death of wife of, DlAp75: 32 plaintiff in suit, PD9Je68: 31-- R9Je68:34 refused appointment, as sheriff of Buckingham co. , Va. , PD21Je70: 23 settlement of estate of, PD30J172: 31 sheriff of Buckingham co. , Va. , R25Ja70: 11--PD15F70: 23, PD13S70:31 signs Va. Association, PD25My69: 12 Corker, deserter, D28Mr77: 21 Drury, land of, P19Je78: 11 Edward, ensign of York co. , Va. , company, PH4S75: 31--D16S75: 32 Elizabeth, R12Mr67: 43, R27Ap69: 31 Ephraim, Dr. , adv. for runaway indentured servants, R26J170: 31 George, Sir, goes to U. S. , PD130c74: 23- Pil30c74: 23, D29Ag77: 11, P5S77: 11, P7N77: 11 Henry, R26J170: 31 adv. storehouse for rent, 30N59: 41 collector for estate of Mrs. , Elizabeth Willis, R170c71: 31 member of Surry co. , Va. , committee, P8Mr76s23 of Md. , R7D69: 31 of N. C. ,D19Je79: 32 on Yorktown, Va. , committee of inspection, D31J179: 31 owns furnace in Md. , P8Ag77: 23 posts land against Col. William Digges, PD2D73: 21 slave of, P19Ja76:33 James, deserter, P28N77: 32 killed in battle of Lexington and Concord, D27My75: 31 Jane, Mrs. . R23Ap72 31 John, adv. for furniture stolen from, Charles parish church, Va. , PD15D68:31 adv. land for sale. PD2J172: 31 adv. lottery. PD14Ja68: 33. adv. painting of coaches. P15D75: 33 announces abandonment of lottery, 563 Howard, John, abandonment of lottery (cont'd) PD17N68: 23 deserter, D28Mr77: 21 horse of, PD240c71: 31 indentured servant, 15My46: 41 land of, C30Oc79: 41 land of, for sale, PD1J173: 33 — R1J173: 32, PillMy75: 33--D13My75: 12 notice to purchasers of estate of, PD11J171:32 overseer to Rev. Mr. Stith, 170c55: 22 property for sale, PD3Ja71: 31 to arrange election of Phila. , Pa. , committee of inspection, PilD74: 21 trustees of, PD5My74: 31--R12My74: 42 John, Capt. , of the Nancy, 4J145: 32 Joseph, PD5Mr67: 22, PD26Ag73: 22-- R2S73: 22 Margaret, R4D66: 23 Martin, chief justice of N. C. , leaves colony, D8Ag77: 11 Mirny, alias of slave, PD15Je69: 32-- R15Je69:23 Nancy (Chisman), marriage of, D12D77: 12 Oliver, P14J175: 33 R. , house of in New York City, PD20Je66: 12 Sally, marriage of, D28Ja75: 22 Samuel, Capt. , of Boston, Mass. , PD5Ap70: 23--R5Ap70: 32 Sarah, adv. settlement of estate of Major Benjamin Howard, PD30J172: 31 convict servant, 3J152: 32 Sarah, Mrs. , settlement of estate of, P7Mr77:31 Simeon, Rev. Mr. , trial of, Pil4S75: 22 Spencer, C13N79: 22 William, Rl 5 Je69: 22 disavows wife's debts, R23Ap72: 31 marriage of, D12D77: 12 of Amherst co. , Va. , R27Ja74: 33 Sons of Liberty at house of, in N. Y. C. , PD7Mr66: 41 Howard, Putney &, tobacco merchants, PilD74: 32, P25Ag75: 83 Howard, ship, 3Je37: 41, 19Ag37: 32, HAg38:41 Howart, Soiomon, tobacco of, R14Ap68: 24 Howcott, Sarah, PD3N74pll Howe, Capt. , PD4Ag68: 21, P13Je77: 32 of the Catharine, PD2My71: 32 of the Cruiser, PD21Ja73: 23-- R21Ja73: 22 of the Proserpine, D26F80: 23 Col. , of British army in Boston, Mass. , R15S74:31 Viscount, governor of Barbados, 16S37: 31 [George], Viscount, monument erected to by Americans, P24My76: 22-- D25My76: 31 James, convict servant, 27Mr46: 41 John, P5Je78: 32 joins Gen. Howe, D29J176: 21 Joshua, accused of counterfeiting, R12My68:14 [Richard], Admiral Lord, abused by British press, PlMy78: 21 accepts command in navy, D6N79: 21 American attitude toward, D31Ja77: 42 announces peace commission to Franklin, P240c77: 11 appointed commander of British navy, P14Je76:ll appointed commander of grand fleet, D25D79: 21 appointed commissioner to Continental congress, rumored, PlMr76: 22 — D2Mr76: 21 appointed to settle colonial dispute, P16Ag76:12--D17Ag76: 12 arrival at Sandy hook, N. J. , celebrated by British navy, P2Ag76: 21 arrives at Sandy hook, N. J. , P2Ag76:21--D3Ag76:ll assistant commander of British forces in America, D13J176: 12 attack on N. Y. expected, P30Ag76: 22-- D31Ag76: 22 burns pilot house in N. Y. , D25My76: 33 commands British navy for Jamaica, R6My73: 21 commands the Eagle, P28Je76: 22-- D29Je76: 22, D29Je76: 21 commends sailors, P230c78: 22 conciliation proposals refused, DllAp77:31 conference with committee of Congress, P40c76sl2,P250c76:21 confers with members of Congress, P20S76:21--D21S76:21 consents to exchange of prisoners, P20S76:21--D21S76:21 dance named for, P4Ap77: 13 declaration urging conciliation parodied, D250c76: 32--P250c76: 13 declaration (text) urging conciliation with Gt. Brit. , DHOc76: 32-- PHOc76:12 defended in Lords, D19F79: 21 defends self in Commons, D29My79: 11 denies title to Washington, D3Ag76: 12 discusses British colonial policy in Commons, D18My76: 32 effects of resignation on navy, D21Ag79: 21 embarks for Eng. , D160c78: 31 expected in Boston, Mass. , PD270c74: 23 favors exchange of prisoners of war, D7S76: 21 goes up Delaware river, P25J177: 13 illness of, D31Ja77: 32--P7F77: 13 in command of British forces in America, P26J176: 23--D29J176: 52 in command of British navy, P24My76: 22--D25My76: 31, P26J176:23--D29J176:51 in command of N. C. theatre of war, P28Je76: 21 in Cork, Ire. , expected, D13J176: 12 in Portsmouth, Eng. , DHOc76: 12 instructions as peace commissioner to U.S. ,PHOc76:22 letter (text) from Franklin, P240c77: 12 letter (text) to British governors, D3Ag76: 12 military ability praised in Commons, P7Mr77:ll naval commander in Canada, P21Je76: 11 navy accounts unsettled, D5Mr79: 22 of the Terrible, R2S73s21 offers pardons to colonists for allegiance, P14F77: 11 offers terms to U. S. , D14Mr77: 61 on Staten island, N. Y. , P2Ag76: 23 opposes conciliation with colonies, P31My76: 12--DUe76: 12 ordered to confer with Continental congress, D14S76: 12 peace commissioner to U. S. , P26J176:23--D29J176: 52, P2Ag76:21,P16Ag76:22, P5Je78: 21 peace proposals of discussed, D40c76: 22--P40c76: 22 powers as peace commissioner to U.S. discussed, P1N76: 31 presents aims of peace commissioners to colonial governors, D3Ag76: 21 promises to regain U. S. , P13S76: 13 proposes peace conference, D40c76:21--P40c76: 13, D40c76: 22--P40c76: 21 propositions to Continental congress, D27S76:22--P27S76sll recommends peace with Americans, P9My77: 11 resignation as commander in U. S. rumored, D90c78: 32 ridiculed as commissioner to America, D16Mr76: 21 sails for Eng. , D30Oc78: 22 sends Highlanders to N. H. , D40c76: 71 sends messages to Washington, P9Ag76: 21--D10Ag76: 51 to America, P21Je76: 22--D22Je76: 61, D13J176:61,DUOc76:31 to Boston, Mass. , P28Je76: 22 to Nfd. , D25My76: 31 treatment of prisoners described, D31Ja77: 42 Richard, Capt. , of the Dunkirk, 4Ap55: 22, 26S55: 12, 30c55: 22 Robert, Gen. , appointed colonel of N. C. troops, D210c75: 23 appointed brig. gen. in Continental army, P15Mr76sl2 approves order of court martial, P12Ja76: 33 arrives at Great bridge, Va. , P15D75:31 arrives in Savannah, Ga. , D10Ja77: 31 captures Tories in Norfolk, Va. , Pi30D75: 41 correspondence (text) with Dunmore on prisoners, D6Ja 76: 32 defends Norfolk, Va. , P19Ja76: 31-- D20Ja76: 33 describes burning of Norfolk, Va. , P5Ja76(5)s21--D6Ja76: 33 enters Norfolk, Va. , Pi23D75: 21 in skirmish at Great bridge, Va. , D9D75: 31 letter to Va. convention, P2F76s21 military services praised, P22Mr76: 13 notified of conditions in N. C. , PlMr76:32 orders burning of Norfolk, Va. , D10F76:32 pardon refused, P7Je76: 31-- D8Je76: 51 petitioned by Col. Woodford, D13Ja76: 32 plantation destroyed by British, D29Je76: 22 praised, Pi20D75: 32 promotes officer in Continental army, P22Mr76: 31 564 Howe property burned by British, P7Je76: 31 refuses to supply British ships, Pi30D75:42 reports to Va. convention, P22D75: 23, P29D75s22 requests instructions from Va. convention, Pi20D75: 32--D23D75: 32 returns to Charleston, S. C. , from Ga. , D8N76: 22 succeeds to command of troops in Norfolk, Va. , Pi20D75: 41-- D23D75: 32 to Norfolk, Va. , Pi6D75: 32 to St. Augustine, Fla. , D27S76: 22 Sarah, subscribes to Resolves of N. C. , PD3N74pll [TryinghamJ, Capt. , of the Glasgow, D15Je76: 31, D13J176: 61, D250c76: 12 [William], Gen. Sir, abused by British press, PlMy78: 21 accepts surrender of Suffolk co. , N. Y. , D250c76: 22 accused of lies, P16My77: 22 adjutant expresses views of, P16Ag76: ll--D17Ag76: 11 advises Tories to leave Boston, Mass. , P22Mr76: 21--D23Mr76: 31 allegiance to British parliament demanded by, P8N76: 21 appointed commander of British army in Boston, Mass. , D26Ag75: 31, P1S75: 23--D2S75: 32, Pi30N75: 21 appointed general in America, D29Je76: 21 appointed peace commissioner, P16Ag76: 22 appointed to settle colonial dispute, P16Ag76: 12--D17Ag76:12 army units after Brandywine listed, D14N77: 21 arrival in Sandy hook, N. J. , P12J176:23,D13J176:62 arrives in Boston, Mass. , D10Je75: 31, Pil5Je75: 23, P16Je75s22, Pi22Je75: 32, D30S75: 11 arrives in [New] Brunswick, N. J. , P21Mr77sl2 at Sandy hook, N. J. , rumored, P19J176: 21--D20J176: 12 at Staten island, N. Y. , D20J176: 41, D7S76: 11 attack on Fort Lee expected, D29N76:31--P29N76:12 attack on New Eng. planned, P30My77: 21 attack on Phila. , Pa. , rumored, P13Je77:31 attempts Phila. expedition, D15Ag77:61--P15Ag77:22 attitude toward colonies, D29Ag77: 11 boats for, D2My77: 22 burns Nantasket, Mass. , P5Ap76: 23-- D6Ap76:32 calls truce to preserve Boston, Mass. , D30Mr76: 32 campaign plans criticized, P12D77: 12 commander of British army in America rumored, D4F75: 22, P31Mr75s22 commander of British army in Boston, Mass., rumored, P14Ap75: 21- - D15Ap75: 21 commands British army in battle of Bunker Hill, Pil3J175: 32--P14J175: 32-- D15J175: 21, D15J175: 13, D22J175: 33-- P22J175s23 commissioner to America, P29Mr76: 21 commissioner to colonies rumored, P15Mr76sl2 conciliation proposals refused, DllAp77:31 condemned for not pursuing Washington, C6N79: 12 conduct satirized, P25J177: 22 criticized by Amherst, D18J177: 11 criticized in Commons, P20Mr78: 22 criticized by Gen. Lee, Pil3J175: 21 cruelty of, D31 Ja77: 71 death in battle of Bunker Hill rumored, D15J175:33 declaration urging conciliation parodied, D250c76: 32--P250c76: 13 declaration (text) urging conciliation with Gt. Brit. , DHOc76: 32-- P11G-C76: 12 declines engagement with Washington, P16My77:22 defeated at Fort Washington, P29N76: 23 defends self in Commons, D29My79: 11 demands provisions, D1N76: 11 disarms foreign troops, D7Mr77: 61 describes attack on Fort Washington, D2My77:61 discusses prisoner treatment with Washington, D4J177: 21 embarks from Cambridge, Mass. , P5Ap76: 22 embarks troops at Halifax, N. S. , D29N76: 11 enslaves American deserters, D20Je77: 22--P20Je77: 22 escape from Boston, Mass. , D25My76: 33 evacuates anti -British from Boston, Mass. , P26 Ja76: 21 evacuates Boston, Mass. , D13Ap76: 23, D24Ag7fi: 21 evacuates N. J. , P18J177: 22 evacuation of Boston, Mass. , criticized in London, Eng. , DHOc76: 11 exaggerates victories in Pa. , P20Mr78: 22 expected to move to middle provinces, D20Ja76: 33 generalship praised, P170c77: 22 grants commissions in British army, D22N76: 21 hated by Philadelphian, D5D77: 11 in battle of Princeton, N. J. , P17Ja77:22 in command of British army at N. Y. , P24My76: 22--D25My76: 31 in Halifax, N. S. , P24My76: 31, D29J176: 21, D14S76: 21 in Long island sound, N. Y. , P15N76:32 in N. J. , P6D76: 21, P6D76: 22, P20D76sl2 in New Rochelle, N. Y. , P15N76: 31 in N. Y. , P25J177: 13 in Trenton, N. J. , D20D76: 12 instructions to, D26Ag75: 11 laments losses in battle of N. Y. , D250c76: 21 leaves Boston, Mass. , D30Mr76: 32 leaves [Perth] Amboy, N. J. , fD24J177: 22 leaves Phila. , Pa. , P19Je78: 21 letter (text) from Burgoyne, D28N77: 11 letter from Lord Dunmore, P26Ja76: 11 letter (text) from George Scott, D14Mr77: 22 letter (text) from Washington, D2My77:22,D8Ag77:12 Lord Dunmore requests aid of, D13Ja76: 32 made knight of Bath, DllAp77: 32 military ability praised in Commons, P7Mr77: 11 musters Long island, N. Y. , militia, D110c76: 22--PHOc76: 21 near Richmond, Eng. , D5Mr79: 21 negotiates cartel, P20S76: 21 number of troops under, D1N76: 11 occupies Staten island, N. Y. , D20J176: 31 offers pardons in New York City, D7Mr77:22 offers pardons to colonists for allegiance, P14F77: 11 offers peace to Congress, P12D77: 22 offers protection to deserters and Tories, P30c77: 13, D240c77: 12-- P240c77: 22 offers terms to U. S. , D14Mr77: 61 on Long island, N. Y. , P13S76: 21 — D14S76:22 on Staten island, N. Y. , P2Ag76: 23 opinion of General Lee, D28F77: 31-- P28F77sl2 ordered on defensive, D27Je77: 21-- P27Je77:21 ordered to America, P5My75s42, D6My75:31 ordered to leave Staten island, N. Y. , D13D76:11 orders destruction of buildings, PilOJa76: 21--P12Ja76: 22-- D13Ja76: 22 orders Hessians to seize provisions in N.J. ,D24Ja77: 31 orders reinforcement of N. Y. , D28F77:22--P28F77sll orders to, P22Mr76: 22--D23Mr76: 31 orders Tories from N. Y. to aid Va. , P12Ja76:31--D13Ja76:23 peace commissioner to U. S. , P26J176: 23--D29JT76:52, P5Je78:21 plans discussed, P11J177: 31, P11J177:32 plans discussed by Washington, D11J177:21--P11J177:23 plans in Pa. discussed, D26D77: 11 plans march to Phila. , Pa. , P4Ap77: 22 plans to take New York City, D29J176: 51 powers as peace commissioner to U. S. discussed, P1N76: 31 praised for military skill in America, DHOc76: 41 praised in Eng. , P9My77: 12 praised in Ire. , D16D75: 32 prepares attack on S. C. , D4J177: 71 proclamation (text) of 1775, D2D75: 23 promoted to general in America, D13J176:61 proposes fighting Americans, Pi2N75:32--DllN75:23 recalled to Eng. , PlMy78: 22 receives gifts from Quakers, P14N77: 22 565 Howe, [William], Gen. Sir (cont'd) recommends peace with Americans, P9My77: 11 reconnoiters Continental forces in N. Y. , D29N76: 51 regulates landing of American prisoners of war, D7S76: 22 replaces Gen. Gage, P24My76: 22-- D25My76: 31 reports on prisoner exchange, D6N79:31 reports prisoners and stores captured, D9My77: 12 requested to invade Long island, N. Y. , D14S76: 21 requests reinforcements, Pil7Ag75: 32-- P18Ag75: 22--D19Ag75: 31 retires to N. Y. , D22N76: 31 retreat of prophesied, D310c77: 11-- P310c77: 22 retreat to Staten island explained, D11J177: 12--P11J177:31 retreats to Kingsbridge, N. Y. , P22N76:31 retreats to Princeton, N. J. , from Trenton, D27D76: 12--P27D76: 22 retreats toward New York City, P22N76: 23 sends copies of bills to Washington, PlMy78sll sends reinforcement to Gen. Clinton, P9Ag76: 33 sends troops to N. Y. , D24Ja77: 31 sent resolutions of Continental congress, P9Ag76: 32--D10Ag76: 42 signs ship passport, P12S77sl2 slaves attempt to join, P19S77: 22 spikes guns at Boston, Mass. , D22N76: 12 succeeds Gen. Gage, Pi260c75: 31-- D280c75:33 threatens Phila. , Pa. , P4Ap77sl2 to command British army in N. Y. , P26J176:23--D29J176: 52 to command British forces in America D8Je76:42 to Halifax, N. S. , P19Ap76pl3-- D20Ap76: 23 to release American prisoners of war, D40c76: 71 to succeed Gen. Gage rumored, Pil7Ag75: 32--P18Ag75: 31-- D19Ag75:32 Tories sent to, P2F76sl2--D3F76: 32 trains British soldiers, PD10N74: 22 treatment of prisoners of war, P13S76: 22— D14S76:'22, D31 Ja77: 42 treatment of prisoners criticized, D15My78: 12 treatment of refugees from Boston. Mass. , P22D75: 31 treatment of Tories in Halifax, N. S. , D29J176: 21 troops to be increased, D2My77: 22 uses buildings for fuel in Boston, Mass. , D20Ja76: 21 wounded at Fort Lee, N. Y. , D8N76: 21--P8N76: 22 wounded in N. Y. , P8N76: 23 Howel, Samuel, of Phila. , Pa. , RllOc70:23 Howell, Capt. , PD3Mr68: 23 of the Bristol, R190c69; 33, R18Ja70:31 Harris, author. PD17S72: 21 Hartwell,D30S75:33 Henry, D9My77: 32 Isaac, of Phila. . Pa. , PilD74: 21, P31Mr75s23 | James], author, PD25F68: 41, PD29N70: 21, PD13D70: 42, PD3Ja71: 42, PD17Ja71: 42, PD24Ja71: 43, PD7F71: 43, PD21F71: 43, PD7Mr71: 43, PD21Mr71: 43, PD28Mr71: 42, D2Mr76: 42, D9Mr76: 41, D25My76: 43, D24Ag76: 52, D20D76: 42 sentenced for manslaughter, P270c75: 13 John, jr. , PD220c67: 23 Joseph, Capt. , in battle of Long island, N. Y. ,D21S76: 21 [Lawrence], author, PD29N70: 21, PD7F71: 43, PD21F71: 43, PD7Mr71: 43, PD21Mr71: 43, PD28Mr71: 42, D25N75: 12, D30D75: 12, D24F76: 43, D2Mr76:41,D9Mr76:41 Mary, sentenced for child murder, P24Ja77: 23 Rednap (Ridnap), runaway criminal of N. C. , R2My71: 32, PD4J171: 21 Samuel, of Phila. , Pa. , R23Je74: 32, D10Ag76: 42 indentured servant, PD16Ag70: 33 . Simon, indentured servant, PD16Ag70: 33 Thomas, PD9Mr69: 33 Howell & Douglass, of Phila. , Pa. , D15Ag77: 51 Howells, cooper's, for sale, in Cabin Point, Va. , D18J177: 31 in Smithfield, Va. , D21F77: 22-- P28F77s22 Howerton, Heritage, D6N79: 32 John, P15Ag77:33 Thomas, R16N69: 33, R18Ja70: 33 William, deserter, 2S57: 42 Howes, Capt. , PD20Oc74s21 Isaac, Capt. , of the Phebe, PD22D68: 31 Howie, Capt. , of the Anne, R12Mr67: 22, PD26My68: 12--R26My68: 23, PD20Oc68: 22, R23Mr69: 22 Howitzers, captured by Americans, D13Ja76:42 at Fort Schuyler, N. Y. , P12S77: 23 at Saratoga, N. Y. , D14N77: 21-- P14N77: 21 on ships, D4My76: 32, D21Ag79: 21, C6N79: 31--D6N79:31 Howland, Mr. , of Plymouth, Mass. , Pi2F75:22 Howland' s ferry, R. I. , D4D78: 21 Howie, Absalom, PD16S73: 32 John, estate of, for sale. PD16S73: 32 William, PD4Ag74: 32 Howies, Robert, jail breaker, 110c51: 31, 170c51:31 Howlet, Col. , in battle of Long island, N. Y. ,D14S76:31 John, PD4Mr73: 33--R4Mr73: 33 Thomas, R19Ja69: 33, D17J178: 42 William, D17J178: 32 Howling, James, listed in Byrd's lottery, PD23J167: 41--R23J167: 32 Howse, Laurence, PD10Mr74: 31. D18F75: 33, D19D77: 31, D5Je?9: 32 Howson, John, R3Je73: 23, R10Je73sl2, P10J178:42 William, 10Ag39: 41 Hoxton, Eng. , See Children killed by rats in; Duels near; Suicides in Hoy, John, adv. for missing brother, 17F38:31 Richard, 17F38: 31 Thomas, indentured servant, 26S45: 31 Hoyde, dela, of S. C. , D8My78: 72 Hoye, Daniel, PD30My66: 32-- R30My66: 33 Jeremiah, PD16J167: 41--R23J167: 42 Hoylake, Eng. , See Ships from Va. to Hoyle, Edmond, author, 24My51: 32, PD25F68: 41, PD29N70: 21, PD13D70: 42, PD3Ja71: 42, PD17Ja71: 43, PD24Ja71: 43, PD7F71:43,PD17S72: 22 Hoynds, William, acquitted of robbery, Pi20Ap75: 31--P21Ap75s42-- D22Ap75:31 Hubard, Mr. , HOc51:41 plantation of, PD8N70: 32--R8N70: 23 Mrs. , saddle found near, 19Ja39: 42 Rev. Mr. , PD11N73: 22--R11N73: 21 Benjamin, 260c39: 42, 20Je51: 41 Dolley (Cole), marriage of, PD6F72: 32 Elizabeth, Mrs. , plantation of, 22Je39:32 of the Matthew and Elizabeth, 12Mr52:22 James, R17Ja71: 23, PD30S73:31 adv. dissolution of Hubard & Baker, PD5F67: 32 adv. escheated property for sale, D25D79:31 adv. for gardener, PD17F74: 32 adv. for lost merchandise, 16My55: 21 adv. land for sale, R25My69: 31, D90c79: 12--C30Oc79: 43 adv. merchandise for sale, PD9N69:23--R9N69:31 adv. prize ship for sale, P2Ag76: 31 — D3Ag76:31 adv. slaves for hire, PD6Ja74: 32 agent of William Dean, D13D76: 32 agent of William Evans, R20S70: 32 announces practise of law, PDllMy69s33--RllMy69: 32 appointed judge of Va. admiralty, P5J176: 23 appointed to committee of trade of Va. merchants, R26N72: 21 attorney for Rev. Mr. Robert Read, P21 J175: 31 captain of Gloucester co. , Va. , militia, P130c75: Il--D210c75: 31 horse of, stolen, PD9F69: 32--R9F69: 23 letter to, in post office, PD10c67: 12 moderator of Gloucester co. , Va. , meeting, R28J174: 23 on Williamsburg, Va. , committee of inspection, PD22D74: 23, P19N75: 33 secretary of Va. , merchants, PD29Je69: 32--R6J169: 32 store of, PD140c73:31 supervises printing of treasury notes, RlAg71:21 to number treasury notes, R18Mr73: 11 James, jr. , marriage of, P7J175: 31 James. Mrs. , PD9F69" 32--R9F69: 23 James, sr. , death of , PD22D74: 23 John, D4F75: 32, P130c75: 11-- D210c75: 31, P4J177: 31, P6Mr78: 32 Matthew, 25Ag38: 41 Molly (Whiting), Mrs. , P7J175: 31 566 Huffington Peggy, death of, P13D76: 22 W. . C15M>79:42 William, adv. land for sale. P5D77: 32 death of, R26Ja69: 23 delegate to Va. general assembly from Charlotte co. . P9My77: 23 marriage of. PD6F72: 32 store of, 10Ap52: 31 William, Capt., slaves of, D160c78: 42 William, Rev. Mr. . D15My79: 31 Hubard & Baker. PD5F67: 32, PD20Ag67: 23, PD21Ap68: 31, PD8D68: 31 Hubard's ordinary, Va. , D90c79: 32 Hubbard. Capt. , 7N55: 21, 12F62: 31, PD14S69:31 of the Farmer, PD25My69: 31-- R25My69: 22 of the George, 31Ja51: 32, 7F51: 41, 7Mr51:31 of the Integrity, PD6Je66: 23 prisoner of war in Quebec, Can. , D16Mr76:31 Mr. , PD31Ja71: 33--R31 Ja71: 23 capture of, D22Je76: 42 land of, PD220c72: 23, R220c72: 32 sale at, ordinary of, R26Ap70s23 Benjamin, 11J145: 41, 18S46: 41 adv. finding steer, PD3Mr68: 32 adv. for runaway slave, PD1S74: 32 land of, PD17S67: 21, PD3Je73: 32-- R3Je73: 23.R16S73: 33 letter of, in post office, PD2My66: 41 on Caroline co. , Va. , committee, PD22D74: 31--Pi22D74: 32, Pil2Ja75: ll--D14Ja75: 12 requests return of subscription papers, PD10c67: 12 sale of ordinary of, PD12D71: 33 slaves of, PD21Ap68: 32--R28Ap68: 33, PD17Ja71: 42, PD16Je74: 31-- R16Je74:32--Pi24N74:42 C. , adv. horse for sale, R17F74: 31 Cuthbert, PD2My71: 32, PD220c72: 23-- R220c72:31,PD25N73:22 adv. for missing cow, PHOc76: 33 adv. lodgings, PD26Mr72: 33 adv. stallion for sale, PD26My74: 32 adv. tavern, PD7Mr71: 32-- R7Mr71: 33, PD14Ja73: 31, PD28Ap74: 31 house of,PD17D72:31 Daniel, signs address to Gov. Hutchinson, PD23Je74: 12 George, settlement of estate of, PD22Ag71:41 George, Capt. , PD9N69: 22 of the Elizabeth, PD19My68: 21, PD7J168:31,R7J168:22 of the Good Intent, PD27N66: 22, PD15Ja67: 32, PD11F68: 23 of the Kingston, 7N51: 22, 12D51: 32 of the Thomas, R14S69: 22, R9N69: 23, PD21D69: 23 J., adv. finding horse, R25Mr73: 33 James, PD12Mr67: 13, PD16My71: 32, PD17N74: 23, D13D76: 32, P7N77sl3 James, Mrs. , slave of, PD25Je72: 33 Leveret, Col. , to confer on Conn-Pa. boundary dispute, R7Ap74: 21 Matt. PD17N74: 23 Nehemiah, reports French sail for Ga. , D20c79: 21 T. . speaker of Mass. house of representatives, 12D55: 12 Thomas, signs letter to Gage, R17N68: 13 William, 25Ap51: 41, R23My71: 41, DllMr75: 13, DllMr75: 21 Hubbard & co. , merchants, 2My55: 32 Hubbard & Towles, adv. slaves for sale, 12S45:41 Hubbard, Hill & Norton, 18S46: 41 Hubbardton (Hugbarton), Vt. , battle at, D22Ag77:ll Hubbart, Charles Hobby, captured by R.I. privateers, P13S76: 21- - D14S76: 21 Leverit, Dr. , commands independent co. of Conn. , 240c55: 21 Hubbert, Thomas, Capt. , of the William and Jane, PD22Ja67: 12 Huber, J. J. , defends letter on tobacco trade, 28J138: 12 defends tobacco trade plan, 21Ap38: 31 denies attack on tobacco merchants, 7Ap38:32 plan for buying tobacco, 2Je38: 41, 28J138:41 Hubley, Adam, of Phila. , Pa. , PUD74: 21 John, of Pa. council of safety, D10Ag76: 42 Huckabacks, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , HOc51: 41, PD14D69: 32-- R14D69:23,PD4Oc70:31 Huckaby, Samuel, land of, PD9D73: 21 Huckstep, John, overseer, D21 Ja75: 31 Huddersfield, Eng. , See Parliament, supremacy upheld in Huddleston, Capt. , of British army in N.Y. ,R5Ag73: 21 in Phila. , Pa. , R5Ag73: 22 Robert, jr. , 310c55: 22 Huddlestone, Capt. , wounded in battle of Bunker Hill, P22J175s22-- D29J175:31 Huddy, Joshua, Capt. , attacked by Tories in N. J. , C21Oc80: 12 Hudelston, David, D6 Ja76: 41 Hudgens, Moses, PD4N73: 31 Hudgin, Gabriel, P127J175: 31-- D29J175: 32 Isaac, deserter, P16My77: 23 William, P113J175: 33--P14Je75: 33-- D15Je75:33,P22J175s33-- Pi27J175: 31, Pi27J175: 31— D29J175: 32, P4Ag75: 23 Hudgins, Robert, P16Ag76s22 Hudnal, James, PD6 Je66: 33 Hudnall, John, R19N72: 41 Nathan, estate of, R2N69: 23 Hudner, John, slave of, PD60c74: 33 Hudson, Capt. , 13Ja38: 41, PD3Je73: 23 killed in battle of Bunker Hill, P22J175s22--D29J175:31 of the Nelly, R12Mr72: 23, PD19Mr72: 13, D22N76: 12 of the Neptune, D22My79: 11 of the Prince of Orange, 120c39: 22 of the Prudent Mary, 7N51: 22 of the Success, PD29S68: 22--R29S68: 23 Hudson, Gen. , to be gov. of Mass. rumored, PD21D69: 13 Mr. ,D40c76:72 Chamberlin, of N. C. , R16F69: 23 Charles, PD31Ja71: 32, Pil5Je75: 33 deserter, P30Ag76: 41 Charles, Capt. , 7J138: 41, 28Ag46: 32 Christopher, P28Je76: 41, P170c77: 42 David, P28J175: 32, D19Ag75: 33, P7F77: 43 Elizabeth, PD28J168: 23 Elizabeth, Mrs. , R18F68: 33 Francis, deserter, P7N77s21 James, deserter, P30c77: 31 James, Capt. , of Newburyport, Mass. , PD4Ag74: 22 John, adv. finding clothes, P6Je77: 31 adv. finding horse, P4Ap77: 43, P30My77: 43 adv. for runaway slave, Pi20Ja76: 32 disavows wife's debts, PD20Ag72: 23 land of, PD24D67: 32 runaway sailor, P20S76: 31 settlement of estate of, D17Je75: 32 unclaimed tobacco of, P28J175: 32 John, Capt. , of the Totness, PD14Je70s22--R14Je70: 32, PD19J170:33--R19J170:33 John, Lt. , adv. for deserters, P4J177:32,D26D77: 22 Jonathan, of Md. , R29N70: 21, D40c76: 12--P40c76: 23 Nicholas, R26J170: 23 Peter, house of, 12Je52: 31 Robert, disavows bond, R17Je73: 33 Sarah, Mrs. , debts of, disavowed, PD20Ag72: 23 Stephen, P170c77: 32, P28N77: 32 Thomas, deserter, 14Ag46: 31 unclaimed tobacco of, R9D73: 22 Vincent, deserter, P13Je77: 12 William, R18F68: 33, PD4Oc70: 31, R310c71:33,D8My79:32 Hudson, Talley &, PD22F70: 32 Hudson, ship, 270c52: 21, PD16J167: 41 Hudson bay, French settlements on questioned, PD28Mr66: 21 trade and settlement plans discussed, PDllJe67: 12 See also Exports from Eng. to; Exports from Gt. Brit, to; Imports to Gt. Brit, from Hudson Bay, ship, 28F51: 22 Hudson bluff, Ga. , Tory fort erected at, D9Ap79: 21 Hudson river, N. Y. , blockaded by chains, D26Je79: 22 See also British navy in; Continental army crosses; Drownings in; North river; Ships, British, burning of attempted, on Hudson's bay co. , to London, Eng. , 28F5L22 Hue and cry, 210c37: 31, 210c37: 32, 5Ja39: 41, 17Ja51: 32, 28F51: 41, 7Mr51: 31, 24My51: 41, 11J151: 41, 12Mr52: 22, 27Mr52: 22, 5Je52: 31, 21Ag52: 22, 28Ag52: 32, 20Oc52: 22, 7N54: 32, 12D55: 41, 4N63: 42, PDllJe67: 33, PD18Ja70: 32, R18Oc70: 31, PD30J172: 33, Pi28Ap75: 41, Pi4My75: 33. P20Oc75: 31, P30My77: 13, D30c77: 41 for convict servants, PD3Je73: 23 for French men of war, 10Ja[?]51: 31 in Antigua, W. I. , PD25Je72: 23 Huffington, James, Capt. , of the Friendship, PD12Mr67: 32, PD9Ap67: 23 William, Capt. . of the John and Betsey, PD270c68. 42. PD270c68: 43, 567 Huffington. William, Capt. (cont'd) PD17N68:22,PD22D68:31 of the Peggy, PD7J168: 23 — R7J168: 22, R25Ag68s23 — PD8S68p22 Huffman, Philip, Lt. , P230c78: 11 Hufman, Philip, R21N71: 43 Hugart, J. ,D24Ap79:31 James, D24Ap79: 31 T. ,D24Ap79:31 Thomas, 240c55: 31, P4Ag75: 31 William. D24Ap79: 31 Hugens, Dolly, R17F74: 33 Huger, Benjamin, Major, killed in Charleston, S. C. , D3J179: 12 Isaac, Lt. Col. , to command S. C. , troops, Dl 5 J175: 21 Huge's Cider, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 12Mr52: 31 Huggins, Bridget, acquitted of felony, 18Ap55:22 William, 3Ap46: 42 Wilson, D7Ja75: 31 Hughes, Capt. , of the King of Port. , 13Je45: 21 of the Wolf, 17Ap46: 11 of the Worcester, PDllAp71: 12 Mrs. , adv. midwifery, PD16D73: 23 Rev. Mr. , convict servant of, 28Ap38: 42 Billy, convict servant, 9My51: 32 Christopher, adv. goldsmithing, Pil8My75: 33 Daniel, PD3N74: 42 — PU0N74: 32 E. , Commander, of the Somerset, PD2S73: 12--R2S73: 13 Edward, PD9Je68: 31, PD22N70: 23, PD27F72:32,P29S75:33, D31Ja77:71,P21N77:22 Emery, 24Ja51: 41, R19Ag73: 21 G. ,R19Ag73:21 George, PD28My67: 33, D17Ag76: 22, D4J177: ll,D15Ja80:31 [JabezJ, author, PD25F68: 41, PD29N70: 21, PD13D70: 42, PD3 Ja71: 42, PD17Ja71: 43, PD24Ja71: 43, PD7F71: 43, PD21F71: 43, PD7Mr71: 43, PD21Mr71: 43, PD28Mr71: 43 John, R17Ja71: 23, R140c73: 33 adv. finding cow, R14Ap68s21 adv. finding horse, 22Ap57: 41 adv. land for sale, PD25J166: 32 adv. plantation for sale, PD30Ag70: 33-- R30Ag70: 23 of S. C. , death of, PD6Ag72: 21 recruiting officer, D28Mr77: 21 tried for felony, PD20Oc68: 22 John, Capt. , of the Jenny, PD10F74: 23 Joseph, PD18F68: 31 Leander, PD29Ap73: 31 Morris, PD29Ja67: 13, PD18F68: 31 Peter, signs address to Gov. Hutchinson, PD23Je74: 12 R. Commander, of the Worcester, PD2S73: 12 — R2S73: 13 Richard, Capt. , of the Anne Galley, 25Ja40: 2 of the Centaur, PD22N70sl2 Robert. 12Je52: 31, 7N54s22, 4N63: 22,PD17Ag69:32 Robert, Capt. , of the Port Mahon, 26S55: 12 Samuel, trustee for opening, navigation of Potomac river, PD3N74: 42 — PilON74:32 signs address to Gov. Hutchinson, PD23Je74: 12 Stephen, adv. land for sale, 11N3 7: 42 Thomas, D30c77: 41 William, adv. finding cow, P6Mr78: 32 adv. finding horses, PD20N66: 31, PD12N67: 23, R31My70: 33 adv. runaway indentured servant, 5Mr52:31 attacked by Hessians, P30c77: 12 author, 24My51: 32 on Louisa co. , Va. , committee, D23D75:32,P29D75:31 Hughes's apple orchards, in Gloucester co. , Va. , R140c73: 33 in York co. , Va. , PD7My72: 32 Hughes's apple trees, in Gloucester co. , Va. , PD290c72: 22— R290c72:31 in Sussex co. , Va. , PD1 Ja67: 32 Hughes' apples, in King William co. , Va. , PDlJa67: 31--R19F67: 42 Hughes' crab apple orchards, in James City co. , Va. , Pil6F75:33 — P17F75: 42— D18F75: 31 in York co. , Va. , PD29D68: 31 — R5Ja69:32 Hughes' crab apple trees, R25D66: 32— PDlJa67: 41 for sale, in Surry co. , 26S55: 32 near Charles City courthouse, Va. , 4N63: 42 in Essex co. , Va. , R15D68: 23 in Hanover co. , Va. , R12J170: 22 in King William co. , Va. , PD29Ag66: 23, PD12N67: 21 in Surry co. , Va. , 14N55: 22 on Nottoway river, Va. , P17Ja77: 41 Hughlett, John, P18J177: 41 Hughs, John, indentured servant, R26 J170: 31 Hughston, Capt., of the Philadelphia galley, 16My45:41 Huguenots, British sailors refuse to serve against, PD9Je74: 13 celebrate settlement in Prussia, PD23J172: 11 emigrate from Fr. to Va. , D29Ap75: 32 in Fr. , edicts against, 14N51: 21 religious toleration for expected, PD150c72: 12--R150c72: 13 opposed by Cardinal Fleury, 13My37:ll toleration for considered by Fr. , PD13N66: 11 Huie. Capt. , of the Anne, R22S68: 23, R18J17L32 Robert, 14Ag52: 31 Hulet, Thomas Burch, D4My76: 33 Hulett, Mr. , sentenced for felony, 50c39:32 John, 24Ap52: 32, 15D52: 32 John James, 23My55: 22, 14N55: 31, PD21My67:32 Hull, Capt. , P29D75sl2 Lt. , killed in battle of Lexington and Concord, P12My75sl2 Mr. , captured in Jamaica, PD27Ag67: 23 Mrs. , house burned by British, D6Ja76: 31 Joseph, R17Ja71: 32, R23My71: 32 Richard, R4D66: 23 Richard, Col. , death of, P7Je76: 31 Hull, Eng. , See Anecdotes from; Convict servants imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from; Exports from; Exports from James river, lower district, Va. , to; Exports from James river, upper district, Va. , to; Exports from south Potomac district, Va. , to; Hamburg fleet in; Imports to; Imports to Hampton, Va. , from; Imports to James river, lower district, Va. , from; Imports to James river, upper district, Va. , from; Imports to N. Y. from; Imports to south Potomac district, Va. , from; Imports to Va. from; Imports to York district, Va. , from; Indentured servants imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from; Russian navy in; Ships, British, recaptured from Americans near; Ships from; Ships from Va. to; Ships from York district, Va. , to: Ships' sailing time; Ships to; Ships to Boston, Mass. , from; Ships to Halifax, N. S. , from; Ships to James river, Va. , from; Ships to N. Y. from; Ships to Phila. , Pa. , from; Ships to Va. from; Ships to York district, Va. , from Hulls, Isaac, PD19N67: 13 Hull's tavern, in New York City, PD1J173: 31--R1J173: 31, PD8J173: 31 — R8J173:31 entertainments at, PD24Mr74: 12 saved in fire, DHOc76: 22 Hulm, Thomas, P8My78s22 Hulme, Capt. , PD5N67: 11, R19Ja69: 23 brings stamps to Boston, Mass. , 250c65s22 Hulse, William, indentured servant, 4Ag38: 41 Hulton, Mr. , of Brookline, Mass. , PD26J170: 12 Henry, commissioner of customs in Boston, Mass. ,PD19N67:21, PD10D67: 21, PD24D67: 23 accuses James Otis of treason, PD28S69sl3 Huly, Josiah,R4D66:23 Humanitas, pseud. , D29N76: 12 Humber, H. M. S. , 24Ja52: 22 ship, 13Je45: 41, PD16S73: 21 Humber river, Eng. , See Privateers, French in; Shipwrecks in Humbert, Godfrey, R28Ap68: 24 Hume, Capt. , 9Je38: 41 Messrs. , captured by American ship, near Boston, Mass. , D13 J176: 62 Mrs., robbery of, PD12My74: 43 — R12My74: 33 [David], author,PD25F68:41.PD29N70:21, PD13D70: 42, PD3Ja71: 42, PD17Ja71: 42, PD24Ja71: 43, PD7F71: 42, PD21F71: 42, PD7Mr71: 43, R2My71: 23, PD2My71: 32 — R30My71: 31, PD25J171: 33, PDlAg71: 41, PD8Ag71: 41, PD29Ag71:33,R5S71:33, PD23Ap72: 23, PD17S72: 21, PD10Je73:31,D25N75:12, D25N75: 21, D30D75: 12, D30D75: 21, D24F76:43,D2Mr76:43, D9Mr76: 41, D25My76: 43 discusses pricesjn Scot. , PD14Ap74: 21 essay reprinted, R25D66: 11 568 Hunt history by, discontinued, PD7Ap68: 21, opinion on decline in value of money, PD25Ap71:12 opposition to, PD6My73: 13 quoted, R31My70: 12, Pi22D74: 11 sponsors Rousseau in Eng. , PD3S67:12 supports American revolution, P4Ap77: 21 supports conciliation of colonies, D13D76:11 to continue history of Eng. , PDllN73sl3--RllN73sl3 Frances, tried for felony, PD10D67: 31 Francis, R4D66: 32 James, PD5S66: 31--R5S66: 41, R12Mr67: 41, PD23Ap67: 32, PD21Ap68: 31, PD8Je69: 31 James, Capt. , of the Buchanan, 27My37:41,19Ag37:32 of the Mary, 29Je39: 31, 13J139: 42, 2N39:2, 2N39: 3, 14D39: 32, 25Ja40: 3, 25Ja40: 4 John, in S. C. ,PD150c72:22 Robert, Lt. , of the Ranger, P31My76: 21 Sophia, in Charleston, S. C. , PD23J167: 21- R23J167s21, PD6Ag67: 22 Humhums, for sale, PD19Ap70s23 in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD25Ap66: 31 in Norfolk, Va. , PD29Ja67: 32 in Petersburg, Va. , D18Ap77: 71-- P18Ap77s42, D5S77: 22--P5S77: 31, D12S77:41--P19S77:ll,D240c77:21-- P240c77: 32 in Richmond, Va. , PD310c71: 23-- R310c71: 32, PD5N72sll--R5N72: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD3D67: 32, PD28S69: 31, R260c69: 23, PD2N69: 41, R8N70: 13, PD12D71: 32, PD14My72: 22, D26Ag75: 32 in Yorktown, Va. , PD310c71: 23 Humhums, India, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PDllAp71: 32 Humming Bird, schooner, D26Je79: 21 sloop, 29S52: 31 ship, 18Ap45:31 Humphrey, David, runaway seaman, 18Ap45:42 John, in 2nd Va. regiment, R20Je71: 32 Nathaniel, of St. John, Antigua, PD12N72: 13 William, adv. finding horse, D3Je75:41 William, Capt. , of the Providence, 120c52:31,lD52:31 Humphrey, ship, 17Mr38: 41 Humphreys, Charles, delegate to Continental congress from Pa. , PD18Ag74: 21, Pi270c74: 23, Pil2Ja75:31--D14Ja75:23 signs Association of 1774, PD3N74: 12--P14N74: 12 Daniel, P15N76: 33, P7Mr77s24 [David], Major, in battle of Sag harbor, N. Y. ,D13Je77:21 James, jr. , printer of Pennsylvania ledger, D28N77: 11 Joshua, of Phila. , Pa. , PDllAp71: 23 Richard, of Phila. , Pa. , PilD74: 21, P31Mr75s23 Samuel, R15Ap73: 33 Thomas, slaves of, R23Ap72: 32, D14Ag79:31 Walter, Comdr. , of the Polly, 13, PD20Ja74:-23 William, Lt. , killed at Quebec, Can. , P2F76sl3--D3F76: 32--Pi3F76: 11, P9F76:23--D10F76:32 Humphries, John, R21N71: 43 Thomas, adv. land for sale, PD6F72: 32 Humphry, ship, 25F37: 41, 24Je37: 41, 23Je38: 41, 7J138: 41, Ue39: 42, 24Ag39: 3, 7S39: 32, 2N39: 2, 25Ja40: 3 Humphrys, William, Lt. , taken prisoner in Quebec, Can. , D31Ag76: 21 Hundley, Ambrose, settlement of estate of, P20Mr78: 11 Charles, PD16D73: 23,C18D79: 13 George, land of, PllAp77s43 Jacob, Capt. , PD26D71: 31 John, PD150c67: 22, PllAp77s43, D5D77: 12--P5D77: 23, P10J178: D4S79: 22 John, sr. , PD16Ap72: 32 Josiah, 23My55: 22, D27N78: 32 Matthew, deserter, D24Ja77: 41-- P24Ja77:31,D28Mr77:72 Matthias, alias of Matthias Williams, P12S77:31 Robert, Capt. , of the Dolphin, PD17D67: 31, PD18F68: 23 William, land of, PUAp77s43 Hundon, Zachariah, P10F75: 42 Hundreds, the Va. , See Ships for sale at; Slaves for sale at Hungarian army, in Poland, PD13Je71:13 increase in, PDllAp71: 12 on borders of Poland, R17N68: 21 to Poland, PD28N71: 13 Hungar's parish, Northampton co., Va., See Land in Hungar's warehouse, Va. , unclaimed tobacco in, Pi20Oc74: 33 Hungary, alliance with Gt. Brit. , R8J173:22 conditions in, 6J139: 22 diet meets, 28N51: 22 disaffection in, 10S36: 31 offers assistance against Turkey, 24Je37: 12 offers troops to Aust. , PD31D72: 22 quarantined against Aust. , 23F39: 12 relations with Prussia, PD13Je71: 11 with Russia, PD13Je71: 11, PD13Je71:13 revolt in, PD29D68: 21 supported by Gt. Brit. , 9My45: 22 supports Poland in imperial election, 13Je45: 11 treaty with Poland, 13Je45: 12 with Turkey, 25Ag38: 11 See also Anecdotes from; Austrian army, recruiting for in; Austrian army in; Earthquakes in; Fevers, pestilential, in; Plague in; Protestants in; Religious toleration in; Russian army in; Snow in Hungary water, for sale, in Blandford, Va. ,PD21F71:32 in Fredericksburg, PD22Ap73:31 in Newcastle, Va. in Petersburg, Va. PD30J172:32, PD1J173:32, PD30D73: 31, PD14J174: 32 in Richmond, Va. , PD7Je70: 33, Va. ,28Ag46:31, PD19N72:22 12F62:41, PD3S72: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , 20Je45: 41, 31J146: 61, 18J151: 41, 15My52: 32, 22My52: 32, 2My55: 31, 14N55: 22, 12F62: 42, PD270c68: 32-- R270c68: 22, PD13Ap69: 32-- R13Ap69:32, PD17Ay69:33-- R17Ag69: 23, PD21S69: 41-- R21S69s21,PD7Je70:31--R12J170:31, R12J170: 31, R8N70: 13, PDllAp71: 32, PD240c71: 31, PD2J172: 32, R150c72: 31, PD10Je73: 22, PD1S74:32 in Yorktown, Va. , 31 J146: 52 Hungary water, French, for sale, in Sussex co. , Va. , PD27N66: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , 24My51: 32, 10Ap52: 31, 16Ja61: 41, PD29N70: 22, PD13D70: 43, PD17Ja71: 43 Hungerford, Mr. , pilot boat of in Va. , P9My77: 23 Anne, P29Ag77: 42 Hunicut, Wike, signs Quaker petition to Va. burgesses, 17N38: 41 Hunley, Ambrose, Capt. , of the Sisters, PD15Ag66; 23--R8Ag66: 22 Caleb, RllOc70: 32--PD18Oc70: 33, PD22N70: 32 Josiah, slave of, D160c79: 32 Ransone, RllOc70: 32--PD18Oc70: 33 Hunnicutt, Mr. , tried for aiding enemy, PllAg75:33 Hunnicutt, Glaister (Gloucester), PD18J166: 32, PDUAg68: 23, PD30Ag70: 31, PD23S73: 23 — R23S73:33,PD3Mr74:32, Pil5D74:32, P4J177sl2 Glaister, & co. , PD23S73: 23-- R23S73: 33, PD3Mr74: 32 John jr. , D26D77: 21 Robert, R18F68: 33, R6J169: 33, D26D77: 21 Robert , jr. , PD14My72: 31 Robert, sr. ,P27D76:32 Hunnient, John, 28F55: 41, 4Ap55: 32 Hunniford's bridge, Surry co. , Va. , R18J17L41 Hunsman, Hance, D160c78: 42 Hunt, Capt. , PD9Je68: 22, PD15S68: 23, PD18Je72: 31, PD16S73: 22, PD31Mr74: 23, PU5D74: 23 of the Beaufort, PD23Ja72: 22 of the Jesse, PD9Je68: 21 of the N. Y. , R26J170: 13 of the New York Packet, R15J173: 32 of the Sail, D11S79:21 of the Rochford, PDllJe72: 22 of the Tamar, PD14F71: 23 Mr. , appointed customs collector in Bahamas, R60c68: 21 imprisoned by British in Boston, Mass. , PllAg75p21--D12Ag75: 33 Andrew, 15D38: 41 Benjamin, 22Ap57: 41, PD8D68: 31 Berry, P18Ap77sl2 Charles, PD16J172: 31, PD17N74: 23 Creswell, PD28My67: 33, PD18F68: 31 Edward, PD20Oc68: 31 --R270c68sl4 George, 20Oc 52: 22 James, PDllMy69: 32, PD23Ap72: 32, P14N77:33 Jesse, PD10c67: 12 Jesse, Capt. , of the Sally, PD2N69: 21, PD25Je72:31 569 Hunt (cont'd) John, 10Oc55: 32, 2S57: 31, PD23My66: 32, PD23J167: 32--R23J167: 31, PD14My72:21 Mary, 5Je52:31 Nathaniel, R18Mr73: 31, PD28Ap74: 23 Peter, R60c68: 22 Richard, R12My74: 42 Stephanus, PD10Mr68: 22 Thomas, PD30c66: 41, PD20Oc68: 31-- R270c68sl4, PD2N69: 21 William, 8Ap37: 41, PDllAp66: 41, PD12N67: 21, PD18F68: 31, R6Ap69:31 William, jr. , PllAp77: 33 William, sr. , PllAp77: 33 Hunter, Capt. , PD25Je67: 23, R17Mr68:32,R17Je73:31, PD17Je73: 32, PD29J173: 22-- R29J173:23,D4F75:31 company of, P14N77:33 of the Alexander, R26Ag73: 21 of the Harrington, 23Ja46: 22 of the Henry, PD16 Ja72: 32 of the Hunter, PD30J167: 31 of the John, D29Je76:12 of the Lunn and Lloyd, PD29 Je69: 31 of the Rover, D1N76: 12 of the Sally, PD26N72: 21 of the Swallow, PD10Ja71: 13 of the Thistle, PD220c72: 13 of the Walter, PD19Mr72: 23, PD10c72: 22, PD14Ja73: 23 of the William, D28Ja75: 22 prisoner of war of Dunmore, P15D75:31 Col. , slaves of, PD14Mr66: 32, PD20Je66: 31 warehouse of, 24J152: 32 Dr. ,PD170c66: 33 Mr. ,D30S75:32 adv. for subscriptions to compilation of Va. laws,31Ja51:41 debts due to, 22Ap57: 31 ferry of. R2F69: 32 of Princess Anne co. , Va. , Pi23Mr75: 22 Adam, PD13Je66: 31, D29N76: 41-- P29N76: 31, P30My77: 33-- D6Je77: 22, D22My79: 22 Alexander, 21Ja37: 21 Andrew, PD290c72: 12, PD290c72: 13 Betsey, P15Mr75: 23 Caleb, D19D77: 32, DN12Mr79: 32 Daniel, D10Ag76: 42 David, PD12Mr67: 13, PD23Ap67: 31, R8Ap73:33,R9Je74:22 David, sr. , PD18Je67: 33 Edward, PD9N69: 23--R9N69: 32 George, PD13Ag72: 22 Henry, Pi2Mr75: 31 Henry, Rev. Mr. , PD290c72: 13 J., adv. millinery, PD10c67: 13 Jacob, Capt. , Pi5Ja75: 32, Pil6F75: 31 James, PD13Je66: 31, R15Je69: 32, PD18F73: 31--R18F73: 33, D7N77:31 adv. finding horse, PD220c67: 23 adv. for land to buy, P30My77: 33 adv. for ships for freight, D29N76:41--P29N76:31 adv. for tract of land, D13Je77: 21 adv. merchandise for sale, P30My77: 33--D6Je77: 22 adv. ship for sale, D22My79: 22 adv. slaves for sale, PDllAp71: 32-- R2My71:41 adv. property for sale, PD18J171: 22-- R18J171:32 announces departure, PD23N69: 32 attorney, R4D66: 31 capture of rumored, PD18J171: 12 debts owed to, Pi6J175: 11 explains Regulators' position in N. C. , R10Ja71:23 ferry of, PDllAp71: 32--R2My71: 41 forecloses mortgage on land, R2N69: 31 forge and merchant mill of, R18Ag68:32 forge of, PD22D68: 33, D10J178: 31, P10J178:41 iron works of, P6Mr78: 42 leader of Regulators, PD25Oc70: 21, PD30My71: 21--R30My71: 22 letter to Maurice Moore, R31 Ja71: 12 pasture of, D6Ap76: 33, D26D77: 31 plaintiff in suit, R24Ag69: 31 receives aid for poor family, 30N59:31 requests payment of debts due, 19J154:42 reward for capture of, PD4J171: 21 runaway criminal of N. C. , R2My71: 32 sells lottery tickets, 250c65s43 James, jr. , PD15Ap73: 32-- R15Ap73:23,D6Ap76:33, D21F77:12--P21F77:41, D28N77:21--P28N77:22, D29My79:32,D90c79:31 James, sr. , R31Ja71: 32 Jane, PD10Oc66: 33, PD20Oc68: 23, R9F69: 23, PD13Ad69: 32 John, R29Je69: 41, PD9N69: 23-- R9N69: 32 adv. for runaway slave, PD21Ap74: 32, Pi20Ja76: 32 adv. land for sale, R3My70: 41-- PD24My70: 42 adv. sale of prize ships and cargoes, 22Ap57:41 adv. tar, rigging etc. for sale, for insurance, 30Ap52: 32 announces departure, 20Mr52: 22 disavows wife's debts, R9F69: 23 letter to, in post office, PD12Mr67: 13 merchandise of, for sale, PD7My67: 32 of Norfolk, Va. , P15Mr76: 23 plaintiff in Chancery court, RlJe69: 32, R18N73:31 runaway indentured servant, Pi2F75:33,P130c75:32 settlement of estate of, PD28My67: 33, R4N73: 31 slave of, PD24My70: 42 John, Capt. , of the Caple, 240c55: 21 of the Harrington, 10Oc45: 3, 9Ja46: 4 of the John, R14Ap74: 23--PD28Ap74: 23 of the Lunn and Lloyd, PD3N68: 23 of the William, D4F75: 32 John, Col. , 2My55: 21 M. , adv. merchandise for sale, PD270c74:32 adv. millinery, PD10c67: 13, D5F80: 33 Margaret, adv. merchandise for sale, PD240c71: 31, PD9J172: 31, PD150c72:31,PD29Ap73: 23, PD140c73:23 adv. millinery, PD2My71: 32, PD20Je71:33 adv. millinery for sale, PD12My74: 43 announces departure, D4Mr75: 32, DllMr75:33 Mary, PD3N74pll Moses, R8Ap73: 33, R9Je74: 22 Patrick, PD150c72: 31--R150c72: 31 adv. land for sale, PD30J172: 32, PD5N72: 33--R5N72: 22, PD22J173: 32--R22J173: 33 adv. mortgage on land, PD10Je73: 22-- R10Je73:33,PD15J173:32 adv. slaves for sale, PD13 Ja74: 33 announces departure, PD31Mr74: 31-- R31Mr74:33 announces settlement of accounts, PD5N72:33--R5N72:21 collector for James & Robert Donald & co. , PD22J173: 31--R22J173s22 Peter, PD9S73: 32, P28J175: 32 Richard, Capt. , of the Walter, PD28D69: 31, PD15F70: 22, R21Ja73: 23 Robert, Capt. , of the Nancy, D13Ja76:42 Samuel, PD24My70: 42 [Thomas], author, PD21F71: 43, PD7Mr71: 43, PD21Mr71: 42, PD28Mr71: 42, PD28Mr71: 43 W. , adv. for missing horse, D29Ag77: 31 William, 22My52: 31, 17J152: 32 adv. books for sale, 24My51: 32, 183151:32 adv. chariots, harness and pole chair for sale, 7N54s21 adv. dissolution of partnership, between Purdie & Dixon, PD1D74: 23 adv. for missing horse, 17Ja51: 42, 21Mr51:32,PD15Ag71:33 adv. for old brass or copper, D4D79: 22 adv. for runaway slave, 16 My 45: 42 adv. houses and lots for sale, D17J178:31 adv. land for sale, 2My55: 31 adv. merchandise for sale, 12F62: 41, D160c79: 11 announces departure, 26S55: 31 announces reasons for delay in publication of Va. laws, HOc51: 32 death of, 260c39: 32 defendant in Chancery court, 270c52: 22 disavows bond given for slave, P4Ag75: 31 executor of, PD7Mr66: 33 marriage of, P10Ja77: 31 partnership with John Dixon announced, PD1D74: 11 requests payment of debts, 120c52: 31 settlement of estate of, PD4J166: 31, PD16J172: 32, P10Oc77: 31, P19Je78: 12 settles accounts for Dixon & Hunter, D5Mr79:32 slave of, PD28S69: 32, D5D77: 42 slaves of, mortgaged, for sale, PD1S74: 31 stock and materials of, bought by Purdie & Dixon, PD20Je66: 23 takes over business of Britten & Bayley, 12F62:41 570 Hurricanes William, jr. . P250c76: 23 William & James, debts due, 19J154:42 Hunter. Campbell, & co. , PD8N70: 23 Hunter. Dixon &, D30Mr76: 33 adv. books for sale. DllF75s23. DlAp75: 12, D25N75: 11, D20Ja76: 41, D24F76:43.D2Mr76:41, D9Mr76: 41. D25My76: 43, D24Ag76: 51, D20D76: 41. D3Ja77:41,D17Ja77:41. D2My77:81.D4J177:81. D11J177:32,D19S77:32, D24J179:31 adv. for advance payment for Va. , gazette, D18N75: 31 adv. for linen rags. D22 J175: 33 adv. for old metal. D17Ag76: 31 adv. journals of Continental congress for sale, D28Ja75: 12 adv. Dr. Keyser's pills for sale, D23S75:33 adv. Maredant's anti-scorbutic drops for sale, D16S75: 33 adv. publication of Virginia gazette, PD1D74:23 adv. stationery for sale, D18Mr75: 33, D9S75:41,D6J176:22 agent for John H. Holt, P250c76: 31-- D15N76: 32 appointed printers of the senate, D12D77: 12, P12D77: 22 catalogue of Byrd library at, D19D77:21 collector of debts in Williamsburg, Va. , DHOc76: 11 dissolution of partnership, D5Mr79:32 passenger agents, P5Ja76s23-- D6Ja76: 33 post office for soldiers, D29J176: 62 printing office of, D5D77: 21 request payment of debts, D13Ja76: 32, D20Ap76: 31. D20D76: 41, D30c77: 31.D170c77: 12, D19D77:21,D5Mr79: 32 slave of. P21Ag78: 43 warehouse robbed. D17Ja77: 22 Hunter, cutter. 27Ag56: 12 H. M.S. ,PD30J167:3l,D4Oc76:61 privateer, 12S45: 11, DlMy79: 21 schooner, C19Ag80: 12 ship. 250c65s33 sloop. D10Ag76: 22 sloop of war, PD3Ja71: 23. D16S75: 11 Hunter & Blair. PD10Oc71: 32 Hunter & Glassell. R9Je68: 41 Hunter & Taliaferro, PD17F74: 31-- R17F74:31 Hunterdon co. , N. J. , prothonotary office reopens, PD7Mr66: 31 Hunters & Taliaferro. PD17S72: 22, PD16S73:31. R23S73: 32. Pi9F75:33 Hunter's forge, Va. , R15S68: 24, D13N78: 12 Hunter's fort, Va. , 27Ag56: 31 Hunter's iron works, Va. , D31Ja77: 71-- P14F77:32 adv. for workers. P21Je76: 31-- D22Je76: 32, D15N76: 22-- P20D76: 22. D4J177: 12, D4D79: 22 adv. merchandise for sale. P21Je76: 31--D22Je76: 32. D15N76:22--P20D76:22. D4J177: 12 Huntin. Alexander, C13N79: 22 Hunting, in Coventry, R. L , PD27J169: 23 in Hanover, Ger. , 31Ja51: 22 in James City co. , Va. . R29S68: 24 in Princess Anne co. , Va. , PD2F69:32--R2F69:23 in Windsor forest, Eng. , PD18D66: 23 regulated by Va. general assembly, 22D38:22, PD23Ap72: 11 See also Fowling; Hawking Hunting, described, in Newcastle, Eng. , PD12My68:21 Hunting creek, Va. , See Landings on Hunting creek warehouse, Va. , rent for, 29D38: 22 Huntingdon, countess of (Selina Hastings), PD28Ja73: 22-- R28Ja73:22 Huntingdon, Eng. , See Floods in Huntingdon borough, Eng. , mayor and aldermen address king, PD3Ag69: 12 Huntingdon, East Indiaman, P31Mr75:31 Huntingdonshire, Eng. , See Elections in Huntington, Capt. , PD25Je67: 23 Col. , D20J176: 12 in battle of Long island, N. Y. , D27S76:22--P27S76:21 Jabez, Col., Pi6J175:32-- P7J175:22--D8J175:23 Jedediah, Brig, Gen. , D23My77:22. P7N77sll Huntington, plantation, Surry co. , Va. , PD26Mr67: 32 slaves run away from, 14J138: 42 Huntington co. , Eng. , See Rookeries in; Superstitions in Huntingtour plantation, Va. , Pi28S75: 32-- D30S75: 33. D5D77: 31, D19D77: 21-- P19D77: 22 for sale, D10Je75: 33 Huntley, Capt. . of the Active, Pil6F75:31— D25F75: 31 Richard, D16D75: 31 Huntley, Scot. , See Misers in Hunton, Elizabeth, Mrs. , P8Ag77: 11 Thomas, PDUe69: 32, P8Ag77: 11 Hunt's ferry, Va. , R270c68sl3 Hurd, [Richard], author, PD21F71: 43, PD7Mr71: 43, PD21Mr71: 43, PD28Mr71: 42, PD17S72: 21 Hure, James, Capt. , of the Elizabeth, R17Mr74: 22 Hurk, James. C30Oc79: 31 Hurley. Jeremiah, P20Je77sll John. PD3S67: 22 Hurley, N. Y. , See Spies, British hanged in Hurlock, [Joseph], Dr. , author, D24J179:31 Hurreter, Paul, R310c71: 33 Hurricanes, along Spanish main, PD27Ap69: 12, R24Je73: 13 at sea, 28N51: 31, PD22Ja67: 21, PD5F67: 23, PD290c67: 12, PD21N71: 13, PD21N71: 21-- R21N71:23, PD3D72: 12, PDllMr73: 22, Pi28Ap75: 22-- D29Ap75:33,D15N76:21 damage evaluated. PD290c72: 11— R290c72: 13 described in Mansfield. Conn. .21N45: 21 in New Bern, N. C. . PD2N69: 21 in St. Eustatia, W. L,C9D80:21 in W. I. , C9D80: 22 in Adriatic sea, It. , PD20My73: 11 in Amesbury. Mass. . R9S73: 31 in Antigua, W. I. . 7N51: 22. PD220c72: 13, PD290c72: 11-- R290c72: 13, PD12N72: 12 in Atlantic ocean, PD21N71: 13 in Baltic sea, R210c73: 11. PD24Mr74:21--R24Mr74: 11 in Barcelona, Sp. , R31My70: 13 in Basseterre, W. I. , PD27N66: 21, P5Ja76: 22 in Basseterre, St. Christopher, W. I. , D110c76:22--P110c76:22, P180c76:22 in Beaufort, N. C. , PD2N69: 21 in Belgrade, Yugos. , 11N37: 32 in Bourbon isle, E. I. , PD150c72: 12, PilOAg75: 31-- PllAg75: 31--D12Ag75: 23 in Bridgetown, Barbados, W. L , PD24S67: 13 in Cadiz, Sp. , 24Ap52: 12, 8My52:21, PD7Ap68: 11 in Canton, China, R12Ag73: 13, R2S73sl3 in Cephalonia, Greece, R12Mr67: 23-- PD26Mr67: 22 in Charles City co. , Va. , PH4S75: 23 in Charleston, S. C. , 10N52: 22, 24N52: 22 in China, PD22J173: 11, PD22J173: 12 in Costa Rica, W. L . PDlAp73: 12 in Darien, C. Am. , PDlAp73: 12 in Eng. , PD28Mr71: 13 in Enniskillen, Ire. , R18Mr73: 13 in Europe, PD24Mr74: 13-- R24Mr74:23 in Fr. ,4J151:31, 18J151: 31, R24N68: 11, R24Mr74: 11, D8My79: 11 in Glasgow, Scot. . PD8Ad73: 22 in Greek archipelago, PD17Je73: 21 in Grenada, W. L . PD29S68: 21-- R29S68:21 in Guadeloupe, W. I. . PD290c72: 12, P180c76:22 in Gulf of Mexico, PDlAp73: 12 in Halifax, N. S. , PD19My68: 13 in Havana, Cuba, PD20Ap69: 21, PD27J169: 13 in Hispaniola, W. I. . PD12N72: 13 in Holland, PD8Mr70: 22 in Honduras, C. Am. , PDlAp73: 12 in Isle of France. Ind. O. . PD5N72: 11 in It. , PD2My71: 11, PD17S71: 21, R24Mr74: 11 in Jamaica, W. L , 2Ja52: 32, 24Ap52: 12, PD240c66: 22. PD30Oc66:21 in Kingston, Jamaica, W. I. , PD13N66: 13 in Languedoc, Fr. , P17Mr75s21-- D18Mr75:23 in Leeward islands, W. I. , PD10c72: 22, PD290c72: 11-- R290c72: 13 in Leith, Scot. , PD11F73: 21 in London. Eng. , PD17D72: 22, PD22Ap73: 22--R22Ap73: 32 in Martinique. W. I. , 27Mr52: 21. PD10Oc66: 32. PD240c66: 11, 571 Hurricanes, in Martinique, W.I. (cont'd) PD30Oc66: 13, PD5Mr67: 21 in Matamuskeet, N. C. , D210c75: 23 in Montserrat, W. L , PD220c72: 13 in Moscow, Russia, 15S52: 31 in Nantes, Fr. , 20Je51: 22 in Nevis, W. I. , PD220c72: 13 in New Bern, D210c75: 23 in North seas, PD24Mr74: 21 — R24Mr74: 11 in Orleans, Fr. , R16S73: 21 in Pensacola, Fla. , PD5Mr67: 22 in Phila. , Pa. , Pi21S75: 32 — P22S75:22 in St. Bartholomew, W. L , PD12N72:21 in St. Christopher, W. I. , 19S51: 32, PD27N66: 21, PD220c72: 13, PD290c72: Il--R290c72: 12, PD5N72: 32, PilOJa76: 12 — P12Ja76:21--D13Ja76:22 in St. Croix, W. I. , R11D66: 41, PD21Je70: 23, D9S75: 31, PD290c72: 11- R290c72: 11, PD290c72: 13 in St. Domingo, W. I. , 27Mr52: 21, 8My52:21, PilOJa76: 12 — P12Ja76:21— D13Ja76: 22 in St. Eustatia, W. I. , PD27N66: 21, PD2N69:21, PD17S72: 13, PD220c72: 12, PD290c72: 11 — R290c72: 13, PD290c72: 13, PD12N72: 21, PilOJa76: 12 — P12Ja76:21--D13Ja76:22 in St. John's, Antigua, W. I. , PD150c72:22 in St. Martin island, W. I. , PD150c72: 22, PD290c72: 11— R290c72: 13, PilOJa76: 12--P12Ja76: 21 — D13Ja76:22 in St. Thomas island, W. L , PD26N72:21 in Santa Cruz, W. I. , PD26N67: 22 in S. C. , PD9S73: 23— R9S73: 31 in Stockholm, Swe. , PD7D69: 11 in Va. ,R14S69:21 in Waterford, Ire. , R1D68: 13 in W. I. , PD4D66: 22— R27N66: 21, PD4D66: 23, PD10S72: 22, D29N76:21, C9D80:21 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD14S69: 31, P8S75:23 in Windward islands, 19D51: 32 near Va- capes, PD290c67: 21 off Bermuda, D25Mr80: 13 off Charleston, S. C. , R11D66: 41 off Fla. ,R11D66:41 off Ga. ,R11D66:41 Hurst, Capt. , of the Polly, P17N75:32— D18N75:31 Edward, R1S68: 32 Edward, jailer, adv. indentured servant held in jail, R29S68: 32 adv. slave held in Elizabeth City co., Va. , jail, R5S71:31 adv. slave held in jail, R24Ag69: 32, K12J170:32, R19J170: 33, R23Ag70:33,R18J171:41, R170c71:42 Edward, deputy sheriff, PD13S70: 23 George, Pvt. , R14Ja73: 13 Henry, R28J174: 33 James, 7N54s21, R24D67: 41, R20Ap69: 23, RllMy69: 32 — PDllMy69s33 John, 2My55:22 John Smith, D13N79: 31 Joseph, P14N77: 22 William, 24J152: 32 Hursthouse, Capt. , of the Jersey, R31My70:21 Hurt, Rev. Mr. , slave of, P5Je78: 32 Cheney, Capt. , of the Portland, 13J139: 41, 10Ag39: 32, 2N39: 2, 2N39: 3, 25Ja40: 3, 25Ja40: 4 Jenny, D31Ag76: 31 John, PD19N72: 32, PD31Mr74: 31, R18Ag74:31 John, Rev. Mr. , Pi3Ag75: 23 — P4Ag75p21— D5Ag75: 32 Moses, jr. , P8D75: 32 William, R24Mr68: 41, PD29S68: 31, R10Ag69: 33 Husbandmen, See Convict servants as; Indentured servants as Husbandry, encouraged in Henrico co. , Va. ,DllF75s22 taught in academy in New Kent co. , Va. , RlMr70: 22 Husbands, Hermon, accused of instigating riots, R15Ag71: 23 accused of sedition, PD13F72: 13 arrested for rioting, PD25Ap71: 31 criticized, PD5D71: 31 examined before N. C. general assembly as Regulator, R31Ja71: 12 jailed in N. C. , PD24Ja71: 31 leader of Regulators of N. C. , PD30My71: 21— R30My71: 22 pardon denied in N. C. , D9S75: 21 popular support of, PD26S71: 23 Regulator of N. C. , R10Ja71: 22 released from prison, PD2My71: 31 reward for capture of, PD4J171: 21 Husk, Thomas, R22S74: 33 Huskison, John, Pi20Ja76: 32 Huson, Hugh, PD1 J173: 33 Jeremiah, Capt. , of the Necessity, R8S74: 31 Thomas, R12My74: 42— PD26My74: 32, Pil2Ja75:33, DllMy76:33 Hussar, H. M. frigate, PD5Ap70: 32, PD6S70: 31 H..M. S. , PD8D68: 13, PD8Je69: 13, R27J169: 22, PD2N69: 31— R2N69:22, PD31Ja71:22, D4D79: ll,D25Mr80: 12 Hussar cloaks, adv. making of, in Fredericksburg, Va. , R27Ap69: 31 adv. of, in Brunswick co. , Va. , PD4F68: 32 Hussar dresses, adv. making of, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD2My66: 22 Hussars, See Satin hussars Hussey, Mr. , prepares Stamp act repeal bill, PD2My66: 11 Obed, D9S75: 23 Hussiffs, for sale, in Baltimore, Md. , Pil8My75: 33 Hussites, in Bohemia, 1D38: 32 Hust, John Smith, R4Ag68: 31 Huston, Alexander, RllOc70: 23 Alexander, Ensign, D21S76: 21 John, P19D77:41 [William], Adj. , D4S79: 21 Hutchenson, Capt. , embarks for Boston, PD270c74":22 Hutcherson, Ambrose, D11N75: 32 James, PD22D74: 32 Robert, D21Mr77: 21 William, Pi3Ag75: 33 Hutcheson, Capt. , of the Virginia Merchant, 9Ja46: 32 Lt. , embarks for Pensacola, Fla. , PD5F67:22 Maj. , sails for Falmouth, Eng. , P22J175s22 Ambrose, P28N77:31 [Francis], author, PD29N70: 21, PD3Ja71: 43, PD17Ja71: 43, PD7F71:43, PD21F71:43, PD18J171: 23, PDlAg71: 41, PD17S72: 21, PD10Je73: 33, D25N75: 12, D25N75: 21, D30D75: 11, D30D75: 21, D24F76:43,D2Mr76:41, D2Mr76: 43, D9Mr76: 41, D9Mr76: 43, D25My76: 43, D24Ag76:51,D20D76:41 John, P10J178:42 Hutchin, Mr. , suspected of counterfeiting in N. J. , R29J173: 23 Hutchings, Capt. , candidate for burgess in Norfolk, Va. , 270c38:41 company of, P180c76: 31 Col. , captured in skirmish in Norfolk, Va. , PH6N75: 33 held prisoner on British ship, D2D75:31 of Norfolk, Va. , committee of observation, D14Ja75: 23 prisoner of war of Dunmore, P15D75: 31 slave of, PD18Ag74: 33 taken prisoner in Princess Anne co. , Va. ,D18N75:31 Lt. , engineer in Fla. , PD10D72: 22 — R10D72: 22 Mr. , of Norfolk, Va. , committee of observation, D14 Ja75: 23 Aaron, P27Je77: 13 Christopher, P25Ag75: 73 — D26Ag75: 31, P27Je77: 13 Daniel, R24Mr68: 33, PD21S69: 23— R21S69:31, PD21My72:23 John, 14Ja37: 42 adv. for bids for building house, PD21Ap74:31 adv. for cargo, 7Ag52: 32 adv. for lost merchandise, 14F51: 41 adv. for missing horse, P14N77: 33 adv. for subscriptions for fitting out privateer, 27Ag56: 41 adv. land for sale, D4Ap77: 22, P4Ap77: 32 adv. settlemeni of estate, PD21Je70: 41, D25J177: 32 — P25J177:31 burgess from Norfolk, Va. , 30Ja52:32,27F52:32 chosen commissioner of navy by Va. convention, P5J176s21— D6J176:21 in inoculation dispute in Norfolk, Va. , PD8S68p21 on committee for Norfolk, Va. , P24Mr75: 41, Pi6Ap75: 32 — D15Ap75: 13 on committee of observation in Norfolk, Va. , Pi23Mr75: 22 — D25Mr75: 12 ordered to supply Louisburg expedition, 17Ap46: 31 572 Hutchinson procures general court order, PD9Ja72:31 security for rioters, PD9Ja72: 32, PD19Mr72: 23 trustee of mortgaged property, PD14S69:33--R14S69:31 wharf of, D90c78: 41--P160c78: 41 John, Capt. , 16D37:42, 3N38: 51, PD18J171:22--R18J171:33 John, Col. , PD28My67: 33, PD7Ap68: 22 John, jr. , 12D55:22, PD12F67: 22 Joseph, accepts subscriptions to Starke's Justice of the peace, PD21D69: 23--R18Ja70: 41 adv. for bids for building workhouse, PD4Mr73: 32--R4Mr73: 33 adv. land for sale, PDllMr73: 31 adv. lots in Norfolk for sale, PD6My73:31 adv, settlement of estate of, R12My74: 33 bureess from Norfolk, Va. , R9N69: 11, PDllMy69s41 delegate to Va. convention from Norfolk, Va. ,DlAp75:21 elected burgess for Norfolk, Va. , PD1D68:31, PD7S69: 23, R14S69:22,PD5D71: 31, PD28J174:31 manages Norfolk. Va. , lottery, PD13N66:22 negotiates for inoculation house in Norfolk, Va. , PD8S68pl3 on committee for Norfolk, Va. , P24Mr75:41 on Norfolk, Va. , committee of observation, Pil6F75: 31 — D25F75: 31, Pi23Mr75: 22 — D25Mr75: 12 procures general court order, PD9Ja72:31 security for rioters, PD9Ja72: 32 signs Association in Norfolk, Va. , R26J170:22 signs Va. Association, PD25My69: 12 slave of, D7Ag79: 32 takes orders for Virginia justice, PD21D69:23 Joseph, Col. , RUe69: 31, P17N75: 33, P20S76: 22--D21S76: 22, D4Ap77: 22, P4Ap77: 32, D25J177: 32--P25J177: 31 Nathaniel, Lt. , D31Ag76: 21 Robert, PD10Mr74: 32 adv. for missing dog, 5Mr52: 31 adv. for missing horses, 22S42:32 adv. for runaway indentured servant, 7N51:31,22S52: 32 adv. for tailors, 5Mr52: 31, lAg51:32 adv. tailoring, cleaning and peruke maker's supplies, 4J151: 32 land of, for sale, PD24Mr68: 33 — R24Mr68: 34, PD21Ap68: 23 — R28Ap68: 32 Stephen, 18Ap55: 22 Thomas, Capt. , P10My76: 43 William, 27Mr52: 22 Zachariah, PD8Ja67: 32 Zachariah, Capt. , of the Betsey, PDllMy69s33 letters to, in post office, PD28My67: 33 Hutching' s ordinary, Va. , PD15Ag71: 32 Hutchins. Capt., ship of. 2S37: 21 Lt., visits Illinois Indians, PD5Mr67:31 Mr. , PD270c68: 32--R270c68: 31 John, 26N36: 41, Pil6F75: 31 — D25F75:31 Thomas, PD28My72: 12 Hutchinson, Capt. , appointed secretary to Gen. Haldimand, PD1J173:32 of the Naussau, 4Ja40: 31 of the Unicorn, D2S75: 32 Dr. , appointed to committee on prices in Phila. , Pa. , D12Je79: 12 Miss, appointed maid of honor to queen, P21J175sll--D22J175: 41 sails for London, Eng. , PD16Je74s21, PD23Je74: 13— R23Je74: 23 Mr. , captured by R. L , privateers, P13S76:21 death of reported, D12Ag75: 32 Mr. , gov. of Mosquito shore, arrives from Eng. , PD12 Ja69: 22 Rev. Dr. , sermon of, D22Je76: 31 Daniel, Capt. , of the Jenny, PD31Mr68: 22— R14Ap68: 41, PD26My68: 22— R26My68: 31 E. , ignores non-importation agreement in Boston, Mass. , R15Je69: 22 Elisha, agrees to support non- importation agreement in Boston, Mass. , PD8Mr70: 11 refuses to return tea to London, Eng. , PD30D73:21 sails for London, Eng. , PD16Je74s21, PD23Je74: 13— R23Je74: 23 signs non-importation agreement, PD8Mr70: 13 tea factor in Boston, Mass. , PD2D73: 11 violates non -importation agreements in Boston, Mass. , PD8Mr70: 12 Foster, R1S74: 22, D2D75:-23 Francis Partridge, alias of Thomas Bell,21J138:32 George, D3Je75: 32, D4S79: 22 James, PD18My69: 21, PD10Je73: 13 John, PD24S72: 23, PD26N72: 23 John, Capt. , of the Aurora, D30My77: 11 Jonathan, sr. , PD27My73 : 21 Lewis, PD10Je73: 13 Norton, Capt. , of the Carnarvon, 2S57: 12 Richard, C27N79: 23 [Thomas], author, PD25F68: 41, PD29N70: 22, PD13D70: 42, PD3 Ja71: 42, PD17Ja71: 43, PD24Ja71:43, PD7F71: 43, PD21F71: 43, PD10Je73: 34, DllF75s23,D25N75: 12, D30D75:11,D24F76:43, D2Mr76:41,D9Mr76:41 [Thomas], gov. of Mass. , accused of suggesting scalping prisoners, D23S75:21 accused of tyranny, PD25Je72: 23 action on tea criticized, R10F74: 11, R1S74: 13 address from merchants and traders disclaimed, R16Je74: 23 — PD23Je74: 22 address to censured, R7J174: 23 address to censured in Phila. . Pa. , PD21J174: 13 address to opposed in Marblehead. Mass. , town meeting. R14J174: 13 addressed by citizens of Boston, Mass. (text), PD23Je74: 12 — R23Je74:21 addressed by merchants of Boston, Mass., PD15S74:21 addressers of support American cause, Pil9Ja75: 22 addressers opposed in Phila. , Pa. , Pi270c74: 23 addressers recant, PilD74: 22 addresses by Harvard college, R7J174:31 addresses (text) council, PD19J170: 13 addresses of, 1770, PD5Ap70: 23 — R5Ap70: 41, PD26J170: 21, PD25Oc70: 13, PD1N70: 13 addresses of, 1771, PD23My71: 13 addresses of, 1772, PD25Je72: 23, PD3D72: 11— R10D72: 22, R3D72: 13 addresses of, 1773, PD18F73: 21, PD18Mr73: 22, PD25Mr73: 23, PD22Ap73: 11, PD8J173: 31, PD29J173: 22 addresses of, 1774, PD31Mr74: 22 advises British on colonies, D9S75: 13 agrees to support non-importation agreement in Boston, Mass. , PD8Mr70: 11 appointed gov. of Mass. , PD9Mr69: 13 — R9Mr69: 23, PD16Ag70: 22, PD3Ja71:31— R17Ja71: 12, PDllAp71:22 appointed to council of Mass. , R1S74:23 approved in Eng. , PD29N70: 13 — R29N70: 13 arranges murder trial, PD25My69: 21 arrives in Eng. , R8S74: 32 at British court, D4F75: 23 at Castle William, Mass. , PD16Je74: 21 attitude toward British colonies, N.Am. ,P31Mr75: 13 awarded pension, PD30Je68: 22 blamed for American revolution, D8J175:31 burned in effigy in Charleston, S. C. , Pil5D74:31 called traitor, PD17N74: 21 claims damages in riot, R15Ag66s22 colonial policy criticized, DllMy76: 11 commission from king, R14F71: 13 condemned as traitor, R9Je74s21 conduct approved by Hillsborough, R150c72:21 conduct praised, R18J166: 23 confers with customs commissioners, PD8S68: 22 consults council, R150c72: 21 correspondence read before parliament, PD26My74: 13 criticized. D4F75: 11, D2S75: 21 criticized for proclamation, PD12D7L23 daughter appointed maid of honor to queen, P21J175sll— D22J175: 41 dies in London, Eng. , D9My77: 12 — P9My77:22 disclaims responsibility for rejection of councillors, PD23Je74: 22 discusses British colonial policy, 573 Hutchinson, [Thomas], gov. of Mass. (cont'd) D11F75:22 dissolves general court, PD23My71: 13 effigy burned in Newport, R. I. , PilD74:31 estates of confiscated in R. I. , P22D75:31 favors payment for tea, PD130c74: 13 flees to Castle William, Mass. , PD2Je74: 22 flees to Fr. rumored, PH4S75: 11 forced to resign rumored, PD4N73: 21 governs Mass. , PD27J169: 21 — R27J169: 11 granted leave, PD19My74: 33 hanged in effigy in N. Y. , R7J174: 22 hanged in effigy in Phila. , Pa. , PD26My74: 22 house burned by British, D6Ja76: 31 house on Conanicut island, R. I. , burned by British, D6Ja76: 31 ignores non-importation agreement in Boston, Mass. , R15Je69: 22 import tea to Boston, Mass.", R30D73:31 in London, Eng. , PD8S74: 22 in Lords, P2Je75: 13 influences British ministry, Pi60c74: 32 instructions from Hillsborough, R21N71: 13 instructions to, PD12D7L22 judge of Admiralty court, PD13J169: 22 leaves for Eng. , R9Je74sll letter (text) from Earl of Hillsborough, R5S7 1:23 letter to merchants meeting (text), PD8Mr70:21 letters in opposition to colonies, PD210c73: 12--R210c73: 12 letters of discussed, PD31Mr74:23 letters of discussed in Eng. , R14Ap74:23 letters of discussed in general court, PD1J173:31 letters of investigated by general court, PD22J173:21 letters of read before general court, PD8J173-.31 letters of summarized, PD5Ag73: 13 letters of transmitted to Boston by Franklin, PD31Mr74: 31 letters opposing colonies exposed, PD140c73sl2--R140c73: 21, PD210c73: 11. RllN73s21-- PD18N73:13 letters printed in pamphlet, PD29J173: 22--R29J173: 23 marriage of rumored, P21J175sl2 — D22J175:41 mock epitaph to, PD2Je74: 12 — R2Je74:21 opinions against, PD12D71: 22 opinions on conditions in Mass. , PD3F74:22 opposed in Boston, Mass. , PD20Oc74sl2 opposed in Eng. , P7Ap75: 21 opposed in London, Eng. , Pil5D74:22 opposed in Marblehead, Mass. , PD30Je74:22 opposed in Mass. , R22S74: 31 — PD29S74:31 opposes committees of correspondence, PD14Ap74: 11 opposes town meeting, PD30D73: 21 opposition to in Marblehead and Boston, Mass. , R23Je74: 31 pension for rumored, PD130c74: 31 pension granted, D17Je75s21 petition against defended, R19My74: 11 petition for removal dismissed by George III, PD26My74: 22 petition for removal of, PD5My74: 11 petitioned by Nobletown inhabitants, PD12S66:22 petitioned on tea importation, PD16D73:22 popular opinion of, PD30Je74: 21 — R30Je74: 32 postpones trip to Eng. , PD24Mr74: 22 praised in Eng. , PD10D72: 22 praised in Mass. , Pi270c74: 13 proclamations of, 1770, PD26J170: 12, PD26J170: 22 proclamations of, 1771, PD12D71: 22 proclamations of, 1773, PD30D73: 21 property of confiscated in R. I. , D9D75:22— Pi9D75: 32 prorogues general court, PD22F70: 12, PD2Ja72: 23, PD7Ap74: 22 — R7Ap74:21 recall denied, PD16D73: 12 — R16D73:22 recall of rumored, R9D73: 12 receives pension from Townshend duties, PD8S68:21 refuses clearance to ship carrying tea, PD13Ja74:21 refuses removal of Peter Oliver from office, PD7Ap74: 22--R7Ap74: 21 refuses to move general court to Boston, Mass. , PD1N70: 13, PD2My71:31 refuses to return tea to London, Eng. , PD30D73: 21 relations with representatives discussed, PD23My71: 13 removal denied, PD23D73: 21 removal of discussed, PD2D73sl2 — R2D73: 13 removal of petitioned for, PD29J173: 22- R29J173: 23, PD5Ag73: 21 — R5Ag73:21,R210c73: 12 removal refused rumored, PD25N73: 13 removal requested, PD7Ap74: 13 replacement rumored, PD7Ap74: 22 — R7Ap74: 21 replies to address of Episcopal church (text), R23Je74: 21 replies (text) to address of lawyers, R23Je74:22 replies to citizens' address, PD23Je74: 12--R23Je74: 22 requests additional troops, PD5My74: 13 resigns Mass. government to Gen. Gage, PD2 Je74: 22 retires to Milton, Mass. , rumored, R30D73:23 sails for London, Eng. , PD16Je74s21, PD16Je74s22, PD23Je74: 13 — R23 Je74: 23 salary of, R17Ja71: 12 salary of discussed, PD23My71: 13 satire on, PD30Je74: 21 signs non -importation agreement, PD8Mr70: 13 speeches of, 1773, R1J173: 22 support of criticized, PD6Ag72: 21 support of in England, PD25Mr73: 23 supported by Earl of Shelburne, RUAg74: 21 supported in parliament, PD9Je74: 12 supports British army. R19J170: 12 supports supremacy of parliament, PD26My74:21 supports Townshend act, PD5Ag73: 13 tea factor in Boston, Mass. , PD2D73: 11 termed traitor. Pil4S75: 22 to be Knight of garter rumored, PD5My74: 13 to be questioned by parliament, R9Je74s21 to visit Eng. , PD140c73sll — R140c73:23 tyranny of criticized, PD2Ja72: 22 urges Bostonians to pay for damaged tea, PD23Je74: 13 violates non-importation agreement in Boston, Mass. , PD8Mr70: 12 warned against treachery to colonies, D23S75: 13 waxwork of in Eng. , P26My75: 22 William, Capt. , of the Sally, 21Mr45:41 Hutchison, George, D4S79: 31 Jeremiah, R14Ja73: 33 Peter, P18Ap77s22 William, PD19J170.42 Hutton, Mr. , supports British policy in American revolution, P7Mr77: 11 [Richard], Sir, author, 24My51: 32 Robert, Capt. , of the Cambridge, PD21Je70: 33, PD14My72: 31 Thomas, P18Ap77: 31 Walter, P12Ja76:32 Hutton' s gray Barb, horse, P29Ag77: 32 Huxham, [John], author, PD25F68: 41, PD29N70: 21, PD13D70: 42, PD3Ja71: 42, PD17Ja71: 43, PD24Ja71: 43, PD7F71: 43, PD21F71: 43, PD7Mr71: 43, PD21Mr71: 43, PD28Mr71: 43, D24J179:31 Huyler, J. , Lt. , attacks Tories near Closter, N. J. ,D15My79:21 Hyde, Col. , killed at Monmouth, N. J. , D10J178: 12 — P10J178:21 Henry, D160c79: 32 John, PD23Je68: 31, R1N70: 23 Robert, P230c78: 23 Hyde, Eng. , See Riots in Hyde Park, London, Eng. , additions to, 4Mr37:32 See also Anecdotes from; British army reviewed in; Frostbite in Hyder, Capt. ,7N51:22 Hydrometers, invented in Eng. , PD2S73: 12--R2S73: 13 Hydrophobia, in Eng. , R30Mr69: 23 in London, Eng. , PD24Mr74: 21 — R24Mr74: 12 Hyers, Capt. , captures ship off Conanicut island, R. I. , P10My76: 21- DllMy76:31 Hygrometers, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. PD18Ja70:42 Hyland, Mr. , apartments of, PD13My73: 42— R20My73: 31 574 Hywarden of Williamsburg, Va. , R6My73sll Robert, R8Ag71: 31, D25Mr75: 32, PD25Je72:33,D31J179:31 Hylton, Capt. , 12F62: 31, PD18Ap66: 33, PD5Ap70: 32 of the Charles, 27D51: 32, 24N52: 22 Daniel, PD2 Je68: 23 Daniel L. . PD8Mr70: 33, P12D77: 32. D23Ja78:31,D22Ja80:32 Daniel L. & co. , PD8Ja67: 32, PD20Ag67: 23 Daniel Lawrence, P24N75: 13 John, PD4Ap66: 33 adv. estate for sale, PD5F67: 31-- R19F67:41, PD7My67: 32 adv. for missing horse, P27Je77: 12, D10J178: 31 adv. for runaway slave, PD8Mr70: 33 adv. merchandise for sale, PD24Mr74: 32 adv. plantation for sale, PD8Mr70: 33 adv. settlement of estate, PD5F67: 31-- R19F67:41 adv. tavern for rent, PD17F74: 32 announces departure, PD8Ja67: 32 letter to, in post office, PD2 Je68: 23 testifies to Edward Hatcher's statement, PD26Ag73: 23-- R26Ag73: 22 warns merchants concerning customs regulations, PD8Je69: 31 John, Capt. , PD3N68: 23 death of, PD18N73:21 executors of, take bond for sale, PD24Mr74: 32 of the Bowler, PD26Ja69: 32 of the Charles, 8D52:31 of the Shirley, PD5Ap70: 33, PD1N70:22 John, jr. , Capt. , of the Bowler, PD22D68: 31 John, jr. ,D4Mr75:33, P13S76:41-- D14S76: 62, P17Ja77: 41, P7Mr77: 31, P27Mr78:32 John, justice of peace, PD6S70: 31-- R6S70: 23 John, sr. ,D4Mr75: 33, P13S76:41-- D14S76: 62, P17Ja77:41, P7Mr77: 31, P27Mr78: 32 Hylton & co. , Yuille, PD2My66: 23, P29My78: 32 Hymn books, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , D20D76: 42 Hymns, R28Ja73: 23 books of, R14Ja73: 33, D6J176: 22 Hynd, H. M. S. , D29J176: 12 Hyndman, Capt. , of the Nancy, PD17D67:31 of the Paisley, PD10D72: 22 Mr., agent for comedians, 240c51: 22 John, 20Je51: 41, 28F55: 42 adv. houses and lots for rent, 3J152: 32 lot of, 24J152:32 merchant, 27Je51: 41 plaintiff in Chancery court, PD24Ja71:31,R2My71:33 slave of, PD8D68: 32 Michael, PD7Ja68: 33 Michael, Capt. , of the Nancy, PD7Ja68:33, PD14Ja68: 31. PD26My68: 22--R26My68: 31 Hyndman & Lancaster, PD2N69: 32, R2N69: 31, PD28D69: 22, R27S70: 31 Hyndman & Williamson, PD23F69: 32 Hynds, Luke, R5S71: 32 Hynes William, P24F75: 32 Hynman, Capt. , of the Cabot, DllMy76:31 Hyout, David, P7N77s21 Hyrids, Patrick, 19J154: 41 Hyssop, substitute for tea, PD13Ja74: 12 Hywarden, John, PD23Ap72: 23-- R23Ap72: 31 575 I I will if I can, horse, R220c72: 22 Iatrus, pseud., R17Mr74:ll, PD12My74:21 Ibo, Af. , See Slaves from Ice, in Boston harbor, Mass., PD26F67: 23, PD8Mr70: 21 in Charles river Boston, Mass. , D20Ja76: 22 in Chesapeake bay, D5F80: 32 in Copenhagen harbor. Den. , Pil6Mr75: 22--P17Mr75: 22 in Danube river, PD16My66: 11 in Delaware river, PD5F67: 23, PD21Ja68: 32, PD10Mr68: 23, PD23F69: 23, PD9Mr69: 23, R8F70: 32, PD2 Ja72: 31, PD16Ja72: 31, PD30Ja72: 32, PD19Mr72: 23, PD25F73: 23, PD18Mr73: 22--R18Mr73: 21, D2Mr76:23,D22Ja80:23, D29Ja80: 23, D5F80: 32 in Elsinore, Den. , PD11J171: 11 in Great and Small belts, Den. , PD16My66: 11 in Hampton roads, Va. , D5F80: 32 in James river, Va. , 7Ja37: 42, D15Ja80: 23, D22Ja80: 32 in Lake George, PD3Mr68: 23, P24My76: 13--D25My76: 32 in Long island sound, C19F80: 22 in Md. , D29 Ja80: 32 in New York harbor, PD25Mr73: 23 — R25Mr73: 22, P23F76: 31 — D24F76:23 in Potomac river, 25F37: 42 in Raritan river, N. J. , PD17Mr74: 22 in Rhine river, PD28Ap68: 21 in St. Lawrence river, Can. , P24My76: 31 in Schuylkill river, Pa. . PD5F67: 23 in Thames river, Eng. , PD23Ap67: 22, PD21Ap68: 12 in York river, Va. , D29 Ja80: 32 in Va. rivers, 28Ja37: 41 near Sandy hook, N. J. , D19F80: 21, C19F80:22— D19F80:21 Icebergs, near Scot. , PD7Ap68: 13 Iceboats, in Godmanchester, Eng. , PD24Mr74: 21--R24Mr74: 22 Iceland, See Explorations in; Saltpetre in; Silver in Iceland Trade, ship, 2S57: 12 Ichthyocolla, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , Pi23Mr75: 33--D25Mr75: 31 Ick, Timothy, 20Oc52: 32 Idea and Anne, prize ship, P21Ag78: 12 Idms, Richard, Capt. , of the Swallow, P7N77s21 Ignotus, pseud. , Pi31Ag75: 13 Igrum, Joseph, Pi3Ag75: 33 Ijams, William, R220c72: 22, R140c73:31 nchester, ship, 28N51: 31 Ilfracombe, Eng. , See Ships from Boston, Mass. , to; Hiack passion, cure for, 27Mr52: 31 nierim, ship, PDllMr73: 12 Illinois (Indians), captured by British, PD7Mr66:42 French supply garrison on, PD18Ag68: 22 relations with British, 250c65s22 Illinois, British attacked by Indians in, PD23Ap72:23 British to establish government in, PD18F68:22 inhabitants addressed (text) by Hamilton, D26Je79: 11 See also British army to; Chawanous with British army in; Cherokees with British in; Chickasaws with British army in; Indian trade, British-French competition for, in; Indians, scalping by in; Isonnontouans with British army in; Six nations with British army in; Wabash with British army in Illuminations, in Annapolis, Md. , 15My46:32 in Boston, Mass. , PD20Je66: 11, P5D77:21 in Burlington, N. J. , PD20Je66: 13 in Cambridge, Mass. , P5D77: 21 in Charleston, S. C. , D15Ag77: 21 in Great Bridge, Va., PD13Je66: 22 in Kingston, Jamaica, W. L , PD25J166:22 in London, Eng. , PD25Ap66: 22, PD26Ja69: 13, PD21Je70: 22 in Montreal, Can. , PD18N73: 21 in New York City, PD20Je66: 12, PD30Je68: 22, PD4J171: 13, PDlAg71: 13, PD23Je74: 21 — R23Je74:31 in New Bern, N. C. , D31Ja77: 41 in Newcastle, Va. , 28Ag46: 21 in Newport, R. L , C19Ag80: 12 in Norfolk, Va. , 31J146: 42, PD6Je66:31 in Paris, Fr. , PD15Ag71: 12 inPhila. , Pa. , D18J177: 31 — P18J177:22 in Portsmouth, Va. , PD23My66: 23 in Quebec, Can. , PD3N74: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , 5N36: 42, 21Ja37: 42, 4N37: 42, 2N39: 41, 7N45: 31, 18J146: 42, 14N55: 21, PD6Je66: 23, PD20Je66: 22, PD270c68: 31--R270c68: 21, PD26S71: 23--R26S71: 23, PD310c71: 21--R310c71: 32, PD3Mr74: 21— R3Mr74: 31, D3Je75:31,D310c77:21, P310c77:22 niustre, Fr. warship, 5S55: 21, 12D55: 11 Ilor, Adolphus, R23My71: 41 Imcatewthaywa, Shawnee Indian, PD22D74: 23 Immigration, bounties on in N. C. , PD11D66: 22— R11D66: 41 in S. C. , PD23J167: 21, R12My68: 13 encouraged by Fr. , R4D66: 12 from Bristol, Eng. , PD18F68: 32 to America, advantages described, 24N38: 11 to Baltimore, Md. , estimated, 1772- 1773,RllN73s23 to Boston, Mass. , PD1N70: 21 — R1N70: 22 to British colonies, N. Am. , See Convict servants imported; Farmers, British; Indentured servants imported; Palatines; Swiss to Charleston, S. C. , from Belfast, Ire.,PD18Mr73:21 to Den. from Scot, encouraged, PD18N73: 13 to east Fla. . PD1S68: 11 to Eng. from Fr. , R16S73: 21 to Fort Cumberland, N. S. , from Eng. , PD19My74: 33 to Ga. encouraged, 10S36: 42 to Gt. Brit. , amount estimated, PD25Ag68: 22--R25Ag68s23 to London, Eng. , from Patagonia, S.Am. , PD6Ag67:21 to Miss, from N. C. , PD140c73: 13 from Va. , PD140c73: 13 to N.Y. ,D18N75:22 advantages described, 70c37:41 from Belfast, Ire. , Pi22Je75: 23 — D24Je75: 23 to N. C. from Eng. , 12S45: 42 from Ire. , PD280c73: 22 from Jamaica, W. I. , 310c45: 41 to N. S. , 19S51-.32 to Pa. , results of, PD5Ag73: 21 to Russia from Poland, PD20Ag67: 22 unsuccessful, PD29Ag66: 13 to Swe. encouraged, Dl J175: 11 to Va. from Eng. , 12Ja39: 41, 26S45: 32. R30My66: 33, DN20c79: 31 from Fr. , HMy39: 41, Pi20Oc74: 31 from Gt. Brit. ,Pi21S75:33 from Liverpool, Eng. , D14Ag79: 31 from London, Eng. , PilJe75: 33 — Pil5Je75:41, Pil5Je75: 32, PlMy78: 32 from Scot. , PD23D73: 23, P113J175: 33— PilOAg75: 41 from Switz. ,24N38:41 See also Emigration Impalement, for cowardice in Algiers, Alg. , PD20Oc74: 22 Impeachments, in Eng. , PD24Ag69: 12 — R24Ag69:21, PD14S69:21 Impertinent, brig, D230c79: 21 brigantine, D26Je79: 21 Impey, Mr. , appointed chief justice of E. I. , PD9S73: 12 Imports, destroyed in Charleston, S. C. D22Ap75:22 near Louisburg, N. S. , from Holl. , P9Je75:13— D17Je75:21 returned to Eng. from Boston, Mass. , PD24D67: 22, PD7Je70: 11 — R7Je70:22, PD7Je70: 13, PD14Je70: 12, R14 Je7»: 32 from Mass. , PD24My70: 23 from New York City, R7Je70: 23 returned to London, Eng. , from New York City, P10Mr75sl2 to Aberdeen, Scot. , from Greenland, PD24S72:21 to Accomac district, Va. , from Antigua, W. I. , PD12Mr67: 32, PD9Ap67: 23, PD14Ja68: 31, PD31Mr68: 22— R14Ap68: 41, PD26My68: 22— R26My68: 31, PD270c68:42 from Barbados, W. I. , PD5S66s43, PD23Je68: 23— R23Je68: 24, R25Ag68s23— PD29S68: 22, R1S68:24— PD29S68:22, PD17N68:22 from Bermuda, PDllJe67: 32, PD23Je68: 23— R23Je68: 24 from Boston, Mass. , PD22Ja67: 31, PD12Mr67: 32, PD10Mr68: 31 — R14Ap68: 41, PD8S68p22, PD270c68: 42, PD17N68: 22 from Curacao, W. I. , R8Ag66: 31 — 576 Imports PD22Ag66: 22 from Lewes. Del. , PD6Ag67: 32. PD14Ja68:31 from Madeira, PD10Mr68: 31 — R14Ap68:41 from Md. , R25D66: 13 from Nevis, W. I. , PD10Mr68: 31 — R14Ap68: 41. PD7J168: 23 — R7J168:21 from New York City, PD5S66s43. PD22Ja67: 31. PD14Ja68: 31. PD23Je68: 23— R7J168: 21, R25Ag68s23--PD8S68p22, PD270c68: 42. PD17N68: 22. PD22D68:31--R22D68: 12 from N. C..R8Ag66:31 — PD22Ag66: 22 from N.S. ,R1S68:24 — PD29S68: 22 from Perth Amboy, N. J. , PD22D68:23— R22D68: 12 from Phila. . Pa. . R8Ag66: 31 — PD22Ag66: 22. PD5S66s43, PD12S66:23. R25D66: 13. PD7My67: 31, PDllJe67: 32. PD6Ag67:32.PD3D67:31, PD14Ja68: 31, PD14Ja68: 32, PD23Je68: 23— R7J168: 21, PD7J168: 23--R7J168: 21, R25Ag68s23— PD8S68p22. R1S68:24--PD29S68:22, PD270c68: 42, PD17N68: 22, PD24N68: 31. PD22D68: 23, PD22D68:31 from Plymouth, Eng. , PD14Ja68: 31, PD8S68p22. PD22D68: 23 from R. L , PD5S66s43, PD12Mr67: 32, PD6Ag67: 32. PD3D67: 31, PD31Mr68: 22--R14Ap68: 41, PD7J168:23--R7J168:21, PD29S68: 22. PD22D68: 31 from St. Eustatia, W. L , PD31Mr68: 22- R14Ap68: 41, PD23Je68: 23 — R23Je68: 24. PD7J168: 23 — R7J168:21 from Salem, PD12Mr67: 32, PD8S68p22 from Salem, N. J. , PD22Ja67: 31 from S. C. , PD6Ag67: 32 to Algiers, D4N75: 12 to America from Eng. , R30Ag70: 21 to Annapolis, Md. . from R. I. , PD21Je70:23 to Antigua, W. I. , from N. S. , 11J151: 31 to Baltimore, Md.,Pil Je75:31,P2Je75s33 from Cape Francois. Santo Domingo, W. I. , P27D76:23 from Martinique, W. I. , D29N76: 32 to Barcelona, Sp. . from N. Am. , PD10N74:23 to Basseterre, W. L . from Senegal, Af. ,DlAp80:21 to Beaumaris. Wales, from Lisbon. Port. . 27Ag56: 11 to Bedford. N. H. , from Nantes, Fr. , P29N76: 13 to Berwick, Eng. . PD16Ap67: 12 to Bordeaux. Fr. . from British colonies, N. Am. . D24Je75: 21 from U.S. ,PlMy78: 12 from W.I. . 10Oc55: 21 to Boston, Mass. . PD18Ja70: 31, PD3F74:22 from Bordeaux, Fr. , D16My77: 12 — P16My77:21 from Bristol. Eng. , PD18Ja70: 23 from Cork, Ire. , D280c75: 23 from Eng. , R30D73: 31. PDlS74s22 — R1S74:21 from Fr. ,D22Ag77: 12 — P22Ag77: 22 from Gt. Brit. , lists sold in Williamsburg, PD15F70: 21 from Guadeloupe, W. L , D27Je77: 12, D24Ap79:31 from Ire. , P1S75: 22--D2S75: 22, P9Ag76: 33, D24J179: 22 from London, Eng. , PD23D73s22, PD30D73: 21--R30D73: 23, R13Ja74:22 from Martinique, W. I. ,D16My77: 12- P16My77: 21, D23My77: 22 from Nantes, Fr. , P29N76: 13, D16My77: 12— P16My77: 21. P16My77:21. P8Ag77:21 from Scot, refused entry. R2N69: 22 to Brest. Fr. . from Baltic, PD19N67: 13 from Holl., C13My80: 21 from It. , PD150c72: 12 to Bristol, Eng. , PD3S67: 11 from America rumored, P31Mr75:22 from Baltic rumored, P31Mr75: 22 from Dominica, W. L , PD25Ap66: 22 from Flanders, Belg. , PD2J167: 12 from Holl. , PD2J167: 12 from Pensacola. Fla. , PDllJe72: 21 from Va. ,PDlAg66:21 to British colonies, N. Am. , from Fr. R24N68: 21, Pi23Mr75: 31, D25Mr75:21 from Gt. Brit, estimated, PD25Ag74:21 from Martinique, W. I. , P14Je76p41 from Port. , PD12Ja69: 12 from St. Eustatia, W. L , Pil6Mr75: 31 — P17Mr75s21 — D18Mr75:21, P30Je75: 11 from St. Malo, Fr. , P23Ag76: 21 from Sp. , PD12Ja69: 12 from Straits direct proposed, PD10S67: 13 to Burwell's ferry, Va. , from Cape Nichola, Hispaniola, W. I. , P20S76:22--D21S76:22 to Cadiz, Sp. , PD9Je74: 23 from Buenos Aires, Arg. , 6J139: 11.22Ap57: ll from Cartagena, Col. , 22Ap57: 11 from Fr. , 9N39: 22 from Havana, Cuba, 22Ap57: 11. PD15Ja67: 12. PD14J174: 21 from Lima, Peru, PD29D68: 21 from Naples, It. , 17N52: 12, 22D52: 22 from North Am. , PD10N74: 23 from St. Thomas is. . W. L . 20Je51:21 from Veracruz, Mex. . 4Mr37: 22, 21N51: 12,PD5N72:23 — R5N72: 12, PD14J174: 21 to Cambridge, Mass. , D13Ja76: 31 to Cape Breton, is. , Can. , 26S55:22 to Charleston. S. C. . D22Je76: 61. D3Ja77: 12, D10Ja77: 31, D4S79: 21 from Fr. , D28Mr77: 61 — P4Ap77sl2 from Gt. Brit. , R20Ap69: 23, PD4Ag74: 22 from London, Eng. . PD27Ja74: 23 from Madeira, 25Mr37: 31 from Martinique, W. I. , D8N76: 22 from Pa., PDllJe72:31 from Phila. , Pa. . D26F80: 23 from St. Eustatia, W. L , P21Je76:23 from St. Francois, Can. . D8Ag77: 21 from Va. , PDllJe72:31 from W. L . C15My79: 13— D15My79: 21 plentiful, P28F77s21 to Charlestown, Mass. , from London, Eng. , PD13Ja74: 21 to Cherbourg, Fr. , from Eng. , P3Mr75:22— D4Mr75:21 to Chesapeake bay, P8N76: 23 from New Eng. , P7Mr77sl2 from St. Eustatia, W. L , D27D76: 12 — P27D76:23 to Chester, Pa. , D22 Ja80: 23 to Clyde river. Scot. , from Boston, Mass. , PD7My67:21 from Phila. , Pa. , PD7My67: 21 to Conn. .D3F76:41 to Cork, Ire. , from N. Am. , PDllJe72:22 to Corsica from Eng. , PD22S68: 21 to Currituck, N. C. , P13Je77: 32 to Danzig, duties on, PD17Je73: 11 to Del. , P6S76: 32, D7S76: 31 to Delaware river, P28F77s21 from Europe, P21F77: 21 to Dominica, W. I. , from Antigua, W. I. , R18Ap68s22 from Guadeloupe, W. L , R18Ag68s22 regulated, R2S73sl3 to Dover, Eng. , from Montserrat, W. I. ,D14S76: 12 from St. Christopher, W. L , P26My75: 22 to Dunkirk, Fr. , from Va. , P9Je75:21 to Edenton, N. C. , from Fr. , P12D77:22 from St. Eustatia, W. I. , P18J177: 23 to Eng. , 25Ap55: 12, PD7My67: 11, PD8Ag71:21 from America, value of accounted, PD9F69:23— R9F69:21 from Barbados, W. L , PD23D73s21 — R23D73: 23 from Bengal, India. 5S55: 22 from China, 120c39: 22, 5S55: 22 from Danzig, D2D75: 13 from Dublin, Ire. , 8Ap37: 31 from Europe, P15S75: 13 from Fr. , PD30Mr69: 31 from Ger. , 27J139: 32 from Holl. , R23S73: 23 from India, evaluated. R70c73: 11 from Ire. , 14J138: 22. 2F39: 41, 18My39:32, 170c51:21 from It., 18J151:22 from Jamaica. W. I. , PD23D73s21 — R23D73:23 from Leeward islands, W. I. . PD23D73: 21--R23D73: 23 from Memel, Lith. , D2D75: 13 577 Imports, to Eng. (cont'd) from Russia, R20Ja74: 23 to Essex co. , Va. , from Eng. , R7F71:31 to Exeter, Eng. , from British colonies, N. Am. , PD7My67: 13 to Falmouth, Me. , from Martinique, W. I. ,D10Ag76:31 to Ferrol, Sp. , from N. Am. , PD10N74: 23 to Fr. ,20Je51:21, 7N51: 12 from Baltic sea, 30J152: 21, 27Ag56: 11 from Eng. , Ue39: 32, 19D51: 22, 13F52:21,R11D66:22 from Holl., 13F52: 21 from Norway, 20Je51: 22 from Swe. , 6Je51: 21, 20Je51: 22, 12D55:21 from U.S. ,D29Ap77: 12 from W. I. decline, PD4Je67: 12 to Galway, Ire. , from N. Am. , R23Mr69:31 to Glasgow, Scot. , from British colonies, N.Am. , P9Je75sll to Gloucester, Eng. , from America, PD27Ag72:41 to Gt. Brit. , 9My45: 31, PD18Je67: 11, PD2J167: 13, P17Mr75s21 — D18Mr75:23 from America, PD4Ap66: 31, PD22S74: 23 from British colonies, N. Am. , PD14Ap68: 21, PD12Mr72: 21, PDllN73sl3— RllN73sl2, Pi29S74:23 from Can. estimated, Pi29S74: 23 from Conn, estimated, Pi29S74: 23 from Danzig, PD18Je67: 21 from Fr.,PD25Ap71:21, PDllJe72:21 from Ga. estimated, Pi29S74: 23 from Ger. , PD2J167: 13 from Holl. , 2Ja52: 31, PD31D72: 12 from Hudson's bay, Can. , estimated, Pi29S74: 23 from Labrador estimated, Pi29S74: 23 from Md. estimated, Pi29S74: 23 from New England estimated, Pi29S74: 23 from New York City estimated, Pi29S74:23 from Nfd. estimated, Pi29S74: 23 from N. C. estimated, Pi29S74: 23 from N. S. estimated, Pi29S74: 23 from Paris, Fr. , PD9Ap72: 22 from Pensacola, Fla. , estimated, Pi29S74:23 from Phila. , Pa. , PDllJe72: 22, Pi29S74: 23 from Port. , P31Mr75:22 from S. C. estimated, Pi29S74: 23 from Va. estimated, Pi92S74: 23 to Greenock, Scot. , from British colonies, N. Am. , PDllJe67: 13 to Guadeloupe, W. I. , from Fr. , PD21Ja68:32 to Halifax, N. S. , PD18Ag74: 23 from Ire.,24N52:21 from Jeddore, N. S. , 24N52: 21 to Hampton, Va. , P6S76: 32, P13S76:31, P20S76: 22 — D21S76:22, P27S76sl2 from Antigua, W. I. , 18Ap45: 32, 23My45: 32 from Barbados, W. I. , 28Mr45: 41, 9My45: 32, 23My45: 32, 13Je45: 41, 10Oc45: 22 from Bermuda, W. I. , 23My45: 32, 13Je45:32, P40c76sl2 from Cape Francois, Santo Domingo, W. I. , P29N76: 22, D27D76: 12 from Glasgow, Scot. , 28Mr45: 41, 23My45: 32, 13Je45: 32, 10Oc45: 22 from Gt. Brit. , D28Ja75: 23 from Hull, Eng. , 13Je45: 41 from Isle of May, Scot., 9My45:32, 13Je45:41 from Liverpool, Eng. , 18Ap45: 32 from London, Eng. , 10Oc45: 22 from Madeira, 18Ap45: 32, 9My45: 31, 23My45: 32 from Martinique, W. I. , D21Mr77: 11 from Md. , 18Ap45: 32, 23My45: 32, 13Je45:32, 10Oc45: 22 from Montserrat, W. L , 10Oc45: 22 from Phila. , Pa. , 28Mr45: 41, 9My45: 32 from St. Eustatia, W. I. , D25S79: 22 from W. L, French, D13D76: 22 from Whitehaven, Eng. , 13Je45: 32, 10Oc45:22 to Holland from British colonies, N. Am. D24Je75:21 from India, PDlAp73: 13 to Hull, Eng. , from Davis straits, N.Am. ,PD16S73:21 from Va. , 2S57: 22 to Indian river from St. Eustatia, W. I. , D18My76: 32 to Ire. from British colonies, N.Am. , PD21F71:21, P12My75: 11 from Fr. , PD23S73s21 fromGt. Brit. ,PD21F71:21 to It. from Madrid, Sp. , 10Oc45:21 to Jamaica, W. L , PD3S67:11, R2S73sl3 to James river, Va. , 10Oc45: 3, 12Je52:22, 28Mr55: 32, P28N77:21 from Af. , PD14My72: 23 from Alloa, Scot., R10Mr74:31 from Aux Cayes, Haiti, D26Mr79: 22 from Bermuda, P40c76sl2 from Bilbao, Sp. , P12Je78: 22 from Bristol, Eng. , 5My38: 41 from Curacao, W. I. , P21Mr77sl2, D26F79:31 from Hispaniola, W. I. , D2Ap79: 22 from London, Eng. , 10F38: 32, 12D45:41 from Madeira, 20Ap39: 32 from Nantes, Fr. , P21Mr77sl2, D5D77: 11--P5D77: 21, D5D77: 12 — P5D77: 22, P160c78: 22, D24J179: 22 from Rochfort, Fr. , P29My78: 22 from St. Eustatia, W. I. , P7Mr77sl2, P21Mr77sl2, D8My79: 21 from Salt is. , 10F38: 32 from Turk's is. , W. I. , D2Ap79: 22 from W. I. ,D29My79:31 to James river, lower district, Va. , 24N52:22, 28F55: 31 from Af. , 29S52: 31, 20Oc52: 21, R8Ag66:31 from Anguilla, W. I. , PD20Ja74: 23 from Anstruther, Scot. , R8S74: 31 from Antigua, W. I. , 29S52: 31, 24N52: 22, 8D52: 31, 23My55: 21, 26S55: 31, 240c55: 21, 19D55: 22, 27Ag56: 31, R8Ag66: 31, R11D66: 33, R11F68: 31, RllAg68: 23, RllAg68: 24, R12Ja69:31, PD10F74:23, PD10Mr74: 31, R17Mr74: 22 — PD14Ap74: 23, PD14Ap74: 23 — R14Ap74:23, R8S74:31, R15S74:33 from Barbados, W. I. , 23Ja46: 41, 23Ja46: 42, 29S52: 31, 20Oc52: 21, 24N52: 22, 2Mr53: 41, 28F55: 31, 23My55: 21, 26S55: 22, 26S55: 31, 240c55: 21, 27Ag56: 31, PD20Ja74: 23, PD10F74: 23, PD10Mr74: 31, R8S74:31,R15S74:33 from Bermuda, 23Ja46: 41, 29S52: 31, 8D52: 31, 29D52: 32, 28F55: 31, 26S55: 31, 27Ag56: 31, PD20Ja74:23,R8S74:31 from Boston, Mass. , 23Ja46: 41, 29D52: 32, 2Mr53: 41, 28F55: 31, 23My55: 21, 240c55: 21, R12Ja69: 23 from Bristol, Eng. , 23 Ja46: 41, 23 Ja46: 42, 24N52: 22, 23My55: 21, 19D55:22 from Cape Lewis, Scot. , R15S74: 33 from Cape Nicolas, Hispaniola, W. I. , RllAg68: 23, PD20Ja74: 23, PD10Mr74:31 from Cork, Ire. , 240c55: 21 from Curacao, W. I. , R8S74: 31 from Falmouth, Eng. , R11F68: 31 from Glasgow, Scot. , 29S52: 31, 20Oc52: 21, 24N52: 22, 2Mr53: 41, HAp55: 22, 26S55: 31, 19D55: 22, RllAg68:23 from Grenada, W. I. , RllAg68: 24, R12Ja69: 31, PD10Mr74: 31, PD14Ap74: 23— R14Ap74: 23, R8S74:31,R15S74: 33 from Hispaniola, W. I. , PD14Ap74: 23- R14Ap74:23, R21Ap74:23 from Hull, Eng. , 8D52: 31, 28F55: 31, 23My55:21,R15S74:33 from Isle of May, Scot. , RllAg68: 24 from Jamaica, W. I. , HAp55: 22, 26S55: 31, 12F62: 31, RllAg68: 23, RllAg68:24, R15S74: 33 from Liverpool, Eng. , RllAg68: 23, R8S74:31 from London, Eng. , 23Ja46: 41, 29S52: 31, 8D52: 31, 28F55: 31, 23My55: 21, 240c55: 21, R8Ag66: 31, RllAg68: 23, R12Ja69: 31, PD20Ja74:23, R8S74: 31 from Madeira, 29S52: 31, 19D55: 22, 12F62: 31, RllAg68: 24, R17Mr74: 22-- PD14Ap74: 23 from Martinique, W. I. , R11F68: 31 from Md. , 23Ja46: 41, 8D52: 31, UAp55: 22, 19D55: 22, RllAg68: 23, PD6Ja74: 32, PD10F74: 23, PD10Mr74: 31, R17Mr74: 22 — PD14Ap74: 23, PD14Ap74: 23 — R14Ap74:23 from Montserrat, W. L , 26S55: 31, PD20Ja74: 23, PD10F74: 23 from Nevis, W. L , 24N52: 22, 12F62:31, RllAg68:23, R17Mr74: 22 — PD14Ap74: 23, R8S74:31,R15S74:33 from New England, 2Mr53: 41, R12Ja69: 23 578 ImpoHs from N. J. , PD10F74: 23 from New Providence, W. L , PDllAg68: 23--RllAg68: 23 from New York City, 23Ja46: 41, 20Oc52: 21, 24N52: 22, 8D52: 31, 2Mr53: 41, 28F55: 31, 19D55: 22, 27Ag56:32, RllAg68:24, PD6Ja74: 32, PD10F74: 23, R17Mr74: 22--PD14Ap74: 23, PD14Ap74: 23--R14Ap74: 23, R15S74:33 from Newcastle, Eng. , PD25Ap66: 31, R15S74:33 from N.S. , PD10Mr74: 31 from Phila. , Pa. , 24N52: 22, 27Ag56: 31, PD20Ja74: 23, R8S74: 31, R15S74:33 from Piscataway, PD27Ja74: 32 from Providence, R. I. , 23Ja46: 41 from R. I. , 19D55: 22, 12F62: 31, PD27Ja74: 32 from St. Christopher, W. I. , 23Ja46: 41, 29S52: 31, 26S55: 31, 240c55: 21, 19D55: 22, 27Ag56: 31, RllAg68:23 from St. Croix, W. L , PD10Mr74: 31 from St. Eustatia, W. L , R12Ja69: 31, PD10F74:23 from St. Martin, W. I., 29D52:32, RllAg68:24,R12Ja69:31 from St. Thomas, W. I. , R8Ag66: 22 from St. Vincent, W. I. , R11F68: 31 from Salem, Mass. , 28F55: 31, 12F62: 31, R12Ja69: 23, R12Ja69: 31, PD14Ap74: 23— R14Ap74: 23 from S. C. , PD6Ja74: 32, R17Mr74: 22 — PD14Ap74: 23 from Spanish town, Jamaica, W. I. , 24N52:22,23My55:21 from Tortugas, W. L , R12 Ja69: 31 from Turk's is. , W. I. , 28F55: 31, PD10Mr74: 31, PD14Ap74: 23 — R14Ap74: 23, R15S74: 33 from Virgin is. , 29S52: 31, 26S55:31,240c55:21 from Whitehaven, Eng. , 23Ja46: 41, 23My55: 21, 27Ag56: 31, 12F62: 31, R8Ag66: 22, R11F68: 31, R12Ja69: 23, PD10F74:23 to James river, upper district, Va. , 18My39: 41, 10Ag39: 21, P14D39: 11, 18Ja40: 42, 4 J145: 3, 9Ja46: 4, 29My46: 4, 3 J146: 4 from Aberdeen, Scot. , R7J168: 23, PD1S68: 23 from Af. , PD12S66: 23, PD30Ag70: 31, PD13S70:23 from Alloa, Scot. , PD10Mr74: 23 from Annapolis, Md. , PD13Ap69: 23 from Antigua, W. I. , 19Ag37: 32, 9Ja46: 4, PD22Ja67: 32, PD6Ag67: 32, PD26N67: 23, PD3D67: 31, PD10D67: 31, PD17D67: 31, PD26My68: 22--R9Je68: 32, PD2Je68: 23--R9Je68: 22, R25Ag68: 32--PD1S68: 23, PD29D68: 31, PD12Ja69: 23, PD26Ja69:32, PD6J169:32, PD7S69:31 PD7S69:31 from Ayr, Scot. , PD29D68: 31 from Barbados, W. I. , 3Je37: 41, 30S37: 41, 10Ag39: 21, 14D39: 11, 3J146: 4, R4D66: 31, PDllJe67: 32, PD6Ag67: 32, PD19N67: 22, PD18F68: 23. PD24Mr68: 32 — R14Ap68: 42, PD26My68: 22 — R9Je68:32, PD7J168: 23 — R7J168:21--R7J168:22, PD28J168:23, PD1S68: 23, PD8S68p22— R22S68: 23, PD12Ja69: 23, PD23Mr69: 31, PD6J169: 32. PD3Ag69: 32, PD15F70: 22, PD7Je70: 31, PD14Je70: 32, PD13S70: 23, PD10F74:23 from Bermuda, 30S37: 41, 270c38: 41, 5Ja39: 42, 10Ag39: 21, 29My46:4, PD12S66: 23, PD27N66: 23, PD12Ja69: 23, PD7S69:31 from Boston, Mass. , 24Je37: 41, 5Ag37: 42, HAg38: 32, HAg38: 41, 5Ja39: 42, 9F39: 42, 18My39: 41, 10Ag39: 21, 18Ja40: 42, 9Ja46: 4, 12F62: 31, 12F62: 32, R25D66: 13, PD22Ja67: 32, PD24D67: 32 , PD14Ja68: 31, PD28Ja68: 31 — R4F68: 31, PD10Mr68: 31 — R14Ap68: 42, PD29S68: 23 — R60c68:23,PD15D68:23, PD22D68: 31, PD29D68: 23, R12Ja69:31,PD7S69:31, PD28S69: 23, PD9N69: 22, PD28D69: 31, PD15F70: 22 from Bristol, Eng. , 20My37: 41, 17Je37: 32, 18My39: 41, 10Ag39: 21, 29My46: 4, R25D66: 13, PD22Ja67: 31, PD220c67: 22, PD17D67: 31, PD18F68: 23— R18F68: 31, PD270c68: 42, PD8D68: 31, PD28S69: 23, PD24My70: 23, PD1N70: 22 from Cadiz, Sp. , 3Je37: 41, 14D39: 11 from Cette, Fr. , PD20Ag67: 23 from Cork, Ire. , PD13J169: 32 from Dumfries, Scot. , 10Oc45: 3 from Exeter, Eng. , 5Ag37: 42 from Gambia, Af. , 14D39: 11 from Ga. , 14D39: 11 from Glasgow, Scot. , 20My37: 41, 3Je37: 41, 10Ag39: 21, 4J145: 3, 3J146: 4, 60c52: 31, PD16My66: 23, PD12S66: 23, PDllJe67: 32, PD6Ag67: 32, PD20Ag67: 23, PD24S67: 13, PD290c67: 21, PD12N67: 21, PD18F68: 23 — R18F68: 31, PD3Mr68: 31, R7J168: 22, PD1S68: 23, PD22S68: 22 — R22S68: 23, PD270c68: 42, PD22D68: 31, PD23Mr69: 31, PD8Je69: 23, PD6J169: 32, PD7S69: 31, PD28S69: 23, PD9N69: 22, PD28D69: 31, PD5Ap70: 33, PD24My70: 23, PD20S70: 32, PD4Oc70: 22, PD1N70: 22, PD28Ap74: 23 from Greenock, Scot. , 5Ag37: 42, HAg38: 32, 4J145: 3, 9Ja46: 4, 29My46: 4, PD30My66: 31 — R30My66: 32, PD12S66: 23, PD19Mr67: 32, PD4Je67: 41, PD24Mr68: 32— R14Ap68: 42, PD26My68: 22— R9Je68: 32, PD7J168: 23, PD22S68: 22 — R22S68:23,PD8D68:31, PD13S70:23 from Grenada, W. I. , PD7J168: 23, PD7Je70: 31 from Guernsey, Channel is. , 10Ag39: 21-22 from Guinea, Af. , HAg38: 41, 10Ag39:21 from Hispaniola, W. I. , PD28Ap74: 23 from Hull, Eng., 1D52: 31, PD29D68: 31 from the Isle of May, Scot. , 17Je37: 32, 8J137: 42, 21Ap38: 41, 3J146: 4, PD6Ag67: 32, PD20Ag67: 23, PD7J168:23, PD1S68: 23 from Jamaica, W. I. , 30S37: 41, HAg38: 41, 14D39: 11, 18Ja40: 42, PD26My68: 22— R9Je68: 32 from Lewes, Del. , PD12S66: 23, PD7J168: 23— R7J168: 22, PD22S68: 22--R22S68: 23, PD8D68:31,PD7Ap74:23 from Lisbon, Port. , 5Ag37: 42, PD1N70: 22 from Liverpool, Eng. , HAg38: 41, 4J145: 3, PD16My66: 23, PD12F67: 31, PD4Je67: 41, PD6Ag67: 32, PD24S67: 13, PD220c67: 22, PD12N67: 21, PD18F68: 23— R18F68: 31, PD26My68: 22— R9Je68: 32, R7J168:22, PD270c68:42, PD8D68-.31, PD9N69:22, PD28D69: 31, PD24Mv70: 23, PD27S70: 34, PD4Oc70: 22, PD1N70: 22, PD7Ap74: 23, PD5My74: 22 from London, Eng. , 27My37: 41, 17Je37: 32, 8J137: 42, 19Ag37: 32, 9Je38: 41, 4My39: 41, 25My39: 42, 27J139:41, 10Ag39:21, 14D39: 11, 10Oc45:3, PD27N66: 23, R4D66: 31, PD14Ja68: 31, PD11F68: 23 — R11F68: 31, PD26My68: 22 — R26My68: 31— R9Je68: 32, PD7J168: 23, PD12Ja69: 23, PD28S69: 23, PD9N69: 22, PD13S70: 23 from Lynn Regis, 14D39: 11 from Madeira, 24Je37: 41, 25My39:42,27J139:41, 10Ag39:21, 14D39: 11, PDUJe67: 32, PD6Ag67: 32, PD20Ag67: 23, PD26My68: 22 — R26My68: 31— R9Je68: 32, PD7J168: 23, PD28J168: 23, PD29S68: 23— R60c68: 23, PD22F70: 32 from Md. , 4J145: 3, PD10D67: 31 from Nevis, W. I. , PD20Ag67: 23 from N. H. , 9F39: 42, 18My39: 41-42 from New York City, 1D52: 31, PD27N66: 23, R25D66: 13, PD22Ja67: 32, PD14Ja68: 31, PD7J168: 23, PD8S68p22, PD22S68: 22— R22S68: 23, PD270c68: 42, PD15D68: 23, PD26Ja69: 32, PD7S69: 31, PD9N69: 22, PD15F70: 22, PD7Je70: 31, PD13S70: 23, PD1N70:22 from Newcastle, Eng. , PD27N66: 23, PD4Je67:41 from Newport, R. I. , PD12F67: 31 from Perth Amboy, N. J. , PD7J168: 23--R7J168: 22. PD1S68: 23 from Phila. , Pa. , PD30My66: 31 — 579 Imports, to James river, upper district (cont'd) R30My66: 32, PD8S68p22, PD8D68: 31, PD7S69: 31, PD9N69: 22, PD24My70: 23, PD7Je70: 31, PD3F74.-22 from Piscataway, PD28D69: 31, PD3F74:22 from Pocomoke, PD29D68: 31 from Providence, R. I. , R4D66: 31 from R. I. , 9F39: 42, 18My39: 41, PD7S69:31, PD7Je70: 31 from St. Christopher, W. I. , 18Ja40:42, PD7Je70:31 from St. Croix, W. I. , R25D66: 13, PD22Ja67:31 from St. Martin, W. I. , PD28J168: 23, PD24My70: 23 from Salem, 19Ag37: 32, 18Ja40: 42, R25D66: 13, PD22Ja67: 32, PD11 Je67: 32, PD12N67: 21, PD10D67: 31, PD17D67: 31, PD14Ja68: 31, PD11F68:23--R11F68:31, PD29S68: 23--R60c68: 23, PD15D68: 23, PD29D68: 23, PD29D68: 31, PD12Ja69: 23, R12Ja69:31, PD28D69:31, PD20Ja74: 23, D18Mr75: 32 from S. C. , 2Je38: 41, 5Ja39: 42 from Southhold, N. Y. , PD11F68: 23 from Tortola, W. I. , PD19Mr67: 32 from Whitehaven, Eng. , 20My37: 41, 3Je37: 41, 9Je38: 41, UAg38:32, 10Ag39:21, PD12N67: 21, PD31Mr68: 22 — R26My68: 31, PD270c68: 42, PD23Mr69: 31 to Jamestown, Va. , P27S76sl2 to Kent, Eng. , from Fr. , R4D66: 12 to King and Queen co. , Va. , from Liverpool, Eng. , Pi30Mr75: 32 to Leghorn, It. , PD7My67: 13, PD4Je67: 11 from America, PD7My67: 21 to Lisbon, Port. , from Brazil, 4Mr37: 22, PD23 J172: 13 from Eng. , PD26Mr67: 21 from Para, Brazil, PD 12 My 68: 13 from Pernambuco, Brazil, 3N38:21 from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 20J139:21, 24Ag39: 11, PD16Ja72: 13 to Liverpool, Eng. , from Greenland, R60c68:21, PD16S73: 21 from Holl. , PD16Ap67: 11 from Ire. , PD22S74: 31, Pi28Ap75: 31 from New York City, Pi28Ap75: 31 from Phila. , Pa. , PD22S74: 31 from Turkey, R15D68: 13 from Va. , 2S57: 22, PD22S74: 31 to London, Eng. , lAp37: 32, 270c38: 31, 14N5L31, PD16Ap67:ll, PD25Je67: 22, PD9J167: 22, PD10D67: 11, PD3Mr68: 21, PD12My68: 13, PDllMr73: 23, PDlS74s21, P9Je75: 13 — D10Je75:21,D2D75:23 decline, P15Mr76: 22 — D16Mr76:22 from Belfast, Ire. , 15S52: 22 from Boston, Mass. , R15D68: 11 from Bremen, Ger. , D9S75: 21 from Cadiz, Sp. ,21F51:22 from Can. , 28F51:22 from Caracas, Venez. , 26Ja39: 41 from China, PD25Ag68: 21, Pi29S74: 23 from Danzig, PD9Je68: 21 — R9Je68: 22, P30Je75: 22, D9S75: 21 from Dublin, Ire. , PD3S67: 11, PD150c72: 12 from E. L , R5S66: 41, R28Ap68: 14, PD16Ja72:23 from Emden, Ger. , PDllJe67: 12 from Flanders, Belg. , PDllJe67: 12 from Ger. , 15Je39: 31 from Hamburg, 12D51: 31, PD23Ap67: 13, PD9Je68: 21--R9Je68: 22, PDlAp73: 12 from Havana, Cuba, 10Mr38: 22, 1F40:31 from Holl. , PD6Je66: 22, PD23Ap67: 13, PD9Je68: 21--R9Je68: 22, PDlAp73: 12 from Ire. , 13J139:31 from Jamaica, W. I. , 24D36: 41, R15S68: 23 from Labrador, PD25Ap66: 21 from Leghorn, It. , PD9Je68: 21 — R9Je68: 22 from New York City, PD30Je68: 11, PD26Ag73: 12 from Newcastle, PD6J169: 23 from Phila. , Pa. , PD30Je68: 11 from Porto-Bello, W. L , 16N39: 32 from Scot. ,23Mr39:21, 6J139: 41, 13J139: 31, PD10N68: 11 from the Straits, PD9Je68: 21 — R9Je68:22 from Venice, It. , R4F68: 14 from W. I. , 23D37: 32, PD150c72: 12, PD5N72: 31 to Long island, N. Y. , from Lisbon, Port. , P6S76: 22 to Lorient, Fr. , from Bengal, India, R20S70: 11 from Md. , P14N77: 22 to Marblehead, Mass. , from Dominica, W. I. ,Pi6Ap75:21 from Eng. , Pil9Ja75: 23 from Sp. , P30c77:21 to Marcus hook, Pa. , from Cape Francois, Santo Domingo, W. I. , D22 Ja80: 23 from St. Eustatia, W. L , D22 Ja80: 23 to Marseilles, Fr. , from Morocco, PD5N72.22 to Martinique, W. L , P19S77: 21 from Fr. , PD21Ja68: 32, P16My77: 22 to Md. from Antigua, W. I. , 16Je38: 32 from Fr. ,D22Ap75:21 to Mass. from Europe, P24My76: 22 to Mobile, Ala. , from London, Eng. , PD4Ag68:21 to Montreal, Can. , from Eng. , PD7Je70: 12 to Nansemond co. , Va. , from Eng. , PilD74: 11 to Nantucket, Mass. , from Af. , R15J173.-32 to N. H. from Fr. , D8N76: 12 to N. J. from Emden, Friesland, D4N75: 22 to New London, Conn. , from Barbary, Af. ,PD23N69:21 from St. Eustatia, W. I. , DllMy76: 31 from W.I. . P13S76:21 to New York City, DlAp75: 31 from Anguilla, W. L , 20Oc38: 31 from Barbados, W. L , 170c55: 21 from Birmingham, Eng. , R24F69sl2 from Bristol, Eng. , R29N70: 21 from Cork, Ire. , D26Mr79: 21 from Eng. , R29N70: 13, R9S73: 32, Pil9Ja75:23, P3Ja77sll from Glasgow, Scot. , refused, P17F75sl3, P3Mr75s23 from Holl. , 28F55: 22 from Hull, Eng. , R29N70: 21 from Ire. ,PD11D66:23 from Liverpool, Eng. , R29N70: 21 from London, Eng. , R29N70: 21 from Port au Prince, Santo Domingo, W. I. ,P21Je76:22 from St. Christopher, W. L , P16Ag76: 23 from Whitehaven, Eng. , PD11D66: 23 to New Bern, N. C. , from Turks is. , W. I. , D7Ag79: 22 to Newburyport, Mass. , from Fr. , P31My76: 13— DUe76: 12 to Newcastle, Eng. , from Greenland, PD17N68: 21 to Newport, R. I. , from Antigua, W. L , PD23N69:21 from Curacao, W. I. , D13 J176: 41 from New York City, D24 Ja77: 22 to Norfolk, Eng. , PD16Ap67: 12 to Norfolk, Va. , 13Je51: 32, 24Ap52: 21, Pil6F75:31--D25F75:31 from Barbados, W. L , 17Ap46: 32 from Lancaster, Eng. , PD16My66: 31 to Normandy, Fr. , from Eng. , PD7Ap68: 12 to N. C.,P23F76:32 from Fr. , P6Mr78: 22 from St. Eustatia, W. L , P9F76: 12 to Papal states from America, PD7My67:21 to Pensacola, Fla. , evaluated, D8Ap80s21 from Campeche, Mex. , PD4Ag68: 21 to Penzance, Eng. , from Madeira, P27D76: 11 to Phila., Pa. ,P18Ag75:31, D3F76: 41, P8Mr76: 31, D15Je76: 51, P19J176: 13, P26J176: 23, D27S76: 31, P27S76sll,D19Je79:31 from Bermuda, P8N76: 21 from Cadiz, Sp. , C15My79: 21, D15My79:21 from Cape Nicolas, Hispaniola, W. I. , P2Ag76:23,P2tAg78:22 from Carolina, D18D79: 21 from Curacao, W. I. , P21Je76: 21 — D22Je76: 51 from Dunkirk, Fr. , P3Mr75s23 from Eng. , Pil9Ja75: 23 from Gt. Brit. , PD29D74: 31 from Guadeloupe, W. I. , P19Ap76pl3 from Hispaniola, W. I. , D230c79: 21 from Ire. , PD29D74:31 from Marseilles, Fr. , P16Ag76: 23 from Martinique, W. I. , P23Ag76: 22-- D24Ag76: 71,DlMy79:21 from Nantes. Fr. , D4Ap77: 12 — P4Ap77:21 from St. Eustatia, W. I. , DlMy79: 21. D18D79:21,C25D79: 11 from St. Martin, W. I. , P6D76: 23 from Stromness, Scot. , PD29D74: 31 580 Imports from Yarmouth, Eng. , PD10Ag69: 31-- R10Ag69:31 to Plymouth, Eng. , from British colonies, N. Am. , D70c75: 21 from Casco bay, Me. , R5N72: 13 from Riga, Latvia, 3S56: 22 to Pomfret, Conn. , Pi9Mr75: 23 to Port Mahon, Minorca, PD18Oc70: 11 to Portsmouth, Eng. , from Jamaica, W. I. , 30D37: 32, PD20S70: 13 from Lisbon, Port. , 26Ja39: 41 to Portsmouth, N. H. , P12Ap76: 22 from Bordeaux, Fr. , P8N76: 21 from Fr. ,DllAp77:31 — PllAp77sl2 from Holl. ,D21S76: 12 to Portsmouth, Va. , from St. Eustatia, W. I. ,D25S79:22 to Port, from Eng. free, PDllMr73: 21 from Genoa, It. , PD7Mr66: 13 to Potomac district, Va. , from Barbados, W. I. , 7N45:41 to Providence, R. I. , Pi9Mr75: 23, D3F76:41 from Af. , R15J173: 32 from Fr. ,D250c76:42 from London, Eng. , PD8Je69: 13 from W. I. , D29J176: 22 to Rappahannock district, Va. , from Aberdeen, Scot. , 14Ag52: 22, 270c52:21 from Af. , 7Ag52: 31, 14Ag52: 22 from Annapolis, Md. ,7Ag52:31 from Antigua, W. I. , 7Ag52: 31, 270c52:21, PD6Je66: 31, R8Ag66: 22 — PD15Ag66: 23 from Barbados, W. I. , 7Ag52: 31 from Bermuda, 28Ag52: 31 from Boston, Mass., 22S52:31 from Curacao, W. I. , P21Mr77sl2 from Dublin, Ire. , 7Ag52: 31 from Glasgow, Scot. , 29Je39: 31, 7Ag52: 31, 22S52: 31, 17N52: 22, PD6Je66: 31, R8Ag66: 22 — PD15Ag66:23 from Greenock, Scot. , 7Ag52: 31 from Irvine, Scot. , 29Je39: 31 from Liverpool, Eng. , 7Ag52: 31, PD6Je66:31 from London, Eng. , 7Ag52: 31, 22S52:31,R8Ag66:22 — PD15Ag66: 23, R[llDs V]66: 33 from Madeira, 7Ag52: 31 from Md. , 7Ag52:31 from New York City, 7Ag52: 31 from N. C. 14Ag52:22 from Phila. , Pa. , 28Ag52: 31, 17N52:22 from R. L,R8Ag66:22 — PD15Ag66: 23 from St. Eustatia, W. I. , P21Mr77sl2 from S. C. , 7Ag52:31 from W.I. ,D29My79:31 from Whitehaven, Eng. , 7Ag52: 31, 17N52:22 to R. I. from Af. , R15J173: 32 from Honduras, C. Am. , 10Mr38: 42 to Rouen, Fr. , from Amsterdam, Holl. , 19D5L22 to Russia from Siberia, PD16Je74: 11 to St. Andero, Sp. ,9N39:21 to St. Augustine, Fla. , from London, Eng. , R10Mr74: 13 to St. Croix, W. I. , from N. Am. , duties lowered, PD17Mr74: 22 to St. Eustatia, W. I. , PD12N72: 21, C15My79: 21--D15My79: 21 from Eng. , D22 Ja80: 23 from Holl., P21Je76:23 from Liverpool, Eng. , P9F76: 12 from Phila. , Pa. , PD12N72: 21 fromS.C. ,D30My77:21 from W. L , French, P21Je76: 22 from Zealand, P12J176: 22 to St. Helen's, Eng., from Cadiz , Sp. , PD10Oc71: 13 to St. John's, Nfd. , from America, R13S70:21 to St. Lucia, W. I. , from Af PD4Je67: 31 to St. Malo, Fr. , from N. Am. , PD24D72:21 to Salem, Mass. , P180c76: 21, D26F80:21 from Eng. , Pil9Ja75: 23 from Guadeloupe, W. I. , D10Ag76: 61, D24Ag76: 22 to Sandy hook, N. J. , from London, Eng. , Pi6Ap75: 22--D8Ap75: 23 to Savannah, Ga. , from W. L , D10Ja77: 22 to Scot, from Fr. , 9My45: 31 from Ire. , PD6My73: 22 from Md. estimated, 1770-1773, P15S75:11 from Va. estimated, 1770-1773, P15S75:11 to Sinepuxent, Md. , from Nantes, Fr. , P30My77: 31--D6Je77: 21 to S. C.,D14S76:41 from Fr. ,P13Je77:31 from St. Eustatia, W. I. , D2D75: 13 from Santa Cruz, W. I. , D2D75: 13 to south Potomac district, Va. , 270c52:21 from Barbados, W. I. , 270c52: 21, PD27N66: 22 from Basseterre, W. I. , 15D52: 31 from Bermuda, 270c52: 21, PD8Ja67:31 from Dublin, Ire. , PD8Ja67: 31 from Glasgow, Scot. , 270c52: 21, PD8Ja67:31 from Greenock, Scot. , 17N52: 22, PD8Ja67:31 from Halifax, N. S. , 270x52: 21 from Hampton, Va. , R18J166: 32 from Hull, Eng. , PD27N66: 22 from Leith, Scot. , 270c52: 21 from London, Eng. , R18J166: 32 from Phila. , Pa. , R18J166: 32 from Turks is. , W. I. , PD8Ja67: 31 from Virgin is. , 270c52: 21 from Whitehaven, Eng. , PD8Ja67:31 to Sp. from British colonies, N. Am. , 21D39:21 from Havana, Cuba, R13S70: 11 from S. Am.. 120c39: 41 from Veracruz, Mex. , 8D52: 11 to Spithead, Eng. , from Bengal, India, PD8Ag71: 11 to Tappahannock, Va. , from Antigua, W. I. , Pil6Mr75: 11 — P17Mr75: 33 to Texel, Holl. , from E. I. , 5D45: 22 from Wales, 19D5L22 to Toulon, Fr. , lAg51: 22, 29Ag51: 11 from Holl.,C13My80:21 from It. ,PD5F67:21 to U. S. from Bilbao, Sp. , D18J177: 21 from Fr. , P30Ag76: 22--D31Ag76: 22, P22N76:21— D29N76: 21, P9My77: 13, P16My77: 22 from Nantes, Fr. , D18J177: 21, P25J177: 11 fromW. L, Dutch, D22N76: 11 to Urbanna, Va. , from St. Eustatia, W. I. , D4Mr80: 22 to Va., [10Ja?]51:41,21F51:41, 30Ap52: 32, 15My52: 32, 22My52: 32, 60c52: 32, 14N55: 22, 30N59: 32, 16Ja61: 41, 12F62: 42, PD11J166: 23, PD18J166: 31, PD10Oc66: 33, PD19F67: 31— R19F67: 23, PDllJe67: 32, PD18Je67: 32, PD18Je67: 33, PD10c67: 13, PD220c67: 22, PD17D67: 31, PD18F68: 32— R18F68: 32, PD25F68: 23--R3Mr68: 34, PD31Mr68: 23, PD5My68: 31 — R12My68: 32, PD26My68: 23, R9Je68:34, R16Je68: 32, R18Ag68: 32--PD25Ag68: 32 PD22S68: 23— R22S68: 24, PD60c68: 23—R60c68: 24, PD29D68: 31, PD23F69: 33, PD13Ap69: 32--R13Ap69: 31, PD18My69: 31--R25My69: 23, PD29Je69: 32, R29Je69: 33, R20J169: 33--PD27J169: 33, PD21D69: 32, PD18Ja70: 32 — R18Ja70: 31, PD18Ja70: 42, PD19Ap70s23, RllOc70: 31, PD18Oc70: 23, PD18Oc70: 31 — R18Oc70: 22, PD25Oc70: 31, PD8N70: 22, PD8N70: 23, R8N70: 13, PD22N70: 31, PD29N70: 22 — R29N70: 22— R29N70: 23, PD14Mr71: 32, PD28Mr71: 32 — R28Mr71: 32, PD18Ap71: 32, PD2My71: 33, PD9My71: 32, PD16My71: 23--R23My71: 33, PD23My71: 31, PD30My71: 23, PD6Je71: 32, PD20Je71: 33 — R20Je71:33, PD4J171:31, PD11J171: 32, PD30c71: 31, PD170c71: 31--R170c71: 31, PD240c71: 31, PD28N71: 31, PD23Ja72: 32, PD7My72: 31, PD7My72: 32, PD14My72: 23, PD21My72: 22, PD4Je72: 32, PD18Je72: 32, PD2J172: 32, PD9J172: 31, PD23J172: 31, PD30J172: 31, PD13Ag72: 22, PD27Ag72: 42, PD10S72: 23, PD150c72: 31, PD220c72: 22 — R220c72: 23, PD290c72: 21 — R290c72: 31, PD290c72: 22 — R290c72: 22, PD5N72sll — R5N72: 22, PD12N72: 23 — R19N72: 42, PD18Mr73: 32, PD29Ap73: 23, PD27My73: 23 — R27My73: 23, R10Je73: 33, PD12Ag73: 23, PD2S73: 23 — R2S73:31, PD9S73: 31 — R9S73:33, PD16S73: 31, PD23S73: 23— R23S73: 32, PD30S73: 31--R30S73: 32, PD140c73: 23, PD210c73: 23 — R210c73: 22, PD11N73: 22, PD11N73:23--R11N73:21, PD2D73: 21, PD27Ja74: 32, 581 Imports, to Va. (cont'd) PD3F74:33--R10F74:33, PD17F74: 32, PD3Mr74: 32, PD5My74: 23. PD12My74: 43, PD12My74pll, PD19My74: 43 — R2Je74: 22, PDllAg74: 33, PD1S74:32, PD29S74: 32, PD270c74: 31, PD270c74: 32, PD10N74: 41, Pi29D74: 33 — PD29D74: 32, Pi9F75: 31, Pil6F75:33.D18F75:31, Pil90c75: 31--D280c75: 11, P20Oc75s22, D18My76: 33, D3Ag76:22. P10Ja77: 31, D18Ap77: 71 — P18Ap77s22, P20Je77:33.D4J177: 11, D170c77: 12, D28N77: 21 — P28N77:33,D19D77:22, P8My78s21, P8My78s22, D10J178:21--P10J178:33, D10.T178:22,D10J178:32, D13N78: 11, D14Ag79: 31, D18D79:21 from Af. , PD30J172: 32 from Antigua, W. I. , PD20Ag67: 23, PD30J172: 32, P9F76: 12 from Bahama is. , P20D76s21 from Barbados, 17Ja51: 32 from Belfast, Ire. , Pi29D74: 32 from Bermuda, P20D76s21 from Birmingham, Eng. , PD8Ag71: 23 from Bordeaux, Fr. , P27Mr78: 22 — D8My78: 82, P12Je78: 22 — D10J178:41, P160c78: 42, P230c78:31 from Bristol, Eng. , PD26Mr67: 32, PDllJe67: 32, PD3Mr68: 31, PD21D69: 32— R28D69: 13, R18Ja70: 31, PD4Oc70: 32 — R4Oc70: 23, PD23My71: 22 — R23My71: 23, R30My71: 31 from Cadiz, Sp. , D12F79: 41 from Cape Francois, Santo Domingo, W. L , P27Mr78: 22, D24Ap78: 32, P5Je78: 12 from Curacao, W. I. , P4Ap77: 32 — DllAp77:62,DllAp77:31 from E. L,21Ag46:32 from Eng. , 10F38: 41, PD11J166: 23, P9F76: 12 from Europe, 21Ag46: 32, PD18Ag68: 32— R18Ag68: 31 from Fr. ,P9My77:22, D12S77:41--P19S77: 11, P5Je78: 11--D10J178: 41, P160c78:31, P160c78: 32, D14Ag79: 12--C28Ag79: 43, C28Ag79: 33 from Glasgow, Scot. , 17S36: 42, 2N39: 32 , 9Ja46: 41, [lOJa ?]51: 42, 12Je52: 21, PD240c66: 23, PD14Ap68: 31— R14Ap68: 23, PD21J168: 32— R21J168: 33, PD4Ag68: 31, PD3N68: 23 — R3N68: 33, PD3Ag69: 32, R3Ag69: 31, R190c69sl3, PD2N69:31--R2N69:23, PD2N69: 33, PD16N69:22, PD4Oc70: 32— R4Oc70: 23, PD1N70:22— R1N70: 23, PD28Mr71: 31--R28Mr71: 33, PD4Ap71: 31, PD23My71: 22 — R23My71: 23, PD13Je71: 33, R18J171:32, PD25J171: 22, PD22Ag71: 33, PD22Ag71: 41, PD310c71: 23, PD16Ja72: 41, PD10D72: 23, PD31D72: 32, PD7Ja73: 31--R7Ja73: 33, R4F73: 23, PDllMr73: 31 — RllMr73: 31, PD8Ap73: 33, PD1J173: 32, PD10F74: 32, PD29S74: 32, Pi20Oc74: 32--PD20Oc74: 31, PD270c74: 23, PD15D74: 32, D7Ja75:32,D14Ja75:31, P12F75: 13, P123F75: 23, P24F75:33 from Gt. Brit. ,25J151:32, PD6N66: 21, PD220c72: 31, PD26N72: 22, Pil2Ja75: 11 — D14Ja75:32, Pi26Ja75: 32, D10Je75:32, P5Je78: 11 from Halifax, N. S. , PD8Ja67: 32 from Hispaniola, W. I. , D11D79: 22 from Holl. ,C13N79:12 from Hull, Eng. , PD8Mr70: 33, PD18Oc70: 31--R18Oc70: 22, PD25Oc70: 23, PD8N70: 23, R8N70: 12, PD22N70: 23, R29N70: 23, PD150c72: 23, PD29Cc72:21— R290c72:31, PD19N72: 22, PD23S73: 31 — R23S73:33,PD1S74:32, PD22S74:32 from Isle of Bonavista, Nfd. , PD23Ap67:31 from Isle of May, Scot. , PD13Je66: 31, PD23Ap67:31 from It. , D9S75: 32, D3F76: 33 from Jamaica, W. I. , R5S71: 31, P110c76:31 from Lewes, Del. , P7J175s23 — D8J175:33 — Pil3J175: 33 from Liverpool, Eng. , 27Ag56: 41, PD20Je66: 31, R8Ag66: 32, PD19S66: 23, PD27N66: 23, R19F67:23, PD80c67:21, PD29S68: 23--R29S68: 31, PD20Oc68: 22--R270c68: 34, R15Je69: 31, R10Ag69: 32, PD21Je70: 33, PD3Ja71: 31 — R10Ja71: 32, R21F71: 33, R2My71:22,R18J171:33, PD27Ag72: 43, PD26N72: 22, R26N72:21, PD31D72: 32, PD25F73: 32, PD3Je73: 32 — R3Je73: 23, PD8J173: 32 — R8J173:32,R23Je74:42, R4Ag74:32,RllAg74: 32, PDlS74:32,PilD74:33 — PDlD74:32,D7Ja75:31, Pil9Ja75: 33--D21Ja75: 31, Pi30Mr75:42 from London, Eng. , 27My37: 42, 26S45: 31, 26S45: 32, 26S45: 41, 10Oc45: 32, 310c45: 31, 23Ja46: 42, 29My46: 32, 31 J146: 61, 28Ag46: 31, 28Ag46: 32, 25S46: 41, 25S46: 42, 31Ja51: 32, 27Je51: 32, 18J151: 41, 110c51: 41, 12D51: 41, 20Mr52: 31, 10Ap52: 31, 15My52: 32, 18Je52: 22. 19J154: 32, 7N54: 32, 7N54: 42, 16My55: 21, 5S55: 32, 2S57: 32, 30N59: 32, 12F62: 41, 4N63: 41, PD4Ap66: 41, PD18Ap66: 32. PD4J166: 31--R18J166: 41, PD10Oc66: 41, PD27N66: 31, PD11D66: 33, PD18D66: 32 — R25D66:42,R19F67:23, R12Mr67: 32, PD26Mr67: 32, PD18Je67: 31, PD18Je67: 32, R23J167: 32, PD13Ag67: 23, PD17S67: 21, PD12N67: 22, PD19N67: 23, PD17D67: 32, PD11F68: 31— R11F68: 32, PD25F68: 31— R25F68: 31, PD10Mr68: 32— R10Mr68: 33, PD7Ap68: 23, PD7J168: 31, PD18Ag68: 31— R18Ag68: 32, PD22S68: 23, PD6Gc68: 31 — R60c68: 23, PD20Oc68: 23, PD270c68: 32--R270c68: 22, PD270c68: 33--R270c68: 22, PD3N68:23--R3N68:33, PD3N68:31, R3N68:33 — PD10N68: 22, R26Ja69: 23, R23F69:22,R16Mr69:32, R10Ag69: 33, PD17Ag69: 33 — R17Ag69: 23, PD21S69: 33 — R21S69s21, PD28S69: 23 — R50c69:31, R50c69: 22, R260c69: 23. PD2N69: 31 — R2N69:23, PD2N69: 41, PD9N69:23--R9N69:31, PD14D69: 32— R14D69: 23, R8F70: 32, PD22F70: 32, R3My70: 31, PD24My70: 23, PD24My70: 31, PD7Je70: 31 — R7Je70:31— R14Je70: 33, PD7Je70: 33, PD21Je70: 32, R12J170: 31, R12J170: 33, R26J170:41, PD13S70: 23, R27S70: 22, PD4Oc70: 32 — R4Oc70: 23. PD25Oc70: 31, PD1N70:22--R1N70:23, R15N70: 31— PD22N70: 23, PD22N70s23, PD29N70: 31 — R29N70: 23— R29N70: 31, R13D70: 32, PD24Ja71: 31, R31Ja71:22, PD7Mr71: 32, PD28Mr71: 32 — R28Mr71: 33, PD18Ap71:32--R2My71:32, PD16My71: 23, PD23My71: 22- R23My71: 23, R23My71: 32, R30My71: 22--PD6Je71: 32, PD6Je71: 32— R20Je71: 42, PD11J171:32, R18J171:33, RlAg71: 31, PD15Ag71: 32 — R15Ag71: 32, PD22Ag71: 33, PD17S71: 31— R26S71: 41, R26S71: 32, PD30c71: 32, PD10Oc71: 31, PD10Oc71: 32, PD170c71: 23--R170c71: 31, PD310c71: 23--R310c71: 32, PD310c71: 31, PD14N71: 22, PD26D71: 31, PD30Ja72: 32 — R6F72: 32, PD23Ap72: 23 — R23Ap72: 13, PD30Ap72: 31, PD28My72: 23, PD4Je72: 32, PD18Je72: 32. PD30J172: 31, PD30J172: 32, PD20Ag72: 31, PD3S72:23,PD10S72:22, PD150c72: 23, PD150c72: 31, PD220c72: 23— R220c72: 23, PD290c72: 21, PD290c72: 22- R290c72: 22. PD12N72: 22, PD19N72: 22, PD26N72: 22, R26N72: 21, PD31D72: 31 — R31D72:31,PD7Ja73:32, PD14Ja73: 31, PD25F73: 32. PD18Mr73: 32. PD22Ap73: 31. PD29Ap73: 23, PD6My73: 23, PD3Je73:33--R3Je73:23, 582 Impressment PD3Je73: 41, PD10Je73: 22, PD17Je73: 33— R17Je73s23, PD1J173:32, PD15J173: 32, PD22J173: 32— R22J173: 33, PD5Ag73: 23, PD16S73: 32, R30S73: 32, PD140c73: 23, PD4N73:22— R4N73: 31, PD30D73: 31, PD10Mr74: 32, PD17Mr74: 23, R14Ap74: 31, PD5My74: 31— R26My74: 13, R12My74: 32, PD9Je74: 32 — R9Je74:21,PD14J174:32, Pi29S74:33--PD29S74:32, Pil30c74: 32--PD130c74: 32, Pi20Oc74: 32--PD20Oc74: 31, P14N74: 32, P11D74: 33 — PDlD74:31,D25Mr75:31 from Madeira. R3N68: 32, from Martinique, W. I. , P3Ap78: 31, P12Je78:22--D10J178:41, P21Ag78: 13 from Md. , P31My76:23 — D8Je76: 22 from Nantes, Fr. , D5D77: 11 from Newcastle, PD18Ap66: 33, PD8Ja67: 32 from Paris, Fr. , D20D76: 22 from Phila. , Pa. , 14Mr51: 42, PD18N73:22, P5J176: 33 from St. Christopher, W. I. , PD14Ap68:31 from St. Croix, W. I. , D18Ap77: 71- P18Ap77s42, P18J177: 32 from St. Domingo, W. I. , P5S77: 33 from St. Eustatia, W. L , D27Ap76: 32, P31Ja77: 23 — D7F77:32,P14F77:42, D21F77:21--P21F77:32, D310c77: 21 — P310c77: 13, P21Ag78: 42, D30Oc78: 31 — P30Oc78:33, D31J179: 31, D30Oc79:31 from St. Ubes, Port. , P7J175s23 — D8J175:33--Pil3J175:33 from Scot. , PD7Ap74: 23 from Sp. ,D10J179: 31 from Tortola, W. I. , P10Ja77: 33 from W.I. ,D10Ja77:41 — P10Ja77:42, P29Ag77: 12, P27Mr78: 12, D8My78: 61, P160c78:22, C3J179: 31, C13N79: 12 from W. I., French. P22Mr 76: 22 from Whitehaven, Eng. , PD26F67: 31, R5Ja69: 31 — PD12Ja69: 42, R190c69s22, PD25Oc70: 23--R1N70: 31, PD8Ag71:23 regulated by naval officers, D17Ja77:21 to Watertown, Mass. , D22Je76: 42 — P28Je76: 12 to Weymouth, Eng. , R140c73: 13 to Whitby, Eng. , PD60c68: 13 — R60c68: 14 to Whitehaven, Eng. , from British colonies, N. Am. , PDllJe67: 13 from Holl. , PD28Ap68: 13 to Williamsburg, Va. , Pi23D75: 12, D10F76: 32, P9Ag76: 32, P1N76: 31 from Bermuda, D27S76: 41 from Bordeaux, Fr. , P12Je78: 22 from Eastern shore, Va. , Pi23D75: 11 from Eng. , PD28Ap68: 22 from Glasgow, Scot. , PD22D74: 31 from Leghorn, It. , PD28J174: 31 — R28J174:32 from London, Eng. , D4F75: 32 from Martinique, W. I. , D29N76: 32 from St. Martin, W. I. , D15N76: 22 to York district, Va. , 18My39: 31, 2N39: 31, Pa25Ja40: 4, 25Ap55: 22 from Af. , 15J137: 42, 21Ap38: 41, Ue39: 42, 24Ag39: 22, 24Ag39: 31, 2N39: 31, 25Ja40: 4, 13Je51: 32, 25Je52: 31, 14Ag52: 22, 28Ag52: 31, 3N52: 12 from Anguilla, W. I. , 25N37: 42, 23D37:42 from Annapolis, Md. , 14D39: 32, 25Ja40:41 from Antigua, W. I. , 25Mr37: 41, 4J145: 31, 22D52: 31,R12My68: 21 from Barbados, W. I. , 13My37: 42, 20My37: 41, 17Je37: 41, 5Ag37: 42, 23D37: 42, 2Je38: 41, 16Je38: 42, 4Ag38: 42, 12Ja39: 42, Ue39: 42, 22Je39: 31, 29Je39: 32, 24Ag39: 31. 14D39: 32, 25Ja40: 4, 4J145: 31, 7N45: 31, 13Je51: 32, 14Ag52: 22, 3N52: 12, 17N52: 22, 24N52: 31, 19J154: 31, 7N54: 31, 25Ap55: 22, R31Mr68:31,R12My68:21, R7J168:22 from Bermuda, 23D37: 42, 12Ja39: 42, 18My39: 31, 22Je39: 31, 24Ag39: 31, HJa40: 41, 25Ja40: 4, 29D52: 32 from Boston, Mass. , 9D37: 42, 3N38:61,24Ag39:31 from Bristol, Eng. , 8Ap37: 41, 29Ap37: 42, 20My37: 41, 25N37: 42, 9D37: 42, 7Ap38: 41, 3N38: 61, 12Ja39: 42, 2F39: 42, 4My39: 41, 18My39: 31, Ue39: 42, 24Ag39: 31, 2N39: 31, 21Mr45: 41, 15S52: 32, 7N54: 31, 28Mr55: 32, 25Ap55: 22, PD27N66: 22, R31Mr68: 31, R7J168: 22 from Callabar, Af. , 120c52: 31 from Cape Francois, Santo Domingo, W.I. ,P13Je77:32 from Charlestown, Mass. , P9My77: 23 from Dublin, Ire. , 5My38: 32 from Fr. , 24Ag39: 31, D24J179: 22 from Gainsborough, Eng. , 18My39: 31-32 from Glasgow, Scot. , 4J145: 32, 15S52: 32, 7N54: 22, PD27N66: 22, R12My68:21 from Gothenburgh (Gottenburg), Swe. ,D8Ap80:23 from Greenock, Scot. , 16Je38: 42 from Guadeloupe, W.I. , P21Mr77sl2 from Guinea, Af. , 17Je37: 41, 25Ag38:32,22Je39:31 from Hampton, Va. , 8D52: 31 from Hull, Eng. , 4J145: 32, 28Mr55:32 from Isle of May, Scot. , 4Ag38: 42, 13J139: 41, 2N39: 31, 25Ja40: 4, 4J145: 32 from Jamaica, W. I. , 20My37: 41, 25N37: 42, 5My38: 32, 17N52: 22, 7N54:22 from Lancaster, Eng. , 12Ja39: 42, 18My39:31 from Liverpool, Eng. , 4J145: 31, 4Ap51: 42, 29S52: 32, 25Ap55: 22, PD29Ja67: 32, PD19F67: 31 — R19F67:22,R7J168:22 from London, Eng. , 4F37: 32, 25Mr37: 41, 13My37: 42, 27My37: 41, 15J137: 42, 9D37: 42, 23D37: 42, 7Ap38: 41, 2Je38: 41, 16Je38: 42, 25Ag38: 32, 2F39: 42, 9Mr39: 41, 6Ap39: 31, 4My39: 41, 18My39: 31, Ue39: 42, 22Je39: 31, 13J139: 41, 20J139: 41, 24Ag39: 31, 2N39: 31, 25Ja40:4,4J145: 31,4J145:32, 7N45: 31, 14Ag52: 22, 17N52: 22, 7N54: 22, 7N54: 31, 28Mr55: 32, 25Ap55:22,PD19F67:31 — R19F67:22,R12My68:21, R7J168:22,PD24S72:23, PD13Ja74:33 from Md. ,7N45:31 from Madeira, 15J137; 42, 5Ag37: 42, 23D37: 42, 2Je38: 41, 21J138: 32, 9Mr39: 41, 6Ap39: 31, Ue39: 42, 22Je39: 31, 29Je39: 31, 24Ag39: 31, 2N39: 31, 14D39: 32, 25Ja40: 4, 4J145: 32, 8D52: 31, 28Mr55: 32, R31Mr68:31 from Nevis, W. I. , 17N52: 22, 16My55: 12 from New England, 20My37: 41, 17Je37: 41, 18My39: 41, Ue39: 42, 24Ag39:31,PD29Ja67:32 from New York City, 24Ag39: 22, 2N39: 31, 25Ja40: 4, 17N52: 22, 25Ap55: 22, 16My55: 12, PD19F67: 31 — R19F67:22,R31Mr68:31 from N. C. , 20J139: 41, 2N39: 31, 25Ja40:4 from Phila., Pa. , PD27N66: 22, R31Mr68:31 from Piscataway, 4Ag38: 42 from Providence, R. I. ,21Ag52: 31, 22S52: 31, 1D52: 31, 7N54: 22, PD27N66:22 from R. I. , 12Ja39: 42, 9Mr39: 41 18My39: 31, 25Ja40: 41, 25Ap55: 22 from St. Christopher, W. I. , 5Ag37: 42, 25N37: 42, 28Ag52: 31, 15S52: 32, 17N52: 22, 25Ap55: 22, PD27N66: 22, PD29Ja67: 32, R12My68: 21 from St. Eustatia, W.I. ,D8N76: 22 from Surinam, E. I. , D9Ap79: 22 from Turk's is. . W.I. , 22Je39: 31, HJa40:41 from W.I. ,21Ap38:41 from W. I., French, D13D76: 22 from Whitehaven, Eng. , 19Ag37: 32 to Yorktown, Va. , from London, Eng., 7Ja37:42 from Madeira, 7Ja37: 42 published by general assembly, 10Ag39: 31 Impostors, in Selkirk, Scot. , 21N45: 12 in Southwark, Eng. , PD21S69sl3 Impressment, for British navy, 23Je38: 41, HAg38: 32, 18Ag38: 12, 18Ag38: 21, 25Ag38: 31, 25Ag38: 32, 1S38: 32, 8S38: 21, 130c38: 41, 20Oc38: 22, 20Oc38: 31, 270c38: 31, 270c38: 41, 3N38: 22, 3N38: 31, 17N38: 31, 24N38: 22, 1D38: 32, 14S39: 12, 14S39: 21, 14S39: 32, 28S39: 21, 28S39: 22, 5Qc39: 31, 583 Impressment, for British navy (cont'd) 9N39: 11, 21D39: 22, 21D39: 31, HJa40: 22, 28Mr55: 32, 4Ap55: 22 4Ap55: 31, HAp55: 22, 25Ap55: 21, 2My55: 12, 30c55: 31, 10Oc55: 11, PD22N70: 22, PD22N70sll, R29N70:21,PD3Ja71:23, PD10Ja71: 13, PD31Ja71: 13, PD31Ja71:23,R31Ja71:22, R7F71:31,PD14F71:22, PD14F71: 23, PD14F71: 31-- R14F71:31,R7Mr71:13, PD14Mr71: 22, PD14Mr71: 23, PD14Mr71: 31,R21Mr71: 31, PD28Mr71: 13, PD28Mr71: 21, PDllAp71: 12, PD18Ap71: 13, PD25Ap71: 31, PD2My71: 22, R30My71: 21, PD6Je71: 32, PD19Mr72: 13, PD31D72: 21 — R31D72: 21, PD24Je73: 21, R24Je73:23,RU173:31, PilOAg75: 31--PllAg75: 23— D12Ag75:23,P60c75:22, D28F77: 22— P28F77sl2, P28F77: 13, D28Mr77: 61, P28Mr77sll,P7N77:13 advantages of, P7N77: 12 as punishment for rioting, PD1S68: 13 deaths caused by, P28F77: 12 discontinued, 10Oc55: 21, PD16J167: 11, PD18Ap71: 13, PD14Ja73:21 discouraged in colonies, PD3F74: 13 discussed, PD10Ja71: 12, PD24Je73: 21, P7Mr77: 12 escapes from, D9My77: 11 exemptions from, PD22N70sl3 falsified, 4Ap55: 22 in Boston, Mass. , PD14J168: 11— R14J168: 11, PD14J168: 13— R14J168:14,R14J168:21, PD21J168:ll,R12Ja69:21 in Charleston, S. C. , P20Oc75s21 in Delaware river, R27J169: 22 in the Downs, Eng. , D18J177: 21 in Eng. , 270c38: 41 in Jamaica, W.I. ,D27N78:22 in London, Eng. , P30My77: 21, D27Je77:ll,D8My79:12 in Norfolk, Va. , PD10c67: 21 InPhila., Pa. , P29My78: 22, P5Je78:21 increased, D11S79: 22 of American sailors, P3My76: 22 — D4My76: 31, D18My76: 22 officers abused, PD16Mr69: 21 officers decommissioned for, PD22N70s21 on Thames river, Eng. , P2My77s22, P29My78:21 opposed, PD7F71: 22— R7F71: 23, R14F71:13,PD21F71:21, PD28Mr71: 12, PD27Je71: 22, PD14Ja73:21,RU173:12, Pi5Oc75:32,D30Mr76:31 ordered, PD130c68: 21, PD24Je73: 22 postponed, R24Je73: 23 prevented in London, Eng. , D18Ap77:31,P9My77: 12 regulated, 120c39: 22 resisted by sailors, PD22N70sl3, PD22N70s21 revived, 9N39: 31 revoked, PD2My71: 21--R2My71: 12, PD2My71: 22— R2My71: 21 — R2My71:22 rumored, PD13Je71: 12,D70c75: 13 supported by lord mayor of London, R14F71:13 unsuccessful, P30My77: 22, P27Je77:23 for Dutch navy, PD13Je71: 22 for French navy, PD15J173: 11, PD5Ag73: 11— R5Ag73: 12, PD26Ag73: 21— R26Ag73sl3, PD19My74:22 for Portuguese navy, Pi5Ja75: 22 for Russian army, PD31Mr74: 21 for Spanish navy, PD15J173: 31 — R15J173:23 of horses, 14Ag46: 31, 14Mr55: 31 of laborers, in N. Y. , 14Ag46: 31 of Tories in N. Y. , D18J177: 22 — P18J177:21 of wagons in Md. , 14Mr55: 31 in N. Y. , 14Ag46: 31, 170c55: 21, 12D55: 12 sailors mutiny from, 5S55: 21 warrants issued in Gt. Brit. , PD31D72: 23— R31D72: 13 Imprisonment, in Minorca, false, PD3F74: 13 for aiding tobacco theft in Williamsburg, Va. , 18Ap51: 22 for counterfeiting, in Charleston, S.C.,D6N79:31 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD12N67: 21, P19J176: 23— D20J176: 41, P14N77:22 for debt, 16Mr39:41,R12Mr67: 33, R12My68: 24 definite term requested, PD16Ap72:22 in Fr. , 17Ag39: 12 legality questioned, PD20Ag72: 23 for felony, 21 J138: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , PDllJe67: 22, PD9My71: 31— R9My71: 33 for harboring deserters in Va. , 12D55: 32 for insanity, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD10D72: 23— R10D72: 23 for jailbreaking, in Williamsburg, Va.,170c51:31 for libel in London, Eng. , D24Ap78: 21 for misdemeanor, PD170c71: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD18Ap66: 31, PD13Je66: 21, PD10D67: 31, PD16D73: 22— R16D73: 41 for murder, R4Ag74: 33 for robbery, D30c77: 41 for Toryism in Pa. , P3N75: 23 for treason, D30c77: 41 forced in Eng. , PD17S67: 11 of slaves, for felony, R15Ag71: 33, R26S71:33 Imray, Mr., pasture of, D4Mr80: 31 Imrie, James, D28Mr77: 21 Inappetency, cure for, PD10S72: 23 Incendiaries, reward for offered in Va.,PD5N72:42 Incest, in Ainsty, Eng. , PD7My67: 21 in Bucks, Eng. , PD24Mr74: 31 — R24Mr74: 32 in Gloucestershire, Eng. , PD15J173: 22— R15J173: 13 Inches, Henderson, PD6Ap69: 21, PD24Ag69: 21, PD6S70: 22 Inchmady, Scot. , See Shipwrecks near Incognito, pseud., PD17S72: 21 Inconstant, French man of war, D9My77: 11 Increase, ship, 25Mr37: 22 sloop, 19N36: 41, 24D36: 42, 23My45: 32 Indentured mulattoes, PD29Ja67: 33, PD16Ag70: 33, PD16My71: 32, PD30c71: 32, D18F75: 33, PllAp77:23 runaway, from Culpeper co. , Va. , R15J173:41 from Stafford co. , Va. , PD8N70:32— R8N70: 13 stolen, in Pittsylvania co. , Va. , Pi28Ap75:41 Indentured Negroes, R23Ap72: 13 as carpenters, 19J154: 32 attempt to pass as free, R21Mr71: 43 runaway, from Charles City co. , Va.,19J154:32 from King and Queen co. , Va. , R21Mr71:43 from Smithfield, Va. , PDllMy69: 33 from Westmoreland co. , Va. , PD19Ap70: 32— R19Ap70: 32 Indentured servants, act concerning in Va. repealed, 10Ap52: 22 adv. for,P15Ag77:ll in Williamsburg, Va. ,R12Ag73: 23 armed, 12Je52: 22, 30J152: 32, P29D75: 33 arrive in Va. ,RlMr70: 31 as accountants, PD8J173: 32— R22J173s21 as apothecaries, R20Je71: 41, PD21N71: 23— R21N71: 32, PD23D73: 23— R23D73: 32 as artists, 17Ag39: 32 as bakers, 17Mr38: 41, 26S45: 41, 24My51:41,6Je51:32, PD10D72: 23— R10D72: 23, R24Je73: 32, PD11N73: 23 — R11N73: 22, PD3Mr74: 31— R3Mr74: 41, PD10Mr74: 32— R10Mr74: 32, PD19My74pll — R19My74: 43, P24F75: 33, P24F75: 41, Pil6Mr75: 33— P17Mr75s43— D18Mr75: 33, D17Je75:33 as barber surgeons, 4Ap55: 32 as barbers, 21N45: 32, 24My51: 41, 6Je51: 32, 240c51: 31, PD6J169: 41, R2Ag70:31,R27S70:33, PD4Oc70: 33— R4Oc70: 31, R5S71:32,PD9Ja72:32, PD27F72: 33— R27F72: 31, R150c72: 31, PD12Ag73: 31, R12Ag73:23,R9D73:23, PD3Mr74: 31— R3Mr74: 41, PD19My74pll— R19My74: 43, Pi2Mr75: 33, Pil6Mr75: 33 — P17Mr75: 43— D18Mr75: 33, Pil3J175: 33, P130c75: 31 — D140c75: 41--Pil90c75: 33, D13J176:22,P26J176:43 as biscuit bakers, PD9J172: 32 as blacksmiths, 17Je37: 42, 16D37: 42, 6Ap39: 31, 15Je39: 32, 17Ag39: 32, 6Je51: 32, 10Ap52: 32, 12Je52: 22, 21 Ag52: 31, 10N52: 31, PD7Mr66: 33, PD30J167: 33, PD3S67: 22, 584 Indentured servants PD21J168:32,R16F69:31,R8Mr70:32, PD28Mr71: 32— R28Mr71: 33, PD21N71: 23— R21N71: 32, PD27F72: 33--R27F72: 31, PD24S72: 23, PD150c72: 23, PD26N72: 23, PD6My73: 23, R24Je73: 32, PD29J173: 31 — R5Ag73: 32, PD23D73: 23 — R23D73: 32, PD3Mr74: 31 — R3Mr74: 41, PD19My74pll — R19My74: 43, PD25Ag74: 32, PD270c74: 31, P3Mr75: 33, Pil6Mr75: 33— P17Mr75: 43 — D18Mr75: 33, P120J175: 33 — P28J175:23— D29J175:42, P130c75: 31— D140c75: 41 — Pil90c75:33 as bookbinders, 10N52: 31, PD22D68: 32--R22D68: 13, PD10Oc71: 32,R23D73: 32, PD24N74: 31, Pil6Mr75: 33— P17Mr75s43— D18Mr75: 33 as bookkeepers, HAp55: 31, PD21N71: 23— R21N71: 32, PD10D72: 23— R10D72: 23, R24Je73: 32, PD23D73: 23, PD3Mr74: 31— R3Mr74: 41, PD19My74pll--R19My74: 43 as brass founders, R24Je73: 32, PD23D73: 23— R23D73: 32 as braziers, 30J152: 32, PD27F72: 33 — R27F72:31,PD9J172:32, R24Je73: 32, PD3Mr74: 31 — R3Mr74: 41, PD19My74pll — R19My74: 43, P130c75: 31 — D140c75: 41— Pil90c75: 33 as breeches maker, Pi21S75: 33, D8Je76:71— P14Je76: 32 as brewers, 210c37: 41 as bricklayers, 17Je37: 42, 28Ap38: 42, 9Je38: 41, 30N39: 41, 6Je51: 32, 12Je52: 22, 28F55: 32, PD18Ap66: 33, PD26N67: 31, PD21D69:23,R8Mr70s32, R26J170: 23, PD4Oc70: 33 — R4Oc70:31,PD7F71:31, PD28Mr71: 32— R28Mr71: 33, PD10Oc71: 32, PD21N71: 23— R21N71: 32, PD27F72: 33— R27F72: 31, PD25Je72: 33, PD9J172: 32, PD23D73: 23 — R23D73: 32, PD3Mr74: 31 — R3Mr74: 41, PD10Mr74: 32 — R10Mr74: 32, PD12My74: 43 — R12My74: 33, PD19My74pll — R19My74:43,R7J174:32, PD18Ag74: 32, Pil6Mr75: 33 — P17Mr75: 43— D18Mr75: 33, P15S75: 32, P7Je76: 42, D29Je76: 42 as brickmakers,23F39:41, Pi28Ap75s22--P5My75: 31, P20S76:23 as butchers, 24My51: 41, 6Je51: 32, 11J151: 32, 10Ja52:32, PD21N71: 23--R21N71: 32, PD8J173: 32— R22J173s21, PD19Ag73: 22, PD3Mr74: 31 — R3Mr74: 41, PD12My74: 43 — R12My74: 33, PD19My74pll — R19My74:43.P28J175:31 as button makers, R17Ja71: 33 as cabinetmakers, 28N51: 41, 20Oc52: 22, PD19Ap70: 33, R29N70: 23, PD10Oc71: 32, PD21N71: 23--R21N71: 32, PD27F72: 33— R27F72: 31, R24Je73: 32, PD3Mr74: 31 — R3Mr74: 41, PD10Mr74: 32 — R10Mr74: 32, PD19My74pll — R19My74: 43, P130c75: 31 — D140c75: 41--Pil90c75: 33 as calico painters, P130c75: 31 — D140c75: 41— Pil90c75: 33 as carpenters, 17D36: 42, 9Je38: 41, 4Ag38: 32, 15Je39: 41, 18Ja40: 32. 310c45: 32, 15My46: 41, 3J146: 31, 18Ap51: 42, 6Je51: 32, 27Mr52: 31, 28F55: 32, 2S57: 41, PD22D68: 32 — R22D68: 13, PD28S69: 32 — R5Oc69:31,R8Mr70s32, PD4Oc70: 33— R4Oc70: 31, R29N70: 23, PD28Mr71: 32 — R28Mr71: 33, PD10Oc71: 32, PD21N71: 23--R21N71: 32, PD27F72: 33--R27F72: 31, PD25Je72: 33, PD9J172: 32, PD150c72: 23, PD10D72: 23 — R10D72: 23, PD13My73: 41, R24Je73: 32, PD29J173: 31 — R5Ag73: 32, PD70c73: 22 — R210c73: 32, PD23D73: 23 — R23D73: 32, PD3Mr74: 31 — R3Mr74: 41, PD10Mr74: 32 — R10Mr74: 32, PD19My74pll — R19My74: 43,PD16Je74: 31, PD18Ag74: 32, PD8D74: 31 — Pil5D74: 33, Pi2Mr75: 33 — D4Mr75: 32, Pil6Mr75: 33 — P17Mr75: 43--D18Mr75: 33, P31Mr75:41,P23Je75:3i, P28J175: 33, P130c75: 31 — D140c75: 41— Pil90c75: 33, P20Oc75:23,Pi23N75:33, D29J176:71,P18Ap77s21 as carters, 9Je38: 42 as carvers, PD28S69: 32 — R50c69: 31, PD10Oc71: 32, P21Ap75:32,D23S75:33 as caulkers, 6Je51: 32, 20Oc52: 22, P250c76:23 as chair carvers, PD27F72: 33 — R27F72:31 as chairmakers, 28N51:41 as chandlers, PD22D68: 32 — R22D68: 13, PD10D72: 23 — R10D72:23 as clerks, PD4Oc70: 33--R4Oc70: 31, R24Je73: 32, PD29J173: 31 — R5Ag73: 32 as cloth weavers, PD19My74pll — R19My74:43 as coach drivers, R150c72: 31 as coach wheelwrights, PD9J172: 32 as coachmakers,R18Ag74: 32 as coachmen, 6Je51: 32, 60c52: 32, PD16Ag70: 33— R23Ag70: 33, PD21Ap74:32 as conjurers, 20Oc38: 32, 17Ag39: 32, 24My51:41 as cooks, 20J139: 42 as coopers, 7J138: 41, 6Je51: 32, HJ151:41,PD10c67:13, PD26Ja69: 41, PD15F70: 33, R8Mr70s32, PD14Je70s23 — R14Je70: 33, PD28Mr71: 32 — R28Mr71: 33, PD10Oc71: 32, PD25Je72: 33, PD9J172: 32, PD150c72: 23, PD29J173: 31 — R5Ag73: 32, PD21Ap74: 32, P28J175: 33 as copperplate printers, PD10Mr74: 32--R10Mr74: 32 as coppersmiths, 30J152: 32, PD27F72: 33--R27F72: 31, PD9J172: 32, P130c75: 31 — D140c75: 41--Pil90c75: 33 as curriers, PD21N71: 23-- R21N71: 32, PD27F72: 33 — R27F72:31,R10F74:33, PD60c74: 32, Pil6Mr75: 33 — P17Mr75s43— D18Mr75: 33 as cutlers, Pil6Mr75: 33 — P17Mr75s43— D18Mr75: 33 as dancers, 17Ag39: 32 as dancing masters, 6Ap39: 32, 26S45:31,P130c75:31 — D140c75: 41--Pil90c75: 33 as ditchers, 23Mr39: 32, 20Ap39: 41, 17Ag39:32,R12J170:22 — PD19J170:41,P16Je75:31 as doctors, 1F40: 42 as drawers, PD28S69: 32— R50c69: 31, P16Je75: 31— D17Je75: 33 as dyers, PD22D68: 32--R22D68: 13, R150c72:31,R24Je73:32, PD3Mr74: 31— R3Mr74: 41, PD10Mr74: 32--R10Mr74: 32, PD19My74pll— R19My74: 43, PD270c74s 31, Pil6Mr75: 33 — P17Mr75s43--D18Mr75: 33 as edgetool makers, PD3Mr74: 31 — R3Mr74: 41, PD19My74pll — R19My74: 43 as engravers, PD27F72: 33 — R27F72:31,Pil0N74:32 as farmers, 17Ag39: 32, 2My51: 32, 6Je51: 32, 8My52: 31, PD6Je66: 32, PD22D68: 32--R22D68: 13, PD28S69: 32— R50c69: 31, R8Mr70s32, PD19Ap70: 33, R26J170: 31, PD4Oc70: 33 — R4Oc70:31,PD7F71:31, PD10Oc71: 32, PD21N71: 23 — R21N71: 32, PD27F72: 33 — R27F72:31,PD25Je72:33, PD10D72: 23— R10D72: 23, PD6My73: 23, PD8J173: 32 — R22J173s21, PD19Ag73: 22, PD23D73: 23--R23D73: 32, PD3Mr74: 31--R3Mr74: 41, PD10Mr74: 32--R10Mr74: 32, PD5My74: 31, PD12My74: 43 — R12My74: 33, PD19My74pll-- R19My74:43,R7J174:32, PD8D74: 31— PU5D74: 33, Pil6Mr75: 35--P17Mr75s43 — D18Mr75:33,P28J175:33, P130c75: 31— D140c75: 41 — Pil90c75:33,P12J176:32, P27S76s22,P6Je77:12 as farriers, R2Ag70: 31, PD29J173: 31— R5Ag?3: 32, PD270c74: 31 as fencers, 17Ag39: 32 as footmen, R24Je7 3: 32 as founders, 2My55: 31 as gardeners, 23Mr39: 32, 17Ag39: 32, 28Mr51: 41, 24My51: 41, 6Je51: 32, 24Ja52: 41, 10N52: 31, HAp55: 31, R8Mr70s32, R12J170: 22 — PD19J170: 41, PD10Oc71: 32, PD21N71: 23— R21N71: 32, PD27F72: 33--R27F72: 31, 585 Indentured servants, as gardeners (cont'd) PD10D72: 23--R10D72: 23, PD6My73: 23, R24Je73: 32, PD8J173: 32--R22J173s21, R19Ag73: 22, PD19Ag73: 22, PD3Mr74: 31--R3Mr74: 41, PD10Mr74: 32--R10Mr74: 32, PD12My74: 43— R12My74: 33, PD19My74pll--R19My74: 43, R7J174: 32, PD20Oc74: 32, PD24N74:31,D7Ja75:32, P16Je75:31,P28J175:33, Pi23N75:33,P12J176:32 as gilders, P21Ap75: 32, D23S75: 33 as glaziers, 28Ap38: 42, 130c38: 41, R4F68: 42, PD4Oc70: 33 — R4Oc70: 31, PD28Mr71: 32— R28Mr71: 33, PD23D73: 23— R23D73: 32 as goldsmiths, PD30J167: 33, PD27F72: 33--R27F72: 31, R24Je73:32 as grooms, R24Je73: 32, PD3Mr74: 31 — R3Mr74: 41, PD7Ap74: 31, PD19My74pll— R19My74: 43, P17N75sl2,P6Je77:12 as habitmakers, PD27F72: 33— R27F72:31 as hairdressers, PD16Ag70: 41 — PD23D73: 23— R23D73: 32, Pil6Mr75: 33— P17Mr75s43— D18Mr75:33,D13J176:22 as harnessmakers,R8Mr70s32, PD19Ap70: 33, R24Je73: 32, PD28Ap74:32 as harpsichord makers, PD10Oc71: 32 as hatters, PD22D68: 32— R22D68: 13, PD4Oc70: 33 — R4Oc70: 31, Pil6Mr75: 33— P17Mr75s43— D18Mr75: 33, Pi23N75:33 as hostlers, 6Je51: 32, PD19My74: 43, P28J175:31 as house joiners, 10Ja52: 32, PD17S71: 31— R26S71: 41, PD240c71: 31, PD12Ag73: 31 as house painters, PD27F72: 33 — R27F72: 31, P130c75: 31 — D140c75: 41— Pil90c75: 33 as house servants, PD30J167: 33, R27S70: 33, PD29J173: 31— R5Ag73:32 as housemaids, PD60c74: 32 as husbandmen, 9Je38: 42, 28J138: 42, 20Ap39: 32, 6 Je51: 32, R24Je73: 32, PD3Mr74: 31 — R3Mr74: 41, PD5My74: 31, PD19My74pll--R19My74: 43 as jewelers, PD28Mr71: 32— R28Mr71: 33, PD21N71: 23 — R21N71: 32, PD27F72: 33 — R27F72:31 as jockeys, 20Ap39: 41 as joiners, 17D36: 42, 25F37: 42, l?Mr37: 41, 15My46: 41, 3J146: 31, 18Ap51: 42, 6Je51: 32, 5Mr52: 32, 27Mr52: 31, 20Oc52: 22, 10N52: 31, PD30J167: 33, PD22D68: 32 — R22D68: 13,R13Ap69: 32, R8Mr70s32, PD4Oc70: 33 — R4Oc70:31,R29N70:23, PD28Mr71: 32--R28Mr71: 33, PD23My71: 23, PD10Oc71: 32, PD21N71:23--R21N71:32,PD27F72:33-- R27F72:31,PD25Je72:33, PD9J172: 32, PD13My73: 41, R24Je73: 32, PD29J173: 31 — R5Ag73: 32, PD70c73: 22 — R210c73: 32, PD3Mr74: 31 — R3Mr74: 41, PD10Mr74: 32 — R10Mr74: 32, PD19My74pll — R19My74:43,R7J174:32, PD18Ag74: 32, PD8D74: 31 — Pil5D74:33,D7Ja75:32, Pil6Mr75: 33— P17Mr75s43— D18Mr75: 33, Pi28Ap75s22 — P5My75:31,P23Je75:31, Pi6J175:33,P28J175:33, P130c75: 31--D140c75: 41 — Pil90c75: 33, P20Oc75: 23 as laborers, 9My55: 21, PD30J167: 33, PD11F68: 31--R11F68: 33, PD10Oc71: 32, PD25Je72: 33, PD10D72: 23— R10D72: 23, PD6My73:23,R24Je73:32, PD29J173: 31— R5Ag73: 32, PD23D73: 23— R23D73: 32, PD3Mr74: 31— R3Mr74: 41, PD10Mr74: 32— R10Mr74: 32, PD19My74pll— R19My74: 43, Pil6Mr75: 33— P17Mr75s43 — D18Mr75:33,P16Je75:31, P130c75: 31— D140c75: 41 — Pil90c75: 33, Pil6N75: 33 as leather breeches maker, . PD28Mr66: 41 as leather dressers, R24Je73: 32, PD3Mr74: 31— R3Mr74: 41, PD19My74pll— R19My74: 43 as limners, R4F68: 42 as linguists, PD7Ja68: 33, D8Je76:71— P14Je76: 32 as malters, 210c37: 41, 12Je52: 22 as mantaa makers, 8My52: 31, PD24Mr68: 33, PD28S69: 32— R50c69: 31, PD4Oc70: 33— R4Oc70: 31, PD27F72: 33 — R27F72: 31, PD10D72: 23— R10D72: 23, PD29J173: 31 — R5Ag73: 32, PD10Mr74: 32 — R10Mr74:32 as masons, 7J138: 41, PD10D72: 23 — R10D72:23 as millers, 9Je38: 42, 4Ag38: 32, PDllAp71: 33, Pil6Mr75: 33— P17Mr75s43— D18Mr75: 33 as milliners, PD27F72: 33 — R27F72: 31 as millwrights, 9Je38: 42 as miners, PD24N74: 31 as musicians, 13Ja38: 41, 19My38: 41, 26S45: 31, 21 Ag52: 31, 20Oc52: 22, PD22D68: 32— R22D68: 13, D25Mr75: 32, D8Je76: 71 — P14Je76:32 as painters, 6Je51: 32, R4F68: 42, PD22D68: 32--R22D68: 13, PD4Oc70: 33— R4Oc70: 31, PD28Mr71: 32— R28Mr71: 33, R150c72: 31, R24Je73: 32, PD23D73: 23— R23D73: 32, PD3Mr74: 31— R3Mr74: 41, PD19My74pll--R19My74: 43, Pil6Mr75: 33— P17Mr75s43 — D18Mr75: 33, P16Je75: 31 — D17Je75:33,P25Ag75:82 as perukemakers, PD4Oc70: 33— R4Oc70: 31, PD27F72: 33 — R2/7F72:31,R24Je73:32, PD3Mr74: 31--R3Mr74: 41, PD10Mr74: 32— R10Mr74: 32, R12My74: 41, PD19My74pll — R19My74: 43 as pewterers,R24Je73: 32 as plasterers, 28Ap38: 42, PD28S69: 32— R50c69: 31, R8Mr70s32, PD4Oc70: 33 — R4Oc70: 31, PD28Mr71: 32 — R28Mr71: 33, PD10Oc71: 32, PD12My74: 43— R12My74: 33, PD19My74pll--R19My74: 43, Pil6Mr75: 33— P17Mr75s43— D18Mr75: 33, P21Ap75: 32, P29D75:33 as plowmen, 9Je38: 42, 23Mr39: 32, 20Ap39: 41, 12Je52: 22, 16My55: 21 as plumbers, PD4Oc70: 33— R4Oc70:31 as print colorers,R24Je73: 32 as printers, 10N52: 31, PD4Oc70: 33 — R4Oc70:31,PD9J172:32, R150c72: 31, PD10Mr74: 32 — R10Mr74: 32, Pil6Mr75: 33 — P17Mr75s43--D18Mr75: 33 as ropemakers, 6Je51: 32, PD4Oc70: 33— R4Oc70: 31, PD60c74:32,P15Ag77:ll as saddlers, HMr37: 42, R8Mr70s32, PD6My73: 23, R24Je73: 32, PD28Ap74: 32 as sailmakers, 150c36: 42, PD23D73: 23— R23D73: 32 as sailors, 9Je38: 41, 10Ja52: 32, HAp55:31,10Oc55:32, PD3S67: 22, PD21J168: 32, PD28S69: 32— R50c69: 31, PD7D69: 32,R8F70: 33,R8Mr70: 32, PD21Mr71: 33, PD9J172: 32, PD22J173:33,R22J173s21, PD12My74: 43--Rl2My74: 33, P21Ap75:32,P5S77:32 — D12S77:41 as sawyers, 20My37: 42, 310c45: 32, 6Je51: 32, 10N52: 31, 2My55: 31, PD16Ag70: 33, PD70c73: 22 — R210c73: 32, PD3Mr74: 31 — R3Mr74: 41, PD19My74pll — R19My74:43,P2Je75s43 as scholars, D2My77: 32 — P9My77: 43 as schoolmasters, 310c45: 31, 18J151:41,llAp55:31, PD10Oc71:32,PD21N71:23 — R21N71: 32, PD27F72: 33 — R27F72:31,PD9J172:32, PD10D72: 23--R10D72: 23 R24Je73: 32, PD23D73: 23 — R23D73: 32, PD3Mr74: 31 — R3Mr74: 41, PD10Mr74: 32 — R10Mr74: 32, PD12My74: 43 — R12My74: 33, PD19My74pll — R19My74: 43, PD60c74: 32, Pil6Mr75: 33— P17Mr75s43 — D18Mr75: 33, P130c75: 31 — D140c75: 41--Pil90c75: 33, P130c75:32 as seamstresses, 8My52: 31, PD30J167: 33, PD4Oc70: 33 — R4Oc70: 31, PD29J173: 31 — R5Ag73: 32, PD10Mr74: 32 — R10Mr74:32 as ship carpenters, 6Je51: 32, 2My55:31,PD9J172:32, 586 Indentured servants PD12Ag73: 31, P250c76: 23 as shipwrights, 10N52: 31, PD28S69:32--R50c69:31 as shoemakers, 7Ap38: 42, 21J138: 32, 23F39: 41, 15Je39: 32, 10Ap46: 42, 24My51: 41, 6Je51: 32, 8Ag51: 41, 7N55: 22, 4N63: 41, PD18Ap66: 33, PD22D68: 32 — R22D68: 13, PD15F70: 33, R8Mr70s32, PD4Oc70: 33 — R4Oc70: 31, PD28Mr71: 32 — R28Mr71: 33, PDllAp71: 33, PD10Oc71: 32, PD21N71: 23 — R21N71:32,PD27F72:33 — R27F72: 31, PD5Mr72: 33, PD25Je72: 33, PD9J172: 32, R150c72: 31, PD10D72: 23 — R10D72: 23, PD6My73: 23, R24Je73: 32. PD29J173: 31 — R5Ag73: 32, PD23D73: 23 — R23D73:32,R17F74:31, PD3Mr74: 31--R3Mr74: 41, PD10Mr74: 32— R10Mr74: 32, PD19My74pll— R19My74: 43, PD60c74: 32, Pi20Oc74: 33, Pil6Mr75: 33— P17Mr75s43 — D18Mr75: 33, D29Ap75s42, P16Je75:31— D17Je75:33, P130c75: 31— D140c75: 41 — Pil90c75:33,D24F76:33, P28Je76: 31, D2My77: 32 — P9My77:43,P8Ag77:32 as silversmiths, 12D55: 31, PD28Mr71: 32--R28Mr71: 33, PD27F72: 33— R27F72: 31, R24Je73: 32. P16Je75: 31--D17Je75: 33 as skippers, PD8J173: 32 — R15J173:33 as smiths, 2My51: 32, 10Oc55: 32, R8Mr70s32, PD4Oc70: 33 — R4Oc70:31,PD10Oc71:32, PD25Je72:33,PD9J172:32, R24Je73: 32, PD10Mr74: 32 — R10Mr74:32 as spinners, PD30J167: 33, PD7J174:32 as spinning wheel makers, R26S71: 41 as staymakers, 8My52: 31, 60c52: 41, PD10Oc71: 32, PD27F72: 33 — R27F72:31.R4Ag74:33, Pil6Mr75: 33— P17Mr75s43 — D18Mr75:33 as stewards, PD3Mr74: 31 — R3Mr74: 41, PD19My74pll — R19My74: 43 as stocking weavers, R27Ap69: 23, PD3Mr74: 31—R3Mr74: 41, PD19My74pll--R19My74: 43, Pil6Mr75: 33--P17Mr75s43 — D18Mr75:33,D23S75:33 as stone cutters, PD27F72: 33 — R27F72:31 as stone masons, PD22D68: 32 — R22D68: 13, PD25Je72: 33, PD9J172: 32, PD3Mr74: 31 — R3Mr74: 41, PD19My74pll — R19My74:43 as storekeepers, 17F38: 31 as surgeons. 28F51: 41, PD18Ap66: 33, PD28S69: 32--R50c69: 31, PD21N71: 23— R21N71: 32, R24Je73: 32, PD29J173: 31 — R5Ag73: 32, PD23D73: 23 — R23D73: 32, PD3Mr74: 31 — R3Mr74: 41, PD19My74pll — R19My74:43 as surveyors, PD10Mr74: 32 — R10Mr74:32 as swordsmen, PD7Ja68: 33 as tailors, 150c36: 42, HMr37: 42, 8Ap37: 42, 9Je38: 41, HAg38: 42, 1S38: 42, 30Mr39: 41, [lOJa ? J51: 41, 31Ja51: 41, 6Je51: 32, 7N51: 31, 24Ja52: 41, 20F52: 41, 21Ag52: 31, 22S52: 32, 60c52: 41, 10N52: 31, PD21Mr66: 42, PD18Ap66: 33, PD26Mr67: 32, PD30J167: 33, R4F68: 42, PD22D68: 32 — R22D68: 13, PD20Ap69: 31, PD27J169: 33, PD28S69: 32 — R50c69:31,PD2N69:33. R8Mr70s32, PD24My70: 32, R23Ag70: 42, PD4Oc70: 33 — R4Oc70: 31, PD28Mr71: 32 — R28Mr71: 33, PD10Oc71: 32, PD5D71:32— R6F72:43, PD27F72: 33— R27F72: 31, PD23Ap72: 32, PD25Je72: 33, PD9J172: 32, PD150c72: 23, PD10D72: 23— R10D72: 23, PD6My73: 23, R24Je73: 32, PD29J173: 31— R5Ag73: 32, Rl9Ag73:22,R30S73:33, R9D73:23,PD23D73:23 — R23D73: 32, PD3Mr74: 31 — R3Mr74: 41, PD10Mr74: 32 — R10Mr74: 32, PD19My74: 43, PD19My74pll--R19My74: 43, PD2Je74:32,R4Ag74:33, PD60c74: 32, PD130c74: 32, PilON74: 33, Pil6Mr75: 33 — P17Mr75s43— D18Mr75: 33, D24Je75: 33--Pi29Je75: 33 — P30Je75s23,Pi21S75:33, P130c75: 31— D140c75: 41 — Pil90c75: 33, D8Je76: 71 — Pl4Je76:32,P15N76:33, D24Ja77:41--P7F77:33 as tanners, PD22D68: 32— R22D68: 13, R18Oc70: 31--PD1N70: 23, PD21N71: 23--R21N71: 32, PD9J172: 32, PD23D73: 23 — R23D73:32,R10F74:33, PD10Mr74: 32— R10Mr74: 32, PD28Ap74: 32, Pil6Mr75: 33 — P17Mr75s43— D18Mr75: 33 as textile workers, PD29J173: 22 — R29J173:23 as tobacco spinners, RlAg71: 33 as tradesmen, 29My46: 32, 13Je51: 32, 8My52: 31, 10N52: 31, PD23F69: 32--R23F69: 22, R8Mr70s32, PD19Ap70: 33, PD10Ja71: 33, PD28Mr71: 32 — R28Mr71: 33, PD10Oc71: 32, PD21N71: 23— R21N71: 32, PD27F72: 33--R27F72: 31, PD25Je72: 33, PD9J172: 32, PD10D72: 23--R10D72: 23, PD29J173: 31— R5Ag73: 32, PD16D73: 22, PD23D73: 23 — R23D73: 32, PD13Ja74: 33 — R13Ja74: 33, PD10Mr74: 32 — R10Mr74: 32, PD5My74: 31, PD19My74pll— R19My74: 43, Pil6Mr75: 33— P17Mr75s43 — D18Mr75: 33, P130c75: 31 — D140c75: 41— Pil90c75: 33 as tumbling -boys, 20Je51: 41 as turners, PD28S69: 32 — R50c69:31,R26S71:41, PD23D73: 23--R23D73: 32 as upholsterers, PD23D73: 23 — R23D73:32 as wagon drivers, P16Je75: 31 as wagoners, PD4Oc70: 33 — R4Oc70:31,Pil3J175:33, P31Ja77:32 as wagonmakers, PD2D73: 31 as waiting men, 6Je51: 32, PD30J167: 33--PD16Ag70: 41. R150c72: 31, PD19My74: 43, P3Mr75:33,P17N75sl2 as watchmakers, R3Ag69: 31, R8Mr70s32, PD28Mr71: 32 — R28Mr71: 33, PD29/Vp73: 23 as waterman, 3N38: 62, PD3S67: 22 as weavers, 16D37: 42, 10Ag39: 41, 26S45:41,PD18Ap66:33, PD30J167: 33, PD10D67: 32, R17N68: 32, PD22D68: 32 — R22D68: 13, PD28S69: 32 — R50c69: 31, R8Mr70s32, PD19Ap70: 33. PD4Oc70: 33--R4Oc70: 31, PD28Mr71: 32— R28Mr71: 33, R18J171:41,R26S71:41, PD10Oc71: 32, PD21N71: 23 — R21N71: 32, PD27F72: 33 — R27F72:31,PD25Je72:33, PD9J172:32,PD3S72:31, PD150c72: 23, PD10D72: 23 — R10D72: 23, PD6My73: 23, R24Je73: 32, PD23D73: 23 — R23D73: 32, PD3Mr74: 31 — R3Mr74: 41, PD10Mr74: 32 — R10Mr74: 32, Pil6Mr75: 33 — P17Mr75s43— D18Mr75: 33, P28J175: 31, P130c75: 31 — D140c75: 41— Pil90c75: 33, P8Mr76:41,P12S77:33 as wheelwrights, PD22D68: 32 — R22D68: 13, PD28S69: 32 — R50c69:31,PD2D73:31, Pi20J175: 33— P28J175: 23 — D29J175: 42, P130c75: 31 — D140c75: 41--Pil90c75: 33 as whitesmiths, PD27F72: 33 — R27F72:31,R24Je73:32, PD23D73: 23— R23D73: 32, P130c75: 31--D140c75: 41 — Pil90c75:33 as wigmakers, 21N45: 32 as woolcombers,R8Mr70s32, RlAg71:33 as yeoman, PD12Mr67: 33 attempt to pass as free,2My55: 31, PD30Oc66: 32, PD16.4g70: 33, PD16My71: 32, PD30c71: 32, PD170c71: 32,R17Mr74: 31, R4Ag74:a3,D18F75:33, P24F75:41,D23D75:33, P7Je76:42,D29Je76:42, P12J176:32,D13J176:22, P25J177:31 attempt to pass as sailors. 22Je39: 41, 20J139: 42, 26S45: 41, 2My51: 32, 12Je52: 22, 12D55: 31, PD5Mr72: 33, PD8J173: 32-- R22J173s21. PD70c73: 22-- R210c73: 32, PD12My74: 43 — R12My74: 33, PD12My74: 43-- R12My74: 33, Pi20J175: 33-- 587 Indentured servants, attempt to pass as sailors (cont'd) P28J175:23— D29J175:42 bartered for land, P28N77: 23 bartered for tobacco, R24Je73: 32, PD23D73: 23--R23D73: 32, PD3Mr74: 31--R3Mr74: 41, PD19My74pll— R19My74: 43 bartered for wheat, PD3Mr74: 41 — R3Mr74:41 children sold as in London, Eng. , PD24S67: 12 claim freedom, R10F74: 33, P16Je75:31 clothing of, See Indentured servants runaway from crimes by, See Specific crime and punishment discharged from army, 2My55: 31 discharges, 8Je39: 42, RlAg71: 33, PD8J173: 32— R15J173: 33, R4Ag74: 33, PD270c74: 31, Pi29D74: 33--D21 Ja75: 32, Pil2Ja75:33 discharges forged, PD10D67: 32, R14F71:32,D24F76:33 English, 10c36: 42, 220c36: 41, 280c37: 41, 21J138: 32, 3N38: 62, 20J139: 41, 7S39: 41, 30N39: 41, 4J145: 41, 26S45: 41, 310c45: 31, 21N45: 32, 28Mr51: 41, 24My51: 41, 11J151: 32, 11J151: 41, 170c51: 32, 7N51: 31, 10Ja52: 41, 5Mr52: 31, 5Mr52: 32, 12Mr52: 31, 5Je52: 31, 12Je52: 22, 30J152: 32, 21Ag52: 31, 29S52: 32, 60c52: 32, 60c52: 41, 2My55: 31, 7N55: 22, 12D55: 31, PD30Oc66: 32, PD12Mr67: 33, PD11F68: 31— R11F68: 33, R12My68: 41, PD21J168: 32, R270c68: 33, PD3N68: 32 — R17N68:32,PD15F70:33, PD16Ag70: 33— R23Ag70: 33, R18Oc70: 31— PD1N70: 23, R29N70:23,R17Ja71:33, R20Je71:41,R31Oc71:41, PD9Ja72: 32, PD11F73: 31 — R11F73: 23, PD29Ap73: 23, R30S73: 33, PD11N73: 23— R11N73:22,R9D73:23, PD28Ap74: 32.R7J174: 32, R4Ag74: 33, Pi20Oc74: 33, PD24N74: 31, PD8D74: 31 — Pil5D74:33,D7Ja75:32, P3Mr75:33,D25Mr75:32, P21Ap75: 32, P16Je75: 31 — D17Je75: 33, Pi20J175: 33— P28J175: 23— D29J175: 42, P15S75:32, Pi21S75:33, P130c75:32,Pil6N75:33, Pi23N75:33,P29D75:33, P2F76:41,D24F76:33, D29Je76: 41, D29Je76: 42, D29J176:71,D21S76:42, P25Oc76:23,P20D76:22, P31Ja77: 32, P18Ap77s21, D2My77: 32--P9My77: 43, P6Je77:12,P25J177:31, P8Ag77:32,P15Ag77:13 enlist in army, P6D76: 31 escape from Fairfax co. , Va. , jail,RlAg71:33 escape from Newtown, Va. , jail, PD170c71:32 escape from shipwreck, PD21Ja73: 31 for hire, in Port Royal, Va. , PD310c71:31 for sale, PD9J172: 32, Pi4My75: 33 at Bermuda Hundred, Va. , PD18Ap66:33 in Falmouth, Va. , PD26D71: 31 in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD17S71: 31— R26S71: 41 in Hampton roads, Va. ,24My51:41 in Hobb's Hole, Va. , 29My46: 32 in Leedstown, Va. , PD30J167: 33, PD5N67: 31, PD25Je72: 33 in Newcastle, Va. , PD17Mr74: 31 in Richmond, Va. , PD13My73: 41 in Spotsylvania co. , Va. , 17Ap46: 42 in Tappahannock, Va. , PDlAg66: 31 in West Point, Va. , 24My51: 41, 8My52: 31, 10N52: 31, 28F55: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD7J174: 32 in Yorktown, Va. , 6Je51: 32, 20F52:41 near Fredericksburg, Va. , P28Je76: 31 near Williamsburg, Va. , 10Oc55:32 freedom offered by Gov. Dunmore, P123N75: 21— P24N75: 21— D25N75:31 from Aberdeen, Scot. , PD14S69: 33 from Berwick, Eng. ,R7J174: 32 from Bristol, Eng. , 150c36: 42, Pi28Ap75s22— P5My75: 31 from Cheshire, Eng. , 9Je38: 42 from Den. , 5S55: 42 from Derbyshire, Eng. , P28J175: 33 from Dublin, Ire,28Mr55: 32, 3S56:32,PD70c73:22— R210c73: 32, D24Je75: 33 — Pi29Je75: 33— P30Je75s23 from Durham, Eng. ,D29Ap75s42 from Greenock, Scot. , PD26D71: 22 from Herefordshire, Eng. , PD19My74: 43 from Ire. , 21Mr45: 32, R23Je68: 31, PD6J169:41,R26J170:23, PD240c71:31 from Kent, Eng. , 4N37: 42, 9Je38: 41 from Lancashire, Eng. , 4Ag38: 32, 130c38: 42 from Leicestershire, Eng. , R25Ag68: 32 from Limerick, Ire. , PD27N66: 22 from Lincolnshire, Eng. , 4J145: 41, PD8J173: 32— R22J173s21 from Liverpool, Eng. , PD30Oc66: 32 from London, Eng. , 3N38: 62, 21N45: 32, 20Oc52: 22, PD30Oc66: 32, PD16My71: 32, R150c72: 31, PD9S73: 32, PD24Mr74: 32, PD16Je74:31,Pi2F75:33, P28J175: 33, P7Je76: 42 from Md. , PD30Oc66: 32 from Monmouthshire, Eng. , PD19My74:43 from Newcastle, Eng. , PD18Ap66: 33, PD4Je67: 41 from Newport-Glasgow, 27Mr52: 31 from north Brit. , 4N63: 41 from north Eng. , PD3S72: 31, PD24Mr74: 32 from Scot. , PD26N67: 31, R12J170: 23, PD9J172: 32 from Surrey, Eng. , PD24Mr74: 32 from the West country, 18Mr37: 42, 7J138: 41, 23F39: 41, HMy39: 41, 15Je39: 41,R3Ag69: 31,R4Ag74: 33 from W. I. , R12J170: 23, R29N70: 23 from Whitehaven, Eng. , PD19My74: 43 from Yorkshire, Eng. , 17Je37: 42, 20Ap39:41, HAp55:31, PD24S72: 23, PD26N72: 23, PD2D73: 31, PD8D74: 31— Pil5D74:33,P28J175:33 imported for sale, at Ruffin's ferry, Va.,PD19Ap70:33 at Shockoe's, Va. , PD10Ja71: 33 in City point, Va. , PDlAp73: 32 in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD5My74:31 in Hobb's Hole, Va. , PD6My73: 23 in Leedstown, Va. .PD22D68: 32 — R22D68: 13, PD23F69: 32— R23F69:22,R8Mr70s32, PD4Oc70: 33— R4Oc70: 31, PD28Mr71: 32— R28Mr71: 33, PD10Oc71: 32, PD21N71: 23— R21N71: 32, PD27F72: 33— R27F72: 31, PD10D72: 23— R10D72: 23, PD29J173: 31— R5Ag73: 32, PD23D73: 23 — R23D73: 32, PD10Mr74: 32 — R10Mr74: 32, Pil6Mr75: 33 — P17Mr75s43--D18Mr75: 33, P130c75: 31— D140c75: 41— Pil90c75: 33 in Newcastle, Va. , PD13Ja74: 33— R13Ja74: 33 in Norfolk, Va. , R150c72: 31 in Petersburg, Va. , PD3Mr74: 31 — R3Mr74:41,PD60c74:32 in Richmond, Va. ,PD150c72: 23, R24Je73: 32, PD19My74pll — R19My74:43 imported to Annapolis, Md. , from Bristol, Eng. ,PD23J167:31 from Dublin, 24S36: 22 from London, Eng. ,PD9J167: 31, PD30J167:32 imported to James river, Va. , from the Downs, Eng. , PD16D73: 22 from Limerick, Ire. , PD25Mr73: 31 from London, Eng. , PD60c74: 32 from Newcastle, Eng. , PD240c66: 22 imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from Cork, Ire. , 23My55:21,240c55:21 from Hull, Eng. , 28F55: 31 from London, Eng. ,R11F68: 31, PD20Ja74:23 imported to James river, upper district, Va., from Newcastle, Eng. , PD4Je67: 41 imported to Md. , from London, Eng. , R17Ja71:33 imported to Phila. , Pa. , from Dublin Ire. ,20Ja38:31 from Ire. , 10c36: 42 from Lewis is. , Scot. , PD7J174: 23 imported to Potomac river, Va. , from Amsterdam, Holl. , R13D70:23 from Dublin, Ire. , R13D70: 23 from Whitehaven, Eng. , R13D70: 23 imported to Rappahannock district, Va.,PD5N67:31 from London, Eng. ,PD5My74: 31 588 Indentured servants imported to south Potomac district, Va. , from Dublin, Ire. , PD8Ja67:31 from Limerick, Ire. , PD27N66: 22 from Whitehaven, Eng. , PD8Ja67: 31 imported to Va. , 15My52: 31 from Bristol, Eng. , HMy39: 41 from Cork, Ire. , P5Ja76: 41 from Dublin, Ire. , PD2Ua73: 31, PD29J173: 22— R29J173: 23 from Glasgow, Scot. , P23Je75: 31 from Leith, Scot. , PD30J167: 33 from Limerick, Ire. , PD10Ja71: 33, PDlAp73: 32 from London, Eng. , PD26Ja69: 41, PD19Ap70: 33, R29N70: 23, PD21N71: 23— R21N71: 32, PD27F72: 33— R27F72: 31, PD16Ap72: 31, PD150c72: 23, PD6My73: 23, R24Je73: 32, PD70c73:22,PilJe75:33 imported to York district, Va. , from Dublin, Ire. , 28Mr55: 32 from London, Eng. , 13Je51: 32, 17N52:22,PD13Ja74:33 — R13Ja74: 33, PD19My74pll — R19My74:43 in Phila. , Pa. , parents sue owners, 4Ap51:32 inherits fortune, 2 lAp38: 41 Irish, 150c36: 42, 220c36: 41, 10D36: 42, 17D36: 42, 25F37: 42, HMr37: 41, 20My37: 42, 16S37: 41, 210c37: 41, 17Mr38: 41, 7Ap38: 42, 9Je38: 41, 4Ag38: 32, 10N38: 42, 9F39: 42, 23Mr39: 32, 6Ap39: 31, 20Ap39: 32, 17Ag39: 31, 17Ag39: 32, 1F40: 42, 26S45: 31, 310c45: 32, 310c45: 42, 27Mr46: 42, 15My46: 41, 31J146: 61, 31J146: 62, 14Ag46: 41, 28Ag46: 32, 7Mr51: 32, 2My51: 32, 18J151: 32, 8Ag51: 41, 170c51: 32, 240c51: 31, 10Ja52: 32, 8My52: 31, 60c52: 41, 4Ap55: 32, 10Oc55: 32, PD3S67: 22, PD21J168:32,R16F69:31, R27Ap69: 23, PDUe69: 32, R26Ap70sll, PD14Je70s23 — R14Je70: 33,R12J170: 22 — PD19J170:41,R26J170:31, PD16Ag70: 41, R23Ag70: 42, R27S70:33,PllOc70:33, PD3Ja71:33,PD7F71:31, R14F71: 32, PD21Mr71: 33, R28Mr71: 21, PDllAp71: 33, PD16My71: 32, PD23My71: 23, R23My71: 31, PD27Je71: 33, PD11J171:33,R18J171:41, RlAg71:33,R5S71:32,R26S71:41, R170c71:41,R310c71:41, R23Ap72:32,R10D72:31, PD21Ja73: 31, PD25Mr73: 31, PD25Mr73: 33, PDlAp73: 32, PDlAp73: 33, PD13My73: 43, PD29J173: 22--R29J173: 23, PD23S73:32,R9D73:23, PD17F74:32,R17F74:31, PD28Ap74: 32, PD7J174: 32, R1S74:33,PD29S74:33, Pi20Oc74: 33, Pil7N74: 33, PD24N74:31,D18F75:32, P30Je75s23,P28J175:33, Pi21S75:33,D23S75:33, P130c75: 32, Pil90c75: 33, P20Oc75:23,P5Ja76:41, P9F76:33,P8Mr76:41, P3My76:33,P14Je76:33, P12J176:32,P20S76:23, D24Ja77:41— P7F77: 33, P4J177sl2,P12S77:33, D310c77:22 kidnapped in Bristol, Eng. , R16Je68:23 literate, 21J138: 32, 17Ag39: 32, PD22Mr70: 32.R14F71: 32, PD9Ja72:32,PD3S72:31, PD8J173: 32— R22Je73s21, PD12My74: 43--R12My74: 33, RlS74:33,D29Ap75s42, D24Je75: 33— Pi29Je75: 33 — P30Je75s23, P30Je75s23, D23S75:33 lost at sea, 10N52:22 mortgaged, PD7My67: 32 passes, 17Mr38: 41, 7J138: 41, 21J138: 32, 8S38: 42, 23F39: 41, 10Ag39:41,31Oc45:31, PD26Mr67: 32, PD11F68: 31 — R11F68: 33, R25Ag68: 32, PD9Ja72: 32,R23Ap72: 32, PD8J173:32— R15J173:33, PD18Ag74: 32, Pil2Ja75: 33, P23Je75:31,P20Oc75:23, P12J176:32 passes forged, PD170c71: 32, PD12My74: 43--R12My74: 33, RlS74:33,D24Je75:33— Pi29Je75: 33--P30Je75s23, Pi20J175:33,D29J176:71, D2My77: 32 — P9My77: 43 petition Va. general court for freedom, PD16Ag70: 33 — PD16My71:32 purchase freedom, R10D72: 31 quarantine regulations by Va. general assembly, PD23Ap72: 11 registration required for transportation, PD8Ap73: 22 — R8Ap73:31 rescued at sea, 11J145: 32 runaway, 24My51: 41, 20Oc52: 22, R13Ap69: 33, PD18Ag74: 32, Pi6J175:33,Pil3J175:33 from Accokeek iron works, Va. , 3N52:21 from Albemarle co. , Va. , 18Ap45: 42, 5Mr52: 32, 12Mr52: 31, R19Ap70: 32, PD21Mr71: 33 from Alexandria, Va. ,R26J170: 23, PD23My71: 23, D17Je75: 33, P20S76:23 from Allerton, ship, 21Ag52: 31 from Annapolis, Md. , 150c36: 42, 7J138: 41, 8Je39: 42, R3Ag69: 31, Pi23N75:33 from Anne Arundel co. , Md. , 7J138: 42, R26J170: 31,R7J174: 32, R18Ag74:32 from Augusta co. , Va. , 11J151: 32, 18J151: 41, 7N54: 31, R 14Ap68: 43, R23Je68:31,R5S71: 32,R10Je73sl2, Pil5Je75:32,P16Je75:31,D23D75:33, P7Je76:42 from Baltimore, Md. , PD6J169: 41, PD25Mr73: 33, PD7Ap74: 31, R4Ag74:33,P250c76:23 from Becky, ship, 12Mr52: 31 from Bedford co. , Va. , PD14S69: 33, PD16My71: 32, D25Mr75:32 from Berkeley co. , Va. , D23S75: 33 from Berry, ship, 27Mr52: 31 from Bladensburg, Md. , R17Ja71:33 from Blandford, Va. , PD20Ap69: 31, PD130c74:32 from Botetourt co. , Va. , PD30S73: 32, PD24N74: 31, D23S75:33 from Boyd's hole, Va. , PD3S72: 31 from Brandon, Va.,20F52:41 from Bristol co. ironworks, Va. , 18Mr37:42 from Broadway, Va. , P20D76: 22 from Brunswick co. , Va. , PD25Ag74:32 from Cambridge, Md. , 220c36: 41 from Capitol landing, Williamsburg, Va.,4Ja40:41 from Carlisle, ship, 3S56: 32 from Carlisle, snow, PD19My74: 43 from Caroline co. , Va. , 1F40: 42, PD7Ja68: 33, PD29S74: 33 from Cecil co. , Md. , 170c51: 32 from Chance, ship, PD12Ag73: 31 from Charles City co. , Va. , 13Ja38: 41, 19My38: 41, 30N39: 41, PD7Ja73:32 from Charles co. , Md. , 20J139: 41, 7Mr51:32,240c51:31, PD24N74:31 from Chesterfield co. , Va. , PD28Mr66: 41, PD24Mr68: 33, PD2N69:33,PD9S73:32, Pil3J175:33 from College camp, Va. , P26J176: 43 from Culpeper co. , Va. , R12My68: 41, PDllAp71: 33, PllAp77:23 from Cumberland co. , Va. , R12J170: 22 — PD19J170: 41, PD16Ag70: 33, R17F74: 31, R17Mr74:31 from Dinwiddie co. , Va. , D310c77:22 from Dumfries, Va. , PD12My74pll — R12My74: 33, PU0N74: 33, P31Mr75:41 from Edgecombe precinct, N. C. , 7Ap38: 42 from Elizabeth, ship, P24F75: 41 from Essex co. , Va. , 10c36: 42, 20Oc38: 32, 6Ap39: 31, 50c39: 41, 12D55: 31, PD16Ag70: 41, R27S70: 33 PD19Ag73: 22, D29Je76: 42 from Fairfax co. , Va. , 31J146: 62, R17N68: 32, Pi28Ap75s22 — P5My75:31 from Fauquier co. , Va. , RllOc70: 33, PD7My72: 32, R4Ag74:33,P10Mr75:41 from Fincastle co. , Va. , P30Je75s23 from Fortune, snow, PD28S69: 32 — R50c69:31 from Frederick co. , Md. , R21S69:32,PD12Mr72:33, D18F75:32,P130c75:32, P8Mr76:41 from Frederick co. , Va. , 12D55: 31, PD24My70: 32— R31My70: 33, R12J170: 23, R26S71: 41, P4J177sll 589 Indentured servants, runaway (cont'd) from Fredericksburg, Va. , 14Ag46: 41, 30J152: 32, 20Oc52: 22, R16F69: 31, R18Oc70: 31 — PD1N70: 23, PD240c71: 31, R9D73:23,Pi20Oc74:33, P25Ag75:82,Pi21S75:33 from Georgetown, Md. , R 10D72: 31, PD70c73: 22— R210c73: 32, Pil6N75:33 from Gloucester co.., Va. , 17D36: 42, 25F37: 42, 28Ap38: 42, 10Ap52: 31, 10N52: 22, 10Oc55: 32 from Goochland courthouse, Va. , P14Je76:33 from Greenvale, ship,R26Ap70sll from Halifax co. , Va. , PD16My71: 32 from Hampshire co. , Va. , D25Mr75: 32 from Hampton, Va. , 12N36: 42, 10D36:42, 16S37:41 from Hannah, ship, 170c51: 32 from Hanover co. , Va. , 25F37: 42, 10Je37: 41, 5Mr52: 31, 7N55: 22, PD22J173: 33, PD21Ap74: 32, PD16Jp74: 31, P28J175: 31 from Hanover town, Va. , PD18Ag74: 32 from Harford co. , Md. , P21Ap75: 32 from Henrico co. , Va. ,R13Ap69: 32 from Hobb's Hole, Va. , PD16My71: 32 from Industry, ship, PD18Ja70: 33 from Isle of Wight co. , Va. , 28F51:41 from James City co. , Va. , P27S76s22 from James river, Va. , 280c37: 41 from Jenning's gap, Va. , R270c68: 33 from Jenny, ship, PD2Je74: 32 from Justitia, ship, PD24Mr74: 32 from King and Queen co. , Va. , 9F39: 42, 15Je39: 41, 21 Ag52: 31, PD9J172:32 from King George co. , Va. , HMr37: 41, 28J138: 42, 30Mr39: 41, 20Ap39: 32, 14D39: 32, 20Je51: 41, HAp55:31,P24F75:33 from King William co. , Va. , 16D37: 42, 28J138: 41, 4Ag38: 41, 15Je39: 32, PD12Mr67: 33.R9F69: 23, P15S75:32,P19J176:42 from Lancaster co. , Va. , 3J146: 31, 2S57: 41, PD24S72: 23, PD26N72: 23, PD11F73: 31 — RllF73:23,P23Je75:31 from Lark, sloop, PD30S73: 32 from Leesburg, Va. ,R150c72: 32, P12S77:33 from Lord Clive, ship, PD5D71:32— R6F72:43 from Loudoun co. , Va. ,R3Ag69: 31, R27S70:33,PD9Ja72:32, PD2D73:31 from Lunenburg co. , Va. , PDUe69:32 from Marlborough ironworks, Va. , P5S77:32— D12S77:41 from Md. , PD8D74: 31— PU5D74: 33, Pil90c75:33 from Mecklenburg co. , Va. , PDlAp73:33 from Middlesex co. , Va. , 12Je52:22 from Nansemond co. , Va. , 17Je37: 42, 4Ag38: 32, 20Ap39: 41 from Neabsco furnace, Va. , PD8J173: 32— R15J173: 33, P12J176:32 from New Kent co. , Va. , 18Ja40:32,PD29Ja67:33, PD30c71: 32, D24F76: 33, D29J176:71 from New town, Va. , 130c38: 42, D18F75:33 from Norfolk, Va. , 26S45: 41, 31Ja51: 41, 10Ja52: 32, PD3N68: 23, R8F70:33,PD15F70:33, PD11J171: 33, PD16Ja72: 33, R12My74:41 fromN.C.,R14Ap68:43 from Northampton co. , N. C. , PD23S73: 32 from Northumberland co. , Va. , 10N38: 42, 310c45: 32, PD21Mr66: 42, PD26Mr67: 32, P18Ap77s21 from Orange co. , N. C. , PD17F74: 32 from Orange co. , Va. , 3N38: 62, 15Je39: 41, 310c45: 32, HAp55: 31, R24Mr68: 34 from Patapsco ironworks, Md. , 30J152:32 from Patuxent ironworks, Md. , 22Je39:41 from Pa. ,R29S68:32 from Petersburg, Va.,7N51:31, 5Je52: 31, 12Je52: 22, 21Ag52: 31, 22S52:32,PD21J168:32, PD20Ap69: 31, PD24My70: 32, PD3Ja71: 33,R290c72: 31, D2My77: 32— P9My77: 43 from Phila. , Pa. , PD29Ap73: 23 from Pittsylvania co. , Va. , R12My68:41 from Portsmouth, Va. , PD26Ja69: 41, PD5Mr72:33 from Prince Edward co. , Va. , PH7N74: 33 from Prince George co. , Va. , 20Ap39: 41, 26S45: 31, 28Mr51: 41, PD26N67: 31, PD16Je74: 31 from Prince George's co. , Md. , 7J138:42,R1S74:33 from Prince William co. , Va. , 10Je37: 41, 10Ag39: 41, 18J151: 32, PD10D67:32,P17N75sl2, D29Je76:41,D13J176:22 from Richmond, Va. , PD7Mr66: 33, R25Ag68:32,R14F71:32, PD23Ap72: 32, PD28Ap74: 32, PD270c74: 31, Pi2Mr75: 33, P3Mr75:33,P29D75:33 from Richmond co. , Va. , 20My37: 42, 210c37: 41, 9Je38: 41, 9Je38: 42, 60c52:41,4N63:33 from Rock creek, Frederick co. , Md. ,10Ap52:42 from Rocky ridge, Va. , PD23Ap72:31 from St. Mary's co. , Md. , 4Ag38: 32, 17Ag39: 32 from Somerset co. , Md. , PU0N74: 32 from Spotsylvania co. , Va. , 28F55:41,P25J177:31 from Stafford co. , Va. , 4N37: 42, 17F38: 31, 21J138: 32, 4J145: 41, 310c51: 31, 3N52: 21, 2My55: 31, PD6Je66: 32, PD21J168: 32, R18J171:41,R23Ap72:32, D7Ja75:32,P15Ag77:13 from Staunton, Va. , P26My75s43, P4J177sl2,P8Ag77:32 from Suffolk, Va. , 60c52: 32, PD10c67: 13, D8Je76: 71— P14Je76:32 from Surry, Va. ,D29Ap75s42 from Talbot co. , Md. , PD3S67: 22 from Tappahannock, Va., PD11F68:31— R11F68:33 from Tedington, Va. , 24Ja52: 41 from Theodorick, ship,R8F70: 33 from Urbanna, Va. , 17Mr38: 41, 23Mr39:32 from Walpole, ship, 130c38: 41 from Warwick co. , Va., P2Je75s43 from West point, Va. , PD7D69: 32, PD7F71:31 from Westmoreland co. , Va. , 210c37: 41, 9Je38: 41, 23F39: 41, 17Ag39: 31, 17Ag39: 32, 310c45: 31, 2My51: 32, PD3N68: 32— R17N68: 32, PD16Ag70: 33--R23Ag70: 33, R23Ag70: 42, R29N70: 23, PD8J173: 32— R22J173s21, PD12My74: 43— R12My74: 33, P28J175:33 from Westover, Va. , 27Mr52: 31 from Williamsburg, Va. , 150c36: 42, 8Ap37: 42, 1S38: 42, 30Mr39: 41, HMy39: 41, 7S39: 32, 6Je45: 42, 21N45: 32, 15My46: 41, 31J146: 61, 8Ag51: 32, 8Ag51: 41, 29S52: 32, 4Ap55: 32, !6My55: 21, 4N63: 41, PD21D69: 23, R18Mr73: 33, PD11N73: 23— R11N73: 22, Pi2F75: 33, Pi2Mr75: 33 — D4Mr75: 32, P16Je75: 31 — D17Je75:33,Pi20J175:33 — P28J175: 23— D29J175: 42, P15N76:33,P31Ja77:32 from Winchester, Va.,5S55:42, PD14Je70: 23— R14Je70: 33, P6Je77: 12 from York co. , Pa. , R4F68: 42, RlAg71: 33 from York co. , Va. , 11N37: 41, 19My38: 42 from Yorktown, Va. , UMr37: 42, HAg38:42,27Mr46:42, 10Ap46:42,[10Ja?]51:41, D24Je75: 33— Pi29Je75: 33 — P30Je75s23, D24Ja77: 41— P7F77:33 to British army, P6Je77: 12 Scottish, 220c36: 41, 21Ap38: 41, 23Mr39:32,30Mr39:41, 17Ag39: 32, 26S45: 41, 14Ag46: 41, 14F51: 41, 7Mr51: 32, 18J151: 41, 5Mr52: 32, 27Mr52: 31, 10Ap52: 31, PD6Je66: 32, PD10c67: 13, PD10D67: 32, R9F69: 23,R13Ap69: 32, PD20Ap69: 31, PD2N69: 33, R26Ap70sll,Rl2J170: 22 — PD19J170:41,R27S70:33, PD23Ap72: 32, PD8J173: 32 — R15J173:33,PD30S73:32, PD24Mr74: 32, PD7Ap74: 31, R9Je74s22,R7J174: 32, PD270c74: 31, 590 Indian attacks D7Ja75:32,P31Mr75:41, Pi28Ap75s22 — P5My75: 31, D17Je75:33,P23Je75:31, Pi20J175: 33— P28J175: 23 — D29J175:42,P28J175:31, P28J175:33,P25Ag75:82, D2My77: 32— P9My77: 43, P5S77:32— D12S77:41 sold from Va. into Md. , PD24Ja71: 32 in Dumfries, Va. , P4Ag75: 31 speak, See Dutch spoken by indentured servants; French; Latin; Low Dutch; Portuguese; Spanish stolen from Westmoreland co. , Va. , R18Oc70:31 taken by Spanish privateer, 11J145:32 terms of,R10F74:31 regulated by Va. general assembly, 24S36:31 time of for sale, in Dumfries, Va. , PilON74:32 to Md. from London, Eng. ,R21S69: 23 try to enlist, PllAp77: 23 Virginia born, 150c36: 42, HMr37: 42, 8Ap37: 42, 3J146: 31, PD16Ja72:33,R10D72:31 Welsh as, 17Je37: 42, 19My38: 42, 28J138: 41, 20Ap39: 41, 4Ja40: 41, 10Ja52: 32, 27Mr52: 31, 7N54: 31, UAp55: 31, PD7Ja68: 33, R3Ag69: 31, R10Ag69: 42, R4Ag74: 33, Pi2Mr75: 33, P15N76:33 See also Conjuring, by indentured servants; Jails in. . . , indentured servants held in; Kidnapping of; Palatines; Redempti oners; Slaves attempt to pass as indentured; Tattooing on Indentures, 17Mr38: 41, 8S38: 42, R4Ag74:33,D13D76:ll — P20Di6s23 for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD27J169:33 forged, D28Ja75: 32 of children, R6Ap69: 32 stolen, 9My45: 41, P7Je76: 42 by convict servants, R18Oc70: 31 by indentured servants, P30J175s23 in Culpeper co. , Va. , R12My68: 41 Independence, armed brig, D28F77: 21 brig,D24Ap78:22 Continental sloop, P6D76: 21, D30My77: 21 — P30My77: 22 horse, D26F80: 32 Mass. brig,D18Ap77:32,D15Ag77:51 sloop, D8Ag77: 31— P8Ag77: 33, D170c77: 12 stallion, P27Mr78: 31, D24Ap78: 22, D24Ap78:42 Independent Freeholder, pseud. , R310c71:23 Independent Scotchman, pseud. C3J179: 11 Independent Whig, pseud. , PD21Mr66:22 India, affairs discussed in parliament, R14Ja73: 21 attitude toward Eng. in,D13N78:21 battles with British described, D5F80:22 British bandits in, PD19N67: 21 British methods in criticized, R21My72:21 British revenue from, PD9Ap72: 21 British victories in, PD23Je68: 12 — R23Je68:21,R23Je68:22 civil war in, 22My52: 11, PD8N70: 13 depopulation of, PD18Je72: 22 encourages European trade, 15S52:22 French relations with princes in, PD7Je70:21 French trade with proposed, R24Je73:22 Great Mogul aided by Fr. and Holl. , PD23Ap67: 12 judges' salaries in, R31Mr74: 12 peace and prosperity in, PD17Je73:21 political news from,R8Ap73: 31, Pil90c75: 12 presents to British king, PD5Ag73: 11 — R5Ag73: 12 rebellion in, 28F51: 12, PD24Ag69: 12— R24Ag69:13,R140c73:ll relations with British East India co. , PD16S73: 11— R23S73: 31, PD1S74: 22, R15J173sl2 relations with Gt. Brit. , PD70c73: 12, PD210c73: 12— R210c73: 12 relations with Persia, 20J139: 12 retribution against Eng. prophesied, D5D77:11— P5D77:22 taken over by British government, RlAp73: 11 trade relations with Gt. Brit. requested, PD23Ap67: 21, PD6Ja74: 13 trade route to Gt. Brit, regulated, DllMr80:ll war in rumored, PD14N71: 12 See also British army, victories in; British army in; British navy to; Cannon manufacture in; Convoys by French navy to; Distemper in; East India companies; Elephantiasis in; Embezzlement in; Exports from Eng. to; Famines in; Franco- British rivalry in; French army to; French navy to; Imports to Eng. from; Imports to Holl. from; Inoculations, Suttonian, adopted in; Mahrattas; Merchants in; Money, coinage altered in; Monopolies; Pistol manufacture in; Rice, price in; Rice plentiful in; Salt trade in; Ships from; Shipwrecks off; Storms in India, H. M.S. , 13Je45: 12 India china, for sale, in Richmond, Va. , D24Ap78:32 India Company, ship, 17N52: 11 India dimity baskets, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD150c72: 31 India goods, bartered for tobacco, R1N70:32 boycotted in Va. Association, PD25My69: 11— RUe69: 13 damaged, for sale, in Warwick co. , Va.,PD21My72:31 for sale,PD280c73:22 in Caroline co. , Va. , PD20Je66: 31 in Fairfax co. , Va. , R22J173: 33 in Fredericksburg, Va.,3N52:21, 19J154:42 in King and Queen co. , Va. , 3N52:21 in Newcastle, Va. , PD1N70: 22-- R1N70:23 in Norfolk, Va. , PD10Oc66: 41, PD18Je67: 31, PD12N67: 21, R15N70:31— PD22N70: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , 18S46: 41, 16Ja61: 41, PD170c71: 23 — R170c71:31 in Yorktown, Va. , 29My46: 32, 3N52:21 near Bowler's ferry, Va. , R1N70:32 smuggled in London, Eng. , PD12Mr67:21 India pearl earrings, for sale, in Richmond, Va. , PD310c71: 23 — R3lOc71:32 India pearl necklaces, for sale, in Richmond, Va. , PD310c71: 23 — R310c71:32 in Williamsburg, Va. ,PD10c67: 13, PD20Oc68: 23, R8N70: 13, PD5My74: 31— R26My74: 13 India tea chest, for sale, P19Ja76: 33 — D27Ja76:41 Indian army, French in, PD8N70: 13 Indian attacks, at Number 4, N. H. , 5D45:41 expected near Green Briar, Va. , R30Je74:23 feared in Augusta co. , Va. , R50c69: 22 feared in Phila., Pa. ,PD23Je74: 13 feared in Pittsburgh, Pa. , R23Je74: 41. D18Ap77: 62 feared on Va. frontier, PD2Je74: 21 in Augusta co. , Va. , 30c55: 31 in Bedford, Pa.,4N63:21 in Chignecto, N. S. , 20Je51: 32 in Cumberland co. , Pa. , 27Ag56: 31 in Dartmouth, N.S. ,24My51: 22, 27Je51: 31, 29Ag51: 31, 29S52: 31 in Greenbrier co. , Va. , D24Ap79: 31 in Hampshire co. , Va. , PD16Je74: 21 — R16Je74:22 in Honduras, C. Am. , PD80c67: 13 in Md. ,3S56:31 in Minas, N.S. , 27Je51: 31 in Minisink, N. Y. C28Ag79: 13 in New meadows, Mass. , 18J151: 32 inN.Y. ,D25J177:21 in N. C. , 7Ja37: 32, PD3D67: 23 in Ohio country, PD16Je68: 22 inPa.,7N55:21 in Quebec, Can. ,P9F76: 23 — D10F76:31 in St. Joseph, Fort, PD15Ap73: 12 in Wyoming, Pa.,4N63:21 near Albany, N. Y. , 14Ag46: 31 near Annapolis Royal, N.S. ,20Je51: 32 near Brunswick, Me. , 29Ag45: 21 near Cacapon river, Va. , 27Ag56: 31 near Chemung, N. Y. , D4S79: 21 near Detroit, PD2D73: 13--R9D73: 13 near Fort Cumberland, Md. , 10Oc55:31 near Fort Dummer, N. H. , 5D45: 41 near Fort Pitt,R7S69: 12 near Fort Stanwix, N. Y. , D25J177: 21 near Harris's ferry, Pa.,14N55:21 near Lake George, 27Ag56: 22 near Minisink, N. Y. , C28Ag79: 21 near Niagara, N. Y. ,PD25Je72: 31 591 Indian attacks (cont'd) near Pur ysburgh, S. C. ,D22My79: 21 near Sabbath Day point, N. Y. , D2My77: 31 near Ticonderoga, N. Y. , D25J177: 12 near Wyoming, Pa. , C28Ag79:21 off Chignecto, N.S. , 26S51: 31 on Americans near Isle au Noix, Can. , D3Ag76:ll,D10Ag76:51 on British, 16Ja46: 41, D13J176: 12 on British in Boston, Mass. , PU3J175: 32— P14J175: 33 — D15J175: 21, D26Ag75: 23--P1S75: 11 on British ships, 11S46: 21 on Broad river, S. C. , 7N54: 12 on Cherokees, PD18Ag68: 22 on Continental army, D6J176: 81 on Donolly's fort, [Va]. , P12Je78: 21 on Fort Boone, D30Oc78: 31 on Fourteen Mile is. , Vt. , D28Ag79:22 on Freeland's fort, Pa. ,C28Ag79:21 on Gnadenbutten, Pa.,12D55:12 on Juniata river, Pa. , 3S56: 31 on Labrador coast, PD25F68: 21 on N. C. frontiers, 50c39: 41 on Pa. frontier, R25Ag74: 32 on St. John's is. , Can. , 11S46: 12 on St. Mary's river, Ga. , PD26N67: 21 on Tybee is. , Ga. , D18My*76: 21 onVa. frontier, 310c55: 21, R25Ag74: 32 preparations for in Va. discussed, 3N38: 52, R24Mr74: 32, PD8S74: 31 See also Massacre Indian creek, Va. , in Potomac district, 3N52: 21 See also Smallpox inoculation on Indian factory of Va. , merchandise imported for, PD19N67: 23 Indian fields, Va. , See Horse-breeding in Indian field's quarter, plantation, Va., 3J152:32 Indian hostages, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD22D74: 23 Indian insurrections, in New Spain, 20Je51:22 in Peru, 11J151: 32, 8Ag51: 22 Indian King, ship, 24Ap52: 12, 24Ap52:21,22My52:ll Indian King tavern and inn, Baltimore, C19Ag80: 22 Indian lands, ceded to George III for protection, PD22S68: 13 ceded to Ga. , PD9S73: 31 ceded to Pa. at Fort Stanwix, PD1D68:23 ceded to southern U.S. ,D27Je77: 12 ceded to Va. , P22N76: 23 cession to Ga. negotiated, PD25Mr73:22 inN.Y. ,PD16Ap67:22 invaded by frontiersmen, PD28Ap68: 22— R28Ap68: 22 invaded by Virginians, R3Mr68: 31, PD31Mr68:21 on Redstone creek, PD7Ap68: 22, PD26My68: 21— R26My68: 23 purchase prohibited in Va. , Pi6Ap75sl3 purchase regulated by Va. convention, P28Je76: 11 purchased by N. Y. , PD3S72: 22 purchased by Va. , 10Ap52: 31, PD60c74: 32 settlement on prevented, PD25Ag68: 12 to be granted to militia, PD25My69: 32— R25My69: 23 whites removed from, PDlAg66: 23, PD16Je68: 23— R16Je68: 24 Indian ocean, See Dutch army to; Explorations in Indian pink, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD21S69: 41— R21S69s21, PD240c71: 31, PD290c72: 22— R290c72: 22, D12Je79:32 Indian Prince, snow, PD17Ag69: 21 Indian Queen, tavern, D9Ap79: 22 Indian river, Fla. , See British navy, provisions for at; Gunpowder imported to Indian seas, See Spice discovered in Indian schools, in Stockbridge, Mass. , 28N51:31 Indian Town, plantation, Va. , 24Ja51:41 Indian trade, British-French competition for in Illinois country, PD7Mr66: 42 establishment by Va. repealed, R26My68: 22 French traders murdered by Senecas, PD2D73s22— R2D73: 22 in Can. ,PD8Ag71:21 in Detroit, PDlAg71: 13 in Pensacola, Fla. , PD12My68: 22— R12My68: 13 merchandise for, PD18Ap66: 33 proclamation against violated on Missouri river, PD19Ag73: 13 proclamation of 1763 enforced, PD5My68: 22 prohibited in N. Y. , PD16Ap67: 22 regulation by Va. general assembly disallowed, PD26S71: 31 regulation discussed in N. Y. , 4J151:22 to be regulated by British colonies, PD25Ag68: 12, PD21D69: 13, PD21D69:21 withGt. Brit. ,R16S73:31 Indian Trader, ship, PD12My68: 22 — R12My68: 13 Indian Trading path, N. C. , 10F38: 32 Indian ware, for sale, in Yorktown, Va. , P27D76: 32 Indian warehouse, Va. , R3N68: 34, R29N70:32, Pi28Ap75:41 Indiana company, boundary dispute with Va. ,D15Je76: 12 Indians, alliance with French, 50c39: 41, 6Je45: 22, 27D51: 31, 10Oc55: 12 alliance with Gt. Brit. , PDllN73s21 — RllN73s21 as indentured servants, P19J176: 42 as marines, D21S76: 32 as sailors, PD5N67: 12 as servants, 22Ap37: 32, 4Ja40: 32 as slaves, 17Ap52: 32, PD14Ap68: 31, PD3D72: 23, PD29D73: 31, PD15J173: 33, R10Mr74: 32, DllMr75: 33, D29Ap75s42, D2D75:33, D8Ag77:31 at Dartmouth college, R3D72: 21 atrocities against, P180c76: 13 atrocities by, 4Ap51: 32, 27Je51: 31, 20Oc52: 21, 270c52: 11, PD24Mr74: 22, D24Ag76: 72 attacked by Americans near St. John's, Can. ,P29S75:21 by S. C. , P13S76: 31, P180c76: 13 in N. J. , D15N76: 11 attend College of William and Mary, D18N75: 31 attend review of Continental army, P14Je76:23 bounties for scalps at Fort Pitt, P23F76:32 denied, D30c77: 21 from British army, D30c77: 21 from French, 310c55: 21 in Detroit, P23F76: 32 inN.Y., 14Ag46:31 in Va. ,310c55:21 bribery by British planned, P8S75s22 British relations with criticized, 7N55:11 British seek aid of, 27Ag56: 22 British supply arms to, PD23J172: 23 casualties near Fort Stanwix, N. Y. , P5S77:21 chiefs meet with Continental congress, D8Je76:61— P14Je76:21 comments on British and French, 12D55:21 commissioners appointed in Mass. , 24N52: 22 inN.Y. ,23N39: 41 meet with northern Indians, PD19J170: 21— R19J170: 23 conference at Fort Pitt, PD2J167:31 at Fort St. George, Me. , 30c51: 22 at Fort Stanwix, N. Y. , PD24N68: 23 in Albany, N. Y. , 27Je51: 32 in Island town, Va. , P15N76: 31 in Johnson hall, N. Y. , PD28Ap68: 22 — R28Ap68: 22, PD24Ag69: 22 in N. Y. , PD16Je68: 22— R16Je68: 24 in Oswego, N. Y. , PD4D66: 31, D8J175:23 in Pittsburgh, Pa. , PD28Ap68: 22— R28Ap68: 22, PD9Je68: 22 — R9Je68:24,D26Ag75:31 with Gen. Schuyler in N. Y. , P6S76:32— D7S76: 22 cowardice among, 310c55: 12 cruel treatment of Americans in Can. , D10Ag76: 52 debauched by French in Can. , 10Oc45: 22 declare war against French Indians, 21N45:32 defeated at Chemung, N. Y. , D25S79: 11 defeated by Americans, D30Oc79: 22 desert British in Montreal, Can. , D8Ap80: 22 desert French, 30N59: 22 destroy German flats, N. Y. , P230c78: 22 discontent in Ga. ,DllAp77:32 on Pa. frontier, R3Mr68: 31, PD10Mr68: 23— R10Mr68: 32, R7J174: 31, R14J174: 23, R21J174: 33 on Va. frontier, R7J174: 31 discussed in Va. general assembly, R14J174: 23— PD21J174: 21 divisions set up by Continental congress, P8S75sl3— Pil4S75: 11 education for in Mass. , 27D51: 22 encamped on Staten island, N. Y. , D29N76: 51 592 Indians entertained at Cumberland, Md. , Fort, 23My55:21 executed for murder in Nantucket, Mass. , PD9Je68:21 expeditions against, Pi8D74: 32, P23Je75:23. P30Je75: 32, P28J175:22, P18Ag75sll fever among in Yarmouth, Mass. , 24F38: 32 fight in Quebec, Can. , P2F76sl3 fort at St. Vincent's, P8S75s22 friendship with advocated by Gov. Dinwiddie, 27F52: 31 harbor runaway slaves, PD5Mr72: 32 — R12Mr72: 41, PD26N72: 23 in battle near Fort Stanwix N. Y. , D5S77: 12--P5S77:21 In British army, P29Mr76: 13, DllMy76:32,D22Je76: 52, D20J176:41,D4Oc76: 62, DHOc76:21,D29N76:22 — P29N76: 11 against Vincennes, (St. Vincent's), D22My79: 22 cruelty by, D26F79: 12 in Can. , P9Ag76: 22--D10Ag76: 32, D10Ag76: 51, D40c76: 71 in Fort Edward, N. Y. , D29Ag77: 12 inGa. ,D29My79:31 in N. Y. , D1N76: 31, DlAg77: 12, DlAg77: 21,PlAg77sl2, P29Ag77:23— D5S77: 21 in Oswego, N. Y. , DlAg77: 12 in S. C. , D280c75: 32, D14Ag79: 22 number in, P7N77: 12 on Long island, N. Y. , D29N76: 21 payment for, P12D77: 12 in Can. , attitude toward revolution, Pil3J175:31--D15J175:22, D16S75:21,DHOc76:31, D4J177:71,D25J177:21 — P25J177:13 conference in Cambridge, Mass. , P23F76:23— D24F76: 31 peace with Cherokees, PD9Je68: 21 in Carolinas, 7N55: 12 in Continental army, P5D77: 11, P29My78:22,D17J179:21 in Pa. ,P12Je78:21 in Cumberland, N. S. , DHOc76: 21 in Darien, C. Am. , sent to Sp. , P12D77: 11 in Detroit, PD13J169: 23 in Eng. , PD21Mr71: 21 in Fincastle co. , Va. , D17Ag76: 21 in Fla. , R31D72: 21 in Ga. , 7N55: 12 in Labrador, visit London, PD25Mr73:21 in London, Eng. , DllOc76: 31 in Michigan settlement, intermarriage with whites, PD30Ap67: 22 in Michilimackinac, allied with British, D26Je79: 22 destroy Major Rogers, PD7Ap68: 21 in northern colonies, relations with British, 28F55: 11 In N. S. , 16My51: 21 in Pa. , 7N55: 12 attack on prepared, P25Ap77: 21 — D2My77: 31 in Quebec, Can. , PD28Ja68: 22 incited against Americans, Pi3Ag75:32--D5Ag75:23 in St. Vincent is. , W. I. , PD13Ag72: 21, PD3S72:21,PD10c72:22 in S. C.,24Je37:31 in Va. , 7N55: 12 conferences with Dunmore proposed, R14J174: 31 investigated by Gov. Dunmore, PD21J174p23 pursued by militia, 4N63: 21 incited against British by French, 31Ja51: 22, 2My51: 21, lAg51: 21, 21Mr55: 12, PD24Ag69: 22 against colonies by British, P22J175s21--D29J175: 23, P4Ag75: 23, P22D75: 13, P5Ja76(5)sl3, P29Mr76: 12 against Spanish in New Orleans, D6N79: 22 by Spanish on Mosquito coast, 24N52:22, PD13F72: 31 incitement against colonies by British attempted, D23D75: 22 criticized, D160c78: 21 denied, P7Je76:31 join in slave insurrection in N. Y. rumored, P17Mr75s32 — D18Mr75:31 join Spanish in La. , D26F80: 22 killed by British in Machias, Me. , P230c78:21 killed near Fort Schuyler, N. Y. , D29Ag77: 12 liquor sold to regulated in W. Fla. , PD13Ag67:22 marry slaves, PD29N70: 31, PD12S71: 32, PD26N72: 31, DllMr75:33,D3Ag76:31 mistreated in Ga. , PD26N67: 21 murdered by Virginians, PD28Ap68: 22-- R28Ap68: 22, P16Ag76: 32 in Burlington co. , N. J. , PD22Ag66:21 in Fort Randolph, P3Ap78: 11 in Md. , PD13Ag72:21 in Va. ,D4F75:31 in Wheeling (Whaling), Va. , PD23Je74: 21--R23Je74: 41 near Detroit, PD19My68: 13 near Fort Augusta, Pa. , PD25F68: 22, PD10Mr68:22 on Potomac river, PD7S69: 23 murders by, 21J138: 32, D11S79: 32 in Fincastle co. , Va. , R23D73: 32 in Northwest, D22My79: 22 in Ohio, P21F77:21 in Orange co. , Va. , 7Ap38: 41 in Va. , PD8S74: 23, PD15S74: 31 near Bedford, Pa. , P5Je78: 21 near Boston, Mass. , P22J175sl3 near Detroit," PD19My68: 13, PD14J168: 11— R14J168: 21 near Fort Edward, N. Y. , D29Ag77: 21 near Fort Stanwix, N. Y. , D15Ag77: 32 near Kittanning, Pa. , D18Ap77: 62 near Louisburg, N. S. , 13Je45: 32, PD24N68: 22 near Redstone, Pa. , R14J174: 23 on Ohio river, PD23Je74: 22 on Okonees [river], R17Mr74: 22 on Va. frontier, 50c39: 41, PD18Ap68: 22 punished by British army, D30c77: 22 near Detroit, friendly to British, PD7Mr66:31 uprising expected, PD27Ap69: 22 near New Orleans, presented presents by Spanish, PD3Ja71: 22 neutral in Revolutionary war, P21J175s32, D26Ag75: 23 — P1S75: 11 of southern district, support colonies, P8D75:23— D9D75: 32 — Pi9D75: 22 on Cape Sable is. , Can. , 23My45: 31 on Great is. , PD25F68: 22, PD17Mr68:31 on Miss, river, allegiance sought by French and British, PD6Ag72: 21 allegiance sought by Spanish, R21N71:21 mistreat British traders, PD29S68:21 on Ohio river, PD7Ap74: 23 oppose British colonies, N. Am. , Pi31Ag75: 31— D2S75:21 oppose colonists in N. C. , D250c76: 31 origin in N. Am. , PD19N72: 13 paid by British, D12S77: 12 — P12S77: 21 peace with U. S. rejected, D1N76: 31 peace with Va. sought, D15N76: 21 plot against British, PD30Je68: 22— R30Je68: 23 plunder British shipwrecks, 29Ag51: 31, 19D51:31 present grievances to king, R7J168: 13 presented at court in Eng. , PD15S74: 31 presents to limited by British government, PD25Ag68: 12 prisoners of, R3D72: 21, R16D73: 41, D28F77: 41— P28F77: 22, PllAp77:23 protection from on Kanawha river, PD24F74: 32— R3Mr74: 42 provision British army in Fort Chartres, PD20Je66: 22 pursued by Mcintosh, D30Oc78: 31 relations with Augusta co. , Va. , Pi6J175: 12 with French, 14Mr51: 21, 7N55: 11 with Ga. , Pi9Mr75: 31— P10Mr75: 31 with Gt. Brit. , PD23J167: 13 — R23J167s21 with Mass. , R1J173: 23 with Va. , PH4S75: 31, D18N75: 31, P1N76: 32 reports concerning questioned, R31Mr74:31 scalping by, in Hampshire co. , Va. , PD16Je74: 21— R16Je74: 22 in ni. , PilD74: 13 in Va. , PD18Ag74: 31— R18Ag74: 31, PD8S74: 23 near Monongehela river, PD23Je74: 22 on Ohio river; P23F76: 32 scarce in New England, 7N55: 12 in N. J. , 7N55: 12 schools for in New England, PD16Je68: 22— R16Je68: 23, R15Mr70sll in Va. ,R15Mr70sll sell British captives to French, 19S51:31 skirmish with near Big Runaway, Pa. , PD2 Je74: 23 on Ohio river, D27N79: 21 slave claims freedom as, R2My71: 31 593 Indians (cont'd) slaves live among, P16Je75: 22 slaves of, PD10Ja71:33 spies for French, 21Mr55: 32 starvation among near Niagara, N. Y. , C19F80:22 steal cattle in Pensacola, Fla. , PD8D68: 13 steal horses near Fort Pitt, PD2J167: 31 support British, 170c55: 21, 310c55: 12 support British colonies, N. Am. , D8J175:23,Pil3J175:31~ P14J175sl3--D15J175: 22, Pi7S75: 11, D16S75: 13, P22S75: 13, D11N75:21 support to British offered, D4My76:31 refused, P30Ag76: 31 take prisoners near Johnson hall, N. Y. , D15My79:21 to Prince Edward is. (St. John's is.), P230c78:21 treaties with Americans, P25J177: 12 with Md. , proposed, D16S75: 23 with Va. , PD17N74: 21, PD1D74: 22, PD8D74sll used to prevent desertion from British army in Ga. , D22My79: 21 Virginians march against, PD25Ag74: 22 visit Glasgow, Scot. . R7J168: 13 visit Gravesend, Eng. , R11D6G: 22 wars with rumored, PD10D67: 23, PD10D72: 22, R26My74: 22, PD7J174: 23, PD60c74: 23 — Pi60c74:32,Pi8D74:21 with Va. , PD7Ap68: 22. PU0N74: 23 with Butler in back country, D12F79:31 women exempted from levies in Va. , PD28D69: 23--R28D69: 23 See also Abecoes; Abnakis; Arkansas; Boundary disputes; Caribs; Catawbas; Caughnawagas; Chickasaws; Cherokees; Chippewas; Choctaws; Creeks; Cussatoes; Cutaboes; Delawares; Five nations; Illinois; Kickapoos; Micmacs; Mingos; Missisaugas; Mohawks; Nantaurs; Norridgewocks; Nottawegas; Nottoways; Onecutas; Oneidas; Onondagas; Ottowawas; Passamaquadas; Penobscots; Quinquahs; St. Francois; Savannah; Senecas; Shawnees; Six nations; Tawaws; Tuscaroras; Twightwees; Upper creeks; Wyandots Indians, Asiatic, as indentured servants, D13J176:22 Indians, hairless, in S. Am. , D30S75: 11 Indians, Mexican, plague among, 24F38: 32, lMr38: 32 war with Sp. , 24F38: 32 Indies, Dutch, cession to Prussia considered, PD18F68: 22 Indiiferents, club in Paris, 24S36: 12 Indigestion, cure for, PD220c67: 13, PD13Ag72: 22, PD10S72: 23 Indigo, colonial taxes to be paid in, PD15S68: 12--R15S68: 14 damaged by frost in S. C. , PD16Je74sl2 discovered in Aust. , PD31Mr74: 12 export prohibition urged in S. C. , Pi23F75:22, P24F75: 31 export statistics from Charleston, S.C.,30c51: 31 exported from Am. to Gt. Brit. , PD25Ap66: 11 exported from Charleston, S. C. , to London, PD16Ap67: 21, R20Je71:31 exported from Fr. to Eng. , D29Ap77: 12 exported from James river, lower district, Va. , to Glasgow, Scot. , PD14Ap74: 23— R17Mr74: 22 to Liverpool, Eng. , R21Ap74: 23 — PD28Ap74: 23 exported from James river, upper district, Va. , 1763-1766, PD12F67:22 to Glasgow, Scot. , 9Ja46: 4, PD19Mr67: 32, PD3D67: 31, PD11F68: 23, PDllAg68: 23 — RllAg68: 31, PD29S68: 23 — R60c68:23, PD7Je70: 31, PD6Ja74: 32 to Greenock, Scot. , PD28Ja68: 31— R4F68: 31, PD7Je70: 31 to London, Eng. , PD28J168: 23 to Whitehaven, Eng. , PD15Ag66: 31 — R15Ag66s32, PD13S70: 23 exported from New York City, PD9Ap67: 22 exported from Pensacola, Fla. , D8Ap80s21 exported from Savannah, Ga. , amount computed, PD16Je74sl2 exported from S. C. to London, Eng. , R60c68: 13 exported from Veracruz, Mex. , to Rota, 25N37: 41 exported from W. I. , Fr. , 240c55: 11 for sale, PD30My66: 32 — R30My66: 33 at Green spring, Va. , PD10Oc71: 32 at Providence forge. Va. , D26D77: 21 in Cabin Point, Va. , P29Mr76: 33, D18J177: 31 in Cumberland, Va. , 19D55: 31 in Fredericksburg, Va. , D5D77: 22, D26Mr79: 22 in Gloucester co. , Va. , D29Je76: 42, P16Ag76 : 33 — D24Ag76 : 72 in Norfolk, Va. , PD30My66: 32 — R30My66: 33 in Northampton co. , N. C. , D15Ag77: 71 — P15Ag77: 31 in Petersburg, Va. , D11J177: 32, D23Ja78: 32 in Richmond, Va. , D14N77: 32 in Tappahannock, Va. , PD2D73: 21 in Williamsburg, Va. , 17Ja51: 41, 5S5L32, PD19S66:31, PD25F68: 23— R3Mr68: 34, R28J168: 32, PD12D71: 32, PD290c72: 22— R290c72: 22, PD29S74: 32, D26Ag75: 32, Pi20D75:42,D27Je77:31, DlAg77:22, P22Ag77: 32, DlMy79: 22, D4Mr80: 13 in Yorktown, Va. , 26S45: 31, 19D55: 31, 22Ap57: 41, P27D76: 32 from S. C. , compared with French, R60c68: 13 grown on Miss, river, PD9S73: 23 import to British colonies, N. Am. , forbidden, D21Ja75: 13 ,S. I. import to Ga. forbidden, Pi20Ap75: 21 import to Gt. Brit, from Am. free, PD18Ap66: 23, PD10S67: 13 from Miss, expected, PD14My72: 13 imported to Bordeaux, Fr. , from U. S. , PlMy78: 12 from W.I. , 10Oc55:21 imported to Cadiz, Sp. , from Veracruz, Mex. ,21N51: 12 imported to Fr. from U. D29Ap77: 12 imported to Jamaica, W. PD3S67:11 imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from Bermuda, 23Ja46:41 from St. Eustatia, W. I., PD10F74: 23 imported to New York City from Port au Prince, Santo Domingo, W. I. ,P21Je76:22 imported to Rappahannock district, Va. , from R. I. , R8Ag66: 22 — PD15Ag66:23 imported to St. Andero, Sp. , 9N39:21 imported to St. Eustatia, W. I. , from S. C.,D30My77:21 imported to Sp. from Veracruz, Mex. , 8D52: 12 imported to Va. from Georgetown, S. C. 19D55: 31 imported to York district, Va. , from Bermuda, HJa40: 41, 25Ja40: 4 from London, Eng. , 4J145: 31 lost at sea, 28F55: 22, PD13Ag67: 22, PD2S73:21— R2S73:22 lost off Bahama keys, R10Mr74: 13 plantations described, 170c55: 22 in St. Augustine, Fla. , PD30Ap67: 31 plentiful in Charleston, S. C. , PD6Ag72:21 in E. Fla. , PD150c72: 22 in Miss. , PD140c73: 13 in S. C. , PD270c74: 22 plundered in Honduras bay, PD8J173: 23— R8J173: 23, PD29J173: 22— R29J173: 23 price of in Miss. , PD140c73: 13 in Phila. , Pa. , 280c37: 32, 20Ja38: 32, 5My38: 22, HAg38: 32, 6Ap39: 22, HMy39: 41, 25My39: 41, 8Je39: 41, 22Je39: 31, 20J139: 32, 3Ag39: 41 produced in British colonies, N. Am. , R12Ag73:21 in Pensacola, Fla. , PD13N66: 11 in S. C. , PD3D67: 22 recaptured from British, D3J179: 21 scarce in S. C. , PD240c66: 21, PD14D69: 12 seized from American ships, DlAg77: 11, P12D77: 12 from British ships, D180c76: 11, D20D76: 11— P20D76sll from Dutch ships, 16My45: 32, DlAg77: 11 from French ships, 21Mr45: 32, 28Mr45: 31, 13Je45: 21, 13Je45: 31, 20Je45: 22, 20Je45: 32, 4J145: 21, 4J145: 31, 11J145: 31, 11J145: 32, 240c45: 12, 30c55: 11, D12Mr79: 21, D25D79: 21, D25Mr80: 13, DlAp80: 13 from Georgian ship, D29J176: 12 from Jamaican ship, D180c76: 12 594 Ink from ship. 12S45: 12 from Spanish ship. 4J145: 22 on Miss, river. P29My78: 22 surplus in S. C. . PilOAg75: 31 to be grown in Jamaica. W. I. , R24N68: 13 traded in Pensacola, Fla. . PD12My68: 22--R12My68: 13 Indigo, foreign, as enumerated article in British colonies, PD23My66: 23 reexportation restrictions proposed in British colonies. PD13Je66: 22 Indigo seed, for sale, in Brunswick co. , Va. ,Pil6Mr75:33 in Cumberland, Va. , 19D55: 31 in Hampton, Va. . 12D55: 31 in Yorktown. Va. . 19D55: 31 from S. C. , 12D55:31 imported to Va. from Georgetown, S.C. , 19D55:31 Indigo vats, in Surry co. , Va. , 2S57:41 Indiscreet. French frigate, D250c76: 11 Indostan, offered to Gt. Brit. , R140c73: 11 Indulto, levied by Sp. , 4Mr37: 32. 16D37:21 Industrious Bee, snow. 5Je52: 32 Industry, brig, 7J138: 41, 9My45: 32. 23Ja46:22, PD18J171: 22 — R18J171: 33. PD29Ap73: 22 — R29Ap73:22 brigantine, 29S52: 32. PD14Je70: 33. PD7Mr71: 32. PD10Mr74: 31. P20S76:22— D21S76: 31 privateer, P1N76:21 schooner, D90c 78: 41 ship, 14Ja37: 42, 2S37: 21. 16D37: 42. 9F39: 32, 12D51: 32, 30Ja52: 32, 7Ag52: 32, 15S52: 32, 24N52: 22, 24N52: 31. 8D52: 31. 28F55: 31, 14Mr55: 32, HAp55: 22, 23My55: 21, 19S55: 31. 240c55: 21, 27Ag56: 31, 27Ag56: 41, 2S57: 22, 12F62: 31, PD5S66s43, PD27N66: 22, PD29Ja67: 32. PD12Mr67: 32, PD2Ap67: 23, R23J167:31, PD6Ag67: 32, PD27Ag67: 23. PD19N67: 22, PD17D67: 31, PD28Ja68: 31 — R4F68: 31. PD10Mr68: 31 — R14Ap68: 42. PD24Mr68: 32 — R24Mr68: 32. PD26My68: 22 — R9Je68: 32, PD7J168: 23 — R7J168: 23. RUAg68: 23. RllAg68: 24, PD1S68: 23. PD29S68: 23 — R60c68: 23, PD270c68: 31, PD22D68:31,R12Ja69:23, PD23F69: 32--R23F69: 22, PD13Ap69: 33— R13Ap69. 32, PD20Ap69: 22. PD6J169: 32, PD3Ag69: 32. PD7S69: 31, PD21S69:22— R21S69:23. PD21S69s23. PD7D69s23, PD14D69: 32--R14D69: 23, PD28D69: 31, PD18Ja70: 33, R15Mr70: 12, PD7Je70: 31, PD13S70:23, PD20S70: 32, PD22N70: 31. PD10Ja71: 32, PD10Ja71: 33, PD19Mr72: 23, PD2Ap72: 32— R23Ap72: 43. PD220c72: 21— R220c72: 22, PD5N72sll--R5N72:22, PD29Ap73: 21, R17Je73s22, R8J173:32, PD21Ap74:23, P3Mr75:22--D4Mr75:21, D70c75:22, . P16Ag76:21, D22Ja80: 32 sloop, 5Ag37: 42. 10Oc45: 31, 12F62: 32, PD12S66: 31, , R4D66: 31. PD150c67: 22, PD29S68: 21— R29S68: 21. PD17Ag69: 32, PD18Oc70: 31 — R18Oc70:22. PD19N72:31. PD29J173: 22— R29J173: 23 snow, RUD66: 33, PD24My70: 32 — R31My70:43 Inflexible. French warship, 5S55: 21 Infusions, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. 3Je37:41 Ingalls. Thomas, 310c45: 42 Inge. William, D5Je79: 32 Ingersol, Capt. . 4J145: 21 killed at Lake George, 170c55: 12 of the Monmouth, D14Ag79: 21 Mr. , on committee to wait on Mass. governor, PD23My71: 12 John, Capt. , of the Speedwell, PD29Ja67: 32 Ingersoll. Capt. . 16My45: 32 Col. , invents grass mower in London, Eng. , D25My76: 11 David. PD1N70:21 Isaiah, Capt. . of the Charming Molly, 28F55:31 Jared, PD12Ja69: 21— R12Ja69: 22, PD18My69: 22, R260c69: 12, PD1N70: 13, Pil30c74: 31 Ingerson, Capt. . PD27Ag67: 22 Ingham. John, PD14D69: 22 — R14D69: 23 Ingles, Capt. , pursues Indians, 4N63:21 Mr. , appointed tea commissioner in Pa. ,RllN73s23 Andrew, Dl 7 Je75: 33 Inglis, Capt. , PD18Oc70sl2, P5Ap76:31 of the Frances, PD23J167: 23 of the Friendship, R8F70: 23 of the Sultana. PD2N69: 31, PD18Oc70sll, R29N70: 21, PD4J171: 13 taken prisoner of war in Savannah, Ga. D6Ap76:23 Mr. , Pil3D75:31 of Norfolk, Va. . committee of observation, D14Ja75: 23 John, PD210c73:21 John, Capt. , of the Lizard, D4N75: 23 Nancy (Aitchison), marriage of, PD7J174:21 Samuel, adv. for lowland tobacco, P26J176:43— D29J176: 62 announces departure, D250c76: 42 carries on business of Inglis & Long, P26My75: 41 marriage of, PD7J174: 21 on Norfolk, Va. , committee, Pil6F75:31— D25F75:31, Pi23Mr75: 22 — P24Mr75: 41 — D25Mr75: 12, Pi6Ap75: 32 — D15Ap75: 13 William, Major, P10F75: 32 Inglis & Long, PD7Ap74: 31 adv. for runaway sailors, PD24Ja71: 32 adv. for runaway slave, PD27S70: 33 adv, for situation for grist mill, PD30My71: 23 adv. for stolen yawl, PD14F71: 32 adv. merchandise for sale, PD31Ja71: 32, PD15Ag71: 32, PD14N71: 23. PD10c72: 23, PD11N73: 22, PD20Ja74: 31, PD7Ap74:23 announces dissolution of partnership P26My75:41 subscriber to meeting of merchants, PD30Je74:23 Inglish, Capt. , 27Ag56: 22, PD30Oc66: 13 Ingoldsby. Capt. , 13Je45: 22 Ingot. Henry, PlMy78: 32 Ingraham. Capt. , house of damaged by cannonading, P3N75: 22 — D4N75: 23 Abraham, Capt. , Pi9N75: 21 George, 16Ja61:41 Ingram. Capt. , R13Ja74: 33 Col., attacks Fla. rangers, D26Mr79: 22 Archibald, R7Ap74: 11 Bartholomew. PD13My73: 43 George, P17Ja77: 32, P7F77: 42 James, PD5Ag73: 31— R12Ag73: 23 adv. merchandise for sale, PD170c71: 31— R170c71: 31, PD21My72: 23--R21My72: 22. PD150c72: 23--R150c72: 31. PD6My73: 23. PD5Ag73: 23. R12Ag73: 23, PD23S73: 23, PD270c74:31 agent for George Muter, PD13Ag67: 23, R13Ag67:21 appointed to committee of Va. merchants, R26N72: 21 attorney for John Bruce, PD4Ag74: 31 — R4Ag74: 32 chief judge of Dunmore's admiralty court, P26Ap76s22 merchant, PD31D72: 32 subscriber to meeting of merchants, PD30Je74: 23 Tory in Norfolk, Va. , P29D75: 13 violates Association, D6My75: 21 John, D17Ag76: 31. P30Ag76: 41, P8N76:41 Joseph, PD23F69: 13, PDllAp71: 32, P12D77: 32 Patience, D8J175: 33 Samuel, P30J175s23 Thomas, PD14My72: 22 Ingram. Archdeacon &, PDllMr73: 31, PD12Ag73: 31 Ingram, Kippen & co. , 16My55: 21 Ingram's ferry, Va. , PD7My67: 33, PD29N70: 23 Ingson, Richard, P12Je78: 12 Inhabitant of Halifax, pseud. , PD8Ap73: 23 Inimicus Mendaci, pseud. , Pi23F75: 31 Ink, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD13D70: 43, PD10Je73: 34, D9Mr76:43 Ink, India, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. . PDUAp66: 41, C21Oc80: 22 Ink, Japan, PD17S72:22 for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD29Ag71:31 Ink, patent cake, for sale, in Williamsburg. Va. , PD10Je73: 34, D24Ag76: 63 Ink, printing, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , Pi20Ap75: 31 — D22Ap75:32 595 Ink (cont'd) Ink, red, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD12N67: 22, PD29N70: 22, PD29Ag71: 31, D18Mr75: 33 Ink cases, Edinburgh, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD12N67: 22 Ink pieces. See Brass; Japan; Leather; Inkholders, See Clark's leather Inkhorns, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , HOc51:41 Inkle, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD25Ap66: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , HOc51: 41 Inkpots, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD23Ap72: 23--R23Ap72: 13 See also Leather Inkpots, Edinburgh, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD29N70: 22, PD13D70: 43, PD3 Ja77: 43, PD29Ag71: 31, PD17S72: 22, D18Mr75:33 Inkpowder, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. , D170c77: 22--P240c77: 23, D5D77:22 in Gloucester, Va. , P19Ap76sll — D20Ap76: 33 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , 16F39: 42, 110c51:41, 22Ap57:32, PD25Je67: 32, PD12N67: 22, PD29N70: 22, PD3Ja71: 43, PD10Je73: 34, D18Mr75: 33, D9Mr76:43,D28N77:22 in Yorktown, Va. , P27D76: 32 Inkpowder, black, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD29Ag71: 31 Inkpowder, Japan, PD17S72: 22 Inkpowder, red, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD29Ag71: 31, D18Mr75:33 Inkson, Capt. , PDllJe72: 31 Richard, Capt. , of the Hannah, D4S79: 22, D4S79: 31 Inkstands, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , 22Ap57: 32, D27Je77:31,DlAg77:22, DlMy79: 22 See also Ebony; Marble; Pewter Inman, Mr. , to Eng. from Halifax, N. S. ,D13J176:61 John, PD23Je74: 12 Ralph, PD12F67: 22, PD23Ap67: 23 Inner temple London, Eng. , fire in, 25Mr37: 22, 8Ap37: 22 Innermay, Va. , See Attorneys at; Merchants at Innermay, brig, PD7Ap74: 23 See also Staymakers apprentices runaway from brigantine, PD16N69: 22, PD18Oc70: 42, PD5D71: 32 ship, PD27Ap69: 31, PD6J169- 32, PD9N69: 22, PD23S70: 23, PD10Oc71: 31, PD19Mr72: 23, PD80c72: 31— R80c72: 23, D21Ja75:32 Innes, Capt. , of the Madeira Packet, PD11F68:23 Mr. , P240c77: 23 opposes British colonies, N. Am. , P14Ap75sl2--D15Ap75: 23 Mrs. . house of, PD13D70: 22 — R13D70:31 Harry, C18D79: 12 James, adv. for missing horse, Pi24N74: 33, PD24N74: 31 adv. house for sale, C3J179: 23 appointed to committee, Williamsburg, Va. ,D24J179:21 indentured servant, 14F5L41 orders recruiting officers to report, D14Ag79: 31 orders recruits to report, D21Ag79: 31-- C28Ag79: 12, C11D79: 13 postpones assembling recruits, D12F80:33--C19F80:41 James, Col. , 19J154: 41, D18Ap77: 71-- P18Ap77s31, D24J179: 11, C13My80: 42 James, Major, P22S75: 32 — D23S75: 32 Robert, Rev. Mr. , PD8Ag66: 32, PD290c67: 23, PD13D70: 22 — R13D70:31 William, PD21J168:32 Innis, Capt. , of British troops in Fla. , PD8Je69:21 of the Madeira, R11F68: 31 Dr., of Va. , PD10S72: 22 Enoch, R30Ag70: 23 Enoch, Capt. , R20Ap69: 31 Hannah (Eggleston), PD9Ja72: 32 Harry, P9F76: 11 Hugh, PD8Ag66: 32, PDllMy69s41, PD25My69: 12, PD3Ag69: 32, PD28S69: 23, R9N69: 11, PD9Ja72: 32, PD29J173:23 James, chosen captain of artillery company, Williamsburg, Va. . P16F76.31 James, Lt. Col. , D15N76: 21 — P15N76: 32, P31Ja77: 22, P14F77: 23. D30c77:31— P30c77:21 James, Major, P26Ap76s22 Robert, 17J152: 32, 7N54: 31 Inns, in New London, Conn. , R1S74: 22 See also Ordinaries; Taverns Inoculations, adv. of in Va. , PD8Je69: 32 See also Smallpox inoculations Inoculations, Suttonian, adopted in China and India, PD130c68: 21 — R130c68: 12 Inpavidus, pseud. , PD17S71: 11 Inquisition, abolished in It. , PD29Je69: 13 in Port. , 16My51: 21, 24My51: 21, 4J15L22, 120c52: 11 abolition in Papal states rumored, PD12My68: 11 in Macerata, It. , HAp51: 21 in Sp. , P117N74: 22 sentences reviewed by king, 28Mr51:22 Inquisitor, pseud. , Pil90c75: 33, Pi260c75: 22, Pi30N75: 32 Insane, jailed in Fairfield co. , Conn. , PD25Mr73: 23— R25Mr73: 23 Insanity cases, PD10D72: 23 — R10D72:23, P19Ja76: 41 cure for, PD80c72: 11, PD5N72: 21 false confinements in Bedlam, PD28Ja68: 13 in Amherst co. , Va. , R27Ja74: 33 in Berne, Switz. , PD26Ja69: 23 in British navy, PD8Ag71: 22 in Eng. , 24S36: 12, HMy39: 22, PD20My73: 21, R5Ag73: 11 in Kneesworth, Eng. , PD26D71: 22 in London, Eng. , PD23Je68: 12 — R23Je68: 21, R13My73: 21, PD15J173: ll--R15J173sl3, PD20Oc74:21 in Richlieu, Fr. , PD12Mr67: 23 in Salisbury, Eng. , PDlS74s21 in Southwark, Eng. , PD28S69: 12 in Turin, It. ,R30D73:21 in York, Va. , PD6J169: 32 — R6J169:31 provided for by Va. general assembly, PD23Ap72: 11, D27D76: 22 — P3Ja77: 21 See also Hospitals, insane Inskeep, James, D24Ag76: 41 Insolvency, See Bankruptcy; Debtors Insolvency act (Great Britain), PD3Ja71: 31, R28Mr71: 21 — PDllAp71:31 benefits denied, 27Ja38: 32 benefits from, PD3Ag69: 23 court cases under, 23D37: 32 passed, PD6J169: 12 used by Benjamin Grymes, PD9Mr69: 32— R9Mr69: 32 violated in London, Eng. , 6Ja38: 31 Inspector, pseud. , PD3F74: 23 privateer, 5S51: 22 Instrument cases, See Silk instrument cases Instruments, See Doctor's; Marine; Mathematical; Medical; Midwifery; Navigation; Philosophical; Physical; Physics; Pocket; Surgical; Surveyors; Teeth Insurance, adv. of, in Norfolk, Va. , PD310c71:23 declines in Eng. , PD15S74: 12 for Gibraltar, Spain, D12F79: 22 on money in Bristol, Eng. , Pil90c75: 22— D210c75: 21 on tobacco, PD30Ja72: 32 — R6F72: 32 rates in Eng. , PD8Mr70: 22, PD23My71: 22, PD13Je71: 12, PD13Je71:22 speculation in London, Eng. , R150c72: 13 See also Annuities Insurance, life, regulation signed by king, PD18Ag74: 11 Insurance, marine, adv. of, in Baltimore, Md. , PD15Ag71: 32 bought by Sp. and Holl. , D10J179: 21 damaged ships sold for in Va. , 30Ap52:32,PD19F67:31--R19F67:23, PD16N69: 22, PD11J171: 32 — R18J171: 41, R26Mr72: 23, PD2Ap72: 33, PD7Ja73: 31 — R7Ja73:33, PD11F73:31, R27My73: 31, PD12Ag73: 31, D13D76:31 damaged tobacco sold for in Va. , Pu3Ap78: 22 declines in London, Eng. , PD20Oc74: 22 for European-American trade, P2Je75: 13 frauds in Gt. Brit. , 19J154: 12, 28F55:21 imported goods sold for in Va. , PD20Je66: 31, PD18J166: 31, PD25J166: 32, PD6N66: 22, R19F67:23, PD26F67: 31, PD80c67: 21, PD14Ja68: 32. 596 Ipecacuana PD7J168:32— R7J168: 23, PD21J168: 31— R21J168: 31, PD21J168: 32--R21J168: 33, PD12Ja69: 41, PD26Ja69: 41, R3Ag69:31,R10Ag69:42. PD7S69:32,R21S69:31, R50c69:23,R19Oc69sl3, R2N69: 23, R30N69: 32, PD21D69: 32— R28D69: 13, PD18Ja70: 43, PD8Mr70: 33, R19Ap70: 33, PD24My70: 31, PD24My70: 33, PD19J170: 33 — R19J170:32, R18Oc70: 22, PD25Oc70: 23, PD1N70: 22, R1N70: 32, PD8N70: 23, PD8N70: 31, R8N70: 12, PD22N70: 23, PD29N70: 23, PD29N70:31,R29N70:23, PD13D70: 22, R2My71: 22, R9My71:33, R18J171: 33, R8Ag71:31, PD28N71: 31, PD23Ja72: 32, PD9Ap72: 32, PD21My72: 31, PD9J172: 31, PD27Ag72: 43, PD17S72: 23, PD290c72: 21— R290c72: 31, PD12N72: 22, R19N72: 22, PD7Ja73: 31— R7Ja73: 33, PD7Ja73: 32, PD14Ja73: 31, R11F73:31, PD25F73: 32, PDllMr73: 31--RllMr73: 31, PD18Mr73: 32, PD22J173: 32, PD17F74: 32, D23D75: 23. P19Je78:31,D19Mr79:31 in Bordeaux, Fr. , D2Ap79: 12 in Fr. , R16S73: 23 in Holl. ,R6My73:21 in London, Eng. , R6My73: 21, PD23D73: 22, P19My75: 13 merchandise sold for in Va. , PD80c72: 32— R80c72: 23 office established at Naples, It. , 8Ag51: 12 rates, 1S38: 11, P27Je77: 33 fall in London, Eng. , PD2My71:21 — R2My71: 12 Fr. to Am. , P28Mr77sl2 high in London, Eng. , P3My76: 22 — D4My76: 31 in Eng. , D12Mr79: 21, in London, Eng. , 30c55: 31, PD19Ap70: 11, PD22N70s21, D1N76: 12 increase in Eng. , 7J138: 22, 25Ja40: 11, P10Mr75sll, P28Mr77sll, P30My77: 22, P5S77: 11 increase in London, Eng. , PD14F71: 23— R14F71: 23, PD8Ag71: 21, D22Ag77: 12 — P22Ag77: 21 moderate in S. C. , D3Ja77: 12 to Louisburg. N. S. , 14N55: 12 sale stopped in Edinburgh, Scot. , D8Ja80: 22 ships abandoned for, R12Mr72: 11 materials sold for, PD24My70: 31 — R31My70: 33, PD7Mr71: 32, PD80c72: 32--R80c72: 23 return to Eng. for, PD16J172: 31 sold for,D90c78:41— P160c78:41 state officers recommended in Phila. , Pa. , D7Ag79: 21 trials in London, Eng. , PDlAg66: 11, PD28S69: 12 Insurance brokers, PD19Mr72: 31 adv. of, in Norfolk, Va. , DllMr75: 32 in Norfolk, Va. , PD23My66: 31 Insurance companies, in New York Citv, PD19Mr67:22 Insurance offices, in Boston, Mass. , PD8S68:21 in Glasgow, Scot. , PD2My71: 31 recommended in Va. , P26S77: 12 Insurance policies, PD31Mr68: 31 — R31Mr68: 32, PD16N69: 31 — R16N69:23 at Lloyd's, London, Eng. , PD23Ja72: 12 Insurrections, See Negro; Slave; and under name of place Integrity, ship, PD6Je66: 23, R8F70: 23 Interest rates, high in Eng. , R280c73: 13 in Holl. , R8Ap73: 23 in Va. , PD10N74: 42 on money loaned British colonies, PDlAp73: 21 Intermarriage, in Cornwall, Eng. , PD16Mr69: 13 International law, violations of, 21Mr45:31 International relations, affect stock markets, PD17Je73: 31 affected by death of Louis XV, PD25Ag74: 22, PD15S74: 21 discussed, 31Ag39: 22, 18J151: 21, PD9Mr69: 11, PD7D69: 11, PD26J170: 11, PD13Je71: 21, PD14Ja73: 12, PD14Ja73: 13, PD14Ja73: 21, PDlAp73: 22, PD29Ap73: 21, PD24Je73: 21, PD24Je73: 23, PD1J173: 13, PD15J173: 13, PDllN73sll, R10F74: 12, PD22S74: 23, PD10N74: 23, PD24N74: 11, PD1D74: 21, PD22D74: 21, P10F75: H,D29Ap75sl3, Pi9N75:33,D18N75:21, D2D75: 12, P27D76: 12, P25J177: 22 by Voltaire, PD24Je73: 12 in Amsterdam, Holl. , 20Je51: 12, 2Ja52: 31 in Eng. PD3N68: 12, PD7F71: 21 — R7F71: 12, PD2My71: 22, PD25Mr73: 23, PD17Je73: 12, PD17Je73: 13, PD17Je73: 23 — R17Je73sll, R17Je73: 13, PD27Ja74: 23— R27Ja74: 31 in Hague, Holl. , 24My51: 21, 20Je51:21, lAg51:21 in Hamburg, Ger. , 30My51: 12 in Holl., PD15J173:23 — R15J173:23,PD6Ja74:22 in London, Eng. , PD19N67: 12, PD13D70: 21, PD18N73: 12 in Utrecht, Holl., 5D51: 12 discussion proposed in Hanover, Ger. , 12Mr52:21 essays on, PD30J172: 11 Gt. Brit, 's role in, PD24Je73: 12 preparations for general European war, R20My73: 11 reflections on, 120c52: 12 reviewed, PD18Je67: 13 for 1746, 25S46: 11 for 1750, 14Mr51:31 for 1751, 14Ag52: 12 satirized, R18Oc70: 11, PD29N70: 13, PD26D71: 11 war in Europe discussed, PD21My72: 13, PD31D72: 13 Intolerable acts, See Coercive acts Intrenching tools, for British army in Boston, Mass. , opposed, P3Mr75s22 seized from British ship, D6Ja76: 32 Intrepid, H. M. S. , 24 Ja52: 22, D28Mr77: 61 privateer schooner, D18D79: 21 ship, D4J177: 71 Intrepide, French man of war, D9My77: 11 Invalids, companies of, men and officers added to, PD80c72:23 Invasions and insurrections act, revived by Va. general assembly, 22D38: 22 Invention, ship, PD8Je69: 23 Inventions, extract from Anderson's history reprinted, PDllAg68: 12 See also Bolting machine; Carriages, horseless; Color extraction method; Fire prevention machines; Glider; Heating system; Horses, stain for; Iron, softening method; Leather, hardening method; Leather, tanning method; Life preservers; Lodgings; Logs, ships; Longitude determinant; Marine instruments; Mortars, rapid firing; Navigation instruments; Perambulator; Perpetual motion, machine invented; Pile driving machine; Rust preventive; Scaffolding devices; Sea water, prevention of waves; Sea water purification; Ships, leeway; Spinning wheels; Submarines; Threshing mills; Timber decay; Wagons, machine; Wheat threshing machine; Ships, leeway, invention to prevent; Ships, ointment to preserve; Ships, locomotion without wind invented; Shipwrecks, machines for; Spinning wheels, new features; Steamships; Submarines; Surveyors' instruments; Windlasses Inverness, Scot. , military preparations of, 18Ja40: 21 Inverness, brigantine, 150c36: 31 ship, P5Ap76: 31, D6Ap76: 23 Invincible, H. M. S. , 21N51: 22. 24Ja52: 22, PD24S72: 11, PD15J173: 12— R15J173: 12, D28Mr77: 61 Ion, Capt. , 13Je45: 22 Ipecacuana, exported from James river, upper district, Va. , to London, Eng., 9Je38:41 for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. , P10Oc77: 12 in Hanover co. , Va. , D5F80: 41 in Hobb's Hole, Va. , R29Je69: 33 in Newcastle, Va. , PD19N72: 22 in Petersburg, Va. , Pi23Mr75: 33 — D25Mr75:31 in Portsmouth, Va. , DUJ177: 31, P170c77:23 in Richmond, Va. , D8My78: 82 — P27My78: 22, P12Je78: 22 — D10J178:41 in Shockoe, Va. , PD4Ap66: 41 in Suffolk, Va. , P28N77sl2 in Williamsburg, Va. , 17Ja51: 41, 597 Ipecacuana, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. (cont'd) 24My51: 32, 18J151: 41, 10Ap52: 31, 22My52: 32, 60c52: 32, 2My55: 22, 2My55: 31, 14N55: 22, 30N59: 32, PDUJe67: 32, PD18Je67: 32, PD18Je67: 33, R3N68: 33 — PD10N68: 22, PD21S69: 33 — R21S69s21, PD21S69:41 — R21S69s21, PD240c71: 31, PD290c72: 22— R290c72: 22, D21F77:21 — P21F77:32, D25J177: 31--P25J177: 31, D10J178: 21— P10J178: 12 — P10J178:33,DlMy79:22, D12Je79:32,D29Ja80:41, C15J180:22 in York co. , Va. , P29My78: 31 in Yorktown, Va. , PD13Ag67: 23, D4J177: 11 near Warwick, Va. , D28F77: 32 Ipecacuana, water, as cure for whooping cough, D27S76: 61 Iphigene, French frigate. D9Ap79: 21, D30Oc79:22 Iphigenia, frigate, D13N78: 21 ship, C15My79: 21— D15My79: 21 Ipswich, Eng. , See Anecdotes from; Oxen, abnormal in Ipswich, Mass. , See Ships' sailing time; Ships to Ipswich, British ship, 25Ja40: 2 H. M. S. , 6Je45: 21, 12D45: 12, 12D45: 21, 11S46: 31, 24Ja52: 22, 4Ap55:22, 10Oc55: 22 Iraq, attacked by Persia, PDHOc73sll See also Plague in Irbey, William, PD27Je71: 32 William, Mrs. , PD27Je71: 32 Irby, Capt. , of Sussex co. , Va. , militia, P7J175s21 Mr. , slave of, PD2N69: 42 Anthony, PD 15 F70: 32 Charles, 3Ap46: 42, 27Mr52: 31, 20Oc52: 22, PD28Ap74: 32, P14F77:41, P21Mr77: 12 Charles, Capt. , 13Je51: 41 Charles, Col. ,4N63:43 Francis, P6S76: 43, P15N76: 33, P29My78: 41 John, PD14D69: 32, P7Je76sll, C13N79: 13 Joshua, R6My73: 33 Littlebury, PD21N71:23 Peter, PD24Ag69: 33 William, P29Ag77: 13 Ireland, Capt. , of the Moses, 2My51:22 James, R17F74: 33 Ireland, addressed (text) by Continental congress, Pil7Ag75: 22— D19Ag75: 11 armed troops in, C15J180: 11 army organized in, D18Mr80: 21 attack by Fr. and Sp. rumored, D21Ag79:22 attack by Sp. rumored, PilOAg75: 13, D140c75:21 attitude toward Gt. Brit, discussed, R8Mr70s21, D8Ap80s21 British officers satirized, PD19My68: 11 British pensions withdrawn, PD30Ja72: 23 British proposals to, D25Mr80: 22, DlAp80: 13 British rule opposed in, PD19Ap70: 11, R80c72: 13 cathedral service for poor relief, 31Mr38:31 conditions, PD310c71: 11— R310c71: 22, Pil8My75: 11.D19F80: 13 conditions criticized, R12Ag73: 22 defenses discussed, PD15S68: 23 — R22S68: 21, P15S75: 21, D16Mr76: 13, D13D76: 11 inspected, PD18Oc70: 21, PD14F71:31 strengthened, PD26S71: 11, D27N79: 12 weak, D30S75: 13, D18J177: 12 difficulties with Eng. , PD27F72: 23 discontent allayed in, 19D55: 11 economic conditions described, D29My79:21 favors colonies, PD6J169: 31, R7S69: 31, PilJe75:31, P16Je75s21 government change rumored, R7S69: 11 house of commons, addresses of, 1766, PD15Ag66: 13 addresses of, 1768, R28Ap68: 22, PD12My68: 22 addresses of, 1771, R15Ag71: 12 addresses of speaker, 1772, R23Ap72: 23 debate of, 1775, D23Mr76: 11 proceedings of, 1776, D[250c ?]76: 51 proceedings of, 1780, C13My80: 11 resolutions of, 1768, R25Ag68: 23 house of lords, protests against viceroy, R30My71: 11 independence declared in, C15J180: 11 independence threatened, DllMr80:31 influence by U. S. , D8Ap80: 22 insurrections, R24N68: 21, PD21My72: 13, PD18Je72: 21, PD18Je72: 23, PD16J172: 23, PD6Ag72: 13, PD10c72: 21, R31D72: 11,D4S79: 11 feared in, P24N75sl2, D25N75: 23 quelled, PD28My72: 23, PDllJe72: 23 invaded by French, D230c79: 22 invasion by French rumored, D20c79: 21, D30Oc79: 12 — C30Oc79:23, C13N79: 12, C27N79:11,D18D79:21 lord chancellor, advantages of salary, PD7My72: 12 lord lieutenant, addresses of, 1767, R4F68:21 appointed, PD150c67: 12 honored, PD3Mr68: 23, PD12My68: 22 salary, PD5S71: 12 military preparations of, 120c39: 32 national debt stated, PD3Mr68: 21 octennial bill approved, PD28Ap68: 21 officers for, R10D72: 13, PD17D72: 22 opposes viceroy, R30My71: 22 opposes war with colonies, D2Mr76:22 parliament, acts of, 1738, 21J138: 21 acts of, 1746, 28Ag46:21 acts of, 1768, R26My68:21 addresses (text) king, D18Mr80: 21 addresses of, 1746, 28Ag46: 11, 28Ag46: 12 addresses of, 1771, R6F72: 12 advantages limited, PD12My68: 11 bills in, 1738, 31Mr38: 31 bills in, 1765, PD7Mr66: 11 bills in, 1767, PD3Mr68: 21 bills in, 1774, R31Mr74: 13, R31Mr74:21 controls taxation by Eng. , PD27F72: 31 convenes, 14J138: 12 debates in, 1772, PD80c72: 13 denies pensions, R27F72: 22, PD27F72:23 discusses troops for British army, D9Mr76:13 dissolved, 16 Ja61: 31, PD30Ap72:21, P16Ag76:23 duration limited, PD28Ap68: 12 English representatives in opposed, 30D37: 21 members of, R12 Ja69: 13 octennial sessions passed, PD9Je68: 22 proceedings described, R6F72: 11 septennial discussed, PD5S66s31 — R5S66:21, PD3D67: 22, PD10D67: 13, PD4F68: 22, PD17Mr68: 22 threatens Britain, D18Mr80: 21 traditions in, 31Mr38: 32 peers appointed, PD19Mr67: 23 pensions criticized, PD210c73: 13, R210c73: 13 pensions estimated, P31Mr75: 22 pensions on refused, PD2Ap67: 13 political conditions in, PD2Ap72:21 political groups in, R18Mr73: 13 political news from, PD9My71: 12 — R9My71: 21, PD9My71: 21 — R9My71: 22, PD8Ag71: 22, R14Ja73: 23, R16S73: 22, R30S73sl2, R70c73: 11, R140c73: 13, R16D73: 21, PD14J174: 13, D12Ag75: 22 politics satirized, R25N73: 23 prime sergeant praised, D8Ap80: 22 protection by French rumored, D8Ap80s23 provisions French army, PD21Mr71: 21 provisions Spanish army, PD21Mr71:21 relations with Fr. , P5My75sll, D27My75:22 with Gt. Brit. , R22Mr70: 12, PD20Ja74: 22--R20Ja74: 22 with Sp. , P127J175: 33, Pi28S75: 21 — P29S75: 13, D16Mr76: 21 revenue declines, PD210c73: 13 revolution threatened, D4Mr80: 21 , D8Ap80: 22, D8Ap80s23 seeks union with Britain, PD6Ja74: 11 support of king discussed, R3My70: 21 taxed by British parliament, PD21F71:21 trade declines, D27Ja76: 13, D29Ja80: 22 trade regulations removed by British, D18Mr 80: 23 trade with British colonies, N. Am. , importance discussed, Pi23Mr75: 32 prohibited, PD27N66: 21 treaty with Fr. rumored, D29Ja80: 23 tyranny of British in, RllN73s23 — PD25N73.21 union with Gt. Brit, discussed, 19S51:31, PD31D72:23 — R31D72: 13, R31D72: 12, R14Ja73: 21, PDllMr73: 21, 598 Irish PDlAp73: 12, PD8Ap73: 11, R280c73: 13. R280c73: 21 opposed. PD25Mr73: 11, PD8Ap73: 21, PD4N73:21 proposed, PD16D73: 12. D17J179: 12 uprising against Britain. RllN73sll viceroy, position unpopular, PD7My72: 12 See also Abduction in; Agriculture encouraged in; Amputations of arms in; Anecdotes from; Annuities in; Apprentices in; Apprentices, saddlers' in; Armaments, import to British colonies. N. Am. , from; Bacon, import to Gt. Brit, from; Balls in; Barley scarce in; Beef, import to Gt. Brit, from; Beef, price in; Blubber, import to; Bounties; Brandies, price in; British army, deserters from in; British army, deserters from offered pardons in; British army, enlistment in; British army, officers join regiments in; British army, recruiting for in; British army, Roman catholics recruited for in; British army from; British army from Dumfries, Eng. . to; British army from Eng. to; British army from Portsmouth, Eng. , to; British army from Scotland to; British army in; British army ordered from; British army to; British army to America from; British army to Boston, Mass. , from; British army to British colonies. N.Am., from; British army to Cape Fear, N. C. , from; British army to Eng. from; British army to Gibraltar. Sp. . from; British army to Marblehead, Mass. , from; British army to New England from; British army to N. Y. from; British army to N. Am. from; British army to N. S. from; British army to Phila. . Pa. . from; British army to Port Mahon, Minorca, from; British army to Quebec, Can. , from; British army to Salem, Mass. , from; British army to S. C. from; British army to U. S. from; British army to Va. from; British army to W. I. from; British colonies, N. Am. , trade with; British marines, recruiting for in; British ministry opposed in; British navy from Plymouth, Eng. , to; British navy to; British navy to Boston. Mass. , from; British navy to Cape Fear. N. C. , from; British navy to Gibraltar from; British navy to N. Y. from; British navy to Port Mahon, Minorca, from; British transports from Portsmouth, Eng. . to; British transports to; British transports to Boston. Mass. , from; Brunswick troops to; Butter, export from; Butter, import to Gt. Brit, from; Butter, price in; Cambric, import to; Cambric manufacture in; Canals in; Candles, import to Gt. Brit, from; Carriage (artillery) manufacture in; Cattle, import to Gt. Brit, from; Census of; Church of England promoted in; Clergy, Roman Catholic, take oath in; Cloth manufactures encouraged in; Committees of correspondence formed in; Continental congress, second, address (text) to; Continental navy from Brest, Fr. , to; Convict servants exported from; Convict servants from; Convict servants imported to Rappahannock river, Va. , from; Copper mines in; Corn, price in; Corn plentiful in; Crops plentiful in; Distemper among horses; Drafting for British army in; Duels in; Duties; Elections in; Embargoes; Emigration from; Exports from; Exports from America to; Exports from New York City; Farming encouraged in; Fisheries off; Flax, raising encouraged in; Flaxseed, growing encouraged in; Free trade demanded in; French army, recruiting for in; French army, recruiting for prevented in; French army from Brest, Fr. . to; French navy off; Gambling in; Grain plentiful in; Hanoverian troops to; Hemp, import to Eng. from; Hessian troops to; Horse racing in; Horses, stain for invented in; Horses tails used as harnesses in; Immigration to; Immigration to N. C. from; Imports to; Imports to Boston. Mass. , from; Imports to Eng. from; Imports to Halifax, N. S. , from;Imports to Liverpool, Eng. , from; Imports to London, Eng. . from; Imports to New York City from; Imports to Phila. , Pa. . from; Imports to Scot, from; Indentured servants from; Indentured servants imported to; Indentured servants imported to Phila. , Pa. , from; Jesuits in; Lamb, price in; Land in; Land, taxes on in; Lawn import to; Linen, import to Port, from; Linen manufactures decline in; Linen manufactures encouraged in; Linen manufactures in; Lotteries in; Manufactures encouraged in; Marble discovered in; Medicinal waters in; Militia of; Money scarce in; Murders in; Mutton, price in; Non -exportation agreements, importance to; Non- importation agreements, effect of in; Non-importation agreements in; Oats scarce in; Pensions discontinued in; Pensions in; Plays presented in; Pork, import to Gt. Brit, from; Portraits, premiums for offered in; Potatoes, export forbidden in; Potatoes plentiful in; Prices high in; Prisoners of war, American, to be sent to; Privateers, American, off; Privateers. American, provisioned in; Privateers, Irish, importance to; Protestants emigrate from; Protestants in; Provisions, export from; Provisions, salted, export from; Provisions, salted, import to Eng. from; Provisions, salted, scarce in; Provisions for British army in U. S. from; Provisions plentiful in; Provisions purchased in; Quadruplets in; Quebec act. effect on; Religious toleration violated in; Rents reduced in; Revolutionary war, investigation by parliament discussed in; Revolutionary war opposed in; Riots feared in; Riots in; Robberies; Roman Catholic friars in; Roman Catholics, arming in; Roman Catholics, enlist in British army in; Roman Catholics foment insurrections in; Roman Catholics in; Roman Catholics permitted to lend money in; Salt, export from; Salt provisions, export from; Schools. English Protestant working, in; Schools, Protestant, in; Ships from Eng. to; Ships' sailing time; Ships to Boston, Mass. . from; Ships to Charleston, S.C., from; Ships to Newport, R. I. , from; Ships to Phila. , Pa. . from; Ships to Potomac district, Va. , from; Ships to Rappahannock district, Va. , from; Ships to R. I. from; Ships to Va. from; Ships to Whitehaven, Eng. , from; Ships to Williamsburg, Va. , from; Ships to York district, Va. , from; Shipwrecks off; Smuggling in; Smuggling to Fr. from; Smuggling to Sp. from; Spanish army, recruiting for prevented in; Spar mine in; Spinning wheels, new features invented in; Stamp act opposed in; Stamp act proposed for; Stamp act repeal celebrated in; Stealing in; Storms in; Tallow, import to Gt. Brit, from; Taxation of; Taxes in; Taxes levied in; Tenancy in; Textile manufactures in; Tobacco, import to Eng. from; Tobacco cultivation in; Treason in; Veal, price in; Whale fins, import to; Wheat, price low in; Wheat plentiful in; Wheat scarce in; White- boys in; Wool, export from; Wool seized in; Wool manufacture in Irion, Philip Jacob, PDllJe67: 33, R10Je73sll Irish, John, PD24D67: 21--R24D67: 21 Irish, arrested in St. Vallery, Fr. , P28Ap75:21 arrive in Pa. , 70c37: 41 in S. C. , PD16Ap67: 13 as sailors, 5Je52: 32, 7N54: 31, PD9F69:32, PD3Ja71:33, P26J176: 32 as schoolmasters, PD4Ag74:31 as soldiers, P7Mr77s22, P25Ap77: 31 characterized, Pi20Oc74: 22 commissions to settle East Fla, , PD6Ag67:21 desert to Indians in N. S. , 29Ag51: 31 in Cadiz, Sp. , 19S51:22 in Continental army in Quebec, Can. , D6Ap76:21 in Continental navy, D17J178: 32 in Dumfries, Va. , C19F80: 32 in French regiment, D6Je77: 31 in Ga. battalions. P6D76: 32, P9My77:42, P9My77sl2 in Hillsborough. [N. C. ], PD11D66: 22--R11D66: 41 in S. C. regiments, 3 J146: 32 in Va. , 15D38: 32. 26Qc39: 42, 599 Irish, in Va. (cont'd) 14D39:41,R25D66:42 in Va. regiments, 191154:41, 12D55: 41, 27Ag56: 32, 2S57: 42, P19J176:33, P30Ag76: 43, P27D76:33, D24Ja77:41, P2My77sl2, P16My77s31, P4J177:41,P15Ag77:31, D5S77:32--P10Oc77: 11, P19S77:31,P30c77:31, P14N77: 33, P28N77: 32, PlMy78: 32, P8My78s22, P160c78:33,DlMy79:31, D11S79:32, D20N79: 32, D25Mr80: 33 on Isle of Man. smuggling trade of, 26S51:21 picket in Dartmouth, N. S. , 29Ag51: 31 settle in St. Augustine, Fla. , PD12My68:22--R12My68: 14 See also Convict servants; Indentured servants Irish army, moral standards in, 21J138:21 Irish artificers, discouraged entering foreign service, PD27Ja74: 23 — R27Ja74:31 Irish brogue, 150c36: 42, HMr37: 41, 2S37: 32, 210c37: 22, 210c37: 41, 9Je38: 41, 22S38: 42, 20Ap39: 32, 6Je45: 32, 20Je45: 41, 29My46: 41, 240c51: 31, 19S55: 32, 12D55: 41, 3S56: 32, R23J167: 41, R23Je68: 31, PD21J168: 32, R26Ja69: 31, PDUe69: 32, PD24Ja71: 32, PD21Mr71: 33, PD25Mr73: 33, PD26Ag73: 32--R26Ag73: 31, PD17F74: 32, PD16Je74: 23, PD4Ag74: 31, Pil5Je75: 32, P16Je75:31, P7Je76:42, P19J176:33, P160c78: 33, C19F80:32 Irish channel, See British navy in; Storms in Irish coast, See British navy to; Fisheries, Dutch; Fisheries, French Irish college, in Paris, Fr. , PD18Je67: 13 Irish Gimlet, sloop, PD220c72: 13 Irish Hero, privateer, D20c79: 22 Irish laborers, riot in London, Eng. ; 3D36: 12 Irish language, 210c37: 22, PD16My71: 32 Irish Loyalty, armed ship, D27N79: 12 Irish Protestants, arrive in Charleston, S. C, PD23J167:21 charity for in Charleston, S. C. , PD23J167: 23— R23J167s22 Irish sailors, registration proposed, PD9S73: 11 Irish sea, See Shipwrecks in Irish stitch, teachers adv. for scholars, in Norfolk, Va. , PD21Mr66: 33 Irish troops, for British army, D9Mr76: 12 join French in W. I. , D14Ag79: 22 to Brittany from French Flanders, D7Mr77:22 to Sandy hook, N. J. , D160c79: 22 to U.S. ,DllAp77: 32 Irishman, horse, PD1D74: 31, P2Ag76:31, P13Je77: 11 Irnham, Lord, discusses cost of Revolutionary war, D29J176: 11 Iron, bartered for oyster shells, PD28Ja68: 32— R4F68:41 colonial taxes to be paid in, PD15S68: 12— R15S68: 14 export from British colonies regulated, PD27Ap69: 31 exported from British colonies, N. Am. , to Dominica, W. I. , PD13F72: 23 exported from James river, upper district, Va. , 1763-1766, PD12F67: 23 to Bristol, Eng. , 3 J146: 4 to Glasgow, Scot. , PD26Mr67: 23, PDllAg68: 23— RllAg68: 31 to London, Eng. , 10Oc45: 3, PD26My68: 22— R26My68: 31 exported from New York City to Ire. , PD9Ap67: 13 exported from Rappahannock district, Va. , to Glasgow, Scot. , PD6Je66: 31 to London, Eng. , 29Je39: 31, PD15Ag66:23 to Md. , 17N52: 22 exported from Rigo, Latvia, to Carthagena, Sp. , PDlAg66: 13 exported from York district, Va. , to Bristol, Eng. , 25Mr37: 41, 20My37: 41, 15J137: 42, 5Ag37: 42, 19Ag37: 32, 9S37: 41, 30S37: 42, 25N37: 42, 2Je38: 41, 16Je38: 42, 7J138: 41, 21J138: 32, 4Ag38: 42, 25Ag38: 32, 18My39: 41, Ue39: 42, 20J139:41, 10Ag39:32, 24Ag39:31, 7S39:32, 21S39: 32, 2N39: 21, 2N39: 31, 25Ja40: 3, 1F40: 42, 27Ag56:32,30S57:41 to London, Eng. , 15J137: 42, 25N37: 42, 16Je38: 42, 25Ag38: 32, 29S38: 41, 60c38: 52, 9Mr39: 41, 18My39: 31, 18My39: 41, Ue39: 42, 13J139: 42, 10Ag39: 32, 24Ag39: 22, 24Ag39: 31, 2N39: 21, 2N39: 31, 25Ja40: 3, 21Mr45: 41, 4J145: 32, 7N45:31, 27Ag56: 32 to Providence, R. I. , 120c52: 31 for British army in Boston, Mass. , opposed, P3Mr75s21, P3Mr75s22 for sale, P240c77: 33 in Alexandria, Va. , P9My77: 42 in Hanover co. , Va. , 28Ag46: 32 in Louisa co. , Va. , C27N79: 21 — D27N79: 22 in New Kent co. , Va. , D27N79: 22 in Norfolk, Va. , DlMy79: 32 in Smithfield, Va. , D31J179: 12 in West point, Va. , P160c78: 22 in Yorktown, Va. , 4Ja40: 41 for relief of Boston, Mass. , from New York City, D7Ja75: 23 import to Fr. from Swe. free, 31Ja51:31 imported to Algiers, D4N75: 12 imported to Hampton, Va. , from Md. , 18Ap45: 32 from Phila. , Pa. , 9My45: 32 imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from New York City, PD6Ja74: 32 from Salem, 28F55: 31 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from New York City, PD7S69:31 from R. I. , PD7S69: 31 imported to York district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , 3N38: 61 from Bristol, Eng. , 25N37: 42 in Berkeley co. , Va. , PD16Je74: 23 — R16Je74:31 in Frederick co. , Va. , PD16Je74: 23 — R16Je74:31 salvaged in St. Malo, Fr. , D24Ap79: 22 seized from British at Fort Montague, New Providence, W. I. , D4My76: 32 seized from British ships, P6D76: 21, D24Ja77:21 seized from French ships, 12D55: 11 seized from Spanish ship, 21D39: 31 softening method invented in London, Eng. ,PD21Ap68:13 Iron, bar, addition to enumerated list requested by British, 17Je37: 21 adv. of, at Grymes 1 forge, Va. , R31My70: 22— PD7Je70: 33 bartered for coal, Pi2Mr75: 33 for corn, PD28Ja68: 32 — R4F68:41 for labor, P5S77: 32— D12S77:41 for wheels, D20c79: 31 export from British colonies prohibited, PD5S66sl3— R5S66: 31 export from Eng. to New York City allowed, D10J179: 22 exported from Accomac district, Va. , to N. C. , PD12S66: 23 exported from James river, lower district, Va. , to Barbados, W. I. , 12F62:31 to Glasgow, Scot. , RllAg68: 24 exported from James river, upper district, Va. , to Boston, Mass. , PD3Mr68: 31— R3Mr68; 31 to Bristol, Eng. , PD26My68: 23 — R9Je68:33, PD22D68:31 to Glasgow, Scot. , PD22Ja67: 32, PD3D67:31, PD29D68: 31 to Greenock, Scot. , PD22Ja67: 32, PD26My68: 23--R9Je68: 33, R25Ag68: 32--PD1S68: 23 to Liverpool, Eng. , PD27Ag67: 23, PD24S67: 13, PD10Ag69: 32 to London, Eng. , PD19F67: 31 — R19F67: 22, PD9J167: 32, PD6Ag67: 32, PD26My68: 23 — R26My68: 31— R9Je68: 33, RllAg68: 31— PDllAg68: 23, PD270c68: 42, PD27J169: 32, PD28S69s23 to Salem, PD26My68: 22— R26My68: 31 exported from New York City, PD9Ap67: 22 exported from Phila. , Pa. , PD9Ap67: 21 exported from Rappahannock district, Va. , to London, Eng. , PD6Je66: 31 exported from south Potomac district, Va. , to Glasgow, Scot. , PD27N66: 22 exported from York district, Va. , to London, Eng. , PD27N66: 22, PD19F67: 31— R19F67: 22 exported to Eng. duty free, PD23N69:21 for sale, D11N75: 32. D15My79: 11 at Hunter's iron works, Va. , P21Je76:31— D22Je76:32, D15N76: 22--P20D76: 22, D4J177: 12,D4D79:22 in Blandford, Va. , D13N78: 11 in Cabin Point, Va. , P2F76s23-- 600 Iron boilers D3F76: 33 in Charles City co. . Va. , PD12N72: 23 in Edenton, N. C. , PI 60c 78: 42, D12F80:32--C19F80:41 in Gloucester co. , Va. , P19Ap76sll — D20Ap76: 33. P7Je76: 33 — D8Je76: 71, P20S76: 31--D21S76: 32 in Hampton, Va. , PD6Ag72: 23 in Lunenburg co. , Va. , D14S76: 62 in Newcastle, Va. , PD20Ja74: 32, PD21J174:31 in Norfolk, Va. , PD22S74: 32 in Petersburg, Va. , P31Mr75: 41 — D8Ap75:32,D25J177:41 — P25J177:42 in Port Royal, Va. , P29My78: 41 in Spotsylvania co. , Va. , P230c78:31 in Williamsburg, Va. , PDllAp66: 41, C30Oc79:33, C13N79: 12 near Newcastle, Va. , PD28Ja68: 32 — R4F68:41 near Newport, Va. , PD12My68: 31 — R12My68: 23 from Buckingham furnace, Va. , D10J178:31 import to Gt. Brit, from British colonies discussed, 1J137:41, 15J137:21 duty free, R18Ja70: 22 imported to Accomac district, Va. , from Phila. , Pa. , PD5S66s43 imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from Bermuda, PD20Ja74: 23 from Md. , PD6Ja74: 32 from New York City, PD14Ap74: 23 — R17Mr74: 22— R14Ap74: 23, R15S74:33 from PhUa. , Pa. , R15S74: 33 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from New York City, PD7J168: 23, PD15F70: 22, PD7Je70:31. PD1N70: 22 from Phila. , Pa. , PD8D68: 31 imported to Rappahannock district, Va. , from Phila. , Pa. , 17N52: 22 price falls, P23My77: 23 in Norfolk, Va. . R28J168: 24 on Rappahannock river, Va. , Pil8My75: 12 regulated in Williamsburg, Va. , D24J179:21 seized by British in St. John's, Antigua, W. I. , D6Ap76: 21 Iron, beek, imported to James river, upper district. Va. , from Boston, Mass. , PD7S69: 31 Iron, cast, bartered for corn, PD28Ja68: 32--R4F68: 41 exported from James river, upper district, Va. , to Boston, Mass. , PD3Mr68: 31--R3Mr68: 31 for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , PDllAp66: 41, PD19S66:31 near Newcastle, Va. , PD28Ja68 32 — R4F68:41 near Newport, Va. . PD12My68: 31 — R12My68:23 Iron, hollow, imported to Va. from Boston, Mass. , PD12Mr67: 32 Iron, old, exported from York district, Va. , to N. C.,21S39:41. 2N39:21, 25Ja40: 3 for sale, PDlAg71: 22— RlAg71: 31 Iron, pig, adv. of, at Grymes' forge, Va. , R31My70: 22--PD7Je70: 33 bartered for corn, PD28Ja68: 32 — R4F68:41 carrier adv. for, R24D67: 43 exported from James river, lower district, Va. , to Glasgow, Scot. . RllAg68:24 to Liverpool, Eng. , R12Ja69: 31 exported from James river, upper district, Va. , 29S52: 32 to Bristol, Eng. , PD16My66: 23', PD22Ja67: 32, PD19F67: 31 — R19F67: 22, PD16Ap67: 23, PD23Ap67: 31, PD26My68: 23 — R9Je68:33, PD22D68: 31, PD13Ap69: 23, PD27J169: 32, PD10Ag69: 32, PD28D69: 31, PD13S70:23 to Glasgow, Scot. , PD12S66: 23, PD27N66: 23, PD22Ja67: 32, PD19F67: 31— R19F67: 22, PD26N67: 23, PD17Mr68: 31 — R14Ap68: 42, PD31Mr68: 23 — R26My68: 31, PDllAg68: 23 — RllAg68: 31. PD22S68: 23 — R22S68: 23, PD270c68: 42, PD8Je69: 23. PD6J169: 32, PD13J169: 32, PD10Ag69: 32, PD9N69:22, PD28D69: 31 to Greenock, Scot. , PD22Ja67: 32, PD1S68: 23— R25Ag68: 32, PD13J169: 32, PD15F70: 22, PD7Je70: 31. PD30Ag70: 31 to Liverpool, Eng. , PD15Ag66: 31 — R15Ag66s32, R25D66: 21, PD22Ja67: 32, PD30Ap67: 32, PD27Ag67: 23, PD24S67: 13, PD3Mr68: 31--R3Mr68: 31, R18Ag68s22. PD1S68: 23, PD20Ap69: 23, PD10Ag69: 32, PD28D69: 31, PD13S70: 23 to London, Eng. , PD19F67: 31 — R19F67: 22, PD16Ap67: 23, PD4Je67: 41, PD9J167: 32, PD28J168: 23, PD22D68: 31, PD8Je69: 23. PD27J169: 32, PD21S69s23, PD13S70: 23 to Whitehaven, Eng. , PD8S68p22 — R22S68: 23, PD8Je69: 23, PD13S70:23 exported from New York City, PD9Ap67: 22 exported from Phila. , Pa. , PD9Ap67: 21 exported from Quebec, Can. , to W. I. , PD30Ap67: 22 exported from Rappahannock district, Va. , to Glasgow, Scot. . 28Ag52: 31 to London, Eng. , 24N38: 41, 14Ag52: 31, 22S52: 32, 270c52: 21, PD6Je66:31,R8Ag66:22 to Whitehaven, Eng. , 28Ag52: 31 , 22S52: 32, 270c52: 21, R8Ag66: 22 — PD15Ag66:23 exported from south Potomac district, Va. , to Glasgow, Scot. , PD27N66: 22 to London, Eng. , PD27N66: 22 exported from Va. to Greenock, Scot. , PD16N69:22 exported from York district, Va. , to Bristol, Eng. , 19J154: 32. 16My55: 12, PD27N66: 22, PD19F67: 31— R19F67: 22. R7J168: 22 to Glasgow, Scot. , PD27N66: 22. R7J168: 22 to Liverpool, Eng. , 19J154. 31, PD27N66:22 to London, Eng. , 29S38: 41, 29S52: 32. 120c52: 31, 29D52: 32, 16My55: 12. PD27N66: 22, R19F67: 22 — PD19F67:31 exported to Eng. duty free, PD23N69: 21 for sale. PD28Ja68: 32--R4F68: 41 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 31 in Yorktown, Va. , R50c69: 23 near Newcastle, Va. , PD28Ja68: 32 — R4F68:41 near Newport, Va. , PD12My68: 31 — R12My68: 23 from Buckingham furnace. Va. , D10J178:31 imported to Gt. Brit, from British colonies duty free, R18Ja70: 22 imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from Md. , RllAg68: 23, PD10Mr74: 31 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from Annapolis, Md. , PD13Ap69:23 from Md. , PD10D67: 31 from Phila. , Pa. . PD8D68: 31 from Pocomoke, PD29D68: 31 from R. I. ,PD7Je70:31 manufactured in Salisbury, Mass. . D15Ag77:31 transportation of, PD28Mr71: 32 — R28Mr71:33 Iron, plate, for sale, at Hunter's iron works, Va. . D4D79: 22 Iron, pot. exported from York district, Va. , to New England. R31Mr68: 31 for sale, Pi7S75: 32 imported to Accomac district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , PD22Ja67: 31 imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from Boston. Mass. , 28F55:31 from Salem, R12Ja69: 31 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from Annapolis. Md. , PD13Ap69: 23 from Salem, PD22Ja67: 32, PD14Ja68: 31, PD20Ja74: 23 imported to south Potomac district, Va. , from Barbados, W. I. , 270c52:21 Iron, sheet, for sale, at Hunter's iron works, Va. , D4D79: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. . PD28S69: 31, PDllAp71: 32. PD12D71: 32 Iron, wrought, export from Eng. to New York City allowed, D10J179:22 Iron and brass workers, in Yorktown, Va. ,6Je51:32 Iron backhands, for sale, in Williamsburg. Va. . PD3D67: 32 Iron backs, for sale, in New Kent co. , Va. , PD23F69: 33— R23F69: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD28S69: 31, PD12D71: 32 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from New York City, PD9N69: 22 Iron boilers, for sale, in Norfolk. Va. . 601 Iron boilers, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. (cont'd) PlMy78:42 in Smithfield. Va. , PlMy78: 42 Iron bolts, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va.,DlAg77:22 Iron bound hogsheads, for sale, in Portsmouth. Va. , P18Ji77sll Iron cabouses, imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from Md. . PD10Mr74: 31 Iron callipers, captured by Americans, D13Ja76:42 Iron candlesticks, for sale, in Gloucester, Va. , P19Ap76sll — D20Ap76: 33 in Smithfield, Va. , D21F77: 22 — P28F77s22, C3J179:31 in Williamsburg, Va. . PD15F70: 41 Iron cannon, cargo of sloop Argo, D11S79:21 manufactured in Bridgewater. Mass. , D15Ag77:51 ordered from Scot, by Russia, PD24S72:21 Iron cards, for sale, in Yorktown, Va. , 25J151:32 Iron carriage trucks, seized from British at Fort Nassau, New Providence, W. I. , D4My76: 32 Iron case locks, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD12D71: 32 Iron chaffing dishes, for sale, in Smithfield, Va. , D21F77: 22 — P28F77s22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD11N73: 22 Iron chests, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD20Ja74: 31 in Portsmouth, Va. . PD10c72: 23, PD11N73:22 Iron coffee mills, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , Pi6Ap75: 42 Iron collars, on convict servants. R20J169:31 on indentured servants, PD8D74: 31 — PU5D74: 33 on slaves, 20Je51: 32, 7N51: 31, 2S57- 32, PD3 Je73: 33. Pi23N75: 33, P23Ag76: 32 Iron compasses, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 Iron crows, on ships, P10J178: 13 Iron dutch ovens, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PDllAp71: 32 Iron eight -pounders, captured by Americans at St. John's, Can. , Pi30N75: 23 Iron fenders, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD12D71: 32, PD11N73:22 Iron five -pounders, captured by Americans at St. John's, Can. , Pi30N75: 23 Iron four -pounders, captured by Americans at St. John's, Can., Pi30N75: 23 Iron furnaces, in Baltimore co. , Md. , PD6My73: 23 See also Smelting furnaces Iron gates, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , 3J146:41 Iron grates, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD3D67: 32 Iron hinges, for sale, in Williamsburg. Va. , 25Ap51: 32 Iron hoops, seized from British ship, D7F77: 11 — P7F77:21 Iron houses, in Colebrook, Conn. , PD23D73:31 Iron kettles, for sale, in Gloucester co. . Va. ,D12D77:21 in Kingston parish glebe, Glouchester co. , Va. ,D12D77:21 Iron latches, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 Iron manufacture, encouraged in Va. , Pi30Mr75: 31— DlAp75: 23 in British colonies, N. Am. , 2Je38: 31 prohibition discussed, 17Je37:21, 18Ag38:22, PD25Ag74: 11 in Isle of Man, PD6Je66: 21 in Gt. Brit., 18Ag38:21 in Md. , 6My37: 31 in Mass.,R27My73:21 regulated in Paris, Fr. , R17Je73: 22 Iron melting ladles, captured by Americans, D13Ja76: 42 Iron mills, for sale, at Kemp's landing, Va. ,D19Mr79:31 Iron mine tract, for sale, PD15Cc67: 21 Iron mines, in British colonies, N. Am. , PD7S69: 22 in Monmouthshire, Eng. , R20My73: 12 in N. Am. ,R15S68:21 in Quebec, Can. , PD30Ap67: 22 Iron mortars, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , D27S76: 42 Iron mortars and pestles, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD28S69: 31 Iron ordnance, captured by Americans at St. John's, Can. , D2D75: 31 embargoes on in Gt. Brit. , PD14Mr66: 41 Iron ore, P5D77: 31 in Amherst co. , Va. , P12D77: 32 in Baltimore co. . Md. , PD6My73: 23 in Bedford co. , Va. , R21Ap68: 21, R220c72:31 in Charles City co. , Va. , P29My78: 42 in Cumberland co. , Pa. , D20c79: 32 in Fauquier co. , Va. , P5D77: 32 in Goochland co. . Va. , P21Ag78: 43 in Loudoun co. , Va. , PD3S67: 23 in Louisa co. , Va. , P230c78: 23 in Prince William co. , Va. , R6My73: 32 in Quebec. Can. , R22S68: 21 in Salisbury, Conn. , PD23D73: 31 in Stafford co. , Va. . R6My73: 32 in Stoughtonham parish, Eng. , PD14Ap68: 21 in Transylvania, British colonies, N. Am. ,D30S75:33 mining of, P16Ag76sll near Providence forge, Va. , PllAp77s43 on Nanticoke river, PD8N70: 31 transportation of, PD28Mr71: 32 — R28Mr71:33 Iron palisades, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. ,3J146:41 Iron plate crosscut saws, stolen, R7Je70: 32 Iron post mills, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. PD25J166: 23 Iron pots, captured by Americans in Great Bridge, Va., Pil3D75:22 — P15D75:23— D16D75:33 destroyed by British in Danbury, Conn. , D6Je77: 12 for sale, Pi7S75: 32 in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72: 31, D24J179:22 in Gloucester co. , Va. , D17J179: 32 in Hanover, Va. , D24Ap78: 31 in New Kent co. Va. , PD23F69: 33 — R23F69:22 in Newcastle, Va. , D30c77: 32 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Petersburg, Va. , PD6N66: 21 in Surry co. , Va. , D29Je76: 42 in Wakefield, Va. , P30c77: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. . PD3D67:32, PD28S69: 31. PD15F70: 4i, PDllAp71: 32, PD12D71: 32 in Yorktown, Va. , 29My46: 32 imported to Accomac district, Va. , from New York City, R25Ag68s23 — PD8S68p22, PD270c68: 42 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , 5Ja39: 42. 9F39: 42, 9Ja46: 4, PD7S69:31 from New York City, PD13S70: 23 imported to York district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , 9D37: 42, 3N38: 61 stolen, R7Je70: 32 taken, by overseer, 20Ja38: 32 taken by slaves, P16Je75: 22 unclaimed, adv. of, PD31D72: 32 Iron rings (ankle), on slaves, PD3Je73: 33 Iron round shot, captured by Americans, D13Ja76: 42 Iron shovels, seized from British ship, P7Je76:23— D8Je76: 61 Iron six -pounders, captured by Americans at St. John's, Can., Pi30N75: 23 Iron skillets, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , P10My76: 43 — DllMy76:23 Iron spice mortars, for sale, in Gloucester co. . Va. , P19Ap76sll — D20Ap76: 33. P16Ag76: 33 — D24Ag76: 72 Iron stancheons, for sale, in Portsmouth, Va. , P18J177sll Iron stoves, imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from Phila. , Pa. , PD20Ja74: 23 Iron teakettles, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PDllAp71: 32, PD12D71: 32 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , PD14Ja68:31 Iron three -pounders, captured by Americans at St. John's, Can. , Pi30N75:23 Iron traces, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD3D67: 32 Iron weights, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PDllAp71:32 Iron whips, for sale, in Smithfield, Va. . D21F77: 22 — P28F77s22 Iron wire, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Williamsburg. Va. , PDllAp71: 32 Iron workers, See Slaves as Iron works, 7Ja37: 42. R13D70: 31. R10Ja71:32, P5Ja76: 41, 602 Irving P10Oc77:32,D4D79:22 adv. of, in Fredericksburg, Va. , 28Ag46: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD18My72: 33 — R21My72:23 at Rappahannock falls, Va. , P21Je76: 31 — D22Je76: 32, D15N76: 22 — P20D76: 22, D31Ja77: 71--P14F77: 32, D4J177: 12 encouraged by Va. assembly, D4J177:41--P4J177: 11 for sale, in Cabin Point, Va. , D28Mr77:31 in Cumberland co. , Pa. , D20c79: 32 near Baltimore, Md. , R31My70:43, R23Ag70:41 in Albemarle co. . Va. . PD18J171: 21 — RlAg71:33 in Anne Arundel co. . Md. , R5Ag73: 23 in Augusta co. , Va. , D13N78: 12 in Baltimore, Md. , RUe69: 33 in Bedford co. , Va. , D7F77: 21, P14F77:33, DllAp77: 62 — PllAp77: 32. P310c77: 13 — D7N77:41,D14N77:42 in Cumberland co. , Pa. , R220c72: 31 in Frederick co. . Va. , PD8J173: 32 — R15J173:33, Pi23N75: 33, P29D75: 33--D30D75: 22 — Pi6Ja76:32, D29Je76: 41, D21S76: 42, D22N76: 31 — P22N76:32, P5S77: 32 — D12S77:41 in King George co. , Va. , 18Mr37: 42 in Md. , PD18J171: 23. R18J171: 33 in Patuxent, Md. . 22 Je39: 41 in Prince Georges co. , Md. , Pi21S75:33 in Prince V ill iam co. , Va. ,4S46:41, 2S57:32, PD23S73: 23 in Stafford co. , Va. , 3N52: 21, P6Mr78:42 in Va. ,R9F69:31 near Falkirk, Scot. , R150c72: 12 See also Forges; Furnaces Ironbound butts, for sale, in Richmond, Va. , R24Je73: 32 Ironbound casks, for sale, in Richmond, Va. , R24Je73: 32 Ironcutter, John, PD25F68: 22, PD10Mr68: 22, PD9Je68: 22, PD9Je68: 23— R9Je68: 31, PD16Je68: 23— R16Je68: 24 Ironers, See Slaves as Ironing rooms, in Fredericksburg, Va. , D30Oc78:41 Ironmasters, in Eng. , request parliamentary aid, 2Je38: 31 Ironmonger, Mr. , P15N76: 11 Ironmongers, in Eng. , request controls on colonial iron, 17Je37:21 in Whitehaven, Eng. , PD22N70: 31 Ironmongers' company, London, Eng. , entertainments of. PD5N72: 11 Ironmongery, for sale, PD17F74: 31 in Norfolk, Va. . PD25J166: 22, PD25J166: 23. PD9My71: 33 — R23My71: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , D26Ag75: 32 in Yorktown, Va. , P27D76: 32 Irons, Capt. . of the Ranger, 30c51: 32 John, 310c51: 32 Irons, on convict servants, 2S57: 32, PD30J172: 33 on prisoners, D90c79: 31 on slaves, 9My45: 41, 3J152: 31, PD13Ja74: 33, DUOc76: 62, P15N76:12, P21Ag78:42 See also Box irons; Dog irons; Flat irons; Palm irons; Shoe irons Irons, caulking, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 Irons, cold, burning with, in Williamsburg, Va. , 14D39: 31 Irons, coopers, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. .PD25J166: 23 Irons, crow, for sale, in Smithfield, Va. , D21F77: 22— P28F77s22 Irons, jointer, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 Irons, lock, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. ,24Ja51:41 Irons, marking, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23, Pil5Je75: 32 in Smithfield, Va. , C3J179: 31 Irons, pinking, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , R15N70: 31--PD22N70: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD12D71: 32 Irons, plane, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , D7N77: 31, C15J180:22 in York co. , Va. , P29My78: 31 in Yorktown, Va. , P20Mr78: 11 Irons, smoothing, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD28S69: 31 Irons, stirrup, for sale, at Kemp's landing, Va. , D19Mr79: 31 in Beaufort, N. C. , P160c78: 32 in Gloucester co. , Va. , P19Ap76sll — D20Ap76: 33, P16Ag76: 33 — D24Ag76: 72 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Smithfield, Va. , D21F77: 22 — P28F77s22 Irons, toupee, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , R260c69: 23, PD2N69: 41 Ironware, damaged, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD18Mr73: 32 exported from Accomac district, Va. , to Boston, Mass. , PD22D68: 31 exported from Hull, Eng. , to Fort Cumberland, N. S. , PD19My74: 33 exported f,rom Quebec, Can. , to southern colonies, PD3Mr68: 21 for sale, at York river, Va. , PD8J173: 32— R8J173: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , 18S46: 41, 24Ja51: 41, 5S51: 32, 19J154: 32, PD25My69: 32— R25My69: 31 in Yorktown, Va. , PD310c71: 23 found, adv. of, P27Je77: 12 imported to Accomac district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , PD12Mr67: 32, PD8S68p22, PD270c68: 42 from Salem, PD12Mr67: 32 imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , 2Mr53: 41 from New England, R12 Ja69: 23 from Salem, 28F55: 31 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , 5Ja39: 42, 18Ja40: 42, 12F62: 32, PD22D68: 31, R12Ja69:31, PD9N69: 22, PD15F70:22 from N. H. , 9F39: 42 from Salem, 18Ja40: 42, R25D66: 13, PD22Ja67: 32, PD10D67: 31. PD17D67: 31. PD15D68: 23, PD12Ja69: 23, D18Mr75: 32 imported to York district, Va. , from New England, PD29Ja67: 32 from R. I. , 25Ja40: 41 lost, adv. for, R23F69: 22, R15Je69: 31 returned from Va. to Glasgow, Scot. , PD22S68: 23— R22S68: 23 salvaged, for sale, in Yorktown, Va. , PD7J168:32— R7J168:23 unclaimed, adv. of, R50c69: 22 Ironware, hollow, imported to Accomac district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. . PD12Mr67: 32 from Plymouth, PD22D68: 23 from R. L, PD7J168:23 — R7J168:21, PD29S68: 22 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , PD15D68:23 Ironware manufacture, in Quebec, Can. , PD3Mr68:21 Ironwork, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. ,P5Je78: 11 offered settlers in Ga. , 10S36: 42 Iroquois, kidnap Va. family, PD13Ag67: 13— R13Ag67: 22 Irrigation, in Kingston, Jamaica, W. I. R14J174: 23— PD21J174: 13 scheme proposed in London, Eng. , R150c72: 11 Irvin, Charles, R9 Je74: 22 R. , adv. finding horse, R23Ap72: 32 Robert, P6D76: 33 Thomas, D3F76: 33, D20D76: 21, D23Ja78: 32 [William], Col. , D13J176: 62, DHOc76: 22— P110c76: 22 Irvine, Capt. , Indian expedition of, D27S76: 42 Dr. , inventions of, PD20My73: 13 Mr.,PDUMr73:31 appointed secretary to American commissioners, PD20My73: 13 David, R12J170: 42, PD6S70: 33, D13Ja76:33 James, D12S77: 11, D19D77: 21, D26D77: 11 Robert, P6Je77: 42 Irvine, Scot. , See Imports to Rappahannock district, Va. , from; Smuggling in Irving, Lt. Col. , commands regiment in Quebec. PD5Mr67: 23 Mr. , prisoner of war in New London, Conn. ,DllMy76:31 taken to Windham, Conn. . DllMy76: 32 Alexander, P9Je75: 21— D10Je75: 21 Charles. PD25Oc70: 31— R1N70: 33, PD4Ap71: 31, PD12Ag73: 23, R26Ag73: 23 adv. for missing horse, P21N77:23 adv. land for sale, PD2S73: 23 agent for Henderson, M'Caul & co. , D23My77: 32. P23My77: 12 merchant in Albemarle co. , Va. , PD1D68: 32— R1D68:21 Edward, P110c76: 32 George, P9Je75: 21— D10Je75: 21 Paulus Aemilius, Lt. Col. , PD15Ag66: 22- R15Ag66s21 Thomas, R12D72sl3, Pil30c74: 31 — PD130c74: 22. Pil90c75: 32, Pi23N75:23, P7Je76:41 — 603 Irving, Thomas (cont'd) D8Je76: 71 William, PD19S66:31 Irwin, Mr. , of St. Croix, W. I. , PD290c72:21 Edward, P18Ap77sl2 Francis, acquitted of Toryism, P5J176p21 adv. property for sale, PD2S73: 23, D24Ap78: 31 letters to, in post office, PD29Ja67: 13, PD18F68: 31 runaway convict servant, Pi8Je75: 41 storekeeper for Daniel Cochran & co. , PD14My72:22 John, HAp55:31 John, Capt. , of the Nansemond, 29S52: 31 of the Suffolk, 31Ja51:32 Jones. 6Ap39: 32, HAp55: 31, D29N76: 32 Martha, Mrs. , P31My76: 32 — DlJe76:32, P26J176: 32 — D29J176: 62 Robert, PD2Je74: 31 Thomas, D29N76: 32, D20D76: 21 Tnomas William, 19N36: 42, HMr37: 42, PD24S72: 23 William, PD28My72: 23 [William 1, Col. , P5J176: 22 — D6J176:82,D10Ag76:42, D1N76: 12 Irwin, ship, 7N45:21 Isaac, ship, P20S76: 21--D21S76: 11 Isaacs, Isaiah, PD24My70: 41, D170c77:22 Isabella, awarded prize in Va. , R16F69:23 Isabella, queen of Sp. , R21My72: 23 Isabella, British ship, D1N76: 12 ship, R11D66: 23, PD20Oc68: 22, PD20S70s41, PD13Ja74: 32, D12F80:22, C19F80:22 sloop, 18Ap45: 32, 23My45: 32 Isbell, Henry, 12Je52: 32, R15J173: 41 Joseph, R8Ag71: 31, PD31D72: 32 WilliamR4D66: 31 Isenhout, Thomas, PD17S72: 13 Ishiwambi, Ottowa Indian chief, PD3D72:12--R3D72:21 Isidore, brig, PD220c72: 13 H. M. S. ,3Je37:21 Isinglass, for sale, in Blandford, Va. , PD29Je69: 32 in Petersburg, Va. , PD30J172: 32, PD1J173: 32, PD30D73: 31, PD14J174: 32 in Richmond, Va. , PD10S72: 23, PD17Je73: 33--R17Je73s23 in Williamsburg, Va. , 18J151: 41, 30Ap52: 32, 2My55: 22, 2My55: 31, PD270c68: 32--R270c68: 22, R3N68: 33--PD10N68: 22, PD13Ap69: 32--R13Ap69: 32, PD21S69: 41--R21S69s21, R12J170:31,PDllAp71:32, PD240c71: 31, PD2J172: 32, PD10Je73: 22 Isis, H. M. S. , 24Ja52: 22, 10Oc55: 21, 19D55: 12, 27Ag56: 11, P15Mr76: 21 — D16Mr76: 22, D10Ag76: 22, D40c76: 61, D[250c? ]76: 52 D23My77: 11, P230c78: 22, D10J179: 22, D25Mr80: 22 Isla, Scot. , See Smallpox inoculations in; Storms in Island town, Va. , See Horses abandoned by Indians in Islands, for sale, P160c78: 42 in Lunenburg co. , Va. , 3J152: 32 lease of, for sale, in Potomac river, D28N77:31--P28N77sll Islay, Scot. , See Emigration from Isle aux Noix, Can. , cannonading of, D11N75: 22 See also Continental army from Ticonderoga, N. Y. , to; Continental army to; Houses burned on; Indian attacks on Americans near Isle of Bears, Russia, See Silver on Isle of Bois, Labrador, See Town planning in Isle of Bonavista, Nfd. , See Imports to Va. , from Isle of Ely, Cambridgeshire, Eng. , See Anecdotes from; Floods in Isle of Fr. (Mauritius), Indian ocean, See Explorations near; French army to; French navy to; Hurricanes in Isle of Lewis, Scot. , See Emigration from; Ships to Phila. , Pa. , from Isle of Man, representation in parliament, PD13N66: 11 revenue from trade estimated, PD24S67: 12 trade regulations for, PD21Mr66: 23 See also Banks on; Emigration from; Iron manufacture in; Manufactures in; Paper manufacture, in; Plague in; Privateers captured by British off; Shipwrecks near; Shipwrecks off Isle of May, Scot. , See Imports to Hampton, Va. , from; Imports to James river, lower district, Va. , from; Imports to James river, upper district, Va. , from; Imports to Va. from; Imports to York district, Va. , from; Ships to Hampton, Va. , from; Ships to James river, Va. , from; Ships to Phila. , Pa. , from; Ships to Potomac district, Va. , from; Ships to Williamsburg, Va. , from; Ships to York district, Va. , from; Shipwrecks off Isle of Oleron, Fr. , See Shipwrecks on Isle of Pines, Cuba, See Shipwrecks on Isle of Rhe, Fr. , See Riots in; Shipwrecks on; Taxes Isle of Skye, Scot. , See Emigration from; Ships to Brunswick, N. C. , from; Ships to Wilmington, N. C. , from Isle of Wight, Eng. , See British army in; British army to; Hay plentiful in; Lighthouses on; Ships from; Ships from Boston, Mass. , to; Ships to; Shipwrecks off; Smuggling near; Storms near Isle of Wight, yacht, PD22J173: 12 Isle of Wight co. , Va. , burgesses elected, 30Ja52: 32, 27F52: 32, 12D55: 22, PD21Ap68: 23 — R21Ap68: 21, PD1D68: 31, PD7S69: 23 — R7S69: 31, R9N69: 11, PD5D71: 31, PD14J174: 23 census requested, P19Ap76s23 — D27Ap76: 33 chancery court, PD20Ag72:31 committee, Pi23F75: 23, D13Ja76: 32 committee appointed, Pi5Ja75: 31 delegates elected, DllMr75: 31, P26Ap76s23, P18Ap77sll enlarged by general assembly, PD28D69: 23— R28D69: 23, R25Ja70: 21, PD23Ap72: 11 freeholders' meeting in, R28J174: 23 in first senatorial district, D26F79: 32 reported list of tithables, Pi22D74: 32— PD22D74:31,D7Ja75:33 senators elected, P§S76: 33, P25Ap77: 22 sheriff's summons, PD20Ag72: 31 See also Apple orchards in; Apricot orchards in; Association of 1774 enforced in; Attorneys in; Barns in; Bounties; Brick churches, described, in; Brick dwelling houses, described, in; Brick houses, described, in; Brick houses in; Brick outhouses, described, in; Brick outhouses in; Bridges in; British army attempt robbery in; Charity in; Cherry orchards in; Cribs in; Cypress timber in; Dwelling houses, described, in; Dwelling houses in; Fires in; Gardens, described, in; Gardens in; Glebes in; Grammar schools in; Gristmills in; Gunpowder purchased by; Indentured servants runaway from; Jails in; Kitchens in; Land for sale in; Land ownership disputed in; Landings in; Linen auctioned in; Manor plantations in; Merchant mills in; Merchants in; Militia of ; Mills in; Musters, general, dates appointed for in; Oak timber in; Orchards in; Ordinaries in; Outhouses in; Oysters in; Peach orchards in; Pear orchards in; Physicians in; Pine timber in; Plantations in; Quarters in; Roads in; Salt works, public in; Sawmills in; Ship carpenters, apprentices, runaway from; Shops in; Slaves, ownership of disputed in; Slaves for sale in; Slaves found, adv. of, in; Slaves hired in; Slaves runaway from; Slaves stolen in; Smokehouses in; Stables in; Stealing in; Storehouses in; Tarring and feathering in; Taverns in; Tories, trials for in; Warehouses in; White oak timber in Isle of Wight courthouse, Va. , See Gardens at; Houses at; Orchards in; Ordinaries in; Slaves stolen in; Vendues in Isleworth, Eng. , celebrates Wilkes' release from prison, PD21 Je70: 23 See also Marriages in; Rape in Isleworth, float of timber, PD150c72: 12 Islington, Eng. , See Cattle, unusual sizes in; Robberies in Islor, John, 30N59: 22 Ismonger, John, P8S75: 31 Ismonger & Clark, P8S75: 31 Isonnontouans, with British army in 111. , D26Je79:ll Israel (Indian), kills trader, 7N54: 21 Israel, Isaac, Capt. , P230c78: 11 Issidorum, Russian man of war, PD19My74:12 Italian armies, increase in, PD4J171: 11 preparations in, PD17Je73: 11 — R17Je73: 12 Italian candles (fireworks), R19N72: 31 Italian coast, See Shipwrecks on Italian language, spoken by convict servants, P21J175: 32 604 Ivory toothpick cases taught in D. H. W. Mara's school, P5D77: 31 Italian Merchant, H. M. S. , D18Mr80: 13 ship, 2S57: 21 Italian wash, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 Italians, aid Russian navy, PD16Ag70: 22 emigration to Spanish W. I. encouraged, '21N51:12 revolt in east Fla. , PD270c68: 22 Italy, attack on feared, R1J173: 12, R15J173:32 conflicts over, 24Ja51: 31 division of rumored, P25J177: 22 French in, 30Mr39: 31 French troops withdraw from, 24D36: 32, 24D36: 41 Mass. seeks direct trade with,PD18Ag74: 11 peace in, 14F51: 31 political news from, 4N63: 13, PD11D66: 12 relations with Aust. , PD17Je73: 11-- R17Je73:12 with Corsica, 19D51: 22 with Fr. , R24Je73: 22. PD23S73: 22, R280c73:23.R27Ja74:22 with Gt. Brit. , PD12D71: 13 with Sp. ,R24Je73: 22 with Turkey, PDlAp73: 22 Spanish in, 10S36: 31, 30Mr39: 31 treaty of peace for, 1D52: 22 treatv with Sardinia rumored, Rl*5J173sll war in rumored, 24Ja51: 22 See also Anecdotes from; Antiquities discovered in; Bandits in; British navy to Port Mahon, Minorca, from; Corn plentiful in; Corn scarce in; Duels in; Earthquakes in; Emigration from; Exports from British colonies, N. Am. , to; Exports from Sp. to; Floods in; French army to; Grain, export from; Hurricanes in; Imports to; Imports to Brest, Fr. , from; Imports to Eng. from; Imports to Toulon, Fr. , from; Imports to Va. from; Inquisition abolished in; Murders in; Prussian army to; Quarantines in; Roads in; Slaves, galley, insurrections in; Spanish army to; Storms, hail, in; Volcanoes in Itch, cure for. 21Ja37: 12, PD4Ap66: 41, PD29N70: 22, PD13D70: 43, PD17Ja71: 43, PD24Ja71: 43, PD29Ag71: 31, PD17S72: 22 See also Pike's ointment for itch Ive. Henry, C11D79: 13 Ivers, William, Capt. , of the Sparrow, 29D52: 32 Ives, Capt. , sent to Boston, Mass. , for trial, P29D75: 11 Iveson, Abraham, P31Ja77: 31, P310c77:12 Gregory, R24D67: 41 Richard, 4N63: 32 Ivey, Benjamin, PD24My70: 43 Henry. P27Je77: 42 Joseph, Capt. , of the Friendship, 12D45: 42 of the Providence, 31D36: 42 William. P12Je78: 11 Ivica, fortified by Spanish, R170c71: 22. R21N71:22 Ivison, John, R80c72:31 Ivory. Capt. , of the Farmer, R21J168:21--PD28J168:22 of the Kitty, PD28S69: 12 John, Capt. , of the Gilbert, 20Ja38: 31 William, Capt. , of the Amelia, PD1N70: 22 Ivory, discovered in Af. , PD15S74: 22 exported from James river, lower district, Va. , to Liverpool, Eng. , 24N52: 31 exported from York district, Va. , to Bristol, Eng. , 29D52: 32 to Liverpool, Eng. , 270c52: 21 for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , HOc51:41,PD28S69:31 imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from Af. , PD13S70: 23 imported to York district, Va. , from Callabar, Af. , 120c52: 31 plentiful in Af. , PD25Ag68: 22-- R25Ag68s23 near Podor, Af. , PD30J167: 23 seized from British ship, P6D76: 21 used to make billiard balls, PD17S72: 22 Ivory black, for sale, in Blandford. Va. , PD29Je69: 32 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Petersburg, Va. , PD1 J173: 32 Ivory bodkins, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD18My69: 31--R25My69: 23, R260c69:23,PD2N69:41, PD220c72: 23--R220c72: 23 Ivory boxes, for sale, in Petersburg. Va. , PD14J174: 32 Ivory cases, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD13Ap69: 32-- R13Ap69:31 Ivory clyster pipes, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD1 J173: 32 Ivory combs, for sale, at Aylett's warehouse, Va. , D2My77: 71-- P2My77s32 in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72: 31, D24J179: 22 in Edenton, N. C. , P160c78: 42 in Fredericksburg, Va. , P4Ap77: 32-- DllAp77:62 in Gloucester, Va. . P19Ap76sll-- D20Ap76:33 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Richmond, Va. , D8My78: 82- - P27My78: 22, P12Je78: 22-- D10J178:41,P10J178:31 in Smithfield, Va. , C3J179: 31 in Suffolk, Va. , P21Ag78: 11 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD12N67: 22, R16Je68:32,R28J168:32, PD270c68: 33--R270c68: 22, PD13Ap69: 32--R13Ap69: 31, R260c69: 23, PD2N69:41, PD19Ap70s23--R19Ap70: 31, PD22N70s23, PD10Oc71: 31, PD12D71: 32. PD30Ja72: 32-- R6F72: 32, PD9J172: 31, PD220c72: 23 — R220c72: 23, D21F77: 21-- P21F77: 32, DlAg77: 22, D7N77: 31, D10J178:21--P10J178:33. D16Oc79:31,C30Oc79:33, C13N79: 12, D29Ja80: 41, C21Oc80: 22 Ivory eggs, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD18My69: 31--R25My69: 23 Ivory fans, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD22N70s23, PD140c73: 23 Ivory flutes, PD17S72: 22 Ivory folders. PD17S72: 22 for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. . PD29N70: 22, PD13D70: 43. PD3Ja71: 43. PD29Ag71: 31, PD10Je73: 34, D24Ag76:63,D3Ja77:43, D17Ja77: 43, D2My77: 83, D4J177: 83 Ivory handled forks, for sale, in Bute co. , N. C. ,D5S77:31 in Gloucester co. , Va. . D29Je76: 42 in Trinity glebe, Louisa co. , Va. . D28N77: 22 in Urbanna, Va. . P21Ag78: 13 in Williamsburg. Va. , D14N77: 31, D28Ag79:31,D20c79: 31 Ivory handled knives, for sale, in Bute co. , N. C. ,D5S77:31 in Gloucester co. , Va. , D29Je76: 42 in Trinity glebe, Louisa co. , Va. , D28N77:22 in Urbanna, Va. , P21Ag78: 13 in Williamsburg, Va. . D14N77: 31, D28Ag79: 31,D20c79:31 Ivory handled swords, for sale, at Amelia courthouse, Va. , P7Je76: 42-- D8Je76: 72 Ivory knives, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD10Je73: 34 Ivory memorandum books, PD17S72: 22 for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD29N70: 22, PD13D70: 43, PD3Ja71: 43, PDllAp71: 32, PD170c71: 23, PD10Je73: 34 Ivory penknives, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD29D74: 32 Ivory pipes, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 2My55: 22 Ivory pocket rules, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD10Oc71: 31 Ivory pomatum eggs, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , R13D70: 32 Ivory pounce boxes, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. . D24Ag76:63, D3Ja77:43.D17Ja77:43 Ivory sliding forks, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD170c71: 23 Ivory sliding knives, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD170c71: 23 Ivory sword handles, P27Je77; 12 Ivory syringes, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD1 J173: 32, PD14J174: 32 in Richmond, Va. , PD3S72: 23, PD10S72: 23, PD17Je73: 33-- R17Je73s23 in Williamsburg, Va. , 22My52: 32, 2My55: 31. 14N55: 22, PD13Ap69: 32-- R13Ap69: 32, PD17Ag69: 33-- R17Ag69: 23, PD21S69: 33-- R21S69s21, PD7Je70: 31-- R7Je70:31,PD29N70:31-- R29N70: 23, PD15Ag71: 32-- R15Ag71: 32, PD240c71: 31. PD290c72: 22--R290c72: 22, PD3Je73:33--R3Je73:23, PD10Je73: 22, PD4N73. 22--R4N73: 31 Ivory table knives, auctioned in Williamsburg, Va. . PD22D74: 31 for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD29D74: 32 Ivory thimbles, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. . PD18My69: 31--R25My69: 23. PD19Ap70: 23--R19Ap70: 31, PD22N70s23, PD170c71: 23 Ivory toothpick cases, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. . PD18My69: 31-- R25My69. 23 605 Ivory toothpicks Ivory toothpicks, for sale, in James, 26N36. 41. PD21Mr66: 42 of the Polly and Hellen. 26S55. 31 Williamsburg, Va. . PD10Oc71: 31. James. Capt. . 2Mr53. 42 Ivy, substitute for tea, PD13Ja74: 12 PD220c72:23--R220c72: 23 John. PD5Ag73: 23. PD26Ag73: 31, Iwovinack. Can.. English settlements at, Ivory turners, in Boston, Mass.. P230c78: 23 PD170c71:13 PD5Ap70:23--R5Ap70;32 Jonas, D31Ag76: 31 Izard, John. R26J170: 13 Ivy, China, D31Ag76: 31 Joseph. Capt. . of the Polly. 23My45: 32 Ralph, R26My74: 23 Elizabeth, P230c78: 23 606 Jacobite rebellion J J. Tar, pseud. , RllAg68: 13 Jachin. pseud. , 26Ag37: 21 Jack, Capt. , of the Eliza, PD4N73: 21. PD7J174: 21 of the Elizabeth, R210c73: 21 of the Lydia, PD16D73: 22 Major, leads attack against Cherokees, D14S76:42 Thomas. PD7Ap68: 31, R21Mr71: 43-- PD28F71:33.PD19N72:22 Jack, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , D8Ag77: 22 See also Roasting jack Jack of Diamonds, horse, D19My79: 32 Jack of Diamonds, stallion, for hire, P27Mr78:32 Jack-planes, stolen, R7Je70: 32 Jack the Batchelor, horse, DllAp77: 61-- PllAp77s33 Jack the Bachelor, stallion, P29My78: 42 Jackall, cutter, D25Mr80: 12 ship, D25Mr80:22 Jackasses, for sale, at Green spring, Va. , P18Ap77s32 in Southampton co. , Va. , P13Je77: 11 imported from Malta, P24My76: 41 Jackets, of Regulators, captured by militia, PD13Je71: 23 Jackets, sailors, for sale, in Urbanna, Va. , P21Ag78: 13 imported to Baltimore, Md. , from Martinique, W. I. , D29N76: 32 Jackie, brig, PD7Ap74: 23 Jacks, for sale, in Portsmouth, Va. , P18J177sll Jackson, Capt. , 7N51: 22, 60c52: 21 of the Betsey, PD4F68: 31 of the Cumberland, 18Ap51: 22 of the Essex, 28N51: 21 of the Etty, PD19D71: 32, R8Ap73: 32 of the Peggy Stewart, PD270c74: 22 of the Ranger, PD30Oc66: 22 of the Richard, D25Mr80: 12 of the Waters, D30Mr76: 21 wounded in battle of Bunker Hill, P22J175s22--D29J175:31 Mr. ,PD29Ag71:32 American prisoner of war, D12Mr79: 21 Ambrose, PD22S74: 32, P114S75: 33 Anthony, convict servant, R27S70: 32 Bathesheba, alias of Bathesheba Hollis, P8Ag77: 11 Charles, alias of Charles Oates, PD18Ap71: 31, PD210c73: 22 — R210c73: 21 convicted of felony, PD9My71: 31 -- R9My71:33 exonerates Capt. Charles Dabney, D17Ag76:22 Christopher, PD7S69: 42 David, D31Ja77: 61 David, Capt. , P22Mr76: 12-- D23Mr76:32 Fips, PD14D69: 32, R22Mr70: 22 Fips, jr. ,R21Mr71:42 Fips, sr. , land of,R21Mr71: 42 Francis, Negro in Dunmore's troops, D31Ag76: 31 George, R26J170: 22, PD13F72: 33-- R27F72: 33, PD18Mr73: 32-- R18Mr73: 33, R22Ap73sl3 Hall, Dr. , PD16Ja72: 31 Isaac, PD10S67: 23, R15Ap73: 32 James, 17Ja51:32 Jarvis, PD2Ja72. 32 Joel,D18F75:31 John, 17Ja51: 32, PD20Je66: 31. R3Je73:23,R30Je74:33 deserter. P13 Je77: 33 of Eng. , P24N75s22--D25N75: 33-- P130N75: 33 Jonathan, P5My75: 31, Pi22Je75: 22-- D24Je75: 23, D4Ap77: 22, D170c77:21 Joseph, Boston, Mass. , selectman. PD6Ap69: 21 tobacco in warehouse, R60c68: 31 Josias, R7Ap74: 11 Lewis, P7Mr77sl4 Low(e), criminal, 17Ja51: 32. 18Ap51: 22, 9My51: 31, 8Ag51: 31, 16Ag51:31 Mark, PD6Ag67: 33, PD18Ag68: 32 Matthew, PD13F72: 33--R27F72: 33, PD220c72: 31, PD18Mr73: 32-- R18Mr73: 33, R22Ap73sl3, P19S77:13 Nathaniel, 17Je52: 32 Patience, death of, P29My78: 22 Ralph, jr. ,PD14N71:23 Richard, PD9N69s23, R26Ap70: 33, P180c76: 23, P27D76: 33, P5Je78: 21 Richard, Capt. , of the Alice, 5Je52: 31, 12Je52: 21, 3J152: 32, 21Ag52:31 Richmond, agent for Pa. , PD5N67: 12 Robert, R12My68: 32, Pi24Ag75: 33, P28N77sl2 adv. for runaway convict servant, lAg51:'32 adv. for teacher, 7N55: 22 deserter escaped from jail, P23My77: 32 house of, PD27My73: 23 LePetit teaches school at, R12My74: 33 lot of, in Williamsburg, Va. , P21Mr77s22 re adv. for Alexander vVhite, 30N59: 31 silversmith, 20Oc52: 31 Simon, P5Je78: 11--D10J178: 41, D2'3Je79: 12 Thomas, 18Ap55: 22, PD18J166: 32, RlAp73: 41,PD21Ap74:32, P19Ap76p23,D9My77:41 Thomas, Capt. , of the Adventure, D11S79:21 William, adv. finding anchor, R7S69:41 adv. finding horse, 15D52: 32 adv. for missing horses, PD12D71: 33 adv. for runaway slave, D30c77: 42 adv. taking up slaves, P24Mr75: 33 adv. tanyard for sale in Edenton, N. C. , PD18D66: 33 agrees to support non-importation agreement in Boston, Mass. , PD8Mr70:ll captured by American privateer, D27Ap76:32 defendant in suit, R12My68: 32 drowning of, PD24Je73: 32-- R24Je73:31 indentured servant, PD24My70: 32-- R31My70:33 murdered, 24My51: 31 sentenced for robbery 4My39: 41 signs address to Gov Hutchinson, PD23Je74: 12 to arrange election of inspection committee, Phila. , Pa. , PilD74; 21 violates non-importation agreement in Boston, Mass. . PD8Mr70: 12 William, Capt. , of the Anthony, 5Ja39: 42. 16Mr39: 41, 18My39: 4 William, jr. ,PD17F74:32 Wilson, deserter, DlMy79: 31 [York], Dr. , slave of, 19S51: 32 Jackson, Roberdeau &, P21Ap75: 33-- Pi28Ap75: 41 Jackson's tincture, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD22Ap73: 31 Jacob, Charles, watchmaker, PD15D74: 32 Giles, author, 24My51: 32, PD25F68: 41, PD18J171: 32, PD25J171: 42, PD17S72: 21, PD10Je73: 31, DllF75s23, D25N75: 11, D30D75: 11, D24F76: 43, D2Mr76: 41, D9Mr76: 41, D25My76: 43, D24Ag76: 51, D20D76: 41, D3Ja77: 41, D17Ja77: 41 Hancock, slave of, P10Oc77: 31 John Francis, PD29Ja67: 13 Jacob, H. M. S. , 13Je45: 21 ship, 25Ap55: 22, 27Ag56: 32 snow, 24N52: 22 Jacobite rebellion, 29My46: 12 ammunition for, 7N45: 21 armaments for, 23Ja46: 31 armaments for rebels, 16Ja46: 21 armaments for British army, 27Mr46: 21 armaments for Newcastle and Berwick, 9Ja46:32 army movements, 27Mr46: 32, 3Ap46: 21 attack on Edinburgh castle, 9Ja46: 32 attack on Kent co. apprehended, 27Mr46:31 Berwick prepares defense, 9Ja46: 32 British army disperses rebels, 14Ag46: 21 British army in, 16Ja46: 21 British army in Edinburgh, 7N45: 22 British army movements, 19D45: 41, 27Mr46: 21, 3Ap46: 22, 3Ap46: 31, 3Ap46: 32, 10Ap46: 41, 24Ap46: 31, 29My46:21,18J146:ll British army victories, 3Ap46: 21, 3Ap46; 22 British losses in, 9Ja46: 31 British marines in, 11S46: 31 British military tactics in, 18J146: 21 British navy movements, 27Mr46: 41 British support in, 17Ap46: 12 British victories in, 3J146: 22, 11J146:31 British volunteer regiment formed, 16Ja46:31 casualties enumerated, 18J146: 31 casualities in, 27Mr46: 32 chief rebels listed, 19D45: 32 condemned by Worcester co. , Eng. , 310c45:31 cruelty of rebels, 29My46: 21 depredations in, 9Ja46: 32, 16Ja46: 22. 23Ja46: 31, 27Mr46: 41, 17Ap46: 12 depredations in Scot. , 19D45: 32 desertion among rebels, 23Ja46; 32. 27Mr46: 12 Duke of Cumberland honored for suppression of, 15My46: 22 Duke of Cumberland in:18S46:32 607 Jacobite rebellion (cont'd) Dutch troops for, 310c45: 22, 7N45:12, 7N45: 21, 7N45: 22, 21N45:32 end celebrated, 15My46: 32, 18J146: 22, 18J146: 41, 31J146: 42, 28Ag46: 21 end of confirmed, 18J146: 11 end reported, 24Ap46: 32, 15My46: 32, 14Ag46: 31, 18J146: 21, 11S46: 32 fortifications erected by rebels, 3Ap46:22 French aid for, 28N45: 11 French officers captured in,27Mr46:41 French prisoners taken, 18J146: 11, 21Ag46:31,4S46:22 funds for, 9Ja46: 32 Glengary submits terms to British, 14Ag46: 22 Hessian army movements, 29My46: 21 Hessian troops in, 2Ap46: 22, 3Ap46: 31 Highland troop movements, 7N45: 31 imprisonment for, PD16My66: 13 in Carlisle, Scot. , 27Mr46: 12, 27Mr46:21,27Mr46:22 in Perth, Scot. , 310c45: 31 in Preston, Scot. , 17Ap46: 11 in Stirling, Scot. , 10Ap46: 41 investigator located, 11S46: 22 Jacobite officers listed, 27Mr46: 21 losses in, 15My46: 21 loyalty pledge (text), 16Ja46:21 naval engagements in, 28N45: 11, 27Mr46: 41 Newcastle prepares defense, 19D45: 31, 19D45:32 post intercepted, 7N45: 22 preparations for, 7N45: 11 prisoners taken, 11 J146: 32, 18J146: 21 progress of, 240c45: 31 property protected by British, 29My46: 21 prospects discussed. 23Ja46: 11 protests against in Va. , 16Ja46: 41 rebel activities in, 11S46: 31 rebel army enumerated, 27Mr46: 21, 29My46: 21 rebel army movements, 19D46: 41, 27Mr46: 12, 27Mr46: 22, 27Mr46: 32, 17Ap46: 21 rebel defeats in, 23Ja46: 22 rebel losses in, 27Mr46: 31, 17Ap46: 32 rebel officers captured, 25S46: 22, 25S46: 41 rebel prisoners in Eng. , 15My46: 31, 14Ag46: 12 rebel prisoners in London, 14Ag46: 21, 4S46: 22, 11S46:22 rebel prisoners taken, 23Ja46: 32, 27Mr46: 31, 27Mr46: 32, 3Ap46: 31, 3Ap46: 41 rebel prisoners to London, 18S46: 41 rebel retreats in, 24Ap46: 31 rebel troop movements, 16Ja46: 22 rebel victories in, 9Ja46: 22, 3Ap46:31 rebels captured, 21Ag46: 31, 4S46: 31, 25S46:32 rebels' conduct in Deby described, 24Ap46: 11 rebels desert, 27Mr46: 32 rebels dispersed, 11S46: 32 rebels escape, 31 J146: 41, 14Ag46:21, 11S46:32 rebels hold Edinburgh, 19D45: 31 rebels in Inverness, 10Ap46: 41 rebels' land to be confiscated, 31J146:12 rebels mutiny, 3 J146: 21 rebels ordered to surrender, 14Ag46: 12 rebels reassemble, 4S46: 22 rebels retreat, 16Ja46: 22 rebels steal cattle, 11S46: 31 rebels surrender, 18J146:31, 31J146: 12, 11S46: 31, 11S46: 32 rebels tax Edinburgh, 3Ap46: 31 rebels transported to colonies, 4S46: 22 rebels trials in, 4S46: 22, 11S46: 32, 25S46:31,25S46:32 rebels tried at Old Bailey, 18J146: 32 rebels without provision, 3J146: 22 resistance continues, 25S46: 22, 25S46:32, 25S46: 41 Royal Burghs [Burrows] convention opposes, 29My46: 12 skirmishes in, 10Ap46: 41 soldiers killed and prisoners taken, 31J146:41 spies in, 19D45:31 supported by Catholic church, 27Mr46: 11 supported by Fr. , 27Mr46: 11, 27Mr46: 41, 10Ap46: 31, 27Mr46: 12, 11 Jl 46: 41, 14Ag46: 21 supported by Sp. , 3Ap46: 21, 10Ap46: 21 supression urged, 16Ja46: 11 troops for, 29My46: 22 women rebels in, 25S46: 41 Jacobites, favor Prohibitory act, D18My76: 33 Jacobs, Capt. , of the Amazon, D20J176: 11 of the Catherine, R26J170: 13 of the Dealcastle, PD25Ag68: 31-- R25Ag68:31,PD4J171:13 of the Happy Return, D20c79: 21 Mr. , slave of, 4N63:32 Mrs. , children of lost at sea, PD25Je72: 31 Benjamin, deserter, P6Mr78: 12 Hancock, Capt. , PD14S69: 31 Henry, D27My75: 31 John, R7F71: 32, RlAg71: 33, R5S71: 32, Pil2Ja75: 31--D14Ja75: 23 Jacob's ladder, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Petersburg, Va. , PD24Ja71: 31 in Richmond, Va. , PD5N72sll-- R5N72: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD10c67: 13, PD270c68: 33--R270c68: 22, PD22N70s23, PD150c72: 31, R12My74:32 Jacob's valley, PDll.Te67:33 Jacob's Well, ship, PD23J172: 12 Jacobson, Capt. , PD23F69: 22, PD1N70: 21 of the Beaver, PDlAg71: 13 Jacoby, John Daniel, PD29Ja67: 13 Jacquelin, Molly, marriage of, 18N37:41 Jacques, Henry, Capt. , of the Anne, PD5F67:31 Lanc,PD21Je70:23 Lancelot, PD3N74: 42--PilON74: 32 William, PD13F72: 33--R27F72: 33 Jacquet, Joseph, Lt. , D21S76: 21 Jagers, in British army, D25My76: 31 land near Peekskill, N. Y. , D19Je79: 22 Jail distemper, avoidance explained, PD17N68: 11--R24N68: 41 Jail breaks, attempted in London, Eng. , P26My75: 12 in Paris, Fr. , PDlAp73: 21 in New York City, R5Ag73: 22 Jailbreaking, imprisonment for, in Williamsburg, Va. , 170c51: 31 Jailer, in Va. , salary provided by general assembly, PD18Mr73: 23-- R18Mr73:31 Jailers, in London, Eng. , instructions to,R16D73:ll in Middlesex co. , Eng. , instructions to,R16D73:ll in Williamsburg, Va. , 7Ag52: 32 sued for cruelty, in Eng. , PD2F69: 12 See also Convict servants as Jailer's house, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD8Ap73: 23--R8Ap73: 33 Jails, built in Eng. , PD20My73: 13 in Accomac co. , Va. , prisoners escape from, 30S37: 42, R27F72: 41 slaves escape from, P180c76: 23 slaves in, R14Ja73:41 in Albany, N. Y. , escapes attempted, PD29Ap73: 22--R29Ap73: 21 prisoners debts paid, PD30c66: 33 prisoners escape from, R21S69: 32 in Albemarle co. , Va. , Tories escape from, P22Ag77: 31 in Alexandria, Va. , counterfeiters in, D15My78: 32--P29My78: 42 slaves escape from, PD26S71: 32-- R26S71:33 slaves in, R20Je71: 33, R5S71: 32, P5D77: 31 in Amboy, N. J. , prisoners in, 24My51:31 in Amelia co. , Va. , prisoners escape from, 4N63: 42, R8Ap73: 32 slaves in, R3Je73: 23, R10Je73sl2 in Amherst co. , Va. , P21 Je77: 33 indentured servants in, R28Mr71: 21, D21S76:42 prisoners burned in, PD15D68: 23-- R15D68:21 slaves in, 12F62: 42, R10Ja71: 41 in Amsterdam, Holl. , treatment in, PD23Ap67:ll in Annapolis, Md. , prisoners die in, PD7Ap68: 22 in Anne Arundel co. , Md. , servants in, 23F39:41 in Augusta co. , Va. , indentured servants in, R2My71: 31, R23My71: 31, PD27Je71: 33, R170c71:41,R310c71:41, R30S73:33,R10F74:33 prisoners escape from, R22D68: 21 slaves escape from, RllMy69: 42 slaves in, R22D68: 21, PD27Je71: 33, P310c77:31 in Baltimore, Md. , prisoners escaped from,D7F77:22 traitors escape from, P10Ja77: 23 in Bedford co. , Va. , indentured servants in, PD21J174: 32 slaves in, PD4F73:32 in Boston, Mass., burn, PD9Mr69: 13-- R9Mr69: 22 608 Jails prisoners in, PU6N75: 23 — P17N75:23--D18N75:22 prisoners of war in, P16Ag76: 12 — D17Ag76:ll in Botetourt co. , Va. , indentured servants in, P23 Je75: 32 in Brunswick co. , Va. , 16Mr39: 41 prisoners escape from, R24D67: 32, PD5Ap70: 33 slaves escape from, DHOc76:62, P15N76: 12 slaves in, PD27J169: 33, R14S69: 31, P8N76: 32 in Buckingham co. , Va. , slaves in, PD20Oc68: 22, PD21N71: 43, PD70c73: 23, D10Je75: 33 — Pi27J175: 33 in Bute co. , N. C. , slaves stolen from, PD18Ja70: 32 in Carlisle, Pa. , attacked by mob, R260c69: 13 prisoner escapes from, R31My70: 41 prisoners forcibly freed, PD25F68: 22, PD10Mr68: 23 in Caroline co. , Va. , prisoners escape from, 9Ja46: 41 slaves escape from, R7S69: 33 slaves in, R26 J170: 23, R19Ag73: 32, D8My79: 22 in Cecil co. , Md. , convict servants in, 2My51:31 in Charles city co. , Va. , R16Je74: 32, Pi21S75: 32--P22S75: 33--D23S75: 32 burned down, R14J168: 31 debtors in, PD7F71:23 prisoners in, PD21F71: 31 slaves escape from, PD17S67: 22, PD220c72: 31, Pi20J175: 33 — P21J175:31,P20Oc75:31 slaves in, 28Ag46: 32, R190c69s23, PD25Oc70: 31, PD16My71: 32, PD12S71:33,PD7N71:32, PD28My72: 31, PD23J172: 33, PD12N72: 23, PD12Ag73: 31, R12My74: 42, R1S74: 33, R8S74: 33, P15D75: 33, P5J176p23, P13D76: 32, P31Ja77:31,D17J179: 32 in Charleston, S. C. , prisoners in, R26My68:22 in Charlestown, Md. , prisoners in, PD13Ag72: 21 in Charlestown, Mass. , prisoners in, PD5F67: 22 in Charlotte co. , Va. , slaves in, D25Ap77: 22, P21Ag78: 43, D26F80: 33 in Chesterfield co. , Va. , PD29S74: 33 bids for building adv. for, P18J177:13 bids for building postponed, P15Ag77:ll burnt by prisoner, PD28Ja73: 31 convict servants escape from, D22N76: 31--P22N76: 32 prisoners escape from, R14J168: 33, PD3Ag69: 33, PD28Ja73: 31 slaves escape from, D18N75: 32 slaves in, 19S55: 32, PD15Je69: 32, PD19Ap70: 32, PD24My70: 42, R31My70: 32, PD16Ag70: 43, PD13S70: 32, PD3Ja71: 31, PD9My71: 33, PD13Je71: 41, PD18J171: 23, PD25J171: 23, PD22Ag71: 33, PD21N71: 23, PD30J172: 33, PD!Oc72: 23, PD5N72: 43, PD30S73: 32, PD30S73: 33, PD24F74: 33, PD18Ag74: 33, D29J175: 33, D9D75: 33, D24Ag76: 41, D8N76: 32, D24J179:31,D11S79:32 in Craven co. , N. C. , D30c77: 41 prisoners escape from, D30c77: 41 in Culpeper co. , Va. , convict servants in, R22Mr70: 22 prisoners in, C28Ag79: 32 slaves in, D27N79:31 in Cumberland co. , Va. , PD20Je66: 23 prisoners escape from, R18F68: 32 slaves in, PD14Ja73: 33, PD280c73: 31, P16Je75:32,P21N77:22 in Dinwiddie co. , Va. , R28J174: 33 bids for building adv. for, D8My78: 71--P8My78s21 prisoners escape from, P30Ag76: 31 — D7S76: 32 slaves in, R31My70: 42, PD170c71: 32, PD2Ja72: 32, PD23J172: 33, PD12N72: 23, D15My79: 32, D25S79:32 in Dumfries, Va. , soldiers escaped from, P170c77:33 in Edenton, N. C. , prisoners escape from, 13Je45: 32 slaves in, PD9S73: 32 in Edinburgh, Scot. , escapes from, 14Ja37:31 prisoners escape from, PD23 Je68: 21 in Elizabeth City co. , Va. , R24Ag69: 32 bids for rebuilding adv. for, PD12Mr67: 33— PD19Mr67: 41 fire at, PD12Mr67:33 indentured servants in, R29S68: 32, P20Oc75: 23 prisoners escape from, R31My70: 33, R31My70:41 slaves escape from, 21Ap38: 42, PD22S68:23,P21F77:32 slaves in, PD17S67: 22, R1S68: 32, R12J170: 32, R19J170: 33, R23Ag70: 33, R18J171: 41, R5S71: 31, R170c71: 42, R12Mr72: 33, R26Ag73: 32, R16Je74: 31, D10Je75:41,PllAg75:41, P22S75: 33, P13D76: 31, D6N78: 31, C15My79:32 in Eng. , ships' captains in, D8 Ja80: 23 in Essex co. , Va. , P30My77: 13 indentured servants in, Pi6Ap75: 42, P5Ja76: 41 prisoner escaped from, P30My77: 13 prisoners in, P17N75sl3 slaves in, PD15Ag66: 33, R8Ag71: 31, R5Ag73: 31, R27Ja74: 41, P17N75sll, D16Mr76: 41, D20Ap76: 41 in Fairfax co. , Va. , criminals escaped from,17Ja51:32 indentured servants escape from, RlAg71:33 slaves escape from, RlAg71: 33 slaves in, RlAg71: 33, P25Ap77: 32 in Fairfield co. , Conn. , insane committed to, PD25Mr73: 23 — R25Mr73: 23 in Falmouth, Mass. , prisoners freed from, PD8S68:21 in Frederick, Md. , prisoners in, PD26Ag73: 23— R26Ag73s23 slaves escape from, PD2My66: 31 slaves in, PD2My66: 31 in Frederick co. , Va. , criminals in, PD220c67: 21 indentured servants in, 170c51: 32, PD30Oc66: 32, R8Mr70: 32, R2Ag70: 31, R6S70: 32, R5S71: 32 prisoner escapes from, R31My70: 41 slaves in, R15Ag71: 33, Pu22Ag77: 32 in Fredericksburg, Va. , slaves escape from, R15Mr70s42 slaves in, PD16My71: 32, R26S71: 33 in Gloucester co. , Va. , prisoners escape from, R18Oc70: 11, PD18Oc70: 23 slaves escape from, PD4F73: 31, R17Mr74: 32 slaves in, R31Mr68: 34, PD170c71: 32, PD13Ag72: 31, PD17F74: 32, R19My74: 43, P21Je76: 33 in Goochland co. , Va. , adv. for bids for building, PD7S69: 32 convict servants in, PD4Oc70: 32 slaves escape from, D14Ag79: 32 slaves in, R310c71: 41, D2Mr76: 31, P160c78: 13 in Gt. Brit. , clergy for proposed in parliament, PD20My73: 21 in Halifax, N. C. , PD7My67: 33 prisoners in, D4D78: 32 slaves in, PD5Mr67: 32, PD27Ag67: 32, PD28S69: 32, P28Je76: 32, P28Je76: 33, PlAg77:33,P310c77:31 in Halifax co. , Va. , criminals in, PD220c67: 21 man in, R6My73: 32 prisoners in, PD220c67: 21, R6My73: 32 slaves in, PD12S71:33 in Hampshire, Eng. , escape from attempted, 10N52: 21 in Hampshire co. , Va. , slaves in, R27F72: 32, R26Ag73: 23, P160c78: 41 in Hampton co. , S. C. , slaves in, Pil5D74:33 in Hanover co. , Va. , slaves in, 10Oc45: 32, PD12Mr72: 33, R80c72:23,PD22D74:31 in Henrico co. , Va. , Negro in, PD31Mr74:32 slaves in, 3S56: 32, 16Ja61: 41, RlAg71:41,PD18Ag74:33, Pi28Ap75:41,DlJ175:33, D23S75:33 in Hertford co. , N. C. , slaves in, PD8N70: 32 in Hispaniola, W. I. , prisoners in, PD29Ap73: 22— R29Ap73: 21 in Isle of Wight co. , Va. , P10Oc77: 32 indentured servants in, PD19J170: 33, PD270c74: 31 Negroes in, P20Oc75: 31 prisoners escaped from, 21J138: 32 slaves in, PD30Oc66: 31, PD10Ag69: 32, PD15F70: 43, PD19Ap70: 41, PD28F71:41,PD28N71:31,PD25Je72:33, PD8J173: 33, PD5Ag73: 31, PD19Ag73: 22, PD25N73:31,P21N77:23 in Jamaica, N. Y. , Tories imprisoned in, P12J176:23 in James City co. , Va. , 2N39: 32, PD24S72: 23 prisoners in, 9N39: 41 slaves escape from, PD140c73: 31, PD25N73:31 slaves in, 12F62: 42, PD14Mr66: 32, PD21Mr66: 41, PD19My68: 23, 609 Jails, in James City co. . (cont'd) PD16Je68: 31, RllAg68: 31, PD29S68: 31, PD8D68: 32, PD16Mr69: 32, PDllMy69s42, PDUe69:32,PD8Je69:32, PD13J169: 32, PD27J169: 33, PD27J169:41,PD2N69:42, PD2N69:43,PD7D69: 32, PD24My70: 41, PD7Je70: 32, R13S70: 32, R15N70: 32, PD18J171: 23, PD16J172: 32, PD3S72: 23, PD30S73: 33--R30S73: 33, PD70c73: 23, D25Mr75: 32, PlMr76:41,P27Je77:32, D14Ag79:32 in King and Queen co. , Va. , slaves in, PD210c73: 31, PDlS74s22, P29N76:31,D10J179:31 in King George co. , Va. , 7Ag52: 32 in King William co. , Va. , bids for building adv. of, PD29D74: 32-- Pi29D74:33,D4F75:33 — Pi9F75:33 convicts in, 7N54: 32 prisoner escapes from, R14Je70:33 slaves escape from, P17Ja77: 32 slaves in, R9My71: 43, R280c73: 42, PD2D73: 31 in Lancaster, Pa. , prisoners in, 30 Jl 52: 31 in Lancaster co. , Pa. , prisoners in, PD14Ap68:22 in Lancaster co. , Va. , slaves escape from,R17Mr68:34 slaves in, R17Mr68: 34, R13D70: 41, R26S71: 32, R12Mr72: 41, P29My78: 42, C3J179:33,C28Ag79:32 in Litchfield co. , Conn. , prisoners in, DlAp80:22 in London, Eng. , constructed, PD16Ag70: 22 fights in, PD270c68: 22 inspection advocated, 10J152: 22 in Loudoun co. , Va. , indentured servants in, R5S71:32 slaves in, P5Je78: 31 in Louisa co. , Va. , Negroes in, P310c77:13 in Lunenburg co. , Va. , escapes from, PDllJe67:33 slaves escape from, D17J178: 31 slaves in:PD13F72:33,P5J176p23, D18S79:31,D90c79:32 in Mecklenburg co. , Va. , slaves in, PD25J171: 23, PD4N73: 31, P1D75: 23 in Middlesex co. , Va. , 21Mr45: 42, 270c52:22,PD31D72:32, PD3F74:33,R4Ag74:33 indentured servants in, PD290c72: 23 slaves in, R22S68: 31, R29S68: 32, R260c69:31, PD6My73:32, PD16S73: 31, Pi9Mr75: 33, Pi6Ap75: 42, Pi31Ag75: 33, Pi21S75:33,P110c76: 31, P21F77:32 in Morris co. , N. J. , counterfeiters in, PD6Ja74: 22 prisoners escape from, R9S73: 33 in Nansemond co. , Va. , PD3Ja71: 42 prisoners escape from, PD20My73: 22 slaves in, PD3N68: 32, PD23F69: 33, PD19N72: 31, PD70c73: 31, PD30Je74: 31, PD14J174: 31, P18Ag75sll, P24N75s21, P30Ag76: 41 in Nantucket, Mass. , prisoners in, PD9Je68: 21 in New Bern, N. C. , burned, PD7Ja68: 31 criminals in, R12Ag73: 22 escapes from attempted, 10N52: 22 prisoners in, 120c52: 22 slaves in, PD5N67: 31 in N. H. , prisoners in, R12My68: 14 in New Kent co. , Va. , R8Ap73: 33 slaves in, PD22D68: 33, PD23F69: 33, PD16Ag70: 33, R4N73: 31, R16D73:42,D18F75:32 in N. Y. , prisoners escape from, R19F67:22 prisoners in, 30J152: 22 slaves in, PD28My72: 23 in New York City, escape from attempted, D29J176:22 prisoners in, PD30J167: 31, PD11J171:21 in Newport, R. I. , sailors in, PD9Je68: 22--R9Je68: 31 in Newtown, Md. , indentured servants escape from, PD170c71: 32 slaves escape from, R12Mr72:41 in Norfolk, Va. , burned, D2D75: 31 convict servants in, R12J170: 23 slaves escape from, PD23F69: 33 slaves in, R15S68: 24, R27J169: 32, R21S69: 32, R50c69: 32, R310c71: 33, PD18F73:31 in Norfolk co. , Va. , indentured servant in, PD24Mr74: 33 prisoners escape from, 18Ap51: 22 slaves escape from, PD22D68: 33, R30Je74: 33 slaves in, R19F67: 32, R310c71: 33, PD30J172: 33, PD8Ap73: 33, PD2S73: 23, PD24Mr74: 33, PD19My74pll, DUF75: 43, D13My75: 11, P26My75: 41, P130c75:32 in Northampton co. , N. C. , slaves in, P14Ap75:33 in Northampton co. , Va. , slaves in, PD4My69: 33, P6S76: 33, P180c76:23--P250c76:33 in Northumberland co. , Va. , R19My74: 43, P170c77: 32 indentured servants in, PD20Oc74: 32, P2F76:41 prisoners escaped from, R29Ap73: 23 slaves escape from, 27Mr52: 22, R26S71:32 slaves in, PD22Ag71: 33, PD29Ap73: 31, PD60c74: 33, P21N77: 23, C3J179: 33 in Orange co. , N. C. , prisoners escape from, PD16Je68: 31 in Orange co. , Va. , indentured servants in, PD13My73: 43 slaves in, R27S70: 33 slaves imprisoned for debt, R15Mr70:42 in Phila. , Pa. , counterfeiters in, 18J151: 32, PD8J173: 31--R8J173: 31 escapes attempted, Pil5Je75: 23 fire in, PD14J168: 23 gifts to prisoners, PD22F70: 21 loyalists escape from, P17My76: 32 prisoners in, 4Ap51: 32 slaves in, 7Ja37: 41 in Pittsylvania co. , Va. , in disrepair, Pil8My75: 33 slaves in, PD22Ap73: 32, P9Je75: 31 in Portsmouth, Eng. , prisoners escape from, DllMr80: 12 in Prince Edward co. , Va. , prisoners escape from, R27My73: 23 in Prince George co. , Va. , 12Mr52: 22 slaves escape from, PD5My74: 32 slaves in, 15D38: 4L PD25Ap66: 32, R3Ag69:33,R2Ag70:31, PD13D70:23,R31Ja71:33, R310c71: 33, R6F72: 33, R19N72: 31, R10D72: 31, R31D72: 31, R27My73: 31, R5Ag73: 31, R11N73: 23, R13Ja74: 33, R13Ja74: 41, R13Ja74: 42, R10F74: 42, R7Ap74: 32, R28J174: 33, Pil30c74: 33. Pi25My75: 41, P25Ag75: 72, PU6N75: 33, P8Ag77: 32, P310c77: 31, D14N77:41,D25Mr80:32 in Prince William co. , Va. , indentured servants in, R27Ap69: 23, R140c73:33,PllAg75:43 prisoners in. R26S71: 32, R140c73: 33 slaves in, R1J173: 33, R23S73: 43, R140c73:33,R17F74: 32 in Princess Anne co. , Va. , slaves in, 240c55: 21, PD20Oc68: 23, R50c69: 41, PD18N73: 23, Dl J175: 33 in Richmond, Va. , burned, PD3D72: 22 prisoners in, D6S80: 33 slaves escape from, R15Mr70s42 temporary building for, D17J179: 32 in Richmond co. , Va. , indentured servants in, R27S70: 32 slaves held in, 60c52: 41, 24N52: 31 in Salem, Mass. , prisoners escape from, PD31Mr74: 22--R14Ap74: 22 prisoners in, 290c36: 41 in Salisbury, N. C. , prisoners rescued from, PD8S68: 13 in Smithfield, Va. , slaves held in, PD24My70: 31, PD18Oc70: 32, PD25J171: 23, PD19Mr72: 33, PD28My72: 31, PD28Ja73: 32 in South Kingston, R. I. , prisoners held in, R25N73: 32 in Southampton co. , Va. , bids for building adv. for, PD2S73: 23-- R2S73: 32 slaves in, P160c78: 13 in Spotsylvania co. , Va. , R15S74: 33 bids for building adv. for, R20Ap69:31,R13J169:31 deserters in, P22Ag77: 32 indentured servants in, R20Je71: 41 prisoners escape from, R12Ja69: 32 slaves in, 15S38: 42, R17Ja71: 23, D25My76: 23, P16My77: 31, P4J177sll in Stafford co. , Va. , prisoners escape from, Pi2Mr75: 33 slaves escape from, PD8N70: 32 slaves in, R190c69s21, P21Ag78: 11 in Staunton, Va. , indentured servants in, R10Mr74: 32 in Suffolk, Va. , convict servant in, PDlAg71:23 slaves in, PD15F70: 41, PD16Ag70: 43, PD31Ja71: 33, PDlAg71: 23, PD14N71: 23 in Surry co. , Va. , PD3D72: 23, PD17D72: 32, PD20Ja74: 32, PD16Je74:31 mulattoes in, PD24My70: 32 61U Jamaica, W. I. slaves in, 19J154: 41. 28F55: 32, 30N59:32,PD28Mr66:41, PD24Ag69: 33, PD2N69: 42, PD8Mr70: 42, PD19J170: 42, PD2My71: 33, PDlAg71: 23, PD13Ag72: 31, PD19N72: 31, PD20My73: 23, PD9S73: 32, R18N73: 32. D11F75: 32, P16Je75: 32, Pi31Ag75:33,Pi6Ja76:32, P5Je78: 12 in Sussex co. , Va. , adv. for bids for building, PD1S68: 31 burning of, PD140c73: 22 prisoners in, P21 J175: 31 slaves in, PD16Je68: 32, PD29S68: 31, PD16My71: 32, PD12S71: 33, PD21N71: 23, PD19Mr72: 32, R80c72: 31, PD27My73: 31, PD1J173: 33, R5Ag73: 31, PD16S73: 33, P15S75s23, P27D76: 31, P7F77: 32, P7Mr77s23,P10Oc77:32 in Taunton, Mass. , prisoners in, PD13J169:23 in Va. , removal of criminals from county, Pi20Ap75: 32 in Warwick co. , Va. , slaves in, 310c55:22,PD5Ag73:31, P15Mr76:33 in Westmoreland co. , Va. , R18Ag74: 32 convict servants in, Pi9Mr75: 33 indentured servants in, R80c72: 31 prisoners escape from, R6 J169: 32 slaves in. R21S69: 32, R170c71: 42, R310c71:32,R80c72:31, R25F73:33,PD25N73:31, PD22D74: 32, P230c78: 31, C20N79: 21 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD8Ap73: 23-- R8Ap73:33,D4S79:31 convict servants in, PD270c74: 31-- Pi270c74:31 convicts in, 7N54: 32 counterfeiters in, PD17D67: 31, P19J176: 23--D20J176: 41, D20N79: 22 criminals in, HOc51: 31, P6D76: 23 deserters escaped from, P23My77: 32, D24Ap78: 31--PlMy78: 42 deserters in,3S56: 32 indentured servants in, 7J138: 42, 17Ap46: 42, 28Ag46: 32, P9F76: 33, P3My76:33.P27S76: 22 keeper of, sells tobacco, 13Ap39: 31 lodging for criminals, Pi20Ap75: 32 Negroes in. P28N77sl2 prisoners bailed from, PD11J166: 11 prisoners die in, Pi30Mr75: 32 prisoners escape from, 3J152: 31, PD170c66:31,PD25Ag68:31-- R25Ag68:31,D13My75:32, C11D79:21 prisoners held to await trail, R27F72:41 prisoners in, 16S37: 32, 210c37: 31, 280c37: 32, 25Ag38: 41, 8Je39: 42, 4Ja40: 41, 24Ja51: 41, 4N63: 22, PD19N67: 21, R18F68: 31, PD25F68: 22, R24Mr68: 33, R25Ja70: 23, PD13Ag72: 21, PD4Mr73: 31, R13Ja74: 33, P24F75: 32. P26My75s31, PlMy78:32, P19Je78: 22, D90c78:32 set on fire, PD19N72: 21 slaves escape from, 3J152: 31, PD28Mr66: 41, PD19N72: 21, P17N75sl2,P23Ag76:32 slaves in, 2S37: 32, 16S37: 41, 15S38: 42, 15D38: 41, 21Mr45: 42, 21F51: 41, 2Ja52: 41, 7Ag52: 32, 24N52: 31, 310c55: 22, 30N59: 32, 16Ja61: 41, 12F62: 42, PD20Je66: 31, RllAg68: 31, PD2N69: 42, PD9N69: 31, R31My70: 32, R30Ag70: 32, R1N70: 41, PD170c71: 32, PD12D71: 33, PD24S72: 23, PDllMr73: 32, PD8J173:33,PD16S73:33. PD23D73:23,PD3F74:33, PD29S74: 33, P3F75: 43, Pi30N75: 31, P19Ja76:33,P22Mr76:33, P12Ap76: 32, P3My76: 33, P28Je76: 33, P2Ag76: 32, P1N76: 33, P28N77: 31 spies escape from, P25Ap77: 12 Tories escape from, P23My77: 32 Tories in, P5Ja76(5)s22, D29Ag77: 22, P29Ag77:31 treatment in praised, DlAp80: 22 in Winchester, Va. , prisoners escape from,PD2N69:31 slaves escape from, R21S69: 32 in York co. , Va. , PD24D72: 32, PD60c74: 33 indentured servants in. PD21Ja73: 31, P28J175:33 Negroes held in, P25J177: 42 prisoners escape from, PD20N66: 23, PD20My73: 23, PD210c73: 23, R280c73:41,R4Ag74:33 prisoners in, 4N63: 22 slaves escape from, PD7Mr71: 32, R18J171:41,PDlAg71:22, PD7N71: 32, PD28J174: 32 — R28J174: 33, PD17N74: 23-- D28Ja75:43,DllF75:43 slaves in, 27Ag56: 42, PD9N69: 23, PD19J170: 33--R26J170: 23, PD8N70: 32, PD13D70: 22, PD21Mr71: 33, PD13Ag72: 31, PD10S72:31,R8Oc72:43, PD5N72: 43, PD21 Ja73: 31, PD30S73: 32, PD30S73: 33, PD10Mr74: 32, D11F75: 43, P7J175s23, P25Ag75: 73 in Yorktown, Va. , 20Mr52: 31 reform of planned, in London, Eng. , 19D51:21 See also Brick jails; Prisons Jails, described, in Amherst, Va. , bids for building adv. for, R4Ag74:32 Jails, public, allowances for keeper regulated by Va. general assembly, PD23Ap72:ll Jakins, William, indentured servant, 16My55:21 Jalap, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va. , P5S77: 33, P10Oc77: 12, D26Mr79: 22 in Hanover co. , V«i. , D5F80: 41 in Hobb's Hole, Va. , R29Je69: 33 in Newcastle, Va. , PD19N72: 22 in Petersburg, Va. , Pi23Mr75: 33-- D25Mr75: 31, D24Ag76: 61 in Portsmouth, Va. , P170c77: 23 in Richmond, Va. , D8My78: 82-- P27My78: 22, P12Je78: 22-- D10J178:41 in Shockoe, Va. , PD4Ap66: 41 in Williamsburg, Va. , 18J151: 41, 30c51: 41, 2My55: 22, 2My55: 31, 30N59: 32, PDllJe67: 32, PD18Je67: 32, R3N68: 33--PD10N68: 22, PD21S69: 33-- R21S69s21, PD21S69: 41--R21S69s21, PD240c71: 31, PD290c72: 22-- R290c72: 22, D21F77: 21--P21F77: 32, D28N77: 21--P28N77: 33, D10J178:21--P10J178:12, P10J178:33,DlMy79:22, D12Je79:32,C30Oc79:33, D29Ja80:41,C15J180:22 in Yorktown, Va. , PD13Ag67: 23, D4J177: 11 near Warwick, Va. , D28F77: 32 imported to Sp. from Veracruz, Mex. , 8D52:12 produced in Pensacola, Fla. , PD13N66: 11 used in smallpox inoculations, R30N69: 22 Jalap roots, imported to Cadiz, Sp. , from Veracruz, Mex. , 21N51: 12 Jalopa, Veracruz, Mex. , See Fairs in Jamaica, N. Y. , committee of correspondence, letter (text) to N. Y. delegates to Continental congress, Pi9F75:32 See also Jails in Jamaica, W. I. , affected by capture of Pensacola, Fla. , D8Ap80s21 attack by French rumored, C19Ag80: 12 attack by Sp. feared, D4N75: 22 attacked by Spanish rumored, D8J175: 23 census of, PD11J166: 13 civil war in, RUe69:22 court decisions in, 8Ag51: 31 defense of discussed in Lords, R7Mr71:21 defenses of, R16S73: 31, D5Mr79: 21 depression in described, 12D51: 31 desires conciliation with U. S. , D26Je79: 21 fortification discussed, R21Mr71: 23 supported in Lords, PD21Mr71: 22 fortifications strengthened, PD15J173: 23--R15J173: 31 French attack on rumored, 12S45: 31, D90c79: 21,D13N79:12 French designs on, 30c55: 22 general assembly, address to king, P3Mr75s23 addresses of, 1772, PD23Ap72: 13 dissolved by It. gov. , PD1D68: 31 petition (text) to king, DllMr75: 22 refuses subsistence to British troops, PD26Ja69: 31--R26Ja69: 23 traitors in, 28Mr55: 31 invasion of rumored, 12My38: 32 martial law proclaimed in, PD22Mr70: 21 new governor to be appointed, PD5My74: 12 observations on taken by Spanish, P10F75: 12 report on requested by Commons, 30J152:21 requests protection by British navy, D25Mr80: 22 revolts in, R15Je69: 21 Spain prepares for war with, P26Ja76: 21 Spanish designs on, PD23Ap72: 13 Spanish ships excluded from, PD3S67: 11 supports British colonies, N. Am. , Pi30Mr75: 22--DlAp75: 22 trade recovers, PD19F67: 23 611 Jamaica, W.I. (cont'd) trade with U. S. stopped, D22N76: 21 See also American company of comedians to; Ammunition in; Ammunition to; Artillery for British army on; British army, arms for in; British army from; British army from N. Y. to; British army in; British army quartering in; British army to; British army to U. S. from; British navy, damaged ships in; British navy from; British navy from N. Y. to; British navy in; British navy ordered to; British navy to; British navy to Honduras, C. Am. , from; British navy to Pensacola, Fla. , from; British navy to Porto Bello, W. I. , from; British navy to Spanish main from; British transports from Eng. to: Cattle, amounts in; Coercive acts, repeal; Coffee import to Gt. Brit, from; Convoys by Britisn navy from; Convoys by British navy to; Cotton, amounts in; Debtors in; Diseases in; Drought in; Duties; Earthquakes in; Embargoes; Exports from; Exports from James river, lower district, Va. , to; Exports from James river, upper district, Va. , to; Exports from Portsmouth, Va. , to; Exports from York district, Va. , to; Fires in; Flour scarce in; Free trade in; French army in; Fustick, amounts in; Ginger, amounts in; Hospitals in; Hurricanes in; Imports to; Imports to Eng. from; Imports to James river, lower district, Va. , from; Imports to James river, upper district, Va. , from; Imports to London, Eng. , from; Imports to Portsmouth, Eng. , from; Imports to Va. from; Imports to York district, Va. , from; Indigo to be grown in; Jews in; Livestock to be raised in; Lixivium discovered in; Logwood, amounts in; Lumber export from Pensacola, Fla. , to; Mahogany, amounts in; Manufactures, British demand decreases in; Martial law in; Merchants in; Mahogany destroyed by Spaniards at; Negro insurrections in; Negroes, number in; Packets between Charleston, S. C. , and; Pimenta, amounts in; Plantations, sugar, census on; Plantations in; Postal service between; Prisoners of war, American impressed in; Privateers, British, captured in; Privateers, British, in; Provisions in; Quartering opposed in; Religious toleration supported in; Rum, amounts in; Rum, price high in; Rum plentiful in; Schools, charity in; Scots, in; Scots leave New Bern, N. C. , for; Ships, British, in; Ships, Spanish, captured off; Ships from; Ships from Bristol, Eng. , to; Ships from Eng. to; Ships from James river, Va. , to; Ships from London, Eng. , to; Ships from Mosquito coast, Nic. , to; Ships from New York City to; Ships from New Bern, N. C. , to; Ships from Norfolk, Va., to; Ships from Phila. , Pa. , to; Ships from S. C. to; Ships from Turks island, W. I. , to; Ships from Va. to; Ships lost in hurricane in; Ships' sailing time; Ships to; Ships to Boston, Mass. , from; Ships to Charleston, S. C. , from; Ships to Hampton, Va. , from; Ships to Hampton roads, Va. , from; Ships to James river, Va. , from; Ships to London, Eng. , from; Ships to Md. from; Ships to New York City from; Ships to Newport, R. I. , from; Ships to Norfolk, Va. , from; Ships to N. C. from; Ships to Pensacola, Fla. , from; Ships to Phila. , Pa. , from; Ships to Potomac district, Va. , from; Ships to R. I. from; Ships to Va. from; Ships to Williamsburg, Va. , from; Ships to York district, Va. , from; Shipwrecks near; Slaves imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from; Slave insurrections in; Slave insurrections planned in; Slaves beg in; Slaves from; Slaves imported to Va. from; Slaves returned to; Smallpox in; South sea co. , agents of; Spanish-British rivalry in; Spanish navy in; Storms in; Sugar, amounts in; Sugar, price high in; Sugar crop; Sugar scarce in; Sugar to be grown in; Water, amounts in; Windmills, amounts in Jamaica, brig, PD16S73: 22 H. M. S. , 24Ja52: 31, PD14Je70: 21 H. M. sloop, 28Mr55: 32, 26S55: 12, 26S55:22 sloop, 14Ag46: 21, 28Mr55: 32 Jamaica Courant, affidavit of Spanish seizures, 25J151: 11, 5S51: 11 anecdote from, 11J151: 31 extract from, 140c37: 31, 4Ag38: 31 Jamaica fleet, D25J177: 32 Jamaica Mercury, quoted, D11S79: 22 Jamaica Packet, ship, PD12Ja69: 23-- R12Ja69: 23 sloop, R7Ap74: 12 Jamaica Packet Boat, brigantine, 18Ag38: 41 Jamaica Planter, ship, PD25J166: 22 Jamaison, W. , D24Ap79: 31 Jamason, John, 14Ag46: 32 See also Jameson, Jamieson, Jamison James I, king of Eng. , anecdotes about, PD2Je74: 13 instructions (text) to voters, R310c71: 23 letters of reprinted, D8J175: 21 James H, anecdotes about, P23Je75: 22, D9Ap79:ll will of, P17Mr75s21--D18Mr75: 23 James Francis Edward, Old Pretender, death of, PDllAp66: 13 estate of, PDllAp66: 22. PD18Ap66: 23 James, Capt. , of the Friendship, R26J170: 13 of the Industry, 23Ja46: 22 of the Lucy, PD3Mr74: 21--R3Mr74: 33 of the Protector, 2S57: 21 Col. , British army officer, PD25Je72: 31 Dr., author, D24J179: 31 Lt. Col. , commander of British army inN. Y. ,R5Ag73:22 Major, arrives in America, PD20Je66: 12 granted land by George m, PD20Je66: 22 Mr. ,P5Je78:32 leads caravan tour of southern frontier, R4Ag68: 21 of Va. ,R18Ag68s22 sale at door of, PD12S66: 31 Abel, D28N77:31 Bartley, R12Mr72: 33 Christopher, PD30J167: 41 Christopher, Capt. , R21S69: 32 Daniel, 7S39: 32, R4F68: 41 David, PD19My74: 43 Edward, deserter, P12D77: 32 Henry, of Md. , PD22Mr70: 32 John, adv. finding mulatto apprentice, D11S79:31 adv. separation agreement, between Coleman and Elizabeth Theeds, PD10F74: 31 author, PD25F68: 41, PD29N70: 21, PD13D70: 42, PD3Ja71: 43, PD17Ja71: 43, PD24Ja71: 43, PD7F71: 43, PD21F71: 43, PD7Mr71: 43, PD21Mr71: 43, PD28Mr71: 43 escapes from British ship Roebuck, D13J176:42 hired as soldier, P23My77: 31 letter of, in post office, 14Ag52: 31 on Stafford co. , Va. , committee, R28J174: 23 reimbursed for property destroyed in Norfolk, Va. , P12Je78: 12 signed address to Stafford co. , Va. , delegates, R28J174: 22 John, Capt. , court -martial of, P27S76s21 Joseph, convict servant, R14Ap68: 41 Micajah, of Md. , P250c76: 23 Michael, Capt. , P5Je78: 31 Nicholas, N. Y. pilot, D28N77: 11 Richard, PD9Ap67: 31 adv. for missing horses, PD30c66: 41, P26J176:42 adv. for runaway horse thief, PDllJe67:33 adv. stallion for hire, R3Mr68: 33, R13Ap69:32 announces departure, R4F68: 32 on Cumberland co. , Va. , committee, D25Mr75: 12 Richard, Major, of Va.troops,P17My76:23 Robert, Dr., author, PD18J171: 31, PD25J171: 41, PDlAg71: 42, PD8Ag71: 42, PD17S72: 21 Thomas, accused of horse -stealing, P21Ag78:32 adv. finding horse, PD2N69: 43, PD4Ag74: 32. adv. Oxford forge for sale, R220c72:31 defendant in Chancery court, R5Ag73: 23 deserter, DlMy79: 31 land of, mortgaged, PD10Je73: 22-- R10Je73: 33, PD15J173: 32 letter of, in post office, 14Ag52: 31 letter to, in post office, PD12Mr67: 13 Thomas, Capt. , PD7Ap74: 32 Thomas, Major, receives grant from N. Y. ,PDUa67:22 Thruston, PDllAp66: 41, PD10c67: 12, P28J175: 32,D18My76: 22-- P24My76: 33, D22Je76: 32 — P21Je76:32,C30Oc79:31 Thruston, Major, PD1D74: 23-- PilD74:31,D5F80:32 Tublay, Capt. , of the St. Paul, 29S52:31,29D52:32 James, British ship, D14S76: 11 horse, PD9Mr69: 42 ship, PD25Ap66: 22, PD7J168: 31-- 612 James river falls R7J168:23,RllAg68:24, PD9Mr69: 31, R23Mr69: 22, PD23Ja72: 22, PD6My73: 22 — R6My73: 23, R5Ag73: 23, R13Ja74: 33, R3Mr74: 33, D25F75: 23, P3Mr75s23, P18Ap77sll stallion, PD20N66: 23, PD9Ap67: 31, PD3N68: 32 James and Mary, snow, PD10D72: 21 James City co. , Va. , boundary of, PD28D69: 23--R28D69: 23, R25Ja70: 21 burgesses elected, 10Ja52: 32, 27F52: 32, 12D55: 22, PD24N68: 31 — R24N68: 22, PD14S69: 31 — R14S69: 22, R9N69: 11, PD5D71: 31, PD14J174:23--R14J174:31 committee, resolutions, text of, 1774, PD22D74:31 resolutions, text of, 1775, P16Je75s23, P15S75s22 committee of observation, Pil7N74: 32, PD29D74: 32, P17F75: 41 — D18F75:31 contributes to sufferers, in Montreal fire, PD9Mr69: 33--R9Mr69: 23 court, apprentices bound by, D21Ja75:32 books sold by order of, P21Ag78: 33 criminals tried in, P14N77: 22 decrees ownership of property, R27Ap69:23,R7S69:42 houses and lots sold by order of, PD18Ja70: 42, PD31D72: 32, PD7Ja73:32--R7Ja73:33, PD17Mr74:31 land sold by order of, PD21My67: 32 property sold by order of, PD13My73: 33--R13My73: 32 courthouse, balls in, HAp51: 41. 240c51:31 bids for building adv. for, PD23Mr69:31--R23Mr69:33 Declaration of independence proclaimed at, P26J176: 23 for sale, PD23Mr69: 41--R23Mr69: 33, PD19J170:41 meeting at, PD7J174: 21--R7J174: 23 delegates to general assembly elected, D4Ap77: 22, D18Ap77: 62--P18Ap77sll delegates to Va. convention, Pi3F75bl2--P3F75s23, D18F75: 23, P29Mr76: 31, D13Ap76: 32, P19Ap76: 33 freeholders, addressed (text) by John Tyler, P2Ag76: 13 instruct burgesses, PD7J174: 21 instruct delegates, P26Ap76sl3 meeting for elections to general assembly, D4Ap77: 22 meeting accepts Association, PDlD74:22--PilD74:31 meeting requested, P4Ap77: 22 resolutions (text), of, R14J174: 31 instructs burgesses, PD30Oc66: 12 senator elected, P6S76: 33, D4Ap77: 22 sheriffs' power enlarged by general assembly, 17Ap46: 31 sheriff's sales in, PD16J167: 33, R29Je69:31 See also Apple orchards in; Association of 1774, enforced in; Auctions in; Blacksmith's shops in; Bolting cloths in; Brick churches in; Bridges in; Cherry orchards in; Coopers' shops in; Corn cribs in; Corn houses in; Courts-martial in; Cow houses in; Cows captured by British in; Ditchers adv. for in; Dwelling houses, described, in; Dwelling houses in; Elections, entertainments at in; Ferries in; Fires in; Fisheries in; Gardens in; Glebes in; Granaries in; Gristmills in; Hickory timber in; Horse-breeding in; Houses in; Hughes's crab apple orchards in; Hunting in; Indentured servants runaway from; Jails in; Kitchens in; Land, entailed, docked in; Land, reversion of for sale in; Land for rent in; Land for sale in; Land posted in; Landings in; Merchants in; Militia of; Mill-dams built in; Mills in; Millwrights in; Minutemen, of; Money, paper, appreciation supported in; Musters in; Oak timber in; Orchards in; Ordinaries in; Outhouses in; Overshot mills; Oysters in; Peach orchards in; Pigeon houses in; Plantations for sale in; Poultry houses in; Quarters, Negro, in; Quarters in; Robberies in; Sawmills in; Sheep captured by British in; Sheriffs in; Shipyards in; Shoemakers in; Slaves for hire in; Slaves for sale in; Slaves runaway from; Soldiers drafted in; Stables in; Stealing in; Storehouses in; Taverns in; Undertakers in; Warehouses in; Wells in James City co. road, 15S52: 32 James City courthouse, Va. , See Slaves for sale at James City parish, Va. , See Churches in; Churchwardens in; Ministers in; Schoolmaster in James' (Dr. ) fever powders, for sale, PD1D74: 31 in Fredericksburg, Va. , 15My52: 32 in Petersburg, Va. , PD1 J173: 32, PD30D73: 31, PD14J174: 32 in Richmond, Va. , PD10S72: 23, PD17Je73: 33--R17Je73s23 in Williamsburg, Va. , 30N59: 32, 16Ja61:41,PD18Je67:33, PD270c68: 32--R270c68: 22, PD13Ap69: 32--R13Ap69: 32, PD21S69: 33, PD21S69: 41 — R21S69s21, PD7Je70: 31--R12J170: 31, PD15Ag71: 32--R15Ag71: 32, PD2J172:32,PD290c72:22--R290c72:22 PD10Je73: 22, PD4N73: 22 — R4N73: 31, PD1S74: 32, D12Je79: 32 James Fort, Af . , See British navy to James' (Dr. ) genuine fever powder, PD1S74: 31 James island, S. C. , evacuated by British, C3J179: 22--D3J179: 12 See also British army on James' (Dr. ) powders, for sale, in Blandford, Va. , PD29Je69: 32, PD21F71:32 in Fredericksburg, Va. , PD22Ap73: 31 in Sussex co. , Va. , PD27N66: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , 14N55: 22, PDllAp71: 32, PD3Je73: 33 — R3Je73: 23 James river, Va. , blockaded by British, D25S79: 22 canal on, Pi260c75: 32--P270c75: 31 — D280c75: 23 canal to York river subscribed, PD16Ja72: 32 clearance of, meeting of subscribers to, R13My73:32 regulated by Va. general assembly, 17Ap46:22,PD23Ap72: 11 customs officer for, 17Je37: 32 instruments to open imported, PD7J174:31--R7J174:23 obstructions in to be removed, PD27My73: 22, Pi260c75: 32— D280c75: 23--P270c75: 31 removal of Seven islands in, PD17Je73:33 schedule of post rider at, PD14My67:31 tobacco exported, 1771-1772, PD19N72: 21 See also Accidents on; Boats, British, captured on; British navy on; British navy searches ships in; Drownings in; Exports from; Ferries in; Fisheries in; Frame tobacco houses, described, on; French navy to; Ice in; Imports to; Indentured servants imported to; Indentured servants runaway from; Land for rent on; Land for sale on; Landings on; Lumber houses on; Rescues from; Shad fisheries on; Shad in; Ships, Va. , in; Ships driven ashore in; Ships for charter in; Ships from; Ships from Nantucket, Mass. , to; Ships from Phila. , Pa. , to; Ships from Rappahannock district, Va. , to; Ships in; Ships' sailing time; Ships to; Shipwrecks in; Shipwrights on; Smallpox on; Wharves on James river, lower district, collector of duties on liquor, PD9My66: 31 customs requirements, D10Ja77: 41, P17Ja77:33 embargo on provisions, D10J178: 22— P10J178:23 tobacco exported, 1772-1773, PD11N73:22 See also Convict servants imported to; Exports from; Imports to; Indentured servants imported to; Ships in; Slaves imported to James river, upper district, naval officers at, 10Oc45: 22 tobacco exported, 1772-1773, PD11N73:22 See also Convict servants imported to; Customs collectors in; Exports from; Indentured servants imported to; Imports to; Slaves imported to James River, ship, 24Mr38: 42, 9My45: 22, 9My45: 31 James river bank, P9F76: 33 — D10F76:33 bills lost, adv. for, P12D77: 32 notes, P180c76: 32, DlAg77: 22 — PlAg77: 31 James river district, Va. , See Canals from York district, Va. , to; Canals in; Convict servants imported to; Emigration from Ire. to; Indentured servants imported to; Slaves imported to James river falls, clearing of, PD21My67: 31, R23Je74: 42, 613 James river falls, clearing of (cont'd) PD7J174:32--R7J174:31 lots of, for sale, R19N72: 23 navigation, meeting of subscribers to, PDllAg74: 32--RllAg74: 32 opening of, R19Ag73: 22 See also Foundries at; Landings at; Ships at; Ships for sale at; Slaves runaway from James river warehouses, damaged tobacco in,R170c71:23 Jameson, Capt. , of the Horsendon, R15Ag71:13 Capt. , on court martial board, P12Ja76: 33 troops of,P18Ap77sl2 Dr. shop of, 30c55: 31 Alexander, 19D55: 31, 30c55: 32, 310c55:22 Alexander, Dr. , PD4J166: 31— R18J166:41 David, 22My52: 32, 25Je52: 31, PD3D67: 32, PD3N68: 23, PD18Ja70: 41, R23Ag70: 33--PD30Ag70: 41, PD13S70: 23, PD15Ag71: 32, R14Ap74:12 adv. finding shilling bills, PD19Mr72: 31 adv. for bids for making creek navigable, D28Mr77: 12--P28Mr77s22 adv. for cargo, 12Je52: 21 adv. for missing horse, PD25J166: 32 adv. for missing money, D14F77: 21 adv. for stolen flat, D11N75: 33 — P17N75sl3--Pi9D75:41 adv. indentured servants, 6Je51: 32 adv. land for sale, PD20S70: 32— R27S70:32 adv. meeting of props. , of Raleigh Tavern, 15My46: 42 adv. settlement of accounts due Spalding &Lidderdale, 21Mr45:42 adv. settlement of estate of Ephraim Goosley, 5Je52: 31, 270c52: 31 adv. slaves for sale, 5Je52: 31 adv. unclaimed cask, 31 Ja51: 32 appointed to settle land claims, PD6Ag72: 23--R80c72: 42 elected Va. council member, P30My77: 31 elected to Va. senate, P30Ag76: 31 — D31Ag76: 22 garden of, R29Mr70: 31--PD5Ap70: 42 letters to, lost, adv. for, PD19N72: 22 lot of, in Yorktown, Va. , R18Ag68: 32 — PD25Ag68: 32, PD20Oc68: 22 — R270c68: 32 manager of John Thompson's lottery, PDUMy69:32 manager of Moore's lottery, R14Ap68: 31--PD1D68: 32 manager of salt works in Va. , D13J176: 72 member of Va. privy council, P6D76: 23 merchant, 20Je51: 41 on Va. merchants committee of trade, R26N72: 21 plantation of, D5Je79: 32 recommends Hobday's wheat separating machine, PD19N72: 22 runaway indentured servant of, 11J151:41 treasurer of the Society for advancement of useful knowledge, PD13My73: 23, PD16Je74: 22--R16Je74: 22 trustee for Kennon estate, PD17D67: 32 — R24D68:32 James, 240c55: 22 James, Dr. , land of, 7N45: 32 John, adv. finding horse, PD3N74pll, D3Je75:41 clerk of Culpeper co. , Va. , meeting, R14J174:32 John, and son, PD14My72: 23 John, Capt. of Va. light horse company, P14 T e76p22, D24Ja77: 31, D31Ja77: 61 [John], Major, P170c77: 21, D25S79: 12 Robert, Capt. , of the Duke, 29S52: 31, 60c52: 31 Thomas, PD10Ja71: 32, PD9My71: 33 Thomas, Mrs. , death of, PD14Mr71: 31 Walter, PD7My67: 32 William, adv. land for sale, PD2N69: 33 announces transfer of business, PD26S71: 31 clerk of Charlotte co. , Va. , committee, P1D75: 11— D9D75: 11, P29D75: 32, P10My76: 42 clerk of Surry co. , Va. , committee, P8Mr76s23 reports examination of Christopher M'Connico, P29D75: 32 See also Jamason, Jamieson, Jamison Jameson, Campbell, Calvert, & co. , PD4J171: 31— R8Ag71: 31, C15J180: 21 Jameson, Norton &, 12Je52: 21 Jameson, Smith &, PD14F71: 32 — R14F71: 32, PD18Ap71: 32— R2My71:33 Jameson, victualler, DlMy79: 12 Jamestown, R. I. , cannonading of, Pi9N75: 22 See also Calves, abnormal in Jamestown, Va. , Bacon's siege of, PD23F69: 12 bombarding of, Pi2N75: 32— P3N75: 21--D4N75: 31, P24N75sll burgesses elected, 17Ja52: 41, 27F52: 32, 19D55: 22, PD8D68: 31, R14S69: 22, R9N69: 11, PD16N69: 21 — R16N69: 22, PD28N71: 22, PD14J174:23 delegates to Va. convention elected, P29Mr76: 31, D13Ap76: 32, P19Ap76: 33 schedule of postrider at, P19D77: 22 skirmish at described, P17N75: 21 See also Clergy in; Dwelling houses in; Ferries in; Ferry-houses in; Fires in; Highlanders arrive in; Horse- breeding in; Houses in; Imports to; Privateers, Va. , sunk off; Prize ships, British, cargo of for sale in; Ships, British, abandoned near; Ships for sale in; Ships in; Ships sunk in; Ships to; Shipwrecks off; Slaves for sale in; Slaves runaway from; Vendues in James-town, ship, 240c55: 21 sloop, 60c52: 31 Jamestown camp, D3Ag76: 31 Jamestown church, Va. , D5D77: 42 Jamestown ferry, Va. , PD30S73: 32, R30S73: 33, PD2D73: 23 Jamestown parish, glebe in, 1D38: 42 See also Overseers adv. for in Jamieson, Capt. , of the Catherine, PD290c67: 21 Mr. , store in Charlotte co. , Va. , PD7S69: 41— R7S69:42 Alexander, indentured servant, 26S45: 41 Neil, PD6N66: 23, PD24D67: 32— R24D67: 32, PD21 Ja68: 33 adv. birgantine for charter, PD7S69:41 adv. land for sale, R270c68: 24 adv. property of Wm. Bradley for sale, PD17N68: 23— R17N68: 31 adv. settlement of estate of Henry Tucker, PD16M < ' : 23, PD5S71: 32— R5S71:23 j - » v adv. ship's ib'r chafer, PD21Mr66: 42, PD18D66: 33, PD7Ja68: 33, PD14J168: 32, PD17Ag69: 32 announces debts due Glassford, Gordon, Monteath & co. , P14N77: 31 defendant in Chancery court, R25D66: 41, R23J167: 43, PD23My71: 23 discusses smallpox inoculation in Norfolk, Va. ,R25Ag68sl2 escheated property of, for sale, C15J180:21 house of, PD29N70: 22--R29N70: 22 imports British goods, P2F76: 12 manager of Moore's lottery, R14Ap68: 31— PD1D68: 32 on Norfolk, Va. , committee [of correspondence], P24Mr75: 41 on Norfolk, Va. , committee of observation, Pil6F75: 31 — D25F75: 31, Pi23Mr75: 22— D25Mr75: 12 opposes colonies, P12Ja76: 32 requests payment of debts, PD13My73:33 subscriber to meeting of merchants, PD30Je74: 23 trustee of mortgaged property, PD14S69: 33— R14S69: 31 trustee of Wm. Bradley's estate, PD23Mr69: 32— R21Ap69s21-2 wharf of, PD14My67: 31 Neil, & co. , adv. for freight, PD26Mr67: 23 adv. ship for charter, 12F62: 32, PD16S73: 31, PD3Mr74: 32 announces departure, PD16N69: 11 factor of, D23Ja78: 32 plaintiff in Chancery court, R19Ja69: 32, R13J169: 31, PD210c73: 23 suit against William Evans, PD5Ap70: 33 suit of, R280c73:41 tea factor in Norfolk, Va. , PD25Ag74: 22— R25Ag74: 33 Neil, Capt. , PD21Ap68: 31 — R28Ap68:33 of the Catherine, PD23Ap67: 31 Neil, jr. , Capt. , of the Catherine, PD4Je67: 41 Robert, Capt. , of the Free Mason, 23Ja46:41,3J146:4 See also Jamason, Jameson, Jamison Jamima, brig, 26S51: 32 ship, PD60c68: 22 Jamison, George, adv. ship for sale, C28Ag79: 41 adv. slave held in jail, PD18N73: 23 manages sale of imported goods, Pil6F75:32 on Princess Anne co. , Va. , committee of observation, Pi5Ja75: 32, Pil6F75:31 Robert, of Loudoun co. , Va. , PilJe75:32 614 Jay See also Jamason, Jameson, Jamieson Jams, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD150c72:31 Jane, brigantine, 14N51: 31 prize ship, P10Ja77: 33 schooner, PD7S69: 32 ship, PD23Mr69: 31, R8F70: 23, PD27Je71: 32, PD21N71: 22— R21N71:23,PD23Ja72:32, PD20Ag72: 23, R6My73: 23, PD3Je73: 23--R^73: 23, R30D73: 13, PD Mr74: %'. — R3Mr74: 33, PHS74: 3 ,rJJa77sl3, D28F77: 31, P18Ap77s43, P19S77: 13 sloop, 3D36: 42, R12Ja69: 31, D8N76: 22 snow, 4J145: 32 Jane and Barbary, ship, 4Ap55: 22 Jane and Elizabeth, ship, PD27N66: 23, PD29Ja67: 32, R31Mr68: 31, R7J168: 22, PD26My74: 23, D20J176:42 sloop, P23Ag76: 31 Jane and Mary, ship, 2S57: 22 Jane Johnson, pilot boat, P6S76: 42— D7S76: 31 Janet, ship, PD11F68: 23, PD1 Je69: 23 — RUe69sll,D4J177:71 Janet and Margaret, ship, 16My55: 12 Janie, ship, R18J171: 32 Janncey, Joseph, Capt. , of the Charming Peggy, D13J176: 41 Janney, Joseph, PD3N74: 42--PilON74: 32 Jannin, Cyrus, Capt. , of the Lawrence, 11J151: 31 Jansenists, sacraments refused to, 6Je51:22, 10N52: 21 support French government, 25Ap51:22 Janssen, William, 28Ja37: 42 Jansson, Capt. , of the Withemas, D29N76: 11 Janus, pseud. , PD8Ja67: 11, D30My77:ll horse, PD25Ap66: 31, PD28My67: 31, PD19My68: 23, PD9Mr69: 42, PD24My70: 41, PD17S71: 32 — R26S71: 13, PD170c71: 31 — R170c71: 31, PD17Mr74: 31, R14Ap74: 32, PD26My74: 32, D25Mr75: 33, P14Ap75: 32, Pi28Ap75: 41, D16Mr76: 41, P29Mr76: 33--D30Mr76: 41, P2Ag76: 31, P6S76: 33, P14F77: 31, D21F77: 21, D21Mr77: 11— P21Mr77s22, D21Mr77: 12 — P21Mr77s22, P13Je77: 11, P5S77: 32, P170c77: 31, P20Mr78: 11, P27Mr78: 32, P27Mr78: 41, P10J178: 22, D30Oc78: 41,C28Ag79: 43 for hire, Pi9Mr75: 33 — P10Mr75: 33 wins race, PD16My66: 23 stallion, PD20N66: 23, PD9Ap67: 31, R2My71:41 for hire, R3Mr68: 33, R13Ap69: 32, R19Ap70: 31--PD24My70: 42, D25Mr75: 31, C13My80; 32 Japan, route from Russia to discovered, PD10D72: 12 See also Explorations of Japan bread baskets, for sale, in Cobham, Va. , P4J177: 31 Japan candle boxes, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23, R15N70: 31--PD22N70: 23 Japan glassware, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , D8Ag77: 22 Japan ink pieces, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , D6 J176: 22 Japan plate warmer, for sale, P19Ja76: 33— D27Ja76: 41 Japan Roman waiters, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. ,R15N70:31 — PD22N70: 23 Japan silver thimbles, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD9J172: 31 Japan snuff boxes, for sale, in Cobham, Va. , P4J177: 31 Japan snuffers, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , R15N70:31— PD22N70: 23 Japan sugar tongs, for sale, in Princess Anne co. , Va. , P23My77: 32 Japan tea boards, for sale, in Cobham, Va. , P4J177: 31 in Smithfield, Va. , D21F77: 22— P28F77s22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD29Ap73: 23 Japan tea kitchens, for sale in Norfolk, Va. , R15N70: 31— PD22N70: 23 Japan tea tray, for sale, P19Ja76: 33 — D27Ja76: 41 in Princess Anne co. , Va. , P23My77: 32 Japan tobacco stands, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22 Japan waiters, for sale, in Bute co. , N.C.,D5S77:31 in Smithfield, Va. , D21F77: 22— P28F77s22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD18My69: 31 — R25My69: 23, R13D69: 23 — PD14D69: 32, P10My76: 43 — DllMy76:23 Japanning, adv. of, Pi20Oc74: 32 in Williamsburg, Va. , R21My72: 23- PD18Je72: 33, R29Ap73: 31, PD19Ag73: 21— R19Ag73: 22, R7Ap74: 32 Japling, Thomas, 12D55: 32 Jaquelin, Edward, 18N37: 41, 16N39: 41 Martha, PD6Ag72: 23— R80c72: 42 Molly, marriage of, 18N37: 41 Jaques, William, PD18Mr73: 32 — R18Mr73: 33, R22Ap73sl3 Jaram, Francis, adv. for carpenters, D21Mr77: 12— P21Mr77s23, P25J177: 23 adv. for joiners, P7Je76: 43, P10Ja77: 42 adv. for journeymen joiners, P16Je75:23 adv. for runaway slave, D25Ap77: 22— P2My77sll John, P17Ja77: 43, P19S77: 23, C13My80: 32 Thomas, P16Je75: 23 Jardain, Lt. , death of, P4Ag75p22, D12Ag75:31 Jardine, John, convict servant, PD13Ag72:23 Robert, R20My73: 23, D21 Ja75: 32, D10F76:33 Jarratt, Archelaus, PD16 Je68: 32, RlAg71:21,RlAg71:33 Jarrell, Thomas, of Southampton co. , Va. , 30Ja52: 32 Jarret, Archelus, 20Oc52: 31 Devereux, Rev. Mr. , PDllAp66: 41, PD18N73: 23, PD5My74: 23, Pi9Mr75: 33— DllMr75: 32 Capt. , of the Litchfield, R9F69: 31 Jarrett, Abraham, R4Ag74: 33 Thomas, mortgages land, PD10N74: 43 Jarrill, Thomas, 3 Jl 46: 42 Jars, pickling, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , R27S70: 22 Jarvis, Capt. , PD9Je68: 21— R9Je68: 24, R19Ja69:23 of the Alarm, PD14Je70s23, PD170c71: 13, PD28N71: 21 of the Hannah, R15D68: 11 Mr. , of Phila. , PD27Ag67: 22 Charles, author, 24My51: 32, PD29Ag71:33 Daniel, Capt. , of the John and Mary, R4N73: 21 James, P6Mr78: 41 John, R20J169: 23 Lindsay, R30Ag71: 32 Robert, PD23Je74: 12 Samuel, leaves N. C. convention, D6My75:ll Thomas, P23Ag76: 41 Thomas, Hon. , of Antigua, PD23Ap67:22, D23D75: 13 Jason, Mr. , of Montreal, Can. , R9Je68: 24 Jason, armed ship, D22My79: 21, D21Ag79: 21 French man of war, PD15J173: 13 frigate, PD60c68: 12--R60c68: 14 H. M. S. , 24Ja52: 22, 29S52: 31, 10N52: 21, R5S66: 22, PD4Je67: 21, PD16Je68: 13— R16Je68: 14, PD13J169: 23, D8My79: 21 horse, P29Ag77: 32 privateer, D12Mr79: 22 ship, 22Ap57: 11, PD18Je67: 12, PD9S73:23,D15Ja80:22 Jasper, Capt. , 310c51: 22 of the Prince Henry, 21Ag52: 21 Sgt. , caplures British prisoners in Ga. , D15My79:21 in battle of Sullivan island, S. C. , D14S76:41 Jasseau, Peter, accused of murder, 9F39:41 Jassy, Rumania, See Plague in Jauncey, Mr. , opposes 2nd Continental congress, P17Mr75s31 — D18Mr75:31 James, of N. Y. general assembly, PD12Ja69: 21— R12Ja69: 22, R8F70: 31, PD22F70: 22, PD17Ja71: 22— R17Ja71: 13 James, jr. on council of N. Y. , D25F75:23 Jaundice, cure for, PD8Je69: 32, Pi20Oc74: 31 Jaundice, yellow, cure for, PD7Ap68: 31 Java, geography and history described, 3J152:11 Jay, James, author, PD17S72: 22, D24Ag76: 62, D3Ja77: 43, D17Ja77: 43, D2My77: 83, D4J177: 83 John, convict servant, R14Ap68: 41 [John] of N. Y. , appointed to prepare address to colonial agents, PD22D74: 12 delegate to Continental congress, PD4Ag74: 22, R22S74: 32, Pi270c74: 23, P115D74: 31, 615 Jay, [John], of N. Y. (cont'd) Pi9F75;32 delegate to N. Y. convention. P31Mr75s22--Pi6Ap75: 22 elected to N. Y. general assembly, P23F76:21--D24F76:22 on committee of Congress on colonial rights, D21Ja75: 12 signs Association of 1774, PD3N74: 12--P14N74: 12 to prepare address to inhabitants of Gt. Brit. ,D28Ja75: 11 warns N. Y. against seizing crown arms, D3Je75:23--P2Je75: 22 Jay, ship. D22Ja80: 23 Jaycock, John, of N. C. , slave of, R19F67:32 Jeake, Samuel, author, 24My 51: 32 Jean, for sale, in Alexandria, Va. , PD20Ag72:31 in Williamsburg, Va. , 27My37: 42, PD25F68: 23--R3Mr68: 34 in Yorktown, Va. , PD25F68: 31-- R25F68:31,PD1S74:31 manufacture, in Fredericksburg, Va. , P17Ja77:22 Jean, India, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22 manufacture in Fredericksburg, Va. , P17Ja77: 22 Jean, Manchester, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22 Jean, ship, 30c51: 32. 7Ag52: 31, 22S52: 32, PD11F73: 21, PD7Ap74: 23, PD29S74: 32, D8J175: 33, P2F76: 32 sloop, D12Je79: 41 Spanish man of war, D22My79: 11 Jean and Elizabeth, ship, 270c52: 21 Jean and Mary, ship, 270c52: 21 Jean and Peggy, ship, PD23S70: 23, PD1N70:22 Jeanie, ship, P26My75: 22 Jeanny, ship, PD16My66: 31 Jeans, imported to Va. from Antigua, W.I. . P9F76:12 Jeany, ship, PD25F68: 22. PD2N69: 31 Jeany and Sally, ship, PD31Mr68: 22-- R14Ap68: 41, PD7J168: 23-- R7J168: 21, PD17N68: 22, PD22D68: 31 Jebb, Samuel, author, 24My51: 32 Jedburgh, Scot. , See Gardeners in; Merchants in Jeddore, N. S. , See Imports to Halifax, N. S. , from Jeek, John, adv. for, PD20Ja74: 32-- R20Ja74:33 Jefferies, Capt. , PD10S67: 13, PD8S74:22--R8S74:32 of the Britannia, PD10Ag69: 23 of the Earl of Halifax, PD9Je68: 22 of the Gale,DlAp75:31 of the Jamaica Packet Boat, 18Ag38:41 of the John, 16D37: 32 ol the Planter, PD10N74: 33 Mr. , jr. , supports Tories, Pil6Mr75: 13 John, PD26F67:32 John, jr. .R11F68:33 See also Jefferys, Jeffreys, Jeffries Jefferson, Capt. , of the Gall, D29J176: 12 Jefferson. Mr. , of N. C. , PD2My66: 23 George, adv. finding horse, PD11F73: 31 adv. land for sale, R27N66: 23, PD26Mr67: 31, PD11F73: 31, PD29J173: 23 adv. lottery, PD28Ap68: 31-- R28Ap68: 31 adv. plantations for sale, PD30J172:31, PD27Ja74: 32 announces departure, P30Ag76: 32, P10Oc77: 31 property mortgaged, R26J170: 22 sale at house of, PD30Ag70: 33-- R30Ag70: 31 Henry, Capt. , of the Gale, Pi29S74: 33 Jqhn, 250c65s41, PD16Ag70: 43, R12Mr72: 32, PD19Ag73: 21, D27Ja76: 33, P170c77: 31 Martha (Wayles) Skelton, Mrs. , PD2Ja72: 31 Peter, 7Mr51: 41, 7N51: 31, HAp55: 31 Peterfield, P21F77: 32, P26S77: 32 Randolph, PD17Je73: 41 Thomas, adv. estate of Bernard Moore, PD10Ja71: 33--R10Ja71: 31 adv. finding horse, R8Ag66: 32 adv. for bids for building Albemarle co. , Va. , jail,R31Ja71: 31 adv. for runaway slave, PD7S69: 33 adv. land for sale, PD15J173: 32 adv. property of Bernard Moore for sale, PD21F71: 32--R21F71: 32 arrives at Continental congress, Pi6J175: 32--D8J175: 32 attends Va. convention, PllAg75p22 burgess for Albemarle co. , Va. , PD15D68: 23--R15D68: 21, PDllMy69s41, PD28S69: 22, R9N69: 11, PD5D71: 23, PD4Ag74: 23 delegate to Continental congress, Pil7Ag75: 33--P18Ag75: 32-- D19Ag75: 32 delegate to Va. convention, R4Ag74: 12, DlAp75: 21 delegate to Va. general assembly, P2My77s31 demands lawyers fees in cash, PD20My73: 22--R20My73: 22 deputy delegate to Continental congress, Pi30Mr75: 32--DlAp75: 31 directs George Jefferson's lottery, PD28Ap68: 31--R28Ap68: 31 elected to Continental congress by Va. convention, P21Je76: 23 house burned, PD22F70: 32, R22F70:31 letter to, on piracy, D8Ja80: 31 letter to, in post office, PD3Ag69: 32 marriage of, PD2Ja72: 31 notified of governorship, D5Je79: 31 on committee of correspondence, PD18Mr73: 23--R18Mr73: 31 on committee to investigate land grants. Pi30Mr75: 31--DlAp75: 31 on Va. committee of defense, Pi30Mr75: 23--DlAp75: 22 orders recruits to report, C11D79: 13 postpones assembling recruits, D12F80: 33--C19F80: 41 proclamation, accepting Chevalier d' Anmours consul to Va. , D8Ja80: 43 proclamation excluding Tories from Va. , C3J179: 23--D3J179: 31 proclamation of, embargo on provisions, C3J179: 23, C30Oc79: 33-- D11D79:22 proclamation of thanksgiving day, C20N79: 13--D20N79: 11 replies to notification of governorship, D5Je79:31 reports for committee of privileges and elections, D180c76: 22 reports violation of Association, P13D76: 11 resigns from Continental congress, DUOc76: 61--PHOc76: 22 returns from Continental congress, DUOc76:61 signs Va. Association, PD25My69: 12 Summary view quoted, D14Ja75: 22, P17F75: 21,Pi2Mr75: 11 trustee for Bernard Moore, PD8N70: 22--R8N70: 23 Jefferson, brig, C28Ag79: 11 privateer brig, D15Ja80: 23 Jefferson's ferry, Cumberland co. , Va., R8Ag66: 32, R26J170: 22, PD7F71:31 Jeffery, Capt. , 13Je45: 21 Aaron, P19J176: 33 George, judge of Admiralty court, PD13J169: 22 treas. of N. H. , Pi3Ag75: 32 Patrick, announces departure, R30S73: 33 Thomas, deserter, P12S77: 33 Jefferys, Capt. , of the Earl of Halifax, PD12My68: 13 Samuel, PD29Ap73: 23 [Thomas] map by, 10Oc55: 12 See also Jefferies Jeffreys, Henry, Capt. , of the Lord Hyde, P21J175: 23 Herbert, Col. , king's commissioner in Va. , PD23F69: 21 Jeffries, Capt. , of the Franklin, D17J179: 31 Archilles, PD70c73: 31 David, of Boston, Mass. , Pil9Ja75: 22, D22Je76: 41 John, PD170c71: 32, PD5N72: 43 John, jr. , R25Ag68: 33 John, sr. , PD24My70: 43 Swepson, PD3Ag69: 33--R17Ag69: 33, PD6Je71: 33 Thomas, R30My71: 23 Jeffry, ship, 10N52: 22 Jeggitts, Garden, PD7N71: 23 John, PD18Oc70: 33, PD1N70: 22 Joseph, PD18Oc70: 33, PD1N70: 22, P10J178: 13 Jegitts, John, PD4Ap66: 33, PD10c67:12 Joseph, PD24My70: 33 Jekyll, Commander of the Egmont, PD2S73: 12--R2S73: 13 Jelks, Richard, R18J171: 42 Jellies, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , £2S38:41 Jenekoping, Swe. , See Fires in Jenifer, Daniel, adv. plantation for sale,R17Mr68: 34 delivers speech at College of N. J. , PD280c73: 22 Daniel, Hon. , P230c78: 43 Daniel of St. Thomas, of Md. , P5J176pll, D7Mr77: 62 Jenifer, ship. PD30Ap72: 23 Jenifer & Hooe, D13D76: 31, P240c77: 33, P7N77s21 Jenings, Col. , house of, 10S36: 42 Benjamin, Capt. , of the May, 31D36:42 Edmund, 27Mr46: 42, 4S46: 32, 616 Jesse 6Je45:41,R5Ag73: 23 James, deserter, D3J179: 32 John, PD10Oc66: 42 See also Jennings Jenitoe bridge, P14N77: 31 Jenk, Benjamin, author, D25N75: 21, D30D75: 21 Jenkings, John, convict servant, 20J139: 41 Jenkins, Capt. , PD26Mr67: 23, PD7Ap68: 21, PD290c72: 13, PD2Je74: 22, P15S75: 23--D16S75: 22 meets company on Lake Champlain, P22Mr76: 22 of the Three Sisters, 29S52: 22, 60c52: 21 Mr. , land of, P5J176: 33 Amos, acquitted of murder, PD21Ap74:23 Charles, slave of, P19Ja76: 33 Henry, PD14Ap74: 32--R14Ap74: 32 Jeremiah, C20N79: 13 Joseph, P30Ag76: 33 Nathaniel, R25D66: 33 Philip, dies in Canada, 24My51: 22 [Robert], Capt. , of British navy, 25Ag38: 31 Seth, D29Ap75: 22 Thomas, PD5S71: 22--R5S71: 22, C15My79: 11 William, PD24My70: 32--R31My70: 33, PD25Je72: 33, PD24Mr74: 31 — R24Mr74:33,P20Je77sll, P310c77: 32 William, Pvt. , land grant to, R14Ja73:13 Jenkins' ear, caricature of, HMy39: 31 Jenkins' ear, war of, British naval movements, 28S39: 32 British ship movements, 21D39: 31, 4Ja40: 21,4Ja40: 22 causes outlined, PD12Mr72: 13 declaration celebrated in Eng. , 25Ja40: 11 declaration by Sp. , 1F40: 22 declaration of, 21D39: 21, HJa40: 3, HJa40: 22, 1F40: 32, 1F40: 41 Dutch and French neutrality discussed, 18Ja40: 21 naval battles of, 9N39: 11, 9N39: 12, 9N39:21, 14D39: 31 politics of, 9N39: 22 Spain publishes indication of, 18Ja40:12 Spanish troop movements, 21D39: 21, 18Ja40:21 Spanish weakness described, 1F40: 22 Jenkinson, Charles, appointed to Lord of trade, R5N72: 11 opposes Bostonians, PD19My74: 22 opposes British colonies, N. Am. , P28Ap75s21--D29Ap75s22, D15J175: 32 opposes conciliation with colonies, P19My75:22,D17F76: 23 opposes Quebec act, Pil30c74: 21 Jennagan, William, of Edgartown, Mass. , PD28J168: 21--R28J168: 21 Jennett, ship, R24N68: 21 Jenney, ship, 5Ag37: 42 Jenney and Nancy, ship, 22S52: 32 Jennings, Col. , opposes regulating Mass. , PD19My74: 31, R14J174: 22 Mr. , counsel in Va. general court, 11J145: 41 Charles, R2N69: 32, PD21D69: 33 David, deserter, P28N77: 31 Edmund, R190c69: 32, PD4N73: 31 John, 15S52:32, 7N54:31, PD24Mr68: 33--R24Mr68: 34, PD21Ap68: 23--R28Ap68: 32, R12J170:43 John, Capt. , 28Mr55: 32, 30N59: 41, PD28Ap68: 31--R28Ap68: 24, PD2Je68: 23 Jonathan, counterfeiter, D15My78: 32— P29My78: 42 Moody, D25My76: 23 Robert, 3J146: 42, R12My68: 41 William, R2N69: 32, PD21D69: 33, PD30S73: 32, Pi23F75: 33 William, Lt. , adv. for deserters, D19D77: 32 See also Jenings Jenning's gap, Va. , See Indentured servants runaway from Jenning's ordinary, Lunenburg co. , Va., 30N59:41 Jenny, brig, PD21My67: 23, R21Ja73: 31, PD6Ja74: 32,R15S74:33 Greenlandman, PD60c68: 13 — R60c68: 14 schooner, PD26My68: 22--R26My68: 31 ship, 30S37: 41, 23My45: 32, 11J145: 41, 29My46: 31, 7Ag52: 31, 270c52: 21, 17N52: 22, 19J154: 32, HAp55: 22, 26S55: 31, PD18Ap66: 33, PD25Ap66:31, PD15Ag66: 31, PD27N66: 22, PD8Ja67: 31, PD16Ap67: 23, PD14My67: 21, PD4Je67: 41, PD6Ag67: 32, PD17S67: 13, PD10D67: 31, PD31Mr68: 22— R14Ap68: 41, PD7J168: 23— R7J168: 23, RllAg68: 24, PD8S68p22 — R22S68: 23, R24N68: 12, PD22D68:23— PD22D68: 31--R22D68: 12, PD23Mr69: 31, PD18My69: 31— R25My69: 23, PD8Je69: 23, PD27J169: 32, PD7S69: 31,PD28S69s23, PD16N69: 22, R16N69: 22, R8F70: 23, PD19Ap70: 32--R19Ap70: 23, PDl9Ap70s23--R19Ap70: 23, R19Ap70: 31 — PD19Ap70: 23,R3My70:31, PD24My70: 23, PD24My70: 31, PD7Je70:31,PD13S70:23, PD27S70: 31, PD12Mr72: 32, PD20Ag72: 23, PD26N72: 22, PD25Mr73: 31, PDlAp73: 32, PD22J173: 31, R22J173: 33, R29J173: 23, PD24F74: 31, PD14Ap74: 23 — R14Ap74: 23, PD2Je74: 32, PD29S74:32, PD270c74: 23, DlAp75: 31, P28Ap75s42--D29Ap75s33, P2Je75s22 sloop, PD220c72: 13, PD6Ja74: 32, PD20Ja74: 23, PD10F74: 23, PD10Mr74: 31, PD14Ap74: 23— R17Mr74:22,R8S74:31 Jenny and Nancy, ship, 7Ag52: 31 Jenny and Sally, ship, R25D66: 13, PD9Ap67: 23, PD7My67: 31, PDllJe67: 32, PD14Ja68: 31 Jenny Bottom, horse, PD20Oc74: 31 Jenny Cameron, horse, PD30My66: 32— R30My66: 33, Pi20Ap75: 32, P27Mr78: 22, D5Mr79: 32, D19Mr79:31, D25Mr80: 31, C13My80: 32 Jenny Dismal, horse, D13Ap76: 33 — P19Ap76: 43, P3Ap78: 31 — D8My78: 62, P3Ap78: 32— D24Ap78: 41, D8My78: 61, D19Mr79:32, D9Ap79: 32, D24Ap79: 32 Jenny Galley, ship, 13Je45: 32, 4J145: 3, 10Oc45: 3 Jenny Morris, horse, D8My78: 62 Jenty, Charles Nicholas, author, PD10Je73:3LD25N75: 12, D30D75: 12, D24F76: 43, D2Mr76: 42, D9Mr76:41 Jenyns, Soams, commissioner to promote trade, R12Mr67: 23, PD22S68: 22, R16Mr69: 32, PD18Ap71: 13, PD5N72: 23 — R5N72: 12 Jenys, Paul, death of, 30S37: 32 Jepson, William, Dr. , PD28My67: 21 Jerdone, Francis, 7F51: 41 adv. settlement of Buchanan & Hamilton, 3N52: 21 death of, PD15Ag71: 23 defendant in Chancery court, 270c52:22,25Ap55: 22 bonds payable to executors, PD25N73: 22 requests payment for slave sale, PD17S67: 13 Jerdone & Holt, adv. for runaway slaves, PD21N71: 23, PD15J173: 33, R15J173:41 Jericho, plantation, Va. , D18N75: 32 Jerker, George, of Henrico co. , Va. , R21J168: 31,R18Ag68sl3 Jerman, Capt. , of the Lucy and Jennett, 2My5L 31 of the Maryland-Merchant, 10Ap46: 42 of the Suffolk, PD4Je72: 32 Elias, PD28My67: 33 Stephen, jr. , 29My46: 42 Jernigan, Henry, land of, 7N45: 32 Jerningham, Henry, adv. smallpox inoculation, R12J170: 41 Jerome, Mr. , PU6N75: 41— D18N75:32 Jerrell, Capt. , of the Nancy, D16Mr76: 23 Jerry's point, battery in Portsmouth, N. H. ,P30Je75sll Jersey, British hospital ship, D9Mr76:21, P16Ag76: 21,D110c76: 12 British ship, 25Ja40: 2 H. M. S. , 6Je45: 21, 24Ja52: 22, PD21Mr71: 22, P15Mr76: 21 — D16Mr76: 22 snow, PD10D67: 22, R31My70: 21 Jersey Farmer, pseud. , Pi6J175: 21 Jersey islands, attack by French fails, D4S79: 11 census of, PD11J166: 13 conquered, D14Ag79: 21 export trade regulated, PD18Ag74:23 — R18Ag74:31 favor independence from Gt. Brit. , D27Ap76: 22 fortified by British, PD13Je71: 21, R22J173sl3 request new government, R280c73: 23 trade with Nfd. and America allowed, R6J169: 22 See also British army on; British army to; Smuggling on; Wine import to Eng. from Jerusalem, Turkish designs on, PD2My71: 21— R2My71: 13 Jessamine, ship, 18J151: 22 Jesse, Ewell, of Prince William co. , Va. , PilJe75: 11 — P2Je75s41 Jesse, sloop, PD9Je68: 21 617 Jessopborough, N. Y. Jessopborough, N. Y. , See Earthquakes in Jesuits, accused of poisoning Clement XIV, PD15D74: 12, Pi5Ja75: 21 arrested in London, Eng. , PD80c67:ll in Madrid, Sp. , PD8Ap73: 22 in Oporto. Port. , PD1S68: 13 in Pampeluna, Sp. , PD8Ap73: 22 in Rome, It. , PD9D73: 21 in Vienna, Aust. , R23D73: 13 arrive in Eng. , PD22S74: 13 — R22S74: 23 in London, Eng. , PD23D73: 21 — R23D73: 21,R23D73:31 asylum granted in Ferrara, It. , PD27Ag67: 12 in Modena, It. , PD150c67: 12 in Toledo, Sp. , PD11F68: 13 asylum refused by Aust. , PD10S67: 21 by Corsica, PD6Ag67: 21 by Pope, PD6Ag67: 21, PD13Ag67: 11— R13Ag67: 21 by Russia, PD10S67: 11 by Sardinia, PD20Ag67: 21 in Corsica, PD10S67: 11 in Papal states, PD10S67: 11 ban against in Paris, Fr. , PD17S71: 21 banished from Corsica, PD21Ap68: 12, PD60c68: 11 from Fr. , PD20Ag67: 21, PD10S67: 13 from Gt. Brit. , PD27Ag67: 13 from Jesuit college, Burges, Fr. , R13Ja74: 21 from Lorraine and Bar, Fr. , PD24N68: 12 from Naples, It. ,R11F68: 21, PD3Mr68: 22 from Parma, It. , PD12My68: 12, R26My68: 12 from Peru, PD26My68: 11 from Port au Prince, Santo Domingo, PD13Ag67: 12--R13Ag67: 22 from Sp. , PD23J167: ll--R23J167sll, PD23J167: 23, PD24S67: 11, PD80c67: 11 banishment from Sicily rumored, PD30J167: 21 from Sp. criticized by Pope, PD27Ag67: 13 from Sp. explained, PD20Ag67: 21 celebrate birth of Duke of Burgundy, 25Je52: 21 conspiracies in S. Am. discovered, PD30J167: 21 counterfeit money in S. Am. , PD27Ja74: 22 define French king's powers, 25Ap51: 22 detained by Aust. , PD24F74: 31 devotional manual for, R30D73: 13 discontinued as order, PD8Ag71: 13 dissolution demanded by Fr. , PD20Ag67: 21 dissolution of, effect on pope, PD23D73: 21--R23D73: 12 emigrate to British colonies rumored, PD16D73:21 emigrate to Cadiz, Sp. , from Paraguay, PD28Ap68: 12 estates seized in Aust. , PD16D73: 12— R16D73: 22 evacuated from Corsica, R5Ja69: 13 from Nova Scotia. 30c55: 11 from Spanish colonies, R16Mr69: 12 executed in Lisbon, Port. , PD23J172:21 expelled from Cadiz, Sp. , PDllJe67: 21 flee to Gt. Brit. , PD23D73: 13 from Cadiz, Sp. , arrive in Malaga, PD27Ag67: 12 from Civitavecchia, It. , to Eng. , R9D73: 12 from Grenada, W. I. , sail for Papal states, PD27Ag67: 12 from Havana, Cuba, forbidden to land in Cadiz, Sp. , PD26N67: 23 from Paraguay, banished from Cadiz, Sp. ,R26My68: 12 granted shelter, PD22Ja67: 11 granted toleration in Fr. , PD25J171: 13, PD310c71: 12, PD28N71: 21 hanged in Paraguay, PD12My68: 11 — R12My68: 12 imprisoned in Almanxa, Sp. , PD3S72: 12 in Rome, It. , PD14S69: 21 in Aust. , reassured by empress, PD27Ag67: 12 in Barcelona, Sp. , papers seized, PD30J167: 21 in Corsica, return to Sp. demanded, PD4F68: 23 in Eng. , oppose British colonies, N.Am. , P8S75s22 in Frankfurt, Prussia, PD18My69: 11 in Ire. , PD24S67: 12 number of, PD27Ag72: 33 in London, Eng. , PD80c67: 11 in Manila, P. I. , PD4F68: 21--R4F68: 12 in Papal states, PD3Mr68: 21 in Paraguay, PD21Mr66: 22, PD30J167: 22, PD13Ag67: 11 — R13Ag67: 13 in Poland, PD23D73: 22--R23D73: 21, PD29S74: 21 in Prussia, defy pope's order, PD28Ap74: 21 in Rome, It. , PD4F68: 23, R30D73: 12 in Russia, defy pope's order, PD28Ap74: 21 in S. Am. , orders concerning, PD23J167: 11— R23J167sll in Sp. , banished to It. , PD9J167: 12, PD9J167: 21 conduct trade with S. Am. , PD30J167: 23 enumerated, PD30J167: 23 export silver to Gt. Brit. , PD21My67: 12 expulsion discussed, PD30J167: 23 property to be confiscated, PD9J167:21 in Spanish America, seek protection in interior, PD4F68: 22 in Westphalia, Ger. , R23D73: 11 incite Indians in Mexico, PD9My66: 22 invest bills of exchange in London, Eng. , PD16J167: 13 investigated by pope, PD28N71: 22, PD12D71: 21 land in Genoa, It. , PD19N67: 12 leave Lima, Peru, PD15S68: 13 lose pope's favor, PD6Ag67: 21 make Chinese fireworks, 28F55: 12 manage cabinets in Aust. , PD13Je71: 13 missionaries imprisoned by, PD24S67: 12 mistreated in Catalonia, Sp. , PD23J167: 12--R23J167sl2 in Port. , PD26S71: 13 oath required in Metz, Fr. , PD24S67: 11 offer Paraguay to Sp. . R11F68: 23 — PD17Mr68: 23 opposed in Sp. , PD18Ag68: 11 papal plans for, PD8Ap73: 12 pension stopped by pope, PD8Ap73: 13 persecuted by Sp. , PD28My67: 21 in Europe, PD12F67: 11 in Madrid, Sp. , PD26Mr67: 21 in Port. ,R4F68: 13 in Rome, It. , PD29D68: 21 petition to settle in Gt. Brit, rumored, PD23J167: 12— R23J167sl2 plots against Spanish, PD14Mr71: 23, PD14Mr71: 31 power declines, PD2D73sl2— R2D73: 13 property confiscated in Sp. evaluated, PD30J167: 22 in Naples, It. , confiscated, PD27Ag67: 12 in Sp. confiscated, PD27Ag67: 12 in Sp. seized, R17Je73sl3 property sold, R26My68: 12 protected by Prussia, PD23D73: 21 — R23D73: 11, PD23D73: 22--R23D73: 22, PD24F74: 23 request aid from Prussia, PD8Ap73: 11 resources of, PD20Ag67: 21 responsible for death of pope, D7Ja75:22 return to Sp. illegally, PD11F68: 13 sail for San Fiorenza, It. , PD24S67:11 sanctions against, sold in Paris, Fr. , PD13Ag67: 11 — R13Ag67: 13 seek asylum in Corsica, PD9J167: 21 on Mosquito coast, PD4F68: 21 — R4F68: 21 settle in Papal states, PD20Ag67: 21 supported by Joseph II, PD15J173: 21 by pope, R26My68: 12, D280c75: 12 by Prussia. PD9D73: 13 in Cleves, Ger. , R23D73: 22 in Dresden, Ger. , R23D73: 23 in Gt. Brit. , PD23D73s21— R23D73:23 in Prussia, PD20Oc74: 21 suppressed by pope, PD9D73: 13 in Bologna, It. , PD20My73: 11 in Cologne, Ger. , PD29S74: 31 in Europe, PD16D73: 12— R16D73: 23, PD22D74: 22 in Fr. , PD24Je73: 11, R9D73: 12, R20Ja74: 22, PD27Ja74: 22, D27My75: 22 in Osnabruck, Ger. , PD3F74: 12 in Papal states, PD12My68: 11, PD24Je73: 11, R280c73: 32— PD4N73: 13 in Parma. It. , PD24Je73: 11 in Port. , PD24Je73: 11, PD23D73: 13 in Rome, It. , PD23S73s21, PD18N73:13, R23D73: 23 in Sicily, PD24Je73: 11, PD23D73: 21 — R23D73: 13 in Sp. , PD8Ag71: 13, PD24Je73: 11 in Tuscany, R16D73: 23 suppression aids Europe, PD23D73: 21 — R23D73: 12 opposed in Ger. , PD23D73: 13 requested by Fr. , PD28N71: 22 requested by Sp. , PD28N71: 22 rumored, PD8Ap73: 21 transported from Sp. to Corsica, PD25F68: 21 transported to Corsica, PD15S68: 13 under suspicion in Madrid, Sp. , PD30Ja72: 22 wealth of, PD24F74: 23 618 Jewelry Jesuits, Spanish, captured by pirates, R4F68: 13 Jesuits' antimonial drops, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD290c72: 22— R290c72: 22 Jesuits' bark, for sale, P6Mr78: 32 in Fredericksburg, Va. , P5S77: 33, P10OC77: 12 in Newcastle, Va. , PD19N72: 22 in Petersburg, Va. , 12F62: 41, Pi23Mr75: 33--D25Mr75: 31, D24Ag76: 61, P27Je77: 33, D26D77: 21 in Portsmouth, Va. , D11J177: 31 in Richmond, Va. , 16My55: 21, 5S55: 32, D8My78: 82--P27My78: 22 in Suffolk. Va. . D21N77: 12, D28N77:31 — P21N77: 31, P28N77sl2, D10J178: 32 in Urbanna. Va. , P21Ag78: 13 in Williamsburg, Va. , 17Ja51: 41, 18J151: 41, 30c51: 41, 10Ap52: 31, 22My52: 32, 60c52: 32, 2My55: 22, 2My55: 31, 14N55: 22, 30N59: 32, PD18Je67: 32, R3N68: 33 — PD1UN68: 22, PD28S69: 31, PD21S69: 33--R21S69s21, PD21S69:41 — R21S69s21, PD290c72: 22— R290c72: 22, D26Ag75: 32, D21F77: 21 — P21F77: 32, D25J177: 31 — P25J177: 31, PlAg77: 33, P29Ag77: 33, D28N77:21 — P28N77: 33, D10J178: 21--P10J178: 33, C30Oc79: 33, C15J180: 22, C21Oc80: 22 in York co. , Va. , P29My78: 31 in Yorktown, Va. , 30My51: 41 imported to York district, Va. , from Phila. , Pa. , PD27N66: 22 seized from British ship, P26Ap76s21 Jesuits' college, in Barcelona, Sp. , PD4F68: 21--R4F68: 12 Jesuits' convents, in St. Maur, Fr. , R13Ag67:21 Jesuits' drops, for sale, in Blandford, Va. , PD29Je69: 32, PD21F71: 32 in Petersburg, Va. , PD1J173: 32 in Richmond, Va. , PD10S72: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD18D66:32— R25D66: 42, PD18Je67: 32, R3N68: 33 — PD10N68: 22, PD17Ag69: 33 — R17Ag69: 23, PD21S69: 33 — R21S69s21, R12J170: 31, PDllAp71:32, PD15Ag71: 32— R15Ag71: 32, PD240C71: 31, PD4N73: 22 — R4N73:31, PD1S74: 32 Jesuits gardens, Montreal, Can. , R9Je68: 24 Jet, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD140C73: 23 Jet bunches, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD13Ap69: 32— R13Ap69: 31 Jet coal necklaces, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD25F68: 23— R3Mr68: 34 Jet earrings, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD290c72: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD7My72: 32, PD150c72:31 Jet necklaces, for sale in Petersburg, Va. , PD290c72: 22 in Richmond, Va. , PD310c71: 23 — R310c71:32 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD10Oc66: 33, PD10c67: 13, PD20Oc68: 23, PD270c68: 33 — R270c68: 22, PD22N70s23, R170c71: 33, PD240c71: 31, PD7My72: 32, PD150c72:31 Jeter, Ambrose. D13Je77: 22— P20Je77: 13, D4J177: 11, P25J177: 32 Edmund, PD21Ja73: 31 John, PD2Ap67: 32, PD21Ja73: 31, P1N76: 33 Thomas, R60c68: 31 William, R8Ap73: 33, PD1J173: 33 Jett, John, PD30Oc66: 31 Peter, D28N77: 31 Stephen, PD30Oc66: 31 Thomas, PD5My74: 31 adv. house for sale, PD2N69: 32 adv. plantation for sale, PD6J169: 41 — R6J169: 43 delegate from King George co. , Va. , P9My77: 23 informs associators of merchandise received, R30Ag70: 23 land of,R7S69:32 merchant at Leedstown, Va. , R13My73: 32, Pil90c75: 33 — D4N75: 32 on King George co. , Va. , committee, D6My75: 22, P20D76: 11 requests payment of debts, PD17F74: 31 — R17F74: 31 trustee of Orr estate, R27J169: 41 Jett, ship, PD7J174: 31— R7J174: 23, D4F75: 31 , D29Ap75s33, D6My75: 32, P12My75: 21,D17F76:32 Jewel office, in Tower of London, PD3N74:42— Pi4N74:33 Jewelers, adv. of, in Baltimore, Md. , Pil8My75:33 in Elizabeth City co. , Va. , 9Je38: 41 in Hanover, Va. , PD4Ap71: 23, R4F73: 31 in Norfolk, Va. , PD2My66: 22 in Prince George co. , Va. , PD30Ag70: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD80c67: 13, PD270c68: 33, PD25Oc70: 23, PD4J171: 31, PD28Ap74: 32, PD130c74: 32,D15Ap75: 32— P21Ao75:31 in Amsterdam, Holl. , PD22S68: 21 in Fredericksburg, Va. ,DlAp75: 11 in London, Eng. , PD7My72: 13 in Norfolk, Va. , PD30Ag70: 33 in Williamsburg, Va. , 20Oc38: 31 , 17N38: 42, 25S46: 41, 15My52: 32, PD27Ag72: 43 in Yorktown, Va. , 28Mr51: 41 See also Convict servants as; Indentured servants as Jewelers' apprentices, adv. for, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD15J173: 32 Jewelers' materials, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD4Je72: 32, PD15J173: 32 Jewelers' tools, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD23My71: 31, PD10Mr74:31 Jewelers' ware, boycotted in Providence, R. I. , PD21Ja68: 31 Jewelry, adv. of, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD10c72: 22— R80c72: 32, PD290c72: 21 as lottery prizes, 29J137: 42, 19Ag37: 41, 2S37: 41, 280c37: 32, 4N37: 42, R17Mr68: 34 boycotted in Va. Association, PD25My69: 11— RlJe69: 13 exhibited in London, Eng. , R3My70: 11 for sale, PD15Ag66: 31, PD7J168: 32, PD130c74: 32— R130c74: 32 at Lancaster courthouse, Va. , PD7J168: 32 in Baltimore, Md. , Pil8My75: 33 in Cabin Point, Va. , P2F76s23— D3F76: 33 in Fredericksburg, Va. , R19F67: 23, DlAp75: 11 in Newcastle, Va. , PDlAg66: 31 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23, R15N70: 31--PD22N70: 23 in Petersburg, Va. , PD24Ja71: 31, PD310c71: 31, PD290c72: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , 17N38: 42, 25S46: 41, PD10Oc66: 33, PD18D66:31, PD7Ap68: 23, PD4Oc70: 31, PD29N70: 31— R29N70: 31, PD10Oc71: 31, PD170c71: 23, PD30Ja72: 32--R6F72: 32, PD30Ap72: 31, PD7My72: 31, PD7My72: 32, R210c73: 22, PD5My74: 23, PD12My74: 43, PD60c74: 33 — Pi60c74: 33, PD130c74: 32— Pil30c74: 32, PD270c74: 32, Pi4N74:32, PilJe75: 33-- P2Je75: 33--D3Je75: 33,D26Ag75: 32 near Williamsburg, Va. , 29Ag51: 32 for support of Continental congress, P12My75: 13 imported to London, Eng. , from E. I. , PD16Ja72: 23 lost in Petersburg, Va. , adv. for, R2D73: 31 market for in Sp. , R14F71: 22 stolen, in Fredericksburg, Va. , PDllMr73: 31— RllMr73: 32 See also Agate beads, bugles, earrings, necklaces; Amethyst rings; Anchors and tongues; Bags, rose; Bags and roses; Baves; Bead earrings, egrets, necklaces; Beads; Blond knots; Bone toothpick cases; Brass buttons, rings; Bristol stone buttons, sleeve buttons; Bristol studs; Brooches, Freemason; Buckles; Bugles; Bugle necklaces; Buttons; Cases, toothpick; Chains, watch; Chapes; Chapes and tongs; Clasps; Coal earrings, egrets, necklaces; Cockades; Cocque de pearl sprigs; Coral beads, necklaces; Crescents; Crosses, cluster; Crystal, in gold and silver; Crystal bobs, buckles, buttons, earrings; Crystals, for sleeve buttons, watch; Diamond rings; Earrings; Egrets; Egyptian pebble stones; Emerald rings; Enamelled buttons, earrings, necklaces, studs; Etuis; Falling pearl necklaces; Feathers, cock; Flower nourishers; Flowers; Foil stone buckles, crosses, rings; French bead earrings, necklaces; French paste earrings, pearl drop earrings, wax bows, wax necklaces; Garlands; Garnet beads, brooches, buckles, bunches, crosses, earrings, egrets, lockets, mason brooches, mason medals, necklaces, pins, rings, roses, sleeve buttons, sprigs; Garnets; Gauze breast flowers, nosegays; Gilt brooches, buckles, buttons, oval buttons, watch chains; 619 Jewelry, See also (cont'd) Glass buttons, rings; Gold appellets, bands, basket buttons, bobbs, brooches, buckles, buttons, crosses, earrings, hair lockets, knots, lockets, loops, mason brooches, mason medals, necklaces, rings, studs, watches, wires, work, country made; Goldsmiths work; Hair lockets, sprigs; Half moon pearl sprigs; Hooks, earring; India pearl earrings, necklaces; Ivory cases; Jet; Jewelry; Keys, watch; Knots; Lockets, cluster; London gilt shoe buckles; Loops; Lustring knots; Marcasite beads, birds, crosses, earrings, half moons, hearts, lockets, necklaces, pins, sprigs, star pins; Masons medals; Metal buckles, buttons; Minikins; Mocha, in gold and silver; Mocha buttons, necklaces, rings, roses; Mock garnet egrets; Mohair buttons; Mother of pearl earrings; Necklaces, bloom, French, on velvet, Venetian; Nobs, cloak; Nosegays; Onyx stones; Ostrich feathers; Papers, watch; Paste beads, bobs, bows, brooches, buckles, buttons, cluster earrings, crosses, earrings, hair sprigs, knee buckles, lockets, mason brooches, mason medals, necklaces, pins, rings, roses, shoe buckles, sprigs, stock buckles; Pearl; Pebble buttons; Pinch wax earrings, necklaces; Pinchbeck buckles, shoe buckles, trinckets, watch chains, watches; Pins; Plate buttons; Plated buckles, buttons; Plumes; Quilted knots; Ribbon knots; Rings; Roses; Saphire rings; Satin feathers, knots; Scotch pebble buttons; Seals, watch; Seed wax beads; Shagreen watches; Shell sprigs; Shot necklaces; Silk buttons, knots, roses; Silver appellets. bands, breast flowers, brooches, buckles, buttons, clasps, coral toothpick cases, earrings, egrets, knee buckles, knots, lockets, loops, plated buttons, shoe buckles, shoe clasps, stock buckles, studs, toothpick cases, watch chains, watch chains and seals, watches, work; Silver work, country made; Sprigs; Springs, watch; Steel buckks, watch chains, watch chains and seals, watch keys; Stone brooches, buckles, buttons, earrings, knee buckles, pins, rings, shoe buckles, stock buckles, studs; Stones, true and false; Strainers, hair; Strings, clock, watch; Tambour knots, sword knots; Topaz rings; Tortoiseshell rings, toothpick cases; Trinkets; Twist buttons; Venetian pearl pins, sprigs; Watch mainsprings; Watches; Watches and equipages; Wax beads, earrings, necklaces, pearls, pearl beads, pearl earrings, pearl necklaces, pins, set marcasite necklaces Jewelry work, bartered for produce, 9Je38: 41 Jewelrymaking, adv. in Williamsburg, Va. , PD14J174: 31--R14J174: 32 Jewels, imported to N. Y. from Birmingham, Eng. , R24F69sl2 lost at sea, PD14Mr66: 11, PD3Mr74: 21 Jewish schools, in Barbados, W. I. , 16N39:21 Jewish synagogue, in London, Eng. , PD27F72: 22--R27F72: 22 Jews, accused of dishonesty, 270c38: 21 of false bankruptcy in Rotterdam, Holl. ,PD150c72: 13 of fraud in Vienna, Aust. , PD14Oc73s22--R140c73. 31 of plotting in London, Eng. , PD13F72: 23 among Indians in Ohio, R30D73: 21 arrested for murder in London, Eng. , PD27F72:31 for stealing in London, Eng. , PD13F72:31 in Bristol, Eng. , D22Ap75: 22 in Lisbon, Port. , PD6My73: 21 as indentured servants, P21Ap75: 32 celebrate in London, Eng. , PDllJe72:21 converted to Protestantism, 24Ja51: 21 crucified in Algiers, PD4Ap71: 21 demands on by Egypt, PD15J173: 13 discriminated against in Danzig, PD3Ja71: 13 in Eng. , R27Ap69: 21 in Fr. . PD17D67: 22 divorces described in London, Eng. , D5Mr79:31 emigrate to Corsica, PD21Ap68: 12 from Barcelona, Sp. , PD4F68: 12 executed for counterfeiting in Eng. , PD12Mr72: 22 for robbery in London, Eng. , PD27F72: 22--R27F72: 22 excluded from Russia, HAp51: 32 fined in Rome, It. , 23D37: 21 frauds by in London, Eng. , PD29Ja67:31 gang formed in Eng. , PD13F72: 31 given protection by Turks, PD14Je70sl2 granted toleration in Port. , PD31Mr74:ll in Turkey, PD16Je74: 11 houses pillaged, in Hollischau, Moravia, PD14J174: 13 imprisoned in Damascus, PD12My68: 11 in Barbados, W. I. , oath (text) taken by, 2N39: 11 petitions against, 16N39: 11 in Bohemia, edict against revoked, 6Je45: 12 in Corsica, PD23Ap72: 13 in Jamaica, W. I. , PD25Ap66: 21 vote for representatives, 20Je51: 32 :n Lincoln, Eng. , PD11F68: 12 in London, Eng., taxes on, PD9Mr69:31 in Morocco, PD12N72: 12 in Portsmouth, Eng. , pray for king, PD9S73: 23 in Russia, petition for trade charter, PD27Ja74: 21 in Tunis, aid European merchant ships, PD4F68: 23 murder of attempted in London, Eng. , PD3S72: 13 ordered out of Poland, PD20My73: 13 of Prussia, PD140c73s21--R140c73:23 persecuted in Poland, 22S38: 22 in Prussia, PD16D73: 11, PD13Ja74: 32 plot with French, PD4Ap71: 21 punishment for stealing in Holl. , PD13F72:31 request admission to Corsica, PD4F68: 12 request settlement in Gt. Brit. , PD13Je71:21 riots against, in Pest, Hungary, 17Ap52: 22 settle in Corsica, PD19My68: 22 in Prussia, PD21My67: 13 status of in Jamaica. PD20Oc74: 21 supply coin for Prussia, 4N63: 11 tribute demanded by Poland, PD22D68: 12--R22D68: 11 tried for murder in London, Eng. , PD19Mr72:21 Jews, Barbary, aid Corsica, 10S36: 32 Jews harps, for sale, 12F62: 42 in Alexandria, Va. , P3Ap78: 31 in Gloucester co. , Va. , P16Ag76: 33-- D24Ag76: 72 Jeynson, Richard, Capt. , of the Walpole, HAg38: 41, 130c38: 41 Jillet, William, counterfeiter, 120c52: 22, 10N52:22 Jinkins, John, R2My71: 41 Jinnens, Augustine, P10J178: 42 Joad, Robert, Capt. , of the Betsey, PD1N70: 22 of the Bowler, PD28J168: 23, PD8S68p22, PD29S68: 23--R60c68:23, PD270c68: 42, PD7Je70: 31 Joanna, ship, 5D51: 41 sloop, PD80c67: 21 Job the African, expresses gratitude for freedom, 4F37: 22 Jobb, Mary, R19J170: 33 Jobson, Philip Yeates, heir of, adv. for,PD19D71:31 Jockey club of Md. , cancels horse races, PilD74: 22 Jockey club plate, in Annapolis, Md. , R220c72: 22 Jockey clubs, in Dumfries, Va. , PD28Ap74: 22, PD17N74: 22-- P117N74: 32 holds horse-races, PD4Ag74: 31-- R4Ag74: 32 meeting of, PD12My74pll-- R12My74: 32, PD270c74: 23 in Fredericksburg, Va. ,PD20Oc74:31 meeting of, PD20Ja74: 32, PD7Ap74:31, PD14J174: 31, PDllAg74: 32, P24F75:41,P3Mr75s23 offers premiums, PD10F74: 23 payment of subscription money requested, PD25Ag74: 31 prizes given by,D13Ap76: 33-- P19Ap76:43 purses requested for Boston, Mass. , relief, PD21J174p23--R21J174: 21 in Phila. , Pa. , PD1N70: 22, PD23Je74: 22, D12Mr79: 31-- C15My79: 33 in Portsmouth, Va. , PD21J174p23-- R21J174: 21 Jockeys, PD26Ja69: 41 accused of selling stolen horses, RllMr73:31 requirements for, R11F68: 32 See also Indentured servants as; Slaves as Jocks, door, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. ,PD28S69:31 Joel, Capt. . 17D36: 41 John, Capt., of the Anne, 10D36: 41, 25F37:42 620 Johnson Joell. Stafford, Capt. , of the Helena. 27Ag56: 32 William, Capt. . of the Conis, 240c55: 21 of the Lucky Galley. 8D52: 31 Joes, seized from British ship, P16Ag76: 23— D17Ag76: 12 Johanes and Aletta, ship, for sale, D13N78. 11 Johanna, schooner, PD21N71: 21 ship, 13Je51: 32, 25J151: 32 Johanna island, See Shipwrecks off Johannesses, imported to Accomac district, Va. , from Antigua, PD12Mr67:32 imported to James river, lower district. Va. , from Antigua, R12Ja69: 31 from St. Eustatia, W. I. ,R12Ja69: 31 seized from British ship, P13S76: 21 — D14S76: 22, D30My77: 21, P10Oc77: 11 stolen at sea, PD13Ap69: 21 See also Half-johannesses Johens. William, deserter, P14N77: 33 John, brig. PD18F73: 23, P20S76: 21 — D21S76: 12 brigantine, PD7Ja73: 31--R7Ja73: 33, PD10F74: 23, PD14Ap74: 23 — R14Ap74: 23, R21Ap74: 23 — PD28Ap74: 23, Pi24Ag75: 21 — P25Ag75: 71--D26Ag75: 31 galley, PD4Je67: 22, PD7Ap74: 23— R14Ap74:23 schooner, 31D36: 42, D25S79: 22 ship, 11F37: 42, 20My37: 41, 16D37: 32, 17Mr38: 41, 16Je38: 42, 20Ap39: 11, 13J139: 42, 20J139: 41, 24Ag39: 3, 21S39: 41, 2N39: 2. 2N39: 3, 25Ja40:12, 25Ja40: 3, 25Ja40: 4, 26S45: 31, 26S45: 41, 29My46: 31, 4J151: 32, 12D51: 32, 28Ag52: 31, 24N52: 22, 25Ap55: 22, 16My55: 21, 2S57: 22, PD2My66: 21, PD16My66: 23, PD15Ag66: 31--R15Ag66s32, PD4D66: 31, R11D66: 13,PD29Ja67:33 — R19F67: 41, PD4Je67: 41, PD27Ag67:23, PD11F68: 23, PD19My68: 21, PD26My68: 22--R9Je68: 32, R18Ag68s22, PD1S68: 23, PD270c68:31, PD270c68: 42, PD22D68: 31, PD9F69:31, R4My69: 33, PDUMy69s33, PD10Ag69: 32, PD17Ag69: 22— R17Ag69: 23, PD7D69: 31--R7D69: 23, PD24My70: 23, PD19J170: 21, PD25Oc70: 21, PD2My71: 32, PD30Ap72: 23, PDllJe72: 31, PD220c72: 13, PD22Ap73: 31 — R22Ap73: 33, PD13Ja74: 33, R14Ap74: 23--PD28Ap74: 23, PD20Oc74: 23, Pi20Ap75: 31 — D22Ap75:31,D13My75:23,D18My76:31, D26F80: 21 sloop. 13Je51: 32, 14N51: 31, 18Ap55: 31, R31Mr68: 31, PD2Ja72: 23, P8Mr76: 31 snow, 16Ja61: 42, PD21Mr66: 42, PD18D66: 33 transport, D29Je76: 12, D29J176: 12 John and Anne, ship, 2N39: 2, 2N39: 3, 25Ja40: 3, 25Ja40: 4, PD9Je74: 22, D7Ja75:31 sloop, 24Ag39: 22 John and Bella, ship, PD4N73: 21 — R4N73: 31, PD20Ja74: 23, R26My74: 22 snow, R20Ja74: 33, D11F75: 23 John and Betsey, ship, 28Mr55: 32, PD5S66s43, PD12S66: 23, PD9Ap67:23, PD7My67: 31, PDllJe67: 32, PD6Ag67: 32. PD3D67: 31, PD14Ja68:31, PD31Mr68: 22--R14Ap68: 41, PD23Je68: 23--R23Je68: 24, PD30Je68: 23--R7J168: 22, PD7J168: 23--R7J168: 21, PD270c68:42, PD270c68: 43, PD17N68: 22, PD22D68: 31 sloop, R25D66: 13 John and Charles, ship, R22S68: 23 John and Eleanor, schooner, 16My51: 32, 13Je51: 32, 14N51: 31, 3J152: 32, 30J152: 31 ship, 12D51: 32, 3N52: 12 John and Elizabeth, British ship, D180c76: 11 sloop, PD220c72: 13 John and Jane, ship, R12Mr72: 23, D6Ap76: 13 John and Joseph, corsair, 28Mr45: 22 John and Mary, brig, 19My38: 41 brigantine, 9D37: 42 ship, 270c38: 41, 3N38: 61, 18My39: 3, 24Ag39: 3, 120c52: 31, PD20Je66: 22, PD3S67:32, PD3D67: 31, PD14Ja68: 32, PD15S68: 23, PD22S68: 23--R22S68: 24, PD60c68: 23— R60c68: 24, PD23Mr69: 31, PD4My69: 31 — R4My69: 33, R4N73: 21 sloop, 12N36: 42, 15J137: 42 snow, 14Ja37: 42, 20My37: 41, 13Ja38: 42, 5Ja39: 42, 9F39: 42, 9Mr39: 41, 22Je39: 31, 22Je39: 32, 1F40: 42, 18Ap45: 32, 18Ap45: 41, 31Ja51: 32, 14Mr51: 32, 12S51: 32. 15D52: 31 adv. for cargo, 7N45: 32 convict servants imported on, 19D45:41 John and Presley, ship, PD13Je66: 22, PD170c66: 31, PD15Ja67: 32, PDllJe67: 22, PD18Je67: 31, R11F68: 31 John and Richard, brig, PD17Mr68: 31 brigantine, 22S52: 32 John and Robert, ship, 8S38: 41 John p.nd Sally, ship, PD1S68: 23 John and Samuel, ship, PD11F68: 23, R24Mr74: 23 John and Susannah, snow, 30N59: 41, PD4F68: 32 John and Thomas, sloop, 20Ja38: 31 John and Unity, brigantine, R11F68: 31, R22S68:24,R1D68:21 ship, R26My68: 31, PDllAp71: 23 John and William, brig, 19Ag37: 32 ship,7N51: 22 sloop, 4J145: 32 John and Willis, snow, PD6Ja74: 32 John-Corner, Capt. , in America, PD4Je67: 22 JohnDismall, horse, PD25Ap66: 31 John Downright, pseud. , PD19N72: 21 John Galley, ship, 27Mr46: 41, 24Ap52: 12 Johnny, sloop, UAp51: 32, 25J151: 32, 16Ag51:32 Johns, Capt. , P18J177: 23, DlAg77: 31 — PlAg77: 32 Daniel, runaway sailor, PD24Ja71: 32 David, R16Je68: 33 Jesse, PDllMy69s42, P7Mr77: 32 John, R2Mv71: 42, PilJe75: 33, P6S76sl3 Thomas, R1S74: 23, PD3N74: 42— PilON74:32, D7Ja75: 32 Zachariah, escapes from jail, 7N54: 2 John's island, S. C. , See British army on; Lightning in; Militia of John's Relief, sloop, R12Ja69: 31 Johnson, Adj. , promoted to major, P22Mr76:31 Capt. , 310c45: 31, 5D51: 41, PD26Mr67:23, R21J168: 21 — PD28J168: 22, PD13Ag72: 21, PD3Je73: 23, D18J177:21, P240c77: 11 — P240c77: 12 British army commander in N. J. , PD20Ag67: 21 death of, PI S7 5: 21 killed in battle of Bunker Hill, P22J175s22— D29J175:31 killed in Cambridge, Mass. , Pi24Ag75: 33 of Prince William co. , Va. , troops, D70c75: 31 of the Commerce, PD15Ag66: 21 — R15Ag66s21 of the Eagle, P28Mr77sl3 of the Elizabeth, P26My75: 22, D40c76: 12— P40c76: 31 of the Friendship, PD60c68: 22 of the Patty, PD28S69: 22 of the Sally, 20Je51: 42, PD18F68: 22 Johnson, Capt. , of the sixth Va. regiment, D10Ag76: 62 of Va. regiments, D9Mr76: 22 of Yankee Hero, P24Ja77: 11 prisoner of war in London, Eng. , D29N76: 12 Col. , house of, PD7Mr71: 32 saw mill of, D5D77: 12 slaves of, hired, R16D73: 42 Gen. ,R14Ap68sll Mr. , P7Mr77: 31 arrives at Staten island, N. Y. , from London, Eng. , P23Ag76: 22— D24Ag76: 31 of Charleston, S. C. , PD12My68: 22 — R12My68: 13 paymaster of British army in America, 28Mr55:32 slave of, PD220c72:31 Mrs. , slave of, PD4My69: 33 Abram, sheriff, P160c78: 41 Acquila, ordinary of, PD21D69: 23 — R18Ja70:42 Acquilla, P16My77s32 Andrew, 18J151: 41, Pi26Ja75: 12, D23Ja78: 31 Andrew, jr. , merchant in Petersburg, Va. , PD10F74: 32 Ashly, P14Mr77: 42 Benjamin, R31Mr68: 32, P5Je78: 32 adv. for runaway slave, P29Ag77: 33 adv. land for sale, D9Ag80: 23 associator for King George co. , Va. , R30Ag70: 23 house of, PD25N73: 23 ordinary of, PD30c71: 32— R170c71: 41 Charles, R60c68: 31 David, 16F39: 42, PD22N70: 33, D19D77: 32, D12Mr79: 32 Daniel, counterfeiter, 120c52: 22 Dorothy, P30c77: 31 E. . Mrs. ,R31My70: 23 Ebenezer, Capt. , hunting trip of, PD27J169: 23 621 Johnson (cont'd) Edward, PD3Ag69: 33, PD10N74: 42 adv. for runaway slave, D23My77: 32 agent for Andrew Edmonston, PD29N70: 22 merchant at Rocky ridge, Va. , PD240c66: 23, PD23F69: 33 of Albemarle co. , Va. , P9F76: 31 subscriber to meeting of merchants, PD30Je74: 23 takes orders for Virginia justice, PD21D69: 23--R18Ja70: 41 Edward, & co. , PD80c72: 32 Eley,R5Ag73:32 Elizabeth, PDllAp66: 41 Francis, secretary of Pa. convention, P24F75s21 George, 14Ag52: 31, 16Ja61: 42, P19S77:31 George, Capt. , of the Neptune, 25J151:32 George, Major, D26D77: 12 Grace, P10F75: 42 Guy, Col. , appointed supt. of Indian affairs, PD25Ag74: 23, R1S74: 23, PD1D74: 22--PilD74: 13 arranges Six Nations conference, Pi24N74: 32 arrives in London, Eng. , D30Mr76: 22 at LeChien, Can. ,D180c76: 12-- P180c76: 21 calls conference of Indians at Oswego, N. Y. , D8J175: 23 conference with Six Nations, PD29D74: 22 incites Indians against colonies, D8J175: 31, P16Je75: 21, P22J175s21-- D29J175: 23, P5Ja76(5)sl3 instructed to incite Indians, DHOc76:31 leads Indians to Albany, N. Y. , D40c76: 71 leads Indians to Montreal, Can. , Pi31Ag75:31--D2S75:21 leaves N. Y. , Pi7S75: 12--D9S75: 23 Mohawks oppose, Pi3Ag75: 32 of New York City, R15J173: 32 sends description of counterfeiters to Ohio, PD4N73: 21 supported by Indians, D8J175: 23 to sail for Eng. rumored, P8D75: 21 Henry, R21My72: 23 American prisoner of war, P27D76: 12 convict servant, PD28Ja68: 33-- R4F68:41 Henry, Capt. , of the Yankee, D10Ag76: 61, D29N76: 11, P7F77: 21 biographical sketch of, D22N76: 12 Isaac, P23Ag76: 43 Isham, P22Ag77: 12 J. , watchmaker of Liverpool, P20S76: 23 James, adv. finding horse, 250c65s42, R6My73s23 adv. for runaway slave, PD1S68: 31 adv. for stolen horse, 8D52: 32 adv. slave held in jail, P5J176p23 alias of James Gibson, 310c45: 32 convicted for felony, PD170c66: 31 denies testifying for Hugh Knox, P15Ag77: 12 horse of,D14F77: 22 overseer of Peter Randolph, PD7S69:41--R7S69:42 plaintiff in Chancery court, 270c52: 22 robbed. 22Je39: 22 sale of estate of, 7N51: 31 testifies for Hugh Knox, PllAp77: 31 unclaimed tobacco of, C25D79: 12 James, Capt. , adv. for deserters, P26J176: 32, P30Ag76: 41 of the Anne,RllF68:31 of the Two Brothers, D10Ag76: 21 orders soldier to report, PllAp77: 22 James, Major, D90c78: 32--P160c78:12 James B. , PD1S74: 32--R1S74: 33, D11F75: 32, D18Ap77: 72--P18Ap77s42, C3J179: 32 James Bray, R15Je69: 32 adv. for missing money, C3J179: 41 adv. plantation for sale, P8Ag77: 11 adv. property for sale, P13Je77: 32 adv. slaves for sale, P3Ja77s23-- D10Ja77: 41 borrows saddle and bridle, P18Ap77:31 commissary of musters for Va. peninsula. Pil4S75: 31--D16S75: 32 death of, C27N79: 13--D27N79: 21 horse of, D26F80: 12 marriage of, PD15J173: 32 on Charles City co. , Va. , committee of observation, Pil2Ja75: 11 — D14Ja75: 13 settlement of estate of,D26F80: 12 slave of, Pi2N75: 33 Jean, Mrs. , PD16J172: 32 Jeffery, PD7S69: 33 Jesse, P30My77: 42 Job, D27Ja76: 33, D15My79: 11 Joel, deserter, P4Ap77: 32 John, PD19Mr72: 32, PD20Oc74: 31 — Pi20Oc74: 32, P19Je78: 12 accused of stealing slave, Pil2Ja75: 33 acquitted of murder, P270c75: 13 adv. collection of debts, PD22Mr70:32-- R22Mr70:31 adv. for missing horse, P7Je76: 43 adv. for missing person, PD16Ap72:31 adv. house and lot for rent, PD22Ja67: 33--R19F67: 42 adv. houses and lots for sale, PD30D73: 31, PD10F74: 31, PD20Oc74s22--Pi20Oc74: 32 adv. land for sale, PD13D70: 22. PD12D71:33 adv. meeting of N. W. Dandridge with creditors, PD26S71: 31, PD13Ag72: 22 adv. ordinary for sale, PD20Ag72: 31 adv. plantation for sale, PD21D69: 33, PDl9Ap70: 32 adv. tavern for sale, PD16D73: 23 agent for John M'Douall, PD4Ap66: 33 alias of John Howard, 15My46: 41 announces departure, D24F76: 33 appointed to merchants' committee, Williamsburg, Va. , R26N72: 21 appoints John Davis as collector, PD7Ja73:31,R14Ja73:32 assemblyman for N. Y. C. and co. , 24Je37: 32 breaks parole, D15Je76: 51 calls meeting of N. W. Dandridge and creditors, PD8N70: 22--R8N70: 13, PD14Mr71: 31 closes store, in Hanover, Va. , PD27S70: 32--R27S70: 23 collector for Cochrane, Donald & co. , PD21S69: 23--R21S69: 31 collector for merchants, Pi26Ja75:33-- D28Ja75: 32 collector for Purdie & Dixon's Va. gazette, PDllAg68: 23 commands British marines, D10J179: 22 deserter, 3J146: 32 , 2S57: 42, P25Ap77: 32, P23My77: 32, P14N77: 33, D19D77:32,D12Mr79:32 letter to, in post office, PD12Mr67: 13 merchant, PD21J168: 32, PD14D69: 32 of Talbot co. , Md. , PD26D71: 23 reimbursed for property destroyed in Norfolk, Va. , P12Je78: 12 requests payment of debts due Major John Boswell, PD24My70: 41 runaway indentured servant, 12Je52: 22 sentenced for felony, Rl90c69: 33, PD9N69: 22, R9N69: 23 slave of, PD9N69: 23, PD3F74: 32-- R10F74: 33 subscriber to meeting of merchants, PD30Je74: 23 suspected of felony, 4N63: 22 takes orders for Virginia justice, PD21D69: 23--R18Ja70: 41 tavern of, PD3Ja71: 31 Tory of Portsmouth, Va. , P29D75: 13 trustee of estate of N. W. Dandridge, PD10N68: 23 John, sr. , PD16J172: 32 John, Sir, army of at Oswego, N. Y. , DlAg77: 12 arrives in London, PD7Mr66: 12 coat of captured, P26S77: 13 flees to Oneida, C9D80: 12 killed near Fort Stanwix, N. Y. , D5S77: 12--P5S77: 13, P5S77: 21 knighted, PD7Mr66: 13 leads attack on Johnstown, N. Y. , P9F76: 22--D10F76:31 leads Mohawks, D6J176: 12 of N. Y. ,PD14N71:13 presents Indian curios to queen, PD7Mr66: 12 receives appointment in America, PD28Mr66: 13 Six Nations attend conference with, D15Ag77:32--P15Ag77:21 to Fort Johnson, PD29J173: 22 John & co. , C19F80: 11--D19F80: 33 John B. , Lt. , adv. for deserters, P28N77: 32, P12D77: 23 Joseph, 15D52: 32, 23My55: 22, PD30J167: 33, R14Ap68: 24 [Josiah], Mrs. , PD3Mr74: 23 Josiah, Rev. Mr. , chosen rector of Bruton parish, Va. , PD30J172: 23 death of, PD8Ap73: 23--R8Ap73: 32 denied use of pulpit, PD30D73: 23 estate of, for sale, PD10Je73: 23 marriage of, PD26My68: 22 master of grammar school, William and Mary college, PD3Mr68: 31 of Bruton parish church, PD16D73: 22 poetry reprinted, Pi23F75: 22 preacher for clergy's relief fund, R21Mr71: 33--PD21Mr71: 31 slaves of, PD70c73: 22 successor of. PD10Mr74: 12 Lewis, P27Je77: 32 Lewis, Capt. , of the Goodintent, 27Ag56:31,27Ag56: 32 Mark, Capt. , of the Cleopatra, 16D37: 32 Marmaduke, C20N79: 21 622 Johnson Matthew, deserter, 2S57: 42 Matthew, Capt. , of the Pretty Sally, 13Je51: 32, 16Ag51: 32, 22My52: 31, 10J152:31,10N52:22 of the Whiting, 19J154: 31, 14Mr55: 32 Matthias, killed in battle of St. John's, Can. , Pil90c75s22, P20Oc75s21 Mildred (Moody), marriage of, PD26My68: 22 Nicholas, executed for murder, PD5Mr67: 21, PD16J167: 22, PD8Je69:21 plantation of, 10Je37: 42 Ob. , Col. , Pi28Ap75s22--D29Ap75s32 Peter, burgess for Prince Edward co. , Va. , PD15D68: 23--R15D68: 21 killed near Fort Stanwix, N. Y. , P29Ag77: 31--D5S77: 21 Philip, adv. finding horse, P10My76sl2 adv. for bids for Sandy bay causeway, R12Ag73: 22 adv. house and lot for rent, PD6Je66: 31 adv. land for sale, D18Ap77: 72— P18Ap77s42 adv. plantation for sale, P8Ag77: 11 adv. property for sale, P13Je77: 32 adv. public tobacco for sale, PD?6J167:33 adv. slaves for sale,D10Ja77: 41— P3Ja77s23 burgess from King and Queen co. , Va. , 17Ja52: 41, 27F52: 32, 12D55: 22 calls meeting of creditors, PD14Ap68: 31 — R14Ap68: 23 guardian of William Johnson, PD8D68: 31 justice of peace for James City co. , Va. , PD140c73: 31 notice to creditors, R26My68: 34 plantation of, 4Ap55: 32 property for sale,R15J173: 41 requests meeting of creditors, PllAp77s42 slaves of, R24N68: 23, R7D69: 31, R17D72: 23, PD24D72: 32--R24D72: 22 Philip, Col. , PD25N73: 31 bond of,D3Ag76: 32 creditors accounts requested, D7N77: 31 — P7N77s22, P6Mr78: 31 creditors' meeting, D28F77: 32— P28F77s23, P21Mr77: 21— D28Mr77:31 holds bond,R310c71:33 house for sale, PD15Ap73: 32— R15Ap73: 31 land of,R18J166: 43 land of, for sale, PD21N71: 22— R21N71:31 offers store rooms for Boston relief, R14J174:31 on James City co. , Va. , committee, PD1D74: 23 — PilD74:31 property for sale, PD30c71: 32— R170c71:41 settlement of estate of, C3J179: 32 slaves of, PD12D71: 32, PD2D73: 23, PD20Oc74s22, PD10N74: 43, D17Je75: 33, D2D75: 32, D29N76: 41 R. , D15My78: 32— P29My78: 42 Randolph, soldier, P21Ag78: 11 Rebecca, PD1S74: 32--R1S74: 33 Rebekah (Cocke), marriage of, PD15J173:32 Richard, adv. box unclaimed, R28J168:31 adv. finding horse, 10Ap52: 32 adv. for missing horses, P13D76:32, D31Ja77: 72--P14F77: 32,D28Mr77:31, P18Ap77sl2 adv. store goods for sale, 3J146: 42 appointed to commission on tobacco damage, RllJa70: 23 fined for libel, R24Ag69: 23 plaintiff in suit, PD8D68: 31 testifies for William Taylor, 2S37: 32 Richard, Col. , 4J145: 41, PD15Ag66: 31, D30Oc78:31 death of, PD10Oc71: 31 slaves of, PD10S72: 31, PD1UD72: 31 — R10D72:23 Robert, R1D68: 22, PD19N72: 23, P10F75:42 governor of S. C. , 10D36: 32, 9Je38: 32 reports army movements in Pa. , P26S77: 23 Robert, Major, of Va. minutemen, P22S75: 11 Samuel, 2S37: 32, PD9N69: 23, PD29J173: 31— R5Ag73: 33, R9Je74: 22 indentured servant, PD11N73: 23-- R11N73:22 playwright, death of, PD12Ag73: 13 Samuel, Dr., advice to king, R23S73: 13 anti-American pamphlet of, P26Mv75: 21 author, PD25F68: 41, PD7J168: 31, PD29N70: 21, PD13D70: 42, PD3Ja71: 42, PD17Ja71: 43, PD29Ag71: 33, PD10Je73: 31, PD10Je73: 33, PD10Je73: 34, PD24Je73: 31, PD17Mr74: 41, DllF75s23,D25N75: 11,D25N75: 12, D25N75: 21, D30D75: 12, D30D75: 21, D24F76: 43, D2Mr76: 42, D2Mr76: 43, D9Mr76: 41, D9Mr76: 43, D25My76:43, D24Ag76: 52, D24Ag76: 61, D3Ja77: 43, D17Ja77:43,D30c77:32 criticized in Eng. , P5My75sl3 criticizes Benjamin Franklin, D27My75: 21 defines "expedient", D25My76: 32 Dictionary commented on by Chesterfield, HAp55: 11, 18Ap55: 11 duel with John Wilkes, R3My70: 11 health of, R16S73: 21 patronizes play, PD12Ag73: 21 poem by (text), PD24Mr68: 21 poetry attributed to, R19Ja69: 21 poetry on dictionary of, PD7J168: 41 quoted on British colonial policy, PU6F75: 22 receives M. A. from Oxford, 25 Ap55: 12 writes account of journey through Scot. , PD3Mr74: 13, PD12My74: 31 Sarah, death of, PD27J169: 21 Sarah, Mrs. , of N. C. , D19Je79: 32 Stephen, PD23My71: 23, D5D77: 22— P5D77: 33 T. , sheriff of Louisa co. , Va. , P29D75:31 Thomas, 170c51: 41, D29N76: 41 — P13D76: 31 adv. as physician, Pi23N75: 33, D3Ag76:32— P6S76:42 adv. cure for bloody flux, PilON74: 32 adv. finding horse, Pi270c74: 32 adv. land for sale, D8My79: 22 bond of, PD31Ja71:32 burgess for Louisa co. , Va. , PD15D68: 23--R15D68: 21, PDllMy69s41,PD28S69s21,R9N69:ll, PD4Ag74: 23 convict servant, R12Mr72: 32 deserter, DlMy79: 31 delegate to Va. convention from Louisa co. , Va. , DlAp75: 21, P19Ap76: 33 indentured servant of, 8Je39: 42 on committee for Louisa co. , Va. , P19My75s32, P29D75: 31 sentenced for felony, PD15Je69: 31 — R15Je69: 22 signs Va. Association, PD25My69: 12, PD3N74: 12— Pi4N74: 12 slaves of, PD10S72: 31 Thomas, jr. , on committee for Louisa co., Va. ,P19My75s32,D23D75:32, P29D75: 31 Thomas, jr. , of Md. , appointed to Annapolis committee of correspondence, R9Je74s23 appointed to Md. committee of correspondence, PD29D74: 23 arrives at Continental congress, D21Ja75: 11 arrives in Annapolis, Md. ,D14Mr77:31 delegate to Continental congress, PD21J174: 22, Pi270c74: 23, PD29D74: 23, D15Je76: 32 elected governor of Md. , P28F77sl3 leads Md. militia to Phila. , Pa. , D31Ja77: 62— P31Ja77: 22 letter to quoted, D10J178: 12-- P10J178: 22 on committee of Congress on colonial rights, D21Ja75: 12 on committee to consider association, D21Ja75: 13 on committee to prepare address to king, PD22D74: 11 reports army movements in Phila. , Pa. , D26S77: 22 trustee for opening navigation of Potomac river, PD3N74: 42— Pil0N74:32,D7Ja75:32 Thomas, Major, R2Je74: 22 — Pi28S75: 43 W. , adv. for runaway slave, PD10S72: 31, PD10D72: 31, D24Ap78:42,D5F80:33 Waddel, PD2Je68: 31 Walter, Capt. , PD7J168: 23 William, 280c37: 32, Pi50c75: 33 accused of murder, PD28Ap68: 21 adv. exhibition of electricity, PD10Oc66: 33 adv. finding horse, R13J169: 32 adv. for, PD16Ap72: 31 adv. houses and lots for sale, PD15J173: 33, PD16Je74: 22 adv. plantation for sale, D70c75: 33 adv. slaves for sale, PD30Oc66: 23 adv. storehouse for rent, PD25Ag74: 31 announces departure, PD6Je71: 32 appointed It. of James City co. , Va. , company, Pil4S75: 31— D16S75: 32 bond of, D3Ag76: 32 books of, PD30Oc66: 23, PD12F67: 32 defendant in Chancery court, R17Mr74: 23 deserter. P20Je77: 13, P4J177: 32 grants permits for transportation of grain, P17N75sll 623 Johnson. William (cont'd) in Canterbury, Conn. , PD26D71: 23 in French and Indian war, Pi27J175: 22 killed near Fort Stanwix, N. Y. , P29Ag77:31--D5S77:21 letter to, in post office, PD28My67: 33. PD2Je68: 23 member of Hanover co. , Va. , committee of safety, P17N75sll, D18N75:31 plaintiff in suit, PD8D68: 31 property of, for sale, PD12F67: 32 sailmaker in Annapolis, Md. , PD5My74: 22 sentenced for stealing, 170c51: 31 sheriff of Louisa co. , Va. , R25Ja70: 11--PD15F70: 23 subscriber to meeting of merchants, PD30Je74: 23 treasurer of St. Andrews society, 14D39: 32 [William], Capt. , of Fairfax co. , Va. , troops. P60c75s21 William, Col. ,D5S77:31 leases ordinary and land, PD270c74:32 slaves of, D18D79: 32 tavern of, C27N79: 21--D27N79: 22 William, Sir, PD9Mr69: 22 appointment to Red Garter rumored, PD7Mr66: 12 at Lake George, 12D55: 12 awaits French attack, 22Ap57: 22 bastards of, P29Ag77: 31--D5S77: 21 calls for reinforcements, 240c55: 12 camp of, 10Oc55: 22 commissioner of Indian affairs, PD2J167: 31 confers with Indians, PD4D66: 31, R2Je74: 13 death of, PD28J174: 22, PD25Ag74: 23 discusses French encroachments on Indians, 27D51: 31 estates of settled by Scots, PD1J173: 32--R1J173: 31 health of, PD29J173: 22, PD12Ag73: 21 holds Indian conference, PD28Ap68:22-- R28Ap68: 22, PD1D68: 23, PD29Ag71: 22 in French and Indian war, 310c55: 11 in Lake George battle, 26S55: 22, 30c55: 12, 30c55: 21, 170c55: 21 in Montreal campaign, 16Ja61: 11 Indian policy of, PD10N74: 23 influence among Indians cited, PD25Je72: 31 makes alliance with Missisaugas, PD6Ag72: 21 mediates between Indian tribes, PD9Je68: 21 negotiates with Indians, 27Ag56: 21, PD24Ag69: 22 on Crown point expedition, 5S55: 22 praised by Indians, Pi24N74: 32 receives Gov. Tryon, PD3S72: 21 receives Seneca chief, PD3D72: 12-- R3D72: 22 recommends Guy Johnson for supt. of Indian affairs, R1S74: 23 reports on discontent of Indians, R3Mr68: 31 reports on Indians at Michilimackinac, PD7Ap68: 21 reports on Lake George battle, 170c55: 11 resignation rumored, PD7Mr66: 12 returns to Albany, N. Y. , PD13J169. 23 salary of, PD25Ag68: 12 seat on N. Y. council filled, D25F75: 23 secures land for crown, PD17D72: 12 successor appointed, PD1D74' 22-- PilD74: 13 sup't. of Indian affairs, PD22D68: 22 visited by Gov. Dunmore, PDlAg71: 21 warns Va. of Indian troubles, PD31Mr68: 21 William Samuel, of Conn. , 250c65s23, R26Ap70: 33, D27My75: 31 Wire, Cpl. , land grant to, R14Ja73: 13 Johnson, armed ship, D22N76: 31-- P22N76:32 ship, 29Ap37: 42, 27Ag56: 41, PD11J166: 22, PD24S67: 13, PD150c67: 13, R3Mr74: 33, P7J175: 32- D8J175: 32, PllAg75: 32 Johnson, Test &, store robbed, PD21My67: 31 Johnson & Jolly, R18Ja70: 32 Johnson & Tinsley, PD6Je71: 32, PD19N72: 22, PD29J173: 23 Johnson co. , N. C. , See Snake bites, deaths from in Johnson hall, N. Y. , See Prisoners of war, American taken near; Six Nations conference at Johnson's fort, S. C. , 25Mr37: 32 Johnson's lots, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD20Ja74: 32 Johnston, Capt. , 16My51: 32, R5S66: 31, PD27N66: 21--R27N66: 13, PD18D66: 23, PD80c72: 31, P2Ag76:22- D3Ag76: 11.D19S77: 31, D23Ja78: 21 commands royal regiment of artillery, R10Mr74: 13 of the Bond, 18Ap45: 32 of British army in N. Y. , R5Ag73: 21 Mr. , ordinary of, PD22Mr70: 33 A. , violates fast day, P7Je76: 41-- D8Je76:71 Andrew, PD310c71: 32, PD14My72: 31 adv. finding horse, P10J178: 41 adv. for sailors, D7F77: 21-- P14F77:21 slaves of, P4J177sll,D4Mr80: 31 store of, PD15Je69: 32 tenement of, PD28J174: 32-- R21J174: 33 Andrew, jr. , adv. plantation for sale, PD26Ag73: 31 escheated property for sale, D19F80:32 merchant in Petersburg, Va. , R4F73: 23 prepares to sail for Eng. ,D7Mr77: 71-- P21Mr77sll subscriber to meeting of merchants, PD30Je74: 23 Andrew, & co. , PD26Ag73: 31 Anne, of N. C. , PD3N74pll Archibald], P29Ag77: 13 Augustus, judge of Admiralty court, PD8D68: 21, PD12Ja69: 21 — R12Ja69: 22 B. , adv. for slaves in manufactory, P28N77: 31 adv. household goods for sale, R13S70: 32 adv. houses for rent, R18N73: 31 adv. ordinary for rent, R23Ag70: 41 announces departure, R18N73: 31 disavows wife's debts, R19J170: 33 letter to James Richason, R14F71: 31 Barnes. PD2Je68: 23 Ben, PD27N66: 31, R15Mr70: 42 Benjamin, R31Mr68: 32, R27Ap69: 31, R5S7L32 adv. finding steer, Pi260c75: 33 adv. for missing person, PD18J166: 31 adv. for relatives of James Tracy, R16D73:41 adv. for runaway indentured servant, Pi20Oc74: 33 adv. indentured servants in jail, R20Je71: 41 adv. lottery, R31Mr68: 33 adv. property for sale,R28D69: 13, R18Ag74: 32 adv. slaves for sale,R15Ag71: 21 adv. slaves, in jail, R17Ja71: 23 adv. tavern, R15N70: 23 agent for estate of Hugh and William Houston, R7J174: 31 announces departure, R3Mr74: 42, Pi26Ja75:33,Pi21S75:32 clerk of Fredericksburg, Va. , committee of correspondence, R16Je74: 22 lottery of, R9Je68: 41 meeting of Gryme's creditors at house of, PD4N73: 22 ordinary of, PllAp77s23 sale at ordinary of, R21N71: 33 slaves of, for sale, PD7Ja73: 32 Daniel, executed for counterfeiting, 10N52: 22 David, of New York City,DHOc76: 21-- PHOc76:21 Dorothy, Mrs. , R19J170: 33 Edward, PD17F74: 31, P16F76s21, D18D79:31 Elizabeth, of N. C. , PD3N74pll F. , of N. C. ,PD3N74pll G. , adv. property for sale, PD9N69: 23 apologizes to William Blackwell, 9My55: 21 Gabriel, gov. of N. C. , address from burgesses quoted, 31D36: 21 addresses of, 150c36: 12, 6Ap39: 11, 22My52: 12 death of, 24J152: 22 issues hue and cry for mutineers, 7Mr51:31 land of,R170c71:43 proclamations of, 1746, 3J146: 32 George, adv. lots in Leesburg, Va. , for sale,R150c72: 33 death of, PD19S66: 21, P13Je77: 32 lots sold for debts, P29Ag77: 13 on committee for Loudoun co. , Va. , PilJe75: 32, PilJe75: 33 slave of, PD8D68: 32 George, Capt. , describes skirmish in Norfolk, Va. , P24My76: 23 of the Neptune, HOc51: 32 George, Col. , aide-de-camp to Gen. Washington, P15Ag77: 22 George, Dr. , estate of, P8S75: 32-- D9S75: 32 G[eorge], Lt. Col. ,D25Ap77: 22-- P25Ap77: 11 Gideon, Capt. , C13N79: 13,D25Mr80: 33 Gideon, Lt. , D9Ap79: 32 James, 2S57: 41, PD4F68: 32, D26D77: 22 James, Capt. , executor of estate of 624 Joiners tools Robert Briden, 26S55: 32 of the Industry, R4D66: 31 John, adv. for runaway indentured servant, 23F39: 41 deserter, D25Mr80: 33 executed for felony, R30N69: 23 letter to, in post office. PD2Je68. 23. R17F74:33 murdered by James Smith, R260c69: 13 runaway sailor, 10Ap52: 31 store of, PD6My73: 32 vice admiral of W. Fla. , PD19N67: 13 John, Capt. , of the Lord Camden, PD290c67: 21, PD28Ja68: 31, R11F68: 31, PD18F68: 32--R18F68: 32, PD25F68: 31--R25F68: 31, PD7Ap68:23, PD26Ja69: 41, PD2F69: 23--R2F69: 22, PD21S69: 22, PD16Ag70: 32, PD4Oc70: 22--R1N70: 22, R29N70: 23, PD25J171: 22, PD8Ag71: 22, PD14Ja73: 31--R14Ja73: 32 Joseph, accident to, PD27Ag67: 23 Joshua, R26My74: 23 Lewis, naval officer in Antigua, D12F80:31 Mary, announces departure, PD7Ap68: 23 Peter, PD24My70: 33 adv. land for sale, 19J154: 42, PD30Ap67: 32, PD80c67: 13, PD24Ag69: 33, PD2N69: 32, PD7My72: 32 adv. ordinary for rent, PD5N67: 23 adv. slaves for sale, PD6N66: 23 announces dissolution of Yuille, Hylton & co. , P29My78: 32 burgess for Prince Edward co. , Va. , PD8D68: 31, R15D68: 21, PDllMy69s41 disavows bonds, PD310c71: 23 letter to, in post office, PD12Mr67: 13 plaintiff in suit, PD29Ag66: 23 signs Va. Association, PD25My69: 12 Philip, Col. ,D21S76: 12 R. , letter to James Richason, R14F71:31 Richard, adv. for runaway convict servant, R21S69: 33 adv. land for sale, PD25Mr73: 32 adv. lottery, R31Mr68: 32 col. of Va. minutemen, PlMr76: 13 on Caroline co. , Va. , committee of inspection, PD22D74: 31--Pi22D74: 32 on Caroline co. , Va. , committee of observation, Pil2Ja75: ll--D14Ja75:12 holds bonds unjustly, C19F80: 12 Robert, D15My79: 11, D10J179: 32 adv. bar iron for sale, P29My78: 41 adv. property for sale, R28D69: 13 adv. slaves for sale, R15Ag71: 21 in Orange co. , Va. , PD5F67: 32-- R19F67: 41 sells U. S. lottery tickets, D21Mr77: 11, P21Mr77s23--D28Mr77: 71 signs Association, P21Ap75s43 Samuel, PD10S72: 31, R8Ap73: 33 Stephen, PD240c71: 31 Thomas, PD6S70: 31 sheriff of Louisa co. , Va. , D23D75: 32 Thomas, Major, of Louisa co. , Va. , D23D75: 32 Thomas, Rev. Mr., Tory, P1D75: 11-- D9D75: U,P8Mr76s23 Timothy, of Newark, N. J. , PD26N72: 21 William, PD14Ja73: 31--R14Ja73: 32, PDlAp73: 32 adv. for runaway convict servant, 3F38:41 adv. land for sale, PD13Ap69: 33 adv. property for sale, PD27N66: 31 agent for settlement of Transylvania, D30S75:33 alias of James Jordan, P15Ag77: 32 plantation of, PD2F69: 32--R2F69: 23 postpones settlement of Transylvania, D29Je76:41 runaway apprentice, D21Ja75: 32 runaway indentured servant, R4F68: 42 suicide of, PD19Mr67: 32 William, Capt. ,R31Mr68: 32, R10Ag69: 33, R28D69: 13, R14F71: 31, R15Ag71:21 William, Col. , R170c71: 43 William, Pvt. , land grant to, R14Ja73: 13 Johnston, R. I. , See Boston port bill, relief from by Johnston, ship, 8Ap37: 42, PD16Ap67: 23, PD23Ap67: 31, PDUJe67: 32, R2My71: 41 — PD18Ap71: 32, D3Je75:31, D12Ag75: 33 Johnston co. , N. C. , See Dwelling houses in; Gristmills in; Houses in; Militia of; Outhouses in; Sawmills in Johnstone, Mr., slave of, R27J169: 32 Archibald, PD23My71: 31 [George], gov. of W. Fla. , announces conciliation offers, D160c78: 12 arrives in Phila. , Pa. , P19Je78: 22 attacks ministry, D26Mr79: 11 commissioner to colonies rumored, P15Mr76sl2 commissioner to Continental congress rumored, PlMr76: 22--D2Mr76: 21 conduct in Phila. , Pa. , criticized, D90c78:21 considers British forces insufficient, D3F76:13--P26Ja76:23 Creeks meet with, PD240c66: 21 criticized, D5Je79: 31 criticizes conduct of Revolutionary war, P20Mr78: 22, D29My79: 11 describes conditions in U. S. , D12F79: 12 discusses British colonial policy in Commons, D18My76: 32 discusses dangers of Boston port bill, PD9Je74: 11 discusses Quebec act in Commons, PD8S74: 11 discusses war in U. S. , D12Mr79: 12 dismissed by Congress from U. S. , D30Oc78: 22 leads expedition to South seas, D27N79: 12 leaves Eng. , D13N79: 21 opposes British policy in American revolution, P7Mr77: 11 opposes increasing British armaments, D17F76:31 opposes peace with U. S. , D17J178: 11 opposes Quebec act, PD18Ag74: 22-- R18Ag74:31 opposes taxation of colonies, P3Mr75: 32--D4Mr75: 21 opposes use of Hanoverians in British army,D3F76: 22 pardoning Hanoverian troops advocated, D17F76:41 popular support of, PilOAg75: 33-- PllAg75pl3--D12Ag75: 32 position in administration rumored. D25J177: 11 replies to accusations of Congress. D90c78: 11 speeches (text) of, Pi25My75: 31-- P26My75sll--D27My75: 11, DllMy76: 11, D18My76: 11. DUe76: 11 supports British colonies, N. Am. , D15J175: 32 supports Revolutionary war, D22My79:12 uses bribery in U.S. ,D17J179: 22 vice admiral of W. Fla. , PD18Je67: 22 James, Major Gen. , gov. of Quebec, P3F75: 42 Johnston's store, Mecklenburg co. , Va. , P28N77:31 Johnstoun, See Johnston Johnstown, N. Y. , attack on, P9F76: 22-- D10F76:31 See also Cannon taken from; Muskets taken from; Prisoners of war, British, taken from Johonnot, Peter, PD23Je74: 12 Joiner, Matthew, deserter, D9My77: 32 Joiners, adv. for, R27F72: 33 in Lancaster co. , Va. ,D14Ja75: 32 in Richmond, Va. , PD3S72: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , P7Je76: 43, P10Ja77:42 adv. of, R20My73: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD18Ja70: 41-- R18Ja70:32, PD3Ja71: 31 in Yorktown, Va. , 17Ap52: 32 compensated for injuries in Gt. Brit. , PD80c72: 31 emigrate from Leeds, Eng. , to colonies, RllAg74: 21 impressed by N. Y. general assembly, 14Ag46:31 in Boston, Mass. , PD80c67: 13 in Md. , 17F38: 31 See also Convict servants as; House joiners; Indentured servants as; Slaves as Joiners, apprentices, runaway, from Henrico co. , Va. , 14F51: 41 from Mecklenburg co. , Va. , PD5S71:32 from New Kent co. , Va. , 240c51: 31 Joiners, journeymen, adv. for, in Henrico co. , Va. ,D21S76: 32 in Shirley Hundred, Va. , P16Je75: 23 in Williamsburg, Va. , P16Je75: 23 Joiners shops, in Fredericksburg, Va. , P18Ap77s31 in Southampton co. , Va. , PD18Ja70: 33 Joiners tools, for sale, PD17D72: 31 in Gloucester co. , Va. ,D18S79: 31 in Henrico co. , Va. , PD3Ja71: 32-- R10Ja71: 33, D12D77: 21--P12D77: 32 in New Kent co. , Va. , P30c77: 23 in Newcastle, Va. , PD28S69: 23 in Northumberland co. , Va. , P310c77:31 in Richmond, Va. , PD13My73: 41 in Richmond co. , Va. , P24My76: 42 in Spotsylvania co. , Va. , R18Oc70: 23 in Sussex co. , Va. , D19D77: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , 21Mr55: 41, 30N59: 32, PDllAp66: 41, PD22D74:31-- Pi22D74: 32, D21Ja75: 31, Pi260c75: 32--P270c75: 31-- D4N75: 32, P15Ag77: 33,DlAp80: 23 found, adv. , at Martin's Hundred, Va. , 625 Joiners tools, found at (cont'd) R130c68: 32 seized from British ship, P7Je76: 23-- D8Je76: 61 stolen. R7Je70: 32 by slaves, 7N54: 41 near Kennon's warehouse, Va. , R19J170: 33 taken by convict servants, 28Ap38: 42 by slaves, R4Ag68: 31 Joiners ware, imported to James river, lower district, Va. , from New Eng. , 2Mr53: 41 from Salem, Mass. , R12Ja69: 31 imported to Rappahannock district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , 22S52: 31 imported to York district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , 3N38: 61 from R.I. ,12Ja39:42 Joiners' work, adv. of, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD9Ap72: 33, P31Mr75: 33-- DlAp75: 33 boycotted by Va. Association, PD25My69: ll--RUe69: 13 Jointers, glue, for sale, 21Mr55: 41 Joists, exported from James river, lower district, Va. , to Antigua, 29D52: 32 to Bermuda, HAp55: 22 to St. Croix, W. I. , 24N52: 31 Joliffe, Elizabeth, R15Ap73: 32 William. R4D66: 23, PD5N72: 23-- R5N72: 12, R15Ap73: 32 Jolley, Joseph, deserter, P20S76: 31 Jolly, Thomas, Capt. , of the Enterprise, D24J179: 22 of the Lively, R12Ja69: 31 of the Spy, 25Ja40: 2 Jolly, horse, P28F77s22,D8My78: 62 Jolly, Johnson &, debts due to, R18Ja70: 32 Jolly Bacchus, brig,R12Ja69: 31, PD23N69: 33--R23N69: 31 brigantine, PD4Oc70: 31--R4Oc70: 23, PD6F72:32--R6F72: 31 ship, PDllMr73:21 Jolly Batchelor, ship, 28F55: 31 Jolly Robin, privateer, 28Mr45: 31 ship, PD22D68: 23 Jolly Roger, horse, Pi30Mr75: 32, P15Mr76: 31, P7Mr77s23, D28Mr77:22- PllAp77: 31, P240c77: 33, P27Mr78:31, P3Ap78: 12, D8My78: 62, D26Mr79:31, C30Oc79: 42, D18Mr80: 33 for hire, P15Mr76: 31, P21Mr77s21 stallion, PD9My66: 31, PD23Ap67: 31 for hire, PD28Ap68: 23, PD13Ap69: 31 Jonathan Britian, pseud. , identified, PD2Ja72: 21 Jone, Elisha, Col. , of Mass. , PD22S74: 31--R22S74: 32 Jones, Capt. , 24Je37: 32, PD23My66: 22, PD12Mr67: 22, PD9Je68: 22-- R9Je68: 31, R1S74: 22, D3Je75: 31, D6Ap76: 23 captured by Americans, D13J176: 52 land of, D21Ag79: 31--C28Ag79: 33 of the Beaver, DlAg77: 21 of the Grantham, PD15Ja67: 23, PD4Ag68: 21 of the Hope,D15Ja80: 11 of the Johnston, D12Ag75: 33 of the Lucy.D6My75:32 of the Polly, PD31Ja71: 23--R14F71: 13 of the Prince Frederick, PD7N71: 21 of the Providence, D13J176: 41, D8N76: 12 of the Sally, D24Ap79: 22 Col. , commands British troops at Lexington and Concord, D3Je75: 31 house of, 2Ja52: 41 presents petition to Gov. Carleton, PD5Mr67: 23 Dr. , house saved in New York City fire,DHOc76:22 performs operation, R7F71: 31 Gen. , arrives in London from N. Y. , C27N79: 11 Lt. , killed at Lake George, 170c55: 21 of British army in Boston, Mass. , D23D75: 13 Major, deserter, D11J177: 32 Mr. , PD21D69: 32--R28D69: 13, PD20Ja74: 32--R20Ja74: 33 accused of stealing pocketbook, P19J176: 41 assemblyman in N. Y. , 23N39: 41 author, D24J179: 31 of Hampton, Va. , D19D77: 21 pilot, PD26F67: 31 recruiting officer, D28Mr77: 21 slave of, R29Ap73: 23, R3Mr74: 41 store of in Yorktown, Va. , PD14S69: 31 tavern of in New York City, PD21Ap68: 22 transported convict, 30My51: 22 Mrs. , Negroes of murdered, P19Ap76: 33 slave of,R12J170:32 A. , PD2S73: 23--R2S73: 32 of N. C. , PD5Ap70: 41 Abraham, 20Je45: 41, 4J145: 41, P28F77s21 Adam, P21F77: 31 Agnes, D13My75: 12 Albridgton, PD25J166: 33 Alice (Flood), Mrs. , PD21Ja73: 31 Allen, PD10S72: 31 adv. for runaway slaves, PD14N71: 23, PD20F72: 33, PD18Je72: 33 adv. house for sale, PD9D73: 23-- R9D73: 22 adv. land for sale, PD170c66: 41— R4D66: 42,D210c75: 32 adv. merchandise for sale, PD25F68: 31--R25F68: 31, PD310c71: 23 adv. settlement of estate of Capt. Scervant Jones, PD9D73: 23-- R9D73: 22 adv. stallion for hire,D14Mr77: 12-- P21Mr77:22 announces robbery of store, D25My76: 22 posts land, PD16Mr69: 32 store of, PD23Je74: 23 Ambrose, PD6Ag72: 31, R16Je74: 32 Anne, PD12Mr67: 32--R12Mr67: 22, R12Ja69: 32 Anne, Mrs. , PD30Ja72: 33 Benjamin, accused of robbery, PD28Ja73: 31 defendant in Boston, Mass. , court, R5S71: 22 deserter, P16My77sll, P20Je77sll, D5S77: 32--P10Oc77: 11 Betsey, marriage of, P10My76: 31 Binns, P5J176: 41 Binns, Lt. , PllAp77: 22, P230c78: 11 Brereton, 9My55: 22, R23Ap72: 32, R18N73:32 Cadwallader.P4J177:41 Catesby,D27N78: 31 Charles, D25N80: 23 adv. for runaway slave, P12S77: 13 alias of Charles Deal, PD25Oc70: 22 alias of Charles Diall. PD18Ap71: 31 deserter, D12Mr79: 32 land of, P29My78: 32 owner of Regulus, PD20Oc74: 31 Charles, Capt. , of the Virginia Packet, R8J173: 32, PD3F74: 22, PD7Ap74: 23, PD16Je74: 21 Chloe Lawson, marriage of, PDlAp73: 31 Churchill, PD13S70: 23, PD1N70: 22-- R1N70: 23, PD5Mr72: 32, R19N72: 32, PD24D72:31,P15S75: 32 Constance, D30Oc78: 41, D12F79: 42 Daniel, D5D77: 21--P5D77: 33 adv. finding horse, P12D77: 33 adv. horse, for sale, D22Ja80: 33 adv. land, for sale, R3Ag69: 31-- PD14S69: 33 adv. stallion for hire,DlAp80: 32 bond of,D3Ag76: 32 denies receiving counterfeit money, PD8Ap73: 32--R8Ap73: 21 estate of, C25D79: 12 slave of, D31J179:32 David, D12Mr79: 32 assemblyman for Queen' s co. , N. Y. , 24Je37: 32 associator for King George co. , Va. , R30Ag70: 23 letter to, in post office, PD2Je68: 23 runaway convict servant, PD2D73: 31 speaker of N. Y. general assembly, 4J15L22, 27D5L31 Dorothy, R11N73: 21 Dorothy, Mrs. , R16D73: 42 Edward, 170c51: 32, PD4F73: 32, P14N77:32,C11D79: 13 Edward, Capt. , of the Two Brothers, R8Ag66: 22 Elias, PD10D67: 32 Elizabeth, PD13My73: 33 Elizabeth, Mrs. , PDlAp73: 32 Emmanuel, 3N52: 12 acquitted by College of William and Mary,D6Je77: 21--P6Je77: 23 adv. settlement of estate of Mrs. Margaret Garrett, PD140c73: 22 adv. William and Mary college renovated, P24My76: 33--DUe76: 32 agent of Robert Necks, PD20S70: 32-- R20S70: 31 announces opening of college after epidemic, PD10Mr68: 31--R10Mr68:33 announces regulations for William and Mary terms, R30N69: 31--PD7D69: 33 attorney for Robert Necks, PD23D73:23 bond of, D3Ag76: 32 marriage of, PD7Ap74: 23 master of Brafferton, William and Mary college, D4Ap77: 21-- P4Ap77: 23 notice regarding surveyors, PD150c67: 21 requests foundationers to return to college, P21Je76: 32--D29Je76: 32 requests payment of debts, PD27Ag67: 31 slave of, PD28J174: 32 takes nails from William and Mary 626 Jones college, P28Je76: 31 Emmanuel, jr. . R2Je74: 32 Emmanuel, Rev. Mr. , death of, 1F40:41 Erasmus, P16Je75: 32, D26S77: 32 Francis, PD19N67: 23, D12F79: 42 Frederick, 20Je45: 41, 7N45: 32, 26S51:32 Gabriel, R28Mr71: 32, PD14J174: 32 adv. finding horse, 2Mr53: 42 adv. finding silver spoon, D21S76: 32 adv. for runaway slave, PD30Je74: 31-- R30Je74: 33, P16Je75: 22 adv. for slaves, R25My69: 31 agent for Benjamin Johnston, Pi21S75:32 attorney, D30S75: 32 burgess for Augusta co. , Va. , PD22D68: 23--R22D68: 12, PDllMy69s41, R3Ag69: 23, PD28S69: 22, R9N69: 11 burgess from Frederick co. , Va. , 27F52:32 calls meeting of claimants to bounty land, PD10F74: 31--R10F74: 32 clerk's notices of suits, R30My71: 23, R19My74:43,R9Je74: 22 contract for improving Hot springs, PD21F71:32 delegate to Continental congress, D26Je79: 31 plaintiff in suit, R24N68: 23 plantation of, PD6Ag72: 31 signs Va. Association, PD25My69: 12 takes orders for Virginia justice, PD21D69: 23--R18Ja70: 41 Gabriel, Capt. ;P5J176s22, P26J176: 43, P18Ap77sl2 Gabriel, Col. , PD23Ap67: 32, PD7N71: 31 George, 20Ap39: 41, PD30Ja72: 33, P13Je77: 13 Gersham, death of, PD2My71: 31 Hambleton, PD9J172: 32 Hamilton, PD28N71: 31, PD10c72: 23 - R80c72:43,D28Ja75:32 Harwood.D16Ap79:22 Harwood, Major, estate for sale, PD21Mr71: 32 Henry, deserter, P19S77: 31 Hugh, PD7N71: 31 Humphrey, soldier, P21Ag78: 11 Ichabod, Tory, PU4S75: 22 Isaac, Capt. , of the Peggy and Nancy, 310c51:22 James, R30S73: 32 adv. finding horse, 23My55: 22 adv. finding stolen horse, P21J175: 31 adv. for bids for Essex co. , Va. , prison, 28F51: 41 adv. for runaway slave, P26My75: 41-- D27My75:41 adv. land for sale, PD28Ja68: 32 adv. slaves for sale, PD10D67: 32 adv. slaves, in jail, PD13Je68: 32 bond of, D3Ag76: 32 cornet of Va. light horse company, P14Je76p22 denies sons desertion, P8Ag77: 41 deserter, P30Ag76: 41, P15Ag77: 32 letter to, in post office, R17F74: 33 on committee for Sussex co. , Va. , P7J175sl3 runaway convict servant, R22J173s21 of Sussex co. , Va. , P7J175s21 James, Capt. , of the Success, R21J168: 22 plantation of,D17F76: 33 property for sale, PD9J172: 32 James, jr. , charges Toryism in King and Queen co. , Va. , P16F76s21 adv. lots for sale, Tappahannock Va. , P230c78:31 Jane, tried for felony, PD20Oc68: 22 Jasper, Negro in Dunmore's troops, D31Ag76: 31 Jemmy, slave of, Pi21S75: 33 Jeremiah, mariner, 23Mr39: 32 slave of, R23Ap72: 32 John, PD23S73: 31--R30S73: 32 accused of horse-stealing, PD15Ja67: 33, PD2N69: 42, PD9N69: 31 adv. boats for sale, PD2J167: 32 adv. ferry, P1N76: 33--D8N76: 31, D10J178: 31 adv. ferry boats for sale, PD2Je74: 31 adv. finding cow, PD21 J174: 32 adv. finding horse, PD2My66: 32, R260c69: 32, PD7Ap74: 32, P30Ag76:42,PlN76:42 adv. finding Moses boat, PD18J171: 21 adv. finding slave, D5Mr79: 41 adv. finding steer, P2F76: 33 adv. finding pettiauger, PD11F68: 32 adv. for runaway slaves, PD10F74:32, D110c76: 71, D12D77: 21, D10J178: 31 adv. land for sale,R16F69: 22, PD18Oc70:31,R8N70: 12, PD4J171:31, PD10S72: 23 adv. lottery, PD21S69: 32 adv. merchandise for sale, 5S55: 32 adv. slaves for sale, R10Je73: 33 adv. slaves, in jail, P21 J175: 32 adv. watch repairing business, 12D55:31 alias of William Oliver, D19Je79: 32 bond of,D3Ag76: 32 burgess from Brunswick co. , Va. , PD12D71: 31 burgess from Dinwiddie co. , Va. , 19D55: 22 clerk of Dinwiddie co. , Va. , committee, P29D75: 23 deserter, 2S57: 42, P24Ja77: 31, D19D77: 32 disavows wife's debts, D20c79: 31 elected to American philosophical society, R17Mr74: 23 execution against property of, PD170c71: 23 holds lease on land, C19F80: 11-- D19F80: 33 in Hampton, Va. , R23My71: 42 land of, PD8D68: 32--R15D68: 23, R8N70: 12 merchant in Winchester, Va. , 20Oc52: 31 of S. C. , PDlS74s22 on Caroline co. , Va. , committee of inspection, PD22D74: 31--Pi22D74:32 on Caroline co. , Va. , committee of observation, Pil2Ja75: 11-- D14Ja75: 12 on Elizabeth City co. , Va. , committee of safety, P29D75: 31 on Mecklenburg co. , Va. , committee, PilJe75: ll--P2Je75: 23--D3Je75: 33 on Reading, Pa. , committee of inspection, Pi29D74: 23 on Warwick co. . Va. , committee [of correspondence]. Pi9Mr75: 33 order of, for tobacco, R9Je74: 22 outlawed from Va. , 4Ap51: 32 runaway convict servant, PD26F67: 32, PD26My74: 32-- R2Je74: 23 runaway indentured servant, 20Ap39: 41 sells lottery tickets, PD14Ja68: 32 senator in Va. , P27S76sl2, P9My77: 23 settlement of estate of, D5F80: 33 sheriff of Dinwiddie co. , Va. , R25Ja70: 11--PD15F70: 23 slave of, P3F75: 43 tobacco unclaimed of, P130c75: 32 wounded in fight in Williamsburg, Va. ,PD5D71:31 John, Capt. , of the Galetea,DlN76: 21 of the Olive, 25Ap55: 22 John, Col. ,PD21My67:31,PD5N72:43 John, Dr. , of N. Y. , PD25Je72: 32 performs operations, PD23J167: 23 John, jr. , R8N70: 12, P20D76: 23, P3Ja77s23 John, Major,D30Oc78:41,D12F79:42 John Gabriel, P21F77: 21 John Paul, Capt. , arrives in Calais, D8Ap80s21 bombards Scarborough, Eng. , C19F80: 21 capture in Holland requested by British, DllMr80: 22 captured by British, D18Mr80: 23 captures British ships, D8Ja80: 22, D12F80: 22,D8Ap80s21 cruises out of Holland, DllMr80: 12 described in action, C19F80: 21 fits out privateers in Fr. ,D14Ag79: 22 forced to sail from Amsterdam, Holl. , DlAp80: 12 of the Bonhomme Richard, D18Mr80: 12 of the Ranger, P160c78: 21 opposes ransoming ship, D15Ja80: 13 praised in Fr. ,D12F80: 23 sails from Fr. ,D30Oc79: 31, C13N79:12 John Shatford, of N. Y. , PD19Mr72: 22 Jonathan, R260c69: 32 Joseph, PD7My67: 31, R29N70: 22-- PD29N70: 23, PD24F74: 32-- R3Mr74: 42 accused of Toryism, D210c75: 31 adv. brewery for sale,D13N79: 31 adv. for bids for building Dinwiddie co., Va. , jail,D8My78:71-- P8My78s21 adv. for runaway slave, PD14My67: 32 adv. houses and lots for sale, C11D79:22--D18D79:31 adv. land for sale, PD290c67: 22, R18Ja70:42 adv. settlement of estate of John Campbell, PD4F73: 23--R11F73: 22 adv. stallion for hire, D19Mr79: 42 agent of Col. William Talliaferro, R14D69:31,R8Mr70:32 associator for King George co. , Va. , R30Ag70: 23 burgess from King George co. , Va. , PD5D71:31,PD4Ag74:23 627 Jones, Joseph (cont'd) chairman of King George co. , Va. , committee of observation, D28Ja75: 23 declines election to Continental congress, P12D77: 22 delegate to Continental congress from Va. , P23My77: 23 delegate to Va. convention from King George co. ,DlAp75: 21 Joseph, delegate to Va. general assembly from King George co. , P9My77: 23 describes passage at sea, R14J168: 31 directs lottery to build church in Fredericksburg, Va. , R14J168: 32 elected to Continental congress, C18D79: 11--D18D79: 21 estate of, D17Ag76: 22, D4J177: 11 letter to, in post office, PD18F68: 31 manages sale of imported goods, D28Ja75: 23 on Va. committee for rebating damaged tobacco, RlAg71: 11 of King George co. , Va. , P18J177: 23 praise of, D11N75: 32 quarrel with Isaac Hall,DllN75: 31 takes orders for Virginia justice, PD21D69: 23--R18Ja70: 41 Joseph, & co. , store of,R2D73:31 Joshua, PD22Mr70: 33 Josiah, deserter, P8N76: 41 Kennon, adv. escheated property for sale, D18D79: 22, D12F80: 33, C13My80: 41 adv. finding horses, RlAg71: 42 horse of,D26Mr79: 32,D16Ap79: 32 Kinnibrough, PD14My72: 31 Lewellin, R16N69: 41, PD15Ag71: 32, PD8Ap73: 32--R8Ap73: 21, D25J177:41--P25J177:32 Lewelling, Capt. , of Va. light horse company, P14Je76p22, P21Mr77: 12, D5D77:21--P5D77:33 Lewis, bridge of, PD7D69: 41 Llewelling, defendant in Chancery court, PD14My72: 23 Lodowick, of Middlesex co. , Va. , Pil5Je75: 21--D17Je75: 31, P7J175s22, P15S75s22, Pu270c75: 21, P13D76: 23, P18Ap77s33 Lunsford. P16My77sll, P4J177sll, P8Ag77: 41 Lydia, Mrs. ,PD4J171: 32 Marmaduke, of N. C. , PD19D71: 21 Mary, PD16Mr69: 32, PD26Ag73: 31 of N. C. , PD3N74pll Mary. Mrs. , PD16Mr69: 32, D4N75: 32, P18J177:23,D16Ap79:22 Matthew, PD 3 0Ag7 0:31 of N. C. ,PD10S72:31 Matthew, Pvt. , land grant to, R14Ja73: 13 Minitree, P29Mr76: 32 Molly (Macon), Mrs. , PD7Ap74: 23 Moses, suspected of arson, PD3D72: 22 Mosias, of Albemarle co. , Va. , R25Ja70: 11--PD15F70: 23 Nat.P15Ag77: 12 Nathan. P310c77: 13, P21Ag78: 32 Nelson, PD19Ap70: 32, PD4J171: 32 Noble Wymberley, of Ga. , D25Mr75: 22, Pi20Ap75: 21 Orlando, PD31Ja71: 32, PD28Mr71: 32 Owen, Negro in Dunmore's troops, D31Ag76: 31 robbed in Phila. . Pa. , PD5Ag73: 21-- R5Ag73: 22 Pearson, Pi9N75: 32--P10N75: 31 Peter, 4J145: 41 adv. finding horse. PD7S69: 33, PD28S69: 32, R5Ag73: 31, R18Ag74: 32, P11J177:43 adv. finding steer, P16Je75: 32 adv. for deserter, P5S77: 33 adv. for missing horse. D26D77: 31 adv. for runaway slaves, PD7D69: 32-- R7D69: 32, PD8N70: 32 adv. land for sale, 20Je45: 41 deserter, D12Mr79: 32 tobacco of, R14Ap68: 24 Peter, Capt. , company of, P14N77: 33 Peter, jr. , PD19D71: 32, P29Ag77: 42, D19D77: 42 Peter, Lt. ,D10Ag76:62 Peter, sr. , PD240c66: 31, R12J170: 43, PD21F71:33 Philip, 24Ja51: 41 Negro in Dunmore's troops, D31Ag76:31 Philip, Capt. ,D5D77: 21--P5D77: 33 Reuben, P14N77: 32 Richard, 25Ap51: 32 Richard, adv. estate of Isaac Wilcocks, PD13S70: 23 adv. finding heifer, PD30J167: 33 adv. finding horses, 2Mr53: 42, PD23Je68: 31, PD13S70: 32, P20D76: 31 adv. land for sale, R3Ag69: 31-- PD14S69: 33 deserter, D9My77: 31 testifies to reputation of Zachariah Gardner, P21Ag78: 13 tobacco of, R14Ap68: 24 Richard, Capt. , D30c77: 12 Richard, jr. , P7Mr77: 32 Richard, sr. , D12Ag75: 41, D26Ag75: 33, P10J178: 42 Robert, 19J154: 42 adv. finding cattle, R25My69: 41 adv. finding horses, PD22N70: 33, P21N77: 43 adv. property of Capt. James Jones, PD9J172: 32 adv. runaway apprentice, PD13Je66: 32 adv. sale of estate, 28F51: 41 burgess from Surry co. , Va. , 30Ja52:32,27F52:32 character defended, PD19Mr72: 23 deserter, PllAp77s41 estate of, for sale, PD170c71: 31— R170c71:31 land of, for sale, R10Ja71: 33 on Sussex co. , Va. , committee, P7J175sl3 watchmaker of Liverpool, Eng. , PD23Je74: 23 Robert, jr. , 21F51: 41, PD170c66: 41-- R4D66:42,RllOc70:32, PD10c72: 23--R80c72: 43 attorney general of N. C. , PD21Mr66: 11, PD27Ag67: 21 Robert, Pvt., land grant to, R14Ja73: 13 Robert, sr. , land of, P15Ag77: 12 Robert S. , manager of American manufactory, P31Mr75s23 Roland, Pi24N74: 33 Rolin, PD170c71: 23 Rolling, slave of, PD150c72: 23 Rowland, PD31Ja71: 32, Pi20Ja76: 32 Samuel, PD20N66: 23, PD7My67: 32, D28Ja75: 33. P29N76: 31. P20D76s23 of Chowan co. . N. C. , Pi30Mr75: 22 Sarah, Mrs., P21F77:41 Scervant (Servant), Capt. , R28Ja73: 32-- PD4F73:31, PD4F73: 23, PD9D73:23--R9D73:22 Solomon, D19D77: 32 Tabitha, Mrs. , D20c79: 31 Thomas, PD29Je69: 33 adv. estate of George White, PD290c72: 22--R290c72: 23 adv. finding cattle, PD16Ap67: 32, P30Ag76: 42 adv. finding horses, PD290c67: 23. R29Ap73: 33. P3Ja77s23, P12D77: 33 adv. for missing horses, 25Ap51: 32 adv. for runaway slave, PD29Ja67: 33, R6F72: 33 adv. land for sale, HAp51:41, R12My74:43 adv. plantation for sale, PD7J174: 32, D160c78:32--P160c78: 11 adv. settlement of estate of John Jones, D5F80: 33 adv. settlement of estate of Matthew Branch, D6N79: 32 adv. slave for sale, R270c68: 32 adv. stallion for hire, DllAp77: 61 announces removal to Ky. , D31J179:31 chairman of Northumberland co. , Va. , committee, Pi2Mr75: 22 delegate to Va. convention from Northumberland co. , Va. , DlAp75:21 deserter, P14N77: 33, D12Mr79: 32 estate of, for sale, D28F77: 32 executed for horse stealing, 28Ja37:41 horse breeder, PllAp77s32 indentured servant of, R290c69: 31 land of, 10F38: 32, 10F38: 41 letter to, in post office, PD12Mr67: 13 runaway convict servant, 18S46:41, R9Je68: 34 runaway indentured servant, PD7Ja68: 33 runaway seaman, 18Ap45: 42 tobacco unclaimed of, P18Ag75: 42, C27N79:23 Thomas, Capt. , of the Four Brothers, PD14Ap74: 31--R17Mr74: 23 of the Mary, D18J177:21 of the Three Brothers, PD10Mr74: 31 Thomas. Col. . 15D52: 32, P10My76: 31 Thomas, Judge, R15D68: 13, D29Ja80: 31 Thomas, jr. , PlAg77: 32 Vinkler, PDlAp73: 32, PD13My73: 33 Walter, D20N79: 22 Walter, Dr. ,R14Ap74:21 arranges shipping of relief for Boston, Mass. , P17F75s22 arrives in Norfolk, Va. , PD29N70: 21 declines appointment as military physician, P25J177:21 elected to Amer. Philosophical Society, R17Mr74: 23 marriage of, PD21Ja73: 31 surgeon general of American hospitals, P27Je77: 11 William, R12My74: 43. PD7J174: 32, D160c78: 32-- R160c78: 11. D30Oc78: 41-- P230c78:31 628 Joyne accused of horse stealing. P19Ap76:41. P250c76:32.D6N78: 32 accused of robbery. 22Je39: 32 adv. finding cattle, PD17S72: 31 adv. finding horses, PD26D71: 32, PD23Je74: 31. P31Mr75s23. D25Ap77: 31. D16My77: 32 adv. for lost trunk. PD22Ag71: 33 adv. for missing horse, PD14Mr71: 32 adv. for runaway slaves. R20Je71: 41. R6F72: 41. R25Mr73: 33, P19S77: 13 adv. herring for sale, P8Ag77: 42 adv. horse for sale. D7Mr77: 41 adv. land for sale. R19N72: 32, PD24D72:31. P7Mr77:21, D13N78:22 adv. plantation for sale, PD8S74:31 adv. settlement of estate of Henry Duke, D18J177: 32--P18J177: 12 bond of, D3Ag76: 32 convicted of felony. R24Mr68: 33 deserter. P180c76: 31. P13Je77: 12, D19D77:32.D12Mr79:32 executed for felony. PDUe69: 23 — RUe69:31 horse of. D20c79: 31 land of. R1D68:41 letter of. PDllAp66:41 plaintiff in Chancery court, PD290c72:23 sentenced for felony, RllMy69: 32 — PDllMy69s33 sentenced for horse stealing, P24 Ja77: 23 store of. R6F72: 32 testifies for Wm. Taylor. 2S37: 32 tried for felony, PD21Ap68: 23 tutor in Brickell family. PD2Ap67: 32 William, sr. . PD17Mr68: 32, P12S77:33 William. Sir, author, 24My51: 32 Willie, PD170c66: 41--R4D66: 42. PD9J167: 33— R23Je67: 41, PD170c71: 31--R170c71: 31, D14Mr77: 41--P21Mr77s23, D24Ap78:41. P230c78: 33 Willie. (Wylie) of N. C. . PD16My71: 31 — R23My71:33. PD7N71:31 — R21N71:33 chairman of Halifax co. , committee of observation, Pil2Ja75: ll--D28Ja75: 23, P31Mr75sl3 replies to Honestus. PD19Mr72: 23, PD5N72: 32 sells hogs to army. D20D76: 22 — P20D76:21 takes subscriptions for Pinkney's Va. gazette, P16My77: 13 — D23My77: 32 Wood, of Amelia co. , Va. . 27F52: 32, 4N63:42, PD240c66: 23. PD8Ap73: 31--R8Ap73: 12 Wood, Capt. . 5Mr52: 31 Zachariah, sentenced for manslaughter, P24Ja77:22 Jones, Farel (Farrell) &. R270c68: 32, PD24Je73: 32--R24Je73: 33 Jones. Thornton, Woodford &, D10J178:41 Jones & Clarke. PD210c73: 22 Jones & Hooper, bond of, Pi6Ap75sl2 — P7Ap75:32--D8Ap75:33 Jones & Woodford. PDllAg74: 33 — R18Ag74: 32 Jones Hole church, Prince George co. , Va. . PD18Oc70: 32--R18Oc70: 22 Jonesten. William, alias of James Jurden, P28N77: 31 Jopling, Thomas. D14Je80: 41 Joppa, Md. , See Stamp act, repeal celebrated in Joram. Thomas, bond of. P2Ag76: 23 Jordan. Capt. . of the Galatea, D22My79:21 of the Fowey. R10Je73: 31 Miss, marriage of. PD22Mr70: 22 Mr. , PD2My66: 12 agent of Lord Baltimore, PD28Mr66: 33 land of. P5J176: 33 mill of. C3J179:41 wounded in battle of Bunker Hill, P22J175s22--D29J175: 31, Pi6D75: 21— D9D75: 13 Adam. D27My75: 41 Benjamin, 29My46: 41 Francis, PD13N66: 21, PD11D66: 32 — R11D66: 31 George, of N. C. , PD31Ja71: 33 George. Capt. , of the Nancy, PD26N67: 22 Jacobus, 25Ap55: 31, R27Ap69: 31 James, adv. estate of Josiah, Chowning. R23Ap72: 42, R220c72. 31 adv. for lodgers, D3Je75: 33 defends behavior of Col. Andrew Donnolly. D24Ap79: 31 deserter, P15Ag77: 32 indentured servant in Md. , R20Je71: 41 runaway indentured servant. PD20Ap69:31 Jeremiah, 4N63: 42. R20Je71: 41 John, deserter, P28F77s21 John, speaks at College of N. J. , PD280c73:22 John, Lt. , recruiting officer, P230c78: 11 John, M. , adv. estate of William Jordan. 22Ap57: 32 John Morton, agent for Md. , PD28D69: 22 Joshua, Pvt. , land grant to, R14Ja73:13 Lewis, sells concert tickets, RllMy69:41 Matthew, 9My55: 22, PD21J174: 32 Nancy. PD210c73: 22— R210c73: 21 Peggy, marriage of, PD2 Je74: 22 Reuben, R9Je68: 34 Robert. PD5S66s41, PD14D69: 31. PD20Oc74: 32 Robert, jr. . P160c78: 23 S. . Col. ,PD15Ag66:32 Samuel, 20Mr52: 31. 12D55: 31. P2Ag76: 32 Samuel, Col. , PD22Ag71: 33, R5S71.41. PD12Ag73:23 Thomas. 4J145: 41. R30Ag70: 23 Thomas. Capt. , PD18F68: 31 of the Minerva. 14Ag52: 22 of the Vulture, R17Ja71: 33 Thomas Pleasants, R22Mr70: 32 William. 22Ap57: 32. PD16Ap67: 32, PD18J171:22 Jordan, ship, PD11D66: 23, PD270c68: 31 — R270c68: 22. PD270c68: 33 — R270c68: 22. PD3N68. 23 — R3N68: 33, PD3N68: 31, PD10N68: 22 Joi dan's, Prince George co. . Va. , D31Ja77: 72 — P31Ja77: 32 Jordan's bridge. Nottoway river. Va. , 20Je51:41 Jordan's warehouse, Va. , 16Ag51: 32 Jordin, Charles, deserter, P8Ag77: 32 Benjamin, land of, R15N70: 32 Joscelin and Lone, ship, 80c36: 32 Josea, William, deserter. P18J177sl2 Joseph II, emperor, anecdotes about, PD27S70: 21, PD24Ja71: 21 character sketch of, R26Ag73sll letters of (text), PD24My70: 11 interview with Frederick the Great, R190c69:23 supports Jesuits, PD15J173: 21 to visit England. PD16Ag70: 32, PD8Ap73:22 Joseph, privateer. P3Ja77sll ship, 13My37: 42 sloop. D7Ja75: 23, Pi2F75: 23, Pi28S75:31, P22Mr76: 13 Joseph and John, ship, 2Je38: 41, 24Ag39: 3, 2N39: 2. 25Ja40: 3. 29My46: 4 sloop, 4Ag38: 42. Je39: 31, 10Ag39: 32, 29My46:4 Joseph and Sarah, PD20Ja74: 23 Josephs, (coats), adv. . in Brunswick co. , Va. , PD4F68:32 Josephus. [Flavius], author, PD25F68: 41 Josiah, James, Lt. , prisoner of war, D24Ag76:22, D7S76: 21 Joslin. William, boatswain. PD13Ag72: 22 Jouet. John.D10Oc77:22,D7N77: 22 Jouett, Mr., land of, 21 Mr4 5: 42 John, 8Ag51: 41, P160c78: 41 M. , adv. for deserters, P25Ap77: 31 Jouett' s ordinary, Hanover co. , Va. , PD21Mr66: 42, PD12N67: 23 Jouit's (Juett's) ordinary, Louisa co. , Va. , Pi9F75: 33, D12S77:22 — P19S77: 22 Jouitt. Matthew, R19F67: 33 Jourdain & Le Gron. PD21Je70: 31 — R12Je70:32 Jourdan, M. , runaway French seaman, P18J177sll Edmund, signs Quaker petition to Va. burgesses, 17N38: 41 Matthew, Quaker, 17N38: 41 Samuel, Quaker, 17N38: 41 Journal of occurences, reprinted R17N68: 11, PD1D68:21, R15D68: 11, PD15D68: 12, R12Ja69:21, R19Ja69: 21, PD9F69: 23, PD9Mr69: 13, R9Mr69: 21, PD27Ap69: 13, PD25My69:21 Journeymen, in London, Eng. , 21F51:22 See also under names of trades Joy, John, signs address to Gov. Hutchinson, PD23Je74: 12 Obadiah, of Providence, R. I. , PD13J169:22 William, plaintiff in Chancery court. 8My52:31 Joy Planter, ship. D9My77: 21 Joye. Capt. . to Eng. from Halifax. N. S. , D13J176: 61 Joyne. Abel. Capt. . of the Anne, PD270c68:42 Edmond. Capt. . PD22D68. 31 629 Joyne (cont'd) Edmund, Capt. , of the Endeavour, PD23Je68:23— R7J168 21, PD30Je68: 23--R7J168: 22, PD8S68p22, PD270c68: 42, PD270c68: 43, PD17N68: 22 of the Nancy, PD5S66s43, PD3D67: 31 of the Sally, R25D66: 13 Reuben, Capt. , of the Jeany and Sally, PD31Mr68: 22--R14Ap68: 41, PD7J168:23--R7J168:21 of the Sally, PD270c68: 42 Joyner, Nehemiah, deserter, 3 J146: 32 Thomas, of N. C. , D20D76: 22 — P20D76:21 Joynes, Levin, Capt. , P23Ag76: 33 Joze, Capt. , of the Neptune, D12F79:22 Joze, ship,D12F79:22 Juan, Spanish ship, 23D37: 31 Juan Fernandez is. , sailor marooned on, 14F51: 12 Juba, ship, PDllAg68: 31, R18Ag68s22- - PD25Ag68: 31, PD22D68: 31, PD23Mr69: 33 slaves imported on, PDllAg68: 31 snow. PD8S68: 31 Jubber. Capt. , of the London, PD22Ja67:21 Jubeart, John, counterfeiter, RUe69: 22, PD17Ag69: 13 Jubilee, ship, 7Mr51: 31, 6F52: 31, 30Ap52:21, 270c52: 21 Judah, Capt. , of the Greyhound, PD26N72:21 Mr. , store of in Dominica, W. I. . PD2N69: 12 Judd, Capt. , of the Alfred, 28Mr45: 31 of the Ramsgate frigate, 18N37: 41 Judd's ferry, Goochland co. , Va. , PD8S74: 32 Jude, John, 4N63: 22, R130c68: 32 Jude's ferry. PD1N70: 23— R1N70: 23 in Goochland co. . Va. , D90c79: 32 in King and Queen co. , Va. , PD16Ap72:32 Judey, Henry, R190c69: 33 Judges, in British colonies, N. Am. , financial support by king opposed in Boston, Mass. , R6My73: 23 Judia, John, R24D67: 42, PD22N70: 31 Judith, ship, 12D51: 32, 270c52: 21, 10N52: 22, 17N52: 22, 19J154: 31, 7N54:31 sloop, HAp51: 32. 25J151: 32, 16Ag51:32,3J152:32 Judkins. Charles, 27Ag56: 42, Pi2F75:21, P8Mr76s23 Charles. Capt. , Pi24Ag75: 33 Gray, of Sussex co. . Va. , P25Ap77: 22 [Gray], Capt. , of Sussex co. , Va. militia, P7J175s21 Jesse, P23Ag76: 33 Samuel, 6F52: 32, P7J175s23, PllAg75p23 Jueit, See Jouet(t), Jouit(t) Jugglers, in China, discussed. PD28Ja73:21 Jugs, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 12Mr52: 31 See also Cream jugs; Earthen jugs; Stone jugs Jugs. Dutch, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22 Jugs, water, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. ,PD270c74:31 Juice, See Licorice juice Juice, Spanish, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 5S51: 32, 30Ap52: 32, PD4Je67: 33 Julia and Betsey, ship, PD27Ag67: 23, PD26N67: 23, PD28Ja68: 31 — R4F68: 31, PD26My68: 22 — R9Je68: 32, PD2Je68: 23 Julian, Mrs. , PD12S71: 32 tavern of, PD9J172: 31, D15Ag77: 61 — P15Ag77: 32 Charles, 10J152:41 John, announces dissolution of Mercer & Julian, P9F76: 32 John, Dr.,R26S71:32, PD9J172: 31, D12F80:33 Julian, ship, 2S57: 21 Juliana, pseud. , 8Ap37: 21 ship, 29Ap37: 42, 5Ag37: 42, 19Ag37: 32, 18N37: 41, P16J175: 32, PU3J175: 22— P14J175sll — D15J175: 12 transport, D17F76: 32 Julien, Joseph, Capt. , D30Oc79: 21 Juliers, duchy of, 10N38: 12, 19Ja39: 12, 26Ja39: 22, 15Je39:21 ceded to house of Sultzbach, lAp37:21 claims to, 14Ja37: 22, 21 Ja37: 22, 4F37: 21, 4Mr37: 32, 3Je37: 21, 3Je37: 31. 8J137: 21, 16S37: 21, 11N37: 22, 17Mr38: 11, 19My38: 21, 30Je38: 11, 15S38: 31, 29S38: 22, 3N38: 11, 15D38: 12, 26Ja39: 21, 30Mr39: 12, 22Je39: 21, 6J139: 21, 27J139: 31, 7S39: 11, 9N39: 11, R16F69: 11 Julius Caesar, ship, Pil90c75: 21 — P20Oc75:21 Julius Scaliger. pseud. , Pil3Ap75: 41 Jump, Capt. , of the Seahorse, 6Je51: 32 George, PD23My71: 23 Jumping contest, in Hanover co. , Va. , 26N36:41 Jumpmakers, adv. of, in Norfolk, Va. , PD12My68: 23— R12My68: 24 Jumps, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD13Ap69: 32--R13Ap69: 31 June, H. M.S., 16Ja61:31 ship, PD9N69: 22 Juniata river, Pa. , See Indian attacks on Juniper, boats built of, PD30Ja72: 33 horse, PD21Mr66: 41, R8Ag66: 41, PllAp77:21,D28N77:22 Juniper, oil of, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 18J151: 41, 30Ap52: 32 Juniper timber, in Hertford co. , N. C. , D12F79:41 in Norfolk, co. , Va. , PD1J173: 33 in Pasquotank co. . N. C. , PD9Ap72: 32 — R23Ap72:41 Junis, Enoch, Capt. , R15Mr70: 41 Junius, pseud. , PD23N69: 13, PD15F70: 12, R7Je70: 12, R14Je70: 12, R30My71: 21. PD16Ja72: 21, PillMy75:22 anecdotes about, PD18Oc70s22 — R18Oc70:21 attacked. PD30Ap72: 22 attacked by king, R21F71: 21 attacks George m, R8Mr70s31 Lord Mansfield, PD9J172: 12 ministry (text), R18Ja70: 12 parliament, R23Ag70: 21 Sir William Draper (text), RllJa70: 22 comments on Lord Mansfield, PD30Ja72: 23 criticism of, PD5Ap70: 11 criticized, PD22Mr70: 11, D4N75: 21 in England, PD30Ag70: 12 in London, England, R27S70: 11 discovery of real name rumored, PD17S71:22 discusses clergy, R21Ap74: 21 discusses (text) convention with Sp. . PD25Ap71: 22 discusses privilege of parliament, PD20Je71: 32— R20Je71: 11 effect of letters, R15Mr70: 11 essay in criticism of, R30Ag70: 11 failure to attack North explained, PD12Mr72: 22 identity discussed, PD8Mr70: 23 identity guessed, PD4Ap71: 21, identity known, R15Mr70: 21 identity questioned, PD14Je70: 22 identity rumored, R170c71: 13, PD240c71: 21, PD310c71: 21, PD26D71: 21, PD12Mr72: 13, R7Ap74: 23 identity unknown, R12Mr72: 21 letter about Duke of Grafton opposed, R26S71: 13 about Earl of Suffolk, PD170c71: 21 — R170c71:22 about Gen. Burgoyne cited, Pil5Je75: 31--P16Je75s23 — D17Je75sl2 from Cato, pseud. , R280c73: 11 from John Home Tooke, R21N71: 12 to British people, R21My72: 11 to Duke of Grafton (text), R19Ap70: 13, PD23Ja72: 31, R27F72: 13, R12Mr72: 13 to George HI (text), D7Mr77: 22 to John Home Tooke (text), PD26S71:22,R310c71: 11 to Lord Camden, R23Ap72: 11 to Lord Mansfield (text), R21F71: 11, R12Mr72: 13 to Lord North (text), R8N70: 21, PD29N70: 12 to Lord Townshend (text), PD310c71: 12— R310c71: 22 letters of, reprinted in America, PD5Ap70: 32 neglected by newspapers, PD19N72: 21 on education of Prince of Wales, R14Je70: 11 opinions against, PD12S71: 22 opinions against king, PD26S71: 22 opposes ministry in Eng. , PD29Je69: 13-- R29Je69: 12 opposition to, PD12S71: 12 papers by, printed in London, Eng. , Pi28Ap75: 32 plagiarized, Pi2N75: 21 popular opinions of, PD26D71: 21 popular support declines, PD12Mr72: 23 praised, R15Mr70: 22, PD13F72: 22 writings criticized, PD2Ja72:21 writes history of George in rumored, PD26D71: 22 630 Juventus Junius, horse, for hire, P15Mr76: 31, P7F77:32,D28M r 77:22, DllAp77: 61,D26D77:21 Junius Americanus, pseud. . R14D69: 12, PD7Je70: 11, R170c71: 12, PD310c71: 22, PD12D71: 22, PD26D71:23,R8J173:21, PD16S73:22, Pil5Je75: 32 addresses Lord Hillsborough, R26N72: 11 letter criticizing Gen. Gage, Pil5D74:23 to Gen. Gage (text), R1S74: 12, Pi270c74: 13 letters to Earl of Dartmouth, PD210c73:ll of Arthur Lee, R19My74: 31, PD16Je74sl2 publication of writings defended, R27F72:23 writings criticized, PD2Ja72: 31 Junius Brutus, pseud. , R30My71: 13 Junk, captured by Americans, D13Ja76: 42 Junk (rope), for sale, in Hampton, Va. , P3Ap78: 22 Junk (salted beef), for sale, in Portsmouth, Va. , P18J177sll Junkison, William, & co. , butchers, PD4Oc70: 32— R4Oc70: 31 Juno, brig, PDllJe67: 22 brigantine, PD8Ap73: 21 British ship, D40c76: 62, D1N76: 12 frigate, 28Ag52: 21, PD9My71: 22, D5F80: 22 frigate of war, PD5N72: 23 — R5N72: 12 H. M S. , PD31Ja71: 22, PD27F72: 23 — R27F72:23, PD27F72: 31, PD30Ap72: 13, PD13Ag72: 22, D10Ag76:22 ship, PD28D69: 31, PD25J171: 22, PD10Oc71: 31, PD170c71: 23, R170c71: 33, PD14N71: 22, PD23Ap72: 23, PD290c72: 21 — R290c72: 23, PD17D72: 23, PD13My73: 23, R10Je73: 33, PD24Je73: 31. PD28Ap74: 22, PD1S74:31--R1S74:33, PD130c74: 22, PD20Oc74: 31 — Pi20Oc74: 32, D29Ap75: 32, P4Ag75p21, Pil4S75: 11, P21Je76:21--D22Je76: 51, P28Je76: 13, P12D77: 12 sloop, PD220c72: 13 snow. PD12Ag73: 31 transport, P29D75sl2 Junon, French man of war, [lOJa ?]51: 31 French ship, D12F79: 22 Jupiter, H. M.S. ,D12F79:21, D4S79: 22, D20c79: 12, D25D79: 21, DllMr80:21 horse, for hire, D25Mr75: 33 planet, observations on, R31Mr74: 23 in London, Eng. , R220c72: 12 seen in Eng. , P10F75: 11 ship, 15S38: 31, PD12Ag73: 13 — R25Ag73s22, R26Ag73: 21, D24Ap79:21 Jura island, Scot. , See Privateers, Irish, capture British ships in; Ships, Spanish, captured by French in; Ships, Spanish, captured by Irish in Jurden, James, deserter, P28N77: 31 Juridicus, pseud. , PD25Ag74: 21 Juries, essay on, PD22J173: 11 in Va. , criticized, PD12D71: 31 election regulations proposed, PD19My74: 42— R19My74: 41 investigation proposed in England, R21Mr71: 13, PD21Mr71: 22, R28Mr71: 12 refuse to serve, in Boston, Mass. , PD22S74:32--R22S74:32 Juries, British, decide verdict by coin toss, 60c52:21 instructions to, PD27J169: 31 Juries, coroner's, origin in Eng. explained, R15J173: 11 Jurisprudence, taught in New Kent co. , Va. , RlMr70: 22 Jurnegan, Henry, PD2F69: 23 Just, Johann August, composer, PD29Ag71: 31, PD17S72: 22 Juste, ship, 7N55:21 Justice, Catharine, Mrs. , slave of, PD16Ap72: 32— R23Ap72: 41, PD 13 My 73: 42 Henry, transported for stealing, 26N36:21 James, author, C19Ag80: 21 John. PD210c73: 22— R210c73: 21 Ralph, Capt. , of the Burwell, 26S55:31 Richard, Capt. , of the George, PD14Ap74: 13 of the Peggy, PD270c68: 42, PD270c68: 43, PD17N68: 22, PD22D68: 31 Justices warrants, blank, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 16F39: 42 Justicia, ship, R14Ap68: 32, R16F69:31.R26J170:23 Justin, author, PD7J168: 31, PD3Ja71: 43, PD17Ja71: 43, PD7F71: 43, PD21F71: 43, PD10Je73: 34, D30D75:21,D2Mr76:43, D24Ag76: 63 Justitia, ship, R8Ag66: 22— PD15Ag66: 23, PD290c67: 21, PD5N67: 31, R14Ap68: 32, PD7J168: 23, R25Ag68: 32, R22S68: 23, R22S68: 34, R22D68: 12, PD22D68: 32— R22D68: 13, R26Ja69:31,R16F69:31, R21S69:23, RlMr70: 31, R8Mr70s32, R28Mr71: 32, PD28Mr71: 32--R28Mr71: 33, PD20F72: 32, PD27F72: 33 — R27F72: 31, PD9Ap72: 33, PD16Ap72: 31, R6My73s22, PD12Ag73: 31, PD26Ag73: 32 — R26Ag73: 31, PD3Mr74: 21, PD10Mr74: 32--R10Mr74: 32, PD12My74pll— R12My74: 33, P17Mr75s42, Pil6Mr75: 33 — P17Mr75s43--D18Mr75: 33, D18Mr75: 32, Pi28Ap75: 41 — P21Ap75: 32--D22Ap75: 33, D29Ap75s42, PilJe75:41, D10Je75: 33, P12J175: 32 Jutland coast, See Ships lost on Juvenal, author, PD7J168: 31, PD3Ja71: 43, PD17Ja71: 43, PD7F71:43, PD21F71:43, PD10Je73: 34, DllF75s23, D24Ag76: 63. D30c77: 32 Juvenile delinquency, in Gt. Brit. , PD20My73: 11 in London, Eng. , R130c68: 14, PD2F69: 13 Juvenis, pseud. , PD16N69: 41, PD14D69: 41, D3Ag76: 22, D27S76: 32, D27S76:61 Juventus, pseud. , 18Ja40: 31 631 K Kadou. John, D17J179:32 Kaeeve, Peter, deserter, P8Ag77: 33 Kain, Capt. , of the Mercury, PD8D68: 13 Kair, Mr. , of St. Vincent island, W. I. , PD14Ja73: 22 Kakiate, N. Y. , See French navy expected in Kalb, Baron de, Gen. , in Petersburg, Va. , P25J177: 23 Col. , accident to, R10Mr68: 31 Kale seeds, for sale, in Richmond, Va. , PD10Oc71: 32 Kallock, Capt. ,PD80c72:31 Kalm, Peter, travels in America, 9My51: 11, PD19N72: 12 Kalophilos, pseud. , PD29D68: 23 Karnes, Lord (Henry Home), PD17N74: 12, PD24N74: 13, D4Mr75: 12 Kamper, Peter, R25My69: 41 Kanawha river, See Land, bounty in French and Indian war on Kareck is. , captured by Mirmahana from Dutch, PD12S66: 21 Karnaba, corsair, 28Mr45: 31 Kaskaskia, 111. , See Murders by Indians in Kate, cutter, D27N79: 11 Katey, schooner, R8S74: 31 Katharine, ship, PD7D69: 31 Kather, John, P28Ap75: 23 Katherine, ship, 19Ag37: 32, 270c52:21, 17N52: 22, 29D52:32. P9Je75:21 Katherine and Leanora, ship, 25Ag38:41 Katie, brig, PD23S73: 23 ship, PD7J168: 31--R7J168: 23, PD15F70: 22, PD30Ag70: 31, PD28Mr71: 31, PD16My71: 23, PD22Ag71: 41, PD7My72: 23, PD80c72: 31--R80c72: 23, PD6My73: 22— R6My73: 23, PD23D73: 23--R23D73: 32, PD10Mr74: 23 Kating Arthur, indentured servant, PD21D69:23 Katon, Mr. , D7F77: 32 Kattar, Alexander, Capt. , of the Warren, 20Je45: 32 Kattie, ship, PD17D67: 31, PD26My68: 22 — R9Je68:32, PD13J169: 32 Kattur, Capt., HAp51:32 Katty, ship, PD2N69: 31, PD23N69: 31 — R23N69: 23 Katy, ship, PD290c67: 21 Kayashota (Indian), friendly to British, Pi24N74: 32 Kayasuta, Seneca chief, PD3D72: 12 — R3D72: 22 Keais, Capt. , of the Nancy and Sukey, PD8S68: 22 Kean, Alexander, 14Ag52: 31 Thomas, actor in Williamsburg, Va. ,240c51:22, 17Ap52: 31 Kearfatt, William, PD10Oc66: 42 Kearnes, John, P6Mr78: 42 Kearny, Philip, of N. J. , PD2My66: 31 Kearsley, Mrs. , of Phila. , Pa. , D240c77. 11— P240c77: 22 John. Dr. , 210c37: 22, PD30Ja72: 32 Kearsly, John, Dr. , Tory, P270c75s22, P3N75: 23 Keating, Lt. , of Ga. rangers, R10Mr74:21 Geoffry, author, PD29Ag71: 33 John, injured in accident, PD17Mr74: 22 Michael, Capt. , of the Morning-Star, 16My55: 12 Richard, Capt. , PD2F69: 22 Keatting, John, convict servant, RllAg68: 31 Keay, Philip, PD29N70: 31 K'Dore, John, D17J179: 32 Keble, Joseph, author, 24My51: 32 Kee, James, of Surry co. , Va. , PD21J174p22— R21J174: 31, Pi24Ag75: 21— P25Ag75: 72 — D26Ag75:31,P8Mr76s23 Keeble, Capt. , libelant in Admiralty court, R27N66: 21--PD4D66: 22 of the Adventure, 3Ap46: 41 of the Gloucester, R27N66: 21 — PD4D66: 22 Abraham, Capt. , of the Portsmouth, R12Ja69:31 Absolam, Capt. , of the Dorothy, R8Ag66: 31 George, Capt. , of the Lucy, PD10F74: 23, R8S74: 31 Humphrey Capt. , of the James, PD7J168: 31— R7J168: 23, RllAg68: 24 of the Julia and Betsey, PD27Ag67: 23 Robert, Capt. , of the Friendship, PD6Ja74: 32, PD10Mr74: 31 Walter, ship builder, RllMy69: 33, R2N69: 32 Keef, John, suspected of fraud, 15My52:31 Keeff, John, adv. painting business, 18Ap51: 32 Keel, Capt. , of the Sturdy Beggar, P4Ap77:21 slave of, D26Je79:31 Henry, Capt. , of the Robert, PD10F74:23 Robert, Capt. , of the Diana, R15D68: 12 Keele, George, R12Mr67: 32, PD220c67: 21, PD15D68: 23 — R15D68:21 Keeler, Capt. , of the Mercury, PD3D72: 12, PD21Ja73: 23 — R21Ja73: 22, PD28Ja73: 22, PD18F73: 23--R18F73: 22 Joseph, promissory notes of, P5J176: 33 Robert, Capt. , of the Experiment, D6Ap76:21,D10Ag76:21 Keelin, Capt., slave, of, D26Je79: 31 Keeling, Abel, Negro in Dunmore's troops, D31Ag76: 31 Andrew, convict servant, PD5Ag73: 31 Carlnton, deserter, P23My77: 33 George, 2Je38: 41, 25J151: 32 Jesse, Negro in Dunmore's troops, D31Ag76:31 John Thomas, Capt. , of the Mary and Anne, RllAg68:24 Leonard, estate of, R4D66: 43, R22S68: 32 R. ,23My55:22 William, of Princess Anne co. , Va. , 12D55:22 William, jr. , of Princess Anne co. , Va. , Pi5Ja75: 32, PU6F75: 31 Keelmen, strike in Sunderland , Eng. , PD25Ag68:31 Keen, William, R30Ag70: 32, R1N70:41,D6N79:32 Keenan, Lawrence, deserter, P16My77s31 Keene, John, 4Ja40: 41 Newton, adv. finding horse, 12D51: 41 adv. slave for sale, R270c68: 32 coroner in Northumberland co. , Va. , R2N69: 22 land, for sale, PD24N74: 31— P124N74: 33 plantation of, PD20Oc74: 32 — Pi20Oc74: 32 property, for sale, PD20Oc74: 32 — Pi20Oc74: 32 signature on forged pass, PD26Mr67: 32 Newton, Capt. , R13D70: 23, D11F75:23— Pi9F75:33 William, R2Je74: 22, PD24N74: 31 — Pi24N74: 33, P180c76: 32, C15My79:32, C30Oc79:31 Keer, Capt. , of the Jenny, PD29S74: 32 Keeton, Joseph, PD24My70: 32 Keeys, James, convict servant, 4Ap51:41,8Ag51:41 Kegs, imported to James river, upper district, Va. , from Boston, Mass. , PD24D67: 32 Keill (Keil), John, author, PD29Ag71: 33, PD10Je73: 31, D25N75: 12, D30D75: 12, D24F76: 43, D2Mr76: 42, D9Mr76: 41, D25My76: 43, D24Ag76: 52, D20D76: 42 Keiller, Jost, R27J169: 31 Keir, William, D17F76: 33 Keith, Capt. , PD7Ap74: 23 of the Hibernia, PD7Ap68: 21, R26My68: 23 Alexander, Lt. , P230c78: 11 Basil, Sir, appointed gov. of Jamaica, PD6My73: 11— R6My73sl2, PD27My73: 12, R280c73: 32, PD5My74: 12 arrives in Jamaica, PD10Mr74: 22 — R10Mr74: 22 death of, D12S77: 11 salary of, R10Je73: 23, PDllN73sl3— RllN73s21 Bazil, Capt. , of the Levant, PD26Mr67: 23, PD20Ag^7: 23 Isaac, at College of N. J. , PD290c72: 12 Isham, P10J178:41 James, clerk's notices of suits, R24Ag69: 31, PD25Ap71: 32, R2My71:31, R23My71: 41, R30My71:23, R15Ap73: 32 Nathaniel, adv. tailoring, PD12Mr67: 33 Robert, at College of N. J. , PD290c72: 12, PD290c72: 13 Thomas, collector for Va. gazette, P9F76: 11 William, 17Je37:42, 16S37:41 Keith, ship, PD27N66: 22, R12Mr67: 22 Kell, William, Pi23F75: 33 Kellam, Zorobabel, deserter, P17Ja77:43 Kelleghan, Peter, PD11J171: 21 Kelley, Matthew, of Norfolk, Va. , R26J170: 22 Samuel, Capt. , of the Phoenix, 20Oc52:21 of the True Briton, 4J145: 3, 632 Kendall 10Oc45:3 William, PD18F68: 31, R17F74: 33 See also Kelly Kellick, Elizabeth, Negro in Dunmore's troops. D31Ag76: 31 Kellie, Capt. . of the Tyrell's Bay, PD27F72: 22--R27F72: 22 Kello, Col., P160c78: 13 Richard. PD13F72: 33 — R27F72:41 adv. finding horse, R13Ap69: 33 adv. for bids for building jail, in Southampton co. , Va. , PD2S73: 23 — R2S73: 32 adv. house for sale, 29My52: 31 adv. plantation for sale, 22S52: 32 adv. slaves for sale, PD22Ag66: 31 clerk's notices, PD25Je67: 31, PD24Ja71: 31. PD18Ap71: 32, R2My71:33 delegate from Southampton co. , Va. , P18Ap77sll on Southampton co. . Va. , committee, D6My75: 13 Richard, Col. , P230c78: 32 Samuel, R24Je73: 32. P2F76: 31, P17My76: 33 Kelloe, Samuel, D3Ja77: 31 Kellog, Capt. , 2Ja52: 32 Kellogg, William, in Mass. agrarian revolt, PD12S66:22 Kellor, George. R20J169: 31 Kellow. WUliam, & co. , D25Mr80: 32 Kellum, Custis, Capt. , acquitted of Toryism, PlMr76: 12 Henry, merchant, D19Mr79: 31 Thomas, PD210c73: 22--R210c73: 21 Kelly, Capt. . 17Ap52: 31 captured by British D3Ag76: 11 of the Friendship, PD7Ap68: 21 of the Nightingale. PD7Ap68: 21 sails for Eng. , Pi9N75: 23 — P10N75:21 wounded in battle of Bunker Hill, P22J175s22--D29J175:31 Mr. , death of, R5Ag73: 22 merchant of N. Y. , PD3F74: 22 of N. C. , PD10c72:22 oyster boat of in Va. , PH6N75: 33 — P17N75sl3— D18N75: 33 oysterman in N. Y. . PD2N69: 13 Sgt. , reports skirmish in Princess Anne co. . Va. ,P17N75:21 Andrew, indentured servant, P20S76: 23, P27S76:22 Bryan, convict servant. 2S37: 32 [Edmund], Adj. , killed in N. J. , D21F77: 11--P21F77: 21, P28F77s21. P14Mr77:23 [Edmund], Major, killed, D7Mr77: 71 Edward, 310c55:22 Emanuel, deserter, P6D76: 32, D28Mr77:21 George, adv. as commission merchant, PD19Ap70: 33, PD2S73: 23, PD16Je74:22 adv. embargo on provisions, P10J178:22 adv. for runaway slave, P12S77: 11 adv. merchandise for sale, DlAp75:32 adv. removal to Richmond, Va. , D7Mr77: 41--P7Mr77: 23 adv. salvaged goods for sale. R26Mr72:23 adv. ship for sale, PD7Ja73: 31 — R7Ja73: 33 adv. ships hull, PD80c72: 32 — R80c72:23 adv. vendue and brokerage business, PD7N71: 23. PD26N72: 22--R26N72: 22 adv. woolens for sale, PD8N70: 23 commission merchant, PD19Ap70: 33 defendant in Norfolk co. , Va. , court, PD9Je74: 32 indentured servant, PD7F71: 31 vendue store of, PD7N71: 31 Hugh, letter (text) to William Beckford. PD27S70:31 plays by presented in Williamsburg, Va. PD12Mr72: 32. PD2Ap72: 32, PD9Ap72: 32 James, acquitted of burglary, P270c75: 13 author, PD25F68:41 Jane, convicted of felony, 2 10c37: 32 John, tobacco unclaimed of, R80c72: 31, C30Oc79:31 Margaret, indentured servant, PD16My71: 32 Michael, indentured servant, PD16My71: 32. D30c77: 41 Richard, of Pa. , murdered, PD18Je72: 31 Samuel, Capt. , of the Fly, 28Mr55: 32 of the Phoenix, 29S52: 32 Thomas, acquitted of shooting Thomas Davis, 20Oc52: 21 convict servant, P18Ap77: 31 deserter. D28F77: 41--P28F77: 22, PllAp77:23 of the Everton, 3 J146: 22, 28Mr51: 32, 4Ap51: 42, HAp51: 32, 25J151: 32, 24Ap52: 21, 3J152: 32, 25Ap55: 22, 2S57:22 Walter, murdered by Indians in Va. , PD8S74: 23 Wilford, PD18Je72: 33 WUliam, 24Ap46: 42, PD18F68: 31, PD2D73: 12, PD8S74: 23 Woodford, alias of Wilford Kelly, PD18Je72:33 See also Kelley Kellyham, John, PD21Je70: 33 Kellyn, (author), 24My51: 32 Kelp, from Strontian, Scot. , PD10D72: 21 Kelsey. Stephen, deserter, P30c77:23 Kelshaw, John, P7Mr77: 31 Kelsick, Capt. , 21N45: 32 Richard, R26J170: 22, R12My74: 33 Younger, Capt. , of the Prince George, 22S52:31, 17N52: 22 Kelso, Capt. . of the Fanny, P22S75: 23 J. , D15My78: 32 — P29My78: 42 John, Capt. , of the Dolphin, PD14Ap74: 23— R14Ap74: 23, R8S74: 31 of the Molly, R8Ag66: 31, RllAg68: 24 Kelton, Anne, Mrs. , marriage in R. I. , R12Mr67:41 Kemble, Capt. , PD10Ag69: 22 of British army. PD10N68: 21 sails for England, PD1J173: 32 — R1J173:31 Major, sails for America, PD2Je74: 22 E. , alias of Emanuel Kelly, D28Mr77:21 Justice, murdered by British. D14Mr77: 31--P14Mr77: 22 Peter, speaker of N. J. council, Pi2Mr75: 32 Samuel. Pi2F75: 31, Pi6Ap75: 22 — D8Ap75: 23 Stephen, adjuntant general of N. Am. , Pi5Ja75: 21 Kemman, Widow, slave of, P240c77: 31 Kemp, Capt. , 15My46: 32, PD13J169: 23, PD19Mr72:23 Mrs. ,D10Oc77:22 James, of Princess Anne co. , Va. , Pi5Ja75: 32 soldier, P27D76: 32 John, P19Ap76:42 Matthew, clerk of Va. secretary's office, 10Je37: 42, 5My38: 32, 260c39:32, 14D39: 31 Peter, jr., P19Ap76: 42 Peter, sr. , settlement of estate of, P19Ap76:42 Robert, land of, R19N72: 41 S. , Rev. Mr. , R17F74: 33 Samuel. D23S75: 41, D6N78: 31 Thomas, R17Mr68: 33, PD19My68: 23, RllAg68:31, P8My78s22 William, jailer, R31Mr68: 34, PD13Ag72:31 Kemp ferry, Roanoke river, PD80c67:21 Kempe, James, Capt. , of Princess Anne co. . Va. . PU6F75: 31, Pil6F75:32. Pi23Mr75: 22 Thomas, adv. drugs for sale, P14N77: 23 Kemper, Daniel, storekeeper, PD13Ap69:23 Kemp's coffee house, in Kingston, Jamaica, PD25J166: 22 Kemp's landing, Princess Anne co. , Va. , 30N59: 32, PD2F69: 32 — R2F69: 23. R290c72: 31, P14Je76: 32, D13D76:31,P31Ja77:42, P9My77sll, P23My77: 31, P23My77: 32, P30My77: 33 — D6Je77:22. P30Oc78: 33, D19Mr79:31 attacked by Gov. Dunmore, P20Oc75s22 British casualties listed, P29D75: 13 British soldiers march to, P270c75: 21 British victory at, P29D75: 12 captured by Va. troops, PH6D75: 31 See also Prize ships at; Stores at; Vendues at; Virginia troops to Kemp's warehouse, Middlesex co. , Va. , PD1N70: 22--R1N70: 23, P15S75:32 Kenan, Felix, of N. C. , PD14Ja73: 31 — R14Ja73: 32 Kendal, Capt. , 2S57: 22 Custis, Col. , PD7N71:22 Nancy (Parsons), PD7N71: 22 WUliam, marriage of. PD7N71: 22 Kendall. Capt. . R14 J168: 23 Miss, marriage of, R16F69: 21 John. 8Ag51: 32, 13F52: 32, 27F52: 32, Pil9Ja75:21— D4F75: 32, Pil9Ja75:22,D230c79:31 Joseph, Capt., of the Antelope. PD18F68: 32, RllAg68: 24 of the Young Samuel, PDllAp66: 33 Joshua. 22D38: 31. PD18Ja70: 41 — R18Ja70:32.R2My71:41, 633 Kendall, Joshua (cont'd) R26Ag73:22, P15Ag77: 33 Kendall, Kidd &, PD4My69: 33 — R25My69: 23, PD28S69: 23 — R50c69:31,R2N69:22 Kendel, Woffendel, of Westmoreland co., Va. , Pi9F75:31 Kendrick, Mr. , author, D25N75: 11 Kenley, Francis, deserter, P25Ap77: 31 Kennan, Patrick, PD10Oc66: 42, D4F75: 32, P2F76: 32, P16Ag76sl2 Robert, PD30S73: 32, Pi24Ag75: 13 — P25Ag75: 72— D26Ag75: 31, D21Mr77: 11— P28Mr77: 21, D9My77: 32 See also Kennon Kennard, John, Capt. , of the Neptune, 18Mr37:42 Kennebec river, Me. , See Ships in Kennedy, Capt. , PD3S72: 22, PD12My74: 31 house saved in New York City, fire, DHOc76:22 of the Bethia, PD23 Ja72: 23 of the Elphinston, D30Oc79: 22 of the Fanny, PD23Mr69: 31 of the Ketch Mercury, PD10D67: 22 of the Lark, R5Ag73:23 of the Neptune, PD19My74: 42 — R19My74:23 of the Thistle, PD26My68: 12 — R26My68: 23 wharf of, P3Ap78: 22 Dr., of Baltimore, Md. ,D10J178: 12 — P10J178:21 Lt. , in French and Indian war, 27Ag56:22 Mr. , transported to colonies, PD12S71:21 Alexander, 5S55: 41, PD27Ag72: 43, P13Je77: 12 Alexander, Capt. , of the Adventure, 23My55:21, 26S55: 31 of the Anne, P16Je75: 22, D14Mr77: 22 Andrew, Capt. , of the St. Andrew, 270c52: 21 Archibald, of N. Y. council, 28F55: 11 Archibald, Capt. , of the Coventry, PD17D67:23, R8S74: 33 David, D5Je79: 32 Fergus, prisoner of war, P7F77: 32 Hugh, Capt. , of the John, PD10F74:23, PD14Ap74: 23— R14Ap74: 23, Pi24Ag75: 21 — P25Ag75: 71 — D26Ag75: 31 James, Capt. , of the Peggy, D24Ag76: 22 John, P4J177: 32 deserter, P18J177: 33 jailer of Craven co. , N. C. , D30c77:41 John, Capt. , leads attack on Caribs, PD14Ja73:22 Matthew, transported to colonies, DD27Je71: 22 Michael, burglar, PD16D73: 22 — R16D73:41,R20Ja74:33, PD3F74:22 Patrick, transported to colonies, PD27Je71:22 William, PD9Mr69: 33--R9Mr69: 31, D30Mr76: 33 Kennedy, Bucktrout &, dissolved, PD9Mr69: 33— R9Mr69: 31 Kennedy, brigantine, PD10Mr74: 31 Kenner, Mr. , invents ploughs, PD6J169: 12 Housen, adv. for runaway slave, RllAg74:32, P19D77: 22 John, alias of William Moore, PD20Oc74: 23— Pi20Oc74: 23, D14Ja75: 23 Margaret, PD13Ag72: 31 Matthew, jr. , 10N38: 42 Rhodam, Rev. Mr. , arrives from London, Eng. , R31D72: 31 Rodham, adv. slave for sale, R270c68: 32 burgess from Northumberland co. , Va. , PD6My73: 22— R6My73: 23, PD4Ag74: 23 convicted of gambling in Caroline co., Va. , P16F76sl3 death of, P7Mr77sl2 delegate to Va. convention from Northumberland co. , Va. , DlAp75: 21, P19Ap76:33 land of, 29D38: 22 violates Association, D10Je75: 32 Winder, Col. , house burned in Md. , D19Je79:31 Kennerly, James, R5S71: 32 Kennet, Basil, author, PD18J171: 31, PD25J171: 42, PDlAg71: 42, PD8Ag71: 42, PD29Ag71: 33, PD10Je73: 31, D25N75: 12, D30D75: 12, D24F76: 43, D2Mr76: 42, D9Mr76: 41, D25My76: 43, D24Ag76: 52 Presgrave, Capt. , of the Mary Anne, PDllJe67: 32, PD6Ag67: 32 of the Success, PD10Mr68: 31 — R14Ap68: 41, PD26My68: 22 — R26My68: 31, R25Ag68s23 — PD29S68: 22, PD22D68: 31 Kennett, Zachariah, deserter, P13Je77: 13 Kennett Square, Pa. , See Tories in Kennington, Eng. , See Fights in; Robberies in Kennington, British ship, 25Ja40: 2 H. M. frigate, PD22N70sll H. M S. , 7N45: 21, 24Ja52: 31, PD18Oc70s22 Kennon, Capt. , sale at, P23My77: 31 Mr., 5Mr52:31,60c52:32 of N.C.,PD15S74:32 Mrs. ,R21Ap68:22 slave of, PD15S74: 32 John, eulogy of, D26F80: 31 John, Capt. , of the Hiscox, 10Oc45:3, 9Ja46:4 Patrick, Pil2Ja75: 11— D14Ja75: 12 Polly, marriage of, PD7Ja73: 31 Richard, robbery of, 6Ja38: 42 burgess for Charles City co. , Va. , 17N38: 41, 24Ja52: 32, 27F52: 32 Richard, Col. , store of William Burton in house of, 11J151: 42, 170c51: 41, 3Ap52: 31, PD2Ap67: 32, R14Je70:32, PD7Ja73:31 Robert, adv. finding horse, R24D67:34,D13N78:32 adv. finding sheep, D13N78: 32 adv. land for sale, Pi9F75: 33 adv. slaves for sale, Pil6Mr75: 33 — D18Mr75: 33 judge's notice, PD3Ag69: 33 on Chesterfield co. , Va. , committee of inspection, PD15D74: 31 — P115D74: 32 orders survey of low grounds, R24D67: 33 quarter of, R29S68: 32 William, adv. for manager of copper mine, PDlAg66: 31 adv. for runaway slaves, R21Ap68: 22 adv. land for sale, PD13N66: 31 — R4D66: 43 adv. mortgaged property for sale, PD23Je68: 23— R23Je68: 24 adv. property for sale, PD16N69: 23 — R16N69:31 adv. withdrawal of, land for sale, PD26F67: 31 announces payment of debt, PD23Ap67:31 conveys estate to creditors, PD17D67: 32--R24D67: 32 defendant in suit, PD15Je69: 32 discusses payment for creditors, R28Mr71:32 estate of, for sale, PD290c67: 22, R7D69: 31— PD7D69: 32 estate sold for debts, R190c69: 41 land of, PD13Ag67: 23, PD19D71: 32 mortgages estate to creditors, PD6S70: 42 orphans of, D19D77: 22 > plantations of, D19D77: 31 — P19D77:22, P160c78: 13 property of, PD17S72: 23 requests meeting of creditors, PD12N67:21 settlement of accounts, PD18Oc70: 32 settlement of estate, PD18F68: 32— R18F68: 32 slaves for sale, PD1N70: 23 slaves of, PD20Oc68: 22, R190c69sl3, R13S70: 32, PD27S70: 32, PD8N70: 22 William, Col. , 26S51: 41, PD12Mr67: 13, R23Mr69:32, C27N79:21 William, Mrs., dower of, PD16N69: 23- R16N69:31 See also Kennan Kennon' s mine, PD15S74: 32 Kennon's warehouse, Va. , 11S46: 41, R21Ap68: 22, R7Je70: 32, R19J170: 33, P160c78: 13, C27N79:21 tobacco unclaimed in, P25Ag75: 73 Kennon's wharf, PD15Ap73: 23 See also Ships for charter at; Ships for sale at Kennor, John, alias of William Moore, Pil2Ja75: 33 Kenny, Luke, acquitted of felony, PD13D70: 22--R13D70: 23 Richard, R8N70: 11 Kenrick, William, author, PD21F71: 43, PD7Mr71: 43, PD21Mr71: 43, PD28Mr71: 43, PD10Je73: 31, D25N75: 11, D30D75: 11, D24F76: 43, D2Mr76: 41, D9Mr76: 41, D25My76: 43 Kensington, Conn. , See Boston port bill, relief from by Kensington, Eng. , offers troops for Amer. service, D24Ap78: 21 See als o Duels near; Gambling suppressed in Kensington gardens, disorderly conduct in, 24N38: 22 Kensley, Colin Fraser, PD3Mr68: 31 Kent, Capt. , in French and Indian war, 27Ag56: 21 634 Kerr of the Dragon, 29My52: 12 Mr., heirs of, adv. for, D17J178: 42 Jacob. R18Ja70: 43, PD28Mr71: 32 James, Capt. . in Northampton co. , Va., PlMr76:32.PlMr76:33 John. P24My76: 43. P6D76: 31, P3Ja77s21,D31Ja77:81, P18J177:32 John, Capt. , of the Charming Polly, PD19J170: 33— R19J170: 32 Richard, 25Je52: 31 Robert, P10J178: 43 Thomas, in Newcastle, Va. , PD13My73:41 William, announces robbery, P20D76: 22 William, jr. , captured by pirates, PD10D72:22 Kent, British ship, 25Ja40: 2 guardship, PDlS74s21 H. M. S. . 18Ag38: 21, 11S46: 31, 24Ja52: 22, 25Ap55: 12, PD29Ap73: 21, PD24Je73: 21--R1J173: 12, PD1J173: 13--R1J173: 13, PD1J173:22--R1J173:21, PD2S73: 12--R2S73: 13, PD2S73:21— R2S73:21, PD8S74:22--R8S74:32, PD22S74: 13,D9S75:21, D16S75: ll,D28Mr77: 61 Indiaman, PD4J166: 11 ship, 15S52: 22. PD18Ap66: 13, PD15S74: 31 Kent co. , Del. . claims to, 2 Je38: 22 committee of correspondence, P10Mr75sl2 freeholders meeting. R8S74: 22 Kent co. , Eng. , addresses George IJJ, PDllMy69s23 assizes, trials in. 10Je37: 22 defense against Jacobite rebels planned, 2 7Mr46: 32 petitions king, R15Mr70: 11, R14Je70: 23, PD14Je70s21 See also Accidents in; Anecdotes from; British army to; British army to N. Y. from; British army to U. S. from; Emigration from; Executions for murder in; Executions for stealing in; Imports to; Indentured servants from; Merchants' signs in; Murders near; Profanity in; Robberies in; Ships to; Smuggling in; Suicides in; Turkeys, price of in Kent co. . Md. . delegates to Md. committee of correspondence. R7J174: 22 See also Boston, relief of, subscription for in; Lotteries in; Oak timber in; Red oak timber in; White oak timber in Kent island. Md. , See Shipwrecks near Kenting. for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22 in Williamsburg. Va. . 20Je45: 41, PD4Oc70: 31. C21Oc80:22 Kentish cherry trees, for sale, in Surry co. . Va. , 26S55: 32 Kentish gazette, extract from, D7Mr77:22 Kentish town, Eng. , See Ass racing in Kenton, Mark. RllOc70: 33 Kenton's bottled porter, for sale. in Newcastle, Va. . PD20Ja74: 32 Kenton's porter, imported, for sale, in Portsmouth, Va. , PD21My72: 23 — R21My72:22 Kentucky, British plan capture of, D26Je79:22 Indian attack on threatened, P2Ag76: 12 See also Attorneys in; Boundary disputes in; Buffalo licks in; Cherokees attack Americans in; Emigration from N. C. to; Emigration from Va. to; Land unpatented in; Stealing in; Surveyors in Kentucky co. . Va. , elections regulated by assembly, D4J177: 41 — P4J177: 11 senatorial district for, D8Ja80: 23 See also Land for sale in Kentucky river. See Land for sale on Kenty, Joseph, S. C. , P13D76: 32 Kenwell, Charles, convict servant, 18S46: 41 Kenyou, James, D28Ja75: 23 Keowee, S. C. , burned by Col. Williamson, D27S76: 21 Keplinger, John, jr. , D13N79: 22 Keppel, Admiral, of the Royal William, PD22N70sll Commodore, of the Centurion, 28F55:31 Augustus, 14Mr55:41 [Augustus], Admiral, accepts command in navy, D6N79: 21 acquitted of court-martial charges, D22My79: 12 arrives in Williamsburg, Va. , 25Ap55:21 charges against discussed, D12F79:22 command in America rumored. D24Ap78: 12 congratulated on acquittal, D29My79: 12 court martialed, D12F79: 21 defended in Lords. D19F79: 21 defends self in Commons, D5Mr79: 12 demands change in Admiralty board, D29My79: 21 describes engagement with French, D6N78:21 effects' of resignation on navy, D21Ag79:21 in British-French naval engagement, D160c78: 22, D160c78: 31 — P160c78:21 peace commissioner to U. S. . D8My78: 71 reports unpreparedness of British navy. P14Mr77:21 returns thanks to Commons, D29My79:21 to command British ships. P28F77: 12 treatment discussed by French Admiral, D26Mr 79: 21 upheld in London, Eng. , D12Je79: 21, D12Je79:22 Augustus, Capt. , of the Swiftsure, 14N55: 12 Augustus, Commodore, attends council of war, 2My55: 21 George, Gen. , to America, R5S66:21 — PD5S66s31 William Anne. 2nd earl of Albemarle. 11N37:41.29S52: 12 Keppel island, Pac. O. . discovery of. PD25Ag68: 12— R25Ag68: 22 Kepple. Henry, jr. , of Pa. , D10Ag76:42 Kepple, snow, R15D68: 13 Ker, Mr. , escape from Northampton co. Va. ,D10F76:32 Parson, of Orange co. , N. Y. . C28Ag79:21 David, adv. land of Francis Willis, for sale, PD23J172: 32 attorney, in King and Queen co. , Va. . 16Ja61: 42 clerk's notices, PD15D68: 23 — R15D68: 22, R12 Ja69: 32 death of, PD13Ag72:21 estate of, PD19N72: 23--R19N72: 23, D9S75:32— P8S75: 32 executor of, PD20Ag72: 23 Edward, PD310c71: 23. PD16Ap72: 32 — R23Ap72: 41, PD7Ja73: 31 — R7Ja73: 33, PDllMr73: 31 — RllMr73:31 George, PD18Oc70:33 Samuel, PD18Oc70: 33 William, Capt. , of the Jenny. PD27S70: 31 See also Kerr Keramezel, Fr. , See Fires in Kerby, Charles, Capt. , of the Peggy, D10Ag76:21 David. PD15Ap73: 32 John, PD23Je74: 23, PD24N74: 31, D13Je77: 22, DlAg77: 22 — PlAg77:31,D8My78: 62, D19Mr79:31 Thomas, PD23Je74: 23, PD24N74: 31, D13Je77:22 Kerby, Tabb &. PD18Je67: 31 Kerie, Capt. , of the Greyhound, D22My79: 12 Kerin, Edward, died in N. Y. , D15Ag77: 52 Terence, of N. Y. , D15Ag77: 52 Kerley, Capt. , of the Expedition, 25Ag38: 32 Kermes. juice of, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 24My51: 32. 18J15L41 Kernals, Thomas, 2S37: 32 Kerney, Richard, of N. C. , D19Je79: 32 Kerns, Daniel. R16D73: 43 Kerr, Capt. , of the Alexander, Pil2Ja75:23.D14Ja75:23, Pii9Ja75: 33— D21Ja75: 31 of the Liberty, PD14Mr71: 31 Mr. , attorney for W. Goosley. PD18Ja70: 32— R18Ja70: 32 house of, sale at. 23Je38: 41 store of, PD5N72: 43 Mrs. . marriage of, D4F75: 32 Alexander, adv. lottery, 29J137: 42, 19Ag37:41. 2S37: 41 death of, 20Oc38:31 estate of, 17N38: 42, 19Ja39: 42 lottery of, 280c37: 32. 4N37: 42 David. PDlAg66: 31 accused of fraud, PD11F73: 23 agent for Alexander Wodrow, PD18J171: 21— R18J171: 33 agent for Dalgleish estates. PD14N7L22 attorney for Alexander Woodrow. PD26N72: 22 635 Kerr, David (cont'd) collector for Wodrow & Neilson, PD21My72:22 denies fraud, PD14Ja73: 31 manager of lottery, PD19My68: 23 marriage of, PD15Ag71: 23 quarrel with Alexander Wodrow, PD15Ap73:23 takes orders for Virginia justice, PD21D69: 23— R18Ja70: 41 Edward, R28Mr71: 32, DlAp75: 32 Elizabeth Beaver, D6Ap76: 33 Fanny (Tucker), PD15Ag71: 23 George, PD10c66:41 adv. slaves for sale, PD1S74: 31 announces departure, R16F69: 22 — PD23F69: 33 executed for murder, 27D51: 32 plaintiff in Chancery court, R11D66:33 sentenced for murder, 170c51: 31 slave of, PD3S72: 31 tobacco inspector, PD30Oc66: 31 George, sr. , settlement of estate of, PD2N69:41 James. Capt. , of the Little Andrew, 26S55:31 John, adv. settlement of estate of George Kerr, sr. , PD2N69: 41 agent for George Kerr, R16F69: 22 — PD23F69: 33 announces departure, 13Je51:41, PD31Mr68:23 disavows wife's debts. D6Ap76: 33 partnership with Montgomery and Hunt, PD23My66: 32 settlement of estate of, PD9My71: 32 John, Capt. ,PDUJe72:31 of the Coan, 5My38: 32 of the Restoration, 28Ag46: 31 slaves of, PD25Oc70: 31 — R1N70: 33 witness for Zachariah Rowland, P24N75: 13 John, & co. , dissolved, PD23My66: 32 Mary Maria Milmount Parris, D6Ap76: 33 Robert, PD12Mr67: 13 Robert, Capt. , of the Jenny, PD12Mr72: 32, PD20Ag72: 23, PD26N72: 22, PD22J173: 31, R22J173:33, PD24F74: 31, PD14Ap74: 23 Samuel, PDlOOc 66: 41, R16F69: 22 — PD23F69: 33. PD29J173: 22, PD30Je74:31,PDlS74:31 Samuel & co. , P2Je75s43, P16Je75: 23— D17Je75: 32 Thomas. PD22D68: 32, P9F76: 33 William, PD21D69: 23— R18Ja70: 41 William, Capt. , of the Elizabeth, PD28Mr66: 33, PD22D68: 23, R190c69sl3 of the Fair Virginian, PD8Je69: 23, PD22F70: 32 See also Ker Kerr & Wodrow, dissolved, PD13Ja74: 33- R10F74:33 Kersaint, M. D\ Capt., of L'Iphigenie, D30Oc79:22 Kersey, John, deserter, P25Ap77: 31 Thomas, D230c79: 32 Kersey, for sale, lAp37: 41 in Norfolk. Va. . PD22N70: 31 in Shockoe, Va. , PD22S68: 23 — R22S68:24, PD7S69:42 — R7S69: 42 in Suffolk, Va. , 5Mr52:31 in Williamsburg, Va. , 27My37: 42, PD220c67: 22, PD3D67: 32 in Yorktown, Va. , 4J145: 42, 29My46: 32, PD25F68: 31-- R25F68:31 Kersey, stolen, in Charles City co. , Va. , 6Ja38: 42 Kershaw, Ely, Pi60c74: 33 Ely, Lt. Col. , in Ga. , DlMy79: 21 Kershaw, Ely & co. , property for sale, Pi60c74: 33 Joseph, Pi60c74: 33 William, P7N77s21 Kershaws, Chestnut, & co. , Pi60c74: 33 Kertley, William, of Culpeper co. , Va. , R15N70:22 Kese country, Af. , See Slaves from Keswick, Eng. , See C ows, abnormal in Ketch, Jack (John), character sketch republished, R21Ap74: 22 John, burns crisis, P5My75sl3 Ketch Mercury, ship, PD10D67: 22 Ketchup, See Catchup Keteltas, Abraham, of Jamaica. N. Y. , Pi9F75: 32 Kettering. Eng. , See Corn hoarded in; Fires in Kettie, John, PD18F68: 31 Kettle, laboratory, captured by Americans, D13 Ja76: 42 [Kettle creek], Ga. , battle at, D2Ap79: 22 Kettlewell, John, author, 24My51: 32, PD29N70: 21, PD13D70: 42, PD3Ja71: 43, PD17Ja71: 43, PD24Ja71: 43, PD7F71: 43, PD21F71: 43, PD7Mr71: 43, PD21Mr71: 43, PD28Mr71: 43, PD18J171: 32, PD25J171: 42, PDlAg71: 42, PD8Ag71: 42 Kettles, adv. for, D17Ag76: 31 for Va. army, Pi50c75:33 — P60c75:32— D70c75:33 in Williamsburg, Va. , D17Ag76: 31 captured by Americans, D13Ja76: 42 for sale, at Buckingham furnace, Va. , D10J178:31 at Hunter's iron works, Va. , D4D79: 22 at Trinity glebe, Louisa co. , Va. , D28N77:22 in Norfolk, Va. , PD26D71: 31 — R6F72:42,R25Ag74:33 • in Petersburg, Va. , D13J176: 21 for Va. regiments, Pi28S75: 32 — P29S75: 32--D30S75: 31 seized from British ship, D24Ag76: 22 See also Brass kettles; Camp kettles; Copper kettles; Iron kettles; Tea kettles; Tin kettles Kettles, fish, for sale, in Smithfield, Va. , D21F77: 22— P28F77s22 in Williamsburg, Va. , D30My77: 31, D27Je77:31 Kettles, French metal, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 22 Kettles, potash, PD23D73: 31 for sale, in Baltimore, Md. , PD7N71: 23 in Georgetown, Md. , PD7N71: 23 Kettles, salt, for sale, in Port Royal. Va. ,D14Ag79:32 Ketton, Eng., See Anecdotes from Kew, Eng. , See Anecdotes from; Charity in Key, Capt. , of the Royal Captain, PD26N72: 21 Charles, deserter, P8Ag77: 32 Doiley, P10Oc77:32 Henry, PD170c71: 32, R26Ag73: 23 James, of King George co. , Va. , R30Ag70: 23 John, 15My52:41 Martin, 310c55: 22, PD29Ja67: 33, R12 J170: 22, D29Ja80: 33, D29Ja80:41,D19F80:31 Philip, 7N45:41 Thomas, PD18F68: 31, C3J179: 33 Key Largo, Fla. , See Shipwrecks on; Storms near Key rings, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , R8N70: 13, PDllAp71: 32, PD12D71: 32 Keyon, Joseph, indentured servant, 31J146: 62 Keys, George, Capt. , Pil6Mr75: 32— P17Mr75s31— D18Mr75: 23 Gertham, R4D66: 23 Tandy, sale at house of, D29Ja80: 33 Keys, See Steel keys Keys, bed, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD19S66:31 Keys. Florida, See Shipwrecks off Keys, spinet, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD12D71: 32 Keys, watch, for sale, in Baltimore, Va. Pil8My75:33 in Gloucester, Va. , P19Ap76sll — D20Ap76: 33 in Petersburg, Va. , PD310c71: 31, PD290c72: 22 in Smithfield, Va. , D21F77: 22 — P28F77s22 in Williamsburg, Va. , 110c51: 41, PD11N73: 23— R11N73: 21, PD5My74: 31— R26My74: 13, R12My74: 32, PD20Oc74s22 — Pi20Oc74: 31, Pi20Ap75: 31 — D22Ap75; 32, D30My77: 31, D27Je77:31,D14N77:31, D8My78: 82, D160c79: 31 Keyser, Dr. , receives pensions, PD23Ap72:31 Keyser' s (Dr.) anti-venereal pills, PD25Je72: 32 Keyser's drops, PD4N73: 22 — R4N73:31 Keyser's pills, adv. of, PD3D72: 23, PD14Ja73:23,D23S75:33 for sale, D15Je76: 62 in Petersburg, Va. , PD10Je73: 22, PD30D73: 31, PD14J174: 32, Pi23Mr75: 33— D25Mr75: 31 in Richmond, Va. , PD17Je73: 33 — R17Je73s23 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD23Ap72: 31, PD150c72: 23, PD20My73s22, PD3Je73: 33— R3Je73: 23, PD10Je73: 22, PD10Je73: 34, PD4N73:22— R4N73: 31, PD23Je74:22, PD1S74: 32, D4Mr75: 32, D280c75: 23, D90c78: 42, D24J179: 31, D4Mr80: 13 Kibble. Richard, convict servant. 636 King 6J139: 42 indentured servant, 9Je38: 41 Kickapoos, attack British in El. country, PD23Ap72: 23 send warning of Indian war, R70c73: 22 war against planned by Indians, PD6Ag72:21 Kid, John, Capt. , PD23J172: 33 Kid gloves, for sale, PD19Ap70s23 in Lancaster co. , Va. , C19F80: 11 in Petersburg, Va. , PD310c71: 31, D13Je77: 22, D5S77: 22— P5S77: 31, D12S77:41--P19S77: 11 in Richmond, Va. , PD310c71: 23 — R310c71: 32, PD5N72sll--R5N72: 22, D8My78: 82 — P27My78: 22 in Williamsburg, Va. , 31J146: 61, PD10Oc66: 33, PD12N67: 22, PD60c68: 31--R60c68: 23, PD270c68: 33--R270c68: 22, PD13Ap69: 32— R13Ap69: 31, PD18My69: 31--R25My69: 23, R260c69: 23, PD2N69: 41, PD22N70s23, PD170c71: 23, PD30Ap72: 31, PD7My72: 32, PD14My72: 22, PD9J172: 31, PD150c72: 31, PD220c72: 23--R220c72: 23, PD12N72: 23, PD140c73: 23, R12My74: 32 in Yorktown, Va. , 4J145: 42, PD7Ja73: 32 Kid mits, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD310c71: 31, D12S77: 41 — P19S77: 11 in Richmond, Va. , PD310c71: 23 — R310c71:32 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD10Oc66: 33, PD12N67: 22, PD270c68: 33 — R270c68: 22, PD13Ap69: 32 — R13Ap69: 31, PD14D69: 32 — R14D69:23, PD170c71:23, PD7My72: 32, PD14My72: 22, PD9J172: 31, PD150c72: 31, PD220c72: 23--R220c72: 23, PD12N72: 23, R12My74: 32 in Yorktown, Va. , PD7Ja73: 32 Kid shoes, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD29Ag71: 31 Kidd, Capt. , of the Justitia, P17M*75s42, D18Mr75: 32, D18Mr75: 33 — P17Mr75s43--Pil6Mr75: 33, P21Ap75: 32--D22Ap75: 33 — Pi28Ap75: 41, D29Ap75s42, D10Je75:33. P21J175: 32 Mr. , PD24F74: 12 of Va. ,PD3Mr74:31 Alexander, PD7N71: 23 John, R10Mr68: 31, PD30c71: 31, PD7N7L23, R4Ag74: 32 — PDllAg74:23 John, Capt. , PD9J172: 32 of the Thornton, PD25Je72: 33 Joseph, PD12Mr72: 43, PD4N73: 22, PD12My74pll— R12My74: 41 adv. for missing horse, PD4N73: 31, D6Je77:32 adv. for old lead, PD28F71: 33 — R7Mr71:32 adv. household goods, for sale, PD20Je71: 33--R20Je71: 33 adv. lodging house, PD4Oc70: 31 — R4Oc70: 31, PD23Ja72: 32 adv. merchandise for sale, PD19My74: 43--R2Je74: 22 adv. upholstery and painting, PD28D69:31 auctioneer, PD25J171: 23 bond of,D3Ag76:32 criticism of, Pi23Mr75: 23, Pi6Ap75: 11, Pi6Ap75:21, Pi20Ap75: 11, Pi20Ap75: 12 ensign of Williamsburg, Va. , militia, PH4S75: 32 house occupied by John Pinkney, Pil20c75:21 letter to, in post office, P19Ap76p23 opposed in Va. , Pi30Mr75: 13 quarrel with Rev. Mr. Samuel Henley, PD20My73: 22— R20My73: 22, D4Mr75: 31, Pil6Mr75: 22, Pi23Mr75: 12, Pi30Mr75: 21 support of, Pi30Mr75: 12 William, 18Ap55: 31, R4Ag74: 41 Kidd & Kendall, PD4My69: 33 — R25My69: 23, PD28S69: 23 — R50c69:31,R2N69:22 Kidder, Jeremiah, of Mass. , PD2Ja72: 23 Kidderminster, Eng. , See Anecdotes from; Butter, price of in; Riots in; Starvation in; Unemployment in; Wheat, price of in Kidnapping, by Iroquois, in Va. , PD13Ag67: 13— R13Ag67: 22 by Russians in Warsaw, Pol, R17Je73: 12 in Dublin, Ire. , PD18Ap71: 22 in Eng. , 17J152: 22, 24J152: 22 in France, PD18Ag74: 11— R18Ag74: 12 in London, Eng. , PD17Ag69: 23, RllJa70: 13, PD26S71: 12, R13My73:31 near London, Eng. , R30Mr69: 23 of indentured servants, in Bristol, Eng. ,R16Je68:23 whipping for , in Eng. , PD170c71: 12 Kier, George, lunatic, 24Ja51: 41 Kighly, Eng. , See Antiquities discovered in Kight, Charles, R7D69: 33 Kilbee, Christopher, sale at house of, 21Mr45:42 Kildare co. , Ire. , anecdote from, 23D37: 22 Kilgour, Capt. , of the Molly, D4S79: 22 Kilkenny, Ire. , assizes, trials in, 4 Ja40: 32 See also British army to; Charity in; Funerals described in; Murders in; Printers in; Suicides in; White Boys, raids on in Killarney, Ire. , See Eagles in Killingsworth, Conn. , See Type (printing), new style invented in Killingsworth, transport, P26J176: 21 Killmurray, Lord Viscount, of Ire. , PD5S71:33— R5S71:31 Kilmarnock, Scot. , See Fairs in; Horses, Scottish, sold at; Parades in; Pear trees, unusual in; Twins in; Wool sold in; Woolen manufactures in Kilns, for sale, in Orange co. , N. C. , D160c79:31 Kilroy, Mr. , sentenced for Boston massacre, PD3Ja71: 13, PD17Ja71: 12- R17Ja71: 12 Kilsyth, Scot. , See Antiquities discovered in; Canals dug near Kilty, J. , Capt. , of the Polly, R8F70:23 John, R7J174: 32 Kimber, Edward, author, PD29N70: 21, PD13D70: 42, PD17S72: 22, PD10Je73: 33, D25N75: 21, D30D75:21,D2Mr76:43, D9Mr76: 43, D24Ag76: 62, D3Ja77: 43, D17Ja77: 43, D2My77: 83, D4J177; 83 Kimberlin, Jacob, killed by Indians, 4N63:21 Kimble, Walter, R16N69: 33 Kimborough, John, of N. C. , PD14Ja73: 31- R14Ja73: 32 Kimbrough, William, D15Je76: 52 Kimbrow, Major, adv. for missing horse, 13F52:41 Thomas, adv. finding of horse, 5Mr52: 32 Kincaid, Adjutant, marriage of, P21F77:21 Agatha (Chinn), marriage of, P21F77:21 P21F77:21 Kincheloe, Cornelius, R21Ja73: 31 Kinchler, Peter, indentured servant, R310c71:41 Kindale, John, slave of, D24J179: 31 Kindrake, John, R60c68: 31 Kindrick, William, runaway apprentice, PD2Ap67: 32 King, Baron, supports colonies, PDllAg74: 13 Capt. , 24Ap52: 21, PD18F68: 22, PD2S73:21— R2S73:22 of the Antigua Planter, R8F70: 23 of the Asia, PD24Je73: 21, PD1J173: 13, PD2S73: 12--R2S73: 13 of the Dragon, D20c79: 22 of the Love and Unity, D4F75: 31 of the Maryland, D 12 F80: 31 of the Northumberland, PD28Mr71: 12 Lord, favors repeal of Quebec act, D19Ag75:22 opposes Mass. government act, PD28J174: 23 opposes use of mercenary troops, D22Je76:21 Mr. , escapes from Lord Dunmore, D25My76: 33 land of, PD2F69: 32— R2F69: 32 of Mass. , PD9My66: 22 of Va. , P270c75sl2— D280c75: 33 pass signed by, R25Mr73: 33 watchmaker, D12F79: 42 Mrs. , sells lottery tickets, PD19S66:23 Andrew, deserter, D19D77: 32 Armistead, slave of, PD27J169: 41 Asa, Capt. , 29Ag45: 22 Benjamin, Negro in Dunmore's troops, D31Ag76: 31 Charles, P8S75: 32 David, PD23F69: 33, P2Je75s42 Edward, PD23Je74: 12, D90c78: 32 Ephraim, Major, of Md. , PD210c73: 31 George, indentured servant, P6Je77: 12 Henry, adv. finding horses, P15N76: 32 adv. land for sale, R12J170: 23 — PD19J170: 41, PD13D70: 23 — R13D70:31 adv. merchandise for Elizabeth City co.. Va. , committee, Pi2F75: 21, D18F75:31 637 King, Henry (cont'd) agent for Cary Michell, PD2J167: 32 burgess from Elizabeth co. , Va. , PD5D71: 31, PD4Ag74: 23 collector for Purdie & Dixon's Va. gazette, PDUAg68:23 delegate to Va. convention from Elizabeth City co. , Va. , DlAp75: 21, P26Ap76s23 demands return of slave, D23S75: 31 manager of lottery, PD30Mr69: 33 manages sale of imported goods, D28Ja75:23 moderator of Elizabeth City co. , Va. , meeting, R28J174: 31 on committee to pay Va. troops, P1S75:23 on Elizabeth City co. , Va. , committee of observation, Pi26Ja75: 23— D28Ja75: 23 on Elizabeth City co. , Va. , committee of safety, P29D75: 31 on Hampton, Va. , committee, P1D75: 12— D2D75:32 posts horses in Dinwiddie co. , Va. , P15N76: 32 settles accounts of volunteer companies, P29S75: 32, D280c75: 33 — P270c75: 31 slave of in British navy, P8S75: 31 slaves of, P8S75s23, P15S75: 23 Henry, Col., death of, D12D77: 12-- P12D77:22 Higgason, P160c78: 11 James, 14N55: 31, D240c77: 22 John, PD15Ap73: 31— R15Ap73: 31 accused of counterfeiting, N. J. currency, R9S73: 33 accused of horse stealing, PD13S70:32--R13S70:32 adv. cotton and wool cards, PD26Ja69:41 adv. for bids for building bridge, at Milner's warehouse, Va. , PD19N72: 22 adv. for cargo and seamen, D18D79:31 adv. for missing horse, PD5F67: 32, P310c77:32 adv. for missing tobacco notes, D10J179:31,D17J179:32 adv. merchandise for sale, P6Mr78: 32 adv. merchandise unclaimed, D23D80: 32 adv. naval office in Portsmouth, Va. , P17Ja77:33 adv. schooner for sale, PD24Ja71: 32, PD4Ap71:31 announces departure, P27Je77: 33 arrives in Va. , P5D77: 22 associator of Nansemond co. , Va. , R6S70: 22 bond of, D3Ag76: 32 condemned for counterfeiting, PD140c73: 13 convicted of felony, PD170c71: 22 counterfeiter in N. Y. , PD70c73: 13 escapes from jail, R5Ag73: 22 — PD19Ag73: 13, R70c73: 13, PD280c73:22 escapes to Mississippi, PD280c73: 21 indentured servant, 28F51: 41 marriage of, PD24N74: 22 of Bristol, Eng. , 8Ag51: 32 on Elizabeth City co. , Va. , committee of correspondence, P29D75:31 on Elizabeth City co. , Va. , committee of safety, P29D75: 31 owner of Globe tavern, N. H. , R27My73:22 passenger on the St. Taminy, D5D77: 11— P5D77: 22 proclamation for capture, R9S73: 33 reward for capture of, R9S73: 33 search for, PD4N73: 21 sentenced for burglary, PD7N71: 22 John, Capt. , of the Thornton, PD25Je72: 33, PD9J172: 32 John, Jr. , naval officer, in Va. , D17Ja77: 12 John, Lt. , of Elizabeth City co. , Va. , company, PH4S75: 31 — D16S75:32 Joseph, R27F72: 32, R15J173: 32 Martin, PD12Ag73: 32 Mary, D20c79: 31 Michael, P6Je77: 31, D20N79: 12 Miles, D14S76: 62, P27Je77: 33 adv. cotton and wool cards, PD26Ja69: 41 adv. land for sale, PD30S73: 32 adv. merchandise of Elizabeth City co. , Va. , committee, Pi2F75: 21, D18F75:31 collector for Va. gazette, P9F76: 11 delegate to Va. general assembly from Elizabeth City co. , Va. , P2My77s22 deputy for Elizabeth City co. , Va. , to Va. peninsula meeting, D16S75:32 letter from, D10J179: 31 manages sale of imported goods, D28Ja75:23 on Elizabeth City co. , Va. , committee of correspondence, P29D75:31 on Elizabeth City co. , Va. , committee of observation, Pi26Ja75: 23-- D28Ja75:23 on Elizabeth City co. , Va. , committee of safety, P29D75: 31 on Hampton, Va. , committee of safety, P1D75: 12— D2D75: 32 slaves of, D8Je76: 72— P14Je76: 33, D11J177:31 Nancy (Starke). PD24N74: 22 Richard, PD7My67: 33, PD17F74: 32 Robert, adv. for missing horse, PD4N73:31 adv. for runaway slaves, 24My51: 41 adv. land for sale, PD16S73: 32 adv. settlement of estate of Alexander Caver, P160c78: 12 adv. transfer tobacco for sale, P25Ag75: 82 bond of, D3Ag76: 32 inspector of Pipingtree warehouse, R31My70:31 Sackville, adv. ordinaries, Pi9F75: 33 [Samuel], Capt. , of Mass. regiment, P13Je77:22 Thomas, PD12Mr67: 13, R18Ja70: 43, R27F72: 32, R7J174: 32 Walter, 23Mr39: 41, 25Ap51: 32, PD4Mr73: 32— R4Mr73: 32 announces departure, 8Ag51: 32 contributes to charity school fund, 240c51:22 escheated property for sale, D29Ja80:33,D29Ja80:41, D19F80:31 land of, P18J177sll plantation of, 310c55: 22 tobacco unclaimed of, C3J179: 33 William, PD5N72: 43, Pi28Ap75: 41 deserter, P4J177: 33 William, Capt. , of the Duke of Argyle, 22S52: 31 William, Dr., author, PD18J171: 33 Zachariah, P21F77:31 King, Taylor &, D310c77: 21 — P310c77: 13 King & Harmer, 31Mr38: 42, 8Ag51: 32, 240x55: 22 adv. imported slaves for sale, Ue39:42 adv. property for sale, 23Ja46: 42 adv. slaves for sale, 31J146: 52 tobacco inspectors, 17S36:42 King Alfred, horse, D24Ap78: 41, D27N78:31 King and Queen co. , Va. , burgesses elected, 17Ja52: 41, 27F52: 32, 12D55: 22, PD27N66: 22, PD8D68:31, R15D68:21, PD15D68: 23--R15D68: 21, PD28S69: 23, R9N69: 11, PD28N71: 22, PD28J174: 31, PD4Ag74: 23 census requested, P19Ap76p23 — D27Ap76: 33 committee proceedings of, 1776, P20S76: 11 trials for Toryism, P16F76s21 committee of observation elected, D4Mr75:23 elects officers, Pi23F75: 32 orders sale of goods, Pi30Mr75: 32 court, appoints commissioners for clear- ing Mattaponi river, PD30S73: 31 — R30S73: 32 grants certificates of ownership of slaves, PDlAg66: 31 land sold by order of, PD26N72: 23 — R26N72: 22 mortgages recorded in, PD22Ag66: 23 slaves sold by order of, R7Ja73: 32 delegates elected to general assembly, P2My77s22 escheator appointed, PD22F70: 32 freeholders, elect committee [of correspondence], Pi23F75: 32 joins Association, R16N69: 13 petitions burgesses against dogs running loose, R16N69: 13 reported list of tithables, PD22D74: 31 — Pi22D74: 32 senator elected, P6S76: 32, P2My77s31 senatorial district for, D8Ja80: 23 sheriffs, PD18F68: 32--R18F68: 32 sheriffs sales in, PDllJe67: 33, PD18F68: 32--R18F68: 32, PD4Oc70: 32--R4Oc70: 31, R7Ja73: 32 See also Apple orchards in; Apprentices runaway from; Arson in; Association of 1774 enforced in; Association supported in; Associators in; Attorneys in; Auctions in; Brick houses in: Brick 638 King William co. , Va. houses described in; Brick offices in; Brick walls in; Bridges in; Buildings in; Cedar timber in; Chestnut timber in; Churches in; Clergy. Anglican, in; Clerks adv. for employment in; Convict servants runaway from; Corn houses in; Crab apple orchards in; Cypress timber in; Dairies in; Dwelling houses, described, in; Dwelling houses in; Falling gardens in; Ferries in; Fisheries in; Forges, mortgaged, in; Forges in; Gardens in; Glebe land in; Gristmills in; Hickory timber in; Horse-breeding in; Horse -racing in; Houses in; Imports to; Indentured Negroes runaway from; Indentured servants runaway from; Jails in; Kitchens in; Land, mortgaged for sale in; Land, ownership disputed in; Land bounties in; Land bounties for sale in; Land for rent in; Land for sale in; Landings in; Lotteries in; Manor plantations for sale in; Meadow land in; Merchants in; Militia in; Mills in; Minutemen from; Minutemen of; Molasses extracted from pumpkins in; Musters , general, in; Oak timber in; Orchards in; Ordinaries in; Outhouses in; Overseers' houses in; Peach orchards in; Physicians in; Pilots for sale in; Pine timber in; Plantations for sale in; Quarters in; Regulars (army), deserters from; Robberies in; School adv. of in; Sermons preached in; Sheep killed by dogs in; Ships, described for sale in; Ships for sale in; Slaves, adv. for, to buy in; Slaves for hire in; Slaves for rent in; Slaves for sale in; Slaves mortgaged in; Slaves runaway from; Smokehouses in; Stealing by apprentices in; Stealing by slaves in; Stealing in; Stills for sale in; Storehouses in; Stores for sale in; Stores in; Tenements in; Tobacco houses in; Vendues in; Warehouses in; Water gristmill in; Wharves in; Whirlwinds in King and Queen courthouse , Va. , sheriffs sale at, PD7Ap68: 31 See also Counting rooms in; Land for sale at; Ships, mortgaged for sale at; Slaves for sale at; Slaves mortgaged for sale at; Storehouses for rent at: King David, ship, 9D37: 31 King George, brig, D11S79: 21 British transport, D23My77: 21 H.M. S. 24Ja52:31 packet, PD18Ag68: 22--R18Ag68: 21, PD130c68: 13. PD13Je71: 22 ship, 2S57: 22, PD15S68: 23, PD14Mr71: 23. PD14J174; 23 sloop, R11D66: 41 transport, D16Mr76: 23 yacht. 7N51:21 King George co. , Va. , boundaries altered, D27D76: 21--P3Ja77: 13 boundary line drawn, PD23Ap72: 11 burgesses elected, 6F52: 31, 27F52: 32, PD28S69s21. PD5D71: 31, PD4Ag74: 23 committee, officers chosen, PlMr76: 13 resolutions (text) of 1775, D28Ja75:23 trials for Toryism, P20D76: 11 orders sale of goods, D7Ja75: 32 contributes to sufferers in Montreal fire, 1767, PD29Je69: 32-- R6J169: 32 court, land sold by order of, R3Ag69: 31 location established by general assembly. D27D76: 21--P3Ja77: 13 delegates elected to general assembly, P9My77: 23 independent company, escorts delegates to Continental congress, P12My75s21 list of tithables for 1774 not returned, Pil8My75: 33--P19My73s32-- D20My75: 33 resolutions of, R4Ag74: 32 senator elected, P9My77: 23 sheriff, 17Je37:42 sheriff's sale in, R7S69: 32 See also Apple orchards in; Association of 1774 enforced in; Associators in; Attorneys in; Auctions of British imports in; Brick houses in; Brick jails, described, in; Bridges in; Buildings in; Continental army soldiers from; Convict servants runaway from; Dwelling houses, described, in; Dwelling houses in; Ferries in; Forges in; Gristmills in; Horse-breeding in; Houses in; Indentured servants runaway from; Iron works in; Jails in; Land for sale in; Landings in; Merchants in; Militia of; Mills in; Minutemen of; Office houses in; Outhouses in; Peach orchards in; Prisoners escape from sheriff in; Quarters, Negro in; Regulars (army), officers from; Robberies in; Sawmills in; Schoolmasters in; Schools in; Ships for sale in; Slaves, mortgaged for sale in; Slaves for sale in; Slaves runaway from; Stealing by convict servants in; Stealing in; Stills for sale in; Storehouses in; Tanneries in; Tenements in; Tobacco houses in; Undertakers adv. for in; Va. regiment, 2nd, deserters from; Va. regiment, 10th, deserters from; Warehouses in; Women of King George courthouse, Va. , See Slaves for hire at; Slaves for sale at King George parish, Va. , contributions to sufferers in Montreal fire, PD19Mr67: 32 King George's is. , Pac. O. , customs of natives described, PD25Ag68: 31 discovery of, PD25Ag68: 11-- R25Ag68: 22 size of, R15S68: 13 King George's war, 14Ag46: 12 campaigns in N. S. , 13Je45: 32 French naval losses in, 13Je45: 31 French navy movements, 7N45: 31 French prisoners taken, 7N45: 21 Mass. participation in, Pi6J175: 21 naval engagements in, 4J145: 11. 11S46: 12 See also Annapolis Royal, N. S. ; Indian attacks; Louisburg expedition; Quebec expedition King Herod, horse, PD16My66: 12, PD24Mr74: 32--R31Mr74: 33, D29J175: 33, PllAp77:31-- D18Ap77: 11, PlMy78: 32, D9Ap79: 32 for hire, PD7My72: 32, D30Mr76: 33, D25My76: 23, PllAp77: 32-- D18Ap77: 11 sale of, denied, D25My76: 23 ship, D25F75: 13 stallion, PD6My73: 32--R6My73p22, P7Ap75:33--D8Ap75:32 for hire, D26Mr79: 32, D16Ap79: 32 King of Portugal, H. M. S. , 13Je45: 21 King of Prussia, ship, PD21Mr66: 42, PD2J167:22, PD9N69: 22, PD28D69:31,R5S71:32, PD16S73:21, P270c75s21 King of Spain, ship, PD170c71: 21-- R170c71:23 King Richard HI, horse, P5 Je78: 42 King road, Charlotte co. , Va. , P5J176:33 King William, privateer, 6Je45: 22 ship, 3Ap46: 22 King William co. , Va. , burgesses elected, 17N38: 41, 17Ja52: 41, 27F52: 32, 12D55: 22, PD21Ap68: 23-- R21Ap68: 21, PD1D68: 31-- R1D68: 21, PD28S69: 23, R9N69: 11, PD28N71: 22, PD28J174: 31-- R28J174: 32 committee, orders (text) of, 1776, P8Mr76s22 court, appoints commissioners to clear Mattaponi river, PD30S73: 31-- R30S73:32 appoints commissioners, to clear Pamunkey river, PD15S68: 31-- R15S68:24 land sold by order of, R29Ap73: 31 orders bids for building prison, PD29D74: 32--P129D74: 33, D4F75:33--Pi9F75:33 slaves sold by order of, PDlJa67: 33 suit in, D25J177: 32 delegates to general assembly elected, P2My77s31 delegates to Va. convention elected, P26Ap76s23 escheator appointed. PD22F70: 32 reported list of tithables, PD22D74: 31-- Pi22D74: 32 resolutions of. R4Ag74: 32 senator elected, P6S76: 32, P2My77s31 senatorial district for, D8Ja80: 23 sheriff's sales in, PD5My74: 31, D30D75:23--P5Ja76:42 supports fighting in Mass. . D6My75: 31 See also Apple orchards in; Apple trees in; Apprentices runaway from; Apricot orchards in; Attorneys in; Auctions in; Boston port bill, relief from by; Brick houses, described, in; Brick houses in; Brick ovens in; Bricklayers, apprentices, runaway from; Bridges in; Buildings in; Carpenters, apprentices, runaway from; Cherry orchards in; Churches in; Convict servants runaway from; Convicts escaped from sheriff in; Corn houses, described, in; Corn houses in; 639 King William co. , Va. , See also (cont'd) Counting houses, described, in; Crab apple orchards in; Dairies in; Dwelling houses, described, in; Dwelling houses burned in; Dwelling houses in; Ferries in; Fires in; Fisheries in; Furniture burned in; Gardens described in; Gardens in; Glebe land, St. John parish, in; Gristmills in; Hangings in; Hen houses in; Horse-breeding in; Houses, described, for sale in; Houses, described, in; Houses in; Hughes crab apple trees in; Indentured servants runaway from; Jails in; Kitchen gardeners adv. for in; Kitchens in; Land, entailed, docked in; Land, fee simple, for sale in; Land, mortgaged, sale of forbidden in; Land, ownership of, disputed in; Land, reversion of, for sale in; Land for sale in; Land leased in; Land mortgaged for sale in; Land mortgaged in; Landings in; Lawyers adv. for in; Lightning in; Lotteries in; Manor plantations in; Mansion houses for sale in; Mansion houses in; Meat houses in; Merchants in; Militia of; Miller's houses in; Mills in; Minutemen of; Musters, general, in; Negro quarters in; Oak timber in; Orchards in; Ordinaries for lease in; Ordinaries for rent in; Ordinaries in; Outhouses in; Overseers* houses in; Overseers in; Peach orchards in; Pear orchards in; Physicians in; Pine timber in; Plantations in; Plantations for sale in; Public houses, described, for sale in; Quarries in; Quarters, Negro in; Quarters in; Red oak timber in; Roads in; Sawmills in; Ships for charter in; Ships for sale in; Slaves for hire in; Slaves for sale in; Slaves hired in; Slaves runaway from; Slaves taken by indentured servants in; Smokehouses in; Stables in; Stealing by convict servants in; Stealing by indentured servants in; Stealing by slaves in; Stealing in; Stills for sale in; Storehouses in; Stores in; Suicides in; Taverns adv. of in; Teachers adv. for in; Tenements for sale in; Tobacco houses in; Tutors adv. for in; Undertakers adv. for in; Vendues in; Warehouses in; White oak timber in; Wives, adv. for in King William courthouse, Va. , land for sale at, D26D77: 12 sale at, 28F55: 32 See also Balls at; Cock matches at; Concerts at; Convict servants runaway from; Horse -racing at; Houses for rent near; Land, mortgaged, for sale at, Land for sale at; Ordinaries for rent at; Ordinaries for sale at; Robberies at; Ships for sale at; Slaves for hire at; Slaves for sale at; Taverns at; Tub mills for sale at Kingfisher, H. M. S. , PU5D74: 31, D12Ag75: 31--P18Ag75: 12, P1S75: 12, D23S75: 31, P130c75: 12, D140c75: 31, P10N75: 23— D11N75: 31, P17N75: 13, P24N75sll, P130D75: 42, D13Ja76: 31, P9F76: 31, P23F76: 31, P22Mr76: 23, P29Mr76: 22, D8Je76: 61, D29Je76: 31, D13J176: 42, P26J176: 22, D3Ag76: 11, D20D76: 12, P21Ag78:22 ship, PD13Ja74:21 sloop, 22S52: 32, P15S75s21, P29S75: 31 sloop of war, PD3S72: 21, Pi4My75: 23, D3Je75:23,D12Ag75:31 Kingland's ferry, Chesterfield co. , Va. ,PD10Oc71:32 Kings, essay on conduct of, R21Ja73: 11 morality discussed, PD10N74: 31 King's arms ordinary, Petersburg, Va. , for sale, R8N70: 12 Kings Arms tavern, in Fairfax co. , Va. , 3N52:21 in Hampton, Va. , PD13Je66: 22, PD30J172: 32, D22J175: 43 — P30Je75: 31 in New Bern, N. C. , PD29Ag71: 22, PD29Ag71:31 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD6F72: 32 — R6F72:31 King's chapel, Boston, Mass. , 27Je51: 31 sermons preached at, PD240c71: 22 King's college, New York City, R12Mr72: 11, R25Mr73: 22, PD19Ag73: 13 Bute presents books to, PD150c72: 12 governors, entertain Gov. Dunmore, PD13D70:21 graduation exercises of, PD27My73: 21 professorship to be founded, R14Ap74: 22 receives books from Oxford, PD20Ag72: 22 receives land grant from governor, R14Ap74: 23 King's co. , N. Y. , See Militia of King's ferry, N. Y. , D22Ag77: 11, C3J179:21,D31J179:21 See also British army, deserters from at; Brass six pounders at; Twelve pounders at King's ferry, Va. , 29My46: 41 King's Fisher, H. M. frigate, PD22N70:21 H. M. S. ,24Ja52:31 ship, 28Mr55: 32, P15S75: 22— D16S75:22 King's friend, pseud. , R17F74: 22 King's Head tavern, Petersburg, Va. , sale at, PD22Ja67: 32, PD20Ag67: 23 King's mountain, N. C. , battle at, C21Oc80: 12 King's plate, horse race, D10F76: 33, D17F76: 33, D13Ap76: 33 — P19Ap76:43 King's plates, as prizes, 7Ja37: 22, 25N37: 22, 18Ap55: 31, PD21Mr66: 41, P7F77: 32, P29Ag77: 32, D8My78: 61, D26F79:41,D26Mr79:32 King's road, Charlotte co. , Va. , D230c79: 11 King's road, Nansemond co. , Va. , 2S37: 32 Kingsale, H. M. S. , 12My38: 32, 16N39:32, 1F40:41 Kingsbridge, N. Y. , evacuated by British, D12D77: 11, D6N78: 22 skirmish near, C27N79: 12 described, D9My77: 22 See also British army, deserters from in; British army in; British army retreats to; British army to; German troops near; New England troops march to; Prisoners of war, Tories taken near; Taverns in Kingsbury, Eng. , See Riots in Kingsbury furnace mine bank, R29S68: 31 Kingsby, Betty, acquitted of robbery, PD18Ap66:31 King&dale, ship, 140c37: 31 Kingsland ferry, Chesterfield-Henrico cos. , Va. , 1D38: 42, PD270c74: 23 Kingsley, William, gov. of Calcutta, death of, PD7D69: 22— R7D69: 22 Kingslow, Capt. , of the Prince William, 16D37: 31 Kingsmill plantation, Va. , PD8S74: 32 See also Horse-breeding at; Slaves runaway from Kingston, Elias, Capt. , of the Nancy, 18Ja40: 4 Duke of, PD16S73: 32, D7Mr77: 42 — P7Mr77s21 Kingston, Eng. , celebrates John Wilke's release from prison, PD21Je70:23 assizes trials in, 6J139: 31, PD18Je72:22 See also Corn, scarce in; Fires in; Perjuries in; Robberies in Kingston, Jamaica, oyer and terminer court, PD4J171: 13 See also Bonfires in; Dueling in; Earthquakes in; Effigies burned in; Executions for murder in; Executions for robberies in; Hurricanes in; Irrigation in; Pirates, Spanish, imprisoned in; Prices current in; Ships, Spanish, in; Ships from; Ships from Port au Prince, S. Domingo, to; Ships from St. Christopher, W. I. , to; Ships to; Ships to Charleston, S. C. , from; Stamp act, repeal celebrated in; Yellow fever in Kingston, Mass. , address (text) to Gen. Gage, Pil6Mr75:31 — D18Mr75:23 See also Non -importation agreements supported Kingston, N. Y. , burned by British, D14N77:21— P14N77:21, P5D77: 11 Kingston, brigantine, 16My51: 32, 25J151:32, 110c51: 32 H. M. S. , 12D45: 21, 24Ja52: 22, 2My55: 11, 10Oc55:22 schooner, Pi270c74: 32 ship, 21D39: 21, 12D51: 32, 17J152: 32, PD23S73: 23, PD3F74: 21 sloop, PD14J168: 22— R14J168: 23 snow, 16My51:32, 7N5L22 Kingston glebe, Va. , See Slaves for sale at Kingston Packet, brig,R15S74: 33 ship, PD23S73: 31— R23S73: 33, PD30S73: 31— R30S73: 32, PD1S74: 32, PD22S74: 32, DlAp75: 31 Kingston parish, Gloucester co. , Va. , 9Mr39:41,R17N68:23 — PD17N68: 23, PD21Je70: 32 See also Apple orchards in; Churchwardens in; Corn houses in; Dwelling houses, described, in; Glebes; Land for sale in; Landings 640 Kitchen furniture in; Outhouses in; Oysters in; Peach orchards in; Quarters in; Ships, described, for sale in; Slaves for sale in; Slaves owned by; Smiths shops in; Workhouses in Kington, John,R5S71: 32 Kinkead, Samuel, Capt. , accused of loyalism, P22Mr76: 32 Kinnard, George, R17F74: 33 Kinner, Mr. ,R30My66: 42 Kinnersley, Ebenezer, lectures at Pa. college, PD3D72: 12— R3D72:22 Kinny, Thomas, of N. J. ,R9S73: 33 Kinsale, Ire. , See British army in; Ships from Fort St. George, E. I., to; Ships from Md. to; Ships' sailing time ; Ships to; Ships to N. Y. from; Shipwrecks off Kinsale, British ship, 25Ja40: 2 H.M.S. ,27Ja38:32,2F39:42, 16My45:41,24Ja52:22 Kinsale plantation, Va. ,P20Oc75: 23, P160c78:31 Kinsey, David, P240c77: 31 James, of N. J. , Pi270c74: 23, PD3N74: 12--Pi4N74: 12,D21Ja75: 12, Pi23F75:22 William, Capt. , of the Vulture, 26S55:12 Kinsman, Melchisedeck, R22S68: 33 Kinston, Elias, Capt. , of the Nancy, 18Ja40:4 Kinton, William, C30Oc79: 31 Kinyon, Joseph, prisoner of war, D250c76:21 Kip, Capt. , 18Ja40: 22 Henry, of N. Y. ,PD28My72: 23 Kip skins, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va.,P13S76:32 Kipling, W., watchmaker of London, Eng., PD2S73:31,R11N73:21, PD18N73:23 Kipp, Capt. ,24S36:21 Kippen, Capt. , of the Lady Margaret, PD8Mr70:21 David, PD27My73: 23 Kippen, George & Co. , merchants of Glasgow, Scot. , PD1D68:32— RlD68:21,PD9My71:31, PD13Ja74:33 James, Capt. , of the Nancy, PD7J168:23--R7J168:22, PDllAg68: 23--RllAg68: 31, RllAg68:24 Kippen, Ingram, & co. , 16My55: 21 Kippen's bottles (for snuff), R80c72: 33 Kipple, Humphrey, PI lAg75: 41 Kipps, Francis, Capt. , of the Benedict, 23D37: 42 Kirby, Capt. , of the Nancy, D6Ap76: 23 Benet, 4N63: 22 John, PD3Mr68: 23, PD23Je74: 23, C30Oc79:32 Josiah, violates Association, D6My75: 21 Silas, violates Association, D6My75:21 Thomas, adv. ,PD23Je74: 23 William, C30Oc79: 32 Kirby Hall, ship, Pil6Mr75: 22 — P17Mr75: 21--D18Mr75: 23 Kirk, Capt., of the Isabella, D1N76: 12 Agnes, Mrs. ,R16Je68: 32 James, accuses Norfolk, Va. , paper of Toryism, PD10N74: 33 adv. for runaway servants, D17Je75:33 adv. unclaimed tobacco. , R3N68:34 defendant in Chancery court, PD22Ag71:33 denounces Constant Woodson's claim of cure of cancer, R16Je68: 32 on Fairfax co. , Va., committee, R4Ag74: 22 on Lancaster co. , Va. , committee [of correspondence], Pi2Mr75: 22 reports cure of wife's cancer, R31Mr68:34 requests tobacco inspection money, Pi28Ap75:41 James, jr. , D13Ja76: 33 John, of Pa. , plantation of, 4N63: 33 Julius, Pi20Ap75: 31 — P21Ap75s42 — D22Ap75:31 William, 4N63: 33, PD29Ja67: 13 Kirkaldy, Scot. , See Antiquities discovered in; Fires near Kirkbrige, Mahlon, presents message to Gov. Morris of Pa. , 19S55: 22 Kirkcudbright, Scot. , See Shipwrecks near Kirkendall, Abraham, P25J177: 32 Kirkland, Capt. , captures robbers on Carolina frontier, R12My68: 14 Moses, Col. , Tory leader of S. C. , P2F76sl2— D3F76: 32, P17My76: 32, D6N79:22 Samuel, of Oneida, R15Mr 70s 11 Kirkliston, Scot. , See Floods in Kirkman, Capt. , of the Scipio, PD23Ja72:22 Mr. , harpsichord maker, PD6Ag67: 32 Kirkpatrick, John, plaintiff in suit, PD30Oc66:31 Joshua, seaman, D7Mr77: 41 Thomas, PD30Oc66: 31, PD10N74: 33 Kirkwood, Capt. , PD7Mr66: 31 of the Elizabeth, PD6Ap69: 21 James, Capt. , of the Diamond, 12D55:21 John, adv. for runaway servants, PD2Je74: 32 Kirnem plantation, Westmoreland co. , Va.,P24Ja77:23 Kirselegh, John, Capt. , capture by Spanish described, 3F38: 41 Kirtley, Francis, settlement of estate of,D30D75:33 Francis, jr. , D30D75: 33, P1N76: 41 Kirwan, Mr. ,D19D77: 41 Kirwin, Capt. , of the William and Ann,R16D73:32 Kissam, Mr., of N. Y. ,R16F69: 13, PD17Ja71: 22— R17Ja71: 13, P17Mr75s31--D18Mr75:31 [Benjamin], attorney for crown, R15D68:13 Kit cat club, Eng. , 10S36: 41 Kitchen, Capt. , PD30Oc66: 21 of Norfolk, Va. , PD19My74: 42 of the Fonthill, PD6Je66: 21 William, PD30My66: 33 Kitchen furniture, for sale, PD30Ap67: 32, PD7J168: 31, PD310c71: 31, PD14N71: 23, PD26D71:31,PD27Ag72:43, PD3S72: 23, PD150c72: 31, PD17D72:31,PD16D73:23, Pi22D74:32,Pi7S75:32, P15D75: 33, D20Ja76: 31 — Pi20Ja76: 32— P26Ja76: 41, P9F76: 33, P7Je76: 42, P15N76: 13, D21Mr77: 11— P21Mr77sl3, D4Ap77:31,P16My77sll, P23My77: 12,D28N77: 22, D5F80:33 at Belvidere plantation, Va. , D14N77:31— P21N77:32 at Belvoir plantation, Va. , PD20Oc74: 32--Pi20Oc74: 32 at Bermuda Hundred, Va. , D4Mr75:33,P8Ag77: 13 at Bremo plantation, Va. , PD1D74:31— PilD74:33 at Brick house, New Kent co. , Va. , PD30Oc66: 23 at Burwell's ferry, Va. , PD18N73: 22 at Capitol landing, Va. ,D22J175: 33 — P21J175:32 at Chatsworth plantation, Va. , R13J169: 23— PD27J169: 41 at Concord Forge, PD7Ja73: 31 — R7Ja73:32 at Green spring plantation, Va. , PD10Oc71:32 at Halfway House, York co. , Va. , PD2D73:23 at Jockey's neck, Va. ,R22S74: 33— Pi29S74:41 at King's creek, Va. ,D140c75: 33— P130c75:23 at Kingston glebe, Gloucester co. , Va. , PD13D70: 31, D12D77: 21 at Little England plantation, Va. , P14J175:41 at Newport glebe, Isle of Wight co. , Va. ,PD2Ja72:32 at North West landing, Va. , D4Mr80: 31 at Porto Bello, Va. , PD1J173: 33 at Stratford plantation , Va. , P5Ap76:33—D6Ap76:32 at Trinity glebe, Louisa co. , Va. , D28N77:22 atWestover, Va. , D19S77: 32— P19S77:12,P170c77:ll in Amelia co. , Va. , PD170c71: 31 — R170c71: 31, PD12Mr72: 32, PD290c72: 22— R290c72: 23, D18Ap77:71,P19Je78:ll — D10J178:32 in Blandford, Va. , PD4J166: 31 — R18J166:41,PD6Je71:32, PD19N72: 23, PD16Je74: 22 — R16Je74:32,P16Je75:23, D8N76:31 in Brunswick co. , Va. , P21F77: 22, D6N79: 31 in Bute co. , N. C. , D5S77: 31 in Cabin Point, Va. , P21Ag78: 32 in Caroline co. , Va. , PD7Ap68: 31 — R14Ap68: 43, PD26Ag73: 31, D30Oc78:31 in Charles City co. , Va. , PD23S73: 31--R23S73: 33, R4Ag74: 33, PD15D74: 32 — PU5D74: 32, P20Oc75: 23, D280c75:33,P15N76:33, P14N77:23,D230c79:12 in Charles parish, Va. , PD23Je74: 23, 641 Kitchen furniture, for sale, (cont'd) PD24N74:31 in Charlotte co. , Va. , D230c79: 11 in Chesterfield co. , Va. , PD5S66s33, PD26S66: 33, PD27F72: 32, PD6Ag72: 31, D19D77:31 in Culpeper co. , Va. , P250c76: 32 in Cumberland co. , Va. , PD5Mr72: 3.2— R12Mr72: 32, PD18N73:22 in Dinwiddie co. , Va. , R24D67: 33, R19Ja69: 31--PD26Ja69: 33, PD31Ja71: 33— R31Ja71: 23, PD18Ap71 : 32, PD19D71: 32, PD10Mr74: 32,D4J177: 11 in Dumfries, Va. , P25J177: 33 in Edenton, N. C. ,RllAg68: 31, D28F77:32 in Elizabeth City co. , Va. , PD14N71:23,R17F74:31 in Essex co. , Va. , D29N76: 42, P160c78:31 in Fairfax co. , Va. , R1J173: 33, PD2Je74: 32— R2Je74: 22 in Falmouth, Va. , P19S77: 12, D24Ap78:22 in Fauquier co. , Va. , C30Oc79: 42 in Fredericksburg, Va. ,R4F68:32, R13S70:32,R23Ap72:42 — PD26Mr72: 33, PD220c72: 22, R7J174:31,R18Ag74:32, P15S75: 32, D18Mr80: 32 in Gloucester co. , Va. , R3My70: 32, R17Ja71:23,PilD74:33, PD8D74:31,D27Ja76:33 — P2F76:32,P8My76:33 — D9My76: 23, P9Ag76: 42 — D10Ag76: 62, D17Ag76: 22, D17J179:32 in Goochland co. , Va. ,P12D77:23 in Granville co. , N. C. , P230c78: 23 in Halifax co. , Va. ,D19S77: 41 — P26S77:31 in Hampton, Va. ,R8Mr70s32 in Hanover, Va. , PDUa67: 31, PD4Ag74: 31— R4Ag74: 33, D24Ap78:31,D24J179:32 in Hanover co. , Va. , PD10Oc66: 33, PD6N66: 23, PD5Ag73: 23, P5Ja76: 33--D13Ja76: 33, D9Oc79:31,D29Ja80:33 in Henrico co. , Va. ,P13Je77: 33, D12D77:21— P12D77:32, D11D79:31 in Isle of Wight co. , Va. , PD13Ag72: 23, P20S76: 32— D21S76:41 in James City co. , Va. , R4D66: 43, R19F67: 32, PD24My70: 31, Pil6F75:33— P17F75:42, D18F75: 31, Pi6Ap75sl2, D23S75: 33, P27S76s21, D29N76: 42, P6D76: 32, D13D76: 32— P13D76: 23, D20D76:21 in Jamestown, Va. , PD2J172: 32 in King and Queen co. , Va. , PD2My66: 23, PD20Je66: 31, PD31Mr68: 31— R31Mr68: 34, PD21J168: 31--R21J168: 32, PD4Oc70: 32— R4Oc70: 31, PD28Ja73: 31--R28Ja73: 32, PD16D73: 31— R16D73: 42, R19My74: 43, D25J177: 41 — P25J177:41,D90c79:32 in King George co. , Va. , D21Mr77: 12— P21Mr77s21 in King William co. , Va. , 27Ag56: 41, PD25F68: 23— R25F68: 31, PDllMy69: 31— RllMy69: 32, PD10Ja71: 33--R10Ja71: 31, PD170c71: 31--R170c71: 31, PD240c71: 23— R310c71: 41, PD6Mr73: 31, PD1D74: 31, P270c75:23,D17Ja77:22--P17Ja77:31 in Lancaster co. , Va. , Pi23Mr75: 33 — P24Mr75: 33--D25Mr75: 31, P3Ja77:23,P29My78:41 in Louisa co. , Va. ,C27N79: 21 — D27N79:22 in Lunenburg co. , Va. , PD15D68: 31, P40c76: 33 in Manchester , Va. , D310c77: 21 — P3lOc77:13,P21N77:31 in Middlesex co. , Va. , 16Ja61: 41, PD10Oc66: 41, PD5N67: 31, PD25Je72: 33, PD24N74: 23, P20S76:23,P18Ap77s42, P16My77s31 in Montgomery co. , Va. , D30My77: 31--P30My77: 13 in Nansemond co. , Va. , PD19N72: 23, D14Mr77: 71-- P14Mr77:32,D8Ag77:21, P15Ag77: 13 in New Kent co. , PD20N66: 23— R4D66:33,R5Ja69:32 — PD29D68: 31, PD23F69: 33 — R23F69:22,R15Ag71:32, PD16s73:32, PD23S73:31 — R23S73:33,PD18N73:22, PD25N73: 23, PD130c74: 31 — R130c74: 32, D22N76: 32, P7F77:33,P28Mr77s22, P30c77:23,C27N79s21, D27N79: 22, C18D79: 12— D25D79:31 in Newcastle, Va. , PD15J173: 33, PD17Mr74: 31, P4Ap77: 33, D30c77:32,D30c77:41 in Norfolk, Va. , PD18Ag68: 32— R18Ag68: 31, PD270c68: 33, PD18Oc70: 33, PD9Ja72: 32 inN.C. ,D26F80:31 in Northumberland co. , Va. , PD5N72.-43— R5N72:21 in Orange co. , Va. , C28Ag79: 32— D28Ag79: 12 in Petersburg, Va. , PD22S68: 31 — R22S68: 24, PD16Ag70: 42, Pi50c75: 33, P12J176: 32 — D13J176:21,D2My77:62, D160c79: 12 in Peytonsburg, Va. , PD4N73: 23 in Pittsylvania co. , Va. ,D7N77: 32 in Pocahontas, Va. , P12S77: 33 in Port Royal, Va. ,R10Ag69: 33, D170c77: 22— P240c77: 31, D11S79:32 in Prince Edward co. , Va. , P10Ja77:43 in Prince George co. , Va. , 21F51: 41, 110c76: 13, D22N76: 31 — P22N76:31,P21F77:23,P20Je77sll, P310c77: 13,P12D77:23 in Prince George's co. , Md. , PD2F69:31— R2F69: 23 in Richmond, Va. , 12S55: 32, PD15F70: 31— R15F70: 32, PD27S70: 32--R27S70: 22, R15N70:31,PD13My73:41, P21Ap75: 31--D22Ap75: 32 in Richmond co. , Va. , PD19My68: 23- R26My68:33,P19S77:13 in Rocky ridge, Va. , PD16N69: 23— R16N69:31 in Smithfield, Va. , PD21F71: 32 — R21F71:32 in Southampton co. , Va. ,P13Je77: 11 in Spotsylvania co. , Va. , PD27N66:31,R9Je74:22 in Stafford co. , Va. , PD24F74: 32— R3Mr74:42,P12D77:31 in Surry co. , Va. , 4N63: 42, RlMr70: 32— PD8Mr70: 42, PD3N74: 43— Pi4N74: 33, D6My75: 32, P29My76: 31 — D30My76:33, D28N77:22, D4D78: 22 in Sussex co. , Va. , PD9Mr69: 42, PD2Ap72: 33, PD80c72: 32 in Tappahannock, Va. , PD10Oc71: 32— R170c71: 33, PD3Mr74: 32--R17Mr74: 31, PD270c74: 23 inUrbanna, Va. , PD19N72: 23— R19N72: 23, Pi4My75: 33 — P5My75:23 in Warwick co. , Va. , PD21Mr71: 32, P22N76: 33, D27D76: 42— P27D76:31,P28F77:21, D20Je77: 22— P20Je77: 33, D30Oc78:41 in West point, Va. , PD24My70: 31— R31My70:42 in Westmoreland co. , Va. , P25Ag75: 81--D26Ag75: 32, D160c78: 41— P160c78: 11 in Williamsburg, Va. , 1D52: 32, PD22Ag66: 31, PD18D66: 31, PD22Ja67: 33, PD16J167: 33— R23J167:42,R25F68:31, PD16Je68: 31— R16Je68: 31, PD28J168: 23--R28J168: 31, PD12Ja69: 41, PD4My69: 33 — RllMy69: 33, PD5Ap70: 41 — R5Ap70sll, PD30Ag70: 32, R6S70: 32, PD20S70: 32, PD17Ja71: 32, PD21Mr71: 32, PD20Je71: 33— R20Je71: 33, PD27Je71: 32, PD25J171: 23, PD16J172: 32, PD10Je73: 23, R23S73:32,R10Mr74:32, PD22D74: 31--Pi22D74: 32, D21Ja75:31,D4Mr75:33, Pi260c75: 32— P270c75: 31 — D4N75:32,P22D75:33— D23D75:33,P12D77:23, D10J178:32,P21Ag78:31, D8My79:22,D19Je79:31, D28Ag79:31,D20c79:31, C19F80: 42, DlAp80: 23, C15J180: 21 in York co. , Va. , PD7Ap68: 31 — R14Ap68sl4, PD3Ja71: 31, PDlAp73:32,PD8D74:31, DllMy76:23,D20N79:22 inYorktown, Va. , PD2Je68: 31, PD9My71: 33, PD20F72: 33, PD21Ja73: 31, PD11F73: 23, P26Ja76: 33--D27Ja76: 33, D23Ja78:31 near Blandford, Va. ,D3Ja77: 31 — P3Ja77s23 near Cabin Point, Va. ,D14Mr77: 12 — 642 Kitchens P21Mr77:21 near Fredericksburg, Va. , PD7Ja73:21 near Port Royal, Va. , PD10F74: 32 near Richmond courthouse, Va. , R4D66:32 near Williamsburg, Va. ,PD16My71: 32, P9F75:33 on Dan river, Va. , D11S79: 32 on Pianketank river, Va. , PD8D74:31--Pi8D74:33, D11F75:23--P10F75:42 on Pope's creek, Va. , R2Je74: 23 Kitchen gardeners, adv. for, in King William co. , Va. , 23N39: 41 Kitchen goods, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , C13My80: 31 Kitchen jack, for rent,D4D79: 31 Kitchen maids, See Slaves as Kitchen utensils, for British army, inN.Y. ,R25D66:22 Kitchen work, repairing of, in Norfolk, Va.,PD26D71:31 — R6F72:42 Kitchens, 5S55: 41, PD6N66: 31, PD22Ja67: 33, R19N72: 22 at Cabin Point warehouse, Va. , 30N59:41 at Great Bridge, Va. , PD29Cc67: 22 at Sewell's point, Va. , 13Ap39: 31 between York and Hampton, Va. , P8Ag77: 12 burned, in Norfolk co. , Va. , PD8S68p22--R22S68:33 for rent, in Manchester, Va. , P12S77:13,C3J179:42 in Richmond, Va. , C3J179: 42 on Chicka hominy river, Va. , P25Ap77: 12 for sale, near Halifax, N.C., PD27S70: 32 in Richmond, Va. , PD23D73: 23 in Albemarle co. , Va. , PD3Ja71: 33— R10Ja71: 41, PD80c72:33 in Alexandria, Va. , HAp55: 32 in Amelia co. , Va. , 27D51: 32, 3S56: 32, PD5S66s33, PD17D67: 33, PD4N73:23--R4N73:32, D5D77:21--P5D77:33 in Anson co. , N, C. , D20J176: 51 in Augusta co. , Va. , R11D66: 32, D19S77:32 in Berkeley co. , Va. , PD16Je74: 23— R16Je74: 31 inBlandford, Va. , P2Je75: 33, D5S77:31 in Brunswick co. , Va. , 24My51: 41, 18Ap55:22,23My55:21, PD7My67: 33, PD24My70: 33, R21F71:33,PD310c71:31, PD8D74: 32, P3My76: 33, P8N76: 31, D28Mr77: 32, D6Je77: 22 — P20Je77:12 in Caroline co. , Va. , 24D67: 43, DllMr75:32,D25D79:31, D5F80:33 in Charles City co. , Va. , PD1S74: 32— R1S74: 33, P8N76: 41, D230c79: 12 in Charlotte co. , Va. , P8Ag77: 42 in Chesterfield co. , Va. , D11N75: 32 in Culpeper co. , Va. , PDllMy69: 32 — RllMy69:33 in Cumberland, New Kent co. , Va. , 60c52:32 in Cumberland co. , Va. , PD9D73:32— R9D73:22 in Dinwiddie co. , Va. , PD9J172: 32, PD12Ag73: 23--R12Ag73: 23, Pil6Mr75: 41, P16Ag76sll, D25J177:41 in Dunmore co. , Va. , R23Je74: 42 in Edenton, N. C. , PD18D66: 33, D24Ap78:31 in Elizabeth City co. , Va. , PD16Mr69: 32, PD14N71: 23 in Fairfax co. , Va. , PD19Mr67: 33, R15Ap73:32 in Falmouth, Va. , 3J146: 42 in Frederick co. , Va. , PD16Je74: 23— R16Je74: 31 in Fredericksburg, Va. , 170c55: 31, PD5S66: 42--R5S66: 41, PD20Ag67: 32, PD21Ap68: 31, PD8Je69: 31, PD18Ap71: 32 — R2My71:33,PD3N74:42, P18Ap77s31,D10J178:41, D13N78:12 in Gloucester co. , Va. , R19F67: 41, PD10S67:22,R29N70:22, PD17Mr74: 31, Pll Ap77s43 in Goochland co. , Va. , 9My55: 22, PD11D66: 33, R4Ag68: 31,R17Ag69: 31, PD12Ag73: 23, PD25N73: 31, D8Je76: 71, P22Ag77: 32, D13N78: 11 in Granville co. , N. C. , PD26Ja69: 33, PD20Ja74: 33, D8Ag77: 31, D160c79: 12 in Halifax, N. C. , PD5S66s33 in Halifax co. , Va. , PD6Je66: 32, R10Ag69: 32, PD28Ap74: 23 in Hampshire co. , Va. , R28Ap68: 24 in Hampton, Va. ,23My45: 32, PD220c67:22,D4S79:22 in Hanover, Va. , PD20Ag72: 31, PD10F74: 32— R10F74: 32, DllAp77: 62— PllAp77s22 in Hanover co. , Va. , 12D55: 41, PD10Oc66: 33.R19F67: 41, R12My68: 33, PDllMy69s41, PD21Ja73: 31, PD280c73: 23, PD10F74: 32--R10F74: 32, PD4Ag74: 31--R4Ag74: 33, P5Ja76:33— D13Ja76: 32, P12Ap76:32,P8Ag77: 12, P22Ag77:12,P21N77:33, D24Ap78: 41--P8My78sl2, P230c78:31 in Henrico co. , Va. , 18Ap45: 41, 240c55: 22, PD9S73: 32, P29Mr76: 33, D25My76: 23, D240c77: 22 in Isle of Wight co. , Va. , 14N55: 22, PD150c67:22 in James City co. , Va. ,R19F67: 32, PD25Je67: 32, PD16S73: 32 in King and Queen co. , Va. , PD11D66: 33, PD25F73: 32 — R25F73: 31, PD12Ag73: 23 in King William co. , Va. , 12D45: 42, PD170c66: 41, PD10N68: 23 — R17N68:32,PD10D72:31, R29Ap73: 31, P24My76: 33, D29J176:52— P19J176: 33, D25D79:22 in Lancaster co. , Va. , PD11D66: 32, PD19Ap70: 31--R19Ap70: 23 in Leeds parish, Va. , RllMr73: 33 in Leesburg, Va. ,R150c72: 33 in Louisa co. , Va. ,20Oc52: 22, PlD75:31,D16My77: 12 in Lunenburg co. , Va. , PD10Oc66: 42, R25D66:32 — PDUa67:33 in Manchester, Va. , D310c77: 21 — P310c77: 13,P21N77:31,D28Ag79: 12 in Mecklenburg co. , Va. , PD80c67: 21, PD30J172: 32, R15J173:41,D13N79:31 in Middlesex co. , Va. , R11F68: 33, R23My71:31 in New Kent co. , Va. , PD15Ag66: 32, PD20Ag67: 32,R310c71: 43, D24F76:33,P15Mr76:32, P240c77:31 in Newcastle, Va. , 24Ja51: 41, 15D52: 32, 2My55: 22, PD15J173: 33, P24N75s22 in Nixonton, N. C. , PD7Ap68: 31 in Norfolk, Va. , PD13N66: 22, R30Ag70:31,R8Oc72:31 in Norfolk co. , Va. , PD5S66s33 — R5S66: 32, PD24D67: 32 — R24D67:32,R18Oc70:22 in Northampton co. , N. C. , PD10Ag69: 33, PD150c72: 31 in Northumberland co. , Va. , PD7My67: 32 in Orange co. , Va. ,R15Ap73: 32, D11D79:31 in Petersburg, Va. ,250c65s43, R15J173:41 in Pittsylvania co. , Va. , PD13D70:23,PD11F73:31 in Port Royal, Va. , lAg51: 32, D170c77: 22 — P240c77: 31, D10J179:32 in Portsmouth, Va. , PD23Mr69: 32 — R21Ap69s21-22,D26S77:31 in Powhatan co. , Va. , D19Je79: 31 in Prince Edward co. , Va. , P21Ag78: ll,P160c78:31 in Prince George co. , Va. , 20Je45: 41, 24My51: 41, 30c51: 41, 20Mr52: 22, 28F55: 42, PD20Je66: 31, R23J167:42,D17Ja77:22 in Prince William co. , Va. , PD30Ap67: 32, R23J167: 31, C15J180:22 in Princess Anne co. , Va. , 3J152: 32, PD2F69: 32— R2F69: 23, R8N70: 33, R6F72:33,R21My72:23 in Richmond, Va. , 25J151: 32, 16Ag51: 32, PD150c72: 31, PD28Ap24: 32, D8Ap75: 32, D22Ap75: 32, Pil3Ja76: 22, PlMy78: 32, P160c78: 33, DlAp80r31 in Rowan co., N. C. ,P30c77: 22, D17J178:41 in Smithfield, Va. , PD1S68: 31 in Southampton co. , Va. , P13Je77: 11 in Spotsylvania co. , Va. ,R24D67: 43, R31Mr68:32,D25J177:32 in Stafford co. , Va. , C15J180: 22 in Staunton, Va. ,R11D66: 32, DllAp77: 62— P19Ap77s31 in Suffolk, Va.,PD22S68:23 in Surry co. , Va. , PD12N67: 23, PD3F74:33,D15Ag77:71, P15Ag77:33 in Sussex co. , Va. , PD8N70: 31, P130c75:31,DllAp77:62, P15Ag77: 12,D18D79:31 in Tyrell co. , N. C. , PDllMy69: 32 643 Kitchens (cont'd) in Warwick, Va. , 19J154: 41 in Warwick co. , Va. , PD3Mr74: 32 — R3Mr74:33 in West Point, Va. , PD11J171:32, P27Mr78: 12 in Westmoreland co. , Va. , PD150c67:22 in Williamsburg, Va. , 9My45: 41, 16My45: 41, 2Mr53: 42, HAp55: 31, 22Ap57: 41, PD80c67: 21, PD19N67: 22, R29Mr70: 22 — PD5Ap70: 41, D8Ag77: 22, P21N77:31,P21Ag78:31, D5Je79:32 in York co. , Va. , PD3S67: 22, PD15F70: 42, R21Mr71: 42, R15Ag71: 32, PD5Mr72: 32, D180c76:41 inYorktown, Va. , 5Je52: 32, 3J152: 32, 7N54s22, 26S55: 32, 30c55:32,R18Ag68:32— PD25Ag68: 32, PD130c68: 23— R130c68: 24, PD14Mr71: 32, PD29Ap73: 23— R29Ap73: 23, PD2D73:22,PD9D73:23 near Alexandria, Va. , PD29J173: 31 — R5Ag73:33 near Cabin Point, Va. ,D18F75: 32, D14Mr77: 12— P21Mr77: 21 near Milner's warehouse, Va. , PDllJe72:32 near Petersburg, Va. , PD6N66: 31, PD17D72: 31, P8D75: 33— D9D75: 33 near Port Royal, Va. , PD15Ag66: 31 near Suffolk, Va. , 12D55: 31 near Williamsburg, Va. , 15D52: 32, R29Mr70: 22— PD5Ap70: 42 near Winchester, Va. ,R21Mr71: 42 on Dan river, Va. ,D11S79: 32 on Hampton river, Va. , PD14N71: 22 on James river, Va. ,D11N75: 32 on Pamunkey river, Va. , 14Mr55: 41 on Pianketank river, Va. , PD8D74:31— Pi8D74:33, P10F75:42— D11F75:23 on Staunton river, Va. , PD6N66: 23 See also Brick kitchens; Tea kitchens Kitchens, described, at Martin's Brandon parish, Va. , PD13D70: 31— R13D70: 32 at Flower de Hundred plantation, Va. , PD24S67:23 in Alexandria, Va. ,R2My71: 31 in Amherst co. , Va. , PD21Mr71: 32 in Anson co. , N. C. , D12F79: 42 in Boyd's hole, Va. , PD3N68: 31 in Brunswick co. , Va. , R6F72: 33, PD150c72: 31, PD8J173: 32 in Buckingham co. , Va. , P160c78: 31 in Bute co. , N. C. , PD23F69: 32 — R23F69:23 in Caswell co. , N. C. , P12S77: 12 in Charlotte co. , Va. , PD31Ja71: 33 in Chesterfield co. , Va. , PD9N69:23 in Culpeper co. , Va. , PD18Je67: 32 in Cumberland co. , Va. , PD22Ag66:23 in Dinwiddie co. , Va. , 15S52: 32, RlD68:41,R4Mr73:32 in Essex co. , Va. , P21Ap38: 41 in Fairfax co. , Va. , 25Ap51: 41, HOc51:32,D19F79:32 in Gloucester co. , Va. , PD13N66: 23, PD22N70: 23, P5S77: 33 in Goochland co. , Va. , 26N36: 42 in Granville co. , N. C. , P3 Ja77s22, P230c78:23 in Halifax, N. C. , PD9J172: 32 in Hanover co. , Va. , 7Ja37: 42, 18Ag38:42,PD9D73:23, PD3N74: 42, D4Mr80: 13 in Hertford co. , N. C. , PD7N71: 32 in Isle of Wight co. , Va. , PD20Ag67: 33, PD10S67:23,R11F68:32 — PD25F68:23 in King William co. , Va. ,D26D77: 12 in Lancaster co. , Va. ,R17N68: 31 in Louisa co. , Va. , 13F52: 41, R12My68: 33 in Mecklenburg co. , Va. , PD29J173: 23 in New Kent co. , Va. , PD16Ap67: 31 in Newcastle, Va. ,PD23Mr69: 33, PD21S69:31 in Nixonton, N. C. , PD1S68: 23 in Norfolk co. , Va. , 24Ap46: 32, PD4J166:33 in Northumberland co. , Va. , R17N68:31 in Orange co. , Va. ,DlAp75: 11 in Petersburg, Va. , PD8N70: 23— R8N70:23,PD30Ja72:33 in Port Royal, Va. , D30Oc78:41 in Portsmouth, Va. , PD24S67: 22 in Prince George co. , Va. , 17Ja51: 42, HOc51: 41, 7N51: 31 in Princess Anne co. , Va. , P9My77sll in Southampton co. , Va. , PD12S66:31 in Stafford co. , Va. , PD9Je74: 32 in Surry co. , Va. ,PD7Mr71: 32, PD30J172: 42, D29Je76: 42 in Sussex co. , Va„ , 3S56: 41, PD9My66: 31,R23Mr69: 31, R3My70: 31 in Tappahannock, Va. , 22Ap57: 42 in Williamsburg, Va. ,PD30Ag70: 32 — R30 Ag70: 31, R6S70: 32, D4D78: 22 near Fredericksburg, Va. ,D18Mr80: 32 near Halifax, N. C. , PD15Ag66: 32 near Petersburg, Va. , PD15Ag71: 32 on Appomattox river, Va. , 3J152:32 on Cape Henry, Va. , PD21Ap74: 31 on James river, Va. , 27Mr52: 31 on Nottoway river, Va. , P17Ja77:41 on Pamunkey river, Va. , HAp55: 32 Kitchingman, William, convict servant, 9Mr39: 41 Kittagusta, Indian chief, death of, PD16Je68:22 Kittanning, Pa. , attack by Indians rumored, D18Ap77: 62 reinforced by Americans, D18Ap77:62 skirmish with Indians near, D31J179:22 See also Murders by Indians near Kittera, Thomas, at College of N.J. , PD290c72: 12 Kittery, Me. , See Drownings in; Lightning in; Murders in; Teachers in Kittler, John Charles, D8Je76: 71 — P14Je76:32 Kitty, brig,R12J69:31,PD3Mr74:21 horse, R140c73: 31 schooner, D5Je79: 31 ship, 3Ap52: 31, PD13Je66: 22, PD15Ag66: 31, PD15Ja67: 32, R23J167:31,R31Mr68:31, PD5My68: 21, R12My68: 21, PD2Je68:23,R23Je68:23, RllAg68: 23,RllAg68: 24, PD28S69: 12, PD3lOc71: 21, P19N75: 12 Kitty and Nora, ship, 25Ja40: 12 snow, 5Ja39: 42, 25My39: 42, 27J139: 41, 10Ag39: 2, 14D39: 1 Kitty and Peggy, ship, PD130c74: 22 Kitty Fisher, horse, PD7My72: 32, R140c73: 31, PD28Ap74: 22, PD9Je74: 31, PD20Oc74: 31, D26Mr79: 32, D16Ap79: 32 stallion, PD6My73: 32— R6My73s22 Kitt" Snickers, schooner, D90c79: 22 Klaiman, Charles de, Capt. , P6Mr78:31,D10J178 : 32, D26Je79: 31 Kleinhoff, George, PD6N66: 32 Kling, John, D12Je79: 12 Klopstock, Friedrich Gottlieb, author, PD10Je73:33 Klug, Samuel, Rev. Mr. , chairman of Middlesex co. , Va. , committee, Pil5Je75: 21— D17Je75: 31, P7J175s22 denies violation of Association in Urbanna, Va. ,P22J175s32 — Pi27J175: 31— D29J175: 11 preacher for clergy's relief fund, PD4My69: 33, PD22Mr70: 42 — R22Mr70: 31 rector of Christ Church parish, Va. , PD1D68: 31 trustee for clergy's relief fund, R9My71: 33— PD9My71: 31 , PD26Mr72: 32— R26Mr72: 23, PD7My72: 31, PDllMr73: 31 — RllMr73: 31, PillMy75: 33— D13My75: 33, P29Mr76: 32 — D30Mr76: 33 Knaile, John, Capt. , of the Unity, 10Oc45:3,9Ja46:4 Knapkining, for sale, in WiUiamsburg, Va.,C21Oc80:22 Knapp, Francis, R3Ag69: 31 Knapsacks, captured by British at Bunker Hill, P7J175: 23 — D8J175: 31 Kneeland, Mr. , chaplain to British army in Boston, Mass. , PD10N68: 21 Bartholomew, of Boston, Mass. , PD24Ag69:21 Kneesworth, Eng. , See Insanity in; Murders in Kneller, Sir Godfrey, portrait painter, 10S36:41 Knethell, Capt. , of the Hibernia, P19J176:13— D29J176:11 Knewstep, Edward, bond of, D3Ag76: 32 Knibb, John,R12Mr67: 33,RUe69: 33 Knife cases, as lottery prizes, PD7Ap68: 31 Knight, Capt. , captured at Machias, Me. ,Pil4S75:22 Com. , of the RamiUies, PD25Ap71: 21, PD25J171:21,PDlAg71: 11 Lt. , commands British privateer, 644 Knowler D14Mr77:21 exchanged for American prisoner of war, Pi260c75: 31--P270c75s21 killed in battle of Lexington and Concord, P12My75sll, P12My75sl2 D20My75:32 of the Diligence, PD31Mr74: 13 Mr. ofS.C. , horse of, D8My78:61 of Cumberland co. , Va. , P21Ap75s32 Benjamin, PD5S71: 32, PD7N71: 31, C15J180:21 Charles, R16N69: 41, PD7My72: 32, D20N79:22 Elizabeth, of N. J., murdered, PD18Je72:31 Henry, R21S69: 31 Jeremiah, R28Ap68: 31 John, PD18Ap66: 31, PD9Je74: 32 Joseph, Capt. , of the Ocean, PD2S73: 12--R2S73: 13, PD9S73:21--R9S73: 12 Moses, R23Ag70: 33 Peter, R28Ap68: 31, PD23J172: 33 Richard. PD21Mr71: 31, PD13Je71: 33, PD5S71:32,PD7N71:31 Thomas,PD23Je74: 12 [William], author,24My51:32 William, Capt. , of the Torrington, 25Ja40:2 Knight, privateer, D5Je79: 22 Knights, Capt. ,PD12N72:21 Knights of Bath, elections to, PD27Ag72:22 installation ceremony described, PD27Ag72:21 rehearsed, PD27Ag72: 21 Knights of the redemption, support Theodore I of Corsica, 9Je38: 31 Knightsbridge, Eng. , See Anecdotes from Knitters, See Convict servants as; Slaves as Knitting by American women, D13Ja76: 41 Knitting machines, invented in Eng. ,PD12S7 1:13 Knives, adv. for, in Williamsburg, Va.,P5Ap76:33 captured by Americans in Great Bridge, Va. , Pil3D75: 33 — D16D75:33 for sale,12F62:42 in Alexandria, Va. , P3Ap78: 31, D24J179:22 in Beaufort, N. C. , P160c78: 32 in Edenton, N. C. , P160c78: 42 in Fredericksburg, Va. , P4Ap77:32--DllAp77:62, P18J177:32 in Gloucester co. , Va. , D17J179: 32 in Hanover, Va. , D24Ap78: 31 in Newcastle, Va. , D30c77: 32 in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166: 23 in Petersburg, Va. , P27Mr78: 12, D8My78:61,P21Ag78:42 in Smithfield, Va. , PD4Ag68: 31 in Suffolk, Va.,D10J178:32, P21Ag78:ll in Williamsburg, Va. ,R16Je68: 32, PD270c68: 33--R270c68: 22, PD210c73: 23--R210c73: 22, PD14Ap74: 31, PD18Ag74: 32, D21F77:21--P21F77:32, D10J178:21--P10J178:33, C30Oc79:33,C6N79:32 — D6N79:31,C13N79: 12, DllD79:22,D29Ja80:41 in York co. , Va. , D20N79: 22 price on Rappahannock river, Va. , Pil8My75: 12 taken by convict servants, 18S46:41 See also Buckhorn knives; Clasp knives; Ivory handled knives; Ivory sliding knives; Penknives; Silver hafted knives; Silver knives Knives, bolus, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD30J172: 32, PD1J173: 32, PD14J174:32 Knives, Buffalo sliding, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD22N70s23, PD170c71:23 Knives, butcher, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 110c51: 41, PD15F70: 41, D6J176: 22, DlMy79: 22 found, adv. for, PD170c66: 31 Knives, carving, for sale, in Smithfield, Va. , C3J179: 31 Knives, Chinese ivory, for sale, in Norfolk, Va.,R15N70:31 — PD22N70:23 Knives, currying, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD3D67: 32, PD28S69:31,PD12D71:32 inYorktown, Va. , PD25F68: 31 — R25F68:31 Knives, cutteau, for sale, in Richmond, Va. , D8My78: 82--P27My78: 22, P12Je78:22--D10J178:41 in Richmond, Va. , D8My78: 82-- P27My78: 22, P12Je78: 22 — D10J178:41 in Smithfield, Va. , C3J179: 31 found at Bedford courthouse, Va. , Pil6D75:32 Knives, dessert, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD18Ja70: 42, R15N70: 31 — PD22N70:23 Knives, drawing, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. ,PD25J166:23 in Princess Anne co. , Va. , P23My77:32 in Smithfield, Va. ,D21F77: 22 — P28F77s22 in Williamsburg, Va.,D7N77:31 inYorktown, Va. , PD25F68: 31 — R25F68:31 stolen, R7Je70: 32 Knives, French scalping, displayed at European courts, 3S56: 22 Knives, fruit, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD23Ap72: 23 — R23Ap72: 13, PD220c72: 23 — R220C72: 23, PD5My74: 31, R26My74: 13 Knives, hunting, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. ,PD220c72: 23 — R220c72:23 Knives, jubilee, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD10Oc71: 31 Knives, Negro, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , C15J180: 22 Knives, office, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD20Oc74s22 — Pi20Oc74:31 Knives, plaster, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 30Ap52: 32, 60c52:32,D12Je79:32 Knives, pocket, for sale, at Williamsburg, Va. , PD290c72: 21, Pi20Ap75: 31--D22Ap75: 32 Knives, pruning, for sale, 12F62: 42 in Smithfield, Va. , C3J179: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD28S69: 31, PD20Oc74s22--Pi20Oc74: 31, Pi20Ap75: 31— D22Ap75: 32 Knives, scalping, seized from French ships, 310c55: 11 Knives, shoe, for sale, in Norfolk, Va.,PD25J166:23 in Williamsburg, Va. ,PD15F70: 41, DlMy79:22 Knives, split bone, for sale, in Urbanna, Va. , P21Ag78: 13 Knives, spring, for sale, in Edenton, N.C.,P160c78:42 in Williamsburg, Va. , HOc51: 41 Knives, staymakers', for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. .PD12D71: 32 Knives, table, for sale, in Richmond, Va. ,D24Ap78: 32, P10J178:31 in Smithfield, Va. , C3J179: 31 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD28S69: 31, PD29D74: 32, P21 Ag78: 31, DlMy79:22 Knives, table bone, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , 110c51: 41 Knives, table buck, for sale, in WUliamsburg, Va. , HOc51: 41 Knives, travelling, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD20Oc74s22 — Pi20Oc74:31 Knobs, for sale, in Norfolk, Va. , PD25J166:23 Knobs, coach, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va.,8Ag51:32 Knots, for sale, in Fredericksburg, Va.,PD18Ap66:32 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD13Ap69: 32 — R13Ap69: 3L PD10Oc71: 31,R170c71: 33, PD210c73: 23— R210c73: 22, Pi20Ap75: 31— D22Ap75: 32 See also Blond knots; Gold knots; Lustring knots; Quilted knots; Ribbon knots; Satin knots; Shoulder knots; Silk knots ; Silver knots; Sleeve knots; Tambour knots Knots, flower, for sale, in London, Eng. , PD7Je70: 33 Knots, glove, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va. , PD11N73: 22 Knots, Italian, for sale, in Petersburg, Va. , PD310c71: 31, PD290c72:22 in Richmond, Va. , PD310c71: 23 — R310c71: 32, PD5N72sll — R5N72:22 in Williamsburg, Va. , PD30Ap72: 31, PD14My72: 22, PD150c72: 31 Knots, shoe, for sale, in Williamsburg, Va.,PD7My72:32 Knots, sword, PD16D73: 23 for sale, in Williamsburg, Va., PD30Ap72:31,PD22Oc72:23 — R220c72: 23, Pi20Ap75: 31 — D22Ap75: 32 Knott, James, 7N54: 42 James, Capt. , of the Friendship, 22S52:32 Knowler, Capt. , of the Neptune, 24Ja51:31 645 Knowler (cont'd) Robert, murdered, 18Ap51: 22 Knowles, brig, 7N51:22 frigate, 22 Ap57: 21 Knowlton (Knolton), [Thomas], Col., killed in battle of Harlem plains, N. Y. , D40c76: 32--P40c76: 31, D40c76: 41— P40c76: 32, D110c76: 22, DUOc76:32 Knox, Capt. , 27Ag56: 21 British naval comdr. , 5D45: 32 company of, P16Ag76: 43 of the Chance, D18D79: 21 Col. , missing from battle of Harlem plains, N.Y. , D40c76: 32 Mr. , accounts of, to be settled, PD7My67:31 of St. Croix, W.I. ,PD290c72: 13 returns from Ohio, PD8S74: 23 supports Regulators, R15Ag71: 23 Alexander, PD3S72: 31 Andrew, clerk of N.C. convention, D6My75: 11 [George], Lt. , praised for Stony point battle, D7Ag79: 22, D160c79: 21 Hugh, D15N76: 22, PllAp77: 31, P15Ag77: 12 John, of Stafford co. , Va. , R24D67: 43, R4F68: 42, PD15Je69: 32 — R15Je69:23,R20J169:22 Robert, of Stafford co. , Va. , PD15Je69: 32— R15Je69: 23, R28J174: 23 Sarah, convict servant, 3 J152: 32 Thomas, of Boston, Mass. , PD5Ap70:21 of Va. , PD20N66: 22, PD18D66: 31, PD5F67: 33— R19F67: 41, PD7Je70: 32 William, adv. for brother's murderer, PD15Je69: 32— R15Je69: 23 adv. for runaway indentured servant, PI lAp77: 23 adv. lots for sale, PD19N72: 23— R19N72:22 announces departure, R270c68: 32 appointed under secretary of state for colonies, RllOc70: 23 attitude toward British colonies, N. Am. ,P31Mr75:13 granted reversionary right to secretary of N. Y. , PD5N72: 23 — R5N72:12 Knox & Baillie of Md. , PD3S72: 31 Knyphausen, [Wilhelm von], Gen. , army units after Brandywine listed, D14N77: 21 commands at N. Y. , D19F80: 23 commands Hessians at Sandy hook, N.J.,D29N76:61 death reported, P240c77: 11 — P240c77:22 in attack on Fort Washington, N.Y. D2My77: 61 of British army in Trenton, N.J. , D10Ja77: 32--P10Ja77: 2? wounded at Germantown, Pa., D170c77: 11— P170c77: 21 Knowles, Capt. , of the Amity's Assistance, PD30J167: 31 ■ of the John and Jane, D6Ap76: 13 Com., 13Je45:21 Charles, Capt. , of the Diamond, 10Je37:31,25Ja40:2 Charles, Sir, Admiral, 23My45: 31, 4J145:22 appointed gov. of Jamaica, 29Ag51:22 commands ship, 240c45: 21 demands restitution of Bay of Honduras, 28Mr55: 31 dissolves Jamaica assembly, 28Mr55:31 gov. of Jamaica, 30J152: 21 new command for rumored, 14N55: 12 orders of, 16My45: 22 John, indentured servant, PD3S67:22 of Phila., Pa.,PilD74:21 Kola, Lapland, See Earthquakes in; Ships from Kollock, Capt. , 28N45: 32 of the Retaliation, D18Mr80: 23 Jacob, delegate to Stamp act congress from Del. ,250c65s23 Konadasagea, N. Y. , burned by Americans, D90c79: 21 Konigsberg, Prussia, See Earthquakes in; Fires in; Triplets in Konowarohala, N.Y. , burned by Americans, D90c79: 21 Koran [Alcoran], edition published in Cairo, Egypt, PD21My67: 12 Kouli Kan, privateer, 11J145: 31 Kouli Khan, brigantine, PD14J168: 31 — R14J168:31,R21J168:24 Kow, George, of Charleston, S.C., R26J170: 13 Kreba, Mr. , cattle of destroyed by Indians in Fla. ,DllF75sl3 Kuhl, Frederick, manager of American manufactory, P31Mr75s23 of Pa. council of safety, D10Ag76: 42 Kuhn, Dr. , lectures in College of Phila., R170c7 1:41 Kuo, Thomas, RllOc70: 33 Kuykenall, Abraham, R9Je74: 22 Kyle, Archibald, PD12Mr67: 13 James, deserter, P12S77: 13 Robert, P23My77: 42 646 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA 3 0112 031874065