^^^"^^ UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS : \M^'. W% LIBRARY ^|. mM^M^ BOO. volume - ^ .-?^^ (LUNOIS HISTORICAL SDBiitif J^ /'^'^ *^- :*^ *5 MrlO-20M , .■^^a/^.,^. .rttj' ■ ■' ' y '-■ US'- •^^•^^ -•^*<-'-, # 'i _r^ %>«?«-' -5,J3iu^ ^ H List of Documents in Spanish Archives relating to the History of the United States, which have been Printed or of which Transcripts are Preserved in American Libraries BY JAMES ALEXANDER ROBERTSON WASHINGTON, D. C. Published by the Carnegie Institution of Washington I910 CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON Publication No. 124 Papers of the Department of Historical Research J. Franklin Jameson, Editor BAIA'IMORB, MD., U. 8. A. PREFACE Theoretically every endeavor to describe for the benefit of historical stu- dents any portion of an archive or other collection of historical manuscripts should likewise state, clearly and in detail, what portions of the material thus described are already accessible in print, or may be examined in transcripts nearer to the student, or otherwise more accessible, than the originals. The series of Guides to the Materials for American History in Foreign Archives which has been undertaken by the Department of Historical Research in the Carnegie Institution of Washington should, so far as is possible, be accom- panied by such lists of documents accessible in print or in transcript. With such a list in hand the student can avoid the loss and mortification incident to journeys and searches in foreign countries for material which only dupli- cates that which he might readily have used at home. To such aid he is surely entitled, and without it the inventory of the archives loses much of its usefulness. In this sense the present book may be regarded as an accom- paniment to Professor William R. Shepherd's " Guide to the Materials for the History of the United States in Spanish Archives." Moreover, such lists may be extensively used by students who can not con- template researches of their own in foreign archives. Relatively to the amount of the original documentary materials for American history which have been put into print, and to the amount of efiFort which is being made to write history from them, the means of connection between the documents and the student are sadly imperfect. For the furtherance of historical scholar- ship in America we have need of many more manual lists of the sort which in Europe are called regesta. The present book may prove to be a sufficiently complete list of one specific kind of materials to satisfy in a measure this want, in the important field of the study of Spanish relations to the present soil of the United States. A considerable part of the labor involved in the collection of materials for the volume was performed by Miss Mary F. Griffin. The completion of this labor, and, in general, the compilation of the volume is due to Dr. James Alexander Robertson. J. Franklin Jameson. 173832 INTRODUCTION The two lists contained in this volume concern the history of the territory included within the boundaries of the present continental United States. All matter touching that territory only indirectly and by inference as a part of the Indies has been rejected. The lists open appropriately with the expedi- tion of Ponce de Leon in 1512; no documents bearing dates anterior to that period have been considered. The first list consists of published material, the original manuscripts of which exist in Spanish archives or which, with good reason, are conjectured to exist in Spain. The method of listing has been as simple as possible, the following data being given for each document: date and place of writing, when known; short title, either in the original language (usually Spanish), or in English; archive or library, with pressmark (when known), where conserved ; archives and libraries In the United States owning transcripts (when known), with pressmark ; publication or publications in which printed, and whether in original or in translation, or in extract or abstract. No cal- endaring has been attempted, as this is designed to be a mere finding list. In general, decrees, laws, etc., found in collections like the Recopilacion de Leyes de Indias, have not been included. Most of such matter will prob- ably be found in manuscript in the Archivo de Simancas, the Archivo His- torico-Nacional, or the Archivo de Indias, but no source is as a rule indicated and its inclusion would swell the present volume beyond all proportion. Moreover, collections of this nature are well known and easily accessible. Many documents published from Mexican archives exist as well in Spain, and the converse is true of documents published from Spanish archives — this being due to the duplicating system prevalent in Spanish official life. Hence, it is probable that some documents published, for instance, in col- lections like the various series of Icazbalceta, Documentos para la Historia de Mejico, exist in both Spain and Mexico. Such documents when pub- lished from Mexican archives are not listed here, but in the case of docu- ments referring to the United States will be found to supplement this list. The student will also do well to consult books like Palau's Noticias de la Nueva California, which contain documents whose source is not indicated and which have not been included in this list. There have, however, been included various documents which Sparks published in his Diplomatic Cor- respondence from the copies kept by the writers. In this case, the real originals which were sent to the Spanish officials will beyond doubt be found in Spain. Further investigation in the public, religious, and private libraries vi Documents in Spanish Archives and archives of Spain may, as is pertinently remarked by Lowery, bring to light the manuscripts of such early printed books as Acosta's Historia. It is evident that the list of published documents defined in the preceding paragraph can not be said to be complete, and no such claim is made for it. Many books not mentioned here will be found to contain one or more docu- ments from Spanish sources, but any attempt at an exhaustive list would be an unending and unsatisfactory task. This list pretends no more than to oflFer a practical working aid to the student of United States history. The second list is much the longer of the two. It is a list of transcripts in libraries and archives in the United States from originals in Spanish archives. Data are presented as follows: date and place of writing, when known ; short title, either in the original language or in English ; place of conservation of original manuscript in Spain, and copies in Spain ; place or places of conservation of transcript. For this list documents have been examined in the following libraries and archives : the Library of Harvard University ; the Peabody Museum, Cambridge ; the Boston Public Library ; the Library of the Massachusetts Historical Society; the Library of Yale University ; the Lenox Branch of the New York Public Library ; the Library of the New York Historical Society ; the Library of Congress ; the Bureau of Rolls and Library, Department of State, Washington ; the Riggs Library, of Georgetown University ; the Library of the Louisiana Historical Society ; that of the Wisconsin State Historical Society ; that of the Missouri His- torical Society, St. Louis ; the library of Colonel R. T. Durrett, Louisville, Kentucky; the Department of Archives and History, of Jackson, Missis- sippi ; the Texas State Library, Austin ; and the Texas University Library, Austin. Inquiry has been directed to many other institutions. In cases where both transcripts and published forms exist, documents have been en- tered only in the first list, unless they have been published only in transla- tion. In the latter case the document will be found noted in each list, with the necessary cross-reference, so that all the data may be readily ascertained. The pressmarks accompanying some of the documents in the two lists are not those under which they will now be found, as in many instances a differ- ent classification has been adopted. For example, documents listed under e. I, c. I, will probably all be found now with the addition of legajo or bundle number. Some documents have even been transferred from one archive to another, e. g., notably from Simancas to Seville. Documents listed under Archivo de la Secretaria de Estado will probably be found either at Simancas, Archive Historico-Nacional, Madrid, or Seville ; those under Archivo de la Contaduria del Consejo Suprimido de Indias are probably in Seville ; and the same is probably true of those under Archives of the War Office, Madrid. Finally, for general information along Spanish-American lines, the stu- dent should consult the bibliographical notices in the various volumes of Introduction ■ vii H. H. Bancroft's histories. Bibliographies like those of Sommervogel, Biblio- theque des Ecrivains de la Compagnie de Jesus (the valuable tenth volume of which has just been issued), and Marcellino da Civezza, Saggio di Biblio- grafia Sanfrancescana (Prato, 1879) are also useful. The bibliographical list appended to this volume is of authors and titles cited in the various items of the lists. Appreciative thanks are due to all those who have so courteously assisted in this work in all the institutions where inquiry has been made and investi- gations carried on. Special mention is made of Mr, William C. Lane, libra- rian of Harvard University; Dr. T. J. Kieman, of the same institution; Professor F. W. Putnam, of the Peabody Museum; Mr. Worthington C. Ford, of the Massachusetts Historical Society; Professor Hiram Bingham, of Yale ; Mr. Wilberforce Fames, of the Lenox Library, and his staff in gen- eral ; Mr. William Kelby, of the New York Historical Society ; Mr. Herbert Putnam, Librarian of Congress ; Mr. Gaillard Hunt, chief of the Division of Manuscripts in the Library of Congress ; the staffs in general of that divi- sion and of the Reading Room; the officials of the Bureau of Rolls and Library in the Department of State, Washington ; Father Edward L Devitt, S. J., and Father Henry J. Shandelle, S. J., of the Georgetown University ; Mr. William Beer, of the Howard Memorial Library, New Orleans ; Colonel Reuben T. Durrett and the officials of his library ; Professor St. George L. Sioussat, of the University of the South ; Dr. Reuben G. Thwaites and Dr. Louise P. Kellogg, of the Wisconsin State Historical Society ; Mr. Irving B. Richman, of Muscatine, Iowa ; the officials of the Missouri Historical Soci- ety ; Mr. Louis Houck, of Cape Girardeau, Missouri ; Mr, E. W. Winkler, librarian of the Texas State Library ; and Mr. Frederick J. Teggart, of the University of California. James Alexander Robertson. March, 1910. NOTES ON THE VARIOUS COLLECTIONS All the documents at Harvard belong to the Sparks Collection. Many of them appear to be the originals, but they are properly listed here, as dupli- cates of them probably exist in Spain, so that they have in reality the position of transcripts (see Shepherd's Guide, 69, no. 3, regarding the correspondence of Miralles and Rendon, the letters in which are evidently the same as those at Harvard). The letters just mentioned, written for the most part during the American Revolution, constitute perhaps the most valuable part of the Sparks Collection, although the many documents touching New Mexican history are important. Some of the documents, part of those passing between the French, English, and Spanish ministers, were transcribed in London and Paris, from copies (generally in French) retained by the writers or from contemporaneous copies transmitted to those cities in the course of diplo- matic negotiations. It may be stated almost positively that the originals of such papers exist in Spain. They have accordingly been entered with a query. The belief that their originals exist in Spain, and that they therefore have a proper place in this book, is given greater color by the existence of manuscripts transcribed in Spain for the Spanish scholar, Sr. Don Pascual de Gayangos, which are identical with some of those transcribed in London and Paris. In the case of Aranda letters, the matter may be followed up by consulting Nouvelles Archives des Missions ScientiUques et Litteraires, VIII. 456, 457- Very little notice has been given to the Hemenway papers in the Peabody Museum. They relate especially to New Mexico and cover the period from Onate's expedition in 1602 until within the eighteenth century. These tran- scripts were made in general from the archives of Mexico and New Mexico by Bandelier (see the Lowery Manuscripts, I., pp. 19, 20). The originals of those transcribed in New Mexico will now probably all be found in the Library of Congress, and while duplicates of many of them will doubtless be found in Spain, it has been deemed unwise to list them. A detailed list of Bandelier's transcripts is published in Catdlogo de los Objetos Etnologicos y Arqueologicos exhibidos por la Expedicion Hemenway (Madrid, 1892), pp. 77-115, and an English translation of those titles in Catalogue of the Hemenway Collection (Washington, 1895), pp. 305-376. In the Lenox Library, most of the manuscripts examined belong to the Rich Spanish-American Collection, although some documents are found in the Bancroft and other collections (see Bulletin of the New York Public Library, July, 1901, for list of manuscript collections at the Lenox Branch). X Documents in Spanish Archives It has been impossible in all cases to determine whether the documents are originals or transcripts, and whether the originals exist in Spain or Mexico. Some of them have accordingly been entered with queries, but where it has seemed reasonably certain that documents are not transcripts they have not been included. For certain documents copied from London and Paris, many of which are identical with those of similar nature in the Sparks Collection, see the statement made above concerning the latter collection. The Buckingham Smith Collection contains all the transcripts possessed by the New York Historical Society. Many of them have been published in the original language and hence are given only in the first list. While the transcripts bear the mark of care and authenticity, pressmarks are omitted in some instances, although such documents come presumably from the Archivo de Indias. More serious is the carelessness with which some of the papers were arranged for binding, evidently by John Gilmary Shea, who had the use of the papers after Smith's death. In some cases parts of documents are missing, while in others the various sheets of one document are badly confused. Some transcription was done in Mexico, but such documents are not included in the list. In the volume lettered " North America MSS., 15001560", p. 335, are given a number of titles of manuscripts existing in the library of the University of Seville. The principal papers in the Library of Congress are included in the Wood- bury Lowery Collection, originally made by Mr. Lowery for his history of The Spanish Settlements in the United States. These comprise documents and titles (the latter not listed here unless the title as given by Lowery serves the purpose of a calendar) on the history of Florida, Louisiana, the South- west, and California. It is in every respect an admirably made and valuable collection. The Papers collected by Professor William R. Manning for his work on The Nootka Sound Controversy (from Spanish, French, and Eng- lish archives) have been lately deposited by him in the Library of Congress. In addition the library possesses other transcripts from Spain, some made many years ago, and coming into the library from various sources, the Casas manuscripts for instance, belonging formerly to the Peter Force Collection. As in other libraries it is impossible to determine whether some are tran- scripts or the original manuscripts. The transcripts of the Brooks Collection relating to Florida, 1 500-1800, comprising in all about two hundred pieces, are not included in the list because of their general inaccuracy, notwith- standing Lowery's optimistic remarks concerning them in the first volume of his manuscripts (pp. 20, 21). Many of them were dictated to the collector by one of the archivists of the Archivo de Indias, so that it would be very easy for error to creep in. English translations accompany the documents. Since many of them are found elsewhere their exclusion is not a serious matter. Notes on the Various Collections xi The East Florida and New Mexico documents now conserved in the Library of Congress deserve mention. These were formerly the Spanish provincial archives, then later the United States territorial archives, but fortunately have been removed to the national repository. A comprehensive index and calendar is at present being made of these valuable papers, which are now easily accessible. Some of them exist in duplicate among the Cuban papers in Jackson, Mississippi. In some instances the papers in the Library of Congress are preferable to those in Spain, as the documents written in English were translated for transmittal to the mother country. They are not listed here. In the Library of Congress, the student should also consult B. F. Stevens's " Catalogue Index of Manuscripts in Archives of England, France, Holland, and Spain, relating to America, 1763-1783 ", especially the section of calendars. The titles are in part identical with those of this list, but some are supplemental to them. The documents in the Bureau of Rolls and Library in the Department of State at Washington are all con- tained in the collection called the Adams Transcripts, deposited there by Mr. Henry Adams. The John Gilmary Shea Collection of transcripts and original letters is preserved in the Riggs Library, at Georgetown University. Documents contained therein have been transcribed from the Spanish archives at Siman- cas, Alcala, and Seville ; while others are from Cuba, Mexico, and the archives of the Propaganda in Rome. For want of pressmarks it is impossible to give the location of a number, and accordingly no attempt is made to list them. These documents were collected for use in writing the history of the Cath- olic Church in the United States. The Louisiana Historical Society possesses transcripts relating mainly to the Lower Mississippi Valley, many of which are given in Gayarre's History, III., either in extract or in abstract. The Wisconsin State Historical Society owns documents relating to the Genet episode which are accompanied by translations. That library possesses also a portion of the Houck papers made from the transcripts collected for Mr. Louis Houck, of Cape Girardeau, Missouri, in the Archivo de Indias. Information concerning Spanish sources may be found in the bulletin of the Wisconsin State Historical Society, en- titled Descriptive List of Manuscript Collections (Madison, 1906). The Missouri Historical Society possesses the Houck transcripts, most of which were made from the Cuban Papers in the Archivo de Indias. In addition to these, there are transcripts relating like them to the Upper Louisiana Country and the district northwest of the Missouri River. The collection in the library of Colonel Durrett at Louisville, Kentucky, consists of six volumes of Gardoqui papers. These were all copied from the Archivo Central de Alcala, but their originals have since evidently been moved thence to the Archivo Historico-Nacional, Madrid, where they retain the same pressmark. xii Documents in Spanish Archives Among the papers of the Department of Archives and History of Jackson, Mississippi, is a notable collection of transcripts mainly copied from the Cuban Papers of the Archivo de Indias, They treat of the Floridas and Louisiana during the Spanish regime, that is, after 1763. All of them are eventually to be published. The only transcripts from Spanish archives in the library of Texas State University and in the Texas State Library are a few tracings of maps showing early explorations in Texas. Those in the former library it has been impossible to obtain in detail ; those in the latter are listed in their proper places. The numerous transcripts from Mexican archives and the original documents of the Bejar archives in the library of the Texas State University, and the documents of the Nacogdoches archives in the Texas State Library, make these institutions necessary to the student for those districts. While no documents have been listed from the valuable Bancroft Collection at the University of California, a word concerning it will not be out of place. This collection, the most valuable anywhere for the history of the Pacific Coast States, is now being indexed and calendared in part, and made available to students by the curator, Mr. Frederick J. Teggart. From a communication from the latter, it is learned that the collection contains about one thousand manuscripts for the history of Louisiana, mainly for the period of Baron de Carondelet's government. " They consist in part of copies made about 1882, and in part of originals, being principally reports and letters sent to the governor from commandants of the several towns under his control." Very little of the material of the collection was transcribed in Spain, but much comes from Mexican and Califomian archives. Mr. Irving B. Richman, of Muscatine, Iowa, who recently examined the collection, believes that a volume of journals and accounts of voyages to the north (1774-1791) was wholly transcribed in Spain. Doubtless, as in so many cases, duplicates of some of the manuscripts of this collection will be found in Spain. It may be useful to mention that Mr. Richman has had many documents on Califomian history transcribed in Spain, Mexico, Cambridge, the Library of Congress, and Berkeley, for use in various studies he has undertaken. The manuscripts of the Ramirez Collection of rare books, and original and transcribed manuscripts, were scattered at the death of its collector, Sefior Ramirez, the former Mexican politician. Some of the manuscripts contained matter relating to .the United States, but it is probable that all were transcribed in Mexico. The Lenox Library possesses several pieces of the collection. Most of the American papers collected by the Spanish scholar Don Pascual de Gayangos were presented to the Real Academia de la Historia by his daughter Sefiora Emilia de Riano, although it had at first been her intention to present them to some institution in the United States, preferably Harvard University. The justice of her final choice must be commended. Notes on the Various Collections xiii The documents of the Mufioz, Salazar, and Boturini Collections, cited so frequently in these lists and all conserved in the Real Academia de la His- toria, are transcripts for the most part from manuscripts in Simancas and Seville. The hastily-made and imperfect index to the latter collection is sometimes known as the Revilla-Gigedo folio (see Lowery MSS., I., p. lo). The documents in the Navarrete Collection conserved in the Deposito Hidro- grafico of Madrid, are also mostly transcripts. ABBREVIATIONS AAE AC ACC AG AGP AHN AI AMGJ Arch. Fran. Esp. : ARG AS ASE BF BMU BN BR BRL DAH DH : DL doc. e. env. H L LC leg. LHS 11. MHS NY Pap. proc. de Cuba: PM R RAH SPO TS transc. transl. WHS Archives des Affaires Etrangeres, Paris. Archive Central de Alcala, Alcala de Henares (many of the documents formerly in these archives are now in AHN). Archivo de la Contaduria del Suprimido Consejo de Indias, Madrid. : Archives of Georgia. Archivo General y Publico, Mexico. : Archivo Historico Nacional, Madrid. Archivo General de Indias, Seville. Archivo del Ministerio de Gracia y Justicia. " Archives Frangaises, Espagne." Archivo del Conde de Revilla-Gigedo. Archivo General de Simancas, Simancas, Archivo de la Secretaria de Estado. Biblioteca del Departamiento de Fomento, Madrid. Biblioteca-Museo de Ultramar, Madrid. Biblioteca Nacional, Madrid. Biblioteca Real, Madrid. [Sometimes called Biblioteca del Pa- lacio.] Bureau of Rolls and Library, Department of State, Washington. cajon. Department of Archives and History, Jackson, Mississippi. Deposito Hidrografico, Madrid. Durrett Library, Louisville, Ky. document. estante. envelope. Harvard. Lenox. Library of Congress. legajo. Louisiana Historical Society. leaves. Missouri Historical Society. New York Historical Society. : Papeles procedentes de la Isla de Cuba (designation of division of papers in AI). Peabody Museum. Riggs Library (Archives), Georgetown University. :Real Academia de la Historia, Madrid. State Paper Office, London (now incorporated in the Public Record Office). Texas State Library, Austin, Texas. transcript. translation ; translated. Wisconsin Historical Society. anr PUBLISHED DOCUMENTS FROM SPANISH ARCHIVES 1512 Feb. 2^. Burgos. Capitulacion con Juan Ponce de Leon. AT, Asientos y capitulaciones desde 23 de Marzo de 1508 hasta 7 de Noviembre 1574 (copy in NY, Smith, North America, 1500- 1560; R, Shea, no. 33, env. i). Col. Doc. Amer., XXIL 26-32. Lowery, Span. Settlements, 437-441 (Span.) 1 Feb. 23. Burgos. Real cedula a Miguel de Pasamonte. AI, e. 139, c. 3. Col. Doc. Amer., XXXIL 340-342. 2 1514 1514-1557. Historia Natural y Civil de las Indias. By Gonzalez Fernandez [Hernandez] de Oviedo. RAH (probably the MSS. deposited in the Casa de Contratacion, Seville, later secured by Luis de Salazar y Castro, by whom they were left to the Royal Monastery of Monserrate, Madrid ; copy in LC, formerly in the collection of Col. Peter Force ; L, Rich). Real Academia de la Historia, Historia Generai. [See also former editions of the first nineteen books of this work,] 3 Sept. 26 or 27. Valladolid. Second patent of Ponce de Leon. AI, Asientos y capitulaciones desde 23 de Marzo de 1508 hasta 7 de Noviembre 1574 (copy in NY, Smith, North America, 1500-1560). Col. Doc. Amer., XXII. 33-37. Lowery, Span. Settlements, 147 (Eng. extr. ; for date, see Lowery, 146). 4 1517 Jan. 12. . Ferdinand and Juana to the Officials of the Casa de Con- tratacion. AI, Indiferente, lib. 6 de Reg. generalisimos. Col. Doc. Amer., XL 289-291. 5 April 6. Madrid. Ferdinand and Juana to the Officials of the Casa de Con- tratacion. AI. Col. Doc. Amer., XL 283, 284. 6 July 22. Madrid. Cedula 6 peticion de Juan Ponce de Leon. AI, Indiferente, lib. 6 de Reg. generalisimos. Col. Doc. Amer., XL 293, 294. 7 July 22. Madrid. Cedula dirigida a los padres Geronimos. AI, Indiferente, lib. 6 de Reg. generalisimos. Col. Doc. Amer., XL 295, 296. 8 1519 Sept. ij. Puerto Rico. Proceso antel Lycienciado Antonio de la Gama, Xuez de Resydencia e Xusticia mayor, en tres partes, de la una el Adelantado Xuan Ponce de Leon, e de la otra el Lycienciado Sancho Velazquez, sobre agravios e perxuicios e sobre una quenta. AI, 2-1-3. Col. Doc. Amer., XXXIV. 336-355- » 1520 Jan. 8. Santo Domingo. Oidor Lucas Vasquez de Ayllon to Charles V. AI, 2-1-3. C'o/. Doc. Amer., XXXV. 241-244. 10 2 I 2 Documents in Spanish Archives [1520 Oct. 20. Segura de la Frontera, Nueva Espaiia. Hernando Cortes to Charles V. (known as the second letter). [AI ?] Span. ; Cromberger, Carta de Relacion ; Coci, Carta de Relation ; Barcia, Hist. Prim., I. [no. II.] 1-62; Lorenzana, Hist, de Mej. (Paris) ; also manuscript transl. into Eng., by G. W. Montgomery, 183 1, from Paris edition, in L, Rich, Hernando Cortes; id. (New York), 45-152; Autores Espa- noles, XXII. 12-52; Bibl. Hist. Iberia; Gayangos, Cartas, 51-157. French: Flavigny, Correspondance (Paris); id. (Suisse), 1-172; Vallee, Lettres ; Charnay, Lettres. Ger. : Stapfer, Brief e des Cortes, I. 1-253 ) id-, Ferd. Cortes, I. 1-253 ; Schultze, Eroberung von Mex., 31-308 (with many annotations). Dutch: Brieven van Cortes, 1. [no. II.] 1-178. Eng.: Folsom, Despatches, 37-191; Shipp, Hist, of De Soto, 48-51 (extr.) ; MacNutt, Letters, I. 185-323. [For Savorgnano's translation into Latin from Span., and the translation into other lan- guages from the Latin, see MacNutt, I., Introduction (although his bibliography is by no means adequate), and the British Museum Cat- alogue, under Cortes.] 11 1521 . Burgos. Real Cedula de poblacion otorgado a los que hicieran descubrimientos en tierra firme. AI, 1-1-26; id., Descubrimientos en Tierra-Firme, leg. i. Col. Doc. Amer., II. 558-567; id., XXXIX. 514- 526. Navarrete, Col. de Viages, III. 147-153. 12 Feb. 10. Puerto Rico. Juan Ponce de Leon to Charles V. AI, e. i, leg. de documentos escogidos (abstr. in RAH, Col. Mufioz, t. 76, made prob- ably from AI, from a manuscript book entitled " Libro de provisiones y cedulas para los gobernadores y oficiales de las Provincias de Paria y Venezuela " ; copies from RAH, in L, Rich, America, Span. Colonies, fol. 189, verso; NY, Smith, North America, 1500-1560; and R, Shea, no. 33, env. i). Col. Doc. Amer., XL. 50-52; Col. Doc. Esp., LXX. 449-451 (from RAH), with additional matter. Winsor, Narr. and Crit. Hist., II. 234, 235 (extr., transl.) 13 Feb. 10. Puerto Rico. Ponce de Leon to Cardinal de Tortosa. AI, e. i, leg. de documentos escogidos (copy in NY, Smith, North America, 1500- 1560; R, Shea, no. 33, env. i). Col. Doc. Amer., XL. 47-49. 14 Feb. 15. Puerto Rico. Antonio de la Gama to Charles V. AI, 2-1-2/24 (copy in RAH, Col. Mufioz; L, Rich, America, Span. Colonies, Misc. letters and documents, 1568-1569, fol. 189-190). Col. Doc. Amer., XL. 52-54. Tapia y Rivera, Bibl. Hist., 283, 284. 15 May 15. Cuyoacan. Cortez to Charles V. (known as the third letter). AI, Descripciones y poblaciones, no. 7 (copy in RAH, Col. Mufioz, t. 76) ; id., BF, with dup. in BR (see Harrisse, Additions, viii.) Span.: Cromberger, Carta dc Relacion ; Coci, Carta de Relacion ; Barcia, Hist. Prim., I. [no. II.], 63-128; Lorenzana, Hist, de Mej. (Paris); id. (New York), 263-488; Autores Esp., XXII. 52-96; Bibl. Hist. Iberia] Gayangos, Cartas, 161-272 ; French, Flavigny, Correspondance (Fslt'is) ; id. (Suisse), 173-365; Vallee, Lettres; Charnay, Lettres. Ger.: Sta- pfer, Brief e des Cortes, H. 1-247 5 id., Ferd. Cortes, II. 1-247 5 Schultze, Eroberung von Mex., 313-542. Dutch: Brieven van Cortes, II. 1-193. Eng.: Folsom, Despatches, 195-355; Shipp, Hist, of De Soto, 51-53 (extr.) ; MacNutt, Letters, II. 3-148. [See also note under letter of October 20, 1520.] 16 1523] Published Documents 3 1523 [1323 f] Santisteban del Puerto. Requerimiento a Francisco de Garay. [AI ?] Col. Doc. Amer., XXVIII. 497-504- 17 March 2"/. Valladolid. Capltulacion que se tomo con Esteban Gomez. AI, Col. Doc. Amer., XXII. 74-78. 18 June 12. Valladolid. Real cedula que contiene el asiento capitulado con Lucas Vazquez de Aillon. AI, Descubrimiento de Nueva Espafia, leg. 2 (according to Navarrete) ; AI, e. i, c. i (according to Col. Doc. Amer.) Navarrete, Col. de Viages, III. 153-160. Col. Doc. Amer., XIV. 503-515; XXII. 79-93 (the two accounts being identical with slight typographical variations ; the first account contains certain no- tarial matter not in the second). 19 Oct. 4. Chiachacata. Provision del Adelantado Francisco de Garay y con- sequengias de la misma en la gobernacion de Hernando Cortes. AI. Col. Doc. Amer., XXVI. 77-135. 20 Dec. 2"/. Pamplona. Royal cedula sent to the Audiencia of Santo Domingo. AI, e. I, c. I. Col. Doc. Amer., XIII. 494-501. 21 1524 \i 524.-1 526 f] Santo Domingo. Oidor Juan Ortiz de Matienzo to Charles V. AI, 2-1-3. Col. Doc. Amer., XXXV. 563-567. 22 Oct. 15. Mexico (Temixtitan). Cortes to Charles V. (known as the fourth letter). BF ; BR. Span. ; Avila, Quarta Relacion ; Venegas, Noticias, I. 143-148 (extr. ; see also the various transl.) ; Barcia, Hist. Prim., I. [II.] 29-156; Lorenzana, Hist, de Mej. (Paris) ; id. (New York), 503-612; Autores Esp., XXII. 96-118; Bihl. Hist. Iberia; Icazbalceta, [Fourth Letter] ; Gayangos, Cartas, 273-323. French, Flavigny, Cor- respondance (Paris) ; id. (Suisse), Vallee, Lettres; Chamay, Lettres. Ger. : Stapfer, Brief e des Cortes, II. 249-348 ; id., Ferd. Cortes, II. 267-368 ; Schultze, Eroberung von Mex., 545-642. Dutch : Brieven van Cortes, II. 194-282. Eng. : Venegas, Hist., I. 126-130 (extr.) ; Folsom, Despatches, 359-431 ; Shipp, Hist, of De Soto, 53-57 (extr.) ; MacNutt, Letters, II. 159-220. 23 1526 [1526-132^?] Tres peticiones de Panfilo de Narvaez al Rey. AI, 1-1-18; id., 47-1-3 (copy in NY, Smith, Florida). Col. Doc. Amer., X. 40-47. Smith, Cabeza de Vaca, 207-210 (transl. of two of the petitions). Prince, Hist. New Mex., 41, 42 (compound in transl. of the three petitions). 24 March 5. Santo Domingo. Informacion fecha en el Abdyencia de Sancto Domingo, a petycion del Oydor Lucas Vazquez de Ayllon, sobre una expedicion que obo de facer en la Florida. AI, 2-1-1. Col. Doc. Amer., XXXV. 547-562. ^ ^ 25 Nov. ly, with addendum, Dec. 11. Granada, Capitulacion que se tomo con Panfilo de Narvaez para la conquista del Rio de las Palmas. AI, e. i, c. I ; id., Sim., pieza 7 del leg. 17 de autos del Consejo de Indias ; id., Treslados de la Provincia de la Florida (the two latter are perhaps only old pressmarks; copies in RAH, Col. Munoz, t. 78, fol. 31 ; L, Rich, from RAH; NY, Smith, North America, 1500-1560, from AI, Sim., etc.) ; id., from RAH. Col. Doc. Amer., XVI. 67-87 (with 4 Documents in Spanish Archives [1526 different heading from the above which is taken from the following) ; and XXII. 224-245 (the two versions being identical save for slight verbal differences). See also Smith, Cabeza de Vaca, 210, 211, note, and Lowery, Span. Settlements, 173, note 2. 26 1527 {152'/ ?] . Proclamation to be made by Narvaez to the Indians. AI, Treslados de la Florida de capitulaciones, asientos, etc., de gober- nadores desde el ano 15 17 hasta 1578 (copies in RAH, t. 78, fol. 53 ; NY, Smith, North America, 1500-1560). Span.: Herrera, Hist., I., dec. I., lib. VII., cap. IV., 197. French : Ternaux-Compans, Voy., XX. 1-7. Eng. : Herrera, reference ut supra) ; Helps, Span. Con- quest., I. 379-382 ; Hist. Mag., 2d ser., I. 24 ; Smith, Cabeza de Vaca, 215-217; French, Hist. Coll., 2d ser., 153-158; Prince, Hist. New Mex., 42, 43; Lowery, Span. Settlements, I. 178-180. 27 \1527 .^] . Instructions to the factor of the Narvaez expedition (in blank and perhaps never issued). AI, Nueva Espafia, Descubri- mientos, descripciones y poblaciones, leg. i (copy in NY, Smith, Flo- rida). Col Doc. Amer., XIV. 265-269. Hist. Mag., August, 1867, 109, no (transl.) Smith, Cabeza de Vaca, 211-215. 28 Feb. 15. Valladolid. Instructions to Cabeza de Vaca for the duties of treas- urer of the Narvaez expedition. AI, Treslados de la Florida de capi- tulaciones y asientos, etc., desde el ano 15 17 hasta 1578 (copy in NY, Smith, North America, 1500-1560). Smith, Cabeza de Vaca, 218- 223 (transl.) Prince, Hist. New Mex., 45 (extr., transl.) 29 Aug. 20. Seville. Luis de Cardenas to Charles V. AI, Sim., sec, Audi- encia de Sto. Domingo, e. 53, c. i (copy in L, Rich, Cortez). Col. Doc. Amer., XL. 273-287. 30 Nov. 26-Dec. 10. Santo Domingo. Probanzas con motivo de la arribada de una nave ynglesa. AI, Sim., sec, Aud. de Sto. Domingo, e. 53, c i. Col. Doc. Amer., XL. 305-354. 31 1528 March 8. Carmona. Poder que otorgo Panfilo de Narvaez. AI, 2-1-18; trf., Treslados de la Provincia de la Florida (probably former pressmark ; copies in RAH, Col. Mufioz ; L, Rich, America, Span. Colonies, fol. 258 verso, from RAH ; NY, Smith, North America, 1500- 1560, from RAH). Col. Doc. Amer., XII. 86-91. 32 1529 Sept. 25, I52g-May 8, 1533. Mexico (Temistlan). Recusacion hecha por Don Hernando Cortes contra Nufio de Guzman e los licenciados Xoan Ortiz de Matienzo y Diego Delgadillo. AI. Col. Doc. Amer., XXVII. 78- 189. [Notarial document.] 33 Oct. 2y. Madrid. Capitulacion que se tomo con el Marques del Valle para el descubrimiento de la Mar del Sur. AI. Col. Doc. Amer., XXII. 285-295. 34 1532 Aug. 5. Medina del Campo. Capitulacion que se tomo con Pedro de Alva- rado sobre el descubrimiento de las Islas del Mar del Sur. AI. Col. Doc. Amer., XXII. 307-324. 35 1533] Published Documents 6 1533? [Mexico ?] Relacion de lo que yo Diego de Guzman he desco- bierto en la costa de la Mar del Sur. AI, e. i, c. i (according to Col. Doc. Anier.) ; id., Pieza I del leg. 17 de Autos del Consejo (ac- cording to Smith ; with copy in DH). Col. Doc. Amer., XV. 325-338- Smith, Col. Doc. Florida, 94-103. [Portion of the " Proceso " of the Marques del Valle, in 154 1.] 36 1534 May 21. Toledo. Royal decree addressed to Esteban Gomez. AI. Colin, Lab. Evan. (P'astells's edition), II. 615. 87 1535 April 25. Barcelona. Instructions to Viceroy Antonio de Mendoza. AI. 2-2-1, ramo 63. Col. Doc. Amer., XXIII. 426-445. Col. Doc. Ult., X. 245-263. 38 1536 [Ca. 1536 f] [Mexico ?] Relacion del Viage de Panfilo de Narvaez al Rio de las Palmas hasta la punta de la Florida, hecho por el tesorero Cabeza de Vaca. AI, Nueva Espafia, Descubrimientos, descripciones y poblaciones, leg. i (copy in L, Rich, Florida, Verdadera Relacion, taken from the MS. when it was in AS). Col. Doc. Amer., XIV. 269-279. [Preceded by the instructions in blank to the factor, q. v., ante ; Winship conjectures this to be a fragment of the " Naufragios " ; see also Bandelier, Jour., viii. 39 [1536?] [Mexico] Bishop Juan de Zumarraga to Viceroy Antonio de Mendoza. [Parecer sobre esclavos.] RAH, Col. Munoz, t. 80 (real original probably in AI ; copy in NY, Smith, North America, 1500 1560, pp. 149-152). Icazhalceta, Juan de Zumarraga, isi-i S3- Ter- naux-Compans, Voy., XVI. 80-84 (French transl.) 40 [1536 or I ^3/ f] . Hernando de Soto to Spanish official. BN. Smith, Career of De Soto, 264, 265 (transl.) 41 July 14. Madrid. Royal instructions to Viceroy A. de Mendoza. AI. Col. Doc. Amer., XXIII. 454-467. 42 1537 Feb. II. Mexico. A. de Mendoza to Juana. AI, 2-2-5 (abstr. in RAH, t. 81 ; copy from RAH, in NY, Smith, North America, 1500-1560, p. 187). Col. Doc. Amer., XIV. 235, 236. Bandelier, Contributions, 48 (Span, extr.) 43 April 20. Valladolid. Capitulacion con Hernando de Soto para conquistar y poblar desde el Rio de Palmas hasta la Florida. AI, Sim., pieza i de leg. 17 de Autos del Consejo, entitled " El Marques del Valle y otros con el Fiscal de S. M. sobre el descubrimiento de la tierra nueva del Mar del Sur " ; id., Treslados de la Provincia de la Florida (abstr. in RAH, Col. Munoz, t. 81 ; copy in DH, Col. Navarrete ; copy from RAH, in NY, Smith, North America, 1500-1560, pp. 188, 189, with other De Soto titles). Col. Doc. Amer., XXII. 534-546. Smith, Col. Doc. Florida, 140-146 (from DH). Smith, Career of De Soto, 266- 272 (transl. from transc. of copy in DH). Hist. Mag., V. 42-45 (transl.) 44 6 Documents in Spanish Archives [1537 May 4. Valladolid. Patent of Charles V. to Juan de Anasco. AI, Tres- lados de la Provincia de la Florida, Capitulaciones y asientos, etc., desde el ano 15 17 hasta 1578. Col. Doc. Ult., IV. 431-437. Smith, Career of De Soto, 273 (transl.) Hist. Mag., ist ser., i860, IV. 174 (transl.) 45 Nov. 6. Seville. Officials of the Casa de Contratacion to Charles V. AI, 143- 3-1. Col. Doc. Amer., XLII. 525-533. 46 Dec. 10. Mexico. Viceroy A. de Mendoza to Charles V. AS, leg. 6 Cartas (probably now in AI ; copy in RAH, Col. Muiioz, t. 81 ; copy in L, Rich, America, Span. Colonies, Misc. letters and doc.) Col. Doc. Amer., II. 179-21 1. Smith, Col. Doc. Florida, 1 19-139 (from RAH). Ternaux-Compans, Voy., XVI. 229-277 (French transl.) 47 1538 July 20. Santiago. Gonzalo de Guzman to Charles V. AI, Sim., sec. Audi- encia de Sto. Domingo, Papeles por agregar (extr., in RAH, Col. Mufioz, t. 81, fol. 120, with date May 19). Col. Doc. Ult., VI. 27-35. 48 July 26. Santiago de Cuba. City Cabildo to Charles V. RAH, Col. Mufioz, t. 81, fol. 121 (abstr. from original probably in AI ; copy in NY, Smith, North America, 1500-1560). Col. Doc. Ult., VI. 36, 37. 49 Aug. I. Santiago de Cuba. Bernardino de Quesada, procurator of the city, to Charles V. AI, Audiencia de Sto. Domingo, Papeles por agregar ; id., Treslados de la Provincia de la Florida (copies in RAH, Col. Muiioz, t. 81 ; NY, Smith, North America, 1500- 1560, p. 195, from RAH). Col. Doc. Ult., VI. 39-42. 50 [Nov. f] [Mexico ?] Instructions given to Fray Marcos de Niza, O. S. F., by Viceroy A. de Mendoza. AI (see item no. 53). Col. Doc. Amer., III. 325-328. Bandelier, Contrib., 109-112 (transl.) 51 1539 [^539 n Mexico. Viceroy A. de Mendoza to Juan de Aguilar. AI, for- merly in AS, Indias, leg. 9 (copy in RAH, Col. Mufioz, t. 81). Col. Doc. Amer., III. 506-511. Smith, Col. Doc. Florida, 7-10 (Span.) Ternaux-Compans, Voy., X. 259-268 (French). 52 . Tonala, Mexico. Relation by Fray Marcos de Niza, O. S. F., of his search for the cities of Cibola. AI, Sim., Patr. Real, Indias, leg. 7 (formerly AS; copies in RAH, Col. Muiioz, t. 81, and NY, Smith, North America, 1500-1560, from RAH; R, Shea, no. 33, env. i). Span. : Col. Doc. Amer., III. 325-351 (325-328, being the instruc- tions noted in item no. 51 ; 328, Niza's certification of the receipt of the instructions, dated November 20, 1538 ; 328, 329, the certi- fication of the authenticity of the relation by Fray Antonio de Cib- dad-Rodrigo, O. S. F., Provincial of Nueva Espafia, dated August 26, 1539; 329-350, the relation proper; and 350, 351, statement by notary, dated September 2, 1539) ; Bandelier, Contrib., 79, 116, 119, 121, 124, 126, 127, 135, 138-140, 142, 143. 146, 148, 149, I5i> 153. 161, 162 (extr., in footnotes). Ital. : Ramusio, Nav. (1556), III., fol. 356-359 verso (see also other editions) ; Marcellino da Civezza, 1539] Published Documents 7 BihL, 421-428 (from Ramusio) ; Raccolta di Doc. e Studi, Pte. III., VI. 433-442. French: Ternaux-Compans, Voy., IX. 256-284 (from RAH). Eng.: Hakluyt, Voy., III. (1598-1600) 366-373, (1810) 438-446 (both from Ramusio) ; BandeHer, Caheza de Vaca, 203-231 (from the 1810 Hakluyt) ; and Contrib., 163 (extr.) 53 Francisco Vazquez de Coronado to A. de Mendoza. [AS or AI ?] Ramusio, Nov., III. (1556), fol. 354 verso-355 recto (see also other editions ; Ital.) Ternaux-(rompans, Voy., IX. 352- 354 (from Ramusio; French). 54 Jan. 20. Gibraltar. Lope de Hurtado to Charles V. AI, Cartas 22 (abstr. in RAH, Col. Mufioz, t. 81 ; NY, Smith, North America, 1500- 1560, from RAH). Col. Doc. Amer., VI. 46, 47. 55 March 8. Culiacan. Coronado to Mendoza. [AS or AI ?] Ramusio, Nav., III. (1556) fol. 354, (1606) 395 (see also other editions; summary in Ital.) Ternaux-Compans, Voy., IX. 349-351 (from Ramusio; French). 66 March 20. Santiago de Cuba. Alcaide Mayor Bartolome Ortiz to the Coun- cil of the Indies. AI, Cartas 22 (abstr. in RAH, Col. Mufioz, t. 81, fol. 275 ; NY, Smith, North America, 1500-1560, pp. 196, 197, from RAH). Col.Doc.Ult.,Yl.47-So. 67 May 10. Havana. Will of Hernando de Soto. AI, Action of Isabel de Boba- dilla against Heman Ponce de Leon. Smith, Career of De Soto, 273- 280 (transl.) 68 May 18. Havana. The Royal Officials to Charles V. AI, 54-1-34 (abstr. in RAH, Col. Munoz, t. 81, fol. 278; NY, Smith, North America, 15001560, pp. 239, 240, and id., Florida, both from RAH). Col. Doc. Ult., VI. 54-56. Smith, Career of De Soto, 281, 282 (transl.) 59 July p. Espiritu Santo, Florida. Adelantado Hernando de Soto to the sec- ular cabildo of Santiago de Cuba (probably sent to Spain with letter of Ortiz, November 8, q. v., post). AI, Sim., sec, Florida, Soto, Cartas, leg. 31 (formerly in AS ; copy in RAH, t. 81 ; LC, South America, etc., Historical papers, 1510-1848, from AS; L, Rich, Flo- rida, Relacion Verdadera; NY, Smith, North America, 1500-1560, pp. 231-235 ; id., another copy, made from that in L, and collated with that in RAH). Ternaux-Compans, Voy., XX. 43-50 (French). Smith, Letter of De Soto, 7-10 (transl.) ; and Smith, Career of De Soto, 284-287 (transl. ; different versions in the two books). French, Hist. Coll. La., II. 91-93 (transl.) Bourne, Narratives of De Soto, 11. 159-165 (Smith's transl.) 60 July 26. Santiago de Cuba. The secular cabildo to Charles V. AI, Smith, Career of De Soto, 288-291 (transl.) [See this date in other list.] 61 Aug. i§. Santiago de Cuba. Bishop [Diego de Sarmiento ?] to Charles V. AI, Cartas 22 (extr. in RAH, Col. Munoz, t. 81 ; NY, Smith, North America, 1500-1560, pp. 197, 198, from RAH). Col. Doc. Ult., VI. 57,58. ^ 62 Aug. 2j. Mexico. Bishop Fray Juan de Zumarraga to Sancho Garcia de Larraval, his nephew. Biblioteca Provincial de Toledo, Negocios eclesiasticos de Indias, sala reservada, e. 11, c. 5. Acad, de Hist., Boletin, VI. 241-243. Icazbalceta, Nueva Col. Doc. Mex., II. 281- 283. 63 8 Documents in Spanish Archives [1639 Aug. 28. . Gonzalo de Guzman to Charles V. AI, Cartas 22 (abstr. in RAH, Col. Munoz, t. 81, fol. 277 ; NY, Smith, North Amer- ica, i5CX)-i56o, p. 198, from RAH). Col. Doc. Ult., VI. 59, 60. 64 Nov. 8. Santiago de Cuba. Bartolome Ortiz to Charles V. AI, Audiencia de Sto. Domingo, Papeles por agregar (extr. in RAH, Col, Mufioz, t. 81 ; NY, Smith, North America, 1500- 1560, p. 239, from RAH). Col. Doc. Ult., VI. 72-89. Bourne, NarrcUives of De Soto, 11. 165 (extr., transl.) 65 1540 [ 1540 ?] . Relacion del armada del Marques del Valle, capitaneada de Francisco de Ulloa. AI, Sim., Relaciones y descripciones (copy in DH ?). Col. Doc. Esp., IV. 218, 219. 66 [February ?] [Mexico ?] Viceroy A. de Mendoza to Charles V. (accom- panying Niza's relation). [AS or AI ?] Ramusio, Naru., III. (1556), fol. 355 (see also other editions ; Ital.) Temaux-Compans, Voy., IX. 285-290 (French ; cited entire by Bandelier, Contrih., 82, 83, in foot- note). Hakluyt, Voy., III. (1598-1600) 364, 365, (1810) 436-438 (both transl. from Ramusio). Bandelier, Contrih., 8082 (transl. from Temaux-Compans) ; and Cabeza de Vaca, 197-202 (transl. from the 1810 Hakluyt). 67 Feb. 21-26. Compostella. Informacion del Virrey de Nueva Espafia D. Anto- nio de Mendoza de la gente que va a poblar la Nueva Galicia con Francisco Vazquez Coronado, Gobernador de ella (notarial docu- ment). AI, e. I, c. I (abstr. in RAH, Col. Munoz, t. 82; NY, Smith, North America, 1500-1560, p. 243, from RAH). Col. Doc. Amer., XVI. 373-384. Bur. of Ethn., 14th Ann. Rept., pt. I., 596-598 (freely transl. and abridged). Winship, Coronado, 245-251 (transl.) 68 March 18. Capitulacion que se tomo con Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca. AI. Col. Doc. Amer., XXIII. 8-33. 69 March ^o. Melchior Diaz to A. de Mendoza. [AI ?] ; see below Mendoza's letter of April 17. Fewkes, Jour. Amer. Ethn. and Archaeol., III. 10 (transl, of extr. cited by Mendoza in his letter). 70 April 8. Santiago de Cuba. The Royal Officials to Charles V. AI, 53-6-8 (formerly AI, Cartas 22; abstr, in RAH, Col, Munoz, t, 82, fol, 146; NY, Smith, North America, 1500-1560, p, 243, from RAH). Col. Doc. Ult., VI, 106-117, 71 April 10. Santiago de Cuba, Martin de Maluenda to Charles V. RAH, Col. Munoz, t. 82, fol, 146 (evidently abstr. from original in AS or AI), Col. Doc. Ult., VI. 118, 119. 72 April 77. Jacona, Mexico. A. de Mendoza to Charles V. AS, Patr. Real, Indias, leg. 8 (probably now AI ; copy in RAH, Col. Munoz, t. 82, fol. 115; L, Rich, America, Span. Colonies, 1508-1569, from RAH; NY, Smith, North America, 1500-1560, pp. 247-253, from RAH). Col. Doc. Amer., II. 356-362. Ternaux-Compans, Voy., IX. 290-298 (French). Bur. of Ethn., 14th Ann. Rept., pt. I., 547-551 (transl.; see also above, the letter from Melchior Diaz). Winship, Coronado, 149-158 (transl.) 73 April ly. Mexico. Bishop Juan de Zumarraga to Charles V. AI, 2-2-5 (abstr. in RAH, Col. Munoz, t. 82, fol. 149, and 155). Col. Doc. Amer., XLI. 161-184. Acad, de Hist, Boletin, XVII. 31-46. Icaz- balceta, Zumarraga, 136-138 (abstr.) 74 1540] Published Documents 9 June 25. Madrid. Memorial que dio al Rey el Marques del Valle sobre agravios que le habia hecho el Virrey de Nueva Espana D. Antonio de Mendoza. AI, Sim., pieza 2 del leg. 17 de autos del Consejo. Col. Doc. Esp., IV. 209-217. 75 June 26. Madrid, Hernando Cortes to Charles V. [BN ? (see "Adver- tencia" of vol. noted below for location),] Col. Doc. Esp., CIV. 491, 492. 76 Aug. J, Granada. Francisco Vasquez de Coronado to A. de Mendoza. [AS or AI ?] Ramusio, Nav., III. (1556), fol. 359 verso-361 recto (see also other editions; Ital.) Hakluyt, Voy., III. (1598-1600) 373-380, (1810) 446-454 (both transl. from Ramusio). Old South Leaflets, gen. ser., no. 20 (from Hakluyt). Bur. of Ethn., 14th Ann. Rept., pt. I., 552-563 (transl. from Ramusio). Winship, Coronado, 159- 185 (transl.) 77 [AiteT Aug. 2p.] . Relacion de lo que Hernando de Alvarado y Fray Joan de Padilla descubrieron en demanda de la Mar del Sur. AS, Descripciones y poblaciones, leg. 7 (copy in RAH, Col. Mufioz, t. 82 ; L, Rich, America, Span. Colonies, 1508- 1569, with French transl. probably by Temaux-Compans). Col. Doc. Amer., III. 511- 513 (from RAH). Smith, Col. Doc. Florida, 65, 66 (Span.) Bur. of Ethn., 14th Ann. Rept., pt. I., 594, 595 (transl.) Boston Tran- script, October 14, 1893 (transl.) Winship, Coronado, 241-244 (transl.) 78 Oct. 7. Madrid. Real cedula encargando a Hernando de Soto 6 a su teniente que dejadas a todas cosas se acabe la fortaleza de la Habana. AI, 79-4-1. Col. Doc. Ult., VI. 142, 143. 79 Nov. 2p. Tiripitio. Asiento y capitulacion de compahia que celebraron Don Antonio de Mendoza Virey de Nueva Espana y el Adelantado Don Pedro de Alvarado. AI, e. i, c. i (copy in RAH, Col. Mufioz, t. 82). Col. Doc. Amer., III. 351-362 (from RAH) ; and XVI. 342-355 (from AI ; the two presenting slight verbal differences) . 80 Dec. 24. Santo Domingo (Isla Espanola). Royal Audiencia to Charles V. AI. Col. Doc. Amer., I. 575-580. 81 1541 [1541 ?] . Ritos antiguos, sacrificios e idolatrias de los Indios de la Nueva Espafia. [By Fray Toribio de Paredes (6 Motolinia) ?] Biblioteca Escurialense, Codice X. II-21. Col. Doc. Esp., LIII. 296-574. 82 [1341 f] . Traslado de las nuevas y noticias que dieron sobre el descubrimiento de una Cibdad que llamaron de Cibola, situada en la Tierra Nueva. AI, e. i, c. i. Col. Doc. Amer., XIX. 529-532. Bur. of Ethn., 14th Ann. Rept., pt. I., 564-566 (transl.) Winship, Coro- nado, 186-190 (transl.) 83 . . Relacion postrera de Sivola: y de mas de quatro- cientos leguas adelante. AI ? (copy in MS. work of Fray Toribio de Paredes or Motolinia, entitled " Libro de oro y Thesoro indico " in possession of Joaquin Garcia Icazbalceta, Mexico ; H, PM, Hemen- way. New Mexico, 1541-1793, no. i). Col. Doc. Mex., II. Bur. of Ethn., 14th Ann. Rept., pt. I., 566-568 (Span.), 568-571 (transl.) 84 10 Documents in Spanish Archives [1541 May ^i. Mexico. Instruccion que debia observar el capitan Hernando de Alarcon en la expedicion a la California que iba a emprender de orden del Virey D. Antonio de Mendoza. Biblioteca Escurialense, estante 2, plut. ij, num. 7, fol. 395 (copy in DH, Col. Navarrete). Smith, Col. Doc. Florida, 1-6 (Span.) 85 June 10. [Mexico ?] Proceso del Marques del Valle y Nuno de Guzman y los Adelantados Soto y Alvarado sobre el descubrimiento de la tierra nueva. AI, e. i, c. i ; AI, Sim., pieza i, del leg. 17, de Autos del Consejo rotulado " El Marques del Valle y otros con el fiscal de S. M. sobre el descubrimiento de la tierra nueba del Mar del Sur " (in part, " Memorial presentado por Nufio de Guzman " ; formerly AS; copy in DH ; NY, Smith, North America, 1500-1560, pp. 175- 282). Col. Doc. Amer., XV. 300-408. [Notarial doc. of various dates, from the last of which we take the above date. The contract with De Soto, for the exploration of Florida, dated April 20, 1537, is found on pp. 354-363-] 86 June 10. Talavera. Lo que se acuerda en el Consejo de Estado y de Indias sobre lo que se presenta tocante al intento de la armada de Francia. AI, leg. 6, Papeles del Patr. Real (copy in DH, Col. Navarrete, t. 14, no. 15; LC, Lowery, Miscellaneous). Smith, Col. Doc. Florida, 109-111. 87 Oct. 6. Mexico. A. de Mendoza to Gonzalo Hernandez de Oviedo, alcaide of the fortress of Santo Domingo. [RAH ?] Oviedo, Hist. Gen., III. 539, 540 (ed. 1851-1855 ; see also other editions). 88 Oct. 20. Tiguex. Francisco Vasquez de Coronado to Charles V. AI, e. 2, c. 2 (copy in RAH, Col. Muiioz, t. 82 ; L, Rich, Central America, Mexico, New Mexico, two copies ; NY, Smith, North America, 1500- 1560, pp. 295-299, from RAH). Col. Doc. Amer., III. 363-369 (from RAH) ; and XIII. 261-268 (from AI). Ternaux-Compans, Voy., IX. 355-363 (French). Bur. of Ethn., 14th Ann. Kept., pt. II., 580- 583 (Span.) Amer. Hist. Leaflets, no. 13 (from above rept.) Win- ship, Coronado, 213-221 (transl.) 89 Dec. jj. Santiago. Secular cabildo to Charles V. AI, 54-1-32. Col. Doc. Ult., VI. 164-170. 90 1542 [1342 f] . Relacion del suceso de la Jornada que Francisco Vaz- quez [de Coronado] hizo en el descubrimiento de Cibola. AI, e. i, c. I (formerly in AS, Descripciones y poblaciones, leg. 3 ; copy in RAH, Col. Mufioz, t. 83 ; L, Central America, Mexico, New Mexico, from RAH). Col Doc. Amer., XIV. 318-329. Smith, Col. Doc. Florida, 147-154 (Span.) Bur. of Ethn., 14th Ann. Rept., pt. I., 572-579 (transl.) Amer. Hist. Leaflets, no. 13 (transl.), from Bur. of Ethn., Rept.) Bandelier, Contrib., 167 (Span., extr.) Winship, Coronado, 197-202 (transl.) 91 [1542 1] Spain. Memorial dado a Carlos Quinto por Fernando Cortes. [AI ?] Copy in RAH. Col. Doc. Esp., IV. 219-232. 92 [1^42 f] . Relacion hecha por el Capitan Juan Jaramillo de la Jornada que habia hecho a la tierra nueva en Nueva Espana y al descubrimiento de Cibola, yendo por General Francisco Vazquez Coro- nado. AI, Patr. Real, e. i, c. i (formerly in AS, Descripciones y poblaciones, leg. 3; copy in RAH, Col. Mufioz, t. 83). Col. Doc. 1542] Published Documents 11 Amer., XIV. 304-317. Smith, Col. Doc. Florida, 154-163 (Span.) Bandelier, Contrib., 135, 156 (extr., Span.) Ternaux-Compans, Voy., IX. 364-382 (French, from RAH). Bur. of Ethn., 14th Ann. Kept., pt. I., 584-593 (transl.) Winship, Coronado, 222-240. 93 March 10. Mexico. A. de Mendoza to Marques de Sauiotte, Sec'y of the Royal Council. [AI ?] (abstr. in RAH, t. 83 ; NY, Smith, North America, 1500-1560, p. 459, from RAH). Cartas de Indies (with facsimile photograph, "R")> 253-255. 94 June 2y, 1542-April 14, 1543. . Relacion 6 diario de la navegacion que hizo Juan Rodriquez Cabrillo con dos navios al descubrimiento del paso del Mar del Sur al norte, desde 27 de Junio de 1542 que salio del puerto de Navidad, hasta 14 de Abril del siguiente ano, que se restituyo a el. [By Juan Paez or Bartolome Ferrel ?] AI, Sim., Descripciones y poblaciones, leg. 9 (according to Smith) ; AI, e. i, c. I (according to Col. Doc. Amer., formerly in AS; copy in RAH, Col. Mufioz, t. 36 ; L, Rich, Central America, Mexico, New Mexico, from RAH). Herrera, Hist. Gen., dec. VII., lib. V., cap. III., IV. (abstr.; see also the various editions and transl.) Col. Doc. Amer., XIV. 165-191. Smith, Col. Doc. Florida, 173-189 (Span.) Green- how, Ore. and Cal., 61-63 (transl.) Rept. U. S. Geog. Surveys, VII. (Archaeology) 299-314 (transl. from Smith by R. S. Evans). See also Bancroft, Cal., I. 69, note 8. 95 1543 Aug. 14. Valladolid. Titulo de gobernador de la isla Femandina en favor del licenciado Juanes de Avila en lugar del adelantado Hernando de Soto. AI, 46-4-1/33. Col. Doc. Ult, VI. 190-195. 96 1544. [1344 f] . Relacion del suceso de la Jornada del Capitan Soto, y de la calidad de la tierra por donde anduvo. By Luis Hernandez de Biedma. AS, Patr. Real, Indias, leg. 7 (probably now AI ; copy in RAH, Col. Mufioz, t. 81 ; LC, Florida and Louisiana, Ac, 399, pp. 77-121 ; L, Rich, Florida, Relacion Verdadera, two copies). Col. Doc. Amer., III. 414-441. Smith, Col. Doc. Florida, 47-64 (Span.) Ternaux-Compans, Voy., XX, 51-106 (French, from RAH). Hak- luyt Soc. Pub., IX. (Rye, Terra Florida) 173-200 (transl. from Ter- naux-Compans). Smith, Career of De Soto, 2^1-261 (transl.) Bourne, Narratives of De Soto, II. 1-40 (transl.) French, Hist. Coll. La., II. 97-109 (transl., abridged). 97 1547 Jan. 8. [Mexico ?] Fragmento de la visita hecha a Don Antonio de Men- doza. [Spain ?] Icazbalceta, Col. Doc. Hist. Mex., II. 72-140. 98 1548 [1548 f] Feb. 6. [Seville ?] Fray Luis Cancer, O. P., to Bishop Fray Bar- tolome de las Casas, O. P. AI, Sim., Historia General de Indias por D. Fray Bartolome de las Casas (abridged in RAH, Col. Muiioz, t. 85 ; L, Rich, Florida, Relacion Verdadera, from RAH ; NY, Smith, North America, 1500-1560, p. 351, from RAH; R, Shea, no. 33, env. i). Col. Doc. Esp., LXX. 573-578. Col. Doc. Amer., VII. 184- 191. 99 12 Documents in Spanish Archives [1548 [1^48 f] Feb. 1 4 or 24. [Seville ?] Convent of San Pablo. Cancer to Las Casas. AI, Sim., Hist. Gen., etc. (abridged in RAH, t. 85 ; L, Rich, Florida, Relacion Verdadera, from RAH ; NY, Smith, North Amer- ica, 1500-1560, p. 351, from RAH). Col. Doc. Esp., LXX. 578-582. Col. Doc. Amer., VH. 191-197. 100 April 26. Mexico. Fray Diego Ramirez to Las Casas. AI, Hist. Gen., etc. Col. Doc. Esp., LXX. 583, 584. 101 Nov. JO. Mexico. Fray Domingo de Santa Maria, O. P., to Las Casas. AI, Hist. Gen., etc. (abridged in RAH, t. 85, fol. 49; NY, Smith, North America, 1500-1560. p. 347, from RAH ; id., p. 445, from RAH). Col. Doc. Esp., LXX. 584, 585. Col Doc. Amer., VII. 206-208. 102 1549 Relacion de la Florida la qual trajo Fray Gregorio de Beteta. AS (probably now AI), Descripciones y poblaciones, leg. 8 (copy in RAH, Col. Mufioz, t. 85). Smith, Col. Doc. Florida, 190- 202 (Span.) Ternaux-Compans, XX. 107-142 (French, from RAH). 103 Jan. 28. Veracruz. Fray Bartolome Romero to Las Casas. AI, Sim., Eel., Cartas y expedientes de personas eclesiasticas del distrito de la Audi- encia de Mexico vistos en el consejo, afios 1530 a 1556. Col. Doc. Esp., LXX. 591-594. 104 April 20. Tlaxcala. Diego Ramirez to Las Casas. AI, Sim., Hist. Gen. de Indias por D. Fray Bartolome de las Casas. Col. Doc. Esp., LXX. 585, 586. 105 1550 Nov. JO. . Istoria sumaria y relacion brevisima y verdadera de lo que vio y escribio el reberendo padre Fray Bartolome de la Pefia de la Orden de los Predicadores, de la lamentable y lastimosa destruicion de las Indias, islas y tierra firme del Mar del Norte. Bibl. Real del Palacio. Col. Doc. Esp., LXXI. 87-199 ; see also LXX. 283 ff. 106 1551 Feb. 18. Compostella. Licentiate Fernando Martinez de la Marcha to Charles V. AS, tomo Cuentas de Nueva Galicia de 1549 a 1571 (copy in RAH, Col. Mufioz ; L, Rich, America, Spanish Colonies, Letters and documents relating to Guatemala). Ternaux-Compans, Recueil des Doc, 171-200 (French transl.) 107 1552 1 552- 1 56 1. . Historia General de Indias (3 vols.) By Bartolome de las Casas, O. P., Bishop of Chiapa. BN and RAH, one of which may be the original ; copy of Vol. 11. in Ayer Collection, Chicago, which from the description of the MSS. in the published version, appears to be the original formerly owned in Cadiz (copies in LC, formerly in the collection of Col. Peter Force ; L, Rich) . Fuensante del Valle, and Sancho Rayon, Hist, de lets Indias. 108 1552] Published Documents 13 May p. Governor Gonzalo Perez to Charles V. AI, 53-6-5. Col. Doc. Ult., VI. 325-330. 109 1555 Jan, 2. Fray Toribio de MotoHnia, O. S. F., to King of Spain. AI (for- merly in AS, Cartas de Nueva Espafia, de Frayles, de 1550-1570) ; Biblioteca Escurialense (copy in RAH, Col. Mufioz, t. 87, fol. 213- 232; L, Rich, Documents and Letters by Las Casas). Col. Doc. Amer., VIL 254-289; and XX. 175-216. Icazbalceta, Col. Doc. Hist. Mex., I. 253-277. Smith, Col. Doc. Florida, 67-88 (Span.) 110 Nov. I. Mexico. Archbishop Alonso de Montufar, O. P., to King, RAH, Col. Mufioz, t. 87 (original probably in AI). Col. Doc. Amer., II. 520-530. Ill 1556 April 20. Bayamo. Capitulos de una carta de Fray Diego de Sarmiento, obispo de Cuba. AI, Cartas de varios, 1551-1556 (copy in RAH, Col. Mufioz, t. 88). Col. Doc. Amer., V. 553-555- 112 Nov. 25. Mexico. Fray Andres de Olmos to Philip II. [AI ?] Cartas de Indias (with photographic facsimile, "LI"), 125-128. 113 1557 July 15. Seville. Dr. Pedro de Santander to Philip II. AS, Estado, leg. 120. Col. Doc. Esp., XXVI. 340-365. Ruidiaz, Florida, I. civ (extr. wrongly dated, June 15). Parkman, Pioneers, I. 18, footnote 2 (Eng. extr.) 114 1558 June 75. Mexico. Fray Domingo de Santa Maria, O. P., to Philip II. [AI ?] (Copy in RAH, Col. Munoz, t. 86 ; NY, Smith, North Amer- ica, 1500-1560, p. 445, extr.) Cartas de Indias (with photographic facsimile, "N"), 134-137. 116 1559 Feb. 20. Mexico. Fray Francisco de Toral to Philip II. [AI ?] Cartas de Indias, 138-140. 116 March 20. Mexico. Viceroy Luis de Velasco to Philip II. [ AI ?] Cartas de Indias, 270-274. 117 May I. Tlaxcala. Provincials of the Dominicans, Franciscans, and Augus- tinians to Philip II. [AI ?] Cartas de Indias, 141-143. 118 Sept. 24. Mexico. L. de Velasco to Philip II. AI, e. 2, c. i (formerly in AS, Cartas de Frailes de Nueva Espafia del ano 1550 al 1570; copy in RAH, Col. Mufioz, t. 88 ; LC, Florida and Louisiana, Ac. 399, pp. 123-133, from RAH; L, Rich, Florida, Relacion Verdadera). Col. Doc. Amer., IV. 136-140. Smith, Col. Doc. Florida, 10-13 (Span.) Temaux-Compans, Voy., XX. 157-164 (French). 119 Sept. 24. Puerto de Santa Maria. Governor Tristan de Luna y Arellano to Philip II. AI, e. 2, c. i (according to Col. Doc. Amer.) ; AI, Sim., leg. 4, Relaciones y descripciones (according to Navarrete ; copy in DH, Col. Navarrete, t. 14, no. 22; NY, Smith, North America, 1500- 1560, pp. 467, 468; trf., Florida). Col. Doc. Amer., XIII. 280-283. 120 14 Documents in Spanish Archives [1560 1560 [Ca. I §60 f] Historia apologetica de las Indias Occidentales. By Bartolome de las Casas. 4 vols. RAH ; Colegio de San Gregorio de Dominicos, Valladolid (copy in LC, Am. S. 1527, formerly in the collection of Col. Peter Force; L, Rich). Col. Doc. Esp., LXVL 237-555 (extr.) 121 . [Mexico ?] L. de Velasco to Philip II. AI, Testimony taken in 1560 at request of Garcia Osorio, Smith, Career of De Soto, 299, 300 (transl.) 122 Jerez. Memorial by Alonzo Vazquez to Philip II. AI (copy in NY, Smith, Florida). Smith, Career of De Soto, 301-312 (transl.) Hist. Mag., 1st ser., IV. 257-261. [The memorial proper (in Smith, 301, 302) is followed by a petition by Vazquez asking permission to live in Florida, dated June 12, 1560, and by interrogatories and no- tary's certification.] 123 1561 July 10. Compte-Rendu par Guido de las Bazares, du voyage qu' il fit pour decouvrir les ports et les bales qui sont sur la cote de la Florida. [Spain ?] Temaux-Compans, Voy., XX. 143-155 (French). French, Hist. Coll. La. and Fla., 236-240, in note (extr., transl. from Ter- naux-Compans). [This is signed by Tello de Sandoval, on above date, and signed by notary, May 5, 1565. See also other list, under February i, 1559, which appears to be identical with this docu- ment.] 124 July 20. Mexico. Fray Jacinto de San Francisco, O. S. F., to Philip II. [AI ? From a copy proceeding from Justo Zaragoza and intended for Cartas de Indias but not included therein.] Icazbalceta, Nueva Col. Doc. Mex., II. 235-247. 125 1563 May I. London. Bishop Alvaro de la Quadra, Span, ambassador, to Philip II. AS, Estado, leg. 816, fol. 163 (copy in NY, Smith, MSS.) Col. Doc. Esp., LXXXVII. 512, 513. Cal. State Papers, Span. (I. Eliz.), 322, 323 (transl.) 126 Mayg. San Martin. Relacion de lo que descubri6 Diego de Ibarra en la provincia de Copala, llamada Topiame. AI, e. i, c. i. Col. Doc. Amer., XIV. 553-561. [This includes a letter, dated May 26, 1563, from Velasco to Philip (553-555), one dated. May 3, from Francisco de Ibarra (559, 560), and a letter by Ibarra, dated May 9.] 127 June ip. London. Bishop Quadra to Philip II. AS, Estado, leg. 816, fol. 125. Col. Doc. Esp., LXXXVII. 524-527. Cal. State Papers, Span. (L Eliz.), 334-337 (transl.) 128 June 26. London. Quadra to Philip II. AS, Estado, leg. 816, fol. 201. Col. Doc. Esp., LXXXVII. 527-532. Cal. State Papers, Span. (I. Eliz.), 337-340 (transl.) 129 1564 Jan. 8. Seville. Pedro Menendez de Aviles to Philip II. AI (copy in DH). Ruidiaz, Florida, II. 51-59. 130 Feb. 24. Mexico. Licentiate Valderrama to Philip II. RAH, Col. Muiioz, t. 88 (probably from original in AI). Col. Doc. Amer., IV. 355- 372. 131 1565] Published Documents 15 1565 Memorial de Pero Menendez de Aviles. AI, 1-1-1/19 (formerly AI, Sim., Patr. Real, leg. 8; copy in DH, Col. Navarrete, t. 14, no. 30 ; LC, Lowery, Florida, I., from DH ; NY, Smith, North America, 1561-1593, from DH). Ruidiaz, Florida, II. 320-326 (date assigned by Ruidiaz, II. 712). 132 March 20. Madrid. Capitulacion y asiento con Pero Menendez de Aviles para la poblacion y conquista de la Florida. ARG, leg. 2, num. 5 (copy in NY, Smith, North America, 1561-1593). Col. Doc. Amer., XXIII. 242-258. Ruidiaz, Florida, II. 415-427. Vigil, Noticias biog.-geneal., 160 (extr.) 133 March 22. Madrid. Real cedula donando al Adelantado Pero Menendez de Aviles 25 leguas en cuadro de territorio en la Florida. ARG, leg. 2, num. 4. Ruidiaz, Florida, II. 351-353. 134 March 22. Madrid. Real cedula eximiendo a Pero Menendez de Aviles del pago de derechos de fundicion de metales. ARG, leg. 2, num. 12. Ruidiaz, Florida, II. 354, 355. 135 March 22. Madrid. Real cedula concediendo al Adelantado Pero Menendez de Aviles participacion en las rentas, minas y frutos de la Florida. ARG, leg. 2, num. 12. Ruidiaz, Florida, II. 356, 357. 136 March 22. Madrid. Real cedula concediendo a Pero Menendez de Aviles dos pesquerias en la Florida, una de perlas y otra de pescado. ARG, leg. 2, num. 10. Ruidiaz, Florida, II. 358, 359. 137 March 22. Madrid. Titulo de Capitan General expedido al Adelantado Pero Menendez de Aviles de la Armada que llevo para el descubrimiento de la Florida. ARG, leg. 2, num. 3, A. 3. Ruidiaz, Florida, II. 383-385- 138 March 22. Madrid. Titulo de GKDbernador y Capitan General de la Florida otorgado a Pero Menendez de Aviles. ARG, leg. 2, num. 56. Ruidiaz, Florida, II. 385-390. 139 March 22. Madrid. Titulo de Adelantado de la Florida expedido a favor de Pero Menendez de Aviles. [AI ?] Copia sacada de la ejecutoria del pleito sobre este titulo por el cronista D. Luis Salazar y Castro (this copy in RAH, Col. Salazar, t. 19). Smith, Col. Doc. Florida, 13-15 (Span.) 140 May 5. Madrid. Consulta hecha al Rey por el Consejo Real de Indias. AI, Sim., leg. 3, Consultas y cartas del Consejo a S. M. causadas desde el ano de 1556 hasta el de 1576 (copy in DH, Col. Navarrete, t. 14, no. 35; NY, Smith, North America, 1561-1593, pp. 205-208). See Ruidiaz, Florida, II. 709; and Lowery, Span. Settlements, 11. 107. [See other list.] 141 May 5. Madrid. Parecer del Consejo Real de las Indias. DH, Col. Nava- rrete, t. 14, no. 34 (abridged Span, version in Arch. Nat., Paris, K, 1504-1519). Lowery, Span. Settlements, II. 107, 108 (extr., transl.) See also, Temaux-Compans, Recueil de Pieces stir la Floride, p. 153- 142 May 18. Seville. Menendez de Aviles to Philip II. AI (copy in DH, Col. Navarrete). Ruidiaz, Florida, II. 60-66. 143 May 28. Seville. Menendez de Aviles to Philip II. AI (copy in DH, Col. Navarrete). Ruidiaz, Florida, II. 66-70. 144 16 Documents in Spanish Archives [1565 June 15. Madrid. Philip II. to Duke of Alba. Archives of the House of Alba. Alba, Nuevos Autografos, 59, 60. 145 June 25. London. Ambassador Guzman de Silva to Philip II. AS, Estado, leg. 818, fol. 34. Col. Doc. Esp., LXXXIX, 128-134. Cal. State Papers, Span. (I. Eliz.), 438-442 (transl.) 146 June 28. Cadiz. Inventario y relacion de los navios, gente, vastimentos, arti- lleria, armas, municiones y otras cosas que lleva el Adelantado Pero Menendez de Aviles en su armada para la conquista y poblacion de la Florida. AS, Consejo de Hacienda, leg. 67 (copy in NY, Smith, MSS.) Ruidiaz, Florida, II. 558-566. [Written by the factor, Fran- cisco Duartes, at the time of setting sail, and signed by the notary, Juan Carrillo, on above date.] 147 Aug. 15. Puerto Rico. Menendez de Aviles to Philip II. AI (copy in DH, Col. Navarrete, t. 14, no. 40 ; LC, Papeles relativas a la Florida ; NY, Smith, North America, 1561-1593, pp. 281-284, from DH ; Mass. Hist. Soc., Span, and Eng.) Ruidiaz, Florida, II. 70-74. Mass. Hist. Soc., Proc, 2d sen, VIII. 416-418 (transl.) 148 [Sept. or Oct. f'\ . Relacion de la Jornada de Pero Menendez de Aviles. By Francisco Lopez de Mendoza Grajales, chaplain of the fleet. AI, 1-1-1/19 (formerly AI, Sim., leg. i, Relaciones y descrip- ciones, from AS, Descripciones y poblaciones, leg. 8; copy in RAH, Col. Munoz, t. 87, from AS ; DH, Col. Navarrete, t. 14, no. 37 ; L, Rich, Florida, Relacion Verdadera, 2 copies ; NY, Smith, North America, 1561-1593, pp. 233-279, from RAH). Col. Doc. Amer., III. 441-479. Ruidiaz, Florida, II. 431-465. Ternaux-Compans, Voy., XX. 165-232 (French). French, Hist. Coll. La. and Fla., 191-234 (transl., from Ternaux-Compans). Shipp, De Soto and Fla., 544- 561 (extr., transl.) Old South Leaflets, no. 89, 1-22 (transl.) 149 Sept. . Real cedula ordenando a Pero Menendez de Aviles que tome parecer al Capitan Sancho de Archiniega y a los demas oficiales que envia en su socorro, en todos los asuntos de mar y tierra. AI, 1-1-1/19. Ruidiaz, Florida, II. 360-362. 150 Sept. II. Florida. Menendez de Aviles to Philip II. AI, 54-5-16 (formerly AI, Sim., leg. 17-21, Cartas de Indias ; copy in DH, Col. Navarrete, t. 14, no. 40; LC, Papeles relativos a la Florida, pp. 10-31 ; NY, Smith, North America, 1561-1593; Mass. Hist. Soc.) Ruidiaz, Florida, 11. 74-84. Mass. Hist. Soc, Proc, 2d ser., VIII. 419-425 (transl.) 151 Oct. I. London. Ambassador Guzman de Silva to Philip II. AS, Estado, leg. 818, fol. 68. Col. Doc. Esp., LXXXIX. 197-202. Cal. State Papers, Span. (I. Eliz.), 483-486 (transl.) 152 Oct. 8. London. Guzman de Silva to Philip II. AS, Estado, leg. 818, fol. 70. Col. Doc. Esp., LXXXIX, 202-206. Cal. State Papers, Span. (1. Eliz.), 486-488 (transl.) 153 Oct. 15. St. Augustine, Fla. Menendez de Aviles to Philip II. AI, 54-5-6 (formerly AI, leg. 17-21, Cartas de Indias; copy in DH, Col. Nava- rrete, t. 14, no. 40; LC, Papeles relativos a la Florida, pp. 31-79; LC, Lowery, Florida, II. ; NY, Smith, North America, 1561-1593, pp. 292- 309, from DH ; Mass. Hist. Soc.) Ruidiaz, Florida, II. 84-105. Mass. Hist. Soc, Proc, 2d ser., VIII. 425-439 (transl.) 154 1566] Published Documents 17 Oct. 22. London. Guzman de Silva to Philip II. AS, Estado, leg. 8i8, fol. 78. Col. Doc. Esp., LXXXIX. 214-218. Cal. State Papers, Span. (I. Eliz.), 494-497 (transl.) 155 Nov. 5. Antwerp. Guzman de Silva to Philip II. AS, Estado, leg. 818, fol. 85. Col. Doc. Esp., LXXXIX. 223-233. Cal. State Papers, Span. (I. EHz.), 499-505 (transl.) 156 Dec. 5. Matanzas. Menendez de Aviles to Philip II. AI, leg. 17-21, Cartas de Indias (copy in DH, t. 14, no. 40; LC, Papeles relativos a la Flo- rida, pp. 79-123; NY, Smith, North America, 1561-1593, pp. 309-325, from DH; Mass. Hist. Soc.) Ruidiaz, Florida, II. 105-125. Mass. Hist. Soc, Proc, 2d ser., VIII. 440-453. 157 Dec. 12. Havana. Menendez de Aviles to Philip II. AI, 54-5-16 (copy in DH, Col. Navarrete, t. 14, no. 40 ; LC, Papeles relativos a la Florida, pp. 123-142 ; LC, Lowery, Florida, I., extr. ; NY, Smith, North Amer- ica, 1561-1593, pp. 325-332, from DH ; Mass. Hist. Soc.) Ruidiaz, Florida, II. 127-135. Mass. Hist. Soc, Proc, 2d ser., VIII. 454-459 (transl.) 158 Dec. 16. Havana. Menendez de Aviles to Philip II. AI, Sim., leg. 17-21, Cartas de Indias (copy in DH, t. 14, no. 40; LC, Papeles relativos a la Florida, pp. 142-144; NY, Smith, North America, 1561-1593, pp. 332, 333; Mass. Hist. Soc) Ruidiaz, Florida, II. 125-127. Mass. Hist. Soc, Proc, 2d ser., VIII. 460 (transl.) 159 Dec. 2^. Havana. Menendez de Aviles to Philip II. AI, 54-5-16. Ruidiaz, Florida, II. 127-141. Mass. Hist. Soc, Proc, 2d ser., VIII. 454-459 (transl.) [See above, December 12. The letter is so dated in the English transl., and bears an endorsement showing that it was de- spatched to Spain. The version in Ruidiaz continues : " Despues de escrita esta hasta aqui, sucediome caer malo en cama unos diez dias ..." Consequently he despatched the shorter letter on the 12th, and wrote a later addition with a duplicate.] 160 1566 . . Relacion del viaje que hizo a la Florida en 1566 el Capitan Gonzalo de Penalosa en socorro del General Pero Menendez de Aviles. AI, Sim., leg. 17 de Cartas de Indias (copy in DH, t. 14, no. 41; LC, Papeles relativos a la Florida, pp. 173-180; NY, Smith, North America, 1561-1593, pp. 123-126, from DH). Ruidiaz, Florida, II. 473-476. 161 Jan. 30. Havana. Menendez de Aviles to Philip II. AI, Sim., leg. 17-21, Cartas de Indias (copy in DH, Col. Navarrete, t. 14, no. 40; LC, Papeles relativos a la Florida, pp. 145-170; NY, Smith, North Amer- ica, 1561-1593, pp. 333-343; Mass. Hist. Soc.) Ruidiaz, Florida, 11. 142-154. Mass. Hist. Soc, Proc, 2d ser., VIII. 460-468 (transl.) 162 March 2. [Madrid ?] Philip II. to Guzman de Silva. AS, Estado, leg. 819, fol. 83. Col. Doc. Esp., LXXXIX. 275, 276. Cal. State Papers, Span. (I. Eliz.), 527, 528 (transl.) 163 March ^o. London. Guzman de Silva to Philip II. AS, Estado, leg. 819, fol. 75. Col. Doc. Esp., LXXXIX. 292-295. Cal. State Papers, Span. (I. Eliz.), 536-538 (transl.) 164 18 Documents in Spanish Archives [1566 May 12. Madrid. Philip 11. to Menendez de Aviles. ARG, leg. 2, num. 3 : A. 4, nums. 374. Ruidiaz, Florida, II. 362-365. 165 May 18. [London ?] Guzman de Silva to Philip II. AS. Cal. State Papers, Span. (I. Eliz.), 549-552 (transl.) 166 Oct. 12. London. Guzman de Silva to Philip II. AS. Cal. State Papers, Span. (I. Eliz.), 584-586 (transl.) 167 Oct. 15. St. Augustine. Menendez de Aviles to a Jesuit friend in Cadiz. [AS or AI ?] Alcazar, Hist. Comp. Jesus, II., fol. 153. Ruidiaz, Florida, II. 154-160. Hist. Mag., October, 1861, 292-294 (transl.) 168 Nov. 2p. Santo Domingo. Menendez de Aviles to Philip II. AI, Sim., leg. 4, Relaciones y descripciones (copy in DH, Col. Navarrete, t. 27, no. 27; NY, Smith, North America, 1561-1593, pp. 345-313 — for 353). Ruidiaz, Florida, II. 160-170. 169 1567 [1567 f] . Relacion de la entrada y de la conquista que por mandado de Pero Menendez de Aviles hizo en 1565 en el interior de la Florida el Capitan Juan Pardo. By Juan Pardo. AI, 1-1-1/19. Ruidiaz, Florida, II. 465-473. 170 . . Memorial que hizo el Doctor Gonzalo Solis de Meras, de todas las jornadas y sucesos del Adelantado Pedro Menendez de Aviles. ARG, leg. 2, num. i ; Barcia also owned a copy. Ruidiaz, Florida, I. 1-320 (321-336 by another person at a later date). Barcia, Ensayo Cron., 85-93 (extr.) French, Hist. Coll. La. and Fla., 216- 222, in note (extr., transl. from Barcia). See Lowery, Span. Settle- ments, II. vii, viii. 171 April ^. Merida de Yucatan. Bishop Francisco de Toral to Menendez de Aviles. AI. Cartas de Indias (with photographic facsimile, " QQ "), 238-241. Ruidiaz, Florida, II. 295-298. 172 April 20. Merida de Yucatan. Toral to Philip II. [AI ?] Cartas de Indias, 242-245. 173 July II. Santa Helena. Relacion del viaje y reconocimiento que hizo del interior de la Florida en 1566 el Capitan Juan Pardo. By Francisco Martinez (soldier). AI, 1-1-1/19. Ruidiaz, Florida, II. 477-480. 174 Sept. 22- Seville. Menendez de Aviles to Philip II. AI, 143-3- 12. Ruidiaz, Florida, II. 170, 171. 175 Nov. 5. Escorial. Titulo de Capitan General de una Armada de 12 galeones, dispuesta en Vizcaya, destinada a la guarda y seguridad de las costas, islas y puertos de Indias. AI, 1-1-1/19. Ruidiaz, Florida, II. 390- 394. 176 1568 May 12. Santander. Menendez de Aviles to Philip II. AI, 54-5-9. Rui- diaz, Florida, II. 171-180. 177 July 10 and jp. Paris. Ambassador Guerau de Spes to Philip II. AS, Cal. State Papers, Span. (II. Eliz.), 68, 69 (transl.) [Postscript dated July 19.] 178 Nov. 8-iS- Nuevo Reino de Galicia. Testimonio del descubrimiento y pose- sion de la laguna del Nuevo Mexico, hecho por Francisco Cano, Teniente de Alcalde Mayor de las minas de Mascapil en la Nueva Galicia. AI, e. i, c. i. Col. Doc. Amer., XIX. 535-540. 179 1569] Published Documents 19 1569 [Ca. J5<5p.] . Description of Florida. [By a contemporary of Menendez de Aviles.] ARG, Ruidiaz, Florida, 1. v-viii. 180 . . Disposicion de quatro fuertes que habia de haber en la Florida. AI, e. 2, c. i. Col. Doc. Amer., XIII. 307-309. Ruidiaz, Florida, II. 566-568. [For date, see Lowery, Span. Settlements, II. vi. 181 Jan. 2^. Santa Elena. Memoria de los lugares y que tierra es cada lugar de los de las provincias de la Florida, por donde el capitan Juan Pardo entro a descubrir camino para Nueva Espafia, desde la punta de Sancta Elena de las dichas provincias. By Juan de la Bandera. AS, Descripciones y poblaciones, leg. 8 (copy in RAH, Col. Munoz, t 39) ; ARG, leg. 2, num. 3, F. Col. Doc. Amer., IV. 560-566. Ruidiaz, Florida, II. 481-486. Smith, Col. Doc. Florida, 15-19 (Span.) Hist. Mag., August, i860, pp. 230-232 (transl.) French, Hist. Coll. La. and Fla., 289-292 (transl.) 182 Feb. 10. Mexico. Relacion de la fundacion, capitulos y elecciones que se han tenido en esta provincia de Santiago de esta Nueva Espana, de la orden de predicadores. AS, Descripiciones y poblaciones (probably now AI ; copy in RAH, Col. Munoz, t. 89) . Col. Doc. Amer., V. 447-478. 183 Aug. J or j8. Rome. Pope Pius V. to Menendez de Aviles. ARG. Barcia, Ensayo Cron. (in La Florida del Inca), 139. Vigil, Noticias, 169. Ruidiaz, Florida, II. 299, 300. Fairbanks, Hist. Florida, 131, 132 (transl.) Shea, Cath. Church in Col. Days, 145 (transl.) French, Hist. Coll. La. and Fla., 222, 223, in note (transl.) Old South Leaf- lets, no. 89, 22, 23 (transl.) [Barcia and Ruidiaz date as August 18; while the others seem to assign August i as the proper date.] 184 Sept. 22. Seville. Menendez de Aviles to Philip II. AI, 143-3- 12. Ruidiaz, Florida, II. 180-184. 185 Nov. 12. Escalona. Menendez de Aviles to Philip II. AI, 143-3- 12. Ruidiaz, Florida, II. 184, 185. 186 Nov. 20. Seville. Menendez de Aviles to Philip II. AI, 143-3-12. Ruidiaz, Florida, II. 185-189. 187 Nov. 24. Seville. Menendez de Aviles to Philip II. AI, 143-3- 12. Ruidiaz, Florida, II. 189-191. 188 Nov. 2y. Seville. Menendez de Aviles to Philip II. AI, 143-3- 12. Ruidiaz, Florida, II. 191-193. 189 Dec. 4. Seville. Menendez de Aviles to Philip II. AI, 143-3-12. Ruidiaz, Florida, II. 193-196. 190 Dec. II. Santa Elena. Juan Rogel to Juan de Hinestrosa, treasurer of Cuba. AI, e. 2, c. I. Col. Doc. Amer., XIII. 301-307. 191 Dec. SI. Cadiz. Menendez de Aviles to Philip II. AI, 143-3- 12. Ruidiaz, Florida, II. 196-200. 192 1570 . San Lucar de Barrameda. Menendez de Aviles to Philip II. AI, 143-3-12. Ruidiaz, Florida, II. 213-220. 193 Jan. 4. Cadiz. Menendez de Aviles to Philip II. AI, 143-3-12. Ruidiaz, Florida, II. 201, 202. 194 20 Documents in Spanish Archives [1570 June ^o. London. Antonio de Guaras to Zayas. AS, Cal. State Papers, Span. (11. Eliz.), 255-257 (transl.) [This letter contains a postscript dated July i.] 195 Nov. ^-Dec. 22. Seville. Diligencias con motivo de la venida de Esteban de las Alas con no soldados de la Florida, para que averigiiar la orden con que vinieron, y el estado en que quedaban aquellas fori:ificaciones. AI, e. 2, c. I. Col. Doc. Amer., XIII. 309-332. Ruidiaz, Florida, II. 568-589. 196 Dec. 3. Seville. Menendez de Aviles to Philip II. AI, 143-3-12. Ruidiaz, Florida, II. 203-212. 197 Dec. p. Havana. Fray Juan Rogel to Menendez de Aviles. [AI ?] Alcazar, Hist. Comp. Jesus, II. 219. Ruidiaz, Florida, II. 301-308. 198 1571 I5yi-I574. . Geografia y descripcion universal de las Indias. Com- piled by Juan Lopez de Velasco. Biblioteca Provincial de Toledo, S. R., e. II, c, 4. Published under above title by Justo Zaragoza (see his preface, v, vi). 199 Jan. 23. Seville. Menendez de Aviles to Philip II. AI, 143-3-13. Ruidiaz, Florida, 11. 220, 221. 200 March 12. Seville. Menendez de Aviles to Philip II. AI, 143-3-13. Rui- diaz, Florida, II. 221, 222. 201 May i^. San Lucar de Barrameda. Menendez de Aviles to Philip II. AI, 143-3- 1 3. Ruidiaz, Florida, II. 222-224. [He wrote another letter of the same date to Philip II.] 202 May 16. Menendez de Aviles to Philip II. AI, 143-3- 13. Ruidiaz, Florida, II. 226, 227. 203 July 22. Santa Elena. Menendez de Aviles to Philip 11. AI, 143-3-13 (for- merly AI, Sim., leg. 21, Cartas de Indias; (copy in DH, Col. Nava- rrete, t. 14, no. 45 ; LC, Papeles relativos a la Florida, pp. 225-248 ; NY, Smith, North America, 1 561- 1593, pp. 367-375, from DH). Ruidiaz, Florida, II. 228-238. 204 1572 . London. Ambassador Antonio Fogaza to Philip II. AS, Estado, leg. 826, fol. 67. Revista de Archivos, VIII., January 5, 1878, 13-16. 205 April 28. Mexico. Viceroy Martin Enriquez to Philip II. [AI ?] Cartas de Indias, 280-289. 206 May 24. Havana. Relacion escrita por Sancho Pardo Osorio al presidente del Consejo Real de las Indias, dandole cuenta de lo que sucedio a la Armada del Adelantado Pero Menendez en las costas de la Florida. AI, Sim., Descripciones y poblaciones, leg. i (copy in DH, Col. Nava- rrete, t. 14, no. 44; LC, Papeles relativos a la Florida, pp. 217-222; NY, Smith, North America, 1561-1593, pp. 381-383). Ruidiaz, Florida, I. 487-489. 207 1573 Feb. 23. Madrid. Real cedula ordenando al Adelantado Pero Menendez de Aviles la continuacion de la conquista de la Florida por la parte de Panuco. ARG, leg. 2, num. 40. Ruidiaz, Florida, II. 368-373. 208 1573] Published Documents 21 March S' Madrid. Real licencia concedida a Pero Menendez de Aviles para llevar, previa informacion, cincuenta familias asturianas a la Florida. ARG, leg. 2, num. 5 ; A. 6, num. 15. Ruidiaz, Florida, II. 373, 374. 209 1574 Jan. y. San Lucar de Barrameda. Testament© del Adelantado Pero Menen- dez de Aviles. RAH, Col. Salazar, t. 19; ARG, leg. 9, num. 21 (copy in NY, Smith, North America, 1561-1593). Ruidiaz, Florida, II. 516-521. 210 Jan. p. Mexico. Viceroy Martin Enriquez to Philip II. [AI ?] Cartas de Indias, 297-304. Blair and Robertson, Philippine Islands, III. 226, note 75, and 239, note 81 (extr., transl.) 211 Sept. 8. Santander. Menendez de Aviles to Pedro Menendez de Marques. ARG. Vigil, Noticias, 191. Ruidiaz, Florida, II. 288-292. 212 1575 ICa. 1575 ?] . Memoria de las cosas y costa de la Florida. By Hernando de Escalante Fontaneda. AI, 1-1-18 (formerly in AS, Descripciones y poblaciones, leg. 8 ; copy in RAH, Col. Mufioz, t. 89 ; LC, Papeles relativos a la Florida, pp. 303-333 ; Eng. transl. also in LC, Memoir of the things ... of Florida ; L, Rich, Florida, Relacion Verdadera, from RAH; NY, Smith, North America, 1561-1593, two copies from RAH). Col. Doc. Amer., V. 532-548 (from RAH) ; and X. 66-80 (from AI). Ternaux-Compans, Voy., XX. 9-41 (French, from RAH). Smith, Letter of De Soto, 13-18 (transl, from RAH). French, Hist. Coll. La. and Fla., 235-247, 251-260, 262-265 (transl., from Ternaux-Compans). Shipp, Hist, de Soto, 584-589 (extr., transl.) 213 . Guadalajara, Mexico. Relacion hecha por Joan de Miranda, clerigo, al Doctor Orozco, Presidente de la Audiencia de Guadalajara, sobre la tierra y poblacion que hay desde las minas de San Martin a las de Santa Barbara. AI, e. i, c. i. Col. Doc. Amer., XVI. 563-570. [Notary's attestation dated February 26, 1575.] 214 1576 March ^o. Mexico. M. Enriquez to Philip II. [AI ?] Cartas de Indias, 315-322. Ruidiaz, Florida, II. 634, 635 (extr.) 215 July 16. Segovia. Philip II. to Gabriel Montalvo, governor of Cuba. [AI ?] Pezuela, Hist, de Cuba, I. 372, 373. 216 1582 May 16, 1582-April 2^, 1384. Mexico. Testimonio sobre el descubrimiento de doscientos leguas adelante, de las minas de Santa Barbola, goberna- cion de Diego de Ibarra: cuyo descubrimiento se hizo en virtud de cierta licencia que pidio Fr. Agustin Rodriguez y otros religiosos Franciscanos. Acompanan relaciones de este descubrimiento y otros documentos. AI, e. i, c. i. Col. Doc. Amer., XV. 80-150. [Among the accompanying documents contained in this notarial compilation 22 Documents in Spanish Archives [1582 are the following: Relacion del viaje que hizo Antonio de Espejo con catorce soldados y un religioso de la orden de San Francisco a las provincias y poblaciones de la Nueva Mexico, 101-126 (identical with 163-189 of same vol. ; see also post, under date April 23, 1784) ; Ofrecimiento de Francisco Diaz de Vargas, 126-137 ; Relacion breve, October 26, 1583, q. v. post.] 217 July Ji. London. Ambassador Bernardino de Mendoza to Philip 11. AS, Estado. Cal. State Papers, Span. (III. Eliz.), 384-387. 218 1583 Oct. 26. Mexico. Relacion breve y verdadera del descubrimiento del Nuevo Mexico que descubrimos nueve compaiieros que salimos de Santa Balbola, en compania de tres religiosos de la orden de San Francisco. AI, e. I, c. I. Col. Doc. Amer., XV. 146-150. Cartas de Indias, 230-233. [Enclosed with the Archbishop's letter of same date; see also second item preceding.] 219 Oct. 26. Mexico. Archbishop Pedro de Moya y Contreras to Philip II. [AI ?] Cartas de Indias (with photographic facsimile, "P"), 225- 230. 220 Oct. 26. Mexico. Asiento con Cristobal Martin por el que se ofrece a ir en persona al descubrimiento y poblacion del Nuevo Mexico. AI, 1-1-3. Col. Doc. Amer., XVI. 277-301. 221 1584 . , Itinerario del P. Custodio Fr. Martin Ygnacio, fran- ciscano descalzo. Biblioteca del Conde del Aguila (copy in RAH, Col. Munoz ; L, Rich). Gonzalez de Mendoza, Hist, de China, book 3 (see the various editions). 222 J584-1585. . Fray Andres Aguirre to Archbishop Moya y Contre- ras. AI (copy in Sutro Coll., San Francisco). Hist. Soc. Southern Cal., Pubs., II., pt. I., 7-9 (Span.) ; 9-12 (transl. from Sutro copy). 223 1584-1588. . Relacion de las cosas que sucedieron al Padre Fray Alonso Ponce en las provincias de la Nueva Espaiia, siendo comisario general de aquellas partes. Archivo del Sr. D. Mariano de Zabalburu. Col. Doc. Esp., LVII. 1-539, LVIII. 1-559. [The authors were probably Fray Alonso de San Juan and Fray Alonso de Cibdad- Real.] 224 April 2^. . Expediente y relacion del viaje que hizo Antonio de Espejo con catorce soldados y un religioso della orden de San Fran- cisco, llamado Fray Agustin Rodriguez. AI, e. i, c. i. Col. Doc. Amer., XV. 151-191 (see also ante, date May 16, 1582). [The rela- cion was made at the latter end of October, 1583.] 225 1585 May 10. Viceroy Marques de Villamanrique to Philip II. AI (copy in Sutro Coll.) Hist. Soc. Southern Cal., Pubs., IL, pt. I., 13-15 (extr., Span.) ; 15-17 (transl. from Sutro copy). 226 1588] Published Documents 28 1588 July ly. Havana. Pedro Menendez Marques to Philip II. 54-5-9 (copy in LC, Lowery, Florida, III.) Hist. Mag., ist ser., HI. 275, 276 (transl.) [See other list.] 227 1589 [158^ f] . Tratado del descttbrimiento de las Yndias y su con- quista, y los ritos y sacrificios, y costumbres de los Yndios. By Juan Suarez de Peralta. Biblioteca Provincial de Toledo, R. S., e. 11, c. 6. Zaragoza, Noticias Hist., 1-286. 228 Feb. 15. Asiento y capitulaciones que el Virey de la Nueva Espafia, Marques de Villamanrique, hizo con Joan Bautista de Lomas Colmenares sobre el descubrimiento y poblacion de las provincias del Nuevo Mexico. AI, e. I, c. I. Col. Doc. Amer., XV. 54-80. [A notarial document compiled in 1592. The document is signed by Lomas Colmenares, January 15, 1589, while the poder is dated February 15.] 229 1590 July 2y. [Mexico ?] Memoria del descubrimiento que Caspar Castano de Sosa hizo en el Nuevo Mexico, siendo Teniente de Gobernador y Capitan General del Nuevo Reino de Leon. AI, e. i, c. i (formerly AI, Sim., Descripciones y poblaciones, leg. 8; copy in RAH, Col. Mufioz, t. 88 ; L, Rich, America, Spanish Colonies, Letters and docu- uments relating to Guatemala). Col. Doc. Amer., IV. 283-354 (from RAH) ; and XV. 191-261 (from AI). [This is a copy made for the Council by a notarv, and is dated by the Council November 10, 1592.] ' 230 1593 Oct. 8. Mexico. Viceroy Luis de Velasco to Philip II. AI (copy in Sutro Coll.) Hist. Soc. Southern Cal., Pubs., II., pt. L, 23 (Span.) ; 23, 24 (transl.) 231 1594 April 6. Mexico. Velasco to Philip II. AI (copy in Sutro Coll.) Hist. Soc. Southern Cal., Pubs., II., pt. I., 17, 18 (Span.) ; 18, 19 (Eng.) 232 1595 [1595 f] [Mexico ?] Viceroy Conde de Monterey to Philip II. AI (copy in Sutro Coll.) Hist. Soc. Southern Cal., Pubs., II., pt. I., 24, 25 (Span.); 25 (Eng.) 233 [i 595-1600 ?] . Mapa de la Florida y Laguna de Maimi. AI, 145- y-y. Lowery, Span. Settlements, II., facing 286. No. 94 in Torres Lanzas, Mapas y Pianos, I. 71. 234 1 595-1602. [Mexico ?] Memorial sobre el descubrimiento del Nuevo Mex- ico y sus acontecimientos. AI, e. i, c. i. Col. Doc. Amer., XVL 188-227. [The several parts of this document were gathered together in 1602, and constitute a resume of Oiiate's negotiations, contracts, and acts.] 235 April 3. Mexico. Informacion de algunos servicios prestados por el Ade- lantado Pedro Menendez de Aviles. AI, 1-2-1/13. Ruidiaz, Florida, II. 590-624. 236 24 Documents in Spanish Archives [1596 1596 [i3p6-i^p8.] . Discurso de las jornadas que hizo el Campo de su Magestad desde la Nueva Espafia a la provincia de la Nueva Mexico. AI, e. I, c. I. Col. Doc. Amer., XVI. 228-276. [Comprehends time from June 20, 1596, to early in 1598. Its author was a priest who accompanied the expedition.] 237 F^fc. J. Acapulco. Royal Officials to Viceroy Conde de Monterey. AI (copy in Sutro Coll.) Hist. Soc. Southern Cal., Pubs., II., pt. I., 19 (extr., Span.) ; 19, 20 (transl.) 238 Feb. 2^. Mexico. Monterey to Philip II. AI (copy in Sutro Coll.) Hist. Soc. Southern Cal., Pubs., II., pt. I., 26-28 (Span.) ; 29-32 (transl.) 239 April ip. Mexico. Monterey to Philip II. AI (copy in Sutro Coll.) Hist. Soc. Southern Cal., Pubs., II., pt. I., 20, 21 (extr.. Span.) ; 21-22 (transl.) 240 Aug. 12. Mexico. Mandamiento del Virey de Nueva Espafia a Juan de Onate. [Spain ?] (copy in H, PM, Hemenway, New Mexico, 1595- 1778. Duro, Pernio sa, 152-154. 241 Oct. 26. [Mexico?] Castaneda's relation of the Coronado expedition. [Spain ? copy in L, Rich, Relacion de la Jornada de Cibola, 157 11., an old MS.] Winship, Coronado, xxvii-xxxiv, 1-148. 242 1597 Relacion que Sebastian Vizcaino a cuyo cargo fue la Jornada de las Californias, da para el Rey. AI (copy in Sutro Coll.) Hist. Soc. Southern Cal., Pubs., II., pt. I., 35-43 (Span.) ; 43-52 (transl.) 243 Feb. 2/. Mexico. Vizcaino to Philip II. AI (copy in Sutro Coll.) Hist. Soc. Southern Cal., Pubs., II., pt. I., 33, 34 (Span.) ; 34, 35 (transl.) 244 July 28. Mexico. Viceroy Conde de Monterey to Philip II. AI (copy in Sutro Coll.) Hist. Soc. Southern Cal., Pubs., II., pt. I., 52, 53 (extr.. Span.) ; 53 (transl.) 245 Nov. 26. [Mexico ?] Monterey to Philip II. AI (copy in Sutro Coll.) Hist. Soc. Southern Cal., Pubs., II., pt. I., 54-57 (extr.. Span.) ; 58-63 (transl.) 246 1598 April-Nov. [Mexico ?] Treslado de la posesion que en nombre de Su Magestad tomo Don Juan de Onate, de los reynos y provincias de la Nueva Mexico: y de las obediencias y vasallaje que los Yndios de algunos pueblos de los dichos Reynos y Provinicas dieron en el dicho nombre. AI, e. i, c. i. Col. Doc. Amer., XVI. 88-141. [This con- sists of several certifications by the clerks or notaries copying the documents comprehended in it, dated February 21, 1599, although some are undated. " Obediencia y vasallaje " is given by the follow- ing communities: Santo Domingo, July 7 (101-108) ; San Juan Bau- tista, September 9 (108- 117) ; Acolocu, October 12 ( 1 17-122) ; Cue- loce, October 17 (122-127) 5 Acoma, October 27 (127-132) ; Aguscobi, November 9 (132-136) ; Mohoqui, November 15 (136-141).] 247 1599] Published Documents 25 1599 March 2. New Mexico. Governor Juan de Onate to Viceroy Conde de Monterey. AI, 1-1-3/22 (formerly AI, e. i, c. i ; copy in LC, Lowery, New Mexico, IV., part of Papeles pertenecientes a las capitulaciones con S. M. Don Pedro Ponce de Leon) . Col. Doc. Amer., XVI. 302- 315 (extr.) 248 1600 May. Madrid. Petition of Alonso de Ofiate to Philip III. AI, e. i, c. i. Col. Doc. Amer., XVI. 316-319. [The petition was granted at Madrid, May 24.] 249 May 5. [Madrid ?] A. de Oiiate to the President of the Council of the Indies. AI. Col. Doc. Amer., XVI. 320-322. 260 t6oi [1601 ?] . Fray Juan de Escalona, O. S. F., to the Father Pro- vincial. [Spain ?] Torquemada, Mon. Ind., lib. V., cap. XXXVIII., 675, 676. 251 Oct. I. Convent of San Gabriel, New Mexico. Escalona to the Father Com- missary General. [Spain ?] Torquemada, Mon. Ind., lib. V., cap. XXXVIL, 673-675. 252 1602 [1602 .?] [Mexico ?] Viceroy Conde de Monterey to Philip III. Discurso y proposicion que se hace a Vuestra Magestad de lo tocante a los descubrimientos del Nuevo Mexico. AI, e. i, c. i (formerly in AS; copy in RAH, Col. Muiioz ; copy from Duro in H, PM, Hemenway, New Mexico, 1595-1778, pp. 1-9). Col. Doc. Amer., XVI. 38-66. Duro, Diego de Penalosa, 13-27. See also Bancroft, Ariz, and New Mex., 118, 119, note, and 153. 253 . . Derrotero de la navegacion desde el Puerto de Aca- pulco al Cabo Mendocino hecho por el Capitan Geronimo Martin Palacios cosmografo mayor del Nuevo descubrimiento que se hizo en 1602 al mando del General Sebastian Vizcayno vecino de Megico. AI, 604-37; Colegio Mayor de Cuenca, Salamanca, MS. 354 (copy in RAH, Col. Mufioz; LC, Lowery, California, extr.) Carrasco, Doc. de Calif ornias, p. 149 ff. 254 Feb. 2p. Santa Barbara. Francisco de San Miguel, O. S. F., to Fray Diego Mufioz, provincial of the Province of Mechuacan. [Spain ?] Torque- mada, Mon. Ind., lib. V., cap. XXXIX., 676-677. 255 May 5. Acapulco. Sebastian Vizcaino to Philip III. AI (copy in Sutro Coll.) Hist. Soc. Southern Cal., Pubs., II., pt. I., 63 (Span.) ; 63, 64 (transl.) 256 July 8. San Lorenzo. Royal decree in favor of Alonso de Ofiate, [Spain ? the copy used by Davis was found in Santa Fe, and is now probably in LC] Davis, Span. Conquest, 264, 265. 257 Dec. 28. Puerto de Monterey. Letter by Sebastian Vizcaino. AI (copy in Sutro Coll.) Hist. Soc. Southern Cal., Pubs., II., pt. I., 65, 66 (Span.) ; 66-68 (transl.) 258 26 Documents in Spanish Archives [1603 1603 May 2^. Mexico. Vizcaino to Philip III. AI (copy in Sutro Coll.) Hist. Soc. Southern Cal,, Pubs., II., pt. I., 68-70 (Span.) ; 70-73 (transl.) 259 1604 Jan. S' Havana. Pedro de Valdes to Philip III. AI. Pezuela, Hist, de Cuba, I. 377-400. 260 1606 March 16. London. Ambassador Pedro de Zuniga to Philip III. Brown, Gen. of U. S., I. 45, 46 (transl.) [See other list.] 261 June 7. St. Augustine. Relacion que describe las provincias de la Florida, distancias, etc. By the treasurer, Juan Menendez Marques to Fray Miguel Avengogar. AI, 1-1-1/19. Ruidiaz, Florida, II. 495-509. 262 Aug. ip. San Lorenzo el Real. Royal decree establishing a way-station for the Philippines. [AI ? Copy of rare printed pamphlet, of as great value as the original MS., in Brit. Mus., Add. 13976, fol. 469-472.] Blair and Robertson, Phil. Islands, XIV. 182-188 (transl.) [Tran- script of pamphlet in Newberry Library.] 263 Aug. jp. San Lorenzo. Royal decree addressed to Pedro de Acufia. [Spain ?] Venegas, Noticias, I. 193-201. Venegas, Nat. and Civil Hist, of Cal., I. 172-179 (transl.) [See also transl. of Venegas into other languages.] 264 1607 Jan. 24. London. Ambassador P. de Zuniga to Philip III. Brown, Gen. of U. S., I. 88-90 (transl.) [The date is given as December 24 by Brown. See other Hst] 265 March 8. Madrid. Philip III. to Zuniga. Brown, Gen. of U. S., I. 91 (extr., transl.) [See other list.] 266 April ^o. London. Zuniga to Philip III. Brown, Gen. of U. S., 97-99 (extr., transl.) [See other list.] 267 May 7. Madrid. Juan de Ciriza to Andres de Pedrastra. Mag. Amer. Hist., XXVI. 221, 222 (transl.) Brown, Gen. of U. S., I. 100, loi (transl.) [See other list.] 268 June 12. Ventosilla. Philip III. to Zuniga. Brown, Gen. of U. S., I. 102, 103 (transl.) [See other list] 269 July 30. London. Zuniga to Philip III. Brown, Gen. of U. S., I. 104 (extr., transl.) [See other list.] 270 Aug. 22. London. Zuniga to Philip III. Brown, Gen. of U. S., 1. no, in (extr., transl.) [See other list.] 271 Sept. 21. Madrid. Philip III. to Zuniga. Brown, Gen. of U. S., I. 115, 116 (extr., transl.) [See other list.] 272 Sept. 22. London. Zuniga to Philip III. Brown, Gen. of U. S., 1. 116-119 (transl.). [See other list.] 273 Oct. 5. London. Zuniga to Philip III. Brown, Gen. of U. S., 1. 118, 119 (transl.) [See other list.] 274 Oct. 8. London. Zuniga to Philip HI. Brown, Gen. of U. S., I. 120-123 (extr., transl.) [See other list] 275 160Y] Published Documents 27 Oct. 8. . Draught of St. George's Fort. By John Hunt. Brown, Gen. of U. S., I. facing 190. [Sent to Philip III. in letter of Ziifiiga, September 10, 1608. See other list.] 276 Oct. 10. . Arbitrio al Rey sobre el modo de labrar la moneda para que no saiga de Espana, y del modo de trabajar las minas. By Licenti- ate Raphael Forres Maranon. BN, E. 160. Col. Doc. Esp., CIV. 497-519- ^ 277 Oct. 16. London. Zuniga to Fhilip III. Brown, Gen. of U. S., I. 123, 124 (transl.) [See other list.] 278 Oct. 28. Madrid. Fhilip III. to Ziifiiga. Brown, Gen. of U. S., I. 125 (extr., transl.) [See other list.] 279 Nov. 10. Madrid. Report of the Spanish Council of State on a communi- cation of Zuniga on Virginia. Brown, Gen. of U. S., I. 125-127 (extr., transl.) [See other list] 280 Dec. 6. London. Zuniga to Fhilip III. Brown, Gen. of U. S., I. 140 (extr., transl.) [See other list] 281 Dec. 22. London. Zuniga to Philip III. [AS ?] Brown, Gen. of U. S., I. 141 (extr., transl.) 282 1608 . London. Chart of Virginia. Brown, Gen. of U. S., I. facing 184. [See other list.] 283 Description of Virginia. Brown, Gen. of U. S., I. 195 (transl.) [See other list, " Copia de un documento ".] 284 Jan. ly. Madrid. Report of Span. Council of State. Brown, Gen. of U. S., I. 143, 144 (transl.) [Written on a letter of Zufiiga of this date, and consequently of later date than the letter. See other list.] 285 March 28. London. Zuniga to Fhilip III. Brown, Gen. of U. S., I. 147 (transl.) [See other list] 286 March 28. Jamestown, Va. Letter by Francis Ferquin [Perkins ?] Brown, Gen. of U. S., I. 173-177 (transl.) [Attached to letter of Zufiiga to Philip III., June 16, 1608. See other list] 287 June 16 or 26. London. Ziiiiiga to Fhilip III. Brown, Gen. of U. S., I. 172 (extr., transl.) [See other list.] 288 July 2p. Lerma. Fhilip III. to Zuniga. Brown, Gen. of U. S., I. 180, 181 (transl.) [See other list] 289 Sept. 10. Higuete [Highgate]. Zuniga to Philip III. Brown, Gen. of U. S., I. 183, 184 (transl.) [See other list.] 290 Sept. 23. Valladolid. Philip III. to Zuniga. Brown. Gen. of U. S., I. 196 (extr., transl.) [See other list.] 291 Nov. 8. London. Zuniga to Fhilip III. Brown, Gen. of U. S., I. 196 (extr., transl.) [See other list.] 292 1609 . , Relacion del descubrimiento del estrecho de Anian, que hice yo, el Capitan Lorencio Ferrer Maldonado, el ano 1588, en la cual esta la orden de la navegacion y la dispusicion del sitio y el modo de fortalecerlo, y asimismo las utilidades desta navegacion, y los daiios, que de no hacerlo, se siguen. Archives of the Duque del Infantado ; RAH, Col. Munoz, t. 38, no. i ; DH, Col. Navarrete, t. 2, no. 10 (title in LC, Lowery, California). Col. Doc. Amer., V. 4^0- 447- 28 Documents in Spanish Archives [1609 . [London ?] Summary of tract relating to the colonizing of Vir- ginia, with letter of transmission and decree. Brown, Gen. of U. S., I. 259-277 (transl.) [See other list.] 294 Jan. 15. London. Zufiiga to Philip IIL Brown, Gen. of U. S., I. 197, 198 (extr., transl.) [See other list.] 295 Jan. 77. London. Zuniga to Philip III. Brown, Gen. of U. S., I. 198 (transl.) [See other list] 296 [Feb. 5.] [London ?] Broadside concerning Virginia. Brown, Gen. of U. S., I. 248, 249 (transl.) [Attached to letter of Zuniga to Philip IIL, March 5, 1609. See other list] March 3. Highgate. Zuniga to Philip III. Brown, Gen. of U. S., I 247 (transl.) [See other list] April I. Highgate. Zuniga to Philip III. 255 (extr., transl.) [See other list] April 12. Highgate. Zufiiga to Philip IIL Brown, 259 (transl.) [See other list.] 297 243- 298 Brown, Gen. of U. S., I. 254, 299 Gen. of U. S., I. 258, 300 May 14. San Lorenzo. Philip III. to Zuniga. Brown, Gen. of U. S., I. 311 (transl.) [See other list] May 20. Highgate. Zufiiga to Philip III. (extr., transl.) [See other list] May 2^. Aranjuez. Philip III. to Zufiiga. (extr., transl.) [See other list.] July 5. Highgate. Zuniga to Philip III. (transl.) [See other Hst] Nov. 2^. Highgate. Zuniga to Philip III. [See other list] Zuniga to Philip IIL [See other list] Zufiiga to Philip IIL [See other list] Brown, Gen. of U. S., Brown, Gen. of U. S., 333 (trans.) Dec. 10. Highgate. 337 (transl.) Dec. 31. Highgate. 358 (transl.) 301 310 302 311 303 Brown, Gen. of U. S., I. 324 304 Brown, Gen. of U. S., I. 332 305 Brown, Gen. of U. S., I. 336, 306 357, 307 Brown, Gen. of U. S., I. 1610 . . Copy of map of America made for James I. in 1610. Brown, Gen. of U. S., I., facing 456. [Sent to Philip III. by Zuniga in his letter of March 22, 161 1. See other list.] 308 Jan. 28. Highgate. Zuniga to Philip III. Brown, Gen. of U. S., I. 358 (transl.) [See other list] 309 March 11. Highgate. Zuniga to Philip III. Brown, Gen. of U. S., I. 386 (transl.) [See other list.] 310 June 14. London. Ambassador Alonso de Velasco to Philip III. Brown, Gen. of U. S., I. 392 (transl.) [See other list.] 311 July I. Madrid. Report on Virginia to the Span. Council of State. Brown, Gen. of U. S., I. 393-399 (transl.) [See other list.] 312 Sept. 30. London. Velasco to Philip HI. Brown, Gen. of U. S., I. 418, 419 (transl.) [See other list] 313 Nov. 2. Madrid. Report of Span. Council of State concerning Velasco's report on Virginia matters. Brown, Gen. of U. S., I. 426, 427 (transl.) [See other list.] 314 Dec. 5. London. Velasco to Philip III. Brown, Gen. of U. S., I. 442, 443 (transl.) [Dated wrongly December 31 by Brown. See other list.] 315 1611] Published Documents 29 1611 . . Report of the voyage to the Indies, as far as Vir- ginia, which the large sloop made by order of his Majesty, in behalf of the Alcayde Don Diego de Molina, the Ensign Marco Antonio Perez, and in their company, Francisco Lembri, English pilot of the navy. Brown, Gen. of U. S., I. 51 1-522 (transl.) [See other Hst.] 316 Feb. 20. Madrid. Philip III. to Governor Caspar de Pareda. Brown, Gen. of U. S., I. 451, 452 (transl.) [See other list.] 317 March 22. London. Velasco to Philip III. Brown, Gen, of U. S., I. 455- 457 (transl.) [See other list.] 318 May 26. London. Velasco to Philip III. Brown, Gen. of U. S., I. 473 (transl.) [See other list] 319 June I/. Madrid. Philip III. to Velasco. Brown, Gen. of U. S., I. 476 (transl.) [See other list.] 320 Aug. 22. London. Velasco to Philip III. Brown, Gen. of U. S., I. 494, 495 (transl.) [See other list.] 321 Nov. 15. El Pardo. Duke of Lerma to Secretary Antonio de Arostegui. Brown, Gen. of U. S., 1. 509, 510 (transl.) [See other list] 322 Nov. 15. London. Velasco to Philip III. Brown, Gen. of U. S., I. 523 (transl.) [See other list] 323 Nov. 15. El Pardo. Philip III. to Velasco (two copies). Brown, Gen. of U. S., I. 524 (transl.) ; II. 525, 526 (transl.) [The two copies are two distinct translations, the first being old, and the second made especially for Gen. of U. S. See other list] 324 Dec. 14. London. Velasco to Philip III. Brown, Gen. of U. S., II. 527 (transl.) [See other list.] 325 Dec. 24. London. Velasco to Philip III. Brown, Gen. of U. S., II. 531, 532 (transl.) [See other list] 326 1612 Jan. 6. Madrid. Philip III. to Velasco. Brown, Gen. of U. S., 11. 533 (extr., transl.) [See other list.] 327 Feb. 23. Madrid. Philip III. to Velasco. Brown, Gen. of U. S., II. 537, 538 (extr., transl.) [See other list.] 328 April I. Madrid. Philip III. to Velasco. Brown, Gen. of U. S., II. 553, 554 (transl.) [See other list.] 329 April 14. London. Velasco to Philip III. Brown, Gen. of U. S., II. 554 (extr., transl.) [See other list.] 330 June 6. Madrid. Philip III. to Velasco. Brown, Gen. of U. S., II. 560 (transl.) [See other list] 331 June 18. London. Velasco to Philip III. Brown, Gen. of U. S., II. 560 (transl.) [See other list] 332 Aug. I. Marques de Flores (Zufiiga) to Philip III. Brown, Gen. of U. S., II. 572, 573 (transl.). [See other list] 333 Aug. 10. Isla Margarita. Apologias y discursos de las conquistas occi- dentales por Don Bernardo de Vargas Machuca. BR. Col. Doc. Esp., LXXI. 201-309 (see also LXX. 293, 294). 334 Aug. 16. London. Flores to Philip III. Brown, Gen. of U. S., II. 575 (transl.) [See other Ust.] 335 Nov. 3. Valladolid. Philip III. to Velasco. Brown, Gen. of U. S., II. 593 (transl.) [See other list] 336 30 Documents in Spanish Archives [1613 1613 Jan. 25. London. Velasco to Philip III. Brown, Gen. of U. S., II. 602 (transl.) [See other list] 337 Feb./. [Madrid ?] Philip III. to Velasco. Brown, Gen. of U. S., II. 603 (transl.) [Dated by Brown, February 13. See other list.] 338 April I. Madrid. Philip III. to Velasco. Brown, Gen. of U. S., II. 610 (extr., transl.) [See other list.] 339 April 20. Madrid. Report of Span. Council. Advertisements sent from Velasco, with the Council's opinion of them, and the King's direction. [AS ?] Brown, Gen. of U. S., II. 621, 622 (extr., old transl.) 340 May i^. Madrid. Philip III. to Velasco. Brown, Gen. of U. S., II. 631 (extr., transl.) [See other list.] 341 May 2^. Madrid. Philip III. to Velasco. Brown, Gen. of U. S., II. 631, 632 (transl.) [See other list.] 342 May 28. Virginia. Diego de Molina to [Velasco ?] Brown, Gen. of U. S., II. 646-652 (transl.) [See other list.] 343 May 30. London. Velasco to Philip III. Brown, Gen. of U. S., II. 633, 634 (transl.) [See other list.] 344 July 8. Virginia. Molina to Velasco. Brown, Gen. of U. S., II. 652-654 (transl.) [See other list] 345 July 12. London. Velasco to Philip III. Brown, Gen. of U. S., II. 638, 639 (transl.) [See other list.] 346 Aug. 2. London, Velasco to Philip III. Brown, Gen. of U. S., II. 645, 646 (transl.) [See other list.] 347 Aug. 10. San Lorenzo. Philip III. to Ambassador Diego Sarmiento de Acufia. Brown, Gen. of U. S., II. 654 (transl.) [See other list.] 348 Sept. 14. San Lorenzo. Philip III. to Velasco. Brown, Gen. of U. S., II. 657, 658 (extr., transl.) [See other list.] 349 Oct. 5. London. Ambassador D. Sarmiento de Acuna to Philip III. Brown, Gen. of U. S., II. 659-662 (transl.) [See other list.] 350 Oct. 24. Ventosa, Philip III. to Sarmiento de Acuiia. Brown, Gen. of U. S., II. 663 (extr., transl.) [See other list] 351 Nov. 16. London. Sarmiento de Acufia to Philip III. Brown, Gen, of U. S., II. 675, 676 (transl.) [See other list] 352 1614 March 17. London. Sarmiento de Acuna to Philip III. Brown, Gen. of U. S., II. 680-684 (transl.) [See other list.] 353 April 50. Virginia. Diego de Molina to Sarmiento de Acuna. Brown, Gen. of U. S., II. 740-743 (transl.) [Attached to letter of Sarmiento de Acuna to Philip III., October 17, 1614. See other list] 354 June 14. Virginia. Molina to Sarmiento de Acufia. Brown, Gen. of U. S., II. 743-745 (transl.) [See other list] 355 Oct. I/. Sarmiento de Acuiia to Philip III. Brown, Gen. of U. S., II. 737- 740 (transl.) [See other list.] 356 1615 Feb. 10. London. Sarmiento de Acufia to Philip III. Brown, Gen. of U. S., II. 759 (transl.) [Dated February 13 by Brown. See other list.] 357 1617] Published Documents 31 [1617 ?] . . Relacion del descubrimiento del Reino de la Cali- fornia. By Captain Nicolas de Cardona. BN, J. 7. CoL Doc. Amer., IX. 30-42. [For date, see Bancroft, North Mex. States, I. 165, note 15.] 358 1618 , . Narrative of expedition of Vicente de Saldivar in 1618. DH (copy in NY, Smith, North America, 1607-1786, fol. 105, 106). Duro, Penalosa. Shea, Penalosa, 47-54 (Span.) ; 78-85 (Eng.) Prince, Hist. New Mex., 176-178 (transl.) [Bancroft, Ariz, and New Mex., 157, says that this is a confused reference to the expedition of Oiiate in 1604- 1605.] 359 Oct. 12. London. Julian Sanchez de Ulloa to Philip III. Brown, Gen. of U. S., II. 900 (extr., transl.) [See other list.] 360 Dec. 18. Valladolid. Testamento de Pedro Menendez de Aviles, sobrino y heredero del Adelantado de la Florida. [AI ?], Ejecutoria del pleito sobre el titulo de Adelantado de la Florida (copy in RAH, Col. Sala- zar, t. 19). Smith, Col. Doc. Florida, 19-25 (Span.) 361 1620 Sept. 21. Mexico. Carta de D. Francisco Ramirez de Arellano, ofreciendose al descubrimiento y conquista de las Californias. BN, J. 89. Col. Doc. Amer., VI. 564-566. 362 Oct. 12. Mexico. Relacion breve en que se da noticia del descubrimiento que se hizo en la Nueva Espana, en la Mar del Sur, desde el puerto de Acapulco hasta mas adelante del Cabo Mendocino ; en que se da cuenta de las riquezas y buen temple y comodidades del reino de Cali- fornias. By Fray Antonio de la Ascension. BN, J. 89, fol. 21. Col. Doc. Amer., VIII. 539-574. [See following item.] 363 Dec. 21. Mexico. Memorial of Francisco Ramirez de Arellano. BN, J. 89. Col. Doc. Amer., VIII. 537, 538. [This precedes the above rela- tion.] 364 Ca. 1624 . . Cronica de la orden de San Agustin en las Provincias de la Nueva Espana. By Juan de Grijalva, O. S. A., Colegio de Agustinos, Valladolid. Published under above title, Mexico, 1624. 365 1632 . Mexico. Verdadera relacion de la grandiosa conversion que ha havido en el Nuevo Megico. By Fray Esteban de Perea, O. S. F., custodian of the provinces of New Mexico. RAH, Papeles de Jesui- tas, t. 86, fol. 578 (manuscript copy in LC, Lowery, New Mexico, IV.) Published under above title (expanded) in Seville, in 1632. [Two parts, the second part of which seems to have been published in 1633. The copy in RAH is the printed copy. The MS. is not known to be in existence, but this early pamphlet serves all the pur- poses of such and may be treated as a primary source.] 366 32 Documents in Spanish Archives [1633 [1633 ?] . . Memorial del Capitan Nicolas Cardona al Rey sobre sus descubrimientos y servicios en la California. BN, X. 153. Col. Doc. Amer., IX. 42-57. [This is printed, but is included as being a prime source. The MS. is probably not in existence, as the printed version was made for official use. For date, see Bancroft, North Mex. States, I. 165, note 15.] 367 1636 [16360x16^7?] . Memorial del Almirante Pedro Porter Casa- nate al Rey, recomendando una nueva expedicion a la California para adquirir mas noticias sobre tan importante territorio. BN, X. 153. Col. Doc. Amer., IX. 19-29. [This document also is published from the official printed memorial that was presented.] 368 . . Memoria de los autores que hablan de las Califomias y de su ensenada, y dan noticias de muchos descubrimientos. Al, Sim., leg-. 2, Papeles sobre el descubrimiento de la California (copy in RAH, Col. Mufioz). Col. Doc. Esp., XV. 225-227. [This is appended to the end of the following item.] 369 Sept. 17. Declaracion que hicieron D. Alonso Botello y Serrano y D. Pedro Porter y Casanate de las conveniencias del servicio de S. M. y publicas que se seguirian de descubrir como se comunica por la California el Mar del Sur con el del Norte. Al, Sim., leg. 2, Papeles sobre el descubrimiento de la California (copy in RAH, Col. Mufioz ; DH, Col. Navarrete, t. 19, no. 32; LC, Lowery, California). Col. Doc. Esp., XV. 215-225. [See item immediately preceding.] 370 1640 . . Decadas abreviadas de los descubrimientos, conquistas y fundaciones y otras cosas notables acaecidas en las Indias Occi- dentales desde 1492 a 1640. BN, J. 37. Col. Doc. Amer., VIII. 5- 54. [It contains errors in date and name.] 371 Oct. 75. . Garcia Sarmiento y Sotomayor to Fray Luis de Bonifaz. [Spain ?] Venegas, Noticias, I. 213, 214. Venegas, Nat. and Civil Hist., I. 190, 191 (Eng.) [See also transl. of Venegas into other languages.] 372 Ca. 1646 . . Memorial y noticias Sacras y Reales de el Imperio de las Yndias Occidentales. By Juan Diez de la Calle. BN, 3023, 3024 (formerly J. 94, 95 ; 2 vols. ; extr. in LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII. 17II. ; id., New Mexico, IV. 811.) Diez de la Calle, Memorial y Noticias. [There appear to be two copies of the MS. in BN, one of which is apparently revised and enlarged and later in date than 1646, the date of publication of the book.] 373 [1649 ?] . . Carta relacion de D. Pedro Porter Casanate, desde que salio de Espana el ano 1643 para el descubrimiento del golfo de la California, hasta 24 de Enero de 1649. BN, S. 52. Col. Doc. Amer., IX. 5-18. 374 1662] Published Documents 38 1662 Relacion del descubrimiento del Pais y Ciudad de Quivira. By Nicolas Freytas, O. S. F. Library of Bernardo de Yriarte, member of the Council of the Indies (recorded by Navarrete as being- in a modern hand, and translated perhaps from a French ver- sion in Thevenot's library ; copy in DH, t. 27, no. 20 ; NY, Smith, North America, 1607-1786, fol. 99-105). Shea, Penalosa, 25-54 (Span.) ; 55-85 (transl.) Houck, Hist, of Mo., I. 143-148 (extr., transl.) [This relation was given by Pefialosa to the minister of marine, Seignelai, in 1684.] 375 April 10. [Lima ?] Audiencia of Peru to the Council of the Indies. AI. Duro, Penalosa, 84. 376 1677 . . Proposiciones del Marques de Varinas sobre los abusos de Indias. BN, I. 126 (old pressmark), MSS. 3034 (present press- mark). Col. Doc. Amer., XIX. 239-275. Col. Doc. Ult., XII. 17-52. 377 1684 [1684 ?] . Noticia de otra expedicion anterior por el Maestro de Campo Vicente de Saldivar. [Spain ?] Duro, Penalosa, 33-44. 378 . . Memorial del Maestre de Campo Juan Dominguez de Mendoza, informando acerca de las naciones de Oriente. AI, Secre- taria de Nueva Espana, Audiencia de Guadalaxara, expediente sobre la conquista del Nueva Mexico, afios de 1639 a 1686 (copy in RAH). Barcia, Ensayo Cronologico, 266 (abstr.) Duro, Penalosa, 74-77. 379 1685 . . Desagravios de los Indios y reglas precisamente nece- sarias para jueces y ministros de V. M. By Admiral Gabriel Fernan- dez de Villalobos. RAH, Col. Salazar, K. 109 (from original in AI or AS ?). Col. Doc. Ult., XII. 193-324. 380 Aug. 2. Real cedula comunicada al Virey de Nueva Espana pidiendo informe acerca del reino de Quivira. AI, Audiencia de Mejico, Vireinato, Registro de oficios y partes, reales ordenes dirigidas a los autoridades y particulares, afios 1678 a 1685 (copy in RAH; copy from printed source in H, PM, Hemenway, New Mexico, 1595-1778, pp. 9-1 1). Duro, Penalosa, 50-53, 381 1686 . . Informe a S. M. sobre las tierras de Nuevo Mejico, Quivira y Teguayo. RAH, varias piezas correspondientes al real orden tomo III. A. 124, Est. 23, gr. 5 (possibly from original in AS or AI ; copy from printed source in H, PM, Hemenway, New Mexico, 1595-1778, pp. 11-19). Duro, Penalosa, 53-67. 382 April 24. Mexico. Memorial de Fray Nicolas de Lopez acerca de la repobla- cion de Nuevo Mejico y ventajas que ofrece el reino de Quivira. AI, Secretaria de Nueva Espana, Audiencia de Guadalaxara, expediente sobre la conquista del Nuevo Mexico, anos de 1639 ^ 1686 (copy in RAH ; copy from printed source in H, PM, Hemenway, New Mexico, 1595-1778). Barcia, Ensayo Cronologico, 266 (abstr.) Duro, Pena- losa, 67-74. 383 34 Documents in Spanish Archives [1687 1687 Mano de relox que muestra y pronostica la ruina de la America ; reducida a epitome por el Marques de Varinas. RAH, Col. Salazar, K. no (possibly copy of original in AI or AS). Col. Doc. Ult., XII. 327-386. 384 1688 Jan. 21. San Luis de Abalachi, Indian caciques of Florida to Charles II. [AI ?] (Copy in LC, 4', 4/3048; NY, Smith, Florida.) Smith, OMcial Span. Doc, 2 pp. [The letter was translated into Span., the transl. being certified by Fray Marcelo de S. Joseph, February 15, and bearing notarial attestation. It is accompanied by a facsimile photographic reproduction of the MS. of the letter as written in the original tongue. This book which is very scarce, and consists of but seven leaves, is deposited in the Manuscript Division of LC] 385 Jan. 28. San Mateo. Indian Caciques of Florida to Charles II. [AI ?] (Copy in LC, 4^ 4/3048 ; NY, Smith, Florida.) Smith, OMcial Span. Doc, I p. [The letter was translated into Span, by Fray Francisco Martinez, the transl. being certified at St. Augustine, February 16, by Fray Francisco de Rojas, and attested by notary. Accompanied by facsimile photographic reproduction of letter in Indian tongue.] 386 Feb. ly. . Fray Francisco de Rojas to Governor Diego de Quiroga y Losada. [AI ?] Smith, OMcial Span. Doc, i p. 387 Feb. ip. St. Augustine. Fray Marcelo de San Joseph to Quiroga y Losada. [AI ?] (Copy in NY, Smith, Florida.) Smith, OMcial Span. Doc, I p. 388 April I. St. Augustine. Quiroga y Losada to Charles II. [AI ?] (Copy in NY, Smith, Florida.) Smith, OMcial Span. Doc, 2 pp. 389 April I. Fort George. Governor James Colleton to Quiroga y Losada. AI. Hist. Mag., 1st ser.. III. 298, 299 (Eng.) [Attached to letter of Quiroga y Losada to Charles II., from which the date is taken.] 390 1689 . . Mapa del Camino que el afio de 1689 hizo el Goberna- dor Alonso de Leon desde Cuahuila hasta hallar cerca del lago de San Bernardo el lugar donde havian poblado Franceses. Texas State Hist. Ass'n, Quar., VIII., January, 1905, no. 3, frontispiece. [See other list] 391 May 18. Cuahuila. Carta en que se da noticia de un viaje hecho a la bahia de Espiritu Santo, y de la poblacion que tenian ahi los Franceses. AS (probably now AI ; copy in RAH, Col. Muiioz, t. 38, this copy being made from a copy owned by Antonio Enriquez, Minister of Marine, which was in turn made from one drawn by Baltasar Evanzeta ; DH, Miscelanea, t. H., fol. 35-37 (b 2') ; LC, Lowery, Texas, title merely). Smith, Col. Doc Florida, 25-28 (Span.) French, Hist. Coll. La. and Fla., 293-295 (Span.) 392 1702] Published Documents 36 1702 Feb. 10. Guadalajara, Mex. Memoire touchant I'estat des missions nouvelle- ment establies dans la Californie par les peres de la Compagnie de Jesus. By Father Francisco Maria Picolo, S. J. [AHN or RAH ?] LettresEdiHantes, V. 248-287 (Paris, 1707; see also the other edi- tions; transl. from^ Span.) Cartas Ediificantes, III. 1 12-129 (Span, transl. of Lettres Edifiantes, retransl. from French to Span.) 393 Dec. II. Madrid. Royal warrant to Duque de Albuquerque. [Spain ?] Venegas, Noticias, II. 64-66. Venegas, Nat. and Civil Hist., I. 273- 275 (transl.) [See also transl. of Venegas into other languages.] 394 1705 May 25. Mexico. Juan Maria de Salvatierra to Viceroy Duque de Albu- querque. [Spain ?] Venegas, Noticias, II. 154-166. Venegas, Nat. and Civil Hist., I. 354-366 (transl.) [See also transl. of Venegas into other languages.] 395 1707 July 10. Barcelona. Commercial treaty between Spain and England, with secret article making the latter a participant in American commerce. ASE. Cantillo, Tratados, 48-58. 396 1713 March 26. Madrid. Treaty between Spain and England for supply of negroes to West Indies and ports of the North Sea. ASE. Cantillo, Tratados, 58-69. 397 1716 Jan. aM. i?^^iw^, I. 179- 181 (transl.) [See other list.] 55I Oct. 7-N0V. 24. St. Louis. Register of orders published by Lieut.-Gov. Francisco Cruzat. Houck, Span, Regime, I. 216-228 (transl. ; in all 14 orders). [See other list.] 652 1780] Published Documents 45 Dec. 2. St. Louis. Cruzat to B. de Galvez. Houck, Span. Regime, I. (transl.) Wis. Hist. Soc., Coll., XVIII. 412, 413 (transl.) [See other list.] 553 Dec. ip. St. Louis. Cruzat to B. de Galvez. Houck, Hist, of Mo., I. 308 (extr., transl.) Houck, Span. Regime, I. 175-177 (transl.) Wis. Hist. Soc, Coll., XVIII. 413-415 (transl.) [See other list.] 554 Dec. 20. St. Louis. Roster of St. Louis militia companies. Houck, Span. Regime, I. 184-189 (transl.) [See other list.] 555 Dec. 22. St. Louis. Cruzat to B. de Galvez (two letters). Houck, Spayi. Regime, I. 178, 179 (transl.) [See other list.] 556 Dec. 22. St. Louis. List of militia officers in St. Louis. Houck, Span. Regime, I. 183 (transl.) [See other list] 557 Dec. 21. St. Louis. Cruzat to B. de Galvez. Houck, Span. Regime, I. 182, 183 (transl.) [See other list.] 568 1781 \17S1 ?\ . Diario de las operaciones de la expedicion contra la plaza de Panzacola. AS, Guerra, leg. 6913. Fortier, Hist, of ha. (from a MS. placed at his disposal by Mr. William Beer, of How- ard Memorial Library). [There are many documents regarding- this expedition in AS, Guerra, leg. 6912, and leg. 6913.] 559 Feb. I. New Orleans. Governor Esteban Miro to J. de Galvez. Houck, Span. Regime, I. 229-233 (transl.) [See other list] 560 Feb. S- El Pardo. J. de Galvez to M. Navarro. Houck, Span. Regime, I. 169 (transl.) Wis. Hist. Soc, Coll., XVIII. 409, 410 (transl.) [See other list.] 561 Feb. p. . Royal commission for Fernando de Leyba. Houck, Span. Regime, I. (transl.) [See other list.] 562 Feb. 15. New Orleans. M. Navarro to Cruzat. Houck, Span. Regime, I. 197-206 (transl.) Wis. Hist. Soc, Coll., XVIII. 417-430 (transl.) [See other list] 563 March 22. . Gen. John Campbell to B. de Galvez. [AS or AHN ?] Fortier, Hist, of La., II. 87, 88 (probably part of " Diario de las operaciones ". 564 July ip. New Orleans. B. de Galvez to J. de Galvez. Houck, Span. Regime, I. 169, 170 (transl.) Wis. Hist. Soc, Coll., XVIII. 410 (transl.) [See other list] 565 Nov. 16. Madrid. Royal Commissions. Houck, Span. Regime, I. 170 (transl.) [See other list.] 566 1782 Jan. 15. El Pardo. J. de Galvez to B. de Galvez. Houck, Span. Regime, I. 207 (transl.) Wis. Hist Soc, Coll., XVIII. 430-432 (transl.) [See other list] 567 March 19. St. Louis. Cruzat to Pedro Piemas. Houck, Span. Regime, I. 209, 210 (transl.) [See other list] 568 May 14. New Orleans. Miro to J. de Galvez. Houck, Span. Regime, I. 208, 209 (transl.) [See other list] 669 46 Documents in Spanish Archives [1782 Aug. 25. Madrid. Historia Geografica Civil y Natural de la Ysla de San Juan Bautista de Puerto Rico. By Ifiigo Abbad y Lasierra, O. S. B. Coll. of Jose Antonio Echevarria [Madrid ?] (copy in L). Acosta y Calbo, Hist. Geog. Ciznl y Natural, 1-503 (see preface for notes on MS.) 570 Oct. 2g. San Lorenzo. J. de Galvez to Miro. Houck, Span. Regime, I. 210 (transl.) [See other list.] 671 1783 Paris. Dictamen reservada de Aranda (so called, but not by Aranda, and of later date). Gayarre, Hist., III. 393, 394 (extr., transl.) [See other list.] 572 Jan. 20. Versailles. Articles preliminaires de paix entre le Roi d'Espagne et le Roi de la Grande-Bretagne. [Spain ?] Martens, III. 510-514. Feman-Nunez, Carlos HI., II. 90-91 (abstr.) 573 Sept. 12. San Ildefonso. Royal decree regarding Florida. [AI ?] State Papers (doc. 121, 20th Cong., 2d sess.), 270 (transl.) 574 1784 Jan. I. Little Talassee. Chief Alezander McGillivray to Governor Arthur O'Neill. Gayarre, Hist., III., 157-159 (extr., transl.) [See other list.] _ 575 March 26. New Orleans. Commission of Benito Vasquez. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 29. [See other list] 576 June I. Pensacola. Puntos que deben observar los subditos de S. M. C. en sus tratos con los Indios Talapuches. Gayarre, Hist., HI. 161 (extr., Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 577 June 26. Aranjuez. J. de Galvez to Miro. Houck, Hist, of Mo., II. 333 (extr., transl.) Houck, Span. Regime, I. 213 (transl.) [See other Ust] 578 1785 . [New Orleans ?] Census of Louisiana for the year 1785. [AI ?] Davis, Travels in La., appendix, 136-140 (transl.) 579 May 16. Pensacola. McGillivray to Miro. AI, 86-6-14; AGP, Seccion de Historia, t. 162; copv in DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) Amer. Hist. Rev., XV, 73-74 (Span, from AGP). 580 May 22. Pensacola. McGillivray to Cespedes. [AI ?] LC, East Florida Papers, CXIV., J. 9. Amer. Hist. Rev., XV. 74-75 (Eng., from LC). 581 June. . Thomas Green to Felipe Trevifio. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba; AI, 86-6-14; AGP, Seccion de Historia, t. 162. Amer. Hist. Rev., XV. 76-77 (Span., from AGP). 582 June. . Ellis, Gaillard, and Banks to the Citizens of Natchez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba; AI, 86-6-14; AGP, Sec. de Hist, t 162, Amer. Hist. Rev., XV. 77 (Eng. retransl. from Span., from AGP). 583 June 3. Mobile. Pedro Favrot, Commandant of Mobile, to Miro. AI, 86-6-14; AGP, Sec. de Hist., t 162 ; copy in DAH, Span. Doc. Amer. Hist. Rev., XV. 75 (Span., from AI). 584 June {12?] . Green to Trevifio. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba; AI, 86-6-14 ; AGP, Sec. de Hist., t 162 ; copy in DAH, Span. Doc. Amer. Hist. Rev., XV. 76 (Span., from AGP). 685 1785] Published Documents 4t7 June 14. New Orleans. Miro to B. de Galvez. AI, 86-6-14; AGP, Sec. de Hist., t. 162 ; copy in DAH, Span. Doc. Amer. Hist. Rev., XV. 78- 82 (Span., from AI). . 686 June 15. Natchez. Treviiio to Miro. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba; AI, 86-6-14; AGP, Sec. de Hist., t. 162; copy in DAH, Span. Doc. Amer. Hist. Rev., XV. 82-85 (Span., from AGP). 587 June 16. Natchez. Statement of Juan Joseph Rodriguez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba; AI, 86-6-14; AGP, Sec. de Hist, t. 162; copy in DAH, Span. Doc. Amer. Hist. Rev., XV. 85 (Span., from AGP). 588 June 16. New Orleans. Miro to Trevifio. AI, 86-6-14; AGP, Sec. de Hist., t. 162; copy in DAH, Span. Doc. Amer. Hist. Rev., XV. 85-87 (Span., from AI). 589 June 16. New Orleans. Opinion of Francisco Bouligny. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba; copy in DAH, Span. Doc. Amer. Hist. Rev., XV. 87-89 (Span.) ' 590 June /p. St. Aug-ustine. Cespedes to B. de Galvez. AHN ; LC, East Florida Papers, XI. (no. 85). Amer. Hist. Rev., XV. 90 (Span., from AHN). 591 June ip. New Orleans. Miro to Green. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba ; AI, 86-6-14 ; AGP, Sec. de Hist., t. 162 ; copy in DAH, Span. Doc. Amer. Hist. Rev., XV. 90-91 (Span., from AI, Cuba). 592 June 20. New Orleans. Miro to B. de Galvez (no. 199). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba; AI, 86-6-14; AGP, Sec. de Hist, t 162; copy in DAH, Span. Doc. Amer. Hist. Rev., XV. 91-95 (Span., from AGP). 593 June 25. New Orleans. Miro to J. de Galvez. AHN ; AI, 86-6-14. Amer. Hist. Rev., XV. 95-96 (Span., from AHN). 594 June 25. Natchez. John Gordon to George Profit. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba ; copy in DAH, Span. Doc. Amer. Hist. Rev., XV. 96-97 (Eng. retransl. from Span.) 595 July 4. Natchez. Treviiio to Miro. AI, 86-6-14; copy in DAH, Span. Doc. Amer. Hist. Rev., XV. 98-100 (Span.) 596 July [10 f] . Statement of Stephen Minor. AI, 86-6-14. Amer. Hist. Rev., XV. loo-ioi (Eng. retransl. from Span.) 597 July 10. New Orleans. Miro to J. de Galvez. Houck, Span. Regime, I. 211, 212 (transl.) [See other list] 598 July II. Natchez. Trevifio to Miro. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba; AI, 86-6-14; copy in DAH, Span. Doc. Amer. Hist. Rev., XV. 101-103 (Span., from 86-6-14). 599 July 16. New Orleans. Miro to Bouligny. AI, 86-6-14 (copy in DAH, Span. Doc.) Amer. Hist. Rev., XV. 104-105 (Span.) 600 July ip. New Orleans. Miro to Bouligny (three letters). AI, 86-6-14 (copies in DAH, Span. Doc.) Amer. Hist. Rev., XV. 106-107 (Span.) 601 July 22. New Orleans. Miro to B. de Galvez (two letters). AI, 86-6-14 (copies in DAH, Span. Doc.) Amer. Hist. Rev., XV. 107-109 (Span.) 602 July 2^. Mexico. B. de Galvez to Cespedes. [AI ?] ; LC, East Florida Papers, XXXIX, M. 3 (no. 27). Amer. Hist. Rev., XV. 109 (Span., from LC). 603 July 24. Mexico. B. de Galvez to Gardoqui. [AI ?] ; AGP, Sec. de Hist, t. 162. Amer. Hist. Rev., XV. iio-iii (Span., from AGP). 604 48 Documents in Spanish Archives [1785 July 24. Natchez. Bouligny to Miro (no, i). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. Amer. Hist. Rev., XV. 299 (Span.) 605 July 2^. Belhaven. Davenport to Bouligny. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba ( Span. transl.) ; AG, Office of Secretary of State, Foreign Affairs, 1785. Amer. Hist. Rev., XV. 303 (Eng., from AG). 606 July 2^. Natchez. Bouligny to Miro (no. 4). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba (copy in DAH, Span. Doc.) Amer. Hist. Rev., XV. 304 (Span.) 607 July 26. Natchez. Bouligny to Davenport. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba ; AG, Office of Secretary of State, Foreign Affairs, 1785 ; copy in DAH, Span. Doc. Amer. Hist. Rev., XV. 305 (Span., from AG). 608 July 28. Belhaven. Davenport to Bouligny (no. 2). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba (Span, transl.) ; AG, Office of Secretary of State, Foreign Affairs, 1785; copy in DAH, Span. Doc. Amer. Hist. Rev., XV. 306 (Eng., from AG). 609 July 2p. Natchez. Bouligny to Davenport (no. 2). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba; AG, Office of Secretary of State, Foreign Affairs, 1785. Amer. Hist. Rev., XV. 307 (Span., with transl., from AG). 610 July 30. Natchez. Bouligny to Miro (no. 9). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba (copy in DAH, Span.^Doc.) Amer. Hist. Rev., XV. 308 (Span.) 611 July ^0. Brocas's (boarding house). Davenport to Bouligny (no. 3). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba (Span, transl.) ; AG, Office of Secretary of State, Foreign Affairs, 1785 ; copy in DAH, Span. Doc. Amer. Hist. Rev., XV. 310 (Eng., from AG). 612 July 30. Natchez. Bouligny to Davenport (no. 3). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba ; AG, Office of Secretary of State, Foreign Affairs, 1785. Amer. Hist. Rev., XV. 310 (Span.) 613 July JJ. Natchez. Bouligny to Davenport. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba ; AG, Office of Secretary of State, Foreign Affairs. 1785 ; copy in DAH, Span. Doc. Amer. Hist. Rev., XV. 312 (Span., from AG). 614 Aug. 2. [Mexico ?] B. de Galvez to Miro. [AI ?] ; AGP, Sec. de Hist, t. 162. Amer. Hist. Rev., XV. 312 (Span., from AGP). 615 Aug. 2. Mexico. B. de Galvez to J. de Galvez. [AI ?] ; AGP, Correspon- dencia de los Virreyes, Real Audiencia, 1779-1786, t. 15. Amer. Hist. Rev., XV. 314 (Span., from AGP). 616 Aug. 2. New Orleans. Miro to O'Neill. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba, Florida Occidental, leg. 11 (copy in DAH, Span. Doc.) Amer. Hist. Rev., XV. 317 (Span.) 617 Aug. 4. Natchez. Bouligny to Miro (no. 16). AI, 86-6-14; AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba; copy in DAH, Span. Doc. Amer. Hist. Rev., XV. 319 (Span.) 618 Aug. 5. Natchez. Bouligny to Miro (no. 18). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba (copy in DAH, Span. Doc.) Amer. Hist. Rev., XV. 322 (Span.) 619 Aug. JO. Natchez. Bouligny to Miro (no. 33). AI, Pap proc. de Cuba (copy in DAH, Span. Doc.) Amer. Hist. Rev., XV. 322 (Span.) 620 Aug. 14. New Orleans. Miro to B. de Galvez (no. 225). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba (copy in DAH, Span. Doc.) Amer. Hist. Rev., XV. 323 (Span.) 621 Aug. ly. Natchez. Bouligny to Miro (no. 40). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba (copy in DAH, Span. Doc.) Amer. Hist. Rev., XV. 324 (Span.) 622 Aug. 22. Little Tallassie. McGillivray to Cespedes. [AI ?] ; LC, East Florida Papers, 114, J. 9. Amer. Hist. Rev., XV. 326 (Eng., from LC). 623 1785] Published Documents 49 Aug. 2p. Amity Hall. Long and Christmas to Bouligny (no. i). [AI ?] ; AG, Office of Secretary of State, Foreign Affairs, 1785. Amer. Hist. Rev., XV. 329 (Eng., from AG). 624 Aug. 2^. Natchez. Bouligny to Long and Christmas (no. i). [AI ?] ; AG, Office of Secretary of State, Foreign Affairs, 1785. Amer. Hist. Rev., XV. 329 (Span., from AG). 625 Sept. I. Natchez. Bouligny to Long, Davenport, and Christmas (no. 2). [AI ?] ; AG, Office of Secretary of State, Foreign Affairs, 1785. Amer. Hist. Rev.. XV. 330 (Span., from AG). 626 Sept. I. Amity Hall. Long, Davenport, and Christmas to Bouligny (no. 3). [AI ?] ; AG, Office of Secretary of State, Foreigfn Affairs, 1785. Amer. Hist. Rev., XV. 330 (Eng., from AG). 627 Sept. 2. [Natchez.] Bouligny to Long, Davenport, and Christmas (no. 3). [AI ?] ; AG, Office of Secretary of State, Foreign Affairs, 1785. Amer. Hist. Rev., XV. 331 (Span., from AG). 628 Sept. 5. New Orleans. Miro to B. de Galvez. AHN, Estado, leg. 3891 ; copy in DL, Gardoqui, III. pp. 289-293. Amer. Hist. Rev., XV. 332 (Span., from AHN). 629 Sept. 5. [i. e., 7 ?] New Orleans. Miro to Long, Christmas, and Daven- port. AHN, Estado, leg. 3891 ; copy in DL, Gardoqui, III. pp. 285- 289. Amer. Hist. Rev., XV. 333 (Span., from AHN). 630 Sept. 22. Mexico. B. de Galvez to Miro. AI, 86-6-14. Amer. Hist. Rev., XV. 337 (Span.) 631 Oct. 7j. Amity Hall. Long, Davenport, and Christmas to Miro. AI, 86- 6-14 ; AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba ; two copies in DAH, Span. Doc. Amer. Hist. Rev., XV. 339 (Span., with Eng. transl., from 86-6-14). 632 Oct. 20. Mexico. B. de Galvez to Miro. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. Amer. Hist. Rev., XV. 340 (Span.) 633 Nov. 10. New Orleans. Miro to Long, Christmas, and Davenport. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba; AI, 86-6-14, Amer. Hist. Rev., XV. 342 (Span., from Cuba). 634 Nov. 10. New Orleans. Miro to B. de Galvez (no. 246). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba; AI, 86-6-14. Amer. Hist. Rev., XV. 343 (Span., from Cuba) . 635 Nov. 10. New Orleans. Mir6 to B. de Galvez (no. 249) . AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. Amer. Hist. Rev., XV. 343 (Span.) 636 Nov. 10. New Orleans. Miro to Bouligny (no. 99). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba (copy in DAH, Span. Doc.) Amer. Hist. Rev., XV. 346 (.Span.) 637 Nov. 22. Mexico. B. de Galvez to Cespedes (no. 30). [AI ?] ; LC, East Florida Papers, 39, M 3. Amer. Hist. Rev., XV. 348 (Span.) 638 Dec. 10. Apalachy. McGillivray to Vicente Manuel Cespedes, governor of Florida. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba (Span, transl.) ; LC, East Florida Papers, 114, J 9; copy in DAH, Span. Doc. Amer. Hist. Rev., XV. 348 (Eng., from LC). 639 Dec. 21. Madrid. J. de Galvez to B. de Galvez (no. 204). [AI ?] ; AGR, Reales cedulas y ordenes, 1785, t. 132. Amer. Hist. Rev., XV. 349 (Span.) 640 Dec. so. Mexico. B. de Galvez to Cespedes (no. 37) . AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba; LC, East Florida Papers, 39, M 3. Amer. Hist. Rev., XV. 350 (Span., from LC). 641 50 Documents in Spanish Archives [1786 1786 [Ca. i/'86 f] . Memorial del Maestre del Campo Juan Dominguez de Mendoza, informando acerca de las naciones del Oriente. AI, Secretaria de Nueva Espana, Audiencia de Guadalajara, expediente sobre la conquista del Nueva Mexico, afios de 1639 ^ 1686 (copy from printed source in H, PM, Hemenway, New Mex., 1595-1778). Duro, PeticUosa, 74-77. 642 April 5. El Pardo. J. de Galvez to Governor of Florida. [AI ?] State Papers (doc. 121, 20th Cong-., 2d sess.), 271, 272 (transl.) 643 July 14. . Convention between Spain and England with regard to possessions in America. ASE. Cantillo, Tratados, 614-617. 644 1787 Feb. I. New Orleans. Miro to J. de Galvez. Houck, Span. Regime, I. (transl.) [See other list.] 645 April 20. New Orleans. Instructions issued by Miro to Henri Peyroux de la Coudriniere. Houck, Span. Regime, I. 214, 215 (transl.) [See other list] 646 May Jj. New Orleans. Proclamation by Miro published in Illinois. Houck, Span. Regime, I. (transl.) [See other list.] 647 May 27. Aranjuez. J. de Galvez to Miro. Houck, Span. Regime, I. 233 (transl.) [See other list.] 648 July 8. . Instruccion reservada que la Junta de Estado creada formalmente por mi decreto de este dia debera observar en todos los puntos y ramos encargados a su conocimiento y examen. By Conde de Floridablanca. Muriel, Carlos III., 113-470. Obras origi- nates de Floridablanca, in " Biblioteca de Autores Espanoles ", LIX. 213-272. 649 July p. St. Louis. Cruzat to Louis Lorimier. Houck, Span. Regime, 11. 42. [See other list.] 650 Aug. 5. [See other list, 3509a, and Journals Cont. Cong., s. d.] 650a Aug. 22. Gen. James Wilkinson to Miro and M. Navarro. AHN, Estado, leg. 3893 A. Amer. Hist. Rev., IX. (April, 1904) 496, 497 (extr., transl.; see also Span. extr. in note i). 651 Sept. I. [1787 f] Ste. Genevieve. Peyroux de la Coudriniere to Lorimier. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 43 (transl.) [See other Ust.] 652 Sept. 5. Memorial of Wilkinson presented to Miro and M. Navarro. AHN, Estado, leg. 3893 A. Amer. Hist. Rev., IX. (April, 1904) 498-503 (extr., transl.) 653 Oct. 17. Macao. Passport of the Iphigenia. AI, 903-18. Amer. Hist. Assoc, Rept. (1904), 316 (extr., transl.) 654 Oct. 2^. Macao. See 1788, Oct. 23. Nov. 24. St. Louis. Register of orders by Francisco Cruzat. Houck, Span. Regime (transl.) [See other list.] 655 Nov. 27. St. Louis. Inventory of papers, instructions, etc., delivered to Manuel Perez by Cruzat. Houck, Span. Regime, 1. 234-240 (transl.) [See other Hst.] 656 Nov. 27. St. Louis. Effects delivered to Perez by Cruzat. Houck, Span. Regime^ I. 241-246 (transl.) [See other list] 657 1788] Published Documents 51 1788 Very Rev. John Carroll to Ambassador Diego de Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3895. Shea, Hist. Cath. Church, II. 330, 331. 658 Jan. /. New Orleans. Miro to M. Navarro. AI. Doc. rel to La. and Fla., 8, 9 (transl.) White, New Recap., II. 467-469 (transl.) [See other list.] 659 Jem. 8. New Orleans. Miro to Minister Antonio Valdes. Gayarre, Hist., III. 198-201 (extr., transl. ; with Span, footnote, p. 198). [See other list.] 660 Jan. 20. Natchez. Letter by Miro. AI, 1-2-64. Amer. Hist. Rev., VI. (January, 1901) 261. 661 April II. New Orleans. Miro and M. Navarro to Valdes. Gayarre, Hist., III. 206, 207 (extr., transl.) [See other list] 662 May 15. Kentucky. Wilkinson to Miro and M. Navarro. Gayarre, Hist., III. 208-212 (transl.) Fortier, Hist, of La., II, 133-136 (transl.) [See other list.] 663 June 15. New Orleans. Miro to Valdes. Gayarre, Hist., III. 211-213 (extr., transl.) [See other list] 664 June 15. New Orleans. Miro to Valdes (with extr. from enclosure of letter of McGillivray). Gayarre, Hwf., III. 213, 214 (transl.) [See other list.] 665 July 25. New York. [AI ?] Gardoqui to Floridablanca (confidential, no. 25). Brown, Pol. Beginnings, 146 (transl.) Green, Span. Con- spiracy, 160, 161, note (transl.) 666 Aug. 7. New Orleans. Miro to Floridablanca. Gayarre, Hist., III. 218 (extr., transl.) [See other list] 667 Aug. 28. New Orleans. Miro to Valdes. Gayarre, Hist., III. 218-220 (extr., transl.) [See other list.] 668 Sept. 7. New Jersey. Col. George Morgan to Gardoqui. Gayarre, Hist., III. 220 (extr., transl.) [See other list.] 669 Oct. 4. New York. Gardoqui to Miro. Houck, Span. Regime, I. 260, 261 (transl.) [See other list] 670 Oct. 4. New York. Gardoqui to Manuel Perez. Houck, Span. Regime, I. 290, 291 (transl.) [See other list.] 671 Oct. 4. New York. Gardoqui to Morgan. Gayarre, Hist., III. 220, 221 (extr., transl.) [See other list.] 672 Oct. 7. New York. Gardoqui to Major Dunn. Gayarre, Hist., III. 221 (abstr., transl., with Span. extr. in footnote). [See other list] 673 Oct. 10. San Lorenzo. Memorial presentado al Rey Carlos III. por el Conde de Floridablanca, renunciando el ministerio. [Spain ?] Obras Orig., in " Bibl. de Autores Esp.", LIX. 307-349. 674 Oct. 2^. Macao. Instructions of Carvalho to Viana. AI, 90-3-18. Amer. Hist. Assoc, Rept. (1904), 316, 317 (extr., transl.) [Misstated 1788, but see above report, p. 317, note a, from which it is evident that the correct date is 1787. See other list] 675 Nov. J. New Orleans. Miro to Valdes. Gayarre, Hist., III. 221-223 (extr., transl.) [See other list.] 676 Nov. 20. [Madrid ?] Decision of the Council of State on Wilkinson's first memorial. AHN, leg. 3893 A. Amer. Hist. Rev., IX. (July, 1904) 749> 750 (transl.) 677 52 Documents in Spanish Archives [1788 Dec. 2. St. Louis. Perez to Miro. Houck, Spam,. Regime, I. 247, 248 (transl.) [See other list.] 678 Dec. 5. San Bias. Esteban Jose Martinez to Viceroy Manuel Antonio Flores. Amer. Hist. Assoc, Kept. (1904), 300, 301 (extr., transl.) [See other list.] 679 Dec. 2^. Mexico. Instructions of Flores to Martinez. Amer. Hist. Assoc, Rept. (1904), 303-305 (extr. and abstr., transl.) [See other list.] 680 1789 Jem. I. Lexington, Ky. Wilkinson to Gardoqui. Gayarre, Hist., HL 247- 251 (transl. with Span. extr. in footnotes). [See other list.] 681 Feb. 14. Lexington. Wilkinson to Miro. Gayarre, Hist., HL 240-247 (transl.) [See other Hst.] 682 March 21. New Orleans (but it should be St. Louis). Note of provisions and effects delivered to Col. George Morgan by Manuel Perez. Houck, Span. Regime, I. 288 (transl.) [See other list.] 683 March 21. St. Louis. Morgan's list of provisions and effects delivered to him by Perez. Houck, Span. Regime, I. 289 (transl.) [See other list.] 684 March 27. St. Louis. Perez to Miro. Houck, Span. Regime, I. 286-288 (transl.) [See other list.] 685 April II. New Orleans. Miro to Valdes. Gayarre, Hist., HI. 253-256 (extr. and abstr., transl.; with Span. extr. in footnotes). [See other Hst.] 686 April. 14. New Madrid. Morgan to Miro. Houck, Span. Regime, 1. 255 (transl.) [See other list.] 687 April 14. New Madrid. John Dodge and others to TurnbuU and Co., at Fort Pitt. Houck, Span. Regime, I. 255-259 (transl.) [See other list.] 688 April 20. New Orleans. Proclamation by Miro, permitting settlement in Louisiana (letter in third person to James White). Gayarre, Hist., III. 259, 260 (extr., transl.) [See other list.] 689 April 22. New Orleans. James White to Miro. Gayarre, Hist., III. (extr., transl.) [See other list.] 690 April 2^. New Orleans. Miro to Wilkinson. Gayarre, Hist., III. 260-263 (extr., transl; with Span. extr. in footnotes). [See other list.] 691 April 24. New Orleans. Miro to Gen. Daniel Smith. Gayarre, Hist., III. 263 (extr., transl.) [See other list.] 692 Ma/y 12. Madrid. Confesion del Conde de Floridablanca. [Spain ?] Obras Orig., in " Bibl. de Autores Esp.", LIX. 280-289. 693 May ij. Aboard the Princesa at Nootka Sound. Affidavit of Esteban Jose Martinez. Amer. Hist. Assoc, Rept. (1904), 317 (extr., transl.) [See other list.] 694 May 20. New Orleans. Miro to Valdes. Houck, Span. Regime, I. 251-254 (transl.) [See other Hst.] 695 May 2^. New Orleans. Miro to Morgan. Gayarre, Hist., III. 264-266 (extr. and abstr., transl.) [See other list.] 696 May 24. New Orleans. Morgan to Miro. Gayarre, Hist., III. 266-268 (extr. and abstr., transl.) [See other list.] 697 May 2y. Ste. Genevieve. Peyroux de la Coudriniere to Lorimier. Houck, Span. Regime J II. 43 (transl.) [See other Hst.] 698 1789] Published Documents 63 May 2^. Ste. Genevieve. Peyroux de la Coudriniere to Lorimier. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 43 (transl.) [See other list.] 699 June S' New Madrid (but it should be New Orleans). Miro to Perez. Houck, Span. Regime, I. 248-250 (transl.) [See other list.] 700 June J. New Orleans. Miro to Perez. Houck, Span. Regime, I. 289, 290 (transl.) [See other list.] 701 June 8. St. Louis. Perez to Miro. Houck, Span. Regime, I. 292-294 (transl.) [See other list.] 702 Aug. 10. New Orleans. Miro to Manuel Gayoso de Lemos. Houck, Span. Regime, I. 292 (transl.) [See other list.] 703 Sept. 8. . Observaciones sobre el papel intitulado Confesion del Conde de Floridablanca. [Spain?] Obras Orig., in " Bibl. de Autores Esp.", LIX. 290-306. 704 Sept. ly. New Orleans. Wilkinson's second memorial to Miro. AHN, leg. 3898 B. Amer. Hist. Rev., IX. (July, 1904) 751-764 (transl.) 705 Sept. 18. New Orleans. Wilkinson to Miro. AHN, 3898 B. Amer. Hist. Rev., IX. (Juty, 1904) 764-766 (transl.) [A list of persons to be pensioned is enclosed with the letter (765, 766).] 706 Oct. 21. Mexico. Viceroy Revilla-Gigedo to Captain James Colnett. Amer. Hist. Assoc, Rept. (1904), 351 (transl.) [See other list] 707 Nov. 50, iy8g-June 12, iyp6. New Madrid. Oaths of allegiance to the Span- ish Government. Houck, Span. Regime, 1. 295-297 (transl.) [See other list.] 708 1790 [Co. lygo .^] . Marques de Campo de Alange and Conde de Caba- rrus to Conde Ventura, Secretario de Estado del Senor Infante Duque de Parma. [Spain ?] Muriel, Ca/rlos IV., 26-30. 709 \Ca. lygo f] . Scheme to found settlement on the Mississippi, north of the Missouri. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 144-147 (transl.) [See other list] 710 Jan. 4. Lexington, Ky. Wilkinson to Alexander Moultrie and others. Gayarre, Hist., III. 274, 275 (transl.) [See other list.] 711 Jan. 5. Belmonte. Benjamin Sebastian to Wilkinson. Gayarre, Hist., III. 275, 276 (extr., transl.) [See other list] 712 Jan. 20. Lexington. Wilkinson to Miro. Gayarre, Hist., III. 276, 277 (extr., transl.) [See other list] 713 April 20. London. Campo de Alange to Duke of Leeds. Amer. Hist. Assoc, Rept. (1904), 374, 375. Narr. of Negotiations, 20 (with slight differences). Cited by Muriel, Ca/rlos IV., I. 109. [See other list] 714 May I. Mexico. Revilla-Gigedo to Valdes. Amer. Hist. Assoc, Rept. (1904), 354 (extr., transl.) [See other list] 715 May 24. Lexington. James O'Fallon to Miro. Gayarre, Hist., III. 288-293 (extr., transl.) [See other list.] 716 June 4. Aranjuez. Declaration of His Catholic Majesty transmitted to all the European Courts. Signed by Floridablanca [Spain ?] Ann. Reg. (1790), XXXII. 292-294 (transl.) 717 June 15. Madrid. Memorial of the Court of Spain delivered to Alleyne Fitzherbert, the British ambassador at Madrid. [Spain ?] Ann. Reg. (1790), XXXII. 294-298 (transl.) 718 54 Documents in Spanish Archives [1Y90 June i6. Paris. Ambassador Conde de Feman Nunez to Sec. Montmorin. [AS ?] Greenhow, Ore. and Col., 425, 426 (transl.) Ann. Reg. (1790), XXXII. 301, 302 (transl.) 719 June 16. [Madrid ?] Fitzherbert to Floridablanca. [AS or AI ?] Ann. Reg. (1790), XXXII. 298, 299 (transl.) Greenhow, Ore. and Cal, 426, 427 (transl.) 720 June 18. Madrid. Floridablanca to Fitzherbert. [AS or AI ?] Ann. Reg. (1790), XXXII. 299, 300 (transl.) Greenhow, Ore. and Cal., 427, 428 (transl.) 721 July 8. San Bias. Colnett to Revilla-Gigedo. Amer. Hist. Assoc, Rept. (1904), 358, 359 (extr., transl.) [See other list] 722 July ij. St. Augustine. Certificate of Governor Juan Nepomuceno '■ de Quesada's taking command in East Florida. [AI ?] State Papers (doc. 121, 20th Cong., 2d sess.), 228, 229 (transl.) 723 July 2^. New Orleans. Representation by the Ayuntamiento of Louisiana to Charles IV. Gayarre, Hist., III. 301-305 (extr. and abstr., transl. ; with Span. extr. in footnote, 304). [See other list.] 724 July 24. Madrid. Declaration signed by Floridablanca. [ Spain ?] Muriel, Carlos IV., I. 126, 127. Calvo, Recueil, III. 347 (Span.) Martens, Recueil, IV. 488-490 (French and Eng.) Narr. of Negotiations, 156-158 (transl.) Ann. Reg. (1790), XXXII. 300, 301 (transl.) Greenhow, Ore. and Cal., 429 (transl.) Amer. Hist. Assoc, Rept. (1904), 405, 406 (transl.) 725 July 24. Madrid. Counter Declaration signed by Fitzherbert. [Spain?] Muriel, Carlos IV., I. 127, 128 (Span.) Martens, Recueil, IV. 490, 491. Ann. Reg. (1790), XXXII. 301 (Eng.) Greenhow, Ore. and Cal., 429 (Eng.) Amer. Hist. Assoc, Rept. (1904), 406 (Eng.) [Published in many books.] 726 Aug. 6. Paris. Decree of the National Convention of France on the subject of the application of the King of Spain for aid in resisting the demands of Gt. Britain. [AS or AI ?] Ann. Reg. (1790), XXXII. 303 (transl.) Greenhow, Ore. and Cal., 430 (transl.) 727 Oct. 28. San Lorenzo. Convenio entre el Conde de Floridablanca y el Embajador Ingles Fitzherbert. [Spain ?] Muriel, Carlos IV., I. 129-131 (abstr.) Calvo, Recueil, III. 356. Martens, Recueil, IV. 492-499 (French and Eng.) Narr. of Negotiations, 292 (transl.) Ann. Reg. (1790), XXXII. 303-305 (transl.) Amer. Hist. Assoc, Rept. (1904), 454-456 (transl.) 728 Nov. 20. St. Augustine. Edict by Governor Juan Nepomuceno de Quesada. [AI ?] State Papers (doc. 121, 20th Cong., 2d sess.), 245, 246 (transl.) 729 1791 Jan. 77. New Orleans. Miro to Council at Madrid. Gayarre, Hist., III. 308 (abstr., transl.) [See other list.] 730 April 20. New Orleans. Miro to Council at Madrid. Gayarre, Hist., III. 308 (abstr., transl.) [See other list.] 731 April 26. New Madrid. Pedro Foucher to Miro. Houck, Span. Regime, I. 302 (transl.) [See other list] 732 April so. New Madrid. Report of settlers at New Madrid (January- April), by Pedro Foucher. Houck, Span. Regime, I. 302-304 (transl.) [See other list] 733 1791] Published Documents 55 May ij. New Orleans. Miro to Tomas Portell, Commandant of New Madrid. Houck, ^/^aw. i?^^m^, I. 302 (transl.) [See other list.] 734 June 2^. Aranjuez. Convention between Spain and Netherlands for mutual restitution of deserters and fugitives from their American colonies. ASE. Cantillo, Tratados, 633-639. 735 Nov. 28. St. Louis. Zenon Trudeau, Commandant of St. Louis, to Baron de Carondelet, Governor of Louisiana, Houck, Span. Regime, L 298 (transl.) [See other list.] 736 1792 New Orleans. Carondelet to Trudeau. Houck, Span. Regime, I. (transl.) [See other list.] 737 Jan. 10. Isla de Leon. Admiral Antonio de Ulloa to Martin Fernandez de Navarrete. [DH ?] Col. Doc. Esp., XV. 264-267. 738 Feb. 17. Havana. Casas to Carondelet. Houck, Span. Regime, I. 307, 308 (transl.) Wis. Hist. Soc, Coll., XVHL 441, 442 (transl.) [See other list.] 739 March 26. New Orleans. Carondelet to Trudeau. Houck, Span. Regime, I. (transl.) [See other list.] 740 [May .^] . Perez to Lorimier. Houck, Span. Regime, H. 44, 45. [See other list.] 741 May 4. St. Louis. Perez to Lorimier. Houck, Span. Regime, H. 44 (transl.) [See other Hst] 742 May 12. New Madrid. Portell to Lorimier. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 45 (transl.) [See other list] 743 May 21. Santa Fe. Governor Fernando de Concha to Trudeau (with note by latter on transmitting copy to Carondelet). Houck, Span. Regime, I. 326, 327 (transl.) [See other Hst.] 744 May 21. Santa Fe. Concha's instructions to Pedro Vial. Houck, Span. Regime, I. 327-329 (transl.) [See other list.] 745 June 16. New Madrid. Portell to Lorimier. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 45 (transl.) [See other list] 746 July ly. Kaskaskia. Bartolome Tardiveau to Aranda. Houck, Span. Regime, I. 334-342 (transl.) [See other list.] 747 Aug. 4. New Madrid. Portell to Lorimier. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 46 (transl.) [See other list] 748 Aug. 6. Ste. Genevieve. Frangois Valle to Lorimier. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 46 (transl.) [See other list] 749 Aug. 8. St. Louis. Trudeau to Lorimier. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 47 (transl.) [See other list] 750 Aug. 26. St. Louis. Trudeau to Lorimier. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 47, 48 (transl.) [See other list.] 751 Sept. 15. New Orleans. Carondelet to Minister Conde de Bejamar. Smith, Col. Doc. Florida, 30, 31 (Span.) Gayarre, Hist., III. 315, 318, 319 (extr. and abstr., transl.; with Span. extr. in footnote, 318). [See other list] 752 Oct. 7. St. Louis. Pedro Vial's Journal of his Voyage from Santa Fe to St Louis. Houck, Span. Regime, I. 329-333 (transl.) [See other list.] 753 Oct. 7. St. Louis. Trudeau to Carondelet. Houck, Span. Regime, I. 326 (transl.) [See other list.] 764 56 Documents in Spanish Archives [1792 Oct. i6. St. Louis. Trudeau to Carondelet. Houck, Span. Regime, I. 320, 321 (transl.) [See other list] 755 Dec. 22, iyg2-Dec. 5, //p/. New Orleans. Commissions issued to militia officers of New Madrid, by Carondelet. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 33-39 (transl.) [See other list.] 756 1793 [1793 ?] New Orleans. Carondelet to Trudeau. Houck, Span. Regime, I. 321, 322 (transl.) [See other list.] 757 [Ca. 1793.] New Orleans. Carondelet to Aranda. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 9-17. [See other list.] 758 . . List of the principal emigrants who still reside at Gallipolis. Houck, Span. Regime, I. 369, 370 (transl.) [See other list.] 759 Jan. 3. New Orleans. Detailed account of annual expenses of Louisiana, with suggestions and advice regarding them, by Jose de Orue Conta- dor. Gayarre, Hist., III. 331, 332 (transl.) [See other list] 760 Jan. 4. New Orleans. Carondelet's grant to Lorimier. Houck, Hist, of Mo., II. 170 (transl.) [See other list] 761 Jan. 10. Carondelet to Casas. Houck, Span. Regime, I. 318, 319, 325, 326 (transl.) Houck, Hist, of Mo., I. 314 (extr., transl.) [See other list.] 762 Feb. 5. Havana. Casas to Campo de Alange. Houck, Span. Regime, I. 325 (transl.) [See other list.] 763 Feb. 12. Whitehall. Nootka Claims Convention. [Spain ?] Calvo, Recueil, III. 364 (Span.) Amer. Hist. Assoc, Rept. (1904), 467, 468 (transl. from Calvo). [Signed by Manuel de las Heras and R. Wood- ford.] 764 [March f] [Ste. Genevieve ?] Frangois Valle to Lorimier. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 48, 49 (transl.) [See other hst] 765 March 14. St. Genevieve. Valle to Lorimier. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 49 (transl.) [See other list.] 766 March 18. Ste. Genevieve, Valle to Lorimier. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 49 (transl.) [See other list] 767 March 26. New Orleans. Carondelet to Trudeau. Houck, Span. Regime, 1. 319, 320 (transl.) [See other list] 768 April I. Ste. Genevieve. Valle to Lorimier. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 49 (transl.) [See other list.] 769 April 3. New Orleans. Petition by Manuel Perez. Houck, Span. Regime, I. 343-346 (transl.) [With endorsement by Francisco de Bouligny, New Orleans, April 9, and that of Carondelet on the loth, and an attestation by the surgeon, April i. See other list.] 770 April 4. Natchez. Governor Manuel Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet Houck, Span. Regime, I. 384-386 (transl.) [See other list.] 771 April 7, 1793-Dec. 13, 1795. New Madrid. Oaths of allegiance to Spain. Houck, Span. Regime, I. 309-313 (transl.) [See other list.] 772 April 10. New Orleans. Carlos de Hault de Lassus and others to Caronde- let Houck, vS'/'aw. i?^^im^, I. 353-363 (transl.) [See other list] 773 April 15. New Orleans. Contract between Tardiveau, et als., and Carondelet for construction of flour mills and supply of flour and provisions to garrison and seamen. Houck, Span. Regime, I. 366-370 (transl.) 774 1793] Published Documents 57 April ly. New Orleans. De Hault de Lassus and others to Carondelet. Houck, Span. Regime, I. 363-366 (transl.) [See other Ust.] 775 April 18. Natchez. Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet (confidential, no. 8). Houck, Span. Regime, II. 4-8 (transl.) [See other Ust.] 776 April 2^. New Orleans. Carondelet to Godoy, Prince of Peace and Duque de Alcudia. Amer. Hist. Assoc, Rept. (1896), I. 974-977 (transl. from copy in WHS). [See other list.] 777 April 26. New Orleans. Carondelet to Gardoqui. Houck, Span. Regime, I. 348-353 (transl.) [See other list] 778 May I. St. Louis. Trudeau to Lorimier. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 50, 51 (transl.) [See other list.] 779 May 4. Havana. Casas to Campo de Alange. Houck, Span. Regime, I. 343 (transl.) [See other list.] 780 May 8. New Orleans. Carondelet to Lorimier. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 51, 52 (transl.) [See other list.] 781 May 21. New Orleans. Carondelet to Gen. James Robertson. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 21, 22 (extr., transl.) [See other list.] 782 May 24. New Orleans. Carondelet to Godoy. Houck, Span. Regime, I. 387, 388 (transl.) [See other list.] 783 May 24. New Orleans. Carondelet to Godoy. Houck, Span. Regime, 11. 18-20 (transl.) [See other list.] 784 May 28. Havana. Engineer Cayetano Payeto to Casas. Houck, Span. Regime, I. 323, 324 (transl.) [See other list.] 785 June 2. St. Louis. Trudeau to Lorimier. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 52 (transl.) [See other list.] 786 June 14. Havana. Casas to Span. Minister. Houck, Span. Regime, I. 317, 318 (transl.) [See other list.] ^ 787 July Q. New Orleans. Commissions in militia of St. Charles and Florissant given by Carondelet. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 30-32 (transl.) [See other list.] 788 July 20. Ste. Genevieve. Valle to [Lorimier] . Houck, Span. Regime, II. 53 (transl.) [See other Hst] 789 Aug. 16. New Madrid. Portell to Lorimier. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 53 (transl.) [See other list.] 790 Aug. 21. Philadelphia. Jose Jaudenes and Jose Ignacio de Viar, Span. agents, to Carondelet. Amer. Hist. Assoc, Rept. (1896), I. 999, 1000 (transl.) [See other Hst] 791 Aug. 22. St Louis. Trudeau to Lorimier. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 54 (transl.) [See other list.] 792 Aug. 2^. Philadelphia. T. Jefferson to Jaudenes and Viar. Amer. Hist. Assoc, Rept. (1896), I. 1005 (transl.) [See other Hst] 793 Sept. 6. New Madrid. Portell to Lorimier. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 54, 55 (transl.) [See other Hst.] 794 Sept. 10. Ste. Genevieve. Trudeau to Lorimier. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 55, 56 (transl.) [See other Hst] 795 Sept. 16. New Orleans. Juan Munie's petition of Carondelet. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 1,2 (transl.) [See other list] 796 Sept. ip. New Orleans. Manuel Perez to Carondelet. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 2, 3 (transl.) [See other list.] 797 Sept. 21. San Ildefonso. Charles IV. to Carondelet. Houck, Span. Regime, I. 347, 348 (transl.) [See other list.] 798 68 Documents in Spanish Archives [1793 Sept. 21. New Orleans. Trader's license issued by Carondelet to Juan Munie. Houck, Span. Regime, 11. 3 (transl.) [See other list.] 799 Sept. 30. New Orleans. Carondelet to Casas. Gayarre, Hist., III. 328 (abstr.) [See other list.] 800 Oct. I. New York. Pis-Gignouse to Span, agents. Amer. Hist. Assoc., Rept. (1896), L 1002, 1003 (transl.) [See other list.] 801 Oct. I. New York. Viar and Jaudenes to Casas (three letters). Amer. Hist. Assoc, Rept. (1896), I. 1004-1007 (transl.) [See other list] 802 Oct. 24. New Orleans. Carondelet to Godoy (no. 19). Amer. Hist. Assoc, Rept. (1896), I. 1015 (transl.) [See other Hst] 803 Oct. 25. New Orleans. Carondelet to Godoy (no. 20). Amer. Hist. Assoc, Rept. (1896), I. 1016 (transl.) [The French doc. enclosed with this letter is published in transl. in Gayarre, Hist., HI. 337. See other list.] 804 Oct. 28. Natchez. Treaty between the Spaniards and the several Indian tribes. Gayarre, Hist., HI. 328, 329 (abstr., transl.) [See other list.] 805 Oct. 2g. New Orleans. Carondelet to Gayoso de Lemos. Amer. Hist. Assoc, Rept. (1896), I. 1019-1021 (transl.) [See other list.] 806 Nov. 6. New Orleans. Carondelet to Godoy. Amer, Hist. Assoc, Rept. (1896), I. 1021, 1022 (transl.) [See other list.] 807 Dec. 10. Ste. Genevieve. Henri Peyroux de la Coudriniere to Lorimier. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 56, 57 (transl.) [See other list] 808 Dec. IS- . Address of the Democratic Society of Kentucky, Amer. State Papers, XX., Misc., I, 929. [See other list.] 809 Dec. 14. Ste. Genevieve. De Luziere to Lorimier, Houck, Span. Regime, II, 57 (transl.) [See other Hst.] 810 Dec. 21. Ste. Genevieve. De Luziere to Lorimier. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 57, 58 (transl.) [See other list.] 811 Dec. 2^. Natchez. Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet Amer. Hist, Assoc, Rep. (1896), I. 1029-1032. [See other list] 812 Dec. 2/. Mexico. Carta dirigida a la Corte de Espaiia contestando a la real orden sobre establecimientos de misiones. By Revilla-Gigedo. [Spain ?] Die. Hist, y Geog., V, 426-470, 813 Dec. 22, lyps-^an. 5, i^pS- • Lorimier's Journal during the threat- ened Genet invasion of Louisiana. Houck, Span. Regime, II, 59-99 (transl.) [See other list] 814 1794 [New Orleans.] Relation of the news sent to Juan de la Ville- beuvre. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 27, 28 (transl.) [See other list] 815 Jan. I. New Orleans. Carondelet to Godoy (no. 23), Amer. Hist. Assoc, Rept. (1896), I. 1027-1029 (transl.) [See other list] 816 Jan. 12. New Orleans. Carondelet to Gardoqui. Houck, Span. Regime, I. 370-372 (transl.) [See other list.] 817 Jmi. 18. New Orleans. Carondelet to Godoy. Smith, Col. Doc. Florida, 32-37 (Span.) Gayarre, Hist., III. 329-331 (extr., and abstr., transl.) [See other list] 818 Jan. 24. New Orleans. Carondelet to Godoy (no. 26). Amer. Hist. Assoc, Rept. (1896), I. 1038-1040 (transl.) [See other list] 819 1794] Published Documents 69 Jan. 25. Cincinnati. Proposals by G. R. Clark for an expedition against the Span, settlements on the Mississippi. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 26 (transl.) [See other list.] ^ 820 Feb. 18. Natchez. Gayoso de Lemos to Godoy. Amer. Hist. Assoc, Rept. (1896), I. 1042-1045 (transl.) [See other list.] 821 Feb. 2^. . Chief Ugula Yacaba to Gayoso de Lemos. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 27 (extr., transl.) [See other list.] 822 Feb. 24. New Orleans. Carondelet to Gardoqui. Gayarre, Hist., III. 331, 332 (extr. and abstr., transl.) [See other list.] 823 March 1 ; July 21. New Orleans. Officers of the Ste. Genevieve militia appointed by Carondelet. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 40, 41 (transl.) [See other list.] 824 March 5. Walnut Hills (Nogales). Declaration by Jean Pierre Pis-Gignouse. Amer. Hist. Assoc, Rept. (1896), I. 1047-1049. [See other list.] 825 March 20. New Orleans. Carondelet to Casas. Amer. Hist. Assoc, Rept. (1896), I. 1049-1051. [See other list.] 826 March 20. New Orleans. Carondelet to Godoy (no. 29). Amer. Hist. Assoc, Rept. (1896), I. 1046, 1047 (transl.) [See other list.] 827 April 5. St. Louis. Petition by James Glamorgan to Trudeau. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 148 (transl.) [See other list.] 828 April/. New Orleans. Carondelet to Casas (nos. 109, no). Houck, Span. Regime, II. 23-26 (transl.) [See other list.] 829 April 26. Aranjuez. Royal order to Carondelet. Houck, Span. Regime, I. 372, 373 (transl.) [See other list.] 830 May 5. St. Louis. Permit issued by Trudeau. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 149 (transl.) [See other list] 831 May 5. St. Louis. Articles of incorporation of Trading Company. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 149-157 (transl.) [See other list.] 832 May 12. St. Louis. Approval of Articles of Incorporation, Houck, Span. Regime, II. 157-159 (transl.) [See other list.] 833 May 12. St. Louis. Petition by Glamorgan of Carondelet. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 160, 161 (transl.) [See other list] 834 May 18. New Orleans. Contract with Augnste Chouteau. Houck, Hist. of Mo., II. 212 (extr., transl.) Houck, Span. Regime, II. 106-110 (transl.) [See other list.] 835 May ^i. St. Louis. Trudeau to Carondelet. Houck, Hist, of Mo., I. 330, note 42 (extr., transl.) Houck, Span. Regime, II. 161, 162 (transl.) [See other list] 836 May 31. New Orleans. Carondelet to Casas. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 103 (transl.) [See other list] 837 May 31. New Orleans. Carondelet to Godoy. Houck, Span. Regime, 11. 103-106 (transl.) [See other list] 838 June ip. New Madrid. Memorial by Tardiveau addressed to Portell. Houck, Span. Regime, I. 374-377 (transl.) [With certification by Portell, New Madrid, June 19, and attestation at New Orleans, October 31. [See other list.] 839 June ^0. Instructions to Jean Baptiste Truteau issued by Glamorgan and Reihle. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 164-172 (transl.) [See other list.] 840 July 2. Aranjuez. Godoy to Gayoso de Lemos. Amer. Hist. Assoc, Rept. (1896), I. 1045 (transl.) [See other list] 841 60 Documents in Spanish Archives [1Y94 July 3. Madrid. Petition by Carlos de Hault de Lassus. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 239, 240 (transl.) [See other list.] 842 July p. New Orleans. Carondelet to Godoy (confidential, no. 38). Amer. Hist. Assoc, Rept. (1896), I. 10(55-1067 (transl.) [See other list] 843 July 12. New Orleans. Carondelet to Trudeau. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 162, 163 (transl.) [See other list.] 844 July 14. Madrid. Nuevo sistema de govierno economico para la America. By Josef del Campillo y Cossio. Spain, existing in many copies. Boston Public Library, * * D. 250.41. 2 vols. I. 108 11. ; II. 109 11. Campillo y Cosio, Nuevo Sistema. [Rich, Bibl. Amer. Nova, I. 360, dates this MS. 1748, but vol. I. bears date 1743.] 845 July 18. New Orleans. Decree by Carondelet. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 161 (transl.) [See other list] " 846 July ^o. New Orleans. Carondelet to Godoy (no. 42). Amer. Hist. Assoc, Rept. (1896), I. 1069, 1070 (transl.) [See other list.] 847 Aug. 5. Havana. Casas to Gayoso de Lemos. Amer. Hist. Assoc, Rept. (1896), I. 1082-1084. [See other list] 848 Aug. 8. San Ildefonso. Royal decree concerning Carlos de Hault de Lassus. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 240 (transl.) [See other list.] 849 Aug. 8. San Ildefonso. Prince of Castel Farneo to Gardoqui. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 241 (transl.) [See other list.] 850 Aug. 8. San Ildefonso. Official despatch by the Prince of Castel Farneo regarding De Hault de Lassus. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 241, 242 (transl.) [See other list] 851 Aug. II. San Ildefonso. Petition by De Hault de Lassus. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 241 (transl.) [See other list] 852 Aug. 20. New Orleans. Carondelet to Gayoso de Lemos. Amer. Hist. Assoc, Rept. (1896), I. 1081, 1082. [See other Ust] 853 Sept. ip. Natchez. Gayoso de Lemos to Godoy (confidential, no. i). Amer. Hist. Assoc, Rept. (1896), I. 1079-1081 (transl.) [ See other Hst] 854 Oct. 51. New Orleans. Carondelet to Intendant Francisco de Rendon. Houck, Span. Regime, I. 374 (transl.) [See other list.] 855 Nov. 5. New Orleans. Rendon to Gardoqui. Houck, Span. Regime, I. 373, 374 (transl.) [See other list.] 856 Nov. 8. Havana. Casas to Campo de Alange. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 241, 242 (transl.) [See other list.] 857 Nov. 24. New Orleans. Carondelet to Godoy. Amer. Hist. Rev., II. (April, 1897) 475-505 (transl.) [See other list] 858 Nov. 2Q. St. Louis. Certification by Trudeau. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 161 (transl.) [See other list.] 859 1795 Feb. 2. Aranjuez. Royal letter to Rendon. Houck, Span. Regime, I. 377 (transl.) [ See ^ other Hst] 860 Feb. 12. New Orleans. Petition by Foucher. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 214-216 (transl.) [See other list] 861 Feb. 14. New Orleans. Statement by Carondelet. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 216 (transl.) [See other list.] 862 Feb. 2j. New Orleans. Statement by Accountant Juan Ventura Morales. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 216, 217 (transl.) [See other list] 863 1795] Published Documents 61 April 27. Fort Manchac. Major Doyle to Portell. Houck, Span. Regime, 11. 119, 120 (transl.) [See other list] 864 May I. New Madrid. Portell to Godoy. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 120 (transl.) [See other list.] 865 May 4. [New Madrid.] Portell to Pedro Rousseau, commandant of the galleys. Yionck, Span. Regime, 11. 121 {ixdinsX.) [See other list.] 866 May 8. New Madrid. Portell to Carondelet. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 119 (transl.) [See other list.] 867 May 2^. Aboard Vigilante at dockyard at Esperanza, opposite Las Casas River. Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 114-118 (transl.) [See other list] 868 June I. New Orleans. Regulations by Carondelet. [AI ?] Amer. State Papers, Misc., I. 377-381 (transl.) 869 June /J. New Orleans. Carondelet to Casas. Houck, Span. Regime, 11. 111-114 (transl.) [See other Hst] 870 July 8. New Orleans. Carondelet to Trudeau. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 163 (transl.) [See other list.] 871 July 8. St. Louis. Glamorgan and Reihle to [Trudeau ?]. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 173-178 (transl.) [See other list.] 872 [Aug. f^ . Conferencia de Iranda con Servan. [Spain?] Muriel, Carlos IV., I. 497-504. 873 Aug. 2y. New Orleans. Carondelet to Rendon. Houck, Span. Regime, 1. 379-382 (transl.) [See other list.] 874 Sept. I. New Orleans. Rendon to Gardoqui. Houck, Span. Regime, I. 377, 378 (transl.) [See other list.] 875 Sept. II. San Ildefonso. Godoy to Domingo Iriarte. [RAH ?] Muriel, Carlos IV., HI. 76-79. 876 Sept. 26. San Ildefonso. Appointment of Vicente Folch. [AI ?] State Papers (doc. 121, 20th Cong., 2d sess.), 228 (transl.) 877 Oct. 14, lygyJan., 1796. . James Mackay's Journal of the voyage up the Missouri. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 182-192 (transl.) [See other list.] 878 Oct. 27. San Lorenzo el Real. Tratado de amistad, limites y navegacion ajustado y concluido entre el Rey de Espafia y los Estados Unidos de America. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba; ASE (copy in DAH, Span. Doc.) Godoy, Memorias, 1. 295-306. Godoy, Memoirs (ed. by d'Esmenard), II. 402-418 (with the ordinance of September 4, 1796, regarding the treaty; transl.) Cantillo, Tratados, 654, 655. State Papers (doc. 121, 20th Cong., 2d sess.), 170 (Eng., and part in both Eng. and Span.) White, New Recop., II. 536, 537 (extr., transl.) Imlay, Top. Description, 562-577. Fuller, Purchase of Florida, 359- 370. [This treaty was ratified at Aranjuez, April 25, 1796.] 879 Aittr Oct. SI' St. Louis. Register of population of Illinois (1794-1795). Houck, Span. Regime, 1. 298-301 (transl.) [See other list.] 880 Nov. 26. New Orleans. Carondelet's orders to Col. Carlos Howard. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 123-132 (transl.) [See other list.] 881 Dec. 2. New Orleans. Carondelet to Casas. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 100- 102 (transl.) [See other list.] 882 Dec. 3. New Orleans. Carondelet to Godoy (no. 64). Houck, Span. Regime, II. no (transl.) [See other list.] 883 62 Documents in Spanish Archives [1796 1796 [iyp6 f] . Memorial of the merchants of St. Louis for the repeal of the monopoly of the Trading Company. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 194-197 (transl.) [See other list] 884 [ lypd f] . Reply to merchants' memorial. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 197-208 (transl.) [See other list.] 885 . St. Louis. Plan of St. Louis. Houck, Span. Regime, 11. Houck, Hist, of Mo., I. 321. [See other list.] 886 [New Orleans.] General census of 1796. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 140-143 (transl.) [See other list.] 887 Feb. 22. Natchitoches. Luis de Blanc to Carondelet. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 192, 193 (transl.) [See other list.] 888 April y. Aranjuez. Royal letter to Rendon. Houck, Span. Regime, 1. 379 (transl.) [See other list] 889 May 10. New Orleans. Memorandum of costs. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 217, 218 (transl.) [See other list] 890 May 12. New Orleans. Carondelet to Trudeau. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 246 (transl.) [See other list.] 891 June J. New Orleans. Carondelet to Godoy. Houck, Hist, of Mo., II. 70 (extr., transl.) Houck, Span. Regime, 11. 181, 182 (transl.) [See other list.] 892 June II. Aranjuez. Report of Council enlarging powers of Company of the Missouri. Signed by Gardoqui. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 179, 180 (transl.) [See other list.] 893 July 20. New Orleans. Juan Ventura Morales to Gardoqui. Houck, Span. Regime, I. 382, 383 (transl.) [See other list.] 894 July 20. St. Augustine. Governor Enrique White to Francisco Cerda. [AI ?] State Papers (doc. 121, 20th Cong., 2d sess.), 238, 239 (transl.) 895 Oct. 7. San Lorenzo. Manifiesto contra Inglaterra. [Spain ?] Lafuente y Zamalloa, Hist., XXII. 36-40. Godoy, Memorias, II. 327-330. Godoy, Memoirs (ed. by d'Esmenard), II. 424-428 (transl.) 896 Oct. 22. Fort Confederation. Juan de la Villebeuvre to Gayoso de Lemos (no. 771). Houck, Span. Regime, II. 138, 139 (transl.) [See other list.] 897 Nov. 14. Natchez. Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet. Houck, Span. Regime, 11. 139 (transl.) [See other list] 898 Nov. 26. New Orleans. Secret orders given to Lieut.-Col. Carlos Howard. Houck, Span. Regime, 1. (transl.) Wis. Hist. Soc, Coll., XVIII. 449-452 (transl.) [See other list.] 899 Nov. 2/. New Orleans. Carondelet to De Hault de Lassus. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 122 (transl.) [See other list.] 900 Nov. 2y. New Orleans. Carondelet to Trudeau. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 122 (transl.) [See other list] 901 Dec. I. New Orleans. Carondelet to Miguel Jose de Asansa. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 133-138 (transl.) [See other list.] 902 1797 . St. Louis. Gen. V. Collot's plan for the defense of St. Louis. Collot, Voyage, I. 352-361 (French). Collot, Journey in N. Amer., 257-264 (transl.) Houck, Span. Regime, II. 232-238 (transl. from transl. into Span, from French). [See other list.] 903 1797] Published Documents 63 Feb. i6. [New Orleans.] Episcopal report for 1797. By Bishop Luis Penalyver y Cardenas. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 220, 221 (transl.) [See other list.] 904 March 75. Philadelphia. Ambassador Carlos Martinez de Irujo to Caron- delet (two letters). Houck, Span. Regime, 11. 227-231 (transl.) [See other list.] 905 March ^i. New Orleans. Foucher's memorial stating services, and petition. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 210-212 (transl.) [See other Hst.] 906 April 21. New Orleans. Carondelet to Conde de Santa Clara. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 231 (transl.) [See other list.] 907 April 24. New Orleans. Carondelet to Gayoso de Lemos. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 231, 232 (transl.) [See other list] 908 April 25. New Orleans. Carondelet to Godoy. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 225-227 (transl.) [See other list] 909 April so. New Orleans. Endorsement of Foucher's petition by Carondelet. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 209, 210 (transl.) [See other Hst] 910 June 25. New Madrid. Petition by De Hault de Lassus. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 242 (transl.) [See other list.] 911 July SI. New Orleans. Carondelet to Manuel de Alvarez. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 243 (transl.) [See other list.] 912 July jj. New Orleans. Resume of papers of De Hault de Lassus by Caron- delet. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 243, 244 (transl.) [See other list] 913 Aug. I. St. Louis. Soulard's services attested by Howard. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 329, 330 (transl.) [See other list] 914 Aug. 2Q. New Orleans. Morales to Gayoso de Lemos. Archives of War Office, Madrid. Doc. rel. to La. and Fla., 9, 10 (transl.) White, New Recop., II. 469, 470 (transl.) 915 Aug. so. New Orleans. Gayoso de Lemos to Morales. Archives of War Office, Madrid. Doc. rel to I.a. and Fla., 11 (transl.) White, New Recop., II. 470 (transl.) 916 Aug. SI' New Orleans. Gayoso de Lemos to Godoy. Archives of War Office, Madrid. Doc. rel. to La. a}id Fla., 11 (transl.) White, New Recop., II. 471 (transl.) 917 Sept. p. New Orleans. Instructions by Gayoso de Lemos concerning posts and lands. [AI ?] State Papers (doc. 121, 20th Cong., 2d sess.), 206-208 (transl.) 918 Sept. so. New Orleans. Gilbert Leonard, comptroller, to Morales. Archives of War Office, Madrid. Doc. rel. to La. and Fla., 12 (transl.) White, New Recop., II. 471, 472 (transl.) 919 Oct. 16. New Orleans. Morales to Pedro Varela y Ulloa. Archives of War Office, Madrid. Doc. rel. to La. and Fla., 12-17 (transl.) White, New Recop., II. 472-477 (transl.) 920 Nov. p. St. Louis. Manuel Perez to Miro. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 223, 224 (transl.) [See other Hst] 921 Dec. 16. Madrid. Despatch to Carondelet. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 243 (transl.) [See other Hst.] 922 Dec. 28. New Orleans. Attestation regarding services of Lieut.-Col. How- ard. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 218, 219 (transl.) [See other Hst] 923 64 Documents in Spanish Archives [1798 1798 Jan. . Conde de Cabarrus to Godoy. [Spain ?] Lafuente y Zamalloa, Hist., XXII. 103, 104 (extr.) Muriel, Carlos IV., IV. 96-100. 924 Jem. 15. St. Louis. Trudeau's report. Houck, Hist, of Mo., II. 235, 257 (extr., transl.) Houck, Span. Regime, II. 247-258 (transl.) [See other list.] 925 Feb. 14. New Orleans. Bishop Luis Penalyver y Cardenas to Gayoso de Lemos. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 222, 223 (transl.) [See other list] 926 May I. New Orleans. Decree by Gayoso de Lemos. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 245 (transl.) [See other list] 927 Oct. 22. San Lorenzo el Real. Royal order to Governor Manuel Gayoso de Lemos. Archives of War Office, Madrid. Doc. rel. to La. and Fla., 17 (transl.) White, New Recop., II. 477, 478 (transl.) 928 Oct. 22. San Lorenzo. Soler to Morales. [AI ?] State Papers (doc. 121, 20th Cong., 2d sess.), 218, 219 (transl.) 929 Nov. 75. St. Louis. Trudeau to Gayoso de Lemos. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 245 (transl.) [See other list.] 930 Dec. 29. Palace, [Madrid ?] Official despatch by Minister Mariano Luis de Urquijo and Juan Manuel Alvarez. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 259, 260 (transl.) [See other list.] 931 1799 . [New Orleans or St. Louis ?] Statement of the Population of the Settlements of Upper Louisiana, with the Births, Marriages, Deaths, Stock and Productions of the year 1799. [AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba ?] Davis, Travels in La., 136-140 (transl.) 932 -. New Bourbon. General register of the inhabitants of Upper Louisiana, who have aided in the patriotic subscription. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 292-300 (transl.) [See other list.] 933 Jan.s. [Madrid?] Mariano Luis de Urquijo to Casa Calvo. 'Ronck, Span. Regime, II. (transl.) [See other list.] 934 Feb. p-i2. New Orleans. Document containing the official proceedings and correspondence on the subject of the transfer, by royal order, of the power to grant lands, from the Governor to the Intendant of Louisi- ana. Archives of War Office, Madrid. Doc. rel. to La. and Fla., 17-23 (transl.) White, New Recop., II. 478-480 (transl.) [The various parts of this doc. are signed by Morales, Gayoso de Lemos, and Ximenes.] 935 Feb. 15. New Orleans. Gayoso de Lemos to Morales. Archives of War Office, Madrid. Doc. rel. to I^a. and Fla., 19, 20 (transl.) White, New Recop., 11. 480, 481 (transl.) 936 Feb. 14. New Orleans. Morales to Gayoso de Lemos. Archives of War Office, Madrid. Doc. rel. to La. and Fla., 20, 21 (transl.) White, New Recop., 11. 481-483 (transl.) 937 Feb. 18. New Orleans. Morales to Gayoso de Lemos. Archives of War Office, Madrid. Doc. rel. to La. and Fla., 21, 22 (transl.) White, New Recop., II. 483 (transl.) 938 1799] Published Documents 65 March 2. New Orleans. Morales to Gayoso de Lemos. Archives of War Office, Madrid. Doc. rel. to La. and Fla., 22 (transl.) White, New Recop., II. 483 (transl.) 939 March 5. New Orleans. Gayoso de Lemos to Morales. Archives of War Office, Madrid. Doc. rel. to La. and Flo., 22 (transl.) White, New Recop., II. 483, 484 (transl.) 940 March 57. New Orleans. Morales to Soler, Gayarre, Hist., III. 399 ( Span, extr.) [See other list.] 941 April 2. New Orleans. Gayoso de Lemos to Trudeau. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 246 (transl.) [See other list.] 942 [June?] . Instructions to Robert McCoy (two sets). Houck, Span. Regime, II. 280-284 (transl.) [See other list.] 943 June 12. New Madrid. General inventory of the official communications and orders of the governors, etc. Houck, Spcm. Regime, II. 273, 274 (transl.) [See other list.] 944 June 12. New Madrid. General inventory of papers, titles of possession, records, etc. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 274-279 (transl.) [See other list] 945 June ^o. New Madrid. De Hault de Lassus to Gayoso de Lemos (two let- ters). Houck, Spam,. Regime, II. 273, 280 (transl.) [See other list.] 946 July ly. [New Orleans ?] General instructions and regulations by Morales for concessions of lands. [AI ?] State Papers (doc. 121, 20th Cong., 2d sess.), 208-217 (transl.) 947 July 25. New Orleans. Morales to Minister Miguel Cayetano Soler. Arch- ives of War Dept., Madrid. Doc. rel. to La. and Fla., 23, 24 (transl.) 948 July 2p. St. Louis. Inventory of fortifications. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 271, 272 (transl.) [See other list.] 949 Sept. 16. St. Louis. List of documents delivered to De Hault de Lassus by Trudeau. Houck, Spcm. Regime, II. 264-267 (transl.) [See other list.] 950 Sept. ly. St. Louis. De Hault de Lassus to Gayoso de Lemos. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 261 (transl.) [See other list.] 951 Sept. ly. St. Louis. Inventory of documents in Civil Archives of St. Louis. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 261-263 (transl.) [See other list] 952 Sept. 18. St. Louis. De Hault de Lassus to Gayoso de Lemos. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 292 (transl.) [See other list] 953 Oct. p. Appalachy. Andrew Ellicott to Folch. AI [ ?] ; draft probably in Dept. of State, Washington. Doc. no. 96, 20th Cong., 2d sess., 13 (Eng.) 954 Oct. II. St. Louis. Eugenio Alvarez, storekeeper of the city of St. Louis, to the Lieut.-Governor and sub-delegate of the Royal Treasury. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 267, 268 (transl.) [See other list.] 955 Oct. II. St. Louis. Appointments by De Hault de Lassus. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 269 (transl.) [See other list.] 956 Oct. II. St. Louis. Register of inspection of forts. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 270, 271 (transl.) [See other list] 957 6 66 Documents in Spanish Archives [1800 1800 Disertacion escrita por D. Alejandro Malaspina sobre la legitimidad de la navegacion hecha en 1588 por Ferrer Maldonado. [AI, AS, or DH ?] Col. Doc. Esp., XV. 228-250. [Bancroft, Hist. N. W. Coast, I. 94, dates this doc. as above.] 958 April J. New Orleans. Ramon de Lopez y Angulo to Henri Peyroux de Coudriniere (two letters). [AI ?] State Papers (doc. 121, 20th Cong., 2d sess.), 217, 218 (transl.) 959 June 2j. New Orleans. Letter to De Hault de Lassus. Houck, Span. Regime, IL 313 (transl.) [See other list.] 960 Sept. . Gen. Alexandre Berthier to Minister Mariano Luis de Urquijo. [Spain ?] Muriel, Carlos IV., VL 76-78 (extr.) 961 Sept. . Urquijo to Berthier. [Spain ?] Muriel, Carlos IV., VL 79-82 (extr.) 962 Sept. 6. St. Louis. Presents to Osage Indians. Houck, Span. Regime, IL 310-312 (transl.) [See other list] 963 Sept. 2j. St. Louis. De Hault de Lassus to Casa Calvo. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 301-307 (transl.) [See other list.] 964 Sept. 2y. Concordia. Jose Vidal, cimmandant of Concordia, to Casa Calvo. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 287-291 (transl.) [See other list] 965 Oct. I. San Ildefonso. Tratado preliminar y secreto entre la Republica Francesa y S. M. C. respecto a la aumentacion de estado en Italia de S. A. R. el Senor Infante Duque de Parma, y a la retrocesion de la Luisiana. ASE. Onis, Memoria, Apendice, 1-3 (French), 3-5 (Span.) Lafuente y Zamalloa, Hist., XXII. 286-288. Cantillo, Tratados, 692-694. Muriel, Carlos IV., IL 499-501. White, New Recop., II. 537-541 (transl.) Goodspeed, Prov. and States, II. lu- ll 3. 966 Oct. ip. New Orleans. Casa Calvo to Urquijo. Houck, Span. Regime, IL 464-468 (transl.) Wis. Hist Soc, Coll., XVIII. 464-468. [See other list] 967 1801 [Beginning of XIX. century ?] . Organizacion de las antiguas provincias Espanolas en America. AI. Col. Doc. Amer., XXXIV. S-13. 968 March 21. Aranjuez. Treaty between France and Spain for the retrocession of Louisiana. ASE. Cantillo, Tratados, 697, 698. White, New Recop., II. 541, 542 (transl.) 969 May 8. New Orleans. Casa Calvo to Ramon de Lopez y Angulo (no. 57). Houck, Span. Regime, II. 309, 310 (transl.) [See other list.] 970 July 75. New Orleans. Lopez y Angulo to Spanish Secretary of State. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 308, 309 (transl.) [See other list.] 971 July 26. Madrid. Godoy to Ambassador Lucien Bonaparte. [Spain?] Muriel, Carlos IV., VI. 177-179. 972 Sept. 15. Paris. Joseph Pontalba to Gen. Decres. [Spain ?] Fortier, Hist. of La., II. 189-215 (extr., transl.) 973 1802 Jan. SO. New Orleans. Casa Calvo to De Hault de Lassus (two letters). Houck, Spa/n. Regime, II. 313, 314 (transl.) [See other list.] 974 1802] Published Documents 67 April y. Aranjuez. Minister Pedro Cevallos to Charles Pinckney. ASE. White, New Recop., 11. 543 (transl.) 975 April 2^. Aranjuez. Despatch to Intendant of Louisiana. Houck, Span. Regime, 11. 308 (transl.) [See other list.] 976 Aug. II. . Convention between Spain and the United States for indemnification of losses on both sides during the last war. ASE. Onis, Memoria, Apendice, 6, 7. Cantillo, Tratados, 707, 708. Mar- tens, Recueil, XIII. 400-405 (Span, and Eng.) 977 Sept. or Oct. [Paris ?] Instructions to Gen. Beumonville to negotiate the exchange of the two Floridas for the Duchy of Parma. Archives of War Office, Madrid. White, New Recop., II. 511, 512 (extr., -transl.) 978 Oct. i^. . Royal decree delivering the Colony and Province of Louisiana from Spain to France. ASE. State Papers (doc. 121, 20th Cong., 2d sess.), 161-163 (transl.) Cantillo, Tratados, 698, 699. 979 Dec. I. St. Louis. Antonio Soulard to Henri Peyroux de la Coudriniere. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 315, 316. 980 1803 J(m. 6. New Madrid. Letter of De Hault de Lassus in regard to the expedi- tion for the punishment of the Maskous. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 318-321 (transl.) [See other Hst] 981 Jan. II. New Madrid. Peyroux de la Coudriniere to Antonio Soulard. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 316, 317 (transl.) [See other list.] 982 Jem. 12. New Madrid. Peyroux de la Coudriniere to M. de Salcedo. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 314 (transl.) [See other Hst.] 983 Jan. /J. Ste. Genevieve. De Hault de Lassus to M. de Salcedo. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 322 (transl.) [See other list.] 984 Feb. 77. Aranjuez. Charles Pinckney to Pedro de Cevallos. [Spain ?] White, New Recop., II. 543-545 (Eng.) 985 Feb. ly. Aranjuez. Propositions made to Spain by Pinckney. [Spain ?] White, New Recop., 11. 545 (Eng.) 986 April ^0 (an XL, Floreal 10). Paris. Treaty between U. S. and France. [AI ?] State Papers (doc. 121, 20th Cong., 2d sess.), 166-170 (Eng., with part in both Eng. and French). 987 May 18. New Orleans. Edict by Manuel de Salcedo and Marques de Casa Calvo. State Papers (doc. 121, 20th Cong., 2d sess.), 163-165 (transl.) [See other list.] 988 May ^o. St. Louis. De Hault de Lassus to M. de Salcedo. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 314 (transl.) [See other list.] 989 July ig. Royal Palace, [Madrid ?]. Cevallos to Pinckney. ASE. White, New Recop., II. 546 (transl.) 990 Oct. 12. St. Augustine. Edict by Governor Enrique White. [AI ?] State Papers (doc. 121, 20th Cong., 2d sess.), 246, 247 (transl.) 991 Nov. 15. New Orleans. Pedro Rousseau to Charles IV. setting forth his services. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 323-326 (transl.) [See other list.] 992 Nov. 50. New Orleans. Act of delivery of Louisiana by Spain to France. [AI ?] State Papers (doc. 121, 20th Cong., 2d sess.), 165, 166 (transl.) 993 68 Documents in Spanish Archives [1803 Dec. II. St. Louis. Petition of Antonio Soulard. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 327, 328 (transl.) [See other list.] 994 Dec. so. New Orleans. Casa Calvo and M. de Salcedo to De Hault de Lassus. Houck, Hist, of Mo., II. 357 (extr., transl.) [See other list] 995 Dec. J7. St. Louis. Endorsement of Soulard's petition by De Hault de Lassus. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 328, 329 (transl.) [See other list.] 996 1804 Feb. ly. St. Augustine. Jose de Ortega to Enrique White. [AI ?] State Papers (doc. 121, 20th Cong., 2d sess.), 249, 250 (transl.) 997 March 4. New Orleans. Casa Calvo to Prefect Laussat. ASE. White, New Recop., II. 546, 547 (transl.) 998 March 18. New Madrid. Certification of transfer of New Madrid. Houck, Span. Regime, 11. 331, 332 (transl.) [See other list.] 999 March 18. New Madrid. Appointment of experts for transfer of New Madrid to France. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 338, 339 (transl.) [See other list] 1000 March i8-June 12. New Madrid, and other settlements. Inventory of New Madrid and other places. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 339-343 (transl.) [See other list] 1001 March 20. New Madrid. Inventory of documents and other papers of the archives of the post of New Madrid, Houck, Span. Regime, II. 333- 335 (transl.) [See other list.] 1002 March 2p. New Madrid. Juan Lavallee to Casa Calvo and M. de Salcedo. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 33 t (transl.) [See other list.] 1003 April 2. New Orleans, Laussat to Casa Calvo. ASE. White, New Recop., II. 547 (transl.) 1004 April so. [St. Louis ?] De Hault de Lassus to Cevallos. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 327 (transl.) [See other list.] 1005 May 24. St. Louis. Regis Loisel to Casa Calvo. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 359-364 (transl.) [See other list.] 1006 May 2p. Aranjuez. Soler to Morales. [AI ?] State Papers (doc. 121, 20th Cong., 2d sess.), 219 (transl.) 1007 Sept. so. New Orleans. Casa Calvo to Godoy, Houck, Span. Regime, 11. 355 (transl,) [See other list.] 1008 Sept. so. New Orleans, Casa Calvo to Cevallos, Houck, Span. Regime, II. 356-358 (transl.) [See other list.] 1009 1805 Feb. I. Baton Rouge. Carlos de Grand-Pre to Casa Calvo. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 344 (transl.) [See other list.] 1010 Feb. I. Baton Rouge. Reports of military supplies, etc. (seven in all) in posts of Upper Louisiana. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 344-354 (transl.) [See other list] 1011 Feb. 6. New Orleans. De Hault de Lassus to Casa Calvo. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 337 (transl.) [See other list.] 1012 Feb. 10. New Orleans. Casa Calvo to Grand-Pre. Houck, Span. Regime, II, 344 (transl,) [See other list] 1013 Feb. 20. Aranjuez, Soler to Morales, [AI ?] State Papers (doc, 121, 20th Cong,, 2d sess.), 219 (transl.) 1014 1805] Published Documents 69 Feb. 28. New Orleans. Casa Calvo to Cevallos. Houck, Span. Regime, II. 336, 337 (transl.) [See other list.] 1015 April J J. St. Augustine. Enrique White to Marques de Someruelos, gov- ernor of Cuba. [AI ?] State Papers (doc. 121, 20th Cong., 2d sess.), 229-232 (transl.) 1016 May 24. Philadelphia. Ambassador Marques de Casa Irujo to Cevallos. Mc- Caleb, Burr Conspiracy, 24 (extr., transl.) [See other list.] 1017 Aug. 5. Philadelphia. Casa Irujo to Cevallos. McCaleb, Burr Conspiracy, 39 (extr., transl.) [See other list.] 1018 Nov. 7. Charles IV. to Napoleon. AHN, Papeles de Estado, leg. 1626. Revista de Archives, 3* ep., I. (May, 1897) 202-204 (minute in Span, followed by French transl.) 1019 Dec. 5. Philadelphia. Casa Irujo to Cevallos. McCaleb, Burr Conspiracy, 55, 56 (extr., transl.) [See other list.] 1020 Dec. 2g. Baton Rouge. Grand-Pre to Morales. Archives of War Dept., Madrid. Doc. rel. to La. and Fla., 24, 25 (transl.) 1021 1806 Jan. I. Philadelphia. Casa Irujo to Cevallos. McCaleb, Burr Conspiracy, 58, 59 (extr., transl.) [See other list.] 1022 March 4. Baton Rouge. Grand-Pre to Morales. Archives of War Dept., Madrid. Doc. rel. to La. and Fla., 24 (transl.) 1023 May 14. Philadelphia. Casa Irujo to Cevallos. [Spain ?] McCaleb, Burr Conspiracy, 65, 66 (extr., transl.) [See other list] 1024 Sept. 12. Baton Rouge. Grand-Pre to Morales. Archives of War Dept., Madrid. Doc. rel. to La. and Fla., 25, 26 (transl.) 1025 Nov. 10. Philadelphia. Casa Irujo to Cevallos. [Spain ?] McCaleb, Burr Conspiracy, 91, 92 (extr., transl.) [See other list] 1026 Nov. ly. Natchez. Wilkinson to Jose de Iturrigaray. AHN, Papeles de Estado, leg. 5564 B. Anier. Hist. Rev., IX. 534-537 (Span, transl. from original Eng., and retransl. into Eng.) [The Eng. original was destroyed at Wilkinson's request.] 1027 Dec. 4. Philadelphia. Casa Irujo to Cevallos. [Spain ?] McCaleb, Burr Conspiracy, 93, 94 (extr., transl.) [See other list.] 1028 Dec. 16. Philadelphia. Casa Irujo to Cevallos. [Spain ?] McCaleb, Burr Conspiracy, 95 (extr., transl.) [See other list.] 1029 1811 June 19. St. Augustine. Estrada to Someruelos. [AI ?] State Papers (doc. 121, 20th Cong., 2d sess.), 235, 236 (transl.) 1030 July 2Q. St. Augustine. Estrada to Someruelos. [AI ?] State Papers (doc. 121, 20th Cong., 2d sess.), 232-234 (transl.) 1031 Sept. 14. Havana. Someruelos to Estrada. [AI ?] State Papers (doc. 121, 20th Cong., 2d sess.), 234 (transl.), 237 (transl.) [There are two different transl. of the same letter.] 1032 - 1813 June 4. St. Augustine. Sebastian Kindelan, governor of East Florida, to Juan Ruiz de Apodaca, governor of Cuba. [AI ?] State Papers (doc. 121, 20th Cong., 2d sess.), 247, 248 (transl.) 1033 70 Documents in Spanish Archives [1813 Aug. 21. Havana. Proceedings of the Provincial Deputation respecting East Florida lands. [AI ?] StcUe Papers (doc. 121, 20th Cong., 2d sess.), 237, 238 (transl.) 1034 1814 June 8. Madrid. Minister Gongora to the governor of East Florida. [AI ?] State Papers (doc. 121, 20th Cong., 2d sess.), 235 (transl.) 1035 July 5. Madrid. Treaty between Spain and England with articles on negro traffic and the insurrection in Spanish America. ASE. Cantillo, Tratados, 732-734. [Ratified by Ferdinand VII., August 28. 1814.] 1036 1815 March 4. Havana. Ruiz de Apodaca to governor of East Florida. [AI ?] State Papers (doc. 121, 20th Cong., 2d sess.), 239 (transl.) 1037 June^. St. Augustine. Appointment of Estrada. [AI ?] State Papers (doc. 121, 20th Cong., 2d sess.), 239, 240 (transl.) 1038 July/. Havana. Ruiz de Apodaca to Kindelan. [AI ?] State Papers (doc. 121, 20th Cong., 2d sess.), 248 (transl.) 1039 July 20. Mexico. Informe dirigido al Rey Fernando VII. por D. Manuel Abad y Queipo. [AS or AHN ?] Alaman, Hist, de Mejico, IV. 19-40. 1040 Dec. I. New York. Memoria sobre la pacificacion en las Americas Esp>afio- las. By Minister Jose Alvarez de Toledo. [AHN or AS ?] Garcia de Leon y Pizarro, Memorias, III. 214-224 (extr.) 1041 1816 July 2. Havana. Jose de Fuertes to Intendant Alejandro Ramirez. [AI ?] State Papers (doc. 121, 20th Cong., 2d sess.), 156 (transl.) 1042 Aug. p. Havana. Agreement between Jose Cienfuegos, governor of Cuba, and Ramirez. [AI ?] State Papers (doc. 121, 20th Cong., 2d sess.), 157-159 (transl.) 1043 Aug. 26. Havana. Ramirez to the governor of East Florida. [AI ?] State Papers (doc. 121, 20th Cong., 2d sess.), 157 (transl.) 1044 [18 1 2 f] [Madrid ?] Nota pasada a las potencias sobre la necesidad de una intervencion en America. [AHN or AS ?] Garcia de Leon y Pizarro, Memorias, III. 416-426. 1045 April 6. [Madrid ?] Nota pasada a la Inglaterra sobre nuestros negocios pendientes. [AHN or AS ?] Garcia de Leon y Pizarro, Memorias, III. 372-382. 1046 April 6. Washington. Ambassador Luis de Onis to Garcia de Leon y Pizarro. [AHN or AS ?] Garcia de Leon y Pizarro, Memorias, III. 346-354. 1047 June 4. Madrid. Exposicion hecha al Rey Nuestro Sefior y a su Consejo de Estado sobre nuestras relaciones politicas y diferencias actuales con el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de America. [AHN or AS ?] Garcia de Leon y Pizarro, Memorias, III. 225-298. 1048 June 22. Palace, [Madrid ?] Jose Pizarro to the British ambassador. [AHN or AS ?] Garcia de Leon y Pizarro, Memorias, III. 299-309 (extr.) 1049 1816] Published Documents 71 Sept. I. Madrid. Extracto de la segunda memoria que en ampHacion 6 explicacion de la primera pidio al Sr. D. Jose Alvarez de Toledo el Ministro de Estado. [AHN or AS ?] Garcia de Leon y Pizarro, Memories, III. 311-346. 1050 Sept. 2^. Palacio, [Madrid ?] Royal decree appointing Jose Coppinger gov- ernor of East Florida. [AI ?] State Papers (doc. 121, 20th Cong., 2d sess.), 240-242 (transl.) [With accompanying attestations, etc., 1818-1819.] 1051 1818 Jan. 16. Washington. John Quincy Adams to Luis de Onis. [AHN or AS ?] OfUcial Corresp., 62-65 (Eng.) 1052 Feb. 6. Madrid. Two royal decrees regarding Florida. [ AI ?] Sate Papers (doc. 121, 20th Cong., 2d sess.), 188-194 (Span, and transl.) 1053 April p. Madrid. Royal decree regarding Florida. [AI ?] State Papers (doc. 121, 20th Cong., 2d sess.), 195-197 (Span, and transl.) 1054 June p. Palace, [Madrid ?] Memoria dirigida al Consejo de Estado sobre pacificacion de America. [AHN or AS ?] Garcia de Leon y Pizarro, Memorias, III. 383-398. 1055 Aug. 28. Palace, [Madrid ?] Conde de Castaiieda to Garcia de Leon y Pizarro. [AHN or AS ?] Garcia de Leon y Pizarro, Memorias, III. 309-311. 1056 Sept. 7j. St. Augustine. Nicolas Garrido to Coppinger. [AI ?] State Papers (doc. 121, 20th Cong., 2d sess.), 242-244 (transl.) 1057 Sept. 16. St. Augustine. Ruperto Saavedra to Coppinger. [AI ?] State Papers (doc. 121, 20th Cong., 2d sess,), 244 (transl.) 1058 Oct. p. St. Augustine. Attestations by Juan de Entralgo, royal notary. [AI ?] State Papers (doc. 121, 20th Cong., 2d sess.), 250 (transl.) 1059 Oct. 2y. St. Augustine. Saavedra to Coppinger. [AI ?] State Papers (doc. 121, 20th Cong., 2d sess.), 250, 251 (transl.) 1060 Nov. 25. St. Augustine. Garrido to Coppinger. [AI ?] State Papers (doc. 121, 20th Cong., 2d sess.), 253-255 (transl.) 1061 1819 . . Photograph of manuscript map showing former boundaries of U. S. AI, Papeles del Ministerio de Estado, Audiencia de Mejico, no. 14. Houck, Span. Regime. 1062 [1819 or 1820 ?] [Madrid?] Memorial del Marques de Casa Irujo al Consejo de Estado. [AHN or AS ?] Garcia de Leon y Pizarro, Memorias, III. 354-363. 1063 [i8ip or 1820 f] [Madrid ?] Lista de las recompensas que han obtenido todos los que han intervenido directa 6 indirectamente en la negocia- cion con los Estados Unidos. [AHN or AS ?J Garcia de Leon y Pizarro, Memorias, III. 364-366. 1064 Jan. 18. St. Augustine. Saavedra to Coppinger. [AI ?] State Papers (doc. 121, 20th Cong., 2d sess.), 255-257 (transl.) 1065 Feb. 5. St. Augustine. Garrido to Coppinger. [AI ?] State Papers (doc. 121, 20th Cong., 2d sess.), 242 (transl.) 1066 72 Documents in Spanish Archives [1819 Feb. 22. Washington. Treaty between U. S. and Spain. [AI ?] State Papers (doc. I2i, 20th Cong., 2d sess.), 179-185 (Eng., with part in both Eng. and Span.) [With ratification of Spain, October 24, 1820.] 1067 Feb. 22. Washington. Treaty between Spain and U. S. ceding Florida to the latter. ASE; AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba (copy in DAH). Onis, Memoria, Apendice, 8-13. Cantillo, Tratados, 819-823. Ann. Reg., LXI. (for 1819), 170-175. Martens, Recueil, XIII., pt. I., 328-345 (French and Eng.) ; Fuller, Purchase of Florida, 371-380. 1068 Feb. 17. St. Augustine. F. M. Arrendondo to Coppinger. [AI ?] State Papers (doc. 121, 20th Cong., 2d sess.), 269 (transl.) 1069 Feb. 18. Certification by Juan de Entralgo. [AI ?] State Papers (doc. 121, 20th Cong., 2d sess.), 273 (transl.) 1070 1820 Oct. 24. Madrid. Royal decree addressed to the Captain-General of Cuba for the delivery of the Floridas in fulfilment of the treaty. ASE. Cantillo, Tratados, 824, 825. 1071 1821 July 10. St. Augustine. Surrender of East Florida by Spain. [AI ?] State Papers (doc. 121, 20th Cong., 2d sess.), 198, 199 (transl.) 1072 July J/. Pensacola. Surrender of West Florida by Spain. [AI ?] State Papers (doc. 121, 20th Cong., 2d sess.), 199, 200 (transl.) 1073 1833 Sept. 2y. Madrid. Jose de la Cruz, Secretary of War, to the Spanish Secre- tary of State. Dept. of War, Madrid. Doc. rel. to La. and Fla., i (transl.) 1074 1834 Feb. J/. Madrid. Convention for the adjustment of claims between Spain and the U. S. ASE. Cantillo, Tratados, 851, 852. 1075 TRANSCRIPTS FROM SPANISH ARCHIVES XVI. Century Demarcacion y Division de las Yndias. BN, MSS. 2825 (formerly, J. 15). LC, Lowery, Florida. IV. (extr.) 4 11, Also a short extract beginning " Las Provincias de Cibola y Quivira ..." LC, Lowery, III. i 1. 1076 Tratado cuio titulo es de los tres elementos. Aire, Agua y Tierra, en que se trata de las cosas que en cada uno dellos, acerca de las Ocidentales Yndias, naturaleza engendra y produce comunes con los de aca, y particulares de aquel nuevo Mundo. By Tomas Lopez. San Isidro del Campo (Jeronimite Convent; the work of a copyist with cor- rections and additions by the author; copy in RAH, Col. Munoz, t. 42, no. 16. L, Rich (copy from RAH). 165 11. 1077 Near end of century. Yslario general de todas las islas del mundo dirigido a la S. C. R. M. del Rey Don Philipe Nuestro Sefior por Andres Garcia Cespedes su cosmographo mayor. BN, J. 92. NY, Smith, North America MSS., 1500-1560, pp. 71-84 (extr.) 1078 1515 Oct. 6. Santo Domingo. Royal cedula written on an official letter regarding Juan Ponce de Leon. AS (probably now AI ; abstr. in RAH, Col. Munoz). L, Rich, America, Span, colonies, Miscellaneous documents, fol. 72 verso (from Col. Munoz). 1079 1520 Demanda puesta por Panfilo de Narvaez contra Her- nando Cortes y compaiieros. AS (probably now AI ; copy in RAH, Col. Munoz, t. y6). LC, South America, etc.. Historical Papers, 1510 1848. 5 11. [Part of the " autos " of the residencia of Nufio de Guzman.] 1080 . Burgos. Asiento con Francisco de Garay. AS, Descripciones y Poblaciones, leg. 8 (now AI ; copy probably in RAH, Col. Murioz). L, Rich, America, Span. Colonies, Miscellaneous letters and docu- ments, 1496-1775. I leaf. 1081 June 12. Puerto Rico. Licentiate Gama to Charles V. AI (copy in RAH, Col. Munoz). L, Rich, America, Span. Colonies, Miscellaneous docu- ments, fol. 178 (extr.) 1082 1524 March 2^. Burgos. Royal decree concerning discovery by Ayllon. AI, 47-1-3. R, Shea, no. 33, env. i. i p. 1088 1526 March 28-Nov. 26. Santo Domingo ; Granada. Discoveries of Ayllon and Matienzo. AI, 47-1-3. NY, Smith, Florida MSS., 150 pp. ; R, Shea, no. 33, env. i. 1084 7i 74 Documents in Spanish Archives [1526 May 7/ ; Jutie 2^. Santo Domingo. Discoveries of Ayllon and Matienzo. AI, 47-1-3- NY, Smith, Florida MSS., 8 pp. ; R, Shea, no. 33, env. I, 8 pp. 1085 Oct. 2^. Granada. Discovery by Ayllon. AI, 47-1-3. NY, Smith, Florida MSS., 6 pp. 1086 Dec. 7. . Ordenanza puesta en la capitulacion de Francisco Montejo para la conquista de Yucatan y despues fue puesta en todas las capitulaciones, y se debe seguir a la de Soto. AI, Asientos y capitula- ciones desde 23 de Marzo hasta 7 de Noviembre de 1574. NY, Smith, North America, 1 500-1 560, 16 pp. 1087 1527 \Ca. i^2y ?\ . Representation made by Panfilo de Narvaez. AS (copy in RAH). L, Rich, Letters of Cortes, 15 18-1544, [Part of Autos de residencia of Nuno de Guzman.] 1088 [ i^2y ?\ . Titulo de regimyento del primero pueblo que poblase Panfilo de Narbaez para Juan Vazquez de Salazar. AI. NY, Smith, North America, 15001560. 2 pp. [Cedula in blank.] 1089 \i52y ?\ Relacion circunstanciada de la expedicion de Panfilo de Narvaes y del desgraciado suceso de ella. AI. LC, Florida and Luisiana, pp. 51-76. 1090 . Puerto Rico [Isla de San Juan]. Letter to Audiencia of Santo Domingo [Isla Espanola]. AI, Treslados de la provincia de la Florida (abstr. in RAH, Col. Mufioz, t. 78). L, Rich, America, Span. Colonies, Miscellaneous documents and letters, fol. 256 verso-257 recto (from abstr. in RAH) ; NY, Smith, North America, 1500- 1560, pp. 145, 146 (from abstr. in RAH). [Other Narvaez and Florida titles are given in both copies.] 1091 1528 \1528 .^] Parecer sobre la capitulacion e Ynstrucciones de Narvaez. AI, Treslados de la provincia de la Florida (copy in RAH, Col. Mufioz, t. 78). NY, Smith, North America, 1500-1560, pp. 146, 147. 10 lines. 1092 March 5. . Ynformacion sobre un armada que tenia dispuesta Lucas Vasques de Ayllon para la Florida. RAH, Col. Vargas Ponce. NY, Smith, North America, 15001560, pp. 153, 154. 1093 1538 \i5S^?\ March 21. San Lucar. Rodrigo de Albomoz to Royal Officials at Seville. AI, Papeles de la Casa de Contratacion (condensed in RAH, Col. Mufioz, t. 81). NY, Smith, North America, 1500-1560, p. 196 (from RAH). 5 lines. 1094 April 8. San Lucar. Rodrigo de Albornoz to Royal Officials at Seville. AI, Papeles de la Casa de Contratacion (condensed in RAH, t. 81). NY, Smith, North America, 1500-1560, p. 196 (from RAH). 7 lines. 1095 April 16. Valladolid. Titulo de rexidor en la Florida que estaba conquis- tando y poblando Hernando de Soto, a Gabriel Catano de Sandoval. AI. NY, Smith, North America, 1500- 1560. 2 pp. 1096 1539] Transcripts 75 1539 [^539~^543 n • Lo que Don Antonio de Mendoza Vissorey de la Nueva Espana escrive a Juan de Aguilar para que dello haga rela- cion a S. Altisima y a los Senores de su consejo. AS, Indias, 9 (copy in RAH, Col. Muiioz). L, Rich, Central America, Mexico, New Mexico. 3 pp. 1097 July 15. Compostella. Coronado to Charles V. AI (condensed in RAH, Col. Munoz, t. 81). NY, Smith, North America, 1500-1560, pp. 240, 241 (from RAH). 16 lines. 1098 July 26. Santiago. Royal Officials to Charles V. AI, Treslados de la Pro- vincia de la Florida (condensed in RAH, Col. Munoz, t. 81). NY, Smith, North America, 1500 1560, p. 195 (from RAH). 7 lines. [See this date other list.] 1099 Dec. 15. Compostella. Coronado to [Mendoza ?] AI (condensed in RAH, Col. Munoz, t. 81). NY, Smith, North America, 1500-1560, pp. 195, 196 (from RAH). 8 lines. [The transcript has 1538, but it should probably be as above.] 1100 1540 [Ca. 1540.} . Memoria de las personas que vinieron de la Florida que personas son y de donde naturales (two copies). [AI ?] NY, Smith, North America, 1500- 1560. 4 pp. 1101 1541 Requerimiento que se hizo a los Yndios de Nueva Galicia. AS (probably now AI ; copy in RAH, Col. Munoz, t. 82). NY, Smith, North America, 1500 1560, pp. 317-326 (from RAH). 1102 Feb. 24. Teozoan. Epistola premial de un Fraile menor, al ylustrisimo Senor D. Antonio Pimentel, Conde sexto de Benavente, sobre la Relacion de los ritos antiguos, idolatrias y sacrificias de los yndios de la Nueva Espafia. Escorial. L, Rich, Ritos antiguos, fol. 1-14. 1103 April 2C), with addition on Augnst 2. Mexico. Instrucciones que se dio a Diego Lopez de Zuniga Capitan de la armada que se embio a la costa de la Mar del Sur, e Yslas del Poniente. Given by Mendoza and Alvarado. Escorial, ij V. 4, Miscelaneas, fol. 382-387 (copy in DH, Col. Navarrete, t. 3, no. i). NY, Smith, North America, 1500- 1560, pp. 287-293 (from DH). 1104 1543 Oct. J/. Mexico. Luis de Moscoso to Council of Indies. AI, Cartas, 17 (condensed in RAH, Col. Munoz, t. 83). NY, Smith, North America, 15001560, p. 460 (from RAH). 7 lines. 1105 1544 [1544 f] Descripcion de toda la Costa de America. AI, Sim., leg. 6 de Relaciones y Descripciones (copies in RAH, Col. Mufioz, t. 39 ; and DH, Col. Navarrete, t. 28, no. 15, with title " Memoria de las leguas y altura que tienen los cabos y bayas dende el Cabo del Labrador, fasta el Estrecho de Magallanes, por la costa de la Mar del Norte, etc.")- LC, Lowery, Florida, IV. (extr., 3 11) ; and NY, Smith, North America, 1500-1560, p. 329 (from RAH) ; id., 1607-1786. 10 pp. (from DH). 1106 76 Documents in Spanish Archives [1544 May 24. Mexico. Licentiate Tejada to Prince Philip. AI, Cartas 13 (con- densed in RAH, Col. Mufioz, t. 83). NY, Smith, North America, 1 500- 1 560, p. 460 (from RAH). 6 lines. 1107 May ^o. Mexico, Gonzalez de Aranda to Charles V. AI, Cartas 13 (abstr. in RAH, Col. Mufioz, t. 83). NY, Smith, North America, 1500- 1560, p. 460 (from RAH). 7 lines. 1108 1548 [Ca. 1548.] Cancer to Casas. AS or AI (evidently condensed in RAH, Col. Munoz). L, Rich, Florida, Relacion Verdadera, part of doc. 8 (extr., evidently from RAH). [Possibly identical with one of the documents in other list.] 1109 1549 June 2. Aboard the ship Santa Maria de la Encina near the Florida coast. Requerimientos i respuestas en la Nao Santa Maria de la Encina de que era Capitan, Piloto i Maestre Juanes de Arana, en que ivan los 4 Religiosos a la Florida, AI (copy in RAH, Col. Munoz, t. 85). L, Rich, Florida, Relacion Verdadera, in doc. no. 8 (from RAH) ; NY, Smith, Florida. 8 pp. ; id., North America, 1500-1560, pp. 353- 354; R, Shea, no. 33, env, i, 1110 July ip. . Relacion de la Florida para el Ylustrisimo Senor Viso- rrey de la Nueva Espaiia, la qual trajo Fray Gregorio de Beteta. AS, Descripciones y poblaciones, leg. 8 (now AI ; copy probably in RAH,- Col. Muiioz). L, Rich, Florida, Relacion Verdadera, doc. no. 8. 13 pp. 1111 1550 , . Autos sobre los bienes de Juan Ximenez. AS or AI, Papeles de bienes de difuntos (abstr, in RAH, Col. Munoz, t. 83). NY, Smith, North America, 1500- 1560, p, 459 (from RAH). 8 lines. 1112 March 2^. Seville. Letter to Casas. AI (extr. in RAH, Col. Munoz, t. 85). L, Rich, Florida, Relacion Verdadera (from RAH) ; NY, Smith, North America, 1500-1560, p. 352 (from RAH). 1113 Aug. 2y. Suchipila. Fray Gregorio de Beteta to Licentiate Hernando Marti- nez de la Marcha. AI, Papeles de Nueva Galicia (extr. in RAH, Col. Munoz). L, Rich, America, Span. Colonies, Letters and docu- ments relating to Guatemala, 1532- 1576 (from RAH), i p. 1114 1554 Nov. 50. Mexico. Velasco to Royal Officials at Seville. AI (condensed in RAH, Col. Munoz, t. 87). NY, Smith, North America, 1500-1560, PP- 37 1 » 372 (from RAH). 11 lines. 1115 Dec. 12. Mexico. Naos perdidas en la Florida. Autos formados en virtud de provision del Audiencia de Mexico, AI (condensed in RAH, Col. Munoz, t, 87), NY, Smith, North America, 1500-1560, p. 371 (from RAH). 27 lines. 1116 1555 Jan. 25. Veracruz. Luis de Leon Romano to the King. AI, Tomo cuentas de Nueva Espaiia de particulares de 1550 a 1570 (copy in RAH, Col. Munoz, t. 79). NY, Smith, North America, 1500-1560, p. 331 (from RAH, abstr.) 5 lines, 1117 1555] Transcripts 17 Jan. 28. Playa de Zahara. Francisco Duarte to the King-. AI, Sim., Cartas escritas a S. M. por los oficiales de Sevilla de los anos de 1551 a 1555, leg. I (copy in DH). NY, Smith, North America, 1500-1560, pp. 421-424 (from DH). 1118 April 4. Panama. Alvaro de Sosa to the Emperor in his Council. AI (copy in RAH, Col. Munoz, t. 79). NY, Smith, North America, 1500-1560, pp. 331-332 (from RAH). 1119 Aug. J J. . Pero Menendez de Aviles to the King. AI (copy in RAH, Col. Munoz, t. 87). NY, Smith, North America, 1500- 1560, p. 374 (from RAH, extr.) 7 lines. 1120 Dec. 5. . Note of wreck on Florida coast. AI (abstr. in RAH, Col. Mufioz, t. 87). NY, Smith, North America, 1 500-1 560, p. 374 (from RAH). 8 lines. 1121 1558 Sept. 50. Mexico. Luis de Velasco to Philip II. AI, Sim., leg. 13, Cartas de Indias (copy in DH, Col. Navarrete, t. 15, no. 19). NY, Smith, North America, 1500-1560, pp. 437-442 (from DH). 1122 Nov. I. Mexico. Juramento y pleito omenage que hizo Don Tristan de Luna y Arellano Gobernador de las Provincias de la Florida. AI, Sim., leg. 44, Autos del Consejo (copy in DH, Col. Navarrete, t. 14, no. 19). NY, Smith, North America, 1500-1560, pp. 433-436 (fromDH). 1123 1559 . . Tratado del derecho y justicia de la guerra que tienen los Reyes de Espana contra las naciones de la Yndia Ocidental. By Vicente Palatino de Corgula, O. P. Archivo de Monserrate, Madrid, in book lettered " H. 57, Varios M. S." (copy in RAH, Col. Mufioz). L, Rich, America, Span. Colonies, Miscellaneous letters and docu- ments, 1496-1775. 48 pp. 1124 Feb. I. Mexico. Declaracion de Guido de la Bazares de la Jornada que hizo a descubrir los puertos e vaias que hai en la costa de la Florida. AI, Sim., leg. 3, Consultas y cartas de Consejo a S. M. causados desde el aho de 1556 hasta el de 1576 (formerly in AS, Real Patronato antiguo, Area Indias, leg. 7; copy in RAH, Col. Mufioz, t. 78). L, Rich, Florida, Relacion Verdadera, part of no. 9; NY, Smith, North America, 1500- 1560, pp. 425-429 (from RAH). [Smith dates this 1558. See also other list, under July 10, 1561.] 1125 March 3. . Carta de Fray Pedro de Feria sobre le expedicion que por direccion de Don Luis de Velasco se iba emprender de aquel reyno a descubrir y poblar las provincias de Caza y Santa Ellena. AI. NY, Smith, North America, 1500-1560, pp. 453-455. 1128 March ^o. [Mexico ?] Real provision expedida por el Presidente y Oydores de la Audiencia de Nueba Espafia nombrandole a Don Tristan de Luna y Arellano por gobernador de la gente que yva a la poblacion de las provincias de la Florida y costa de Santa Elena. AI, Sim., Consejo, Alio de 1561, Don Tristan de Luna y Arellano vecino de la ciudad de la Guaxaca, sobre lo acahecido en la Florida (copy in DH, Col. Navarrete, t. 14, no. 21). NY, Smith, North America, 1500- 1560, pp. 461-466. 1127 78 Documents in Spanish Archives [1559 Sept. ^-Dec. 14. San Juan de Uloa. Relacion que hicieron Guido de Lave- zaris y los pilotos que fueron a descubrir los puertos y costa de la Florida. AI, Sim., leg. 12, Buen gobiemo de Indias (copy in DH, Col. Navarrete, t. 14, no. 20). NY, Smith, North America, 1500 1560, pp. 469-474- . 11^ Oct. 25. Mexico. Velasco to Arellano. AI, Sim., leg. 44, Pleitos del Consejo (copy in DH, Col. Navarrete, t. 14, no. 23). NY, Smith, North America, 15001560, pp. 477-488 (from DH). 1129 1560 . Mexico. Petition by Garcia Osorio relating his services. AI. NY, Smith, Florida. 2 pp. 1130 May 6. Mexico. Velasco to Arellano. AI, Sim., leg. 44, Pleitos del Consejo (copy in DH, Col. Navarrete, t. 14, no. 24). NY, Smith, North America, 1500-1560, pp. 493-516. 1131 Aug. 20. Mexico. Velasco to Arellano. AI, Sim., leg. 44, Pleitos del Con- sejo (copy in DH, Col. Navarrete, t. 14, no. 25). NY, Smith, North America, 1500- 1560, pp. 517-528. 1132 Sept. jp. . Respuesta del Maestre de Campo Jorge Ceron a Don Tristan de Luna y Arellano governador de la gente que fue a la poblacion de las Provincias de la Florida y Punta de Santa Elena, sobre la necesidad de comida y vastimentos que padecia la dicha gente. AI, Sim., leg. 44, Pleitos del Consejo (copy in DH, Col. Navarrete, t. 14, no. 26). NY, Smith, North America, 1500-1560, pp. 489-492 (from DH). 1133 1561 . . Arellano to Philip II. (memorial). AI, Sim., leg. 44, Pleitos del Consejo (copy in DH, Col. Navarrete, t. 14, no. 28). NY, Smith, North America, 1561-1593, pp. 9, 10 (from DH). 1134 . . Relacion del Reconocimiento que hizo el Capitan Ge- neral Angel de Villafaiie de la costa de la Florida. AI, Sim., leg. 4, Relaciones y Descripciones (copy in DH, Col. Navarette, t. 14, no. 27). NY, Smith, North America, 1561-1593, pp. 5-8. 1135 July JO. . Testimonio de Francisco de Aguillar escrivano que fue en la jomada a la Florida con Angel de Villafahe. AI, Sim., leg. 3, Consultas y cartas de Consejo a S. M. causados desde el afio de 1556 hasta el de 1576 (formerly in AS, Real Patronato antiguo. Area Indias, leg. 7; copy in RAH, Col. Munoz, t. 78). L, Rich, Florida, Relacion Verdadera, part of no. 9; NY, Smith, North America, 1500- 1560, pp. 429-431 (from RAH). [Accompanies relation of Lava- zares, February i, 1559.] 1136 Aug. 8-12. . Testimonio e informacion que dieron ciertos soldados de lo que paso en la Jornada que hizo Don Tristan de Luna y Arellano. AI. NY, Smith, North America, 1561-1593, pp. 25-45. 1137 1562 [Ca. 1362.] Relacion de la descripcion de la Florida. DH. NY, Smith, North America, 1561-1593, pp. 17, 18. [Accompanied by map.] 1138 . . Descripcion de la costa de la Florida descubierta por los Franceses. Tracing of map. DH. NY, Smith, North America, 1561-1593. [Accompanies preceding document.] 1139 1562] Transcripts 79 March 3-12. Mexico. Descripcion de la costa de la Florida hecha en virtud de una real cedula por el Gobernador Angel de Villafane, el Maese de Campo Jorge Ceron y otros (the royal decree of September 23, 1561, is inserted). AI, Sim., 1-1-1/19, ramo 12. LC, Florida and Louisiana, Ac. 399, pp. 135-149; LC, Lowery, Florida, I. 10 11. NY, Smith, North America, 1561-1593, pp. 21-24. 1140 March 3-12. Mexico. Parecer que da a S. M. el consejo de la Nueva Espaiia, en virtud de su real cedula que sigue [September 23, 1561] sobre la forma en que estava la costa de la Florida. AI, Sim., leg. 1 de Descripciones y poblaciones (copy in DH, Col. Navarrete, t. 14, no. 29). LC, Lowery, Florida, L (from DH), 12 11. NY, Smith, North America, 1561-1593, pp. 11-16 (from DH). See also Ruidiaz, Florida, II. 729. 1141 1563 Jan. 24. Paris. Spanish Ambassador at Paris to Philip H. AI, Sim., in letter book, 1563- 1567, leg. 2, of letters from Seville, Cadiz and other places (copy in DH, Col. Navarrete, t. 21, no. 81). LC, Lowery, Florida, L (from DH). 2 11. 1142 May JO. Mexico. Traslado de una carta que se escrivio a Juan de la Faneda. RAH, Papeles de Jesuitas, t. 115, fol. 439 (following fol. 295). LC, Lowery, New Mexico, II. 2 11. 1143 Jurie 12. Seville. Memorial de Lucas Vazquez y Ayllon, pidiendo la proro- gacion de la saHda para el descubrimiento de la Florida. AI, 1-1-1/19, ramo 3. LC, Lowery, Florida, I., 2 11. ; NY, Smith, North America, 1561-1593, pp. 47-51. [Accompanied by various documents touching his contract for exploration.] 1144 1564 March. . Memorial de Pedro Menendez de Aviles a S. M. sobre los agravios y malos tratamientos que recivio de los oficiales de la Casa de Contratacion. AI, leg. 5 de Relaciones y descripciones (copy in DH, Col. Navarrete, t. 21, no. 74). NY, Smith, North America, 1561-1593, pp. 57-116 (from DH). See also Ruidiaz, Florida, II. 708. 1145 April 24. San Sebastian. Juan Lopez de Vivero to Philip II. AS, Estado, leg. 144, fol. 142. NY, Smith, MSS. 3 pp. 1146 Mayg. Seville. Menendez de Aviles to Philip II. AS, Estado, leg. 144, fol. 90. NY, Smith, MSS. 6 pp. 1147 July p. Havana. Relacion e informacion de los Franceses que han ido a poblar en la costa de la Florida. AI, 54-1- 15. LC, Lowery, Florida, L 56 11. 1148 1565 [1565 ?] Memorial que dio al Rey el Adelantado Pero Menendez de Aviles, con algunos apuntamientos de lo que convenia aiiadir a la Ynstruccion que por mandado de S. M. se le dio por el Consejo de Indias, para el gobierno de la armada de los 12 galeones agalerados de que estaba provehido por capitan general. AI, leg. 2 de papeles diversos sin fecha respectivos a la Secretaria del Peru (copy in DH, Col. Nava- rrete, t. 14, no. 43). LC, Papeles relativos a la Florida, pp. 191-214; NY, Smith, North America, 1561-1593, pp. 169-182 (from DH). 1149 80 Documents in Spanish Archives [1565 [136^ f] Relacion anonima de la Florida, y memoria de todos sus Casiques. AI, Sim., 1-1-1/19, ramo 32. LC, Lowery, Florida, I. 9 11. 1150 . . Relacion de algunos apuntamientos que me parece son nescesarios para las cosas de la Florida. Signed by Juan de Posada. AI, Sim., papeles diversos sin fecha de los respectivos a la antigua governacion de Nueva Espafia y Peru (copy in DH, Col. Navarrete, t. 14, no. 31. NY, Smith, North America, 1561-1593, pp. 137, 138. 1151 . . Relacion que da Juan de Velasco cosmografo mayor de lo sucedido en el descubrimiento de la Florida desde el ano de 14 hasta el de 65. AI, Sim., 1-1-1/19, ramo 23. LC, Lowery, Florida, 1. 4 11. NY, Smith, North America, 1 500 1 561. 2 pp. 1152 . . Nombramiento de Capitan General de la Armada des- tinada para ir a la Provincia de la Florida al socorro del General Pero Menendez de Aviles, hecho por su Magestad, al Capitan Sancho de Arciniega. AI, Sim., leg. 8, Patronato Real (copy in DH, Col. Navarrete, t. 14, no. 38. NY, Smith, North America, 1 561- 1593, pp. 149, 150. See also Ruidiaz, II. 712. 1153 Feb. 28. [Havana.] Noticias del asiento y poblacion que los Franceses hicie- ron en la Florida, segun declaracion que dio Stefano de Rojamonte, natural de Paris. AI, 1-1-1/19, ramo 14. LC, Lowery, Florida, I. nil. NY, Smith, North America, 1561-1593, pp. 117-122. 1154 March 15. Madrid. Asiento que se tomo con Pero Menendez de Aviles, para la Jornada de la Florida. AI, Sim., leg. 13, Buen gobiemo de Indias (copy in DH, Col. Navarrete, t. 14, no. 32). NY, Smith, North America, 1561-1593, pp. 139-146 (from DH). [See other list, under March 20, 1565 ; possibly the same document, dated wrongly by Smith.] 1155 March 29. Seville. Juan Rodrigues de Noriega to Philip II. AI, Sim., leg. 2, cartas encuadernadas de Sevilla, etc. (copy in DH, Col. Navarrete, t. 14, no. 33). LC, Lowery, Florida, I. 611. NY, Smith, North America, 1561-1593, pp. 221-223 (from DH). 1156 March 2^. Seville. Relacion del suceso de la armada Francesa que fue a poblar la tierra de la Florida [the Laudonniere expedition]. AI, Sim., leg. 2, Cartas encuadernadas de Sevilla, Cadiz y otros puertos de los anos de 1563 al de 1567 (copy in DH, Col. Navarrete, t. 14, no. 33). LC, Lowery, Florida, I. 16 11. NY, Smith, North America, 1561- 1593, pp. 225-232 (from DH). [Enclosed in preceding item.] 1157 May 5. Madrid. Parecer del Consejo Real de las Indias sobre el derecho que S. M. tiene a las Provincias de la Florida. AI, Sim., leg. 3, Consultas y cartas del Consejo a S. M. causadas desde el ano de 1556 hasta el de 1576 (copy in DH, Col. Navarrete, t. 14, no. 34). LC, Lowery, Florida, I. 29 11. NY, Smith, North America, 1561-1593, pp. 153-165 (from DH). [There is an abstr. of a Council report on this date with pressmark AS, Patronato real antiguo. Area Indias, leg. 7 (now AI; copy in RAH, Col. Muiioz) in L, Rich, Florida, Relacion Verdadera, part of no. 9, i p. This is either the above document or that in the other list under this date.] 1158 1565] Transcripts 81 July 6. Cadiz. Declaracion que hizo Juan Sanchez, que fue hecho prisionero biniendo de la Havana a Sevilla, por un navio de cosarios Franceses. AI, Sim., leg. 5, Relaciones y descripciones (copy in DH, Col. Navarrete, t. 14, no. 36). LC, Lowery, Florida, I., 21 11.; NY, Smith, North America, 1561-1593, pp. 103-202 (a duplicate copy, from same source, pp. 209-218). 1159 Sept. . Real cedula escrita a Pero Menendez de Aviles, avisandole haver determinado y mandado hacer de nuebo 1500 infantes para enbiarselos en el armada del General Sancho de Achiniega. AI, Sim., leg. 8, patronato real (copy in DH, Col. Navarrete, t. 14, no. 39). NY, Smith, North America, 1561-1593, pp. 150-152. 1160 Sept. 15. Seville. Confession que se tomo a un hombre que bino de la ysla de Cuba sobre lo tocante a la Florida. AI, Sim., 1-1-1/19, ramo 5. LC, Lowery, Florida, I. 9 11. 1161 1566 \1566 ?] Santa Elena. Relacion de dos entradas hechas por Francisco Pardo de la Punta de Santa Elena a Guatari y Satapo llevando el camino de Zacatecas y de las vueltas, con memorial de una escursion hecha por un sargento bajo su mando. [AI ?] NY, Smith, North America, 1561-1593, pp. 127-134. [Identical with other list, under January 23, 1569 ?] 1162 April I. . Lo que de Francia se entiende por carta de 30 de Marzo rescivido a i de Abril presente. AS, Guerra, Inventario i, leg. 70 (copy in DH, Col. Sanz Barutell, art. 6, fol. 119). LC, Lowery, Florida, II. (abstr.) 2 11. 1163 1567 May ij. Seville. Cristobal de Eraso to Philip II. AI, Sim., Libro de cartas de los anos de 1563 al de 1567 del leg. 2 de los de Cartas encuademadas de Sevilla, Cadiz y otros puertos (copy in DH, Col. Navarrete, t. 21, no. 81). LC, Lowery, Florida, II. 2 11. 1164 Aug. 6. [Florida ?] Vicar Francisco de Mendoza to Philip II. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, II. 10 11. 1165 Aug. 12. St. Augustine. Vicar Francisco de Mendoza to Pero Menendez de Aviles. AI, 54-5-9. NY, Smith, Florida, 5 pp. ; R, Shea, no. 33, env. 2. 1166 1568 \i ^68-1602. ^ . Discurso y proposiciones que se hace al Rey sobre el descubrimiento del Nuevo Mexico. AI, 1-1-3/22, ramo 4. LC, Lowery, New Mexico, II. (short Eng. abstr.) 1167 March 2^. St. Augustine. Esteban de las Alas to Pedro Menendez Marquez. AI, 54-5-9. NY, Smith, Florida. 8 pp. 1168 Nov. ip. . Memoria de todas las cosas que han pasado en la Ysla Espaiiola de la banda del Norte, desde el afio de 1567 desde primero de Enero hasta 19 de Noviembre de 68. AI, leg. i, Descripciones y poblaciones (copy in DH, Col. Navarrete, t. 25, no. 22). NY, Smith, North America, 1561-1593, pp. 317-330 (from DH). 1169 82 Documents in Spanish Archives [1569 1569 [136^.] . Dos breves memorias sobre las costumbres de los Yndios de la Florida. Llevan notas y apuntes del Cosmografo Lopez de Velasco. AI, Indiferente general, 135-7-8. LC, Lowery, Florida, II. 811. 1170 . Santa Elena. Fray Juan Rogel, missionary in Oristu, to Juan de Hinistrosa, royal treasurer in Cuba. [AI ?] NY, Smith, North America, 1561-1593, pp. 337-341. 1171 156^1571. Services of Diego Lopez, one of the Florida conquistadors. AI, NY, Smith, Florida. 28 pp. 1172 Jan. ip. Mexico. Parecer que da a S. M. la Audiencia de Nueva Espafia sobre lo propuesto por Pero Menendez de Aviles, de poblar en el Rio de Panuco que es en la Florida. AI, Sim., leg. i, Relaciones y descripciones (copy in DH, Col. Navarrete, t. 14, no. 42). LC, Papeles relativos a la Florida, pp. 183-188; id., Lowery, Florida, II., 3 11. ; NY, Smith, North America, 1561-1593, pp. 313-335 (from DH). [All three copies enclose a royal decree of Madrid, July 31, 1568.] 1173 May 5. St. Augustine. Carta de Estevan de las Alas (sin concluir) sobre la perdida del fuerte de San Mateo en la Florida. AI, 2-5-1/9. LC, Lowery, Florida, II. 7 11. 1174 Dec. 16. St. Augustine. Probanza de los meritos y servicios de Diego Lopez uno de los conquistadores y pobladores de la Florida con el Adelantado Pedro Menendez de Aviles. AI, 1-2-2/18, ramo 3. LC, Lowery, Florida, II. (Eng. abstr.) i leaf. [Possibly the same docu- ment, at least in part, as that ante, under 1569-1571.] 1175 1570 [^570-1380 f] [Havana ?] Discurso sobre la poblacion de la costa de la Florida, e inconvenientes que se ofrecieron para su fortificacion y defensa. AI, leg. de papeles diversos sin fecha de la antigua governa- cion de Nueva Espana y Peru (copy in DH, Col. Navarrete, t. 14, no. 47). LC, Papeles relativos a la Florida, pp. 263-300 ; LC, Lowery, Florida, II., 34 11. ; NY, Smith, North America, 1561-1593, pp. 343- 362 (from DH). 1176 . . Letter from Chaplain Quiros. AI, NY, Smith, Florida. 42 11. 1177 Letter from Juan Bautista de Segnra. AI, NY, Smith, Florida. 19 11. 1178 Sept. 7. San Mateo. Pedro Menendez Marquez to his soldiers. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, II., 8 11. ; NY, Smith, Florida. 3 pp. 1179 Sept. 12. . Letter from Chaplain Quiros. AI. NY, Smith, Flo- rida, 2^/2 pp. ; R, Shea, no. 33, env. 2. 1180 Oct. 20. Royal decree regarding Menendez de Aviles. Library of Marques de San Estevan de Mar, Oviedo. NY, Smith, MSS. 26 lines. 1181 Nov. 15. Segovia. Royal decree concerning pay of soldiers and officials in Florida. [AI ?] NY, Smith, North America, 1561-1593. 44 lines. 1182 1571] Transcripts 83 Avisos de la poderosa armada compuesta de 70 6 80 navios que preparan en la Rochela y otros puertos de Bretana el Almirante de Francia, Principe de Oranges, Conde Ludovico, su hermano y otro. AI, Sim., leg. 4 de biien gobierno de Indias (copy in DH, Col. Navarrete, t. 25, no. 26). NY, Smith, North America, 1500-1560, pp. 443-444 (from DH) ; id., 1561-1593, pp. 363, 364 (fromDH). 1183 Jan. II. Madrid. Royal decree sent to officials of Casa de Contratacion, Seville. AI, Florida desde 1570 hasta 1604. NY, Smith, Florida. 2 pp. 1184 Jem. ig. Madrid. Royal decree sent to officials of Casa de Contratacion, Seville. AI, Florida desde 1570 hasta 1604. NY, Smith, Florida. 2 pp. 1185 1573 Feb. 4-5. Madrid. Averiguaciones hechas por el Licenciado Gamboa sobre el estado en que se encuentra las cosas de la Florida. AI, 2-1-1/27. LC, Lowery, Florida, II., 31 11. ; NY, Smith, Florida. 16 pp. 1186 Feb. 2^. Madrid. Real orden a los oficiales de Sevilla que provean de lo necesario a seis religiosos que van a la Florida. AI, 1 54-1- 18, t. i, fol. 82. LC, Lowery, Florida, II. (short Eng. abstr.) 1187 Feb. 2^. Madrid. Real orden al comisario general de San Francisco que nombre seis religiosos que vayian a la Florida. AI, 1 54-1- 18, t. i, fol. 82. LC, Lowery, Florida, II. (short Eng. abstr.) 1188 lune II. Madrid. Mandamiento real a los oficiales reales de la Florida sobre los monasteries de la Florida. AI, 154-1-18, t. i, fol. 89. LC, Low- ery, Florida, II. (short Eng. abstr.) 1189 July Jj. San Lorenzo el Real. Royal decree regarding pay of soldiers, etc., in Florida. [AI ?] NY, Smith, North America, 1561-1593. 26 lines. 1190 Dec. 5. Real orden a los oficiales de Sevilla que paguen a XVIII Religiosos Franciscanos que van a la Florida a ragon de real y medio por dia a cada uno para su sustenta^ion el tiempo que guarden a se embarcar. AI, 154-1-18, t. I, fol. 104. LC, Lowery, Florida, II. (short Eng. abstr.) 1191 Dec. 7. Madrid. Petition of Menendez de Aviles to Philip II. AI. NY, Smith, MSS. 2 pp. 1192 1574 Memorial del tiempo en que navegan las naos de Vizcaya y galeras de Castro, las primeras a la pesqueria de Bacallaos y Ballena, y las segundas, a besuquear, etc. AI, Sim., Buen gobiemo de Indias (copy in DH, Col. Navarrete, t. 28, no. 22). NY, Smith, North America, 1561-1593. i p. 1193 Jan. 18. Aranjuez. Royal decree concerning pay of government employes in Florida. [AI ?] NY, Smith, North America, 1561-1593. 40 lines. 1194 Sept. 7. Santander. Letter from Menendez de Aviles. Archives of Mar- ques de San Estevan, Oviedo. NY, Smith, MSS. 9 pp. 1195 84 Documents in Spanish Archives [15Y5 1575 [Ca. 7575 f] Excerpta geographica ex inedito itinere Joan a Scalante. RAH, Col. Mufioz, t. 6, no. 11. LC, Lowery, Florida, IV. (Span, extr.) 3 11. 1196 [7575 f] Memoria de todos los caciques de la Florida. [By Escalante Fonta- neda ?] AI (copy in RAH, Col. Munoz). NY, Smith, North America, 1561-1593. 2 pp. 1197 . . Ytinerario de Navegacion de los Mares, y tierras Oci- dentales. Compuesta por el Capitan Jhoan de Escalante de Men- doza. BR (copy in DH, Col. Navarrete). NY, Smith, North Amer- ica, 1561-1593, pp. 385-399 (extr.) 15 pp. 1198 1576 . Santa Elena. Ynstancias a S. M. de Francisco Ruiz en nombre de los vecinos y pobladores de la Florida solicitando cambiar de residencia, acompanada de informacion de testigos. AI, 54-5-16. LC, Lowery, Florida, II. 30 11. 1199 1577 Jan. 13-20. Yagiiana, Santo Domingo. Parecer de la Junta que hizo Don Christoval de Eraso, Capitan General de la Real armada de la guardia de las Yndias sobre el aviso que tubo de haberse revelado los indios de la Florida y apoderadose del Fuerte de Santa Elena para ir a su restauracion. AI, 1-1-1/19, ramo 27 (formerly AI, leg. 4, Relaciones y descripciones ; copy in DH, Col. Navarrete, t. 14, no. 46) . LC, Papeles relativos a la Florida, pp. 251-259; LC, Lowery, Florida, II, 8 11. ; in same vol. another shortened version of i leaf ; NY, Smith, North America, 1 561-1593, 2 pp. 1200 Jem. ip. Yaguana. Informacion sobre el levamiento de los Yndios de la Florida y perdida del fuerte de Santa Elena. AI, Sim., 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, II. 17 11. 1201 Jan. 22. Yaguana. Eraso to Philip II. DH, Col. Navarrete, t. 22, no. 98. LC, Lowery, Florida, II. (short Eng. abstr.) i leaf. 1202 March 22. Madrid. Royal decree concerning aid for Florida. [AI ?] NY, Smith, North America, 1561-1593. i>4 p. 1203 April 30. Island of San Miguel. Luis Mendez Victorio to Juan de Silva. AI, 2-1-1/27. LC, Lowery, Florida, IL (extr.) 2 11. 1204 June 75. Havana. Expediente sobre que el adelantado Pedro Menendez Marques fuese a la Florida al reparo y fortificacion del castillo Santa Elena, del que se habian apoderado y quemado los Yndios. AI, 1-1-1/19, ramo 26. LC, Lowery, Florida, II. (short Eng. abstr.) I leaf. 1205 June 15-18. Havana. Peticion que hizo Pero Menendez Marques de dos fragatas y quarenta hombres, para reparer y fortificar el fuerte de Santa Elena, etc. AI, 1-1-1/19, ramo 26 (copy in DH, Col. Nava- rrete, t. 14, no. 49) . LC, Papeles relativos a la Florida, pp. 337-344 ; LC, Lowery, Florida, XL, 9 11.; NY, Smith, North America, 1561- 1593, 3 PP- 1206 June 20. Havana. Antonio Navarro to Philip II. DH, Col. Navarrete, t. 22. LC, Lowery, Florida, II. (Span, and Eng. extr. and abstr.) I leaf. 1207 1577] Transcripts 85 Oct. 2"/. San Lucar. Pedro de Salinas to Duque de Medinasidonia. AS, Estado, leg. 830, fol. 164. NY, Smith, MSS. 3 pp. 1208 Nov. 3. Seville. Licentiate Gamboa to Secretary Mateo Vazquez. AS, Estado, leg. 830, fol. 164. NY, Smith, MSS. (extr.) i p. 1209 1578 . Veracruz. Derretero hecho por el ynsigno y sabio pilota Ysidro de la Puebla desde la barra de San Lucar a San Juan de Lua. BN, MSS. 4541 ; Col. de Juan Antonio de Gallardo, Toledo. LC, Lowery, Florida, II., 6 11.; NY, Smith, MSS. (extr.) 11 lines. 1210 June 15. St. Augustine. Pedro Menendez Marques to Philip II. AI, 54- 5-16. LC, Lowery, Florida, II. (extr.) 9 11. 1211 Dec. 10. El Pardo. Royal decree concerning pay of troops in Florida. [AI ?] NY, Smith, North America, 1561-1593. 27 lines. 1212 Dec. 10. El Pardo. Royal decree concerning pay of officials, etc., in Florida. [AI ?] NY, Smith, North America, 1561-1593. i p. 1213 1579 [1579 ^] [Havana ?] Pedro Menendez Marques to Philip II. [AI ?] NY, Smith, North America, 1561-1593 (abstr.), pp. 407, 408. 25 lines. 1214 . . Reconocimiento de la costa de la Florida, Carolina y Virginia por Pedro Menendez Marquez. [AI ?] LC, Florida and Louisiana, Ac. 399, pp. 151-157, 1215 Expediente del sargento Luys de Paez. AI, 54-5-16. LC, Lowery, Florida, II. (short Eng. abstr.) 1216 June 2y. St. Augustine. Ynstruccion que dio Pedro Menendez Marquez a su agente quien parece les presento como memorial a S. M. del parte del dicho gobernador. [AI ?] NY, Smith, North America, 1561- 1593. 2 pp. 1217 Sept. Ip, 1579-1580. Madrid. Various petitions and memorials by Captain Rodrigo de Junco regarding aid for Florida. AI. NY, Smith, North America, 1 561-1593. 7 pp. 1218 1580 [Ca. 1580 .^] Relacion de lo que monta el suelto y raziones que ha de aver la gente que reside en la Florida. [AI ?] NY, Smith, North Amer- ica, 1561-1593. I p. 1219 Jan. J. St. Augustine. Menendez Marques to Philip II. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, III., 8 11. ; NY, Smith, Florida. 3 pp. 1220 Jan. p. Madrid. Aid for Florida. [AI ?] NY, Smith, North America, 1561-1593. 2 pp. ... . 1221 Jan. 2y. El agente del gobernador de la Florida pide ciertas cantidades de polvora y municion para las fuertes, y que preparen dos buques de trasportacion. [AI ?] NY, Smith, North America, 1561-1593. 14 lines. 1222 March 25. Santa Elena. Menendez Marques to Philip II. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, III., 4 11. ; NY, Smith, Florida. 35 lines. 1223 March 2p. . News from Florida brought by the fleet. AS, Guerra, Inventario, leg. i, no. 102 (copy in DH, Col. Sanz Barutell, art. 4, fol. 85, no. 533). LC, Lowery, Florida, III. (extr.) i leaf. 1224 86 Documents in Spanish Archives [1580 May II. Havana. Menendez Marques to Philip II. AI, 54-5-16. LC, Lowery, Florida, III. (Eng. abstr.) i leaf. 1225 May 15. Havana. Menendez Marques to Philip II. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Low- ery, Florida, III., 2 11. (Span. extr. and Eng. abstr.) ; NY, Smith, Florida. 7 pp. 1226 After Aug. i. Santa Elena. Relacion de la victoria que Pedro Menendez Marques consiguio en el Puerto de San Mateo, el dia 20 de Julio de un cosario Frances. AI, leg. 12, Papeles di versos desta antigua govemacion de Nueva Espafia y Peru (copy in DH, Col. Navarrete, t. 14, no. 50) . LC, Papeles relativos a la Florida, pp. 347-354 ; LC, Lowery, Florida, III., 7 11.; NY, Smith, North America, 1561-1593, 3 pp. (from DH). 1227 Oct. 12. St. Augustine. Royal Officials of Florida to Philip II. AI, 54-5-14. LC, Lowery, Florida, III. (extr.) 8 11. 1228 Oct. 12. St. Augustine. Captain Rodrigo de Junco to Philip 11. AI, 54-5- 16. LC, Lowery, Florida, III. 3 11. 1229 Oct. 14. St. Augustine. Captain Gutierre de Miranda to Philip II. AI, 54-5-16. LC, Lowery, Florida, III. 4 11. 1230 Oct. 15. St. Augustine. Menendez Marques to Philip II. AI, 54-5-9 (for- merly AI, leg. 12, Papeles diversos de la antigua governacion de Nueva Espafia y Peru; copy in DH, Col. Navarrete, t. 14, no. 52). LC, Papeles relativos a la Florida, pp. 361-385 ; LC, Lowery, Florida, III., 14 11. ; NY, Smith, Florida, 10 pp. ; id., North America, 1561- 1593, 8 pp. See also Ruidiaz, Florida, II. 731. 1231 1581 Jan. 31. [St. Augustine ?] Menendez Marques to Philip II. AI, 54-5-1 1. LC, Lowery, Florida, III. (Eng. abstr.) i leaf. 1232 [June f] . Entrada que hizo en el Nuevo Mexico Francisco San- chez Chamuscado, en Junio. AI, Sim., 1-1-3/22, ramo 4, fol. 27. LC, Lowery, New Mexico, II. 145 11. [In expediente entitled " Vin- cente de Baldivar Mendo^a maestre de campo de la Jornada del Nuevo Mexico, por si, y en nombre de Don Joan Onate sobre que se le de cierto socorro que pide ".] 1233 1582 . . Entrada que hizo en el Nuevo Mexico Anton de Espejo. AI, 1-1-3/22, ramo 4, fol. 60. LC, Lowery, New Mexico, II. 121 11. [From same expediente as preceding item.] 1234 Jan. 22. [St. Augustine ?] Carta de Juan Cevadilla thesorero de la real hacienda de la Florida. AI, 54-5-14. LC, Lowery, Florida, III. (extr.) I leaf. 1235 July 6. St. Augustine. Menendez Marques to Philip II. AI, 54-5-16. LC, Lowery, Florida, III. 5 11. 1236 July ip. St. Augustine. Menendez Marques to Philip II. AI, 54-5-16. LC, Lowery, Florida, III. (extr.) 2 11. 1237 1583 Feb. p. St. Augustine. Expediente de Capitan Gutierre de Miranda. AI, 54-5-16. LC, Lowery, Florida, III. (short Eng. abstr.) 1238 June I. Aranjuez. Real cedula al presidente y juezes oficiales de Sevilla. AI, 154-1-18, t. 3. LC, Lowery, Florida, III. (short Eng. abstr.) 1239 1583] Transcripts 87 Aug. I. St. Augustine. Menendez Marques to Philip II. (two letters) . AT, 54-5-1 and 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, III. (two short Eng-. abstrs.) ; NY, Smith, Florida, 2 pp.; id., 17 lines. 12& Nov. 12. Madrid. Real orden del Rey. AI, 154-1-18, t. 2, fol. 57. LC, Lowery, Florida, III. (short Eng-. abstr.) 1241 Nov. 22. El Pardo. Real orden al presidente y oficiales de la Casa de la Contratacion. AI, 1 54-1- 18, t. 2, fol. 58. LC, Lowery, Florida, III. (short Eng. abstr.) 1242 Nov. 22. El Pardo. Real cedula al gobemador de la Florida. AI, 154-1-18, t. 2, fol. 59. LC, Lowery, Florida, III. (short Eng. abstr.) 1243 Nov. 22. El Pardo. Real orden a los oficiales de la Casa de Contratacion. AI, 154-1-18, t. 2, fol. 60. LC, Lowery, Florida, III. (short Eng. abstr.) 1244 Dec. 2y. St. Augustine. Menendez Marques to Philip 11. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, III. (extr,), i leaf; NY, Smith, Florida, 30 pp. 1245 1584 . . Historia de los descubrimientos antiguos y modernos de Nueva Espana y Nuevo Mexico. By Baltasar de Obregon. AI, 1-1-3/22, ramo 7. LC, Lowery, New Mexico, III. (extr.) 136 11. [Accompanied by two letters by the same, dated, Mexico, April 17 and 26. The extract begins with chap. 32.] 1246 March ^i. San Lorenzo. Royal order concerning Florida. AI, 154-1-18, t. 2, fol. 86. LC, Lowery, Florida, III. (short Eng. abstr.) 1247 April 6. [St. Augustine ?] Relacion de las cosas que ban pasado en la Florida tocante al servicio de Dios y del Rey. AI, 54-5-16. LC, Lowery, Florida, III. 17 11. 1248 Oct. I J. . Domingo de Leon to [Philip II. ?]. AI, 54-5-16. LC, Lowery, Florida, III. (short Eng. abstr.) 1249 1585 . . Services and merits of Juan Melendez de Valdes. [AI ?] NY, Smith, Florida, i p. 1250 Jan. 22. Mexico. Viceroy- Archbishop Moya y Contreras to Philip II. AI, leg. 18 de Cartas de Indias (copy in DH, Col. Navarrete, t. 19, no. 2). NY, Smith, North America, 1561-1593 (extr. from DH). 35 lines. 1251 ]une 22. [Havana ?] Diego Hernandez de Quinones, Alcayde and Captain of Havana, to Philip II. AI, Sim., leg. 3, Buen gobiemo de Indias (copy in DH, Col. Navarrete, t. 25, no. 48). NY, Smith, North America, 1561-1593 (from DH). 4 pp. 1252 Aug. 8. St. Augustine. Captain Gutierre de Miranda to [Philip II.?]. AI, 54-5-16. LC, Lowery, Florida, III. (short Eng. abstr.) 1253 1586 1586-1600. St. Aug^JStine. Ynformacion hecha sobre la entrada que hizo en aquellas provincias el cosario Ingles Francisco Draque, saqueando, robando y quemando el fuerte donde se hallaban las cajas real y de bienes de difuntos. AI, 54-9-67 (there appears to be a duplicate in AI, 54-5-16). LC, Lowery, Florida, III. 48 11. [This MS. bears dates June 30, 1587, and April 10, 1600 (the latter signed by notary Juan Ximenez).] 1254 88 Documents in Spanish Archives [1586 Feb. 5. Madrid. Real orden al presidente y juezes oficiales de Sevilla. AI, 154-1-18, t. 3, fol. 94. LC, Lowery, Florida, III. (Span, abstr. in title). 1255 May 10. St. Augustine. Menendez de Marques to Philip II. AI, 54-5-16. LC, Lowery, Florida, III. (short Span. extr. and Eng. abstr.) 1256 June ly-July 16. [St. Augustine.] Menendez Marques to Philip II. AI, 2-6-2/21, ramo 51 (Ruidiaz, Florida, II. 231, gives pressmark as AI, leg. 13, Papeles de la antigua gobernacion de Nueva Espana y Peru ; copy in DH). LC, Lowery, Florida, III. (Span, abstr. of two letters). 4 11. 1257 Nov. p. Cartagena. Albaro Flores to Philip II. DH, Col. Navarrete, t. 22, no. 98. LC, Lowery, Florida, III. (short Span, extr.) 1258 Dec. 12. St. Augustine. Menendez Marques to Philip II. [AI ?] NY, Smith, Florida. 4 pp. 1259 Dec. 12. St. Augustine. Extracto de un certificado por Capitan Juan de Posada. [AI ?] NY, Smith, Florida. 17 lines. 1260 1587 . Relacion hecha por Pedro de Arpide piloto de la carrera de las Yndias, sobre la pesca de las ballenas en la costa de la Florida. AI, 2-1-1/27 (formerly AI, Sim., leg. 14, Papeles diversos de la antigua gobernacion de Nueva Espana y Peru ; copy in DH, Col. Navarrete, t. 14, no. 51). LC, Papeles relativos a la Florida, pp. 355-358 ; LC, Lowery, Florida, III., 4 11. ; NY, Smith, North America, 1561-1593, 2 pp. [The title of this document is printed in the report of Congreso Am., Madrid, 1881, no. 260.] 1261 March 11. Madrid. Royal decree to viceroy of Nueva Espana, Marques de Villamanrique. AI, 154-1-18, t. 3, fol. no. LC, Lowery, New Mexico, III. (Span, abstr. in title). 1262 March 16. El Pardo. Royal decree addressed to Florida officials. AI, 154- 1-18, t. 3, fol. 116. LC, Lowery, Florida, III. (short abstr.) 1263 July 8. San Sebastian. Miguel de Oquendo to Andres de Alva. DH, Col. Sanz Barutell, art. 6, no. 94. LC, Lowery, Florida, III. (short Span, abstr. in title). 1264 1588 [1588.] . Relacion que dio el Capitan Vizente Gonzalez de lo que observe en el viage que hizo con 50 soldados y dos lanchas al reconcimiento del fuerte que se entendio havian hecho Franceses en la costa de Santa Elena. AI, Sim., leg. Papeles diversos sin fecha de la Secretaria de Nueva Espana (copy in DH, Col. Navarrete, t. 14, no. 54). LC, Papeles relativos a la Florida, pp. 407-413 ; LC, Lowery, Florida, III, (extr.), 3 11.; NY, Smith, North America, 1561-1593, 3 pp. [Ruidiaz, Florida, II. 732, dates this relation as above. Smith says that it is probably false.] 1265 . . Expediente sobre los servicios de Joan Ramirez de Contre- ras vecino de la ciudad de Sant Augustin en la provincia de la Florida. AI, 54-5-16. LC, Lowery, Florida, III. (Span. extr. and Eng. abstr.) 3 11. 1266 July J/. Menendez Marques to Philip II. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, HI., II 11. ; NY, Smith, Florida, 4 pp. [See other list.] 1267 1588] Transcripts 89 Aug. 12. St. Augustine. Ynformacion hecha por Pedro Menendez Marques, de las diligencias por el hechas cuando el corsario Yngles Francisco Draque entro en aquellas provincias. AI, 54-5-9, fol. 8i. LC, Lowery, Florida, III. 15 11. 1268 1589 Oct. 4. San Lorenzo. Real orden al Provincial de San Francisco de la Florida. AI, 1 54-1- 18, t. 4, fol. 135. LC, Lowery, Florida, III. (short Eng. abstr.) ^ 1269 Oct. 4. San Lorenzo. Real orden al Gobernador de la Florida. AI, 154- 1-18, t. 4, fol. 136. LC, Lowery, Florida, III. (short Eng. abstr.) 1270 Oct. II. San Lorenzo. Real orden a los officiales de la Florida. AI, 154- 1-18, t. 4, fol. 137. LC, Lowery, Florida, III. (title contains abstr.) 1271 Oct. 18. San Lorenzo. Real orden a los officiales de la Florida. AI, 154- 1-18, t. 4, fol. 138. LC, Lowery, Florida, III. (abstr. in title). 1272 Nov. 6. Madrid. Real orden a Antonio de Cartagena. AI, 154-1-18, t. 4, fol. 140. LC, Lowery, Florida, III. (short abstr.) 1273 1590 [Ca. i5po.] . Discurso i proposiciones que se haze a V. M. de lo tocante a los descubrimientos del Nuevo Mexico. AS, Indias, leg. Libertad de Indios (copy in RAH, Col. Munoz). L, Rich, Central America, Mexico, New Mexico. 16 pp. 1274 . Havana ; Santo Domingo. Aplicacion presentada en el Consejo Real y ciertos poderes y obligaciones. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, III. (short Eng^ abstr.) 1275 March 6. El Pardo. Real orden al Gobernador de la Florida. AI, 154-1-18, t. 4, fol. 149. LC, Lowery, Florida, III. (short Eng. abstr.) 1276 1591 May 20. St. Augustine. Bartolome de Arguelles to [Philip II. ?]. AI, 54- 5-14, LC, Lowery, Florida, III. (Span, extr., and Eng. abstr.) 2 11. 1277 1593 [1593 n Relacion de algunos apuntamientos que me parece son nescesarios para las cosas de la Florida. By Juan de Posada. AI, Sim., Papeles diversos sin fecha de los respectivos a la antigua gobernacion de Nueva Espana y Peru (copy in DH, Col. Navarrete, t. 14, no. 31). LC, Lowery, Florida, III., 4 11.; NY, Smith, North America, 1561- 1593. PP- i37» 138- 1278 Feb. 28. Carta del Alferez Hernando de Mestas sobre el estado de las provincias de la Florida (two copies). AI, 1407-37. LC, Lowery, Florida, III. 15 11. 1279 July so. [St. Augustine ?] Menendez Marques to Philip II. AI, Sim., leg. 16 de papeles diversos de la antigua gobernacion de Nueva Espaiia y Peru (copy in DH, Col. Navarrete, t. 14, no. 53). LC, Papeles relativos a la Florida, pp. 389-404 ; LC, Lowery, Florida, III., 2 11. ; NY, Smith, North America, 1 561- 1593. 1280 90 Documents in Spanish Archives [1593 Nov. i6. Mexico. Asiento que tomo el Virrey de Nneva Espana con Sevas- tian Vizcaino, y otros armadores companeros suios para la Jornada al descubrimiento de la California. DH, Col. Navarrete, t. 19, no. 4. LC, Lowery, California (Span, extr. and Eng. abstr.) 2 11. 1281 1594 July 4. St. Augustine, Domingo Martinez de Avendaiio to Philip II, AI, 54-5-16. LC, Lowery, Florida, III. 4 11. 1282 July 6. St, Augustine. Carta de Fray Francisco de Maron. AI, 54-3-20. LC, Lowery, Florida, III. (short Eng. abstr.) 1283 1595 Juite y. San Lorenzo. Respuesta del Consejo a Fray Joan de Silba de la orden de San Francisco custodio de los conbentos de su orden de la Florida. AI, 154-1-18, t. 5, fol. 104. LC, Lowery, Florida, III. (short Eng. abstr.) 1284 June 18. Madrid. Copia del salario de Domingo Martinez de Avendano. Real cedula. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, III. (short Eng. abstr.) [The above leg. contains other cedulas on the same sub- ject] 1285 July 6. Havana. Carta del Gobemador de la Habana D. Juan Maldonado Bamuevo, acompaiiando derretero de las costas de la Florida, etc. AI, 54-1-15. LC, Lowery, Florida, III. Letter, 6 11. ; derrotero, 9 11. 1286 Sept. 15. St. Augustine. Domingo Martinez de Abendano to [Philip II. ?]. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, III. (short Eng. abstr.) 1287 Nov. 25. [St. Augustine ?] Acuerdo por los oficiales reales de la Florida. AI, 54-5-16. LC, Lowery, Florida, III. (short Eng. abstr.) 1288 Dec. IS- [St. Augustine.] Royal Officials of Florida to Philip II. AI, 54-5-14. LC, Lowery, Florida, III. (short Eng. abstr.) 1289 Dec. 18. . Letter by Captain Vincente Gonzales. AI, 54-5-16. LC, Lowery, Florida, III. (short Eng. abstr.) 1290 1596 Jan. II. St. Augustine. Parrafo de una carta de Alonso de las Alas. AI, 54-5-16. LC, Lowery, Florida, III. 4 11. 1291 Jcuu ip. , Expediente de Juan de Morales curador de los hijos de Rodrigo de Junco gobernador que fue de la Florida., AI, 54-5-16, LC, Lowery, Florida, III. (short Eng. abstr,) 1292 May 8. Azeca. Royal decree addressed to Conde de Monterey, Viceroy of Nueva Espana. [AI ?] H, PM, Hemenway Coll., New Mexico, 1595-1778. 17 H- . 1293 May 2^. Toledo. Copia del salario de Gongalo Mendez de Can^o. AI, 54- 5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, III. (short Eng. abstr.) 1294 'June 20. Toledo. Royal decree addressed to the Viceroy of Nueva Espana. AI, 154-1-18, t 5, fol. 48. LC, Lowery, New Mexico, III. (title furnishes abstr.) 1295 Dec. 16. Madrid. Real cedula al presidente y juezes officiales de Sevilla. AI, 154-1-18, t. 5, fol. 67. LC, Lowery, New Mexico, III. (short Eng. abstr.) 1296 Dec. 23. St. Augustine. Letter by Fray Francisco de Maron. AI, 54-5-20, LC, Lowery, Florida, III, (short Eng, abstr,) 1297 1597] Transcripts 91 1597 i^p/-i^p8. Testimonio de lo sucedido en la lengiia de Guale en el viaje que hizo Gonzalo Mendes de Cango. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, III. 85 11. 1298 Jan. 2j. St. Augustine. Ynformacion hecha ante Fray Francisco Maron custodio cura y vicario de aquellas provincias, sobre la pobreza y necesidad en que se encuentran los Religiosos Misioneros y del buen efecto de las misiones entre los naturales. AI, 54-5-20. LC, Lowery, Florida, III. 21 11. 1299 June 21. . Royal decree addressed to Domingo Martinez de Aben- dano. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, III. (short Eng. abstr.) 1300 July 28. St. Augustine. Testimonio de la ropa, harina, herramientos y otras cosas que se ban dado a los Indios por mandado de Gongalo Mendez de Cango gobernador y capitan general de las provincias de la Florida. AI, 54-5-16. LC, Lowery, Florida, III. 16 11. 1301 Nov. so-Dee. i. St. Augustine. Testimonio de la ynformacion que se hizo sobre la muerte de Juan Ramirez de Contreras. AI, 54-5-16. LC, Lowery, Florida, III. 22 11. 1302 1598 Copies of letters of Gonzalo Mendez de Canzo, with exhibits attached. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, IV. (short Eng. abstr.) 1303 . . Trasunto de como son las bacas de Cibola. AS. L, Rich, Central America, Mexico, New Mexico. [This very closely resembles the early printed sketches of the buffalo.] 1304 Feb. 2^. St. Augustine. Mendez de Canzo to Philip II. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, IV., 35 11. ; NY, Smith, Florida, 4 pp. (extr.) 1305 Feb. 25. St. Augustine. Mendez de Canzo to Philip II. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, IV. (short Eng. abstr.) 1306 July I. Caravanchel. Orden al gobernador de la Florida. AI, 154-1-18, t. 5, fol. 160. LC, Lowery, Florida, IV. (short Eng. abstr.; and Span. abstr. in title). 1307 July 1-28. St. Augustine. Ynformacion sobre la muerte de los Relixiosos en la lengua de Guale y muerte de Lucas Yndio que se hallo en una de ellos. AI, 1-1-1/19, ramo 28. LC, Lowery, Florida, IV. 47 11. 1308 Aug. 5. St. Augustine. Bartolome de Arguelles to the King. AI, 54-5-14. LC, Lowery, Florida, IV. (short Eng. abstr.) 1309 Aug. 8. St. Augustine. Mendez de Canzo to the King. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, IV. 11 11. 1310 Sept. 8. San Juan Bautista, N. M. Relacion de como los Padres de San Francisco se encargaron de las provincias de la Nuevo Mexico, con testimonio autorizado. AI, 1-1-3/22, ramo 13. LC, Lowery, New Mexico, III., 12 11. ; id., another copy. 1311 Oct. 57. St. Augustine. Bartolome de Arguelles to the King. AI, 54-5-14. LC, Lowery, Florida, IV. (short Eng. abstr.) 1312 Nov. 9. . Royal decree addressed to Juan Maldonado de Bamuevo. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, IV. (short Eng. abstr.) 1313 Nov. 14. St. Augustine. Mendez de Canzo to the King. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, IV. (Eng. abstr.) 2 11. 1314 92 Documents in Spanish Archives [1599 1599 San Juan de Bautista, N. M. Relaciones que envio Don Juan de Onate de algunas jornadas descubrimientos y ensayos que se hicieron en Nuevo Megico. AI, 1-1-3/22. LC, Lowery, New Mexico, III. 65 11. [Relations bv various persons, all sent by Onate.] ' 1315 March 8. St. Augustine. Fray Francisco Pareja to Philip III. AI, 54-5-20. LC, Lowery, Florida, IV. 7 11. 1316 March 18. St. Augustine. Contador Bartolome de Arguelles to Philip III. AI, 54-5-14. LC, Lowery, Florida, IV. 7 11. 1317 March 20. St. Augustine. Alonso de las Alas to Philip III. AI, 54-5-14. LC, Lowery, Florida, IV. 5 11. 1318 June I. [St. Augustine.] Royal Officials of Florida to Philip III. AI, 54- 5-14. LC, Lowery, Florida, IV. (short Eng. abstr.) 1319 Oct. 12. [St. Augustine.] Letter from Fray Francisco de Pareja. AI, 54- 5-20, LC, Lowery, Florida, IV. (Span, extr., with Eng. abstr.) 1320 Dec. 12. [St. Augustine ?] Fray Baltasar Lopez, O. S. F. to Philip III. AI, 54-5-20. LC, Lowery, Florida, IV. 1 1 11. 1321 1600 Jan. 12. St. Augustine. Alonso de las Alas to Philip III. AI, 54-5-14. LC, Lowery, Florida, IV. (extr.) 19 11. 1322 Jan. SI- St. Augustine. Auto y pregon del gobernador de la Florida Gon- zalo Mendez de Cango sobre la libertad de los Yndios. AI, 54-5-9, fol. 16. LC, Lowery, Florida, IV. 5 11. 1323 Feb. 4~6. St. Augustine. Ynformacion hecha de oficio ante Don Gonzalo Mendez de Canzo sobre la situacion de la Fama y sus riquezas y de la poblacion de Yngleses. AI, 54-5-9, fol. 17. LC, Lowery, Florida, IV. 40 11. 1324 Feb. 12. . Petition regarding Father Ricardo Artur. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, IV. (Span. extr. and Eng. abstr.) 1325 Feb. 20. Nombre de Dios, Florida. Letter by Doiia Maria Carica. AI, 54- 5-16. LC, Lowery, Florida, IV. (short Span, extr.) 1326 Feb. 20. St. Augustine. Letter by Bartolome de Arguelles. AI, 54-5-14. LC, Lowery, Florida, IV. (short Span. extr. and Eng. abstr.) 1327 Feb. 28. St. Augustine. Mendez de Canzo to Philip III. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, IV. 14 11. 1328 Feb. 28 or 29. [St. Augustine.] Mendez de Canzo to Philip III. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, IV. (short Span, extr.) 1329 May 18. St. Augustine. Testimonio cerca de la pacificacion de los caciques de la provincia de Quale. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, IV. 14 11. 1330 May 18. . Carta de Espogache, Cacique de Guale. AI, 54-5-16. LC, Lowery, Florida, IV, (short Eng. abstr.) 1331 June 28. St. Augustine. Mendez de Canzo to Philip III. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, IV. (short Span. extr. and Eng. abstr.) 1332 June 30. St. Augustine. Carta de Pedro de Redondo Villegas contador de la artilleria de la Habana que fue a tomar los quentas de la Florida. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, IV. (short Eng. abstr.) 1333 Oct. 24. [St. Augustine ?] Memorial de Gonzalo Mendez de Cango. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, IV. (short Eng. abstr.) 1334 XVII Cent.] Transcripts 93 XVII. Century ( ?) Fragmentos de historia de Nueva Espana. Col. de Diego Panes (in Spain ?). L, Rich, Miscelanea de la Nueva Espana, 174 11. ; id., another copy, 237 11. 1335 Noticia y reflexiones sobre la Guerra que se tiene con los Yndios Apaches en las Provincias de Nueva Espana. [In Spain ?] L, Rich, Indies Apaches California, etc. 14 pp. [This may be the original, or a copy contemporaneous with the original.] 1336 Descripcion del Puerto de Apalache. Tracing of a chart. [DH ?] NY, Smith, North America, 1607- 1786. 1337 1601 [1601 f] . [St. Augustine.] Carta de Bartolome de Arguelles. AI, 54-5-17. LC, Lowery, Florida, IV. (short Eng. abstr.) i leaf. 1338 [160 1 f] Nueva Espana. Discurso dirigido al Rey sobre los descubri- mientos del Nuevo Mexico hechos por Don Juan de Onate. AI, Sim., leg. 17, Buen Gobierno de Indias (copy in DH, Col. Navarrete, t 19, no. 6). NY, Smith, North America, 1607-1786, fol. 1-9. 1339 . . Relacion verdadera de los sucesos de la entrada que hizo el gobemador Don Juan de Ofiate en las poblaciones de Nueva Megico hacia al norte. AI, 1-1-3/22, part of ramo 12. LC, Lowery, New Mexico, IV. 31 11. ^ 1340 1601-1602. Merida, Yucatan ; and Madrid. Ynformacion de meritos y servi- cios de Martin de Arguelles. AI, 59-1-3. LC, Lowery, Florida, V. 84 11. 1341 March 22. Relacion sacada de las cartas que envia Don Juan de Oiiate Gobernador de las provincias de la Nueva Megico. AI, 1-1-3/22. LC, Lowery, New Mexico, IV. 9 11. 1342 March 22. San Gabriel. Velasco to Philip III. AI, 1-1-3/22. LC, Lowery, New Mexico, IV. 22 11. 1343 March 2^. St. Augustine. Rogacion al contador Pedro de Redondo Villegas. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, IV. (short Eng. abstr.) 1344 April 24. St. Augustine. Mendez de Canzo to Philip III. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, IV. (short Span. extr. and Eng. abstr.), 4 11.; NY, Smith, Florida (extr.), 5 pp.; R, Shea, no. 33, env. 3 (extr.), 7 pp. 1345 Jtme 22. . Pedimiento de limosna para Fray Balthasar. AI, 54- 5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, IV. (short Eng. abstr.) 1346 Oct. 15. Fray Juan de Escalona to Philip III. AI, 1-1-3/22. LC, Lowery, New Mexico, IV. 13 11. 1347 Nov. 2y. St. Augustine. Ynformacion sobre la muerte de Don Juanillo, Yndio de Guale y demas Yndios sus vasallos. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, IV. 20 11. 1348 1602 Jan. 20. St. Augustine. Mendez de Canzo to Philip III. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, IV. (short Eng. abstr.) 1349 Jan. 2^. St. Augustine. Royal Officials of Florida to Philip III. AI, 54- 5-14. LC, Lowery, Florida, IV. (short Eng. abstr.) 1350 94 Documents in Spanish Archives [1602 April 24. San Augustine. Mendez de Canzo to Philip III. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, IV. (short Eng. abstr.) 1351 May 14. Mexico. Parecer de la Audiencia de Mexico cerca de la proposi- cion de la conquista y descubrimiento del Nuevo Mexico. AI, i-i- 3/22, ramo 4, fol. 2. LC, Lowery, New Mexico, IV. 5 11. [Part of expediente in regard to the petition of Vicente de Caldivar, maestre de campo.] 1352 May 22. St. Augustine. Governor of Florida to Philip III. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, IV. (short Span. extr. and Eng. abstr.) 1353 July 7. Valladolid. Report of the Consejo de Indias. AI, 1-1-3/22. LC, Lowery, New Mexico, IV. 4 11. 1354 \Sept. .^] ^1602.^ [St. Augustine.] Report by Juan Menendez Marques, royal treasurer in Havana. AI. NY, Smith, Florida. 22 pp. 1355 Sept. II. St. Augustine. Report by Bartolome de Arguelles, contador of the royal treasury in Florida. AI. NY, Smith, Florida. 21 pp. 1356 Sept. 14. St. Augustine. Fray Pedro Bermejo to [Philip III. ?]. AI, 54- 5-20. LC, Lowery, Florida, IV. (Span, extr.) 1357 Sept. 14. St. Augustine. Letter by Fray Francisco de Pareja. AI, 54-5-20. LC, Lowery, Florida, IV. 10 11. 1358 .S*^^^. 15. St. Augustine. Letter bv Fray Baltazar Lopez. AI, 54-5-20. LC, Lowery, Florida, IV. 13 11. 1359 Sept. 15. St. Augustine. Report by Captain Alonso de las Alas, factor and veedor of the royal treasury in Florida. AI. NY, Smith, Florida. 19 pp. 1360 Sept. 16. St. Augustine. Letter by Fray Pedro Ruiz. AI, 54-5-20. LC, Lowery, Florida, IV. 7 11. 1361 Sept. 16. St. Augustine. Fray Bias de Montes to [Philip III. ?]. AI, 54- 5-17. LC, Lowery, Florida, IV. (short Span, extr.) i leaf. 1362 Sept. 20. St. Augustine. Juan Menendez Marques to Philip III. AI, 54- 5-14. LC, Lowery, Florida, IV. (extr.) 17 11. 1363 Sept. 22. St. Augustine. Mendez de Canzo to Philip III. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, IV., 37 11. ; NY, Smith, Florida, 32 pp. 1364 1603 Peticion de Maese Juan de la Conte, natural de Francia medico y cirujano, etc. AI, 54-5-17. LC, Lowery, Florida, V. (short Eng. abstr.) 1365 . . Relacion breve en que se da noticia del descubrimiento que se hizo en la Nueba Espana en la Mar del Sur, desde el puerto de Acapulco hasta mas adelante del cabo Mendocino. By Fray Anto- nio de la Ascencion. Biblioteca de San Acasio, Seville (copy in DH, Col. Navarrete, t 19, no. 10). NY, Smith, North America, 1607- 1786, fol. 10-26 ; id., fol. 27-46. 1366 1603-1604. Visits to provinces north of St. Augustine by Governors Men- dez de Canzo and Ibarra. [AI ?] NY, Smith, Florida (Span, abstr.) I p. 1367 Feh.-March. . Visita hecha por el govemador Gonzalo Mendez de CanQo de San Pedro y Guale. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, V. (Span. extr. and Eng. abstr.) 2 11. 1368 April 15. St Augustine. Mendez de Canzo to Philip III. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, V. (Span. extr. and Eng. abstr.) i leaf. 1369 1603] Transcripts 95 April 20. St. Augustine. Carta de los oficiales reales de la Florida. AI, 54-5-14. LC, Lowery, Florida, V. (short Eng. abstr.) 1370 Oct. I. St. Augustine. Recaudo de Alvaro Gonzalez de Lavera para la corte a se de andar a la Havana para la informacion, AI, Florida, V. LC, Lowery, Florida, V. (short Eng. abstr.) 1371 1604 Jan. 8. St. Augustine. Governor Pedro de Ibarra to Philip III. AI, 54- 5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, V. (short Span. extr. and Eng. abstr.) ; NY, Smith, Florida, 13 pp. 1372 Jam,. 22. [St. Augustine ?] Testimonio del Capitan Juan Garcia de Nabia y Castrellon. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, V. (short Eng. abstr.) 1373 [March 15 ?] [St. Augustine ?] Ibarra to Philip III. AI, 54-5-17. LC, Lowery, Florida, V. i leaf. 1374 March ly. St. Augustine. Acuerdo addressed by Governor Ibarra and the Royal Officials of Florida to Philip III. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, V. (short Eng. abstr.) 1375 March ^o. St. Augustine. Fray Pedro Bermejo to [Philip III. ?]. AI, 54-5-20. LC, Lowery, Florida, V. (short Eng. abstr.) 1376 April 12. [St. Augustine ?] Letter by Pedro de Ibarra, Governor of Florida (extr.) AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, V, (short Span. extr. and Eng. abstr.) 1377 April 2^. St. Augustine. Ibarra to Philip III. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, V. (short Span. extr. and Eng. abstr.) 1378 Aug. I. St. Augustine. Ibarra to Philip III. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, V. (short Eng. abstr.) 1379 Nov. 4. Valladolid. Carta de Tiburcio Spanoqui. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, V. (short Eng. abstr.) 1380 Nov. 8-10. St. Augustine. Discurso de viage que ba a hacer Pedro de Ybarra. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, V. (Eng. abstr.) 2 11. 1381 Dec. p. St. Augustine. Certificacion de los officiales reales de la manera que se cobra y destribuye el situado destas provincias. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, V. (short Eng. abstr.) 1382 1605 {1605 f] [St. Augustine ?] Letter written probably by Juan Menendez Marques to an ecclesiastical official in Spain concerning Florida set- tlements and localities. AI. NY, Smith, Florida. 3 pp. 1383 i6oyi6o6. St. Augustine. Carta de las diligencias que se hicieron sobre atraer a la obediencia de su magestad las provincias de Horruque y Aiz. AI, 1-1-1/19, ramo 29; id., 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, V. 64 11. 1384 1605-1606. St. Augustine. Testimonio del viaje que hiso el Capitan Fran- cisco Fernandez de Ecija a la visita de la costa de la banda del Norte de este pressidio. AI, 1-1-1/19, ramo 29; id., 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, V. 27 11. 1385 Feh. 10. St. Augustine. Ibarra to Philip III. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, V. (Span. extr. and Eng. abstr.) 4 11. 1386 March jp. Valladolid. Ynforme de Gonzalo Mendez de Cango acerca de la conveniencia de desmantelar 6 reformar el presidio de San Agfustin. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, V. 9 11. 1387 96 Documents in Spanish Archives [1605 May 4. St. Augustine. Certificacion del Cappitan Francisco Fernandez de Egija de lo que paso con el tessorero Juan Menendez. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, V. (short Eng. abstr.) 1388 May 5. St. Augustine. Fray Pedro Bermejo to [Philip III. ?]. AI, 54-5-20. LC, Lowery, Florida, V. (short Span. extr. and Eng. abstr.) 1389 May JO. St. Augustine. Ibarra to Philip III. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, V. 14 11. 1390 May 13. St. Augustine. Ibarra to Philip III. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, V. (short Eng. abstr.) 1391 July 10. St. Augustine. Derrotero util y provechoso y en todo verdadero de Rios, canos, lagunas, montes, poblazones, embarcaderos, varaderos, rancherias, el qual corre desde la ciudad de S. Agustin por lo dentro hasta la barra de Ayz. AI, 1-1-1/19, ramo 29; id., 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, V., 14 11. ; NY, Smith, Florida, 8 pp. ; id., North America, 1607- 1786, fol. 47-50. [Accompanied by chart. Trans- mitted by letter of July 10, 1605.] 1392 July 2^. St. Augustine. Testimonio de carta de Pedro de Ybarra al Fray Pedro Vermejo que jandose de la conducta de un fraile Franciscano llamado Fray Jeronimo Celaya. AI, 54-5-17. LC, Lowery, Florida, V. II 11. 1393 Sept. [21 f] St. Augustine. Declaracion que hizo el Capitan Francisco de Ecija. [AI ?] NY, Smith, Florida. 6 pp. 1394 Nov. 21. . Relacion de la costa del Jacan donde dicen esta poblado un fuerte de Yngleses. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, V. 6 11. 1395 Dec. 7. St. Augustine. Ibarra to Father Benito Blasco. AI, 54-5-17. LC, Lowery, Florida, V. 6 11. 1396 Dec. 13. St. Augustine. Testimonio de una carta de Pedro de Ybarra al Padre Fray Pedro Vermejo. AI, 54-5-17. LC, Lowery, Florida, V. 6 11. 1397 Dec. 24. St. Augustine. Certificacion dada por los oficiales de la Real Hacienda de la Florida de lo que importaron los aprovechamientos y rentas pertenecientes a S. M. en los aiios 1586-1605. AI, 54-5-17. LC, Lowery, Florida, V. 41 11. 1398 Dec. 26. St. Augustine. Ibarra to Philip III. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, V. (Span. extr. and Eng. abstr.) 7 11. 1399 1606 Jan. 4. St. Augustine. Ibarra to Philip III. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, V. (Span. extr. and Eng. abstr.) 2 11. 1400 Jan. ip. Valladolid. Consulta del Consejo de Yndias sobre lo que a pare- cido acerca de los ecesos de Don Juan de Ofiate en el descubrimiento del Nuevo Megico. AI, 1-1-3/22. LC, Lowery, New Mexico, IV. 7 n. 1401 March 16. London. Ambassador Pedro de Zufiiga to Philip III. AS, Estado 2585, fol. 21. L, Simancas Archives, pp. 1-7. [See other list] 1402 Aprils. St. Augustine. Ibarra to Philip III. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, V. (short Eng. abstr.) 1403 1606] Transcripts 9Y June 26. St. Augustine. Relacion presentada a S. M. en su Consejo de Yndias, de la visita pastoral que hizo a las provincias de la Florida el obispo de Cuba [Fray Juan de las Cavegas Altimirano]. AI, 54- 5-20. LC, Lowery, Florida, V. 30 11. 1404 June 26. St. Augiistine. Ibarra to Philip III. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, V. 9 11. Also same location another letter of same date, from same to same (short Eng-. abstr.) 1405 Sept. 4. St. Augustine. Ibarra to Philip III. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, V. (short Eng. abstr.) 1408 1607 . St. Augustine. Memorial de los precios de la ropa que llevo el Capitan Alonso de Pastrafia para las provincias de la Florida. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, V. 7 11. 1407 Jan. 24. London. Zuniga to Philip III. AS, Estado, leg. 2585, fol. 78, 79. L, Simancas Archives, pp. 9-25. [On the wrapper of this document appears the date, December 24, 1606; but the above date appears at the head of the letter. See other list.] 1408 March 8. Madrid. Philip III. to Zufiiga. AS, Estado, leg. 2571, fol. 196. L, Simancas Archives, p. 29 (extr.) [See other list.] 1409 April ^0. London. Zuniga to Philip III. AS, Estado, leg. 2586, fol. 20. L, Simancas Archives, pp. 31-37 (extr.) [See other list] 1410 May 7. Madrid. Juan de Ciriza to Andres de Pedrastra. AS, Estado, leg. 2571, fol. 202. L, Simancas Archives, pp. 39-47. [See other list.] 1411 May 16. St. Augustine. Ibarra to Philip III. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, V. (Span. extr. and Eng. abstr.) 3 11. 1413 June 12. Ventasillo. Philip III. to Zuniga, AS, Estado, leg. 2571, fol. 201. L, Simancas Archives, pp. 49-55. [See other list] 1413 July 50. London. Zuiiiga to Philip III. AS, Estado, leg. 2586, fol. 53. L, Simancas Archives, pp. 57-61 (extr.) [See other list.] 1414 Aug. I. St. Augustine. Relacion de los Estrangeros que sirven en el presi- dio de San Agustin de la Florida. By Juan de Ibarra. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, V. 8 11. 1415 Aug. 75. St. Augustine. Ibarra to Philip III. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, V. (short Eng. abstr.) 1416 Aug. 22. London. Zuniga to Philip III. AS, Estado, leg. 2586, fol. 66. L, Simancas Archives, pp. 63-69 (extr.) [See other list.] 1417 Sept. 21. Madrid. Philip III. to Zuniga. AS, Estado, leg. 2571, fol. 214. L, Simancas Archives, p. 71 (extr.) [See other list.] 1418 Sept. 22. London. Zuniga to Philip III. AS, Estado, leg. 2586, fol. 65. L, Simancas Archives, pp. 73-77. [Regarding this date, see Brown, Genesis of the U. S., I. 116, note i. See other list.] 1419 Oct. 5. London. Zufiiga to Philip III. AS, Estado, leg. 2586, fol. 64. L, Simancas Archives, pp. 79-83. [See other list] 1420 Oct. 8. London. Zuniga to Philip III. AS, Estado, leg. 2586, fol. 68. L, Simancas Archives, pp. 85-107. [See other list.] 1421 Oct. 8. . Draught of St. George's Fort By John Hunt. AS, Estado, leg. 2586. L, Simancas Archives, betw. pp. 177-179 (tracing). [Sent to Philip III. in Zuniga's letter of September 10, 1608. See other list.] 1422 98 Documents in Spanish Archives [1607 Oct. i6. London. Zuniga to Philip III. AS, Estado, leg. 2586, fol. 69. L, Simancas Archives, pp. 109-113. [See other list.] 1423 Oct. 28. Madrid. Philip III. to Zufiiga. AS, Estado, leg. 2571, fol. 215. L, Simancas Archives, p. 115 (extr.) [See other list.] 1424 Nov. 10. Madrid. Copia de consulta del Consejo de Estado sobre lo que escrivia Don Pedro de Zufiiga en lo de Virginia. AS, Estado, leg. 2513. L, Simancas Archives, pp. 1 17-123. [See other list] 1425 Nov. 20. Convento de la Limpia Concepcion de la Madre de Dios de la Florida. Francisco Pareja, O. S. F., and Alonso de Penaranda to Philip III. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, V., 7 11. ; NY, Smith, Florida, 3 pp. 1426 Dec. 6. London. Zufiiga to Philip III. AS, Estado, leg. 2586, fol. 80. L, Simancas Archives, p. 125 (extr.) [See other list.] 1427 1608 Chart of Virginia. AS, Estado, leg. 2586. L, Siman- cas Archives, betw. pp. 175-177. [See other list] 1428 . . Copia de un documento en cuya carpeta dice : " Para embiar al Rey nuestro Sefior." AS, Estado, leg. 2586, fol. 146. L, Simancas Archives, pp. 173-175. [Enclosed in Zufiiga's letter of September 10, 1608. See other list, '"' Description of Virginia ".] 1429 . . Extracto de la informacion que se abrio sobre los servi- cios hechos en la Florida por el Gobemador Gonsalo Mendez de Cango. AI, 54-5-17. LC, Lowery, Florida, VI. 19 11. 1430 Jem. St. Augustine. Alonso de Penaranda, O. S. F., to Philip III. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, VI. 9 11. 1431 Jan. 4. St. Augustine. Ibarra to Philip III. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, VI. (extr.) 3 11. 1432 Jan. 4. St. Augustine. Recopilacion que hace D. Pedro de Ybarra de ciertos capitulos de cartas escritas por el a S. M. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, VI. 16 pp. 1433 Jan. 5. St. Augustine. Juan Menendez Marques to [Philip III. ?]. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, VI. (extr.) i leaf. 1434 Jan. 6. St. Augustine. Ibarra to Philip III. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, VI. (Span. extr. and Eng. abstr.) i leaf. 1435 Jan. p. Tanto del acuerdo y poder que llebo el Cappitan Alonso de Paztrafia quando fue a los reinos de Castilla. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, VI. (extr.) i leaf. 1436 Jan. II. St. Augustine. Letter from Francisco Pareja, O. S. F., custodio. AI, 54-5-20. LC, Lowery, Florida, VI. (short Span. extr. and Eng. abstr.) 1437 Jan. 16. St. Augustine. Royal Officials of Florida to Philip III. AI, 54- 5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, VI. (short Eng. abstr.) 1438 [1608?] Jan. 16. [St. Augustine ?] Copia de quatro capitulos de carta del factor de las provincias de la Florida. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, VI. (short Eng. abstr.) 1439 Jan. 17. Copia de consulta del Consejo de Estado sobre una carta de Don Pedro de Zufiiga relativa a la Virginia. AS, Estado, leg. 2513. L, Simancas Archives, pp. 127-131. [See other list.] 1440 Feb. I. St Augustine. Parecer de Pedro de Ybarra. AI, 54-5-19. LC, Lowery, Florida, VI. (short Eng. abstr.) 1441 1608] Transcripts 99 March 12. [St. Augustine.] Royal Officials of Florida to Philip III. (extr.) AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, VI. (short Eng". abstr.) 1442 March 28. London. Ziiniga to Philip III. AS, Estado, leg. 2586, fol. 93. L, Simancas Archives, pp. 133-135. [See other list] 1443 March 28. Jamestown, Va. Copia de una carta que se cita en otra de I>on Pedro de Zuniga fecha 16 de Junio de 1608 y va enclusa en ella. AS, Estado, leg. 2586, fol. 112, 113. L, Simancas Archives, pp. 141-161. [Letter signed by Francis Perquin. See other list.] 1444 April 8. St. Augustine. Ibarra to Philip III. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, VI. 12 11. 1445 April 22. St. Augustine. Royal Officials of Florida to Pedro de Valdes, governor of Cuba. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, VI. 5 11. 1446 May 28. St. Augustine. Royal Officials of Florida to Pedro de Valdes. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, VI. (extr.) 4 11. 1447 Jtme 16 or 26. London. Ziifiiga to Philip III. AS, Estado, leg. 2586, fol. III. L, Simancas Archives, pp. 137-139. [See other list] 1448 July 7. St. Augustine. Testimonio de las cartas que el Gobernador Pedro de Ybarra envio al Padre Fray Francisco Pare j a. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, VI. 8 11. [This includes an undated letter from Pareja to Ibarra, and two letters by Ibarra.] 1449 July 2^. Lerma. Philip III. to Zuniga. AS, Estado, leg. 2571, fol. 245. L. Simancas Archives, pp. 165-167 (extr.) 1450 Aug. 22. St Augustine. Ibarra to Philip III. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, VL 6 11. 1451 Aug. 22. St. Augustine. Ibarra to Philip III. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, VI. 8 11. 1452 Aug. 22. St. Augustine. Letter from the Royal Officials of Florida. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, VI. (short Eng. abstr.) 1453 Sept. 10. Higuete {i. e., Highgate]. Zufiiga to Philip III. AS, Estado, leg. 2586, fol. 145. L, Simancas Archives, pp. 169-171. [See other list.] 1454 Sept. 23. Philip III. to Zuniga (extr.) AS, Estado, leg. 2571, fol. 249. L, Simancas Archives, p. 181. [See other list] 1455 Nov. 8. London. Zufiiga to Philip III. (extr.) AS, Estado, leg. 2586, fol. 154. L, Simancas Archives, p. 183. [See other list.] 1456 1609 Derrotero que hizo Andres Gonzales piloto en la Florida, del viage que verifico por mandado de Pedro de Ybarra. AI, i-i- 1/19, ramo 31 (formerly AI, Sim., leg. 9 de relaciones y descrip- ciones; copy in DH, Col. Navarrete, t. 14, no. 56). LC, Papeles relativos a la Florida, pp. 513-559; id., Lowery, Florida, VI., 47 11.; NY, Smith, North America, 1607- 1786, fol. 69-79. 1457 . . Summary of tract relating to the colonizing of Vir- ginia, with letter of transmission and decree. AS, Estado, leg. 2587, fol. 20, 21. L, Simancas Archives, pp. 225-295. [See other list.] 1458 Jan. 15. London. Zuiiiga to Philip III. (extr.) AS, Estado, leg. 2587, fol. 5. L, Simancas Archives, p. 187. [See other list.] 1459 Jan. 16. St. Augustine. Ibarra to Philip III. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, VI. (short Eng. abstr.) 1460 100 Documents in Spanish Archives [1609 Jan. I/, London. Zufiiga to Philip III. (extr.) AS, Estado, leg. 2585, fol. 85. L, Simancas Archives, pp. 189-191. [See other list.] 1461 Jan. 2^-March i/. St. Augustine. Ynformacion de la vida y costumbres de Alonso Sancho Saez de Mercado y su muger Maria de Arango. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, VI. 52 11. 1463 Feb. S- [London ?] Copia de un documento en cuya carpeta dice : " Para embiar al Rey Nuestro Sefior." AS, Estado, leg. 2587, fol. 10, 11. L, Simancas Archives, pp. 209-215. [Enclosed in Zuniga's letter of March 5, 1609. See other Hst.] 1463 Feb. 4. St. Augustine. Ibarra to Philip III. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, VI. (Span. extr. and Eng. abstr.) 2 11. 1464 March 5. Highgate. Zuniga to Philip III. AS, Estado, leg. 2587, fol. 12. L, Simancas Archives, pp. 193-207. [See other list.] 1465 March 21. . Parecer de Don Juan Maldonado. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, VI. (Eng. abstr.) i leaf. 1466 April I. Highgate. Zuniga to Philip III. (extr.) AS, Estado, leg. 2587, fol. 18. L, Simancas Archives, p. 217. [See other list.] 1467 April 12. Highgate. Zuniga to Philip III. AS, Estado, leg. 2587, fol. 19. L, Simancas Archives, pp. 219-223. [See other list.] 1468 April 2^. St. Augustine. Testimonio de la venida del capitan grande de Ays y cacique mayor de Timucua su heredero y principales, AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, VI. (short Eng. abstr.) i leaf. 1469 April 30. St. Augustine. Ibarra to Philip III. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, VI. (short Span. extr. and Eng. abstr.) ; NY, Smith, Florida (extr.), 21 lines; R, Shea, no. 33, env. 4, i p. 1470 May 14. San Lorenzo. Philip III. to Zuniga (extr.) AS, Estado, leg. 2571, fol. 277. L, Simancas Archives, p. 297. [See other list] 1471 May 20. Highgate. Zuniga to PhiHp III. (extr.) AS, Estado, leg. 2587, fol. 29. L, Simancas Archives, p. 299. [See other list.] 1472 May 2§. Aranjuez. Philip III. to Zuniga (extr.) AS, Estado, leg. 2571, fol. 281. L, Simancas Archives, p. 301. [See other list.] 1473 June ip-Oct. 20. St. Augustine. Orden del Gobernador D. Pedro de Ybarra a el Capitan Francisco Fernandez de Ecija para reconocer las costas del norte de aquella provincia ; y Relacion muy circunstanciada del Viage. AI, 2-5-3/16 (formerly AI, leg. 9 de relaciones y descrip- ciones; copy in DH, Col. Navarrete, t. 14, no. 55). AI, Papeles relativos a la Florida, pp. 417-509 ; LC, Lowery, Florida, VI., 78 11. ; NY, Smith, North America, 1607- 1786, fol. 51-68. 1474 July 5. Highgate. Zuniga to Philip III. AS, Estado, leg. 2587, fol. 37. L, Simancas Archives, pp. 303-305. [See other list] 1475 Nov. 4. St. Augustine. Letter of Fr. Joan Bautista de Capilla. AI, 54-5-20. LC, Lowery, Florida, VI. (short Span. extr. and Eng. abstr.) 1476 Nov. 2j. St Augustine. Alonso de las Alas to Philip III. AI, 54-5-14. LC, Lowery, Florida, VI. 3 11. 1477 Nov. 2^. Highgate. Zuniga to Philip III. AS, Estado, leg. 2587, fol. 49. L, Simancas Archives, pp. 307-309. [See other list] 1478 Dec. 10. Highgate. Zuniga to Philip III. AS, Estado, leg. 2587, fol. 52. L, Simancas Archives, pp. 31 1-3 13. [See other Hst.] 1479 Dec. 31. Highgate. Zuniga to Philip III. AS, Estado, leg. 2587, fol. 59. L, Simancas Archives, pp. 315-317. [See other list] 1480 1610] Transcripts 101 1610. St. Augustine, Expediente de Alonso Sancho Saenz de Mercado. AI, 54-5-17. LC, Lowery, Florida, VI. (short Eng-. abstr.) 1481 . . Copy of map of America made for James I. in 1610. AS, Estado, leg. 2588. L, Simancas Archives, betw. pp. 389-391. [See other list.] 1482 Jem. 28. Highgate. Zufiiga to Philip III. AS, Estado, leg. 2587, fol. 66. L, Simancas Archives, pp. 319-321. [See other list.] 1483 March 11. Highgate. Zufiiga to Philip III. AS, Estado, leg. 2587, fol. 75. L, Simancas Archives, p. 323. [See other list.] 1484 June 14. London. Ambassador Alonso de Velasco to Philip III. AS, Estado, leg. 2587, fol. 88. L, Simancas Archives, pp. 325-327. [See other list.] 1485 July I. Madrid. Relacion de lo que Francisco Maguel Yrlandes supo en tierra de Virginia por espacio de ocho meses que alii estuvo. AS, Estado, leg. 2587, fol. 98. L, Simancas Archives, pp. 329-3^9. [See other list.] ^ 1486 Sept. 50. London. A. de Velasco to Philip III. AS, Estado, leg. 2587, fol. 118. L, Simancas Archives, pp. 361-365. [See other list.] 1487 Nov. 2. Madrid. Copia de consulta del Consejo de Estado sobre lo que escribio Don Alonso de Velasco en la materia de la Virginia. AS, Estado, leg. 2640. L, Simancas Archives, pp. 367-371. [See other list.] 1488 Dec. s- London. A. de Velasco to Philip III. AS, Estado, leg. 2587, fol. 137. L, Simancas Archives, pp. 373-375. [See other list. Brown in his Genesis wrongly dates this December 31.] 1489 1611 Relacion del viage que hizo a las Yndias hasta la Virginia la caravela que por orden de su magestad se despacho a cargo del alcayde Don Diego de Molina y el alferez Marco Antonio Perez y en su compaiiia Francisco Lembon Yngles piloto del armada. AS, Estado, leg. 2588, fol. 82. L, Simancas Archives, pp. 413-463. [En- closed in letter of Duke of Lerma to Secretary Antonio de Arostegui. See other list.] 1490 Feb. 20. Madrid. Philip III. to Caspar de Pereda, Covernor of Cuba. AS, Estado, leg. 2641. L, Simancas Archives, pp. 379-381. [See other list.] 1491 March 22. London. A. de Velasco to Philip III. AS, Estado, leg. 2588, fol. 22. L, Simancas Archives, pp. 383-389. [See other list.] 1492 April 2^. Madrid. Copia de una consulta del Consejo de Estado. AS, Estado, leg. 2614 [sic, 2641 ?]. NY, Smith, MSS. 4 pp. 1493 May ig. Madrid. Copia de una real orden comunicada por el Duque de Lerma al Secretario Aroztegui. AS, Estado, leg. 2641. NY, Smith, MSS. 2 pp. 1494 May 26. London. A. de Velasco to Philip III. AS, Estado, leg. 2588, fol. 39. L, Simancas Archives, pp. 395-397. [See other list.] 1495 May 28. Madrid. Copia de consulta original del Consejo de Estado. AS, Estado, leg. 2641. NY, Smith, MSS. 1496 102 Documents in Spanish Archives [1611 June 17. Madrid. Philip III. to A. de Velasco. AS, Estado, leg. 2641. L, Simancas Archives, pp. 399-401. [See other list.] 1497 Aug. 22. London. A. de Velasco to Philip III. AS, Estado, leg. 2588, fol. 59. L, Simancas Archives, pp. 403-405. [See other list.] 1498 Nov. 75. El Pardo. Duque de Lerma to Secretary Antonio de Arostegui. AS, Estado, leg. 2588, fol. 81. L, Simancas Archives, pp. 407-411. [See other list] 1499 Nov. 15. London. A. de Velasco to Philip III. AS, Estado, leg. 2588, fol. 83 (another copy with verbal differences, id., fol. 95). L, Siman- cas Archives, pp. 465-467 (first copy), 469-471 (second copy). [See other list.] 1500 Nov. 15. El Pardo. Philip III. to A. de Velasco. AS, Estado, leg. 2641. L, Simancas Archives, pp. 473-477. [See other list.] 1501 Dec. 14. London. A. de Velasco to Philip III. AS, Estado, leg. 2588, fol. 94. L, Simancas Archives, pp. 479-481. [See other list.] 1502 Dec. 15. St. Augustine. Letter by Juan Menendez de Rivera. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, VI. (short Eng. abstr.) 1503 Dec. 24. London. A. de Velasco to Philip III. AS, Estado, leg. 2588, fol. 99. L, Simancas Archives, pp. 483-485. [See other list.] 1504 1612 Jan. 6. Madrid. Philip III. to A. de Velasco (extr.) AS, Estado, leg. 2571, fol. 302. L, Simancas Archives, p. 487. [See other list] 1505 Feh. 25. Madrid. Philip III. to A. de Velasco (extr.) AS, Estado, leg. 2571, fol. 309. L, Simancas Archives, pp. 489-491. [See other list] 1506 April I. Madrid. Philip III. to A. de Velasco. AS, Estado, leg. 2571, fol. 312. L, Simancas Archives, pp. 493-495. [See other list.] 1507 April 14. London. A. de Velasco to Philip III. AS, Estado, leg. 2589, fol. 25. L, Simancas Archives, pp. 497-499. [See other list.] 1508 May 4. . Peticion del Gobernador Juan Fernandez de Olivera. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VI. (short Eng. abstr.) 1509 June 6. Madrid. Philip III. to A. de Velasco (extr.) AS, Estado, leg. 2571, fol. 317. L, Simancas Archives, p. 501. [See other list] 1510 June 18. London. A. de Velasco to Philip III. AS, Estado, leg. 2589, fol. 50. L, Simancas Archives, pp. 503-505. [See other list] 1511 July 28. St. Augustine. Testimonio sobre sentar las plagas a los rreligiosos que vinieron de Castilla para la conbersion de los naturales. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VI. (short Eng. abstr.) 1512 Aug. I. London. Marques de Flores (Zuniga) to Philip III. AS, Estado, leg. 2589, fol. 61. L, Simancas Archives, pp. 507-509. [See other list] 1513 Aug. 16. London. Marques de Flores to Philip III. AS, Estado, leg. 2589, fol. 67. L, Simancas Archives, pp. 51 1-5 13. [See other list] 1514 Sept. 12. St. Augustine. Letter by Fray Lorenzo Martinez. AI, 54-5-17. LC, Lowery, Florida, VI. (short Eng. description), 1515 Oct. 12. St. Augustine. Governor Juan Fernandez de Olivera to Philip III. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VI. (short Eng. abstr.) 1516 Oct. Jj. St. Augustine. Fernandez de Olivera to Philip III. (extr.) AI, 54-5-14. LC, Lowery, Florida, VI. 8 11. 1617 1612] Transcripts 103 Oct. Jj. Fernandez de Olivera to Philip III. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VI. (short Eng. abstr.) 1518 Oct. jj. St. Augustine. Fernandez de Olivera to Philip III. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VI. (Eng. abstr.) i leaf. 1519 Oct. 16. Santa Elena. Letter by the religious of the custodia of Santa Elena, Florida. AI, 54-5-17. LC, Lowery, Florida, VI. (Span. extr. and Eng. abstr.) 2 11. 1520 Nov. 3. Valladolid. Philip III. to A. de Velasco. AS, Estado, leg. 2571, fol. 328. L, Simancas Archives, pp. 515-517. [See other list.] 1521 1613 Jan. 6. St. Augustine. Juan de Arrazola and Joseph de Olivera to Philip III. AI, 54-5-14. LC, Lowery, Florida, VI. (short Eng. abstr.) 1522 Ian. 25. London. A. de Velasco to Philip III. AS, Estado, leg. 2590, fol. 92. L, Simancas Archives, pp. 521-523. [See other list.] 1523 Feb. 7. . Philip III. to A. de Velasco. AS, Estado, leg. 2572, fol. 3. L, Simancas Archives, pp. 525-527. [See other list.] 1524 April I. Madrid. Philip III. to A. de Velasco. AS, Estado, leg. 2572, fol. 7. L, Simancas Archives, p. 529. [See other list.] 1525 May 12. . Relacion de los despachos que se dieron al Capitan Juan Fernandez Olivera cuando fue por gobernador de la Florida. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VI. 3 11. [Attached to a letter of the governor of Florida, May 12, 1613.] 1526 May 19. Madrid. Philip III. to A. de Velasco (extr.) AS, Estado, leg. 2572, fol. 10. L, Simancas Archives, p. 531. [See other list.] 1527 May 23. Madrid. PhiHp III. to A. de Velasco (extr.) AS, Estado, leg. 2572, fol. II. L, Simancas Archives, p. 533. [See other list] 1528 May 28. Virginia. Diego de Molina to [A. de Velasco ?]. AS, Estado, leg. 2590, fol. 47. L, Simancas Archives, pp. 551-585. [See other list] 1529 May 50. London. A. de Velasco to Philip III. AS, Estado, leg. 2590, fol. 66. L, Simancas Archives, pp. 535-539. [See other list] 1530 July 8. Virginia. Diego de Molina to A. de Velasco. AS, Estado, leg. 2590, fol. 141. L, Simancas Archives, pp. 587-597. [See other list] 1531 July 12. London. A. de Velasco to Philip III. AS, Estado, leg. 2590, fol. 52. L, Simancas Archives, pp. 541-545. [See other list] 1532 Aug. 2. London. A. de Velasco to Philip III. AS, Estado, leg. 2590, fol. 46. L, Simancas Archives, pp. 547-549. [See other list.] 1533 Aug. 10. San Lorenzo. Philip III. to Diego Sarmiento de Acuna. AS, Estado, leg. 2572, fol. 17. L, Simancas Archives, pp. 599-601. [See other list.] 1534 Sept. 14. San Lorenzo. Philip III. to A. de Velasco. AS, Estado, leg. 2572, fol. 22. L, Simancas Archives, pp. 603-605. [See other list.] 1535 Oct. 5. London. Diego Sarmiento de Acuna to Philip III. AS, Estado, leg. 2590, fol. 118, 119. L, Simancas Archives, pp. 607-623. [See other list] 1538 Oct. 24. Ventosa. Philip III. to Sarmiento de Acuna (extr.) AS, Estado, leg. 2572, fol. 27. L, Simancas Archives, p. 625. [See other list] 1537 104 Documents in Spanish Archives [1613 Nov. i6. London. Sarmiento de Acufia to Philip III. AS, Estado, leg. 2590, fol. 18. L, Simancas Archives, pp. 627-629. [See other list.] 1538 1614 March ly. London. Sarmiento de Acufia to Philip IIL AS, Estado, leg. 2592, fol. 44. L, Simancas Archives, pp. 631-649. [See other list] 1539 April so. Virginia. Diego de Molina to Sarmiento de Acuna (two copies). AS, Estado, leg. 2591, fol. 116. L, Simancas Archives, pp. 665-675, 677-689. [See other list.] 1540 June 14. Virginia. Diego de Molina to Sarmiento de Acufia. AS, Estado, leg. 2591, fol. 112-114. L, Simancas Archives, pp. 691-703. [See other list] 1541 Oct. //. London. Sarmiento de Acufia to Philip IIL AS, Estado, leg. 2591, fol. 115. L, Simancas Archives, pp. 651-653. [See other Hst.] 1542 1615 [161 5 f] . St. Augustine. Governor Juan de Trebifio Guillamas, of Florida, to Philip III. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VI. (short Eng. abstr.) 1543 [16 13 f] . [Madrid ?] Letter by Ibarra. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Low- ery, Florida, VI. (short Eng. abstr.) 1544 . Sinaloa. Letter by Pedro de Velasco, S. J. RAH, Orden Real, XIV., in vol. entitled " Memorias para la Historia de Sinaloa ". NY, Smith, North America, 1607-1786, fol. 88-96. 1545 . St. Augustine. Expediente de maese Juan de le Conte, cirujano del presidio de la Florida. AI, 54-5-17. LC, Lowery, Florida, VI. (short Eng. abstr.) 1546 . St. Augustine. Juan Trivifio Guillamas to [PhiUp III. ?] AI, 54-5-10, LC, Lowery, Florida, VI. (short Eng. abstr.) 1547 Feb. 10. London. Sarmiento de Acufia to Philip III. (extr.) AS, Estado, leg. 2593, fol. 23. L, Simancas Archives, p. 705. [See other list] 1548 June 20. Madrid. Ibarra to [Philip III. ?] (two letters). AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VI. (short Eng. abstr.) 1549 Sept. S- St. Augustine. Trevifio Guillamas to [Philip III. ?]. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VI. (short Span, extr.) 1550 1616 {16 16 ?] . Sinaloa. Letter by Pedro de Velasco, S. J. RAH, Real Orden, in book entitled '* Anna del afio de 161 5 ". NY, Smith, North America, 1607-1786, fol. 82-87. 1551 Nov. ig. St. Augustine. Certificacion del Gobemador Juan Trebifio Gui- llamas a Alonso de Arguelles. AI, 54-5-17. LC, Lowery, Florida; VI. (short Eng. abstr.) 1552 Dec. 7. London. Sarmiento de Acufia to Philip III. AS, Estado, leg. 2596, fol. 7. L, Simancas Archives, pp. 707-713. 1553 1617] Transcripts 105 1617 [16 1 y f] Jan. . Memorial de Fray Geronimo. AT, 54-5-20. LC, Lowery, Florida, VI. (Span. extr. and Eng. abstr.) i leaf. 1554 Jan. I/. St. Augustine. Florida missionaries to Philip III. AI, 54-5-20. LC, Lowery, Florida, VI. 15 11. 1555 Jan. 24. St. Augustine. Florida missionaries to Philip III. AI, 54-5-20. LC, Lowery, Florida, VI. 3 H. . 1556 March 24. San Lucar. Duque de Medinasidonia to Secretary Pedro de Ledesma. AI, Sim., Papeles tocantes a descaminos, relaciones jura- das y cosarios, causados desde el ano de 1613 al de 1618 (copy in DH, Col. Navarrete, t. 14, no. 57). LC, Papeles relativos a la Florida, pp. 562-567 ; LC, Lowery, Florida, VI. 2 11. ; NY, Smith, North America, 1607-1786, fol. 97, 98 (from DH). 1557 1618 Jan. 23. Jaquimi, Sinaloa. Thomas Basilio to Francisco Suarez, S. J. RAH. NY, Smith, North America, 1607-1786, fol. 107, 108. 1558 April g. Madrid. Royal decree addressed to the governor of Cuba. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VI. (short Eng. abstr.) 1559 Oct. 12. London. Julian Sanchez de Ulloa to Philip III. AS, Estado, leg. 2597, fol. 92. L, Simancas Archives, p. 715. [See other list.] 1560 Nov. 20. St. Augustine. Governor Juan de Salinas to [Philip III. ?]. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VI. (short Eng. abstr.) 1561 1619 Feb. 22. St. Augustine. Juan de Salinas to [Philip III.] AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VI. (short Span. extr. and Eng. abstr.) 1562 May 24. St. Augustine. Juan de Salinas to Philip III. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VI. (short Eng. abstr.) 1563 1620 July 20. St. Augustine. Examination of certain piratical Frenchmen and Englishmen imprisoned among the Indians. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Low- ery, Florida, VI. (Span, extr.) 3 11. 1564 162 1 Jem. 75. St. Augustine. Testimonio tratando de la pobrega de la yglesia de San Agustin de la Florida. AI, 54-5-20. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (Span, extr.) i leaf. 1565 May 15. St. Augustine. Juan de Salinas to Philip IV. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (Span. extr. and Eng. abstr.) i leaf. 1566 1623 Jan. 50. St. Augustine. Salinas to Philip IV. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. 7 U. 1567 1624 . . Expediente de Francisca Ramirez viuda del Cappitan Juan Rodriguez de Cartaya. AI, 54-5-17. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (Span, extr.) i leaf. 1568 106 Documents in Spanish Archives [1624 . [St, Augustine ?] Letter by Luis de Rojas y Borja. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIL (short Eng. abstr.) 1569 Nov. 12. London. Jaques Bruneau to Philip IV. AS, Estado, leg. 2603, fol. 208. L, Simancas Archives, pp. 729-731. 1570 1625 Jan^ 30. St. Augustine. Governor Luis de Rojas y Borja, of Florida, to Philip IV. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (Span. extr. and Eng. abstr.) 4 11. 1571 1626 Aug. 27. St. Augustine. Rojas y Borja to Philip IV. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (short Eng. abstr.) 1572 1627 Brebe relacion en que se da noticia del descubrimiento que se hizo en la Nueva Espaiia por el mar del Sur. By Fray Antonio de la Ascension. [AI ?] L, Rich, 40 11. 1573 Feh. 13. St. Augustine. Rojas y Borja to Philip IV. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. 6 11. 1574 Feh. 13. St. Augustine. Rojas y Borja to Philip IV. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. 14 11. 1575 Feh. 15. St. Augustine. Rojas y Borja to Philip IV. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (short Eng. abstr.) 1576 May 8. Aranjuez. Royal decree increasing the salary of Alonso de Argue- lles. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (short Eng. abstr.) 1577 1628 Feh. 17. St. Augustine. Rojas y Borja to Philip IV. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (short Eng. abstr.) 1578 Feh. 2g. St. Augustine. Peticion de Don Luis de Rojas y Borja. AI, 54- 5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (short Eng. abstr.) 1579 April 12. Madrid. Royal decree addressed to officials of the royal treasury of Mexico. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (substance in title). 1580 Jime 30. St. Augustine. Rojas y Borja to Philip IV. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. 10 11. 1581 Aug. 2. . Royal decree addressed to the Audiencia of Mexico. DH, Col. Navarrete, t. 19, no. 11. LC, Lowery, California (substance in title). 1582 Nov. 6. St. Augustine. Rojas y Borja to Philip IV. AI, 54-5-18. LC, Low- ery, Florida, VII. (short Span, extr.) 1583 Dec. 3. Madrid. Royal decree authorizing Villegas to appoint a lieutenant. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (short Eng. abstr.) 1584 1629 [162P f] . De la relacion que yo Geronimo de la Cruz hago al Senor Adelantado Don Juan de Onate gobemador y capitan general que fue de las provincias del Nuevo Mexico de lo que vi con mis propios ojos. BN, J. 34. NY, Smith, North America, 1607-1786, fol. Ill, 112. 1585 1629] Transcripts 107 Expediente de los soldados del presidio de la Florida. AI, 54-5-18. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (short Span, extr.) 1586 Relacion por el P. Fr. Antonio de la Ascencion en que se da noticia del descubrimiento que se hizo por el Mar del Sur. DH, Col. Navarrete, t. 19, no. 13. LC, Lowery, California (short Eng. abstr.) 1587 Jan. 22. Madrid. Royal decree concerning the situado. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (substance in title). 1588 May 18. Madrid. Royal decree concerning infantry uniforms in Florida. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (substance in title). 1589 May 20. Valladolid de Mechoacan. Parecer que dio el Padre Fr. Antonio de la Ascension sobre la forma y manera que se podia hacer el descubrimiento y poblacion de la California. AI, Sim., leg. i, Papeles sobre el descubrimiento de la California, causados en el ano de 1635 (copy in DH, Col. Navarrete, t. 19, no. 12). LC, Lowery, Cali- fornia. 12 11. 1590 June 8. . Segunda parecer del P. Fr. Antonio de la Asencion. DH, Col. Navarrete, t. 19, no. 16. LC, Lowery, California (short Eng. abstr.) 1591 June 15. . Parecer que dio Martin de Lezama, contador de S. M. sobre el descubrimiento de las provincias de la California. DH, Col. Navarrete, t. 19, no. 17. LC, Lowery, California (short Eng. abstr.) 1592 June 2^. . Parecer que dio el Capitan Lopez de Arguelles Qui- fiones sobre el orden y modo que se podia tener en la prosecucion y poblacion, haciendo la Jornada por cuenta de S. M. DH, Col. Nava- rrete, t. 19, no. 18. LC, Lowery, California (short Eng. abstr.) 1593 July p ; Oct. 8. Santa Fe, N. M. Testimony concerning explorations, re- sources, etc. BN, J. 34, Papeles varios y de Yndias, p. 71. NY, Smith, North America, 1607-1786, fol. 109, no. 1594 July so. Gueguetoca. Parecer que dio Henrico Martinez cosmografo de S. M. sobre las vantajas 6 perjuicios que se podian esperar del descu- brimiento, conquista y pacificacion de las provincias de las Califomias. AI, Sim., leg. i, Papeles sobre el descubrimiento de la California, causados en el ano de 1638 (copy in DH, Col. Navarrete, t. 19, no. 19). LC, Lowery, California. 11 11. 1595 Aug. 2. [St. Augustine ?] Rojas y Borja to Philip IV. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (short Eng. abstr.) 1596 Aug. 18. . Relaciones de todas las cosas que en el Nuevo Mexico se han visto y sabido, asi por Mar, como por tierra, desde el ano de 1538 hasta el de 1626. By Geronimo de Zarate Salmeron, O. S. F. RAH, Col. Boturini, t. 2, fol. 1-72 (copy in DH, Virreynato de Mexico, t. I, 5*. doc. Az\; BN, MSS. 6882). LC, Lowery, New Mexico, I., 131 11. ; H, PM, Hemenway (taken from Mexico, Archive General, Historia, t. 2). [The above date is that of the authorization to print] 1597 1630 March 6. St. Augustine. Royal Oflficials of Florida to Philip IV. AI, 54-5-1 1. LC, Lowery, Florida, IX. (short Span, abstr.) 1598 108 Documents in Spanish Archives [1630 Nov. 2^. , Letter by Juan de Santander, O. S. F. AI, 54-5-20. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (Eng. abstr.) i leaf. [The date is that of the marginal notes,] 1599 Dec. 2y. St. Augustine. Governor Andres Rodriguez de Villegas to Philip IV. AI, 54-5-10- LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (short Span. extr. and Eng. abstr.) 1600 163 1 Jan. 18. St. Augustine. Rodriguez de Villegas to Philip IV. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (short Span, extr.) i leaf. 1601 Dec. 22. . Parecer que dio el Conde del Valle sobre la importancia del descubrimiento de las Californias. DH, Col. Navarrete, t. 19, no. 20. LC, Lowery, California (short Eng. abstr.) 1602 1632 March 22. . Parecer que dio el P. Fr. Antonio de la Ascencion sobre el puesto y calidades de las Californias. DH, Col. Navarrete, t. 19, no. 21. LC, Lowery, California (short Span. extr. and Eng. abstr.) 1603 1633 April 5. Madrid. Copy of royal decree. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (short Eng. abstr.) 1604 July 2g ; Oct. 11. St. Augustine. Letter by Governor Luis Horruytinez. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (short Eng. abstr.) 1605 Nov. 15. St. Augustine. Horruytinez to Philip IV. AI, 54-5-18. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. 4 11. 1606 Nov. 15. St. Augustine. Horruytinez to Philip IV. AI, 54-5-18. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIL 611. 1607 Nov. 15. St. Augustine. Horruytinez to Philip IV. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIL (short Eng. abstr.) 1608 1634 {1634.^ [St. Augustine ?] Francisco Alonso de Jesus, O. S. F., custodian of Florida, to Philip IV. [AI ?] NY, Smith, Florida, 1526-1743. 3 pp. [Received February 27, 1635.] 1609 March 24. St. Augustine. Petition by Horruytinez. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (short Eng. abstr.) [The date is that of endorsement.] 1610 April 7. St. Augustine. Petition by Horruytinez. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Low- ery, Florida, VII. (short Eng. abstr.) [The date is that of endorse- ment.] 1611 1635 Jan. 20. Madrid. Real cedula al Marques de Cerralbo, Virrey de Nueva Espaiia, sobre memoriales de Fray Alonso de Venavides. AI, 67- 3-32. LC, Lowery, New Mexico, IV. 5 11. 1612 Feb. 7. [St. Augustine ?] Francisco Alonso de Jesus, O. S. F., to Philip IV. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. 8 11. [The date is that of endorsement.] 1613 March Jj. Madrid. Inigo de Salinas and Antonio Sanchez regarding the religious sent to Florida. [AI ?] NY, Smith, Florida, 18 lines ; R, Shea, no. 33, env. 7, i p. 1614 1635] Transcripts 109 June i8. Madrid. Tanto de una cedula real por la qual mando su magestad se prestasen de las reales caxas de Mexico diez mil ducados. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (short Eng. abstr.) 1615 July p. St. Augustine. Petition by Horruytinez. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (short Eng. abstr.) [The date is that of endorse- ment.] 1616 1636 Jem. 8. St. Augustine. Horruytinez to Philip IV. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Low- ery, Florida, VII. (short Eng. abstr.) 1617 Jem. 8. St. Augustine. Horruytinez to Philip IV. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Low- ery, Florida, VII. 4 11. 1618 Jem. 12. Mexico. Ynforme de Don Ynigo de Arguello Carbajal sobre el memorial presentado al Virey Marques de Cadereyta por Francisco de Bergara. DH, Col. Navarrete, t. 19, no. 28. LC, Lowery, Cali- fornia (short Eng. abstr.) 1619 May 14. St. Augustine. Horruytinez and the Royal Officials of Florida to Philip IV. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. 3 11. 1620 Nov. II. . Mandamiento que expedio el Virey de Nueva Espana revocando todas las licencias dadas hasta entonces para el descu- brimiento de la California. DH, Col. Navarrete, t. 19, no. 36. LC, Lowery, California (short Eng. abstr.) 1621 1637 [16 S7 f] . Suplica de el Capitan Don Pedro Porter y Casanate. BN, Varios papeles tocantes a Indias, MSS. 8553, fol. 118. LC, Lowery, California (short Eng. abstr.) 1622 Jan. 5. St. Augustine. Letter by Martin de Cuba. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Low- ery, Florida, VII. (short Eng. abstr.) 1623 June 24. St. Augustine. Horruvtinez to PhiHp IV. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Low- ery, Florida, VII. 6 11. ' 1624 July 6. St. Augustine. Horruytinez to Philip IV. (two letters). AI, 54- 5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (short Eng. abstr.) 1625 Nov. JO. St. Augustine. Contador Nicolas Ponce de Leon to Philip IV. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (Span, extr.) 3 11. 1626 1638 . [St. Augustine ?] Memorial del Alferez Don Bartolome Gomez Pineda. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (short Eng. abstr.) 1627 March 8. St. Augustine. Petition by Horruytinez. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Low- ery, Florida, VII. (short Eng. abstr.) [The date is that of endorse- ment.] 1628 Sept. 12. St. Augustine. Horruytinez to Philip IV. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (short Eng. abstr.) 1629 1639 June so. [St. Augustine ?] Memorial de el Govemador Benito de Salagar Ballecillo. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (short Eng. abstr.) 1630 110 Documents in Spanish Archives [1639 Aug. 22. St. Augustine. Governor Damian de Vega y Pardo to Philip IV. (extr.) AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. 6 11.; NY, Smith, Florida, 4 pp. ; R, Shea, no. 33, env. 7. 1631 1640 Bishop Juan de Palafox to Philip IV. AI, 67-3-32. LC, Lowery, New Mexico, IV. 6 11. 1632 May 16. Madrid. Royal decree regarding payments in Florida. AI, 54-5- 10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (short Eng. abstr.) 1633 1641 April 4. Madrid. Copia de la relacion que queda en la Secretaria de Yndias de la parte de Peru. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (short Eng. abstr.) . 1634 June 21. Madrid. Royal decree addressed to Governor Damian de Vega Castro y Pardo. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (short Eng. abstr.) 1635 Oct. 22. . Diploma of Fray Joseph Maldonado, Comisario General de las Indias. AI, 54-5-20. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (substance in title). 1636 Nov. IS- . Memorial de Fr. Francisco Perez procurador general de la provincia de la Florida. AI, 54-5-20. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (short Eng. abstr.) [The date is that of the first endorsement by Council.] 1637 Dec. 14. Bishop Juan de Palafox to Philip IV. AI, 54-5-18. LC, Lowery, New Mexico, IV. (Span, extr.) i leaf. 1638 1642 June 16. [ St. Augustine ?] Suplica de Don Francisco Menendez Marques, tesorero de la Florida. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (short Eng. abstr.) 1639 1643 [164s f] [St. Augustine ?] Memorial de el Cappitan Benito de Salagar Ballecilla. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (short Eng. abstr.) 1640 March 5. [St. Augustine ?] Juan Bautista Saenz Navarrete to [Philip IV. ?]. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (short Eng. abstr.) 1641 March y. [St. Augustine ?] Salazar Ballecilla to [Philip IV. ?]. AI, 54- 5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (short Eng. abstr.) 1642 March 9. [St. Augustine ?] Petition by Salazar Ballecilla. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (short Eng. abstr.) [The date is probably that of the Council.] 1643 March 12. [St. Augustine ?] Memorial de el Cappitan Benito Ruiz de Salazar. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (Eng. abstr.) I leaf. [The date is that of the Council.] 1644 March 15. [St. Augustine ?] Ruiz de Salazar to PhiUp IV. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (short Span. extr. and Eng. abstr.) 1645 March 18. [Madrid ?] Note in Council. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Flo- rida, VII. (Eng. note regarding this). 1646 1643] Transcripts 111 March 2y. Madrid. Conde de Castrillo to Philip IV. AI, 54-5-10, LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (short Eng. abstr.) 1647 April 20. [Madrid ?] Consulta del Consejo. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (short Eng. abstr.) 1648 April 28. [ St. Augustine ?] Memorial de el Cappitan Benito de Salagar Ballecilla. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (short Eng. abstr.) [The date is that of endorsement.] 1649 May 4. [St. Augustine ?] Memorial de Benito de Salazar Ballecilla. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (short Eng. abstr.) [The date is that of endorsement.] 1650 June 16. Madrid. Royal decree relieving Francisco Menendez Marques of the office of " tenedor de bastimentos ". AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (short Eng. abstr.) ^ 1651 July p. St. Augustine. Damian de Vega Castro y Pardo to Philip IV. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. 9 11. 1652 Nov. 28. Madrid. Governor Benito de Salazar to Philip IV. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (short Eng. abstr.) 1653 1644 Feb. 4. St. Augustine. Memorial de el Govemador y Oficiales Reales del presidio de San Agustin de la Florida. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (short Eng. abstr.) 1654 Aug. 2g. St. Augustine. Damian de Vega Castro y Pardo to Philip IV. [AI ?] NY, Smith, Florida. 5 pp. 1655 1645 Jan. 16. St. Augustine. Vega Castro y Pardo to Philip IV. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (short Span, extr.) 1656 April 16. St. Augustine. Letter by Benito Ruiz de Salazar. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (Span. extr. and Eng. abstr.), i leaf; NY, Smith, Florida, 3>4 pp. 1657 April 18. St. Augustine. Vega Castro y Pardo to Philip IV. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (short Eng. abstr.) 1658 Oct. 5. Florida. Benito Ruiz de Salazar to Philip IV. AI, 54-5-10, LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (short Eng. abstr.) 1659 1646 [1646 f] . Relacion de los 27 Religiosos que llevo Fray Pedro Moreno Ponce de Leon, Comisario Procurador General de la pro- vincia de la Florida. AI, 54-5-20. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. 6 11. 1660 . . Consultas y papeles de las Abadias de Jamayca y de la Florida. AI, 54-5-20. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (short Eng. abstr.) 1661 . [St. Augustine ?] Peticion de Don Martin Menendez de Abiles. AI, 54-5-18. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. 12 11. 1662 May 17. St. Augustine. Suplica de Don Francisco Menendez tesorero de la Florida. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (short Eng. abstr.) 1663 July 28. . Consulta del Consejo sobre el memorial de Fray Fran- cisco Perez. AI, 54-5-20. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (short Span. extr. and Eng. abstr.) 1664 112 Documents in Spanish Archives [1646 July 28. . Memorial para S. M. presentado por el Padre Fray Francisco Perez. AI, 54-5-20. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. 9 11. [The date is that of the Council. See preceding item.] 1665 1647 March 18. Florida. Royal Officials to Philip IV. AI, 54-5-14. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. 5 11. 1666 June 18. . Memorial de Juan Bautista Saenz Navarrete. AI, 54- 5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (short Eng. abstr.) 1667 June 20, Madrid. Real cedula para que se le re^tituia en su oficio a Benito Ruiz. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (substance in title). 1668 July sy. St. Augustine. Francisco Menendez Marques and Pedro Benedit Horruytinez to Philip IV. AI, 54-5-20. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. 5 11. 1669 1648 Jan. 18. [St. Augustine ?] Benito Ruiz de Salazar to [Philip IV. ?]. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (short Eng. abstr.) 1670 Jan. 50. . Fianzas de los capitanes Francisco de Zagache, Antonio de Landaverde, etc. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (short Eng. abstr.) 1671 Feb. 8. Florida. Ruiz Salazar to Philip IV. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (short Eng. abstr.) 1672 July p. . Memorial de Fray Pedro Moreno Ponce de Leon. AI, 54-5-20. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (Span. extr. and Eng. abstr.) I leaf. [The date is that of endorsement by Council.] 1673 July 21. . Memorial de Fray Pedro Moreno Ponce de Leon. AI, 54-5-20. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (short Span. extr. and Eng. abstr.) [The date is that of endorsement by Council.] 1674 Aug. 5. Memorial de Fray Pedro Moreno Ponce de Leon. AI, 54-5-20. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (short Eng. abstr.) [The date is that of endorsement by Council.] 1675 Aug. 8. Mexico. Decree by Bishop Marcos de Torres, Viceroy of Mexico. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (short Eng. abstr.) 1676 Aug. 8. Mexico. Testimonio de memorial que se presento ante el Virrey. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (short Eng. abstr.) [There are a number of documents treating of the same matter as this document, which are given by Lowery mainly by title and very meagre Eng. description or abstract.] 1677 1649 May 18. Florida. Ruiz de Salazar to Philip IV. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (short Eng. abstr.) ; NY, Smith, Florida (extr.), 11 lines. [There are abstracts of two letters in Lowery.] 1678 May 2y. St. Augustine. Ruiz de Salazar and Royal Officials to Philip IV. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (short Eng. abstr.) 1679 July 16. Havana. Letter by Contador Pedro Beltran de Santa Cruz. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (short Eng. abstr.) 1680 1650] Transcripts 113 1650 April 3. Madrid. Royal decree concerning support of friars. AI, 54-5-20. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (short Eng. abstr.) 1681 April 28, [St. Augustine ?] Memorial de Benito Ruiz de Salazar. AI, 54- 5-10. LC, Lower}% Florida, VII. (short Eng. abstr.) 1682 July 5. St. Augustine. Ruiz Salazar to Philip IV. (two letters). AI, 54- 5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (short Eng. abstr.; title only to one). 1683 July 5. [St. Augustine ?] Certificacion del contador de la Florida. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (short Eng. abstr.) 1684 July 10. [St. Augustine ?] Royal Officials of Florida to Philip IV. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (Span. extr. and Eng. abstr.), I leaf; NY, Smith, Florida (extr.), 22 lines. 1685 July 14. Florida. Ruiz de Salazar to Philip IV. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (short Eng. abstr.) 1686 1651 Sept. 5-Oct. 16. St. Augustine. Acuerdo sobre la venta de bienes que dejo el gobernador de la Florida Don Benito Ruiz Salazar. AI, 54-5-18. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (extr.) 10 lines. 1687 Sept. 7. . Memorial de Fray Pedro Moreno Ponce de Leon. AI, 54-5-20. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (short Eng. abstr.) 1688 1654 Oct. . Noticias de la Nueva Espafia. BN, MSS. 3000. LC, Low- ery, Florida, VII. (short Span, extr.) 1689 1655 . St. Augustine. Anonymous letter to " Seiior Secretario ". [AI ?] NY, Smith, Florida. 15 lines. 1690 Nov. 20. St. Augustine. Letter to Philip IV. complaining of Governor Diego de Rebolledo. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. 23 11. 1691 Nov. 28. St. Augustine. Letter by Juan Ruiz Maroto. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (short Eng. abstr.) 1692 Dec. 5. St. Augustine. Letter by Gregorio Bravo. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Low- ery, Florida, VII. (Span. extr. and Eng. abstr.) i leaf. 1693 1656 ? [Jan. ?] [St. Augustine ?] Memorial de el Sargento Mayor Don Diego del Rebolledo. A I, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (short Eng. abstr.) 1694 1657 Feb. 28. St, Augustine. Letter by definitors of Franciscan convent. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (short Eng. abstr.) 1695 March /j. Havana. Juan Gomez Engraba, O. S. F., to Francisco Martinez, O. S. F. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIL, 6 11. ; R, Shea, no. 33, env. 8. 1696 April 4. Havana. Juan Gomez Engraba, O. S. F., to Francisco Martinez, O. S. F. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIL, 7 11. ; NY, Smith, Florida, 2 pp. 1697 114 Documents in Spanish Archives [1657 July 12. . Ynformacion fecha y remitida por el contador Don Pedro Beltran de Santa Cruz contra el contador Santos de las Heras. AI, 54-5-10, LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (short Eng-. abstr.) , 1698 Sept. 10. St. Augustine. Franciscans of the province of Santa Elena to Philip IV. AI, 54-5-20. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. 74 11. 1699 Sept. 18. St. Augustine. Governor Di^go de Rebolledo to Philip IV. [AI ?] NY, Smith, Florida. 4 pp. 1700 Oct. 8. St. Augustine. Royal Officials to Philip IV. AI, 54-5-18. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (Span, extr.) i leaf. 1701 Oct. 18. St. Augustine. Rebolledo to Philip IV. AI, 54-5-18. LC, Low- ery, Florida, VII., 9 11. ; NY, Smith, Florida, 4 pp. 1702 Nov. 8. St. Augustine. Royal Officials to [Philip IV. ?]. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (short Eng. abstr.) 1703 Nov. 8. Province of Quale. Franciscan missionaries to Philip IV. AI, 54- 5-20. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. 15 11. [Enclosing a letter from the Christian Indians, transl. by the friars, October 16, 1657.] 1704 Nov. JO. St. Augustine. Pedro Benedit Horruytinez to Philip IV. AI, 54-5-18. LC, Lowery, Florida, VII. (short Span. extr. and Eng. abstr.) 1705 1658 . [Madrid ?] Relacion de lo que parece sobre los memoriales que ha dado Fray Francisco Martinez procurador general de la orden de San Francisco de las provincias de la Florida. AI, 54-5-20. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII. 9 11. 1706 May 25. St. Augustine. Rebolledo to Philip IV. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII. (short Eng. abstr.) 1707 July 8. Seville. Relacion de los Religiosos que fueron a la Florida. AI, 54-5-20. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII. 12 11. 1708 Nov. I. Havana. Letter by Governor Juan de Salamanca. AI, 54-5-14. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII. (short Span, extr.) 1709 1659 April I. [St. Augustine ?] Peticion de el sargento mayor Eugenio de Espi- nosa. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII. (short Eng. abstr.) 1710 July 4. Madrid. Royal decree addressed to the Governor of Florida. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII. (substance in title). 1711 July 4. Madrid. Royal decree addressed to the Governor of Havana. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII. (substance in title). 1712 Aug. 7. St. Augustine. Governor Alonso de Aranjuez y Cotes to Philip IV. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII. (substance in title). [Another letter of same date (short Eng. abstr.)] 1713 Sept. 8. St. Augustine. Aranjuez y Cotes to Philip IV. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII. (substance in title). 1714 Sept. 10. St. Augustine. Aranjuez y Cotes to Philip IV. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII. (short Eng. abstr.) 1715 Oct. 20. St. Augustine. Aranjuez y Cotes to Philip IV. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII. (short Span, extr.) 1716 1660] Transcripts 115 1660 Jan. 8. Memorial de Salvador de Zigarroa. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII. (short Eng-. abstr.) 1717 Feb. 26. Madrid. Royal decree addressed to the Governor of Florida. AI, S4-5-IO. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII. 3 11. 1718 March 13. Madrid. Royal decree addressed to the Governor of Florida. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII. (substance in title). 1719 April. St. Augustine. Letter and relation by Aranjuez y Cotes. AI, 54- 5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII. (short Span, extr.) 1720 May 10. Tolosa. Royal decree addressed to the Governor of Florida. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII. (substance in title). 1721 July Jj. Madrid. Ligencia para volver a la Florida concedido a P. Fray Diego de Corpa, O. S. F. AI, 54-5-20. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII. (short Eng. abstr.) 1722 July 23. Madrid. Royal decree addressed to various officials in the Indies, concerning the religious of Florida. AI, 154- 1-20, t. 9, fol. 214 verso. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII. (short Eng. abstr., and substance in title). 1723 Aug. 2g. [Madrid ?] Royal decree addressed to the Governor of Florida. AI, 54-5-18. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII. (substance in title). 1724 Oct. 8. Madrid. Royal decree addressed to the Governor of Florida. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII. (substance in title). 1725 1661 Aug. 2. Madrid. Royal despatch to the Governor of Florida. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII. (substance in title). 1726 Nov. 15. St. Augustine. Governor Alonso de Aranjuez to Philip IV. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII. 6 11. [Another letter of same date (short Span, and Eng. abstr.)] 1727 1662 Aug. 8. St. Augustine. Aranjuez y Cotes to Philip IV. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII. (short Eng. abstr.) 1728 Sept. 8. St. Augustine. Aranjuez y Cotes to Philip IV. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII. 5 II. 1729 Dec. 21. St. Augustine. Franciscan religious of the province of Santa Elena to Philip IV. AI, 54-5-20. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII. (Span. extr. and Eng. abstr.) i leaf. 1730 1663 April 14. Madrid. Informe del estado que tienen las fortificaciones de el presidio de la Florida. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII. (short Eng. abstr.) 1731 1664 Feb. p. . Noticia de los socorros que se ha mandado hazer al presidio de la Florida. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida VIII. (short Span, extr.) 1732 Feb. ip. St. Augustine. Letter by Nicolas Ponce de Leon, sargento mayor of Florida. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII. (Eng. abstr.) I leaf. 1733 116 Documents in Spanish Archives [1664 June i6. Florida. Letter by the Franciscans of Florida. AI, 54-5-18. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII. 9 11. 1734 Dec. so. [St. Augustine ?] Testimonio de la toma de posesion del Goberna- dor de la Florida, Don Francisco de la Guerra y de la Vega. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII. (short Eng. abstr.) 1735 N 1665 March 18. St Augustine. Governor Francisco de la Guerra to Philip IV. (two letters). AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII. (short Span, extr.) 1736 1666 Aprils. St. Augustine. Guerra y de la Vega to Queen Mariana. AI, 54- 5-10. LC, Lowers-, Florida, VIII. 4 11. 1737 Sept. p. Florida. Letter bv the Roval Officials. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII. (short Span.' abstr.) 1738 Sept. IS- St. Augustine. Letter by the Governor and Royal Officials of Florida. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII. (short Span, abstr.) 1739 Sept. Jj. Madrid. Royal decree addressed to the Royal Officials of Havana. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII. (substance in title). 1740 Sept. 16. St. Augustine. Guerra y de la Vega to Queen Mariana (two let- ters). AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lower}-, Florida, VIII. (short Span, abstr.) 1741 Sept. so. St. Augustine. Letter by the Governor and Royal Officials of Florida. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII. (short Span, abstr.) 1742 1667 Feb. 28. St. Augustine. Guerra y de la Vega to Queen Mariana. AI, 54- 5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII. (short Eng. abstr.) 1743 July 7. . Memorial de Fray Diego de Corpa, O. S. F. AI, 54-5-20. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII. (short Eng. abstr.) [The date is that of the endorsement] 1744 Aug. 16. San Jose de el Parral. Andres Lopez de Garcia to Antonio de Oca Sarmiento. RAH, Col. Boturini, t. 19, fol. 208, 209, verso. LC, Lowery, New Mexico, IV. (title merely) ; H, PM, Hemenway. 1745 Sept. 2S. St. Augustine. Royal Officials of Florida to Queen Mariana. AI, 58-1-34. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII. 13 11. 1746 Sept. 25. St Augustine. Guerra y de la Vega to Queen Mariana. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII. (short Eng. abstr.) [Contains a short enclosure with news from Vera Cruz.] 1747 1668 Feb. 20. Madrid. Royal decree regarding the religious of Florida. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII. (substance in title, and short Eng. abstr.) 1748 June so. St. Augustine. Letter by the Royal Officials of Florida. AI, 54- 5-14. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII. (short Span. extr. and Eng. abstr.) 1749 1668] Transcripts 117 July 4. St. Augustine. Licentiate Francisco de Sotolongo, curate of the church in the province of Florida, to Queen Mariana. AI, 54-5-20. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII. 8 11. 1750 Jtdy 4. St. Augustine. Letter by Juan Menendez Marques. AI, 54-5-18. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII. 9 11. 1751 July 6. St. Augustine. Captain Antonio de Arguelles to Queen Mariana. AI, 54-5-18. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIIL 6 11. 1752 Aug. 6. St. Augustine. Guerra y de la Vega to Queen Mariana. AI, 54- 5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIIL 11 11. 1753 Aug. 6. St. Augustine. Nicolas Ponce de Leon to Queen Mariana. AI, 54-5-18. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIIL 9 11. 1754 Aug. 8. St. Augustine. Guerra y de la Vega to Oueen Mariana. AI, 54- 5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIIL 4 H- '^ 1755 Aug. 8. St. Augustine. Guerra y de la Vega to Queen Mariana. AI, 54- 5-18. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIIL 13 11. 1756 1669 March II. [Madrid ?] Note by Council regarding letters of the English invasion from Florida. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIIL I leaf. 1757 1670 Jan. 26. St. Augustine. Manuela Rodriguez to Queen Mariana. AI, 54- 5-18. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIIL (short Eng. abstr.) 1758 May 2g. . Memorial de Don Manuel de Bendoya gobemador y Cappitan general de la Florida. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIIL (short Span. extr. and Eng. abstr.) 1759 July 5 J. Madrid. Document regarding Juan Francisco de Florencia, infantry captain in the presidio of Florida. AI, 54-5-18. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIIL (Span. extr. and Eng. abstr.) i leaf. 1760 Oct. St. Augustine. Attestation bv the government secretary, Juan Moreno y Segobia. [AI ?] NY, Smith, Florida, i p. 1761 1671 Oct. jz. St. Augustine. Governor Manuel de Bendoya to Queen Mariana. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIIL (short Eng. abstr.) 1762 Oct.^i. Letter by Bendoya. AI, 54-5-10. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIIL (short Span, abstr.) 1763 1672 March 20. St. Augustine. Letter by Bendoya. AI, 54-5-1 1. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIIL (short Eng. abstr.) 1764 March 20. St. Augustine. Letter by Bendoya. AI, 54-5-1 1. LC, Lowerv, Florida, VIIL (short Span, abstr.) 176'5 March 24. St. Augustine. Bendoya to Queen Mariana (three letters). AI, 54-5-1 1. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIIL (short Span, abstr.) 1766 Dec. 15. St. Augustine. Bendoya to Queen Mariana. [AI ?] NY, Smith, Florida. 3 pp. 1767 Dec. so. Madrid. Informe del Capitan Domingo de Leturiondo sobre lo que se ofrece sobre la mision de los Religiosos para la Florida (extr.) AI, 58-1-35. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIIL 6 11. 1768 118 Documents in Spanish Archives [16Y3 1673 Jan. 5. [Havana ?] Letter by Francisco Davila Ore j on. AI, 58-2-5. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII. (short Span, abstr.) 1769 Jan. 2^. St. Augustine. Guerra y de la Vega to Queen Mariana. AI, 58- 2-5. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIIL (short Eng. abstr.) 1770 March s- Madrid. Letter to Guerra de la Vega, AI, 54-5-1 1. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII. 5 11. 1771 March 24^. Madrid, Asiento de la Reyna Governadora. AI, 54-5-1 1. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII. (short Span, abstr.) 1772 May 2. San Francisco. Antonio de Somosa, O. S. F., to Francisco Fernan- dez de Madrigal. AI, 54-5-20. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII. 8 11. 1773 May 2^. . Suplica de Juan Francisco de los Sanctos, AI, 54- 5-19. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIIL (Span. extr. and Eng. abstr.) I leaf. 1774 July 8. St. Augustine. Nicolas Ponce de Leon to Queen Mariana. AI, 58-2-14. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII. 811. 1775 Aug. 7. St. Augustine. Suplica de Manuel de Barrios. AI, 54-5-19. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII, (short Eng, abstr,) 1776 1674 March 6. Madrid. Consulta de la Junta de Guerra de Yndias. AI, 58-2-14. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII. 7 11. 1777 April"/. Havana. Letter by Governor Francisco Rodriguez de Ledesma. AI, 58-2-14. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII, (Span, extr,) 2 11, 1778 May I. St, Augustine. Letter by the Royal Officials of Florida, AI, 54- 5-1 1. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII, (short Eng. abstr.) 1779 May 8. St, Augustine. Governor Nicolas Ponce de Leon to Queen Mariana. AI, 54-5-1 1. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIIL 4 11. 1780 May 8. St. Augustine, Ponce de Leon to Queen Mariana. AI, 58-1-35. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII. 20 11. [Letter with certification,] 1781 May 8. St, Augustine, Ponce de Leon to Queen Mariana (four letters), AI, 54-5-1 1. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII, (two with short Span., and two with short Eng. abstr.) 1782 May^. St, Augustine. Ponce de Leon to Queen Mariana. AI, 54-5-1 1. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII. (Span, abstr.) i leaf, 1783 May 10. Madrid, Junta de Guerra de Indias, AI, 58-2-14, LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII, 3 11, 1784 June, 15. Madrid, Consulta de la Junta de Yndias, AI, 58-2-14, LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII, 18 11. 1785 Sept. 10. San Nicolas de Tolentino, province Apalache. Certificacion de los Padres Fray Miguel de Valverde y Fray Rodrigo de la Barrera sobre la conducta del Capitan Juan Hernandez de Florencia. AI, 54-5-19. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII. 4 11, 1786 Oct. 12. Madrid, Ynforme de la Junta de Guerra de Yndias, AI, 58-2-14. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII. 17 11. 1787 Oct. 15. St. Augustine. Ponce de Leon and the Royal Officials to Queen Mariana. AI, 58-1-35, LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII, 4 11. 1788 Dec. 4. Seville. Letter by the Casa de Contratacion. AI, 54-5-1 1. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII, (short Span, abstr.) 1789 1675] Transcripts 119 1675 Relacion de los lugares de esta provincia [i. e., Florida], etc. By Captain Juan Fernandez de Florencia, lieutenant-governor of Florida. [AI ?] NY, Smith, Florida. 2 pp. 1790 June 8. Havana. Bishop of Cuba, Gabriel Diaz Vara Calderon to Juan de Mendoza Escalante. BN, J. 94. NY, Smith, North America, 1607-1786, fol. 123, 124. 1791 June 8. Havana. Bishop of Cuba to Conde de Medillin, of Council of the Indies. AI, Aud. de Sto. Domingo, eclesiastico, cartas y expedientes de personas eclesiasticas de la IsLa de Cuba vistos en el Consejo Real desde el afio de 1620 a 1700. NY, Smith, Florida. 12 pp. 1792 June 75. St. Augustine. Governor Pablo de Hita Salazar to Charles II. [AI ?] NY, Smith, Florida, i p. 1793 June 75. St. Augustine. Hita Salazar to Charles II. AI, 32-4-29/35. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII. (short Span, extr.) 1794 June 15. St. Augustine. Hita Salazar to Charles II. (three letters) . AI, 54-5-1 1. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII. (short Span, and Eng. extr. and abstr.) 1795 June 25. St. Augustine. Hita Salazar to Charles II. AI, 58-2-5. LC, Low- ery, Florida, VIII. (short Span, and Eng. abstr.) 1796 July 15. St. Augustine. Noticia de los lugares y gentio de las provincias de la Mocama y Guale. By Pedro de Arcos, soldier. [AI ?] NY, Smith, Florida. 4 pp. 1797 July so. St. Augustine. Hita Salazar to Sec. Francisco Fernandez Madrigal. [AI ?] NY, Smith, Florida, i^ pp. [Encloses plan of new forti- cations of St. Augustine.] 1798 Aug. 23. St. Augustine. Official letter to Charles II. [AI ?] NY, Smith, Florida. 11 lines. 1799 Aug. 24. St. Augustine. Hita Salazar to Charles II. AI, 32-4-29/35. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII. 7 11. 1800 Aug. 24. St. Augustine. Hita Salazer to Charles II. AI, 54-5-1 1. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII. (short Span, and Eng. abstr.) ; NY, Smith, Florida, i p. [Possibly these are different letters.] 1801 Aug. 26. St. Augustine. Hita Salazar to Charles II. (three letters). AI, 54-5-1 1. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII. (one, carpeta, with substance in title ; one with short Span, abstr. ; and one with short Eng. abstr.) 1802 Nov. p. St. Augustine. Letter by Licentiate Perez de la Cerda. AI, 58-1-35. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII. (short Eng. abstr.) 1803 Nov. 2^. St. Augustine. Hita Salazar to Charles II. (three letters). AI, 54-5-1 1. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII. (one with short Span., and two with short Eng. abstr.) 1804 1676 May 2/. . Guerra de la Vega to Charles II. AI, 58-2-5. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII. (short Span, extr., and Eng. abstr.) i leaf. 1805 Sept. . Memorial de Fray Francisco de Ayeta al Virrey de Mexico. RAH, Col. Boturini, t. 25. LC, Lowery, New Mexico, IV. 14 11. [The same collection contains a letter by Francisco Fernandez Marci- lyo, September 2, concerning this memorial.] 1806 120 Documents in Spanish Archives [1676 Sept. i8. [Madrid ?] Memorial de Fray Alonso del Moral. AI, 54-5-20. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII. 8 R 1807 Sept. 24. [Madrid ?] Memorial de Padre Alonso del Moral, O. S. F. AI, 54-5-20. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII. (short Span, extr.) 1808 Nov. 5. [Madrid?] Memorial de Fray Alonso del Moral (two). AI, 54-5-20. LC, Lowery, Florida, VIII. One of 15 11., and the other of I leaf (Span, extr.) [The date in case is that of endorsement by the Council.] 1809 1677 . . Suplica de Cappitan Diego Diaz Mexia. AI, 54-5-19. LC, Lowery, Florida, IX. (short Span, extr.) 1810 . . Proposiciones del Marques de Varinas sobre los abuses de Yndios. BN, MSS. 3034. LC, Lowery, Florida, IX. (short Span. extr., and short Eng-. abstr. — two references). 1811 Jan. 20. St. Augustine. Hita Salazar to Charles II. (two letters). AI, 54- 5-1 1. LC, Lowery, Florida, IX. (one, 4 11., and the other short Span, abstr.) 1812 Jan. 20. [St. Augustine ?] Testimonio de la muerte de Juan Rivera Ingles. AI, 54-5-1 1. LC, Lowery, Florida, IX. (short Eng. abstr.) [The date is that of Hita Salazar's letter, in which it was enclosed.] 1813 1678 April 20. St. Augustine. Letter by Juan Bautista de la Cruz. AI, 54-5-1 1. LC, Lowery, Florida, IX. (short Eng. abstr.) 1814 April 24. St. Augustine. Hita Salazar to Charles II. AI, 54-5-1 1. LC, Lowery, Florida, IX. (short Span, abstr.) 1815 April 26. St. Augustine. Hita Salazar to Charles II. AI, 54-5-1 1. LC, Lowery, Florida, IX. (short abstr.. Span, and Eng.) 1816 Aug. 50. San Luis de Talimali. Relacion que hicieron ante el Capitan Juan Fernandez de Florencia los cavos principales que fueron a la guerra a los Chiscos. [AI ?] NY, Smith, Florida. 11 pp. 1817 Oct. 50. St. Augustine. Descripcion de lo que se a obrado en el fuerte real en este presidio de San Agustin. AI, 54-5-1 1. LC, Lowery, Florida, IX. (short Eng. abstr.) [The date is that of the letter in which the relation was enclosed.] 1818 Nov. 4. St. Augustine. Hita Salazar to Charles II. AI, 54-5-14. LC, Lowery, Florida, IX. (short Eng. abstr.) 1819 Nov. 10. St. Augustine. Hita Salazar to Charles II (six letters). AI, 54- 5-1 1. LC, Lowery, Florida, IX. One, 31 11. (enclosing various ' documents) ; three with short Span, abstr. ; one short Eng. abstr. ; one with comprehensive title. 1820 Nov. 10. St. Augustine. Hita Salazar to Charles II. [AI ?] NY, Smith, Florida, i p. [This letter is probably identical with one of the six above.] 1821 1679 Feb. 2. St. Augustine. Royal Officials of Florida to Charles II. AI, 54-5-1 1. LC, Lowery, Florida, IX. (short Eng. abstr.) 1822 Feb. 15. St. Augustine. Roval Officials of Florida to Charles II. AI, 54- 5-1 1. LC, Lowery, Florida, IX. (short Eng. abstr.) 1823 1679] Transcripts 121 Feb. 2/. St. Augustine. Hita Salazar to Charles II. AI, 54-5-1 1. LC, Lowery, Florida, IX. (short Span, abstr.) 1824 March 4. Madrid. Letter by Dona Estefania Ponce de Leon. AI, 54-5-19. LC, Lowery, Florida, IX. (short Eng. abstr.) 1825 March I ^. St. Augustine. Hita Salazar to Charles II. (six letters). AI, 54-5-1 1. LC, Lowery, Florida, IX. (four, with short Span, abstr., and two with Eng. abstr.) 1826 June ig. Mexico. Fray Payo Enriquez de Rivera, viceroy of Mexico, to Charles II. AI, 67-3-32. LC, Lowery, New Mexico, IV. 25 11. 1827 1680 i68o-i6g^. Mercurio Volante con la de la recuperacion de las provincias del Nuevo Mexico conseguida por Don Diego Bargas Zapata y Luxan Ponce de Leon, Gobemador y Capitan General de aquel Reyno. RAH, Col. Boturini, t. 25, fol. 189-219. LC, Lowery, New Mexico, IV. 40 11. [Copy also in British Museum, Add. MSS. 17,563, fol. 94-123, and 17,565, fol. 169.] 1828 Feb. 2^. St. Augustine. Hita Salazar to Charles II. AI, 54-5-1 1. LC, Lowery, Florida, IX. (short Span, abstr.) 1829 March 6. St. Augustine. Hita Salazar to Charles II. (five letters). AI, 54-5-1 1. LC, Lowery, Florida, IX. One, 20 11.; one, 3 11.; three, short Span, abstr. 1830 March 8. St. Augustine. Hita Salazar to Charles II. (two letters). AI, 54-5-1 1. LC, Lowery, Florida, IX. One, 28 11.; one, 3 11. 1831 March 8. St. Augustine. Hita Salazar to Charles II. [AI ?] NY, Smith, Florida, i p. [Possibly one of the letters of this date noted above.] 1832 March 14. St. Augustine. Letter by the Royal Officials of Florida. AI, 54-5-14. LC, Lowery, Florida, IX. (short Span, and Eng. abstr.) 1833 Mays- St. Augustine. Hita Salazar to Charles II. AI, 54-5-1 1. LC, Lowery, Florida, IX. (short Span, abstr.) 1834 Aug. 57. El Paso. The official ecclesiastical visitor to Viceroy Enriquez de Rivera. RAH, Col. Boturini, t. 25, fol. 183-189. LC, Lowery, New Mexico, IV. 13 11. 1835 Sept. 4. Paraje de San Cristoval. Lieut.-Gen. Alonso Garcia to Fray Francisco de Ayeta, procurator. RAH, Col. Boturini, t. 25, fol. 170-172. LC, Lowery, New Mexico, IV. 4 11. 1836 Sept. II. El Paso. Francisco de Ayeta to Viceroy Enriquez de Rivera. RAH, Col. Boturini, t. 25, fol. 173-178. LC, Lowery, New Mexico, IV. 10 11. 1837 Nov. 15. St. Augustine. Hita Salazar to Charles II. AI, 54-5-1 1. LC, Lowery, Florida, IX. (Span, extr.) i leaf. 1838 Dec. 6. St. Augustine. Governor Juan Marques Cabrera to Charles II. AI, 54-5-1 1. LC, Lowery, Florida, IX. (short Span, abstr.) 1839 Dec. 7. St. Augustine. Hita Salazar to Charles II. AI, 54-5-1 1. LC, Lowery, Florida, IX. (short Span, abstr.) 1840 Dec. 8. St. Augustine. Marques Cabrera to Charles II. (five letters). AI, 54-5-1 1. LC, Lowery, Florida, IX. One, 8 11. ; one, 6 11. ; one, 4 11. ; one, short Span, abstr. ; and one, short Eng. abstr. 1841 122 Documents in Spanish Archives [1680 Dec. 8. St. Augustine. Relacion de los Religiosos existentes en las con- versiones de la Florida y pueblos donde estan las doctrinas. AI, 54-5-1 1, LC, Lowery, Florida, IX. 7 11. [Enclosed in one of the letters of this date.] 1842 Dec. 10. St. Augustine. Royal Officials of Florida to Charles II. AI, 54-5-1 1. LC, Lowery, Florida, IX. (short Span, and Eng. abstr.) 1843 Dec. 12. St. Augustine. Royal Officials of Florida to Charles II. (two let- ters). AI, 54-5-1 1. LC, Lowery, Florida, IX. (short Span, and Eng. abstr.) 1844 Dec. 15. St. Augustine. Hita Salazar to Charles II. AI, 54-5-1 1. LC, Lowery, Florida, IX. (short Span, extr.) 1845 Dec. 15. St. Augustine. Descripcion del estado en que se halla la obra del fuerte real en el presidio de las provincias de la Florida. AI, 54- 5-1 1. LC, Lowery, Florida, IX. 6 11. (with tracing of plan of fort). [Enclosed in letter of this date.] 1846 Dec. 20. Real Chico. Fray Francisco de Ayeta, O. S. F., to Commissary General. RAH, Col. Boturini, t. 25, fol. 178-183. LC, Lowery, New Mexico, IV. 10 11. 1847 1681 Feb. 7. Japala. Captain Francisco de Fuentes to Marques Cabrera. AI, 54-5-1 1. LC, Lowery, Florida, IX. 15 11. 1848 Feb. 28. Mexico. Viceroy Conde de Paredes to Charles II. AI, 67-3-32. LC, Lowery, New Mexico, V. 38 11. 1849 May. St. Augustine. Copias 6 testimonios de dos escritos dirigidos por el Padre Provincial y definidores del convento de S. Agustin de la Florida al Gobernador de aquella provincia. AI, 54-5-1 1. LC, Low- ery, Florida, IX. 48 11. 1850 May 4. Sapala. Captain Francisco Fuentes to Marques Cabrera, Governor of Florida. AI, 54-5-1 1. LC, Lowery, Florida, IX. 611. 1851 May 5. Sapala. Cacique of the province of Guales to Marques Cabrera. AI, 54-5-1 1. LC, Lowery, Florida, IX. 4 11. 1852 May ip. . Letter by Francisco Gutierrez de Vera, O. S. F. AI, 54- 5-1 1. LC, Lowery, Florida, IX. 5 11. 1853 June 14. St. Augustine. Marques Cabrera to Charles II. AI, 54-5-1 1. LC, Lowery, Florida, IX. 11 11. 1854 June 16. St. Augustine. Relacion de los omamentos y alhajas que para el culto divino tienen las yslesias de 34 doctrinas de las conversiones de la Florida. AI, 54-5-20. LC, Lowery, Florida, IX. 6 11. 1855 July S' Madrid. Fray Miguel Abengojar to Charles II. AI, 54-5-1 1. LC, Lowery, Florida, IX. 8 11. 1856 1682 Declaracion de Don Tomas Mendez Marquez. [AI ?] NY, Smith, Florida. 55 lines. 1857 July 16. St. Augustine. Marques Cabrera to Charles II. [AI ?] NY, Smith, Florida. 3 pp. 1858 Oct. 7. St. Augustine. Marques Cabrera to Charles II. [AI ?] NY, Smith, Florida. lYz pp. 1859 1683] Transcripts 123 1683 May 20. . Razon de lo sucedido en las provincias de la Florida este aiio por los piratas Franceses y Yngleses que infestan dichas costas. AI, 54-5-1 1. LC, Lowery, Florida, IX. 22 11. 1860 May 25. St. Augustine. Francisco de la Rocha and Antonio Menendez Marques to Charles II. [AI ?] NY, Smith, Florida. i>4 pp. 1861 June 28. St. Augustine. Marques Cabrera to Charles II. AI, 54-5-16. LC, Lowery, Florida, IX. (short Span, and Eng. abstr.) 1862 1685 Plan of fort in Florida. [AI ?] NY, Smith, Florida. I traced sheet. [Enclosed in letter of Governor Marques Cabrera to King, April 28, 1685.] 1863 1686 May ip. San Luis de Apalache. Lieutenant of Apalache [Antonio Mateo ?] to Governor Marques Cabrera. AI, 54-5-9. LC, Lowery, Florida, IX., 12 11. ; NY, Smith, Florida, 53^ pp. 1864 May 2p. St. Augustine. Marques Cabrera to Charles II. [AI ?] NY, Smith, Florida, i p. 1865 Nov. 4. St. Augustine. Marques Cabrera to Charles II. [AI ?] NY, Smith, Florida. 61 lines. 1866 1687 Jan. 20. [St. Augustine ?] Planta de la costa de la Florida. AI, 61 -6-21. TS. Tracing. [No. 80 in Torres Lanzas, Mapas y Pianos.] 1867 Nov. 12. St. Augustine. Governor Diego de Quiroga y Losada to Governor James Colleton. [AI ?] NY, Smith, Florida. 45 lines. [Part of the transc. is lost.] 1868 Nov. 14. St. Augustine. Ouiroga y Losada to Colleton. [AI ?] NY, Smith, Florida. 46 Tines. 1869 Dec. 10. St. Augustine. Attestation by notary Alonso Solana concerning condition of fortifications. [AI ?] NY, Smith, Florida. 38 lines. 1870 Dec. 20. St. Augustine, Quiroga y Losada to Charles II. [AI ?] NY, Smith, Florida. 24 lines. 1871 1688 [1688 f] [St. Augustine ?] [Quiroga y Losada ?] to Charies II. [AI ?] NY, Smith, Florida. 4 pp. [Part of transc. lost.] 1872 1689 Mapa del camino que el afio de 1689 hizo el Gobernador Alonso de Leon desde Cuahuila hasta hallar cerca del lago de San Bernardo el lugar donde havian poblado Franceses. AI, 61-6-21. University of Texas. Tracing. [See Torres Lanzas, Mapas y Pianos, I.', no. 86. See other list.] 1873 1689-1783. Documento Historico Mexicano. [AI ?] L, MS. 1 1075. 140 11. [Collection of 21 documents regarding early history of Pensacola. All cited separately.] 1874 Jtme 2. Mexico. Letter probably from Carlos Siguenza y Gongora regard- ing Pensacola Bay. [AI ?] L, Doc. Hist. Mex., no. 11075, fol. 1-13. 1875 124 Documents in Spanish Archives [1689 Aug. i6. St. Augustine. Quiroga y Losada to Charles II. [AI ?] NY, Smith, Florida, i p. ^ 1876 1690 . . Mapa del Viaxes que el afio 1690 hizo el Gobernador Alonso de Leon. AI, 61-6-21. TS. Tracing. [No. 88 in Torres Lanzas. Mapas y Pianos.] 1877 Jan. 2. Havana. Proclamation by Diego Ebelino de Compostela, bishop of Santiago [AI ?] NY, Smith, Florida, 6^ pp. ; R, Shea, no. 33, env. 10. 1878 Dec. 28. Mexico. Relacion embiada a S. M. por el Virrey de aquel Reyno. BR, leg. de papeles sueltos no. 90 del estante J, rotulado " Yndias — papeles historicos y politicos en la sala de MSS." (copies in BN, J. 90; DH, Col. Navarrete, t. 2, no. 23). NY, Smith, North America, 1607-1786, fol. 125, 126. 1879 1691 . . Planta Cosmographica del lago de San Bernardo. AI, 61-6-21. TS. Tracing. [No. 89 in Torres Lanzas, Mapas y Pianos.] 1880 July 18. St. Augustine. Franciscans to Charles II. [AI ?] NY, Smith, Florida. 5 pp. 1881 1693 May 8. Laguna de Fez. Certificacion de Pedro Fernandez y Diego de Montes y Jacinto Nunez de Luarca. RAH, Col. Mufioz, t. 11, no. 3 (copy in Mexican Archives). L, MS. 11075, Doc. Hist. Mex., fol. 44, 45 ; title, LC, Lowery, Florida, IX. 1882 May 15. San Juan de Ulua. Descripcion de la Bahia de Santa Maria de Galve. RAH, Col. Munoz, t. 11, no. 2; BN, J. 30 (in Pulgar's Hist. gen. de la Florida; also probably in Mexican archives). L, MS. 1 1075, fol. 14-43 ; NY, Smith, North America, 1607-1786, 17 11. (from BN) ; in LC, Lowery, Florida, IX. 1883 June I. Mexico. Andres de Pez to Conde de Galve. RAH, Col. Muiioz, t. II, no. 4 (probably also in Mexican archives). L, MS. 11075, Doc. Hist. Mex., fol. 46, 47 ; title, in LC, Lowery, Florida, IX. 1884 June I. Mexico. Carlos de Siguenza y Gongora to Viceroy Conde de Galve. RAH, Col. Munoz, t. 11, no. 5 (probably also in Mexican archives). L, MS. 1 1075, Doc. Hist. Mex., fol. 48, 49 (perhaps from Mexico) ; title, in LC, Lowery, Florida, IX. 1885 June 2. Mexico. Council held by Conde de Galve. [RAH ? (copy in Mexican archives).] L, MS. 11075, Doc. Hist. Mex., fol. 50-53. 1886 1694-1699 . . Continuacion de los materiales para la historia de Sonora. RAH, Col. Boturini, t. 17. Orden Real. NY, North America, 1607- 1786, 89 11. [This contains various diaries of the missionary Kino. For titles to various Kino diarios and derroteros, see LC, Lowery, California. Most of the Kino material exists also in the Mexican archives.! 1887 1695] Transcripts 126 1695 Oct. 24. . Royal decree addressed to Governor of Florida. RAH or BMU (formerly in collection of Pascual de Gayangos). NY, Smith, North America, 1607- 1786 (Span. extr. and Eng. and Span, abstr.) 16 lines. 1888 1697 Oct. 16. Havana. Fray Francisco de Contreras to Charles II. [AI ?] NY, Smith, Florida. 6 pp. 1889 1698 Feb. 26. Havana. Extractos de varios relaciones prestados bajo juramento en el convento de San Francisco de la ciudad de la Habana. [AI ?] NY, Smith, Florida. 4 pp. 1890 March 5. Havana. Francisco de Contreras, O. S. F., to Charles II. AI, Sim., eclesiastico, Aud. de Sto. Domingo, cartas y expedientes de personas eclesiasticas de la Isla de Cuba vistos en el Consejo el afio de 1620 a 1700. NY, Smith, Florida. 2 pp. 1891 April 24. Bahia de Carlos del Pueblo San Diego de Compostela. Feliciano Lopez, O. S. F., to Pedro Taybo, O. S. F. AI, Sim., eclesiastico, Aud. de Sto Domingo, . . . aiio de 1620 a 1700. NY, Smith, Florida. 6 pp. 1892 Aug. 15. Madrid. Note by fiscal concerning missions and condition of Florida. AI, Sim., eclesiastico, Aud. de Sto. Domingo, . . . ano de 1620 a 1700. NY, Smith, Florida. 8 pp. 1893 1699 . . Historia General de las Indias Occidentales. By Pedro de Fernandez de Pulgar. BN, MSS. 2796-2799 (formerly J. 22-25; extr. in LC, Lowery, Florida, I., 22 11. ; id., II., 48 11. ; id., IV. 8 11. ; id., New Mexico, II., i leaf, Eng. abstr.) ; in extr. NY, Smith, North America, 1607-1786, 27 11. [This is a continuation of Herrera's Historia, but has no special merit. The last extract contains a letter by Siguenza y Gongora, May 15, 1693.] 1894 May p. Mexico. Memorial de Don Carlos de Siguenza y Gongora en que describe la bahia de Panzacola. RAH, Col. Boturini, t. i, fol. 233- 298 (copy in Mexican archives). L, MS. 11075, Doc. Hist. Mex., fol. 54-88 ; title, in LC, Lowery, Florida, IX. 1895 XVIII. Century [Early in century ?] Apuntamientos que sobre el terreno hizo el Padre Juan Amando Niel, S. J. RAH, Col. Boturini, t. 2, fol. 72. LC, Lowery, New Mexico, I. 150 11. 1896 Relacion de lo que dice el Cacique Junape. AI. LC, Florida y Louisiana, Ac. 399. 1897 Un estadito de los gastos que ocasionan a la Real Hacienda los 5 presidios de Californias. DH, California y Costa NO. de America, t. i, fol. 79 (C3*). LC, Lowery, California (brief Eng. abstr.) 1898 . . Relacion del viaje terrestre al reconocimiento de los puertos de S. Diego y Monterrey. DH, California y Costa NO. de America, t. i, fol. yy, 78. LC, Lowery, California (short Eng. abstr.) 1899 126 Documents in Spanish Archives [XVIII Cent. Descripcion del obispado y ciudad de Durango. DH, Virreinato de Mexico, t. I, no. 6 (A 3*). LC, Lowery, New Mexico, V. (short Eng. abstr.) ' 1900 Observaciones hechas por el Padre Fray Pedro Font. DH, Noticias hidro- graficas de la America Septentrional, t. 7, fol. 202. LC, Lowery, New Mexico, V. (short Eng. abstr.) 1901 [Late in century ?] . Quadro que contiene los presidios existentes en las provincias internas de Nueva Espana. DH, Virreinato de Mexico, t. I, no. 17 (A 3^). LC, Lowery, New Mexico, V. (short Eng. abstr.) ; id., Texas (short Eng. abstr.) 1902 [Late in century ?] Fragmento de una descripcion de la provincia de Texas. DH, Virreinato de Mexico, t. i, no. 10 (A 3*). LC, Lowery, Texas, (short Eng. abstr.) 1903 [Late in century ?] Instruccion para el establecimiento de un gobierno y comandancia general de las provincias de la Nueva Vizcaya, Sonora, Cinaloa y Calif ornias. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, III. 14 11. 1904 [Late in century ?] Descubrimientos antiguos hechos en las costas de Cali- f ornias. DH, California, Historia y Viajes, t. i, no. i. LC, Lowery, California (short Eng. abstr.) 29 fol. 1905 1701 Feb. 28. Ybitachuca. Nanhulu Chuba, Don Patricio, chief of the Apalaches, to Captain Juan Ayala y Escovar. [AI ?] NY, Smith, North Amer- ica, 1607-1786. I p. ' 1906 June 22. St. Augustine. Governor Joseph de Zimiga y Cerda to Philip V. [AI ?] NY, Smith, North America, 1607- 1786. 4 pp. 1907 Sept. 21. Madrid; June 12, 1716, Buen Retiro. Asiento de Negros ajus- tados entre las dos magestades Catolica y Cristianisima con la Com- pania Real de Guinea. [AI ?] LC, South America, etc., Historical Papers, 15 10-1848. 18 11. 1908 Oct. 24. St. Augustine. Ziiniga y Cerda to Philip V. AI, Provincia de la Florida, cartas y expedientes del governador de aquella provincia, alios de 1701 a 1707. NY, Smith, Florida. 3 pp. 1909 1702 March 25. St. Augustine. Zufiiga y Cerda to Philip V. AI, Provincia de la Florida, . . . anos de 1701 a 1707. NY, Smith, Florida, i p. 1910 Sept. JO. St. Augustine. Zuiiiga y Cerda to Philip V. AI, Provincia de la Florida, . . . afios de 1701 a 1707. NY, Smith, Florida. 4 pp. 1911 1703 Jan. 6. San Marcos. Ziiniga y Cerda to Philip V. [AI ?] NY, Smith, North America, 1607-1786. 4 pp. 1912 Jan. so. Havana. Fray Marcos de Sotolongo to Philip V. AI, Provincia de la Florida, . . . afios de 1701 a 1707. NY, Smith, Florida. 2 pp. 1913 1704 Feb. 3. Florida. Ziiniga y Cerda to Philip V. [AI ?] NY, Smith, North America, 1607- 1786. i p. 1914 March so. St. Augustine. Ziiniga y Cerda to Philip V. [AI ?] NY, Smith, North America, 1607-1786. 4 pp. 1915 1704] Transcripts 127 April 1/ ; July j. St. Augustine ; Havana. Informe de la provincia de la Florida.' AI, 155-3-5. LC, Lowery, Florida, IX. 24 11. 1916 1705 June p. St. Augustine. Extractos de una informacion fecha por orden de Fr. Lucas Alvarez de Toledo lector jubilado de la Junta secreta de la Suprema y General Inquisicion sobre la guerra de Ayubale, etc, AI, Provincia de la Florida, cartas y expedientes de personas eclesias- ticas de aquella provincia, anos 1642 a 1745. NY, Smith, Florida. 10 pp. 1917 1709-1714 Copias al pie de la letra de lo mas esencial que contiene el documento 6 carta del Virey de la Nueva Espana, Duque de Linares, que con testimonio de autos dirigio a S. M. en 9 de Octubre de 1712 sobre haber remitido a peticion del Comandante de una embarcacion fran- cesa ciertos comestibles a la Luisiana 6 Movila por la necesidad en que se hallaban, AI. LC, Florida and Louisiana, Ac. 399, pp. 161- 193. [An expediente covering with notarial signatures, etc., years 1709-1805, but the essential parts comprised in period indicated above. Touches boundaries of Louisiana.] 1918 1714 . [Madrid ?] Descripcion muy circunstanciada de la situacion, cli- mas, montes, rios, costas y puertos en genero, y por mayor de los reynos de Yndias. By Andres Giules Galindo, O. S. F., Library of Conde de Aguila. LC, Papeles relativos a la Florida, pp. 570- 609. 1919 1716 [1/16 f] [Madrid ?] Conclusion of the fiscal concerning the province of Texas. AI. LC, Florida and Louisiana, Ac. 399 (transc. and abstr.) 8 11. 1920 . . Varios extractos del testimonio de autos formados sobre le expedicion de la provincia de las Tejas. AI. LC, Florida and Louisiana, Ac. 399, pp. 271-321. [This contains letters as follows: Fray Antonio Marfil de Jesus, Boca de Leones (Lion's Den), Feb- ruary 26; Captain Domingo Ramon, province of Texas, June 26; and the derretero of the voyage of the latter begun February 17.] 1921 . . Extractos de las noticias que desde el ano de 1688, hasta el de 1 7 16, se han tenido de la nacion Arimais 6 Tejas, y providencias que se han tornado para su reduccion. AI. LC, Florida and Louisi- ana, Ac. 399 (Span, abstr.) 9 11. 1922 Oct. 6, San Francisco de las Tejas. Francisco Hidalgo, O. S. F., and Manuel Castellano, O. S. F., to Pedro Mesquito, O. S. F. AI. LC, Florida and Louisiana, Ac. 399, pp. 323-333. 1923 Dec. 18. San Patricio. Carta de el Padre Francisco Maria Picolo Misionero en Californias en que da razon de la ultima entrada y descubrimiento que hizo de aquellas tierras azia el norte. RAH. NY, Smith, North America, 1607- 1786. 4 11. 1924 128 Documents in Spanish Archives [171Y 1717 Sept. 25. . Royal decree sent to Florida. RAH (formerly collection of Pascual de Gayangos). NY, Smith, North America, 1607-1786 (extr.) 4 lines. 1925 1718 Varios extractos de la carta de Don Juan de Olivan Rebo- llido al Virey de la Nueva Espaiia Marques de Valero. AI. LC, Florida and Louisiana, Ac, 399, pp. 195-270. [This contains notarial dates later than 1718. There is an extract from " Informe del Sor. Olivan Rebolledo ", dated, April 15, 1718, an " extracto del testi- monio ", May 2, 1717, and other matters, the whole forming an expediente.] 1926 March 5. Madrid. Andres de Pes to the Council. AL LC, Florida and Louisiana, Ac. 399, pp. 335-353- 1^27 Aug. 25-Sept. 10. St. Augustine. Suit of Florida Indian chief against Sar- gento-mayor Juan de Ayala. [AI ?] NY, Smith, Florida. 20 pp. 1928 1721 Nov. I. . Piano del presidio de Nuestra Seiiora del Pilar de los Adais en la frontera de Texas. AI, 67-3-1 1. TS. Tracing. [No. 113 in Torres Lanzas, Mapas y Pianos.] 1929 1722 Piano del presidio de Nuestra Senora de Loreto en la Bahia del Spiritu Santo de la provincia de Texas. AI, 67-3-1 1. TS. Tracing. [No. 115 in Torres Lanzas, Mapas y Pianos.] 1930 -. . Piano del presidio de Nuestra Senora de los Dolores (Texas). AI, 67-3-1 1. TS. Tracing. [No. 112 in Torres Lanzas, Mapas y Pianos.] 1931 Piano del presidio de San Antonio de Vexar de la pro- vincia de Texas. AI, 67-3-1 1. TS. Tracing. [No. 117 in Torres Lanzas, Mapas y Pianos.] 1932 April 10. . Mapa de la Bahia del Spiritu Santo (Texas). AI, 67- 3-1 1. TS. Tracing. [No. iii in Torres Lanzas, Mapas y Pianos.] 1933 Nov. 22. Havana. Report by Lieut.-Col. Bruno Cavallero de Elvira, royal engineer. RAH (formerly in collection of Pascual de Gayangos). NY, Smith, North America, 1607- 1786 (extr.) 30 lines. 1934 Nov. 23. Mexico. Relacion yndividual en que se expresan pormenor los presidios de la Nueva Espaiia. [AI ?] L, Rich, Mexico, Relaciones Varias, 1720-1811 (appears to be an original, but there is probably a duplicate in Spain). 30 11. 1935 1724 Antonio Florencia, O. S. F., to Philip V. (extr.) [AI ?] NY, Smith, Florida. 16 lines. 1936 1726] Transcripts 129 1726 Sept. jp. St. Augustine. Extractos de los autos y declaraciones que se han fecho sobre justificar hasta donde llega por la parte del norte de este pressidio los limites y jurisdiccion de este goviemo. [AI ?] NY, Smith, Florida. 4 pp. 1937 1727 Sept. 10. St. Augustine. Antonio de Benavides to [Philip V. ?] enclosing certification and list of missionaries and stations of Florida. [AI ?] NY, Smith, North America, 1607-1786. 3 pp. 1938 Oct. 22. [Pensacola ?] Representacion del estado del presidio de Panza- cola. By the commandant Pedro Primo de Rivera and the paymaster, Bernardo Jose de Almonazid. RAH (formerly in collection of Pascual de Gayangos). NY, Smith, North America, 1607-1786 (extr.) 47 lines. 1939 1728 Dec. 24. . Opinion regarding the fortifications of Pensacola ad- dressed to Joseph Patino. By Miguel de Verboin. RAH (formerly in collection of Pascual de Gayangos). NY, Smith, North America, 1 607- 1 786. 23 lines. 1940 1729 . St. Augustine. Puntos sobre el estado deplorable del presidio de San Agustin. RAH, D. 88, entitled " Papeles varios de Yndias I." NY, Smith, North America, 1607-1786 (extr.) 7 pp. 1941 June 12. Santa Maria. Condition of the religious establishments of St. Augustine. RAH, D. 88. NY, Smith, North America, 1607- 1786 (extr.) 3 pp. 1942 1730 . . Estado de la Sonora con el catalogo de sus pueblos, ygle- sias, P. P. misioneros, almas capaces de administracion, lenguas que en ella se hallan y leguas en que se dilata. By a Jesuit, RAH, Col. Boturini, t. 16, fol. 104-129. LC, Lowery, New Mexico, V. (short Eng. abstr.) 1943 1732 Feb. 8. San Marcos de Apalache. Antonio de Benavides to Jose Patino (two letters ?). RAH (formerly in collection of Pascual de Gayan- gos). NY, Smith, North America, 1607-1786 (one, 2 pp.; one, 4 lines. Span, extr.) 1944 Feb. 8. San Marcos de Apalache. Explicacion yndibidual del terreno que se escogio para la fortaleza y poblacion que se ha de hacer en la probincia de Apalache. Signed by Antonio de Benavides. RAH (formerly in collection of Pascual de Gayangos). NY, Smith, North America, 1607- 1786. 4 pp. 1945 Aug. 26. Havana. Juan de la Valle to Jose Patino. RAH (formerly in col- lection of Pascual de Gayangos). NY, Smith, North America, 1607- 1786 (Span, extr.) 5 lines. 1946 10 130 Documents in Spanish Archives [1735 1735 March p. St, Augustine. Governor Francisco del Moral Sanchez to Philip V. RAH (formerly in collection of P. de Gayangos). NY, Smith, North America, 1607- 1786 (extr.) 5 lines. 1947 March 10. St. Augustine. Moral Sanchez to Philip V. RAH (formerly in collection of P. de Gayangos). NY, Smith, North America, 1607- 1786 (Span, and Eng. abstr.) 8 lines. 1948 March 15. St. Augustine. Letter from three Florida caciques to Philip V. [AI ?] NY, Smith, North America, 1607-1786. 2 pp. 1949 1736 April 2g. Florida. Francisco de Juan Bautista, bishop of Tricali and auxi- liar of Cuba, to Philip V. (two letters). AI, Provincia de la Florida, cartas y expedientes de personas eclesiasticas de aquella provincia, anos 1642 a 1745. NY, Smith, Florida. Each i p. 1950 Aug. ji. Florida. Francisco de Juan Bautista to Philip V. AI, Provincia de la Florida, . . . anos 1642 a 1745. NY, Smith, Florida. 2 pp. 1951 1737 Nov. 14. Havana. Letter by Manuel Joseph de Justis on ecclesiastical mat- ters. RAH (formerly in collection of P. de Gayangos). NY, Smith, North America, 1607- 1786 (Span, and Eng. abstr.) 12 lines. 1952 Nov. 22. Madrid. Memorial to King by Marques de Torreblanca. RAH (formerly in collection of P. de Gayangos). NY, Smith, North America, 1607-1786 (Span, extr.) 30 lines. 1953 1738 Jan. 50. . Guillermo Bull (William Bull, lieut.-gov. of South Caro- lina) to Governor of Florida. RAH (formerly in collection of P. de Gayangos). NY, Smith, North America, 1607-1786 (Span, abstr.) 3 lines. 1954 March j. St. Augustine. Governor Manuel de Montiano to Philip V. RAH (formerly collection of P. de Gayangos). NY, Smith, loose sheets. 20 pp. 1955 June 16. St. Augustine. Montiano to Marques de Torrenueva. RAH (for- merly in collection of P. de Gayangos). NY, Smith, loose sheets. 4 pp. 1956 June 16. . Montiano to Torrenueva. RAH or BMU (formerly in collection of P. de Gayangos). NY, Smith, North America, 1607- 1786 (Eng. abstr.) 3 lines. [Same as preceding item ?] 1957 July Q. San Marcos de Apalache. Council report on English and Indians. RAH (formerly in collection of P. de Gayangos). NY, Smith, loose sheets. 2 pp. 1958 July p. [San Marcos de Apalache ?] Report of Council of War. RAH (formerly in collection of P. de Gayangos). NY, Smith, North America, 1607- 1786 (Span, abstr.) 14 lines. [Same as the preceding item ?] 1959 Aug. 5. St. Augustine. Montiano to Torrenueva. RAH (formerly in col-' lection of P. de Gayangos). NY, Smith, loose sheets. 7 pp. 1960 Aug. 5. . Report of expedition of Captain Sebastian Sanchez. RAH (formerly in collection of P. de Gayangos). NY, Smith, North America, 1607-1786 (Span, abstr.) 23 lines. 1961 1Y39] Transcripts 131 1739 Feb. 16. St. Augustine. Declaracion de un Yrlandes fuxitivo de las colonias de Yngleses de la Nueba Georgia. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, XII. 9 11. 1962 March s- St. Augustine. Montiano to Torrenueva. RAH (formerly ia collection of P. de Gayangos). NY, Smith, loose sheets, 2 pp.; trf.„ North America, 1607-1786 (Span, extr.) 8 lines. 1963 March 17. [St. Augustine.] Montiano to Bull. RAH (formerly in col- lection of P. de Gayangos). NY, Smith, North America, 1607-1786 (Eng. abstr.) 5 lines. 1964 July 6. St. Augustine. Official letter by Montiano. RAH (formerly in collection of P. de Gayangos). NY, Smith, North America, 1607- 1786 (Span, extr.) 9 lines. 1965 1740 June 26. St. Augustine. Relagion de los oficiales soldados desterrados que quedaron heridos y muertos en la salida que se hizo sobre los Yngleses. [AX ?] NY, Smith, Florida, i p. 1966 1743 Ynforme que presentan a Don Juan Francisco Guemes y Horcasitas [governor of Cuba] los Padres Joseph Maria Monaco y Joseph Favier de Alana de la Compania de Jesus. RAH. NY, Smith, North America, 1607- 1786. 13 pp. 1967 -. . Letter by Governor Guemes y Horcasitas (extr.) [AI ?] NY, Smith, Florida. 2 pp. 1968 1744 Estado modemo de la Mission de Tecoripa de San Fran- cisco de Borja. By Phelipe Saganer, S. J. RAH. NY, Smith, North America, 1607-1786. 4 pp. 1969 Jan. 10. . Report on mission of San Joseph de Matape. By Caie- tano Guerrero, S. J. RAH. NY, Smith, North America, 1607- 1786. 3 pp. 1970 Feb. 5. Onapa. Report on Mission of Onapa. By Joseph Roldan, S. J. RAH, Smith, North America, 1607-1786. i p. 1971 May JO. . Demarcacion de las ciudades, villas, parroquias, conventos y misiones de Nuevo Megico. By Fray Miguel de Menchero and Fray Carlos Delgado. RAH, Col. Boturini, t. 25. 45 11. [Two relations which form part of the Noticias del Moqui y Nuevo Mejico, which is contained in the same vol.] 1972 June p. Santa Maria Soanca. Report on missions of Alta Pimeria. By Ignacio Xavier Keller, S. J. RAH. NY, Smith, North America, 1607- 1 786. 3 pp. 1973 Aug, 77. San Ygnacio de Onabas. Report on the mission of Onabas. By Juan Antonio de Arce, S. J. RAH. NY, Smith, North America, 1 607- 1 786. 4 pp. 1974 Aug. 22. Babiacora, Sonora. Informe de la Mission de Nuestra Concepcion de Babiacora. RAH. NY, Smith, North America, 1607- 1786. 4 pp. 1975 132 Documents in Spanish Archives [1Y46 1746 Oct. 2g. Mobile. Carte de I'entree de la Riviere aux Chiens. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. Large sheet in colors; tracing. [Ac- companies reports of March 10 and December 15, 1760.] 1976 1749-1761 . Reales ordenes del Seiior Don Phelipe V. [sic] para evitar el trato ilicito con extrangeros por las costas de sus dominios en las Yndias Occidentales. [Spain ?] L, Rich. 103 11. [This appears to be the original, but it is probable that all the decrees will be found in Spain.] 1977 1754 . . Noticias sacadas de varies autores. By Manuel Amatt. [Spain ?] L, Rich. 80 11. 1978 1755 . Franciscan provincial to Bishop of Cuba (extr.) [AI ?] NY, Smith, Florida. 16 11. 1979 1756 July 7. Madrid. Relacion del presidio de San Agustin de la Florida y Apalache, por D. Pedro Sanchez Grinan. BN, MSS. 11265". LC, Lowery, Florida, IX. (short Eng. abstr.) 1980 1759 July ip. New Orleans. Photographic reproduction of plan of proposed building at Fort Tombebi by the French. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i sheet. 1981 1760 March 10 ; Dec. 15. Mobile. Reports on Fort Riviere aux Chiens. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. t^V^ PP- 1982 1762 ? . [Pensacola ?] Capitulacion que propone el teniente Coronel Don Carlos de Vilemont, comandante de la plaza de Panzacola. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 5 pp. 1983 1764 Feb. I. Madrid. Noticia de las minerales de oro y plata que contienen las provincias del reyno de la Nueva Espana. By Thomas de Landazuri. [RAH ?] L, Rich, Coleccion de viages. 68 pp. 1984 Dec. I. Mexico. Descripcion compendiosa que de las Californias forma Fr. Francisco de Ajorfin. [Spain ? It may be the original or a con- temporaneous copy of it] L, Rich, Indios Apaches. 1985 1765-1799 May 21, iy65 ; Aug. ly, 1772 ; April 22, ///p ; July 14, 1785 ', March i^, lygi ; Oct. 20, 1796 ; Oct. 24, 1799. . Notes on governors of Louisi- ana, their titles, terms of office, etc. ACI (now AI ?). LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, I., p. i, 1988 1766] Transcripts 133 1766 New Orleans. Resumen general que comprende todos los habi- tantes y establecimientos de la colonia de la Luisiana. DH, Virrei- nato de Mexico, t. i, no. 4 (A 3*). LC, Lowery, Louisiana (short Eng. notice). 1987 March. . Relacion que contiene visitas a los presidios de Nueva Espafia. DH, Reino de Mejico, t. 2, fol. 80-191 (C 2*). LC, Low- ery, Texas (short Eng. abstr.) 1988 1767 Jan. 7. Balise. Second instructions for the two forts to be constructed at the mouth of the Missouri River. By Governor Antonio de Ulloa to Francisco Rui. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 1989 March 14. Balise. Instructions given to Rui by Ulloa, in regard to the expedition to the lUinois. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) 1990 Nov. 28. Mouth of Wicomico River, St. Mary's County, Maryland. Henry Jerningham to Antonio de Ulloa. AI, 86-6-6. MHS, Houck (Eng.), 7 pp. ; WHS, Houck. [Attached to letter of Ulloa to Grimaldi, February 11, 1768. The letter wrongly bears date, 1768.] 1991 Dec. 14. Maryland. Jerningham to Ulloa. AI, 68-6-6. MHS, Houck (Eng.), 3 pp.; WHS, Houck. 1992 1768 Descripcion y noticias de la barra de Santa Elena, etc. DH, Papeles varios, t. 2, fol. 122 (C 3*). LC, Lowerv, Florida, IX. (short Eng. abstr.) ' 1993 Jan. 2, i/68-Aug. 30, 177^. Chihuahua. Copia del expediente promovido por el Yndio Juan Domingo solicitando se le nombrase General Cazique de la Nacion Zuma. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, VII. 21 11. 1994 Jan. 21. Mexico. Council called by Viceroy Marques de Croix concerning the establishing of new settlements. [AS or AI ?] H, Sparks, 98, III. 6 11. 1995 Jan. 2^. Mexico. Plan para la ereccion de un govierno y comandancia ge- neral que comprehenda la Peninsula de Californias y las provincias de Sinaloa, Sonora, y Nueva Vizcaya. [AS or AI ?] H, Sparks, 98, III. 15 11. 1996 Jan. 26. Mexico. Viceroy Marques de Croix to Minister Fray Julian de Arriaga. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, III. 2 11. 1997 Feb. II. New Orleans. Ulloa to Grimaldi (no. 2). AI, 86-6-6. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) 1998 Aug. 4. New Orleans. Ulloa to Grimaldi (no. 18). AI, 86-6-6. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.), 2 pp.; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) 1999 Aug. 4. New Orleans, Ulloa to Grimaldi (no. 19). AI, 86-6-6. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.), 4 pp.; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) 2000 134 Documents in Spanish Archives [1Y69 1769 [i/6p f] . Teatro historico, juridico y politico militar de la Ysla Femandina de Cuba. [Spain?] L, Rich. 215 11, 2001 [lySp.] . Rui's orders to traders entering the Missouri. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (French and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Eng.) [See other list.] 2002 . . Viaxe de Heman Cortes a la Peninsula de Californias y noticias de todas las expediciones que a ella se han hecho hasta el presente afio de 1769. RAH, E 131. Papeles varios de Yndias. NY, Smith, North America, 1607-1786 (extr. ?). 8 pp. 2003 [i/dp f] Advertencia sobre el viaje de la California. DH, Miscelanea, t. H, fol. 72-75 (b 2*). LC, Lowery, California (short Span, extr.) 2004 Jan. 75. St. Louis. Testimonial of French merchants and habitants to pru- dent conduct of Francisco Rui. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Accom- panies instructions of Rui to traders, 1769. See other list] 2005 Jan. 31, i/6p-Aug. 23, 1770. . Expediente relativo a la real resolu- cion sobre el gobiemo y establecimiento de la provincia y colonia de la Luisiana. AI. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, L p. 2. 2006 Feb. 6. Ste. Genevieve, Mo. Joseph Varela to Ulloa. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Enclosing plan of fort. See other list] 2007 Feb. 6. . Plan of royal fort El Principe de Austrias Sefior Don Carlos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck; WHS, Houck. [See other list.] 2008 March 2. St. Louis. Commendation of Rui's services. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Eng.) [Accompanies Rui's instructions to traders. See other list.] 2009 March p. Fort San Carlos el Principe de Asturias. Instructions prescribing the manner of holding councils with the Indians. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 2010 March 10. Fort San Carlos el Principe de Asturias. Copy of minutes of council of war held October 2, 1767, AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 2011 March 10. Fort San Carlos el Principe de Asturias. List of Indian tribes who receive presents. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list] 2012 March 10. Fort San Carlos el Principe de Asturias. Report by Rui of troops, workmen and sailors at this post. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list] 2013 March 10. Fort San Carlos el Principe de Asturias. Delivery of fort by Rui to his successor, Pedro de Piernas. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list] 2014 Aug. 20. [New Orleans ?] Aubry, former French commandant of Louisi- ana to Governor Alexander O'Reilly. [Spain ? (copy in AAE).] L, Bancroft, Archives Fran. Esp., 176&-1776, pp. 45-65 (French; from AAE). 2015 1769] Transcripts 135 Aug. 21. [New Orleans.] Noms des personnes qui ont ete arretees par ordre de Don Alexandre Oreilly. [Spain ? (copy in AAE).] L, Bancroft, Arch. Fran. Esp., 1768-1776, pp. 67-69 (French ; from AAE). 2016 Aug. 21. [New Orleans.] Decree by O'Reilly. [Spain ? (copy in AAE).] L, Bancroft, Arch. Fran, Esp., 1768-1776, pp. 71-73 (French; from AAE). 2017 Aug. 2^. [New Orleans.] Decree by O'Reilly. [Spain ? (copy in AAE)!] L, Bancroft, Arch. Fran. Esp., 1768-1776, pp. 79, 80 (French; from AAE). 2018 Aug. 24. New Orleans. Aubry to O'Reilly. [Spain ? (copy in AAE).] L, Bancroft, Arch. Fran. Esp., 1768-1776, pp. 81-83 (French; from AAE). 2019 Aug. 26. New Orleans. Oath of allegiance to Spain by clergy of New Orleans. [Spain ? (copy in AAE).] L, Bancroft, Arch. Fran. Esp., 1768-1776 (extr., French; from AAE). 2020 Aug. 2/. New Orleans. Decree by O'Reilly. [Spain ? (copy in AAE).] L, Bancroft, Arch. Fran. Esp., 1768-1776, pp. 87-89 (French; from AAE). 2021 Aug. JO. New Orleans. Account of O'Reilly's taking possession of New Orleans. AI, e. 2, 1. 17. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, folder no. i. 2022 Aug. 31. [New Orleans.] O'Reilly to Grimaldi. [Spain ? (copy in AAE).] L, Bancroft, Arch. Fran. Esp., 1768-1776, pp. 91-112 (extr.; from AAE). 2023 Oct. 8. New Orleans. Reglement pour servir d'instructions aux aubergis- tes, cabaretiers, teneurs de billard et le Maitre Limonadier. Decree by O'Reilly, AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 11 pp. [This is a printed document, but has for all practical purposes the value of a MS. It is a contemporaneous print, and in all probability there is no MS.] 2024 Oct. 29. New Orleans. Captain Francisco Rui to Alexander O'Reilly. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list] 2025 Oct. 57. New Orleans. Description of Illinois country by Pedro Piernas. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 2026 1770 . . Expedientes i sustancias de partes. [AS ?] Gracia y Justicia. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, folder no. 2. 2027 Feb. 17. New Orleans. O'Reilly's instructions to lieut.-gov. of Illinois set- tlements. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck. 2028 Feb. 18, 20, 22. New Orleans. Tierras y concessiones. Various statements with statistics. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 6 pp. 2029 May ^i. Mexico. Viceroy Marques de Croix to Frey Julian de Arriaga. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, III. 2 11. [The original or a dupli- cate.] 2030 Aug. 24. San Ildefonso. Grimaldi to Governor Luis de Unzaga y Amezaga. AI, 86-7-3. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Attached to letter (no. i) of Santa Clara to Varela, October 4, 1797. See other list.] 2031 136 Documents in Spanish Archives [1Y70 Dec. ip. New Orleans. Ynstruccion a Mr, Descoudreaux Comandante de Manchak. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3^ pp. 2032 June 2. Mexico. Informe del Virre}' [Marques de Croix] y Visitador Ge- neral [Jose de Galvez] de Nueva Espafia. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, III. 5 11. [Attached to letter of Croix to Arriaga, June 26, 1771. Original or duplicate.] 2033 June 26. Mexico. Marques de Croix to Frey Julian de Arriaga. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, III. i leaf. [Original or duplicate.] 2034 Sept. 50, 777/ ; March 2, 1772. Fort George, N. Y. Testimonio del oficio, y varios vnstrumenttos passados a este Govierno por el de Nueva York. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, XVII. 26 11. [Original or du- plicate.] 2035 1772 1772-J80S. . Notes on documents. ACC, Luisiana, materias goberna- dorias, leg. 1-2. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, folder no. 2. 2036 1772-1804. . Luisiana. Nombramientos varios. ACC. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, I. p. 9. 2037 July II. New Orleans. Gov. Luis de Unzaga y Amezaga to Dr. Santiago Jose de Echevarria, Bishop of Havana. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. R, Shea, no. 38, env. 12. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, I., p. 3 (letter of transmission only of report on ecclesiastical condi- tions) ; id., folder no. 2 (letter) ; MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng., letter and report) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 2038 Aug. 5 [for 6 ?] New Orleans. Fray Cirilo de Barcelona to Echevarria. AS, Luisiana, eclesiastico [now AI ?]. R, Shea, no. 38, env. 12; LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, I. p. 4. [Letter enclosing report or informe on ecclesiastical conditions of Louisiana. See other list, August 6, 1772.] 2039 Aug. 6. New Orleans. Frav Cirilo de Barcelona to Bishop of Havana. [AI ?] LHS, Span. MSS., folder no. 3. [See other list.] 2040 Aug. 17. San Ildefonso. Real Cedula [addressed to Unzaga y Amezaga] para que se lleve a debido efecto el nuevo sistema de comercio. ACC. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Vallev, folder no. 4. [Cited bv Gayarre, Hist., III. 49.] ' 2041 Aug. 17. San Ildefonso. Confirmation by Charles III. of instructions given by O'Reilly to lieutenant-governor of Illinois. AI, 86-5-24. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 2042 Aug. 17. San Ildefonso. Roval confirmation of appointment of Pedro Piemas. AI, 86-6-3. ' MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 2043 Aug. 22. Madrid. Royal decree approving appointment of Piemas. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck. [See other list.] 2044 Sept. 15. New Orleans. Fray Cirilo de Barcelona to Bishop Echevarria. AI. R, Shea, no. 38, env. 12 ; LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Vallev, I., p. 5. [See other list] 2045 1772] Transcripts 137 Sept. 22. New Orleans. Father Dagobert to Bishop Echevarria. AI, Espe- diente de la Luisiana, Materias eclesiasticas. R, Shea, no. 38, env. 12 ; LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, I., p. 6. 2046 Sept. 26. New Orleans. Unzaga y Amezaga to Bishop Echevarria. AI. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, folder no. 6. [See other list] 2047 Nov. 14. New Orleans. Fray Cirilo de Barcelona to Bishop Echevarria (two letters). AI. R, Shea, no. 38, env. 12; LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, L, pp. 7, 8. [Cited by Gayarre, Hist., IH. 84-85.] 2048 Dec. SI- St. Louis. Piernas's report of population of Illinois settlements. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck. 2049 1773 . . Informe del fiscal del Consejo acerca de la pastoral y demas providencias del obispo de Cuba para el arreglo del gobiemo eclesiastico de la Luisiana. AI. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, I., p. 12. 2050 Jan. 4. St. Louis. Piemas's report of products of Illinois. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck. 2051 April I. St. Louis. Piernas to Unzaga. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck. 2052 July 10. New Orleans. Unzaga y Amezaga to Marques de la Torre, gov- ernor and captain-general of Cuba. AI. LHS, Span. MSS., Missis- sippi Valley, I., p. 10. [See other list.] 2053 Sept. 12. New Orleans. Unzaga y Amezaga to Minister Dr. Julian de Arriaga. AI. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, I., p. 11. [See other list.] 2054 Dec. SI- St. Louis. Piernas's report of population of Illinois settlements. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck. [See other list.] 2055 1774 Jan. I. St. Louis. Report of products of Illinois settlements. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck. [See other list.] 2056 Jan. 15. New Orleans. Certification concerning land surveys (with plat showing measurements). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 33^ pp. [Attached to complaint of Luis Moller, April 6, 1791.] 2057 June 6. Ste. Genevieve. Petition of habitants to Piernas against ecclesias- tical tithes. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck. [See other list.] 2058 June /p and 22 ; Aug. is ; Sept. y ; Dec. 28. . Notes on despatches, etc. AMGJ, Duplicados del Gobernador Unzaga al Galvez, 1776. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, folder no. 2. 2059 July p. St. Louis, Piernas to Unzaga. AI, Pap, proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck. [See other list.] 2060 Nov. 10. Madrid. J. de Galvez to Julian de Arriaga. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, III. 2 11. [Original or duplicate.] 2061 Nov. 16. St. Louis. Piernas to Unzaga. Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck. [See other list.] 2062 138 Documents in Spanish Archives [1775 1775 -. Note from diary of Father Pedro Font. AS [now AI ?]. Descripciones y poblaciones, 8. L, Rich, Miscellaneous letters and documents relating to the West Indies, etc. (extr.) 2J/2 pp. [See other list. See also LC, Lowery, California, where a diary of Father Font is noted as existing at RAH, Col, Boturini, t. 24, fol. 194- 269.] 2063 Jan. I. St. Louis. Report of products of Illinois Settlements. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck. [See other list] 2064 Jan. 8. St. Louis. Piernas to Unzaga. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck. [See other list.] 2065 Feb. 20. New Orleans. Unzaga to Piernas. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba, MHS, Houck. [See other list.] 2066 May 5. Aranjuez. Grimaldi to Escarano, Span, ambassador to London (communicated through Aranda). [Spain ? (French transl. in AAE).] L, Bancroft, Arch. Fran. Esp., 1768- 1776, pp. 129-137 (from AAE). 2067 May p. Versailles. [Vergennes ?] to Aranda. [Spain ? (French transl. in AAE).] L, Bancroft, Arch. Fran. Esp., 1768-1776, pp. 13Q-146 (from AAE). '2068 May ip. St. Louis. Inventory of papers, etc., delivered by Piernas to Cruzat. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck. [See other list.] 2069 June 14. St. Louis. Cruzat to Unzaga. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck. [See other list.] 2070 Aug. I. Prince de Masserano to GrimaldL [Spain ? (French transl. in AAE).] L, Bancroft, Arch. Fran. Esp., 1768-1776, pp. 147-161 (from AAE). 2071 Aug. 5. New Orleans. Petition of Pedro Piernas to Charles III. AI, 86- 7-23. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 2072 Nov. 5. Escorial. Lord Grantham to Grimaldi. [Spain ? (copy in SPO, Spain, vol. 335).] L, Great Britain, Embassy in Spain, I., pp. 81, 82 (from SPO). 2073 Nov. 5. New Orleans. Decree by Unzaga y Amezaga regarding measure- ments of lands. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Attached to complaint of Luis Moller, April 6, 1791.] 2074 Dec. 10. St. Louis. Cruzat to Unzaga. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck. [See other list.] 2075 1776 Questions propounded to Governor Unzaga y Amezaga by George Gibson, American agent. [BN ?] H, Sparks, 95, I., fol. 63 recto. 9 lines. [Part of enclosure (D), in letter of Grimaldi to Aranda, January 27, 1777.] 2076 -. . Extracto del diario que formo D. Juan Bautista de Anza para abrir comunicacion entre la provincia de Sonora y la de Cali- fornia. DH, Papeles varios, t. 3, fol. 237-246 (C 3*). LC, Lowery, California (short Eng. abstr.) 2077 1776] Transcripts 189 Memoire a M. le Comte d'Aranda. [Spain ? (French copy in AAE).] H, Sparks, 73, fol. 36-40; id., 80, I., fol. 66-75 (from AAE). 2078 Jan. I. St. Louis. Report of products of Illinois settlements. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck. [See other list.] 2079 Jan. JO. Real Presidio de San Fernando del Carrizal. Hugo O'Connor to Viceroy Antonio de Bucareli y Ursiia. [Spain ? (copy in Mexico).] H, Sparks, 98, IV. (from Mexico). 20 11. [Attached to letter (no. 105) of Croix to Galvez, November 11, 1777.] 2080 Feb. 26. El Pardo. Grimaldi to Aranda (two letters). [BN ? (French copy in AAE).] H, Sparks, 73, fol. 6-9; id., 80, fol. 7-10; id., 95, fol. 3, 4, and 9-1 1 (first two from AAE, and third from Spain). 2081 Feb. 26. El Pardo. Concerning navigation between the English colonies and Spanish ports. [BN ?] H, Sparks, 95, I., fol. 5, 6. [Enclosure (no. i) in letter of Grimaldi to Aranda, of same date. The date is that of transmittal to Aranda.] 2082 Feb. 26. El Pardo. Concerning the orders given to Spanish ship com- manders commissioned to watch the movements of English ships. [BN ?] H, Sparks, 95, I., fol. 78. [Enclosure in letter of Grimaldi to Aranda, of same date. The date is that of transmittal to Aranda.] 2083 March ^. Mexico. Bucareli y Ursiia to O'Connor. [Spain? (copy in Mexico).] H, Sparks, 98, IV. 3 11. [Attached to letter (no. 105) of Croix to Galvez, November 11, 1777.] 2084 April 2. Santa Maria. O'Reilly to Charles III. AI, 86-7-23. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 2085 April ip. Presidio del Carrizal. O'Connor to Bucareli y Ursiia. [Spain ? (copy in Mexico).] H, Sparks, 98, IV. 7 11. [Attached to letter (no. 105) of Croix to Galvez, November 11, 1777.] 2086 April 2/. Versailles. Vergennes to Aranda. [Spain ? (copy in AAE).] H, Sparks, 73, fol. 26; id., 80, I., fol. 28, 29 (both from' AAE). 2087 May I. Aranjuez. Promotion of Pedro Piernas to rank of lieutenant-col- onel. AI, 86-7-23. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list] 2088 May I. Versailles. Vergennes to Aranda. [Spain ? (copy in AAE).] H, Sparks, 80, I., fol. 30-32 (from AAE). 2089 May 3. Versailles. Vergennes to Grimaldi. [Spain ? (copy in AAE).] L, Bancroft, Arch. Fran. Esp., 1768-1776, pp. 241-249; H, Sparks, 73, fol. 27, 28 (both from AAE). 2090 May 22. Williamsburg, Va. General Charles Lee to Governor Unzaga y Amezaga. [BN ?] ; AI, 87-1-6. H, Sparks, 95, I., fol. 55-57; 111. State Hist. Library, 4 pp. [Part of enclosure (D) in letter of Gri- maldi to Aranda, January 27, 1777 ; second copy (French), attached to letter of governor, September 7, 1776.] 2091 May 22. Williamsburg, Va. Certification of Virginia Committee of Safety concerning the titles and position of General Charles Lee. [BN ?] ; AI, 87-1-6. H, Sparks, 95, I., fol. 57, 58; 111. State Hist. Library, I p. [Part of enclosure (D) in letter of Grimaldi to Aranda, Jan- uary 27, 1777; second copy, attached to letter of governor, September 7, 1776.] 2092 140 Documents in Spanish Archives [1776 May -SO. Axanjuez. Grimaldi to Aranda. [Spain ? (French transl. in AAE).] L, Bancroft, Arch. Fran. Esp., 1768-1776, pp. 259, 260 (extr. from AAE). 2093 June 27. Madrid. Grimaldi to Aranda. AS, Estado, leg. 4654 (French transl. in AAE).] L, Bancroft, Arch. Fran. Esp., 1768-1776, pp. 263-266 (from AAE) ; H, Sparks, 73, fol. 32 (from AAE) ; id., 80, I., fol. 39 (from AAE) ; id., 95, fol. 13, 14 (sent from Spain by Gayangos) ; id., 96, fol. 3, 4 (from AS). 2094 July 18. Presidio de San Fernando del Carrizal. Hugo O'Connor to J. de Galvez. [Spain ? (copy probably in Mexico).] H, Sparks, 98, IV. 6 11. [Enclosure (no. 10) in letter (no. 105) of Croix to Galvez, November 11, 1777. Original or dupHcate.] 2095 July 2g, i/y6-Jan. 5, 1777. • Diario y derrotero de los nuevos des- cubrimientos de tierras a los rumbos N. N. Oe. Oe. del Nuevo Mexico por los RR. PP. Fray Silvestre Velez Escalante y Fray Francisco Atanasio Dominguez. [Spain ?] L, Rich, Provincias Internas de Nueva Mexico, fol. 99-214, 2096 Aug. 22. San Ildefonso. Minutas de las Reales Cedulas expedidas al Briga- dier Don Teodoro de Croix y al Virrey de Mexico. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, III. 21 11. [This appears to be the rough draft] 2097 Aug. 22. San Ildefonso. Ynstruccion que debe observar el Governador y Comandante General en Gefe de las Provincias de Cinaloa, Sonora, Calif ornias y Nueva Vizcaya Don Teodoro de Croix. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, III. 10 11. 2098 Aug. 22. San Ildefonso. Charles III. to Antonio Maria Bucareli y Ursua, Viceroy of Nueva Espana. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, III. 12 11. 2099 Aug. 26. San Ildefonso. Grimaldi to Aranda. AS, Estado, leg. 4655 (French transl. in AAE). L, Bancroft, Arch. Fran. Esp., 1768-1776, fol. 267-270 (from AAE) ; H, Sparks, 73, fol. 33 (from AAE) ; id., 80, fol. 40, 41 (from AAE) ; id., g6, fol. 5, 6 (from AS). 2100 Sept. . Representacion que hizo a este Superior Govierno el Principe de los Yumas (Salvador Palma) solicitando el santo baptismo. DH, Virreinato de Mexico, t. i, no. 12. LC, Lowery, New Mexico, V. (short Eng. abstr.) 2101 Sept. 4. New Orleans. Unzaga y Amezaga to General Charles Lee. Spain (sent by Gayangos). H, Sparks, 95, I., fol. 58, 59. [ Part of enclosure (D) in letter of Grimaldi to Aranda, January 27, 1777.] 2102 Sept. 7. New Orleans. Unzaga y Amezaga to J. de Galvez (no. 181). Spain (sent by Gayangos). H, Sparks, 95, L, fol. 59-62. [Part of enclosure (D) in letter of Grimaldi to Aranda, January 27, 1777.] 2103 Sept. ip. San Ildefonso. Grimaldi to Aranda. AS, Estado, leg. 4655 (French transl. in AAE). H, Sparks, 73, fol. 34 (from AAE) ; id., 80, I., fol. 62, 63 (from AAE) ; id., 96, fol. 7, 8 (from AS). 2104 Sept. 30. New Orleans. Unzaga y Amezaga to J. de Galvez (no. 184). Spain (sent by Gayangos). H, Sparks, 95, I., fol. 62. [Part of enclosure (D) in letter of Grimaldi to Aranda, January 27, 1777.] 2105 Oct. 4. Paris. Aranda to Grimaldi. [Spain ? (French transl. in AAE).] H, Sparks, 73, fol. 35 ; id., 80, I., fol. 64, 65 (both from AAE). 2106 1776] Transcripts 141 Oct. 8. San Ildefonso. Grimaldi to Aranda (two letters). Public Archives of Madrid (sent by Gayangos ; French transl. in AAE). H, Sparks, 8o, I., fol. 82-91 (from AAE) ; id., 95, I., fol. 15-29 (from Spain). 2107 Oct. 10. Paris, Aranda to Grimaldi (no. 853). AS, Estado, Francia, leg. 4605. H, Sparks, 96, fol. 9-1 1 (duplicate, id., fol. 13-15; Eng. transl., id., 102). 2108 Oct. J/. Escorial. Grimaldi to Aranda. AS, Estado, leg. 4655 (French transl. in AAE). H, Sparks, 80, I., fol. 78-81 (duplicate, fol. 92-95, from AAE) ; id., 96, fol. 17-20 (from AS). 2109 Oct. 18. Fontainebleau. Aranda to Grimaldi (no. 864). AS, Estado, leg. 4655. H, Sparks, 96, fol. 21, 22 (Eng. transl., id., 102). 2110 Nov. 3. Fontainebleau. Vergennes to Aranda. [Spain ? (copy in AAE).] H, Sparks, 80, I., fol. 1 16-124 (from AAE). 2111 Dec. 24. Madrid. J. de Galvez to Unzaga y Amezaga. Public Archives of Madrid (sent by Gayangos). H, Sparks, 95, I., fol. 63, 64. [Part of enclosure (D) in letter of Grimaldi to Aranda, January 27, 1777.] 2112 Dec. 24. Madrid. Letter by the Governor and Intendant of Havana. ACC. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, I., p. 13. 2113 1777 Noticias de Panzacola. AI, 87-1-6. DAH, Span. Doc. II pp. [Attached to letter (no. 63) of B. de Galvez to J. de Galvez, July 10, 1777.] 2114 . . Noticia sobre la Luisiana. AI, 87-1-10. DAH, Span. Doc. S'A pp. 2115 . . Order regarding American privateers. [Spain ? (copy in SPO, vol. 340).] L, Bancroft, Gt. Britain, Embassy in Spain, H. [Attached to letter of John March to Lord Weymouth.] 2116 . Mexico. Testimonio del expediente formado en virtud de Real Ynstruccion librada al Sefior Cavallero de Croix, por el arreglo en su nuebo Empleo de Gobernacion y Comandante General en Gefe de las provincias de Sonora, etc. [Spain ? (copy in Mexico).] H, Sparks, 98, HL (from Mexico). 60 11. [The copy in Mexico seems to be an original or duplicate.] 2117 J777-i77^ p. 2143 April 22. Fort Pitt. Col. George Morgan to B. de Galvez. AI, 87-1-6. LHS, Span. MSS., folder no. 5; DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.), 2 pp. ; MHS, Houck. [Attached to letter (no. 78) of B. de Galvez to J. de Galvez, August 9, 1777.] 2144 April 25. Mexico. T. de Croix to J. de Galvez (no. 37). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, III. 5 11. 2145 April 25. Mexico. T. de Croix to J. de Galvez (no. 38). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, III. 28 11. 2146 April 26. Versailles. Vergennes to Aranda. [Spain? (copy in AAE).] L, Bancroft, Arch. Fran. Esp., 1777, pp. 469-475 (from AAE). 2147 April 2/. Atlanta, Ga. Captain Thomas Lloyd to B. de Galvez. [Spain ? (copy in SPO).] H, Sparks, 23, I. (Eng. ; from SPO). i^^ p. 2148 May 4. Atlanta. Lloyd to B. de Galvez. [Spain ? (copy in SPO).] H, Sparks, 23, I. (Eng.; from SPO). 2^ pp. 2149 May 12. New Orleans. Padron general de todos los individuos de la pro- vincia de la Luisiana. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. I large sheet. 2150 May 14. Mexico. T. de Croix to Bucareli y Ursua. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, III. 18 11. [Attached to letter (no. 43) of Croix to Galvez, May 26, 1777.] 2151 144 Documents in Spanish Archives [1Y77 May 14. Mexico. T. de Croix to Joseph Rubio. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, III. 27 11. [Attached to letter (no. 43) of Croix to Galvez, May 26, 1777.] 2152 May 14. Mexico. T. de Croix to Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, III. 10 11. [Attached to letter (no. 43) of Croix to Galvez, May 26, 1777.] 2153 May 14. Mexico. Ynstruccion que deve observar el govemador de la pro- vincia de Coaguila Don Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, III. 6 11. [Attached to letter (no. 43) of Croix to Galvez, May 26, 1777.] 2154 May 14. Mexico. T. de Croix to the presidios of San Sabas, San Carlos, Norte, Principe, y San Elezeario. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, III. 16 lines. [Attached to letter (no. 43) of Croix to Galvez, May 26, 1777.] 2155 May 14. Mexico. T. de Croix to the governor of New Mexico. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, III. 15 lines. [Attached to letter (no. 43) of Croix to Galvez, May 26, 1777.] 2156 May 14. Mexico. Formulario : Cuenta de cargo y data que rinde el oficial comisionado para la compra y transporte de los mil y quinientos cavallos que de real orden de S. M. se destinan para los vecindarios del Nuevo Mexico. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, III. i leaf. [Attached to letter (no. 43) of Croix to Galvez, May 26, 1777.] 2157 May 22. Aranjuez. Despatch to Floridablanca. [Spain ? (Eng. transl. in SPO, Spain, vol. 339).] L, Bancroft, Gt. Britain, Embassy in Spain, II., pp. 173-176 (from SPO). 2158 May 24. [Fort Pitt.] Morgan to B. de Galvez. AI, 87-1-6. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) [Attached to letter (no. 78) of B. de Galvez to J. de Galvez, August, 9, 1777.] 2159 May 26. Mexico. T. de Croix to J. de Galvez (no. 43). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, III. 2 11. 2160 May 27. Aranjuez. Royal order by Miguel de Musquiz, member of the royal Council, to Manuel de Mollindo. [Spain ? (Eng. transl. in SPO, Spain, vol. 339). L, Bancroft, Gt. Britain, Embassy in Spain, pp. 185-188 (from SPO). 2161 June 2. New Orleans. B. de Galvez to J. de Galvez (no. 59). AS. LHS, Spanish MSS., folder no. 6. [See other Hst.] 2162 June 10. Pensacola. Governor Peter Chester to B. de Galvez. AI, 87-1-6 (copy in SPO). H, Sparks, 23, I. (from SPO), 13 pp. ; DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.), 11 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 86) of B. de Galvez to J. de Galvez, September 15, 1777.] 2163 June 12. St. Louis. Cruzat to Rocheblave. AI, Pap, proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck. [See other list.] 2164 June 16. Mexico. Bucareli y Ursua to T. de Croix. [Spain ? (copy in Mexico).] H, Sparks, 98, III. 6 11. [Attached to letter (no. 59) of Croix to Galvez, June 25, 1777.] 2165 June 18. Fort Gage. Rocheblave to Cruzat. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck. [See other list.] 2166 [July f] [Pensacola ?] Noticias de Panzacola, etc. [AI ?] LHS, Span. MSS., folder no. 3. 2167 Julys. San Antonio. Baron de Ripperda to T. de Croix. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, IV. 19 11. [Evidently sent by Croix to Galvez.] 2168 1Y77] Transcripts 145 July 4. Pointe Coupee. Relacion del importe de las viveres subministrados a las diferentes naciones que han venido a ese puesto de mi mando. Signed by Carlos de Grand-Pre. AI, 87-1-6. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Enclosure (no. 4) in letter (no. 90) of B. de Galvez to J. de Galvez, September 15, 1777.] 2169 July JO. New Orleans. B. de Galvez to J. de Galvez (no. 63). AI, 87- 1-6. LHS, Span. MSS., folder no. 6; DAH, Span. Doc, 3 pp. [See other list.] 2170 July 16. New Orleans. Relacion de los viveres, jornales y demas gastos que se han aprestado y suplido por los individuos abajo denominados. Signed by Luis Audry. AI, 87-1-6. DAH, Span. Doc, 3>4 pp. [Enclosure (no. i) in letter (no. 90) of B. de Galvez to J. de Galvez, September 15, 1777.] 2171 July 22. Mexico. Report by Hugo O'Connor to T. de Croix. [ Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, IV. 72 11. [Attached to letter (no. 100) of Croix to Galvez, August 23, 1777.] 2172 July 2^. New Orleans. Relacion de los regalos extraordinarios que se han distribuido en las trece naciones de Indios. AI, 87-1-6. DAH, Span. Doc 3^ pp. [Enclosure (no. 2) in letter (no. 90) of B. de Galvez to J. de Galvez, September 15, 1777.] 2173 July ^ pp. 2194 Sept. 15. New Orleans. B. de Galvez to J. de Galvez (no. 90). AI, 87-1-6. DAH, Span. Doc. 4>4 pp. 2195 Sept. Ip. Monterey. Felipe de Neve to Bucareli y Ursua. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, VIII. 1}^ p. [Attached to letter (no. 723) of Croix to Galvez, February 28, 1782. Following this letter are various documents touching the presidios of California, dated from January 23, 1778, to April 27, 1780, in all 9>^ pp.] 2196 Sept. 21. Baton Rouge. Articulos de capitulacion convenidos y acordados entre el Senor Don Bernardo de Galvez y Don Alejandro Dickson. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 9 pp. 2197 Sept. 2/. Paris. Aranda to Floridablanca (no. 1136). Public Archives of Madrid (sent by Gayangos). L, Gayangos Span. Papers, Bancroft, 3 pp.; H, Sparks, 95, II., fol. 17-19 (Eng. transl., id., 102). 2198 1777] Transcripts 147 Sept. 2/. Durango. T. de Croix to Bucareli y Ursua. [Spain?] H, Sparks, g^, IV. 3 11. [Enclosure (no. 2) in letter (no. 105) of Croix to Galvez, October 11, 1777.] 2199 Oct. I. Madrid. Lord Grantham to Floridablanca. [Spain (copy in SPO, Spain, vol. 340).] L, Bancroft, Gt. Britain, Embassy in Spain, IL, pp. 397, 398 (from SPO) ; H, Sparks, 23, I,, 21 lines (from SPO). 2200 Oct. p. San Ildefonso. Grantham to Floridablanca. [Spain ? (copy in SPO).] H, Sparks, 23, I. (from SPO). i p. 2201 Oct. II. Durango. T. de Croix to J. de Galvez (no. 105). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, IV. 75 11. 2202 Oct. 12. Escorial. Grantham to Floridablanca. [Spain ? (copy in SPO).] H, Sparks, 23, I. (from SPO). i p. 2203 Oct. 13. San Lorenzo. J. de Galvez to B. de Galvez. AI, 87-1-6. DAH, Span. Doc. ijE^ p. [Accompanies letter (no. 63) of B. de Galvez to J. de Galvez, of which it is the answer.] 2204 Oct. I/. San Lorenzo. Memoria hecha por Espafia y remitida a Francia. Public Archives of Madrid (Fr. transl. in AAE). L, Gayangos Span. Papers, Bancroft, 14 pp. (from Spain) ; id., Bancroft, Arch. Fran. Esp., 1777, pp. 603-618 (from AAE) ; H, Sparks, 95, IL, fol. 23-30 (Eng. transl., id., 102; from Spain). 2205 Oct. 2j. San Lorenzo. Floridablanca to Aranda. Public Archives of Madrid. L, Gayangos Span. Papers, Bancroft, 2 pp. ; H, Sparks, 95, IL, fol. 20, 21 (Eng. transl., id., 102). 2206 Nov. 15. St. Louis. Summary of the Indian tribes of the Missouri River. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.), 18 pp.; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list] 2207 Nov. 18. Escorial. Grantham to Floridablanca. [Spain ? (copy in SPO, Spain, vol. 340).] L, Bancroft, Gt. Britain, Embassy in Spain, III., pp. 69-74 (from SPO) ; H, Sparks, 23, I., 2 pp. (from SPO). 2208 Nov. 20. Hacienda de Patos [i. e., Duck Farm] . Notes by T. de Croix regarding Rubio's report of August 25, 1777. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, IV. 2 11. [Enclosure (no. 3) in letter (no. 119) of Croix to Galvez, November 24, 1777.] 2209 Nov. 20. Hacienda de Patos. Military report for the provinces of Vizcaya and Nuevo Mexico. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, IV. 20 11. [Enclosure (no. 4) in letter (no. 119) of Croix to Galvez, November 24, 1777.] 2210 Nov. 20. Hacienda de Patos. Military report for the provinces of Coa- huila and Texas. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, IV. 3 11. [Enclosure (no. 5) in letter (no. 119) of Croix to Galvez, November 24, 1777] 2211 Nov. 20. Hacienda de Patos, Military report for the province of Sonora. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, IV. 3 11. [Enclosure (no. 6) in letter (no. 119) of Croix to Galvez, November 24, 1777.] 2212 Nov. 20. Hacienda de Patos. Resume of military reports of various prov- inces. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, IV. 3 11. [Enclosure (no. 7) in letter (no. 119) of Croix to Galvez, November 24, 1777.] 2213 Nov. 23. St. Louis. Francisco Cruzat to B. de Galvez. AI, 86-7-24. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [At- tached to letter of B. de Galvez to J. de Galvez, January 27, 1778. See other list.] 2214 148 Documents in Spanish Archives [1777 Nov. 24. Hacienda de Patos. T. de Croix to J. de Galvez (no. 119). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, IV. 17 11. 2215 Nov. 26. [St. Louis.] Cruzat to B. de Galvez. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 2216 Nov. 28. St. Louis. Cruzat to B. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck. [See other list.] 2217 Nov. 28. St. Louis. Report of Indian traders given passports by Cruzat. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck. [See other list.] 2218 Dec. 6. Cruzat to B. de Galvez (two letters). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck. [See other list.] 2219 Dec. 8. St. Louis. Cruzat to B. de Galvez. AI, 86-7-24. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Attached to letter of B. de Galvez to J. de Galvez, January 27, 1778. See other list.] 2220 Dec. IS- Paris. Aranda to Floridablanca (no. 1192). Public Archives of Madrid (sent by Gayangos). L, Gayangos Span. Papers, Bancroft, 9 pp.; H, Sparks, 95, II., fol. 31-35 (Eng. transl., id., 102). 2221 Dec.2S. Madrid. J, de Galvez to B. de Galvez. AI, 87-1-6. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Accompanies letter (no. 86) of B. de Galvez to J. de Galvez, September 15, 1777.] 2222 Dec. Pj. Madrid. J. de Galvez to B. de Galvez. AI, 87-1-6. DAH, Span. Doc. I p. [Accompanies letter (no. 90) of B. de Galvez to J. de Galvez, September 15, 1777, to which it is the answer.] 2223 Dec.2S. Madrid. Floridablanca to Aranda. [Spain? (French transl. in AAE).] L, Bancroft, Arch. Fran. Esp., 1777, pp. 769-793 (from AAE). 2224 1778 {1778 .^] . Diario general de todas las ocurrencias y noticias que con motivo de la vajada de los Americanos por el rio Misisipy han sobrevenido en la provincia de Luisiana. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2225 Tan. . Memoire lu au Roi le 7 Janvier et envoye en Espagne le lendemain. [Spain ? (copy in AAE).] H, Sparks, 80, II., fol. 9-26 (from AAE). 2226 Jan. ij. El Pardo. Floridablanca to Aranda. Public Archives of Madrid (sent by Gayangos; French transl. AAE).] L, Gayangos Span. Papers, Bancroft, 9 pp. (from AAE) ; id., Bancroft, Arch. Fran. Esp., I., pp. 935-957 (from AAE) ; H, Sparks, 73, fol. 158-164 (from AAE) ; id., 80, II., fol. 41-50 (from AAE) ; id., 95, II., fol. 37-44 (Eng. transl., id., 102; from Spain). 2227 Jan. 14. Williamsburg. Patrick Henry to B. de Galvez. AI, 87-1-6 (Span, transl. ; Eng. intercepted copy in Papers of Sir Guy Carleton, Royal Institution, London) . Illinois State Hist. Library, 5 pp. ; H, Sparks, 13, fol. 309-315 (from London copy). [This letter reached Galvez safely through Col. David Rogers. The Spanish copy has a post- script not in the English copy.] 2228 Jan. 19. El Pardo. Floridablanca to Aranda. Public Archives of Madrid (sent by Gayangos). L, Gayangos Span. Papers, Bancroft, 2 pp.; H, Sparks, 95, II., fol. 45, 46 (Eng. transl., id., 102). 2229 1778] Transcripts 149 Jan. 22. El Pardo. Deputacion hecha para leer en la Junta de Sefiores Minis- tros. Public Archives of Madrid (sent by Gayangos). L, Gayangos Span. Papers, Bancroft, 6 pp. ; H, Sparks, 95, II., fol. 47-50 (Eng. transl, id., 102). 2230 Jan. 26. El Pardo. Floridablanca to Aranda. Public Archives of Madrid (sent by Gayangos). L, Gayangos Span. Papers, Bancroft, 4 pp.; H, Sparks, 95, II., fol. 51-54 (Eng. transl., id., 102). 2231 Jem. 2"/. Floridablanca to Aranda. Public Archives of Madrid (sent by Gayangos; French transl. in AAE). L, Bancroft, Arch. Fran. Esp., I., pp. 973-980. (from AAE) ; H, Sparks, 80, II., fol. 55-58 (from AAE) ; id., 95, I., fol. 111-114 (from Spain). 2232 Jan. 2y. New Orleans. B. de Galvez to J. de Galvez. AI, 86-7-24. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 2233 Jan. 27. New Orleans. B. de Galvez to J. de Galvez. AI, 86-7-24. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 2234 Jan.ji. Paris. Aranda to Floridablanca (no. 1222). Public Archives of Madrid (sent by Gayangos). L, Gayangos Span. Papers, Bancroft, 20 pp. ; H, Sparks, 95, II., fol. 55-67 (Eng. transl., id., 102). 2235 Feb. I. El Pardo. Floridablanca to Aranda. Public Archives of Madrid (sent by Gayangos). L, Gayangos Span. Papers, Bancroft, i p. ; H, Sparks, 95, II., fol. 69, 70 (Eng. transl., id., 102). 2236 Feb. 2. El Pardo. Floridablanca to Aranda. Public Archives of Madrid (sent by Gayangos). L, Gayangos Span. Papers, Bancroft, 3 pp.; H, Sparks, 95, II., fol. 71, 72 (Eng. transl., id., 102). 2237 Feb. 6. Paris. Aranda to Floridablanca (no. 1230). Public Archives of Madrid (sent by Gayangos). L, Gayangos Span. Papers, Bancroft, I p. ; H, Sparks, 95, II., fol. 73, 74 (Eng. transl., id., 102). 2238 Feb. 12. Charleston, S. C. Juan de Miralles to J. de Galvez. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 1-8 (Eng. transl., id., 100). 2239 Feb. ip. New Orleans. Decree by B. de Galvez concerning immigration. AI, 86-7-24. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Attached to letter of B. de Galvez to J. de Galvez, June 9, 1778. See other list.] 2240 Feb. 19-21. Natchez. American forces at Natchez. AI, 87-1-6. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 5 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 130) of B. de Galvez to J. de Galvez, March 11, 1778.] 2241 Feb. 20. New Orleans. B. de Galvez to Governor Peter Chester (two let- ters). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 4^^ pp. [Part of instructions of February 20-July 8, 1778.] 2242 Feb. 20. New Orleans. Instruccion que debe observar el capitan de infan- teria y ayudante mayor de esta plasa Don Jacinto Panis. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 pp. [Part of instructions of February 20-July 8, 1778.] 2243 Feb. 20-July 8. . Instruccion a Don Jacinto Panis comisionado a Pansacola y demas documentos relativos a su encargo. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span, Doc. 43 pp. 2244 160 Documents in Spanish Archives [1778 Feb. 27. Paris. Aranda to Floridablanca. AS, Estado, leg-. 4658 ; id., leg. 4616 (French transl. in AAE). H, Sparks, 80, II., fol. 113-116 (from AAE) ; id., 96, fol. 25-27 (from leg. 4658) ; id., 96, fol. 29-31 (from leg. 4616) ; Eng. transl., id., 102. 2245 Feb. 2^. Natchez. Agreement between Americans and habitants at Natchez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 5 pp. 2246 March 2. El Pardo. Floridablanca to Aranda. AS, Estado, leg. 4658 (French transl. in AAE). H, Sparks, 80, II., fol. 117, 118 (from AAE) ; id., 96, fol. 33, 34 (from AS). 2247 March 2. El Pardo. Floridablanca to Aranda. [AS ? (French transl. in AAE).] H, Sparks, 80, II., fol. 119, 120 (from AAE). 2248 March 3. New Orleans. Edict of neutrality by B. de Galvez. AI, 87-1-6. DAH, Span. Doc. 2>4 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 130) of B. de Galvez to J. de Galvez, March 11, 1778.] 2249 March 8. El Pardo. Floridablanca to Aranda. Public Archives of Madrid (sent by Gayangos). H, Sparks, 95, II., fol. 79-81 (Eng. transl., id., 102). 2250 March p. El Pardo. Floridablanca to Aranda. Public Archives of Madrid (sent by Gayangos; French transl. in AAE). L, Gayangos Span. Papers, Bancroft, 3^ pp. (from Spain) ; id., Bancroft, Arch. Fran. Esp., I., pp. 1123-1129 (from AAE) ; H, Sparks, 95, II., fol. 75-77 (Eng. transl., id., 102; from Spain). 2251 March p. Charleston, S. C. Miralles to J. de Galvez. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 10, II (Eng. transl,, id., i(X>). 2252 March II. New Orleans. B. de Galvez to J. de Galvez (no. 130). AI, 87-1-6. DAH, Span. Doc. 4 pp. 2253 March i^. Pensacola. Jacinto Panis to Governor Peter Chester (no. i). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 pp. [Part of instruc- tions of February 20- July 8, 1778 ; another copy also enclosed in letter (no. 175) of B. de Galvez to J. de Galvez, July 28, 1778.] 2254 March 16. El Pardo. Floridablanca to Aranda. AS, Estado, leg. 4658 (French transl., in AAE). L, Gayangos Span. Papers, Bancroft, 25^ pp.; id., Bancroft, Arch. Fran. Esp., I., pp. 1151-1155 (extr., from AAE) ; H, Sparks, 80, II., fol. 140, 141 (from AAE) ; id., 95, II., fol. 79-81 (from AS) ; id. (two letters, nos. i and 5), 96, fol. 35, 36 (from AS). 2255 March 16. Pensacola. Jacinto Panis to Peter Chester (no. 2). AI, Pap. Proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Part of instructions of February 20- July 8, 1778, another copy attached to letter (no. 175) of B. de Galvez to J. de Galvez, July 28, 1778.] 2256 March ip. El Pardo. Floridablanca to Aranda. Public Archives of Madrid (sent by Gayangos). L, Gayangos Span. Papers, Bancroft, 2 pp.; H, Sparks, 95, II., fol. 83, 84 (Eng. transl., id., 102). 2257 March 20. New Orleans. B. de Galvez to Juan de la Villebeuvre (two letters). AI, 87-1-6. DAH, Span. Doc. 5 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 135) of B. de Galvez to J. de Galvez, March 24, 1778.] 2258 March 21. Madrid. F. R. Heshuysen to Floridablanca. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, XI. (French). 2 11. 2259 March 22. Pensacola. Panis to Chester (no. 3). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 4 pp. [Part of instructions of February 20-July 8, 1778. Another copy attached to letter (no. 175) of B. de Galvez to J. de Galvez, July 28, 1778.] 2260 1778] Transcripts 151 March 2^. Paris. Aranda to Floridablanca (no. 1258). AS, Estado, leg. 4616. H, Sparks, 96, fol. 37, 38. 2261 March 2^ (at end dated, March 26). Paris. Aranda to Floridablanca (no. 1259). AS, Estado, leg. 4616. H, Sparks, 96, fol, 39-46 (Eng-. transl., id., 102). 2262 March 2^ (with P. S. dated April 7). . Proclamation by John Fergu- son, commander of Eng. frigate Sylphe, to all the vassals of the British sovereign in Louisiana and city of New Orleans. AI, 87-1-6. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. 2263 March 24. New Orleans. B. de Galvez to J. de Galvez (no. 135). AI, 87-1-6. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. 2264 March 24. Pensacola. Panis to Chester (no. 4). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2^ pp. [Part of instructions of February 20- July 8, 1778. Another copy attached to letter (no. 175) of B. de Galvez to J. de Galvez, July 28, 1778.] 2265 March 2^. Paris. Aranda to Floridablanca. [Spain? (French transl. in AAE).] H, Sparks, 80, II., fol. 166, 167 (from AAE). [See fol- lowing item ; possibly the same letter.] 2266 March 2/. Paris. Aranda to Floridablanca (no. 1260). AS, Estado, leg. 4616. H, Sparks, 96, fol. 47-50 (Eng. transl., id., 102). [See pre- ceding item.] 2267 March ^ I. Pensacola. Panis to Chester (no. 5). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Part of instructions of February 20- July 8, 1778. Another copy in letter (no. 175) of B. de Galvez to J. de Galvez, July 28, 1778.] 2268 Aprils. Paris. Aranda to Floridablanca. AS, Estado, leg. 4616 (French transl. in AAE). L, Bancroft, Arch. Fran. Esp., I., pp. 1189, 1190 (from AAE) ; H, Sparks, 96, fol. 51, 52 (from AS). 2269 April 6. Pensacola. Estracto de un auto acordado y convenido en la Junta de la provincia de West Florida. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 pp. [Part of instructions of February 20- July 8, 1778. Another copy in letter (no. 175) of B. de Galvez to J. de Galvez, July 28, 1778.] 2270 April y. Pensacola. Chester to B. de Galvez. AI, 87-1-6. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 175) of B. de Galvez to J. de Galvez, July 28, 1778.] 2271 April y. Pensacola. Chester to Panis. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 15 pp. [Part of instructions of February 20- July 8, 1778. Another copy in letter (no. 175) of B. de Galvez to J. de Galvez, July 28, 1778.] 2272 April 7. El Pardo. [J. de Galvez] to B. de Galvez. AI, 86-7-24. MHS, Houck. [See other list.] 2272a Aprils. El Pardo. [J. de Galvez] to B. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck. [See other list.] 2273 Aprils. Henry Stuart, Indian agent, to John Campbell. AI, 87-1-6. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) i^ p. [Read at council of war, July 15, 1778. Another copy attached to letter (no. 175) of B. de Galvez to J. de Galvez, July 28, 1778.] 2274 April g. El Pardo. Floridablanca to Aranda. Public Archives of Madrid. L, Gayangos Span. Papers, Bancroft, 4 pp. (two copies) ; H, Sparks, 95, II., fol. 89-91 (Eng. transl., id., 102). 2275 162 Documents in Spanish Archives [1T78 April 10. Aboard the English ship Sylphe. Alexander Ross to Mr. Dum- baudt. AI, 87-1-6. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl., extr.) i p. [Read at council of war, July 15, 1778.] 2276 April I J. Paris. Aranda to Floridablanca (no. 1274). AS, Estado, leg. 4616 (French transl. in AAE). L, Bancroft, Arch. Fran. Esp., I., pp. 1235-1237 (from AAE) ; H, Sparks, 80, II., fol. 213-216 (from AAE) ; id., 96, fol. 53-55 (from AS). 2277 April 17. Paris. Aranda to Floridablanca (no. 1275). AS, Estado, leg-. 4616; id., leg. 4658 (French transl. in AAE). H, Sparks, 80, II., fol. 223-226 (from AAE) ; id., 96, fol. 56-59 (from AS, leg. 4616) ; id., fol. 60-63 (from leg. 4658). 2278 April 17. Balise. Panis to B. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Part of instructions of February 20- July 8, 1778.] ' 2279 April 18. New Orleans. B. de Galvez to Panis. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Part of instructions of February 20- Jul v 8, 1778.] ' 2280 April ip. Madrid. Floridablanca to Aranda, Public Archives of Madrid (sent by Gayangos). L, Gayangos Span. Papers, Bancroft, 5 pp.; H, Sparks, 95, II., fol. 93-96 (Eng. transl., id., 102). 2281 April 20. Madrid. Count de Montmorin, French ambassador in Spain, to Vergennes. Public Archives of Madrid (sent by Gayangos). L, Gayangos Span. Papers, Bancroft, 2j/^ pp. ; H, Sparks, 95, II., fol. 97, 98. 2282 May 5. Versailles. Vergennes to Montmorin. Public Archives of Madrid (sent by Gayangos). H, Sparks, 95, II., fol. 101-103 (French). 2283 May II. Aranjuez. Floridablanca to Aranda. AS, Estado, leg. 4658 (French transl. in AAE). L, Gayangos Span. Papers, Bancroft, 3 pp. (from AS) ; H, Sparks, 80, III., fol. 33, 34 (from AAE) ; id., 95, II., fol. 105-107 (from AS) ; id., 96, fol. 64, 65 ; Eng. transl., id., 102. 2284 May II. Paris. Aranda to Floridablanca (no. 1285), AS, Estado, leg. 4616. H, Sparks, 96, fol. 66, 67. 2285 May 17. New Orleans. B. de Galvez to J. de Galvez (no. 146). AI, 87-1-6. DAH, Span. Doc. 10 pp. 2286 May 18. Paris. Aranda to Floridablanca (no. 1287). Public Archives of Madrid (sent by Gayangos). L, Gayangos Span. Papers, Bancroft, 23^ pp. ; H, Sparks, 95, IL, fol. 109, no (Eng. transl., id., 102). 2287 May 28. Bayou of San Juan. Josef Briones to B. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Attached to letter of B. de Galvez to Collell, December 31, 1778.] 2288 June I. Chihuahua. T. de Croix to J. de Galvez (no, 207). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, V. i leaf. 2289 June I. Chihuahua. Diario de los primeros reconocimientos egecutados por mi el Brigadier Cavallero de Croix Comandante General de las pro- vincias intemas de Nueva Espafia desde el dia 16 de Octubre de 1777 hasta el 14 de Marzo de 1778. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, V. 68 11, [Enclosure (no. i) in letter (no, 207) of Croix to Galvez, of same date.] 2290 June I. Chihuahua. Observaciones particulares. By T, de Croix. [ Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, V. 9 11. [Enclosure (no, 2) in letter (no. 207) of Croix to Galvez, of same date.] 2291 1778] Transcripts 168 June I. Chihuahua. Observaciones generales. By T. de Croix. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, V. 14 11. [Enclosure (no. 3) in letter (no. 207) of Croix to Galvez, of same date.] 2292 June p. New Orleans, B. de Galvez to J. de Galvez. AI, 86-7-24. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 2293 June 12. White Hall. Lord George Germain to General Clinton. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 28, verso (Span, transl.) [Attached to letter of Miralles to Galvez, October 20, 1778.] 2294 June ^0. San Carlos de Monterey. Junipero Serra, O. S. F., to Bucareli y Ursua. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, V. 4 11. [Attached to letter (no. 4709) of Bucareli y Ursua to Galvez, November 26, 1778.] 2295 July 2. Costa de la Fourche de Chetimaches. Luis Judice, commandant, to B. de Galvez. AI, 87-1-6. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Read at council of war, July 15, 1778.] 2296 July 5. New Orleans. Panis to B. de Galvez. AI, 87-1-6. DAH, Span. Doc. 5 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 175) of B. de Galvez to J. de Galvez, July 28, 1778.] 2297 July 5. . Estado de la fortificacion de Pansacola y Movila. AI, Pap, proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 4 pp. [Extracto de la relacion que dio Don Jacinto Panis, ayudante mayor de esta plaza. Attached to letter (no. 201) of B. de Galvez to Navarro, August 17. I779-] 2298 July 6. Manchac. Juan de Villebeuvre, commandant, to B. de Galvez. AI, 87-1-6. DAH, Span. Doc. (two copies, from different sources, but with same pressmark). [Attached to letter (no. 174) of B. de Galvez to J. de Galvez, July 13, 1778 (extr.) Read at council of war, July 15, 1778.] 2299 July 8. . Panis to B. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. >4 p. [Part of instructions of February 20-Julv 8, 1778.] 2300 July 8. Pointe Coupee. Carlos de Grand- Pre, commandant of Pointe Coupee, to B. de Galvez. AI, 87-1-6. DAH, Span. Doc. (two copies, from different sources, but with same pressmark). 1^/2 p. [Attached to letter (no. 174) of B. de Galvez to J. de Galvez, July 13, 1778 (extr.) Read at council of war, July 15, 1778.] 2301 July II. Leyva to Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 2302 July ij. New Orleans. B. de Galvez to J. de Galvez (no. 174). AI, 87-1-6. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. 2303 July 75. Manchac. Villebeuvre to B. de Galvez. AI, 87-1-6. DAH, Span. Doc. I p. [Read at council of war, July 15, 1778.] 2304 July 75. Pointe Coupee. Grand-Pre to B. de Galvez. AI, 87-1-6. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Read at council of war, July 15, 1778.] 2305 July 14. Costa de la Fourche de Chetimachas. Captain Luis Judice to B. de Galvez. AI, 87-1-6. DAH, Span. Doc. i}^ p. [Read at council of war, July 15, 1778.] 2306 July 75. New Orleans. Report of Council of War called by B. de Galvez. AI, 87-1-6. DAH, Span. Doc. 8 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 178) of B. de Galvez to J. de Galvez, July 28, 1778.] 2307 154 Documents in Spanish Archives [1778 July 25. Presidio de la Bavia. Juan Ugalde to T. de Croix. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, V. 3 11. [Attached to letter (no. 256) of Croix to Galvez, August 24, 1778.] 2308 July 2y. Mexico. Bucareli y Ursua to J. de Galvez (no. 3867). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, VII. i leaf. 2309 July 28. New Orleans. B. de Galvez to J. de Galvez (confidential no. 175). AI, 87-1-6. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. 2310 July 28. New Orleans. B. de Galvez to J. de Galvez (confidential no. 178). AI, 87-1-6. DAH, Span. Doc. 2>4 pp. 2311 July $1. [Versailles ?] Vergennes to Montmorin. Public Archives of Madrid (sent by Gayangos). L, Gayangos Span. Papers, Bancroft, 2 pp.; H, Sparks, 95, II., fol. 113, 114 (both extr.) 2312 Aug. 4. Paris. Aranda to Floridablanca (no. 1323). Public Archives of Madrid (sent by Gayangos). L, Gayangos Span. Papers, Bancroft, 13 pp. ; H, Sparks, 95, II., fol. 1 17-126 (Eng. transl., id., 102). 2313 Aug. ly. . Note remise par Tambassadeur de France a M. le Compte de Floride-Blanche. [Spain ? (copy in AAE).] L, Bancroft, Arch. Fran. Esp., 1778, II., pp. 1407, 1408 (from AAE). 2314 Aug. ip. San Carlos de Monterey. Junipero Serra, O. S. F., to Bucareli y Ursua, [Spain?] H, Sparks, 98, V. 2 11. [Attached to letter (no. 4709) of Bucareli y Ursua to Galvez, November 26, 1778.] 2315 Aug. ip. Philadelphia. Miralles to J. de Galvez. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 12-14 (Eng. transl., id., 100). 2316 Aug. 20. Philadelphia. Miralles to J. de Galvez. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 16-19 (Eng. transl., id., 100). 2317 Aug. 24. Chihuahua. Extracto de las novedades acaecidas en las provincias internas de esta Nueva Espaha. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, V. 6 11. [Attached to letter (no. 258) of Croix to Galvez, of same date.] 2318 Aug. 24. Chihuahua. Resumen de las muertes y robos executados por los enemigos en las provincias. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, V. i leaf. [Attached to letter (no. 258) of Croix to J. de Galvez, of same date.] 2319 Aug. 24. Philadelphia. Miralles to J. de Galvez. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 20 (Eng. transl., id., 100). 2320 Aug. 25. San Ildefonso. Floridablanca to Aranda. Public Archives of Madrid (sent by Gayangos). L, Gayangos Span. Papers, Bancroft, loj^ pp. ; H, Sparks, 95, II., fol. 127-133 (Eng. transl, id., 102). 2321 Aug. 25. San Ildefonso. [J. de Galvez] to B. de Galvez. AI, 87-1-6. DAH, Span. Doc. i>4 p. [Accompanies letter (no. 146) of B. de Galvez to J. de Galvez, May 17, 1778.] 2322 Aug. 26. Paris. Aranda to Floridablanca (no. 1334). Public Archives of Madrid (sent by Gayangos). L, Gayangos Span. Papers, Bancroft, 8 pp. ; H, Sparks, 95, II., fol. 135-139 (Eng. transl., id., 102). 2323 Aug. 28. . Minuta del manifiesto que piensa publicar la Francia con motivo de su guerra con la Ynglaterra. Public Archives of Madrid (sent by Gayangos; French transl. in AAE). L, Gayangos Span, Papers, Bancroft, 15 pp. (from Spain) ; id., Bancroft, Arch. Fran. Esp., 1778, II., pp. 1431-1435 (from AAE) ; H, Sparks, 95, XL, fol. 141-152 (from Spain; Eng. transl., id., 102). 2324 Sept. J. Philadelphia. Miralles to J. de Galvez. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 22, 23 (Eng. transl., id., 100). 2325 1778] Transcripts 165 Sept 12. Philadelphia. Miralles to J. de Galvez. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 24-26 (Eng. transl., id., 100). 2326 Sept. i^. New Orleans. B. de Galvez to J. de Galvez (no. 90). AI, 87- 1-6. DAH, Span. Doc. 4 pp. 2327 Sept. ip. New York. General Henry Clinton to the President of Congress. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 28 (Span, transl.; Eng. transl., id., 100). [Attached to letter of Miralles to Galvez, October 20, 1778.] 2328 Sept. 22. Philadelphia. Miralles to J. de Galvez. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 30 (Eng. transl., id., 100). 2329 Sept. 2^. Chihuahua. T. de Croix to J. de Galvez (no. 267). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, V. 3 11. 2330 Sept. 2^. Chihuahua. Nota de las personas que se han congregado volunta- riamente en la mision de la Bahia de Espiritu Santo. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, V. i leaf. [Attached to letter (no. 267) of Croix to Galvez, of same date.] 2331 Sept. 23. Chihuahua. Extracto de las novedades en las provincias de esta Nueva Espaiia. By T. de Croix. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, V. 7 11. [Attached to letter (no. 264) of Croix to Galvez, of same date.] 2332 Sept. 2^. Chihuahua. T. de Croix to J. de Galvez (no. 270). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, V. i leaf. 2333 Sept. 26. Philadelphia. Miralles to J. de Galvez. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 32 (Eng. transl., id., 100). 2334 Sept. 28. Philadelphia. Secretary of Congress, Charles Thomson, to Sir Henry Clinton. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 29 (Span, transl. ; Eng. transl., id., 100). [Attached to letter of Miralles to Galvez, October 20, 1778.] 2335 Sept. 2g. San Ildefonso. Floridablanca to Aranda. Public Archives of Madrid (sent by Gayangos). L, Gayangos Span. Papers, Bancroft, ZVz pp. ; H, Sparks, 95, II., fol. 155-157 (Eng. transl., id., 102). 2336 Oct. 4. San Diego. Junipero Serra, O. S. F., to Bucareli y Ursua. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, V. 3 11. [Attached to letter (no. 4709) of Bucareli y Ursua to Galvez, November 26, 1778.] 2337 Oct. 14. San Lorenzo. J. de Galvez to B. de Galvez. AI, 87-1-6. DAH, Span. Doc. 3^ p. [Accompanies letter (no. 174) of B. de Galvez to J. de Galvez, July 13, 1778, of which it is the answer.] 2338 Oct. Ip. New Orleans. B. de Galvez to Patrick Henry. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 6 pp. 2339 Oct. 20. Philadelphia. Miralles to J. de Galvez. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 34-36 (Eng. transl., id., 100). 2340 Nov. p. Philadelphia. Miralles to Span, governor of Puerto Rico. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 54 (Eng. transl., id., 100). 2341 Nov. 14. Escorial. Grantham to Floridablanca. [Spain ? (copy in SPO).] H, Sparks, 23, II. (from SPO). 20 lines. 2342 Nov. 18. Philadelphia. Miralles to Governor Dufresne of Puerto Rico. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 54, 55 (Eng. transl., id., 100). 2343 Nov. 26. Mexico. Bucareli y Ursua to J. de Galvez (no. 4709). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, V. 2 11. 2344 Nov. 26. Mexico. Bucareli y Ursiia to J. de Galvez (no. 4772). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, V. 2 11. 2345 156 Documents in Spanish Archives [17Y8 Dec. Galveston, Tex. Francisco Collell to B. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Accompanies letter of Galvez to Collell, December 31, 1778.] 2346 Dec. 21. Madrid. [J. de Galvez] to B. de Galvez. AI, 87-1-6. DAH, Span. Doc. I p. [Accompanies letter (no. 175) of B. de Galvez to J. de Galvez, of which it is the answer.] 2347 Dec. 21. Madrid. [J. de Galvez] to B. de Galvez. AI, 87-1-6. DAH, Span. Doc. I p. [Accompanies letter (no. 178) of B. de Galvez to J. de Galvez, July 28, 1778, of which it is the answer.] 2348 Dec. 22. Madrid. Aprovando S. M. la prueba mandada hacer con la fragata la Princesa en el Departamento de San Bias. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, V. I leaf. 2349 Dec. 24. Versailles. Reponse a la declaration confidentielle de la cour d'Espagne. [Spain ? (copy in AAE).] L, Bancroft, Arch. Fran. Esp., 1778, II., pp. 1657-1664; H, Sparks, 80, III., fol. 265-269 (both from AAE). 2350 Dec. 24. Versailles. Vergennes to Floridablanca. [Spain ? (copy in AAE).] L, Bancroft, Arch. Fran. Esp., 1778, II., pp. 1665-1673; H, Sparks, 80, III., fol. 270-274 (both from AAE). 2351 Dec. 2yFeh. 4, 1779. Santiago de la Monclova ; and other places. Seven letters from various officials regarding the raids of the Apaches. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, VI. 27 11. 2352 Dec. 28. Philadelphia. Miralles to J. de Galvez. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 38-45 (Eng. transl., id., 100). 2353 Dec. so. Philadelphia. Miralles to J. de Galvez. [Spain?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 46, 47 (Eng. transl., id., 100). 2354 Dec. SI- New Orleans. [B. de Galvez ?] to Francisco Collell. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. 2355 1779 1779-1785. Expedientes e instancias de partes. AMGJ. LHS, Span. MSS., folder no. 7. 2356 Jan. 4-18. Santiago de Monclova ; Valle de Santa Rosa. Official letters to T. de Croix (five letters). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, VI. 13 11. 2357 Jan. IS [error for 1780]. New Orleans. B. de Galvez to Fernando de Leyba (two letters). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 2358 Jan. is-March 5. Presidio de San Sabas, etc. Thirteen official letters re- garding the Apaches. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, VI. 13 11. 2359 Jan. 75. New Orleans. Duplicados del Gobemador Don Bernardo de Galvez al Exelentisimo Seiior Don Josef de Galvez. AMGJ. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, I., p. 14. 2360 Jan. 15. Galveston. Collell to B. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc, de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 4 pp. [Accompanies letter of Galvez to Collell, December 31, 1778.] 2361 Jan. 20. El Pardo. Floridablanca to Marques de Almodovar, ambassador to England. Public Archives of Madrid (sent by Gayangos ; French transl. in AAE, and Eng. transl. in SPO, Spain, vol. 345). L, Ban- croft, Arch. Fran. Esp., 1779, pp. 1709-1713 (from AAE) ; id., Ban- 1779] Transcripts 157 croft, Gt. Britain, Embassy in Spain, IV., pp. 145-185 (from SPO) ; H, Sparks, 80, IV., fol. 13-15 (extr., from AAE) ; id., 95, I., fol. 1 15-126 (from Spain). 2362 Jan. 22. Galveston. Collell to B. de Galvez, AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Accompanies letter of Galvez to Collell, Decem- ber 31, 1778.] 2363 Jan. 22. Philadelphia. Miralles to J. de Galvez. [Spain?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 48-51 (Eng. transl., id., 100). 2364 Jem. 22. Puerto Rico. Governor Joseph Dufresne to J. de Galvez (con- fidential, no. 6). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 52 (Eng. transl., id., icx)). 2365 JoAfi. 2^. Philadelphia. Miralles to J. de Galvez. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 56-59 (Eng. transl., id., 100). 2366 Jan. 2g. Philadelphia. Miralles to J. de Galvez. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 60, 61 (Eng. transl., id., 100). 2367 Jan. 30. Philadelphia. Miralles to J. de Galvez. [Spain?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 62, 63 (Eng. transl., id., 100). 2368 Feb. 6-14. Santiago de Monclova ; Aguaverde. Six official letters regarding the Indians, etc. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, VI. 19 11. 2369 Feb. JJ. [El Pardo ?] Floridablanca to Almodovar. [Spain ? (Eng. transl. in SPO). H, Sparks, 23, II. (from SPO). ii>4 pp. 2370 Feh^ 18. Santa Fe. Juan Bautista de Ansa, governor of New Mexico, to T. de Croix. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, VI. 5>4 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 387) of Croix to Galvez, April 26, 1779.] 2371 Feb. 26. El Pardo. Floridablanca to Vergennes. Public Archives of Madrid (sent by Gayangos). H, Sparks, 95, I., fol. 127, 128. 2372 Feb. 27. El Pardo. Communication from Spanish Court to French Court. Public Archives of Madrid (sent by Gayangos). H, Sparks, 95, I., fol. 129-136. [Accompanies letter of Floridablanca to Vergennes, February 26, 1779.] 2373 March S- Chihuahua. Last measures of T. de Croix regarding the hostil- ities of the Indians. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, VI. 13 11. [Two letters: one to Juan Ugalde; and the second instructions to com- mandants of various presidios. This same vol. contains various other documents concerning the campaign against the Apaches, which are not listed here, as they often relate wholly to Mexico.] 2374 March 5. Manchac. Col. Alexander Dickson to B. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. 2375 March 6. El Pardo. Two royal despatches to the Viceroy Bucareli y Ursua. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, VI. 2 11. 2376 March 8. Chickasaw Nation. Address by Chickasaws to Spaniards. [Spain ? (Eng. transl. in SPO, Spain, vol. 346).] L, Bancroft, Gt. Britain, Embassy in Spain, IV., pp. 191-196 (from SPO). 2377 March jj. Manchac. Dickson to B. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3^ p. [Accompanies letter of Dickson to Galvez, March 5, 1779.] 2378 March 13. Galveston. Collell to B. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 pp. [Accompanies letter of Galvez to Collell, December 31, 1778.] 2379 March ly. . Etablissement du poste des Akansas aux Ecores Rouges. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (tracing), i sheet. 2380 168 Documents in Spanish Archives [1779 March i8. New Orleans, B. de Galvez to Dickson. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Accompanies letter from Dickson to Galvez, March 5, 1779.] 2381 March 18. Versailles. Vergennes to Floridablanca. [Spain? (copy in AAE).] L, Bancroft, Arch. Fran. Esp., 1779, pp. 1771-1774 (from AAE). 2382 March ip. Versailles. Reponse a I'ecrit de I'Espagne du 26 fevrier, sur le projet de jonction de flottes frangaise et espagnole et sur une expedi- tion contre I'Angleterre. [Spain ? (copy in AAE).] L, Bancroft, Arch. Fran. Esp., 1779, pp. I785-I79i5 (from AAE) : H, Sparks, 80. IV., fol. 34-41 (from AAE). 2383 March ip. Versailles. Vergennes to Floridablanca. [Spain? (copy in AAE). H, Sparks, 80, IV., fol. 30, 31 (extr., from AAE). 2384 March 20. Chihuahua. Juan Bautista de Ansa to J. de Croix. [Spain ?] H, Sparks 98, VL i>2 p. [Attached to letter of Croix to Galvez, April 26, 1779.] 2385 March 2j. Manchac. George Ross to Dickson. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. y^ p. [Attached to letter of Dickson to Galvez, March 27, 1779.] 2386 March 26. Madrid. Grantham to Floridablanca. [Spain ? (copv in SPO).] H, Sparks, 23, II. (from SPO). i p. ' 2387 March 2/. Manchac. Dickson to B. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Accompanies letter of Dickson to Galvez, March 5, 1779.] 2388 March 2p. Chihuahua. T. de Croix to J. de Galvez (confidential, no. 3). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, VL 45 »■ 2389 March 2p. Chihuahua. T. de Croix to J. de Galvez (no. 373). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, VI. 8 11. 2390 April I. Galveston. Collell to B. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 pp. [Accompanies letter of Galvez to Collell, Decem- ber 31, 1778.] 2391 April J. Madrid. Floridablanca to Vergennes. Public Archives of Madrid (sent by Gayangos). H, Sparks, 95, I., fol. 135, 136. 2392 Aprils. Madrid. Floridablanca to Almodovar (two letters). [Spain ? (French transl. in AAE; Eng. transl. in SPO).] L, Bancroft, Arch. Fran. Esp., 1779, pp. 1825-1832 (from AAE) ; id., pp. 1833, 1834 (from AAE) ; H, Sparks, 23, II., 33^ pp. (from SPO) ; id., 80, IV., fol. 55-58 (from AAE) ; id., fol. 54 (from AAE). 2393 April 12. Aranjuez. Tratado de alianza defensiva y ofensiva celebrado entre las Coronas de Espaiia y Francia contra la de Ynglaterra. [Spain ? (copies in French and Span, in AAE).] L, Gayangos Span. Papers, Bancroft (two copies of the Span., with Eng. transl.), 4 pp. ; H, Sparks, 80, IV., fol. 62, 63 (from AAE). 2394 April ip. Paris. Ultimatum propone aux cours de Paris et de Londres par celle de Madrid. [Spain ? (copy in SPO, Spain, vol. 345).] L, Bancroft, Gt. Britain, Embassy in Spain, I\^, pp. 249-254 (from SPO). 2395 April 26. Chihuahua. T. de Croix to J. de Galvez (no. 386). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, VI. 2 11. 2396 1779] Transcripts 159 April 26. Chihuahua. Extracto de novedades de Yndios enemigos ocurridos en las provincias yntemas de Nueva Espana. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, VI. 6 11. [Attached to letter (no. 386) of Croix to Galvez, of same date.] 2397 April 26. Chihuahua. Resumen de las muertes y robos que han executado los Yndios. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, VI. i leaf. [Attached to letter (no. 386) of Croix to Galvez, of same date.] 2398 April 26. Chihuahua. T. de Croix to J. de Galvez (no. 387). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, VI. 2 11. 2399 April 26. Manchak. Dickson to B. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 3 pp. [Accompanies letter of Dickson to Galvez, March 5, 1779.] 2400 May [error for March .^] . Reflexions sur la question proposee par TEspagne d'une treve entre la France les Etats-Unis et I'Angleterre. [Spain ? (French transl. in AAE).] H, Sparks, 80, IV., fol. 192- 197 (from AAE). 2401 Mary I. Galveston. Collell to B. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2^ pp. [Accompanies letter of Galvez to Collell, Decem- ber 31, 1778.] 2402 May 10. Galveston, Collell to B. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i^ p. [Accompanies letter of Galvez to Collell, Decem- ber 31, 1778.] 2403 May 12. New Orleans. [B. de Galvez to Collell.] AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Accompanies letter of Galvez to Collell, December 31, 1778.] 2404 May 16. New Orleans. [B. de Galvez to Collell.] AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Accompanies letter of Galvez to Collell, December 31, 1778.] 2405 May 17. Aranjuez. Floridablanca to Vergennes. Public Archives of Madrid (sent by Gayangos). H, Sparks, 95, I., fol. 137, 138. 2406 May 18. Aranjuez. Note confidentielle remise a S. Ex. le Compte de Florida- blanca. [Spain ? (copy in SPO).] H, Sparks, 23, II. (from SPO). I p. 2407 May 20. Galveston. Collell to B. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2^ pp. [Accompanies letter of Galvez to Collell, Decem- ber 31, 1778.] 2408 May 2^. Chihuahua. T. de Croix to J. de Galvez (no. 393). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, VI. i leaf. 2409 May 2^. Chihuahua. Extracto de novedades ocurridas en las provincias ynternas de Nueva Espafia. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, VI. 5 11. [Attached to letter (no. 393) of Croix to Galvez, of same date.] 2410 May 28. [London.] Almodovar to Floridablanca. [Spain ? (French transl. in AAE).] L, Bancroft, Arch. Fran. Esp., 1779, pp. 1919-1924; H, Sparks, 80, IV., fol. 93-95 (both from AAE). 2411 May 2Q. Versailles. Vergennes to Floridablanca. [Spain ? (copy in AAE).] L, Bancroft, Arch. Fran. Esp., 1779, pp. 1909-1913 ; H, Sparks, 80, IV., fol. 100, loi (both from AAE). 2412 June 2. Galveston. Collell to B. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i)^ p. [Accompanies letter of Galvez to Collell, Decem- ber 31, 1778.] 2413 160 Documents in Spanish Archives [17Y9 June. 15. Galveston. Collell to B. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 4>4 pp. [Accompanies letter of Galvez to Collell, December 31, 1778.] 2414 June 15. [New Orleans.] [B. de Galvez to Collell.] AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i^ p. [Accompanies letter of Galvez to Collell, December 31, 1778.] 2415 June 16. Manchac. Raymundo Dubrevuil to [B. de Galvez ?] AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Enclosing plan of road from Manchac to below island of Marais.] 2416 June 20. Aranjuez. Grantham to Floridablanca (two letters). [Spain ? (copy in SPO, Spain, vol. 346).] L, Bancroft, Gt. Britain, Embassy in Spain, V., pp. 385, 386, and 389, 390 (from SPO). 2417 June 21. Aranjuez. Decret envoye par le Roi d'Espagne a ses conseils. [Spain ? (French transl. in AAE). H, Sparks, 80, III., fol. 116 (from AAE). 2418 June 21. Aranjuez. Lettre ecrite aux ambassadeurs et ministres du Roi d'Espagne dans les cours etrangeres. [Spain ? (French transl. in AAE).] H, Sparks, 80, IV., fol. 112, 113 (from AAE). 2419 June 23. Norte. T. de Croix to J. de Galvez (no. 396). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, VI. 31 11. 2420 June 2y. Galveston. Collell to B. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2^/2 pp. [Accompanies letter of Galvez to Collell, Decem- ber 31, 1778.] 2421 June 2p. Aranjuez. Ordres expedies au Ministre de la Guerre concemant la reception des vaisseaux de guerre franqais et americains. [Spain ? (French transl. in AAE).] H, Sparks, 80, IV., fol. 117, 118 (from AAE). 2422 June 57. Galveston. Collell to B. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2^ pp. [Accompanies letter of Galvez to Collell, Decem- ber 31, 1778.] 2423 July ^. New Orleans. B. de Galvez to Dickson. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. ^2 p. [Accompanies letter of Dickson to Galvez, March 5, 1779.] 2424 July 5. Galveston. Collell to B. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 25^ pp. [Accompanies letter of Galvez to Collell, Decem- ber 31, 1778.] 2425 July 3. . Ordre passe par le premier Ministre d'Etat aux Ministres de Guerre et des Finances. [Spain ? (French transl. in AAE).] H, Sparks, 80, IV., fol. 120 (from AAE). 2426 July 13. London. Weymouth to Almodovar. [Spain? (copy in SPO, Spain, vol. 346).] L, Bancroft, Gt. Britain, Embassy in Spain, IV., p. 401 (from SPO). 2427 July 15. London. Weymouth to Almodovar. [Spain ? (Eng. in SPO, Spain, vol. 346; French transl. in AAE).] L, Bancroft, Gt. Britain, Embassy in Spain, IV., pp. 405-422 (from SPO) ; H, Sparks, 80, IV., fol. 124-129 (from AAE). 2428 July 14. New Orleans. [B. de Galvez to Collell.] AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. y^ p. [Accompanies letter of Galvez to Collell, December 31, 1778.] 2429 1779] Transcripts 161 July i8. Havana. Navarro to B. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Accompanies letter (no. 201) of Galvez to Nava- rro, August 17, 1779.] 2430 July 2^. Pueblo del Nombre de Dios. T. de Croix to J. de Galvez (no. 405). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, VII. 26 11. 2431 July 2^. Pueblo del Nombre de Dios. Extractos de las novedades ocurridas en las provincias intemas de Nueva Espana. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, VII. 4 11. [Attached to letter (no. 405) of Croix to Galvez, of same date.] 2432 July 24. Manchac. Dickson to B. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Accompanies letter of Galvez to Dickson, March 5, 1779.] 2433 July 26. Galveston. Collell to B. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 4 pp. [Accompanies letter of Galvez to Collell, Decem- ber 31, 1778.] 2434 July 2^. New Orleans. B. de Galvez to Dickson. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 5^ p. [Accompanies letter of Dickson to Galvez, March 5, 1779.] 2435 Aug. 7. San Ildefonso. Floridablanca to Aranda. AS, Estado, leg. 4673. H, Sparks, 96, fol. 68 (Eng. transl., id., 102). 2436 Aug. 7. New Orleans. [B. de Galvez to Collell.] AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. ^ p. [Accompanies letter of Galvez to Collell, December 31, 1778.] 2437 Aug. 14. Galveston. Collell to B. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 pp. [Enclosing chart " Plan del Fuerte de la Villa de Galvez " without date.] 2438 Aug. 16. New Orleans. Jacinto Panis to B. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 4}^ pp. [Attached to letter (no. 201) of Galvez to Navarro, August 17, 1779.] 2439 Aug. 77. New Orleans. B. de Galvez to Governor Diego Jose Navarro (of Havana; no. 201). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 121^ pp. 2440 Aug. 2j. Galveston. Collell to B. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 4 pp. [Accompanies letter of Galvez to Collell, Decem- ber 31, 1778.] 2441 Aug. 24. New Orleans. [B. de Galvez] to Collell. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3^ p. [Accompanies letter of Galvez to Collell, December 31, 1778.] 2442 Aug. 26. Galveston. Collell to B. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. J^ p. [Accompanies letter of Galvez to Collell, Dec. 31, 1778.] 2443 Aug. 2y. Galveston. Collell to B. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Accompanies letter of Galvez to Collell, December 31, 1778. J 2444 Aug. 29. Galveston. Collell to B. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Accompanies letter of Galvez to Collell, December 31, 1778.] 2445 Aug. 2g (transc. wrongly says 1772). . B. de Galvez to Dickson. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 4 pp. [Accompanies letter of Dickson to Galvez, March 5, 1779.] 2446 13 162 Documents in Spanish Archives [1779 Aug. zg. San Ildefonso. J. de Galvez to Governor Diego Jose Navarro. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 5 pp. [Enclosure (no. i) in letter of Navarro to Galvez, January 31, 1780.] 2447 Aug. 30. Galveston. Collell to B. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Accompanies letter of Galvez to Collell, December 31, 1778.] 2448 Aug. 30. Galveston. Collell to Raymundo [Dubreuil]. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. ^ p. [Accompanies letter of Galvez to Collell, December 31, 1778.] 2449 Aug. 30. Chihuahua. T. de Croix to J. de Galvez (no. 420). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, VII. i leaf. 2450 Aug. JO. Chihuahua. Extracto de las novedades ocurridas en las provincias ynternas de Nueva Espana. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, VII. 4 11. [Attached to letter (no. 420) of Croix to Galvez, of same date.] 2451 Aug. 30. Chihuahua. T. de Croix to J. de Galvez (no. 429). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, VII. 2 11. 2452 Aug. 51. Galveston. Collell to B. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i^ p. [Accompanies letter of Galvez to Collell, December 31, 1778.] 2453 Sept. 2. Galveston. Collell to B. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i>^ p. [Accompanies letter of Galvez to Collell, Decem- ber 31, 1778.] 2454 Sept. J. Galveston. Collell to B. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. ij^ p. [Accompanies letter of Galvez to Collell, December 31, 1778.] 2455 Sept. 4. Galveston. Collell to B. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i^ p. [Accompanies letter of Galvez to Collell, December 31, 1778.] 2456 Sept. 7. Galveston. Collell to B. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Accompanies letter of Galvez to Collell, Decem- ber 31, 1778.] 2457 Sept. p. Galveston, Collell to B. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Accompanies letter of Galvez to Collell, December 31, 1778.] 2458 Sept. p. Ecores Rouges. James Campbell to Captain Antonio Foutel, com- mandant of Fort Panmure and District of Natchez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba (also another copy in AI). LC, Florida and Louisiana, Ac. 399, pp. 379-383 ; DAH, Span. Doc. 2}i pp. [Copy in DAH, attached to letter (no. 227) of Galvez to Navarro, October 16, 1779.] 2459 Sept. 10. Galveston. Collell to B. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. >^ p. [Accompanies letter of Galvez to Collell, December 31, 1778.] 2460 Sept. 21. Baton Rouge. Articulos de capitulacion convenidos y acordados entre el Senor Don Bernardo de Galvez y Don Alejandro Dickson. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 9 pp. [Two copies, both transl. from the French ; one accompanies letter of Campbell te Galvez, June 3, 1787.] 2461 1779] Transcripts 163 Sept. 22. Havana. Navarro to B. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 5 p. [Accompanies letter of Galvez to Navarro, August 17, 1779.] 2462 Sept. 26. Havana. Relacion de una expedicion al castillo de San Marcos de Abalache. AI. LC, Florida and Louisiana, Ac. 399, pp. 385- 395. 2463 Sept. 26. Galveston. Collell to B. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 pp. [Accompanies letter of Galvez to Collell, Dec. 31, 1778.] 2464 Oct. I. Choctaw Nation. Captain Antonio Foutel to [Jacinto Panis ?] AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 227) of Galvez to Navarro, October 16, 1779.] 2465 Oct. I. Choctaw Nation. Letter by Carlos Stuard. AI. LC, Florida and Louisiana, Ac. 399, pp. 373-378. 2466 Oct. 16. Galveston. Collell to B. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 pp. [Accompanies letter of Galvez to Collell, Decem- ber 31, 1778.] 2467 Oct. 16. New Orleans. B. de Galvez to Navarro (confidential, no. 227). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Accompanies letter (no. 201) of Galvez to Navarro, August 17, 1779.] 2468 Oct. 16. New Orleans. B. de Galvez to [Navarro]. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 6 pp. [Accompanies letter (no. 227) of Galvez to Navarro, of same date.] 2469 Oct. 16. New Orleans. B. de Galvez to Navarro (no. 229). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3^ p. 2470 Oct. 16. B. de Galvez to J. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 14 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 229) of Galvez to Navarro, of same date.] 2471 Oct 26. Galveston. Collell to B. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. ^ p. [Accompanies letter of Galvez to Collell, Decem- ber 31, 1778.] 2472 Nov. 4. New Orleans. B. de Galvez to Collell. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3/2 p. [Accompanies letter of Galvez to Collell, December 31, 1778.] 2473 Nov. 4. Galveston. Collell to B. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Accompanies letter of Galvez to Collell, Decem- ber 31, 1778.] 2474 Nov. II. Havana. [Navarro] to B. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. ^ p. [Accompanies letter (no. 201) of Galvez to Navarro, August 17, 1779.] 2475 Nov. 16. . Copie du memoire donne par AI. le Comte de Kaunitz a M. le Comte de Floride Blanche. [Spain ? (copy in AAE).] L, Bancroft, Arch. Fran. Esp., 1779, pp. 2083-2087; H, Sparks, 80, IV., fol. 157, 158 (both from AAE). 2476 Nov. 18. Havana. Navarro to B. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Accompanies letter (no. 229) of Galvez to Navarro, October 16, 1779.] 2477 Nov. 20. Havana. [Navarro] to B. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Accompanies letter (no. 201) of Galvez to Navarro, August 17, 1779.] 2478 164 Documents in Spanish Archives [1779 Nov. 2^, ijyg ; Jem. so, 1780. Havana. Estado que manifiesta el numero de oficiales y tropa que debe embarcarse con destino a las ordenes del gobernador de Luisiana. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Enclosure (no. 3) in letter of Navarro to Galvez, January 31, 1780.] 2479 Nov. 24. . B. de Galvez to Patrick Henry. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 13, fol. 296-303 (French). [Intercepted by British. From copy in Carleton Papers, Royal Institution, London.] 2480 Dec. I. Galveston. Collell to B. de Galvez (two letters). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 pp. and 2)4 pp. [Accompanies letter of Galvez to Collell, December 31, 1778.] 2481 Dec. 7. Galveston. Collell to B. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2^ pp. [Accompanies letter of Galvez to Collell, Decem- ber 31, 1778.] 2482 1780 . St. Louis. Cruzat's plan of St. Louis. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (photograph) ; WHS, Houck (photograph). [See other list.] 2483 . . Observaciones sobre las palabras exigidas por los Yngleses en la Carolina del Sur. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 130-135 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 67-75). [Attached to letter (no. 32) of Rendon to Galvez, August 24, 1780.] 2484 . . Representacion del Supremo Executivo Consejo a los havitantes de Pennsylvania. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 135-138 (Eng, transl., id., 100, fol. 75-79). [Attached to letter (no. 32) of Rendon to Galvez, August 24, 1780.] 2485 . Fort San Juan, Costa Firme Espanola. Extracto de una carta escrita por un official Britanico a un amigo suyo en la Jamaica. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 220, 221 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 158-160). [Attached to letter (no. 48) of Rendon to Galvez, October 10, 1780.] 2486 1780-1781. Philadelphia. Rexistro de noticias diarias sacadas de diferentes gazetas y cartas escritas al Congreso, a otros gefes de esta ciudad de Philadelphia, y a distintos particulares, con citacion de sus fechas donde se participan, las quales remite Don Francisco Rendon al Exelentisimo Senor Don Josef de Galvez. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. 40 11. [Composed partly of intercepted letters.] 2487 1780-17^5. Duplicados de Ministros y Gobernadores (Luisiana y Florida). AMGJ. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, I., p. 16. [Abstr., extr., notes, etc., of despatches from Governor Miro to Minister Antonio Porlier.] 2488 1780-1795. Duplicados de los Ministros Gobernadores y particulares. AMGJ. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, I., p. 17. [Abstr. of despatches from Carondelet to Minister Acuna.] 2489 Jan. I. New Orleans. B. de Galvez to Navarro (no. 234). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. >^ p. 2490 Jan. 2-March 20. Diario que yo, Don Bernardo de Galvez, forma de los acaecimientos que ocurran en la division que sale de la Luisiana. AI, Pap. proc de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2491 1Y80] Transcripts 166 Jan. II. New Orleans. Estado que manifiesta la fuerza de tropas veteranas y milicias blancas y de color que salieron en la expedicion de la Nueva Orleans. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. [Attached to Diario of Galvez, January 2-March 20, 1780.] 2492 Jan. 13. See 1779, Jan. 13. Jan. SI' Havana. [Navarro] to B. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span, Doc. 2^ pp. [Accompanies letter of Galvez to Nava- rro, January i, 1780.] 2493 Jan. 31. Havana. Acuerdo de Senores D. J. Navarro y Juan Bautista Bouet (commander-in-chief of the Havana fleet), a consecuencia de la venida de Esteban Miro. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 7 pp. [Enclosure (no. 2) of letter of Navarro to Galvez, of same date.] 2494 Feb. 27. Rio de los Perros [t. e., Riviere aux Chiens, or Dog River]. B. de Galvez to Navarro (confidential, no. 234). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 5 pp. 2495 March i. Riviere aux Chiens. B. de Galvez to Elias Dumford, Eng. com- mandant at Mobile. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (French), i p. [Cited by Galvez in his Diario, January 2-March 20.] 2496 March i. Mobile. Elias Durnford to B. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (French), i p. [Cited by Galvez in his Diario, January 2-March 20.] 2497 March 2. El Pardo. Articles preliminaires pour servir de base aux negotia- tions entre I'Angleterre I'Espagne et la France. [Spain ? (French copy in SPO, Spain, vol. 347).] L, Bancroft, Gt. Britain, Embassy in Spain, V., pp. 33-42 (from SPO). [Attached to letter of Florida- blanca to Hussey, of same date.] 2498 March §. Point du Chateaux. B. de Galvez to Elias Durnford. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Cited in full (French) in Galvez's Diario, January 2-March 20, 1780. Span, transl. at end of Diario.] 2499 March 5 (wrongly given as 6 in Diario). Mobile. Durnford to B. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. % p. [Cited in full (French) in Galvez's Diario, January 2-March 20, 1780. Span, transl. at end of Diario.] 2500 March 6. Near Mobile. B, de Galvez to Durnford. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Cited in full (French, with Span, transl. at end of doc.) in Galvez's Diario, January 2-March 20, 1780.] 2501 March 6. Mobile. Durnford to B. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 pp. [Cited in full (French, with Span, transl. at end of doc.) in Galvez's Diario, January 2-March 20, 1780.] 2502 March 7. Near Mobile. B. de Galvez to Dumford. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba, DAH, Span. Doc. 3^ p. [Cited in full (French, with Span, transl. at end of doc.) in Galvez's Diario, January 2-March 20, 1780.] 2503 March 7. Mobile. Durnford to B. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Cited in full (French, with Span, transl. at end of doc.) in Galvez's Diario, January 2-March 20, 1780.] 2504 166 Documents in Spanish Archives [1780 March /j. Mobile. Articulos de la capitulacion propuestos por Don Elias Durnford. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba (another copy in AI). LC, Florida and Louisiana, Ac. 399, pp. 397-406; DAH, Span. Doc. 6 pp. [Second copy a part of the Diario of Galvez, January 2- March 20, 1780.] 2505 March ip. Mobile. Relacion de la artilleria montages, municiones y demas efectos que se han hallado en el fuerte de la Mobila. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. [Included in the Diario of Galvez, January 2-March 20, 1780.] 2506 March 20. Mobile. Relacion de los oficiales, tropa y demas individuos hechos prisioneros de guerra en el sitio de Movila. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Included in the Diario of Galvez, January 2-March 20, 1780.] 2507 March 20. Mobile. B. de Galvez to Navarro (two letters, one being no. 257) . AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 4>4 pp. and }^ p. [Included in Diario of Galvez, January 2-March 20, 1780.] 2508 April 15-Sept. I. Arispe ; Pitic. Copias de las ordenes comunicadas al Go- vemador militar Don Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola, y al Yngeniero Don Geronimo de la Rocha por los reconocimientos de la Frontera de Sonora y traslacion de sus presidios y de los ynformes de aquel gefe y este oficial. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, VII. 54 11. [Attached to letter (no. 704) of Croix to Galvez, December 31, 1781.] 2509 April ly. London. Secretary Hillsborough to Floridablanca. [Spain? (copy in SPO, Spain, vol. 347).] L, Bancroft, Gt. Britain, Embassy in Spain, V., pp. 65-69 (from SPO). 2510 April 25. Versailles. Louis XVI. to Charles III. [Spain ? (copy in AAE).] L, Bancroft, Arch. Fran. Esp., I., 1780, pp. 2535-2537; H, Sparks, 80, IV., fol. 225 (both from AAE). 2511 May 8. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez. AC, leg. 3902. R, Shea, no. 38, env. 12 (extr.) 2>^ pp. 2512 May 10. Philadelphia. Secretary Francisco Rendon to Navarro. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 66, 67 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. i, 2). 2513 May ip. Philadelphia. Rendon to Navarro. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 72-75 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 7-10). 2514 May 21. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 67^-67' (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 3, 4). 2515 May 2^. Paris. Extract from a letter by an American. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 129, 130 (Eng. transl., id., 100. fol. 65-67). [Attached to letter (no. 32) of Rendon to Galvez, August 24, 1780.] 2516 May ^o. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 68-71 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 5, 6). 2517 [June f] [New Orleans ?] [B. de Galvez to Navarro or J. de Galvez ?] AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 35 pp. 2518 June S. Charleston, S. C. Declaration signed in name of the inhabitants of Charleston. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 120 (Span, transl.; Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 51). [Attached to letter (no. 32) of Rendon to Galvez, August 24, 1780.] 2519 June 2^. Philadelphia. Extract from the Journal of Congress. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 127 (Span, transl.; Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 61, 62). [Attached to letter (no. 32) of Rendon to Galvez, August 24, 1780.] 2520 1780] Transcripts 167 June 2^. . Speech of English and American generals to their soldiers. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 121 (Span, transl. ; Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 53). [Attached to letter (no. 32) of Rendon to Galvez, August 24, 1780.] 2521 June 24. St. Petersburg, Russia. Pedro Normandes, Span, ambassador to Russia, to Floridablanca. Public Archives of Madrid (sent by Ga- yangos; French transl. in AAE). L, Bancroft, Arch. Fran. Esp., 1780, IT., pp. 2653-2666 (from AAE) ; H, Sparks, 80, V., fol. 15-21 (from AAE) ; id., 95, I., fol. 145-154 (from Spain). [Attached to letter of Floridablanca to Aranda, August 7, 1780.] 2522 June 25. Aranjuez. Cumberland to Floridablanca. [Spain ? (copy in SPO, Spain, vol. 347).] L, Bancroft, Gt. Britain, Embassy in Spain, V., PP- 73-75 (from SPO). 2523 June 25. Aranjuez. Propositions submitted to Floridablanca by R. Cum- berland, British agent. [Spain ? (copy in SPO, Spain, vol. 347).] L, Bancroft, Gt. Britain, Embassy in Spain, V., pp. 77-86 (from SPO). [Attached to letter of Cumberland to Floridablanca, of same date.] 2524 June 26. [Aranjuez ?] Cumberland to Floridablanca. [Spain ? (copy in AAE).] L, Bancroft, Arch. Fran. Esp., II., pp. 2667-2672 (from AAE). 2525 June 26. [Aranjuez ?] Remarks written on margin of Cumberland's letter by Floridablanca. [Spain ? (French transl. in AAE). L, Bancroft, Arch. Fran. Esp., 1780, IL, pp. 2673, 2674 (from AAE). 2526 June 2Q. Philadelphia. Statement by Thomas Bradford concerning the taking of English prisoners. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 120, 121 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 51, 52). [Attached to letter (no. 32) of Rendon to Galvez, August 24, 1780.] 2527 July 6. Boston. Statement published by Loyalists. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 127-129 (Span, transl.; Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 62-64). [Attached to letter (no. 32) of Rendon to Galvez, August 24, 1780.] 2528 July ly. Freehold, in the Jerseys. Extracto de una carta. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 126, 127 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 61). [Attached to letter (no. 32) of Rendon to Galvez, August 24, 1780.] 2529 July 22. Edenton, N. C. Extract of a letter. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 138 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 78, 79). [Attached to letter (no. 32) of Rendon to Galvez, August 24, 1780.] 2530 Ju^y 24, Aug. 18, 2y, lySo ; Jan. ly, June 25, Sept. 10, ij8i ; June 4, 1782. [Havana ?] Despachos del Intendente Navarro. AMGJ. LHS, Span. MSS., folder no. 2. [Notes and abstr.] 2531 July 25. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 76, jy (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 11, 12). 2532 July 25. New Orleans. B. de Galvez to Silvio Francisco de Cartabona. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck. [See other list.] 2533 July 2p. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 78, 79 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 13, 14). 2534 July ^o. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 80-83 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 15-17). 2585 168 Documents in Spanish Archives [1780 Aug. ^. London, Hillsborough to Floridablanca. [Spain ? (copy in SPO, Spain, vol. 347).] L, Bancroft, Gt. Britain, Embassy in Spain, V. 141-148 (from SPO). 2536 Aug. /. San Ildefonso. Floridablanca to Aranda. AS, Estado, leg. 4673 (French transl. in AAE). L, Bancroft, Arch. Fran. Esp., 1780, II., pp. 2703-2710 (extr., from AAE) ; H, Sparks, 80, V., fol. 34-38 (from AAE) ; id., 95, I., fol. 139-144 (from Spain) ; id., 96, fol. 70, 71 (from AS; Eng". transl., id., 102). 2537 Aug./. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 92, 93 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 26, 27). 2538 Aug.y. Boston. Gerry to Lovell. [Spain?] H, Sparks, 97, fol, 108 (Span, transl. ; Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 38, 39). [Attached to letter (no. 30) of Rendon to Galvez, August 22, 1780.] 2539 Aug. 7. New York. Proclamacion que ha hecho publicar el gobernador y capitan general de la Nueva York (British). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 113 (Span, transl,; Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 43, 44). [Attached to letter (no. 31) of Rendon to Galvez, August 23, 1780.] 2540 Aug. 8. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 94 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 28.] 2541 Aug. 10. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 96 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 29). 2542 Aug. 10. Philadelphia, Report by Rendon entitled " Detalle de las noticias remitidas del exercito principal al mando de su Gefe Washington, al Congreso y Ministro Plenipotenciario de Francia con fecha de 22 de Julio de 1780", [Spain?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 84-90 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 18-25). [Attached to letter of Rendon to Galvez, of same date.] 2543 Aug. 14. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 26). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 98, 99 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 29, 30). 2544 Aug. 15. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 27). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 100, loi (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 31). 2545 Aug. 15. Wateree Ferry, S. C. Col. Thomas Sumpter to Gen. Gates. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 155 (Span, transl.; Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 92). [Attached to letter (no. 36) of Rendon to Galvez, September 5, 1780.] 2546 Aug. 18. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 28). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 102, 103 (Eng. transl., id., fol. 32, 33). 2547 Aug. 18. New Orleans. Intendant Martin Navarro to J. de Galvez. Al, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 2548 Aug. ip. Jamaica. Extracto de carta escrita en Jamayca por un yndividuo a otro de la Nueva York. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 221, 222 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 160-162). [Attached to letter (no. 48) of Rendon to Galvez, October 10, 1780.] 2549 Aug. 20. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 29). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 104, 105 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 33-35). 2550 Aug. 20. Philadelphia. Rexistro de noticias sacadas de los Jornales de las provincias de estos Estados Unidos de America, etc. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 120-138 (Eng. transl, id., 100, fol. 51-80). [Attached to letter (no. 32) of Rendon to Galvez, August 24, 1780.] 2551 1780] Transcripts 169 ^M^. ^o. Hillsborough. Gen. Gates to the President of Congress. [Spain?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 151-154 (Span, transl. ; Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 88-91). [Attached to letter (no. 36) of Rendon to Galvez, Sep- tember 5, 1780.] 2552 Aug. 22. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no, 30). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 106, 107, 109 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 36-38). 2553 Aug. 2^. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 31). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. iii, 112, 117, 118 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 39-42). 2554 Aug. 2^. Philadelphia. Rendon to Gov. Jose Dufresne, of Puerto Rico. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 115, 116 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 45-49)- [Attached to letter (no. 31) of Rendon to Galvez, of same date.] 2555 Aug. 2^. Hillsborough. Gov. Nash of North Carolina to the President of Congress. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 163 (Span, transl.; Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 98, 99). [Attached to letter (no. 38) of Rendon to Galvez, September 10, 1780.] 2556 Aug. 24. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 32). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 119 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 50). 2557 Aug. 24. . Dialogo entre Penn, Montgomery, Chatham y una Dama Americana. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 122-126 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 54-60). [Attached to letter (no. 32) of Rendon to Galvez. The date is that of the letter.] 2558 Aug. 26. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 33). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 141-143 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 80-82). 2559 Aug. 28. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 34). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 144, 145 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 82, 83). 2560 Aug. 2p. . Lista de los oficiales Americanos, muertos, eridos, prisio- neros y perdidos en la accion del 15. al 18. de Agosto de 1780, remiti- dos por el General Gates al General Washington. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 187, 188 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 116 — in synopsis). 2561 Sept. 3. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 35). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 146, 147 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 84, 85). 2562 Sept. J. . Thomas Jefferson to the President of Congress. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 164 (Span, transl.; Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 100). [Attached to letter (no. 38) of Rendon to J. de Galvez, Sep- tember 10, 1780.] 2563 Sept. 5. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 36). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 149, 150 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 86-88). 2564 Sept. 5. Hillsborough. Gen. Gates to the President of Congress. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 185, 186 (Span, transl.; Eng, transl., id., 100, fol. 115, 116). [Attached to letter (no. 43) of Rendon to Galvez, Sep- tember 22, 1780.] 2565 Sept. 8. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 37). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 157-160 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 93-96). 2566 Sept. 10. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 38). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol, 161, 162 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 97, 98). 2567 Sept. 12. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 39). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 165, 166 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 100, loi). 2568 170 Documents in Spanish Archives [1780 Sept. i6. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 40). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 167, 168 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 102). 2569 Sept. 16. Philadelphia. Detail de las ultimas noticias que el Congreso ha recivido de la Carolina del Sur. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 169 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 103, 104). [Attached to letter (no. 40) of Rendon to Galvez, of same date.] 2570 Sept. 18. Washington's Headquarters. Copia de carta escrita al Ministro Plenipotenciario de Francia, [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 175 (Eng. transl., id., icx), fol. 107, 108). [Attached to letter (no. 42) of Rendon to Galvez, September 21, 1780.] 2571 Sept. jp. Philadelphia. Extract from the Minutes of Congress. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 173 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 106). [Attached to letter (no. 41) of Rendon to Galvez, September 20, 1780.] 2572 Sept. 20. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 41). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 171, 172 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 103-105). 2573 Sept. 20. Philadelphia. The President of Congress to Frangois Barbe- Marbois. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 173 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 107). [Attached to letter (no. 41) of Rendon to Galvez, of same date.] 2574 Sept. 20. Hillsborough. Declaracion que ha hecho William Allman. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 213, 214 (Span, transl.; Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 153-155). [Attached to letter (no. 47) of Rendon to Galvez, October 8, 1780.] 2575 Sept. 21. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 42). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 177-182 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 108-113). 2576 Sept. 22. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 43). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 183, 184 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 114). 2577 Sept. 22. St. Louis. Cruzat to Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 2578 Sept. 25. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 44; also no. 100). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 189, 190 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 117- 119). [From this point, letters nos. 44-50, and 96-99, have also the nos. loo-iio.] 2579 Sept. 25. Aboard the Eng. frigate Vulture. Gen. Arnold to Washington. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 202, 203 (extr.. Span, transl.; Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 136, 137). [Attached to letter (no. 46) of Rendon to Galvez, October 2, 1780.] 2580 Sept. 26. Washington's Headquarters. Extracto de una carta escrita por un oficial del exercito del Gen. Washington. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 201, 202 (Span, transl.; Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 133-135). [Attached to letter (no. 46) of Rendon to Galvez, October 2, 1780.] 2581 Sept. 21 (with PS. dated Sept. 28). Washington's Headquarters. Alexander Hamilton to Col. Laurens. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 199-201 (extr., Span, transl.; Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 129-133). [Attached to letter (no. 46) of Rendon to Galvez, October 2, 1780.] 2582 Sept. 28. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 45). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 191-194 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 1 19-122). 2583 Sept. 28. Washington's Headquarters. American officer to another in Phila- delphia. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 203-205 (extr., Span, transl.; Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 137-140.) [Attached to letter (no. 46) of Rendon to Galvez, October 2, 1780.] 2584 1780] Transcripts 171 Sept. 2p. General Camp of the Army. Col. Gimat, aide-de-camp to Lafay- ette, to Rendon. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 205, 206 (extr., Eng. transl., id., icx), fol. 140-142). [Attached to letter (no. 46) of Ren- don to Galvez, October 2, 1780.] 2585 [Oct. f] . Relacion yndividual que demuestra todas las particulari- dades con que fue castigada la estatua del traydor General Arnold. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 206-208 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 142-145). [Attached to letter (no. 46) of Rendon to Galvez, October 2, 1780.] 2586 [Oct. f] [Richmond ?] Remonstraciones hechas por la Junta General de Virginia. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 263, 264 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 203-207). [Attached to letter (no. 115) of Rendon to Galvez, November 11, 1780.] 2587 [Oct. f] . Hamilton to Isaac Lear. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 2yy, 278 (extr., Span, transl.; Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 218-220). [Attached to letter (no. 130) of Rendon to Galvez, November 15, 1780.] 2588 [Oct. f] . Ezekiel Cornell, member of Continental Congress from R. I., to Gen. Greene. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 278, 279 (extr., Span, transl.; Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 220-222). [Attached to letter (no. 115) of Rendon to Galvez, November 15, 1780.] 2589 Oct. I. Boston. French Consul to Chevalier de la Luzerne, French envoy to the U. S. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 248 (extr., Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 185, 186). [Attached to letter (no. 99) of Rendon to Galvez, October 29, 1780.] 2590 Oct. 2 ; with PS. dated Oct. 8. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 46). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 195-198 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 123-128). 2591 Oct. 2. Washington's Headquarters. Extract of a letter by an American officer. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 207-209 (Span, transl.; Eng. transl., \d., 100, fol. 145-147). [Attached to letter (no. 46) of Rendon to Galvez, of same date.] 2592 Oct. J. Philadelphia. Resuelto del reglamento del exercito Americano que se deve formar en los trece Estados Unidos de la America. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 294-296 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 234-238). [Attached to letter (no. 132) of Rendon to Galvez, November 20, 1780.] 2593 Oct. 5. Aboard the ship Deane. in the Delaware River. Extract of a letter. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 277 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 218). [Attached to letter (no. 130) of Rendon to Galvez, November 15, 1780.] 2594 Oct. 1, 1780-N0V. 24, 1787. St. Louis. Register of orders published by Lieut.- Gov. Francisco Cruzat (14 in all). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 2595 Oct. 8. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 47). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 210-212, 215-217 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 148- 152). 2596 Oct. 8. Philadelphia. Exacta nota que demuestra la cituacion y numero de tropas Yngleses del Lord Cornwallis. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 214 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 155). [Attached to letter (no. 47) of Rendon to Galvez, of same date.] 2597 172 Documents in Spanish Archives [1780 Oct. p. San Ildefonso. [Floridablanca] to Aranda. [Spain? (French transl. in AAE).] L, Bancroft, Arch. Fran. Esp., 1780, II., pp. 2821, 2822 (from AAE). 2598 Oct. 10. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 48). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol, 218, 219 (Eng. transl., id., icxd, fol. 156, 157). 2599 Oct. II. . Militia officer of the Department of the South to the President of Congress. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 257 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 197, 198). [Attached to letter (no. 113) of Rendon to Galvez, November 9, 1780.] 2600 Oct. 12. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 49). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 224-228 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 162-167). 2601 Oct. Jj. American Headquarters. Washington to Rendon. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 234 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 171-173). [Attached to letter (no. 50) of Rendon to Galvez, October 16, 1780.] 2602 Oct. 16. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 50). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 230-233 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 168-171). 2603 Oct. 20. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 96). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 236-239 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 173-176). 2604 Oct. 21. Philadelphia. Resolution of Congress concerning the Army. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 296, 297 (Span, transl.; Eng. transl., Id., 100, fol. 239-241). [Attached to letter (no. 132) of Rendon to Galvez, November 20, 1780.] 2605 Oct. 24. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 97). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 240, 241 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 177, 178). 2606 Oct. 26. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 98). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 242, 243 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 179, 180). 2607 0ct.2p. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 99). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 244-247 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 181-185). 2608 [Nov. f] New York. Extracto de la Gazeta de Nueva York. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 274-279 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 212-222). [Attached to letter (no. 130) of Rendon to Galvez, November 15, 1780.] 2609 [Nov. f] . Circular letter by general officers of American troops in New England. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 274-277 (Span. transl.; Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 212-217). [Attached to letter (no. 130) of Rendon to Galvez, November 15, 1780.] 2610 [Nov. ^] . Detail de las operaciones del exercito Americano. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 286-288 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 225-229). [Attached to letter (no. 131) of Rendon to Galvez, Novem- ber 18, 1780.] 2611 Nov. I. American Headquarters at Preakness ( ?). Washington to Rendon. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 254 (Span, transl.; Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 195). [Attached to letter (no. 112) of Rendon to Galvez, November 7, 1780.] 2612 Nov. ^. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. iii). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 249-252 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 187-190). 2613 Nov.y. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 112). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 253-255 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 191-194). 2614 Nov. p. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 113). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 256 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 196, 197). 2615 Nov. 10. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 114). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 259, 260 (Eng. transl, id., fol. 198-201). 2616 1780] Transcripts 173 Nov. II. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 115). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 261 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 202). 2617 Nov. 12. Philadelphia. Yndice de los oficios que en esta ocacion y con los numeros desde 100 hasta 115 ambos ynclusives remite Don Francisco Rendon al Exmo. Senor Don Josef de Galvez. [Spain?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 265-269 (Eng. abstr., id., 100, fol. 207, 208). 2618 Nov. 75, lySo-March 8, 1781. . Rexistro de noticias diarias. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, gjS, 11. 2619 Nov. 15. Falls of the Schuylkill. Gen. John Sullivan to President of the Council of State of New Hampshire. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, 11. [In Rexistro de noticias diarias. Intercepted. Span, transl.] 2620 Nov. 15. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 130). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 270-273 (Eng, transl., id., 100, fol. 208-211). 2621 Nov. 13. Philadelphia. Lista de los oficiales Americanos cangeados en la Junta que ultimamente se selebro en la Nueva York por los comi- sarios generales de prisioneros. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 298 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 243). [Attached to letter (no. 132) of Rendon to Galvez, November 20, 1780.] 2622 Nov. 18. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 131). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 280-283 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 222-225). 2623 Nov. 18. Philadelphia. A gentleman of Richmond to Rendon. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 284 (Span, transl.; Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 231). [Attached to letter (no. 131) of Rendon to Galvez, of same date.] 2624 Nov. 18. Passaic Falls. Washington to Rendon. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 304 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 249, 250). [Attached to letter (no. 134) of Rendon to Galvez, November 25, 1780.] 2625 Nov. ip. . Gen. John Sullivan to officers of New Hampshire brigade. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. (Span, transl.; intercepted by British). 3 pp. [In Rexistro de noticias diarias, 1 780-1 781.] 2626 Nov. 20. American Camp. Col. Pickern [Pickering?] to Gov. Trumbull. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. (Span, transl.; intercepted by British). 4 pp. [In Rexistro de noticias diarias, 1780-1781.] 2627 Nov. 20. [Philadelphia ?] James Lovell, delegate in Congress, to Mr, Gerry, delegate in Congress. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. (Span, transl.; intercepted by British). 53^2 pp. [In Rexistro de noticias diarias, 1780-1781.] 2628 Nov. 20. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 132). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 290-293 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 231-233). 2629 Nov. 21. Philadelphia. Arthur Lee to Rev. Dr. Gordon, at Jamaica Plain, near Boston. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. (Span, transl.; inter- cepted by British). 2 pp. [In Rexistro de noticias diarias, 1780- 1781.] 2630 Nov. 22. Post of Carlos Tercero de Akansas. Taking of possession of left bank of Mississippi from the Akansas to Natchez. Signed by Com- mandant Baltasar de Villiers and others. AI, 86-6-1 1. DAH, Span. Doc. I p. [Attached to letter (no. 9) of Miro to Galvez, June i, 1787.] 2631 Nov. 24. West Point. Daniel Siman to J. Wanton, in Newport. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. (Span, transl. ; intercepted by British). 4 pp. [In Rexistro de noticias diarias, 1780-1781.] 2632 174 Documents in Spanish Archives [1780 Nov. 24. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 133). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 300, 301 (Eng. transl, id., 100, fol. 244-246). 2633 Nov. 25. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 134). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 312, 313 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 246-248). 2634 Nov. 30. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 135). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 306-309 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 250-254). 2635 Dec. 2. St. Louis. Francisco Cruzat to B. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 2636 Dec. ^. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no, 136). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 310-313 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 254-257). 2637 Dec. 6. American Camp. Gen. William Smallwood to Gen. Greene. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. (Span, transl., extr.) i p. [Attached to letter (no. 166) of Rendon to Galvez, December 30, 1780.] 2638 Dec. 6. . Gen. Greene to the President of Congress. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. (Span, transl., extr.) 2 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 166) of Rendon to Galvez, December 30, 1780.] 2639 Dec. 6. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 137). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 314-317 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 258-261). 2640 Dec. 6. Philadelphia. Yndice de los oficios que en esta ocasion y con los numeros desde 116 hasta 137 ambos ynclusives remite Don Francisco Rendon al Exmo. Senor Don Josef de Galvez. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 318-325. 2641 Dec. 6. . Gen. Greene to the President of Congress. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 344 (extr.. Span, transl. ; Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 278-280). [Attached to letter (no. 159) of Rendon to Galvez, Decem- ber 30, 1780.] 2642 Dec. 6. American Camp. Smallwood to Greene. [Spain?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 344, 345 (extr.. Span, transl. ; Eng. transl., id., 100, 280, 281). 2643 Dec. 14. New Windsor. Washington to Rendon. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 332 (Span, transl. ; Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 267) ; id., 98, II. (Span, transl.), i p. [That in 97, attached to letter (no. 156), and that in 98, to letter (no. 163) of Rendon to Galvez, December 22, 1780 (both evidently the same letter).] 2644 Dec. 16. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 155). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 326, 327 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 261-263). 2645 Dec. ip. St. Louis. Cruzat to B. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Eng.) [See other list] 2646 Dec. 20. St. Louis. Roster of St. Louis militia companies. By Francisco Cruzat. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 2647 Dec. 22. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 156 or 163). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 328-331 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 264-267) ; id., 98, II., 3 11. 2648 Dec. 22. St. Louis. List of militia officers at St. Louis. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck. [See other list.] 2649 Dec. 22. St. Louis. Cruzat to B. de Galvez (two letters). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck. [See other list.] 2650 1780] Transcripts 175 Dec. 2^. Ma.drid. Floridablanca to Normandez, [Spain? (French transl. in AAE).] L, Bancroft, Arch. Fran. Esp., 1780, II., pp. 2955-2959; H, Sparks, 80, V., fol. 91-93 (both from AAE). 2651 Dec. 25. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 157 or 164). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 334-337 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 268-271) ; id., 98, II., 3 11. 2652 Dec. 2j. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 158 or 165). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 338-341 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 271-275) ; id., 98, II., 4 11. 2653 Dec. 2y. St. Louis. Cruzat to B. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 2654 Dec. 30. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 159 or 166). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 97, fol. 342, 343 (Eng. transl., id., 100, fol. 275-278) ; id., 98, II., 3 11. 2655 1781 Extracto de las noticias rezividas de la Virginia por diferentes conductos. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. (Span, transl.) 2/^ pp. [In Rexistro de noticias diarias, 1780-1781.] 2656 . Havana. Memorial de los comerciantes de San Christoval, pre- sentado a los Sefiores George Rodney y General Vaughan. [ Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. 6 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 14) of Rendon to Galvez, April 23, 1781.] 2657 . . Extracto de lo acaecido en la toma de San Eustachio recivido ultimamente por via de la Martinica. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. 4 11. [Attached to letter (no. 14) of Rendon to Galvez, April 23, 1781.] 2658 . [New Orleans ?] Reflexiones politicas sobre el estado actual de la provincia de la Luisiana. Signed by Martin Navarro. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 33 J^ pp. 2659 Jan. . Relacion del motin acaecido en la brigada de Pensilvania. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. (Span, transl.) 6 pp. [In Rexistro de noticias diarias, 1780, 1781.] 2660 [Jan. I ?] New York. Copias de cartas originales nuevamente interceptadas en una segunda maleta, de los rebeldes coxida en Conecticut. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. (Span, transl.) 14 11. [In Rexistro de noticias diarias, 1780-1781.] 2661 Jan. 2. New Windsor. Washington to Rendon. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. (Span, transl., extr.), i leaf (three copies). [One copy in Rexistro de noticias diarias, 1 780-1 781 ; one, attached to letter (no. 160) of Rendon to Galvez, January 9, 1781 ; and one, attached to letter (no. 167 — same as no. 160).] 2662 Jan. 2. Aboard the Eng. ship Hope. Benedict Arnold to an officer at Bur- well's Ferry, Va. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. (Span, transl.) i p. [In Rexistro de noticias diarias, 1 780-1 781.] 2663 Jan. 5. San Eustaquio [St. Eustatius.] Letter concerning the movements of the British admiral, Rodney. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. (extr., Span, transl.) /^ p. [In Rexistro de noticias diarias, 1780- 1781.] 2664 176 Documents in Spanish Archives [1781 Jan. 7. Nuevo Fuerte de San Carlos. Toma del Castillo de San Juan. Matias de Galvez to Josef de Nava. AI. LC, Florida and Louisiana, Ac. 399, pp. 359-364. 2665 Jan. 8. Havana. Diego Jose Navarro to J. de Galvez. AI. LC, Florida and Louisiana, Ac. 399, pp. 365-372. 2666 Jan. p. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 160 or 167; two copies). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, IL 4 11. 2667 Jan. I J. Petersburg, Va. Duponceau, aide-de-camp to Baron von Steuben, to Rendon. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, IL (Span, transl.) 5^ pp. [In Rexistro de noticias diarias, 1 780-1 781.] 2668 Jan. 12. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 161 or 168; two copies). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. 6 11. 2669 Jan. jp. Battlefield, near Cain Creek, S. C. Gen. Daniel Morgan to Gen. Greene. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. (extr.. Span, transl.) 6 pp. [In Rexistro de noticias diarias, 1780-1781.] 2670 Jan. 24. Camp on the Pedee, S. C. Gen. Greene to the President of Con- gress. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, IL (extr.. Span, transl.) i p. [In Rexistro de noticias diarias, 1780-1781.] 2671 Jan. 25. Camp on Sampit River. Maj. Lee to Gen. Greene. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. (extr.. Span, transl.) 2 pp. [In Rexistro de noticias diarias, 1 7801 781.] 2672 Jan. 25. New York. Extracto de la Gazeta de la Nueva York. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. (Span, transl.) J^ p. [In Rexistro de noticias diarias, 1 780-1 781.] 2673 /on. 2y. Philadelphia. Extracto de dos cartas recividas oy del Canada, y Carolina del Sur. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. (Span, transl.) i p. [In Rexistro de noticias diarias, 1780-1781.] 2674 Jan. 28. . Kaunitz to Floridablanca. [Spain? (French copy in AAE).] H, Sparks, 80, V., fol. 100 (from AAE). 2675 Jan. JO. Philadelphia. Extracto de las noticias rezividas de la Carolina del Sur por un oficial de aquel departamento. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. (Span, transl.) 3^4 p. [In Rexistro de noticias diarias, 1780- 1781.] 2676 Jan. ^i. American Headquarters. Washington to Congress. [Spain?] H, Sparks, 98, II. (extr., Span, transl.) i p. [In Rexistro de noticias diarias, 1780-1781.] 2677 Feb. I. El Pardo. Floridablanca to Conde de Aguilar, Span, ambassador to Vienna. [Spain ? (French transl. in AAE). L, Bancroft, Arch. Fran. Esp., 1781, pp. 3021 -3031 (from AAE). 2678 Feb. I. New Orleans. Governor Esteban Miro to J. de Galvez. AI, 86-7-24. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 2679 Feb. 2. Richmond. Duponceau to Rendon. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. (extr.. Span, transl.) i^ p. [In Rexistro de noticias diarias, 178a- 1781.] 2680 Feb. S- El Pardo. J. de Galvez to M. Navarro. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 2681 Feb. 5. El Pardo. Floridablanca to Aguilar. [ Spain ? ( French transl. in AAE).] H, Sparks, 80, V., fol. 106-111 (from AAE). 2682 1781] Transcripts 177 Feb. p. . Royal commission for Fernando de Leyba. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 2683 Feb. p. Guilford Court House. Gen. Greene to Washington. [Spain?] H, Sparks, 98, II. (Span, transl.) 6 pp. [In Rexistro de noticias diarias, 1 780-1 781.] 2684 Feb. 14. Philadelphia. Note concerning hostilities of Cherokees. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, H. (Span, transl.) 16 lines. [In Rexistro de noticias diarias, 1 7801 781.] 2685 Feb. 14. Rhode Island. Note concerning the vessels of the English fleet. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. (extr., Span, transl.) 15 lines. [In Rexistro de noticias diarias, 1780-1781.] 2686 Feb. i§. . Note regarding English fleet and forces. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. (Span, transl.) 2 pp. [In Rexistro de noticias diarias, 1780-1781.] 2687 Feb. 15. New Orleans. Martin Navarro to Francisco Cruzat. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Eng.) [See other list] 2688 Feb. 17. Richmond. Jefferson to the President of Congfress. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, 11. (extr.. Span, transl.) 4>4 pp. [In Rexistro de noticias diarias, 1 780-1 781.] 2689 Feb. 20. Virginia. Noticias rezividas de la Virginia con fecha del corriente. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. (Span, transl.) 14 lines. [In Rexistro de noticias diarias, 1 780-1 781.] 2690 Feb. 20. Newport. French Admiral to Chevalier de la Luzerne. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, 11. (Span, transl.) 2^ pp. [In Rexistro de noticias diarias, 1780-1781.] 2691 Feb. 21. Shirley, Va. Duponceau to Rendon. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. (extr.. Span, transl.) i>4 p. [In Rexistro de noticias diarias, 1780-1781.] 2692 Feb. 22. St. Petersburg, Russia. Pedro Normandez to Floridablanca. Pub- lic Archives of Madrid (sent by Gayangos). H, Sparks, 95, I., fol. 159-164. [Attached to letter (no. 301) of Floridablanca to Aranda, March 23, 1781.] 2693 Feb. 25. Vienna. Aguilar to Kaunitz. Public Archives of Madrid (sent by Gayangos). H, Sparks, 95, I., fol. 164. [Attached to letter of Floridablanca to Aranda, March 23, 1781.] 2694 Feb. 2=). Vienna. Aguilar to Normandez. Public Archives of Madrid (sent by Gayangos). H, Sparks, 95, I., fol. 164, 165. [Attached to letter of Floridablanca to Aranda, March 23, 1781.] 2695 Feb. 25. Newport, R. I. Comte de Rochambeau to Chevalier de la Luzerne. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. (extr.. Span, transl.) l>^ p. [In Rexistro de noticias diarias, 1780-1781.] 2696 F^fr.^d. Philadelphia. News from Virginia. [Spain?] H, Sparks, 98, II. (Span, transl.) i p. [In Rexistro de noticias diarias, 1780- 1781.] 2697 Afarc/t ^. Philadelphia. Political and military news. [Spain?] H, Sparks, 98, II. (Span, transl.) 2 pp. [In Rexistro de noticias diarias, 1780- 1781] 2698 13 1Y8 Documents in Spanish Archives [1781 March 3. Vienna. Aguilar to Floridablanca. Public Archives of Madrid (sent by Gayangos). H, Sparks, 95, I., fol. 167-171. [Attached to letter of Floridablanca to Aranda, March 23, 1781.] 2699 March 5. Vienna. Aguilar to Floridablanca. Public Archives of Madrid (sent by Gayangos). H, Sparks, 95, I., fol. 165-167. [Attached to letter of Floridablanca to Aranda, March 23, 1781.] 2700 March 8. Philadelphia. Note regarding the English fleet. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. (Span, transl.) i p. [In Rexistro de noticias diarias, 1780-1781.] 2701 March 10. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (seven letters, nos. 1-7). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. ; 4, 2, 6, 3, 8, 3, and 3 11., respect- ively.] 2702 March 10. American Headquarters, at the Iron Works, N. C. Gen. Greene to Washington. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. (Span, transl.) 2 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 12) of Rendon to Galvez, April 2, 1781.] 2703 March 10. New York. Extracts from the Gazette of New York. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. (Span, transl.) 2 11. [Attached to letter (no. 12) of Rendon to J. de Galvez, April 2, 1781.] 2704 March 15. . Lista que demuestra el numero de los navios y fragatas que componian las dos esquadras Francesa y Ynglesa. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. i leaf. [Attached to letter (no. 11) of Rendon to Galvez, March 27, 1781.] 2705 March 16. American Camp near Guilford Court House. Gen. Greene to Samuel Huntington. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, 11. (Span, transl.) 3 11. [Attached to letter (no. 12) of Rendon to Galvez, April 2, 1781.] 2706 March 17. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 8; two copies). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. 4 11. 2707 March 18. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 9). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. 4 11. 2708 March 18. British Headquarters. Proclamacion publicada por el Lord Com- walHs. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. (extr.. Span, transl.) i leaf. [Attached to letter (no. 14) of Rendon to Galvez, April 23, 1781.] 2709 March 20. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 10). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. 3 11. 2710 March 2^. American Camp at Buffalo Creek. Gen. Greene to the Presi- dent of Congress. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. (Span, transl.) I leaf. [Attached to letter (no. 13) of Rendon to Galvez, April 8, 1781.] 2711 March 2^. El Pardo. Floridablanca to Aranda. Public Archives of Madrid (sent by Gayangos; French transl. in AAE). L, Bancroft, Arch. Fran. Esp., 1781, pp. 3091-3094 (from AAE) ; H, Sparks, 95, I., fol. 155-158 (from Spain). 2712 March 2^. El Pardo. Floridablanca to Normandez. Public Archives of Madrid (sent by Gayangos). H, Sparks, 95, I., fol. 172, 173. [Attached to letter of Floridablanca to Aranda of same date.] 2713 March 2 3. El Pardo. Floridablanca to Marques de la Torre (three letters). Public Archives of Madrid (sent by Gayangos). H, Sparks, 95, I., fol. 171, 172, 178-180, and 180-182. [All attached to letter of Florida- blanca to Aranda, of same date.] 2714 1Y81] Transcripts 179 March 2^. El Pardo. Floridablanca to Agnilar (two letters). Public Arch- ives of Madrid (sent by Gayangos). H, Sparks, 95, I., fol. 173-175 and 175-178. [Both attached to letter of Floridablanca to Aranda, of same date.] 2715 March 2/'. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 11; two copies). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. 6 11. 2716 March 28. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 20). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. 2 11. 2717 April 2. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 12). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. 4 11. 2718 Aprils. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 13). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. 3 11. 2719 April 2^. Philadelphia, Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 14). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. 4 11. 2720 April 2^. Fort Watson, S. C. Capitulacion del Fuerte Watson. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. (Span, transl.) 1/4 p. [Attached to letter (no. 19) of Rendon to Galvez, May 21, 1781.] 2721 April 25. . Lista de los oficiales muertos, eridos, y perdidos en la accion sucedida delante de Camden. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. (Span, transl.) i p. [Attached to letter (no. 19) of Rendon to Galvez, May 21, 1781.] 2722 April 27. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 15). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. 3 11. 2723 April 2/. American Camp on Saunder's Creek, S. C. Gen. Greene to the President of Congress. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. (extr., Span, transl.) 4}^ pp. [Attached to letter (no. 19) of Rendon to Galvez, May 31, 1781.] 2724 April JO. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 16). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. 3 11. 2725 May 8. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 17). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. 3 11. 2726 [May p.] Pensacola, Articulos de capitulacion convenidos y acordados entre Don Bernardo de Galvez y Don Pedro Chester y Don Juan Campbell. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 13 pp. 2727 May p. New Orleans. Spanish investigation concerning disturbance and fears from Americans. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 173^ pp. 2728 May 14. American Camp at McCord's Ferry. Gen. Greene to the President of Congress. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. (Span, transl.) 4 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 23) of Rendon to Galvez, June 15, 1781.] 2729 May i^. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 18). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. 3 11. 2730 May 15. American Camp at McCord's Ferry. Lista de los prisioneros Bri- tanicos pertrechos y municiones de gnerra tomados en los fuertes Gramby y Mottle por el Theniente Coronel Lee Americano. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. (Span, transl.) i p. [Attached to letter (no. 23) of Rendon to Galvez, June 15, 1781.] 2731 May ip. Santa Lucia. Extracto de una gazeta Ynglesa, [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. (Span, transl.) 3 11. [Attached to letter (no. 26) of Rendon to Galvez, July 4, 1781.] 2732 180 Documents in Spanish Archives [1781 May 21. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 19). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. 6 11. 2733 May 28. Philadelphia. Discurso del superintendente de finanzas. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. (Span, transl.) 4}^ pp. [Attached to letter (no. 29) of Rendon to Galvez, July 15, 1781.] 2734 May 28. Philadelphia. Plan para establecer una banca nacional en los Esta- dos Unidos de America. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. (Span. transl.) 3>^ pp. [Attached to letter (no. 29) of Rendon to Galvez, July 15, 1781.] 2735 June. . Articles pour servir de base a la negotiation du retablisse- ment de la paix generale. Public Archives of Madrid (sent by Ga- yangos). H, Sparks, 95, I., fol. 187-192. [Enclosure (no. i) in letter of Floridablanca to Aranda, June 19, 1781.] 2736 June. . Reply to peace negotiations proposed by Austria and Russia. Public Archives of Madrid (sent by Gayangos). H, Sparks, 95, I., fol. 193-195. [Enclosure (no. 2) in letter of Floridablanca to Aranda, June 19, 1781.] 2737 June. . Remarks on the articles proposed as the basis for negotia- tion. Public Archives of Madrid (sent by Gayangos). H, Sparks, 95, I., fol. 195-200. [Enclosure (no. 3) in letter of Floridablanca to Aranda, June 19, 1781.] 2738 June 6. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 21). [Spain?] H, Sparks, 98, II. 5 11. 2739 June 6. New Orleans. Miro to B. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 6 pp. 2740 June p. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 22). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. 2 11. 2741 June ij. Plantation of Col. Adams. Col. Tarleton to Lord Cornwallis. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. (Span, transl.) i p. [Attached to let- ter (no. 27) of Rendon to Galvez, July 10, 1781. Intercepted by Lafayette.] 2742 June 15. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 23). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. 3 11. 2743 June ip. Aranjuez. Floridablanca to Aranda. Public Archives of Madrid (French transl. in AAE). L, Bancroft, Arch. Fran. Esp., 1781, pp. 3191-3195 (from AAE) ; H, Sparks, 80, V., fol. 156-158 (from AAE) ; id., 95, I., fol. 183-186 (from Spain). 2744 June 21. St. Louis. Cruzat to Pedro Piernas. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 7 pp. 2745 June 22. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 24). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. 2 11. 2746 June 26. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 25). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. 3 11. 2747 June 26. . Lista de los muertos, eridos y extraviados en los cuerpos de tropa ligera a las ordenes del Coronel Butler. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. 7 11. [Attached to letter (no. 2y) of Rendon to Galvez, July 10, 1781.] 2748 June 27. Mr. Tyree's [?] Plantation. Lafayette to Gen. Greene. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. (Span, transl.) 2>4 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 27) of Rendon to Galvez, July 10, 1781.] 2749 1781] Transcripts 181 June 28. Mr. Tyree's [ ?] Plantation, near Williamsburg, Va. Lafayette to the President of Cong-ress. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. (Span, transl.) 8 lines. [Attached to letter (no. 27) of Rendon to Galvez, July 10, 1 78 1.] 2750 June pp. St. Louis. Cruzat to Piemas. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 7 pp. 2761 [July ?'\ . Joseph Jones, member of Congress from Virginia, to John Taliaferro. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. (Span, transl.) 3/^ pp. [Attached to letter (no. 38) of Rendon to Galvez, September 30, 1 78 1. Intercepted by British.] 2752 [July ?\ . Jones to JeflFerson or Edmund Pendleton. [ Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. (Span, transl.) 2^ pp. [Attached to letter (no. 38) of Rendon to Galvez, September 30, 1781. Intercepted by British.] 2753 [July f] . Robert Morris to John Jay. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. (Span, transl.) 2 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 38) of Rendon to Galvez, September 30, 1781. Intercepted by British.] 2754 [July ?] . Lista de las letras de cambio que se expresan en la carta de Morris a Jay. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, 11. (Span, transl.) 2 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 38) of Rendon to Galvez, September 30, 1781. Intercepted by British.] 2755 July 4. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 26). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. 4 11- 2756 July 10. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 27). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. 2 11. 2757 July II. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 28). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. 4 11. 2758 July II. Philadelphia. Robert Morris to Rendon. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. (Span, transl.) 4 11. [Attached to letter (no. 26) of Rendon to Galvez, of same date.] 2759 July 15. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 29). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. 2 11. 2760 July 15. Philadelphia. Rendon to Governor Juan Manuel de Cagigal (of Cuba). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. 6 11. [Attached to letter (no. 29) of Rendon to Galvez, of same date.] 2761 July ip. New Orleans. B. de Galvez to J. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 2762 July 20. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 30). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. 4 11. 2763 July 21. . Convention faite entre M. le Comte de Grasse et Francois Saavedra (Span, commissioner). [Spain ? (copy in AAE).] H, Sparks, 80, v., fol. 182-184 (from AAE). 2764 July 2^. Philadelphia. Edmund Randolph to John Beckley, in Richmond, Va. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. (Span, transl.) ^ p. [Attached to letter (no. 38) of Rendon to Galvez, September 30, 1781. Inter- cepted by British.] 2765 July 2^. Philadelphia. Randolph to G. Webb, senator from Virginia. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. (extr.. Span, transl.) i p. [Attached to letter (no. 38) of Rendon to Galvez, September 30, 178 1. Inter- cepted by British.] 2766 182 Documents in Spanish Archives [1781 July 2 J. Philadelphia, Arthur Lee to Richard Henry Lee. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, IL (extr., Span, transl.) 2 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 38) of Rendon to Galvez, September 30, 1781. Intercepted by British.] 2767 [July 24 f] Virginia delegates to Thomas Nelson, governor of Virginia. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, IL (Span, transl.) 3 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 38) of Rendon to Galvez, September 30, 1781. Intercepted by British.] 2768 July 24. Philadelphia. Richard Potts to Samuel Hughes. [Spain?] H, Sparks, 98, IL (extr.. Span, transl.) i p. [Attached to letter (no. 38) of Rendon to Galvez, September 30, 1781. Intercepted by British.] 2769 Jurly 24. Philadelphia. Daniel of St. Thomas Jenifer, member of Congress, to George Plater, of the Maryland Senate. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, IL (extr.. Span, transl.) 2 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 38) of Rendon to Galvez, September 30, 1781. Intercepted by British.] 2770 July 24. . James Lovell, member of Congress from Massachusetts, to Henry Lee. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. (Span, transl.) >4 p. [Attached to letter (no. 38) of Rendon to Galvez, September 30, 1781.] 2771 [^w^.] Philadelphia. Respuesta que da el Gazettero de Philadelphia al de la Nueva York. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. (Span, transl.) i p. [Attached to letter (no. 38) of Rendon to Galvez, September 30, 1781.] 2772 Aug. 10. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 31). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, IL 3 11. 2773 Aug. 10. Philadelphia. A citizen of Charleston to Rendon. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. (Span, transl.) 3 11. [Attached to letter (no. 32) of Rendon to Galvez, August 22, 1781.] 2774 Aug. 22. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 32). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, IL 6 11. 2775 Aug. ^i. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 33). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, IL 4 11. 2776 Sept. 6. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 34). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, IL 6 11. 2777 6'^/>^ 7. New London, Conn. Letter concerning attack by British. [Spain?] H, Sparks, 98, IL (Span, transl.) i p. [Attached to letter (no. 36) of Rendon to Galvez, September 20, 1781.] 2778 Sept. 7. New London. Extract of a letter written by an officer. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, IL (Span, transl.) 2>^ pp. [Attached to letter (no. 36) of Rendon to Galvez, September 20, 1781.] 2779 Sept. 10. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 35). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, IL 2 11. 2780 Sept. 13. Cape Henry, entrance to Chesapeake Bay. Comte de Grasse to Chevalier de la Luzerne. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, IL (extr., Span, transl.) i>4 p. [Attached to letter (no, 38) of Rendon to Galvez, September 30, 1781. Intercepted by British.] 2781 Sept. 15. New York. Extract of letters printed in the New York Gazette. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. (Span, transl.) 11 11. [Attached to letter (no. 38) of Rendon to Galvez, September 30, 1781. Inter- cepted by British.] 2782 1Y81] ■ Transcripts 183 Sept. 20. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 36). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. 4 11. 2783 Sept. 21. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 37). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. 2 11. 2784 Sept. 22. New York. Extract from the New York Gazette. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, II. (Span, transl.) 2 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 38) of Rendon to Galvez, September 30, 1781.] 2785 Sept. 30. Philadelphia. Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 38). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, 11. 4 11- 2786 Oct. 4. Arispe, Ynforme del Yntendente Governador Pedro Corbalan. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, VIII. 7 11. [Attached to letter (no. 919) of Croix to Galvez, June 2, 1783.] 2787 Oct. so. San Lorenzo. Royal decree addressed to B. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 12 pp. 2788 Nov. I. San Lorenzo. Contract made with Gilberto Antonio de Maxent. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 8 pp. 2789 Nov. 16. Madrid. Royal Commissions. AI. Pap. proc. de Cuba, MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 2790 Nov. 21. Pensacola. Arthur O'Neill to B. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 pp. [Accompanies letter of O'Neill to Galvez, May 20, 1783.] 2791 Dec. 18. . Gen. James Campbell to Gen. Jose de Ezpeleta. AI. 146-2-3. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Attached to letter (no. 13) of B. de Galvez to J. de Galvez, January 14, 1782.] 2792 Dec. 50. Havana. B. de Galvez to Sir Henry Clinton. AI, 146-2-3, DAH, Span. Doc. 5>4 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 13) of B. de Galvez to J. de Galvez, January 14, 1782.] 2793 Dec. ^0. Havana. Sir Henry Clinton to B. de Galvez. AI, 146-2-3. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 13) of B. de Galvez to J. de Galvez, January 14, 1782,] 2794 Dec.^i. Arispe. T. de Croix to J. de Galvez (no. 704). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, VII. 5 11. 2795 1782 . Costa de los Alemanes. Piano figurative de las operaciones de agrimensura practicadas en consequencia de la concession a favor de Don Jacobo Rixner. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (tracing), i sheet, 2796 Jan. 14. New Orleans. B. de Galvez to J. de Galvez (confidential, no. 13). AI, 146-2-3. DAH, Span. Doc. i^ p. 2797 Jan. 15. El Pardo. J. de Galvez to B. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list] 2798 Feb. 28. Arispe. T. de Croix to J. de Galvez (no. 723). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, VIII. 2 11. 2799 March ip. St. Louis. Cruzat to Piemas. AI, 86-7-24. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Attached to letter of Miro to Galvez, May 14, 1782. See other list.] 2800 April i^. . Note sent to Floridablanca. [Spain ? (French transl. in AAE).] H, Sparks, 80, VI., fol. 17 (from AAE). 2801 184 Documents in Spanish Archives [1782 April 2^. Arispe. Extracto de novedades en las provincias internas de Nueva Espafia. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, VIII. 10 11. 2802 April ^o. Arispe. Extracto de novedades de guerra [de las provincias internas de Nueva Espafia]. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, VIII. 4 11. 2803 May 14. New Orleans. Miro to J. de Galvez. AI, 86-7-24. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list] 2804 June 24. San Ildefonso. Floridablanca to Normandez. [Spain ? (French transl. in AAE).] L, Bancroft, Arch. Fran. Esp., 1782, pp. 3595, 3596 (from AAE). 2805 Aug. 25. San Ildefonso. Floridablanca to Aranda. Public Archives of Madrid (sent by Gayangos ; French transl. in AAE). L, Bancroft, Arch. Fran. Esp., 1782, pp. 3673-3682 (from AAE) ; H, Sparks, 80, VI., fol. 99-103 (from AAE) ; H, Sparks, 95, I., fol. 201-206 (from Spain). 2806 Sept. 2^. Arispe. Extracto de hostilidades executadas por los Yndios ene- migos en las provincias internas de Nueva Espafia. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, VIII. 3 11. 2807 Oct. 24. San Lorenzo. Royal decree addressed to T. de Croix. [ Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, VIII. 2 11. 2808 Oct. 2g. San Lorenzo. J. de Galvez to Miro. AI, 86-7-24. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 2809 Nov. 4. Arispe. Extracto de hostilidades egecutadas por los Yndios enemi- g-os en las provincias ynternas de Nueva Espafia. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, VIII. 6 11. 2810 Nov. 14. Versailles. Vergennes to Aranda. [Spain ? (copy in AAE).] L, Bancroft, Arch. Fran. Esp., 1782-1783, pp. 3861-3865 (from AAE) ; H, Sparks, 80, VI., fol. 178, 179 (from AAE). 2811 Dec. 2. Arispe. Extracto de novedades ocurridas en las provincias ynternas. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, VIII. 5 11. 2812 Dec. 4. London. Reponse aux propositions de I'Ambassadeur d'Espagne. [Spain ? (French copy in AAE).] H, Sparks, 80, VI., fol. 207 (from AAE). 2813 Dec. 31. Presidio de Santa Barbara. Joseph Francisco de Ortega to Col. Felipe de Neve. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, XVI. 3 11. 2814 1783 . Paris. Dictamen reservada que el Conde de Aranda dio al Rey sobre la independencia de las colonias inglesas despues de haber hecho el tratado de paz ajustada en Paris el afio 1783. BMU. H, Sparks, 13, no. 15, fol. 235-239 (Eng. transl., id., fol. 240-243) ; Yale, or in the private collection of Professor Edward Gaylord Bourne, lately deceased. [There is good reason to believe that this document was not the work of Aranda, as it is so opposed to his well-known views, and that its date should be later than 1783. See other list] 2815 Jan. 3. New Orleans. M. Navarro to Minister Valdes. [AI ?] LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, III., p. i. 2816 1Y83] Transcripts 185 [Jan. i8 ?] [Versailles.] Louis XVI. to Charles III. [Spain ? (copy in AAE).] L, Bancroft, Arch. Fran. Esp., 1782-1783, pp. 4005-4008 (from AAE). 2817 Feb. 17. Savannah. Resolution introduced in Georgia Assembly on the Georgian boundaries. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 2>^ pp. [Enclosure (no. 3) in letter (no. 199) of Miro to Galvez, June 20, 1785.] 2818 Feb. 19. Madrid. Lafayette to Floridablanca. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardo- qui, IV., pp. 25-27. 2819 Peb. 22. . Floridablanca to Lafayette. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardo- qui, IV., p. 27. 2820 Feb. 22. Madrid. Note by Lafayette on Floridablanca's statement regarding boundaries. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, IV., pp. 27, 28. 2821 April ^. Guarico. Order by B. de Galvez to the governor ad interim of Louisiana. AI, 146-2-3. DAH, Span. Doc. ^ p. [Enclosure (no. 2) in letter (no. 242) of B. de Galvez to J. de Galvez, April 25, 1783.] 2822 April 6. Guarico. B. de Galvez to Prince William Henry, Duke of Clarence. AI, 146-2-3. H, Sparks, loi (Eng. transl., id., 100) ; DAH, Span. Doc, I p. [Copy in DAH, enclosure (no. i) in letter (no. 242) of B. de Galvez to J. de Galvez, April 25, 1783.] 2823 April 7. Guarico. B. de Galvez to Governor Jose de Avellaneda. AI, 146- 2-3. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Enclosure (no. 3) in letter (no. 242) of B. de Galvez to J. de Galvez, April 25, 1783.] 2824 April ij. Jamaica. Prince William Henry to B. de Galvez. AI, 146-2-3. H, Sparks, loi (Eng. transl., id., 100) ; DAH, Span. Doc. i^^ p. [Copy in DAH, enclosure (no. 4) in letter (no. 242) of B. de Galvez to J. de Galvez, April 25, 1783.] 2825 April 14. New Madrid. Col. George Morgan to Miro. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Enclosure (no. i) in letter (no. 39) of Miro to Valdes, May 20, 1789.] 2826 April 21. Arispe. T. de Croix to J. de Galvez (no. 913). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, VIIL, 2 11. ; id., XVI., 4 11. 2827 April 25. Guarico. B. de Galvez to J. de Galvez (no. 242). AI, 146-2-3. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. 2828 May II. Pensacola. Official letter by Arthur O'Neill. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 4^^ pp. [Accompanies letter of O'Neill to B. de Galvez, May 20, 1783.] 2829 May 20. Pensacola, O'Neill to B. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 5 pp. 2830 May 27. Rio Grande. Felipe de Neve to T. de Croix. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, VIIL i leaf. 2831 June 2. Arispe. T. de Croix to J. de Galvez (no. 923), [Spain ?] H, Sparks, VIIL i leaf. 2832 June 2. Arispe. Extracto de novedades ocurridas en las provincias internas de Nueva Espafia. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, VIIL 11 11. [At- tached to letter (no. 923) of Croix to Galvez, of same date.] 2833 June 10. Pensacola. O'Neill to B. de Galvez (two letters). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 6 pp. [Accompanies letter of O'Neill to B. de Galvez, May 20, 1783.] 2834 186 Documents in Spanish Archives [1783 June JO. Havana. Memoria sucinta de lo operado por el Exmo. Sefior Don Bernardo de Galvez. [Spain ? (copy formerly in possession of Ternaux-Compans).] H, Sparks, loi (from Ternaux-Compans copy ; Eng. transl., id., lOo). 80 11. [Prepared for publication.] 2835 June JO. Arispe. T. de Croix to J. de Galvez (no. 930). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, VIII. 2 11. 2836 July 14. Havana. Instruccion que debera observar el Coronel Don Gilberto Antonio Maxent. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, IH., p. 5 ; DAH, Span. Doc. 14 pp. 2837 July 28. Arispe. T. de Croix to J. de Galvez (no. 938). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, VHL i leaf. 2838 July 28. Arispe. T. de Croix to J. de Galvez (no. 944). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, Vin. I leaf. 2839 July 28. Arispe. Extract© de novedades ocurridas con los Yndios enemigos en las provincias intemas de Nueva Espafia. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, Vni. 7 11. [Attached to letter (no. 938) of Croix to Galvez, of same date.] 2840 July JO, 178 J ; Jan. 15, May jo, 1784. . Notes on documents. AMGJ. LHS, Span. MSS., folder no. 2. 2841 Aug. 10. San Ildefonso. J. de Galvez to B. de Galvez. AI, 146-2-3. DAH, Span. Doc, 5^ p. [Accompanies letter of B. de Galvez to J. de Galvez, April 25, 1783, to which it is an answer.] 2842 Sept. 22. Arispe. Felipe de Neve, commandant of the internal provinces, to J. de Galvez (no, 23). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, XVI. I leaf, 2843 5"^^/. 22. Arispe. Extracto de novedades ocurridas en las provincias internas de Nueva Espafia, [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, XVI. 7 11. [Attached to letter (no. 23) of Neve to Galvez, of same date.] 2844 Oct. 20. Arispe. Neve to J. de Galvez (no. 30). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, XVI. I leaf. 2845 Oct. 20. Arispe. Extracto de novedades ocurridas en las provincias internas de Nueva Espafia. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, XVI. 4 11. [Attached to letter (no. 30) of Neve to Galvez, of same date.] 2846 Oct. 20. Arispe. Neve to J. de Galvez (no. 31). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, XVI. 2 11. 2847 Oct. 20. Arispe. Neve to J. de Galvez (no. 34). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, XVI. 2 11. 2848 Nov. 17. Arispe. Neve to J. de Galvez (no. 42). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, XVI. 2 11. 2849 Nov. 17. Arispe. Estado que manifiesta los productos liquidos que en el ano 1 78 1 han rendido a la Real Hacienda sus ramos establecidos en las provincias de Coahuila y Texas, etc, [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, XVI, I leaf. [Attached to letter (no. 42) of Neve to Galvez, of same date.] 2850 Nov. 17. Arispe, Resumen de productos y gastos. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, XVI. I leaf. [Attached to letter (no. 42) of Neve to Galvez, of same date.] 2851 Nov. 17. Arispe. Neve to J. de Galvez (no. 43). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, XVI. I leaf. 2852 1783] Transcripts 187 Nov. J/. Arispe. Estado que manifiesta los productos liquidos que en el afio de 1782, han rendido a la Real Hacienda sus ramos establecidos en las provincias de Coaguila y Texas, etc. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, XVI. I leaf. [Attached to letter (no. 43) of Neve to Galvez, of same date.] 2853 Nov. 77. Arispe. Resumen de productos y gastos. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, XVI. I leaf. [Attached to letter (no. 43) of Neve to Galvez, of same date.] 2854 Dec. I. Arispe. Neve to J. de Galvez (no. 57). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, XVI. 2 11. 2855 Dec. 4. Pensacola. O'Neill to Jose de Espeleta. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Attached to letter of Espeleta to Galvez, February 8, 1784.] 2856 Dec. 2p. Arispe. Neve to J. de Galvez (no. 62). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, XVI. I leaf. 2857 Dec. 2p. Arispe. Extracto de novedades ocurridas con los Yndios enemigos en las provincias internas de Nueva Espafia. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, XVI. 7 11. [Attached to letter (no. 62) of Neve to Galvez, of same date.] 2858 Dec. 2^. Arispe. Neve de J. de Galvez (nos. 64, 66, 6y). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, XVI. 2 11., i leaf, and 2 11., respectively. 2859 Dec. SI- Presidio de la Bahia de Espiritu Santo. Ojas de servicios. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, XVI. 6 11. 2860 Dec. SI- Presidio de San Antonio de Bexar. Ojas de servicios. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, XVI. 7 11. 2861 Dec. SI- Presidio de San Agustin del Tucson. Quartillos de servicios. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, XVI. 15 11. 2862 Dec. SI- Presidio de Nuevo Mexico. Ojas de servicios. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, XVI. 5 11. 2863 Dec. SI- Presidio de Monterrey. Ojas de servicios. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, XVI. 4 11. 2864 Dec. SI- Presidio de Santa Barbara. Ojas de servicios. [Spain?] H, Sparks, 98, XVI. 4 11. 2865 Dec. SI- Presidio de San Diego. Ojas de servicios. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, XVI. 4 11. 2866 Dec. SI- Presidio de San Francisco. Ojas de servicios. [Spain?] H, Sparks, 98, XVI. 4 11. 2867 1784 [Ca. 1784 ?] [Philadelphia or New Orleans ?] Rendon to J. de Galvez (no. 108). AI, 87-1-7. DAH, Span. Doc. 11 pp. 2868 . . Note transmitting memorandum sent by Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3420. DL, Gardoqui, V., p. 172. 2869 Memorandum by Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3420, DL, Gardo- qui, v., pp. 172-174. 2870 . . Letter by Gardoqui. AC, leg, 3420. DL, Gardoqui, V., p. 174- 2871 Jan. I. Little Talassee. Alexander McGillivray to Gov. Arthur O'Neill. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, I., p. 18 ; DAH, Span. Doc. (transl. into Span.) [Copy in DAH attached to letter of Espeleta to Galvez, February 8, 1784. See other list] 2872 188 Documents in Spanish Archives [1784 Jan. I. Little Talassee. McGilHvray to Miro. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 5 pp. [Attached to letter of Miro to Galvez, April 15, 1784.] 2873 Feb. 8. Havana. Jose de Espeleta to B. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. 2874 March 26. New Orleans. Commission of Benito Vazquez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list] 2875 March 26. Little Talassee. McGillivray to [Miro?]. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. [Attached to letter of Miro to Galvez, April 15, 1784.] 2876 April 15. New Orleans. Miro to B. de Galvez (no. 112). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 7 pp. 2877 April 15. New Orleans. Miro to Intendant Martin Navarro. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba (another copy in AI). LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, I., p. 19; DAH, Span. Doc, 3 pp. [Copy in DAH, attached to letter (no. 112) of Miro to Galvez, of same date.] 2878 April i^. New Orleans. Ynstrucciones que debera arreglarse el capitan Don Juan de la Villebeuvre. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 4>^ pp. 2879 April 16. New Orleans. M. Navarro to J. de Galvez. AI, Duplicados del Intendente Navarro, foj. 8. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, I., p. 20. 2880 April 16. New Orleans. M. Navarro to J. de Galvez (no. 217). AS, foj. 9. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, I., p. 21. 2881 April 16. Pensacola. O'Neill to Juan Ventura Morales. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2>4 pp. 2882 April 16. Pensacola. Lista de los viveres y efectos que se han preparado para embiar a Panzacola. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 43^ pp. [Attached to letter of O'Neill to Morales, of same date.] 2883 April 30, New Orleans. Ynstruccion sobre la Valiza dada al teniente Don Luis Bertucarte. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2K pp. 2884 May/. Aranjuez. Carmichael to Floridablanca. AC, Estado, leg. 3420. DL, Gardoqui, V., pp. 176, 177. 2885 May 22. Madrid. [J. de Galvez ?] to Jose de Espeleta. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Accompanies letter of Espeleta to Galvez, February 8, 1784.] 2886 June I. Pensacola. Puntos que deben observar los subditos de S. M. C. en sus tratos con los Indios Talapuches. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, I., p. 22; DAH, Span. Doc. (three copies). [Of copies in DAH, one attached to Ynstrucciones of July 20, 1784, and one attached to letter (no. 239) of Navarro to Galvez, July 27, 1784. See other list.] 2887 June I. Pensacola. Articulos de convenio, trato, y pacificacion estipulados y acordados por la nacion Espanola con los Indios Talapuches. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. I2>^ pp. [Attached to letter (no. 239) of Navarro to Galvez, July 27, 1784.] 2888 1Y84] Transcripts 189 June I. Pensacola. Tarifa arreg^lada para el comercio de la nacion Tala- puche. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. lo pp. [At- tached to letter (no. 239) of Navarro to Galvez, July 27, 1784.] 2889 June 2, iy84-AprU 26, 1788. Mexico. Expediente promovido por el Real Tribunal y Audiencia de C *^' sobre ciertos autos que pide para formar la relazion individual del presidio de Panzacola prevenido en real orden de 16 de Noviembre 1783. [Spain ?] L, MS. 11075. [This may be the original or a contemporaneous copy, and copies may be found either in Spain or Mexico.] 2890 June 21 and 2^. Mobile. Congreso para Chicachas y Alibamones. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 16 pp. 2891 June 2^. Mobile. Articulos de amistad, trato, y comercio convenido entre la Nacion Espanola, y la Nacion Chicacha. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 8>4 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 239) of Navarro to Galvez, July 27, 1784.] 2892 June 23. Mobile. Articulos de amistad, trato, y comercio convenidos entre la Nacion Espanola y la Nacion Alibamon. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 pp. 2893 June 24. New Orleans. Contract made with James Mather. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3>4 pp. 2894 June 26. Aranjuez. J. de Galvez to Miro. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 2895 July 6. New Orleans. M. Navarro to J. de Galvez (no. 232). [AI ?] LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, L, p. 23. 2896 July 14. Mobile. Treaty between Spaniards and the Choctaws and Chicka- saws. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 15 pp. 2897 July 20. New Orleans. Ynstrucciones a que deben conformarse Don Ale- jandro McGillibray. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 4 pp. 2898 July 25. San Ildefonso. Instruction to Gardoqui respecting the boundaries of Florida and Louisiana and the navigation of the Mississippi. AC, leg. 3457. DL, Gardoqui, V., pp. 205-213. 2899 July 27. New Orleans. M. Navarro to J. de Galvez (no. 239). AI, foj. 14; id., Pap. proc. de Cuba. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, I., p. 24; DAH, Span. Doc. 17 pp. 2900 Sept. I. New Orleans. Miro to B. de Galvez (no. 130). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. 21 pp. 2901 Sept. 3. Paris. Aranda to Floridablanca (no. 58). AC, leg. 3891. R, Shea, no. 38, env. 14. i p. 2902 Sept. 8. Grenoble. Letter by Aubert regarding Ursulines at New Orleans (French). AC, leg. 3891. R, Shea, no. 38, env. 14. i p. 2903 Sept. 10. Madrid. Gardoqui to Miguel de Otamende. AC, leg. 3420. DL, Gardoqui, V., pp. 192, 193. 2904 Sept. 12. Florida. Governor Manuel Vicente Cespedes to O'Neill. AI, Pap, proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 5 pp. [Accompanies letter of Cespedes to O'Neill, January 18, 1786.] 2905 Sept. 13. Paris. Aranda to Floridablanca (no. 61). AC, leg. 3891. R, Shea, no. 38, env. 14. >4 p. 2906 190 Documents in Spanish Archives [1784 Sept. 21. San Ildefonsd. J. de Galvez to Floridablanca. AC, leg. 3891. R, Shea, no. 38, env. 14. J/^ p. 2907 Sept. 24. San Ildefonso. Floridablanca to Conde de Gansa. AC, leg". 3420. DL, Gardoqui, V., p. 155. 2908 Sept. 24. San Ildefonso. Floridablanca to Antonio Valdes. AC, leg. 3420. DL, Gardoqui, V., pp. 155, 156. 2909 Sept. 24. San Ildefonso. Floridablanca to Carmichael. AC, leg. 3420. DL, Gardoqui, V., p. 157. 2910 Sept. 24. Madrid. Carmichael to Floridablanca. AC, leg. 3420. DL, Gardo- qui, v., pp. 157-158 (Eng.) 2911 Sept. 2y. San Ildefonso. Draft of credentials for Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3420. DL, Gardoqui, V., pp. 158, 159. 2912 Sept. ^7. San Ildefonso. Floridablanca to Rendon. AC, leg. 3420. DL, Gardoqui, V., p. 194. 2913 Oct. I. San Lorenzo. [Floridablanca] to J. de Galvez. AC, leg. 3420. DL, Gardoqui, V., pp. 159-161. 2914 Oct. I. New Orleans. Miro to B. de Galvez (no. 133). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 8 pp. 2915 {Oct. 2.'\ [San Lorenzo.] [Royal order signed by J. de Galvez and sent to Gardoqui.] AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, II., pp. 370, 371. [Attached to letter (no. 297) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, October 24, 1788.] 2916 Oct. 2. San Lorenzo. [J. de Galvez] to B. de Galvez. AC, leg. 3420. DL, Gardoqui, V., p. 195. 2917 Oct. 2. San Lorenzo. Instructions to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardo- qui, v., pp. 217-228. 2918 Oct. 3. J. de Galvez to Floridablanca. AC, leg. 3420. DL, Gardoqui, V., p. 196. 2919 Oct. 4. Madrid. Carmichael to Floridablanca. AC, leg. 3420. DL, Gardo- qui, v., pp. 163, 164 (Eng.) 2920 After Oct 4. . Note, in regard to letter of Carmichael to Florida- blanca, October 4. AC, leg. 3420. DL, Gardoqui, V., p. 165. 2921 Oct. 7. Madrid. Gardoqui to Floridablanca. AC, leg. 3420. DL, Gardoqui, v., pp. 162, 163. 2922 Oct. 7. San Lorenzo. [Floridablanca] to Carmichael. AC, leg. 3420. DL, Gardoqui, V., pp. 166, 167. 2923 Oct. 8. San Lorenzo. Floridablanca to Gardoqui (two despatches). AC, leg. 3420. DL, Gardoqui, V., pp. 168-170. 2924 Oct. 8. San Lorenzo. Floridablanca to the President of Congress. AC, leg. 3420. DL, Gardoqui, V., p. 171. 2925 Oct. 12. Madrid. Letter by William Carmichael regarding Gardoqui's mis- sion. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, III., pp. 1-2. 2926 [ Oct. 12 ?] . Letter referring to contents of preceding letter. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, III., p. 4. 2927 [Oct. 16 1] [San Lorenzo?] [Letter by Floridablanca] concerning con- quest of Bahama. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, III., p. 4. 2928 Oct. 16. San Lorenzo. Letter to Carmichael referring to contents of his letter of October 12. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, III., pp. 2, 3. 2929 Oct. 16. San Lorenzo. [Floridablanca] to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, III., p. 3. 2930 1784] Transcripts 191 Oct. ip. San Lorenzo. Letter to Gardoqui referring- to contents of Car- michael's letter of October 12. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui Des- patches, III., p. 5. 2931 Oct. ip. San Lorenzo. Letter to Galvez, referring to contents of Car- michael's letter of October 12. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, IIL, pp. 5, 6. 2932 Oct. 20. Pensacola. Relacion del proyecto de la nueva plaza de armas, y poblacion inmediata al fuerte proyectada de San Carlos y demoler la plaza de San Miguel de Panzacola y sus castillos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 5 pp. 2933 Oct. 21. San Lorenzo. [Floridablanca] to Bernardo de Campo. AC, leg. 3420. DL, Gardoqui, V., pp. 189, 190. 2934 Oct. 23. San Lorenzo. J. de Galvez to Floridablanca. AC, leg. 3891. R, Shea, no. 38, env. 14. >4 p. 2935 Oct. 26. Cadiz. B. de Galvez to Floridablanca. AC, leg. 3420. DL, Gardo- qui, v., p. 175. 2936 Oct. 26. Cadiz. Letter to Galvez, referring to contents of Carmichaers letter of October 12. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, IIL, pp. 6, 7. 2937 Oct. 26. Cadiz. Letter to Gardoqui, referring to contents of Carmichael's letter of October 12. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, IIL, pp. 7, 8. 2938 Oct. 2p. Cadiz. Gardoqui to Floridablanca. AC, leg. 3420. DL, Gardoqui, v., p. 197. 2939 Nov. 5. London. Bernardo de Campo to Floridablanca (two despatches). AC, leg. 3420. DL, Gardoqui, V., pp. 190-192. 2940 Nov. 24. San Lorenzo. Floridablanca to B. de Galvez. AC, leg. 3420. DL, Gardoqui, V., p. 176. 2941 Nov. 24. San Lorenzo. Floridablanca to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3420. DL, Gardoqui, V., p. 176. 2942 Nov. 24. San Lorenzo. Floridablanca to Raymundo de Onis. AC, leg. 3420. DL, Gardoqui, V., pp. 197, 198. 2943 After Nov. 24. . Note in regard to detention of Gardoqui's ship in Havana, for five months. AC, leg. 3420. DL, Gardoqui, V., pp. 198, 199. 2944 Dec. 12. St. Augustine. Cespedes to Governor of Georgia. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 302, 303. [Attached to letter (no. 291) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, October 24, 1788.] 2945 Dec. 26. San Juan de Puerto Rico. Gardoqui to Floridablanca. AC, leg. 3886, VI., pp. I, 2. 2946 1785 [Ca. lyS^.'l . Puntos que deben observar los vasallos de su magestad Catolica que se emplean en los tratos con los Indios Talapuches, Ali- bamones, Chicachas, y Chactas. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 pp. 2947 {1785 f] [Natchez ?] Thomas Green to a Georgia official. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) i^^ p. [Enclosure (no. 6) in letter (no. 199) of Miro to B. de Galvez, June 20, 1785.] 2948 192 Documents in Spanish Archives [1785 [lyS^ f] Instrucciones dadas por los duenos de la embarcacion Inglesa el Argonauta, a su Capitan Jayme Colnett. AI, 90-3-18. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy (Span. transL), pp. 60-66. [Part of carpeta (no. 3) in letter (no. 1182) of Flores to Valdes, August 27, 1789.] 2949 [1/8^ f] . Ignacio de Urrize, intendant at Havana, to B. de Galvez (enclosing two documents). AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, III., pp. 278, 279. [Accompanies letter of Galvez to Floridablanca, Sep- tember 30, 1785.] 2950 [77^5 f] . Gardoqui to the President of Congress. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 46, 47. 2951 [1783 f] New York. Memorial of New York Catholics to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3886. R, Shea, no. 38, env. 15 ; DL, Gardoqui, VI., p. 79. 2952 . . Notes on instructions to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3420. DL. Gardoqui, V., pp. 185-189. 2953 . Statehouse, Savannah. Official letter to Thomas Green. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 3 pp. [Enclosure (no. 5) in letter (no. 199) of Miro to Galvez, June 20, 1785.] 2954 . [Natchez.] Proclamation of Richard Ellis and others to the inhab- itants of Natchez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) i p. [Enclosure (no. 8) in letter (no. 199) of Miro to Galvez, June 20, 1785.] 2955 . [Savannah ?] Commission as militia captain in the County of Bourbon. AI, 86-6-14. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) [Attached to letter (no. 211) of Miro to Galvez, July 22, 1785.] 2956 . [Natchez ?] Statement by Stephen Minor regarding William Davenport. AI, 86-6-14. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 3 pp. [Enclosure (no. 2) in letter (no. 211) of Miro to Galvez, July 22, 1785.] See no. 597. 2957 . . [King of Morocco] to Charles III. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., p. 116. [Attached to letter of Floridablanca to Gardo- qui, October 28, 1785. 2958 1785-1789. . Indice de la correspondencia de Don Diego de Gardo- qui. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, III., pp. 65-230. 2959 1785', 1787. . Duplicados y despatchos del Intendente Navarro. AMGJ. LHS, Span. MSS., folder no. 2. [Notes, abstr., etc.] 2960 Jan. 15. Havana, Gardoqui to Floridablanca. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardo- qui, VI., pp. 4, 5. 2961 Jan. 15. Havana. Gardoqui to Floridablanca. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardo- qui, VI., pp. 5-9. 2962 Jan. 2^. Havana. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (two letters). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 10, 11. 2963 Feb. 7. Savannah. Resolution introduced by Joseph Habersham in the Georgia Assembly. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 2 pp. [Enclosure (no. 4) in letter (no. 199) of Miro to Galvez, June 20, 1785.] 2964 Feb. 7. Savannah. Declaracion para formar de un distrito de tierra situado sobre el Misisipi y dentro de los limites de este Estado un condado que debe de llamarse de Borbon (two copies). AI, 86-6-14; AHN, no. 25. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 4^ pp. [Enclosure (no. 4) in letter (no. 250) of Miro to Galvez, July 22, 1785.] 2965 1785] Transcripts 193 Feb. 8. Savannah. Oath of office prescribed for Commissioners of Bourbon County. AI, 86-6-14. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 25^ pp. [Enclosure (no. 3) in letter (no. 250) of Miro to Galvez, July 22, 1785.] 2966 Feb. 18. Kingston, Jamaica. Extract from a letter from Baltimore, taken from the Jamaica Gazette, no. 537. AT, 86-6-14. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) i p. [Attached to letter (no. 98) of Miro to Galvez, July 22, 1785.] 2967 Feb. 23. Havana. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (two letters). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 12-15. 2968 March I. New Orleans. Miro to B. de Galvez (no. 150). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 5^ p. 2969 March i. New Orleans. Memorial from the English inhabitants of Louisi- ana. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 5/^ PP- [Attached to letter (no. 150) of Miro to Galvez, of same date.] 2970 March 5. . Extract from the newspaper " Correo del haxo Rhin " (Courrier du Bas Rhin), in regard to the navigation of the Missis- sippi. AI, 86-6-14. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) ij^ p. [At- tached to letter (no. 97) of Miro to Galvez, July 22, 1785.] 2971 March Jj. El Pardo. Floridablanca to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 115, 116. [Attached to letter of Floridablanca to Gardoqui, October 28, 1785.] 2972 March 14. El Pardo. Floridablanca to Antonio de Valdes. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., p. 3. 2973 March 15. El Pardo. [Floridablanca ?] to Antonio Valdes. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., p. 2. 2974 April 16. Kingston, Jamaica. Extract from Gazette of Jamaica, no. 537, regarding the navigation of the Mississippi. AI, 86-6-14. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) ^ p. [Enclosure (no. 2) in letter (no. 98) of Miro to Galvez, July 22, 1785.] 2975 April 28. Havana. B. de Galvez to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardo- qui, III., pp. 238-245. [Attached to letter of Galvez to Floridablanca, April 29, 1785.] 2976 April 28. Havana. Memoranda for Gardoqui regarding the navigation of the Mississippi. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, III., pp. 245-255. [Attached to letter of Galvez to Floridablanca, April 29, 1785.] 2977 April 28. Havana. B. de Galvez to J. de Galvez (confidential, no. 12). AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, III., pp. 259-261. /2978 ApriX 28. Havana. Gardoqui to Floridablanca. AC, 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 21, 22, 2979 April 28-^0. Havana. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (two letters). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 16-19, and 23-25. 2980 April 2p. Havana. B. de Galvez to Floridablanca. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, III., pp. 235-238. 2981 ApHl 50. Havana. Gardoqui to Floridablanca. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardo- qui, VI., pp. 22, 23. 2982 May. . Extracts from proceedings of Danville convention. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, III., pp. 12-20. [Attached to letter (no. 30) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, October 21, 1785.] 2983 14 194 Documents in Spanish Archives [1785 May y. Kingston, Jamaica. Extract from Gazette of Jamaica, no. 437, re- garding news from Natchez. AI, 86-6-14. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) yi p. [Enclosure (no. 3) in letter (no. 98) of Miro to Galvez, July 22, 1785.] 2984 May 20. Philadelphia. Rendon to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardo- qui, VI., pp. 28, 29. 2985 May 22. Philadelphia. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (two letters). AC, 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 15, 16, and 19, 20. 2986 Mcty 2^. Pensacola. Official act by Pedro Piernas. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 pp. 2987 May 24. Aranjuez. [Floridablanca] to Carmichael. AC, leg. 3420. DL, Gardoqui, V., p. 178. 2988 May 2/, lySyJan. 75, i'/86. . Account of expenses of Gardoqui's min- istry. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, II., pp. 260-271. [Attached to letter (no, 97) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, June 18, 1786.] 2989 June I. [New York ?] Resolution of Congress respecting boundaries be- tween Georgia and South Carolina. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 71-74 (Span, transl.) [Attached to letter (no. 15) of Gardo- qui to Floridablanca, August 23, 1785.] 2990 June 10. New Orleans. Miro to J. de Galvez (no. 81). AI, 86-6-14. DAH, Span. Doc. [Cites almost in full letter of Miro to Espeleta, August I, 1784.] 2991 /«»^ i^. New Orleans. Miro to J. de Galvez (no. 82). AI, 86-6-14. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. 2992 June 15. New Orleans. Estado de la artilleria, montages, municiones, armas y demas generos que se necesitan para el completo de esta colonia, y puertos dependientes de ella. AI, 86-6-14. DAH, Span. Doc. 10 pp. [Enclosure (no. 4) in letter (no. 199) of Miro to Galvez, June 20, 1785.] 2993 June ly. Aranjuez. Floridablanca to Galvez. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardo- qui, III., pp. 256, 257. 2994 June ly. Aranjuez. J. de Galvez to Floridablanca. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., p. 20. 2995 June 21. . John Jay to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 30, 31. 2996 June 21, lySyJan. 50, 1795. Mobile ; New Orleans. Cuaderno de posecion de tierras consedidas por los seiiores gobernadores de esta provincia a los habitantes de este puesto con espresion de la distancia que se hallan del fuerte. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 16 pp. 2997 June 25. Aranjuez. J. de Galvez to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardo- qui, VI., pp. 25, 26. 2998 June 2y. Morocco. Juan Manuel Salmon, Span. Consul in Morocco, to Span, official. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 117, 118 (extr.) [Attached to letter of Floridablanca to Gardoqui, October 28, 1785.] 2999 June 28. New York. Rendon to Floridablanca. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardo- qui, VI., pp. 26-28. 3000 1785] Transcripts 195 June 2p. Natchez. Bouligny to Davenport. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. [Attached to letter (no. i8) of Bouligny to Miro, August 5, 1785. The date of this letter should be July 29, as Bouligny did not take his post until July, 1785 ; Davenport wrote his first letter to Bouligny July 25.] 3001 June ^o. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (confidential, no. i). AC, leg. 3902. DL, Gardoqui, V., pp. 335-342. 3002 June JO. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 3). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, II., p. 251. 3003 June JO. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (two letters). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 29, 30, and 32-34. 30M July I. . Power to John Jay. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 53-55- 3005 July 4. New York. [Gardoqui] to Floridablanca. AC, leg. 3420. DL, Gardoqui, V., pp. 179, 180. 3006 July 7. [New York ?] Gardoqui to the President of Congress. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., p. 44. 3007 July 7. [New York ?] Jay to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., p. 45. 3008 July 8. New York. Gardoqui to Jay. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 45, 46. 3009 July g. Madrid. Floridablanca to J. de Galvez. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardo- qui, III., pp. 257, 258. 3010 July 10. Madrid. Floridablanca to Galvez. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, III., pp. 255, 256. 3011 July 10. Little Talassee. Protest of Indians against Americans (three copies). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 5/^ pp. [One copy attached to letter (no. 125) of Miro to Bouligny, December 31, 1785; one, enclosure (no. 2) in letter (no. 229) of Miro to Galvez, September 5, 1785 ; and one alone.] 3012 July 10. New Orleans. Miro to B. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list] 3013 July 16. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 34, 35- 3014 July ip. Real presidio de San Francisco. Presidicales de la Peninsula de Califomias. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, I. i leaf. [Attached to letter (no. 143) of Rengel to Galvez, March 2, 1786.] 3015 /M/y ^^ p. 3017 July 22. New Orleans. Miro to J. de Galvez (no. 97). A I, 86-6-14. DAH, Span. Doc. i^ p. [Accompanies letter (no. 95) of Miro to Galvez, of same date.] 3018 July 22. New Orleans. Miro to J. de Galvez (no. 98). AI, 86-6-14. DAH, Span. Doc. [Accompanies letter (no. 95) of Miro to Galvez, of same date.] 3019 July 24. New York. Gardoqui to J. de Galvez. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardo- qui, III., pp. 279-282. 3020 196 Documents in Spanish Archives [1785 July 24. San Ildefonso. Floridablanca to Carmichael. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 118, 119. [Attached to letter of Floridablanca to Gardoqui, October 28, 1785.] 3021 July 24. Natchez. Bouligny to Miro. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 10 pp. 3022 July 24. Pensacola. McGillivray to O'Neill. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 3^ pp. [Enclosure (no. i) in letter (no. 229) of Miro to Galvez, September 5, 1785.] 3023 July 25. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (confidential, no. 2). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, IV., pp. i-ii. 3024 After July 2^. [Spain.] Rough draft of reply to above letter. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, IV., pp. 1 1-14. 3025 July 25. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (nos. 6-9). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 35-39, 47-51- '3026 July 23. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 10). AC, leg. 3891. R, Shea, no. 38, env. 13 ; DL, Gardoqui, III., pp. 53, 54. 3027 July 2^. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (nos. 11, 13). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 51-53. 3028 July 26. Belhaven. Davenport to Bouligny. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) i^ p. [Attached to letter (no. 18) of Bouligny to Miro, August 5, 1785.] 3029 July 26. . Jav to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., p. 55. ' 3030 July 26. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 12). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., p. 56. 3031 July 2g. See June 29, above. July 50. Natchez. Bouligny to Davenport. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 18) of Bouligny to Miro, August 5, 1785.] 3032 July 51. Belhaven. Davenport to Bouligny. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) i p. [Attached to letter (no. 18) of Bouligny to Miro, August 5, 1785.] 3033 July ji. Pensacola. Joachim de Peramas, engineer of Pensacola, to O'Neill. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3^ p. [Enclosure (no. i) in letter (no. 244) of Miro to Galvez, September 28, 1785.] 3034 July 31. Pensacola. Relacion de los reparos que necesita la estacada de la plaza, edificios reales, dentro de ella, y las castillas que se expresan, con el tanteo prudencial de su importe. Signed by Peramas. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 9 pp. [Enclosure (no. 3) in letter (no. 244) of Miro to Galvez, September 28, 1785.] 3035 Aug. 4. Extract from trading license issued by the government and trading company of Gt. Britain. AI, 90-3-18. LC, Nootka Sound Contro- versy, pp. 67, 68. [Part of carpeta (no. 3) in letter (no. 11 82) of Florez to Valdes, August 27, 1789.] 3036 Aug. 6. Savannah. Letter relating to Georgia, the Indians, etc. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., p. 104 (extr.. Span, transl.) [Attached to letter (no. 26) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, October 21, 1785.] 3037 Aug. 6. Madrid. Carmichael to [Floridablanca]. AC, leg. 3420. DL, Gardoqui, V., pp. 180182. 3038 1785] Transcripts 197 Aug. II. Natchez. Bouligny to Miro (no. 37). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba, DAH, Span. Doc. 153^ pp. [Accompanies letter (no. 4) of Bou- ligny to Miro, July 25, 1785.] 3039 Aug. II. Pensacola. Joachim de Peramas, engineer, to O'Neill. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 pp. [Enclosure (no. 2) in letter (no. 244) of Miro to Galvez, September 28, 1785.] 3040 Aug. 15. New York. R. H. Lee and John Jay to Spanish court. AC, leg. 3420. DL, Gardoqui, V., pp. 182, 183. 3041 Aug. 18. River St. Mary. Enclosure sent to Floridablanca by Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 100-104. 3042 Aug. 20. St. Augustine. Cespedes to Gardoqui. AC, leg, 3886. DL, Gardo- qui, VI., p. 98. [Attached to letter (no. 26) of Gardoqui to Florida- blanca, October 21, 1785.] 3043 Aug. 2^. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (confidential, no. 3). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, IV., pp. 14-24. 3044 Aug. 2^. New York. Gardoqui to J. de Galvez (two letters). AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, III., pp. 271-278. [Attached to letter of Galvez to Floridablanca, September 30, 1786.] 3045 Aug. 2^. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 14-16). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 56-62, 70, 74, 75. 3046 Aug. 2^. New York. Gardoqui to B. de Galvez. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 63-69. [Attached to letter (no. 14) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca. of same date.] 3047 Aug. 26. New York. Gardoqui to B, de Galvez. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui III., pp. 304-317. [Attached to letter of B. de Galvez to J. de Galvez, November 26, 1785.] 3048 Sept. I. San Ildefonso. Floridablanca to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 119-121. [Attached to letter of Floridablanca to Gardoqui, October 28, 1785.] 3049 Sept. 2. Little Talassee. Order by McGillivray. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (extr., Span, transl.) [Part of enclosure (no. 2) in letter (no. 317) of Miro, September 8, 1786.] 3050 Sept. 2. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (nos. 17, 18). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VL, pp. 75-77. No. 18, also in R, Shea, no. 38, env. 13. 3051 Sept. 2. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 19). AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, III., p. 9. 3052 Sept. 5. New Orleans. Miro to B. de Galvez (nos. 228, 229). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 pp. and 53^ pp., respectively. 3053 Sept. 5. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 20). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VL, p. 80. 3054 Sept. 5. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (confidential, no. 4). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, IV., pp. 28, 29. 3055 Sept. 5. New Orleans. Miro to B. de Galvez. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardo- qui, III., pp. 289-293. 3056 Sept. 5. New Orleans. Miro to Georgia Commissioners. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, III., pp. 285-289. [Attached to letter of Miro to Galvez, September 6, 1785.] 3057 Sept. 6. New Orleans. Miro to J. de Galvez. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardo- qui, III., pp. 284, 285. 3068 198 Documents in Spanish Archives [1785 Sept. 6. . Jay to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VL, pp. 105, 106. [Attached to letter (no. 27) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, October 21, 1785.] 3059 Sept. 7. Havana. Galvez to Bernardo Francaso, AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, HI., pp. 268-270. [Attached to letter of Galvez to Florida- blanca, September 30, 1786.] 3060 Sept. 10. New York. Gardoqui to Jay. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI. , pp. 106-109. [Attached to letter (no. 27) of Gardoqui to Florida- blanca, October 21, 1785.] 3061 Sept. 21. New York. Jay to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 80-82. 3062 Sept. 22. Mexico. B. de Galvez to Miro. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 7 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 99) of Miro to Bou- ligny, November 10, 1785.] 3063 Sept. 2^. New York. Gardoqui to B. de Galvez. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, III., pp. 326-331. [Attached to letter of B. de Galvez to J. de Galvez, January 2, 1786.] 3064 Sept. 2^. New York. Gardoqui to Jay. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI. , p. 88. [Attached to letter (no. 25) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, October 21, 1785.] 3065 Sept. 2^. New York. Memorial of Gardoqui to Jay. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI. , pp. 89-91. [Attached to letter (no. 25) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, October 21, 1785.] 3066 Sept. 2^. New York. Gardoqui to Jay (no. i). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba; duplicate in LC, East Florida Papers, 39, M 3. DAH, Span. Doc, 3 pp. [Accompanies letter of Gordon to Profit, June 25, 1785.] 3067 Sept. 24. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 21 ; two copies). AC, leg. 3886; id., leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, III., pp. 297, 298 ; VL, p. 82. [Copy in HI. attached to letter of Galvez to Floridablanca, December 21, 1785.] 3068 Sept. 28. New Orleans. Miro to B. de Galvez (no. 244). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i>^ p. 3069 Sept. so. San Ildefonso. J. de Galvez to Floridablanca. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, III., pp. 261, 262. 3070 Sept. JO. San Ildefonso. Memoranda regarding attempt of Georgia com- missioners. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, HI., pp. 262-267. [At- tached to letter of Galvez to Floridablanca, of same date.] 3071 Sept. JO. San Ildefonso. J. de Galvez to Floridablanca. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VL, p. 39. 3072 Sept. JO. San Ildefonso. Memoranda respecting claim of Georgia. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VL, pp. 39-43. [Attached to letter of Galvez to Floridablanca, of same date.] 3073 Oct. I. Chihuahua. Extracto de las novedades de enemigos ocurridas en las provincias internas de Nueva Espana. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, I. [Attached to lettetr (no. iii) of Governor Jose Antonio Rengel to Galvez, of same date.] 3074 Oct. 3. New York. Gardoqui's orders to the captain of the mail boat Infante. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VL, pp. 132, 133. [Attached to letter (no. 35) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, November 21, 1785.] 3075 1785] Transcripts 199 Oct. 4. New Orleans. [M. Navarro] to B. de Galvez. AI, Pap, proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Attached to letter (no. 222) of Cienfuegos to Eguia, March 13, 1818.] 3076 Oct. 6. New York. Account of the laying of the cornerstone of the Catholic Church in New York. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, IV., pp. 48-50. [Attached to letter (no. 6) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, November 21, 1785.] 3077 Oct. 6. New York. Account of New York Catholics. AC, leg. 3886. R, Shea, no. 38, env. 13. [Attached to letter of Gardoqui to Florida- blanca, November 21, 1785.] 3078 Oct. 6. New York. R. H. Lee to [Floridablanca ?] AC, leg. 3420. DL, Gardoqui, V., pp. 183-185. 3079 Oct. 7j. . Resolution of Congress disapproving claims of Georgpla. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba ; AC, 3886 ; id., 3891 ; equal copy in LC, E. Florida Papers, 39 M 3. DL, Gardoqui, III., p. 334; id., VI., pp. 92, 93; DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.), 2 pp. [Copy in DL, III., attached to letter of B. de Galvez to J. de Galvez, January 2, 1786; in DL, VI., attached to letter (no. 25) of Gardoqui to Florida- blanca, October 21, 1785 ; in DAH, accompanies letter of Gordon to Profit, June 25, 1785.] 3080 Oct. 14. Department of Foreign Affairs. Jay to Gardoqui. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba ; AC, leg. 3886 ; id., leg. 3891 ; equal copy in LC, E. Florida Papers, 39 M 3. DL, Gardoqui, III., p. 331 ; id., VL, p. 91 ; DAH, Span, Doc. (Span, transl.), i p. [Copy in DL, III., attached to letter of B. de Galvez to J. de Galvez, January 2, 1786; in DL, VI., attached to letter (no. 25) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, October 21, 1785; in DAH, accompanies letter of Gordon to Profit, June 25, 1785.] 3081 Oct. If . New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (confidential, no. 5). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, IV., p. 30. 3082 Oct. 17. New York, Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 22; two copies), AC, leg. 3891 ; id., leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, III., pp. 298, 299; and id., VI., p. 83. [One copy attached to letter of Floridablanca to Galvez, December 21, 1785 ; other, alone.] 3083 Oct. ly. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (nos. 23, 24). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VL, pp. 84, 85. 3084 Oct. ly. New York. Gardoqui to Cespedes. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VL, pp. 99, 100. [Attached to letter (no. 26) of Gardoqui to Florida- blanca, October 21, 1785.] 3085 Oct. ly. New York. Gardoqui to Cespedes. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, III., pp. 339-341. [Attached to letter of Cespedes to Galvez, January 3, 1786.] 3086 Oct. ip. Mexico. Jose de Espeleta to Miguel Costanso. AI, Pap, proc, de Cuba, DAH, Span, Doc. 5>4 pp. 3087 Oct. 20. Mexico. B. de Galvez to Miro (three letters), AI, Pap. proc, de Cuba, DAH, Span. Doc, 5^ pp. [Accompany letter of Gordon to Profit, June 25, 1785.] 3088 Oct. 21. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (nos. 25-29). AC, leg. 3886). DL, Gardoqui, VL, pp. 85-88, 97, 104, 105, 109-112. 3089 Oct. 21. New York, Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 30). AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, III., pp. 10, 11. 3090 200 Documents in Spanish Archives [1785 Oct. 21. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 31). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 112, 113. 3091 Oct. 21. New York. Gardoqui to J. de Galvez. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, III., pp. 272, 273. [Attached to letter of Galvez to Floridablanca, September 30, 1786.] 3092 Oct. 21. New York. Gardoqui to B. de Galvez. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardo- qui, VI., pp. 93-97. [Attached to letter (no. 25) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, of same date.] 3093 Oct. 21. New York. Gardoqui to Cespedes. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VL, pp. no, III. 3094 Oct. 24. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 32) . AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VL, pp. 113, 114. 3095 Oct. 27. San Lorenzo. Floridablanca to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, IV., pp. 31-33. 3096 Oct. 28. San Lorenzo. [Floridablanca ?] to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3891. R, Shea, no. 38, env. 13. ^ p. 3097 Oct. 28. San Lorenzo. Floridablanca to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, II., pp. 251, 252. 3098 Oct. 28. San Lorenzo. Floridablanca to Gardoqui (no. 7). AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, III., pp. 54, 55. 3099 Oct. 28. San Lorenzo. [Floridablanca] to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3902. DL, Gardoqui, V., pp. 342, 343- . 3100 Oct. 28. San Lorenzo. Floridablanca to Gardoqui (ten letters). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VL, pp. 30, 36, 43, 44, 114, 115, 121-127. 3101 Oct. ji. Pensacola. O'Neill to B. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2^^ pp. 3102 Nov. 2. Pensacola. O'Neill to B. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Accompanies letter of O'Neill to Galvez, October 31, 1785.] 3103 Nov. 4. New York. Account of celebration in New York on St. Charles's Day. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, IV., pp. 50-52. [Attached to letter (no. 6) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, November 21, 1785.] 3104 Nov. 4. San Lorenzo. Floridablanca to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VL, p. 127. 3105 Nov. 8. Janos. Ynstrucciones para la campafia que en el presente mes deve salir del presidio de Janos. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, I. [Attached to letter (no. 141) of Rengel to Galvez, March 2. 1786.] 3106 Nov. 8. Little Talassee. McGillivray to O'Neill. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) [Attached to letter (no. 5) of O'Neill to Galvez, January 11, 1786.] 3107 Nov. 8. Philadelphia. Garcia to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VL, pp. 135, 136. [Attached to letter (no. 37) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, November 21, 1785.] 3108 Nov. 10. New Orleans. Miro to B. de Galvez (no. 246; two copies). AI, 86-6-14; *^v Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (both copies). iy2 p. [One copy accompanies letter (no. no) of Miro to Galvez, November 16, 1785 ; and the other is found with other letters of Miro to Galvez.] 3109 Nov. 10. New Orleans. Miro to Georgia Commissioners. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Part of enclosure (no. i) in letter (no. 246) of Miro to Galvez, of same date,] 3110 1785] Transcripts 201 Nov. 10. New Orleans. Miro to B. de Galvez (no. 249). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 8 pp. [Accompanies letter (no. 246) of Miro to Galvez, of same date.] 3111 Nov. 10. New Orleans. Georgia Commissioners to Miro. AI, 86-6-14. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 2 pp. [Enclosure (no. 2) in letter (no. 110) of Miro to Galvez, November 16, 1785.] 3112 Nov. 15. Mexico. B. de Galvez to M. Navarro. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Attached to letter (no. 222) of Cienfuegos to Eguia, March 13, 1818.] 3113 Nov. 16. New Orleans. Miro to J. de Galvez (no. no). AI, 86-6-14. DAH, Span. Doc. i>^ p. 3114 Nov. ly-Dec. p. Diario que formo el Capitan del Real Presidio de San Buenaventura Don Antonio Cordero. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, I. 8 11. [Attached to letter of Rengel to Galvez, March 2, 1786.] 3115 Nov. 21. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (confidential, no. 6). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, IV., pp. 33-48. 3116 Nov. 21. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (nos. 33-37). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 128-132, 134, 135. 3117 Nov. 21. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca. AC, leg. 3886. R, Shea, no. 38, env. 13. >4 p. 3118 Nov. 22. Mexico. B. de Galvez to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardo- qui, III., pp. 317-321. [Attached to letter of B. de Galvez to J. de Galvez, November 26, 1785.] 3119 Nov. 2 2. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 38). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardo- qui, VI., pp. 136, 137. 3120 Nov. 26. Mexico. B. de Galvez to J. de Galvez. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, III., pp. 301-304. 3121 Nov. 28. . Treaty between the United States and Cherokees (from the N, Y. newspapers, March 24, 1786). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, II., pp. 69-73. [Attached to letter (no. 75) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, April 16, 1786.] 3122 Dec. 2. . Resolutions of Congress regarding John Temple, consul- general from England. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 142, 143. [Attached to letter (no. 40) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, December 12, 1785.] 3123 Dec. 5. Madrid. J. de Galvez to Governor of Cuba. AC, leg, 3891. DL, Gardoqui, III., pp. 267, 268. [Attached to letter of Galvez to Florida- blanca, September 30, 1786.] 3124 Dec. 10. Apalache. McGillivray to Vicente Manuel Cespedes, governor of East Florida. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 3^ pp. [Attached to letter from Cespedes to O'Neill, Jan- uary 18, 1786.J 3125 Dec. 12. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (nos. 39, 40). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 137-139, and 141, 142. 3126 Dec. 12. New York. Brief summary of the dispute between John Jay and Mr. Littlepage, a volunteer officer in the Spanish army. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 139-141. [Attached to letter (no. 39) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, of same date.] 3127 Dec. 15. New Orleans. Ynstrucciones que deberan observar el oficial comandante y piloto de la Baliza. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. '8>^ pp. 3128 202 Documents in Spanish Archives [1785 [Dec. 15?] [New Orleans ?] Orden general para el gobiemo de los ofi- ciales 6 comandantes que estubiesen destacadas en la Balisa. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba, DAH, Span. Doc. 5 pp. [Accompanies Ynstruc- dones of same date.] 3129 [Dec. 15 f] [New Orleans ?] Ynstruccion y reglamento que deberan obser- var el piloto practico de la barra del Rio Misisipi. Signed by B. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 10 pp. [Accom- panies Ynstrucciones of same date.] 3130 Dec. 20. Nassau, New Providence. Col. Thomas Brown to Cespedes. AHN, papeleta 25 ; AC, leg. 3891 ; duplicate in LC, E. Florida MSS., 42, C 4. DL, Gardoqui, III., pp. 342-344. 3131 Dec. 21. New Orleans. Miro to Bouligny (no. 125). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2>^ pp. 3132 Dec. 21. Palace, [Madrid ?]. Floridablanca to J. de Galvez. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, III., pp. 296, 297. 3133 Dec. 21. Palace, [Madrid ?]. Note transmitting memorial of New York Catholics. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 77, 78. 3134 Dec. 21. Palace, [Madrid ?]. [Floridablanca ?] to J. de Galvez. AC. leg. 3886. R, Shea, no. 38, env. 13. >4 p. 3135 Dec. 22. Madrid. Juan Ignacio de Gardoqui to Miguel de Otamendi. AC, leg. 3891. R, Shea, no. 38, env. 13. ^ p. 3136 Dec. 25. Madrid. [Floridablanca ?] to Miro. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardo- qui, III., pp. 282, 283. 3137 Dec. 25 (also date 28). Madrid. Miro to B. de Galvez. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, III., pp. 293, 294. 3138 Dec. 25. [Madrid ?] J. de Galvez to Floridablanca. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, III., 299, 300. 3139 Dec. 25. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 41). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 144, 145. 3140 Dec. 28. Palace, [Madrid ?]. J. de Galvez to Floridablanca. AC, leg. 3886. R, Shea, no. 38, env. 13 ; DL, Gardoqui, VI., p. 78. 3141 Dec. 28. New York. Communication to Congress, transmitting two copies of the royal decree of May 28. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, II., p. 29. [Attached to letter (no. 52) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, February i, 1786.] 3142 Dec. 30. Mexico. B. de Galvez to Miro. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Accompanies letter of Gordon to Profit, June 25, 1785.] 3143 Dec. 51. Madrid. J. de Galvez to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, III., pp. 270, 271. [Attached to letter of Galvez to Floridablanca, September 30, 1786.] 3144 1786 [1786 f] [Spain ?] Note respecting preparation of instructions for Gardo- qui, and the expenses attendant on his long stay in Havana. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 174, 175. 3145 [1786 ?"[ . Letter concerning Rev. John Connell. AC, leg. 3891. R, Shea, no. 38, env. 13. Yi V- 3146 [17S6 ?] . Official letter regarding New York Catholics. AC, leg. 3891. R, Shea, no. 38, env. 13. >4 p. 3147 1786] Transcripts 203 jy86-i/8/. . Index to letters (confidential, nos. 12-16) of Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, IV., pp. 125-131. 3148 Jan, St. Augustine. Cespedes to J. de Galvez. AHN (duplicate in LC, E. Florida Papers, 42 C 4). 3149 Jim. 2. Mexico. B. de Galvez to J. de Galvez. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardo- qui, III., pp. 323-325- 3150 /an. 5. St. Augustine. Cespedes to J. de Galvez. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, III., pp. 336-339- 3151 J(m. J. Hopewell, on the Pewee River. Treaty between the U. S. and the Choctaws. AC, leg. 3886; AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DL, Gardoqui, II., pp. 108-113 (transl. from Philadelphia gazette, May 9, 1786) ; DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 63^ pp. [Copy in AC, attached to letter (no. 91) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, June 18, 1786; that in DAH, attached to letter (no. 311) of Miro to Galvez, June 28, 1786.] 3152 Jan. 8. Seneca. Benjamin Hawkins to McGillivray. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 4 pp. [Enclosure (no. 2) in letter (no. 311) of Miro to Galvez, June 28, 1786.] 3153 Jem. 10. Hopewell. Treaty between the U. S. and the Chickasaws. AC, leg. 3886; AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DL, Gardoqui, II., pp. 104-108; DAH, Span. Doc., 5 pp. (Span, transl. from Philadelphia gazette of May 9, 1786). [Copy in DL, attached to letter (no. 91) of Gardo- qui to Floridablanca, June 18, 1786; in DAH, alone.] 3154 Jan. II. Pensacola. O'Neill to B. de Galvez (no. 5). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. 3155 Jan. II. Seneca. Benjamin Hawkins to McGillivray. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 3 pp. [Enclosure (no. 3) in letter (no. 311) of Miro to Galvez, June 28, 1786.] 3156 Jan. 13. New York. Gardoqui to Galvez (two letters). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, II., pp. 254-257. [Attached to letter (no. 54) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, February i, 1786.] 3157 Jan. I/. St. Augustine. Cespedes to McGillivray. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span, Doc. 2 pp. [Attached to letter of Cespedes to O'Neill, January 18, 1786.] 3158 Jan. 18. St. Augustine. Cespedes to O'Neill. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i^^ p. 3159 Jan. 26. Mexico. B. de Galvez to Miro. AI, Pap, proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 15^ p. 3160 Jan. 28. El Pardo. Official letter to Gardoqui (in answer to Gardoqui's letters, nos. 17, 20, 24, 29, 35). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, II., p. I. 3161 Jan. 28. El Pardo. Official answers (nos. 3-5, 7, 9-14) to Gardoqui's letters (nos. 15, 18, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 28, 31-35, 37). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, II., pp. i-ii. 3162 Jan. 28. El Pardo. Letter to John Jay. AC, leg, 3886, DL, Gardoqui, II., pp. 7, 8. 3163 Jan. 28. El Pardo. Official letter to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardo- qui, II., p. 12. 3164 Jan. 28. El Pardo. Letter to Carmichael. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, II., pp. 12, 13. 3165 204 Documents in Spanish Archives [1786 Jan. 28. El Pardo. [Floridablanca] to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3886. R, Shea, no. 38, env. 13. ^ p. 3166 Jan. 28. El Pardo. Official answer to letters (nos. 19 and 30) of Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, III., p. 20. 3167 Jan. 28. El Pardo. Floridablanca to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardo- qui, VI., pp. 145-149. 3168 Jan. 28. Richmond. Despatch referring to Kentucky. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, III., pp. 22-28 (Span, transl. extracted from New York gazette, February 15, 1786). [Attached to letter (no. 65) of Gardo- qui to Floridablanca, March 13, 1786.] 3169 Jan. 57. Mouth of the Big Miami River. Treaty between the U. S. and the Shawnees. AC, leg. 3886; AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DL, Gardoqui, II., pp. 113-115. DAH, Span. Doc, 3 pp. (Span, transl. from Phila- delphia gazette. May 9, 1786). [Copy in DL, attached to letter (no. 91) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, June 18, 1786; copy in DAH accompanies Treaty of January 10, 1786.] 3170 Feb. I. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 59). AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, L, p. i. 3171 Feb. I. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (seventeen letters in all, among them three without no., and nos. 43, 46-52, 55-59, 60, 61). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, II., pp. 13-28, 30-36. No. 48 also in R, Shea, no. 38, env. 13. [The letters are not arranged in consecutive order.] 3172 Feb. I. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 44). AC, leg. 3902. DL, Gardoqui, V., pp. 343-345- 3173 Feb. I. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 54). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, II., pp. 252-254. 3174 Feb. I. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (confidential, no. 7). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, IV., pp. 52-72. 3175 [Feb. I.] [New York.] Summary of results of conference of Gardoqui with Jay regarding the navigation of the Mississippi. AC, leg, 3895. DL, Gardoqui, IV., 72-76. [Attached to letter (no. 7) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, of same date.] 3176 Feb. p. Madrid. Memorial to Charles III. by James Connolly, O. P. AC, leg. 3891. R, Shea, no. 38, env. 13. 2 pp. 3177 Feb. 15. . Extract from journals of Congress. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, II., p. 54 (Span, transl. from New York gazette, February 18, 1786). [Attached to letter (no. 66) of Gardoqui to Florida- blanca, March 13, 1786.] 3178 Feb. 18. New York. Extract from New York newspaper of above date. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, II., p. 54. 3179 Feb. 28. New York. Gardoqui to Jay. AC, leg. 3902. DL, Gardoqui, V., p. 348. [Attached to letter (no. 63) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, March 13, 1786.] 3180 March i. . Jay to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3902. DL, Gardoqui, V., P* 349* [Attached to letter (no. 63) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, March 13, 1786.] 3181 March 2. Chihuahua. Governor Jose Antonio Rengel, of the interior prov- inces, to J. de Galvez (nos. 140, 141, 144). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, I. 8, 5, and i 11., respectively. 3182 1786] Transcripts 205 March 2 [Chihuahua ?] Services of Domingo Cabello, governor of Texas. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, I. [Attached to letter (no. 144) of Rengel to Galvez. See also services of other officials annexed to this letter, some of which relate to the U. S., but which are not listed here separately.] 3183 March 2. Little Talassee. McGillivray to O'Neill. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, II., pp. 129-133. Attached to letter (no, 100) of Gardo- qui to Floridablanca, June 18, 1786.] 3184 March 8. Little Talassee. McGillivray to O'Neill (two copies). AC, leg. 3886 : AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DL, Gardoqui, II., pp. 128, 129 (Span, transl.) ; DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.), 2 pp. [Copy in DL, attached to letter (no. 100) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, June 18, 1786; that in DAH, attached to letter (no. 302) of Miro to B. de Galvez, April 20, 1786.] 3185 March 8. El Pardo. J. de Galvez to Floridablanca. AC, leg. 3886. R, Shea, no. 38, env. 13 ; DL, Gardoqui, II., pp. 58, 59. 3186 March p. El Pardo. J. de Galvez to B. de Galvez. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, III., pp. 300, 301. 3187 March 11. New Orleans. [Miro ?] to Joachim de Peramas. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Accompanies Relacion of Octo- ber 20, 1784.] 3188 March IS- New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (nos. 63, 70). AC, leg. 3902. DL, Gardoqui, V., pp. 345-347» 349» 350- 3189 March /j. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (nos. 62, 64, 66, 67, 69, 71). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, II., pp. 37-57, 61-63. 3190 March 75. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 65). AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, III., pp. 2022. 3191 March 13. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 68). AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 2-4. 3192 March ij. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 4, 5. [Attached to letter (no. 68) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, of same date. 3193 March 7j. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (confidential, no. 8). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, IV., pp. 76-86. 3194 March I S- El Pardo. Official letters to Gardoqui (three letters). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, II., pp. 57-60. Two letters in R, Shea, no. 38, env. 13. 3195 March I s. El Pardo. Floridablanca to Gardoqui (three letters). AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, III., pp. 55-57. One letter in R, Shea, no. 38, env. 13. 3196 March Jj. New York. Certificate by Gardoqui for the captain of the vessel that brought his gifts. AC, leg. 3902. DL, Gardoqui, V., pp. 353, 354. 3197 March 18. El Pardo. J. de Galvez to Floridablanca. AC, leg. 3886. R, Shea, no. 38, env. 13 ; DL, Gardoqui, II., p. 60. 3198 March 20. South Carolina. Message from governor of South Carolina to the Assembly. AC, leg. 388<5. DL, Gardoqui, II., pp. 73-77 (Span, transl. from Charleston gazette, of March 20). [Attached to letter (no 75) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, April 16, 1786.] 3199 206 Documents in Spanish Archives [1T86 March 2^. New York. Freight contract between Lynch and Stoughton, of New York, and Captain William Thompson. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, L, pp. 9, 10. [Attached to letter of Gardoqui to Florida- blanca, April 18, 1786.] 3200 March 27. New York. Gardoqui to Cespedes. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardo- qui, I., pp. 6-9. [Attached to letter of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, April 18, 1786.] 3201 March 28. New York. Invoice of a bill of supplies from Lynch and Stough- ton. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 10, 11. [Attached to letter of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, April 18, 1786.] 3202 March 28. El Pardo. Floridablanca to J. de Galvez, AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, IL, pp. 36, 37. 3203 March 28. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 62). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, II. , pp. 37, 38. 3204 April I. El Pardo. J, de Galvez to B. de Galvez. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, III., pp. 322, 323. 3205 April 5. Madrid. Galvez to Cespedes. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, III., PP- 335, 336. 3206 April 10. Madrid. Francisco Monte to Pedro de Lerena. AC, leg. 3891. R, Shea, no. 38, env. 13. i>^ p. 3207 April 14. Tuchbatchys. McGillivray to Indian Chief Halloing. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (extr.. Span, transl.) i>4 p. [Part of enclosure (no. 2) in letter (no. 317) of Miro, September 8, 1786.] 3208 April 16. Madrid. [Floridablanca ?] to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, IL, pp. 60, 61 (extr.) 3209 April 16. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (nos. 72-75). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, IL, pp. 63-69. 3210 April 16. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. yy). AC, leg. 3902. DL, Gardo- qui, v., pp. 350, 351. 3211 April 16. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (confidential, no. 9). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, IV., pp. 86-97. 3212 April 16. New York. Certificate by Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3902. DL, Gardo- qui, v., pp. 352, 353. 3213 April 18. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 76). AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 5, 6. 3214 April ig. Pensacola. O'Neill to Gardoqui (two letters). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, IL, pp. 125-128, 133-135. [Attached to letter (no. 100) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, June 18, 1786.] 3215 April ip. Pensacola. O'Neill to Gardoqui (no. 4). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 14) of O'Neill to Galvez, May 4, 1786. Possibly identical with one of the two letters noted above.] 3216 April ip. New Orleans. Joachim de Peramas to Miro. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3^ pp. [Accompanies Relacion of Octo- ber 20, 1784.] 3217 April 20. New Orleans. Miro to B. de Galvez (no. 302). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i>^ p. 3218 April 20. New Orleans. Miro to O'Neill. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2}^ pp. [Attached to letter (no. 302) of Miro to Galvez, of same date.] 3219 1786] Transcripts 207 April 26. Mexico, B. de Galvez to J. de Galvez. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, III., pp. 294-296. 3220 April 28. Little Talassee. McGillivray to Cespedes. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, II., pp. 137-144. [Attached to letter (no. 100) of Gardo- qui to Floridablanca, July 18, 1786.] 3221 May I. Little Talassee. McGillivray to Miro. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) i^y^ pp. 3222 May 4. Pensacola. O'Neill to B. de Galvez (no. 14). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i^ p. [Accompanies letter (no. 5) of O'Neill to Galvez, January 11, 1786.] 3223 May II. New York. Gardoqui to Congress. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, II., pp. 92, 93. [Attached to letter (no. 89) of Gardoqui to Florida- blanca, June 18, 1786.] 3224 May II. New York. Gardoqui to Jay. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, II., pp. 93, 94. [Attached to letter (no. 89) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, July 18, 1786.] 3225 May 12. Little Talassee. McGillivray to O'Neill. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 35^ pp. [Accompanies letter (no. 12) of O'Neill to Galvez, May 4, 1786.] 3226 May 16. St. Augustine. Cespedes to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardo- qui, I., pp. 27-32. [Attached to letter (no. 93) of Gardoqui to Florida- blanca, June 18, 1786.] 3227 May 20. Pensacola. O'Neill to Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 23^ pp. 3228 May 20. Mexico. B. de Galvez to Miro. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. 3229 May 20-2/. Nassau, New Providence. Wreck of the brigantine Los Amigos (extract from the Bahama gazette) . AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, II., pp. 159, 160 (Span, transl.) [Attached to letter (no. 103) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, July 4, 1786.] 3230 May 20, i/86-May 20, lySy. New York. Account of expenses of Gardoqui's ministry. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, II., pp. 332-341. [Attached to letter (no. 228) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, December 6, 1787.] 3231 May 22. St. Augustine. Cespedes to McGillivray. AC, leg. 3886. DL, II., pp. 144-146. [Attached to letter (no. 100) of Gardoqui to Florida- blanca, June 18, 1786.] 3232 May 24. St. Augustine. Cespedes to Gardoqui (no. 3). AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 11-14. 3233 May 24. St. Augustine. Cespedes to Gardoqui (two letters). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, II., pp. 124, 125, 135-137. [Both attached to letter (no. 100) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, June 18, 1786.] 3234 May 25. New York. Gardoqui to Jay. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, II., 96-101. [Attached to letter (no. 90) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, June 18, 1786.] 3235 May 26. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 78). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, II., pp. 77-79. 3236 May 26. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca. AC, leg. 3886. R, Shea, no. 38, env. 13. (extr.) Yt. p. 3237 208 Documents in Spanish Archives [1786 May 29. St. Augustine. Report of a conference between Cespedes and the principal warriors of the Lower Creeks. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardo- qui, I., pp. 14-18. [Attached to letter (no. 2) of Cespedes to Gardo- qui, May 31, 1786.] 3238 May 2g. St. Augustine. Conference between Cespedes and the chief of the Lower Creeks. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, IL, pp. 147-152. [Attached to letter (no, 100) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, June 18, 1786.] 3239 May 30. Pensacola. O'Neill to B. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Accompanies letter of O'Neill to Galvez, October 31, 1785.] 3240 May ^i. St. Augustine. Cespedes to Gardoqui (no. 2). AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, L, p. 14. 3241 May 57. St. Augustine. Cespedes to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3886, DL, Gardo- qui, IL, p. 146. [Attached to letter (no. 100) of Gardoqui to Florida- blanca, June 18, 1786.] 3242 May 21- New York. Receipt from Lynch and Stoughton to Gardoqui for payment for supplies. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, L, pp. 32, 33. 3243 June y. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (two letters). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, IL, pp. 219-221. 3244 June 8. [New Orleans ?] Miro to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, Im PP- 33-36. 3245 June 16. Philadelphia. Troubles between Georgia and Creek Indians (extr. from Philadelphia gazette). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, II. , pp. 154-157 (Span, transl.) 3246 June 18. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (nos. 79-92). AC, 3886. DL, Gardoqui, IL, pp. 79-92, 94-96, 101-103, 115, 116, 221, 222. Nos. 85-87 in R, Shea, no. 38, env. 13. [Two copies of letter no 84, in DL, pp. 86, 87, and 221, 222.] 3247 June 18. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 93). AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 26, 27. 3248 June 18. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (nos. 94, 95). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, IL, pp. 1 16-120. 3249 June 18. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (nos. 96-98). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, IL, pp. 257-259, 273. 3250 June 18. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (nos. 99, 100). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, IL, pp. 120-124. 3251 June ip. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. loi). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, IL, pp. 153, 154. 3252 /«n^ jp. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (confidential, no. 10). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, IV., pp. 97-117. [With subjoined note regarding Gardoqui's expenses.] 3253 June 20. New York. Address of the communicants of the congregation of the Catholic church to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3886. R, Shea, no. 38, env. 13; DL, Gardoqui, IL, pp. 217-219. [Attached to letter (no. 142) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, November 27, 1786.] 3254 June 20. New York. Receipt of the congregation to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3886. R, Shea, no. 38, env. 13 ; DL, Gardoqui, IL, p. 219. [Attached to letter (no. 142) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, November 27, 1786.] 3255 1786] Transcripts 209 June 20. New Orleans. Miro to O'Neill. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 13^2 p- [Enclosure (no. 2) in letter (no. 310) of Miro to Galvez, June 28, 1786.] 3256 June 26. Aranjuez. Pedro de Lerena to Floridablanca. AC, leg. 3891. R, Shea, no. 38, env. 13. 3257 June 28. New Orleans. Miro to B. de Galvez (no. 310), AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2^ pp. [Accompanies letter (no. 302) of Miro to Galvez, March 8, 1786.] 3258 June 28. New Orleans. Miro to Gardoqui. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span, Doc. y/2 pp. [Enclosure (no. 3) in letter (no. 310) of Miro to Galvez, of same date.] 3259 June 28. New Orleans. Miro to B. de Galvez (no. 311). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 5 pp. 3260 June 28, i/86-Jtme 6, lypo. Troubles between Indians and Americans (abstr. of more than 150 letters). AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, V., pp. 229-332. 3261 June ^0. London. Damaso de la Polida v Fonsdeviela to Floridablanca. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, XVII. 15 11. 3262 June ^o. New York. Gardoqui to Cespedes (no. 5). AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 19-23. [Attached to letter (no. 106) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, July 4, 1786.] 3263 June ^o. New York. Gardoqui to Cespedes. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 38-42. 3264 June 30. New York. Gardoqui to O'Neill. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 43-45. 3265 June 30. New York. Gardoqui to Miro. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 45-48. 3266 June ^o. New York. Invoice of goods shipped to St. Augustine by Lynch and Stoughton. AC, leg. 3891. DH, Gardoqui, I., pp. 49, 50. 3267 June JO. . Memorial to Congress respecting invasions by Georgians. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, II., pp. 164-168. [Attached to letter (no. 109) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, July 4, 1786.] 3268 July I. New York. Gardoqui to Cespedes. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 42, 43. 3269 July I. New York. Invoice of goods shipped to St. Augustine by Lynch and Stoughton. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 48, 49. 3270 Jtdy I. New York. Gardoqui to Cespedes. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 51, 52. 3271 July 4. New York. Gardoqui to Cespedes. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 52, 53. 3272 July 4. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (nos. 102, 103, 105). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, II., pp. 157-161. 3273 July 4. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 106). AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 36-38. 3274 July 4. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (nos. 107-109). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, II., pp. 161-164. 3275 July 4. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. no). AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 50, 51. 3276 July 4. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (confidential, no. n). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, IV., pp. 1 17-120. 3277 IS 210 Documents in Spanish Archives [1786 July 4. . Joseph Saunders to Captain Finney. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, IL, pp. 198, 199. [Attached to letter (no. 123) of Gardo- qui to Floridablanca, October 28, 1786.] 3278 July II. Lower Talapuches. Indian agent Daniel McMurphy to Miro. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 5 pp. [En- closure (no. i) in letter (no. 317) of Miro to Galvez, September 8, 1786.] 3279 July 15. Information of Wingo Hutton. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, II., pp. 199, 200. [Attached to letter (no. 123) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, October 28, 1786.] 3280 July 20. Fort Harmar. News from Philip Siebert of the artillery. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, IL, pp. 193-196. [Attached to letter (no. 123) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, October 28, 1786.] 3281 July 20. Falls of the Ohio (Louisville). News from Major W. North, AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, II., pp. 196-198. [Attached to letter (no. 123) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, October 28, 1786.] 3282 July 2^. Pensacola. Enrique Roche to Daniel McMurphy. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doe, 2 pp. [Enclosure (no. 3) of letter (no. 317) of Miro to Galvez, September 8, 1786.] 3283 July ^o. Little Talassee. McGillivray to Benjamin Hawkins (extr. from N. Y. newspapers). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, IL, pp. 189-193 (Span, transl.) [Attached to letter (no. 123) of Gardoqui to Florida- blanca, October 28, 1786.] 3284 Aug. 2- Tuckebatchez. McGillivray to Cespedes (no. 2, corresponding to secret representation no. 10). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 pp. 3285 Aug. J. Tuckebatchez. McGillivray to Secretary Carlos Howard. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 2 pp. [Accompanies letter of McGillivray to Cespedes, of same date.] 3286 Aug. J. San Ildefonso. Pedro de Lescosa to Floridablanca. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, IL, pp. 222, 223. 3287 Aug. 4. Muskingum. Col. Harmar to Secretary of War (extr. from N. Y. newspapers). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, II. , p. 193. [Attached to letter (no. 123) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, October 28, 1786.] 3288 Aug. 6. St. Augustine. Cespedes to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3891, DL, Gardo- qui, I,, pp, 23-25, 3289 Aug. 6. New York, Gardoqui to Floridablanca (cipher). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, IL, pp. 223-225. 3290 Aug. II. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 112). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, IL, pp. 168, 169. 3291 Aug. 15. Augusta, Ga. John Haversham [Habersham] and others to McGillivray. AI, 86-6-15. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 23/2 pp. [Enclosure (no. 2) in letter (no. i) of Miro, November 25, 1786.] 3292 Aug. 20. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 114). AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, I., p. 54. 3293 Aug. 20. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, IL, pp. 225-228. 3294 Aug. 22. San Ildefonso. Floridablanca to J. de Galvez, enclosing 13 letters from Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, II. , p. 229. 3295 1786] Transcripts 211 Aug. 2$. Mexico. B. de Galvez to Miro (two letters). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 4 pp. [Accompanies letter of Galvez to Miro, January 26, 1786.] 3296 Aug. 23. Mexico. B. de Galvez to Miro. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc, 2^ pp. [Attached to letter (no. 222) of Cienfuegos to Eguia, March 13, 1818. It encloses a royal order by J. de Galvez to B. de Galvez, May 8, 1786.] 3297 Aug. 2p. Pensacola. O'Neill to Miro (no. i). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i>4 p. [Attached to letter (no. 22) of O'Neill to Galvez, October 11, 1786.] 3298 Aug. 2p. Pensacola. O'Neill to Miro. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i>4 pp. [Enclosure (no. 4) of letter (no. 317) of Miro to Galvez, September 8, 1786. Probably the same letter as the preceding.] 3299 [Sept. f] . Official notes on memorial presented by James Connolly, O. P. AC, leg. 3891. R, Shea, no. 38, env. 13, i p. 3300 [Sept. I f] [El Pardo ?] Antecedentes y ideas para dar nueva instruccion a Don Diego de Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 149-157. [Attached to note of J. de Galvez, of above date.] 3301 Sept. I. San Ildefonso. Floridablanca to Gardoqui (two letters). AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 2, 57. 3302 Sept. I. Sa« Ildefonso. J. de Galvez to Floridablanca, AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, II., pp. 229, 230. 3303 Sept. I. San Ildefonso. J. de Galvez to Gardoqui (nos. i, 2, 4, 7, 13). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, II., pp. 230-236. 3304 Sept. I. San Ildefonso. [Floridablanca] to Gardoqui (no. 6). AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, III., p. 28. 3305 Sept. I. San Ildefonso. Floridablanca to Gardoqui (no. 8) . AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, II., p. 272. 3306 Sept. I. San Ildefonso. [Floridablanca ?] to Gardoqui (replying to his nos. 7-11). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, IV., pp. 120-125. 3307 Sept. I. San Ildefonso, [Floridablanca] to Gardoqui (replying to his nos. 44. 63, 70, 77). AC, leg. 3902. DL, Gardoqui, V., p. 351. 3308 Sept. I. San Ildefonso. [Floridablanca] to Jay. AC, leg. 3902. DL, Gardo- qui, v., pp. 351, 352. 3309 Sept. I. [San Ildefonso ?] [Floridablanca to J. de Galvez ?] AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 157, 158, 3310 Sept. I. San Ildefonso. Floridablanca to Gardoqui (no. 3 A). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 158-161. [Attached to note of (Flori- dablanca to Galvez ?), of same date.] 3311 Sept. I. San Ildefonso. Fundamentos para la nueva instruccion que se da a Gardoqui sobre limites y navegacion del Misisipi. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 162-165. [Enclosure (B) in note of (Florida- blanca to Galvez ?), of same date.] 3312 Sept. I. San Ildefonso. Plan for a provisional treaty with the U. S. AC, leg, 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 166-173. [Enclosure (C) in note of (Floridablanca to Galvez ?), of same date.] 3313 Sept. 5. San Ildefonso. J. de Galvez to Floridablanca. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, II., p. 272. 3314 212 Documents in Spanish Archives [1786 [Sept. 8 ?] New Orleans. Miro to McMurphy. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 8^ pp. [Enclosure (no. 6) in letter (no. 317) of Miro to Galvez, September 8, 1786. Possibly this letter was not sent, as Miro says he should have sent it in place of the one he did send.] 3315 Sept. 8. New Orleans. Miro to [B. de Galvez ?] (no. 317). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 4 pp. 3316 Sept. 8. New Orleans. Miro to O'Neill. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Enclosure (no. 5) in letter (no. 317) of Miro, of same date.] 3317 Sept. 8. New Orleans. Miro to O'Neill (no. 3). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 22) of O'Neill to Galvez, October 11, 1786. Probably the same letter as the preceding item.] 3318 Sept. 14. New York. Gardoqui to B. de Galvez. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardo- qui, IV., pp. 145-155- 3319 Sept. 16. Madrid. James Connolly, O. P., to Spanish Official. AC, leg. 3891. R, Shea, no, 38, env. 13. i p. 3320 Sept. ly. Fort Harmar. Extract of a letter by Col. Harmar (extr. from N. Y. newspaper). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, II., pp. 200-202 (Span, transl.) [Attached to letter (no. 123) of Gardoqui to Florida- blanca, October 28, 1786.] 3321 Sept. 18. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (confidential, no. 12). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, IV., pp. 132-145. 3322 Sept. 18. New York. Resume of a secret conversation with James White, congressman from North Carolina, on August 26, 1786. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, IV., pp. 1 55-159- 3323 Sept. 18. Little Talassee. McGilHvray to John Habersham. AI, 86-6-15. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 3 pp. [Enclosure (no. 3) in letter (no. i) of Miro, November 25, 1786.] 3324 Sept. ip. Turbaca. Copy of license given to Salvador de los Monteros by Viceroy of Santa Fe (Bogota). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 274, 275. [Attached to letter (no. 178) of Gardoqui to Florida- blanca, May 12, 1787.] 3325 Sept. ip. Turbaca, near Cartagena de Indias. Passport issued to Salvador de los Monteros by viceroy of Santa Fe (Bogota). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 276-278. [Attached to letter (no. 178) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, May 12, 1787. In transcript wrongly dated 1787.] 3326 Sept. 22. . Account of occurrences in New England (letter received in Portsmouth). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, II., pp. 172-177. [Attached to letter (no. 116) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, October 15, 1786.] 3327 Sept. 27. Charleston, S. C. Account of Georgia's relation with the Indians. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, II., pp. 180, 181. [Attached to letter (no. 116) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, October 15, 1786.] 3328 Sept.2p. Cartagena. Viceroy of Santa Fe (Bogota) to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 266, 267. [Attached to letter (no. 178) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, May 12, 1787. Wrongly dated, 1787.] 3329 1786] Transcripts 21S Sept. 2p. Springfield. Account of occurre»ces in New England. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, II., pp. 177-180. [Attached to letter (no. 116) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, October 15, 1786.] 3330 Sept. 2p. Cartagena. Passport issued by Governor of Cartagena, to the Captain of the San Antonio. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 278-280. [Attached to letter (no. 178) of Gardoqui to Florida- blanca, May 12, 1787.] 3331 Oct. I. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardo- qui, II., pp. 237, 238 (cipher). 3332 Oct. 6. New York. Gardoqui to Jay. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, II., pp. 182-185 (mostly in cipher). [Attached to letter (no. 119) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, October 15, 1786.] 3333 Oct. 6. . [Jay to Gardoqui ?] AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, III., pp. 373, 374. [Attached to letter of Galvez to Floridablanca, Decem- ber 14, 1786.] 3334 Ocf. 4 pp. 3364 Nov. 27. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (nos. 132, 134). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, II., pp. 205-208. 3365 1786] Transcripts 215 Nov. 2/. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 135). AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 58, 59. 3366 Nov. 27. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 136). AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, III., p. 29. 3367 Nov. 21. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 137). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, IL, pp. 273, 274. 3368 Nov. 27. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (nos. 138, 139, 142). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, IL, pp. 208-213. 3369 Nov. 27. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (confidential, no. 14) . AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, IV., pp. 181-187. 3370 Nov. 2y. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca. AC, leg. 3886. R, Shea, no. 38, env. 13. 2 pp. 3371 Nov. 2^. Virginia. Virginia resolutions regarding the Mississippi. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 177-1&3. [Attached to letter (no. 143) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, December 31, 1786.] 3372 Dec. I. Pensacola. O'Neill to Pedro Fabrot [Favrot]. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 25^ pp. [Accompanies letter of O'Neill to Galvez, October 31, 1785.] 3373 Dec. 2. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (nos. 146, 147). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, II., pp. 243-244. 3374 Dec. 2. Mexico. Francisco Fernandez de Cordova, secretary to the viceroy of Nueva Espana, to J. de Galvez. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, XVII. 9 11. 3375 Dec. 4-6. Louisville. Extracts of two letters from the Falls of the Ohio. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 425-428. [Attached to letter (no. 225) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, July 9, 1787.] 3376 Deep. Palace, [Madrid ?]. Floridablanca to J. de Galvez. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, III., p. 345. 3377 Deep. Palacio, [Madrid ?]. Memorandum from Gardoqui's letters (nos. 115 and 116), etc. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, III., pp. 346-352. [Attached to letter of Floridablanca to Galvez, December 9, 1786.] 3378 Dec. 14. Palace, [Madrid ?]. J. de Galvez to Floridablanca. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, III., pp. 352, 353. 3379 Dec. 16. New York. Invoice of goods shipped by Lynch and Stoughton to St. Augustine. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, L, pp. 60, 61. 3380 Dec. 2p. St. Augustine. Cespedes to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardo- qui, I., pp. 70-72. 3381 Dec. 2p. Pensacola. O'Neill to B. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. 3382 Dec. 31. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 148). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, II. , pp. 244, 245. 3383 Dec. SI. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 150). AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 59, 60. 3384 Dec. SI- New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 152). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, IL, pp. 245, 246. 3385 Dec. SI' New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 153). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 175-177. 3386 Dec. SI- New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 156). AC, 1^. 3886. R, Shea, no. 38, env. 13 ; DL, Gardoqui, IL, p. 247. 3387 216 Documents in Spanish Archives [1786 Dec. 31. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 157). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, II., pp. 274-276. 3388 Dec. 31. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 158). AC, leg-. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, II., pp. 249, 250. 3389 Dec. SI- New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (confidential, no. 15). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, IV., pp. 202-212. 3390 Dec. SI- New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (very confidential). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, IV., pp. 187-196. ' 3391 Dec. SI- New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca. AC, leg. 3420. DL, Gardoqui, V., pp. 199, 200. 3392 Dec. SI- New York. Gardoqui to Rendon. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, IV., pp. 196, 197. 3393 Dec. SI- New York. Rendon to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, IV., pp. 197, 198. 3394 1787 [1787?] . Valdes to Floridablanca. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 301, 302. 3395 [1787 f] . Gardoqui to Miguel Otamendi. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 303-307. 3396 . . New plan on the margin of that drawn up in 1786 for a provisional treaty with the U. S. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 180-192. 3397 . . Draft of a reply from Charles III. to the thanks of the U. S. for his mediation with Morocco. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 209, 210. 3398 . . Parte geografica de la Florida Oriental que comprehende desde la Barra de Matanzas hasta la de Santa Maria. By Jose del Rio Cosa. DH. NY, Smith, North America, 1607- 1786 (extf.) 3399 Jem. 5. Little Talassee. McGillivray to Cespedes. AI, 86-6-16 ; Eng. original and another version of the Span, in LC, E. Florida Papers, 1 14, J 9, 98. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 5 pp. 3400 Jan. 5. Mexico. Francisco Fernandez de Cordova to J. de Galvez (very confidential). [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, XVII. 10 11. 3401 Jan. 5. Mexico. Reflexiones politicas sobre el contrabando de varias partes de la America con la ciudad de Guarico. [Spain ?] H, Sparks, 98, XVII. 4 11. [Enclosure (no. 3) to letter of Fernandez de Cordova to Galvez, of same date.] 3402 Jem. 8. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 161). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 249, 250. 3403 Jan. 8. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 162). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, II., pp. 277, 278. 3404 Jan. 12. St. Augustine. Cespedes to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardo- qui, I., pp. 7z, 74. 3405 Jem. 12. St. Augustine. Order of Cespedes to the Contador of the Royal Treasury. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 74, 75. 3406 Feb. J. New Orleans. Miro to J. de Galvez (two letters), AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 6>4 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 174) of Miro to Navarro, January 7, 1788.] 3407 Feb. I. New Orleans. Miro to J. de Galvez. AI, 86-7-24. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list] 3408 1Y87] Transcripts 217 Feb. J. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (nos. 164, 165). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 250-252. 3409 Feb. J. New York. Account of Shays's rebellion. AC, leg-. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 252-254. [Attached to letter (no. 165) of Gardo- qui to Floridablanca, of same date.] 3410 Feb. 6. St. John River. Cespedes to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardo- qui, I., pp. 75-81. 3411 Feb. i^. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (nos. 166, 167). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 255-257. 3412 Feb. 15. Pensacola. William Panton, merchant, to Miro and M. Navarro. AI, 86-6-16. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 3 pp. [Enclosure (no. i) in letter (no. 6) of Miro and Navarro to Galvez, March 24, 1787.] 3413 Feb. 28. Virginia. Resolutions of the Council of Virginia. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 201-203 (Span, transl.) [Attached to letter of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, May 12, 1787.] 3414 March i. Creek Frontier, Ga. Captain John Sullivan to Gardoqui ( from a N. Y. newspaper, August 17, 1787). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardo- qui, VI., pp. 440-444. [Attached to letter (no. 225) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, December 6, 1787.] 3415 March 4. Little Talassee. McGillivray to O'Neill. AI, 86-6-1 1. DAH, Span, Doc. (Span, transl.) 2 pp. [Enclosure (no. 3) in letter (no. 11) of Miro to Galvez, June i, 1787.] 3416 March 6. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 168). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, II., pp. 278-280. 3417 March 6. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (nos. 169, 171). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VL, pp. 257-259. 3418 March 6. New York. Memorial of Salvador de los Monteros to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI. , pp. 270, 271. [Attached to letter (no. 178) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, May 12, 1787.] 3419 [March 6 ?] [New York ?] Inventory of cargo of vessel bearing supplies. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 271-273. [Attached to pre- ceding letter and undated.] 3420 March 7. New York. Order of Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VL, pp. 275, 276. [Attached to letter (no. 178) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, May 12, 1787. 3421 March 7. New York. Memorial of Salvador de los Monteros to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI. , pp. 273, 274. [Attached to letter (no. 178) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, May 12, 1787.] 3422 March 8. New York. Gardoqui to Viceroy of Santa Fe. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VL, pp. 267, 268. [Attached to letter (no. 178) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, May 12, 1787.] 3423 March 8. New York. Gardoqui to Viceroy of Santa Fe (confidential). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI. , pp. 268, 269. [Attached to letter (no. 178) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, May 12, 1778.] 3424 March 8. New York. Order by Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VL, p. 280. [Attached to letter (no. 178) of Gardoqui to Florida- blanca, May 12, 1787.] 3425 March Jj. New Orleans. Trade license issued by Miro and M. Navarro. AI, 86-6-16. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Enclosure (no. 2) in letter (no. 6) of Miro and Navarro to Galvez, March 24, 1787.] 3426 218 Documents in Spanish Archives [1787 March 14. New Orleans. Miro and M. Navarro to Marques del Campo de Alange, Span, ambassador in London. AI, 86-6-16. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 pp. [Enclosure (no. 3) in letter (no. 6) of Miro and Navarro to Galvez, March 24, 1787.] 3427 March 16. St. Augustine. Cespedes to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 81, 82. 3428 March 19. On the Yazoo River. Council with the Chickasaws. AI, 86-6-1 1. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 7 pp. [Enclosures (nos. i and 2) in letter (no. 10) of Miro to Galvez, June i, 1787.] 3429 March 20. New Orleans. Relacion del Torno de Placaminas en el Rio Misisipi y defensas que se proyectan. By Joachim de Peramas. AI, 86-6-1 1. DAH, Span. Doc. 6 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 228) of Mir6 to Galvez, April 26, 1787.] 3430 March 20. New Orleans. Piano del Torno de Placaminas y sus contornos. AI, 86-6-1 1. DAH, Span. Doc. (tracing, in colors), i sheet. [At- tached to Relacion of Peramas, of same date.] 3431 March 20. New Orleans. Piano del fuerte proyectado para la punta del Torno de Placaminas. AI, 86-6-1 1. DAH, Span. Doc. (tracing, in colors). I sheet. [Attached to Relacion of Peramas, of same date.] 3432 March 20. New Orleans. Perfiles del fuerte proyectado para la Punta del Torno de Placaminas. AI, 86-6-1 1. DAH, Span. Doc. (tracing, in colors). I sheet. [Attached to Relacion of Peramas, of same date.] 3433 March 20. New Orleans. Piano de la bateria proyectada para la entrada del cano de Mardi Gras en el Rio Misisipi. AI, 86-6-1 1. DAH, Span. Doc. (tracing, in colors), i sheet. [Attached to Relacion of Pera- mas, of same date.] 3434 March 24. New Orleans. Miro and M. Navarro to J. de Galvez (confiden- tial, no. 6). AI, 86-6-16. DAH, Span. Doc. 7>^ pp. 3435 March 26. Trinidad. Governor Chacon to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, II., p. 283. [Attached to letter (no. 184) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, May 12, 1787.] 3436 March 27. Leonard Town, St. Mary's County, Md, Rev. Charles Wheelan (Whelan) to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3886. R, Shea, no. 38, env. 13; DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 285, 286. [Enclosure (no. i) of letter (no. 180) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, May 12, 1787.] 3437 [March 2y ?\ St. Mary's County. Memorials of Catholics to Gardoqui. R, Shea, no. 38, env. 13 ; AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 286, 287. [Enclosure (no. 2) in letter (no. 180) of Gardoqui to Florida- blanca, May 12, 1787.] 3438 March 27. St. Augustine. Cespedes to McGillivray. AI, 86-6-16 (Eng. original in LC, E. Florida Papers, 114 J 9. no). DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 6^ pp. [Enclosure (no. 2) in letter of Cespedes to Someruelos, March 30, 1787.] 3439 March 2g. Danville, Ky. Circular letter sent to magistrates in the western country. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 428-430. [Part of enclosure (C) in letter (no. 225) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, December 6, 1787.] 3440 March jo. St. Augustine. Cespedes to Marques de Someruelos, governor of Havana (confidential, no. 16). AI, 86-5-16. DAH, Span. Doc. II pp. 3441 1787] Transcripts 219 April I. New Orleans. Ynstrucciones dadas al Capitan Don Josef Baba- monde, teniente de fixo destinado a mandar Baton Rouge. By B. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. 3442 /4/T«7 ^. Little Talassee. McGilHvray to O'Neill. AI, 86-6-1 1. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) i^ p. [Enclosure (no. 4) in letter (no. 11) of Miro to J. de Galvez, June i, 1787.] 3443 April 12. New York. William FitzGerald to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3886. R, Shea, no. 38, env. 13 ; DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 288, 289. [Enclosure (no. 3) in letter (no. 180) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, May 12, 1787.] 3444 April 18. Little Talassee. McGillivray to O'Neill. AI, 86-6-1 1. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 3^ pp. [Attached to letter (no. 2) of Mir6 to Galvez, June i, 1787.] 3445 April 20. New Orleans. Instructions to Henri Peyroux de la Coudriniere. By Miro. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 3446 April 26. New York. Gardoqui to Cespedes. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardo- qui, I., pp. 61-64. 3447 April 26. New Orleans. Miro to J. de Galvez (no. 228). AI, 86-6-1 1. DAH, Span. Doc. 4 pp. 3448 April 27. Pensacola. O'Neill to Miro. AI, 86-6-1 1. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Enclosure (no. i) in letter (no. 11) of Miro to Galvez, June I, 1787.] 3449 May 4. New Orleans. Miro to O'Neill. AI, 86-6-1 1. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Enclosure (no. 2) in letter (no. 11) of Miro to Galves, June I, 1787.] 3450 Mayg. New York. John Council to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3891. R, Shea, no. 38, env. 13 ; DL, Gardoqui, III., p. 59. [Attached to letter (no. 185) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, May 12, 1787.] 3451 May 12. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 172). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 259-261. 3452 May J2. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 173). AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 67-70. 3453 May 12. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 175). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, II., pp. 280, 281. 3454 May 12. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (nos. 176, 178-183). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 261-265, 280-284, 289-292. No. 180 also in R, Shea, no. 38, env. 13. 3455 May 12. New York. List of delegates to Constitutional convention (American). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 293, 294. [Attached to letter (no. 183) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, of same date.] 3456 May 12. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 184). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, II., pp. 281-283. 3457 May J 2. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 185). AC, leg. 3891. R, Shea, no. 38, env. 13 ; DL, Gardoqui, III., p. 58. 3458 [May 12 f] [New York ?] Note regarding increase of pay for John Con- nell. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, III., p. 59. [Attached to letter (no. 185) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, of above date.] 3459 May 12. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (nos. 186, 187). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, II., pp. 284-286, 329, 330. 3460 220 Documents in Spanish Archives [1787 [May J 2 ?] New York. Account by Lynch and Stoughton of the expense, etc., of the brigantine Galveston, being built in New York for the King. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, II., pp. 286-289. [Enclosure (no. i) in letter (no. 186) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, of same date.] 3461 May 12. New York. Inventory of cargo, etc., in the Galveston. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, II., pp. 289-329. [Enclosure (no. 2) in letter (no. 186) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, of same date.] 3462 May 12. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (nos. 188, 189). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 294, 295. 3463 May 12. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 192-201. 3464 May 12. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (confidential, no. 16). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, IV., pp. 212-240. 3465 May. 15. New Orleans. Proclamation by Miro and publication by Cruzat in St. Louis. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other Hst.] 3466 May 18. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 211, 212. 3467 May 20, lySy-May 20, iy88. . Account of the expenses of the min- istry of Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, II., pp. 348-357. [Attached to letter (no. 275) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, July 25, 1788.] 3468 May 2y. Aranjuez. J. de Galvez to Miro. AI, 86-7-24. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 3469 June I. New Orleans. Miro to Galvez (confidential, nos. 9-12). AI, 86- 6-1 1. DAH, Span. Doc. 3, 3, i, 2>4 pp, respectively. 3470 June 2. New York. Memorial to Gardoqui for David Carroll Frank. AC, leg. 3886. R, Shea, no. 38, env. 13 ; DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 325, 326. [Attached to letter (no. 199) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, July 6, 1787.] 3471 June S- Pensacola. Maj.-Gen. John Campbell to B. de Galvez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 2 pp. 3472 June 2- [Pensacola ?] Articulos posteriores entre el Mariscal de Campo Don Bernardo de Galvez y el Mayor General Juan Campbell. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) i p. [At- tached to letter of Campbell to Galvez, of same date.] 3473 June s. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (nos. 191, 192). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 296-298. 3474 June 4. Pensacola. O'Neill to Miro. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 5 pp. 3475 June 4. Pensacola. Instructions given by B. de Galvez to O'Neill. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 7 pp. 3476 June 9. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 193). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 307, 308. 3477 June 12. Pensacola. Instructions given by O'Neill to Captain Luis de Bertu- cart. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 7 pp. [Attached to letter of O'Neill to Miro, June 19, 1787.] 3478 1787] Transcripts 221 June J/. Pensacola. Inventories of provisions and effects on Spanish ships. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 6 pp. [Attached to letter of O'Neill to Miro, June 19, 1787.] 3479 June ip. Pensacola. O'Neill to Miro. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. 3480 June Jp. Corunna. Lorenzo Delvaux, Captain of the Galveston, to J. de Quadra. AC, leg-. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VL, p. 215. [Attached to letter of Quadra to Floridablanca, June 20, 1787.] 3481 June 20. Corunna. Josef de la Quadra to Floridablanca. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 213-215. 3482 June 20. Corruna. Quadra to [J. de Galvez ?] AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardo- qui, VL, pp. 215-217. 3483 June 22. New York. Gardoqui to Miro. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI. , pp. 311-317. [Attached to letter (no. 195) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, July 6, 1787.] 3484 June 22. New York. Orders from Gardoqui to Capt. George Larresset of the Infante. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI. , pp. 318, 319. [Attached to letter (no. 196) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, July 6, 1787.] 3485 June 22. New York. Gardoqui to Larresset. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardo- qui, VL, pp. 320, 321. [Attached to letter (no. 196) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, July 6, 1787.] 3486 June 22, iy8y-Feb. 16, 17^5. Mobile. Cuaderno de posecion de tierras conse- didas por los seiiores gobernadores de esta provincia a los habitantes de este puesto con espresion de la distancia que se hallan del fuerte. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 16 pp. 3487 June 26. Aranjuez. J. de Galvez to Quadra. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VL, p. 218. 3488 June 27. Philadelphia. Message from Secretary of War, Henry Knox to Chickasaw chiefs. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, III.; DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.), 2 pp. [Enclosure in correspondence between Miro and Espeleta, April i, 1788.] 3489 June 28. Philadelphia. Knox to James White, superintendent of Indian affairs in southern district. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, III.; DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.), 2 pp. [Enclosure (no. 2) in letter of Miro to Espeleta, April i, 1788.] 3490 June ^o. Philadelphia. Speech by Franklin to visiting Indians, with note by Franklin. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. LHS, Span. MSS., Missis- sippi Valley, III. ; DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.), i p. [Enclosure (no. 4) in letter of Miro to Espeleta, April i, 1788.] 3491 July 5. New York. Gardoqui to Cespedes, AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 64, 65. 3492 July 6. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (nos. 195-197, 199). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VL, pp. 308-311, 317, 318, 321-325. No. 199 also in R, Shea, no. 38, env. 13. 3493 July 6. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (confidential, no. 17). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, IV., pp. 240-242. 3494 222 Documents in Spanish Archives [1787 July p. St. Louis. Cruzat to Louis Lorimier, trader and Indian agent. AI [Pap. proc. de Cuba ?]. MHS, Houck (French and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (French and Eng.) [See other list.] 3495 July p. New York. Translation of extracts of two letters from the Falls of the Ohio. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 425-428. [Attached to letter (no. 225) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, Decem- ber 6, 1787.] 3496 July 15, Nashville. Extract of a letter from B. H. (extr. from N. Y. news- paper, May I, 1787). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 430-440 (Span, transl.) [Attached to letter (no. 225) of Gardoqui to Florida- blanca, December 6, 1787.] 3497 July 15. . Ordinance of government for the Northwest Territory (extr. from the N. Y. newspaper, July 16). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 450-461. [Attached to letter (no. 225) of Gardo- qui to Floridablanca, December 6, 1787.] 3498 July 15. Bath, Berkeley Co., Va. Peter Bryan Brown to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 393-397. [Attached to letter (no. 223) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, December 6, 1787.] 3499 July 2^. . Resolution of Congress thanking Spanish King for Moroc- can intervention. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 331, 332. [Attached to letter (no. 206) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, July 27, 1787.] 3500 July 2^. . Letter from Congress to Spanish King. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI, pp. 332, 333. [Attached to letter (no. 206) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, July 27, 1787.] 3501 July 2^. San Marcos de Apalache. Diario de Don Luis Bertucart, Capitan del regimento fixo de Luisiana y comandante politico y militar del fuerte de San Marcos de Apalache y su distrito. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 14^/^ pp. [Accompanies letters of O'Neill to Miro, June 4 and 19, 1787.] 3502 July 25. Corunna. J. de la Quadra to Floridablanca. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 218, 219. 3503 July 25. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 202). AC, leg. 3886 DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 326, 327. 3504 July 27. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (nos. 203-206). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 328-331. 3505 July 28. San Ildefonso. Floridablanca to Archbishop of Corinth. AC, leg. 3891. R, Shea, no. 38, env. 13 ; DL, Gardoqui, III., pp. 60, 61. 3506 July 28. San Ildefonso. [Floridablanca] to Antonio Valdes. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 299, 300. 3507 July SI- San Ildefonso. Archbishop of Corinth to Floridablanca. AC, leg. 3891. R, Shea, no. 38, env. 13 ; DL, Gardoqui, III., pp. 61, 62. 350^ Aug. I. New York. Gardoqui to Cespedes. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 65-67. 3509 Aug. 2- New York. Junta compuesta de los Senores Kearney, Carrington, Bingham, Smith, y Dane a quienes se cometio el conocimiento de la relacion del Secretario de la Guerra. AI, 86-6-8. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 13^ pp. [Enclosure (no. 2) in letter (no. 22) of Miro to Valdes, July 13, 1788. But see no. 650a.] 3509a Aug. 4. San Ildefonso. Floridablanca to Antonio de Valdes. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 219-221. 3510 1787] Transcripts 223 [Aug. 4 f ] . Letter respecting the Galveston. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 221, 222. 3511 Aug. 15. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (nos. 207, 208). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VL, pp. 333-335- 3512 Aug. 75. New York, Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 209). AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, L, pp. 83, 84. 3513 Aug. 15. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 210). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VL, p. 336. 3514 Aug. 17. New York. Extract from a New York newspaper. AC. leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VL, pp. 440-444. [Attached to letter (no. 225) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, December 6, 1787.] 3515 Aug. 21. New York. Gardoqui to Peter Bryan Brown. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VL, p. 397. [Attached to letter (no. 223) of Gardo- qui to Floridablanca, December 6, 1787.] 3516 Aug. 28. New York. Gardoqui to Jay. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VL, pp. 445-447. [Attached to letter (no. 225) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, December 6, 1787,] 3517 Sept. I. Ste. Genevieve, Mo. Henri Peyroux de la Coudriniere to Louis Lorimier. AI [Pap. proc. de Cuba ?]. MHS, Houck (French and Span.) [Accompanies letter of Cruzat to Lorimier, July 9, 1787. See other list] 3518 Sept. 2. San Ildefonso. [Floridablanca] to Valdes (two letters). AC, leg, 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VL, pp. 223, 300, 301. 3519 Sept. 2. Paper presented by a member of the Pennsylvania Assembly against the Constitution. AC, leg. 3886, DL, Gardoqui, VL, pp. 363-377 (Span, transl.) [Attached to letter (no. 214) of Gardoqui to Florida- blanca, October 13, 1787.] 3520 Sept. J. San Ildefonso. Valdes to Floridablanca. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VL, pp. 223-225. 3521 Sept. 5. San Ildefonso. Floridablanca to Gardoqui (nos. 1-4, 6-9). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VL, pp. 203-206, 225-232. 3522 Sept. 5. San Ildefonso. Floridablanca to Gardoqui (no. 10). AC, leg. 3895, DL, Gardoqui, II., pp. 283, 284. 3523 Sept. 5. San Ildefonso. Floridablanca to Gardoqui (no. 16). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VL, pp. 233, 3524 Sept. 5. San Ildefonso, Floridablanca to Gardoqui (nos, 18, 19), AC, leg. 3891, R, Shea, no. 38, env. 13 ; DL, Gardoqui, III., pp. 60, 62. 3525 Sept. 5. San Ildefonso. Floridablanca to Gardoqui (nos. 20-27). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VL, pp. 234-240. No. 20 also in R, Shea, no. 38, env. 13, 3526 Sept. 5. San Ildefonso. Floridablanca to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3891, DL, Gardoqui, I,, p. 84. 3527 Sept. 5. San Ildefonso. Floridablanca to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, IV., pp. 242-246. 3528 Sept. 5. San Ildefonso. Floridablanca to Gardoqui. AC, leg, 3420. DL, Gardoqui, V., pp. 200, 201. 3529 Sept. 5. San Ildefonso. [Floridablanca] to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3886. R, Shea, no. 38, env. 13 ; DL, Gardoqui, VI. , p. 302. 3530 Sept. 5. San Ildefonso. Floridablanca to Captain Delvaux. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI,, p. 240. 3531 224 Documents in Spanish Archives [1787 Sept. 6. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 211). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VL, pp. 336, 337. 3532 Sept. p. San Ildefonso. Letter to Gardoqui, AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, IL, p. 342. [Attached to letter (no. 253) of Gardoqui to Florida- blanca, April 18, 1788.] 3533 Sept. IS- Philadelphia. Gardoqui to Floridablanca. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 241-243. 3534 Sept. 17. San Ildefonso. Valdes to Floridablanca. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, II. , pp. 342, 343. [Attached to letter (no. 253) of Gardo- qui to Floridablanca, April 18, 1788.] 3535 Sept. 21. New Orleans. Ynstruccion que debe observar Don Juan de la Villebeuvre, Capitan del regimiento fijo de esta plaza que pasa comi- sionado a la nacion Chactas. AI, Pap. proc, de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 8 pp. 3536 Sept. 23. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 212). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VL, pp. 337, 338. 3537 {Sept. 2^.] [New York.] Constitution of the United States and the resolu- tion of the Convention submitting it. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VL, pp. 339-361 (Span, transl.) 3538 Sept. 24. Charleston. Captain John Sullivan to Major William Brown. AC, leg. 3886; AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DL, Gardoqui, VI. , pp. 420- 422; DAH, Span. Doc, 2 pp. (both in Span, transl.) [Copy in DL, attached to letter (no. 225) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, December 6, 1787; that in DAH, attached to letter of Espeleta to Miro, Januarv 3, 1788.] 3539 Sept. 30. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 213). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI. , pp. 362, 363. 3540 Oct. 4. Pensacola. McGillivray to [Miro]. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba; another version in LC, E. Florida Papers, 114 J 9. 123. DAH, Span, Doc, (Span, transl.) 5 pp. 3541 Oct. 6. San Ildefonso. Floridablanca to Gardoqui (two letters). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VL, pp. 243, 244. 3542 Oct. 8. . Resolution of Congress over Gardoqui's complaints. AC, leg, 3886, DL, Gardoqui, VI, , pp. 448, 449. [Attached to letter (no. 225) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, December 6, 1787.] 3543 Oct. II. , Jay to Gardoqui, AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI. , pp. 447, 448. [Attached to letter (no, 225) of Gardoqui to Florida- blanca, December 6, 1787.] 3544 Oct. 13. New York, Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no, 214), AC, leg, 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI. , pp. 363-365, 3545 Oct. 16. New Orleans. Miro to McGillivray, AI, Pap, proc, de Cuba ; a copy in LC, E. Florida Papers, 114, J 9. 127, with Eng. transl. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Accompanies letter of McGillivray to Miro, October 4, 1787, to which it is an answer. This is followed by another letter without date or signature, probably from Miro.] 3546 Oct. 17. St, Augustine. Passport by Cespedes to Nicolas Salada, captain of the San Miguel. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 82, 83. 3547 Oct. 18. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 215), AC, leg, 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VL, pp. 377, 378, 3548 1787] Transcripts 225 Oct. 21. New York. Gardoqui to Espeleta (confidential). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 412-414. [Part of enclosure A (no. 3) in letter (no. 225) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, December 6, 1787.] 3549 Oct. 22. New York. Gardoqui to Espeleta. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 406-409. [Part of enclosure A (no. i) in letter (no. 225) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, December 6, 1787.] 3550 Oct. 2S. New York. Gardoqui to Espeleta. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 410412. [Part of enclosure A (no. 2) in letter (no. 225) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, December 6, 1795.] 3551 Oct. 24. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 216). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 379, 380. 3552 Nov. I. Aldea de Yasu [Village of Yazoo] . Speeches by the Indian chiefs Franchimastabe and Mingo, etc., in council with the Spaniards. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, III., p. 7; DAH, Span. Doc, 45^ pp. [Copy in DAH, enclosure (no. i) in letter of Miro to Espeleta, February 20, 1788.] 3553 Nov. I. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 217). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 380-382. 3554 Nov. 6. Baltimore. Account of forces being raised in Franklin and Cumber- land to make an attempt on Louisiana (extr. from Baltimore news- paper). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 423, 424. [Part of enclosure A (no. 6) of letter (no. 225) of Gardoqui to Florida- blanca, December 6, 1787.] 3555 Nov. 8. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 218) . AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 382, 383. 3556 Nov. 10. New York. Jay to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3886 ; AI, Pap, proc. de Cuba. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 419, 420; DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) i^^ p. [Copy in DL attached to letter (no. 225) of Gardo- qui to Floridablanca, December 6, 1787; that in DAH attached to letter of Espeleta, to Miro, January 3, 1788.] 3557 Nov. 12. New York. Gardoqui to Espeleta (two letters). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 414-419, 422, 423. [Part of enclosure A (no. 5) in letter (no. 225) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, December 6, 1787.] 3558 Nov. 12. New York. Gardoqui to Espeleta. AC, leg. 3891 ; AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 85-89 ; DAH, Span. Doc, 6 pp. [Copy in DAH attached to letter of Espeleta to Miro, January 3, 1788.] 3559 Nov. 12. Bilbao. Jose de Gardoqui and sons to Floridablanca (enclosing papers from Diego de Gardoqui). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., p. 245. 3560 Nov. 12. . Extract from Journal of Virginia House of Delegates (from N. Y. newspaper, December 25, 1787). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 139-141. [Attached to letter (no. 248) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, April 18, 1788.] 3561 Nov. 14. . Secretary of War, Knox, to [Gen. Harmar ?]. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 293-297 (extr. Span, transl.) [Attached to letter (no. 291) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca.] 3562 16 Documents in Spanish Archives [1787 Nov. 15. New York. Gardoqui to Captain Larrenet (Larresset ?) (sailing orders). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., p. 425. [Part of en- closure B in letter (no. 225') of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, December 6, 1787,] 3563 Nov. 16. New York. Gardoqui to Espeleta. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 423, 424. [Part of enclosure A (no. 5) in letter (no. 225) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, December 6, 1787.] 3564 Nov. ip. Bilbao. J. de Gardoqui and sons to Floridablanca (offering to send papers to Gardoqui by a vessel to Philadelphia). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 245, 246. 3565 Nov. jp. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 219). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 383-385. 3566 Nov. jp. San Marcos de Apalache. Pablo de Paulio Palmero to O'Neill (three letters or statements). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba, DAH, Span. Doc. 2}4 pp. [Attached to letter of Bertucart to O'Neill, of same date.] 3567 Nov. 21. San Marcos de Apalache. Luis de Bertucart to O'Neill. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 22 pp. 3568 Nov. 24. St. Louis. Register of orders by Cruzat. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 3569 Nov. 27. St. Louis. Inventory of papers, etc., delivered to Don Manuel Perez by Lieut.-Gov. Cruzat. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list] 3570 Nov. 27. St. Louis. Effects delivered to Perez by Cruzat. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list] 3571 Nov. 30. New York. Jay to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, I., p. 89. 3572 Decs. Madrid. Floridablanca to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardo- qui, VI., pp. 246, 247. 3573 Dec. S- New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (confidential, no. 18). AC, leg. 3895- DL, Gardoqui, IV., pp. 301-315- 3574 Dec. 6. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (nos. 220-225). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 385-393. 398, 399, 401-406. 3575 [Dec. 6 ?\ New York. Agreement between Gardoqui and James Seaman, master shipbuilder. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 399, 400. [Attached to letter (no. 224) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, of same date.] 3576 Dec. 6. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 226). AC, leg. 3891. R, Shea, no. 38, env. 13; DL, Gardoqui, III., p. 63. 3577 Dec. 6. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 228). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, II., pp. 330, 331. 3578 Dec. 6. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardo- qui, VL, pp. 247, 248. 3579 Dec. 17. Macao. License issued by governor to English vessel. AI, 90- 3-18. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, p. 84. [Part of carp eta (no. 4) in letter (no. 1182) of Flores to Valdes, August 27, 1789.] 3580 Dec. 18. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 229). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 463, 464. 3581 Dec. 2p. Extract from an act of the Kentucky Assembly. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, III., pp. 39-44 (Span, transl.) [Attached to letter 1787] Transcripts 227 (no. 312) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, March 4, 1789. The tran- script says (probably mistakenly) December 29, 1789.] 3582 Dec. 30. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 230). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 464, 465. 3583 1788 {1788 .^] . Note regarding despatches. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardo- qui, IV., p. 275. 3584 [ iy88 f ] . List of the senators elected by the several States. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, IV., p. 363. [Attached to letter (no. 23) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, December 24, 1788.] 3585 . . Wilkinson to Miro and M. Navarro. [AI ?] LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, III., p. 43. 3587 [1788-1795 ?] [New Orleans ?] Official letter referring to the dangers threatening the country, and to the sale of lands in Georgia (confi- dential, no. 4). AI, 87-1-22. 3588 Jan. J. Havana. Espeleta to Miro. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. I p. 3589 Jan. 5. New Orleans. Indian speeches at council held with Miro. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, III., p. 8; DAH, Span. Doc. 4 pp. [Copy in DAH, enclosure (no. 2) in letter of Miro to Espeleta, February 20, 1788.] 3590 Jan. 7. New Orleans. Miro to Intendant Martin Navarro. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 5 pp. [This or one of the following items perhaps identical with item of this date in other list.] 3591 Jan. 7. New Orleans. Miro to M. Navarro (no. 3). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 6 pp. [Followed by decree of Navarro, of same date, and report.] 3592 Jan. 7. New Orleans. Miro to M. Navarro (no. 174). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 6 pp. [Followed by undated official com- munication, probably from New Orleans, referring to the same matter, that of the parishes of Natchez District, and their charges, with final signature by Orue. The letter itself cites in part official communication from Antonio de Valdes, August 23, 1787.] 3593 Jain. 7. New Orleans. [M. Navarro] to Miro. AI, Pap. proc. -de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. [Accompanies letter (no. 174) of Miro to Nava- rro, of same date.] 3594 Jan. 8. New Orleans. Miro to Valdes. AI, Despachos reservados del Gobernador Miro. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, III., p. 2. [See other list.] 3595 Jan. 8. New Orleans. M. Navarro to Valdes (no. 30). AI. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, III., p. 4. 3596 [Jan. 8.^^ New Orleans. Schedule of two tariffs formed by M. Navarro. AI. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, III., p. 3. [Note of transmittal dated as above.] 3597 Jan. 17. Mexico. Fernando Joseph Manjino to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, II., pp. 343, 344. [Attached to letter (no. 253) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, April 18, 1788.] 3598 Jan. 22. New York. Gardoqui to Peter Bryan Brown. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, I., p. 112. [Enclosure (no. i) in letter (no. 236) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, April 18, 1788.] 3599 Documents in Spanish Archives [1Y88 Jem. 22. Yasu. Alexander Frazer to Miro. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, III.; DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) i p. [Enclosure (no. i) in letter of Miro to Espeleta, April I, 1788.] 3600 Jan. 2$. . Secretary Henry Knox to Congress. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 292, 293 (extr.) [Attached to letter (no. 291) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, October 24, 1788.] 3601 Jan. SO. [Savannah ?] Extract from minutes of Georgia Assembly. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 301, 302. [Attached to letter (no. 291) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, October 24, 1788.] 3602 Feh. 8. New York. Gardoqui to Congress. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 125, 126. [Attached to letter (no. 238) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, April 18, 1788.] 3603 Feh. 20. New Orleans. Miro to Espeleta. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. LHS, Span, MSS., Mississippi Valley, TIL, p. 6; DAH, Span. Doc, 5 pp. 3604 Feh. 20. New York. Statement by Gardoqui regarding his attitude toward France with respect to the navigation of the Mississippi. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, IV., pp. 331-334- 3605 Feh. 22. New York. Gardoqui to Manuel de Flores, viceroy of Nueva Espafia. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 133-135. [Enclosure (no. i) in letter (no. 247) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, April 18, 1788.] 3606 Feh. 22. New York. Gardoqui to John Titus Morgan. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, I., p. 135. [Enclosure (no. 2) in letter (no. 247) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, April 18, 1788.] 3607 Feh. 22. New York. Gardoqui to Flores (confidential). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 136, 137. [Enclosure (no. 3) in letter (no. 247) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, April 18, 1788.] 3608 Feh. 22. New Orleans. Miro and M. Navarro to O'Neill. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i^^ p. [Attached to letter (no. 222) of Cienfuegos to Eguia, March 13, 1818.] 3609 Feh. 22. New York. Receipt to Gardoqui from Captain Lorenzo Delvaux of the Galveston. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 108, 109. [Attached to letter (no. 234) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, April 18, 1788.] 3610 March 15. Falls of the Ohio. George Rogers Clark to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 269-272. 3611 Feh. 2^. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (confidential, no. 22). AC, leg. 3895- DL> Gardoqui, III., pp. 347-351- 3612 Feb. 24. New Orleans. Ynstruccion para Don Alejandro de Bouilliers en su viaje a Natchez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 7 pp. 3613 March i. [Bath ?] Col. Peter Bryan Brown to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 113-116. [Enclosure (no. 2) in letter (no. 236) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, April 18, 1788.] 3614 March 14. New York. Passport issued to Brown by Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 119-121. [Enclosure (no. 4) in letter (no. 236) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, April 18, 1788.] 3615 1788] Transcripts 229 March 15. Falls of the Ohio. G. R. Clark to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 269-272. [Attached to letter (no. 282) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, July 25, 1788.] 3616 March 17. New York. Gardoqui to Brown. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardo- qui, I., pp. 117-T19. [Enclosure (no. 3) in letter (no. 236) of Gardo- qui to Floridablanca, April 18, 1788.] 3617 March 17. New York. Gardoqui to Miro. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 121, 122. [Enclosure (no. 5) in letter (no. 236) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, April 18, 1788.] _ 3618 March 20. New Orleans. Miro to Valdes. AI, Luisiana, duplicados del Gobernador Miro, 1787-1789. LHS, Span, MSS., Mississippi Valley, IIL, p. 9. 3619 March 25. New Orleans. Miro to Alexander Frazer. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. LHS, MSS., Mississippi Valley, IIL ; DAH, Span. Doc, i^ p. [Enclosure (no. 5) in letter of Miro to Espeleta, April 1, 1788.] 3620 March 2p. Fort Charlotte. Andrew Perkins and George Matthews to McGillivray. AI, 86-6-8. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, IIL, p. 10; DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.), 3 pp. [Copy in DAH, enclosure (no. 3) in letter (no. 22) of Miro to Valdes, July 13, 1788.] 3621 April I. New Orleans. Miro to Espeleta (two letters). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 6 pp. and ^ p., respectively. [Accompany letter of Miro to Espeleta, February 20, 1788.] 3622 April I. New Orleans. Miro to Espeleta. [AI ?] LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, IIL, p. 11. [Probably one of the two letters immediately preceding.] 3623 April 2. New York. Gardoqui to Manjino. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, II., pp. 344, 345. [Attached to letter (no. 253) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, April 18, 1788.] 3624 April 2. New York. Account of the money received by this ministry [Gardo- qui's] to date. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, II., pp. 345, 346. [Attached to letter (no. 253) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, April 18, 1788.] 3625 April 5. Havana. Espeleta to Miro. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, IIL, p. 12 ; DAH, Span. Doc, i>4 p. [Copy in DAH, accompanies letter of Miro to Espeleta, February 20, 1788.] 3626 April 6. Havana. Espeleta to Miro (no. 4). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, IIL, p. 14 ; DAH, Span. Doc, ^ p. [Copy in DAH, accompanies letter of Miro to Espeleta, Feb- ruary 20, 1788.] 3627 April p. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 232). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 103, 104. 3628 April I J. New Orleans. Miro and M. Navarro to Valdes. AI. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, IIL, p. 15. [See other list.] 3629 April 18. New Orleans. [Miro ?] to Joachim de Peramas. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc i p. [Accompanies Relacion of Octo- ber 20, 1784.] 3630 April 18. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (nos. 233, 234). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 104-108. 3631 230 Documents in Spanish Archives [1Y88 April i8. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 235). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 206-209. 3632 April 18. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (nos. 236-239, 241-245, 247, 248, 250, 252). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 110-112, 122-124, 126-133, 138, 139, 141-144. No. 241 also in R, Shea, no. 38, env. 14. 3633 April 18. Virginia. Extract from Virginia Journal. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, I., p. 139. [Attached to letter (no. 248) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, of same date. The date is that of the letter.] 3634 April 18. . Observations of Baron von Steuben on the growth of the west. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 144-161. [Attached to letter (no. 252) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, of same date. The date is that of the letter.] 3635 April 18. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 253). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, II., pp. 341, 342. 3636 April 18. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (nos. 254-259). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 161-169. 3637 April 18. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca. AC, leg. 3457. DL, Gardoqui, V., p. 201. 3638 April 18. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (confidential, no. 19). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, IV., pp. 246-270. 3639 April 18. New York. Gardoqui to Col. Elisha Robeson, of Cumberland. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, IV., pp. 270, 271. 3640 April 18. New York. Gardoqui to Governor John Sevier, of Franklin. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, IV., pp. 271, 272. 3641 April 18. New York. Gardoqui to Governor Samuel Johnston, of North Carolina. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, IV., pp. 273, 274. 3642 April 18. New York. Gardoqui to Miguel de Otamende. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, IV., pp. 276-288. 3643 April ip. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 260). AC, leg. 3895, DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 169- 171. 3644 April 22. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 261). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, L, pp. 171-173. 3645 April 25. [Little Talassee ?] McGillivray to O'Neill. AI, Despachos del gobernador Miro. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, III. [Attached to letter of Miro to Valdes, June 15, 1788.] 3646 April 26. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 262). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 173, 174. 3647 April 28. Garrison on the Ohio. John Armstrong to Major John P. Wyllys. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 297, 298 (Span, transl.) [At- tached to letter (no. 291) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, October 24, 1788.] 3648 May 8. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 263). AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 90-92. 3649 May 9. Fort Harmar. Peter Bryan Brown to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui I., pp. 275, 276. [Attached to letter (no. 284) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, July 25, 1788.] 3650 May JO. Fort Harmar. Wooley (associate of Brown) to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 277, 278. [Attached to letter (no. 284) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, July 25, 1788.] 3651 1788] Transcripts 231 May 15. Kentucky. Wilkinson to Miro and M. Navarro. [AI ?] LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, III., p. 16. [See other list.] 3652 May 16. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 264). AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 92, 93. 3653 May ig. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 265). AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, I., p. 94. 3654 May 20. . Extract concerning the accounts of Gardoqui's ministry. AC, leg. 3891. R, Shea, no. 38, env. 13. 7 lines. 3655 May 20, ij88-May 20, 178Q. Accounts of Gardoqui's ministry. AC, leg, 3895. DL, Gardoqui, IL, pp. 380-390. [Attached to letter (no. 326) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, June 25, 1789. Probably identical with the preceding item.] 3656 May 24. Aranjuez. Floridablanca to Gardoqui (no. 10). AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, IIL, pp. 63, 64. Extr. of this date also in R, Shea, no. 38, env. 13. 3657 May 24. Aranjuez. [Floridablanca] to Gardoqui (confidential). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, IV., pp. 296-300. 3658 May 24. Aranjuez. Floridablanca to Gardoqui (two letters). AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 388, 462. 3659 May 26. Charleston. James O'Fallon to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3895. R, Shea, no. 38, env. 14; DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 198-21 1. [Attached to letter (no. 280) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, July 25, 1788.] 3660 May 26, Charleston. Propositions, etc., made by O'Fallon. AC, leg. 3895. R, Shea, no. 38, env. 14; DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 211-260. [Attached to letter (no. 280) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, July 25, 1788.] 3661 May ^0. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 266). AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, I., p. 95. 3662 June 4. Little Talassee. McGillivray to Perkins and Matthews. AI, 86- 6-8. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, III., p. 17; DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.), 6^ pp. [Copy in DAH, attached to letter (no. 22) of Miro to Valdes, July 13, 1788.] 3663 June 4. Pensacola. O'Neill to Miro. AI, 86-6-8. LHS, Span. MSS., Mis- sissippi Valley, IIL, p. 18; DAH, Span. Doc, 5 pp. [Copy in DAH, enclosure (no. 6) in letter (no. 22) of Miro to Valdes, July 13, 1788.] 3664 June p. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 267). AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, III., pp. 30, 31. 3665 June 12. Little Talassee. McGillivray to Miro. AI, 86-6-8. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, III., p. 19; DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.), 5 pp. [Copy in DAH, enclosure (no. i) in letter (no. 22) of Miro to Valdes, July 13, 1788.] 3666 June 75. New Orleans. Miro to Valdes. Despachos del Gobemador Miro. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, HI., p. 20. [See other list.] 3667 June 15. New Orleans. Miro to Valdes. AI, Despachos del gobernador Miro. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, III., p. 21. [See other list.] 3668 June j^. Fort Harmar. Letter from General Harmar. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, I., p. 297. [Attached to letter (no. 291) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, October 28, 1788.] 3669 232 Documents in Spanish Archives [1788 June i8. New Orleans. Miro to O'Neill. AI, 86-6-8. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, III., p. 22; DAH, Span. Doc, 3 pp. [Copy in DAH, enclosure (no. 7) in letter (no. 22) of Miro to Valdes, July 13, 1788.] 3670 June 18. Santo Domingo. William FitzGerald to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 191-196. [Attached to letter (no. 278) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, July 25, 1788.] 3671 June 22. Pensacola. O'Neill to Miro. AI, 86-6-8. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, III., p. 23; DAH, Span. Doc, 3 pp. [Copy in DAH, enclosure (no. 8) in letter (no. 22) of Miro to Valdes, July 13, 1788.] 3672 June 25. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (confidential, no. 25). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, IV., pp. 364-383. [Apparently this date should be 1789.] 3673 June 26. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 268). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 174-177. 3674 July 5. Natchez. Carlos de Grand-Pre to Miro (no. 655). AI, Pap. proc de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc 4>4 pp. 3675 July 5. Pittsburgh. General Arthur St. Clair to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 280, 281. [Attached to letter (no. 285) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, July 25, 1788.] 3676 July 7. New York. Gardoqui to Pedro del Barco, captain of the Pinzon. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, I., p. 181. [Attached to letter (no. 270) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, July ( ?) 25, 1788.] 3677 July 7. New York. Barco to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, I., p. 182. [Attached to letter (no. 270) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, July (?) 25, 1788.] 3678 July 8. New Orleans. Miro to McGillivray. AI, 86-6-8. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, III., p. 24; DAH, Span. Doc, 7^ pp. [Copy in DAH, enclosure (no. 5) in letter (no. 22) of Miro to Valdes, July 13, 1788.] 3679 July 8. New Orleans. Miro to O'Neill. AI, 86-6-8. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, III., p. 25 ; DAH, Span. Doc, 2>4 pp. [Copy in DAH, enclosure (no. 9) in letter (no. 22) of Miro to Valdes, July 13, 1788.] 3680 July 1 2. New Orleans. Mir6 to Valdes (confidential, no. 22). AI, 86-6-8. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, III., p. 26 ; DAH, Span. Doc, 8>^ pp. 3681 July 14. Madrid. Floridablanca to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardo- qui, IV., pp. 274, 275. 3682 July 14. Natchez. Grand-Pre to Miro (no. 672). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2^ pp. [Accompanies letter (no. 655) of Grand- Pre to Miro, July 5, 1788.] 3683 July ly. Palace, [Madrid ?]. Valdes to Floridablanca. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 95, 96. 3684 July 2^. Havana. Espeleta to Miro. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, III., p. 27; DAH, Span. Doc, i>2 p. [Copy in DAH, accompanies letter of Miro to Espeleta, April 11, 1788, to which it is the answer.] 3685 1788] Transcripts 233 July 24. Havana. Espeleta to Miro (no. 5). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, III., p. 28; DAH, Span. Doc, i p. [Copy in DAH, accompanies letter of Miro to Espeleta, February 28, 1788.] 3686 July 24. New York. Celebration in New York over adoption of the Consti- tution. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, IV., pp. 326-331. 3687 July 25. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (nos. 269-272). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 177-181, 183-185, 187, 188. [Letter no. 270 is wrongly dated May 25.] 3688 July 25. New York. Bills for supplies to New Orleans. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 185-187. [Attached to letter (no. 271) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, of same date.] 3689 July 25. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 275). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, II., pp. 346, 347. 3690 July 25. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (nos. 276-278). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 188-191. No. 276 also in R, Shea, no. 38, env. 14. 3691 JuJ.y 25. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 279). AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, III., pp. 31-35. 3692 July 25. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (nos. 280-285). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 196, 197, 260, 261, 267-269, 272-274, 278, 279. Nos. 280, 281 also in R, Shea, no. 38, env. 14. 3693 July 25. . Memorial of John Carroll, apostolic vicar, and others, peti- tioning for bishop for U. S. (Latin) AC, leg. 3895. R, Shea, no. 38, env. 14 ; DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 263-266. [Attached to letter (no. 281) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca. The date is that of the letter.] 3694 July 25. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca. AC, leg. 3886. DL, Gardoqui, VI., pp. 388, 389. 3695 July 25. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (confidential, no. 20). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, IV., pp. 315-326. 3696 July 25. New York. Gardoqui to Miguel de Otamende. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, IV., pp. 288-296. 3697 July 26. San Ildefonso. [Floridablanca] to Espeleta. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 96, 97. 3698 July 26. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 286). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 281, 282. 3699 July 26. Natchez. Grand-Pre to Miro (no. 677). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc, 2 pp. [Accompanies letter (no. 655) of Grand- Pre to Miro, July 5, 1788.] 3700 July 28. Danville, Ky. Extracts from the journal of the convention at Danville. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 381-383. [Attached to letter (no. 301) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, November 22, 1788.] 3701 Aug. 5. Pensacola. William Panton to Miro. [AI ?] LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, III., p. 29. 3702 Aug. 6. Carlisle, Pa. Report that Kentucky has petitioned Spain for pro- tection. AI, Despachos del gobernador Miro. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, III., p. 42. [Attached to letter of Miro to Valdes, November 3, 1788. See other list] 3703 234 Documents in Spanish Archives [1788 Aug. 7. New Orleans. Miro to Valdes. AI, Despachos del gobemador Miro. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, III., p. 30. 3704 Aug. 7. New Orleans. Miro to Floridablanca. [AI ?] LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, III., p. 31. [See other list] 3705 Aug. 12. New Orleans. Argis to Miro. [AI ?] LHS, Span. MSS., Mis- sissippi Valley, III., p. 32. 3706 Aug. 12. Havana. Espeleta to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3895. DL. Gardoqui, II., pp. 364, 365. [Attached to letter (no. 297) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, October 24, 1788.] 3707 Aug. Jj. New Orleans. Miro to Argis. [AI ?] LHS, Span. MSS., Mis- sissippi Valley, III., p. 33. 3708 Aug. 16. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 287). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 282-285. 3709 Aug. 16. New Orleans. [ Miro ?] to Joachim de Peramas. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Accompanies Relacion of Octo- ber 20, 1784.] 3710 Aug. ij. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 288). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, II., pp. 358, 359. 3711 Aug. 21. New Orleans. Argis to Miro. [AI ?] LHS, Span. MSS., Mis- sissippi Valley, III., p. 34. 3712 Aug. 28. New Orleans. Miro to Valdes. AI, Despachos del gobemador Miro. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, III., p. 35. [See other list.] 3713 Aug. 28. New Orleans. Miro to Valdes (three letters). AI, Despachos del gobemador Miro. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, III., pp. 36-38. [See other list.] ^ 3714 Aug. 2^. San Ildefonso. Valdes to Miro and M. Navarro. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2)^ pp. [Attached to letter (no. 222) of Cienfuegos to Eguia, March 13, 1818.] 3715 Aug. so. New York. Col. George Morgan to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, I., p. 329 (Span, transl.) [Attached to letter (no. 296) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, October 24, 1788.] 3716 Sept. I. Ste. Genevieve. Peyrous de la Coudriniere to Lorimier. AI. MHS, Houck (French and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (French and Eng.) [See other list.] 3717 Sept. I. Philadelphia. Receipt from Manuel Riamban for 50 pesos. AC, ^eg- 3895- DL, Gardoqui, II., p. 362. [Attached to letter (no. 293) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, October 24, 1788.] 3718 Sept. 2. New York. Gardoqui to Morgan. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, !•» PP- 331-334- [Attached to letter (no. 296) of Gardoqui to Florida- blanca, October 24, 1788.] 3719 Sept. 5. . Jay to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 291, 292. [Attached to letter (no. 291) of Gardoqui to Florida- blanca, October 24, 1788.] 3720 Sept. [7]. New Jersey. Morgan to Gardoqui. [AI ?] LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, III., p. 39. [See other list.] 3721 Sept. p. Prospect, N. J. Morgan to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardo- qui, I., pp. 334, 335 (Span, transl.) [Attached to letter (no, 296) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, October 24, 1788.] 3722 1788] Transcripts 235 Sept. 12. Franklin. John Sevier to Gardoqui (two letters). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 311-315. [Attached to letter (no. 295) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, October 24, 1788.] 3723 Sept. 12. New York. Gardoqui to Morgan. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardo- qui, I., pp. 335, 336 (transl.) [Attached to letter (no. 296) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, October 24, 1788.] 3724 Sept. 75. Prospect, N. J. Morgan to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3895. DI>, Gardo- qui, I., pp. 336-339 (Span, transl.) [Attached to letter (no. 296) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, October 24, 1788.] 3725 Sept. 15. Danville, Ky. John Brown to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, L, pp. 379-386. [Attached to letter (no. 301) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, November 22, 1788.] 3726 Sept. 16. . Jay to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 297-301. [Attached to letter (no. 291) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, October 24, 1788.] 3727 Sept. 17. New York. Gardoqui to Morgan. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, L, pp. 339-341. [Attached to letter (no. 296) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, October 24, 1788.] 3728 Sept. 17. Lexington, Ky. Major B. Dunn to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, IV., pp. 405-407. [Attached to letter (no. 24) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, March 4, 1789.] 3729 Sept. ig. New York. Jay to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 303-307. [Attached to letter (no. 291) of Gardoqui to Florida- blanca, October 24, 1788.] 3730 Sept. 2^. San Ildefonso. [Floridablanca] to Jose Nicolas de Azana. AC, leg. 3895. R, Shea, no. 38, env. 14. i p. 3731 Sept. 24. Prospect, N. J. Morgan to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, L, p. 341 (Span, transl.) [Attached to letter (no. 296) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, October 24, 1788.] 3732 Sept. 24. Prospect. Morgan's plan for a colony. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, L, pp. 342-359 (Span, transl.) [Attached to letter (no. 296) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, October 24, 1788.] 3733 Oct. I. New York. Gardoqui to Miro (two letters). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, L, pp. 327, 328. [Attached to letter (no. 296) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, October 24, 1788.] 3734 Oct. ^. New York. Gardoqui to Miro (two letters). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, L, pp. 318-322, 326, 327. [Attached to letter (no. 296) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, October 24, 1788.] 3735 Oct. 4. New York. Gardoqui to Miro (two letters). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, L, pp. 322-325. [Attached to letter (no. 296) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, October 24, 1788.] 3736 Oct. 4. New York. Gardoqui to Miro. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2^ pp. [Attached to letter (no. 39) of Miro to Valdes, May 20, 1789. Probably one of the two letters listed above.] 3737 Oc/. ^. New York. Gardoqui to Miro. AI, 86-6-17. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Probably one of the two letters listed above. See other list.] 3738 Oct. 4. New York. Gardoqui to Manuel Perez. AC, leg. 3895 ; AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 325, 326; MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Copy in DL, attached to letter (no. 296) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, October 4, 1788. See other list.] 3739 236 Documents in Spanish Archives [1788 Oct. 4. New York. Gardoqui to Morgan. AC, leg. 3895. [AI ?] DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 362-365 (Span, transl.) LHS, Span. MSS., Mis- sissippi Valley, III., p. 40; id., II., p. 2 (extr.) [Copy in AC attached to letter (no. 296) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, October 24, 1788. See other list.] 3740 Oct. 4. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardo- qui, I., pp. 393, 394. 3741 Oct. 7. Prospect. Morgan to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, I., PP- 365, 366 (Span, transl.) [Attached to letter (no. 296) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, October 24, 1788.] 3742 Oct. 7. New York. Gardoqui to Major Dunn. [AI ?] LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, III., p. 41. [See other list.] 3743 Oct. 8. New York. Gardoqui to Espeleta. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, II., pp. 365-370. [Attached to letter (no. 297) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, October 24, 1788.] 3744 Oct. 10. New York. Gardoqui to Espeleta. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, II., p. 371. [Attached to letter (no. 297) of Gardoqui to Florida- blanca, October 24, 1788.] 3745 Oct. JO. New York. Gardoqui to Morgan. AC, leg. 3895. [AI ?] DL, Gardoqui, L, pp. 367, 368; LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, II., p. 2 (extr.) [Copy in DL attached to letter (no. 296) of Gardo- qui to Floridablanca, October 24, 1788.] 3746 Oct. II. New York. Gardoqui to Espeleta (two letters). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, II., pp. 371, 372. [Attached to letter (no. 297) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, October 24, 1788.] 3747 Oct. 17. . Jay to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 370, 371. [Attached to letter (no. 298) of Gardoqui to Florida- blanca, October 24, 1788.] 3748 Oct. I/. . Supposed account of the proceedings of the secret session of Congress, regarding the navigation of the Mississippi. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 371-374. [Attached to letter (no. 298) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, October 24, 1788.] 3749 Oct. 2^. Macao. Instructions issued by Juan Carvalho to Francisco Jose Viana. AI, 90-3-18. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 85-90. [Part of carpeta (no. 4) in letter (no. 1182) of Flores to Valdes, August 27, 1789. See other list.] 3750 Oct. 24. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (nos. 289-291). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 286-291. 3751 Oct. 24. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (nos. 292, 293). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, II., pp. 359-362. 3752 Oct. 24. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (nos. 294-296). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 307-310, 316-318. 3753 [Oct. 24 f] [New York ?] List of passports granted to persons to go to New Orleans. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, I., p. 327. [Attached to letter (no. 296) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca. The date is that of the letter.] 3754 [Oct. 24?] [Prospect] Morgan to Gardoqui (two letters). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 359-362. [Attached to letter (no. 296) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca. The date is that of the letter.] 3755 1788] Transcripts 237 [Oct. 24.] . Estimate of cost of provisions and supplies. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, I., p. 360. [Attached to letter (no. 296) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca. The date is that of the letter.] 3756 Oct. 24. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 297). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, II., pp. 362-364. 3757 Oct. 24. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 298). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 368-370. 3758 Oc/. ^^. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (confidential, no. 21). AC, leg. 3895- DL, Gardoqui, IV., pp. 334-347- 3759 Oct. 24. New York. Gardoqui to [Miguel Otamende]. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, IV., pp. 351-355- 3760 Nov. J. New Orleans. Mir6 to Valdes. AI, Despachos del Gobemador Miro. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, III., p. 42. [See other list] 3761 Nov. J. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 299). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 374-376. 3762 Nov. J. New Orleans. Miro to Valdes. AI, Despachos del gobemador Miro. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, IIL, p. 42. [See other list.] 3763 Nov. 14. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 300). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 376, 377. 3764 Nov. ip. Rome. Nicholas de Azana to Floridablanca. AC, leg. 3895. R, Shea, no. 38, env. 14; DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 266, 267. [Accompanies letter (no. 281) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, July 25, 1788.] 3765 Nov. 22. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 301). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 377, 378. 3766 Nov. 2^. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (confidential, no. 22). AC, leg. 3895- DL, Gardoqui, IV., pp. 347-351- 3767 [Dec. f] [Detroit.] Col. John Connolly to Morgan regarding plans for settlement west of the Alleganies. AC, leg. 3895 ; AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DL, Gardoqui, V., pp. 8-18; DAH, Span. Doc, 10 pp. [Copy in DL attached to letter (no. 308) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, January 12, 1789; that in DAH, to letter of Morgan to Gardoqui, December 19, 1788.] 3768 Dec. 2. St. Louis. Lieut.-Gov. Manuel Perez to Miro. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 3769 Dec. 5. Frigate Princess at anchor at San Bias. Martinez to Flores. AI, 90-3-18. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 11 -21. [Enclosure (no. i) in letter (no. 702) of Flores to Valdes, December 23, 1788.] 3770 Dec. 16. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 302). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 384-386. 3771 Dec. 77. Danville, Ky. John Brown to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, IV., pp. 402-405. [Attached to letter (no. 24) of Gardo- qui to Floridablanca, March 4, 1789. In the transc. this date is given as December 17, 1789.] 3772 Dec. ip. Pittsburgh. Morgan to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3895 ; AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DL, Gardoqui, V., pp. 4-8; DAH, Span. Doc. (Span. transL), 3^ pp. [Copy in DL attached to letter (no. 308) of Gardo- qui to Floridablanca, January 12, 1789; that in DAH to letter of Espeleta to Miro, March 18, 1789.] 3773 238 Documents in Spanish Archives [1Y88 Dec. ip. [Detroit.] John Connolly to Morgan. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardo- qui, v., pp. 8-18. [Attached to letter (no. 308) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, January 12, 1789.] 3774 Dec. 2j. Mexico. Flores to Martinez. AI, 90-3-18. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 22-31. [See other list.] 3775 Dec. 23. Mexico. Flores to Valdes (no. 702). AI, 90-3-18. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 2-10. 3776 Dec. 24. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (nos. 303, 304). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, L, pp. 386-390. 3777 Dec. 24. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 305). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, II., pp. 372, 373. 3778 Dec. 24. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 306). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 390-393. 3779 Dec. 24. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (confidential, no. 23). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, IV., pp. 356-363. 3780 1789 [178^ ?} Petition to Gardoqui by Wilkinson and others. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, V., pp. 59-66. [Attached to letter (no. 316) of Gardo- qui to Floridablanca, June 25, 1789.] 3781 . Danville. John Brown to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, v., pp. 66-69. [Attached to letter (no. 316) of Gardoqui to Florida- blanca, June 25, 1789.] 3782 . . Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 329). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, V., pp. 86-89. 3783 lySg-iypo. Expedientes e instancias de partes de la Luisiana. AMGJ, leg. i. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, L, p. 15. 3784 Jan. I. Lexington, Ky. Wilkinson to Gardoqui. [AI ?] LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, II., p. i. [See other list.] 3785 Jan. 2. Mexico. Viceroy Flores to Valdes (no. 745). AI, 90-3-18. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 32, 33. 3786 Jan. 7. Mexico. Indice de las cartas en que el Virrey de Nueva Espana da cuenta al Rey por conducta del Exmo. Senor Baylio Fray Don Anto- nio Valdes de los asuntos reservados del servicio. AI, 90-3-18. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, i p. 3787 Jan. 8. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 307). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, V., pp. 1-3. 3788 Jan. 8. New York. Gardoqui to Cespedes. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i>^ p. [Attached to letter of Espeleta to Miro, March 18, 1789.] 3789 Jem. 10. New Orleans. Statement by Pedro Branly. AI, 86-5-23. DAH, Span. Doc. ^tV^ PP- [Attached to letter of Aparici to (>rondelet, August 2, 1792.] 3790 Jan. 12. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 308). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, V., pp. 3, 4. 3791 Jan. ly. [Lexington ?] Extract from a letter of Wilkinson to [Gardoqui ?]. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, IV., pp. 415-417. [Attached to letter (no. 24) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, March 24, 1789.] 3792 Jan. 25. Pittsburgh. Thomas Plutchins to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3895. DL. Gardoqui, IV., pp. 407-415. [Attached to letter (no. 24) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, March 4, 1789.] 3793 1789] Transcripts 239 Jan. 30. . Hawkins to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, IV., pp. 417, 418. [Attached to letter (no. 24) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, March 4, 1789.] 3794 Jem. JO. New York. B. Tardiveau to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, V., pp. 23-32 (French). [Attached to letter (no. 311) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, March 4, 1789.] 3795 Feb. J. New York. Tardiveau to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardo- qui, v., pp. 33-37 (French). [Attached to letter (no. 311) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, March 4, 1789.] 3796 Feb. 12. New Orleans. Letter regarding trade with the Indians (no. 160). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2>^ pp. [Attached to letter (no. 222) of Cienfuegos to Eguia, March 13, 1818.] 3797 Feb. 14. Lexington. Wilkinson to Miro. [AI ?] LHS, Span. MSS., Mis- sissippi Valley, II., p. 3. [See other list.] 3798 Feb. ly. . Secession in Kentucky (extract from Morning Post and Daily Advertiser). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, IV., pp. 401, 402. [Attached to letter (no. 24) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, March 24, 1789.] 3799 Feb. 28. Cartagena. Francisco Gil de Lemos to Floridablanca. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, V., pp. 74-76. 3800 Feb. 28. New Orleans. Miro to Grand-Pre (confidential, no. 506). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2^ pp. 3801 March 2. New York. Comte de Moustier to . AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, V., pp. 37-40. [Attached to letter (no. 311) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, March 4, 1789.] 3802 March 4. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (nos. 309, 311). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, V., pp. 18-22. 3803 March 4. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 312; two copies). AC, leg. 3891 ; id., leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, III., pp. 36-39 ; id., V., pp. 40-42. 3804 March 4. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (confidential, no. 24). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, IV., pp. 383-401. 3805 March 18. Havana. Espeleta to Miro. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. 3806 March 21. New Orleans [error for St. Louis ?]. Note of provisions and effects delivered to Morgan by Perez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS,Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 3807 March 21. St. Louis. Morgan's list of provisions and effects delivered to him by Perez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 3808 March 2/. St. Louis. Perez to Miro. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 3809 April II. New Orleans. Miro to Valdes, Minister of Ultramar. AI. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, IL, p. 4. [See other list.] 3810 April 14. New Madrid. Morgan to Miro. AI, 86-6-17. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 3811 April 14. New Madrid. Letter from Morgan's settlers (John Dodge and others) to friends at Fort Pitt concerning the western country (two copies). AI, 86-6-17; id.. Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; DAH, Span. Doc. 7 pp. [Copy in DAH, enclosure (no. 2) in letter (no. 39) of Miro to Valdes, May 20, 1789. See other list] 3812 240 Documents in Spanish Archives [1789 April 20. New Orleans. Proclamation by Miro. [AI ?] LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, II., p. 5. [See other list] 3813 April 20. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 313). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, II., pp. 373, 374. 3814 April 21. Choctaw Nation. Benjamin James, half-breed trader, to Vicente Folch. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 2 pp. [Enclosure (no. 3) in letter (no. 38) of Miro to Valdes, May 30, 1789.] 3815 April 22. Little Talassee. McGillivray to Folch, AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 5 pp. [Enclosure (no, i) in letter (no. 38) of Miro to Valdes, May 20, 1789.] 3816 April 22. New Orleans. James White to Miro. [AI ?] LHS, Span, MSS., Mississippi Valley, II., p. 8. [See other list.] 3817 April 22. . Relacion de los sujetos que han entregado al Coronel Morgan obligaciones del precio de las suertes de tierra que ha prometido concederles en su establecimiento proyectado. [AI ?] LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, II., p. 9. 3818 April 2 3. New Orleans. Miro to Wilkinson. [AI ?] LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, II., p. 7. [See other list.] 3819 April 24. New Orleans. Miro to Gen. Daniel Smith. [ AI ?] LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, IL, p. 6. [See other list.] 3820 April 24. New York. Account of Washington's arrival at New York. AC, leg. 3895, DL, Gardoqui, V., pp. 45-49. [Attached to letter (no. 314) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, May 21, 1789.] 3821 April 24. New York. Memorial of Cayetan del Castello, sub captain of the Galveston, to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, II. , pp. 377, 378. [Attached to letter of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, June 25, 1789.] 3822 April 2y. . Alexander Frazer and Ardey (sic) Perry, traders, to the inhabitants of Tombebe, warning them of Indian outbreaks. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc, (Span, transl.) i p. [At- tached to letter (no, 38) of Miro to Valdes, May 20, 1789.] 3823 April 28. Choctaw Nation. Simon Favre, interpreter, to Folch. AI, Pap, proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc, (Span, transl.) ^ p. [Enclosure (no. 2) of letter (no. 38) of Miro to Valdes, May 20, 1789.] 3824 April 28. New York. Order by Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, II., p. 378. [Attached to memorial of Castello, April 24, 1789.] 3825 May I. New York. Recommendation in favor of memorial by Castello. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, IL, pp. 378, 379. [Attached to letter of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, June 25, 1789.] 3826 May I. New York, Account of Washington's inauguration, AC, leg, 3895, DL, Gardoqui, V., pp. 49-56. [Attached to letter (no. 314) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, May 21, 1789.] 3827 May 3. Mobile, Folch to Miro (no, 759). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 38) of Miro to Valdes, May 20, 1789.] 3828 May p. Pensacola. Report of council of war and votes taken therein. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span, Doc, [Enclosing a letter from Folch to Cruzat, May 5, 1789.] 3829 1789] Transcripts 241 May II. New Orleans. Miro to McGillivray. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 6 pp. [Attached to letter of Miro to Cruzat, June 21, 1789.] 3830 May is-26. Aboard the Princess at San Lorenzo de Nootka. Various state- ments concerning the Ifigenia Nubiana. AI, 90-3-18. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 91-108. [Part of carpeta (no. 4) in letter (no. 1 182) of Flores to Valdes, August 27, 1789. See other list.] 3831 May ij. Natchez. Grand-Pre to Miro (no. 82). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 pp. [Enclosure (no. i) in letter of Miro to Cruzat, May 22, 1789.] . 3832 Af ay .?o. New Orleans. Miro to Valdes. AI, 86-6-17. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list] 3833 May 20. New Orleans. Miro to Valdes (confidential, nos. 38, 40). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 185^ pp. and 2 pp., re- spectively. 3834 May 20. New Orleans. Miro to Folch (no. 39) . AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 53^ pp. 3835 May 20. New Orleans. Official letter (no. 190) regarding trade. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2^/2 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 222) of Cienfuegos to Eguia, March 13, 1818.] 3836 May 20, lySp-May 20, 1790. . Accounts of Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, V., pp. 134-145. [Attached to letter of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, September i, 1790.] 3837 May 21. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 314). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, V., pp. 42-45. 3838 May 22. New Orleans. Miro to Cruzat. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. 3839 May 22. New Orleans. Miro to McGillivray. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 5 pp. [Enclosure (no. 2) in letter of Miro to Cruzat, of same date.] 3840 May 23. New Orleans. Miro to Morgan. [AI ?] LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, II., p. 10. [See other list.] 3841 May 24. New Orleans. Morgan to Miro. [AI ?] LHS, Span. MSS., Mis- sissippi Valley, II., p. 11. [See other list] 3842 May 27. Ste. Genevieve. Peyroux de la Coudriniere to Lorimier. AI, [Pap. proc. de Cuba ?]. MHS, Houck (French and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (French and Eng.) [Accompanies letter of Cruzat to Lorimier, July 9, 1787. See other list] 3843 May 2g. Ste. Genevieve. Peyroux de la Coudriniere to Lorimier. AI, [Pap. proc. de Cuba ?]. MHS, Houck (French and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (French and Eng.) [Accompanies letter of Cruzat to Lorimier, July 9, 1787. See other list] 3844 June J. Isla de Juan Fernandez. Certification by Bias Gonzalez, sargento- mayor, regarding Captain John Kendrick. AI, 90-3-18. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 51, 52. [Attached to letter of Martinez to Flores, July 13, 1789.] 3845 June J. New Orleans. Miro to Perez (two letters, one wrongly dated " New Madrid "). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 3846 17 242 Documents in Spanish Archives [1789 June 4. Natchez. Grand-Pre to Miro. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (extr.) i p. [Attached to letter of Miro to Cruzat, June 21, 1789.] 3847 June 8. St. Louis. Perez to Miro. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 3848 June 18. Aboard the Princess at Nootka Sound. Martinez to Captain Thomas Hudson (no. i), AI, 90-3-21. LC, Nootka Sound Contro- versy, p. 188. [Attached to letter of Hudson to Flores, September 18, 17^.] 3849 June i^. Aboard the Princess at Nootka Sound. Martinez to Hudson (no. 2). AI, 90-3-21. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, p. 188. [At- tached to letter of Hudson to Flores, September 18, 1789.] 3850 June 21. New Orleans. Miro to Cruzat. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Accompanies letter of Miro to Cruzat, May 22, 1789.] 3851 June 24. Nootka Sound. Possession of Nootka taken by Spaniards. AI, 90-3-18. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 42-46. [Attached to letter (no. 1182) of Flores to Valdes, August 27, 1789.] 3852 June 25. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (nos. 316-318). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, V., pp. 57-59, 69-71. 3853 June 25. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (nos. 319, 320), AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, II., pp. Z7S-Z77- 3854 June 25. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (nos. 321-325). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, V., pp. 72-74, 76-83. 3855 June 25. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 326). AC, leg, 3895. DL, Gardoqui, II., p. 379. 3856 June 25. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, II., pp. 376, 377. (See also no. 3673.) 3857 June ^o. New Orleans. Miro to Folch. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Accompanies letter of Miro to Cruzat, June 21, 1789.] 3858 {July .^] . Captain James Colnett to Viceroy Flores. AI, 90-3-21. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 165-172. [Attached to letter (no. 50) of Revilla-Gigedo to Valdes, October 27, 1789.] 3859 {July f] . Copia del primer coste de todos los efectos que tenia [Colnett] en su buque, y de que espresa la falta. AI, 90-3-21. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 173-176. [Attached to letter (no. 50) of Revilla-Gigedo to Valdes, October 27, 1789.] 3860 July ^. Nootka Sound. Relacion de los viveres y demas pertrechos que se ban tomado de cuenta de la Real Hacienda del paquebot Ingles apre- sado nombrado el Arguenat. AI, 90-3-18. LC, Nootka Sound Con- troversy, pp. 76, yj. [Part of carpeta (no. 3) in letter (no. 1182) of Flores to Valdes, August 27, 1789.] 3861 JtUy 10. New Orleans. Miro to Cruzat. AI, Pap. proc, de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 222) of Cienfuegos to Egiiia, March 13, 1818. Cites order from Valdes, March 23, 1789.] 3862 July IS- Nootka Sound. Esteban Jose Martinez to Flores (eight letters). AI, 90-3-18. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 47-50, 53-59, 69, 78-83, 109-111. [In carpetas (nos. 1-4) in letter (no. 1182) of Flores to Valdes, August 27, 1789.] 3863 1Y89] Transcripts 243 July I J. Nootka Sound. Lista del capitan oficiales y tripulacion prisionera en el paquebot apresado el Argonaut. AI, 90-3-18. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 70-74. [In carpeta (no. 3) in letter (no. 1 182) of Flores to Valdes, August 27, 1789.] 3864 July 15. Nootka Sound. Relacion de la artilleria, valas, y demas armamento que se encontro a bordo del paquebot Ingles apresado nombrado el Arguenat. AI, 90-3-18. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, p. 75. [In carpeta (no. 3) of letter (no. 1182) of Flores to Valdes, August 27, 1789.] 3865 July 15. Nootka Sound. Razon de las embarcaciones que ban hecho descu- brimiento al norte de la California. By E. J. Martinez. AI, 90-3-18; DH, California, Historia y viajes, t. 2, no. 13, fol. 32. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 112, 113; title merely in LC, Lowery, Cali- fornia. [In carpeta (no. 4) of letter (no. 1182) of Flores to Valdes, August 27, 1789.] 3866 Aug. S- New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 327). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, V., pp. 83-85. 3867 Aug. 10. New Orleans. Miro to Gayoso de Lemos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 3868 Aug. 10. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 328). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, V., pp. 85^-86. 3869 Aug. 20. New Orleans. Miro to William Panton, AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3^ pp. [Attached to letter (no. 222) of Cienfue- gos to Eguia, March 13, 1818.] 3870 Aug. 2'j. Mexico. Indice de las cartas reservadas en que el Virrey de Nueva Espafia da cuenta de las ocurrencias del servicio. AI, 90-3-18. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, p. 3. 3871 Aug. 2/. Mexico. Flores to Valdes (confidential, nos. 1182, 1183). AI, 90-3-18. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 35-41, 114, 115. 3872 Aug. 2y. Mexico. Flores to Revilla-Gigedo. AI, 90-3-14. Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 133, 134. [Part of carpeta (no. 3) in letter (no. 1245) oi Flores to Valdes, September 26, 1789.] 3873 Aug.2p. Mexico. Flores to Martinez (two letters). AI, 90-3-14. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 124-126. [Part of carpeta (no. i) in letter (no. 1245) of Flores to Valdes, September 26, 1789.] 3874 Aug. 50. Veracruz. Revilla-Gigedo to Flores. AI, 90-3-14. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 131, 135-138. [Part of carpeta (no. 3) in letter (no. 1245) of Flores to Valdes, September 26, 1789.] 3875 Aug. JJ. Veracruz. Revilla-Gigedo to Valdes. AI, 90-3-20, LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, p. 132. [Part of carpeta (no. 3) in letter (no. 1245) of Flores to Valdes, September 26, 1789.] 3876 [Sept. ?] [Natchez ?] Dickson to Antonio Fouter (?). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. lyi p- [Attached to instructions to Villebeuvre, September 21, 1789.] 3877 Sept. 2. Veracruz. Two letters by Revilla-Gigedo. AI, 90-3-14. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 138-144. [Part of carpeta (no. 3) in letter (no. 1245) o^ Flores to Valdes, September 26, 1789.] 3878 Sept. 5. San Bias, Jose Camacho and Jose Maria de Monterde to Flores. AI, 90-3-14. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 153, 154. [At- tached to letter (no, 1246) of Flores to Valdes, September 26, 1789.] 3879 244 Documents in Spanish Archives [1789 Sept. p. Veracruz. Revilla-Gigedo to Flores. AI, 903-14. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 144-149. [Part of carpeta (no. 3) in letter (no. 1245) of Flores to Valdes, September 26, 1789). 3880 Sept. 16. Mexico. Flores to Revilla-Gigedo. AI, 90-3-14. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 149, 150. [Part of carpeta (no. 3) in letter (no. 1245) of Flores to Valdes, September 26, 1789.] 3881 Sept. 18. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 330). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, V., pp. 89-93. 3882 Sept. 18. San Bias. Hudson to Flores. AI, 90-3-21. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 180-188. [Attached to letter (no. 50) of Revilla- Gigedo to Valdes, October 27, 1789.] 3883 Sept. 21. . Ynstruccion reservada que debera observar el Capitan Don Juan de la Villebeuvre para tomar posecion del fuerte Panmure de Natchez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3^ pp. 3884 Sept. 21. New Orleans. Act by Miro appointing Chief Chato-Mingo chief of the Gran Medalla. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. 3885 5'^/>^. ^(5 (probably in 1789). Augusta, Ga. Thomas Washington to Juan Cape. AI, 86-6-18. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) ij^ p. [Enclosure (no. i) in letter of Wilkinson to Miro, January 26, 1790.] 3886 S^pt. 26. Mexico. Yndice de las cartas reservadas en que el Virrey de Nueva Espana da cuenta de las ocurrencias del servicio. AI, 90-3-14. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 116, 117. 3887 Sept. 26. Mexico. Flores to Valdes (nos. 1245- 1248, 1250, and one unnum- bered). AI, 90-3-14. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 1 18-123, 151, 152, 155, 156, 159, 160. 3888 Sept. 2^. New York. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (no. 331). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, V., pp. 93-96. 3889 Oct. I. Charleston, S. C. Alexander Moultrie and others to Col. Juan Holda [Holden ?]. AI, 86-6-18. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 4 pp. [Enclosure (no. 2) in letter of Wilkinson to Miro, January 26, 1790.] 3890 Oct. I. Charleston. Moultrie and others to Juan Cape. AI, 86-6-18. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) i p. [Enclosure (no. 3) in letter of Wilkinson to Miro, January 26, 1790.] 3891 Oct. I. New Orleans. Governor Miro and Intendant William Panton regarding trade (no. 250). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. ij^ p. [Attached to letter (no. 222) of Cienfuegos to Eguia, March 13, 18 18.] 3892 Oct. I. . James Colnett to Revilla-Gigedo. AI, 90-3-21. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 177-179 (Span, transl.) [Attached to letter (no. 50) of Revilla-Gigedo to Valdes, October 27, 1789.] 3893 Oct. 2. New York. Gardoqui's instructions to his substitute, Jose de Viar. AC, leg. 3895. R, Shea, no. 38, env. 14 (extr.) ; DL, Gardoqui, V., pp. 99-110. [Attached to letter of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, Novem- ber 16, 1789.] 3894 Oct. 10, lySp-July 20, 1791. . Notes, extracts, etc., from letters to the Minister of Grace and Justice. AMGJ. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, II., p. 12. 3895 1789] Transcripts 245 Oct. 21. Mexico. Revilla-Gigedo to Colnett. AI, 90-3-21. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, p. 189. [See other list.] 3896 Oct. 2J. Mexico. Indice de las cartas reservadas que remite el Virrey de Nueva Espana por conducta del Exmo. Senor Baylio Fray Don Antonio Valdes. AI, 90-3-21. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, p. 161. 3897 Oct.sy. Mexico. Revilla-Gigedo to Valdes (confidential, no. 50). AI, 90-3-21. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 162-164. 3898 Nov. 15. Bilbao. Gardoqui to Floridablanca. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardo- qui, v., pp. 96, 97. 3899 Nov. 16. Bilbao. Gardoqui to Floridablanca. AC, leg, 3895. DL, Gardo- qui, v., pp. 97-99. 3900 Nov. 20. Bilbao. Gardoqui to Floridablanca. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardo- qui, v., pp. Ill, 112. 3901 Nov. 22- San Lorenzo. [Floridablanca ?] to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3895. R, Shea, no. 38, env. 14 (extr.) y^ p. 3902 Nov. 2y. Bilbao. Gardoqui to Floridablanca. AC, leg. 3895. R, Shea, no. 38, env. 14; DL, Gardoqui, V., pp. 112, 113. 3903 Nov. JO. St. Augustine. Thomas Wooster to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, V., pp. 125-129. [Attached to letter of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, February 22, 1790.] 3904 Nov. so. lySp-June 12, i/p6. New Madrid. Oaths of allegiance to the Span- ish Government. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 3905 Dec. 2/. Mexico. Revilla-Gigedo to Valdes (nos. 194-198, 200). AI, 90- 3-19. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 190-204, 206, 207. 3906 Dec. 30. Palace, [Madrid ?]. Valdes to Floridablanca. AHN, Estado, leg. 4291. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, p. 265. 3907 1790 [Ca. lypo f] . Scheme to found settlement on the Mississippi north of the Missouri. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span. and Eng.) [See other list.] 3908 [lypo f] . Chart (no. 4) showing portion of Mississippi River and its branches, and the operations of the [Yazoo] Companies of South Carolina and Virginia, AI, 86-6-18. DAH, Span. Doc. i sheet. [Accompanies letter (no. 51) of Miro to Valdes, August 10, 1790. Sent to Miro by Wilkinson.] 3909 Jan. 2. Palace, [Madrid ?]. Valdes to Floridablanca, AHN, Estado, leg. 4291. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, p. 265. 3910 Jan. 4. Lexington, Ky. Wilkinson to Moultrie and others. AI, 86-6-18. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, II., p. 13 (Span, transl.) ; DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.), 7 pp. [Copy in DAH, enclosure (no. 4) in letter of Wilkinson to Miro, January 26, 1790.] [See other list.] 3911 Jan. 5. Belmonte. Benjamin Sebastian to Wilkinson. [AI ?] LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, IL, p. 14. [See other list.] 3912 /a«. p. New York. Copy of Washington's message to Congress, January 8. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, V., pp. 1 15-123. [Attached to letter of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, February 19, 1790.] 3913 Jan. 20. Lexington. Wilkinson to Miro. [AI ?] LHS, Span. MSS,, Mis- sissippi Valley, II,, p. 15, [See other list,] 3914 246 Documents in Spanish Archives [1790 Jan. 20. Aranjuez. Floridablanca to Comte de Montmorin. AHN, Estado, leg. 4291. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 267, 268. 3915 Jan. 24. Charleston. Alexander Moultrie to Spanish official, concerning the land companies operating in the Yazoo district. AI, 86-6-20. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 17 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 8) of Casas to Campo de Alange, May 4, 1791.] 3916 Jan. 25. Madrid. Valdes to Miro. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2^ pp. [Attached to letter (no. 222) of Cienfuegos to Eguia, March 13, 1818.] 3917 Jan. 26. Lexington. Wilkinson to Miro. AI, 86-6-18. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) lYz P- [Enclosure (no. i) in letter of Miro, May 22, 1790.] 3918 Jcat. 28. San Bias. Derrota desde el puerto de San Bias al de San Lorenzo de Nuca. Signed by Juan Francisco de la Bodega y Quadra. AI, 90-3-26. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 211-213. [Attached to letter (no. 369) of Revilla-Gigedo to Valdes, February 26, 1790.] 3919 Jan. 28. San Bias. Instrucciones secretas para el teniente de navio Don Francisco Eliza, comandante de la fragata Concepcion. AI, 90- 3-26. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 214-219. [Attached to letter (no. 369) of Revilla-Gigedo to Valdes, February 26, 1790.] 3920 Feb. ip. Madrid. Gardoqui to Floridablanca. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardo- qui, v., pp. 114, 115. 3921 Feb. 22. Madrid. Gardoqui to Floridablanca. AC, leg, 3895. DL, Gardo- qui, v., pp. 123-125. 3922 Feb. 26. Mexico. Revilla-Gigedo to Valdes (nos. 369, 372). AI, 90-3-26. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 208-210, 220, 221. 3923 Feb. 26. Whitehall. Duke of Leeds to Campo de Alange. AHN, Estado, leg. 4291. LC, Nootka Sound Controversv (French), pp. 266, 269. ' 3924 Feb. 27. Charleston. Alexander Moultrie to Wilkinson. AI, 86-6-18. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 3 pp. [Enclosure (no. i) in letter (no. 51) of Miro to Valdes, August 10, 1790.] 3925 Feb. 28. London. Campo de Alange to Floridablanca (no. i). AHN, Estado, leg. 4291. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 269, 270. 3926 March ^. Palace, [Madrid ?]. Valdes to Floridablanca. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, V., p. 130. [Accompanies letter of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, February 22, 1790.] 3927 March 20. Madrid. Plan suggested by Gardoqui for an agent in the western country. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 99-101. 3928 March 22. . Report of proceedings at Council of State. Signed by Eugenio de Llaguna. AHN, Estado, leg. 4291. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 270, 271. 3929 March 28. Palace, [Madrid ?]. Floridablanca to Valdes. AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, I., p. 99. 3930 March 28. Palace, [Madrid ?]. Plan suggested by Gardoqui for an agent in the western country (differs slightly from plan of March 20). AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, I., pp. 97, 98, [Attached to letter of Floridablanca to Valdes, of same date.] 3931 1790] Transcripts 247 March sg. . Report of Council proceedings. Signed by Eugenio de Llaguna. AHN, Estado, leg. 4291. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 274, 275. 3932 March jo. Madrid. Gardoqui to Floridablanca. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardo- qui, v., pp. 131, 132. 3933 Aprils. New Orleans. Miro to O'Neill. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Attached to letter (no. 222) of Cienfuegos to Eguia, March 13, 1818.] 3934 April 20. London. Campo de Alange to Leeds. AHN, Estado, leg. 4291. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 275, 276 (French). [See other list] ' 3935 April 2j. Mexico. Revilla-Gigedo to Juan de la Bodega y Quadra. AI, 903-21, LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 232, 233. [Part of carpeta (no. i) of letter (no. 530) of Revilla-Gigedo to Valdes, May I, 1790.] 3936 April 2y. Mexico. Revilla-Gigedo to the Commissary of San Bias. AI, 90-3-21. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 234, 235. [Part of carpeta (no. i) in letter (no. 530) of Revilla-Gigedo to Valdes, May I, 1790.] 3937 April ^o. Mexico. Relacion de las cartas con que se han dado cuenta a S. M. de las disposiciones tomado por el Virrey de Nueva Espana sobre el arreglo de puerto de San Bias y expediciones a Nuca. AI, 90-3-21. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, p. 236. 3938 May I. Mexico. Revilla-Gigedo to Valdes (nos. 529, 530). AI, 90-3-21. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 223-229. [See other list.] 3939 Mays- Mexico. Colnett to Revilla-Gigedo. AI, 90-3-21. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 242-245. [Enclosure (no. i) in letter (no. 538) of Revilla-Gigedo to Valdes, May 27, 1790.] 3940 May 4. Mexico. Revilla-Gigedo to Colnett. AI, 90-3-21. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 246-249. [Enclosure (no. 2) in letter (no. 538) of Revilla-Gigedo to Valdes, May 27, 1790.] 3941 May 4. . Estracto del expediente de Boturini. Consejo de Indias, 27 de Abril de 1790. [Spain ?] LC, South America, etc.. Historical papers, Ac. 195. 5 11. 3942 May 5. Whitehall. Leeds to Campo de Alange. AHN, Estado, leg. 4291. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 276, 277 (Eng.) 3943 May Y- Mexico. Colnett to Revilla-Gigedo. AI, 90-3-21. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 250-253. [Enclosure (no. 3) in letter (no. 538) of Revilla-Gigedo to Valdes, May 27, 1790.] 3944 May 8. Little Talassee. McGillivray to Miro. AI, 86-6-18. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 7 pp. [Enclosure (no. i) in letter (no. 52) of Miro to Valdes, August 10, 1790.] 3945 May II. Mexico. Revilla-Gigedo to Colnett. AI, 90-3-21. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, p. 254. [Enclosure (no. 4) in letter (no. 538) of Revilla-Gigedo to Valdes, May 27, 1790.] 3946 May II. Mexico. Decree by Revilla-Gigedo addressed to Juan Vicente de Guemes Pacheco de Padella. AI, 90-3-21. LC, Nootka Sound Con- troversy, pp. 255-257. [Enclosure (no. 5) in letter (no. 538) of Revilla-Gigedo to Valdes, May 27, 1790.] 3947 May II. Paris. Conde de Feman-Nunez to Floridablanca. AHN, leg. 4038. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 385-390. 3948 248 Documents in Spanish Archives [1790 May i6. Aranjuez. Anthony Merry, English ambassador, to Floridablanca. AHN, Estado, leg. 4291. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, p. 278. 3949 May 16. Aranjuez. Memorial submitted to Floridablanca by Merry. AHN, Estado, leg. 4291, LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 279-281 (original in Eng., with French transl.) 3950 May 18. Toledo. [Floridablanca] to Merry. AHN, Estado, leg. 4291. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 282, 283. 3951 May ip. Aranjuez. Merry to Floridablanca. AHN, Estado, leg. 4291. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 284, 285. 3952 May 21. Paris. Montmorin to Floridablanca. AHN, Estado, leg. 4038. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 391-394 (French). 3953 May 22. New Orleans. Miro to Spanish official (confidential, no. 49). AI, 86-6-18. DAH, Span. Doc. 6>4 pp. 3954 May 24. Lexington. James O'Fallon to Miro. [AI ?] LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, H., p. 16. [See other list.] 3955 May 26. Aranjuez. Navarro to Pedro Lerena (?). AMGJ. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, HL (abstr.) 3956 May 26, 1790-July SI, i8oy. Aranjuez, and other places. Notes, abstracts, etc., of various letters. [AMGJ ?] LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, HL, p. 45. 3957 May 27. Mexico. Revilla-Gigedo to Valdes (no. 538). AI, 90-3-21. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 237-241. 3958 June 2. Aranjuez. Charles IV. to Queen Maria of Portugal. AHN, Estado, leg. 4221. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, p. 452. 3959 June. 4. Aranjuez. [Floridablanca] to Merry. AHN, Estado, leg. 4291. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, p. 285. 3960 June 5. Belem, Portugal. Queen Maria to Charles IV. AHN, Estado, leg. 4221. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy (Port.), p. 453. 3961 June 15. Aranjuez. Charles IV. to Maria. AHN, Estado, leg. 4221. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, p. 454. 3962 June 18. Aranjuez. Floridablanca to Alleyne Fitzherbert, ambassador from England. [Spain ?] LC, South America, etc.. Historical papers, Ac. 195. 2 11. 3963 June 21. Belem. Maria to Charles IV. AHN, Estado, leg. 4221. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, p. 455. 3964 June 25. Paris. Fernan-Nufiez to Montmorin. AHN, Estado, leg. 4038. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, p. 395. 3965 June 26. Mexico. Revilla-Gigedo to Valdes (no. 599). AI, 90-3-21. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 258, 259. 3966 June so. Paris. Montmorin to Fernan-Nunez. AHN, Estado, leg. 4038. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, p. 397. 3967 July I. Aranjuez. Fitzherbert to Leeds. AHN, leg. 4291. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 286, 287 (Eng. with Span, interlinear). 3968 July 8. San. Bias. Colnett to Juan Vicente. AI, Estado, Audiencia de Mexico, I., folder. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, p. 260. [Attached to letter of Juan Vicente to Floridablanca, July 31, 1790. See other list.] 3969 Julyg. Lisbon. Maria to Charles IV. AHN, Estado, leg. 4221. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, p. 456 (Port.) 3970 1790] Transcripts 249 July 15. Lisbon. Maria to Charles IV. AHN, Estado, leg. 4221. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, p. 458 (Port.) 3971 July ly. Madrid. Memorial presented to Floridablanca by Fitzherbert. AHN, Estado, leg. 4291. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 287- 290 (French). 3972 July 22. Madrid. Spanish reply to memorial of July 17. AHN, Estado, leg. 4291. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 290-293. 3973 July 23. Madrid. Charles IV. to Maria. AHN, Estado, leg. 4221. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, p. 457. 3974 July 2^. New Orleans. Representation by the Ayuntamiento of Louisiana, concerning the royal decree of May 31, 1789. [AI ?] LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, II., p. 17. [See other list.] 3975 July so. Madrid. Charles IV. to Maria. AHN, Estado, leg. 4221. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, p. 459. 3976 Aug. 7. Lisbon. Maria to Charles IV. AHN, Estado, leg. 4221. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, p. 460 (Port.) 3977 Aug. 10. New Orleans. Miro to Valdes (confidential, nos. 51, 52). AI, 86-6-18. DAH, Span. Doc. 16 and yy^ pp., respectively. [No. 51, accompanied by map (no. 4) showing operations of South Carolina and Virginia land companies.] 3978 Aug. 20. Madrid. Charles IV. to Maria. AHN, Estado, leg. 4221. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, p. 461. 3979 Aug. 2y. Paris. Montmorin to Luzerne. AHN, Estado, leg. 4038. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 405-408. 3980 Aug. 28. Paris. Montmorin to Luzerne. AHN, Estado, leg. 4038. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 403, 404 (French). 3981 Aug. 30. Paris. Montmorin to President of National Assembly. AHN, Estado, leg. 401. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 401, 402 (French). 3982 [Sept. f] . Plan que fue a Londres acordado con el embaxador (no. 4). AHN, Estado, leg. 4291. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 323-325. 3983 Sept. I. . Papel de advertencias al plan extendido por el Senor Conde de Floridablanca a primero de Septiembre de 1790 para el examen de los primeros ministros de estado (no. 3). AHN, Estado, leg. 4291. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 317-323. 3984 Sept. I. Paris. Montmorin to Fernan-Nunez. AHN, Estado, leg. 4038. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 398-400. 3985 Sept. I. Madrid. Gardoqui to Floridablanca (three letters). AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, V., pp. 132, 133, 145-148. 3986 Sept. 4. Paris. Memorial signed by Lord Gower, British ambassador. AHN, Estado, leg. 4038. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, p. 409 (French). 3987 Sept. 8. Madrid. Fitzherbert to [Floridablanca]. AHN, Estado, leg. 4291. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, p. 293 (French). 3988 Sept. 8. Madrid. Project for a treaty between Spain and England. AHN, Estado, leg. 4291. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 294- 301. 3989 Sept. 26. New Orleans. Miro to Pedro Lerena (?). AMGJ. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, III. (abstr.) 3990 250 Documents in Spanish Archives [1790 Oct. 14. . Nuevo proyecto Ingles propuesto por el Senor Embaxador de Inglaterra (no. 5). AHN, Estado, leg. 4291. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 325-327 (French). 3991 Oct. 16. . Notas al plan del no. 5 (no. 6). AHN, Estado, leg. 4291. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 327-331 (French). [Attached to letter of Floridablanca to Fitzherbert, of same date.] 3992 Oct. 16. . Contraproyecto Espanol (no. 7). AHN, Estado, leg. 4291. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 331-334. [Attached to letter of Floridablanca to Fitzherbert, of same date.] 3993 Oct. 16. San Lorenzo. Floridablanca to Fitzherbert (no. 8). AHN, Estado, leg. 4291. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 334, 335. 3994 Oct. j6. San Lorenzo. [Floridablanca] to Fitzherbert (no number). AHN, Estado, leg. 4291. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, p. 378. 3995 Oct. ip. . Ultimo proyecto Ingles con un articulo separado (no. 9). AHN, Estado, leg. 4291. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 335, 336. 3996 Oct. 19. San Lorenzo. Floridablanca to Bernardo de Iriarte, Minister of the Indies. AHN, Estado, leg. 2848. LC, Nootka Sound Contro- versy, p. 362. 3997 Oct. 20. San Lorenzo. Floridablanca to Iriarte. AHN, Estado, leg. 2848 ; id., leg. 4291. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, p. 382. 3998 Oct. 21. Madrid. [Iriarte ?] to Floridablanca. AHN, Estado, leg. 2848. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, p. 381. 3999 Oct. 22. Madrid. [Iriarte?] to Floridablanca. AHN, Estado, leg. 2848. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, p. 382. 40(30 Oct. 2^. San Ildefonso. Fitzherbert to Floridablanca. AHN, Estado, leg. 4291. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, p. 302 (French). 4001 Oct. 2^. San Ildefonso. Floridablanca to Iriarte. AHN, Estado, leg. 2848. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, p. 381. 4002 Oct. 2^. Paris. Montmorin to Fernan-Nufiez. AHN, Estado, leg. 4038. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 410, 411 (French). 4003 Oct. 25. Madrid. Council of the eight Spanish Ministers. AHN, Estado, leg. 4291. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 337-361. 4004 Oct. 25. [Madrid ?] [Iriarte ?] to Floridablanca. AHN, Estado, leg. 2848 (also in leg. 4291, in preceding item). LC, Nootka Sound Contro- versy, pp. 383, 384. 4005 Oct. 25. Paris. Fernan-Nunez to Montmorin. AHN, Estado, leg. 4038. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 412, 413 (French). 4006 Oct. 26. San Lorenzo. Fitzherbert to Floridablanca. AHN, Estado, leg. 4291. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, p. 302 (French). 4007 Oct. 26. San Lorenzo. Fitzherbert to [Floridablanca]. AHN, Estado, leg. 4291. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, p. 303 (French). 4008 Oct. 26. Escorial. Fitzherbert to the English Consuls. AHN, Estado, leg. 2848. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 372, 373 (French). 4009 [Oct. 26?] . Notes regarding Nootka Sound Controversy. AHN, Estado, leg. 2848. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, p. 373. [At- tached to letter of Fitzherbert, October 26, 1790.] 4010 [Oct. 27?] [Madrid?] [Note by Iriarte ?] AHN, Estado, leg. 2848. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, p. 366. 4011 1790] Transcripts 251 Oct. 2J. San Lorenzo. Fitzherbert to Floridablanca. AHN, Estado, leg. 4291. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, p. 304 (French). 4012 Oct. 2y. San Lorenzo. Floridablanca to Iriarte. AHN, Estado, leg. 2848. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, p. 366. 4013 [Oct. 28 f] [Madrid?] [Note by Iriarte?] AHN, Estado, leg. 2848. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 371, 372. 4014 [Oct. 28 f] . Note regarding Council. AHN, Estado, leg. 2848. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, p. 372. 4015 Oct. 28. . Reflexiones sobre la Convencion hecha con Inglaterra. [By Floridablanca ?] AHN, Estado, leg. 4291. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 305-316. 4016 Oct. 28. Madrid. Iriarte to Floridablanca. AHN, Estado, leg. 2848. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 367-370. 4017 Oct. 29. San Lorenzo. Fitzherbert to Floridablanca. AHN, Estado, leg. 4291. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, p. 304 (French). 4018 Oct. 2Q. Madrid. [Iriarte ?] to Floridablanca. AHN, Estado, leg. 2848. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, p. 383. 4019 Nov. New Orleans. Miro to Luis de las Casas. AI, 86-6-20. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Enclosure (no. i) in letter (no. 8) of Casas to Campo de Alange, May 4, 1791.] 4020 Nov. I. San Lorenzo. Floridablanca to Fernan-Nufiez. AHN, Estado, leg. 4038. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 413, 414. 4021 Nov. J. Madrid. Iriarte to Floridablanca. AHN, Estado, leg. 2848. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. Z7A-Z7^' 4022 Nov. 16. . Order approving Gardoqui's account. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, II., pp. 390, 391. [Accompanies letter (no. 326) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, June 25, 1789.] 4023 Nov. ip. San Lorenzo. Gardoqui to Floridablanca. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, II., pp. 391, 392. [Accompanies letter (no. 326) of Gardo- qui to Floridablanca, June 25, 1789.] 4024 Nov. 21. San Lorenzo, Floridablanca to Iriarte (three letters). AHN, Estado, leg. 2848. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 364, 376, 379. [Copy of one of these letters also in leg. 4291.] 4025 Nov. 23. Madrid. Iriarte to Floridablanca. AHN, Estado, leg. 2848. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, p. 377. 4026 Nov. 24. Madrid. Iriarte to Floridablanca. AHN, Estado, leg. 2848. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, p. 380. 4027 Nov. 28. San Lorenzo. Floridablanca to Iriarte. AHN, Estado, leg. 2848. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 373, 374. 4028 Nov. 2p. San Lorenzo. Floridablanca to Iriarte. AHN, Estado, leg. 2848. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, p. 363. 4029 Nov. 2p. Madrid. Iriarte to Floridablanca. AHN, Estado, leg. 2848. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, p. 365. 4030 Nov. JO. Madrid. Iriarte to Floridablanca. AHN, Estado, leg. 2848. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, p. 363. 4031 Dec. J. San Lorenzo. Floridablanca to Gardoqui. AC, leg. 3895. DL, Gardoqui, II., p. 392. [Accompanies letter (no. 326) of Gardoqui to Floridablanca, June 25, 1789.] 4032 Dec. 24. Madrid. Charles IV. to Queen Maria of Portugal. AHN, Estado, leg. 4221. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, p. 462. 4033 252 Documents in Spanish Archives [1790 Dec. ^5. Madrid. Floridablanca to Gayoso de Lemos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 3) of Gayoso de Lemos to Miro, April 16, 1791.] 4034 Dec. ^0. Belem. Maria to Charles IV. AHN, Estado, leg. 4221. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, p. 463 (Port.) 4035 1791 Jan. 7. Madrid. Consideration and decision by the Contadoria General regarding fugitive slaves. ACC. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, II., p. 18. 4036 Jan. 75. Harrodsburg, Ky. Tames O'Fallon to Spanish official. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 21pp. [Enclosure (no. i) in letter (no. 21) to Casas.] 4037 Jan. ly. New Orleans. Miro to Council at Madrid. AI. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, II., p. 19. [See other list.] 4038 Jan. ly-Nov. 5. Duplicados reservados del gobemador e intendente Miro (extr., abstr., etc., of his nos. 7, 33, 50, 62, 64, 74, 80, and 82). AI. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, II., p. 19. 4039 Feb. ly. Havana. Governor Luis de las Casas to Conde del Campo de Alange. AI, Papeles del Ministerio de Estado, Audiencia de Sto. Domingo. DAH, Span. Doc. 85^ pp. [Attached to letter of Casas to Floridablanca, December 3, 1791.] 4040 Feb. 18. Crab Orchard, Ky. O'Fallon to Miro. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 73/2 pp. [Enclosure (no. 2) in letter (no. 21) to Casas.] 4041 Feb. 26. Pensacola. McGillivray to Miro. AI, 86-6-20. DAH, Span. Doc. 12 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 8) of Casas to Campo de Alange.] 4042 March 2^. London. Memorial de Guillermo Bowles, Director de la Nacion Talapuche a S. M. C. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 10 pp. 4043 March 26. New Orleans. [Mir6] to O'Fallon, AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 6 pp. [Enclosure (no. 3) in letter (no. 21) to Casas.] 4044 April I. Walnut Hills (Nogales). Manuel Gavoso de Lemos to Tomas Portell. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 4045 April I. Walnut Hills. Ynstrucciones que devera observar el comandante del puesto de los Nogales. Signed by Gayoso de Lemos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 18 pp. 4046 April I. Walnut Hills. Ynstrucciones reservadas para el comandante de los Nogales. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 4I/2 pp. [Accompanies and probably attached to letter of Gayoso de Lemos to Portell, of same date.] 4047 April I. Walnut Hills. Ynstruccion para la admision de pobladores en el partido de los Nogales. Signed by Gayoso de Lemos. AI, Pap, proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 7 pp. [Accompanies and probably attached to letter of Gayoso de Lemos to Portell, of same date.] 4048 April I. Walnut Hills. Instrucciones reservadas para el comandante de los Nogales, AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. [Attached to letter of Gayoso de Lemos to Beauregard, April 2, 1781.] 4049 1791] Transcripts 253 Aprils. Walnut Hills. Gayoso de Lemos to Elias Beauregard. AI, Pap. *^, proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Accompanies letter of Gayoso de Lemos to Beauregard, April 22, 1791.] 4050 Aprils. New Orleans. Complaint by Luis Moller of land surveyors. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 11 pp. [Includes certifica- tion, decree by Governor Unzaga, etc.] 4051 April 7 ; Nov. 15. New Orleans. Attestations by Carlos Trudeau, surveyor. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 4 pp. [Accompanies complaint by Luis Moller, April 6, 1791.] 4052 Aprils. New Orleans. [Miro] to Casas (confidential, no. 21). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. 4053 April 12. Madrid. Petition by Hermenegildo Ruiz de Molina to Charles IV. AI, 86-5-23. DAH, Span. Doc. y/2 pp. [Attached to letter of Aparici to Carondelet, August 2, 1792.] 4054 April 16. Walnut Hills. Gayoso de Lemos to Portell. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3^ pp. 4055 April 16. Walnut Hills. Gayoso de Lemos to Miro (confidential, no. 3). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 7 pp. 4056 April 17. Walnut Hills. Portell to Gayoso de Lemos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. [Accompanies letter of Gayoso de Lemos to Portell, April 16, 1791.] 4057 April 20. New Orleans. Miro to Madrid Cabinet. ACC. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, II., p. 19. [See other list.] 4058 April 22. Walnut Hills. Gayoso de Lemos to Beauregard. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. 4059 April 26. New Madrid. Pedro Foucher to Miro. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list] 4060 April ^o. Madrid. Report of settlers at New Madrid. By Pedro Foucher. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba, MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 4061 May 4. Havana. Casas to Campo de Alange (confidential, no. 8). AI, 86-6-20. DAH, Span. Doc. 4>^ pp. 4062 May 10. Natchez. Gayoso de Lemos to Miro (no. 84). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 14 pp. 4063 May 7j. New Orleans. Miro to Portell. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 4064 May 14. . Indian chiefs to Gayoso de Lemos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba ; id., Papeles del Ministerio de Estado, Audiencia de Sto. Domingo. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) ij^ p. [One copy attached to letter of Gayoso de Lemos to Casas, June 28, 1791 ; the other, enclosure (no. 3) in letter (no. 201) of Miro to Casas, June 28, 1791.] 4065 After May 14. [Natchez ?] Gayoso de Lemos to Indian chiefs. AI, Pap. proc, de Cuba ; id., Papeles del Ministerio de Estado, Audiencia de Sto. Domingo. DAH, Span. Doc. 6 pp. [One copy attached to letter of Gayoso de Lemos to Casas, June 28, 1791 ; the other, enclosure (no. 4) in letter (no. 201) of Miro to Casas, June 28, 1791.] 4066 254 Documents in Spanish Archives [1791 May 24. Walnut Hills. Beauregard to Gayoso de Lemos. AI, Papeles del Ministerio de Estado, Audiencia de Sto. Domingo. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Enclosure (no. 2) in letter (no. 201) of Miro to Casas, June 28, 1791.] 4067 May 28. Natchez. Gayoso de Lemos to Miro. AI, Papeles del Ministerio de Estado, Audiencia de Sto. Domingo. DAH, Span. Doc. 2j^ pp. [Enclosure (no. i) in letter (no. 201) of Miro to Casas, June 28, 1791.] 4068 May jo-June 14. Natchez, and other points. Diario de Don Estevan Minor ayudante de la Plaza de Natchez. AI, Papeles del Ministerio de Estado, Audiencia de Sto. Domingo. DAH, Span. Doc. 23 pp. [Enclosure (no. 2) in letter (no. 206) of Miro to Casas, July 15, 1791.] 4069 June l^. Natchez. Gayoso de Lemos to Miro (no. 122). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2>4 pp. [Accompanies letter of Gayoso de Lemos to Miro, April 16, 1791.] 4070 June 16. Natchez. Gayoso de Lemos to Miro (no. 132). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 4>4 pp. [Accompanies letter of Gayoso de Lemos to Miro, April 16, 1791.] 4071 June 24. Natchez. Gayoso de Lemos to Indian chiefs (two letters). AI, Papeles del Ministerio de Estado, Audiencia de Sto. Domingo. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 and i^ pp., respectively. [Enclosures (nos. 3 and 4) in letter (no. 206) of Miro to Casas, July 15, 1791.] 4072 June 28. New Orleans. [Gayoso de Lemos] to Casas. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2>^ pp. 4073 June 28. New Orleans. Miro to Casas (no. 201). AI, Papeles del Minis- terio de Estado, Audiencia de Sto. Domingo. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 94) of Casas to Campo de Alange, August 13, 1791.] 4074 July I. Natchez. Gayoso de Lemos to Miro. AI, Papeles del Ministerio de Estado, Audiencia de Sto. Domingo. DAH, Span. Doc. 29 pp. [Enclosure (no. i) in letter (no. 206) of Miro to Casas, July 15, 1791.] '4075 July 15. Natchez. Gayoso de Lemos to Miro (no. 144) . AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span, Doc. 5 pp. [Accompanies letter of Gayoso de Lemos to Miro, April 16, 1791.] 4076 July 15. New Orleans. Miro to Casas (no. 206). AI, Papeles del Minis- terio de Estado, Audiencia de Sto. Domingo. DAH, Span. Doc. 33^ PP- [Attached to letter (no. 94) of Casas to Campo de Alange, August 13, 1791.] 4077 July 2y. Philadelphia. Jose de Jaudenes and Jose de Viar to Floridablanca (no. 9). AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, III., pp. 45-50. 4078 Aug. 2. Philadelphia. Jaudenes and Viar to Floridablanca (no. 16). AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, III., pp. 51, 52. 4079 Aug. 12. Havana. [Casas] to Miro. AI, Papeles del Ministerio de Estado, Audiencia de Sto. Domingo. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 pp. [Accompanies letter (no. 206) of Miro to Casas, and is answer to letters (nos. 201, 206).] 4080 Aug. IS- Havana. Casas to Campo de Alange (no. 94). AI, Papeles del Ministerio de Estado, Audiencia de Sto. Domingo. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 pp. 4081 1791] Transcripts 255 Sept. J. New Orleans. Miro to Gayoso de Lemos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 pp. [Cites in full the letter of Casas to Miro, August 2, 1 79 1.] 4082 Sept. 15. St. Augustine. Governor Juan Nepomuceno de Quesada to Minis- ter Pedro Aparici. AI, 86-5-23. DAH, Span. Doc. 6 pp. [At- tached to letter of Aparici to Carondelet, August 2, 1792.] 4083 Sept. 21. Philadelphia. Jaudenes and Viar to Floridablanca (no, 30). AC, leg. 3891. DL, Gardoqui, III., pp. 52, 53. 4084 Sept. 24. San Lorenzo. Floridablanca to Gayoso de Lemos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Enclosure (no. 2) in letter (no. 253) of Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet, April 5, 1793.] 4085 Sept. 28. San Lorenzo. Floridablanca to Gayoso de Lemos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Enclosure (no. 3) in letter (no. 253) of Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet, April 5, 1793.] 4086 Oct. San Lorenzo. Floridablanca to Gayoso de Lemos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Enclosure (no. 4) in letter (no. 253) of Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet, April 5, 1793.] 4087 Oct. 6. New Orleans, Miro to Aparici. AI, 86-5-23. DAH, Span, Doc. 6 pp. [Enclosure (no. 10) in letter of Aparici to Carondelet, August 2, 1792,] 4088 Oct. 12. . Opinion of Gardoqui in regard to trade of Louisiana and Florida. AMGJ. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, III. (abstr.) 4089 Nov. 14. Apalache. Luis de Bertucart to O'Neill (no, 6^). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 13^4 pp. 4090 Nov. 28. St. Louis. Zenon Trudeau to Carondelet, AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 4091 Dec. J. Havana. Casas to Floridablanca. AI, Papeles del Ministerio de Estado, Audiencia de Sto. Domingo. DAH, Span. Doc. 5^ pp, 4092 Dec. 15. Pensacola. Bertucart to O'Neill (no. 73), AI, Pap, proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 pp. [Accompanies letter (no. 63) of Bertucart to O'Neill, November 14, 1791.] 4093 Dec. 16. Pensacola. O'Neill to Carondelet. AI, Pap, proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Accompanies letter (no. 63) of Bertucart to O'Neill, November 14, 1791.] 4094 Dec. 17. Pensacola. O'Neill to Carondelet (two letters). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba, DAH, Span. Doc. 3 pp. [Accompany letter (no. 63) of Bertucart to O'Neill, November 14, 1791.] 4095 Dec. 2^. New Orleans. Investigation regarding William Bowles. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 7 pp. [Accompanies letter (no, 63) of Bertucart to O'Neill, November 14, 1791.] 4096 Dec. so. Mexico. Revilla-Gigedo to Floridablanca. AI, Estado, Audiencia de Mexico, no. i. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 261, 262. 4097 1792 [iyp2.] New Orleans. Carondelet to Trudeau. AI, 86-6-26. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Attached to letter of Carondelet, January 10, 1793. See other list.] 4098 Jan. 2. Havana. Casas to Campo de Alange (no. 137). AC, leg. 3897. WHS, Draper, 39 J, pp. 220-238. 4099 256 Documents in Spanish Archives [1792 Jan. 4. San Marcos de Apalache. William Bowles to Henry White. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Enclosure (no. i) in letter of White to Carondelet, February 9, 1792.] 4100 Jan. 4. San Marcos de Apalache, Francisco Javier Guessy, commandant of San Marcos de Apalache, to Bowles. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Enclosure (no. 2) in letter of White to Carondelet, February 9, 1792.] 4101 Jan. 6. St. Augustine. Quesada to White. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Enclosure (no. 3) in letter of White to Carondelet, February 9, 1792.] 4102 Jem. 6. New Orleans. Report on the Natchez District, made by virtue of a royal order of September 24, 1791 (two copies). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 22 and 24 pp. [Cites in full a letter of January 2, 1792, ordering the report in accordance with the royal order. Passed by Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet.] 4103 Jan. 10. Natchez. Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet (no. 237). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc, 4 pp. 4104 Jan. ly. New Orleans. Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 12 pp. 4105 [Jan. ^0 ?] [San Marcos de Apalache?] Bowles to Guessy. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. ij^ p. [Part of enclosure (no. 7) in letter of White to Carondelet, February 9, 1792.] 4106 Jan. ^0. San Marcos de Apalache. Guessy to O'Neill. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Enclosure (no, 6) in letter of White to Carondelet, February 9, 1792.] 4107 Jan. JO. San Marcos de Apalache. Guessy to O'Neill. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. ^ p. [Part of enclosure (no. 7) in letter of White to Carondelet, February 9, 1792.] 4108 Jan. 50. San Marcos de Apalache. Guessy to O'Neill. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. ^ p. [Enclosure (no. 8) in letter of White to Carondelet, February 9, 1792.] 4109 Feb.4-March 12. . Diario de lo acaecido desde la salida del Nuevo Orleans, en la comicion que puso al cuidado de Don Josef de Hevia, el Senor Gobernador. By J. de Hevia. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc, 213^ pp. [Enclosure (no. 2) in letter (no, 11) to Florida- blanca, March 22, 1792.] 4110 Feb. p. Pensacola. White to Carondelet. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. 4111 Feb. 10. Apalache. Declaracion que hace Guillermo Cunningham en aten- cion al robo hecho en los almacenes de Don Guillermo Panton. AI, Pap, proc, de Cuba, DAH, Span. Doc. 7 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 15) to Floridablanca, March 18, 1792.] 4112 Feb. ij. Havana. Casas to Carondelet. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Eng.) [See other list] 4113 Feb. ip. Entrance of River Apalache, Jose Hevia to Guessy, AI, Pap, proc de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i^^ p. [Enclosure (no, 2) in letter (no, ii) to Floridablanca, March 22, 1792.] 4114 Feb. 20. San Marcos de Apalache. Guessy to Hevia. AI, Pap. proc, de Cuba, DAH, Span. Doc, Yz p. [Enclosure (no. 3) in letter (no. 11) to Floridablanca, March 22, 1792.] 4115 1Y92] ^ Transcripts 257 Feb. 24. San Marcos de Apalache. Hevia to McGilHvray. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. ^ p. [Enclosure (no. 6) in letter (no. 11) to Floridablanca, March 22, 1792.] 4116 Feb. 2y. San Marcos de Apalache. Guessy to Hevia. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i^ p. [Enclosure (no. 9) in letter (no. 11) to Floridablanca, March 22, 1792.] 4117 Feb. 2y. Apalache. Hevia to Guessy. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 pp. [Enclosure (no. 10) in letter (no. 11) to Florida- blanca, March 22, 1792.] 4118 March jj. Natchez. Ynstrucciones que se han dado a Don Estevan Minor. By Gayoso de Lemos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 14 pp. 4119 March i^-April 5. Natchez. Diario que ejecuto Don Esteban Minor en el viaje que acaba de hacer por comision a la Nacion Chacta (two copies). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 32^^ pp., and 40 pp., respectively. [One copy attached to letter of Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet, May 15, 1792.] 4120 March 18. [New Orleans.] [Carondelet] to Floridablanca (confidential, no. 15). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Accom- panies letter (no. 18) to Floridablanca, April 4, 1792.] 4121 March 22. New Orleans. [Carondelet?] to Floridablanca (no. 11). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 13 pp. 4122 March 24. Natchez. Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet (no. 12), AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3>4 pp. 4123 March 24. Natchez. Gayoso de Lemos to chief of the Chickasaws. AI, Pap, proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Enclosure (no. 3) in letter (no. 12) of Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet, of same date.] 4124 March 24. Natchez. Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet (no. 19). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. 4125 March 26. New Orleans. Carondelet to Trudeau. AI, 86-6-26. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Dated in transc. 1793. See other Hst.] 4126 March 28. Choctaw Nation. Chief Franchimastabe to Gayoso de Lemos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Attached to letter of Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet, September 15, 1792.] 4127 March 20. New Orleans. Carondelet to O'Neill. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 pp. [Enclosure (no. i) in letter (no. 19) to Floridablanca, April 4, 1792.] 4128 March so. [New Orleans.] [Carondelet] to Pedro Olivier, AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 45^ pp. [Enclosure (no. 4) in letter (no. 19) to Floridablanca, April 4, 1792. 4129 April 2. Natchez. Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet (no. 27). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 41^ pp. 4130 April 4. New Orleans. [Carondelet] to Floridablanca (nos. 18 and 19). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 and 4 pp., respect- ively. 4131 April II. New Orleans. Statement by William Cunningham. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl,) 2>4 pp. [Accom- panies (as no. i) letter (no. 18) to Floridablanca, April 4, 1792.] 4132 18 268 Documents in Spanish Archives [1792 April 14. Natchez. Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet (confidential, no. 2). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 105^ pp. 4133 April 20. Natchez. Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet (no. 42). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 14 pp. [Accompanies letter to Carondelet, March 24, 1792. Also accompanied by another letter of 10 pp. from Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet, without date.] 4134 April 21. Havana. Casas to Floridablanca. AI, Papeles del Ministerio de Estado, Audiencia de Sto. Domingo. DAH, Span. Doc. 173/^ pp. 4135 [May f] [St. Louis.] Perez to Lorimier. AI, [Pap. proc. de Cuba?]. MHS, Houck (French and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (French and Eng.) [See other list.] 4136 May 4. [St. Louis.] Perez to Lorimier. AI, [Pap. proc. de Cuba?]. MHS, Houck (French and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (French and Eng.) [See other list.] 4137 May 12. New Madrid. Portell to [Lorimier ?] AI, [Pap. proc. de Cuba ?]. MHS, Houck (French and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (French and Eng.) [See other list.] 4138 May 14. Natchez. Treaty between Spain and the Chickasaw Nation. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 6^ pp. [Attached to letter of Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet, May 15, 1792.] 4139 May 15. Natchez. Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. [Attached to letter of Carondelet to Floridablanca, May 22, 1792.] 4140 May 16. Natchez. Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet (confidential, no. 4). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 5 pp. 4141 May 16. Natchez. Gayoso de Lemos to Beauregard. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Attached to letter of Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet, of same date.] 4142 May 21. Santa Fe, N. M. Governor Fernando de la Concha to Trudeau (with note by Trudeau transmitting copy to Carondelet). AI, 86- 6-26. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 4143 May 21. Santa Fe. Concha's instructions to Pedro Vial. AI, 86-6-26. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 4144 May 22. Fort Celeste, New Madrid. Portell to Lorimier. AI, [Pap. proc. de Cuba?]. MHS, Houck (French and Eng.); WHS, Houck (French and Eng.) [See other list] 4145 May 22. New Orleans. Carondelet to Floridablanca (confidential, no. 28). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 25^ pp. [With various enclosures.] 4146 May 2g. Natchez. [Gayoso de Lemos ?] to Carondelet. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 53 pp. 4147 June 4. Natchez. Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet (no. 94). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. 4148 June jj. New Orleans. Carondelet to Pedro Olivier. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 pp. 4149 June 16. New Madrid. Portell to Lorimier. AI, [Pap. proc. de Cuba ?]. MHS, Houck (French and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (French and Eng.) [See other Ust.] 4150 July 5. Natchez. Estado politico de la Provincia de la Luisiana. By Gayoso de Lemos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba, DAH, Span. Doc. 223/^ pp. 4151 \ 1792] Transcripts 259 July ly. Kaskaskia. Bartolome Tardiveau to Aranda. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 4152 July 2^. Natchez. Letter by Carondelet. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 24 pp. 4153 July ^i. Natchez. Gayoso de Lemos to Juan de la Villebeuvre (no. i). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 17 pp. 4154 Aug. I. Gayoso de Lemos to Franchimastabe, chief of the Choctaws (no. 2). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc, 2^ pp. 4155 Aug. I. Natchez. Gayoso de Lemos to Mr. Turner Brashears (no. 3). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 25^ pp. [Accompanies letter of Gayoso de Lemos to Villebeuvre, July 31, 1792.] 4156 Aug. 2. Madrid. Aparici to Carondelet. AI, 86-5-23. DAH, Span. Doc. I p. 4157 Aug. 5. New Orleans. Letter by Juan Filkiol (transl. from French or Eng-,) AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 8 pp. 4158 Aug. 4. New Madrid. Portell to Lorimier. AI, [Pap. proc. de Cuba ?], MHS, Houck (French and Eng,) ; WHS, Houck (French and Eng.) [See other list.] 4159 Aug. 6. Ste, Genevieve, Frangois Valle to Lorimier, AI, [Pap. proc. de Cuba ?], MHS, Houck (French and Eng,) ; WHS, Houck (French and Eng.) [See other list.] 4160 Aug. 7. Madrid, Report on the political condition of Louisiana by Miro, AI, 66-7-25, MHS. 4161 Aug. 8. St. Louis. Trudeau to Lorimier. AI, [Pap, proc. de Cuba?], MHS, Houck (French and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (French and Eng.) [See other list.] 4162 Aug. 26. St, Louis, Trudeau to Lorimier (two letters), AI, [Pap, proc, de Cuba?], MHS, Houck (French and Eng.); WHS, Houck (French and Eng.) [See other list,] 4163 Sept. J. Little Talassee. Pedro Olivier to O'Neill. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. 4164 Sept. 4. Natchez. Gayoso de Lemos to Villebeuvre (no. 2). AI, Pap, proc, de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 4>4 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 157) of Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet, September 13, 1792.] 4165 Sept. 13. Natchez. Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet (no. 156). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 6 pp. 4166 Sept. 7j. Natchez. Noticia del regalo que recivio el gefe de Gran Medalla Ytelaghana y diez nueve guerreros que lo acompanaban. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 156) of Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet, of same date.] 4167 Sept. 7j. Natchez. Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet (nos. 157, 161). AI, Pap. proc, de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. and 55^ pp., respect- ively. 4168 Sept. 14. . Chief Payamataho to Gayoso de Lemos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Enclosure (no. i) in letter (no. 178) of Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet, September 29, 1792.] 4169 Sept. 15. New Orleans. Carondelet to Minister Conde de Bajamar. AMGJ ; RAH (formerly in collection of P. de Gayangos). LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, II., p. 20. [See other list.] 4170 260 Documents in Spanish Archives [1792 Sept. 22. St. Mary's River. John Forrester, commandant of Santa Maria, to Quesada (two letters). AI, 86-6-23; id., Papeles del Ministerio de Estado, Audiencia de Sto. Domingo, leg, 9. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 3 pp. and 2>4 pp., respectively. [Enclosure (no. i) in letter (no. i) of Quesada to Bajamar, October 10, 1792; and enclosure (no. i) in letter of Casas to Aranda, November 29, 1792.] 4171 Sept. 2^. St. John's River. Andrew Atkinson to Quesada. AI, 86-6-23 ; id., Papeles del Ministerio de Estado, Audiencia de Sto. Domingo, leg. 9. DAH, Span. Doc. (both copies ; Span, transl.) [One copy, enclosure (no. i) in letter of Casas to Aranda, November 29, 1792; and other enclosure (no. 2) in letter (no. i) of Quesada to Bajamar, October 10, 1792.] 4172 Sept. 2y. Natchez, Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet (no. 176), AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span, Doc. 35^ pp. 4173 Sept. 28. Natchez, Gayoso de Lemos to Villebeuvre (no. 3). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 7 pp. [Enclosure (no. 3) in letter (no. 178) of Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet, September 29, 1792.] 4174 Sept. 2p. Natchez. Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet (nos. 177, 178), AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba, DAH, Span. Doc. 2^ pp. and j^ p,, respect- ively. 4175 Sept. 2Q. Natchez. Gayoso de Lemos to Villebeuvre. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Enclosure (no. 20 in letter (no. 178) of Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet, of same date.] 4176 [Oct. ?] Little Talassee. [Pedro Olivier to O'Neill ?] AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 pp. 4177 Oct. I. St. Mary's River. John Forrester to Quesada. AI, 86-6-23 ; id., Papeles del Ministerio de Estado, Audiencia de Sto. Domingo, leg. 9. DAH, Span. Doc. (both copies ; Span, transl.) 2 pp. [One copy, part of enclosure (no. i) in letter of Casas to Aranda, November 29, 1792; the other, part of enclosure (no. i) in letter (no. i) of Quesada to Bajamar, October 10, 1792.] 4178 Oct. 2. St. Augustine. Agent John Leslie to Quesada. AI, 86-6-23 ; id., Papeles del Ministerio de Estado, Audiencia de Sto. Domingo, leg. 9. DAH, Span. Doc. (both copies; Span, transl.) Gyi pp. and 8 pp., respectively. [One copy, part of enclosure (no, 3) in letter of Casas to Aranda, November 29, 1792; the other, part of enclosure (no. 3) in letter (no. i) of Quesada to Bajamar, October 10, 1792.] 4179 Oct. 4. St, Augustine. Quesada to Leslie, AI, 86-6-23 ; id., Papeles del Ministerio de Estado, Audiencia de Sto. Domingo, leg. 9. DAH, Span. Doc, (both copies), i^ p- [One copy, part of enclosure (no. 3) in letter of Casas to Aranda, November 29, 1792; the other, part of enclosure (no, 3) in letter (no, i) of Quesada to Bajamar, October 10, 1792.] 4180 Oct. 5. St. Augustine. Leslie to Quesada. AI, 86-6-23 > id-> Papeles del Ministerio de Estado, Audiencia de Sto, Domingo, leg. 9, DAH, Span. Doc. (both copies; Span, transl.) 2 pp. [One copy, part of enclosure (no. 3) in letter of Casas to Aranda, November 29, 1792; the other, part of enclosure (no. 3) in letter (no. i) of Quesada to Bajamar, October 10, 1792.] 4181 \ 1792] Transcripts 261 Oct. 6. St. Augustine. Quesada to Leslie. AI, Papeles del Ministerio de Estado, Audiencia de Sto. Domingo, leg. g. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Part of enclosure (no. 5) in letter of Casas to Aranda, November 29, 1792.] 4182 Oct. 7. St. Louis. Trudeau to Carondelet. AI, 86-6-26. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 4183 Oct. 7. St. Louis. Pedro Vial's Journal of his Voyage from Santa Fe to St. Louis. AI, 86-6-26. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 4184 Oct. 10. St. Augustine. Quesada to Bajamar (confidential, no. i). AI, 86-6-23. DAH, Span. Doc. 4185 Oct. 15. Little Talassee. Pedro Olivier to O'Neill. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 2>4 pp. 4186 Oct. 16. St. Louis. Trudeau to Carondelet. AI, 86-6-26. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Attached to letter of Carondelet, January 10, 1793. See other list.] 4187 Oct. 20. St. John's River. Agent John Macintosh to Quesada. AI, Papeles del Ministerio de Estado, Audiencia de Sto. Domingo, leg. 9. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) [Part of enclosure (no. 4) in letter of Casas to Aranda, November 29, 1792.] 4188 Oct. 22. New Orleans. Carondelet to Gayoso de Lemos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 5^ p. [Accompanies letter (no. 161) of Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet, September 13, 1792.] 4189 Oct. 25. St, Augustine. Quesada to Casas. AI, Papeles del Ministerio de Estado, Audiencia de Sto. Domingo, leg. 9. DAH, Span. Doc. i>4 p. [Part of enclosure (no. 4) in letter of Quesada to Casas, November 29, 1792.] 4190 Oct. 26. Natchez. Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet (no. 184). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 7>4 pp. 4191 Oct. 57. General Quarters at Molino del Bayu-Pierre. [Gayoso de Lemos] to Carondelet (no. 189). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 6 pp. [In his letter of November 10 to Carondelet, Gayoso de Lemos speaks of this letter, to which he ascribes the above date.] 4192 [Nov. .^] . Indian chief to Gayoso de Lemos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 2 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 201) of Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet, November 27, 1792.] 4193 Nov. 2. [New Orleans ?] Carlos Trudeau, surveyor, to the governor gen- eral [of Louisiana ?] AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. I^ p., with chart of i sheet. 4194 Nov. 10. Natchez. Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet (no. 189). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 10 pp. 4195 Nov. 10. San Marcos de Apalache. Instruccion de Don Juan Bautista Pelle- rin. By Francisco Montreuil. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 4 pp. [Attached to letter of Montreuil to O'Neill, November 24, 1792.] 4196 Nov. 12. St. Louis. Trudeau to Carondelet. AI, 86-6-26. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Enclosed in letter of Carondelet, January 10, 1793.] 4197 262 Documents in Spanish Archives [1792 Nov. i6. Natchez. Gayoso de Lemos to Villebeuvre. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 53^ pp. [Enclosure (no. 2) in letter (no. 200) of Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet, November 27, 1792.] 4198 Nov. 20. New Orleans. Carondelet to Casas (confidential, no. 57). AI, Papeles del Ministerio de Estado, Audiencia de Sto. Domingo; id.. Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (both copies). 5 pp. [One copy attached to letter of Casas to Aranda, December 3, 1792.] 4199 Nov. 21. Havana. Casas to Quesada. AI, Papeles del Ministerio de Estado, Audiencia de Sto, Domingo, leg. 9. DAH, Span. Doc. i>^ p. [Part of enclosure (no. 5) in letter of Casas to Aranda, November 29, 1792.] 4200 Nov. 24. New Orleans. Carondelet's message to the several chiefs and warriors. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 4 pp. 4201 Nov. 24. San Marcos de Apalache. Francisco Montreuil to O'Neill (no. 30). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 9>4 pp. 4202 Nov. 21 . Natchez. Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet (nos. 200, 201). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i/^ p. and 2 pp., respect- ively. 4203 Nov. 2^. Havana. Casas to Aranda. AI, Papeles del Ministerio de Estado, Audiencia de Sto. Domingo, leg. 9. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. 4204 Dec. 2. Havana. Casas to Aranda. AI, Papeles del Ministerio de Estado, Audiencia de Sto. Domingo, leg. 9. DAH, Span. Doc. 5 pp. 4205 Dec. 18. Bouffo Kaoy (?). Villebeuvre to Manuel de Lanzos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 6 pp. 4206 Dec. 22, iy92-Dec. 5, 1797. New Orleans. Commissions issued to militia officers of New Madrid by Carondelet. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 4207 Dec. 25. Madrid. Floridablanca to Gayoso de Lemos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Enclosure (no. i) in letter (no. 253) of Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet, April 5, 1793. The tran- script dates this letter wrongly, 1793.] 4208 Dec. 31. New Orleans. Estado que forma la Contaduria principal de Ejercito y Real Hacienda de la provincia de la Luisiana. Signed by Joseph de Orue. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i sheet. [Attached to letter (no. 73) of Carondelet to Casas, April 18, 1793.] 4209 1793 [Co. 179s f] New Orleans. Carondelet to Aranda. AC, leg. 3897. WHS, Draper. [See other Hst] 4210 [1793 ?] New Orleans. Carondelet to Trudeau. AI, 86-6-26. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 4211 [1793 ?\ [New Orleans ?] Nota de los efectos necesarios para el comercio de Indios. AI. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, III., p. 44. 4212 {1793 f\ [Louisville ?] Petition of inhabitants west of Alleghanies to the President and Congress of the U. S. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 4>4 pp. [Enclosure (no. 4) in letter (no. 109) of Carondelet to Casas, April 7, 1794.] 4213 1Y93] Transcripts 263 Les Frangais Hbres a leurs freres de la Louisiane. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 6 pp. [L'an 2 de la republique frangaise.] 4214 . . List of the principal emigrants still residing- at Gallipolis. AI, 86-7-16. MHS, Houck; WHS, Houck. [Attached to letter of Carondelet, April 26, 1793. See other list.] 4215 Jan. 5. New Orleans. Detailed account of the annual expenses of Louisiana. By Jose de Orue. [AI ?] LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, IV., pp. 3-60. [See other list.] 4216 Jan. 4. Carondelet's grant to Lorimier. AI. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other Hst.] 4217 Jan. 8. New Orleans. Carondelet to Aranda (confidential, no. 26). AC. WHS, Draper, 40 J, pp. 225-238 (with Eng. transl.) 4218 Jan. 8. New Orleans. Carondelet to [Aranda ?] (confidential, no. 27). AC. WHS, Draper, 40 J, pp. 241-244 (with Eng. transl.) 4219 Jan. p. New Orleans. Carondelet to Casas (confidential, nos. 62, 63). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 13^ and }i p., respect- ively. 4220 Jan. 10. New Orleans. Carondelet to Casas (two letters). AI, 86-6-26. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.; one letter). [See other list.] 4221 Jan. 24. New Orleans. Carondelet to Casas (no. 66). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 6 pp. 4222 [Feb. ] . William Panton to Carondelet. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. (Span, transl.) [Enclosure (no. 2) in letter (no. 69) of Carondelet to Casas, March 9, 1793.] 4223 Feb. I. Havana. Casas to Manuel de Godoy, Prince of Peace and Duke of Alcudia. AI, Papeles del Ministerio de Estado, Audiencia de Sto. Domingo, leg. 14. DAH, Span. Doc. 4 pp. 4224 Feb. 5. Havana. Casas to Campo de Alange. AI, 86-6-26. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 4225 Feb. 25. New Orleans, Carondelet to Floridablanca. AMGJ. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, III. (abstr.) 4226 Feb. 26. New Orleans. Puntos sobre los cuales se debera tratar en el congreso de los Indios (two copies). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 7 pp. [One copy, enclosure (no. 4) in letter (no. 69) of Carondelet to Casas, March 9, 1793.] 4227 Feb. 28. New Orleans. Carondelet to Godoy (two copies). AC; AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. WHS, Draper, 40 J, pp. 1-12; DAH, Span. Doc, 6 pp. [Copy in DAH, enclosure (no. i) in letter (no. 69) of Carondelet to Casas, March 9, 1793.] 4228 [March f] [Ste. Genevieve ?] Frangois Valle to Lorimier. AI, [Pap. proc. de Cuba ?]. MHS, Houck (French and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (French and Eng.) [See other list.] 4229 March 4. New Orleans. Advice of the administrator of the royal incomes to the junta. AI. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, IV., pp. 61-75. 4230 March 5. New Orleans. Carondelet to Gayoso de Lemos (two letters, pos- sibly identical). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba (both letters). DAH, Span. Doc. 5 pp. [One copy, enclosure (no. 3) in letter (no. 69) of Carondelet to Casas, March 9, 1793.] 4231 264 Documents in Spanish Archives [1793 March p. New Orleans. Carondelet to Casas (confidential, no. 69). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 4>4 pp. 4232 March p. New Orleans. Carondelet to Godoy (no. 2). AC. WHS, Draper, 40 J, pp. 13-29 (with Eng. transl.) 4233 March II. New Orleans. Carondelet to Godoy (no. 3). AC. WHS, Draper, 40 J, pp. 33-39 (with Eng-. transl.) 4234 March 14. Ste. Genevieve. Frangois Valle to Lorimier. AI, [Pap. proc. de Cuba?]. MHS, Houck (French and Eng.); WHS, Houck (French and Eng.) [See other list.] 4235 March 18. Ste. Genevieve. Valle to Lorimier. AI, [Pap. proc. de Cuba ?]. MHS, Houck (French and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (French and Eng.) [See other list.] 4236 March 18. New Orleans. Vote of the administrator general of the royal incomes. AI. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, III., pp. 147- 149. 4237 March 26. New Orleans. Carondelet to Trudeau. AI, 86-6-26. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 4238 March 28. New Orleans. Carondelet to Godoy (no. 4). AC. WHS, Draper, 40 J, pp. 43-48 (with Eng. transl.) 4239 March 50. Aranjuez. Godoy to Carondelet. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Attached to letter (no. 134) of Carondelet to Casas, May i, 1795.] 4240 April I. Ste. Genevieve. Valle to Lorimier. AI, [Pap. proc. de Cuba ?]. MHS, Houck (French and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (French and Eng.) [See other list.] 4241 April 3. New Orleans. Petition by Manuel Perez. AI, 86-6-26. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 4242 April 4. Natchez. Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet, AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 4243 April 5. Natchez. Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet (no. 253). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 6j^ pp. [Enclosure in letter (no. 73) of Carondelet to Casas, April 18, 1793.] 4244 April 7, 179^-Dec. 13, 1795. New Madrid. Oaths of allegiance to the Span- ish government. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 4245 April p. Natchez. Gayoso de Lemos to Villebeuvre. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 6^ pp. [Enclosure (no. 8) in letter (no. i) of Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet, April 11, 1793.] 4246 April 10. New Orleans. Memorial of Carlos de Hault de Lassus, and others, to Carondelet. AI, 86-7-16. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list] 4247 April II. Natchez. Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet (no. i). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 4V2 pp. 4248 April 75. New Orleans. Contract between Tardiveau et al. and Carondelet for construction of flour-mills, etc. AI, 86-7-16. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Attached to Carondelet's letter of April 26, 1793. See other list.] 4249 1793] Transcripts 265 April J/. New Orleans. Memorial of De Hault de Lassus and others to Carondelet. AI, 86-7-16. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Attached to Carondelet's letter of April 26, 1793. See other list.] 4250 April 18. Natchez. Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet (confidential, no. 8). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 4251 April 18. New Orleans. Carondelet to Casas (confidential, no. 73). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 5 pp. 4252 April 18. New Orleans. Relacion del estado de las plazas, fuertes y puestos de las provincias de la Luisiana y Florida Occidental. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 17^ pp. [Attached to letter (no. 73) of Carondelet to Casas, of same date.] 4253 April 18. New Orleans. Carondelet to Godoy (no. 5). AC. WHS, Draper, 40 J, pp. 41-42 (with Eng. transl.) [See other list.] ^54 April ig. New Orleans. Carondelet to Gayoso de Lemos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Accompanies letter (no. i) of Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet, April 11, 1793, to which it is the answer.] 4255 April 22- New Orleans. Carondelet to Godoy. AC, leg. 3897. WHS, Draper, 40 J (with Eng. transl.) [See other Hst.] 4256 April 26. New Orleans. Carondelet to Godoy (no. 6). AC. WHS, Draper, 40 J, pp. 49-57 (with Eng. transl.) [See other list.] 4257 April 26. New Orleans. Carondelet to Gardoqui. AI, 86-7-16. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 4258 April 2y. Natchez. Padron del districto de Natchez del ano de 1792. Signed by Gayoso de Lemos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 4 large sheets and i small sheet. 4259 May I. St. Louis. Trudeau to Lorimier. AI, [Pap. proc. de Cuba?]. MHS, Houck (French and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (French and Eng.) [See other list.] 4260 May I. Natchez. Villebeuvre to [Gayoso de Lemos ?] AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 23^ pp. [Accompanies letter of Ville- beuvre, September 12, 1793.] 4261 Mety 3. . Minutes of Council of State. AMGJ. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, III. (abstr.) 4262 May 4. Havana. Casas to Campo de Alange. AI, 86-6-26. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 4263 May 8. New Orleans. Carondelet to Lorimier. AI, [Pap. proc. de Cuba ?]. MHS, Houck (French and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (French and Eng.) [See other list.] 4264 May 10. Natchez. Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet (no. 2). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 5 pp. [Cites either in full or in great part the letter of Carondelet to Gayoso de Lemos, April 19, 1793.] 4265 May 10. . Treaty between Spain and Indians (two copies). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 4 pp. [One copy attached to letter (no. 10) of Carondelet to Godoy, June 11, 1793.] 4266 266 Documents in Spanish Archives [1793 May 10. Natchez. Villebeuvre to [Gayoso de Lemos ?]. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 4 pp. [Accompanies letter of Ville- beuvre, September 12, 1793.] 4267 May 21. New Orleans. Carondelet to General James Robertson. AC, leg-. 3897. WHS, Draper. [See other list.] 4268 May 24. New Orleans. Carondelet to Godoy (confidential, nos. 8, 9). AC, leg. 3897. WHS, Draper, 40 J, pp. 61-80. [With enclosures. See other list.] 4269 May 25. Philadelphia. Jaudenes and Viar to Jefferson. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 33^ pp. [Attached to letter of Jau- denes and Viar to Carondelet, May 26, 1793.] 4270 May 26. Philadelphia. Jaudenes and Viar to Carondelet. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i^ p. [Accompanies letter of Jau- denes and Viar to Carondelet, July 2, 1793.] 4271 May 27. New Orleans. Speech by Spanish official to the Indians. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i>^ p. [Attached to letter of John MacDonald, May 29, 1793.] 4272 May 28. Havana. Cayetano Payeto to Casas. AI, 86-6-26. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Attached to letter of Casas, June 14, 1793. See other list.] 4273 May 2p. . Letter by trader John MacDonald. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. 4274 June 2. St. Louis. Trudeau to Lorimier. AI, [Pap. proc. de Cuba ?]. MHS, Houck (French and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (French and Eng.) [See other list.] 4275 June 2. Aranjuez. Royal order promulgating and extending the commer- cial decree of 1782. ACC. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, IV., pp. 77-88. 4276 June 5. Philadelphia. Jefferson to Jaudenes and Viar. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 2 pp. 4277 June 8. Natchez. Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet (no. 3). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. I2>^ pp. 4278 June p. Aranjuez. Gardoqui to Casas. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 95^ pp. 4279 June II. New Orleans. Carondelet to Godoy (confidential, no. 10). AC; AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. WHS, Draper, 40 J, pp. 81-111 (with enclosures) ; DAH, Span. Doc. 4^^ pp. 4280 June 12. Philadelphia. Jaudenes and Viar to Jefferson. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 pp. [Attached to letter of Jaudenes and Viar to Carondelet, July 2, 1793.] 4281 June 12. Natchez. Villebeuvre to [Gayoso de Lemos ?] (nos. i, 2). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 and 2 pp., respectively. [Accompany letter of Villebeuvre, September 12, 1793.] 4282 June 12. Natchez. Lista de los efectos robados en casa de Mordica Richard- sen el Homochito por trece Indios Chactas. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Accompanies letter of Villebeuvre, September 12, 1793.] 4283 June 14. Havana. Casas to Spanish Minister (no. 313). AI, 86-6-26. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 4284 1793] Transcripts 267 June I/. New Orleans. Carondelet to Gayoso de Lemos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 pp. [Accompanies letter (no. 3) of Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet, June 8, 1793.] 4285 June 18. Philadelphia. Jaudenes and Viar to Jefferson. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 7>4 pp. [Attached to letter of Jaudenes and Viar to Carondelet, July 2, 1793.] 4286 June 20. Natchez. Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet (no. 4). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 8 pp. 4287 June 25. Natchez. Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet (no. 5). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 4 pp. 4288 June 25. Natchez. Letter by Gayoso de Lemos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 45^ pp. [Attached to letter (no. 5) of Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet, of same date.] 4289 July I. New Orleans. Carondelet to Gayoso de Lemos (two letters or two copies of the same letter). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 pp. [One copy accompanies letter (no. 4) of Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet, June 20, 1793, of which it is the answer.] 4290 July 2. Philadelphia. Jaudenes and Viar to Carondelet. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. 4291 July 4. Natchez. Villebeuvre to [Gayoso de Lemos ?] AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Accompanies letter by Villebeuvre, September 12, 1793.] 4292 July p. New Orleans. Militia commissions granted by Carondelet. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 4293 July II. New Orleans. Carondelet to Gayoso de Lemos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 33^ pp. [Accompanies letter of Ca- rondelet to Gayoso de Lemos, July i, 1793.] 4294 July 12. New Orleans. Report by Carondelet. AC. WHS, Draper, 42 J, pp. 1-4. 4295 July 18. Walnut Hills. Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 5 pp. 4296 July 20. Ste. Genevieve. Valle to Lorimier. AI, [Pap. proc. de Cuba ?]. MHS, Houck (French and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (French and Eng.) [See other list.] 4297 July 2^. Walnut Hills. Gayoso de Lemos to Villebeuvre (no. 4). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 7>4 pp. 4298 July ^o. New Orleans. Carondelet to Portell. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i^ p. [Accompanies letter of Carondelet to Gayoso de Lemos, July i, 1793.] 4299 July so. New Orleans. Trade regulations, stating who shall be allowed to go to the Upper Missouri. MHS (French). 6>4 pp. 4300 July SI- New Orleans. Carondelet to Godoy (nos. 12, 13). AC. WHS, Draper, 40 J, pp. 1 13-149. [With enclosures.] 4301 Aug. 6. New Orleans. Carondelet to Portell. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 pp. [Accompanies letter of Carondelet to Gayoso de Lemos, July i, 1793.] 4302 Aug. 8. Walnut Hills. Elias Beauregard to Gayoso de Lemos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Enclosure (no. i) in letter (no. 9) of Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet, August 20, 1793.] 4303 268 Documents in Spanish Archives [1793 Aug. p. Natchez. Gayoso de Lemos to Beauregard, AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2j4 pp. [Enclosure (no. 2) in letter (no. 9) of Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet, August 20, 1793.] 4304 Aug. 15. New Orleans. Carondelet to Gayoso de Lemos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 65^ pp. [Accompanies letter of Carondelet to Gayoso de Lemos, July i, 1793.] 4305 Aug. 16. New Madrid. Portell to Lorimier. AI, [Pap. proc. de Cuba ?]. MHS, Houck (French and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (French and Eng.) [See other list.] 4306 Aug. ip. Natchez. Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet (no. 8). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 113^ pp. ' 4307 Aug. 20. Natchez. Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet (no. 9). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. 4308 Aug. 21. Jaudenes and Viar to Carondelet. AC, leg. 3897. WHS, Draper, 40 J. [See other list.] 4309 Aug. 22. St. Louis. Trudeau to Lorimier. AI, [Pap, proc. de Cuba?]. MHS, Houck (French and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (French and Eng.) [See other list] 4310 Aug. 27. New Orleans. Carondelet to Godoy (confidential, no. 15). AC. WHS, Draper, 40 J, pp. 153-170. [With enclosures.] 4311 Aug. 2p. Jefferson to Jaudenes and Viar. AC, leg. 3897. WHS, Draper, 41 J. [Attached to letter of Jaudenes and Viar to Casas, October 7, 1793. See other list.] 4312 Aug. so. New Orleans. Carondelet to Godoy (confidential, nos. 16, 17). AC. WHS, Draper, 40 J, pp. 173-178. [With enclosures.] 4313 Aug. ji. New Orleans. Carondelet to Gayoso de Lemos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 5 pp. [Accompanies letter of Caronde- let to Gayoso de Lemos, July i, 1793.] 4314 Sept. 6. New Madrid. Portell to Lorimier. AI, [Pap. proc. de Cuba ?]. MHS, Houck (French and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (French and Eng.) [See other list.] 4315 Sept. JO. Ste. Genevieve. Trudeau to Lorimier. AI, [Pap. proc. de Cuba ?]. MHS, Houck (French and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (French and Eng.) [See other list.] 4316 Sept. 12. Natchez. Villebeuvre to [Gayoso de Lemos ?]. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. 4317 Sept. 16. New Orleans. Decree by Carondelet. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. 4318 Sept. 16. New Orleans. Petition by Juan Munie to Carondelet. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (original and Eng.) [See other list.] 4319 Sept.iy. New Orleans. Carondelet to Villebeuvre (two copies). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 4^^ pp. [One copy is wrongly dated " New Madrid."] 4320 Sept. ip. Manuel Perez to Carondelet. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 4321 Sept. 21. San Ildefonso. Charles IV. to Carondelet. AI, 86-7-16. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 4322 1793] Transcripts 269 Sept. 21. New Orleans. Trader's license issued to Juan Munie by Caronde- let. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Accompanies Munie's petition of September i6, 1793. See other list.] 4323 Sept. 27. New Orleans. Carondelet to Godoy (no. 18). AC, WHS, Draper, 40 J, pp. 181-200. [With enclosures.] 4324 Sept. 50. New Orleans. Carondelet to Casas. AI, Despachos de Caronde- let. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, IV., pp. 91-99. [See other list.] 4325 Sept. JO. New Orleans. Carondelet's estimate for repairs to the fortifica- tions, etc. [AI ?] LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, II., p. 23. [See other list.] 4326 Sept. JO. New Orleans. Tabular statement of the military budget of Louisi- ana. [AI ?] LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, III., pp. 103- 117. 4327 Oct. I. New York. Pis-Gignouse to the Spanish agents. AC, leg. 3891. WHS, Draper, Clark MSS., 41, p. 206. [See other list.] 4328 Oct. I. Jaudenes and Viar to Casas (three letters). AC, leg. 3897. WHS, Draper, 41, p. 203. [See other list.] 4329 Oct. p. New Orleans. Carondelet to Francisco Collell (no. 11). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 9 pp. [Accompanies letter of Carondelet to Villebeuvre, September 17, 1793.] 4330 Oct. 10. New Orleans. Carondelet to Henry White. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 55^ pp. [Accompanies letter of Carondelet to Villebeuvre, September 17, 1793.] 4331 Oct. 18. Walnut Hills. [Gayoso de Lemos ?] to Carondelet (no. 11). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 6>^ pp. 4332 Oct. 20. New Orleans. Carondelet to Gayoso de Lemos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 55^ pp. [Accompanies letter of Caron- delet to Villebeuvre, September 17, 1793.] 4333 Oct. 24. New Orleans. Carondelet to Godoy (two letters). AC, leg. 3897. WHS, Draper, 40 J, pp. 201-205. [See other list.] 4334 Oct. 25. New Orleans. Carondelet to Godoy (confidential, no. 20). WHS, Draper, 42 J, pp. 5-14. [With enclosure. See other list.] 4335 Oct. 28. Walnut Hills. Treaty between Spain and the several Indian tribes. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, IV., pp. 1 19-134; DAH, Span. Doc, 10 pp. [Copy in DAH, attached to letter of Carondelet to Casas, December 5, 1793. See other list.] 4336 Oct. 2g. New Orleans. Carondelet to Gayoso de Lemos. AC, leg. 3897. WHS, Draper, 41 J, p. 215. [See other list.] 4337 Oct. 2g. New Orleans. Carondelet to Gayoso de Lemos, AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 5 pp. [Accompanies letter of Caronde- let to Villebeuvre, September 17, 1793. Possibly identical with the preceding letter.] 4338 Oct. 2g. New Orleans. Ynstruccion a la que se conformaran estrictamente al comandante del fuerte de San Phelipe de Placaminas, etc., en caso de una invacion del enemigo en la costa. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 7 pp. 4339 2Y0 Documents in Spanish Archives [1793 Nov. 6. New Orleans. Carondelet to Godoy (confidential, no. 20). AC, leg. 3897. WHS, Draper, 41 J, pp. 201-220 (with various enclosures). [See other list.] 4340 Nov. p, lyg^-Feb. 16, 1794. Walnut Hills, and other places. Diario de la salida de la plaza de Natches para el cruzero que voy hacer desde el puesto de los Nogales a la altura del de Arkasas con la galeota de S. M. la Flecha. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 63 pp. 4341 Dec. 5. New Orleans. Carondelet to Godoy (confidential, no. 22). AC. WHS, Draper, 42 J, pp. 111-117. 4342 Dec. 5. New Orleans. [Carondelet] to Casas. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. ^ p. 4343 Dec. 6. Natchez. Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet (no. 12). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 69>4 pp. 4344 Dec. 6. Natchez. Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet (no. 13). AC. WHS, Draper, 42 J, pp. 35-110. [This and the above letter, although they appear diflFerent because of the different numbering, seem to be the same letter, as they both treat in detail of the proposed coun- cil with the Indians.] 4345 Dec. 7. Marietta, Washington Co., Ohio. Proclamation by Gen. Arthur St. Clair to the inhabitants of the Northwest Territory. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 2 pp. [Enclosure (no. 5) in letter (no. 109) of Carondelet to Casas, April 7, 1794.] 4346 Dec. 8. . Pedro Olivier to Carondelet. AI. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, IV., pp. 135-145. 4347 Dec. 10. Ste. Genevieve. Peyroux de la Coudriniere to Lorimier. AI, [Pap. proc. de Cuba ?]. MHS, Houck (French and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (French and Eng.) [See other list.] 4348 Dec. 13. [Louisville ?] Proclamation by Democratic Society of Kentucky to inhabitants of U. S. west of Alleghanies. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 7 pp. [Enclosure (no. 3) in letter (no, 109) of Carondelet to Casas, April 7, 1794. See other list.] 4349 Dec. 14. Ste. Genevieve. De Luziere to Lorimier. AI, [Pap. proc. de Cuba ?]. MHS, Houck (French and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (French and Eng.) [See other list.] 4350 Dec. 15. New Orleans. Carondelet to Gardoqui. AMGJ. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, III. (abstr.) 4351 Dec. 17. Havana. Governor Vicente Folch to Casas. AI, Papeles del Ministerio de Estado, Audiencia de Sto. Domingo, leg. 14. DAH, Span. Doc. 14 pp. 4352 Dec. 21. Ste. Genevieve. De Luziere to Lorimier. AI, [Pap. proc. de Cuba ?] MHS, Houck (French and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (French and Eng.) [See other list.] 4353 Dec. 2^. Natchez. Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet. AC, leg. 3897. WHS, Draper, 40 J, p. 209. [Attached to letter of Carondelet to Godoy, January i, 1794. See other list.] 4354 Dec. 2"/, ly^^-Jan. 5, 1795. . Lorimier's Journal. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (French and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (French and Eng.) [See other list] 4355 1793] Transcripts 271 Dec. 30. Mexico. Report by Viceroy Revilla-Gigedo [Spain ?] L, Rich. 199 11. [Appears to be an original, but a duplicate probably exists in Spain.] 4356 Dec. 31. [Louisville ?] Proclamation to the citizens of Kentucky. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) i^ p. [Enclosure (no. 2) in letter (no. 109) of Carondelet to Casas, April 7, 1794.] 4357 1794 [i7P4 ?] Natchez. Regulations concerning stock and herds. By Gayoso de Lemos, AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 14 pp. 4358 . [New Orleans.] Relation of the news sent to Villebeuvre. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba, MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Enclosure (no. 3) in letter (no. no) of Carondelet to Casas, April 7, 1794. See other list.] 4359 . New Orleans. Distribucion y empleo de las nueve companias del 1° batallon y de las cinco ultimas del tercero. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Attached to letter (no. 129) of Carondelet to Casas, November 24, 1794.] 4360 . New Orleans. Extracto del expediente num. 442 que manifiesta en compendio el estado de las Plazas, fuertes y puestos de la provincia de la Luisiana y Florida Occidental. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 21 pp. [Enclosure (no. 3) in letter (no. 129) of Carondelet to Casas, November 24, 1794.] 4361 . New Orleans. Resumen de los gastos que se consideran necesa- rios para que las provincias de la Luisiana y Florida Occidental que- den en un estado perfecto de defensa. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Enclosure (no. 4) in letter (no. 129) of Caronde- let to Casas, November 24, 1794.] 4362 . New Orleans. Resumen de los gastos que se consideran indis- pensables para poner las provincias de la Luisiana y Florida Occi- dental en un estado de defensa. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba, DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Enclosure (no. 5) in letter (no. 129) of Caronde- let to Casas, November 24, 1794.] 4363 . New Orleans, Relacion que manifiesta los destinos en que se supo- nen repartidos los quatros batallones que se consideran indispensables en tiempo de paz para la defensa y seguridad de las provincias de la Luisiana y Florida Occidental. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba, DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Enclosure (no. 6) in letter (no. 129) of Caronde- let to Casas, November 24, 1794.] 4364 Jan. I. New Orleans. Carondelet to Godoy (no. 23). AC, leg. 3897. WHS, Draper, 40 J, pp. 209-224. [Encloses communication from Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet. See other list.] 4365 Jan. 12. New Orleans. Carondelet to Gardoqui. AI, 86-7-16. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 4366 Jan. 15. Madrid. Letter to Juan de la Bodega y Quadra (duplicate sent March 5). AHN, Estado, leg. 4291. LC, Nootka Sound Contro- versy, p. 464. 4367 272 Documents in Spanish Archives [1794 Jan. 75. New Orleans. Ynstrucciones reservadas para el goviemo del comandante de la esquadra Hgera de S. M. sobre el Misisipi. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 11 pp. [Accompanies instructions of January 16, 1794.] 4368 Jan. 16. New Orleans. Ynstrucciones a las que devera conformarse exacta- mente el comandante de la esquadra ligera de S. M. sobre el Rio Misisipi Don Pedro Rousseau. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 7>4 pp. 4369 Jan. 18. New Orleans. Carondelet to Godoy. AMGJ; RAH (formerly in collection of P. de Gayangos). LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, IV., pp. 151-171. [See other list.] 4370 Jan. 20. Louisville, Ky. Miguel la Casagne to Carondelet. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) [Enclosure (no. i) in letter (no. 109) of Carondelet to Casas, April 7, 1794.] 4371 Jan. 24. New Orleans. Carondelet to Godoy (confidential, no. 26). AC. WHS, Draper, 42 J, pp. 1 19-128. [See other list.] 4372 Jan. 25. Cincinnati. Proposals by George Rogers Clark for expeditions against the Spanish settlements of the Mississippi. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Enclosure (no. i) in letter (no. no) of Carondelet to Casas, April 7, 1794. See other list.] 4373 Jan. 2^. Aranjuez. Letter to Revilla-Gigedo (duplicate sent March 5). AHN, Estado, leg. 4291. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 465, 466. 4374 Feb. 18. Natchez. Gayoso de Lemos to Godoy. AC, leg. 3897. WHS, Draper, 39 J, pp. 1 12-120. [See other list.] 4375 Feb. 20. Natchez. Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet (confidential, no. 34). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 6 pp. 4376 Feb. 2j. . Ugula Yacabe, Chickasaw chief, to Gayoso de Lemos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Enclosure (no. 2) in letter (no. no) of Carondelet to Casas, April 7, 1794. See other list.] 4377 Feb. 24. New Orleans. Carondelet to Gardoqui. AI. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, IV., pp. 175-252. [This contains various en- closures. See other list.] 4378 Feb. 26. Fort Jefferson. " W " [Wilkinson ?] to Carondelet. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 7}A pp. [En- closure (no. i) in letter (no. 34) of Carondelet to Godoy, Mav i, 1794.] 4379 Feb. 28, iyg4-i8o2. . Notes, abstracts, extracts, etc., from various letters. AMGJ. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, II., p. 24. 4380 March i ; July 21. New Orleans. Officers of the Ste. Genevieve militia appointed by Carondelet. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 4381 March 5. Walnut Hills. Declaration by Jean Pierre Pis-Gignouse. AC, leg. 3897. WHS, Draper, 42 J. [Attached to letter of Carondelet to Godoy, March 20, 1794. See other list.] 4382 March 14. New Madrid. Portell to Carondelet (no. 236). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Enclosure (no. 6) in letter (no. 109) of Carondelet to Casas, April 7, 1794.] 4383 1794] Transcripts 273 March 20. Cloaly (?). Agent Louis Milfort to Carondelet. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 22 pp. [Attached to letter (no. iii) of Carondelet to Casas, April 9, 1794.] 4384 March 20. New Orleans. Carondelet to Godoy (confidential, no. 29). AC, leg. 3897. WHS, Draper, 42 J, pp. 131-144. [Various enclosures. See other list.] 4385 March 20. New Orleans. Carondelet to Casas. AC, leg. 3897. WHS, Draper, 42 J. [Attached to letter of Carondelet to Godoy, of same date. See other list.] 4386 March 24. Philadelphia. Proclamation by Washington. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 2 pp. [Enclosure (no. 3) in letter (no. 149) of Carondelet to Casas, November i, 1795.] 4387 March 2^. New Orleans. Carondelet to Godoy (confidential, no. 30). AC. WHS, Draper, 42 J, pp. 147-152. [With enclosure.] 4388 April 2. New Madrid. Portell to Carondelet. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (extr.) 3 pp. [Enclosure (no. 2) in letter (no. 34) of Carondelet to Godoy, May i, 1794.] 4389 April 5. St. Louis. James Glamorgan to Trudeau. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 4390 April"/. New Orleans. Carondelet to Casas (confidential, no. 109), AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; DAH, Span. Doc, 8 pp. [See other list.] 4391 April 7. New Orleans. Carondelet to Casas (confidential no. no). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 4392 April Q. New Orleans. Carondelet to Godoy (no. 31). AC, leg. 3897. WHS, Draper, 39 J, pp. 164-191. [With enclosure of letter from Louis Milfort.] 4393 April g. Carondelet to Casas (confidential, no. in). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. 4394 April g. New Orleans. Carondelet to Godoy. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 65^ pp. [Attached to letter (no. in) of Caron- delet to Casas, of same date. Possibly the letter noted above,] 4395 April 17. F. J. Jackson to Godoy. AHN, Estado, leg. 4287. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, pp. 466, 467. 4396 April 20. Aranjuez. Jackson to Godoy. AHN, Estado, leg. 4287. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, p. 468. 4397 April 26. Aranjuez. Royal order addressed to Carondelet. AI, 86-7-16. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 4398 May I. New Orleans. Carondelet to Casas (confidential, no. 113). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. 4399 May I. New Orleans. Carondelet to Godoy (no. 34). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 12 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 113) of Carondelet to Casas, of same date.] 4400 May 5. St. Louis. Permit issued by Trudeau. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS (French) ; id., Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Accompanies Glamorgan's petition of April 5, 1794. See other list.] 4401 19 274 Documents in Spanish Archives [1794: Mays. St. Louis. Articles of incorporation of Trading Co. of the Mis- souri, AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS (French) ; id., Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Accompanies Cla- morgan's petition of April 5, 1794. See other list.] 4402 May 7. . Extracto de las Ynstrucciones dadas por el Mayor General Antonio Wayne al comandante del fuerte Massac. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) i^ p. [Enclosure (no. 2) in letter (no. 149) of Carondelet to Casas, November i, 1794.] 4403 May 12. St. Louis. Approval of articles of incorporation of Missouri Trad- ing Co. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS (French) ; id., Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Accompanies Gla- morgan's petition of April 5, 1794. See other list.] 4404 May 12. St. Louis. Glamorgan's petition to Carondelet, AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS (French) ; id., Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Accompanies Glamorgan's petition to Trudeau, April 5, 1794. See other list.] 4405 May 18. New Orleans. Contract with Auguste Chouteau. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Attached to letter of Carondelet to Casas, December 2, 1795. See other list.] 4406 May 18. New Orleans. Specifications of Fort Carondelet, AI. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 4407 May 2^. Natchez, Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet (confidential, no, 45). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba, DAH, Span, Doc, loy^ pp. 4408 May 31. St, Louis, Trudeau to Carondelet, AI, Pap, proc, de Cuba, MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Accom- panies Glamorgan's petition of April 5, 1794. See other list] 4409 May 21. New Orleans. Carondelet to Godoy. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Attached to letter of Carondelet to Casas, of same date. See other list.] 4410 May SI- New Orleans. Carondelet to Godoy (confidential, no. 39). AC, leg. 3897. WHS, Draper, 39 J, pp. 96-1 11. [See other list.] 4411 May SI. New Orleans. Carondelet to Casas, AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Attached to letter of Carondelet to Casas, December 2, 1795, See other list,] 4412 June ig. New Madrid, Bartolome Tardiveau to Portell, AI, 86-7-16. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Attached to letter by Rendon, November 5, 1794. Followed by certification by Portell, of same date, and certification at New Orleans, October 31, 1794, by Andres Lopez de Armesto. See other list.] 4413 June so. St. Louis. Instructions to Jean Baptiste Truteau by Glamorgan and Reihle. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba; id., Papeles referentes a la Isla de Cuba, Luisiana, Correspondencia de gobernadores (French). MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; id., another copy (French). [An addition, dated November 25, 1794, annuls articles 18 and 19. See other list.] 4414 1794] Transcripts 275 June ^o. Mexico. Ynstruccion reservado del reyno de Nueva Espana. By Viceroy Revilla-Gigedo. [Spain ?] L, Rich; id., Moore (two copies). 281 11. 4415 July 2. Aranjuez. Godoy to Gayoso de Lemos. AC, leg. 3897. WHS, Draper, 39 J, p. 112. [See other list.] 4416 July 3. Madrid. Petition by Carlos de Hault de Lassus. AS, Guerra, leg-. 6919. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other Hst.] 4417 July p. New Orleans. Carondelet to Godoy (no. 38). AC, leg. 3897. WHS, Draper, 41 J, pp. 1-19. [With enclosure. See other list.] 4418 July 12. New Orleans. Carondelet to Trudeau. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Accompanies Glamorgan's petition, April 5, 1794. See other list.] 4419 July 15. New Orleans. Carondelet to Godoy (confidential, no. 40), AC, leg. 3897. WHS, Draper, 41 J, pp. 21-25. [With enclosure.] 4420 July 18. New Orleans. Decree by Carondelet. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Accompanies Glamorgan's petition, April 5, 1794. See other list.] 4421 July ^0. New Orleans. Carondelet to Godoy (no. 42). AC, leg. 3897. WHS, Draper, 41 J, pp. 29-36. [With enclosure. See other list.] 4422 Aug. 5. Havana. Casas to Gayoso de Lemos. AC, leg. 3897. WHS, Draper, 39 J. [Enclosure (no. 2) in letter of Gayoso de Lemos to Godoy, September 19, 1794. See other list.] 4423 Aug. 6. Washington. Declaration by Daniel Bradford to Col. John Evans and others. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 56) of Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet, January 8, 1795.] 4424 Aug. 8. San Ildefonso. Royal decree concerning De Hault de Lassus. AS, Guerra, leg. 6919. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Attached to petition of De Hault de Lassus, July 5, 1794. See other list.] 4425 Aug. 8. San Ildefonso. Prince of Castel Farneo to Gardoqui. AS, Guerra, leg. 6919. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Attached to petition of De Hault de Lassus, July 5, 1794. See other list.] 4426 Aug. 8. San Ildefonso. Official despatch by Prince of Castel Farneo regard- ing De Hault de Lassus. AS, Guerra, leg. 6919. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Attached to petition of De Hault de Lassus, July 5, 1794. See other list.] 4427 Aug. II. San Ildefonso. Petition by De Hault de Lassus asking for pass- port. AS, Guerra, leg. 6919. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Attached to petition of De Hault de Lassus, July 5, 1794. See other list.] 4428 -^^.g"- 15- • John Stiggins to William Panton. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. ij^ p. [Attached to letter (no. 124) of Carondelet to Casas, September 17, 1794.] 4429 276 Documents in Spanish Archives [1794 Aug. 15. Abecouchi. Indian Chief (Guerrero Dog) to Panton. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. ij^ p. [Attached to letter (no. 124) of Carondelet to Casas, September 17, 1794.] 4430 Aug. 16. San Ildefonso. F. J. Jackson to Godoy. AHN, Estado, leg. 4287. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, p. 469. 4431 Aug. 18. New Orleans. Carondelet to Godoy (confidential, no. 44). AC, leg. 3897. WHS, Draper, 39 J, pp. 124-134. [With enclosure.] 4432 Aug. 20. New Orleans. Carondelet to Godoy. AC, leg. 3897. WHS, Draper, 39 J, pp. 136-142. 4433 Aug. 20. New Orleans. Carondelet to Gayoso de Lemos. AC, leg. 3897. WHS, Draper, 39 J. [Enclosure (no. i) in letter of Gayoso de Lemos to Godoy, September 19, 1794. See other list.] 4434 Sept. 17. New Orleans. Carondelet to Godoy (no. 46). AC, leg. 3897. WHS, Draper, 41 J, pp. 37-48. [With enclosures.] 4436 Sept. 17. New Orleans. Carondelet to Casas (no. 124). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 6 pp. 4436 Sept. 18. Havana. Order by Casas. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. [Part of enclosure (no. 4) in petition and services of Folch, July 3, 1802.] 4437 Sept. 18. . John Galpin to Diego Burges for the Indians. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 6 pp. [Enclosure (no. i) in letter of White to Carondelet, October 20, 1794.] 4438 Sept. 19. Natchez. Gayoso de Lemos to Godoy (confidential, no. i). AC, leg. 3897 ; AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. WHS, Draper, 39 J, pp. 144- 161 ; DAH, Span. Doc, 5^ pp. [Copy in WHS has several en- closures; that in DAH, unsigned and not directed. See other list.] 4439 Sept. 20. Lower Cherokees. Indian agent McDonald to Carondelet. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 4 pp. [Accompanies (as no. 4) letter (no. 113) of Carondelet to Casas, May i, 1794.] 4440 Sept. so. Pensacola. William Panton to Carondelet. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i>^ p. [Accompanies (as no. 3) letter (no. 113) of Carondelet to Casas, May i, 1794.] 4441 Oct. 2. Havana. Order by Casas to Folch. AI, 86-7-6. DAH, Span. Doc. [Part of enclosure (no. 5) in services and petition of Folch, July 3, 1802.] 4442 Oct. 8. New Orleans. Carondelet to Godoy. AC, leg. 3897. WHS, Draper, 39 J» PP- 192-217. [With enclosures.] 4443 Oct. 10. Natchez. Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet (no. 562). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 pp. 4444 Oct. 17. Havana. Casas to Carondelet. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 8 pp. [Accompanies letter (no. 124) of Carondelet to Casas, September 17, 1794, to which it is an answer.] 4445 Oct. 20. Pensacola. Henry White to Carondelet. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 5 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 126) of Caron- delet to Casas, October 30, 1794. Cites letter of Diego de Vegas, commandant of Apalache, to White, October 6, 1794.] 4446 Oct. so. New Orleans. Carondelet to Casas (confidential, no. 126). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 4 pp. 4447 1794] Transcripts 277 Oct. 31. New Orleans. Carondelet to Rendon. AI, 86-7-16. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Attached to letter of Rendon, November 5, 1794. See other list.] 4448 Oct. jj. New Orleans. Carondelet to Diego de Vegas. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 pp. [Accompanies (as no. 2) letter (no. 113) of Carondelet to Casas, May i, 1794.] 4449 Nov. 5. New Orleans. Intendant Francisco Rendon to Gardoqui. AI, 86- 7-16. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 4450 Nov. 8. Havana. Casas to Campo de Alange. AS, Guerra, leg. 6919. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS (Span, and Eng.) [Attached to petition of De Hault de Lassus, July 5, 1794. See other list.] 4451 Nov. ly. New Orleans. Carondelet to Portell. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 pp. 4452 Nov. 24. New Orleans. Carondelet to Casas (no. 129). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 745^ pp. 4453 Nov. 24. New Orleans. Carondelet to Godoy. AC, leg. 3897. WHS, Draper, 39 J, p. 16. [See other list.] 4464 Nov. 24. New Orleans. Ynforme sobre el estado de Luisiana, situacion de sus plazas, fuertes y puestos avantajosos para el plan de defensa de dicho territorio. Sent by Carondelet to Casas. DH, Virreinato de Mexico, t. 3, no. 6 (A 3*). LC, Lowery, Louisiana (short Span, abstr.) 4455 Nov. 2g. St. Louis. Certification by Trudeau. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Accompanies Glamorgan's petition, April 5, 1794. See other list.] 4456 Dec. iyp4-Jan. 1795. Augusta, Ga. Estracto de las actas del Estado de Georgia. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) zYi pp. 4457 Dec. I. New Orleans. Carondelet to Godoy (confidential, no. 48). AC, J^g"- 3897; AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. WHS, Draper, 39 J, pp. 8-93 (with enclosures) ; DAH, Span. Doc., 5 pp. (with map of Louisiana and Florida). 4458 Dec. 2. San Marcos de Apalache. Diego de Vegas to Diego de Burges. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 6 pp. [Accompanies (as no. 2) letter of White to Carondelet, October 20, 1794.] 4459 Dec. 2g. Natchez. Resumen de la narracion que hace Don David Bradford de lo ocurrido de este lado de las Montanas Alegany en oposicion de la alcavala sobre el wisky. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 9 pp. [Accompanies letter of Carondelet to Gayoso de Lemos, March 18, 1795.] 4460 1795 \1795 f\ . Idee de la Riviere des Ouachitas depuis le Fleuve S. Loiiis jusques au Bayou Bautelemy. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (tracing on cloth), i sheet. 4461 \1795 ?\ Map showing territory of Cherokees. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (photograph), i sheet. 4462 Jan. 8. Natchez. Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet (confidential, no. 56). DAH, Span. Doc. 2>^ pp. 4463 278 Documents in Spanish Archives [1795 Jan. 8. Natchez. Relacion que hace Don David Bradford sobre la insu- rreccion ocurrida en las cercanias de las montanas Aligany en la frontera de Pensilvanea y Estados inmediatos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 9 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 56) of Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet. Copy signed by Gayoso de Lemos on this date. See item under December 29.] 4464 Jan. 8. Natchez. Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet (no. 588). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 26 pp. [Accompanies letter of Carondelet to Gayoso de Lemos, March 18, 1795.] 4465 Jan. 10. Augusta, Ga. Actas del Estado de Georgia. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 27 pp. 4466 Jan. 21. Mexico. Marques de Branciforte to Carondelet (no. i). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2>^ pp. 4467 Jan. 24. Aranjuez. Letter to Carondelet (confidential, no. 47). AC. WHS, Draper, 42 J, pp. 155-158 (with enclosures.) 4468 Jan. 25. San Marcos de Apalache. Diego de Vega to Henry White (no. III). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 5 pp. [There is also a letter with the same no. ( 1 1 1 ) in DAH, w/th the date, Jan- uary 29 — evidently the same letter.] 4469 Feb. 2. Aranjuez. Royal letter to Rendon. AI, 86-7-16. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 4470 Feb. 3. New Orleans. Carondelet to Gayoso de Lemos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. y^ p. [Accompanies letter (no. 56) of Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet, January 8, 1795.] 4471 Feb. 12. New Orleans. Petition by Foucher. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 4472 Feb. 14. New Orleans. Statement by Carondelet. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Attached to letter of Carondelet, April 30, 1797. See other list.] 4473 Feb. 23. New Orleans. Statement by Juan Ventura Morales, accountant in Louisiana. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Attached to letter of Carondelet, April 30, 1797. See other list.] 4474 March 4. New Orleans. Carondelet to Casas (no. 131). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. 4475 March 4. New Orleans. Carondelet to Godoy (confidential, no. 51). AC; AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. WHS, Draper, 42 J, pp. 159-166; DAH, Span. Doc, 6 pp. [The copy in DAH which is attached to letter (no. 131) of Carondelet to Casas, of same date, bears no number, but the letters are probably identical.] 4476 March 6. Confederation. Villebeuvre to Carondelet (no. 48). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3^ pp. 4477 March p. New Orleans. Memorial sobre un establecimiento proyectado para el cultivo del trigo, la vina y descubrimiento de minas de hierro y plomo en Ouachita provincia de la Luisiana. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 10 pp. [Accompanies letter of Casa Calvo to Bastrop, August 9, 1800.] 4478 March 15. Mobile. Manuel de Lanzos to Carondelet (no. 632). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i>2 p. 4479 1795] Transcripts 279 March i6. New Orleans. Carondelet to Rendon (two letters). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 pp. [Accompanies letter of Casa Calvo to Bastrop, August 9, 1800.] 4480 March 77. New Orleans. Rendon to Carondelet. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i^ p. [Accompanies letter of Casa Calvo to Bastrop, August 9, 1800.] 4481 March 17. New Orleans. Contract between Carondelet and Rendon and Marquis de Maisonrouge. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (French). 2 pp. [Accompanies letter of Casa Calvo to Bastrop, August 9, 1800.] 4482 [March 17.] . Description de Ouachita. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (French). 50 pp. [Part in duplicate. The con- tract (see preceding item) is inserted shortly after the beginning of the doc. and '' Description " begins again after contract. Accompanies letter of Casa Calvo to Bastrop, August 9, 1800.] 4483 March 18. New Orleans. [Carondelet] to Gayoso de Lemos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 5>^ pp. 4484 March 26. New Orleans. Rendon to Carondelet. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. ^ p. [Accompanies letter of Casa Calvo to Bas- trop, August 9, 1800.] 4485 March 26. New Orleans. Carondelet to Rendon. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Accompanies letter of Casa Calvo to Bas- trop, August 9, 1800.] 4486 March 26. Mobile. Manuel de Lanzos to Carondelet (no. 637). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span, Doc. 2 pp. [Accompanies letter (no. 632) of Lanzos to Carondelet, March 15, 1795.] 4487 March 26. New Orleans. Relacion de la estimacion de las obras que deben verificarse en el fuerte proyectado de Tambecbe y sus edificios. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2>4 pp- [Attached to letter (no. 133) of Carondelet, March 30, 1795.] 4488 March ^o. New Orleans. Carondelet to Godoy (confidential, no. 52). AC, WHS, Draper, 42 J, pp. 167-196 (with various enclosures). 4489 March ^o. New Orleans. Carondelet to Casas (nos. 132, 133). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. ^Yz and 6j^ pp., respectively. 4490 March ji. Natchez. Letter by [Gayoso de Lemos] regarding Indians, forti- fications, etc. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. I2>^ pp. 4491 April 4. New Orleans. Carondelet to Rendon. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 15^ p. [Accompanies letter of Casa Calvo to Bastrop, August 9, 1800.] 4492 April p. Mobile. Manuel de Lanzos to Carondelet (no. 646). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 pp. [Accompanies letter (no. 632) of Lanzos to Carondelet, March 15, 1795.] 4493 April i6-Sept. 7. Natchez, and other places. Journal of voyage of Vigilante up Mississippi and Ohio. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 58 pp. 4494 April 23. San Bias. Jose Manuel de Alara to Godoy. AHN, Estado, leg. 4287. LC, Nootka Sound Controversy, p. 470. 4495 April 24. New Orleans. Proyecto de una nueva poblacion en el rio de Calcu- ciuc, en la provincia de la Luisiana. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 20 pp. [Attached to letter of Piemas to Carondelet, April 25, 1795.] 4496 280 Documents in Spanish Archives [1795 April 23. New Orleans. Jose Piernas to Carondelet. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 pp. 4497 April 27. Fort Massac. Major Doyle to Portell. AC, leg. 3897. WHS, Draper. [See other list.] 4498 April 2Q. Mobile. Manuel de Lanzos to Carondelet. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 pp. 4499 May I. New Madrid. Portell to Godoy. AC, leg-. 3897. WHS, Draper. [Enclosure (no. i) in letter of Portell to Carondelet, May 8, 1795. See other list.] 4500 May I. New Orleans. Carondelet to Casas (no. 134). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 73^ pp. 4501 Mays- New Orleans. Carondelet to Godoy. AC. WHS, Draper, 42 J, pp. 199-258 (with enclosures). 4502 May 4. New Madrid. Portell to Pedro Rousseau, commandant of Span, galleys. AC, leg. 3897. WHS, Draper. [Enclosure (no, 3) in letter of Portell to Carondelet, May 8, 1795. See other list.] 4503 Mayy. Mobile. Lanzos to Carondelet. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc, 2 pp. 4504 May 8. New Madrid. Portell to Carondelet. AC, leg. 3897. WHS, Draper. [See other list.] 4505 May 16. Confederation. Villebeuvre to Carondelet. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 4>4 pp. 4506 May 2^. Aboard the Vigilante at the dockyard at Esperanza. Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet, AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. [Attached to letter of Carondelet to Casas, June 13, 1795. See other list.] 4507 May 24. On board La Vengansa before the camp of Esperanza. Rousseau to [Carondelet ?], AI, 87-1-22. MHS. [Attached to letter (no, 60) concerning intrigues of the Americans, of Carondelet to Godoy, September 25, 1795.] 4508 June I. Rio Alatamaha, opposite fort of Telfair, Georgia, Platica de los Indios Perro Rabioso, y Peck Coruel al governador de San Agustin de la Florida (two copies). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba, DAH, Span, Doc, (Span, transl,) 5 pp, [Accompanies letter (no, iii) of Vega to White, January 25, 1795.] 4509 June 2,8, 10-12. New Orleans, Carondelet to Olivier (nine letters), AI, Pap, proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 7 pp. 4510 June 10. New Orleans. Carondelet to Godoy (confidential, no. 49). AC, leg. 3897; AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. WHS, Draper, 42 J, pp. 15-34 (with enclosures) ; DAH, Span. Doc., 6 pp. 4511 June 10. New Orleans. Carondelet to Godoy (confidential, no. 53). AC, leg. 3897; AI, Pap. proc, de Cuba, WHS, Draper, 41 J, pp. 157-187 (with various enclosures) ; DAH, Span, Doc, i p, (abstr,) [With variation in enclosures this is the same letter as the preceding (no. 49).] 4512 June ij. New Orleans. Carondelet to Casas. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 4513 June 20. San Fernando de las Barrancas. Treaty between Spain and Chicka- saws, with sketch of Chickasaw BluflFs and vicinity. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i sheet. 4514 June 20. St. Augustine. Bartolome Morales to Diego de Vega (two copies). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 4 pp. [Accompanies letter (no. 11 1) of Vega to White, January 25, 1795.] 4515 1795] Transcripts 281 July I. New Orleans. Carondelet to Eugenic de Llaguno. [AI ?] LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, IV., pp. 253, 254. 4516 July 8. St. Louis. Carondelet to Trudeau. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Accom- panies Glamorgan's petition, April 5, 1794. See other list.] 4517 July 8. St. Louis. Glamorgan and Reihle to [Trudeau ?]. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 4518 July 12. New Orleans. Carondelet to Godoy (confidential, no. 55). AG. WHS, Draper, 42 J, pp. 259-266 (with enclosures). 4519 July 12. New Orleans. Carondelet to Godoy (confidential, no. 56). AC, leg. 3897; AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. WHS, Draper, 41 J, pp. 121-124 (with enclosure) ; DAH, Span. Doc, 2 pp. (with enclosure of plan of Chickasaw BluflFs, showing treaty made with the Indians, June 20, 1795.) 4520 Aug. 12. San Fernando de las Barrancas. Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet (confidential, no. 75). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span, Doc. 23 pp. [Attached to letter of Carondelet to Godoy, September 25, 1795] 4521 Aug. 2y. New Orleans. Carondelet to Rendon. AI, 86-7-16. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Attached to letter of Rendon, September i, 1795. See other Hst.] 4522 Sept. I. New Orleans. Rendon to Gardoqui. AI, 86-7-16. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list] 4523 Sept. I. New Orleans. Carondelet to Godoy (confidential, no. 58). AC. WHS, Draper, 42 J, pp. 267-278 (with various enclosures). 4524 Sept. I. New Orleans. Carondelet to Casas (no. 142). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 12 pp. 4525 Sept. 5. New Madrid. Gayoso de Lemos to Godoy. AC. WHS, Draper, 42 J, pp. 278-286. 4526 Sept. 8. New Madrid. Juan Maria Perchel to Gayoso de Lemos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 83^ pp. [Attached to letter of Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet, September 12, 1795.] 4527 Sept. 10. Greenville. Gen. Anthony Wayne to Carondelet. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 2 pp. [Enclosure (no. i) in letter (no. 149) of Carondelet to Casas, November i, 1795.] 4528 Sept. 12. New Madrid. Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet (confidential, no. 16). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 10^ pp. 4529 Sept. 2^. New Orleans. Carondelet to Godoy (confidential, no. 59). AC, leg. 3897; AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. WHS, Draper, 41 J, pp. 189- 200 (with enclosures) ; DAH, Span. Doc,, 12 pp, 4530 Sept. 2^. New Orleans. Carondelet to Godoy (confidential, no. 60). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba; id., 87-1-22. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.), 6 pp. ; DAH, Span, Doc, 4 pp, 4531 Oct. 2. New Madrid. Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet. AI, Pap. proc, de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 4 pp. [Enclosure (no. 4) in letter (no. 149) of Carondelet to Casas, November i, 1795.] 4532 Oct. 4. New Orleans. Carondelet to Godoy (no. 61). AC, leg. 3897. WHS, Draper, 41 J, pp. 49-63 (with enclosure). 4533 Oct. 5. New Madrid. Proyecto de un establecimiento. By Jose Piernas. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 5 pp. 4534 282 Documents in Spanish Archives [1795 Oct. 14, i/p5-Jan. 18, 1796. . Journal of James Mackay's voyage up the Missouri. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Attached to letter of Carondelet to Godoy, June 3, 1796. See other list.] 4535 Oct. 27. San Lorenzo. Tratado de amistad limites y navegacion entre el Rey nuestro Sefior y los Estados Unidos de America. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 34^ pp. [See other list.] 4536 After Oct. ^i. St. Louis. Register of population of Illinois (1794-1795). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck. [See other list.] 4537 Nov. I. New Orleans. Carondelet to Godoy (confidential, no. 62). AC, leg. 3897. WHS, Draper, 41 J, pp. 105-120 (with enclosures). 4538 Nov. I. New Orleans, Carondelet to Casas (confidential, no. 149). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 4 pp. 4539 Nov. 12. New Orleans. Campo de Alange to Godoy. AC, leg. 3897. WHS, Draper, 41 J, pp. 39-104 (with enclosures). 4540 Nov. ig. Kentucky. Resolutions regarding navigation of the Mississippi. AI, Papeles del Ministerio de Estado, Audiencia de Sto. Domingo, leg. 5. DAH, Span. Doc. 2^ pp. [Enclosure (no. 2) in letter (no. 154) of Carondelet to Casas, January 30, 1796.] 4541 Nov. jp. San Lorenzo. Eugenio de Llaguno to Luis de Penalyver y Carde- nas, bishop of Louisiana. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 pp. [Attached to letter of bishop to Carondelet, March 18, 1796.] 4542 Nov. 2^. New Orleans. Carondelet to Godoy (confidential, no. 60 (for 62 ?)). AC, leg. 3897. WHS, Draper, 41 J, pp. 125-153 (with enclosure). 4543 Nov. 26. New Orleans. Carondelet's orders to Lieut.-Col. Carlos Howard. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 4544 Nov. so. New Orleans. Carondelet to Godoy (confidential, no. 63). AC, leg. 3897. WHS, Draper, 41 J, pp. 65-74 (with enclosures). 4545 Dec. 2. New Orleans. Carondelet to Casas (confidential, no. 151). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 4546 Dec. 2. New Madrid. Letter regarding Wilkinson matters (confidential, no. 5). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 10 pp. 4547 Dec. 3. New Orleans. Carondelet to Godoy (confidential, no. 64). AC, leg, 3897; AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. WHS, Draper, 41 J, pp. 77-88 (with enclosures) ; MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Copy in MHS accom- panies letter of Carondelet to Casas, December 2, 1795 ; although unnumbered it is doubtless identical with the letter in WHS. See other list.] 4548 Dec. 57. Cherokee Country. Indian agent John McDonald to Carondelet. AI, Papeles del Ministerio de Estado, Audiencia de Sto. Domingo, leg. 5. DAH, Span. Doc. [Enclosure (no. i) in letter (no. 154) of Carondelet to Casas, January 30, 1796.] 4549 1796 [ 1796 ?] . Memorial of the merchants of St. Louis, asking that the monopoly held by the trading company be repealed. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (original and Eng.) [See other li&t,] 4550 1796] Transcripts 288 [i/p6 f] . Reply to merchants' memorial. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (French and Eng.) [See other list.] 4551 . St. Louis. Plan of St. Louis. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck ; WHS, Houck ; photograph. [Attached to letter of Caron- delet, April 25, 1797. See other list.] 4552 . New Orleans. Census of 1796. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck. See other list.] 4553 i^p6-i/9/. Notes, extracts, and abstracts of letters. AI, Correspondencia de Morales, leg. i. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, VI., pp. 257-286. 4554 Ian. 30. New Orleans. Carondelet to Casas (confidential, no. 154). AI, Papeles del Ministerio de Estado, Audiencia de Sto. Domingo, leg. 5. DAH, Span. Doc. 10 pp. [Attached to letter of Casas to Godoy, February 26, 1796.] 4555 Feb. 22. Natchitoches. Louis de Blanc to Carondelet. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS (Span.) ; id., Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Eng.) [Attached to letter of Carondelet to Godoy, June 3, 1796. See other list.] 4556 Feb. 26. Havana. Casas to Godoy. AI, Papeles del Ministerio de Estado, Audiencia de Sto. Domingo, leg. 5. DAH, Span. Doc. 4 pp. 4557 March 18. New Orleans. Luis de Penalyver y Cardenas, bishop of Louisi- ana, to Carondelet. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. I p. 4558 March 20. New Orleans. Despatches from Carondelet to Miguel de Arenga, Minister of War, Archivo del Ministerio de Guerra. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, II., p. 21. 4559 March 27. Confederation. Villebeuvre to Carondelet (nos. 66, 6y). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. and i p., respectively. [Accompany letter (no. 94) of Villebeuvre to Carondelet, May 8, 1796.] 4560 April"/. Aranjuez. Royal letter to Rendon. AI, 86-7-16. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list] 4561 April 24. Confederation. Villebeuvre to Carondelet (no. 96). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Accompanies letter (no. 94) of Villebeuvre to Carondelet, May 8, 1796.] 4562 May 8. Confederation. Villebeuvre to Carondelet (nos. 94, 95). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 4^ and 25^ pp., respect- ively. 4563 May 10. New Orleans. Memorandum of costs. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Attached to letter of Carondelet, April 30, 1797. See other list.] 4564 May 12. New Orleans. Carondelet to Trudeau. AI, Papeles del Ministerio de Estado, de la Isla de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Attached to decree of Gayoso de Lemos, May i, 1798. See other list.] 4565 June. New Orleans. Correspondence of Carondelet with Godoy. AI, 87- 3-22. MHS (Span, and Eng.) 17 pp. [Contains doc. relating to commerce, etc.] 4566 284 Documents in Spanish Archives [1796 June 2. Natchez. Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet (confidential). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 6 pp. [Enclosure (no. i) in letter (no. i6i) of Carondelet to Casas, June i8, 1796.] 4567 June 2. Natchez. Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet (confidential, no. i). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 6 pp. 4568 June 2- New Orleans. Carondelet to Godoy. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS (Span.) ; id., Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 4569 June 7. Natchez. Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet (confidential). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 8 pp. [Enclosure (no. 2) in letter (no. 161) of Carondelet to Casas, June 18, 1796.] 4570 June p. New Orleans. Carondelet to Bishop of Louisiana, Luis de Pena- lyver y Cardenas. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 7 pp. [Accompanies letter of bishop to Carondelet, March 18, 1796, to which it is the answer.] 4571 June II. Aranjuez. Report of Council enlarging powers of the Company of the Missouri. Signed by Gardoqui. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 4572 June 18. New Orleans. Carondelet to Casas (confidential, no. 161). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 7 pp. [Cites in full a letter of Carondelet to Godoy, June 12, 1796.] 4573 June 20. New Orleans. Petition by Baron de Bastrop for settlement and encouragement of agriculture on the Washita River. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Accompanies letter of Casa Calvo to Bastrop, August 9, 1800.] 4574 June 21. New Orleans. Decree by Carondelet regarding plan of Bastrop. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Accompanies letter of Casa Calvo to Bastrop, August 9, 1800.] 4575 July I. Carondelet. Jose Piernas, founder of village of Carondelet, to official. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Accom- panies project for a settlement, October 5, 1795.] 4576 July 20. New Orleans. Juan Ventura Morales to Gardoqui. AI, 86-7-16. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 4577 July ^0. Avoyelles. Grand-Pre to Carondelet. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 25 pp. 4578 Oct. 22. Confederation. Villebeuvre to Gayoso de Lemos (no. 771). AI, 86-7-2. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Attached to letter of Carondelet to Asansa, December i, 1796. See other list.] 4579 Nov. J. New Orleans. Report and letter by Intendant Juan Ventura Morales. AI, 87-1-23. MHS (Span, and Eng.) 7 pp. 4580 Nov. 14. Natchez. Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet. AI, 86-7-2. MHS (Span, and Eng.) ; id., Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Attached to letter of Carondelet to Asansa, December i, 1796. See other list.] 4581 Nov. 26. New Orleans. Secret orders issued to Carlos Howard. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS (Span, and Eng.), 20 pp.; id., Houck (Span. and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 4582 1796] Transcripts 285 Nov. 27. New Orleans. Carondelet to Charles de Hault de Lassus. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 4583 Nov. 2y. New Orleans. Carondelet to Trudeau. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 4684 Nov. 2Q. Pensacola. Vicente Folch to Francisco de Paula Gelabert. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Enclosure (no. i) in letter (no. i) of Folch to Carondelet, December 5, 1796.] 4585 Dec. I. New Orleans. Carondelet to Miguel Jose de Asansa. AI, 86-7-2. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 4586 Dec. I. New Orleans. Morales to Gardoqui. AI, 87-1-23. MHS (Span, and Eng.) 3 pp. 4587 Dec. 2- Pensacola. Francisco de Paula Gelabert to Folch. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 5 pp. [Enclosure (no. 2) in letter (no. i) of Folch to Carondelet, December 5, 1796.] 4588 Dec. 5. Pensacola. Folch to Carondelet (no. i). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 6 pp. 4589 Dec. ip. Baton-Rouge. Reconocimiento militar de Baton-Rouge. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 12 pp. 4590 Dec. 27. [Galveston?] Reconocimiento de una parte del Yberville. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 5 pp. [Accompanies Anota- ciones, December 29, 1796.] 4591 Dec. 2g. Galveston. Anotaciones sobre el puerto de Galvestown. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 8 pp. 4592 1797 [Co. /7P7 ?\ . Panton, Leslie and Co. to Carondelet. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 11 pp. 4593 [//p/.] . Gen, Victor Collot's plan for defense of St. Louis. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Attached to letter of Carondelet to Godoy, April 25, 1797. See other list.] 4594 Jan. 8. Pensacola. Folch to Carondelet. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 4 pp. [Accompanies letter (no. i) of Folch to Caron- delet, December 5, 1796.] 4595 Jan. 26. Pensacola. Folch to Carondelet. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 12 pp. [Accompanies letter (no. i) of Folch to Caron- delet, December 5, 1796.] 4596 Feb. I. New Orleans. Bishop Luis de Penalyver y Cardenas, of Louisiana, to Eugenio de Llaguno. AMGJ. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, IV., pp. 289-300. 4597 Feb. 8. New Orleans. Carondelet to Folch. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 5>4 pp. 4598 Feb. II. New Orleans. Carondelet to Gayoso de Lemos (two letters). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. Both 3 pp. [One letter accompanies letter of Carondelet to Folch, February 8, 1797.] 4599 Feb. 15. New Orleans. Carondelet to Gayoso de Lemos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Accompanies letter of Caron- delet to Folch, February 8, 1797.] 4600 Documents in Spanish Archives [lYO? Fg^ft. J-^. New Orleans. Carondelet to Gayoso de Lemos (two letters). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 and 2}^ pp., respectively. [One letter accompanies letter of Carondelet to Gayoso de Lemos, February 8, 1797; and the other, the letter of Carondelet to Gayoso de Lemos, February 11, 1797.] 4601 Feb. 16. [New Orleans.] Episcopal report for 1797. By Bishop Luis Pena- lyver y Cardenas. AI, 86-7-25. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng-.) [See other list.] 4602 Feb. 18. Havana. Mariano to Juan de Araoz. AI, Papeles del Minis- terio de Estado, Audiencia de Sto. Domingo, leg. 15. DAH, Span. Doc. y2 p. [Attached to letter of Araoz to Godoy, February 20, 1797.] 4603 Feb. 18. Havana. Descripcion del puerto de San Marcos de Apalache. AI, Papeles del Ministerio de Estado, Audiencia de Sto. Domingo, leg. 15. DAH, Span. Doc. 4 pp. [Attached to letter of Araoz to Godoy, February 20, 1797.] 4604 Feb. 20. Havana. Juan de Araoz to Godoy. AI, Papeles del Ministerio de Estado, Audiencia de Sto. Domingo, leg. 15. DAH, Span. Doc. 2>^ pp. 4605 Feb. 21. New Orleans. Carondelet to Gayoso de Lemos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3^ pp. [Accompanies letter of Caron- delet to Gayoso de Lemos, February 11, 1797.] 4606 March 4. New Orleans. Carondelet to Gayoso de Lemos (two letters). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 7 and 5 pp., respect- ively. [One letter accompanies letter of Carondelet to Folch, Feb- ruary 8, 1797 ; the other, the letter of Carondelet to Gayoso de Lemos, February 11, 1797.] 4607 March 5. New Orleans. Carondelet to Gayoso de Lemos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 4 pp. [Accompanies letter of Caron- delet to Folch, February 8, 1797.] 4608 March 7, New Orleans. Carondelet to Gayoso de Lemos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2^ pp. [Accompanies letter of Caron- delet to Gayoso de Lemos, February 11, 1797.] 4609 March 9. New Orleans. Carondelet to Gayoso de Lemos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i^^ p. [Accompanies letter of Caron- delet to Gayoso de Lemos, February 11, 1797.] 4610 March 15. Philadelphia. Carlos Martinez de Irujo, Span, minister to the U. S., to Carondelet (two letters). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Attached to letter of Carondelet to Godoy, April 25, 1797. See other list.] 4611 March 20. [New Orleans ?] Carondelet to Alvarez. AMGJ. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, II., p. 22 (abstr.) 4612 March 24. New Orleans. Carondelet to Gayoso de Lemos (two letters). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 6 and 5j^ pp., respect- ively. [One letter accompanies letter of Carondelet to Folch, Feb- ruary 8, 1797 ; the other, the letter of Carondelet to Gayoso de Lemos, February 11, 1797.] 4613 March 2j. New Orleans. Carondelet to Gayoso de Lemos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2^ pp. [Accompanies letter of Caron- delet to Gayoso de Lemos, February 11, 1797.] 4614 1797] Transcripts 287 March 31. New Orleans. Memorial of services and petition by Pedro Foucher. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Attached to letter of Carondelet, April 30, 1797. See other list.] 4615 April ^. New Orleans. Carondelet to Gayoso de Lemos (two letters). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 7 and 33^ pp., respectively. [One letter accompanies the letter of Carondelet to Folch, February 8, 1797; the other, the letter of Carondelet to Gayoso de Lemos, February 11, 1797.] 4616 April 5. New Orleans. Carondelet to Gayoso de Lemos. AI, Pap. proc, de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3^^ pp. [Accompanies letter of Caron- delet to Folch, February 8, 1797.] 4617 April 21. New Orleans. Carondelet to Conde de Santa Clara. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Attached to letter of Carondelet to Godoy, April 25, 1797. See other list.] 4618 April 23. New Orleans. Carondelet to Gayoso de Lemos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 7 pp. [Accompanies letter of Caron- delet to Gayoso de Lemos, February 11, 1797.] 4619 April 24. New Orleans. Carondelet to Gayoso de Lemos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 7 pp . [Accompanies letter of Caron- delet to Folch, February 8, 1797.] 4620 April 24. New Orleans. Carondelet to Gayoso de Lemos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Attached to letter of Carondelet to Godoy, April 25, 1797. See other list.] 4621 April 25. New Orleans. Carondelet to Godoy. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list] 4622 April 26. New Orleans. Carondelet to Gayoso de Lemos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 pp. [Accompanies letter of Caron- delet to Gayoso de Lemos, February 11, 1797.] 4623 April 2/. New Orleans. Carondelet to Gayoso de Lemos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 5 pp. [Accompanies letter of Caron- delet to Gayoso de Lemos, February 11, 1797.] 4624 April ^o. New Orleans. Carondelet to Juan Manuel de Alvarez, endorsing Foucher's petition. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 4625 May 4. New Orleans. Carondelet to Gayoso de Lemos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 4 pp. [Accompanies letter of Carondelet to Folch, February 8, 1797.] 4626 May 8. New Orleans. Carondelet to Gayoso de Lemos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 4 pp. [Accompanies letter of Caron- delet to Folch, February 8, 1797.] 4627 May 28. New Orleans. Carondelet to Gayoso de Lemos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3^^ pp. [Accompanies letter of Carondelet to Folch, February 8, 1797.] 4628 May 21- [New Orleans ?] Proclamation by Morales. [AI ?] LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, IV., pp. 301-303 (French). 4629 Junep-24. Natchez. Diario de que se ha llevado por el capitan del regi- miento fijo Don Manuel de Lanzos [tocante a] la sedicion de los abitantes de este distrito al favor del comandante Americano llamado Pope, y su comisario de limites Andres Elicot. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 48 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 820) of Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet, July 7, 1797.] 4630 288 Documents in Spanish Archives [1797 June i6. New Orleans. Carondelet to Gayoso de Lemos (two letters). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 4 pp. each. [One letter accompanies letter of Carondelet to Folch, February 8, 1797.] 4631 June ^5. New Madrid. Petition by Charles de Hault de Lassus. AS, Guerra, leg. 6919. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Attached to petition of De Hault de Lassus, July 25, 1794. See other list.] 4632 July I. New Orleans. Carondelet to Gayoso de Lemos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 pp. [Accompanies letter of Carondelet to Folch, February 8, 1797.] 4633 July 3. New Orleans. Carondelet to Gayoso de Lemos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 pp. [Accompanies letter of Carondelet to Gayoso de Lemos, February 8, 1797.] 4634 July 7. Natchez. Gayoso de Lemos to Carondelet (no. 820). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. J^ p. 4635 July SI- New Orleans. Carondelet to Juan Manuel de Alvarez. AS, Guerra, leg. 6919. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Attached to petition of De Hault de Lassus, July 25, 1794. See other list.] 4636 July 51. New Orleans. Resume of papers of De Hault de Lassus by Caron- delet. AS, Guerra, leg 6919. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Attached to petition of De Hault de Lassus, July 25, 1794. See other list.] 4637 Aug. I. St. Louis. Attestation of Soulard's services by Howard. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Attached to letter of De Hault de Lassus to Cevallos, April 30, 1804. See other list.] 4638 Aug. 5. New Orleans. Attestation by Carondelet. AI, 86-7-6. DAH, Span. Doc. I p. [Part of enclosure (no. 6) of petition and services of Folch, July 3, 1802.] 4639 Aug. 2p. New Orleans. Juan Ventura Morales to Gayoso de Lemos. AI, 86-7-3. DAH, Span. Doc. 4 pp. [Enclosure (no. i) in letter of Gayoso de Lemos to Santa Clara, August 31, 1797.] 4640 Aug. SI. New Orleans. Gayoso de Lemos to Santa Clara (two letters), AI, 86-7-3. DAH, Span. Doc. 12 pp. [Attached to letter (no. i) of Santa Clara to Pedro Varela, October 4, 1797.] 4641 Sept. 24. New Orleans. Gayoso de Lemos to Santa Clara (no. 19). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 22 pp. 4642 Oct. 4. Havana. Santa Clara to Pedro de Varela (no. 1). AI, 86-7-3. DAH, Span. Doc. i>^ p. 4643 Nov. p. St. Louis. Manuel Perez to Miro. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Attached to letter of Bishop Penalyver y Cardenas, February 14, 1798. See other Hst.] 4644 Nov. 21. Natchitoches. Jose Piemas to Gayoso de Lemos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 73^ pp. [Accompanies project for a settlement, October 5, 1795.] 4645 Dec. 16. Madrid. Royal despatch to Carondelet, refusing petition of De Hault de Lassus for increased pay. AS, Guerra, leg. 6919. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [At- tached to petition of De Hault de Lassus, July 25, 1794. See other list] 4646 1797] Transcripts 289 Dec. 28. New Orleans. Attestation regarding services of Lieut.-Col. Carlos Howard. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 4647 1798 i/p8-i8o — . Extracts, abstracts, and notes, etc., of despatches from Intend- ant Juan Ventura Morales to Secretaries Miguel Cayetano Soler and Francisco Saavedra. AI, Correspondencia de Morales, leg. 2. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, IV., pp. 305-342. 4648 Jan. New Orleans. Bando de buen gobierno. By Gayoso de Lemos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 11 pp. [Printed in both Span, and French, but of as great value as the MS., which probably does not exist. The original print.] 4649 Jan. 15. St. Louis. Trudeau's report concerning the settlements of the Illi- nois country. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 4650 Jan. 19. New Orleans. Gayoso de Lemos to Morales (no. 2). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 pp. 4651 Jan. ip. Ynstruccion para la evacuacion del puesto de los Nogales. AI, Pap, proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 4 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 2) of Gayoso to Morales, of same date.] 4652 Jan. ip. New Orleans. Ynstruccion para la evacuacion de la plaza de Natchez y demas puestos de su dependencia. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 7^/2 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 2) of Gayoso de Lemos to Morales, of same date.] 4653 Jan. 50. New Orleans. Gayoso de Lemos to Pedro Olivier. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2}^ pp. [Cites in full a letter from Gayoso de Lemos to Indian agent Narciso Boutin.] 4654 Feb. 14. New Orleans. Bishop Luis Penalyver y Cardenas to Gayoso de Lemos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 4655 May I. New Orleans. Decree by Gayoso de Lemos. AI, Papeles del Ministerio de Estado, procedentes de la Isla de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 4656 June 6. New Orleans. Gayoso de Lemos to Esteban Minor. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 pp. 4657 June 6. New Orleans. Gayoso de Lemos to Godoy and Santa Clara. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. I/2 p. [Accompanies letter of Gayoso de Lemos to Minor, of same date.] 4658 June 8. New Orleans. Gayoso de Lemos to Godoy and Santa Clara. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 6 pp. [Accompanies letter of Gayoso de Lemos to Minor, June 6, 1798.] 4659 June 8. New Orleans. James Mackay to Gayoso de Lemos. AI. MHS (Eng.) 4 pp. 4660 June 26. Baton Rouge. Reglamento provisional a que deveran conformarse y observar los abitantes del distrito de Nueva Feliciana, y lo que deveran mantener con vigor y zelar los senores alcaldes pedaneos del referido distrito. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 9 pp. 4661 290 Documents in Spanish Archives [1798 July SI- New Orleans. Morales to Godoy (nos. 9-1 1). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 14^2, 6, and 2 pp., respectively. [Preceded by synopses.] 4662 Sept. 4. Baton Rouge. Grand-Pre to Gayoso de Lemos (no. 124) . AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 5 pp. 4663 Oct. 22. San Lorenzo. Royal decree concerning concession of lands. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Attached to letter of Morales to Gayoso de Lemos, February 12, 1799.] 4664 "Nov. 15. St. Louis. Trudeau to Gayoso de Lemos. AI, Papeles del Minis- terio de Estado, procedentes de la Isla de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Attached to decree by Gayoso de Lemos, May i, 1798.] 4665 Nov. 22. New Orleans. Abstract of communication from Secretary Fran- cisco de Saavedra to Gayoso de Lemos, etc. AI. MHS. 17^ pp. 4666 Nov. 28. St. Andre de Missouri. Mackay to Gayoso de Lemos. AI. MHS (Eng.) 3 pp. 4667 Dec. 2Q. Palace, [Madrid ?]. Official despatch by Mariano Luis de Urquijo and Juan Manuel Alvarez. AS, Guerra, leg. 6921. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list] 4668 1799 . New Bourbon. General register of inhabitants in Upper Louisiana, who have aided in the patriotic subscription. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Attached to letter of De Hault de Lassus to Gayoso de Lemos, September 18, 1799. See other list.] 4669 . . Memorias sobre las provincias del norte de Nueva Espana. By Juan Cortes, lieutenant of royal engineers. [Spain ?] L, Pro- vincias Intemas de Nueva Espana. 98 pp. 4670 Plan showing site for Spanish fort near confluence of Flint and Chatahouchee rivers. Signed by Esteban Minor. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i sheet. [Accompanies letter of Minor to Daunoy, September 6, 1799.] 4671 i^pp-1801. Extracts, notes, etc., from Intendant Ramon de Lopez y Angulo to Minister Cayetano Soler. [AI ?] LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, IV., pp. 345-348. 4672 Jan. 3. Palace, [Madrid ?]. Mariana Luis de Urquijo and Juan Manuel Alvarez to Gayoso de Lemos. AS, Guerra, leg. 6921. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 4673 Feb. 12. New Orleans. Morales to Gayoso de Lemos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. 4674 Feb. 14. New Orleans. Morales to Gayoso de Lemos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 5 3^4 pp. [Accompanies letter of Morales to Gayoso de Lemos, February 12, 1799.] 4675 Feb. 18. New Orleans. Article 81 of royal instructions to intendants of Nueva Espana and a royal decree of instructions dated October 15, 1754. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 13^4 pp. [Ac- companies letter of Morales to Gayoso de Lemos, February 12, 1799.] 4676 1799] Transcripts 291 March 6. New Orleans. Morales to Gayoso de Lemos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i>^ p. [Accompanies letter of Morales to Gayoso de Lemos, February I2, 1799.] 4677 March 6. New Orleans. Morales to Rafael Croquer. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. iJ/4 p- [Accompanies letter of Morales to Gayoso de Lemos, February 12, 1799.] 4678 March 12. Pimeria Alta. Ynforme de la mision de Nuestro Padre San Ygnacio sita en la Pimeria Alta que es la segunda de las misiones de esta dicha Pimeria, assi en orden de la entrada en ella, como de su fundacion. RAH. NY, Smith, North America, 1607- 1786. 4 pp. 4679 March SI. . Morales to Soler. AMGJ. LHS, Span. MSS., Mis- sissippi Valley, HI. (abstr.) [See other list.] 4680 April 2. New Orleans. Gayoso de Lemos to Trudeau. AI, Papeles del Ministerio de Estado, procedentes de la Isla de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 4681 April 2. New Orleans. Appointment of James Mackay as commandant of St. Andre. AI. MHS (French). 2>4 pp. 4682 May 3. Philadelphia. Carlos Martinez de Irujo to Folch. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. yi p. [Attached to letter (no. 314) of Folch to Casa Calvo, October 3, 1799.] 4683 {June?] . Instructions to Robert McCoy (two sets). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Attached to letter of De Hault de Lassus, June 30, 1799. See other list] 4684 June 12. New Madrid. General inventory of the official communications and orders of the governors and other chiefs, etc. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Attached to letter of De Hault de Lassus to Gayoso de Lemos, June 30, 1799. See other list.] 4685 June 12. New Madrid. General inventory of papers, titles of possession, records, etc. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 4686 June JO. New Madrid. De Hault de Lassus to Gayoso de Lemos (two let- ters). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 4687 July 2g. St. Louis. Inventory of fortifications. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 4688 Aug.-Dec. St. Andre. Mackay to De Hault de Lassus. AI. MHS (French). 8 pp. 4689 Aug. 5. Campo de Chiscotofa Chatauchi [Chatahoochie]. Minor to Gayoso de Lemos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 13 pp. 4690 Aug. 12. Madrid. Indice de la coleccion de manuscritos pertenecientes a la Historia de Indias que escribio Don Juan Bautista Muiioz, y por su muerte se ban hallado en su libreria. By Joaquin Traggia and Manuel Abella. RAH. LC, Am. S. 1800; L, Rich, 103 pp. [The index in L is accompanied by various other data also in the form of an index, as " Yndice de los Manuscritos copiados en la Comision de que he estado encargado en la Ciudad de Sevilla ".] 4691 Aug. 14. Limites campamento del Rio de Chatahouchi. Minor to Gayoso de Lemos (no. 81). AI, Pap, proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc izy2 pp. 4692 Documents in Spanish Archives [1799 Aug. 17. Pensacola. Folch to Portell. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3>4 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 314) of Folch to Casa Calvo, October 3, 1799.] 4693 Aug. 20. St. Augustine. Passport signed by Henry White for one George Redden Foster. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. >4 p. [Attached to letter (no. 74) of Portell to Folch, October 30, 1799.] 4694 Aug. 26. Pensacola, Proceedings of council of war. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 6 pp. [Enclosure (no. i) in letter (no. 305) of Folch to Bouligny, September 3, 1799.] 4695 Sept. s. Pensacola. Folch to Bouligny (no. 305). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2>4 pp. [Cites in part a letter of same date to the intendant.] 4696 Sept. 5. Pensacola. Engineer Francisco de Paula Gelabert to Folch. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 4 pp. [Enclosure (no. 2) in letter (no. 305) of Folch to Bouligny, of same date.] 4697 Sept. 6. Spanish camp on the Flint River. Minor to Nicolas Daunoy. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Accompanied by two sheets of surveyor's measurements and by plan of Spanish fort.] 4698 Sept. 10. Pensacola. Carpeta de instrucciones dadas para arreglo del servicio de esta plaza y puestos dependientes de ella. — Instrucciones particu- lares para el comandante de Santa Rosa. — Instrucciones reservadas para el ayudante de esta plaza con funciones de sargento mayor de ella. — Instrucciones a que deberan cefiirse el comandante de las armas de los puestos de Barrancas y Santa Rosa. All (three sets) signed by Folch. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 16 pp. 4699 Sept. 10. Pensacola. Plan de senales reservado. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2]^ pp. [Accompanies (as no. 2) the above in- structions of same date.] 4700 Sept. 10. Pensacola. Contrasefias reservadas para la comunicacion de noche con los puestos dependientes de San Carlos y de aquellos con este. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Accompanies (as no. 3) above instructions of same date.] 4701 Sept. 10. Pensacola. Estado reservado de las seiias. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i^^ p. [Accompanies (as no. 4) above instruc- tions of same date.] 4702 Sept. II. San Marcos de Apalache. Inventario que hace el Subteniente Don Cayetano Payson al Ingles George Foster Pradington (see following item) de las alhajas que se le encontraron en su persona quando se puso arrestado en este Fuerte. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. I p. [Attached to letter (no. 331) of Folch to Casa Calvo, October 30, 1799.] 4703 Sept. 12. San Marcos de Apalache. Inventario de las prendas que se han encontrado a Jorge Reden Foster que se hallo arrestado en este fuerte. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 4 pp. [En- closure (no. 2) in letter (no. 74) of Portell to Folch, September 29, 1799. Doubtless another copy of the preceding item.] 4704 Sept. 16. St. Louis. List of documents delivered to De Hault de Lassus by Trudeau. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list] 4705 1T99] Transcripts 293 Sept. ly. St. Louis. De Hault de Lassus to Gayoso de Lemos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 4706 Sept. ly. St. Louis. Inventory of documents in Civil Archives of St. Louis. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Attached to letter of De Hault de Lassus to Gayoso de Lemos, of same date. See other list.] 4707 Sept. i8. St. Louis. De Hault de Lassus to Gayoso de Lemos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 4708 Sept. 24. Flint River. Minor to Portell. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. ^ p. [Enclosure (no. i) in letter (no, 331) of Folch to Casa Calvo, October 30, 1799.] 4709 Sept. 24. Flint River. Minor to Col. Nicolas Daunoy (no. 86). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 6 pp. [Enclosure (no. 2) in letter (no. 331) of Folch to Casa Calvo, October 30, 1799.] 4710 Sept. 2^. San Marcos de Apalache. Portell to Folch (no. 74). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 5 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 331) of Folch to Casa Calvo, October 30, 1799.] 4711 Oct. I. San Marcos de Apalache. Portell to Folch (no. 71). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 6j^ pp. [Attached to letter (no. 331) of Folch to Casa Calvo, October 30, 1799.] 4712 Oct. 3. Pensacola. Folch to Casa Calvo (confidential, no, 314). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 12^ pp. [Encloses tracing of district about the Flint and Chatahoochie rivers.] 4713 Oct. 5. San Marcos de Apalache. Statement by Guillermo Periment ( ?) promising capture of Bowles. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. I p. [Attached to letter (no. 337) of Folch to Casa Calvo, November 3, 1799.] 4714 Oct. II. St. Louis. Eugenio Alvarez, storekeeper of the city of St. Louis, to the Lieutenant-governor and Sub-delegate of the royal treasury. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Accom- panies inventory of documents, September 16, 1799. See other list.] 4715 Oct. II. St. Louis. Appointments by De Hault de Lassus, and acceptations. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba, MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng,) [Accom- panies inventory of documents of September 16, 1799. See other list] 4716 Oct. II. St. Louis. Register of inspection of ports. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Accompanies inventory of docu- ments, of September 16, 1799, See other list.] 4717 Oct. 24. Comeitan. Durousseau to Folch. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Attached to letter of Folch to Casa Calvo, Decem- ber 5, 1799.] 4718 Oct. 24. St. Augustine. Act by Henry White, and depositions in conse- quence thereof regarding Bowles, etc. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 42 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 248) of White to Some- ruelos, November 2, 1799.] 4719 Oct. $0. Pensacola. Folch to Casa Calvo (no. 331). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. 4720 294 Documents in Spanish Archives [1Y99 Oct. SI. General Quarters at Wekniva. Edict by William Anthony Bowles requiring whites to leave territory of Indians. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i>4 p. [Attached to letter of Folch to Casa Calvo, December 5, 1799.] 4721 Oct. 57. General Quarters of Wekniva. Bowles to Spanish official. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i2>4 pp. 4722 Nov. 2. St. Augustine. White to Marques de Someruelos, Governor of Cuba (no. 248). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. 4723 Nov. 3. Pensacola. Folch to Casa Calvo (no. 337). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3/2 p. [Accompanies letter (no. 331) of Folch to Casa Calvo, October 30, 1799.] 4724 Nov. 21. Pensacola. Folch to Casa Calvo (no. 348). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Accompanies letter (no. 331) of Folch to Casa Calvo, October 30, 1799.] 4725 Nov. 28. Pensacola. Edict by Folch offering reward for capture of Bowles. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 23^ pp. [Accompanies letter (no. 331) of Folch to Casa Calvo, October 30, 1799.] 4726 Nov. 28. New Orleans. Casa Calvo to Portell (no. 18; two copies). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Accompanies " Capi- tulacion " of May 19, 1800, and letter (no. 2) of Portell to Bowles, April 15, 1800, with date November 29.] 4727 Dec. 5. Pensacola. Folch to Casa Calvo (nos. 355, 356). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. and 2 pp., respectively. 4728 Dec. 14. Pensacola. Folch to Casa Calvo (nos. 357-359, 361, 362). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 4^ (nos. 357, 358), ^, 3, and 3 pp., respectively. [All accompany letter (no. 355) of Folch to Casa Calvo, of same date. Nos. 357 and 358 cite letters from Portell to Folch, October 15, 1799; and no. 359, a letter from Portell to Folch, November 13, 1799.] 4729 [Dec. 2g .?] . Observations and measurements by surveyor Esteban Minor. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 sheets. 4730 1800 \Ca^ 1800 f] Articulos para el establecimiento de una compania de comercio del Misisipi y Movila. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 8 pp. 4731 [1800 ?] [San Marcos de Apalache ?] Letter from a Spanish official to an American official [Jacobo Dubreuil to Benjamin Hawkins ?]. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc, 5 pp. 4732 Jan. 10. Point Peter, St. Mary's River. Minor to Nicolas Daunoy (no. 95). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 pp. 4733 Jan. 16. Philadelphia. Martinez de Irujo to Minor. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. Attached to letter (no. 96) of Minor to Daunoy, March 7, 1800.] 4734 Jan. ip. San Marcos de Apalache. Portell to Folch (no. no). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 11 3^ pp. [Cites entire a letter from Julian Carballo to Portell, January 17, 1800.] 4735 Feb. 12. San Marcos de Apalache. Portell to Folch (confidential, no. 114). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 5>^ pp. 4736 1800] Transcripts 296 Feb. 12. New Orleans. Bishop Luis de Penalyver y Cardenas to Ramon Lopez y Angulo, AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 43/2 pp. [This date should possibly be August 12, 1800.] 4737 Feb. 21. San Marcos de Apalache. Portell to Casa Calvo (no. 19). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i^^ p. [Accompanies " Ca- pitulacion " of May 19, 1800.] 4738 Feb. 26. Aranjuez. Mariano Luis de Urquijo to Intendant of Louisiana. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 4 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 222) of Cienfuegos to Eguia, March 13, 1818.] 4739 March y. Limites Campo de la Ysla de Cumberland. Minor to Nicolas Daunoy. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 23^ pp. 4740 April p. Cumberland Island. Account of surveys by Spanish and Americans. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 225^ pp. [Encloses a plan of the district about the confluence of the Flint and Chatahoochie rivers.] 4741 April 13. San Marcos de Apalache. Portell to Bowles (no. 2). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. 4742 April 17. San Marcos de Apalache. Portell to Bowles (no. 4) . AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 5^ p. [Accompanies letter (no. 2) of Portell to Bowles, April 15, 1800.] 4743 April ly. San Marcos de Apalache. Official order by Portell in regard to defense of fort (no. 5). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3^ p. [Accompanies letter (no. 2) of Portell to Bowles, April 15, 1800.] 4744 April 20. San Marcos de Apalache. Portell to Bowles (no. 6). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Accompanies letter (no. 2) of Portell to Bowles, April 15, 1800.] 4745 April 21. San Marcos de Apalache. Portell to Bowles. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3^ p. [Accompanies letter (no. 2) of Portell to Bowles, April 15, 1800.] 4746 April 26. San Marcos de Apalache. Portell to Bowles. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. J/^ p. [Accompanies letter (no. 2) of Portell to Bowles, April 15, 1800.] 4747 April 26. San Marcos de Apalache. Official order by Portell in regard to defense of fort (no. 9). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. y2 p. [Accompanies letter (no. 2) of Portell to Bowles, April 15, 1800.] 4748 April 2/. San Marcos de Apalache. Portell to Bowles (no. 11). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. j/2 p. [Accompanies letter (no. 2) of Portell to Bowles, April 15, 1800.] 4749 May p. San Marcos de Apalache. Letter by Portell (no. 13). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. ^4 p. [Accompanies letter (no. 2) of Portell to Bowles, April 15, 1800.] 4750 May 10. San Marcos de Apalache. Portell to Bowles (no. 14). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. ^ p. [Accompanies letter (no. 2) of Portell to Bowles, April 15, 1800. Followed by letter from Bowles to Portell without date.] 4751 May II. San Marcos de Apalache. Orders by Portell for defense of fort. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Accompanies letter (no. 2) of Portell to Bowles, April 15, 1800.] 4752 296 Documents in Spanish Archives [1800 May i6. San Marcos de Apalache. Council of War called by Portell, and votes of those participating- (no. 20) . AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 53^ pp. [Accompanies " Capitulacion " of May 19, 1800.] 4753 May 17. San Marcos de Apalache. Portell to Bowles (no. 21 ; two copies). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. ^ p. [One copy accom- panies letter (no. 2) of Portell to Bowles, April 15, 1800; the other the " Capitulacion " of May 19, 1800.] 4754 May 17. San Marcos de Apalache. Bowles to Portell (no. 22). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Accompanies " Capitu- lacion " of May 19, 1800.] 4755 May ip. San Marcos de Apalache. Certification by the surgeon, Eugenio Antonio Sierra (no. 17). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. y2 p. [Accompanies letter (no. 2) of Portell to Bowles, April 15, 1800.] 4756 May ip. San Marcos de Apalache. Capitulacion que hace el comandante del fuerte de San Marcos de Apalache el Sefior Don Tomas Portell con la Nacion Muskogue siendo su representante el Sefior Don Guillermo Augnsto Bowles (two copies). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 6 pp. [One copy accompanies letter of Folch to Casa Calvo, June 2, 1800.] 4757 May 21. New Orleans. [Casa Calvo ?] to Someruelos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 10 pp. 4758 May 2^. Anchorage of the Ysla de Perros [Dog Island]. Portell to Pedro Olivier and Manuel Garcia (no. 2). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. j/2 p. [Accompanies letter of Folch to Casa Calvo, June 2, 1800.] 4759 May 2^. Apalachicola Bay. Report of council of war called by Manuel Garcia, commander of royal galleys. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 11 pp. 4760 May 2^. Apalachicola Bay. The council called by Garcia. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 9 pp. [Accompanies letter of Folch to Casa Calvo, June 2, 1800. Differs from the preceding docu- ment.] 4761 June 2. Pensacola. Folch to Casa Calvo (no. i). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 15 pp. 4762 June 2. Pensacola. Report of council of war regarding Bowles. AI, 87- 1-9. DAH, Span. Doc. 5 pp. [Attached to letter of Courbille, June 14, 1800.] 4763 Ju/ne 7. San Carlos de Barrancos. Portell to [Casa Calvo ?]. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 36 pp. 4764 June 12. Pensacola. Folch to Juan Francisco Armand de Courbille, treas- urer of Pensacola. AI, 87-1-9. DAH, Span. Doc. 2^ pp. [En- closure (no. 2) in letter of Courbille to Lopez y Angulo, June 14, 1800.] 4765 June 12. Pensacola. Folch to Courbille. AI, 87-1-9. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Attached to letter of Courbille to Lopez y Angulo, June 14, 1800.] 4766 June 12. Pensacola. Council of war to consider action against the Indians. AI, 87-1-9. DAH, Span. Doc 5>^ pp. [Attached to letter of Courbille to Lopez y Angulo, June 14, 1800.] 4767 1800] Transcripts 297 June ij. New Orleans. Casa Calvo to Lopez y Angnlo. AI, 87-1-9. DAH, Span. Doc. i^ p. [Enclosure (no. i) in letter of Lopez y Angulo to Minister of State, August 12, 1800.] 4768 June 13. Pensacola. Folch to Casa Calvo. AI, 86-7-6. DAH, Span. Doc. 5 pp. [Enclosure (no. 7) in petition and services of Folch, July 3, 1802.] 4769 June 14. Pensacola. Juan Francisco Armand de Courbille to Folch. AI, 87-1-9. DAH, Span. Doc. J/^ p. [Enclosure (no. i) in letter of Courbille to Lopez y Angulo, of same date.] 4770 June 14. Pensacola. Courbille to Lopez y Angulo. AI, 87-1-9. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, IV., pp. 353-370; DAH, Span. Doc. I p. [Copies in DAH, enclosure (no. 2) in letter of Lopez y Angulo, August 12, 1800.] 4771 June 14. Pensacola. Folch to Courbille. AI, 87-1-9. DAH, Span. Doc. I p. [Enclosure (no. 3) in letter of Courbille to Lopez y Angulo, of same date.] 4772 June ip. Aboard the vessel El Gabilan. Folch to Garcia. AI, 86-7-6. DAH, Span. Doc. i^ p. [Enclosure (no. i) in Petition and services of Folch, July 3, 1802.] 4773 June 21. New Orleans. Ynstrucciones a que debera arreglarse el Teniente Coronel Don Zenon Trudeau comandante de la espedicion destinada a recuperar el fuerte de San Marcos de Apalache. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 5^ pp. [Accompanies " Capitulacion " of May 19, 1800.] 4774 June 23. Aboard the vessel El Gabilan. Folch to Bowles. AI, 86-7-6. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Enclosure (no, 2) in letter of Folch to Casa Calvo, July 15, 1800.] 4775 June 2j. San Marcos de Apalache. Bowles to Folch. AI, 86-7-6. DAH, Span. Doc. ^ p. [Enclosure (no. 3) in letter of Folch to Casa Calvo, July 15, 1800.] 4776 June 23. San Marcos de Apalache. Bowles to Folch. AI, 86-7-6. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Enclosure (no. 4) in letter of Folch to Casa Calvo, July 15, 1800.] 4777 June 2j. New Orleans. Letter to De Hault de Lassus. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 4778 July 15. Pensacola. Folch to Casa Calvo. AI, 86-7-6. DAH, Span. Doc. 15 PP- [Part of enclosure (no. 8) in " Petition and services of Folch," July 3, 1802.] 4779 Aug. p. New Orleans. Casa Calvo to Baron de Bastrop. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. 4780 Aug. 12. New Orleans. Ramon de Lopez y Angulo to Secretario de Estado y del Despacho Universal de Real Hacienda de Espafia y Indias (con- fidential, no. 2) . AI, 87-1-9. DAH, Span. Doc. 8>4 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 63) of Morales to Soler, December 31, 1801. There seems also to be a copy of this document in LHS, Span. MSS., Mis- sissippi Valley, IV., pp. 371-375.] 4781 Aug. 22-Sept. 6. New Orleans. Ynformaciones tomadas a instancia del Sub- teniente Don Bernardo Molina, sobre lo ocurrido a la reconquista del fuerte de Apalache (two copies). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 28 pp. 4782 298 Documents in Spanish Archives [1800 Aug. 24. New Orleans. Lopez y Angulo to Bishop Luis Penalyver y Carde- nas. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. >4 p. [Accom- panies letter of Penalyver y Cardenas to Lopez y Angulo, February 12, 1800. The above date should possibly be February 24.] 4783 Sept. I. San Marcos de Apalache. Pedro Olivier to Folch (no. 18). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc, 2 pp. 4784 Sept. I. San Marcos de Apalache. Trudeau to Folch. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2^ pp. [Accompanies letter (no. 18) of Olivier to Folch, of same date.] 4785 Sept. 6. St. Louis. List of presents given to the Osage Indians. AI, 87-1-9. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Attached to letter of Casa Calvo, May 8, 1801. See other list.] 4786 Sept. 20. New Orleans. Morales to Minister Cayetano Soler. AI. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, IV., pp. 377-396. 4787 Sept. 25. St. Louis. De Hault de Lassus to Casa Calvo. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 4788 Sept. 27. Concordia. Jose Vidal, commandant of Concordia, to Casa Calvo. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [At- tached to letter of Casa Calvo to Urquijo, October 19, 1800. See other list.] 4789 Oct. 8. New Orleans. Casa Calvo to Minister Mariano Luis de Urquijo (confidential, nos. 8, 9; two copies of 9). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba, DAH, Span. Doc. 43 and 18 pp., respectively. 4790 Oct. ip. New Orleans. Casa Calvo to Urquijo. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, (Span, and Eng.) [See other list] 4791 Nov. 6. Havana. Someruelos to Casa Calvo. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3>4 pp. 4792 Nov. 14. St. Augustine. Henry White to Someruelos (no. 320). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 5>4 pp. 4793 1801 1801-1802. Extracts, notes, etc., from the despatches of Intendant Morales. AI, Correspondencia de Morales, leg. 3. LHS, Span. MSS., Mis- sissippi Valley, IV., pp. 397-416. 4794 Jan. ig. Concordia. Jose Vidal to Casa Calvo (no. 103). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 4]^ pp. 4795 Jem. ip. Concordia. Vidal to Vicente Cota. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Enclosure (no. i) in letter (no. 103) of Vidal to Casa Calvo, of same date.] 4796 Jan. ip. Concordia. Vidal to Felix Trudeau. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Enclosure (no. 2) in letter (no. 103) of Vidal to Casa Calvo, of same date.] 4797 Jan. jp. Concordia. Vidal to Sindicos of Aveyelos and Sindicos of Rapidos (two letters of same tenor). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba, DAH, Span, Doc. I p. [Enclosures (nos. 3, 4) in letter (no. 103) of Vidal to Casa Calvo, of same date.] 4798 Feb. 4 [14 t]. Washington, Marques de Casa Irujo to Minister Pedro Ceva- llos. [Spain ?] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. 4799 1801] Transcripts 299 Feb. 14. Concordia. Vidal to Casa Calvo (no. 107). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 23^ pp. [Accompanies letter (no. 103) of Vidal to Casa Calvo, January 19, 1801.] 4800 March 77. Aranjuez. Spanish Minister to Intendant of Louisiana. AI, 87- 1-9. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Accompanies letter of Soler to Mo- rales, July 15, 1802.] 4801 March 2p. San Marcos de Apalache. Jacobo Dubreuil to Casa Calvo. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 14I/2 pp. 4802 April 12. Philadelphia. Casa Irujo to Cevallos (no. 209). [Spain?] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. 4803 April 27. Pensacola. Folch to Someruelos (no. 20). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 11^ pp. [Cites entire a letter from com- mandant of Apalache to Folch, March 29, 1801.] 4804 May I. Pensacola. Ynstrucciones a que debe cenirse el cadete con funciones de abanderado Don Esteban Folch en la comision a que se le destina. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 11 pp. 4805 May 8. New Orleans. Casa Calvo to Lopez y Angulo (no. 57). AI, 87- 1-9. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng-.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Attached to official despatch of April 23, 1802. See other list.] 4806 June II. Pensacola. Folch to Casa Calvo (no. 626). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 4}^ pp. [Cites in full a letter by Jacobo Dubreuil, Apalache, May 29, 1801.] 4807 June 2^. Pensacola. Folch to Casa Calvo (no. 633). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 4 pp. [Accompanies letter (no. 626) of P'olch to Casa Calvo, June 11, 1801. Cites in full a letter of Dubreuil, June 16, 1801.] 4808 July 15. New Orleans. Lopez y Angulo to Spanish Secretary of State. AI, 87-1-9. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Attached to despatch of April 23, 1802, See other list.] 4809 July 2 J. San Marcos de Apalache. Jacobo Dubreuil to Benjamin Hawkins, Indian agent for the U. S. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. 4810 July 2^. San Marcos de Apalache. Dubreuil to the Indians. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3^ pp. [Attached to letter of Dubreuil to Hawkins, of same date.] 4811 Oct, ly. San Marcos de Apalache. Harangue to Indian chiefs by Dubreuil. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3^ pp. [Attached to letter (no. 55) of Dubreuil to Folch, November 19, 1801.] 4812 After Oct. ly. . Juan du Rouseau to Dubreuil. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) [Attached to letter (no. 55) of Dubreuil to Folch, November 19, 1801.] 4813 Oct. 30. New Orleans. Governor Juan Manuel de Salcedo to Someruelos (no. 26). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 6 pp. [Ac- companies letter (no. 44) of Salcedo to Someruelos, Januarv 12, 1802.] '4814 Nov. ip. San Marcos de Apalache. Dubreuil to Folch (no. 55). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i>4 p. 4815 JDec. p. Mekasukee. Juan de Vereux de Lacy to Bowles. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 57 pp. 4816 800 Documents in Spanish Archives [1801 Dec. i8. Philadelphia. Casa Irujo to Cevallos (no. 257). [Spain ?] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. 4817 Dec. 18. Mekasukee. Bowles to Lacy. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 pp. [Accompanies letter of Lacy to Bowles, Decem- ber 9, 1801.] 4818 Dec. 24. Mekasukee. Lacy to Bowles. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 4 pp. [Accompanies letter of Lacy to Bowles, Decem- ber 9, 1801.] 4819 Dec. 20. Mekasukee. Bowles to Lacy. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Accompanies letter of Lacy to Bowles, December 9, 1 801.] 4820 Dec. 31. New Orleans. Morales to Soler (no. 63). AI, 87-1-9. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Attached to letter of Soler to Morales, June 15, 1802.] 4821 Dec. SI. New Orleans. Relacion que forma la Contaduria principal de exercito de esta provincia de la Luisiana consequente a real orden de diez y siete de Marzo ultimo, y oficio de esta Intendencia general de veinte y cuatro de Julio siguiente, de los gastos ocasionados en la expedicion dispuesta en esta capital por el gobiemo general de ella, y lo que se comprehendio en la plaza de Panzacola, para recobrar el fuerte de Apalaches entregado al aventurero Bowles. AI, 87-1-9. DAH, Span. Doc. 15 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 63) of Morales to Soler, of same date.] 4822 1802 [1802 ?] . Treatise concerning the Louisiana and Florida boundaries — separation of the two provinces. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 36 pp. 4823 Jan. 15. New Orleans. Salcedo to Someruelos (no. 44). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. 4824 Jan. 15. San Marcos de Apalache. Bowles to Dubreuil (two copies). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [One copy attached to letter of Dubreuil to Salcedo, January 20, 1802 ; the other, attached to letter (no. 79) of Salcedo, February 24, 1802.] 4825 Jan. 18. San Marcos de Apalache. Dubreuil to Chief Kinache (two copies). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [One copy attached to letter of Dubreuil to Salcedo, January 20, 1802 ; the other, attached to letter (no. 79) of Salcedo to Someruelos, February 24, 1802. An answer to letter of Bowles of January 15.] 4826 Jan. 20. San Marcos de Apalache. Dubreuil to Folch (no. 64) . AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. ^ p. 4827 Jan. 20. San Marcos de Apalache. Dubreuil to Salcedo. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 13 pp. 4828 Jan. 21. San Marcos de Apalache. Dubreuil to Salcedo. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 4 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 64) of Dubreuil to Folch, of January 20, 1802.] 4829 Jan. 23. San Marcos de Apalache. Bowles to Dubreuil. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 79) to Someruelos, February 24, 1802,] 4830 Jan. 30. New Orleans. Casa Calvo to De Hault de Lassus (two letters). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 4831 1802] Transcripts 301 Feb. 12. New Orleans. Council of war called by Salcedo. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 4J/2 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 79) to Someruelos, February 24, 1802.] 4832 Feb. 24. New Orleans. [Salcedo ?] to [Someruelos ?] (no. 79). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3>4 pp. 4833 Feb. 26. San Marcos de Apalache. Dubreuil to Salcedo. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 5 pp. 4834 Feb. 27. Nassau, New Providence. Letter by Charles Russell. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Accompanies letter of Bowles to Johnson, June 22, 1802.] 4835 March 11. Nassau, New Providence. John Boothe and Freeman Johnson to Bowles. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 2 pp. [Accompanies letter of Bowles to Johnson, June 22, 1802.] 4836 Aprils. San Marcos de Apalache. Dubreuil to Salcedo (three letters). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 22 pp. [Attached to letter of Dubreuil to Folch, April 28, 1802.] 4837 April 12. New Orleans. Salcedo to Someruelos (no. 127). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2^ pp. 4838 April 2^. Aranjuez. Spanish Minister to Intendant of Louisiana. AI, 87- 1-9. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 4839 April 24. New Orleans. Salcedo to Folch. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3^ pp. 4840 April 28. San Marcos de Apalache. Dubreuil to Folch. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. y^ p. [Accompanies letter (no. 64) of Dubreuil to Folch, January 20, 1802.] 4841 May 10. San Marcos de Apalache. Dubreuil to Salcedo (two copies). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 85) of Dubreuil to Folch, May 15, 1802.] 4842 May 12. Nassau, New Providence. John Carr to Freeman Johnson. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) i p. [Accom- panies letter of Bowles to Johnson, June 22, 1802.] 4843 May l^. San Marcos de Apalache. Dubreuil to Folch (no. 85). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. }i p. [Accompanies letter (no. 64) of Dubreuil to Folch, January 20, 1802.] 4844 May I/. Washington. Casa Irujo to Cevallos (no. 272). [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. 4845 May 2^. Nassau, New Providence. Juan de Vereux de Lacy to Ventura Perez, at Havana. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) [Accompanies letter of Bowles to Johnson, June 22, 1802.] 4846 June 15. Madrid. Minister Miguel Cayetano Soler to Morales. AI, 87-1-9. DAH, Span. Doc. 3^ p. 4847 June 21. New Orleans. Governor J. M. de Salcedo to Someruelos. AI, 86-7-6. DAH, Span. Doc. Yz p. [Attached to letter (no. 283) of Someruelos to Caballero, August 18, 1802.] 4848 June 22. Estifimalga. Bowles to Freeman Johnson. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 4 pp. 4849 .June 28. San Marcos de Apalache. Dubreuil to Folch (no. 88). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. Yz p. [Accompanies letter (no. 64) of Dubreuil to Folch, January 20, 1802.] 4850 302 Documents in Spanish Archives [1802 June 28. San Marcos de Apalache. Dubreuil to Salcedo. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 7>< pp. [Attached to letter (no. 88) of Dubreuil to Folch, June 28, 1802.] 4851 July J. Pensacola. Petition and services of Folch. AI, 86-7-6. DAH, Span. Doc. 43j^ pp. [Attached to letter (no. 283) of Someruelos to Caba- llero, August 18, 1802.] 4852 July 9. Apalache. Dubreuil to Folch (no. 88 — sic). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2^/2 pp. [Accompanies letter (no. 64) of Dubreuil to Folch, January 20, 1802. Letter of June 28 has same no.] 4853 July 10. Apalache. Dubreuil to Folch (no. 89). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i>4 p. [Accompanies letter of Dubreuil to Folch, January 20, 1802.] 4854 July I'i. Madrid. Soler to Morales. AI, 87-1-9. DAH, Span. Doc. V2 p. 4855 July 31. Charleston. Lands conceded to the English by the Choctaws. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 4 pp. 4856 Aug. 8. Apalache. Investigation regarding Bowles. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. I3>4 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 96) of Dubreuil to Folch, August 10, 1802.] 4857 Aug. 10. Apalache. Dubreuil to Folch (no. 96). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 15^ p. [Accompanies letter (no. 64) of Dubreuil to Folch, January 20, 1802.] 4858 Aug. 12. New Orleans. Act by Salcedo regarding Bowles. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 64 pp. 4859 Aug. 15. Merida de Yucatan. Benito Perez to Cevallos. AI, Papeles del Ministerio de Estado, Audiencia de Mexico, leg. 16. DAH, Span. Doc. 4 pp. [Drawings of two flags used by Bowles accompany the doc.] 4860 Aug. 16. New Orleans. Salcedo to Someruelos (no. 199). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 9 pp. 4861 Aug. 18. Havana. Someruelos to Jose Antonio Caballero (no. 283). AI, 86-7-6. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. 4862 Aug. ip. Apalache. Estado que manifiesta los Gefes considerados caudillos, guerreros, mugeres, y nifios de los naciones Indias que ban asistido al Congreso para celebrar la paz con los Simanoles de estos contornos, expresandose asimismo los pueblos y distritos a que corresponden (two copies). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Attached to letter of Dubreuil to Salcedo, August 31, 1802.] 4863 Aug. 20. San Marcos de Apalache. Preliminary treaty of peace between Spain and various Indian chiefs. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 6 pp. [Enclosed in letter of Dubreuil to Salcedo, Au- gust 31, 1802.] 4864 Aug. 24. San Marcos de Apalache. Dubreuil to Manuel Garcia. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Attached to letter of Dubreuil to Salcedo, August 31, 1802.] 4865 Aug. 31. San Marcos de Apalache. Dubreuil to Folch (no. 97). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. ^ p. [Accompanies letter (no. 64) of Dubreuil to Folch, January 20, 1802.] 4866 1802] Transcripts 303 Aug. SI. San Marcos de Apalache. Dubreuil to Salcedo (two copies). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i6 pp. [One copy attached to letter (no. 97) of Dubreuil to Folch, of same date.] 4867 Sept. 14. Mount Pleasant, near Philadelphia. Casa Irujo to Cevallos. [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. 4868 Sept. 26. Nassau, New Providence. J. Walker ( ?) to Someruelos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 7>4 pp. 4869 Oct. 5. Ochuabasan. Proceedings at council with Indians. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 11 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 293) of Salcedo to Someruelos, November 30, 1802.] 4870 Oct. Jj. Tukabatchy. Benjamin Hawkins to Salcedo. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 293) of Salcedo to Someruelos, November 30, 1802.] 4871 Oct. 14. Havana. Someruelos to J. Walker ( ?) . AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 8^ pp. [Accompanies letter of Walker (?) to Someruelos, September 26, 1802.] 4872 Oct. ip. New Orleans. [Salcedo] to Someruelos (no. 254). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 4 pp. 4873 Oct. 22. [New Orleans ?] [Salcedo ?] to [Someruelos ?] (no. 263). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 9 pp. 4874 0ct.2p. San Marcos de Apalache. Dubreuil to Folch (no. 109). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2}^ pp. [Accompanies letter (no. 64) of Dubreuil to Folch, January 20, 1802. Cites entire a letter of Salcedo, of same date.] 4875 Nov. 8. Nassau, New Providence. J. Walker ( ?) to Someruelos, AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 6 pp. [Accompanies letter of Walker ( ?) to Someruelos, September 26, 1802.] 4876 Nov. 10. Havana. Someruelos to Salcedo. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 4>4 pp. 4877 Nov. 15. Pensacola. Folch to Salcedo (confidential, no. 847). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 5 pp. [Accompanies letter (no. 854) of Folch to Salcedo, November 22, 1802.] 4878 Nov. 16, 1802-Feb. 2p, 1804. Notes, extracts, etc. of despatches from Morales to Soler. AI, Correspondencia de Morales, leg. 4. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, IV., pp. 473-479. 4879 Nov. 18. New Orleans. Salcedo to Indian chiefs of the Talapuches. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 293) of Salcedo to Someruelos, November 30, 1802.] 4880 Nov. 20. Havana. Someruelos to J. Walker (?). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i^ p. [Accompanies letter of Walker (?) to Someruelos, September 26, 1802.] 4881 Nov. 22. Pensacola. Folch to Salcedo (no. 854). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span, Doc. i^ p. 4882 Nov. SO. New Orleans. Salcedo to Someruelos (no. 293). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (extr.) 3 pp. 4883 Dec. I. St. Louis. Antonio Soulard to Henri Peyroux de la Coudriniere. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Accom- panies letter to De Hault de Lassus, June 27, 1800. See other list.] 4884 304 Documents in Spanish Archives [1803 1803 [Ca. 180^.] Reflexiones producidas de resultas de la retrocesion de la pro- vincia de la Luisiana a la Francia, y subsequente venta de esta a los Estados Unidos de America. Signed by Folch. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 37^^ pp. 4885 . . El plan de operaciones que se proponian segnir en Yngla- terra contra la provincia de la Florida Occidental antes de la Paz de Amiens. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3^ pp. [At- tached to letter of [Someruelos ?] to Casa Calvo, August 18, 1803.] 4886 . . Reflections on the Cession of Louisiana to the United States, by Silvestrez [James Madison]. [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. [Attached to letter (no. 380) of Casa Irujo to Ceva- llos, November 5, 1803.] 4887 . . Appropriation of $2,ooo,cxx) to carry on negotiations with France and Spain, etc. [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. [Attached to letter (no. 380) of Casa Irujo to Cevallos, November 5, 1803.] 4888 . . Proclamation by the U. S. to the people of New Orleans to submit to American authority. [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. [Attached to letter (no. 383) of Casa Irujo to Ceva- llos, November 15, 1803.] 4889 Jan. 6. New Madrid. Letter of De Hault de Lassus in regard to the expe- dition to punish the Maskous. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 4890 Jan. II. New Madrid. Peyroux de la Coudriniere to Antonio Soulard. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list] 4891 Jan. 12. New Madrid. Peyroux de la Coudriniere to Salcedo. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 4892 Jan. 13. Ste. Genevieve. De Hault de Lassus to Salcedo. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list.] 4893 Jan. 17. Index of representations of Casa Calvo in regard to the marking of the boundaries of Louisiana, etc. AI. MHS. 8 pp. 4894 Feb. 28. Havana. Someruelos to Salcedo. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Accompanies letter of Someruelos to Salcedo, November 10, 1802.] 4895 March 12. Havana. Someruelos to Salcedo. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 6 pp. [Accompanies letter of Someruelos to Salcedo, November 10, 1802.] 4896 March 24. New Orleans. Decree by Salcedo. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2>^ pp. 4897 April 2^. Pensacola. Folch to Morales. [AI ?] LHS, Span, MSS., Mis- sissippi Valley, IV, pp. 417-421. 4898 May 2. New Orleans. Morales to Folch. [AI ?] LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, IV., pp. 422-424. 4899 May 30. St. Louis. De Hault de Lassus to Salcedo. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Accompanies letter of De Hault de Lassus, June 27, 1800. See other list.] 4900 1803] Transcripts 305 May ji. New Orleans. Morales to Soler (_no. 211). AI. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, IV., pp. 425-433. 4901 June 10. New Orleans. Salcedo to Folch. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Accompanies letter (no. 126) of Dubreuil to Folch, June 22, 1803.] 4902 June II. [New Orleans ?] Morales to Soler (no. 222). AI. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, IV., pp. 435-439. 4903 June II. New Orleans. Salcedo to Someruelos (no, 405). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 7 pp. 4904 June II. New Orleans. Salcedo to Caballero (no. 4). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. S}i pp. [Cites in full letter (no. 405) of Salcedo to Someruelos, of same date. The citation is identical, with few verbal differences, with the preceding letter.] 4905 June 22. San Marcos de Apalache. Dubreuil to Folch (no. 126). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 23^^ pp. [Accompanies letter (no. 64) of Dubreuil to Folch, January 20, 1802. Cites entire a letter to Salcedo.] 4906 July q. New Orleans. Salcedo to Someruelos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 16 pp. 4907 July 24. Philadelphia. Casa Irujo to Cevallos (no. 351). [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. 4908 Aug. s- Philadelphia. Casa Irujo to Cevallos (no. 357). [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. 4909 Aug. 18. Havana. Someruelos to Casa Calvo. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 pp. 4910 Sept. 4. Philadelphia. Casa Irujo to Madison. [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. [Attached to letter (no. 371) of Casa Irujo to Cevallos, September 12, 1803 J and letter (no. 379) of Casa Irujo to Cevallos, November 4, 1803.] 4911 Sept. 12. Philadelphia. Casa Irujo to Cevallos (no. 371). [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. 4912 Sept. 26. Chihuahua. Governor Nemesio de Salcedo to Casa Calvo. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i>4 p. 4913 Sept. 26. Chihuahua. N. de Salcedo to M. de Salcedo and Casa Calvo. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 5 pp. [Attached to letter of N. de Salcedo to Casa Calvo, of same date.] 4914 Sept. 2"^. Near Philadelphia. Casa Irujo to James Madison. [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. [Attached to letters (nos. 374, 379) of Casa Irujo to Cevallos, September 30, and November 4, 1803.] 4915 Sept. 29. Germantown. Casa Irujo to Pichon, charge d'affaires for France. [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. [Attached to letter (no. 374) of Casa Irujo to Cevallos, September 30, 1803.] 4916 Sept. ^0. Germantown. Casa Irujo to Cevallos (no. 374). [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. 4917 Oct. 4. . Madison to Casa Irujo. [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. [Attached to letter (no. 379) of Casa Irujo to Ceva- llos, November 4, 1803.] 4918 Oct. II. Baltimore. Casa Irujo to Pichon. [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Irujo Letters. [Attached to letter (no. 376) of Casa Irujo to Ceva- llos, October 16, 1803.] 4919 21 306 Documents in Spanish Archives [1803 Oct. 12. . Casa Irujo to Madison. [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. [Attached to letter (no. 379) of Casa Irujo to Ceva- llos, November 4, 1803.] 4920 Oct. 16. Baltimore. Casa Irujo to Cevallos (no. 376). [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. 4921 Oct. I/. . Resolution of the Minister of State. [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. [Attached to letter (no. 351) of Casa Irujo to Cevallos, July 24, 1803.] 4922 Oct. 20. San Lorenzo. Note from the Spanish minister to Casa Irujo, trans- mitting treaty between France and Spain on the retrocession of Louisiana. [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. [Attached to letter (no. 351) of Casa Irujo to Cevallos, July 24, 1803.] 4923 Oct. 24. San Lorenzo. Official letter to Casa Irujo. [Spain,] BRL, Ad- ams, Casa Yrujo Letters. [Attached to letter (no. 351) of Casa Irujo to Cevallos, July 24, 1803.] 4924 Nov. I. Washington. Casa Irujo to Manuel de Salcedo. [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. [Attached to letter (no. 379) of Casa Irujo to Cevallos, November 4, 1803.] 4925 Nov. 4. Washington. Casa Irujo to Cevallos (no. 379). [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. 4926 Nov. 5. Washington. Casa Irujo to Cevallos (nos. 380, 382). [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. 4927 Nov. 15. New Orleans. Pedro Rousseau to Charles IV. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list] 4928 Nov. 15. Washington. Casa Irujo to Cevallos (no. 383). [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. 4929 Nov. JO. New Orleans. Transfer of Louisiana by the commissioners Manuel Salcedo and Casa Calvo to France, represented by Pierre Clement Laussat. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, and French). 5 pp. [This is the original document with signatures and seals.] 4930 Dec. 5. New Orleans. Morales to Soler (two letters ; one no. 260 ; other unnumbered). AI. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, IV., pp. 441-465. 4931 Dec. 6. San Lorenzo. Official communication to Casa Irujo. [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. [Attached to letter (no. 371) of Casa Irujo to Cevallos, September 12, 1803.] 4^32 Dec. II. St. Louis. Petition of Antonio Soulard. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Attached to letter of De Hault de Lassus, April 30, 1804. See other list.] 4933 [Dec. IS ?] New Orleans. Observaciones sobre los limites entre los Na- cogdoche y la Luisiana en tiempo que la poseia la Francia. AI, 87- i-io. DAH, Span. Doc. 6 pp. [Attached to letter of Salcedo to Godoy, December 13, 1803.] 4934 Dec. 15. New Orleans. Salcedo to Godoy. AI, 87-1-10. DAH, Span. Doc. 6 pp. 4935 Dec. 13. New Orleans. Salcedo to Someruelos. AI, ^^7-7. DAH, Span. Doc. 4 pp. [Enclosure (no. i) in letter of Someruelos to Caballero, January 7, 1804.] 4936 Dec. 14. New Orleans. Salcedo to Caballero. AI, 86-7-7. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 pp. 4937 1803] Transcripts 307 Dec. so. Havana. Francisco de Paula Gelabert to Someruelos. AI, 86-7-7. DAH, Span. Doc. 5 pp. [Enclosure (no. 2) in letter of Someruelos to Caballero, January 7, 1804.] 4938 Dec. so. New Orleans. Casa Calvo and Salcedo to De Hault de Lassus. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck. [See other list.] 4939 Dec. SI- St. Louis. Endorsement of Soulard's petition by De Hault de Lassus. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Attached to letter of De Hault de Lassus to Cevallos, April 30, 1804. See other list.] 4940 Dec. SI' St. Louis. Attestation by De Hault de Lassus. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Attached to letter of De Hault de Lassus, April 30, 1804. See other list.] 4941 Dec. SI- New Orleans. Morales to Soler (no. 266). [AI ?] LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, IV., pp. 467-472. 4942 1804 [Ca. 1804.] . Noticia importante sobre los limites de esta Provincia con Ingleses y Americanos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 5 pp. 4943 Jan. 6. Toledo. Official communication to Casa Irujo. [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. [Accompanies letter (no. 376) of Casa Irujo to Cevallos, October 16, 1803.] 4944 Jan. 7. Havana. Someruelos to Caballero. AI, 86-7-7. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 pp. [Accompanies letter of Salcedo to Caballero, December 14, 1803.] 4945 Jan. p. . Resolution copied from the minutes of the Spanish Minister of State, concerning the transfer of Louisiana to the French. [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. [Accompanies letter (no. 379) of Casa Irujo to Cevallos, November 4, 1803.] 4946 Jan. p. Aranjuez. [Cevallos] to Casa Irujo. [Spain,] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. [Accompanies letter (no. 379) of Casa Irujo to Cevallos, November 4, 1803.] 4947 Jan^ p. Aranjuez. Minister of State to Casa Irujo. [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. [Accompanies letter (no. 380) of Casa Irujo to Cevallos, November 5, 1803.] 4948 Jan. IS. New Orleans. Casa Calvo to Cevallos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 4^ pp. [Accompanies letter (no. i) of Ceva- llos to Casa Calvo, April 2, 1804.] 4949 Jan. ip. New Orleans. M. de Salcedo to Casa Calvo. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Attached to letter of Casa Calvo to Cevallos, March 13, 1804.] 4950 Jan. 20 (Niyoso 29, an 12). New Orleans. Laussat to Salcedo and Casa Calvo. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2j^ pp. [At- tached to letter (no. 2) of Casa Calvo to Cevallos, March 13, 1804.] 4951 Feb./. Washington. Casa Irujo to Cevallos (no. 398). [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. 4952 Feb. 21. Washington. Casa Irujo to Cevallos (no. 404). [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. 4953 Feb. 22. Washington. Casa Irujo to Cevallos (no. 406). [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. 4954 308 Documents in Spanish Archives [1804 March 13. Philadelphia. Apuntes ligeros sobre los Estados Unidos de Ame- rica Septentrional. By Valentin de Foronda. [Spain ?] L, Rich. 43 11. [This may be the original, or at least a contemporaneous copy.] 4955 March 13. New Orleans. Casa Calvo to Cevallos (confidential, no. 2). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Accompanies " Yn- dice " of April 4, 1804.] 4956 March 18. New Madrid. Certification of transfer of New Madrid. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Attached to letter of Lavallee to Casa Calvo and Salcedo, March 29, 1804. See other list.] 4957 March 18. New Madrid. Appointment of experts for transfer of New Madrid to France. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Attached to letter of Casa Calvo to Cevallos, February 28, 1805. See other list.] 4958 March 18- June 12. New Madrid, and other settlements. Inventory of New Madrid made for its transfer to France. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Attached to letter of Casa Calvo to Cevallos, February 28, 1805. See other list.] 4959 March 20. New Madrid. Inventory of documents and other papers of the archives of New Madrid. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Attached to letter of Lavallee to Casa Calvo and Salcedo, March 29, 1804. See other list.] 4960 March 26. New Orleans. Claiborne and Wilkinson to Casa Calvo. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Attached to letter (no. 8) of Casa Calvo to Cevallos, April 4, 1804.] 4961 March 29. New Madrid. Juan Lavallee to Casa Calvo and M. Salcedo. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list] 4962 March 30. New Orleans. Casa Calvo to Cevallos (no. 6). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span, Doc. 6 pp. [Accompanies " Yndice " of April 4, 1804.] 4963 March ^o. New Orleans. Relacion de los individuos que deben componer la espedicion de limites en esta provincia de la Luisiana. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 6) of Casa Calvo to Cevallos, of same date.] 4964 April 2. Aranjuez. Cevallos to Casa Calvo (no. i). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 5 pp. [Letter proper preceded by a synop- sis of a letter from Casa Calvo to Cevallos, January 13, 1804.] 4965 y^^nV^ (12 de Germinal, ano doce). New Orleans. Laussat to Casa Calvo. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. ^2 p. [Attached to letter (no. 8) of Casa Calvo to Cevallos, April 4, 1804.] 4966 April 4. New Orleans. Yndice de las representaciones reservadas que el Brigadier Marques de Casa Calvo, comisario por S. M. de la Pro- vincia de la Luisiana y demarcacion de sus limites dirige al Excelentis- imo Senor Don Pedro Ceballos primer Secretario de Estado y de su despacho universal. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 43^ PP- 4967 April 4. New Orleans. Casa Calvo to Cevallos (no. 8). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Accompanies " Yndice," of same date.] 4968 1804] Transcripts 309 April 4. New Orleans. Casa Calvo to Godoy (confidential, no. 4). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. ij^ p. 4969 April 4. New Orleans. Casa Calvo to Cevallos (two letters). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 4) of Casa Calvo to Godoy, of same date.] 4970 April 24. . [Cevallos] to Casa Irujo. [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. [Accompanies letter (no. 398) of Casa Irujo to Cevallos, February 7, 1804.] 4971 April ^o. [St. Louis ?] De Hault de Lassus to Cevallos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list] 4972 May 18. New Orleans. Casa Calvo to Godoy (confidential, no. 5). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. 4973 May 18. New Orleans. Casa Calvo to Cevallos (nos. 11-13). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 10 pp. 4974 May 24. San Marcos de Apalache. Ignacio Balderas to Folch (no. 20). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc, 2 pp. [Accompanies letter (no. 64) of Dubreuil to Folch, January 20, 1802.] 4975 May 28. St. Louis. Regis Loisel to Casa Calvo. AI, 87-1-10. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list] 4976 June 6. San Marcos de Apalache. Ignacio Balderas to Folch (no. 32). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i^^ p. [Accompanies letter (no. 64) of Dubreuil to Folch, January 20, 1802.] 4977 June 12. Philadelphia. Casa Irujo to Cevallos (no. 423). [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. 4978 June 20. Baton Rouge. Grand-Pre to Folch (no. 21). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 13 pp. [Cites a letter of Judge Alexander Sterling, June 15, 1804 ; and a letter of Reuben Kemper to the former. New Orleans, June 3, 1804 ; and a letter of Alcalde Captain Vicente Pintado.] 4979 June 21. New Orleans. Casa Calvo to Godoy (confidential, no. 6). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. 4980 June 21. Baton Rouge. Grand-Pre to Casa Calvo. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2^/^ pp. [Accompanies letter of Grand-Pre to Folch, June 20, 1804.] 4981 July ig. Baton Rouge. Grand-Pre to Casa Calvo (two letters). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 13 pp. [Accompanies letter of Grand-Pre to Folch, June 20, 1804.] 4982 July 20. Philadelphia. Casa Irujo to Cevallos (no. 431). [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. 4983 July 21. Baton Rouge. Grand-Pre to Casa Calvo. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. [Accompanies letter of Grand-Pre to Folch, June 20, 1804. Cites in full a letter from Vicente Pintado, July 18, 1804; and a letter in Eng. of John O'Connor, to Judge Sterling, July 20, 1804.] 4984 July 2^. New Orleans. Reports sent to Casa Calvo by Engineer Jose Marti- nez de Orosa. AI. MHS. 4985 Aug. Baton Rouge. Lista de los levantados de la Feliciana. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 1^2 p- [Enclosure (no. 5) in letter of Grand-Pre to Casa Calvo, August 28, 1804.] 4986 810 Documents in Spanish Archives [1804 Aug. J. Baton Rouge, Grand-Pre to Casa Calvo. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Attached to letter of Casa Calvo to Folch, August II, 1804.] 4987 Aug. 8. Baton Rouge. Grand-Pre to Casa Calvo. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 4 pp. [Attached to letter of Casa Calvo to Folch, August II, 1804.] 4988 Aug. 8. Baton Rouge. Grand-Pre to Casa Calvo. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 5 pp. [Accompanies letter of Grand-Pre to Folch, June 20, 1804.] 4989 Aug. II. New Orleans. Casa Calvo to Folch. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i>4 p. 4990 Aug. 17. Baton Rouge. Grand-Pre to Casa Calvo (three letters). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 183^ pp. [Accompany letter of Grand-Pre to Casa Calvo, June 20, 1804.] 4991 Aug. ip. Baton Rouge. Grand-Pre to Casa Calvo. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba, DAH, Span. Doc. 8>^ pp. [Accompanies letter of Grand-Pre to Folch, June 20, 1804. Cites entire letter of Nathan Kemper and others to David Clark, Bayu Sarra, August 16, 1804.] 4992 Aug. 20. New Orleans. Report by Engineer Jose Martinez concerning the Americans and their explorations. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS. 60 pp. 4993 Aug. 21. Nueva Feliciana. Samuel Fulton and Armand Duplantier to offi- cials of Pinckneyville. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) i p. [Enclosure (no. i) in letter of Grand-Pre to Casa Calvo, August 28, 1804.] 4994 Aug. 21. Near Pinckneyville. Judge Thomas Dawson to Fulton and Du- plantier. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) I p. [Enclosure (no. 2) in letter of Grand-Pre to Casa Calvo, August 28, 1804.] 4995 Aug. 22. Pinckneyville. Fulton and Duplantier to Dawson. AI, Pap, proc. de Cuba, DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) i p. [Enclosure (no. 3) in letter of Grand-Pre to Casa Calvo, August 28, 1804.] 4996 Aug. 24. Nueva Feliciana. Testimonies in regard to the Kemper insurrec- tion. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 3 pp. [Enclosure (no. 4) in letter of Grand-Pre to Casa Calvo, August 28, 1804.] 4997 Aug. 28. Baton Rouge. Grand-Pre to Casa Calvo. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 18 pp. [Accompanies letter of Grand-Pre to Folch, June 20, 1804.] 4998 Aug. 28. Baton Rouge. Grand-Pre to Folch (no. 65). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 23^^ pp. 4999 Aug. $1. Pensacola. Ynstrucciones para el gobierno de los oficiales y tropa empleados en la expedicion destinada a apasiguar la insurreccion de Baton-Rouge. By Folch. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span, Doc. 6 pp. 5000 Sept. so. New Orleans. Casa Calvo to Godoy. AI, 87-1-10. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng,) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng,) [See other list] 5001 1804] Transcripts 311 Sept. JO. New Orleans. Casa Calvo to Cevallos. AI, 87-1- lo. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) ; WHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [At- tached to letter of Casa Calvo to Godoy, of same date. See other list.] 5002 Oct. 2. Philadelphia. Casa Irujo to Cevallos (no. 449). [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. 5003 Oct. 6. Georgetown. Pichon to Casa Irujo. [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. [Accompanies letter (no. 376) of Casa Irujo to Cevallos, October 16, 1803.] 5004 Oct. p. Baton Rouge. Statistics regarding lands granted by Intendancy. Signed by Vicente Sebastian Pintado. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 6 pp. 5005 Oct. p. Baton Rouge. Estado que manifiesta las tierras concedidas por la Intendencia. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 sheets. 5006 Oct. 26. Philadelphia. Casa Irujo to Cevallos (no. 450). [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. 5007 Oct. JO. Baton Rouge. Ynstruccion que deberan observar los sindicos y alcaldes de la jurisdiccion de Baton-Rouge. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 11 pp. [There is also an English printed version dated as above and signed by Folch. The Span, version is undated and unsigned.] 5008 Nov. 26. New Orleans. Casa Calvo to Godoy (confidential, no. 12). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. 5009 Nov. 26. New Orleans. Casa Calvo to Cevallos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 9^/2 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 12) of Casa Calvo to Godoy, of same date.] 5010 £>^c. (5. Pensacola. Folch to Someruelos (two letters). AI, 87-1- 10. DAH, Span. Doc. 3^ and 5 pp., respectively. [Attached to letter of Someruelos to Cevallos, February 8, 1805.] 5011 1805 \iSo$ ?\ . Disposiciones revolucionarias del partido Americano para la invasion de Mexico y de las otras posesiones Espanolas en el Golfo. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 51^ pp. 5012 . . Investigation regarding Burr's movements and motives in Louisiana (extr. from an American newspaper). [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters (Span, transl.) [Attached to letter (no. 542) of Casa Irujo to Cevallos, August 5, 1805.] 5013 . . Noticias de Nueva Espafia en 1805. [Spain ?] L, Rich, 27 11. [This may have been made in Mexico, but doubtless a copy exists in Spain.] 5014 English indignities on American vessels (extr. from American newspaper). [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters (Span, transl.) [Attached to letter (no. 584) of Casa Irujo to Cevallos, November 20, 1805.] 5015 \i8o^-iHo6 ?\ [Madrid ?] Official communication regarding matters com- municated by Casa Calvo. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3^ pp. [Accompanies letter of Casa Calvo to Godoy, July 18, 1805.] 5016 312 Documents in Spanish Archives [1805 Jan. 2p. Havana, Francisco de Paula Gelabert to Someruelos. AI, 87-1-10. DAH, Span. Doc. [Attached to letter of Someruelos to Caballero, February 8, 1805.] 5017 Feb. I. Baton Rouge. Grand-Pre to Casa Calvo. AI, Pap, proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [See other list] 5018 Feb. I. Baton Rouge, Reports of military supplies, etc. (7 in all) in posts of Upper Louisiana. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span. and Eng.) [Attached to letter of Grand-Pre to Casa Calvo, of same date. See other list] 5019 Feb. 6. New Orleans. De Hault de Lassus to Casa Calvo. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Attached to letter of Casa Calvo to Cevallos, February 28, 1805. See other list.] 5020 Feb. 7. Philadelphia. Casa Irujo to Cevallos (no. 474). [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. 5021 Feb. 8. Havana. Someruelos to Caballero (no, 548), AI, 87-1-10. DAH, Span. Doc. i p, [Attached to letter of Caballero to Godoy, Mav 28, 1805.] 5022 Feb. 10. New Orleans. Casa Calvo to Grand-Pre. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Accompanies letter of Grand-Pre to Casa Calvo, February i, 1805. See other list.] 5023 Feb. 20. Baton Rouge. Grand-Pre to Folch (no. 97). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i>4 p. 5024 Feb. 28. New Orleans. Casa Calvo to Cevallos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. MHS, Houck (Span, and Eng.) [Preceded by note on valuation of buildings in posts of Upper Louisiana, See other list,] 5025 April 2p. Baton Rouge. Grand-Pre to Folch. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 65^ pp. 5026 May 7, Baton Rouge. Grand-Pre to Casa Calvo. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 5 pp. [Accompanies letters of Grand-Pre to Casa Calvo, September 24, 1805.] 5027 May 2^. Philadelphia. Casa Irujo to Casa Calvo. [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. [Attached to letter (no. 517) of Casa Irujo to Cevallos, May 24, 1805.] 5028 May 24. Philadelphia, Casa Irujo to Cevallos (no. 517), [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. [See other list] 5029 May 27. Baton Rouge. Grand-Pre to Folch. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc, 8 pp, [Accompanies letter of Grand-Pre to Folch, April 29, 1805.] 5030 May 28. Aranjuez. Caballero to Godoy. AI, 87-1 -10. DAH, Span. Doc. Yi p. [Attached to letter of Caballero, June 5, 1805.] 5031 May 2g. Baton Rouge. Grand-Pre to Robert Williams (copy no. i). AI, Pap. proc, de Cuba, DAH, Span, Doc. 3>^ pp. 5032 June 5. Madrid, Caballero to Spanish official, AI, 87-1-10, DAH, Span. Doc. I p, 5033 June 10. Washington, Mississippi Territory, Robert Williams to Grand- Pre (copy no. 2). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 2 pp. 5034 July II. New Orleans. Gov. W. C. C. Claiborne to Casa Calvo (three copies). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) I p. [Enclosure (no. 2) in letter of Casa Calvo to Godoy, July 18, 1805.] 5035 1806] Transcripts 313 July 15. New Orleans. Casa Calvo to Claiborne (two copies). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i^ p. [Enclosure (no. 3) in letter of Casa Calvo to Godoy, July 18, 1805.] 5036 July 18. New Orleans. Casa Calvo to Godoy (confidential, no. 17). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Two copies of this, one dated July 15, and the other numbered as above and with date as above.] 5037 July 18. New Orleans. Casa Calvo to Cevallos (two letters). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 6 pp. each. [Enclosures (nos. I and 3) in letter of Casa Calvo to Godoy, of same date.] 5038 /w/y j^. New Orleans. Casa Calvo to Cevallos. AI, 87-1-10. MHS. (Span. and Eng.) 9 pp. 5039 July ip. New Orleans. Casa Calvo to Godoy (no. 18). AI, 87-1-10. MHS (Span, and Eng.) 9 pp. 5040 July 20. New Orleans. Communications from Casa Irujo. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 pp. [Accompanies letter of Casa Calvo to Godoy, July 18, 1805.] 5041 Aug. 5. Philadelphia. Casa Irujo to Cevallos (no. 542). [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. [See other list.] 5042 Aug. IS. New Orleans. Morales to Folch. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 11 pp. 5043 Aug. 22. New Orleans. [Casa Calvo?] to Cevallos (no. 21). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 7 pp. 5044 Sept. 6. Washington, Mississippi Territory. Robert Williams to Grand- Pre (copy no. 3). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) [Accompanies letter of Grand-Pre to Williams, May 29, 1805.] 5045 Sept. 8-Dec. 2^. Baton Rouge. The case against the Kemper brothers. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 52 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 3) of Grand-Pre to Folch, December 23, 1805.] 5046 Sept. p. Baton Rouge. Grand-Pre to Williams (nos. 4, 5; two letters). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 5 pp. [Accompany letter of Grand-Pre to Williams, May 29, 1805.] 5047 Sept. II. Baton Rouge. Grand-Pre to Claiborne (copy no. 6). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 pp. [Accompanies letter of Grand-Pre to Williams, May 29, 1805.] 5048 Sept. 20. New Orleans. Short official report. AI. MHS. 5049 Sept. 24. Baton Rouge. Grand-Pre to Casa Calvo (two letters). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 6 pp. 5050 Sept. so. Washington, Mississippi. Williams to Grand-Pre (no. i). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 4^ pp. 5051 Sept. so. Baton Rouge. Grand-Pre to Williams (no. 4). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3>4 pp. [Accompanies letter of Wil- liams to Grand-Pre, of same date.] 5052 Oct. 12. Washington, Mississippi (no. 2). Williams to Grand-Pre (no. 2). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) i^ p. [Accompanies letter (no. i) of Williams to Grand-Pre, September 30, 1805.] 5053 Oct. 16, i8oyJune 12, 1808. Notes, extracts, etc., of despatches from Morales to Soler. AI, Correspondencia de Morales, leg. 5. LHS, Span. MSS., Mississippi Valley, IV., pp. 480-485. 5054 314 Documents in Spanish Archives [1805 Nov. J 5. Washington, Mississippi. Williams to Grand-Pre (no, 3). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 2 pp. [Ac- companies letter (no. i) of Williams to Grand-Pre, September 30, 1805.] 5055 Nov. 20. Philadelphia. Casa Inijo to Cevallos (no. 584). [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. 5056 Nov. 30. Baton Rouge. Grand-Pre to Williams (no. 5). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 10 pp. [Accompanies letter (no. i) of Williams to Grand-Pre, September 30, 1805.] 5057 Dec. 3. Philadelphia. Casa Irujo to Cevallos (no. 604). [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. 5058 Dec. 5. Philadelphia. Casa Irujo to Cevallos (no. 590). [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. [See other Hst.] 5059 Dec.2S. Baton Rouge. Grand-Pre to Folch (no. 3). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. 5060 1806 . Washington. Letter to the editor of the United States Gazette. [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. [Attached to letter (no. 622) of Casa Irujo to Cevallos, February 28, 1806.] 5061 . Philadelphia. To the editor of the Philadelphia Gazette. [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. [Attached to letter (no. 623) of Casa Irujo to Cevallos, March 10, 1806.] 5062 . Washington. Queries regarding the President's connivance in the Miranda expedition (extr. from the National Intelligencer) . [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. [Attached to letter (no. 692) of Casa Irujo to Cevallos, July 9, 1806.] 5063 Jan. I. Philadelphia. Casa Irujo to Cevallos (no. 605). [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. [See other list.] 5064 Jan. 20. New York. Thomas Stoughton, Spanish Consul in New York, to Casa Irujo. [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. [Attached to letters (no. 615) of Casa Irujo to Cevallos, February 12, 1806.] 5065 Jem. 31. New York. Stoughton to Casa Irujo. [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. [Attached to letter (no. 615) of Casa Irujo to Cevallos, February 12, 1806.] 5066 Feb. 2. New York. Stoughton to Casa Irujo. [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. [Attached to letter (no. 615) of Casa Irujo to Cevallos, February 12, 1806.] 5067 Feb. 3. Aranjuez. [Cevallos] to Casa Irujo. [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. [Accompanies letter (no. 590) of Casa Irujo to Cevallos, December 5, 1805.] 5068 Feb. 4. Philadelphia. Casa Irujo to General Turreau. [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. [Attached to letter (no. 615) of Casa Irujo to Cevallos, February 12, 1806.] 5069 F^&. 7. Washington. Turreau to Casa Irujo. [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. [Attached to letter (no. 615) of Casa Irujo to Ceva- llos, February 12, 1806.] 5070 Feb. II. Philadelphia. Casa Irujo to Cevallos (no. 612). [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. 5071 1806] Transcripts 315 Feb. II. Philadelphia. Casa Irujo to Madison. [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. [Attached to letter (no. 615) of Casa Irujo to Cevallos, February 12, 1806.] 5072 Frt. II. Philadelphia. Casa Irujo to Turreau. [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. [Attached to letter (no. 615) of Casa Irujo to Cevallos, February 12, 1806.] 5073 Feb. 12. Philadelphia. Casa Irujo to Cevallos (no. 615). [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. 5074 Feb. 13. Philadelphia. Casa Irujo to Cevallos (no. 617). [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. 5075 Feb. 28. Philadelphia. Casa Irujo to Cevallos (no. 622). [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. 5076 March 10. Philadelphia. Casa Irujo to Cevallos (no. 623). [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. 5077 March 18. Philadelphia. Casa Irujo to Cevallos (no. 625). [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. 5078 March 26. Philadelphia. Casa Irujo to Cevallos (no. 639) . [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. 5079 March 28. Philadelphia. Casa Irujo to Cevallos (no. 642). [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. 5080 March 28. Aranjuez. [Cevallos] to Casa Irujo. [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. [Accompanies letter (no. 605) of Casa Irujo to Cevallos, January i, 1806.] 5081 April I. Baton Rouge. Grand-Pre to Folch. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2^ pp. 5082 April I. Baton Rouge. Grand-Pre to Claiborne. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Attached to letter of Grand-Pre to Folch, of same date.] 5083 April I. Baton Rouge. Grand-Pre to Williams. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i>4 p. [Attached to letter of Grand-Pre to Folch, of same date.] 5084 April 2. Mobile. Francisco Maximino de P. Maxent to Folch (confidential, no. 241). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. 5085 April 4. Mobile. Maxent to Folch (nos. 242, 243). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. [Accompany letter (no. 241) of Maxent to Folch, April 2, 1806.] 5086 Aprils. New Orleans. Claiborne to Grand-Pre. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 160) of Grand- Pre to Folch, April 15, 1806.] 5087 April 8. Washington, Mississippi. Williams to Grand-Pre. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) i p. [Attached to letter (no. 160) of Grand-Pre to Folch, April 15, 1806.] 5088 April 12. Baton Rouge. Grand-Pre to Williams. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Attached to letter (no. 160) of Grand- Pre to Folch, April 15, 1806.] 5089 April 14. Baton Rouge. Grand-Pre to Claiborne. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 160) of Grand- Pre to Folch, April 15, 1806.] 5090 April 13. Baton Rouge. Grand-Pre to Folch (no. 160). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. J/^ p. [Accompanies letter of Grand- Pre to Folch, April i, 1806.] 6091 316 Documents in Spanish Archives [1806 April 23. ATainjnez. Cevallos to Casa Irujo. [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. [Accompanies letter (no. 617) of Casa Irujo to Cevallos, February 13, 1806.] 5092 May 14. Philadelphia. Casa Irujo to Cevallos (no. 676). [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. [See other list] 5093 May 22. Pensacola. Morales to Folch. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 16 pp. [Accompanies decree by Salcedo, March 24, 1803.] 5094 June p. Philadelphia. Casa Irujo to Cevallos (no. 690). [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. 5095 July p. Philadelphia. Casa Irujo to Cevallos (no. 692). [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. 5096 July 12. Palace, [Madrid ?]. [Cevallos] to Casa Irujo. [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. [Accompanies letter (no. 676) of Casa Irujo to Cevallos, May 14, i8o6.] 5097 July 2^. Philadelphia. Casa Irujo to Cevallos (no. 702). [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. 5098 Aug. ly. Fort Adams. Letter from American to Gilbert Leonard, treasurer at Baton Rouge. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 3^ pp. [Attached to letter (no. 178) of Grand-Pre to Folch, August 19, 1806.] 5099 Aug. ip. Baton Rouge. Grand-Pre to Folch (no. 178). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 pp. 5100 Aug. 20. Pensacola. Morales to Folch. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Accompanies decree by Salcedo, March 24, 1803.] 5101 Sept. p. Pensacola. Morales to Howard. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 6 pp. [Accompanies decree by Salcedo, March 24, 1803. Cites letter to Morales, September 4, 1806.] 5102 Sept. II. Pensacola. Morales to Howard. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 9 pp. [Accompanies decree by Salcedo, March 24, 1803.] 5103 Sept. 75. Pensacola. Morales to Howard. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 4 pp. [Accompanies decree by Salcedo, March 24, 1803.] 5104 Sept. 7j. Pensacola. Morales to Francisco Collell. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Accompanies decree by Salcedo, March 24, 1803.] 5105 Sept. 22. Pensacola. Jose Martinez Orossa to Howard. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 9 pp. 5106 Nov. 6. Baton Rouge. Grand-Pre to Howard (no. 180). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 14 pp. [Accompanies letter of Grand- Pre to Folch, April i, 1806.] 5107 Nov. 10. Philadelphia. Casa Irujo to Cevallos (no. 762). [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. [See other list.] 5108 Nov. 14. Havana. Someruelos to Morales. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2^ pp. [Accompanies letter (no. 492) to Soler, March 31, 1807.] 5109 Nov. 18. Natchez. Extracts concerning Wilkinson's withdrawal from the Texas border. [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. [At- tached to letter (no. 795) of Casa Irujo to Cevallos, January 9, 1807.] 6110 1806] Transcripts 31T Dec. 2. Ohio. Message by Edward Tiffin, Governor of Ohio, to the Gen- eral Assembly of the State of Ohio. [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters (Span, transl.) [Attached to letter (no. 792) of Casa Irujo to Cevallos, December 29, 1806.] 5111 Dec. 4. Philadelphia. Casa Irujo to Cevallos (no. 776). [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. [See other list.] 5112 Dec. 14. New Orleans. Letter concerning arrest of Burr's emissaries. [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters (extr. ; Span, transl.) [Attached to letter (no. 803) of Casa Irujo to Cevallos, January 28, 1807.] 5113 Dec. 16. Philadelphia. Casa Irujo to Cevallos (no. 787). [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. [See other list.] 5114 Dec. 18. New Orleans. Extracts from letters of Wilkinson, Bollmann, and Burr, [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. [Attached to letter (no. 803) of Casa Irujo to Cevallos, January 28, 1807.] 5115 Dec.2g. Philadelphia. Casa Irujo to Cevallos (no. 792). [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. 5116 1807 . . Bibliotheca Americana. Catalogo de los autores que han escrito de la America en diferentes idiomas. [Spain ?] L, Rich. 468 11. 5117 Jan. I. Mobile. Folch to Baron de Friet. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. ly^ p. [Enclosure (no. i) in letter (no. 60) of Folch to Someruelos, January 6, 1807.] 5118 Jan. I. Mobile. Ynstrucciones reservadas para los comandantes de los bu- ques de S. M. la Luisiana y Vigilante. By Folch. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Enclosure (no. 2) in letter (no. 60) of Folch to Someruelos, January 6, 1807.] 5119 Jan. I. . P. P. Schuyler to Folch. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. yi p. [Enclosure (no. 3) in letter (no. 60) of Folch to Someruelos, January 6, 1807.] 5120 Jan. 2. Pensacola. Morales to Folch. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 5 pp. 5121 Ja/n. 2. Mobile. Folch to P. P. Schuyler. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. Y^. p. [Enclosure (no. 4) in letter (no. 60) of Folch to Someruelos, January 6, 1807.] 5122 Ja/n. 4. Mobile. Folch to Maxent. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. Yt. p. [Enclosure (no. 5) in letter (no. 60) of Folch to Some- ruelos, January 6, 1807.] 5123 Jem. 5. New Orleans. Wilkinson to Folch and Morales (two copies). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) i^^ p. [One copy accompanies letter of Morales to Folch, January 2, 1807 ; and other attached to letter of Maxent to Folch, February 28, 1807.] 5124 Jam,. 5. Philadelphia. Conversation of Burr with the President. [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. [Attached to letter (no. 795) of Casa Irujo to Cevallos, January 9, 1807.] 5125 Jan. 6. Mobile. Folch to Someruelos (confidential, no. 60), AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 63^ pp. 5126 Jan. p. Philadelphia. Casa Irujo to Cevallos (no. 795). [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. 6127 318 Documents in Spanish Archives [1807 Jan. p. Pensacola. Morales to Folch. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Accompanies letter of Morales to Folch, January 2, 1807.] 5128 Jan. Jj. Pensacola. Morales to Folch (four letters). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 6 pp. [Accompany letter of Morales to Folch, January 2, 1807.] 5129 Jan. 14. Pensacola. De Hault de Lassus to Folch (no. 8). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. ^2 p. [Attached to letter of Maxent to Folch, February 28, 1807.] 5130 Jan. jp. . Secretary of the Territory of Mississippi to the War Department. [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. [At- tached to letter (no. 816) of Casa Irujo to Cevallos, February 25, 1807.] 5131 Jan. 20. Philadelphia. Casa Irujo to Cevallos (no. 798). [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. 5132 Jan. 20. Havana. Casa Calvo to the Spanish Admiral. AI, 87-1-10. DAH, Span. Doc. 7 pp. 5133 Jan. 22. Washington. President's Message concerning the Burr Conspiracy. [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters (Span, transl.) [At- tached to letter (no. 803) of Casa Irujo to Cevallos, January 28, 1807.] 5134 Ja/n.2^. Pensacola. Morales to Folch (two letters). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 85^ pp. [Accompany letter of Morales to Folch, January 2, 1807.] 5135 Jan. 28. Philadelphia. Casa Irujo to Cevallos (nos. 803, 804). [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. 5136 Jan. 28. Havana. Someruelos to Morales. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Accompanies letter of Morales to Folch, Janu- ary 2, 1807.] 5137 Feb. 12. Philadelphia. Casa Irujo to Cevallos (no. 813). [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. 5138 Feb. 2^. Philadelphia. Casa Irujo to Cevallos (no. 816). [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. 5139 Feb. 28. Mobile. Maxent to Folch. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i>4 p. 5140 March 2/. New Orleans. Wilkinson to Folch. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i^ p. [Enclosure (no. i) in letter (no. 75) of Folch to Someruelos, June 27, 1807. The date is that of transl. into Span.] 5141 March 29. Pensacola. Morales to Folch (two letters). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3^2 pp. [Accompany letter of Morales to Folch, January 2, 1807.] 5142 March 31. Pensacola. [Morales ?] to Soler (no. 492). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. 5143 March SI. Baton Rouge. Folch to Wilkinson. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Enclosure (no. 2) in letter of Folch to Someruelos (no. 75), June 27, 1807.] 5144 March ^i. New Orleans. Wilkinson to Folch. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 2 pp. [Enclosure (no. 3) in letter (no. 75) of Folch to Someruelos, June 27, 1807.] 5145 1807] Transcripts 319 March 31. . Letter by Morales. AMGJ. LHS, Span. MSS., Mis- sissippi Valley, III. (abstr.) 5146 April I. Mexico. Fray Melchor Talamanes y Baeza to Carondelet (two copies). AI, 87- 1 -10. DAH, Span. Doc. 4^1^ pp. [Attached to letter (no. 28) of Carondelet to Godoy, July 21, 1807.] 5147 April 5. Baton Rouge. Folch to Wilkinson. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 4]^ pp. [Enclosure (no. 4) in letter (no. 75) of Folch to Someruelos, June 27, 1807.] 5148 June I. Pensacola. Morales to Rafael Gomez Rumbaud. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 16 pp. 5149 June 25. Pensacola. Folch to Carondelet (confidential, no. 72). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 75^ pp. 5150 June 27. Pensacola. Folch to Someruelos (confidential, no. 75). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. 5151 July II. Philadelphia. Casa Irujo to Cevallos (no. 881). [Spain.] BRL, Adams, Casa Yrujo Letters. 5152 July 21. Q\x\to. Carondelet to Godoy (no. 28). AI, 87-1 -10. DAH, Span. Doc. y/2 pp. [Accompanies letter of Salcedo to Godoy, December 13, 1803.] 5153 Aug. 8. Pensacola. Letter of Godoy (confidential, no. 12). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 12 pp. 5154 1808 March 20. Havana. Someruelos to Morales. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 4 pp. [Accompanies letter (no. 492) to Soler. Cites in full letter from the Secretary of State to Morales, August 31, 1807.] 5155 May ij. Pensacola. Folch to Morales. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2^/2 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 222) of Cienfuegos to Eguia, March 13, 1818. Cites in full letter of August 2, 1807, re- garding Leslie, Panton and Co.] 5156 June I. Pensacola. Governor of Pensacola to Cevallos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 213^ pp. 5157 Oct. [Baton Rouge.] Memorials of the inhabitants of Florida to Grand- Pre. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 13 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 240) of Grand-Pre to Folch, October 19, 1808.] 5158 Oct. ip. Baton Rouge. Grand-Pre to Folch (no. 240). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. 5159 Dec. 22. Pensacola. Morales to Folch. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 5 pp. [Accompanies letter of Morales to Folch, Janu- ary 2, 1807.] 5160 1809 Jan. II. . Relacion dirigida a su Senoria Don Carlos Dehault Delas- sus, gobierno interino del distrito de Baton Rouge y sus dependen- cias. Signed by Samuel Fulton, Philip Hicky, Joseph Sharp, and Davenport. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 2 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 251) of De Hault de Lassus to Folch, February 4, 1809.] 5161 Jan. 25. Baton Rouge. Report of industrial council called by De Hault de Lassus. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 6j/^ pp. 5162 320 Documents in Spanish Archives [1809 Feb. 4. Baton Rouge. De Hault de Lassus to Folch (no. 251). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span, Doc. ^ p. 5163 April p. Pensacola. Wilkinson to Folch. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) i p. [Enclosure (no. i) in letter (no. 141) of Folch to Someruelos, May 23, 1809.] 5164 April jp. . Folch to Wilkinson. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. J^ p. [Enclosure (no. 2) in letter (no. 141) of Folch to Someruelos, May 23, 1809.] 5165 April 24. New Orleans. Wilkinson to Folch. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 1/2 p. [Enclosure (no. 3) in letter (no. 141) of Folch to Someruelos, May 23, 1809.] 5166 April 27. Aboard vessel at Fort San Juan. Folch to Wilkinson. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 5^ p. [Enclosure (no. 4) in letter (no. 141) of Folch to Someruelos, May 23, 1809.] 5167 May 5. New Orleans. Wilkinson to Folch. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 3 pp. [Enclosure (no. 5) in letter (no. 141) of Folch to Someruelos, May 23, 1809.] 5168 May 4. New Orleans. Folch to Wilkinson. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i^ p. [Enclosure (no. 6) in letter (no. 141) of Folch to Wilkinson, May 23, 1809.] 5169 May 2^. Pensacola. Folch to Someruelos (no. 141). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 115^ pp. 5170 June 12. Havana. Someruelos to Juan Bautista Morales. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 222) of Cienfuegos to Eguia, March 13, 1818. Cites entire royal order of March 26, 1809.] 5171 1810 . . Proclama anonima a los habitantes de la Florida a quienes se exhorta se levanten contra el Gobiemo Espanol para hacerse Ciuda- danos de los Estados Unidos. Signed " El Amigo del Pueblo ". AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 12 pp. 5172 Aug. 15. Praderia de San Juan. John Rhea and Andrew Steele for con- vention representing their district, to De Hault de Lassus (letter and report). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) II pp. 5173 Aug. ip. [Tickfan ?] Shepherd Brown to De Hault de Lassus. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 2 pp. [Accom- panies (as no. 5) Report of Council, August 15, 1810.] 5174 Aug. 20. Bayou Sara. Tomas Estevan to De Hault de Lassus. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Accompanies (as no. 6) Report of Council, August 15, 1810.] 5175 Aug. 21. Baton Rouge. Account and Report of Council at which faithful adhesion to Spain was expressed. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 9^ pp. [Accompanies (as no. 7) Report of Council, August 15, 1810.] 5176 Aug. 2 J. Baton Rouge. Petition of inhabitants of districts of West Florida and Baton Rouge to Someruelos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 5 pp. 6177 1810] Transcripts 321 [Aug. 21 or 2^ ?\ Baton Rouge. Proclamation to the inhabitants of the jurisdiction of Baton Rouge. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 2 pp. [Accompanies (as no. 8) Report of Council, August 15, 1810.] 5178 Aug. 22. Baton Rouge. Memorial by the inhabitants of Baton Rouge to Someruelos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) ^Yz pp. 5179 Aug. 2^, Baton Rouge. Delegates at Convention to De Hault de Lassus. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) i p. [Accompanies (as no. 10) Report of Council, August 15, 1810.] 5180 Oct. 21. Washington, Proclamation by President Madison. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 4 pp. [Accompanies proclamation by Holmes, October 11, 1812.] 5181 1812 \Ca. 1812.] . Real Hacienda de Nueva Espana. [Spain ?] L, Rich, Mexico, Relariones varias, 1720-181 1. 6611. 5182 July J J. New Orleans. Diego Morphy to Governor of Pensacola (no. 1269). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 13^2 p. 5183 Aug. I. Washington, Mississippi. Proclamation by Governor David Holmes (two copies). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 2 pp. [One copy accompanies Holmes's proclamation, Au- gust II, 1812.] 5184 Aug.^. New Orleans. Diego Morphy to Governor of Florida (nos. 1267, 1269). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. ^ p. and 2 pp., respectively. 5185 Aug. /. Lower villages of the Creek Indians. Seminole chiefs to Governor of Pensacola. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. 5186 Aug. 7. Lower villages of the Creek Indians. John Robert to the Governor of Pensacola. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) i p. [Accompanies letter of Seminole chiefs to governor, of same date.] 5187 Aug. II. Washington, Mississippi. Proclamation by Governor David Holmes. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 2 pp. 5188 Aug. 12. Seminole chief Tomas Penyman to Governor of Pensacola. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Accompanies letter of chiefs to Governor, August 7, 1812.] 5189 Aug. 50. Pensacola. Governor of Pensacola to Seminole chiefs. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Accompanies letter of chiefs to Governor, August 7, 1812.] 5190 Oct. Mobile. Letter from Harry Toulmin regarding the Territory of Mis- sissippi. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 3^ pp. [Accompanies Holmes's proclamation of October 11, 1812.] 5191 Oct. II. Mobile County. Proclamation by Governor David Holmes. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 2^ pp. 5192 Oct. 20. Pensacola. Surveyor Vicente Sebastian Pintado to Juan de la Rua, secretary of the Cabildo (no. 13). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. 6193 22 322 Documents in Spanish Archives [1812 Nov. i6. Pensacola. Presupuesto del costo a que asciende los reparos de la fortificacion de la Mobila. AI, Pap, proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 20 pp. 5194 1813 April 15. Pensacola. Noticia de los solares vacantes en esta plaza de Panza- cola. Signed by V. S. Pintado. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. 5195 June 15. Pensacola. Mateo Gonzalez Manrique to the commander of the American troops. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. [Enclosure (part of no. 2) in letter of Ruiz de Apodaca to Cano Manuel, April 25, 1814.] 5196 June 26. Pensacola. Anastasio de Aranzo to Gonzalez Manrique. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 6^ pp. 5197 July 2g. Bay of St. Louis. General Thomas Flournoy, of the 7th mil. div., U. S. A., to Governor of Pensacola, Mateo Gonzalez Manrique. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 2^/2 pp. 5198 Aug. 18. Pensacola. Gonzalez Manrique to Flournoy. AT, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 8 pp. [Enclosure (part of no. 2) of letter of Ruiz de Apodaca to Cano Manuel, April 25, 1814.] 5199 Sept. 5. Pensacola. Gonzalez Manrique to Flournoy. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 5 pp. [Enclosure (part of no. 2) in letter of Ruiz de Apodaca to Cano Manuel, April 25, 1814.] 5200 Oct. 7. Pensacola. Antonio Cabanas to Pintado (no. i). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Accompanies letter (no. 13) of Pintado to Rua, October 20, 1812.] 5201 Oct. II. Pensacola. Cabanas to Gonzalez Manrique (no. 58). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 5 pp. [Accompanies letter (no. 13) of Pintados to Rua, October 20, 1812.] 5202 Oct. II. Pensacola. Pintado to Juan de la Rua, Sec'y of Pensacola Cabildo. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 45^ pp. [Accompanies letter (no. 13) of Pintado to Rua, October 20, 1812.] 5203 Oct. 20. Pensacola. Pintado to Rua (no. 60) . AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Accompanies letter (no. 13) of Pintado to Rua, October 20, 1812.] 5204 Nov. 4. Pensacola. Pintado to Felix Tala (no. 66). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Accompanies letter (no. 13) of Pintado to Rua, October 20, 1812.] 5205 Dec. 2. Pensacola. Pintado to Pensacola Ayuntamiento (no. 70). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Accompanies letter (no. 13) of Pintado to Rua, October 20, 1812.] 5206 1814 Jan. 28. New Orleans. Flournoy to Gonzalez Manrique. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 3/2 p. [Enclosure (part of no. 2) in letter of Ruiz de Apodaca to Cano Manuel, April 25, 1814.] 5207 March 3. Pensacola. Joseph Maria de la Pefia to Pintado (two letters). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 4 pp. [Accompanies letter (no. 13) of Pintado to Rua, October 20, 181 2.] 5208 1814] Transcripts 323 March 12. Pensacola. Gonzalez Manrique to Juan Ruiz de Apodaca. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Enclosure (part of no. 2) in letter of Ruiz de Apodaca to Cano Manuel, April 25, 18 14.] 5209 March 2^. New Orleans, Proclamation by Governor William C. C. Clai- borne. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 3 pp. [Enclosure (no. i) in letter of Ruiz de Apodaca to Cano Ma- nuel, April 25, 1814.] 5210 April 2^. Havana. Juan Ruiz de Apodaca to Antonio Cano Manuel. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. 5211 July 12. Fort Jackson. General Andrew Jackson to Gonzalez Manrique. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 25^ pp. [Accompanies letter of Floumoy to Gonzalez Manrique, July 29, 1813.] 5212 Aug. 24. American Quarters at Mobile. Jackson to Gonzalez Manrique. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 55^ pp. [Accompanies letter of Flournoy to Gonzalez Manrique, July 29, 1813.] 5213 1815 April 2g. Pensacola. Pintado to Jose de Soto. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 15 pp. 5214 Sept. 6. Havana. Ruiz de Apodaca to the provisional commandant of West Florida. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i^^ p. [At- tached to letter (no. 222) of Cienfuegos to Eguia, March 13, 1818.] 5215 1816 April 2^. Washington, Mississippi. Jackson to military commander of Washington. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 2^ pp. [Attached to letter of Adams to Onis, July 23, 1816.] 5216 May 26. Pensacola. Mauricio de Zufiiga to Jackson. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 5^ pp. [Attached to letter of Adams to Onis, July 23, 1816.] 5217 Aug. 28. Poverty Hall (Apalachicola River). William Hambly to John Forbes. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 4 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 222) of Cienfuegos to Eguia, March 13, 1818.] 5218 Sept. 2. Pensacola. List of articles taken for trade with the Indians. Signed by Juan Innerarity. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3/^ pp. [Attached to letter (no. 222) of Cienfuegos to Eguia, March 13, 1818.] 5219 Sept. J. Pensacola. Petition by Juan Innerarity regarding trade. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2^ pp. [Attached to letter (no. 222) of Cienfuegos to Eguia, March 13, 1818.] 5220 Sept. 2. Pensacola. Opinion of minister of treasury regarding trade with the Indians. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 222) of Cienfuegos to Eguia, March 13, 1818.] 5221 824 Documents in Spanish Archives [1816 Sept, 4. Pensacola. Act permitting trade with the Indians. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 222) of Cienfuegos to Eguia, March 13, 1818.] 5222 Sept. 6. Pensacola. Petition by John Forbes, regarding trade. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 7 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 222) of Cienfuegos to Eguia, March 13, 18 18.] 5223 Sept. y. Pensacola. John Forbes to Zufiiga. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2)^ pp. [Attached to letter (no. 222) of Cienfuegos to Eguia, March 13, 1818.] 5224 Sept. II. Pensacola. Fiscal's decision in answer to the petition and official letter of John Forbes. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 12 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 222) of Cienfuegos to Eguia, March 13, 1818. With decree of September 13, promulgated because of this decision.] 5225 Sept. 16. Pensacola. Petition by John Forbes. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 222) of Cienfue- gos to Eguia, March 13, 1818.] 5226 Sept. 25. Pensacola. Order by San Maxent. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Attached to letter (no. 222) of Cienfuegos to Eguia, March 13, 1818.] 5227 Oct. 7. Pensacola. Official certification regarding commercial house of Forbes and Co. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i^ p. [Attached to letter (no. 222) of Cienfuegos to Eguia, March 13, 1818.] 5228 Oct. 20. Havana. Someruelos to Morales. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2^ pp. [Attached to letter (no. 222) of Cienfuegos to Eguia, March 13, 1818. Cites in full a letter to the Secretary of State, of same date.] 5229 Oct. 22, 2^. Pensacola. Official orders and attestations regarding the expe- diente on trade. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 65^ pp. [Attached to letter (no. 222) of Cienfuegos to Eguia, March 13, 1818.] 5230 Nov. 28. Pensacola. Maxent to the captain general. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba, DAH, Span. Doc. 2^ pp. [Attached to letter (no. 222) of Cienfuegos to Eguia, March 13, 1818.] 5231 1817 1817-1818. Expediente regarding trade in both Floridas. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 127 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 222) of Cienfuegos to Eguia, March 13, 1818.] 5232 Jan. 10. Havana. Opinions in regard to the trade of both Floridas. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. >4 p. [Attached to letter of Cienfuegos to Eguia, March 13, 1818.] 5233 Jan. II. Havana. Opinion by Jose Cienfuegos in regard to trade. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. ^ p. [Attached to letter (no. 222) of Cienfuegos to Eguia, March 13, 181 8.] 5234 Aug. 2^. Madrid. Opinion regarding trade. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 5^ p. [Attached to letter (no. 222) of Cienfue- gos to Eguia, March 13, 1818.] 5235 1817] Transcripts 325 Aug. 28-30. . Petition by commercial company and opinions from the Treasury Department. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 222) of Cienfuegos to Eguia, March 13, 1818.] 5236 Sept. II. Madrid. Report on project of General Francisco Mazarred on the settlement of the two Floridas. AI, 86-5-24. DAH, Span. Doc. 76 pp. 5237 Oct. 21. Philadelphia. Ambassador Luis Onis to Juan Ruiz de Apodaca, viceroy of Nueva Espaiia. AI, Papeles del Ministerio de Estado, Audiencia de Sto. Domingo. DAH, Span. Doc. 3>4 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 4) of Ruiz de Apodaca to the Minister of State, March 31, 1818.] 5238 Dec. 6. Havana. Jose Cienfuegos to Alejandro Ramirez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i^ p. [Attached to letter (no. 222) of Cienfuegos to Eguia, March 13, 1818.] 5239 Dec. 28. Washington. Onis to Ruiz de Apodaca. AI, Papeles del Minis- terio de Estado, Audiencia de Sto. Domingo. DAH, Span. Doc. [Attached to letter (no. 4) of Ruiz de Apodaca to Minister of State, March 31, 1818.] 5240 1818 Jan. 5. . Three acts of Congress, 1811-1812 (published January 5, in the government paper). AI, Papeles del Ministerio de Estado, Audiencia de Sto. Domingo. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 6>2 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 4) of Ruiz de Apodaca to Minister of State, March 31, 1818.] 5241 Jan. 6. Washington. Luis de Onis to Ruiz de Apodaca. Papeles del Minis- terio de Estado, Audiencia de Sto. Domingo. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Attached to letter (no. 4) of Ruiz de Apodaca to Minister of State, March 31, 18 18.] 5242 Jan. 15. Washington. Onis to Ruiz de Apodaca. AI, Papeles del Ministerio de Estado, Audiencia de Sto. Domingo. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Attached to letter (no. 4) of Ruiz de Apodaca to Minister of State, March 31, 1818.] 5243 Jan. 16. Havana. Pinillos to the Intendant. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 7 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 222) of Cienfuegos to Eguia, March 13, 1818.] 5244 Feb. II. Havana. Statements of fiscal regarding trade. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3>4 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 222) of Cienfuegos to Eguia, March 13, 1818.] 5245 Feb. 20. Havana. Juan Miguel de Losada to Intendant. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 155^ pp. [Attached to letter (no. 222) of Cienfuegos to Eguia, March 13, 1818.] 5246 Feb. 27. Havana. Alejandro Ramirez to Governor Jose Cienfuegos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Attached to letter (no. 222) of Cienfuegos to Eguia, March 13, 1818.] 5247 March 4. Havana. Act by Cienfuegos and Ramirez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 pp. [Attached to letter (no. 222) of Cienfuegos to Eguia, March 13, 1818.] 5248 336 Documents in Spanish Archives [1818 March/. Mexico. Ruiz de Apodaca to Onis (two letters). AI, Papeles del Ministerio de Estado, Audiencia de Sto. Domingo. i>4 p. each. [Attached to letter (no. 4) of Ruiz de Apodaca to Minister of State, March 31, 1818.] 5249 March JJ. Havana. Cienfuegos to Minister Francisco Eguia (no. 222). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Attached to letter of Eguia to Sec. of Treasury, February 17, 1819.] 5250 March SI- Mexico. Ruiz de Apodaca to Minister of State (no. 4). AI, Papeles del Ministerio de Estado, Audiencia de Sto. Domingo. DAH, Span, Doc. 123/2 pp. [Cites in part letter to Minister of War, prob- ably of same date.] 5251 March ^i. Mexico. Ruiz de Apodaca to Onis (two letters). AI, Papeles del Ministerio de Estado, Audiencia de Sto. Domingo. DAH, Span. Doc. I p. and 5 pp., respectively. [Accompanies letter (no. 4) of Ruiz de Apodaca to Minister of State, of same date.] 5252 April y. Mexico. Ruiz de Apodaca to the general in chief of the Internal Provinces of the East. AI, Papeles del Ministerio de Estado, Audi- encia de Sto. Domingo. DAH, Span. Doc. ^ p. [Accompanies letter (no. 4) of Ruiz de Apodaca to Minister of State, March 31, 1818.] 5253 April 7. Mexico. Ruiz de Apodaca to the Governor of Texas. AI, Papeles del Ministerio de Estado, Audiencia de Sto. Domingo. DAH, Span. Doc. I p. [Accompanies letter (no. 4) of Ruiz de Apodaca to Minister of State, March 31, 1818.] 5254 Aprils. Mexico. Ruiz de Apodaca to the general in chief of the Internal Provinces of the West. AI, Papeles del Ministerio de Estado, Audi- encia de Sto. Domingo. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Accompanies letter (no. 4) of Ruiz de Apodaca to Minister of State, March 31, 1818.] 5255 Aprils. Mexico. Ruiz de Apodaca to provisional governor of Veracruz and military commander of Tampico. AI, Papeles del Ministerio de Estado, Audiencia de Sto. Domingo. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Ac- companies letter (no. 4) of Ruiz de Apodaca to Minister of State, March 31, 1818.] 5256 May 2^. American Headquarters near Pensacola. Jackson to Governor Jose Marot. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 9 pp. [Part of " Expediente sobre la violacion del territorio de las Floridas, 1818 ".] 5257 May z^-July i. Havana. Expediente sobre la violacion del territorio de las Floridas y ocupacion hostil de sus plazas por tropas de los Estados Unidos Americanos al mando de su general Jackson a pretesto de su guerra con los Indios Seminoles. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. [Accompanies letter (no. 740) of Ramirez, July 3, 1818.] 5258 May 24. Pensacola (Span. fort). Marot to Jackson. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 4 pp. [Part of " Expediente sobre la viola- cion del territorio de las Floridas, 1818 ".] 5259 May 24. American Headquarters near Pensacola. Jackson to Marot. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) i p. [Part of " Expediente sobre la violacion del territorio de las Floridas, 1818 ".] 5260 1818] Transcripts 32Y May 25. Pensacola. Jackson to Marot. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Part of " Expediente sobre la violacion del terri- torio de las Floridas, 181 8 ".] 5261 May 28. Pensacola. Capitulacion de la Provincia de Panzacola. Jackson's propositions. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 8^/^ pp. [Part of " Expediente sobre la violacion del territorio de las Floridas, 1818".] 5262 May 29. Pensacola. Proclamation by Jackson as to his reasons for occupy- ing Pensacola. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 pp. [Part of " Expediente sobre la violacion del territorio de las Floridas, 1818 ".] 5263 June 6. Pensacola. Marot to Ramirez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3^ p. [Part of " Expediente sobre la violacion del terri- torio de las Floridas, 1818 ".] 5264 June 6. Pensacola. Marot to Cienfuegos (no. 425). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 73^ pp. [Part of " Expediente sobre la violacion del territorio de las Floridas, 1818 ".] 5265 June 6. Pensacola. Estado que manifiesta los heridos y muertos habidos en la defensa del fuerte de San Carlos de Barrancas. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. ^ p. [Part of " Expediente sobre la violacion del territorio de las Floridas, 1818".] 5266 June 15. Pensacola. Marot to Cienfuegos. AI, Pap. proc, de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Part of " Expediente sobre la violacion del terri- torio de las Floridas, 1818 ".] 5267 June 16. Pensacola. Marot to Cienfuegos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Part of " Expediente sobre la violacion del terri- torio de las Floridas, 1818 ".] 5268 June 26. Havana. Ramirez to Cienfuegos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3^2 p. [Part of " Expediente sobre la violacion del terri- torio de las Floridas, 1818 ".] 5269 June 26. Havana. Cienfuegos to Ramirez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Part of "Expediente sobre la violacion del terri- torio de las Floridas, 1818 ". Cites entire letter of Ramirez to naval commander, of same date.] 5270 July I. Havana. Ramirez to Cienfuegos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Part of " Expediente sobre la violacion del terri- torio de las Floridas, 1818 ".] 5271 July I. Havana. Cienfuegos to Ramirez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba, DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Part of " Expediente sobre la violacion del terri- torio de las Floridas, 1818 ".] 5272 July ^. Havana. Ramirez to Secretary of State (no. 740). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 4 pp. 5273 July 16. . Jose Pizarro to Spanish Minister. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 21 pp. [Followed by resume of negotia- tions between Spaniards and English in regard to fugitive slaves, June 19, 1818.] 5274 July 2^. Washington. J. Q. Adams to Onis. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (Span, transl.) 14 pp. [Attached to letter of Onis, July 28, 1818.] 5275 328 Documents in Spanish Archives [1818 July 28. Philadelphia. Onis to Governor of Cuba. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 13^ p. [Accompanies letter (no. 828) of Rami- rez, October 7, 1818.] 5276 Aug. 57. Paristol. Onis to Governor of Cuba. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Accompanies letter (no. 828) of Ramirez, October 7, 18 18.] 5277 Sept. 21. Campeche. Marot to Ramirez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 pp. [Accompanies letter (no. 828) of Ramirez, Octo- ber 7, 1818. Cites entire letter of Ramirez to Cienfuegos.] 5278 Sept. 21. Campeche. Marot to Cienfuegos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 pp. [Accompanies letter (no. 828) of Ramirez, Octo- ber 7, 1818.] 5279 Oct. 5. Havana. Cienfuegos to Ramirez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Accompanies letter (no. 828) of Ramirez, Octo- ber 7, 1818.] 5280 Oct. 5. Havana. Decree by Intendant Ramirez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Part of Expediente (no. 1349), October 12, 1818-February II, 1819.] 5281 Oct. 7. Havana. Ramirez to Secretary of State (no. 828). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 pp. 5282 Oct. 12, i8i8-Feh. 11, 18 ig. Espediente sobre embiar a Pansacola un Gefe y alguna fuerza con objeto de procurar la ocupacion de aquellos puntos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 635^ pp. [Accompanies letter (no. 828) of Ramirez, October 7, 1818.] 5283 Oct. 12. Havana. Cienfuegos to Ramirez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i>4 p. [Accompanies letter (no. 828) of Ramirez, Octo- ber 7, 18 18. Cites entire letter by Cienfuegos to Span, official, of same date.] 5284 Oct. 12. Havana. Noticia de los oficiales y tropa que deben embarcarse con destino a Pansacola con expresion de sus cuerpos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i^ p. [Part of Expediente (no. 1349), October 12, 1818-February 11, 1819.] 5285 Oct. 15. Havana. Cienfuegos to Ramirez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Part of Expediente (no. 1349), October 12, 1818- February II, 1819.] 5286 Oct. 17. Havana. Informe de los Senores Ministros Generales. Signed by Fernandez and Pinillos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 4 pp. [Part of Expediente (no. 1349), October 12, 1818- February II, 1819.] 5287 Oct. 17. Havana. Relacion de las cantidades que mensualmente deben era- garse en la plaza de Panzacola por sueldos y prest de la oficialidad tropas y otros empleados que se indicaran. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Part of Expediente (no. 1349), October 12, 1818-February II, 1819.] 5288 Oct. 22. Havana. Cienfuegos to Ramirez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Part of Expediente (no. 1349), October 12, 1818- February II, 1819. Followed by decree by Ramirez, October 24; Informe, November 5; and decree, November 18.] 5289 1818] Transcripts 329 Oct. 22. Havana. Decree issued by the Intendancy. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Part of Expediente (no. 1349), October 12, 1818-February 11, 1819. Followed by notes of October 23 and 24.] 5290 Oct. 51. Havana. Cienfuegos to Ramirez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Part of Expediente (no. 1349), October 12, 1818- February II, 1819.] 5291 Nov. 4. Havana. Statement by Surgeon Luis Garcia de Orta. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. >^ p. [Part of Expediente (no. 1349), October 12, 1818-February 11, 1819.] 5292 Nov. p. Havana. Cienfuegos to Ramirez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Part of Expediente (no. 1349), October 12, 1818- February II, 1819. Followed by decree by Ramirez, November 10, 1818.] 5293 Nov. ly. Havana. Estado que manifiesta el numero de oficiales y tropa que estan nombrados para pasar a los ordenes de su gobernador interino a la guarnicion de Panzacola. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i>^ p. [Part of Expediente (no. 1349), October 12, 1818- February II, 1819.] 5294 Nov. 18. New Orleans. Salcedo to Hawkins. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 6 pp. [Accompanies letter (no. 293) of Salcedo to Someruelos, November 30, 1802.] 5295 Nov. 19. Havana. Cienfuegos to Ramirez (two letters). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i and ^ p., respectively. [Part of Expediente (no. 1349), October 12, 1818-February 11, 1819. One letter followed by decree by Ramirez, November 20, 1818, and the other by decree, November 25.] 5296 Nov. ip. Havana. Noticia que manifiesta lo que se debe remitir a la plaza de Panzacola perteneciente a la artilleria de dicha plaza. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. ij4 p. [Part of Expediente (no. 1349), October 12, 1818-February 11, 1819.] 5297 Dec. II. Havana. Informe del tribunal de cuentas. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 6 pp. [Part of Expediente (no. 1349), October 12, 1818-February II, 1819.] 5298 Dec. 15. Havana. Memorial by Lieut.-Col. Manuel Garcia y Mufiiz. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3^ p. [Part of Expediente (no. 1349), October 12, 1818-February 11, 1819.] 5299 Dec, 17. Havana. Cienfuegos to Ramirez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Part of Expediente (no. 1349), October 12, 1818- February II, 1819. Followed by decree by Ramirez, December 17; Informe, January 8, 1819; and decree by Ramirez, January 8, 1819.] 5300 Dec. 17. Havana. Cienfuegos to Ramirez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Part of Expediente (no. 1349), October 12, 1818-February II, 1819. Followed by two decrees, January 17 and 23, by Ramirez.] 5301 Dec. 28. Havana. Cienfuegos to Ramirez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 3 pp. [Part of Expediente (no. 1349), October 12, 1818- February II, 1819.] 6302 330 Documents in Spanish Archives [1818 Dec. 28. Havana. Estado en que comprehende la fuerza militar empleados de real hacienda y demas individuos para Pansacola. Signed by Juan Maria Echevarri. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Part of Expediente (no. 1349), October 12, 1818-February 11, 1819.] 5303 Dec. 2^. Havana. Cienfuegos to Ramirez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. Yz p. [Part of E.vpediente (no. 1349), October 12, 1818-February II, 1819.] 5304 Dec. 30. Havana. Cienfuegos to Ramirez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i^^ p. [Part of Expediente (no. 1349), October 12, 1818-February II, 1819. Followed by decree by Ramirez, January 7, 1819.] 5305 Dec. so. Havana. Cienfuegos to Ramirez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Part of Expediente (no. 1349), October 12, 1818- February II, 1819. Followed by decree by Ramirez, January 7, 1819; Informe by Pinillos, January 7; and decree by Ramirez, Janu- ary 8.] 5306 Dec. 31. Havana. Cienfuegos to Ramirez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Part of Expediente (no. 1349), October 12, 1818-February II, 1819. Followed by decree by Ramirez, of same date; and a^nso by Juan Jose de More j on, January i, 1819.] 5307 1819 Map showing the ancient boundaries of the United States. AI, Papeles del Ministerio de Estado, Audiencia de Mexico, leg. 14. MHS, Houck ; WHS, Houck ; photograph. [See other list] 5308 Jan. 2. Havana. Cienfuegos to Ramirez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Part of Expediente (no. 1349), October 12, 1818- February II, 1819. Followed by decree by Ramirez, January 7, 1 8 19.] 5309 Jan. 7. Havana. Cienfuegos to Ramirez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i^ p. [Part of Expediente (no. 1349), October 12, 1818-February II, 1819. Followed by decree by Ramirez, Janu- ary 8.] 5310 Jan. 7. Havana. Jose Callava to Ramirez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 5 pp. [Part of Expediente (no. 1349), October 12, 1818- February II, 1819. Followed by decree by Ramirez, January 8.] 5311 Jan. 7. Havana. Relacion de los empleados que se consideran indispensa- bles para el servicio de la Plasa de Pansacola ademas de los que estan ya nombrados. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Part of Expediente (no. 1349), October 12, 1818-February II, 1819.] 5312 Jan./. Havana. Ramirez to Spanish Secretary of State (no. 949). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Accompanies letter (no. 828) of Ramirez, October 7, 1818.] 5313 Jan. 8. Havana. Cienfuegos to Ramirez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Part of Expediente (no. 1349), October 12, 1818- February II, 1819. Followed by decree by Ramirez, January 9.] 5314 1819] Transcripts 331 Jan. 8. Havana. Official letter by Manuel de Carmona Tamaris. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. E>oc. 3^ p. [Part of Expediente (no. 1349), October 12, 1818-February 11, 1819. Followed by decree of same date.] 5315 Jan. p. Havana. Cienfuegos to Ramirez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Part of Expediente (no. 1349), October 12, 1818- February II, 1819. Followed by decree by Ramirez, of same date.] 5316 Jan. p. Havana. Claudio Martinez de Pinillos to Ramirez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Part of Expediente (no. 1349), October 12, 1818-February 11, 1819. Followed by decree by Ramirez, of same date.] 5317 Jan. II. Havana. Official letter by Manuel Carmona de Tamaris. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. Span. Doc. i p. [Part of Expediente (no. 1349), October 12, 1818-February 11, 1819. Followed by decree by Ramirez, of same date; informe by Pinillos; and note by Rincon.] 5318 Jan. II. Havana. Cienfuegos to Ramirez (two letters). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. }4 p. [Part of Expediente (no. 1349), October 12, 1818-February 11, 1819.] 5319 Jan. II. Havana. Relacion de lo que se necesita comprar en esta plaza por no haberlo en la de Pansacola. Signed by Carmona Tamaris. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. }^ p. [Part of Expediente (no. 1349), October 12, 1818-February 11, 18 19.] 5320 Jan. II. Havana. Receipt for treasury books by Manuel de Carmona Tama- ris, AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Part of Expediente (no. 1349), October 12, 1818-February 11, 1819.] 5321 Jan. 12. Havana. Cienfuegos to Ramirez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. ij^ p. [Part of Expediente (no. 1349), October 12, 1818-February II, 1819. Followed by decree by Ramirez, January 18, 1819.] 5322 Jan. 18. Havana. Cienfuegos to Ramirez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Part of Expediente (no. 1349), October 12, 1818- February II, 1819. Followed by decree by Ramirez, of same date.] 5323 Jan. 20. Havana. Official letter by Julian Fernandez and Claudio Martinez de Pinillos. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 4 pp. [Part oi Expediente (no. 1349), October 12, 1818-February 11, 1819.] 5324 Feb. p. Madrid. Royal order addressed to Ramirez. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Accompanies letter (no. 828) of Ramirez, October 7, 1818.] 5325 Feb. 10. Havana. Ramirez to Spanish Secretary of State (no. 1007). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 2 pp. [Accompanies letter (no. 828) of Ramirez, October 7, 1818.] 5326 Feb. 17. Palace, Madrid. Minister Francisco Eguia to Secretary of the Treasury. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. 5327 March 22. Mobile. Cesion de las Floridas. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. (transl. into Span, from Mobile Gazette, April 10, 1819). 2>^ pp. 5328 332 Documents in Spanish Archives [1820 1820 Aprils. Havana. Ramirez to Spanish Secretary of State (no. 1424). AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. i p. [Accompanies letter (no. 828) of Ramirez, October 7, 1818.] 5329 Oct 24. Madrid. Tratado de amistad, arreglo de diferencias y limites, entre su Magestad Catolica y los Estados Unidos de America. AI, Pap. proc. de Cuba. DAH, Span. Doc. 24 pp. [See other list.] 5330 [1842?] Document on slavery and the slave trade. [Spain ?] LC, South America, etc., Historical Papers, Ac. 195. 22 pp. [This may be the original or a contemporaneous copy.] 5331 1848 Reflexiones hechas por un oficial de la armada sobre un viage que hayan de hazer al reedor del mundo los Espaiioles ; imi- tando los Ingleses y los Franceses. [Spain ?] LC, South America, etc., Historical Papers, Ac. 195. 13 pp. 5332 BIBLIOGRAPHY (Authors and titles of the books referred to in the preceding lists.) Abbad y Lasierra, Inigo, O. S. B., Historia Geogrdiica Civil y Politico de la Isla de S. Juan Baufista de Puerto Rico. (Madrid, 1788.) [Published by Antonio Valladares de Sotomayor.] , same. (Puerto Rico, 1830.) , Historia Geografica, Civil y Natural de la Isla de San Juan Bautista de Puerto- Rico. (Puerto-Rico, 1866.) [Same as the above under slightly changed title; edited by Jose Julian de Acosta y Calbo.] Alaman, Lucas, Historia de Mejico desde los printfros Movimientos que prepararon su Independencia en el Aiio de 1808 has fa la Epoca present e. (Mejico, 1849- 1852.) Alba, La Duquesa de Berwick y de, Autografos de Cristobal Colon y Papeles de Ame- rica. (Madrid, 1892.) ,Nuevos Autografos de Cristobal Colon y Relaciones de Ultramar. (Madrid, 1902.) Alcazar, Bartolome, S. J., Chrono-Historia de la Campania de Jesus, en la Provincia de Toledo. (Madrid, 1710.) Alcedo, Antonio de, Diccionario GeograHco-historico de las Indias Occidentales 6 America. (Madrid, 1786-1789.) , Geographical and Historical Dictionary of America and the West Indies. (Lon- don, 1812-1815.) [Translated with additions by G. A. Thompson.] American Catholic Historical Researches. (Philadelphia, 1887-.) [This publication was formerly (1885-1886) known as Catholic Historical Researches, which itself had grown out of (1884- 1885) Historical Researches (principally C 3383-3393, 3396, 3403, 3404, 3409, 3412, 3417, 3418, 3423, 3424, 3447, 3452-3455, 3457, 3458, 3460, 3463- 3465, 3467, 3474, 3477, 3484, 3486, 3492- 3494, 3504, 3505, 3509, 3512-3514. 3516, 3517, 3532, 3534, 3537, 3540, 3545, 3548- 3552, 3554, 3556, 3558-3560, 3563-3564, 3566, 3574, 3575, 3577-3579, 358i, 3583, 3599, 3603, 3606-3608, 3612, 3617, 3618, 3624, 3628, 3631-3633, 3636-3645, 3647, 3649, 3653, 3654, 3662, 3665, 3673, 3674, 3677, 3688, 3690-3693, 3695-3697, 3699, 3709, 371 1, 3719, 3724, 3728, 3734-3741, 3743-3747, 3751-3753, 3757-3760, 3762, 3764, 3766, 3767, 3771, 3777-37^, 3783, 3788, 3789, 3791, 3792, 3803-3805, 3814, 3838, 3853-3857, 3867, 3869, 3889, 3899-3901, 3903, 3921, 3922, 3933, 3986, 4024, 4279; letters to, 503, 509, 511, 528-531, 604, 658, 669, 681, 778, 817, 823, 850, 856, 875, 894, 2924, 2930, 2931, 2938, 2942, 2972, 2976, 2985, 2996, 2998, 3008, 3030, 3043, 3049, 3059, 3062, 3081, 3096- 3101, 3105, 3108, 31 19, 3161, 3162, 3164, 3166-3168, 3181, 3195, 3196, 3209, 3215, 3216, 3227, 3233, 3234, 3241-3243, 3245, 3259, 3289, 3302, 3304-3308, 331 1, 3329, 3334, 3336, 3359, 336o, 3381, 3394, 3405, 341 I, 3415, 3419, 3428, 3436, 3437, 3444, 3451, 3499, 3522-3530, 3533, 3542, 3544, 3557, 3572, 3573, 3598, 361 1, 3614, 3616, 3650, 3651, 3657-3660, 3671, 3676, 3678, 3681, 3707, 3716, 3720-3723, 3725-3727, 3729, 3730, 3732, 3742, 3748, 3755, 3772, 3773, 3782, 3785, 3792-3796, 3822, 3902, 3904, 4032, 4351, 4366, 4378, 4426, 4450, 4523, 4577, 4587; memoranda, 2869, 2870, 2977, 3378; memorials, 2952, 3066, 3422, 3438, 3471 ; mission of, 2926 ; money received, 3625 ; navigation of the Mississippi, 3605 ; opinion of, 4089; orders, 2916, 3075, 3421, 3425, 3485, 3825; passport, 3615; petition, 3781 ; plan for agent in the West, 3928, 3931; receipt from Capt. L. Delvaux, 3610; resolution of Congress, 3543 Gardoqui, Jose de, letters of, 3565, 3650 Gardoqui, Juan Ignacio de, letter of, 3136 Garrido, Nicolas, letters of, 1057, 1061, 1066 Gates, Gen. Horatio, letter to, 2546; letters of, 2552, ^65,; list of the dead in the action of Aug. 15-18, 1780, sent to Gen. Wash- ington, 2561 Gayoso de Lemos, Gov. Manuel, census of Natchez for 1792, 4259; decrees, 927, 4656; edict of good government, 4649; instruc- tions, 918, 41 19; instructions concerning the admission of new settlers, 2193 ; letters of, 703, 771, 776, 812, 821, 854, 868, 898, 916, 917, 936, 940, 942, 4045, 4050, 4055, 4056, 4059, 4063, 4066, 4068, 4070-4073, 4075, 4076, 4104, 4105, 4123-4125, 4130, 4133, 4140-4142, 4147, 4148, 4154-4156, 4165, 4166, 4168, 4173-4176, 4191, 4192, 4195, 4198, 4203, 4243, 4244, 4246, 4248, 4251, 4265, 4278, 4287-4289, 4296, 4298, 4304, 4307, 4308, 4332, 4344, 4345, 4354, 4375, 4376, 4408, 4439, 4444, 4463, 4465, 4491, 4521, 4526, 4529, 4532, 4567, 4568, 4570, 4581, 4635, 4641, 4642, 4651, 465^^, 4657, 4658, 4659, 4681 ; letters to, 703, 806, 822, 842, 848, 853, 897, 908, 915, 926, 930, 937- 939, 946, 951, 953, 3868, 4034, 4057, 4065, 4067, 4082, 4085-4087, 4127, 4169, 4189, 4193, 4208, 4231, 425s, 4261, 4267, 4282, 4285, 4290, 4292, 4294, 4303, 4305, 4314, 4317, 4333, 4337, 4338, 4377, 4416, 4423, 4434, 4471, 4484, 4527, 4579, 4599-4601, 4606-4610, 4613, 4614, 4616, 4617, 4619-4621, 4623, 4624, 4626-4628, 4631, 4633, 4634, 4640, 4645, 4655, 4660, 4663, 4665, 4667, 4673-4675, 4677, 4687, 4690, 4692, 4706, 4708; political state of Louisiana, 4151 ; regulations concerning stock and herds, 4358; royal order, 928 Gelabert, Francisco de Paula, letter to, 4585; letters of, 4588, 4697, 4938, 5017 Georgia, 1962; acts of the state of, 4457, 4466; Assembly, 2964; Assembly, extract from Minutes of, 3602; boundaries, 2818^ 2990; claims, 3073, 3080; commissioners of, 3057, 3071; commissioners of, letter of, 31 12; commissioners of, letter to, 31 10; governor, despatches to, 2945 ; invasions, 3268 ; letter relating to, 3037 ; official letter to, 2948 ; re- lation with the Indians, 3328; sale of lands in, 3588; trouble with Creek Indians, 3246 Germain, Lord George, letter of, 2294 Geronimo, Fray, memorial of, 1554 Geronimos, padres, decree, 8 Gerry, E., letter of, 2539; letter to, 2628 Gibson, George, American agent, 2076 Gimat, Col., aide-de-camp to Lafayette, letter of, 2585 Godoy, Manuel de, duke of Alcudia, letters of, 842, 876, 972, 4240, 4416, 4935, 5154; letters to, 777, 783, 784, 803, 804, 807, 816, 818, 819, 821, 827, 838, 845, 847, 854, 858, 865, 883, 892, 909, 917, 1008, 4224, 4228, 4233, 4234, 4239, 4254, 4269, 4280, 4301, 431 1, 4313, 4324, 4334, 4335, 4340, 4342, 4365, 4370, 4372, 4375, 4385, 4388, 4393. 4395- 4397, 4400, 4410, 441 1, 4418, 4420, 4422, 4431-4433, 4435, 4439, 4443, 4454, 4458, 4476, 4489, 4495, 4500, 4502, 451 1, 4512, 4519, 4520, 4524, 4526, 4530, 4531, 4533, 4538, 4540, 4543, 4545, 4548, 4557, 4S66, 4569, 4605, 4622, 4658, 4659, 4662, 4969, Index 351 4973, 4980, sooi, 5009, S031, 5037, 5040, 5153 Gomez, Estevan, agreement with, 18 ; decree, 37 Gomez Engraba, Juan, letters of, 1696, 1697 Gomez Pineda, Bartolome, memorial of, 1627 Gomez Rumbaud, Rafael, letter to, 5149 Gondomar, Condc de, see Sarmiento de Acuna, Diego Gongora, Minister, letter of, 1035 Gonzalez, Andres, course of voyage in Florida, 1457 Gonzalez, Bias, certification by, 3845 Gonzalez, Capt. Vincente, letter of, 1290; rela- tion of reconnoissance on the coast of Santa Elena, 1265 Gonzalez Caste j on. Marques, report concern- ing alliance with the American congress, 2130 Gonzalez de Aranda, letters of, 1108 Gonzalez de Lavera, Alvaro, 1371 Gonzalez Manrique, Mateo, letters of, 5196, 5199. 5200, 5209; letters to, 5197, 5198, 5202, 5207, 5212, 5213 Gordon, John, letter of, 595 Gordon, Rev. Dr. William, letter to, 2630 Governors, communications and orders of, 944, 4685 Gower, Lord, British ambassador, memorial, 3987 Grand-Pre, Carlos de, letters of, loio, 1021, 1023, 1025, 2301, 2305, 3675, 3683, 3700, 3832, 3847, 4578, 4663, 4979, 4981, 4982, 4984, 4987-4989, 4991. 4992, 4998, 4999, S018, 5024, 5026, 5027, 5030, 5031, 5047, 5048, 5050, S052, 5057, 5060, S082-5084, 5089-5091, 5100, 5107, 5159; letters to, 1013, 3801, 5023, 5034, 5045, 5051, 5053, 5055, 5087, 5088; memorial, 5158; statement con- cerning provisions, 2169 Grantham, Lord, letters of, 2073, 2200, 2201, 2203, 2208, 2342, 2387, 2417; memorial by, 2122 Grasse, Cotnte de, convention, 2764; letter of, 2781 Great Britain, decree, 727; preliminary articles of peace with Spain, 573 ; trading company of, 3036; treaty, 427 Green, Thomas, letter to, 592 ; letters of, 582, 585, 2948, 2954 Greene, Gen. Nathaniel, letters of, 2639, 2642, 2671, 2684, 2703, 2706, 271 1, 2724, 2729; letters to, 2589, 2638, 2643, 2670, 2672, 2749 Grijalva, Juan de, chronicle concerning the order of St. Augustine in New Spain, 365 Grimaldi, Marques de, letters of, 411-413, 415, 460, 2031, 2067, 2081, 2093, 2094, 2100, 2104, 2107, 2109, 2123-2126, 2133, 2135; letters to, 414, 417, 418, 421, 422, 435, 1998- 2000, 2023, 2071, 2073, 2090, 2106, 2108, 21 10, 2122, 2127; memorial, 497 Guale, 1330; chief of the province of, letter, 1852; notice concerning villages and people of, by Pedro de Arcos, 1797 Guaras, Antonio de, letter from, 195 Guarico, 3402 Guatemala, Audiencia, President of, letter of, 2132 Guemes Pacheco de Padella, Juan Vicente de, decree, 3947 Guemes y Horcasitas, Juan Francisco, gov- ernor of Cuba, information from the Com- pany of J[esus, 1967 ; letter of, 1968 Guerrero, Caietano, report on mission of San Joseph de Matape, 1970 Guessy, Francisco Javier, letters of, 4101, 4107- 4109, 4115, 4117; letters to, 4106, 4114, 4118 Guinea, Compania Real de, agreement with Catholic and Christian magistrates, 1908 Gutierre de Miranda, Capt., despatch of, 1238; letters of, 1230, 1253 Gutierrez de Vera, Francisco, letter of, 1853 Guzman, Diego de, discovery on the coast of the South Sea, 36 Guzman, Gonzalo de, letters of, 48, 64 Guzman de Silva, Ambassador, letter to, 163; letters of, 146, 152, 153, 155, 156, 164, 166, 167 Guzman, see also Nufio de Guzman Habersham, John, letter of, 3292 ; letter to, 3324 Habersham, Joseph, resolution by, 2964 Halloing, Indian Chief, letter to, 3208 Hambly, William, letter of, 5218 Hamilton, Alexander, letter of, 2582, 2588 Harmar, Col., letter to, 3562; letters of, 3288, 3321, 3669 Hault de Lassus, Carlos de, 5161 ; appoint- ments, 956, 4716; attestation by, 4941; de- crees, 849, 4425 ; delegates at convention, 5180; despatch refusing petition for in- creased pay, 4646; despatches, 851, 4427; documents, 950; letters of, 773, 775, 946, 953, 981, 984, 989, 1006, 1012, 4687, 4706, 4708, 4788, 4890, 4893, 4900, 4972, 5020, 5130, 5163; letters to, 900, 960, 974, 995, 4583, 4689, 4778, 4831, 4939, 5173-5175; list of documents delivered to, 4705 ; memo- rials, 4247, 4250 ; papers of, 913 ; petitions, 843, 852, 911, 996, 4417, 4428, 4632, 4940; report of industrial council, 5162; resume of papers of, by Carondelet, 4637 Havana, Bp. of, see Echevarria Havana, royal officials of, decree addressed to, 1740 Hawkins, Benjamin, letters of, 3153, 3156, 3794, 4871 ; letters to, 3284, 4732, 4810, 5295 Hay, John, letter to, 3163 Heceta, Capt. Bruno, extract from report, 491 Henry, Patrick, letter of, 2228; letters to, 2339, 2480 Heras, Paymaster Santos de las, information against, 1698 Hernandez de Quiiiones, Diego, Alcayde and Captain of Havana, letter of, 1252 Heshuysen, F. R., letter of, 2259 Hevia, Jose, letters of, 41 14, 41 16, 41 18; letters to, 4115,4117 Hicky, Philip, 5161 , ^ Hidalgo, Francisco, letter of, 1923 Hillsborough, Earl of, Sec, letter of, 2510, 2536 352 Index Hinestrosa, Juan de, letter to, 191, 1171 Hita Salazar, Gov. Pablo de, letters of, 1793- 1796, 1798, 1800-1802, 1804, 1812, 1815, 1816, 1819-1821, 1824, 1826, 1829-1832, 1834, 1838, 1840, 1845 Holda [Holden?], Col. John, letter to, 3890 Holmes, Gov. David, proclamations, 5184, 5188, S192 Horruque, province of, 1384 Horruytinez, Luis, governor of Florida, letters of, 1605-1608, 1617, 1618, 1620, 1624, 1625, 1629; petitions, 1610, 161 1, 1616, 1628 Horruytinez, Pedro Benedit, letters of, 1669, 170S Howard, Lt.-Col. Carlos, 881, 914; attestation of Soulard's services, 4638; attestation re- garding services of, 4647; letters to, 3286, S102-5104; orders from Carondelet, 4544; secret orders, 899, 4582; services of, 923 Hudson, Capt. Thomas, letter of, 3883; letters to, 3849, 3850 Hughes, Samuel, letter to, 2769 Hunt, John, draught of St. George's Fort, 276 Huntington, Samuel, letter to, 2706 Hurtado, Lope de, letter of, 55 Hutchins, Thomas, letter of, 3793 Hutton, Wingo, information of, 3280 Ibarra, Gov. Diego de, relating to discovery of Santa Barbara, 217 ; report concerning dis- covery in the province of Copala, 127 Ibarra, Francisco de, letter of, 127 Ibarra, Juan de, story concerning the garri- son at Saint Augustine, 1415 Ibarra, Pedro de, governor of Florida, letter concerning conduct of a Franciscan monk, 1393; letters of, 1372, 1374, I377-I379, 1386, 1390, I39i» 1396, 1399. 1400, 1403, 1405, 1406, 1412, 1416, 1432, 1435, 1445, 1449, 1451, 1452, 1460, 1464, 1470, 1544, 1549; opinion of, 1441 ; order concerning reconnoissance of the north coast, 1474; report to Philip III., 1375; summary of letters, 1433; testimony of a letter from, 1397; visits to provinces north of St. Augustine, 1367 ; voyage of, 1381 ; see also Florida, governor of Iberville River, reconnoissance of a part of the, 4591 . ^ . r Icazbalceta, Joaquin Garcia, see Garcia Icaz- balceta, Joaquin IHgenia Nubiana, see Iphigenia Illinois, 647; description by Pedro Piernas, 2026; description of country, 455; instruc- tions of O'Reilly regarding, 2028; popula- tion, reports concerning, 470, 477, 880, 2049, 2055, 4537; products, reports of, 475. 478, 485, 493, 2051, 2056, 2064, 2079; Trudeau's report concerning settlements, 4651 Immigration, decree concerning, 2240 Indian Chief (Guerrero Dog), letter of, 4430 Indian chiefs, harangue to, by Dubreuil, 4812; letters of, 385, 386, 4065, 4193, 4430 ; letters to, 4066, 4072; pacification of, 1330; pre- liminary treaty of peace with Spain, 4864; suit against Juan de Ayala, 1928 Indians, 1564, 3238, 3239, 3261, 3328, 3491, 3590, 3823, 4438, 4491, 4863; abuses of, 181 1; ancient rites, sacrifices and idolatries of, 82, 1 103; Carondelet's message to, 4201; compensation of, 380; council of war to consider action against, 4767 ; council re- port on the English and, 1958; councils, 445, i777, 1784, 1785, 1787, 3942; customs, 1 170; edict concerning the liberty of, 1323; edict requiring the whites to leave terri- tory of, 4721 ; hostilities of, in New Spain, 2374, 2397, 2807, 2810, 2840, 2858; instruc- tions regarding councils with, 445, 2010; instructions relating to the expedition to, 1990; letter to, 4811; letters regarding, 2369, 3037; New Mexico, 247; proclama- tion, 27; proceedings at the council with, 4870; protest against Americans, 3012; re- port concerning presents distributed to, 2173; request made to, 1102; resume of deaths and robberies by, 2398; rising of, in Florida, 1201 ; speech made to, 4272 ; testimony concerning clothes, meal, etc., given to, 1301 ; trade, 3797, 5219, 5221, 5222; traders, report of, 2218; treatise on discovery and customs of, by Juan Suarez de Peralta, 228; tribes, 448; tribes of Mis- souri River, 512, 2207 ; tribes receiving presents, 2012; treaties with Spain, 4266, 4336 ; treaty, 805 ; see also Alabamans, Apaches, Cherokees, Chickasaws. Choc- taws, Creek Indians, Halloing, Opeluzas, Osage Indians, Pecanas, Seminole chiefs, Shawnees, and Talapuches Indias, Geografia descripc'wn universal de las, compiled by Juan Lopez de Velasco, 199 Indias, Historia de, by Juan Bautista Munoz, 4691 Indias, Historia General de, by Bartolome de las Casas, 108 Indias, Historia Natural y Civil de las, by G. F. de Oviedo, 3 Indias Occidentales, Historia apologetica de las, by Bartolome de las Casas, 121 Indias Occidentales, Historia General de las, by Pedro de Fernandez de Pulgar, 1894 Indias, Tratado del Descubrimiento de las, by Juan Suarez de Peralta, 228 Indies, 4212; abuses in, 377; armada sent to guard coast, islands and ports of, 176; council of, 141, 142, 430; council of, letters to, 57, 250, 376; decree concerning relig- ions in Florida, 1723 ; demarcation and division of, 1076; description of the situa- tion, climate, etc., 1919; discovery of, 371; report of voyage to, 316; Secretary of, 1634; see also West Indies Infante, mail boat, 3075 Infante, ship, 3485 Innerarity, Juan, 5219 ; petition, 5220 Intendancy, decree by the, 5290; lands granted by, 5005, 5006 Intendant, letters to, 5244, 5246 Index 353 Inventory, official communications and orders of governors, etc., 944, 945; papers, titles of possession, records, etc., 4686 Iphigenia, 3831 ; passport of the, 654 Iranda, conference of, 873 Iriarte, Bernardo de, Minister of the Indies, letters of, 3999, 4000, 4005, 401 1, 4014, 4017, 4019, 4022, 4026, 4027, 4030, 4031 ; letters to, 450, 3997, 3998, 4002, 4013, 4025, 4028, 4029 Iriarte, Domingo, letter to, 876 Irujo, see Casa Irujo Iturrigaray, Jose de, letter to, 1027 Jacinto de San Francisco, Fray, letter of, 125 Jackson, Gen. Andrew, hostile occupation of Florida, 5258; letters of, 5212, 5213, 5216, 5257, 5260, 5261; letters to, 5217, 5259; proposition relating to, 5262 Jackson, F. J., letters of, 4396, 4397, 4432 Jamaica Gazette, extracts from, 2967, 2975, 2984 James, Benjamin, letter of, 3815 Janos, garrison at, 3106 Jaramillo, Capt. Juan, story of journey to New Spain, 93 Jaudenes, Jose, letters of, 791, 802, 4078, 4079, 4084, 4270, 4271, 4281, 4286, 4291, 4309, 4329; letters to, 793, 4277, 4312 Jay, John, conference with Gardoqui, 3176; dis- pute with Mr. Littlepage, 3127; letters of, 2996, 3008, 3030, 3041, 3059, 3062, 3081, 3 181, 3334. 3544, 3557. 3572, 3720, 3727, 3730, 3748; letters to, 2754, 2755, 3009, 3061, 3065-3067, 3180, 3225, 3235, 3309, 3333, 3517 JeflFerson, Thomas, letters of, 793, 2563, 2689, 4277, 4312; letters to, 2573, 4270, 4281, 4286 Jenifer, Daniel of St. Thomas, member of Con- gress, letter of, 2770 Jerningham, Henry, letters of, 1991, 1992 Jesus, Company of, 393 Johnson, Freeman, letter of, 4836; letters to, 4843, 4849 Johnston, Gov. Samuel, letter to, 3642 Jones, Joseph, member of Congfress, letter of, 2752, 2753 Journal of Congress, see Congress, Journal of Juan Bautista, Bp. Francisco de, letters of, 1950, 195 1 Juana, Queen, letter to, 43; letters of, 5, 6 Juanillo, Don, information concerning the death of, 1348 Judice, Capt. Luis, letters of, 2296, 2306 Junape, Chief, 18^ Junco, Capt. Rodrigo de, 1292; letter of, 1229; petitions and memorials regarding aid for Florida, 1218 Justis, Manuel Joseph de, letter of, 1952 Kaunitz, Count, letter of, 2675; letter to, 2694; memorial, 2476 Kearney, Dyre, 3586 Kemper brothers, case against, 5046 Kemper insurrection, 4997 Kendrick, Capt. John, 3845 24 Kentucky, 3703 ; Assembly, extract from act of, 3582; Democratic society, 809, 4349; de- spatch referring to, 3169; proclamation, 4357; secession in, 3799 Kinache, Chief, letter to, 4826 Kindelan, Sebastian, governor of East Florida, letter of, 1033; letters to, 1035, 1037, 1039, 1044 Knox, Henry, Secretary of War, letter to, 2164; letters of, 1033, 349°; 3562, 3601; message from, 3489 La Ascencion, Fray Antonio de, discovery in New Spain, 1366, 1573; opinion on the cus- toms, etc., of California, 1590, 1591, 1603; storj' concerning discovery in the South Sea, 1587; story relating to discoveries in New Spain and California, 363 La Barrera, Fray Rodrigo de, certification re- lating to the conduct of Capt. Juan Her- nandez de Florencia, 1786 La Calle, see Diez de la Calle La Casagne, Miguel, letter of, 4371 La Concha, Gov. Fernando de, instructions, 745, 4144; letters of, 744, 4143 La Conte, Juan de, petition of, 1365 La Cosa, Juan de, see Cosa, Juan de la La Coudriniere, see Peyroux de la Coudri- niere, Henri La Cruz, see Cruz, Jose de la; Cruz, Juan Bautista de la Lacy, see Vereux de Lacy, Juan de La Faneda, Juan de, translation of letter writ- ten to, I 143 Lafayette, Marquis de, letters of, 2749, 2750, 2819, 2821 ; letters to, 2585, 2820 Lafuente y Zamalloa, 896 La Gama, Antonio de, 9; letter of, 15 La Guerra y de la Vega, Gov. Francisco de, letter to, 1771 ; letters of, 1735, 1736, 1737, 1741, 1743, 1747, 1753, 1755. 1756, 1770, 180S La Marcha, Fernando Martinez de, see Marti- nez de la Marcha, Fernando La Mota Padilla, Matias de, see Mota Padilla, Matias de la Landaverde, Antonio de, finances of, 1671 Landazuri, Thomas de, notice regarding min- erals in New Spain, 1984 Lands, royal decree concerning concessions of, 4664; surveys, 2057 Lanzos, Manuel de, diary of, 4630; letters of, 4479, 4487, 4493, 4504 ; letters to, 4206, 4499 La Pena, see Peiia, Fray Bartolome de la; Pefia, Joseph Maria de la; Pefia, Fray Tomas de la La Polida y Fonsdeviela, Damaso de, letter of, 3262 La Puebla, Ysidro de, 1210 La Quadra, Bp. Alvaro de, letters of, 126, 128, 129 La Quadra, Jose de, 3481-3483, 3488, 3503 La Rocha, Francisco de, letter of, 1861 Larraval, see Garcia de Larraval, Sancho Larresset, Capt. George, letter to, 3486; orders to, 3485 354 Index La Rua, Juan de, 5193; letters to, 5193, 5203, 5204 Las Alas, Capt. Alonso, factor of the royal treasury, report by, 1360; letters of, 1318, 1322, 1477; paragraph of letter from, 1291 Las Alas, Esteban de, 196; letter of, 1168; letter on the loss of the fort of San Mateo in Florida, 1174 Las Bazares, Guido de, voyage to coast of Florida, 124, 1125 Las Casas, Bartolome de, Historia apolagetica de las Indias Occidentales, 121 ; Historia General de Indias, 108; information relat- ing to Louisiana, 4555 ; letters of, 739, 763, 780, 787, 848, 857, 1 109; letters to, 99-102, 104, 105, 762, 785, 800, 802, 826, 829, 837, 870, 882, 1 109, 1 1 13; order by, 4442 Las Casas, Gov. Luis de, letters of, 4040, 4062, 4080, 4081, 4092, 4099, 41 13, 4135, 4200, 4204, 4205, 4224, 422s, 4263, 4284, 4423, 4445, 4451, 4557; letters to, 4020, 4053, 4073, 4074, 4077, 4190, 4199, 4220-4222, 4232, 4252, 4273, 4279, 4324, 4329, 4343, 4352, 4386, 4391, 4392, 4394, 4399, 4412, 4436, 4447, 4453, 4475, 4490, 450i, 4513, 4525, 4539, 4546, 4555, 4573 ; order by, 4437 La Torre, Marques de, letters to, 471, 2053, 2714 Laudonniere expedition, 1157 Laurens, Col, letter to, 2582 Laussat, Pierre, Clement, prefect, letter to, 998; letters of, 1004, 4951, 4966; transfer of Louisiana, 4930 La Valle, Juan de, letter of, 1946 Lavallee, Juan, letters of, 1003, 4962 La Vega, Francisco de, 1735 La Vega, see La Guerra y de la Vega, Gov. Francisco de Lavezaris, Guido de, story relating to dis- coveries on the Florida coast, 1128 La Villebeuvre, Capt. Juan de, 4359; instruc- tions, 2879, 3536 ; letters of, 897, 2299, 2304, 4206, 4261, 4267, 4:282, 4292, 4317, 4477, 4506, 4560, 4562, 4563, 4579; letters to, 2258, 4154, 4165, 4174, 4176, 4198, 4246, 4298, 4320 Lawsuits relating to discovery of the New World, 86 Lear, Isaac, letter to, 2588 Le Conte, Juan de, despatch of, 1546 Ledesma, Gov. Francisco Rodriguez de, letter of, 1778 Ledesma, Sec. Pedro de, letter to, 1557 Lee, Arthur, letters of, 499, 503, 509, 511, 528- 533, 538, 539, 541, 544, 2630, 2767; memo- rials, 497, 498, 540, 542 Lee, Gen. Charles, certification concerning titles and position of, 2092; letters of, 2091, 2102 Lee, Col. Henry, letter of, 2672 ; list of British prisoners, arms, etc., found in forts Gramby and Mottle by, 2731 Lee, Richard Henry, letters of, 3041, 3079; letters to, 2767, 2771 Leeds, Duke of, letters of, 3924, 3943; letters to, 714, 3935, 3968 Lembri, Francisco, 316 Lemos, Francisco Gil de, letter of, 3800 Leon, Gov. Alonso de, map of Camino, 391 ; maps by, 1873, 1877 Leon Romano, Luis de, letter of, 11 17 Leon y^ Pizarro, Jose Garcia de, see Garcia de Leon y Pizarro Leonard, Gilbert, comptroller, letter of, 919; letter to, 5099 Lerena, Pedro de, letter of, 3257; letters to, 3207, 3956, 3990 Lerma, Duque de, letters of, 322, 1499; royal order to Secretario Aroztegui, 1494 Lescosa, Pedro de, letter of, 3287 Leslie, Agent John, letters of, 4179, 4181 ; letters to, 4180, 4182 Letters, extracts, 2516, 2529, 2530, 2549, 2592, 2594, 2674, 2779, 2782, 2967, 3496, 3497, 3792, 3895, 3957, 4380, 4554, S115 Leturiondo, Capt. Domingo de, information concerning the religious mission in Florida, 1768 Leyba, Fernando de, commissions for, 562, 2683; letter to, 2358; letters of, 527, 535, 543, 2302 Lezama, Martin de, opinion concerning Cali- fornia, 1592 Linares, Duque de, viceroy of New Spain, doc- ument concerning food for Louisiana, 1918 Littlepage, Lewis, dispute with John Jay, 3127 Llaguna, Eugenio de, 3929, 3932; letter of, 4542; letters to, 4516, 4597 Lloyd, Capt. Thomas, letters of, 2148, 2149 Loisel, Regis, letters of, 1005, 4976 Lomas Colmenaress, Juan Bautista de, agree- ment with viceroy touching exploration in New Mexico, 229 London, England, ultimatum proposed by Madrid at court of, 2395 Long, Nicholas, letters of, 624, 627, 632; letters to, 625, 626, 628, 630, 634 Lopez, Fray Baltasar, letters of, 1321, 1359 Lopez, Diego, services of, 1172, 1175 Lopez, Feliciano, letter of, 1892 Lopez, Fray Nicolas de, memorial relating to New Mexico and the kingdom of Quivira, 383 Lopez, Tomas, 1077 Lopez de Arguelles Quinones, Capt., opinion of, 1593 Lopez de Garcia, Andres, letter of, 1745 Lopez de Mendoza Grajales, Francisco, story of the journey of Pedro Menendez de Aviles, 149 Lopez de Velasco, Juan, cotnp., Geografia descripcion universal de las Indias, 199; discoveries in Florida, 1152 Lopez de Vivero, Juan, letter of, 1146 Lopez de Zuniga, Capt. Diego, instructions to, 1 104 Lopez y Angulo, Intendant Ramon de, ex- tracts, notes, etc., 4672; letters of, 959, 971, 4781, 4783, 4&)9; letters to, 970, 4737, 4768, 4771, 4806 Index 355 Lorimier, Louis, grant to, 761, 4217 ; journal of, 814, 4355; letters to, 650, 652, 698, 699, 741-743, 746, 748-751, 765, 766, 769, 779, 781, 786, 789, 790, 792, 794, 795, 808, 810, 811, 3495, 3518, 3717, 3843, 3844, 41 36-4138, 4145, 4150, 4159, 4160, 4162, 4163, 4229, 4235, 4236, 4241, 4260, 4264, 4275, 4297, 4306, 4310, 4315, 4316, 4348, 4350, 4353 Losada, Juan Miguel de, letter of, 5246 Los Amigos, brigantine, 3230 Louis XV., letter to, 423; letters of, 419, 420 Louis XVL, letters of, 2511, 2817 Louisiana, 2225, 2488, 4214, 4934; account of expenses, 760, 4216; act of delivery to France, 993 ; attempt on, 3555 ; ayuntafni- ento of, 724; boundaries, 2899; boundaries, marking of, 4894; Burr's movements in, 5013; census, 579, 1785, 2150; cession of, 408, 4887 ; commerce and population, 496 ; concerning individuals composing bound- ary expedition, 4964; cost of defences, 4362, 4363 ; decree, 438 ; decree of council, 3975; decree relating to commerce, 434; despatch concerning government of, 2006; diary of Bernardo de Galvez concerning, 2491 ; English inhabitants, memorial of, 2970; food for, 1918; forts and barracks, 4253, 4361 ; four battalions for defence of, 4364; Genet invasion, 814; governor ad interim, 2822 ; governor-general, letter to, 4194; governors of, notes on their titles, terms of office, etc., 1986; information re- lating to, 4455 ; intendant, despatch to, 976 ; intendant, letters to, 4739, 4801, 4839; memorial, 454 ; military budget, 4327 ; mili- tary supplies, 5019 ; notice concerning, 21 15; political conditions, 2659, 4151, 4161 ; power to grant lands, 935 ; proclamation, 2263 ; proclamation permitting settlement in, 689; purchase of, by the United States, 4885 ; report concerning, 430 ; resume con- cerning inhabitants and settlements of, 1987 ; retrocession of, 969, 4885 ; royal de- cree, 979; rules for ecclesiastical govern- ment, 2050; Superior Council of, petition, 437; trade, 4089; transfer of, 429, 4930, 4946; treatise concerning the boundary of, 4823; troops, 2479 Louisiana, Upper, general register of inhabi- tants, 933, 4669; military supplies, loii; statement of the population of the settle- ments, 932 Lovell, James, letter to, 2539; letters of, 2628, 2771 Loyalists, statement by, 2528 Lua, San Juan de, see San Juan de Ulua Ludovico, Conde, 1183 Luisiana, ship, instructions, 51 19 Luna y Arellano, Tristan de, governor of Florida, 1123, 1127; information regarding journey in Florida, 1137; letter of, 120; reply from Ceron regarding food and clothes, 1 133 Luzerne, Chevalier Anne Cesar de la, French envoy, letter of, 2571 ; letters to, 2590, 2691, 2696, 2781, 3980, 3981 Lynch and Stoughton, bill of supplies, 3302; expense of brigantine Galveston, 3461; freight contract, 3200; invoice of goods, 3267, 3270, 3380; receipt from, 3243 MacDonald, John, Indian agent, letters of, 4274, 4440, 4549 Macintosh, Agent John, letter of, 4188 Mackay, James, 878, 4660; appointment as commandant of St. Andre, 4682; journal of voyage up the Missouri, 4535; letters of, 4660, 4689 McCoy, Robert, instructions, 943, 4684 McGillivray, Alexander, instructions, 2898; letters of, 575, 580, 581, 623, 639, 2872, 2873, 2876, 3023, 3107, 3125, 3184, 3185, 3208, 3221, 3222, 3226, 3284, 3285, 3286, 3324, 3335, 3355, 3400, 3416, 3443, 3445, 3541, 3646, 3663, 3666, 3816, 3945, 4042; letters to, 3153, 3156, 3158, 3232, 3292, 3439, 3546, 3621, 3679, 3830, 3840, 41 16; order by, 3050 McMurphy, Daniel, Indian agent, letter of, 3279; letters to, 3283, 3315 Madison, Pres. James, letter of, 4918; letters to, 491 1, 4915, 4920, 5072; proclamation, 5181 Madrid, cabinet of, letter to, 4058; council, letters to, 730, 1927, 4038; ultimatum pro- posed at courts of Paris and London, 2395 ; see also New Madrid Madrigal, see Fernandez de Madrigal, Fran- cisco Maguel, Francisco, report on Virginia, i486 Maimi, lake, map of, 234 Maisonrouge, Marquis de, contract, 4482 Malaspina, Alejandro, 958 Maldonado, Fray Joseph, commissary-general of the Indies, 1636 Maldonado. see also Ferrer Maldonado, Capt. Lorencia Maldonado de Barnuevo, Juan, governor of Havana, decree addressed to, 1313; letter of, 1286; opinion of, 1466 Maluenda, Martin de, letter of, 72 Manjino, Fernando Joseph, letter of, 3598; letter to, 3624 Maps, 391, 392, 1062, 1873, 1877, 5308 ; America, 308, 1482; bay of Spiritu Santo, Texas, 1933; copy of map of America made for James I., 308; Florida and Lake Maimi, 234; Florida coast, 1867; garrisons in Texas, 1929-1932; Lake San Bernardo, 1880; Mississippi River, 3909; St. Louis, 546, 4552 ; site for Spanish fort, 4671 ; ter- ritory of Cherokees, 4462; Virginia, 283, 1428 Maraiion, see Porres Maranon, Licentiate Raphael Marcelo de San Joseph, see San Joseph, Marcelo de Marcos de Niza see Niza, Fray Marcos de 356 Index Mardi Gras, plan of battery protecting en- trance to channel of, 3434 Maria, queen of Portugal, letters of, 3961, 3964, 3970, 3971. 3977, 4035 ; letters to, 3959, 3962, 3974, 3976, 3979, 4033 Mariana (Maria Anna), queen of Spain, regent, letters to, 1737, 1741, 1743, 1746, 1747, 1750, 1753-1756, 1758, 1762, 1766, 1770, 1775, 1780-1783, 1788 Mariano, — , letter of, 4603 Maron, Fray Francisco de, information con- cerning missionaries, etc., 1299; letters of, 1283, 1297 Marot, Gov. Jose, letters of, 5259, 5264, 5265, 5267, 5268, 5278, 5279 ; letters to, 5257, 5261 Maroto, see Ruiz Maroto Marques, Pedro Menendez, see Menendez de Marques, Pedro Marques Cabrera, Gov. Juan, letters of, 1839, 1841, 1854, 1858, 1859, 1862, 1864-1866; letters to, 1848, 185 1 Martin, Cristobal, agreement with, relating to expedition to New Mexico, 221 Martinez, Esteban Jose, affidavit of, 694; letters of, 679, 3770, 3849, 3850, 3863; letters to, 3775, 3874 Martinez, Fray Francisco, instructions, 680; memorials of, 1706; story of the journey and reconnoissance in Florida made by Capt. Juan Pardo, in 1566, 174 Martinez, Henrico, opinion concerning Cali- fornia, 1595 Martinez, Fray Lorenzo, letter of, 1 5 15 Martinez de Avendano, Domingo, decree ad- dressed to, 1300; decree concerning the salary of, 1285 ; letters of, 1282, 1287 Martinez de Irujo, Envoy Carlos, see Casa Irujo, Marques de Martinez de la Marcha, Licentiate Fernando (Hernando), letter of, 107; letter to, 11 14 Martinez de Orosa, Engineer Jose, letter of, 5106; reports, 4985, 4993 Martinez de Pinillos, Claudio, 5287; letters of 5244, 5317, 5324 Maskous, 981 ; letter regarding expedition to punish the, 4890 Masserano, Prince de, letter of, 2071 Mateo, Antonio (?), see Apalache, Lieut, of Mather, James, contract with, 2894 Matienzo, Juan Ortiz de, see Ortiz de Mati- enzo, Juan Matthews, (George, letter of, 3621; letter to, 3663 Maxent, Francisco Maximino de P., letter to, 5123; letters of, 5085, 5086, 5140, 5231 Maxent, Col. Gilberto Antonio de, contract with, 2789; instructions, 2837 Mazarred, Gen. Francisco, project on the settle- ment of Florida, 5237 Medillin, Conde de, letter to, 1792 Medinasidonia, Duque de, letter of, 1557; letter to, 1208 Melendez de Valdes, Juan, services and merits of, 1250 Memorandum of costs, 890 Menchero, Fray Miguel de, boundary of cities, etc., in New Mexico, 1972 Mendez de Canzo, Gonzalo, governor of Florida, copies of letters, 1303; edict con- cerning liberty of the Indians, 1323; in- formation concerning riches, etc., of the English, 1324; information relating to the abandonment of the garrison at St. Augustine, 1387; information relating to the services of, 1430; letters of, 1305, 1306, 1310, 1314, 1328, 1329, 1345, 1349, 1351. 1364, 1369; memorial, 1334; salary, 1294; testimony concerning clothes, meal, etc., given to the Indians, 1301 ; testimony re- lating to journey of, 1298; visit made by, 1368; visits to provinces north of St. Augustine, 1367 Mendez Marquez, Tomas, declaration by, 1857 Mendez Victorio, Luis, letter of, 1204 Mendocino, cape, 254, 363, 1366 Mendoza, Antonio de, viceroy of New Spain, 68, 80, 98, 1097; California expedition, 85; instructions, 38, 42, 51, 1104; letters of, 43, 47, 53, 67, 7Z, 88, 94; letters to, 40, 54, 56, 70, 77; memorial relating to, 75 Mendoza, Ambassador Bernardino de, letter of, 218 Mendoza, Vicar Francisco de, letters of, 1 165, 1 166 Mendoza, Juan Dominguez de, memorial of, 379 Mendoza Escalante, Juan de, itinerary of journey on sea and land, 1198; letter to, 1791 Menendez de Aviles, Pedro, governor of Florida, 161, 170, 1175; account of ser- vices, 236; agreement with, regarding con- quest of Florida, 133; contract relating to journey in Florida, 1155; decree, 150; de- cree exempting from payment for the melt- ing of metals, 135; decree giving part of fishing trade, etc., to, 137 ; decree giving part of rents, mines and fruits in Florida to, 136; decree giving territory in Florida, 134; decree ordering continuation of conquest in Florida, 208 ; decree regarding, 1 181 ; decree written to, 1160; expedition of, 171 ; expedition to repair fort Santa Elena, 1205; fleet to aid, 1153; inventory of things for the fleet sent to Florida, 147; letters of, 130, 139, 140, 143, 144, 148, 151, 154, 157-160, 162, 168, 169, 175, 177, 185-190, 192-194, 197, 200-204, 212, 227, 1 120, 1 147, 1195; letters to, 165, 172, 184, 198, 1166, 1 168; memorial, 132; memorial relating to the treatment received from officials of the Chamber of Commerce, 1145; memo- rial to the king relating to fleet, 1149; opinion regarding settling on the Rio de Panuco, 1 173; petition of, 1192, 1662; peti- tion for men to repair fort Santa Elena, 1206; report of journey by Francisco Lopez de Mendoza Grojales, 149; royal license given to, 209; royal license to transport Asturian families to Florida, 209; story Index 857 of the journey of, 149; story of the victory in the port of San Mateo, 1227; testimony of, 210; title of capt-general and governor given to, 138-140; will of, 361 Menendez de Aviles, Pedro, nephew of the governor of Florida, testimony of, 361 Menendez de Marques, Antonio, letter of, 1861 Menendez de Marques, Francisco, treasurer of Florida, decree concerning, 165 1 ; letter of, i66g ; petitions of, 1639, 1663 Menendez de Marques, Juan, royal treasurer, 1388, letters of, 1363, 1383, 1434, 1751 ; re- port by, 1355 ; report concerning provinces in Florida, 262 Menendez de Marques, Pedro, information concerning action of, when Drake entered the Spanish provinces, 1268; instructions of, 1217; letter to, 212; letters of, 1179, 1211, 1214, 1220, 1223, 1225, 1226, 1231, 1232, 1236, 1237, 1240, 1245, 1256, 1257, 1259, 1267, 1280, 1383 ; reconnoissance of the coast of Florida, Carolina and Virginia, 1215 Menendez de Rivera, Juan, letter of, 1503 " Mercurio Volante," 1828 Merry, Anthony, English envoy, letters of, 3949, 3952; letters to, 3951, 3960; memorial, 3950 Mesquito, Pedro, letter to, 1923 Mestas, Alferez Hernando, letter regarding affairs in Florida, 1279 Mexico, audiencia of, decree addressed to, 1582; audiencia of, opinion concerning the proposition of the conquest of New Mex- ico, 1352 ; decree concerning, 1615 ; Docu- ment o Historico Mexicano, 1874; invasion of, 5012 Milfort, Agent Louis, letter of, 4384 Military news, 2698 Military reports, 2210-2213 Military supplies, reports of, 5019 Mines, manner of working, 277 Mingo, Indian chief, speech, 3553 Minor, Estevan, diary, 4120; instructions, 41 19; letters of, 4690, 4692, 4698, 4709, 4710, 4733. 4740; letters to, 4657, 4734; observa- tions and measurements by, 4730; state- ment, 597, 2957 Minutes of Congress, see Congress, Minutes of Miralles, Juan de, letters of, 2239, 2252, 2316, 2317, 2320, 2325, 2326, 2329, 2334, 2340, 2341, 2343, 2353, 2354, 2364, 2366-2368 Miranda, Capt. Gutierre de, see Gutierre de Miranda, Capt. Miranda, Joan de, story relating to mines of San Martin and Santa Barbara, 214 Miranda expedition, 5063 Miro, Gov. Esteban, act appointing Chief Chato-Mingo, 3885; Indian speeches at council with, 3590; instructions, 646, 3446; letters of, 560, 569, 586, 589, 592-594, 598, 600-602, 617, 621, 629, 630, 634-637, 645, 659-662, 664-668, 676, 686, 691, 692, 695, 696, 700, 701, 703, 730, 734, 2679, 2740, 2804, 2877, 2878, 2901, 2915, 2969, 2991, 2992, 3013, 3016-3019, 3053, 3056-3058, 3069, 3109-3111, 3114, 3132, 3138, 3188, 3218,3219, 3245, 3256, 3258-3260, 331S-3318, 3364, 3407, 3408, 3427, 3435, 3448, 3450, 3470, 3546, 3591- 3593, 3595, 3604, 3609, 3619, 3620, 3622, 3623, 3629, 3630, 3667, 3668, 3670, 3679- 3681, 3704, 3705, 3708,3710,3713,3714, 3761, 3763, 3801, 3810, 3819, 3820, 3830, 3833- 3835. 3839-3841, 3846, 3851, 3858, 3862, 3868-3870, 3892, 3934, 3954, 3978, 3990, 4020, 4038, 4044, 4053, 4058, 4064, 4074, 4077, 4082, 4088; letters to, 571, 578, 580, 584, 587, 596, 599, 605, 607, 611, 615, 618- 620, 622, 631-633, 648, 651, 663, 670, 678, 682, 685, 687, 690, 697, 702, 706, 713, 716, 732, 921, 2809, 2826, 2873, 2876, 2895, 3022, 3039, 3063, 3088, 31 12, 3137, 3143, 3160, 3217, 3222, 3229, 3266, 3279, 3296, 3297- 3299, 3340, 3341, 3350, 3413, 3449, 3469, 3475, 3480, 3484, 3541, 3587, 3589, 3594, 3600, 3618, 3626, 3627, 3652, 3664, 3666, 3672, 3675, 3683, 3685, 3686, 3700, 3702, 3706, 3712, 3715, 3734-3738, 3769, 3798, 3806, 3809, 3811, 3817, 3828, 3832, 3842, 3847, 3848, 3914, Z9'^7, 3918, 3945, 3955, 4041, 4042, 4056, 4060, 4063, 4068, 4070, 4071, 4075, 4076, 4080, 4644; memorials, 653, 705; proclamations, 647, 689, 3466, 3813; resolution relating to the arrival of, 2494; report on Louisiana, 4161 ; trade license, 3426 Missions, letter relating to establishment of, . 813. Mississippi, articles for the establishment of a commercial company, 4731 Mississippi, Territory of, letter regarding, 5191 ; letter of secretary of, 5131 Mississippi River, 710, 2225, 3130, 3434; in- structions concerning fleet on, 4368, 4369; map, 3909; navigation of, 2899, 2971, 2975, 2977, 3176, 3312, 3356, 3605, 3749, 4541; possession of left bank, 2631 ; settlement on, 3908; Spanish settlements on, expedi- tion against, 820, 4373; Virginia resolu- tions regarding, 3372 Missouri River, 512; Indian tribes of, 2207; James Mackay's Journal of the voyage up the, 878; Upper, trade regulations on, 4300 Missouri trading company (Company of the Missouri), articles of incorporation of, 4402, 4404; report on enlarging powers of, 893, 4572 Mobile, articles for the establishment of a commercial company, 4731 ; cost of repairs for fortifications of, 5194; fort at, report concerning heavy artillery, ammunition, etc., 2506; state of fortifications of, 2298; story of officials, etc., made prisoners of war in, 2507 Mocama, province of, notice of the villages and people of, by Pedro de Arcos, 1797 Molina, Bernardo, concerning reconquest of the fort Apalache, 4782 358 Index Molina, Diego de, letters of, 343, 345, 354, 355, 1529. 1531. 1540, 1541 ; journey to Virginia, 1490; voyage made in behalf of, 316, 317 Moller, Luis, 4051 Monaco, Padre Joseph Maria, 1967 Monasteries, Florida, royal command relating to, I 189 Monks, 1660; story of, in Florida, 1708; testi- mony concerning the conversion of the natives, 1512 Montalvo, Gov. Gabriel, 216 Monte, Francisco, letter of, 3207 Monterde, Jose Maria de, letter of, 3879 Monterey, Conde de, viceroy of New Spain, decree addressed to, 1293, 1295 ; letters of, 233, 240, 24s, 246, 253; letters to, 238, 248; order of, 241 Monteros, Salvador de los, license, 3325; memorials, 3419, 3422; passport, 3326 Monterrey, garrison at, 2864 ; reconnoissance of the port of, 1899 Montes, Fray Bias de, letter of, 1362 Montes, Diego de, certification of, 1882 Montgomery, 2558 Montiano, Gov. Manuel de, letter to, 1954; letters of, I955-I957, i960, I963-I9<5s Montmorin, Comte de, French ambassador in Spain, 3915; letters of, 2282, 2314, 3953, 3967, 3980-3982, 3985, 4003; letters to, 719, 2283, 2312, 3965, 4006 Montreuil, Francisco, instructions. 4196; letter of, 4202 Montufar, Archbishop Alonso de, letter of, iii Moral, Fray Alonso del, memorial of, 1807, 1808 Moral Sanchez, Gov. Francisco del, letters of, 1947, 1948 Morales, Bartolome, letter of, 4515 Morales, Juan Bautista, letters to, 5171, 5229 Morales, Juan de, despatch from, 1292 Morales, Juan Ventura (or Buenaventura), despatches from, 5054; extracts, notes, etc., from, 4648, 4794, 4879; instructions and regulations, 947; letters of, 894, 915, 920, 937-939, 941. 948, 4577, 4587, 4640, 4662, 4674, 4675, 4677, 4678, 4680, 4787, 4821, 4899, 4901, 4903, 4931, 4942, 5043, 5094, S101-5105, 5121, 5128, 5129, 5135, S142, 5143, 5146, S149, 5160; letters to, 916, 919, 929, 936, 940, 1007, 1014, 1021, 1023, I02S, 2882, 4651, 4855, 4898, 5109, 5124, 5137, 515s, 5156; proclamation, 4629; report and letter by, 4580; statements by, 863, 4474 Moreno Ponce de Leon, Fray Pedro, memorial of, 1673-1675, 1688; story of the twenty- seven religious transported by, 1660 Moreno y Segobia, Juan, attestation by, 1761 Morfi, Juan Agustin, letter to, 524 Morgan, Gen. Daniel, letter of, 2670 Morgan, Col. George, letters of, 502, 669, 687, 697, 2144, 2159, 2826, 3716, 3721, 3722, 3725, 3732, 3742, 3755, 3773, 3811, 3842; letters to, 672, 696, 2184, 3719, 3724, 3728, 3740, 3746, 3768, 3774, 3841 ; note of provisions and effects, 683, 684; note of provisions de- livered to, 3807, 3808; plan for a colony, Morgan, John Titus, letter to, 3607 Morocco, 3398, 3500; letter of king of, 2958 Morphy, Diego, letter of, 5183, 5185 Morris, Robert, letter of, 2754, 2755, 2759 Moscoso, Luis de, letter of, 1105 Mota Padilla, Matias de la, conquest of New Galicia, 401 Motolinia, Fray Toribio de, letter of, no Moultrie, Alexander, letters of, 3890, 3891, 3916, 3925; letters to, 711, 391 1 Moustier, Comte de, letter of, 3802 Moya y Contreras, Archbishop Pedro de, letter to, 223; letters of, 220, 1251 Munie, Juan, petition, 796, 4319; trader's license, 799, 4323 Muiioz, Fray Diego, letter to, 255 Munoz, Juan Bautista, history of Indies, 4691 Musquiz, Senor, report concerning alliance with the American congress, 2129 Nacogdache, 4934 Nanhulu Chuba, Patricia, chief of the Apa- laches, letter of, 1906 Napoleon, letter to, 1019 Narvaez, Panfilo de, see Panfilo de Narvaez Narvaez expedition, instructions, 28, 29 Nash, Gov., letter of, 2556 Natchez, 3613 ; agreement with Americans, 2246 ; American forces at, 2241 ; census for 1792, signed by Gayoso de Lemos, 4259; citizens of, letter to, 583 ; instructions for the evacuation of, 4653; news from, 2984; proclamation to inhabitants, 2955 Natchez District, report, 4103 National Assembly, President of, letter to, 3982 Nava, Josef de, letter to, 2665 Navarrete, Juan Bautista Saenz, see Saenz Navarrete, Juan Bautista Navarrete, Martin Fernandez de, see Fernan- dez de Navarrete, Martin Navarro, Antonio, letter of, 1207 Navarro, Gov. Diego Jose, letters of, 2430, 2462, 2475, 2477, 2478, 2493, 2666; letters to, 536, 547, 2440, 2447, 2468-2470, 2490, 2495, 2508, 2513, 2514, 2518, 2681 Navarro, Intendant Martin, despatches of, 2531, 2960; letters of, 550, 563, 2688, 2816, 2880, 2881, 2896, 2900, 3076, 3427, 3435, 3594, 3596, 3609, 3629, 3956; letters to, 561, 651, 659, 663, 2878, 31 13, 3413, 3427, 3587, 3591- 3593, 3652, 3715; memorial, 653; political reflections concerning, 2659; tariffs formed by, 3597; trade license, 3426 Navigation between English colonies and Spanish ports, 2082 Negro traffic, treaty, 1036 Nelson, Thomas, governor of Virginia, letter to, 2768 Neve, Col. Felipe de, letter to, 2814; letters of, 2196, 2831, 2843, 2845, 2847-2849, 2852, 285s, 2857, 2859 New England, 3327, 3330 New Feliciana, 4661 Index 359 New Galicia, conquest of, by Matias de la Mota Padilla, 401; Indians of, 11 12 New Hampshire, President of Council of State, letter to, 2620; New Hampshire brigade, officers of, 2626 New Madrid, inventory of, looi, 1002; militia officers of, 756; report concerning settlers, 723, 4061 ; transfer of, 999, 1000, 4957-4960 New Mexico, 366, 382 ; acts and contracts made on the discovery of, 229; bill for buying and transporting horses, 2157; boundary of the cities, etc., in, 1972; concerning dis- covery, etc., of, by Juan de Onate, 1339, 1340; consultation of the Council of Indies concerning Juan de Onate and the dis- covery of, 1401 ; diary relating to new discoveries in, 2096; discovery of, 219, 235, 253, 1 167; entrance into, by Anton de Espejo, 1234; entrance into, by Francisco Sanchez Chamuscado, 1233 ; expedition to, agreement relating to, 221 ; exploration, 179, 221 ; garrison at, 2863 ; governor of, letter to, 2156; history of ancient and modern discoveries in, by Baltasar de Obregon, 1246; memorial of the discovery made by Caspar Castano de Sosa, 230; memorial of the discovery of, 235 ; memo- rial relating to, by Fray Nicolas de Lopez, 383; military report, 2210; propositions concerning discoveries in, 1274; province taken by Juan de Ofiate, 247; repopulation oi, 383; report concerning affairs in, 1597; story of conversions made in, 366; story of journeys in, 1315; treatise on the journey from New Spain to, 237 New Orleans, account of O'Reilly's taking possession of, 2022 ; census of, 887, 4553 ; commerce and population, 496; list of passports, 3754 ; oath of allegiance to Spain by clergy of, 2020; proclamation, 2263; proclamation by the United States to people of, to submit to American authority, 4889; statements and statistics regarding lands and concessions, 2030; supplies to, 3689; troops on expedition to, 2492 New Spain, 183, 224, 365 ; ancient rites, sacri- fices and idolatries of Indians, 82; article 81 of royal instructions to the intendants of, 4676; concerning the war in, 2803; decree of viceroy, 381 ; exchequer of, 5182; fragments of the history of, 1335; garri- sons, 1902, 1935; happenings in, 2318, 2332, 2410, 2432, 2451, 2802, 2812, 2833, 2844, 2846, 3074; history of ancient and modern discoveries in, by Baltasar de Obregon, 1246; hostilities of Indians, 2397, 2807, 2810, 2840, 2858; memorial relating to provinces of the north, by Juan Cortes, 4670; notice regarding minerals in, Thomas de Landazuri, 1984; notices of, 1689, 5014; story of journey to, 93; story relating to discoveries in, 363; treatise on the journey to New Mexico, 237; visits to the garrisons, 1988 New York, Catholic Church, 3077, 3078, 3134, 3147; address to Gardoqui, 3353; memorial, 2952; vote of members, 3357 New York, governor of, proclamation, 2540 New York, St. Charles's Day, 3104 New York Gazette, extract of letters printed in the, 2782; extracts from, 2609, 2673, 2704, 2785; reply to, 2772 New York newspaper, extracts from, 3179, 3515 Niel, Padre Juan Amando, 1896 Niza, Fray Marcos de, 52; instructions, 51 Nogales, instructions for the evacuation of the post of, 4652 Nootka Claims Convention, 764 Nootka Sound controversy, 3750, 3852, 3984, 3995, 4010 Normandez, Pedro, Spanish ambassador to Russia, letters of, 2522, 2693; letters to, 2651, 2695, 2713, 2805 Norte, garrison at, letter to, from T. de Croix, 2155 North, Maj. W., 3282 North Sea, 370; story of the destruction of the Indies and islands in, 106 Northwest Territory, 3498; proclamation, 4346 Nuestra Concepcion de Babiacora, report of the mission of, 1975 Nuestra Senora de Loreto, 1930 Nuestra Senora de los Dolores, 1931 Nuestra Sefiora del Pilar de los Adais, 1929 Nuestro Padre San Ygnacio, mission of, 4679 Nueva Vizcaya, instruction concerning the es- tablishment of a government, etc., in, 1904, 1996; military report, 2210 Nunez Cabeza de Vaca, Alvar, see Cabeza de Vaca Nufiez de Luarca, Jacinto, certification of, 1882 Nuno de Guzman, lawsuit, 86; recusations against, 33 Oaths, 772, 3905; of allegiance, 4245 Obregon, Baltasar de, history of ancient and modern discoveries in New Spain, 1246 Oca Sarmiento, Antonio de, letter to, 1745 O'Connor, Hugo, letters of, 2080, 2oi84, 2086, 209s ; report by, 2172 O'Fallon, James, letter to, 4044 ; letters of, 716, 3660, 395S, 4037, 4041 ; propositions made by, 3661 Ohio, Falls of the, extracts of letters from, 3376, 3496; General Assembly, message, Olivan Rebollido, Juan de, letter of, 1926 Olivera, see Fernandez de Olivera Olivier, Pedro, letters of, 4164, 4177. 4i86, 4347. 4784 ; letters to, 4129, 4149, 4654, 4759 Olmos, Fray Andres, letter of, 113 Onabas, report on the mission of, 1974 Onapa mission of, report by Joseph Roldan, 1971 Oiiate, Alonso de, decree, 257; letter of, 250; petition of, 249 Onate, Gov. Juan de, 241, 1585; discovery of New Mexico, 1339, 1340; letters of, 248, 360 Index 1342 ; provinces, etc., taken in New Mexico, 247; story of the journey in New Mexico, 131S O'Neill, Gov. Arthur, instructions, 3476, 3478; letters of, 2791, 2829, 2830, 2834, 2856, 2882, 3102, 3103, 3155, 3215, 3216, 3223, 3228, 3240, 3298, 3299, 3337-3341, 3350, 3351, 3362, 3373, 3382, 3449, 3475, 3480, 3664, 3672; letters to, 575, 617, 2872, 2905, 3023, 3034. 3040, 3107, 3159, 3184, 3185, 3219, 3226, 3256, 3265, 3317, 3318, 3335, 3355, 3416, 3443, 3445, 3450, 3567, 3568, 3609, 3646, 3670, 3680, 3934, 4090, 4093, 4107-4109, 4128, 4164, 4177, 4186, 4202 Onis, Envoy Luis de, letters of, 1047, 5238, 5240, 5242, 5243, 5276, 5277 ; letters to, 1052, . 5249, 5252, 527s Onis, Raymundo de, letter to, 2943 Opeluzas, 2174 Oquendo, Miguel de, letter of, 1264 Orange, Prince of, 1183 O'Reilly, Gov. Alexander, confirmation by Charles III. of instructions to It.-gov. of Illinois, 2042; decrees, 451, 2016-2018, 2021, 2024; instructions, 458, 466, 2028, 3476, 3478; letters of, 495, 2023, 2085; letters to, 453, 20T5, 2019, 2025; ordinances and in- structions, 456; proclamations, 436, 459; report, 462; rule, 2121 Orejon, Francisco Davila, letter of, 1769 Orozco, Dr., 214 Ortega, Jose Francisco de, letters of, 997, 2814 Ortiz, Bartolome, letters of, 57, 65 Ortiz de Matienzo, Juan, letter of, 22; dis- coveries of, 1084, 1085 Orue, Contador Jose de, account of expenses of Louisiana, 760, 4216 Osage Indians, presents to, 963, 4786 Osorio, Garcia, see Garcia Osorio Osorio, Sancho Pardo, see Pardo Osorio, Sancho Ossun, Marquis d', letters to, 416, 420, 2120 Otamende, Miguel de, letters to, 2904, 3136, 3396, 3643, 3697, 3760 Ouachita, Louisiana, description of, 4483 ; memorial relating to the cultivation of wheat, 4478 Oviedo y Valdes, Gonzalo Fernandez de, see Fernandez de Oviedo y Valdes Padilla, Fray Joan de, South Sea, 78 Paez, Sergeant Luis de, expedition of, 1216 Palacios, Capt. Geronimo Martin, course of navigation from port of Acapulco to Cape Mendocino, 254 Palafox, Bp. Juan de, letters of, 1632, 1638 Palatino de Corcula, Vicente, treatise relating to the justice of the war between Spain and the West Indies, 1124 Palms, River of the, Florida, 26, 39, 44 Panalyver, see Penalyver y Cardenas, Bp. Luis Panes, Diego, fragments of the history of New Spain, 1335 Panfilo de Narvaez, 1080, 1088; agreement with, 26; expedition of, 1090; marriage contract, 32 ; opinion on instructions of, 1092; petitions of, 24; proclamation to the Indians, 27; representation by, 1088; voy- age of, 39 Panis, Jacinto, commissioner at Pensacola, in- structions, 2243, 2244 ; letters of, 2254, 2256, 2260, 2265, 2268, 2279, 2297, 2300, 2439; letters to, 2272, 2280, 2465 Panton, Leslie and Co., letter of, 4593 Panton, William, 3870; letters of, 3413, 3702 4223, 4441 ; letters to, 3892, 4429, 4430 Panuco, Rio de, 1173 Panzacola, see Pensacola Pardo, Francisco, 1162 Pardo, Capt. Juan, 174; memorial relating to villages, etc., in Florida, 182 ; story of con- quests in Florida, 170, 175 Pardo Osorio, Sancho, story relating to fleet of Pedro Menendez de Aviles on the coast of Florida, 207 Pareda, Gov. Caspar de, letter to, 317 Paredes, Viceroy Conde de, letter of, 1849 Pareja, Fray Francisco, letter to, 1449; letters of, 1316, 1320, 1358, 1426. 1437 Paris, ambassador at, letter of, 1142; ulti- matum proposed at court of, by Madrid, 2395 Parma, Duchy of, 978 Pasamonte, Miguel de, decree, 2 Pastrafia, Capt. Alonso de, memorial of the cost of the outfit for the provinces of Florida, 1407 Patino, Jose, 1940; letters to, 1944, 1946 Paulio, Palmero, Pablo de, letter of, 3567 Payamataho, Chief, letter of, 4169 Payeto, Engineer Cayetano, letters of, 785, 4273 Payson, Cayetano, 4703 Peace negotiations, 2736, 2737, 2738 Peace of Amiens, 4886 Pecanas, 2174 Pedrastra, Andres de, letters to, 268, 141 1 -.^ Pelazio, Gov. Lucas de, letter of, 406 Pellerin, Juan Bautista, instructions, 4196 Pena, Fray Bartolome de la, story of the de- struction of the Indies and islands in the North Sea, 106 Pena, Joseph Maria de la, letter of, 5208 Pena, Fray Tomas de la, diary of, 473 Penalosa, Gonzalo de, journey to Florida, 161 Penalyver y Cardenas, Bp. Luis, Episcopal re- port for 1797, 904, 4602; letters of, 926, 4558, 4597, 4655, 4737; letters to, 4542, 4571, 4783 Penaranda, Alonzo de, letters of, 1426, 1431 Pendleton, Edmund, letter to, 2753 Penn, William, 2558 Pennsylvania, 2485 ; mutiny in brigade of, 2660 Pensacola, governor of, letters of. 5157, 5190; letters to, 5183, 5186, 5187, 5189 Pensacola, Florida, 5206, 5288, 5294, 5303, 5312; capitulation of the province of, 5262; con- cerning the object of procuring the occu- pation of, 5283 ; expedition against, 559 ; garrison at, 1939, 2298, 2890; list of pro- Index 361 visions for, 2883; list of vacant houses in, 5195 ; notice of officials and troops em- barking for, 5285; notices concerning, 21 14, 2167; opinion regarding the fortifications of, 1940; proclamation by Jackson, 5263; troops in, 5297 Pensacola Bay, 1875, 1895 Penyman, Tomas, letter of, 5189 Peramas, Joachim de, engineer of Pensacola, letters of, 3034, 3040, 3217; letters to, 3188, 3630, 3710; repairs necessary in Pensacola, 3035 ; story of the journey of Placaminas, 3430 Perchel, Juan Maria, letter of, 4527 Perea, Fray Esteban de, conversions in New Mexico, 366 Pereda, Caspar de, governor of Cuba, letter to, 1491 Perez, Benito, letter of, 4860 Perez, Fray Francisco, attorney-general of Florida, memorial of, 1637, 1664, 1665 Perez, Gov. Conzalo, letter of, 109 Perez, Manuel, effects delivered by Cruzat, 3572; effects delivered to, 657; inventory of papers, etc., 656, 3570; letters of, 678, 685, 702, 741, 742, 797, 921, 3769, 3809, 3848, 4136, 4137, 4321, 4644; letters to, 671, 700, 701. 3739. 3846; note of provisions and effects, 683, 684; note of provisions de- livered to Morgan, 3807, 3808; petitions, 770, 4242 Perez, Ensign Marco Antonio, 316; story of journey in the Indies to Virginia, 1490 Perez, Ventura, letter to, 4846 Perez de la Cerda, Licentiate, letter of, 1803 Periment (?), Guillermo, statement promising capture of Bowles, 4714 Perkins, Andrew, letter of, 3621 ; letter to, 3663 Perkins, Francis, letter of, 287 Perquin, see Perkins Perry, letter of, 3823 Peru, audiencia of, letter of, 376 Peyroux de la Coudriniere, Henri, instruc- tions, 646, 3446; letters of, 652, 698, 699, 808, 982, 983, 1884, 1927, 3518, 3717, 3843, 3844, 4348, 4891, 4892; letters to, 959, 980, 1884 Philadelphia Centennial, 4955 Philadelphia Gazette, letter to, 5062; reply of, 2772 Philip II., letters of, 145, 163, 165, 216; letters to, 1 13-120, 122, 125-127, 129-131, 143, 144, 146, 148, 151-160, 162, 164, 166, 167, 169, 173, 17s, 177, 178, 185-190, 192-194, 197, 200-206, 215, 218, 220, 226, 227, 231-233, 239, 240, 244-246, 1 107, 1 122, 1 134, 1 142, I 146, I 147, 1156, I 164, 1165, 1202, 1207, 121 I, 1214, 1220, 1223, 1225, 1226, 1228- 1232, 1236, 1237, 1240, 124s, 1249, 1251-1253, 1256-1259, 1267, 1277, 1280, 1282, 1287, 1289, 1305, 1306, 1310, 1312, 1314; memorial to, 123; petition to, 1192; royal order of, 1241 Philip III., letters of, 266, 269, 272, 279, 289, 291. 301, 303, 317, 320, 324, 327-329, 331, 336, 338, 339, 341, 342, 348, 349, 351, 1409, 1413, 1418, 1424, 1450, 1455, 147 I, 1473, 1491, 1497, 1501, 1505-1507, 1510, 1521, 1524, 1525, 1527, 1528, 1534, 1535, 1537; letters to, 253, 256, 259-261, 265, 267, 270, 271, 273-275, 278, 281, 282, 286, 288, 290, 292, 295, 296, 298-300, 302, 304-307, 309- 3", 313, 315, 318, 319, 321, 323, 325, 326, 330, 332, 333, 335, 337, 344, 346, 347, 350, 352, 353, 356, 357, 360, 1316-1319, 1321, 1322, 1328, 1329, 1343, 1345, 1347, 1349- 1351, 1353, 1357, 1362- 1364, 1369, 1372, 1374-1376, 1378, 1379, 1386, 1389-1391, 1399, 1400, 1402, 1403 1405, 1406, 1408, 1410, 1412, 1414, 1416, 1417, 1419-1421, 1423, 1427, 143 I, 1432, 1434, 1435, 1438, 1442, 1443, 1445, 1448, 145 1, 1452, 1454, 1456, 1459-1461, 1464, 1465, 1467, 1468, 1470, 1472, 1475, 1477- 1480, 1483- 1485, 1487, 1489, 1492, 1495, 1500, 1502, 1504, 1508, 151 1, 1513, 1514, 1516-1519, 1522, 1523, 1530, 1532, 1533, 1536, 1538, 1539, 1542, 1543. 1547-1550, 1553, 1555, 1556, 1560-1563; petition to, 249 Philip IV., letters to, 1566, 1567, 1570, 1571, 1572, 1574-1576, 1578, 1581, 1583, 1596, 1598, 1600, 1601, 1606-1609, 1613, 1617, 1618, 1620, 1624-1626, 1629, 1631, 1632, 1638, 1641, 1642, 164s, 1647, 1652, 1653, 1655, 1656, 1658, 1659, 1666, 1669, 1670, 1672, 1678, 1679, 1683, 1685, 1686, 1691, 1699-1705, 1707, 1713-1716, 1727-1730, 1736 Philip v., letters to, 1907, 1909-1915, 1936, 1938, 1947-1951, 1955; royal orders relating to the West Indies, 1977 Philippines, decree establishing a way-station for the, 263 Pichon, Baron, charge d'affaires for France, letter of, 5004; letters to, 4916, 4919 Pickering, Cot. Timothy, letter of, 2627 Pickern, see Pickering, Col. Timothy Picolo, Padre Francisco Maria, missionary in California, letter of, 1924; missions, newly established in California, 393 Piernas, Jose, 4534; letters of, 4497, 4576, 4645 Piernas, Capt. Pedro, appointment of, 467 ; confirmation of appointment, 2043 ; decree, 494; decree approving appointment, 2044; delivery of fort San Carlos el Principe de Asturias to, 2014; description of Illinois country, 455, 2026; inventory of papers delivered to Cruzat, 2069; letters of, 476, 480, 483, 486, 2052, 2060, 2062, 2065; letters to, 487, 568, 2066, 2745, 2751, 2800; official act, 2987; papers, 488; petition to, against ecclesiastical titles, 2058; petitions, 490, 2072; promoted to rank of lieut.-col., 2088; report of Illinois products, 475, 2051, 2056, 2064; report of population of Illinois, 470, 477, 2049, 2055, services of, 484 Pimentel, Antonio, letter relating to ancient rites, etc., of the Indians of New Spain, 1 103 362 Index Pinckney, Charles, letter of, 985 ; letters to, 975. 990; proposition made to Spain, 986 Pinckneyville, 4994 Pinillos, Claudio Martinez de, see Martinez de Pinillos, Claudio Pintado, Surveyor Vicente Sebastian, letters of, 5193, 5203-5206, 5214; letters to, 5201, 5208; statistics relating to lands, 5005 Pirates, French and English, i860 Pis-Gignouse, Jean Pierre, declaration by, 825, 4382; letters of, 801, 4328 Pius v.. Pope, letter from, 184 Pizarro, Jose Garcia de Leon y, see Garcia de Leon y Pizarro Placaminas, journey of, 3430, 3431 ; plan of forts, 3432, 3433 Plans, see maps Plater, George, of the Maryland Senate, letter to, 2770 Political news, 2698 Ponce, Padre Fray Alonso, story of affairs in the provinces of New Spain, 224 Ponce de Leon, Dona Estefania, letter of, 1825 Ponce de Leon, Gov. Juan, i ; decree, 1079 ; lawsuit, 9; letters of, 13, 14; patent, 4; petition, 7 Ponce de Leon, Luxan, commander-in-chief, New Mexico, 1828 Ponce de Leon, Gov. Nicolas, letters of, 1626, 1733, 1754. 1775, 1780-1783, 1788 Pontalba, Joseph, letter of, 973 Pope, Capt., 4630 Porres Maranon, Licentiate Raphael, method of working the mines, 277 Portell, Tomas, concerning capitulation of the fort, San Marcos de Apalache, 4757; council of war called, 4753 ; letters of, 743. 746, 748, 790, 794, 865-867, 4057, 4138, 4145, 4150, 4159, 4306, 4315, 4383, 4389, 4500, 4503, 4505, 471 1, 4712, 4735, 4736, 4738, 4742, 4743, 4745-4747, 4749-4751, 4754. 4759, 4764; letters to, 734, 864, 4045, 4055, 4064, 4299, 4302, 4413, 4452, 4498, 4693, 4709, 4727, 4755; official order relating to de- fense of forts, 4744, 4748, 4752 Porter y Casanate, Pedro, 370; letter of, 374; memorial recommending a new expedition to California, 368; petition of, 1622 Ports, register of inspection of, 4717 Posada, Capt. Juan de, 1151; extract of a certificate by, 1260; reports concerning affairs in Florida, 1278 Potts, Richard, letter of, 2769 Pradington (?), George Foster, 4703 Princesa, frigate, 2349 Principe, garrison at, letter to, from T. de Croix, 2155 Principe de Asturias, plan of fort, 443 Proclamations, 436, 459 Profit, George, letter to, 595 Prudeau, Carlos, surveyor, letter of, 4194 Puebla, see La Puebla Ysidro de Puerto Rico, Historia GeograUca Civil y Natural de las Ysla de Juan Bautista de, by Inigo Abbad y Lasierra, 570 Puerto Rico, Gov. of, see Dufresne Quadra, Alvaro de la, see La Quadra, Bp. Alvaro de Quesada, Bernardino de, letter of, 50 Quesada, Gov. Juan Nepomuceno de, certificate, 723; edict, 729; letters of, 4083, 4102, 4180, 4182, 4185, 4190; letters to, 4171, 4172, 4178-4179, 4181, 4188, 4200 Quinones, see Hernandez de Quinones Quiroga v Losada, Gov. Diego de, letters of, 389, 1868, 1869, 1871, 1872, 1876; letters to, 387, 388, 390 Quiros, Chaplain, letters of, 1177, 1180 Quivira, advantages of the kingdom of, 383 ; queen of, 381 ; story of the discovery of, by Nicolas Freytas, 375 Ramirez, Intendant Alejandro, agreement with Jose Cienfuegos, governor of Cuba, 1043; decree by, 5281 ; letters of, 1044, 5247, 5269, 5271, 5273, 5282, 5313, 5326, 5329; letters to, 1042, 5239, 5248, 5264, 5270, 5272, 5278, 5280, 5284, 5286, 5289, 5291, 5293, 5296, 5300-5302, 5304-5307, 5309- 5311, 5314, 5316, 5317. 5319. 5322, 5323, 5325 Ramirez, Fray Diego, letters of, loi, 105 Ramirez, Francisca, despatch from, 1568 Ramirez de Arellano, Francisco, letter of, 362; memorial of, 364 Ramirez de Contreras, Joan, despatch concern- ing services of, 1266; information regard- ing the death of, 1302 Randolph, Edmund, letters of, 2765, 2766 Rapidos. Sitidicos of, letter to, 475^ Rebolledo, Diego de, governor of Florida, letters of, 1700, 1702, 1707; memorial of, 1694 Redondo Villegas, Pedro de, letter of, 1333; petition to, 1344 Reihle, instructions, 4414; letter of, 872, 4518 Rendon, Intendant Francisco de, 2487 ; con- tract 4482; index of official letters, 2618, 2641 ; letters of, 856, 875, 2512-2515, 2517, 2532, 2534, 2535, 2538, 2541, 2542, 2544, 2545, 2547, 2550, 2553-2555, 2557, 2559, 2560, 2562, 2564, 2566-2569, 2573, 2576, 2577, 2579, 2591, 2596, 2599, 2601, 2603, 2604, 2606-2608, 2613-2617, 2621, 2623, 2629, 2633- 2635, 2637, 2640, 2645, 2648, 2652, 2653, 2655, 2667, 2669, 2702, 2707, 2708, 2710, 2716-2720, 2723, 2725, 2726, 2730, 2733, 2739, 2741, 2743, 2746, 2747, 2756-2758, 2760, 2761, 2763, 2773, 2775-2777, 2780, 2783, 2784, 2786, 2868, 2985, 3000, 3394, 4450, 4481, 4485, 4523; letters to, 855, 860, 874, 889. 2602, 2612, 2624, 2625, 2644, 2662, 2668, 2680, 2692, 2759, 2774, 2913, 3393, 4448, 4470, 4480, 4486, 4492, 4522, 4561; report by, 2543 Rengel, Gov. Jose Antonio, letter of, 3182 Revilla-Gigedo, Viceroy Juan Francisco Guemes y Horcasitas, Conde de, 403 Revilla-Gigedo, Viceroy Conde de (the younger), decrees, 403, 3947; instructions, 4415 ; letters of, 707, 715, 3875, 3876, 3878, Index 363 3880, 3898, 3906, 3923. 3936, 3937, 3939, 3946, 3958, 3966, 4097; letters to, 3873, 3881, 3893. 3940, 3944, 4374; report by, 4356 Rhea, John, letter of, 5173 Riamban, Manuel, receipt, 3718 Richardsen, Mordica, robberies in house of, 4283 Richmond, gentleman of, letter of, 2624 Ricla, Conde de, report of, 2131 Rio Cosa, Jose del. Parte geograUca de la Florida Oriental, 3399 Rio de las Palmas, see Palms, River of the, Florida Ripperda, Baron de, letter of, 2168 Rivas, Francisco, 3349 Rivera, Fray Payo Enriquez de, see Enriquez de Rivera, Fray Payo Rivera, Pedro Primo de, commandant, rep- resentation of the state of the garrison at Pensacola, 1939 Rivera Ingles, Juan, testimony of the death of, 1813 Rixner, Jacobo, 2796 Robert, John, letter of, 5187 Robertson, Gen. James, letters to, 782, 4268 Robeson, Col. Elisha, letter to, 3640 Rocha, Engineer, Geronimo de la, orders con- cerning reconnoissance of the Sonora frontier, 2509 Rochambeau, Cotnte de, letter of, 2696 Roche, Enrique, letter of, 3283 Rocheblave, letter to, 505 ; letters of, 506, 2166 Rodney, Admiral Lord, letter concerning, 2664; memorial, 2667 Rodriguez, Fray Agustin, 217, 225 Rodriguez, Juan Joseph, statement, 588 Rodriguez, Manuela, letter of, 1758 Rodriguez de Cartaya, Capt. Juan, 1568 Rogel, Fray Juan, letters of, 191, 198, 1171 Rojas, Fray Francisco de, letter of, 387 Rojas y Borja, Luis de, governor of Florida, letters of, 1569, 1571, 1572, 1574-1576, 1578, 1581, 1583, 1596; petition of, 1579 Roman Catholic Church, see New York, Cath- olic Church Romero, Fray Bartolome, letter of, 104 Ross, Alexander, letter of, 2276 Ross, George, letter of, 2386 Rouseau, Juan du, letter of, 4813 Rousseau, Pedro, letter to, 866; letters of, 992, 4928 Royal audience, letter of, 81 Royal incomes, 4230, 4237 Royal official, letter of, 1666 Royal officials of Florida, see Florida Royal Treasury, and sub-delegate of, letters to, 955. 4715 Rua, Juan de la, see La Rua, Juan de Rubio, Col. Joseph, instructions, 2136; letter to, 2152; report, 2209 Rui, Capt. Francisco, commendation of, 444, 2009; delivery of fort San Carlos el Prin- cipe de Asturias, 449, 2014 ; instructions, 431, 432 ; instructions relating to the build- ing of two forts on the Missouri River, 1989; instrrctions relating to the expedi- tion to Illinois, 1990; letters of, 453, 2025; memorial relating to Florida, 1199; orders to traders, 440, 2002; report of troops, workmen, etc., 447, 2013; testimonial, 441; testimony to the prudent conduct of, 2005 Ruiz, Fray Pedro, letter of, 1361 Ruiz de Apodaca, Juan, governor of Cuba, letters of, 1037, 1039, 5211, 5215; letters to, . 1033, 5209 Ruiz de Apodaca, Juan, viceroy of New Spain, letters of, 5249, 5251-5256; letters to, 5238, 5240, 5242, 5243 Ruiz de Molina, Hermenegildo, petition, 4054 Ruiz de Salazar, Benito, governor of Florida, 1687; decree restoring to office, 1668; letters of, 1645, 1653, 1657, 1659, 1670, 1672, 1678, 1679, 1683, 1686; memorial of, 1682 Ruiz Maroto, Juan, letter of, 1692 Russell, Charles, letter of, 4835 Russia, peace negotiations, 2737 Saavedra, Sec. Francisco de, abstract of com- munication from, 4666; convention, 2764; extracts of despatches to. 4648 Saavedra, Ruperto, letters of, 1058, 1060, 1065 Saenz Navarrete, Juan Bautista, letter of, 1641 ; memorial of, 1667 Saenz de Mercado, Alonso Sancho, despatch of, 1481 ; information relating to the life of, 1462 St. Andre, appointment of James Mackay as commandant of, 4682 St. Augustine, order of, 365 St. Augustine, Florida, 3380; account of the deplorable condition of the garrison, 1941 ; condition of the religious establishments of, 1942; convent at, testimonials from, 1850; garrison at, 1818; information con- cerning the abandoning of the garrison, 1387; memorial of the governor and royal officials of the garrison, 1654, story con- cerning the garrison, by Juan de Ibarra, 1415 ; story concerning the garrison, by Pedro Sanchez Grinan, 1980; testimony re- lating to the poverty of the English at, ^565 St. Charles, commissions in militia of, 788 St. Clair, Gen. Arthur, letter of, 3676; procla- mation, 4346 St. George's fort, draught of, by John Hunt, 276, 1422 St. Louis, Collot's plan for the defense of, 4594; council of war, 446; Cruzat's plan of, 2483 ; inventory of documents in civil archives of. 4707; list of militia officers, 557, 2649, 2650; memorial of the mechants, 884, 885, 4550, 4551 ; Pedro Vial's Journal of his voyage from Santa Fe to, 753; plans for the defense of, 903 ; plans, 546, 886, 4552; roster of militia companies, 555, 2647 Ste. Genevieve militia, 824, 4381 Salada, Nicolas, captain of the San Miguel, passport, 3547 364 Index Salamanca, Gov. Juan de, letter of, 1709 Salazar, Benito de, see Ruiz de Salazar, Benito, governor of Florida Salazar, Gov. Pablo de Hita, see Hita Salazar, Gov. Pablo de Salazar Ballecilla, Capt. Benito de, 1630; letter of, 1642; memorials of, 1640, 1649, 1650; petition of, 1643 Salcedo, Gov. Juan Manuel de, act relating to Bowles, 4859; council of war called by, 4832; decree by, 4897, edict by, 988; letters of, 995, 4814, 4824, 4833, 4838, 4840, 4848, 4861, 4873, 4874, 4880, 4883, 4902, 4904, 490S, 4907, 4935-4937, 4939, 4950, 5295; letters to, 983, 984, 989, 1003, 4828, 4829, 4834, 4837, 4842, 4852, 4867, 4871, 4877, 4878, 4882, 4892, 4893, 489s, 4896, 4900, 4914, 4925, 4951, 4962; transfer of Louisi- ana, 4930 Salcedo, Gov. Nemesio de, letters of, 4913, 4914 Saldivar, Vicente de, expedition of, 359, 378 Salinas, Juan de, governor of Florida, letters of, 1561-1563, 1566, 1567 Salinas, Pedro de, letter of, 1208 Salmon, Juan Manuel, Spanish consul in Morocco, letter of, 2999 Salvatierra, Juan Maria de, letter of, 395 San Agustin, see St. Augustine, Florida San Agustin del Tucson, garrison at, 2862 San Antonio, ship, 3331 San Antonio de Bexar, garrison at, 2861 San Bernardo, lake, 1873 ; chart of lake, 1880 San Bias, commissary of, letter to, 3937 San Buenaventura, prison of, 31 15 San Carlos, Texas, garrison of, letter from T. de Croix, 2155 San Carlos (de Barrancas), fort of, 2933; countersign, 4701 ; statement concerning the wounded and dead in defence of, 5266 Sanchez, Juan, declaration by, 1159 Sanchez, Capt. Sebastian, report of expedition of, 1961 Sanchez, see also Moral Sanchez, Gov. Fran- cisco del Sanchez Chamuscado, Francisco, entrance into New Mexico, 1233 Sanchez de Ulloa, Julian, letters of, 360, 1560 Sanchez Grinan Pedro, story of the garrison at St. Augustine and Apalache, 1980 San Christoval, memorial of the merchants of, 2667 Sanctos, Juan Francisco de los, petition of, 1774 San Diego, garrison at, 2866 ; reconnoissance of the port of, 1899 San Elezeario, garrison at, letter to, from T. de Croix, 2155 San Eustachio, 2658 San Francisco, convent, 1890; garrison at, 2867; royal order, 1269 San Joseph, Fray Marcelo de, letter of, 388 San Joseph de Matape, report on mission of, by Caietano Guerrero, 1970 San Juan Bautista de Puerto Rico, Ysla de, Historia GeograUca Civil y Natural de la, by Inigo Abbad y Lasierra, 570 San Juan de Ulua (or Lua), 1210 San Lucar, 1210 San Marcos de Apalache, concerning the re- conquest of, 4782; description of the port of, 4604 ; expedition to, 2463 ; fort of, cap- itulation, 4757 San Martin, mines, 214 San Mateo, fort of, letter relating to the loss of, 1 174 San Maxent, order by, 5227 San Miguel, Francisco de, 2933; letter of, 255 San Miguel, ship, 3547 San Phelipe de Placaminas, fort of, 4339; see also Placaminas San Sabas, garrison of, letter to, from T. de Croix, 215s ; presidio, 2359 Santa Barbara, 219; garrison at, 2865; mines, 214, 217 Santa Barbola, see Santa Barbara Santa Clara, Conde de, letter of, 4643 ; letters to, 907, 4618, 4641, 4642, 4658, 4659 Santa Cruz, Pedro Beltran de, letter of, 1680 Santa Elena, Florida, 1993; cape of. 1162; ex- pedition to the province of, 1126; fort of, destruction, 1201 ; fort of, expedition to re- pair, 1205; petition for men to repair fort, 1206; religions of Custodia, letter of, 1520 Santa Fe (Bogota), viceroy of, letter of, 3329; letters to 3423, 3424; license, 3325; pass- port to Salvador de los Monteros, 3326 Santa Fe, N. M., Pedro Vial's Journal of voy- age from, to St. Louis, 753 Santa Maria, Fray Domingo de, letters of, 102, "5 . Santa Maria, bay of, description by Galve, 1883 ^ Santa Maria de la Encina, ship, mo Santa Rosa, Valle de, 2357; instructions re- lating to, 4699 Santander, Juan de, letter of, 1599 Santander, Dr. Pedro de, letter of, 114 Santiago, Cuba, 183; secular cabildo of, letters, 49, 60, 62, 90 Santiago, ship, 473, 481, 491 Santiago de la Monclova, 2352, 2357, 2369 Santo Domingo, Audiencia of, decree, 21 ; letter to, 1091 Sarmiento, Antonio de Oca, see Oca Sar- miento, Antonio de Sarmiento, Bp. Diego de, letters of, 62, 112 Sarmiento de Acuna, Ambassador Diego, letters of. 350, 352, 353, 356, 357, 1536- 1539, 1548, 1553; letters to, 348, 351, 354, 355, 1534, 1540, 1541 Sarmiento y Sotomayer, Garcia, letter of, 372 Sauiotte, Marques de, letter to, 94 Saunders, Joseph, letter of, 3278 Schuyler, P. P., letter of, 5120; letter to, 5122 Seaman, James, master shipbuilder, agree- ment with Gardoqui, 3576 Sebastian, Benjamin, letters of, 712, 3912 " Secretario, Sehor," letter to, 1690 Segura, Juan Bautista de, letter of, 1178 Seminole chiefs, letter to, 5190; letters of, 5186, 5189 Index 365 Senators, list of, 3585 Serra, Fray Junipero de, letters of, 474, 482, 2315, 2337 Servan, conference with, 873 Sevier, Gov. John, letter of, 3723; letter to, .3641 Seville, decree to president, etc., of, 1296; letters to royal officials, 1095, iiiS; royal order to president and officials, 1255 Sharp, Joseph, 5161 Shawnees, treaty with U. S., 3170 Shays's rebellion, account of, 3410 Siebert, Philip, 3281 Sierra, Eugenio Antonio, surgeon, certification by, 4756 Siguenza y Gongora, Carlos de, letters of, 1875, 1885 ; memorial, 1895 Silva, Guzman de, see Guzman de Silva Silva, Juan de, letter to, 1204 ; reply of council to, 1284 Siman, Daniel, letter of, 2632 Sinaloa, province of, plan for the government of. 1996 Situado, decree concerning the, 1588 Sivola, see Cibola Slavery, 5331 Slaves, decree relating to, 404; fugitive, 4036 Smallwood, Gen. William, letters of, 2638, 2643 Smith, Gen. Daniel, letters to, 692, 3820 Smith, Melancthon, 3586 Solano, Notary Alonso, attestation concerning fortifications, 1870 Soldiers, decree regarding pay of, 1190; speech to, 2521 Soler, Minister Miguel Cayetano, despatches, extracts, notes, etc., 4648, 4672, 4879, 5054 ; letters of, 929, 1007, 1014, 4847, 4855; letters to, 941, 948, 4680, 4787, 4821, 4901, 4903, 4931, 4942, 5143 Solis de Meras, Gonzalo, memorial, 171 Someruelos, Marques de, governor of Cuba, letters of, 1032, 4792, 4862, 4872, 4877, 4881, 4895, 4896, 4910, 4945, 5022, 5109, 5137, 5155, S171. 5229; letters to, 1016, 1030, 1031, 3441, 4723, 4758, 4793, 4804, 4814, 4824, 4833, 4838, 4848, 4861, 4869, 4873, 4874, 4876, 4883, 4904, 4936, 4938, son, 5017, 5126, 5151, 5170, 5177; memorial, 5179; see also Cuba, governor of Somosa, Antonio de, letter of, 1773 Sonora, description of, 1943 ; despatch con- cerning, 21 17; history of, 1887; instruc- tions relating to the establishment of a government, etc., in, 1904; military report, 2212; orders concerning reconnoissance of the frontier, 2509; plan for the govern- ment of, 1996 Sosa, Alvaro de, letter of, 11 19 Soto, Gov. Hernando de, 96, 97, 1096; agree- ment relating to the conquest and settle- ment in Florida, 44; decree, 79; lawsuit, 86; letters of, 41, 60; will of, 58 Soto, Jose de, letter to, 5214 Sotolongo, Licentiate Francisco de, curate of the church in Florida, letter of, 1750 Sotolongo, Fray Marcos de, letter of, 1913 Soulard, Antonio, 914; attestation by Howard of the services of, 4638; letters of, 980, 4884 ; letters to, 982, 4891 ; petitions, 994, 996, 4933, 4940 South, Dept. of, letter of militia officer, 2600 South Carolina, governor of, message, 3199 South Carolina, 2484, 2676; boundary of, 2990; notices to Congress, 2570; Yazoo Company of, 3909 South Sea, 34-36, 78, 95, 370 Spain, ambassador of, response to propositions of, 2813 Spain, king of, decree, 727; letters to, no, in, 3S0I Spain, secretary of state, letters to, 971, 1074, 4809, 5313, 5326, 5329 Spain, 5176; appropriation to carry on negotia- tions with, 4888; conventions, 644, 977, 1075 ; court of, confidential declaration, 2350; memorials, 718, 1169. 2205; oaths of allegiance, 708, 772, 3905, 4245; poHtical relations, etc., with the government of the United States, 1048; preliminary articles concerning negotiations with England and France, 2498; preliminary articles of peace with Great Britain, 573; preliminary treaty of peace with Indian chiefs, 4864; sur- render of East Florida, 1072 ; treaties, 396, 397, 399, 427, 2897; treaty of alliance with France, 2394; treaties with the United States, 879, 1067, 1068, 4536, 5330? treaty with England, 1036, 3989; treaty with France, 966, 969; treaty with the Ala- bamans, 2893; treaty with the Chicka- saws, 2892, 4139, 4514; treaty with the Indians, 805, 4266; treaty with the Tala- puches, 2888; see also New Spain Spaniards, address to, 2377 Spanish Admiral, letter to, 5133 Spanish agents, letters to, 801, 4328 Spanish Council of State, report, 285 Spanish court, communication from, 2373 ; letter to, 3041 Spanish fort, plan showing site, 4671 Spanish ministers, council of, 4004; letters of, 4,801, 4839, 4923 ; letters to, 787, 4284, 5274 Spanish officials, letters to, 2999, 3320, 3954, 4037, 4722, 5033 ; see also, Dubreuil, Jacobo Spanish provinces in America, 968 Spanish ships, provisions on, 3479 Spanoqui, Tiburcio, letter of, 1380 Spes, Ambassador Guerau de, letter from, 178 Spiritu Santo, Texas, bay of, map of the, 1933 State, Minister of, letter of, 4948; letter to, 5251; order to the Minister of War, 2426; resolution of, 4922 State, Secretary of, letters to, 4781, 5273, 5282 Steele, Andrew, letter of, 5173 Stephenson, John, letters of, 2178, 2185, 2187; letters to, 2175, 2179, 2186, 2191 Steuben, Baron von, growth of the west, 3635 Stiggins, John, letter of, 44^ Stoughton, Thomas, Spanish consul in New York, letter of, 5065-5067 366 Index Stuard, Carlos, letter to, 2466 Stuart, Henry, Indian agent, letter of, 2274 Suarez, Francisco, letter to, 1558 Suarez de Peralta, Juan, treatise relating to the discovery and customs of the Indians, 228 Sullivan, Gov. John, letters of, 2620, 2626, 3415, 3539 Sumpter, Col. Thomas, letter of, 2546 Supplies, 3756; inventory of, 3420 Surveys, account of, by Spanish and Ameri- cans, 4741 Sylphe, frigate, 2263 Tala, Felix, letter to, 5205 Talamanes y Baeza, Fray Melchor, letter of, 5147 Talapuches, letter to chiefs, 4880 ; rates of com- merce with, 2889; trade with, 577, 2887; treaty with, 2947; treaty with Spain, 2888 Taliaferro, John, letter to, 2752 Tambecbe, 4488, see also Tombebe Tampico, military commander of, letter to, 5256 Tanucci, Marchese, letters to, 424. 425 Tardiveau, Bartolome, letters of, 747, 3795, 3796, 4152, 4413 ; memorial, 840 Tardiveau, et als., contract for flour mills, 774; contract with Carondelet, 4249 Tariff, 3597 Tarleton, Col. Banastre, letter of, 2742 Taybo, Pedro, letter to, 1892 Tecoripa de San Francisco de Borja, report on mission of, by Phelipe Saganer, 1969 Teguayo, 382 Tejada, Licentiate, letter of, 1107 Tejas, notices concerning, 1922 ; various ex- tracts concerning expedition in the prov- ince of, 1921 Temple, Sir John, consul-general for England, 3123 Texas, governor of, letter to, 5254 Texas, concerning business in, 2850, 2853 ; con- clusion of the fiscal concerning, 1920; de- scription of, 1903 ; maps of garrison, 1929- 1932; military report, 221 1 Thompson, Capt. William, freight contract, 3200 Thomson, Charles, Sec. of Congress, letter of, 2335 Tiffin, Edward, governor of Ohio, message, 5111 Timucua, chief mayor of, 1469 Tithes, 479 Tombebe, 3823 ; see also Tambecbe Topiame, 127 Toral, Fray Francisco de, letters of, 116, 172, 173 Torre, Marques de la, see La Torre, Marques de Torrenueva, Marques de, letters to, 1956, 1957, i960, 1963 Torres, Bp. Marcos de, viceroy of Mexico, decree by, 1676 Tortosa, Cardinal de, letter to, 14 Toulmin, Harry, letter of, 5191 Traders, orders to, 2002 Trading Company, articles of incorporation, 832 Traggia, Joaquin, index of the collection of manuscripts pertaining to the Historia de Indias, 4691 Treasury, Secretary of the, letter to, 5327 Treasury Department, 5236 Treaties, see names of countries and subjects Trebino, see Trevino Trevino, Felipe, letters of, 587, 596, 599; letters to, 582, 585, 589 Trevino Guillamas, Juan de, governor of Florida, certificate of, 1552; letters of, 1543. 1547, 1550 Troops, 2190 Trudeau, Carlos, 4052 Trudeau, Felix, letter to, 4797 Trudeau, Zenon, commandant of St. Louis, certification by, 859, 4456; documents, 950; letters of, 736, 750, 751, 754, 755, 779, 786, 792, 795, 836, 930, 4091, 4162, 4163, 4183, 4187, 4197, 4260, 427s, 4310, 4316, 4409, 4665, 4785 ; letters to, 7^7, 740, 744, 757, 768, 844, 871, 872, 891, 901, 942, 4098, 4126, 4143, 421 1, 4238, 4390, 4419, 4517, 4518, 4565, 4584, 4681 ; list of documents delivered to Hault de Lassus, 4705; permits, 831, 4401; peti- tion, 828 ; report, 925 ; report concerning settlements of the Illinois country, 4650 Trumbull, Gov. Jonathan, letter to, 2627 Truteau (Trudeau?), Jean Baptiste, instruc- tions, 841, 4414 TurnbuU and Co., letter to, 688 Turreau, Gen., envoy, letter of, 5070; letters to, 5069, 5073 Ugalde, Juan, letter of, 2308; letter to, 2374 Ugarte, Thomas de, letter of, 3359; letters to, 3358, 3361 Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo, governor of Coahuila, instructions, 2154; letter to, 2153; orders concerning reconnoissance of the Sonora frontier, 2509 Ugula Yacabe, Chickasaw cliief, letters of, 822, 4377 Ulloa, Gov. Antonio de, conspiracy agamst, 439; instructions, 431, 432; instructions re- lating to the building of two forts on the Missouri River, 1989; instructions relating to the expedition to Illinois, 1990; letters of, 435, 738, 1998-2000; letters to, 442, 1991, 1992, 2007 Ulloa, Francisco de, captain of the fleet of the Marques del Valle, 66 Ulloa, Julian Sanchez de, see Sanchez de Ulloa, Julian Uliia, San Juan de, see San Juan de Ulua United States, army, resolutions of, 2593; boundaries, map, 1062; convention, 977; convention with Spain, 1075 ; journals of the provinces of, 2551 ; map showing anci- ent boundaries, 5308; negotiations with, 1064; political relations, etc., with Spain, 1048; treaty with, 3313, 3397; treaty with France, 987; treaty with Spain, 1067, 1068; treaty with Spain relating to navigation, Index 367 879; treaty with Spain relating to com- merce and navigation, 4536; treaty \yith the Cherokees, 3122; treaty with the Chick- asaws, 3154; treaty with the Choctaws, 3152; treaty with the Shawnees, 3170 United States Gazette, letter to, 5061 Unzaga y Amezaga, Gov. Luis de, commission of, 465 ; decree regarding measurements of lands, 2074; letters of, 463, 469, 471, 472, 487, 2038, 2047, 2053, 2054, 2066, 2102, 2103, 2105 ; letters to, 460, 476, 480, 483, 486, 489, 492, 2031, 2052, 2060, 2062, 2065, 2070, 2075, 2091, 21 12; questions pro- pounded by George Gibson, 2076 Upper Louisiana, see Louisiana, Upper Urquijo, Minister Mariano Luis de, letters of, 934, 962, 4673, 4739; letters to, 961, 967, 4790, 4791 ; official despatch, 931, 4668 Urrize, Ignacio, intendant at Havana, letter of, 2950 Ursulines, 2903 Vaca, see Cabeza de Vaca Valdcrrama. Licentiate, letter of, 131 Valdes, Minister Antonio, letters of, 3395, 3521, 3535. 3684, 371S, 3907, 3910, 3917, 3927; letters to, 660, 662, 664, 665, 668, 676, 686, 69s, 715, 2816, 2909, 2973, 2974, 3507, 3510, 3519, 3595, 3596, 3619, 3629, 3667, 3668, 3681, 3704, 3713, 3714, 3761, 3763, 3776, 3786, 3810, 2^z2, 3834, 3872, 3876, 3888, 3898, 3906, 3923, 3930, 3939, 3958, 3966, 3978 Valdes, Pedro de, letter of, 260; letters to, 1446, 1447 Valero, Marques de, letter to, 1926 Valesco, A. de, letters to, 1505-1507, 1510, 1521, 1524, 1525, I 527- I 529, 1531, 1535 Valle, Conde del, opinion on discovery of Cali- fornia, 1602 Valle, Marques del, see Cortes, Hernando Valle, Francois, letters of, 749, 765-767, 769, 789, 4160. 4229, 4235, 4236, 4241, 4297 Valverde, Fray Miguel de, certification relat- ing to conduct of Capt. Juan Hernandez de Florencia, 1786 Vara Calderon, Gabriel Diaz, see Diaz Vara Calderon, Gabriel, bishop of Cuba, letters of, 1791, 1792 Varela, Joseph, letters of, 442, 2007 Varela y Ulloa, Pedro, letters to, 920, 4643 Vargas Machuca, Bernardo de, eulogies on western conquests by, 334 Varinas, Marques de, epitome on the destruc- tion of America, 384; relating to abuses of the Indians, ^77, 181 1 Vasquez, Alonzo, memorial by, 123 Vasquez, Benito, commission, 576, 2875 Vasquez de Ayllon, Lucas, decrees, 19, 1083; discoveries of, 1084-1086; information re- lating to a fleet dispatched to Florida, 1093 ; letter of, 10; memorial regarding the dis- covery of Florida, 1144; petition of, 25 Vasquez de Coronado, Francisco, 68; dis- covery of Cibola, 93; letters of, 54, 56, 77, 89, 1098, iioo; story of journey of discovery of Cibola, 91 Vaughan, Gen. Sir John, memorial, 2657 Vazquez, Sec. Mateo, letter to, 1209 Vega Castro y Pardo, Gov. Damian de, decree addressed to, 1635; letters of, 1631, 1652, 165s, 1658 Vegas, Diego de, letters of, 4459, 4469; letters to, 4449, 45 IS Velasco, Ambassador Alonso de, advertise- ments from, 340; letters concerning matters in Virginia, 1488; letters of, 311, 313, 315, 318, 319. 321, Z22,^ 325, 326, 330, 332, ZZ7, 344, 346, 347, 11 15. 1122, 1129, I 131, I 132, 1343, 1485. 1487, 1489, 1492, 1495, 1498, 1500, 1502, 1504, 1508. 1511, 1523. 1530, 1532, 1533; letters to, 320, 324, 327-329, 331. 336, 338, 339, 341, 342, 345, 349, 1497, 1501, 1505-1507, 1510, 1521, 1524, 1525, 1527-1529, 1531, 1535 Velasco, Viceroy Luis de, the elder, Conde de Santiago, 11 26; letters of, 117, 119, 122, 127, 231, 232 Velasco, Viceroy Luis de, the younger, Mar- ques de Salinas, letters of, 231, 232 Velasco, Pedro de, letters of, 1545, I55i Velasco, see also Lopez de Velasco, Juan Velazquez, Diego, lawsuit, 9 Velazquez, Sancho, 9 Velez Escalante, Fray Silvestre, diary concern- ing new discoveries in New Mexico, 2096; letter of, 524 Venavides, see Benavides, Fray Alonso de Ventura, Conde, letter to, 709 Ventura Morales, Juan, see Morales, Juan Ventura Veracruz, provisional governor of, letter to, 5256 Vereux de Lacy, Juan de, letters of, 4816, 4819, 4846; letters to, 4818, 4820 Vergennes, Comte de, letters of, 2068, 2087, 2089, 2090, 21 1 1, 2120, 2134, 2138, 2147, 2283, 2312, 2351, 2382, 2384, 2412, 2811; letters to, 500, 2181, 2282, 2372, 2392, 2406 Vermejo, Fray Pedro, letter to, concerning the conduct of a Franciscan monk, 1393; testi- mony in a letter to, 1397 Vial, Pedro, instructions, 745, 4^44; Journal, 753, 4184 Viana, Francisco Jose, instructions, 675, 3750 Viar, Jose Ignacio de, letters of, 802, 4078, 4079, 4084, 4270, 4271, 4281, 4286, 4291, 4309, 4329; letters to, 791, 793, 4277, 43i2 Vicente, Juan, letter to, 3969 Vicente Cota, see Cota, Vicente Vidal, Jose, letters of, 965, 4789, 4795-4798, 4800 Vigilante, ship, 4494; instructions, 5119 Vilemont, Col. Carlos de, commandant at Pen- sacola, 1983 Villafane, Gen. Angel de, journey in Florida, 1 136; reconnoissance made on the coast of Florida, 1135 Villamanrique, Marques de, viceroy of Mexico, agreement made relating to the discovery and settlement of New Mexico, 229; de- cree to, 1262; letter of, 1226 368 Index Villebeuvre, Juan de la, see La Villebeuvre, Juan de Villegas, Andres Rodriguez, governor of Florida, decree to, 1584; letters of, 1600, 1601 Villiers, Commandant Baltasar dc, 2631 Virginia, 280, 1425, 2656, 2690; broadside, 297; chart of, 1428; colonizing of, 294; con- ference of the Council of State concerning matters in, 1488; Council of, resolutions, 3414; description of, 284; letter relative to, 1440; news from, 2697; reconnoissance of the coast of, 1215; remonstrances made by the general council, 2587; report on, 312 ; resolutions relating to the Mississippi, 3372; Velasco's report on, 314; Yazoo Company of, 3909 Virginia Committee of Safety, 2092 Virginia House of Delegates, Journal of, ex- tracts from, 3561 Virginia Journal, extract, 3634 Vizcaino, Gen. Sebastian, 254; agreement with, concerning journey for the discovery of California, 1281 ; letters of, 244, 256, 258, 259; story relating to the journey to Cali- fornia, 243 Walker, J., letters of, 4869, 4876; letters to, 4872, 4881 Wall, Minister Ricardo, letters of, 414, 417, 418, 421, 422, 424, 425; letters to, 407, 412, 413, 415 Wanton, J., letter to, 2632 War, Secretary of, letter to, 3288 War Department, letter to, 5131 Warships, French and American, order con- cerning reception of, 2422 Washington, George, 2543; arrival at New York, 3821; inauguration, 3827; letter written by an officer of, 2581 ; letters of, 536, 547, 2602, 2612, 2625, 2644, 2662, 2667; letters to, 2580, 2684, 2703 ; list of dead in the action of Aug. 15-18, 1780, from Gen. Gates, 2561 ; message to Congress, 3913; proclamation, 4387 Washington, Thomas, letter of, 3886 Washington, military commander of, letter to, 5216 Washita River, 4574 Wayne, Maj.-Gen. Anthony, instructions to commander at Fort Massac, 4403 ; letter of, 4528 Webb, G., senator, letter to, 2766 West, Internal provinces of the, letter to gen- eral in chief of, 5255 West Florida, 2270; cost of defences for, 4362, 4363 ; forts and barracks of, 4253, 4361 ; four battalions for the defence of, 4364; petition of inhabitants, 5177; plan against, 4886; provisional commandant, letter to, 521S West Indies, 380 ; discoveries, etc., in, 371 ; memorial relating to, by Juan Diez de la Calle, 373; royal orders of Philip V. con- cerning, 1977; treaty relating to war be- tween Spain and the, 1124 Western country, letter to magistrates in the, 3440 Weymouth, Viscount, Sec. of State, letters of, 2427, 2428 Whelan, Rev. Charles, letter of, 3437 White, Gov. Henry, act regarding Bowles, 4719; edict by, 991; letters of, 895, 1016, 4446, 4723, 4793 ; letters to, 997, 4100, 4102, 41 1 1, 4331, 4469; passport, 4694 White, James, superintendent of Indian aflfairs, 3323; letter to, 3490; letters of, 690, 3817 Wilkinson, Gen. James, aflfairs of, 4547; letters of, 651, 663, 681, 682, 706, 711, 713, 1027, 3587, 3652, 3785, 3792, 3798, 391 1, 3914, 3918, 4379, 4961, 51 15, 5124, 5141, 5145, 5164, 5166, 5168; letters to, 691, 712, 3819, 3912, 3925, 5144, 5148, 5165, 5167, 5169; memorials, 653, 677, 705 ; petition, 3781 ; withdrawal from Texas, 51 10 William I., Prince of Orange, 1183 William Henry, Prince, Duke of Clarence, letter of, 2825; letter to, 2823 Williams, Robert, letters of, 5034, 5045, 5051, 5053, 5055. 5088; letters to, 5032, 5047, 5052, 5057, 5084, 5089 Wooley, letter of, 3651 Wooster, Thomas, letter of, 3904 Wyllys, Maj. John P., letter to, 3648 Ximenez, Juan, 11 12 Yacabe, Ugula, see Ugula Yacabe Yazoo Companies, South Carolina and Vir- ginia, 3909 Yazoo district, land companies in, 3916 Yberville, see Iberville Ygnacio, P. Custodio Fr. Martin, itinerary of, 222 Yrujo, see Casa Irujo Zagache, Capt. Francisco de, finances of, 1671 Zarate Salmeron, Geronimo de, story concern- ing aflfairs in New Mexico, i597 Zayas, letter to, 195 Zespedes, see Cespedes, Gov. Vicente Manuel de Zigarroa, Salvador de, memorial of, 1717 Zumarraga, Bp. Juan de, letters of, 40, 63, 74 Ziiniga, Mauricio de, letter of, 5217; letter to, 5224 Ziiiiiga, Ambassador Don Pedro de. Marques de Flores, aflfairs in Virginia, 1425 ; com- munication and letter relating to Virginia, 280, 1440 ; letters of, 261, 265, 267, 270, 271, 273-275, 278, 281, 282, 286, 288, 290, 292, 29s, 296, 298-300, 302, 304-307, 309, 310, 333, 335, 1402, 1408, 1410, 1414, 1417, 1419- 1421, 1423, 1427, 1443, 1448, 1454, 1456, 1459, 1461, 1465, 1467, 1468, 1472, 1475, 1478-1480, 1483, 1484, 1513, 1514; letters to, 266, 269, 272, 279, 289, 291, 301, 303, 1409, 1413, 1418, 1424, 1444, 1450, 1455, 1471, 1473 Ziiniga y Cerda, Gov. Joseph de, letters of, 1907, 1909-1912, 1914, 1915 I^^^*^- yy-i-* ' M ^^'^'^^s^'^i^ ^^^' '^W^^i -T-^f^^^^^^^^"%^W^^