Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 LAWS IN FOECE RELATING TO THE STATE LIBRARY Some Laws for the Benefit of* Free Public Libraries. CONCORD, N. H.: EDWARD N. PEARSON, PUBLIC PRINTER. 18 9 4 . PRINTED BY THE REPUBLICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION, CONCORD, N. H. I s ^ Yy IZ ozi.siz 4 11 LAWS I1ST FOECE RELATING TO THE NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY, FREE PUBLIC LIBRARIES, ETC. PUBLIC STATUTES, 1891, CHAPTER 8. A U THE STATE AND OTHER PUBLIC LI- BRARIES. Section 1. State library, for whose use, and when open. 2. Library, control of. 3. Trustees, appointment, removal, and tenure of office of. 4. Trustees, duties of. 5. Books, etc., to be purchased for library. 6. Trustees to designate who shall receive state publications in ex- change. 7. May suspend such benefits, when. 8. Surplus books or publications may be sold by trustees. 9. Rare pamphlets, reprints of, authorized. 10. Examination of library by trustees semi-annually. 11. Trustees to make report to legisla- ture biennially. 12. Librarian, duties of. 13. Cataloguing of books and record of prices. I Section 14. Record of books fallen from li- brary. 15. Missing books to be recovered or paid for by librarian. I 16. Books, by whom taken, and under what regulations. 17. Books to be taken only by delivery of librarian. 18. School catalogues to be sent to library. 19. Three thousand dollars annually appropriated. ******** FREE PUBLIC LIBRARIES. 21. Library commissioners, appoint- ment and tenure of office. 22. Their duties. 23. Same subject. 24. Towns, when entitled to benefits. 25. What aid to furnish. 26. Incidental expenses of commis- sioners provided for. THE STATE LIBRARY. Section i. A state library shall be maintained in some place provided therefor by the state, for the use of the governor and council, officers of the state government, the legislature and the clerks thereof, the judges of the supreme court, and such other 4 NEW II AMES FIIK E persons as the trustees may determine. It shall be kept open every day, except Sundays and holidays. Sect. 2. The library shall be under the management and con- trol of three trustees, who shall serve without compensation other than actual expenses incurred in the performance of their duties. Sect. o. They shall be appointed and may be removed by the governor, with the advice of the council. One trustee shall be appointed annually, and shall hold office for three years unless sooner removed. Any vacancy shall be tilled by the appointment of a trustee for the unexpired term. Sect. 4. They shall make all purchases of books and sub- scriptions for periodicals for the library; make all necessary rules and regulations for its management and see that the same are enforced ; appoint a librarian, fix his compensation, and define his duties except so far as the same are prescribed by law. Sect. 5. They shall procure for the library full sets of the statutes and law reports of the United States and of the several states ; histories, including those of the counties and towns of this state whenever published ; maps, charts, works on agri- culture, political economy, the arts and natural sciences ; copies of state papers and publications relating to the material, social, and religious conditions of the people or bearing upon the busi- ness and objects of legislation ; and such other works as they may deem suitable, works of fiction excepted. Sect. 6 . They may designate states, governments, institu- tions, libraries, officials, and persons to be the recipients of the publications of this state whenever they shall find that by exchange or otherwise it will be to the advantage of the state library. Sect. 7. Whenever it shall be found by the trustees of the state library that any state, government, department of govern- ment, institution, or official to whom any or all of the publica- tions of this state are sent, is not making fair or reasonable return to the state library of this state of its publications or other matter which is the subject of exchange, the trustees may suspend such delinquents from the benefits of receiving all or LIBRARY LAWS. iiny specified part of the publications of this state for such time as they may deem advisable. Sect. 8. They may dispose of the surplus state and other publications deposited from time to time in the state library, and of such other books, pamphlets, charts, and documents as are unnecessary for the uses of the library, and use the proceeds thereof for its benefit. Sect. 9. They may authorize the public printer to reprint a limited edition of pamphlets relating to official transactions and matters of public interest in this state that have been hereto- fore regularly published and have become rare, not exceeding reprints of ten originals in any one year. They may sell at cost and exchange for the benefit of the library such of the reprints as are not needed to complete its sets. Sect. 10. They shall at least twice each year examine care- fully into the condition of the library, ascertain what books, maps, charts, and papers are missing therefrom, furnish to the librarian a list thereof, and cause such list and a statement of the condition of the library to be entered upon their records. Sect. 11. The librarian shall file with the secretary of state, on or before the first day of October preceding each biennial session, a report to the legislature giving a detailed statement of the receipts and expenditures on account of the library, and separate lists of all books, maps, charts, and other documents lost, sold, purchased, and acquired by donation and exchange since the last report, and containing such recommendations and other matters as they may deem useful. Sect. 12. He shall be sworn and shall hold office during the pleasure of the trustees. He shall act as clerk of the trustees and make a record of their proceedings, which shall be kept at the library and be open to public inspection. Sect. 13. He shall, under the direction of the trustees, enter upon the catalogue all books belonging to the library, number, label, and arrange them, and make a record of the prices paid therefor. Sect. 14. He shall keep a record of each book, map, chart, or other document taken from the library, the name of the per- son taking it, the time when taken, and when returned. <; NKW HAMPSHIRE Sect. 15. lie shall cause all books, maps, charts, and other documents reported to him by the trustees as missing to be returned to the library within thirty days after such report, or pay the state the value thereof. Sect. 16. The governor, councilors, members, and clerks of the legislature, and the judges of the supreme court during the terms of court may take books from the library ; and the trus- tees may permit any persons to take books, maps, charts, and other documents from the library at any time for a period not exceeding twenty-four hours at a time, all subject to such reg- ulations and limitations as they may impose. Sect. 17. No book, map, chart, or other document shall be taken from the library without the delivery thereof by the libra- rian, nor until it has been entered by him upon a record kept for that purpose. Sect. 1