Books Useful to Teachers in the Decatur Public Library Compiled by Minnie A. Dill Decatur, Illinois January, 1911 Contents Education: history, dictionaries, bibliographies Theory and practice Educational psychology Kindergarten and primary grades Intermediate and higher education Special branches Moral education Physical and civic education Reports and yearbooks Periodicals Children’s reading: catalogs and lists TD* vs \ A Books for Teachers This list of books and periodicals in the Decatur Public Library on educational subjects is printed in the hope of making the material listed more available and useful to teachers. The list is merely suggestive and does not include all that the library con- tains on the subject. For other material consult the card catalog, the periodical and document indexes. An “R” prefixed to the call number indicates that the book is reference; “J” that the book is located in the children’s room. Every teacher in the city schools, public and private, is en- titled to draw six extra books for school use on the regular bor- rower’s card, subject to the usual rules. EDUCATION History, Dictionaries, Bibliographies Bardeen, G. W. Dictionary of educational biography. 1901. R923-B23 Boone, R. G. Education in the United States; its history from the earliest settlements. 1890. (International education series, v. 11.) 370-B64 Browning, Oscar. Introduction to the history of educational theories. 1892. (Educational library.) 370-B82 Butler, N. M., ed. Education in the United States; a series of monographs prepared for the United States exhibit at the Paris exposition, 1900. 2 v. 370-897E Compayre, Gabriel. Abelard and the origin and early history of universities. 1893. (Great educators.) 378-C73 Davidson, Thomas. Aristole and ancient educational ideals. 1892. (Great educators.) 370-D28A History of education. 1901. 370-D28 Rousseau and education according to nature. 1900. (Great educators.) 371-D28R De Garmo, Charles. Herbart and the Herbartians. 1895. (Great educators.) 371-D36 Fitch, Sir J. G. Thomas and Matthew Arnold, and their influence on English education. 1897. (Great educators.) 370-F55 Guimps, Roger de. Postalozzi, his life and work. 1890. (Inter- national education series, v. 14.) B-P43G Hinsdale, B. A. Horace Mann and the common school revival in the United States. 1898. (Great educators.) 370-H59 Hughes, Thomas. Loyola and the educational system of the Jesuits. 1901. (Great educators.) 377-H87 Illinois state teachers’ association. Our pilgrim fathers; a sym- posium, Springfield, 111., Dec. 28, 18D7. 1898. 370-1 L6 Johnson, Clifton. Country school in New England. 1893. 379-J62 3 Kemp, E. L. History of education. 1901. (Lippincott’s educa- tional series, v. 3.) 370-K32 Laurie, S. S. Rise and early constitution of universities, with a survey of mediaeval education. 1891. (International educa- tion series, v. 3.) 378-L37 Lexis, Wilhelm. General view of the history and organisation of public education in the German empire. 1904. R379-L59 Mahaffy, J. P. Old Greek education. 1882. (Education library.) 370-M27 Mann, Horace. Life and works. 1891. v. 2-5. 370-M31 Monroe, W. S. Bibliography of education. 1897. education series, v. 42.) (International R016.37-M75 Painter, F. V. N. History of education. 1891. education series, v. 2.) » (International 370-P16 Pinloche, Auguste. Pestalozzi and the foundation of the modern elementary school. 1901. (Great educators.) 371-P65 Quick, R. H. Essays on educational reformers. 1885. (Interna- tional education series, v. 17.) 370-Q4 Seattle — Public library. List of books for teachers. 1910. R016.37-Sel Seeley, Levi. History of education. 1904. 370-Se3 Sonnenschein, W. S. Cyclopaedia of education. 1892. R370-So5 U. S. — Education, Bureau of. Circulars of information, 1891-94. 1898-1900, 1902-03. 22 v. (Contributions to American educa- tional history.) 370-Un3C West, A. F. Alcuin and the rise of the Christian schools. 1892. (Great educators.) 370-W52 1 THEORY AND PRACTICE Aber, M. R. Ailing-. Experiment in education. 1897. 371-Ab3 Bagley, W. C. Educative process. 1905. 371-B14 Bain, Alexander. Education as a science. 1892. (International education series, v. 25.) 370-B16 Baldwin, Joseph. School management and school methods. 1897. (International education series, v. 40.) 371-B19 Briggs, L. R. School, college, and character. 1901. 370-B76 Butler, N. M. Meaning of education, and other essays and ad- dresses. 1898. 370-B97 Chancellor, W. E. Our schools; their administration and super- vision. 1904. 379-C36 4 De Garmo, Charles. Principals of secondary education. 1907. 375-D36 Draper, A. S. American education. 1909. 370-D79 Earhart, L. B. Teaching children to study. 1909. (Riverside educational monographs.) 371 -Ea7 Eliot, C. W. Educational reform; essays and addresses. 1898. 370- EL4 More money for the public schools. 1903. 379-EL4 Fitch, Sir J. G. Lectures on teaching. 1889. 371-F55 Forbush, W. B. Boy problem; a study in social pedagogy. 1901. 150-F54 Gayley, C. M. Idols of education. 1910. 370-G25 Gilbert, C. B. School and its life; a brief discussion of the principles of school management and organization. 1906. 371- G37 Gillette, J. M. Vocational education. 1910. 370-G44 Gregory, J. M. Seven laws of teaching. 1886. 371-G86 Guyau, J. M. Education and heredity; a study in sociology. 1891. (Contemporary science series.) 370-G99 Han us, P. H. Educational aims and educational values. 1899. 370-H19 Henderson, C. H. Education and the larger life. 1902. 370-H38 Hewett, E. C. Treatise on pedagogy. 1884. 371-H49 Hill, Thomas. True order of studies. 1889. 375-H55 Hinsdale, B. A. Art of study. 1900. 371-H59 Hopkins, Mrs. L. P. (S.) Spirit of the new education. 1892. 370- H 77 Howland, George. Practical hints for teachers of public schools. 1892. (International education series, v. 13.) 371-H84 Hughes, R. E. Making of citizens; a study in comparative edu- cation. 1902. (Contemporary science series.) 370-H87 International congress of education. Proceedings, World’s Co- lumbian exposition, Chicago, July 25-28, 1893. 1894. 370-1 n8 Jones, O. M., & others. Teaching children to study; the group system applied. 1909. 371-J73 Kennedy, John. School and the family; the ethics of school re- lations. 1878. 371-K37 Klemm, L. R. European schools. 1907. (International educa- tion series, v. 12.) 379-K67 5 Lewis, R. E. Educational conquest of the Par East. 1903. 379-L58 Me Murry, C. A. & F. M. Method of the recitation. 1897. 371-M22 McMurry, F. M. How to study and teaching how to study. 1909. 371-M223 MacVicar, Malcolm. Principles of education. 1892. 371-M25 National educational association. Report of committee on the relations of public libraries to public schools, at the meeting of the association, July 1898. 021-N21 Report of the Committee of fifteen on elementary education, with reports of the sub-committees: on the train- ing of teachers; on the correlation of studies in elementary education; on the organization of city school systems. 1895. 371-N21 Report of the Committee of ten on secondary school studies. 1893. 375-N21 O’Shea, M. V. Education as adjustment; educational theory viewed in the light of contemporary thought. 1903. 370-Os4 Page, D. P. Theory and practice of teaching. 1885. 371-P14 Payne, W. H. Contributions to the science of education. 1886. 370-P29 Education of teachers. 1901. 371-P29 Pestalozzi, J. H. Leonard and Gertrude. 1897. (Heath’s ped- agogical library.) 371-P43 Rein, William. Outline of pedagogics. 1893. 371-R27 Rice, J. M. Public-school system of the United States. 1893. 379-R36 Richter, J. P. F. Levana; or, the Doctrine of education. 1891. (Bohn’s standard library.) 370-R41 Roberts, R. D., ed. Education in the nineteenth century. 1901. 370-R54 Rosenkranz, J. K. F. Philosophy of education. 1892. (Interna- tional education series, v. 1.) 370-R72 Rousseau, J. J. Emile; or, Concerning education. 1891. (Edu- cational classics.) 370-R76 Schaeffer, N. C. Thinking and learning to think. 1901. Lin- pincott’s educational series.) 371-Schl Search, P. W. Ideal school. 1901. (International education series, v. 52.) 370-Sel i 6 Snedden, D. S. & Allen, W. H. School reports and school effic- ) iency. 1908. 379-Sn2 Spalding, J. L. Education and the higher life. 1891. 370-Spl Spencer, Herbert. Education: intellectual, moral, and physical. 1891. 370-Sp3 Super, C. W. Wisdom and will in education. 1902. 370-Su7 Thwing, C. F. Education in the Far East. 1909. 379-T42 Tompkins, Arnold. Philosophy of teaching. 1899. 371-T59 U. S. — Education, Bureau of. Bulletins, 1906 — date. R370-Un3B Wendell, Barrett. Mystery of education, and other academic per- formances. 1909. 814-W48M White, E. E. Art of teaching. 1901. 371-W58A Elements of pedagogy. 1886. 371-W58 You mans, E. L., ed. Culture demanded by modern life; ad- dresses on the claims of scientific education. 1891. 375-Y8 EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY Baldwin, J. M. Mental development in the child and the race; methods and processes. 1903. 150-B187M Social and ethical interpretations in mental de- velopment; a study in social psychology. 1902. 150-B187S Story of the mind. 1898. (Library of useful stories.) 150-B187 Baldwin, Joseph. Elementary psychology and education. 1889. (International education series, v. 6.) 150-B19 Groos, Karl. Play of man. 1901. 150-G89 Hall, G. S. Adolesence: its psychology and its relation to phys- iology, anthropology, sociology, sex, crime, religion, and edu- cation. 2 v. 1904. 150-H14 Youth; its education, regimen, and hygiene. 1906. 150-H14Y Condensed from the author’s Adolescence. Hal leek, R. P. Education of the central nervous system. 1902 150-H15 Harris, W. T. Psychologic foundations of education. 1898. (International education series, v. 37.) 150-H24 Hewett, E. C. Elements of psychology, designed especially for young teachers. 1889. (Eclectic educational series.) 150-H49 Hogan, Mrs. L. E. (S.) Study of a child. 1898. 150-H67 7 James, William. Principles of psychology. 2v. 1890. (Amer- ican science series; advanced series.) 150-J23 Talks to teachers. 1899. 150-J23T Kay, David. Memory, what it is and how to improve it. 1889. (International education series, v. 8.) 154-K18 King, H. C. Rational living; some practical inferences from modern psychology. 1905. 150-K58 Kirkpatrick, E. A. Fundamentals of child study. 1903. 150-K63 Miinsterberg, Hugo. Psychology and the teacher. 1909. 150-M92 150-Op5D (Personal 150-Op5 159-P29 150-P92 1898. 1902. Oppenheim, Nathan. Development of the child. Mental growth and control. problem library.) Payot, Jules. Education of the will. 1909. Preyer, T. W. Mind of the child. 2 v. 1890. Contents: — v. 1. Senses and the will, v. 2. Development of the intellect. Scripture, E. W. Thinking, feeling, doing. 1895. reading circle literature, 1895-96.) Shinn, M. W. Biography of a baby. 1900. 150-Sh6 Sully, James. Studies of childhood. 1896. 150-Su5 Swift, E. J. Mind in the making; a study in mental develop- ment. 1908. 150-Sw5 (Chautauqua 150-Scr9 Taylor, A. R. Study of the child; a brief treatise on the psy- chology of the child, with suggestions for teachers, students, and parents. 1898. (International education series, v. 43.) 150-T21 Tracy, Frederick. Psychology of childhood. 1897. (Heath’s pedagogical library.) 150-T67 KINDERGARTEN AND PRIMARY GRADES Allison, S. B. Story in primary instruction; sixteen stories and how to use them. 1902. 372- A L5 Blow, S. E. Letters to a mother on the philosophy of Froebel. 1899. (Internatiqnal education series, v. 45.) 372-B62 Bowen, H. C. Froebel and education by self-activity. 1893. (Great educators.) 372-B67 8 Bryant, S. C. How to tell stories to children. 1905. 372-B84 — Stories to tell to children. 1907. 372-B84S Fletcher, Horace. That last waif. 1903. 372-F63 A plea for the protection of children from vice and evil influ- ences, and for the extension of the kindergarten movement among the poor of great cities. Froebel, Friedrich. Education of man. 1892. (International education series, v. 5.) 372-F92E Mottoes and commentaries of Mother play. 1895. (International education series, v. 31.) 372-F92 Gordy, J. P. Broader elementary education. 1903. 372-G65 Gould, F. J. Conduct stories; a volume of stories for the moral instruction of children. 1910. 372-G73 Gregory, J. R. Practical suggestions for kindergarteners, pri- mary teachers, and mothers. 1895. +372-G86 Hail man, W. N. Law of childhood, and other papers. 1891. 372-H12 Harrison, Elizabeth. Study of child-nature from the kindergarten standpoint. 1892. 372-H24 Johnson, G. E. Education by plays and games. 1907. 371-J632 Keith, J. A. H. Elementary education, its problems and pro- cesses. 1905. 372-K26 Key, E. K. S. Education of the child. 1910 372-K52 Kilpatrick, Van Evrie. Departmental teaching in elementary schools. 1908. 371-K55 Kraus-Boelte, Maria & John. Kindergarten guide. 2 v. 1877-92. 372-K86 Lyman, Edna. Story telling, what to tell and how to tell it. 1910. 372-L98 Marenholtz-Biilow, Bertha- Child and child-nature. 1895. 372-M33 Hand work and head work: their relation to one another and the reform of education according to the princi- ples of Froebel. (Kindergarten manuals.) 372-M33H Poulsson, A. E. In the child’s world; morning talks and stories for kindergartens, primary schools, and homes. 1897. 372-P86I Riggs, Mrs. K. D. (S.) W. Children’s rights; a book of nursery logic. 1892. 372-R44C The kindergarten. 1893. (Distaff series.) 372-R44K Riggs, Mrs. K. D. (S.) W., & Smith, N. A. Republic of childhood. 3 v. 1895-1900. 372-R44R Contents: — v. 1. Froebel’s gifts. v. 2. Froebel’s occupations. v. 3. Kindergarten principles and practice. St. John, E. P. Stories and story-telling in moral and religious education. 1910. 372-Sa2 Smith, N. A. Children of the future. 1898. 372-Sm6 Tyler, J. M. Growth and education. 1907. 372-T97 Washburne, Mrs. M. F. Study of child life. 1907. (Library of home economics, v. 11.) 372-W27 Wiltse, S. E. Kindergarten stories and morning talks. 1901. 372-W71 K Place of the story in early education. 1892. 372-W71 INTERMEDIATE AND HIGHER EDUCATION Adams, O. F. Some famous American schools. 1903. 373-Ad 1 Baird, W. R. Baird’s manual of American college fraternities. 1905. R371-B16 Beers, H. A. Ways of Yale. 1895. 378-B39 Claghorn, K. H. College training for women. 1897. 376-C51 College year-book, 1896-97. R378-C68 Corbin, John. American at Oxford. 1902. 378-C81 Which college for the boy? 1908. 378-C81W Crawford, M. C. College girl of America, and the institutions which make her what she is. 1905. 376-C85 Four American universities: Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia. 1895. +378-F82 Great public schools: Eton, Harrow, Charterhouse, Cheltenham, Rugby, Clifton, Westminster, Marlborough, Haileybury, Win- chester. 379-G79 Harper, W. R. Trend in higher education. 1905. 378-H23 Hart, J. M. German universities. 1874. 378-H25 Hutton, Laurence. Literary landmarks of the Scottish universi- ties. 1904. 378-H97 Hyde, W. D. College man and the college woman. 1906. 378-H99 Jordan, D. S. Voice of the scholar, with other addresses on the J problems of higher education. 1903. 378-J76 Lange, Helene. Higher education of women in Europe. 1890. (International education series, v. 16.) 376-L26 , McCabe, L. R. American girl at college. 1893. 376-M13 Newman, J. H., card. Idea of a university defined and illustrat- ed. 1902. 378-N46 Paulsen, Friedrich. German universities, their character and his- torical development. 1895. 378-P28 Porter, Noah. American colleges and the American public. 1890. 378-P83 Sheldon, H. D. Student life and customs. 1901. (International education series, v. 51.) 378-Sh4 Smith, Goldwin. Oxford and her colleges. 1894. 378-Sm5 Thwing, C. F. American colleges, their students and work. 1883. 378-T42 College administration. 1900. 378-T42C Within college walls. 1893. 378-T42W Welch, L. S., & Camp, W. C. Yale: her campus, class-rooms, and athletics. 1899. 378-W44 SPECIAL BRANCHES American academy of political and social science. Industrial education. 1909. 371-Am3 American historical association. Study of history in schools; report of the Committee of seven. 1900. 907-Am3 Ashmore, S. G. Classics and modern training. 1905. 375-As3 Bailey, L. H. Nature-study idea; being an interpretation of the new school-movement to put the child in sympathy with na- ture. 1903. 507-B15 Bates, Arlo. Talks on the study of literature. 1898. 807-B31 Bevis, A. W. Course of practical lessons on hand and eye train- ing. 2 v. 1900-01. 371-B46 Briggs, T. H., & Coffman, L. D. Reading in public schools. 1908. 372-B76 Channing, Edward, & Hart, A. B. Guide to the study of Amer- ican history. 1897. 973-C36 Chubb, Percival. Teaching of English in the elementary and the j secondary schools. 1902. (Teachers’ professional library.) 420-C47 11 Colby, J. R. Literature and life in school. 1906. 807-C67 Corson, Hiram. Aims of literary study. 1895. 807-C81 Dopp, K. E. Place of industries in elementary education. 1903. 372-D72 Dow, A. W. Theory and practice of teaching art. 1908. 707-D75 Fling, F. M. Outline of historical method. 1899. 907-F64 Getchell, M. S. Study of medieval history by the library method, for high schools. 1898. R940-G33 Gordy, W. F., & Twichell, W. I. Pathfinder in American history. 1893. 973-G65 Gouin, Francois. Art of teaching and studying languages. 1892. 407-G72 Greene, M. L. Among school gardens. 1910. 635-G83 Ham, C. H. Mind and hand; manual training the chief factor in education. 1900. 371-H17M Haney, J. P., ed. Art education in the public schools of the United States. 1908. 707-H19 Han us, P. H. Beginnings in industrial education, and other educational discussions. 1908. 371 -H 19 Hapgood, O. C. School needlework. Pupil’s edition. 1892. 371-H21 School needlework. Teacher’s edition. 1893 371-H21T Hart, A. B., ed. Source-book of American history. 1906. 973-H25S Heffron, I. C. Lessons in chalk modeling; the new method of map drawing. 1903. 910.7-H36 Herrick, C. A. Meaning amd practice of commercial education. 1904. (Macmillan’s commercial series.) 650-H43 Heydrick, B. A. How to study literature. 1903. 807-H51 Hinsdale, B. A. How to study and teach history. 1894. (Inter- national education series, v. 25.) 907-H59 Teaching the language-arts: speech, reading, and composition. 1899. (International education series, v. 34.) 407-H59 Hix, Melvin. Fifty classics briefly outlined. 1905. 820.7-H64 Hodge, C. F. Nature study and life. 1902. 507-H66 l 12 Holton, M. A., & Rollins, A. F. Industrial work for public schools. 1904. 371-H74 J Hopkins, Mrs. L. P. (S.) Handbook of the earth; natural methods in geography. 1883. 9 1 0.7- H 77 Howe, E. G. Advanced elementary science; being part 2 of Systematic science teaching. 1900. (International educa- j tion series, v. 48.) 507-H83A Systematic science teaching. 1899. (Interna- tional education series, v. 27.) 507-H83 Hughes, J. L. Teaching to read. 1909. 372-H87 Huxley, T. H. Science and education. 1894. (Collected essays, v. 3.) 370-H98 Jackman, W. S. Nature study for the common schools. 1894. 507-J12 Johnson, C. F. Progressive lessons in the art and practice of needle needlework. 1904. 371-J63 Kilbon, G. B. Knife work in the school-room. 1891. 371-K548 Manual training; elementary woodwork. 1893. 694-K55 Knapp, E. S. Raphia and reed weaving, also cardboard and paper construction. 1901. 371-K72 Laurie, S. S. Lectures on language and linguistic method in the school. 1903. 407-L37 Mace, W. H. Method in history for teachers and students. 1897. 907-MI 5 McMurry, C. A. Special method in language in the eight grades. 1905 372-M22L Special method in primary reading and oral work with stories. 1903. 372- M22 Miinsterberg, Hugo. Principles of art education. 1905. 707-M92 Parker, F. W. How to study geography. 1890. (International education series, v. 10.) 910.7-P22 Pattee, F. L. Reading courses in American literature. 1897. 810-P27 Ricks, George. Manual training; woodwork. 1898. 694-R42 Shaffer, Mrs. V. C. How to remember history. 1890. 907-Shl Smith, R. M., comp. Constructive work in cardboard and paper. 1900. 371-Sm6 U. S. — Education, Bureau of. Art and industry; education in the industrial and fine arts in the United States, v. 2-4. 1885-98. i R371-Un3 13 U. 3. — Experiment stations, Office of. Forestry in nature study. 1909. (Special circular.) 582-Un3 U. S. — Labor, Bureau of. Industrial education. (In Annual re- \ port, y. 8, 1892.) R331-Un Trade and technical education. (In Annual report, * v. 17, 1902.) R331-Un Wheeler, C. C. Woodworking for beginners. 1900. 694-W56 * Wilson, Mrs. L. L. (W) Nature study in elementary schools. 1898. 507-W69 Winchester, C. T. Five short courses of reading in English literature. 1900. 820.7-W72 Woodward, C. M. Manual training in education. 1890. (Con- temporary science series.) 371-W87 MORAL EDUCATION Abbott, Jacob. Gentle measures in the management and training of the young. 1871. 173-Ab2 Adler, Felix. Moral instruction of children. 1892. (Interna- tional education series, v. 21.) 377-Ad5 Coe, G. A. Education in religion and morals. 1904. 377-C65 Griggs, E. H. Moral education. 1904. 377-G87 Larned, J. N. Primer of right and wrong. 1902. 170-L32P MacCunn, John. Making of character; some educational as- pects of ethics. 1900. (Cambridge series.) 17Q-M13 Trumbull, H. C. Hints on child-training. 1896. 173-H77 PHYSICAL AND CIVIC EDUCATION Allen, W. H. Civics and health. 1909. 614-AL5 Burbank, Luther. Training of the human plant. 1907. 613-B89 Dole, C. F. American citizen. 1891. 307-D68 Hadley, A. T. Education of the American citizen. 1901. 307-H11 Jenks, J. W. Citizenship and the schools. 1906. 370-J42 Richards, Mrs. E. H. (S.) Euthenics; the science of controllable environment. 1910. 614-R39 & Talbot, Marion. Food as a factor in student life. 1894 613-R38F Sargent, D. A. Physical education. 1906. 613-Sa7 14 REPORTS AND YEAR BOOKS Decatur, III. — Education, Board of. Annual reports, 27th-date. 4 1892-date. R379.773-D Illinois — Educational commission. Final report, May 25, 1907. • R379-IL6F Pip Illinois — Public instruction, Supt. of. Biennial report, 18th- f date. 1888-date. R379-IL Illinois — University. Report of the board of trustees, 5th-6th, 1871-73; 15th-date. 1888-date. R378-IL Patterson, H. L., ed. College and school directory of the United States and Canada, 1905-date. R370-P27 U. S.— Education, Bureau of. Report of the commissioner, 1870, 1872, 1874, 1876-1881, 1884-1890, 1892-date. R37Q-Un PERIODICALS Current numbers in reading room; bound volumes in stack. American journal of education, v. 1-8, 10-13, 15-20, 22-24, 26-28 & index. 1855-1878. Education; a monthly magazine devoted to the science, art, phil- osophy, and literature of education, v. 20 — date. 1899 — date. Educational review, v. 1 — date. 1891 — date. Elementary school teacher, v. 9 — date. 1909 — date. Kindergarten-primary magazine, v. 9 — date. 1897 — date. Manual training magazine, v. 10 — date. 1908 — date. School arts book, v. 9 — date. 1910 — date. School review; a journal of secondary education, v. 7, 15 — date, 1899, 1907-date. CHILDREN’S READING Classified, graded, and annotated catalogs; Special lists. Arnold, Mrs. G. W., comp. A mother’s list ot books for children. 1909. 028- A r6 Brooklyn — Public library. Books for boys and girls. 1904. JR028-B79 Buffalo, N. Y. — Public library. Class-room libraries for public schools, listed by grades. 1909. JR028-B86 Children’s catalog; a guide to the best reading for young people, based on twenty-four selected library lists; comp, by M. E. Potter & others. 1909. JR028-C437 Dayton, O. — Public library and museum. Manual; selected list of six hundred of the best books for children. 1907. ^ J R028-D35 15 \ t Evanston, III. — Public library. Graded and annotated list of th five hundred books in the school libraries. 1902. JR028-Ev Field, W. T. Fingerposts to children’s reading 1907. 028-F4 Gilbert, C. B., & Harris, A. V., comp. Graded list of poems an stories, for use in schools. 1901. JR028-G3 Hassler, H. E., comp. Graded list of stories for reading alou 1908. J R028-H2 Hazeltine, M. E. Anniversaries and holidays; references an suggestions for picture bulletins. 1909. JR016.39-H3 Hewins, C. M., comp. Books for boys and girls; a selected lis 1904. (A. L. A. annotated lists.) JR028-H Hyatt, B. E. Biography for young people. 1901. (New Yor State library. Bulletin 68.) JR016.92-I Moore, A. C. List of books recommended for a children’s library comp, for the Iowa library commission. JR028-M7 Moses, M. J. Children’s books and reading. 1907. 028-MS Olcott, F. J. Fairy tales for children. 1898. (New York Sta library. Bulletin.) JR016.39-O Pittsburgh — Carnegie library. Annotated catalogue of boo’ used in the home libraries and reading clubs. 1905. JR025-P63 Catalogue of books, annotated and arranged f< the first eight grades. 1907, JR028-P68 Catalogue of books in the Children’s departme" 1909. JR028-P68 List of good stories to tell to children und twelve years of age. 1906. JR016-P6 Reading circles for boys and girls, with selectio for reading aloud. (From Monthly bulletin, Jan. 1907.) J R028-P6 Story hour courses for children from Greek myt the Iliad and the Odyssey. 1906. JR016.29 Story telling to children from Norse mytholo and the Nibelungenlied. 1903. JR016-P Pratt Institute free library, Brooklyn, N. Y. Children’s readin list on animals. 1899. JR016.5-P Prentice, M. H., comp. References to books in the Clevela public library intended to aid the third grade teachers. 189 JR028-P & Power, E. L. Children’s library; selected in 1 half of the Cleveland normal school. 1904. JR028-P9 Salisbury, G. E., & Beckwith, M. E. Index to short stori 1907. JR016-S Welsh, Charles, comp. Right reading for children in the scho the home, and the library. 1902. 028-W 16