CHICAGO Pre-eminently A Presbyterian City ANDREW STEVENSON fj;::vtftsmr OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIG'I ILLINOIS HISTORICAL SURVEY 46 * -*-& ANDREW STEVENSON Leader of Young Men. President and founder of the Young Men's Presbyterian Union of Chicago Author of Chicago, Pre-eminently A Presbyterian City. An authoritative view of conditions and peo- ple showing the great, vital strength of Pres- byterianism in the Second City of the Union. "When Andrew Stevenson speaks we all stop to listen for he has been in such intimate touch with the Church, its history and its people, that none can exceed the value of his testimony, either in force or correctness." The Book is of unquestioned value to Presbyterians everywhere. 15tli, 1OO7 PRICE 60 CENTS NET TheWinona Publishing Company Publishers of "Winona Books" J95 State Street CHICAGO (OVER) T|HERE is perhaps no young layman in the I Presbyterian Church to-day, who is more zealous for the cause of Christ as represented in the church of his choice than is ANDREW STEVENSON. Himself a young man, his life has been and is devoted to the service of young men, and he has fortified himself with a knowledge of the church and its leaders as probably no man has ever done be- fore. This book, which is given to the public at the eftrnest request of a large number of friends, represents tfce untiring labor of years, and is invaluable as a record of achievement and glory for the church at large. No Christian man of any sect or creed could read the pages without having his own zeal and courage strengthened, and no Presbyterian can comprehend the situation as set forth by Mr. Stevenson without a feeling of pride in what has been accomplished in his own church, or without gaining a spirit of thanks- giving and its consequent inspiration, at the tremen- duous possibilities for the future of such power, properly directed. Says the Westminister: ' ' If the time ever comes when a layman becomes a Moderator of our General Assembly here is a young man who will be one of the first so elected." SPECIAL For all advance orders, accompanied by cash, reach- ing us before February 15th, 1907, we will send the book post-paid for fifty cents. Please send remittan- ces in Money Order or Chicago Exchange. The Winona Publishing" Company Makers of " WINONA BOOKS" 195 State Street - - CHICAGO* (OVER) Chicago Pre-eminently A Presbyterian City Andrew Stevenson CHICAGO PRE-EMINENTLY A PRESBYTERIAN CITY ANDREW STEVENSON President Young Men's Presbyterian Union of Chicago With Supplementary Sketches of McCormick Theological Seminary By The Rev. Jas. G. K. McClure. D. D., LL. D.. President Lake Forest University By Prof. John J. Halsey, LL. D., Acting President Presbyterian Hospital By Albert M. Day, President JANUARY. 1907 The Winona Publishing Company Chicago Illinois COPYRIGHT BY THE WINONA PUBLISHING CO. PUBLISHED 190? PRESS OF MARSH, AITKEN & CURTIS COMPANY CHICAGO To the Memory Of my friend and closest associate in work for young men, Frank \VTiite A Christian gentleman, whose life was a constant inspiration to the young men of the City of Chicago, and whose unselfish devotion to the Preshyterian Church endeared him to the great host, for whose inspiration chiefly these facts have been prepared. CONTENTS PAGE Foreword 9 Chicago Pre-eminently a Presbyterian City Introduction 15 Six Key Men 22 The Bankers 25 Railroad Men 30 Prominent Bible Class Teachers 31 Lawyers and Politicians 33 Packers 37 Wholesale Grocers 38 Lumbermen 39 Varied Industries 41 Wholesale Dry Goods Merchants 44 Wholesale Merchants and Manufacturers 45 Retail Merchants 49 Newspaper Men 50 Insurance Men 51 Architects 54 La Salle St. Financiers 54 Educators 55 Publishers, Printers, Etc 57 Physicians, Surgeons, Dentists, Etc 59 Engineering and Constructing Experts 63 Retired Merchants 64 Capitalists 65 Some Deductions 68 The Young Men's Presbyterian Union 69 The Presbyterian Brotherhood 70 Conclusion 71 Sketch of McCormick Theological Seminary 72 By Rev. James G. K. McClure, D.D., LL.D. Pres. CONTENTS PAM Sketch of Lake Forest University 76 By John J. Halaey, Ph.D., LL.D., Acting-Pros. Sketch of Presbyterian Hospital 80 By Albert M. Day, President Directory of Institutions and Organizations in and about Chicago having Presbyterian officers, directors or trus- tees and referred to in the Index of Presbyterians ... 85 Index of Men identified with the Presbyterian Church in the Presbytery of Chicago and prominent in their lines of business or profession 88 Directory of Presbyterian Churches and Missions (with their pastors) in the Presbytery of Chicago Ill Directory of the Executive Committee of Young Men's Presbyterian Union of Chicago 115 Rank of Churches in Presbytery of Chicago in actual member- ship 119 Real Growth of Churches in Presbytery of Chicago 120 Presbytery of Chicago compared with leading Presbyteries of the United States 123 Growth of Chicago Churches and Sunday Schools during the last thirty years 124 Growth of the larger Presbyteries during the last thirty years 124