PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Of FARMERS and BREEDERS CHAMPAIGN COUNTY fubUshed By FARMER-c Illinois Oldest and Btst Farm Paper IX-i II E> RAR.Y OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 917.7366 P88 1917 111. Hist. 3urv :TORY ink The people of Champaign County do not need a directory to find the First National Bank of Champaign Its half century of SAFETY and SERVICE has made it and its new home the landmark of Central Illinois B. F. HARRIS President H. S. CAPRON Cashier N. M. HARRIS Vice-Pres. c* FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY ALEXANDER LUMBER COMPANY Yards at Champaign Penfield Rantoul Royal Craine Triple Wall Silos Special Millwork and Silo Factory HUPMOBILE Roadster 5 Passenger and 7 Passenger OPEN and CLOSED CARS All that can be asked for in a motor car Beauty Performance Comfort Sturdiness Economy Simplicity ! A Reputation for High Quality and Absence from Trouble | and Annoyances = i I __^___^_____^_^_. ^ ^ | | Let Us Demonstrate This Car to You | 1 REWERTS and EHLER j ! 106 N. Race St. Automatic Phone 4420 URBANA, ILL. j I I ^uiumiimiuwiiiiiiimiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiniiiiiiniiiiiiiiiuiiiiw SPEAKS FOR ITSELF ONE MAK PURPOSE = THE Parrett Tractor enjoys a very good reputation everywhere you hear the Parrett Tractor spoken of by everybody in unus- ually praiseworthy terms. This fact is clearly and definitely the result of uninterrupted service in the fields of hundreds of Illinois farmers. This is significant, because, as a result of the successful performance referred to, our sales of Parrett Tractors, each year has averaged over four times the amount of sales for the preceding year, and this fact is true of five consecutive years of Parrett Tractor business. Your Tractor investment is important. It represents so much ability to accomplish work. In this respect the Parrett offers more per dollars invested than other Tractors ASK THE MAN WHO FARMS WITH ONE CHAMPAIGN COUNTY DEALER L. T. BROWNFIELD CHAMPAIGN, ILLINOIS PARRETT MACHINE CO. ILLINOIS DISTRIBUTORS 213 S. WATER ST. PEORIA, - ILL. Sntrobuctton IN this directory we have endeavored to give Champaign county farmers a complete and reliable directory of the farmers, breeders and merchants of the county, with such other information as will make the directory a valuable reference book. The task of calling on every farmer in a county and collecting the information for such a directory is a tre- mendous one. We have received splendid co-operation from the farmers and business men of the county, with- out which the publication of such a directory would be impossible. In a very few cases we have found farmers unwilling to give the information requested, which ac- counts for a few names that do not appear. A few mistakes are bound to occur in a directory that involves so large an amount of work, but we have spared no effort or expense to make the information complete and accurate, and we believe that the mistakes are very few. We want to speak a word of appreciation for the adver- tisers whose liberal support has helped materially to bear the heavy expense of publishing this directory, and ask that you favor them with your patronage whenever pos- sible. We hope and believe that the publication of this direc- tory will be a real service to Champaign county farmers and in line with PRAIRIE FARMER'S policy of service to the farm- ers of Illinois. We hope that the increased circulation of PRAIRIE FARMER in Champaign county which has resulted will help in the movement for better farming, better farm living, and more prosperity for the county, and that our many new friends will become permanent members of the big PRAIRIE FARMER family. BURRIDGE D. BUTLER, Publisher, Prairie Farmer. PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY W. E. Reigel in His Soy Bean Field on the Meharry Farm, Champaign County, Illinois FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY GASOLINE OIL TIRES SUPPLIES EXPERT WELDING REPAIRING PAINTING AGENTS KING "Eight 'The Car of No Regrets" 111-113 West Hill Street (Opposite Beardsley Hotel) CHAMPAIGN, ILL. A Good Place to Store Your Car "WE NEVER CLOSE" Bell Phone 304 Automatic 1217 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Edith Hammack and Her Pet Lamb HIIIIMIIHIIHIIimilllllM LMiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiininiiiiiiiiiiiNiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^ iiiuii^ I J. V. SWEARINGEN, President-Treasurer GUY STEWART, Vice-President and Secretary J. V. Swearingen-Stewart Undertaking Co. (Incorporated) UNDERTAKING Illilllllllllllllllllllllll! Both Phones at Office and Residence PRIVATE AMBULANCE 117 West University Avenue CHAMPAIGN, ILL. FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Brown's Business School CHAMPAIGN, ILL. offers you a most carefully arranged course of study in Bookkeeping:, Shorthand, Stenotypy and Typewriting. Around each of these subjects are gathered the neces- sary side branches to round out a good, strong course. We invite you to make a most careful inspection of the courses offered. For information address T. R. HOPKINS, I'riii. Brown's Business College, Champaign, III. Catalogue free upon request. First National Bank Our students are always in demand by the University of Illinois and our business firms. College of Agriculture, University of Illinois glll!lllllllllllllllllll!IIIIIIIIIMIIII!lllin!lllll!i:inilllllll!!ll!lllllllllllllll!ll!||!l||||||l|l!i:il!|||||||||||||||||||||||in ' Champaign's Greatest Furniture Store ' ' MOOREHEAD'Q I 1TI "Noted for Rugs" O n n A Complete Line of FURNITURE ! RUGS, STOVES I 3 Corner Neil Street and University Avenue ( Across From City Hall ) g The Store That Undersells \ Them All! ^ ^ ^uiiiiiiiHitiniMiiiiiiiiiininiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiniiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinniiiiiiiiii^ PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Hogs at Self Feeder on B. F. Harris' Farm, Champaign County, Illinois To make our depositors' relations with us profit- able and agreeable. To render modern service founded on conservative banking practice. To keep pace with the rapidly changing phases of business caused by the European war. And to pursue a course above criticism by even the most conservative. THE COMMERCIAL BANK CHAMPAIGN, ILLINOIS M. W. BUSEY GEO. W. BUSEY JOHN C. SOMERS FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Trevett-Mattis Banking Co, CHAMPAIGN, ILLINOIS I-I-H-H-H-H- General banking business transacted. Loans on Farm and City Property a specialty. 3% Interest Paid on Savings Safe Deposit Boxes in our fire and burglar-proof vaults for rent. Your business solicited. From Farm to City Any Hour Vi Illinois Traction System McKINLEY LINES fiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiw | j Illinois Trust & Savings Bank \ Capital $150,000.00 I V.W.Johnston, President IW. W. Stern, Vice-President | F.W. Woody, Cashier B. C. Weaver, Asst. Cashier - Geo. R. Shawhan, Manager Savings Dept. We invite you to be one of our customers, assuring you courteous treatment and careful attention to your business interests. See Us for Farm and City Loans CHAMPAIGN, ILL. fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiuiiiiiiiiiiiiinniiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiNiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiS 8 Prairie Farmer's Directory Champaign County Complete Directory of the Farmers of Champaign County, with valuable information about each farm. Breeders' Directory, giving full classified list of breeders of purebred livestock and poultry. Business Directory, giving list of all business houses in Champaign County. Valuable statistics and general information. Copyright, 1917 By PRAIRIE FARMER PUBLISHING COMPANY Compiled and Published by Prairie Farmer Publishing Co. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Champaign County Agriculture CHAMPAIGN county, Illinois, is primarily a grain-raising section. More than 90 per cent some estimates place it as high as 95 per cent of the county's 3,757 farms are devoted chiefly to the business of raising grain for the market. Over 80 per cent of the amount of grain produced within the borders of Cham- paign county goes to the markets, only a few men being live stock feed- ers; in fact, just about all the grain goes out of the county except that which is needed to feed the work horses. Champaign was one of the last counties in Illinois to be settled, as in early times the main cornbelt prairie area, of which it is a part, was considered worthless because so much of it was like a swamp. As late as the early fifties the Illinois Central engineers recommended against put- ting through the present Gilman- Champaign line because "it ran through an uninhabited and uninhabi- table region." Today this "uninhabited and uninhabitable regjon" is worth from $250 to $300 per acre and is con- sidered some of the best farm land in the world. During the thirties and forties the first settlers came to Champaign county in numbers. Much of the land was then deemed worthless for farming purposes because every slough was filled with water and many of the flats were covered a good share of the time. That was why much of the very best land in the county was not farmed for a great many years. The coming into use of drain tile was probably the greatest single fac- tor in making Champaign county the rich farming district it is today. This was during the seventies and eighties. The water was taken off the level lands and out of the sloughs and a new world created for many farmers. Champaign county is made up al- most entirely of level or just slightly rolling land. It is not so level as Ford or Livingston, which, in fact, are level almost all over, but it has several large level areas to which there is no perceptible fall. One of these is in Somer and Stantion town- ships, north and northeast of Urbana. In general the land is slightly rolling, in some places enough so that drain tile is required only in the sloughs. A few streams cut here and there into the county, none of them having dig- nity enough to be called rivers. These streams break into the level prairie to some extent and are bordered, in most instances, by a fringe of trees of varying width. The Sangamon river has its origin in the north part of the county, but is no larger than a creek there. Champaign county is not entirely without native woods, however, for here and there, especially along the streams, are considerable areas of oak and other native trees. In this re- spect the county differs materially from those 'west of it, but not with Vermilion county on the east. There are considerable areas of timber be- tween Mahomet and Fisher, in Kerr township, and also in Ogden town- ship. From 65 to 75 per cent of the county is brown silt loam, the com- monest soil of the Illinois corn belt. The University of Illinois soil maps have not been completed as yet, but the above is the best obtainable esti- mate. There is a little gray silt loam, some timber soil in the areas men- tioned above, but the bulk of the rest of the county from 20 to 25 percent of the county in all is black clay loam, the very richest soil of the corn- belt. The black clay loam and brown silt loam are intermingled all over the county, the black clay loam being found more especially in the low- lands, though not always. Champaign is numbered among the half-dozen leading agricultural coun- ties in Illinois, being exceeded in total value of agricultural products by Mc- Lean, LaSalle, Livingston and Iro- quois. Champaign in 1916 had the second largest area of corn of any Illinois county, showing how pre- eminently a grain section it is. In the whole United States only seven or eight counties stand ahead of Cham- paign, they being the four Illinois counties listed above, Los Angeles in 10 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY California, Chester in Pennsylvania, Pottawattamie in Iowa and sometimes one or two others. Only a very small percentage of Champaign county farmers are inter- ested in livestock. There are only four large live stock feeders in the entire county O. L. Meharry of To- lono, U. G. Fowler of Fithian, B. F. Harris of Mahomet and T. P. Chester of Champaign. Twenty per cent of all the live stock shipped out of Champaign county for the market are fed on B. F. Harris' two farms be- tween 2,000 and 3,000 acres a fact which emphasizes still more the pre- dominance of grain farming. There are about a dozen dairy farms around Champaign and Urbana and two near Villa Grove, otherwise the dairy busi- ness has no hold. Only a few steers and lambs are fed, and in no single neighborhood is there a well-defined hog raising section. There are more draft horses than any other live stock in Champaign county. Yet there is no horse breed- ing section in comparison with Mc- Lean or Tazewell counties. Outside of Fred Rising, G. C. Williams, Sizer Brothers and J. J. Postlewait, there are no noted draft horse breeders, though here and there a man has one or two registered mares. Shires are by far the predominating breed. Last fall at Fisher, which is about the center of the horse section of Champaign county, there was held a colt show with nearly 100 colts brought out. This is the most notable live stock show ever held in the county. Beef cattle have more than a slen- der hold, there being a number of herds of good Shorthorns and a marked tendency on the part of other people to get into the business. There are only two small Angus herds in the county and no Herefords. The dairy business boasts of no purebred herds, and likewise there are only a few herds of registered sheep and hogs. Senator Henry M. Dunlap at Savoy has one of the best orchards in Illi- nois, its care and management being excelled by none. Aside from this there are no important orchard hold- ings in the county. The strongest force for agricultural improvement in the county is the Champaign, County Farm Bureau. A complete review of its work, under the direction of County Advisor C. H. Oathout, is given on another page of this directory. Soy Beans in Corn on the C. L. Meharry Farm in Champaign County 11 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY The Champaign County Farm Bureau IT IS only once in a long while that a movement for better farming owes its success to a retired farmer, but such is the case with the Champaign County Farm Bureau. The man most responsible for the success of this movement which seeks to make better farmers out of Champaign County citi- zens is J. A. Hossack, a retired farmer who has lived in Champaign for a num- ber of years previous to the organization of the farm bureau. The beginning of the Champaign County Farm Bureau dates back to 1912 when the Farmers, Institute at Ivesdale passed a resolution favoring the organ- ization of a farm bureau and the employing of a county advisor. The Champaign Chamber of Commerce took the matter up during the winter of 1912 and pushed the movement as fast as they could. The matter progressed far enough so that during the winter of 1913, a tem- porary organization was formed with M. O. Stover of Mahomet as president. There was a great deal of opposition to the movement then among even the bet- ter class of farmers in Champaign County. At this point Mr. Hossack practically took charge of the entire campaign to organize the farm bureau and spent all of his time for several months as well as considerable of his own" money in order to get the thing started. The temporary organization grew into a permanent organization called the Champaign County Agricul- tural Association in the spring of 1913, Dr. C. L. Van Doren, a land owner in Urbana, was elected president and has remained president ever since. There were about 250 members of the organ- ization at this time. No definite amount was charged as membership fees, each man paying what he wishes, the range being from $5 to $25 each per year, most of the members paid $10. For the first three years of the organization the busi- ness men of Champaign contributed $600 each year. Most of the 250 members were farmers, though a few were land owners who lived in town. No mem- berships were taken from any other people. On the first of September in 1913 C. H. Oathout was employed as county advisor. Mr. Oathout had been gradu- ated from the University of Illinois in 1904, was employed for several years in the soils department of the University, and for five years previous to 1913 had been manager of the Meharry farm at Tolono. He thus had a range of ex- perience which eminently qualified him for the work as county farm advisor. The first piece of work which Mr. Oathout and the officers of the Agricul- tural Association decided was needed in Champaign County was work along the line of the maintenance and improve- ment of soil fertility. They therefore set out to urge the farmers of Cham- paign County to make greater use of the experimental data on soils which was being gathered at the University of Illinois. The experimental plots at Champaign had demonstrated for a number of years that it was profitable to use rock phosphate on the common prairie soils in Champaign County. Only a very small amount of rock phosphate, possibly two or three cars at the most, had been used by the farmers, but in 1914 members of the Champaign County Agricultural Association used 2,100 tons of raw rock phosphate, most of it being applied at the rate of one-half ton per acre. In 1915 an equal amount would have been used except that it was a very wet season and it was difficult to get the rock phosphate hauled from the shipping station, therefore only 735 tons were used. In 1916 the car shortage affected the amount used to such an extent that only 850 tons were pur- chased. During this year it is expected that about a thousand tons will be used, but more would be bought if it were not for the car shortage. Champaign County soils are almost all acid in the surface soil, but very few of them are acid in the subsurface or sub- soil. Mr. Oathout early found out that where only the surface soil was acid that limestone did not pay very large returns. Where, however, the subsoil was also acid then the use of limestone paid big. A considerable amount of limestone has been used in Champaign County, but no attempt has been made to keep a record of it because only a small amount of it has been ordered through the farm bureau. Some lime- stone had been used before the organiza- tion of the bureau, though not a great deal. 12 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY One of the biggest efforts of the or- ganization has been to encourage the growing of a larger acreage of clover. In 1913 many farmers in Champaign County were becoming discouraged with the clover situation owing to the poor stands, but the use of phosphate and limestone has greatly increased the growing of clover. Mr. Oathout is con- stantly urging the growing of more clover, also the plowing under of more clover to add to the supply of organic matter in the soil. A few have been doing this in the last few years, and results have uniformly favored the practice and it is expected that more clover will be plowed under each year. In connection with this the county advisor has planned a rotation system for 175 farmers and in each case has made clover appear on the land once every few years. No big attempt has been made to in- troduce new varieties of clover, as the county advisor and the members of the association feel that the common red and mammoth red clovers are fully as good as any others. Champaign County farmers have not had the sweet clover bug or the alsike clover bug as have farmers in Kankakee and Livingston Counties. The association has not yet at- tempted to introduce any new crops in Champaign County. The only exception to this rule has been the use of Sudan grass and soy beans, both of which have been quite freely urged by the associa- tion. Sudan grass has been used for hay, pasture and seed purposes quite largely. The best experience of the use of this Sudan grass has been on the Meharry farm at Tolono, where 36 acres of it pastured 90 mature animals for the entire season. W. S. Hinton of Foos- land has been the most experienced grower of Sudan grass in Champaign county. He uses it very largely for hay*, pasture and seed and from his place the Sudan grass idea has spread all over the county. The most conspicuous contribution of the Champaign County Farm Bureau to the introduction of new crops has been the spreading of soy beans all over Champaign County. Soy beans have been grown for years but only a few of the farmers, including the Meharrys, have found it to be one of the most valuable crops, but more than 500 farmers in Champaign County are growing soy beans now and probably more than one- half of the 450 members of the associa- tion are among these 500. Soy beans are used for hay, for seed, for silage, for hogging down, for lambing down and to some extent for green forage crop. The Meharrys have been pioneers along the line of using corn and soy beans for hogging down for about eight years and perhaps have followed this practice as long as any farmer in Illinois. Their experience has been a distinct contribu- tion to the present knowledge of this subject and this has grown out of the work of the Champaign County Farm Bureau. A great deal of attention has been Baling Straw with a Tractor on the Burwash Farm, Champaign County, Illinois 13 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY paid by the Champaign County Farm Bureau to alfalfa growing. Only a small acreage of alfalfa was grown in Cham- paign County in 1913, but this has been increased until in 1916 there were over 5,000 acres. This number had decreased this year because a good many farmers have become discouraged over the fail- ures they have met with in getting the crop started. Mr. Oathout says their failures are due to the fact that the alfalfa needs lime or phosphate, or both. Mr. Oathout says that most of the farmers must realize this before alfalfa growing will become uniformly satisfac- tory in the county and he has put a great deal of effort to prove this point. Four years ago there were only a limited number of silos in the county ; at the present time there are 200, this being about the number of livestock farmers in the county. The bureau has also done some work along livestock improvement lines. The use of tankage and self-feeders for hogs has been encouraged through the pub- licity which has been given the success- ful use of these things. More has been done along horse breeding lines than any other livestock proposition perhaps. There are a good number of Shire breeders in Champaign County. These men have been brought together through the Champaign County Purebred Livestock Association, an auxiliary organization to the Farm Bu- reau. A local colt show was held last fall in Fisher, at which there were 160 horses and colts exhibited. Many of these were registered and five of them later were exhibited at the Interna- tional. Along beef cattle lines the bureau has done some work during this last spring. Oathout had noticed for a year or two an increased interest in the Shorthorn business, so at the present time he is engaged in an endeavor to secure a car- load of registered Shorthorn heifers brought into Champaign County from outside. Practically all the purebred beef cattle already in the county were Shorthorns and the bureau believes it wise to boost the predominating breed. Another important piece of work done by the county advisor and the farm bu- reau has been the organization of farm- ers' clubs. There are now six active local community clubs which meet regularly and which are accomplishing a great deal for their members. In Condit township the club held a community fair. The 70 club members under the leadership of Rev. J. H. Singleton put this over in fine shape. They had no cash prizes, but they had large exhibits of almost all kinds of farm produce. The first day they bar- becued a steer and a hog and the second they had a fish fry. There have been many other things accomplished by County Advisor Oath- out and the bureau, but the foregoing summarizes the most important. Plowing with a Tractor on T. P. Chester's Farm, Champaign County, Illinois 14 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY GESTATION TABLE OF FARM ANIMALS Time of Mares, Cows, Service 340 Days 283 Days Jan. 1 " 6 Dec. 6 " 11 Oct. 10 " 15 " 11 " 16 " 20 " 16 " 21 " 25 " 21 " 26 " 30 " 26 " 31 Nov. 4 " 31 Jan. 5 41 9 Feb. 5 " 10 " 14 " 10 " 15 .. 19 " 15 " 20 " 24 " 20 " 25 " 29 " 25 " 30 Dec. 4 Mar. 2 Feb. 4 9 7 9 ii 14 " 12 " 14 ii 19 ., 17 " 19 " 24 22 " 24 " 29 " 27 Mar. 1 Jan. 3 AP, 1 6 " 11 " 8 " 13 " 11 " 16 " 18 " 16 " 21 " 23 " 21 " 26 " 28 " 26 " 31 Feb. 2 May 1 " 6 Apr. 5 K 10 " 12 " 11 " 15 ,, 17 " 16 " 20 " 22 " 21 " 25 " 27 " 26 30 Mar. 4 " 31 May 9 June 5 " 10 " 10 " 15 14 .. 19 " 15 " 20 " 24 " 20 " 25 29 " 25 " 30 " 30 June 4 Apr. 3 " 8 July 5 14 9 " 13 " 10 " 14 " 18 " 15 II ";) " 23 " 20 ' 24 " 28 " 25 - 29 May 3 " 30 July 4 8 Aug. 4 " 9 " 14 " 13 " 18 " 14 n ^9 " 23 " 19 24 " 28 " 24 " 29 June 2 Set. 3 Aug. 3 ii 7 " 29 " 8 " 12 " 8 " 13 " 17 ' 13 " 18 " 22 " 18 " 23 " 27 " 23 " 28 July 2 " 28 Set. 2 7 Oct. 3 7 " 12 " 8 " 12 ii i 7 " 13 ., 17 " 22 " 18 " 22 " 27 " 23 " 27 Aug. 1 " 28 Oct. 2 " 6 Nov. 2 7 " 11 7 " 12 " 16 " 12 17 " 21 ., 17 " 22 " 26 ' 22 " 27 11 31 " 27 Nov. 1 Sept. 5 Dec. 2 " 6 " 10 " 7 " 11 " 15 " 12 " 16 20 " 17 " 21 " 25 " 22 " 26 " 30 27 Dec. 1 Oct. 5 " 31 S 9 Ewes, 150 Days Sows, 112 Days May 30 June 4 Apr. 22 " 27 9 May 2 " 14 7 " 19 " 12 " 24 " 17 " 29 " 22 July 4 " 27 " 9 June 1 " 14 6 19 " 11 " 24 " 16 " 29 " 21 Aug. 3 " 26 " 8 July 1 " 13 6 " 18 " 11 " 23 " 16 " 28 " 21 Sept. 2 " 26 7 " 31 " 12 ' Aug. 5 , 17 " 10 " 22 " 15 " 27 " 20 Oct. 2 " 25 7 " 30 " 12 " 17 Sept. 4 .r 9 " 22 " 14 " 27 I. 19 Nov. 1 24 6 " 29 " 11 Oct. 4 " 16 9 " 21 " 14 " 26 .. 19 Dec. 1 " 24 6 " 29 " 11 Nov. 3 " 16 8 " 21 " 13 " 26 " 18 " 31 " 23 Jan. 5 " 10 " 28 Dec. 3 " 15 8 " 20 " 13 " 25 " 18 " 30 " 23 Feb. 4 " 28 9 Jan 2 .. 14 "' 7 .. 19 " 12 " 24 . 17 Mar. 1 " 22 6 " 27 " 11 Feb. 1 " 16 " 6 " 21 " 11 " 26 " 16 31 " 21 Apr. 5 " 26 " 10 Mar. 3 " 15 8 " 20 " 13 " 25 " 18 " 30 " 23 May 5 28 " 10 Apr. 2 " 15 n 7 - 20 " 12 " 25 " 17 " 29 21 Apr. Bitches, 63 Days Mar. 4 9 " 14 " 19 " 24 29 3 I " 13 " 18 " 23 " 28 May 3 " 8 " 13 " 18 " 23 " 28 June 2 " 12 17 22 27 Juy 2 i 12 17 " 22 " 27 Aug. 1 6 " 11 " 16 " 21 " 26 " 31 Sept. 5 " 10 " 15 " 20 ' 25 " 30 Oct. 5 " 10 " IS 20 " 25 30 Nov. 4 9 " 14 .. 19 24 29 Dec. 4 9 14 " 19 " 24 29 Jan. 3 " 13 " 18 " 23 " 28 Feb. 2 7 12 M 17 22 " 27 Mar. 3 15 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY ^iHiiiiniiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiH 52 years of giving bed- rock values is the 'why' of our growth. 33-37 Main St. CHAMPAIGN, ILL. !lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!ll!llllllllllllllllll!IU!IIIN L W. Bramblett & Co. (NOT INCORPORATED) | Illinois Corn and Clover Farms [ CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE are practical "farmers" and are proud of it. You can | talk to us as one farmer to another. Ten years of honest, | satisfactory service to both buyer and seller. Champaign and Douglas County farms a specialty. Unlimited money to loan on farm land at lowest rates. If you want to buy or exchange a farm any time or any jjj U place "it will pay you" to see us. Room 124 Hamilton Building Bell Phone 3305 1 N. W. Cor. Neil and Parke Ave. CHAMPAIGN, ILLINOIS 1 16 Champaign County Directory Abbreviations Used in this Directory a Acres; Ch Children; O Owner; T Tenant or Renter; R Rural Route; Sec Section; maiden name of wife follows directory name in parentheses (); figures at end of informa- tion year became resident of county. Name of farm follows names of children. In case of a tenant, the farm owner's name follows figures giving size of farm. EXAMPLE Adams, G. W. C. (Mabel Nichelson) Ch Earl, Arthur, George, Helen; Fisher R35 Newcomb Sec4 T160a C. E. J. Adams (1882) Means Adams, G. W. C. Name. (Mabel Nichelson) Wife's maiden name. Ch Earl, Arthur, George, Helen Children named Earl, Arthur, George, Helen. Fisher R35 Postoffice Fisher R. F. D. 35. Newcomb Sec34 Newcomb Township, Section 34. T160a Tenant on 160 acres. C. E. J. Adams Owner's name. (1882) Lived in county since 1882. Abbott, Charles (Ida Abbott, House- keeper) Mahomet R41 Mahomet Sec 10T120a J. B. Abbott (1857)' Abbott, I. C. (Susie Pinkston) Ch Edwin, Ruth; Mahomet R41 Maho- met Secl8 T337a J. B. Abbott (1890) Abrams, C. E. (Louisa Morfey) Ch Hazel, Opal, Glenn, Doris, Maurice; Seymour R43 Scott SeclO O120a (1870) Abrams, S. H. (Laura Kesler) Ch Ruby; Champaign Rl Champaign Sec8 O80a (1867) Ackerman, Ben (Annie Bartell) Ran- toul R24 Rantoul Sec20 T60a Ack- erman Est. (1891) Ackerman, E. (Tiny Roelfs) Ch Tiny, Harm, Henry, Grace, Ella, Anna; Gifford R26 Compromise Sec24 T160a H. Ackerman (1892) Ackerman, Henry F. (Emily Olson) Ch Herman; Gifford R26 Compro- mise Sec24 TlOOa Herman Acker- man (1892) Ackerman, Herman (Tena Johnson) Ch Henry, Carl, Tena, Anna, Har- mon, John; Gifford R26 Compro- mise Secl9 T140a (1877) Ackerman, John (Hanke Gronewald) Ch Herman, Ehmi, Emma; Gifford R26 Compromise Sec2 O80a (1876) Ackerman, J. A. (Martha Gillespie) Ch Lena; David A., Martha E. Gil- lespie (Nephew and Niece) Ogden R18 Ogden Sec8 O187a (1879) Adam, Allie (Lila Smith) Ch Zora, Marion; Gifford R27 Compromise Secll T320a A. E. Burglen (1913) Adams, Arthur (Sylva Van Meter) Ch Bessie, Lucy, Oma, Amy, Frank, Zola; Gifford R25 Harwood Sec23 T80a B. Schluter (1917) Adams, Charles (Minnre Ratahman) Ch George, Amy, Clare, Mandie; Mahomet Newcomb Sec7 O160a (1881) Adams, C. (Jane Dunlap) Ch Everett; Gifford R27 Compromise Secll T320a L. E. Bergland (1913) Adams, Edward (Edna Mulvaray) Ch Vearl, Guy, Mildred, Wayne, Mary; Savoy R45 Omega Sec2 O40a Tol- ono Sec8 Farm Hand Samuel Som- ers (1917) Adams, G. W. C. (Mabel Niclielson) Ch Earl, Arthur, George, Helen; Fisher R35 Newcomb Sec4 T160a C. E. J. Adams (1882) 17 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Adams, Harmon (Marguier Farpain) Ch John, Paul, Charlie, Willie, Oley, Harmon, Mary, Lena, Minnie; Mahomet R41 Newcomb Sec7 O80a (1881) Adams, John (Gertie Stringer) Ch Thomas; Champaign Rl Hensley Sec32 Farm Hand L. T. Sawyers (1914) Adams, Mason (Minnie Norris) Ch Bertha, James, Ethel, Florence, Pearl, Clara, Dorothy, Robert; Mahomet R41 Mahomet Sec30 T5a John Harris (1900) Adams, Oley (Rose Mangold) Ch Francis; Mahomet R41 Newcomb Sec 19 T80a E. Duale (1889) Adams, Taylor (Anna Lamb) Ch Will- iam, Leslie, Rosie, Bob, Phado, Sarah, Ella, Lilly, Alice; Mahomet R41 Mahomet Sec30 John Adams (1916) Addy, J. A. (Nana Woods) Ch Hugh, Van, Ona, Hazel; Penfield R27 Compromise SecS T36a Tom Gordon (1904) Aden, Ehm H. (Grace Duden) Ch Harm, Marie, Herman; Rantoul R24 Rantoul Secl7 T180a H. Behrends (1887) Aden, Gerd (Hannah Steele) Ch Cor- rie, Sam, Minnie, Reka, Tena, Hen- ry, Rosa, Hannah; St. Joseph R14 Ogden Sec30W O167a (1857) Adkins, G. W. (Ella Keith) Ch Wal- ter, Ola, Esther; Champaign R6 Rantoul Sec32 T160a R. G. Morrison (1880) Adkins, S. T. (Laura E. Penington) Ch Estel, Ethel, Beulah, Samuel, Jessie, Curtis; Clarence Rl Kerr T240a (1912) Alagna, Peter (Catherine Spanglo) Ch Angelina, August, Augustine, Anton; Champaign R3 Champaign Secll T35a Mr. J. M. LaLachan (1909) Alagna, Sam (Annie Garry) Ch Augustine, Angeline, Leo, Marie; Champaign R3 Champaign Sec2 T35a Mrs. Angeline Mass (1909) Albers, D. (Augusta Miller) Ch Al- vena, Nettie, William, Dorothy; Broadlands R37 Ayers Sec29 T160a Fred Albers (1912) Albers, Frederick C. (Fohlke Aden) Ch Claus; Thomasboro R20 Rantoul Sec29 O346a (1875) Albers, John Ch Lup, Heye, Annie; St. Joe R15 Ogden Secl9 OlOOa T120a Tena Albers School Land (1874) Albers, Louis L. (Annie Heddman) Ch Annie Trinka, Emma; Rantoul R23 Rantoul Sec6 O84a (1885) Albers, L. Reak (Mary Aldarf) Ch Anna; Rantoul R24 Compromise Sec9 O120a (1885) Albers, William L. (Almuth Johnson) Ch Libby, Heigh, John, Henry, An- nie, Reaka; Rantoul R24 Rantoul SeclS O120a T80a Henry Franzen (1887) Albert, Chris (Eliza Carle) Rantoul R21 E. Bend Sec26 T280a Jim Stur- dy vin and W. L. Sturdyvin (1900) Albrecht, Frank F. (Lillie Kramer) Ch Willard, Frank, Herman, Melvin; Tolono R47 Tolono Sec21 T240a Mrs. Fred Busey (1875) Alexander, A. M. (Ella Boyd) Ch Florence, Edith, Jessie, Edna, Ruth; Fisher R34 Brown Secl4 T352a J. James (1895) Alexander, Charles (Elizabeth Schwartz) Ch Leslie; Dewey R32 E. Bend Secl6 T326a Mrs. H. S. Mc- Curdy (1869) Alexander, E. E. (Emily Bragg) Ch Glen, Donald; Champaign R5 Hens- ley Sec24 T180a Ed. Bassett (1889) Alexander, Harry (Minnie Lorenz) Ch Evelyn, Melvin; "Houston Place" Dewey R32 E. Bend Secl7 T260a Mrs. J. S. Jones (1877) Alexander, John P. (Eza Lindley) Ch Blanche; "The Crest" Seymour R43 Mahomet Sec32 Farm Hand B. F. Harris (1917) Alexander, N. B. (Rebecca Wood- worth) Ch Lesley, Lois, Clara, Fern, James; Rantoul R23 Ludlow Sec35 T200a Mrs. C. R. Blood (1884) Alexander, R. G. (Lela Eicher) Ch Claude; Dewey R32 E. Bend Secl6 T160a H. S. McCurdy (1895) Allen, A. F. (Sarah J. Goudie) Ch Ida, Roland, Bert, George, Joseph, Arthur, Edwin; Pesotum R54 Sad- orus Sec36 O80a (1882) Allen, C. M. (Monta Dicherson) Ch Annie, Joseph, Dwight, Margaret; Champaign R4 Hensley Sec27 O220a (1872) Allen, Martin St. Joseph R14 Ogden Sec7 Farm Hand John Frerichs (1912) Allen, M. B. (Inez Zimmerman) Ch Frank, James; Homer R59 Homer Sec28 O80a T200a Laura F. Smith (1906) 18 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Allen, W. W. (Kate Yexley) Ch Les- lie, Harold, Clair, Ethel, Edith; Champaign R4 Hensley Sec22 O276a T160a (1874) Allison, Harvey (Alta Russell) "Piety Knob Stock Farm" Homer Homer Sec5 O353a (1889) Allman, J. L. (Lydia Byrd) Ch Ethel, Delmar, Clarence, Omar, Sylvester; Urbana R7 Stanton Sec29 T160a Bibler Sisters (1908) Allsip, Jess Ogden R18 Ogden Sec 6SE O40a (1915) Alsip, F. J. (Etta Ausburn) Ch Hazel, Ellen, Howard, Paul, Ruth, Stanley, Mary, Margaret, Martha, Jess; Og- den R18 Ogden Sec6SE T80a Z. D. Alsip (1903) Alsip, Z. D. (Eliza Woodrum) Ch Effie, Frank, Jus, Elsie, Chester; Ogden R18 Ogden Sec5-6-9 O285a (1874) Amick, B. F. (Artie E. Bell) Ch Ethel, Meina; St. Joseph R16 St. Joseph Sec26 T3a L. P. Grimes (1916) Anders, Harvey (Louise Gulden Pfen- ny) Ch Lottie, Charley, Kenneth; Sidney R57 Sidney Secl2 T63a Chas. Golden Pfenny (1885) Anders, John (Mary Crum) Ch Will, Eli, Henry, Emma, Mary, Ella, Etta; Sidney Sidney Sec4 O107a (1902) Anders, Tom (Theda Taylor) Ch Ed- ward, Aria, Ervin, Ottis, William, Erie, Nellie, Charles; Ivesdale R53 Sadorus Sec31 O80a (1867) Anders, Will (Tena Lauenhagen) Ch Martha, Thresa, Edward; Sidney R58 Sidney Secl7 T155a Mrs. Por- terfield (1885) Anderson, A. G. (Maud Orr) Ch Har- old, Alice; Broadlands R37 Ayers Secl9 T200a Paul Anderson (1877) Anderson, A. J. (Clara Herman) Ch Arline, Weston, Grace, Robert; Clarence Rl Kerr Sec6 T189a Dave Patten (1913) Anderson, A. V. (Mary Etta Sims) Ch Finley, Olin, Constance, Grace, Arlie, Roy, Carl, May; Ogden R17 Ogden Sec33N T200a W. D. An- derson (1870) Anderson, A. W. (Alice Birky) Foos- land Brown Secl7 O80a (1894) Anderson, C. G. (Goldy Crammer) Ch Carl, Marie, Lela, Louise; Ur- bana RIO Urbana Sec31 Farm Hand Chas. Grein (1908) Anderson, C. L. (Selma Bartelson) Ch Hazel, Dorothy; Paxton Rl Ludlow Sec6 O160a (1872) Anderson, D. (Margaret Isaas) Ch Minnie, Burton, Roy; Seymour R44 Colfax Sec8 Farm Hand B. Sulli- van (1896) Anderson, Edgar Homer R59 Homer Sec32 TlOOa N. P. Anderson (1896) Anderson, Ellworth (Nancy Adkins) Ch Eula, Mary, William, Charles, Reuben, Bessie, Cecelia, Francis; Seymour R44 Scott Sec33 T300a Dighton Est. (1914) Anderson, L R. (Ida Hendrickson) . Ogden R17 Ogden Sec21N T180a John White (1913) Anderson, John A. "Pleasant View Farm" Ludlow R29 Harwood SecS O160a (1869) Anderson, John B. (Emma Mangnu- son) Ch Claud, Victor; "Maple- grove Farm" Ludlow R30 Ludlow Sec6 O240a (1864) Anderson, John C., Sr. (Emily Sam- uelson) Ch Charles, John, Jr., William, Mary, Albert, Minnie, Ella; Mahomet R41 Mahomet Sec 17 T320a R. D. Burnham (1874) Anderson, John P. (Grace Taylor) Ch Lucile, Philip; Mansfield Rl Ma- homet Sec6 T107a J. D. Taylor (1903) Anderson, Joseph A. (Lillian Swan- son) Ch John; Paxton R3 Harwood Sec4 T80a Mrs. C. G. Eckblaw (1914) Anderson, Joshua C. (Myrtle Barco) Ch Nancy; Champaign R2 Cham- paign Sec24 TlOa Mrs. A. Stoltey (1910) Anderson, Nels W. (Victoria Gustaf- son) Ch Hugo, Glenn, Arval; Ran- toul R23 Harwood Sec30 T160a E. S. Smith (1913) Anderson, N. P. (Helma Olsen) Ch Albert, Ellen, Edith, Edgar; Homer R59 Homer Sec33 OlOOa (1873) Anderson, P. R. (Lida Wilson) Ch Luella, Lester, Ruth, Doris, Edna, Hazel, Mildred; Foosland R38 Brown Sec4 TllOa A. L. Phillips (1881) Anderson, R. M. (Alice Bishop) Ch Lessie; Seymour R43 Scott Sec4 T400a D. A. Phillippi (1901) Anderson, S. (Tillie House) Ch Mar- tha, Andrew; Ludlow R30 E. Bend Sec3 T240a Mrs. Dunnam and Mon- roe Cook (1892) Anderson, William R. (Lulu Jane Snyder) Ch John, William, Thomas, Charles Bennett, Ratchel, Fern, Vern, Joyce; Sadorus R51 Sadorus T180a (1917) 19 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Andrews, Frederick (Laura Miller) Ch Charles, Howard, Bernice; To- lono R46 Crittenden Sec7 T133a J. N. Dick (1875) Andrews, Martin Longview R64 Ray- mond Sec26 080a (1872) Andrus, John F. (Flossie Rodgers) Ch Margaret; Rantoul R21 Ludlow Secl6 T160a Birch Est. (1914) Apperson, L. O. (Carry Siegmund) Ch John, Juanita; Rantoul R21 Lud- low Sec34 T205a Seth Smith (1890) Apperson, W. V. (Lottie M. Taylor) Ch Roy, Raymond, Lawrence, Arthur; Urbana R7 St. Joseph Sec5 T320a Albert Busey (1883) Appl, John (Clara Waidelich) Ch Ed- mond, Charlie, Henry, Alice, Walk- er; Ogden R17 Ogden Sec32N T200a A. Canady (1899) Appl, J. Edmond (Flossie Yeazel) St. Joseph R15 St. Joseph Sec24 T88a W. S. Lloyd (1894) Archer, Chester St. Joseph R16 St. Joseph Sec23 TSOa M. J. Archer (1889) Archer, Clinton (Laura Woods) Ch Veloris; St. Joseph R16 St. Joseph Sec23 TlOSa N. J. Archer (1886) Archer, C. H. (Herma Marlowe) Ch Jessie, Charles; St. Joseph R16 St. Joseph Sec26 T250a M. J. Archer (1880) Archer, M. J. (Ida M. Boys) Ch Myr- tle, Charles, Clinton, Chester; "Clo- ver Leaf Farm" St. Joseph R16 St. Joseph Sec23 O409a (1861) Argo, William H. (Effie J. Brown) St. Joseph R16 St. Joseph Se23 T80a M. H. Argo (1877) Arie, Charles Ch. Edward, Marguer- ite, Elizabeth; Urbana Rll Urbana Sec27 Oll7a (1886) Arie, Mrs. Peter Ch James, Cora, Jo- sephine, Nickolas, Mark, Myrtle; Thomasboro R19 Rantoul Sec35 O160a Tla (1869) Ark, John (Dora Cirkle) Ch Emma, Arthur, Annie, Marie, John, Doro- thy; Dewey R32 E. Bend SeclO T420a E. G. Helm, Dan Dobbins, and O. B. Dobbins (1899) Arledge, Charles F. (Lydia V. Albert- son) Ch David, Tanabell, Haeel, Alva, Helen, Wilbur, May; Urbana R9 Somer Sec21 T210a L. E. Ford (1867) Armstrong, C. H. (Elizabeth Merri- field) Ch Edith, Doris; Bondville R65 Scott Secl2 T160a Mrs. J. D. Armstrong (1892) Armstrong, Frank (Jennie Trees) Ch Leslie; Sidney R57 Sidney Sec35 T160a S. E. Porterfield (1895) Armstrong, G. W. (Maude Mulliken) Ch Dorothy, Vierlie, Marion; Bond- ville R65 Scott Secl4 TSOa Mrs. J. D. Armstrong (1891) Armstrong, H. M. (Beulah Thomas) Ch Edith, Walter; "Sunnyside Farm" Dewey R33 Condit Sec9 Farm Hand G. C. Williams (1913) Armstrong, Joseph E. (Frances Rog- ers) Ch Loretta, Agnes, Frances, William, Margaret, Joseph; Savoy R45 Tolono Sec7 O290a (1875) Armstrong, J. A. (Susie Pfiester) Ch Calvin, Maurice, Florence; Bond- ville RD Scott Secl2 T243a Frank Goodman (1890) Armstrong, J. L. (Anna Jen Richard) Ch Loren, Frank, Elmer, Hazel, Loyd, Floyd; Penfield R27 Kerr Sec36 T320a Bryan Gorden (1889) Armstrong, Thomas (Ella Seely) Sa- voy R45 Champaign Sec34 T240a Dr. A. M. Lindley (1879) Armstrong, W. E. (Blanch Collins) Ch Wayne, Mildred; Mahomet R42 Mahomet Sec36 TSOa Mrs. J. D. Armstrong Est. (1890) Arnold, Cyrus Champaign Rl Cham- paign SecS Mrs. Mary C. Locke (1867) Arnold, J. D. (Delia Mae Musgrove) Ch Elbert, Arthur, Festus; Rantoul R21 E. Bend Sec23 T160a Loretta Yeoman (1900) Ash, Jessie (Ada Morgan) Ch Paul- ine; Seymour R44 Scott Sec21 Farm Hand Joseph Pfeffer (1914) Asher, James F. (Jula Cole) Ch An- drew, Dortha, Royal; Mahomet R40 Newcomb Sec23 O78a (1904) Astell, J. E. (Maria J. Blair) Ch Alex, Max; Homer R60 Homer Sec31SW O190a (1885) Astell, S. D. (Lucy Cofurn) Ch Sarah, Lucy; Broadlands R36 Raymonds Secl4 O80a (1878) Atchison, Joseph (Emma Brentlinger) Ch Herschel; Champaign Rl Cham- paign Sec20 (1916) Ater, Frank (Emma Neblock) Ur- bana R9 Urbana SecS OlOa (1877) Atkinson, O. G. (Nellie P. Gowler) Ch Milburn, Montel; St. Joseph RD 'St. Joseph SeclO T104a McElwee Est. (1916) Atteberry, D. B. (Remier Sanders) Ch Earl, Frank, Leonard, Fred; Pesotum R54 Sadorus Sec36 TlOOa Minnie Record (1899) 20 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Audre, Marcellus (Maggie Watson) St. Joseph R13 Stanton Sec34 O40a (1890) Auld, Charles F. (Mabel Harrison) Ch Herold, Harry, Dorothy, Nellie, Jenette, Pauline; Ivesdale R53 Sa- dorus Sec28 O40a (1902) Auth, Edward A. (Anna Stevens) Ivesdale R52 Colfax Sec29 T120a William Auth (1887) Auth, John (Anna Rogers) Ch Mar- garet; Ivesdale R52 Sadorus Sec6 T120a William Auth (1883) Auth, John (Kate Hayden) Ch Vern, Kathrine, Roy, Lesley, Violet, Clif- ton, Lilly; Ivesdale R52 Colfax Sec 32 O160a (1879) Ayres, Ahna (Lottie Ferris) Ch ..Clayce, Leafe, Earl, Maud, Ordra; Ludlow R29 Harwood Sec9 Farm Hand J. R. McCabe (1914) B Babb, C. E. (Mary Hauersperger) Ch Russel; Thomasboro R19 Condit Sec36 T240a C. E. Babb (1893) Babb, Jeffery (Carrie Epler) Ch Clyde, Eva, Edna, Opal; Thomas- boro R19 Condit Sec36 O160a Sotn- ers Sec6 TlOOa Mrs. John Babb (1872) Babb, R. J. (Elsie Irle) Ch Richard, Joseph, Harry; Champaign R6 Hensley Sec2 T300a George Babb (1907) Babb, Thomas (Rosie Yakel) Ch Henry, Elridge; Rantoul R24 Ran- toul Secl4 O240a (1886) Babb, W. L. (Ellen Myers) Ch Dor- othy, Glen; Dewey R32 E. Bend Sec35 T160a Mrs. Scott (1890) Bachert, Arthur Sadorus R51 Peso- turn Sec4 T80a William Bachert (1889) Bachert, William (Emma Bealeschki) Ch Arthur, Clara, Artie, Garrett, Ralph/ Grace, Orville; Sadorus R51 Pesotum Sec8 O80a T160a Fred Bealeschki (1875) Backer, George (Tine Epler) Ch Lee; Champaign R5 Hensley Sec2 T156a R. R. Mattis (1900) Bade, Henry Ch Lillie, Ida, Charles, 'Arlie; Pesotum R55 Pesotum Sec36 O40a (1867) Bader, John (Amelia Kock) Sadorus R49 Colfax Sec36 T80a (1867) Bagley Estate Ch William, Olive, Mayme; Urbana R8 Urbana Sec9-4 OlOOa Bagley Est. (1866) Bahrns, Will (Martha Schrader) Ch Frank, Edna; Homer R61 Sidney Sec24 T175a Margaret Boid (1902) Bailey, M. J. (Ada Foster) Ch Fred- ick, Elsie, Marion; Bondville R65 Scott Sec24 T240a J. C. Foster (1900) Bailey, Ray Mahomet R40 Mahomet SeclO A. F. Thompson (1901) Bailey, W. T. x (Harriett Rogers) Ch Thomas, Mary, Harmon; Mahomet R40 Newcomb Sec23 O22a (1869) Baird, J. S. (Hattie Browning) Ch Glen, Oscar, Ralph, Mary, Eliza- beth; Homer R60 Homer Secl9 O200a (1854) Baird, Oscar M. (Helen Conkey) Ch Robert, Betty; Homer R60 Homer Sec 19E T172a J. S. Baird (1892) Baker, Albert A. (Eake Johnson) Ch Walter, Louis, Herbert, Lily, Ros- enia; Thomasboro R20 Somer Seel T206a Martin Huls (1878) Baker, Chauncey (Lona Shelton) Ch Clarice, Cora, Carl; Tolono R46 Philo Sec33 Farm Hand Alonza Brand (1913) Baker, Edden (Sarah Bates) Ch Lu- cille, Lloyd; Pesotum R55 Critten- den Sec33 Farm Hand George R. Hanson (1916) Baker, E. C. (Lottie Demien) Ch Louie; Champaign R5 Champaign Sec2 O160a T300a Burnham Est. (1872) Baker, Frank W. (Mamie Wyckoff) Ch Frank; Savoy R66 Tolono Secl4 T80a Lewis Mulligan (1885) Baker, H. W. (Marguadth Riser) Ch Harry, Edna, Ruth; Mahomet R40 Newcomb Sec27 T120a Chas. Abott (1902) Baker, Joel (Mirtie Helms) Ch Ed- ward, Bessie, Ray, Lela, Logan; Ogden R17 Ogden 5S (1909) Baker, Mrs. L. Z. Ch Charlie, Bert, Retia, Edith, Myron, Ella, Mamie, Cora, Beulah, Frank; Savoy R66 Tolono Secl2 OllOa (1857) Baker, P. W. (Mabel Gustafson) "Mt. Vernon Farm" Rantoul R22 Ran- toul Sec4 T160a Henry J. Baker and Miller Est. (1894) Baker, Robert (Hattie Woolwine) Ch Cliffton, Eloise, Cecil; Pesotum R55 Crittenden Sec33 T240a Mrs. Scrog- gens (1914) 21 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Baker, R. R. Ch Ethel, Nellie, Georgia; "L. Z. Baker Farm" Savoy R66 Tolono Secl2 TllOa L. Z. Baker (1870) Baldwin, Bert (Laura Allen) Sadorus R51 Sadorus Sec27 TlOOa William Price (1892) Baldwin, C. H. (Grace Burns) Ch Alto, Fay; Sadorus R51 Sadorus Secl2 T40a Baldwin Est. (1874) Baldwin Est., Mrs. C. L. Ch Charlie, Ed, Harry, Roy, Walter, Nellie, Bert; Sadorus R51 Pesotum SeclS Ol74a (1882) Bales, Alex. (Lydia Crider) Ch Ray- mond, Alma, Russell, Ralph; St. Joseph R15 Ogden Sec6SE T149a A. Carmady (1913) Ball, Corley (Sada Haverfield) Ch Mildred, Martha, Dortha, Waldo; "Walnut Hill Farm" Foosland Brown Secl7 T250a Alice Bailey (1875) Ball, O. P. (Lillian Larkins) Ch Arthur, Maurice; "Foos Farm" Foosland Brown Sec8 T3a Fergu- son Foos (1895) Bamberger, John P. Ch Lester, Fre- da; Homer R60 Sidney Sec36 T80a Lena Bumberger (1908) Bantz, Elmer (Lola Leigh) Ch Frank, Clyde, Fay; Homer R62 Homer Sec 31NE T231a Thomas Richards (1917) Baptist, Ollerbein (Lillian Hem- brough) Ch Albert, Howard; Long- view R63 Crittenden Sec22 T160a Harry Waldo (1893) Barber, B. F. (Mary Marlatt) Ch Guy, Pearl, Louisa; Bondville R65 Scott Secl2 T120a A. C. Barber Est. (1877) Barber, James (Mae Miller) Ch Oleta; Champaign R2 Champaign Sec29 TlOOa Barber Est. (1888) Barber, John (Mary Cole) Ch Julia, Bernice; Champaign R2 Champaign Sec29 TlOOa Barber Est. (1888) Barcus, Charles (Elizabeth Fiock) Ch Gertrude, Clara, John, Russell, ' Charlie, Chester, Elmer, Floyd, Raymond, Frankie, Ernest, Van; St. Joseph R15 Ogden Sec7SW T306a Mrs. Eunice Weaver and Mrs. Freagel (1875) Barker, George (Nannie Elwarner) Ch Thomas, Georgina; Bondville R65 Champaign SeclS O106a (1898) Barker, Thomas H. (Anna Rayburn) Ch Geneva; Bondville R65 Scott Sec3 O120a T120a (1897) Barnes, James E. (Deamie McGuire) Ch Anna, Cecil, Evelyn, Helen; Tolono R48 Tolono Secl2 T160a Joe Bowman (1909) Barnes, Walter (May Harrison) Ch Walter; St. Joseph R15 Ogden Sec 31NW T164a Miss Mary Harper (1913) Barnhart, Chauncy Tolono R47 To- lono Sec28 O60a (1895) Barnhart, Harvey T. (Vivian Hamil- ton) Ch Lester, Opal, Hazel, Cecil, Clarence, Edith; Tolono R47 Peso- tum Sec3 T240a T. M. Salisbury (1883) Barnhart, Herbert (Jessie Grove) Ur- bana RIO Philo Sec4 T120a Harry Grove (1895) Barnhart, R. M. (Marguaret William- son) Ch Dorothy; "Maple Row Farm" Mahomet R41 Newcomb Sec30 T160a H. J. Barnhart (1890) Barnhart, Will T. (Susie Hamilton) Ch Clyde, Willma; Tolono R47 To- lono Sec28 O60a (1882) Barnhart, Willis (Jennie M. Batch) Ch Lola; Tolono R47 Tolono Sec34 T186a H. B. Steward and G. W. Manley (1874) Barrett, R. E. (Clara Thurman) Ch Everett, Edith, Elva, Fern; Condit Sec7 Farm Hand John Van Sickle (1917) Barrick, Charles (Maud Price) Ch Durward, Hazel, Inez, Everett; Longview R63 Crittenden Sec36 Farm Hand Waller J. Burnett (1911) Barrick, Harry L. (Clara Duncan) Villa Grove Crittenden Sec34 T160a John Barrick (1884) Barrigan, Patrick Longview R63 Crit- tenden Secl6 O320a (1857) Bartell, Bart H. (Wilma Janssen) Ch Frank, Rika, Tena, Hy, Arthur; "Maple Grove Farm" Urbana R7 Stanton Sec21 T160a Frank Bartell (1885) Bartell, Henry (Grace Benting) Ch Anna, Bertha, George, Barney, Carl; Ogden Ogden Sec8 O172a (1869) Bartlett, T. P. (Lucy Sullivan) Ch Robert, Harold, Mary, Ward; Mansfield Rl Mahomet Sec6 O68a Sec7 T140a (1892) Bartelson, Ephraim (Anna Stueland) Ch Charles, Vernon, Irene, Melvin; Rantoul R21 Ludlow Secl6 T160a A. Parker (1901) 22 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Barton, Mrs. M. J. Ch Louie, Leonard, Frank, Inez, Earl, Edna; Homer R60 Homer Sec8 O4a (1862) Barton, William (Josephine Bulloch) St. Joseph R13 Stanton Sec22 TSOa A. D. Hay worth (1908) Barton, W. F. (Oral Custer) Ch Ethel, Marguerite, Carsie, Jane; Homer R59 Homer Sec9 T160a B. M. Cus- ter and W. H. Smith (1877) Bash, O. M. (Kate Inskeep) Ch Wil- ma, Rupert; Mahomet R40 New- comb Sec27 Tla Mrs. L. M. Hazen (1886) Bass, Catherine Ch Laura, Edward, Ira; Tolono R48 Tolono Secl9 T 160a J. T. Moore (1917) Bass, Ira (Ruby Blair) Tolono R46 Philo Secl9 T160a Farm Hand J. T. Moore (1917) Bassett, Frank C. (Bertha M. Ham- pel) Ch Marjorie; Champaign R5 Somer SeclS T165a George Bas- sett (1878) Bassett, Richard (Ethel Flatt) Ch Lois; Champaign R6 Somer Secl7 T240a O. B. Flatt (1891) Bateman, John (Beulah Fairfield) Ch Pauline; Fisher R34 Brown SeclS T120a Jim Naylor (1917) Bates, Ed, Jr. (Alice Donovan) Ch Marie, Frank, William, Sarah; To- lono R46 Tolono Sec36 OSOa Peso- turn Seel T403a Edw. Bates and W. V. Lafbery (1871) Bates, Frank J. (Emma McCarty) Tolono R46 Crittenden Sec6 T237a E. P. Lelle (1883) Bates, James A. (Hetty Maager) Ch Ruth, James; Tolono R48 Philo Sec 30 T240a Edward Bates (1884) Bauman, Ira A. (Maggie Long) Ch Guy, Opal; Tolono R48 Philo Sec28 T120a J. H. Thrash (1901) Baxter, Grant Ch Geneva, Earl; Og- den R18 Ogden Sec7SE (1895) Bayliff, William (Sarah Kirby) Sid- ney R57 Sidney Sec4 T97a George Cole (1895) Bear, Isaac (Mary A. Forester) Ho- mer R61 Homer Sec32N TSOa Chas. Wilson (1886) Beard, Mrs. Eliza (Lewis) Ch Cora, Frank; Mahomet R42 Mahomet Sec26 Archie Herriott (1908) Beard, Frank (Ethel Babb) Ch Wil- son; Mahomet R42 Mahomet Sec26 Farm Hand Archie Herriott (1908) Beard, L. W. (Fannie Eaton) Ch Evert, May, Marvin, Ethel, Willie, Ray; Sidney R58 Sidney Secl6 T 500a John Risk (1912) Beasley, William (Vestella Baker) Ch Carl; Tolono R47 Pesotum Sec8 Farm Hand Frank Nofftz (1902) Beatty, Calvin (Ella McKinney) Ch George, Lillian, Lula, Sarah, Har- riett, Guy; "Woodlawn Farm" Fisher R35 Newcomb Sec5 O400a (1868) Beatty, F. J. (Daisie Carleton) Ch James, Frances; Longview R64 Ray- mond Sec20 T200a John Beatty (1892) Beatty, G. F. (Nellie Donahue) Ch Evelyn; Lotus Brown Sec31 T140a H. D. Donahue (1889) Beaver, Charles D. (Fannie Kirkpat- rick) Ch Edith, Virgil, Elvin, Clyde, Earl, Dorothy, Harold; Champaign R6 Somer Sec7 OlOSa T130a George Beaver (1872) Bebbus, William (Edith Yerkey) Ur- bana R9 Somer Sec34 T128a W. E. Yerkey, L. R. Bireley and Chas. Miller (1876) Bebout, R. M. (Lillie Lare) Ch Les- lie, Gladys, Everett, Floyd, Nina, Clair, June; Mahomet R40 New- comb Secl3 TSOa C. Busey (1915) Beck, D. E. (Laura Philips) Ch Har- vy, Gladys, George, Frederick; Ur- bana RIO Urbana Sec29 Farm Hand J. S. McCullough (1916) Beck, Henry (Emma Borowske) Ch Elsie, Minnie, Oscar, Arthur, Otto, Emma, Lena, Marie, Dorothy; Sey- mour R43 Mahomet Sec28 T260a Payne Harris (1893) Becker, Martin (Augusta Deedrich) Ch Minnie, John, Bernice, Marie, Martin, Evert; "Pioneer Grove Farm" Ivesdale R53 Sadorus Sec33 T195a H. J. Robinson (1898) Beckett, Thomas W. (Ella Hutchin- son) Ch Robert, Ichone, Mildred, Roy, Charles; Urbana Rll Philo Secll Farm Hand James Love (1899) Bedient, Walter H. (Eva Walls) Ch Lester, Harry, Golden; Tolono R46 Crittenden Sec8 T120a Mrs. C. C. Bedient (1877) Bedwell, E. H. (Jennie E. Hulbert) Ch Harold, Wesley; Mahomet R40 Newcomb SeclS O40a (1901) Bedwell, W. H. (Elora Thompson) Mahomet R40 Newcomb SeclS O40a W. H. Bedwell (1909) Beeler, C. H. (Agnes L. Hoch) Ch Dale, Leona; Gifford R25 Kerr Sec 18 T246a Perry Martin (1897) 23 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Beeler, P. E. (Harriet Stiger) Ch Laura, Cecil, Mary, Park, Mabel, Perry, Mamie; Gifford R25 Kerr Secl8 T670a Perry Martin (1897) Behrends, Harne F. Rantoul R24 Rantoul Secl7 O180a (1877) Behrens, Alexander (Bertha Shontz) Ch Fritz, Marie, Wilbur; Dewey E. Bend Sec34 T252a Behrens Est. (1886) Behrens, Harm G. (Nancy Loschen) St. Joseph R15 Ogden SeclS T140a H. H. Behrens (1891) Behrens, Herman H. (Elisa Park) Ch Anna, John, Tena, Harm, Cather- ine; St. Joseph R15 Ogden SeclS O334a (1873) Behrens, J. H. (Anna Buhr) Ch Her- man, John; St. Joseph R15 Ogden 18NE T120a H. H. Behrens (1887) Beightler, C. D. (Pearl Mechi) Ch Celia, Hatty, Amanda; Mahomet R40 Newcomb Sec35 T40a Mrs. Lewis (1904) Beightler, E. V. (Angeline Mahin) Ch Earnest, Beulah, Edna, Connie; Champaign R4 Hensley Sec7 Farm Hand Bert Hickle (1901) Bell, E. S. (Jennie Rodgers) Ch Hel- en, Ruth; Seymour R44 Scott SeclS T240a C. M. Bell (1882) Bell, Floyd (Hazel Heness) Seymour R43 Scott Secl7 T80a O. T. Bell (1892) Bell, F. S. (Nellie W. Ball) Ch Ralph, Archie, Pauline, Howard, Robert; Sadorus R49 Tolono Sec31 T488a J. R. Trevelt (1903) Bell, John W. (Mae Wrench) Ch Ila, Stanley, Lowell; Seymour R43 Scott Sec9 T200a Wm. Bell and Dave Bell (1887) Bell, O. E. (Hazel Rogers) Ch Or- ville; Seymour R44 Scott Sec28 T120a O. T. Bell (1891) Bell, S. F. (Sarah Alderson) Ch Lau- ra, Harley, Glen, Ethel; Champaign Rl Champaign Secl7 O120a (1866) Bell, Walter (Vernie Bowman) Ch Milton; Seymour R43 Scott Secl6 T160a Mrs. Elizabeth Miller (1901) Bengston, Charles A. (Clara J. Erick- erson) Ch Alfred, Engward, Carl, Tillie; Ludlow RD Harwood Sec7 O245a (1889) Bengston, Engward B. (Sylvia Gil- burg) Ch Edward; Ludlow R31 Harwood Sec7 T245a C. A. Beng- ston (1883) Benner, E. R. (Ellen Chngan) Ch Ernest, Dale; Homer R60 Homer Sec31 T160a T. E. Stanford (1914) Bennett, Nathan (Clara Bennett) Ch Orville; Tolono R48 Philo SeclS T120a James Edward (1900) Benschneiger, Carl (Anna Hebbe) Ch Ehrhard, Marie; Homer R59 Ho- mer Sec31 O240a T80a C. J. Benschneiger (1890) Bensley, George (Maggie Norman) Ch Lenora, Walter, Van; "Timber Edge Farm" Mahomet R42 Ma- homet Sec22 Foreman B. F. Harris (1909) Benting, Frank (Annie Coleman) Ch John, Reca, Mary, Grace, Bennie, Herman, Carrie, Josie; Ogden R17 Ogden Sec9N T160a C. W. and D. W. Boner (1917) Benting, Rikus (Johanna Albers) Ch Gerhard, Anna, Connie; Penfield R28 Compromise Sec29 O120a (1895) Benting, Ryner Thomasboro R20 Compromise Sec33 OlSOa (1885) Benting, Mrs. Tollie Ch Anna, George, Gertie, Mary, Frankie; Thomasboro R20 Rantoul Sec26 T160a Joseph Osman (1902) Benton, W. B. (Mrs. Pearl Thomas, Housekeeper) Dewey R32 E. Bend Sec22 T240a Mrs. James P. Wilson (1912) Berbaum, Albert (Mary E. Erwin) Sadorus R50 Colfax Sec29 Farm Hand Patrick Flainn (1898) Berbaum, Alfred B. (Irene Matteson) Bondville R65 Scott Sec27 TISSa Mrs. Chas. Berbaum (1893) Berbaum, August (Frederika Hank) Ch Anna, Will, Albert, Low, Wal- ter, Birdie, Carl, Henry, George; Champaign R2 Tolono Sec6 O89a (1889) Berbaum Bros. Champaign R2 Tolo- no Sec6 T80a August Berbaum (1898) Berbaum, Clara Bondville R65 Scott Sec26 H. W. Zindar (1891) Berbaum, Fred (Clara Betz) Ch Charles, Florence, Ileen, Helen; Champaign R2 Champaign Sec32 T120a Carl Berbaum Est. (1880) Berbaum, Herman (Doris Strack) Savoy R45 Colfax Sec22 T207a Wil- liam Schnabel (1882) Berbaum, Lou C. (Esther Henigh) Ch Esther, Alice; Champaign R2 Champaign Sec32 T160a Abe Crist (1889) Berbaum, Robert (Amelia Joergens) Ch Marie, Louis, Milo; Bondville R65 Scott Sec36 T200a Mrs. Fred Wendt (1882) 24 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Bergfield, H. H. (Minnie Brandes) Ch Eva, Lillie, Anna, Clarence; Longview R64 Raymond Sec35 T360a Sullivan Est. (1885) Bergman, Evert H. (Lena Peters) Ch Offe, Grace, John, Maggie, Herman, Harm; St. Joseph R13 Stanton Sec9 O240a (1882) Bergman, Uffe (Nanka Johnson) Ch Grace, Anna, Emma; Thomasboro R20 Stanton Sec9-8 O195a (1882) Bermingham, J. (Delia Lylly) Ch Margaret, Frances, Leo, Thomas, Glenn; Thomasboro R19 Rantoul Sec 19 T160a Tom Leonard, Jr. (1899) Bermingham, William (Ellen Murray) Ch William, Joe, John, Mary, Ed- gar, Tilly, Catherine, Ellen; Thom- asboro R19 Rantoul Sec30 O160a TllSa Stamey Est. (1892) Berry, John (Mellissa Watkins) Ch Tessie, Susie, John, Harvey, George, Carl; Longview R63 Crittenden Sec26 Farm Hand Gilmer J. Han- sen (1914) Berry, John O. (Estella Baugman) Ch Cecil, Raymond, Ethel, Edith; Sid- ney R57 Sidney Sec27 TllOa Matthew Busey (1913) Berry, J. H. (Lulla Soard) Ch Ger- trude, Robert, Ivern; Sidney R58 Sidney Sec29 Farm Hand R. Z. Por- terfield (1908) Besore, David B. (Luella Wilson) Ch Clarence, Helen, Howard, Alice, George; Savoy R66 Tolono Sec2 O160a (1864) Besore, T. H. (Grace M. Kearns) Ch Margaret; Urbana R7 Urbana Secll O198a (1878) Best, Frank L. (Clotilda Happ) Ch Irene, Elmer, Isabell; Tolono R46 Pesotum Secl3 O160a (1893) Betts, Luther (Martha Liddie) Ch John, Pauline; Sidney R58 Ray- mond Sec9 Henry Mohr (1917) Bevers, Charles (Melisa Musick) Ch Jessie, Grace; Homer R59 Ayers Sec8 O80a (1899) Bialeschki, Albert F. (Essie Ham- mond) Ch Arthur, Mamie, Emma, Vernon; Pesotum R54 Pesotum Sec 8 T80a Fredrick Bialeschki (1865) Bialeschki, C. A. (Matilda Reitz) Ch Enna, Ryne, Clarence; Sadorus R50 Colfax Sec35 T80a (1877) Bialeschki, Fred (Wilimena Nofftz) Ch Herman, Lafayette, Albert, Emma, Martha; Sadorus R51 Peso- tum Sec8 O80a (1859) Bialeschki, Fredrick A. Tolono R47 Pesotum Sec4 T298a H. G. Bia- leschki and Fred Bialeschki (1880) Bialeschki, H. A. (Edith Ferstenberg) Ch Herbert, Warren, Ernest, Rosie, Freddie, Richard, Caroline, Lilah; Sadorus R50 Colfax Sec35 T200a (1896) Bialeschki, Lafayette F. (Mary Bretz- loff) Ch Henry, Ed, Olio, Albert, Christina, George, Irvin, John; Pe- sotum R54 Pesotum Sec35 O77a Sec36 T40a Fred Bialeschki (186.1) Bickas, John (Ella Scurlock) Ch Luther, Lawrence; Tolono R48 Philo Sec27 T320a Crawford Est. (1900) Bickel, Charles A. (Eldora Hott) Ch Harvey, Laura, Harry, Mary, Addie, Viola, Walter, Carl, Earl; Tolono R48 Philo Sec20 Farm Hand Ed Meharry (1892) Bickel, Harvey C. (Elizabeth Boles) Philo R56 Crittenden Sec3 T120a Lawrence Sandwell (1892) Bickel, Joseph (Katie Fisher) Ch Henry, Mary, George, Carl, John; Seymour R44 Colfax Sec3 T210a Frank Banner (1885) Bickers, Amos (Edna Thompson) Ch Jesse, Pearl, Harlin, Donald; To- lono R46 Crittenden Sec3 T140a Mrs. Adelia Clemmon Est. (1910) Bickers, Lawrence Philo R56 Philo Sec25 Farm Hand Jason E. Church- ill (1900) Bickers, Luther S. (Mary Rickey) Philo R56 Philo SeclS T80a John Shepherd (1900) Bickle, Henry (Mary Cain) Bondville R65 Scott Sec24 T80a Mrs. Mary Bouck (1889) Bidner, C. C. (Matilda Schwear) Ch John, Dorothy; Mahomet R41 'Ma- homet Sec6 T370a Alvah James (1914) Bielefield, William (Martha Woller) Ch Minnie, Emma, Carl, Herman, Verna, Russell; Thomasboro R20 Stanton Sec8 O120a (1870) Bingham, A. B. (Marion Graves) Champaign R6 Champaign Seel O21a (1911) Birch, C. F. (Maggie Ward) Ch Mary, Agis, Jenedie, Charles, Wil- liam, Margaret, Irene; Rantoul R21 Ludlow Sec21 T320a Jackson Bros. (1897) Bireley, L. Frank (May Besore) Ch Francis, Wilma, Mary; Urbana R9 Somer Sec28 T320a L. R. Bireley (1878) 25 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Birkey, A. F. (Fannie) Ch Harold; Rantoul R21 E. Bend Sec23 O80a T80a V. A. Birkey (1892) Birkey, J. A. (Mary Zimmerman) Ch Clarence; Foosland R38 Brown Sec 10 T80a E. Birky (1896) Birkey, J. C. (Lillie Birky) Ch Elaine; Dewey R32 E. Bend Secl4 O80a T80a V. A. Birkey (1892) Birkey, L. F. (Kate Oyer) Ch Ray- mond, June, Ralph; Dewey R33 E. Bend Sec33 T157a John G. Birkey (1893) Birkey, Valentine (Phoebe Good) Ch Silas, Joel, Ada, Edna; Fisher R34 E. Bend Secl7 O60a (1893) Birkley, George (Sadie Rankin) Ch Harriet, Marie, Bettie, Anita; Dewey R32 E. Bend Sec21 O43a Birkley Est. (1879) Birky, Andrew (Elica Studer) Ch Levi, Fanny, Edwin, Lilly, Emma, Giltien, Mary, Carl, Bessie; "Wal- nut Grove Farm" Fisher R34 Brown Secl3 O190a (1892) Birky, A. R. (Amelia Zehr) ' Ch Ellis, Viola, Marvin; Foosland R38 E. Bend Sec8 O20a T70a Peter Zehr (1893) Birky, C. B. (Magdalena Gender) Ch Harvey, Lewis, Martha; Fisher R34 Brown Sec23 T80a N. A. Slagle (1905) Birky, E. C. (Lena Birky) Ch Pearl; Fisher R34 Brown Sec24 O80a (1893) Birky, J. S. (Fannie Naffziger) Lud- low R30 E. Bend Secll T160a Jacob Heiser (1911) Birky, L. E. (Dora Stamm) Ch Ruby, Irene, Lottie; Rantoul R21 E. Bend Sec24 O45a TllSa Augsberger Est. (1893) Bishop, George (Lizzie Schaefer) Ch Luke, John; Tolono R47 Pesotum Secl6 T160a R. C. Lindsey (1897) Bishop, Henry C. (Viresa Shaefer) Ch Celia, Frank, Mike, Mary, Fran- ces, Katherine, Tillie, Clara; Tolono R47 Pesotum Secll T160a Bell Hall (1897) Bishop, Ira (Doshie Bickers) Ch Zella, Viola, Annie, Evert, Rose, Winnie; Sidney R57 Sidney Secll T70a F. K. Pierce (1913) Bishop, J. L. (Nancy York) Ch Alice; Seymour R43 Scott Sec4 R. M. An- derson (1916) Black, T. H. (Ida B. Patrick) Ch Ermal, Marie, Lucile, Cecil, Paul- ine, Ralph Evelyn; Sadorus R49 Colfax Sec22 T240a Meade Bros. Black, W. Z. (Mildred Leas) Ch Wil- liam, Eleanor, John; "Springwood Stock Farm" St. Joseph St. Joseph Sec3 O280a (1883) Blackwell, H. E. (Bell Leggett) Ch Cicel, Fern, Okie, Vernon; Gifford R25 Kerr Sec7 T408a Joe Martin (1913) Elaine, Wilson (Sadie Dunn) Ch Ermie, Edward, Mary; Champaign R2 Champaign Sec27 OlOOa (1880) Blake, William (Minnie Collim) Ch Raymond, Sylvester; Champaign R4 Hensiey Sec21 Farm Hand S. Guinn (1914) Blaker, Alfred P. (Eva L. Peters) Ch Charley, Roy, Ruby, Raymond; St. Joseph R16 St. Joseph Sec22 OlOa (1869) Blakney, Gideon (Ella Tarkley) Ch Noble, Mary, Ruby, Alva; Ogden R18 Ogden Sec20S Farm Hand John Yearsley (1915) Blan, Wolford (Lona Ardt) Ch Eliza- blan, Else, Edith, Marie; Savoy R45 Tolono Sec6 Farm Hand Gus Ersex (1917) Blank, Chris (Lizzie Renner) Ch Dan, Ada, Grace, Mae, Russell, Clyde, Bessie, Ruth; Bondville R65 Scott Sec27 O320a (1868) Blaudow, Adolf (Anna Wenzlaff) Ch Edith, Francis, Florence, Marguer- ite, Ralph, Addie, Dorothy; Sey- mour R43 Scott Sec7 T320a Frank Koogler (1879) Blaylock, Elmer (Ethel Ward) Ch Elma, Edna; Ludlow R29 Harwood Sec8 Farm Hand F. S. Watson (1915) Bleichner, George (Lena Garber) Ch John, Andy, Joe, Rose; Tolono R46 Crittenden Secl6 T240a A. Barrand Waldo Est. (1882) Block, Albert (Jemima Secil) Ch Secil, Raymond; Sidney R58 Sidney Secl6 T80a A. B. Block (1895) Block, Amel (Minnie Dayison) Ch Jessie, Pearl, Feme; Sidney R58 Sidney Sec33 T71a August Block (1847) Block, Edward (Eva Bergfield) Long- view R64 Raymond Sec20 O4a (1893) Block, Francis L. (Mary Bamberger) Ch Leo, William, Cleopha, Lewis; Sidney R57 Sidney Sec33 TISOa August Block (1877) Block, F. C. (Emma Edens) Ch Leda, Edward, Marthie, Nellie, Fred, Ma- belle, Bessie, Floyd; Longview R64 Raymond Sec20 O380a (1864) 26 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Block, Henry A. (Elizabeth Bam- berger) Ch Hilbert, Estor, Elma, Ella, Flora, Kerna; Sidney R57 Raymond, Sec3 O164a (1865) Block, Hilbert (Ella Lehmkuhler) Ch Orville; Homer R60 Sidney Sec25 T80a August Block (1892) Block, Raymond F. (Hazel Walker) Broadlands R36 Ayers SecSOW T 460a Paul Block (1891) Block, William J. (Emma Weise) Ch Raymond, Roy, Lawrence, Leonard, Edith; Sidney R58 Raymond Sec8 T160a Frank Frick (1865) Bloom, Jacob (Charlotte Barnhart) Ch Daisy, John, Frank, Elmer, Wil- liam, Charlie, Minnie, Joe, Emmett; Pesotum R54 Pesotum Secl7 T160a T. M. Salisbury (1913) Bloom, Loren F. (Inez Maham) Ch Kathryn; Tolono R47 Tolono Sec22 T160a John Bloom and G. W. Vanmeter (1887) Blue, Anthony (Ola McClellan) Ch Ruby, Kenneth; Champaign R5 Condit Sec26 T80a Mrs. Hutchinson (1889) Blue, Carl E. (Fanny Mathias) Ch Lena; Thomasboro R20 Rantoul Sec27 T240a A. H. Blue (1884) Blue, Earl Mahomet R40 Mahomet SeclO T140a William Blue (1894) Blue, Henry (Katie Hinberger) Ch Alma, Mabel, Lee, Clarence; Dewey R32 E. Bend Sec22 T200a Mrs. O. B. Dobbins (1875) Blue, Louis (Bertha Cook) Ch Eldon, Glen; Rantoul RIO Ludlow Sec8 O160a (1910) Blue, Mrs. Sarah (Sarah Means) Ch William; Mahomet R40 Mahomet SeclO Earl Blue (1846) Blue, William (Agnes Clapper) Ch Earl, Ralph, Lyle; Mahomet R40 Newcomb Sec34 O175a (1869) Bluhm, A. F. (Emma Busboon) Ch Fred, Rankin, John, Ida, Ties, Anna, Eddie, Gertie, Hugh, Johanna, Tina, Sophie; Gifford R26 Sec35 T315a Fred Busboon (1881) Bluhm, Fred (Cathryn Osterbur) Ch Emma; St. Joseph R13 Stanton Sec28 O80a (1894) Bluhm, John (Anna Ahlmier) Ch Fred, Adolph, Emma, Lawrence, Herman; St. Joseph R13 Stanton Secl6-15 O119a (1872) Boastick, M. W. (Minerva Linger) Ch Grace, William, Albert, Gilbert, Fred; Sadorus R51 Sadorus Sec36 O4a (1899) Bocock, Al E. (Millie Stewart) Ch Gladys; Philo R56 Crittenden Sec2 T80a Bocock Est. (1873) Bohlen, William (Hanke Saathoff) Dora, Jacob, Eka, Lars; Thomas- boro R20 Stanton Sec8 O160a Boise, Lander (Leona Jenkins) Ch Clelia, Garnett, Vida, Vinnie, Georgia; Homer R60 Homer Secl9 Farm Hand Squire E. Lee (1912) Boland, John (Gertrude Whalen) Ch Frank, Earl, Mary; Ivesdale R52 Colfax Secl9 O307a (1877) Boles, Edward N. Ch Blanche, James, Gertie, Nanny, Emmery, Lizzie, Merle; Tolono R46 Crittenden Sec3 T200a Joe Dave Maddox (1904) Boles. James A. (Helen Smith) Ch Delbert, Elsworth; Tolono R48 Philo Sec28 T80a Carl Oderbrecht (1898) Boley, William (Ester S. Bowen) Ch Katherine, Ida, Virginia; Urbana R8 Urbana Sec3 D. Slade (1855) Boling, B. H. (Bertha Cusick) Ch Millie, Alfred; Dewey R33 Condit Sec28 T160a J. F. Lennington (1910) Bolman, Scott (Sennie Stamper) Sey- mour R43 Mahomet Sec27 Farm Hand George Carter (1912) Bonnell, S. A. (Ella Hyatt) Ch Glen, Fritz, Don; Homer R61 Sidney Sec 12 O95a (1917) Bonner, Lelia Ch Kate, Edna, George, Fred, Francis; Mahomet Newcomb Sec27 O200a Lelia Hazen (1871) Bosch, Anthony (Rose Roetker) Ch Andrew, Anthony, Edward, George, Leo, Michal; Broadland R36 Ray- mond Sec23 O400a (1898) Boten, O. H. (Annie Hayen) Ch Hen- ry, Francis, Frankie, John; Thom- asboro R19 Rantoul Sec35 T280a Ben Weaver and Frances Boten (1886) Bower Bros. Tolono R47 Pesotum Sec3 T160a T. M. Salisbury (1908) Bower, Mrs. E. A. Ch Fred, Stanley; Tolono R47 Pesotum Sec3 T160a T. M. Salisbury (1908) Bower, Robert A. (Mary E. Geary) Ch Robert, Samuel, Hope, Mamie, Albert, George; Tolono Tolono Sec26 OSOOa (1863) Bower, Scott (Lela Starr) Tolono R48 Philo Secl9 TSOOa R. A. Bower (1882) Bowers, E. J. (Jessie Wilson) Ch Harry, Merl; Philo Sidney Secl9 T320a S. S. Lowe (1912) 27 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Bowlin, William M. (Daisy Neil) Ch Pauline, Marguerite, Raymond; To- lono R48 Philo Secl6 Farm Hand Roy Edwards (1913) Bowling, Gealene (Elizabeth Herser) Sidney R58 Sidney Secl6 TllOa Til- man Busey (1915) Bowman, Clarence (Marion Jourden) Ch Veretta; Mahomet R40 New- comb SecU T200a (1915) Bowman, George (Jenny Cook) Ch Clarence, Willie, Albert, Herbert, Lulu, Sylvester; Fisher R35 New- comb Sec2 O80a (1861) Bowman, Mrs. Minnie (Miller) Ch Verna, Alma, Edna, Ethel, Earnest, Carroll, Leah, Lolo, Oleda; Sey- mour R43 Scott Sec9 T160a Mrs. E. Miller (1872) Boyd, Charles (Ava Hixenbaugh) Ch Beryl; Homer R61 Ogden Secl9SE T204a Isaac Hixenbaugh (1911) Boyd, Frank (Myrtle Walker) Ch Charlie; Longview R64 Raymond SeclS T80a John Edens (1885) Boyle, John (Nellie Quennan) Ch Ger- trude, Marie, Thomas, Henry, Stella; Sadorus R50 Colfax Sec28 O240a (1872) Boys, C. C. (Ada Peeps) Ch Fern, John; St. Joseph R15 Ogden Sec 6SW T206a Boys Est. (1867) Boys, William O. (Minnie M. Vest)- Ch Charles, Esther, Opal; St. Jo- seph R14 Stanton Sec36 T220a C. H. Boys (1878) Boze, F. V. (Belva Wiedner) Ch George; Gifford R26 Sec27 T80a Ed Sage (1915) Brackemyre, L. P. (Hazel Davis) Ch George, Elvira, Florence; Mahomet R42 Mahomet Secll T174a Fred Eichhorst (1906) Brackney, Edward A. (Mollie C. Scurlock) Ch Rufus, Hazel, Nelie; Philo R66 Crittenden Secl6 T80a Hickenbricker Est. (1911) Bradley, Edd (Mary M. Mathew) Ch Flossie, Mildred, Elwood, Elmo; Ogden R17 Ogden Secl6 T160a Ora Carmaday (1917) Brady, Pat. (Fanny New) Rantoul R22 Ludlow Sec32 T80a Ed Walsh (1887) Braithwaite, E. (Martha Rice) Ch Anna, Gussie, Winworth, George; Sadorus R50 Sadorus Secl6 O80a (1890) Branaman, Frederick T. (Nellie Sulli- van) Ch Louise; Rantoul R23 Ran- toul Sec5 Farm Hand C. A. Crane (1916) Brand, A. S. (Zella Chippendale) Ch Charles, Earl, Gladys, Fred, Ervin, Clifford, Roy, Thurman; Sidney R58 Sidney Sec30 T320a C. G. DeLong (1897) Brand, Roy (Francis Plolner) Ch Virginia, Howard; Tolono R48 Philo Sec27 Farm Hand J. F. Plol- ner (1890) Branson, H. W. (Herma Harden) Ch Esther; Rantoul R22 Rantoul SecS T240a Andy Siela (1914) Braten, James (Anna White) Ch Bernice, Fred, Bessie, Eunice; St. Joseph R61 Ogden Secl9SE T149a A. B. Gloscock Est. (1869) Breen, James (Anna Corcan) Ch Katie, Jack, Ella; Urbana R9 Somer SeclS O160a (1895) Breen, John (Effie Keith) Urbana R9 Somer Secll T240a Jack McCon- nell and James Breen (1897) Bretzloff, Augusta Ch Walter, Ed, Fred, Anna; Tolono R47 Tolono Sec21 O160a (1870) Bretzloff, Edward C. (Ola Heyatt) Ch Orville; Savoy R66 Tolono Sec 17 T120a P. F. Bates (1886) Bretzloff, Fred H. (Frances Holl) Ch Welma; Tolono R47 Tolono Sec29 T112a G. Bretzloff (1885) Bretzloff, Henry W. (Nell Wynne) Tolono R47 Tolono Sec32 OlOOa (1895) Brewer, Orma (Emma Mumm) Ch Frank, Kenneth, Walter; Philo R56 Raymond SeclS T162a R Penman (1882) Brewer, William C. (M. Dudd) Ch Chester, Stella; Allerton Rl Ayers Sec33 T80a William J. Alexander (1916) Bright, E. W. (Almira Hill) Ch Les- lie, Dale, Leo; Foosland R38 Brown Sec9 O160a (1894) Brinkley, Bert O. (Nora White) Ch Hattie; Ludlow R30 Ludlow Sec3 O320a Waldon Est (1901) Brinkley, Samuel M. (Ella Yakel) Ch Flossie, Clare, Marion, Mildred, Opal, Beulah; Rantoul R21 Ludlow Secl7 O160a (1884) Britt, M. S. (Nettie H. Putnam) Ch Charles, William; Ogden R17 Og- den Sec4 O382a (1874) Brittenham, John (Anna Fiock) Ch Marie, Charley; St. Joseph R13 St. Joseph SeclO T40a George Rice (1874) 28 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Brock David (Eliza Waggoner) Ch Edgar, Adam, Pearl, Minda, Ma- rion, Wayne; Foosland R39 Brown Sec29 T160a W. and W. Ritchie (1911) Brockschmidt, Will H. (Lizzie Peter- son) Ch Hazel, Clifford; Rantoul R21 Ludlow Sec20 T160a Pat Conner (1890) Brodigan, Patrick; Urbana R9 Somer SeclS O127a (1859) Brooks, James (Lena Havey) Ch Harvey, Flossy, Margaret, Helen, Mary, Elizabeth; Penfield R27 Kerr Sec8 T350a Charles Wood Brooks, J. H. (Elizabeth H. Burnett) Ch Leonard; Urbana Rll Urbana Sec21 O120a (1903) Brosman, J. Ezra (Delia Martindale) Broadlands R36 Raymond Sec36 T80a J. D. Dyer (1914) Brotherton, L. D. (Hanna Peterson) Ludlow R30 Ludlow Sec5 Tl74a (1916) Brown, Abel W. (Maggie Noe) Ch Allis, Edna, Hallie, Janetta, How- ard, Margaret, Albert, Hazel; Pe- sotum R54 Pesotum Sec28 T240a Kelley Sisters Est (1895) Brown, Andrew Homer R59 Ayers SecS T160a J. W. Neal (1908) Brown, Clint (Agnes Stewart) Ch Eva, Edna; Homer R59 Homer Sec 17 O160a (1865) Brown, Earl (Carrie Gorrell) Ch Mary, Deen, Maxine; Seymour R43 Mahomet Sec35 T80a Arthur Arm- strong (1916 ) Brown, F. L. (Ella Allison) Cham- paign R3 Hensley Sec 29 O265a (1869) Brown, Harry (Carrie Coler) Ch Guy, Ralph, Maude, Herold; Sadorus R51 Sadorus Sec 14 O98a (1877) Brown, John P. (Mary Cain) Ch Charlie, Vera, Kate, Edith, James, John, Clara, Mildred, Michael, Morris, Lucille; Ludlow R30 Lud- low SeclS O320a (1878) Brown, John W. (Emma George) Homer R61 S. Homer Sec7 O80a (1877) Brown, J. F. (Jane Cain) Ch James, John, Mary, Eugene, Eleanor, Mar- garet; Penfield R28 Compromise SeclS O160a (1879) Brown, O. M. (Bell Smith) Mahomet R41 Mahomet Secl9 T253a Mrs. M. Smith (1913) Brown, Robert B. (Vina Harmond) Ch Dora, Lou, Nora, Fay, Edna, Goldie; Allerton Rl Ayers Sec29 T80a J. J. Hammer (1917) Brown, R. E. (Pearl Zimmerman) Ch Warren, Sherrill; Foosland R38 Brown Sec 10 T160a W. B. Brown (1882) Brown, R. L. (Mary Tipton) Ch Isham, Harry, Zora, Hazel; Urbana R8 Somer Sec34 O24a (1860) Brown, Stanley (Nellie Montgomery) Mahomet R41 Mahomet Sec30 T166a Theodore Brown (1903) Brown, Theodore (Julia Vandvort) - Ch Stanley, Nina; Mahomet R41 Mahomet Secl9 O167a (1903) Brown, Theodore (Bertha Former) Ch Lela; Broadlands R36 Sidney Sec35 T160a August Block (1902) Brown, William (Florence Edmison) Ch Madge, Dajton; Homer R61 Sidney Seel T175a C. A. Dryer (1903) Brown, William (Leana Keene) Ch Robert, Lee; "Old Tucker Farm" Mahomet R40 Newcomb Sec26 T240a Mrs. Lewis (1885) Brown, William O. Ch Georgia, Wil- meth, Alice, Horace; Homer R59 Homer Sec21 O80a T140a Frank Stadden (1868) - Brownfield, A. S. (Lyde Low) Ch Bertha, Joseph, Ruth; Thomasboro R19 Somer Sec2 O99a (1867) Brownfield, C. E. (Josephine John- son) Ch Annie, Lottie, Charles, Nellie, Mary, Fay, May; Rantoul R22 Rantoul Secl6 T142a McCon- nel Bros (1879) Brownfield, Henry W. (Elizabeth Mc- Cluthen) Ch Jane; St. Joseph R16 St. Joseph Sec27 O21a (1851) Brownfield, John (Leone M. Hord) Urbana R8 Somer Sec25 T160a Martin Brownfield (1893) Brownfield, M. M. (Rachel Shaw) Urbana R7 Urbana Sec3 T55a Frank Apperson (1885) Brownfield, Ray (Minnie Garland) Urbana R7 Stanton SeclS O80a (1890) Brownfield, S. (Sally Dunn) Ch Nanny, Ethel, Wylie, May, Earle; Mahomet R40 Newcomb Sec 36 TlOa Mrs. Hildreth (1845) Brownfield, W. (Irene Henley) Cham- paign R4 Hensley Sec6 Farm Hand D. A. Phillippi (1890) Brudder, B. A. (Lizzie Clapper) Ch Leon, Harold, Iva; Bondville R65 Scott Sec 26 O160a (1890) Bruggeman, Herman Pesotum R55 Crittenden Sec29 T40a John Brug- geman (1892) 29 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Bruhn, C. F. Broadlands R36 Ray- mond Secl4 T160a John Fitzgerald (1895) Bruhn, John A. (Allie Rush) Ch Her- schel; Homer R60 Sidney Sec25 T160a Fannie Buddanayer (1895) Bruhn, W. H. (Catherine Witt) Ch Ronald, Opal, Lola, Irene, Carl, Florence, Howard; Sidney R57 Sidney Sec34 T240a T. L. Block (1911) Bruns, Eilt (Antya Miller) Ch W51- hema; Thomasboro R20 Rantoul Sec24 T80a George Miller (1913) Bruns, Herman (Hanna Haveln) Ch Mana, Claas; Penfield R28 Com- promise TISOa Grace Bruns (1887) Bruns, Jerry (Anna Johnson) Ch Mana; St. Joseph R13 Stanton Sec 11 T120a Martin Huls (1882) Bruns, John (Katherine Bartell) Ch William, Frank; Gifford R26 Com- promise Sec35 T120a Frank Bartells (1892) Bruns, William (Grace Hoveln) Ch Mana; Penfield R28 Compromise Sec31 T130a H. Burkstead (1895) Bryan, Harris (May Thurston) Ch Velma, Keith; Fisher R35 Newcomb Secl7 O37a (1884) Bryan, Jesse (Anna Roles) Ch Bessie, Ivan; "Bryan Farm" Fisher R35 Newcomb Sec8 T90a Bryan Est. (1903) Bryan, J. H. (Dona Stanford) Ch Earl, Nettie; Urbana R12 Urbana Secl4 T160a L. R. Birley (1882) Bryant, Iva (Avis Duke) Mahomet R42 Mahomet Sec22 Farm Hand Len Rayburn (1914) Buchan, Jay G. "Plain View Farm" Mahomet R41 Newcomb SeclS O320a (1877) Buchs, H. H. (Sophia Shoudt) Ch Edward, Herman, Charles, Welma; Urbana RIO Urbana Sec21 T160a J. C. Buhr (1872) Buchs, J. C. Ch Frank, Harmon, Ed- ward, Anna; Urbana RIO Urbana Sec33 O480a (1876) Buck, J. J. (Frances Downing) Ch Ch Leo, Ester, Margaret, Josey, Mary, Gertrude, Francis, George, Katherine; Penfield R28 Compro- mise Sec28 T160a W. E. Buck (1869) Buck, Thomas (Sarah Graham) Ch Francis, Joseph, Arthur, Edward, Harold, Mary, James, Charles, Helen; Penfield R28 Compromise *Sec21 O160a (1863) Buckles, R. C. (Nell Purnell) Ch Ralph, Paul, Rhea; Mahomet RD Mahomet Sec21 T20a A. M. Burke (1886) Buddemeier, S. A. (Jakobine Dahl) Ch Louise, Merle, Wilbur, Lowell; Sidney R57 Sidney Sec35 O160a (1883) Buddie, Charlie F. (Cora Durr) Ch Frederick; Philo R56 Philo Sec22 O80a T80a John Buddie (1874) Buddie, John Ch Minnie, Charles, Fanny; Philo R56 Philo Sec22 O80a (1887) Buhr, B. M. J. (Mary Novann) Thom- asboro R20 Compromise Sec34 O80a(1871) Buhr, John J. (Anke Idnes) Ch Anna, Kate, Jelde, George, Charles; Og- den R17 Ogden Sec7 O200a (1871) Buhs, Mrs. A. (Johanna Huls) Ch Sina, Aelart; Gifford R26 Stanton OlOOa Tina Huls (1874) Buhs, Charles (Gebka Flesner) Ch Geska, Minnie, Anna; Gifford R26 Compromise Sec24 O160a (1872) Buhs, George (Jennie Thompson) Ch Grace, Anna, Hye, John, Tena, Emma, Kate; Ogden R17 Ogden Sec6 O40a T80a John Thompson (1881) Bullins, Ausbron (Bessie Hamilton) Ch Elton, Howard, Walter; Philo R56 Raymond Sec 19 T315a Mary Waldo (1917) Bumgart, Charles (Rosa Bear) Ch Golda, Dorothy, Alta; Homer R61 Homer Sec31 O40a (1912) Buoy, Charles (Orph Johnson) Ch Edward; Sadorus R51 Sadorus Sec36 Ola Mrs. Snyder (1894) Burgin, Joseph (Hattie Anderson) Ch Wilma, Theodore, Neil; Urbana R9 Somer Sec21 Farm Hand Frank Burnett (1914) Burgin, Lee (Leota Martin) Ch Rus- sell, Wayne; Urbana R8 Somer Sec 11 Farm Hand Lincoln Sadorus 1 (1915) Burk, C. E. (Rosa Hayes) Ch Robert; Ogden R17 Ogden Sec9 O60a (1901) Burke, B. (Celia Leonard) Ch Mary, Camella, Florence, Leo, Ethel; Ran- toul R22 Rantoul Sec6 O240a (1881) Burke, John (Hannah CurranJ Ch William, Kate, Joseph, Delia; Thomasboro R19 Rantoul Sec27 O160a (1880) Burke, Mathew (Sarah Monagh) Ch Mary, Margaret, Katherine; Tolono R47 Pesotum Secl4 O195a (1882) 30 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Burke, Michael T. Savoy Tolono Seel O233a (1900) Burke, M. J. Champaign Hensley Secl8-19 T200a L. F. Wingard Burke, William Thomasboro R19 Condit Sec36 T259a John Burke (1893) Burke, William F. (Margaret Doile) Ch Francis, Mike, Mary, William, Sadie, Maggie, Harry, Josephine; Tolono Tolono Sec23 O220a (1868) Burley, G. W. (Anna Burnett) Ch Alice, Hazel, Marie; Thomasboro R20 Stan ton SeclS O160a (1882) Burley, J. S. (Edith Schrader) Ch Elmer; Urbana RIO Urbana Sec31 O80a T80a (1871) Burnes, Charles B. (Ethel Allen) Ch Ruby, Hazel, Charles; Philo R56 Crittenden Seel T3a Daily Sisters (1884) Burnes, E. L. (Nellie Warnock) Ch Gordon, Opal; Broadlands R37 Ayers Secl9 T40a A. G. Anderson (1902) Burnes, James (Viola Stevens) Ch Harry, Carroll; Homer R61 Homer Sec8 T2a J. Siebolt (1917) Burnett, Alonzo E. (Daisy Johnston) Ch Alonzo; Urbana R7 Stanton SeclS (1898) Burnett, Mrs. Anna (Anna Ziegler) Ch Anna, Nellie, Thomas, Emma, Sue, Kate, James; Urbana R9 Somer Secl6 O80a (1882) Burnett, A. A. (Fanny Quayle) Ch Vearl, Aletta, Clyde, Velma; Sey- mour R44 Colfax Sec4 T80a B. E. Quill (1895) Burnett, C. M. (Lena Wenzlaff) Ch Otto; Seymour R43 Scott Sec5 T160a Captain Scott (1893) Burnett, Don (Edna Edwards) Peso- turn R55 Crittenden Sec33 T240a Elmer Edwards (1889) Burnett, M. C. (Louisa Ziegler) Ch Alonzo; Urbana R17 Stanton Sec20 O3a (1878) Burnett, Oscar C. Seymour R43 Scott SecS T160a Captain Scott (1892) Burnett, Walter J. (Eulia Cumbo) Ch Wayne, Russell; Longview R63 Crittenden Sec36 T240a W. J. Bur- nett (1882) Burnett, W. F. (Susie Stalley) Ur- bana R9 Somer Sec22 T240a Thomas Thornburn(1877) Burns, Don (Leona Curtis) Ch Ruby; Foosland R38 Brown Sec4 T108a Mrs. P. Anderson (1915) Burns, R. T. (Sarah Doyle) Ch Sadie, Robert, Harry; Ivesdale R53 Sado- rus Sec6 T80a Doyle's Est (1876) Burr, Elbert A. (Ethel Plotner) Ch Paul, Fern, John; Philo R56 Philo Sec23 O120a (1885) Burr, Eugene C. (Minnie DeLong) Ch Ruth, Merrill; Urbana Rll Philo Secl2 O520a (1867) Burr, Franklin E. (Edith Smith) Ch John; Philo R56 Crittenden Seel T160a H. A. Burr (1892) Burr, F. R. (Anna C. Black) Ch El- bert, Nelle, Emily, David, Esther; Sidney R58 Philo Sec36 O160a (1861) Burr, Marshall Philo R56 Philo Secl4 O400a(1864) Burrell, David E. (Thra Strohl) Ch Gaylord; Savoy R66 Tolono Seel O62a (1876) Burrell, Ellas (Neva Balchter) Sey- mour R44 Colfax Sec9 T80a (Carl Cline (1875) Burt, Nathan M., Sr. (Grace Beecher) Ch Ruth, Lauren, Mary, Clarence, Nathan, Jr., Florence, Charles; Savoy RD, Champaign Sec36 Burt, W. W. (Effie Smith) Ch Ralph, Leonora; "Rural Home" Savoy R45 Champaign Sec36 H. M. Dunlap (1897) Burtney, W. O. (Ella Wilson) Ch Lillian, Ethel; Allerton Ayers Sec 33 T160a C. J. Johnson (1869) Burton, Lee Ch Anna, Luther; Dewey R32 E. Bend Sec22 T80a Allie Par- ker (1912) Burton, M. P. (Martha Woodard) Ch Ruth, Marjorie; Homer R60 Sidney Sec25 T160a T. H. Block (1877) Burwash, A. E. Savoy R45 Champaign Sec25 T160a D. A. Burwash (1889) Burwash, L. S. Savoy R45 Champaign Sec25 T160a D. A. Burwash (1895) Busboom, Ed. G. (Grace Duitman) Gifford R26 Compromise Secl4 T125a George Busboom (1893) Busboom, George (Anna Bloom) Ch Fred, Theis, Henry, Emerald, Ed- ward, Hugh, John, Rankin; Gifford R26 Compromise Secl4 O320a (1874) Busboom, Heije (Lena Schoene) Ch Ortman, Theis, Peter, Reinken, Emma, Tena; Gifford R26 Compro- mise Sec36 O240a (1874) Busboom, O. H. (Hilka Idous) Ch Bertha, George, Anna; Rantoul R23 Compromise Sec3 O240a (1870) Busboom, Peter (Katharine Hen- dricks) Ch Grace, Heye, Erbe, Ber- tha, Lena; Gifford R26 Ogden Sec6 O166a (1874) 31 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Busboom, Rankin (Anna Saathoff) Ch Bertha, Tina, Hugh, Claus, Emma; Gifford R26 Compromise Sec36 O160a (1880) Busboom, Thees (Anna Johnson) Ch Rankin, Ralph; Rantoul R24 Com- promise Sec9 O120a (1880) Busboom, Theis (Margaret Grussing) Ch George, John; St. Joseph R13 Stanton Secl6 T120a John Gruss- ing (1885) Busboon, Henry (Tina Gerbers) Ch Anna, Martha; Thomasboro R20 Compromise Sec27 T120a L. H. Gerbers (1887) Eusey, Clyde (Leah Fisher) "Green Lawn Farm" Sidney R57 Sidney Secl6 T200a S. F. Busey (1908) Busey, J. H. (Sadie Dyer) Ch Edwin, James; Savoy R45 Champaign Sec31 T118a F. H. Busey (1892) Busey, M. C. (Arthena Hale) Ch Annette, Estella, Delbert, Lillian; Champaign R5 Somer SeclS O380a (1850) Bush, Walter (Edna Cox) Ch Ken- neth, Fred, Verna, Ada; Rantoul R22 Condit Secl3 Farm Hand See- ber Bros. (1912) Buss, Jacob (Maggie Saathoff) Ch Catherina, Anna, Louise; St. Joseph R14 Stanton. Secl7 T180a Hen- dricks Bros. Butin, Frank (Hattie Becker) Ch Marie; Sadorus -R51 Pesotum Sec8 Louis Strack (1883) Butler, John E. (Cornelia Plotner) Ch Lawrence^ Evelyn, Margarel; James, Hetty, Myrtle, Julia; Philo R56 Crittenden Sec2 T180a Martha Butler (1878) Butler, J. B. (Margaret O'Hara) Ch John, Mary, James, Robert, Leo; "Margaret Farm" Ivesdale R53 Sa- dorus Sec8 T160a Tim Driscoll (1897) Butler, Paul (Mae Butler) Philo Crittenden Secl2 Farm Hand Geo. J. J. Mumm (1897) Butler, Tom M. (Rose Sudduth) Ch Xavier; Tolono R48 Philo Sec21 T80a Martha Butler (1880) Butlin, Paul Savoy R66 Tolono Sec9 TllSa T. T. Jordan (1896) Butts, Riley (Lottie Beverley) Ur- bana R12 St. Joseph Secl9 Farm Hand W. E. Mosier (1911) Butz, Fred E. (Amanda Fiscus) Ch Mary, Ruth, Jennie; Tolono R47 Champaign Sec33 O80a Pesotum SeclO T252a P. M. Salsbury (1898) Butzow, Edward (Jennie Reese) Ch Louis, Edward, Clara, Grace, Wal- do, Ruth, Marshall, Gladys; St. Jo- seph St. Joseph Sec34 O440a (1865) Butzow, Edward C. (Zora Rudicil) Ch Harold, Gleason, Darnell; St. Joseph R16 St. Joseph Sec34 T440a Edward Butzow, Sr. (1887) Byerley, Charles (Kate Denhart) Ch Roy, Grace; St. Joseph R14 Stan- ton Sec36 T240a E. A. Wood (1902) Byrd, Harry (Ellen Leaf) Ch Evelyn; St. Joseph R14 Stanton Sec34 Farm Hand A. Hunt (1914) Byrd, Sidney (Stella F. Fulk) St. Joseph R16 St. Joseph Sec35 Farm Hand James Rudicil (1915) Byrens, Emma Ch Opal, Everett; Pesotum R55 Crittenden Sec20 O80a(1880) Byrnes, Tim (Maggie Powers) Ch Walter, Marcella; Tolono R46 Crit- tenden Sec29 O80a (1870) Byron, Pat (Martha McCoffin) Ch Anna, Laurette, Vincent, Thomas, Raymond; Ivesdale R52 Colfax Sec31 T160a T. K. Welsh (1876) Cade, Charles (Alvira Turner) Ch Alma, Lillian, Stanley, Wayne, Helen, Lloyd, Orlando; Seymour R44 Scott Sec20 T120a Mrs. S. A. Kade (1864) Cade, B. H. (Alley Patton) Ch Ruth, Hellen, Franklin; "Sugar Grove Farm" Penfield R27 Kerr Sec9 T300a Patten Est. (1911) Cade, Mrs. S. A. (Sarah Ashcraft) Ch Albert, Ella, Laura, Frank, Charles, Ida; Seymour R44 Scott Sec20 O120a (1863) Cade, V. B. (Georgia Snelson) Ch Dorothy, Pauline; Seymour R44 Scott Sec20 T120a Frank Cade (1892) Cagle, J. H. (Roda Shoemaker) Ch James, Clarence, Lloyd, Harold; Fisher, R35 Newcomb Sec2 T120a F. V. Vemivain (1907) Cain, B. J. (Anna Shea) Sadorus R49 Sadorus Sec26 T120a Charles Dixon (1884) 32 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Cain, Edward (Josie Boyce) Ch Mar- garet, Rose, Hellen, Marie, Cather- ine, Rollie, Leo, Josephine, James; Gifford R25 Harwood Sec23 T280a James Cain, Sr. (1872) Cain, Eppa (Daisy White) Ch Lois; Mahomet R42 Mahomet Sec26 T452a Andrew Phillippe (1915) Cain, I. J. (Mary Auth) Ivesdale R53 Sadorus Sec20 TlOOa William Auth (1885) Cain, James (Delia Rice) Ch Mary, Adela, Margaret, Cornelius, Alice; Gifford R25 Harwood Sec23 T200a McCain Est. (1883) Cain, James T. (Mary Cordel) Ch Frank, Lucy, Joe, Vincent, Mar- garet, Myrtle; Ivesdale R50 Colfax Sec29 O160a (1867) Cain, Joseph (Julia Danavin) Ch John, Paul; Ivesdale R52 Colfax Sec29 O200a (1897) Cain, Patrick H. (Anna Coady) Ch Stella, Grace, Leo, Anna, Kathaline, Thomas; Philo R56 Philo SeclS 9160a(1882) Cain, Thomas (Catherine Gallegor) Ch Mabel, Charles, Mary, Martha, Oscar, Raymond, Josephine; Sa- dorus R49 Colfax Sec23 O160a (1877) Cain, Thomas (Hazel Knox) Ch Gwendolyn; Seymour R43 Scott Sec9 T340a D. A. Phillippi (1884) Cain, T. W. (Marie Tynan) Ivesdale R52 Colfax Sec30 T250a William Cain (1914) Cain, William (Mary McGraw) Ch Thomas, Mary, James, Cornelius, Cecillia, Wilmer, Clarence; Ivesdale R52 Colfax Sec31 O240a (1877)- Caldwell, A. E. (Maggie Anderson) Ch Hazel; Urbana Rll Sidney Sec6 T160a Mary Ruckman (1909) Caldwell, R. M. (Sarah Bradley) Ch James, Isabelle, Gertrude, Mamie; Sidney R57 Sidney Seel O156a (1885) Callahan, John, Sr. Ch Jerry, Mary, Margaret, Bridget, Elizabeth, Agnes; Longview R63 Crittenden Sec27 O160a (1865) Callahan, John W., Jr. (Elizabeth Lee) Ch James, Edward, John, Catherine, Josephine; Longview R68 Critten- den Sec27 T160a John Callahan Sr. (1876) Galloway, Thomas L. St. Joseph R16 St. Joseph Sec34 O75a (1867) Calvert, Leslie (Martha Slade) Ch Amelia; Urbana R7 Urbana SeclO O12a T40a John Littler (1877) Camden, Huse (Kate Crawford) Ch Marjorie, Ina, Marley, Kenneth, Wilbur, Frances; Mahomet R40 Newcomb Sec24 T200a F. Goodman (1903) Cameron, William (Grace McKee) Ch Lenore; Philo R58 Sidney Sec30 T80a N. L. Hazen (1910) Campbell Edward (Mary Neisser) Ch Donald, Dorothy, Allen; Sadorus R49 Colfax SeclS O80a (1875) Campbell, John E. (Liza Evans) Ch Leslie, Asa, Algie, Otto, Florence, Ernest, Grace, Frankie; Rantoul R22 Rantoul SecS T317a Scott Est. and J. J. Fletcher (1858) Campbell, Steve (Allie Stotts) Ch, Gladys, Bernice, Theo, Dale, Ellis; Champaign R2 Champaign Sec24 T9a Mr. Kirby (1910) Campbell, William (Lena Sims) Ma- homet R40 Newcomb Sec23 T4a W.- Thompson (1879) Campbell, W. M. (Clara Chalke) Ch Jessie, Hartwell; "Fairview Farm" Champaign R4 Hensley Sec34 O160a (1868) Cannaday, E. R. (Gertrude Sites) Ch Frank, Helen; Homer R62 Homer Sec4 O315a (1879) Cannon, John T. (Martha Stites) Ch Willis, Frank, Andrew, Irma, Zora; Homer R62 Homer Sec33N T38a Charles Wilson (1852) Cannon, J. F. (Viola Kirby) Homer R61 Homer Sec31N T70a Louis Ro- shibe and Mrs. P. Mitchell (1877) Cannon, Michael (Margaret Dillon) Ch Patrick, John, Mary, Gustie, Agnes, James, Netta, Ida, Margaret, Michael, Ray, Charles, Anna, Wil- liam; Ivesdale R52 Colfax Sec30 O200a (1848) Cannon, T. J. (Calhnar Welsh) Ch Sadie, Florence, John, Thomas, Ruth, Anna, Joseph, Francis; Ives- dale R52 Colfax Sec29 T240a (1867) Cardiff, A. P. (Lena Davis) Ch Leon; Urbana R7 Stanton Secl9 T214a G. E. Carson (1888) Carey, P. J. Ivesdale R53 Sadorus Sec30 O160a (1880) Carl, Albert (Anna Partlow) Ch Francis, Leroy, Florence; Mahomet R40 Newcomb Sec21 T96a Allen Brodrick (1903) Carl, George D. (Mary Schaeffer) Ch Louisa, George, Minnie, Helen; Thomasboro R19 Rantoul Sec33 T160 John Carl (1882) 33 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Carleton, Edward (Agnes Ringo) Longview R64 Raymond Secl6 T38a J. Carleton (1889) Carleton, James Ch Ada, Edward,, Mary, Maud, Daisie, Ruth, James; Longview R64 Raymond Sec21 O120a (1871) Carleton, James, Jr. (Madge Driver) Ch Marion; Longview R63 Ray- mond Sec33 T80a J. Carleton (1896) Carlson, O. (Ida Ecklarb) Ch Fred, Victor, Arthur, Edith; Gifford R25 Compromise Sec2 T160a Charles Hickey (1880) Carmien, Roy (Dena Ackerman) Ch Henry, Emma, Herman; St. Joseph R14 Stanton Sec25 T140a H. Ack- erman (1886) Carnes, Fred L. (Lottie Stout Carnes) Ch Donald, Dorothy; Savoy R66 Tolono SeclO' T160a J. W. George, (1902) Carpenter, Charles (Daisy Jenkins) Ch Therode, Leland, Noble, Rosy, Randall, Kenneth, Glen, Dorothy; Penfield R28 Compromise Sec21 T160a J. Gorden (1901) Carpenter, W. H. (Myrtle Duncan) Ch Helen; Champaign R4 Hensley SeclS Farm Hand W. J. Collins (1904) Carper, G. E. (Nellie Cade) Ch Byron, Emiline; Seymour RD Scott Secl7 T371a Mrs. H. R. Carper (1882) Carper, Mrs. Harriet (Harriet Cresap) Ch Daniel, Eusebius, Ida, Annie, Cleora, George, Philip, Eugene, Ulysses, Clara, Guy; Seymour R44 Scott Secl7 O239a (1869) Carper, U. S. (Sarah Moore) Ch Carroll, Clyde; Seymour R43 Scott Secl6 O75a (1875) Carr, Anthony (Elizabeth Hill) Ch Gladys, Hazel, Marie; Urbana R12 Urbana Sec25 Farm Hand J. P. Hudson (1907) Carr, Robert L. (Carrie Hartsock) Ch Evelyn, Layton; Gifford R25 Harwood Sec27 T120a G. W. Hart- sock (1902) Carter, Charlie (Susie Riddle) Ch Henry, Eliza, Floyde; Allerton Rl Ayers Sec21 Tla E. K. Pugh (1915) Carter, C. W. (Emma Cooke) Ch Viola, Ruth; Seymour R43 Mahomet Sec34 O200a (1867) Carter, Mrs. H. C. Ch Dolly, Bell, Horace, William, Flossie; Ogden R17; Ogden Sec5 O80a (1870) Carter, Ida A. Ch Lula, Flossie, Wil- liam, Belle, Horace; Ogden R17 Ogden Sec5 O80a (1913) Carter, Joe (Emma Pasley) Seymour R43 Mahomet Sec34 T200 Frank Carter (1892) Carter, Mrs. Sadie (Sadie Parnell) Ch Frank, Catharine, Elizabeth, William, Birdie, Wesley; Seymour R43 Mahomet Sec27 O120a (1874) Carter, T. F. (Lue Welch) Ch Chris- tie; Thomasboro R19 Rantoul Sec34 T160a Jeff Babb (1909) Carter, Van (Josephine Mantle) Ch Ollie, Merle, Harold; Homer R59 Homer Sec9 O137a (1864) Carter, N. V. (Edna Dickson) Ch Roy; Homer R59 Homer Sec21 T300a A. Carter (1885) Carter, W. W. (Cora Davis) Ch Lena, Earl, Dean, Paul; Penfield R28 Compromise T314a Mrs. Tucker (1897) Case, R. L. (Mabel Yeazel) Homer R61 Ogden Secl9SE T213a G. B. Loeffler (1895) Case, W. M. (Laura Smith) Ch Roy, Osie, Vera; Ogden Rll Ogden Sec20S O120a (1869) Cassaday, A. B. (Minkie Charles) Penfield R27 Kerr Secl7 Farm Hand U. G. Fowler (1917) Cassaday, William (Katherine Brown) Ch Alice, John, Mary, Margaret, Katherine, James, Joseph, Pauline, Hilda, Rose; Penfield R28 Compro- mise Sec7 O120a (1881) Cassidy, J. P. (Mabel Remsstad) Ch Vincent; Penfield R28 Compromise SeclS T160a Ed. Malloy (1893) Castle, Charles E. (Louise Richards) Ch Donald, Caroline, Dale; St. Jo- seph R14 Stanton Sec36 T80a F. Oleky (1885) Castle, P. M. (Eliza Kellogg) Ch Charles, May, Guy, Ella, Louise, Mason, Teddy, Frank, Jennie; St. Joseph R14 Stanton Sec36 T200a M. E. Villera (1865) Castle, Guy (Alma Gebbink) St. Jo- seph R16 St. Joseph Sec34 T47a F. M. Castle (1891) Castof, J. W. (May Coffman) Ch Eva, Freda, Clare, Frank, Carl, Ralph; Mahomet R40 Newcomb Sec22 O40a T120a R. and I. Wright (1908) Cavanaugh, J. W. (Margaret McCoy) Ch Morris, John, Marie, Paul, Carl, Margaret; Urbana R7 Somer Sec36 O390a T40a Elizabeth Cavanaugh ( 1864) Cekander, Albert (Ida Kamradt) Ch Roy, Alfred, Erma; Savoy R66 To- lono Secl9 T228a Mrs. Christina Demlow (1888) 34 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Cekander, Charlie G. (Edith Polk) Ch Marjorie; Pesotum R54 Pesotum Secl8 T140a W. R. Miller and Mrs. Charles Rich (1917) Cekander, William J. (Minnie Gady) Ch Clifton, Edna; Pesotum R54 Pesotum SeclS T230a Charles Ce- kander and William R. Miller (1892) Cender, J. J. (Elsie Kauffman) Ch Raymond, Homer, Marie, Elvin, Agnes; Foosland Brown Sec28 O80a (1893) Center, John (Katie Zehr) Ch Roy, Lela, Alva; Foosland R38 Brown Sec22 O160a (1892) Chalk, Joe E., Sr. (Lena McLaughlin) Ch Joseph, Jr., Clara; Seymour R43 Mahomet Sec29 T50a Payne Harris (1910) Chambers, J. J. (Nellie Robinson) Ch Dorothy, Gertrude, Margaret; Sa- dorus R51 Sadorus Secl3 T360a J. G. Chambers (1877) Chambliss, Ray (Mae Robison) Ch Mary, Charles; St. Joseph R14 Stanton Sec34 T160a M. A. Leigh (1908) Champers, Thomas (Belle Leonard) Ch John, Roy, William, Manuel, Lewis, Hazel, Murvin, Glen, Don- ald; Penfield R27 Kerr Sec8 T178a Charles Wood (1901) Chaplin, Thomas Philo R56 Raymond SeclS TlOOa Elizabeth Chaplin Chapman, Asa S. (Jennie Meeker) Ch Martha; "Burr Oak Burrow Farm" Mahomet RD Mahomet Secl6 OSOa Chapman, M. W. (Florence Barber) Ch Hazel, Bessie; Mahomet RD Mahomet Sec9 T145a Mrs. S. M. Gleason (1911) Chapman, Orris (Oma Coleman) Ch Violet, Gladys, Kenneth, Woodrow, Charles; Thomasboro R19 Somer Seel Farm Hand William Raup (1917) Chapman, W. H. (Lula Allen) Ch Iva, Bertha, Ernest; Longview R64 Raymond Sec20 T80a F. Wegeng (1882) Charles, G. W. (Clara E. Rush) Ch Opal, Marie; St. Joseph R16 St. Joseph Sec23 Farm Hand Charles Archer (1914) Chasteen, Barnett (Pearl Repp) Ch Glenn; Pesotum R56 Crittenden Sec 19 Farm Hand James Quinlan Chenoweth, Charles (Maria Laman) Ch Russell, Ruth; Fisher R35 New- comb Sec6 OSOa (1912) Chenoweth, T. A. (Kate Lowther) Ch Foster, Leonard, Edna, Harry; Penfield R27 Kerr Secl7 O20a (1905) Cherry, Henry (Emma Smith) Ch Mervin, Nellie, Velma; St. Joseph R15 Ogden Sec6 O205a (1858) Cherry, Mervyn (Grace W. La Heve) St. Joseph R15 Ogden Sec7E O74a Sec 5 T190a Henry Cherry (1885) Chesshir, A. W. (Cora Phenicie) Ch Joseph, Elsie, Austin, Mabel; St. Joseph R15 Ogden Sec31W T180a Ike Phares (1887) Chester, T. P. (Nellie Craig) Ch Jamie, Dorothy; "Home Farm" Champaign R2 Champaign Sec21 T437a Manager Chester Farm Co. (1866) Chilton, Roy (Berthie Cook) Ch. Ev- erett; St. Joseph R13 Stanton Sec 21 (1912) Choat, H. B. (Rebecca Neal) Ch Lucile; Urbana R7 Stanton Secl7 Farm Hand W. R. Jones (1914) Christian, Christ (Katherine Raup) Ch Alma, Harm, Henry; Urbana R8 Somer Secl2 O40a H. Christian ( 1884) Christian, Fred (Louise Leibel) Ch Willie, Ella, Freddie, Joe; Tolono R46 Crittenden Sec28 O320a (1890) Christian, Hemmo, Sr. (Mary John- son) Ch Annie, Maggie, John, Harm, Henry, Emma, Ernest, Her- man; Thomasboro R20 Stanton Sec 1 O87a Rantoul Sec31 T320a Mrs. D. Stamey (1875) Christians, Eddo (Jane Boten) Ch Rainey, Henry, Francis; Urbana R9 Somer Sec3 O40a T70a Hemmo and Harm Christian (1886) Christians, Hemmo, Jr. Ch Minnie, Harm, Anna, Henry, Eddo, Eilert; Thomasboro R20 Rantoul Sec25 0200a(1875) Christie, Mrs. E. B. (Emma Bear) Ch Wayne, Jean, Robert; Seymour R43 Scott Sec9 OSOa (1874) Christman, John (Nellie Tracy) Ch Opal, Fanny, Rocky, Charlie, George, Clifton, Iline; Sadorus R50 Sadorus SeclS T160a R. L. Sarkman (1910) Christy, Carey (Delia F. Bullock) St. Joseph R13 Slanton Sec32 T120a (1892) Christy, E. D. (Mame Quirk) Rantoul R21 Ludlow Secl9 T260a Mrs. Mary Christy (1894) Chumbley, Frank A. (Delia Hodam) Ch Roy, Marion; Ludlow R31 Har- wood Sec21 T240a Mrs. S. Hodam (1888) Church, J. W. (Sarah Shanks) Ch Roy, Lois; Champaign R5 Hensley Sec 11 OSOa (1884) 35 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Churchill, Jason E. (Mildred Spencer) Ch Jason, Esther, Mildred; Philo R56 Philo Sec25 O80a Lollie and Agnes Churchill (1892) Clancy, James E. (Elizabeth Sullivan) Ch Agnes, Phillip; Savoy R45 To- lonp Sec4 O40a T80a Clancy Est. (1917) Clancy, Thomas (Margaret Donovan) Ch Coletta, Joseph, Edward, Mar- garet; Savoy R45 Tolono SecS O40a T80a James Clancy Est. (1872) Clancy, Thomas (Ella Mullery) Ch William, John, Catherine, Agnes; Champaign R2 Champaign Sec29 O79a (1867) Clapper, Frank (Minnie Keeler) Ch Lloyd, Alma, Kenneth, William, Ruth; Bondville R65 Mahomet Sec36 O40a T80a Mrs. Francis Clapper (1872) Clapper, R. S. (Merle Hayward) Ch Keith, Kenton; Mahomet R42 Ma- homet Sec25 T120a J. J. Hayward (1887) Clark, A. M. (Belle Minnis) Ch Jen- nie, Bonnie, John, Robert; Penfield R27 Compromise Sec6 O40a (1867) Clark, Elmer (Ella Bridgewater) Ch Leland, Lawrence, Glenn, Margaret, Madgealice; St. Joseph R13 Stan- ton Sec27 Tl60a L. Russell (1884) Clark, Frank (Nellie Stout) Ch Ken- neth; Champaign Rl Champaign Sec7 T240a Mrs. A. B. Rising (1897) Clark, F. C. (Stella Devan) Ch Wrex- ford, Janis; Ogden R17 Ogden Sec 20N TlOa Isaac Devan (1908) Clark, George W. (Mary Zilz) Ch Violet, Oliver, Estes, Kenneth, Ker- mit, Erita, Edith; Urbana RIO Philo Sec3 O124a (1877) Clark, George W. (Mildred Harrison) Ch Wilbur, Willis; Pesotum R54 Pesotum Secl9 T200a O. B. Plate, Dr. Chambers and Cecilia Riggles (1901) Clark, John A. (Inez Reynolds) Ch John; Ludlow R29 Harwood Secll T200a J. Webber and William H. Reynolds (1890) Clark, J. E. (Cora M. Whitlatch) Ch Trecy, Edna, Thelma, Inez, Paul; Urbana R12 St. Joseph Secl9 Farm Hand W. R. Hissong (1909) Clark, J. H. (Mattie Smith) Ch Floyd, Everett, Nona, Elsie, Florence, Warren; Savoy R45 Colfax Secl2 O120a(1888) Clark, Lorin (Ava C. Cockayne) Homer R62 Homer Sec30N O80a T240a N. W. Cockayne (1880) Clark, Otto B (Henrietta Hoke) Ch Omar, John, Elizabeth, Margaret, Charles; "Watson Homestead Farm" Ludlow R29 Harwood Secl6 Farm Hand N. J. Watson (1916) Clark, R. B. (Sarah Rjpp) Ch Edith; Penfield R28 Compromise Sec7 O160a (1868) Clark, Thomas P. (May Allgood) Ch Ruth, Glenn, Blanche, Grace; Lud- low R31 Harwood Sec7 T80a Henry Walker (1897) Clark, Wallace (Eliza Thompson) Ch Loren, Ava; Homer R61 Ogden Secl9SW O340a (1856) Clark, Walter L. (Dora Talbott) Savoy R45 Tolono Sec3 T123a Thomas H. Leathers (1894) Clarkson, Harry E. (Ester Schultz) Rantoul R23 Compromise Sec4 T120a H. J. Clarkson (1915) Clary, Frank (Leona Henness) Ch Aline, Harold, Duane, Maurice; Bondville R65 Champaign Sec31 T102a Charles Naurer (1908) Clayborn, F. W. (Maud Beal) Ch Clinton, Devine, LaVada Belle; Dewey R32 E. Bend SeclS (1917) Claypool, R. J. (Mae Perring) Ch Kenneth, Mary; Rantoul R22 Con- dit T120a Mary Claypool (1891) Clayton, F. M. (Carrie Hayes) Ch Elsie; Ogden RD Ogden SecSN 080a (1897) Clegg, Thomas E. (Susan West) Ch Kenneth, Lincoln; Urbana R9 Ur- bana SecS Tla Woodlawn Cemetery (1914) Clem, Mrs. Emma Ch Roy, Helma; Longview R63 Raymond Sec33 T160a B. C. Paine (1897) Clem, Harry (Nellie Brandenburg) Ch Virginia, Howard; Sidney R58 Sidney Sec30 T5a A. F. Branden- burg (1917) Clem, Wilson (Lucinda Taylor) Ch Albert, Herbert, Howard, Anna; Broadlands R37 Ayers SeclS O160a (1890) Clements, James (Catherine Roberts) Ch Edwin, Frances, Stella, Arthur, Joseph, Ernest, Carl; Urbana R8 T3a Stella Benjamin (1873) Clements, Martin (Emeline Kindader) Ch John, Joe, Frank, Louis; Peso- tum R55 Pesotum Sec36 T80a Joe Peffer (1912) Clements, T. G. (Sarah . Smith) Ur- bana R8 Urbana Sec3 O10a(1862) 36 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Clennon, Mrs. Adelia Ch Mary, Mar- tin, Francis, Sadie, Agnes, Kather- ine, Loretta, Laura, Raymond; To- lono R46 Crittenden Sec9 OSOOa (1868) Clennph, Francis W. (Lucy Cain) Ch Cecil; Tolono R46 Crittenden Sec4 T200a W. F. Clennon Est. (1883) Clennon, Martin J. (Kathryn Tyrrell) Ch Howard, Edith, Louis; Tolono R46 Philo Sec33 T200a William F. Clennon Est. (1880) Cler, Frank M. (Mary Plautsler) Ch Martin, William, Rosie, Francis; Tuscola Rl Pesotum Sec35 O178a (1888) Cler, Jacob (Josephine Hausemann) Pesotum R5S Crittenden Sec31 T118a Frank Cler (1903) Cler, Joseph (Theresa Wilhelm) Ch Leo, Louis, Evelina; Pesotum R55 Pesotum Sec-27 T200a John and Anna Canning (1890) Cler, Phillip (Lucy Wilhelm) Ch Mary, John, Clotilda, Phillip; Peso- tum R55 Pesotum Sec35 O80a T80a Mrs. Paul Roe (1910) Clifford, Cornelius (Mary O'Connor) Ch Ellen, Ethel, Josephine, Corne- lius; Penfield R28 Compromise Sec 30 O480a (1877) Clifford, C. E. Rantoul R21 Sec20 T160a C. E. Clifford (1897) Clift, Mrs. Emma (Emma Apperson) Ch Albert, Lilly; Urbana R8 Urbana Sec4 O46a (1861) Clifton, Charles E. (Dora Stonestreet) Ch James, Nancy, Jessie, Frank, Ella, Claud; Ludlow R31 Harwood Sec20 O280a (1875) Clifton, Edward (Maud Broom) Ch Dorothy; Ludlow R31 Harwood Sec20 T280a C. E. Clifton (1883) Clifton, Frank A. (Myrtle Wycoff) Ludlow R31 Harwood Secl7 T160a C B. Taylor (1892) Clifton, Jess J. (Clara Kuhne) Ludlow R31 Harwood Sec20 T280a C. E. Clifton (1889) Clouse, John (Maniday Hollenworth) Ch Fanny, Jack, Grace; Homer R59 Ayers Sec9 T240a Henry Gorham ( 1902) Cloyd, William (Maude Campbell) Ch Daisy, Glen; Bondville R65 Scott Sec28 Farm Hand Charles Flowers (1917) Clutter, Clell (Zoe Crane) Homer R62 -Homer Sec32N T13a Addison Clutter (1910) Coady Bros. Savoy R45 Tolono SecS T280a Mary Coady (1895) Coady, Mary Ch Mary, Anna, John, Mat, Bridget, Katherine, Esther, Margaret, Joe, Francis, Josephine, Gerald; Savoy R45 Tolono SecS O280 (1875) Coady, M. C. (Catherine White) Ch Mary, Winifred, Catherine, Julia, George, John, Lucile, Lillian, Marie, Joseph, Dorothy; Ivesdale R53 Sa- dorus Sec21 T120a P. Mannion (1895) Cochran, G. G. (Maud Sutton) Ch Cecil, Rebert, Clifford; Dewey R33 Condit Secl4 T160a Louisa Cochran (1874) Codington, John (Emmie Bell) Ch Effie, Lillian, William, Oliva; Homer R61 Sidney Seel O94a (1851) Coffey, J. E. (Agnes Stigall) Ch De- lora; Savoy R45 Colfax Secl2 T240a Meade Bros. (1892) Cole, Arthur G. (Minnie Anders) Ch Irma; Sidney R58 Sidney Sec32 T6a Isaac Cole (1881) Cole, A. H. (Pearl Martin) Ch Cordie, Annabel, Clarence, Hubert, Mildred; Ludlow R31 Ludlow Secl3 T80a Harry Beara (1905) Cole, Coy (Nellie Whitington) Ch Stanley, Stella, Paul; Champaign R3 Mahomet Sec24 Farm Hand Joseph Sylvester (1917) Cole, Mrs. C. G. Ch Julia, Florence, Mabel, Agnes, Nathan; Sidney R58 Raymond Sec6 T179a Isaac Cole (1885) Cole, Edgar (Birdie Marshall) Ch Leona, Harold; Champaign R3 Ma- homet Sec24 Farm Hand Joseph Sylvester (1917) Cole, Isaac (Loretta Johnson) Ch Sherman, Willard, Lora, Delia, Ar- thur; Sidney R58 Sidney Sec32 O640a (1850) Cole, Mrs. M. F. Ch Hazel, Estelle, Charles, Gladys; Sidney R58 Philo Sec25 O260a (1874) Cole, Raymond (Ibbie Hulett) Ch Dorothy; Ludlow R31 Harwood Secl6 T240a N. Shinker (1911) Cole, S. L. (Addie Kennedy) Ch Ellen, Bertha, Lloyd; Sidney R58 Sidney Sec32 T640a Isaac Cole (1864) Colee, Henry (Emma Berus) Savoy R66 Tolono Sec21 T53a Barbara Berus (1883) Coleman, Ed. (Nannie Nincewander) Thomasboro R20 Rantoul Sec30 T120a (1875) 37 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Colgrove, George (Pearl Marshell) Ch Robert; Tolono R47 Tolono Sec21 Farm Hand Thomas M. Sons (1917) Collin, M. (Mary Gordon) Ch Stella, Agnes, John, Harry, Irene, Patricia, Margaret, Gordon, Ellen, Gertrude; Penfield R28 Compromise SecZl T311 D. M. Hedrick (1878) Collins, Canda (Minnie Kennedy) Urhana R7 Stanton Sec21 T90a Lewey Huls (1912) Collins, Clyde C. (Charlotte Rey- nolds) Ch Helen; Tolono R48 Philo Sec8 T200a Henry Miller (1903) Collins, C. C. (Mattie English) Ch Cleo, Verna; Thomasboro Rantoul Sec28 T360a Frank Lachemmeyer and Wm Lachemmeyer (1895) Collins, C. H. (Ida Ritchie) Ch Clyde, Judson, Bert, Harley, Edith, Ethel, Hazel, George; Champaign R2 Champaign Sec25 T320a Cruise Bros. (1912) Collins, John (Grace Goldsberry) Ch Taylor, Harlan; Dewey R33 Condit Sec23 T160a A. S. Nelson (1913) Collins, J. T. (Nellie Evans) Ch Leathel, June; Thomasboro R19 Rantoul Sec29 T320a John, Carl and Cal Stamey (1902) Collins, Mrs. Mary J. Ch Char'es, Agnes; Champaign R2 Champaign Sec22 T520a Daniel Morrisy (1893) Collins, O. A. (May Frink) Ch Ray, Lillian, Bernice, Gladys; Foosland R38 Brown Sec4 T360a C. A. Hel- mick (1914) Collins, Thomas (Maggie M. Miller) Ch James; Rantoul R23 Rantoul Sec6 J. A. Osborne (1892) Collins, William S. (Carrie E. Lach- enmeyer) Ch Henry, Maude, Essie, Hubert, Clara; Thomasboro R20 Rantoul Sec33 T280a Frank Lachen- meyer (1855) Collins, W. A. (Ethel Babb) Ch Harold; Thomasboro R17 Rantoul Sec21 T230a Jeffrey Babb (1899) Collins, W. J. (Mary Easter) Ch Charles, George; Champaign R4 Hensley Secl6 O80a T160a (1887) Collison, Fred (Elsie Harper) Ch Kenneth; Rantoul R22 Condit SeclO T240a Ed. Woods (1892) Combest, Willard P. (Julia Hardy) Ch Reita, Raymond; Urbana R8 Urbana Sec3 T118a J. O. Cunning- ham (1906) Compton, Roy (Pearl Johnson) Ch Leslie; Urbana R9 Urbana SecS T25a W. S. Hopkins (1915) Conard, James S. (Lillian Nelson) Ch Elizabeth, Inez, Pauline; Dewey R33 Condit Sec32 O120a T80a Liz- zie Nelson (1901) Concannon, James, Jr. (Maime Ker- wan) Ivcsdale R53 Sadorus Sec9 T160a (1882) Condit, Arthur W (Jeanette Condit) Ch Lois, Clark, Robert; Dewey R33 Condit Secl6 T80a Mrs. Casper Condit (1904) Condit, D. S. (Helen Conkling) Ch Oella, Lucy; "Koogler Crossing Farm" Seymour R44 Scott Secl7 O120a SecS TlOOa Helen K. Condit and D. S. Condit (1878) Conerty, Mrs. Carrie (Carrie Hudson) Ch Genevieve, Annastasi, Hugh, John, Roger, Francis, Margaret, James; Urbana R8 Somer Sec24 T120a Conerty Est. (1878) Connerley, Virett (Irene Brittan) Urbana R9 Urbana Sec7 Farm Hand George Lindsey (1916) Conners, Patrick (Katherine Toohey) Ch Amel, Jeneva; Sadorus R49 Col- fax Secl3 O120a Tla (1892) Connley, John, Prow and William Urbana RIO Urbana Sec32 T80a Arthur Scharaden (1909) Connor, P. (Mary Sullivan) Ch Kate, Mary, Irena, John, Patrick, Mage- lane, Helen; Rantoul R21 Ludlow Secl9 O320a (1872) Connor, Wilson (Alice Mantle) Ch McKinley, Mary; Penfield R27 Kerr Sec28 O104a (1862) Connor, W. F. (Kittie Odell) Sadorus R49 Colfax Sec25 T160a Mrs. Jen- ning (1887) Conrad, C. E. Urbana R12 St. Joseph Sec7 T75a Edward Cord (1889) Conrad, G. W. (Winnie Jervis) Homer R16 S. Homer Sec6W T240a Joe McElroy (1909) Conrad, Mrs. Laura Ch Alice, Ida, Frances, Lizzie, Charles; Urbana R12 St. Joseph Sec7 Charles Con- rad (1889) Conrad, T. B. (Cynthia A. Conrad) Ch Guy, Katie, Laura, Nora, Grace, Mary, Lizzie; Homer R61 Homer Sec6W Farm Hand Joe McElroy (1916) Consoer, August Ch Thomas, Ethel, John, Oscar; Sidney R58 Raymond Sec6 O140a (1821) Cooddinton, William (Ina Howland) Ch Lois, Carl, Margaret; Homer R61 Sidney Secl2 T171a G. W. Townsend (1885) 38 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Cook, Dennis (Dora Hill) Ch Lucille; Tolono R47 Tolono Sec30 T327a Mrs. Edna Kelley (1878) Cook, Ed. (Maggie Mitchell) Ch Harry, Tona, Ruth, Berthie; St. Jo- seph R13 Stanton Sec29 (1912) Cook, Frank (Maud Rollins) Ch Eltha; Dewey R32 E Bend Sec22 T120a Wm. A. Cook (1890) Cook, Garfield (Sarah Martin) Ch Merl, Ralph, Leoma; Sidney R57 Sidney Sec9 T21Sa Edward Hayes (1904) Cook, George W., Jr. Urbana R7 St. Joseph Sec7 T70a Henry Dyson (1892) Cook, Guy (Nellie Black) Ch Grace, Gertrude; Ivesdale R53 Sadorus Sec29 O280a (1873) Cook, Ira (Mary Nelson) Ludlow R30 E Bend Sec2 O79a (1880) Cook, James (Marguerite Lee) Ch Charles, Franklin, Cecil, Hazel, Bertie; Mahomet R40 Mahomet Sec 3 T320a Dan Morrissey (1862) Cook, John (Bertie Jurney) Urbana R7 St. Joseph Sec7 T70a Henry Dyson (1890) Cook, J. E. (Frankie Boose) Ch Layman; Sadorus R49 Colfax Sec24 Farm Hand M. Solon (1917) Cook, William A. (Sarah Chambers) Ch Myrtle, Pearle, Lacey, Archie, Walter; Dewey R32 E Bend Sec22 O264a (1868) Cooms, O. B. (Catherine Welch) Ch Nettie, Albert; Foosland R38 Brown - SeclO O120a (1903) Coon, J. S. (Mary Smith) Ch Elmer, Harry, Lewis, Fern, Irena; Ludlow R30 Ludlow SeclO O160a (1890) Coons, A. C. (Olive Deere) Ch Ethel, Gilbert, Nora, St. Claire; St. Joseph R16 St. Joseph Sec29 T200a Mabel Hunter and Jacob Coons (1872) Coons, Gilbert S. (Eva Swearingen) St. Joseph R16 St. Joseph Sec28 TllOa W. M. Jones (1894) Cooper, Mrs. Amanda Ch Charlie, Ross, Ira, Alfred, Elaine; Pesotum R55 Pesotum Sec25 O63a (1862) Cooper, Ira M. (Anna Knapp) Ch Francis, Leslie, Donald, Howard; Pesotum R55 Pesotum Sec35 OllSa P. L. Cooper (1881) Cooper, John F. (Albertia Harold) Ch Chria, Hazel, Harold, Carl; Pesotum R55 Pesotum Sec36 T160a Madison Cooper (1871) Cooper, Thomas E. (Mary L. Lucas) Ch Gertrude, Leland; Pesotum R55 Pesotum Sec26 T80a Madison Cooper (1873) Coplea, Dave (Iva Schwartz) Ch Melvin; Fisher R34 E Bend Sec31 T200a J. K. Chapman and V. W. Johnson (1913) Coplea, J. C. (Ethel Wilson) Ch Marvin, Ruth; "Cooper Farm" Fisher R34 Brown Sec36 T240a E. W. Johnson (1910) Corbett, R. P. (Mary Cleary) Ch Effie, Roy, Bessie, Raymond, John, Mike, Joey; Ludlow R31 Ludlow Secl3 O320a (1892) Corbley, F. H. (Isabelle Jackson) Gifford R25 Kerr Secl2 Tl60a Linn Corbley (1890) Corbley, Ross L. (Fay Goodwin) Ch Sarah, Lola, Henry; Gifford R25 Harwood Secl2 T200a H. L. Corb- ley (1886) Corbley, J. L. (Nell Sheehan) Ch Frank, James, Ray, Elmer, Pauline, Margaret, Irene; "Oak Lawn Farm" Gifford R25 Kerr Secl2 O280a (1865) Corbley, Owen (Vesta Wampler) Clarance Rl Kerr Secl2 TlOOa J. L. Corbley (1893) Corcoran, Mrs. Mary Ch Nellie, Mary, Thomas, William; Ivesdale R53 Sa- dorus Sec5 O40a (1870) Corcoran, T. J. (Katherine Burns) Mary, Terese; Sadorus R51 Sadorus Secl6 T160a M. J. Brye (1880) Cord, Triman (Media Lockwood) Ch Joy, Thelma, Lenora, Edith, Robert; Sidney R58 Sidney Sec8 T280a Granville Reese (1917) Cordray, J. D. (Ida Duram) Ch Ar- thur, Ralph, Lena, Blanch; Urbana R7 Urbana Secll Farm Hand E. B. Smith (1904) Cordts, J. A. (Anno Oye) Ch Walter, Alfretta, Ervin, Icell; "Champaign County Line Farm" Ivesdale R53 Sadorus Sec32 O80a (1905) Cornelius, John P. (Grace Roelfs) Ch John, Grace, Peter; St. Joseph R13 Stantou SeclO O240a (1870) Cornell, Ollie (Pearl Bullick) Ch Gladys, Oliver; Allerton Rl Avers Sec33 T160a Daniel Cornell (1887) Coroll, Frank Ivesdale R52 Colfax Sec29 Farm Hand J. T. Cain (1871) Corray, G. M. Ch Austin, Harmon, Lowell;. Urbana R9 Somer Sec33 O240a (1869) Corray, H. M. (Elizabeth Bowers') Ch Mary, George, William, Fred, Frank; Urbana R8 Urbana Sec4 O183a Somer Sec24 O120a Stanton Sec30 O46a (1862) 39 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Corson, J. B. (Ella Braumfield) Ch Gladys, Fay, Ruth, Merl; Urbana R8 Stanton Secl9 T3a George Cor- son (1889) Corum, L. A. (Nellie Hazle) Ch Alma, Herman; Champaign Rl Cham- paign Secl7 Farm Hand John Low- man (1917) Coslet, John (Phena Wooline) Far- land R63 Raymond Sec32 T200a M. B. Hensen (1906) Cottle, Robert B. (Melissa J. Craft) Ch Rena, Susie, Lucy, Ida, Dorothy, Robert, James; "Riverside Farm" Paxton R3 Harwood Seel T200a J. M. Howe (1917) Cotton, C. N. (Alice Coddington) Ch Robert, Frank; Homer R67 Sidney Secl2 O176a (1885) Cover, J. C. (Winnie Burton) Ch Clyde, Nellie; Urbana R8 Urbana Sec9 O^a .(1854) Cox, Elwin (Lessie Dunn) Ch Lloyd, Clarence, Merle, Rachel, Laurence, Jennie; Urbana R8 Somer Sec34 TlOa W. Knoch (1886) Cox, Henry W. (Anna Grant) Ch Dee-Ette, Laura, Elwin, Harry, Hazel; Urbana R8 Somer Sec34 T155a J. O. Cunningham Est. (1860) Cox, H. L. (Grace Alexander) Foos- land R39 Brown Sec33 T200a W. M. Cox (1886) Cox, Lelie (Maggie Brown), Ch Earl, David; Fisher R34 Brown Sec28 T260a William Cox (1890) Coyle, Anthony (Mandia Cauter) Ch Clara, Frank; Penfield R27 Kerr Sec32 O80a (1854) Crabb, Grant (Abbie Evans) Ch Neva, Elsie, Clyde; White Heath Rl Scott Sec30 T144a Bishop Est. (1901) Crabtree, W. H. (Hattie McDowell) Ch Ervin, Robert; Champaign R4 Hensley Sec4 Farm Hand Grant Pipher (1916) Craft, George (Hazel Martin) Ch Nora, Delmar; Sidney R58 Ray- mond Sec4 I. Graymond (1913) Craft, J. B. (Audie Caldwell) Ch Abbott; Mahomet R41 Newcomb Sec29 T240a N. E. Wilson (1916) Craig, Albert (Ethel Guard) Urbana RIO Philo Sec4 Farm Hand A. G. Guard (1917) Craig, Carl (Dollie Hackler) Ch Paul; Ogden R17 Ogden Sec33N Farm Hand Oral Hubbard (1917) Cramer, Chas. F. (Ida White) Ch Sarah, Ruth; Tolono R47 Tolono Sec35 O80a T277a Bell Est., Milli- gan and E. C. Cramer (1884) Crane, Clinton A. (Jessie W. Wood) Ch Glenn; Rantoul R23 Rantoul Sec 5 T160a (1885) Crane, Ira (Hazel Roughton) Ch Wendell, Maurice; Rantoul R23 Ludlow Sec35 T160a Mrs. E. H. Roughton (1883) Crane, Joe J. (Lillie White) Ch' Hu- bert, Frances; Homer R62 Homer Sec33 O15a T12a Charles Wilson (1907) Crane, Mrs. Luellen Ch Orpha, Bertha, Mary; "Sunset Lawn Farm" Rantoul R23 Harwood Sec32 O80a (1872) Cranford, Edward N. (Claye Hoover) Ch Grace; Philo R56 Philo Sec24 T240a E. B. Hazen Est. and Thomas King (1892) Cranford, W. O. (Pearl Hogan) Ch Helen, Raymond, Edward, Doris, John, Mary, William; Sidney R58 Raymond SecS T165a J. S. Ray- mond (1907) Cravens, Walter (Hazel Lemaster) Ch Ralph, Raymond; Philo R56 Philo Sec36 Farm Hand !W. H. Ordel Craw, G. E. (Isabel M. Latch) Ch May, Way; Sadorus R49 Colfax Sec 25 T180a Sam Craw (1877) Crawford, Claud E. (Anna Priest) Ch Everett, Clifford, Ruby, Blanche; Longview R63; Crittenden Sec27 T160a E. B. Chapin (1909) Creamer, William C. (Charlotte Grif- fith) Ch Harold, Jean; Tolono R47 Tolono Sec35-34 O130a Pesotum Secll T175a E. C. Creamer (1882) Creiger, Louie (Emma Norman) Ur- bana RIO Philo SeclO T280a Harry Grove (1856) Cresap, Charles (Ida B. Koble) Ch Jessie, Ross, Elmer, Edwin, Frank, Lena, Kenneth, Michael, Sadie, Grace; Ivesdale R52 Colfax Sec6 O225a (1876) Cresap, William H. (Maude Johnston) Ch Robert, Dorothy; White Heath Rl Scott Secl9 O160a (1877) Cribbet, G. C. (Anna Klein) Ch Ed- ward; Champaign R5 Hensley Seel Farm Hand Bessie Deacons (1896) Cricke, Herman Homer R60 Sidney Sec36 T200a Patrick Moore (1901) Crispin, John E. (Anna Florey) Ch Albert, John; Sidney R57 Sidney Sec22 T160a R. M. Porterfield (1913) 40 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Critzer, C. W. (Elizabeth Schlichter) Ch Doris, Pauline; Urbana R12 St. Joseph Sec20 T160a J. H. Bell (1903) Crooks, W. E. (Edna Golden) "Gil- more Farm" Fisher R35 Newcomb SeclO T200a C. H. Gilmore (1916) Cropper, Charles V. (Lorena Meadows) Ch Leighton; Gifford R25 Harwood Sec24 Farm Hand Lynch Jones (1915) Crouch, Charles F. (Lena Hundert- pfund) Ch Minnie, Nellie, Ray; Savoy R45 Scott Sec36 T40a Mrs. A. Gross (1917) Crowley, Cleveland Champaign R4 Hensley Sec8 T280a D. A. Phil- lippie (1885) Crowley, J. W. (Nancy Holt) Ch Charlotte, Chester, Leo, Lucy, Paul, Allena; Mahomet R40 Newcomb Sec25 T19a Mrs. M. Crowley (1872) Crowley, Lee (Pearley Moorehead) Ch Evelyn, Russel, Charles; Ma- homet R42 Condit Sec30 T5a Cope- land Est. (1883) Crowley, Lou (Cynthia Moorhead) Ch Leona; Mahomet R40 Newcomb Sec25 O40a (1885) Crowley, Mrs. M. (Martha Raines) Ch James, Daniel, Myrta, Ora, Omer, Lou, Lee, Cleveland; Ma- homet R40 Newcomb Sec25 O79a T19a Mrs. M. Crowley (1878) Crowley, Omer (Edith Lawrence) Champaign R4 Hensley Sec8 T280a D. A. Phillippie (1881) Crozier, Fred (Emma Roth) Dewey R32 E Bend Sec5 T167a Mary Dever (1912) Crozier, H. C. (Henriettie Bartell) Ch Earnest; Rantoul R23 Ludlow Sec36 T160a Coon Bros. (1915) Cruser, Herman D. (Etta A. Busey) Champaign R5 Hensley Sec24 O120a Somer Secl7-20 T195a Mrs. Nellie Cherry (1892) Crutcher, S. M. (Lizzie Conder) Ch David, Nancy, Margaret, Cynthia, Albert, Lee, Sallie, Newton, Noah; Sadorus R51 Sadorus Sec36 TSOa James LaGrange (1911) Cruze, W. D. (Betty Farmer) Ch Dewey; Dewey R32 E Bend Sec28 T120a Matila Lorenz (1913) Cundifr, Sam (Fannie Neat) Rantoul R24 Rantoul Secl4 T240a Thomas Babb (1916) Cunningham, R. F. (Mary E. Reid) Ch Jessie; Urbana R12 St. Joseph SeclS T120a Ubbe Gerdes (1902) Cunningham, S. P. (Anna S. O'Don- nald) Ch Terrence, Vincent, Ed- ward, Mary, Margaret, Francis; Penfield R28 Compromise Sec32 (1914) Cuppernell, A. (Delia, Mayme, sisters) Rantoul R24 Rantoul Secll O80a (1880) Cuppernell, Merritt V. (Millie Foley) Rantoul R23 Rantoul Secl2 Farm Hand A. L. Meuser (1915) Curtis, Eugene, Jr. (Madge Trexler) "Plainview Farm" Savoy R45 Champaign Sec34 T240a T. E. Cur- tis, Sr. (1895) Curtis, George F. Champaign Rl Champaign Sec20 O385a (1874) Curtis, G. A. (Mannie McKinney) Ch Harold, Marshall, Margaret; Fisher R34 Brown Sec34 TSOa S. McKin- ney (1913) Curtis, J. Wesley (Ritta Stout) Ch Paul; Champaign Rl Champaign Sec21 O40a T300a (1881) Curtis, Pearl "Plain View Farm" Savoy R45 Champaign Sec34 T. E. Curtis (1894) Curzon, J. A. (Bessie Wyant) Ch George; Champaign R2 Tolono Sec 34 O20a Champaign Sec32 T200a T. H. Trevett (1887) D Dabney, Robert C. (Oshel Woods) Ch Thelma; Champaign R5 Somer Sec7 T130a M. Kilbury (1910) Dadey, Edward J. (Anna Klein) Ch Anna; Champaign R2 Tolono Sec5 T165a Anna Dadey (1888) Daeger, Jake A. (Cathrine Kelly) Ch Nellie, Francis, Cathrine; Savoy R66 Tolono Secl4 T160a William Red- hed (1893) Daeger, John K. (Madgeline Stickley) Ch Lena, Nick, Mary, Pete; Pesot- um R55 Crittenden Sec20 O40a (1902) Dahl, August (Margarett Olson) Ch Frederick, Emma, Carl, Clara, Ida, Franz, Annie, Ester, Martin, Law- rence, Myrtle; Ludlow R29 Har- wood Sec2 T260a R. F. Webber and Mrs. Sutton (1907) 41 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Dahl, E. V. Ludlow R30 Ludlow SecS T160a Mrs. Anna Goddey (1882) Dahl, J. C. (Mere Straagaard) Ch Jac- obine, Clark, Christ, Martinus; Sid- - ney R58 Raymond Sec4 T80a Hos- pital Est. (1883) Dahl, J. F. (Anna Anderson) Ch Ed, Hatty, Ellen, Walter; Ludlow R30 Ludlow SecS T160a Mrs. Anna God- dey (1882) Daily, Newton (Ollie Hayes) Ogden R17 Ogden Sec21N T4a Elizabeth Hayes (1877) Dailey, P. M. (Anna Manon) Ch Jo- seph, Nettie, Marie, Nora, Thomas, Kate; "The Maples Farm" Penfield R28 Compromise Sec31 O320a (1884) Dale, H. M. (Thelma Wilder) Ch Cecil; Dewey R32 E. Bend Sec3 T450a John J. Rea, Margaret Dob- bins and W. H. Cosner (1905) Dale, W. O. (Grace Rayburn) Ch Bell, Fern, Lula, Oscar, Mary, Robert; Seymour R43 Mahomet Sec21 T200a Thomas Dale (1864) Dalton, George (Elizabeth Harris) Ch Clifford, Gilbert, Dessa, Roy, Ray, Seward, Melvin; Pesotum R54 Pes- otum Sec34 Farm Hand Frank Eck- el (1917) Daly, Charles (Susan A. Clennon) Ch Margaret, John, Ellen, Albert, Marie, Leo; Philo Philo Sec36 O280a (1868) Daniels, James W. (Fanny Nogle) Sadorus R50 Sadorus Sec2 O40a George Spaulding (1902) Danielson, Otto E. (Ella E. Kridner) Ch Walter, Raymond; Ludlow R29 Harwood SecS T240a Mrs. G. Dan- ielson (1889) Dannison, Charles (Emma Zendar) Ch Walter, Margaret, Vern; Ives- dale R50 Colfax SecS O160a Daniel Dannison (1888) Davenport, Elizabeth (Elizabeth Cresap) Seymour R44 Scott Secl7 Mrs. H. Carper (1902) David, Lewis (Cora Ogle) Ch Dwight, Helen, Dale, James, Bruce; Loner- view R64 Raymond Sec29 T120a James Watts (1917) Davidson, J. E. (Mary Keller) Ch Raymond, Richard, Lester, Essie, Mable, Alma, John; Foosland R39 Brawn Sec28 T160a W. F. Hinton (1915). Davis, Albert (Lena Bort) Ch How- ard, Merle, Mary; Foosland R38 E. Bend Sec7 T60a Aaron Davis Est. (1873) Davis, Allen Ch Orville, Edmon, Har- ry; Mahomet RD Mahomet Sec9 Isaac Minnear (1849) Davis, A. E. (Reta Artis) Ch Charlie, Frederick; Ludlow R30 Ludlow Sec 4 T160a W. O. Smith (1914) Davis, C. H. Ch Maggie, Cora, Rich- ard, Roy; Longview R64 Raymond Secl7 0401a (1870) Davis, Elliott (Alice Elmore) Ch Vi- olet, Hildreth; Champaign R6 Som- er Sec6 Farm Hand M. C. Busey (1917) Davis, Frank (Emma Davis) Ch Effie, Ina; Pesotum Pesotum Sec26 O120a (1858) Davis, Jay R. (Louise Herriott) Ch Rex, Lois; "Lonesome Pine Stock Farm" Mahomet R42 Mahomet Sec 13 T240a Mrs. S. Davis (1880) Davis, John Sr. (Elizabeth Nichols) Ch John Jr., Jesse, Lou, Orville, Clyde, Lawrence; Seymour R44 Scott Sec34 O80a T40a (1900) Davis, Mrs. Joseph Tolono R48 Philo SeclS O212a (1875) Davis, J. A. (Sarah Phillis) Ch Olive, Willard, Mabel; Homer Homer Sec 28 T200a Charles Breedlove (1871) Davis, J. H. (Alice Thulbery) Ch Grace, Ralph, Harold, Clarence; Broadlands R37 Ayers Sec9 T400a H. Gohorm (1898) Davis, Q. A. (Edna Lee) Ch Charles, Louise, Hattie, William, Bertha, Delia; Clarence Rl Kerr Sec7-8 TSOOa Charles Wood (1912) Davis, Richard (Gertrude Wilson) Ch Dwight; Longview R64 Raymond Secl7 T401a C. H. Davis (1888) Davis. R. L. (Nellie M. Yeats) Ch Beulah, Glen, Pearl, Bernice, Mabel; St. Joseph R15 St. Joseph Secl3 T139a Eugene Peabody (1891) Davis, Wiley (Lida K.nox) Ch Hazel, Floyd, Elsie, Clifford; Mahomet R42 Mahomet Secl3 O80a T139a (1865) Davis, Will (Mary Mecham) Ch Ha- zel, William, Clarence, John, Lay- ton, Chester, Jennie; Sidney R58 Raymond Sec6 T165a A. D. Milliken (1877) Davis, W.' L. (Ida Stucky) Mahomet R40 Newcomb Sec24 O40a (1899) Davison, Carl (Ida Kirchner) Ch Lois, Ida; Broadlands R36 Raymond Sec2 T160a Daniel Kirchner (1906) Davison, Walter (Bertha Hovis) Ch Opal, Mildred; Homer R60 Sidney Sec26 T80a T. L. Block (1909) 42 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Dawley, Miss Alicia Seymour R43 Scott ScclO O40a (1871) Dawley, Mrs. Rebecca (Littler) Ch Alicia; Seymour R43 Scott SeclO O80a (1864) Dean, John (Edith Dean) Ch Stella, Clyde; Mahomet R40 Newcomb Sec 15 T240a F. B. Vennum (1909) Dean, Sam (Tina Shoemaker) Ch Boyd, Hattie, Carl, Dorothy, Infant; Dewey R33 Condit Sec4 T200a F. B. Vennum (1907) Deany, Michael (Margaret Walsh) Ch Mary, Josie, Alice, Raymond, Ruth, Dennis, Helen; Rantoul R21 Ludlow Sec30 O160 (1867) DeBolt, G. M. (Kate Mergenthal) Ch Frank, Ruth; Sadorus R51 Sadorus Sec34 O210a (1867) Decker, C. G. (Elizabeth Kipper) Ch Herman, Alfred, Stella, Florence, Walter; Philo R56 Philo Secl3 O230a (1893) Decker, Wesley (Emma Mitchell) Ch Cornelia; Mahomet R42 Condit Sec 29 O80a (1897) Decker, William (Dellah Redenbach) Ch Warren, Hazel, Walter, Eld- ridge; Champaign R5 Hensley Sec 36 T380a Frank Stamey (1881) Deener, L. E. (Ida Bryant) Ch Jose- phine; Mahomet RD Mahomet Sec 21 Farm Hand Charles Lester(1915) Deffenbaugh, A. (Clara Guthridge) Ch Hobart, Floyd, Helen, Merle; Ma- homet R42 Condit Sec32 O86a TlOOa Scroggins Est. (1899) DeHoff, George (Jennie Seymour) Ch Blanche, Curtis; Penfield R27 Kerr T12a Freeman Lewis (1902) Delaney, Frank (Anna McGuire) Ch Leonard, Wayne, Catherine, Hazel; Fisher R35 Mahomet SecS O80a Sec6 T157a (1875) Dellenbach, L. E. Champaign Rl Champaign Secl8 O40a (1888) Delozier, James Hannah (Sister) Dewey R33 Condit Sec3 T160a A. J. Drennan Delozier, S. W. Ch O. C, Arthur, Rebecca, Bonnie; Dewey R33 E. Bend Sec34 T120a Sam Wills (1910) Demlow, C. H. (Mary Luther) Ch Isabel; Champaign R2 Champaign Sec24 T160a Dr. Wall (1889) Demlow, Harry W. (Clara Hiefsteck) Ch Lena, Wilfred, Oscar; Bondville R65 Scott Sec25 T160a Charles H. Demlow (1884) Denhart, Anthony E. (Delia Saddler) Ogden R17 Ogden Sec29 TlOSa Isaac Parris (1917) Denhart, C. E. (Luella Bridgewater) . Ch Beryl, Dorothy; St. Joseph R13 Stanton Sec29 T160a Louis Denhart (1889) Denhart, F. L. (Mary Grace Stanner) St. Joseph R15 St. Joseph Sec21 T80a Louis Denhart (1894) Denhart, George (Annie Blake) Ch Kate, Antone, Charles, Henry, Her- man, John, Elmer, Mamie; Ogden R18 Ogden SecS OlOOa (1879) Denhart, Henry G. (Fannie Richard- son) Ch Imogene; Ogden R18 Og- den Secl7-18S T160a Dr. Lawson (1888) Denhart, Herman (Bessie Freeman) Ch Melvin; St. Joe R15 Ogden Sec6 T126a Plotner Est. (1890) Denhart, Louis (Sophia Keehn) Ch Clarence, Cora, Frank, Olive, Floyd, Lawrence, Howard, Wilma; St. Jo- seph St. Joseph Secl4 O610a (1888) Denison, J. H. (Myrtle Mark) Ch Gertrude, Roscoe, Mary, Mildred, Dorothy; Champaign R3 Hensley Sec30 Farm Hand Elmer Miller (1913) Denney, Grant Mahomet R41 Maho- met Secl6 (1901) Dennis, W. A. (Rachel Carrigin) Ch Evelyn; Homer R62 Homer Sec28 Ola (1917) Dennison, O. B.(Ada McKean) Bond- ville Sec65 Scott Sec24 T80a John Black (1910) Depp, Carl (Nora Hope) St. Joseph R16 Sidney Sec3 T160a C. C. Elwee (1917) Depuy, C. D. (Nana Williams) Ch Franklin, Mary, Katherine; Urbana Rll Urbana Sec26 T300a Fred Sil- ver (1883) Devore, R. L. (Louise Husher) Cham- paign R3 Hensley Sec32 Farm Hand R. B. McKee (1917) Dewitt, A. (Alida Leerkamp) Ch Le- land, Raymond; Broadlands R37 Ayers Sec30 T240a H. Dohme(1913) Dick, William (Lucy Fisher) Ch Mary, Katie, Joseph, William, Maggie, Louise, Clara, Agnes, Elmer, Anna; Sadorus R50 Colfax Sec21 O120a (1877) Dickason, Bert W. (Ruth Fabert) Urbana Rll Philo Sec2 Farm Hand James Love (1909) Dickason, Fred (Mabel Fabert) Ch Mildred, Lester; Urbana Rll Philo Sec2 T80a John Clark (1902) 43 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Dickerson, Lee A. (Mildred Lindsey) Ch Dorothy, Lee Jr., Lindsey, Al- bert; Mahomet R42 Condit Sec32 T133a Alice Dickerson (1884) Dickerson, R. Mahomet R42 Condit Sec30 T14a Polly Terril (1863) Dillingham, R. W. (Mary Dehart) Ch Florence, Marvin, Leslie, Larkin, Finus, Ruth, Paul, Rawlin; Seymour R44 Scott Sec29 Farm Hand Wil- liam Dighton (1917) Dillion, Jasper (Neaty Eaton) Ch James, Clara, Bessie, Esther, .Lu- cile; Champaign R2 Champaign Sec 24 Farm Hand State Farm (1913) Dillman, Emmet (Dolly Epperson) Ch Ruth, Raymond, Myrtle; Urbana R7 Stanton Sec20 T160a D. B. Dill- man (1880) Dillman, Robert (Cora Cain) Ch James, Ray, Hazel, Alverta; Cham- paign R4 Hensley Secl7 TlOOa T. D. Wilson (1889) Dillman, Mrs. Ruth Ch Roy, Clifton, Ernest; Urbana R12 Urbana Secl6 Tla (1866) Dillman, Walter (Jessie Bramnfield) Ch Merwin, Manton, Mary, Marga- ret, Morris, Marian; Urbana R7 Stanton SeclS T167a D. R. Dillman (1880) Dillman, William (Jessie Wilson) Ch Jewel, Ruth, Wayne, Rosemary; Tolono R48 Philo Sec7 T209a Cruse Bros (1874) Dillman, William F. (Mae Neil) Ch Beulah, Arthur; Savoy R45 Tolono Sec2 T167a R. W. Hall (1893) Dittamore, E. H. (Nettie Thiel) Ch Myrtle, Harold, Raymond; Seymour RD Scott SeclS Foreman William Dighton (1913) Dittman, Joe (Matilda Beleschki) Ch Louie, Bennie, William, Esther, Al- fred, Alma; Tolono R47 Tolono Sec 21 O80a (1887) Dixon, W. J. (Mary Jane Jones) Ch William, Morrill, Elmer, Evelyn, Phyllis; Sadorus R49 Colfax Secl7 T140a Sam Wills (1917) Dobyns, C. P. (Byrd Trimble) Ch Ma- rie, Owen, Frank; Bondville R65 Scott Sec25 T220a Mary E. Busey (1902) Dodge, Mrs. Laura Ch Mary, Ina, Frank, Burt, Bessie, Hazel, Clar- ence; St. Joseph R16 St. Joseph Sec 34 O3a (1870) Dodson, I. H. (Carrie B. Slaybock) Ch Mattie; Urbana R12 Urbana Sec 10 O108a. Doehring, R. A. (Lena Meier) Ch Chester, Mabel, Alto, Ernest, Ethel, Arnold, Kirdenia; Sadorus R50 Sa- dorus T200a Ed. Stuverdon (1877) Doley, C. L. (Viola May Scripter) Ch William, Ethel; Rantoul Sec22 Lud- low Sec33 T160a Henry Schlemsker (1915) Dollahan, O. R. (Julia Higgens) Ch Cleo, Aline, Leland; Mahomet R42 Mahomet Sec25 T270a J. J. Hay- ward (1904) Donahue, John (Ada L. Mathews) Ch Charles, Clarence, Alena, Louisa, Sarah, Marybelle; Tolono R47 To- lono Sec33 O58a Sec32 T85a W. A. Lewis (1897) Donaldson, Peter Ch Philip, Paul, Helen; Urbana R9 Somer SeclS T240a Mrs. Elizabeth Donaldson (1882) Dorsey, James (Hanna Occonor) Ch John, Edward, Alice, Thomas, Wil- liam, Leona, Mary; Penfield R28 Compromise Sec21 T320a D. M. Hedrick (1871) Doty, A. (Sophia Hammock) Ch Bertha, Clarence; Champaign R2 Champaign Sec29 Farm Hand Ches- ter Farm Co. (1916) Doty, Joseph (Elizabeth Dick) Ch Millie, Lewis, Walter; "Ash Grove Farm" Tolono R47 Tolono Sec29 O200a (1872) Doty, Lewis (Clara Stone) Tolono Tolono R47 Tolono Sec29 T200a Joseph Doty (1877) Douglas, Fred (Elsie Osborne) Ch Edith, Wintress; Homer R61 Homer SecS Farm Hand Harvey Allison (1893) Douglas, George (Gennie Innis) Ch John, Stella, Dorothea; Urbana Rll Urbana Sec21 O120a (1859) Douglas Roy (Lena Pell) Ch Ken- neth, Robert, Raymond; Urbana RIO Urbana Sec32 T200a George Douglas (1892) Douglas, T. S. (Florence Montgom- ery) Ch Charles, Lawrence, Clar- ence; Seymour R44 Scott Sec20 T160a Mrs. C. N. Hensen (1917) Dover, Benjamin F. (Alice Huber) Ch Raymond, Lucille; Ludldw R29 Harwood Sec3 Farm Hand M. Quinlan (1912) Downey, Vernal (Eva Allen) Ch Vi- vian, Allen, Shirley; Broadlands R37 Ayers Sec9 T400a H. Gorhom (1916) 44 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Downing, W. J. Ch Chester, Verna, Virginia; Ogden R18 Ogden Secl7 O80a Sec20 T160a L. L. and Charles Freeman (1877) Downs, Mrs. Nancy (Funston) Ch Dwight, Mettie, Bessie, Woodrow, Pearl, Bernice, John, Nannie, Glen, Don, Melvin, Leslie,- Carroll; "Wil- low Brook Farm" Mahomet R40 Newcomb SeclS O160a (1860) Doyle, M. J. Ivesdale R53 Sadorus Sec 5 0120a (1875) Dozier, John (Mary Covington) Ch Roy, Melvin, Jay, Leota; Foosland R39 Brown SecS O80a (1917) Dozier, Roy (Ruth Travis) Foosland R39 Brown SecS T80a John Dozier (1917) Drais, C. W. (Emma Maier) Cham- paign R4 Hensley Sec23 Farm Hand Fred Maier (1917) Drake, H. C. (Noma Carlton) Ch Evert, Russell, Marie; Urbana RIO Urbana Sec20 Farm Hand Fred Pell (1914) Drennan, Cecil (Ethel Ward) Ch Elenor, Lyle; Dewey R33 Condit SeclO T200a Samuel Drennan(1891) Drennan, H. F. (Dorothy Guynn) Ch John; "Breezy Hill Farm" Fisher R34 E. Bend Sec20 T40a (1850) Drennan, True (Orvilla Sitts) Ch Lila, Leslie, Lloyd, Keith; Rantoul R22 Condit Seel O120a (1876) Dreyer, Ernest (L. Klott) Ch Otto; Clarence Kerr T255a Krilts Est. (1916) Driskell, George (Sanatha Mercer) Penfield R27 Kerr Sec32 O200a (1881) Driver, Henry (Mae Spears) Ch Beu- lah, Robert; "Maplewood Farm" Urbana R12 St. Joseph O45a Sec20 T80a Mrs. Sarah Driver (1872) Driver, Mrs. Sarah Ch Clara, George, Ben, Henry; "Maplewood Farm" Urbana R12 St. Joseph Sec20 O80a (1877) Drover, Percy (Ethel Ladd) Ch Dick, Gail, Bennett; Tolono R46 Critten- den SecS Farm Hand William E. Reigel (1913) Dubson, D. S. (Myrtle Wood) Ch Carl, Pearl, Violet, Arthur, Helen, Mary; Fisher R35 Newcomb Seel T160a Howard Kurts (1904) Dubson, Frank (Retta Lane) Ch Bes- sie, Reuben; Mahomet R42 Condit Sec30 TlOOa R. Muhlman (1909) Dubson, W. H. (Ida Welch) Ch Eva, Bertha, Joe; Seymour R43 Scott Sec4 T400a Phillippi Est. (1892) Ducey, James (Kathrin Gleenon) Ch Mary, Clara, Elizabeth, James, Wil- liam, Katherin, Gerald, Donald; Ivesdale R52 Colfax Secl7-18 T180a M. J. Negal (1915) Ducy, W. A. (Nettie Patrick) Ch Leo, Loren, Lloyd, Opal, Leslie, Delmar; Sadorus R49 Colfax Secl3 T160a Timothy Duscol (1911) Duden, G. D. (Reka Huls) Ch Manic; Gifford R26 Compromise T135a Herman Duden (1890) Duden, Harm (Anna Huls) Ch Her- mian, John, Ed, Ida; Gifford R26 Compromise Secl2 T160a (1882) Duden, Herman (Mary Johnson) Ch Ed, Engel, Harm, Mint, Gerd, Grace, John; Gifford R26 Compro- mise Secl3 O455a (1875) Duden, John (Ida Cornelius) Ch Mary, Emma; St. Joseph R14 Stan- ton SeclS O80a Sec22 T80a Hum- richhouse Est. (1879) Duell, William M. (Mildred Priest) Ch Genevieve; Longview R63 Crit- tenden Sec27 Farm Hand Claud and E. Crawford (1912) Dugan, E. O. (Annie Hardy) Ch Beu- lah, Thomas; Bondville R65 Scott Secl2 T80a Dr. Davis (1911) Duitsman, Bernhard J. (Gretje Grus- ing) Ch Gretje, John, Wilke, Her- man; Gifford R26 Stanton Sec2 O206a (1873) Duitsman, Henry J. Ch Gertie, Han- nah, Ida, Minnie, Rosie, John, Mary, Peter; St. Joseph R13 Stanton Sec 11 O160a (1871) Duitsman, John (Tena Osterbur) Ch Ike, Louie, Heye; Ogden R17 Og- den Secl7N T120a I. J. Duitsman (1883) Duitsman, John J. (Margaret Flesner) Ch Grace, Gerd, John, Henry, Wilke, Anna, Tilda, Tenney; Gif- ford R26 Compromise Sec21 O240a (1873) Duitsman, Oltman (Gretje Huls) Ch Christena; Ogden R17 Ogden Sec 17N T120a I. J. Duitsman (1890) Duitsman, Theis (Frances Osterbur) Ogden R17 Ogden Sec9N T140a I. J. Duitsman (1895) Duitsman, Wilke (Emlma Eilers) Ch Ike, Dick, John; Gifford R26 Com- promise Sec31 T247a T. J. McKin- ney (1882) Duitsman, Wilke (Clara Hurling) Ch Ernest; Ogden R17 Ogden Sec9E T130a I. J. Duitsman (1887) 45 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Duke, T. A. (Emma Stoner) Ch Chloe, Avis, Francis, Ruth; Sey- mour R43 Mahomet Sec28 Farm Hand Charles Irle (1914) Dukes, Frank (Ara Murphy) St. Joseph R15 St. Joseph Secl3 Farm Hand M. F. Dunn (1912) Dunaway, W. J. Mahomet R40 New- comb Sec35 O160a (1854) Dunbar, C. O. (Maude Evens) Ch Muril, Glen, Delia, Helen; Sadorus R50 Sadorus SeclO T200a (1911) Duncan, Arthur (Mary Stearns) Ch Arthur, Dorothy; Champaign Rl Champaign Secl6 Farm Hand Henry Mayes (1917) Duncan, Mrs. Elizabeth Ch Robert, Jennie, Margaret, Laura, Thomas, Etta, Wilbur, Carrie, Clara; Long- view R63 Raymond Sec31 O80a (1877) Duncan, J. S. (Minnie Darnell) Ch Ethel, Eula; Rantoul R23 Ludlow Sec30 T160a P. Murry (1916) Duncan, Sylvester (Minnie Darnell) Ch Ethel, Eula; Rantoul R23 Lud- low Sec22 Farm Hand John Quenlin (1916) Duncan, Thomas C. (Emma May Richman) Ch Pauline, Irma, Wilma, Earl; Longview R63 Crittenden Sec Z5 T210a Elizabeth Duncan (1878) Dunkan, C. M. (Fanny Wood) CM Ray, Dale, Russell, Ethel, Gilbert; Penfield R27 Kerr O191a (1890) Dunlap, G. H. (Sadie Pfeister) Bond- ville R65 Scott Secl2 T160a C. W. Pfeister (1913) Dunlap, J. E. (Flossy Watson) Gif- ford R25 Kerr Sec7 Farm Hand A. O. Martin (1916) Dunlap, Henry M. (Nora Burt)"Rural Home" Savoy R45 Champaign Sec 36 O320a (1857) Dunlap, L. N. (Florence Babb) Ch Elenore, Viola, Francis, Donald, Arthur; "Rural Home Farm" Ran- toul R22 Condit Secl2 O120a T80a Mrs. Jessie E. Manuel (1880) Dunn, Clarence (Jennie S. Clements) Ch Raleigh, Lessie, Ralph, William, Mary; Urbana R7 Somer Sec35 O20a T50a Clara and Enoch Cle- ments and Mrs. C. W. Johnson (1867) Dunn, J. C. (Delia Higgins) Ch Flor- ence, Margaret; Ivesdale R53 Sa- dorus Sec7 T120a McGuire Gunning (1911) Dunn, Lafayette (Jeanette Thomp- son) Ch Ruth, Leah, Dorothy; Sid- ney Rll Sidney Secll T205a Bell D. Rodgers (1875) Dunn, L. M. (Eliza Roberts) Ch Myr- tle, Sarah; Urbana Rll Sidney Sec6 O166a (1897) Dunn, P. P. (Fannie Brownfield) Ch Bertha, Ora, Walter; Urbana R8 Urbana Sec9 O27a (1877) Dunn, Matt (Lucy Brown) Ch Lelia, Walter, Emmet, Glenn, Roy, Ken- neth; Champaign R6 Hensley Sec25 T240a Rice Reed (1876) Dunn, Ralph (Willie Smith) Ch Frank, Ruth, Ralph; Urbana R17 Urbana SeclS T125a Sec 10 T123a E. 5- Dodson and D. M. Smith (1889) Dunn, Walter (Jessie Brown) Urbana R8 Urbana T6a Somers Bros. (1886) Dunn, William J. (Nona Parker) Ch Elsie; Urbana R8 Somer Sec35 T135a Mrs. Houte, Alfred Dunn, Julia A. Clements, Clarence Dunn (1891) During, A. J. (Prudence Cook) Ch Agnes, Gladys, Melvin, Vera, Paul, Florence; Rantoul R21 Ludlow Sec 18 O80a (1891) Dust, Fred C. (Margaret Rose) To- lono R47 Tolono Sec29 T53a Mrs. Elizabeth Rise (1872) Dwight, Day Mrs. M. A. Day (Mother) Ludlow R30 E. Bend Sec 14 O160a (1870) Dye, A. E. (Clara M. Coler) Ch Ray, Claude, Horace, Opal, Pearl, Lyle, Alta, Willard, Wayne; Sadorus R51 Sadorus Secl4 O43a (1877) Dyson, Arthur F. (Daisy Gilmer) Ch Catherine, Mabel, Austin; Urbana R7 Urbana SeclO T146a M. W. Busey (1888) Dyson, Charles W. (Lydia Parvis) Ch Agnes, Bernice; Urbana R9 Somer Secl6 T80a Henry Dyson (1878) Dyson, Elmer (Carrie Poll) Ch Henry, Willard, Elsie; Urbana R9 Somer Sec32 T160a Henry Dyson (1875) Dyson, John W. (Ruby Gepner) Ch Louis; Urbana R9 Somer Sec33 T80a Mrs. H. W. Dyson (1907) Dyson, Henry Ch Glen, Allie, Jesse, Calie, Elmer, Charles, Chester; "Woodland Heights Farm" Urbana R9 Somer Sec32 O171a (1855) 46 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY E Eagar, Walter (Minewa Wright) Ch Anna, Eugenia; Sadorus R49 Colfax Sec36 T120a J. R. Travitt (1914) Earley, A. E. Champaign Rl Cham- paign Secl9 Farm Hand T. J. Ear- ley (1900) Earley, T. J. Champaign Rl Cham- paign Secl9 T160a John W. Earley (1881) Earley, Mary Champaign Rl Cham- paign Secl9 Housekeeper T. J. Ear- ley (1882) Earnshaw, Hanice (Mary E. Pittman) Urbana R4 Urbana Sec4 Farm Hand R. B. Smith (1915) Easton, Francis U. (Alice M. Wisley) Ch Daisy, Mary, Ernest, Violet, Nolan; Homer R62 Homer Sec28 Farm Hand Edgar Martin (1915) Eaton, Mrs. Cyntha (Hornbaker) Ch James, Ben, Nealy, Molly, Minnie, Ralph, John; Champaign R2 Cham- paign Sec24 Jasper Dillion (1913) Eaton, Howard (Pearl Anders) Ch Howard; Urbana R9 Urbana Sec5 T55a Mrs. E. Kerr (1888) Eckblaw, Andrew (Ingre Johnson} Ch Elmer, Carl, Irene, George, Sid- ney; Rantoul R23 Harwood Sec28 T400a H. T. Green (1876) Eckle, Frank Pesotum R54 Pesotum Sec35 T190a Barney Youngman (1897) Edens, Henry J. (Marie Etter) Broad- lands R36 Raymond Secll T400a Peter Edens (1885) Edger, A. M. (Minerva Cass) Ch Em- ma, Ervin, May, George, Gertrude, Matty; Ivesdale R3 Sadorus Sec5 O80a (1868) Edminson, Vaughn (Grace D. McEl- wee) Ch Lela, Marie; St. Joseph St. Joseph Secl6 T134a J. S. McElwee (1908) Edwards, Albert (Alma Kingery) Ch Harley; Tolono R47 Philo Sec30 Farm Hand Leslie Gates (1916) Edwards, Anna Tolono R48 Philo Sec 18 T160a George Edwards Est. (1870) Edwards, James L. Tolono R48 Crit- tenden Seel O80a Philo SeclS T160a George Edwards Est. (1867) Edwards, Roy L. (Bessie Cramer) Ch Helen, Everett; Mahomet R41 Ma- homet Secl9 T120a J. C. Edwards (1915) Edwards, Roy V. (Adelaide Cassing- ham) Ch Dorothy; Tolono R48 Philo Secl7 T320a John Edwards (1889) Edwards, Mrs. Sarah Ch Charles, E'la, George, Alice, Dewey, Ira; Gifford R25 Harwood Sec25 T2a James Talbot (1896) Eggleston, George H. Ch Anna; Homer R62 Homer Sec33 O275a (1896) Ehler, B. E. (Anna Hughes) Ch Har- old; Champaign R4 Hensley Sec35 Elmer Ehler (1892) Ehler, Elmer (Elizabeth Reed) Cham- paign R4 Hensley Sec35 T200a G. W. Ehler (1886) Ehler, John (Clara Hunsley) Ch Mar- garet, Mildred, Lois, John, Ruth; Champaign R5 Hensley SeclO O80a TlOOa (1881) Ehler, John J. Jr. (Tida Duitsman) Thomasboro R20 Rantoul Sec26 T200a John W. Ehler (1893) Ehler, John W. (Annie Benting) Ch Wichie, Reiner, Carrie, John, Reka, Anna, Grace, Emma; Thomasboro R20 Rantoul Sec26 O520a (1892) Ehler, Reiner J. (Serm Koppman) Ch Annie; Thomasboro R20 Rantoul Sec34 T160a John Ehler (1889) Ehler, W. (Millie Hunsley) Ch Ed- win, Stanley, Harris; Champaign R4 Hensley SeclO OlOOa T80a (1884) Ehler, W. J. (Minnie Lubben) Ch Walter; Thomasboro R20 Rantoul Sec27 T160a John Ehler (1888) Ehman, John A. (Dora Bohlen) Ch Trientje; Rantoul R24 Rantoul Sec 18 T200a Mrs. H. Kawlman (1892) Ehman, M. J. (Onke Johnson) Ch John, William, Jennie; Gilford R26 Compromise Secl4 O160a (1877) Ehman, William' (Trentje Sage) Ch Anke; Gifford Compromise Secl4 T160a M. J. Ehman (1891) Ehmen, John L. (Grace Frieden) Ch Minnie, Henry; St. Joseph R14 Stanton Secl6 T160a Minnie Ehmen (1888) Eichberger, Charles (Mary Capp) Ch George, Bertha; Ludlow R30 E. Bend Secl3 O155a (1895) Eichelberger, George(Anna Unzicher) Ch John, Ervin, Anna, Alma; Ran- toul R21 E. Bend Sec24 O167a T302a Andrew Housten and Joe Eichelberger (1893) 47 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Eichhorst, Frank R. (Katie Backer) Pesotum Pesotum Sec28 T160a Mrs. Philip Schultz (1873) Eichhorst, Fred W. (May Beaver) Ch Ethel, Clara, Lloyd, June; Cham- paign R6 Somer Secl9 O80a (1872) Eichhorst, Mrs. William (Winona Lachenmyer) Ch Harry, Roy, Bert, Paul; Champaign R5 Somer Secl9 O80a T160a Daniel Morrisev (1882) Eilers, Henry (Mary Lohmifler) Ch Annie, Dora, John; Gifford R25 Harwood Sec27 T120a Mary War- burton (1875) Eisenmenger, Charles (Louise Kleise) Ch Viola, Dolores, Marcella; Peso- tum R55 Crittenden Sec30 O120a (1887) Eisenmenger, Leo (Louise Schaefer) Ch Cletus; Pesotum R55 Pesotum Sec30 O125a (1890) Eisenmenger, Mrs. Mary Ch Anthony, Frank, Joe, Pete, John, George, Kate, Otto, Anna, Abbie, Will, Charlie, Leo; Pesotum R55 Peso- tum Sec24 O240a (1870) Eisenmenger, Will W. (Isabell Cles) Ch Peter, Elmer; Pesotum R55 Pesotum Sec24 T240a Mrs. Mary Eisenmenger (1885) Eisenschenk, Jacob Ludlow R31 Har- wood Sec20 T180a E. O. Williams (1904) Eiskamp, Arend H. (Hanna Johnson) Ch Henry; Thomlasboro R20 Stan- ton Sec8 T80a Eiskamp Est. (1888) Eiskamp, Mrs. Minnie Ch Fred, An- nie, Wert, Henry, Willie; Thomas- boro R20 Rantoul Sec29 O80a(1875) Elder, Ed (Maud Simpson) Ch Ray- mond, Mary; Ogden R18 Ogden Sec 16S T86a J. A. Harris (1872) Elder, Frank Ogden R18 Ogden Sec 20S O30a (1867) Elder, John (Cynthia Akers) Ch Ruth, James, Euphemia; Longview R63 Crittenden Sec22 T240a Tom Sands (1906) Elder, J. R. (Mary Robins) Ogden R18 Ogden Sec29S OllOa (1864) Elder, Nancy Ogden R18 Ogden Sec 29S O40a (1873) Ellars, O. W. (Mabel Householder) Ch Bonnie, Nina, Charles, Evelyn, Claudie; Sadorus R51 Sadorus Sec 34 O160a (1913) Elliott, Amos (Sarah Kirby) CTi Clara, Fred, Emimett, Bertha; St. Joseph R15 Ogden Sec30NW O240a (1860) Elliott, E. (Zella Bradley) St. Joseph R15 Ogden Sec30NE T290a A. El- liott and E. P. Frederick (1884) Elliott, Frank O. (Elizabeth McClain) Ch Floyd, Georgia; Homer R62 Homer Sec32N O49a T25a J. T. Freeman (1878) Elliott, Fred (Maggie Freeman) Og- den R18 Ogden Sec2S O40a T165a Elias Freeman (1880) Elliott, Hiram (Erne Devore) Ch Blanch, Oliver, Marie; "Plain View Farm" Champaign R6 Urbana Sec6 T210a W. W. Paul (1910) Elliott, T. R. (Lettie Moss) Urbana R8 Somer Sec35 O102a (1873) Ellis, A. M. (Lola Gault) Ch Leola, Newell, Wayne; Penfield R28 Com- promise Secl7 T120a Samuel Ellis (1876) Ellis, Charles (Mary Heckerson) Ch Edna, Mildred, Everett, Florence; Penfield R28 Compromise Secl7 T120a Samuel Ellis (1879) Ellis, H. G. (Alice Buck) Ch Francis, Loretta, John; Penfield R27 Com- promise Sec8 T160a Mary Graham (1877) Ellis, J. J. (Helen Austin) Penfield R28 Compromise Sec8 T120a Mary Graham (1889) Ellison, Roy (Mabel Barger) Tolono R46 Tolono Sec35 Farm Hand Charles F. Creamer (1916) Emery, Albert (Belle Swearingen) Ch Lola; Homer Homer Sec28 Farm Hand H. H. Price (1865) Ems, John P. (Alphretta White) Ch Clarence, Willie, Ed, Carrie, Ralph, Leon, Frank; St. Joseph R15 St. Joseph Secl2 OlOOa T160a U. G. Swearingen (1892) Ennis, Ralph (Nora Lain) Urbana Rll Urbana Sec28 Farm Hand Fred Pell (1898) Epler, John W. (Nancy Williams) Ch Amos; Champaign R5 Hensley Sec 2 O97a (1853) Erb, Edward (Celia Stragard) Ch Ray, Glen, Floyd, Walter; Sidney R58 Raymond Sec5 O85a (1885) 'Ersig, George (Mary Koss) Ch Lot- tie, Clara, Ethel, Mabel; Urbana Rll Urbana Sec21 O160a (1893) Ersig, Gustav (Rose Krum) Ch Fred- erick, Lilly, Helen; Savoy R45 Col- fax Secl2 T190a William Krumm (1902) Erwin, Harlan (Ivean Johnson) Ch Lowell, Deane, Forrest; Broadlands R36 Raymond Sec23 T120a August Block (1917) 48 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Estridge, Elish C. (Martha S. Smith) Ch Alma, Elmer, Flora, Zack, Wil- lie, Pearl, Ray; Leverett RD Somer Secl7 Farm Hand Ross Flatt (1912) Esworthy, C. D. (Ora Vanlanding- ham) Ch Grace; St. Joseph R15 Ogden Sec30NW T17Sa J. R. Es- worthy (1875) Esworthy, J. E. (Keturah Johnson) Ch Nora, John, Glenn, Melvin, Raymond, Donald, Burton; Ogden R18 Ogden Secl6S T160a J. R. Es- worthy (1870) Esworthy, J. R. Ch J. E., Sarah, May, C. D., L. M.; St. Joseph R15 Ogden Sec30NE O258a (1871) Etchason, Elsworth (Cora Hiens) Ch Mildred, Florence; Ludlow R30 Ludlow Secl4 T160a James Cleary (1914) Etter, Conrad (Anna Mumm) Ch Ma- rie, Nora, Agnes, Amelia, Francis; Philo R56 Philo Sec23 O25a (1878) Evans, Arthur (Bessie P-ailey) Sidney R57 Sidney SeclO T40a Mamie Foulk (1917) Evans, F. L. (Mina Webster) Ch June, Paul; "Maple Hill Farm" Rantoul R22 Rantoul Sec5 O80a T160a W. F. Evans. Evans, George R. (Sarah Jefferies) Ch Myrtle, Minnie, Ida, Dora, Nel- lie, Mollie; "Poor Farm" Dewey R32 Condit Sec3 O80a T185a. Evans, H. H. (Minnie Allen) Ch May, Grace, Edna, Fern, Valentine, Rus- sel, Pearl, Fay, Helen; Ludlow R30 Ludlow Sec3 T240a H. H. Evans (1871) Evans, J. H.,(Manda Epler) Ch Ches- ter, Fanny, Olive, Bessie, Effie, Ada; "Infield Farm" Dewey R33 Condit Sec4 O200a (1866) Evans, O. T. Urbana Rll St. Joseph Sec31 Ola (1874) Evans, W. F. (Sarah Rider) Ch Lee, Hazel; "Cloverdale Farm" Rantoul R22 Rantoul Sec4 O160a (1893) Evens, C. L. (Vada Mabry) Ch Vir- gil; Rankin R2 Kerr T200a J. C. Culberson (1911) Evermon, E. C. (Ethel Fisher) Cham- paign Rl Champaign Sec20 Farm Hand J. M. Mullkin (1912) Eyestone, F. J. (Lulu Doney) Ch Clyde, Clarence, Cloye, Glenn, Grace, Minnie; Penfield R28 Com- promise Sec33 O160a (1877) Fabert, H. F. (Ethel Wilson) Ch Irma, Merrill, Thelma; Broadlands R36 Ayers Sec30W Tla Paul Block (1893) Fackler, Alex. (Effie Clark) Ch Helen; Champaign R2 Champaign Sec21 T260a J. M. Craig (1887) Fackler, George (Anna Houser) Ch Chester, Paul; Sadorus R49 Tolono Sec26 O80a Secl9 T156a Mrs. Lucy Hall (1911) Fackler, Oliver G. (Elsie Tucker) Ch Kenneth, Frank; Pesotum R54 Pe- sotum Secl6 T80a Pat Holden (1890) Fackler, Roy Tolono R47 Tolono Sec 34 O80a T160a S. F. Fackler (1887) Fackler, S. F. (Millie Dunlap) Ch Frankie, Roy; Tolono R46 Tolono Sec34 O160a (1865) Fagaly, Edward (Louis Thompson) Philo R56 Crittenden Seel T80a Jim Stearns (1902) Fagenbush, William (Rose Hogan) Ch Clara, Catherine; Sidney R58 Raymond SeclS T160a James Astel (1906) Fair, William M. (Katherine Wil- liams) Ch Irene, Ernest, Hazel, Russell, Ethel, Martha, Roy, Al- veena; Pesotum R54 Pesotum Sec 20 Farm Hand Harmon Schuenk (1917) Fairfield, Charles (Minnie Schenk) Ch Roy, Floyd, Emmett; Fisher R34 Brown Secl4 O120a (1875) Fairfield, E. J. (Myrtus French) Ch Beulah, Merle, William, Ida; Foos- land R38 Brown SeclS O40a (1868) Fairfield, Palmer (Anna French) Foosland R38 Brown Sec21 O80a (1877) Fairfield, Roy J. (Augusta Heyer) Fisher R34 Brown Sec26 T160a Charles Fairfield (1896) Farmer, Tobe (Maggie Gibbs) Ch Robert, Donald; Mahomet R40 Newcomb Sec34 T80a George Miller (1914) Farquha, Wallace (Nellie Wingler) Ch Velma, Hazel, Ruth, Lucile, Dorothy; Tolono R48 Philo Sec20 T200a J. G. Master (1900) 49 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Fawver, James Ludlow R30 Ludlow SecS O80a (1903) Fay, John T. (Stella Creek) Ch Ed- ward, Ralph, Zelma; Ivesdale R53 Sadorus Sec20 T200a Henry Conely (1880) Fecht, Harm. M. (Engel G. Loeschen) Ch Carrie; St. Joseph R14 Stanton Sec25 O120a (1882) Feder, Robert A. (Mary Wagner) Ch Edna; Rantoul R24 Rantoul Sec20 T160a Fred C. Albers (1914) Federer, Fred (Ella Hummel) Ran- toul R23 Rantoul SecS T210a (1885) Federer, Stanislaus (Clara Rausch) Ch Carl; Rantoul R23 Rantoul Sec6 T160a Federer Est. (1888) Feeney, Luke (Alliner Phalen) Ch Anna, Margaret, William, John; Ivesdale R52 Colfax SeclS O410a (1871) Fender, Earl (Delia Mitchell) Ch Lo- raine, Richard; Ludlow R31 Ludlow Secl3 T160a E. Head (1912) Fenwick, M. (Martha E. Johnson) Ch Carrie, William, Inez, Zulu; St. Jo- seph R15 St. Joseph Secl3 T190a M. C. Ricker (1868) Fenwick, W. J. (Erma Marten) Ch Louise; St. Joseph R15 St. Joseph Secl3 T160a Elizabeth Swearinger, Kienzle Bros., N. C. Ricker (1875) Ferris, Mrs. Thomas (Ellen Toohey) Ch Gustus, Lloyd; Sadorus R49 Col- fax SeclS T40a (1903) Fetters, Henry (Nora Greenwood) Ch Raymond; Savoy Tolono Seel Farm Hand Michael T. Bark (1914) Ficus, E. (Stella Needy) Ch Anna- belle, Nellie, Herbert, Herman, Thelma; Champaign R3 Hensley Sec28 T171a Thomas Mulligan (1912) Fiedler, Ferdinand (Rose Keith) Ch Maleta, Sylvester; Champaign R6 Somer SecS T200a Mrs. Joseph Fiedler (1885) Fiedler, E. F. (Mary Leonard) Ch Harold, Marie, Mildred, Marcella, Donald, Raymond; Thomasboro R19 Rantoul Sec32 T200a Mrs. Jo- seph Fiedler Fieldbinder, G. A. (Ruby Williams) Ch Florence, Eva, June; Champaign R3 Hensley Sec33 T140a Frank Koble (1883) Fightmasler, Walter (Myrtle Aug- spurger) Ch Douglas, Lenore, Mary; Longview R64 Raymond Sec 18 T120a Charley Danis (1914) Filkin, Frank (Myrtle Flagg) Ch Gladys, Opal, Lloyd; Rantoul R22 Rantoul Sec6 T120a C. W. Little (1884) Filkin, R. T. (Jane Little) Ch Jessie, John, Beatrice, Richard; "Wolf Mound Farm" Rantoul R22 Condit Secl4 O239a (1859) Fillenwarth, Jacob G. (Emma Luhr- ing) Ch Clarence, Trena, Viola, Norma, Roy, Stanley; Fisher R35 Newcomb Secl7 T200a William Firke (1911) Fillenwarth, John H. (Jennie Amor) Ch Erma, Harold, Clara; Mahomet R40 Newcomb Secl6 T200a W. Firke (1910) Fink, Charles (Lucy E. Nelson) Ch Mabel; Dewey R33 Condit Sec26 O120a (1872) Fink, J. W. (Laura Porter) Ch Ray, Frank, Earl, Opal; Dewey R32 Con- dit Secl4 T200a Gottleib Fink (1900) Finley, J. L. (Vinne Smith) Ch Violet, James; Urbana R12 Urbana Secl4 T120a Mrs. Mary Frame (1912) Finley, J. Orton (Annie Fox) Ch Mary, Sarah, Ann; "Harris Home Farm No. 1" Seymour R43 Ma- homet Sec32 Manager B. F. Harris (1917) Finnagen, Tom (Mary Conarty) Ch John, Hugh, Anna, Stacy, Helen; Homer R61 Sidney Secll O80a (1885) Finney, Heman (Mary L. Halber- stadt) Tolono R46 Philo Sec30 T160a Joseph Letterman (1896) Fiock, Charles (Blanch Mapes) Ch Beulah, Zada, Clyde; St. Joseph R13 St. Joseph Sec9 T160a G. C. Full (1885) Fiock, Frank (Annie Worly) Ch Gladys; Sidney R57 Sidney Sec2 T240a M. A. West (1917) Fiock John (Mary Denhart) Ch George, Charles, Lizzie, Edward, Annie, Maggie, Louis, Joseph, Frank, Willie; St. Joseph R14 St. Joseph Sec3 O133a (1885) Fiock, J. B. (Sadie Denhart) Ch Ver- bell, Vondell: St. Joseph R13 St. Joseph SeclO T80a Russell Est. (1892) Fiock, L. R. (Leona Swearingen) Ch Neva, Marine; Urbana R7 Stanton Sec28 T190a John Speechley (1888) Fiscus, Elias (Clara Speas) Ch Alice, Berma, Herbert, Ralph; Cham- paign R2 Champaign Sec33 T80a F. E. Butz (1912) 50 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Fiscus, Robert (Sadie White) Long- view R64 Raymond Sec35 T80a Powell Black (1915) Fiscus, Solomon (Mary Houser) Ch Marilda, Isabella, Amanda, Elias, Frank, Ollie, Delanna; Urbana R9 Somer Sec26 T200a W. T. Shaw (1905) Fish, Guy (Lydia Brone) St. Joseph R16 St. Joseph Sec36 Farm Hand C. R. Thompson (1913) Fisher, Charles A. (Nellie Clancy) Glenn, John, Ruth, Phyllis; Savoy R66 Tolono Seel O2l7a (1867) Fisher, Clyde E. (Lucy Jordan) Ch Claud; Savoy R66 Tolono Secl7 T160a Mrs. David Bond (1886) Fisher, David (Clara Upp) Ch Pearl, Fay, Ray, Hazel, Grace, Floyd, Lorin, Ruth; St. Joseph St. Joseph Secl4 O48a T210a Maud Davis, U. G. Swearingen (1871) Fisher, Elmer (Nellie Bond) Ch Clyde, Walter, Clifford; Savoy R66 Tolono Sec 10-11 O160a SeclS T160a Fisher Homestead (1870) Fisher, Mrs. Emma L. Ch Guy, Elsie, Ray, Ralph, Eugene; Savoy R66 Philo Sec6 O207a (1887) Fisher, Guy H. (Ida Lindley) Savoy R66 Champaign Sec26 O140a To- lono Seel TlOOa Mrs. Emma L. Fisher (1891) Fisher, G. H. (Kathryn Farris) Ch George, Richard; Foosland R39 Brown Sec21 T160a Springer and McClelland (1906) Fisher, Harold Mahomet R41 Ma- homet Sec6 Jay T. Herriott (1902) Fisher, Joseph Champaign Rl Cham- paign Sec5 T230a Ed. Bailey (1879) Fisher, Mrs. J. R. Ch Charles; Savoy R66 Tolono Secl2 O40a (1877) Fisher, N. C. (Anna Foster) Mahomet R42 Condit Sec31 OlOOa (1850) Fisher, O. E. (Effie Curry) Ch Goldie, Glen, Gerald, Dean, Dale, Lowell, Leal, Robert; St. Joseph R16 St. Joseph Sec22 T261a U. G. Swearin- gen (1875) Fisher, Ralph (Ruth Dillman) Ch Kenneth; Savoy R66 Philo Sec6 T207a Mrs. Emma L. Fisher (1898) Fisher, Scott (Anna Koss) Savoy R66 Tolono SeclS T160a Naomi Fisher (1880) Fisher, Walter (Maud George) Ch Helen; Savoy R66 Tolorfo Secll T160a Elmer Fisher and Naomi Fisher (1887) Fitton, Bernard J. (Josie Gordon) Ch Ruth; Rantoul R23 Rantoul SecS T80a Federer Est. (1884) Fitton, Henry R. (Mary T. Gordon) Ch Mary, Alice, Agnes, Henry; Rantoul R23 Rantoul Sec6 T200a N. Gordon Est. (1877) Fitton, Russel A. (Sarah E. Mooney) Ch John, Daniel, Mary, Russel; Rantoul R24 Rantoul SecS T240a Fitton Est. (1876) Fitzgerald, James G. Longview R64 Raymond Sec28 T80a Hanna Fitz- gerald (1885) Fitzgerald, John (Cory George) Ch Martha, Margaret, Mary; Sidney R58 Raymond SeclO O78a (1885) Fitzgerald, Mrs. J. Ch Joseph, Henry; Sidney R58 Raym'ond Sec4 O80a (1906) Fitzgerald, J. M. (Fannie Seaney) Ch Mary, Ruth, Nellie; Broadlands R36 Raymond Sec2 T240a Tom Fitzger- ald (1884) Fitzgerald, Mrs. Mary Ch Patsy, Clary, John, Edna; Broadlands R36 Raymond Secll T80a Fitzgerald Est. (1874) Fitzgerald, William, Ch James, Thom- as, William, Cecil; Sidney R58 Ray- mond SeclO O80a (1880) Fitzsimmons, L. W. (Sarah E. Ran- dall) Ch Bernice, Harold, Donald; St. Joseph R16 St. Joseph Sec26 TllOa J. M. Peters (1910) Fitzsimmons, Thomas (Mollie Bib- bus) Ch Anna, Lenora, Myrtle, James, William, Bernard; Urbana R9 Urbana SecS O9a (1875) Flags, Charles S. (Florence Camp- bell) Rantoul R23 Ludlow Sec35 T175a Seth Smith (1895) Flagg, H. R. (Helga Palmberg) Ch Eunice, Kenneth; Dewey R32 Con^ dit Seel T200a O. E. Williams (1890) Flagg, W. E. (Sarah Jane Kenzon) Ch Myrtle, Harry, Edna, Florence, Charlie, William; Rantoul R23 Lud- low Sec25 T320a J. M. Collinson (1882) Flatt, Ross A. (Ella S. Roberts) Ch Ross Jr.; Leverett RD Somer Secl7 T160a A. J. Flatt (1890) Flavin, John (Margaret O'Conner) Ch Timothy, James, John, Mary; Ivesdale R52 Colfax Sec28 O160a (1870) Flesner, Ekke E. Ch Fred, Ekke, An- drew, Ed, Anna; Gifford R26 Stan- ton Secll O160a (1872) Flesner, Ekke Jr. (Grace Hinrichs) Ch Ekke, Martin; St. Joseph R13 Stanton Sec22 T120a (1892) 51 OF LIBRA/TO PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Flesner, Frank M. (Margaret Meyer) Ch John, Albert, Ralph, Marie; Gil- ford R26 Sec27 T160a Martin Hen- dricks (1874) Flesner, George (Katherine Schluter) Ch Grace, Hiemka, Anna; Gifford R26 Compromise Sec30 T240a Wil- liam Flesner (1876) Flesner, John (Anna Ehler) Ch' George, Anna, Carrie, Margaret, Henry, John, Florence, William; Rantoul R24 Rantoul SeclO O112a (1873) Flesner, Martin (Hanna Rocker) Ch Hiemke, Crist; Rantoul R24 Com- promise Secl4 T120a William Fles- ner (1886) Flesner, Menka (Keska Leskien) Ch Frankie, Hiemka, John, Maggie; Thomasboro R20 Compromise Sec 34 O80a (1877) Flesner, William G. (Hiemke Hulf) Ch George, Jasper, Henry, Martin, Anna, Gerald; Rantoul R24 SeclS Ol53a (1872) Fletcher, Clyde R. (Stella Cannon) Ch Carol; Pesotum R54 Pesotum Secl6 O120a T80a Emma Laird (1898) Fletcher, Earl (Nellie Little) Ch Alice, Edna, Louise; Rantoul R22 Condit Sec22 T240a Alice Fletcher (1902) Fletcher, Elmer E. (Emma Howell) Ch Francis, Raymond, Winslow, Mary, Delbert; Pesotum R55 Peso- tum Secl4 TlSOa A. H. Fletcher (1887) Fletcher, J. T. (Orpha Welker) Ch Bessie, William; Rantoul R22 Ran- toul Sec7 020a (1873) Fletcher, Otis A. (Eva Burk) Ch Henry, Bernice, Herman, Burdette, Julia, Walter, Willis; Pesotum Pesotum Sec23 O80a T260a A. H. Fletcher (1877) Fletcher, Ray (Effie Henness) Ch Doris, Mildred; Urbana Rll Urbana Sec25 T210a C. B. Taylor (1892) Flowers, J. C. (Pearl Burks) Ch Elizabeth, Sarah, John, Charles, Robert; Urbana R7 Stanton Sec30 T200a J. C. Kirby (1916) Flynn, Lawrence P. (Catherine Clen- non) Ch William, Mary; Tolono R48 Philo Sec20 T160a John Flynn (1889) Fogel, Clarence (Grace Miner) Champaign R3 Hensley Sec31 T160a J. Miner (1890) Fogel, C. A. (Mary Kelly) Ch Clar- ence, Lloyd, Jesse, Clara; Mahomet R42 Mahomet Secl2 O58a (1888) Fogel, L. F. (Lottie Mark) Ch Charles; Champaign R5 Hensley Sec2 Farm Hand Oscar Lange (1892) Fogerson, Grover (Vida Wilkinson) Ch Harold, Buran; Thomasboro R19 Rantoul Sec25 Farm Hand Pat Murray (1915) Fogerson, Laban (Ada Easton) Ch Ruth, Mary, Helen; Homer R60 Ho- mer Sec30 Farm Hand Hebbe Bros. (1917) Foley, John (Maggie Ackerman) Philo R56 Philo Sec24 T88a John M. Bales (1912) Foltz, C. J. (Laura Payne) Ch Claude, Delbert, Marian, Bonnie, Lillie, Letha; "University Farm" St. Jo- seph R13 Stanton Sec26 T240a U. of I. Farm (1909) Fonner, J. T. (Alice Williams) Ch Marie, Everett; Broadlands R36 Raymond Sec35 O160a (1902) Ford, Thomas (Lucy) Ch Jessie; Homer R60 Homer Sec29 Farm Hand J. C. Hildrebrand (1916) Fore, Asa E. (Bula Davis) Ch Lee; Gifford R25 Harwood Sec35 T80a H. Onken (1911) Forestal, John (Mary Shea) Ch James, Edward, Joanna, Thomas, Joseph; Ivesdale R53 Sadorus Secl7 O240a (1902) Forshey, N. E. (Bertha Martin) Ch Carl, Mae, Walter, Lloyd, Alma, Ruth, Gladys; Savoy R45 Cham- paign Sec35 T240a L. G. Johnston (1893) Fortune, John (Eliza Foley) Ch Ben, Cornel, Grace, June; Sadorus R51 Sadorus Sec35 T160a L. E. Martin (1914) Fosnaugh, Edward (Anna Simeral) Ch Delbert, Albert, Myrtle, Velma, Harriet; "Gay wood Farm" Maho- met R41 Newcomfb Sec32 T320a J. W. Pinkston (1881) Fossel, Thomas (Belle Natterstad) Ch Viola; Ludlow R30 E. Bend Sec 1 O200a (1879) Foster, C. H. (Lena Parnell) Bond- ville R65 Mahomet Sec36 T80a D. Parnell (1888) Foster, C. J. (Emma Barber) Ch Viola, Mamie, Marjorie; Bondville R65 Scott Sec24 T160a J. C. Foster (1878) 52 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Foster, D. W. (Myrtle Ard) Ch Otis, Opal; Bondville R65 Scott Sec28 Farm Hand Charles Flowers (1917) Foster, Frank (Grace Jones) Ch Lelia. Thelma, Johnny, Ruth; Fisher R34 Brown Sec23 T160a Andrew Richie (1901) Foster, J. C. Ch Louisa, Corelli, Mary, Ada, John, Harrison; Bondville R65 Scott Sec24 O240a (1877) Foster, O. A. (Ina Hollingsworth) Fisher R34 E. Bend Sec30 O120a TllSa O. B. Dobbins and William Knerr (1897) Foster, R. E. (Lena Hammel) Ch Winnie, Robert; Mahomet R42 Con- dit Sec30 T16a A. A. Havice (1886) Foster, R. F. Mahomet R40 Condit Sec30 O2a (1860) Foster, V. D. (Grace Sitts) Ch Alta, Eldon; Dewey R33 Condit Sec9 T120a M. T. Scott (1887) Foulks, Warren Sidney R57 Sidney Secll T84a S. E. Rogers (1884) Fowler, L. S. (Apha Wood) Ch Beth; Penfield R27 Kerr Sec21 O320a(1904) Fox, Daniel (Margaret Junkerveldt) Ch Edward, Marie, Anna, Earl, John, Helen, Ruth; Sadorus R49 Colfax Secll T160a (1874) Fox, Matthew P. (Liddie Roller) Ch Pearl; Urbana R7 Urbana Secll T150a L. H. Smith (1914) Frakes, William (Elizabeth Fox) Ch Bonnie, Hazel, Eugene, Fern, Laura, Harlan; Rantoul R21 Ludlow Sec36 T160a C. Kallman (1911) Frampton, Edna Ch Stella, Card; To- lono R48 Tolono Sec24 O160a(1887) Frampton, Card Tolono R48 Tolono Sec24 O160a (1892) Frankenberg, C. E. (Anna Larry) Ch Clyde, Carl, Elizabeth; Urbana R7 Urbana SeclO O52a (1876) Frankenberg, Ervin (Sarah Dunn) Ch Cloe, Mabel, Rosa, Paul; Ogden R17 Ogden Sec4 T160a Ora Canady (1867) Franklin, W. A. (M. E. York) Thom- asboro R20 Stanton Sec6 T90a H. Waller (1913) Franzen, Ehmen J. (Tena Busboum) Ch John, Bertha, Annie, Heije, Henry, Oltman; Rantoul R23 Ran- toul SecS O239a (1881) Franzen, Henry J. (Anna Lushan) Ch John, Tiny, Harm, Lebby; Rantoul R24 Compromise Sec9 O240a (1877) Franzen, John (Anna Garbars) Ch Henry, Minnie, Michael, William, Aime; Gifford R26 Compromise Sec 21 O80a William Franzen (1881) Franzen, William (Hiske Ehmen) Ch Trientje, Anke, Albert; Rantoul R24 Rantoul SecS T240a M. Franzen (1883) Frazer, Elmer (Bessie Lake) Ch Ruth; Urbana RIO Urbana Sec31 T129a Maxwell Sisters (1912) Frazier, Howard (Leta Steward) Ch Donald; Rantoul R21 Ludlow SeclS T160a Steffer Est. (1890) Frazier, George Jr. (Faye Choyce) "Maplewood Stock Farm" Villa Grove Crittenden Sec36 T240a G. A. Frazier (1885) Frazier, W. H. (Alice James) Ch Mollie, Elmer, Minnie, Howard, Glen; "Roselawn Farm" Rantoul R24 Rantoul Secl6 O80a (1868) Freaden, Henry (Gabka Huls) Ch Grace, Tena, Reka, Cathrena, Freda, Johanna, Trenna, Anna, Gabka; St. Joseph R14 Stanton Sec23-12 O240a (1891) Frederick, H. (Lou Ott) Ch Edgar, Mildred, Arthur, Charles, Walter; Sadorus R49 Colfax Sec24 T80a Al- bert Hadden (1898) Fredrick, Sherman (Manie Polland) Ch Clyde, Ralph; St. Joseph R15 Ogden Secl9NE T153a Fredrick Est. (1884) Fredrick, William (Margaret Ouster- bur) Ch John, Anna; Ogden R17 Ogden Sec7NW T177a John Fred- rick (1887) Fredrickson, Charles (Anna Wolf) Ch Clara, Mary, May; Ludlow R29 Harwood Sec3 T200a A. Thompson and H. Kirk (1914) Freeman, Charles E. (Anna Johnson) Ch Ralph, Helen, Josephine; Ogden R18 Ogden Secl7-21S T240a E. R. and J. C. Freeman (1880) Freeman, Gordon Homer R61 Homer Sec4 T200a J. J. Freeman (1894) Freeman, Grant (Rosa Ramert) Ch Donald, Lola, Carl; Ogden R18 Ogden Sec20S O40a (1881) Freeman, J. J. (Flora E. Yount) CK Gordon; Homer R61 Homer Sec4 O400a (1858) Freeman, Roy (May Spllee) Ch Noble, Glenn; Ogden R18 Ogden Sec20S T80a Jim Harper (1893) Freeman, R. W. (Bertha Elliott) Ch Roland; St. Joseph R15 Ogden Sec 30NE T170a M. H. Johnson, E. F. Fredrick, Mary Harper, I. Esunby (1885) Freeman, W. O. (Ada Rayburn) Ch Wendell; Ogden R17 Ogden SecSS O83a (1887) 53 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Frerichs, George J. (Katherine Beh- rens) Ch Elenor, John; St. Joseph R14 Ogden Sec7 T112a John Frer- ichs (1895) Frerichs, Harm (Reka Buhr) Ch Jelde; Thomasboro R20 Compro- mise Sec34 O200a (1881) Frerichs, Henry (Anna Huls) Ch John, Martin, William, Jennie; Gif- ford R26 Compromise Sec35 T240a Martin Huls (1887) Frerichs, Jelde (Anna Duitsman) Ch Hilda; Thomasboro R20 Stanton Sec9 T200a H. Frerichs (1891) Frerichs, W. S. (Lena Smith) Ch Stofer, Gerhard; Thomasboro R19 Somer Sec2 T120a Mrs. R. Benting, Stofer Frerichs (1884) Frick, Edward (Elma Newman) Ch Helen, Ray; Broadlands R36 Ray- mond Sec25 T80a A. J. Roberts (1915) Frick, F. J. (Meda Newkirk) Ch Elmer, Lewis, Oscar; Broadlands R36 Raymond Sec25 T160a Charles Newkirk (1897) Frick, John J. (Cora Lehmkuehler) Ch Walter; Savoy R45 Champaign Sec35 T160a F. G. Campbell (1913) Fruhling, George (Sarah Bruns) Ch Gerhard, Gretye, Mana, John, Jur- gen, Eilert, Tene; Gifford R26 Sec 27 T120a William Buhr (1893) Fruhling, Henry G. (Anna Acker- man) Ch Elsie, Emma, Ette, George, Francis; St. Joseph R14 Stanton SeclS O120a Secl3 T320a August Onken (1893) Fry. C. H. (Jessie Clary) Ch Gregory, Mary; Champaign Rl Champaign Secl7 T214a H. G. Fry (1893) Fry, Ephraim (Effie Eveland) Ch Vir- gil, Howard, Leslie; Savoy Tolono Seel Farm Hand Michael Burk (1902) Full, G. C. (Lennie J. Thompson) "The Heritage" St. Joseph R13 St. Joseph Sec9 O160a (1866) Fuller, Jesse K. (Jane Pearson) Ch Horace, Manny, Fred, Robitine; "Maplehurst Farm" Ludlow R31 Harwood Sec8 O160a (1890) Fulton, W. G. (Neomi Price) Ch Dale, Idavelle, Glen; Longview R63 Ray- mond Sec31 O90a (1870) Fultz, Grover (Arona Burkhardt) Ch Clare, Dana, Dorothy, Ermie; Ran- toul R24 Lederbold Secl3 O80a Raritoul Secl4 T160a Thomas Mal- loy (1899) Fultz, Joseph (Mary E. Bottorff) Ch Louis, Herman, Ernest, Elsie, Orvil, Grover, Goldie, Vesta; Rantoul R24 Rantoul Secl3 T80a L. E. Leder- boge (1909) Funk, Henry B. (Lucy Hupp) Ch Ralph, Lula; Ludlow R31 Harwood Secl9 T120a M. P. Funk (1871) Funkhouser, Alexander (Hattie James) Ch Effie, Mary, Homer, Isaac, Harry, Clinton, Etsel, Lena, Frederick, Earl; Rantoul RD Ran- toul Sec23 O160a Seel T400a Rich- ards Est. (1859) Funkhouser, Clinton L. (Opal Mul- vany) Rantoul RD Rantoul Secl2 T80a (1890) Funkhouser, C. E. (Julia Tracey) Ch Richard; Urbana R8 Somer Secl3 T240a Richards Est. (1881) Funkhouser, Isaac C. (Sarah A. Hart- souck) Ch Francis; Rantoul R24 Rantoul Sec23 T160a Alex. Funk- houser (1887) Funkhouser, Otis (Evelyn Bailey) Gifford R26 Harwood Sec26 T120a G. W. Hartsouck (1888) 54 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Gady, C. J. (Martha Kamradt) Sa- dorus R51 Sadorus T40a William Gady (1894) Gady, William M. (Minnie Rahn) Ch Ida, William. Minnie, Charles; Sa- dorus R51 Pesotum See? O320a (1862) Gady, W. C. (Carrie Kamradt) Ch Wilma, Donald, Dorothy; Sadorus R49 Colfax Sec23 T120a William Gady (1869) Gaines, A. A. (Dora Earnest) Ch Mary, Mable, Helen; Broadlands R37 Ayers Sec7W O280a (1876) Gale, A. M. (Audrey Willets) Ch Helen, Paul; Ogden R17 Ogden Sec29N OlOOa (1886) Gallagher, F. J. (Sarah A. Cain) Ch Mary, William, Sarah, Frank, Anna, John, Joseph; Sadorus R50 Colfax Sec35 T160a (1875) Gallagher, J. Ray (Inez Jenkins) Ur- bana R8 Urbana Sec9 O37a (1891) Gallagher, W. J. Sadorus R50 Sadorus Sec31 T160a M. McGuire (1890) Gallaspey, Andrew (Georgiana Wolfe) Ch Ollie, Dessie, Leona, Howard; Tolono R48 Philo Secl9 Farm Hand Wallace Farquha (1914) Gallavin, George (Catharine Dines) Ch John, Mary, Anna, Margaret, Zita, George, Phillip, William, Gregory, Celestine, Lauretta; Ives- dale R53 Sadorus Sec7 TllOa (1865) Ganley, William (Margaret Gorden) Ch John, Francis, Joseph; Ivesdale R52 Sadorus Sec30 O120a (1911) Garber Bros. Pesotum R54 Pesotum Sec3 O120a (1875) Garber, J. A. (Martha A. Holliday) Ch John, Mary, Catherine, Roose- velt, Rose, Andy; Sadorus R51 Sa- dorus Sec25 O80a (1892> Gardiner, John L. (Kate Davison) Ch Clarence, Maud, Opal; Homer R60 Homer Sec3SW T152a Mike Plaute (1873) Gardner, Clarence (Grace McCoy) Longview R64 Raymond Sec20 TlOOa Elvene Schrendler (1894) Gardner, I. W. (Edith Denison) Champaign R3 Hensley Sec30 Farm Hand R. B. McKee (1917) Garloch, P. T. (Rosa Webb) Ch Alice; "Billy Grove Farm" Fisher R35 Brown Sec33 T320a Henry Tobin (1914) Garrett, A. M. (Belle Hutcherson) Ch John; Urbana R7 Stanton Sec31 T92a Urbana Secll T163a (1905) Garrison, Weaver (Jennie Lewis) Ch Alvia, Vernard; Tolono R47 Peso- tum Sec4 Farm Hand Fred Bich- esckpi (1914) Carver, C. D. (Lizzie Ezra) Ch Car- ter, Clark, Ila; Ludlow R30 Ludlow SeclO T160a Mrs. Bach (1915) Gass, Toney (Rosey Wilcott) Ch Mancil; Ivesdale R53 Sadorus Secl7 T80a Lizzie B. Ross (1917) Gasser, E. W. (Mary Wilson) Ch Floyd, Freda; Sidney Sidney Sec33 T240a E. F. Block (1898) Cast, Wilbert E. (Bertha Megher) Ch Ruth, Ralph; Longview R63 Crittenden Sec28 T200a S. E. Tucker (1916) Gates, Howard (Minnie Nelson) Ch Herbert, Curtis, Eschol, Don; Champaign R6 Champaign Seel O45a T160a Dave Beasley (1877) Gates, Perry J. (Philena Nelson) Ch Leslie, Orus; "Nalco Farm" Tus- cola Rl Pesotum Sec34 O880a (1870) Gates, Samuel (Clarissa Moore) Ch Leona, Dwaim, Martha, Alleta, Vio- let; Mahomet R40 Newcomb Sec27 T80a W. D. Burton (1916) Gauble, A. E. (Anna Matheny) Ch Lenore, Mamie, Harold, Lyle, Edna, Irma, Luella, Lucile, Carrol, A. E., Jr.; Urbana R8 Somer Sec33 O18a (1880) Gauble, Henry Fisher R34 Brown Sec35 O80a (1880) Gault, Archibald (Lornia Allen) Ch Minnie, Grace; Philo R56 Crittenden SeclO T12a Ella Smith (1877) Gault, C. W. (Ricka McGiles) Ch Elsie, Ellen, Lydia, John, Marie; "Gault Egg Farm" Champaign St. Joseph Sec7 O6a (1904) Gauntt, E. (Vesta Fultz) Ludlow R30 Ludlow Secl2 Ti'fiOa Roy Morse (1912) Gauntt, R. (Minnie Lacey) Ch Rob- ert, Helen; Thomasboro R19 Ran- toul T120a Jim Leonard (1912) Gaylord, E. M. (Bertie Doyle) Ch Opal, Earl; Homer R57 Sidney Seel O40a (1904) Gaynor, P. H. (Mary Catherine Breen) Ch Frances; Rantoul R24 Rantoul Sec21 Oll6a (1881) Gebbink, Ferrill (Isle McElwee) St. Joseph R16 St. Joseph Sec34 T45a Sigle Gebbink (1894) 55 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Gebbink, H. R. (Effie McElwee) St. Joseph R16 St. Joseph Sec34 T3a F. M.Castle (1900) Gebbink, Sigle Ch Viola, Alma, Pearl, Ferrill, Etna; St. Joseph R16 St. Joseph Sec34 O45a (1863) Gehrt, John E. (Matilda Streitmatter) Ch Rollin, Arthur; Rantoul R23 Rantoul Sec33 O334a (1899) Gehrt, Julius M. (Caroline Kuhn) Ch Forest, Elmer, Ernest, Alice, Julius, Jr.; Dillsburg RD Harwood Sec33 O186a (1913) Gentry, Joseph C. (Donnie Ogden) Tolono R47 Pesotum Sec3 T240a T. M. Salbury (1903) Genung, Merwin W. (Edna Wood) Rantoul R23 Harwood Sec33 T90a R. Wood (1893) George, Walter (Essie Wrisk) Ch Lora; Homer R61 Sidney Secl2 TlOOa E. George (1885) Gerbers, Henry H. (Grasha Bartell) St. Joseph R14 Ogden Sec7 O80a Stanton Secl2 O80a (1872) Gerbers, Jerry (Grace Osterbar) Ch Agtie; St. Joseph R14 Stanton Secl2 O80a (1886) Gerbers, Lehndert H. Ch Hank, Tena, Henry; Thomasboro R20 Compromise Sec27 O120a (1872) Gerbes, W. H. (Ellie Ihnen) Ch Gretze; Rantoul R24 Sec35 T120a Henry Gerbes (1894) Gerdes, George (Bertha Erickson) Ch Eva, May, Lyle, Jacob; Mayview RD St. Joseph Sec7 T327a Mrs. Mary E. Busey (1877) Gerdes, William (Minnie Outlaw) Ch Russell, Mabel; St. Joseph R13 St. Joseph Sec9 T240a I. T. Leas (1874) Gerhardt, John (Pauline Heinemann) Ch Selma, Klemens, Florence, Nor- bert; Urbana R8 Urbana Sec3 T144a Weeks Est. (1917) Gerth, John (Gustie Lingreen) Ch Carl, Garth, Violet, Lew; Savoy R45 Colfax Sec2 T160a Lynard Ryeslack(1880) Gesser, E. W. (Roseann Wilson) Ch Floyd, Fred; Sidney R57 Sidney Sec33 T160a K. Block (1895) Gettner, Halley Ch Herbert, Rube; Savoy R45 Tolono Sec7 Farm Hand G. A. Smith (1915) Ghere, T. M. (Rachel See) Ch Albert, Ethel, Benjamin, Bertha, Florence, Verner; Homer R62 Homer Sec32N T280a George Eggleston and Ed Canady (1902) Gibbens, Rod G. (Nell Fruin) Ch Mary, Helen; Foosland R39 Brown SeclS T204a Ferguson Foos (1890) Gibbens, S. F. (Emma Pearson) Ch Frank, Robert, Ethel, Joe, Clinton, Francie, Alice, John, James, Even; "Foos Farm" Foosland Brown Sec8 T328a Ferguson Foos (1876) Giblin, F. E. (Lucy Ryan) Ch Myrtle, Francis, Grace; Sadorus R50 Colfax Sec27 T200a Edna Kelly (1888) Gibson, B. E. (Daisy Winters) Ch Rosalie; Homer R59 Homer Secl6 T245a Charles Wallace and Charles Bogus (1884) Gibson, F. L. (Bertha M. Peabody) Ch Mareella, David, Mary, Mar- jorie, Margerite, Sarah; St. Joseph St. Joseph Secll O163a (1880) Gibson, J. A. (Isabelle Clark) Ch Clark, Earl, Myrtle, Junita, Ethel; Homer R60 Ogden Secl9 O60a (1870) Gibson, J. E. (Minnie Pulliam) Ch Earnest, Marvin; Champaign R4 Hensley Sec9 Farm Hand H. I. Nelson (1911) Giertz, Fred (Carrie Marlens) Ch Laura, Gustie, Lena, Josephine, Jimmy, Maudia, Alfred, Edmon; Sadorus R50 Sadorus Sec2 T160a Guy Hartrick (1891) Giertz, Otto (Lula Horn) Ch Lillie, Elmer, Bernice; Fisher R34 Brown Secl3 O137a (1896) Gifford, Clyde L. (Elsie B. McCul- lugh) Thomasboro R19 Rantoul Sec24 T200a J. R. Gifford (1882) Gillison, Thadeus M. (Verba Hylbert) Ch Cathren; Gifford R25 Harwood Sec34 T120a James Talbot (1915) Gilles, George (Mary Reinhart) Ch Anna, Joseph, Julia, Louise, Ma- tilda, Frank, Pauline, Ella, Clar- ence, Henrietta; Pesotum R55 Crit- tenden Secl9 O120a (1885) Gillespie, C. J. (Lou Osborn) Ch, Jessie, Fred; "Hickory Grove Farm" Mahomet R41 Mahomet Secl9 063a(1903) Gilley, Creed (Dona Vickers) Ch Roy, Vica, Harold; St. Joseph R14 Stan- ton Sec36 Farm Hand C. H. Boys (1914) Gilliland, Allen (Lola Seffens) Ch Willie, Cecil, Lola, Walter; Cham- paign R2 Champaign Sec31 T180a Meade Bros. (1902) Gillispie, Robert Ogden R17 Ogden SecSS O480a (1867) Gilmer, F. T. (Emma Betke) Ch Irene, Paul, Raymond; Urbana R8 Urbana Sec3 O25a (1875) Gilmore, W. J. (Ellen Morris) Ch Lucille, Blanche; Mahomet R40 Newcomb SeclO-11 O280a Sec26 (1876) 56 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Glascock, J. R. (Myrtle Curry) Ch Harold; "Prairie View Farm" St. Joseph R16 St. Joseph Sec25 O168a (1868) Gleeson, Dennis Ludlow R31 Ludlow Sec31 OlOOa (1889) Godsell, John E. (Cathrine Connor) Ch Richard, John, Mary, Joe; Ur- bana RIO Philo SeclO O200a (1875) Godsey, Curtis (Nettie Keene) Sado- rus R49 Colfax Secl6 T160a J. L. Groves (1901) Godsey, J. H. (Anna Mayes) Ch Harry; Champaign Rl Champaign Secl6 T288a Dan Snider (1900) Goldenstein, Chris. (Josie Johnson) Ch Lena, Henry, Anna, Tena; Thomasboro R20 Stanton Sec8 T80a H. Johnson Est. (1900) Goldenstein, J. (Jessie Boten) Ch Willie, Frances, Henry, Heye, Lena; Thomasboro R20 Rantoul Sec26 T120a Martin Huls (1900) Goldenstein, William (Rosie Meier) Ch Helen; Gifford R26 Compromise Sec30 T93a Peter Busboon (1895) Good Bros. "Lax Farm" Thomasboro R19 Condit Sec25 T320a Don Mor- risey (1889) Good, B. G. (Jessie Hasher) Ch Har- old; "Lax Farm" Thomasboro R19 Condit Sec25 T320a Dan Morrisey (1889) Good, Charles (Rose Fennimore) Ch Harry; Urbana R9 Somer Sec28 William Good (1884) Good, Charlie (Effie Thomson) Ch Roscoe, Lawrence, Clarence, Ruby, Ernest, Oakley, Clyde, Leslie, How- ard; Ludlow R31 Harwood Secl7 Farm Hand George Watson (1913) Good, Leroy (Leah Echelberger) Rantoul R21 Ludlow Sec20 T160a Peter Good (1900) Good, Peter (Mary E. Nassziger) Ch Arthur, Ivan, Elsie, Laura, Joseph, Alta, Bessie; Rantoul R21 E. Bend Secl3 O385a T40a John Murray (1900) Good, William M. (Flora E. Luman) Ch Charles, Trevor, Balford, Wil- liam, Ona, Arthur, Uneeta; Urbana R9 Somer Sec33 O115a (1862) Good, W. E. (Lena Matthews) Ch Dorothy; "Lax Farm" Thomasboro R19 Condit Sec25 T320a Dan Mor- risey (1891) Goodknight, W. D. (IsabeHe Pootoff) Ch Walter, Frank, Ross, Fannie, Roy, Nettie, Worthy; Sidney R67 Sidney Sec2 O12a (1891) Goodling, J. R. Mahomet R40 New- comb Sec22 T253a J. F. Trotter (1914) Goodman, R. H., Jr. (May Wright) Ch Robert, Hale, Joseph; Sadorus R51 Sadorus Sec28 T180a R. H. Goodman (1888) Goodwin, William H. (Ida Myers) Ch Eugene; Ogden Ogden Sec4N Farm Hand Hugo Kiemetz (1915) Gorden, J. F. (Emma McEbilly) Ch Vivian; Gitford R25 Kerr Sec25 T240a Charles Gorden (1887) Gordon Bros. Mrs. Alice Conaghan and Anna Gordon (Houskeepers) "Rexhurst Farm" Rantoul R22 Rantoul Sec9 O320a (1893) Gordon, C. C. (Mary N. Apperson) Ch Harold, Edith, Hazel, Florence, Frances; Urbana R7 Urbana Sec2 T103a D. M. Smith (1893) Gordon, G. C. (Clara McClain) Ch Glenn, Mary, Herbert, Hilda; Ur- bana R12 Urbana Secl3 O212a (1892) Gordon, I. H. (Jessie Yount) Ch Maurice, Lorene, Helen; Urbana R12 St. Joseph SeclS T197a Malinda Yount and W. W. Myer (1887) Gordon, John J. (Elsie Diller) Lud- low R31 Harwood SeclS T320a N. Gordon Est. (1885) Gordon, J. (Ellen McQuaid) Ch Charles, Thomas, Joseph, Gertrude, Mary, Anna, Agnes, William, John, Francis; Penfield R28 Compromise SeclS O200a (1872) Gordon, J. C. Penfield R28 Compro- mise Sec4 O312a (1883) Gordon, J. E. (Katherine Nolen) Ch Martha, Joseph, Paul, Mary, Emily, Rita, Charlie; Penfield R28 Compro- mise SeclS OSOa (1881) Gordon, Nicholas A. Ludlow R31 Harwood SeclS T320a N. Gordon (1885) Gorman, James (Mary Fitzgerald) Ch John, Maggie, Mary, Katie, Frances, James, Annie, Jerry, Josie, Esther, Ruth, Gertrude, Lawrence, Marton; Sidney R38 Raymond Sec7 O480a (1877) Gorman, John C. (Mary Seaney) Ch Mary, Frances, Franklin, Paul; Sid- ney R58 Raymond Sec7 T200a Jerry Gorman (1885) Gorman, Mrs. S. M. Ch Zoe; Urbana R12 Urbana Secl6 O3a (1851) Gose, James (Alice Bennett) Urbana Urbana SeclO T296a W. H. Smith (1916) 57 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Goss, C. E. (Frances Harvey) Ch Lula, Grace, Gladys; Urbana R9 Somer SeclS O40a T160a W. T. Shaw (1892) Goudie, Aaron E. (Katherine L. Latch) Ch James, Floyd; Sadorus R51 Pesotum SecS O80a Sec32 T265a A. M. Goudie and William Lyon (1866) Gourdier, C. (Lena Moran) Ch Belle, Louise, Bertha, Nellie, Edna, Charles, Maud; Dewey R33 Condit SeclO O200a (1876) Gourley, James L. (Iva M. Rideout) Ch Frances, Norma; Paxton R3 Harwood SecS T280a J. M. Gourley Est. (1884) Gowdy, Fred A. (Cora Balwin) Ch Florence, Floyd, Maud; Tolono R46 Tolono Sec25 Farm Hand Fred Haven (1915) Gowdy, J. H. (Florence Jines) Ch Arleigh; Ludlow R30 E. Bend Seel T160a Wilson Est. (1917) Gowler, L. E. (Chloe Chilton) Ch Everett, Orvel, Juanita; St. Joseph R16 St. Joseph SeclS Farm Hand N. G. Swearingen (1915) Gowler, William (Minnie Robertson) Homer R62 Ogden Sec28S Farm Hand W. J. Wilson (1915) Grady, Charles P. (Mary Sherlock) Ch Helen, Mary; Ivesdale R53 Sa- dorus Sec29 O40a (1891) Graham, Frank (Mary McCabe) Ch Paul; Ludlow R31 Harwood Sec22 T260a P. Graham (1885) Graham, F. H. (Emma Buck) Ch Agnes, Gertrude, Maude, Francis, Thomas, Raymond, Gilbert; Penfield R28 Compromise SecS T240a M. L. Benjamin (1875) Graham, Hugh (Johana Murphy) Ch William, Sarah, Hugh, John, Arthur, Margaret, Thomas, Joseph, Edward, Frances; Ludlow R31 Harwood Sec 22 O520a (1869) Graham, William (Katie Kirk) Gifford R25 Harwood Secl2 T120a Hugh Graham (1886) Grant, C. W. (Bertha Dubson) Ch Marjorie; Champaign Rl Champaign Sec9 Farm Hand H. T". Johnson - (1914) Grant, Frank L. (Ray L. Campbell) Ch Roy, Gladys, Louise; Champaign R2 Somer Sec31 T17a Illinois Cen- tral (1916) Grant, Harvey (Delia Manuel) Ch Samuel, Harold, Effie, Doris, Rich- ard; Seymour R43 Mahomet Sec27 T80a Mrs. J. D. Armstrong (1911) Graves, Cash (Hazel E. Gerrard) St. Joseph R16 St. Joseph Sec27 T55a Grover Graves (1905) Graves,. C. V. (Buronetta Welb) Ch May, Pauline; Ivesdale R52 Colfax Sec6 T79a O. B. Dobin (1914) Graves, James (Ella Weir) Ch Rob- ert, Ernest, Beulah; Homer R61 Homer SecS T130a Elliott and Stan- ford (1907) Graves, S. M. (Lucy A. Gooch) Ch Grover, Nettie, James, Ollie, Cash, Gladys, Alma, Eula; St. Joseph R16 St. Joseph Sec36 T124a Fred Kienzle (1905) Green, C. (Grace Low) Dewey R32 E. Bend Sec35 T156a Hardin Green and Sarah Green (1888) Green, F. C. (Ada Warnigk) Ch Helen, Rosa, Floyd, Martha; Ogden R17 Ogden Sec28N T160a J. W. Harper (1917) Green, George Ivesdale R52 Colfax Sec20 O160a (1850) Green, J. R. (Dora Combs) Ch Mor- ris, Donald, Lettie, Edna; Cham- paign R4 Champaign Sec2 Farm Hand Bert Rayburn (1912) Green, Neal (Edna Tackett) Ch Ruth, Irene; Urbana R8 Somer Sec34 Farm Hand Louis Gundlach (1915) Green, Otis (Isabelle Johnson) Ch Violet, Gladys, Selma; Urbana R9 Somer Sec33 Farm Hand L. F. Bireley (1896) Green, Samuel (Lizzie Packard) Ch Artie, Otis; Urbana R8 Urbana Sec 3 O8a (1899) Green, Theodore (Anna Oye) Ch Wilbur, Hazel; Homer R60 Homer Secl9W T154a (1887) Green, Will (Hope Halberstadg) To- lono R46 Philo Sec30 Farm Hand Lon Halberstadg (1902) Green, William (Caroline Wilson) Ch Louise, Dorothy, Leona; Homer R61 Homer Secl9W O80a Sidney T70a Sarah Clausen (1881) Gregerson, C. F. (Anna Hooper) Ch Alfred; Foosland R38 E. Bend Sec7 O91a (1903) Gregg, S. M. (Emma Hitz) Ch Sam- uel; Rantoul R21 Ludlow Secl7 T120a(1865) Greggory, M. G. (Jewell Francis) Sa- dorus R50 Sadorus Sec3 Farm Hand C. J. Miller (1917) Greggs, S. E. (Etta Pomtious) Ran- toul R21 Ludlow SeclS TlOOa Sam Greggs (1892) 58 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Gregory, Homer (Minnie Anderson) Ch Floyd, Dorothy; Mahomet R41 Mahomet Sec5 T120a Robert Burn- ham (1916) Grein, Fred (Edna McCloskey) Ch , Pearl, Opal, Ruby; Savoy R45 Champaign Sec26 O180a (1873) Grein, George (Marie Glanz) Urbana RIO Urbana Sec31 O120a (1889) Grein, John W. (Christine Hurst) Philo R56 Philo Sec22 T160a George Grein (1888) Grein, Will (Catherine Subbs) Ch William, Joe; Philo R56 Philo Sec , 22 O70a (1867) Grennari, James '(Ellen Murphy) Ch John, Maggie, Margie, James, Mike, Mary, Matt, Hannah; Ivesdale R53 Sadorus Sec5 O160a Q904) Grennan, M. F. (Mary Butler) Ch Lucille; Ivesdale R53 Sadorus Sec8 T160a Driscol (1901) Gresham, Harry (Belle Hayes) Ch Raymond, Dowe, Dale; Urbana R8 Somer Secl4 Farm Hand J. C. Yearsley (1917) Grice, Mrs. Annie E. (Terry) Ch Lot- tie, Asbury, Mary, Etta, Maudie; Urbana R9 Urbana SecS O5a (1863) Grider, C. W. (Eva Harris) Rantoul R21 E. Bend Sec36 Farm Hand and Housekeepe'r William J. Quirk Grierson, Charles M. (Mary Heim- burger) Ch Clifford, Andy, Lyle, Katherine, Charles, Leslie; Cham- paign R6 Somer Sec29 O120a (1867) Grierson,. Homer (Emma Schlorff) Ch Bernice, Hazel; Champaign R6 Somer Sec30 T120a J. C. Johnson (1883) Grieser, George (Leona Baecher) Ch Lester, Edna, Melvin, Alvia, Deli- lah; Dewey R32 E. Bend Sec9 T320a Col. Smith Griffith, Marvin (Sylva Winthrop) Fisher R35 Brown Sec32 T3a F. Delaney (1916) Griffith, Roy Urbana R12 St. Josef>lj Secl7 Farm Hand J. R. Stanner (1916) Grill, Albert (Ettic Winchell) Urbana R8 Urbana Sec3 O9a (1865) Grimes, A. M.> (Cora M. Parks) Ch Claude? St. Joseph R16 St. Joseph Sec26 T275a Charles Kieryle, Fred Kieryle and L. P. Grimes (1881) Grimes, L. P. (Annie R. Ridinger) Ch Arley; St. Joseph R16 St. Joseph Sec26 O78a (1875) Grindley, A. J. (Enrica Satouf) Ch Herbert, Hazel, Claude, Harry, Wil- liam, Fred, Paul; Mahomet R42 Mahomet Secll Jacob Bellinger (1869) 59 Grindley, A. R. (Pearl Layman) Ch Merwin, Neva, Glen; Champaign R4 Hensley SeclS O80a T160a Susane Grindley (1879) Grindley, H. E. (Almeta Baker) Ch Pearl, Howard; Mahomet R42 Mahomet Secl4 Farm Hand W. W. Herriott (1885) Grindley, J. R. (Mary Leonard) Ch Joseph, Florence, Ruby, Leo; Ran- toul R22 Condit Sec23 T80a Mrs. John Leonard (1882) Grisson, W. B. (Maude Carroll) Ch Leo, Raymond; Sadorus R51 Sado- rus (1917) Griswold, Elza W. (Mary E. Yazel) Ch Ralph, George, Lucy; "Catalpa Farm" Ludlow R31 Harwood Secl7 O80a(1874) Gronewold, Henry (Foske Gerdes) Ch Ehme, Henry; Ogden R17 Ogden Sec7 T80a Henry Gerbers (1883) Gronewold, William H. Ch Annie; Thomasboro R20 Rantoul Sec25 O80a(1871) Grostephan, John (Emma Paar) Ch Bernice, Marcella, Helen; Pesotum R55 Crittenden Sec30 Tla Jacob Smith (1901) Grove, Evan E. (Maud Kearns) Ur- bana RIO Philo 'Sec4 O140a (1882) Groves, Eli (Katie Porterfield) Ch Vera, Lyle; Urbana RIO Philo Sec 10 O200a (1870) Grussing, Harvey (Fannie Lannarts) Ch John; Rantoul R24 Rantoul Sec 20 O120a (1877) Grussing, John (Tena Osterman) Ch Harvey, Hugh, Lue, Thomas, John, Peter, Fred, Grace, Tine, Maggie; Gifford R26 Compromise Sec28 O160a (1870) Guard, Alexander G. (Binda Rice) Ch Ethel, Carroll, Joe, Hazel, Alexan- der, Jr.; Urbana RIO Philo Sec4 O80a SecS T180a Evan Grove (1873) Guffey, Colonel (Pearl Neal) Ch Marie, Ray; Urbana R9 Somer Sec 32 Farm Hand Carl Harrenknecht (1916) Guffy, Perry (Susie Clark) Ch Gladys, Bertha, Roxie; Champaign R2 Ur- bana Sec31 (1916) Guinn, Elmer G. Urbana R9 Somer Sec22 T120a J. W. Harris (1889) Guinn, S. (Nannie Pinkston) Ch Ar- thur; Champaign R4 Hensley Sec21 O80a T160 (1880) Gulick, W. C. (Anna Dubson) Ma- homet R42 Mahomet SeclS T140a F. J. Barber (1884) Gundlach, Louis Urbana R8 Somer Sec34 O35a T45a 'Gundlach Est. (1857) PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Gunning, D. Joe Tolono R46 Tolono Sec36 T168a John Gunning (1889) Gust, M. H. (Lena Bannick) Ch Ber- nice; Champaign R5 Hensley SeclO Farm Hand H. Phillippi (1916) Gustafson, A. G. (Ethel Allen) "Gus- tafson Farm" Rantoul R23 Ludlow Sec25 T320a J. Collison (1888) Gustafson, Victor W. (Louise Crane) Ch Donald; Rantoul R23 Harwood Sec30 T240a Collinson Est. (1887) Gut, Andrew (Emma Martin) Ch Al- dine, Ora, Nellie, Clarence; Rantoul R21 E. Bend Secl3 T80a Peter Good (1914) Gut, Christian C. (Mary Eichelberger) Ch Edwin; Fisher R34 E. Bend Secl9 O119a (1903) Gutzwiler, P. J. (Anna Mangold) Ch Hortense, Leo; Mahomet R41 New- comb Secl7 D160a J. F. Zinner (1902) Guynn, Charles (Freda Heyer) Ch Charles, Godfrey, Olga; Dewey R32 Condit Seel O80a (1876) Guynn, John Matilda Guynn (Mother) Dewey R32 E. Bend Sec35 O80a T80a Matilda Guynn (1873) Guynn, Thomas M. (Etta Drennan) Ch Jessie; Dewey R32 E. Bend Sec 35 O160a (1875) H Haag, Charles A. (Leone Powell) Ch Willard, Thelma; Penfield R28 Com- promise Sec4 Farm Hand J. C. Gor- den (1915) Haase, Ben G. (Katie Lechier) Ch Albert, Elizabeth, Mike; Pesotum R54 Pesotum Sec33 T180a Mrs. Elizabeth Detrick (1906) Hadden, L. M. Ch Anna, Albert, Stel- la, Walter; Sadorus R49 Colfax Sec 24 O80a (1874) Hadfield, A. L. (Sarah Hixon) Ch Ma- bel, Alma, Lena, George, Nora; Sa- dorus R50 Sadorus Sec21 O120a (1875) Hadler, A. W. (Rose Real) Ch Har- ris, Henry, Frances; Rautoul R21 E. Bend Sec36 T240a Parris Robin- son (1879) Hadven, A. H. (Elizabeth Fackler) Ch Helen, Pearl, William; Sadorus R49 Sadorus Sec26 O80a (1867) Hafermann, Rev. Henry (Dora T. Schaffnit) Ch Meta, Siegfried, Al- brecht, Carl, Heinrich, Martin, Ed- die, Hans, Marie; St. Joseph R15 Ogden SeclS Royal Church (1905) Haga, Henry (Leota Rightsel) Ch Blanche, Herold; Sidney R57 Sid- ney SecS T160a R. Steel (1916) Hagen, John (Anna Porterfield) Ch Mary, Charles, Louis, Nellie, Vareta, Juanita; Sidney R58 Sidney Sec30 O80a (1887) Hagen, Menne (Catherine Albers) Ch Libby, Andrew, Anna, Minnie, Mar- tin, Eli; St. Joseph R14 Stanton Sec 21 O160a (1891) Hagermann, William (Delia Raver) Ch Freda; Philo R56 Philo Sec24 Farm Hand William Rickman (1898) Hahn, Daniel (Catherine Denhart) Ch Johnnie, Edward, Dorothea; Ogden R17 Ogden SecS O62a T22a N. Hahn (1884) Hahn, Nicholas (Margaret Haines) Ch William, Daniel; Ogden R18 Og- den SecS O80a (1890) Haines, F. B. (Ada Knox) Ch Russell; Seymour R44 Scott Sec32 T320a Frank Dillatush (1884) Haines, F. B. (Harriett Qbenchain) Champaign R2 Champaign Secl3 O189a (1871) Haines, George Sr. (Alice Hood) Ch Fred, John, Alverta, George, Bertha, Florence, Chester; Seymour R44 Scott Sec31 T320a F. V. Dillatush (1887) Haines, George C. Jr. Seymour R44 Scott Sec28 T200a J. L. Black (1894) Haines, L. T. (Katenn Smith) Ch Anna, John, Charles; Fisher R35 Newcomb Sec3 T160a Ida Morrison (1917) Halbersadt, J. W. (Carrie Buttry) Ch Jim, Frances, Ralph, Russell, John; Urbana R12 Urbana Sec23 T160a Dan Massey (1903) Halberstadg, Lon (Lida Hazen) Ch Hope; Tolono R46 Philo Sec30 T177a Pawling Morey (1888) Hall Bros. Savoy R45 Tolono Sec3 T320a C. E. Hall (1895) Hall, Carl (May Brownfield) Ch Har- old; Mahomet R42 Newcomb Sec36 T27a J. H. Thurston (1913) Hall, Henry (Elizabeth Watson) Ch Claudie, Ethel, Elsie, Herbert; Sid- ney R57 Sidney Sec33 T160a T. L. Black (1904) 60 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Hall, James (Lillian Yeats) Ch Ar- cher, Carmen, Orville, Edna; St. Jo- seph R13 St. Joseph Sec9 Farm Hand Frank Leas (1917) Hall, J. A. (Ella Anders) Ch James, Orvel; Sidney R58 Sidney Secl6 T160a J. F. Risk (1904) Hamilton, D. C. (Emma Reed) Cham- paign Rl Champaign Sec21 O80a (1865) Hamilton, Frank (Ida Hoffbien) Sa- voy R45 Tolono Sec4 T183a J. I. Groves (1900) Hamilton, J. W. (Bettie Rayburn) Ch Kellious, Carl; St. Joseph R16 St. Joseph Sec24 Farm Hand Harrison Peters (1916) Hamilton, Leonard E. (Virgie R. Mar- tin) Ch John, Ethel, Elmer; Philo. R56 Crittenden Secl3 Farm Hand Pat Morey (1907) Hamm, Charles (Ethel Sawyer) Ch Mona, Charles; "Helmrock Farm" Ludlow R30 E. Bend SeclO T320a (1885) Hamm, C. W. (Mary Ann Thomas) Ch Owen, Sarah; "Pleasant Hill Farm" Champaign R4 Hensley Sec 10 T320a Scott Est. (1873) Hamm, Forrest W. (Minnie Pearson) Ch Orval, Harriett, Bessie; Ludlow R29 Harwood SeclO O200a (1869) Hamm, I. B. (Lucy Wilson) Ch Lil- lie, Richard, Martha; Sidney R57 Sidney Sec32 Isaac Cole (1914) Hamm, John M. (Ethel J. Suitors) Ch Geraldine, Earl; St. Joseph R13 Stanton Sec27 Farm Hand O. W. Maddock (1916) Hammack, James M. (Grace B. Mc- Cool) Ch Jamie, Edith, Florence, Helen; Champaign R6 Somer Sec30 T165a W. F. Hardy (1901) Hamman, Dan (Susie Meeker) Ch Guy, Lucy; Sadorus R51 Sadorus Sec26 O20a (1891) Hammel, E. T. (Nannie Downs) Ma- homet R40 Newcomb Sec24 T80a Mrs. N. Downs (1892) Hammel, Ferdinand (Margarita See- ber) Ch George; Thomasboro R19 Rantoul Sec30 O520a (1870) Hammel, J. F. (Ella Moorehead) Ch Lena, Lottie, Richard, Mettie, Eve 1 lyn, Leonard, Lillian; Mahomet R42 Condit Sec31 T204a Richmond Est. (1878) Hammel, N. J. (Cynthia Dickerson) Ch Nora, Elsie, Floyd, Ernest; Ma- homet R42 Newcomb Sec36 O70a (1876) Hammel, Pliny (Drusilla A. Osborn) Ch Dora; Mahomet R40 Newcomb Sec23 T5a (1887) 61 Hampel, G. W. (Christina Heimberg- er) Thomasboro R20 Rantoul Sec27 T256a C. T. Walton (1870) Hampton, W. F. (Nora Redenbaugh) Ch William, Guilford, Doris, Creed, Vera; Mahomet R40 Newcomb Sec 22 T155a A. M. Burk (1897) Hanbright, Charles (Pauline Hender- son) Ch Deloss; Seymour R43 Scott Sec6 Farm Hand C. T. Seymour (1917) Hancock, H. M. (Bertha Flanery) Ch Roy, Francis, Fern; Ludlow R31 Ludlow Sec2 T160a W. O. Smith (1913) Hanks, R. E. (Sarah White) Ch Ches- ter; Homer R61 St. Joseph Sec36 O80a (1901) Hannah, Robert R. (Mary Hanes) Ch Goldie, Mildred, Robert, Isaac, Ber- tie, Bertha, Charity, Alice; Maho- met R40 Newcomb Sec26 O90a (1886) Hansel, Grob (Olive Kirby) Ch Har- old, Helma; Urbana R12 Urbana Sec 14 T360a Arthur Willard (1908) Hansen, T. E. (Lava Peterson) Ch Harold, Arthur; Dewey R32 E. Bend Sec3 T160a Johnson Est. (1912) Hansens, F. L. (Ida Leischner) Ch Louis, Oscar, Albert; Champaign R5 Hensley Secll T120a (1895) Hansens, William (Emma Schablon) Ch Elmer, Esther; Savoy R45 Champaign Sec34 T80a Fred Han- sens (1897) Hanson, August (Louisa Mix) Ch Mamie, Helena; Champaign R5 Hensley SeclO O80a (1900) Hanson, E. C. (Nora Simerl) Ch John, Charles; Champaign R3 Hensley Sec34 T293a Burham Est. (1877) Hanson, George R. (Wanda Barrick) Pesotum R55 Crittenden Sec33 T280a R. P. Hansen (1880) Hanson, Gilmer J. (lona Erwin) Ch Pauline, Thelma, Erwin; Pesotum R55 Crittenden Sec27 T520a W. P. Hanson (1888) Happ, Elizabeth Ch Mary, Adeline, Maggie, Mealy, Otto, Lizzie, Tillie, Reba, Louis; Tolono R46 Crittenden Sec 18 O240a (1867) Happ, Louis Tolono R46 Crittenden SeclS T120a Elizabeth Happ (1886) Happ, Otto (Barbara Supancheck) Ch Elizabeth, Luella, Anton, Clara, Odelia, Susie, Uvanica, Joseph, Mary; Pesotum R55 Pesotum Sec 24 0160a (1872) Hardin, M. S. Ch Gayle, Orville, Georgia; Homer R60 Homer Sec8 T6a Mrs. Cessney (1885) PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Hardynan, Orran (Flora Jones) Ch Floyd, Arthur, Wayne, Delma; Longview R63 Raymond Sec34 T80a W. Norman (1880) Hargan, E. J. (Delia Pro) Ch Lewis, Freda George, Leo, Leslie; Urbana R9 Urbana Sec5 T16a Noland Est. HaVgS W. F. (Martha Sazer) Ch Edward, Ross, Mamie, William, Leo, Carl Hazel; Penfield R28 Com- promise Sec20 02a T240a Oben- chain Est. (1879) Hargan, W. M. (Lena Saalhoff) Ch Francis, Etta, Pauline, .Everett; Armstrong Rl Compromise Sec/ T240a Julia Clark (1887) . Hargesheimer, Charles (Minnie Ira- vis) Foosland R39 Brown Sec29 Harmon, J. R. (Mary Nealis) Ch Carl^ Mae; "Cottage Grove Farm Dewey R33 Condit T200a J. L. Drennun HaJms, Dick (Maggie Gerdis) Ch Martin, Lizzie, Mary; Gifford R26 Stanton Seel O286a (1881) Harms, Martin (Gertrena Emkes) Ch Dick Ella, Grace, William, Edward John'; St. Joseph R14 Stanton Secl4 0160a (1885) Harnishfeger, Zack (Mary Barnett Ch Paul, Carl; White Heath Rl Scott Secl9 Farm Hand W. H. Cre- sap (1915) Harper, A. Mahomet R40 Newcomb Sec23 T40a Mrs. V. T. Harper (1869) Harper, Leonard (Nellie Jenkins) Penfield R28 Compromise Secli T93a Bryan Gorden (1872) Harris, B. F. Champaign RD Mahomet Harris, H. A. (Alice Flowers) Ch Helen; Bondville R65 Scott Sec2 T80a Mrs. Nora Dawley (1870) Harris, Tom J. (Alice McCurry) Ch Merrill, Marion, Arthur; Pesotum R55 Pesotum Sec36 Farm Hand John Cooper (1912) Harrison, A. C. (Lillie Akers) Ch Hazel, Guy, Margie, Earl, Zelda; Fisher R35 Condit Sec6 Farm Hand Mrs. A. H. Morris (1917) Harrison, James A. (Mary Cooper) Ch. Florence, Bertha, Anna, Madi- son Gerald; Pesotum R55 Pesotum Sec36 T263a Madison Cooper (1905) Harrison, Madison A. (Hattie Starky) Ch James, Delbert; Pesotum R55 Pesotum Sec25 Farm Hand James A. Harrison (1905) Harrison, .William (Rosamond Ne- vins) Ch Lee, Marie, Ethel, Irene, William Jr.; Sadorus R49 Tolono Sec32 Farm Hand H. L. Timmons Est. (1914) Harry, M. M. (Mary J. Boyd) Ch Ef- fie, James, Fanny, Ethel, Daisy; Ur- bana R7 Urbana SeclO O27a (1856) Harshbarger, M. E. (Ida Smith) Ch Minnie, Frances, Ernest, Edna, Howard, Freda, Gladys, Ervin, Al- bert, Harry; Ivesdale R53 Sadorus Sec30 O80a (1898) Harshbarger S. T. (Ellen Thrasher) Ch Willis, Nellie; Ivesdale R53 Sa- dorus Sec31 O120a (1872) Harshbarger, V. M. (Emma Roberts) Ch Gladys; Champaign R5 Hensley Secl3 T160a J. M. Hershbarger (1889) Hartel, A. J. (Opal Stewart) Ch Hazel, Helen, Marie; Urbana R7 Urbana Seel T200a Mrs. Sarah Busy (1893) Hartle, L. B. (Edith Tanner) Sadorus R50 Colfax Sec25 T350a R. L. Hunt Hartman, Frank J. (Thresa Reinhart) Ch Rose, Joe, Antone, Anna, Kath- erine, George, William; Pesotum R54 Pesotum Sec32 O320a (1880) Hartman, George (Mary Dietrich) Ch Clara, Frank, Tillie, William, Min- nie, Iva; St. Joseph St. Joseph Sec 11 O28a T200a Mrs. M. Davis and G. W. Rice (1901) Hartman, William (Ollie L. Denhart) Ch Helen; St. Joseph RD St. Jo- seph SeclS T128a Mrs. Maud Davis (1901) Hartrick, V. O. (Ruth Boomer) Sa- dorus R50 Sadorus Sec3 T154a J. H. Hartrick (1898) Hartz, Peter D. (Caroline Foot) Ch Josie, Wilhelm; Philo R56 Philo Sec 23 OlOa (1872) Hartz, Wilhelm A. (Ida Peters) Ch Dorothy, Mabel, Wilhelm; Philo R56 Philo Sec23 T5a Peter Hartz (1886) Harvey, E. C. (Lizzie Wilson) Ch Ed- ward; Sidney R57 Sidney SeclS T60a S. D. Mandville (1897) Harvey, James (Ruby Rodgers) Ch Lois, Mary, Elizabeth, Juanita; Sid- ney R57 Sidney Seel T120a J. M. West (1912) Harvey, Tom (Mattie Sawers) Ch Merlin; Ogden R17 Ogden Sec28N Farm Hand Fred McKinney (1916) Hastings, Mrs. M. A. Sadorus R50 Pesotum Sec7 O75a (1875) Hasty, Allen Ch Marie, Russell; St. Joseph R16 St. Joseph Sec24 O120a (1865) 62 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Hasty, William (Bertha F. Rebman) Ch Fern, Harold; St. Joseph St. Jo- seph Secl4 T3a Laura Graves (1876) Hasumann, Joe (Frances) Ch Roman, Joe, Mary, Cecilia, Leo, George, Frances, Anna, Tony, William, Pau- line; Tolono R46 Crittenden Sec21 T400a John Armstrong (1909) Hatchel, George W. (Elizabeth Cox) Ch John, James, Thomas, Lee, Henry, Perry, Millie, Lottie; Sa- dorus R51 Sadorus Sec36 O8a (1892) Hatchel, Henry (Jennie Hubbert) Sa- dorus R51 Sadorus Sec26 O2a (1891) Hatchel, Lee (Florence Clark) Ch Betty, Grace, E,va, Alta, Ruth, Wil- son, Eddie; Sadorus R50 Sadorus Secl6 T80a Stewart Black (1887) Hatchel, Thomas (Mary Clark) Ch Mabel, Stella; Sadorus R51 Sadorus Sec26 O2a (1891) Hatter, Melvin (Zora Brown) Ch George; Urbana R8 Sonrer Sec34 R. L. Brown (1914) Hauersperger, M. E. (Grace Leslie) Ch Donald, Doris; Thomasboro R20 Stanton Sec9 T80a M. E. Stewart (1910) Hausman, Roman Tolono R46- Crit- tenden Secl6 T200a Pat Berritan (1910) Haven, Walter (Effie Morfey) Cham- paign R3 Mahomet Sec36 William I Morfey (1900) Havens, H. H. (Grace Hood) Ch Wil- liam Mahomet R41 Mahomet Secl7 T120a Mrs. Arnett (1915) Havice, G. W. (Anna Armstrong) Ch Millard, Sarah, Frank, Addle, Mabel, Ida, Roscoe, Pearl; Mahomet R40 Newcomb Sec26 O5a (1874) Hawk, C. (Maggie Payton) St. Jo- seph R13 Stanton Sec33 T160a Isaac Hawk (1862) Hawk, Wyley (Elizabeth Alverson) Ch Blanche, Flenner, Stanley; St. Joseph R13 Stanton Sec33 O120a (1869) Hawk, W. F. (Opal Peters) Urbana R7 Stanton Sec30 T80a A. K. Frank- enberg (1897) Hawkins, J. F. (Mary E. Cook) Ch Aldia, Audrey, Fredia, Velma, Mel- vin; Urbana R9 Somer Sec3 Farm Hand John Wolken (1910) Hawl, Oscar (Carma Robertson) Ch Myrtle, Ernest, Hazel, Dorothy; Sidney R58 Sidney SeclS T120a D. M. Wilson (1904) Haworth, Charles (Carrie Harvey) Ch Lucile, Willard, Harold; "Walnut Grove Farm" St. Joseph R13 Stan- ton Sec27 TISOa C. Haworth (1871) Hayes, Arthur E. (Goldie Richter) Ch Helen, Donald; Ogden R17 Ogden Sec4S T200a Minnie Luzater (1883) Hayes, R. P. (Sadie Truax) Ch Dulsie, Lizzie, Lenore, Roy, Hollis; Ogden RD Ogden Sec9-8S O170a (1860) Hayes, Howard (S. Ellen Van Fleet) Ch Ora; St. Joseph R16 St. Joseph Sec27 TlOOa B. C. Green (1866) Hayes, William (Lora Green) Ch John; Ogden Sec4 O40a T120a Abe Leavett (1881) Hayne, Frank (Lena Hers) Ch Anna, Mary, Herman, Dick, Ricka, Carl, Alma, Frank, Andrew; Penfield R28 Compromise Sec31 T120a George Evton (1885) Hazen G. W. Mahomet R40 Newcomb Sec27 T200a Mrs. L. M. Hazen (1892) Hazen, Pearl (Adaline Jayne) Ch Sarah, Horace, Jeanette, Wiley, Ed- win; Mahomet R40 Newcomb Sec 26-27-22 O270a (1876) Hazzard, James (Cora Anderson) Ch Rhea, Mabel, Stanley, Leonard, Marguerite, Stewart, Martha; "Lock Farm" Philo R56 Philo Sec36 Farm Hand J. O. Baker (1916) Head, E. D. (Elizabeth Cleary) Ch Alta, Catherine, Edna, Jennie, Anna, Mary; Rantoul R21 Ludlow Secl4 O160a (1903) Heater, H. L. (Mabel Amsden) Ch John; Urbana R12 Urbana Sec36 T193a (1888) Heater, Robert F. (Anna Binley) Ch Houlsie, Delia, John, Robert, Josie; Urbana Rll Urbana Sec35 O208a (1884) Heath, A. F. (Mabel Crofward) Ch Phyllis, Marian, Dorothy; Ivesdale R52 Colfax Sec6 T480a John Digh- ton (1913) Heath, E. C. (Lizzie Jones) Ivesdale R53 Sadorus Charles T. Auld (1917) Hedric'k, N. D. (Jesse Meade) Ch Dan, Ray, Robert; Penfield R28 Compromise Secl6 T120a D. M. Hedrick (1911) Hefferan, Charles L. (Rose Clifton) Ch Viola; Rantoul R23 Harwood Sec28 T80a H. W. Gerdes (1902) Heffernan, J. J. Ivesdale R52 Colfax Sec33 T120a Catherine Cain (1900) Heffington, Carl (Alice Benjamin) Ch Rhea, Myrtle; Gifford R26 Compro- mise Sec2 TlOOa J. Ackerman (1867) 63 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Heien, Herman J. (Emma Bussboom) Ch John, George, Ernest; St. Jo- seph R14 Stanton SeclO O160a (1887) Heien, Reiner (Kate Idens) St. Jo-- seph R14 Stanton SeclS O130a (1879) Heimburger, Andy (Emma Wascher) Ch Charles, Harry, Eldon, Elsie, Rose, Lena; Rantoul R22 Condit Secl4 T160a Thomas Murray and Charles Fink (1881) Heimburger, A. J. (Rose Reifsteck) Ch Harold, Roy; Champaign R6 Somer Sec20 T270a Andrew Heim- berger (1892) Heimburger, Charles E. (LeTia Fied- ler) Ch Cornelia; Rantoul R21 Lud- low Sec31 T170a John Carl (1883) Heindselman, Martin D. (Mabel V. Engquist) Rantoul R23 Harwood Sec31 T80a H. F. Mack (1897) Heindselman, Martuis (Nellie Brad- ford) Rantoul R21 Ludlow Sec20 T80a Dennis Deaney (1914) Heindselman, M. L. (Clare Gladhart) Ch Martin, Martuis, Sossie, Marian, Mabel, Mervin; Rantoul R21 Lud- low Sec28 T400a' Ainsworth Est. (1915) Heiser, J. A. (Fanny Schrock) Ch Leslie, Alta, Mabel; Fisher R34 Brown Sec24 T120a John Schrock (1890) Heiser, J. B. (Amelia Ingold) Fisher R34 Brown Sec26 T160a Henry In- gold (1894) Heiser, M. E. (Barbara Goot) Ch Raymond, Velma; Dewey R32 E. Bend Secl7 T220a Jacob Heiser (1888) Heiser, S. J. (Tillie Ingold) Ch Eve- lyn; Fisher R34 Brown Secl4 T195a Henry Ingold (1888) Helliard, Thee (Alabama Angle) Ch Polly, Catherine, George, William, Sarah, Ellen; Tolono R47 Tolono Sec27 T248a Ed and Roland Book- less (1903) Helms, M. E. "Helms Farm" Sadorus R51 Sadorus Sec36 O29a (1883) Hemrich, J. H. (Fay Cooper) Lud- low R30 E. Bend Secll Farm Hand Ralph Tarvin (1916) Henderson, Miss Emma Homer R60 Homer Sec 19 Housekeeper O. J. Henderson Henderson, John E. (Elmira Stuart) Ch Ervin, William, Wallace, Wal- ter; Urbana R8 Somer Sec26 TlOOa Lizzie Cavanaugh (1885) Henderson, O. J. Homer R60 Homer Secl9 OllOa (1872) Henebery, Patrick (Mary Maddox) Urbana Rll Urbana Sec35 O80a (1895) Henning, Louis Savoy R45 Tolono Sec4 T200a Ed Hagen (1897) Henning, Ranke (Lizzie Gronewold) Ch Anna, Hannah, Emma; Gifford R26 Stanton Sec3 T106a William Gronewold (1887) Henry, John (Catherine Laley) Ch Edna, Hugh, Edward, Helen, Otto; Philo R56 Crittenden Secl3 T200a Tom Lowery (1897) Henry, Joseph (Frances Kleiss) Ch Clarence, Frank, Mary, Eva; Peso- turn R54 Pesotum Secl9 O169a (1889) Hensley, Earl (Lula Ferris) Cham- paign R4 Hensley SeclS T240a P. S. Hensley (1879) Hensley, Jeff (Bertha Hensley) Ch Alvia, Raymond, Cletus, Cleo; Longview R64 Raymond Sec23 T80a W. M. Wilkes (1915) Heppe Bros. (John and William) Ho- mer R60 Homer Sec30S O300a (1878) Heppe, Edward (Emma Erhorn) Ch George; Homer R60 Homer Secl7 OlOOa (1882) Herbert, George W. (Katherine Sun- derland) Ch James, George, John, Katherine; "Green Lawn Farm' Gifford R25 Harwood Sec36 O325a (1864) Herndon, E. M. (Ida Wadsworth) Ch Fay, Wayne, Glenn, Bruce, Pearl, Frank; Homer R62 Homer Sec29N Farm Hand J. T. Freeman (1909) Herrenknecht, Carl (Bertha Ziegler) Ch Bertha, Jake, Dorothy; Urbana R9 Urbana SecS T147a S. T. Busey Est. (1910) Herriott, Archie R. (Mabel Pittman) Ch Harold, Frank; Mahomet R42 Mahomet Sec26 O80a T80a (1887) Herriott, Elmer (Elva Pfiester) Sey- mour R44 Scott Sec21 T120a Peter Keller (1894) Herriott, George L. (Jessie Miller) Ch Maurice; Mahomet R42 Maho- met Secl2 T208a S. A. Herriott (1882) Herriott, H. B. (Marie Jones) Ch Richard; Mahomet R42 Mahomet Secll J. M. Herriott (1890) Herriott, Jay T. (Edna Fisher) Ch Dorothy, Virginia; Mahomet R41 Mahomet Sec6 T92a W. R. Barnhart (1882) 64 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Herriott, J. M. (Kate Bellinger) Ch Harry, Elenore; Mahomet R42 Ma- homet Sec 11 O66a Secl4 T334a J. A. Bellinger (1884) Herriott, T. C. (Ella Hacker) Ch Pauline, Max; Ludlow R30 Ludlow SecS T320a F. A. Collinson (1897) Herriott, William W. (Rosa Bellin- ger) Ch Lela, Nova; Mahomet R42 Mahomet Secl4 T320a Jacob Bel- linger (1912) Hershberger, J. M. (Sofia Eickhorst) Ch Arlie, Leslie, Merle, Roy, Nor- ton, Delbert, Helen; "Maizeland Farm" Leverett RD Somer Secl7 O561a (1868) Hershberger, Leslie (Grace Goss) Champaign R6 Somer Sec20 T90a J. M. Hershberger (1887) Hershberger, L. A. (Elizabeth Van- meter) Ch Fern, Thelma; Leverett RD Somer Secl7 T80a J. M. Hersh- berger (1885) Hester, Al (Blanche Smith) Ch Mel- vin; Urbana R7 St. Joseph Sec8 Farm Hand Earl Kirkpatrick (1914) Hester, Earl H. (Clara Hielman) Ch Beatrice, Hester, Mildred; Tolono R48 Philo Sec28 T80a Sammy Brown Est. (1899) Hester, Plas. (Grace Staples) Ch Dannie, Carven; Thomasboro R20 Rantoul Sec30 Farm Hand Charles Keal (1912) Hester, Walter (Bessie Harvell) Ur- bana R7 St. Joseph Sec7 Farm Hand Earl Kirkpatrick (1914) Hettinger, Aloys (Margaret Som- mers) Ch Michael, Frank, Lizzie, George, Joe, Louis, Pete, John, Frances, Cecilia; Pesotum R55 Pe- sotum Sec24 O600a (1872) Hettinger, Joe Pesotum R55 Pesotum Sec24 T240a A. Hettinger (1884) Hettinger, Louis G. (Matilda Gilles) Ch Victoria, Paul, Clarence; Peso- tum R55 Crittenden Sec30 T157a A. Hettinger (1885) Hettinger, Peter M. (Ella Gilles) Ch Monica; Tolono R46 Pesotum Sec2 T160a John Gorman (1896) Hewerdine, A. B. (Mary Poison) Ch Velma, Mildred, Alton; "Mapledale Farm" Dewey R33 Condit Sec4 T80a Jos. Hewerdine (1875) Hewerdine, W. J. (Addie Myrtle Mat- thews) Ch Earl, Imo, Leslie, Ray, Carrie, Glenn; Dewey R33 Condit Secl6 O240a (1869) Heyer, Walter E. (Eva Johnson) Ch Lois, Wayne, Glenn; Fisher R34 E. Bend Sec29 T440a Heyer Est. and Aug. Sperling (1888) Hickle, B. A. (Maud Primmer) Ch Pauline, Chester, George, Marie, Harold; Champaign R4 Hensley Sec 7 T180a C. Dyer (1887) Hickman, F. (Ada Lankster) Ch Blanche, May, Noah, Ruby, Wilbur; Penfield R28 Compromise Sec32 (1913) Hieser, Amos A. (Bertha Birkey) Dewey R32 E. Bend Secl7 T240a Barbara Eyer (1889) Hieser, A. L. (Elizabeth Birky) Ch Alice, Inez; Fisher R34 E. Bend Sec20 T200a Jacob Hieser and Pete Hieser (1888) Hieser, J. E. (Mary Ander) Ch Sarah, Emory, Vernon, Florence, Frances^ Foosland R38 E. Bend Secl7 O120a T40a Birkey Est. (1890) Higgin, J. E. (Evelyn Davis) Ch Clara, Mildred, Clifton; Ivesdale R50 Sadorus Sec7 Road Gradesman Driscoll (1911) Higgins, E. (Mary Williams) Ch Ruth, Norris; "Cheery Grove Farm" Champaign R2 Champaign Secl3 O7a (1897) Hilderbrand, Charles (Lula Halber- stat) Ch Edgar, Willie, Jessie, Len- nie; "Charles Hilderbrand Farm" Urbana R8 Stanton Sec7 T170a P. Richards (1888) Hilderbrant, J. C. (Belle Morgan) Ho- mer R60 Homer Sec20 T180a L. Hilderbrant (1881) Hildreth, Charles (Maggie Quails) Mahomet R40 Newcomb Sec36 O30a (1866) Hiler, Horace (Irene George) Long- view R64 Raymond Sec34 T80a J. M. George (1916) Hillard, Charles (Ada Yeazel) Ch Chester; Ogden R18 Ogden Secl6S T192a M. L. and H. A. Brewer (1893) Hillard, George W. (Letha Angle) Ch Clarence; Tolono R47 Tolono Sec 26 O9a T80a Phil Gunning (1904) Hillard, John W. (Louise E. Adams) Ch Susan, Mary, Charley, Bertha, Melvin, Elmer; Homer R60 Homer Sec7E T308a Dr. Conkey, Sr. Est. and George Spencer (1894) Hillson, Tom, Julia Knudson (House- keeper); Ludlow R30 E. Bend Secll O160a (1892) Hilt, George W. (Vivian Hoke) Ch Anna, Dwight, Lawrence, Louis; Ludlow R29 Harwood Sec4 T80a R. M. Hodam (1913) 65 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Hinds, Herman F. (Genevieve Gross) Ch Hilda; Pesotum R54 Pesotum Sec30 T200a A. W. Hinds and S. Ross (1889) Hiners, Fred C. (Ellen Dunbar) Philo R56 Philo Sec24 Farm Hand Ed- ward N. Cranferd (1916) Hines, Jacob (Clara Beasley) Ch Olive; Rantoul R21 Ludlow Secl3 T225a R. P. Corbett (1914) Hinners, William (Belle Brown) Ch Ullman, Blanche, Prince; Urbana Rll Urbana Sec35 T220a Anna Sil- vers (1902) Hinrichs, Martin E. (Anna Debuhe) Ch Grace, Johannah, Eibe; St. Jo- seph R13 Stanton Sec3 O365a (1869) Hinrichs, Ulfert (Maria Cornelius) Ch Peter, Margaretha, Anna, Heye, John, Hinrich; Gifford R26 Stanton Sec3 O160a (1887) Hinton, Carl V. (Minnie Prince) Ch Bernice, Willard, Roy, Russell, Lin- den, Louis, Lucile, Adaline; Maho- met R40 Newcomb Sec28 T240a Gulick Bros. (1881) Hinton, C. A. (Maud Shaffer) Ch Cleora, Lavon; Mahomet R40 New- comb Sec24 T120a Mrs. I. Shaffer (1884) Hinton, C. P. (Mabel Marsh) Ch Alice, Leone; Fisher R35 Newcomb SeclO O80a SeclS T106a J. A. Hin- ton (1886) Hinton, Ira A. (Anna James) Ch Daisy, Linton, Nancy, Clarence; "Plain View Stock Farm" Mahomet R40 Newcomb Seel? O120a (1881) Hinton, J. A. (Anna Nelsen) Ch Elda, Louie; "Hickory Grove Farm" Ma- homet R40 Newcomb Secl6 O94a (1860) Hinton, Myron (Agnes Austin) Ch Helen; Mahomet R40 Newcomb Sec 20 T160a Mrs. Mary Buchan (1884) Hinton, O. R. (Belle Craig) Fisher R35 Newcomb Secl6 O20a Tla D. D. Hinton (1886) Hinton, R. W. (Zora Daley) Ch Lyla; Fisher R35 Condit Sec7 T320a J. W. Reardon (1887) Hinton, W. A. (Rose Shoppel) Ch James, Roper; Fisher R35 New- comb Sec9 O160a (1857) Hinton, W. S. (Clara Lanam) Ch Vern, Alton, Mervin; Fisher R35 Newcomb Sec9 O160a (1868) Hinton, W. S. Ch Stanley, Virgil, Vivian; "Hintonia Farm" Foosland R39 Brown Sec20-28 O299a (1861) Hiser, Jake (Ella Boys) Ch Charles, Raymond, Grace, Ruby; St. Joseph R1S Ogden Sec31W T256a C. H. Boys (1891) Hiser, J. W. (Nellie Freeman) Ch Percilla, Glenn, Chester; Homer R61 Ogden Secl9NE T228a E. R. Freeman (1904) Hiser, Peter (Adina King) Ch Sam- uel, Aaron, Silas; Foosland R38 E. Bend Sec7 O120a (1887) Hissong, W. R. (Effie M. Peters) Ch Virginia, Oscar, Lowell, Wendell; Urbana R12 St. Joseph Secl7 O225a (1882) Hittinger, Michael (Emma Kerker) Ch Margaret, Joseph, Edwin, Rita, Michael; Pesotum R55 Pesotum Sec 24 O160a (1897) Hixenbaugh, Isaac (Priscilla Spencer) Ch Louie, Clarence, Ava; Homer R61 Ogden Secl9SE O236a (1868) Hixenbaugh, Newton (Mattie Stay- ton) Ch Dollie, Maude; "Dellwood Farm" Homer R61 Homer Sec31N O148a T45a Wilson Lloyd (1873) Hixson, Grover C. (Jessie Palmer) Ch Merrill, Robert, Dorothy, Arthur, Margaret, Mary; Sadorus R51 Sa- dorus Sec27 T80a (1884) Hixson, F. L. (Ethel Riddle) Sadorus RSI Sadorus Sec35 T125a M. L. Hixson (1896) Hixson, L. W. (Enna Mergenthal) Ch Ralph, Harry, Howard, Albert, Clarissa; Sadorus R51 Sadorus Sec 26 O260a (1913) Hobbs, John F. (Mary E. Mayes) Ch Hazel, Joseph, Louis, Ralph; Ur- bana R9 Somer Secl4 T320a H. A. Haley (1896) Hobbs, William E. (Hillie White) Ch Helen; Tolono R48 Philo Secl7 T29Sa Lindly Est. (1892) Hobson, J. E. (Martha Klemick) Ch Helen; Champaign Rl Champaign SeclS T160a John Nofftz (1906) Hobson, William (Lela Welch) Ch Cecil, Ross, Opal; Urbana R9 Somer Sec9 T166a John Voss (1901) Hodgson, Frank M. (Alice M. Brown) Ch Floyd, Fay, Lavaughn; Homer R59 Homer Sec21 T160a Mort Brown (1882) Hodgson, James (Mary Farmer) Ch Burl, Robert, Francella; Homer R60 Homer Sec28 T120a Hodgson Est. (1873) Hoffhines, Dan (Mae Staples) Ch Ethel, Donald, Clifford; Seymour R43 Mahomet Sec34 T200& Charles Grove (1900) 66 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Hogans, Walter (Ethel Donovan) Ch Claud, Gladys, Dorothea; Urbana Rll Urbana Sec35 T120a J. W. Ruchman (1880) Hoghey, M. A. (Ella Milstead) Ch Ruetta, Dewey, Mary; Atwood R4 Sadorus Sec35 T240a Kate Webster (1911) Holdman, Charles (Amelia Stable) Ch Van, Ethel, Mildred, Paul, Leo; Ivesdale R53 Sadorus Sec20 T160a John Stevens (1914) Holeman, O. C. (Lena Combs) Ch Elbert, Frances, Alfred, Olis; Bond- ville R65 Scott Sec2 Farm Hand C. C. Rayburn (1915) Holl, Bernard C. (Hulda Nofftz) Ch Earl, Bernice, Zelma; Pesotum R54 Pesotum Secl7 O160a (1875) Hollaman, Porter (Jessie Reed) Ch Harold, Frank; Dewey R33 Condit Sec28 T155a Justine Arnold and Lee Johnston (1910) Holleman, William (Maggie Swain) Ch Ina, Elmer; Savoy R66 Tolono Sec8 T200a Mike Bates (1901) Holies, Jesse (Mary Blair) Sadorus R49 Tolono Secl9" Farm Hand Al- bert Nofftz (1907) Holliday, S. W. (Mary Hinds) Ch Frank, Evelyn, Luther, Hershel, Alto, May; Pesotum R54 Sadorus Sec25 OlOOa (1856) Holste, William (Ida Kamarad) Ives- dale R53 Sadorus Sec20 T80a Jim Conconcanan (1914) Holtapp, George (Elizabeth Moore) Ch George; Rantoul R23 Rantoul Sec33 T160a Holtapp Est. (1886) Holtermann, D. J. (Lilly M. Resenen- steel) Ch Laverne, Lucy, Veta, Neva; Sadorus R50 Sadorus SeclO O200a (1869) Holtzhauer, Charles A. (Elizabeth Furst) Urbana R7 Stanton Sec32 T343a Levi Furst (1899) Holzbog, Charles (Edith Bolden) Champaign R3 Mahomet Sec25 Farm Hand C. B. Hyde (1916) Holzinger, August (Margaret Mc- Yaly) Tolono R47 Tolono Sec34 O14a (1888) Holzinger, George (Frances Cler) Ch Frank, John, Angeline; Sidney R58 Sidney Sec31 T240a Jerry Gorman (1886) Homer, W. M. (Hattie Shumway) Ch Beulah; Sadorus R51 Sadorus Sec26 T57a L. A. Grange (1891) Hood, F. O. (Velma Lindsey) Ran- toul R22 Condit Sec23 T240a Farm Hand Mrs. Warner (1890) Hoosier, Roley (Tava Norfleet) Ch Lola; Mahomet R42 Mahomet Sec 25 Farm Hand O. R. Dallohan (1916) Hord, George (Lillie Howell) Foos- land R38 Brown Secl2 T160a M. S. Rankins (1909) Hord, Gilbert W. (Virna Roberts) Ch Oral, Leone, Bessie, Daisy; Urbana R8 Somer Sec25 Farm Hand John Brownfield (1917) Hord, R. R. (Phebe Connerty) Ch Ar- chie, Elsie, Lester; Urbana R7 Ur- bana Seel (1917) Horgan, M. Ch Thomas, Mitchell, John, Mary, Ellen; Ivesdale R52 Coif ax Sec23 O160a (1870) Horsch, Henry (Katy Good) Ch Lou- isa, Martha, True, Devina, Henry, Clara, Erin, Katy, Algy; Foosland R38 E. Bend Sec7 T154a Chris. Berky (1915) Horst, Frank A. (Barbara Koerner) Ch Rosa, Martin, Mary; Sidney R58 Raymond Sec6 T109a Reed Est. (1905) Hough, A. C. (Carrie E. Nuss) Ch Lena, Alice, Alma, Ralph, Ray, Austin, Fay; Gifford R25 Kerr Sec24 T340a Mollie Collison (1885) House, Richard A. (Bertha Warren) Savoy R45 Tolono SeclS O90a T45a Mrs. I. F. House (1884) House, Verna (Daisy Penny) Ch Mel- vin; Urbana RIO Philo Seel Farm Hand Prof. J. O. Baker (1912) Houston, D. H. Mrs. O. B. Reeder, Housekeeper; Dewey R32 E. Bend Sec4 T240a Col. T. C. Smith (1881) Houston, S. (Linnie Fink) Ch Ira, Alfred, Mildred, Gladys, Russell; Champaign R4 Champaign Sec2 T30a Mrs. Spencer (1873) Houze, John W. (Mollie Wycoff) Ch Atha; Urbana R9 Somer Sec26 T184a W. T. Shaw (1903) Hoveln, Claas (Tina Roalfs) Ch Hannah, Grace, Harry, Fred, Ellis, Anna, Dinah; Penfield R28 Compro- mise Sec29 O120a (1882) Hovis, George (Lottie Frazier) Ch Glenn, Dorothy; Sidney R58 Sidney Sec28 T80a August Block (1916) Hovis, Willis (Malinda Grieb) Ch Al- tia, Merl, Herold, Lawrence, Bertha, Nellie; Sidney R57 Sidney Sec33 T200a T. L. Block (1908) Howard, D. A. (Mary Gibbens) Ch Grace, Frank, Hope, Leda; Rantoul R21 Ludlow Secl4 T340a A. P. Nixon (1873) 67 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Howard, Orlie (Kate Wingle) Ch Francis, Mabel, John, Daniel, Eliza- beth; Dewey R32 E. Bend Sec28 O116a (1884) Howe, T. B. (Clara Cresner) Ch Mil- dred, Helen; Foosland R39 Brown Sec30 T248a D. Zimmer (1916) Howell, Fred (Edna Snyder) Homer R60 Homer Sec29 T160a S. W. Howell (1886) Howser, D. M. (Nancy Huffman) Ch Oral, Georgia, Russell; "Twin Maple Farm" Urbana R12 St. Joseph Sec 17 O120a (1885) Hoy, Fred (Opal Lockwood) Ch Marjorie; Urbana R12 Urbana Sec 24 T180a R. B. Hoy (1885) Hoy, J. F. (Mary Brooks) Ch Lavina; Urbana R12 Urbana Sec24 T160a R. B. Hoy (1881) Hoy, Monroe (Myrtle McCullom) Ch William, Genevieve; St. Joseph R13 Stanton Sec33 O113a (1883) Hoy, W. H. (Lottie Crayne) Ch Mon- roe; Urbana R8 Somer Sec24 O80a (1865) Hoyt, A. J. (Rosa Sinkes) Ch Rollie, Robert, Leone, Charles; St. Joseph R13 St. Joseph Secll T160a N. C. Hoyt (1889) Hoyt, C. L. (Mae Cook) Thomasboro R19 Condit Sec25 T160a Jim Leo- nard (1909) Hoyt, G. N. (Martha Zook) Ch Cre- tia, Walter; St. Joseph St. Joseph Secll O129a (1913) Hoyt, Mrs. Julia E. Ch William, Grace, George, James; St. Joseph R13 St. Joseph Secll N. C. Hoyt (1869) Hoyt, N. C. (Julia A. Clements) Ch Anson, Ethel, Ralph, Ealey, Nealey, Mildred, Loree, Zclla, James; St. Joseph R13 St. Joseph Secll O360a (1863) Hoyt, N. G. St. Joseph RD St. Joseph Secl6 T157a N. C. Hoyt (1895) Hubbard, L. G. (Edger Bennett) Ch Nelle, Minnie; "Pleasant Hill Farm" Urbana RIO Urbana Sec29 T80a Hubbard Sisters (1869) Hubbart, H. J. (Nancy Hibbed) Ch Sarah, Leonard, Jenny, Minnie, Jes- sie, Elsie, Grace; Sadorus R51 Sa- dorus Sec25 O82a (1874) Hubbart, S. L. J. (Sallie Wilson) Ch Herold, Milton; Sadorus R51 Sa- dorus Sec25 T2a (1880) Huckin, E. R. (Nora Smoot) St. Jo- seph R15 Ogden Sec20 T160a R. P. Hoyes(1888) Hudson, Ed (Alta M. Swain) Ch Hersel; "Fairview Stock Farm" St. Joseph R13 St. Joseph Sec21 O160a (1869) Hudson, F. M. (Cora M. Root) Ch Glenn, Harold, Kenneth, John, Fred- erick; Urbana R8 Somer Sec33 T99a J. H. Hudson Est. (1884) Hudson, John (Ina Murrah) Ch Vera, Vivian, Vernon, Mary; Sidney R7 Sidney Sec5 T163a A. Hudson (1885) Hudson, Marion (Sarah Werts) Ch Cecil, Grace; Urbana R12 Urbana Sec26 O240a (1861) Hudson, J. M. (Margaret Flaherty) Ch Helen, Howard; Urbana R12 Urbana Secl4 T160a Eliza Hudson (1872) Hudson, Oscar (Catherine Mullin) Ch Elizabeth, Lindley, Kathleen; Urbana R12 St. Joseph Sec30 T160a Mrs. J. H. Hudson (1875) Hudson, Perry (Anastasia Connerty) Ch Anastasia, Elizabeth; Urbana R12 St. Joseph Sec30 T280a Mrs. J. H. Hudson and Tom Tyrell (1880) Hudson, P. B. (Sue Dyson) Urbana R12 St. Joseph Sec30 Farm Hand Perry Hudson (1889) Hudson, R. C. (Ruth Hill) Ch Fred, Lawrence; Urbana R12 Urbana Sec 25 TlOOa Marion Hudson (1890) Huffman, Fred (Lillian Kuhn) Ch Allen; St. Joseph R13 St. Joseph SeelO Farm Hand Raymond Wolfe (1913) Huffman, R. O. (Minerva E. Johnson) Ch Dwight, Grace, Edna, Raleigh Jr.; St. Joseph R13 St. Joseph Secl7 O40a TlOOa A. W. Strong (1879) Hughes, Clint (Ella Davidson) Ch Eva, Nathaniel, Earl, Elmer; Sid- ney R59 Sidney SecS O90a (1888) Hughes, E. O. (Hazel DeHart) Ma- homet RD Mahomet Sec21 Farm Hand Fred Snell (1916) Hughlett, Ed (Stella Bogard) Ch Hazel; Ogden R18 Ogden Sec20S Farm Hand Billie Downing (1916) Huguet, Paul (Sarah Cleary) Ch Ber- nadine, Marguerite, Mary, Francis, Irene; Ludlow R30 Ludlow Secll O200a'T40a (1902) Hulmes, Harry H. (Orpha Yeasel) Ch Mark, Herman, Madeline; Sidney R4 Sidney SeclO O161a (1860) Huls, Garrolt (Trente Burns) Ch Jas- per, Wipke, Anna, Georgia, Richie, Tony, George, John, Harb, Martin; Rantoul R24 Compromise Sec9 O200a (1876) 68 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Huls, George G. (Minnie Eman) Ch Trecia, Albert, Emma; St. Joseph R14 Stanton Sec23 T160a Charles Huls (1888) Huls, Jasper G. (Anna Alday) Ch Garrett, John; Rantoul R24 Rantoul Sec8 O120a (1880) Huls, Jasper J. (Taaker Ehmen) Ch Ida, Trenje, Anna, Bertha; Rantoul R24 Compromise Sec9 T120a John J. Huls (1886) Huls, John J. (E. A. Albers) Ch Jas- per, Anna, Anke, Libby, Henke, William; Rantoul R24 Compromise Sec9 O280a (1877) Huls, J. G. (Carrie Wolken) Ch Gerd, Annie, Tina; Thomasboro R19 Ran- toul Sec27 T240a G. J. Huls and J. D. Wolken (1889) Huls, J. P. (Abby Loschen) Ch Poppe, Harm, Tena, Hilda; St. Joseph R15 Ogden SeclSNE O360a (1872) Huls, Louie (Lizzie Harms) Ch Tina, Grace; Gifford R26 Stanton Sec2 O255a(1881) Huls, Martin (Janna Hendricks) Ch Anka, Gretje, Hemke, Tina, Anna, Jasper, Emma; Gifford R26 Com- promise Sec34 O200a (1877) Huls, Poppe J. (Annie) Ch Poppe; St. Joseph R14 Ogden Secl9 O196a (1876) Huls, William (Anna Duden) Ch Tena, Harman, Mary; St. Joseph R14 Stanton Sec23 O140a (1867) Hulvey, Wilmer (Anna Kirby) Ur- bana R8 Somer Sec35 T180a Thomas Brownfield (1916) Humes, Lizzie Rantoul R23 Harwood Sec29 O80a (1873) Hummel, Charles A. (Kathryn Nichol) Ch Clifford; "Forrest Lawn Farm" Dewey R36 E. Bend Sec28 T529a (1879) Hummel, Henry (Mary Hannagan) Ch Kathryn, Eloysius; "Forrest Lawn Farm" Dewey E. Bend Sec 28 O529a (1861) Hummel, Phillip (Anna Lorenz) Ch Lewis; Dewey E. Bend Sec34 O5a (1861) Humphery, W. M. (Cora Hedrick) Ch Clarence, Alma; R42 Condit Sec 31 T160a N. C. Fisher and August Sperling (1912) Humphrey, J. M. (Zona Fuqua) Ch Ethel, John, Rosey, Josy, Mitchel, Francis; Sadorus Sadorus Seel TlOa Wabash (1913) Humphrey, O. V. (Ella Hazel) Ch Virgie, Ruby, Edward; Champaign Rl Champaign Secl6 Farm Hand S. F. Bell (1917) Humphry, George (Amelia Hopp) To- lono R46 Crittenden Secl7 T240a William Ridhed (1902) Hunsicker, L. Carl (Ethel Canada) Ch Hazel; Urbana R7 Urbana T174a Mary Apperson (1886) Hunt, J. W. (Etta Belle Stay ton) Ch Durward, Annabelle, Jasper; St. Joseph R14 Stanton Sec35 T200a A. Hunt (1887) Hunt, Orren M. (Edna O. Clark) St. Joseph R13 Stanton Sec27 T120a A. Hunt (1889) Hunt, T. O. (Madge E. Boling) Ch Nellie, Charles; Champaign R6 . Somer Sec20 Farm Hand Herman Cruser (1917) Hunter, W. E. (Lucie Clayton) Ch William; Champaign Rl Champaign Secl6 Farm Hand Clifford Fry (1917) Hupp, C. E. (Alice Altop) Ch Elsie, Mary, Lewis, Harry, Helen, Leo- nard; Longview R63 Raymond Sec 26 T160a W. M. Zenke (1917) Kurd, J. C. (Lillian Clift Pickrell) Ch Roy, Pickrell, Thelma; Urbana R8 Urbana Sec4 O7a (1873) Kurd, Lyman (Freda Schernan) Ch . Evelyn; Urbana R9 Urbana Sec6 T2a Carry Howl (1890) Hurst, George (Mary Frank) Ch Min- nie, Carl; Champaign R2 Champaign Sec26 O40a (1883) Hurst, George, Jr. (Mattie Duggan) Ch Nellie, Willie, Walter, Minnie; Homer R59 Ayers Sec5 T160a George Hurst Sr. (1883) Hurst, John (Lucy Hytt) Ch George, Susie, Anna, Roy, Emma, Francis, John, General, Lois, Telith; Sidney R58 Raymond Sec7 T125a John Madigan(1904) Hurt, B. H. (Dora Brown) Ch Fred, Robert, Hallie; Allerton Rl Ayers Sec28 T160a William J. Alexander (1917) Huss, J. Walter (Etta Brash) Ch Ray- mond, Hazel; St. Joseph R16 St. Joseph Sec3 T140a J. R. Huss (1887) Huss, M. R. (Bertha Preplow) Ch Leonard, James. Beulah, Lois, Alice; St. Joseph R16 St. Joseph Sec33 T160a J. R. Huss and Preplow Est. (1882) 69 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Hutchens, T. C. (Jennie Saddoris) Ch Lynn; Urbana R8 Somer Secl3 T160a R. R. Mattis (1910) Hutchinson, D. S. (E. I. Carter) Ch Norma; Sadorus R51 Sadorus Sec23 TllOa D. S. Hutchinson Est. (1917) Hutchison, E. T. (Maude Moon) Ch Opal, Fay; Champaign R6 Rantoul Sec33 T80a McConnel Bros. (1881) Hutchison, J. H. (Louise Brooks) Ch Clarence, Brent; Urbana R7 Stanton Sec31 O132a T. Ellrod Est. (1917) Hutson, Henry (Belle Miller) Ch Jack, Maud, Willie, Gretchen, Or- pha, Needy, Belle; "Holstein Dairy Farm" Urbana R8 Urbana Sec9 T121a J. W. Stipes (1874) Hyde, A. A. (Alice Norton) Ch Nellie, Marion, Paul; Rantoul R21 E. Bend Sec25 O160a (1856) Hyde, A. B. (Kate Miller) Ch Loren, Marshall, Russell; Rantoul R21 E. Bend Sec25 O160a (1865) Hyde, C. B. (Lottie McKee) Ch Adelia, Charlotte, Florence, Samuel, Charles, Raymond, Rosamond; Champaign R3 Mahomet Sec24 O180a(1873) Hyde, H. R. (Julia Guinn) Ch Lois, Lelia, Nancy, Roland, Julius, Eliza~ beth; Champaign R3 Hensley Sec30 O40a T180a (1878) Hyde, O. S. Champaign R3 Hensley Sec30 Farm Hand Hyde Est. (1869) Hylbert, Henry Clay (Elizabeth Boggs) Ch Vera, Benjamin, Jo- seph, Bessie, Leonard; Gifford R26 Harwood Sec26 T200a James Talbot (1909) Hylbert, Jerome M. (Nora Burson) Gifford R25 Harwood Sec35 T240a J. M. Gehrt (1901) Hylbert, S. L. (Laura E. Corbett) Ch Earl, Ruby, Anna, Earnest, Harold, Janet; Gifford R26 Compromise Secll T320a L. E. Burglen (1904) Ice, Bernard E. (Jessie Roberts) Ch Kathryn; Urbana Rll Urbana Sec 35 O80a (1891) Ickes, Mrs. Anna Ch Jake, Emma, Charles, Frank, Nellie, Daisy, Mary, Joe; Longview R63 Crittenden Sec 22 O160a (1869) Ickes Bros. Longview R63 Crittenden Sec22 T160a Mrs. Anna Ickes Est. (1878) Idens, Wolfert (Grace Bloom) Ch Anna, Fred, George, Hannah; Gif- ford R26 Compromise Sec26 O80a (1873) Idues, George (Anna Harms) Ch Anna, Hilda, Albert, Katie, Hugh; Gifford R26 Sec26 O240a (1846) Idues, Heye (Katie Groneweld) Gif- ford R26 Sec36 T240a George Idues (1884) Ihnem, George H. (Maggie Emkes) Ch Tjirk, Angle, Wilke, JHanna, Anton; Rantoul R24 Rantoul Secl7 O240a (1877) Imming, Joseph (Edith Schwemin) Ch Esther; Thomasboro R19 Condit Sec25 T200a Tom Malloy (1899) Imning, B. F. (Johana Quinlan) Lud- low R30 Ludlow Sec4 T160a Tom Lenord(1900) Ingleman, All (Minnie Warmer) Ch Glen; Rantoul R21 Ludlow Sec33 O320a (1885) Ingleman, Dave, Jr. Ludlow R30 Lud- low Sec7 T250a Dave Ingleman (1879) Ingleman, John (Gina Nelson) Ran- toul R21 Ludlow SeclS T345a Dave Ingleman (1881) Ingleman, William, Ethel Martin (Housekeeper) Rantoul R22 Rantoul Sec6 O170a TllSa J. T. Fletcher (1886) Ingold, David (Katie P. Grieser) Ch Ray, Roy, Harvey, Joe, Russel, Mary, Katherine; "Oak Grove Farm" Dewey R33 Condit Secl9 O256a (1917) Ingram, D. B. (Lyda Frazier) Ch Hood, Elsie; Allerton Rl Ayers Sec 33 Tla Daniel Cornell (1911) Innes, Charles (Violet Shelby) Cham- paign R2 Champaign Sec28 T240a Mrs. H. M. Johnston (1887) Innes, Chester F. (Grace Jones) Ch Bessie, Frank, Hazel, Nellie, Maude, Lois; Bondville R65 Scott Sec36 T320a Tom Wilson (1877) Innes, Roy B. (Fay Fowler) Ch Mar- jorie; St. Joseph R16 St. Joseph Sec35 T160a George Humrichouse (1892) Innes, W. O. (Lizzie Francis) Cham- paign R5 Hensley Secl3 T196a Frank Pfiester (1867) Innis, R. S. (Letha Hutson) Ch Oscar, Roy, Rody, Ora, Nora; Urbana RIO Urbana Sec33 T160a Isaac Reynolds (1895) Irle, Charles Mahomet RD Mahomet Sec28 O180a 70 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Irle, George G. (Mary Arnold) Ch Anna, George, William, Nettie; Urbana R9 Somer Secl6 O376a (1862) Irle, Harry L. (Edith Babb) Ch Ev- eret; Champaign R6 Somer Sec8 T320a Henry Irle (1890) Irle, L. J. (Beatrice Babb) Ch Louis, Kenneth; "Willow Lane Farm" Champaign R6 Somer Sec8 T289a Louis Irle and Mrs. A. Busey (1888) Irle, W. H. (Gussie Peters) Ch Her- bert, Mildred, Walter, Mabel; Thom- asboro Rantoul Sec28 O160a T80a Anna Gabriel (1878) Irons, A. E. (Leota Dawson) Homer R61 St. Joseph Sec36 TlOOa S. Irons (1879) Irons, S. (Elizabeth Hackett) Ch Alva; Homer R61 St. Joseph Sec36 OlOOa (1866) Irwin, J. W. (Cincie Gabbert) Ch Paul, Blanche, Claude, Park, Daisy; Longview Raymond Sec34 O200a (1872) Isaacs, Mrs. Beatrice Ch Robert, Har- old; Champaign R2 Champaign Sec 23 Charles Collins (1916) lungerich, George W. (Elizabeth Myers) Ch Ethel, Lloyd; Rantoul R23 Rantoul Sec7 T200a E. N. Crane (1868) lungerich, L. F. (Clara Phelps) Ch Mildred; Dewey R32 E. Bend Sec27 T80a Earl Crane (1915) Jackson, Ed S. (Eva Paul) Mahomet R41 Newcomb Sec29 T160a Nannie Wilson (1902) Jackson, Hubert O. (Cecil Walker) Ch Elizabeth, Ida, William; Ludlow R31 Harwood Sec 18 T200a R. R. Griswold Est. and Mrs. Lawrence (1895) Jackson, Joe M. (Ella Cole) Ch Inez; Pesotum R55 Crittenden Sec32 T280a Chesman Est. (1911) , Jackson, John Ludlow R30 Ludlow Secl6 O160a (1877) Jackson, William T. (Mary M. Cham- berlin) Ch James, Freeman, Wil- liam, George, Susan, Hurbert, Mark; Ludlow R31 Harwood SeclS T160a R. R. Griswold Est. (1895) Jackson, W. H. (Julia A. Rhoten) Ch Floyd, LaVerne; "Clover Leaf Farm" Fisher R35 Condit SeclS O262a (1875) Jacobs, Charles A. (Gertrude Arie) "~"Ch Gladys, Charles; Urbana Rll Urbana Sec26 Tl57a H. N. Pell (1906) Jacobs, Charles J. (Effie Breese) Ch Magdalena; Ludlow R31 Harwood SeclQ T160a George Martin (1913) Jacobs, C. A. (Grace Hodgson) Ch Pearl, Ruth, Howard, Wilbur, Hazel, Helen; St. Joseph R15 Ogden Sec 6SW O173a (1877) Jacobs, G. W. (Alice Lawhead) Ch Thomas, Russell, Maggie; Cham- paign Rl Champaign Sec7 T160a N. Jacobs (1871) Jacobs, John H. (Lucretia Walker) Ch Alice, Earl, Pearl, Ray, Lloyd, Mary, Clarence; Dewey R32 E. Bend Sec36 T240a Derrough Est. (1886) Jacobs, William, Katherine Becket (Mother) Mahomet R40 Condit Sec 19 O43a (1885) James, Chauncey (Fannie Clements) Ch Ormal, Lulu, Lorraine, Trathen, Hortense, Chauncey Jr.; Thomas- boro Rantoul Sec28 T245a John Sluter (1874) James, George (Viola Daily) Ch Ray- m'ond, Harlan, George, Russell, Ethel; Urbana R12 Urbana SeclO T74a J.'F. Johnson (1875) James, Mrs. Hannah (Natzabaugher) Ch Marian, John; Urbana R7 Stan- ton Secl7 O65a (1844) James, Hugh (Edith Webster) Ch Mabel, Harold; Thomasboro R20 Stanton Sec6 T91a T. J. James (1881) James, John Urbana R7 Stanton Sec 17 T80a William Waller (1886) James, J. W. Rantoul R22 Rantoul Sec20 James, Mrs. Lucy (Baughman) Ch Moses, Lucy, Mary, Annie, Clara; Mahomet R41 Newcomb Secl9 0320a (1877) James, Marrian (Mary Rogers) Ch Charles, Dave, John, Goldie, Lena, Ernest; Thomasboro R20 Stanton SeclS O20a Sec6 T195a (1880) James, Moses (Emma Keene) Ch Les- lie, Iva, Willard, Glenn, Wayne; Mahomet R41 Newcomb Secl9. T320a L. J. James (1877) 71 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY James, New (Margaret Lyttleton) Ch Herbert, Theresa, John; Ludlow R30 E. Bend Secl2 T320a E. M. Armstrong (1877) James, O. (Pearl Webster) Thomas- boro R19 Rantoul Sec32 T200a R. G. Morxison (1897) Jared, J. A. (Essa Sursa) Ch Dennis, Bernice, Susie; Urbana R9 Somer Secl6 TlOOa Thomas F. Thornburn (1902) Jarrett, Elmer (Liza Dooley) Savoy R45 Champaign Sec26 Farm Hand Charles Luthers (1906) Jarrett, John P. (Laura McKinney) Ch John, Isaac, Morris; Urbana R8 Somer Sec35 T182a J. W. Bensyl and T. R. Elliott (1907) Jarrett, Jonas M. (Myrtle Dillman) Ch Homer, Claud; Thomasboro R20 Rantoul Secl9 T360a Alice Yeoman ( 1898) Jelley, John (Lulu Castor) Ch Elsie; Seym'our R44 Scott Sec34 T80a John Van Buskirk (1915) Jelly, George (Mary Castor) Ch How- ard, Belle, Mildred, Bertha; Fisher R35 Newcomb Seel T160a R. E. Rising (1907) Jenkens, C. C. (Eliza Adams) Urbana R12 Urbana SeclO T3a (1877) Jenkens, Guy (Evelyn Mundy) Ch Neil; Homer R61 Homer Sec31 Farm Hand Newton Hixenbaugh (1891) Jenkins, C. E. (Lida Osborn) Ch Mar- garet, William; Foosland R38 Brown Secll T65a P. Blissard (1914) Jenkins, Hodge (Grace Bryan) Ch Mildred; Mahomet R41 Mahomet SecS Farm Hand M. O. Stover (1917) Jenkins, Hodge (Grace Bryan) Ch Mildred, Austin; Mahomet R41 Newcomb Sec32 T40a M. O. Stover (1917) Jenkins, Jessie (Vinnie Horshman) Ch Mae; Ogden Ogden SecS Farm Hand R. P. Hayes (1887) Jenkins, Wiley (Rosanna Rush) Ch Florence, Gertrude, Guy, Joseph, Katherine, George, Dorothy, Ruby; St. Joseph R16 St. Joseph Sec23 Farm Hand A. M. Grimes (1912) Jenkinson Alfred (Elizabeth Clark) Ch Clements, Mary, Jessie, Benja- min; Gifford R25 Harwood Sec35 O200a (1876) Jerney, J. C. (Anna Alexander) Ch Carrie; Champaign R4 Hensley Sec 27 T80a M. McWilliams (1908) Jervis, D. G. (Cleora Westall) Ch Merwin, Ellen; Thomasboro R19 Condit Sec35 T280a Mrs. Katherine Jervis (1877) Jervis, J. C. (Rosa Lester) Ch Win- nie, Lorin, Clyde, Verda, Elva; Ma- homet R40 Newcomb Secl4 T120a Mrs. E. Lester (1868) Jessee, Bruce (Marie Rush) Ch Mar- jorie; Tolono R46 Crittenden SeclO Farm Hand Pat Lynch (1896) Jessen, Christs (Lena Remussen) Ch Clarence; Ludlow R30 Ludlow Sec9 T160a J. Carvill (1910) Johnes, Robert (Bertha Beaman.) Broadlands R36 Raymond Secll Farm Hand Peter Edens (1913) Johnson, Alfred (Cora Peterson) Ch Theodore, Mabel, Melvin, Arthur, Harold, Ellen, Esther, Chester; Rantoul R21 Ludlow Secl7 O280a T280a S. Johnson (1883) Johnson Andrew E. (Sarah A. Brown) Ch Elizabeth, Clark, Lena, Elsie, Lucinda; Gifford R25 Harwood Sec 13 T160a I. Johnson (1882) Johnson, Claude L. (Mabel Beving- ton) "Sunnyside Farm" Gifford R25 Harwood Secl2 T160a I. Johnson (1883) Johnson, C. O. (Lizzie McClaskey) Ch Kenneth, Ervin, Lyle; Penfield R28 Compromise Secl7 T120a J. B. John- son (1887) Johnson, C. V. (Effie Manning) Ch Wilbur; Penfield R28 Compromise Sec20 T240a Oben Chain Est. (1914) Johnson, C. W. (Clara Voightutter) Ch Dorothy; Pesotum R54 Pesotum Sec33 T160a T. O. Darrah (1891) Johnson, Dick (Nannie Williams) Ch Clifford; Rantoul R21 Ludlow Sec 17 T80a C. B. Chapin (1913) Johnson, Edward (Sarah Kelly) Ch Harry, Emory, Ollie, Carrie, Lola; Edna, George, Paul, Helen; Cham- paign R2 Champaign Sec26 T45a R. R. Mattis (1903) Johnson, E. E. (Edith Collins) Cham- paign R6 Somer SecS T89a Daniel Duggan (1905) Johnson, Frank (Nellie Roberts) Ch Daisy, Elsie, Ethel, John, Frank, Dorothy, Marjorie; Urbana R7 Somer Sec36 OllOa (1875) Johnson, Fred (Lina Filemann) Ch Herman, Regina, Pauline, Theodore, Bernard, Annette; Urbana R8 Somer Seel OSOa T80a John Schluter (1879) Johnson, George W. (Mary Harms) Ch John; Gifford R26 Stanton Seel T160a Dick Harms (1911) 72 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Johnson, George W. (Henriette Schmidt) Ivesdale R53 Sadorus Sec 31 T153a Mary Schmidt (1914) Johnson, G. A. (Bessie Monroe) Ch Ray; St. Joseph R16 St. Joseph Sec 36 T180a Marion Harmeson and Mrs. Dick Caldwell (1875) Johnson, G. F. (Florence Upton) Ch Eugene; Champaign Rl Champaign Secl6 Farm Hand J. H. Godsey (1916) Johnson, H. (Maria Fretty) Ch How- ard; Ludlow R30 E. Bend Sec2 T180a Mrs. B. Allright (1914) Johnson, John (Autge J. Schluter) Ch John, Grace, Marie; Rantoul R24 Rantoul SeclS O120a (1884) Johnson, John M. (Annie Elmien) Ch . Gerhardt; Rantoul R24 Rantoul Sec 17 O90a (1890) Johnson, John R. (Mary Fredricks) Ch Minnie, Joe, Kate, Ralph, Henry; Anna, Hannah, Bertha; Rantoul R23 Compromise Sec4 O80a (1886) Johnson, J. B. (Ida Duncan) Ch Mary, Kent, Ralph; Champaign R5 Cham- paign Sec2 Farm Hand E. C. Baker (1886) Johnson, J. B. (Julia Mooney) Ch Tommy, Jack, Ethel, Edith; Ludlow R30 Ludlow SeclS T160a N. B. Ty- ler (1915) Johnson, J. H. (Sarah B. Battershett) Ch Hannah, Jessie, Lucy, Sallie, Isabelle, Rollie, Ollie, Henry, Her- bert, Everman; Urbana R8 Urbana Sec3 O29a (1870) Johnson, J. H. (Lorena Hackney) Ch Geraldine; Fisher R35 Newcomb Sec6 T160a Frank Delaney (1914) Johnson, Sarah J. Sadorus R51 Sa- dorus Sec25 O17a (1877) Johnson, Theodore Rantoul R21 Lud- low Secl7 T280a S. Johnson (1901) Johnson, Theye (Rika Harbets) Ch Almuth, Wurke, Sine, Dene; St. Jo- seph R14 Stanton Sec25 O40a (1888) Johnson, Thomas (Laura Corray) Ch Lydia, Ethel, Verna, Florence; Ur- bana R7 Somer Sec36 O170a (1865) Johnson, T. C. (Tillie Ketterman) Ch Harlan, Fletcher, Elsie, Willie, Min- nie; Urbana R8 Urbana Sec3 Tj4a D. W. Slade (1874) Johnson, W. B. (Maud Kirkpatrick) Ch Nolan, Glenn; St. Joseph R13 Stanton Sec28 O40a T120a David Johnson (1887) Johnson, W. H. (Sarah Smith) Ch Charles, Arthur, Lillie, Thomas, Pearl, Felix, Arnold, Ethel, Mamie, Claud; Sidney R57 Sidney Sec8 J. Woodard (1916)' Johnson, W. L. Sadorus R51 Sadorus Sec36 T35a Calvin Johnson (1883) Johnson, W. P. (Bernice Harris) Ch Eugene, Marjorie; Sidney R57 Sid- ney Sec22 O76a Clawson Est. (1896) Johnston, Elmer L. (Lillian Hurd) Ch Kenneth, Robert; Urbana R7 Stan- ton Sec29 T200a (1890) Johnston, Hume (Bertha Bradley) Ch Florence, Richard, Irmahume; Sey- mour R43 Scott SaclO T40a Robert Johnston (1887) Johnston, H. T. (Clara Seely) Ch Seely; Champaign Rl Champaign Sec9 O239a (1873) Johnston, I. W. (Rose Ehler) Dewey R33 Condit Sec21 TSOOa C. H. Johnston (1891) Johnston, Mrs. P. (Alzina Sizer) Ch Maggie, Henry, Sadie, Lizzie, Mabel; Fisher R35 Fisher Secll O80a (1892) Johnston, Robert Ch Nina, Maude, Jessie, Hume, Esther, Florence; Seymour RD Scott Secl6 O160a (1859) Johnston, Robert W. (Dorothy Quick) Ch Nettie, Robert, Alex, John, Goldie; Tolono R48 Philo Secl8 T212a Mrs. Joseph Davis (1915) Jolley, Homer (Myrtle Hoskins) Ch Louise, Kenneth; Penfield R27 Kerr T120a Oscar Wyler (1916) Jones, Albert (Ethel Smith) Ch Clar- ence, Louis, Paul; "Cabin Home Farm" Seymour R43 Mahomet Sec 31 Farm Hand B. F. Harris (1907) Jones, B. E. (Sarah Berry) Ch Eva, Grover, Edna, Laura, Leota, Robert, Elizabeth, Cleary; Sidney R57 Sid- ney Sec34 T120a J. H. Buddemeir (1911) Jones, B. L. Foosland R38 Brown Sec 11 T40a G. W. Jones (1878) Jones, Floyd (Bessie Gilmore) Ch Pauline, Gerald; Seymour R43 Ma- homet Sec34 T120a Wilson Miller (1893) Jones, Frank (Vera Smith) Ch Mar- garet; Foosland R38 Brown Secll 0103a (1873) Jones, Frank M. (Ethel Hoyt) St. Jo- seph R16 St. Joseph Secl7 T80a J. R. Stookey (1891) Jones, George E. (Melvina Jordan) Ch Emery, Edith; Fisher R34 E. Bend Sec31 O80a T280a U. of I. and O. B. Dobbins (1893) Jones, J. F. (Estella Michael) Ch Irene, Stanley, Francis; Ludlow R30 E. Bend Secl2 T120a Henry Surdorf (1908) 73 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Jones, J. W. (Nancy Harmeson) Ch Herbert, Howard, Fernney; Sidney R57 Sidney Sec26 T24Ga Mary Por- terfield (1889) Jones, Lon Sr. (Minnie .Bird) Ch Maude, Guy, Bernice, Floyd, Marie, Lonnie Jr., Harold, Almeta, How- ard; Seymour R43 Mahomet Sec33 T400a D. A. Phillipi (1887) Jones, Lynch T. (Susie E. William- son) Ch Earl, Blanche, Hazel; Gil- ford R25 Harwood Sec24 T320a H. Hamilton (1905) Jones, W. R. (Anna Berkshire) Ur- bana R7 Stanton Secl7 T160a J. B. Birkshire (1914) Jordan, Calvin (Nettie Hyatt) Ch Floyd, Fred, Marie, Harold, Mil- dred; Sidney R58 Crittenden Seel T80a Jim Edwards (1905) Jordan, Francis W. Savoy R66 Tolono Secl6 T240a Mrs. Mary E. Jordan (1881) Jordan, James M. (Laura McKelvy) Ch Mary, Henry; Savoy R45 Cham- paign Sec36 Foreman H. M. Dunlap (1878) Jordan, John (Edith Jordan) Ch Nat- lie; Homer R59 Ayers Sec6W T84a Aug. Jordan (1902) Jordan, J. C. Sr. Ch James^ Jr., My- ron, Mary, Eula; Savoy R45 Champaign Sec36 J. C. Jordan (1864) Jordan, Mrs. Mary E. Ch John, Fran- ces, Lucy; Savoy R66 Tolono Secl6 O240a (1865) Jordan, M. H. (Mollie Ramsey) .Ch Gladys, Marion, Herman, Jennie; Longview R64 Raymond Secl9 T400a Mary Waldo (1914) Jordan, Rolla (Eve Carter) Ch Doro- thy, Donald, Harold, Beulah; "Pleasant View Farm" Ludlow R30 Ludlow Sec8 T160a Tom Keyes (1912) Jordan, R. V. (Grace Sawyer) Ch Vir- gil; Dewey R32 . E. Bend Secl5 T200a J. W. Morden (1916) Jordan, Theodore N. Savoy R66 To- lono Secl6 T400a T. F. Jordan (1870.) Jordan, Theron F. (Ellen A. Barnum) Ch Theodore, Mary, George, Agnes; Savoy R66 Tolono Secl6 O400a (1861) Joyce, James (Katherine Abram) Ch Frances, Joseph, Leo, Alice, Ger- trude; Sadorus R49 Colfax Sec 15 T20Ca Solen Bros. (1886) Joyce, William Ch Agnes, Wilfrid, Mary, Nellie, Vincent; Savoy R66 Tolono Secl4 O160a (1864) Judy, Mrs. L. W. (Lillie A. Cordell) Ch Teddy, Jacob, Lavern; Urbana R9 Urbana Sec8 O3a (1889) Judy, Robert E. (Nina E. Colby) Ch William, W r onlita, Mildred, Francis; Gifford R25 Kerr SecS T240a G. W. Kerr (1913) Jutkins, Leonard F. (Delia Emig) Ch Frances, Clarence, Charles, Ray- mond; Savoy R45 Champaign. Sec4 O140a Tolono Sec3 T200a Mrs. Z. Emig (1904) K Kaiser, J. F. C. (Edith Lange) Cham- paign R4 Hensley SeclS O80a T160a John I. Murphy (1895) Kaiser, S. (Elizabeth Roth) Ch The- resa, Alma; Champaign R4 Hensley Sec22 O80a T80a (1895) Kalk, O. A. (Lena Eadens) Ch Ar- thur, Elsie, Doric; Broadlands R36 Raymond Sec23 O80a (1916) Kammin, John (Anna Rehberg) Ch William, Elmer, Arthur, Francis; Broadlands R36 Raymond Seel T200a John Vedder (1907) Kamradt, A. C. (Francis Hartrick) Ch Clara, Ester; Sadorus R50 Col- fax Sec36 T240a David Evens (1881) Kamradt, Frank A. (Ida Gady) Ch Everett; Sadorus R49 Tolono Sec30 O69a Secl9 T120a Henry Kamradt (1881) Kamradt, Henry (Mamie Messman) Ch John, Frank, Rudolph, Emma, Lucy, Ida, Carrie, Hattie, Maudie, Frances; Pesotum R54 Pesotum Sec 20 O160a (1874) Kamradt, Herman (Maggie Stiger) Ch Ida, Anna; Ivesdale R53 Sadorus Secl7 T160a William Kirwin (1886) Kancher, J. T. (Geraldine Bell) Ur- bana R8 Urbana Sec8 OlOa (1859) Kane, John (Annie Maloy) Ch Annie, Mary, Nellie, James, John, Cather- ine, Thomas; Rantoul R24 Rantoul Secl4 O200a (1876) Kantner, Lewis (Myrtle Innes) Ch Amelia, Ralph; "Plainview Farm" Champaign R5 Condit Sec27 T160a E. J. Hutchinson (1913) 74 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Kappes, John (Susie Labert) Ch Viola, Elizabeth, Alvin, Wilfred, John, Roselia; Pesotum R35 Peso- turn Sec35 T160a Mat Cooper (1884) Kappes, William (Clara Seitz) Ch Mary, Irene; Tolono R47 Pesotum SeclS T160a Sarah Gorman (1885) Kaskie, Louis (Artie Bialeschki) Ch Dorothy; Tolono R47 Tolono Sec33 T200a E. D. Rutenber (1899) Kaufman, H. C. (Almedi Newman) Ch Russell, Donald, Ivan, Bernadine, Hazel, Juanita; St. Joseph R16 St. Joseph Secl4 T204a I. S. Peters Est. (1906) Keagle, L. E. (Emma .Green) Ch Charlie, Earl, Mary; Dewey R32 E. Bend Sec23 T240a A. C. Brown (1906) Keal, Charles G. (Antje Christians) Ch Rozena, William, Annetta; Thomasboro R20 Rantoul Sec31 O200a (1870) Keal, C. W. (Estella Tweedy) Ran- toul R24 Rantoul Secl4 TlOOa W. C. Keal (1888) Keal, G. A. (Ida A. Kallman) Ch Herschel, Emerson, Mabel; Rantoul R24 Rantoul Secl2 O320a (1879) Keal, W. C. (Frances Harris) Ch Rose, Thomas, Charles, Harold; Rantoul R24 Rantoul SeclS O280a T40a Mrs. McCarty (1862) Kearns, Sarah Philo R56 Philo Secl4 O80a(1862) Keele, Lawrence (Bridget Callahan) Ch Annie, Mary, Lawrence, John, Henry, Joseph, Katherine; Longview R63 Raymond Sec28 T200a Michael Keefe (1875) Keeler, Mrs. Julia R. Ch John, Nell, Angela, Katherine, Walter, Cecil, Julia, Frances; Philo R56 Crittenden Sec3 O80a Sec2 T120a C. E. Moran (1872) Keeling, Emmert (Grace Gladson) Ch Morris; Dewey R33 Condit Sec 10 Farm Hand Ira Hewerdine (1916) Keene, Z. C. (Jennie Johnston) Ch Paul, Roy; Seymour R43 Mahomet Sec21 T132a Richard Johnston (1888) Keller, Charles J. (Laura B. Stout) Ch Russell, Guy; Tolono Tolono Secl2 O160a (1899) Keller, H. K. (Selma Bennidott) Ch Jet; Urbana R12 Urbana Secl6 Su- perintendent ".Champaign County Farm" (1910) Keller, L. B. (Mary Hundertpfund) Ch Fred, Louis, Jesse, Clarence, Homer, Hazel, Paul, Louella; Bond- ville R65 Scott Sec34 T160a William Early (1875) Keller, Ottis (Laura Cade) Ch Cade. Phyllis, Wilhelmina; Savoy R45 Tolono Sec6 T120a Dick Keller (1907) Kelley, Frank (Margaret E. Murray) Ch Mazzie, Everett, Ivan, Opal, Edith, Jennetta, Ruby; Urbana R9 Somer SeclS Farm Hand H. R. Shade (1914) Kelley, Henry (Hazel Smith) Ch Vir- gil; Urbana R9 Somer Sec23 Farm Hand Lincoln Saddoris (1916) Kelley, M. S. (Hennis Britton) To- lono R48 Philo Sec29 T240a Jesse Meharry Est. (1899) Kellsey, P. E. (Iva Allen) Ch Neil; Sadorus R51 Sadorus Sec36 TlOa Ida Daggart (1895) Kennedy, Clarence (Ethel Barr) Ch Wilma, Edith; St. Joseph R13 Stan- ton SeclO Farm Hand J. P. Corne- lius (1917) Kenney, A. M. (Lodena Emeram) Ch Goldie, Zula, Helen; "Shady Lawn Farm" Broadlands R37 Ayers Sec31W 0160a (1884) Keolker, John D. (Mary Holzinger) Ch George, Cecilia, Raymond, Eliz- abeth, Louise, Francis; Pesotum R55 Crittenden Sec30 T80a Joe Peffer (1897) Keoppell, Henry (Myrtle Huss) Ch Russell; St. Joseph R16 St. Joseph Sec33 T250a J. R. Huss (1897) Kerr, Thomas, Jr. (Georgia Kramer) . Ch Cathryn; Urbana R7 St. Joseph Sec6 T253a Elizabeth Kerr (1888) Kesler, Frank (Lanie Christman) Ch Roy, Clarence, Ralph, Opal; Dewey R33 Condit Sec29 O80a T374a Sta- mey Est. (1875) Kibler, Oliver (Nellie Beard) Ch Oli- ver; Pesotum R55 Crittenden Secl7 Farm Hand Ralph Spencer (1914) Kidd, Emanuel G. (Lora Barger) Ch Beulah, Mary; Tolono R47 Tolono Sec23 T320a Solona Bros. (1915) Kidd, J. L. (Anna Butt) Ch Dorothea; Champaign Rl Champaign Sec22 T200a F. E. Solon (1913) Kienitz, G. E. (Annie Beherns) Ch Fred, Martha, Herman, Gertrude, Ernest, Minerva, Henry, Harm. George; Ogden R17 Ogden Sec9 O73a (1880) Kiewitt, R. J. (Myrtle A. Mumm) St. Joseph R16 St. Joseph Sec36 T120a P. H. Mumm and J. W. Mumm (1901) Kilan, Henry (Annie Kelian) Ch Irene; Broadlands R36 Raymond Secl3 O80a (1879) 75 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Kilbury, Asa (Edna Morris) Ch Win- ston; "Village Home Farm" St. Joseph St. Joseph Secll T132a Mort Kilbury (1878) Kilbury, Fred E. (Inez Mullin) St. Joseph R13 St. Joseph SeclO T80a Mort Kilbury (1885) Kilbury, Mort ^ (Mary L. Friedrich) Ch Asa, Fre*d, Winifred, Genette; "Village Home Farm" St. Joseph St. Joseph Secll O210a (1874) Kilgour, Owen (Ellen Baker) Maho- met R40 Mahomet SeclO O14a (1877) Kilian, Henry B., Jr. (Nellie Hovis) Ch Raymond; Homer R60 Homer Sec31SW T129a Henry Kilian, Sr. (1895) Killion, George (Anna Haase) Ch Charles, Dan, Grace, Virgie, Lee, Ruby; Pesotum R55 Crittenden Sec 27 Farm Hand William Fulton (1916) Kimble, H. C. (Mary Schwenkmeyer) Ch Roy, Glenn, Edith, Harry, Helen; Mahomet R42 Mahomet Sec 1 O60a (1900) Kimble, Roy (Ivory Carroll) Ch Aleen; Mahomet R42 Mahomet Sec 1 Farm Hand H. C. Kimble (1900) Kincade, Earnest (Rosa Marvin) Champaign Rl Champaign SecS Farm Hand Joseph Fishers (1914) King, Joe (Fanny Heiser) Ch Clar- ence, Elmer, Viattie, Ralph, Orea; Fisher R34 Brown Sec34 O80a (1896) Kinneson, Robert E. (Ollie Fiscus) Ch Everett, Gladys; Savoy R66 Philo Sec6 T75a O. L. Percival (1905) Kinney, Ray Urbana R7 St. Joseph SecS Farm Hand Howard Shaff (1911) Kirby, Addison (Flossie Marie Thompson) Ch Fern, Rose; St. Jo- seph R16 St. Joseph Sec32 Farm Hand Grover Kirby (1892) Kirby, Clarence (Mattie Rphrschieb) Ch Florence, George; Sidney R57 Sidney Sec9 T80a G. Kirbey (1895) Kirby, Clinton (Alta Lee) Ch Donald, Maxim; Urbana R7 Stanton Sec30 T200a S. D. Kirby (1880) Kirby, E. (Anna Saathoff) Ch -Ver- nice, Murrell, Dorothy; Penfield R28 Compromise Sec8 T157a Rupp Harris (1883) Kirby, E. N. (Carrie Hains) Ch Max- well, Lucy, Richard; Champaign R2 Champaign Sec24 OlOa (1903) Kirby, E. V. (Mollie) Ch Matilda; Urbana R8 Urbana Sec9 O120a Kirby, Frank (Bessie McElwee) Ch Gladys; Sidney R57 Sidney Sec9 T80a W. T. Hardin (1914) Kirby, Grover (Ella Light) Ch Hazel, Helen; Sidney R57 Sidney SecS T400a W. M. Huss (1885) Kirby, G. H. Champaign R2 Cham- paign Sec24 E. N. Kirby (1910) Kirby, James Mahomet R40 Mahomet SeclO TlOOa Bert Warner (1909) Kirby, John J. (Mary Trickle) Ch Millie; Urbana R7 Stanton Sec20 Farm Hand A. F. Shaff (1851) Kirby, J. L. (Pauline Parry) Ch Law- rence, Edna, Emmett, John, Glenn, Mabel, Jesse, Pauline, Edith; Ur- bana R8 Somer Sec34 O90a (1870) Kirby, W. L. (May E. Roberts) Ch Clare, William, Helen; Urbana R9 Somer Sec34 O91a (1872) Kirby, W. P. (Laura Phillips) Ch Laurel, Stephen, Trevett; Urbana R7 Stanton Secl8 T154a M. D. L. Sellars (1881) Kirchner, Charles (Daisy Burnes) Ch Hazel, Norman; Broadlands R36 Raymond Secl4 T160a Herman Struck (1885) Kirk, Berned (Susin McGinnis) Ch Barny, Henry, Anna, Frank, Seal, Laura, Charles; Gifford Kerr Sec 30 O710a (1889) Kirk, Hugh A. (Marie Deany) Ch Harold; Ludlow R29 Harwood Sec3 O40a T320a James Kirk, Sr. (1880) Kirk, J. F. (Marie Donovan) Ch Don- ald, Alice, Willard; Ludlow R30 Ludlow Secll O80a (1883) Kirk, J. F. Penfield R27 Kerr Sec30 O160a(1887) Kirk, Owen B. (Ada New) Ch Ber- nard, Wayne, Katharine, Adele, Austin; Ludlow RD Harwood Sec7 T86a W. H. New (1897) Kirk. P. H. Penfield R27 Kerr Sec29 T'SSSa Mrs. Susan Kirk (1882) Kirkpatrick, A. J. (Ida B. Fisher) Ch Earl, Myrtle, Claude, Maude; "Blue Mound Farm" Urbana R8 Stanton Secl9 O297a (1854) Kirkpatrick, Claude (Hazel Shaw) Ch Claude; Urbana R8 Stanton Sec30 O160a (1891) Kirkpatrick, C. A. (Flossie M. Petus) Ch Gladys, Robert; "Roselawn Farm" St. Joseph St. Joseph SecS O80a SecS T40a Kirkpatrick Est. (1884) Kirkpatrick, C. W. (Pearl Swearingen) Ch Vera, Kenneth; St. Joseph R13 St. Joseph Sec9 T120a Kirkpatrick Est. (1874) 76 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Kirkpatrick, J. C. (Edith L. Clark) Ch Florence, Jesse; Urbana St. Joseph SecS O240a (1870) Kirkpatrick, J. Earl (Melia Polter) Ch Lysle, Raymond, Wilma; Urbana R7 St. Joseph Sec6 O40a T380a A. J. Kirkpatrick and M. W. Busey (1881) Klein, C. P. (Margaret Feeney) Sey- mour R44 Colfax Sec9 T80a (1882) Klein, F. J. (Alice Gordon) Gifford R25 Kerr Sec25 O240a Charles Gor- den (1896) Klein, Joseph Seymour R44 Colfax SeclO T80a (1877) ffleiss, Charles (Katherine Dielhett) Ch George, Mike, Francis; Pesotum R54 Pesotum Sec28 O160a (1875) Kleiss, George F. (Katherine Kappes) Ch Peter, Nicholas, Anna, Cecilia, Clara; Pesotum R54 Pesotum Sec28 O120a (1869) Kleiss, Mike N. (Mary Kappes) Ch Clarence, Raymond, Charles, Fran- cis; Pesotum RS4 Pesotum Sec28 O40a T116a Charles Kleiss and Au- gust Koss (1882) Kleiss, Nicholas M. (Ethel Sudduth) Pesotum R54 Pesotum Sec20 T180a George Kleiss and Ed Werth (1896) Kleiss, Peter (Magdalena Stenger) Ch Raphael; Pesotum R54 Pesotum Secl9 T170a Mrs. Hannah Burton (1893) Kleiss, William, Jr. (Frances Harmon) Ch Elizabeth; Pesotum R55 Peso- tum Sec36 T120a Frank Kleiss (1879) Klemick, Mrs. Mary (Jordan) Ch Albert, Henry, John, Herman, Fred, Emma, Mary, Lena, Minnie, Mar- tha; Champaign R2 Champaign Sec 13 O7a (1872) Klette, S. K. (Bertha Goodman) Ch Ruth, Dorothy; Sadorus R49 Colfax Sec23 Farm Hand Fred Koss (1914) Klienmeyer, Edward (Louise Leek- ant) Ch Mabel; Sidney R58 Ray- mond Sec3 T80a George Frick (1915) Klockenbrink, William C. (Augusta Mummi) Ch Fern, Chester; Long- view R63 Crittenden Sec25 T152a Tom Cowery (1903) Knight, Lester (Fay Hunt) Ch Shelby, Louise, Infant; Ogden R17 Ogden Sec9N T50a David Knight (1911) Knott, Hiram (Addie Lahin) Ch Ber- nice, Roscoe, Elsie, Hazel, Edith, Arthur; Urbana R7 Stanton Sec31 T204a T. Brownfield (1897) Knott, Wiley (Jane Dull) Ch Ellen, Thomas; Savoy R45 Champaign Sec26 T140a Mrs. Emma Fisher (1885) Knox, Frank (Mary Gleason) Sey- mour R43 Mahomet Sec20 T210a Dyson Est. (1858) Knox, O. F. (Estella Shively) "Pleas- ant View Farm" Mahomet R42 Con- dit Sec30 T80a E. L. Wright (1890) Knox, R. D. Sr. (Florence Bell) Ch Russell, Jr.; Bondville R65 Scott Sec3 T143a Mrs. J. S. Knox (1894) Knox, Thomas Penfield R27 Kerr Sec28 O80a (1900) Knox, W. M. (Jesse M. Campbell) Ch Merrill, Helen; Penfield R28 Com- promise Sec32 (1901) Kobel, Frank (Anna Schrader) Ch Harry, Marie, Roy, Frank, Oscar; Champaign R3 Champaign Sec2 O140a T275a Burham Est. (1870) Koch, A. F. (Eva R. Smith) Ch Ray- mond, Elva, Allen; Urbana R12 St. Joseph SecS T160a J. A. R. Koch (1885) Koch, Clarence (Susie L. Ault) Ch Clifton, Genevieve, Francis, Donald; St. Joseph R16 St. Joseph Sec28 T80a J. A. R. Koch (1883) Koch, G. L. (Eunice Easter) Ch Ora; "Ashlawn Farm" Champaign R4 Hensley Sec22 O164a (1872) Koch, J. A. R. Ch Jennie, Clarence, Frank; Mayview St. Joseph SecS O225a (1864) Koeberlein, Albert (Mary Weshall) Ch Margaret, Merle, Helen; Tolono R46 Crittenden SeclS T160a Eva Happ (1895) Koeberlein, George P. (Mary Vogel) Ch Marie; Villa Grove Crittenden Sec36 Farm Hand George Frazier, Jr. (1895) Koerner, Fred (Gela Wilson) Ch Ralph, Howard, Wilber, Thomas; Sidney R58 Raymond Sec9 T160a A. G. Porterfield (1914) Kopemann, Fred (Maggie Fackman) Ch Katie, Lena, Henry, Fanny, William; Gifford R26 Compromise Sec36 O287a (1877) Koss, August F. (Edith Davidson) Ch Willard; Savoy R66 Tolono Secll O80a (1878) Koss, Fred J. (Mary Johns) Ch Wil- ma, Pauline; Tolono R46 Pesotum Seel T200a Philip Genning (1885) Koss, Henry (Emma Schurz) Ch Ar- nold. Dorothy; Pesotum R54 Peso- tum Sec22 T120a Cora Schurz (1884) 77 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Koss, William (Mealia Goch) Ch Arthur, Alfred, Bertha; Sadorus R49 Colfax Sec 24 Ola TllOa Solon Bros. (1869) Krabble, Harry (Delia M. Ohrie) Ch Harriet; Tolono R46 Pesotum Secl2 T460a Mrs. Erma Dohme (1880) Kracht, Frank (Bertha McCormick) Broadlands R36 Raymond Sec24 O80a (1886) Kracht, George (Maggie Brande) Broadlands R36 Raymond Sec24 O120a (1883) Kracht, William C. (Minnie Bruhn) Ch Roy, Lillian, Arnold; Philo R56 Raymond Sec24 O40a Crittenden Secl2 T370a P. G. 'Jones (1882) Kraft, Sam (Manda Newkirk) Ch Henry, Walter, Fred, Clarence, Edgar, Charley; Homer R60 Sidney Sec26 O160a (1883) Krenzien, Rev. R. (Louise Herrmann) Ch Irene, Paul, Herbet, Alfred, Ruth, Mathilde; Broadlands R37 Ayres Secl8W T7a Ev. Luth Im- manual Church (1912) Kresin, August (Tina Arppel) Ch John, Ernest, Paul, Henrietta; Sa- dorus R49 Colfax Sec8 T200a Solen Bros. (1914) Kromer, Adam (Lizzie Liestman) Ch Fred, Willie, Louis; "Immer-Arbeit Farm" Mahomet R41 Newcomb Sec29 O160a (1890) Krukewitt, A. G. (Allie May) Ch Gladys, James, Mildrew, Raymond; Homer R61 Sidney Secl3 T160a Mrs. Eliza Ball (1897) Krukewitt, Fred G. (Grace Peters) Ch. Katherine; Homer R60 Homer SeclSW O167a (1894) Krukewitt, Louis (Nora Hilderbrant) Ch Dean; Homer R59 Homer Sec33 T160a S. L. Burwash (1914) Krukewitt, R. W. (Grace Bowen) Ho- mer R59 Homer Sec21 O40a T40a J. H. Bowen (1917) Krumm, Christian J. (Lillie Bailesch- ki) Ch Carl, Oscar; Sadorus R51 Pesotum Sec33 O78a SecS T183a H. J. Baileschki (1878) Krumm, Herbert A. (Effie Ode- brecht) Ch Opal; Philo R56 Philo Secl4 T160a J. F. Krumm (1878) Krumm, John (Anna Buhs) Ch Marie; Urbana Rll Urbana Sec21 T120a J. C. *Buhs (1893) Krumm, William C. (Myrtle L. Porter- field); Sidney R58 Sidney Sec20 O80a (1886) Kuder, Frank C (Junita B. Gibson); St. Joseph R16 St. Joseph Sec26 T130a Mrs. Jennie Martin (1892) Kuhlam, Heiko (Grace Miller) Ch Charlotte; Rantoul R24 Rantoul Secl7 T7a H. Behrends (1912) Kuhlman, Herman (Mary Eilers) Ch Dick, Mary, Anna, Herman, Lena; Urbana R12 Urbana Sec23 T160a John S. Huck (1890) Kuhms, L. E. (Lula Bowman) Ch Louis, Emmett, Edward; Fisher R25 Newcomb Secl6 T40a J. W. Rich- mond Est. (1895) Kuhns, J. E. (Lillie Davis) Ch Lewis, Roy, Walter, Viola, Loren, Ruby; Mahomet R40 Newcomb SecS T390a Richmond Est. (1891) Kukendall, H. (Rachel Rummer) Ch Mary, Charles, Harrum, James, Ju- lia, Wardney, Clara, Beulah, Phebie; Mahomet R4 Hensley Sec7 TISOa Joe Lawson (1910) Kunce, Clifford C. (Olia Furrow) Ch Dorothy, Irean, Louise; Paxton R3 Harwood Seel T160a Ed Swegest (1913) Kunce, Thomas J. (Ruth Marshall) Ch Mary, Ray, Clifford, Bernice, Hattie; Ludlow R29 Harwood Seel T200a H. C. Corbley (1913) Kunce, Samuel P. (Eisebell Mason) Ch Mural, Grace, John; Gifford R25 Harwood Seel Farm Hand Ross Corbley (1917) Kuntz, Lew (Tillie Christman) Ch Russell; Mahomet R41 Newcomb Secl9T240a Charles Slater (1899) Kurts, H. H. (Nellie Roles) Ch Elsie, Ruhama, David, Fred, Clare; Fish- er R34 Brown Sec25 T210a J. W. Richmond (1892) Kurzweg, J. W. (Mary Bannich) Ch Edward, Gilbert, Harold, Dorothy; Champaign R4 Hensley Secl4 O40a T40a (1875) Kuykendall, L. W. (Maggie Shaw) Ch Harry, Roy; Champaign R6 Somer Secl9 T192a F. L. Stamey (1901) Kuykendall, Joe (Vernie Crites) Ch Mary, Annie, Bonnie, Wayne; Ma- homet R42 Mahomet Seel Farm Hand J. Mars (1817) 78 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Labert, Frank J. (Dora Holzinger) Tuscola Rl Pesotum Sec33 T240a Boggs Est. (1901) Lacy, W. M. (Nellie Redenbaugh) Ch Mildred, Dorothy; Champaign R5 Hensley Sec23 T160a L. M. and J. H. Kirkpatrick (1897) Lady, George (Lucinda Bowman) Fisher R34 E. Bend Sec31 TlOOa Bowman, Vandorey, Lady Est. (1877) Lahne, Edward Ch Grace, Charles, Fern, Clyde, Ward, Nellie; Urbana R9 Urbana Sec7 T40a Sarah Schlorff (1900) Lahne, George (Mary Davis) Ch Ira, Ethel, Cecil, Carl; Sidney R58 Ray- mond Sec9 T160a Jose Brine (1897) Lakey, Dalt (Ellen Knott) Ch Fran- ces, Hershel; Savoy R66 Philo Sec6 T212a A. R. Hall (1903) Lakey, W. L. (Nettie Knott) Ch Leona, Mamie, Stella, Clifford, Myrtle, Marie; Thomasboro R19 Rantoul Sec33 T114a John Voss (1898) Laley, Leo B. (Kate Eisenmenger) Ch Rudolph, Loretta, Marie, Gertrude, Walter, Lucy, Luella; Long View R63 Crittenden Sec35 T240a S. C. Henson (1910) Lamb, H. A. (Annie Nichorns) Ch Grace, Edward, George, Ella, Hilda; Broadlands R36 Raymond Sec36 O160a (1881) Lamb, William Ch Icey, Allie, Annie, Jessie, Ross; Rantoul R24 Rantoul Sec23 Farm Hand L. A. Walsh (1912) Lambdin, B. (Ollie McCormick) Ch Fred, Marie; Mahomet R40 Condit Secl9 T207a Kienzle Bros. (1895) Lambdin, Homer C. (Ethel Dillman) Thomasboro R20 Rantoul Secl9 T120a Chas. Miner (1907) Lamke, Charles W. (Martha Maier) Ch Frank, Paul, William, Ralph, ' Jennie, Marie; Urbana R9 Somer Sec4 O42a T138a Mrs. Mary Lamke and J. G. Luther (1874) Lammle, Gottlieb (Pauline Lutz) Ch Leslie, Walter, Henry; Fisher R34 Brown Sec24 Jos. Rich (1908) Lampp, W. J. (Oma Harvill) Ch Clay- burn, Georgie; St. Joseph R13 Stan- ton Sec33 Levi Forest (1917) Land, Abe St. Joseph R16 St. Joseph Sec24 Farm Hand J. R. Glascock (1864) Landis, E. E. (Ella Wilson) Ivesdale R53 Sadorus Sec32 T160a Henry Landis (1880) Landis, Walter (Pearl Eaton) Urbana R8 Urbana Sec4 O28a (1886) Lang, C. C. (Minnie Albers) Ch Ray- mond, Dorothy; Fisher R35 Sec5 T80a Chris Lang (1917) Lange, Albert (Amanda Voker) Ch Elmer, Cora, Harold; Champaign R5 Hensley Secl4 O321a (I860) Lange, August (Lena Hunsinger) Ch Lewis, Lester, Lee; Champaign R3 Champaign Sec5 O160a (1906) Lange Bros. Champaign R3 Cham- paign SecS T160a Rising Sisters (1906) Lange, Chris (Sarah Winegarh) Ch Clarence, Alfred, Arthur; Foosland R39 Brown Sec29 T160a F. Rich- mond (1880) Lange, Gilbert (Augusta Klitzing) Champaign R5 Hensley Secl2 T200a Henry Lange (1894) Lange, O. A. (Bessie Rea) Ch Doro- thy, Thomas; Champaign R5 Hens- ley Sec2 T357a F. H. Lange Est. (1886) Lange, Paul (Juliana Kaiser) Cham- paign R5 Condit Sec34 O80a (1912) Langhoff, H. J. (Lucy Demien) Ch Clarence, Elmer; Champaign R6 Somer Sec30 T160a Ed Baker (1892) Lankford, R. A. (Adeline Bonner) Champaign R4 Hensley SecS Farm Hand Len Rayburn (1903) Lape, E. R. (Janie Ritchie) Ch Agnes, Ruth; Fisher R34 Brown Sec26 O120a (1887) Larkins, A. Foosland R39 Brown Sec 9 O80a Larkins Est. (1874) Laroe, James (Catherine Sloan) Ch Margaret, James, Daniel, Lucy; Ivesdale R53 Sadorus Secl9 T22a Peter Skiverton (1913) Larson, G. Herman (Mary E. Larson) Ch Grace; Ludlow R29 Harwood SecS T80a G. Johnson (1914) Layenhagen, William (Millie Wollen- zien) Ch Paul, Wayne; Sidney R58 Raymond SecS T245a Lewis Laven- hagen (1886) Laverick, Ira F. (Anna Johnson) Broadlands R37 Ayers Sec31 T325a Laverick Est. (1882) Lawhead, B. C. (Bessie Cole) Ch Pearl, Minnie, Albert; Champaign Rl Champaign SecS T80a Mrs. L. K. Trotter (1883) 79 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Lawhead, J. (Elizabeth Vest) Cham- paign Rl Champaign Sec8 O80a (1863) Lawrence, Frank (Lottie Ray) Ch Charles, Bessie, James, Belle, Lot- tie, Ethel; Dewey R33 Condit SecS O160a T160a Elza Ward (1914) Lawrence, John (Martha Wood) Ch Charles, Mary, Alice, Lois; Rantoul R23 Harwood Sec34 OlOOa (1865) Lawrence, Robert (Etta Read) Ch Susie; Dewey R32 E. Bend R4 Farm Hand Harrison Dale (1916) Lawrence, Mrs. Samuel Rantoul R23 Harwood Sec34 OlOOa (1897) Lawson, G. B. (Sarah Barren) Ch Vi- ola, Leonard, Philis; Penfield R27 Kerr Sec9 Farm Hand Patten Est. (1916) Layman, Bruce (Bessie Fletcher) Ch Gilbert, Lloyd, Harold, Lyle, Leone; Dewey R33 Condit Sec22 T280a Peter Murray (1879) Layman, Chester (Bertha Womacks) Ch Kenneth; Rantoul R22 Condit Secll O160a T80a Martha J. Lay- man (1883) Layman, Earl (Bernie Fay Putnam) Ch Ralph, Ruth; Fisher R35 Condit SeclS T120a Emery Jackson (1883) Leach, Odus (Esther Cole) Ch Wes- ley, Francis; Champaign R3 Scott Seel T80a Mrs. D. J. Leach (1884) Lear, Hortance Urbana R8 Stanton Secsl7-7-8 O200a H. M. Lorray (1880) Leas, Frank S. (Florence M. Griffith) Ch Helen, Robert; "Bonnie View Farm" St. Joseph R13 St. Joseph Se'c9 O160a (1890) Leas, George N. (Martha Bowers) Ch George, Arthur; "Evergreen Farm" St. Joseph R14 St. Joseph Sec2 O200a (1869) Lee, D. R. (Mabel Newby) Ch Isabell, Alice, Arthur; Champaign R2 Ur- bana Sec30 T255a Rice Est. (1900) Lee, Elmer (Lois Bright) Rantoul R22 Rantoul Sec6 T240a Lee Evans (1914) Lee, Henry (Sadie McCauley) Ch Al- bert, Henry; Pesotum R54 Pesotum Sec32 O200a (1854) Lee, Osmond C. Ch Osmond, Jr.; Gif- ford R25 Harwood Sec25 T160a Jas. Talbot (1910) Lee, Squire E. (Effie Wright) Ch Harry, Irene, Hazel; Homer R60 Homer SeclSW O80a T420a D. Wright (1876) Lee, W. N. (Clara James) Clarence Rl Kerr SecS T40a Charles Wood (1917) Leece, J. C. (Nellie Pruett) Ch Jessie; "Midway Farm" Seymour R43 Ma- homet Sec32 Farm Hand B. F. Har- ris (1917) Leece, Sigler (Susie Roberts) Ch Ger- trude; "Prairie View Farm" Sey- mour R43 Mahomet Sec29 Farm Hand B. F. Harris (1916) Leerkamp, Ernest (Josephine Dewitt) Ch Wilma, Margaret, Ruth; Broad- lands R36 Raymond Secl4 T80a Thomas Fitzgerald (1911) Lees, Cade (Stella Perkins) Ch Ruby, Francis; Urbana Rll Urbana Sec36 T120a Bart. Barry (1915) LeFever, F. C. (Elzina Murphy) Ch Vera, Frank; Penfield R27 Kerr O48a (1900) Legue, Charles C. (Laura McBride) Ch Roy, Murry, Ruhl, Grace, Ed, Minnie, Clellia; Savoy R66 Tolono Sec2 T179a Hall Est. (1906) Legue, R. W. (Bell Jordan) Ch Helen, Chancy; Sadorus R54 Colfax SeclS T200a Solon Bros. (1911) Lehman, F. W. (Elizabeth Shelley) Ch Alice, Lizzie, Ella, William, Charley; Sidney R57 Sidney Sec21 O153a (1876) Leichner, C. S. Mrs. Minnie Leichner Mother Champaign R5 Hensley Secll O80a (1907) Leidendeker, A. R. (Armentia Young) Ch Henry, A. R., Jr.; Champaign R5 Hensley Sec36 T320a (1876) Leidendeker, A. R. (Armentia Young) Ch Henry, A. R., Jr.; Champaign R5 Hensley Sec36 T320a (1876) Leigh, C. D. (Cora Penny) St. Joseph R13 St. Joseph Sec4 T160a Eliza- beth Dilling Est. (1874) Leigh, Everett (Virginia Karr) Ch Ray, Lois, Ivadell; St. Joseph R14 St. Joseph Sec2 O120a (1886) Leigh, J. M. (Lulu M. Jacobs) Ch Rollo, Arvilla, Edward; St. Joseph R13 St. Joseph Sec3 O360a (1868) Leischman, William (Anna Leistman) Ch Orville, Mabel, Earl, Bernice; "Alfalfa Farm" Fisher R35 New- comb Sec3 O160a W. M. Leischman (1916X Leonard, E. J. (Alice Elkins) Ch Ag- nes, Joseph, Vere, Celia; Rantoul R21 Ludlow Sec31 O160a (1882) Leonard, J. L. (Margaret Dailey) Ch Led, Annie, Thomas, Nellie; Thomasboro R19 Rantoul Sec20 O160a (1883) Leonard, J. M. Mrs. Minnie Gauntt Housekeeper Thomasboro R19 Ran- toul Sec30 O120a (1876) 80 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Leonard, M. A. (Elizabeth Ganwell) Ch Frances, Mary, Rose, Cyril; Thomasboro R19 Rantoul Sec21 O160a (1896) Lepper, George (Ada Gamier) Ch Jessie, Ralph, Raymond, Birdie, Delmar, Charles, Fay, Thomas; Ludlow R31 Harwood Sec21 T160a G. Punke (1888) Leray, Mrs. Mary (Tohill) Ch Mil- lard, Charles, Minnie, Edd, Emma; Urbana R7 Urbana Sec2 O55a (1880) Leslie, John W. (Jeannette Durfey) Ch Margaret; Tolono R47 Tolono Sec21 T188a D. Q. Durfey (1887) Lester, D. H. Ch Effie, Bert, Orey, Daisy; "Brookside Farm" Ma- homet R40 Newcomb Sec22 O71a Sec21 O32a (1870) Lester, Mrs. Nannie (Lanam) Ch Clyde, Velma; Fisher R35 New- comb SeclO O80a (1880) Levear, Ross (Effie George) Ch Bue- lah; Gifford R25 Harwood Sec24 T320a (1882) Lewis, B. E. (Cora Snell) Ch Doris, Burnell; Ivesdale R53 Sadorus Sec 20 T140a Conley Est. (1914) Lewis, Charles (Gertrude Burton) Ch Elmer, Henry, Russell, Oliver; Homer R59 Homer Sec32 T242a Nogle Est. (1917) Lewis, C. Edward (Lela Herriott) Ch Russell; Mahomet R40 New- comb Sec35 T80a Mrs. F. E. Lewis (1904) Lewis, S. G. (Gertrude McMurry) Ch Murry, .Emma; Dewey R32 Sec 21 T131a McMurry Est. Lewis, U. S. (Delia Hutton) Ch Doris, Levern, Elmer; Champaign R2 Ur- bana Sec30 Farm Hand J. H. Persi- val (1911) Libka, Lon (Lena See) Ch Leo; Ho- mer R62 Homer Sec33 O48a (1883) Licht, Carl J. (Bessie Williams) Ch Paul, Harold; Tolono R46 Critten- den Sec9 T320a Mae Haven (1882) Licht, Henry G. (Elvira Hunt) Ch Gladys, Mabel, Ethel, Lois; Urbana RIO Philo Sec9 T120a Mrs. Wm. Licht (1880) Lieb, Frank J. (Mame Hougolle) Ch Charlie, Judith; Pesotum R55 Secl5 T160a J. E. Davis (1880) Liestman, A. L. Ch Irvin, Lucile; Ma- homet R41 Newcomb SeclS O160a (1888) Liestman, C. C. (Anna Leischner) Ch Bertha, Minnie; Mahomet R41 New- comb Sec7 O160a (1878) Lietz, Albert (Anna Koss) Ch Alta, Erma, Clara, Albert; Sadorus R49 Colfax Sec26 T80a Pat Divons (1882) Lietz, H. W. (Atelina Wegner) Ch Harry, Clarence, Selma, Olgo, Emma, Albert, Martha, John; Sa- dorus R51 Sadorus Secl3 O80a (1881) Light, John K. (Nancy L. Henderson) Ch Maurice, Myrtle; Thomasboro R20 Rantoul Sec30 T200a (1898) Limp, P. J. (Minnie Portenheimer) Ch Oscar, Selma; Broadlands R36 Ray- mond Sec35 T160a August Block (1911) Lindenman, J. G. (Ellen Britten) Ch Albert, Ralph; Dewey R32 E. Bend Sec22 T280a J. W. Martin Lindley, Alvah (Maud Wood) Ch Grace, Frank, Roy, Annie, Orion, Gladys, Lois, Rachel; Sidney R57 Sidney SecS O324a R. H. Steele (1910) Lindsey, George W. (Mary A. Busey) Ch Harriet; Urbana R2 Urbana Sec5 T120a M. B. Busey (1866) Lindsey, L. F. (Julia Brown) Ch Mar- old; Champaign R3 Hensley Sec20 O240a (1864) Link, J. W. (Eliza Franklin); Homer R62 Homer Sec31E O5a (1892) Little, Arthur (Edith M. Putnam) Ch Charles, Ray; Rantoul R24 Ran- toul Secl3 T200a Charles Babb (1897) Little, A. G. (Florence True) Ch Har- vey; Champaign R4 Hensley Secl4 O80a (1881) Little, B. S. (Alice Jervis) Ch Alton, Minnie, Irvin, Harvey, Grace; Ran- toul R24 Rantoul SeclS O240a T120a Steffler & Wert (1868) Little, C. W. (Elizabeth Thayer) Ch Florence, Chester, Hazel; Rantoul R22 Rantoul Sec7 O200a (1869) Little, Leslie A. (Mary J. Pierce) Ch Ada, Wilbur, Roland, Nellie, Mabel, Harland, Milo, Florence; "Ever- green Home Farm" Tolono R46 Crittenden Sec6 O160a (1868) Little, Rolland B. (Addie Bickel) Ch Helen, Mary; Tolono R46 Pesotum Secl2 T160a E. P. Little (1889) Little, R. S. (Mabel Johnson) Ch Ruth, Paul; Rantoul R22 Rantoul SeclS T280a Sam Little and Mary Clay- foot (1892) Livingston, B. T. (Ada Aid) Ch Irene, Charles; Ludlow R30 E. Bend Secll O160a (1905) 81 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Lloyd, Miss Pheeby Homer R61 Ho- mer Sec30N Housekeeper Wilson Loyd (1908) Lloyd, Wilson Homer R61 Homer Sec30N p85a (1881) Lloyd, Winfrey (Ida Coomer) Ch Gaylord; Mahomet R42 Mahomet Sec26 Farm Hand F. Cain (1917) Locke, C. E. (Ella Fagaly) Ch Floyd, Louise; Bondville R65 Scott Sec23 T160a William Beck (1882) Locke, Mrs. Mary C. Champaign Rl Champaign Sec8 O199a (1891) Loeffler, Chris (Anna Hohmeister) Ch Dora, Albert, Joseph; Homer R61 Ogden Secl9 O131a (1861) Loeschen, B. A. (T. Osterbus) Ch Mabel, Henry, Albert, Anna, Wil- liam, Margaret, Bertha; Thomas- boro R20 Compromise Sec33 T90a A. R. Loschen (1881) Loeschen, Fred H. (Gaske Gerdes) Ch Harm, Henry, Willie; St. Joseph R14 Ogden See? O137a (1884) Loeschen, G. A. (Incha Johnson) Ch Rixte, Annie, Fannie, John, Ber- nice, Maggie, Nancy, George; Pen- field R28 . Ogden SecSN O288a (1887) Loeschen, John R. (Angeline Myer) " Ch Louie, Henrietta, Frank, John, Jr., William, Ralph, Hattie; Thom- asboro R20 Rantoul Sec30 T84a Ralph Loeschen (1904) Loftus, L. (Mary Stout) Ch Mary, Amos, Edna, John, Edward; Ives- dale R53 Sadorus Sec29 O40a (1873) Loftus, Michael (Sarah McName) Ch John, Machley, Charlie, Mary, Mat- ty, Carrie, Michael; Ivesdale R53 Sadorus Sec29 O320a (1870) Logan, Charles (Catherine Dahl) Ch Pearl, Mary, Walter, Joseph; Sidney R58 Raymond Sec8 T116a J. H. Lo- gan (1877) Logan, Charles (Beulah Jenks) Ch Dorothy, Lula; Tolono R46 Critten- den Secl7 Farm Hand Albert Mess- man (1917) Logan, Joseph (Eliza Ring) Ch Clara, Frank, Charley, Erne, Ruth; Sidney R58 Sidney Sec31 O80a (1866) Logan, William R. (Lulu Denton) Ch William; Tolono R46 Crittenden Sec7 Farm Hand Frank M. Martin (1915) Lohmiller, William G. (Clements Jenkinson) Ch Elizabeth, Jessie, Mary, Alfred; Gifford R25 Harwood Sec35 T200a A. Jenkinson (1897) Long, R. H. (Lucy E. McKinney) Ch Dessie, Floyd, Zetta, Hazle; St. Jo- seph R14 St. Joseph Sec3 Farm Hand W. Z. Black (1913) Loschen, Rohlf (Margaretha French) Ch Albert, Mary; Thomasboro R20 Sec33 O80a (1872) Loschen, William (Gerty Osterbur) Ch Kate, Frank, Harm, Grace; St. Joseph R15 Ogden Sec7 O160a (1877) Loues, Nicholas (Catherine Yehle) Ch Joseph; Bondville R65 Scott Secll T78a Mrs. Mary Bok (1896) Louks, J. D. (Nellie Creighton) Ch Ray; "Joseph Kuhn Farm" Dewey R33 Condit Sec8 T200a Joseph Kuhn Est. (1869) Louks, Ray (Nina Sitts) Ch Loren; "Riverside Farm" Fisher R35 Con- dit Sec6 T220a Mrs. A. H. Morris (1892) Love, Mrs. Mary Ch Clara, Howard, Clifford; "Sunny Side Farm" Sidney R58 Sidney Secl9 O320a (1855) Love, S. S. Philo Sidney Secl9 O320a (1864) Lovejoy, Owen (Elsie Hyde) Ch Har- ry, Dale, Esther; Rantoul R22 Ran- toul Sec6 T80a Margaret Lovejoy (1917) Lovingfoss, Clifford (Maude Marks) Ch Richard, Ruth; Homer R59 Ho- mer Sec21 T160a Mort Brown (1888) Lovingfoss, George A. (Fanny Burr) Ch Clifford, Kenneth, Phillip, Fred, Ellen; Philo Philo SeclS O160a (1873) Lovingfoss Kenneth (Madge Fisher) Urbana RIO Philo SeclS T120a Eli Groves (1890) Lovingfoss, W. H. (Cora Arnold) Ch Howard, Walter, Mary, Martha; Phila R56 Philo Sec35 O80a T80a Mrs. Mary C. Locke (1873) Lowery, Ted L. (Essie Taylor) Ch Gertrude, Gladys, Orville; Homer R59 Homer Sec8 T20a Maggie Tay- lor (1907) Lowman, John (Ella Beck) Ch Mil- dred, Helen; Champaign Rl Cham- paign Secl7 T214a Mrs. Annie Daw- ley (1899) Lowman, J. L. (Manerva O'Bryan) Ch Fred, Harley, John, Glen, Zelda; Sadorus R51 Sadorus Sec36 O80a (1876) Lowman, S. L. (Clara Locke) Ch Stan- ley, Cora; Champaign Rl Champaign Sec8 Ola (1876) 82 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Lowrey, James, Jr. (Mary Madigan) Longview R63 Crittenden Sec26 T120a James Lowrey (1885) Lowrey, Mike (Kate Gorman) Ch Eu- gene, Genevieve, Joseph, Paul; Longview R63 Crittenden Sec26 T160a James Lowrey (1883) Lowry, James, Sr. Ch Michael, James, Nellie, Josie, Henry, Mary, Frances, Cluelta; Longview R63 Crittenden' Sec36 0240a (1872) Lubben, Ehme (Anna Werwert) Ch Fred, Minnie, Teddy; Thomasboro R20 Stanton SecS O207a (1885) Lubben, Harm Ch Annfe, Freda, George, Fred, Hei; Thomasboro R20 Rantoul Sec20 O160a (1887) Lustig, Joseph (Jennie Riemke) Ch Ed, Frank, John; Tolono R47 Peso- turn Secll T320a Jim Gorman (1889) Luth, Edward (Hanna Aye) Ch Edna; Homer R60 Raymond Seel T240a Mrs. A. Luth (1890) Luth, Joe (Mandy Geitz) Ch Wilbert, Heler; Homer R59 Ayers SecS T80a T. Luth Est. (1889) Luth, John Albert (Hannah Bensch- neider) Ch Vernon; Broadlands R37 Ayers Sec6W O147a (1887) Luther, Charles (Christina Hunder- prund) Ch Mary, Carrie, Anna, Ella, Lilly; Savoy R45 Champaign Sec26 O160a (1881) Luther, J. G. (Fredericka Lemke) Ch Bertha, Cornelia, Carl, Ida, Wilhel- mina; Champaign R2 Champaign Sec26 OlOOa (1881) Lux, Henry (Marcret Labert) Ch El- la, Hilda, Louise, Mildred, Henry; Pesotum R55 Crittenden Sec30 O40a (1883) Lykins, Robert (Grace Frye) Ch Ruth; Champaign R4 Hensley SeclS Farm Hand J. F. C. Kaiser (1917) Lyman, W. B. (Mary Jordan) Cham- paign Rl Champaign Sec20 T120a J. P. Lyman (1885) Lynch, A. J. (Delia McCarty) Ch Anna, Carl, Irene; Penfield R27 Kerr Secl6 T360a C. V. Wilson (1867) Lynch, B. E. (Bell Brown) Ch Opal, Dean; Sidney R57 Sidney Secl4 O85a (1870) Lynch, G. W. (Josephine Carlisle) Ch Bently, Grace, Delsia; Mahomet R42 Mahomet SeclS O6a (1858) Lynch, James E. Ch Harry; Urbana R17 Stanton Sec31 T124a E. V. Kir- by (1914) Lynch, M. E. (Ethel Bailey) Ch Har- old, Pauline, Raymond, Louis; Ho- mer R61 Homer Sec6W O22a (1891) Lyon, L. T. (Hester Crank) Ch Led, Lucy, Dell; Fisher R35 Newcomb Sec6 T320a Buchan Bros. (1912) Lyons, E. F. (Elizabeth Johnston) Ch Winifred, Edward; Champaign R4 Hensley Sec20 T240a R. W. Hall (1900) Lyons, Tom (Leviha Longheed) Ch Cathleen, Marlin, Alice, Anna, Susie; Urbana RIO Philo Sec9 T80a Quirk Est. (1905) M Mabis, G. W. (Laura Schmall) Ch Lyle, Vern, Edith; "Pet. Webb Farm" Mahomet R41 Newcomb Sec30 T120a Preston Webb (1912) Madden, Charles A. (Samantha Grady) Ch Ellis, Arthur, Glenn; Seymour R44 Scott Sec33 T300a X A. J. Dighton (1913) Maddock, Edward (Josie Hemmric- house) Ch Lavern, Rachel, Ruth, Mary, Helen; St. Joseph R14 Stan- ton Secl4 O160a Sec22 T80a SeclS T120a Hemmrichouse Est. (1886) Maddock, O. W. (Lutora Tompkins) Ch William, Edward, Clifton, Earl, Lowell, Russel; St. Joseph R13 Stanton Sec27 O160a (1864) Madigan, John (Martha Fitzgerald) Ch Timothy; Sidney R58 Raymond Sec3 T80a Jerry Gorman (1891) Madigan, *J. J. (Anna Wingle) Ch Josephine, Mary, John, Nellie, James, Margaret, Dennis, Frances, Anna; Longview R64 Raymond Sec27 T240a John Madigan (1877) Magers, George (Olive Francis) Ho- mer R60 Homer SeclSE T205a Henry and Fred Messman and Herman Struck (1914) Magers, James (Etta Ehlers) Ch John, Madona; Longview R64 Raymond Sec22 T123a Herman Struck (1914) Magill, C. C. (Sadie Mullin) Ch Eula, Zuma, Floyd; St. Joseph R16 St. Joseph Sec34 T95a D. R. Magill and Mrs. R. M. Caldwell (1885) Magill, Park (Bertha Hiller) Sidney R58 Sidney Sec20 T520a J. Wirk (1876) 83 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Mahorney, M. (Jane Brownfield) Ch Grace, Hallie, Edith, Marchie; St. Joseph R16 St. Joseph Sec27 T21a H. M. Brownfield (1913) Maier, Charles (Lucy Baker) Ch Fred, John, Charles, Annie, Lily, Henry; Champaign R6 Homer Sec4 O66a (1869) Maier, Fred H. (Pearl Keath) Ch Agnes; Urbana R8 Stanton SeclS T80a (1894) Maier, Joseph (Aplona Fielder) Ch Joseph, Bernice, Ralph, Laurence; Champaign R6 Homer Sec4 O120a Sec35 T40a Mrs. Joseph Fielder (1877) Maier, Mrs. Minnie Ch Fred, Jacob, Mary, Edward, Emma, Michael, George, Paul, Cletus, Bernard; Rantoul R24 Rantoul Sec22 O160a T80a W. A. Lachenmeyer (1871) Maier, W. J. (Emma E. Pankan) Ch Mary, Helena, Frances, William, Elizabeth; Rantoul R22 Rantoul SeclS T170a Mrs. Anna Warner and Mame Grundley (1862) Majors, W. T. (Sarah Steddem) Ch Alfred, Ruth, James; "Maple Farm" Champaign Rl Champaign Sec6 T580a R. D. Burham (1865) Maley, James (Jessie Galtford) Ch Sarah, Hazel, Mary, Virgil; Sa- dorus R51 Sadorus Secl6 T160a Mike Maley (1879) Manion, John Seymour R44 Colfax Sec3 T160a Thomas Manion Manion, Thomas Monticello R2 Col- fax Sec30 OllOa (1868) Manion, Thomas (Mary Coffey) Ch John, Mary, Agnes, Rosie; Sey- mour R44 Colfax Sec3 T160a (1874) Manley, J. F. (Hazel L. Ross) Ch Ruth, Ross, Ray, Alfred, Thomas; Urbana R9 Somer Sec21 T143a Thomas Thornbrian (1914) Manning, T. A. (Jennie Johnson) Ch Paul, Howard, Lawrence; Og- den R18 Ogden Sec21S T240a W. N. Cordy (1869) Mansfield, Mary E. (Mary E. King) Ch Albert, Frank, Eva, Edith, Centina, Jesse, David, Girady; Ur- bana R8 Homer Sec33 O42a (1877) Mansfield, M. D. (Mary D. Brown- field) Ch Clarence, Harold, Glenn; Urbana R8 Homer Sec33 O25a (1884) Mantle, John (H. A. Sever) Ch John, William, Fanny, Alice, Bonnie, Sol, Mary, Jane; Penfield R27 Kerr O57a (1869) Mantle, J. R. Penfield R27 Kerr Sec 28 T90a Wilson Connor (1888) Mantle, W. H. Paxton R3 Kerr Sec4 T45a Jane Pattens (1885) Manuel, C. M. (Bessie Mahin) Ch Gladys, Raleigh, Ralph, Russel, Kenneth, Alice, Jessie; Mahomet R41 Newcomb Sec33 T320a J. W. Myers (1901) Manuel, Henry (Clara Addy) Ch Rita, Dorothy, Beulah, Wayne, Fern; Seymour R43 Mahomet Sec 29 T160a Molly House (1912) Manuel, K. S. (Emma Burke) Ch Wilburn, Lloyd, Teddie; Mahomet R40 Mahomet SeclO T240a Bill Wyckle (1911) Mara, James Sadorus Tolono Sec32 O93a (1873) Mara, M. F. (Mary Maley) Ch Kath- erine, Kenneth, Pauline; Ivesdale R53 Colfax Sec28 T160a John Fiaven (1887) Marcellus, A. J. (Emma B. Vance) Ch Willard, Mary, Frank, Lee, Wilson, Harriett, Charlie; Foos- land R38 Brown SeclO O120a (1885) Markwell, Willis E. (Gertrude Malli- sen) Ch Agnes, Doyle; Tolono R47 Tolono Sec34 Farm Hand Fred Bialeschke (1912) Marrah, Robert (Vadie Burnside) Ch Curtis, Frank; Sidney Sec6 T160a J. O. Woodard (1915) Marriott, H. B. (Marguerite Beltz) Ch Oscar; Urbana R12 St. Joseph Sec32 T200a Wm. Jones (1881) Marriott, O. M. (Susie Burnett) Ch Franklin, Gale; Urbana R9 Somer Sec23 T200a Mrs. Lydia Marriott (1889) Marriott, R. A. (Elizabeth Smith) Ch Joseph, Clara, David; Urbana R9 Somer Sec23 O240a T170a H. B. Hill (1880) Marsh, J. B. (Mary Loeffler) Ch Ce- cil, Elsie, Nellie, Lucy, Florence, Oren, Herald, Paul, Roberta, Al- bert; Ogden R18 Ogden Sec7S O18a T148a George Loeffler (1885) Marsh, L. E. (Sadie Richards) Ch Nellie, Ethel, Violet, Opal, How- ard, Grace; St. Joseph R14 St. Jo- seph Sec3 O80a T160a John Marsh (1865) Marsh, Mary Sidney R58 Raymond Sec7 O40a (1871) Marshall, Charles (Ada White) Ch Ruth; Sadorus R50 Pesotum Sec9 Farm Hand Frank Nofftz (1913) 84 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Marshall, John (Ida Byers) Urbana R12 St. Joseph Secl7 Farm Hand J. R. Stanner (1883) Marshall, J. W. (Sarah Summitt) Ch Nellie "Meserole Farm" Rantoul R21 Ludlow SeclS T240a Jackson Bros. (1867) Marshall, Merle (Katie Ritchie) Ch Guy, Gladys, Opal, Leon, Maomi; Foosland Brown Sec8 T260a Alice Bailey (1903) Martin, A. G. (Odessa Batson) Ch Robert, Leland; Fisher R35 Condit SecS T200a F. B. Vennum (1897) Martin, Clyde (Mary Stevens) Ch Jo- sephine; Ivesdale R52 Colfax SecS Farm Hand L. F. Strohl (1913) Martin, C. E. (Ella Babcock) Ch Mable, Lillie, Myrtle; Fisher R35 Condit SecS O120a (1883) Martin, Edgar L. (Jennie Swearin- gen) Homer R62 Ogden Sec28S O160a (1897) Martin, J. D. (Cora McGuire) Ch Minnie, Lila, Albert, Lula, Anna, Raymond, Lloyd; Sadorus R50 Sa- d'orus Sec21 T200a Alice Arps (1902) Martin, J. E. Ch Ethel, Elkins; Fish- er R34 Brown SeclS T80a John Cender (1896) Martin, Ned Ch Pearl, Hickman; St. Joseph R14 Stanton Sec36 Farm Hand C. H. Bays (1916) Martin, Samuel (Mabel Hayes) Ch Willard, Howard, Charley; Homer R61 Sidney Seel T80a C. Cotton ( 1914) Martinie, Frank (Enca Rice) Long- view R64 Raymond Sec21 T316a S. Watts (1899) Martinie, W. (Myrtle Slater) Ch Earl, Mabel, Ralph, Blanch; Dewey R33 Condit Secl6 T320a F. K. Robeson (1863) Marton, Fred (Lillie Comeln) Ch Lena, Pearl, Douglas, Francis, Hubert; Sidney R57 Sidney Sec4 T285a Mrs. Deere (1902) Marvin, C. E. (Mamie Weddle) Ch Donald, Bessie, Charles; Sadorus R51 Sadorus Secll T240a R. I. Hunt (1917) Mast, Fred (Ora May Hudson) Ur- bana R12 St. Joseph Secl9 T120a Henry Mast (1887) Mast, Mrs. Musa (Musa Roe) Ch Roe, Marie, Ralph; Urbana R7 Ur- bana SeclO O127a (1875) Mast, Thomas E. (Jennie Hoffman) Ch Helen, Kenneth, Esther; Philo R56 Philo Sec27 T160a John Trost (18%) Mast, W. H. (Maud Blaisdell) Ch Irena, Lela, Lawrence, Clyde, Gerald, Lyle; Broadlands R37 Ay- ers Sec30 T160a H. W. Six (1892) Matby, W. R. (Lillie Myers) "Foos Farm" Foosland R39 Brown Sec6 T160a Ferguson Foos (1869) Matheny, Harry W. (Flora Trimble) Ch Perry, Luella, Madona; Cham- paign R2 Champaign Sec30 Farm Hand J. F. Munds (1915) Mathes, J. C. (Nancy Hobson) Ch Paul, Harold; Urbana RIO Urbana Sec33 T240a R. W. Hall (1903) Mathews, John W. (Anna Breston) Ch Walter, Ralph, Ethel; Sadorus R49 Tolono Sec30 O340a (1862) Mathews, Ralph L. (Florence Wright) Ch Maud, Helen; Sadorus R49 Tolono Sec30 TlOOa J. W. Mathews (1894) Mathews, Thurma R. (Hedwig Gehrky) Ch Harold; St. Joseph R16 St. Joseph Sec21 Farm Hand Marion Hudson (1889) Mathews, Walter J. (Kathryn Hall) Ch John; Tolono R47 Tolono Sec 29 T140a J. W. Mathews (1892) Mathias, Herman (Catrina Arons) Ch Maggie, John, Catrina, Harvey, Fanny; Gifford R26 Sec31 O25a (1885) Matlock, George (Myrtle Riddle) Ch Erwin; Sidney R58 Raymond Sec4 I. S. Raymond (1917) Matson, Alex (Mattie Minter) Ch Lela, Delbert, Colman, Raymond; Tolono R46 Crittenden SecS Farm Hand Wm. E. Rugel (1914) Matteson, Mrs. Alonzo (Lizzie Men- ion) Ch Nellie, Etta, Rellie, Gertie, Irene, Opal; Bondville R65 Scott Sec27 (1913) Matteson, Rellie (Edna Cast) Ch Thome, Frances; Bondville R65 Scott Sec27 Tl60a Ray Fisher (1908) Matthews, Walter J. (Mertie Ward) Ch John; Savoy R66 Tolono Secl3 Farm Hand W. H. Revell (1917) Mattix, J. G. (Flora Stover) Ch Chester; Sadorus RSI Sadorus Sec 24 T600a Anna Rock (1900) Mattix, J. H. (Nancy Rock) Ch Ber- tha, Irwin, Anna, Hugh, Grover, Roxie, Gertrude; Pesotum R54 Sadorus Secl3 O160a (1867) Matzka, John A. (Armeda McKel- vey) Ch Sarah, Emma, Rosie, Grace, John; Tolono R47 Tolono Sec33 OllOa (1865) 85 -- PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Maxwell, A. S. (Ella Wood) Ch Ed- die, Ruth, Ester, Cecil; Broadlands R37 Ayers Secl9 O330a (1871) Maxwell, Jessie E. (Fern McMorris) Ch Wintrice; Ogden R17 Ogden Sec28N T170a Wm. Parris, Isaac Parris, J. R. Maxwell and Wm. Ramert (1892) Maxwell, J. W. (Minnie Edwards) Ch Roland, John, George; "Maple Lawn Stock Farm" Urbana RIO Urbana Sec31 T37Sa J. T. Maxwell (1873) May, W. H. (Mada Craft) Ch Jesse, Roy, Ruby; Mahomet R42 Ma- homet Seel Farm Hand V. R. Rittenhouse (1917) Mayer, Wendel J. (Elizabeth Hopp) Ch Alwis, Evelyne, Joseph, Odilea, Mary, Wilber; Pesotum R55 Crit- tenden SeclS T120a Elizabeth Hopp (1902) Mayes, H. C. (Maude Stout) Ch Roy, Leslie; Champaign Rl Champaign Secl6 T320a Dr. Groves (1882) Mayes, George (Iva Cross) Ch Ken- neth; Bondville R65 Scott Sec24 T160a Dan Snyder (1916) Mayes, Joseph (Mary Alderson) Champaign Rl Champaign Sec9 O320a (1876) McAllister, Charles L. (Annie Eisen- scheank) Ch Robert, Leo, Frances; Rantoul R23 Harwood Sec31 T200a J. M. Collinson (1903) McCabe, J. R. (Johanna Walsh) Ch John, Leo, Spencer, James, Jr., Florence, Joseph, Katherine, Wil- liam, Margaret; Rantoul R23 Ran- toul Sec2 T140a Ed Malloy (1869) McCabe, Mrs. Mary Ch John, Mi- cheal, Vincent, Frances, Mary, Anna, Grace; "Maple Leaf Farm" Ludlow R29 Harwood SeclO O280a (1894) McCabe, Thomas J. (Helen Drzycim- ski) Ch Donald; Ludlow R31 Har- wood Sec27 T240a Peter McCabe (1894) McCabe, W. M. (Mary Drzycimski) Ch Frances, Ruth; Rantoul Ran- toul SeclO T148a Pat Markey (1892) McCammon, Frank B. (Mabel Hilt) Ch Wayne, Dorothy; Sadorus R49 Colfax Secl7 T140a Samuel Wills (1914) McCarrey, Alva (Alma Kemper) Ch Ileen; Broadlands R36 Raymond Sec3 Tom Wilson (1915) McCarrey, William (Mary Brown) Ch Alva, Robert, Maggie, Annie, Dalta, Charley, Clyde; Broadlands R36 Raymond Secll T163a John Wendling (1915) McCartney, Austin H. (Mary J. Tackett) Ch Charlotte, Everett, Edna, Hazel, Paul; St. Joseph R14 Stanton Sec22 Farm Hand Edd Maddocks (1908) McCarty, Perry M. (Mirtie Ogden) Ch Gilbert, Vesta, Leotis, Onis; Ogden R17 Ogden Sec20 Farm Hand J. B. Silkey (1915) McClain, E. J. (Margaret Williams) Ch Edward, Dwight, Joseph, Eve- lin, Evangeline, Eli; Foosland R39 Brown Sec32 T3a R. Muhlemann (1916) McClanahan, John (Jane Floyd) Champaign R6 Homer Sec6 Farm Hand William Irle (1909) McClelland, C. L. (Martha Osborn) Ch Gertrude; Foosland R38 Brown Secl6 T120a McClelland Est. T1878) McClelland, Mrs. E. J. (Eliza Foster) Ch Ella, Aura, Gertrude, Carroll; "Lone Tree Farm" Foosland R38 Brown Secl6 T160a F. R. McClel- land (1874) McClintock, John W. (Sylvia Farrar) Ch Gladys, Adolphus, Clyde, Har- old; Longview R63 Crittenden Sec24 O275a (1870) McCloskey, O. J. (Ina Sandford) Ch Earl, Mark, Irene, Ruth, Lois; Ur- bana Rll Urbana Sec34 T160a Sampson Est. (1895) McConkey, Oscar (Florence Perkins) Ch Thomas; Savoy R66 Tolono Sec8 Farm Hand Mike Bates (1917) McConnell, John and Lawrence Ur- bana R9 Homer SeclS O621a (1862) McCoppin, James (Anna White) Ch Margaret, Etinaretta; Ivesdale R52 Colfax Secl7 T80a Mary McCoppin McCortnick, Mrs. Ella F. (Clark) Ch Claud, Floyd, Homer; Urbana R7 Stanton Sec31 (1879) McCormick, Fred Urbana R7 Stan- ton Sec30 O96a (1887) McCormick, John (Agnes Lee) Ch Eilee, Margaret, Katherine; Long- view R64 Raymond Sec28 T200a Thomas McCormick (1885) McCormick, L. A. (Ella Hilderbrand) Ch Lloyd, Cecil, Maud, Herald, Ma- rie, Florence, Glessny, Bonnie, Lu- cile; Urbana R7 Stanton Sec30 O76a 86 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY McCormick, Thomas (Margaret Win- gle) Ch Mary, William, John, Thom- as, Fanny, Margaret, Nellie, Lizzy, Eddie; Philo R56 Philo Sec23 O400a (1881) McCown, Chester (Nellie March) Ch Irene, Edwin; St. Joseph R13 Stan- ton Sec22 T80a J. W. Humeriek Est. (1886) McCoy, D. (Hesbey Hite) Ch Geneva; Broadlands R36 Raymond SeclS Farm Hand Henry Seider (1905) McCoy, Jerry (Isabelle Woodard) Ch Grace, Etta, Wilbur; Homer R60 Homer Secl9E T70a Nancy Wood- ard (1880) McCoy, William and Thomas Urbana R9 Homer SeclO O160a (1882) McCullam,- William D. Homer R62 Homer Sec29N T40a McCullam Est. (1880) McCullock, J. D. (Millie Fanchor) Ch Robert, Glenn, Ross, Ethel; Dewey R33 E. Bend Sec32 T195a A. H. Sperling and August Sperling (1914) McCullough, Albert (Celia Shaw) Ch Clinton, Lillie, Fulk; Urbana RIO Urbana Sec29 T200a A. S. McCul- lough (1857) McCullough, A. C. (Edna Myers) Ur- bana RIO Urbana Sec29 T160a J. S. McCullough (1861) McCullough, John (Ann Clark) Ch Helen, Mary, Fred, Margaret; Ur- bana RIO Urbana Sec29 O160a (1853) McDaniel, Alfred W. (Susie Kamp- schrader) Ch Orville, Loyal, Ber- nice, Gladys; Urbana R14 Philo Sec5 T160a Geo. Johnson (1897) McDaniel, C. H. (Ella Chake) Cham- paign R4 Hensley Sec34 Farm Hand W. M. Cambell (1916) McDaniel, John (Ada Kirby) Homer R59 Homer Sec28 Farm Hand M. F. Allen (1917) McDaniel, R. L. (Sarah Freeman) Ch Lanie, Janie, Leona, Otis, Mae, Woodrow, Johnnie; Mahomet R41 Mahomet Sec30 John Harris (1916) McDavitt, William (Ada Combs) Ch Neva, Pearl; Seymour R44 Scott Sec 29 T320a John Phalen (1912) McDonald, Otha (Lena Curby) Sid- ney R57 Sidney Sec23 T20a Pirt Lynch (1912) McDowell, E. (Blanch Mericle) Ch Leonard; Fisher R34 Brown Sec23 T160a M. I. Nelson (1910) McElroy, Walter (Nora Wright) Ch Emerson, Elsie, Harold, Helen; Ho- mer R59 Homer Secl6 T350a P. E. Wiggins (1917) McElwee, B. E. (Ida Swaney) Ch Lizzy, Resie, Willie, Raymond, Ora, Lorin, Gilbert; Urbana R12 St. Jo- seph Sec31 T160a W. M. Jones McElwee, A. C. (Julia A. Green) Ch Floyd, Harry, Albert; "Elder Row Stock and Grain Farm" St. Joseph R15 St. Joseph Seel O248a (1874) McElwee, C. C. (Ressie Johnson) Ch Guy, Maud, Ermel, Noma, Claudie, Lavern; St. Joseph R16 Sidney Sec3 T190a J. M. Johnston (1875) McElwee, Floyd L. (Lucile Warnick) Ch Rowena, Dorothy; "Elwood Farm" St. Joseph R15 St. Joseph Seel T173a Chas. Kienzle and A. C. McElwee (1892) McFall, Daniel, Sr. (Martha Miller) Ch Richard; Urbana Rll Urbana Sec27 O80a (1886) McFall, Daniel, Jr. (Rhoda Innis) Ch Robert, Martha, Mildred; Urbana Rll Urbana Sec36 T80a B. Manning (1888) McFall, John (Mary Coffery) Ch Alice, Elizabeth; Urbana RIO Philo Sec9 T80a Johnnie Godsell (1876) McFall, William (Sophia Kennedy) Ch Mabel, Joseph, William; Ur- bana Rll Urbana Sec28 T159a Fred Pell (1886) McGarigle, James J. Tolono R46 Crit- tenden SeclO T120a Pat Lynch (1894) McGath, William (Ettie Mattison) Ch Jessie, Donald; Champaign R2 Champaign Sec28 T160a Elaine Est. (1904) McGauphlin, G. (Maude Mills) Ch May, Melvin, Opal; Penfield R2 Compromise Sec4 O160a (1907) McGee, Elizabeth Ch William, Nath- an, Mary, Thomas, Ida, Charles; Ur- bana RIO Philo Seel T160a McGee Est. (1853) McGee, S. L. (Nellie McKenney) Ch Kenneth, Ettabelle, Harriett; Ogden R17 Ogden Sec20N O15a (1885) McGee, William F. Urbana RIO Philo Seel O56a (1855) McGill, Edward (Delia Shreeves) Ch Opal, James; Urbana R7 Urbana Sec2 Ola (1876) McGinn, E. (Clore Heines) Ch Charles, Florence; Seymour R44 Colfax Sec4 T130a G. E. Casper (1913) McGlaughlan, Pat (Mary Cunning- ham) Ch Philip, Edd, Patrick; Mansfield R3 Mahomet Sec30 T45a Fred Barker (1908) 87 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY McGrath, John (Ora Meader) Ch Grace; Rantoul R22 Condit Secl3 Farm Hand Seiber Bros (1916) McGraw, Harley St. Joseph R13 St. Joseph Secl7 Farm Hand Mrs. Mary Strong (1896) McGraw, Mrs. Myrtle Ch Harley, Ruby, Ruth, Beatrice, Clarence; St. Joseph Secl7 Harley McGraw (1876) McGuire, Connor (Katherine Burke) Ch Dan, Willie, Clara, Maggie, Johnny, Connor; Sadorus R50 Sa- dorus Sec21 O200a (1872) McGuire, Pat (Nora Burke) Ch Wil- lie, Charles, Joseph, Stella, Kather- ine; Sadorus R50 Colfax Sec33 O120a (1878) McHarry, D. R. (A. S. Smedley) "Two Pines Farm" Rantoul R21 Ludlow Sec23 O240a (1891) McHarry, George (Edith Whitmer) Ch Kenneth, Lois; Rantoul R21 Ludlow Sec23 OllOa (1877) McHenry Emmet (Jane Fiscus) Ch Harry, Fletcher, Loren, Lucy, Fred- rick; Urbana Rll Urbana Sec28 T240a Mary Wickizer (1915) Mcllwain, Charles (Lula Curtis) Ch Laura, Opal, Doyle, Maston; Gifford R25 Harwood Sec36 Farm Hand E. P. Talbot (1913) Mclnnes, O. A. (Hannah Hadfield) Ch Sterling, Jessie, John, Agnes, Ralph; Urbana R7 Sidney Sec8 O245a Urbana Sec2 T102a (1875) Mclnnes, Robert S. (Ethel Slacker) Ch Edith, Ada; Urbana R7 Urbana . Sec2 O160a (1887) Mclntyre, C. (Bessie Price) Ch Mary, Cecil, Robert, Jennie, Ada, Gale, William; Urbana R7 Urbana SeclO T60a Chas. Lawhead (1877) Mcjilton, A. W. (Nelle Williams) Ch June; Fisher R34 E. Bend Sec29 T260a J. E. Mcjilton and I. D. Nel- son (1888) McKee, R. B. (Mary Leidendeker) Ch William; Champaign R3 Hensley Sec32 T320a W. E. McKee Est. (1870) McKeon, James (Mary Graham) Ch Nellie, Annie, Marie, Loreta, James, Jr., Gertrude; Rantoul R23 Harwood Sec32 T160a Mrs. Annie O'Donnell U887) McKeown, James E. (Bell Cottrell) . Tolono R48 Philo SeclS O120a (1892) McKinley, Dick (Isabella Carter) Og- den R18 Ogden SeclSS O18a T72a Hicksonbaugh and Bill McKinley (1889) McKinney, Daniel (Permelia Ping) Ch Laura, Bertha, Minnie, James, Ray, Sophia, Wesley; Urbana R9 Somer SeclO Thomas McCoy (1909) McKinney, Fred Ogden R17 Ogden Sec28N T200a Mrs. Rachel McKin- ney (1889) McKinney, J. L. Urbana R9 Somer SeclO T120a Thomas McCoy (1909) McKinney, Peter J. (Ada Campbell) Ch Lavern, Audrey, Juanita, Mary, John; Ogden Ogden Sec32N T80a Frank Davis (1884) McKinney, Rachel (Ensley) Ch P. J., Richard, Fred, Lora, Nellie, Jennie Myrtle; Ogden R17 Ogden Sec28N O200a (1869) McKinney, Ray (Hanna Mason) Pen- field R27 Kerr Sec29 T160a William T. Shorthose (1909) McKinney, Samuel (Marguart Christ- lieb) Ch Carry, William, ,Manie, Jenny; Osman Brown Sec31 OlOOa (1870) McKinney, William (Selma O'Dean) Ch Elva, Earl; Foosland R39 Brown Sec28 O80a (1903) McLaughlin, Melvin (Lottie Grice) Ch Melvin, Bernice; Urbana R9 Ur- bana Sec4 Ola (1900) McLaughlin, Pat, Sr. (Mary Cunning- ham) Ch Philip, Ed, Patrick, Jr.; Mansfield R3 Mahomet Sec30 T45a Fred Barker (1908) McMahan, Adam (Bertha Anders) Ch Helen, Frank, Clarence, Mary; Sidney R58 Sidney Sec32 T246a Isaac Cole (1898) McMahon, R. G. (Elizabeth Van Bus- Kirk) Ch Lillian, Isabelle, James, Luther; St. Joseph R15 Ogden Sec 29N O80a T80a E. and F. Elliott (1897) McMahon, Thomas S. Ch Lucy, George, Mary, Vincent, Tom, Viola, Owen; Savoy R45 Tolono Sec2 Ol62a (1873) McMillen, Fremont (Laura Curtis) "Pleasant Ridge Farm" Champaign R3 Champaign Sec3 O271a (1859) McMullen, William (Ellen Jordan) Ch Helen; Bondville R65 Scott Sec 25 O160a (1869) McNamarna, Dan (Mary Cassidy) Ch William, Rose, James; Penfield R28 Compromise Sec28 T240a Abe Gra- ham (1884) McNally, James Tolono R46 Pesotum Sec2 T80a Hugh McNally (1891) McNeely, William H. (Laura Sulli- van) Ch Robert, Willima, William; Ludlow R31 Harwood SeclS Farm Hand D. Sullivan (1915) 88 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY McNeil, C. V. (Inez Dodge) St. Jo- seph R16 St. Joseph Sec22 OlOa (1870) McNeil, J. V. Ch Clem, Rosa, Joseph, William, Julia; St. Joseph R16 St. Joseph Sec34 O15a (1881) McNeil, William J: (Gertrude Walls) Ch Edith, Ethel, William; Long- view R63 Crittenden Sec27 Farm Hand W. O. Walls (1917) McNeill, R. D. (Nina Johnston) Sey- mour R43 Scott Sec6 T185a Miss Margaret Seymour (1893) McPheeters, Mrs. Frances Champaign Rl Champaign Sec5 Housekeeper Oliver McPheeters (1910) McPheeters, O. K. Champaign Rl Champaign SecS T160a J. D. Rundle (1910) McQueen, B. F. (Mollie Clark) Ch Harry, Clark, Goldie, Ada, Noah, Harley; Sadorus R51 Sadorus Sec35 O6a (1864) McQueen, H. C. (Mary Wilson) Ch Naoma, Katherine; Sadorus R51 Sa- dorus Secl2 O5a (1887) McQuinlan, Raymond M. (Catherine Brown) Tolono R47 Pesotum Sec4 T140a Mat Dorsey (1895) McQuire, C. (Kathern Burke) Ch Daniel, William, Clara, Margaret, John, Conard; Sadorus R51 Colfax Sec4 T220a (1868) McTeer, W. M. (Caldonie Woodward) Ch Alexander, Wright, Earl, Dave, Myrtle, Mary; "Cripple. Creek Farm" Fisher R35 Condit Sec6 T221a Hewerdine Est. (1912) Mead, Freeman (Allie Johnson) Ch Bessie; Homer R62 Homer Sec30N O95a (1859) Means, Rufus (Alma Hough) Ch Stan- ley, Opal, Carrie; Gifford R25 Har- wood Secl4 T80a C. G. Reynolds (1907) Measel, J. A. (Lela F. Warren) Og- den R18 Ogden Sec7SE Farm Hand Meryn Cherry (1915) Meath, T. E. Sadorus R52 Colfax Sec21 T240a (1898) Meese, James W. (Lora McKinney) Ch Wilber, Oral, Roberta, Luretta; St. Joseph R13 Stanton Sec26 T120a M. H. Simcox (1891) Meharry, George F. (Sophie Voss) Ch John; Tolono R48 Philo Sec21 T269a Jesse Meharry Est. (1880) Meharry, T. E. (Katherine I. Hay) Tolono R48 Tolono Sec26 T260a Jesse Meharry Est. (1876) Meharry, Paul F. (Stella Dougherty) Ch Jesse; Tolono R48 Philo Sec29 T280a Jesse Meharry (1888) Meier, Fred (Kate Osterbur) Ch Jerry, Tode, Anna; St. Joseph R15 Ogden Sec30NW T120a Mrs. Anna Fra- zen (1885) Meier, George, Jr. (Marie Hayn) St. Joseph R14 Ogden SeclSNW T137a George Meier, Sr. (1892) Meier, William (Anna Osterbur) Ch Anna, Frank, George, Grace, John; St. Joseph R14 Stanton Secl4 T120a Mrs. Minkey Gerbers (1876) Menges, Arthur (Nora Wentzel) Ch Margaret, Clara, Elizabeth, Erma, Arthur, Nellie; Urbana R8 Somer Sec34 T108a George Schiff (1911) Menges, Walter (Cora Denhart) Ch Louis, Freda, Robert; St. Joseph R13 St. Joseph Sec4 T120a~ Louis Denhart (1910) Mennenga, Carl (Anna Harms) Ch Martin, Fred, Johnnie, Jette, Mary, Rosie; St. Joseph R13 Stanton Sec4 O225a (1887) Mennenga, Fred (Hiska Ihmen) Ch Fred, Onke, Jennie, Allie, Rike, Hil- da; Thomasboro R20 Compromise Sec20 O156a (1870) Mennenga, Fred C. (Lena Oncken) Gifford R26 Compromise Sec28 TlOOa F. C. Mennenga (1896) Mergenthal, F. J. (Ella Orrell) Ch Emmitt; Sadorus R51 Sadorus Sec33 T91a Deboth (1898) Merrick, Wilber (Mary Geise) Ch Wilma Urbana R9 Urbana Sec4 Ola (1891) Merrifield, Daniel (Susan Dixon) Ch Mabel, Daniel, Henry; Champaign R3 Champaign Sec9 T240a San. Wilk (1890) Merrifield, Mrs. Etta Ch Lott, Ruth, Clair, Marguerite, Clinton, Ervine; "Brightside Farm" Dewey R33 Con- dit OlOOa (1912) Merritt, Raymond (Ruth Baslon) To- lono R48 Philo Sec6 T120a J. J. Brennen (1914) Messer, Mrs. Chas., Ch Rudolph, Al- bert, Lonie, Alma, Mary, Joe; Sa- dorus R45 Tolono Sec6 O65a (1870) Messman, Albert (Lura Kuhlman) Ch Howard; Tolono R46 Crittenden Secl7 O220a (1879) Messman, C. A. (Bertha Reinke) Ch Elmer, George. Martin, Frederick; "Lost Grove Farm" Homer R60 Homer Sec31SE O244a Ayens T80a Chas. Dohme (1877) Messman, Fred J. (Louisa Hornung) Ch Frances, Frank, Bertha, Henry, Alwin, Vera, Alfred, Fred; Sadorus R51 Pesotum SecS O40a Sec4 T180a Messmann Est. (1875) 89 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Messman, William (Fredricka Mead- row) Ch Walter, John, Ervin; Sa- dorus R51 Tolono Sec32 O163a (1867) Messmann, Clarence (Bertha Morenz) Sadorus R51 Sadorus T80a A. F. Morenz (1917.) Messmann, Paul (Enna Kruger) Ch Carl; Sadorus R51 Sadorus Seel T190a Sadorus Est. (1869) Metsdarffer Bros. Pesotum R55 Crit- tenden Sec 32 T80a Charles Procter Sling Est. (1914) Metsdarffer, John M. (Mary Schaefer) Ch Mike, Helen, Georgie, Frankie; Tolono R46 Crittenden Sec7 T4a (1905) Meuser, Albert L. (Zena Taylor) Ch Fern, John; Rantoul R23 Rantoul Secl2 T370a Charles Babb (1884) Meuser, Fred (Helen Bjurstrom) Ch Carl; Rantoul R22 Rantoul Sec7 T330a Mrs. Gere and J. Fletcher (1878) Meuser, F. W. (Ada Inglan) Ch Ruth; Ludlow R31 Ludlow Sec24 T320a Watson Est. (1881) Meuser, Guss P. (Jane Blue) Ch Aug- ust, Albert, Rose, John; Rantoul R22 Ludlow Sec28 T200a A. F. Meuser and G. P. Meuser (1877) Meuser, P. A. (Zilla Wallace) Ch Max, Stanley; Thomasboro R19 Rantoul Sec22 T160a Glen Collison and Mrs. Tucker (1886) Meuser, W. C. (Elma Blue) Ch Min- nie, Hermon, Gertrude; Rantoul Ludlow Sec27 O200a (1876) Meyer, Anthony (Magdlena Kappes) Ch Mary, Anna, Anthony, Christina, Charles, George, Irene; Pesotum R54 Pesotum Sec30 TlOOa E. V. Burton (1900) Meyer, J. C. (Roma Cord) Ch Hazel, Mildred, Lee; Urbana R12 Urbana Sec 12 O267a (1864) Meyers, G. J. (Anna Christian) Ch Gustie, Louise, Herbert, Lilly, Carl, Clara; Thomasboro R20 Rantoul Sec36 T200a D. Meyers and Mr. Gronawalt (1880) Meyer, William (Alta James) Ch Maude, Bertha, Lawrence, Ernest, Everett; Seymour R44 Scott Sec20 Farm Hand James Karr (1917) Michener, Ross (Louvena Gidding) Homer R62 Homer Sec4 O160a T80a Amy Michener (1895) Mile, O. C. (Nora Coon) Ch Russell, Lucile, Dale, Kenneth, Francis; Gif- ford R25 Kerr Secl7 T263a James Martin (1913) Milk, Henry (Emma Jackson) Ch Ralph, Marie, Leata, Charles, Rex; Champaign R5 Hensley Secl2 Farm Hand Tom Murrell (1914) Miller, A. S. Emma, Julia (Sisters) Dewey E. Bend Sec34 T64a John Guynn (1888) Miller, Carl (Anna Wilmhelm) Ch Ruth; Ludlow R30 Ludlow Sec4 T320a Brinkley Est. (1917) Miller, Clarence E. (Judith Detrich) Longview R63 Crittenden Sec24 T120a Michael Miller (1890) Miller, C. J. (Bertha Eddleman) Sa- dorus R50 Sadorus Sec2 T160a Sull Est. (1896) Miller, C. P. (Mary Sparks) Bondville R65 Scott Secl4 T200a Frank Het- ishee (1892) Miller, D. J. (Cora Smith) Ch Pearl, Silvie, Oscar, Fanny, Theasa, Wy- olla, Cora; Fisher R35 Newcomb Secl7 TlOa A. Kuhns (1909) Miller, Elwood (Carrie Minks) Ch Zora, Willard; Fisher R35 New- comb Secl2 T240a E. B. Chapin (1889) Miller, E. J. (Besse Primmer) Ch Paul; Champaign R3 Hensley Sec30 T285a George Rising (1890) Miller, Frank (Rekkie Eilus) Ch An- nie; St. Joseph R15 Ogden SeclSNE O80a (1874) Miller, Frank J. Champaign Rl Cham- paign Sec8 T97a Mrs. Mary C. Lacke (1916) ^Miller, Henry (Anna Christian) Ch Edward, Dorothy, Amanda, George, Herman, Frieda, Rosa, Lena; St. Joseph R14 Stanton Secl6 T80a Secl7 T80a George Miller (1873) Miller, Herman (Anna Post) Ch Max, Mary, Hans, Edward, Edna; Homer R61 Homer Sec7 T112a Pearl Wig- gins (1909) Miller, Homer N. (Nellie Heyer) Ch Edith, Lucille; Fisher R35 Condit Secl9 T170a Wm. Heyer (1884) Miller, John R. (Fannie Gelvin) Lud- low R31 Harwood Sec20 T160a Miller Est. (1895) Miller, Lawrence (Ingra Poison) Ch Lawrence; Mahomet R40 Newcomb Sec25 OlOa (1885) Miller, Michael (Magdelena Kepper) Ch Clarence, Elmer, Leroy; Philo R55 Crittenden Secl3 O280a (1881) Miller, P. G. (Katherine Bokart) Champaign R2 Champaign Sec26 Farm Hand S. A. Trinkle (1896) 90 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Miller, Richard (Sally Lynch) Ma- homet R41 Mahomet Sec30 John Harris (1915) Miller, R. (Leanna Biggs) Ch Ray- mond; Allerton Rl Ayers Sec20 O80a (1884) Miller, Taylor (Bessie Keefer) Ch Le- vina, Irene, Charlie, Gladys, Cli- teith; "Billy Grove Farm" Fisher R35 Brown Sec34 T320a Henry To- bin (1909) Miller, William (Mary Wilson) Ch Robert, Mary, Bell, Fay, Willie; Philo R56 Sidney Secl8 T160a M. Kerans (1885) Miller, William H. (Minnie Jarneck- er) Ch Norman, Richard; Homer R60 Homer Sec32 O120a T240a H. E. Wiese and A. H. Allen (1886) Miller, W. E. (Erne Dubson) Ch Ben- nie; Seymour R43 Scott Sec9 O80a SeclO T120a (1877) Miller, W. J. (Elizabeth Burcham) Ch Roscoe, Joe, George; Mahomet R41 Mahomet Secl6 O131a (1864) Miller, W. R. (Martha Robinson) Ch Edith, Jessie; Sadorus R51 Sadorus Sec24 O5a H. J. Robinson (1857) Miller, W. R. Champaign R3 Ma- homet Sec25 T187a B. J. Rising (1891) Mills, C. P. (Florence Parrett) Ch Wallace; Homer R61 Ogden Sec 30SW T135a J. W. Parrett (1912) Mills, W. T. (Ollie Kirby) Ch Ever- ett, Ray, Flossy, Robert; Penfield R27 Kerr Sec33 T240a John Bacey (1899) Miner, Charles (Addie Youmans) Ch Grant; Rantoul R24 Rantoul Sec24 0280a (1857) Miner, D. (Mary Fieldbinder) Ch John, Eunice, Chester, Arthur, Charles, Martha, Marie; Champaign R3 Hensley Secl9 O325a (1861) Minks, Bert (Artie Cranston) Ch Floyd, Raymond, Elmer, Milton, Guy; Foosland R38 E. Bend Sec6 T190a Cranston Est. (1881) Minks, E. W. (Elsie Mcjilton) Ch Lyle, Merle; Fisher R35 Newcomb Sec 3 T240a Richmond and Lester Fusion (1887) Minks, Lizzie Ch Elsie, Edwin; "Giant Elm Farm" Fisher R34 E. Bend SeclS O84a (1863) Minks, R. A. (Hertha Hcyer) Ch Eva, Frieda, Marie; "Wild Cat Valley Grange" Dewey R33 E. Bend Sec33 0198a (1885) Mitchell, E. L. (Nellie Stover) Ch Martha; "Willow Brook Farm" Ma- homet R40 Newcomb Sec20 T80a J. R. Mitchell (1884) Mitchell, Frank (Leona Bell) Ma- homet R40 Mahomet SeclO Farm Hand James Kirby (1917) Mitchell, F. R. (Rosa Rineheart) Ch Lillian, Elsie, Viola; Fisher R35 Brown Sec33 O160a (1882) Mitchell, John T. (Minnie Banner) Ch Lucile, Lenord; Foosland R38 Brown Sec22 O160a (1879) Mitchell, J. E. (Idonia Wheatley) Ch Vira, Elbert; Mahomet R41 New- comb Sec20 (1917) Mitchell, Manton (Lena Bartison) Ch Bernice; Seymour R44 Scott Sec32 Farm Hand Wm. Dighton (1916) Mitchel, Roy (Nellie Ritchie) "Prairie View Stock Farm" Fisher R35 New- comb Seel O80a (1881) Mitchell, R. G. (Minerva Hinton) Ch Charles, Leslie, Sylvia, Walter, Bes- sie, Jessie; Fisher R35 Newcomb Secll O160a (1872) Mitsdarffer, John A. (Anna Kauff- man) Ch Wendel, Florence, Mary, Clarence; Pesotum R55 Crittenden Sec32 T280a Charles S. Proctor Sling Est. (1913) Moehl, Rev. Ernest (Charlotte Frit- schel) Ch Hedwig, Emma, Hilda, mise Sec34 Flatville Church (1895) Evnor; Thomasboro R20 Compro- mise Sec34 Flotville Church (1895) Moenkhaus, B. J. (Alma Partenhei- mer) Ch Oreatha; Urbana R9 Somer Sec28 TllOa F. A. Krabbe (1915) Moenkhaus, William (Louisa Parten- heimer) Ch Nora, Gilbert, Albert; Urbana R12 Urbana Secl4 T160a (1912) Mohr, August (Flora Rothermel) Ch John, Mary, Earnest, Herman; Ho- mer R59 Ayers Sec6 T80a Heppe Bros. (1902) Mohr, Ernest Seymour R44 Scott Sec 21 T118a Philip Mohr (1887) Mohr, Frank (Amelia Mumm) Ch Howard, Lyman; Longview R64 Raymond Secl6 O120a (1874) Mohr, Fred J. (Alvena Edens) Ch Mildred, Elmer; Broadlands R36 Raymond Secll T240a Peter Edens (1890) Mohr, Henry K. (Ethel Kracht) Ch Muriel; Sidney R58 Raymond Sec9 O120a (1885) Mohr, Philip Ch Ernest, Louis, Fred, Carl; Mahomet R42 Mahomet Sec22 O265a (1874) 91 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Molloy, Thomas F. (Jenny Gahagan) Ch Helena; "Mount Ida Farm" Rantoul Ludlow Sec22 O320a (1883) Monaghan, James (Sarah Sloan) Ch Sarah, Nora, Mary, Patrick, Daniel, Edward, Catheen, Margaret, Sa- banna; Ivesdale R53 Sadorus SeclS O80a (1847) Monroe, A. L. (Eva Holtz) Ch Fay; Champaign Rl Champaign Secl6 O13a (1871) Monroe, George W. Ch Bessie, Ethel; St. Joseph R16 St. Joseph Sec36 G. A. Johnson (1851) Montgomery, Silas H. (Myrtle S. Mc- Coy) Ch Carl, Chrystal, Arthur, Dewey, Alvinette, Orus, Esther; Tolono R46 Crittenden Sec21 T320a J. L. Armstrong (1884) Mooney, Dan (Mary Nolen) Ch Peter, Marcott, Daniel, Elizabeth, Anna, Mary, Michael, John; Gif- ford R26 Compromise SeclS O240a (1875) Mooney, Dan D. (Sadie Shurrvehn) Ch John, Bernard, Harold, Wilbert; Longview R63 Crittenden Sec24 O220a (1875) Mooney, Patrick (Bertha Weggeng) Ch Paul, Martha, Thaddeus, Cleotus, Felix, Mark, John, Joseph; Philo R56 Crittenden Sec24 O540a (1876) Moore, A. Y. Homer R60 Homer Sec 17 O80a (1867) Moore, Edgar (Pernie Boyd) Ch Harry, Helen, Fay, Edgar, Freddie, Harold; St. Joseph R13 Stanton Sec32 T120a Delia Christy (1915) Moore, G. E. (Viola Flower) Ch Vivi- anne, David, Kenneth; Champaign R6 Hensley Sec36 T160a D. S. Moore Est. (1872) Moore, J. E. (Lillian Coddington) Ch Beulah, Arthur; Homer R61 Homer Sec6W O114a (1872) Moore, O. D. (Mary Silkey) Ch Jo- seph, Laura; St. Joe R15 Ogden SeclQNW T120a Fitzgerald Sisters (1906) Moore, Rolaigh (Anna Hoch) Pen- field R27 Kerr Sec20 T230a T. J. Stevens (1896) Moore, R. T. Ch Willie; "Sunnyside Farm" Dewey R33 Condit Sec9 Farm Hand G. C. Williams (1916) Moore, Thomas (Lue Moon) Ch Ed- gar, Carrie, Hazel, Rolley, Hurbert; "Fair View Farm" Gifford R25 Kerr Sec7 T400a (1913) Moore, William (Ina Harman) Ch Dolly, Joe, William, Jr.; "Alexander Farm" Broadlands R37 Ayers Sec32 T575a Wm. J. Alexander (1910) Moore, William M. (Clare Shelby) Ch Clarence, Zora, Jane, Lyle, Eliz- ebeth; Fisher R34 Brown Sec22 O280a (1876) Moore, W. G. (Melissa Henderson) Ch Virgil, Lowell, Ethel, Wayne, Ray, Marshall, Mary, Iva; Savoy R45 Colfax Secl2 T220a Mrs. Dust (1897) Moorehead, J. C. (Pansy Stoltey) Ch Beatrice, Henry, Joseph; Cham- paign R3 Hensley Sec31 Farm Hand Hyde Est. (1879) Moran, Henry J. (Frances McCor- mick) Ch Mary, John; Urbana RIO Philo Sec9 T160a Mrs. A. C. Nash (1887) Moran, William (Mary Clennon) Ch Henry, Sadie, William, Charlie, Maggie; Tolono R48 Philo Sec21 O120a (1902) Morehead, Dave (Cora Wingler) Ch Esther, Paul, Glenn, Russell; Ur- bana R8 Somer Sec33 O3a (1878) Morehead, Peter (Hannah E. Hum- bert) Ch Hattie, Edgar, David, John, May, Charles; Urbana R9 Somer Sec28 O40a (1856) Morehouse, C. A. (Roma Renner) Ma- homet R. D. Mahomet SeclO H. J. Morehouse (1887) Morenz, A. F. (Minnie Bantin) Ch Bertha, Laura, John, Paul, Tilda, Ida, William, Walter, Anna, Albert, Leo, Otto, Mary, Jacob; Sadorus R51 Sadorus Secl3 O160a (1877) Morey, Pawling (Lois S. Knights) Tolono R46 Philo Sec30 O177a (1909) Morfey, C. M. (Molly Haven) Ch Al- fred; Mahomet R42 Mahomet Sec36 T40a Ben Rising (1893) Morfey, G. I. (Amanda Hosier) Ch Gerald; Alahomet R42 Mahomet Secl4 T80a Jap Rayburn (1890) Morfey, R. E. Ch Murel, Elmer, Earl, Ruth, Blanch, George; Champaign R3 Hensley Sec28 T127a M. M. Harris (1878) Morfey, S. (Annie Smith) Ch Ed- ward, Harry, Bessie, Roy, Charles, Amos; Champaign R6 Somer Sec5 OllOa (1887) Morfey, William, Sr. Ch Annie, Elijah, James, Louisa, Dan, Effie, Carl, William, Jr.; Champaign R3 Ma- homet Sec36 O184a (1861) Morgan, J. A. (Lillie Hilderbrant) Ch Dorothy, Mary; Homer R60 Homer Sec29 T180a Levi Hilderbrant (1907) 92 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Morgan, W. E. (Elizabeth Paxton) Ch Gladys, Paul; Savoy R45 Cham- paign Sec25 Farm Hand D. A. Bur- wash (1887) Morris, Charles H. (Edith Coons) Ch Charles, Jacob, June; St. Joseph R14 St. Joseph Sec2 T81a Harriett Morris (1876) Morris, F. L. (Bessie Mishler) Ch Edward, Lee, Paul; Mansfield Rl Newcomb Sec31 T240a H. Haw- baker (1915) Morris, W. L. (Maude Mincer) Ch Paul, Ivas; Dewey R32 E. Bend SecS T183a W. J. Morris (1893) Morrison, E. W. (Nelle Rea More- house) Ch Heber; "Twin Oaks Stock Farm" Mahomet R42 Ma- homet Secl4 T120a H. J. Morehouse (1912) Morroe, S. M. (Laure Crow) Ch Mil- dren; "Alex Farm" Broadlands R37 Ayers Sec32 T575a W. J. Alexander (1912) Mortimer, Ray (Eilzabeth Martin) Ch Hope, Gerald; Fisher R35 Condit SeclS T6a George Hewerdine (1900) Morton, William E. (Alice Thomp- son) Ch William, Martha, Charles; "Glen Oak Farm" Homer R61 Ho- mer Sec31W O24a TlOOa William Morton (1889) Mosier, W. (Bertha F. White) Ch Bernard, Hazel; Urbana R12 St. Jo- seph O80a St. Joseph Sec31 T200a Mahala White (1882) Mosley, Loyd (Edna Jones) Ch Paul- ine; Sidney R57 Sidney Sec22 T80a W. C. Wilson (1904) Moss, Everett (Etta Collins) Ch Del- bert, Hazel, James; "John Ark Farm" Dewey R32 E. Bend Sec4 T420a (1916) Moss, I. N. (Hannah Clements) Ch Lousetta, Charles, Rufus, Eva, Leonard, Curtis; Urbana R8 Ur- bana Sec3 Ola (1852) Mosser E. E. (Edith Alcoke) Ch Pau- line, Eugene; Penfield R27 Kerr Sec 20 Farm Hand U. G. Fowler (1915) Motsinger, D. E. (Maud Bridgewater) Ch Amos, Frances, Violet; Urbana R12 St. Joseph Sec30 T80a Maud Davis (1911) Mounts, Joseph (Elizabeth Howard) Ch Bretta; Rantoul R22 Condit Sec 11 O240a T80a Mrs. Will Cole (1868) Mueller, J. W. (Josephine Brown) Ch William, Ada; Urbana R9 Urbana Sec4 O58a (1897) Mueller, Charles F. (Susan Gervert) Urbana R8 Urbana Sec4 O60a (1867) Mueller, William M. (Nellie Kane) Ch Anna; Urbana R8 Somer Sec34 T65a John Kane (1891) Muhleman, F. M. Foosland R39 Brown Sec32 T316a Rudolph Muhle- mann (1902) Mullen, Bert (Bessie Pridemore) Ch Ada, Mary, Emma, Georgie, Alford, Opal, Delbert, Virginia; Sidney R61 Sidney Secl2 T112a George McEl- roy (1885) Mulligan, L. B. (Stella Jones) Ch Margaret, Marie, Helen; Bondville R65 Scott Secl4 TllOa John Mulli- gan (1893) Mullikin, Henry Champaign Rl Champaign Sec29 Farm Hand J. W. Mullikin (1896) Mullikin, J. M. (Belle Lowman) Champaign Rl Champaign Sec20 O400a (1867) Mullins, Anna Ch Mary, Charles, Pau- line; Tolono R48 Philo Sec21 O80a (1885) Mullins, C. F. (Lydia R. Myers) Ho- mer R62 Homer Sec33N T35a War- ren Satterfield (1904) Mullins, John Ch Noble, Maude, Al- len, Madge, Viola; Bondville R65 Scott Secll Noble Mullins (1917) Mullins, Noble Bondville R65 Scott Secll T40a Frank Fiester (1915) Mullvain, C. E. (Mary Tyas) Ch Emma, Lloyd, Ralph, Ruth; Foos- land R35 Brown Sec28 TlOOa Shep- herd Cox (1897) Mullvain, James F. (Lora Short) Ch Gladys, Orpha, Roy, Lelia, Pauline; Fisher R35 Brown Sec33 T80a H. Mitchell (1897) Mulvany, Charles R. (Jesse N. Jones) Ch Gladys, Otto, Leah, Vivian, Cora; Champaign R6 Somer Secl6 Farm Hand Charles Beaver (1907) Mulvany, James C. (Viary Smith) Ch Roy, Hirschel, Dela, Opal, Harry; Champaign R6 Somer SecS T74a F. Manning Est. (1914) Mumm, George J. J. (Augusta Prie- fert) Ch Emma, Minnie, Bertha, Augusta, Martha, Earl, Alice, Lu- ther; Philo R56 Crittenden Sec2 O120a (1866) Mumm, Luther (Anna Waxher) Ch Velma, Vernon; Sidney R58 Sidney Secl7 TISOa J. W. Mumm (1890) Mumm, Otis W. (Bessie Toy) Ch Floyd; St. Joseph R16 St. Joseph Sec36 T120a J. W. Mumm and D. H. Witt (1892) 93 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Mumm, William D. (Sarah White) Ch Florence, Lloyd, Clarence, Ag- nes; Philo R56 Crittenden Secl2 O80a Secll T320a Mrs. Kate Wea- ver (1870) Munday, D. M. (Mary Jackson) Ch Sarah, Davis, Price, Virginia, Bet- tie; Sadorus R50 Sadorus SeclO T200a Gunning Est. (1917) Munds, Edward (Dottie Heater) Ch Marguerite; Urbana Rll Urbana Sec36 T126a Katherine Parsons (1894) Munds, John F. Jr. (Edna Marsh) Ch William; Champaign R2 Champaign Sec32 T120a John Munds Sr. (1902) Munning, John (Rena Iknen) Ch Freda; Rantoul R23 Compromise Sec4 T80a Belle Flesner (1908) Murphy, G. E. (Nannie Bebout) Ch Edna; Mahomet R42 Mahomet Sec 14 T61a Charles M. Weber (1898) Murphy, John (Jane Whalen) Ch James, Thomas, Mary, John, Mar- garet, Mildred; Penfield R27 Kerr Sec32 O340a (1892) Murray Bros. Pesotum R54 Pesotum Sec30 O60a (1894) Murray, D. S. (Martha Henry) Ch Ruth, Helen, Harley; Sadorus R51 Sadorus Sec34 T280a Ellers Est. (1898) Murray, E. J. Rantoul R21 Ludlow Sec33 T640a (1884) Murray, J. F. (Katherine Connor) Ch Anna, Mary, Connor; Rantoul R21 E. Bend Sec25 O280a T160a Kath- erine Murray and Rose Murray (1880) Murray, Pat Thomasboro R19 Ran- toul Sec25 T330a Murray Est. (1888) Murrell, H. A. (Luella Dehart) Ch Alex, Walter, Garrett, Margaret, Nina; Champaign R6 Hensley Sec 24 T205a Dan Morrissey (1905) Murrell, M. T. Champaign RS Hens- ley Secl2 T160a Thomas Lowery (1911) Murrell, N. (Ruby Connet) Ch Eva, Dorothy; Champaign R5 Hensley Secl3 T164a J. N. Connet (1905) Murrell, Porter A. (Hila Bell) Ch John, Permelia; Thomasboro R19 Rantoul Secl9 T160a Victoria Fied- ler (1910) Musson, J. H. (Mamie Thompson) Ch Bessie, Mabel, Fielding, Hayden, Lysle, Edith; Savoy R66 Colfax Sec 13 O117a (1898) Myers, W. W. (Cora Thompson) Ur- bana R12 St. Joseph SeclS O161a (1867) Myers, J. H. (Grace Riechel) Ch Gil- bert, Donald; Broadlands R36 Ray- mond Seel T160a Chris Swick (1897) Myers, J. H. (Ella Wordworth) Ch Helen, Joe, Roy, Harry, James; Long View R63 Crittenden Secl6 Farm Hand Fred Crestson (1903) Myers, Lon (Minta Hall) Ch Ray-, mond, Conrad, Maud, Melvin; Ho- mer R61 Ogden Sec30SE T128a W. F. Loeffler (1873) Myers, Roscoe L. (Anna C. Davis) "Puritan Rock Farm" Mahomet R41 Newcomb Sec29 T240a L. A. Myers (1880) Myler, Earl (Catherine Slunkard) Ch Thelma, Anita, Lewis, Vernon; . Urbana RIO Philo SeclO T80a John Sandwell (1908) N Naffziger, J. W. (Mary Springer) Ch Jesse, Lena, Leah; Foosland R38 E. Bend Sec8 O140a (1902) Naffziger, R. J. (Ethel Sharp) Foos- land R38 E. Bend Sec6 T112a J. W. Naffziger (1901) Neal, E. B. (Desona Jones) Ch D. D., T. T., Rose, Daisy, Oni, Hattie, Sarah, Starling; Champaign R6 Somer Sec31 Farm Hand G. E. Moore (1913) Neal, J. W. (Anna Smith) Ch Harry, Mildred, Walter, Gladys; Broad- lands R37 Ayers Sec7W T180a G. W. Smith Est. (1890) Neal,- O. R. (Mary Jackson) Villa Grove Crittenden Sec33 Farm Hand Harry C. Barrick Neef, C. F. Jr. (Gladys T. Carson) Urbana R9 Somer SeclO T120a C. F. Neef, Sr. and McCoy Bros (1894) Neff, Perry (Cora Yow) Ch Harold; Homer R61 Ogden Sec30SW Farm Hand Loren Clark (1908) Negangard, Will E. (Effie Logan) Ch Ralph, Kenneth; Sidney R58 Sidney Sec39 T80a J. H. Logan (1896) Neisser Bros Savoy R45 Tolono Sec6 T65a Mrs. Charles Neisser (1885) 94 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Nelson, C. O. (Lottie Nelson) Ch Fred, Charlie, Huldy; "Maple Grove Ranch" Ludlow R30 Ludlow Sec7 O360a (1881) Nelson, Earl (Lucy Chamberlain) Champaign R4 Hensley Sec9 T160a M. D. Nelson Est. (1885) Nelson. E. J. (Valentine Hawins) Fisher R35 Newcomb Secl2 T240a Mrs. M. W. Hayes (1889) Nelson, E. P. (Bessie Staubus) Ch Neva, Myron; Rantoul R22 Condit Secl2 T253a Mrs. A. F. Staubus (1877) Nelson, F. G. (Ruth Reynolds) Ch Roy, Charles, Harriet, Estella; Champaign R6 Champaign Seel O20a TISOa Mrs. Wilbur (1877) Nelson, H. I. (Dell Hemerdin) Cham- paign R4 Hensley Secl6 O331a (1871) Nelson, J. M. (Hazel Warner) Ch Clarence; Champaign R4 Hensley Secl6 T124a Mrs. H. I. Nelson (1890) Nelson, Percy (Belle Mitchell) Ch Dorothy, Leland; Fisher R35 Brown Sec32 O240a (1889) Nelson, P. (Christine Hansom) Ch Christine, Clara, Eugene, Elmer, Ef- fie, Agnes, William, Alton; Foos- land R38 Brown Sec3 T280a Tim Ross (1897) Nelson, P. H. (Mary Jervis) Ch Earn- est, Gerty, Harry, Alta, Leslie, Cecil, Randall, Fern, Lela; "Gravel Farm" Fisher R35 Newcomb Secl3 O160a (1884) Nelson, Reier (Beulah Brinkley) Ran- toul R22 Ludlow Sec30 T80a Dick Nelson (1891) Nelson, Richard (Ingeborg Johnson) Ch Sarah, John, Gene, Reiel, Anna, Ollie, Emma, Marie, Louise; Ran- toul R21 Ludlow Sec30 O160a (1883) Nelson, Roy R. Champaign R6 Somer Sec29 T3l5a Frank Wilber (1889) Nelson, W. E. (Blanche Martinie) Ch Marie, Evert; Dewey R33 Condit Sec23 O80a T80a Mrs. M. E. Nelson (1883) Nesbitt, Charles A. (Nina Berry) Ch Nina, Laura; Mahomet R4L Ma- homet Sec20 O160a (1865) Nesler, Beachem (Lullu Morgan) Ch Eveline; Urbana R9 Somer Sec32 Farm Hand Jack Roberts (1913) Newcomb, C. A. (Barbara Davis) Ch Alice, Wayne, Harley, Walter, Veuiia; Foosland R38 Brown Secl3 O27a (1902) Newell, Asa (Estella Merriman) Ch Joel, Gladys, Russell; Tolono R47 Pesotum Sec2 Farm Hand H. M. Salsbury (1915) Newell, George (Ethel Mathus) Ch Virgie, Helen, Cecil; Tolono R47 Tolono Sec20 T160a F. J. Hall (1913) Newkirk, Fred (Bertha Black) Ch Carl; Broadland R36 Raymond Sec 36 T160a P. F. Black (1870) Newman, C. E. (Pearl Winsett) Ch Melvin, Rebecca; Foosland R38 Brown SecS T160a Mrs. John Scholl (1916) Newnum, Eph (Goldie .Smith) Ch Ronald, Dorrel; Champaign R6 Somer SeclS Farm Hand L. W. Roberts (1916) Newnum, H. H. (Daisy Smith) Ch Olive, Glenwood; Urbana R9 Somer Sec23 T200a George Corray (1917) Newnum, J. E. (Lena Walton) Ch Gladys, Forest; Champaign R5 Hensley Sec36 Farm Hand U. M. Decker (1916) Nicholas, Miss Ella Mahomet R41 Ma- homet SeclS I. C. Abbott (1915) Nieman, John R. (Louise Maddock) Philo R56 Philo Sec30 T120a J. B. Slivers (1882) Noble, Frank (Lulu Campfield) Ch Frank, Doris; Tolono R46 Critten- den SecS O120a (1875) Noble, James (Susan Mullins) Urbana RIO Philo Sec9 O80a (1870) Noble, Joe Ch Raymond; Tolono R46 Crittenden SecS O120a (1879) Noe, Bascom (Addie Baker) Ch Dor- thie, Lester; Sidney R57 Sidney Sec 27 TSOa Luetta Lawson (1913) Nofftz, Charles (Jessie Howell) Ch George, Elsie, Charlie, May; Sa- dorus R51 Pesotum SecS OSOa (1879) Nofftz, Frank (Pearl Vincent) Ch Vera; Sadorus R51 Pesotum SecS O348a (1885) Nofftz, Fred J. (Rena Diedrich) Ch Elmer, Carl, Dora, Olga, 'Erma; Sadorus R51 Pesotum Secl8 OSOa (1875) Nofftz, F. A. (Hedwig Finder) Ch Pauline, Edna, Harold, Helen, Frei- da, Arnold, Albert; Pesotum R54 Pesotum SecS OSOa Secl6 T120a Carlorence Nofftz (1874) Nofftz, Henry C. (Louise Klitzong) Ch Howard, Wayne; Sadorus R51 Pesotum Sec7 T170a Albert J. Nofftz (1888) 95 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Nogle, A. P. (Alma Barrett) Ch Mel- vin, Walter, Kermit, David, Vivian; Sadorus R50 Colfax Sec20 T80a David Nogle (1883) Nogle, John T. (Hattie Prestine) Ch Marvel; Sadorus R52 Sadorus Sec 26 O80a Tolono T120a George No- gle (1872) Nohren, G. H. (Clara Edens) Ch John, Edward; Longview R64 Ray- mond Sec23 O120a (1886) Nohren, John (Jennie Rayl) Ch Har- ry; Longview R64 Raymond SeclS T160a John Edens (1914) Nolan, E. F. (Katherine Gorden) Ch Mary, Ruth, Josephine, Thomas; Gifford R26 Compromise Secl2 T240a Micheal Collins (1876) Nolan, James E. (Nellie Foran) Ch Mary, John, Ellin, Bessie, James, Joseph; Ivesdale R52 Colfax Sec30 O227a Phillip McGrath (1878) Nolan, M. H. (Mary Keegar) Ch Ma- mie, Jennie, C. J., Thomas, Eliza- beth, Catherine, Margaret, John; Ogden R17 Ogden Sec4N O230a (1876) Nolan, Thomas Ogden R17 Sec32 T190a Frank Haines (1882) Nonman, Wilhelm (Lena Girtil) Ch Minnie, William, Albert, Elsie, Wal- ter; Broadlands R36 Raymond Sec24 O160a (1897) Norton, Albert E. (Caroline Knob- lock) Ch Alma, Herbert, Blanche, Virle; Tolono R46 Pesotum Secl2 O280a (L876) Norton, C. E. (Irene Scroggin) Ch Clyde, Harold, Gardiner; Bondville R65 Scott Sec23 T240a (1879) Norton, Frank M. (Wilhelmena Knob- lock) Ch Leonard, Raymond, How- ard, Morris, Margaret, William, Ruth, Wilma; Tolono R46 Critten- den Sec7 O320a (1870) Norton, O. W. (Bertha Neumann) Ch Dorothy; Bondville R65 Scott Sec26 T280a Homer Norton (1879) Nye, J. E. (Ellen E. Ford) Ch Kate, Maudie; "Timber View Farm" St. Joseph R16 St. Joseph Sec27 O240a (1857) Oakes, Charley .(Ella Williams) Ch Alta, Pearl, Edelbert, Kenneth; Homer R62 Homer Sec4 Farm Hand Harry Michener (1874) Oakley, Daniel F. (Nettie Johnson) Ch Hugh, Leon, Frankie; Tolono R46 Crittenden SecS Farm Hand C. L. Meharry (1913) O'Beirne, George M. (Nora Flynn) Ch William, Margaret, Raymond, Thomas, Agnes; Tolono R48 To- lono Sec24 T160a (1863) O'Beirne, William F. (Gladys Har- low) Ch William, Jr.; Philo RS6 Crittenden Secl4 T200a Thomas Lowry (1898) O'Brien, John E. (Mary Doherty) Ch Philip, Gertrude, Julia, Edward; Tolono R46 Pesotum Secl4 O140a (1872) O'Brien, Philip Tolono R46 Pesotum Secl4 T140a John E. O'Brien (1892) O'Bryan, H. B. (Opal Hinds) Ch Vernon, Russell; Pesotum R54 Sadorus Sec25 T185a S. O'Bryan (1889) O'Bryan, J. A. (Lula Dun) Ch Louis, Wayne, Blanche; Pesotum Sadorus Sec36 O64a (1865) O'Bryan, Sherman (Susie Seffens) Ch Hiram, Flossie, Minnie, Sadie; Sa- dorus R51 Sadorus 'Sec36 O200a (1863) O'Connor, Dan (Loretta Ducey) Sa- dorus R51 Sadorus Sec35 T80a Jim Gummeg (1917) O'Connor, Dennis J. (Bridget Coady) Ch John, Gerald, Stannus, Mary, Margaret; Ivesdale R52 Colfax Sec 18 O200a (1886) Odebrecht, Albert J. (Nancy I. Boles) Tolono R48 Philo Sec38 T160a E. Doss and Charles Odebrecht (1884) Odebrecht, Carl F. (Edith Porterfield) Ch Helen, Melba, Mary; Philo R56 Philo Sec28 T200a Charles Ode- brecht (1877) Odebrecht, Charles Ch Charles; To- lono R48 Philo Sec28 O240a (1872) Odell, C. M. (Emma Moorehouse) Ch Clifton; Sadorus R50 Colfax Sec28 O200a James Somers (1911) Odell, William (Mabel Spradling) Ch Harry, Charlie, John, Kittie; "Wal- nut Grove Farm" Sadorus R49 Col- fax Sec25 O170a (1871) 96 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY O'Donnell, John P. (Margaret Moo- ney) Ch Comils, Daniel, John Jr., Margaret, Cletius, Jerome, Anna; Rantoul R24 Rantoul Secl7 O180a (1869) O'Donnell, T. O. (Mary Mulchay) Ch Francis, Beatrice, Raymond, Bernice, Albert, Herbert; Ludlow R29 Ludlow Sec2 O164a (1872) Oehmke, J. P. (Pauline Clark) Ch Dorothy, Myron; Penfield R28 Compromise SeclS T120a J. F. Oehmke (1884) Ohl, Andrew (Annie Donovan) Bond- ville R65 Scott Secll T80a Dan Meyer (1882) Ohl Bros. Bondville R65 Scott Secll T240a Dan Meyers (1872) Ohl, Henry (Frances Tubouis) Ch Matt, Andy, Ed., John, Anthony, Charles, Joe, Mary; Bondville R65 Scott Seel T300a Frank Goodman (1870) Ohl, John (Gertrude Pimpell) Bond- ville R65 Scott Secl2 T80a Robert Quayle (1881) Ohms, W. M. (Molly Lange) Ch Eleanor; Champaign R4 Hensley Sec26 T200a Frank Allen (1903) Olson, Olof (Salma Norberg) Ch Emily, Elof, Albert, Fred, Selma, Oscar, Ella, John, Erick; Penfield R28 Compromise Secl9 O320a (1898) O'Neal, James R. (Anna L. Reeder) Ch Wayne; Urbana Rll Philo Seel T80a W. F. O'Neal (1882) O'Neal, W. B. (Mae E. Campbell) Ch William, Leslie, Elmira, Retta, Mar- garet; Sadorus R51 Sadorus Sec23 T700a D. L. Campbell (1888) O'Neal, W. S. (Emma Henry) Urbana Rll Philo Sec2 T160a W. F. O'Neal (1900) O'Neill, John (Mary Callahan) Ch Thomas, Anna, Frances, Paul, Ev- erett, Bridget, William, Albert; To- lono R48 Philo Sec21 O156a (1884) O'Neill, Thomas C. (Mary McCor- mick) Ch Thomas, Bridget, John, Dennis, Ed., Margaret, Mary; Philo R56 Crittenden SeclS O320a (1885) Onnen, John (Mary Panbacker) Ch Lena, Frieda, Katy; Thomasboro R20 Stanton SecS T207a Mrs. Gebke Sage (1893) Ooton, V. Thomasboro R20 Compro- mise Farm Hand Ryner Benting (1911) Ordel, Frank (Edith R. Bielsford) Ch Mary, Helen, Lois, Benjamin; "Ordel Home Farm" Philo R56 Philo Sec35 O80a T80a J. B. Silver (1875) Ordel, John Philo R65 Philo Sec35 O80a(1890) Ordel, W. H. (Minnie M. Bocock) Ch Clarence, Raymond; Philo R56 Philo Sec35 O80a Sec36 T80a Mrs. Alice Poucher (1871) Osborn, George S. (Maggie Murphy) Ch Vernon, Thomas; Tolono R46 Tolono Sec36 Farm Hand Ed Bales (1914) Osborn, J. F. Mahomet R41 Mahomet Secl9 C. J. Gillespie (1902) Osborn, Raymond (Florence Tibbet) Ch Carl, Thelma; Homer R62 Ho- mer Sec31 T63a Ellen Tibbets (1892) Osborn, Virgil (Edith Paage) Ch Lowell; Ogden R18 Ogden Sec29 Farm Hand James Eder (1917) Osman, A. N. (Daisy Hensen) Ch LaVerne, Louise; Ludlow R30 E. Bend Secl3 T160a Peter Good (1915) Osterbur, Frank (Katy Miller) Ch Tena, Simon, Gertie, Maggie, Anna, Henry, Frank, Louie, John, Carl, Reka; Ogden R17 Ogden SecSN OSOOa (1877) Osterbur, Frank, Jr. (Eilerdena John- son) Ch Heye, Fred; Ogden R17 Ogden SecS TlOOa Frank Osterbur (1888) Osterbur, Fred (Kate Buhr) St. Jo- seph R15 Ogden Sec30W T80a L. Osterbur (1893) Osterbur, Hero H. (Carrie Ehler) Ch Anna, Charlotte; St. Joseph R15 Ogden Secl7 T122a H. T. Osterbur (1887) Osterbur, Henry, Jr. (Tena Beherns) Ch Louise, Frank; Ogden R17 Og- den Sec9N T80a Frank Osterbur (1886) Osterbur, Henry L. (Etta Gage) Ch Carrie, Thilia, Joe, Lucy, Hilda; Ogden R17 Ogden SecS OlOOa T80a L. Osterbur (1875) Osterbur, John (Anna Behrens) Ch Elizabeth, Theodore, Catherine, Herman, Anna, Helena; Ogden R17 Ogden SecS T160a L. Osterbur Osterbur, John F. (Catherine Huls) St. Joseph R15 Ogden Secl7N T143a Henry Osterbur (1895) Osterbur, Rankin (Anna Miller) Ch Reka, Libby, Frank; St. Joseph R15 Ogden SeclS O38a (1878) Osterbur, Simon (Hicka Duitsman) Ch Johnny, Kate, Anna; St. Joseph R15 Ogden SeclS T104a Frank Os- terbur (1879) 97 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Osterbur, Simon (Anna Huls) Ogden R17 Ogden Sec7NE T140a L. Oster- bur Osterdock, Homer D. (Barbara Al- coke) Ch Zola, Kenneth, Olivia, Kermit, Ruby; Savoy R66 Tolono SeclS Farm Hand W. S. Ridhed (1914) Osterdock, D. E. (Lola Erwin) Ch Cletis, Zeline, Thelma, Leo; Dewey R33 Condit Sec21 TSOOa Johnston Farm (1914) Ott, Alf (Minnie Godby) Ch Merle; St. Joseph R15 Ogden Sec31W T102a Kilbury Est. (1913) Ott, Etta (Rush) Ch Hazel, Rush, Ray, May; Ogden R17 Ogden Sec9 T65a Mrs. Helen Helton (1885) Oucken, High (Angeline Veerhusen) Ch Maggie, Lena; "Shady Lawn Farm" Gifford RD Harwood Sec35 O120a (1879) Overman, Roy (Etta Smith) Ch Hazel, Franklin; Homer R59 Ayers Sec4 T200a George Skinner (1885) Overmyer, J. E. (Daisy Davis) Ch Neva, Velma, Paul; Seymour R43 Mahomet Sec28 T198a J. B. Harris (1905) Overmyer, W. C. (Stella Roth) Ch Iva, Harold, Glen; Foosland R35 Brown Sec35 T400a J. W. Reardon (1902) Owens, Isaac (Lulu Washburn) Ho- mer R60 Homer Sec30W T115a E. Davis (1906) Oyer, Crist (Kate Zehr) Ch John, Elsie; Foosland R38 E. Bend Sec7 O140a (1902) Oyer, Joseph (Bertha Zimmerman) Ch Walter, Earl, Elmer; Foosland R38 E. Bend SecS TISOa John Zehr (1906) Oyer, M. (Lizzie Baecher) Ch Elsie, Bessie; Foosland R38 E. Bend Sec6 TlOOa Joe Baecher (1902) Page, E. C. Mahomet R41 Mahomet Secl6 TlOa (1914) Page, M. A. (Martha Hart) Mahomet R41 Mahomet Secl6 TlOa Lee Hovey (1916) Painter, A. M. (Nora Dalburg) Ch Dean, Linden, Donald; Foosland R38 Brown Secl6 T306a (1885) Painter, D. O. Foosland R39 Brown Secl7 T121a Ferguson Foos (1889) Painter, J. W. (Chanty) Ch Esther, Nellie, Carl, Ada, Merle; Dewey R33 Condit Sec9 T160a Mrs. Scott (1860) Painter, W. M. (Kate Turnell) Ch Goldie; Rantoul R21 Ludlow Sec30 T190a Ed Quirk (1887) Palmberg, C. A. (Anna Natterstead) Ch Gordon, Lorine; Ludlow R30 Ludlow Sec4 T240a J. C. Parker (1893) Palmberg, G. E. (Julie Stolie) Lud- low R30 Ludlow Sec6 T226a Mrs. Magnus and Young Green (1887) Palmer, Albert (Belle McElroy) Ch Edward; Sidney R57 Sidney SeclO O130a (1912) Pammbacker, Henry Gifford R26 Compromise Secll T240a Burgton Est. (1888) Pankau, Frank Sr. (Louise Brigge- mann) Ch Lizzie, Frank, Emma, Albert, Edward, Clara, Carl, Ray- mond; Bondville R65 Scott Secl4 T120a John Pankau (1872) Pankers James (Elizabeth Vickers) Champaign R5 Hensley Sec26 O80a (1863) Pannbacker, Lebbo (Meta Houck) Gifford R26 Compromise Secl4 TlOOa George Johnson (1896) Parish, W. S. (Eva Nixon) Ch Mil- dred; Penfield R27 Kerr Secl7 Farm Hand Wyle Fowler (1917) Park, E. M. (Anna Yow) Ch Lau- retta, James; Ogden R18 Ogden Sec 19SE Farm Hand (1913) Parker, Allen (Lula Howard) Ch Leo, Joseph, Clema; Rantoul R23 Har- wood Sec29 T160a E. S. Smith (1876) Parker, Arthur Rantoul R21 Ludlow Sec9 T160a A. Parker (1887) Parker, C. L. (Daisy Morton) Ch Wallace, Clair, Ruth; Homer R61 Homer Sec30NW T187a R. A. Par- rott (1898) Parker, Jack D. (Mabel I. Smith) Ch Harold; Ludlow R31 Harwood Sec 27 Farm Hand Forrest Rush (1895) 98 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Parker, N. (Frances Walker) Ch Let- tie, Leslie; Dewey R32 E. Bend Sec 26 T80a Phil Hummel Jr. (1886) Parker, Otto G. Nora Mounts) Rantoul R23 Harwood Sec29 T160a E. S. Smith (1900) Parks, C. A. (Clara Lockhart) Ch Kathleen, Charles Jr.; "Villa Grove Farm" Crittenden Sec36 Herdman George Frazier Jr. (1912) Parks, Ed (Ora Robbins) Ch Free- man, Mary; Tolbno R46 Pesotum Secl3 Farm Hand Harry Krabbe Parks, William (Annie Petty) Ch Melvin, Nathan, Oliver, Lizzie, Dorothy, George, Clinton, Ruth, Helen, Blanche; Longview R63 Raymond Sec32 T220a W. G. Ful- ton (1915) Parnell, W. J. (Mabel Pike) Ch Glenn; Bondville R65 Mahomet Sec 35 T160a D. Parnell (1888) Parrah, Annis Ch Juanita, Howard; Sadorus Colfax Sec 11 O80a (1859) Parrett, Mrs. G. (Mary Thomas) Ch Frederick; Mahomet R41 Mahomet Sec8 O81a (1859) Parrett, F. R. (Mary Anderson) Ch Maurice, Mervin, Harold; Mahomet R41 Mahomet Sec4 O80a . Sec8 T240a Mrs. G. C. Parrett (1890) Parris, Isaac (Dora Harper) Ogden R17 Ogden Sec28 O160a (1870) Parry, Joseph L. (Ida M. Zech) Ch Gladys, Bern; Tolono R48 Philo SeclS O120a (1871) Parry, Mary L. Tolono R48 Philo Secl8 O40a (1867) Pasley, U. S. (Katharine Carter) Ch Marion; Mahomet R40 Newcomb Sec21 T120a I. S. Laman (1916) Patient, Stanley (Florence Mahin) Ch May, Marie, Homer, Hester, Lucile, Theodore, Alice; Mahomet R41 Newcomb Sec28 H. Cook (1909) Patten, E. C. (Emma Parsons) Ur- bana R9 Somer Sec27 Farm Hand H. E. McClurg (1914) Patten, Lafayette (Ella E. McHenry) Ch Alfred, Sam, Harry, Ruth; Clar- ence Rl Kerr Sec5 O440a (1856) Patten, Sam (Opal Trott) Clarence Rl Kerr SecS T440a (1895) Patterson, M. J. (Lillie Hasty) Ch Hazel, Avis; St. Joseph R16 St. Jo- seph Secl3 O49a T91a Mrs. Maud Davis (1866) Patterson, Otho (Sadie E. Wood) St. Joseph R16 St. Joseph Sec23 OSla (1851) Patton, Thornton J. (Ada Sheffield) Ch Cora, John, Nathan, Joseph, Herbert; Philo R56 Philo Sec25 Farm Hand Clarence Williams (1911) Paulus, A. (Mary Lane) Ch Will, Ol- lie, Cora, Louisana, Clara, Joe, Frank, Stella; Fisher R35 Newcomb Sec7 O80a (1859) Paulus O. L. (Alice Robinett) Ch Ruby; Fisher E. Bend Sec30 T120a Fred Covert (1867) Paxton, Ray L. (Myrtle Metcalf) Foosland R38 Brown Sec2 T370a Beulah Hunt (1917) Pearce, B. Q. Allerton Rl Ayers Sec 33 O3/ 4 a (1901) Pearce, Thomas N. (Sarah E. Bruce) Ch Maurice; Rantoul R23 Harwood Secl9 T120a Anna Scoggins (1915) Pearson, Joseph R. (Clara Johnson) Ch Mary, Robert, Bessie, Eva, Louella, Glenn, Leroy, Donald, Harold; "Pearson Homestead Farm" Ludlow R31 Harwood Secll O300a (1879) Peaters, Bert (Mabel Ross) Ch Flor- ence, Leana, Ray, Molly; Homr R61 Sidney Secl4 T160a Grandille Reese (1902) Penny, Guy E. (Lula Reynolds) Ch Dorothy; Urbana Rll Philo Secl2 O80a (1890) Penny, Henry (Ona Ross) St. Joseph R15 St. Joseph Sec24 T80a L. W. Porterfield (1884) Penny, Mrs. Ida B. Ch George, Earl, Guy, Daisy; Urbana Rll Philo Sec 12 O80a (1875) Percival, Charles S. Jr. (Carrie John- son) Champaign R2 Champaign Sec 24 T62a C. A. Percival (1894) Percival, C. A. Sr. (Etta Ellisthorpe) Ch Arthur, Hattie, Charles, Fred; Champaign R2 Champaign Sec24 O62a (1851) Percival, Elmer J. (Grace Lint) Ur- bana RIO Philo SecS T280a (1885) Percival, E. Vincent (Nettie Dawson) Urbana RIO Philo Sec6 T200a C. E. Percival (1897) Percival, Fred U. Urbana RIO Philo SeclS T160a C. A. Percival (1895) Percival, Harry B. (Dollie Neal) Ch Margaret, Donald, Ray; Urbana RIO Philo SecS T160a C. A. Percival (1892) Percival, J. H. avoy R45 Colfax Sec8 T160a Solon Brox (1897) Riddle, Arthur (Bessie Soard) Ch Stella, Clarence; Longview R63 Crittenden Sec36 Farm Hand Frank England (1915) Rice, Clarence A. (Carrie Hazen) Ch Katherine, Nathan; Philo R56 Philo Sec24 O185a (1881) Rice, Emery (Bessie McClenard) St. -1 Joseph St. Joseph Secll T90a G. W. Rice (1886) Rice, Scott (Rovia Swearingen) Ho- mer R61 S. Homer Sec6 O80a (1868) Rice, Van W. (Ellen Dill) St. Joseph R13 St. Joseph Sec21 O120a (1894) Rice, Wilber (T. A. Carter) Ch Char- lie, Mabel, Fern, Edna, Hortense; Sadorus R49 Colfax Sec36 T5a (1878) Richards, Clarence F. (Mamie Tib- betts) Ch Mary; St. Joseph R15 Ogden SeclS T90a L. Richards (1890) Richards, Eugene A. (Cleo Clark) Ch Evelyn, Madrid, Louise; St. Joseph R1S Ogden SeclS T120a A. Richards (1881) Richards, L. O. (Bessie Braten) Ch Buren, Lowell, Lawrence; St. Jo- seph R15 Ogden Sec30 T70a J. W. Richards (1890) Richards, W. H. (Josephine Green) Ch Albert, Ivan, Paul, Lora; St. Joseph R15 Ogden -Sec30 T160a Richards (1884) Richardson Bros. Sadorus R49 Tolono Sec20 T320a James R. Richardson (1886) Richardson, James H. (Jennie Butler) Ch Mae, Fred; Tolono R46 Philo Sec32 T320a Fred S. Haven (1892) Richardson, James R. Ch Gracie, Vin- cent, Alma, Harry, George; Sadorus R49 Tolono Sec20 O320a (1882) Richardson, Raymond (Mamie Den- hart) Ogden R18 Ogden Sec5 TlOOa George Denhart (1916) Richison, S. E. (Bessie Hilliard) Foos- land R38 Brown SeclO T127a P. W. Down (1912) Richman, Alonzo (America Ricman) Ch Marshall, Earl, Gracie; Pesotum R55 Crittenden Sec32 T45a Chees- man Est. (1914) Rickett, John (Stella Cook) Ch Clara, Arthur, Amos, Raymond; Dewey R33 E. Bend Sec33 O80a T160a Ed. Molloy (1863) Riddle, Arthur (Bessie Soard) Ch Stella, Clarence; Longview R63 Crittenden Sec36 Farm Hand Frank England (1915) Riddle, William B. (Ora Tracy) Ch Ethel, Hester, Clay, Fay; Ivesdale R53 Sadorus Sec4 (1914) Ridgley, R. W. (Silvia Olson) Ch Dwight, Marie; Seymour R44 Col- fax SeclO T204a L. B. Nocker (1913) Ridinger, C. F. (Effie Coddington) Ch Fay, Vaughn; Homer R61 Sidney Seel O107a (1869) Riefstack, Charles (Lena Siegler) Ch Julia, Amelia, Annie, Carl, Mildred, Melvin; Champaign R2 Champaign Sec31 T80a Carl Riefstack (1880) Riefstack, Carl, Sr. (Christina Crumb) Ch Carl, Jr., William, Clara; Bond- ville R65 Scott Sec26 O200a (1887) Riefsteck, William L. (Lydia Heim- burger) Ch Andy, Ruth, Christine, Gladys; Champaign R2 Champaign Sec24 T245a R. R. Mattis (1885) Riegal, William E. (Mabel M. Mc- Conoughey) Ch Ruth, Robert; To- lono R46 Crittenden SecS T805a C. L. Meharry (1913) Riemke, Edward F. (Julia Schuerg) Ch William, Martin, Elmer, Frank. Rosie; Tolono R47 Pesotum SeclO O160a (1868) Riggs, John (Bessie Mead) Homer R61 S. Homer Sec6 TlOOa Riggs Est. and M. L. Palmer (1885) Ring, John (Bertha Smith) Ch Ruby, Stanley, Andrew, Helen, Verlene, Paul; Tolono R46 Crittenden Sec7 Farm Hand C. L. Meharry (1914) Rinkel, W. M. (Jane Dixon) Ch Vera, Walter, Richard; Urbana R12 St. Joseph Sec7 Farm Hand C. W. Gault (1917) Rippy, Alonzo (Delia Trinkle) Ch Eulah, Leslie, Ray, Vernon, Martha; Mahomet R41 Mahomet Sec6 TISOa Mrs. M. Stamey (1911) Rippy, L. (Delia Trinkle) Ch Eulah, Leslie, Ray, Vernon, Martha; "Sta- nley Farm" Mahomet R41 Newcomb Sec31 TISOa Frank Stamey (1911) Rising, A. F. (Nellie Allen) Cham- paign R4 Hensley Scc28 O200a T140a (1876) 106 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Rising, George, Jr. (Thelma Gordon) Champaign R3 Hensley Sec31 T200a Mrs. George Rising (1889) Rist, Walter (Mary) Ch Frank, Alex; Sidney R61 Sidney Seel O5a (1912) Ritchie, Corley (Lillie Boyd) Foos- land R39 Brown Secl9 T80a Walter Ritchie (1893) Ritchie, D. I. (Kathryn Matthews) Foosland R39 Brown Sec20 T160a Ritchie Est. (1877) Rittenhouse, J. R. (Ida Stout) Ch Vern, Ruth; "Blue Ribbon Stock Farm" Mahomet R41 Newcomb Sec 31-32 T200a (1870) Rittenhouse, Vern R. (Ruth Miner) Mahomet R42 Hensley Sec7 T287a Joe Rittenhouse (1894) Robbins, Jess R. (Sarepta Brewer) Ch Earnest; Ludlow R29 Harwood Sec7 T200a J. R. Pearson and E. Roland (1914) Robbins, Roberta (Eva Cox) Ch Lyle, Mildred; Seymour R44 Scott Sec21 Farm Hand Scott Knox (1900) Robbins, W. E. (Nellie Johnsonbauh) Urbana RIO Urbana Sec30 Farm Hand Henry Grimes (1910) Robbins, Walter Homer R61 Homer Sec6 T30a (1907) Robeck, Andrew, Sr. (Mary Pankau) Ch Bertha, Emma, Joseph, Agnes, Andrew Jr., Frank, William, Mary, Henry, Clara; Bondville R65 Scott Sec26 O40a T40a (1898) Robeck, Joseph (Lena Georlich) Ch William, Lawrence, Bernice; Sado- rus R49 Colfax Secl6 T80a Tom Tracy (1884) Robeck, William (Margaret Conners) Sadorus R49 Colfax Secl3 T80a Mrs. Ryan (1892) Roberts, C. N. (Kate Burnett) Ch Roberta; Urbana R9 Somer Secl6 T356a George A. Irle (1892) Roberts, Dan R. (Glendora Rayburn) Ch Austin, Jesse, Charlotte, Walter; Urbana R9 Somer Scc27 O69a (1862) Roberts, H. V. (Bessie Irene Musson) Ch Dorothy, Viola; Savoy R45 Col- fax Sec9 T80a Ida V. Roberts Roberts, Joe (Nannie Jones) Thomas- boro Rantoul Sec29 T232a (1904) Roberts, Joseph B. (Elizabeth Luther) Ch Ella, Luther, C. N., Emma; Ur- bana R9 Somer Sec27 O77a (1858) Roberts, J. T. (Ida Carper) Ch Harry, Harriet, Earl, Ernest; Savoy R45 Colfax Secl3 O160a (1871) Roberts, Linda Ivesdale R52 G. A. Tempel (1896) Roberts, L. W. (Pearl Flatt) Ch Dor- othy; Champaign R6 Somer SeclS T390a A. J. Flatt and Christian Lut- terer (1887) Roberts, Walter (Myrtle Packer) Ch Louis, Kenneth; Tolono R48 Philo Secl7 Farm Hand William E. Hobbs (1914) Robertson, Bert Homer R60 Homer Sec30 T320a George Davis (1907) Robertson, Giffen (Goldie Lucas) Longview R64 Raymond Sec22 T160a Will Messman (1917) Robertson, Joseph (Alice Turner) Ch Carma, Otis, Reba, Oma; Homer R61 Sidney Sec24 T160a R. R. Mat- tis (1899) Robertson, Oma (Mary Dodge) Ch Claud, Walter, Leota; Homer R61 Sidney Sec26 T80a Gertrude Gritz (1900) Robertson, Thomas (Mary Thomp- son) Ch Laura, Bert, Thomas, Clara; Homer R60 Homer Secl9 Bert Robertson (1917) Robinett, H. F. (Harriet Beatty) Ch Lyle, Dean, Ellyn; Fisher R35 New- comb Sec5 O40a (1881) Robinson, David Homer R60 Homer SeclS O80a (1877) Robinson, H. J. (Susan Hutchinson) "Pioneer Grove Farm" Sadorus RSI Sadorus Sec33 O320a (1852) Robinson, John H. (Sarah Gates) Ch Luvicia; Philo R56 Philo SeclS (1915) Robinson, O. F. (Ruth Honner) Ch Devaughn, Harriett; Sadorus R51 Sadorus Sec26 ToOa LaGrange (1912) Robinson, R. J. (Flossie Cheaney) Ch Dewitt, Dorothy, Helen; Sadorus R50 Sadorus T160a A. F. Byrd (1912) Robinson, R. L. (Orrie Weir) Ch Stine, Albert; Sadorus RSI Sadorus Sec27 Farm Hand Grover Hixon (1914) Robinson, V. (Martha Alcorn) Ch Eunice, Lawrence, Howard; Homer R60 Homer Secl7 T128a Albert Brccdlove (1877) Robinson, W. C. (Edith M. Ryan) Ch Nellie, Olive; Ivesdale R53 Sa- dorus Sec33 O200a (1860) Robisson, Giffon (Goldy Lucas) Long- view R64 Raymond Sec22 T160a W. M. Messman (1917) Roby, W. F. (Olive E. McCoy) Ch Mildred, Infant; Champaign R2 Champaign Sec24 T14a Mrs. Adams (1911) 107 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Rodgers, Charles E. (Anna Zeigler) Ch Pauline, Vona; Savoy R45 To- lono Sec6 T280a Joseph E. Arm- strong (1885) Rodgers, J. R. (Mary Polk) Ch Lil- lian Dorsey; Champaign R2 Cham- paign Sec33 T80a Charles Qumn (1910) _. .* Roe, W. S. (Ada Wearingen) Ch Vic- tor, Sterling; Homer R61 Ogden Sec30 T188a L. W. Porter&eld (1895) . _. Roedl, Rudolph (Rose Bushue) Ch Donald, Norman, Melvm; Tolono R46 Tolono Sec34 Farm Hand Roy Fackler (1915) Roelf, Albert (Katie Smith) Ch Grace, Ralph, Maggie, Hans, George ; Gif- ford R26 Compromise Sec36 O160a (1873) Roelfs, Harm H. (Rita Louchen) Ch Grace, George, Ham; Gifford KJp Compromise Sec36 T80a Grace G. Roelfs (1880) Rogers, C. A. (Hattie Potts) Ch Tru- man, Albert; Allerton Rl Ayers Sec21 Tla S. H. Poterfield (1917) Rogers, C. R. (Alta Huchul) Ch Blanche, Ernest, Vera; Dewey R33 Condit SecZO T200a (1915) . Rogers, David G. (Prudence L. Har- din) Ch Raymond, Irene; Homer R61 Homer Sec8 T82a M. L. Yeagle Roger's? M. J. (Nellie Dixon) Ch Anna; Ivesdale R52 Colfax Secl9 O240a , Rohl, W. D. (Anne Hanson) Ch Carl, William, Marie, Alman, Anne, Her- man- Homer R60 Homer Sec32 O320a (1896) Rohlfing, E. L. (Daisy Lester) Ch Elizabeth, Lucille; "Jim Lyons Farm" Mahomet R40 Newcomb Sec34 T160a Mrs. E. E. Lyons (1914) Rohrscheib, Albert (Frieda Bamber- ger) Ch Mildred; Urbana Rll Sid- ney Sec? T160a J. W. Bocock (1914) Rohrscheib, Fred (Elsie Walton) Sidney R57 Sidney Sec7 T160a J. W. Bocock (1913) Rohrscheib, John A. (Mary Kerk- hoff) Ch Fred, Lewis, Albert, Philip, Meta, Hilda; Sidney R57 Sidney Sec7 T280a Mabel Hunter (1904) Rohrscheib, Louis (Birtie Haile) Ch Mabel Elma, Hilbert; Sidney R57 Sidney Sec23 T240a John Bobock Roles, Ray (Grace Kirkman) Ch Jo- sephine, Donald; Rantoul R22 Con- dit Secll Layman's Est (1913) Romine, W. M. (Effie Brownfield) Ch Hazel, Gilbert; Mahomet R40 New- comb Sec36 Ola (1878) Romine, John (Lizzie Thurston) Ch Bessie; Mahomet R42 Condit Sec30 O3a (1867) Rose, Robert (Anna Evans) Ch Edna, Katie, Ralph, Frank; Ivesdale R53 Sadorus Sec8 T197a John Fallen (1882) Rosemyre, J. F. (Mary Montjar) Ch Fred, Helen, Milton, Florence; Savoy R45 Champaign Sec36 (1903) Rosenbock, George (Anna Flessner) Ch Mary, Himky, Emma; St. Jo- seph R15 Ogden SeclS O20a Henry Rosenbock (1882) Rosenbock, Seef (Anna Sage) Ch Mary; St. Joseph R15 Ogden SeclS O20a T80a H. Rosenbock (1893) Rosenbry, D. T. (Lonie Dicks) Ch Foster, Edith; Fisher R35 Brown Sec36 T80a Mrs. Alexander (1911) Roslund, Oscar (Halda Eirerson) Ch Helmer, Agnes, Nellie, Otto, Edwin, Hulda; Ludlow R30 Ludlow Sec8 T120a Frank Johnson (1911) Ross, Charles E. (Mary Schwelm) Ch Earl, Grace; Savoy R66 Tolono SeclO O160a (1878) Ross, D. F. (Goldie Roughton) Ch Myrtle, Jesse, Charlie, Emma, Donald, Eva, Bonnie; Pesotum R54 Sadorus T80a T. J. Ross (1883) Ross, Earl A. (Otela Christ) Ch Ruth; Champaign R2 Tolono Sec33 T160a Hiram and A. Christ (1887) Ross, Fred (Mary Cudding) Ch Clar- ence, Clifford; Homer R61 Sidney Sec23 T161a J. W. Mitchel (1875) Ross, John St. Joseph R15 Ogden SeclS T50a V. G. Wilson (1902) Ross, J. V. (Pearl Wolf) Ch Myrtle, John; Foosland R39 Brown Sec30 T210a J. D. Wolf (1902) Rcthermel, John (Fredericke Seider) Ch George, Rosa. Johnny, Willie, Walter, Laura, Flora, Margaret; Broadlands R37 Ayers Sec7 O360a (1887) Roughton, C. T. (Grace Hubbert) Ch Aleen, Phoebe, Vaughn; "Ten Acres Farm" Sadorus R51 Sadorus Sec22 OlOa (1880) Roughton, Frank (Nellie Thompson) Ch Violet, Kenneth, Grace, Frankie, Loreen, Gwyneth, Ethel, Wondie, James; St. Joseph Sec6 O220a (1870) Roughton, Reuben (Eliza H. Genung) Ch Roy Hazel; Rantoul R31 Ludlow Sec27 O40a (1858) 108 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Routh, C. F. (Addie Reese) Ch Charles; St. Joseph R14 St. Joseph Sec2 O160a (1886) Row, W. H. (Edith Barnes) Ch Clara, Dave, Sadie, Ida, Ada, Bell, Paul, Elsie; Gifford Kerr Sec8 Farm Hand Charles Wood (1911) Rowan, Fred (Mabel Musson) Ch Eunice; Sadorus R51 Sadorus Sec35 T220a Belong Bros. (1911) Rowe, Laura Mahomet RD Mahomet Sec9 A. J. Wright (1893) Rowe, Manuel E. (Lucy Talbot) Ch Oran; Gifford R25 Harwood Sec26 T160a James Talbot (1894) Rowe, Moses T. (Annie E. Hulett) Rantoul R23 Harwood Sec30 T320a E. S. Smith (1902) Rowland, James Ch Roy, Elmer, Bert, Noble; Ludlow R39 Harwood Sec6 O104a (1883) Rowlen, J. L. (Nellie Johnson) Ch Beatrice; Savoy RD Champaign Sec36 Farm Hand N. M. Burt (1913) Roy, Joseph (Ella Barnhart) Ch Mar- garet; Tolono R47 Tolono Secl7 O80a Pesotum SeclS T210a Alvin Starkey and Mrs. Whipple (1874) Ruckman, Ralph (Mabel Barber) Ma- homet R42 Mahomet Sec35 T160a Fred Barber (1915) Rudicil, Mrs. Bertie Ch Troy, Mark; Sidney R57 St. Joseph Sec35 O145a (1875) Rudicil, J. E. (Daisy Johnston) Ch Elsie, Glen; St. Joseph R16 St. Jo- seph Sec35 O163a'(1874) Rudicil, L. C. (Virginia Blotson) Sid- ney R61 Sidney SeclO O127a (1850) Rudicil, Troy B. Sidney R57 St. Jo- seph Sec35 Farm Hand Mrs. Bertie Rudicil (1897) Rudicil, Ward (Nellie Snyder) Ch Madge, Garnett, Lowell; Homer R60 Homer SeclS T120a Isaac Rob- inson (1888) Rudisill, D. D. (Belle) Ch Howard, Ward, James, Dora; Sidney R57 Sidney Sec2 O50a (1880) Rug, William M. (Myrtle Lee) Ch Walter, Louis, Richard; Pesotum R54 Pesotum Sec35 T205a Gardner Est. (1869) Rund, William (Rosie Kappes) Ch Pauline, Anna, John, Cornelius, Christina, Theodore, Anthony, Bar- bara, Benjamin; Pesotum R55 Crit- tenden Sec32 O200a (1874) Runkels, George (Hattie Morehead) Homer R61 Sidney Seel O56a (1875) Rush, Claud (Rhoda Walsh) Broad- lands R36 Raymond Secl2 T160a Jacob Swick (1898) Rush, Ethelbert (Lillie Astell) Ch Ethelbert; Broadlands R36 Ayers SeclS T96a Charles Zenkie (1881) Rush, E. A. (Blanche Minick) Urbana Rll Sidney Sec7 T240a Luther Fisher (1877) Rush, Hiram M. (Cora Logan) Ch Mane, Edith, Howard; Tolono R46 Crittenden Sec4 T80a J. H. Logan (1870) Rusk, Alvin (Erne Hide) Ch Harold, Leta, Francis; Rantoul R21 Ludlow Sec27 T160a William Parris (1877) Rusk, Forrest (Flossie Wood) Ludlow R31 Harwood Sec27 T160a John Wood (1895) Rusk, Volney B. (Anna White) Ch Mildred, Walter; Rantoul R24 Ran- toul SeclS O160a (1870) Russell, Arbuckle (Nellie Reynolds) Champaign Rl Champaign Secl4 T589a Arthur Clark (1897) Russell, Bernard (Effie Coffey) Ch Flora; Champaign R6 Hensley Sec 36 Farm Hand Howard Gates (1917) Russell, Carl (Susie Crane) Ch War- ner, Alice; Rantoul R33 Ludlow Sec 36 T80a Mrs. A. Gillum (1912) Rutherford, Charles (Ella Lambert) Ch Roy, Reba, Marion, Opal; Peso- tum Pesotum Sec23 T105a Phil Ger- ming (1916) Rutledge, A. V. (Etta Jordan) Ch Glen, Corley, Russell; Fisher R34 E. Bend Sec30 T120a Jordan Est. (1917) Rutledge, George (Rosie Kirby) Ch Earl, Lennie, Georgie, Irene, Nancy, Merl, Myrtle; Homer R61 Sidney Secl2 TSOa Walter George (1900) Rutterford, Mrs. Mary (Mary Guser) Ch Maline, Rachel, Emma; Foosland R38 Brown SecS OSOa (1892) Ruwe, Louis (Lena Kleinmeyer) Ch Harold; Sidney R38 Raymond Sec 15 Will Wilson (1917) Ruyen, Jay B. (Stella Leston) Ch Jay, Roy, Frank, Arthur, Ruth; Tolono R47 Tolono Sec34 T24a Henry Smith Est. (1882) Ryan, Dan S. (Jessie Brusel) Savoy R66 Tolono Sec24 T234a William Ryan (1881) 109 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Saathoff, Claus (Heimke Huls) Ch Harm; St. Joseph R13 Stanton Sec 23 T180a Harm K. Saathoff (1892) Saathoff, Harm K. (Anna Cornelius) Ch Claus, Peter, Tena, Mary, Anna, Emma, Ida, Bertha; Gifford R26 Stanron Seel OSOOa (1872) Saathoff, Henry (Tenie Saathoff) Ran- toul R24 Rantoul Sec24 T80a Rant Saathoff (1896) Saathoff, Henry (Tillie Watkin) Ch Henry; Gifford R26 Ogden Sec6 O75a (1882) Saathoff, John (Henrietta Miller) Ch Harm, Mattie, Mary, Unkie, John, Anna, Lena; Penfield R27 Compro- mise SecS O206a (1887) Saathoff, K. W. (Tena Gerbers) Ch Harm, Henry, Hulka, Acka, Anna, Michael; Gifford R26 Compromise Sec22 O160a (1873) Saathoff, Libby (Hilka Bohlen) Ch Lena, Minnie, Jacob, Martin, Wil- liam, Louise; St. Joseph R13 Stan- ton SeclS T120a H. Fruling (1910) Saathoff, Micke (Margaret Oucken) Ch Carl; Gifford RD Harwood Sec 36 O120a (1874) Saathoff, Rent (Annie Flassnar) Ch Barney, Andrew, Carl, Ike, Henry, Margaret; Thomasboro R20 Ran- toul Sec29 0240a (1880) Saddler, Charles (Eda Loeffler) Ch Curtis, Marian, Ralph, Pauline; Og- den RD Ogden Sec9S T175a G. B. Loeffler (1880) Saddoris, E. C. (Edna Levy) Mayview St. Joseph Sec7 O2a (1897) Saddoris, Lincoln (Hattie Mclntyre) Ch Jennie, Bessie, Alice, Ellen; Ur- bana R8 Somer Secll O120a T280a Mark Mahan and Joseph Brownfield (1887) Sadler, Cecil A. (Lilley Birt) Ch Ona; Ludlow R29 Harwood Sec4 T80a I. Birt (1916) Sadler, Garnet (Florence Poage) Ch Winona, Chester; Homer R62 Ho- mer Sec33N T75a Belle Sadler (1891) Sadler, Marshall (Belle Swearingen) Ch Fred, Garnet, Osa; Homer R62 Homer Sec28N O178a T80a (1887) Sadorus, W. B. (Mary Berry) Sadorus R50 Sadorus Seel T8a H. W. Sa- dorus (1884) Sage, Ed (Grace Meyer) Ch John, Harm, Arntje; Gifford R26 Compro- mise Sec26-27 O240a (1879) Sage, John J. (Finka Loschen) Ch John, George, Anna; Penfield R28 Ogden Sec5-6NE O163a (1883) Samelson, Luther C. (Hilma Faust) Ch Everett, June, Paul, Lorene; Ludlow R30 Ludlow Sec6 T240a John B. Anderson (1892) Sample Bros. Hardy and Clarence (Rilla Bowman, wife of Hardy) Ch Thomas, Russell, Evelyn, Mabel; Ludlow R30 E. Bend Seel T160a Leidendecker Est. (1910) Sample, C. E. (Marie Muhleman) Ch Clifford; Mahomet R40 Newcomb Sec25 T160a P. H. Nelson (1907) Sample, J. E. (Mary Bolmer) Ch Clarence, Anna, Cora, Arthur; Foosland R31 Brown Sec33 T160a W. S. Knerr Samuelson, W. H. (Mabel Innes) Ch Charles, Lola; Champaign Rl Champaign Sec30 T120a A. Samuel- son Est. (1874) Sanders, Harley (Rebecca Wilson) Ch Kenneth, Russell, Marie; St. Joseph R13 Stanton Sec27 T120a Simcox and Hayworth (1910) Sanders, W. I. (Lizzie Walsh) Ch Floyd, Meryl, Edna; Thomasboro R19 Rantoul Sec23 T160a Mrs. Pederson (1902) Sandwell, John (Margaret Donaldson) Ch Ruth, Dorothy, Walter, Mau- rice, Lawrence, Billie; Philo R56 Crittcnden Sec7 T180a Laurence Sandwell (1882) Sanks, Florian (Anne Myers) Ch Vol- lie, Nettie, Paul; Homer R61 Ho- mer Sec7E T250a Mat Yeagle and W. Wamsley (1892) Sarrenghouse, John H. (Alice Chap- lin) Ch Agnes; Philo R56 Critten- den Secl2 O80a (1895) Sartain, F. G. (Martha Myers) Ch Margaret, Bruce, Fay, Lillie; Foos- land R39 Brown Sec30 T230a W. A. Sartain (1886) Saunders, Adlai (Dora Miller) Ch Reba; St. Joseph R14 Stanton Sec34 Farm Hand Ed Marsh (1915) Sawyer, J. B. (Katherinc Knerr) "The Maples" Dewey R32 E. Bend Sec4 O540a (1875) Sawyer, L. F. (Nannie Stringer) Ch Lilly, Killis; Mary Robinson Neice; Champaign Rl Champaign SecS T160a Orin Trotter (1911) 110 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Scarbrough, George. (Effie Fisher) Ch Pauline, Chester; Foosland R38 Brown Sec21 T80a John Mitchell (1905) Schablon, Mrs. Augusta Champaign R5 Hensley Secll O40a 1868) Schackman, George V. (Helen Hu- ber) Rantoul R22 Rantoul Farm Ha'hd B. Burke (1917) Schackman, J. C. (Sophia Spearl) Ch Anthony, Mary, George, Lawrence, Regina, Charles; "Fair View Farm" Rantoul R22 Rantoul SecS T160a Chas. Yakel (1916) Schaefer, Charles F. (Ella Christian) Ch Genevieve, Frederick; Pesotum R55 Pesotum Sec31 T210a John Schaefer (1889) Schaefer, Fred (Rena Weasel) Long- view R63 Raymond Secl9 T155a Jim O'Neil (1897) Schaefer, George (Elizabeth Maesler) Ch Helen, Veronica, Alvin, Mertina; Pesotum R55 Crittenden Sec31 T160a John Schaefer (1886) Schaefer, Joe Pesotum R55 Pesotum Secl3 T160a Michael Schaefer (1892) Schaefer, John F. (Elizabeth Kerker) Ch George, Charles, Fred, Louisa, Raymond; Pesotum R55 Crittenden Secl9 O762a (1867) Schaefer, Michael (Mary Kleiss) Ch Pete, Elizabeth, Lena, Threasa, Mary, Frank, Joe, Will, Lucile; Pe- sotum R55 Pesotum Secl3 O160a (1867) Schenck J. A. (Ruth Johnson) Ch Charles; Penfield R28 Compromise SeclS Farm Hand Thomas Gorden (1917) Scheurich, Andrew P. (Bertha Ro- beck) Ch Frank, John, Margaret; Tolono R48 Philo Sec7 T280a Fred Peld (1878) Scheurich, Frank A. (Emma Roebeck) Ch Mary, Ellen, Agnes, Irene, Kath- erine; Savoy R45 Tolono Sec9 T160a Mrs. Tom Hagen (1874) Scheurich, George (Katherine Heller) Ch Stanley; Ivesdale R52 Colfax SecS T80a Margaret Thuck (1896) Scheurich, John L. (Esther Coady) Ch Lucile; Savoy R66 Tolono Secl3 T160a Tom Mulligan (1883) Scheurich, P. F. (Nellie Manning) Sa- voy R45 Colfax Seel T260a (1885) Schiff, George (Emma J. Johnson) Ch Philip; Urbana R8 Urbana Sec4 O145a (1865) Schindler, John (Edna Hackbarth) Ch Laverne; Sidney R58 Sidney Sec 21 T200a Mrs. R. H. Schindler (1885) Schindler, Mrs. R. H. Ch John, Wil- liam, Oscar, Frieda; Sidney R57 Sidney Sec28 O192a (1855) . Schindler, William H. (Bertha Mon- trey; Ch lona; Sidney R57 Sidney Sec28 T60a R. H. Schindler (1884) Schlensker, W. M. (Nora Scripter) Ch Harold, Mildred; Rantoul R24 Ran- toul Sec9 O160a (1868) Schlichter, David (Opal White) Ch William; Urbana R12 St. Joseph SecZO T120a Elmer White (1903) Schlichter, Jacob (Mary Gordon) Ch Lizzie, Zelma, David, Mary; Urbana R12 St. Joseph Sec29 T160a C. H. Wallace (1903) Schlorff, Charles (Minnie Runyon) Champaign R6 Somer Sec32 T200a Herman Schlorff (1891) Schlorff, Edward (Louise Mayer) Champaign R6 Somer Sec4 T157a Mrs. Minnie Schlorff (1892) Schlorff, Fred (Emma Drawer) Ch Benjamin; Urbana R8 Urbana Sec3 O2a (1870) Schlorff, John (Lena Gunlock) Ch Florence; Urbana R8 Urbana Sec3 024a (1861) Schlorff, Joseph E. (Emma Karch) Ch Alex, Mary, Hattie; Pesotum R54 Pesotum Sec20 O80a (1875) Schlorff, John F. (Anna Nofftz) Ch Roy, Cecil, Way, Ethel, Everett, Wilbur, Cornelia; Sadorus R51 Pesotum SecS T120a Kruger Est. (1895) Schlorff, J. E. (Emma Knecht) Ch El- sie, Marie, Hedwig; "El-Ma-Hed Farm" Pesotum R54 Pesotum Sec20 O80a (1871) Schlueter, Bruce R. (Hanke Gerbers) Ch Louis, Stenie, Meenke, John, Harm, Annie, Hattie, Mareka; Gif- ford R25 Harwood Sec23 O240a (1894) Schluter Harem (Annie Benting) Ch Grace, Annie, Tinie, George, Wil- liam, Hilda, Louise; Gifford R26 Compromise Sec22 O200a (1896) Schluter, John (Wubke Hues) Ch Gustie, Charles; Gifford R26 Com- promise Sec22 O120a (1876) Schluter, L. W. (Anna Sjoken) Ch William, John; Gifford R25 Kerr Sec36 O160a (1895) 111 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Schluter, William (Gascha Facht) Ch John, Harm, Catherine, Martin, Anett, Louis, Anta; Gifford R26 Compromise Sec25 O480a (1877) Schmidt, Albert (Trientje Gerbers) Ch Tena, Roelf; Thomasboro R20 Thomasboro Sec36 T273a Mrs. M. H. Gerbers (1896) Schmidt, Elmer R. (Margaret Owens) Ch Rolf, Lena, Henry, Mary; Thomasboro R20 Rantoul Sec32 O200a (1881) Schmidt, Mrs. Edith Ch Pauline, Carl, John, Evelyn; Ivesdale R53 Sadorus Sec31 O120a (1897) Schmidt, John (Mary Grostepan) Ch Olive, Maggie, Stella, Martha, Lu- ella, Lillie, Fern, Edwin, Joseph, Harold, Johnnie; Pesotum R55 Pe- sotum Sec24 O80a T180a Peter Grostepan and Henry Dirshner (1906) Schmidt, Rolf (Ida Duitsmann) Ch Margaret, Regina, Elmer, Bertha; Thomasboro R20 Rantoul Sec29 T160a (1897) Schmink, George (Anna Haun) Ch Roy, Madge, Harley, Francis, Clyde, Howard, Frank; Homer R60 Homer Sec30E T170a F. O. Hopkins (1905) Schneider, A. J. (Nancy R. McCoy) Ch William, Anthony, Agnes; Ur- bana R9 Somer SeclO O80a (1898) Schneider, Lawrence H. Ch Albert, Hilda; Pesotum R55 Pesotum Sec23 Farm Hand Frank Davis (1913) Scholl, Mrs. John (Bertha Misch) Ch Luella, Stella, Edith, Roy; Foosland R38 Brown Sec5 O160a John Scholl Est. (1896) Schoon, George (Mattie Booker) Ch Alberta, Mary, George, Virgil; Pen- field R27 Kerr Sec32 T120a A. A. Arns (1883) Schrader, Henry (Minnie Gehrke) Ch Herman; Sidney R58 Raymond SecS T156a Herman Ahrens (1911) Schrader, William (Kate Schlorff) Ch Fred; Urbana R9 Somer Sec33 O120a (1869) Schreiber, Albert (Augusta Winke) Ch Erwin; Champaign R4 Hensley Sec21 T167a R. R. Mattis (1876) Schreiber, Herman (Emma Kurzweg) Champaign R5 Hensley Secl4 O80a (1875) Schreiber, John (Augusta Bannick) Ch Walter, Esther; Champaign R5 Somer SeclS T173a Fred Schreiber (1880) Schreiber, Otto (Laura Lange) Ch Lester, Mildred; Champaign R5 Hensley Secl3 T103a A. Lange (1885) Schrock, John (Amelia Havenstine) Ch Emma, Joseph, Margaret; "Houston Place Farm" Dewey R32 E. Bend Secl6 T250a Eliza Jones (1910) Schrock, Mrs. Josephine (Yordy) Ch Elmer, Orval; Fisher R34 Brown Sec24 T40a John Schrock (1899) Schroeder, Charles W. (Louise Beck- er) Ch Paul, Ruth; Pesotum R54 Pesotum SecS O40a Pesotum Secl7 T160a Fred Schroeder (1889) Schroeder, Fred E. (Lucy Kamradt) Ch Ernest, Harold, Wayne; Sadorus R49 Colfax Sec23 T80a O. Holbrook (1874) Schroeder, H. A. (Louise Franken- stein) Ch Amanda, Anna, Edna, Bernard, Lola; Thomasboro R20 Compromise T40a (1912) Schroeder, John (Augusta Beutin) Ch Elsie, Minnie, John; Sadorus R50 Colfax Sec35 T160a (1872) Schroeder, L. W. (Francis Meier) Ch Walter, Karl, Anna, Alfred; Sadorus R51 Sadorus Secl2 O80a (1876) Schubach, Philip H. (Mary Brannock) Ch James, Clyde; Rantoul R23 Har- wood Sec34 Farm Hand J. Gehrt (1915) Schultz, Christian Ch Harry, Philip, Irma, Freddie, Amelia, May, Ed- win; Pesotum R55 Pesotum Sec22 O40a T160a Mrs. Philip Schultz and Henry Schultz (1882) Schultz, H. C. (Minnie Berbaum) Ch Henry; Savoy R45 Colfax Seel T240a Henry Berbaum (1885) Schumacher, Peter (Tracie Hemple) Ch Mary, Frank, Joe, Laurence, Ed- ward, John; Ivesdale R52 Colfax Sec6 O329a (1887) Schumacker, Henry (Lizzie Helen) Ch Florence, Arthur, Edward, Eve- lyn; Broadlands R36 Raymond Sec 11 T240a John Schumacker (1880) Schurg, Charles (Emma Strack) Ch Alvin, Elmer, Bernice; Pesotum R54 Pesotum Sec21 O40a T80a Emma Koss and Albert Schurg (1876) Schwartz, H. C. (Hazel Putnan) Dewey R32 E. Bend Sec34 T200a Loretta Yeoman (1894) Schwartz, John (Carrie Warner) Ch Oscar, Otto, Ruth, Marie; Urbana R9 Urbana Sec5-6 O173a (1865) 112 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Schwartz, Oscar J. Urbana R9 Somer Sec32 T89a Minnie and Gallic Al- bright and Mrs. W. Goodman (1894) Schwartz, William (Inger Osman) Ch Eldie, May, Lillie, Pearl, Ray, Emerson; Dewey R32 Condit Sec2 O80a T160a George Swartz (1867) Schwauderman, Herman (Ruth M. Dodson) Ch George, James, Oliver, Elza, Leland; "Schwauderman Homestead" Ludlow R31 Harwood Sec 17 O80a (1878) Schwehm, Edward J. (Elizabeth Clancy) Ch Russell, Cecil, Ray- mond, Earl, Lucile, Verna, Lois; Tolono Tolono Sec36 T160a Mrs. Mary A. Wagner (1883) Schweighart, George (Theresa Schae- fer) Ch John, Jake, Mike, Mary, Lizzie, Clara, Rose, Fred, Charles, Cecelia, Frank, Louis, Louise, Irene, George; Pesotum R54 Pesotum Sec 34 O280a (1875) Schweineke, Fritz (Lucy Weingart) Ch Freda, Wilma; Homer R59 Ayers SecS T240a Chris Schweineke (1911) Schwengel, Henry (Emilie Petzolk) Ch Lenora; Champaign R3 Hensley Sec34 T80a Mrs. Clevanger (1906) Schwenk, Herman (Addie Happ) Ch Gertrude, Albert, Harry, George, Louie, Caroline; Pesotum R54 Peso- tum Sec21 O200a (1892) Scogin, C. A. (Elva Akers) Ch Emory, Ralph, Evelyn; Urbana RIO Urbana Sec20 TlOa Mrs. S. S. Scogin (1917) Scoggin, R. C. (Madge Earl) Cham- paign Rl Champaign SeclS O104a (1875) Scott, A. S. Ch Annie, Robert, Wil- liam; Seymour R43 Scott SecS OSOOa (1867) Scott, Delmer (R. Artie Green) Ch Ellsworth, Charles, Kenneth, Sam- uel, Max, Bernice; Urbana R7 Ur- bana Secl2 Farm Hand D. M. Smith (1888) Scott, Ed (Margaret Richardson) Ch George, Pauline, Dorothy, Otto; Ogden R17 Ogden Sec21N T120a Scott Page (1913) Scott, H. D. (Margaret E. Matza- baugher) Ch Retta, Bertha, Ora, Charles, W. H., Archie, Hulda, Anna; Urbana R7 Urbana Sec3 T6a James Boyd Est. (1856) Scott, James (Lennie Harry) Ch Ran- som; Ogden R17 Ogden Sec32 T160a Thomas Scott (1907) Scott, P. L. (Elsie Fisher) Ch Wayne, Floyd, Ruth, Mildred; Champaign Rl Champaign Sec29 O160a (1891) Scott, Warren (Cora Bean) Ch Vera, Veva; Ogden R17 Ogden Sec32N T120a Tom Scott (1917) Scott, W. H. (Lue Holland) Ch Helen, Hortense; Thomasboro R20 Stanton Secl7 T200a Hortense Lear (1898) Seals, Everett (Pearl Blackwell) Ch Beulah, Dealia, Rose, Bessie, Frank, Allie, Irene; Gifford R25 Kerr Secl9 T210a James Martin (1907) Seamster, Charles A. (Mollie Gondar) Ch Cora, Reila; Urbana Rll Philo Sec2 T50a William Rukman (1901) Sebens, Martin (Bertha Fertmoed) Ch .Ella; Seymour R44 Scott Secl7 T97a M. Flavin (1917) Seeber, Miss Elizabeth Champaign R3 Champaign Sec3 Housekeeper Peter Seeber (1892) Seeber, E. (Trase Hammel) Ch Law- rence; Rantoul R22 Condit Secl3 OSOOa (1892) Seeber, Peter Champaign R3 Cham- paign Sec3 O400a Seeber Bros. & Co. (1892) Seelmeyer, Otto H. (Nellie Shepard) Urbana RIO Philo SeclS TSOa Mr. E. Patterson (1909) Steffens, Harry (Mabel Woolridge) Ch Glenn, Roy, John; Sadorus R51 Sadorus Sec22 T120a M. Maley (1889) Sego, Oliver (Martha Pebles) Ch Ruby; Champaign R3 Mahomet Sec 24 Farm Hand G. C. Rayburn (1917) Seider, Chris (Lena Aye) Ch Walter, Alfred; Broadlands R37 Raymond Seel OlOSa (1885) Seider, Henry (Nellie Albers) Ch El- rema, Norman, Norma; Broadlands R36 Raymond Secl3 O160a (1893) Selby, Sam (Dora Wolf) Ch Claud, Delilah; Mahomet R41 Newcomb Sec29 T160a Robert Myers (1882) Selle, L. P. (Irene Peebles) Ch Duane, Eugene, Mildred, Ralph, Geraldine, Vivian; Ivesdale R53 Sadorus Sec30 T146a Mrs. F. Selle (1917) Selmeyer, Henry F. (Zella Hess) Philo R56 Philo SeclS T240a Marshall Burr (1906) Selmeyer, Louis (Nellie Shepar) Ch Louis; Sidney R58 Sidney Sec30 TSOa F. Logan (1915) Seltzer, John F. (Annie Kimmel) Ch George, John; Longview R63 Ray- mond Sec30 T280a J. D. Seltzer (1881) 113 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Sepp, Carl (Bertha Stettner) Ch Laura, Ethel, Alma, Raymond; Lud- low R30 E. Bend Secl4 T200a B. F. Yates (1895) Seth, E. W. (Cora Beard) Ch Grace, Walter; Champaign R5 Hensley Sec 26 Farm Hand H. J. Wilson (1890) Severins, S. H. (Tiena Grussing) Ch Tiena, John, Rosa, Emma, Herman; Rantoul R23 Harwood Sec34 T116a John Grussing Sr. (1885) Seward, Arthur (Milla Packer) Ch Wyle, Furman, Mary, Luella, El- mer, Helena; Savoy R66 Tolono Sec 16 Farm Hand Frances Jordan (1904) Seward, Fred C. (Minnie Susdorf) Ch Henry, Paul, Fred, Francie; Rantoul R21 Ludlow Sec27 O160a (1877) Seymour, Abel Seymour R43 Scott Sec8 A. S. Scott (1865) Seymour, A. J. (Mella Clouser) Ch Emerson, Jean, Robert, .William, James, John, Dill, Anna; Seymour R43 Scott Sec6 O96a (1868) Seymour, C. T. (Aline Rising) Ch Curtis; Seymour R43 Scott Sec7 T460a Seymour Est. (1887) Shade, H. R. (Mary A. Thornburn) Ch Genevieve, Richard; "Shadeland Farm" Urbana R9 Somer SeclS OlOOa Sec22 T80a T. B. Thornburn (1903) Shafer, George A. (Laura Shafer) Ch Georgie; "Idea Dairy Farm" Villa Grove Crittenden Sec23 O165a (1877) Shaff, Howard (Anna G. Phillips) Ch Merl, Irma, Leland, Velma; Urbana R7 St. Joseph SecS T240a David Busey (1875) Shaff, L. L. "Pleasant View Farm" Urbana R7 Stanton Sec20 T280a A. F. Shaff (1896) Shaffer, H. J. (Alice R. Richcreek) Ch Mattie; Sadorus Sadorus Seel O120a (1874) Shaffer, J. P. (Ruth Hewerdine) Ch George, Edna, Melvin, J. P. Jr., Ruth; Fisher R35 Condit Sec8 T288a George Hewerdine (1911) Sharp, Clarence (Blanche Metzger) Thomasboro R19 Somer Sec3 T120a Lawrence McConnell (1887) Sharp, Jacob Ch Sep, Emma, Lizzie, Kate, Tillman; Rantoul R22 Rantoul SeclS O80a (1884) Sharp, J. S. (Lona Schwartz) Ch Clar- ence, Mamie; Urbana R9 Somer Sec9 O2a (1872) Sharp, Tillman (Vick Fiedler) Ch Arthur, Florence; Champaign R6 Somer Sec7 O130a T40a Carl Un- verzagt (1877) Sharpf, J. (Nellie Putman) Ch Mar- gie; Penfield R28 Compromise SecS T164a John Sharpf (1884) Sharpf, J. M. (Mary Heines) Ch Katherine, John; Penfield R28 Com- promise SecS TlOOa John Sharpf (1877) Shaw, James (Emma King) Ch James, Ethel; Bondville R65 Scott Secl3 O3a (1900) Shea, Pat Ivesdale R52 Colfax Sec28 O160a (1867) Sheehan, Dan (Jessie De Shazer) Ch Marie, Florence, Margaret, Kathryn, Wilma, Blossom, Beth, Vera; Ran- toul R24 Rantoul SeclO T114a Elmer Nelson (1883) Sheehan, Michael A. (Francis Lan- don) Ch Bessie, Edward; Ludlow R29 Harwood Sec6 O145a (1866) Sheffer, C. R. (Marcia Womeldorff) Ch Sybel, Lucile, Hazel; Fisher R34 Brown Sec27 T180a I. D. Nelson (1900) Sheilds, A. (Josephine Miller) Ch Fred, Agnes; Dewey R32 Condit Sec2 O320a (1875) Shelby, Mrs. R. D. Ch Alvin, George, Anna; Sidney R58 Sidney Sec29 T2a W.'Negangard (1915) Shell, Ed T. (Lucinda Riggs) Ch Hazel, Wayne, Fannie, Glenn; Ma- homet R40 Mahomet Sec3 T410a H. R. Hurley (1900) Shepherd, George E. (Blanche E. Spicer) Ch Ena, Anita, Georgia, Edith; Tolono R46 Crittenden Sec4 Farm Hand M. J. Clennon (1915) Shepherd, Jessie Philo R56 Philo Secl3 T200a Mrs. Laura Graffe (1903) Shepherd, John L. Philo R56 Philo SeclS OSOa Secl3 T200a Mrs. Laura Graffe (1903) Sheppard, E. D. (Myrtle Overmier) Ch Merle, Alice, Lyle; Fisher R35 Newcomb Sec3 T140a D. B. Gilmore (1873) Sheran, A. F. (Sarah Southerly) Ch Lillian, Howard, Anna, Nettie, Elsie, Edna; Mahomet R42 Mahomet Sec4 T300a F. B. Vennum (1905) Sheridan, Ed (Anna Rodhan) Ch Kate, Blanche, John, Margaret, Pat, Francis; Ogden R17 Ogden Secl6N T160a Jim Harper (1917) 114 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Smith, D. M. (Clara A. Fitch) Ch Elizabeth, Mabel, Fred, Lilly; Ur- bana R7 Urbana Secl2 O492a (1851) Smith, Eddie (Pearl Reed) Ch Velma, Clifford; Mahomet R42 Mahomet SeclS T17a Mrs. Homer Kimble (1883) Smith, Elijah (Alma F. Kirby) Ch Pearl, Helen, Ralph, Hazel; Homer R61 Homer Sec 31E O12a (1885) Smith, E. A. (Lottie Springer) Ch Erma, Russell; Urbana R9 Somer Sec21 T200a Thomas Thornburn (1887) Smith, Frank (Belle Lang) Ch Frank; Urbana R7 Stanton Sec30 T166a H. Corray (1903) Smith, George J. (Katherine Rund) Ch Mary, Madonna; Pesotum R65 Crittenden Sec31 T80a Mrs. Anna Magssanen (1888) Smith, George E. (Ethel Jones) Ch Edgar, Elva; Rantoul R20 Rantoul SeclS T80a Farm Hand Louis War- ner (1916) Smith, Gilbert A. (Amanda E. Math- ews) Ch May, John, Edith, Daisy; "Wild Rose Farm" Savoy R45 To- lono SeclS O365a (1868) Smith, H. Earl (Cecyle Mallow) Ch Homer; Urbana R8 Somer Sec24 T200a Mrs. Amanda Fitch (1892) Smith, H. G. (Ora Ross) Ch Arval, Elizabeth, Velva; Ivesdale R50 Sa- dorus Sec33 T200a William Fabaka (1913) Smith, Jacob W (Anna Henry) Ch Frank, Leo, Herbert, Alyin, Wal- ter, Raymond, Mary, Edith, Ruth, James, Alice; Pesotum R55 Crit- tenden Sec29 O320a (1888) Smith, John C. (Mary Franklin) Ch Maggie, Alice; Tolono R46 Crit- tenden Secl6 O160a (1865) Smith, John M. (Francis English) Ch Edith, George, Charlie; Broad- lands R36 Raymond Secl2 T240a Alary E. Smith (1885) Smith, John T. (Agnes E. Jordan) Ch Gilbert, Robert, John, George, Charles; "Wild Rose Stock Farm" Savoy R66 Tolono Sec8 O80a Sec9 T80a T. F. Jordan (1880) Smith, John W. (Nancy Doile) Ch William, John, Florence; \Savoy R66 Tolono Sec2 T212a Mrs. Mary Satmey (1896) Smith, J. E. (Delia Armstrong) Sa- dorus R50 Sadorus Secl2 O7a Ada Lieter (1891) Smith, J. H. (Hattie Fitts) Urbana R7 Stanton Sec31 O40a (1864) Smith, J. M. (Mary Bell) Ch Rufus, Howard, Paul, Blanche, David, James; Urbana R12 Urbana Secl6 O159a (1854) Smith, J. R. (Permelia Shumate) Ch Charles, Benjamin, Theodore, Lau- ra, Ellie, Effie, Forest; Penfield R27 Kerr Sec28 O160a (1877) Smith, J. V. (Minnie Grady) Ch Thelma, Dwight; Fisher R35 New- comb Sec2 T160a John Reardon (1915) Smith, L. A. Ch Ernest, Clarence, Floyd, Ruby, Edith, George; St. Jo- seph R13 St. Joseph Sec4 O40a (1853) Smith, Manuel (Margaret Haydock) Ch Russell, Delbert, Earl, Margaret, Ruth; Longview R64 Raymond Sec 21 O226a (1895) Smith, Mrs. Martha (Martha Dickson) Ch Belle; Mahomet R41 Mahomet Secl9 O133a (1873) Smith, Ralph (Ethel Harry) ^Ch Ro- land, Harry, Mary, Rex; 'Urbana R7 Urbana Secl2 T232a A. B. Smith (1878) Smith, Richard M. (Olive Lovingfess) Ch Nettie; Tolono R46 Crittenden SeclO T20a Laura E. Smith (1886) Smith, Robert (Emmelie Messman) Ch Arnold, Harold; Allerton Rl Ayers Sec29 O160a (1889) Smith, Rodney R. (Ora Johnson) Ch Stephen, Ruth, Marian, Herbert, Ray; Urbana R8 Urbana Sec4 O62a (1897) Smith, Sherman (Manda Kirby) Ch Charlie; Sidney R57 Sidney Sec9 OlOSa (1870) Smith, William (Bessie Westall) Ch Ann, Dorothy, Raymond, William, Mabel, Pauline; Thomasboro R19 Condit Sec36 T120a Mrs. Katherine Jervis (1880) Smith, William (Janey Mcjunkin) Ch Velma, William; St. Joseph R14 Og- den SeclSNW Farm Hand Saathoff Est. (1917) Smith, William (Sarah Harson) Ch Walter, Will, Robert, Rosella, Al- len; Homer R61 Sidney Secl3 T80a Harry Winson (1903) Smith, William A. (Lillian M. John- son) Ch Franklin, Pauline, Oakley; St. Joseph R16 St. Joseph Sec34 Farm Hand Edward Butzow (1908) 117 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Smith, W. A. (Lillian Shroyer) Ch Eugene; St. Joseph RD St. Joseph SeclS Farm Hand M. G. Swearingen (1901) Smith, W. F. (Nola Camerer) Ch Charlie, Florence, Claud, Harold; Broadlands R37 Ayers Sec29 O160a (1884) Smith, W. H. (Jennie Robinson) Ho- mer R59 Homer Sec9 O183a (1860) Smith, W. H. (Emma Eldra) Ch Mer- vin, Fred, Erma; Urbana R7 Urbana SeclO O296a (1844) Smith, W. T. (Dora Mathew) Ch Fern, Inez, Lee; Ogden Ogden Sec4 Farm Hand R. J. Gillespi (1916) Smith, W. T. (Lottie Richardson) Ch Pearl, Lucy, Hazel, Bertha, Iva, Mildred; Longview R64 Raymond Sec21 T160a Thomas McCormick (1917) Smothers, Mrs. Ida (Ida Tyas) Ch Emery, Ethel, Charles; Mahomet R42 Newcomb Sec25 T165a E. B. Chapin (1880) Snape, John (Eva Kemper) Ch Earl; Homer R61 Sidney Secl3 T80a W. M. McBee (1914) Snell, Fred Mahomet RD Mahomet Sec21 T160a James Humes (1899) Snider, George A. (Mary Cade) Ch Jessie; Sadorus R51 Sadorus Sec36 O15a (1915) Snyder, A. C. (Catherine Bates) Ch Helen, Mary, John, Gertrude, Edna; Sadorus R49 Colfax SeclO T120a (1875) Snyder, C. A. (Elizabeth Hatchel) Ch Ellen, Vernon; Sadorus R51 Sadorus Farm Hand J. J. Chambers (1895) Snyder, George J. Elizabeth, Renett (Sister and Mother) Sadorus R49 Colfax SeclS TllOa Mrs. John Sny- der (1867) Snyder, J. W. (Mattie Beney) Ch Leah, May; Sadorus R51 Sadorus Sec26O12a (1877) Somers, Edward H. (Francis Ferris) Ch Roy; Urbana R8 Urbana Sec4 Ola (1858) Somers, James (Honore Conerton) Ch Thomas, John, Paul, James, Joseph, Margaret; Ivesdale R52 Colfax Sec 20 O200a (1895) Somers, J. A. (Minnie Grierson) Ch Russell, Donald; St. Joseph R16 St. Joseph Sec28 O80a (1867) Somers, J. B. (Jennie Davis) Ch Mary, Helen, Fred; Urbana R9 Somer Sec 22 O68a (1864) Somers, Samuel R. (Effie Harry) Ch Harry, Frances, Ralph, Joe, Doro- thy; Savoy R45 Tolono Sec4 O280a (1865) Somers, T. J. Urbana R9 Somer Sec22 O60a (1864) Sommer, C. W. (Freida Carle) Ch Henry, William, Eliza, Joseph, Car- rie, Benjamin, Samuel, Andrew, Lester, Mary, Emma; Dewey R32 E. Bend Sec23 T240a Joe Shertz and J. D. Sturdyvin (1893) Souders, Clements (Carrie E. Brown) St. Joseph R16 St. Joseph Sec27 T60a J. R. Huss (1882) Spangler, William M. (Kate Griffin) Ch William, Perry, Paul, Edward; Broadlands R37 Ayers SeclS T80a Fred A. Messman (1913) Spannagel, George J. (Eva Mohr) Ch Daniel, Louis, Mathias, Estella, Anna; Tolono R48 Philo SeclS T240a Wm. Mulligan (1912) Sparrow, W. F. (Hattie Bosler) Ch Virgie; Mahomet R41 Mahomet Sec 7 T140a Theodore Pittman (1913) Spencer, Charles (Grace Manuel) Ch Mae, Ruth; "Spencer Farm" Maho- met R41 Newcomb Sec32 TSOa Mrs. Anna Spencer (1880) Spencer, George (Anna Shaw-) Ch Rachel, Philip, Cora, Richard, Vir- ginia, Harold; Homer R60 Homer SeclSE O120a (1865) Spencer, Ralph Pesotum R55 Critten- den Secl7 T260a Mrs. L. S. Spencer Est. and W. J. Quinlan (1893) Sperling, A. H. (Rosa Heyer) Ch Zelma, Lucile, August, Irene, Mil- ton; Fisher R34 E. Bend Sec29 O344a TSOa Mrs. Redding (1868) Spitznagel, J. G. (Clara Parnell) Ch Mary, Edward, George, Alma; Bondville R65 Scott Sec2 TlOOa A. H. Flower (1902) Spoehrle, William Ludlow R21 Lud- low Secl3 O'140a (1873) Spraggens, William (Ardella Warfel) Ch Cleo; Pesotum R55 Pesotum Sec 14 Farm Hand Joseph Rug (1907) Sprague, Dallas (Susan Severson) Ch William, Sylvia, John, Bertha, Jo- seph; Penne'd R28 Compromise Sec 8 O123a (1890) Spring, Herbert N. (Jane Barnett) Ch William, Herbert, Elmo, Mary, Wal- ter; Philo R56 Philo Secll T200a Eugene Burr (1908) Springer, James E. (W. Anna Kirby) Ch Carrie, Lottie, Ethel; Urbana R7 Urbana Sec2 O126a (1859) 118 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Springer, J. W. (Emma Birky) Dewey R32 E. Bend Sec26 T120a E. B. Chapin (1898) Springer, V. W. (Emelia Unzicker) Ch George, Theodore, Ben, Mary, Clara, Dora, Elmer, Victor, Ray- mond, Clarence, Ervin; Rantoul R21 E. Bend Secl4 T225a Geo. Somers, Katie Litviller and John Eichel- berger (1895) Sprout, C. A. (Phoebe Everett) Ch Venus; Philo R56 Philo Sec24 O122a (1904) Squire, John (Martha E. Armstrong) Ch Richard, Mabel; Champaign R6 Somer Sec29 O120a (1914) Sry, J. H. (Nellie Knights) Ch Fay, Mary, Milton; Rantoul R22 Rantoul Sec4 O80a T125a Ed Malloy and J. W. Lafollette (1868) Stadden, T. F. Homer R59 Homer Sec20 O160a (1876) Stamm, Silas (Katie Studer) Ch Merle; Foosland R39 Brown Sec21 T160a Samuel Studer (1912) Stamper, Monroe (Ellen Taulbee) Ch Dewey, Stephen, Clay, Mary, Dal- las; Seymour R43 Mahomet SecSl Farm Hand B. F. Harris (1914) Stanley, H. B. (Nora W. Plumlee) Ch Homer; Urbana R7 Urbana Seel Farm Hand W. K. A. Hartle (1916) Stanley, P. (Louisa Rollins) Ch John, Harvey, Elizabeth; Dewey R32 E. Bend Sec21 O40a (1886) Stanner, Guy W. Urbana R12 St. Jo- seph Secl7 O80a (1883) Stanner, J. R. Urbana R12 St. Joseph Secl7 O80a T160a W. H. Stanner Est. (1887) Stanner, Pearl A.. Urbana R12 St. Jo- seph Secl7 Housekeeper Stanner Est. Stanner, R. O. (Maud Hamm) Ch Opal, Lowell; Champaign Rl Cham- paign Secl6 O5a (1878) Stantz, Roy E. (Nellie Worth) Ch Estelle, Raymond; Pesotum R54 Pe- sotum Sec30 T120a August Leich (1906) Starkey, Albert W. (Ida Boston) Ch Hattie, Neal, Henry, Margaret, Vir- gil, Richard, Agnes; Tolono R47 Tolono Sec28 T80a Joe Roy (1882) Starkey, William A. (Mamie Woods) Ch Ethel, Merle, Naomi, Elsie, Mil- dred, Gladys; Pesotum R54 Peso- tum Secl7 T160a E. C. Creamer (1872) Starr, Oscar Penfield R27 Kerr Secl7 T295a Fowler Est. (1913) Starr, Roy (Fanny Hackman) Ch Harley, Forest, Clyde, Glenn; Pen- field R27 Kerr T250a Bryan Gordon (1913) Staten, Ray (Ruth Meade) Ch Clif- ford; St. Joseph R15 Ogden Sec20 Farm Hand E. Elliott (1914) St. Cloud, J. R. (Merlle McDonle) Ch Inis, Wanda; Sadorus R49 Colfax Secl6 Farm Hand J. T. Meathe (1917) Stearns, F. C. (Adelia Renfrew) Ch John, Geneva; Mahomet RD Ma- homet SeclS Tlla Frank Thomas (1917) Stearns, Mrs. Minnie G. Ch Jessie, Maud, Fred, Willard, Earl, Ray- mond; Philo R56 Philo SeclS O80a (1895) Stearns, William A. (Minnie K. Marsh) St. Joseph R15 Ogden Sec 29E OlOOa Sec30NE T40a Mrs. E Stearns (1867) Steele, Will (Opal Smith) Ch Mildred; Tolono R48 Philo Sec33 Farm Hand Jacob Thimmes (1908) Steenburgen, Charlie (Ocie Saddler) Ch Dale, Kenneth; Homer R62 Og- den Sec28S TllOa C. H. Kienzle (1910) Steffens, E. (Amelia Gorlitz) Ch Fred; Sadorus R49 Colfax Secl6 Ola (1869) Stein, Anton (Fannie Rickers) Ch Dina, Herman, John; St. Joseph R13 Stanton SeclO T120a Mrs. G. Flosner (1891) Stein, John (Catherine Hart) Ch Wil- lie, John, Martin, Anna; "Flatville Store" Thomasboro R20 Compro- mise Sec28 (1890) Stein, Martin (Ebba Post) Ch Dina, Maggie, Bernet; St. Joseph R13 Stanton SeclO T120a Alfred Hen- rich (1897) Steinblock, George (Annie Rickers) Ch Etta, Ida, Carl, Freda; Rantoul R24 Rantoul Sec20 T140a Henry Saathoff (1893) Steinkard, Glenn (Lyda Teeters) Ch Helen; Urbana Rll Philo Secl2 Farm Hand Eugenie C. Bur (1914) Stephens, Dan (Eva Webb) Ch Ros- coe, Charlie, Myrtle, Mabel, Donald Paul; Rantoul R22 Condit Secl3 Farm Hand Seeber Farm (1913) Stephens, J. Sewell Pesotum R54 Pesotum Sec30 T376a T. A. Stevens Koberlein Gail Beck (1890) Sterling, John (Hallie Brannanan) Mahomet R41 Mahomet Sec9 Farm Hand R. O. Parrett (1916) 119 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Steven, James (Laura Goodmann) Ch William, Anna, Joseph, Mar- garet, Alec, Elizabeth, Walter, Rob- ert, Fanny, Fred; Sadorus R51 Sa- dorus SeclS O490a (1857) Steven, R. J. (Ruth Abbott) Sadorus R51 Sadorus Secl6 T280a James Stephens (1889) Stevens, Fred E. (Bess M. Marriott) Ch Max, Thomas, Elizabeth, George; Urbana R8 Somer Sec25 O120a T120a George Corray (1880) Stevens, F. K. (Louise Nierstheimer) Sadorus R51 Sadorus Sec22 T280a (1891) Stevens, William, Sr. (Bessie Win- nings) Ch William, Jr.; Mahomet RD Mahomet Secl6 Tla Mrs. M. Peterson (1911) Stevenson, F. C. (Clara Jones) Ch Lauren, Orlena; Fisher R34 E. Bend Secl9 T140a Mrs. Mary McKee and S. G. Stevenson (1880) Steward, Jesse (Cora Henderson) Ch Ralph, Jessie; Seymour R44 Scott Sec28 Farm Hand George C. Haines, Jr. (1915) Stewart, Elmer (Retta Paisley) Ch Elred, Grace, Fred; Urbana R7 St. Joseph Sec6 T220a Frank Roughton (1890) Stickrod, Harry D. (Louise Albrecht) Ch Clarence, Bernice, Irene; Tolono R48 Philo Sec20 T320a Newt Dich (1886) Stickrod, William H. (Myrtle L. Rob- inson) Ch Roy, Joseph; Tolono R48 Philo Secl9 Farm Hand R. A. Bow- ers (1882) Stidham, Joe Mahomet R42 Mahomet Secl2 T80a J. T. Stidham (1884) Stidham, J. T. (Deborah Nicholas) Ch George, Mary, Charlie, Ernest, Joe, Malissa; Mahomet R42 Mahomet Secl2 O80a (1848) Stieper, C. F. (Febie Clain) Ch Pero- dine; Pesotum R54 Sadorus Sec36 O77a (1903) Stierwalt, Tony (Daisy Adams) Ch Mary, Hazel, Charles; Tolono R47 Pesotum Sec2 Farm Hand W. C. Creamer (1912) Stigall, Jeff (Haley Brock) Ch Clint. Mary, Willard; Sadorus R49 Colfax Sec22 T120a Tom Meade (1915) Stillabower, F. S. (Sadie Nichols) Ch Harold, Cornelia, Donald; Bondville R65 Scott Sec2 T80a George Kesler (1910) Stirrett, Edgar (Nettie Smith) Ch Lee, Ruth, Ralph, Pearl, Ada, Fay, Ed- gar, Jr.; Sadorus, R51 Sadorus Sec2 T136a Charles Edwards (1900) Stivers, Moses (Rosie Gudgel) Ch Jes- sie; Tolono R48 Philo Sec8 Farm Hand Thomas Perkins (1912) Stoerger, Louis (Elizabeth Eichhorst) Ch Augusta, George, Harry, Fanny, Ruth, Carl, Walter, Lucile, Crystal; Ivesdale R53 Sadorus Secl7 O430a (1869) Stone, H. E. (Nora Watson) Ch Fran- cis, Thelma, Hugh; Ludlow R29 Ludlow Sec2 T205a J. A. Watson (1912) Stone, R. M. (Lola German) Ch Philo- ma; Urbana R12 Urbana SeclS Farm Hand George Pfeffer (1916) Stone, Thomas M. (Permelie Knowles) Ch John, Lucy, Willis, Allie, Lewis, Martha, Harry, Clara; Tolono R47 Tolono Sec22 O160a (1875) Stonebraker, Jesse (Dora Rebird) Ch Rose, Alice, Olive; Mahomet R40 Newcomb Sec23 T20a W. Thompson (1881) Stonestreet, C. A. (Kattie Nye) Ch Lyle; Penfield R27 Kerr Sec30 O53a (1884) Stonestreet, G. W. (Dora Obenland) Ch Wyane; Penfield R27 Kerr Sec 29 O53a (1889) Stonestreet, W. M. (Mary Clifton) Ch Andrew, Irie, Enna, Charlie; Pen- field R27 Kerr Sec29 O80a (1872) Storm, Ira (Grace Hamm) Ch Thel- ma, Magnolia, Willima; Champaign R4 Hensley Sec8 T320a D. A. Phil- lippie (1912) Story, Charlie (Lou Todd) Ch Har- old, Bernal; Fisher R34 Brown Sec 23 T80a M. Maguire (1906) Story, Joseph Ludlow R30 Ludlow Sec6 T47a Mrs. H. Pickett (1904) Stout, Ernest (Hazel Curtis) Ch Na- dine, Paul; Mahomet R42 Mahomet SeclS O7a (1886) Stout, Frank (Leonora Clapper) Ch Ernest, Samuel, Nellie; Mahomet R42 Mahomet SeclS O30a (1860) Stout, Louis Roy Savoy R66 Tolono SeclO T320a Jesse Stout (1886) Stout, L. B. (Edith Keller) Ch Wayne, Ray, Neal; Ludlow R31 Ludlow Secl3 Ollla (1881) Stover, E. C. (Hatty Adams) Ch Otis, Inez, Hazel, Floyd, Glen, Mil- dred; Mahomet R40 Newcomb Secl4 O157a George Loveless (1912) Stover, L. S. (Lizzie Mills) Ch Lee, William, Ethel, Lena, Leslie, Ruth, Leona, Katie; Mahomet R40 New- comb Secl3 T160a W. Klemick (1901) 120 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Stover, M. O. (Laura Lyons) Ch Nel- lie, Orville; "Bloomfield Farm" Ma- homet R41 Mahomet Sec8 O259a (1883) Stover, Orville "Bloomfield Farm" Mahomet R41 Mahomet Sec8 T249a M. O. Stover (1892) Stover, W. A. (Anna Hanna) Ch Ray, Flo, Chester; Sadorus R51 Sadorus Sec22 O200a (1886) Strack, Ed (Augusta Stoeger) Ch Jeanic, Louise; Ivesdale R53 Sa- dorus Secl9 Farm Hand Louise Stoeger (1889) Strack, Fred (Elizabeth Lettimore) Ch Walter, Madonna, Kenneth; Sa- dorus R50 Sadorus Sec9 T80a (1891) Strater, C. L. (M. J. Keiterling) Ch Grace, Fredrick; Ivesdale R53 Sa- dorus Sec8 T120a Katherine Burns (1898) Strohl, D. D. (Frances Beorngen) Bondville R65 Scott SeclO T80a J. E. Strohl (1896) Strohl, G. E. (Anna Ethel Beas-ley) Ch Everett, Charlie; Ivesdale R52 Colfax Sec7 T160a Carl Varmon (1897) Strohl, J. F. (Sarah Houser) Ch Sa- rah, May, Daniel, Delia, Goldie, Denie; Ivesdale R52 Colfax Sec7 T160a (1871) Strohl, J. W. (Sarah Fought) Ch Bertie, Florence, Susie, George, Clarence, Alice, Joe, Carl, Josephine; "Blue Mound Farm" Monticello Rl Colfax Sec7 T612a Carl Varmon (1877) Strom, Peter E. (Amelia Schroeder) Ch Victor, Freda, Forest; Gifford R26 Secll T320a Albert Bergland (1898) Struck, Delf (Mary Rayl) Ch Etta; Broadlands R36 Raymond Sec36 T80a John Struck (1885) Struck, Herman (Louise Messman) Ch Elsie, Arthur, Raymond; Broad- lands R36 Raymond Secl4 T160a Herman Struck (1903) Struck, Otto (Marie Messman) Ch Leon, Alfonse, Marie; Longview R64 Raymond Secl6 O121a (1884) Stuart, L. P. (Lydia Curry) Ch Leota, V Ray; St. Joseph R16 Ogden Sec 19SW TllSa M. H. Johnson (1869) Studer, Sam (Anna Sommer) Ch Al- bert, Katie, Harvey; Fisher R34 Brown Secl3 O59a (1891) Styan, Ed (Nellie Irene Sewell) Ch Ranold, Bernice; "Timber Lodge" Sadorus R51 Sadorus Seel O203a (1881) Suddarth, Bart (Inez Plolner) Ch Ethel, Glenn, Francis; Pesotum R54 Pesotum Sec28 T240a Becker 'Bros. (1896) Sullivan, Charles (Laura Cowan) Ch Virsa, Ada, Earl, Pearl, Hazel, Ber- nice; Bondville R65 Scott SeclS William Dighton (1916) Sullivan, Dan P. (Kathren C. Fritton) Ludlow R31 Harwood Sec28 OlOOa SeclS T220a Mrs. C. Sullivan and M. Welsh (1885) Sullivan, T. (Charlotte Callahan) Ran- toul R24 Ludlow Sec34 O120a (1887) Sullivan, J. T. Rantoul R22 Ludlow Sec29 T160a Mat Walsh (1891) Sullivan, Melvin (Lyle Bates) Ch Har- old, Archie; "Kays' Farm" Rantoul R31 Ludlow Sec8 T160a Thomas Keys (1905) Sullivan, W. H. (Golden Lutz) Ch Mildred; Rantoul R21 SeclS T173a D. Howard and Mr. Marshall (1910) Sulliven, William (Letha Ard) Ch Louney, Alney, Antony, Freda, Fred; Seymour Colfax Secl6 O250a (1913) Summers, W. M. (Anna Bailey) Ch Doris, Marvin; Foosland R38 Brown Seel T365a J. P. Roth (1897) Summet, S. A. Rantoul R21 Ludlow Sec24 O80a (1873) Summitt, Marion F. (Nellie Brown) Ch Dorothy; Pesotum R54 Peso- tum Sec30 T120a D. G. Summitt (1885) Sunderland, Charles M. Penfield R22 Kerr O247a (1890) Sunderland, H. L. (Louise Parr) Ch Glade, Keith; Fisher E. Bend Sec31 O165a T286a Mrs. Richmond (1877) Sunderland, J. S. (Ruth Carrins) Ch Zeda, John; Rantoul R23 Compro- mise SeclO T280a Mary E. Busy Susdorf, A. E. (Florence Flagg) Ran- toul R22 Rantoul Sec8 T120a Laura McConnell (1893) Susdorf, Elmer (Mary McConnell) Ch Archie, Mabel, Maude, Bessie, Lucy, Charles, Lloyd, Lena, Ruth; Rantoul R22 Rantoul Sec20 O160a (1871) Suttle, B. M. (Maud Trotter) Ch Olive, Archie, Nellie, Mary, Lola; Ma- homet R40 Newcomb Secll-23 O160a (1889) Sutton, Philip (Bridget Grace) Ch Mary, Anna, Bridget, Josie, Fran- ces, Nellie, Katie; Urbana RIO Philo SeclO T80a Patrick Moore Est. (1871) 121 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Suverkrup, B. F. (Elizabeth Whitting- ton) Ch Paul, Bernard; Champaign R2 Champaign Secl3 O6a T300a Mrs. Chester (1905) Swain, V. C. (Amanda Brandt) Ch Lorene; Ludlow R30 E. Bend Sec2 T104a Samuel Harnit (1916) Swain, W. J. (Mary Eaton) Ch Clar- ence, Pascal, Tressie; St. Joseph R16 St. Joseph Sec29 O60a TlOOa Swain Est. (1866) Swain, C. W. (Etta Freeman) Ch Selma, Grace, Alta, Ruth, Charlotte, Estell, Ethel, Lee, Howard, Virgil; Savoy R45 Colfax Secl3 T252a O. E. Hall (1886) Swaney, James Albert (Minnie Susan) Ch Arlie, Iva, Ruth, Cecil, Yonda; St. Joseph R16 Sidney Sec4 T105a A. Huss (1895) Swaney, Will (Mamie Caldwell) Ch Blonde, Catherine, Bernard; Urbana R12 St. Joseph Sec31 T245a Isaac White (1880) Swartz, Henry (Ollie Alexander) Ch Harold, Alton, Freda, Fern; Rantoul R22 Condit Secll O160a T80a Mrs. George Little (1868) Swatsley, O. A. (Cora Williams) Ch Dorothy, Berdella, Hazel, Ralph, Roy, Odellia; Bondville R65 Scott Sec24T40a Dr. Eade (1914) Swayze, Rudy (Addie Cannon) Ch Hazel; Longview R64 Raymond Sec 27 T80a James George (1915) Swearingen, E. C. (Lucy Ridinger) Ch Orville, Omer, Pearl, Clara, Verne, Margerite, Evelen, Flor- ence, Vincent; St. Joseph R13 St. Joseph Sec22 T360a U. G. Swear- ingen (1875) Swearingen, James O. (Jessie Doyle) Ch Bess, Gladys, Vaughn, Ruby, Glenn, Dorothy; St. Joseph RD St. Joseph Secl4 TlOa T. J. Woodin (1876) Swearingen, Naomi Ch Bess; Tolono R48 Tolono Sec36 T240a W. V. Lafferty (1881) Sweet, T. M. (Auctioneer) (Minnie Bennett) Ch Bernice, Olive, Vera, Francis; Mahomet R41 Mahomet Sec20 T144a Tom Morrisey (1901) Swisher, C. (Disa Garner) Champaign R3 Champaign Sec6 Farm Hand W. G. Majors (1912) Swisher, John (Hettie McLean) Ch Stella, Herbert, Chester, Roy, John, Floyd, Ferald; Homer R60 Homer Sec32 Farm Hand William H. Mil- ler (1915) Swift, W. J. (Malisa Jane) Ch Charles, Frederick; Sidney Sidney Sec9 T135a Mary Busey (1865) Sylvester, E. B. (Bessie McDonald) Ch Lucile; Homer R60 Homer Sec 19 W T80a W. H. Sylvester (1884) Sylvester, Joseph Champaign R3 Ma- homet Sec24 T240a Mrs. Franker- berder (1891) Tabaka, C. W. (Carrie Boese) Ch May, Ruth, Frank; Ivesdale R53 Sadorus Sec30 O520a (1869) Tabaka, E. J. (Elizabeth Hummel- shoem) Ch Berdine, Phyllis, Leona, Edward, Paul; Ivesdale R53 Sadorus Sec6 O184a (1867) Tabaka, F. T. (Monaca Scherick) Ch Avellino, Frances; Ivesdale R53 Sa- dorus Sees 5-6 T200 F. J. Tabaka (1873) Tabaka, Weaver (Elizabeth Pankan) Ch Milton; Ivesdale R53 Sadorus Sec9 T160a Tom Kirwan (1902) Tade, E. C. (Cora Lowry) Ch Jessie, Georgie, Mary; Sidney R57 Sidney Secl4 T130a G. D. Boone (1912) Talbot, Earl P. (Myrtle Harper) Ch Viola; Gifford R25 Harwood Sec36 T320a J. A. Talbot (1887) Talbot, Emory (Laura McBride) Ch Harley, James; Bondville R65 Scott Secl3 T300a John Barker (1905) Talbott, G. B. (Helena Rising) Ch Len, Carl; Champaign Rl Cham- paign Sec4 O80a (1865) Talbot, James A. (Eliza Lips) Ch Charles, Lucy, Frank, Earl; "Cherry Grove Farm" Gifford R25 Harwood Sec25 0480a (1877) Tarvin, Ralph (Edna Praetor) Ch Ethel, Wayne, Walter, Hazel; Lud- low R30 E. Bend Secll T400a B. F. Yates and B. T. Livingston (1900) Tash, J..L. (Venner Ray) Ch Martha, Mamie; Gifford R26 Compromise Sec31 T70a John Wood (1910) Tatman, Charles (Gertrude Primmer) Seymour R43 Scott Sec7 Farm Hand Adolf Blandow (1886) 122 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Taulman, Oscar M. Rantoul R23 Har- wood Sec32 O76a (1869) Tayler, C. B. (Mary A. Rennie) Ch Jennie, John, Mary, Helen, Annie, Zenna, Charles, Gorden, Rennie; Penfield R27 Kerr Secs29-30 O160a (1884) Taylor, George (Maude Hall) Ch Howard, Helen; "Homewood Dairy Farm" Urbana Rll Urbana Sec28 T240a Gilbert Taylor (1874) Taylor, D. O. (Bessie M. Kerr) Ch Anna, Alsina, Emma; Thomasboro R20 Stanton Sec4 Farm Hand L. Mennenga (1910) Taylor, Frank W. (Louise Rayburn) Mahomet R42 Mahomet Sec24 T200a R. G. Rayburn (1879) Taylor, Fred (Myrtle Williams) Ch Royce, Ethel, Clyde, Jessie, Lulu; Mahomet R41 Mahomet SeclS T120a J. D. Pittman (1909) Taylor, G. W. (Mary Groves)- Pen- field R28 Compromise Sec20 O320a (1887) Taylor, Harry A. Homer R60 Homer Secl9 Farm Hand Joe Taylor (1879) Taylor, John (Grace Taylor) Ch Os- car; Homer R59 Ayers Sec4 T160a Mrs. M. Taylor (1896) Taylor, Joseph D. (Mancy B. Spratt) Ch George, Alice, Hatty, Ida, May, Grace, Frank; Mansfield Rl New- comb Sec31 O107a (1861) Taylor, J. C. V. Homer R60 Homer Secl9W T200a The Taylor Est. (1877) Taylor, Mrs. Maggie Ch Arthur, Mary, Essie, John; Homer R59 Homer Sec 8 0180a (1879) Taylor, R. W. Urbana R7 Urbana Sec2 T147a James E. Springer (1876) Taylor, S. R. (Katherine Ice) Ch Irene, Bernard, Alberta; Urbana Rll Urbana Sec35 O40a T40a Mar- garet Ice (1917) Taylor, William (Mary Miller) Ch Joe, Sylvia, Lilly; Mahomet R41 Mahomet Secl6 O5a (1854) Taylor, W. H. (Mary E. Mceks) Ch Adria, Effie, Grace, Virgil, Maria, Hallie, Burnel; Homer R60 Homer Sec31SW T280a Mrs. Sarah Hart and Mrs. Taylor (1914) Tayner, Elmer (Gertie Brelzlaff) Ch Earl, Gladys, Lucille; Tolono R47 Tolono Sec22 T120a Gus Brelzlaff (1900) Teare, William (Christian Kelley) Ch Kenneth, Donald; Bondville R65 Scott Sec2 T160a D. Teare (1912) Tehsman, Louis (Hulda Screiber) Ch Marie, Anna, Clara; Champaign R5 Hensley Secl4 T160a Rolef Estf. (1895) Telling, Albert "Maple Bosquet Farm" Broadlands*R37 Ayers Sec 3E T321a Telling Est. (1887) Tempel, G. A. Ivesdale R52 Colfax SecS O167a (1877) Tempel, Henry (Mary Conner s) Ch Dorothy; Seymour R44 Colfax Sec3 T120a Tom Maneon (1888) Tempel, John C. (Mary Loew) Ch Edward, Albert, Leo, Leonard, Ru- pert; Pesotum Pesotum Secl3 O160a (1875) Tempel, Martin (Josie Welch) Ch Olive; Tolono R46 Crittenden Sec8 T140a John Beiller (1886) Tempel, P. A. (Julia T. Gilen) Ch Ve- ronica, Urban, Clare, Ruth; Savoy R45 Colfax Sec2 T200a John Ryan (1884) Temple, Andrew (Mary T. Schruck) Ch Paul, Martin, Leo, Charlie, Hen- ry, William, Andrew, Robert, Rose; Ivesdale R52 Colfax SecS O240a (1872) Temple, Charles A. (Mary Pankan) Ch Bernadine; Savoy R66 Tolono Secl4 T80a Pete Mulligan (1893) Temple, Edward A. (Tillie Parr) Ch John; Pesotum R55 Pesotum Sec26 T320a John Cooper (1887) Ten Brook, Garnett (Alice Saston) Ch Pete, Nellie, Lizzie, Myrtle, Andy; Sadorus R50 Sadorus Secl2 O47a (1867) Ten-Brook, L. J. "Willow Brook Farm" Sadorus R50 Sadorus Secl2 T47a (1893) Tenbrook, S. P. (Nellie Baldwin) Ch Viola, Clifton; Sadorus R50 Sadorus Seel T180a Edna Timon Kelly (1881) Tessman, Fred (Hattie Demlo) Ch Charles, William; Sadorus R49 Col- fax Secl6 T80a Charles H. Demlo (1884) Teuscher, J. S. (Mary Roth) Ch Les- ter, Esther, Daniel, Freida, Clara, Melvin; Fisher R34 E. Bend Secl9 0313a (1899) Thinnes, Jacob C. (Margaret Noble) Ch Arlene, Kathrine; Tolono R48 Philo Sec33 O120a T120a Jane No- ble (1902) Thode, B. H. (Ida Block) Ch Oscar, Ray, Rosa, Barhart; Broadlands R37 Ayers Sec31W OlOOa (1879) 123 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Thode, O. H. (Ruth Wilson) Ch Wil- liam, Walter, Alfred; R37 Ayers SeclS T80a Anna Bergfield (1883) Thomas, Arthur (Louisa Earl) Ch Robert, Margaret; Seymour R44 Scott Secl6 O160a Sec9 T120a (1887) Thomas, B. J., Jr. (Lillie Todd) Ch Hubert, Ruth; Mahomet R41 Ma- homet Sec4 O128a (1882) Thomas, D. H. (Anna Hazen) Ch Clark; Seymour R44 Scott Secl7 O80a T46a Mrs. M. M. Thomas (1869) Thomas, James O. (Mary Clark) Ch Helen, Russell; Mahomet R41 Ma- homet Sec8 T171a R. W. Thomas (1886) Thomas, J. B. Ch Luther, Claude, Lola, Lilly, Carle, Fred, Oscar, Ed- na; Dewey R32 E. Bend Sec21 T200a Emberling Est. Thomas, P. A. (Lessie Burton) Dewey R32 E. Bend Sec22 T240a Mrs. James R. Wilson (1915) Thompson, Archie F. (Nancy Myers) Mahomet R40 Mahomet SeclO O29a (1867) Thompson, Ben (Elsie Baler) Ch Blanche, Leonard, Clarence, Wayne; Tolono R46 Philo Sec33 Farm Hand Alonza Brand (1912) Thompson, Beryl St. Joseph R16 St. Joseph Sec28 T80a James Thompson (1887) Thompson, Clarence (Aha Ware) To- lono R48 Crittenden Secl6 Farm Hand Pat Barringen (1910) Thompson, Cornelius J. (Mary Bouns) Ch Anna, Maine, Grace; Rantoul R24 Secl3 T80a Harm Schluter (1888) Thompson, C. C. (Marie Anders) Ch Majorie; Urbana R17 Stanton Sec21 T152a Thompkins Est. (1884) Thompson, C. E. (Eliza West) Ch Nellie, Delia, Delmar, William Golda; Ivesdale R53 Sadorus Sec32 Farm Hand Troy Madaris (1917) Thompson, C. R. (Bessie R. Jones.) Ch Dean, Rayburn; R16 St. Joseph Sec25 TllOa Thompson Est. (1892) Thompson, Fred (Hattie B. Corray) Ch Ruth, Carrie, Helen; Urbana R8 Somer Sec25 O160a (1867) Thompson, Guy St. Joseph R16 St. Joseph Sec28 T80a James Thomp- son (1889) Thompson, Henry (Sadie Newlin) Ch Frank, Francis, Fred, Edna, Al- pheus; Champaign Rl Champaign Sec30 T160a Pat Jordan (1911) Thompson, Henry (Nora Mitchell) Ch Lillie, Jay, Alma, James, Cora, Herald, Nora; Sidney R58 Sidney Sec20 T160a Glora Goldsmith (1909) Thompson, James (Anna Busey) Ch Fred, Bert, Clint, Daisy, Millie, Min- nie, Charley, Beryl, Guy; St. Jo- seph R16 St. Joseph Sec28 O160a (1853) Thompson, Pearl (Emma Grouse) Ch Andrew, Charles, Delia, Freddie, Roy, Ruth, Goldie, Tolono R46 Crit- tenden Secl7 Farm Hand Albert Messman (1916) Thompson, Peter (Inger Frette) Ch Howard; Ludlow R30 Ludlow Sec4 T80a George Johnson (1916) Thompson, S. F. (Nellie Rosson) Ch Nancy, Elmer, Flossie, Nellie; St. Joseph R16 St. Joseph Sec23 O2a (1861) Thompson, William H. (Lizzie Hayes) Ch Frank, Stella, Milton, Grover, George, Herman; Ogden R17 Og- den Sec33N O40a (1896) Thompson, W. (Olive Stonebraker) Ch Harley, Jessie, Thelma, Ralph, Freddie, Dorothy, Evelyn; "Rich- mond Farm" Mahomet R40 New- comb Sec23 TSOOa Mrs. J. Rich- mond Est. (1872) Thompson, W. H. (Edna Vancleve) Ch Sellie, Kenneth, Daniel; Sadorus R49 Colfax Sec22 Farm Hand Meath Bros. (1915) Thornton, Louis (Ethel Reede) Ch Erna, Charles, Dale, Lotta, Lucile; Penfield R28 Compromise Sec7 T160a (1917) Thurman, Clifton (Trula Taylor) Ch Clifton, Glenna; Fisher R35 Secl6 T5 O. R. Hinton (1913) Thurman, H. T. (Gladys Rcsler) Ch Clifford; Dewey R33 Condit Secl6 T200a F. C. McCormick (1913) Tibbs, C. C. (Lila Littrell) Ch Hazel. Gilbert, John, Thelma; Ogden R18 Ogden Sec7SW T90a Kinzle Bros. (1909) Tiffin, Charley (Lizzie Kirby) Ch Mil- dred; Sidney R57 Sidney SeclS T180a Frank McElroy (1913) Tillman, Lubbe (Annie Tillman) Ch Lena, Minnie, Sena, Tilko; Thom- asboro R20 Rantoul Sec32 O70a (1868) Timmerman, George (Christian Hen- sey) Ch Margaret, Freddie; Pen- field R28 Compromise SeclS T240a Thomas Gordon (1909) Timmins, P. (Margaret Fitzgerald) Rantoul R22 Condit Sec24 T240a James Malloy (1908) 124 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Tinsman, Alfred (Essie Brown) Ch Reta, Eunice; Savoy R45 Tolono Sec4 Farm Hand J. I. Groves (1916) Tipsword, Frank (Elizabeth Armor) Champaign Rl Champaign SeclS Farm Hand L. E. Dallanbach (1893) Todd, Fred (Maud Rodgers) Ch Mil- dred, Pearl, James; Mahomet R40 Newcomb Sec35 T9a Mrs; Arm- strong (1909) Todd, J. D. (Nettie Powell) Urbana R7 Urbana Secll Farm Hand T. H. Besore (1916) Todd, William (Minnie Pickett) Ch Grace, Clarence, Virgil, Goldy, Ruth; Savoy R45 Champaign Sec36 Farm Hand H. M. Dunlap (1910) Tomblin, T. E. (Alice Tyas) Ch Char- lie, Joseph, Leonard, Johnathan; Foosland R38 E. Bend SeclS T187a Blizard Est. (1900) Tomlinson, Albert (Erma Thompson) Ch Albeta, Russell, Earl, Thomas; Penfield R27 Kerr Sec21 O15a (1866) Tomlinson, W. M. (Elizabeth Walker) Ch John, Ratchel, Albert, Andy; Penfield R27 Sec21 O115a (1865) Tompkins, W. R. (Anna Miller) Ch Lena;. Minerva, William; Mahomet R41 Newcomb Sec33 O120a (1913) Toohey, Gregory (Margaret Bohan) Ch Kate, Bessie, Mary, Rose, James; Seymour R44 Colfax SeclO T120a Gregory Toohey (1872) Toppe, Louis (Annie Learcamp) Ch Wilber, Alfred, Evert, Milinda, Rob- ert, Helen; Homer R60 Sidney Sec35 T160a Albert Block (1912) Topple, A. W. (Ruth Wilson) Sidney Raymond Sec9 O58a T80a J. A. Wil- son (1912) Toppin, Jesse (Amanda Joh) Urbana R12 Urbana Sec36 O20a (1900) Totton, William (Ida) Ch Ruth; Ho- mer R59 Homer Sec9 Farm Hand Frank Barton (1917) Towner, C. M. (Emma Wright) Ch Ethel, Earl, Howard, Opal, McKin- ley, Leslie, Theodore; Homer R61 Homer Sec4 Farm Hand J. J. Free- man (1858) Towner, J. A. (Berth A. Blunt) Ch Arthur, Florence, Mable; St. Joseph R16 St. Joseph Sec26 Tla Dwyer & Burt (1887) Toy, Frank (Nora Roughton) Ch Lulu, Bessie, Myrtle, Burt, Roland; Sidney R57 Sidney SeclO T207a L. E. Bark (1861) Tracey, Elmer (Olive Bradford) Ch Ross; Homer R62 Homer Sec9 Farm Hand Ross Michener (1894) Tracy, Austin C. (Willa Constant) Ch Vivian; Rantoul R24 Rantoul Secl3 T80a John Walsh (1913) Tracy, Charles L. (Cora Dury) Ch Ruth, Gladys, Elizabeth, Charles, 'Jr., Stewart; Rantoul R24 Rantoul Secl3 T320a A. A. Arms (1904) Tracy, Ellen Ch Nora, Katherin, Pat- rick, Thomas, John, Willen, Mary, Margaret, James, Michael; "Tracy Estate" Sadorus R49 Colfax Secl7 O80a (1870) Tracy, George (Delia Winklepleck) Ch Lorn; Seymour R44 Scott Sec28 O80a (1913) Tracy, Harry (Blanche McCary) Ch Russell; Seymour R44 Scott Sec22 O60a (1895) Tracy, Mrs. Martha Ch Austin, Charles, Harry, Julia, Bessie, Lau- ra; Rantoul R24 Rantoul Secl3 T80a John Walsh (1893) Tracy, P. J. (Anna E. O'Hara) Ch Helen, Josephine; Sadorus R45 Col- fax Secl6 T80a (1874) Trees, John F. (Mary Trick) Ch Scott, Glenn, Harold, Nellie, How- ard, Clyde, Helen, Merle, Arthur, Genevieve, Dale; Homer R60 Sid- ney Sec36 T160a John Trick (1876) Trick, George (Lora Witt) Ch Ken- neth, Ruth, Lorene, Melvin, Olive; Homer R60 Sidney Sec23 T80a John Trick (1867) Trinkle, Ed G. Ch Bethel, Willard, Russell, Helen, Edna, Elva; Ma- homet R41 Mahomet Secl7 Tl58a Mary Scott (1908) Trinkle, S. A. (Martha McPheelers) Champaign R2 Champaign Sec26 T320a Dan Morrisey (1906) Trinkle, Verne (Caroline Davis) Ch Edith, Earl; Mahomet R41 Mahomet Sec9 T120a G. E. Trinkle (1908) Trost, Edward E. (Elva Lovingfoss) Ch June, Faythe, Chester, Nellie, Minnie; Philo R56 Philo Sec34 T160a John Trost (1873) Trotter, F. O. (Emma Ricks) Ch Edna, Roy, .Elsie, Wayne, Lyle; Fisher R35 Brown Sec34 O80a New- comb Sec4 T160a Roy Mitchell (1879) Trotter, J. F. (E. J. Funston) Ch Ira, Maud, Grace, Daisy; "Shiloh Center" Mahomet R40 Newcomb Sec22 O71a (1856) Trotter, O. (Edna Miller) Ch Hu- bert, Donald; Champaign Rl Cham- paign Sec5 O240a (1883) 125 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Troutman, A. E. (Agnes Kullinger) Ch Russell; Savoy R45 Champaign Sec33 T240a M. B. Burwash (1900) Trowbridge, Ellie (Zettie Mosley) Ch Roy, Edith, Merl; Sidney R57 Sid- ney Sec34 T160a Mary Smith (1904) Trowbridge, Robert L. (Charlotte Curtis) Ch Hazel; Philo R56 Crit- tenden Seel T80a Lee Curtis (1903) Trowbridge, Meed (Mariah Robbins) Ch Oscar, Millin; Philo R56 Philo Sec36 T80a Horace Arnold (1906) True Bros., J. W. and K. F., Grace (sister) Champaign R5 Condit Sec27 T160a A. G. Little (1899) Trueblood, J. R. (Blanch Poorman) Ch Earnest, Opal, Thelma, Frances, Johnny, Ruth, Margaret; Champaign R5 Hensley Secl4 T80a Mrs. Sarah Granger (1909) Truitt, Orville (Nora Miller) Cham- paign R4 Hensley Secl7 T116a W. W. Allen (1900) Truitt, R. L. (Elizabeth Pollitt) Ch Bessie, Orville, Owen, Daisy; Cham- paign R4 Hensley Sec6 T350a D. A. Phillippi (1905) Truman, J. T. (Emma Frankenberg) Ch Nora, Brook; Urbana R12 Ur- bana Secl3 O98a (1857) Tucker, John (Gertrude Eaton) Ch Beulah, Eunice, Bertha, Ethel, Ma- rie, Forest; Sidney R58 Sidney Sec 19 Love Est. (1915) Tucker, J. M. (Halley Roberts) Ch Ina, Elsey, Lulu, Olive, John, Co- rine; Sadorus R50 Sadorus T80a John Nogel (1907) Tucker, 3. E. (Harriett Sutton) Ch Lowle, Gladys, Bessie, Bertha, Wayne; Sadorus R58 Sadorus Seel T240a Charles Nogle (1883) Tummelson, J. W. (Ruby E. Bailey) Ch John, Sylvia, Vercia, Hurshal, Orville; Champaign R6 Somer Sec9 0145a (1882) Tuner, Ed D. (Mamie Baker) Ch Laruen, Gladys; Bondville R65 Scott SeclO T160a G. L. Siefken (1903) Turner, A. M. (Mary Robbins) Ch Darlincr Ralph, Max; Seymour R44 Scott Sec28 T80a James Turner (1877) Turner, C. E. (Mamie Flowers) Ch Fern, Phyllis, Clyde; Bondville R65 Scott Sec26 O160a TlOOa (1880) Turner, George (Ella Strohl) Ch Vio- let; Seymour R44 Scott Sec21 O80a (1877) Turner, G. E. (Esther Heyer) Ch Mil- dred, Keith; Fisher R34 Brown Sec 23 T160a J. W. Richmond Est. (1891) Turner, Larkin (Ellen Rowlangs) Ch Donald; Sidney R57 Sidney Secll Thomas Figian (1917) Turner, W. R. (Edith Wood) Ch Ernest, Mable, Emory, Forrest, Roy, Alene, Alvia; Fisher R34 Brown Sec 24 O120a (1856) Turner, W. M. (Mossie Hoch) Ch John, Ronald; Gifford R25 Kerr Sec 13 T160a Dr. Walker (1913) Turpin, E. L. (Desda Barnes) Ch Ma- golia, Mabel, James, Thelma; Broad- lands R37 Ayers Sec30 T80a W. Zenke (1909) Tuttle, George (Mary Rutherford) Ch John, Surta, Marie, Viola, Thomas; Broadlands R36 Raymond Sec23 W. M. Walker (1915) Tweet, P. R. (Matilda Helgeland) Ch Charlotte; Gibson City Rl E. Bend Sec3 T160a Mrs. Helgeland (1906) Tyas, G. W. (Carrie McKinney) Ch Velma, Norris, Carry; Fisher R35 Newcomb Sec7 O160a Mrs. S. Tyas (1884) Tyler, Nelson (Lena Bolin) Ch Frank, Jack, Florence, Rose; Sidney R57 Sidney Sec2 O138a (1895) u Udu, Cornelius (Grace Bohlan) Ch Sjanke, Jacob, Tenie, Rennit; Ran- toul R24 Rantoul Secl7 TllOa Johnson Est. (1910) Uken, Henry (Jennie Miller) Ch Maggie, Rolf, Albert; St. Joseph R14 Stanton Secl6-15 O130a (1889) Umbanhowar, Fred S. (Amanda Richards) Ch Dorothy, Edward; Homer R60 Homer Secl7 T204a J. H. Umbanhower and Spencer Est. (1891) Umbanhowar, J. H. (Lizzy Hall) Ch Charles, Fred, Audrey, Julia; Ho- mer R60 Homer Secl7 O172a (1850) Underwood, Edward (Grace Todd) Ch Virgil; Savoy R45 Champaign Sec36 Farm Hand H. M. Dunlap (1914) Underwood, Ole Savoy R45 Cham- paign Sec36 Farm Hand H. M. Dunlap (1887) 126 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Unzicker, Ezra (Bessie Bachman) Fisher R35 Newcomb Seel T160a A. B. Bachman (1894) Unzicker, J. K. (Mary Oesch) Ch Otto, Walter, Arthur, Ezra, Roy; "Riverview Stock Farm" Fisher R34 Brown Secl3 O153a (1891) Unzicker, Walter (Amilia Shrock) Dewey R32 E. Bend Sec9 T160a Mordon Est. (1894) Upperson, F. L. (Viola Brownfield) Ch John, Chester, Love, Andy, Mamie, Dolly; Urbana R7 Urbana Sec3 O49a (1861) Van Brunt, Earl Q. Ch Myrtle, Brim- son; Urbana Rll Philo Secl2 O80a T40a E. C. Van Brunt (1872) Van Brunt, Merton S. (Jessie Dukes) Ch Noel, Russell, Vera; "Maple Lane Farm" Urbana Rll Philo Secl2 O80a T40a C. S. Van Brunt (1876) Van Brunt, Raymond B. (Anna Miller) Urbana Rll Philo Seel O80a (1869) Van Buskirk, F. H., Sr. (Josephine Carr) Ch Clitheral, Jimmie, Anna- belle, Vada, Frank, Jr., Donald; Seymour R44 Scott Sec21 Philip Mohr (1909) Van Buskirk, I. J. (Annie McGuire) Ch Verne, Leita, Dorothy; Sey- mour R43 Scott Secl6 O75a (1898) Van Cleave, C. C. (Bessie Isaacs) Ch Robert; Champaign R2 Champaign Sec23 Farm Hand Chas. Collins (1915) Vandam, Garrett (Susan Wakefield) Ch Pepel, Elsie; Rantoul R23 Lud- low Sec24 O120a (1867) Vandervort, Russel (Marget Huligs) Penfield R27 Kerr Secl7 T120a T. A. Chenworth (1895) Van Meter, Clinton M. (Franke Tackier) Ch Stella; Tolono R47 To- lono Sec27 O80a T140a Albert Nofftz and Hallet (1878) Van Meter, George W. (Candacy Miller) Ch Clinton, Bessie, Nellie, Clarence; Savoy R66 Tolono. Sec22 0160a (1873) Van Sickle, John (Ada Potts) Ch Helen, Martha; Fisher R35 Condit Sec7 O318a (1907) Van Winkle, J. B. (Salley Martin) Ch Manny, Elton, Ozella, Martin; Sa- dorus R50 Sadorus Secl6 T80a John Black (1914) Varner, Adam (Emma Phenicie) Ch Elmer, Vernon, Otis, Effie, Mar- garet, Clover, Mae, Letha; Urbana R7 Stanton Sec32 T120a William Woolner (1888) Varner, V. E. (Cora Leigh) "Walnut Grove Stock Farm" St. Joseph R14 Stanton Sec35 T320a M. E. Leigh (1894) Vaughn, Cyrus (Grace Johnson) Ch Cyrus; Champaign R3 Champaign Sec2 O5a (1870) Vaughn, C. B. (Ola Shanks) St. Jo- seph R13 St. Joseph Secl7 TlOOa A. W. Strong (1869) Vedder, Joseph (Amelia Grothe) Ch Helen, Jessie, Hazel; Broadlands R36 Raymond Seel T220a John Vedder Vest, John (Phoeba Knife) Ch Charles, Lottie, Katey, Josie; Ur- bana R8 Urbana Sec3 O^a (1840) Vest, William R. (Frances Maince) Ch Hazel, Ruth, Robert; Cham- paign R3 Hensley Sec20 T160a Mrs. J. Jahr (1871) Viles, C. A. (Retta Coffey) Ch Orval, Vesper; St. Joseph R14 Stanton Sec26 T200a John Dunn (1894) Viles, Frank (Laura McGee) Ch Ethel, Otis, Clarence; St. Joseph R14 Stanton Secl4 T160a William Grane-wold (1895) Viles, William (Thomas Jeantte) Ch Glenn; Urbana R7 Stanton Sec31 T60a W. Welch (1909) Vinson, Glenn M. (Selma Thrash) Tolono R48 Philo Sec33 T260a Perry Thrash (1891) Vogt, Bert (Frankie Sitts) Ch Emma, Harry, Nellie; Champaign R5 Con- dit Sec27 T160a Tennington Est. (1886) Von Holten, C. J. (De Etta Cox) Ch Yourth, Herbert, Harry, Walter, Henrietta, Alta, Francis; Cham- paign R4 Hensley Sec7 T120a Ross Mattis (1878) 127 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY w Waddington, J. K. (Ida Marshall) Ch Agnes, Mattie, Edwin, Glen; Dewey R33 Condit Sec20 O178a (1882) Wade, Bert (Ruth Glenn) Ch Clela, Elenora; Savoy R45 Champaign Sec 35 Farm Hand N. E. Forshey (1917) Wade, E. L. (Jennie Pritchard) Ch Buelah, Clead, Mary; Fisher R34 Brown Sec35 T160a E. R. Wade (1907) Wade, Minnie (Montgomery) Ch Lo- la, Guy, Mattie, Lelan, Herald, Ma- rion; Ogden R17 Ogden Sec20N T40a Dick Williams (1915) Wade, T. A. (Stella Ozier) Ch Lewis, Blanche, Treva, Thelma, Lavaughn, Lelia, Geraldine; Broadlands R37 Ayers Secl6 T240a Fred Dohme (1911) Wagner, Charles (Grace Curry) Ch Ralph, Peter, Merl; St. Joseph R15 Ogden SeclSSW T97a P. J. Wag- ner (1889) Wagner, P. J. Ch Clara, Edith, Char- lie, Elmer; Ogden R18 Ogden Sec 18SE O259a (1877) Wakefield, Irvin (Bessie Peters) Ho- mer R59 Homer Sec20 T160a D. Wright (1911) Walker, Arch (Eve Massey) Ch Mil- dred, Ruth, Dean; Broadlands R36 Ayers Sec30 T160a William Walker (1882) Walker, Charles (Elsie Wienke) Ch Merl, Hazel; Broadlands R36 Ray- mond Sec23 T160a William Walker (1877) Walker, C. J. (Pearl Reese) Ch Hazel, Olive, Nathan, Merl; St> Joseph R15 St. Joseph Seel O20a TlWa Maud Davis and N. L. Walker (1888) Walker, E. W. (Hassie Wilson) Ch Harry; Ludlow R30 E. Bend Sec2 T200a Hattie Webber and John Har- net (1913) Walker, Guy N. (Virginia Hissong) Ch Lyle; Tolono R48 Philo Secl7 T200a C. V. Cottrell (1890) Walker, Harry (Minnie Gerling) Ch Carl; Tolono R46 Crittenden Sec8 T120a J. E. Johnson (1917) Walker, T. H. (Mary Mullikin) Ch George, Jim, Alma, Arc-hie; Bond- ville R65 Scott Secl3 T5a Thomas Barker (1892) Wallace, Albert (Nora Holler) Ch Francis; Ogden R18 Ogden Sec 18SW Farm Hand James Stalen (1916) Wallace, Charles H. (Effie O. Core) Ch Ralph, Helen, Louis, Ruth, Ju- lian, Irene; Homer RD Homer Sec 8 O950a (1878) Wallen, George (Minnie Nelson) Ch Vernice, Nelson; Rantoul R22 Ran- toul Secl6 T240a Calvin Stamey and Bob Maxwell (1884) Wallen, Peter (Sophia Keal) Ch George, Will, Fred, Lilly, Elizabeth, Minnie; Rantoul R22 Rantoul Secl6 T160a Bob Maxwell (1877) Wallen, William (Minnie Frazier) Ch Raymond, Orville; Rantoul R24 Rantoul SeclS T172a Anna C. Sus- dorf (1882) Walsh, E. T. (Anna Wilson) Ch Wil- liam, Ivah, Richard, Margaret; Ran- toul Rantoul Sec4 O240a (1876) Walsh, Lawson A. (Laura Tracy) Ch Merwin, Laura; Thomasboro R20 Rantoul Sec26 T360a John Walsh (1888) Walsh, P. T. (Mary Heines) Ch Thomas; Ivesdale R52 Colfax Sec31 O120a (1887) Walsh, Thomas J. (Catherine Christy) Ch Joseph, Margaret, Theresa, Ber- nice, Gertrude, Loretta, Tom; "Fern- dale Farm" Rantoul R21 Ludlow Sec21 O240a (1873) Walsh, W. P. (Sarah Callaghan) Ch Mary, William; "Rose Hill Farm" Ludlow R30 Ludlow Secll T160a M. A. Walsh (1888) Walter, Brattan (Cora Lycan) Ch Samuel, Helen; Urbana R8 Stanton SeclS T127a F. Shrayer (1908) Walton, H. T. (Minnie) Ch Law- rence; Mayview RD St. Joseph Sec7 O3a (1865) Wampler, Abraham B. (Jennie Walk- er) Ch Vesta, Grace, James, Frank, Amy; Ludlow R29 Harwood Sec9 T280a W. Claypool Est. (1879) Ward, Frank H. Mabel Shields (Sis- ter) "Lawnview Farm" Dewey R33 Condit Sec21 T360a H. E. Ward (1892) Ward, John W. (Stella Epperson) Ch Florence, Velma, Howard, Dor- othy, Herbert; Champaign R5 So- mer Secl9 T193a Daniel Morrisey (1898) Ward, Patrick Champaign Rl Cham- paign Sec30 O174a (1865) Ward, W. P. (Mary Curtin) Ch Helen, William; Champaign Rl Champaign Sec3 T174a Patrick Ward (1877) 128 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Wardlow, D. E. (Nora ; ,Zook) Ch Bernice, Carl, Richard; Mahomet R40 Newcomb Sec22 Tla Pearl Ha- zen (1878) Ware, W. S. (Minnie Rusk) Ch Mil- dred; Gifford R24 Sec3 O160a (1874) Warfel, Alfred L. (Ida A. Bialeschki) Ch Orville; Tolono R46 Pesotum Secll O62a Secl2 T368a Mrs. Pat- rick Ryan (1900) Warmer, J. E. (Cordlie Lawrence) Ch Susie, Cordlie; Foosland R39 Brown Sec31 O156a J. E. and W. F. Warm- er (1908) Warmer, W. A. (Katie Zimmerman) Ch Herman, Zetta; Foosland R38 Brown SeclO O180a (1883) Warner, A. J. (Jessie Ray) Ch Le- land, Nadine, Wanda; Rantoul R22 Rantoul Sec6 T171a Tartus Allen (1892) Warner, B. E. (Anna Berbaum) Ch Gladys, Dorothy; Rantoul R24 Ran- toul Sec24 T160a August lungerich (1879) Warner, B. S. (Bessie Watson) Ch Coy, George, John, Mary; Mahomet RD Mahomet SeclO O200a (1882) Warner, F. L. Mary Faskin Warner (Mother) Ch Wilma, Ruth, Fred; Mahomet R42 Condit Sec30 T240a Mary Harris (1891) Warner, Harry (Maude Clapper) Ch Rayburn; Rantoul R22 Condit Sec 23 T220a Mrs. Anna Warner (1884) Warner, J. H. (Pauline Call) Ma- homet R42 Condit Sec31 T80a El- len Warner (1890) Warner, J. V. Penfield R27 Kerr Sec 21 T216a J. B. Moneby (1888) Warner, Lewis (Emma Schwartz) Ch Madeline, Lewis, Jr., Francis, Gertrude, Harold; Rantoul R22 Rantoul SeclS O195a T40a Lath Ackerman (1870) Warner, V. F. (Rose Gilmore) Ch Clifford; iMahomet RD Mahomet SeclS T133a Mrs. C. M. Pittman (1893) Warnes, Charles (Cora Davis) Long- view R63 Raymond Sec33 O50a (1886) Warnes, John Ch William, Robert, George, John, Charley, Wallace; Longview R63 Raymond Sec33 O240a (1864) Warnes, John H. (Edith Anderson) Ch Lois, Lloyd, Wilbur; Longview R63 Raymond Sec29 O160a (1906) Warnes, Wallace (Ursa Lee) "Wal- nut Lain Farm" Longview R63 Ray- mond Sec33 O80a (1892) Warnes, W. H. (Blanche Davis) Ch Ruth, John, Clara, William, Edna; Longview R63 Raymond Sec32 O140a (1880) Warren, Albert (Martha Jane Renner) Ch Nettie, Cleo; St. Joseph R16 St. Joseph Sec33 Farm Hand Ed Fran- cis (1909) Warren, George W., Sr. (Gertrude Bruner) Ch George, Herbert; Ogden R17 Ogden Secl6N T160a Tom Scott (1913) Warsaw, Chris (Minnie Beetzel) Ch Henry, Herman, Erma, Clarence; Foosland R38 Brown Secl6 T200a Rudolph Kreitzer (1907) Warters, Thomas B. (Alice Crow) Ch Florence, Dorothea, Genevieve, Ger- trude; Allerton Rl Ayers Sec21 O156a (1873) Warthen, Walter (Flo Hawkins) Ch Thelma, Chase, Vera, Ronald; Ho- mer R59 Homer Sec9 Ola (1912) Wascher, Charles Ch Paul, Clara, Emil, Emma, Louis; Sidney R58 Sidney Sec28 O80a (1875) Wascher, Herman (Eveline Von Hoi- ten) Ch Dorothy; Champaign R2 Champaign Sec29 T120a August Wascher (1880) Waters, H. W. (Emma M. Carson) Ch Hope, Lee, Jessie, Fern, Maud; Urbana R8 Somcr Secl2 O80a (1867) Watkins, J. F. (Stella Lavely) Ch Libbie, Mabel, Max; Mahomet R42 Mahomet Sec24' Farm Hand F. W. Taylor (1909) Watkins, Mark (Mary Isaac) Ch Carl; Philo R56 Crittenden Secl4 Farm Hand J. J. Postlewait (1913) Watson, Claud B. (Katherine Miller) Ch Anna, Dorothy; Ludlow R29 Harwood Sec8 T280a W. S. Watson (1883) Watson, Forest S. (Ida Birt) Ludlow R29 Harwood Sec5 T260a S. G. Watson and Nels Watson (1891) Watson, George D. and Alice Ludlow R29 Harwood Sec2 Farm Hand James Kirk (1913) Watson, George L. (Elizabeth J. Short) Ch Clarence, Nora, Fannie, George; "Twentieth Century Stock Farm" Ludlow R31 Harwood Secl6 O360a (1865) 129 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Watson, Hiram (Susie Malone) Ch Earl, Orville, Frances, Samuel, Ruth, Allie, Nettie, Charles, Nellie; Penfield R27 Compromise Sec5 Farm Hand George Schoon (1917) Watson, J. A. (Laura Remley) Ch Warren, Nora, Hazel, John, Hattie, Elinor; Ludlow R29 Ludlow Sec2 O240a (1883) Watson, Nelson J. "Watson Home- stead Farm" Ludlow R29 Harwood Secl6 O80a (1858) Watson, Oscar H. (Ellen Birt) Ch Roy; Ludlow R29 Harwood SecS T200a N. J. Watson, S. Watson and Mary Claypool (1894) Watson, Warren H. (Maude Van- dam) Ludlow R29 Ludlow Seel T103a Arnold Est. (1883) Watterson, Earl (Esther Slater) Ch Van Buren; Urbana RIO Philo Sec4 T80a Pat Lurch (1897) Watterson, Mart (Emma Dyson) Ch Earl, Cecil, Ruth, Ethel; Urbana RIO Philo Sec 4-5 T240a Whitmore Est. and Pat Lurch (1895) Watts, William O. Ch Russell, Floyd, Charles Longview R63 Crittenden Sec23 O40a Sec26 T79a Elizabeth Schaefer (1898) Way, Amos (Sarah Worth) Ch Dean, Helen, Edna, Henry; Ludlow R30 E. Bend Seel T120a Frank Rudolph (1914) Weasel Bros. Pesotum R54 Pesotum Sec21 O160a Sec20 T80a Fred Rahn (1916) Weasel, Harry C. (Martha Kleiss) Ch Dorothy; Pesotum R54 Pesotum Secl7 T120a Pearl Robinson (-1906) Weasel, John (Ola McGurk) Ch Willie, Harry, George, Rena, Opal, Raymond; Pesotum R54 Pesotum Sec32 T254a H. L. Jones (1906) Weaver, D. W. (Emma Burnett) Ch Ruth, Wren; Champaign Rl Cham- paign SeclS T80a L. B. Clark (1898) Weaver, G. P. (Bernice Greely) Ch Bernice, Jayle, George; Longview Raymond Sec33 T320a Churchill Bros. (1907) Weaver, M. (Cora Cole) Ch Mildred; Champaign R4 Hensley Sec22 T186a W. H. Frame (1909) Webb, Charles L. (Rose Robbins) Ch Carl, Vera, Guy; Mahomet R41 Ma- homet O28a Sec9 T340a Bill Lyons (1882) Webb, Frank (Kate Tollart) Cham- paign R3 Champaign Sec3 Farm Hand Seeber Bros. Farm (1914) Webb, Guy (Madge Primmer) Ch Glenn; Mahomet R41 Mahomet SeclO Farm Hand C. L. Webb (1895) Webb, Harry (Alice Maley) Rantoul R22 Condit Secl3 Farm Hand Lee- ber Farm (1913) Webb, W. H. Urbana R12 Urbana Secl3 T210a Mrs. E. J. Steward (1867) Webber, Hugh E. (Louise Arm- strong) Ch Remain, Hugh Jr.; Lud- low R29 Harwood Secll T160a A. F. Webber (1886) Webber, Leota and Eugene "Ever- green Lawn Farm" Ludlow R29 Harwood Sec3 O160a (1891) Webster, D. W. (Anna Haines) Ch Mary, Rosa, Edwin, George, Anna, Minnie, Dan, Myrtle, Charles; Fisher R35 Newcomb Sec3 TlOOa Mrs. C. Buyan (1912) Webster, Ed. (Rosella Muhleman) Ch Elizabeth, Helen; Fisher R35 Brown Sec36 O78a (1910) Webster, E. F. (Hazel Evans) Ch Charles, Dorothy, Ruth; Rantoul R22 Rantoul Secl7 O107a T133a Webster Est. (1885) Webster, Frank S. (Carrie Green) Ch Hazel, Chloe, George; Rantoul R22 Rantoul Sec9 O200a T40a Mary H. Webster (1875) Webster, M. D. Mrs. May Webster (Mother) Georgia, Ivy, Bernice, Edith (Sisters) Rantoul R22 Rantoul Secl7 T160a Mrs. May Webster ( 1894) Wedling, Mrs. Mary Sidney R57 Ray- mond Sec2 O240a (1875) Weeks, David E. (Myrtle Rose) Ch Evelyn, Kenneth, Clifton; Sadorus R49 Tolono Sec30 T80a R. S. Allen (1891) Weeks, Robert (May Smith) Savoy R66 Tolono SeclS O40a T280a G. A. Smith and Mrs. Tonner (1899) Wegeng, John C. (Margaret Fitzger- ald) Ch John, Russell, James, Rex, Pearl, Mary, Frances, Ruth; Long- view R64 Raymond SeclS O230a (1870) Weidner, George (Jennie Fagen) Ch Ella, Belle, Nettie, Howard, Velma; Gifford R26 Compromise Sec30 T160a Mr. Houck (1906) Welch, Abe (Anna Price) Ch James, Ethel, John, Mildred, Lulu, Mabel; St. Joseph R13 Stanton Sec33 Ray Palmer (1903) 130 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Welch, Edward (Sarah Moore) Ch Mary, George, Olive, Anna, Albert, Nichols, Agnes, Josephine, Edward; Ivesdale R53 Sadorus Secl8 OlOOa (1863) Welch, W. C. (Ellen E. Knott) Ch Ethel, Trivia, Grace, Chester; "Sil- ver Maple Farm" Urbana R12 Stan- ton SeclS O60a TISOa Mrs. M. D. Busey and W. W. Myer (1893) Welch W. N. (Emma Apperson) Ch Jessie, Roy, Claude, Elmer, Opal, Jim; Mahomet R41 Mahomet SeclS T177a John Voss (1897) Welsh, J. T. "Fisher Place Farm" Ivesdale R53 Sadorus Sec4 T160a T. K. Welsh (1896) Welles, T. B. (Emma McHenry) Ch Maxwell, Ralph, Marian, Margaret, Louise, Katie; Penfield R28 Com- promise Sec7 O80a (1868) Wendling, Charles (Bertha Vaden) Ch Roy, Mary, Virginia; Broadlands R36 Raymond SeclO O180a (1877) Wendt, Fred (Elizabeth Whiton) Bondville R65 Scott Sec25 T200a Charles Wendt (1917) Wendte, Herman (Edith Deedrich) Pesotum R54 Pesotum Secl9 T115a Stewart Black (1917) Wenzlaff, E. J. (Anna Zech) Cham- paign R6 Rantoul Sec31 O80a ( 1884) Wenzlaff, Ott (Bertha Beck) Ch Annie, Clara, Emma, Lena, Mar- garet, Arthur; Seymour R43 Scott Sec7 O120a (1860) Wertz, Frank (Mary Anderson) Ch Earl, Jessie, Fred; Urbana Rll Ur- bana Sec34 O240a (1870) West, J. Harold (Mabel Percival) Champaign R3 Hensley Sec34 T30a Mrs. E. West (1891) West, Mrs. M. A. Ch James, Oliver; Sidney R57 Sidney Sec2 O240a (1864) Wetherald, Gaylord T. (Nellie Matte- son) Ch Menzo, Blanche, Rush; Bondville R65 Scott Sec22 T160a Frank Goodman (1897) Whalen, Andrew (Mary Givins) Ives- dale R52 Colfax Sec23 T160a John J. Whalen (1891) Whalen, J. J. (Gertrude Ault) Ch William, Mary, Anna, Andrew, Ar- thur; Ivesdale R53 Sadorus Sec4 O95a (1885) Whalen, W. J. (Julia Ryan) Ch Fran- cis, Imilda; Sadorus R49 Colfax Secl4 T160a (1885) Wheatcraft, C. H. (Mattie Fitzgerald) Urbana RIO Urbana Secl9 Farm Hand University of Illinois Farm (1913) 131 Wheeler, William E. (Annie Hall) Ch Reynold, Susie, Madeline, Inez, Lovesta; Ludlow R31 Harwood Sec20 Farm Hand Frank Graham (1917) White, David (Minnie Clutter) Ch Glen, Gordon; Homer R60 Homer Sec20 T160a H. C. White Est. (1871) White, Earl C. (Bertha McGovern) Ch Edward, Frances, Loyd, Anna; Homer R61 Homer SecS T5a J. B. Anderson Est. (1890) White, Elmer (Lilly M. Williard) Ch Pearl, Inez, Opal, Carlos, Ray- mond, Ruth; Urbana R12 St. Jo- seph Sec20 O320a (1869) White, F. H. (Rose Hegenbart) Broadlands R36 Raymond Sec35 T240a D. White (1876) White, F. M. (Myra Elliott) Ch Hat- tie, Nellie, Lillie, William; Homer R59 Homer Sec9 O6a T25a Abe Moore (1852) White, Isaac (Myrtle Ross) Ch Doro- thy, Howard; Urbana R12 St. Jo- seph Sec31 O245a (1873) White, John W. Ch Erma, Isa, Erva; St. Joseph R14 Stanton Sec35 T160a L. Gate Est. (1873) White, Joseph Ch Thomas, Margaret, Florence; Rantoul R23 Rantoul SecS O160a (1882) White, J. J. (Bridget Nagle) Ch James, Francis; Ivesdale R52 Col- fax Secl7 O80a (1902) White, Ottis (Minnie Brissey) Sidney R57 Sidney SeclS O8a (1905) White, Perry E. (Lina Akins) Ch John, Inez, Russell, Pauline; Ur- bana Rll Philo Sec2 T160a J. T. White (1887) White, Sanford (Minnie Thompson) Urbana R12 St. Joseph Sec30 T250a John G. White (1876) Whitfield, George (Dora Nice) Ch Olive, Melvin; Champaign Rl Champaign Secl7 T313a Thomas Lyman (1888) Whiting, Henry, Sr. (Rena Strack) Ch Launa, Glide, George, Henry, Charles; Bondville R65 Scott Sec25 Farm Hand Henry Schultz (1915) Whitley, Dan (Lillie Cain) Ch Russel, Mamie, Rufus, Inez; Urbana RIO Urbana Sec20 Farm Hand Univer- sity of Illinois Farm (1914) Whitlock, L. E. (Bell Lawarence) Ch Pear!, Crystal, Leonard, Walter; Foosland R39 Brown Sec31 O127a Frank Sills (1911) PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Whitmer, C. G. Rantoul R21 Ludlow Sec24 O80a (1878) Whitmore, Niel T. (Bertha E. Sharp) Ludlow R31 Harwood Secl6 T160a D. E. Whitmore (1914) Whitt, J. E. (Lennie Stout) Ch Noble; Champaign Rl Champaign Sec? T188a P. W. Jacobs (1898) Whole, Elmer (Amanda Tibbetts) Ch Martha; Homer R62 Homer Sec 32N T140a Mrs. M. Tibbetts (1883) Wible, A. M. and I. C. Lucy E. (Sis- ter) Ogden R17 Ogden Sec4S O40a (1870) Wicoff, S. A. (Rose Hinton) Ch Julia, Fannie, Hazel, Albert; "Shi- loh Poultry Farm" Mahomet R40 Newcomb Sec22 O81a (1888) Wienke, Clarence Homer R59 Ayers Sec4 T160a J. E. Wienke (1896) Wienke, Daniel J. F. (Altye Gerdes) Ch John; Gifford R.26 Compromise Secll T240a A. Burglen (1892) Wienke, F. J. H. (Eliza Rothermel) Ch Flora, Fred, Elsie, Ernest, Ag- nes, Hugo, Arthur, Raymond, Ken- neth; Allerton Rl Aycrs Sec21 O120a (1877) Wienke, George (Gertrude Schutz) Ch Mildred; Homer R61 Homer SeclSW T140a Mrs. Mary Wienke (1895) Wienke, J. C. (Mary Rothermel) Ch Ida, Gust, Clarence, Josie, Elnoron; Broadlands R37 Ayers Sec8 O360a (1870) Wienke, Louis (Caroline Hurst) Ch Louis, Ester, Martin, Carolina; Homer R61 Homer SeclSW O98a (1895) Wienke, William M. (Magdeline Mewis) Ch Leota; Broadlands R37 Ayers Sec8 O120a (1879) Wiese, Charlie (Bertha Hein) Ch Frank, Carl, Clarence; Foosland R39 Brown Sec27 T320a Mrs. George Chanpaign, Jr. (1916) Wiese, E. H. (Ora Ankrom) Ch Tressie; Longview R64 Raymond Sec29 O160a (1871) Wiese, H. E. (Amelie Miller) Ch Edna, Harold; Broadlands R37 Ayers Sec7W O311a (1870) Wiese, J. L., Tr. (MaBelle Kirby) Ur- bana R8 Somer Sec33 T49a J. L. Wiese, Sr., and Mrs. Evelyn Kirby (1892) Wigton, Charles E. (Ada Webster) Ch Leonard, Laura, Minnie; Sey- mour R43 Scott Sec3 O80a (1872) Wikoff, E. C. (Anna Gordon) Ch Francis, Albert, Merrell, Margaret; Penfield R28 Compromise Sec29 T120a Patsy Dailey (1911) Wilhelm, John M. (Elizabeth Pfeffer) Ch Frank, Emma, Rosie, Albert, Mary, Isabelle, Lizzie, John; To- lono R46 Crittenden SeclS O160a (1872) Wilhelm, Peter C. (Elizabeth Le- veschk) Tolono R46 Pesotum Secll T175a Peter Wilhelm (1874) Wilken, Jacob (Anna Seirks) Ch Lammert, Minnie, Anna, Carrie, Grace, Willie, John; St. Joseph R14 Stanton Secll T200a Martin Huls Wilkins, David (Elizabeth Birkholtz) Ch George, Mary; Urbana R8 Ur- bana Sec3 O50a (1882) Wilkins, Frank (Ida Ford) Ch Ralph; Mahomet R40 Newcomb Sec35 O86a (1884) Willard, Arthur (Maud Donley) Ch Maurice, Frank, Neal; Urbana R12 Urbana Sec24 O240a Sec23 T120a (1882) Willard, E. E. Urbana Rll Urbana Sec22 T391a F. D. Willard (1890) Willard, F. D. Ch Erwin, Hazel, Ag- nes, Dora, Harold, Charles, Glenn, Russell, Francis; Urbana Rll Ur- bana Sec27 O391a (1870) Willard, W. A. (Bertha Ashmore) Ch Ray, Fern, Esther, Alma, Ardian; Foosland R39 Brown SecS T80a A. W. Anderson (1917) Williams, Clarence L. (Catharine A. Churchill) Ch Nellie, Roy, Doro- thea, Karl; "Williams Farm" Philo R56 Philo Sec25 O160a (1875) Williams, C. A. (Sadie Wright) Ch Arthur; Mahomet R40 Newcomb Secl6 T80a L. Williams (1880) Williams, C. J. (Josphine Rineheart) Ch Blanch; Mahomet R41 New- comb SeclS T200a Collin Buchan (1913) Williams, C. O. (Sarah Williams) Ch Pheobe, Theodore, Dorothy; Champaign R3 Mahomet Sec36 T50a O. S. Williams (1869) Williams, Dwight (Mable Johnson) Ch Marie; Fisher R35 Condit Sec6 T160a Frank Geiger (1917) Williams, D. S. (Winnie Deboer) Ch Dick, Albert, William, Clarence, Ella, Grace; St. Joseph R14 Stanton Sec36 T215a R. R. Mattis (1902) 132 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Williams, F. A. (Lulu Beatty) Ch Al- bertine, Loren; "Lookout Farm" Fisher R35 Sec5-7 T240a C. Beatty (1883) Williams, George E. (Edna Wilner) Ch Willis Fisher R35 Newcomb Sec4 T70a Charles Hinton (1907) Williams, George W. (Rachel Lukes) Ch Ray, Carlton, Malinda; Urbana Rll Philo Secl3 T160a Marshall Burr (1913) Williams, G. C. (Hattie Taylor) Ch Fred, Mildred, Violet, Lyle, James, Lee; Dewey R33 Condit Sec9 O80a T280a J. H. Ohmey (1894) Williams, Harry C. (Elizabeth Vick- ery) Ch Doratha, Julia, Murray; St. Joseph R13 Stanton Sec34 T120a M. Leigh (1883) Williams, John (Jennie Hamilton) Ch Willie, Lucille, Raymond, Mona, Ray; Urbana R7 Urbana Sec3 T47a Jennie Brown (1917) Williams, John (Julia Hackler) Bondville R65 Scott Sec34 O80a (1914) Williams, John (Iva Hayes) Ch Nel- lie, Velma, Emmett, Merna, Opal, Leonard, Leland, Treva; Thomas- boro R20 Stanton Secl7 T80a Elli- ott Est. (1900) Williams, John C. (Cora Johnson) Ch George, Samuel; Urbana R8 Somer Sec26 Farm Hand J. W. Cavanaugh (1900) Williams, J. A, (Maggie Shaffer) Ch Harry, Wiley, Emmet, Frances; Mahomet R40 Newcomb Secl6 OlOOa C. A. and J. A. Williams (1871) Williams, Oliver (Odessa Reed) Ch Chester, Katherine, Eugene; Cham- paign R6 Somer Sec29 Farm Hand Roy Nelson (1909) Williams, O. S. (Bessie Brighen- becker) Ch Harry, Glen, Harrold; Champaign R3 Hensley Sec31 O200a (1869) Williams, Samuel H. (Sallie West) Ch Mirtie, Clara, Floyd, Goranie, Clarence; Pesotum R55 Crittenden Sec32 T160a W. D. Goldman (1917) Wills, C. C. (Altha Eyestone) Ch Ella, Florence, Harold; Penfield R28 Compromise Sec34 O240a (1878) Willsey, John Ch Ruby, Bessie, Min- nie, Ross, Mabel, Hazel; Urbana RIO Philo Secl6 T120a Francis So- lon (1899) Willsey, William (Berlie Walden) Philo R56 Crittenden Secl2 Farm Hand Will Mumms (1912) Wilner, Mrs. S. (Sophia Winegard) Ch Clara, Walter, Edna; Fisher R35 Newcomb Sec8 O60a (1898) Wilner, Walter (Hazle Carmical) Fisher R35 Newcomb Sec8 T60a Mrs. S. Wilner (1898) Wilson, Alex (Katie Robertson) Ch Louis, Edwin, Robert, Ralph, Alex, Lenore, Margie, Rowland; Homer R60 Sidney Sec25 T80a O. H. Davis (1873) Wilson, C. A. Foos4and R38 Brown Sec21 T160a Mrs. N. Wilson (1898) Wilson, David Ch Clarence, Edward, Rebecca, Warren, Marjory; St. Joseph R14 Stanton Sec24 O280a (1888) Wilson, George (Quintia Wilson) Ch Josie, Henry, Sallie, Mary, Virgil. Samuel; Sadorus R51 Sadorus Sec 36 Ola (1917) Wilson, Glenn O. (Bessie Yorke) Dewey R33 Condit Sec20 T160a Minnie Mitchell (1914) Wilson, Guy P. (Grace Darsham) Ch Mildred; "White Ash Stock Farm" Ludlow R31 Harwood Sec22 O80a (1891) Wilson, G. S. (Elizabeth Pelman) Ch Henry, Addison, Edward, Edith, Annie, Everett; Sadorus R51 Sa- dorus Sec24 Farm Hand J. H. Matix (1913) Wilson, H. C. (Ida Elliott) Ch Win- fred, Howard, Russell, Montel, Hazel; Sadorus R51 Sadorus Sec36 O5a (1911) Wilson, H. H. (Lucile Hays) Foos- land R39 Brown Secl7 T260a Fer- guson Foos (1887) Wilson, H. J. (Dora Westall) Ch Hazel, Opal, Beryl, Pearl, Phyllis, Gladys; Champaign R5 Hensley Sec 25 OlSCa T120a (1881) Wilson, Henry (Rose E. Hardy) Ch Helen; Tolono R46 Crittenden Sec8 TlOOa Samuel Wills (1908) Wilson, J. B. (Mary Carney) Ch Al- bert; Urbana R9 Urbana SecS T37a S. T. Busey Est. (1895.) Wilson, L. D. (Hazel N. Westerman) Ch Mildred; Urbana R9 Urbana Sec 5 T90a J. W. Stipes (1903) Wilson, L. M. (Kate Emerine) Ch Tom; "Emerine Farm" Rantoul R30 Ludlow Secl9 T160a M. M. Emerine (1899) 133 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Wilson, L. W. (Lilly Leach) Ch Roy, Hazel, Hatty, Russell, prank; Fisher R34 Brown Sec35 T210a Rickmund Est. (1876) Wilson, James A. (Mary Graham) Ch Frances, Walter, Roscoe, Ruth, Grace, Ernest, Thomas, Blanche; Sidney R58 Raymond Sec9 O320a (1866) Wilson, Mrs. Nathan (Lydia Mitchell) Ch James, Lydia, Frank, Roy, Charles, Alonzo, Harry, Glenn, Otis, Alma, Chester; Foosland R38 Brown Sec21 O160a (1891) Wilson, Norman L. (Fannie Edwards) Ch Nezzie, Russell, Mabel, Goldie, Francis; Tolono R46 Crittenden Sec 6 T254a W. O. Reddick (1906) Wilson, R. (Isabella Roy) Ch Hollis, . Dewey; Mahomet R40 Newcomb Sec20 J. E. Mitchel (1913) Wilson, Tom (Helen Thompson) Ch Mabel, Gela, Nellie, Myrtle, Clara, Arthur; Broadlands R36 Raymond Sec3 O200a (1866) Wilson, V. H. (Oris Spencer) Ch Gar- land, Irvin; Sadorus R51 Sadorus Sec36 Tla Lee Hatchel (1915) Wilson, William Ch Mildred, George, Lois; Sidney R58 Raymond Secl6 T120a George H. Wilson (1882) Wilson, W. C. (Liddie Dicks) Ch Wesley, Guy, Clifford; Sidney R57 Sidney Sec22 O220a (1860) Wilson, W. G. (Cora Parnell) Ch Ora, Louis, Frances; Ogden R18 Ogden SeclSSE O141a (1867) Wilson, W. J. (Bertha Loeffler) Ch Roy, George; Ogden R18 Ogden SeclSSE 0265a (1880) Wilson, W. W. (Nellie Madigan) Ch Josephine, James; Champaign R5 Hensley Sec24 O40a T120a (1917) Wilt, T. L. (Anna Morfey) Ch May, Albert, Effie, Jessie; "Shady Lane Farm" Champaign R5 Condit Sec26 T160a Dan Morrisey (1890) Wingate, Wilbur (Mary Conrad) Ch Artie, Annabelle, Loetta, Hettie; Ogden R18 Ogden Sec7SE TlOOa William Gohl (1897) Wingle, Dan (Mary Knell) Ch John, Frances; Long View R64 Raymond Sec28 T90a John Wingle (1885) Wingle, John (Rose Amrhein) Ch John, Ida, Lawrence; Longview R64 Raymond Sec28 T120a John Wingle (1901) Winters, Harlan L. (Evelyn B. Con- key) Ch Maxine; Homer R61 Ho- mer Sec7E T145a A. J. Conkey (1883) Wirt, R. D. (Agnes Odell) Dewey R33 Condit Sec20 T160a Odell Est. (1898) Wirth, Charles L. (Ida Kennard) Ch Nellie, William, Edna, Bryan, Daisy, Ernest, Norman; Pesotum R54 Pe- sotum Sec29 O200a (1865) Wirth, Edward F. (Artie Bade) Peso- tum R54 Pesotum Sec29 O120a (1873) Wise, Clark E. Savoy R45 Champaign Sec34 T120a C. R. Wise (1893) Wise, D. B. Fisher R35 Condit SeclS T68a Dr. Fred McCormick (1917) Wise, H. L. (Rosella Clark) Ch Gwen- dolyn; Penfield R27 Kerr Sec31 T240a J. A. Clark (1917) Wise, J. E. (Ora Shoe) Ch Leo, Her- bert, Alfred, Victor; Savoy R45 Champaign Sec34 T120a C. R. Wise (1916) Wise, J. T. (Lettie Goodman) Ch James, Carl, Sarah; "Prairie Farm" Sadorus R51 Sadorus SeclS Ollla (1875) Wise, Roscoe C. (Mary Oakes) Long View R63 Crittenden Sec26 T120a Thompson Est. (1887) Wisegarver, Howard (Minnie Emig) Savoy R45 Champaign Sec35 O80a (1912) Wisegarver, Will Savoy R45 Cham- paign Sec35 O80a (1882) Wiseman, E. V. (Jennie Taylor) Ch Vivian, Ruth, Edward; Longview R63 Raymond Sec30 O120a (1900) Wishall, Peter (Margaret Happ) Ch May, Otto, Walter; Pesotum R54 Pesotum Sec32 O120a (1869) Wismar, J. C. (Nora M. Hutchinson) Sadorus R51 Sadorus Sec27 T365a ( 1894) Witsman, Alex (Mary Roberts) Ch Sarah; Broadlands R36 Raymond Sec26 T157a Charles A. Smith (1908) Witt, Edward (Mary Malouhn) Ch Mabel, Irene; Sidney R58 Sidney Secl7 T80a D. H. Witt (1885) Witt, George A. (Alice Summers) Ch Josephine, Phyllis; Sidney R57 Sid- ney Sec23 T40a S. L. Witt (1905) Witt, Henry (Anna Mumm) Ch Chris- tina, Edward, John, Amelia, Clara, Annie, Nora, Frank; Sidney R2 Sidney Secl6 O24a (1865) Witt, L. C. (Nellie Upp) Ch Paul, Dale, Melvin, Don, Grace, Eugene; Sidney R57 Sidney SeclS TlOOa E. W. Gasser (1868) 134 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Witt, P. (Caroline Shillhorn) Ch Rei- mer, Katie, Mary, Amelia, Emma, Oscar, Walter; Broadlands R37 Ayers SeclS O200a (1864) Woford, C. H. (Elza Fay) Ch Marie, Hardy; Ivesdale R53 Sadorus Sec31 T80a John Seibert (1897) Wohler, Fred E. (Flossie Pearcy) Ch Ferdinand, Alma, Mary, Harold; Champaign R6 Somer Sec30 T191a J. W. Stamey and Illinois Central (1902) Wohler, George H. (Bernie Scheati- ger) Ch Dorothy; Savoy R45 Cham- paign Sec26 T79a Baynum Est. (1908) Wolf, Charles G. (Mabel Lock) Ch Helen; Champaign Rl Champaign Secl9 O120a (1863) Wolf, Cleveland (lentha See) Ch Ralph, Dorothy; Homer R62 Homer Sec33 O35a (1889) Wolfe, Raymond J. St. Joseph R13 St. Joseph SeclO T367a G. W. Rice (1912) Woliung, Adolph (Emma Hillman) Ch Bernice, Stanley, Lyle; Ludlow R30 E. Bend SeclS T160a Mrs. Laura Morden (1912) Woliung, Charles (Emma Lang) Ch Harvey, Ralph; Dewey R32 E. Bend Sec9 T160a J. Morden (1913) Wolken, J. D. (Annie Beckman) Ch Gebke, Henry, Dora, Albert, Hey, Annie, Lena, Ida; Thomasboro R20 Rantoul Sec35 O240a (1880) Woller, Charles (OIlie Schlorff) Ch Henry, Herbert, Minnie, Doris, Frank, Richard; Urbana R8 Somer Secl2 O160a (1867) Woller, Herman (Sophia Beajert) Gh Fritz, Lyman, Victor, Edmond; Ur- bana R8 Somer Secl2 O210a (1881) Woller, William (Lena Dieden) Ch Hilda, Paul, Anna, Ernest, Bertha; Urbana R8 Somer Secl2 O160a (1869) Wolters, Henry (Mary Beherns) Ch Rachel, Anna, Tena, Mary, Eva, William, John; St. Joseph R15 Og- den Secl9NW O40a (1902) Womacks, L. P. (Ida Howard) Ch Mabel, Bessie, Sewell, Robert, Terry, Sarah, Ruth; Champaign R4 Hensley Sec26 O480a (1872) Wood, Clarence (Mollie Simmons) Ch Herold, Velma; Sidney R57 Sidney Sec27 T160a L. W. Porterfield (1908) Wood, Franklin (Nellie White) Ch Raymond, Lucile, Franklin, Nellie; Savoy R66 Tolono Secl7 T200a E. L. Bryan (1885) Wood, H. R. (Ruth Colborn) Ch Lu- cile, Frances; Sidney R58 Sidney SeclS T192a Wilson Est (1902) Wood, James P. (Myrtle Michael) Ch Esther; Savoy R66 Tolono SeclS T180a William Redhed (1892) Wood, J. D. (Kate Rush) Ch Cora, May, Clark, Frank, James, Jeanette; Sadorus R50 Sadorus Seel TlOOa Barteskki Est. (1865) Wood, J. H. (Lucy A. Wood) Ch Henry, Charles, Walter, Gilbert; Penfield Kerr Secl9 Ollla (1891) Wood, Lot (Lizzie Smith) Ch Ray- mond; Allerton Rl Ayers Sec21 O40a (1873) Wood, L. C. (Mary McClughen) Ch Marion, Wilfred, Victor, Amy, James; Mahomet R42 Mahomet Sec 12 082a (1883) Wood, N. V. (Mary L. Farris) Ch Lawrence, Lorin; St. Joseph R16 St. Joseph Sec26 O18a T227a F. L. Stamey and J. L. Peters (1889) Wood, Robert (Prudence Stewart) Ch George, Jessie, Edna, Dewey; Ran- toul R23 Harwood Sec33 O160a (1867) Wood, R. L. (Emma Hoffman) Ch Marie, Ohmar, Lucile; Sadorus R51 Sadorus Secl3 Tla J. G. Chambers (1882) Wood, Walter C. (Maudie Nye) Ch Paul, Maurice; St. Joseph R16 St. Joseph Sec27 T180a J. E. Nye (1886) Wood, W. D. (Mary Chenoweth) Ch Ralph, Clarence, Raymond, Robert, Wesley; Sidney R57 Sidney Sec23 T120a Jershusa Wilson (1872) Woodard, Nancy Ch John, Anne, Har- vey, Belle, Newton, Mattie, Barbara, Cora; Homer R60 Homer Secl9E O70a (1875) Woodin, T. J. (Carrie A. Hunt) Ch Walter, Earl, Ernest; St. Joseph St. Joseph Secl4 O50a (1855) Woodruff, C. S. (Anna Hadden) Ch William, Francis; Sadorus R49 Col- fax Sec 13 T160a Mary P. Gage ( 1890) Woodworth, Charles R. (Cora Star- key) Ch Claud, Walter, Alfred, El- mer, Ralph, Lawrence; Tolono R48 Philo Sec32 T400a Lillian Bowers (1872) Woody, W. W. (Bertha M. Argo) Ch Lloyd, May, Ruth, Paul; St. Joseph R16 St. Joseph Sec27 T173a Mrs. M. Ludwig (1875) Woolridge, Miss Myrtle Champaign R3 Hensley Sec28 Housekeeper R. E. Morfey (1900) 135 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Wooters, R. A. (Alice Ainley) Ch John, Ruby, Ellen, Alberta; Urbana R9 Somer Sec32 T135a J. W. Hays (1893) Workman, M. O. (Lucinda Bickers) Ch Maud, Leatha, Glenn, Gallord; St. Joseph R14 Stanton Sec26 T200a James McCulla Est. (1910) Worley, Vesta (Maud Denhart) Ch Geraldine, Donald; Ogden R18 Og- den Sec6E (1900) Worthey, Ben (Ada Hemrich) Ran- toul R21 Ludlow Secl7 T120a Sam Gregg (1915) Wrean, Howard (Francis M. Mar- quett) Ch Joy; Ludlow RD Har- wood Sec6 T170a George Wrean Est. (1910) Wright, Charles (Rosie Runyon) Ch James, Raymond, Renna; Gifford R26 Compromise Sec32 T160a Thos. Collison (1870) Wright, D. B. Ch Zay, Esther; Cham- paign Rl Champaign SeclS OlOOa (1890) Wright, James (Beatrice Silkie) St. Joseph R15 Ogden Secl9 T80a John truax (1892) Wright, T. T. (Enna Smith) Ch Mina, William, Thomas; Gifford R26 Com- promise Secl2 T80a Peter Craigmile ( 1868) Wright, William (Catherine Richard- son) Ch Charles, William, Maggie, Jennie, Clara, Jimmie; Ogden Og- den Sec21N O120a (1900) Wright, A. J. (Laura Rowe) Ch Ora; Mahomet RD Mahomet Sec9 T60a F. Maxwell (1856) Wright, C. A. (Minnie McKay) Ch Raymond, Ethel, Mary, Charles, Myrtle; Mahomet R41 Newcomb Sec29 O80a (1876) Wright, Frank (Annie Bright) Ch Maggie, Elizabeth; Broadlands R37 Ayers Secl6 T80a G. L. Rothermel (1914) Wright, H. S. (Effie Lester) Ch Harry, Elsie, Virgil, Wilbur, Fred- erick, Elmer; "Wright Farm" Ma- homet R40 Newcomb Sec21 O160a (1873) Wright, Robert (Nettie Cunic) Ch Hershm, Wesley, Alice, Sylvester; Urbana R9 Somer Sec22 Dairyman J. B. Somers (1917) Wright, T. J. (Emma Ashcroft) Ch John, Maude, Ralph, Claude, Eliza; Savoy R46 Colfax Secl3 T80a (1855) Wroten, L. W. (Malissey Porter) Ur- bana R7 Urbana SeclO TlOa M. W. Busey (1862) Wrathers, A. N. (Opal Shroyer) Ch Donna, Claude, Neal; Urbana R8 Somer Secl3 T318a Mrs. Mahon (1904) Wurkman, W. M. (Maud Franklin) Ch Fred, Jennie, Lula, William, John, Cecil; Urbana R7 Somer Sec 36 Farm Hand Thomas Johnson (1917) Wyant, W. A. (Bertha Consour) Ch Opal, Mildred, Edna, Feme, Ermna, Ethel; Longview R64 Raymond Sec 16 O120a (1876) Wyatt, A. K. (Elizabeth Douglas) Ch Asa, Herman, Chloa; Fisher R35 Newcomb Sec2 T160a F. B. Vennum (1902) Wycoff, Frank (Mollie Noyes) Ch Walter, Roy, Myrtie; Rantoul Ran- toul Sec2 O17a (1909) Wycoff, Gordon (Charlotte Roberts) Urbana R8 Somer Sec35 T. R. El- liott (1915) Wycoff, L. C. (Ella Waters) Ch Ray- mond; Urbana R8 Stanton Sec7 T80a W. S. Waters (1892) Wycoff, L. O. (Faye Holtapp) "Pleas- ant Vale Farm" Rantoul R23 Lud- low Sec36 T124a Lou Holtapp (1899) Wycoff, Roy C. (Beulah Holtapp) Rantoul R23 Harwood Sec32 T160a Holtapp Est. (1908) Wycoff, Walter H. (Edna C. Flagg) Rantoul R23 Harwood Secl9 T240a Mrs. T. J. Cantner (1909) Wyne, John H. (Rose Rigdon) Ch Miles; Rantoul R23 Harwood Sec 20O40a (1871) Wyne, Miles E. (Nellie G. Clifton) Ludlow R31 Harwood Sec21 T160a William Sheldon (1883) Wynn, Sam C. (Edna Clampet) Ch Audrey; Tolono R47 Tolono Sec33 Farm Hand Christina Kunn (1917) 136 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Yakel, W. P. (Lilly Brinkley) Ch Louie, Albert, Lena; Rantoul R24 Rantoul SeclO OlSOa (1869) Yancey, H. S. Mahomet R42 Mahomet Seel T80a W. L. Yancey (1886) Yancy, W. L. (Kate Scott) Ch Har- low, Wilma; Mahomet R42 Maho- met Seel O153a (1858) Yazell, B. M. (Annie Warder) Ch Margaret; Fisher R34 E. Bend Sec 18 T233a Baker, Bert, Lytton, Cos- ner and Gentry (1914) Yearsley, J. C. (Jessie Edwards) Ch Emmett; Urbana R9 Somer Secl4 T360a Emmett Yearsley (1887) Yeasel, J. H. (Mary C. Dunn) Ch Flossie, Grace, Ora, Glenn, Russell; St. Joseph R15 Ogden Sec6NW O120a (1871) Yeats, Carlos (Etta Wilson) St. Jo- seph R15 St. Joseph Secll Farm Hand J. D. P. Yeats (1896) Yeats, E. C. (Alta M. Yeazel) Ch Ray, Ralph, Ruby, Russell, Roma; St. Joseph R14 Stanton Sec25 O80a TllOa J. K. P. Yeats Yazel, C. R. (Sophia Hedges) Homer R61 Ogden Sec30 T120a H. W. Yeazel (1893) Yeazel, J. P. (Lucy A. Taylor) Ch Ethel; "Maplewood Farm" Homer R60 Homer Sec8 OlOOa (1850) Yeazel, Otis (Minnie Rodgers) Ch Mabel, Lavaughn, Genevieve; St. Joseph R14 Stanton Sec36 T120a W. D. Villars (1873) Yeazle, M. L. (Julia E. Smith) Ch Estella, Nellie, Lelia; "Old Home- stead Farm" Homer Homer Sec7 O225a (1858) Yehle, Martin Ch Catherine; Bond- ville R65 Scott Secll Nicholas Loues (1916) Youmans, Isaac L. (Ava B. Clark) Ch Clark; St. Joseph R13 Stanton Sec22 T160a B. F. Youmans (1890) Young, Elmer E. (Jennie Smith) Ch Helen, Warren; Bondville R65 Scott Sec23 T160a W. M. Beck (1892) Young, George, Sr. (Iva Mitchell) Ch George Jr., Florence, Arnold, For- rest; Bondville R65 Scott Sec35 T460a W. H. Scott Est. (1884) Young, J. H. (Mary Studer) Ch Earl, Glen, Carl, Otto, Helen, John, Ruth; Foosland R38 Brown Secll T320a Glen Collison (1896) Young, Odur (Bessie Truitt) Ch Leo, Lester, Alma; Champaign R5 Hen- sley Secl2 T320a H. S. Ochs (1887) Yount, Arberry Homer R62 Homer Sec4 T70a J. J. Freeman (1895) Yount, Glenn Urbana R12 St. Joseph SeclS Farm Hand I. H. Gordon Yount, William E. (Florence Libka) Ch Arberry, Earl, Pauline; Homer R62 Homer Sec4 O126a (1871) Zanton, E. H. (Mattie Hanline) Ch Naomi; "Mount Snip Farm" Broad- lands R37 Ayers Secl7 T160a T. Swick (1889) Zehr, Dan (Mollie Birky) Ch Clara, Lester, Alton, Dora; Foosland R38 E. Bend Sec8 O80a T68a Lizzie Ander and Peter Zehr (1888) Zehr, John (Lydia Springer) Ch Ja- cob, Silas, Rosina; Foosland R38 E. Bend SecS O160a (1891) Zehr, J. E. (Emma Miller) Ch Har- old, Walter, Mabel, Ellis, Mildred, Chester; Fisher R35 Brown Sec35 O160a (1911) Zehr, Peter (Barbara Heiser) Ch Liz- zie; Emery (Grandson) Foosland R38 E. Bend SecS O80a (1889) Zehr, S. S. (Lena Unsicker) Ch Aaron, Samuel Jr., Albert; Fisher R34 Brown Secl3 OllOa (1887) Zeigler, A. W. (Emma Heuer) Ch Asa, Wilma; Homer R61 Homer Sec7W T98a Morris Est. (1888) Ziegler, David, Jr. (Pearl Adkins) Ch Hazel, William; Thomasboro R19 Rantoul Sec32 T160a David Ziegler (1876) Zenke, William (Maggie Colman) Ch Gladys, Opal, Carl; Broadlands R36 Ayers Sec30 O160a (1881) Zenkie, Alvin (Hattie Black) Ch Al- fred, Hilda; Longview R64 Ray- mond Sec26 O160a (1888) 137 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Zenung, Z. R. (Charlotte Deering) Ch Ivalou, Nelson, Ruth, Merwin; "Pleasant Hill Farm" Rantoul R21 Ludlow Sec34 T180a (1862) Ziegler, Jacob (Johanna Letterman) Ch Louise, Lena, Anna, Bertha, Emma, Paul, Rosie, Henry; Urbana R9 Somer Sec28 O210a (1865) Zimmerman, August (Clara Lorence) Ch Hazel; Foosland R38 Brown Secl6 T80a E. Lape (1915) Zimmerman, J. B. (Martha Sahf ben- der) Ch Mary, Bertha, Allie, Willie, Earnest, Charlie, Lizzie; Foosland R37 Brown Seel OSOa (1888) Zindar, H. W. (Emma Berbaum) Ch Violet, Grant, Harland, Wilbur; Bondville R65 Scott Sec26 T160a John McMullen (1896) Zindars, Edwards (Margaret Schue- ric) Ch Mary; Tolono R46 Critten- den Sec9 T260a Tom Trevoit (1917) Zindars, Otto (Mae Fosnaugh) Ch Bernice, Nellie, Howard, Floyd, Frank, Opal; Seymour R44 Scott Sec30 T306a William Cresap (1897) Zindiars, F. A. (Anna Strohl) Ch Dorothy, John, Pauline, Roy; Ives- dale R52 Colfax Sec8 T210a E. Mar- tin (1892) Zoch, Mrs. August Ch Louise, Mar- tha, Herbert, Fred, Emelie, Anna, Augusta, Ida, Mary, Levin; Savoy R66 Tolono Secl8 O169a (1892) Zoch, Fred Savoy R66 Tolono Secl8 T169a Mrs. August Zoch (1898) Zoch, Herbert (Marie Strack) Ch Earnest, Norman; Sadorus R51 Sadorus SeclO T200a Canning Est. (1885) Almost everyone in Illinois knows the Lazy Farmer. Thousands of Illinois farmers lau/ over his songs in Prairie Farmer every two weeks. You are missing a treat if you are not a reader of the Lazy Farmer's sayings. 138 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Champaign County Breeder's Directory BEEF CATTLE ABERDEEN ANGUS BLACK, W. Z St. Joseph BLOCK, R. F Broadlands, R. 36 BOYD, CHAS Homer, R. 61 BUSBOON, H Thomasboro, R. 20 CONNOR, P Rantoul, R. 21 CRESAP, WM. H.... White Heath, R. 1 DAVIS, J. H Broadlands, R. 37 HIXENBAUGH, N Homer, R. 61 IRLE, L. J Champaign, R. 6 K*RK, H. A Ludlow, R. 29 MAXWELL, A. S Broadlands, R. 37 MEIER, FRED St. Joseph, R. 15 MITCHELL, F. R Fisher, R. 35 MURRAY, E. J Rantoul, R. 21 QUILAN, WM. J Tolono, R. 46 RIEGAL, WM. E Tolono/R.46 ROTHERMEL, J Broadlands, R. 37 SEYMOUR, C. T Seymour, R. 43 Six, H. W Broadlands, R. 37 SMITH, J. W Pesotum, R. 55 POLLED DURHAM BIRKEY, A. F Rantoul, R. 21 BIRKEY, J. C Dewey, R. 32 BIRKLEY, GEO Dewey, R. 32 DAVIS, R Longview, R. 64 ELLIS, J. J Penfield, R. 28 FOWLER, L. S Penfield, R. 27 FUNKHOUSER, A Rantoul, R. D. FUNKHOUSER, C. L Rantoul, R. D. FUNKHOUSER, I. C Rantoul, R. 24 HAMM, C. W Champaign, R. 4 KEAL, G. A Rantoul, R. 24 LOVINGFOSS, G. A Philo M-ENSER, A. L Rantoul, R. 23 NELSON, H. I Champaign, R. 4 PORTERFIELD, R. Z .......... Sidney, R. 58 RICE, C. A Philo, R. 56 SAWYER, J. B Dewey, R. 32 SCHWARTZ, H. C Dewey, R. 32 SEEBER, E Rantoul, R. 22 SEEBER, PETER Champaign, R. 3 ZANTOW, E. H. Broadlands, R. 37 GALLOWAY HERBERT, GEO.. W Gifford, R. 25 WOLF, C. G Champaign, R. 1 HEREFORD STOERGER, L Ivesdale, R. 53 RED POLLED BRUDDER, B. A Bondville, R. 65 CHRISTIAN, F Tolono, R. 46 CHAW, G. E Sadorus, R. 49 DUBSON, D. S Fisher, R. 35 FIEDLER, E. F Thomasboro, R. 19 GRENNAN, M, F Ivesdale, R. 53 HINTON, IRA A Mahomet, R. 40 MATTIX, J. H Pesotum, R. 54 ROBERTS, L. W Champaign, R. 6 RUND, WM Pesotum, R. 55 SMITH, J. W Pesotum, R. 55 STICKROD, H. D Tolono, R. 48 WHITMORE, N. T Ludlow, R. 31 WILSON, J. A Sidney, R. 58 SHORTHORN ADKINS, S. T Clarence, R. 1 ARMSTRONG, W. E Mahomet, R. 42 BANTZ, ELMER Homer, R. 62 BROWN, J. P. . : Ludlow, R. 30 BRYAN, JESSE Fisher, R. 35 BUCHAN, JAY G Mahomet, R.41 BURNETT, W. F Urbana, R. 9 THE PIONEER CREAMERY COMPANY Successor to TWIN CITY CREAMERY CO. Phones Auto 1273, Bell 2142 Cash Buyers of Cream and Eggs Manufacturers of the CELEBRATED TWIN CITY BRAND BUTTER CHAMPAIGN ILL. 139 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY BURNETT, W. J Longview, R. 63 CAIN, WM Ivesdale, R. 52 CASTLE, F. M St. Joseph, R. 14 CHAMBLISS, R St. Joseph, R. 14 CLENNON, MRS. A Tolono, R. 46 CLENNON, M. J Tolono, R. 46 COLLINS, C. H Champaign, R. 2 COOK, GUY Ivesdale, R. 53 COOMS, O. B Foosland, R. 38 CRANE, C. A Rantoul, R. 23 DAVIS, JAY R Mahomet, R. 42 DAVIS, W. L Mahomet, R. 40 DECKER, C. G Philo, R. 56 DOLLAHAN, O. R Mahomet, R. 42 DUNAWAY, W. J Mahomet, R. 40 ECKBLAW, A Rantoul, R. 23 FAIREFIELD, CHAS Fisher, R. 34 FEDER, ROBT. A Rantoul, R. 24 FEENEY, LUKE Ivesdale,- R. 52 FISHER, C. E Savoy, R. 66 FISHER, ELMER , Savoy, R. 66 FISHER, G. H Savoy, R. 66 FISHER, SCOTT Savoy, R. 66 FLETCHER, O. A Pesotum FORRESTAL, J Ivesdale, R. 53 FRERICHS, J Thomasboro, R. 20 GIFFORD, C. L Thomasboro, R. 19 GORDON, J. C Penfield, R. 28 GRIESER, GEO Dewey, R. 32 GULICK, W. C Mahomet, R. 42 HAINES, G. C., JR. Seymour, R. 44 HARRIS, B. F Champaign, R. D. HARSHBARGER, M. E Ivesdale, R. 53 HARSHBARGER, S. T Ivesdale, R. 53 HAWK, W St. Joseph, R. 13 HAZZARD, JAS Philo, R. 56 HEISER, J. A Fisher, R. 34 HEISER, M. E Dewey, R. 32 HELMS, M. E Sadorus, R. 51 JOHNSTON, I. W Dewey, R. 33 JORDAN, F. W Savoy, R.66 JORDAN, M. E Savoy, R. 66 JOYCE, WM Savoy, R. 66 JUDY, R. E. Gifford, R. 25 JUTKINS, L. F Savoy, R. 45 KIRK, P. H Penfield, R. 27 KOCH, G. L Champaign, R. 4 KRUMM, H. A Philo, R. 56 LAVERICK, I. F Broadlands, R. 37 LEAS, F. S St. Joseph, R. 13 LEAS, GEO. N St. Joseph, R. 14 LEIGH, J. M St. Joseph, R. 13 LEVEAR, Ross Gifford, R. 25 LIGHT, J. K Thomasboro, R. 20 LITTLE, L. A Tolono, R. 46 LOUKS, J. D Dewey, R. 33 MADDOCK, EDW St. Joseph, R. 14 MARRIOTT, H. B Urbana, R. 12 MAYER, W. J Pesotum, R. 55 MAXWELL, J. W Urbana, R. 10 MCCLELLAND, C. L Foosland, R. 38 McCuLLOUGH, J Urbana, R. 10 McHARRY, D. R Rantoul, R. 21 McNEiLL, R. D Seymour, R. 43 MINKS, R. A Dewey, R. 33 MITCHEL, ROY Fisher, R. 35 MOORE, THOS Gifford, R. 25 NELSON, J. M Champaign, R. 4 NOLAN, THOS Ogden, R. 17 NEWMAN, C. E Foosland, R. 38 O'DoNNELL, J. P Rantoul, R. 24 O'NEAL, W. B Sadorus, R. 51 PERCIVAL, E. J Urbana, R. 10 PIPER, J. C Rantoul, R. 23 PITTMAN, E. D Mahomet, R. 41 REIFSTECH, GEO Savoy, R. 66 REINHART, O. W Pesotum, R. 55 RISING, A. F Champaign, R. 4 SCHINDLER, R. H Sidney, R. 57 SCHOLL, MRS. J Foosland, R. 38 Six, H. W Broadlands, R. 37 SIZER, O. B Fisher, R. 35 SMITH, JACOB Pesotum, R. 55 SOMERS, S. R Savoy, R. 45 STEARN, WM. A St. Joseph, R. 15 STOUT, L. R Savoy, R. 66 SUMMERS, WM Foosland, R. 38 SUTTLE, B. M Mahomet, R. 40 TALBOT, E. P Gifford, R. 25 TROUTMAN, A. E Savoy, R. 45 TWEET, P. R Gibson City, R. 1 UNZICKER, J. K Fisher, R. 34 Lone Distance Phone Yards 75 Reference Live Stock Exchange National Bank W. W. SHEARER & CO. ESTABLISHED 1874 LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS Send Ut Your Next Shipment We Guarantee Satisfaction 26 Exchange Building, Union Stock Yards CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 140 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY VAN BRUNT, R. B Urbana, R. 11 VARNER, V. E St. Joseph, R. 14 WALSH, E. T Rantoul WIESE, CHAS Foosland, R. 39 ZEHR, DAN lf . . . Foosland, R. 38 ZENKE, WM Broadlands, R. 36 DAIRY CATTLE GUERNSEY BLUE, C. T Thomasboro, R. 20 CLIFFORD, C. E Rantoul, R. 21 TAYLOR, GEO Urbana, R. 1 1 HOLSTEIN ANDERSON, J. A Ludlow, R. 29 ARMSTRONG, J. A Bondville, R. D. BAKER, R. R Savoy, R. 66 BENNETT, N Tolono, R. 48 BOHLEN, WM Thomasboro, R.^0 BROWN, A. W Pesotum, R. 54 CHERRY, H.. . . .St. Joseph, R. 15 CLARK, J. H Savoy, R. 45 COMPTON, ROY Urbana, R. 9 ELLIS, H. G Penfield, R. 27 EYESTONE, F. J Penfield, R. 28 FINK, CHAS Dewey, R. 33 FISHER, CHAS. A Savoy, R. 66 FRAZER, ELMER Urbana, R. 10 FRAZIER, GEO., JR Villa Grove GILLES, GEO Pesotum, R. 55 GLASCOCK, J. R St. Joseph, R. 16 HANSON, E. C Champaign, R. 3 HARSHBARGER, M. E Ivesdale, R. 53 HEYER, W. E Fisher, R. 34 HUTSON, H Urbana, R. 8 IRLE, CHAS Mahomet, R. D. JACKSON, WM. T Ludlow, R. 31 JORDAN, T. F Savoy, R. 66 KEENE, Z. C Seymour, R. 43 KOCH, A. F Urbana, R. 12 McFALL, JOHN Urbana, R. 10 MESSMAN, F. J Sadorus, R. 51 MONTGOMERY, S. H Tolono, R. 46 MURRY BROS Pesotum, R. 54 PERCIVAL, E. V Urbana, R. 10 RAYBURN, B Champaign, R. 4 REINHART, Jos. J Pesotum, R. 55 SHADE, H. R Urbana, R. 9 SHAFER, GEO. A Villa Grove SHAFF, L. L Urbana, R. 7 SMITH, CHAS Urbana, R. 7 SPERLING, A. H Fisher, R. 34 SUSDORF, E Rantoul, R. 22 TAYLOR, GEO Urbana, R. 11 THOMAS, J. O Mahomet, R. 41 VAN BRUNT, M. S Urbana, R. 11 WALLEN, P Rantoul, R. 22 WEBBER, H. E Ludlow, R. 29 WILSON, L. D Urbana, R. 9 WOOD, L. C Mahomet, R. 42 WOODWORTH, C. R Tolono, R. 48 JERSEY ASHER, JAS. E Mahomet, R. 40 BALL, CORLEY Foosland BARNES, JAS. E Tolono, R. 48 BARNHART, H. T Tolono, R. 47 BARNHART, R. M Mahomet, R. 41 BURKE, M. T Savoy BUTLER, J. B Ivesdale, R. 53 CONARD, JAS. S Dewey, R. 33 CROWLEY, J. W Mahomet, R. 40 DITTMAN, JOE Tolono, R. 47 DRENNAN, CECIL Dewey, R. 33 DUBSON, D. S Fisher, R. 35 EDWARDS, J. L Tolono, R. 48 FAIRFIELD, E. J Foosland, R. 38 FISHER, MRS. E. L Savoy, R. 66 FOSTER, V. D Dewey, R. 33 GERBERS, JERRY St. Joseph, R. 14 GOOD, W. E Thomasboro, R. 19 GREGG, S. M Rantoul, R. 21 GRIIRSON, C. M Champaign, R. 6 GRIMES, L. P St. Joseph, R. 16 HAM MEL, J. F Mahomet, R. 42 HARMON, J. R Dewey, R. 33 HIGGINS, E Champaign, R. 2 F. J. BURNS & CO. I GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS | Poultry, Eggs, Butter, Cheese, Frogs and Veal HIGHEST PRICES PROMPT RETURNS | Reference: Fort Dearborn National Bank 178 W. South Water Street CHICAGO I 141 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY HULMES, H. H Sidney HUMMEL, P Dewey JOHNSON, A. E Gifford, R. 25 KEAL, CHAS. G Thomasboro, R. 20 KOBEL, F Champaign, R. 3 KOCH, G. L Champaign, R. 4 LINDSEY, G. W Urbana LOH MILLER, W. G Gifford, R. 25 MANSFIELD, M. D Urbana, R. 8 MARCELLUS, A. J Foosland, R. 38 MCCLELLAND, C. L Foosland, R. 38 McCuLLOUGH, A Urbana, R. 10 NEEF, C. F., JR Urbana, R. 9 NOGLE, J. T Sadorus, R. 52 O'CONNOR, DAN Sadorus, R. 51 PARRY, Jos. L. Tolono, R. 48 PEARSON, Jos. R Ludlow, R. 31 PITTMAN, H. A Mahomet, R. 41 PUTNAM, C. W Champaign, R. 4 PUTNAM, L. F Dewey, R. 33 ROBINETT, H. F Fisher, R. 35 RYAN, DEN S Savoy, R. 66 SHIELDS, H Dewey, R. 32 SIMERL, J. F Urbana, R. 7 SITTS, W. H Dewey, R. 33 SMITH, W. A St. Joseph, R. D. SOMERS, J. B Urbana, R. 9 SOMERS, S. R Savoy, R. 45 SQUIRE, J Champaign, R. 6 STAM M, S Foosland, R. 39 SWARTZ, H Rantoul, R. 22 TAYLOR, GEO Urbana, R. 1 1 TOMPKINS, W. R Mahomet, R. 41 WARD, F. H Dewey, R. 33 WILLIAMS, J. A Mahomet, R. 40 WOLF, R. J St. Joseph, R. 13 WOLIUNG, C Dewey, R. 32 HOGS BERKSHIRE ALLMAN, J. L Urbana, R. 7 BLACK, W. Z St. Joseph HAZZARD, JAS Philo, R. 56 HINTON, M Mahomet, R. 40 HOLL, B. C Pesotum, R. 54 KOCH, G. L Champaign, R. 4 LITTLE, A Rantoul, R. 24 PIPER, J. C Rantoul, R. 23 STOVER, W. A Sadorus, R: 51 CHESTER WHITE ALLISON, H Homer AUDRE, M St. Joseph, R. 13 BENGTSON, E. B Ludlow, R. 31 BESORE, D. B Savoy, R. 66 BIRKEY, A. F Rantoul, R. 21 BLOOM, L. F Tolono, R. 47 BOHLEN, WM Thomasboro, R. 20 BROWN, CLINT Homer, R. 59 CARPER, U. S Seymour, R. 43 CHERRY, H St. Joseph, R. 15 CLARK, E St. Joseph, R. 13 CLER, F. M Tuscola, R. 1 COOK, D Tolono, R. 47 COON, J. S Ludlow, R. 30 CORDTS, J. A Ivesdale, R. 53 CRANE, IRA Rantoul, R. 23 CRAW, G. E Sadorus, R. 49 CURTIS, G. A Fisher, R. 34 DILLINGHAM, R. W Seymour, R. 44 DUNLAP, G. H Bondville, R. 65 EICH HORSE, F. R Pesotum, R. 28 ELLIOTT, F. O Homer, R. 62 ELLIS, A. M Penfield, R. 28 FIEDLER, E. F Thomasboro, R. 19 FINK, J. W Dewey, R. 32 FOLEY, JOHN Philo, R. 56 FULLER, J. K Ludlow, R. 31 CARVER, C. D Ludlow, R. 30 GUSTAFSON, V. W Rantoul, R. 23 HAMMEL, J. F Mahomet, R. 42 HARTZ, PETER D Philo, R. 56 HARTZ, WM. A Philo, R. 56 HAWORTH, CHAS St. Joseph, R. 13 HEINDSELMAN, M. D Rantoul, R. 23 HESTER, E. H Tolono, R. 48 HICKLE, B. A Champaign, R. 4 CONSIGN YOUR SHIPMENTS TO C. QUINLAN PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANT 9 Fulton Market, Chicago SPECIALTIES: VEAL AND POULTRY References j Union Trust Company; The Live Stock Exchange National Bank; All Express Companies; R. G. Dun & Co.; Bradstreet; Drovers Journal; Live Stock World. I guarantee highest possible prices, correct weights, prompt returns and personal attention to every shipment Cooling Rooms Write for Tags and Market Quotations 142 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY HINTON, J. A Mahomet, R. 40 HUDSON, O Urbana, R. 12 HUMMEL, P Dewey HUMPHRY, GEO Tolono, R. 46 HUNT, O. M St. Joseph, R. 13 HYDE, A. B Rantoul, R. 21 JOHNSON, J. B Ludlow, R. 30 KANTNER, L Champaign KAUFMAN, H. C St. Joseph, R. 16 KUKENDALL, H Mahomet, R. 4 LAYMAN, C Rantoul, R. 22 LEVEAR, Ross Gifford, R. 25 McMAHON, R. G St. Joseph, R. 15 MENGES, A Urbana, R. 8 MESSMAN, A Tolono, R. 46 MILLER, A. S Dewey MITCHELL, J. G Foosland, R. 38 MORRISON, E. W Mahomet, R. 42 MURRELL, N Champaign, R. 5 MURRELL, P. A Thomasboro, R. 19 NOGLE, J. T Sadorus, R. 52 NORTON, A. E Tolono, R. 46 O'DoNNELL, J. P Rantoul, R. 24 PFIESTER, C. I Seymour, R. 43 PHENICIE, W. O St. Joseph, R. 17 PHILLIPPE, J. H., SR. .. .Mahomet, R. 42 POTTER, J. P Broadlands, R. 37 RAN KIN, A. D Foosland, R. 38 RAYBURN, B. F Mahomet, R. 42 RICHARDSON, J. H Tolono, R. 46 ROGERS, M. J Ivesdale, R. 52 SCHWARTZ, H. C Dewey, R. 32 SCHWENCK, H Pesotum, R. 54 SEEBER, E Rantoul, R. 22 SEEBER, PETER Champaign, R. 3 SEEL MEYER, O. H Urbana, R. 10 SITTS, W. H Dewey, R. 33 STONE, H. E Ludlow, R.29 STONE, T. M Tolono, R. 47 STOUT, L. R Savoy, R. 66 SWAIM, V. C Ludlow, R. 30 SWARTZ, HENRY Rantoul, R. 22 TALBOTT, G. B Champaign, R. 1 TAYLOR, F. W Mahomet, R. 42 THINNES, J. L Tolono, R. 48 VILES, WM. E Urbana, R. 7 WALSH, T. J Rantoul, R. 21 WARSAW, CHIS Foosland, R. 38 WELCH, W. C Urbana, R. 12 WILLIAMS, H. C St. Joseph, R. 13 WILLSEY, J Urbana, R. 10 WISE, H. L Penfield, R. 27 WISHALL, PETER Pesotum, R. 54 WOMACKS, L. P Champaign, R. 4 WOODIN, T. J St. Joseph DUROC JERSEY ALEXANDER, C Dewey, R. 32 ARLEDGE, CHAS. F Urbana, R. 9 BATES, JAS. A Tolono, R.48 W. H. WALTER H. C. WALTER F. W. WALTER WAITER BROTHERS, &, W. P. CHRIMES Live Stock Commission ESTABLISHED 1888 A" eTCtiantS 88 and 90 Exchange Building, UNION STOCK YARDS ; Thirty Years of Success; TRY US! We buy on orders and sell Cattle, Hog* and Sheep, B" ADDRESS W. H. WALTER, SIOUX CITY, IOWA, FOR FEEDERS ^mimim!|llllllllllll:llllll1llllll!!!l!lnilll!llll!llliill!llllll!llll!lllllll[l^ 143 imn PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY BOWERS, S Tolono, R. 48 BRUDDER, B. A Bondville, R. 65 BURNETT, W. F Urbana, R. 9 BURR, A. A Philo, R. 56 BUTTIN, PAUL Savoy, R. 66 CARR, ANTHONY Urbana, R. 12 CEKANDER, A Savoy, R. 66 CHAPMAN, A. S Mahomet, R. D. CHRISTIAN, F Tolono, R. 46 CHRISTY, C St. Joseph, R. 13 CLAPPER, R. S Mahomet, R. 42 CLENNON, MRS. A Tolono, R. 46 CLENNON, M. J . . . Tolono, R. 46 CLIFFORD, C. E Rantoul, R. 21 COLLINS, MRS. M. J ... Champaign, R. 2 CONARD, JAS. S Dewey, R. 33 COOK, GUY Ivesdale, R. 53 CREAMER, C. F Tolono, R. 47 CREAMER, WM. C Tolono, R. 47 DADEY, EDW. J Champaign, R. 2 DAHL, AUG Ludlow, R. 29 DELOZIER, JAS Dewey, R. 33 DICKASON, F Urbana, R. 1 1 DICKERSON, R Mahomet, R. 42 DITTMAN, JOE Tolono, R. 47 DUNBAR, C. O Sadorus, R. 50 DUNLAP, G. H Bondville, R. 65 DUNLAP, L. N Rantoul, R.-22 EDWARDS, R. U Tolono, R. 48 EHLER, JOHN Champaign, R. 5 ELDER, JOHN Longview, R. 63 ELLIOTT, F. O Homer, R. 62 FAGALY, EDW Philo, R. 56 FISHER, C. E Savoy, R. 66 FISHER^ ELMER Savoy, R. 66 FISHER, S. . ; , Savoy, R. 66 FISHER, W, Savoy, R. 66 FLATT, R. A ' Leverett, R. D. FLETCHER, O. A. Pesotum FORE, ASA E. Gifford, R. 25 FREEMAN, G. Homer, R. 61 GAUBLE, H. .....' Fisher, R. 34 GIBBENS, R. G Foosland, R. 39 GORDON, J. J . . . ; Ludlow, R. 31 GORDON, N. A Ludlow, R. 31 GOURDIER, C Dewey, R. 33 GOWDY, J. H Ludlow, R. 30 GRANT, F. L .Champaign, R. 2 GRIMES, L. P St. Joseph, R. 16 HAINES, GEO., JR Seymour, R. 44 HAMM, CHAS Ludlow, R. 30 HAMM, C. W Champaign, R. 4 HANCOCK, H. M Ludlow, R. 31 HARMON, J. R Dewey, R. 33 HARRIS, B. F Champaign, R. D. HARRISON, J. A Pesotum, R. 55 HASTINGS, MRS. M Sadorus, R. 50 HERBERT, GEO. W Gifford, R. 25 HEWERDINE, W. I Dewey, R. 33 HICKLE, B. A Champaign, R. 4 HINDS, H. F Pesotum, R. 54 HOLLEMAN, WM Savoy, R. 66 HOLTERMANN, D. J Sadorus, R. 50 HOUSE, R. A Savoy, R. 45 HOYT, A. J St. Joseph, R. 13 HOYT, N. C St. Joseph, R. 13 HUDSON, ED St. Joseph, R. 13 HULVEY, W Urbana, R. 8 HYLBERT, J. M Gifford, R. 25 IRLE, GEO. G Urbana, R. 9 IRLE, L. J Champaign, R. 6 IRONS, A. E Homer, R. 61 JOHNSON, DICK Rantoul, R. 21 JOHNSON, E. E Champaign, R. 6 JOHNSTON, E. C Urbana, R. 7 JOHNSTON, I. W Dewey, R. 33 JORDAN, F. W Savoy, R. 66 JORDAN, MRS. M. E Savoy, R. 66 JORDAN, THEO. W Savoy, R. 66 JORDAN, T. F Savoy, R. 66 KAMRADT, F. A Sadorus, R. 49 KAMRADT, H Pesotum, R. 54 KELLY, M. S Tolono, R. 48 KIRK, HUGH A Ludlow, R. 29 KIRK, O. B Ludlow, R. D. KRACHT, WM. C Philo, R. 56 KUYKENDALL, L. W ... Champaign, R. 6 LAMBDIN, B Mahomet, R. 40 LARGE, JAS Ivesdale, R. 53 LEAS, F. S St. Joseph, R. 13 Established 1868 REFERENCES: SPECIALTIES: Union Trust Co. Richard J. Collins VEAL Mercantile Trust and Savings Bank VEAL and POULTRY LIVE POULTRY DRESSED Dunn and Bradstreet Commercial Agen- COMMISSION MERCHANT POULTRY cies 840 FULTON STREET HOGS HIDES All Express Compan- ies FULTON MARKET, CHICAGO WOOL FURS Long Distance Phones: Monroe 3330-3331 Tags and Markets Furnished Upon Application. Free Cooling Rooms. 144 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY LEPPER, GEO Ludlow, R. 31 LIEB, F. J Pesotum, R. 55 LIETZ, A Sadorus, R. 49 LINDENMAN, J. G Dewey, R. 32 LITTLE, R. B Tolono, R. 46 LOH MILLER, WM. G Giffprd, R. 25 MADIGAN, J. J Longview, R. 64 MARSH, L. E St. Joseph, R. 14 MATHEWS, J. W Sadorus, R. 49 MATHEWS, R. L . Sadorus, R. 49 MAXWELL, A. S Broadlands, R. 37 MAYER, K. J Pesotum, R. 55 MILLER, H. N Fisher, R. 35 MILLS, C. P Homer; R. 61 MINKS, R. A Dewey, R. 33 MITCHEL, ROY Fisher, R. 35 MOORE, J. E Homer, R. 61 MUHLEMAN, F. M Foosland, R. 39 MUMM, W. D Philo, R. 56 NELSON, H. I Champaign, R. 4 NELSON, J. M Champaign, R. 4 NORTON, O. W Bondville, R. 65 ODELL, WM Sadorus, R.49 ORDEL, F Philo, R. 56 PALMBERG, C. A Ludlow, R. 30 PALMBERG, G. E Ludlow, R. 30 PATIENT, S Mahomet, R. 41 PETTIGREW, D. H Savoy, R. 66 PRIM MER, J. L Mahomet, R. 42 PUTNAM, L. F Dewey, R. 33 QUILAN, WM. J Tolono, R. 46 QUINLAN, C. A Ludlow, R. 31 QUINLAN, M. P Ludlow, R. 29 REIFSTECH, GEO Savoy, R. 66 REINHART, CHAS Pesotum, R. 55 REINHART, J. J Pesotum, R. 55 ROBERTS, J. T Savoy, R. 45 ROBERTS, L. W Champaign, R. 6 ROBINSON, O. F Sadorus, R. 51 Ross, CHAS. E Savoy, R. 66 Ross, E. A Champaign, R. 2 RUCKMAN, R Mahomet, R. 42 RUSK, F Ludlow, R. 31 RUSSELL, A Champaign, R. 1 SAWYER, J. B Dewey, R. 32 SHADE, H. R Urbana, R. 9 SHEFFER, C. R Fisher, R. 34 SILVER, D. A Urbana, R. 11 SMITH, G. A Savoy, R.45 SMITH, J. T Savoy, R. 66 STEARNS, WM. A St. Joseph, R. 15 STICKROD, H. D Tolono, R. 48 STONESTREET, G. W Penfield, R. 27 TALBOT, E. P Gifford, R. 25 TELLING, A Broadlands, R. 37 TEMPEL, P. A Savoy, R. 45 TRACY, C. L Rantoul, R. 24 VEST, WM. R Champaign, R. 3 WAGNER, CHAS St. Joseph, R. 15 WATSON, GEO. L Ludlow, R. 31 WELCH, EDW Ivesdale, R. 53 WILLIAMS, J Bondville, R. 65 WISE, J. E Savoy, R. 45 WISE, J. T Sadorus, R. 5 WOLF, C. G Champaign, R. 1 WOLF, R. J St. Joseph, R. 13 WOODWORTH, C. R Tolono, R. 48 ZEHR, J. E Fisher, R. 35 ZOCH, H. A Sadorus, R. 51 HAMPSHIRE BEELER, P. E Gifford, R. 25 GRANT, F. L Champaign, R. 2 GREGGS, S. E Rantoul, R. 21 HARRIS, B. F Champaign, R. D. HERRIOTT, J. T Mahomet, R. 41 JUDY, R. E Gifford, R. 25 ff WHOLESALE POULTRY, VEAL, EGGS? BUTTER 229-231 W. SO. WATER ST. C M I A TAG LIKE THIS BRINGS RESULTS Highest Prices, Full Weight, Prompt Returns Write for Tags and Market Quotations References Any Bank or Express Agt. in your town. Fort Dearborn National Bank, Chicago PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY PATTEN, SAM Clarence, R. 10 PERCIVAL, C. A Champaign, R. 2 PERCIVAL, F. U Urbana, R. 10 PERCIVAL, H. B Urbana, R. 10 SPENCER, CHAS Mahomet, R. 41 WEBB, W. H Urbana, R. 12 MULE FOOT HARRY, W. M Urbana, R. 7 HUMMEL, C. A Dewey, R. 36 SMITH, RALPH Urbana, R. 7 SWAIM, V. C Ludlow, R. 30 POLAND CHINA APPL, J. E St. Joseph, R. 15 AULD, CHAS. F Ivesdale, R. 53 BANTZ, ELMER Homer, R. 62 BARNES, JAS. E Tolono, R. 48 BERBAUM, L. C Champaign, R. 2 BERMINGHAM, W. . . .Thomasboro, R. 19 BIALESCHKI, C. A Sadorus, R. 50 BIRKEY, J. C Dewey, R. 32 BIRKLEY, GEO Dewey, R. 32 BIRKY, E. C Fisher, R. 34 BIRKY, L. E Rantoul, R. 21 BOWERS, S Tolono, R. 48 BOYS, WM. O St. Joseph, R. 14 BROWN, A. W Pesotum, R. 54 BROWN, WM. O Homer, R. 59 BURKE, M. T Savoy BYERLEY, CHAS. St. Joseph, R. 14 BYRNES, TIM Tolono, R. 46 CAGLE, J. H Fisher, R. 35 CALDWELL, R. M Sidney, R. 57 CAVANAUGH, J. W Urbana, R. 7 CLARK, GEO. W Pesotum, R. 54 COLE, MRS. M. F. Sidney, R. 58 COOMS, O. B Foosland, R. 38 COOPER, IRA M Pesotum, R. 55 CRAWFORD, C. E Longview, R. 63 CURTIS, EUGENE, JR Savoy, R. 45 DECKER, C. G Philo, R. 56 DOYLE, M. J Ivesdale, R. 53 EDWARDS, J. L Tolono, R. 48 ELLIS, H. G Penfield, R. 27 ELLIS, J. J Penfield, R. 28 ERSIG, Gus Savoy, R. 45 EVANS, F. L Rantoul, R. 22 EVANS, J. H Dewey, R. 33 FACKLER, ROY Tolono, R. 47 FAIREFIELD, CHAS Fisher, R. 34 FIOCK, J. B St. Joseph, R. 13 FIOCK, L. R Urbana, R. 7 FLETCHER, E. E Pesotum, R. 55 FLETCHER, O. A Pesotum FOSTER, C. H Bondville, R. 65 FUNKHOUSER, A Rantoul, R. D. FUNKHOUSER, C. L Rantoul, R. D. FUNKHOUSER, I. C Rantoul, R. 24 GARBER, J. A Sadorus, R. 51 GATES, P. J Tuscola, R. 1 GRENNAN, JAS Ivesdale, R. 53 GRISWOULD, E. W Ludlow, R. 31 HADVEN, A. H Sadorus, R. 49 HAMMEL, J. F Mahomet, R. 42 HARGESHEIMER, C Foosland, R. 39 HARRIS, B. F Champaign, R. D. HARTLE, L. B Sadorus, R. 50 HARTRICK, V. O Sadorus, R. 50 HEISER, J. A Fisher, R. 34 HELMS, M. E Sadorus, R. 51 HETTINGER, JOE Pesotum, R. 55 HETTINGER, P. M Tolono, R. 46 HIESER, AMOS A Dewey, R. 32 HILLARD, G. W Tolono, R. 47 HITTINGER, M Pesotum, R. 55 HOBSON, J. E Champaign, R. 1 HOWARD, O Dewey, E. 32 HUNT, J. W St. Joseph, R. 14 JACKSON, J. M Pesotum, R. 55 JACKSON, W. T Ludlow, R. 31 JOHNSON, AL Rantoul, R. 21 JOHNSON, GEQ. W Ivesdale, R. 53 JONES, J. F Ludlow, R. 30 KEAL, C. W Rantoul, R. 24 KIDD, E. G Tolono, R. 47 KIRK, J. F Penfield, R. 27 KrtKpATRiCK, A. J Urbana, R. 8 KOCH, C St. Joseph, R. 16 KRUM M, C. J Sadorus, R. 51 KRUMM, H. A Philo, R. 56 LAMB, H. A Broadlands, R. 36 LAM MLE, G Fisher, R. 34 LEAS, GEO. N St. Joseph, R. 14 LEE, O. C Gifford, R. 25 LITTLE, L. A Tolono, R. 46 LITTLE, R. S Rantoul, R. 22 LOUKS, J. D Dewey, R. 33 LOUKS, RAY Fisher, R. 35 MADDOCK, EDW St. Joseph, R. 14 MADDOCK, O. W St. Joseph, R. 13 MCCLELLAND, C. L Foosland, R. 38 McCoRMiCK, F Urbana, R. 7 McGEE, WM. F Urbana, R. 10 McNEiLL, R. D Seymour, R. 43 MEHARRY, GEO. F Tolono, R. 48 MEHARRY, J. E Tolono, R. 48 MEHARRY, P. F Tolono, R. 48 MILLER, EL WOOD Fisher, R. 35 MILLER, H. N Fisher, R. 35 MINKS, E. W :t ... .Fisher, R. 35 MOONEY, DAN Gifford, R. 26 MOORE, THOS Gifford, R. 25 MOTSINGER, D. E Urbana, R. 12 MURRY BROS Pesotum, R. 54 MYERS, R. L Mahomet, R. 41 NYE, J. E St. Joseph, R. 16 O'BiRNE, WM. F Philo, R. 56 O'BRYAN, J. A Pesotum ODELL, WM Sadorus, R. 49 O'NEAL, W. B Sadorus, R. 51 ORDEL, W. H Philo, R. 56 PARKER, C. L Homer, R. 61 146 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY PARNELL, W. J Bondville, R. 65 PFEFFER, J. G., SR Seymour, R. 44 PIEPLOW, F St. Joseph, R. 16 PLOTNER, E. A Tolono, R. 48 RAN KIN, A. D Foosland, R. 38 RAYBURN, BERT Champaign, R. 4 RAYBURN, C. C Bondville, R. 65 REED, CHAS. W Tolono, R. 48 REINHART, H Pesotum, R. 55 REINHART, O. W Pesotum, R. 55 REMLEY, J. W Gifford, R. 25 REMLEY, M. A -... .Gifford, R. 25 RICHARDS, E. A St. Joseph, R. 15 RIEMKE, E. F Tolono, R. 47 RISING, A. F Champaign, R. 4 SADORUS, W. O Sadorus, R. 50 SELBY, SAM Mahomet, R. 41 SELMEYER, H. F Philo, R. 56 SHARPE, J. W Penfield, R. 28 SILKEY, C. F../. Ogden, R. 17 SMILEY, H. A Broadlands, R. 36 SOMERS, S. R Savoy, R. 45 SOMERS, T. J Urbana, R. 9 SPRINGER, J. W Dewey, R. 32 SPROUT, C. A Philo, R. 56 SQUIRE, J Champaign, R. 6 STAM M, S Foosland, R. 39 STOERGER, L Ivesdale, R. 53 STONESTREET, C. A Penfield, R. 27 SWAIN, C. W Savoy, R. 45 TAYLOR, C. B Penfield, R. 27 TEN BROOK, L. J Sadorus, R. 50 TOPPIN, J Urbana, R. 12 TOY, F Sidney, R. 57 TROUTMAN, A. E Savoy, R. 45 TURNER, G. E Fisher, R. 34 VAN METER, C. M Tolono, R. 47 WARD, F. H Dewey, R. 33 WETHERALD, G. T Bondville, R. 65 WHITE, S Urbana, R. 12 WILLIAMS, G. C Dewey, R. 33 WILLIAMS, JOHN Urbana, R. 7 WILSON, N. L Tolono, R.46 WISMAR, J. C Sadorus, R. 51 WOOD, W. C St. Joseph, R. 16 YEASEL, J. F St. Joseph, R. 15 ZANTOW, E. H Broadlands, R. 37 TAMWORTH PHARES, C. A St. Joseph, R. 15 HORSES BELGIAN EH MAN, WM Gifford EHMEN, J. L St. Joseph, R. 14 LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS W. A. PETERSON 58-60 Exchange Building (Union Stock Yards) CHICAGO Phone Yards 910 : Stewart 4385 Hyde Park 4812 REFERENCES: Drovers' National Bank, Chicago Speer State Bank, Speer, 111. First National Bank, Granville, 111. WE SPECIALIZE IN Stockers and Feeders BE CONVINCED! GIVE US A TRIAL! WM. TURNBULL 147 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Goss, C. E Urbana, R. 9 HOYT, A. J St. Joseph, R. 13 LOESCHEN, G. A Penfield, R. 28 STONE, T. M Tolono, R. 47 WILHELM, P. C Tolono, R. 46 CLYDESDALE GOOD, WM. M Urbana, R. 9 COACH LIGHT, J. K Thomasboro, R. 20 SEEKER, E Rantoul, R. 22 FRENCH DRAFT APPERSON, L. O Rantoul, R. 21 DOBYN, C. P Bondville, R. 65 EHMEN, J. L St. Joseph, R. 14 GUTZWILER, P. J Mahomet, R. 41 JACKSON, E. S Mahomet, R. 41 MORGAN HARTZ, W. A Philo, R. 56 PERCHERON ABBOTT, I. C Mahomet, R. 41 ANDERSON, C. L Paxton, R. 1 BARCUS, CHAS St. Joseph, R. 15 BEST, F. L Tolono, R. 46 BIRKEY, A. F Rantoul, R.21 BIRKEY, E. C Fisher, R. 34 BIRKE.Y, L. E ....Rantoul, R.21 CAVANAUGH, J. W Urbana, R. 7 COON, J. S Ludlow, R. 30 CROWLEY, Lou Mahomet, R. 40 CROWLEY, MRS. M Mahomet, R. 40 DAVIS, J. R Mahomet, R. 42 DECKER, C. G Philo, R. 56 DICKERSON, LEE A Mahomet, R. 42 EVANS, J. H Dewey, R. 33 FAIRCHILD. CHAS Fisher, R. 34 GUT, C. C Fisher, R. 34 GUTZWILER, P. J Mahomet, R. 41 HAINES, GEO., SR Seymour, R. 44 HARMON, J. R Dewey, R. 33 HARRIS, B. F Champaign, R. D. HAWORTH, CHAS St. Joseph, R. 13 HEIMBERGER, A. J Champaign, R. 6 HEWERDINE, W. I Dewey, R. 33 HOBBS, WM. E Tolono, R. 48 HUMMEL, HENRY Dewey, R. JAMES, MOSES Mahomet, R. 41 JENKINSON, A Gifford, R. 25 JORDAN, JOHN Homer, R. 59 JORDON, R. V Dewey, R. 3 KEAL. CHAS. G Thomasboro, R. 20 KEELER, MRS. J. R Philo, R. 56 KERR, TOM, JR Urbana, R. 7 KIDD, E. G Tolono, R. 47 KURZWEG, J. W Champaign, R. 4 LEAS, F. S St. Joseph, R. 13 LEAS, GEO. N St. Joseph, R. 14 LEIGH, J. M St. Joseph, R. 13 MADDOCK, E St. Joseph, R. 14 MADDOCK, O. W St. Joseph, R. 13 MAJORS, W. T Champaign, R. 1 MARCELLUS, A. J Foosland, R. 38 McGEE, WM. F Urbana, R. 10 MINKS, E. W Fisher, R. 35 MINKS, R. A Dewey, R. 33 MUMM, W. D Philo, R. 56 OYER, Jos Foosland, R. 38 PEARSON, J. R Ludlow, R. 31 REMLEY, J. W Gifford, R.25 SADDORIS, L Urbana, R. 8 SCHOON, GEO Penfield, R. 27 SEEKER, E Rantoul, R. 22 SEPP, CARL Ludlow, R. 30 SHEEHAN, M. A Ludlow, R. 29 SHEFFER, C. R Fisher, R. 34 SITTS, W. H Dewey, R. 33 SMITH, R. M Tolono, R. 46 SOMERS, SAMUEL R Savoy, R. 45 SPERLING, A. H Fisher, R. 34 SUDDUTH, BART Pesotum, R. 54 TEMPEL, J. L Pesoturn THOMAS, J. B Dewey, R. 32 TRUE, BROS Champaign, R. 5 UNZICKER, J. R Fisher, R. 34 VARNER, V. E St. Joseph, R. 14 WALSH, E. T Rantoul WALSH, L. A Thomasboro, R. 20 WARE, W. S Gifford, R. 24 WATSON, GEO. L Ludlow, R. 31 WEBSTER, F. S Rantoul, R. 22 WHITMORE, N. T Ludlow, R. 31 WIESE, CHAS Foosland, R. 39 WILHELM, J. M Tolono, R. 46 WILSON, DAVID St. Joseph, R. 14 WILSON, G. O Dewey, R. 33 WILSON, H. J Champaign, R. 5 WOMACKS, L. P Champaign, R. 4 YOUNG, GEO., SR Bondville, R. 65 ZENUNG, Z. R Rantoul, R. 21 SHIRE ALEXANDER, CHAS Dewey, R. 32 ARIE, CHAS Urbana, R. 11 BELL, E. S Seymour, R. 44 BERBAUM, L. C Champaign, R. 2 BOYS, WM. O St. Joseph, R. 14 BUTZ, F. E Tolono, R. 47 CARL, GEO. D Thomasboro, R. 19 CHURCHILL, J. E Philo, R. 56 CLER, Jos Pesotum, R. 55 COFFEY, J. E Savoy, R. 45 COOK, GUY Ivesdale, R. 53 DELOZIER, JAS Dewey, R. 33 DITTMAN, JOE Tolono, R. 47 DOWNS, MRS. N Mahomet, R. 40 DRENNAN, C Dewey, R. 33 FACKLER, ROY Tolono, R. 47 148 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY FISHER, ELMER Savoy, R. 66 FACKLER, S. F Tolono, R. 46 FLETCHER, EARL Rantoul, R. 22 FLETCHER, O. A Pesotum HAINES, F. B Seymour, R. 44 HAM M, CHAS Ludlow, R. 30 HEATER, R. F Urbana, R. 11 HICKLE, B. A Champaign, R. 4 HOLLEMAN, WM Savoy, R. 66 HYDE, A. B Rantoul, R. 21 IRLE, L. J Champaign, R. 6 JORDON, F. W Savoy, R. 66 JORDON, MRS. M. E Savoy, R. 66 JORDAN, T. F Savoy, R. 66 JORDAN, T. W Savoy, R.66 JUTKINS, L. F Savoy, R. 45 KEAL, CHAS. G Thomasboro, R. 20 KIRK, J. F Ludlow, R. 3 KRUMAN, H. A Philo, R. 56 McCABE, T. J Ludlow, R. 31 MINER, CHAS Rantoul, R. 24 POSTLEWAITE, J. J Philo, R. 56 QUAYLE, THOS Mahomet, R. 42 REIFSTECH, GEO, Savoy, R. 66 REIFSTECH, J Sadorus, R. 51 RIEMKE, E. F Tolono, R. 47 RISING, A. F Champaign, R. 4 RITTENHOUSE, J. R Mahomet, R. 41 Ross, CHAS. E Savoy, R. 66 Ross, EARL A Champaign, R. 2 RYAN, D. S.. Savoy, R.66 SADDORIS, L Urbana, R. 8 SCHWEINEKE, F Homer, R. 59 SHEPHERD, J. L Philo, R. 56 SIZER, O. B Fisher, R. 35 SMITH, C. A Longview, R. 64 STAMM, SILAS Foosland, R. 36 TROUTMAN, A. E Savoy, R. 45 TRUE BROS Champaign, R. 5 TURNER, C. E Bondville, R. 65 TURNER, Y. E Fisher, R. 34 UNZICKER, J. R Fisher, R. 34 VAN METER, C. M Tolono, R. 47 WARNER, B. E Rantoul, R. 24 WARNER, B. S Mahomet, R.D. WARNER, J. H Mahomet, R. 42 WEST, H Champaign, R. 3 WIESE, CHAS Foosland, R. 39 WILHELM, J. M Tolono, R. 46 WILHELM, P. C Tolono, R. 46 WILLIAMS, C. O Champaign, R. 3 WILLIAMS, F. A Fisher, R. 35 WILLIAMS, G. C Dewey, R. 33 WILSON, H. J Champaign, R. 5 WOLIUNG, CHAS Dewey, R. 32 ZINDARS, OTTO Seymour, R. 44 STANDARD BRED BROWN, CLINT Homer, R. 59 CALLAHAN, J. W Longview, R. 68 NORRIS W. COCHRAN (Cattle Department) Insure the success of YOUR efforts in the hand- ling of Live Stock by patronizing Cochranand Henneberry 'The Twentieth Century Firm" A. M. HENNEBERRY (Hog Department) UNION STOCK YARDS, CHICAGO We are bonded for $50,000 in the Hartford Indemnity and the Chicago Bonding and Surety Companies, which absolutely protects your financial interests. 149 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY MOORE, WM Broadlands, R. 37 POSTLEWAITE, J. J Philo, R. 56 TRUMAN, J. T Urbana, R. 12 WILSON, H. J Champaign, R. 5 MULES MAMMOTH JACK KIRK, O. B Ludlow, R. D. SPANISH JACK HIXSON, F. L Sadorus, R. 51 PONIES SHETLAND HERRIOTT, J. T Mahomet, R. 41 WILSON, H. J Champaign, R. 5 SHEEP DORSET EVANS, J. H Dewey, R. 3 SHROPSHIRE BLACK, W. Z St. Joseph CORNELL, O Allerton, R. 1 GIERTZ, OTTO Fisher, R. 34 HARRIS, B. F Champaign, R. D. HYLBERT, S. L Gifford, R. 26 MAJORS, W. T Champaign, R. 1 RITTENHOUSE, J. R Mahomet, R. 41 SANDERS, A St. Joseph, R. 14 SCHMINK, GEO Homer, R. 60 SINGLETON, J. H Dewey, R. 33 STICKROD, H. D Tolono, R. 48 THOMAS, J. O Mahomet, R. 41 TYAS, G. W Fisher, R. 35 WOLF, C. G Champaign, R. 1 WOMACKS, L. P Champaign, R. 4 POULTRY CHICKENS ANCONA BROWNFIELD, M. M Urbana, R. 7 DALTON, GEO Pesotum, R. 54 WILKINS, F Mahomet, R. 40 ANDALUSIAN BACKERT, A Sadorus, R. 51 WHITE BANTAM FISHER, G. H Foosland, R. 39 LIGHT BRAHMA BUTZ, F. E Tolono, R. 47 HOUSTON, S Champaign, R. 1 KILBURY, MORT St. Joseph LARKINS, A Foosland, R. 39 LAYMAN, C Rantoul, R. 22 MOREHOUSE, C. A Mahomet, R. D. RUCKMAN, R Mahomet, R. 42 SHIELDS, A Dewey, R. 32 SINGLETON, J. H Dewey, R. 33 SLOAN, MRS. L Fisher, R. 35 SMITH, J. H Urbana, R. 7 SUMMERS, W. M Foosland, R. 38 THOMAS, J. B Dewey, R. 32 VARNER, A Urbana, R. 7 WARE, W. S. Gifford, R. 24 WASNER, H Rantoul, R. 22 WILLIAMS, F. H Fisher, R. 35 BUFF COCHIN GENUNG, M. W Rantoul, R. 23 WORTHEY, BEN Rantoul, R. 21 PARTRIDGE COCHIN STOVER, W. A Sadorus, R. 51 CORNISH INDIAN GAME KUNCE, C. C Paxton, R. 3 RED GAME JOHNSON, W. L Sadorus, R. 51 HOUDAN SCHLORFF, FRED Urbana, R. 8 BLACK LANGSHAN ADKINS, S. T Clarence, R. 1 BALDWIN, C. H Sadorus, R. 51 DEBOLT, G. M Sadorus, R. 51 CLANCY, THOS Champaign, R. 2 CORUM, L. A Champaign, R. 1 GOODMAN, R. H. JR Sadorus, R. 51 HIXON, L. W Sadorus, R. 51 KIRK, J. F Ludlow, R. 38 MAST, W. H Broadlands, R. 37 MATTIX, J. H Pesotum, R. 54 MCMAHON, R. G St. Joseph, R. 15 MITCHELL, E. L Mahomet, R. 40 RICKETT, J Dewey, R. 33 BROWN LEGHORN ASHER, JAS. F Mahomet, R. 40 BARNES, JAS. E Tolono, R. 48 150 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY BROWN, CLINT Homer, R. 59 EATON, H Urbana, R. 9 HERRIOTT, T. C Ludlow, R. 30 JAMES, HUGH Thomasboro, R. 20 KIDD, E. G Tolono, R. 47 KIRKPATRICK, C Urbana, R. 8 KRACHT, WM. C Philo, R. 56 LYNCH, M. E Homer, R. 61 PAULUS, O. L Fisher PENNY, HENRY St. Joseph, R. 15 PINNICK, A Mahomet, R. 40 TEN BROOK, L. J Sadorus, R. 50 WEBSTER, D. W Fisher, R. 35 YEASEL, J. F St. Joseph, R. 15 YEATS, E. C St. Joseph, R. 14 t ,, BUFF LEGHORN DILLMAN, W Urbana, R. 7 LOWMAN, JOHN Champaign, R. 1 MANSFIELD, M. D Urbana, R. 8 WHITE LEGHORN BAKER, R. R Savoy, R. 66 BLAKE, WM Champaign, R. 4 BOYS, WM. O St. Joseph, R. 14 BRETZLAFF, E. C. Savoy, R. 66 CARPKR, U. S Seymour, R. 43 CONARD, JAS. S Dewey, R. 33 CURZON, J. A Champaign, R. 2 DENNISON, O. B Bondville, R. 65 DUNLAP, G. H Bondville, R. 65 GAULT, C. W Champaign GODSEY, J. H Champaign, R. 1 GOOD BROS Thomasboro, R. 19 GOODMAN, R. H. JR Sadorus, R. 51 HEWERDINE, A. B . . Dewey, R. 33 HOLTERMANN, D Sadorus, R. 50 HOME, T. B Foosland, R. 39 KELLER, OTTIS Savoy, R. 45 KLETTE, S. K Sadorus, R. 49 LONES, N Bondville, R. 65 MAYES, H. C Champaign, R. 1 MAYES, Jos Champaign, R. 2 MILLER, L Mahomet, R. 40 MITCHELL, E. L Mahomet, R. 40 MOORE, EDGAR St. Joseph, R. 13 MOOREHEAD, J. C Champaign, R. 3 MURRAY BROS .Pesotum, R. 54 MURRELL, H. A Champaign, R. 6 OSTERBUR, J Ogden, R. 17 PERCIVAL, C. A Champaign, R. 2 PFEFFER, W. A Seymour, R. 44 PITTMAN, A. E Ludlow, R. 31 PITTMAN, H. A Mahomet, R. 41 ROBERTS, W Tolono, R. 48 SADORUS, W. B Sadorus, R. 50 SANDERS, H St. Joseph, R. 13 SAWYER, L. T Champaign, R. 1 SCHAEFER, GEO Pesotum, R. 55 SCHLORFF, JOHN Urbana, R. 8 SELLE, L. P Ivesdale, R. 53 SHEEHAN, M. A Ludlow, R. 29 SIMERL, F. J Urbana, R. 7 SINGLETON, J. H Dewey, R. 33 SMITH, R. R Urbana, R. 8 STOVER, W. A Sadorus, R. 51 TURNER, E. D Bondville, R. 65 WISE, J. T Sadorus, R. 51 YOUNG, GEO. SH Bondville, R. 65 BLACK MINORCA ANDERSON, J. A Ludlow, R. 29 CAKL, GEO. D Thomasboro, R. 19 HANSON, G. J Pesotum, R. 55 HELMS, M. E Sadorus, R. 51 O'NEAL, W. B Sadorus, R. 51 SCHLORFF, J. E Pesotum, R. 54 SLOAN, J. L Mahomet, R. D. BLACK ORPINGTON BICKLE, H Bondville, R. 65 CAREY, P. J Ivesdale, R. 53 BLUE ORPINGTON MOREHOUSE, C. A Mahomet, R. D. BUFF ORPINGTON ADKJNS, G. W Champaign, R. 6 ALLEN, C. M Champaign, R. 4 AUTH, JOHN Ivesdale, R. 52 BACHERT, A Sadorus, R. 51 BACHERT, WM Sadorus, R. 51 BAUMAN, I. A Tolono, R. 48 BELL, J. W Seymour, R. 43 BENGTSON, E. B Ludlow, R. 31 BOCOCK, AL. E Philo, R. 56 BOYS, WM,. O St. Joseph, R. 14 BROWNFIELD, R Urbana, R. 17 BURGIN, Jos Urbana, R. 9 BURNETT, W. F .Urbana, R. 9 CHUMBLEY, F. A Ludlow, R. 31 CLAPPER, R. S Mahomet, R. 42 CLARK, J. A Ludlow, R. 29 CLOUSE, JOHN . Homer, R. 59 COLEMAN, ED Thomasboro, R. 20 COLLINS, W. A Thomasboro, R. 17 CORNELL, O Allerton, R. 1 CRANE, IRA Rantoul, R. 23 CREAMER, WM. C ..Tolono, R.47 CROWLEY, MRS. M Mahomet, R. 40 CROWLEY, O Champaign, R. 4 CURTIS, G. A Fisher, R. 34 DAVIS, JAY R Mahomet, R. 42 DILLMAN, E Urbana, R. 7 DILLMAN, W Urbana, R. 7 DOUGLAS, GEO Urbana, R. 11 DOWNS, MRS. N Mahomet, R. 40 DRENNAN, T Rantoul, R. 22 EDWARDS, R. L Mahomet, R. 41 ELLIOTT, H Champaign, R. 6 ELLISON, Roy Tolono, R. 46 EVANS, F. L Rantoul, R. 22 151 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY EVANS, J. H Dewey, R. 33 FACKLER, ALEX Champaign, R. 2 FLATT, Ross A Leverett, R. D. FRAZER, ELMER Urbana, R. 10 FOSTER, F Fisher, R. 34 FUNKHOUSER, C. E Urbana, R. 8 GAUNTT, R. . . . , Thomasboro, R. 19 GIFFORD, C. L Thomasboro, R. 19 GILLESPIE, C. J Mahomet, R. 41 GUINN, E. G Urbana, R. 9 GULICK, W. C Mahomet, R. 42 GUYNN, T. M Dewey, R. 32 HARSHBARGER, S. T Ivesdale, R. 53 HOWARD, D. A Rantoul, R.21 JACOBS, CHAS. A .Urbana, R. 11 JAMES, O Thomasboro, R. 19 JARRETT, J. M Thomasboro, R. 19 JOHNSON, THOS Urbana, R. 7 JONES, FRANK Foosland, R. 38 JONES, LON, SR Seymour, R. 43 KAMRADT, F. A Sadorus, R. 49 KIRBY, CLINTON Urbana, R. 7 KIRKP,ATRICK, C Urbana, R. 8 KRESIN, AUG Sadorus, R. 49 KUNCE, T. J Ludlpw, R.29 KUYKENDALL, L. W. . .Champaign, R. 6 LAMBDIN, H. C Thomasboro, R. 20 LAYMAN, C Rantoul, R. 22 LIGHT, J. K Thomasboro, R. 20 MARTIN, A. G Fisher, R. 35 McJiLTON, A. W Fisher, R. 34 MILLER, E. J Champaign, R. 3 MINER, CHAS Rantoul, R. 24 MINKS, R. A Dewey, R. 33 MOREHOUSE, C. A Mahomet, R. D. NEWNUM, H. H .Urbana, R. 9 PFIESTER, C. I Seymour, R. 43 PHILLIPPE, J. H., SR Mahomet, R. 42 PRIMMER, C. F Champaign, R. 3 PRIOR, E. J St. Joseph, R. 16 RAGLE, H Rantoul, R. 24 RAY, MRS. M Mahomet, R. 40 RAYBURN, LEN Mahomet, R. 42 REIFSTECH, J Sadorus, R. 51 ROBERTS, Jos. B Urbana, R. 9 ROGERS, M. J Ivesdale, R. 52 Ross, E. A Champaign, R. 2 ROUGHTON, R Rantoul, R. 21 SCHWARTZ, H. C Dewey, R. 32 SHEEHAN, M. A Ludlow, R.29 SHEFFER, C. R Fisher, R. 34 SHRYERS, J Broadlands, R. 37 SIMERL, F. J Urbana, R. 7 SITTS, CARL Rantoul, R. 24 SLOAN, J. L Mahomet, R. D. SQUIRE, JOHN Champaign, R. 6 STANNER, R. O.. Champaign, R. 1 STEVENS, F. K Sadorus, R. 51 STOVER, W. A Sadorus, R. 51 SUSDORF, A. E Rantoul, R. 22 SUSDORF, E Rantoul, R. 22 TRINKLE, S. A Champaign, R. 2 WALLEN, WM Rantoul, R. 24 WARNER, B. E Rantoul, R. 24 WEBSTER, F. S Rantoul, R. 22 WILLIAMS, G. C Dewey, R. 33 YOUNG, J. H Foosland, R. 38 ZENUNG, Z. R Rantoul, R.21 WHITE ORPINGTON BEATTY, G. F Lotus BIALESCHKI, C. A Sadorus, R. 50 BIALESCHKI, H. A Sadorus, R. 50 BRETZLAFF, F. H Tolono, R. 47 CONARD, JAS. S Dewey, R. 33 CRUTCHER, S. M Sadorus, R. 51 CURZON, J. A Champaign, R. 2 DOYLE, M. J Ivesdale, R. 53 GALLAGHER, J. R Urbana, R. 8 HULS, JASPER G Rantoul, R. 24 JORDAN, J. C Savoy, R. 45 NOGLE, J. T Sadorus, R.'52 ROBINETT, H. F Fisher, R. 35 STOVER, W. A Sadorus, R. 51 SUMMITT, S. A Rantoul, R.21 TABAKA, F. T Ivesdale, R. 53 TALBOT, G. B Champaign, R. 1 WITT, EDW Sidney, R. 58 BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCK ABRAMS, C. E Seymour, R. 43 ALBRECHT, CHRIS Rantoul, R. 21 ALEXANDER, CHAS Dewey, R. 32 ALEXANDER, R. G Dewey, R. 32 ALLISON, H Homer ANDERSON, E Seymour, R. 44 ANDERSON, N. W Rantoul, R. 23 ARIE, MRS. P Thomasboro, R. 19 ARLEDGE, CHAS. F Urbana, R. 9 AUDRE, M St. Joseph, R. 13 BAKER, ROBT Pesotum, R. 55 BATES, ED Tolono, R. 46 BELL, FLOYD Seymour, R. 43 BIALESCHKI, A. F Pesotum, R. 54 BICKEL, H. C Philo, R. 56 BIRKEY, J. A Foosland, R. 38 BIRKEY, L. E Rantoul, R.21 BLOCK, AMEL Sidney, R. 58 BOLAND, J Ivesdale, R. 52 BOLES, EDW. N Tolono, R. 46 BOLES, JAS. A Tolono, R. 48 BOWMAN, MRS. M Seymour, R. 43 BRANSON, H. W Rantoul, R. 22 BROWN, A. W Pesotum, R. 54 BURNS, E. L Broadlands, R. 37 BURNETT, MRS. A Urbana, R. 9 BURNETT, W. J Longview, R. 63 BURR, E. C Urbana, R. 11 BURRELL, D. E Savoy, R. 66 BURRELL, ELLAS Seymour, R. 44 BYRNES, TIM Tolono, R. 46 CARCY, P. J Ivesdale, R. 53 CARL, GEO. D Thomasboro, R. 19 152 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY CHAMBLISS, R St. Joseph, R. 14 CHERRY, H St. Joseph, R. 15 CONNELLEY, J. & PROW, W. Urbana, R. 10 CHRISTY, C St. Joseph, R. 13 CHUMBLEY, F. A Ludlpw, R. 31 CLAPPER, F Bondville, R. 65 CLENNON, MRS. A Tolono, R. 46 CLIFTON, F. A Ludlow, R. 31 COLLINS, THOS Rantoul, R. 23 COMBEST, W. P Urbana, 8 COOK, D Tolono, R. 47 COOK, JAS Mahomet, R. 40 COOMS, A. B Foosland, R. 38 COOPER, THOS. E Pesotum, R. 55 CORBETT, R. P Ludlow, R. 31 CORCORAN, MRS. M Ivesdale, R. 53 COTTLE, ROBT. B Paxton, R. 3 CRAVENS, W Philo, R. 56 CRAWFORD, E. N Philo, R. 56 DADY, EDW. J Champaign, R. 2 DAHL, AUG Ludlow, R. 29 DALTON, GEO Pesotum, R. 54 DALY, CHAS Philo DAVIS, E Champaign, R. 6 DAVIS, W. L Mahomet, R.40 DEBOLT, G. M Sadorus, R. 51 DECKER, C. G Philo, R. 56 DELOZIER, JAS Dewey, R. 33 DENHART, C. E St. Joseph, R. 13 DENHART, H St. Joseph, R. 15 DENISON, J. H Champaign, R. 3 DICK, WM Sadorus, R. 50 DICKERSON, L. A Mahomet, R. 42 DUITSMAN, B. J Gifford, R.26 DUNAWAY, W. J Mahomet, R.40 DUNLAP, H. M Savoy, R. 45 DYSON, H Urbana, R. 9 EAGAR, W Sadorus, R. 49 ECHBLAW, A Rantoul, R. 23 EICHHORST, F. W Champaign, R. 6 EISKAMP, A. H Thomasbpro, R. 20 ELDER, JOHN Longview, R. 63 ELLIOTT, FRED Ogden, R. 18 ELLIS, A. M Penfield, R.28 EVANS, J. H Dewey, R. 33 FACKLER, GEO Sadorus, R. 49 FACKLER, O. G. Pesotum, R. 54 FAIRCHILD, R. J Fisher, R. 34 FEENEY, LUKE Ivesdale, R. 52 FISHER, ELMER Savoy, R. 66 FLOWERS, J. C Urbana, R. 7 FRAZIER, H Rantoul, R. 21 FRAZIER, W. H Rantoul, R. 24 FRY, E Savoy FUNKHOUSER, A Rantoul, R. D. FUNKHOUSER, C. L Rantoul, R. D. FUNKHOUSER, I. C Rantoul, R. 24 GADY, WM. M Sadorus, R. 51 GAUBLE, A. E Urbana, R. 8 GEHRT, J. E Rantoul, R. 23 GEHRT, J. M Dillsburg, R. D. GIERTZ, OTTO Fisher, R. 34 GILLES, GEO Pesotum, R. 55 GLEESON, D Ludlow, R. 31 Goss, C. E Urbana, R. 9 GOURLEY, JAS. L Paxton, R. 3 GOWDY, F. A Tolono, R. 46 GRAHAM, F. H Penfield, R. 28 GRAHAM, WM,, Gifford, R. 21 GREGG, S. M Rantoul, R. 21 GRILL, A Urbana, R. 8 GRIMES, L. P St. Joseph, R. 16 GRINDLEY, A. R Champaign, R. 4 GUSTAFSON, A. G Rantoul, R. 23 GUSTAFSON, V. W Rantoul, R. 23 GUYNN, T. M Dewey, R. 32 HAM MEL, J. F Mahomet, R. 42 HAMILTON, D. C Champaign, R. 1 HANCOCK, H. M Ludlow, R. 31 HANNAH, ROBT. R Mahomet, R. 40 HANSON, E. C Champaign, R. 3 HARRISON, M. A Pesotum, R. 55 HARRY, M. M Urbana, R. 7 HARTRICK, V. O Sadorus, R. 50 HAUERSPERGER, M. E.Thomasboro, R. 20 HAWK, W. F Urbana, R. 7 HEATER, R. F : Urbana, R. 11 HEIEN, H. J St. Joseph, R. 14 HERBERT, G. W Gifford, R. 25 HERRIOTT, J. T Mahomet, R. 41 HERRIOTT, T. C Ludlow, R. 30 HEWERDINE, W Dewey, R. 33 HIESER, A. A Dewey, R. 32 HILDERBRANT, J. C Homer, R. 60 HILLARD, G. W Tolono, R.47 HINDS, H. F Pesotum, R. 54 HINRICHS, M. E St. Joseph, R. 13 HINTON, C. V Mahomet, R.40 HINTON, W. S .Fisher, R. 35 HITTINGER, M Pesotum, R. 55 HOBBS, WM. E Tolono, R.48 HOLL, B. C Pesotum, R. 54 HOLLEMAN, P _ Dewey, R. 33 HOUSE, R. A Savoy, R. 45 HYDE, H. R Champaign, R. 3 HYLBERT, J. M Gifford, R. 25 INGRAM, D. B Allerton, R. 1 IRLE, GEO. G Urbana, R. 9 JACKSON, ED. S Mahomet, R. 41 JACKSON, W. H/. Fisher, R. 35 JAMES, HUGH Thomasboro, R. 20 JOHNSON, DICK Rantoul, R. 21 JOHNSON, J. B Champaign, R. 5 JONES, B. L Foosland, R.38 JONES, FRANK Foosland, R. 38 JORDAN, C Sidney, R. 58 JUTKINS, L. F Savoy R. 45 KILBURY, F. E St. Joseph, R. 13 KIRKPATRICK, C. A St. Joseph KLEISS, WM., JR Pesotum, R. 55 KNIGHT, L Ogden, R. 17 KNOTT, H Urbana, R. 7 153 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY KOBEL, F Champaign, R. 3 KOCH, C. St. Joseph, R. 16 KRABBE, H Tolono, R. 46 KRUMM, H. A Philo, R. 56 Ku KENDALL, H Mahomet, R. 4 KURZWEG, J. W Champaign, R. 4 LALEY, L. B Longview, R. 63 LANDIS, W Urbana, R. 8 LANKFORD, R. A ..Champaign, R. 4 LARSON, G. H Ludlow, R. 29 LEFEVER, F. C Penfield, R. 27 LIGHT, C. J Tolono, R. 46 LITTLE, L. A Tolono, R. 46 LITTLE, R. S Rantoul, R. 22 LOFTUS, L Ivesdale, R. 53 LONES, N Bondville, R. 65 LOUKS, J. D Dewey, R. 33 LOUKS, RAY Fisher, R. 35 LOVINGFOSS, G. A Philo LOYD, W Homer, R. 61 Lux, HENRY Pesotum, R. 56 MAIER, Jos Champaign, R. 6 MARSH, J. B Ogden, R. 18 MARTIN, C Ivesdale, R. 52 MATHEWS, R. L Sadorus, R. 49 MATSON, ALEX Tolono, R. 46 MAXWELL, J. .W Urbana, R. 10 MAYER, W. J Pesotum, R. 55 McCABE, W. M Rantoul MCCANNON, F. B Sadorus, R. 49 MCCARTNEY, A. H St. Joseph, R. 14 MCCLANAHAN, J Champaign, R. 6 McCLOSKEY, O. J Urbana, R. 11 MCCORMICK, MRS. E. F... Urbana, R. 7 McGiNN, E Seymour, R. 44 MCHARRY, D. R Rantoul, R.21 McKiNLEY, D Ogden, R. 18 MCMILLEN, F Champaign, R. 3 MENGES, A Urbana, R. 8 MESSMAN, A Tolono, R. 46 MEUSER, P. A Thomasboro, R. 19 MILLER, H. N Fisher, R. 35 MILLER, R Allerton, R. 1 MINKS, BERT Foosland, R. 38 MOENKHAUS, B. J Urbana, R. 9 MOORE, EDGAR St. Joseph, R. 13 MORAN, H. J Urbana, R. 10 MULLVAIN, C. E Foosland, R. 35 MUMM, G. J. J Philo, R. 56 MUMM, W. D Philo, R. 56 MYERS, R. L Mahomet, R. 41 NAFFZIGER, R. J Foosland, R. 38 NEEF, C. F Urbana, R. 9 NEWMAN, C. E Foosland, R. 38 NOFTZ, F. J Sadorus, R. 51 NORTON, O. W Bondville, R. 65 NYE, J. E St. Joseph, R. 16 OAKLEY, D. F Tolono, R. 46 O'BRYAN, J. A Pesotum OHL, ANDREW Bondville, R. 65 ORDEL, W. H Philo, R. 56 OSTERBUR, J Ogden, R. 17 OSTERDICK, H. D Savoy, R. 66 OSTERDOCK, D. E Dewey, R. 33 PALMBERG, C. A Ludlow, R. 30 PARRETT, F. R Mahomet, R. 41 PEARCE, THOS. N Rantoul, R. 23 PETTIGREW, D. H Savoy, R. 66 PIPER, J. C Rantoul, R. 23 POMTIOUS, A. V Ludlow, R. 30 PORTER, L. H Champaign, R. 6 PRATT, S. J Tolono, R. 47 QUILAN, WM. J Tolono, R. 46 QUINLAN, EDW Ludlow, R. 30 QUINN, MRS. N Dewey, R. 32 RAYBURN, BERT Champaign, R. 4 RAYBURN, G. C Champaign, R. 3 REIFSTECH, GEO Savoy, R. 66 REINHART, CHAS Pesotum, R. 55 REIN HART, O. W Pesotum, R. 55 RESLER, E. B Fisher, R. 35 REYNOLDS, W Philo, R. 56 RICHARDS, L. O St. Joseph, R. 15 RIEMKE, EDW. F Tolono, R. 47 ROBINSON, J. H Philo, R. 56 ROE, W. S Homer, R. 61 ROHLFJNG, E. L Mahomet, R. 40 ROLES, RAY Rantoul, R. 22 Ross, CHAS. E Savoy, R. 66 ROWE, M. T Rantoul, R. 23 RUSK, A Rantoul, R.21 RUSK, V. B Rantoul, R. 24 RUTLEGE, A. V Fisher, R. 34 RYAN, D. S Savoy, R. 66 SADDLER, CHAS .Ogden, R. D. SAMPLE, HARDY Ludlow, R. 30 SCHACKMAN, G. V Rantoul, R.22 SCHLENSKER, W. M Rantoul, R. 24 SCHLORFF, J. F Sadorus, R. 51 SCHNEIDER, L. H Pesotum, R. 55 SCHOLL, MRS. J Foosland, R. 38 SCHUMACHER, P Ivesdale, R. 52 SCOTT, H. D Urbana, R. 7 SCOTT, JAS Ogden, R. 17 SHAFFER, J. P Fisher, R. 35 SHARP, C Thomasboro, R. 19 SHARPF, J. M Penfield, R. 28 SHERAN, A. F Mahomet, R. 42 Six, H. W Broadlands, R. 37 SLADE, R. L Urbana, R. 8 SMILEY, H. A Broadlands, R. 36 SMITH, C. \H Ludlow, R. 29 SMITH, E. A Urbana, R. 9 SMITH, F Urbana, R. 7 SMITH, R. M Tolono, R. 46 SOMERS, S. R Savoy, R. 45 SPERLING, A. H Fisher, R. 34 SPOEHRLE, WM Ludlow, R. 31 STEVENSON, F. C Fisher, R. 34 STONE, T. M Tolono, R. 47 STOVER, W. A Sadorus, R. 51 SULLIVAN, M. Rantoul, R. 21 SUMMET, S. A Rantoul, R. 21 SUNDERLAND, H. L Fisher SWARTZ, H Rantoul, R. 22 154 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY TAYLER, C. B Penfield, R. 27 TAYLOR, F. W Mahomet, R. 42 TEMPLE, J. L Pesotum TEMPLE, M Tolono, R. 46 THINNES, J. L Tolono, R. 48 THOMAS, J. B Dewey, R. 32 THOMPSON, JAS St. Joseph, R. 16 TIM MERMAN, GEO Penfield, R. 28 TRUITT, R. L Champaign, R. 4 TUCKER, S. E Sadorus, R. 58 TURNER, G. E Fisher, R. 34 UKEN, H St. Joseph, R. 14 VAN BBUNT, EARL Urbana, R. 11 VAN BRUNT, R. B Urbana, R. 11 VAN BUSKIRK, F. H., SR. Seymour, R. 44 VAN METER, C. M Tolono, R. 47 VAUGHN, C Champaign, R. 3 WALLEN, WM Rantoul, R. 24 WALSH, L. A Thomasboro, R. 20 WALSH, T. J Rantoul, R. 21 WARNER, W. A Foosland, R. 38 WATSON, G. L Ludlow, R.31 WATSON, N. J Ludlow, R. 29 WATSON, W. H Ludlow, R. 29 WEAVER, M Champaign, R. 4 WEBBER, H. E Ludlow, R. 29 WEEKS, D. E Sadorus, R. 49 WELCH, ABE St. Joseph, R. 19 WENZLAFF, E. J Champaign, R. 6 WHALEN, J. J I^esdale, R. 53 WHEELER, WM. E Ludlow, R.31 WHITE, J. W St. Joseph, R. 14 WHITMORE, N. T Ludlow, R. 31 WIESE, CHAS Foosland, R. 39 WIESE, E. H Longview, R. 64 WILHELM, J. M Tolono, R. 46 WILKINS, D Urbana, R. 8 WILKINS, F Mahomet, R. 40 WILLIAMS, H. C St. Joseph, R. 13 WIRT, R. D Dewey, R. 33 WISE, H. L Penfield, R. 27 WISHALL, PETE Pesotum, R. 54 WAHLER, F. E Champaign, R. 6 WOLIUNG, A Ludlow, R. 30 WOLLER, WM> Urbana, R. 8 WOODWORTH, C. R Tolono, R. 48 YAKEL, W, P Rantoul, R. 24 ZEHR, DAN Foosland, R. 38 ZENKE, WM Broadlands, R. 36 ZENUNG, Z. R Rantoul, R. 21 ZINDIARS, F. A Ivesdale, R. 52 BUFF PLYMOUTH ROCK BAKER, E. C Champaign, R. 5 BEELER, D. E Gifford, R. 25 BIRKY, A. R Foosland, R. 38 CALLAHAN, J. W., Jr. . .Longview, R. 63 CONARD, JAS. S Dewey, R. 33 CORBLY, J. L Gifford, R. 25 CORBLY, OWEN . . . : Clarence, R. 1 HEISER, J. A Fisher, R.34 HEWERDINE, W Dewey, R. 33 IUNGERICH, L. F Dewey, R. 32 KROMER, A Mahomet, R. 41 LOESCHEN, J. R Thomasboro, R. 20 MABIS, G. W Mahomet, R. 41 MCCLELLAND, C. L Foosland, R. 38 NELSON, E Champaign, R. 4 NELSON, H. I Champaign, R. 4 PANKERS, JAS Champaign, R. 5 PAXTON, RAY L Foosland, R. 38 ROSENDRY, D. T Fisher, R. 35 SHREIBER, J Champaign, R. 5 SHADE, H. R Urbana, R. 9 STARR, ROY Penfield, R. 27 STOUT, L. R Savoy, R. 66 VILES, WM. E Urbana, R. 7 WALSH, W. P Ludlow, R. 30 WARD, J. W Champaign, R. 5 WEBBER, L. & E Ludlow, R. 29 WICOFF, S. A Mahomet, R. 40 PARTRIDGE PLYMOUTH ROCK CONRAD, G. W Homer, R. 61 WHITE PLYMOUTH ROCK ALLMAN, J. L Urbana, R. 7 BICKLEY, GEORGE Dewey, R. 32 BUTZ, F. E Tolono, R. 47 CHERRY, MERVYN St. Joseph, R. 15 COLLINS, O. A Foosland, R. 38 DENHART, A. E Ogden, R. 17 DUNN, J. C Ivesdale, R. 53 EISENMENGER, L Pesotum, R. 55 EVANS, J. H Dewey, R. 33 GADY, C. J Sadorus, R. 51 GREEN, F. C Ogden, R. 17 HAINES, F. B Champaign, R. 2 HOLTAPP, GEO Rantoul, R. 23 HUMPHREY, O. V Champaign, R. 1 INNES, R. B St. Joseph, R. 16 KIRKPATRICK, C. W St. Joseph, R. 13 KRENZIEN, REV. R Broadlands, R. 37 LEISCHMAN, W Fisher, R. 35 LIGHT, HENRY G Urbana, R. 10 MATZKA, J. A Tolono, R. 47 MCCLELLAND, C. L Foosland, R. 38 NEWCOMB, C. R Foosland, R. 38 PHILLIPPE, G. F Champaign, R. 4 REINHART, H Pesotum, R. 55 REINHART, Jos. J Pesotum, R. 55 RIEMKE, EDW. F Tolono, R. 47 SLAGELL, S. H Foosland, R. 39 SMOTHERS, MRS. I Mahomet, R. 42 STOVER, W. A Sadorus, R. 51 TIMMINS, P Rantoul, R. 22 WARSAW, C Foosland, R. 38 WEBB, FRANK Champaign, R. 3 WOLF, C. G Champaign, R. 1 WORTHEY, BEN Rantoul, R. 21 ZEHR, DAN Foosland, R. 38 155 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY RHODE ISLAND RED ANDERSON, E Seymour, R. 44 ANDERSON, J. C Champaign, R. 2 ARMSTRONG, THOS Savoy, R. 45 BABB, R. J Champaign, R. 6 BARRICK, H. L Villa Grove BASS, IRA Tolono, R. 46 BEBBUS, WM Urbana, R. 9 BECKETT, T. W Urbana, R. 11 BEHRENS, A , Dewey BELL, W Seymour, R.43 BESORE, D. B Savoy, R. 66 BIRKY, A. R Foosland, R. 38 BIRKY, J. S Ludlow, R.30 BIRKY, L. E Rantoul, R. 21 BLOCK, R. F Broadlands, R. 36 BLUE, HENRY Dewey, R. 32 BURNETT, A. A Seymour, R. 44 CHURCHILL, J. E Philo, R. 56 CLARK, ELMER St. Joseph, R. 13 CLARK, W. L Savoy, R. 45 CLER, F. M Tuscola, R. 1 COMBEST, W. P Urbana, R. 8 COOK, F Dewey, R. 32 CRUZE, W. D Dewey, R. 32 DATE, H. M Dewey, R. 32 DAVIS, J., SR Seymour, R. 44 DELOZIER, JAS Dewey, R. 33 DUITSMAN, W Gifford, R. 26 DUNLAP, G. H Bondville, R. 65 EHLER, ELMER Champaign, R. 4 ELLIOTT, AMOS St. Joseph, R. 15 ELLIOTT, E St. Joseph, R. 15 FAIRFIELD, P Foosland, R. 38 FIELDBINDER, G. A. ... Champaign, R. 3 FISHER, MRS. E. L Savoy, R. 66 FISHER, O. E St Joseph, R. 16 FOSTER, F Fisher, R. 34 FOSTER, J. C Bondville, R. 65 FRUHLING, H. G St. Joseph, R. 14 GALE, A. M Ogden, R. 17 GALLAGHER, J. R Urbana, R. 8 GERDER, WM St. Joseph, R. 13 HANSON, G. R Pesotum, R. 55 HARRY, M. M Urbana, R. 7 HAZZARD, JAS Philo, R. 56 HIESER, J. E Foosland, R. 38 HIGGINS, E Champaign, R. 2 HISSONG, W. R Urbana, R. 12 HOOD, F. G Rantoul, R. 22 HORD, R. R Urbana, R. 7 HOWARD, O Dewey, R. 32 HUMMEL, P Dewey HUNT, J. W St. Joseph, R. 14 KURD, J. C Urbana, R. 8 HURD, LYMAN Urbana, R. 9 HYDE, A. B Rantoul, R. 21 [ENKINSON, A Gifford, R. 25 KANTNER, L Champaign, R. 5 KEENE, Z. C Seymour, R. 43 KINNESON, R. E Savoy, R. 66 KOCH, A. F Urbana, R. 12 Koss, AUG. F Savoy, R. 66 Koss, HENRY Pesotum, R. 54 KUDER, F. C St. Joseph, R. 16 KUYKENDALL, J Mahomet, R. 42 LAMBDIN, B Mahomet, R. 40 P A S, F. S St. Joseph, R. 13 LlETz > A Sadorus, R. 49 LOGAN, W. R Tolono, R. 46 LOH MILLER, W. G Gifford, R.25 LOUES, N Bondville, R. 65 LOUKS, RAY Fisher, R. 35 LUTH, JOHN Broadlands, R. 37 MARSHALL, J. W Rantoul, R. 21 MCCARTY, P. M Ogden, R. 17 MEESE, JAS. W St. Joseph, R. 13 MESSMAN, F. J Sadorus, R. 51 MILLER, W. J Mahomet, R. 41 MOTSINGER, D. E Urbana, R. 12 MUNDS, EDW Urbana, R 11 NORTON, A. E Tolono, R. 46 O'DONNELL, J. P Rantoul, R. 24 ORDEL, FRANK Philo, R. 56 PERCIVAL, E. V Urbana, R. 10 PETTICREW, G. W Savoy, R. 66 PHARES, C. A St. Joseph, R. 15 PHENICIE, A St. Joseph, R. 19 PHENICIE, G. B St. Joseph, R. 17 PHENICIE, W. O St. Joseph, R. 17 PHILLIPPE, H. L Champaign, R. 5 PIEPLOW, F St. Joseph, R. 16 QUINLAN, C. A Ludlow, R. 31 QUINLAN, M. P Ludlow, R. 29 RANKIN, A. D Foosland, R. 38 RAYBURN, B. F Mahomet, R. 42 REINHART, P. E Pesotum, R. 55 REIN HART, W. H Dewey, R. 33 REVELL, W. H Savoy, R. 66 RICHARDS, W. H St. Joseph, R. 15 RICHISON, S. E Foosland, R. 38 RING, JOHN Tolono, R. 46 RIPPY, L Mahomet, R. 41 ROBBINS, J. R Ludlow, R. 29 ROGERS, D. G Homer, R. 61 SADORUS, W. B Sadorus, R. 50 SCHORG, CHAS Pesotum, R. 54 SEFFINS, H Sadorus, R. 51 SILVER, D. A Urbana, R. 11 SKINNER, D. A St. Joseph, R. 14 SMITH, C. I St. Joseph, R. 13 SMITH, J. M Urbana, R. 12 SMITH, J. V Fisher, R. 35 SOMMER, C. W Dewey, R. 32 STANTZ, R. E Pesotum, R. 54 STEARNS, WM. A St. Joseph, R. 15 STOUT, L. B Ludlow, R. 31 STUDER, S Fisher, R. 34 SWAIM, V. C Ludlow, R. 30 TARVIN, RALPH Ludlow, R. 30 TRACY, C. L Rantoul, R. 24 VARNER, A Urbana, R. 7 VARNER, V. E St. Joseph, R. 14 VILES, WM. E Urbana, R. 7 156 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY WALKER, A Broadlands, R. 36 WALKER, G. N Tolono, R. 48 WEASEL, JOHN Pesotum, R. 54 WEBSTER, ED Fisher, R. 35 WELCH, W. C Urbana, R. 12 WIESE, J. L., JR Urbana, R. 8 WIRTH, CHAS. L Pesotum, R. 54 WILLIAMS, C. L Philo, R. 56 WILLSEY, J Urbana, R. 10 WROTEN, C. W Urbana, R. 7 YEATS, E. C St. Joseph, R. 14 ZEHR, P Foosland, R. 38 RHODE ISLAND WHITE HOOD, F. Q Rantoul, R. 22 Koss, HENRY Pesotum, R. 54 WHITE SPANISH JOHNSON, W. L Sadorus, R. 51 GOLDEN WYANDOTTE BLOCK, H Homer, R. 60 SILVER LACED WYANDOTTE CEKANDER, ALBERT Savoy, R. 66 COLLINS, W. J Champaign, R. 4 FOSTER, V. D Dewey, R. 23 GRINDLEY, H. E Mahomet, R. 42 HYDE, H. R Champaign, R. 3 MANUEL, K. S Mahomet, R. 40 PHILLIPPS, A Mahomet, R. 40 SEEBER, E Rantoul, R. 22 WHITE WYANDOTTE ACKERMAN, BEN Rantoul, R. 24 ANDERSON, Jos. A Paxton, R. 3 BALL, CORLEY Foosland BARN HART, R. M Mahomet, R. 41 BARNHART, H Urbana, R. 10 BAUMAN, I. A Tolono, R. 48 BECKER, M Ivesdale, R. 53 BRUHN, J. A Homer, R. 60 BUTZ, F. E Tolono, R. 47 CASTLE, CHAS. E St. Joseph, R. 14 CHAPMAN, A. S Mahomet, R. D CHRISTIAN, FRED Tolono, R. 46 CLARK, LORIN Homer, R. 62 CURZON, J. A Champaign, R. 2 ELLIOTT, F. O Homer, R. 62 GUT, ANDREW Rantoul, R. 21 HASTY, WM St. Joseph, HEWERDINE, A. B Dewey, R. 33 HILDERBRAND, C Urbana, R. 8 HUTCHINSON, E. F. .. .Champaign, R. 6 IRLE, H. L Champaign, R. 6 JOHNSON, C. L Gifford, R. 25 TUDY, MRS. L. W Urbana, R. 9 KELLER, Orris Savoy, R. 45 LAWHEAD, B. C Champaign, R. 2 MANUEL, C. M Mahomet, R. 41 MAJORS, W. T Champaign, MARSH, L. E St. Joseph, MONROE, A. L Champaign, McCowN, C St. Joseph, MILLS, C. P Homer, MORRIS, F. L Mansfield, OSTERBUR, S St. Joseph, PITTMAN, C Mahomet, ROBERTS, H. V Savoy, ROUTH, C. F St. Joseph, SCHLORFF, JOHN Urbana, SINGLETON, J. H Dewey, SPENCER, CHAS Mahomet, STEVEN, JAS Sadorus, STIERWALT, T Tolono, STONESTREET, C. A Penfield, STOUT, E Mahomet, TAYLOR, GEO Urbana, THOMAS, B. F., JR Mahomet, TRACY, GEO Seymour, TURPIN, E. L Broadlands, WARNER, A. J Rantoul, WILSON, R Mahomet, WISE, J. E Savoy, WILAN, H Ludlow, WYCOFF, L. C Urbana, ZANTOW, E. H Broadlands, R. 1 R. 14 R. 1 R. 13 R.61 R. 1 R. 15 R.D R.45 R. 14 R. 8 R.33 R.41 R.51 R.47 R.27 R.42 R. 11 R.41 R.44 R.37 R.22 R.40 R.45 R.D. R. 8 R.37 DUCKS INDIAN RUNNER FREADEN, H St. Joseph, R. 14 KRENZIEN, REV. R Broadlands, R.37 MONTGOMERY, S. H Tolono, R. 46 WIENKE, F. J. H Allerton, R. 1 MALLARD BLUE, C. E Thomasboro, R. 20 MUSCOVY KUNCE, C. C Paxton, R. 3 OEHMKE, J. P Penfield, R. 28 PEKIN BARCUS, CHAS St. Joseph, R. 15 BERBAUM, A. B Bondville, R. 65 DAVIS, J., SR Seymour, R. 44 DUITSMAN, B. J Gifford, R. 26 GAINES, A. A Broadlands, R. 37 HENEBERY, P Urbana, R. 1 1 HEWERDINE, W Dewey, R.33 HOWSER, D. M Urbana, R. 12 KOCH, C St. Joseph, R. 16 LOUES, N Bondville, R. 65 MEUSER, W. C Rantoul NEWMAN, C. E Foosland, R. 38 157 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY RUCKMAN, R Mahomet, R. 42 SEVERINS, S. H Rantoul, R. 23 SINGLETON, J. H Dewey, R. 33 STOVER, W. A Sadorus, R. 51 TAYLER, C. B Penfield, R. 27 WIRTH, CHAS. L Pesotum, R. 27 ROUEN SELLE, L. P Ivesdale, R. 53 GEESE AFRICAN SELLE, L. P Ivesdale, R. 53 CANADIAN ANDERSON, R. M Seymour, R. 43 CHINA SANDERS, H St. Joseph, R. 13 EMBDEN DAVIS, J., SR Seymour, R. 44 HARSHBARGER, S. T Ivesdale, R. 53 HOWSER, D. M Urbana, R. 12 TAYLOR, GEO Urbana, R. 1 1 VARNER, A Urbana, R. 7 INDIAN WARNER, H Rantoul, R. 22 TOULOUSE BECKER, M Ivesdale, R. 53 BERBAUM Champaign, R. 2 BENE, C. E Thomasboro, R. 20 BOLAND, J Ivesdale, R. 52 CEKANDER, WM. J Pesotum, R. 54 CLAPPER, R. S Mahomet, R. 42 CLARK, J. A Ludlow, R. 29 CORDTS, J. A Ivesdale, R. 53 DITTMAN, JOE Tolono, R. 47 GAINES, A. A Broadlands, R. 37 HEISER, J. A Fisher, R. 34 JORDAN, JOHN Homer, R. 59 KIRK, J. F Ludlow, R. 30 LIGHT, HENRY G Urbana, R. 10 LONES, N Bondville, R. 65 MEUSER, W. C Rantoul MURPHY, JOHN Penfield, R. 27 SMITH, C. H Ludlow, R. 29 SUM MET, S. A Rantoul, R. 21 TABAKA, F. T Ivesdale, R. 53 TAYLER, C B Penfield, R. 27 TURKEYS BOURBON RED KUNCE, T. J Ludlow, R.29 BRONZE AULD, CHAS. F Ivesdale, R. 53 CAREY, P. J Ivesdale, R. 53 FEENEY, LUKE Ivesdale, R. 52 HANSON, G. R Pesotum, R. 55 KILBURY, F. E St. Joseph, R. 13 MCCLELLAND, C. L Foosland, R. 38 MCCLELLAND, MRS. E. J . Foosland, R. 38 QUILAN, WM. J Tolono, R. 46 RUCKMAN, R Mahomet, R. 42 WIENKE, F. J. H Allerton, R. 1 WHITE HOLLAND BOLAND, J Ivesdale, R. 52 GLEESON, D Ludlow, R. 31 NEWCOMB, C. A Foosland, R. 38 RANKIN, A. D Foosland, R. 38 VARNER, A Urbana, R. 7 WOLF, C. G Champaign, R. 1 NARRAGANSETT GRAHAM, WM Gifford, R. 25 158 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY THE PRAIRIE FARMER'S CREED I believe in red clover, I believe in cow peas, I believe in soy beans, and above all, I believe in alfalfa, the queen of forage plants. I believe in a permanent agriculture, a soil that shall grow richer rather than poorer from year to year. I believe in hundred bushel corn and in fifty bushel wheat, and I shall not be satisfied with anything less. I believe that the only good weed is a dead weed, and that a clean farm is as important as a clean conscience. I believe in the farm boy and in the farm girl, the farmer's best crops and the future's best hope. I believe in the farm woman, and will do all in my power to make her life easier and happier. I believe in a country school that prepares for country life, and a country church that teaches its people to love deeply and live honorably. I believe in community spirit, a pride in home and neighbors, and I will do my part to make my own community the best in the state. I believe in better roads. I will use the road drag conscientiously whenever opportunity offers, and I will not "soldier" when working out my road tax. I believe in happiness, I believe in the power of a smile, and I will use mine on every possible occasion. I believe in the farmer, I believe in farm life, I believe in the inspiration of the open country. I am proud to be a farmer, and I will try earnestly to be worthy of the name. 159 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY PROTECT YOUR HONEST DOLLAR To Prairie Farmer Readers Dpn't buy cheap, unadvertised goods, but protect yourself when buy- ing by insisting on getting from your dealer only All Goods Advertised in Prairie Farmer are TRIPLE-G Goods. All Goods Advertised in This Directory are TRIPLE-G Goods. When the local dealer says in his advertisement: "We Sell and Recommend the Following TRIPLE-Guarantee Goods" as in any advertisement in Prairie Farmer or in this Directory, it gives you this TRIPLE-Guarantee 1st That the manufacturer of the goods stands back of them. 2nd That the Prairie Farmer stands back of them. 3rd That the merchant handling the goods stands back of them. "TRIPLE-Guarantee Goods" Are the best value for the money. Safest to buy. And Satisfaction is absolutely insured. 160 I FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY What Are "TRIPLE-G" Goods? II7IJV should you ask ' ** * for them and re-fuse any other kind? WHEN a reader of Prairie Fanner goes into a store to buy, he is assured of getting full value for his money if he insists on buying only well known advertised goods and refusing to buy any unknown brand substitute. \\7 f-I V p Because advertised goods are well known goods that are backed up with the guar- antee of PRAIRIE FARMER and the manufacturer. If the goods are not as represented in the advertising, or do not give full satisfaction, this TRIPLE GUARANTEE means that you have only to make your complaint and that any just claim will be fairly considered and your money paid back in case the goods are not as represented. This is PRAIRIE FARMER'S FAIR PLAY POLICY with its readers. We back up every advertisement in PRAIRIE FARMER and guarantee honest treatment. No humbugs , swindles or cheap substitute goods (that are made to sell and get the customer's money on false pre- tenses) are advertised in PRAIRIE FARMER. Buy the goods advertised in PRAIRIE FARMER and in this Directory and you are taking no chances. You are guar- anteed satisfaction because all goods we advertise are TRIPLE-GUARANTEED GOODS 161 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Republic Trucks Internal Gear Drive Five Republic Sizes Republic Dispatch Model 9, maximum capacity 1500 Ibs., furnished complete, express body with canopy top, side curtains, glass front, electric light with generator and storage battery and electric horn; or with solid panel body. Model 1 0, 1 -ton, with stake or express body and bow top. Model 11,1 J/2-ton chassis. Model "A," 2-ton chassis. Model "T," 3'/2-ton dreadnaught. Prices, $895 to $2675 MITCHELL SERVICE CHEVROLET SERVICE NATIONAL OLDSMOBILE R. P. EVERENCE Repairer of Automobiles, Electric Starters and Storage Batteries Champaign County Agency and Service Station ACCESSORIES OF ALL KINDS 113 North Market Street 516 North Neil Street Bell Phone 2636 CHAMPAIGN, ILLINOIS Bell Phone 421 URBANA, ILLINOIS 162 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Champaign County Business Directory BONDVILLE ARCHITECTS. Berbaum Eros.. Groceries & Gen. Mdse, Earhart, Charles, 202 W. Park ave. Bondville Auto Co Garage Hubbard & Takow, 12 Swannell Bondville Bank. Bldg. Bondville Telephone Co. Kratz, E. V., 9-10 Imperial Bldg. Busey, F. H Livery Maxwell Wymer, 512 W. Oregon, U. Crawford, S. A Elevator Ramey, G. E., Robeson Bldg. Jochim, W. E.. Painter & Paper Hanger Royer, J. W., 307-311 Flatiron Bldg., Keller, Peter Insurance U. Kesler, J. H Lumber & Contractor Spencer, N. S. & Son, 320^ N. Neil. Kirk, M. A., & Co.. .Elevator & Garage Temple, H. R., 304-305 Lincoln Bldg. Laffoon, Dr. C. A Physician Pfeister, Frank Implements Rankin, W. J Cement Contractor r* I f~* S-T* Samuelson, C. O ~ , , _ orvo ,, ,, Groceries & Gen'l Mdse. Bauman, Mrs. Emma, 202 S. Pros- Scott, W. H Insurance P e . ct - 1AAO ... Spaulding, J. W Blacksmith Reyburn Miss Mary J., 1008 W. Walker T. H.. Painter & Paper Hanger . Church. Young, G. W Hotel & Livery ARTISTS' SUPPLIES. BROADLANDS Walker & Mulliken, 215-217 N. Neil. Allen, Harry Grain Dealer Bank of Broadlands (Not Inc.) Bergfield Bros General Store AUCTIONEERS Bergfield & Messman .Farm Implts. Harr ; c R 2Q6 Champaign Nat'l Broadlands Grain & Coal Co. Bank Bide Clementz John J .Garage ; d w ' 12 E Washington. Clester, J. A. & Co Restaurant C'lester & Snow Hardware, Etc. Croucher, Ira Restaurant Darnell, J. F Printer AUTOMOBILES. Gilbert-Johnson Co. (Not Inc.) Bilderback, I. M., 340 Hickory. Lumber, Coal, Etc. Burr Co., 332-334 Hickory. Houghton, Mrs. R. T Drugs Fidler, J. L. Motor Co., 322 Hickory. Illinois Sales Co Vulcanizers Qoll, G. G. Co., 336 Hickory. Kesterson, I. S Restr., Confect, Etc. jjoll F. M., 615 S. Wright. Kesterson, M. B Meats Holmes Automobile Co. Kuhn, Paul & Co Grain Dealers Kirby, E. V. Auto Co., 110-112 Mar- Lutga, Fred Blacksmith k e t U Mortimer, A Barber Koog'ler, F. S. Vale, John Hotel Lumley 'Bros.,' 106 N. Race, U. Wills & Earth Furn. & Undtkr. Marmon Buick Sales Co., 206 E. Zanto, Aug Blacksmith Main U. r>UA TV/T-DAT^XT TTt>r AXTA Milburn Wagon Co., 20-22 Main, CHAMPAIGN-URBANA. >. T , rn . & ABQTRArTC OT7 TTTT V NclSOtt Bldg. TRACTS OF TITLE. Miller, J. C., 340 Hickory. Abstract Company of Champaign Co. Miller, W. H., 115-117 N. Walnut. 206 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg., U. Morgan, H. R. Co., 113 N. Market, U. Champaign County Abstract Co., 10 Motor Sales Co., Ill W. Hill. Main. Rewerts & Ehler, 106 N. Race, U. Champaign County Abstract Co., 105 Sadorus & Callahan, 342-344 Hickory. S. Market, U. Urbana Harness Co., 117 N. Race, U. L. B. Saffer, lOl 1 /^ W. Main, U. Wiese, J. L., 118 S. Neil. Twin City Abstract Co., 4 Price Wiggins, C. V., 335-337 Hickory and Bldg., 320 Hickory. 406-408 N. Neil. 163 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Give Our Foot Expert a Chance to Relieve Your Foot Troubles I j \\7HY neglect your tired, aching, | flat, "Corned and | Bunioned" Feet | supporting the full | weight of the body for | an average of 8,000 | steps daily ? Come and talk with our experts about your Foot Aches Today ! We will be glad to give you our careful advice FREE. Shoes For Men, Women and Children Snyder&Snyder 312 Hickory St. Champaign, III. AUTO BODIES. Alexander Co., 368 N. Walnut and 710 S. Neil. AUTO LIVERY. Andrews, H. B., 64^-68^ Chester. Chester Transfer Co., 63-67 Chester. Stoltey's Garage, 64-68 Chester. AUTO REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES. Burr Auto Co., 332-334 Hickory. Champaign Rubber Works, 324 N. Neil. Dwiggins, A. P., 506 S. Fourth. Eyerence, R. P., 514-516 N. Neil. Fidler, J. L., Motor Co., 322 Hickory. Harriman Auto Shop, 206 E. Main, U. Herrick Auto Supplies, 113 W. Park. Kruse, C. E., Ill S. First. Lumley Bros., 106 N. Race, U. Marmon Buick Sales Co., 206 E. Main, U. Miller, W. H., 115-117 N. Walnut. Rewerts & Ehler, 106 N. Race, U. Shrader Auto Electric Co. Square Deal Garage, 107-109 N. Mar- ket. Stoltey's Garage, 64-68 Chester. Strahle, Paul J. Co., 337 Hickory. Swanson, Fred Co., Washington and Hickory. Urbana Harness Co., 117 N. Race, U. Urbana Metal Machine Co., 215 N. Race, U. AWNING AND TENTS. Strode, George, 325 Hickory. BAKERS. Alter, Albert, D211 S. Market, U. Gehrke Illinois Bakery, 207 E. Clark. Hegenbart Co., 101-103 N. Neil. Jones, W. A., 123 N. Race, U. Kyle, George A., 104 E. High, U. Mead's Confectionery, 201 N. Neil. Metzler & Schafer Co., 43-45 Main. Myers Home Bakery, 107 W. Elm, U. National Biscuit Co., 126 S. Market. Ostrand, G. A., 606 S. TWd. Ostrand's Bakery, 116 N. First. Picknell, Harry, 9 Taylor. Rieckhoff, Louis F., 213 S. Neil. Shorb's Sanitary Bakery, 516 S. Mat- hews, U. BANKS. Busey's State Bank, 201 W. Main, U. Champaign National Bank, Main, N. W. Cor. Fremont. 164 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Our New Store Building 5 Stories and Basement Church and Randolph Sts. CHAMPAIGN, ILL. The largest and most complete Department Store in Central Illinois, and filled with the largest stocks of de- pendable merchandise. Prices always lower than elsewhere. F. K. ROBESON CHAMPAIGN, ILL. MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED ruilll!l!l"l!!lllllllll!llllllll!ll!ll!llll!llll^ 165 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Citizens State Bank, 124-126 N. Neil. Commercial Bank, 78 E. University. First National Bank, 30-32 Main. First National Bank of Urbana, 100 E. Market. First State Trust & Savings Bank, 117 W. Main, U. First University Bank, 606 E. Green. Illinois Trust & Savings Bank, 10 Main. Urbana Banking Co., 136 W. Main, U. Trevitt Mattes Banking Co., 112 W. Church. BICYCLES AND REPAIRS. Ewald, B. J., 511 S Neil. Hall, Chas. A., Hardware Co., 115 S. Race, U. Kuhl & Loehr, 113 N. Walnut ana 213 S. Market, U. Moll, E. M., 615 S. Wright. Sampson, E. W., 119-121 N. Race, U. BLACKSMITHS AND HORSESHOERS. Chester Transfer Co., 63-67 Chester. Cremean, J. W., 201 N. Market, U. Ferguson, C. C., 508 Hickory. Foltz, F. M., 203 N. Market, U. Prison Carriage Shop, 341 N. Wal- nut. Kobel, H. F., 20 Logan. Short, C. C., 707 N. Goodwin, U. Spalding, G. T., 118 N. Market, U. Spalding, J. W., 342 Fremont. Urbana Metal Machine Co., 215 N. Race, U. Zercher, Frank, 304 S. First. BOOKBINDERS. Flanigan-Pearson Co., 10-12 Chester. Lowden & Flanagan, 114-116 N. Wal- nut. Twin City Printing Co., 116-118 N. Neil. BOOKS AND STATIONERY. Cunningham Bros., 25 Main. Faulkner, Watson, 208 N. Neil. Knowlton & Bennett, 135-137 W. Main, U. Lloyd, D. H., 7 Main. Lloyd's University Store, 606 E. Green. Mollet & Woller, 223 N. Neil. Swannell, H., & Son, 1 Main. U. of I. Supply Store, 627-631 S. Wright. BRICK MANUFACTURERS. Barrlendrew, 601 Cunningham, U. Bennett, J. B., 221 Central, U. Sheldon Brick & Bldg. Supply Co., 520 Cunningham, U. Stipes & Hecker, 108 N. Walnut. BUILDING AND LOAN ASS'N. Champaign Loan & Bldg. Ass'n, 225/2 N. Neil. Citizens Bldg. Ass'n, 107 S. Race, U. Loan & Investment Co., J. Beers, Sec., 205 N. Walnut. Twin Cities Savings & Loan Ass'n, 2\\y 2 N. Neil. University Club Bldg. Ass'n, 1104 M. Illinois, U. Urbana Home Loan Ass'n, 110^2 W. Main, U. BUILDING MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES. Alexander Lumber Co., 368 N. Wal- nut and 710 S. Neil. Foster, P. D., 305 S. Chestnut. Harris-Dillavou & Co., 25 E. Spring- field. Huff, S. E., & Co., 29 N. Race, U. Hunter, Rourke & Co., 211-217 N. Market, U. Knowles Plumbing & Heating Co., 615 S. Wright. Sheldon Brick & Building Supply Co., 520 Cunningham, U. Stipes & Hecker, 108 N. Walnut. Wagner & Son, 118 N. Market. Walls, W. W., & Co., 33 E. Univer- sity. BUTTER, EGGS AND CHEESE. Twin City Creamery Co., 16 Logan. Webster, J. T., & Co., 71 E. Univer- sity. CARPETS AND RUGS. Keck, F. D., Furniture Co., 114-116 W. Church. Kiler, C. A., 24-26 Main. Lawrence, G. W., 224-226 W. Main, U. Lewis, W., Co., 1 13-123. N. Neil. Lillard & Getman, 44-46 Main. Lowenstern-Meis Co., 214-216 W. Main, U. Patterson, M. J., & Co., 105-107 N. Neil. Percival & Moorehead, Neil, S. E. cor. University. Reliable Furniture Co., 101-103 E. University. 166 FARMERS AND BREEDERS. CHAMPAIGN COUNTY We Sell and Recommend Triple- G Goods Coffees Bogota Continental Monarch Pea Berry We Sell and Recommend Triple- G Goods Teas Gun Powder Imperial English Uncolored Japan The machine that takes out the bitter chaff, leaving the coffee sweet and pure Cocoas, Extracts and Spices of the Best A Satisfied Patron Means a Steady Customer We sell goods at a small profit. Our stocks are moving and always fresh. Individual attention, high ideals, unsurpassed methods and low cost of operating has made this store successful CHAMPAIGN TEA & COFFEE CO. J. L. BEESON Proprietor Bell Phone 872, Auto 2153 C. A. LEIMAN Business Manager 201 No. Market St. CHAMPAIGN, ILL. R. W. BEESON Salesman 167 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY "Prepare" Yourself for a Good Meal at Leming's Cafeteria when in CHAMPAIGN, ILL. 309 North Neil Street YOUR REPAIR BILL WILL BE SMALL When You Have Your Work Done at the Ford Specialty Shop Because we employ only Expert Mechanics Tube Work a Specialty O. O. FRINK 71 Chester Street CHAMPAIGN, ILL. No Job Too Large or Too Small Robeson, F. K., 125-135 W. Church and 206-208 N. Randolph. Sampson, E. W., 119-121 N. Race, U. Walker & Mulliken, 215-217 N. Neil. CARRIAGES AND WAGONS. Ely, Louis, & Co., 24 Logan. Dillavou & Co., 335 N. Walnut. Prison Carriage Shop, 341 N. Walnut. Metz, Martin, 73 Chester. CEMENT AND CEMENT BLOCKS. Harris-Dillavou & Co., 25 E. Spring- field. Somers Bros., Big Four R. R. and N. Orchard, U. Lange Bros., 701 Hickory. Stipes & Hecker, 108 W. Walnut. Walls, W. W., & Co., 33 E. Univer- sity. CHEESE MFCS. Flocken-Cox Co., 315 N. Walnut. CIVIL ENGINEERS. O'Brien-Ward Co., 102-125 Hamilton Bldg. CLEANING AND PRESSING. Bailey, S. W., 206 N. Oak. Dougan, Elmer, 114 S. Race, U. Gray, F. E., Basement, 17 E. Univer- sity. Green, Allen, Basement, 301 N. Neil. lies, W. A., 106 N. Market, U. Illinois Pressing Shop, 512 E. Green. Mathews, L. E., 401 N. Neil. Mathews, Wm., 504 E. Green. Paris Dyeing & Cleaning Co., 128 W. Church. Peddicord, Clifford, 120*/ 2 S. Neil. Perry, J. B., Basement, 207 N. Wal- nut. Pistenbarger & Flynn, 612 E. Green. Primtt, G. J., 128 W. Alain, U. Souder, L. B., 517 Hickory. University Pressing Shop, 621 S. Wright. Walker, J. F., 126 W. Main, U. White Line Steam Laundry, 502 N. Neil. Williams, Wm., Basement, 4 Taylor. CLOTHIERS. Champaign Bargain Store, 118 E. University. 168 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY NO ROT NO WEAR NO REPAIR Walter Roofing Concretiie Fire-Proof, Water-Proof, Frost Proof, Storm-Proof Attractive and Permanent Any Color or Shade You May Desire If your house, barn, corn crib or garage needs a roof, it will pay you to investigate this roof and get our prices. Costs no more than any other good roof; light in weight. A ROOF FOR ALL TIME LANGE BROTHERS Plant Bell 656. Night Calls Bell 2866, Auto 3170 701 Hickory Street CHAMPAIGN, ILL. Also Manufacturers of Water-proof Cement Building Blocks. The Water-proof Norwalk Cement Burial Vault. Delivered by us in Champaign, Ford, Piatt, and Douglas counties. Demand the Grnuine Norwelk vith our name on it imbedded steel fa 169 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY WUESTEMAN CHAMPAIGN The two go together when you think of WATCHES JEWELRY SILVERWARE CLOCKS DIAMONDS and other Rings, as well as GLASSES Wuesteman is an Eyesight Specialist. Fits glasses to your eyes and warrants satis- faction. WUESTEMAN | Jeweler and Optician I CHAMPAIGN : ILLINOIS 1 dllllllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIlllllllllllll! " J. R. STOOKEY DEALER IN IMPLEMENTS, HARNESS and RUICK AUTOMOBILES GOODjfYEAR Tires and Accessories Miller Tires Heider Tractor Peter Schuttler and Mitchell Wagons Cohen, M., & Son, 54-56 E. Univer- sity. Dougan, Elmer, 114 S. Race, U. Finch, J. H., & Co., 104 W. Main, U. Grossman, David, 106-108 E. Univer- sity. Gulick Tailoring Co., 207^-209^ N. Neil. Kaufman, J. M., & Co., 16-18 Main. Klorfine Bros., 47 Main. Kuhn, Jos., & Co., 33-35 Main. Lewis, W., & Co., 113-123 N. Neil. Liberty Clothing Co., 321 N. Neil. Lowenstern, M., & Son, 205 W. Main, U. Murduck Bros. Robeson, F. K., W. Church and N. Randolph. St. Louis Bargain House, 72 E. Uni- versity. Stern Bros., 23 Main. Weingarten, Sam, 11 Main. COAL. Alexander Lbr. Co., 368 N. Walnut and 710 S. Neil. Beach, B. C., & Co., 702 Hickory. Brownfield & Turner, 116 N. Mar- ket, U. Champaign Coal Co., 109 N. First. Hardy, Wilbur F., 41 E. University. Harris-Dillavou & Co., 25 E. Spring- field. Huff, S. E., & Co., 295 N. Race, U. Hunter, Rourke & Co., 211-217 N. Market, U. King, Harry, 207 S. Neil. Means, J. B., 208 N. Orchard, U. Mueller, Chas. E., 120 S. Neil. No?le & Black, 702 N. Neil. Paisley & Shively, 210-212 S. Market. Pattengale Bros., 70 E. University. Pettys, E. T., 308 N. Orchard, U. Re'chard, John L., 510 E. Main, U. Sandweger, S. A., 220 W. Main, U. Sharon Coal Yards, 107 N. Walnut, U. Smith Coal Co., 208 N. Market, U. Stinespring, H. P., 202 N. Market, U. Stipes, Royal A., 609 Champaign. Twin City Ice & Cold Storage Co., 76 E. Washington. Wagner & Sons, 118 N. Market, U. Walls, W. W., & Co., 33 E. Univer- sity. COLLEGES. Brown's Business College, 3d floor Swannell Bldg., Cor. Main and Neil. 170 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY S. E. DILLAVOU Farm Machinery, Vehicles, Gas Engines, Etc, FARM SCALES CORN PICKERS CREAM SEPARATORS MILKING MACHINES YOURS FOR SQUARE DEALING 335 North Walnut Street CHAMPAIGN, ILL. This Directory is Imperfect FOR the reason that between the time the presses began to run it off and its delivery into your hands, many of those whose names appear have passed away. Illinois Life Insurance Company E. J. HUTCHINSON, District Manager. Suite 403 Lincoln Bldg., Champaign, Illinois. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVES WANTED GREATEST ILLINOIS COMPANY 171 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY = Look in Your Directory = and find out who your neighbor is. Look in at the Howard Studios and see yourself as you are. Only High Grade Portraits. Prices Right. Howard Studios E. L,. MELTON, Mr. 602 E. John St. University Dist. CHAMPAIGN, ILL. We have closed our Downtown Studio Until Fall of 1917. C. E. KRUSE Auto Works We Sell and f Recommend Triple-G Goods Michelin Tires, Electric Starters and Accessories WE BUY AND SELL USED CARS Special attention given to repair work of all kinds Phones Bell 2491, Auto 3314 69 East University Avenue CHAMPAIGN, ILLINOIS , COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Howse, L. K., 56-58 Main. H. B. Rainey, City Hall. Stevenson, A. G., 223 W. Main, U. CONFECTIONERS. Arcade Confectionery, 713 S. Wright. Bradley Confectionery, 9 Main. Buch, Fred W., 707-709 N. Neil. De Luxe Confectionery, 307 N. Neil. Frat, The, 3 Main st. Garry, Mike, 124 N. First. Harris, D. E., 608 E. Green. Mead's Confectionery, 201 N. Neil. Murphy, W. F., 512 E. John. Olympia, The, 102 W. Main, U. Reimund, J. S., llll 1 ^ W. Main, U. Seims, W. J., 304 N. Fifth. Sunsonne, Frank, 108 N. Neil. Tucker & Bongart, 17 E. University. Vriner's Confectionery, 55 Main and 132 W. Main, U. White and Gold Confectionery, 106 W. Main, U. CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC. Dickson Conservatory of Music, 208 W. Hill st. CONTRACTORS. Anderson, F., Electrical, 908 W. Clark, U. Anthony, N. W., Carpenter, 1214 W. Park. Applegate, G. A., Carpenter, 405 W. Beardsley. Archdeacon, J. S., Carpenter, 704 E. High, U. Bacon Bros., Painting and Decorat- ing, 107-109 N. Walnut. Bennett, J. B., Mason, 221 Central, U. Bercher, T. C., Painter, 204 W. Ne- vada, U. Blair, Wm.. Carpenter, 207 W. Hill. Brumley, G. A., Carpenter, 902 S. Randolph. Buchanan, Wm., Building, 907 W. Stoughton, U. Burdick, C. W., Brick and Cement, 114 1 / W. Main, U. Caldwell Co., Electrical, 316 Hickory. Campbell, C. E., Paint, 116 W. Uni- versity. Carpenter & Corkcry, Cement, 120^2 W. Main, U. Casual Decorating Co., 307 S. Elm. Charles, Roy, Concrete, 113 VV. Washington, U. Colvin, George, Paint, 105 S. Fourth. 172 FARMERS AND BREEDERS. CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Diamond Grid Battery Headquarters These halteryi have longer life than any other lead battery made 90% of the pleasure We can give you "^^^^^B ^ "today "' the best and most economical ^^^BH^Jgpr Electrical Service, for we are equipped to handle the most DIFFICULT JOBS with the highest degree of efficiency. Schrader Auto Electric Co. Special representative for PHILADELPHIA G ID BATTERIES. CHAMPAIGN 126 So. Walnut Street URBANA Harriman Auto Shop SIDNEY Cyrus Everett Garage PAXTON Square Deal Garage :!ll!!!i!l!!!!l!illli!illl!!ll!li:i!llilll^ See Us in Our Neiv Location I S. C. TUCKER & CO. I i = | DRUGGISTS ' | TOILET ARTICLES, SUNDRIES RUBBER GOODS AND SICK-ROOM SUPPLIES CANDIES AND CIGARS We specialize in Kodaks and Supplies. Prescriptions rilled promptly and only with pure drugs. 1 Mail orders given special attention. Northwest Corner Neil and Church Streets CHAMPAIGN, ILLINOIS 173 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY nuin CORN UfllU FARMS In the famous Darby Plains and Scioto Valley Price, $125.00 to $185.00 Per Acre Will produce more Corn, Clover and Oats than the best Illinois land. Go to Ohio with us any time and let us prove it to you. Frank D. Harris Illinois Representative Phone Bell 2341, Auto 2182 CHAMPAIGN, ILL. Northern Ohio Land Company OF MARION, OHIO Look Here! If you want to BUY, SELL or EXCHANGE a Farm or City Real Estate SEE Arthur Sheridan N. E. Corner Neil and Taylor CHAMPAIGN, ILL. Combest, W. P., Excavating, 815 Church, U. Cohdit, Grant, Painter, 1001 N. Ran- dolph. Connors, C. H., Railroad, 406 W. Church. Curtis, J. W., Carpenter, 806 W. Springfield. Daniel, Paul, Teaming, 109 W. Vine. Davis George, Painter, 406 N. Third. Davis C. W., Stone, 305 N. Wright. Davis, W. M., Well Driller, 116 N. Market, U. Denman, Charles, Painter, 1117 Wil- liamson. Desmore, W. H., Painter, 206 E. Green. Dillon, G. S., Carpenter, 1406 W. Church. Doherty, J. J., Carpenter, 1306 W. University, U. Donovan, J. J., Drainage, 306 E. Uni- versity. Ely, Max C., Painter, 237 S. Market. English Bros., General, 4th floor Lin- coln Bldg. Freeman, C. Q., Excavating, 105 W. California, U. Freeman & Brooks, Building, 411 S. Chestnut. Gwinn, Charles, Carpenter, 614 W. Clark Gordon,' Ed., Painter, 410 W. Wash- ington. Gray, John, Cement, 523 Pennsyl- vania, U. Greeley, P. S., Carpenter, 604 W. Iowa, U. Gregory, P. T., Bridge, 120^ N. Walnut. Grubbs, Frank, Carpenter, 308 S. Vine, U. Harmison, C. W., Carpenter, 104 W. Oregon, U. Harmison, L. A., Paper Hanger, 203 E. Elm, U. Hartman, Adam H., Building, 1614 W. Park. E., Painting, 10? A., Concrete, 701 Harvey, W. Charles. Hawley, F. Church, U. Haworth, A. E., Carpenter, 304 S. Cottage Grove, U. Henderson, I. W., Lather, 407 W. Bradley. Hines, H. F., Cistern, 221^ S. Water. Hix, "William, Excavating, 911 W. Illinois, U. Holland Furnace Co., S 1 /* Main. Hurd, L. L., Plaster, 1310 Hill, U. Ideal Electric Co., 15 E. University. 174 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY iilllllllinilllllllllllllllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMj; I LOUIS MITTENDORF Office Phone Bell 165, Home 1764 Residence Phone Bell 499, Home 1050 134 Park Avenue CHAMPAIGN, ILL. F. G. CAMPBELL & SON We Buy Sell and Exchange Real Estate Real Estate, Loans and Insurance New Hampshire, Manchester, National, Hartford; London and Lancashire Liverpool, Royal Exchange, London. Commercial Bank Bldg. Phone Automatic 2233 CHAMPAIGN, ILL. lllllllll!l!ll!llll!lllllll!lllllllllll!llll!lllllllllllllllll!IIIIIIIIIIIH 175 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY iiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiimimiiii LUMBER COAL LIME CEMENT FENCE POSTS and STEEL WATER TANKS iiiiiiimiiiiiiiimiiimiiiiiiiiiiimiii. 33 East University Avenue CHAMPAIGN, ILL. Vulcanizing CHAMPAIGN RUBBER WORKS A. B. MOORE, Proprietor VULCANIZING- RETREADING Racine Tires and Tubes Phone Bell 2341 324 North Neil Street CHAMPAIGN, ILL Johnson Electric Co., 345 N. Hickory. Keeler, Max, General, 1002 W. Wil- liams. Keeler, W. H., Building, 202 W. Clark, U. King, Louis B., General, 1506 W. Park. King & Butcher, General, 3d floor Lincoln Bldg. Kirby, John, Paving, 407 E. Bradley. Knowles Plumbing & Heating Co., 615 S. Wright. Krabbe Electric Co., 126 W. Church, Park Theatre Bldg. Lange Bros., Cement, 701 Hickory. Loper, D. H., Carpenter, 209 W. Springfield. Lott, J. H., Painter, 204^ E. Illi- nois, U. Lusk, G. B., Building, 1202 W. Park. Lutes, Frank, Paper Hanger, 211 E. Illinois, U. Maguire, W. T., Paint, 808 S. Mathews, U. McLain, Claude, Cement, 912 W. Maple. Merrifield, T., Carpenter, ZQ2 l / 2 E. Main, U. Miller, C. H., Cement, 208 Avondale. Moore, O. M., General, 1306 Hickory. Moore, R. C., Signs, 25 E. Healy. Morgan, C. E., Carpenter, 1004 W. Murphy & Weise, Electric, 120 S. Neil. Myers, M. M., Painter, 1011 N. Neil. Needham, J. W., Building, 126 Ham- ilton Bldg. Nofftz, R. T., Building, 207 E. John. O'Brien-Ward Co., Electric-Drainage, 102-125 Hamilton Bldg. O'Brien, Wm., Excavating, 1301 Bes- lin, U. Osborn, Douglas, Building, 1104 W. Clark, U. Price Decorating Co., 207 S. Neil. Reiverts, T. T., Building, 106 N. Race, U. Reliable Electric Shop, 219 W. Main, U. Reyburn, R. W., Building, 1008 W. Church. Roberts, L. C., Carpenter, 713 S. Neil. Royer, Wm., Carpenter, 508 W. Washington. Saltsgaver, R. H., Carpenter, 805^ E. Green, U. Sedgwick, C. A., Paint and Paper- hanger, 607 S. Randolph. Shaw, E. M., Concrete, 1404 W. Park, U. 176 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Sheldon Brick & Building Supply Co., 520 Cunningham, U. Shelton, E. G., Painter, 1012 W. William. Siler, P. D., Painter, 215 S. Poplar, U. Somers Bros., Concrete, Big Four R. R. and N. Orchard, U. Sommer, George, Paint, 206 W. Cali- fornia, U. Sawers, A., Building, 301 Locust, U. Stewart, W. L., Drainage, 705 W. Clark, U. Stipes & Hecker, Building, 108 N. Walnut. Stoecker, L. J., Building, 911 Poplar. Stoolman, A. W., General, 212 Arm- ory. Sutherland & Sowers, Building, 203 First Nat'l Bank, U. Swartz Electric Shop, 116 S. Race, U. Swihart, C, Painter, 1301 W. Spring- field, U. Templeton, F. L., Painter, 34 E. Springfield. Twin City Electric Co., 8 Taylor. Twin City Roofing Co., 201-205 S. First. Van Koten, C. E., Painter, 712 S. Market, U. Wagner & Sons, Excavating, 118 N. ' Market. A PENN MUTUAL PREMIUM, less A PENN MUTUAL DIVIDEND, purchasing A PENN MUTUAL POLICY, containing PENN MUTUAL VALUES, makes an INSURANCE PROPOSITION which in the sum of ALL ITS BENEFITS is unsurpassed for NET LOW COST and CARE of INTERESTS of ALL MEMBERS Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co. DAN G. SWANNELL GENERAL AGENT CHAMPAIGN, ILL. The Store of Quality RELIABILITY GOOD VALUES COURTESY PROGRESSIVENESS You are cordially invited to call and use our Rest Room or any and all conveniences this store offers G. C. WILLIS CHAMPAIGN, ILL. Quality First Service Next Price Last 177 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Citizens State Bank We Will Appreciate Your Business | Edward Bailey, Pres. F. S. Bailey, V-Pres. \ P. L. McPheeters, Cashier Transacts a General Banking Business Active Capital $200,000 Member of Federal Reserve Bank Champaign, Illinois Walkington, W. A., 403 E. Green, U. Weaver, J. P., Carpenter, 806 McCul- lough, U. Weeks, R. Osborne, Painter, 1010 W. Washington, U. Welch, C. J., Concrete, 118 W. Main, U. Westerbeek, A. J., 721 S. Prairie. White, J. C, Plasterer, 1108 W. Springfield, U. Williams-Black, Inc., Painter, 412 N. Neil and 345 Hickory. York, J. M., Carpenter, 1210 Bes- lin, U. Zipprodt, F. A., Building, 1107 W. University, U. Zoll, J. A., Carpenter, 602 E. Cali- fornia, U. COUNTY CLERK. Fred Hess. CREAMERIES. Twin City Creamery Co., 16 Logan. Pioneer Creamery Co. CRUSHED STONE. Harris-Dillavou & Co., 25 E. Spring- field. DAIRIES. Champaign Sanitary Milk Co., 415 E. University. Scott, A. F., 215 S. Market, U. Wilson's Dairy, 1412 Champaign. DECORATORS. Bacon Bros., 107-109 N. Walnut. Price Decorating Co., 207 S. Neil. Williams-Black, Inc., 412 N. Neil and 345 Hickory. DENTISTS. Alexander, Charles T., 412 Illinois Bldg. Boone, H. W., 4]/ 2 Main. Boudreau, G. C., 201 Price Estate Bldg. Brown, J. A., 304 Illinois Bldg. Ebert, F. E., 602^4 E. Green. Exl, H. H., I24y 2 W. Main, U. Hindman, H. A., 104 Cohen Bldg., U. Horr, D. L., 202 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Huff, F. H., 225^ N. Neil. 178 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Karcher, W. H., 302 First Nat'l Bank Leathers, Thos. H., 213^ N. Neil. Linnington, J. T., 1 Swannell Bldg. < MacLachlan, J. M., 4th floor Illinois Bldg. Romine, S. A., 225^ N. Neil. Sale, F. O., 135^ W. Main, U. Shurtz, W. A., 208 Citizens State Bank Bldg. Stevens, Elliott G., 432 Illinois Bldg. Summers, Dean W., 402-404 Illinois Bldg. Wallis, Robert, 210^ W. Main, U. Warner, C. B., 123 W. Elm, U. Wise, Lloyd H., 405 Illinois Bldg., 4th floor. DEPARTMENT STORES. Flat Iron Store, 301 W. Main, U. Lewis, W. & Co., 113-123 N. Neil. Robison, F. K., W. Church and N. Randolph sts. Willis, G. C., 15-17 Main. DRESSMAKERS. Aschermann, Miss Ethel, Champaign, U. 1704 Champaign Seed Co. Wholesale and Retail Seeds and Feed All kinds FIELD seeds and GARDEN seeds. All kinds FEED for poultry or stock. INCUBATORS, BROODERS and Poultry Supplies CHAMPAIGN, ILLINOIS OVERLAND SALES COMPANY Tires, Accessories and Parts F. S. KOOGLER, Manager 18 Washington St. co M^ CH AMPAIGN, ILL. Au TELEPHONES o 1759 Bell 228 179 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY LESLIE L GLENN Successor to The Frank Wilcox Loan Co. Farm Loans Real Estate ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE Let me write a policy for you in the EQUITABLE LIFE INS. CO. of N. Y. to protect your estate. It will pay the mortgage if you should die. There is no better or stronger company. There is no policy that is more liberal. LESLIE L. GLENN 313 N. Neil Street, CHAMPAIGN - ILLINOIS Spalding's The Home of Good Shoes for the Entire Family 19 Main Street, Champaign - Illinois Bogan, Miss Stella, 709 W. Califor- nia, U. Carroll, Miss Belle, 607 N. Fourth. Clark, Mrs. Jennie, 128 W. Park. Costello, Mrs. M., 10-11 Baddely & Stipes Blk. Cross, Mrs. Mary, 603 N. State. Dexter, M. E. ( 703 S. Randolph. Dooley, Agnes, 505 S. Second. Duffy, Mrs. Caroline, 306 Illinois Bldg. Flanigan, Miss Muriel, 1109 W. Clark, U. Funk, Mrs. Elizabeth, 911 W. Spring- field, U. Gaiser, Louisa, 123 W. Clark. Geren,' Laura, 124^ S. Race, U. Gibbs, Jessie, 306 S. Race, U. Harnack, Mrs. L., 4 Baddely & Stipes Blk. Hooker, Miss Lelah, 208 W. Spring- field. Harvard, Mrs. Dora, 509 S. Fourth. Innes, Miss A., 311 W. White. Jackson, Mrs. Susan, 408 N. Willis. Johnson, Miss Belle, 315^ Fremont. Jones, Mrs. Beatrice, 914 W. Illi- nois, U. Judd, E. T., 906 S. Sixth. Judd, Mildred, 906 S. Sixth. Kirby, Miss Mary, 212 E. Church. Lee, Miss Iva, 313 S. Prairie. LeRoy, Miss Ella, 404 W. Califor- nia, U. May, Ora E., 703 S. Randolph. McGraw, Miss Margaret, 201 E. Hill. McKenzie, Miss Sarah, 204 W. Uni- versity, U. Meade, Miss Mabel, 106 W. Califor- nia, U. Monroe, Mrs. Minta, 56 E. Healy. Newcomb, Mrs. Lula, 108 S. Vine, U. Orsick, Miss Charlotte, 303 E. Park. Parker, Miss Lura, 402 W. Illinois, U. Perry, Mrs. Mary L., 504 E. Healy. Plotner, Susie, 201 E. Park. Prewitt, Mrs. Ella, 506 S. Market, U. Prewitt, Miss Lula, 5 Baddely & Stipes Blk. Raney, Mrs. Minta, 315 T /2 N. Walnut. Rash, Mrs. Lillie, 902 W. Spring- field, U. Rice, Mrs. Alice, 309^ N. Neil. Richardson, Adah, 501 E. Park. Schultz, Mrs. "Minnie, 108 E. Stough- ton. Shaw, Mrs. Eva, 4 Faulkner Flats. Shaw, Mary, 919 W. Hill. Shepherd, Miss, 702 W. Main, U. Sims, Mrs. Hannah, 206 S. Walnut, U. Stonebraker, Laura, 205^2 N. Ran- dolph. 180 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Strickland, Mrs. Ida, 207 W. Ore- gon, U. Siutts, Miss Ethel, 911 W. Spring- field, U. Warriner, Mrs. Lena, 1011 W. Illi- nois, U. Watson, Isabella, 201 W. Washing- ton, U. W T ebster, Pearl, 405 N. Lynn. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiimiiiiiia DRUGGISTS. Becker Bros., 108 E. Main, U. Clinkenbeard, G. W., 501 N. Neil. Cunningham Bros., 25 Main. Faulkier, Watson, 208 N. Neil. Keusink, W. B., 101 S. Neil. Knowlton & Bennett, 135-137 W. Main, U. Leslie, F. M., 121 W. Main, U. Miller & Woller, 223 N. Neil. Monahan, M. J., 122 N. Walnut. Oldham Bros., 123 S. Race, U. Quirk, J., 305 N. Neil. Robbins, Wm. C, 118 N. Walnut. Ross-Sim Drug Co., 112 E. Univer- sity. Sim, Wm., Drug Co., 105 W. Main, U. Spalding, B. E., 602 E. Green. WE INSTALL Modern Plumbing In the Country Home ALSO HOT WATER AND STEAM HEATING PLANTS You can have these comforts as well as your friends in town. Let us give you an estimate. Reliable Plumbing and Heating Company, 105 N. Walnut Street, CHAMPAIGN - ILLINOIS Economical Power Excessive Tire Mileage Exceedingly Low Gasoline Consumption HOLMES AUTOMOBILE CO. 410 N. Neil St. CHAMPAIGN, ILLINOIS 343 Hickory 181 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Swannell, H. & Son, 1 Main. Tucker, S. C., & Co., 225 N. Neil. Tucker & Bongart, 17 E. University. Urbana Drug Co., 107 W. Main, U. DRY GOODS. Champaign Bargain Store, 118 E. University. Dolling, W. J., 113-115 W. Main, U. Finch, J. H.. & Co., 104 W. Main, U. Lewis, W., & Co., 113-123 N. Neil. Lowenstern-Meis Co., 214-216 W. Main, U. Nelson, J. F., 607 Hickory. Robeson, F. K., W. Church and N. Randolph. Stotley, Chas., 109-113 E. University. Willis, G. C., 15-17 Main. DYEING AND CLEANING. Paris Dyeing & Cleaning Co., 128 W. Church. Souder, L. B., 517 Hickory and 518 N. Neil. ENGRAVERS. G. R. Grubb & Co. ELECTRICIANS. Caldwell Co., 316 Hickory. Ideal Electric Co., 15 E. University. Johnson Electric Co., Electric Vehi- cle Repairing, 345 N. Hickory. Krabbe Electric Co., 126 W. Church. Kruse, H. Paul, 77 E. University. Swartz Electric Shop, 116 S. Race, U. Twin City Electric Co., 8 Taylor. FARM LOANS. Burnham & Harris, 200 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Burt, T. A., Loan Co., 202^ W. Main, U. Coffin, W. E., 13Sy 2 W. Main, U. First National Bank, 30-32 Main. Gardner, E. A., 216 Citizens State Bank Bldg. Harwood, G. H., 225*4 N. Neil. Illinois Tractor System. Oldham, J. G., 107 Cohen Bldg., U. Morgan, M. W., 105^ W. Main, U. FARM MACHINERY. Brownfield, L. T., 503 N. Walnut. Dillavou, S. E., 335 N. Walnut. Hardy, Wilbur T., 41 E. University. Harrington, T. L., 208 N. Market. Hudson, Noah, 339 N. Walnut. Tractor Sales Co. FEED. Champaign Seed Co., 89 E. Univer- sity. Foote, W. P., & Co., 712 N. Neil. Fry, J. M., & Son, 210 N. Market, U. Mr. Farrden & Bro., 116 S. Neil. Paisley & Shively, 210-212 S. Market. Pattengale Bros., 70 E. University. Stinespring, H. P., 202 N. Market, U. FEED AND SALES BARNS. Big 4 Horse & Mule Co., 12 E. Washington. Gorden, Edward, 510 Hickory. Nightingale, W. R., 112-120 S. Wal- nut. FENCE POSTS AND FENCING. Alexander Lbr. Co., 358 N. Walnut and 710 S. Neil. Somiers Bros., Big 4 and N. Or- chard, U. Walls, W. W., & Co., 33 E. Univer- sity. FERTILIZER. Smith & Co., between Lincoln and Covler, North Limits. U. & U. State, between Big 4 and I. C. tracks. FLORISTS. Dodson, E. S., 404 E. Main, U. Frank, Thomas, & Son, 204-206 E. University. Yeats, J. E., Flower Shop, 41 Main and Third sts. FLOUR. Stinespring, H. P., 202 N. Market, U. Holt, B. J., & Co., N. Goodwin and Limits, U. Sunsome, Frank, 109 N. Neil. FURNACES. Brinnig, J. B., 506 S. Fourth. Derrough, H. O., 604 N. Elm. Derrough & Co., 31 Main. Doyle, J. H., 28 Main. Holland Furnace Co., 8 T A Main. Johnson Bros., 402 N. Neil. 182 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Knowles Plumbing & Heating Co., 615 S. Wright. Marshall Furnace Co., 114^ N. Wal- nut. McGlade, H., 120 W. University. Prentice, C. E., 11 E. University. Taylor Hardware Co., 74-76 E. Uni- versity. Terwilleger, A. M. & L. A., 120 N.' Neil. Twin City Roofing Co., 201-205 S. First. Urbana Furnace & Sheet Metal Wks., 118 W. Water, U. Wozencraft & Finder,. 57 E. Univer- sity. JOHN H. DOYLE STOVES HARDWARE AND TINWARE 28 Main Street CHAMPAIGN, ILLINOIS FURNITURE. Barnhart Bros., 208-210 W. Main, U. Keck, F. D., Furniture Co., 114-116 W. Church. Kiler, C. A., 24-26 Main. Kruse, J. C., 73-77 E. University. Kruse, W. C., 113-115 S. First. Lawrence, G. W., 224 W. Main, U. Lillard & Getman, 44-46 Main. Moorehead Furniture Co. Morgan Rug & Furniture Co., 611 N. Walnut. ^iiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiinii'- THEATRE GARAGE 'HEN your motor isn't running just right, or when something goes wrong, then is the time to drive over here and let us locate your trouble. Do Not Delay. General repair department for all makes of gasoline cars. Special electric department for all kinds of electric cars and storage batteries. The best welding man in this part of the country to take care of your broken parts. EDWARD LUSTIG, Manager Bell 669 Auto 2266 342-344 Hickory Street, First Door South of Orpheum Theatre CHAMPAIGN, ILLINOIS fllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlL 183 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Patterson, M. J., & Co., 105-107 N. Neil. Percival & Moorehead, 102-104 S. Neil, Neil and University. Reliable Furniture Co., 101-103 E. University. Sampson, E. W., 119-121 N. Race, U. Stoolman, Charles, 116 E. University. Walker & Mulliken, 215-217 N. Neil. GARAGES. Burr Co., 332-334 Hickory. Everence, R. P., 514-516 N. Neil. Everence & Justus. Ewald, B. J., 511 S. Neil. Frink Garage, 71 Chester. Kirby, E. Vantolv, 110-112 N. Mar- ket, U. Lumley Bros., 106 N. Race, U. Magruder, I. W., 113 N. Market, U. Marmon-Buick Sales Co., 206 E. Main, U. Miller, W. H., 115-117 N. Walnut. Motor Sales Co., Ill W. Hill. Sadorus & Callahan, 342-344 Hickory. Square Deal Garage, 107-109 N. Mar- ket. Stoltey's Garage, 64-68 Chester. Theater Garage. Wiese, J. L., 118 S. Neil. Wiggins, C. B., 335-337 Hickory and 406-408 N. Neil. GASOLINE ENGINE. Dillavou, E., 335 N. Walnut. GATES FARM. Alexander Lbr. Co., 368 N. Walnut and 710 S. Neil. GRAIN. Armour Grain Co., 21 V/ 2 N. Neil. Baldwin, H. I., & Co., 712 N. Neil. Beuch, B. C., & Co., 702 Hickory. Bridge & Leonard, 211^ N. Neil. Cleveland Grain Co., 201 Kariher Bldg. Dryer & Burt, 202 Kariher Bldg. Eversole, J. I., & Co., 200 Kariher Bldg. Stoltey's Garage HARRY CASPER, Prop. Automobile Accessories and Storage Bell 187 Auto 1543 CHAMPAIGN, ILLINOIS M. Itt. Everence E. J. Justus Everence & Justus Automobile Repairing and Welding Bell 187 Auto 1543 Over Stoltey's Garage CHAMPAIGN, ILLINOIS Progress on t"he farm makes certain demands. You kntm what they are better than we do. Having purchased this directory shows that you are progressive. Go a step farther and advertise your place with good printing. That's what we know about. Call in person or write to us about your needs. FLANIGAN-PEARSON CO., Progressive Farm Printers 10-12 Chester St., CHAMPAIGN, ILL. 184 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Flanders, Junius, Kariher Bldg. Foote, W. P., & Co., 712 N. Neil. French, I. H., & Co., 209 Kariher Bldg. Pattengale Bros., 70 E. University. Reichard, John, 510 E. Main, U. Schifflin, P. H., & Co., 8 Swannell Bldg. Shively, H. A., & Co., 4-5 Imperial Bldg. Sledge, J. P., 2 Imperial Bldg. Wagner, E. W., & Co., 5 Swannell Bldg. Walton, C. T., 211 Kariher Bldg. GROCERS. Armstrong, M. L., 411-413 E. Uni- versity. Atterbery, C. E., 605 N. Romine, U. Bailey, A. B., 1008 N. Fifth. Bash, Jos. S., 623 S. Wright. Bean, W. E., 304 E. California, U. Bing, Ben, 123 W. Main, U. Bireley & Son, 101 W. Main, U. Bowen, B. W., 110 E. University. Branky, J. C., 34 Main. Brining, Owen L., 211 S. Neil. Buch, Fred W., 707-709 N. Neil. Burlse, F. L., 306 N. Wright, U. Cain, Ellis, 303^ S. State. CHAMPAIGN INVESTMENT COMPANY GUY R. HARTRICK, Mgr. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE and LOANS Bell Telephone 608 Champaign - Illinois Convert your old Ford into a- This tractor attachment will convert any Ford into most efficient light farm tractor on the market. Positi TRACTOR SALES CO. Champaign, Illinois Bell Phone 625 Auto - 2209 Distributors for STAUDE-MAK-A-TRACTOR Also Franklin Automobiles 505 No. Neil St. 185 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Carlson & Deyo, 419 N. Neil. Cassoppo, Pietro, 1203 N. Chestnut. Chesley & Co., 704 S. Goodwin, U. Collins, I. A., 1306 Hill, U. Compton, I. A., 1301 N. Market. Conaway, A. R., 1103 W. Main, U. Conkwright, Horace R., 206 W. Ne- vada, U. Crailsel, A. L., 508 N. Fifth. Davis & Louis, 512 E. Washington. Dickerson, Jim, 107 S. Neil. Donovan Grocery Co., 406 E. Uni- versity. Drewry, George, 409 Grove. Dunning, G. D., 215 S. Market, U. U. Elliott, E. E., 905 W. Illinois, U. Endicott, M. F., 504 W. Beardsley. Esch, W. J., 1201 N. Market. Feltham, Henry, 505 E. Stoughton. Fiscus & Myers, 304 N. Lincoln, U. Fowler Sanitary, 1011 W. Main, U. Mr. Progressive Farmer: We specialize in live stock illustrations. We are equipped to furnish you printine plates for catalogues, sale bills, etc. . Write for information and prices. G. R. GRUBB & CO., Engravers CHAMPAIGN, ILLINOIS G. N. BACON WM. SA1VDWKLI, G. N. BACON & CO Successors to BACON BROS. BELL 262 AUTO. 1138 1O7-1O9 North Walnut Street CHAMPAIGN, ILL. Finuh No. 2 -Interior An Old Established House 16 Years in Our Present Location Largest Stock of WALL PAPER, PAINTS AND WINDOW GLASS in the county THE HOME OF Benjamin Moore & Go's. Murisco Saniflat Wall Paint House Colors Tile-like and Oil Colors 186 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Gault, R. W., 504^ Grove. Gray, Daniel, 417 N. Neil. Great Western Tea Co., 212 W. Main, U. Green, Noah, 902 E. Main, U. Guard, C. R., 403 Babcock, U. Halberstadt, G. H., 906 E. Main, U. Hardy, Thomas, 606 E. Main, U. Harmon, J. W., 1114 W. Main, U. Hegenbart Co., 101-103 N. Neil. Healy, Thomas J., 206 N. First. Jervis Bros., 115 S. Neil. Leach, Edward, 603 W. California, U. Lemmon Bros., 1310 Champaign, U. Longden, V. N., 803 S. Randolph. Love, J. F., 8041-4 E. Main, U. Lynch, John, 410 and 607 Springfield. Marsteller, P. L., 506^ W. Columbia. Martin, G. W., 311 N. Neil. Martin, J. L., 506 N. Harvey, U. Martin & O'Donnell, 503 N. Neil. McGraw Bros., 102 E. University. Meislahn, A. A., 817 Church, U. Metzler & Shafer, 43-45 Main. Moran, A. U., 502 E. Columbia. Murphey, W. F., 512 E. John. Nelson, A. S., & Sons, 20-22 Main and 11-13 Taylor. Nelson, Jos., 607 Hickory. Palmer Bros., 202 W. Main, U. jimmmmmimmmmmmimiiiiimi E Every road has two ends E E at one end the farm, at E E the other the country E E town. Each depends on E E the other, and both pros- E E per together. When broad E E minded merchants and E E the progressive far mere E E work together for the E = good of the community, E E then you have a commu- E E nity worth living in. rHIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIItlllllB MURDUCK BROS. "The Store that Sells WOOLTEX" Exclusive Ladies' Ready to Wear 37-39 Main Street CHAMPAIGN, ILLINOIS I 187 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Penny Grocery, 105 N. Marshall, U. Rash, C. E., 405 S. Lincoln, U. Rash & Summers, 305 E. Green, U. Rehberg, H. A., 202 S. First. Renner, S. W., 703 S. Race, U. Rivers, J., 509 Poplar. Sadorus, E. C., 206 W. Elm, U. Schwartz, R. H,, 204 E. Washington. Selicovitz, Mose, 409 1 / E. Park. Shuck & Davis, 130 W. Main, U. Siems, W. J., 304 N. Fifth. Sinnott, J. W., 711 N. Neil. Skelton, E. R., 726 S. State. Slack & Bloom, 124 S. Race, U. Snyder, P. M., 114 W. Main, U. South Side Cash Grocery, 514 b. Neil. Shanglo, Sam, 701 N. Fifth. Spry, L. F., 402 E. Tremont. Stevenson, B. F., & Son, 117 and 121 S. Race, U. Stoltey's Grocery, 105-107 E. Univer- sity. Tharp, Ora A., 401 S. First. Tisdale, Jeptha, 701 N. Fourth. Tucker, C. J., 30 E. Eureka. United Grocery Co., 119 S. Neil. Waters, Mrs. L., 607 E. Washington. Waveley, Wm. H., 410 S. Neil. West End Grocery, 1312 W. Church. Wright, G. E., 104 E. Springfield. HARDWARE. Barnhart Bros., 208-210 W. Main, U. Derrough & Co., 31 Main. Doyle, J. H., 28 Main. Freeman & Son, 110 W. Mam, U. Hall, C. A., Hardware Co., 115 S. Race, U. Lewis, W., & Co., 113-123 N. Neil. Percival & Moorehead, 102-104 S. Neil, Neil and University. Prentice, C. E., 11 E. University. Robeson, F. K., W. Church and N. Randolph. Taylor Hardware Co., 74-76 E. Um- versity. Terwilleger, A. M. & L. A., 120 N. Neil. Thomas, J. C., 108 W. Main, U. HARNESS. Brown, A. R., 72 Chester. Eichhorst, Ed. A., 104 E. University. Fenton, T. G., 117 S. Neil. Kilpatrick, T. J., 115 N. Market, U. Lineman, Anton, 303 W. Park, U. Sampson. E. W., 119-121 N. Race, U. Urbana Harness Co., 117 N. Race, U. Weimer & Schweinsberg, 111 N. Mar- ket. HOTELS. Arlington Hotel, 710 N. Neil. Beardsley Hotel, Cor. Neil and Hill. Central Hotel, 31 J4 Main. Columbian Hotel, 207^-209^ W. Main, U. Commercial Hotel, 27 l / 2 Main. Davison Hotel, 501-503 N. Neil. Illinois Hotel, 202-204 N. Walnut. Inman Hotel, Cor. University and Walnut. McClurg, W. R., & Son, 107 N. Alar- ket, U. Noonan Hotel, 41^ Main. Picknell Hotel, 51^ Main. Plaze Hotel, 319/ 2 N. Neil. Robeson, F. K., W. Church and N. Randolph. Sampson, E. W., 119-121 N. Race, U. Smith, Harry D., 619 S. Wright. Southern Hotel, 64 Main. Taggert, T. T., 203-205 N. Market. Walker & Mulligan, 215217 N. Neil. Willis, G. C, 15-17 Main. HOUSE FURNISHINGS. Barnhart Bros., 208-210 W. Main, U. Keck, Frank D., Furniture Co., 114- 116 W. Church. Kiler, C. A., 24-6 Main. Lawrence, G. W., 224 W. Main, U. Lewis, W., & Co., 113-123 N. Neil. Lillard & Getman, 44-46 Main. Patterson, M. J., & Co., 105-107 N. Neil. Percival & Moorehead, 102-104 S. Neil. Reliable Furniture Co., 101-103 E. University. HOSPITALS. Champaign Vet. Hospital. HOUSE MOVERS. Chapman, S. J., 210 W. Vine. McWethy, Christopher C., 808 W. Park, U. Roysdon, E. R., 909 W. Clark. Weeks, Frank, 203 W. Nevada, U. ICE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Good, Wm. T., 1402 W. University, U. Smith & Co., between Lincoln and Coler N. Lts., U. & N. state, be- tween Big 4 and I. C. tracks. Twin City Ice & Cold Storage Co., 76 E. Washington. 188 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY THE TITLE TO YOUR LAND is very important. Dependable Abstracts of Title are a necessity to ascertain the exact condition of titles RELIABLE WORK COMPETENT MEN RESPONSIBLE Champaign County Abstract Company Champaign Office: f^ Urbana Office: 10 Main Street Sm 105 South Market Street EDWIN FILSON, Manager W. E. ATKINSON, Manager | iiiiiiiiiininiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiHiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiinH IIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllillllilliiliiiiiiilllllllilllllllliiliilillliliiliiliiiiiiniiMiiliiiiie. LOUIS ZIBEL MORRIS ZIMMERMAN ZIBEL & ZIMMERMAN Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Scrap Iron, Rubber, Metals and Rags, Etc. Hides, Furs, Tallow and Wool. Highest Prices Reference: Commercial Bank, Champaign, 111. Bell Phone 707 1 Cor. Logan and Walnut Streets CHAMPAIGN, ILLINOIS On Farm Lands and City Property AT VERY LOW RATES AND GOOD TERMS Mortgages, School, Public Improvement and Other Good Bonds to Sell CHOICE FARMS FOR SALE F. L. STAMEY 509-510 First National Bank Bldg. CHAMPAIGN, ILL. BURNHAM & HARRIS FARM and CITY LOANS 2 Firs BuHd aI Bank CHAMPAIGN, ILLINOIS BuHd 189 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY ICE CREAM MFRS. Bradley Confectionery, 9 Main. Champaign Ice Cream Co., 113-115 E. University. De Luxe Confectionery, 307 N. Neil. Mead's Confectionery, 201 N. Neil. The Frat, 3 Main. Vriner's Confectionery, 55 Main and 132 W. Main, U. INSURANCE. Alyea, Gertrude, 220 Price Estate Bldg. Armour, Phil F., 602^ E. Green. Beers, Sheldon P., lUy 2 W. Main, U. Beers & Beers, 205 N. Walnut. Boggs & Gutteridge, 1 Courier Bldg., U. Boyer & Huber, Lincoln Bldg. Brown, Frank M., 211 1 / N. Neil. Brown, I. J., 126 Hamilton Bldg. Buchanan, W. S., 204 W. Elm, U. Burke, E. I., Citizens State Bank. Burt, T. A., Loan Co., 202*4 W. Main, Burton, O. K., 612 E. Green. Campbell, F. G., & Son, 112J4 E. Uni- versity. Champaign Investment Co., Cor. University and Walnut. Coffin, W. E., 135/2 W. Main, U. Coffman, W. H., 105/ N. Neil. Coggeshall, F. A., 211^ N. Neil. Cohen, S. N., 134 W. Main, U. Coughlin, Wm., 202 First National Bank Bldg. Dyas, E. A., 200 Citizens State Bank Bldg. Ealey, Wm. M., 501 E. Oregon, U. Elson, Chas. B., 1101 S. Randolph. Enochs, Delbert R., & Co., 203-205 Champaign Nat'l Bank Bldg. Everhart, Leon, 405 Lincoln Bldg. Fieg, F. R., Investment Co., 37 Main. Prison, E. H., 3 Swannell Bldg. Funk, John S., 911 W. Springfield, U. Gardner, E. A., 216 Citizens State Bank Bldg. Glenn, L. L., 112 W. Church. Green, Martha E., 218 Citizens State Bank Bldg. Guthrie, Mary A., 506 W. Beardsley. Harris-Dillavou & Co., 25 E. Spring- field. Harris, Frank D., 404 N. Neil. Hartrick, Guy, Cor. University and Walnut. Henson, F., 203 First Nat'l Bank, U. Hessel Land & Loan Co., 37^-39^ Main. Hidy, W. R., 225^ N. Neil. Hill, Edwin L., 902 W. Clark, U. Hughes, S. K., 9Y* Main. Hutchinson, E. J., & Son, 403-404^ Lincoln Bldg. Illinois Realty Co., 208-209 Price Es- tate Bldg. James, George, 105^ N. Neil. Lindsey, T. E., 114J4 W. Main, U. Maxwell, C. L., Citizens State Bank Bldg. Me Daniel, Duke, 107^2 E. University. McDermott,' Geo. C., 216 Citizens State Bank Bldg. McGehee, John, 124^ S. Race, U. McLean, L. A., & Son, 135^ W. Main, U. Miebach, Henry, 53 E. Springfield. Miller, J. W., 105 Cohen Bldg., U. utility THE DAN MORRISSEY FARM LAND MORTGAGE COMPANY Specialists in FARM LOANS iiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiimimiii Farms Bought and Sold Best Service to the Farmer Imperial Building - - CHAMPAIGN, ILL. 190 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Monier & Morrissey, 326 Illinois Bldg. Morgan, M. W., 105^ W. Main, U. Oldham, J. G., 107 Cohen Bldg., U. Oldham, Miss Pearl, 107 Cohen Bldg., U. Parker, Geo. R., 107 Cohen Bldg., U. Parker, M. S., 110^ W. Main, U. Poe, Leslie J., 55 E. Healy. Price, W. E., 3 Price .Bldg., 320 Hickory. Purnell, Edward C, 1304 N. Neil. Rankin, J. H., 202^ N. Neil. Riley, C. N., 107 S. Race, U. Roberts, Chas. J., 8^ Main. Rose, John, 809 W. Stoughton, U. Rugg, F. D., 1 Swannell Bldg. Sampson, E. W., 119-121 N. Race, U. Sherfy, Fanny B., 214 N. Walnut. Smedley, Frank, 508 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Smith, Joseph M., 203 W. Clark. Snider, D. H., 501 Lincoln Bldg. Spalding, R. A., 112 W. Church. Spalding, W. P., 112 W. Church. Sturdyvin, Geo. A., Loan . Co., 22\y 2 N. Neil. Sullivan, William, 120^ N. Walnut. Swannell, Dan G., 6 Swannell Bldg. Todd, O. C, 4 Swannell Bldg. Wilkins, H. A., 912 S. Fifth. Woolington, A. J., 112^ N. Walnut. OAKLAND AUTOMOBILES SUPPLIES AND REPAIRS BOTH PHONES H. R. MORGAN CO. URBANA - ILLINOIS BUY, sell and exchange Champaign and Urbana real estate. I am also the local representative of the E. A. Strout Farm Agency, which specializes in Eastern farm bargains. You are cordially invited to call at my office and get acquainted. You might like to do business with me. G. R. PARKER 105 Cohen Building URBANA, ILLINOIS 191 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY INSURANCE COMPANIES. Illinois Life Insurance Co., 403-4045/2 Lincoln Bldg. Metropolitan Life Ins. Co., 225^ N. Neil. Northwestern Mutual Life Ins. Co., 508 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Northwestern Mutual Life Ins. Co., 602^ E. Green. New York Life Ins. Co., 612 "E. Green. Penn Mutual Life Ins. Co., 6 Swan- nell Bldg. Prudential Insurance Co., 425 Illinois Bldg. INVESTMENTS. Klank, A. L., 8/2 Main. Loan & Investment Ass'n of Cham- paign, 111., 205 N. Walnut. JEWELERS. Bailey, Walter, 58 E. University. Bowman, Jos., 110 N. Neil. Bowman, Roy, Jewelry Co., 205 N. Neil. Charles Creek, 130 W. Main st. Clouser, Roy, 119 W. Church. Craig, D. H., 5 Main. Gere, C. C, 206 W. Main, U. Maurer, Charles, 213 N. Neil. Nelson, John, 118 S. Race, U. Smith, John, 202 N. Neil. Wuesteman, A. E., 14 Main. JUNK. Gallaway, James, 812 Hutson, U. Selicovitz, Abe, 215 S. Market. Smith, John, 503 E. Tremont. Walker, George, 301 N. First. Wides & Wides, 112 N. Market. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. Armstrong, J. Noah, 13^ E. Univer- sity. Coffman, W. H., 105^ N. Neil. Kerrigan, John, 207^ First Nat'l Bank Bldg., U. McHugh, Thomas, 217^4 W. Main, U. Smith, G. W. L., 107^ N. Neil. Tailor, C. B., 105^ N. Main, U. Young, J. C, 107^ N. Neil. LAUNDRIES. Champaign Steam Laundry, 517 Hickory and 206 and 518 N. Neil. Empire Steam Laundry, 109-111 W. University. Home Laundry, 1405 Eads, U. Kee Sun Winn (Chinese), 205^ S. Market, U. Lee Sam (Chinese), 109 S. Neil. Long Jim (Chinese), 106 N. First. Soft Water Laundry, 125 N. Race, U. Urbana Steam Laundry, 205 N. Mar- ket, U. White Line Steam Laundry, 502-506 N. Neil. LAWYERS. Boyer & Huber, Lincoln Bldg. Brolder, O. L., Ill W. Main st. Campbell, A. E., 28^ Main. Carson, Frank T., 205 First Nat'l Bank Bldg., U. Cline, Roy R., Suite 505, Lincoln Bldg. Coggeshall, F. A., 211^ N. Neil. Corlby, L. S., 4 Swann.ll Bldg. Dobbins & Dobbins, 500-502 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Enochs & Kerker, 203-205 Champaign Nat'l Bank Bldg. Everhart, Leon U., 405 Lincoln Bldg. Green, Francis M., 324 Flat Iron Bldg., U. ^lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIi ! S. E. HUFF & CO. Lumber and Coal WE SPECIALIZE IN ALL BUILDING MATERIAL FOR THE FARM Quality and Service URBANA, ILLINOIS IIIIIIIMIMIflllJIllllllllllllllinillJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHItlllll.'llllllllihlllllllllllllilllllliliiliiliiliiiiiiMiMllllliliiliil.iliiiiiiiiiniiiniiiiiiiiii 192 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Green & Palmer, 301-321 Flat Iron Bldg., U. Gulick, Jesse, Lincoln Bldg. Gulick, Joseph, Lincoln Bldg. Hamill, Fred, 303 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. lungerich, C. R., 4 Swannell Bldg. Hidy, W. R., 225^ N. Neil. Jones, H. L., 112 W. Church. Kirk, B. L., 507 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Little & Finfrock, 109^ W. Main, U. Lyons, T. E., 500-502 First National Bank Bldg. McHugh, T. W., 217# W. Main, U. Maguire, W. C, 115 1 / W. Main, U. Mathews, C. M., 110/2 W. Main, U. Miller, A. J., 204 First Nat'l Bank Bldg., U. Miller, H. M., 6^ Main. Mulliken, A. D., 1 Imperial Bldg. Newcomb, Thomas F., 303 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Price, Ben M., 1-2 Price Bldg., 320 Hickory. Rea, J. J., 215^ W. Main, U. Rhodes, E. M., 11 Swannell Bldg. Richards, C. W., 202 First Nat'l Bank Bldg., U. Riley, W. B., 200 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. HARRIMAN AUTO SHOP We specialize only in Repair Work, and have all modern facilities necessary for doing high-grade work. When your car needs over- hauling, let us do it. URBANA - ILLINOIS Sanitary Plumbers Heating Engineers Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Bell Phone 1034 Auto Phone 4212 104 North Market Street URBANA .-. ILLINOIS 193 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Roth & Mathews. Saflfer, L. B., 101 J4 W. Main, U. Savage & Woods, 210-214 Citizens State Bank Bldg. Schaefer & Dolan, 206-207 Champaign Nat'l Bank Bldg. Schumaker, H. T., 202^ N. Neil. Smith, T. ]., 201-202 Champaign Nat'l Bank Bldg. Spurgin, W. G., 115^ W. Main, U. Strong, A. C., 2 Imperial Bldg. Taylor, C. B., 105 ^ W. Main, U. Thomas, C. D., 7*/ 2 Main. . Walker, Clyde H., 201 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Weeks, A. S., 313 1 / N. Walnut. Wingard, L. F., 202^ N. Neil. Williamson, F. E., 108 Cohen Bldg., U. LIME, CEMENT, ETC. Alexander Lumber Co., 360-368 N. Walnut and 710 S. Neil. Huff, S. E., & Co., 295 N. Race, U. Hunter, Rourke & Co., 211-217 N. Market, U. Stipes & Baker, 108 N. Walnut. Walls, W. W., & Co., 33 E. Univer- sity. LIVERIES. Carpenter, Grant, 205 E. Elm, U. Chester Transfer Co., 63-67 Chester. McGurty, J. E., 514-516 Hickory. Philips, A. W., 116 S. Market. Shobe, O. E., & Co., 119-121 W. Elm, U. LOANS. Armstrong & Adams, 203 Price Estate Bldg. Baddeley, T. J., 3 Baddeley & Stipes Blk. Beers & Beers, 205 N. Walnut. Boggs & Gutteridge, 1 Courier Bldg., U. Brown, Frank M., 211^ N. Neil. Burt, T. A., Loan Co., 202 ]/ 2 W. Main, U. Campbell, G. G., & Son, 112/ 2 E. University. Champaign Investment Co., Cor. University & Walnut. Champaign Loan Co., 311 N. Walnut. Citizens Bldg. Assn., 107 S. Race. Citizens State Bank, 124-126 N. Neil. Coffin, W. E., 135 W. Main, U. Davidson, J. W., 2 Imperial Bldg. Enochs, Delbert & Co., 203-205 Cham- paign Nat'l Bank Bldg. Fieg, F. R., Investment Co., 39^2 Main. Prison, E. H., 3 Swannell Bldg. Gardner, E. A., 216 Citizens State Bank Bldg. Harris, F. D., 404 N. Neil. Harris, J. B., 103 Hamilton Bldg. Hartrick, G. R., Cor. University & Walnut. Harwood, G. W., 225^ N. Neil. Hessel Land & Loan Co., 37^ Main. Hidy, Wm. R., 225*4 N. Neil Inman Loan Co., 15^ E. University. Loan & Investment Assn., of Cham- paign, 111., 205 N. Market. McLean, L. A. & Sons, 137^ W. Main, U. Morgan, M. W., 105# W. Main, U. Morrissey Farm Land Mortgage Co., 5 Imperial Bldg. Musson, R. F., Iiy 2 Main. Needham, Wm. A., 126^ Hamilton Bldg. Oldham, J. G., 107 Cohen Bldg., U. Parker, Geo. R., 106 Cohen Bldg., U. Polk, J. L., Jr., 21 \y 2 N. Neil. Price, W. E., 3 Price Bldg., 320 Hick- ory. Romine Realty Loan & Investment Co., 225^ N. Neil. Sampson, E. W., 119-121 N. Race, U. Scott, J. A., 405 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg. Sherfy, Fanny B., 214 N. Walnut. Sheridan, Arthur, 202^ N. Neil Stamey, F. L., 201 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg. Sturdy vin, J. A., Loan Co., 221 J4 N. Neil. Sullivan, Wm., 120^ N. Walnut. Urbana Home Loan Assn., 110J/2 W. Main, U. Wilcox, Frank, 313 N. Neil. Wilcox, Frank, Loan Co., 313 N. Neil. Woolington, A. J., U2 l / 2 N. Walnut. Zilly & McKinley, 203 111. Traction Bldg. LUMBER. Alexander Lumber Co., 368 N. Wal- nut and 710 S. Neil. Huff, S. E., & Co., 295 N. Race, U. Hunter, Rourfce & Co., 211-217 N. Market, U. Oldman, J. G., 107 Cohen Bldg., U. Walls, W. W., & Co., 33 E. Univer- sity. MACHINE SHOPS. Burr Co., 332-334 Hickory. Harriman Auto Shop, Rear, 206 E. Main, U. Leavitt Mfg. Co., 208-210 Griggs, U. 194 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Urbana Metal Machine Co., 215 N. Race, U. We Cater to MEAT MARKETS. Amm, Thomas D., 623 S. Wright. Armstrong, M. L., 411-413 E. Univer- sity. Barley, A. B., 1008 N. 5th. Bean, W. E., 304 E. California, U. Buch, Fred., 707-709 N. Neil. Burke, F. L., 306 N. Wright, U. Carlson & Deyo, 419 N. Neil. Chapman, G. M., 208 N. 1st. Chicago Market Co., 49 Main. Collins, I. A., 1306 Hill, U. Colvin, T. J., & Son, 204 W. Main, U. Compton, Ira A., 1301 N. Market. Dollenbach Bros., 8 Main. Endicott, M. F., 504 W. Beardsley. Gault, R. W., 504 1 / Grove. Hanes, W. W., & E. D., 125 W. Main, U. Harmon, J. W., 1114 W. Main, U. Lemmon Bros., 1310 Champaign, U. Love, J. F., 804 J4 E. Main, U. Lynch. John, 410 E. Springfield and 607 W. Springfield. Martin & O'Donnell, 503 N. Neil. Merry, C. D., & Son, 109 W. Main, U. | F ar m ers , I "\V7HEN in doubt as to f W Investments, consult the m I Urbana Banking Co. Make H s this your bank, your advis- fj I ory headquarters, your home f| 1 while in Urbana. | I = ' I Urbana Banking I Company [ URBANA ILLINOIS The Lumber* Mill and Coal People A Complete Assortment of LUMBER, Plaster, Cement, Lime, etc. COAL that gives you Heat Fully Equipped Planing Mill "Let Us Figure Your Bills" HUNTER, ROURKE & CO. URBANA OGDEN TOLONO 195 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Metzler & Schafer Co., 43-45 Main. Rash & Summers, 305 E. Green, U. Roberts & Grant, 113 S. Neil. Rosenbury, L. C, 1103 N_ Champaign. Ross & Boyle, 105 S. Neil. Rubow, A. E., 308 N. 3rd. Schreiber, J. C, 1102 W. Main, U. Skelton, Everett R., 726 S. State. Tharp, Ora A., 401 S. 1st. Weir, Chas., 114 E. University. Wright, Geo. E., 104 E. Springfield. Roberts & Grant, 113 S. Neil. Smith & Co., Btwn. Lincoln & Coler, N. Lts., U., and N. State, btwn. Big 4 & I. C. Tracks. MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. Best, A. S., 617 S. Wright. Champaign Bargain Store, 118 E. University. Cohen, M. & Son, 54-56 E. University. Cook Bros., 12 Main. Dolling, W. J., 113-115 W. Main, U. Dougan, Elmer, 114 S. Race, U. Cayman, G., 108 N. 1st. Grossman, >., 106-108 E. University. Gulick Tailoring Co., 207^-209^ N. Neil. Kaufmlan, J. M., & Co., 16-18 Main. Klein, H., 34 Main. Klorfine Bros., 47 Main. Kuhn, Jos., & Co., 33-35 Main. Lewis, W., & Co., 113-123 N. Neil. Lowenstern, M. & Son, 205 W. Main, U. Marshall, F. G., 715 S. Wright. Pruitt, G. J., 128 W. Main, U. Robeson, F. K., W. Church & N. Ran- dolph. St. Louis Bargain House 72 E. Univer- sity. Spence, E., 2 Main. Stern Bros., 23 Main. Stoltey, C. A., 109-113 E. University. Weingarten, Sam, 11 Main. Zombro, R. E., 604 E. Green. METAL CEILINGS. Twin City Roofing Co., 201-205 S. 1st. MILLINERY. Barnhart, W. R., 217 W. Main, U. Hat Shop, 3 Hamilton Bldg. Lewis, W. & Co., 113-123 N. Neil. Lowen, Mrs. Stern, 214-216 W. Main, U. McWilliams & Gleim, 317 N. Neil. Mulliken Cash Store, 111 N. Neil. Robeson, F. K., W. Church & N. Ran- dolph. Tucker, Ollie, 322 N. Neil. Vogel, Minnie, 111 N. 1st. Willis, G. C, 15-17 Main. MONUMENTS. Atkinson, S. P., Monument Co., 106 S. Neil. Clark, C.' N. & Co., 221-223 W. Main, U. MOTORCYCLES. Hammersmith & Pearce, 8 Taylor. Kuhl & Loehr, 113 N. Walnut. Moll, E. M., 615 S. Wright. MUSIC STORES. Baker, G. L., 303 E. Green. Eggleston Music House, 41 Main. Lucas, O. H., H6y 2 W. Church. Sill, L. L., 4 Hamilton Bldg. MUSIC TEACHERS. Adams, Miss Grace, 307 W. Hill. Allen, Miss Elizabeth, Inman Hotel. Barker, Miss Beatrice, 107 Franklin, U. Carton, Mrs. Glenore, 211 W. Park. Clapp, Miss Ruth, 208 W. Oregon, U. Cohen, Julius, 129*4 N. Race, U. Copp, Miss L. R., 106^ S. Neil. There would be only one shoe if every- one knew SELZ G. GRIMES KING PHARAOH IS DEAD!! BUT The live ones go to CHARLES CREEK Jeweler and Engraver Over 11 years' experience in Urbana No War Prices URBANA 130 West Main Street ILLINOIS 196 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Crawford, G. B., 131 W. Clark. Daugherty, Miss Maud, 512 W. Vine. Dexter, Miss Lula, 614 W. Illinois, U. Dickson Conservatory of Music, 208 W. Hill. Doherty, Miss Margaret, Room 404 E. Oregon, U. Ewald, Miss Sophia, 511 S. Neil. Foster, C. W., 713 W. Green. Gehrke, Miss Lilly, 102 E. Stoughton. La Vernway, Miss Mary, 712 S. Ran- dolph. La Vernway, Paul, 712 S. Randolph. Lawless, Miss Marcella, 105 N. Wright. Lee, Carrie, 701 S. Wright. Long, Mary, 606 W. High, U. Moore, Chas. L., 305 S. New. Redding, Miss Katherine, 612 W. Elm, U. Shephard, Norma, 1310 W. Park, U. Stephen, Mrs., Elizabeth, 602 W. Springfield. Twietmeyer, Mrs. Catherine, 705 S. Market, U. Tyler, Mrs. Harriett, 1301 W. Clark, U. Wellman, Miss Iva, 1107 Williamson. Wells, Mrs. Flora, 803 W. Oregon, U. With, Art S., 201 W. Park. Drugs, Book s, j Wallpaper, Glass and Paints WE LEAD IN EVERY LINE WE CARRY niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiHM = i g 1 I Knowlton & ( I Bennett 1 = = URBANA, ILLINOIS | = ^ H-illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMlllllllllllllllllllllilllliiiiiillllilliiiiiiiiiuiiilMiiiiiiin T. H. BURT .-. .-. O. M. GREEN We write FARM FIRE INSURANCE in reliable Old Line Companies; also Insurance on Grain in Cribs, Live Stock and all Farm Properties; Automobile Fire, Theft and Indemnity Insurance. We represent the OLDEST AMERICAN LIFE IN- SURANCE COMPANY the MUTUAL LIFE of NEW YORK. This Company paid its Policyholders in 1916 over $68,654,000. Pays large Dividends, making the Net Cost Low. Rates the lowest possible and a high class contract to suit your circumstances. 9 - BETTER GET THIS WHILE YOU ARE INSURABLE See us if interested in Michigan Farm Lands. Farm and City Loans BOTH PHONES T. A. BURT LOAN CO. URBANA, ILL. 197 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY NEWSPAPERS. Banker Farmer, The (Monthly), 406 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg. Champaign News (Daily & County), 134 W. Church. Gazette (Daily), Gazette Square. Illini (Daily), 108 N. Neil. Urbana Courier, 111-113 N. Race, U. NOTARIES. Beck, F. W., 1st Nat'l Bank. Beers, J. N., 205 N. Walnut. Elaine, S. A., Citizens State Bank. Bosley, Golda, 106^ N. Walnut. Burke, A. M., Citizens State Bank. Burke, E. I., Citizens State Bank. Burnham, R. D., 200 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg. Campbell, A. E., 28^ Main. Capron, H. S., 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg. Cline, Roy R., 505 Lincoln Bldg. Coffman, W. H., 105^ N. Neil. Cook, Miss Clara, 6 Swannell Bldg. Davidson, J. W., 2 Imperial Bldg. Dobbins, D. C, 500-502 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg. Dolan, W. J., 206-207 Champaign Nat'l Bank Bldg. Enochs, Delbert, 203-205 Champaign Nat'l Bank Bldg. Fieg, F. R., 37^-39^ Main. Filson, Edwin, 10 Main. Prison, E. H., 3 Swannell Bldg. Gulick, J. P., Uy 2 Main. Harris, F. D., 404 N. Neil. Harris, N. M., 1st Nat'l Bank. Hartrick, Guy, Cor. University & Walnut. Harwood, Geo. W., 225^ N. Neil. Hayes, W. B., Citizens State Bank. Hidy, W. R., 225^ N. Neil. Hughes, S. K., 9]/ 2 Main, lungerich, C. R., 4 Swannell Bldg. Johnson, Verna C., 13 Main. Jones, H. L., 112 W. Church. Jutton, Joseph, City Hall. Kerker, H. E., 203-205 Champaign Nat'l Bank Bldg. Kirk, B. L., 507 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg. Lahr, L., 512 E. Stowghton. Lindsey, T. E., 114^ W. Main, U. McDaniels, Duke, 208-209 Price Es- tate Bldg. HcHugh, Thomas W., 217^ W. Main, U. McLean, A. H., 135^ W. Main, U. McPheeters, P. L., Champaign Nat'l Bank. Miller, H. M., 6j4 Main. Monier, H. H., 326 Illinois Bldg. Moore, P. C., 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg. Morrissey, D. C., 5 Imperial Bldg. Mulliken, A. D., 1 Imperial Bldg. Oldham, J. G., 107 Cohen Bldg., U. Osborne, W. T., 1st Nat'l Bank. Price, Ben M., 1-2 Price Bldg., 320 Hickory. Price, F. M., 4 Price Bldg., 320 Hick- ory. Price, W. E., 3 Price Bldg., 320 Hick- ory. Prouse, Lillie, 134 W. Church. Riley, W. B., 200 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg. Savage, Manford, 210-214 Citizens State Bank Bldg. Schaefer, P. P., 206-207 Champaign Nat'l Bank Bldg. Schumacher, H. T., 202*4 N. Neil. Scott, A. R., 207 S. Neil. Scott, J. A., 405 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg. Sherfy, F. B., 214 N. Walnut. Skelton, E. R., 726 S. State. Smith, T. J., 201-202 Champaign Nat'l Bank Bldg. Snider, J. H., 13 Main. Stamey, F. L., 201 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg. Stern, W. W., 10 Main. Strong, A. C., 2 Imperial Bldg. Sturdyvin, G. A., 221 # N. Neil. Sullivan, Wm., 120^ N. Walnut. Thomas, C. D., 7*/2 Main. Walker, Clyde H., 201 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg. Wingard, L. F., 202^ N. Neil. Woods, W. P., 210-214 Citizens State Bank Bldg. Woolington, A. J., 112^ N. Walnut. NURSES. Abel, Miss Nora, 32 S. Green. Ahern, Margaret, 115 W. Park. Anderson, Elizabeth, 407 S. New. Anderson, Mrs. Susan, 107 N. Lynn, U. Bain, Ruby F., 407 S. New. Baird, Nellie, 608 S. Mathews, U. Balding, Anna, 204 S. Busey, U. Baynes, Edna, 408 S. Randolph. Baynes, Elenor, 408 S. Randolph. Bennell, Hannah, 401 N. Prospect. Buck, F., 1012 W. William. Burkhart, Julia, 112 W. Columbia. Burnham, Alice, 602 W. Clark. Cain, Mary, 702 N. McKinley. Cappis, Bertha, 208 E. White. Cappis, Nettie, 208 E. White. Dalton, Grace, 219 S. Popular, U. Dennison, Frances, 301^ E. Univer- sity Dieterle, Miss Anna, 407 S. New. 198 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Donaldson, Miss Anna, 707 W. High, U. Edwards, Miss Bessie, 804 W. Hill. Fanegin, Miss Emily, 615 W. Church. Gallaher, Miss Mary, 211 E. Green, U. Gleason, Catherine, 119J4 S. Neil. Granger, Nellie, 702 N. McKinley. Harper, Arvilla, 121 W. Park. Hobart, Elsie, 313 E. Clark. Holstien, Frances, 1108 W. Main, U. Ikins, Ethel, 401 S. State. Jerauld, Pauline, 305 W. Washington, U. Jorgensen, Ingeborg, 308 E. Spring- field. Keeler, Georgia, 202 W., Clark, U. Kerwin, Kathryn, 129 W. Clark. Kistler, Mae, 501 E. Clark. Knott, Abigal, 702 S. Elm. Kurzweg, Hulda, 210 W. University. Lange, Gertrude, 508 S. Randolph. Leidigh, Ellen, 616 W. Park. Martin, Miss Edith, 405 T /2 N. Prairie. McCown, Mrs. May, 312 W. Califor- nia, U. McCown, Opal, 202 W. Park. McDonald, Miss Mary, 405 E. White. McDonnell, Miss Ellen, 505 W-. Wash- ington. McMahon, Miss Harriet, 1306 W. University, U. Dr. P. F. STOECKINGER VETERINARIAN Office Phones Autc 4243, Bell 174 Residence Phone Bell 1602 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini 119 West Elm Street URBANA, ILL. CAMERAS[VICTROLAS $2 to $55 $15 to $250 SPEEDEX FILMS Developing and Printing Films for any camera mailed postpaid on receipt of price. Mail your films or negatives to us for developing and printing. Victor Records exception- ally good stock. Victrolas sold to responsible parties on very easy payments. We will mail any Victor Record by parcel post on receipt of your order. New records on sale the first of each month. Send us your address and we will mail the list of new records to you every month. LESLIE'S DRUG STORE URBANA 121 WEST MAIN STREET ILLINOIS iiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiy 199 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Michael, Miss Margaret, 405 N. Lynn. Milton, Miss Julia, 105 N. Randolph. Needham, Miss Isabel, 312 E. White. Nichols, Miss Maude, 307 N. Prospect. O'Brien, Miss Vera, 1304 W. Wash- ington. Oswald, Margaret, 1201 W. Stough- ton, U. Palmer, Miss Hannah, 404 E. High, U. Pingston, Miss Florence, 1217 W. Church. Postelwait, Miss Mattie, 814 W. Main, U. Pickett, Miss Blanch, 810 W. Oregon, U. Prewitt, Miss Marie, 301 E. Univer- sity. Prickett, Miss Betty, 202 W. Park. Richardson, Miss Martha, 204 S. Busey, U. Sallie, James, 407 S. New. Sanders, Miss Fannie, 401 S. State. Slaughter, Mrs. E., 703 Church, U. Spidell, Miss Mary, 205 W. Oregon, U. Stilwell, Maud, 402 E. Green, U . Wellman, Miss Emma, 1107 William- son. Whall, Miss Florence, 202 W. Park. Willis, Miss Willa, 609 E. Healy. OCULISTS AND AURISTS. Smith, E. S., 204^ W. Main, U. Spears, C. H., 432 Illinois Bldg. Torger, Annie L., S l /2 Main. OILS. Indian Refining Co., 118 S. Neil. Standard Oil Co., 1201-1203 Church, U. OPTICIAN. Schlosser, C. E., 410 Lincoln Bldg. OPTOMETRISTS. Bailey, W. S., 58 E. University. Craig, T. H., 5 Main. Davis, E., 404 S. Walnut, U. McEvilly, W. M., 304 S. Neil. Maurer, Chas., 213 N. Neil. Moulder, O. E., 205 Price Bldg. Smith, John O., 202 N. Neil. Wallin, S. M. F., 19^ Main. Wuesteman, A. E., 14 Main. Hartford, Wmi., New Robeson Bldg. Hartford, W. S., 222 W. Main, U. Parker, F. A., 133 W. Park. Ross, Julia, 203 W. University. Scott, H. A., 301-302 Illinois Bldg. Scott, Nellie, 206 W. Church. PAINTS AND OILS. Bacon Bros., 107-109 N. Walnut. Bacon, F. M., & Son. Bacon, G. N., & Co. Barnhart Bros., 208-210 W. Main, U. Hall, C, A., Hardware Co., 115 S. Race, U. Knowlton & Bennett, 135-137 W. Main, U. Leslie, F. M., 121 W. Main, U. Oldham, Bros., 123 S. Race, U. Price Decorating Co., 207 S. Neil. Ross, Sim, Drug Co., 112 E. Univer- sity. Sim, Wm., Drug Co., 105 W. Main, U. Swannell, H. & Son, 1 Main. Taylor Hardware Co., 74-76 E. Univer- sity. Williams, Black, Inc., 412 N. Neil and 345 Hickory. PHOTO SUPPLIES. Cunningham Bros., 25 Main. Leslie, F. M., 121 W. Main, U. Lloyd, D. H., 7 Main. Lloydes University Store, 606 E. Green. Mollett & Woller, 223 N. Neil. Oldham Bros., 123 S. Race, U. Ross, Sim, Drug Co., 112 E. Univer- sity. Sim, Wm., Drug Co., 105 W. Main, U. Strauch Photo Craft House, 625 S. Wright and 112 N. Neil. Swannell, H. & Son, 1 Main. U. of I. Supply Store, 627-631 S. Wright. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. Hard, O. R., 512 S.' Mathews, U. Harding, Margaret, 308 N. State. PHOTOGRAPHERS. Abernathy's Studio, 313 N. Walnut. Artisto Photographic Studio, 614 B.- 616B E. Green. Cook, J. H., 328 Hickory. Duncan, Howard F., 614B-616B E. Green. Howard Studio, 211-212 Price Estate Bldg. Maguire Bros., 220 W. Main, U. Renne, H. L., 208 1 / N. Neil. Rose Studio, 2l l / 2 Main. Strauch Photo Craft Shop, 625 S. Wright and 112 N. Neil. 200 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. Allen, J. R., 312-318 Flat Iron Bldg., U. Bartholow, J. M., 114^ W. Main, U. Beardsley, F. A., 126 1 /* W. Church. Bennett, Cleaves, 300-301 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Burres, Wm., 215 W. Main, U. Cavanee, Elbert, 416 Illinois Bldg. Cogswell, Geo., 325 Illinois Bldg. Craig, C. M., 302 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg. Dallenbach, J. C., 421 Illinois Bldg. Davis, C. S., 19% Main. Davis, E. G., 215 1 / Main, U. Eade, T. M., 101 J4 N. Neil. Finch, James, 308-309 Illinois Bldg. Gray, William, 412-414 Illinois Bldg. Guleck, C. D., 504-506 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg. Haley, H. A., 402 W. Church. Hanmore, J. J., 135 1 / W. Main, U. Honn, William, 416 Illinois Bldg. Howard, Hartwell, 119^ W. Church. Hulett, R. W., 303 Illinois Bldg. Johnson, C. B., Kariher Bldg. Kariher, H. C., 300 Kariher Bldg. Kirby, D. K., 308 Illinois Bldg. Kratz, E. A., 9-10 Imperial Bldg. Lindley, M. & A. M., 119^ W. Main, U. Lyons, Jennie, 302 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg. Mason, J. S., 123 W. Elm, U. McKinney, C. D., 204-206 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg. McKinney, T. J., 204-206 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg. Mevill, A., 602 W. Nevada, U. Miller, E. P., 110^ W. Main, U. Miller, H. W. 125^ Main, U. Miller, L. C, 304 Ilinois Bldg. Miner, Ellen, 328-329 Illinois Bldg. Moss, C. T., 623^ S. Wright and 202 W. Elm, U. Newcomb, C. F., 401-402 Illinois Bldg. Nichols, Charles, 220J4 W. Main, U. Osborne, J. W., 408 Illinois Bldg. Replogle, P. S., 127-129 Hamilton Bldg. Rowan, H. E., 112^ N. Walnut. Rudy, F. T., 502 E. Green., Joseph, 216-217 Price Es- tate Bldg. Schowengerdt, W. E., 412 Illinois Bldg. Seeker, Wm. V., 200 Citizens Bank Bldg. Shurtz, S. W., 305}4 N. Neil. Spears, C. H. (eye, ear, nose & throat), 432 Illinois Bldg. Stanley, Otis, 602^ E. Green. PHOTOGRAPHED This Year on Your Birthday MOTHER FATHER SON DAUGHTER- FRIEND There's someone who'll treasure a photograph of you, and those far away will receive your picture almost as if it was a visit from you. MAGUIRE'S STUDIO URBANA, ILL. iiiiiiiiiiiiui L V. KIRBY AUTO CO. Home of the Famous URBANA, ILL. 201 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Dr. Harlow V. Wilson Limited to the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Phones: Auto 1033; Bell 275 Illinois Building CHAMPAIGN ILLINOIS DR. C. M. CRAIG Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Glasses Fitted Phones: Auto 2108; Bell 2734 First National Bank Bldg. CHAMPAIGN ILLINOIS ^iimmiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmii: r Main. Sinnott, J. W., 711 N. Neil. Smith, H. D., 619 S. Wright. Spry, J. A., 67 Main. Swanson, F. L., & Son, 512^ S. Mathews, U. Taggart, T. T., 203-305 N. Market. White Lunch Room, 28 Chester. Woods Cafe, 11 N. Walnut. RUBBER WORKS. Champaign Rubber Works, 324 N. Market St. RESTAURANTS. Alamo, The, 715 S. Wright. Beatty, S. L., 71 Main. Buch, Fred W., 707-709 N. Neil. SAND AND GRAVEL. Harris-Dillavou & Co., 25 E. Spring- field. Somers Bros., Big 4 R. R. and N. Orchard, U. Stipes, R. A., 609 Champaign. 208 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Stipes & Hecker, 108 N. Walnut. Wagner & Son, 118 N. Market. SECOND HAND GOODS. Johnson, W. H., 207 S. Market, U. Klorfine Bros., 125 E. University. Kruse, W. C., 113-115 S. 1st. Phillips & Co., 113 N. Market. Simetsky, A., 201^2 E. University. Stoolman, Chas., 116 E. University. SEEDS FARM AND GARDEN. Champaign Seed Co., 9 E. University. Hall, C. A., Hardware Co., 115 S. Race U. Hardy, W. F., 41 E. University. McFadden, H., & Bro., 116 S. Neil. SEWING MACHINES. Lloydes, D. H., 7 Main. Sampson, E. W., 119-121 N. Race, U. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 122 N. Neil. SHOES. Best, A. S., 617 S. Wright. Champaign Bargain Store, 118 E. University. Cohen, M., & Son, 54-56 E. University. Curry & Taylor, 133 W. Main, U. Dolling, W. J., 113-115 W. Main, U. Edwards & Mitchell, 116 W. Main, U. Finch, J. H., & Co., 104 W. Main, U. Gordon, A. W., 17 Taylor. Grimes, G., 122 S. Race, U. Jetter, T. J., 6 Taylor. Julian Shoe House, 111 W. Main, U. Kaufman, J. M., & Co., 16-18 Main. Kelley, S. P., 4 Main and 210 N. Neil. Klorfine Bros., 47 Main. Kuhn, Jos., & Co., 33-35 Main. Lewis, W., & Co., 113-123 N. Neil. Lowenstern, M., & Son, 205 W. Main, U. Paul, W. W., 27 Main, U., Robeson, F. K., W. Church and N. Randolph. St. Louis Bargain House, 72 E. University. Snyder & Collard, 312 Hickory. Snyder & Snyder. Spalding, A. W., 19 Main. Stanley, J. L., 319 N. Neil. Stern Bros., 23 Main. Swearingen Shoe Store, 114 N. Neil. Weingarten, Sam, 11 Main. Zombro, R. E., 606 E. Green. SHOE REPAIRERS. Broderick, G. H., 205 S. Market, U. Carringer, W. E., Rear, 126 W. Main, U. Champaign Bargain Store, 118 E. University. D'Urso, Anthony, 108 S. Race, U. Forman, H., 38 Main. Goodyear Shoe Repairing System, 510 E. Green. Hannan, Isaac, 504?4 E. Green. Hill, A. B., 62154 S. Wright. Klank, A. C., 13 Taylor. Klorfine Bros., 47 Main. La Sell, H. R., 603 S. Wright. Simon, H., 210 N. Neil. Stewart, E., 108 E. Washington. Urbana Shoe Shop, 112 W. Elm, U. Walker, J. F., 126 W. Main, U. Wascher, Gus., 624 N. Neil. SILOS. Alexander Lumber Co., 368 N. Wal- nut & 710 S. Neil. Somers Bros., Big 4 R. R. and N. Orchard, U. SPORTING GOODS. Cunningham Bros., 25 Main. Hamersmith & Pearce, 8 Taylor. Lloyde, D. H., 7 Main. Lloydes University Store, 606 E. Green. Strauch Photo Craft House, 625 S. Wright and 112 N. Neil. U. of I. Supply Store, 627-631 S. Wright. STOVES AND RANGES. Barnhart Bros., 208-210 W. Main, U. Derrough & JCo., 31 Main. Doyle, John H., 28 Main. Freeman & Son, 110 W. Main, U. Hall, Charles A., Bardwe. Co., 115 S. Race, U. Keck, F. D., Furn. Co., 114-116 W. Church. Knowles Plumbing & Heating Co., 615 S. Wright. Kruse, W. C, 113-115 S. 1st St. Lawrence, G. C., 224 W. Main, U. Lillard & Getman, 44-46 Main. Patterson, M. J., & Co., 105-107 N. Neil. Percival & Moorehead, Neil, S. E. Cor. University. Reliable Furniture Co., 101-103 E. University. Robeson, F. K., W. Church and N. Randolph. 209 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY TAILORS. Bing, L. L., 119J4 W. Main, U. Dollinger, A. L., 202^ N. Neil. Dougan, Elmer, 114 S. Race, Urbana. Gehrke H., 34^ Main. Glasgow Tailors, 314 Hickory. Grimes, G., 122 S. Race, U. Gulick Tailoring Co., 207^-209^ N. Neil. Herbstriet, J. F., 205 S. Birch, U. lies, W. A., 106 N. Market, U. Irwin, J. H., 29^4 N. Main. Kaufman, J. M., & Co., 16-18 Main. Lawder, John W., 11 W., Church. Marshall, F. G., 715 S. Wright. Michael & Dimmer, 7 Swannell Bldg. Noby Tailors, 306 N. Neil. Pruitt, G. J., 128 W. Main, U. Robeson, F. K., W. Church and N. Randolph. Ross, John, 108 W. Elm, U. Sperise, Emerson, 2 Main. Walker, J. Frank, 126 W. Main. Weingarten, Sam, 11 Main. TALKING MACHINES. Bacon Bros., 107-109 N. Walnut. Eggleston Music House, 41 Main. Killer, C. A., 24-26 Main. Lawrence, G. W., 224 W. Main, U. Leslie, F. M., 121 W. Main, U. Lloydes, D. H., 7 Main. Lloydes University Store, 606 E. Green. Sill, L. L., 4 Hamilton Bldg. Strauch Photo Craft House, 625 S. Wright. Swannell, H., & Son, 1 Main. TEAS AND COFFEES. Champaign Tea & Coffee Co., 201 N. Market. Great Western Tea & Coffee Co., 212 W. Main, U. TELEPHONE COMPANIES. Central Union Telephone Co., 328 N. Neil. Home Telephone Co., 201 S. Neil. TILE. Bennett, John B., 221 Central, U. Harris-Dillavou & Co., 25 E. Spring- field. Oldham, J. G., 107 Cohen Bldg., U. Sheldon Brick & Bldg. Supply Co., 520 Cunningham. Stipes & Hecker, 108 N. Walnut. Wagner & Son, 118 N. Market. TINNERS. Brinnig, J. B., Rear, 506 S. 4th. Derrough, H. O., 604 N. Elm. Doyle, J. H., 28 Main. Gabel, J. C, 200 N. 1st. Hudson, C. A., 104 N. Water, U. Johnson, C. W., Rear, 115 S. Race, U. McGlade, H., 120 W. University. Mollet, Charles, 205 W. Clark. Prentice, Chas. E., 11 E. University. Taylor Hdwe. Co., 74-76 E. University. Terwilleger, A. M., & L. A., 120 N. Neil. TRUNKS AND BAGS. Kuhn, Jos., & Co., 33-35 Main. Lewis, W., & Co., 113-123 N. Neil. Nunan Trunk & Leather Co., 320 Hickory. Robeson, F. K., W. Church and N. Randolph. Willis, G. C, 15-17 Main. UNDERTAKERS. Blythe & Fry, 118 E. Main, U. Easterbrook, E. N., 330 N. Neil. Kruse, John, 73-77 E. University. Mittendorf, Louis, 134 W. Park. Renner, E. H., 220 W. Main, U. Sweringen & Stewart, 117 W. Univer- sity. VETERINARY SURGEONS. Corkery, Timothy W., 301 E. Main, U. Pilon & Rodgers, 502 Hickory. Stoeckinger, P. F., 119 W. Elm St. Wolf, Dr. H. H. VULCANIZERS. Brash, J. M., Ill W. Elm,, U. Champaign Rubber Wks., 324 N. Neil. Fedler, J. L., Motor Co., 322 Hickory. Herrick Auto Supply, 113 W. Park. Kerby, E. V., Auto Co., 110-112 N. Market, U. Stotleys Garage, 64-68 Chester. Two in One Tire Shop, 516 N. Neil. Urbana Rubber Wks., 129 N. Race, U. WALL PAPER. Bacon Bros., 107-109 N. Walnut. Davis A. George, 406 N. 3rd. Knowelton & Bennett, 135-137 W. Main, U. Leslie, F. M., 121 W. Main, U. Price Decorating Co., 207 S. Neil. Sedgwick, Chas. A., 607 S. Randolph. Sim, Wm., Drug Co., 105 W. Main, U. Williams, Beach, Inc., 412 N. Neil. 210 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY WELDING. Dwiggins, A. P., Rear, 506 S. 4th. WELL DRILLERS. Davis, W. M., 116 N. Market, U. Ferris, Charles H., 109 W. Illinois, U. WINDMILLS. Davis, W. M., 116 N. Market. Dijlavou, S. E., 335 N. Walnut. DEWEY Dewey Bank, The (Not Inc.) Hazen & Renter Grain, Lumber, Etc. Jackson & Hamm Garage, Etc. Jones, J. M. Co General Store, Grain, Etc. Jones, Oscar Restaurant Knell, Chas Blacksmith Knell, Henry Gro. & 5c & lOc Store Lorenz, Ernest Drugs & Grocery Nordenberg, Oliver Hardware Wallen, C. F Restaurant MRS. LENA STEVENSON MANN Household Editor of Prairie Farmer DEWEY BANK DEWEY, ILLINOIS Solicits your Deposits and Loans J. M* Jones Co, General Merchandise Grain, Coal, Farm Imple- ments, Automobiles and Automobile Supplies, Buggies and Harness. Dewey : Illinois 211 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY FISHER OA r>r\f\v r\ \r *>r Allen, Harry Harness . A. COOK, L. V. M. Chapman & Wade.... Hardware, Stoves Cook, Dr. O. A Veterinarian rPAHIIATF Dale, Tom Livery UKAUU A 1 fc Dreyfuss, Simon General Store VETERINARIAN Fisher Bank F. B. Vennum, Prop. Fisher Farmers Grain & Coal Co. Fisher Produce Co. (Not Inc.) Phone 87 Fisher Telephone Co. Gilmore, Alva Printer, Etc. 17ICUITD II I IMniQ Gilmore & Kidd Garage & Reprs. FISHER ILLINOIS Hollingsworth, P. M .... Printer ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Kenward, Joel W General Store Kidd, Chas Confect. & Restr. Knapp, I. J Jeweler, Optometrist Martin, Dr. L. W Veterinarian Mcjilton, John E I. J. KNAPP Lumber, Bldg. Material Means, Dora (Mrs. Frank B.) Glasses Fitted Scientifically : Drugs & Jewelry Prock, W. T Restr. & Confect. Reardon & Naylor Implements, Etc. o . . Roles, Newton Blacksmith Jeweler OC Uptometnst Rome, Agnes General Store Roth, J. M Wagon Repr., Etc. Sayers, J. O Hdwe., Gro., Etc. FISHER ILLINOIS Smi t h ; Geo / wY.'.Y.Y.Y. . . Gwraj Store Taroff Bros Dry Goods Trotter & Co. . .Gro., Restr. & Real Est. Unzicker, Wm Plumber & Tinner i Vennum & Gilmore Grain & Coal DR. L. W. MARTIN VETERINARY SURGEON Mverso. & sS, IFF .^..,*t, AND DENTIST Barnes, J. S.. Notary, Real Estate & Ins. Beeler, P. L Livery Residence Phone 21 Boggs, S. G Blacksmith Office Phone 9 Breithaupt, E. E Photographer Brown, Lloyd Barber Office Located on Front Street Busboom, Fred Gen'l Mdse. FISHER ILLINOIS parley Alvin .Carpenter Chumbley, Root Restaurant I Darter, G. A Junk i CHAS. PAIRFIELD, President ^ +++++*+++++++++*++++++++++++*++*4l L. E. FARL.OW, Sec'y and Mgr. Fisher Farmers Grain and Coal Co. Dealers in Grain, Coal and Feed Owned by the FARMERS and operated in the interest of the Farmers of this community Our Success Depends Upon Your Patronage FISHER, ILLINOIS >****++++++-+++++++++*t+^ 212 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY The Main Business Street of Fisher, Champaign County, Illinois J. E. Me JILTON Phone 38 FISHER, ILLINOIS We Sell and ^ Recommend TRIPLE-G GOODS Bradley & Vrooman's Paints. Curtis Mill Work. Mule Hide Roofing American Steel & Wire Co.'s Products. Can't-Sag Gates. Rowe's New Idea Hog Oiler. Barrett's Creosote. Michigan Ladders. Fords. Bird & Sons' Asphalt Shingles and Roofing. Rogers' Stain Floor. Acme Plaster. LUMBER BUILDING MATERIAL FENCING POSTS TILE : BRICK CEMENT 213 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY in Dry General MR. FARMER: Make our store your store. We always keep a first- class line of STAPLES AND FANCY GROCERIES Also everything Goods, Shoes and Merchandise. Make this your headquar- ters when in GIFFORD, ILL. Steiner & Harweger We Sell and Recommend Gold Medal Flour : "Selz" Shoes None Such Canned Goods Stephenson Underwear Auto Brand Overalls and Work Shirts Agents for Scotch Woolen Mills Clothes Doan, Mrs. L Boarding Edinburn, Frank Veterinarian Ellis Lumber Co., F. D. Hamilton, Mgr. Extell, Dr. E. S Physician Gifford Elevator Co., O. J. Bear, Prop. Gifford Opera House, E. A. Wood, Mgr. Gifford Tel. Co., Coon Bros., Mgrs. Hickman, Cyrus Implements Hoch, John Blacksmith Jeakins, J. S Windmills Johnson, Jacob Hardware & Coal McGinley, Ira Insurance McHenry, J. W ...Furn. & Undrtkg Morrison, Frank Restaurant Morse, J. D Ins. & Notary Morse State Bank Park, G. B General Mdsc. Sheuring, Joseph Harness Siddens, J. E Well Digger Slander fer, Ed Draying Steiner & Harweger Gen' I Mdse. Steward, A. A., & H Barbers Stewart, Harry Produce Stover, Frank Draying Strine, Mrs. F. C Millinery Sugar Creek Creamery, E. E. Breithaupt, Prop. Walker, Dr. T. E. Wood, E. A. & Co Garage Wopldridge, E. B.... Ins. & Notary Wright, Elmer Garage ftumiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiilniniiininiiiiiiiniiiiiuiniitiitiiiiiniiitiiniiiiiniiuiiiiiiiiiiin I J. D. MORSE, President E. B. WOOLDRIDGE, Cashier THE MORSE STATE BANK OF GIFFORD ESTABLISHED 1885 INCORPORATED 1912 Capital Stock . . . $25,000.00 DIRECTORS R. H. MORSE, E. B. WOOLDRIDGE, J. D. MORSE, E. J. MORSE H. M. WOOLDRIDGE GIFFORD ILLINOIS If it's the best, I have it, can get it, or It isn't made. Everything in Groceries, Meats, Dry Goods and Ladies' Wear. Also the latest in Men's Furnishings at reasonable prices. Agent for the J. L. Taylor made-to-measure clothes. Lion and Peter's Brand Shoes Ball Band Rubber Goods Eaco Flour I always keep the following Trlple-G goods in stock: Del, aval Cream Separators FRED BUSBOOM Telephone 8 GIFFORD, ILLINOIS 214 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY The Business Section of Homer, 111. HOMER Akers, W. H Jeweler Allison, H Stock Dealer Brayshaw, Dr. F Physician Broodbert, F Meats Butler, T. R Grocery Citizens Bank Bank Conke, C. A Hardware Conke, Dr. F. M Dentist Cronwell Oil Co. Current, J. M. & Son Grain Cusiek, J. A Blacksmith Davidson, J. G Garage Davis, C. H Telephone Mgr. Dickson, Dr. O. P Veterinarian Franz, J Real Estate Gilkey, G Barber Greenwell, G. H Blacksmith Hall, Fred Poultry Dealer Hall Dr. J. T Veterinarian Hall, R. Y /. T. S. Agent Hamil, L. L Furn. & Undtkg. Hayes, F. C Grocery Hess & Ball .Dry Goods Homer Hdwe. Co Hardware Junkins, A. E Feed Jones, W Barber Krugh, B. C Harness Lowry, Dr. J. E. Physician Lowry, T. L Meats Maynard & Redder Barbers Neil, R. D Meats Oshelltree, J Insurance Peters, D. & Son Mfr. Gates Rammond Oil Co. Robinson, B Livery Roloff, R. A Tailor Rose, F. M Dentist Rose, Dr. F; M Grain Rosenbaum .. . . , Cigar Mfr. Shroll & Son Baker Siebauet, J Shoe Repairing Smith, J. A Druggist Smott, H. M Lumber Stevens & Henry Garage Tate, Dr. E Physician Thompson, A. L Hardivare Thompson, W. S Electrical Contr. Volborn, Dr. Al. L Physician Wallace, C. H Real Estate White, J. G Grocery IVESDALE Auth,-Leo Garage Blocker & Forestal Implements Burchard, H. E Garage Camp & Morgan Elevators Cavanaugh, Frank General Mdse, Boots & Shoes Cook, M. A Shoemaker Crinigan, M Groceries Crinigan, M Restaurant Doyle, J. J Groceries Farmers Elevator, P. E. Flavin, Mgr. Foohy, A. J Drug Store Gallivan, Dr. C Osteopath Haimon, G. R. & Sons Groceries Haro, M. O Groceries & Bakery 215 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Hicks, Dr. S. J Physician Ivesdale News, E. B. Suton, Mgr. Johnson, Stanley Meats Kelly, J. A: Poultry Kile, Chas. O. & Co Lumber Lambert, C. C Barber Landis, R. W Veterinarian Luft, Chas Barber Maley, C. F Veterinarian Rickets, Dr. M. M Physician Roosa, Wm Bakery Wikle, Bert Blacksmith Zybell, R. M Furn. & Undtaking LEVERETT A. J. Flatt & Son .Grain, Farm Implements, Merchandise, Automobiles Hershberger, J. M Grain LONGVIEW hapman, Nathan General Store Elvide, R. E Drugs Hales Bros. & Co Lumber, Coal, Seeds, Etc. Kincanon, Louis A Implements Kracht, Wm. B Furn. & Undtkr. Longview Bank (Not Inc.) McCormick, Thomas General Store O'Neil, Mike Meat Patchett, Warren Meat & Ice m Rahe, L. H Livery Vale, John E Dry Goods, Grocery & Restr. Vale, M. E (Mrs. John) Millinery Williams, B. E. & Co Hotel LOTUS Albin, Robert L. & Son Lbr., Coal & Bldg. Material Ennis, Charles A... Gen. Store & P. O. Lotus Grain & Coal Co Grain LUDLOW A. R. Produce Co., Elmer Day, Mgr. Auvinen, A Paper Hanger & Painter Bear, L. N Gen'l Mdse. & Groceries Bowles, Dr. T. K Physician Cole, R. W Insurance Daniels, A. K Drugs Dawson, C. W Blacksmith Ekstrand, E. A..Hdwe. & Notary Public Gathard, C. F Grocery Grahn, O. F Blacksmith Howord, L. W Restaurant Lateer, W. M Insurance & Notary Ludlow Elevator Co., R. M. Hodam, Mgr. Ludlow Telephone Co., J. Degroffr, Mgr. New, John C Grocery iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii A. J. FLATT & SON \ LEVERETT, - ILLINOIS | GRAIN COAL IMPLEMENTS, AUTOMOBILES AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE Mill 216 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY East Side Business Section of Ludlow, Champaign County, Illinois Established 1882 = See us before buying * 5 | Groceries, Fresh Meat, Dry Goods i Furniture or Floor Coverings i i s i i = We will buy your = Butter, Eggs and Poultry ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ _ 1 LUDLOW, ILLINOIS I niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniii" ' 217 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY North Harwood Telephone Co., J. Degrofft, Mgr. Osmun, J. M Gen'l Contractor Risser, E. D Grain & Coal, Elevator Sheehan, James Livery Sheehan, Orlo Insurance & Notary Smith, F. A., Lbr. Co., W. Thurman, Mgr. The Bank of Ludlow Whitcomb, Frank Barber MAHOMET Aubuchon, Dr Physician Bailey, Bert Painter, Paper Hanger Black, Elsie Music Teacher Busey, M. K Notary Public Caldwell, William Bakery Carson, Fred *. Shoes Carson, Joe Drugs & Grocery Carter & Pasley Grocery & Market Chapman, A. S Attorney Daniels, Dr Physician Daniels & LaFever Blacksmiths Farmers Elevator Gossard, E. M Restaurant Harriet & Pike Barbers Hayes, Russel Barber Hicks, James Blacksmith Hoit & Broomfield Contractors Home Bank Hyatt, James Transfer & Dray Jahr, F. O Grocery & Hdwe. Johnston, Jerry. .Grocery & Gen. Mdse. Jones, Mrs Dressmaker Jones, Samuel Tailor Lindsey Bros Restaurant Lindsey, Frank. .Painter, Paper Hanger Lindsey, Paul Cement Blocks & Tile Lindsey, Roy Dry Goods Mahomet Bank Mahomet Telephone Co. Moorhouse, Mrs. C. A Music Teacher Moorhouse, H. J Funeral Director, Insurance Munter, Edward Blacksmith Page Bros Livery Pearman, Dr Physician Phillippi, M. A Contractor Rea, T. H Dry Goods Sackrighter, Geo Brick & Tile Sisk, Dr Veterinary Smith, M. A Well Digger Smith, O. A. . .Poultry, Country Produce Sparks, William Plasterer Standard Oil Co. Stearns, Fred Garage Sucker State Weekly Newspaper Sugar Creek Creamery Co. Tanner, Forrest. . , Moving Pictures Thomas, Mrs Hotel Thurston, Chas Grocery Trinkle, Mrs Dressmaker Vance, W. M Real Est., Insurance Williams, J. W Well Digger Williamson & Son Plumbing Wills, Robert. . . .Painter, Paper Hanger Wright, Frank Restaurant Wright, Frank Grocery & Market Wright, O. F Real Est., Insurance Wright, Roy. Tire Repairing Wykle, William Elevator Young, James Grocery & Furn. MAYVIEW Saddoris, Ernest C Grain, Coal & Gen. Store Walton, H. T Grain, Etc. OGDEN Bartlett, George Restr. & Barber Berkley, T. F Miller Blake, Hiram Robert General Store & Hardware Brennan, C. & Son General Store & Hardware Cannon, G. H Harness & Hardware Dale, Chas. W Printer Delong Motor Co Garage Dixon, C. T Tailor Electric Supply Co. (Not Inc.) Farmers Mutual Telephone Co. Firebaugh, E. C Tinner, Plumber & Hardware W. J. LATEER, President NT. V. LATEER, Vice-President W. M. L.ATEER, Cashier The Bank of Ludlow LUDLOW, ILLINOIS CAPITAL STOCK $25,000.00 We are at your service for anything in the banking busi- ness. We will appreciate a call when you want service. 218 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY The Business Section of Ogden, Champaign County, Illinois Firebaugh & Scott Autos & Garage Freeman, J. H General^ Store Freese, Mrs. Jay Millinery Freese, W. J Restaurant Helton, D. E Jewelry & Sporting Goods Killer, W. J Meats Hixenbaugh, Robert Restaurant Hunter, Rourke & Co.. Lumber & Coal Kopies, Henry H Shoes Leedy, Elvin Barber McCannon, Daniel S Livery Ogden Bank, The (Not Inc.) Redmon, Jacob Harness Sherman, Wm. W Drugs White, John F Poultry, Junk, Etc. PENFIELD Alexander Lumber Co., W. C. Austin, Mgr. Campbell, S. C Garage Curtis, Ellis Painter, Paper Hanger Curtis, J. H Barber Gray, E. V Painter, Paper Hanger Hannigan & Gorden General Mdse. Inman, J. T Hdw. & Furn. Kelly, Patrick Restaurant Obenland, J. F: -..Restr. & Confcty. Penfield Tel. Co., Coon Bros., Mgrs. Rose, Henry Blacksmith Schumacher Garage Taroff Bros General Store The Bank of Penfield. Wehn, Dr. C. C Physician Wood & Colling Elevator Wright, R. M Painter, Paper Hanger PESOTUM Ablinger, A. F. & Co Painters-, Etc. Clark, Chas. E Hdw., Implts, Etc. Crawford, Lemuel Livery Davis, Burton & Gariner. . . .Grain, Coal Hausman, Ben Blacksmith Heinz, Julius A Undertaker Heinz, Riemke & Schultz Auto Dlrs. & Supplies Hoffman, Geo. F Drugs, Wallpaper Holl, William Autos Kleiss, Wm : Grocery Mix, D. H Grocery Ochs, Theodore L Hardware Pesotum Home Telephone Co. Piper, N. R Restaurant Rois, Wm Blacksmith Riemke, J. T Grain & Coal Shepherd, Roy Grocery & Meat Siefkin, G. L General Store Smith, Fred A., Lumber Co. Voelkel & Kemper General Store PHILO Bahr, Edward Brazelton & Melohne. .... . Well Drilling Brelsford, G. M Barber Cain Bros Grocery Davis, Dr. C. F Dentist Dickason, Griffith Blacksmith Fagaly, G. R Meats Fiscus, H. W Painter, Decorator Foltz, M. A Blacksmith Gilgee, F. F Restaurant Grothe, Otto Boots & Shoes Hazen & Franks Lbr. & Bldg. Matrl. Hesselschwerdt, E.d..Hdw. & Plumbing 219 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Main Street, Philo, 111., One of Champaign County's Wide Awake Towns 'HE PHILO GARAGE CO. miminnniiiiniiitiiy| AUTOMOBILES PHILO, ILLINOIS AUTO LIVERY, ACCESSORIES, REPAIRING STORAGE, GASOLINE AND OILS U. S. L. Service Station Electrical Work and Battery Recharging Tubes and Casing Vulcanizing 220 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Hess, Isaac E General Mdse. Jessee, Dr. R. L Physician Lannon, J. F Contr. & Prop. Elm Tree Hotel Lowry Bros Grocery Lowry & McCormick Real Estate Malone, M. O Millinery Malone, Wm Harness Mast, H. H Cement & Brick Mount, Herman Produce O'Neill & Plotner Grain & Implts. Penman, Robt Real Estate Philo Commercial Bank Philo Exchange Bank Philo Garage Co Garage Rickey, W. H Furn. & Undtkg. Ryan, Dr. Chas. F Physician Scheurich, Dr. Joseph Physician Simmers, J. E Dray & Transfer Soward, J. P Drugs Smith, W. B Painter Thickson, A. R Painter & Decorator Trost, H. W Restaurant Trost & Co., J. C... Grain & Implements Wimmer, J. W Grocery Wimmer, Newton Grocery Woodcock, J. S Barber RANTOUL Ackerman, John F Feed Mill Alexander Lumber Co Lumber, Lime, Etc. Bauman, Mrs. Lydia Nurse Beck, Harry Painter, Paper Hanger Beck, W. F. . .Decorator, Paper Hanger Blue Bros Garage Blue, Mrs. John Nurse Biddle, Dr. J. R ..Osteopath Bohlen & Gelvin Men's Furnishings Brewer, E. M Physician Campbell, Dr. A. E Veterinarian Cantner, Roy Grocery & Meats Carson, L. P Barber Central News Stand, E. McGlasson, Prop. Chambers, Mrs. James Nurse Clark, James F Attorney Clank, Miss Dora Dressmaker Clark, Dr. M '. Dentist Coffman, Max 5, 10 and 25c Store Commercial Bank Coon Bros Telephone Ex. Cone, Lum Painter Cozine, W. E Drugs Crane, E. N Real Estate Daily, Timothy Jewelry Public School Building, Philo, 111. 221 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY iiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiHiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiniiiiiiii!iinuiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiuiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiuiiiiii| Dar sham John Po ultrv Dealer j Diller, Dr. F. S Physician Pit C 1 I i Donovan, W. B H. ijCnlllCnberg Painter, Decorator, Paper Hanger Donovan, Dr. W. P Physician Dover, H. S Poultry, Cream, Etc. Ekblaw & Peterson Grocery Evans, Fannie.. .Millinery, Dressmaking AUTOMOBILES First National Bank Flagg, Lafayette Contractor Gray Bros Harness Accessories Gra y Bros Mitchell Agent Halberg, Axel Blacksmith Garage and Service ^.^Clcaning,' Pressing', Shoe 'Shining Hedrick, Frank Dry Goods Station Herricks Auto Supply. .. .Auto Supplies Hirschberg, Mrs. E Millinery iiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiniiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Holmgren, A Blacksmith Home Theatre Moving Pictures Tr7 , , . , .,. Hunt, Clifton When better cars are built . .Painter, Paper Hanger, Sign Painter Buick will build them Hyde & Lindsey Contractors = Hynes, Dr. M. L Veterinarian Jackson Bros Grocery "" """"" " ll "" 11 "" 1 '" | Jenson, O Blacksmith Jones, C. C Grocery RANTOUL, ILLINOIS Jones, H. P Restaurant Jones, Mrs. R. E Nurse I 1 Johnson, August.. ..Men's Furngs ^inuiiiuiiiiimiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiii iiiiiiiiiinniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinin Johnson Walter Jewelry A <5TTT T iwr HTMT Kuhne, William Contractor A SELLING I INT Leonard Bros. Furniture, Undertaking When a customer comes into your JJ ar j! n H T ous e -Hotel store and does not ask for the article JJ a Un / \ ,' L wer S wanted by brand name, it is a good M cCullough & Son. ... thing to ask, "What brand did you -Grain Office, Coal, Implements buy last?" or, "What has given you JJcCullough i & Son Hup Agent the best satisfaction in the past?" No K^? g | r Fo US ' ' f '? article has ever been made that suits {Jiller, ^ A ' & C ' ^ ' V WY f 3 ' everybody. What you are sold on H Oy ,? ros Real Est. Insurance may not please your customer. Even ^ ollo >' E s \; Ford Agent if you do not carry the brand that has ^ or " S> n' / ~r -^ Flor . isi given your customer satisfaction in JJ orton ' ** V. C Physician the past, you are better able to please Mur , ra T y ' Ahce your customer by having a standard JW J T ames to go by. Further, by getting the ^ ' ^r customer's ideas, you carry the JJ C S n 'T? e /T ge ' '' thought that your aim is your custo- {?& ?i mer's satisfaction. Such an atmos- ^y len > John ................. phere breeds repeat orders. O ' k'Cafe' ' Cleaning, Pressing Olson, O Laundry Parr, Philo Painter, Paper Hanger Peering, E Meats ATWFRTTQTrn rnrrc T>A v Perring, Charles Auto Livery ADVERTISED GOODS PAY Perring, John Ice A store cannot be successful that Peterson & Mincar Implements does not stock advertising brands. On Peterson, Mrs. Gertrude. . . .Dressmaker the other hand, a store can be sue- Pettibon, C. A Barber cesstul that does not carry private Rantoul Candy Inn Confectionery and obscure brands. Rantoul Grain Co Grain Moral Advertising does sell goods. Rantoul Ice Co Ice 222 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Rantoul Weekly News Newspaper Rantoul Weekly Press Newspaper Reed, W. W Real Estate Rowlette, Z. Taylor Real Estate Sanitary Bakery Bakery Saratoga Restaurant Restaurant Schulenburg, P. H Garage Seeber Bros Breeders Smith, John Coal Snyder, M. D Painter, Paper Hanger Stayton & Reynolds Real Estate, Insurance Steffler & West,. . .Dry Goods, Millinery Stengle, Jacob Hardware Stull, Murrell L Dray Sturdyvin Bros Undertakers Sturdyvin, James D Velie Agent The Fowler Bank Tracy, H. L Auto Agent Trickle, R. E Real Est., Insurance Walters, J. H Garage, Automobiles Warner, Charles Photographer Webber Drug Co Drugs Westerhaver, Mrs. Wm. . . .Dressmaker Western Union Telegraph Office. Whitmore, Dr. S. J Dentist Williams, O. E Hardware Wright Bros Grocery Yakel, Chas. & Son Real Estate, Insurance, Etc. Young, Glenn Confectionery Walters 'Garage J. H. WALTERS, Proprietor AJAX TIRES AFFINITY SPARK PLUGS HARRIS OILS GRAY & DAVIS ELECTRIC STARTERS FOR FORD CARS WILLARD STORAGE BATTERIES General Automobile Repairing FORD HEADQUARTERS FORD PARTS RANTOUL, ILL. SEEBER BROS. RANTOUL, ILLINOIS RR. 22 BREEDERS of Percheron and German Coach Horses, Chester White Swine. A Percheron Stallion Josne 79,666 (88,740) in service on Seeber Bros. Stock Farm, 6 miles South- west of Rantoul, 111. 223 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY The M. E. Church at St. Joseph, 111. CHAS. W. DALE, Publisher Record, St. Joseph, 111. Courier, Ogden, 111. Herald, Fithian, III. Farmers and Breeders Of Champaign, Vermilion and adjoin- ing counties, with these three publica- tions St. Joseph (111.) Record, Ogden (111.) Courier, and Fithian (111.) Herald, we cover the eastern part of Cham- paign and western part of Vermilion counties, making a great medium for advertising Farm Stock & General Sales Our Commercial Printing is Supreme In fact, might well be termed the "Art Shop." See us for Sale Bills, Stallion Cards, Etc. Examination Paper for Schools a specialty. Address all communications to ST. JOSEPH ILLINOIS 224 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY ROYAL Alexander Lumber Co. Campbell, Dora (Mrs. T. J.) Grocery, Restaurant Farmers Elevator Co Grain & Coal Fletcher, C. E Grain & Coal Koehler, Albert Blacksmith Leavitt, A. & Co General Store Meier, Bernhard & Co -. .Hdw., Implts. & Autos Royal Bank (Not Inc.) Stein, Jacob Restaurant Thomas, F. M. & Co General Store ST. JOSEPH Alverson, James H Grocery Central Illinois Electric Co. Cook, J. G. & Co...Restr. Confect., Etc. Dale, Chas. W Publishers Davis, H. E Garage Dukes, W. Albert Drugs, Jewelry Exchange Bank, Husey & Swearingen Co., Prop. Fenwick, Carey C Contractors Fish, J. V., Sr Blacksmith Gibson, Chas. W. . .Hardware, Plumbing Green, B. C Feed & Sales Barn Hoyt & McCarty Grocery Huffman, Orie C Meat Kienzie Bros General Store Walnut Grove Stock Farm Percheron Horses and Shorthorn Cattle a Specialty Islam (70103 American) (81348 Imported) Recorded by Per- cheron Society of America. Maxwalton Glory (401353) Sired by Avondale. Walnut Grove Sultan (422580) Sired by Royal Silver, the $4,000 Shorthorn Bull. Scotch and Scotch Topped Short- horns. Stock for Sale. Write for Prices M. E. LEIGH, Proprietor Phone No. 1367 ST. JOSEPH, ILLINOIS The Business Section of St. Joseph, One of the Live Country Towns of Champaign County 225 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY The Sadorus Lumber Co. We sell and recommend the following Triple-G Goods Can't Sag Gates Universal Cement Cornell Wall Board Certainteed Roofing Glide Track and Hangers JOHN MARA, MANAGER DEALERS IN Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Sash, | Lime, Cement, Plaster, Wall Board, 1 Asphalt, Asbestos Shingles and | Roofing. If You Are Going to Build See Us First | Estimates and Plans Furnished g FREE SADORUS ILLINOIS .Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiii^ WM. H. DeLONG, Pres. E. B. DeLONG, Cashier F. B. BLACKFORD, Asst. Cashier ILLINOIS BANK * SADORUS ILLINOIS 3 Per Cent Paid Fire Insurance -and- onTim a e n? ep08it8 See Us for Banking Service Savings Accounts Feirm Lo&ns .lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllillUIIHIIIIIIIIIIilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli: 226 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY The Sadorus, Illinois, Town Hall Lambdin Oil Co. (Not Inc.) Leedy, Mrs. M Grocery, Etc. Leigh, M. E Stock Breeder McLaughlin, B. F Undertaker Ogden, Thos Grain & Coal Peters & Meese Autos Peters, Walter C Insurance Pickett, Scott Blacksmith Reed, Wm Jewelery, Repr. Reese, James M Restaurant Rice, F. A Franklin Theatre Schuman, J. H Hdwe. & Furn. St. Josephs Bank (Not Inc.) Stookey, J. R Autos & Machinery Swearingen & Walker Grain, Coal, Wagons Towner, James A General Store White, A. E Lbr. & Bldg. Supplies SADORUS Bank of Sadorus Bankers Blackford, F. E Notary Bundy, Dr. C. D Physician Cathcart, R. E Notary Chambers & Foote Grain Colee, Cecil Restaurant Craw Bros Drugs Davis, Harry. .Painter & Paper Hanger DeLong, W. H Notary Evans, Price Furniture Farmers First State Bank Foote, W. H Notary Goudie, A. M General Store Griswold, F. A Harness Holl, F. J General Store liiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiniiiinniiniiinnniniiinniiiiiiiiiiinninniiH I Farmers First State Bank of Sadorus I SADORUS, ILL. Established July, 1910 Capital $ 25,000.00 Undivided Profits 10,435.58 Deposits 125,668.17 13 Per Cent Interest Paid on Time and Savings Accounts J. W. MATHEWS, President R. E. CATHCART, Cashier ..iiiniiiniiiiiiiiiiimiiiiimniiiniiiiiimiiimiimiiiniiininiiiiiiiiiiw 227 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Holliday, Frank Blacksmith Hovey, R. L Well Driller James & Barnfield Painter & Paper Hanger Kelley, C. A Hardware Klitzing Bros Implements Labler, Mrs. Emma Boarding House Lewis, Dr Physician Luhrsen, Mrs. Betty Millinery Luhrsen, H. W Hardware Miskell, R. C Barber Peoples Toll Line Co. Richardson, Frank Blacksmith Richardson, J. W - Meats Ruknow, John Contractor Sadorus, B. W Drayman Sadorus Lumber Co. Sadorus Telephone Assn. Sadorus, Warren Bakery Stewart, D. A Cartoonist Suffern-Hunt Mills Grain SAVOY Allen, Chas. W Blacksmith Allen, C. W Gro. & Hdwe. Coonrad, C. C, Cash Store Gro. & Men's Clothing Dunlap, J. H Real Estate Dunlap, H. M Mfg. Vinegar, Etc. Illinois Orchard Co., The Growers of Apples Savoy Grain & Coal Co Grain, Coal, Lumber SEYMOUR Avis, Gerald Painter Bell, O. T Gen'l Merchandise Cade, Virgil Well Driller Cecil, Dr. Dwight L Veterinarian Dighton & Hetishee Bankers Gates, C. B Barber Hadden, Dr. J. M Physician Haines, J. C Insurance Hartrick, Dr. L. E Physician Karr, James Grain & Implements, Coal & Lumber Meadlock, James Painter & Paper Hanger Medlock, John Livery & Feed Murray, Wm Grain & Coal Scott, W. R Gen'l Mdse. and Agent for Chevrolet Automobile Seymour Telephone Co. Wheatley, M. M Implements Wheatley, W. W Blacksmith Wilcoxin, T. E Carpenter, Contractor and Gen'l Mdse. SIDNEY Atterberry, J. M Veterinarian Bentley, H. M Druggist Bonnell, J. E. & Son Poultry Boone, G. D Hardware Cole, Geo. & Son Grocers Douglas Telephone Co. Everett, Cyrus Garage Fenimore, G. W Hotel Golden, C. L Hardware Greaves, Dr. H. N Physician Hardyman, H. H Hotel Hazen & Franks. . .Lbr. & Bldg. Matrls. Johnson, Dr. U. G Veterinarian Lawson, Dr. J. M Physician Lehman, E. J Meats Merriman, Hers Insurance Payne, B. E Barber Penny, Geo Dray & Transfer Rankin, J. F Insurance Rich & Blankenbaker .Elevator Sidney Grain Co Elevator Sidney Times Office State Bank of Sidney Temple, W. S Moving Pictures Trees, W. M Livery Tucker, Edward Mason Contr. Ward & Epperson Restaurant Winston's Bank Wopdard, J. O. & Son Garage Wright, Chas Blacksmith Youngblood, Howard Barber Youngblood, Roy Restaurant DWIGHT L. CECIL, D.V. M. VETERINARIAN MEMBER OP THE A. V. M. A. Honorary Graduate McKillip Veterinary College, Chicago, 111. Nothing Too Big or Too Little to Receive Prompt Attention Calls Answered Day and Night Consultation PIIIOE Phone 42 SEYMOUR, ILLINOIS 228 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY This is the Town Hall of Sidney, Champaign County, 111. THOMASBORO Alexander, F. M Barber Clements, Frank Livery Cribbett, Fred Livery Exton, Dr. T. J Physician Fiedler Bros Hardware First National Bank Grim, C. G Barber Jackson, Frank Harness Maker Kaufman & Co Groceries Livengood, Everett Druggist Loftus, John Groceries Maier, Lewis Confectionery Manke & Irle Groceries Schwartz, Herman Blacksmith Thomasboro Farmers Grain, Lumber & Coal Co Grain & Coal Trafford, Mrs. Laura Hotel Walton, Clarence T Elevator Ziegler, Wm Confectionery TOLONO Albrecht, Wm. F Meats Anderson, R. E Dentist Bank of Tolono, R. A. Bower & Son, Props. Baumann, Robert Blacksmith Bogena, O. W Harness Boone, W. E Gro., Drugs, Notions Burns, Byron Men's Furnishings Burroughs, James Painter & Paperhanger Campbell, A. B Publisher Charles & Son Hardware Citizens Bank (Not Inc.) Creamer, James Andrew Grain, Coal & Auto Driver, R. C Barber Duell, Guy E Garage Frampton, E. G Auto Supplies Gross, Wm. R Grocery, Ice Cream Heinz & Creamer Undertaker Holley & Co General Store Citizens! panb TOLONO, ILL. Individual Responsibility $500,000.00 Farm Loans a Specialty. a H Interest Paid on Time Deposits. Accounts of farmers are espe- cially solicited, and we guarantee every courtesy consistent with safe banking methods. 229 Horton Bros. & Co Grain & Coal Hunter, H. & E. F Lumber, Coal Jaques, Elmer F Hotel Mallory, Dr. C. A. Physician Marten, Dr. John Physician McDonnell, Phillip Grocery Moore, O. W Barber Murray, William Grain Perkins, W. A A ttorney Robison, H. B Hdwe. & Implts. Rogers Bros Feed Mill Thornton, Sara. . .Women's Furnishings Tolono Telephone Co. (Not Inc.) Whall & Andreau Poultry R. E. Anderson, D.D.S. Resident Dentist Graduate Chicago College Dental Surgery, 1895 TOLONO ILLINOIS J. A. CREAMER GRAIN, COAL AND SEED Garage and Auto Accessories Your Patronage Solicited Honest Dealings and Fair Treatment TOLONO ILLINOIS The Elgin Tractor Simple, Light Durable This general purpose tractor is light, sure and speedy the fastest going and quick- est working tractor you ever saw. Particularly adapted for general use on Illinois farms. Specifications Impossible to Strip Gears Light, simple, practical, durable, efficient, powerful and economical. Weight 2,900 pounds. Draw Bar Horsepower, 9-. Belt Horsepower, 18. Fuel Gasoline or distillate. Bearings All except Motor Hyatt Roller, Timken and New Departure Ball. Belt Pulley 9-inch diameter, 8-inch face. Belt Pulley Speed Controlled by clutch to 1000 revolutions per minute and reversible, operated by clutch lever. Speeds Nine speeds forward and re- verse. Working Speed of Tractor to 3J4 miles per hour. Controlled by lever. Road Speed of tractor with rubber tire equipment, to 8 miles per hour. Tractor is spring mounted front and rear ; operator's seat spring mounted. Tract! ^n Spike lugs are furnished with the machine, which are easily applied or taken off different forms and types can be furnished. Write for descriptive literature SLOAN & OWEN Distributors ELGIN - - - ILLINOIS 230 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Cadillac Motor Cars ROADSTER, PHAETON, CLUB ROADSTER, VICTORIA, TOURING, COUPE, BROUGHAM, LIMOUSINE, IMPERIAL, .LANDAULET 2, 3, 4, 5 AND 7-PASSENGER CARS OPEN, CLOSED OR CONVERTIBLE BODIES Special Chassis for Hearses and Ambulances Fireproof Garage A Real Service Station Modern Paint Shop Complete Repair Shop Sales Room and Office Expert Mechanics Employed in All Departments C. B. WIGGINS CHAMPAIGN Bell Phone 653, Auto 1544 BLOOMINGTON Kinlock Phone 598 231 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Champaign County Automobile Owner's Directory (This List Includes Farm Automobile Owners Only) Name Abbott, I. C. Abrams, C. E. Abrams, S. H. Ackerman, Ben Ackerman, E. Ackerman, Henry Ackerman, Herm. Ackerman, J. A. Ackerman, John Adams, G. W. Addy, J. A. Aden, Ehm H. Adkins, S. T. Albers, F. C. Albers, John Albers, L. L. Albers, L. R. Alexander, A. M. Alexander, C. Alexander, E. E. Archer, Chester Alexander, H. Alexander, R. G. Allen, A. F. Archer, Clinton Albers, Wm. L. Anderson, J. A. Anderson, I. R. Anderson, E. Anderson, C.L. Anderson, R. V. Anderson, A. J. Anderson, A. G. Allison, H. Anderson, J. P. Allen, C. M. Appl, John Anderson, N. P. Apperson, W. V. Anderson, J. B. Anderson, R. M. Anderson, S. Albrecht, F. F. Albrecht, C. Anderson, J. C. Anderson, P. R. Andrews, F. Archer, C. H. Argo, Wm. H. Arledge, C. F. Armstrong, C. H. Armstrong, F. Armstrong, G. W. Armstrong, J. A. Armstrong, J. E. Armstrong, J. L. Arnold, J. D. Asher, Jas. F. Astell, J. E. Astell, S. D. Auld, C. F. Auth, E.A. Auth, J. Auth, J. Make Postoffice Overland Mahomet, R. 41 Davis Seymour, R. 43 Overland Champaign, R. 1 Buick Rantoul, .R. 24 Jackson Gifford, R. 26 Ford Gifford, R. 26 Overland Gifford, R. 6 Auburn Ogden, R. 18 Buick Gifford, R. 26 Ford Fisher, R. 35 Ford Penfield, R. 27 Ford Rantoul, R. 24 Ford Clarence, R. 1 Lambert Thomasboro, R. 20 Studebaker St. Joseph, R. IS Ford Rantoul, R. 23 Davis Rantoul, R. 24 Ford Rantoul, R. 24 Velie Rantoul, R. 21 . Studebaker Tolono, R. 47 Studebaker Six Fisher, R. 34 Ford (2) Dewey, R. 32 Ford Champaign, R. 5 Studebaker Dewey, R. 32 Ford Dewey, R. 32 Ford Pesotum, R. 54 Westcott Champaign, R. 4 Overland Homer Reo Broadlands, R. 31 Ford Clarence, R. 1 Overland Ogden, R. 17 Ford Paxton, R. 1 Studebaker Seymour, R. 44 Ford Ogden, R. 17 Ford Paxton, R. 3 Moline Knight Ludl'ow, R. 30 Ford Mahomet, R. 41 Maxwell Mansfield, R. 1 Overland Homer, R. 59 Ford Foosland, R. 38 Maxwell Seymour, R. 43 Ford Ludlow, R. 30 Oakland Six Tolono, R. 46 Ford Urbana, R. 7 Chevrolet Ogden, R. 17 Dodge St. Joseph, R. 16 Ford St. Joseph, R. 16 Ford St. Joseph, R. 16 Ford St. Joseph, R. 16 Ford Urbana, R. 9 Ford Bondville, R. 65 Mitchell Sidney, R. 57 Studebaker Bondville, R. 65 Rambler Savoy, R. 45 Ford Bondville, R. D. Ford Penfield, R. 27 Ford Rantoul, R. 21 Ford Mahomet, R. 40 Mitchell Homer, R. 60 Glide Broadlands, R. 36 Overland Ivesdale, R. 53 Studebaker Ivesdale, R. 52 Studebaker Ivesdale, R. 52 Overland Ivesdale, R. 52 Name Babb, C. E. Babb, J. Babb, R. J. Babb, Thos. Babb, W. L. Backert, A. Backert, Wm. Bahrns, W. Baird, J. S. Baker, E. C. Baker, F. W. Baker, L. Z. Baldwin, B. Baldwin, C. H. Baldwin, Mrs. C. Bales, Alex Ball, O. P. Barber, B. F. Barber, Jas. Barber, John Barcus, Chas. Barker, Geo. Barker, T. H. Barnes, Jas. E. Barnes, Walter Barnhart, R. M. Bartell, B. H. Bartlett, T. P. Barton, Wm. Bassett, F. C. Bassett, R. Bates, Jas. A. Bauman, I. A. Beatty, C. Beatty, G. F. Beaver, Chas. D. Beck, Henry Bedient, W. H. Bedwell, W. H. Beeler, C. H. Beeler, D. E. Behrens, A. Behrens, J. H. Bell, E. S. Bell, Floyd Bell, F. S. Bell, John W. Bell, O. E. Bell, S. F. Bengston, C. A. Bengston, E. B. Bennett, N. Benschneiger, C. Benting, Frank Benting, Rikus Benting, Ryner Benting, Mrs. T. Benton, W. B. Berbaum, A. B. Berbaum, Fred Berbaum, H. Berbaum, Robt. Make Postoffice Ford Thomasboro, R. 19 Overland and Ford Thomasboro, R. 19 Ford Champaign, R. 6 Studebaker Rantoul, R. 24 Ford Dewey, R. 32 Auburn Sadorus, R. 51 Auburn Sadorus, R. 51 Reo Homer, R. 61 Dodge Homer, R. 60 Chalmers Champaign, R. 5 Ford Savoy, R. 66 Ford Savoy, R. 66 Overland Sadorus, R. 51 E. M. F. Sadorus, R. 51 L. Oakland Sadorus, R. 51 Maxwell St. Joseph, R. 15 Ford Foosland Ford Bondville, R. 65 Ford Champaign, R. 2 Ford Champaign, R. 2 Ford St. Joseph, R. 15 Lexington Bondville, R. 65 Ford Bondville, R. 65 Ford Tolono, R. 48 Grant St. Joseph, R. 15 Buick Mahomet, R. 41 Herffbrooks Urbana, R. 7 Overland Mansfield, R. 1 Ford St. Joseph, R. 13 Ford Champaign, R. 5 Ford Champaign, R. 6 Ford Tolono, R. 48 Ford Tolono, R. 48 Studebaker Fisher, R. 35 Mitchell Lotus Dodge Champaign, R. 6 King Seymour, R. 43 Buick Six Tolono, R. 46 Ford Mahomet, R. 40 Overland Gifford, R. 25 Overland Gifford, R. 25 Ford Dewey Chevrolet St. Joseph, R. 15 Cadillac Seymour, R. 44 Ford Seymour, R. 43 Willys-Knight Sadorus, R. 49 Rambler Seymour, R. 43 Ford Seymour, R. 44 Cartercar Champaign, R. 1 Velie Ludlow, R. D. Elmoore Ludlow, R. 31 Ford Tolono, R. 48 Chandler Homer, R. 59 Studebaker Ogden, R. 17 Overland Penfield, R. 28 Ford Thomasboro, R. 20 Ford Thomasboro, R. 20 Chevrolet Dewey, R. 32 Ford Bondville, R. 65 Overland Champaign, R. 2 Ford Savoy, R. 45 Grant Bondville, R. 65 232 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY By Diffusing the Light and Bending the Rays THE GLAR-KILR. LENS STANDS THE 100 PERCENT EFFICIENT TEST THE ONLY LENS THAT DESTROYS THE GLARE AND IMPROVES THE LIGHT MATHEMATICALLY CERTAIN AND SCIENTIFICALLY CORRECT AL. KELLER, Chief of Police Invented by a life-long student of light and use of lenses, Dr. W. H. Zorger. $3.00 to $4.00 Per Pair Circular on request The Zorger Lens Co. Incorporated CHAMPAIGN ILLINOIS 233 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Name Make PostoiBce Name Make Postoffice Bergfield, H. H. Hudson Longview, R. 64 Breen, Ja. Jeffery Urbana, R. 9 . Bergman, E. H. Hudson St. Joseph, R. 13 Bretzlaff, E. C. Overland Savoy, R. 66 Bergman, U. Lozier Thomasboro, R. 20 Bretzlaff, F. H. Chevrolet Tolono, R. 47 Bermingham, J. Ford Thomasboro, R. 19 Brewer, Wm. C. Chevrolet Allerton, R. 1 Besore, D. B. Ford Savoy, R. 66 Bright, E. W. Studebaker Foosland, R. 38 Besore, T. H. Buick Urbana, R. 7 Brinkley, S. M. Buick Rantoul, R. 21 Best, F. C. Willys-Knight Tolono, R. 46 Britt, M. S. National and Stod- Severs, Chas. Case Homer, R. 59 dard Dayton Ogden, R. 17 Bialeschki, A. F. Buick Pesotum, R. 54 Brooks, Jas. Overland Penfield, R. 27 Bialeschki, F. A. Ford Tolono, R. 47 Brotherton, L. D. Reo Ludlow, R. 30 Bialeschki, H. A. Rambler Sadorus, R. 50 Brown, A. W. Auburn Pesotum, R. 54 Bialeschki, L. F. Rambler Pesotum, R. 54 Brown, Clint Hudson Homer, R. 59 Bickers, Amos Overland Tolono, R. 46 Brown, F. L. Apperson Champaign, R. 3 Bickle, H. Chevrolet Bondville, R. 65 Brown, Harry King Eight Sadorus, R. S Bidner, C. C. Ford Mahomet, R. 41 Brown, John P. Ford Ludlow, R. 30 Bielefield, W. Overland Thomasboro, R. 20 Brown, John W. Overland Homer, R. 61 Birch, C. T. Ford Rantoul, R. 21 Brown, J. F. Ford Penfield, R. 28 Bireley, L. F. Ford Urbana, R. 9 Brown, O. M. Dodge Mahomet, R. 41 Birkey, A. F. Partin Palmer Rantoul, R. 21 Brown, R. E. Studebaker Foosland, R. 38 Birkey, J. A. Ford Foosland, R. 38 Brown, S. Ford Mahomet, R. 41 Birkey, J. C. Ford Dewey, R. 32 Brown, Theo. Buick Mahomet, R. 41 Birkey, L. F. Ford Dewey, R. 33 Brown, Theo. Reo Broadlands, R. 36 Birky, A. Ford and Parkton Brown, Wm. Ford Mahomet, R. 40 Fisher, R. 34 Brownfield, A. S. Ford Thomasboro, R. 19 Birky, A. R. Ford Foosland, R. 38 Brownfiel'd, J. Ford Urbana, R. 8 Birky, C. B. Ford Fisher, R. 34 Brownfield, M. M . Ford Urbana, R. 7 Birky, L. E. Ford Rantoul, R. 21 Brownfield, Roy Haynes Urbana, R. 7 Bishop, Geo. Ford Tolono, R. 47 B rudder, B. A. Rambler Bondville, R. 65 Black, T. H. Rambler Sadorus, R. 49 Bruhn, J. A. Reo Homer, R. 60 Black, W. Z. Kissel St. Joseph Bruns, H. Overland Penfield, R. 28 Blackwell, H. E. Ford Gifford, R. 25 Bruns, John Hupmobile Gifford, R. 26 Elaine, W. Chevrolet Champaign, R. 2 Bryan, H. Chevrolet Fisher, R. 35 Blank, C. Ford and Auburn Bryan, Jesse Chevrolet (Baby Grand) Bondville, R. 65 Fisher, R. 35 Blaudon, A. Chandler Seymour, R. 43 Bryan, J. H. Ford Urbana, R. 12 Bleichner, Geo. Maxwell Tolono, R. 46 Buchan, J. G. Inter-State Mahomet, R. 41 Block, Albert Overland Sidney, R. 58 Buchs, J. C. Mitchell Urbana, R. 10 Block, Amel Reo Sidney, R. 58 Buchs, H. H. Overland Urbana, R. 10 Block, F. L. Haynes Sidney, R. 57 Buck, J. J. Studebaker Penfield, R. 28 Block, F. C. Mitchell Longview, R. 64 Buck, Thos. Auburn Penfield, R. 28 Block, Henry A. Reo Sidney, R. 57 Buddemeier, S. A. Ford Sidney, R. 57 Block, H. Ford Homer, R. 60 Buddie, C. F. Oakland Six Philo, R. 56 Block, R. F. Ford Broadlands, R. 36 Buhr, B. M. J. Case Thomasboro, R. 20 Bloom, J. Ford Pesotum, R. 54 Buhr, J. J. Overland Ogden, R. 17 Blue, A. Ford Champaign, R. 5 Buhs, Chas. Ford Gifford, R. 26 Blue, C. E. Overland Thomasboro, R. 20 Burke, John Ford Thomasboro, R. 19 Blue, E. Ford Mahomet, R. 40 Burke, Wm. Ford Thomasboro, R. 19 Blue, Henry Ford Dewey, R. 32 Burke, Wm. F. Paige Six Tolono Blue, Louis Ford Rantoul, R. 10 Burley, G. W. Ford Thomasboro, R. 20 Blue, Wm. Ford and Buick Burley, J. S. Overland Urbana, R. 10 Mahomet, R. 40 Burnett, A. E. Ford Urbana, R. 7 Bluhm, F. Ford St. Joseph, R. 13 Burnett, Mrs. A. Dodge Urbana, R. 9 Bluhm, J. Kissel St. Joseph, R. 13 Burnett, Don Ford Pesotum, R. 55 Bocock, Al E. Chalmers Philo, R. 56 Burnett, M. C. Rambler Urbana, R. 17 Bohlen, Wm. Kissel Thomasboro, R. 20 Burnett, W. J. Overland Longview, R. 63 Boles, jas. A. Ford Ivesdale, R. 52 Burnett, O. C. Chevrolet Seymour, R. 43 Boland, J. Maxwell Tolono, R. 48 Burr, E. A. Stutz Philo, R. 56 Boling, B. H. Ford Dewey, R. 33 Burr, E. C. Oakland Six Urbana, R. 11 Bonnell, S. A. Overland Homer, R. 61 Burr, F. E. Overland Philo, R. 56 Bosch, A. Reo Broadlands, R. 36 Burr, F. R. Chalmers Sidney, R. 58 Boten, O. H. Ford Thomasboro, R. 19 Burt, N. M. Ford (2) Savoy, R. D. Bowman, Mrs. M. Davis Seymour, R. 43 Burwash, A. E. Ford Savoy, R. 45 Boyd, Chas. Overland Homer, R. 61 Burwash, L. S. Ford Savoy, R. 45 Boys, C. C. Ford St. Joseph, R. 15 Busboom, Ed G. Ford Gifford, R. 26 Boys, Wm. O. Oakland St. Joseph, R. 14 Busboom, Geo. Hudson Gifford, R. 26 Bradley, Ed. Studebaker Ogden, R. 17 Busboom, H. Rambler Gifford, R. 26 Braithwaite, E. Overland Sadorus, R. 50 Busboom, O. H. Haynes Rantoul, R. 23 Brand, A. S. Maxwell Sydney, R. 58 Busboom, P. Jackson Gifford, R. 26 Braten, Jas. Overland St. Joseph, R. 61 Busboom, T. Jackson Rantoul, R. 24 234 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY No valves to adjust or grind; no waste of costly gasoline; no carbon troubles. The only motor which gains power and smoothness with use "40" H. P., $1495 "50" H. P., $1840 Springfield Sedan and Coupe Models We are the pioneer automobile repairers of Champaign County. Have your automobile repaired by the most reliable firm at the same price as is charged by amateurs. Storage Batteries We carry a complete stock of Storage Batteries and Battery Repairs. Distributors of Exide Batteries. Distributor For BATTERY ** "iSx* *** SERVICE I'EXIDE" Batteries The Burr Company 332 North Hickory St. CHAMPAIGN, ILL. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 235 IlllllllllJii? PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Name Make Postoffice Name Make Postoffice Busboom, T. Chalmers St. Joseph, R. 13 Chesshir, A. W. Mitchell St. Joseph Busey, Clyde Nation Sidney, R. 57 Chester, F. P. Kissel Champaign, R. 2 Busey, J. H. Ford Savoy, R. 45 Chilton, Roy Ford St. Joseph, R. 13 Busey, M. C. Cadillac Champaign, R. 5 Christian, C. Hupmobile Urbana, R. 8 Bush, W. Reo Rantoul, R. 22 Christian, F. Overland Tolono, R. 46 Buss, J. Maxwell St. Joseph, R. 14 Christian, H. Ford and Davis Butin, F. Ford Sadorus, R. 51 Thomasboro, R. 20 Butler, J. B. Dodge Ivesdale, R. 53 Christians, E. Hupmobile Urbana, R. 9 Butler, T. M. Ford Tolono, R. 48 Christians, H. Sr. Hupmobile Butz, F. E. Hudson Super Six Thomasboro, R. 20 Tolono, R. 47 Christie, Mrs. E. B. Butzow, E. C. Ford St. Joseph, R. 16 Dodge Seymour, R. 43 Byerley, Chas. Ford St. Joseph, R. 14 Christy, E. D. Overland Rantoul, R. 21 Byrnes, Tim Maxwell Tolono, R. 46 Chumbley, F. A. Buick Ludlow, R. 31 Byron, Pat Ford Ivesdale, R. 52 Church, J. W. Dodge Champaign, R. 5 Churchill, Jas. E. Overland and Ford Cade, Chas. Peerless Seymour, R. 44 Philo, R. 56 Cade, D. H. Paige Penfield, R. 27 Clancy, Thos. Ford Savoy, R. 45 Cade, V. B. Studebaker Seymour, R. 44 Clark, Geo. W. Cadillac Urbana, R. 10 Cagle, J. H. Chevrolet Fisher, R. 35 Clapper, Frank Ford Bondville, R. 65 Cain, B. J. Ford Sadorus, R. 49 Clapper, R. S. Ford Mahomet, R. 42 Cain, Edw. Ford Gifford, R. 25 Clark, A. M. Saxon Six Penfield, R. 27 Cain, I. J. Buick Ivesdale, R. 53 Clark, F. Davis Champaign, R. 1 Cain, Jas. T. Chalmers Ivesdale, R. 50 Clark, F. C. Oakland Ogden, R. 17 Cain, Jos. Ford Ivesdale, R. 52 Clark, Geo. W. Ford Pesotum, R. 54 Cain, Thos. Overland Sadorus, R. 49 Clark, John A. Ford Ludlow, R. 29 Cain, Thos. Auburn Seymour, R. 43 Clark, J. H. Rambler Savoy, R. 45 Cain, T. W. Ford Ivesdale, R. 52 Clark, L. Ford Homer, R. 62 Cain, Wm. Studebaker Ivesdale, R. 52 Clark, Wallace Ford Homer; R. 61 Caldwell, A. E. Overland Urbana, R. 11 Clary, F. Ford Bondville, R. 65 Caldwell, R. M. Ford Sidney, R. 57 Claypool, R. J. Ford Rantoul, R. 22 Calvert, L. Ford Urbana, R. 7 Clayton, F. M. Overland Ogden, R. D. Camden, Huse Ford Mahomet, R. 40 Clem, Wilson Reo Broadlands, R. 37 Campbell, J. E. Overland Rantoul, R. 22 Clemon> Mrs. A. Hudson Super Six Campbell, W. M. Hudson Champaign, R. 4 Tolono, R. 46 Campbell, Edw. Ford Sadorus, R. 49 Clennon, F. W. Chalmers Tolono, R. 46 Cannon, J. F. Ford Homer, R. 61 Cler, Jos. Buick Pesotum, R. 55 Cannon, M. Overland Ivesdale, R. 52 Cler, Phillip Buick Pesotum, R. 55 Cannon, T. J. Ford Ivesdale, R. 52 Clifford, C. Rambler Penfield, R. 28 Cardiff, A. P. Oakland Urbana, R, , 7 Clifton, Chas. E. Grant Ludlow, R. 31 Carey, P. J. Ford Ivesdale, R. 53 Clifton, Frank A . Ford Ludlow, R. 31 Carl, Geo. D. Overland Thomasboro, R. 19 Clifton, Jess J. Ford Ludlow, R. 31 Carmien, Roy Studebaker St. Joseph, R. 14 Coady Bros. Davis Savoy, R. 45 Carpenter, Chas. Studebaker Penfield, R. 28 Coady, Mary Davis Savoy, R. 45 Carper, G. E. Maxwell Seymour, R D. Cochran, G. G. Ford Dewey, R. 33 Carper, U. S. Davis Seymour, R. 43 Codington, John Studebaker Homer, R. 61 Carter, C. W. King Seymour, R. 43 Coffey, J. E. Ford Savoy, R. 45 Carter, Ida A. Ford Ogden, R. 17 Cole, A. H. Ford Ludlow, R. 31 Carter, Mrs. S. Elco Seymour, R. 43 Cole, Isaac E. M. F. Sidney, R. 58 Carter, T. F. Ford Thomasboro, R. 19 Cole, S. L. Westcott Sidney , R. 58 Carter, Van Maxwell Homer, R. 59 Coleman, Ed Ford Thomasboro, R. 20 Carter, W. V. Ford Homer, R. 59 Collin, M. Ford Penfield, R. 28 Carter, W. W. Ford Penfield, R. 28 Collins, Clyde C. Ford Tolono, R. 48 Case, R. L. Ford Homer, R. 61 Collins, C. C. Ford Thomasboro Case, W. M. Overland Ogden, R. 11 Collins, C. H. Ford Champaign, R. 2 Cassady, Wm. Ford Penfield, R. 23 Collins, J. T. Ford Thomasboro, R. 19 Castle, Chas. E. Ford St. Joseph, R. 14 Collins, O. A. Studebaker Foosland, R. 38 Castle, F. M. Studebaker St. Joseph, R. 14 Collins, Thos. Hupmobile Rantoul, R. 23 Castle, Guy Ford St. Joseph, R. 16 Collins, W. J. Cole Champaign, R. 4 Castor, J. W. Overland Mahomet, R. 40 Collins, W. A. Ford Thomasboro, R. 17 Cavanaugh, J. W. Buick Urbana, R. 7 Collison, Fred Ford Rantoul, R. 22 Cekander, Albert Chevrolet Savoy, R. 66 Conard, Jas. S. Ford Dewey, R. 33 Cender, J. J. Chevrolet Foosland Concannon, Jas Jr. Center, John Studebaker Foosland, R. 38 Ford Ivesdale, R. 53 Chambers, J. J. Haynes Sadorus, R. 51 Condit, A. W. Ford Dewey, R. 33 Champers, Thos. Ford * Penfield, R. 27 Condit, D. S. Westcott Seymour, R. 44 Chenoweth, C. Buick Fisher, R. 35 Conerty, Mrs. Carrie Cherry, Henry Auburn St. Joseph, R. 15 Ford Urbana, R. 8 Cherry, Mervin Overland St. Joseph, R. 15 Connor, P. Jeffery Rantoul, , R. 21 236 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY m Watson Faulkner, Druggist L. W. FAULKNER, Manager Automobile Tires and Tubes AJAX, DIAMOND, GOODRICH SILVERTOWN CORD 208 North Neil Street CHAMPAIGN, ILL. Name Make Postoffice Name Make Postoffice Connor, Wilson Connor, W. F. Conrad, G. W. Consoer, Aug. Cooddinton, Wm. Cook, Dennis Cook, Frank Cook, Guy Cook, Ira Cooms, O. B. Coon, J. S. Coons, A. C. Coons, Gilbert Copper, Ira M. Ford Ford Ford Ford Studebaker Ford Ford Studebaker Ford Paige Six Oakland Mitchell Saxon Buick Penfield, Sadorus, Homer, Sidney, Homer, Tolono, Dewey, Ivesdale, Ludlow, Foosl'and, Ludlow, St. Joseph, St. Joseph, Pesotum, R. 27 R. 49 R. 61 R. 58 R. 61 R. 47 R. 32 R. 53 R. 30 R. 38 R. 30 R. 16 R. 16 R. 55 Corbett, R. P. Overland Ludlow, R. 31 Corbley, J. L. Ford Gifford, R. 25 Corbley, Ross L. Ford Gifford, R. 25 Corcoran, T. J. Ford Sadorus, R. 51 Cord, T. Oakland Sidney, R. 58 Cordts, J. A. Overland Ivesdale, R. 53 Cornelius, John P. Apperson St. Joseph, R. 13 Cornell, Ollie Overland Allerton, R. 1 Corray, G. M. Ford Urbana, R. 9 Corray, H. M. Buick Urbana, R. 8 Cotton, C. N. Buick Homer, R. 61 Cox, H. Ls Ford Foosland, R. 39 Cox, Lelie Ford Fisher, R. 34 Crabb, Grant Ford White Heath, R. 1 FRED A. SWANSON, President EDW. G. JACKSON, Treasurer THE FRED SWANSON CO. Corner Hickory and Washington Streets CHAMPAIGN, ILLINOIS MACHINE SHOP, AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING ACETYLENE WELDING AND BRAZING STORAGE BATTERY SERVICE STATION 237 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Name Make Postoffice Name Make Postoffice Crane, Clinton A. Ford Rantoul, R. 23 Dorsey, Jas. Ford Penfield, R. 28 raw, G. E. Westcott Sadorus, R. 49 Douglas, Geo. Marmon Urbana, R. 11 Crawford, C. E. Ford Longview, R. 63 Douglas, Roy Ford Urbana, R. 10 Creamer, Chas. F. Overland Tolono, R. 47 Douglas, T. S. Ford Seymour, R. 44 Creamer, Wm. C. Overland Tolono, R. 47 Downing, W. J. Overland Ogden, R. 18 Cresap, Chas. Ford Ivesdale, R. 52 Downs, Mrs. Nancy Cresap, Wm. H. Marmon White Heath, R. 1 Case Mahomet, R. 40 Critzer, C. W. Mitchell Urbana, R. 12 Doyle, M. J. Dodge Ivesdale, R. 53 Crowley, Mrs. M. Overland Mahomet, R. 40 Dozier.'John Dodge Foosland, R. 39 Crozier, Fred, Ford Dewey, R. 32 Drennan, Cecil Ford Dewey, R. 33 Cruser, H. D. Dodge Champaign, R. 5 Drennan, H. F. Ford Fisher, R. 34 Cunningham, S. P. Driskell, Geo. Hudson Penfield, R. 27 Overland Penfield, R. 28 Dubson, D. S. Oakland Fisher, R. 35 Curtis, Eugene Jr. Westcott Savoy, R. 45 Ducy, W. A. Ford Sadorus, R. 49 Curtis, Geo. Chevrolet Champaign, R. 1 Duden, G. D. Davis Gifford, R. 26 Curtis, J. W. Westcott Champaign, R. 1 Duden, Harm Maxwell Gifford, R. 26 Curzon, J. A. Ford Champaign, R. 2 Duden, John Studebaker St. Joseph, R. 14 Duitsman, B. J. Chalmers St. Joseph, R. 26 Dabney, Robt. C. Ford Champaign, R. 5 Duitsman, H. J. Chalmers St. Joseph, R. 13 Dadey, Edw. J. Reo Champaign, R. 2 Duitsman, John Jackson Ogden, R. 17 Daeger, Jake A. Buick Savoy, R. 66 Duitsman, John J. White Gifford, R. 26 Dahl, Aug. Ford Ludlow, R. 29 Duitsman, Oilman Jackson Ogden, R. 17 Dahl, J. F. Ford Ludlow, R. 30 Duitsman, T. Ford Ogden, R. 17 Dailey, P. M. Auburn Penfield, R. 28 Duitsman, Wilke Ford Gifford, R. 26 Dale, H. M. Ford Dewey, R. 32 Duitsman, W. Empire Ogden, R. 17 Dale, W. O. Reo . Seymour, H. 43 Duncan, T. C. Rambler Longview, R. 63 Daly, Chas. Overland Philo Dunkan, C. M. Chandler Penfield, R. 27 Daniels, Jas. W. Oakland Six Sadorus, R. 50 Dunlap, L. N. Marmon Savoy, R. 45 Danielson, O. E. Hudson Ludlow, R. 29 Dunlap, H. M. Buick Rantoul, R. 22 Dannison, Chas. Ford Ivesdale, R. 50 Dunn, Matt Ford Champaign, R. 6 Davis, Albert Reo Foosland, R. 38 Day, Dwight Cadillac Ludlow, R. 30 Davis, Jay R. Reo Mahomet, R. 42 Dye, A. E. Rambler Sadorus, R. 51 Davis, John Sr. Ford Seymour, R. 44 Dyson, Chas. W. Ford Urbana, R. 9 Davis, J. A. Ford Homer, R. 59 Dyson, John W. Ford Urbana, R. 9 Davis, J. H. Mitchell Broadlands, R. 37 Dyson, Henry Ford Urbana, R. 9 Davis, Q. A. Ford Clarence, R. 1 Davis, Richard Mitchell Longview, R. 64 Edens, Henry J. Mitchell Broadlands, R. 36 Davis, Wiley Inter-State Mahomet, R. 42 Edger, A. M. Overland Ivesdale, R. 53 Davis, Will Mitchell Sidney, R. 58 Edminson, Vaugh Ford St. Joseph Davis, W. L. Ford Mahomet, R. 40 Edwards, Roy V. Saxon Six Tolono, R. 48 Davison, Carl Ford Broadlands, R. 36 Ehler, B. E. Marmon Champaign, R. 4 Dean, Sam Oakland Dewey, R. 33 Ehler, Elmer Ford Champaign, R. 4 Deany, M. Overland Rantoul, R. 21 Ehler, John Studebaker Champaign, R. 5 Decker, C. G. Buick Philo, R. 56 Ehler, John J. Jr. Hupmobile and Ford Decker, Wm. Ford Champaign, R. 5 Thomasboro, R. 20 Deffenbaugh, A. Maxwell Mahomet, R. 42 Ehler, John W. Hupmobile DeHoff, Geo. Ford Penfield, R. 27 Thomasboro, R. 20 Delaney, Frank Buick Fisher, R. 35 Ehler, Reiner J. Hupmobile Dellenbach, L. E. Ford Champaign, R. 1 Thomasboro, R. 20 Demlow, H. W. Overland Bondville, R. 65 Ehler, W. Chalmers and Ford Denhart, A. E. Ford Ogden, R. 17 Champaign, R. 4 Denhart, C. E. Ford St. Joseph, R. 13 Ehler, W. J. Hupmobile (2) Denhart, Herman Auburn St. Joseph, R. 15 Thomasboro, R. 20 Denhart, Louis I. H. C. St. Joseph Ehman, John A. Ford Rautoul R. 24 Dennis, W. A. Ford Homer, R. 62 Ehmen, John L. Auburn St. Joseph, R. 14 Dennison, O. B. Studebaker Bondville, R. 65 Eichberger, Chas. Ford Ludlow, R. 30 Depuye, C. D. Hupmobile Urbana, R. 11 Eichelberger, Geo. Auburn Rantoul, R. 21 Dick, Wm. Ford Sadorus, R. 50 Eichhorst, F. W. Dodge Champaign, R. 6 Dickerson, Lee A.Rambler Mahomet, R. 42 Eichhorst, Mrs. Wm. Dillman, Emmet Jeffery Urbana, R. 7 Dodge Champaign, R. 5 Dillman, Mrs. R. Dodge Urbana, R. 12 Eilers, Henry Ford Gifford, R. 25 Dillman, Walter Ford Urbana, R. 7 Eisenmenger, Chas. Dillman, Wm. Patterson Tolono, R. 48 Reo Pesotum, R. 55 Dillman, Wm. F. Allen Savoy, R. 45 Eisenmenger, Leo Reo Pesotum, R. 55 Dittman, Joe Ford Tolono, R. 47 Eisenmenger, Will W. Dixon, W. J. Ford Sadorus, R. 49 Overland Pesotum, R. 55 Doehring, R. A. Overland Sadorus, R. 50 Elder, J..R. Auburn Ogden, R. 18 Dollahan, O. R. King Mahomet, R. 42 Ellars, O. W. Overland Sadorus, R. 51 Donahue, John Saxon Six Tolono, R. 47 Elliott, Amos Overland St. Joseph, R. 15 238 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Name Make Postoffice Name Make Postoffice Elliott, E. Dodge St. Joseph, R. 15 Elliott, Fred Overland Ogden, R. 18 Elliott, T. R. Ford Urbana, R. 8 Ellis, A. M. Ford Penfield, R. 28 Ellis, Chas. Ford Penfield, R. 28 Ellis, H. G. Studebaker Penfield, R. 27 Ellis, J. J. Henderson Penfield, R. 28 Ems, John P. Studebaker St. Joseph, R. IS Epler, John W. Ford Champaign, R. 5 Ersig, Geo. Overland Urbana, R. 11 Ersig, Gustav Ford Savoy, R. 45 Esworthy, C. D. Overland St. Joseph, R. 15 Esworthy, J. E. Chevrolet Odgen, R. 18 Esworthy, J. R. Ford St. Joseph, R. 15 Evans, F. L. Ford Rantoul, R. 22 Evans, H. H. Studebaker Ludlow, R. 30 Evans, J. H. Ford Dewey, R. 33 Evans, O. T. Ford Urbana, R. 11 Evens, C. L. Ford Rankin, R. 2 Eyestone, F. J. Briscoe Penfield, R. 28 Fackler, Alex Stud*ebaker Champaign, R. 2 Fackler, Geo. Ford Sadorus, R. 49 Fackler, Roy Buick Tolono, R. 47 Fackler, S. F. Jordan Six Tolono, R. 46 Fairefield, Chas. Ford Fisher, R. 34 Fairfield, E. J. Ford Foosland, R. 38 Fairfield, Palmer Ford Foosland, R. 38 Fairfield, Roy J. Ford Fisher, R. 34 Farquha, Wallace Ford Tolono, R. 48 Fawver, Jas. Krit Ludlow, R. 30 Federer, Fred Auburn Rantoul, R. 23 Federer, S. Ford Rautoul, R. 23 Fecht, Harm M. Jackson St. Joseph, R. 14 Feeney, Luke Studebaker Ivesdale, R. 52 Ficus, E. Ford Champaign, R. 3 Fiedler, F. Jeffery Champaign, R. 6 Fiedler, E. F. Jeffery and Ford Thomasboro, R. 19 Fillenvarth, J. G. Overland Fisher, R. 35 Fillenwarth, J. H. Buick Mahomet, R. 40 Fink, Chas. Cadillac Dewey, R. 33 Finley, J. Orton Ford Seymour, R. 43 Finney, H. Saxon Tolono, R. 46 Fiock, Chas. Ford St. Joseph, R. 13 Fiock, John Ford St. Joseph, R. 14 Fiock, L. R. Ford Urbana, R. 7 Fiscus, S. Ford Urbana, R. 9 Fisher, Chas. A. Ford Savoy, R. 66 Fisher, Elmer Chalmers Savoy, R. 66 Fisher, Mrs. E. L. Buick Six Savoy, R. 66 Fisher, Guy H. Velie Savoy, R. 66 Fisher, G. H. Ford Foosland, R. 39 Fisher, Jos. Briscoe Champaign, R. 1 Fisher, O. E. Hupmobile St. Joseph, R. 16 Fisher, Scott Allen Savoy, R. 66 Fitton, B. J. Ford Rantoul, R. 23 Fitton, Henry R. Ford Rantoul, R. 23 Fitton, Russel A. Ford Rantoul, R. 24 Fitzgerald, J. M. Ford Broadlands, R. 36 Fitzsimmons, L. W. Ford St. Joseph, R. 16 Flagg, H. R. Ford Dewey, R. 32 Flagg, W. E. Ford Rantoul, R. 23 Flatt, Ross A. Ford Leverett, R. D. Flavin, John Westcott Ivesdale, R. 52 Flesner, Ekke Jackson Gifford, R. 26 Flesner, Ekke Jr. Kissel St. Joseph, R. 13 Flesner, Frank M. Overland Gifford, R. 26 Flesner, Geo. Jackson Gifford, R. 26 Flesner, John Cadillac Rantoul, R. 24 Flesner, Martin Glide Rantoul, R. 24 Fletcher, Clyde R.Haynes Pesotum, R. 54 Fletcher, Earl Ford Rantoul, R. 22 Fletcher, Elmer E. Allen Pesotum, R. 55 Fletcher, J. T. Auburn Rantoul, R. 22 Fletcher, Ray Dodge Urbana, R. 11 Fogel, Clarence Ford Champaign, R. ; Fogel, C. A, Warren Mahomet, R. 42 Foley, John Ford Philo, R. 56 Foltz, C. J. Ford St. Joseph, R. 13 Fonner, J. T. Velie Broadlands, R. 36 FosseH, Thos. Marion Ludlow, R. 30 Foster, C. H. Ford Bondville, R. 65 Foster, C. J. Davis Bondville, R. 65 Foster, Frank Ford Fisher, R. 34 Foster, J. C. Ford Bondville, R. 65 Foster, O. A. Ford Fisher, R. 34 Foster, R. E. Chevrolet Mahomet, R. 42 Foster, V. D. Ford Dewey, R. 33 Fowler, L. S. Auburn Penfield, R. 27 Fox, Daniel Rambler Sadorus, R. 49 Fox, Matthew P. Ford Urbana, R. 7 Frampton, Card Overland Tolono, R. 48 Frankenberg, C. E. Ford Urbana, R. 7 Frankenberg, E. M. Auburn Ogden, R. 17 Franzen, Ehme J. Haynes Rantoul, R. 23 Franzen, Henry J. E. M. F. Rantoul, R. 24 Franzen, Wm. Westcott Rantoul, R. 24 EIGHTY PER CENT OF CHAMPAIGN COUNTY NEEDS LIMESTONE Lehigh Stone Company KANKAKEE, ILL. Will Fill Your Orders 239 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Name Make Postoffice Name Make Postoffice Ford Saxon Saxon Overland Ford Auburn Frazer, Elmer Frazier, Howard Frazier, W. H. Frederick, S. E. Frederick, Wm. Freeman, C. E. Freeman, Gordon Overland Freeman, Grant Chevrolet Freeman, J. J. Cole Eight Freeman, R. W. Ford Freeman, W. O. Chevrolet Frerichs, Geo. J. Ford Frerichs, Harm Frerichs, Henry Frerichs, Jelde Urbana, R. 10 Rantoul, R. 21 Rantoul, R. 24 St. Joseph, R. IS Ogden, R. 17 Ogden, R. 18 Homer, R. 61 Ogden, R. 18 Homer, R. 61 St. Joseph, R. 15 Ogden, R. 17 St. Joseph, R. 14 Apperson Thomasboro, R. 20 Empire Gifford, R. 26 Hupmobile Thomasboro, R. (20 Thomasboro, R. 19 Broadlands, R. 36 Gifford, R. 26 Frerichs, W. S. Ford Frick, F. J. Ford Fruhling, Geo. Ford Fruhling, Henry G. Studebaker St. Joseph, R. 14 Fry, C. H. Studebaker Champaign, R. 1 Full, G. C. White Steamer St. Joseph, R. 13 Fuller, Jesse K. Studebaker Ludlow, R. 31 Fulton, W. G. Buick Fultz, Grover Ford -Funk, Henry B. Buick Funkhouser, A. Dodge Funkhouser, Clinton L. Ford Funkhouser, C. E. Ford Funkhouser, I. C. Ford Funkhouser, Otis H. Ford Gady, Wm. M. Gaines, A. A. Longview, R. 63 Rantoul, R. 24 Ludlow, R. 31 Rantoul, R. D. Rantoul, R. D. Urbana, R. 8 Rantoul, R. 24 Gifford, R. 26 Sadorus, R. 51 Overland Haynes Five Broadlands, R. 37 Ogden, R. 17 Sadorus, R. 50 Sadorus, R. 50 Ivesdale, R. 53 Ivesdale, R. 52 Homer, R. 60 Urbana, R. 7 Ludlow, R. 30 Longview, R. 63 Champaign, R. 6 Moline Knight Tuscola, R. 1 Ford Champaign Ford Ludlow, R. 30 Ford Thomasboro, R. 19 Gebbink, H. R. Cole St. Joseph, R. 16 Gehrt, John E. Buick Six Rantoul, R. 23 Gehrt, Julius M. Auburn Dillsburg, R. D. Gentry, Jos. C. Ford Tolono, R. 47 Studebaker St. Joseph, R. 14 Case St. Joseph, R. 14 Ford Mayview, R. D. Buick St. Joseph, R. 13 Overland Savoy, R. 45 Hudson Super-Six Thomasboro, R. 20 Gesser, E. W. Auburn Sidney, R. 57 Gibbens, Rod G. Ford Foosland, R. 39 Gibbens, S. F. Studebaker Foosland Giblin, F. E. Ford Sadorus, R. 50 Gibson, B. E. Ford Homer, R. 59 Giertz, Fred Ford Sadorus, R. 50 Giertz, Otto Ford Fisher, R. 34 Gale, A. M. Auburn Gallagher, F. J. Overland Gallagher, W. J. Overland Gallavin, Geo. Haynes Ganely, Wm. Overland Gardiner, John L. Ford Garrett, A. M. Velie Carver, C. D. Saxon Cast, Wilbert E. E. M. F. Gates, Howard Ford Gates, P. J. Gault, C. W. Gauntt, E. Gauntt, R. Gerbers, H. H. Gerbers, Harry Gerdes, Geo. Gerdes, Wm. Gerth, John Gerbers, L. H. Gifford, Clyde L. Ford Thomasboro, Gilles, Geo. Oakland Pesotum, Mitchell Mahomet, Ford Champaign, Buick Mahomet, Hupmobile St. Joseph, Urbana, Sadorus, Gillespie, C. J. Gilliland, A. Gilmore, W. J. Glascock, J. R. Godsell, John E. Ford Godsey, Curtis Ford Godsey, J. H. Chalmers Champaign, Goldenstein, Chris Ford Thomasboro, Goldenstein, J. Hupmobile Thomasboro, Good Bros. Ford Thomasboro, Good, B. G. Ford Thomasboro, Good, Peter Westcott and Ford Rantoul, Good, Wm. M. Oakland Six Urbana, Good, W. E. Ford Thomasboro, Goodman, R. H., Jr. Willys-Knight Sadorus, Gorden, J. F. Buick Gifford, Gordon Bros. Mitchell and Ford Rantoul, Gordon, C. C. Ford Urbana, Gordon, G. C. Cole and Ford Urbana, Gordon, I. H. Oakland Urbana, Gordon, John J. Ford Ludlow Gordon, J. Haynes Penfield, Gordon, J. C. Haynes Penfield, Gordon, J. E. Ford Penfield, Gordon, N. A. Ford Ludlow, Gorman, Jas. Peerless Sidney, Gorman, John C. Buick Sidney, Goss, C. E. Ford Urbana, Goudie, Aron E. Marmon Sadorus, Gourdier, C. Dodge Dewey, Gourley, Jas. L. Overland Paxton, Gowler, L. E. Ford St. Joseph, Grady, Chas. P. Oakland Six Ivesdale, Graham, Frank Grant Six Ludlow, Kissel Ford Ford Overland Ford Kissel Oakland Buick Ford Ford Graham, F. H. Graham, Hugh Graves, Chas. Graves, Jas. Graves, S. M. Green, C. Green, F. C. Green, Geo. Green, Theo. Green, Wm. Gregerson, C. F. Ford Greggs, S. E. Marion Grein, Geo. Overland Grein, John W. Ford Grennan, M. F. Ford Grieser, Geo. Ford Grimes, A. M. Ford Grimes, L. P. Grindley, J. R. Ford Griswould, Elza W. Mitchell Gronewold, Henry Westcott Groves, Eli E. M. F. Penfield, Ludlow, St. Joseph, Homer, St. Joseph, Dewey, Ogden, Ivesdale, Homer, Homer, Foosland, Rantoul, Urbana, Philo, Ivesdale, Dewey, St. Joseph, Studebaker St. Joseph, Rantoul, Ludlow, Ogden, Urbana, Grove, Evan E. Willys-Knight Urbana, Grussing, Harvey Ford Rantoul, Guard, Alex. Oakland Six Urbana, Guinn, Elmer G. Overland Urbana, Gustafson, V. W. Ford Rantoul, Gut, Andrew Ford Rantoul, Guynn, Chas. Ford Dewey, R. 19 R. 55 R. 41 R. 2 R. 40 R. 16 R. 10 R. 49 R. 1 R. 20 R. 20 R. 19 R. 19 R. 21 R. 9 R. 19 R. 51 R. 25 R. 22 R. 7 R. 12 R. 12 R. 31 R. 28 R. 28 R. 28 R. 31 R. 38 R. 58 R. 9 R. 51 R. 33 R. 3 R. 16 R. 53 R. 31 R. 28 R. 31 R. 16 R. 61 R. 16 R. 32 R. 17 R. 52 R. 60 R. 61 R. 38 R. 21 R. 10 R. 56 R. 53 R. 32 R. 16 R. 16 R. 22 R. 31 R. 17 R. 10 R. 10 R. 24 R. 10 R. 9 R. 23 R. 21 R. 32 240 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Name Make Guynn, John Ford Guynn, Thos. M. Cadillac Postoffice Dewey, R. 32 Dewey, R. 32 Hadler, A. W. Ford Rantoul, R. 21 Hahn, Daniel Ford Ogden, R. 17 Haines, F. B. Overland Champaign, R. 2 Haines, F. B. Ford Seymour, R. 44 Haines, Geo. Sr. Overland, Seymour, R. 44 Halberstadg, Lon Haynes Six Tolono, R. 46 Hall Bros. Kissel and Michigan Savoy, R. 45 Hamilton, Frank Ford Savoy, R. 45 Hamm, Chas. Willys-Knight Ludlow, R. 30 Hamm, F. W. Velie Ludlow, R. 29 Hammack, J. M. Overland Champaign, R. 6 Hammel, Pliny Ford Mahomet, R. 40 Hampel, G. W. Ford Thomasboro, R. 20 Hanks, R. E. Chevrolet Homer, R. 61 Hannah, Robt. R. Oakland Mahomet, R. 40 Hansen, T. E. Ford Dewey, R. 32 Hanson, Aug. Ford Champaign, R. 5 Hanson, Gilmer J. Overland Pesotum, R. 55 Happ, Louis Ford Tolono, R. 66 Hargan, Wm. Briscoe Armstrong, R. 1 Harmon, J. R. Ford Dewey, R. 33 Harms, Dick Jackson Gifford, R. 26 Harms, Martin Studebaker St. Joseph, R. 14 Harrison, Jas. A. Buick Pesotum, R. 55 Harshbager, M. E. Ford and Oakland Ivesdale, R. 52 Harshbarger, S. T. Buick Ivesdale, R. 53 Hartel, A. J. Ford Urbana, R. 7 Hartle, L. B. Ford Sadorus, R. 50 Hartman, Geo. Studebaker St. Joseph Hastings, Mrs. M. A. Studebaker Sadorus, R. 50 Hasty, Allen Buick St. Joseph, R. 16 Hauersperger, M. E. Havens, H. H. Hawk, C. Hawk, Wyley Ford Ford Ford Ford Thomasboro, R. 20 Mahomet, R. 41 St. Joseph, R. 13 St. Joseph, R. 13 Name Hawk, W. F. Haworth, Chas. Hayes, A. E. Hayes, Wm. Hazen, G. Hazen, Pearl Head, E. D. Heater, H. L. Heater, R. F. Make Ford Ford Ford Ford Kissel Postoffice Urbana, St. Joseph, Ogden, Ogden, Mahomet, Heath, A. F. Heath, E. C. Hefferan, C. L. Heien, Reiner Heien, Herman J. Ford Heimburger, Andy Ford Heimburger, Chas. E. Overland Heindselman, M. L. Studebaker Heiser, J. A. Ford Heiser, J. B. Ford Heiser, M. E. Ford Heiser, S. J. Ford Helms, M. E. Auburn Henderson, John E. Ford Henderson, O. J. Overland Henebery, P. Ford ffenning, Louis Ford Henry, Jos. Ford Hensley, Earl Dodge Heppe Bros. Chandler Heppe, Edw. Chandler Herbert, Geo. W. Haynes Herriott, A. R. Apperson Harriott, Geo. L. Ford Herriott, H. B. Ford Herriott, Jay T. Inter-State Herriott, J. M. Studebaker Herriott, T. C. Ford Rambler and Ford Mahomet, Ford Rantoul, Chevrolet Urbana, Buick and Ford Urbana, Oakland Ivesdale, Ford Ivesdale, Ford Rantoul, Hupmobile St. Joseph, St. Joseph, R. 7 R. 13 R. 17 R. 17 R. 40 R. 40 R. 21 R. 12 R. 11 R. 52 R. 53 R. 23 R. 14 R. 14 Rantoul, R. 22 Rantoul, Rantoul, Fisher, Fisher, Dewey, Fisher, Sadorus, Urbana, Homer, Urbana, Savoy, Pesotum, Champaign, Homer, Homer, Gifford, Mahomet, Mahomet, Mahomet, Mahomet, Mahomet, Ludlow, R. 21 R. 21 R. 34 R. 34 R. 32 R. 34 R. 51 R. 8 R. 60 R. 11 R. 45 R. 54 R. 4 R. 60 R. 60 R. 25 R. 42 R. 42 R. 42 R. 41 R. 42 R. 30 The Business Section of Sidney, a Hustling Central Illinois Town 241 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Name Make Postoffice Name Make Postoffice Herriott, W. W. Dodge Mahomet, R. 42 Howard, Orlie Ford Dewey, R. 32 Hershberger, J. M. Howell, Fred Marmon Homer, R. 60 Studebaker and Ford Howser, D. M. Ford St. Joseph, R. 12 Leverett, R. D. Hoy, Fred Oakland Urbana, R. 12 Hershberger, Leslie Hoy, J. F. Mitchell Urbana, R. 12 Ford Champaign, R. 6 Hoy, Monroe Ford St. Joseph, R. 13 Hershberger, V. M. Hoy, W. H. Hupmobile Urbana, R. 8 Dodge Champaign, R. 5 Hoyt, A. J. Ford St. Joseph, R. 13 Heyer, Walter E. Hoyt, N. C. Ford St. Joseph, R. 13 Chevrolet Fisher, R. 34 Hubbard, L. G. Buick Urbana, R. 10 Hickle, B. A. Inter-State Champaign, R. 4 Hubbart, S. L. Ford Sadorus, R. 51 Hieser, Amos A. Oakland Dewey, R. 32 Huckin, E. R. Ford St. Joseph, R. 15 Hieser, A. L. Ford Fisher, R. 34 Hudson, Ed. Oakland Four Hieser, J. E. Reo Foosland, R. 38 St. Joseph, R. 13 Higgin, J. E. Ford Ivesdale, R. 50 Hudson, F. M. Dodge Urbana, R. 8 Higgins, E. Ford Champaign, R. 2 Hudson, J. M. Velie Urbana, R. 12 Hilderbrand, Chas. Hudson, John Haynes Sidney, R. 57 Ford Urbana, R. 8 Hudson, M. Ford and Overland Hillard, Chas. Chevrolet Ogden, R. 18 Urbana, R. 12 Hillard, Geo. W. Ford Tolono, R. 47 Hudson, Oscar Auburn Urbana, R. 12 Hillard, John W Hudson, Perry Hudson Urbana, R. 12 Ford Homer, R. 60 Hudson, R. C. Ford Urbana ,R. 12 Hillson, Tom Cadillac Lvfdlow, R. 30 Huffman, R. O. Ford St. Joseph, R. 13 Hinds, Herman F. Hughes, Clint Ford Sidney, R. 59 Overland Pesotum, R. 54 Huls, Garrett Davis Rantoul, R. 24 Hinners, Wm. Ford Urbana, R. 11 Huls, Geo. G. Studebaker St. Joseph, R. 14 Hinrichs, Martin E. Huls, Jasper G. Davis Rantoul, R. 24 Haynes St. Joseph, R. 13 Huls, Jasper J. Davis Rantoul, R. 24 Hinrichs, Ulfert Studebaker Gifford, R. 26 Huls, John J. Davis Rantoul, R. 24 Hinton, Carl V. Velie Six Mahomet, R. 40 Huls, J. G. Davis Thomasboro, R. 19 Hinton, C. A. Ford Mahomet, R. 40 Huls, J. P. Jackson St. Joseph, R. 15 Hinton, C. P. Ford Fisher, R. 35 Huls, Louie Jackson Gifford, R. 26 Hinton, Ira A. Kissel Mahomet, R. 40 Huls, Martin Jackson Gifford, R. 26 Hinton, A. Ford Mahomet, R. 40 Huls, Poppe J. Studebaker St. Joseph, R. 14 Hinton, Myron Buick Mahomet, R. 40 Huls, Wm. Studebaker St. Joseph, R. 14 Hinton, O. R. Ford Fisher, R. 33 Hulvey, Wilmer Overland Urbana, R. 8 Hinton, R. W. Chalmers Fisher, R. 35 Hummel, C. A. Oakland Dewey, R. 36 Hinton, W. A. Velie Fisher, R. 35 Hummel, Henry Pratt Dewey Hinton, W. S. Dodge Fisher, R. 35 Hummel, Phillip llalladay Dewey Hinton, W. S. Mitchell Six Foosland, R. 39 Hunt, J. W. Oakland St. Joseph, R. 14 Hiser, Jake Mitchell and Ford Hunt, Orren M. Ford St. Joseph, R. 13 St. Joseph, R. 15 Kurd, J. C. Ford Urbana, R. 8 Hiser, J. W. Overland Homer, R. 61 Hurst, Geo., Jr. Reo Homer, R. 59 Hissong, W. R. Studebaker St. Joseph, R. 12 Huss, J. Walter Ford St. Joseph, R. 16 Hittinger, M. Haynes Pesotum, R. 55 Huss, M. R. Mitchell St. Joseph, R. 16 Hixenbaugh, N. Ford Homer, R. 61 Hutchens, T. C. Ford Urbana, R. 8 Hixson, L. W. King Eight Sadorus, R. 51 Hutchinson, D. S. Ford Sadorus, R. 51 Hobbs, John F. Studebaker Urbana, R. 9 Hyde, A. A. Chandler Rantoul, R. 21 Hobbs, Wm. E. Inter-State Tolono, R. 48 Hyde, A. B. Overland Rantoul, R. 21 Hobson, Wm. Ford Urbana, R. 9 Hyde., C. B. Chandler Champaign, R. 3 Hoffhines, Dan Ford Seymour, R. 43 Hyde, H. R. Velie Champaign, R. 3 Hogan, W. Ford Urbana, R. 11 Hylbert, Jerome M. Hoghry, M. A. Ford Atwood, R. 4 Buick Gifford, R. 25 Holl, B. C. Pratt Pesotum, R. 54 Hylbert, S. L. Ford Gifford, R. 26 Holleman, Wm. Ford Savoy, R. 66 Holste, Wm. Ford Ivesdale, R. 53 Ice, Bernard E. Ford Urbana, R. 11 Holtapp, Geo. Studebaker Rantoul, R.23 Ickes Bros. Saxon Longview, R. 63 Holtermann, D. J.Marmon Sadorus, R. 50 Idens, Ulfert Kissel Gifford, R. 26 Holtzhouer, C. A. Buick Urbana, R. 7 Ihnem, Geo. H. Haynes Rantoul', R. 24 Hord, Geo. Ford Foosland, R. 38 Ingleman, John Buick Rantoul, R. 21 Hord, Gilbert W. Ford Urbana, R. 8 Ingleman, Wm. Buick Rantoul, R. 22 Horgan, M. Ford Ivesdale, R. 52 Imming, Jos. Ford Thomasboro, R. 19 Hough, A. C. Jackson Gifford, R. 25 Ingleman, All Ford Rantoul, R. 21 Houston, D. H. Buick Dewey, R. 32 Ingold, David Ford Dewey, R. 33 Houston, S. Cadillac Champaign, R. 4 Innes, Chas. Davis Champaign, R. 2 House, John W. Ford Urbana, R. 9 Innes, Chester F. Ford Bondville, R. 65 Hoveln, Claas Overland Penfield, R. 28 Innis, R. G. Maxwell and Ford Hovis, Willis Ford Sidney, R. 57 Urbana, R. 10 Howard, D. A. Studebaker Rantoul, R. 21 Innes, W. O. Ford Champaign, R. 5 242 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Name Irle, Geo. G. Irle, Harry L. Irle, L. J. Irle, W. H.. Irons, A. E. Irwin, J. W. Make Postoffice Name Make Postoffice Ford Urbana, R. 9 Ford Champaign, R. 6 Ford Champaign, R, 6 Hupmobile Thomasboro Chevrolet Homer, R. 61 Clark and Empire Longview Jackson, Ed. S. Ford Mahomet, R. 41 Jackson, John Overland Ludlow, R. 30 Jackson, Wm. T. Velie Ludlow, R. 31 Jackson, W. H. Hudson Super Six Zimmerman and Ford ; Fisher, R. 35 Jacobs, Chas. A. Ford Urbana, R. 1 1 Jacobs, C. A. Auburn St. Joseph, R. 15 Jacobs, G. W. Overland Champaign, R. 1 Jacobs, John H. Overland Dewey, R. 32 James, Chauncey Ford Thomasboro James, Geo. Ford Urbana, R. 12 James, Mrs. Hannah Ford Urbana, R. 7 James, Hugh Ford Thomasboro, R. 20 James, Marian Ford Thomasboro, R. 20 James, Moses National and Glide Mahomet, R. 41 James, New Reo Ludlow, R. 30 Jarrett, J. M. Ford Thomasboro, R. 20 Jelly, Geo. Chevrolet Fisher, R. 35 Jenkinson, Alfred Cadillac Gifford, R. 25 Jervis, D. G. Ford Thomasboro, R. 19 Jervis, J. C. Inter-State Mahomet, R. 40 Johnson, Alfred Mitchell Rantoul, R. 21 Johnson, Andrew E. Ford Gifford, R. 25 Johnson, Claud L. Haynes Gifford, R. 25 Johnson, C. O. Ford Penfield, R. 28 Johnson, C. W. Ford Pesotum, R. 54 Johnson, E. E. Ford Champaign, R. 6 Johnson, Frank Ford Urbana, R. 7 Johnson, Fred Davis Urbana, R. 8 Johnson, Geo. W. Jackson Gifford, R. 26 Johnson, G. A. Ford St. Joseph, R. 16 Johnson, H. Ford Ludlow, R. 30 Johnson, H. T. Westcott Champaign, R. 1 Johnson, John Buick Rantoul, R. 24 Johnson, John M. Buick Rantoul, R. 24 Johnson, John R, Overland Rantoul, R. 23 Johnson, Thos. Hupmobile Urbana, R. 7 Johnson, W. B. Oakland St. Joseph, R. 13 Johnston, E. C. Hupmobile Urbana, R. 7 Johnston, Hume Ford Seymour, R. 43 Johnston, I. W. Ford Dewey, R. 33 Jones, Floyd Ford Seymour, R. 43 Jones, Frank Ford Foosland, R. 38 Jones, Geo. E. Ford Fisher, R. 34 Jones, J. F. Ford Ludlow, R. 30 Jones, J. W. Reo Sidney, R. 57 Jones, Lon Sr. Dodge Seymour, R. 43 Jones, Lynch T. Dodge Gifford, R. 25 Jordan, F. W. Kissel and Ford Savoy, R. 66 Jordan, Mrs. Mary Kissel Savoy, R. 66 Jordan, M. H. Dodge Longview, R. 64 Jordan, Rolla Regal Ludlow, R. 30 Jordan, R. V. Ford Dewey, R. 32 Jordan, T. F. Cole Thirty Savoy, R. 66 Joyce, Wm. Westcott Savoy, R. 66 Judy, Robt. E. Ford Gifford, R. 25 Jutkins, L. F. Overland Savoy, R. 45 Kaiser, F. C. Ford Champaign, R. 4 Kaiser, S. Ford Champaign, R. 4 Kamradt, A. C. Overland Sadorus, R. 50 Kamradt, F. A. Oakland Six Sadorus, R. 49 Kamradt, Henry Buick Pesotum, R. 54 Kancher, J. T. Ford Urbana, R. 8 Kantner, Lewis Dodge Champaign, R. 5 Kappes, Wm. Ford Tolono, R. 47 Kaskie, Louis Ford Tolono, R. 47 Kaufman, H. C. Ford St. Joseph, R. 16 Keal, Chas. G. Maxwell Thomasboro, R. 20 Keal, G. A. Auburn Rantoul, R. 24 Keene, Z. C. Ford Seymour, R. 43 Keller, L. B. Ford Bondville, R. 65 Keller, Otis Ford Savoy, R. 45 Kellsey, P. E. Ford Sadorus, R. 51 Kenney, A. M. Ford Broadlands, R. 37 Keoppell, Henry Ford St. Joseph, R. 16 Kesler, Frank Ford Dewey, R. 33 Kidd, E. G. Ford Tolono, R. 47 Kidd, J. L. Chevrolet Champaign, R. 1 Kienietz, G. E. Empire Ogden, R. 17 Kiewitt, R. J. Ford St. Joseph, R. 16 Kilbury, Mort Ford St. Joseph King, Joe Ford Fisher, R. 34 Kinneson, R. E. Ford Savoy, R. 66 Kirby, Clinton Auburn Urbana, R. 7 Kirby, E. Maxwell Penfield, R. 28 Kirby, E. N. Studebaker Champaign, R. 2 Kirby, E. & V. Ford Urbana, R. 8 Kirby, Grover Ford Sidney, R. 57 Kirby, J. L. Ford Urbana, R. 8 Kirby, W. P. Auburn Urbana, R. 7 Kirchiier, Chas. Ford Broadlands, R. 36 Kirk, J. F. Regal Penfield, R. 27 Kirk, P. H. Regal Penfield, R. 27 Kirkpatrick, A. J. Ford and Hudson Urbana, R. 8 Kirkpatrick, Claud Auburn Urbana, R. 8 Kirkpatrick, C. A. Studebaker St. Joseph Kirkpatrick, C. W. Ford St. Joseph, R. 13 Kirkpatrick, J. C. Ford Urbana Kirkpatrick, J. Earl Hudson Urbana, R. 7 Klein, C. P. Chevrolet Seymour, R. 44 Klein, F. J. Oakland Gifford, R. 25 Kleiss, Geo. F. Ford Pesotum, R. 54 Kleiss, Mike Ford Pesotum, R. 54 Klockenbrink, Wm. C. Ford Longview, R. 63 Knott, Hiram Ford Urbana, R. 7 Knox, O. F. Auburn Mahomet, R. 42 Knox, R. D. Sr. Ford Bondville, R. 65 Knox, W. M. Ford Penfield, R. 28 Koch, A. F. Overland Urbana, R. 12 Koch, Clarence Ford St. Joseph, R. 16 Koch, G. L. Chalmers and Ford Champaign, R. 4 Kopemann, Fred Overland Gifford, R. 26 Koss, Aug. F. Overland Savoy, R. 66 Krabbe, Harry Dodge Tolono, R. 46 Kracht, Frank Hudson Broadlands, R. 36 Kracht, Ceo. Auburn Broadlands, R. 36 Kracht, Wm. C. Reo Philo, R. 56 Kraft, Sam Reo Homer, R. 60 Kresin, Aug. Ford Sadorus, R. 49 Kromer, Adam Overland Mahomet, R. 41 Krukewitt, A. G. Reo Homer, R. 61 243 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Name Make Postoffice Name Make Postoffice Krukewitt, F. G. Dodge Homer, R. 60 Little, Arthur Ford Rantoul, R. 24 Krumm, C. J. Winton Sadorus, R. 51 Little, A. G. Overland Champaign, R. 4 Krumm, H. A. Hupmobile Philo, R. 56 Little, B. S. Studebaker Rantoul, R. 24 Krumm, John Oakland Urbana, R. 1 1 Little, C. W. Studebaker Rantoul, R. 22 Krumm, Wm. C. Chevrolet Sidney, R. 58 Little, Leslie A. Oakland Six Tolono, R. 46 Kuder, Frank C. Chevrolet St. Joseph, R. 16 Little, R. S. Ford Rantoul, R. 22 Kuhlam, Heiko Ford Rantoul, R, 24 Livingston, B. T. Hudson Super Six Kuhlman, Herman Ludlow, R. 30 Hupmobile Urbana, R. 12 Locke, C. E. Ford Bondville, R. 65 Kuntz, Lew Oakland Mahomet, R. 41 Locke, Mrs. Mary C. Kuykendall, L. W. Maxwell Champaign, R. 1 Empire Champaign, R. 6 Loeschen, F. H. Hupmobile St. Joseph, R. 14 Loeschen, G. A. Empire Penfield, R. 28 Labert, Frank J. Chevrolet Tuscola, R. 1 Loeschen, J. P. Ford Thomasboro, R. 20 Lacy, W. M. Ford Champaign, R. 5 Loftus, L. Buick Six Ivesdale, R. 53 Lady, Geo. Ford Fisher, R. 34 Loftus, M. Paige Ivesdale, R. 52 Lahne, Geo. E. M. F. Sidney, R. 58 Logan, Chas. Ford Sidney, R. 58 Lamb, H. A. Hudson Broadlands, R. 36 Logan, Jos. Studebaker Sidney, R. 58 Lambdin, H. C. Ford Thomasboro, R. 20 Lohmiller, W. G. Ford Gifford, R. 25 Lamke, Chas. W. Paige Urbana, R. 9 Loschen, R. Jeffery Thomasboro, R. 20 Lammle, Gottlieb Ford Fisher, R. 34 Loschen, Wm. Studebaker St. Joseph, R. 15 Landis, E. E. Briscoe Ivesdale, R. 55 Loues, Nicolas Mitchell Bondville, R. 65 Landis, Walter Ford Urbana, R. 8 Louks, J. D. Overland Dewey, R. 33 Lang, C. C. Auburn Fisher, R. 35 Love, Mrs. Mary Marmon and Ford Lange, Aug. Glide Champaign, R. 3 Sidney, R. 58 Lange Bros. Stutz and Davis Love, S. S. Willys-Knight Philo Champaign, R. 3 Lovejoy, Owen Buick Rantoul, R. 22 Lange, Chris Auburn Foosland, R. 39 Lovingfoss, C. Allen Homer, R. 59 Lange, O. A. Westcott Champaign, R. 5 Lovingfoss, K. Buick - Urbana, R. 10 Lape, E. R. Ford Fisher, R. 34 Lowman, John Ford Champaign, R. 1 Larkins, A. Ford Foosland, R. 39 Lowman, J. L. Ford Sadorus, R. 51 Laverick, Ira F. Auburn Broadlands, R. 37 Lowrey, Jas. Jr. Ford Longview, R. 63 Lawrence, J. W. Ford Rantoul, R. 23 Lowry, Jas. Sr. Dort Longview, R. 63 Layman, Bruce Studebaker Dewey, R. 33 Loyd, Wilson Maxwell Homer, R. 61 Layman, Earl Ford Fisher, R. 35 Lubben, Ehme Overland Thomasboro, R. 20 Leach, Odus Ford Champaign, R. 3 Luth, Edw. Buick Homer, R. 60 Lear, Hortence Ford Urbana, R. 8 Luth, Joe Buick Homer, R. 59 Leas, Frank S. Buick St. Joseph, R. 13 Luth, John A. King Eight Broadlands, R. 37 Leas, Geo. N. Hudson Six St. Joseph, R. 14 Luther, Chas. Westcott Savoy, R. 45 Lee, D. R. Marmon Champaign, R. 2 Luther, J. G. Dodge Champaign, R. 2 Lee, Osmond C. Studebaker Four Lux, Henry Buick Pesotum, R. 55 Gifford, R. 25 Lyman, W. B. Westcott Champaign, R. 1 Lee, Squire E. Ford Homer, R. 60 Lynch, A. J. Ford Penfield, R. 27 LeFever, F. C. Maxwell Penfield, R. 27 Lynch, B. E. Overland Sidney, R. 57 Legue, Chas. O. Ford Savoy, R. 66 Lyon, L. T. Oakland Fisher, R. 38 Legue, R. W. Dodge Sadorus, R. 54 Lyons, E. F. Overland Champaign, R. 4 Leichner, C. S. Dodge Champaign, R. 5 Leigh, C. D. Ford St. Joseph, R. 13 Mabis, G. W. Ford Mahomet, R. 41 Leigh, J. M. Cadillac St. Joseph, R. 13 Madden, Chas. A. Studebaker Seymour, R. 44 Leischman, Wm. Ford Fisher, R. 35 Maddock, Edw. Studebaker St. Joseph, R. 14 Leonard, E. J. Studebaker Rantoul, R. 21 Maddock, O. W. Studebaker St. Joseph, R. 13 Leonard, J. L. Studebaker Magill, C. C. Maxwell St. Joseph, R. 16 Thomasboro, R. 19 Magill, Park Studebaker Sidney, R. 58 Leonard, M. A. Overland Thoasboro, R. 19 Maier, Chas. Ford Champaign, R. 6 Leslie, John W. Saxon Six Tolono, R. 47 Maier, Jos. Rambler Champaign, R. 6 Lester, D. H. Ford Mahomet, R. 40 Maier, Mrs. Minnie Levear, Ross Auburn Gifford, R. 25 Ford Rantoul, R. 24 Lewis, Chas. Ford Homer, R. 59 Majors, W. G. Reo Champaign, R. 1 Lewis, C. Edw. Dodge Mahomet, R. 40 Maley, Jas. Ford Sadorus, R. 51 Lewis, S. G. Ford Dewey, R. 32 Manion, John Overland Seymour, R. 44 Libka, Lon Overland Homer, R. 52 Manion, Thos. Studebaker Seymour, R. 44 Licht, Carl J. Ford Tolono, R. 46 Manley, J. F. Ford Urbana, R. 9 Licht, Henry G, Ford Urbana, R. 10 Manning, T. A. Auburn Ogden, R. 18 Lieb, Frank J. Ford Pesotum, R. 55 Mantle, J. R. Ford Penfield, R. 27 Liestman, A. L. Studebaker Mahomet, R. 41 Mantle, W. H. Ford Paxton, R. 3 Liestman, C. C. Studebaker Mahomet, R. 41 Manuel, C. M. Inter-State Mahomet, R. 41 Light, John K. Ford Thomasboro, R. 20 Marcellus, A. J. Ford Foosland, R. 38 Linderman, J. G. Ford Dewey, R. 32 Marriott, H. B. Oakland Urbana, R. 12 Lindsey, Geo. W. Ford Urbana Marriott, R. A. Cadillac Urbana, R. 9 244 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Name Marsh, J. B. Marsh, L. E. Marshall, J. W. Martin, E. L. Martinie, W. Marvin, C. E. Mast, Fred Matby, W. R. Mathes, J. C. Mathews, J. W. Matteson, Rellie Mattix, J. G. Mattix, J. H. Matzka, John A. Maxwell, A. S. Maxwell, J. W. Mayes, Geo. Mayes, H. C. Mayes, Jos. McAllister, C. L. McCabe, J. R. McCabe, Thos. J. McCabe, W. M. McClelland, C. L. McClintoch, J. W. McCloskejr, O. J. McCormick, Fred McCormick, John McCormick, L. A. McCormick, Thos. McCown, Chester McCoy, Jerry McCull'ough, Jno. McDaniel, A. W. McDavitt, Wm. McDowell, E. McElroy, Walter McElwee, A. C. McElwee, C. C. McElwee, F. L. McGath., Wm. McGauphlin, G. McGee, Wm. F. McGill, Edw. McHarry, D. R. McHenry, Emmet Mclnnes, O. A. Mclnnes, R. S. Mcjilton, A. W. McKee, R. B. McKeown, J. E. McKinney, P. J. McKinney, Wm. McMahon, R. G. McMullen, Wm. McNally, Jas. McNamara, Dan McNeil!, R. D. McPheeters, O.K. McQueen, H. C. Meath, J. E. Meese, Jas. W. Meharry, Geo. F. Meharry, Paul F. Meier, Fred Meier, Wm. Menges, Walter Make Postoffice Name Make Postoffice Ogden, R. 18 St. Joseph, R. 14 Rantoul, R. 21 Homer, R. 62 Dewey, R. 33 Sadorus, R. 51 Urbana, R. 12 Foosland, R. 39 Urbana, R. 10 Sadorus, R. 49 Bondville, R. 65 Sadorus, R. 51 Pesotum, R. 54 Tolono, R. 47 Broadlands, R. 37 Ford and Knight Urbana, R. 10 Maxwell Bondville, R. 65 Cole Four Champaign, R. 1 Maxwell Champaign, R. t Rantoul, R. 23 Rantoul, R. 23 Ludlow, R. 31 Rantoul Foosland, R. 38 Longview, R. 63 Urbana, R. 11 Urbana, R. 7 Longview, R. 64 Urbana, R. 7 Philo, R. 56 St. Joseph, R. 13 Homer, R. 60 Urbana, R. 10 Urbana, R. 10 Seymour, R. 44 Fisher, R. 34 Homer, R. 59 St. Joseph, R. 15 Studebaker St. Joseph, R. 16 Ford St. Joseph, R. 15 Dodge Champaign, R. 2 Studebaker Penfield, R. 2 Urbana, R. 10 Urbana, R. 7 Rantoul, R. 21 Urbana, R. 1 1 Urbana, R. 7 Urbana, R. 7 Fisher, R. 34 Champaign, R. 3 Tolono, R. 48 Ogden Foosland, R. 39 St. Joseph, R. 15 Studebaker Bondville, R. 65 Tolono, R. 46 Penfield, R. 28 Seymour, R. 43 Champaign, R. 1 Sadorus, R. 51 Sadorus, R. 50 St. Joseph, R. 13 Tolono, R. 48 Hupmobile and Ford Tolono, R. 48 Ford St. Joseph, R. 15 Ford St. Joseph, R. 14 Dodge St. Joseph, R. 13 Ford Overland Reo Five Dodge Ford Pullman Ford Jeffery Ford Auburn Ford Ford Ford Chalmers Reo Ford Ford Overland Overland Ford Paige Velie Ford Ford Ford Paige Six Ford Ford Hudson Ford Case Buick Reo Oakland Mennenga, Carl Jeffery St. Joseph, R. 13 Mennenga, F. C. Dixie Flyer Gifford, R. 26 Menser, Albert L. Mitchell Rantoul, R. 23 Mergenthal, F. J. Overland Sadorus, R. 51 Merrifield, Dan Winton and Buick Champaign, R. 3 Merrifield, Mrs. Etta Buick Dewey, R. 33 Messman, Albert Buick Tolono, R. 46 Messman, C. A. Apperson Homer, R. 60 Messman, Fred J. Cole Four Sadorus, R. 51 Meuser, Fred Oakland Rantoul, R. 22 Meuser, Gus P. Oakland Rantowl, R. 22 Oakland Thomasboro, R. 19 Meuser, P. A. Meyer, J. C. Meyers, G. J. Michener, Ross Regal Mile, O. C. Allen Miller, C. J. Overland Miller, C. P. Studebaker Miller, Elwood Ford Miller, E. J. Ford Miller, Frank Ford Miller, Homer N. Ford Miller, John R. Overland Miller, Michael Mitchell Six Miller, R. Buick Miller, Taylor Ford Miller, Wm. Willys-Knight Miller, Wm. H. Miller, W. E. Miller, W. J. Miller, W. R. Miller, W. R. Mills, C. P. Mills, W. T. ' Miner, Chas. Miner, D. Minks, Bert Minks, E. W. Minks, Lizzie Minsk, R. A. Mitchell, E. L. Mitchell, F. R. Mitchell, John G. Velie Mitchell, Roy Studebaker Mitchell, R. G. Buick Moehl, Rev. E. Ford Moenkhaus, Wm. Ford Mohr, Ernest Ford Mohr, Frank Rambler Mohr, Fred J. Mitchell Mohr, Henry K. Rambler Mohr, Philip Foj-d Urbana, R. 12 Hupmobile Thomasboro, R. 20 Auburn Ford Ford Rambler Elkhart Buick Dodge Ford Dodge Ford Oakland Ford Ford Chevrolet Buick Homer, R. 62 Gifford, R. 25 Sadorus, R. 50 Bondville, R. 65 Fisher, R. 35 Champaign, R. 3 St. Joseph, R. 15 Fisher, R. 35 Ludlow, R. 31 Philo, R. 55 Allerton, R. 1 Fisher, R. 35 Philo, R. 56 Molloy, Thos. F. Monroe, A. L. Haynes Montgomery, S. H. Ford Mooney, Dan Mooney, Dan D. Homer, R. 60 Seymour, R. 43 Mahomet, R. 41 Sadorus, R. 51 Champaign, R. 3 Homer, R. 61 Penfield, R. 27 Rantoul, R. 24 Champaign, R. 3 Foosland, R. 38 Fisher, R. 35 Fisher, R. 34 Dewey, R. 33 Mahomet, R. 40 Fisher, R. 35 Foosland, R. 38 Fisher, R. 35 Fisher, R. 35 Thomasboro, R. 20 Urbana, R. 12 Seymour, R. 44 Longview, R. 64 Broadlands, R. 36 Sidney, R. 58 Inter-State and Ford Mahomet, R. 42 Oakland Rantoul Champaign, R. 1 Mooney, Patrick Moore, G. E. Moore, J. E. Moore, Thos. Moore, Wm. Tolono, R. 46 Studebaker Gifford, R. 26 Willys Knight Longview, R. 63 Ford Philo, R. 56 Ford Champaign, R. 6 Cadillac Homer, R. 61 Ford Gifford, R. 25 Mitchell and Ford Broadlands, R. 37 245 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Name Make Postoffice Name Make Postoffice Moore, Wm. M. Buick and Ford Fisher, R. 34 Nonman, Wm. Mitchell Broadlands, R. 36 Moore, W. G. Ford Savoy, R. 45 Norton, Albert E. Buick Tolono, R. 46 Moran, Wm. Dodge & Ford Tolono, R. 48 Norton, C. E. Davis Bondville, R. 65 Morenz, A.F. Jeffery Sadorus, R. 51 Norton, Frank M. Hupmobile Tolono, R. 46 Morfey, R. E. Ford Champaign, R. 3 Norton, O. W. Davis Bondville, R. 65 Morfey, S. Saxon Champaign, R. 6 Morriott, O. M. Ford Urbana, R. 9 O'Beirne, Geo. M. Buick Six Tolono, R. 48 Morris, F. L. Ford Mansfield, R. 1 O'Brien, Philip Overland Tolono, R. 46 Morris, W. L. Ford Dewey, R. 32 O'Bryan, H. B. Overland Pesotum, R. 54 Morroe, S. M. Auburn Broadl'ands, R. 37 O'Connor, D. J. Westcott Ivesdale, R. 52 Mosier, W. E. Mitchell Urbana, R. 12 Odebrecht, A. J. Overland Tolono, R. 48 Mounts, Jos. Studebaker and Ford Odebrecht, C. F. Buick Philo, R. 56 Rantoul, R. 22 Odel, C. M. Ford Sadorus, R. 50 Mueller, Chas. F. Ford Urbana, R. 8 O'Donnell, J. P. Inter-State Rantoul, R. 24 Muhleman, F. M. Chevrolet Foosland, R. 39 Oehmke, J. P. Ford Penfield, R. 28 Mulligan, L, B. Ford Bondville, R. 65 Ohl, Andrew Ford Bondville, R. 65 Mullikin, J. M. P.Studebaker Champaign, R. 1 Ohl Bros. Ford Bondville, R. 65 Mullins, Anna Ford Tolono, R. 48 Ohms, W. M. Ford Champaign, R. 4 Mullvain, C. E. Ford Foosland, R. 35 Olson, Olof Overland Penfield, R. 28 Mullvain, Jas. F. Studebaker Fisher, R. 35 O'Neal, Jas. R. Hudson Super Six Mumm, Geo. J. Overland Philo, R. 56 Urbana, R. 11 Mumm, Luther Oakland Sidney, R. 58 O'Neal, W. B. Ford Sadorus, R. 51 Mumm, Otis W. Ford St. Joseph, R. 16 O'Neill, John Mitchell Tolono, R. 48 Mumm, Wm. D. Overland Philo, R. 56 O'Neill, Thos. C. Ford Philo, R. 56 Munds, Edw. Overland Urbana, R. 11 Onnen, John Hupmobile Murphy, G. E. Ford Mahomet, R. 42 Thomasboro, R. 20 Murphy, John Buick Penfield, R. 27 Ordel, Frank Ford Philo, R. 56 Murray, D. S. Ford Sadorus, R. 51 Oeman, A. N. Saxon & Reo Ludlow, R. 30 Murray, E. J. Buick Rantoul, R. 21 Osterbur, Frank Jr. Murray J. F. Oakland Rantoul, R. 21 Ford Ogden, R. 17 Murray, Pat Oakland Thomasboro, R. 19 Osterbur, Fred Ford St. Joseph, R. 15 Murrell, H. A. Maxwell Champaign, R. 6 Osterbur, H. H. Hupmobile St. Joseph, R. 15 Murrell, N. Maxwell Champaign, R. 5 Osterbur, Henry Jr. Murrell, P. A. Ford Thomasboro, R. 19 Maxwell Ogden, R. 17 Musson, J. H. Studebaker Savoy, R. 66 Osterbur, John Jackson Ogden, R. 1 7 Myer, W. W. Buick Urbana, R. 12 Osterbur, Rankin Ford St. Joseph, R. 15 Myers, Lon Auburn Homer, R. 61 Osterbur, Simon Empire St. Joseph, R. 15 Myers, R. L. Ford Mahomet, R. 41 Overmyer, J. E. Overland Seymour, R. 43 Ott, Etta Oakland Ogden, R. 17 Naffziger, R. G. Ford Foosland, R. 38 Overmyer, W. C. Chevrolet Foosland, R. 35 Neal, J. W. Jackson Eight Owens, Isaac Ford Homer, R. 60 Broadlands, R. 37 Oyer, Jos. Ford Foosland, R. 38 Neisser Bros. Ford Savoy, R. 45 Nelson, Earl Dodge Champaign, R. 4 Page, E. C. Ford Mahomet, R. 41 Nelson, E. P. Auburn and Rambler Page, M. A. Ford Mahomet, R. 41 Rantoul, R. 22 Painter, A. M. Ford Foosland, R. 38 Nelson, H. I. Westcott Champaign, R. 4 Painter, D. O. Ford Foosland, R. 39 Nelson, Percy Buick Fisher, R. 35 Painter, J. W. Reo Dewey, R. 33 Nelson, P. Ford Foosland, R. 38 Painter, W. M. Studebaker Rantoul, R. 21 Nelson, P. H. Case Fisher, R. 35 Palmberg, C. A. Ford Ludlow, R. 30 Nelson, Reier Ford Rantoul, R. 22 Palmberg, G. E. Ford Ludlow, R. 30 Nelson, Richard Auburn Rantoul, R. 21 Pammbacker, H. Overland Giffora, R. 26 Nelson, W. E. Apperson Dewey, R. 33 Pammbacker, L. Overland Gifford, R. 26 Nesbitt, Chas. A. King Mahomet, R. 41 Parker, Allen Ford Rantoul, R. 23 Newmand, C. E. Studebaker Foosland, R. 38 Parker, Arthur Ford Rantoul, R. 21 Noble, Jas. Ford Urbana, R. 10 Parker, C. L. Saxon Six Homer, R. 61 Noble, Joe Buick Tolono, R. 46 Parker, N. Ford Dewey, R. 32 Noe, Bascom ' Maxwell Sidney, R. 57 Parker, O. G. Ford Rantoul, R. 23 Nofftz, Chas. J." Studebaker Sadorus, R. 51 Parrett, F. R. Inter-State Mahomet, R. 41 Nofftz, Frank Case and Ford Parris, Isaac Mitchell Ogden, R. 17 Sadorus, R. 51 Parry, Jos. L. Studebaker Tolono, R. 48 Nofftz, Fred J. Ford Sadorus, R. 51 Pasley, U. S. Ford Mahomet, R. 40 Nofftz, F. A. Saxon Six Pesotum, R. 54 Patten, L. Kissel Clarence, R. 1 Nofftz, Henry C. Ford Sadorus, R. 51 Paulus, A. Studebaker Fisher, R. 35 Nogle, A. P. Ford Sadorus, R. 50 Paulus, O. L. Ford Fisher Nohren, G. H. Reo Longview, R. 64 Paxton, Ray L. Ford Foosland, R. 38 Nohren, John Ford Longview, R. 64 Pearson, Jos. R. Auburn and Ford Nolan, E. F. Ford Gifford, R. 26 Ludlow, R. 31 Nolan, Jas. E. Ford Ivesdale, R. 52 Penny, Guy E. Ford Urbana, R. 1 1 Nolan, Thos. Hupmobile Ogden, R. 17 Penny, Henry Ford St. Joseph, R. 15 246 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Name Percival, C. A.Sr. Percival, E. J. Percival, E. V. Percival, Fred O. Percival, H. B. Perkins, C. R. Perkins, Geo. R. Perkins, H. A Perkins, John Perkins, L. H. Perkins, W. L. Perring, Frank Persival, J. H. Peters, A. O. Peters, E. H. Peters, H. C. Peters, Jas. Peters, John D. Peters, Mrs. Mary Peters, Scott Petticrew, G. W. Pettigrew, D. H. Pfeffer, Geo. H. Pfeffer, Henry Pfeffer, Jos. G. Pfeffer, W. A. Pfiester, C. I. Pfiester, John Pfiester, Otis Phares, C. A. Phenicie, F. G. Phenicie, G. B. Phenicie, J. W. Phenicie, W. O. Phillippe, H. L. Phillippe. M. G. Phillips, A. L. Phillips, A. J. Phillips, J. R. Phillips, P. W. Pieplow, Chas. Pierce, Chas. U. Pilgrim, W. J. Pinkston, J. W. Piper, John C. Pittman, H. A. Place, Edgar Plotner, Chas. L. Plotner, E. A. Poggendorf, John Polk, Albert Pomtious, A. V. Porter, L. H. Porterfield, Bert Porterfield, R. Z. Poterfield, S. H. Potter, Harris Potter, J. P. Prather, Lewis Pratt, Sarah J. Prestin, Wm. N. Primmer, A. W. Primmer, C. F. Pugh, E. K. Make Postoffice R. C. H. Ford Westcott R. C. H. Buick Ford Ford Ford Ford Overland Ford Ford * Ford Ford Ford Ford Overland Buick Six Maxwell Ford Overland Mitchell Mitchell Elco Chevrolet Davis Davis Urbana, R. 10 Urbana, R. 10 Urbana, R. 10 Urbana, R. 10 Urbana, R. 10 Dewey, R. 33 Urbana, R. 9 Sadorus, R. 50 Ford and Enger Seymour, R. 43 Thomasboro, R. 19 Sadorus, R. 51 Rantoul, R. 22 Champaign, R. 2 Urbana, R. 12 St. Joseph, R. 16 St. Joseph, R. 13 St. Joseph, R. 16 Rantoul, R. 24 St. Joseph Homer, R. 59 Savoy, R. 66 Savoy, R. 66 Urbana, R. 12 Pesotum, R. 54 Seymour, R. 44 Seymour, R. 44 Seymour, R. 43 Bondville, R. 65 National and Davis Bondville, R. 65 Maxwell (2) St. Joseph, R. 15 Ford Penfield, R. 27 Overland St. Joseph, R. 13 Ford St. Joseph, R. 13 Dodge St. Joseph, R. 17 Apperson and Inter-State Champaign, R. 5 Champaign, R. 4 Urbana, R. 7 Urbana, R. 7 Urbana, R. 12 Rant9ul, R. 22 St. Joseph, R. 16 Sadorus, R. 49 Rantoul, R. 22 Mahomet, R. 41 Warren-Detroit Rantoul, R. 23 Mahomet, R. 41 Homer, R. 61 Philo, R. 56 Tolono, R. 48 Broadlands, R. 37 Savoy, R. 45 Ludlow, R. 30 Champaign, R. 6 Sidney, R. 58 Sidney, R. 58 Buick and Ford Allerton, R. 1 Ford Broadlands, R. 37 Cadillac Broadlands, R. 37 Ford Urbana, R. 12* Saxon Six Tolono, R. 47 Overland Sadorus, R. 51 Oakland Mahomet, R. 42 Ford Champaign, R. 3 Paige Allerton, R. 1 Kissel Overland Ford Buick Ford Ford Ford Jeffery National Ford Ford Buick Mitchell Reo Paige Six Case Dodge Marmon E. M. F. Name Pugh, I. E. Putnam, C. W. Putnam, L. F. Putscher, A. J. Make Postoffice Ford Allerton, R. 1 Overland Champaign, R. 4 Dodge & Ford Dewey, R. 33 Ford Champaign, R. 4 Quayle, Thos. Ford Mahomet, R. 42 Quinlan, Jas. Buick Pesotum, R. 56 Quinlan, Wm. J. Mitchell Tolono, R. 46 Quinlan, Chas. A.Velie Ludlow, R. 31 Quinlan, Edw. Studebaker Ludlow, R. 30 Quinlan, Hugh F.Reo Ludlow, R. 29 Quinlan, John Ford Rantoul, R. 23 Quinlan, M. P. Studebaker & Ford Ludlow, R. 29 Quinlan, Wm. M. Ford Rantoul, R. 23 Quinn, Mrs. Nellie Ford Dewey, R. 32 Ramert, A. Ramert, C. L. Ramert, Ed. Rankin, A. D. Rankin, C. H. Rankins, M. S. Rankins-, W. I. Rasmussen, R. Raup, Henry Mitchell Studebaker Jeffery Buick Ford Imperial Auburn Mitchell Raup, John Raver, C. D. Rayburn, Bert Rayburn, C. C. Rayburn, Geo. C. Saxon Rayburn, J. W. Ford Rayburn, Len Ogden, R. 17 Rantoul, R. ;22 Rantoul, R. 22 Foosland, R. 38 Foosland, R. 38 Foosland, R. 38 Bondville, R. 65 Ludlow, R. 30 Ford & Overland Thomasboro, R. 19 Thomasboro, R. 19 Sidney, R. 58 Champaign, R. 4 Bondville, R. 65 Champaign, R. 3 Bondville, R. 65 Hudson & Ford Mahomet, R. 42 St. Joseph, R. 13 Champaign, R. 1 Savoy, R. 66 Ford Velie Westcott Ford Reese, V. B. Ford Reid, W. R. Ford Reifsteck, Geo. Buick Reifsteck, Jacob Warren Detroit Sadorus, R. 51 Reinhart, F. A. Maxwell Dewey, R. 33 Reinhart, Jos. J. Overland Pesotum, R. 55 Reinhart, Otto W.Willys Knight Pesotum, R. 55 Reitmeier, H. Westcott Gifford, R. 25 Ramley, H. A. Ford Rantoul, R. 21 Remley, John W. Buick & Ford Gifford, R. 25 Remley, Maple A. Ford Gifford, R. 25 Revell, W. H. Ford Savoy, R. 66 Rewerts, L. Hupmobile Thomasboro, R. 20 Rex, J. R. Ford Seymour, R. D. Reynolds, AndrewRambler Foosland, R. 36 Reynolds, Chester G. Ford Gifford, R. 25 Reynolds, Mrs, Nora Ford Thomasboro, R. 19 Reynolds, Will Ford Thomasboro, R. 19 Reynolds, Wm. H.Case & Ford Gifford, R. 25 Rex, Elmer Chevrolet Champaign, R. 3 Rhoads,. J. F. Ford Savoy, R. 45 Rice, Clarence A. Ford Philo, R. 56 Rice, Emery Ford St. Joseph Rice, Scott Buick Homer, R. 61 Rice, Van W. Westcott St. Joseph, R. 13 Rice, Wilber Ford Sadorus, R. 49 Richards, Eugene A. Studebaker St. Joseph, R. 15 247 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Name Make Postoffice Name Make Postoffice Richards, L. C. Overland St. Joseph, R. 15 Richards, W. H. Overland St. Joseph, R. 15 Richardson Bros. Oakland Six Sadqrus, R, 49 Richardson, Jas H. Ford Tolono, R. 46 Richardson, Jas. R. Oakland Sadorus, R. -49 Rickett, John Ford Dewey, R. 33 Ridgley, R. W. Reo Seymour, R. 44 Ridinger, C. F. Saxon Homer, R. 61 Riefstack, Carl Overland Champaign, R. 2 Rief stack, Wm. L.Hupmobile Champaign, R. 2 Riegel, Wm. E. Hupmobile Tolono, R. 46 Riemke, Edw. F. Ford Tolono, R. 47 Rippy, Alonzo Ford Mahomet, R. 41 Rippy, L. Ford Mahomet, R. 41 Rising, A. F. Cadillac Champaign, R. 4 Ritchie, Corley Ford Foosland, R. 39 Rittenhouse, J. R. Inter-State Mahomet, R. 41 Robbins, Jess R. Ford Ludlow, R. 29 Roberts, C. N. Ford Urbana, R. 9 Roberts, Dan R. Ford Urbana, R. 9 Roberts, H. V. Ford Savoy, R. 45 Roberts, J. T. Buick Six Savoy, R. 45 Roberts, L. W. Velie Champaign, R. 6 Robertson, Bert Studebaker Homer, R. 60 Robinett, H. F. Ford Fisher, R. 35 Robinson, R. J. Ford Sadorus, R. 50 Robinson, W. C. Regal & Ford Ivesdale, R. 53 Rodgers, Chas. E. Ford Savoy, R. 45 Rodgers, J. R. Ford Champaign, R. 2 Roe, W. S. Regal Homer, R. 61 Roelfs, Albert Overland Gifford, R. 26 Roelfs, Harm H. Overland Gifford, R. 26 Rogers, David G. Dodge Homer, R. 61 Rogers, M. J. Ford Ivesdale, R. 52 Rohl, W. D. Auburn Homer, R. 60 Rohlfing, E. L. Ford Mahomet, R. 40 Rohrscheib, Albert Ford Urbana, R. 11 Rohrscheib, Fred Ford Sidney, R. 57 Rohrscheib, John A. Ford Sidney, R. 57 Roles, Ray Studebaker Rantoul, R. 22 Rpse, Robt. Ford Ivesdale, R. 53 Rosenback, Geo. Ford St. Joseph, R. 15 Rosenback, Seef Ford St. Joseph, R. 15 Ross, Chas. E. Overland Savoy, R. 66 Ross, Earl A. Dodge Champaign, R. 2 Ross, Fred Mitchell Homer, R. 61 Ross, J. V. Ford Foosland, R. 39 Rothermel', John Reo Broadlands, R. 37 Roughton, Frank Auburn St. Joseph Routh, C. F. Hudson St. Joseph, R. 14 Rowe, Moses T. Ford Rantoul, R. 23 Roy, Wm. M. Auburn Pesotum, R. 54 Ruckman, Ralph Marmon Mahomet, R. 42 Rudicil, J. E. Mitchell St. Joseph, R. 16 Rudicil, Troy B. Mitchell Sidney, R. 57 Rudicil, Ward Mitchell Homer, R. 60 Rudisill, D. D. Ford Sidney, R. 57 Rush, Ethelbert Studebaker Broadlands, R. 36 Rush, E. A. Overland Urbana, R. 11 Rusk, Volney B. Auburn Rantoul, R. 24 Russell, Arbuckle Jackson Champaign, R. 1 Ryan, Den S. Paige Six Savoy, R. 66 Saathoff, Claus Studebaker St. Joseph, R. 17 Saathoff, Harm J.Cole Gifford, R. 26 Saathoff, Henry K. Westcott Saathoff, K. W. Overland Saathoff, Micke Westcott Saddoris, E. C. Lexington Saddoris, Lincoln Ford Sadler, Garnet Ford Sage, Ed. White Sage, John J. Overland Samelson, Luther C. Ford Samuelson, W. H. Buick Sanders, Herl'ey Ford Sanders, W. I. Ford' Sarringhouse, John H. Buick Sartain, F. G. Jeffery Scarborough, Geo. Ford Schaefer, Chas. F. Buick Schaefer, Geo. Buick Schaefer, Joe Buick Schaefer, John F.Auburn Schenck, J. A. Ford Scheurich, A. P. Ford Scheurich, J. L. Ford Scheurich, P. F. Ford Schiff, Geo. Buick Schindler, Mrs. R. H. Haynes Schindler, Wm. H.Auburn Schlichter, David Mitchell Schlorff, Jos E. Reo Schlorff, J. E. Reo Schlueter, B. R. Studebaker Four Gifford, R. ?5 Schluter, Harm Studebaker Gifford, R. 26 Schluter/ John Case Gifford, R. 26 Schluter, L. W. Westcott Gifford, R. 25 Schmidt, Albert Overland Thomasboro, R. 20 Schmidt, Ehme R.Overland Thomasboro, R. 20 Schmidt, Rolf Hupmobile Thomasboro, R. 20 Schmink, Geo. Auburn Homer, R. 60 Schneider, A. J. Ford Urbana, R. 9 Scholl, Mrs. JohnStudebaker Foosland, R. 38 Schoon, Geo. Studebaker Penfield, R. 27 Schrader, Wm. Buick Urbana, R. 9 Schreiber, Albert Briscoe Champaign, R. 4 Schreiber, Herman Buick Champaign, R. 5 Schreiber, John Ford Champaign, R. 5 Schreiber, Otto Ford Champaign, R. 5 Schroeder, John Overland Sadorus, R. 50 Schroeder, L. W. Overland Sadorus, R. 51 Schubach, P. J. Flanders Rantoul, R. 23 Schultz, H. C. Davis Savoy, R. 45 Schumacher, Peter Paige Ivesdale, R. 52 Schurg, Chas. Willys Knight Gifford, R. 26 Gifford, R. 26 Gifford, R. D Mayview Urbana, R. 8 Homer, R. 62 Gifford, R. 26 Penfield, R. 28 Ludlow, R. 30 Champaign, R. 1 St. Joseph, R. 13 Thomasboro, R. 19 Philo, mf6 Foosland, K.39 Foosland, R. 38 Pesotum, R. 55 Pesotum, R. 55 Pesotum, R. 55 Pesotum, R. 55 Penfield, R. 28 Tolono, R. 48 Savoy, R. 66 Savoy, R. 45 Urbana, R. 8 Sidney, R. 57 Sidney, R. 57 Urbana, R. 12 Pesotum, R. 54 Pesotum, R. 54 Schwanderman, H. Ford Schwartz, H. C. Ford Schwartz, John Dodge Schwartz, Wm. Overland Schweineke, Fritz Overland Scoggin, R. C. Westcott Pesotum, R. 54 Ludlow, R. 31 Dewey, R. 32 Urbana, R. 9 Dewey, R. 32 Homer, R. 59 Champaign, R. 1 248 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Name Make Postoffice Name Make Postoffice Scott, Ed Overland Ogden, R. 17 Scott, Jas. Auburn Ogden, R. 17 Scott, P. L. Chandler Champaign, R. 1 Scott, Warren Chevrolet Ogden, R. 17 Scott, W. H. Ford Thomasboro, R. 20 Seals, Everett Ford Gifford, R. 25 Seeber, E. Auburn & Oldsmobile Rantoul, R. 22 Seeber, Peter Auburn & Oldsmobile Champaign, R. 3 Seelmeyer, Otto H. Ford Urbana, R. 10 Seider, Chris Reo Broadlands, R. 37 Seider, Henry Maxwell Broadlands, R. 36 Selby, Sam Buick Mahomet, R. 41 Seltzer, John F. Overland Longview, R. 63 Sepp, Carl Studebaker Ludlow, R. 30 Severius, S. H. Ford Rantoul, R. 23 Seward, Fred C. Overland Rantoul, R. 21 Seymour, A. J. Ford Seymour, R. 43 Seymour, C. T. Westcott Seymour, R. 43 Shade, H. R. Ford Urbana, R. 9 Shaff, Howard Oakland Urbana, R. 7 Shaff, L. L, Oakland Urbana, R. 7 Shaffer, H. J. Ford Sadorus Shaffer, J. P. Oakland Fisher, R. 35 Sharp, J. S. Hupmobile Urbana, R. 9 Sharp, Tillman Jeffery Champaign, R. 6 Sharpf, A. Dodge Penfield, R. 28 Sharpf, J. M. Maxwell Penfield, R. 28 Sheffer, C. R. Studebaker Fisher, R. 34 Shields, A. Ford Dewey, R. 32 Shell, Ed T. Willys Knight Mahomet, R. 40 Shepherd, John L.Ford Philo, R. 56 Sheppard, Ed. Ford Fisher, R. 35 Sherlock, Mrs. A. E. Ford Ivesdale, R. 52 Shields, Arch. Rambler Dewey, R. 33 Shields, Fred Studebaker Foosland, R. 39 FiiTelds, Hartley Ford Dewey, R. 32 Shields, W. H. Jeffery Foosland Shirley, Burt Ford St. Joseph, R. 14 Shirley, E. Ford St. Joseph, R. 14 Shively, D. W. Auburn Seymour, R.43 Shively, Frank R.Ford Seymour, R. 43 Shotts, Jacob, SrStudebaker Seymour, R. 44 Shroyer, Fred E. Ford Urbana, R. 8 Shubert, Bert Ford Fisher, R. 35 Shumate, Albert Ford Urbana, R. 9 Shurick, C. J. Oakland Ivesdale, R. 53 Siela, Andy Ford Rantoul, R. 22 Silver, David A. Willys Knight Urbana, R. 11 Simerl, J. F. Auburn Urbana, R. 7 Singleton, J. H. Ford Dewey, R. 33 Sitts, W. H. Buick Dewey, R. 33 Suits, Barney Ford Thomasboro, R. 20 Six, H. W. Chevrolet & National Broadlands, R. 37 Sizer, O. B. Hupmobile Fisher, R. 35 Sjoken, J. S. Ford Gifford, R. 24 Skinner, D. A. Buick St. Joseph, R. 14 Slagell, Sam H. Ford Foosland, R. 39 Slpan, E. L. Ford Mahomet, R. 41 Sloan, Felix T. Ford & Briscoe Ivesdale, R. 53 Sloan, Mrs. Lillian Elco Fisher, R. 35 Smalley, E. W. R. C. H. Savoy, R. 66 Smith, A. B. Oakland Urbana, R. 7 Smith, Bert Overland Sidney, R. 57 Smith, Carl H. Briscoe Ludlow, R. 29 Smith, Chas. A. Jackson Longview, R. 64 Smith, Chas. B. Regal Urbana, R. 7 Smith, C. A. Ford Broadlands, R. 37 Smith, D. M. Hupmobile Urbana, R. 7 Smith, E. A. Ford Urbana, R. 9 Smith, Gilbert A. Westcott Savoy, R. 45 Smith, H. Earl Oakland Urbana, R. 8 Smith, Jacob W. Buick Pesotum, R. 55 Smith, John M. Hudson Broadlands, R. 36 Smith, John W. Saxon Six Savoy, R. 66 Smith, J. E. Ford Sadorus, R. 50 Smith, J. R. Auburn Penfield, R. 27 Smith, Manuel Buick Longview, R. 64 Smith, Ralph Auburn Urbana, R. 7 Smith, Robt. Apperson Allerton, R. 1 Smith, Rodney R.Ford Urbana, R. 8 Smith, Wm. Ford Thomasboro, R. 19 Smith, W. F. Haynes Broadlands, R. 37 Smith, W. H. Haynes Homer, R. 59 Snyder, A. C. Ford Sadorus, R. 49 Snyder, C. A. Ford Sadorus, R. 51 Snyder, Geo. J. Ford Sadorus, R. 49 Snyder, J. W. Ford Sadorus, R. 51 Somers, Jas. Studebaker Ivesdale, R. 52 Somers, J. A. Ford St. Joseph, R. 16 Somers, J. B. Ford Urbana, R. 9 Somers, S. R. Ford Savoy, R. 45 Sommers, C. W. Kissel Dewey, R. 32 Sparrow, W. F. Ford Mahomet, R. 41 Spencer, Chas. Ford Mahomet, R. 41 Spencer, Geo. Dodge Homer, R. 60 Spencer, Ralph Overland Pesotum, R. 55 Sprague, Dallas Dodge Penfield, R. 28 Springer, J. W. Ford Dewey, R. 32 Springer, U. W. Buick Rantoul, R. 21 Squite, John Ford Champaign, R. 6 Sry, J. H. Overland Rantoul, R. 22 Stadden, T. F. Buick Homer, R. 59 Stamm, Silas Case Foosland, R. 39 Stanner, Guy W. Overland Urbana, R. 12 Stanner, J. R. Overland Urbana, R. 12 Stanner, R. O. Chevrolet Champaign, R. 1 Starkey, Wm. A. Ford Pesotum, R. 54 Starr, Roy Maxwell Penfield, R27 Stearns, Mrs. M. G. Ford Philo, R. 56 Stearns, Wm. A. Auburn St. Joseph, R. 15 Stein, Anten Studebaker St. Joseph, R. 13 Stein, Martin Ford St. Joseph, R. 13 Stephens, J. S. Ford Pesotum, R. 54 Steven, F. K. Buick Six Sadorus, R. 51 Steven, R. J. Marmon Sadorus, R. 51 Stevens, Fred E. Ford Urbana, R. 8 Stevenson, F. C. Ford Fisher, R. 34 Stickrod, Harry D. Ford Tolono, R. 48 Stickrod, Wm. H.Ford Tolono, R. 48 Stieper, C. F. E. M. F. Pesotum, R. 54 Stoerger, Louis Marmon & Overland Ivesdale, R. 53 Stonestreet, W.M.Ford Penfield, R. 27 Stout, Ernest Ford Mahomet, R. 42 Stout, Louis Roy Westcott Savoy, R. 66 Stout, L. B. Ford Ludlow, R. 31 Stover, Orville Ford Mahomet, R. 41 Stover, W. A. Oakland Sadorus, R. 51 249 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Name Make Postoffice Name Make Postoffice Strack, Ed Ford Ivesdale, R. 53 Thomas, Jas. O. Ford Mahomet, R. 41 Strohl, J. F. Overland Ivesdale, R. 52 Thomas, P. A. Ford Dewey, R. 32 Strohl, J. W. Maxwell Monticello, R. 1 Thompson, Archie F. Strom, Peter E. Ford Gifford, R. 26 Ford Mahomet, R. 40 Struck, Herman Apperson Broadlands, R. 36 Thompson, Beryl Overland St. Joseph, R. 16 Struck, Otto Reo Longview, R. 64 Thompson, C. J. Ford Rantoul, R. 24 Studer, Sam Ford Fisher, R. 34 Thompson, C. C. Studebaker Urbana, R. 7 Styan, Ed Marmon Sadorus, R. 51 Thompson, C. R. Ford St. Joseph, R. 16 Sullivan, Dan P. Ford Ludlow, R. 31 Thompson, Fred Ford Urbana, R. 8 Sullivan, J. Jeffery Rantoul, R. 24 Thompson, Jas. Studebaker Sullivan, J. T. Ford Rantoul, R. 22 St. Joseph, R. 16 ullivan, Melvin Ford Rantoul, R. 21 Thompson, Wm.H. Ford Ogden, R. 17 Sullivan, W. H. Ford Rantoul, R. 21 Thompson, W. Inter-State & Ford Sullivan, Wm. Ford Seymour Mahomet, R. 40 Summers, W. M. Studebaker Foosland, R. 38 Thornton, Louis Ford Penfield, R. 28 Summet, S. A. Overland Rantoul, R.21 Tibbs, C. C. Studebaker Ogden, R. 18 Sunderland, Chas. M. Tomblins, T. E. Ford Foosland, R. 38 Ford Penfield, R. 22 Tomlinson, W. M.Ford Penfield, R. 27 Sunderland, H. L.Ford Fisher Tompkins, W. R. Buick Mahomet, R. 41 Susdorf, Elmer Ford Rantoul, R. 22 Toppin, Jesse Chevrolet Urbana, R. 12 Suttle, B. M. Studebaker Mahomet, R. 40 Towner, J. A. Ford St. Joseph, R. 16 Swain, V. C. Ford Ludlow, R. 30 Toy, Frank Ford Sidney, R. 57 Swain, C. W. Ford Savoy, R. 45 Tracy, Chas L. Ford Rantoul, R. 24 Swaney, Will Ford Urbana, R. 13 Tracy, Ellen Studebaker Sadorus, R. 49 Swartz, Henry Overland Rantoul, R. 22 Tracy, Geo. Ford Seymour, R. 44 Swearingen, E. C. Hupmobile St. Joseph, R. 13 Tracy P. J. Dodge Sadorus, R. 45 Swearingen, J. O. Ford St. Joseph, R. D Trees, John F. Mitchell Homer, R. 60 Sweet, T. M. Buick Mahomet, R. 41 Trick, Geo. Studebaker Homer, R. 60 Sylvester, C. B. Ford Homer, R. 60 Trinkle, S. A. Ford Champaign, R. 2 Sylvester, Jos. Ford Champaign, R, 3 Trjnkle, Verne Ford Mahomet, R. 41 Trost, Edw. E. Reo Philo, R. 56 Tabaka, C. W. Chalmers Ivesdale, R. 53 Trotter, I. O. Ford Fisher, R. 35 Tabaka, E. J. Ford & Regal Ivesdale, R. 53 Trotter, O. Ford Champaign, R. 1 True Bros. Ford Champaign, R. 5 Tabaka, F. T. Moon Ivesdale, R. 53 Truitt, Orvil Ford Champaign, R. 4 Tabaka, Weaver Ford Ivesdale, R. 53 Tuner, Ed. D. Ford Bondville, R. 65 Talbot, Earl P. Auburn Gifford, R. 25 Turner, A. M. Westcott Seymour, R. 44 Talbot', Jas. A. Ford Gifford, R. 25 Turner, C. E. Cole Bondville, R. 65 Talbott, G. B. Ford Champaign, R. 1 Turner, Geo. Overland Seymour, R. 44 Tarvin, Ralph Cadillac Ludlow, R. 30 Taylor, Geo. Ford & Mitchell Urbana, R. 11 Turner, G. E. Ford Fisher, R. 34 Turner, W. R. Hudson Fisher, R. 34 Turner, W. M. Ford Gifford, R. 25 Taylor, Frank W. Maxwell Mahomet, R. 42 Taylor, Fred Ford Mahomet, R. 41 Taylor, G. W. Nyberg Penfield, R. 28 Tweet, P. R. Ford Gibson City, R. 1 Tyas, G. W. Buick Fisher, R. 35 Tyler, Nelson Paige Sidney, R. 57 Taylor, Harry A. Ford Homer, R. 60 Taylor, R. W. Ford Urbana, R. 7 Uken, Henry Studebaker St. Joseph, R. 14 Taylor, S. R. Ford Urbana, R. 11 Umbanhowar, Fred Taylor, W. H. Overland Homer, R. 60 Mitchell Homer, R. 60 Tayner, Elmer Overland Tolono, R. 47 Umbanhowar, J. H. Teare, Wm. Ford Bondville, R. 65 Buick Homer, R. 60 Tehsman, Louis Westcott Champaign, R. 5 Unzicker, J. K. Ford Fisher, R. 34 Telling, Albert Mitchell Broadlands, R. 37 Tempel, G. A. Ford Ivesdale, R. 52 VanBrunt, Earl I. Regal Urbana, R. 1 1 Tempel, Henry Ford Seymour, R. 44 VanBrunt, Merton S. Temple, John C. Buick Pesotum Ford Urbana, R. 11 Temple, Martin Overland Tolono, R. 46 VanBrunt, Raymond B. Tempel, P. A. Chevrolet Savoy, R.45 Buick Urbana, R. 11 Temple, Andrew Studebaker Ivesdale, R. 52 VanBuskirk, I. J. Temple, Edw. A. Buick Pesotum, R. 55 Davis Seymour, R. 43 Tenbrook, S. P. Ford Sadorus, R. 50 Vandam, Garrett Oldsmobile Rantoul, R. 23 Tenscher, J. S. Ford & Rambler Vandervort, Russel Fisher, R. 34 Ford Penfield, R. 27 Thinnes, J. L. Overland Tolono, R. 48 VanMeter, Clinton M. Thode, B. H. Studebaker Hupmobile Tolono, R. 47 Broadlands, R. 37 VanMeter, Geo. W. Overland Savoy, R. 66 Thomas, Arthur Reo Seymour, R. 44 VanSickle, John Ford Fisher, R. 35 Thomas, B. F. Jr. Buick Mahomet, R. 41 Vaughn, C. B. Maxwell St. Joseph, R. 13 Thomas, D. H. Ford Seymour, R. 44 Varner, V. E. Buick St. Joseph, R. 14 250 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Name Vedder, Jos. Viles, C. A. Viles, Frank Vogt, Bert Make Premier Ford Ford Reo Postoffice Broadlands, R. 36 St. Joseph, R.14 St. Joseph, R.14 Champaign, R. S Name Make Postoffice Waddington, J. K. Studebaker Six Dewey, R. 33 Wade, E. L. Ford Fisher, R. 34 Wagner, Chas. Ford St. Joseph, R. 15 Wakefield, Irvin Ford Walker, Arch Allen Walker, Chas. Mitchell Walker, C. J. Walker, E. W. Ford Walker, Guy N. Ford Walker, T. H. Ford Wallace, Chas. H. Paige Six Wallen, Geo. Ford Wallen, Wm. Ford Walsh, E. T. Ford Walsh, Lawson Ford Walsh, P. T. Studebaker Walsh, Thos. J. Overland Walsh, W. P. Overland Walton, H. T. Auburn Wampler, A. B. Ford Ward, Frank H. Ford Ward, John W. Maxwell Ward, W. P. Ford Ware, W. S. Hayneg Warfel, Alfred L. V. Ford Warmer, J. E. Warmer, W. A. Homer, R. 59 Broadlands, R. 36 Broadlands, R.36 Studebaker St. Joseph, R. 15 Ludlow, R. 30 Tolono, R. 48 Bondville, R. 65 Homer, R. D Rantoul, R. 22 Rantoul, R. 24 Rantoul Thomasboro, R. 20 Ivesdale, R. 52 Rantoul, R. 21 Ludlow, R. 30 Mayview, R. D Ludlow, R. 29 Dewey, R. 33 Champaign, R. 5 Champaign, R. 1 Gifford, R. 24 Dodge Jeffery Ford Case King Reo Overland Warner, B. S. Warner, F. L. Warner, Harry Warner, J. H. Warner, J. V. Warner, V. F. Warnes, Chas. Warnes, Wallace Buick Warren, Geo. W. Chevrolet Warsaw, Chis Ford Warters, Thos. B. Auburn Warthen, Walter Maxwell Wascher, Chas. Dort Wascher, Herman Overland Wastson, Warren H. Ford Waters, H. W. Buick Watson, Claud B. Hupmobile Watson, Forest S. Hupmobile Watson, Geo. L. Ford Watson, J. A. Warren Watts, Wm. O Way, Amos Weasel Bros. Tolono, R. 46 Foosland, R. 39 Studebaker Six Foosland, R. 3~8 Mahomet, R. D. Mahomet, R. 42 Rantoul, R. 22 Mahomet, R. 42 Penfield, R. 27 Mahomet, R. D Studebaker Longview, R. 63 Longview, R. 63 Ogden, R. 17 Foosland, R. 38 Allerton, R. 1 Homer, R. 59 Sidney, R. 58 Champaign, R. 2 Buick Ford Ludlow, R. 29 Urbana, R. 8 Ludlow, R. 29 Ludlow, R. 29 Ludlow, R. 31 Ludlow, R. 29 Longview, R. 63 Ludlow, R. 30 Chandler & Ford Pesotum, R. 54 Weasel, John Buick Pesotum, R. 54 Weaver, D. W. Dodge Champaign, R. 1 Webber, Hugh E. Hupmobile Ludlow, R. 29 Webster, E. F. Ford Rantoul, R. 22 Webster, Frank S. Ford Rantoul, R. 22 Webster, M. D. Auburn & Studebaker Rantoul, R. 22 Weebs, Robt. Oakland Savoy, R. 60 Wegeng, John C. Willys Knight Longview, Ford Ford Ford Hupmobile Weidner, Geo. Welch, W. C. Welsh, J. T. Welles, T. B. Wendling, Chas. Reo Wendt, Fred Ford Wenzlaff, E. J. Ford Wenzlaff, Ott Wertz, Frank Whalen, A. Whalen, J. J. Whalen, W. J. White, David White, Elmer White, F. H. White, Isaac White, Jos. White, J. J. White, Sanford Whitmore, Niel T. Ford Whitt, J. E. Whole, Elmer Wicoff, S. A. Wienke, D. J. Wienke, F. J. Wienke, J. C. Wienke, Wm. M. Reo Wiese, Chas. Ford Wise, E. H. Ford Wiese, H. E. Hudson Wiese, J. L., Jr. Ford Wilhelm, John M. Buick Wilhelm, P. C. Saxon Four Wilken, Jacob Wilkins, Frank Willard, Arthur Willard, E. E. Willard, F. D. Gifford, Urbana, Ivesdale, Penfield, Broadlands, Bondville, Champaign, Seymour, Urbana, Ivesdale, Ivesdale, Sadorus, Homer, Urbana, Broadlands, Urbana, Rantoul, Ivesdale, Urbana, Ludlow, Studebaker Champaign, Chevrolet Homer, Mahomet, Gifford, Allerton, Broadlands, Broadlands, Foosland, Longview, Broadlands, Urbana, Tolono, Tolono, St. Joseph, Mahomet, Urbana, Urbana, Cadillac & Ford Ford Velie Ford Ford Ford Dodge Mitchell Buick Mitchell Empire Ford Studebaker Ford Ford Studebaker Auburn Ford Ford Hudson Velie Urbana, Williams, Clarence L Reo & Ford Philo, Ford Mahomet, Ford Champaign, Ford St. Joseph, Studebaker Fisher, Williams, C. A. tVilliams, C. O. Williams, D. S. Williams, F. A. Williams, G. C. Williams, Harry C. Jeffery Williams, John Williams, J. A. Williams, O. S. Wills, C. C. Wilner, Mrs. S. Wilson, David Wilson, Guy P. Wilson, H. C. Wilson, Henry, Wilson, L. D. Wilson, L. W. Wilson, Jas. A. Wilson, Mrs. N. Wilson, N. C. Wilson, Tom Wilson, Wm. Wilson, W. G. Ford Ford Ford Ford Westcott Inter-State Overland Ford Buick Ford Ford (2) Ford Overland Studebaker Overland Auburn Studebaker Buick Condit, St. Joseph, Bondville, Mahomet, Champaign, Penfield, Fisher.. St. Joseph, Ludlow, Sadorus, Tolono, Urbana, Fisher, Sidney, Foosland, Tolono, Broadlands, Sidney, Ogden, R. 64 R. 26 R. 12 R. 53 R. 28 R. 36 R. 65 R. 6 R. 43 R. 11 R. 52 R. 53 R. 49 R. 60 R. 12 R. 36 R. 12 R. 23 R. 52 R. 12 R. 31 R. 1 R. 62 R. 40 R. 26 R. 1 R. 37 R. 37 R. 39 R. 64 R. 37 R. 8 R. 46 R. 46 R. 14 R. 40 R. 12 R. 11 R. 11 R. 56 R. 40 R. 3 R. 14 R. 35 R. 33 R. 13 R. 65 R. 40 R. 3 R. 28 R. 35 R. 14 R. 31 R. 51 R. 46 R. 9 R. 34 R. 58 R. 38 R. 46 R. 36 R. 58 R. 18 251 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Name Make Postoffice Name Make E. M. F. Ogden, R. 18 Overland Champaign, R. 5 Ogden, R. 18 Dewey, R. 33 Pesotum, R. 54 Pesotum, R. 54 Sadorus, R. 51 Wilson, W. J. Wilt, T. L. Winget, Wilbur Buick Wirt, R. D. Ford Wirth, Chas. L. Ford Wirth, Edw. F. Reo Wise, J. T. Ford Wisegarver, Howard Overland Savoy, R.45 Wisegarver, Will Marmon Savoy, R. 45 Wiseman, E. V. Buick Longview, R. 63 Wismar, J. C. Overland Sadorus, R. 51 Witt, P. Allen Broadband*, R. 37 Wohler, Fred E. Dodge Champaign, R. 6 Wolf, Chas. G. Studebaker Champaign, R. 1 Wolfe, R. J. Studebaker St. Joseph, R. 13 Woliung, A. Ford A Ludlow, R. 30 Woliung, Chas. Ford Dewey, R. 32 Wolken, J. D. Davis Thomasboro, R. 20 Woo, Clarence Studebaker Sidney, R. 57 Wood, H. R. Studebaker Sidney, R. 58 Wood, J. H. Overland Penfield Wood, L. C. Marion Wood, N. V. Ford Wood, Robt. Auburn Mahomet, R. 42 St. Joseph, R. 16 & Ford Rantoul, R. 23 St. Joseph, R. 16 Sadorus, R. 49 Wood, Walter C. Dodge Woodruff, C. S. Reo Woodworth, Chas. R. Grant Tolono, R. 48 Workman, M. O. Partin Palmer St. Joseph, R. 14 Wrean, Howard ttudebaker Ludlow, R. D. Wright, Chas. E. M. F. Gifford, R. 26 Wright, D. B. Mitchell Champaign, R. 1 Wright, Jas. Ford Wright, C. A. Ford Wright, H. S. Richmond Wright, T. J. Ford Wrathers, A. N. Ford Wyant, W. A. Velie Wyatt, A. K. Buick Wycoff, L. C. Ford Wycoff, Walter H.Ford Postoffice St. Joseph, R. 15 Mahomet, R. 41 Mahomet, R. 40 Savoy, R. 46 Urbana, R. 8 Longview, R. 64 Fisher, R. 35 Urbana, R. 8 Rantoul, R. 23 Yakel, W. P. Studebaker Rantoul, R. 24 Yancey, H. S. Ford Mahomet, R. 42 Yancey, W. L. Ford Mahomet, R.42 Yazell, B. M. Ford Fisher, R. 34 Yearsley, J. C. Buick Urbana, R. 9 Years, E. C. Ford St. Joseph, R. 14 Yeasel, J. F. Maxwell St. Joseph, R. 15 Yeazel, J. P. Auburn Homer, R. 60 Yeazel, Otis H. Auburn St. Joseph, R.14 Yeazle, M. L. Auburn Homer Young, Elmer E. Studebaker Bondville, R. 65 Young, Geo. Sr. Davis Bondville, R. 65 Young, J. H. Oldsmobile Foosland, R. 38 Young, Odus Ford Champaign, R. 5 Youmans, Isaac L ,Ford St. Joseph, R. 13 Yount, Wm. E. Overland Homer, R. 62 Zehr, Dan Reo Foosland, R. 38 Zehr, J. E. Ford Fisher, R. 35 Zenke, Wm. Cole Broadlands, R. 36 Zenkie, Alvin Westcott Longview, R. 64 Ziegler, Jacob Ford Urbana, R. 9 Zimmerman, J. B. Ford Foosland, R. 37 Zindar, H. W. Davis Bondville, R. 65 Zindiars, F. A. Ford Ivesdale, R. 52 Zondars, Otto Overland Seymour, R. 44 252 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Name Abbott, I. C. Albers, John Allen, W. W. Make Postoffice Anderson, Ellworth Allwork Mahomet, R. 41 10-20 I. H. C. St. Joseph, R. 15 12-25 Titan Champaign,* R. 4 Ar.cher, Clinton Arnold, J. D. Avery Big Four Heider Seymour, R. 44 St. Joseph, R. 16 Rantoul, R. 21 Foosland Ball, O. P. Avery Bassett, Frank C. Bates Steel Mule Champaign, R. 5 Beeler, D. E. Emmerson Gifford, R. 25 Behrens, A. 20 Reeves (Steam) Dewey Bell, F. S. Titan Sadorus, R. 49 Bengston, E. B. Aultman-Taylor Ludlow, R. 31 Berbaum, Alfred B. Waterloo-Boy Bondville, R. 65 Berbaum, Fred Case & Waterloo Boy Champaign, R. 2 Berbaum, Herman Waterloo Boy Savoy, R. 45 Berbaum, Robt. Waterloo Boy Bondville, R. 65 Btreley, L. Frank International Urbana, R. 9 Blank, Chris Avery Bondville, R. 65 Block, Raymond F. Avery Broadlands, R. 36 Bleu, Anthony Minneapolis CSteam) Champaign, R. 5 Blue, Carl E. 8- 16 Avery Thomasboro, R. 20 Brewer, Wm. C. Hume Allerton, R. 1 Brinkley, S. M. Bull Rantoul, R. 21 Burley, j. S. Waterloo-Boy Urbana, R. 10 Burwash, A. E. Titan Savoy, R. 45 Burwash, L. S. Titan Savoy, R. 45 Busey, M. C. Universal & Parrett Champaign, R. 5 Cade, V. B. Olmstead Seymour, R. 44 Cender, J. J. Parrett Foosland Chambers, ^J. Hart Parr Sadorus, R. 51 Chester, T^P. 12-25 Titan Champaign, R. 2 Collins, C. C. Bull Thomasboro Collins, C. H. Case Champaign, R. 2 Collins, J. T> Waterloo Boy Thomasboro, R. 19 Cooper, Ira M. 8-16 International Pesotum, R. 55 Cornelius, John P. Titan St. Joseph, R. 13 Cruser, Herman D. Parrett Champaign, R. 5 Curtis, Eugene Jr. Waterloo-Boy Savoy, R. 45 Curtis, Wesley J. 20 Advance (Steam) Champaign, R. 1 Danielson, Otto E. Davis, O. Q. Parrett Bull Ludlow, R. 29 Clarence, R, 1 Name Make Postoffice Decker, Wm. 12-25 Avery Champaign, R. 5 Dillman, Emmet Ford Attachment Urbana, R. 7 Dunlap, Henry M. Avery Savoy, R. 45 Ehler, B. W. Reeves Champaign, R. 4 Ehler, W. Heider Champaign, R. 4 Eichelberger, Geo. 10-20 International Rantoul, R. 21 Ellis, H. G. Emerson Penfield, R. 27 Ellis, J. J. 12-20 Emerson Penfield, R. 28 Evans, F. L. Waite Rantoul, R. 22 Fairfield, Chas. Emerson Fisher, R. 34 Federer, Fred Red River Special (Steam) Rantoul, R. 23 Federer, S. Reeves and Red River Special (Steam) Rantoul, R. 23 Fisher, Mrs. Emma C. Avery Savpy, R. 66 Flatt, Ross A, Staude-Maker Leverett, R. D Flesner, John 10-20 Titan Rantoul, R. 24 Flesner, Martin Avery Rantoul, R. 24 Fletcher, Otis A. 8-16 International Pesotum Foster, C. J; Waterloo Boy Bondville, R. 65 Foster, R. E, 25 Case, 25 Russel, - Russel, 18 Advance (Steam) Mahomet, R. 42 Fox, Daniel International Sadorus, R. 49 Rantoul, R. 24 Franzen, Henry J. 10-20 Titan Frazier, Geo. Jr. 8-16 Mogul Freeman, Gordon Ford Funkhouser, A. Big Four Funkhouser, Clinton L. Big Four Funkhousef, C.E. Emerson Villa Grove Homer, R. 61 Rantoul, R. D Rantoul, R. D Urbana, R. 8 Gates, Perry J. Steel King Tuscola, R. 1 Gibson, F. L. Big Four St. Joseph Good Bros. International Thomasboro, R. 19 Good, B. G. International Thomasboro, R. 19 Good, W. E. International Thomasboro, R. 19 Gourley, Jas. L. Parrett Paxton, R. 3 Hadler, A. W. Hall Bros. Hamman, Dan Hammel, Pliny Harris, B. F. Hartman, Geo. Hazen, G. W. Heater, H. L. Heimburger, A. J. Heindselman.M. L Herbert, Geo. W. Waite Rantoul, R. 21 International Savoy, R. 45 Minneapolis Sadorus, R. 51 Fort Huron (Steam) Mahomet, R. 40 Mogul (2), Titan (1), Avery (2) Champaign, R. D Mogul St. Joseph 12-25 Avery Mahomet, R. 40 Minneapolis Urbana, R. 12 International Champaign, R. 6 International Rantoul, R. 21 Waterloo Boy Gifford, R. 25 253 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Name Make Postoffice Name Make Postoffice Herriott, Geo. L. Ford Mahomet, R. 42 Rayburn, Bert Titan Champaign, R, 4 Heyer, Walter E. 12-25 Titan Fisher, R. 34 Rayburn, C. C. Mogul Bondville, R. 65 Hieser, J. E. Heider Foosland, R. 38 Rayburn, J. W. Titan Bondville, R. 65 Hoffhines, Dan Mogul Seymour, R. 43 Rayburn, Len Titan Mahomet, R. 42 Hoy, Monroe I. H. C. St. Joseph, R. 13 Remley, John W. Moline Gifford, R. 25 Hoyt, C. L. Avery Thomasboro, R. 19 Reynolds, A. Heider Foosland, R. 38 Hubbart, H. J. Ford Sadorus, R. 51 Reynolds, Wm. H. Advance Gifford, R. 25 Hudson, John International Sidney, R. 57 Rice, Van W. Moline St. Joseph, R. 13 Hudson, Perry Titan Urbana, R. 12 Riefstatk, Chas. Waterloo Boy Hylbert, J. M. 10-20 Titan Gifford, R. 25 Champaign, R. 2 Riegel, Wm. E. Big Four Tolono, R. 46 Innes, Chester F. Waterloo Boy Ritchie, CorTey Avery Foosland, R. 39 Bondville, R. 65 Roberts, L. W. Heider Champaign, R. 6 Irle, Harry L. Bull Champaign, R. 6 Roy, Wm. M. 10-20 International Irle, L. J. Bull Champaign, R. 6 Pesotum, R. 54 Jacobs, G. W. 10-20 I. H. C. Saathoff, Harm Rumley Steam Gifford, R. 26 Champaign, R. 1 Sage, Ed 10-20 Titan Gifford, R. 26 James, Chauncey Heider Thomasboro Schlorff, J. E. I. H. C. Pesotum, R. 54 James, O. Heider Thomasboro, R. 19 Schluter, John 10-20 Titan Gifford, R. 26 Johnson, Alfred Avery Rantoul, R. 21 Schoon, Geo. Lion (8-16) Penfield, R. 27 Jones, Lynch T. Avery Gifford, R. 25 Schultz, H. C. Waterloo Boy Savoy, R. 45 Kirkpatrick, J. Earl Atlas Urbana, R. 7 Seeber, E. Caterpillar Rantoul, R. 22 Seeber, Peter Holt Champaign, R. 3 Shields, A. Avery Dewey, R. 32 Landis, E. E. Allwork Ivesdale, R. 53 Shields, Hartley Avery Dewey, R. 32 Lange Bros. 40-80 Reeves Shively, D. W. Mogul Seymour, R. 43 Champaign, R. 3 Shroyer, Fred E. Bull Urbana, R. 8 Lange, O. A. 10-20 Titan Sizer, O. B. International Fisher, R. 34 Champaign, R. 5 Smith, Jacob W. Mogul Pesotum, R. 55 Laverick, Ira F. Waterloo Boy Snyder, C. A. Hart Part Sadorus, R. 51 Broadlands, R. 37 Sommer, C. W. Mogul Dewey, R. 32 Lee, Squire E. Advance Homer, R. 60 Strom, Peter E. 10-20 Titan Gifford, R. 26 Leece, Sigler Mogul Seymour, R. 43 Swain, V. C. Mogul Ludlow, R. 30 Tabaka, C. W. Allwork Ivesdale, R. 53 Madden, Chas. A. Parrett Seymour, R. 44 Maddock, Edw. Titan St. Joseph, R. 14 Tabaka, E. J. Waterloo Boy Ivesdale, R. 53 Maddock, O. W. International Taylor, Geo. Titan Urbana, R. 11 St. Joseph, R. 13 Thomas, Jas. O. Avery Mahomet, R. 41 Martinie, W. Avery Dewey, R. 33 Mattix, J. G. Reeves Sadorus, R. 51 True Bros. Advance Engine (Steam) Champaign, R. 5 Maxwell, J. W. 30 Titan Urbana, R. 10 McCabe, Thos. J. Mogul Ludlow, R. 31 McHarry, D. R. International Rantoul, R. 21 Tyas, G. W. International Fisher, R.35 Ward, Frank Allwork Dewey, R. 33 Warner, B. S. Avery Mahomet, R. D McKee, R. B. 10-20 Titan Waschen, Herman Waterloo Boy Champaign, R. 3 Champaign, R. 2 Meharry, Paul F. Parrett Tolono, R. 48 Merrifield, Dan I. H. C.( 2) Champaign, R. 3 Messman, Fred J. Light Allwork Weeks, Robt. International Savoy, R. 60 Wendt, Fred Waterloo Boy Bondville, R. 65 Sadorus, R. 51 White, Sanford Titan Urbana, R. 12 Minks, Bert Mogul Foosland, R. 38 Mitchell, R. G. Case Fisher, R. 35 Whitt, J. E. Waterloo Boy Champaign, R. 1 Mohr, Henry K. Heider Sidney, R. 58 Montgomery, S.H. Titan Tolono, R. 46 Wienke, Dan J. 8-16 Avery Gifford, R. 26 Willard, Arthur Emerson Urbana, R. 12 Moore, W. G. Waterloo Boy Savoy, R. 45 Williams, C. A. Avery Mahomet, R. 40 Norton, Albert E. Nelson Tolono, R. 46 Williams, J. A. Avery Mahomet, R. 40 Williams, O. S. Aultman-Taylor O'Neal, W. B. Hart Parr Sadorus, R. 51 Champaign, R. 3 Osterbur, John Oil Pull Ogden, R, 17 Wilson, David International Oyer, M. Garr Scott Engine (Steam) Foosland, R. 38 St. Joseph, R. 14 Wise, H. L. Lion Penfield, R. 27 Wise, J. E. Allwork Savoy, R. 45 Patten, L. Parter Clarence, R. 1 Wolfe, R. J. Rumley St. Joseph, R. 13 Pfiester, Otis Aultman-Taylbr Woodwqrth, Chas. R. Bondville, R. 65 8-16 Mogul Tolono, R. 48 Phares, C. A. Bull St. Joseph, R. 15 Young, Geo. Sr. Avery Bondville, R. 65 Plotner, Chas. L. Moline Universal Young, J. H. Parrett Foosland, R. 38 Philo, R. 56 Youman, I. L. Staude Maker Poterfield, S. H. Bull Allerton, R. 1 St. Joseph, R. 13 Ramert, Ed. Heider Rantoul, R. 22 Ziegler, Jacob Waite Urbana.R. 9 254 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY SOME FACTS FOR TAX-PAYERS. The biggest item of waste on the school budget is the child who isn't promoted who is one, two, three, or four years behind his grade. Almost invariably the child who fails to pass is found to be suffering from physical defects, especially tooth defects. It is literally true that good health is impossible without good teeth. Competent medical authorities now have no hesitation in asserting that a majority of diseases from which man- kind suffers can be traced directly or indirectly to mouth infection tq de- cayed teeth and diseased gums. Without good teeth it is impossible to masticate the food properly; with- out proper mastication food cannot be properly digested. Indigestion, con- stipation and other disorders of the digestive tract are very often caused by decayed teeth, and disappear as soon as the dentist has put his pa- tient's mouth in order. Most children are made to wash the hands and face. Comparatively few are taught to brush their teeth regu- larly. Yet a clean mouth is really far more important for the health of the child. Children whose teeth are well cared for are far less likely to catch diseases of childhood, such as measles, mumps, diphtheria and scarlet fever. Aston- ishing results in preventing disease have been obtained by dentists work- ing in institutions and orphanages. In the spring of 1911 a dentist was em- ployed to examine and care for child- ren's teeth in St. Vincent's Orphanage in Boston, where every year there had been many cases of measles, whoop- ing cough, mumps, scarlet fever and other children's diseases. The dentist filled cavities and taught the children the regular use of a tooth brush; as a result these children's diseases have been practically banished from the in- stitution. There has been scarcely a case since the dentist began his work. GLUE METHOD OF INOCULA- TION By Frank I. Mann in Prairie Farmer. The glue method of inoculating clover and alfalfa seed is not only cheap and easy, but it is nearly "fool proof;" that is, it is not neces- sary to be very particular about all the details to have it successful in its results. A pound of glue may be dissolved in a gallon of water or in two or three gallons of water, with- out any appreciable difference in the results; and a quart of dry dirt, or a gallon of dry dirt, may be sprinkled on the seed after it has been moist- ened with the glue water. As a rule, about a quart of dirt may stick to the seed, and the rest of the dirt may be screened out or not, just as you prefer, as the amount of dirt is not material, if there is enough. In pre- paring the dirt, however, a little care should be used to secure it from a place where the bacteria are active, as shown by the nodules formed, and if the host plant, in this case sweet clover, has grown in the same place for several years the inoculation will be better. This dirt should not be dried in the sun, as direct sunlight is fatal to bacteria of nearly every kind. The dirt should be finely pulverized and sifted through a fine sieve, but this is not much trouble, as so small an amount is used. MANUFACTURER CHARACTER The manufacturer of a well-known brand has more at stake in maintain- ing his quality than if he is manu- facturing the same product to be sold under private brand. In the former case, he must please a consumer whcrm he never sees; in the latter case he transfers the responsibility to a retail merchant who deals face to face with the consumer and who can plead his case in person, in case of dissatisfac- tion. A live store managed by a progressive merchant is worth a good deal to any country town or country community. When you find such a merchant, encourage him with your friendship and your patronage. By doing this you will help make your community a better place to live in. 255 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY UNITED STATES OFFICERS President Woodrow Wilson Vice-President Thomas Marshall Secretary of State Robert Lansing Secretary of Treasury William G. McAdoo Secretary of War Newton C. Baker Attorney General Thos. W. Gregory Postmaster General Albert S. Burleson Secretary of Navy Josephus Daniels Secretary of Interior Franklin K. Lane Secretary of Agriculture David F. Houston Secretary of Commerce William C. Redfield ILLINOIS STATE OFFICERS, 1917-1920 Governor Frank O. Lowden Lieutenant Governor John G. Oglesby Secretary of State Louis L. Emmerson Attorney General .Edward J. Brundage Treasurer Len Small Secretary of Labor William B. Wilson Auditor of Public Accounts Andrew Russel MEMBERS OF CONGRESS Illinois Senators Lawrence Y. Sherman James Hamilton Lewis Congressmen-at-Lairge William E. Mason Medill McCormick Congressman, 19th District (Counties of Champaign, Coles, Douglas, DeWitt, Piatt, Macon, Moultrie and Shelby William B. McKinley, Champaign. MEMBERS OF GENERAL ASSEMBLY, 24TH DISTRICT (Counties of Champaign, Moultrie and Piatt.) Senate Henry M. Dunlap, Champaign House Fred H. Cole, Bement William H. H. Miller, Champaign Charles A. Gregory, Lovington LEGAL HOLIDAYS IN ILLINOIS New Year's Day January 1 Lincoln's Birthday February 12 Washington's Birthday. February 22 Memorial Day May 30 Independence Day July 4 Labor Day First Monday in September Election Days Columbus Day October 12 Thanksgiving Day , Christmas Day December 25 256 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY BOARD ,OF SUPERVISORS OF CHAMPAIGN COUNTY, ILLINOIS Term Township Name Postoffice Expires Ayers A. S. Maxwell Broadlands 1919 Brown Ora L. Gilmore Fisher 1918 Champaign O. L. Percival Champaign 1918 Champaign *N. M. Burt Savoy 1919 Champaign *J. F. Melahn Champaign 1919 Champaign "Thomas D. Deakin Champaign 1918 Champaign *J. Otto Goodmann Champaign 1918 Champaign *D. B. Wright Champaign 1919 Colfax Thomas M. O'Conor Ivesdale 1918 Compromise Joseph E. Gordon Penfield 1919 Condit G. C. Williams Dewey, R. R. 33 1918 Crittenden J. J. Reinhart Pesotum (R. R.) 1919 East Bend C. E. Jackson Dewey 1918 Harwood George W. Herbert Gifford 1918 Hensley John W. Church Champaign, R. R. 5 1918 Kerr .- Harry T. Patton Clarence (R. R.) 1918 Ludlow George B. Walker Ludlow 1919 Mahomet J. J. Hayward Mahomet 1918 Newcomb Frank Delaney Fisher 1919 Ogden W. H. Richards St. Joseph 1918 Pesotum Theodore Voelkel Pesotum 1918 Philo C. F. VanVleck Philo 1919 Rantoul Sep. S. Smith Rantoul 1919 Raymond Frank Mohr Longview 1918 Sadorus Henry A. Hagan Sadorus ...1919 Scott R. D. McNeil Seymour 1919 Sidney C. C. McElwee Sidney 1919 Somer Fred Thompson Urbana, R. R. 8 1919 South Homer B. M. Custer Homer 1918 Stanton David Wilson St. Joseph, R. R. 14 1918 St. Joseph Charles W. Dale St. Joseph 1919 Tolono Leslie O. Gates Tolono 1919 Urbana John McCullough Urbana . 1919 Urbana *H. W. Cunningham Urbana 1918 Urbana *Tohn Gray Urbana 1919 Urbana *Roy Palmer Urbana 1918 "Assistant Supervisors. Standing Committees for the Year 1917 J. J. HAYWARD, Chairman FRED HESS, Clerk WAYS AND MEANS Jackson, Church, O'Conor, VanVleck, Custer, Williams, Melahn. JUDICIARY Gilmore, Jackson, Gray, Percival, McElwee, Mohr. PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS Maxwell, Cunningham, Williams, Voelkel, Herbert, Burt. ROADS AND BRIDGES McCullough, Reinhart, Dale. PAUPERS ANL PAUPER RELIEF Custer, Gray, Melahn, Gordon, Patton, Gates, McNeill. CLAIMS McElwee, Richards, O'Conor, Deakin, Smith. FEES AND SALARIES Dale, Jackson, Williams, Wright, VanVleck, Walker. COUNTY FARM Church, McCullough, Reinhart, Burt, Mohr. STATIONERY AND PRINTING VanVleck, Cunningham, Gilmore, Thompson, Maxwell, Delaney, Goodmann. PHYSICIANS' CLAIMS Herbert, Percival, Smith, Hagan, Palmer. HOSPITALS, ASYLUMS AND ORPHANAGES Voelkel, Patton, Walker, Deakin, Wilson. COSTS OF JUSTICES AND CONSTABLES Richards, Gordon, McElwee, Wright, Good- mann. EDUCATIONAL Wilson, Richards, McNeill, Gates, Delaney. ELECTION DISTRICTS Patton, Thompson, Burt, Wilson, Herbert. PAUPER STATISTICS Goodmann, Hagan, Deakin, Melahn, Palmer. RELIEF OF THE BLIND Gates, Voelkel, O'Conor. TUBERCULOSIS SANITARIUM Smith, Wright, Mohr, Gray, Church. SPECIAL ROAD BOND ISSUE Gilmore, Maxwell, Reinhart, McCullough, Custer, Percival, Dale, Hagan (Chairman of Board and County Superintendent of Highways ex-officio members). CHAMPAIGN COUNTY OFFICERS County Judge Roy C. Freeman County Clerk Fred Hess Treasurer Edward Rogers Sheriff A. M. Evans Superintendent of Schools Charles H. Watts Superintendent of Highways George C. Fairclo State's Attorney L. A. Busch Circuit Judge Franklin H. Boggs Circuit Clerk Boyd S. Elaine Master in Chancery C. W. Richards Probation Officer (County Court) . Mrs. Julia Replogle Probation Officer (Circuit Court) U. G. Martin 257 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY GENERAL FARM DATA FOR CHAMPAIGN COUNTY, ILLINOIS From 1910 Census Population 51829 Number of all farms 3,757 Color and nativity of farmers: Native white 3,251 Foreign-born white 500 Negro and other non-white 6 Number of farms, classified by size: Under 3 acres 9 3 to 3 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 630 100 to 174 acres 1,321 175 to 259 acres 869 260 to 499 acres 481 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over. Approximate land area acres 667,520 Land in farms acres 608,428 Improved land in farms acres 596,608 Woodland in farms .acres 10,742 Other unimproved land in farms 1,078 Percent of land area in farms 91.1 Percent of farm land improved 98.1 Average acres per farm 161.9 Average improved acres per farm 158.8 All farm property value dollars 123.312.914 Land dollars 107,748,316 Buildings dollars 8,143,770 Implements and machinery .dollars 1,575,965 Domestic animals, poultry and. bees ..dollars 5,844,863 Percent of value of all property in Land 87.4 Building 6.6 Implements and machinery 13 Domestic animals, poultry and bees 4'. 7 Average values: All property per farm dollars 32,822 Land and buildings per farm dollars 30,847 Land, per acre - dollars 177 09 Farms reporting domestic animals 3,697 Value of domestic animals dollars 5,668 694 Cattle: Total number '. . 28,195 Dairy cows 12,598 Other cows 2,829 Yearling heifers 4,086 Calves 4,289 Yearling steers and bulls 2,341 Other steers and bulls 2.052 Value dollars 861,700 Horses: Total number 30.926 Mature horses . . . : 27,169 Yearling colts 2,734 Spring colts li023 Value dollars 4,008,694 Mules: Total number , 2.419 Mature mules 2,295 Yearling colts 99 Spring colts 25 Value dollars 359,179 Asses and burros: Number ". . . 19 Value dollars 2,424 Swine: Total number 43.328 Mature hogs 25394 Spring pigs 17,934 Value dollars 379,660 Sheep: Total number 10,634 Rams, yews and wethers 7,657 Spring lambs 2,977 Value dollars 56,929 Goats: Number 58 Value . t dollars 108 258 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Number of poultry of all kinds 309,133 Value dollars 169,470 Number of colonies of bees 1,825 Value dollars 6,699 Number of farms operated by owners 1,651 Percent of all farms 43.9 Land In farms acres 253,611 Improved land in farms acres 248,192 Value of land and buildings dollars 49,190,818 Degree of ownership: Farms consisting of owned land only 1,127 Farms consisting of owned and hired land 524 Color and nativity of owners: Native white 1,322 Foreign-born white 325 Negro and other non-white Number of farms operated by tenants 2,078 Percent of all farms 55.3 Land in farms acres 347,897 Improved land in farms acres 341,662 Value of land and buildings dollars 65,584,488 Form of tenancy: Share tenants Share cash tenants Cash tenants 503 Tenure not specified 39 Color and nativity of tenants: Native white 1,901 Foreign-born white 175 Negro and other non- white Number of farms operated by managers 28 Land in farms acres 6,920 Improved land in farms acres 6,754 Value of land and buildings dollars 1,116,780 Mortgage debt report: For all farms operated by owners: Number free from mortgage debt Number with mortgage report 762 Number with no mortgage report 52 For farms consisting of owned land only: ' Number reporting debt and amount Value of their land and buildings dollars 13,325,795 Amount of mortgage debt dollars 2,572,979 Percent of value of land and buildings 19.3 LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Dairy cows on farms reporting dairy products number 11,916 Dairy cows on farms reporting milk produced .number 11,577 Milk produced gallons 4,064,940 Sold gallons 403,296 Cream sold gallons 43,340 Butter fat sold^. pounds 93,046 Butter produced pounds 937,860 Sold pounds 495,724 Cheese produced .' pounds 2,128 Sold pounds 1,754 Value of dairy products, excluding home use of milk and cream . . dollars 346.616 Receipts from sale of dairy products dollars 249,796 Poultry raised number 557,665 Sold number 215,222 Eggs produced dozens 1,179,855 . Sold ,;: dozens 633.781 Value of poultry and eggs produced dollars 495 540 Receipts from sale of poultry and eggs dollars 231,063 Wool, fleeces shorn number 5 891 Mohair and goat hair fleeces shorn !. number 5 Value of wool and mohair produced dollars 11 798 Honey produced pounds 22!577 Wax produced pounds 80 Value of honey and wax produced dollars 4,126 DOMESTIC ANIMALS SOLD OR SLAUGHTERED '** or Calves, sold or slaughtered number 3 662 Other cattle sold or slaughtered number 9,987 Horses, mules, asses and burros sold number 4,018 Swine sold or slaughtered number 42807 Sheep and goats sold or slaughtered number 11046 Receipts from sale of animals dollars 1 573 316 Value of animals slaughtered dollars '250^486 VALUE OF ALL CROPS Cereals dollars 9,194.789 Other grains and seeds dollars 11 724 Hay and forage dollars 436,075 259 Vegetables dollars 178,107 Fruits and nuts dollars 114,753 All other crops dollars 56,210 SELECTED CROPS Corn acres 291,207 bushels 12,914,426 Oats acres 158,571 bushels 5,885,152 Wheat acres 11,848 bushels 265,432 Emmer and spelt acres bushels Barley acres 11 bushels 240 Buckwheat acres 12 bushels 100 Rye acres 37 bushels 491 All tame or cultivated grasses acres 29,656 tons 40,972 Timothy alone acres 15,194 tons 22,265 Timothy and clover mixed acres 3,883 tons 5,107 Clover alone acres 10,049 tons 12,516 Alfalfa acres 134 tons 302 Millet or Hungarian grass .acres 351 tons 733 Other tame or cultivated grasses acres 45 tons 49 Wild, salt or prairie grasses acres tons Grains cut green acres 31 tons 67 Coarse forage acres 114 tons 519 Potatoes acres 1,642 bushels 128,247 Sweet potatoes and yams acres 9 bushels 879 All other vegetables acres 1,215 Maple trees number 200 Maple sugar (made) pounds 10 Maple sirup (made) gallons Broom corn acres pounds 7,945 FRUITS AND NUTS Apples . trees 149,939 bushels 21,618 Peaches and nectarines trees 45,016 bushels 33,117 Pears trees 6,107 bushels 2,091 Plums and prunes trees 5,999 bushels 230 Cherries trees 17,968 bushels 11,664 Quinces trees 522 bushels 101 Grapes vines 29,610 pounds 343,085 Strawberries acres 40 quarts 82,589 Raspberries and loganberries acres 35 quarts 26,760 Blackberries and dewberries acres 44 quarts 62,265 Nuts trees 396 pounds 3,715 MISCELLANEOUS Labor farms reporting 2,444 Cash expended dollars 639,549 Rent and board dollars 218,12 Fertilizer farms reporting Amount expended dollars 9,387 Feed farms reporting 1,145 Amount expended dollars 88.309 Receipts from sale of feedable crops dollars 5,533,707 260 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY KILLING STUMPS. By Carl Livingston, University of Wisconsin, in Prairie Farmer. Covering soft maple and elm stumps with salt would surely kill the stumps, but there is no question but that this process would be very much more ex- pensive than it would to blow them out with dynamite or to pull them with a stump puller. In regard to pouring coal oil on the stumps, if enough is poured on I pre- sume it would kill the stumps, but I imagine a small quantity would injure them very slightly. From time to time we have rumors of kerosene being 'applied to stumps through holes bored in the top and al- lowed to stand for some time. It is claimed that these stumps may be burned out very easily and completely. However, we have never yet run across any case of where this process of stump removal has been econom- ical. If anyone is especially anxious to kill the stumps quickly, I would ad- vise him to go along with a spade and mattock and take the dirt away from the roots for six inches below the ground line and peel the bark from the stump. TRACTOR DONT'S From Prairie Farmer. In order to assist the user in pre- venting most of the common gasoline engine troubles, the Bull Bulletin in a recent issue gives the following dont's: Don't put gasoline into the tank without straining it through a cha- mois; there may be water in the gas- oline, or some sediment that would clog up the carburetor or mixing valve. Don't handle gasoline by the light of a lantern or other open light. If you have no electric light where the tank is located, never fill it except by daylight. Don't attempt to run an engine without providing sufficient lubrica- tion. Don't over-oil the engine. Just enough in the right place is better than a quart. Don't use common black oil on small bearings. Such oil is not suited to the purpose. Don't get oil or grease on the wires of the battery circuit; it will ruin the insulation. Don't hold a spark plug wire more than J4 inch away from the engine with the current turned on, when test- ing. There is danger of ruining the spark coil. Don't throw away a spark plug un- less it is broken. A spark plug does not wear out, and the only attention it requires is usually nothing more than grinding. Don't screw a spark plug on too tight. It may "bake" fast. Graphite, is available, should be used on the threads. Don't throw away any batteries in winter until you have tried thawing them out. Often they are only con- gealed or frozen up. Don't leave the battery switch closed when the engine is not running. Don't leave the gasoline turned on when the engine is not running. Don't attempt to connect more cells of battery in a set than recommended by the maker of the engine. You may overload the spark coil and burn it out. Don't leave strands of wire sticking out around connections. They may cause a "ground" in the circuit. Don't attempt to use any method to warm up the carburetor in cold weather that might ignite the gasoline. Cloths that have been wrung out of hot water are the safest means of heating the carburetor if necessary. Don't run your engine when over- heated. Don't drive the engine if it makes an unusual noise or squeak; stop at once and remedy the defect. Don't drive with a slipping clutch; study its connection and master the methods of adjustment. Don't drive if the lubricator is out of order. Don't make a noise when changing gear. Don't race the engine. Don't measure the depth of gasoline with a dirty stick. Don't allow a leaky gasoline pipe to go unrepaired; a spark or a hot ex- haust pipe might cause the gasoline to ignite. 261 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Don't forget to properly lock any nuts after making an adjustment, nor neglect to replace split pins which you may have withdrawn. Don't lubricate the gear with too thick a grease. Don't put too much lubricant in a gear-box. Don't over-lubricate anywhere. THE TRACTIOIVEER'S DREAM. By George Fitch. The tractor on the farm arose Before that dawn at four, It drove the cows and washed the clothes, And finished every chore. Then forth It went Into the field. Just at the break of day; It reaped and threshed the golden yield, And hauled it all away. It plowed the field that afternoon And when the job was through It hummed a pleasant little tune And churned the butter, too. And pumped the water for the stock. And ground a crib of corn. And hauled the baby 'round the block To still its cries forlorn. Thus ran the busy hours away By many a labor blest; And yet, when fell the twilight gray The tractor had no rest. For while the farmer, peaceful eyed, Read by the Tungsten's glow. The patient tractor stood outside And ran the dynamo. RULES FOR PRODUCING HIGH QUALITY EGGS. From Prairie Farmer. Chickens must be healthy, good size and not mongrel. Plenty of clean nests must be pro- vided in chicken houses or places where the hens lay. Setting hens must be separated from the laying flock. Broody hens must be broken up im- mediately or transferred to place where the setting hens are housed. Eggs must be gathered daily in cool weather and twice daily in very warm or extremely cold weather. All eggs must be kept in a cool, dry and well ventilated place. A warm kitchen, damp cellar, or in a room where oil, onions or strong, odorous vegetables are kept is very unsatisfactory, as eggs readily absorb odors. A dry, cool, clean, well ventilated cellar or cave is the best. Never wash eggs, as it spoils their keeping qualities. Use very small, dirty eggs at home or market them in regular cases, not in the association cartons. Eggs of questionable quality must not be marketed through the associa- tion. Always keep the eggs as cool as possible and away from direct rays of sun. Market all eggs at least twice a week in summer and fall and not longer than once a week during the rest of the season. After June 1, all mature males must be confined and sold and infertile eggs produced. USEFUL INFORMATION To find the diameter of a circle multiply circumference by .31831. To find circumference of a circle multiply diameter by 3.1416. To find area of a circle multiply square of diameter by .7854. To find surface of a ball multiply square of diameter by 3.1416. To find side of a square equal in area to a given circle, multiply the diameter of the latter by .8862. To find cubic inches in a ball mul- tiply cube of diameter by .5236. Doubling the diameter of a pipe increases its capacity four times. Double riveting is from 16 to 20 per cent stronger than single. One cubic foot of anthracite coal weighs about 58 pounds. One cubic foot of bituminous coal weighs from 47 to 50 pounds. One ton of coal is equivalent to two cords of wood for steam pur- poses. A gallon of water (U. S. Standard) 'ghs 8*/s Ibs. and contains 231 cu- bic inches. A cubic foot of water contains 7^/2 gallons, 1728 cubic inches, and weighs 62^ Ibs. Each nominal horse-power of a boiler requires 30 to 35 Ibs. of water per hour. To sharpen dull files lay them in sulphuric acid until they are eaten deep enough. 262 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Economical Power EXCESSIVE TIRE MILEAGE Exceedingly Low Gasoline Consumption Holmes Automobile Co. 410 N. Neil St. 343 Hickory St. CHAMPAIGN, ILL. Index to Triple-G Goods Advertised In This Directory Page Auto Brand overalls and shirts 214 Ball brand rubber goods 214 Buick automobiles 170 Can't-Sag gates 213 Curtis millwork 213 De Laval cream separators 214 Eaco flour 214 Ford automobiles 201-213 Gold Medal flour 214 Goodyear tires 170 Heider tractors 170 Kodaks 173 Michelin tires 172 Miller tires 170 Mitchell wagons 170 Page None-such canned goods 214 Oakland automobiles 191 Overland automobiles 179 Peter Schuttler wagons 170 Peters shoes 214 Racine tires 176 Republic trucks 162 Rowe's New Idea hog oiler. 213 Scotch Woolen Mills clothes 214 Selz shoes 196-214 Standard varnish 186 Staude-Mak-A-Tractor 185 Studebaker automobiles 181 Victrolas . . . 199 263 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Index Automobile Owners' Directory of Champaign County 232-252 Breeders' Directory of Champaign County 139-158 Business Directory of Champaign County 163-230 Farmers' Directory of Champaign County 17-138 Tractor Owners' Directory of Champaign County 253-254 General Information Champaign County Agriculture 10 Champaign County Farm Bureau 12 Eggs, Rules for Producing High Quality 262 Facts for Taxpayers , 255 General Farm Data for Champaign County 258-260 Gestation Table of Farm Animals 15 Inoculation by Glue Method..- 254 Legal Holidays in Illinois 256 Killing Stumps 261 Officers, Champaign County 257 Officers, Illinois 256 Officers, U. S 256 Tractor Don'ts 261 Tractioneer's Dream 262 Useful Information 262 264 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY TRACTORS AND THRESHERS Built in all Sizes | A size to fit every farm. Nothing freakish, but built for good | hard work. Gears machine cut, running in an oil bath on Hyatt 1 Roller Bearings. Our E. B. Plow Hoist is an exclusive feature | and worth its weight in gold, and can be supplied on E-B 12-20 1 and 20-35 Tractors. Send for Catalog and list of satisfied users. Emerson-Brantingham Implement Co. (inc.) ESTABLISHED 1862 Good Farm Machinery Factory: Rockford, Illinois. Branch: Peoria, Illinois iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiy Reliable Plumbing & Heating Co. Incorporated Engineers : Contractors Plumbing, Heating and Power Work In all its Branches 105 No. Walnut St. CHAMPAIGN, ILL. gpiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^ MARMON ACCESSORIES - TIRES RUICK A UTOMOBILEC | Valve-in-Head Motors : Old Line Factories 4J ^^ Permanent Local Service - Organized Business MARMON-BUICK SALES CO. RtfS. URBANA, ILL. MMWMHHUUmilDlimillliniHIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIM FARMERS AND BREEDERS, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY piiunuNiiRuutniiiiiuiiiiiiuiiM A Directory of Helpful Suggestions HARRISON'S LASALLITE Town and Country Stains Paints VITRALITE Roof, Barn, Imple- ENAMEL, ment, Auto. White Lead and Varnish EFPECTO Auto Finishes DUTCH BOY Carter's White Lead KYANIZE Varnishes WRIGHT & HILL'S Pure Linseed. Oil BRUSHES, OILS, GLASS (window, auto shield or lamp) With a Dollar or Two Your Place'll Look New A Store Full of Suggestions A Helps at "Before War Prices" Wholesale and Retail T. M. BAGON & SON Taylor and Walnut Streets Witt Building CHAMPAIGN, ILL. ] aiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiM Merchandise advertised in Prairie Farmer carries a triple guarantee. The manufacturer guarantees it, the local merchant who sells it guar- antees it, and Prairie Farmer guarantees square treatment from the advertiser. You can be sure of satisfaction by asking your merchant for goods advertised in Prairie Farmer. 1 Office Bell Phone 451 Res. Bell Phone 587 George Strode A. E. STRODE, Mgr. IW Tents, Awnings, Porch Curtains Hay Stack Covers Everything Made of Canvas Tents for Rent I 325 Hickory St. CHAMPAIGN, ILL. PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY JOHN M. ROE LOUIS A. WAHL Roe Realty Company Real Estate, Loans and Insurance . Bell Phone 846 135Vi W. Main Street URBANA, ILLINOIS ~ I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I ? I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I' iliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiu A Great Combination FOR PROFIT THE DAIRY COW THE HAND SEPARATOR THE SUGAR CREEK CREAMERY CO. Ship your Cream direct to Danville, 111., Watseka, 111., Oilman, 111., or Tuscola, 111. Be Sure Tag Reads Sugar Creek Creamery Co. ruiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniin g Limestone Fertili Building Mater : ils of I PORTLAND CEMENT j Cruslied Stone, Plaster, 1 Roofing, Reinforcing, | Asphalt Shingles, Lime UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA 917.7366P88 C001 PRAIRIE FARMER'S DIRECTORY OF CHAMPAIGN 1 1917 30112025342822 I and others Our | Mater i- | als are the | best we can | buy and are se- >\ ^P stf lected to give you the | *r >^ Creates* Service j t *y^ Oflficfs anc? Warelioupes Urbana and Champaign j Your orders will receive personal attention BELL PHONE 12 ALTO 1342 Your Money Back if not Satisfied J. W. STIPES M. L. HECKER ! MiIMiiiillillMlliiillllhlllM Highest Grade Food Moderate Prices FARMER'S HEADQUARTERS illllllllllliillllllllliiNilllillllllllllllllliy COOPERS CAFETERIA Net How Cheap, But How Good CHAMPAIGN^ ILLINOIS Gazette Square DECATUR, ILLINOIS Citizens Bank BIdg.