•>- 5*5 UL HIST. Son HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY ILLINOIS BY SPECIAL AUTHORS AND CONTRIBUTORS VOLUME I ILLUSTRATED CHICAGO MUNSELL PUBLISHING COMPANY PtTBI.ISHF.RS 1922 In the first century of the Christian era, Tacitus (perhaps the greatest of Roman historians) wrote that the object of history was "to rescue virtuous acts from the oblivion to which the want of records would consign them." OUTLINE MAP OF McHENRY COUNTY ILLINOIS o a o£Z (' OOK CO FOREWORD One of the conspicuous evidences of modern progress is manifested in the increased interest in local and personal history. In a general sense, real history is the record of past events, while biography is the history of individual life. The close relationship of these two branches of history is recognized by the brilliant essayist and historian, Carlyle, in the statement that "History is the essence of innumerable biog- raphies" ami that, "in a certain sense, all men are historians," in the fact that they furnish the material facts which constitute true history. In the formative period of each new community the attention of iis members is largely absorbed by the present — the necessity of securing means for personal and family support -the study of natural resources and planning for future development. But as time advances and conditions change, there comes a change in the popular mind and an increased interest in the past. That such has been the condition within the last century in McIIeiiry county, as well as in the Middle West generally, is apparent to the general observer. These evidences of change and development are taken note of, and in the preparation of the forty chapters, it has been the object to present, in compact form and under appropriate topical headings, the main facts of county history from the earlier settlements and political organization to tin- present time. Various topics and localities have been treated with reasonable fulness under their appropriate chapter headings by contributors especially selected for that purpose. Of the large number of contributors to these and other departments, it i- nol necessary here to make special mention, a> their names are attached in their respective contributions in the body of the work. For the value "i the aid thus rendered thanks are hereby cordially expressed. With the feeling thai the work, as a whole, has I n prepared with special care, and with full appreciation of the interesl already mani- fested and patronage pledged by the citizens *>i McHenry county in it- success, it is submitted to its many patrons and the general public in the hope thai it will prove of permanenl and personal value to a large class of readers. THE PI BLISHERS. INDEX CHAPTER I TOPOGRAPHY, GEOLOGY AND NATURAL FEATURES GENERAL SURFACE FOX RIVER— PISTAQUA LAKE — THE NIPPEKSIXK— ill I. KISHU At KLL SMALL LAKES CA1 si: (IF PRAIRIES — GEOLOGICAL FEA- TURES— STONE QUARRY — GOOD ('LAV — GRAVEL AND SAND — PEAT IiEDS- RECENT DRAINAGE 17-22 CHAPTER II INDIAN OCCUPATION ORIGIN OF THE INDIAN ILLINOIS TRIISES — BLACK HAWK WAR -DEATH AND i:i RIAL OF BLACK HAWK— INDIAN IX Tins COUNTY — INFLUENCE OF THE INDIAN— INDIAN MOUNDS INDIAN OF TODAY 23 'J<> CHAPTER III EARLY SETTLERS AND SETTLEMENTS FRONTIERSMEN — PRIMITIVE CONDITIONS— THE NEW HOME — EARLY ROADS — EARLY MILLS — PASTIMES FIRST RECORDED SETTLERS — PREVENTING CLAIM JUMPING — PIONEER CONDITIONS — OLD SETTLERS' ASSOCIATION — REUNIONS — PIONEEB SETTLERS 27-36 CHAPTER IV LAND TITLES By George W. Lemmers ORIGINAL OWNERS — PECULIAR INSTANCES — ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS EARLY D] EDS 37 13 CHAPTER V OKCAXIZATIoN .WD GOVERNMENT By Will. i \.M I )| SMOND BOUNDABIES OEIGDS OF NAME ANNEXATION TROUBLES HISTOEIC SITCA- 'lluN ORGANIZATION OF Till: COUNT! lii N OF I "I vi'Y si POPULATIOM FIRST ELECTION — ROAD DISTRICTS PRECINCTS PRECINCTS REFORMED TOWNSHIP ORGANIZATION REMOVAL OF COUNTS SKAT — FIRST CO! RTHOl si; SECOND COl RT -I. PRESENT cm BT PRESENT JAIL POOR FARM — COUNTY .Mix;:-. SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS — SHERIFFS COUNTY TREASURERS COUNT'S CLERKS < lid I II CLERKS AND RECORDERS — CORONERS — SURVEYORS- SI PERINTENDENTS OF POOR STATES ATTORNEYS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS- BOARD OF SI PER- YISORS NEW ASSESSMENT I AW tl Tt CHAPTER VI POLITICAL REPRESENTATION By M. P. Walsh SEVERAL APPORTIONMENTS — EARLY REPRESENTATIVES -LATER REPRESENTS TIVES — A CAPABLE OFFICIAL — MEMBERS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY — STATE SENATORS — STATE REPRESENTATIVES — POLITICAL STATISTICS — PRESIDENTIAL VOTE 75-80 CHAPTER VII EDUCATION By Richard W. Bardwell ORIGIN OF SCHOOLS PIONEER SCHOOLHOUSE — FIRST SCHOOLS — EARLY INSTI- TUTES — COUNTY INSTITUTES INCREASE: IN SCHOOLS — EARLY SCHOOLS HV TOWNSHIPS — OTHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS- TEACHERS' INSIT- ■II IES SCHOOL STATISTICS GROWTH OF COMMON AND HIGH SCHOOLS MC nENRY COUNTY SCHOOL PRINCIPALS ASSOCIATION — COUNTY 81 INTENDENT OF SCHOOLS — TODD SEMINARY 81-97 CHAPTBB VIII CHURCHES RELIGIOUS SPIRIT — LACK OF FACILITIES- FIRST SERVICES— FIRST CHURCHES — BAPTISTS — CATHOLIC CHRISTIAN SCIENCE! — CONGREGATIONAL — EPIS- COPAL — LUTHERAN METHODIST — PRESBYTERIAN — ONIVERSALIST 98-128 CHAPTER IX COURTS, BENCH AND BAK By Judge Charles P. Barnes CIRCUIT COURT- FIRST GRAND JURY — CIRCUIT JUDGES — COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS — COUNTY JUDGES EARLY ATTORNEYS — STATE 's ATTORNEYS PRESENT ATTORNEYS — MC HENRY COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION IN MEMO- KIAM 129-144 CHAPTER X MEDICAL PROFESSION By Dr. C. M. Johnson THE HEALING ART— EARLIEST PHYSICIANS — ALDEN — ALGONQUIN — CARY — CHEMUNG- -CORAL — GREENWOOD — HARMONY — HARTLAND — HARVARD — HEBRON — HUNTLEY — MC HENRY MARENGO RICHMOND WOODSTOCK COMMON DISORDERS OF EARLY YEARS SIDELIGHTS ON EARLY' PHYSI- CIANS—PHYSICIANS OF A LATER DATE — COTTAGE HOSPITAL AT HARVARD WOODSTOCK HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION — PRESENT PHYSICIANS MEDICAL SOCIETY 145-154 CHAPTER XI JOURNALISM By Charles F. Renich FIRST NEWSPAPER — ILLINOIS REPUBLICAN WOODSTOCK DEMOCRAT WOOD- STOCK SENTINEL WOODSTOCK CITIZEN ANTI-MONOPOLIST NEW ERA — MCHENRY COUNTY DEMOCRAT WOODSTOCK AMERICAN — MCHENRY PLAINDEALER — MARENGO REPUBLICAN NEWS CRYSTAL LAKE HERALD HARVARD HERALD HARVARD INDEPENDENT HEBRON TRIBUNE — RICH- MOND GAZETTE 155-166 CHAPTER XII BANKS AND BANKING Bi Fremont i I • » \ FIRST I NITED STATES BANK FIRST BANK OP CHICAGO- W 3TO( K BANK IM, INSTITUTIONS STATE BANK OF U ISTOCK AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK OF WOODSTOCK FARMERS' EXCHANGE STATE BANK WOODS I NATIONAL BANK BANKING VI CRYSTAL LAKE UNITED STATES BANK — SOME STATE BANK OF I RTSTAL LAKE HARVARD BANKING INSTIT1 TION8 — HARVARD STATE BANK— FIRST STATE BANK OF HARVARD FINANCIAL REMLNISCENCES OF MC HENRI -FOX KIVKK STATE BANK — RINGWOOD STATE HANK— FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MARENGO DAIRYMAN'S STATE BANK OF MARENGO STATE BANK OF ONION HEBRON STATE BANK — STATE BANK OF III NILE'S ALGONQUIN STATE BANK WEST SIC HENRY STATE BANK SPRING GROVE STATE HANK- CARS STATE BANK STATE BANK OF RICHMOND VICTORY LOAN SUBSCRIPTIONS PATRIOTIC SERV- ICE ACKNOWLEDGMENT -WAR WORK EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE HANK SUMMARY IliT 196 CHAPTEK XIII AGRICULTURE AND COUNTY PAIRS By George A. Eunt [MPORTANCE OF AGRICULTURE MC HENRY COUNTY FARMERS' institute — MC HENRY COUNTY FARM BUREAU BOYS* AND GIRLS ' CLUB WORK MCHENRY COUNTY HOLSTELN BREEDERS' ASSOCIATION Ml HENRI COUNTY HOME BUREAU — AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES — OTHER FAIRS — MARENGO AGRICULTURAL BOARD— KISHWAUKEE FARMERS' CLUB— FARM STATISTICS — REGISTERED FARM NAMES 197-216 CHAPTER XIV DAIRY AND DIVE STOCK INTERESTS By \Y. J. Kittle LEADING INDUSTRY — DIFFERENCE IN METHODS EARLY AND LATER DAY IN- TERESTS — FORMER cheese AND BUTTER ACTIVITIES— RADICAL CHANG] PIONEER SHIPPERS — INTELLIGENT DAIRYING -DAIRY INTERESTS— IMPOR- TANCE OF DAIRY COW 'J17 12J12 CHAPTER XV RAILROADS AND [NDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISES SOI R< i- OP PR1 3] M PROSPERITY FIRST STEAM RAJLBOADS -PRESENT RAIL- BOADS ELECTRIC RAILROADS RAILROAD MILEALE LOCAL SHOPS — IN- DUSTRIAL ACTIVITIES WOODSTOCK -MARENGO HARVARD— ALGONQUIN — ALDEN — Mi' 1IKNKV — WEST MCHENRY — CRYSTAL LAKE SPRING GROVE— TERRA COTTA— RICHMOND— FARMERS* NEW ERA TELEPHONE COMPANY 223 238 CHAPTER XVI .MILITARY PATRIOTISM- WAR with MEXICO QUOTA IN CIVIL war- FDJTEENTB ILLI- NOIS T\\ LVI'Y-TIIIKD CONSOLIDATED — TlllK'n SIXTH NINETY-FIFTH ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST — ONE HUNDRED FORTY-SECOND ONE HUN- DRED FORTY-SEVENTH — ONE HUNDRED FIFTY-THIRD — - ONE HUNDRED FIFTY-SIXTH EIGHTH (AYALRY — SEVENTEENTH CAVALRY MISCEL- LANEOUS— RETROSPECT — SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR — MEXICAN BORDER WARFARE — DEPARTING FOR MEXICAN BORDER — THIRD REGIMENT STAFF TRUE SPIRIT OF AMERICANISM — WORLD WAR — DECLARATION OF WAR — VOLUNTEERS — SELECTIVE DRAFT — REGISTRATIONS — WORLD WAR REGIS- TRARS - ADMINISTERING THE OATH OF CITIZENSHIP — EXEMPTION HOARDS — WAR WORK BY TOWNS1I IPS- e AST A I.TILS ROLL OF HONOR — SOLDIERS HOME-COMING WEEK — CHAIRMEN OF H0ME-C0MINU COM- MITTEES — Woodstock NATIONAL GUARD — GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC — WOMAN'S RELIEF CORPS — AMERICAN LEGION 239-269 CHAPTER XVII DAYS OF MOURNING DEATH OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN — DEATH OF JAMES ABEAM GARFIELD— DEATH OF U. S. GRANT — DEATH OF PRESIDENT WILLIAM MC KINI.EY. . . .'270 275 CHAPTER XVIII PERSONAL REMINISCENCES By E. E. Richards PREAMBLE — FIRST MEMORIES EAR] J SEARS — FREE PASTURES — THE COURTS COUNTY FAIRS MUSICAL EVENTS- PISHING — HUNTING — ORIGINAL CHARACTERS MUSICAL REMINISCENCES OF HALF A CENTURY. .276-289 I EAPTEB XIX l i; A.TERNAL SOCIETIES AND ORGANIZATIONS FREEMASONR1 OBDEB OF THE EASTERN 8TAB INDEPENDENT OBDEB OF ODD FELLOWS DAUGHTERS OF REBEKAB KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS UODEBN WOODMEN OF AMERICA -BOYAL NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA MYSTIC WORK- ERS OF THE WORLD — KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS BENEVOLENT AND PRO i I I ti\ B ORDER OF ELKS 290-307 CHAPTEE XX PUBLIC LIBRARIES By Ida L. Gehrig W iSTOCK LIBRARY- MARENGO LIBRARY DELOS F. DIGGINS LIBRARY 308-312 CHAPTER XXI WOMAN'S CLUBS By Mrs. \V. II. Dooi.itti.e iLGONQUIN- CRYSTAL LAKE— HARVARD CIVIC ASSOCIATION HARVARD FORT- NIGHTLY — HARVARD WOMEN'S t I.I B — HUNTLEY — LOTUS COUNTRY — MA- RENGO MC EENRY COUNTY FEDERATION" — RICHMOND — RISII CREEK SCHUMANN-SENECA ASSOCIATION OK DOMESTIC SCIENCE — WOODSTOCK 313-332 CHAPTER XXII .MISCELLANEOUS TAXABLE PROPERTY — EARLY RATES — GOING TO MARKET PRICES BY. PERIODS — VILLAGE PLATS — CEMETERIES— POPULATION — SELECTED NATIVITY- — INTERESTING ITEMS — TORNADO OF 1862— CYCLONE OF 1883 — UNUSUAL \M> UNFORTUNATE OCCURRENCES — FROZEN TO DEATH — AN EARLY TEM- PERANCE SOCIETY MEETING — CENTENARY DRIVE — HOME BUREAU — CIVIL WAR RELICS — INSTALLING A NEW TYPESETTING MACHINE -WAR WAGED ON CANADIAN THISTLES — WORLD'S FAIR corn EXHIBIT — SPRING GROVE l [SB HATCHERY 333-353 CHAPTER Will A.LDEN TOWNSHIP BOUNDARIES OBIOIM OF NAME TOPOGRAPHY— FIRST SETTLEMENT PIO- m:i.i; EVENTS BURIAL PLACES FIRST SCHOOLS IND CHURCHES POST OFFICE— ILDEN VH.LAGB— POPULATION— TOWNSHIP OFFICIALS. .354 357 CHAPTEK XXIV AJjGONQUIN TOWNSHIP i. .h ndaries origin of name — topography — early settlers — pioneer events population — algonquin village — post office — municipal history — public improvements — city of crystal lake post office: — municipal history cits officials by years— public im provements — village of cary — business interests -township officials 358-367 CHAPTEK XXV BURTON TOWNSHIP BOUNDARIES -EARLY SETTLEMENTS — EARLY EVENTS — SPRING GROVE VILLAGE — INCORPORATION— POST OFFICE — POPULATION — TOWNSHIP OFFICIALS 368-371 CHAPTER XXVI CHEMUNG TOWNSHIP boundaries— topograph'? — origin of name — early settlers — village of chemung— city of harvard early events — harvard in 1876 — harvard in 1885 incorporation present officials — public im- provements — post office in'prstries — cemetery- population — township officials 372 378 CHAPTER XXVII CORAL TOWNSHIP BOUNDARIES — EARLY SETTLEMENTS INDIAN VILLAGE: — PIONEER EVENTS — VILLAGE OF CORAL VILLAGE OF UNION- INCORPORATION POST OFFICE — DEFUNCT HARMONY — POPULATION — TOWNSHIP OFFICIALS 379-383 « BAPTEB XXVII] DORB TOWNSHIP BOUNDARIES ORIGIN OP NAM] i:\l;i.\ SETTLERS PIONEER EVENTS OEM] ri i;ll- iciim, i. ruu> POPULATION TOWNSHIP OFFICIALS WOODSTOCK — HIGHEST ALTITUDE FIRST BUSINESS INTERESTS HOTELS- PUBLIC SQ1 \Ki: SOLDIERS' MONUMENT POST OFFICE POSTMASTERS INCOR- PORATION FIRST VHjLAGE OFFICIALS MI.I.m.i. rkl.Ml u \ i - FD3S1 CIT1 OFFICIALS MAYORS— PRESENT CHI OFFICIALS PUBLIC IMPROVEM] — CI ill 'At;! i IM'i STRIAL HOME FOB CHILDREN OLD PEOPLE'S BESI HOME COUNTRY CLUB COMMERCIAL AND COMMUNITY CLUB 384-393 CHAPTER XXIX DUNHAM TOWNSHIP BOUNDARIES TOPOGRAPHY — EARLY SETTLERS ORIGIN <>K NAME— PIONEEB EVENTS CEMETERIES — SCHOOLS AND CHURCHES CYCLONE OF I s- *-"'. POP1 I.ATIOX — TOWNSHD? OFFICIALS '■'<'■* 1-396 CHAPTEB XXX GRAFTON TOWNSHIP BOl NDARIES ORIGIN OF NAME- EARLY SETTLERS — PIONEEB EVENTS I BRA CEMETERIES — TOWNSHIP OFFICIALS VOLLAGE OF HUNTLEY — EARL'S BUSINESS INTERESTS POST OFFICE— INCORPORATION .... 397 LO] CHAPTEB XXXI GREENWOOD TOWNSHIP boundaries — topography — earl? settlers— cemeteries- mills — but- 11 i: \\l> cheese factories — village ok i.ki.i nwood early inter] stb — post offices — harvest picnic pop1 lation townshd? officials 402 hk; CHAPTER XXXII EARTLAND TOWNSHIP BOUNDARIES — FIRST SETTLERS — PIONEER INCIDENTS CEMETERIES — BROOK- HALE ['(1ST OFFICE— EARLY COUNTERFEITERS -POPULATION— RAILROAD — \ [LLAGE OF HARTLAND — TOWNSHD? OFFIC1 \l.s 407 till CHAPTBB XXXII] HEBRON TOWNSHIP BOUNDARIES ORIGIN OF NAME FIRST SETTLERS — PIONEEE EVENTS C] TERIES EARL'S INDUSTRIES TILLAGE OF HEBRON POST OFFICE IN- CORPORATION EARL'S HISTORY OF HEBRON POPULATION TOWNSHIP <>ri ni \i.s 411-420 CHAPTEB XXXIV MARENGO TOWNSHIP BOl NDARIES i:\KI.V SETTLERS ORIGINAL NAME— EARLS EVENTS- CEME TERIES- POPULATION- ■ TOWNSHIP OFFICIALS — CITY OF MARENGO — EARLY BUSINESS INTERESTS — MUNICD7AL HISTORY — KIRK DEPARTMENT PLACES OF AMUSEMENT HOTELS POST OFFICE COMMUNITY CLUB — REMINISCENCES OF MARENGO — FIFTY SEARS AND MORE AMONG THE bees 4i21-4:{-J CHAPTEB XXXV McHENRE TOWNSHIP BOUNDARIES — EARL'S SETTLERS PIONEER EVENTS— CEMETERD3S INDIAN FORI) — VILLAGE OF MC HENRY — FACTORIES — BUSINESS FACTORS IN 1885 — INCORPORATION PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS POST OFFICIO -HOTELS — WEST MCHENR? -JOHNSBURG— RINGWOOD SPECIAL FEATURES POPU- LATION- townshd? officials 4:>:S-441 CHAPTER XXXVI NTXDA TOWNSHIP BOl NTDARIES ORIGIN OF NAME — EARLY SETTLERS — PIONEER EVENTS — OLD TILLAGE OF NUNDA — BARREVILLE — TERRA COTTA- -POPULATION — TOWN- siiiL officials 442-445 CHAPTER XXXVII RICHMOND TOWNSHIP BOUNDARIES — FIRST SETTLERS I'HiMiJ; EVENTS VILLACIEOF IliOIIMoNIl LOST OFFICE — PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS -MUNICIPAL HISTORY — SOLON MILLS — ORIGIN OF SWEET BY Wl> l:V POPULATION TOWNSHIP OKI ICIALS 146 150 • BAPTEB XXXVIH RILEY TOWNSHIP BOUNDARIES AND TOPOGRAPH! EARL! SETTLERS PIONEER EVENTS CEME- TERIES— SOUTH RILEY — POPULATION TOWNSHIP OFFICIALS. . .45] 153 CHAPTER XXXIX SENECA TOWNSHIP BOUNDARIES- <>l;i<;i\ or NAME — FIRST SETTLERS PIONEEB EVENTS CEME- TERIES — SCHOOLS AM> CHURCHES — FRANKI.1NYILLE — I'OIM LATION — TOW NSHTP OFFICIALS 4-". I C>7 CHAPTER XL THE PART OF BIOGRAPHY IN GENERAL HISTORY — CITIZENS OF MC HENRY COUNTY AM) OUTLINES OF PERSONAL history — PERSONAL SKETCHES ARRANGED IN ENCYCLOPEDIC ORDER 459-959 PORTRAITS Allen, Charles T 24 Barni a, Charles P 32 Bassett, Cora M 40 t, Ebei E 40 Buckland, John V 48 Burnside, Thomas C4 Burnside, Mrs. Thomas '< I Burton. Daniel 258 Chase, Bartson A 582 Cole, Alson J 72 Cole, Thomas D. and Family 78 ••. E. Christian 102 Coriett, Robert E 102 Covell, Lucien B L10 Cowan, Ellen E 118 Cowan, Robert 118 Davis, William II 126 I, Mrs. William II 126 Diener, Delia M 134 Diener, John C 134 Diggins, Albert B 142 Digging, Emma 3 142 Dike, Al.ial 150 Dike, Olive H 130 Dodge, NelKe L 158 ..-. William A 158 Durkee, Harvey (i 164 Dnrkee, Mrs. Harvey G 1G4 Eaton, Howard D 174 Ebel, Henry C 182 Bhorn, Harry 1 190 Ellsworth, Alice E 844 Fleming, Allen Q 198 Fleming, [sabella 198 l'i eman, William M 206 Gardner, Ben 258 Garrison, Orlando 214 Gault, Richard 222 Gi tzelman, Benjamin C 230 Gile, Harry D 238 Hattie M 238 Gile, Children of Mr. and Mrs. Harry D 212 Haeger, Robert E 250 Hanaford, Frank E 258 Bastings, Homer M 266 Higbee, Charles C 27 1 Holmes, Dora 282 Holm,-. Rilej 282 Hoy, M. D 290 Hubrig, Marl in 11 298 Hull, Harry D 306 Hunt. Carlton C 314 Hunt, George A 322 Johnson, Colonel M 330 Johnson, Horai e W 330 Kvlli % . A I. in i W Is n:i|i|i. Gardner A (46 B napp, Mai tan E ;; i<; Kreutzer, Frank Kreutzer, Mrs. Frank Kreutzer, Kunigunda Kn ut. er, Paul Kroeger, John P :;7i; Cruse, Anna . i liarles Lace, Claude C 394 LasCella, Andrew 258 I. mil aj . Thomas 102 Lowe, i ■ r..!- u .' i in Low... Jesaie Watson HO Lundgri n, Iran/. E H8 Lundgren, I ■■•In- II lis Lundg i . n. Sirs. I 'ehr II H8 .Mann, Willis II Marks. Charles E 138 Maxi.n. Clara B I 111 M.IMHI. Fred A III'. McCaffrey, Daniel .1 452 McConnell, Elizabeth 474 M I onnell, I leorge 466 McConnell, Mrs. Qeorge 166 McConnell, William A 17 I McDiamond, Eliza A sit M. Evoy, Martin .1 182 McLaughlin, John F 190 McLaughlin, Julia A 190 McLaughlin, Julia 190 McLaughlin, Mary 490 McMillan, Benry 198 McMillan, Mrs. Benry 198 Mead, Cyrus 1 506 Meger, Prankie B 1 1 Merriam, Hamilton 514 Merriam, Mary 1 5 I I Miller, John C 522 Miller, Mary A 844 c Nowak, Edward F 540 Peak, Alonzo 8 Peak, Emily K .-, is Peak, Fin, 1 .-.-,,■, Peter, John .-»»; 1 M ' s. John 564 Peters, John C Peterson, Anna E 582 l.'i Inn st, Henry ,-,;in Rehorst, Mary 590 Reimer, Ernes) C 598 l.'i oil li, 1 I. ail - f 606 l.Vnir. Phineas A 614 1- E 622 tus E 622 Richardson, < tors B 630 Richardson, Jesse B 630 Rushton, t. -ge F Rushton, Jean M 638 81 hmitt, Anton M Schmitt, John M. and Family . . . 654 S. limit t, Katharine 646 Schroeder, Fred 11 662 Seward, Ellsworth E 670 Slu Mini. Marvin Sherburne, Vernon I> 678 Sincerbox, Hattie .1 686 Sincerbox, William s 686 Smith, Adolph R 694 Smith, Barbara A 702 .Smith. John .1 702 Manii.nl Charles 71n er, Carl W 718 \ 7l'('i -, Fi am A 7LV, Street, Benrj Q 734 Tryon, Charles 11 712 Turner, Benry M Turner, James II 758 Uecke, Robeii C 776 Walkup, Eva M 780 Wnlkup, I.. W ::i Walsh, Michael P 788 Webster, Carlton 798 W ebster, Mrs. Carlton 796 i. Ella (1 804 Welch, William J 304 West, Hyde 812 Whiston, Barry E 820 Whiston, M:i M Whitson, Tli as Whitoon, Mrs. Thomas - - Williams, John E Willis. Charles N 844 Willis. Elmer .1 844 Willis. Mary C 844 Willis, William N B44 u ingati . James W - Wingate, Lillian - Woodard, William C *<'■" Wright, Mary A 868 Wright, William 868 Zander, Josephine E 876 Zander, William C s 7<; ILLUSTRATIONS Community High School, W (stock B2 Cottage Eospital, Harvard 152 High School and Gymnasium, t Irystal Lake 90 Interior of First National Bank, Marengo 424 .Map of McHenry County Following Tith Page, Vol. I Masonic Temple, Harvard 372 McHenry County Courl House, W Istock 56 Public School, Harvard 94 Soldiers' .Momimenl and Band Stand. Woodstock 386 St. .Mary's School, W Istock B6 Williams Street. Crystal Lake 360 History of McHenry County CHAPTEB I TOPOGRAPHY, GEOLOGY AND NATURAL FEATURES GENERAL SURFACE— FOX RIVER— PISTAQUA LAKE — THE NIPPERSINK— THE KISHWAUl HALL LAKES CAUSE OF PRAIRIES — GEOLOGICAL FEA- TURES — STONE QUARR1 GOOD el. AY — GRAVEL AND SAND — FEAT BEDS — RECENT DRAINAGE. GENERAL SURFACE The surface of the county is varied, consisting of prairies, both level ami undulating, wooded ridges, and hills of considerable elevation. The configuration is such thai artificial drainage is rendered comparatively easy, while nature has provided ample water courses. The Fox River, rising in Wisconsin, Hows south, in Lake and McHenry counties, keeping near the county line. This is a noble stream, one of the finest in the country. Ultimately it unites with the Illinois River. The Fox enters McHenry County about eighl miles Erom the Wisconsin state line, flow- ing OUt of the Pistaqua Lake, which hotly lies in both counties, and is but the expansion of the river itself. A little over two miles further south, the river bends westward into .McHenry County, this time coming from Lake County. Prom this point it courses down the line until the southern line of the county is reached again at Alg ruin. The Nipper- sink, a tributary of the Fox, rises in .McHenry County and traverses the northeastern part of the county. This enmity is also the source of the Kishwaukee River, its chief branches rising in the central and western part of Ih unity. This stream (lows westward into Rock River. There are other smaller streams throughoul McHenry County. Small lakes ,„■ ponds, were originally quite uumerous in this county, bul to a greal extent these have disappeared through drainage systems 17 18 HISTORY OF M( IIKXKY COUNTY of the last half century. There are, however, several lefl yet. Son these arc fed by never failing springs while many are surface Bloughs and depend largely on Burface water and heavy rains for their existence. CA1 SE OF PRAIRIES The siat.' authorities after having caused a survey, or ratlin- a re- survey of tlif topography of the county after the Civil War. published in substance the following concerning its appi arance and condition : "The surface elevation very Dearly approaches the highest in the state (since then it is known for a certainty that the stand-pipe of the \V Lstock water-works is built on the highest poinl in Illinois) a fad which further accounts for the wholesomeness of the climate. The county is somewhal unequally divided into woodland and prairie the latter being much in excess. Good timber is quite plentiful, ami the people are sup plied at home with all that is. required for fuel and some Eor general common building purposes. In 1880 it was believed that there was fully as much timber in the county as when firsl settled in the thirties, prairies stretching their broad grassy surface between the groves present an interesting natural phenomenon, ami in as much more than half of McHenry < Jounty is composed of them, the question of their origin cannot fail to interest the Local reader. Much speculation has been made hi this subject, the results of which may be summed up in two distinct theories. "The first theory presupposes that the -oil of the prairies was formed by the decompositi f vegetable matter under water, with attendant conditions unfavorable to the growth of timber. Those who hold to this theory maintain that prairies arc even now forming along the rivers and shores of lakes. River channels are constantly ehaiiLrim_ r . by reason of freshets. The heaviest particles transported by the water fall nearest the channel, and here repeated deposits first cause hanks to he elevate, 1 above the Hoods. Trees spring up on the natural levies, serving to strengthen them and render them permanent. When an overflow takes place 1! harriers keep subsiding waters from returning to the river bed; and by frequent inundations the bottom lands become sloughs or swamps. The water is usually shallow and stagnant, and is thus soon invaded by mosses and aquatic plants, which grow beneath the surface ami contain in their fibers silica, alumina and lime, the constituents of clay. To thes,. plants mollusks and other small aquatic animals attach themselves and find in them their subsistence. Hence a constant decomposition, both of animal BISTORT OF M( I1KXKY COUNTY 19 and vegetable matter, ensues, and finally forms a stratum of clay, like the underlying prairies. "The marshy bottoms are tints gradually buill up to the surface of the water; vegetable matter becomes more abundant, rushes, reeds and eoarse grasses being added to other forms of plant life. These plants, rising above the water, absorb the carbonic acid gas of the air and converl them into woody fiber, which by decomposition firsl forms the clay mold and afterward the black mold of the prairie. Sucb agencies, now operat- ing in the ponds which skirl river banks, originally formed all the prairies the Mississippi Valley. According to geologists, the surface of the land was submerged toward the close of the drift period, and as it slowly emerged afterward it was covered with extensive ponds of shallow watt r which finally became swamps, ami then prairies, one remarkable feature about the prairies, namely, the absence of trees, is accounted for first by the formation of ulmic acid, which is favorable to the growth of plants, Inn retards that of the trees; second the roots of trees require air, winch they cannot obtain when the surface is under water or covered by a com- pact sodj third, marshy Hats offer no solid points to which the trees may attach themselves. But when the land becomes dry, and the sod is broken by cultivation, almost all varieties of native woods grow and thrive upon the prairie. The uneven surface of some of the prairies is due to the Lve action of subsiding waters. The drainage following the creeks and rivers, finally resulted in the formation of rolling prairies. The foregoing t beory is based upon a large and const ant water supply; ; ther theory, which is accepted by many, assumes a very different aqueous condition in accounting for the prairies. It is a well-known fact in physical geography that the chief continents of the globe are generally surrounded by belts of timber, while further inland are areas of treeless tracts, and centrally extensive deserts. On the eastern coast of North America, from the Gulf of Mexico to the Hudson P>ay, as well as on the Pacific sin] f the continent, timber grows thickly and spontaneously. These two /.ones of timber approach each other at the north and south, and within them lie the wide prairies of the Mississippi Valley. Farther west arc those arid regions which have caused them to be designated as the "Great American Desert." Other portions of the earth have likewise their areas of forest, treeless lands and barrens. In Africa, the Sahara; in Europe, the Steppes; iii Asia, the rainless wastes; in South America, the Atcama, all serve to illustrate that the operation of physical laws such as have caused the diversification of the United States has been general in all countries. 20 HISTORY OF McHENRTf COUNTY "1"|hhi investigation it will be found thai this alternation of w Is, prairie and deserts corresponds with the variations in the amount of rain- fall. The ii. ■can is the great Bource of moisture, and the clouds arc tin' vehicles which transport it over the land. Actual investigation has proved thai most of the water taken from the ocean in form of vapor or clouds is discharged upon the rim of the continent; thai the amount of rainfall is much less inward the interior, until finally, almost total aridity is found. Upon applying this theory to the American continent, it will be found that in going from New York to San Francisco, the amount of rainfall very nearly coincides with the all. 'rations of woodland prairie and desert. At New York the average rainfall is forty-two inches; the region extending thence to Ann Arbor, Mich., where the annual rainfall is twenty-nine inches, is well timbered; thence to Galesburg, 111., where the rainfall is twenty-four inches, the country is prairie interspersed with occasional chimps of woodland; thence to Ft. Laramie, having only twenty inches of rainfall, the country rapidly changes to continuous praine; thence to Ft, Tbuma, having three inches, it becomes a desert; and then to San Francisco, where the rainfall is twenty-two inches, it changes back to thick forests. Illinois lies within the region of alternate \\ I and prairie. "Still further some scientists claim that the treeless tracts are due to the nature of the soil. It is highly probable that each of the forces named in these theories may have had something to do with the forma lion of our beautiful and productive prairies." GEOLOGICAL FORMATIONS It is not the object of this chapter to go far into the detailed account of the geological t' on iiation of this county, but merely to give a general idea of the common geological formations as have been determined by state and other geologists, especially Prof. Worthen, former state geol- ogist. The geological formations in this county consist largely of drift. The bedrock, which is rarely exposed, belongs chiefly to the Niagara group. Along the western border of the county, is a narrow strip running north and south, the underlying formation belongs to the Cincinnati group. The drift deposits consist of clay and hardpan. with occasional beds of sand and gravel, and boulders frequently scattered throughout the mass, cover the whole surface of the county for an average depth of about seventy feet. The mighty agencies of nature at work during the BISTORT OF McHENRY COUNT'S 2] glacial period ground away and transformed all of the original forma tions above the Silurian rocks, and buried these rocks themselves beneath a mass of dt'liris of heterogeneous character. There arc no good opportunities afforded Eor observing sections of drift in this county. There being no natural exposures, excavations for wells afford aboul the only data accessible, and this is meagre. Wells are seldom sunk to a greater depth than forty feet, and in that distance little is found except blue clay, or hardpan, with an occasional pocket or irregular seam of quicksand and gravel. Boulders arc found both on the surface and in excavations. They are of varying size and of all sorts of material, such as granite, senite, trap, greenstone, limestone and sand- stone. Near the Fox River the ridges contain large quantities of rolled limestone boulders, evidently derived from the Niagara rocks of Wist sin. The mass of the drift, however, appears to be clay and hardpan, with occasional boulders. Logs of wood and other vegetable remains have frequently been found beneath the surface, at distances From fifteen to fifty feet . With the exception of the narrow belt along the western line of the county, already referred to as belonging to the Cincinnati group, the underlying formation probably belongs wholly to the Niagara group. The oulcrops, however, are so few as to render absolute knowledge of the formation impossible. In the northeastern corner, in section 17, town- ship 44, range !•. nearly on the county line between Lake and McIIenry. the limestone is exposed in an excavation by the roadside. It is unstrati- fied and contains no well-preserved fossils. At the Sand Hills on the Kishwaukee. in the southwest part of section 21, township 4 1, range 6, a bed of limestone was Found in an excavation, fourteen feel below the surface. This is probably of the Niagara group. The exposures of the Cincinnati formation arc limited to one locality, about two miles east of (iarden Prairie station, of the Galena division of the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad, about one-fourth of a mile south of the main wagon road between that station and Marengo. This rock has been quite extensively quarried here. It is a bluff limestone, thinly bedded, and containing considerable chert in some part of the quarry. Frequently it has a Blight bluish tinge. Fossils are scarce and very im- perfect The only extensive stone quarry in the county is the one just men tioned. The rock being thin-bedded, and containing chert, is not cal culated to serve all purposes of a building stone, yet it becomes very useful in foundation and for the rougher kinds of masonry. Along the 22 IIIstowy OF Mi IIKXIJY COUNTY Fox River the boulders found in the ridges have been quarried to some extent, and a rough building material obtained therefrom. Lime lia.s been burned from the limestone boulders in some places, bu1 no extensive manufacture of it has ever been attempted. Good clay for brick-making is quite alum. lam in McHenry County, [ts prevailing culm-, when burned, is red, or reddish brown. At Wood- stock and McHenry, however, a white strati colored brick is made. The day for the white brick i^ obtai 1 at Woodstock, under a peal bed, and it was formerly supposed to be a sedimentary formation more recent than the drift. That at McHenry, geologists tell us. belongs to the drift period proper. At Woodstock the same clay used in making brick lias also been profitably employed in making drain tile. l'eat is abundant in the county, but the mosl extensive deposits are in the north half of the county. It is found in the sloughs or bogs, in vary- ing depths and of various qualities. .Many years ago it was thoroughly tested and found to be excellent for fuel. In 1880 it was estimated that there were between 4,000 and 5.000 acres of sloughs containing peat in the counties of Lake and McHenry. One of the largest peal sloughs was situated near Hebron station, in sections 7 and 8 in township 46, range 7 This bed, with Blight exceptions, extends several miles to the southwest. to the Xippersink, probably covering an area of about three square miles. The average depth appears to be from six to ten feet. It was stated in the seventies, that these peat beds afforded an almost inexhaustible fuel supply, stored for future ages. Peat was used for fuel in Durfee's brick and tile works at Woodstock, where it proved very successful. But from the fact that coal and wood were to be had here, but little practical atten- tion was ever given to the ase of peat, .Many of the sloughs, where it exists, have been drained and are today "pastures of living green" more valuable to its owner than for fuel, it is believed. Hence it will be observed that McHenry County does not possess great mineral wealth and depends largely on what its rich soil will produce, rather than from anything to be taken from beneath its surface. CHAPTBB II INDIAN OCCUPATION ORIGIN OF THE INDIAN ILLINOIS TRIBES — BLACK HAWK WAR — DEATH AND BURIAL OF BLACK HAWK — INDIAN IN THIS COUNTY — INFLUENCE OF THE INDIAN — INDIAN MOUNDS — INDIAN OF TODAY. ORIGIN OF THE INDIAN Archeologista and ethnologists differ materially with reference to ih agin of the North American Indian, the Red .Man. Some contend that he is the direct descendant of the two lust tribes of Israel; others that he is but the climatic development from the original man; and still others that with the scattering of mankind at the fall of the Tower of Babel, Some found their way across Asia into North America at a period long antedating recorded history aside from the preserved parchments of Sacred Writ. However, no matter what is the origin, the American Indian was found on this continent when its wonders and possililities were revealed to the Old World. By right of possession, he was the owner of this vast country, and many believe that shame will ever rest on the White .Man that the Aborigine was grievously deprived of his birthright. ILLINOIS TRIBES The tribes found in what later hecame the State of Illinois, are usually grouped under the name Illini, from whence comes our name Illinois. The leading tribes in the Illini confederation were the Sac, Fox, Winnebago, Chippewa, and Pottawatomi. The latter were friendly, and gave little or no trouble to the white settlers, very friendly relations existing between the Indians and the pioneers. The government had con- siderable trouble with the Sac and Fox Indians, making several treaties with them, which were regarded by the ignorant savages as "mere hits of paper," something in the same manner as a once powerful nation was to later treat similar sacred obligations, without the extenuating excuse of 23 24 BISTORT OF MoHENRY COUNTY ignorai Black Hawk, the sagacious leader of the Sacs, resenting the exile of his i pie from their dearly beloved camping grounds on the present site of Rock Island, violated the provisions of the treaty of 1804, and returned to the disputed territory in 1>:n. General Gaines, with ;i company of regulars and 1,500 volunteers took the Indians by surprise, burned their village, and forced a new treaty in which they ceded all their lands easl of the Mississippi River to the government and agreed to remain west of the " Father of Waters." < >nce more the solemn agreement was disregarded, and Black Hawk with bis people crossed the river. asibly to visit the villa'.'.' known as "Prophet's Town," but evidently with the idea of eventually regaining the longed for land lying along the eastern hanks of the Mississippi. This invasion precipitated what is known in history as The Black Hawk War. BLACK HAWK WAR Governor Reynolds eolleeted 1.800 volunteers, placing them under the command of Brig. Gen. Samuel Whiteside, who joined the regular army under General Atchison, and two companies under .Major stillman. After the village of the Prophet was burned, there was a small engage- ment at Stillman "s Hun. There were engagements at Apple River 1- an expedition against Rock Island, the battle of Bad Axe. and finally Black Hawk was captured, together with bis son and the Prophet, and sent to Washington, D. C, and thence as prisoners to Portress Mon- roe. There Black Hawk was confined until July 4, 1833, when he was set at liberty by order of the President, and together with his com- panions returned to Rock Island, where with impressive ceremonies they were set at liberty, and crossed the Mississippi River for the last time. In 1838, Black Hawk built himself a white man's dwelling near Des Moines. Iowa, and there rounded out his life, engaging in hunting, fish- ing and agricultural pursuits. , His death occurred October 3, 1838, and he was buried in a grave six foot deep, in a sitting posture. The body of the old warrior was clothed in a uniform presented to him by the President of the United states; m bis right hand was a cane given him by Henry Clay, and thus he rested on the banks of the "Father of Waters.'" but in death as in life, separated by it from what was to him the "Promised band." About the time of the Civil War. possibly earlier, the Iowa State University, of Iowa City, took the mortal remains of old Black Hawk up and placed them in the State museum, where a years later, through accident, his bones were burned along with many other invaluable Iowa relies. J£>L*jl~ l'fiti~- HISTORY OF M« IIKXKY COUNT? 25 THE INDIAN 1\ THIS COUNTY A.8 McHenry County did qoI 1" me a separate unit until after the Indians were filially exiled from this pari of the state, as a corporate body, it had no part in the Indian troubles, aor did any of its settlers participate in the Black Hawk War, save as residents of some other section. Prior to the coming of the firsl permanenl white settler in 1834, roving hands of Indians hunted over this territory, and camped along its streams. It is claimed thai Indian traders frequently came up the Fox [liver with their goods which they bartered in exchange for the pelts ■in' [ndians secured from their hunts. INFLUENCE OK THE INDIAN As long as the nomenclature of the State of Illinois remains as it is, the Indian will not he Eorgotten. The beautiful Fox River recalls the powerful Pox tribe that for SO many years spelled terror to the settlers in s e parts of the state. Algonquin, Nippersink, Kishwaukee are also reminiscent of the days when the Red .Man reigned supreme. INDIAN MOUNDS No one has satisfactorily explained the origin of the mounds found in various parts of the country, known as Indian Mounds. They have been iriven the name Indian, although relies found in them prove tli.it they were originally built by some peoples antedating the Red .Man. That the Indians used them for interment purposes, and also I'm- stor- ing away of implements and articles of value to them, is admitted. Some claim that these mounds were watehtowers of the tribes, Erom which the advance of hostile tribes eould be watched. At any rate they are interesting and their value as monuments of a period in our history, would seem to suggesl that they be preserved for posterity by the government. INDIANS OF TODAY Gone is the warrior of old. His arrows with his bow. are but euri- OSitieS to be handed down to his children as heirlooms of the past. Few of the Indians now wear their tribal garb. .Many of the racial character isties have disappeared. The younger generations have been, ami are 26 BISTORT OP .M< HENRY COUNTY being, educated at Carlisle and other government schools. .Many of the Indians are wealthy and honored members of several of the western states, where they are living on the grants of land from the government. In a Eevi years more the descendants of the old-time warriors will be as other Americans, differentiated perhaps by here anil there features which recall the base reliefs in the capitol at Washington, or a dusky pigmentation dating bach to the days when the Red .Man had do adequate protection from the onslaught of the cold of winter or the heat of summer. CIIAl'TER III EARL'S SETTLERS AND SETTLEMENTS FRONTIERSMEN PRIMITIVE CONDITIONS — THE NEW HOME — EARLY ROADS — EARLY MILLS — PASTIMES — FIRST RECORDED SETTLERS — PREVENTING CLAIM .11 \IPIN(i - PIONEER CONDITIONS OLD SETTLERS' ASSOCIATION RE- DNIONS — PIONEER SETTLERS. FRONTIERSMEN The history of each comity of every state has its own distinguishing features, hut there are certain facts common to all of them. Before any permanent settlements could he made, explorations had to he set on foot by those fitted by nature and training for such arduous work, and from the reports brought back by them, those seeking new homes made their decisions. The hardy frontiersmen who traveled at different periods over the fertile prairies now included in McIIenry County, brought hack glowing accounts of the advantages to be had in this section of Illinois territory, hut owing to Indian disturbances, no permanent settlements were made here until 1S:!4. As soon as it was found that settlers could come here with impunity, others Hocked to get a title to some of the land the more foresiirhted saw soon would be very valuable, and the results prove that they knew their business thoroughly. PRIMITIVE CONDITIONS No one of this generation has any conception of the conditions pre- vailing when the pioneers entered what was to become one of the most important divisions of the state. At that time there were no railroads, and travel on the rivers, canals and t he lakes was slow and expensive. For this reason, many preferred to load 1 heir possessions into a covered wagon, drawn either by horses or oxen, and travel across country, driv- ing their stock before them. There were no conveniences then along the way. When oighl came, the hardy emigrants camped by the wayside, having to depend upon their scanty stores for food, although occasionally •-'7 BISTORT? OF McHENRY COUNT'S the men Eolka were able to bring down birds or game of Bome kind. If the time could be spared, Bome nimrod sough! an addition to the food supply in the numerous streams, but those were times thai would bav< delighted Mr. Boi ainrj E I conservation was practiced, and there w;is no waste of any kind. It was a period when only the tit survived, as the records show. Many of little lit''' Manic flickered and went oul on the long journey Erom the old bome to the new. and more than cur aged person found lit''' too difficult, and bo laid \\ o its burdens, and made the wayside a permanent abiding place until summoned by the last call upon judgment day. the \i:\\ SOME When the journey was over with all it-, dangers and hardships, the wagon that had been the family shelter for so many weary weeks, brought to a standstill, and the household g Is covered with a makeshift shelter on the land selected for the claim, the difficulties hail ..nly commenced. The fund, brought in the wagon naturally ran low. and until a crop could he put in. the pioneers had to depend chiefly mi what could he garnered from the woods and streams, Fortunately nearly all of them knew the value of wild growths and could find palatable and nourish- ing foods in what their great-grandchildren would consider weeds. It was not lon<_', of course licfore the cnertretie settlers had crops and from them ground their own meal, and made their own products. The homes of the pioneers were crudely fashioned from rough loirs, and the furni- ture was homemade. Class was a luxury, and stoves unknown. Cloth- ing was made from cloth woven from flax and wool spun and carded by the women, and all of the stockings and sox were knit by them. The women generally planted and took care of the gardens; they made medi- cines from berries and roots, and in the very earliest days had to minister t,, and nurse the sick. The men cut down the forest growths, -rubbed out the stumps, and then plowed the land and planted the crops. They also hunted and fished, for in those days stock was too valuable to be killed to furnish meat, and when wild game was plentiful, the pioneers did not suffer. EARLY ROADS Of course at lirst there were no roads of any kind, save the dim Indian trails. As settlements increased, however, of course the pioneers BISTORT OF M( IIKXUY ( OUNTY 29 made trails of their own, as convenience <>r preference suggested, and in time some of these were developed into well defined roads. In the early days all travel was done on horseback or in the wagons of the periods. Carriages and buggies were unknown, and it was many years after the firsl settlers of McHenry County had Located there before the railroads were built. KAKI.V MILLS The first settlers had to grind their own meal, bul it was nut long after the pioneers had assembled before one and then others, erected crude horse-mills, and later water ones by means of which a certain amount of service could be secured, although the process was tedious and the trip a long one Eor si. me who Lived far distant from the nearest of these mills. Going to mill was quite a journey in those days, and the grain was carried in saddle bags en horseback, and the meal taken back in the same way. PASTIMES It must lint he 1 thought, however, that because there was plenty of hard work and hardships, that the pioneers failed to enjoy themselves. for they had their dancing and games, their spelling matches ami singing schools, their barn and house raisings, their apple-parings and quilting bees. Whenever a religious teacher could ho found, there were services either in the homes or at the log schoolhouses. and 1 ause of their scarcity, these meetings were all the more appreciated. No weather was severe enough In keep any of the pioneers away fnuu a " prcach- ing." They were kind-hearted, generous and sympathetic, always will- in-- to lend a hand or listen to a tale of woe, and the advice given was generally sound and, always well meant. The pioneer has passed, but his influence lives on in the lives of the community his foresighl and persistent hard work established. FIRST RECORDED SETTLERS James Gillilan came to what is now Algonquin Township in No- vember, 1834, bringing his family with him from West Virginia, and he was the first to locate here permanently. .Mrs. (iillilan was the tirst white woman in .McHenry County. In 18.'!."). two settlements were made 30 BISTORT OF M< IIKN1IY COUNTY in this county, one known as The Virginia Colony, located in wluit is now the eastern portion of Dorr Township; and The Pleasanl Gt Colony, located on the presenl site of Marengo. Those in the latter tlemenl were as follows: Oliver Chatfield, Calvin Spencer, Porter Chatfield, Rnssel Diggins, Richard Simpkins and Moody B. Bailey. The settlers of the Virginia Colony were as follows: James Duffield, Christopher Walkup, Josiah Walkup, William Hartman, John Gibson, John McClure and Samuel Gillian, nil of whom came in 1835. PREVENTING (I. AIM .11 MP1NG Sunn after the organization of McHenry County, immigration set in at a wonderful rapid rate. Men came in on foot, on horseback, with horse-teams and more with ox-teams. Bui as the government surveyor had nut yet made his appearance, each man could only choose prairie or timber solely, stake out his ••claim" or plow around it it' he had a plow to do with, put up his cabin and consider himself at home. Ae- din- to Benry Clay the whole mass formed "a lawless hand of Iters." The human disposition being the Bame then as qow, it became necessary to provide some mode of proving and recording those claims as a security against those disposed to "jump." A< rdingly the set- tlers formed themselves into an association for mutual protection organ- izing a sort of "court of claims." In pursuance of this object the territory was divided into "claim districts." Each district was then subdivided into subdistricts in each of which three commissioners were appointed to record claims and hear and determine all contests in that regard. These claims when recorded became evidence of title. It does not appear that the claim commis- sioners had much to do with what is now McHenry County, hut so well did they perform their duty in the Lake precincts that hut Little trouble arose and what did. was easily and quietly adjusted. The survey of the land comprised in the county proceeded from the Third principal meridian eastward reaching the west range 5 in 1838 and finishing Lake County four years later when these courts of claims being no longer needed, ceased to exist. These emigrants were a neighborly set. coming as they sometimes did in strings of from six to eighl covered wagons, the inmates of which were seeking to better their condition by putting to some use the im- mense waste of timber and prairie stretching away on every side as far BISTORT OF Mi IIKXKY COUNTY 31 as the range of human vision. The trouble of choice was increased by the extent of inn iccupied. hea lit i fill country, still they enul.l QOt wand.-r <>n forever; they must have land, water and timber the last all important to them, as the tirst thing to be provided was shelter. The spoi having been selected and claim satisfactorily adjusted, they formed themselves into a co-operative society for the purpose of housebuilding, putting up the tirst house for the one who seemed to them to stand the most in need of shelter. Thus all in a short time were provided with surh dwell- ings as the materials at hand afforded. PIONEER CONDITIONS Mills, log schoolhouses and villages soon made their appearance and if unlike in thai respeet, to those who in December, L620, left the .Mayflower for the bleak coasl of New England, they brought no min- ister with them, that necessary element of organized society, was not long behind the forerunners of civilization, and preaching in barns, school and private houses was done to audiences more attentive, if less fashionable than now. These itinerant ministers found beneath every "shake" roof a hearty welcome to the table and a no less hearty one to the "shakedown" for the night, unless the host provided with that rarity in those days, a spare bed. The rate of taxation for the early settlers was one percent on the following schedule: slaves, or indentured, or registered negroes or mulatto servants, stock in trade, horses, mules, asses, and neat cattle above three years of age, swine, lumber, and one horse wagons, clocks, watches, etc.. hut none was levied on hank or railroad stock, piano or silverware. The tax of 1 S:;7 for this county realized $370.8(5. Among the curiosities of ancient legislation is a tavern license of 1837, costing eight dollars. So that the landlord mighl not swindle his thirsty customers, the board established the following prices for liquors: brandy, rum or gin, pints. 25 cents; wine, 37i/ 2 cents; whisky, 1 u ' - ; beer or cider the same meals, ;iiy 2 cents; lodgings, 12y 2 cents; while a span of horses could chew hay all night for 25 cents. old settler's association Not until 18G8 was there any successful effort at organizing an old settler's or pioneer's society in this part of the state. Indeed it is singular that with the class of American-born people who settled this 32 BISTORT OF M< BENR? COUNTY county thai such a society was nol formed long before 1868. And thru it was combined with Lake County. The original meeting was at Libertyville, Lake County. The committee in charge decided thai there should be held in McHenry, Wednesday, September s . 1869, a reunion of the old settlers of the two counties. This meeting was held and of it the Woodstock Sentinel said the nexl week: "The largest assemblage of i pie thai had ever assembled in McHenry County, entirely exceeding the must sanguine expectations of its originators, and astonishing all presenl by the brilliantly si essful manner in which all the arrangements were conceived and carried out. "The officers of the meeting wen': William M. Jackson, president; II. \. Owen, secretary; J. II. Johnson, marshal, and George Q orator. Four hands of music were in attendance. The meeting was called tn order and a song, ' Way Out West,' very effectively sung. Hon. George Gage delivered an eloquenl oration, treating of the history and the pioneer life of the counties of Lake and McHenry. •'At ihr end of the oration, the audience partook of two barbecued oxen and other lighi refreshments. Toasts were offered and several short, witty and at times very pathetic s| Ins were made." On Oetoher II. 1875, the pioneers of these two counties held a reunion at McHenry. The officers that season were: William A. Mc- Connell, president ; Charles II. Bartlett, Nelson Landing and E. Gridley, vice-presidents I'm' Lake County; B. (i. Ayer, George 7S, on the Fair Grounds at Woodstock. There were fully 5,000 people present. The reunion was opened by singing the Star Spangled Banner. Rev. R. K. Todd offered the prayer. The address was by Joel H. Johnson, hut the oration of the day was by Hon. John P. Pamsworth. Other speakers were B. W. Ray- mond and Judge Morrison of Chicago. Mrs. Margaret Gillian, the first white woman who came to this county, was present, and naturally re- 1^ : V 1 ■Kk' ^v 7a-u^t-6iA. f^wb*^uj(L{j UlsTiiUY OF MrllKXKV COUNTY ceived much attention. A ball game and an evening danc< nelnded the exercises. On February L'(i. ls.sii. oflicers were elected Eor the ensuing year and the reunion thai season was held at Wauconda. On September li. 1883, the reunion was held, at Melleiiry and was a grand success. An original poem composed £or the occasion by Peter (JotV, of Chicago, was presented but qo1 read on accounl of the time being short. The ninth annual reunion and picnic of the Association was held at Slausscr's Park, Hainesville, August 21, 1884. Hon. L. L. .Mills, state's Attorney from Cools County, was the chief speaker. Portions of his address, all so full of true sentiment, must here find space for they will interest the present-day reader of local history, even as it will those yet unborn. While it has been said that "History Repeats Itself," this is not true in the instance of pioneer life, for remember there is but one set of pioneers or first settlers in any given community, hence let us recall the beautiful words of the speaker as they fell from his lips on thai hot day in August, thirty-live years ago: "Fifty years ago this was a wilderness, without roads, except In- dian trails; with forests deep and dark; with prairies of tall grass; with only jealous savages to welcome, and a cabin of logs for the home of the immigrant. Here, then, came and began this intense history of development, the young pioneer. lie had journeyed from the rock- bound coast of New England, or neighboring places; his conveyance was a rude wagon; his companions, the young wife and prattling babe; his weapon of defense, the implement of his industry, the ax with the honest blade. "Every age has its ty] f maul d; the ancient sculptured beauty and the philosopher; the .Middle Ages painted the battles of rival coun- tries and placed their heromaking art in the gallery of time. The hero of the nineteenth century is the pioneer. He seeks discovery all round the world. He is Livingstone in Africa, the Arctic explorer, foolish or wise in the enthusiasm of his time, facing the freezing storm to find the open sea; above all. he is tin' sturdy youth who cleaves the forests, wins lands waiting with fertility, builds towns and cities ami creates States. "The "Id settlers of Illinois are of the class whose type is the heroism of the age. They laid the foundation of the State. Their spirit and toil in ven now can know; the Western wilds of half a century ago are beyond our horizon; the Indian almost seems like a figure in a romance; 34 BISTORT? OF M< IIKXKV COUNT? i! log cabin is supplanted; the as and the plow arc minor implements compared with recenl inventions. The vicissitudes of the pioneer, his hardship in foresl and field, his unfailing pluck and s j > i i- i t and his in- domitable will and industry arc a heritage for youth and an inspiration for the generations hereafter. "It is well that we met these pioneers; they teach u< a thousand lessons. They were brave enough for Western wilds, persistenl enough to make long and wearisome and dangerous journeys through a strange land and to a strange destination. They had the breadth of vision to know the limitless possibilities of the West, the spit-it to develop them and the courage and persistence of success. ■•From this beautiful place in nature they look abroad today. Every eye is clear to see the -rand result- great, wide-spreading farms, with homes of comforl ; barns Idled with cattle, and granaries accusl d to splendid harvests; the dark woods made beautiful for pastures; the school house in every hamlet and the church beckoning the hearts of men to higher things. , •"The enjoyment of the old settlers is an inspiration to the young. By toil and bravery and manly character they won this day and have the right to claim its triumph. To us the lesson comes that enterprise is the true spirit of the times, bravery the honoring characteristic of the Amer- ican, patient industry the foundation of his success, and the school and the church the climax of his civilization. In the atmosphere of this cele- bration we learn that there is no maxim higher than manhood, no adage superior to industry and courage, and no success greater than a emu munity composed of men and women who love labor, ereel homes, and in law and peace are friends together under the protecting guidance of re- ligious sentiments. "To Lake and McHenry counties we may say your beginnings were made by splendid men. your woods were hewed by their industrious for- estry, your fields were tilled and made fallow for the future by their toil, your schools and churches were builded by their sentiments. "And in all the story of this magnificent growth no fact is a greater continuation of the pioneers endeavors than the patriotism of these coun- ties. How many hundreds rushed to the defense of the flag in those sad days when the nation's life was threatened/ Regiments went forth from Lake and McHenry counties, and in them today there is not a graveyard where a soldier does not lie. dead from his country's battle. There is scarcely a home from Waukegan to the western limits of McHenry county that docs not mourn a boy or man who died for his nation. HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTS 35 "Thus the spirit of the pioneer expressed itself in t lie heart of the patriotic son; ami the sentiment of the ax ami plow in the early ad- vances of the tirst settlers, to make the state, was proclaimed again by the voices ami sustained |>y the stout arms of the farmer hoys who Eoughl for and saved the nation." PIOXEEK SI. I II KKS OF Ml'llKMiV COCVTV From the secretary's book of the the subjoined list of names indicates with the date of their coming to this A. Carmack 1831 .1. II. Giddings 1832 Allen Sisson 1833 .1. \Y. Salisbury 1833 Richard Gillian 1834 Adam Musgrove 1834 P. Diggins 1835 A. \V. Beardsley ■ 1835 A II. Ilanley 1836 Susan Ilanley 1836 Q ge Gage 1836 .Mrs. M. P. Gage 1836 K. A. Beers 1836 Esther M. Beers 1S36 Samuel II. Walker 1836 .Mark Ilieoek 1836 Mrs. B. II. Ilieoek 1836 Job Toles 1836 Samantha Toles 1836 W. II. Huffman 1836 .Mary s. Huffman 1836 Joel II. Johnson 1836 Alvin .In.ld 1836 H. D. Judd 1836 Wm. A. McConneU 1836 Neil! Donnelly 1838 John F. Huffman 1838 E. W. Smith 1838 E. M. Owen 1838 Old Settlers' Association in 1884, i In- county 'a firs! settlers, together county : S. T. Eldridge 1838 C. 0. Parsons 1S38 .John Snowden 1839 D. E. Marrows 1839 T. J. Richards 1839 Rebecca Howard 1839 ('. Hastings 1839 (>. W.Owen 1840 William .Moore 1841 ('. Rhodes 1842 ('. M. Pendleton 1842 Henry Drake 1843 I.. M. Woodard 1843 C. Ii. Brown 1844 .Martin Metcalf 1844 Rev. R. K. Todd 1847 Harriet Owen 1848 ('. Kuhnert 1848 Win. Ilntson 1849 Peter Whitney 1849 John M. Crane 1850 Russell Diggins 1836 T. s. Carr 1836 J. M. Kimball 1837 J. F. Moore 1837 W. Whittemore 1837 Lewis Hatch 1837 S. S. Chappell 1837 C. II. Trvon 1837 ■M BISTORT OF M< BENRY COUNTY James B. Church 1851 Erastus Richards 1852 Russell Digging 18">1 Sheldon Colyer 1857 E B Richards L852 Of recenl years other matters seem to have crowded in upon the minds and actions of the old pioneer band which used to gather annually ,it these old settlers' gatherings, and no meetings have been held, which is a matter of regrel to many. CHAPTBB IV I, AND TITLES Bv George \Y. Lemmers ORIGINAL OWNERS PECULIAR INSTANCES — ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS — EARL? HEEDS ORIGINAL OWNERS That the most of the land in McIIenry County was originally taken up from the government by speculators, is a statement that can easily be verified by the records of the county. Of course there were settlers who came here to find homes in obedience to the admonition of Horace Greeley, "Go West, young man. go West." but the large majority who came were either imbued with the spirit of the adventurer or those who saw in this new Eldorado the opportunity to acquire "easy land" at little expense. PECULIAR INSTANCES Again there were others who came to the county and to this then virgin wilderness to escape the hand of the law for some trivial mal- feasance in their old homes or to ntario I lounty, X. Y.. and that they had lived together several years after such marriage, she mad. out such a strong ease thai most of the parties who were sued settled with her by paying certain agr 1 sums of money and she gave them quit- claim deeds. Two of the parties, however, dragged the eases along through court until finally Harty Walmsley. who was then seventy-five years old when the rases were filed, passed away, and of course her cause for action died with her, as no one could inherit her dower. The only oi In]- thing worthy of note, or to which any romance attaches, iii regard to McHenry County titles is all set forth in the accompanying review of abstract sheets which atl'eet about 1,000 acres of land in Mc- Henry County and also in Boone ami Winnebago, jusl over the county lines. A word painter might build quite a story around the fact that this man. William Taylor, was sent to the country from Scotland to buy land and died here after many peculiar experiences. The language of the documents left in the recorder's office of Mc- Henry County coiieernin'_r this man is so peculiar and so expressive that it would he much more interesting to quote it in toto than for the writer to attempt to make a story of his own, and we uive it literally a> to spell i 1 1 vr. punctuation, capitalization, etc. The first document hares no date of execution, hut is a power-of attorney given by David Chalmers, William Little.jnhn. (I -ire Veates, Robert Catto, l'eter Williamson. Alex Fouler- tun. Alexander Smith, Charles Chalmers, and Nathaniel Fanplhar to one Alexander Ferguson to ad as the agent for what was known as the North American Investment and Loan Company, of which they were the direc tors. Tile said power of attorney reads as follows: "Whereas by a certain contract in writing, bearing date the 8th and 10th of May A. 1). ISMIt. between (parties of the firsl part a- named above), and William Taylor, who has since deceased, of the other part, it was agreed by and between the said parties. amongSl other thini.'-, as follows: 'That the Directors of said company having engaged the said William Taylor as Manager of the Company's business in America for BISTORT OP McHENRY COUNTY 39 the term of five years Erom and after the first day of June aerl in this presenl year, the said William Taylor binds and obliges himself to pro- ceed to the United States of America and to leave tins country for thai purpose on or before the tirst day of June next in this presenl year and tn continue in the service of said Company a1 Buch places in North America as the Directors may from time to time appoint for the period of five full and complete years Erom and after thai date, during which said space the said William Taylor hinds and obliges himself faithfully and honestly to act in the capacity of Manager aforesaid in conducting the business of the Company and in the following Eortfa to the best of his ability the whole objects thereof as expressed in this contracl of eo-partneiy. declaring thai the said William Taylor shall invest the sum of Two Thousand Pounds Sterling in the original Capital Stock of the Said stock Company and shall subscribe the contracl of co-partnery thereof with all convenient speed, it beinjjc understood that the said William Taylor shall he entitled to have stock of the ahove amount as- signed to him by the Directors out of the shares reserved by the Contract and placed at the disposal of the Directors and this without paying any premium upon the same and further declaring that as it is in the mean- time intended that the investment of the Company's funds in America are to be made in the name of the Managers and Accountant jointly and the survivor of them, the said William Taylor hereby hinds and obliges himself, his heirs, executors and successors, whomsoever, without preju- dice to his engagement as Manager aforesaid for the above mentioned period of five years instantly to divest himself of the whole or any part of the Company's property when required by the Directors so to do and to convey and transfer the same to any person or persons who may be appointed by the Directors of the said Company that purpose and to that vnd the said William Taylor hereby assigns, transfers, conveys, makes over to and in favor of the said Company for the time being the whole property of whatsoever description heritable and movable, real and per sonal. which he may afterwards acquire in North America as Manager aforesaid; and he hereby hinds and obliges himself, and his heirs and c\r,-utors to grant all necessary deeds for fully vesting such property in the said Directors or in any person they name at any time when required by them so to do, and further declaring that the said William Taylor in his capacity as Manager aforesaid, shall at all times and under all circumstances he bound to conform himself to the instructions of the Directors in the conduct of the Company's affairs as the same shall be notified to him through the Cashier's Agents of the Company, and further 111 HISTORY OF MoHENBY COUNTY declaring thai the said William Taylor shall be bound with all convenient speed upon his arrival in America, to Bell and dispose of any property which be may at presenl possess in thai country, and thai be shall not be out it If. 1 tn make any fresh investments, or to enter into, or be connected with any transaction whatsoever in business in America, either in his own name or of any person or persons for his behoof and that all invest- ments in America which shall hereafter be made in bis nam.' or in the names of any other person or persons for bis behoof, shall lie understood and held to have been made with the funds and for behoof of Company. And Whereas, the said William Taylor, after tl xeciition and delivery of the said Contract in writing, and in the pursuance thereof, did pro- ceed to the United States of America and in his capacity as .Manager and Agent as aforesaid, and for behoof and on account of said Directors and with the funds of said Company, did purchase from the government of the United States sundry tracts or parcels of land, situated, lying and being in the State of Illinois, and described as follows: (Here follow lengthy descriptions of the lands referred to) "And whereas the titles to the said several tracts of land were taken by the said William Tayhr in his own name and so remain of record, and whereas the said William Taylor has since departed this life; therefore this indenture made and entered into this day , in the year 18-14, between the said (parties of the first part as named above), of the one pari and Alexander Ferguson of the other part. Witnesseth that in consideration of the premises and for the further consideration of $100.00 to the parties of the first pari in hand paid by the parties of the second part, the receipt whereof they do hereby acknowledge, they, the said parties of the first part, do by these presents grant, bargain and sell, conform and con- vey unto the said party of the second part, all the right, title and interest and claim, legral or equitable in possession, remainder or reversion of them, the said parties of the first part in and to the several tracts or parcels of land above described and every part thereof, except to such portion of the same as may have been sold, paid for and conveyed by deed to the parties so purchasing by the said William Taylor during his lifetime. And they, the said parties of the first part, do by these presents, in virtue of the authority vested in them by the Contract aforesaid, require and direct the executors, Administrators or Heirs at law of the said William Taylor, deceased, to convey to the said Alexander Ferguson with all convenient speed, whatever title legal or equitable, they or either of them shall have acquired to said lands or any pari of them from said William Taylor be devise, descent or otherwise: And to that end. they. (ZUf-r^YK. Qo^i^v6^ HISTORY OK McHENRY COUNT? 41 the said parties of the firsl part, do by these presents constitute and appoinl tin' said Alexander Ferguson their true and lawful agenl and Attorney in fact, to demand, sue for and receive of and from the Adminis- trators, Executors, and Heirs or other legal representatives of the said William Tayl.u-. deceased. Hereby ratifying and fully confirming whal soever shall be lawfully done by the said Alexander Ferguson in the premises. In testimony whereof the said parties of the first pari have hereto set their hands and affixed their seals at the City of Aberdeen, in Scotland, this day of , 1844." Following this comes the signatures, but none of them conform to the full given names inscribed above, the difference easily being recog- nized in D. Chalmers and N'athe Karquhar. This document was acknowl- edged December 31, 1844, before Jno. Braihie, Provost and Chief Magis- trate of the City of Aberdeen, Kingdom of Great Britain (under official seal). • Then follows a conveyance by commissioner's deed which indicates thai some litgiation followed the strange adventures of William Taylor in America and we quote the same as indicating the peculiar processes of those early days in Northern Illinois, as well as the peculiar phrase- ology that prevailed in those times: "Deed recites that, whereas David Chalmers, William Littlejohn, George Yeats, Robert Catto, Peter Williamson, Alexander Fonlerton, Alexander Smith, Charles Chalmers and Nathan Farquhar, as Directors of the Aberdeen North American Investment and Loan Company lately, to wit : On the 8th clay of February, in the year 1845, filed their bill of Complaint on the Chancery side of the said Circuit Court of Winnebago County against Isabella Taylor, George Taylor, William Primrose, and Elizabeth Primrose, his wife., George Porter and Elspet, his wife. Alexander Ferguson and the unknown heirs and devisees of James Duncan, deceased, therein setting forth, among other things, that one William Taylor, late of the City of St Louis, deceased, did in his life- time, as the agent of the Complainant in said Bill of Complaint named, with the money and for the benefit of themselves and the said Company, but in his own name, purchase all the tracts and parcels of land herein- after mentioned and described : That after the purchase of the said land as aforesaid, the said William Taylor died seized of the legal title of said land, but as Trustee for the said Complainant as Directors of said Company, as in said Bill mentioned, leaving as his heirs at law Isabella Taylor. George Taylor, Elizabeth Primrose, wife of William Primrose, Elspel Porter, wife of George Porter; that said William Taylor in his 12 HISTORY OF M« HENRY COUNTY life time by bis last Will and Testament, devised all liis real estate to Alexander Ferguson aforesaid and to James Duncan, now deceased, but thru i E the City of New Orleans, in said State of Louisiana; thai after the admission of s;i id Will to Probate the said James Duncan bad « 1 i <-• 1 and that the names "I" his heirs and devisees were unknown to Baid Com- plainants; thai the Baid Complainants also therein praying that the said Court of Chancery would deci the said Isabella Taylor, Oeogre Taylor, William Primrose and Elizabeth, his wife; George Porter and Elspet, his wife; Alexander Ferguson and the unknown Heirs and Devisees of .lame- Duncan, deceased, thai each and every of them to convey and release by Deed the said several tracts <>f land to Alexander Ferguson, or to such other person or persons as the said Complainants might at the time of making such decree designate in trust for the said Com- plainants as the Directors of the said Aberdeen North American In ment and Lean Company, and for such other and further relief a- the nature of the ease might require and should be agreeable to equity as in and by said Bill of Complaint filed with the clerk of said Court, on the Chancery side thereof, afterwards to-wit: On the 21st day of April at the April term of said Court in the said year Is-i."), such proceedings were had that the said Court by its Decree in that behalf made, fully established the said trusts in the said William Taylor in his life time and after his death in the said Isabella Taylor. George Taylor. William Primrose and Elizabeth, his wife. George, Porter and Elspet, his wife, and the unknown Heirs and Devisees of James Duncan, d ased, by the "24th of April, aforesaid, by good and sufficient Deeds of Conveyance, to convey and release to the said Alexander Ferguson, in Trust for the said Complainants in said Bill named, all the right, title, interest, claim or estate which they or any of them might have had in or to the here- inafter mentioned and described tract of land as they were in and by said Decree required to do; and whereas, in [sequence of said neglect the said party of the first pari hereto, was afterwards, to-wit: On the 26th day of the month of April, liy a further order and decree of said Courl in that behalf and in pursuance of the Statute in eases made and provided, appointed a Special Commissioner to make, seal and execute for and in behalf of the said Isabella Taylor, William Primrose, and Elizabeth, his wife. George Porter and Elspet, bis wife, and tin' tin- known Heirs and Devisees of the said -lames Duncan, deceased, all such releases and conveyances as might be necessary to comply with said Decree, and to vest in the said Alexander Ferguson, all the right, title and interest, or estate of the said Isabella Taylor. Wil- HISTORY OF .MrllKXKV COUNTY 4:; Ham Primrose and Elizabeth, his wife, George Porter and Elspet, his wife, and the unknown heirs and devisees of said James Duncan, de- ceased, or which they or either of them had or mighl have had to or in sanl hereinafter mentioned and described tracts and parcels of land as by the said Decrees remaining of record in the Office of the Clerk of said Court, reference being thereto had, will mure fully and at large appear. "Now, therefore, the said party of the first part, by virtue of the power and authority granted and given to him by the said Decrees of said Court as above mentioned, in pursuance of the Statute in such eases provided, and in behalf of said Isabella Taylor, George Taylor, William Primrose and Elizabeth, his wife, George, Porter and Elspet, his wife, and the unknown heirs and devisees of the said .lames Duncan, deceased, and I'm- and in consideration of the sum of $1.00 to him in hand paid by the said party, granted, hath bargained sold, alien, release and convey unto the said party, to him, and to his heirs and assigns, forever, all tle.se several tracts and parcels of land in said Bill of Complaint and in said Decree particularly mentioned and described, which are known, designated and described as follows:" (Here follows description of the following additional.) "And also all the estate, right, title, interest, trust, property, claims and demands whatsoever, both at law and at equity in any manner what- soever accruing of the said Isabella Taylor, George Taylor, William Primrose, Elizabeth, his wife, George Porter ami Elspet, his wife, and the unknown Heirs and Devisees of .lames Duncan, aforesaid deceased. and of each and every of them, of, in and to, or out of said lands, prem- ises, and hereditaments and every part and parcel thereof. Provided, however, upon the Trusts by the above mentioned Decree in the said party of the second part, fully established and declared in favor of and for the benefit of the aforesaid David Chalmers. William Littlejohn, George Yates. Robert Catto, Peter Williamson, Alexander Smith, Charles Chalmers, Nathaniel Parquhar and Alexander Ponlerton as Directors of the aforesaid Aberdeen North American Investment and Loan Company and upon such trusts as they shall from time to time direct and appoint." from the above it can be seen thai there is abundant reason for the numerous bills in chancery and bills to clear titles that thrice a year burden the columns of the newspapers of McHenry County and crowd the docket of the Circuit Court. I EAPTEB \' ORGANIZATION A\l) GOVERNMENT B\ William Dlsmond BOUNDARIES ORIGIN OF NAMi: ANNEXATION TROUBLES HISTORIC rfn \ TION ORGANIZATION OF THE COUNTS SELECTION <>F COUNT"? SLAT — POP1 LATION — FIRST ELECTION ROAD DISTRICTS PRECINCTS — PRE( I REFORMED TOWNSHIP ORGANIZATION- REMOVAL OF COUNTY SEAT — FIRST COURTHOUSE — SECOND COl RTHOl SB PRESENT COURTHOUSE — PRES- ENT JAIL — POOR FARM— COINTY JUDGES — SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS SHERIFFS— COUNTS TREASURERS — COUNTS CLERKS — CIRCUIT Ml RES AND RECORDERS — CORONERS — SURVEYORS — SUPERINTENDEN1 - OF POOH — STATES ATTORNEYS — COUNTS COMMISSIONERS— BOARD OF si PERVISORS — NEW ASSESSMENT LAW. BOUNDARIES McHenry Comity is the second from the eastern line of the State; it is bounded on the north by Wisconsin; on the east by Lake County; on the south by Cook, DeKalb and Kane counties; and on the west by I'xione County. It contains seventeen civil townships, the total of which is 620 square miles. ORIGIN OF NAME McHenry County was named in honor of Colonel William McHenry, who commanded a regiment during the Black Hawk War. marching through the territory now comprising the county that hears his name. to join Genera] Atkinson at Ft. Atkinson. Wis. This territory once belonged to the (ireat Xort Invest Territory, established in 17S7, and while Wisconsin was yet a territory itself, what is now .McHenry County, with thirteen other Illinois counties, desired to become a part of Wis- consin. The account of this affair will be given, before taking up the real county organization ami government questions. 44 11ISTOKY OF .MrllKXKY COUNT'S 45 \\M.x \Tiu\ ti;ui BLES For more than a dozen years before Wisconsin was admitted into the Union of States, many of the citizens and tax-payers living in the northern pari of niinois desired to be annexed to Wisconsin, it really amounted to a movement of secession. In Eacl this feeling bad existed many years back even to the date of Illinois being admitted into the Union in 1818. The storj of this struggle forms oi E the must interesl Lng stories connected with the Commonwealth. The final adjustment is a perpetual witness to the prophetic genius of Nathaniel Pope, the territorial representative of Illinois in Congress. Iii the lighl of subse qui nl bistory it was nothing less than genuis that enabled this man alone, and unchallenged to add fifty miles to the northern boundary of Illinois, and thus make her with her commercial metropolis on the lake- front the keystone of the magnificenl arch of greal western states. As a statesman and patriot Nathaniel Pope is worthy to be placed at the head of the illustrious column which includes Lincoln, Douglas, Grant, Y"ates and Logan. This movement was widespead and the feeling at times was in tense, and even hitter. The war cry of "til'ty-t'our forty or fight" did not more thoroughly arouse the enthusiastic' democracy over the Oregon boundary line than did this inter state controversy and kindle the sec- tional prejudices of the settlers in the disputed territory. The village of Rockford played quite a prominent part in this struggle and its in- fluence was fell as far east as McIIenry County, as now described. "There was broughl to light in this city a Eew years ago a copy of the official proceedings of a mass-meeting held in Rockford July 6, 1840. This convention was composed of delegates from the northern fourteen counties of the state. Its purpose was secession from Illinois and an- nexation to the proposed new State of Wisconsin. History has never fully explained the causes of this movement. Tradition alone has interpreted its true animus. The apparent motive was a restoration of the boundary line as originally established between the two states tliat might be formed of the territory north of an east and west line running through the southern bend of Lake Michigan. This line, it was claimed, had been arbitrarily and unfairly extended fifty miles north when Illinois became a State." (Winnebago County History of IsSl.i The real reasons for this movement were two. First, the settlers in tin' northern and southern portions of the state had little or no interest in i imoii. The northern portion was settled mostly by people from 16 BISTORT? OF M( HENRY COl NTY New England and New York. They were industrious, thrifty and pro- ■ hi'. They built low us < j 1 1 1 1 cities as it' by magic. The Bouthern pari of Illinois was settled by emigrants from the slave-holding states. They were generally poor, as the well-to-do people did nol emigrate in those clays in our country's history. This class of poor i pie came to southern Illinois from slave-holding states to escape the limitations of their Eormer poverty. Between the i pie of the southern and north- ern portions of the state was a greal gulf fixed. Each misunderstood the other. The Illinois and Michigan canal was opposed bj the people of south, 'i-ii [llinois Eor Eear Li would Hood the state with Yankees. This conflid of interesl and opinion was a continuation of the struggle tween the civilization of Plymouth and Jamestown. The Puritan and the class distinctions of the cavalier had entered the western arena, where a few years later Lincoln and Douglas fought the historic battle nf t In' century. The second reason for this sectional divorcemenl was the desire of the northern people 1" escape the burden of the enormous state debl winch had been created by the gigantic scheme of internal improvements. In 1840 during Governor Carlin's administration, the total debt of this state was $14,666,562.42. The treasury was bankrupt; the revenue was insufficient; the | pie were unable to pay high taxes and the state had borrowed itself out of a good credit. The state never repudiated its debt, but simply could not pay it at that time. Again, the state had little to show for its vast expenditures. Southern Illinois dominated the state, and the people in the sparsely settled northern counties were not responsible for the creation of so greal a -tat.' debt hence naturally rebelled, and wished to be annexed to Wisconsin, where taxes were not nearly so greal a burden. BISTORIC SITUATION In order to fully understand the position at the date of the Rockford Convention in 1840, it is best to briefly refer to the Ordinance of the Northwest Territory, as adopted in 17s7. This ordinance provided Eor the division of this vast area for territorial purposes, which of course had no direct reference to present matters. It provided that not more than two states should bi> formed from the territory north of an easl and west line running through the southerly bend of Lake Michigan. The public record shows that in 1818 Illinois Territory petitioned Congress for admission into the Union on an equality with the original HISTORY OP Mi IIKXUY COUNTY 47 states. The petition defined the northern boundary of the state in accordance with the provisions of the Ordinance of 1787. When the petiti ame before Congress, Mr. Pope was instructed by the i mittee to reporl a I > i 1 1 in pursuance of the petition. Before the bill became a law it was amended by the extension of the boundary line from the southerly bend of Lake Michigan to 42 degrees ami :;n min- utes. Thus was added to Illinois a territory fifty miles from north to south, which now includes the northern fourteen counties of the State of Illinois. These radical changes were proposed ami carried through both houses of Congress by .Mr. Pope, entirely on his own persona] responsibility. The territorial legislature had not even petitioned for them, hut the greal ami Lasting advantage was so apparenl that the action of .Mr. Pope received the unqualified endorsement of the people. When Wisconsin began to aspire to -tatehood, it was upon the lan- guage of the Ordinance of 1718, above quoted, which was declared a compact to remain in force forever unalterable, that our northern neigh- bor based her claim to the territory north of the original line. This quest] f boundary became an issue in local politics, and it was not until 1848, when Wisconsin became a state, that all the hope of the rest, nation of the original line was abandoned. Let it he remembered that had it not been for Nathaniel Pope, Congressman, succeeding in getting the boundary line, as given in the old Ordinance of 17S7. changed to take in these fourteen northern coun- ties of Illinois, this volume would necessarily be for a county within the State of Wisconsin. As has been well said by another historic writer: "The beneficent results arising from the policy of Nathaniel Pope and the failure of the separatists are incalculable. No reflections are cast upon those who desired separation. They acted from worthy motives, hut they failed to foiis,.,' the future. Time has shown their error to have been that of judgment rather than of heart. The people of Wisconsin, however, never fully became reconciled to the situation. From the standpoint of state pride, it may be said that in the collapse of the movement was the magnificenl city of Chicago, the 'Queen of the north ami west,' saved to Illinois. The most wealthy and populous, as well as progressive, counties were preserved to our own beloved Commonwealth, which has become the pride of the nation." Again, -Mr. Pope saw that none of the states in the West could ven- ture a dissolution of the Union without the assistance of a state which I- BISTOKS OF M< IILMJY COUNT? nature had plai d should be large and powerful. Nathaniel Pope was indeed a constructive statesman. ORGANIZATION OP THE COl NTY On January 16, 1836, the county of McHenry was separated by Art of Legislature Erom whal was then known as Cook County, includ- ing the present count] of Cook and the counties of Lake, DuPage, Mc- Benry and Will. The acl creating tl ounty read as follows: "Be it enacted, thai all that tract of country within the following boundaries, to wit: Beginning at a point on Lake Michigan where the township line dividing townships I- and 13 strikes said lake and run- ning thence wesl along said line to the east line of range number 4, east of the third principal meridian, thence north to the boundary line iif the state thence east to Lake Michigan, thence east along the shore of said lake td place of beginning, shall constitute a new county to be called McHenry." The population according to the census of 1920 is 33,164. SEI ECTION OF COUNTY SEAT The Legislature selected as a commission to locate a county seat the new county, M. L. Coville, of McLean County; Peter Cohen, of Will County; and Daniel Dunham, of Kane County. The locat suggested were Libertyville, Half Day. McHenry, Crystal Lake and Port Bill. After taking into du nsideration the advantages of each settlement suggested, the commissioners decided, May in. 1837, upon McHenry as being the best suited for the seat of justice as it was near the geographical center of the county, as then constituted, containing thirty congressional townships. PIRS1 ELECTION On Juno 1, 1837, McHenry County held it- firsl election, at the house of Biram Eennecott, near Balf Day. which is now in the presenl County of Lake. As a resull of the election, Charles II. Bartlett, Mat- thias Mason. Solomon Norton were elected county commissioners; Benry 11. Steele, sherit]'; Michael ( '. McCllire. coroner; Set h Washliiini, re- cor.lor; and Charles E. M v. surveyor. / ■ I V $iu^/tz^X- lllsTiiuv OF M< HENRi" COUNT'S 49 ROAD DISTRICTS The county was firsl divided into whal were railed Road Districts, this division being effected June 10, l s :i7. and as follows: Oak Pn cinct, which was ihat pari of the Lake road commencing a1 line of Mc- Eenry County and extending to the aorth line of Oak Precinct; thai part of the Lake road commencing at the aorth line of Oak Precincl and extending to the aorth line of BIcHenry County; thai pari of the road in Oak Precincl west of the aorth branch of the Chicago River, com mencing on the south line of said county, and extending to the north line of Oak Precinct; thai pari of the Desplaines road leading from Chicago to .Milwaukee, commencing at the smith boundary line of said county, and extending to the aorth line of Ferry Euhbard's claim; that pari ill' the Desplaines road eoi ncing al the north side of Ferry Hubbard's claim and extending to the north side of Wynkoop's claim; thai pan of the Desplaines road commencing at the north end of Wynkoop's claim, and extending north to where said river crosses the Desplaines road; the road commencing near Washburn's on Indian Creek, and extending west to Bang's Lake; and Fox Precinct. PRECINCTS A further division was made in September. 1837, when the Com- missioners' Court ordered. "That that tract of the country — viz.: fol- lowing the smith line of said county a distance of twelve miles; thence north twelve miles, thence east to a point two miles east of Fox River, thence south for two miles from the river to the place of beginning — shall constitute a general precinct and magistrate's district *to be called Virginia Precinct and .Magistrate's District." On June 1, 1840, "all that part of Virginia Precincl lying north of the north line of township 43, east of Fox River, was attached to BIcHenry Precinct." BIcHenry Precinct, which was set aside on September 4, 1837, origi- nally had the following boundaries, according to the following order: "That the following tract of country — viz.: Commencing at a point two miles east of Fox River, thence west following the aorth line of the Virginia Precinct twelve miles, thence north to the state line to a point two miles of Fox River, thence south following said river to place of beginning — shall constitute a general precinct and magistrate's dis- trict to be called McIIenry Precinct and Magistrate's District." :.() II 1ST. MI Y OF M< 1 1 KXUV COUNTY Nipersink Precinct, ordered on the Bame date was the third pre- cinct. The order separating it. read as follows: "Thai the following trad of country, viz.: Commencing on the north corner of McHenry Precincl on the state line, thence south following the west lim McHenrj Precincl to the southwest corner, thence west to the county line, thence north to the State line, thence east along said state line to the place of beginning shall constitute a general precincl and magis- trate's district, t<> be called Nipersink Precincl and Magistrate's Dis- trict." Under the same date, "Ordered by the court, thai the following trad of country-viz. : Commencing at the southwest corner of Virginia Precinct, thence west following the south line of said county <>f McHenry to the wesl line of said county, thence north following said county to the southwest corner of Nipersink Precinct, thence east to the northwest corner of Virginia Precinct, thence south to the county line to the place of beginning shall constitute a genera] precincl and magistrate '8 district to be called the Kishwaukee Precinct and Magis- trate's District." On October •">, 1840, the Commissioners' Court ordered, That a new precincl be formed from McHenry Precinct, embracing township 16, raiiL't 1 7. township 4(i. range S, and that part of township 46, range !>, which belongs to McHenry County shall be known and designated as and by the name of Independence Precinct." PRECINCTS REFORMED With the influx of settlers, came a necessity for a change in the boundaries of the precincts, and on .March 1. 1841, the commissioners' Court ordered the following reforms: "Independence Precincl contains township 16, range 7. township it;. range 8, and the west half of township 4(i. range 9. "Nipersink Precinct contains range 6, township 46, and range 5, township 46. "Eagle Precinct contains township 45, range 5 and two miles off from Hie north part of township h, range 5." "Hartland Precincl contains township 4.">. range 6, and the wesl half of township 1."). range 7; the north half of township 44. range ti. and sections 4, .">, 6, 7, 8, 9, 16, 17, and is of township 44. range 7." "McHenry Precinct contains the east half of township 4.">. range 7; township 4."i. range s ; west half of township 4.">, range !'. and all that HISTORY OF McIIEXKY COFNTY 5] pari of township 11. range 9, which formerly belonged to Virginia Pre cinct lying on the oast side of Pox River." ■• Virginia Precincl contains township l 1. range 8, sections 1. 2, •'!. 10, 11. 12, 13, 14. l.">. ami also ilic south half of township II. all being in t"\\ nviii|i 14. range 7 ; ami township 4:!. range 7 \ township 43, range 8; the west half of township 43, range !'. "Kishwaukee Precincl contains the south half of township II. range (i. ami sections 13, II. 1-"-. Hi. 17, IS, 111, •_'(), 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, '27, 28, '-'■'. 30, 31, 32, :i:i. 34, 35, 36, of township 44, range •"> ; township 43, range ■">. and township 43, range <>." On .March 29, 1841, the Commissioners' Court ordered "Thai town- ship 45, range 5, ho annexed ami hereafter form a part of Nepersinh Precinct; ami that pari of township ll. range ■">. which heretofore be- longed to Eagle Precinct ho attached to Kishwaukee Precinct; ami that Eagle Precinct I formed at the .March term of said eourl I he ami is here- by extinguished from the list of precincts in McHenry County; and that the place for holding elections in Nipersini Precinct he held at the schoolhouse neat Jason X. Jerome's, in said precinct; and that Joseph Mctcalf, Nathaniel Smith, and Welhy I")i«r«rins, he appointed judges of election in said precinct." Another precinct was added on March (i, 184:i, by an order that pro- vided, "That the petition of divers citizens of Independence Precinct be granted) that the precinct heretofore known as Independence Pre cinct i he divided) and that a new precinct be formed with the boun- daries as follows, to-wit : To consist of the whole of township 4(i, range 'K and four miles off from the side of township 4(i, range S cast of the third principal meridian. That this precinct lie known and styled as Wentworth." On December •">. lsl.'l, the Commissioners' Court ordered, "That a new precinct be formed off from the southeast corner of Virginia with boun- daries as follows, viz : " ( 'ommencing at the southeast corner of McHenry County, running north to the line between McHenry and Lake counties to the northeast corner of section 5, on the south line of township II, range 9; thence west six miles to the northwest corner of section 4, town- ship 13, range 8; thence south to the Kane County line; thence east to the place of beginning. Said precinct shall be known by the name of Fox Precinct." In June, 1844, the boundaries of Fox Precinct were changed as fol- lows: "Commencing at the northeast corner of section 4, running thence south to the southeast corner of section Hi, thence west one mile, thence LIBRARY UKiVERSITY Of K 52 BISTORT OF Mi IIKNUY COUNTY south in the countj line." Under the same date, ii waa ordered, "That the lines of the Fox Preeinel be changed bo as to commence al the south- west corner of section 9, in township t::. north, range 8 easl on the \ line of Pox Preeinel ; thence easl on the south side of sections 9, 10, etc., nil it reaches the county line." On June 2, 1M">. the Commis Courl ordered, "Thai a new preeinel be formed Erom Nipersink Preeinel with the boundaries as Eol lows: Including townships 45 and 46 north, of range 5 easl of the third principal meridian, and thai said preeinel be called Byron." Another preeinel was Formed on the same date, under the following order, "Thai a new preeinel be formed Erom the remainder of Niper- sink Precinct, consisting of township 46 north, range 6 east, and thai said preeinel be called AJden. on June 3, 1845, the Commissioners' Courl ordered, "That township 16 mirth, range 7 east, and the north half of township 44 north, range 7 east, constitute a new precinct, and thai said preeinel l" 1 called W I stock." During the June term of the Commissioners' Courl in 1846, Virginia Preeinel was given another name, under this order, "Thai the plai i holding i lections in Virginia Precinct be at the house of Benry M. Wait and s. King in said precinct, and thai the name id' said preeinel be changed to 1 'ass." On March 2, 1847, the following order was given: "On the petition of Paschal Stowell and others. Kishwaukee Preeinel was divided, and township 1+ north, range t> east, was constituted a preeinel to be known as Franklin." On March _. 1847, a second order is filed, towit: Denying petition of Ellison I). Marsh and others for the formation of a new preeinel to be known as ( Joral Precinct. On Dri-cnilin- 7. 1847, the Commissioners' Courl ordered, "Thai the petition nf divers citizens residing north of the center line in township 44 north, range 8 cast of the third principal meridian and wesl of Fox River, asking to have thai pari of said township ahove described annexed to McBenry Preeinel be accepted." The Commissioners' Courl ordered under date of June 7. 1848, "Thai township 4li north, range 5 oast, be, and is herehy, constituted an election preeinel by the name of Chemung." On June 7. 1848, the Commissioners' Court ordered, "That township 13 north, range 7 east, and the south half of township 44 north, ran'-:'- BISTORT OF MdlKXKY COUNTY 53 7 east, l»'. and is hereby, constituted an election precincl under the name of Grafton Precinct." Acting on the petition of John Purdy and others, on September 5, 1849, Independence Precincl was divided, and the western third of town- ship 16, range s . taken Erom Independence and attached to Cishwaukee Precinct. TOWNSHIP ORGANIZATION On November 6, 1849, ;it a general election, the people of McHenry Countj vi ted 1,943 in favor of township organization, and the Commis- sioners' Court therefore ordered, "Thai Carlisle Hastings, Phineas W. Platl and Frederick W. Smith, be, and arc hereby, appointed commis- sioners to divide the county of McHenry into towns or townships, as is provided by the 5th section of the 1st article of the acl to provide for township and county organization. Approved Feb. 12, 1849." The results of the commissioners in dividing the county into town- ships are as follows: Benton, Richmond, Hebron. Alden, Chemung, Bryon, Hartland, Greenwood, .McHenry, Brooklyn, Center, Seneca. Marengo, Riley, Coral, Grafton, and Algonquin. During 1850, the name of Brooklyn was changed to Nunda, Byron to Dunham, Center to Dorr, and Benton to Burton. From 1850 to the present date, the affairs of the various townships, so far as county government has been concerned, have been in capable, honest hands, for only such have been elected to I lie board of county supervisors. A list of all members appears at the close of this chapter. REMOVAL OF COUNTY SEAT A review of the records of almost any county will show that at some time in its history, agitation has arisen over the location of the county seat. Frequently, as in the case of McHenry, changes in the original boundary lines, makes the first choice undesirable because of its location. When .McHenry was selected by th mmissioners. as before stated, it was the <:eo<:raphical center of the new county, but when Lake County took all of the country east of the section line running north and south three miles east of Fox River at McHenry; in other words, two thirds of range 9 east, together with all lyinf: cast of the line mentioned. McHenry was no longer the center of the countv. and dissatisfaction arose with it as 54 BISTORT OF Mi IIKNIJY COUNTY the seal of justice. • Tin- objection was hh.it felt in the early days than it would be al this day, for then the settlers were so dependenl upon more primitive methods of travel. A few miles one way or the other made a vast difference to the "iirs who were forced to struggle, al tain periods of the year, through the mud and swollen streams, and for this reason, it' for no other, an effort was made to selecl a point equally distant from all the boundaries, ;it which to locate the county buildings. Petitions were Bent to the Legislature for the removal of the county seat from McHenry, now in the eastern part of the county, and an act was passed, and approved, Februarj 6, L843, authorizing the taking of a vote upon the subject. Crystal Lake. Walkup's Corners, four miles east of W Istock, and Centerville, now Woodstock, were the candidates for the seat of justice. Centerville was chosen, it being the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section .">. township 44, range 7. east of tlie third principal meridian upon which the new courthouse was to be erected. This selection was ratified by the election held September 1, 1843. (>n an-., nut of trouble that Alvin Judd had in proving up his claim In the land required for the scat of justice, owing to the fad that he did not reside upon the above described land in June 1843, nor upon it until the fall of that year, the matter had to lie finally settled by a. special act of Congress, legalizing Judd's claim. On I>< mber 2, ls|t. the County Commissioners' Courl met for the firsl time at Centerville. The name Centerville not eting with the approval of the majority of the people of McHenry County, an appeal was made to the Legislature by Joel II. Johnson and others to change the name t > . Woodstock, after W Istock, Vermont, the old home of .Mr. Johnson and some of hi- fel- low citizens, and this was done by special act under date of February, L845. 'I'M- name has since been retained. In Is.",.",, another movement was inaugurated to change the location of the county scat to Algonquin Township, within one mile of the junc- tion of crossing of the Illinois and Wisconsin and Pox Valley rail- roads, and between that point and Crystal Lake in -aid town. The ques- tion was put to the people at a general election in April, with the result that the rote stood: for removal, 1,048; against removal, 2,095. FIRST mi BTHOl The first courthouse of th unty was buill at McHenry, th ntract being let to William II. Beach, and was occupied for the first time by the Commissioners' Court on August •">. 1840. Several contracts had 1 u let BISTORT OF MoHENRY COUNTY by tlic county, and canceled prior to the completion of this building, but there appears to be no definite description of it. As a new building for it ;hkI also for the housing of the prisoners, was soon deemed necessary, it doubtless was riol a very imposing structure. Had it been very valu- able, the public building would have hern moved to Centerville. -I l OND COURTHOUSE George C. Dean and Daniel Blair erected the second courthouse, which was accepted on September -1. 1844, for said county, and all documents of the county were ordered removed to it. This second court- hiiiisc was a plain. two-Story frame building, which Stood nearly in the center of the public square at \V Istock. The land on which it stood, comprising the public square, was conveyed to the county commissioners and their successors in office for the use of tin uuty by George C. Dean on September 2, 1844. Owing to the fact that the new courthouse was utterly inadequate for the needs of the county, an additional building was erected for the use of the county officers, and it was familiarly known as the "Rat Hole." This name was applied to it after it losl the tin roof with which it was covered. This roof was blown oil' in a heavy wind Storm, Leaving tin' officials exposed to the inclemency of the weather. As they hurried out, a wag exclaimed, "See the rats crawl out of their holes." The name stuck as Long as the building stood, although sold by the county on February 25, 1856, to Lindsay Joslyn for $72:5. PRESENT COURTHOUSE As can be easily seen, this county was too important a section of the state to remain long without proper housing of its officials, and on May 21, IS.").'!, the board of supervisors authorized an inquiry into the probable cost of the erection of a proper courthouse and jail, appointing as a committee, C. M. Willard, A. Judd, II. T. Rice, Ira Slocumb and Daniel Stewart. Nothing definite was accomplished until September It. 1854, when the committee reported to the board in favor of securing the pas- sage of an act authorizing the board to levy a special tax on the assess- ment of the county during 1855, for the purpose of erecting a suitable courthouse, and such law was passed at the next session of the Legis- lature. On May .'!(). 1855, Neil Donnelly. ('. M. Goodsell and A. D. Coon were appointed as a special committee on securing plans and specifi- 5G BISTORT OF M< HKXIJV COUNTY cations for the erection of a joint courthouse and jail. A -i i;il tax dt' two mills was levied, and the ground owned by Mary McMahon and occupied by Hill's Tavern was broughl by tin' people of Woodstock and donated t" the county, and the county turned over t" the town of Wood- stock tlir old courthouse to !"■ used for town purposes. It was later destroj <''s on hand March 1. 1921 2,247.73 Balance $11,284.85 Less permanenl improvements 4,579.36 Total eost for one year $11,284.85 Number of weeks — 1844. Number of inmates- 18. Cost per week $6.1 1. MMMAKY NO. 2 Total expenses for one year $19,153.34 Less following items : Permanenl improvements $ 4,579.36 Clothing, 1 loots and shoes 952.48 Tobacco 312.40 Medicine 252.46 Medical attendance lit;. oil Undertaking 224.80 Farm products sold 3,0(i2.00 Board of inmates 1_':;.40 Total 9,229.49 Supplies on hand March 1. 1!)20 2,144.00 Total $11.::::: ''1 Less supplies on hand March 1, 1921 2, -'47.43 Total cost dieting one year $ 9,12o'..M BISTORT? OF McHENRY COUNTY 59 Number of weeks- I s 1 1 Number of inmates- I s Cos! of diel ing per week- $4.95. i 01 N"l V JUDGES The following have served as county judges: Aj y Thomas, elected in 1839; Andrew -I. Barnum, 1840; Joel II. Johnson, lsil l- I-:. .1. Smith, 1843-48; L. Joslyn, 1848-49; Joseph Golder, 1849-54 .1. .M. Strode, 1854-57; T. I). .Murphy. 1858-61; William Kerr, 1862-66 I. s. Church, 1867-69; B. X. Smith. 1870-82; <>. II. Gilmore, 1882-90 C. II. Donnelly, 1890-97; <>. II. Gilmore, 1897-1906; D. 'I'. Smiley, 1906- 20; 1920— Charles 1". Barnes. SUPERINTENDENTS OF SCHOOLS This official from the organization of tin- county down to the sixties was styled "school commissioner,'' bul since then the term "superin- tendent" has been used. Those who have held the offices of hnth com- missioner and superintendent are as follows: Charles Hastings, 1841-43; Peter Dietz. 1st:; |.v Major T. Irwin, 1845-47; Phineas W. Piatt, 1847- 49; Rev. R. K. Todd. 1849-54; M. T. Hutchinson, 1854-55; Asa W. Smith, 1855-59; Alvin Brown, 1859-61; Theodore Mead, lsi;ii;:; ; Thomas Ereanbrack, 1863-65; A. J. Kingman, 1865-69; G. S. South- worth, 1869-73; William Nickle, 1873-77; A. W. Young, 1877-81; D. I). Baldwin, 1881-83; II. R. Baldwin, 1883-84; Lester Barber, 1884-90; \V. B. Wire, 1890-1902; Geo. W. Conn. 1902-10; A. M. Shelton, 1910-22. 3KI BIFPS Those who have held the ot'tiee of sheriff since 1837 are as follows: Henry B. Steele, 1837-39; Andrew B. Cornish. 1839 10; Christopher Walkup, 1840 l-: Henry M. Wait, 1843-46; Thomas M. White. 1SHI-4!); Xeill Donnelly. 1849-51; John Brink, 1851 53; Carlisle Hastings, 1853 55; G. W. Bentley, 18.T>-.Y7 : John Eddy. 1 s."i7-.".s : E. E. Thomas, 1858-60; Lew 1. Ellsworth, 1860-62; B. F. Church. lS(i'2-(i4; E. E. Thomas. 1864 66; J. M. Southworth, 1866-69; Austin Badger, 1869 7:!: Malachi Church, 1873-77; Daniel Stedman, 1877-81; Malachi Church, 1881-83; A. Qdell, 1--::-:,: (ieor-e Eekert, 1886-90; A.sad Udell, 1890-94; George Eckert, 1894-98; Henry Keys, 1898-1902; M. M. Lake, 19tr_>-()(i; Charles Wand- 60 BISTORT OF McHENRY COUNTY la.k. L906-10; Andrew Benderson, 1910-14; Charles Wandrack, 1914 18; R03 J. Stewart, 1918, the present sheriff whose term expires in 1922. I 01 vn TREAS1 BEBfi Since the organization in 1837 McHenry County's treasurers have been as follows: Andrew S. Wells, 1837; Lewis 0. shank-. 1838-39; Thomas R. Chunn, 1839-40; S. S. Qreenleaf, 1840 13; Peter La Dow, 1843 17; Joseph Golder, 1-17 18; George W. Dana. 1848 I''; James T. Pierson, 1849-51; Charles McClue, 1851 53; Gilbert B. Drake, 1853-55; Ah. I W. Puller, 1855-56; Samuel Richardson, 1856-58; William Bart, Jr., 1858-62; Fred J. Mansfield, 1863-66; Alexander S. Stewart, 1867- 74; James Nish, 1875-86; William II. Stewart, 1886-90; James B. Perry, 1890-94; Benry Keyes, 1894-98; F. P. Axtell, 1898 1902; E. C. Jewett, 1902-06; William S. McConnell, 1906-1910; A. A. Crissey, 1910-14; Lynn Richards, 1914-18; William S. McConnell, L918-22. COUNTY CLERKS Hamilton Dennison, 1837; Joseph Wood, 1837-39; Ziba S. Beardsley, L839 13; Joel S. Johnson, 1843-48; Enos W. Smith, 1848-53; Elam M. Lamb, 1853-58; William II. Stewart. 1858-61; Elam M. Lamb, 1861 65; M. I). Boy, 1865-72; Peter Whitney. 1872-82; William Avery. 1882 94; » ge K. Rushton, 1894 1910; Guy E. Still, 1910, whose term ex- tends until 1922, have been the county clerk- of this county. CIRCUIT I I iERKS AND RECORDERS Seth Washburn, 1837; Archimedes Burr Wynkoop. ls:!s-::u : Isaac G. Wilson, 1839; Joel II. Johnson. 1840-56; George T. Kasson, 1856 61 . Charles II. Russell, 1861-64; Joseph Dwight, 1864-68; J. M. South- worth, 1869-72; Austin Badger, 1873-76; Brastus C. Richards, 1877 B8; W. P. .Morse. 1888-96; George B. Richards, 1896 1904; Theodore Bamer, 1904-20; 1920, Charles P. Hayes, have served in the dual offices of circuit clerk and recorder. i CORONERS This county's coroners have 1 a as follows: Michael C. McGuire, 1837; A. B. Cornish. 1838-39; B. P. Bosworth, 1840 H ; Nathaniel Smith, BISTORT OF M.IIKXUY COUNTY 61 1842-43; Neil] Donnelly, 1844 15; M. L. Huffman, 1846 17 ; Jesse Slavin, 1848-51; William Pratt, 1852-54; C. II. Shapley, 1855-57; William ti. Smith, 1858-59; B. A. Wade, 1860-61; P. W. Murphy, 1862-63; David Blair, 1864-65; 1>. P. Conklin, 1866-74; J. W. Groesbeck, 1874-76; W. E. Smith, 1876; John S. Cummings, 1877-78; Howard L. Pratt, L878; William .M . Cook, 1879-84; C. B. Cook, 1884-96; S. C. Wernham, L896 1904; J. S. Maxon, 1904 9, and the balance of term was held by c. B. Peck, who was elected and held the office until 1920 when Dr. Bmil Windmueller was elected. &VEYORS The county's surveyors have 1 o as follows: C. B. Moore, 1837; A. s. Barnam, 1838-42; John Brink, 1842-52; T. McD. Richards, 1853 56; John Brink, 1857-84; W. X. Willis. 1884-88; C. X. Tryon, 1888- 1908; Lester Barber, l!K),S-lL'; :js Solomon Xorton, Ransom Steele, William Jackson, B B. Brown, 62 BISTORT OF McHENRY COUNTY Gideon Colby, Robert G. White; 1839 B. B. Brown, 11. Q. White, Daniel W. !'. Tower; 1840- B. B. Brown, K. G. White. Daniel W. P. Tower; 1841 K. G. White, D. W. P. Tower, II. B. Throop; 1842 I). W. I". Tower, II. B. Throop, Bela II. Tryon; 1843— H. B. Throop, B. II. Tryon, Andrew J. Hayward; 1844 Same as in 1843; 1845 II B. Throop, A. -I. Hayward, William A. McConnell; 1846— H. P.. Tin William A. McConnell, Carlisle Hastings; 1847 -William A. McConnell, Carlisle Hastings, Dexter Barrows; 1848- Same ;i- in 1847. -i PERV1SORS After tlir abolishmenl of the County Commissioner Court came the present supervisor system wherein each civil township in the county is represented on what is termed the "board of county supervisors." The men holding such position since the system commenced in 1850 have been: 1850 — James C. Thompson, Chemung; Cyrus Allen. Byron; Amos D. Coon, Marengo; Ira E. Searles, Riley; Calvin Pike, Seneca; Olonzci Golder, Hartland; Andrew Easton, Allien; Josiah II. Giddings (chairman i. Hebron ; Joseph X. Barber, Greenwood; Blzaphan J. Smith, Centre; Blias A. Thomas, Algonquin; William Salisbury, Brooklyn; Charles II. Russell, Richmond; Sylvanus stillson, Benton; Charles Crego, Coral; Thomas s. Huntley, Grafton; Alex II. Nixon, McHenry. 1851 — Cyrus Allen. Dunham; Horace Burton. Nunda; Amos B. Coon, Marengo; John Freeman, Alden; Alonzo Colder. Hartland; Oliver II. P. liookin, Hebron ; William Hart, Jr. Chemung ; Pliny Hayward, Grt wood; D. T. Hyde, Seneca; Merrit L. Joslyn, Dorr; Darius Kingsley, Burton; Alpheus Kenny, Grafton; Abraham Reynolds (chairman . Mc- Henry; Charles II. Russell, Richmond; Ira A. Searles. Riley; Elias A. Thomas, Algonquin; James M. White, Coral. 1852- Cyrus Allen, Dunham; Horace Burton. Nunda; X. M. Capron, Allien; Wesley Diggins, Chemung ; Pliny Hayward, Greenwood; Alvin .ludd. Woodstock; Darius Kingsley, Burton; Joseph P. Lyon, Dorr; .Myron P. Potter. Algonquin; Abraham Reynolds (chairman), McHenry; Henry T. Rice. Hartland; Sam. Richardson. Riley; Thomas McD. Rich- ards, Seneca; Daniel Stewart. Merengo; Charles II. Tryon. Hebron; S. T. Thompson. Grafton. 1853 Jesse Fellows. Riley ; Daniel Stewart. Marengo; II. C. Chand- ler. Dunham; Wesley Diggins, Chemung; Andrew Easton. Alden; Henry T. Rice. Hartland: T. McD. Richards, Seneca; Anson Rodgers, Coral; W. S. Robh, Grafton; <>. A. Hitchcock. Dorr; A. Judd (chairman , HISTORY OF McHENRX COUNTY 63 Woodstock; Ira Slocumb, Greenwood; A. Coggswell, Eebron; John Sibley, Richmond; Alfred Stephens, Burton; A. II. Nixon, McHenry; H. M. Lamb, Nunda.; -I. P. .Miller. Algonquin. 1854 — Joseph Patterson, Riley; Henry ('. Chandler, Dunham; New- ton M. Capron, Alden; John Eddy, Coral; George II. Griffin, Dorr; Charles fit Goodsell, Greenwood; William A. McConnell (chairman), Richmond; A. II. Nixson, McHenry; Alexander Heeler, Marengo; C. K. Brown, Chemung; George T. Easson, Seneca; Sanford Haight, Graf- ton; Enos W. Smith, Woodstock; diaries II. Tryon, Hebron; John Sanborn, Burton; -I. R. Mack, Nunda. Henry T. Rice, Hartland. L855— Samual Richardson, Riley; Amos B. Coon, Marengo; -I. Wells, Dunham; C. R. Brown, Chemung; Stephen Alberty, Alden; Henry T. Rice, Hartland; George T. Easson, Seneca; Anson Rodgers, ('oral; Chauncey Pendleton, Grafton; Nathan Jewett, Dorr; Neil! Donnelly, Woodstock; Charles M. Goodsell, Greenwood; William II. Stewart, He- bron;John Sibley (chairman), Richn d;John Sanborn, Burton; 1'. B. Cassidy, McHenry; William Salisbury, Nunda; Warren Stannard, Al- gonquin, 1856 — Samuel Richardson (chairman), Riley; Jonathan Wells, Dun- ham; A. B. Stark, Alden; C. T. Hyde, Seneca; Charles Hubbard, Graf- ton; Charles M. Goodsell, Greenwood; John Sibley, Richmond; .John W. Smith, McHenry; Jesse P. Miller, Algonquin; William Edwards, Marengo; Wesley Diggins, Chemung; Mr. McFarland, Hartland; John Eddy, Coral; Charles M. Willard, Dorr; Josiah II. Giddings, Hebron; John Sanborn, Burton; J. Butler, Nunda; Neill Donnelly, Woodstock. 1857 — Samuel Richardson, Riley; Peter W. Deitz, Marengo; John Wells. Dunham; Mr. Hutchinson, Chemung; Aaron D. Stark, Alden. died Feb. 3, 1858; Andrew Hood, Hartland; U. T. Hyde, Seneca; James M. White, Coral; E. P. Harden, Grafton; M. W. Hunt, Dorr; M. B. Baldwin, Woodstock; Stephen G. Brittain, Greenwood; Josiah Gid- dings, Hebron; John Sibley (chairman), Richmond; Richard Wray, Burton; Richard Bishop, McHenry; James McMillen, Nunda; Jesse F. Miller. Algonquin. 1858— M. Butterfield, Riley; Peter W. Deitz, Marengo; <: ge Heb- bard, Marengo village; Cyrus Allen, Dunham; Thomas Paul, Chemung; Stephen Alberty, Alden; Andrew Hood, Hartland; Garrett W. Deitz, Seneca; William M. Jackson (chairman), Coral; Thomas S. Huntley, Grafton; William H. Murphy, Dorr; M. W. Hunt. Woodstock; S. G. Brittain, Greenwood; Alphonso Tyler. Hebron; C. II. Russell, Rich- 64 BISTORT OF Mi IIKXRY COUNTY mond; Richard Wray, Burton; Richard Bishop, McHenry; C. W. IIulT. Nunda ; Jesse K. Miller, Algonquin. 1859 M. Butterfield, Riley; A. B. Coon, Marengo; *' Lansing (chairman . Marengo village; Cyrus Allen, Dunham; W. B. McArthur, Chemung; Stephen Alberty, Alden; Andrew Bood, Hartland; / EISTORY OP McHENRY COUNT'S 65 1m)4 s. B. Bartholomew, Coral; Stephen Burton, Grafton; Bich- ard Wray, Burton; M. L. Joslyn, Dorr; Harrison C. Smith, McHenry; Henry Underwood, Biley; Peter W. Weitz, Marengo; Dexter Barrows, Dunham; Charles B. Brown, Chemung; Stephen Alberty, Alden; An- drew Eood, Hartland; Thomas .M. Hood, Seneca; Qeo. II. Garrison, Greenwood; Charles S. Adams, Hebron; -lames Bobbins, Bichm I; Francis Harrison, Nunda; E. A. Tl ins (chairman), Algonquin; Wil Ham Kerr, W Lstock; W. II. Messick, Marengo village. 1865 Henry Underwood, Biley; Peter W. Deitz (chairman), Ma- rengo; Dexter Barrows, Dunham; T. B. Wakeman, Chemung; Stephen Alberty, Alden; Andrew Hood. Hartland; L. W. Sheldon, Seneca; S. K Bartholomew, Coral; Stephen Burton, Grafton; M. L. Joslyn, Dorr; George II. Garrison, Greenw I; Charles s. Adams. Hebron; A. P. Wells. Bichmond; Prank Cole, Burton; Richard Bishop, McHenry; F. I). Patterson, Nunda; J. F. Miller. Algonquin; William Ken-, Wood- stock; G. B. Adams, Marengo village. 1866- Edward II. Skinner. Biley; Peter W. Deitz, Marengo; Cyrus Allen, Dunham; T. B. Wakeman. Chemung; Stephen Alberty, Alden; Andrew Hood, Hartland ; T. Bigelow, Seneca ; S. W. Bartholomew I chair man), Coral; Elias Wanzer, Grafton; William Kerr, Dorr; Geo. H. Garrison, Greenwood; Charles S. Adams. Hebron; Alfred P. Wells, Bichmond; Bichard Wray, Burton; Bichard Bishop, McHenry; F. D. Patterson, Nunda; dames Crow, Algonquin; L. S. Church, Woodstock; G. B. Adams, Marengo \ illage. 1867— E. II. Skinner, Biley; Peter W. Deitz, Marengo; Cyrus Allen, Dunham; J. C. Crumb, Chemung; Stephen Alberty, Alden; Andrew Hood, Hartland: T. Bigelow, Seneca: s. K. Bartholomew, Coral; Elias Wanzer, Grafton; Flam M. Lamb, Dorr; G. II. Garrison, Crccnwood; Charles S. Adams. Hebron; W. A. McC lell (chairman), Bichmond; Bobert Bichardson, Burton; Richard Bishop, McHenry; P. I). Patter son, Nunda; John Gillilan, Algonquin; F. M. Lamb, Woodstock; G. B. Adams. Marengo village. 1868 E. II. Skinner, Riley: Peter W. Deitz. Marengo; Dexter Bar rows, Dunham; J. C. Crumb, Chemung; Andrew Hood. Hartland; T. .Mel). Bichards, Seneca; I). C. Thomas. Coral; Elias Wanzer, Grafton; M. L. Joslyn, Dorr; I leorge II. Garrison, Greenwood ; I lharles S. Adams. Hebron ; William A. McConnell (chairman), Bichmond; Robert Bichard- Bon, Burton; P. J. Wheaton, Nunda; John Gillilan, Algonquin; B. N. Smith. W lstock; J. II. Bagley, Marengo village; E. G. Ayer, Harvard. 1869 F. II. Skinner. Riley; Alexander I). Stewart. Marengo; \^'\- GC HISTORY OF M( HENRI COUNTS ter Barrows, Dunham; J. C. Crumb, Chemung; Andrew II I. Ei land; L. W. Sheldon, Seneca; S. K. Bartholomew, Coral; C. W. II Card, Grafton; M. L. Joslyn, Dorr; George II. Garrison, Greenw I; Charles S. Adams, Hebron; William A. McConnell (chairman), Rich- mond; Lewis Hatch, Burton; David Salisbury, McHenry; Josiafa Wal- kup, Nunda; James Nish, Algonquin; .M. I». Hoy, Woodstock; J. G Crumb, Harvard; G. L>. Adams, Marengo village. 1870— W. II. Groesl k, Alden; R. I>. Cooney, Hartland; Charles 0. I'aisiuis. Seneca; S. K. Bartholomew, ('oral; Thomas S. Huntley, Grafton; Merril L. Joslyn, Dorr; George II- Garrison, Greene 1; Sam W. Brown, Hebron; William A. McConnell (chairman . Richmond; Robert Richardson, Burton; P. K. Granger, McHenry; James McMil- len, Nunda; James (row. Algonquin; II. Underwood, Riley; A. D. Stewart. Marengo; G. B. Adams. Marengo village; -I. A. W 1. Dun- ham; R. Gardner, Harvard; B. E. Richards, W Istock. Isil William II. (inieslieek, Alden; R. I). Cooney, Hartland; (\ Parsons, Seneca; S. K. Bartholomew, Coral; T. S. Huntley, Grafton; M. L. .Joslyn. Don-; George II. Garrison, Greenwood; S. W. Brown, Hebron; W. A. McConnell (chairman), Richmond; Robert Richardson, Burton; P. K. Granger, McHenry; -I. McMillen, Nunda; .lames Nish, Algonquin; II. Undervi I. Riley; A. D. Stewart. Marengo; Seth Lewis, Marengo village; o. e. Diggins, Dunham: .1. ('. Crumb, Chemung; R. Gardner, Harvard; B. B. Richards, W [stock. 1872— Henry Underwood, Riley; A. I). Stewart. Marengo; Orson ('. Diggins, Dunham; -I. C. Crumb, Chemung; William II. Groesbeck, Alden; R. I). Cooney. Hartland; Thomas .Mid). Richards. Seneca; S. K. Bartholomew, Coral; James G. Templeton, Grafton; M. L. Joslyn, Dorr; George II. Garrison, Greenw 1: Sam W. Brown, Hebron; William A. McConnell (chairman), Richmond ; Lewis Hatch, Burton; P. R. Granger, McHenry; Amos D. Whiting, Nunda; M. Butterfield, Marengo village; L. H. Davis. Woodstock; A. E. Blake, Harvard. 1873— Lewis Hatch, Burton; Z. E. Goodrich, Marengo; 0. C. Dig- gins, Dunham; Robert Gardner, Chemung; R. 0. Southmayd, Alden; Rodderick B. Cooney, Hartland; Charles O. Parsons, Seneca; s. K. Bartholomew, Coral; .lames 0. Templeton, Grafton; Blam M. Land). Dorr; Henry Bckert, Greenwood; Charles S. Adams, Hebron; William A. McConnell (chairman), Richmond; Lewis Hatch, Burton; -I. W. Christy, McHenry; Albert II. Colby, Nunda; Edwin II. Benson, Algon- quin; M. Butterfield, village; unspecified, II. W. Axtel. .1. s. Wheat. Is? I — II. X. Axtel. Kiley; Z. E. Goodrich. Marengo; 0. C. Diggins, HISTORY OF MoHENRY COUNTY (IT Dunham; James Thompson, Chemung; R. <>. Southmayd, Alden; R, 1>. Cooney, Hartland; Orsamus Turner, Seneca; S. K. Bartholomew, Coral; George Van Valkenburg, Grafton; Blam M. Lamb, Dorr; George II. Garrison, Greenwood; Sam W. Brown, Eebron; William A. McConnell (chairman), Richm I; J. II. Cooley, Burton; J. W. Cristy, McHenry; B. I-'. Peck, Nunda; Edwin II. Benson, Algonquin; ans] ified, Benry Baker, M. Butterfield. 1875 Ira B. Searles, Riley; Z. B. G Irich, Marengo; 0. C. Dig -in-. Dunham; James Thompson, Chemung; R. 0. Southmayd, Alden; R. D. Cooney, Hartland; C. 0. Parsons, Sim n ; s. K. Bartholomew, Curat ; George Van Valkenburg, Grafton; M. L. Joslyn, Dorr; G. IP Garrison, Greenwood; S. W. Brown, Hebron; William A. McConnell (chairman), Richmond; -Ins. II. Cooley, Burton; •). W. Cristy, Mc Henry; D. P. Peck, Nunda; James Nish, Algonquin; unspecified, S. S. i Irandall, Henry Baker. L876 lia K. Searles. Riley; Z. B. Goodrich, Marengo; 0. C. Di<- gins (chairman), Dunham; James Thompson, Chemunjr: II. 0. South mayd. Allien; R. 1). Cooney, Hartland; Charles <». Parsons. Seneca; Cal vin Gilbert, Coral; I). E. W 1. Grafton; M. I.. Joslyn, Dorr; George II. Garrison, Greenwood; Sam W. Brown, Hebron; Marcus Poote, Rich- mond; Joseph II. Cooley, Burton; John M. Smith, McHenry; B. P. Peek. Nunda; C. P. Dike, Algonquin; unspecified, I!. M. Patrick. 1877 ha B. Searles, Wiley; 'A. B. Goodrich, Marengo; <>. C. Dig -ins (chairman), Dunham; James Thompson, Chemung; Sam Cutter, Ahlen; R. D. Cooney, Hartland; C. <>. Parsons. Seneca; Lester Barber, Coral; George Van Valkenburg, Grafton; M. P. •Joslyn, Don-; George II. Garrison, Greenw 1; Alfred Wilcox, Hebron; Marcus Poote, Rich- mond; Robert Richardson, Burton; J. W. Christy. McHenry; 15. I - '. Peek. Nunda; John Gillilan, Algonquin; unspecified, R. M. Patrick. L878 — Henry Underwood, Riley; Thomas W. Porter. Marengo; <*. C. Diggins, Dunham; .lames Thompson, Chemung; Sam Cutter. Ahlen; William Conklin, Hartland; C. 0. Parsons. Seneca; Lester Barber Coral; John S. Cummings, Grafton; M. P. Joslyn, Dorr; (leor-v II Garrison, Greenwood; A. Wilcox, Hebron; W. A. McConnell (chair mani, Richmond; Chauncy Sweet, Burton; J. W. Cristy, McHenry; P.. P. Peek, Nunda; G. S. Prary, Algonquin; unspecified, (i. P.. Adams, A. P. Axtell, Alfred Wilcox. 1879— Henry Onderwood, Riley; Z. E. Goodrich, Marengo; 0. E. Diggins, Dunham: James Thompson, Chemung; Samuel Cutter. Alden; William G. Conklin, Hartland; C. 0. Parsons. Seneca; Lester Barber, 68 BISTORT OF M< HENRY COUNTS' Coral; John S. Cummings, Grafton; Flam M. Lamb, Dorr; G. II. Gar- rison, Greenwood; Alfred Wilcox, Hebron; \V. A. McConnell (chair- man), Richmond; Chauncy Sweet, Burton; -I. W. Cristy, McHenry; 1'.. F. I "•■ck. Nunda; G. F. Prary, Algonquin; unspecified, -l R Curtis, A. E. Axi.ll. L880 II. Underwood, Riley; Z. K. Goodrich, Marengo; <». c. I >i.^- •_ r ins. Dunham; James Thompson, Chemung; Samuel Cutter, Alden; liam G. Conklin, Hartland; G. W. Goodrich, Seneca; Lester Barber, Coral; William G. Sawyer, Grafton; Elam M. Lamb, Dorr; G. II. Gar- rison, Greenwood; Alfred Wilcox, Hebron; W. A. McConnell (chair- man), Richmond; Lewis Hatch, Burton; .1. W. Cristy, McHenry; B. I-'. Peck, Nunda; G. S. Prary, Algonquin; unspecified, T. R. Curtiss, B. A. Wade. 1881 Amory Barber, Riley; '/.. B. Q [rich, Marengo; John Simw- den, Dunham; II. S. Williams, Chemung; Samuel Cutter, Alden; Daniel Flavin, Hartland; G. W. Goodrich, Seneca; Lester Barber, Coral; Wil- liam (i. Sawyer, Graf ton ; Elam M. Lamb, Dorr; George II. Garrison. Greene I; Alfred Wilcox, Hebron; William A. McConnell (chairman . Richmond; Charles Mead, Burton; -I. W. Cristy, McHenrj ; Henry Kel- ler, Xumla : G. S. Prary, Algonquin; unspecified, I. R. Curtis. 1882 Amory Barber, Riley; '/.. E. Goodrich, Marengo; John Snow- den, Dunham; II. S. Williams. Chemung; Sam Cutter, Alden; I). II. Flavin. Hartland; G. W. Goodrich, Seneca; Lester Barber, Coral; W G Sawyer, Grafton; Elam M. Lamb, Dorr; George II. Garrison, Green- wood; II. W. Mra«l, Hebron; W. A. McConnell (chairman), Richmond; Pred Hatch, Burton; Joseph W. Cristy, McHenry; Henry Keller, Xumla ; C. s. Prary, Algonquin; unspecified, I. R. Curtis, Owen Mc- 1883 — John Hadsall, Riley; Ira Ii. Curtiss (chairman), Marengo; John Snowden, Dunham; II. s. Williams. Chemung; W. II. Groesbeck, Aid. mi ; D. II. Flavin. Hartland; G. W. Goodrich, Seneca; Lester Bar- ber, Coral; W. <;. Sawyer, Grafton; Elam M. Lamb, Dorr; G. II. Gar rison, Greenti 1; II. W. Mead, Hebron; A. R. Alexander, Richmond; Archdale Wray, Burton; Richard Bishop, McHenry; William Butler, Xumla; C P. Dike Algonquin; unspecified. I'-. S. Parker. 1884 — John Hadsall. Riley; [ra R. Curtiss (chairman), Marei John Snowden. Dunham; II. S. Williams. Chemung; W. II. Groesbeck, Alden; 1). 11. Flavin. Hartland; (I. W. Goodrich, Seneca; Lester Bar- ber, Coral; W. G. Sawyer, Grafton; Flam M. Lamb, Dorr; George II Garrison, Greenwood; II. W. Mead, Hebron; A. R. Alexander. Rich- BISTORT OF .\l< IIFXUY COUNT'S 69 nmn, I; Fred Hatch, Burton; Richard Bishop, McHenry; -I. II Palmer, Nunda ; C. P. Dike, Algonquin. 1885— Amory Barber, Riley; Ira Curtiss, Marengo; R. J. Beck, Dun- ham; H. S. Williams. Chemung; W. II. Qroesbeck, Alden; Daniel II Flavin, Hartland ; G. B. Richards, Seneca; '/.. E. Goodrich, dual; \V. (i. Sawyer. Grafton; Elam M. Lamb, Dorr; George II Garrison, Greeri « I; II. W. Mead, Hebron; A. R. Alexander, Richmond; Pred Hatch, Burton; P. K. Granger, McHenry; .1. II. Palmer, Nunda; C. I-'. Dike, Algonquin. 18S6 — Amory Barber, Riley; R. M. Patrick, Marengo; A. -I. Shurl leflE (chairman), Village of Marengo; R. -I. Beck, Dunham; II. S. Wil- liams. Chemung; M. W. Lake, Harvard village; Samuel Cutter, Alden; Daniel II. Flavin. Haitian. 1: George B. Richards, Seneca; '/.. K. . M. Wright, Marengo; W. II. Ward, Chemung; Bar) C. Hughes, Hartland; Charles II. Ackman, Jr., Coral; John Con ley, Grafton; John B. Harrison, Greenwood; L. B. Covell, Richmond; A. II. Hale, Xunda. 1919-20 II. Stanley, Riley; I). M. Wright, Marengo; II. E. Whip- ple, Dunham; W. II. Ward, Chemung; II. G. Durkee, Alden; E. C. Hughes, Hartland; E. F. Knecker, Seneca; Charles Ackerman, Jr., Coral; John Conley, Grafton; E. A. Walters, Dorr; J. E. Harrison, Greenwood; II. M. Turner, Hebron; L. 1!. Covell, Richmond; W. P. Pierce, Burton; Stephen II. Freund, McHenry; A. II. Hale, Nunda; K. F. Haeger, Algonquin. The presenl board is composed of the following: II. II. Barber, Rilej ; D. M. Wright, Marengo; II. E. Whipple, Dunham; W. II. Ward, Chemung; II. G. Durkee, Alden; E. C. Hughes, Hartland; E. F. Kueker, Seneca; Charles Ackerman, Jr., Coral; John Conley, Grafton; P. A. Walters, Don'; L. X. Thompson, Greenwood; II. M. Turner, Hebron; F. B. McConnell, Richmond; Frank .May. Burton; Stephen II. Freund, Mc- Henry; A. II. Hale, Nunda; R. F. Haeger, Algonquin. NEW ASSESSMENT LAW The Legislature Of Illinois in the winter of lill,S-l!l, enacted a law which has changed the old rati' of assessment in the State which was one-third of the actual value of real estate, to one-half. So that now where the assessor places the amount of "assessed valuation" on a given property to be $1,000. it signifies that such property has a supposed actual cash value of $2,000. This [aw went into immediate effect and this caused quite an extra burden upon the part of county officials in order to comply with the new enactment. In most cases the assessor's hooks had already been turned Over to the county clerk and now this officer is compelled In ;issis| the hoard of review in carrying out or extending a new column in all hooks relating to realty in the several townships, in order that the "valuation" he in accord with the provisions of the new law. This .Iocs not mean, necessarily, that the taxes will he any higher than heretofore. This is a matter of the disposition of the people in each county. The former pro- vision was one by which there could not lie raised at the legal amount of levy allowed ach dollar's worth of property, a SUfficienl amount to meet th. demands in some of the counties in the commonwealth. But by 71 HISTORY OF McIIEXRY COUNTY giving a higher "assessed value" a larger sum can be obtained within the constitutional tax limit per dollar. In McHenry Counts- there lias in reality not been much change of "assessed valuations" for the last ten years. The board of review had complex work in adjusting the assessments to corresj I with the times anil with the new valuation law aliove named. CHAPTER VI POLITICAL REPRESENTATION By M. P. Walsh * SEVERAL APPORTIONMENTS — EARLY REPRESENTATIVES LATER REPRESENTA- TIVES A CAPABLE OFFICIAL MEMBERS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY STATE SENATORS — STATE REPRESENTATIVES — POLITICAL STATISTICS — PRESIDENTIAL VOTE. Under the constitution of 1848 McIIenry County became a part of the Twenty-fourth Senatorial district with Boone and Winnebago counties, and with Boone County formed the Fifty-first Representative District. In 1854 it was associated with Lake County in a Senatorial and with Boone in a Representative District. In 18,sl it was made a part of the Twenty-third Senatorial District, with Boone, Winnebago and Lake, and this political unit existed until the apportionment of 1872, which ushered in what became known as the minority system of representation, each district being entitled to one senator and three representatives. .McIIenry and Lake counties formed the Eighth District, Boone having been added in 1 SS2 and this political division had made up the Eighth Senatorial District to the present time. EARLY REPRESENTATIVES McIIenry County obtained its first resident representative in the general assemhly in 184S, when John F. Gray was elected to the lower house. Two years later the county had two representatives al Springfield in the persons of A. II. Nixon and George Gage, the former being re- elected for the third term in 18f>4, when II 'lt (Jaire, after a service in the lower house, was elected to the State Senate, thus being entitled to the distinction of being the first state senator elected from McIIenry County. Wcstley Digginfl was elected to the lower house in lS,")(i and Lawrence S. Church in 1858, 1860 and 1862, in which year Thaddeus B. Wakeman was elected to the lower house. Merritt L. Joslyn was elected to the lower 75 7i, HISTORY OF Mi BENRY COUNTY house in 1864 and was succ led by T. B. Wakeman in 1866. Peter W. Deitz was elected in 1868, while William A. McConnell and Era B Curtiss were both elected in l s 7n. in whal was known as the Ninety-third district. Richard Bishop was the firs! Democral ever elected from McHenry County, his election taking place in 1872, in which year P. K. Granger was the Republican elected. Mr. Granger was re elected in l s 7 I. .Men-it t I.. Joslyn «as elected to the stale senate in l s 7!U. John C. Donnelly was elected to the house iii 1890, re elected iii 1892 and 1898. Edward I). Shurtleff was elected in 1900 and has served continuously for twenty years, his firsl election to the I se taking place in the autumn of 1900, making ten terms he has served this county and district. James II. Yiekers was elected to the house in liHO, re-elected in 1914, 1916 and 1918. A CAPABLE OFFICIAL While McHenry County has always been fortunate in the high type of men it has chosen as its representatives at Springfield it is not dis- paraging to any of them to say that to Edward I). Shurtleff belongs the distinction of exerting the greatest influence as a legislator and attaining the greatest reputation. For three t (Tills Mr. Shurtleff was elected speaker of the lower house and made an enviable record. When seeking renomination in the primary campaign of l!HN and w hen it appeared as if his candidacy was in danger, Governor Lowden, without knowledge of Mr. Shurtleff, paid the latter the following high tribute when a country newspaper sought the Gover- nor's estimate of Shurtleff: HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 77 Springfield, 111.. Sept. I. 1918. Mr. W. J. Smith, Waukegan, 111. Edward D. Shurtleff was my dependence in the house of Representa- tives in enacting my program into law in thai general assembly. There will In' much important legislation for the consideration of the coming general assembly ami .Mi-. Shurtleff will be of more use to the people of ilic state ill' Illinois than a dozen ordinary men. I hope tli<' Eighth senatorial district will again send this useful veteran legislator to Springfield as one of iis representatives. 1 would regard it a greal misfortune if, Eor any reason. Air. Shurtleff were not sent back to the legislature. Signed: Frank 0. Lowden, Governor. t MEMBERS OF Till'. GENERAL ASSEMBLY The following is a list of the state senators and representatives for the districts in which McHenry County has been located since its organization as a county 1838 to 1919: State Senators: 1838-40, Fhene/er Peek; 1840-42, John Pearson ; 1842 17. Ira .Minard; 1846-48, Elijah Wilcox; 1S4S-.-.H, Alfred B. Ames; 1850-54, Thomas B. Talcott; 1854-58, George Gage; 1858-62, Henry Blodgett; 1862-66, Cornelius Lansing; 1866-72, Allen C. Fuller; 1872- 76, Clark W. Upton; 1876-80, Merritl 1- Joslyn; 1880-84, George Kirk; 1884-88, Ira A. Curtiss; 1888-90, Charles B. Puller; 1890-92, Charles E. Fuller; 1892-94, Reuben W. Coon; 1894-96, Reuben W. Coon; 1896-98, Flavel K. Granger; 1898-1900, Flavel K. Granger; 1900-02, D. F. M. Puller; 1902-04. D. P. M. Puller; 1904-06, A. X. Tiffany; 1906-08, A. N. Tiffany; 1908-14, Alb. J. Olson (deceased). State Representatives: 1S:!S |u -Colson Kercheva, Richard Murphy and Joseph Naper for Cook. Will and McHenry Counties. 1840-42 — Albert C. Peary. Richard Murphy and Plieiuv.er for Cook, Will and McHenry Counties. Kalh; Henry Madden for Boone, PeKalli, McHenry and Kendall. t8 12-44— William M. Jackson for Kane. McHenry, Boone and De- McHenry, Boone ami DeKalb. L844-46 — William M. Jackson, P. Jewell, James P. Poop for Kane. 1846-48— Under the Constitution of 1848. until the next apportion- ment, Boone and McHenry Counties formed the fifty-seeond district, 7^ HISTORY OF M. HENRY COUNTY entitled to two representatives. James Harrington, George W. Cest- Binger, James T. Pierson for Kane, McHenry, Boone and DcKalb, all served from the district in order given. 1*48-50 — John F. Gray, McHenry; Selby Leach, Boone. L850-52 A. H. Nixon, McHenry; H. C. .Miller, Boone. L852-54— A. II. Nixon, McHenry; H. C. Miller, Boone. 1854-56 — Under the apportionment of 1854 Boone and McHenry Counties constituted the forty-fourth district — S. W. Lawrence and W. Diggins. 1856-58— L. 8. Church, .McHenry; Stephen A. Hurlbnt, B< s. 1858-60— L. S. Chnrch, McHenry; Stephen A. Hurlhut, Boone. lsiiii-C) The apportionment of 1861 made McHenry the fifty-fourth district, with Thaddeus B. Wakeman as representative. 1864-66— Merritt L. Joslyn. 1866-68— Thaddeus B. Wakeman. 1868-70— Peter W. Deitz. 1870-72 — In 1870 McHenry County was made the ninety-third dis- trict and had two representatives — William A. McCbnnell and Ira R. Curtiss. 1872-74 — By the apportionment of 1872 McHenry and Lake Coun- ties became the eighth district, entitled to three representatives — Richard Bishop, McHenry County; Plavel K. Granger, McHenry; Elisha Grid- ley, Lake County. 1874-76 — Plavel K. Granger, McHenry; William A. James, Lake; Elijah M. Haines, Lake. 1876-78 — Flavel K. Granger, McHenry; William A. James, Lake; Edward M. Dennis, Lake. 1878-80 — Frank K. Granger, William A. James, Lake; William Price, Lake. 1880-82 — Orson C. Diggins, McHenry; James Thompson, McHenry; James Pollock, Lake. 1882-84 — In 1882 McHenry and Boone became the eighth district, entitled to three representatives — Charles H. Tryon, McHenry; E. M. Haines, Lake; Charles Fuller, Boone. 1884-86 — James Pollock, Charles Fuller. 1886-88— Charles E. E. Fuller, Charles A. Patridge and Geo. Waite. 1888-90— Charles A. Patridge, G. S. Southworth and Elijah Haines. 1890-92— John C. Donnelly, Charles A. Patridge, George Reed. 1892-94 — J. C. Donnelly, Robert J. Beck, George Reed. 1894-96— George Reed, T. J. Beck, P. II. Delaney. c T—pr cs-4(). Now, parents the world over in civilized parts, feel that there is no purpose, no real good in their lives, unless the miracle shall come to their children, that they enjoy advantages denied to the fathers and mothers. It was this spirit of sacrifice for the next generation that made the pioneers Struggle so earnestly to '_ r ct SO kind of educational forces 81 -' HISTORY OK MdlEXRY COUNTY at work, almost before they had grabbed oul a slump, or turned a furrow of their oew land. Of course, a1 firsl the scl Is bad to be beld in private homes or in a rude I" 1 -' cabin erected I'm- school purposes, and by scrimping at borne, the g 1 parents would deny themselves much in order to properly clothe, and furnish accessary schoolbookB, in order that their children might be sent to school. mi: PIONEER SCHOOI.1HU si: No matter how many times one reads of the little old lo;; school- house buill in the forest, or on the wild prairie's sod. where first the tiny tots attended schools in which their A. B, <"s were mastered, another description of the same old rude schoolhouse written by one seeing tlie hard benches and dirt floors, gives a different angle, hut the story is ever of deep interest to both old and young. Picture a small building, so small that it might easily be set down in the ordinary living room of today, fashioned of rough logs, fastened together, with mud plastered in the chinks between the logs. At one end was an opening, sometimes protected by a slab door, but oftentimes left without any cover. At the other end was a crude fireplace, which was liable to throw into the room as much smoke as was carried away by the mud and stick chimney. The floor sometimes was merely hard dirt ; again, it was constructed of split logs, with the bark side laid down. The fur- niture was all homemade, consisting of puncheon seats for the pupils, and a slab with longer pegs in it as a desk for the teacher. There were no blackboards, no globes, no scientific apparatus, no marble statues, pic- tures or maps. Indeed, ofttimes there were mighty few books for either the pupils or teacher, and yet how those children did absorb information, and lay in these primitive temples of learning, a lasting foundation for magnificent superstructures. Some of the best men this country ever produced, attended just such a school as the one above described. As the community increased in importance, so did the schools, frame structures gradually replacing the log buildings, and then came hand- some brick and stone schoolhouses of today. The early history of the schools of this county is similar to that of most other sections, but after the close of the Civil War, a radical change set in for the uplift of the common schools, and today every citizen worthy the name, boasts of. and duly appreciates, the excellent schools we are enjoying at this time. - -. - a — -- IT 1 * < ■ HISTORY OF McHBNRY COUNTY 83 FIRST SCHOOLS It appears thai the Oral schools in the county were taught in the year 183Q, in Burton and Dorr townships, which answered the above description of the log school. In 1837 another small school was opened in Cm-al Township; another in Algonquin, in 1838; Marengo bad one in 1839; Seneca, MeHenry and Chemung in 1840 ami Richmond in L841; A Men's first school started in either 1840 or 184] The firsl schoolhouse of which there appears to be any official record is the fine buill in section 1. township 4.">, range 9, Dunham Township, which was completed in June, 1839. The first official mention of the public schools in this county appears upon the county records under the date of June. 1841. Carlisle Hastings was then appointed School Land Commissioner, and boards of scd 1 trustees were appointed for each township in the county. These boards and the townships, as they are now named, an' given helow : Riley — A. E. Smith, R. Bates and Samuel Johnson ; .Marengo — Marcus G. White, John Foyer, Daniel Steward; Dunham — Jonathan Fellows, J. X. Jerome, Thomas Piney; Chemung — Nathaniel Smith, William Hart, Rodolphus Hutchinson; Coral A. F. Randall. Selah Markham, E. X. Prink; Seneca — William M. Jackson, Leander H. Bishop. Wm. Wattling; Hartland — George St ration. Appolos Hastings, George H. Guff inn ': Alden — Thaddeus B. Wakeman, Ransom Parrish, Orry Barrett; Grafton — Prescott Whittemore, John B. Oakley, Louis noldridge; Dorr — Allen Dufield, Solomon Keyes, Michael Best; Greenwood — Andrew J. Hayward, Amos Scofield, M. B. Gwinns; Hebron — Josiah H. Giddings, Jacob Gilbert, Bela H. Tryon ; Algonquin — Allen Baldwin, Hosea B. Throop, E. J. Smith; Xunda — Josiah Walkup. Charles Patterson, William Huffman; MeHenry — Aromy Thomas, Gideon Colby, Benjamin Tuttlc; Richmond — William A. McConnell, J. W. White, Samuel Merrick; Township 4:;. range 9, now a part of Algonquin — Thomas R. Chunn, William D. Carey, Joseph Clink; Township 4."), range 9, now within .MeHenry Township. Alden liar vey, Alfred Stone, Chauncy Beckwith. Township 4(i, range 9, Burton Township — S. S. Stijson, Jonathan Kimball. Alfred Stephens. From that date on schoolhouses were built and schools supported 84 BISTORT OF McHENRY COUNTY wherever the population was sufficiently dense to bear the expenses. Ajb the county grew more thickly Bettled, new districts were formed bo thai in ;i very few years every settler was within a shorl distance of a M-liool- house. It is related thai the greatest obstacle to the development of the schools was found in the lack of competent teachers. Many seemed fairly well qualified, and labored earnestly, bul others who were em- ployed in the absence of better material were Badly deficienl both in education and aptitude. The teachers, too, worked againsl hardship of not having suitable and uniform text-hooks, so thai real classification was impossible. In 1855, the records say that .Mr. Jewett, member of the board of supervisors, and on the committe lucation, presented resolutions declaring : " 1st. That there is a sad deficiency of properly and legally qualified teachers in and for your said county. "2nd. That there is a lack of interest and zeal on the part of said teachers to discharge those weighty responsibilities incumbent upon them in a becoming manner. "3rd. That there is a lamentable lack of uniformity in the plan of instruction which is so desirable in every county. "4th. That there have been considerable sums of money expended for tin' purpose of maintaining and supporting teachers' institutes, the object of said institutes being to remedy the difficulty above named. "5th. That these institutes have conic far short of the object for which they were established, etc. "To improve the then existing state of the public schools, .Mr. Jewetl proposed the establishment, at the county seat, of an institute to be called the McIIenry County Normal School; but alas, his suggestion was never acted upon by the board of supervisors." EARLY INSTITUTES The pioneers as a class were favorable to education ami supported the district schools manfully, as well as fostered and encouraged in all ways private educational institutions, the chief institutes being located at Lawrence. Marengo and Crystal Lake, though several others were started in other parts of the county. Lawrence Academy, ill the northwestern part of the county, was one of the earliest and most successful schools of its kind. It had able instructors, and many afterward prominent men were students HISTORY OF M< IIKXKY COUNTY there. It gradually waned and finally ceased to exist, better conditions of the public schools of the county supplying its place. At Crystal Lake village a flourishing seminary was maintained for some years under the name of Nunda College. COUNT* INSTITUTE The County Institute organized in 1856, perhaps aided more than any other single factor in bringing about an improved condition of the public school system in the county. For, it is seen by reference to public records, as well as to an interesting article in a former history of the county, that in 188") there were many valuable school libraries in the school districts ,,\' McIIeiiry County. A paragraph from this book may be useful in this connection : "Constant and well directed efforts have wrought their results. and now the people of McHenry may justly be proud of their public schools. It is doubtful if there can be found anywhere in the country .1 country no older than this which has better scl Is. While these scl Is are not perfect, yet in excellence of school buildings, convenience of arrangement, competent supervision and thorough instruction, the county will compare favorably with any of like age and population. The County superintendents, the teachers, the taxpayers and the pupils are all interested in their work, and the results are apparent. The county institutes are well attended and play an important part in keeping alive the interests of education in our county." INCREASE IX .s7 pupils in school in 1884. In Coral Township the first schoolhouse was erected in 1838, on Section 8. William Jackson taught the first term of school and he took his pay in 4,000 rails for his four months' work. His patrons split 1,000 rails a month, so that when the school ended they had paid in full, all in good rails. At the end of the term in a frolic, the "big boys" tore down thi' schoolhouse. In 1 S.s 1 this township had eleven Schoolhouses in use and that was more than any other township then had. There were on an average 409 pupils in attendance. School property was valued at $10,000. - a z z z HISTORY OF McHBNRY COUNTY 87 In Don- Township the first school was taught by Alvira Cornish in the bouse of Uriah Cattle in 1836. The school consisted of seven pupils. In 1883 the value of Bchool property of this township was $55,200; the annual salaries paid were $5,677 ; number of children of sel I age were 880. In Dunham Township the first school was taught in the schoolhouse buill in 1838, on the farm of Mr. Jerome. It was a small Log structure which was also used for religious and political purposes. Miss Edna Jewetl was the first to teach there. A. M. Disbrow was the new teacher. In 1881 the township bad seven substantial school buildings, and paid annually about $1,800 for teachers. In Grafton Township a third of a century ago there were eighl fairly good school buildings and persons of school age upwards of 500. The first school here was taught in a log cabin erected in 1842 in District No. 7 (old number i. and the first teacher was Cynthia Thompson. In McHenry Township the first school was taught in 1840 by a .Miss McOmber, in a small log house erected on the banks of the Fox River. This was also the first school building in the township. In the early eighties reports show seven fairly well-built frame schoolhouses in the township which property was valued at $9,000 and there was a school population of 658. The township also had a small, but most excellent library. In the village of McHenry the first school was taught in a frame building on the present public square. It cost $2,000. Another schoolhouse was built in 1859, in the east side of town and its cost was $6,000. The West side building was burned in 1862. In Marengo Township the first school was taught by Caroline Cobb in 1839, but prior to this ( ). 1'. Rogers taught in a small log schoolhouse, marly opposite the Calvin Spencer residence in the village of Marengo. The school taught by the lady was held in a building erected for a si shop, and her pupils numbered nine the most of the term. In Seneca Township the first school was taught by Mrs. Roxy Stevens in 1840. at her home which was one mile south of Franklinville. In Franklinville the first schoolhouse of the township, a frame building, was erected in 1S45. In Woodstock the first school was taught in I84C, by David Rich- ardson, who paid $2.00 a month for the privilege of holding school in the old courthouse. The next year, 1846, the first school building in Wood- stock was erected on the same site still used for school purposes. In 18(i() this house was deemed too small, and it was sold and a new build- ing provided in 1867. A new building was erected in 1906 at a cost of 88 HISTORY OF M< HENRY COUNTY $25,999, and ;i four-room Bchool building was erected that same year on Clay street. The large building burned to the ground December 2, 1919. In January, 1921, the Clay streel school was enlarged and im- proved, making it a modern, eight-room grade building. In the Bame year an eight-room grade huilding was erected mi the corner of Dean streel and Forrest avenue. In Richmond Township the first sc1k.h1 was taught by the daughter nt' Elder Pease, of Crystal Lake, in the Montelona schoolhouse. This was iniilt in 1841, on ii ner of William A. McConnell's farm, west of the village In 1>1l» a school of forty-two pupils was tamrht at Solon by Charles Knapp. The graded school at Richmond was first opened in the fall of 1861, with Dr. S. F. Bennett as its teacher. OTHER EARLY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS Here in this county there have been several attempts at founding and maintaining religious training schools among which was the Pres- byterian Academy at Marengo. It had quarters in the basemenl of the then new church of that denomination. E. B. Conklin was its first principal and he was. after two years, succeeded by Professor Scudder. The enrollment was from eighty to 120 pupils. This academy was in existence some five or more years, when in the financial collapse of 1857, an "Educational Institute" was formed. A large five-story brick build- ing was erected for the purpose of carrying on the institution. It had scarcely been in operation for one year, when, for want of Sufficient en- dowment, it fell into the hands of other parties and soon was dis- continued. teachers' institutes Teachers' institutes and normal schools have been in existence a long time in this county. It is not the purpose of this article to go far into detail concerning these helpful adjuncts to the public schools, but simply to give a brief account of the establishing of such factors. That .\ccllent educator and grand old I'rcsliyterian clergyman, Rev. R. K. Todd, organized a teachers' institute in the autumn of 1849, during the first year of his first term as school commissioner. It was held iii the old courthouse, continued for one week, had an average attendance of 150. During each succeeding fall for his term of office, a similar in- stitute or teacher's meeting was held, but during his successor's term, HISTORY OK M. 1IKXKY COUNT? 39 the movemenl dwindled down until A. W. Smith, on assuming the office in 1855, had some trouble in re-awakening the teacher's dormant interest in this means of improvement. His institutes were held for two week-, ami at his third meeting, in the fall of 1856, a constitution was adopted and the institute began to assume a more perfect form. Mr. Smith was the first to go out of the county to secure instructors, he having at his second meeting, the state superintendent as one of them. School Commissioner Hutchinson was succeeded in ls~>~>. I>y Asa \V. Smith, who wrote as follows: "In the fall of 1855, 1 was elected school commissioner, and, upon accepting the office, found it to be one of my legal duties to visit sel is fifty days in a year, with a compensation of $2.00 per day. There were at that time somewhat over 200 schools in the county. Notwith- standing it was '-'big work and small pay," I resolved to undertake the task, which was performed by visiting two schools daily, and lecturing at night in the most convenient places for the patrons of the two schools just visited that day. "In October, lSoti, the present organization known as the McHenry County Teachers' Institute was formed. "In 1S.">7. we had the most successful and interesting institute of my time as active member thereof. It was quite generally attended by the best teachers of the county, among whom were Rev. R. K. Todd, John A. Parrish, S. F. Bennett. Thee .Mead. M. F. Ellsworth, the two .Misses Thomas, Miss Jcwett, .Miss Aehsee Smith, .Miss Thompson, Miss II. s. Corey, Mrs. C. M. Smith, and many others." Ill 1S77 the records show that after 1857, the institute did not meet regularly. Its meetings were then generally held at Woodstock, bu1 occasionally at McHenry, Richmond and Nunda. A- the years passed by and state school laws made it obligatory upon the pari of teachers to attend these institutes, they were, of course, more regular in their meetings. Later the state normal schools sprang into existence, and many teachers were greatly benefited by such educa- tional institutions. SCHOOL STATISTICS The following table is made up from items found in the annual report of the county school superintendent for McHenry County, giving the name of districts and their numbers in the several townships of 1h<' comity, the report for the same items in the incorporated villages and cities of the county, and enrollment of districts: 90 HISTORY OF M( HENRY COUNTY Dist. Pupils Dist. 1'upiL Number Em Number Enrolled Riley Township — ( >ak Grove .... 98 11 McGovern Lawrence 1 25 21 1 district 142 11 ( !ity Harvard . . L25 760 Pay 1 1:: 25 ( lieinui!" L27 .".1 Driver 144 9 Ilartland Towahip- Java 1 18 11 Cooney 65 17 Williamson .... 145 •>•> Delantv 95 12 Riley Center 146 147 33 16 King 99 100 18 Anthony Newman 13 Dunham Township — Deep Cul 102 19 1 ounty Line . . . 7 11 Hughes 103 35 Carmack 101 30 Desmond mi 23 North Dunham. . 128 22 Seneca Township — Banows 129 15 Pleasant Ridge. . 74 29 Island 133 14 105 25 Aldcn Township — Bayard 106 11 Cash District . . 97 9 Kanalav 107 11 Shields 96 15 Puller 112 14 .Manly-Leo .... 94 8 Diggins 108 ■22 Teeple 93 22 Vermont 109 25 1 [ardscrabble . . 87 10 Franklinville . . 110 19 Alden \'illaak 135 16 Heath 116 16 McGavern 137 11 Coral ( 'enter . . 117 10 141 15 Oak Grove 118 7 Poyer 138 20 Brown Town . . 119 16 Wilson-Pringle 139 26 Burton Township- i lity Marengo . . 14(1 370 English I'rairie. 9 16 Chemung Township — Creek 10 29 Big Foot 90 32 Spring Grove . . 11 25 State Line .... 123 24 Greenwood Township — White Oak 124 19 Howe District . . 35 12 = > i 4d ■ i 11 i^ yW" ■I s * ' *«■- ■■ j fill I) a '.' 11 jH^^^I ■ ] »w2sm .1 %l *" ''*' v • ' f r . >-JR&f>'5 T ' ^1 HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 91 Dist. Pupils Dist. Pupils N milicr Enrolled Number Enrolled Thaver Greenwood (i.'i 21 l',,rd 52 18 South Prairie . . 51 20 Village 64 71 Munshawville . . 49 19 Queen Ann . . . 67 12 Crystal Lake Reed 66 14 (City) 47 496 Fosdick 71 14 Cary Village . . 26 108 Charles 69 17 Eager 1 25 fifcHenry Township — Oak Glen 27 12 Harrison-Marsh 36 10 Fox River Grove 149 4:> Ostend 37 15 West Harmony . 122 16 Sherman Hill . . 39 11 Grafton Township- Lily Lake .... 16 9 Halligus 81 25 McHenry Huntley Village. 85 245 Village 15 27:) Dorr Township — Johnsburg .... 12 141 Oak Grove .... 73 35 ::i 51 Pleasant Valley. 80 25 1. inn, In 14 17 Ridgefield Nunda Township — Village 48 41 Kmerald Park Cold Spring . . 70 18 District 17 14 Woodstock .... 72 898 Burton 's ( l-regory 75 12 Bridge 22 14 McConnell .... 76 8 Clemens 40 10 Walkup 77 13 Cherry Valley 41 12 Lucas 76 19 Prairie 42 11 llelnon Township- Holcombville . . 43 17 Hebron Village. 57 221 Terra Cotta ... 44 23 Burgett 56 17 4.") 15 Turner 58 17 Prairie Grove . . 46 11 Glass 59 16 ( triswold Lake. . 19 14 Vanderkarr .... 60 17 Algonquin Township — Stone's Corner. 61 9 McManaman 23 25 Tryon's Corner. (12 20 Wienke 55 15 Richmond Township — Algonquin Richmond Village 54 129 Village 29 241 Miller 53 5 Meyers- Silver Lake . . . 24 16 Monteloma . . 30 10 92 HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY Dirt. Pupils Dist. Pnpila Number Enrolled Number Enrolled Keystone :il 23 Solon .Mills ... 33 :« Sardscrabble .. 32 9 Washington ... 13 16 The total expenditure for school purposes in the county il'.ioiii was $356,562.17, and of this amount $247,403.6] was spenl for paymenl Of teachers. The average length of the school year is eight and six-tenths months. The number of pupils enrolled in the county averages 6,245, which in- cludes 963 high-school pupils; and the number of children of Bchool Bge in the county is 8,932. GROWTU OF THE COMMON AND III', 11 M IIunI.s Iii the organization of the forces for rural education in this county, the succession of county school superintendents lias been a notable one. The high standard of educational ideals existing generally throughout the county was first manifested in the selection by the popular vote of the enmity "s chief educational officer, and sustained especially in the election of Prof. Lester Barber of Marengo; W. E. Wire, George \V. Conn. Jr., and Prof. Addison M. Shelton. During the terms of these four educators the rural schools progressed with general uniformity, and the high standards existing; at the present are due in a greal measure to their leadership. In the city school system of the county, modern methods of organi- zation and administration have been constantly introduced and in the selection of studies and methods of teaching, those in authority have con- stantly improved and kept abreast of the times. Buildings and grounds have been provided in each city as its growth warranted. Among the city superintendents of note who have served in this county may be men- tioned li. G. Jones, of Harvard, now superintendent of the Cleveland. Ohio, schools; C. M. Bardwell, of Marengo, now superintendent of the Aurora. 111., schools, and C. E. Douglas, of Woodstock, who is now super- intendent of the Erie. Penu., schools. The influence of these and other successful superintendents, is apparent in the present city school sys- tem of McHenry County. The development of the high schools of the county has been during the past twenty-five years, a wonderful growth. The enrollment has been doubled many times over, and in the present year, several of the city high HISTORY OF MoHENRY COUNTY 93 schools, notably Woodstock, Harvard, and Marengo, find themselves con- fronted with the necessity of erecting new high school buildings to meet the needs of their districts. In Crystal Lake, the high school building ami equipment are of the tinest in the county. These improvements were secured though the aid of a large amount of back taxes received in the set- tlement of a local estate. Crystal Lake and Woodstock both have ex- cellent courses in nnrmal school training and domestic science. Wood- Mock, Harvard, Crystal Lake, Marengo, and McHenry high schools all give up-to-date commercial training. McHenry and Crystal Lake have fine hifrh-school gymnasiums for the physical training of their students. The only available records at hand for securing the names of the superintendents of schools in the various cities and villages of the county, are those for Woodstock, which show that the first high school was taught in 1878 and the superintendents since the organization of the high school have been: Professors Warren Wilkie, 1878; A. E. Bourne, 1880; S. B. Hursh, 1888; .1. A. Kelly, 1890; John R. Kello™ 1891; L. B. Eas ton, IS'M: (I. W. Conn, 1896; C. W. Hart, 1897; C. E. Douglas, 1907; B. C. Thomas, 1911; and R. W. Bardwell who took charge of the schools in 1!H4. The three public school buildings in Woodstock were built as follows: the first one, the old brick school, was built in 1867; the new brick one, attached to or adjacent to the old building, is a handsome structure built in 1906 at a cost of $25,000; the third one is the Clay Street build- ing, built in the northern portion of the city, in 1907, at a cost of $20,000, exclusive of the grounds. MC HENRY COUNTY SCHOOL PRINCIPALS ASSOCIATION During the past fifty years one of the most potent influences in the progress of education in the county has been an organization of the princi- pals of the city or village schools of the county, known as the McHenry County School Principals Association. This group of earnest educators has fostered in many ways the welfare of the county's public schools. They have met regularly at the county seat during the school term, some- times to i- ive inspiring messages from the eminent men from outside the county ; at other times to discuss the problems which confronted them in their schools. The membership in 1921 is: Oswell G. Treadway, Mc- Henry. president; A. M. Shelton, county superintendent, secretary; II. A. Dean, Crystal Lake; c. W. Hill. Marengo; R. W. Bardwell, W 1 Mock; C. O. Haskell, Harvard; Frank Ben, Hebron; C. II. Duker, Hunt- ley; C. W. Minard, Richmond; and P. II. Willey, Alden. 94 BISTORT OF MrllKXRY COUNTY cm \TV SUPERINTENDENTS OP SCHOOLS Charles Bastings, 1841-43; Peter Diets, 1843 15; .Major T. Irwin, 1845 17; Phineas w. Piatt, 1847-49; Rev. R K Todd, 1849-54; M. T. Butchinson, 1854-55; Asa W. Smith, 1856-59; Alvin Brown, 1859-61; Theodore Mead, 1861-63; Thomas Knanbrack, 1863-65; A. J. Kingman, 1865-69; G. s. Southworth, 1869-73; William Nickle, 1873-77; A. W. Young, 1877 -1 ; I). 1). Baldwin, 1881-83; H. R. Baldwin, 1883-84; Lester Barber, L884-90; W. E. Wire, 1890-1902; George W. Conn, 1902-10; A. ML shelton, 1910 to present date. TODD SEMINARY Todd Seminary is a private school at Woodstock for boys only. Its early history was well written tip for a former history of McHenry County by its founder's son. Henry Alfred Todd, who brought out the following historic points, in a lengthy biography of the Todd family: Rev. R. K. Todd, founder of this school, was a graduate of Princeton College. X. J., and was educated for the Presbyterian ministry, married a .Miss Clover of Xew York. and. being impressed with the missionary spirit, started on a long trip with his young bride. This was in 1847 and they headed for the "far West." Railroads, generally speaking, had not yet come into common use and so they traveled by the Erie Canal, and by steamer over the Great Lakes to Milwaukee, Wis. Be- cause of a few young friends who had located in McHenry County, 111., he was led to conn' here. A Presbyterian Church had just been organized at Woodstock with thirteen members, and he was induced to become its pastor. He was soon selected as superintendent of the McHenry County public schools and held that position a number ..f years. Subsequently, he established a school of his own at Woodstock Finding it necessary at the end of a long term of years, on account of an affection of his throat to relinquish in a large part his public speaking, he threw his whole energies into the building up of an institution of advanced education to stimulate, as well as satisfy the needs of the then rapidly growing West. He had already been one of the prime movers in the permanent foundation of the Marengo Col- legiate Institute, but that institution was entirely destroyed by fire, from which loss it never recovered. Again a similar calamity con- fronted Mr. Todd in the burning of the well-equipped building erected by him at Woodstock. Yet despite these losses, he gathered about him, 1: >&' -r - - - — - — : : - HISTORY OF McHENEY COUNTY 95 as president, a large and efficienl corps ol instructors, obtained from the Illinois Legislature a generous charter, and inaugurated a long and highly prosperous period of collegiate work, the annual enrollment ranging from 151 to 200 students, from whom the ranks of teachers in Northern Illinois were for many years largely recruited. Late in the seventies, feeling the need for rest, .Mr. Todd concluded to limit his efforts to the care of a classical home school for boys. The spacious grounds and buildings, situated at the edge of the city, afforded a beautiful country retreat for a family of about twenty hoys in their teens, nearly all of whom came from city homes. Some even came in from distant states. Such was the foundation of the present excellent institution now known as "The Todd Seminary for Hoys." Rev. Todd, the founder, feeling that he could no longer undertake the genera] management of the Bchool, called to his assistance a young, vigorous man from New England, the present proprietor of the institution, Noble Hill. l'h. IS., who came in the autumn of 1888, and in 1890 took complete charge. .Mrs. Todd, wife of the founder, died, and Rev. Todd went to California to reside with his only son. In 1892 Prof. Hill purchased the property and has ever since owned and conducted a hoys' school of a most remarkable and unique character. The former buildings, in fact the entire institution, has been al- lowed to run down until it was almost a hopeless task to place it hack in the class to which its founder had aspired, but Prof. Hill knew no such word as fail and went to work with a right good will and did what few other men could have accomplished in so short a time, if indeed ever. The old buildings were remodeled, rebuilt and converted to other uses from those of former days and in time new buildings were erected on the beautiful campus which now comprises about eleven acres. During the last school year there were enrolled 110 pupils, com- ing in from seventeen states and territories, and one was booked from Cuba. The average age of these boys is about twelve years, with several no older than seven. It is estimated that fully three-quarters of these boys come from homes in the City of Chicago. Ten grades are taught, and this course of instruction qualifies the youth to go out into active life a finished scholar in his class, or to enter higher institutions of learning. The West and Middle West furnish the greater number of students. Teli instructors are usually employed, at this date half of them being men and half women. The school year of nine months is between September and June. The motto of this school is "Acid l ideal of the faenlty is "for every Todd boy a good citizen." And this means what it says, a living active principle in the daily life of the Todd hoys. The crowning glory of this sehool is the fact that it is a place where prohibition positively prohibits, a place of respect for authority and obedience to the law, where locks and keys are un- known and individual and property rights are respected. A more healthful spot cannot be found on the continent, for its altitude is 1,000 feet above sea level, the highest point in all Illinois. During the seventy years of its existence not one death lias occurred among the hundreds and thousands of pupils who have been in attend- ance. Climate, pure air, pure water, proper exercise and observance of sanitary rules have all combined to briny: about this unequalled result. The buildings found on the superb campus are: Wallingford Hall. Clover Hall, Rogers Hall, Grace Hall, the Gymnasium, Headmasters Cottage, West Cottage, Cozy Cottage, and North Cottage, used for hos- pital purposes. The following practices are strictly prohibited: Use of cards or any form of gambling; use of tobacco; use of profane or vulgar lan- guage; us,' or possession of fire-arms; reading of trashy books or papers; contracting debts; going off the grounds without permission ; going down town unless accompanied by a teacher; and leaving the buildings after evening prayers. The instructors 1920 and 1921 are as follows: Principal— Noble Hill, Ph. B. Associate Principal — Roger Hill, A. B. Secretary and Treasurer — Ross Taylor. A. B. Headmaster — A. E. Johnson. A. B. History— H. A. Hunter, A. B. Latin— F. J. Roubal, A. B. Geography — S. L. Coover. .Music K. Crilly, A. B. English and Librarian — .Miss Grace Libey Reading and Spelling — Miss I 'carl Pidler. Primary Department— Miss Hazel Macdonald. Primary Department — Miss Edith Divilbess. HISTORY OF McIIEXRY COUNTY 97 Mathematics — Sirs. P. J. Roubal. Art— Miss Mary B. Newman. Secretary to Principal — .Miss Selma Rowe. Dean of the Home — Mrs. Ross Taylor, A. B. House Mother— Miss Lillian Kauft'man. House Mother— Mrs. A. E. Johnson. Nurse— Mrs. G. C. Trevarthen. When Prof. Hill first came to Woodstock he was a single man, lint two years later he brought bis bride to the institution and to them were born a son and a daughter, both of whom have been educated primarily in this institution. The daughter, Miss Carol Hill, now Mrs. Ross Taylor, is the only girl who has ever attended the school. Both are now con- nected with their father's institution. CHAPTER VIII CHURCHES RELIGIOUS SPIRIT — LACK OP FACILITIES — FIRST SERVICES — F1R.-T r || I ];< IIES — BAPTISTS — CATHOLIC— CHRISTIAN SCIENCE — CONGREGATIONAL — EPIS- COPAL — LUTHERAN — METHODIST — PRESBYTERIAN — IN1\ l.lo AI.IST. RELIGIOUS SPIRIT .Man lias ever sought to draw near to his Creator, ami never does this tendency heroine so stronir as when lie feels the lark of something material in life. As loiijr as his creature comforts are assured, his happi- ness is intact, he appears able to exist without much thought of a future life, but lei trouble or misfortune visit him, and instinctively he longs for some assurance of a power above his own. Just as a nation is purified and elevated through a period »f great affliction, so are its people brought into proper religious frame of mind when misfortune falls upon them heavily. LACK OF FACILITIES Perhaps im one facility was more deeply felt, not only by individuals, hut the communities they formed, in pioneer days, than that which in the old homes afforded proper observance of religious duties. The pioneer had no churches, nor could they at firsl come in contact with religious teachers. The lack of the religious clement in the early settlements had much to do with the lawlessness which prevailed in some com- munities. It appeared impossible to properly curb this until churi were established and a regular religious routine installed. Therefore not only was it important for the peace and happiness of each individual that some religious services be provided, hut also for the growth of the neighborhood from a frontier settlement into the hon f law-abiding citizens to which desirable people and additional capital would be drawn. Because of these and many other cog< tt1 reasons, it is easy to see why the settlers exerted themselves to raise sufficient funds to guarantee a certain 98 HISTORY OP McIIEXRY COUNTY 99 regularity of religious services, and their efforts met with ample and gratifying results. FIRST SERVICES it matters not upon what exact date some certain seel held services, in a given community. The fact thai such services were held is the im- portant Eact. It is found thai several Protestant and at least two Catholic churches were very early in the field in this county. They all had to hold services in some private home and put up with such accommodations as could be provided in a log cabin at first. Sometimes a schoolhouse was found in which religious services could be held. Some communities lacked a minister, and then a layman took charge, for they believed ill the promise made to the "two or three gathered together in my name," even though they were in the wilderness where the sound of the church- going hell had never yet been heard. On red-letter days in the history of a settlement, services were held by a traveling clergyman, at which time creeds and differences of doctrine were usually forgotten, and all gathered to drink in the words of warning and comfort which fell from the eloquent lips of one or another of the missionaries, soldiers of the ('mss. who went forth, on horseback, into the wilderness and preached and labored for the .Master, without thought of reward other than a bare living and the realization that they were living up to their conception of their duty to their Maker and humanity. FIRST CUURCLIKS Ofttimes the log schoolhouse served as a meetinghouse in the early days, but finally, after much effort, in each of the new settlements, the little frame house of worship with its tiny bell in a wooden belfry, began to dot the prairies or grace the beautiful valleys midst the woodland. It was one of such that the ) t wrote "The Little Brown Church in the Vale," SO popular everywhere now-a-days. Each Lord's day. a stream of people, clad in the best they possessed, might have been seen wending their way, on foot, horseback and with ox teams, to these little country chapels. In time these small frame structures gave way to larger, more appropriate edifices with costly and attractive stained windows and a high steeple with a silver toned bell within its belfry. Some obtained pipe organs and modern furniture, but the same spirit guided them, the same purpose of worshiping the only true and living Cod, in both humble and more pretentious edifices. 100 BISTORT OF McHENRY COUNTY In order t" give the readers of this volume ;i clear idea of how the religious elemenl developed in every pari of this county, the writer has soughl to gather together all i »» >s.^il il<- data from all denominations here represented, and place such information in readable form in one chapter. BAPTISTS The Marengo Church is among the pioneer church organizations in northern Illinois. The first sermon ever preached in McHenry County was by a Baptist minister named Southworth, one Saturday evening in April, 1836, at the home of Calvin Spencer. The audience was composed of less than a dozen people. Reverend Southworth was on his way further west, and perished in the terrible snow storm, near Rock Island in December, 1836. Rev. Lyman B. King, preached ;it the home of Calvin Spencer iii October, 1836, and from that date on as occasion offered, until the autumn of 1838. In 1840, Kev. Isaac Marvin, a graduate of Harvard University, was sent into this region to labor in behalf of the Baptist Home .Missionary Society. lie ami his young wife came in a one- horse wagon with their trunk strapped to the rear of the vehicle. Aboul half-way between Coral and Marengo, a stick caught in one of the wheels and broke it. They stopped at the next house and remained over night. Their host proved to be Orson P. Rogers, who then lived, where after- wards resided William Boies. Through this incident was formed a Baptist Church in this vicinity. It was August 28, 1S.")2. when the Baptist Church of Marengo was organized by Rev. Isaac Marvin. Its charter members were as follows: Samuel Farnum, Beniah Parnum, Reuben Parnum, Orin Hubbard, John Robinson, Philander Pa. Stevens. HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 101 The I'i i U3ANT Gbove Church. While tliis organization does not now t'xist. it rightfully finds a place in this connection. This church was organized, December 30, 1S40. with seven members. For the first year in. etings were held in a log cabin and later at the schoolhouse. In l s .">l the Pleasant Grove Church changed its name to that of the "Coral Baptist Church" and continued to worship as such until July l's, is."),"), when pastor and members all united with the Marengo Baptist Church. The faithful pastors of this church were Isaac .Marvin, who after three years, finding it hard to exist on what was possible to be paid him, resigned; early in 1*44. Reverend Lawrence was made pastor, and his flock numbered aboul forty members. lie was a farmer-preacher and owned a farm on the Belvidere road, on which he lived. lie drove to liis appointment every Saturday and back home Monday. The oldest religious society at Crystal Lake was the Baptist, it having been formed there in 1839, by Joel Wheeler, D. D., of McHenry. They crcited a church in 1853 and it burned in 1864. This society is not active today. Among its first members were Hiram Harris, Benjamin Crabtree, Clarinda Crabtree, and Benjamin Crabtree, Jr. The First Baptist Church of Woodstock was organized May 12, 1 847, by Elder Adams. The charter members were : Asa Churchill, Mrs. Louisa Churchill, Mrs. Submit Enos, Mrs. Nancy (Enos) Swartout, Bela D. Churchill, Freeman Churchill, Elonor Allen, Louis B. Allen, Norman Butts, Jane (Cranston) Stowell, Sarah L. Allen, Mrs. Polly Butts, Louisa Cranston. The first services were held in a hall, but in 1858 a church was erected. This was subsequently sold and in 1866-67 another church was built, costing $7,000 and it is still in good repair and in use. In 1893, improvements were made on the present structure, which cost the society $1,600. The old frame church was sold to the -Methodist people in 18(ii'. The present total membership of the church is 103. A good Sunday School is connected with the church and this has an enrollment of about 150. It is believed the first pastors here were: Revs. Wheeler and Eldridge Whittier. The record furnished for this article by Rev. Her- bert H. Smith, runs as follows (since 1850) : Rev. Whittier— From December. ls.Mi. to November 24, 1851. Rev. Wheeler — From November 24, 1851, to March 31, 1855. Rev. Eldridge. Rev. s. m. Brown — From August 1. 1852. Rev. E. F. Guerney— From October 21, 1855, to October, 1856. Rev. G. W. Gates— From February 8, 1858, to July 31, 1858. 10-2 HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY Rev. s. Washington Prom September 19, 1858, to December, 1859. Rev. N. Colver Prom January 1. 1861, to July 26, 1861. Rev. A. C. Bubbard Prom October 6, L861, to October 1, 1862. Rev. E. O'Brien Prom January, 1863, to April 12, 1803. Rev. Ross Prom June, 1863, to July, 181 Rev.C B Egan PromD mber, 1863, to April, 1864. Rev. A. S. Freeman From October, 1804, to September, 1865. Rev. John Young— From December 16, 1865. Rev. William M. Haigh— From February 1. 1866, to April 2, 1868. Rev. J. Sunderland- From .May t. 1868, to July, 1S68. Rev. I. \". Carman- Pr .Inly 2fi. lsii>. to < tctober 3, 1869. Rev. Maul- From 1870. Rev. Horace Burchard— From April. 1870, to December 1, 1873. Rev. E. A. [nc< — From March 15, 1874. to August, 1874. Rev. II. L. Stetson — From October, 1874, to January. 1876. Rev. P. S. Cox Prom -May. 1876, to February. 1877. Rev. 1). s. McEwan— From .May 20, 1877, to June 7, 1880. Rev. William Ostler— From October 1, 1880, to August 3, 1881. Rev. J. I). McLean— From September 4, 1881, to December, 1881. Rev. Clark- From 1883. Rev. L. Parmely— From March 6, 1883, to April 27, 1884. Rev. Benry II; Le -From September 21, 1884, to September 1, 1886. Rev. Edward Met 'lain. Rev. O. W. Kemp. Rev. George P. Wright— From November I. 1888, to .May 11, 1890. Rev. s. E. Cady— From June 1, 1890, to May 15, 1892. Rev. John McCaw— From November 20, 1892, to June 28, 1896. Rev. C. F. Barker— From August 2. 1896, to April 25, 1897. Rev. E. T. Stevens— From dune 0, 1897, to October 17, 1898. Rev. C. C. Markham— From November 16, 1897, to October 17, 1898. Rev. W. E. Sawyer— From December, 1899, to December 12. 1900. Rev. s. I'. Morris— From December 16, 1900, to November 7. 1901. Rev. S. E. Sloon— From November in. 1901, to June 15, 1902. Rev.W. I. Powle- Prom July 11, 1902, to June 21, 1903. Rev. I. T. Underwood— From Augusl 9, 1903, to May 1. 1905. Rev. d. F. Faker— From September 6, 1905, to May 1, 1906. Rev. <;. ('. Crippen— From dune in. 1906, to April 17. 1908. Rev. L. E. M. Freeman— From October 9, 1908, to January, 1909. Rev. John Henry Perry — From Man h 7. 1909, i" September 1"). 1909. Rev. W. C Monroe— From December 7. 1909, to -March 30, 1913. A HISTORY OF McIIFXRY COUNTS 103 Rev. Herbert II. Bmith— From April 20, 1913, and Rev. John L. Hess, the present pastor. ■ CATHOLIC There are aumerous strong and well-directed Catholic churches within this county. The construction of railroads through the county brought many Irish and other foreign-born of this religious faith to the county and many of these, after finishing the railroad work, settled here and formed a strong nucleus which added to those who had settled in and near McHenry village, as early as islO, made possible the organization of some prosperous parishes. St. Patrick's Catholic Chdboh, was organized at McHenry, in 1840 by Rev. M. St. Palais, afterwards Bishop of Yincennes. The charter members were: John Sutton, Michael Sutton, George Prisby and James Gibbs. There are now ISO souls in this parish. The first church was built in 1853 at a cost of $300; in 1872 it was rebuilt at a cost of $2,000; in 1883 it was enlarged and valued at $3,000. The present church edifice and property is valued at $15,000. The rectory, which was built in 1899, with its property is valued at $5,000. There is at this time an out .Mission at Richmond, this county. .Mass i- said at Richmond on the first and third Sundays of the month. The following have served as the faithful pastors of this parish: Rev. Fathers: M. St. Palais, Gigwan, McGorick, McMahan, Hampstead Brady, 1'. GafEney, .lames Moran, Andrew Eustace, James Meagher, P. Smith. G. Pendergrast, Peter Birch, John Kilkenny, John A. Waves, Peter J. Gormley, .Michael Welby, P. M. O'Neil, Paul Burke, D. Lehane, II. Hagen, Charles Quinn, J. Lynch, and M. J. McEvoy, who was ap- pointed to St. Patrick's in August, 1915, is the present pastor. St. Joiix's Catholic Church. The first church formed at Johns- burg was St. John's, in 1843, by Father Portman, there being but three families in the parish at that time, those of Nick Adams, Jacob Smith and Nick Frett. There are now 130 families, 705 souls in the parish. At first they worshipped in a log cabin, but soon erected a frame church, and in 1879 erected a stone editie sting $45,000. The present church, built in 1900, cost $7.".. ooo. This is one of the strong churches of the county. Rev. William Weber is the present pastor. St. Mary's Catholic Church, of YVoodstock, was organized in 1854 by Father Mc.Mahen. who died of yellow fever in the South about live Hit BISTORT OF Mi BENE? COUNTY years afterward. Among the more prominenl members who assisted in organizing this Chnrch are recalled the aamea of such faithful souls as \eill Donnelly, who was merchant, mayor and sheriff at sundry times in this county; John Donnelly, Francis short, John .1. Murphy, banker and lawyer. Previous to building a church here the Catholics of this community worshiped at Ilartland. The first church edifice erected in \V IstiM-k was a brick structure iii 1856, its cost being about $4,000. In 18S1 this building was remodeled and enlarged to meet the pressing Deeds. This seated over 400 persons. The property was then valued at $12,000. The membership of the parish was one hundred families. The present membership is 1,000. Among the faithful pastors of this church should not be overlooked: Rev. Fathers: Hugh T. Brady, who came in 1852 and left in 1855; Barnard OTIarra. who came in 1855 and remained until 1858, James Meagher, who came in 1859 and continued until I860; Terrance Fitzsimmons, who served from I860 to 1867 and was followed by Rev. Lyons. All of the priests above named died prior to 1885. In 1868 came Rev. J. M. Ryan and following him were Rev. P. M. Reardon, assisted by Revs. Peter Sheedy and Rev. Eagan. Rev. T. Qnigley, the aexl priesl was followed by Rev. L. Lightner, D. D., who remained till 1870 and was succeeded by Rev. Lawrence Dunne, who remained till 1871, when he was followed by Rev. John Carroll, who arrived in 1871 and remained till November, 1877, after which came Rev. Thomas F. Leyden. Rev. D. J. Conway has been in charge of the parish for many years, and has built up a strong church and fine parochial school. Splendid modern-styled buildings adorn the beautiful grounds in the central part of the city. The present church, erected in 1909, is valued at $75,000. Father Conway has been highly successful in his work and is greatly beloved by all within and without his own church. Public-spirited and true to American ideas, through the late war he proved himself worthy of the highest esteem from all classes. No point in the state can show a finer Catholic school building than St. Mary's of Woodstock. It was erected in 1916, at a cost of $50,000, and was dedicated in August, 1916. It has ideal lighting and heating arrangements and spacious play-grounds. The main structure, 85 by 120 feet, is two stories above the fine much used basement. St. Joseph Catholic Church, was formed in 1866 at Harvard. From a beautiful Jubilee book printed on the occasion of the semi- centennial of this parish, the writer is able to glean considerable inter- esting as well as very valuable history. 111STOHV OF MrllEXRY COUNTY in:, In lMiti. the inurrcss of the railroad and the immigration of many of the stalwart Bons of Ireland increased the population t<> such an extent thai the church authorities considered Harvard of sufficient importance to have a resident pastor and Father Fitzsimmons was the priest chosen. The little congregation rallied round its pastor and it was not long before they left the store building on Main street for the new h>z church. The building of the h"_ r church was no small task for the few that had it all to do. Father Fitzsimmona did not live long to enjoy the fruits of his labors, and in the year 1869, he passed to his eternal reward. For the next twenty-one years Father Dominic Egan attended 1" the spiritual needs of the Catholics of Harvard and there are many promin- ent men and women of today who received their first catechetical instruc- tion from Father Egan. In 1890, this good priest left Harvard for Chicago, to establish the parish of St. Stephens, where he now resides in the vigor and strength of a ripened old age, admired and loved by all. The little wooden church had now outgrown its usefulness, and Father .lames E. Hogan was sent to Harvard to bring about a better state of affairs in way of buildings. He succeeded in his work beyond the expectations of all and the present beautiful Gothic church stands as a lasting monument to his faithfulness and good judgment. In July, 1894 the city of Harvard was shocked by the news that Father Hogan was drowned in Lake Geneva and great was the sorrow expressed by all citizens. The sad accident happened in the late afternoon when a strong wind arising capsized the boat, which had contained the crew, Father Hogan, his sister, his brother and his brother's wife. All were drowned. For the next sixteen years St. Joseph's parish had for its pastors the kind and generous Father Stack and the pious and gentle Father Goulet. On July 12, 1912, the present pastor. Rev. Daniel A. Feely, assumed charge of St. Joseph's Church and the work he has accomplished in the last few years proves his ability. His first and uppermost thought was to add to the comfort of his people. He installed a fine heating system for the church building; he also interested himself in procuring temporary quarters for the parochial residence, and when the debt was liquidated he started that which was nearer to his heart, namely the parochial school. The present enrollment on the parochial school is about 170. It is impossible to estimate the mental as well as physical energy expended on this work by him. The church property is worth at least $150,000. It is stated that in all this work he was greatly Hii; HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY assisted by the work of Father BZeenan, "a man of gentle and kindly habits, true as steel and us constant as the grace of God." Oilier priests who haw had charge at Harvard in years long ago were: Revs. Patrick EUordan, and Thomas Ojiijrlev. In 1884 the parish of Harvard comprised 200 families, [t's presenl membership is about 250 families and 1,000 communicants. Sacked Hi ibt Catholic Chuech was organized about 1867. In its early days it was a part of the I'.elvidere Parish and Father P. C. Guire and Dr. O 'Callahan, with their assistant priests attended it. Not until about 1902 did Maremro became a separate parish. Rev. Father Swanson becoming the firsl pastor. He was succ led by Rev. D. J. McCaffrey and still later by Daniel Patrick Dreusman. the present pastor. The first building was a frame structure once owned by the Methodist people, but sold to the Catholics who used it about ten years. In 1908 the church erected a new handsome church edifice which is valued at $40,000. The present membership of this cnninvL'ation is about 450 souls, or 11(1 families. A church cemetery is located just to the north of the city limits of Marengo. St. Thomas Catholic Church is situated in the village of Crystal Lake. It was organized in June, 1881, by Father Leyden, and its charter members were as follows: John Purvey. .lames Brannen, Cor- nelius Malone, James Kelley. Tim Kelley, William Clark, John McGarry, James Gannon, John Riley, Tom Leonard, .lohn Leonard, James Burke. John Callahan. Patrick Bolestry. The church edifice erected in 1881 still stands and is valued with the lot at $10,000. The membership of St. Thomas congregation is 400. The various priests who have served these people are: Revs. Fathers Leyden, Clancy. Quinn, Fox. Dorney, Lonergan and present pa-tor. Rev. Edwin McCormiek. St. Mary's Catholic Church. Through the kindness of Father Edward Pcrthold. the following facts concerning the organization and development of St. Mary's Church and parish at McHenry have been gathered : In the early nineties McHenry received a strong influx of Catholic families from Johnsburg and the surrounding villages. To enjoy the accommodations of an attractive river town many farmers retired and built homesteads in McHenry. Old St. Patrick's church was soon over- taxed and headed by Dr. Rogers a delegation of citizens presented the matter and the needs of McHenry to Most Rev. P. A. Feehan. D. D., at that time Archbishop of Chicago. Efforts were made by Father HISTORY OF McIIENRY COUNTY 107 Mehring of Johnsburg to delay the movement, but the determined people of McIIenry succeeded in raising funds and obtained episcopal sanction to purchase the McIIcnry public school which was for sale at thai time. Accordingly, Rev. P. Kirsch was appointed in the summer of 1894 to take charge of the newly formed parish and this young divine I anie the lirs! resident pastor. The spacious I wo story brick school building accommodated the parish for religious services four years. At the end of that time preparation heiran for the erection of a pretentious Gothic church edifice, seating five hundred people. The parochial school gradually grew with the increasing parish. Today it accommodates 135 children who arc taughl by four experienced instructors, sisters whose mother house is in Mil- waukee. St. Mary's school is reputed to be a standard school today. teaching eight grades in four large classrooms. It is fully equipped, steam heated, sanitary, efficient, and abreast with the times. During the last few years, under the direction of the present pastor. Rev. Ed- ward Berthold, this private school has made a remarkable stride. Spacious school grounds and play ground apparatus is a notable feature in the physical culture of children attending the McHenry Parochial School. Sister Sydia is superintendent and principal since 1918. In 1917 larger and more modern accommodations were undertaken in behalf of the school sisters who had been obliged to take quarters in a rented frame house several blocks away. A- spacious two-story brick building was erected at a cost of +10,000. The school grounds were enlarged and the property beautified. During the funeral rites over the deceased Peter Scheid of Crystal Lake. April, 1918. a disastrous fire broke out destroying a beautiful Gothic structure. This church had just been paid for. On account of inadequate water supply a volunteer fire company was unable to save the edifice. .Most of the contents were saved and the parish col- lected $15,000 insurance. War prices made reconstruction difficult and expensive, but the people made signal sacrifice to float the project which cost $25,000. New St. Mary's, more beautiful than the old, was dedicated in September. 1919. It is notable for its red tile roofing, reinforced steel trusses, copper cupola and most especially for its ec- clesiastical mural d irations executed by Paul X. Klosc of .Milwaukee. It is now valued at $50,000. The church started here with a membership of sixty families and lias grown to 181, and 900 souls. The old public school building was purchased by the church for $900, in 1894. In 1895, a parsonage was ins HISTORY OF M< HENRY COUNTY built at a eosi of $-.nnii. The Gothic church edifice i-i-.-.-t<-y Alfred Wray. who came in 1878; next was Rev. Andrich, followed by Rev. Buestis, ami be was succeeded by Rev. C. C. Campbell, who in lss.'i was still pastor. The presenl pastor is Rev. J. P. Bishop. the huntley CHURCH was organized in 1852 by the "Congrega- tional Church Society." The early records are not intact at this date, but from a former county history it is learned that the church was formed September 11, 1852, by two clergymen, Revs. Starr and Dicke- son. Up to 1865 there was no church building in which to worship, but under the ministration of Rev. C. S. Harrison, a commodious structure was provided. Among the pastors have been Revs. L. Church, Daniel Chapman. W. W. Curtiss, C. H. Abbott, H. W. George, A. K. Wray, T. L. Brown, Charles Hartley, and J. R. Smith. The membership of the church today is about 156. The same frame edifice erected in 1864-5 is still doing service. It is valued at $19,000. the first congregational church at Woodstock. From the pres- ent church clerk, Archie W. Hill, and from other sources, it is learned that this church was organized in 186"), with charter members as fol- lows: Caleb Williams, Cordelia B. Williams, Nelson Diggins, Katy M. Diggins, Orvis Gage, Fannie Page, Timothy B. Bidwell, Abner Bidwell, I twin K. Bidwell, Hattie Baldwin, J. H. Branson. Margarel Kelly, John C. Williams, L. A. Barrows, Emily S. Barrows. The membership today is about 116. The property of the society is valued at $17,000 and consists of a brick church and a frame parsonage. The first church building was a frame one, erected in 1866. The present church was built in 1907. The pastors have included the following, in the order given: Revs. J. J. A. T. Dixon, J. R. Danforth, A. L. Riggs, A. P. Johnson, L. V. Price, T. C. Northcutt, M. A. Stevens, E. J. Alden. .1. D. Wells, W. A. Evans, E. B. Boggers, I. N. Adrian, Harry B. Long, C. E. Enlow, W. R. Gaylord, Roy B. Guild, John W. Moore, C. H. Bente, William Kilbourne, V. P. Welch, John W. Herring, and Ira D. Stone. EPISCOPAL Christ Episcopal Church. The Episcopalians at one time had more active parishes within this county than at this date. Woodstock, Ma- £M> HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 111 rengo and numerous places had mission churches planted, but the only really active Episcopal Church in Mdlenry County now is Christ Epis- copal Church at Harvard. The planting of the church here "Was the accomplishment of an effort begun under very unpromising circum- stances, as there were already three Protestant churches here, there did not seem to be any other call for additional work in a religious line. Hut there were a lew families, of the Angelican communion, who felt a desire to see an Episcopal church established here, and by their united and zealous efforts, the end was attained. The initial steps were begun by Rev. Peter Arvedson, who had built a church at Algonquin. Appointed missionary-at-large for some northern counties in this state, he became especially interested in numbers of old-country people settled on farms in McHenry County, and by occasional friendly visits among them won their confidence and esteem. Their Dumber was not large, but they became the nucleus of what afterwards became Christ's Epis- copal Church of Harvard. On a petition being signed and sent to Bishop McLaren, asking for a resident priest to hold regular services, Rev. A. A. Fiske was induced to accept the position and serve the little band of believers, beginning his work in the Congregational Church building which was leased for that purpose. The first services were held by Mr. Fiske in January, 1877 ; the last in May, 1880. Meanwhile measures hail been ripening among the members to build a house of worship of their own. A lot was secured and ground broken for the foundation of the present church, upon which the carpenters began their work in November. 1SS0, ami finished it in the summer of 1881. The new edifice was opened for divine worship in September that year and on Sunday. .May 8, 1885, the church was consecrated by Bishop McLaren. The churcb property, comprising all of the build- ings, is valued at $30,000. In 1886 Rev. Fiske resigned his charge on a call being sent him from the churcb at Austin, 111., and other rectors followed him, until Reverend Fiske was called again to his old charge, and continued its faithful pastor until his health failed a few years ago, since which time he lias lived a quiet, retired life among the people of other days, when he built up one of the strongest churches of his denomination in this part of Illinois. The present membership is 153. The church school has a member- ship of about forty-five pupils, with Mrs. C. J. Hendricks as super- intendent. The following is a list of rectors for this church : Revs. A. A. Fiske, 112 HISTORY OP McHENRY COUNTY Francis J. Hall, E. R. Sweetland, J. I'.. Williams, F. E. Brandt, R. S. Hannah, I'.. E. Chapman, H. A. Lepper, William Henry I! I. the pres flit incumbent. The rectory was purchased in 1908 ami in 1913 a parish bouse was erected of brick. St. Mary's Guild is presided ever by .Mrs. .Mary A Fiskc; st. Catherine's Guild, by Mrs. »'. M. Johnson; St. Martin's Guild Acolytes, Harry Hosier. Master of Ceremonies Christ Church .Men's ciuh. with ins mbers, was organized bj Rev. K. E. Brandt in 1907. Hon. J. 11. Viekers was elected its tirst president. The clubrooms of this club "ere recently built especially with this objeel in view ami are in all ways modern in appointment, having line reading rooms, billiard parlor and many conveniences. It should here be added in conclusion that whatever success has come to this church has been largely due to the devout men who have been its rectors — men of scholarship and advanced ideas in church work. At Spriii<_' drove. St. Mary's Episcopal church was formed May 5, 1873, by Rev. Peter Avidson and flourished as long as the English resided in that vicinity. The first services held in Algonquin township was by the Episcopal people who assembled at the home of Samuel Gillilan, in 1836. St. John's Protestant Episcopal church was organized at Algonquin in 1844. A church was built in 1864 and was clear of debt in 1871. Rev. Avidson, rector, died there in November, 1880. Other denominations have virtu- ally crowded this church out of the field. LUTHERAN Emmanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church. This church was or ganized at Crystal Lake in 1S69-70, by Rev. h'ichmann. then located at Elgin, HI. The constitution was signed by thirty-six constituent mem- bers, only one of whom still survives, John Hold of Crystal Lake. John Berg, F. T. Reddersdorf, John Han-. F. Wen. It. John Ritt, Fred West l>hal, Karl Kruse. Carl Kniebuseh, William Kniebusch, John Sund, Mr. Zimmerman were also members. The present membership of this con- gregation is (100. The first building erected in 187") by the congregation, was a frame schoolhouse 20x36 feet. John Sund contractor, at a cost of $575. This building is now a part of John Rudder's store at Crystal Lake. In 1877 a church standing near Crystal Lake Park was purchased for $400 and moved to the lot on McHenry Avenue. This was next to the school- BISTORT OF McHENRY COUNTY 11.; house. In l s !»."i this building was taken down and the presenl edifice built. Ii is 86x44 feet, with two steeples 160 feet, and cosl £6,000. It is valued al $10,000. The children of the congregation attend the day schools, bul for strangers there is maintained a Sunday school, having both German and English departments thai is now attended bj aboul twenty-nine children. The daj school is attended bj 111 pupils. The following pastors have served this congregation: Revs. II. Schmidt, located al Dundee; Rev. Richmann, Elgin, Rev. Adam Betzer, of Desplaines, supplied. The firsl residenl pastor was Rev. Eenry Schmidt, 1875-80. He was followed by: Rev. M. Heyer, 1880-83; Karl Schmidt, 1883 97; G. Bertram, 1897-1904; and Rev. P. G. Kuehnerl ci in 1904 and is the present pastor. Trinity Evangelical Li theran Chxtrch was organized at Huntley, March 1, 1871, by Rev. P. \V. Richmann, <>i' Elgin. The charter mem bers were as follows: John Schrader, Henry Heuer, John Prost, John Gutshow, Charles Gruitzmacher, Pred Miller, Fred Zimmerman and Henry Heinemann, Sr., who died at the advanced age id' ninety-five years, in 1917. The presenl membership is :;7."> souls. In 1872 they built a fine, large church in which to worship. Willi alterations and additions the properly is valued at $23,000. Ill 1878, under Rev. -I. E. Baumgartner, a steeple was added to the church, the same boiut; Id") feel hiidi, and the hell weighs 545 pounds. The con- gregation owns a beautiful school property near the church, creeled ill 1912, a brick structure 46x28 feet, is equipped with all modern improve- ments and is really an honor and credit to the village of Huntley, lis value is $5,000. The present pastor. Reverend Baumgartner, organized a Sunday school of aboul seventy-live pupils. He also ha- charge of the parochial school of the congregation where the Bible and common school branches are taught, and from here pupils are fitted for the seventh or eighth grades in the public schools. As pastor, superintendent and instructor. 1 he presenl faithful pastor is kept very busy. Besides his congregation at Huntley he also cares for a church at Gilberts, where he holds services monthly. The following is a list of pastors who have served this congregation: Revs. !■'. W. Richmann, 1^71-7:1; C. Steinrauf, 1873-75; John E. Baum- gartner, L875-87; -I. I.. Cramer. 1877-89; 2 12; presenl pastor, Rev. II. A. Laufer, came in L912 and is doing excellenl work in both the church and school. As to the places in which tins congregation bas worshiped it may be -tatcd that for almut the first nine years services were held in the lecture room of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Woodstock. Later the congregation purchased a vacant church, a frame building, on the corner of Calhoun and Jefferson streets for $1,700, which in later years was destroyed by fire. In 1898 a brick veneered church was built for l 00, which today is valued a1 $9,000 with all improvements made since it was first in use. A parsonage and barn erected on the three lots pur- chased in June. I!)ii7. are valued at $4,000. Zion's Evangelical Lutheran Church was formed in 1876 at West .Mellenry. under the direction of Rev. II. G. Schmidt, and in 1884 it had a membership of twenty-five. At presenl it has about twenty-one voting members and seventy-six communicant members. The Sunday school is conducted bj Rev. II. A. Laufer. The various pastors who have served this congregation are: Revs. Carl Schmidt, M. Heyer and Carl Schneider, up to L894. Since 1894 the pastors have l n : Revs. II. Engelbrecht, 1894-96; II. Dannenfeldt, 1897-1902; J. I'-ertrain, 1902-12. and II. A. Laufer, who eommen Ins Labors here in 1912. At first this congregation held services in the Baptisl church, later BISTORT OF McHENRY COUNTY 11.". in the Methodisl Episcopal church. In 189] the congregation built ;i frame church costing ill i $S00. It is valued a1 aboul $3,000. St. John 's Bvangj li< w. Li theran Church a1 the village of Algon quin, this county, was formed March 11. 1876, and its firsl pastor was Rev. .1. II. C. sir, ■-,■ of Dundee, who preached in various schoolhouses easl of Algonquin. The seventeen original mi mbers of this congregation were as follows: Fred Richards, Fred Duensing, Sr., Christian Patsche, William Wodrich, John Colbow, Christian Duehn, Carl Buerkle, Benry Rogm'an, Benrj AJbrecht, Benrj Benk, Christian Pinnow, John Zorn, Carl Schoening, J. Wienke, Pred Ahrens, Pred Pruess, Car] Gehr. Shortly after organizing a congregation the members decided to build a church, which was 32 bj 50 feel in size, besides a vestry r a 16 by 24 feet. Thai was also used as a parochial schoolroom. Rev. Benry Fuss was the firsl ordained minister, bul he remained only cmc year. Rev. Ludwig von Schenk, who broughl uew life to the church, faithfully served for three j ears and was then called to Rockford, III. Walter von Schenk was next called, and be proved an able minister and teacher. Be was installed dune 13, 1882. All debts of the church were paid during his pastorate, also a fine bell was placed in the church tower. On December 6, 1891, Rev. Schenk received a call Prom a congre gation in St. Paul and accepted, Rev. J. Steffen was called to Algonquin in 1892. Be was an able man. but much of the time be was an invalid and died after he arrived at Algonquin in about one year. It was during his illness thai the parsonage was destroyed by fire and the congregation ini, liately erected another. The next pastor was Rev. Paul von Tome. who remained until July, 1900, when be resigned. Nexl came Rev. II Moldenhaver from Banson Park, who was installed September 30, 1900. Be it was who wisely saw the need of keeping the children in the church and iit once gathered them into his school. The old schoolroom being too small th igregation soon provided a new and better building in which to hold the school. In 1902 he had seventy-six pupils. The pastor was unable to teach and attend to the parish as minister, hence a teacher was employed in the autumn of 1902. Ernsl Milizer of Arlington Beights, was called for thai position and served well until he met with accidental death by drowning in Pox River, April 8, 1!U7. Various instructors have been employed since ; hat date. In 1914 the congregation decided to build a modern church building. Tic committee finally awarded a contract for the building to Henry Markhoff, of Elgin. The church is valued at *2."),OO0. The present con Hi; HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNT"? gregation is made up of ion members. The presenl pastor is Henry Moldenhauer. Zion Lutheran Churcb was organized at Marengo, April 'J.'). 1880, L\ Rev. J. E. Baumgaertner, with the Eollowing charter membership: Carl Guse, Karl Krause, William Qehrke, Ferdinand Trebes, Herman Trebes, Gottfried Treebles, William Treebes, Carl Zizkuhr, Ernesl Kam- holz, William Eickstadt, Tl Schmidt, William Fiebranz, Carl Fei- bran . Fred Luehring. The presenl congregation has a total o 820 souls, with 340 communicants. The church edifice is of brick and eosl $19,000; the Erame school building cosl $3,200; the frame parson is valued al $1,800. This fine property is all located on Jackson street. Ii is uow valued at .$:J0,000. 'I lie pastors have from time to time (in the order given been as follows: Revs. -I. B. Baumgaertner, L880-86; -1. Craemer, 1886-88; < >. I derlein. lsss-iH ; I'. Dooderlein, L891 1904, and A. C. Staats, who came in L905. Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Chi rch. This is one of the strong- est church organizations in the county. Its history reaches hark to 1884, when work was begun by Reverend Schenk, who held the firsl services in a rented building belonging to the Presbyterian denomination at Harvard. The mission was really established in February, 1884, when Harvard had hut aboul 1,700 population. No1 until May, 1889, was this congregation fully organized into a church. A goodly number of fami- lies «erc immigrants from Germany, these numbering certainly as many as thirty families who helped forward the new church movemenl at Harvard. . The firsl baptismal ceremony was performed January 27. 1884, the subjeel being the daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. Fred Nolz. The first confirmation was on April 20. 1884, when four girls were confirmed at one time. The first communion was administered Augusl 26, 1884, when twenty- seven communed at the Lord's Supper. The first funeral service was that had in June, 1884. The first wed- ding was .March 31, 1884. The first regular pastor was Rev. F. Caemmerer, under whose admin- istration th. stitution of the church was signed by thirty-nine voting members of the congregation. In the month of August, L885, an attempt was made to start building operations, hut nothing materialized along this line until April. 1892, when the present frame church edifice was .reeled. It is a large build- BISTORT? OF .\!rll i:\KY COl XTY 117 iiiir with a spire surmounting it which is fully Kin feel high. This build- ing was dedicated to the worship of Almighty God, October, 1892. It is valued al $45,000. The parsonage is also a frame building standing on the same grounds av the church, the premises being a full city block of land in a very sightly pari of the city of Harvard. Its streel location is East Diggins. The various pastors who have faithfully served this congregation have been in the order bere named as follows: Rev, P. Caemmerer, who served until -May (>. 1899, and was succeeded by the Rev. E. A. Behrens, of New York; he continued here five years and six months. Dnder bis administration the influential Ladies Aid Society, with about 150 mem- bers was formed. In all, this societj has raised $(>,">( it) fur church im- provements and for deeds of charity and mercy. The third pastor was Rev. Carl <>. Salzmann, of St. Louis, Mo., who served three years and -i ven months. Dnder him was built the addition to the church building, used for school purposes. Next came Rev. E. O. Giesel, of Platteville, Wis., who arrived Trinity Sunday, 11I0S. and served faithfully and well until called by death. December .">. 1912. Dnder his guidance was added to the parsonage more room and other needed improvements, amounting to an expense of about $1,200, including the splendid base ment, hot -water heating plant, the cement sidewalks, etc. Be it was who started the pipe organ fund with which later the present sweet-toned pipe organ was purchased, and it is highly prized by the congregation and well-trained choir of about twenty voices. Following Rev. E. O. Giesel, Rev. E. A. Giesel, his son. responded to a call from this con gregation December 11, 1!H'J. He came from South Haven, Mich. It was he who lirst introduced the English language in church services here and also in the Sunday school work and Bible classes. Be is a strong believer in the use of the English language by all American citi- zen-, whether native or foreign horn. I'nder this energetic pastor there was organized a Luther League of 100 members, commencing with the modest number of only twenty-four. This noble band of church workers has been busy in season and out, and have raised and paid into the treasury of this church over $1,589, which has aided a score of needed improvements. The total amount in improvements made under Reverend Giesel is $7,000. The present pastor is John M. Schedler. The "envelope system" of making collections is employed and was introduced and urged upon the people by the present pastor. The church books and records in general of this congregation show great 118 BISTORY OF M< BENRY COUNTY pains upon the pastor's part, whose every hour is filled with pre duties as he circs for both the spiritual and material interests of his large and constantly increasing congregation, yel he seems to be given time and strength, thus far, to keep all of the details of his flock in g i record Eorm, and has indeed an exceptionally clear church record. When Rev. Giesel came to Harvard he found a church ahoul one- half its present size. There is a membership of 600. The church held us twenty-fifth jubilee anniversary commemorating the dedication of r church edifice in 1917, an illustration of which appears in this volume. At thai great gathering Rev. II. K. Doermann, I). I)., of St. Paul, was present and delivered the sermon. Up to the date of this jubilee twenty-five years after the dedication, there had been officiated at !.\ pastors here 1,008 baptisms; couples married, 233; persons buried, 278, and received into the ehlireh. 7112 persons. St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church is located at the vil- lage of Union and was organized there November 10, 1887, with charter members as follows: Fred Schneidewind, Charles Miller, Benry Young, Fred Bloedorn, August Kunkle, Fred Martens, Fred Miller, August Kamholz, M. Kolberg, John Bopp, Charles Pries, Fred Selchow, Gust E. Binz, Charles Hasten, John Tornow, Alb Gehrke, F. Pries, Charles Winkelmann, F. Dahelke. The present membership is about 103 families with seventy-six voting members. The presenl buildings of this con gregation are the veneered brick church, built in 1901, valued at about $20,000, a parochial school built in 1901. and a parsonage built in 1!)()S. The pastors who have had charge of this congregation are: Revs. Otto D lerlein, Paul Dneder'oin, (!eor. p. Rogers. Revs. Walker and Jewetl received for their sit-. aboul $100 a year, and their duties were to preach one sermon each weekday and three f the mosl re- markable revivals of religion ever known in this county, was held at Marengo. It commenced in the fall and continued till spring with do decrease in interest. People came from far and oear, and the result was lint people were soundly converted. It was in 1855 the church ted its handsome edifice, the same being dedicated in the spring by Rev. John Demster. A Sabbath school was organized in 1840 with nine pupils, bul in 1885 the school had over 100 pupils. The present beautiful brick edifice was built in 1897 and cosl $20,000, while the parsonage cosl $3,500. The membership is »'J". Thi' ministers who have faithfully discharged their duty as pastor of the church at Marengo are as follows: Revs. William Geddis, Nathan Jewett, D. A. Walker. P. Ferry. X. Smith. William Geddis, Charles McClure, B. Brown, A. Hammond. I). Fellows, -I. X. Hinman, James McLane, G. W. .Murphy. .John Hodges, E. Ransom, E. G. W 1. A. McWright, A. B. Call. William Skelton, J. P. Nanco, 1). Cassady, -I. R. Goodrich. P. S. Walker, David Peed. A. I'. Mead, B. W. Adam-. Charles* Hartley, George Richardson, X. I). Lanning, Alonzo Newton, IP J. Huston. A. Schoemaker. J. IP Peever. J. M. Clendenning, W. II Smith, J. C. Bigelow, s. IP Wells, C. W. Thornton, E. J. Rose, P. IP Gardner. C. A. Bunker. Wilmer Jaygard, X. J. Harknes, E. G. Schutz, A. L. Fisher, C. J. Bready. William Bwing, K. E. Buckey. W. IP Tope, ami ('has. J. Dickey. Tin: Richmond Church is one of the county's oldest religious socie- ties, p was organized November 3. 1838, by Rev. L. S. Lewis, who preached two years. At that date this formed a part id' Crystal Pake Circuit which comprised about thirty preaching appointments. Among the earlier ministers here were the following: Revs. Walker. Jewett. Nathaniel White. Dr. Decker, Whipple. Amos Wiley. P. S. Walker. John Rhodes, B. P. Jacobs. Calvin Brookins, Edwin Brown, J. H. .Moore. Thomas Corwin, P. M. Battis, G. S. Wiley. Nathan Critchett, Samuel Earngey, P. C. Steere, W. F. DeLap, Grover C. Clark, and BISTORT OF Mi HENRY COUNTY 121 many more who came a1 ;i later date. At firsl a schoolhouse was used for a house of worship, bul in L855 the society dedicated its own church building on Main street, a frame edifice seating 250 and costing aboul $2,500. In 1880 the total membership was aboul forty. The presenl membership is fifty-three. The Sundaj school attendance is aboul 112. The church property erected in 1902 is valued at $10,500. The presenl pastor is P. \V. Polej . 'I'm McHenri Chi rch is also numbered among the pioi r religious socii'tics of this county. It was organized in 1840 and its first members were [ra and Mrs. .Mary Colby, Darius Reynolds and wife, Alden and .Mrs. M. Harvey, Freeman Harvey, and .Mrs. Abigail Harvey, with Free man Harvey as class-leader. The county seat was then at McHenry and services were held in the courthouse once in four weeks, and also at times in private homes. The circuil then consisted of seven appoint- ments. In 1850 this church, in connection with the Free-Will Bap tists. 1 > n ill a brick church and used it alternately. The Methodists built a church for their own use aboul 1870 and a parsonage in 1S79. The church property is valued a1 $7,300. Rev. Raymond Sanger is the present pastor. Tin: Woodstock Church. Methodism in Woodstock was estab- lished in 1850 by Reverend Morehouse. The charter members were as follows: Mr. Cotting and wife, .Mrs. ('. Ramsey, Mrs. Dr. Rose, Miss .Mary Sherwood, George Starr and wife, Silas Wilson and wife. William Montgomery and wife. The first officers were: George Starr, elass-Ieadcr : S. ( ). (iregory, William II. Murphy, Silas Wilson, -lames Murphy, .John Reider, Andrew Murphy, Owen Murphy were stewards; and Charles McClure and I. II. Fairchilds were local preachers. Serv- ices at first were held in the schoolhouse, then in Excelsior Hall, and two years later in Phoenix Hall. The church was organized twelve years before a church edifice was owned. In 1862 they purchased the old Bap- tist church building for the sum of $1,500. For many years this build- ing served as a place of worship, but finally it was too small to accom- modate the increasing congregation and the presenl frame edifice was erected in 1N70 at an expense of $8.01111. It seats about 401) persons but is fast going to decay and is soon to be replaced by a larger and more modern building at a cost of $60,000. The presenl membership is :!.")(). Franklinville, a country station to the West, belongs to this church. The pastors who have faithfully served this church are: Revs. More- house, Guyer, E. Drown, Joseph Hartwell, Burlingame, D. W. Lynn, 122 BISTORT? OP McEENRY COUNTY Lyon, W. A Smith, W. A. Cross, Q. S. EufE, M. B. Cleveland, C. Brookins, S. T. Show, M. II. TriggB, X. I). Panning, E. .M. Boring, I Eartman, A. Newton, S. Earngey, John Adams, Geo. K. Eoover, 1884; M. II. Plumb, 1886; Benry Lea, 1888; J. J. Walter, 1889; Prank Mc- Namra, 1891; N. A. Sunderland, 1895; Thomas A Q. Cox, 1904; J. W. Ha, -klin-. 1906; T. K. Greene, 1909; Charles D. Wilson, 1913; J. A. Matlack, 1917, and P. A. Graham, 1918, the present pastor. Tin Greenwood Churcb was organized .it the village of Green wood in 1850, bul Lapsed in 1875 and was reorganized in 1884, the last organization being made l>y (.'. \V. Jayeox, with charter members as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Parker, Alphonso Newman, Mr, and Mrs. Owen Murphy, .Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart. The presenl membership is about ninety. This church was one of the nine appointments comprising the old McEenry Circuil which included in 1852, Eighland Prairie, North Bebron, Richmond, Ringwood, Green- wood, Easl Greenwood, Queen Ann. English Prairie and McEenry. The firsl church used by this congregation was the old Presbyterian building. This was torn down and a new church provided in 1909. A frame parsonage was buill in 1904. The church is valued at $8,500 ami the parsonage at $2,500. The following is a list of pastors who have served at Greenwood: Revs. Leander S. Walker, Rev. Shepherd, Christopher Lazenby, T. R. Satterfield, Rev. Stewart, 1863; Rev. Bundoe, M. II. Triggs, Rev. Wil- son, 1866; S. II. Adams. 1 s ( 1 7 ; L. K. Davis, 1869; Rev. Brookins, 1871; Byron Alden, 1872-75 (no pastor for some time ; Rev. Adams. l,sso ; Rev. Elkins, 1881; William Nickle, 1881-1884; C. W. Jaycox, 1884; Rev. William Nickle, 1887; Berberl J. Cocknell, 1897; Eomer I 1898; William Nickle, 1899; Charles E. Coon, 1901; W. II. Whitlock, 1903; Charles E. Butterfield, 1904; Warren Jones, 1906; J. E. UeLoiig, 1906; C. J. Bready, 1908; II. J. Collins, 1910; Seth Baker, 1913; Harry Cul- bertson, 1917; and C. J. Hewitt. Tm, Rinqwood Church was organized in the village of Ringwood in 1855 as a Union church, made up of Methodist and Congregational church people. Iii lS(iS i he ( 'oiifrrc^at ionalists withdrew. The charter members of this church were as follows: Mr. and -Mrs. Samuel Simmons, Mr. and .Mrs. William Mead, Jane Vasey, John Vasey, Richard Vasey, William Vasey, Prank Vasey, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carr, Mr. and Mrs. Matthews Carr. William Porth, William M ly and wife. The present membership is fiftj one. The presenl value of church property is $5,000. Pasters w ho have served here are as follows : Revs. Nathan Jewett, < Ihris- BISTOEY OF McHENEY COUNTY 123 topher Lazenby, Matthew Triggs, T. R. Satterfield, [lev. Bundock, Simon Bewes, Simon Lock, Andrew Adrian, Wycoff, William Clark, W. P. .). •Ionian. Cormack, Beal, C. J. Bready, II. J. Collins, Seth Baker, Barry Culbertson, Barrison, and l>. II. Eloss, tin- present pastor. 'I'm: Alma ('in kcii. Methodism began in tins pari of McHenry County verj earlj — in the '"thirties" anil the work in the section now known as Alden belonged wiili a very extensive circuit ami so con- tinued until about 1856, when it was detached from the old field ami since that date the pastors who have served are as follows: Five or sis whose names do qoI appear of record, bul after that they appear in the pastor's record to l" 1 : Revs. -I. .\l. Clendenning, Robert Beatty, Wil- liam Adron, J. C. Bigelow, 1883-85; B. 0. Burch, 1887; T. R. Satter- l, 1887-8-90; C. II. Hoffman. 1890-93; J. 1'. Davies, 1893-95; X. M. Stokes, 1895-98; John Adams, 1898-02; E. II. Beal, 1892; Geo. K. Geof fivy. 1904; John E. Robison, 1908 10; Floyd L. Blewfield, 1910; W. M. Eauffman, 1911 ; G -ge Wilson, 1913-14; S. R. Smith. 1914, who served until the station was placed in with that at Bebron (see Bebron church for other history . This society 1ms now a membership of aboul fifty, and a Sunday school enrollment of aliout eighty. 'I'm: Bebron Church was organized not far from 1857, when Rev, Calvin Brookins became pastor in charge. There is no record of this church for many years. It now has a membership of about 170, with a Sunday school enrollment of about ninety; the superintendent is .Miss Anna Douglas. <>n this same circuil is Alden village, above mentioned. The church at Bebron is a small frame Structure erected in 1861 and dedicated in September, 1862, by Elder Jewett. On October 29, 1896, was dedicated the present comfortable parsonage which had been SO generously donated by Benry W. Mead. Until 1891) Bebron was with Richmond on one circuit, when Rev. William B. Tuttle was appointed to the Richmond-Hebron charge and the following have served as pastors at this point: Revs. W. II. Tuttle. four years; J. B. Robinson, who came in 1900 and remained till 1901: William Ashlield. 1901; G. T. Nesmith, 19i>'2-06; C. S. Clay. 1906-08; A. T. Stevenson. 1908-10; X. 1'. Tedrick, 1910-14; Bnos Holt. 1911 17: W. II. Locke, who came in 1917, and W. E. Royston. Tin: BABVABD CHURCH. During the winter id' 1857-58, the Methodist Episcopal Church at Harvard was organized with five charter members. In I860 they erected their first church, the first church edifice to be erected at Harvard. The hoard of stewards were: William II. Culler. E. J. Sanford, L. B. Wyant, and I.. M. Stephenson. Among the pastors 124 BISTORT OF Mi IIKXKY COUNTY who have served here are the following: Revs. \V. II. Reynolds, I860; J. II. M v. s. K. Detaining, 1863; C. R. Ford, 1865-67; G. L. Wiley, L. Anderson, 1868-70; I.. Bawkins, L870-71; Samnel Coats, R. II. Wil- kinson, Win. ('lark. John Bichock, Moses G. Sheldon, L875; C. R. Cry- der, J. W. Scott, 1878-81; Samuel Swartz, John II. Reeves, A s. Max ham, Grover C. Clark, W. C. Boward, X. A. Sunderlin, E. I). Hull. T. R. Strowbridge, E. K. D. Bester, -I. A. Matlack, E. I Lumsden, C. S. M ''', James Potter, and C. II. Xcwham. The church has a membership of aboul 425, with a Sunday school enrollment of about 225. The presenl brick church edifice nn> con- structed ii"i manj years ago at an expense of $30,000. Tim Free Methodist Church was established in 1860 at North Crystal Lake and istheoldesl in t In unty. The early records are nol in existence. The congregation buill a frame church at old Crystal Lake. also a parsonage. In 1898 the church was removed u> North Crystal Lake ami remodeled. A new frame parsonage was erected at a cost of $2,000. This branch, like others in the county, has virtually failed to maintain itself. Its present membership in regular standing is only five, of the pastors who have served this church these are recalled: Revs. ('. B. Bbey, F. 1>. Brooke, -I. D. Kelsey, C. S. Spaulding, I'. W. Newcomer, John Harvey. .1. F. Bill. II. Lenz, W. ('. .MeXeil, .1. G. Rock- enbach, -I. II. Polly, .1. W. Hill, A. L. Wright, W. (i. Bamner, .1. (i. Rockenbach, W. M. Kelsey. II. W. Hills ami .1. E. Parry. Tin: Crystal Lake Churcb was organized as early as 1861. pos- sibly earlier, the records are not clear as to the very early events of this society. It is shown, however, that S. II. Hamilton, E. Owen and W. A. Smith are named as among the officers. The minister in charge was Rev. ('. Lazenby, with Presiding Elder -I. W. Agard. The presenl membership is 200. The presenl value of the church with lot is $18,000, recent improvements having been made in it. The parsonage is valued at $8,000. The list of pastors who have served at Crystal Lake are: Revs. c. Lazenbey, C. Hamilton, A. . E. Lurch. .1. II. Bacon, -I. T. Huhert. .1. M. Conlee, < >. II. Cessna, G. II. Wells, W. II. Pierce, J. R. Hamilton. M. II. Plumb, A. H. Kistler. W. II. Locke, W. 11. Smith. W. B. Doble, II. -I. Cockerill, R. II. Late. T. A Brewster, W. E. Cras,-. H. P. Larnes. and Manley J. Mumford, the presenl pastor. BISTORT OF .\1. IIKXWY COUNTY 125 Tin Kki i Methodist Chi rch al Algonquin was organized as a local branch of the "Free Methodisi Church of North America," bj Rev. I>. P. Baker in 1 N 7I Among the Brsl members here were: R. B, McKee, Em- meline McKee, William Head, Mr. Dunn, olive Dunn, William William--. Ann Williams. Henry Chandler, Mrs. Chandler, and Sarah Hubbard. The church a1 one time flourished in ihis community, bu1 of late aol so much ami there are now bul two members lefl of ihis organization. A frame church was erected in l s 77 costing $1,400, ami a parsonage was built in 1884 costing about $1,500. Pastors who faithfully served this church were: Revs. D. I'. Baker, .M. !>. Vorheis, C. 1'. Miller, W. W. Kelley, ('. W. Prink, !•". A. .Miller, I' A. Haley. ('. II. Rawson, W. 1'. Ferris, David Seymour, 1*. W. New- comer, Daniel Sinclair, Julius Buss, William Wilson, II. W. Pish, 1'. C. Burhars, John Spencer, s. c. Spaulding, R. I-'. Brouthers, J. -I. Hales. p. Al. Pish, -1. II. Wortendyke, Peter Zeller, E. G. Cryer, 0. V. Ketels, P. .M. ('ami. hell, I). M. Smashey, !>. W. Pinch, -I. W. Hill, 1'. W. New eomer, »'. W. Scalf, John Klein. T. B. Webb, P. II. Stiefkin, II. W. Hills ami John E. Parry. Tut: Cart. Station Pbee Methodist Church was organized at the same time as the one al Crystal Hake in 1874, by Rev. I). 1*. Baker, with charter members as follows: M. S. W. West and wife. D. D. and Mariah Harback, Abraham n Iwin, Margarel Goodwin, A. L. Weaver ami Edwin Crabtree This church membership has been decreased by death and removals until today only live members are reported. A church was erected in 1877 costing $1,200. At present there is a Sunday school which has an enrollment of about thirty-one pupils. As a general rule the same pastor who has had charge at Algonquin has alSO attended to the affairs of the Cary elmreh, henee it is needless to give the names of pasi,,rs in this connection. Tut: c.\kv Church was organized about I^ns. with charter members as follows: .Mrs. George Siebert, .Mr. and .Mrs. Wallace Burton, .Miss Edith Crabtree, and a few others whose names are not now recalled by church officers. It is not a strong church, for today it only numbers sev enteen souls. The church edifice was erected in 1875 for school purposes but since 1889 has been used for religious worship. The church proper including the comfortable parsonage is valued at $5,750. The pastors who have served here include the following: Ixevs. I. \. Goodell, L. A. Johnson. William Nickle, Charles Went worth, P. J. Milnes, 126 BISTORT OF M< BENRY COUNTY I P. Greaser, i: S. Holm. Greaser, G. II. Tyler, W. A. Cross, I . I '. Bang, C. B. Spaulding, J. G. \ ance, E. E. Veri R, li. Pemell, L. <;. Daws II P. Barnes, and Dean Swift, the presenl pastor. PRESBYTERIAN The Bebron Church was formed September 14. 1M4 in a school- house near the home of David Prime, and Rei I.. Ball was ehi moderator. Tl riginal members were as follows: John A. Ehle and wife and three daughters, Ann Van Alstine, Alfred II. Earling, John and Lydia Adams, John Sawyer and wife, Daniel, .Maria, Jane and Elisha Cornue, William F. and olive Peake, Charolette Streator, Catherine Weaver, .lane Meyers, David Prime and wife, David Shaw, and Adam Phillips. A substantial church was erected in 1868, in the village nf Bebron, and in 1882 the parsonage was built. This was replaced in 1909 by the presenl edifice, valued at $1,500. The presenl membership is 110. The presenl pastor is Rev. F. B. McDowell. Woodstcx k Church was organized in 1846 by Rev. J. B. Plumstead, with the following members : M. B. Given, Elizabeth Given, Allen Dufield, Jesse Sloan, Anna Slavin, Margarel J. S'avin, Naomi C. Slavin, Charles Dufield, Andrew Scott, .lames Sn.it, Sarah Scott, Caleb Williams, Cor delia Williams, John Givins, J. S. Glvenk, Thomas Lindsay, Marj A Lindsay, William Gilbert, Catherine Gilbert, William D. Given, and Rachel Given. This church was the outgrowth of the church at Ridgefield, then called the Virginia Settlement. Rev. ii. K. Todd commenced to preach at Woodstock for the new church in 1847, continuing until 1865. Be was followed by Rev. Blood as above noted. The following pastors have served this church: Revs. R. K. Todd. Blood, John Thomas, Kirkwood, E. J. Fisher. John I>. McCain, S. C. Bay, who came as pastor in 1883. Revs. Beck, Peck, McDermott and R. B. Guthrie. At first services were hold in tl Id court-house for a year previous to building which was ace plished in l s !>. This was a small fn structure capable of seating two hundred. .Most of the material was donated. The present church building was erected in l sx _ at an ex- pense of $4,500. It is situated on the corner of Calhoun and Tryon streets. This is a frame building accommodating about 350 poison-. A manse was built the same year as the church. The church property HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY L27 including the pipe organ and manse, is valued at $15,000. Rev. K. 15. Guthrie ol' Arkansas, a former supply, is the present pastor. Tin Marengo Church was formed in 1850 by Rev. George K. Good- ' i iii*'. The societj is in a flourishing c lition, has a good church edifice ami parsonag The Greenwood Chubcb was formed in 1850, with I A. Hal] as tiist pastor. The Harvard Churcb was organized in 1868, with .Messrs. II. C. Blackman, Lewis Beaner, and C. Brown as trustees. Rev. Thomas C. Easton being first pastor. Soon the Presbyterians united with the Con gregationalists, the two societies using the hitter's building. In 1880, the two denominations separated. During the winter of 18U8-9, the Pres- byterians erected a building of their own a1 a cosl of $3,000. This was replaced in 1912 with the present church which is valued at $20,000. The present mbership is '■'<:','■', souls, and the pastor in charge is Rev. Owen W. Pratt. The Germ \.\ Presbyter] \.\ < 'in bch. There is uo such denomination in Germany, but in some of the localities in this country where Germans settled whose belief was nearer the religious faith of the Presbyterians than any other denomination, hence they organized what was termed the "German Presbyterian Church." One such society was organized firs! in Greenwood Town-hip, on Queen Ann Prairie, .May 1, 1853, by Rev. Weitzel. The society has long since been abandoned and many of its members took their letter- and united with the Presbyterian church of Woodstock. As the charter members will bring up by association many old time names among the devoul German families, the list of the firs! members of this church will be given. With the exception of two or three Swiss families, including the Renics', these members were all Germans: Peter Weidrich, George Herdklotz, Peter Sonnedruecker, .Michael Herdklotz, Henry Ilarinann. Henry Sonnedruecker, Jacob Senger, Peter Frey, Sr., Henry Sonnedueeker, ()eorge s ledrueeker, Peter Prey, Jr., Peter Herdklotz, Henry Dietrich, christian Mueller, Henry Sdmider, Henry Schmidt. Jr., George Weidrich. Michael Schmidt, Henry Herdklotz, Mike Frey, Peter Senger, Henry Harmann, Jr., Fred Bertchey, Jacob Werner, Fred St off ell. Louisa Mueller. Margaretta Weidrich. Saloma Herdklotz, Eva Harmann, Catherine Herdklota, L28 BISTORT OF McHENRY COUNTY Magdelena Schmidt, Barbara Prey, Margaretta Senger, Charlotta Sonde drueeker, Eve Eekerd, Barbara Berdklotz, Magdelana Schaaf, Mar- garetta Barmann, Benrietta Bugler, Louisa Mueller, M. Dietrich, Bar- bara Weidrich, Magdelena Bertchey, Barbar Dcllenbach and Eve Knhn. In 1856 these people secured a church in which to worship and it served the congregation many yens, h was purchased by the American P byterians in Woodstock, taken aparl and hauled to Queen Ann Prairie, ami there buill into a church edifice. In 1878 the Dame of the church was changed to Queen Ann Church of Woodstock. Services were held there until 1881, when they buill a bouse of worship on Chemung street, Woodstock. This was a frame structure and seated 250 pers It stood "ii the presenl site of i trace Evangelical church, near the < Oliver Typewriter shops. This congregation bung together as a church 1 >« >« 1 \ as long as possible, Init times changed and finalh the property was sold and the members went elsewhere. Among the long to be remembered pastors were Rev. Weitzel, Selmell. Phillip Host-i- and .laeoh Kalb. As late as 1885 the church was in a prosperous condition and bad sixty-six members. UNIVERSALIST In earlier times the CJniversalisI society had numerous organizations in McHenry County, lml none are active today. Harvard. Marengo, W Istoek and other places were the homes of Universalis! societies which no longer are in existence. A society was formed al Marengo in 1864, with forty members, but before l ss i> the\ had dwindled down to not over a half dozen. At one time they supported regular pastors, bul only for a few years. A church of this faith was established at Woodstock in 1855 by Rev. Livermore, who for many years edited the Nt w Cow nant in < Ihicago. At the time of organization there was a membership of twenty-seven. In lss."> they estimated their property to he worth $L\ .">()(). For many years this chureh has not existed. .Many of the NVu Englanders who came in and settled in this eonnty were of this religious faith. A CJniversalisI society was formed at McHenry, in January. 1853, with Rev. .lames R. .Mack as the first pastor. A building was erected in 1854. The tirst members included these: R Bishop and wife, l>. Brown and wife, Francis Harrison and wife, C. B. Curtis and wife, Christopher Seeber and wife, George Gage and A. II. Nanly. CHAPTER IX COURTS, BENCH AND BAR l'.\ Judge Charles P. Barnes , He i rr COURT- FIRST GRAND JURY — CIRCUIT JUDGES COUNTS COMMIS- SIONERS COl NTY JUDGES — BARI/X ATTORNEYS — STATE'S ATTORNEYS — PRESEN1 ATTORNEYS MCHENRY COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION — IN MEMO- EtlAM. CIRC1 IT COURT Under date of .May 10, 1838, pleas were heard before Judge Pear- son, judge of the Seventh Judicial District, in and for the County of Mc 'Henry, presiding ai a courl held at McHenry, in McHenry County, those present being Judge John Pearson, Alonzo Euntington, state's attorney, and Henry B. Steele, sheriff of McHenry County. The men composing the first grand jury of the circuil courl Eor this county were as follows: Andrew S. Wells. .lames II. Lloyd, Charles II. Bartlett, Jeremiah Porter, Willard Jones, Thomas McClure, Daniel Winters. Richard Steele, Samuel L. Wood. Alden Harvey. Christy G. Wheeler, Luke Hale. Amos Desmond. Moody B. Bailey, Aaron Randall. Christopher Walkup, William E. Keyes, John McCollom, and from their number Charles II. Bartletl was chosen foreman. Of the nineteen eases brought before this court the firsl day. three were for trespass, and one for slander. On the second day the grand jury returned three indict ments for Larceny and one for assaulting an officer in the discharge of his duty. CIRCUIT .l!T>UES The following is a list of the circuit judges who have served Mc- I [enry County since its organization : John Pearson, 1837-41 ; Theopilus W. Smith. 1841 13; Richard M. Foung, 1843-47; Jesse B. Thomas. 1847 1-: Eugh Benderson, 1848-51; [ssac G. Williams. 1851-61; Allen C. 129 130 HISTORY OF .M« HENRY COUNTY Puller, 1861-62; T. D. Murphy, 1862-78; Clark W. Upton, 1878-82; Charles Kellum, 1882; C. E. Puller, 1897; Charles II. Donnelly, 1897; A. II. Frosl (deceased . 1903; Roberi W. Wright, 1903; Charles Whit- ney, 1911; Claire C. Edwards (to fill vacancj ; Robert K. Welch; E D. Shurtleff, 1920. JURISDICTION OK COl Justices of the peace have jurisdiction in all civil cases where the damages soughl do no1 ex id $300. They also have jurisdiction in all cases Eor violation of the ordinances of cities, towns and \ ill;i_r'~-. County courts have jurisdiction in all matters of probate, settlement of estates of deceased persons; also in proceedings of executors, ad- ministrators, guardians Eor the Bale of real estate. In law cases they have concurrenl jurisdiction with circuil mints and in all criminal offenses where the punishment is not imprisonment in the penitentiary or death, but oo appeal is allowed from justices of the peace to county court COUNT! COMMISSIONERS From 1 s.!7 until Isl'.i. when township organization was adopted ami put into force in McHenry County, when supervisors assumed their office the county's affairs were conducted by what was termed the County Commissioners Court to which three commissioners were elected. These commissioners were as follows: 1837 — Charles II. Bart- lett (resigned September term, 1837), .Matthias Mason, Solomon Norton; Samuel Sherman. December. 1n">7; l.^!> -Solomon Norton. Ransom Steele. William Jackson; 1839— B. B. Brown, Gideon Colby, Eloberl G. White; 1840— B. P.. Brown. R. C. White-. Daniel W. P. Tower; 1-H — R. )s The same as in l>47. COUNTY JUDGES Amory Thomas, elected in 1839; Andrew J. Barnum, 1840; Joel II. Johnson, 1841-42; E. .1. Smith, 1843-48; L. Joslyn. ^48-49; Joseph BISTORT OP M< HKNUY COUNTY 131 Golden, 1849-54; J. M. Strode, 1854-57; T. I). Murphy, L858-61; Wil- liam Kerr, L866-67; I.. S. Church, 1867-69; B. X. Smith, 1870-82; 0. II. Qilmore, 1882-90; C. II. Donnelly, 1890-97; 0. II. Qilmore, 1897 L906; D. T. Smiley, 1906-1918; Charles P. Barnes. KAUI.Y ATTORNEYS li is generally admitted thai the first attorney to practice law in Mil I in i \ County was Amory E. Thomas, who came here in 1839, and continued his practice until 1844. The same year saw the advenl here of Calvin Searl, who located at Crystal Lake and remained there until L845 Ilosea <;. Wilson located at McHenry in 1842, and died in that village about 18 17. Charles .MeClure was admitted to the bar of McHenry county in 1840, bul lefl ii soon thereafter. Be returned to the county in IS.")] and located permanently at Woodstock. Solomon IJaird was another pioneer lawyer who spent two years in active practice at .Mc- Henry, which lie left in 184"). The following lawyers were ene.av.ed in practice in the county be tween its tirst settlement and 1S44, and some of these continued in practice for many years succeeding the latter date: .Milton Xixon. D. C. Bush, William Bloom, Col. Laurence S. Church, Amos B. Coon, Henry W. McLean, Anson Sperry, Phineas W. Piatt, Col. Alonzo Piatt, Amos Cogswell, Col. danics M. Strode, lion. Theodore I). .Murphy. Charles M. Willard, Preman Van Wickle, Hon. M. 1.. Joslyn, Hon. William Ken-. II. s. Banchett, 1'. B. Enos, S. R. Paynter, George A. Parrish, William Jackson, Bon. Ira Rozel Curtis, lion. B. X. Smith, M. L. Ellsworth, .lames II. Slavin, Hon. O. II. Gilmore, dames M. Southworth, Hon. Richard Bishop, C. II. Donnelly. A. B. Coon, Jr., Albert E. Boone. C. 1'. Barnes, and .1. I''. Casey. It doubtless will he of interest to many to learn some special facts concerning the lawyers who have practiced in tl urts of McHenry County in the days that are past. A former historical work of the county, as well as other books treating of the Bench and its members in Northern Illinois, have 1 n largely drawn upon for the facts given below : Hon. Richard Bisbop, a native of New York state, was born in 1824 His father was killed by the falling of a tree when he was but seven years old. He soon became his mother's sole support, and worked for ten cents a day, at threshing grain with a Hail, and he also cut cord L32 BISTORT OF M< HENRY COUNTY wood, when a little older and rtronger, for which latter work he ceived from twenty to twenty-five cents per -d. When he reached the age of twelve years, he was bound oul to a physician who owned ;i large "sugar bush," for whirl, the boy was obliged to provide all the accessary wood, gather the sap from sixty five trees and carry the sugar home by means of a yoke suspended from his Bhoulders. He subsequently learned the blacksmithing trade, receiving $105 for three years' work while mastering Ins trade, tn the spring of 1844, having completed his apprenticeship, he bade farewell to his mother, and set oul to seek his fortune in the much-heard-of west. After many ex- periences and some privations, he landed on fool al McHenry village, having waded through swamps for miles on Ins journey. The date of his arrival was 1844, and he found plenty of employment, working until the subsequenl spring, first al harvesting during the season, and then during the remainder of the time cutting cord wood at fifty cents per cord. In the spring of 1845 he began working at his trade of black- smithing, and during the first year earned enough money to buy of the government, eighty acres of land, for w hich he paid the entry fee of $1 25 per acre. He kept on adding to his holdings until at one time he owned 1,000 acres of McHenry County land, and he was also the owner of a large wagon factory and grist-mill. Tn 1874 he embarked in the bank- ing business in Woodstock, and followed it for two years, when he bought a $1,000 law library, began studying law, and was later admitted to the bar. In 1874 he was elected to the State Assembly of Illinois. and he also served as county supervisor for fifteen or more years. Albert E. Bourne, horn at Kenosha, Wis., in 1849, was educated in the Wisconsin State University at .Madison. Wis., from which he was graduated* in 1872. He was then engaged in teaching school for several terms, when he became a law student, and in L880 was admitted to the bar. At one time he served as captain in the Illinois National Guard. He was a well-known Mason, and in polities was a radical Republican. I). ('. Bush was the first lawyer to locate at Woodstock. He came here in the autumn of 1844, and remained until in December, 1852, when he removed to .Madison. Wis. Possessing average legal ability, id a fair practice for his day and generation. Solomon Baird ca from Kentucky to tin' village of McHenry in 1843, hut after two years of practice, returned to Kentucky. Col. Lawrence S. Church, who died many years ago, was among the strong and capable lawyers and Statesmen of this county. He was BISTORT OP McHENRY COUNTY 133 bora ;ii Nunda, N. Y., in 1820, and passed bis early years on a farm. Poss ssing strong ambitions, he studied until be fitted himself to be a teacher, and daring the winter months taughl school, and with the money thus earned was able to attend institutions of higher Learning during the other months of the year. Deciding upon the profession of law, he studied to thai end, was admitted to the bar, and in 1843 came Wist, iii Mi Henrj County, Locating in the village of McHeury. Colonel Church made the long trip in a leisurely manner, riding by stage coach a pari of the way and walking the remainder. To defray the expenses of his differenl rides, he frequently stopped long enough in the various communities through which he passed, to lecture on the Constitution of the United stairs. Soon after his arrival at McHenry, .lit to Springfield, Ills., was there admitted to the bar of tins state and at once began to practice law at McHenry. When the seal of justice was moved to Woodstock, he went with it, and continued in active practice during the remainder of his life. During his earlier years lie was ;i radical Whig, and so had no chance in this county for political preferment until 1856, when he, with so many of the former Whigs, gave his supporl to John C. Fremont, the firsl man to he can- didate t'<>r the presidency, of the Republican party. McHenry County went strongly Republican, and Colonel Church was sent as a candidate of his party to tin- State Assembly. He at once became a noted repre- sentative of the people, was reelected, and was made a leader in tin' stormy -es^ion which followed. Later he was a candidate for Congress, but was defeated at the polls by lion. E. 1!. Washburn. Once more he was returned to the Legislature, and was made chairman of the Judiciary Committee. With the outbreak of the Civil War, he dis- played "Teat zeal in support of the Union, and aided in organizing the Ninety-fifth Illinois Volunteer Infantry of which he was made colonel, but his health failed, and he resigned. The strenuous exertions he had made in behalf of the cause had so undermined his health that he never recovered, and died in isiiii. He was a man of sterling integrity and possessed of a clear, brilliant intellect. A. B. Coon of Marengo, who in 1883, was accounted tin' oldest attorney then engaged in active practice in the county, was horn in Pennsylvania, in 1815, the youngesl of twenty-one children horn to his parents. In Is:;.") he came t,, .M, •Henry County, opening his law office at the village of Marengo. For a number of years he was a surveyor, as well as lawyer, and from IS HI to 1862, was inaster-in-rhancery in this county. During 185] 52 and 1860-64, he was state's attorney for L34 HISTORY ()F McIIENBY COUNTY the circuit is which this county was then included. During 1863-65 he served as provost marshal for his congressional district, and at ;i later date was registrar-in-banknrptcy. .1. I'. Cheever practised law at Harvard, this county, I'm- a period of twelve years, but in 1883 left this neighborhood for Dakota. Ira Rozel Curtiss was born in New York state in 1836, of New Eng- land stork. His father died when he was the bench, and served as a judg ■ for twenty years. For Eour year- he »;h county judge, and then Erom 1862 until W'.i he was circuil judge. During the lasl three years he was chief justice of the appellate courl of Cook County, District No. 1. It was be who formed the appellate court of thai dis- trict, designed the seal, procured the books and completed all the ar- range nts for opening it. In each and everj position to which he was called. Judge Murphy bore himself with dignified capability, and will Ion- lie remembered as one of the naosl distinguished men of this part of the commonwealth of Illinois. Henry McLean, lawyer and politician and earlj settler of HcHenry County, was horn in Columbia County, X. V.. in 1M>*. a sou of a hnian who came to America when a young man. and became a soldier of the American Revolution. Henry \V. .McLean was reared on a farm. Init when he was twenty-two years old he began the study of law. and was admitted to the bar of bis native state, in 1834, and lie was there engaged in an active practice for two year-. He then hit Xew York fur Illinois, and settled at McHenry. In 1842 he was admitted to the bar of Illinois. With the formation of the Republican party, he became one Of its zealous supporters, and attained distinc- tion as a campaign worker. Mr. McLean stood high among his fellow citizens and was recognized as an excellent ami well-balanced lawyer. Charles McClure was admitted to the McHenry County bar in 1S40. and for a few i i1 lis thereafter was engaged in practice at Mc- Henry. hut left that village for La Porte, End. still later la' became a minister of the Methodist Episcopal faith, hut returned to the law. and coming hack to McHenry County, for about seven years was en- gaged in practice at W Istock in partnership with Amos Co-swell. He then moved to Minnesota. An earnest, purposeful man. he attained to success ill the law. Calvin Searl, who was the fourth attorney to engage iii practice iii McHenry County, settled at Crystal Lake in 1839, remained there until 1845, ami then moved io Wisconsin. Hamilton Nixon, a native of Vermont, was among the firsl of the attorneys of McHenry County. He was possessed of brilliant intellect, but died when but a little over thirty years of age. Phineas W. Piatt came to Woodstock in .March. 1845. He was a native of Pennsylvania, who studied law in Indiana, and commenced HISToKY OF M( HENRY COUNT'S 137 his practice al Woodstock. It is said thai he was one of the best lawyers who ever tried a case in McHenry County. His strength lay in his logical mind and forceful mi er, rather than in his eloquence, and his evidenl sincerity was very convincing to a jury. He formed a partnership with Aionzo Piatt and thej operated as Platl & 1'latt and did a large business. Although possessed of the same surname, there was no relationship between them. AJonzo Platl wenl to California during the period of the firs! gold excitement, bul Phineas W. I'lalt remained in Woodstock until 1851, when he went to Texas, and there died several j ears later. Col. Alonzo I'latt was engaged in the practice of law in McHenry County in partnership with Phineas W. Piatt, they having their offices in the historic "Ral Hole" Building on the Square. Going to Cali- fornia in 1850, he had many experiences, and died at Virginia city. New. in 1862. lie was an excellent lawyer, a strong Democrat, and tine campaigner. His birth took place at Danbury, Conn., in 1816, from whence he later went to Wisconsin, where he served in the State Assembly in 1844. Studying law. he was admitted to the liar, and began the practice of his profession at Woodstock. During the time he lived here he served as state's attorney, and was accounted an ex- cellent lawyer and able man. Ansun Sperry, who practiced law at Marengo, was born in Ver- mont in 1824. His father was an attorney, who, at an early daj ved to Plattsburg, X. Y. In 1841 Anson Sperry came to Illinois, and In' ■/an the study of law under Judge Skinner, and was admitted to the liar in 1 > 4 A . lie continued with Judge Skinner for two years, and then. May 7, 1S47, arrived at Marengo, being the second lawyer to locate there. In the autumn of 1848 lie was elected magistrate in a political contest between the northern and southern part of Marengo Township. About the same time he was appointed postmaster of Ma- rengo, and held that position until 1861. In 1853, in company with Cornelius Lansing, he opened a banking house at Marengo, and carried it on until 1863, when he was appointed paymaster in the Army of the Cumberland, during the Civil War. In lSii.'i he was transferred to Chk-ago, 111. He was still a resident of McHenry County late in the eigbl ies. Freeman Van Wickle came from New York to McHenry County about 1852, and for about nine years was one of the lawyers i f this i ■ei'_'hborh 1. Fur a time he was associated in a legal partnership 138 BISTORT? OF M< IIKXIIY COUNTY with m. I.. Joslyn. During the period of tin' Civil War he moved to Michigan. Merritl I.. Joslyii, Eor many years one "I' the Eoremosl lawyers of Northern [llinois, was lmrn in New Fork, Livingston County, in 1827, and resided in thai county until after 1839. II.' was a Democrat, ami an elector I'm- James Buchanan Eor tin' presidency. Later on lie united with the Republican Eorces, and became a i ognized leader among tlic stalwarts of this party. During the civil War be Berved as cap- tain of the Thirty-sixth Illinois Volunteer Infantry. During 1864-65 ho represented the districl of which McHenry County was a part, in the state Assembly, and in 1876 was elected to the State Senate by a majority of ..vcr 3.000. II.' was recognized as a man capable of hold- ing high ami important positions. In the eighties this appreciation took still more practical form in his appointment to the office of as- sistanl secretary of the interior department at Washington, by Presi- dent Arthur. July, 1882. William Kerr, now deceased, was horn in Delaware County, Ohio, in 1819. In 1839 he came to Illinois, and for a time resided in 1'. County. Always Erom his youth, he had evinced a Likhlg ami aptitude for legal matters, and while still in his teens helped t.. settle many a neighborhood dispute, without charge. In 1857 his friend, L. S. Church, induced him to come t0 Woodstock, and l.e.'oliie his partner in his law business. -Mr. Kerr made an excellent lawyer, and was serving his second term as county judge, when, duly 26, 1866, he died very sud- denly, his demise being a great shock to the community, for not only the members of the bar, hut the people at large, had great faith ami esteem in and for this truly excellent man. II. S. Ilanchett, a lawyer of fair ahility, came to Woodstock in 1857, and was a partner of M. 1.. Joslyn until 1862, when he went int.. the Union army, during the Civil War. ami being subsequently captured and confined at Andersonville, there met his death, it i^ claimed from starvation. Flavcl K. Granger, of McHenry, was another early attorney, although he was even better known as a husiness man. He was horn in Wayne County. X. V.. in 1832, and remained on a farm until he was fifteen years old. at which time he entered the Wesleyan Academy at Lima. X. Y. At the age of eighteen years he commenced teaching scl 1. and in the spring of 1S.">3. migrated westward, and immediately began the study of law after reaching Waukegan, Wis. In the fall of 1855 he was admitted to the har, hut ..win- to ill health did not at oiiee begin practic- BISTORT OF .M.IIKXKY COUNTY 139 Lng his profession, for some years thereafter being engaged in stockbuy- ing and farming in and aboul McBenry. As the years passed and he regained Ins health, he began to put to practical use the Legal knowledge he had gained, bu1 continued to look after his other interests as well. In 1870 he was elected county supervisor from Ids township, and was the firsl Republican to be circled from it. In 1S7'J lie was elected as a representative to the Illinois state Assembly, and was re elected for three terms without opposition. During the last two terms he was made speaker of the BoUSe, being the lil'st to preside in tile new state hOUSe. T. B. Wakeman located in what was then the Little hamlet of Alden. in 1839, and is the only member of his profession to make it his place of residence. In In>!I he moved to Harvard, and after a few years went to Chicago, where he died in 1882. In 1868 Mr. Wakeman 's son, Thaddeus Wakeman, a graduate of the University of Michigan, became associated with him in his law business. John A. Parrish, horn in New York in 1825, was a member of a well- educated and highly-Cultured family. He attended the New York Nor- mal School at Albany, X. Y., and then became a scl I teacher, following that calling until his health failed him, in 1859. He had conn' to Illi- nois and attained distinction in scholastic circles at Aurora and \Y I Stock, and at the same time had studied law. Soon thereafter he was admitted to the bar ami was engaged in a general Legal practice at Mc- Ilenry until his death in 1882. He was highly esteemed at the bar. but mi account of his weak lungs, was not a successful jury lawyer, but as an office attorney was excellent. Ml-. Parrish was also very successful as a pension agent and as an attorney in insurance cases. He amassed considerable property. William Jackson was born in Connecticut in 1S0S. He accompanied his family to Ashtabula, Ohio, in 1832. In L843 his father came to Melleuiy County, 111., where he lived until his death at the age of seventy-seven years. After obtaining an excellent education in the com- mon schools. William Jackson engaged in Lumbering, but in 1828 began reading law with .Indue Pisbie, but was not admitted to the bar until 1859. First locating at Algonquin, in 1838, he lived in that village until he moved to Xiinda, now Crystal hake, where he was engaged in a gen- eral practice, and for sixteen years served as a justice of the peace. Twice he was elected associate judge, and later was appointed judge vice .Indue Carr, deceased. Politically he was a Democrat, and for fifty years he was a consistent member of the Christian Church. Benjamin X. Smith, a native of McBenry County, was born in is:{s, 1 in BISTORT OF McHENRY COUNT? a son of Nathaniel Smith, one of the pioneers of the county. He received an academic education ;ii various educational Institutions of Illinois and Wisconsin. In 1864 he enlisted in Company E, Ninety-fifth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, during the Civil War, and continued to serve until the termination of the conflict. In April, 1866, he was graduated from the law departmenl of the University of Michigan, ;it Ann Arbor, .Mich., and immediately thereafter opened a law office al Woodstock, and was there engaged in practice for many years. In 1869 he was elected county judge, ami held that office for more than a dozen years, and for four years was a master-in-chancery. He was a zealous Mason, belonged tn the Methodisl Episcopal Church, the Grand Army of the Republic, and the Ancienl Order of United Workmen, and lived up to the ideals of all these organizations. John M. Southworth, another practicing attorney at Woodstock dur- ing its earlier period, was born in Vermont in 1M!!>. settled in McHenry County in 1858, and becan ne of its useful citizens. In April. 1861, five days after Port Sumter was fired upon by the Confederates, en listed in the Seventh Illinois Volunteer Infantry. Later he re-enlisted in another infantry regiment, serving for a period of over five years. and leaving the service with the rank of major. He was elected sheriff of McHenry County in ISOli, and clerk of the circuit court, in 1868. In 1873 lie began the practice of law at Woodstock, hut during the eighties was an attorney of Chicago. In August, )>-'■'<. he was appointed e dssioner of the Illinois penitentiary. ■ I.' s 11. Slavin ranked among the best lawyers of his day and generation. He was horn and reared in McHenry County, and after practicing here for fifteen years, on February (i, 1875, he passed away, aged thirty-eight years, lie was a self-made man. and rose to a high position among his fellow men. He had a Logical mind, a tine discrimi- nating power, ami a most excellent memory. Although interested in state and national affairs, he kept out of polities, and oftentimes refused nomination for office, preferring to devote all of his time and energy 1<< t he law. state's attorneys Alonzo Huntington, 1837-40; Edward G. Regan, L840 13; James Cur- tiss. 1843-44; William A. Boardman, 1845-49; Alonzo Piatt, 1850-51; Ami,, p.. Coon, 1852; .M. M. Boyce, 1853-57; Edward S. Joslyn, 1>-">7- 61; Amos B. Coon. 1861 63; M. M. Boyce, 1864-69; Charles Helium. BISTORY OF M. BENRY COUNT'S 1 II 1870-73; Joseph 1'. Cheever, 1873-76; Ira R. Curtiss, 1877-84; A. B. c ,. 1884 96; V. S. Lumley, 1896-1900; L. D. Lowell, 1900 1908; David I; Joslyn, 1908 L916; V. S. Lumley, 1916. PRESENT ITTORNETS The present members of the bar of McHenry County are as follows: Allen, C. T., Woodstock; Barnes, C. P. (county judge), W Istock; Barnes, C. Percy, W Istock; Bennett, P. B., Woodstock; Cairns, W. R., Woodstock; Carmark. M. A.. \V Istock; Carroll, William .M., Wood- stock; Donovan, Paul J., Barvard; Donovan, Ruperl 1)., Woodstock; Eckert, Ployd B., Woodstock; Field, George W., Woodstock; Francis, Charles II.. Woodstock; Boy, E. R., Woodstock; Joslyn, D. K.. W I stuck; Joslyn, I). R., Jr., Woodstock; Lumley. V. S. (stale's attorney), Woodstock; Lowell, L. D.. Crystal Lake; .Mauley. B. P., Harvard; .Mul- len. A. .1. (master-in-chancery), Woodstock; Marshall, R. P., Harvard; McCauley, James J., Woodstock; McConnell, W. S., Woodstock; North- rop, Charles S., Woodstock; Palmer, L. I'... Barvard; Pouse, Alfred H., West McHenry; Smiley. I). T.. Harvard; shurtletV. E. 1). (circuil judge), Marengo; Whittemore, C. B., Marengo; and Waite, E. II.. W Istock. MC HENRI COUNTY BAB ASSOCIATION The McHenry County Bar Association was organized February Li, 1915, and elected officers who are still Serving, as follows: President. Bon. Charles II. Donnelly; vice president, B. P. Manley; and Paul J. Donovan, secretary and treasurer. Nearly every member of the county bar belongs to this association. As it is still a somewhat new organiza- tion, there is hut little history connected with it. The judges and law- yers throughoul the entire portion of the state, acknowledge thai Mc- Benry County has an exceedingly strong bar and that no better trial lawyers ran be found in the entire state than some of the members of the small bar of McHenry County. They are often spoken of as "the figb.1 bag bar of McHenrj I !ounty." CIRCUIT COURT OFFICERS The officers of the McHenry County Circuit Court, which is a pari of the Seventeenth Judicial District, together with Boone, Lake and 1 pj HISTORY OF M, HENRY COUNTY Winnebago counties, are as follows: Edward 1>. Shurtleff, Claire C. Edwards and Robert K. Welch, judges; Arthur J. Mullen, master-in- chancery; V. S. Lumley, state's attorney; Charles P. Hayes, clerk; and Roy T. Stewart, sheriff. IN UEMORIAM The McHenry County Bar passed and caused to be spread upon the court records of this county the following resolutions on the death of Judge Frost, and a number of his fellow lawyers, the same being exe- cuted by attorney J. P. Casey, and the committee of which he was chairman : "He it resolved, By the members of the McHenry County Bar, and each of us, that with sail hearts, reverence and esteem, we assemble to- day, to pay a tribute, just and fitting to the memory of our departed professional brothers, citizens and beloved friends. Calvin J. Hendricks. John S. Dr. Klvin Briggs practiced medicine here from 1S40 to 1881. Dr. E. L. Sheldon ami Dr. Griffith were also among the pioneer doctors. CRYSTAL LAKE The first physician to practice at Crystal Lake was Dr. Erwin, who came in 1842 and remained until 18">7. The second doctor was a man named Smith; he died while engaged in practice at Crystal Lake. Drs. Beers, Ballou, Lowell, Graves, Hayes, Hall and Crandall were all among the physicians who practiced here prior to and just after 1884. GREENWOOD The first doctor to locate at the village of Greenwood was Doctor McCay, who was succeeded by Doctor White, who died while in practice. Doctor Ballinger was the third physician; he remained until about 1884 and was succeeded by Doctor Hart and the latter remained here for many years and was well and favorably known and recognized as an excellent doctor. HARMONY Harmony was never a village, simply a country cross-roads com- munity. Here several physicians have practiced, but usually were resi- dents of some near-by village. HARTLAND Doctor Bennett was the earliest doctor in this place, and as the years have come and gone, others have cared for the ill of the community usually from Woodstock or Harvard. lis BISTORT OF .M. IIKXUY COUNTT HARVARD Dr. II. W. Johnson was the first to practice medicine in Harvard. He arrived in 1856, and continued in active practice until his death, about twelve years later. The second physician there was Dr. H. W. Richard- son, hut after a very few years lie moved to Marengo, where he died. Dr. C. A. Bingham was third to enter tins field for the purpose of prac- ticing medicine. About the same time Dr. B. A. Wade, Dr. A. C. Bing- ham. II. T. Woodward, ('. .M. .Johnson and Charles Goddard arrived, and some of them remained for many years. HEBROX « Dr. Royal Sykes came from Vermont and located in Hebron in 1848. lie was successfully engaged in medical practice until 1876, when he moved to Chicago, Dr. J. H. Giddings came here in 1858, and practiced until the beginning of the Civil War, when he enlisted in the Union army. His health failed under exposure, and he returned to Hebron, but re- mained but a short time. In the autumn of 1865, Dr. E. 0. Gratton of New York, settled in Hebron, and here he was engaged in a successful practice for many years. Dr. J. M. Mansfield, Dr. H. R. Chesboro, Dr. Alfred Turner and Dr. Catherine Slater all practiced medicine in Hebron prior to, and some of them after, 1883. HUNTLEY The first physician to locate for the practice of his profession in Huntley, was Doctor Ainsworth who came in 1S5"_', but died a few years thereafter of cholera, contracted while attending upon a stranger who had just arrived in the village. His successor was Dr. John Garrison and his partner Doctor Trough, both of whom died soon after coming to the place. Drs. Cale, Perry, Rodman, R. Turner, A. Griffith, Charles E. Cook and a number of others all practiced medicine at Hebron. MC HENRY Being the first county seat and among the first settlements in this county, naturally a physician was found among the pioneer band at Mc- Henry. He was also the first to practice medicine in the county. We refer to Dr. Christy G. Wheeler, who soon left the practice of his pro- BISTORT OF Mi llKMJV COUNTY 1 19 fession ami embarked in mercantile business here. Dr. Luke Hale was his successor and he in turn was followed by Doetor Bosworth, who later developed into a merchant. It is said he was a highly educated man and an excellent physician, but for some reason preferred a business to ;i professional career. The fourth to practice medicine in McHenry was Doctor McAllister. He continued for four years, and then moved to Oshkosh, Wis. Doetor Coleman remained at McHenry four years, and was soon followed by Doetor Flavel, and Doetor Ballon, who were here for the same length of time. Doetor Mellendy practiced for ten years and went to California where he died. Drs. H. T. Brown, Polly, Cavens, Beers, Brown, Fegers, Howard and Childs were all well-known physi- cians at McHenry prior to the nineties, as well as Doctor Anderson now of Woodstock. .Many changes have been wrought out in McHenry, doctors have come and gone, leaving the present practice in the hands of Drs. A. I. Froehlieh, D. G. Wells, and X. .1. Nye. MARENGO Dr. T. W. Stull was the first medical practitioner of Marengo. Other early and later physicians there have been : Drs. J. W. Green, S. C. YVeinham, Edward L. Sheldon, Frederick L. Nutt, and C. C. Miller. RICHMOND The first physician to locate at Richmond was Dr. S. Fillmore Bennett who wrote the song "Sweet By and By." Physicians have practiced here whose names are now not readily recalled by the present generation However, it is known that Dr. Samuel R. Ward and Dr. Josiah Hyde were here many years, and both were excellent men and skilful physicians. WOODSTOCK Dr. Almon King, who settled at Woodstock soon after the founding of the village, was its first physician. Following him came Dr. Luke Coon, who arrived and entered the practice of medicine in 1849, and remained for two years. Dr. A. F. Hedger came to Woodstock from Algonquin about 1851, and in 1853 Dr. A. F. Merritt settled at the county seat. Drs. George E. Stone, D. C. Green, W. H. Buck, V. B. Anderson and William W. Cook were among the earlier physicians of Woodstock. 150 BISTORT OF .M« IlKNUY COUNTY COMMON DISORDERS OF KAHI.Y YEARS Fever and ague was the chief complaint in the homes of pioneers in McHenry, as in almost all the other western counties. Especially was this true along the valley of the Pox River. Aside from this disease, there was but little sickness. The early settlers were usually men and women of strong, robust bodies and had plenty of outdoor exercise and not much rich food, hence were seldom ill enough to call in a physician. When anyone was very ill they sometimes feared to trust the local doctor, who was usually not the best kind of a medical man to say the least, hence they would send into other counties to physicians on the east side of the Fox River. However, as soon as the county settled up and drains were excavated so that standing pools of filthy water could escape, the fever and ague was not seen to any great extent, but this condition lasted at least until 1S"«0, giving the real pioneer band plenty of genuine "shakes." The doctors who visited the homes of Mellenry County after the fifties were' of a superior type of physicians. They were schooled in reputable colleges of medicine and were competent to do both doctoring and also act as surgeons. SIDELIGHTS ON EARLY PHYSICIANS Dr. Christy 0. Wheeler, although not strictly speaking a physician. was the first who bore the title of "Dr." at the old county seat of Mc- Henry. He was born in Dunbarton, N. H., in 1811. His health was failing in his native state, so he decided to move with his family to the West, and did so in the fall of 1836, his family being the first white family to locate at McHenry. The following May, the decision was made fixing McHenry as the county seat. Mr. Wheeler paid $100 for survey- ing the town site. He purchased a small store and had general mer- chandise, and was also postmaster, keeping the fust post office in McHenry County. Subsequently, he was recorder of deeds, which office he held until the time of his death, March 28, 1842. Dr. V. B. Anderson was born in Girard, Penn., in 1847, and accom- panied his parents to Woodstock, 111., in 1854. lie attended the public schools, read medicine under Dr. J. Xortkrup, and then entered Rush Medical College, Chicago, from which institution he was graduated in 1871. For two years he was engaged in practice in Ford County, this state; three years more were spent in Buchanan County, Iowa, and he then located at the village of McHenry. this county and here remained pp* & fc* HISTORY OF MiHFXRY COUNTY 151 in practice till 1883, when he removed to Woodstock, where he is still practicing medicine. Dr. S. Fillmore Bennett, of Richmond, was bom in Erie County. X. Y., in 1836, and was brought to Illinois when two years of age, by his parents. At the age of eighteen years, he commenced teaching school at Wauconda, and in 1858, entered the University of Michigan, from whence he came to Richmond, this county, to accept a position as teacher in the Richmond public schools. He was connected with the newspaper business and served as a soldier in the Union army in the Civil War. Subsequently he was graduated at Rush .Medical College, Chicago, in 1 s? i, and at once commenced the practice of his profession at Richmond. Por years he was United States pension examiner and surgeon. At one time he was consul to Hamilton. Canada. It was at Elkhorn, Wis., that lie became associated with J. P. Webster, author of that famous song book "The Signet Ring." He was publisher of hundreds of excellent Bongs and hymns. Doctor Bennett composed "The Sweet Bye and Bye," and Mr. Webster set the words to music and since then it has been translated into many foreign languages. Doubtless Doctor Bennett will be remembered more as a musical composer than as a medical man, ex- cellent physician though he was. Dr. Horace W. Johnson, deceased, was the first physician at Harvard, and came to the county in 1856, when a cornfield marked the present site of Harvard and John Avers was the only man living in the vicinity. Dr. Johnson was born in Xew York City, December 16, 1810. He was grad- uated at Rutgers College, Xew Brunswick, X. J., and became an excellent physician, practicing first in the City of Xew York. In 1836 he came West, locating at Kenosha. Wis., and there he remained until he came to Harvard where he continued to practice medicine until his death, Feb- ruary 24, 1871. He was the leading physician in this county of his day. His son, Dr. C. M. Johnson, is a medical practitioner and conducts a hospital at Harvard. PHYSICIANS OF A LATER DATE Of the regular-school practitioners since 1884 may be mentioned : Dr. H. T. Woodruff, who practiced until his death, at Harvard ; Dr. A. C. Bingham, who also practiced at Harvard, and died there a few years ago; Dr. B. A. Wade, who practiced until his death, at Hot Springs, S. D. L52 HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY COTTAUK Hosl'ITAI. AT HARVARD Cottage Hospital, the firs! established in the county, was of humble Origin, and by many was not looked upon with favor, hut its founder, Dr. C. M. Johnson, one of the oldest and leading physicians of the city of Harvard, thought differently, and by his sagacity and skill he gained recognition for it. and now no one in, or outside of Harvard, has anything but words of praise for this local hospital. The present buildings are modern in all fittings, supplied with steam heat, electric lights, electric call hells, bed-side telephones, with well lighted, airy rooms and wards, beautiful private rooms and baths, suites with bath; and has an efficient corps of cheerful trained nurses, unsur- passed by those of any institution. Registered nurses are contantly in charge, A well-equipped operating room done in tile, glass and enamel, with wash and private rooms in connection, is equal to that of any large city hospital. The real homelike air and the genuine courtesy and con- sideration accorded near relatives of the sick, have added materially to the hosts of friends of this institution. The founder and present proprietor, Doctor Johnson, is a son of the first physician who practiced medicine in Harvard, and he himself has practiced here for more than forty years. In eases where the patients are too poor to pay for services, necessary aid is given them if they are certified to by proper people in their home towns. A nurses' "training school" is also connected with the hospital. Any reputable physician may bring his patients here for treatment or operation, and have complete charge of his own cases. The attending physicians are: N. M. Percy, M. D., Chicago; E. E. Irons, M. D., Chicago; W. II. .McDonald. M. D, Lake Geneva. Wis.; II. D. Hull. M. D. ; W. C. Richardson, M. D.; Charles C. Peek, M. D.; H. D. Eaton, M. D.; G. W. Curless, M. D. The attending physicians are: C. M. Johnson, M. I)., surgeon-in-chief j G. W. Foddard, M. D., surgeon C. & X. W. Railroad Company; X. L. Seelye. M. D., ear, eye, nose and throat. Helen E. Johnson, 1\. M., is superintendent, and Emma Fraase, R. X., is super- intendent of nurses. WOODSTOCK HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION In 1906 there was a private hospital established in the city of Wood- stock by Dr. J. E. Guy, and he continued to operate it until 1912, when it was taken over by Dr. Hyde West, who also conducted it as a private HISTORY OP McHENRY COUNTY 153 hospital until 1914, when the Woodstock Public Hospital Association was formed and incorporated. This association took over the manage- incut ami converted this private hospital into a public hospital. It was originally on Clay Street, but in 1915 was moved to West South Street, where the old homestead of the late Judge Murphy was purchased and remodeled for modern hospital work. This hospital accommodates fifteen patients and the present officers of the association arc: Kcv. Roger Kaufman, president; Dr. G. E. Wright, vice-president ; Dr. ('. F. Baccus, secretary; Dr. E. Windmueller, treasurer; and the board of directors is as follows: Floyd E. Eckerl (attorney). Dr. B. Windmueller, Dr. W. M. Freeman, Dr. C. F. Baccus, Dr. N. L. Seelye, Dr. II. M. Francis, L. T. Hoy, and Mayor S. E. Olm- stead. The superintendent is Miss Ethel Hunt, R. N. This hospital is a great accommodation for all surgical and medical cases in the vicinity of Woodstock. It is located in a beautiful, quiet and attractive part of the city, away from the noise and unpleasant sur- roundings found nearer the city's center. PRESENT PHYSICIANS The following is a list of the physicians practicing in McIIenry County : Algonquin — Martin II. Hubrig. Crystal Lake— Harry I). Hull, George H. Pflueger, William II. Rupert. Harvard — Charles W. (ioddard, Howard D. Eaton, J. W. Groesbeck, C. M. Johnson, Charles C. Peck, Henry J. Schmid, Norman L. Seelye, Jesse G. Maxon. Woodstock— C. F. Baccus, H. C. Than, William Hyde West, Glen Will Wright, Emil Windmueller, William M. Freeman, E. V. Anderson, A. F. King. Marengo — Rozel M. Curtis. Walter s. Eshbaugh, G. Watson Fowler. William V. Gooder, Spencer C. Wernham, W. J. C. Casely. Richmond— Walter E. Foster, Samuel R. Ward, C. W. Klontz. Heliron— Edward V. Brown, C. W. Bailey. Huntley— Oliver I. Statler. Arthur W. DeVry. .McIIenry — Charles H. Fegers, A. J. J. Froelich, N. J. Nye, David C. Wells. Ringwood — W. Hepburn. Spring Grove — John C. Furlong. i;,i BISTORT OF McHENRY COUNTY Can- Station— Frank John Theobald. Johnsburg — Arnold P. Mueller. Union — Phineas Renie. MEDICAL SOCIETY The McHenry County Medical Society was organized at Woodstock in 1910. Its first officers were: president, Dr. C. M. Johnson, Hanard; secretary and treasurer, Dr. John F. Guy, "Woodstock. The present officers are: president, Dr. E. Windmueller, Woodstock; secretary and treasurer, Dr. Howard D. Eaton, Han-ard. There are at present about forty-two physicians in the county, and of this number all but seven are members of this society. This society meets at various places within the county, each month, and at times has open meetings to which anyone is welcome. CHAPTER XI JOURNALISM By Charles F. Renich FIRST NEWSPAPER — ILLINOIS RE1MHLICAN — WOODSTOCK hi Mm I; \T — WOOD- STOCK SENTINEL Woodstock CITIZEN — ANTI-MONOPOLIST— NEW BRA — MC HENRY COUNTY DEMOCRAT — Woodstock AMERICAN — MC HENRY PLAINDEALER — MARENGO REPUBLICAN MEWS — CRYSTAL LAKE HERALD — HARVARD HERALD — HARVARD INDEPENDENT -HEBRON TRIBUNE — RICH MOXD GAZETTE. FIRST NEWSPAPER The 6rsl newspaper to be issued in this county was the Illinois Re publican, published al Woodstock, in 184G, by Josiah Dwight. This paper was continued under various aames and with several suspensions for ten years, Mr. Dwight continuing as its editor, but in 1856 the name was changed to the Woodstock Sentinel. Jn 1854 the paper was called t he Republican Free-Press. OTHER EARLY Woodstock PUBLICATIONS The Woodstock Democrat was the second paper started in the county. It was issued until 185(5, in the interests of the Democratic party, its editor being V. I). Austin, a vm-v able editorial writer. M. I., -loslyu and E. W. Smith founded the Woodstock Argus in the spring of 1856, and with its entrance into the field of journalism, the Democrat passed out of existence, the stock being bought op by the new firm. The Argus was later absorbed by the Free-Press, hut in turn it was ahsorhed hy the Woodstock Sentinel, in July, 1857, a .Mr. EdBOD then being its proprietor. Mi-. Austin, after the purchase of the Argus, revived the Woodstock Democrat, and published it from August, 1S5S, to July. 185!), when it again fell by the wayside, thus leaving McIIenry County with but one 155 156 HISTORY OF MoHENRY COUNTY newspaper. The Democrats, however, desiring an organ during the campaign of lMiO, revived the journal, and ii was continued until L862, James L. .Martin becoming its editor in October, 1860. With its passage from the history of journalism in McHenry County in 1862, its demise was final. WOODSTOCK si.vriM l. The firsl editors of the Sentinel were Q. L. Wehb, and T. K. Johnson, and the first issue bore the date of July 17, 1856. The owners were an association of Republicans who recognized the necessity of a Btrong organ of their party to educate the people in the principles of their plat- form. Mr. Webb sold his interest in the paper October 9, 1856, and Mr. Johnson was the sole proprietor. Be made Josiah Dwighl his editor, and the paper was intensely partisan. Iii April, 1857, J. W. Franks iV. Son became the proprietors hut .Mr. Dwighl continued as editor in charge. Another change was effected with the purchase of the paper in November, Ls.'iS, by Abraham K. and William E. Smith, who edited it as well. In lMiL'. the junior member of the firm went into the ranks of the Union Army, leaving Abraham E. Smith in sole charge. The Sentinel obtained possession on December 1, 1862, of the KfcBJenry County Union thai had been published for about a year, and was owned by J. II. Holder. Iii January, lMili, Mr. Smith sold to Frank M. Sapp and George B. Richardson, and in February of that year the size was changed from a seven-column folio to nine columns. Once more the paper changed hands, William E. Smith becoming its proprietor and editor. (!. S. Southworth bought the paper April 1st. 1*72, and enlarged it to a seven- column quarto, with "patent insides." In May. 1 .^7:{. the paper was changed to a six-column quarto, J. Van Slyke being then associate editor for five years. On June 5, 1879, B. T. Glennon purchased a half in- terest, and the firm became Southworth & Glennon. Prom that date on the various changes have been as follows: On January 1. 1891. a corporation was formed which purchased the paper. This corporation was called the Woodstock Sentinel Company; L. T. Hoy, president and manager ; Judge ('. II. Donnelly, vice-president; E. ('. Jewett, treasurer, and E. T. Glennon, since a prominent capitalist of Chicago. Charles A. Lemmers was local editor and foreman of the office. The active management of the plant continued under Mr. Hoy as manager and Mr. Lemmers as local editor for about twelve years until November. 1902. HISTORY OF McIIEXKY COUNTY 157 After .Mr. Lemmers lefl the Sentinel in 190'J, the paper had various editors daring the aea) few years, among the number being Walter T. Wl ler and I. C. Wells. In 1906 the Sentinel Company purchased the local German paper (>() subscribers. With the acquiring of the plant and business of Das Volkshlatt, Charles P. Renich, then postmaster at Woodstock, he- came editor and manager of botli the Sentinel and Volkshlatt, hut the latter publication was discontinued in August, 1916. With the purchase of the German paper by the Sentinel Company, the capital of the corporation was increased from $6,000 to $12,000. The stock was widely distributed by sale among the prominent men of the community, the records of the company showing the following names as stockholders, on January 1. 1906: L. T. Hoy, Judge C. II. Donnelly, E. C. Jewett, E. T. Glennon (Chicago), Charles F. Renich, G. E. Still. R. J. Beatty, E5. B. Losee, G. F. Rushton, Fred G. Schuett, A. K. Bunker, F. A. Walters, W. S. Thorne, A. S. Wright, E. J. Heimerdinger, J. M. Hoy, S. L. Hart, The... llamer, W. S. McConnell, G. W. Conn, Jr., I Mto E. Seiler, .lames p. ( 'asey, Judge D. T. Smiley, Emil Arnold, George L. Murphy, 1). P. Quinlan, A. J. Dietz, W. T. Wheeler. L. T. Hoy, was elected president, Judge Donnelly vice-president, Theo. EEamer, Secre tary, E. C. Jewett treasurer and Charles P. Renich, editor and manager. With the passing of years the above stockholders all sold their stock to Mr. Renich, the editor. In 1916 Editor Renich and others associated with him purchased tie' Woodstock Republican, ami in 1917 the subscription list and hiisiiicss of the Republican was merged with the Sentinel. Woodstock Daily Sentinel. McIIcnry County's first daily newspaper, was established by Charles P. Renich. as editor and publisher, August l':;, 1921. The Dailj Sentinel started as the little brother to Hi,' weekly Sentinel, which has been published continuously since 1S56. From the very beginning the daily received a hearty welcome by the people of Woodstock and vicinity, present indications are that the daily will soon _■ brother eventually outstripping-the weekly in size. 158 BISTORT OF M. BENRY COUNTY J. \V. Dyer, Formerly of Mount Carmel, Illinois, an experienced daily aewspaper man. is city editor and with the hearty co-operation of the publisher and the entire organization of the Sentinel plant, ia putting (nit a newspaper with which the people of Woodstock and McHenry County are well pleased. The Daily is receiving libera] support from the merchants, is filled cacti day with the day's news, and bids certain to l ii ii success. On April 1. 1919. the capital stock of the \V Istoek Sentinel Com pany was increased from +1 JJHIO to $l>.u()i>. The irross husiness trans- acted for 1920 was $34,000. The equipmenl of the plant consists of two linotypes. ids .") ami 8, two two-revolution presses, two jobbers, one equipped with .Miller automatic self -f Ii &a HISTORY OP McHENRY COUNTY 159 1878, .Mr. Ringland mqved the plant to Elgin, 111., and soon thereafter suspended publication. Again he resumed publication al W Istock, Inn in March, 1880, the planl was destroyed by fire. The subscription lisl was then sold to the Sentinel. \H in \i;\ COUNTS DEMOCR VI lii April, \>11. the McHenry County Democral came into existence, being established by A. K. Bradbury, and it passed into the hand's of John A. and M. C. Dufield, in October of thai year. On Augusl 12, 1882, .M. c. Dufield retired, Leaving -1(11111 A. Dufield as sole proprietor. Among ilir early employes of the Democrat under Mr. Dufield were M. P. Walsh, who in December, 1877, founded the Harvard Herald and whose career i> covered in another paragraph. Another employe was Charles A. Lemmers, who for many years afterwards, was destined to play an important pari in the newspaper activities of the community. Mr. Lemmers became local editor of the Democrat, which at thai time was an influential factor in the political affairs of its party in the northeastern counties of Illinois. On .January 1, 1891, Mr. Lemmers left the Demo- crat, taking up a similar position with the Sentinel, the opposing Republican newspaper. The Democrat continued under Mr. Dufield 's ownership, with several changes among its editors, until Mr. Dufield 's appointment as postmaster at Woodstock, under President Cleveland's second administration. At aboul that time John W. Metzger took charge of the paper and conducted it successfully until 1902. At the present time .Mr. Metzger is employed with the Sentinel. In November, 1902, Charles A. Lemmers left the Sentinel and asso- ciated himself with seven other men: C. P. Barnes, P. B. Bennett, P. R. Jackman, V. S. Lumley, -lames P. Casey, D. R. Joslyn and George L. .Murphy, in the purchase of the Democrat from John A. Dufield. They changed the name to the Woodstock Republican. With this change the Democratic party l">-t its only newspaper in this part of Illinois. .Mr. Lemmer's co-partners gradually sold out until the ownership of the paper was virtually in his hands. In 1913 Mr. Lemmers was compelled to relinquish the management mi account of ill health and removed to Colorado where he has since resided, and is now secretary to Governor Shoop. W. IP Simpson took charge of the Republican when .Mr. Lemmers left it. and a year later the paper was sold to George W. Conn, Jr., Mr. Simpson continuing as manager. In December, 1916, the property was purchased by Charles P. 160 HISTORY OF MoHENRY COUNTY Renicfa and Theo. Earner and April 1, 1 * * 1 T. the Sentinel and the Republican were combined under one management by the Sentinel Company, both papers being continued for a number of months until January 1, 1919, when the uame Republican was dropped. WiHiliSTuCK AMERICAS This is the latest newspaper publication in the county. It was established in 1918 by Al K. Bock, of Random Lake, Wis., and James E. Brown, of Sauk Center. .Minn., assisted by prominent Woodstock men. It is a well-printed, ably-edited weekly paper which seeks to gather and print all of the important news of the county. Its up-to-date office is opposite the City Building. Its first issue was run from the presses -May 31, 1918. In October of that year Mr. IJrown withdrew and is now publishing a weekly paper at Walker, Minn. The American's plant is equipped with excellent and thoroughly up-to-date machinery. The subscription rate is $2.00 per year iu advance. Al S. Hock is the present editor and manager. This newspaper is of the seven-column eight page quarto class. lie HENRY JOURNALISM The McHenry Plaindealer was established August 4. 1S7:>. by J. Van Slyke, an early-day newspaper man of this county. It was launched in the interest of the Republican party, and was later purchased and con- ducted by a company which had for its president the now retired banker. James B. Perry. This company sold the plant to the present owner, November 1, 1906, and since thai date the Plaindealer has been published and edited by F. (!. Schreiner. In size and form it is an eight-page paper and is half home and half "patent" print and is published in a leased building. Its circulation is largely in McHenry, Johnsburg, Ringwood, Volo, Spring Grove, Solon Mills and Terra Cotta. It has a subscription rate of +'_>.iiil per year in advance. Its publication day is Thursday. The equipment of the office, newspaper 1 and job department, is a lit by 15 Chandler & Price jobber ; a 24 inch paper cutter, hand stapler. Cranston cylinder press, a No. 1") Mergenthaler linotype and the whole is operated by electric motor. Let it be said of the Plaindealer that its name indicates its style. It is a clean local paper which strives m every possible way to build up the interest of the community in which it is published. HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 163 m w;i NGO i;i:itiii.!ca.\-m;\vs The only newspaper now published a1 the thriving city of Marengo is the Republican-News. This paper is a combination of the old Republican ami the News and has in brief the following history ■ In lsiiT the Repub- lican was established by J. B. Babcock, an able writer and publisher and a veteran of the Civil War. The same continued until 1!I0(J when both the News and the Republican were purchased by the Republican-News Company, with Charles Scofield as editor and principal owner. Charles Scofield purchased the News in 1896 from M. C. Dufield. In the summer of 1919 Mr. Scofield sold the paper to Albert I.. Johnson, who had previously been associated with the Sentinel at Wood- stock, as manager of the job printing department. -Mrs. Albert L. Johnson has personal charge of the editorial and news department, while .Mr. Johnson looks after the business ami mechanical department. Mrs. Johnson is a gifted writer, ami had seven years' experience in newspaper work as associate editor of the Sentinel. This is a Republican newspaper of the seven-column quarto style. It has six page home and two pages of "patent" print. Its circulation is largely in the southwestern part of the county. Its subscription rate is $2.00 per year; its publication day is Thursday: the power for running the machinery of the printery is electric. The equipment includes a Model 8 Linotype, Potter and Gordon presses, folder, etc. The Repub- lican-News is a bright, snappy and clean home paper, giving all the news id' the community in which it is published, that is suitable for insertion in a high class local newspaper. Marengo had a newspaper as carls- as ISo'J, in which year the Marengo Journal was established. It was continued for five years by Edward Burnside, and suspended in 1857. It was succeeded by the Marengo Weekly Press, but it too. passed out of existence in a few years. In 1S67 (one account states) the Marengo Republican was first published, although the plant was located at Iielvidere. being moved to Marengo in May. lSfiS, when 1). ('. Potter was its editor. In the same year J. B. Babcock became its editor, and continued to hold that position for many years. A large job office was opened when the paper was moved to Marengo. The subsequent history id' this paper has already been shown above. NUNDA NEW8PAPJ Bfi Before Crystal Lake had taken the field of journalism in the south- eastern part of McIIenry County, the town was styled Xunda and had 162 HISTORY OF McIIKNRY COUNTY Beveral experiences with newspapers and among these early journals are: the Nunda Berald, established in July, 1880, by I. M. Mallqry; the Weekly Advocate, established in November, 1883, by .M. C. Dufield, as a neutral organ, bul in 1884 il became the advocate o£ the principles of the Prohibition party, ami Rev. ('eorge K. Hoover of W'ooilstock assumed the editorial duties. It was not many years before these newspapers ceased to exist, doubtless having partly tilled the high mission for which they wen- established. NEWSPAPER OP HARVARD The city of Harvard, has been the home of excellent local aewspapers from its earliest days. The Harvard Herald was founded December 23, 1 s.sT, !>y M. K. Walsh. It has been owned and published continuously by -Mr. Walsh and P. E. Whittleton ever since it was established about a third of a eentury ago! At present its form and size is that of an eighl and ten page, seven column paper. It is handsomely printed on electric motor power propelled presses and is issued each Thursday at a sub- scription rate of $2.00 a year, strictly in advance. It has a g I circula- tion iii Harvard and surrounding territory. It was the first newspaper within McHenry County to discard the use of "patent"* print and has long sine.' been an all-home-print newspaper. Its equipment is strictly modern as its pages testify. The office is within a handsome building erected by .Mr. Walsh expressly for a newspaper office. With Mr. Walsh as its founder and present editor, it noes almost without saying that the Herald is a Republican newspaper. "One star differeth from another," and the same is true of news- papers whether published in the city or country towns. The Herald is an exceptionally well edited, well managed, mechanically perfect and clean local newspaper of which any community may well he proud. Not alone does it stand bigh in McHenry County as a lirst class journal, hut abroad it is appreciated as will he seen by the following production of an article which appeared in the organ of the Department of Journalism for the Ohio University, the same being a photo-letter: HARVARD INDEPENDENT , The Independent at Harvard was established in 1866, just at the end of the great Civil War. by Rev. II. V. Reed and Don McLaughlin. It had many owners within a decade from 1S70 to 1SMI. Among those who owned and conducted it were J. C. I'dake. George H. White. A. M. Leland BISTORT OF McHENRY COUNTY 163 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF TEACHERS OF JOURNALISM Juu*nr 23. \9\->. Mr. -. F. laden, President. Harvard Herald Coapany, Harvard, 111. leer Kr. Vftlah: Tbs Harvard Herald la the best country newspaper X hare ever ciulntd. 1 can eay that without any quel If icatlen. By a country newepeper 1 aeen on* that X* published but once a week in a comparatively email coamunlty. At one tin* I edited a country newspaper In western weeblngton which is today regarded as eoe of the noet creditable weekly newepapere In the weet. Because of Its clean typographical appearanoe. our newspaper gained national recognition. X shall be glad to obtain a copy of this paper for you. The Harvard Herald appeals to Be because of Its clean, typographical appearance, Its splendid makeup. Ite excellent ad makeup and lastly beoauee of the high quality and clean character of your advertisements. If the people of Harvard are cot giving you their unqualified aupport-.a study of your advertising columns would le*d A to believe that they are--then there Is indeed something wrong somewhere. A newspaper euoh as yours ought to be regarded as the town's principal asset. I am going to send the copies of the Herald which you sent to as. to friends of mine who are teaching classes in country Journalism in some of the state universities. 1 would be indebted to you if at some time you would write to me and let as know something about your town. Its population, what opposition you have, how far are you from a large city, do city newspapers oome into your town, how many men do you employ and how large a plant have you. Vith all £cod wishes. Tours cordially. teX&. 164 BISTORY OF .\|. HKXKY COUNTY N. B. Burtch, G. W. Hanna & Son, < ». M. Eastman, Emerson and Saund era, and M. J. Emerson. It is 1 1 1 1 w ;i seven-column quarto, all home-print. It is run from presses propelled by an electric motor. Its publication day is on Thurs- day ol each week, and the yearlj subscription rate is $2.00. Its circu- lation is mostly in Harvard ami surrounding towns and country. Politically, the Independenl is Republican. Tl See is fully equipped with modern machinery, such as a two-revolution Potter job and news- paper press; three Chandler & Price Gordon printing presses, cadi equipped with the Kimble motors; a 33-inch Chandler & Price paper cutter, riewesl style stapling machine, etc. In every detail the Inde- pendenl is fitted i" 'In almosl any kind of job work thai may come to its office. Concerning some of the men who have helped to make the Independent what it is today the following may be recalled bj the older men of the community : George II. White, now a Chicago lawyer, was city prosecutor during the administration of .Mayor Fred Busse; A. M. Leland, was an old time printer who passed away iii Woodstock a few years ago; N. B. Burtch, who was a Civil War soldier and deeply interested in politics, died in recent years; O. M. Eastman, an eastern printer, learned his trade in Boston and formerly edited a paper in Fairbury. 111.; Rev. II. V. Reed, founder of the Independent, was father of the late .Myrtle Reed McCulloch, the poet and writer: Lon McLaughlin, who was prom- inent iii state polities; and J. C. Blake, who was a manufacturer and real-estate man. CRYSTAL LAKE JOURNALISM The Crystal Lake Herald was established in 1876 as the Nunda Herald, by I. M. Mallory, who conducted it till 1898. The next proprietor was .1. V. Beatty who owned and operated the plant until his death. June 11. 1912, after which it was edited and managed by Frank LaTulip, for the widow until July. 1913, when it was purchased by L. W. Cobb and A. M. Shelton who ran the paper until August, 1915, after which .Mr. Cobb continued alone until the Herald Publishing Company was incorporated with I.. W. Cobb as presidenl and general manager. It is a Republican organ, runs eight pages, seven columns to the page, 22-inch column. The plant is equipped with a CottereU cylinder. Chandler and Price jobber; also a Pearl paper cutter and best of all the yrc^nre^xJ. «6W^£e l/^Jfa&/ HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 165 Mergenthaler linotype. The office also has a practical Colder and oilier machinery of an up-to-date character. The Herald circulates In Crystal Lake, Cary, Algonquin and through- out all southeastern McHenry County. Its subscription rate is $2 per year. It is published each Thursday. Prom six to eight pages of this paper are home print. It ni.i \ be stated thai the Herald was one of the first papers, if not the Hist in McHenry County to cast aside self-interest and devote its entire energies to the interest of the country during the World War, regardless of the consequences tii itself from a business standpoint. The Herald was an American newspaper, first, last and all the time during the war, having one aim, to stand by our country and devote its energies to the winning of the war. HEBRON TRIBUNE This loeal newspaper was established at the village of Hebron, September 1, lS'tti. by James II. Turner and Hurley B. Begun. I toe year later .Mr. Begun purchased the interest held by .Mr. Turner and conducted it five years; he passing away in aliout L897, one year later; (ieorge S. Houghton and Dr. E. V. Brown bought the Tribune and eon- ducted the paper for one year, then selling it to Orson Houghton. <><1 and others ranging through all degrees of depreciation to utter worthlessness. The city issued scripl which had local use as money, as it was receivable in payment of taxes, ('anal scripl constituted a considerable part of the local circulation. There was also State Auditor's script, and St. Louis script, and the scripl issued by the small tradesmen 'good Eor groceries,' 'g 1 for merchandise' and even it is reported 'good for a drink," Such, then, was the condition of money affairs, nol only at Chicago, hut throughout the state, including McHenry County, until the enact- ment of the national banking system which went into effect in March, 18b:?. after which "greenbacks" and banknotes were circulated as a medium. MCHENRY COUNT! BANKING Before 1852 this county had no regular hanks in organized form. Such transactions as usually go through the local banks had to be executed in some outside city where there was a hank. Much of the trade prior to the civil War was carried on by barter, one commodity being exchanged for another. The farmer trailed his butter. eggS, meat and potatoes to the home merchant for their value in sugar, coffee, tobaCCO, cloth and similar commodities, for use by himself and his family. In ease he needed to borrow a certain amount of money, he applied to one of the few men throughout the county, who fortunately fur themselves and their neighbors, had possessed considerable ready cash when they settled in the locality. In emergencies, a ". 1 eiti/.eu could obtain from such a man what he needed by paying the prevailing rate of interest which until about 1880, amounted to from ten to fifteen percent per annum. The amount in excess of the legal state interest was known as "commission." Doubtless as late as 1876, the average of interest paid in this eounty on approved mites, ranged as high as twelve and one-half percent per annum. According to state nts made by several of the older residents of th]* county, the following conditions prevailed prior, to the establish- ment of regular banking institutions in the county. S. R. Ward of Richmond recalls Judge William A. McConnell, commonly known as HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 171 "Squire" McConnell, and Col. G. II. Gibbs, as gentlemen bo circum- stanced as to lie able In render service to their fellnw citizens in the matter of making leans to them. "Squire" McConnell lived in a grove a considerable distance north- west of the village of Richmond, and used to keep his money in a small iron safe, hut his neighbors, including Doctor Ward, told him thai he was imprudent in nut providing a better repository for his wealth, and insisted that lie establish a hank at Richmond. This he finally did, bul whether mi account of the advice proffered him so freely, or hecause of his own excellent business sense, is only a matter of conjecture, lie nih for many years a justice of the peace, and for sixteen years was an asso- e judge of the county. Col. C. II. Gibbs was proprietor of the Richmond House, and both of these gentlemen loaned thousands of dollars on short and longer loans, to people in the vicinity of Richmond and Hebron. T. ( '. Schroeder, a general dealer at Richmond, in connection with his merchandising, also loaned money, even long after a hank had been established in the village. .Many of the laboring men would leave their in y with him for safe keeping, receiving from him a small rate of interest. This money he loaned to farmers in the surrounding regions. J. C. Crumb carried on a banking business in a small way at Harvard, in the general merchandise store of A. E. Axtell, during 1866, 1ml the following year he erected a bank on the corner still occupied by the banking institution in which the Crumb family is represented by the third generation as a stockholder. Before that date money had to be borrowed of individuals, or from some distant bank. At Cary, the firsl banking was carried on by L. E. Mentch, who. in October, 1902. organized the Cary Exchange Bank. It was his practice to keep about $3,000 in his safe, which was in a small frame building. At midnight, in .July, 1903, his safe was blown open and his capital stolen. The criminals were never brought to justice. While his losses amounted to $5,555, he was insured, and was able to continue his business. He erected the present brick bank building, and continued in the banking business until in April. 1914, when he sold his interest to thirty-seven stockholders, who organized the present Cary State Bank. .Mr. .Mentch then turned his attention to the real-estate business at Cary. Joseph W. Christy, general merchant and postmaster at RingW 1. sometime in the seventies, began to loan money in small amounts on short time, to his neighbors and other patrons. He usually received about fifteen percenl interest. A number of the laborers in his neighbor- 17l> HISTORY OF McHENRT county hood, deposited their wages with him, and this money, on which he paid .1 -i i i;i 11 rate of interest, enabled bin to enlarge his operations. WOODSTOCK BANKING tNSTITDTIONS Dr. C. B. Durfee began the bankin<: business ;it Woodstock in 1S.V2, and carried it on for about two years, when he failed and was succeeded by the firm of Puller & Johnson Co., at firs! composed of A. \V. Fuller. C. B. Durfee, L. S. Church, Neil] Donnelly, -J. II. Johnson and W. G. Bentley. This firm of private hankers was re-organized under the national banking act. and heeame the Fir-t National Bank of W I -lock, hut. in 1869, C. B. Durfee & Co. again commenced business and continued as bankers lor several years thereafter. In May. 1ST."). T. I). Murphy and Richard Bishop opened a private bank, which was continued for about three years. The First National Hank of \V lstoek was established in lHi-4. with a capital of $•">(). IIIKI. L. S. Church was presi- dent; ('. B. Durfee, cashier, ami X. Donnelly, M. F. Irwin. I., s. Church. c. B. Durfee, A. M. Fuller and J. II. Johnson, directors. STATE BANS OF \VOODSTO( K The state Bank of Woodstock was established December 19, 1889, by B. E. Richards. E. C. Jewett, A. P.. McConnell, (i. K. Hunker. A. K. Bunker, M. L. Joslyn, William II. Stewart, B. S. Austin. <; -ge McCon- nell ami F. W. Buell. The original officials were: F. F. Richards, presi- dent; VV. II. Stewart, vice president, and F. C. Jewett, cashier. The Original capital of $25,000 has been increased to $50,000, and there is a surplus of $50,000, with undivided profits of upwards of $8,0011. A recent statement -hows the following condition: RESOURCE^ Loans ami Discounts ■ $:i**i.l"i4.ii(i Overdrafts 170.:::. F. s. Government Investments 45,184.00 i >ther Bonds and stock- 87,477.56 Banking House. Furniture and Fixtures 21.600.00 other Real Estate 2,007.94 Hue from Banks, ( 'ash. Exchanges, Checks & Collections 114.4.">3.81 Total Resources $657,050.32 HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 173 LIABILITIES Capita] Stock * 50,000.00 Surplus 50,000.00 Undivided Profits ( Nel I 8,307.4 l Deposits 546,604.26 Rem rve 2,138.62 Total Liabilities $657,050.32 In 1910 tliis banking house purchased the Sherman business block, which has greatly increased in value, and is located on one of the finest business corners in the city, anil this has been made into oi I' the most modern financial institutions in this part of the state. The following men have served the bank as presidents: B. E. Rich ards, and E. ('. Jewett, and the two cashiers have been E. ('. Jewett and II. T. Cooney. The present officials are: E. ('. Jewett, president. \Y. s. McConnell, vice president and II. T. Cooney. cashier. AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK OF WOODSTOCK The American National Hank of Woodstock was organized •June 'I 1903. It was founded by John J. Murphy and George L. Murphy. The former was president of the First National Bank of Woodstock until ISSit when that institution was liquidated. The first officials of the American National Hank were: George L. Murphy, president; Charles II. Donnelly, vice president, and \Y. C. Eichelberger, cashier. The pres- ent officials are: George E. Murphy, president; Charles H. Donnelly. vice president; George F. Rushton, vice president; Charles E. Quinlan, cashier; E. F. Fness and Eyron D. Cheasbro, assistant cashiers. George L. Murphy has been president of the institution ever since it was estab- lished in 1903. Charles L. Quinlan succeeded W. C. Eichelberger as cashier in 1908. The present capital is $30, 1 )( )l ) ; the surplus is $30,000. Added to ibis amount are the undivided profits of over $13,000. The deposits are about $700, 000. The latest statement shows the following condition: RESOURCES Loans, Bonds and Securities $687,120. Hi Stock in Federal Reserve Bank 3,000.00 174 HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY r. s. Bonds to Secure Circulation 25,000.00 Duo from United States Treasurer 1,250.00 Interest Earned but not Collected 11,223.25 ( laafa on hand anil due from Hanks 141,656.49 Total $869,258.93 LIABILITIES ( lapital Stock and Surplus $100.0011. 00 Undivided Profits 15,697.87 Circulation 24,300.00 > Reserved for Interest 11,223. Reserved for Taxes 2.297.97 Interest Collected but not Earned 2,165.71 DEPOSITS 713,574.13 Total $869,258.93 FARMERS EXCHANGE STATE HANK Originally a private bank, established in 1887, the Farmers Ex- change State Bank was re-organized under its present name in January. 1916. It was founded by M. I). Boy and George H. Hoy, under the name of the Farmers Exchange Bank, M. D. Hoy & Son, proprietors. The original capital was $25,000, but this has been increased until it is today $75,000, with surplus and profits shown of $26,000. The private hank did not require officials by title, but all papers were Signed M. D. Hoy & Son. Several years later Fremont Hoy. John M. Hoy and William P. Hoy were admitted into partnership under the name of -M. I>. Hoy it Suns. Fremont Hoy disposed of his interest in the firm of M. I). Hoy & Sons, in 1915, and retired from banking in both W [stock and Huntley. The present officials of the hank are: George H. Hoy, president; I.. T. liny and Geo. F. Eckcrt. vice presidents; John M. liny, cashier. and ('. \V. Whiting and F. Y. (iieselhrocht assistant cashiers. < big : Theo. Hamer, B. C. Hughts, II A. Stone, M II. Fitzsimmons, William Zimmerman, J. I). Donovan, ami .1. T. Bower. 'I'ht' following statemenl was made by this bank March 17. 192] . RESOl R< i - Loans, Discounts, Securities $343,731.95 Banking house, Furniture ami Fixtures 22,300.00 Federal Reserve Bank Stock 1,800.00 Cash ami due from banks 99,276.24 Checks ami cash items 2,164.37 Interest earned bul not collected 7.7:il.o4 Total $477,006.60 LIABILITIES ( iapital ! $ 50,000.00 Surplus 10,000.00 Undivided Profits 7,168.03 Reserve for taxes and Interest 10.07:! s."i Deposits 399,638.72 Dividends unpaid P26.0O Total $477,006.60 BANKING AT CRYSTAL LAKE Prior to 1891 Crystal Lake, or Xumla. had uo banking institutions; only being accommodated in the matter of exchanges through the mer- cantile establishments operating there during that period. UNITED STATE HANK In 1891 Qebrge E. Hallock, concerning whom very little, if any- thing, was known by the citizens of that community, opened a bank- ing house which operated for about two years, and without much sup- port from the public. No bank existed subsequent to the discontinuance of the Hallock Hank, until 1S95, when George K. Bunker, Burton Wright, Emery E. Richards, Emilus ('. Jewett and Charles B. Wright, all of Woodstock, recognized the necessity, and the favorable oppor- BISTORT OF MrllKNKY COUNTY 177 tunity, for ;i bank al that place, and associating themselves in a co- partnership for that purpose, opened the Citizens Bank of Nunda, with ;i capita] of $10,000; E. E. Richards acting as president; Q ■•_••■ K. Bunker as vice president, and E. C. Jewett as cashier. <*n Octoher 29, 1901, this bank was incorporated as the Citizens state Bank of N'miila. and the capital increased to $25,000. Charles B. Wrighl became cashier, of the re-organized bank. On November •_'. 1908, the title of the bank was changed to the Citizens State Rank of Crystal Lake, and sub- sequently, Augusl L2, L910, the capital was increased to $50,000. The bank continued under practically the same management up to July, 1915, excepting that !•'. C. Jewetl bad disposed of his interest in 1908, and therefore was ao longer connected with it. George K. Bunker had I ii deceased tot a Dumber of years. Certain large investments having been made, which the board of directors and the majority of the stockholders believed would result in heavy losses, the hank was closed July 8, 101."), and the state auditor took charge. The hank remained closed for about a month, during which time the stockholders and directors arranged to make good the impairment claimed, taking out of the bank all paper that had been questioned. At ihis juncture, fearing that liquidation of the hank through a receivership was imminent, which would lie up more than *:;( >().()( Ill of the depositors' funds, and entail greal loss and hardship through delay, Fremont Hoy anil Clarence F. Hoy, his son, who had I n president and vice president, respectively of the competing state Bank of Crystal Lake, acquired a majority of tin' stock of the Citizens State Bank, and its management was assumed by them. Clarence !•'. Hoy was made its president and Fremont Hoy its temporary cashier and vice president. W. H. Wilbur became cashier in September of that same year. Through the succeeding year the State Bank of Crystal Lake ami the Citizens state Bank were operated under the direction of Fremont Hoy and Clarence F. Hoy. with the able assistance of .Messrs. Lynn Richards and \V. II. Wilbur, as cashiers of the respective hanks, with the result that the depositors of the citizens stale Bank were saved from the loss of money, and the community from shock to iis honor and reputation as a banking center, and most of all the confidence of the people in banking integrity was retained. The Citizens state Hank .'iid the State Hank of Crystal Lake were consolidated AiejiiM 14, L916, becoming the United State Bank of Crystal Lake, capitalized at $75,000; by this consolidation the hank at once look rank among the 17- BISTORT <»K M( BENKY COUNTY more important banks of the county. It is boused in it- own fine build- ing, equipped in a modern manner. The Messrs. Eoy disposed of their banking interests ;it Crystal Lake in January, 1919, to W. II. Wilbur ami Lynn Richards, thus terminating their successful banking ex- perience of >-ix years at CrystaJ Lake. The State Bank of Crystal Lake, qow consolidated with the citi- zens state Bank, under the name of the United state Hank of Crystal Lake, was founded and opened for business by .James K. Jaeknian. t (ctoher 20, 1910, with a capital of $'J5.( Mltl. Mr. Jaekman was president ; .1. ('. Nonllineposits 630,842.27 Reserve 5,139.01 Bills Payable 20,000.00 ether Liabilities 126,759.86 Total Liabilities $1,204,861.26 FIRST STATE BANK OF HARVARD In 1>77 A. I'",. Axtell established a private hank and operated it under his own name in connection with other lines of business. In April, l^ys II1STOKY OF McHENRY COUNTY 181 he commenced taking deposits and prospered so thai by 1880 his depo were $40,000. On Maj 20, 1909 the Axtell Bank was taken over by the Pirsl State Bank of Harvard, which had been established, and re-organ- ized with a rap it a I stock of $50,000, which with the surplus and undivided profits, of '>\rr $97,000, 'jives the bank a working fund of $147,000, and greater than thai of any other bank in McHenry County. In 1!)'_'l in deposits were $1,432,549.69. The tiist officers were F. P. Axtell, president ; W. 1). Hall, vice presi dent ; E. I.. Axtell, cashier, ami P. 1'.. I'helps. assistant cashier. The present officers are: P. P. Axtell. president; \V. I). Hall, vice president ; B. I.. Axtell. cashier, and P. B. I'helps. assistant cashier. The hoard of directors is composed of the following : P. P. Axtell, 10. L. Axtell. \V. I). Hall. ('. E. Hunt. K. S. Smith ami I.. M. Lillibridge Tin' statemenl issued on .March 31, 1921, sh,,us the following con- dition : RESOl la I - Loans and Discounts $1,028,787.98 Overdrafts 284.29 l '. s. Government Investments 120,089.65 Other Bonds and stock 121,823.00 Banking House furniture and Fixtures 52,383.24 Mne from Hanks, ( 'ash. Exchanges, ( 'hecks and Collections. . 256,009.76 Other Resources olT.OS Total Resources $1,579,895.00 I - 1 \ 1 : 1 1 [TIES Capital Stock paid in * 50,000.00 Surplus Fund 50,000.00 Undivided Profits i 17,345.31 Deposits 1,432,549.69 Total Liabilities $1,579,895.00 FINANCIAL REMINISI I \< ES OF MC lll\i;v •lames B. Perry, who came to McHenry in 1864, ami i- still residing here, furnishes the following interesting data relative to the banking history of McHenry. Some of the more prominent financiers of the earlier period mi this 182 BISTORT OF McHENRY COUNTY vicinity were Samuel II. Walker and Freeman Whiting, who were ac customed to make loans. The firm of Owen Brothers, composed of Herman X. and Edward .M. Owen, located at McHenry, to which they ramr prior in 1850, firsl being engaged in general merchandising and dealing in grain, but later branched out and built and operated a mill which they used for flouring and saw-milling. In connection with other business transactions they sold Borne exchange, hut, as far as is known. did not accept deposits. The iron safe used by them about seventy years ago is still in McHenry and in use. only, however, for the purpose of protecting hooks and papers against a possible fire. The mercantile business of Owen Brothers was continued hy them until 1874, when it was purchased hy .lames B. Perry and Alfred A. Martin, and they, too. issued exchange. About ISSlMi .Mr. .Martin disposed of his holdings to Oliver X. Owen, and the (inn of Perry and Owen was formed, and in 1SSS hetran doing a regular banking business, under the name of the Bank of McHenry, with a capital of $15,000, and deposits in 1913 of £1. ">().( 100. The bank was operated in a substantial brick bank building, erected by the firm in 1901. This bank, with dames T. Perry at its head, did a conservative and satisfactory business. Mr. Terry lived in the community for so long a period that he was intimately acquainted with all of the people, and they relied upon him for advice in financial matters. Among the substantial early hankers of this county Mr. Perry is an excellent example. In 1913 Messrs. Terry and Owen, desiring to retire from active busi- ness, negotiated a sale to Fremont Hoy and Clarence P. Hoy. who took control of the bank, November 1, 1913. FOX RIVER VALLEY STATE HANK The Hoy Banking Company succeeded the Tank of McHenry, the name being changed in 1914 when the capital was increased from $15,000 to $25,000. That same year the bank building was remodeled. In Octo- ber, 1920 a charter was granted to the Pox River Valley State Tank. Mc- Henry, Illinois, for the purpose of taking over the business of the Hoy Banking Company, with a capital of $50,000. Fremont Hoy became its president; dames B. Perry and Clarence P. Hoy, vice presidents, and .Joseph < '. Holly, cashier. Mr. Fremont Hoy belongs to a family of bankers in McHenry County, and is well known through Illinois as an astute financier. lie has been variously connected with banking in this county for main- years, and HISTORY OF McIIEXRY COUNTY ls:i is riM-(i'_Miizi'il as an authority on finance. This bank lias for years special- ized "ii real-estate securities. The following recent statement discloses the following condition: RESOURCES Loans and Discounts $248,40*. 19 ( tvcnlrafts 184.14 1'. s. Governmenl Investments 200.00 Other Bonds and stocks 14,600.00 Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures 21,505.47 Due from Banks, ('ash. Exchanges, Checks and Collections.. 39,494.69 Total Resources $324,392.79 LIABILITIES ( lapital Stock $ 50,000.00 Undivided Profits (net) 1,176.66 1 teposits 253,216.13 Bills Payable and Re-discounts 20,000.00 Total Liabilities $324,392.79 RINGWOOD STATE BANK The Lank of Ringwood was established February 3, 1916, by Fremont Hoy and Clarennce F. Hoy. The first officials were: Fremont Hoy, president; Clarence F. Hoy, manager, and Henry F. Wharton, cashier. Mr Wharton died in October, 1918, of influenza, which was then epidemic. His place was tilled by George H. Johnson for several months, the other officials remaining the same. The bank started with a capital of $10,000. In 1920 the business was taken over by the Rin«rw 1 State Bank, organized for that purpose, with a capital of $25,000. Clarence F. Hoy became president; Fremont Hoy, vice president; and Kenneth O. Hoy, cashier, all of whom, together with a board of seven directors, now manage the affairs of the bank. This bank now receives, as it always has, a good patronage, as is shown by its statement which appears herewith: )-l BISTORT OF M< BENRY COUNTY iiemiiij Loans $ B2,516.54 Overdrafts 65.1] l". s. Gov. [nvestmenta 1,750.00 Bonds 33,500.00 Banking Bouse, Furniture and Fixtures 9,500.00 I >ue from Banks, < 'ash and t 'ash [terns 9,738.20 Totals $137,069.85 LIABILITIES Capital $ 25,000.00 Undivided Profits 129.26 Deposits 101,640.59 Bills Payable and Re Discounts 10,000.00 Totals $137,069.85 The building used by the bank for banking purposes, was buill by the Ringwood Bank in 1916 following the erection of the large milk bottling plant at Ringwood, and this is now owned by the Ringrw 1 State Bank. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MARENGO On A.ugus1 8, 1871, Richard M. Patrick and <:. V. Wells organized the First National Bank of Marengo to succeed the private banking house of R. M. Patrick. <■. V. Wells was the firsl president, and be was succeeded by the following: R. M. Patrick and E. I>. Patrick; while R. M. Patrick, the original cashier, has been succeeded by X. V. Wi ben, E. I). Patrick and A. C. Smith. The present assistant cashiers R I- 1 senberry and ('. II. Woleben; C. B. Whittemort and E. C. Robb are the vice presidents. Tl riginal capital remains at $50,000, bu1 the surplus is $50,000, and undivided profits over $10,000. In 1921 the deposits were slightly upwards of $700,000. On February 21, 1921, the following statement was issued: BISTORY OP M< BENRY COUNTY 185 RESOURCES Loans $467,208 Overdrafts 3,022.20 l'. s. Bonds 44.00(1 00 Other Bonds 154,071.96 Collateral Trusl Notes 22,975.00 Stock Federal Reserve Bank 3,000.00 Furniture and Fixtures 12,500.00 Due from Hanks, Cash and Exchange on Hand 116,628.65 Redemption Fund with and Due from U. S. Treasury 625.00 interest Earned bul Nol < Collected 1 1,750.5] Credit Reports 76.25 Total Resources $,s:;s..s:>7>7 LIABILITIES Capital Stock $ 50,000.00 Surplus 50,000.00 Undivided Profits (Net) 10,341.60 Unearned interest Collected 26.76 Reserved for interest, Accrued 14,723.75 Circulating Notes Outstanding 12^200.00 Deposits — All Kinds 701,565.76 Total Liabilities $838,857.87 DAIRYMAN'S STATE BANK of MARENGO In 1890 '/.. E. Goodrich, Loren Woodard, William Dougherty, C. S Robb, I. If. Curtiss, I. X. Muzzy, X. Buck, A. A. Ryder, R. Dalby, a Bopkins, G. B. Richards, A. \V. Kelley, Will Pringle, C. Buchte, C. E. Eelley, 1". B. Smith, I,. Barber, A. s. Norton, A. J. Shurtleff, John Cray. c. B. Kimball, E. 1". Sperry, A. II. Penny. George Samter and T. M. Bager organized the Dairyman's state Dank of Marengo with a capital of $25,000. This has remained the same bul there are now undivided profits and a surplus f $50,244.96. The officials were: '/.. E. Goodrich, president; Da R. Curtiss, vice president; I. ester Barber, cashier; and A. s. Norton, assistanl cashier. The original chief executive, .Mi-. G I rich, ha- been Succeeded in turn by Ira R. Curtiss. E. B. Seward ami L86 IllsToKV OF McHENRY COUNTY G. \V. Redpath, while Mr. Norton and C. J. Coarson, have more recently filled the place of Mr. Barber, as cashier. J. E. Williams acted as vice presidenl for a time; however, C. J. Coarson is now the present \ ice pres ident, and Carleton S. Robb and B. J. Eintz are the assistant cashiers. The !>;mk building occupied by this bank was erected in 1915 of brick and stone. On March 31, 1921, the following statement was issued: RESOURCES Loans and Discounts $:;.">s,ni;:!.'.n Overdrafts 333 .62 V. s. Governmenl Investments 28,150.00 Other Bonds and Stocks 17.tion.22 r.ankini: House, Furniture and Fixtures 26,866.00 other Real Estate 3,000.00 Due from Ranks. Cash, Exchanges, Checks and Collections. . 60,595.52 Total Resources $494,807.34 LIABILITIES Capital Stock Paid In $ 25,000.00 Surplus Fund 25,000.00 In divided Profits (Net) 25,244.96 Deposits 419,322.38 Dividends Unpaid 240.00 Total Liabilities $494,807.34 » STATE BANK OF UNION Iii 1911 O. E. Schuette, H. E. Pranzen and A. F. Pottratz organized the State Bank of Onion with a capital of $25,000, which remains the same, to which lias been added $9,819.53 in surplus and undivided profits. The resources and liabilities of the bank in March, 1921, were $301,825.14, and its deposits were $247,005.61. The building in which this bank is operating is a brick structure erected in 1911. II. A. Stoxen and YV. II. Deneen have been its presidents, and O. II. Schuette lias continued its cashier. George L. Torrenee is the vice president, and C. M. Siems is the assistant cashier. The banks recent statement follows: HISTORY OF MrllHXRY COUNTY 187 EU -"i BCES Loans and Dicounts $169,569.18 ( >verdrafts 105.35 Bonds 41,619.00 Banking House and Fixtures ~>,800.0() Due from Banks and Cash 84,731.6] Total Resources $301,825.1 I LIABILITIES I iapital stork * 25.000.00 Surplus 9,000.00 Undivided Profits 81!)..".:; I (eposits 247,00.-). 6] Hills Payable 20,000.00 Total Liabilities $301,82.-). 14 I'uioii had a bank al a slightly earlier date which only operated for a short time. Some loss sustained through its closing. HEBRON STATE BANK The Bank of Hebron was established in 1897 by G. W. Conn. Sr., (i. W. Conn. Jr., and F. X. Torrence, with a capital of $7,500. These gentlemen operated the bank quite successfully for a short time, when the ownership passed to a syndicate composed of W. B. Wite and four other prominent local men. Mr. Wite, who has served as county superintendent of schools of McHenry County for several terms, became cashier and A, J. Cole, president. Those five gentlemen '.rave to the bank a prestige which was a great factor in its steady growth. In 1920 this lucrative business passed to the present Hebron State Hank which, to conform to the present law, had been organized to take over and continue the business. The present officers are: A. J. Cole. president; F. C. Slavin, vice president ; J. W. Smith, cashier; and \Y. R. Giddings and Lora C. Mead, assistant cashiers. The follow ing is the statement issued by the bank under date of .March 31, 1921: L88 BISTORT OP M< HENRY COUNT? resui acea Loans and Discounts $422,087.62 Overdrafts 1,117.29 I '. S. ' lovernmenl [nvestments 27,000.00 Other Bonds and Stocks 2,000.00 Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures 7,444.75 Due from Banks, Cash. Exchanges, Checks and Collections.. 52,805.88 Total Resources $512, 155.5 1 LIABILITIES Capital Stuck $ 50,000.00 Surplus 25, .tin Undivided Profits (net) 5,445.63 Deposits 407,009.9] Bills Payable and Re discounts 25,000.00 Total Liabilities $512,455.54 STATE HANK OF HUNT] EH On March 12, 1913, the State Bank of Huntley was established with John M. Hoy as president; A. P>. Brinkerhoff, vice president; William P. Hoy. cashier; and W. F. Bartlett, assistant cashier. The presenl officials are: John M. Hoy, president; John T. Kelley, vice president; William P. Hoy. cashier, and W. F. Bartletl and ('. II. Marsh, assistant cashiers. This hank is the outgrowth of the Hank of Huntley, founded May 1. 1901 by M. 1). Hoy & Sons, successors to a banking business conducted for a few years as the Farmers Exchange Bank, by Charles E. Cook, and B. II. Cook, who sold to M. I). Hoy & Sons. The original capital of the state Hank of Huntley, of $50,000, is unchanged, but there is a surplus of $30,000, and undivided profits of 600. The resources and liabilities are $518,558.60, deposits are $390,- 670.68. I' stands for all that represents the highest banking standards. This hank was equipped with i lern new fixtures a few years since. The following is their showing on March 31, 1921 : BISTORT OF M. IIF.XUV COUNTY L89 BBSOUBCES Loans and Discounts $379,579.0] Overdrafts L80.22 l s. Government Investments 51,550.00 other Bonds and Stock 21,100.00 Banking Bouse, Furniture and Fixtures 2,700.00 Other Real Estate 5,000.00 Due from Banks, Cash, Exchanges, Checks and Collections .. 58,449.37 Total Resources $518,558.60 LIABILITIES Capital stock $ 50,000.00 surplus 30,000.00 Undivided Profits I Del I 5,602.5] Deposits 390,670.68 Dividends unpaid 1 "iU.00 Reserve 'J.D{.">.41 Dills Payable and Re-discounts 40,000.00 Total Liabilities $518,558.60 ALGONQUIN STATE BANK En June, 1913 B. C. Getzelman established the Algonquin state Bank, and has always been its president. E. C. Peter is vice president. This bank succeeded the Dank of Algonquin. The present cashier. George D. Keyes has always held his present position since the hank became a state bank. The capital is $25,000, surplus and undivided profits $16,625.70. In March 192] the following statement was issued: RESOURCES Loans and Discounts $167,738.97 Overdrafts 13.79 U. s. Government Investments 7,136.50 other Bonds and stock 33,610.97 Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures 2,289.20 Due from Banks, Cash, Exchanges, ('hecks and Collections . . 18,201.95 Total Resources $258,991.38 190 HISTORY OK M« IIEXR* COUNTS i.iAiui.rni s ( lapital Stock Paid In $ 25,000.00 Surplus Fund in. 1.00 Undivided Profits (net) 6,625.70 Deposits -1 1,238.67 Reserve 3,127.01 Total Liabilities $258,991.38 WEST Mi HENRY STATE HANK On September 10, 1906, the West McHenry State Bank was estab- lished by P. S. Webster with a capital of $25,000, which lias since been increased to $50,000. This thoroughly modern banking institution is the fust bank of West McHenry, and its only one. B. L. Wagner and C. II. Pegers have served in turn as its presidents, and Carl W. Stenger has always been its cashier. The present vice president of the bank is Parker S. Webster and the second vice president is Simon Stoffel. A statement made on .March 31, 1921, show's the following: condition: RESOURCES Loans and Discounts $336,270.33 ( i\ erdrafts 75.92 1'. s. Government Investments 63,538.00 Other Bonds and Stocks 22,050.44 Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures 18,645.00 Due from Banks, Cash, Exchanges, Checks and Collections. . . 43,752.01 Total Resources $484,331.70 LIABILITIES ( lapital Stock $ 50,000.00 Surplus Fund 10,000.00 Undivided Profits (net) 9,873.12 Deposits 414,'241.70 ( 'ontingent Fund 216.88 Total Liabilities $484,331.70 ^r^o^U^y^ HISTORY OF M< IIKXRY COUNTY I'M SPRING GROVE STATE BANS On December ■'!. 1914, the Spring Grove Hank was organized by .1. I-;. Meredith, J. II. Gerbrachl ami Anion Sahaefer. The presenl officials are: Anton Sahaefer, president and cashier; ami M. A. Sahaefer, assistant cashier. This bank was started with a capital iif $3,000, anil in 1 * ► 1 * » had resources amounting to $53,153. Its deposits amounted to $48,946 in the same year, ami it carried a surplus fund of $1,207. It was Located in a small village, and, in the past has had ample facilities I'm- trans- acting all necessary business in its line I'm- the surrounding neighbor- hood, ami its management have had the good will of the people of this vicinity. About the commencement of 1920 an organization was brought into existence under the Illinois Banking Act. with a capital of $25,000, having I'm- its title the Spring Grove state Bank. This organization purchased the business, assets and good will of the Spring Grove Bank, and since that time has conducted a banking business at that place, with considerable success. Joseph 0. Wagner is the president; -John ('. Furlong, vice president ; and Arthur II. Pranzen, cashier. Mr. H. II. Franzen of Du Page County, Illinois, a banker of considerable expe- rience in several localities, is financially interested and is a director of this bank. The most recent available statement, of March 31, 1021, shows the condition of the bank to be as follows: RESOURCES Loans and Discounts $ 81,882.75 Other Bonds and Stocks 7,0.")5.00 Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures 1,786.26 Other Real Estate 1,250.00 Due from Banks, Cash Exchanges, Checks and Collections. . . 18,222.26 Total Resources $110,191). 27 LIABILITIES Capital Stock $ 25,000.00 Undivided Profits (net) 4,452.21 Deposits 80,544.0<> Other Liabilities 200.00 Total Liabilities $110,lil(i.27 192 BISTORT? OF M< HENRY COUNTY CAR? SI \ 1 1 BANE The Cary State Bank is located in the village of Cary and was organized April 3, 1914, with T. II. WultV as president; C. W. Stenger, \ ice president; and Joseph J. Sutton, cashier. It- original capital of $25,000 has in it been increased, bul it has surplus and undivided profits $12,430.26. In March, L921, its deposits were $193,001.62. The Cary State Bank owns its own banking building, erected at a cosl of $6,000, This bank has transacted its affairs from the Btart in an honor- able and upright manner, and its officials have the confidence of the surrounding country. According to a statemenl made under date of March 31, L921, the condition of the bank is as follows: RESOURCES Loans and Discounts $150,627.75 Bonds and stocks ::s.:::!7.oii Cash on Hand 8,2 18.76 Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures 8,532.00 War Savings Stamps 840.80 ( >verdrafts 7.37 Total Resources $230,441.88 LIABILITIES Capital Stock $ 25,000.00 Surplus 7,500.00 Undivided Profits I nel I 4,930.26 Individual Deposits 75,712.66 Other Deposits 10,350.80 Time Deposits 28,254.35 Savings Deposits 78,683.8] Unpaid Dividends 10.00 Total Liabilities $230,441.88 The present officers are: T. II. WultV. president; C. W. Stenger, vice president ; and Joseph A. Stenger, cashier. The board of directors HISTORY OF MoHBNRY COUNTY 1!":: i- composed of: T. II. WultV. C. \V. Stenger, II. Newbold, E. I.. Wag ner and X. B. Kith. A banking business was formerly conducted by L. E. Mentcb under the title of the Cary Exchange Bank, but after several years went out of existence. STATE BANS OK RICHMOND 'I'lie Bank of Richmond was organized in 18(10 by George and John McConnell, who associated with them John W. Eaythorn. The original officials were: George McConnell, president; John McConnell, vice president; and John W. llaythorn. eashiur. The officials immediately prior to its organization as a state hank in 1920, were: Susan Mc- Connell, president: Cora II. Covell, vice president; May L. Parsons, vice president; Prank B. McConnell, cashier; and William A. McCon nell. assistant cashier. The present officials are: Prank B. McConnell. president; Charles Kruse, first vice president; M. K. Cole, second vice president; and W. A. .McConnell. cashier. The original capital of $10,000 had not been increased np to 1920, but the bank had a surplus of *4.">.< 153. 7(i. On March 31, 1921, shortly after re-organizing, its resources and liabilities were $399,280.76, and at the same date its deposits were $349.2*0.76. In September, 1890, the present substantial bank building was erected at a cost of $5,000, by George and John McConnell. It is our understanding that the presenl State Hank of Richmond will occupy the building under lease. The newly-incorporated state bank has a larire number of the most influential and substantial citizens for stockholders, together with the former owners, and it is our belief that the institution will continue to enjoy, to the fullest extent, the confidence of the community. The present capital is $50,000. The official statement of March 31, 1921. follows: RESOURCES Loans and Discounts $251,157.13 ( Iverdrafts 122. 1 1 C. S. Government Investments 12,768.47 I (ther Bonds and Stocks 53,758.6s Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures 1,633.57 Due from Banks, Cash. Exchanges and Collections 79,840.47 Total Resources $399,280.76 194 HISTORY OF McIIEXRY COUNTY LIABILITIES Capital Stock $ 50,000.00 Deposits 349,280.76 Total Liabilities $399,280.76 VICTORY LOAN SUBSCRIPTIONS The following: is a complete list of the subscriptions received from each bank in McHenry County for the Victory Loan issued by the gov- ernment, which drive was on during April, 1919. These subscriptions foot up to 110.25 per cent of the county's quota. This list is given in full to prove that no section of the county failed in doing its full patriotic duty at a time when the country had need of real Americanism. Bank Subscribers Amount Algonquin State, Algonquin 282 $ 68,000 Cary State, Cary Station 174 36,300 Home State, Crystal Lake 144 40,300 United State, Crystal Lake 378 61,750 First State, Harvard 846 160,600 Harvard State, Harvard 377 63,450 Bank of Hebron, Hebron 300 89,900 State Bank, Huntley 350 72,250 Dairyman's State, Marengo 298 79,300 First National, Marengo 234 54,550 Hoy Banking Co., McHenry 154 27.600 Bank of Richmond, Richmond 191 74.200 Bank of Ringwood, Ringwood 139 29,150 Spring Grove Bank. Spring Grove 120 22,400 State Bank, Union 186 56,350 West McHenry State, West McHenry 306 74,250 American National, Woodstock 520 95,000 Farmers' Exchange State. Woodstock 629 82,000 McHenry Co. State, Woodstock 376 63,050 State Bank, Woodstock 675 97.35(1 Total 6,679 $1,347,850 HISTORY OP McHENRY COUNTY 195 It has been carefully estimated that the total amount subscribed in this county during the several drives of the World War amounted to over $5,000,000. PATRIOTIC SERVICE ACKNOWLEDGMENT "Woodstock, 111., May^ 24, 1919. "We, the undersigned banks of Woodstock, desire to take this means of extending our thanks to the committee, which handled the drives of the Third, Fourth and Fifth Liberty Loans, of which Charles F. Renich was chairman, for the manner in which they conducted the solicitations for subscriptions. The entire amounts were taken by the patriotic people of this community, thus relieving the banks from subscribing and carrying the bonds. "We believe that this was only made possible through the efforts of Chairman Renich and his committee, who worked continuously in the interest of the loans, many times at the expense of their own private business. "Woodstock and vicinity has 'gone over the top' on every Liberty Loan, and this 100-per-eent-reeord was made by the hearty co-opera- tion extended to the banks by the above-mentioned committee. We feel that public acknowledgment of all due credit to these loyal workers should be made, now that the war is over and the government has an- nounced the Victory Loan to be the last issue of Liberty Bonds. "Signed, "The State Bank of Woodstock, E. C. Jewett, president. "The American National Bank, G. L. Murphy, president. "McHenry County State Bank, J. D. Donovan, president, "Farmers' Exchange State Bank, G. H. Hoy, president." WAR WORK EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE The executive committee which had charge of these various campaigns in Woodstock, working always under the direction, leadership and in- spiration of national, state and county direction, were Charles F. Renich, chairman, D. R. Joslyn, O. G. Mead, F. J. Green, F. A. Walters, F. B. Bennett, A. J. Mullen, G. E. Still, C. Percy Barnes, F. E. Howe and F. W. Hartman. Carl W. Stenger, of West McHenry, was county chair- man of the four campaigns, while D. R. Joslyn was chairman of the Fifth or Victory campaign. 196 HISTORY OF .\k HENRY COUNTY All the subscriptions were made cheerfully by the people, even when the making of them entailed heavy personal sacrifices and the assuming df obligations through the borrowing of money to meet the payments. BANK SUMMARY The following summary of the banking interests as shown below gives a very creditable report on the financial conditions in McHenry County. From statements of March 31, 1921. Capital, Surplus & Un- Xnme Established divided Profits Deposits State Bank of Woodstock 1889 $108,307.44 £546,604.26 Farmers' Exchange State Bank. 1S87 101,284.77 586,759.55 American National Hank 1903 115,697.87 713,574.13 Woodstock National Banak 1901 67,168.02 399,638.72 First State Bank of Harvard... 1877 147.345.31 1.432.549.69 Harvard State Bank 1866 122,120.12 630,842.27 Home State Bk. of Crystal Lake. 1915 33,155.77 33S.0S2.2H U. S. State Bank of Crystal Lake 1895 63,153.62 571,296.27 First National Bk. of Marengo. . 1871 110,341.60 701.565.7U Dairyman's State Bank 1890 75.244.96 419,322.38 State Bank of Huntley 1901 85,602.51 390,670.68 Algonquin State Bank 1913 41,625.70 214.238.67 West McHenry State Bank 1906 69,873.12 414.241.70 Sp. Grove State Bank 29,452.21 80,544.06 Cary State Bank 1914 37,430.26 193,001.62 Hebron State Bank 1897 80,445.63 407,009.91 Ringwood State Bank 1916 25,429.26 101,640.59 state Bank of Union 1911 34,819.53 247,005.61 Pox River Valley State Bank. . . 1888 51.176.66 253.216.]:; State Bank of Richmond 1890 50.000.00 21ii.2S0.76 Total $1,449.(174.36 $8,991,085.(15 Total Capital. Surplus and Undivided Profits $ 1,449,674.36 Total of All Deposits 8,991,085.(15 Total of All Banking Assets Employed $10,440,759.41 CHAPTER XIII AGRICULTURE AND COUNTY FAIRS By George A. Hunt IMPORTANCE OP AGRICULTURE MC HENRY COUNTY FARMERS' INSTITUTE} — MC HENRY COUNTY FARM BUREAU BOYS' AND GIRLS' CLUB WORK — MC HENRY COUNTY HOLSTEIN BREEDERS' ASSOCIATION MC HENRY COUNTY HOME BUREAU AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES OTHER FAIRS — MARENGO AGRICULTURAL BOARD KISHWAUKEE FARMERS' CLUB FARM STATISTICS REGISTERED FARM NAMES. IMPORTANCE OF AGRICULTURE When the pioneer settlers who came to McHenry County during the years 1834 to 1838, inclusive, secured their original farms, they were able to obtain the land from the government for the entry fee of $1.25 per acre. The settlers who followed a little later bought many acres of fertile land at prices but a little in advance of the government fee. Oftentimes they were able to purchase farms upon which considerable improvements had been made for sums so small as to seem incredible in these days of high prices. While they were engaged in tilling the soil, the importance and dignity of agricultural labor had not been recog- nized, aud the farmer operated his farm to obtain a living, not as a business proposition. For this reason, and the facts that land was plenty and transportation poor, the best acreage sold at low figures, and there was no special inducement to anyone who had the inclination to go into farming on an extensive scale. With the building of the great railroad systems, thus bringing the farmer into closer touch with the centers of demand ; the installation of cars built upon the cold storage plan; the invention of labor-saving machinery, and the appliance of motor power, a complete revolution occurred,' and the man who owned farm land began to realize that he had a plant which, if properly conducted, would yield him a handsome 197 198 HISTORY OF McHENEY COUNTY income, and give him a prominent place among the producers of the country. Many men who had been born and reared on farms, but later left them, lured to the cities by ambition and hope of riches easily obtained without the strenuous labor of the rural districts, returned to the soil, and put to practical use the lessons they had learned many years before. Those who had been sensible enough to remain on the farm expanded in every way, buying more land, put in modern equipment, and took advantage of the opportunities offered by federal and state government experimental stations. In fact, although somewhat late, the agriculturist came into his own. With this expansion came an appreciable advance in land values. Twenty years ago the prophecj' that Illinois farm land would sell for at least $200 per acre, was laughed at. Now many McHenry County farmers are refusing $250 per aci'e and over for their holdings. Within the past few years new conditions have arisen which will make the agriculturist still more important, for upon his shoulders rests the burden of feeding the world. It will be many years before the war-devastated area can be brought back to its former productiveness and it is to the United States that the rest of the world is looking, and will have to look for some years to come, for its very subsistence. No manufacturer, banker, merchant, or professional man is today of more actual value to his generation than is the farmer who under- stands his work and takes an interest in it, and in rendering to humanity the service that lies in his power. Organization of the agricultural forces of the state and nation have, during the past few years, exerted a very marked and powerful influence upon the country's development. Granges, Farmers' Institutes, Agricultural Fairs, Farm Bureaus, Farmers' Elevators, Shipping Associations and other farmer organiza- tions have all had much to do in placing agriculture in the higher position which it now holds in relation to the other industries. MC HENRY COUNTY FARMERS' INSTITUTE The Farmers' Institute of McHenry County is a potent factor in progressive agriculture in the county. It holds one or more successful meetings each winter. The speakers engaged to address these meetings are men and women of recognized authority on the subjects they present and much good has been accomplished through the inspiration and enthusiasm engendered. In arranging excursions to the agricultural \L HISTORY OP McHENRY COUNTY 199 colleges, securing agricultural scholarships for the boys and girls, in encouraging improved methods and in many other ways the Farmers' Institute has been an influence for good to the agricultural interests of the county. The Officers of the McHenry County Farmers' Institute since 1896 were as follows: 1896-1897 — President, M. Zimpelman, Marengo; vice-president, 0. M. Hale, Nunda; secretary, Frank T. Barnes, Woodstock; treasurer, Thomas Ocock, Union. 1897-1898 — President, M. Zimpelman, Marengo; vice-president, George A. Hunt, Greenwood; secretary, F. T. Barnes, "Woodstock; treas- urer, E. H. Cook, Huntley. 1898-1899 — President, George A. Hunt, Greenwood; vice-president, William A. Saylor, "West McHenry ; secretary, George L. Murphy, "Wood- stock; treasurer, E. H. Cook, Huntley. 1899-1900 — President, George A. Hunt, Greenwood; secretary, M. Zimpelman, Marengo; treasurer, H. T. Thompson, Huntley. 1900-1901 — President, George A. Hunt, Greenwood; secretary, M. Zimpelman, Marengo; treasurer, H. T. Thompson, Huntley. 1901-1902 — President, H. T. Thompson, Marengo; secretary, J. H. Turner, Hebron; treasurer, F. C. "Wells, Harvard. 1902-1903— President, H. T. Thompson, Marengo; secretary, J. H. Turner, Hebron ; treasurer, F. C. Wells, Harvard. 1903-1904 — President, H. T. Thompson, Marengo; secretary, J. H. Turner, Hebron; treasurer, F. C. Wells, Harvard. 1904-1905 — President, M. Zimpelman, Marengo; secretary, J. H. Turner, Hebron; treasurer, F. C. Wells, Harvard. 1905-1906 — President, M. Zimpelman, Marengo; secretary, J. H. Turner, Hebron ; treasurer, F. C. Wells, Harvard. 1906-1907— President, M. Long, Woodstock ; secretary, F. E. Thayer, Woodstock; treasurer, F. C. Wells, Harvard. 1907-1908— President, F. E. Thayer, Woodstock; secretary, J. F. Westphall, Alden; treasurer, F. C. Wells, Harvard. 1908-1909— President, F. E. Thayer, Woodstock; secretary, J. F. Westphall, Alden ; treasurer, F. C. Wells, Harvard. 1909-1910 — President, F. E. Thayer, Woodstock; secretary-treasurer, F. C. Wells, Harvard. 1910-1911 — President, George A. Hunt, Woodstock; secretary, E. F. Booth, Woodstock; treasurer, F. C. Wells, Harvard. 200 HISTORY OP McHENKY COUNTS 1911-1912 — President, George A. Hunt, Woodstock; secretary, E. F. Booth, Woodstock ; treasurer, F. C. Wells, Harvard. 1H12-1913— President, M. J. Wright, Woodstock; secretary, Elmer Standish, Marengo; treasurer, F. C. Wells, Harvard. 1913-1914 — President. M. J. Wright, Woodstock; secretary, Elmer Standish, Marengo; treasurer, F. C. Wells, Harvard. 1914-1915- — President, M. J. Wright, Woodstock; secretary-treasurer, C. W. Colton, Woodstock. 1915-1916 — President, M. J. Wright, Woodstock ; secretary-treasurer, C. W. Colton, Woodstock. 1916-1917 — President, M. J. Wright, Woodstock; secretary-treasurer, C. W. Colton, Woodstock. 1917-1918 — President, M. J. Wright, Woodstock; secretary-treasurer, H. E. Whipple, Harvard. 1918-1919- — President, B. L. Thomas, Ringwood; secretary-treasurer. H. F. Echternach, Marengo. 1919-1920 — President, B. L. Thomas, Ringwood; secretary-treasurer, H. F. Echternach, Marengo. 1920-1921 — President, B. L. Thomas, Ringwood; secretary-treasurer, H. F. Echternach, Marengo. 1921-1922 — President, B. L. Thomas, Ringwood; secretary -treasurer, Clarence H. Ocock, Union. MC HENRY COUNTY FARM BUREAU McHenry County was the third county in Illinois and among the first twenty in the United States to organize a Soil Improvement Asso- ciation, or Farm Bureau, as it is called in many of the counties. This organization in McHenry County, which is a unit of the state and national associations, has had a very important part in the agricultural development of the state. A great many marked changes have taken place in the agricultural conditions in this county during the time which has intervened since the organization of the McHenry County Soil Im- provement Association. This association was organized in February, 1913. Several members of the County Farmers Institute were instru- mental in perfecting this organization. Among those most active in promoting this movement may be mentioned M. J. Wright and C. W. Hart of Woodstock, J. H. Turner of Hebron, H. E. Whipple, F. C. Wells, R. F. Marshall and T. H. Murray of Harvard, and Bert Thomas of Ringwood. Funds for the support of this organization have been received from the following sources: HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 201 For the year 1913 U. S. Dept. of Agriculture $ 400.00 County Board of Supervisors 2,000.00 2,400.00 1914— U. S. Dept. of Agriculture $ 400.00 Board of Supervisors 2,000.00 Comity Bankers Association 2,000.00 4,400.00 1915— Smith-Lever Fund $ 400.00 Board of Supervisors 1,500.00 1,900.00 1916— Smith-Lever Fund $1,200.00 Board of Supervisors 2,000.00 3,200.00 1917— Smith-Lever Fund $1,200.00 Board of Supervisors 2,200.00 3,400.00 1918— Smith-Lever Fund $1,200.00 Board of Supervisors 2,200.00 3,400.00 1919— Smith-Lever Fund $1,150.00 State Appropriation 872.86 Board of Supervisors 2,200.00 4,222.86 1920— Smith-Lever Fund $ 975.00 State Appropriation 1,187.00 Board of Supervisors 1,666.66 3,828.66 Total of appropriations above sources $26,751.52 For the year 1920 the supervisors appropriated $5,000 to be divided equally between the Soil Improvement Association, the Home Bureau and the Boys' and Girls' Club work. Additional funds for the work of the association are received from the membership fees. This fee was first placed at $5 per year, and afterward increased to $10 per year, one-half of the fee being paid for membership in the Illinois Agricultural Association. The membership fee was again increased at the beginning of the special drive for members in July, 1919, to $15. This fee of $15 also included membership in the state association, and in the American 202 HISTORY OF McIIENRY COUNTY Farm Bureau Federation. During this drive a membership of 1,350 was obtained. Soon after the organization was formed, Delos L. James, a resident of the county and a graduate of the Illinois College of Agriculture, was employed as advisor for the association. He served in this capacity for three years. At the beginning of 1916 he left to accept the position of superintendent on ex-Gov. Frank 0. Lowden's Sinnissippi Farm at Oregon, 111. He was succeeded by Arthur J. Gafke, of Crow Wing County, Minnesota. Mr. Gafke is a graduate of the "Wisconsin College of Agriculture, 1910, and was agricultural advisor in Crow Wing County, Minnesota, several years. He came to McHenry County in 1916 and is still advisor for the county at the present writing. Before this organization was formed not over five percent of the grain sown in the county was treated for smut. At the present time probably not five percent is untreated. This treatment has resulted in a gain of approximately 500,000 bushels of grain per year for the past two or three years, showing a good gain each year. The number of pure-bred sires used in the county is four times as great as were used five years ago. In one cow testing association only fifty percent of the members were using pure-bred sires at the beginning of the work. At the close of the year's work in 1917 all but one of the members had pure-bred sires. The census of 1910 showed an acreage in the county of ten times as much timothy as alfalfa. The assessor's book for 1920 showed more than 5,000 acres seeded to alfalfa, the wonder crop, in McHenry County. More than 1,000 acres of this acreage being reported from McHenry Township. The wisdom of this is very apparent this season of 1921 when the first cutting of alfalfa is yielding one and one-half tons or more to the acre, while clover right beside in the same fields is yielding not over half a ton to the acre. This first cutting on some farms is being sold standing at prices ranging from $15 to $25 per acre. Along with alfalfa culture was begun the use of limestone. In 1917 between 30 and 40 cars of limestone were used to correct the acidity of the soil and to permit the growth of bacteria on the roots of the legumes, the function of which is to draw nitrogen from the air and make it available for the use of the plants. Excellent results have also been obtained by the judicious use of i*ock phosphate,' of which nearly three thousand tons have been used in the county during the past five years. During the same period nearly 5,000 tons of limestone have been HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 203 applied to McHenry County soils. As a result of the use of lime and phosphate a much better quality of small grain, clover and corn has been produced. The yields have also been greatly increased. In some instances the yields have nearly doubled those of five and six years ago. Herbert Kiltz just doubled the yield of alfalfa on his farm south of Woodstock by the use of lime and rock phosphate. Good results have also been brought about by the proper spraying of orchards. Where it has been done thoroughly the codling moth, curculio and apple scab have been practically destroyed. This is particularly true in the orchards of Henry Street, Homer Whipple, Jacob Olbrich, R. E. Cor- lett, Bert Thomas, Wm. George, Frank Gustafson, E. G. Turner, and others. Two standard varieties of corn adapted to the soil and climate have been established in the county, namely Murdock (yellow) and Wis- consin No. 7 (white), known also as Silver King. This is the outgrowth of the Boys' and Girls' Club work which was started in 1917 with 190 plats. The boys and girls sold 800 bushels of seed corn from these plats. The yield, even in 1917, a very poor corn year, were as high as forty bushels per acre of dry corn. This corn was acknowledged to be the best corn raised in the county that year. In the spring of 1918, when good seed was very scarce, the Farm Bureau distributed 2,800 bushels of seed corn among the farmers of the county at cost plus the actual expense of handling the corn. This project was financed by the Amer- ican National Bank of Woodstock, the corn being selected from sections where it would be best adapted to McHenry County conditions. Much improvement has been made in the general yield of farm crops by the increased use of improved seed. boys' and girls' club work Much interest was manifested in the Boys' and Girls' Club work. In 1917 135 girls canned between 8,000 and 9,000 quarts mostly vege- tables, a large part of which would otherwise have been wasted. The girls did this work themselves. The Boys' and Girls' Club work in- creased to such an extent that it became necessary to have a special man to take charge of it. T. H. Murray, of Harvard, Illinois, was selected for the club work in which he has been very successful. In 1918 there were 210 boys and girls growing Murdock corn ; 350 boys and girls in canning clubs; 125 boys and girls raising pigs, most of them being pure-breds and being raised for breeding purposes. In 1918 an exhibit l'ii I HISTORY OF McHEXRY COUNTY of the McHenry County Club work was made at the Illinois State Fair. This exhibit won a number of the best prizes, including first on Corn Club Demonstration work by Chemung Township Team. Second, on canning demonstration work by the Ringwood team ; fourth place by the McHenry County Club in the pageant representing the different phases of the work ; first on canned fruit, exhibit by the Chemung club ; fourth on canned vegetables by the Ringwood team. In 1920 more than 700 boys and girls were enrolled in the club work which included Calf Club, Pig Club, Tractor Club, Corn Club, Potato Club, Cow Testing and Judging Club, and Garment and Canning Club. The major work with the boys consisted of the dairy problems, the object being to teach them how to select, judge, buy, feed and care for the cows. There were thirty- eight entrants in the judging contest at the county fair. Then prizes were awarded. A later contest was held at Waleowis Farms, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. Five of the best in this contest were sent to the University of Illinois for three days' training. Four of these were selected to repre- sent the state at the National Dairy Show against nineteen other states. The boys in this team were from ten to fifteen years of age. This team won first on judging Holsteins; second on all breeds; third on Guernseys. One of the boys, Edward Schutt, of Harvard, won sixth on Holsteins; Carl Anderson, McHenry, third on Holsteins; Clarence Doran, Harvard, won first on Holsteins; second on Ayrshires, third on all breeds. The team representing McHenry County won more places than any other team at the show. Clarence Doran won more places than any other boy in the contest. The major work with the girls was sewing. The Corn Club raised over 2,000 bushels of corn and sold 387 bushels for seed. The Pig Club produced 5,000 pounds of pork. The Potato Club raised 760 bushels of potatoes. The Canning Club canned 6,103 quarts of fruits and vegetables. The Garment Club made 631 garments. The Dairy Club kept records on feed and milk production on 437 cows. The club work of McHenry County ranks first in Illinois. This has been splendid training for the boys and girls and Mr. Murray is entitled to great credit for the success of the club work. McHenry County now has a Farm Bureau, a Home Bureau, a County Holstein Breeders Association, and nine subsidiary organizations as fol- lows : A Federal Farm Loan Association ; A Cow Testing Association ; A Farmer's Co-operative Association, and six Livestock Shipping Asso- ciations. Twenty-one farmers have availed themselves of the privilege of the Federal Farm Loan to date. $150,000 was loaned to farmers of the HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 205 county during the first eight months. Application for over $100,000 more was refused pending the recent court decision. The managers of the Livestock Shipping Associations at the various points are as follows : Marengo, Max Wilson ; Harvard, Adam Weaver ; Woodstock, Fern Rogers; Hebron, Henry Mickle; Spring Grove, John Kattner ; Pleasant Valley, F. J. Sleezer. Mr. E. A. Carncross, graduate of the Wisconsin College of Agricul- ture, 1912, and later agricultural advisor at Green Bay, Wis., was em- ployed as Assistant Advisor in October, 1919. He had charge of the cow testing, shipping associations and other livestock work which he handled in a satisfactory manner. Mr. Carncross resigned early in 1921 to accept the position of agricultural advisor in Du Page County, 111. The officers of the McHenry County Farm Bureau since its organization are as fol- lows: 1913, H. E. Whipple, Pres.; T. H. Murray, Vice Pres.; A. M. Shel- ton, Secy. ; Fremont Hoy, Treas. 1914, H. E. Whipple, Pres. ; T. H. Mur- ray, Vice Pres. ; A. M. Shelton, Secy. ; Fremont Hoy, Treas. 1915, H. E. Whipple, Pres. ; T. H. Murray, Vice Pres. ; A. M. Shelton, Secy. ; Fremont Hoy, Treas. 1916, H. E. Whipple, Pres.; T. H. Murray, Vice Pres.; A. M. Shelton, Secy. ; Fremont Hoy, Treas. 1917, H. E. Whipple, Pres. ; Wm. Bonslett, Vice Pres.; A. M. Shelton, Secy.; Fremont Hoy, Treas. 1918, H. E. Whipple, Pres.; John R. Wells, Vice Pres.; D. T. Smiley, Secy. ; Fremont Hoy, Treas. 1919, H. E. Whipple, Pres. ; John R. Wells, Vice Pres.; D. T. Smiley, Secy.; John M. Hoy, Treas. 1920, H. E. Whipple, Pres.; John R. Wells, Vice Pres.; C. W. Gibbs, Secy.; Jacob Olbrich, Treas. 1921, John R. Wells, Pres. ; H. C. Gilkerson, Vice Pres. ; C. W. Gibbs, Secy. ; Jacob Olbrich, Treas. THE MC HENRY COUNTY HOLSTEIN BREEDERS ASSOCIATION A county Holstein Breeders Association was formed about ten years ago, and in 1914 this association put out an advertising booklet that was not surpassed by any other at that time, and the association had a good start but for some reason it was allowed to go down. However, in the spring of 1919 through the efforts of Advisor Gafke the association was reorganized and as a result of the work fifteen or more of the members have placed their herds under Federal supervision. It is the determina- tion of the members to have their herds placed on the accredited list as being free from tuberculosis. Among the herds so tested may be men- tioned F. M. Barber, B. L. Thomas, J. O. Tupper and Henry Eppel, Woodstock; W. H. Gardner, Solon Mills; R. W. Stewart and A. D. 206 HISTORY OF McHENRT COUNTY Cornue, Hebron; H. C. LaBrec and R. E. Corlett, Harvard; and C. W. Gibbs, West McHenry. The officers ofi the Association are as follows: President, C. W. Gibbs, West McHenry; Vice President, Don Geyer, Crystal Lake; Second Vice President, R. E. Corlett, Harvard; Secretary, R. W. Stewart, Hebron ; Treasurer, B. L. Thomas, Ringwood. MC HENRY COUNTY HOME BUREAU After a short preliminary organization work the Home Bureau of McHenry County was organized in June, 1918, for the purpose of put- ting homemaking on a sounder basis. The officers elected the first year were, President, Mrs. E. E. Seward, Marengo; Vice President, Mrs. G. A. Miller, Woodstock; Secretary, Mrs. Fred B. McConnell, Woodstock; Treasurer, Mrs. Will Hoy, Huntley. Executive Committee: Mrs. D. T. Smiley, Woodstock; Mrs. E. G. Turner, Richmond; Mrs. Jack Walsh, McHenry ; Mrs. J. C. Furlong, Spring Grove ; Mrs. A. J. Gaf ke, Wood- stock, and Mrs. W. E. Doyle, Harvard. Miss Eva Blair, of Sullivan, 111., was employed July 1, 1918, as Home Advisor. She gave lectures and demonstrations in the organized townships on such subjects as canning, household equipment, gardening and poultry raising. Under her direc- tion special schools in poultry raising and clothing conservation were carried on with the help of specialists from the university of Illinois. During the war the problems of the Home Bureau were mostly those of conservation of food and clothing. After the war its activities were broadened to assist in the development of all sides of home life and to cooperate with all organizations intended to benefit the community. In July, 1919, Miss Blair left to become Assistant State Leader in Extension Work in West Virginia, and Mrs. Mary B. Dalbey was employed as Home Advisor. Special effort has since been put upon beautifying home grounds, home management, and child welfare. As a result of the child welfare work hundreds of children have been weighed and measured, and the hot school lunch has been established in many of the rural and town schools. The Home Bureau office was combined with the Woman's Club Rest Room in the courthouse at Woodstock, making a convenient place to come for help in Home Economic. The officers for the year beginning July, 1920, are as follows : President, Mrs. Henry Echternach, Marengo ; Vice President, Mrs. G. A. Miller, Woodstock; Secretary, Mrs. L. A. Stockwell, Marengo; Treasurer, Mrs. E. G. Turner, Richmond; The Executive Committee, Mrs. Jack Walsh, McHenry; Mrs. B. C. Bottum, Woodstock; Mrs. M. G. Shipton, Woodstock; Miss Mary Stevens, Ma- rengo; Mrs. Frank Silliman, Woodstock. ,, x ., ■>.-■■• ip HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 207 AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES The McHenry County Agricultural Society was organized in 1852. Capt. William H. Stewart and Colonel J. M. Strode were appointed on the organizing committee, but most of the work devolved on Captain Stewart, who drafted the constitution and by-laws and was the prime mover in a laudable enterprise. He became the society's first secretary and treasurer. William Jackson was elected the first president. This organization remained as an agricultural society until 1874, when it availed itself of the offer made by the State, and then was under the name of the "Agricultural Board of McHenry County." For several years after organizing the society held its fairs in the streets of various villages of the county. Rail pens were built to hold the live stock, and rooms were rented in which to exhibit the "fine arts." By 1859 the society with the county had grown materially so that this society pur- chased ten acres of land, which formed a part of the later fair grounds so much appreciated by the county — just to the east of the city of Wood- stock. There they built better shedding for the stock and held their annual fairs until 1866, when they organized a life membership, with an admittance fee of $20. Over one hundred names were added to this list, and this allowed the society to afford better accommodations, to enlarge its grounds which was carried out by purchasing five acres to the south of the first tract. They also then erected an agricultural hall, observa- tory, ticket office, etc. In about 1868 the society bought seven acres more to the north, making twenty-two acres in all. Here one finds a good half- mile track and here have been held some of the largest fairs in Illinois. Other improvements have been made with the passing years and much interest has been manifested and doubtless much of the present high standard of farm-life in the "Kingdom of McHenry" has been due to the efforts of those who have kept the county fairs alive, until the younger generation has caught the spirit of the age, and are not satisfied with less than the best in everything pertaining to county fairs. Under the first society, the last executive board was composed of the following: D. E. Peck, Thomas McD. Richards, J. A. Wood, E. H. Seward, Robert Stewart, Richard Wray, E. Buck and J. E. Beckley. This was in 1872 when the old society changed to the new order of things and was thereafter known as the McHenry County Agricultural Board. The amounts paid in premiums in the early years of the fair were very liberal considering the fact that very little encouragement was given county fairs through state appropriation. Prior to 1907 $200 was the 208 HISTORY OP McIIEXRY COUNTY largest appropriation any county or district fair could receive from the state and all received the same amount regardless of merit. In 1907 McHenry County started the organization known as The Illinois Asso- ciation of Agricultural Fairs. This organization secured a state appro- priation for each fair of a sum equal to forty percent of the amount paid in premiums. This was afterward increased to sixty percent on the first $1,000 ; fifty percent on the second $1,000 j fort}' percent on the third $1,000 ; and thirty percent on the fourth $1,000 paid out in premiums. In 1867 the amount paid for premiums at the McHenry County Fair was $866.50; in 1868 it was $637.39; in 1875 it was $1,180.79; in the period from 1895 to 1901 from $1,400 to $1,600 was paid out for premiums not counting the money expended for speed. From 1903 to 1910, George A. Hunt, Secretary, the premiums were increased from $1,800 to $3,100 per year. In 1911, 1912, 1913 and 1914, Theodore Hamer, Secretary, the premiums were $3,014, $3,028, $3,746 and $3,654. In 1915, P. R. Forman, Secretary, $3,019 was paid in premiums; in 1916, W. C. Bartelt, Secre- tary, $1,948 was the amount paid. In 1917, P. R. Forman, Secretary, $1,696.50 was paid in premiums. In 1918, Guy E. Still, Secretary, $1,110.70 was paid in premiums. In the years 1919 and 1920, Hoyt E. Morris, Secretary, $2,255 and $3,427.75 were the amounts paid. During the years 1903 to 1910, inclusive, improvements to the value of over $10,000 were placed on the grounds of the society. The names of the presidents and secretaries of the McHenry County Fair since 1867, are as follows : 1867, William M. Jackson, Pres. ; C. H. Russell, Secy. 1868, James Crow, Pres.; E. E. Richards, Secy. 1869, James Crow, Pres.; E. E. Richards, Secy. 1870, James Crow, Pres.; E. E. Richards, Seey. 1871, James Crow, Pres.; E. E. Richards, Secy. 1872, James Crow, Pres.; W. H. Stewart, Secy. 1873, James Crow, Pres. ; W. H. Stewart, Secy. 1874, James Crow, Pres. ; Asa W. Smith, Secy. 1875, James Crow, Pres. ; Asa W. Smith, Seey. 1876, L. Woodard, Pres.; E. E. Richards, Secy. 1877, James Crow, Pres.; Andrew Bourne, Secy. 1878, James Crow. Pres.; Andrew Bourne, Secy. 1879, J. S. Wheat, Pres.; L. J. Gates, Secy. 1880, Thos. McD. Richards, Pres. ; W. H. Stewart, Secy. 1881, Thos. McD. Richards, Pres.; A. S. Wright, Secy. 1882, Thos. McD. Richards, Pres. ; A. S. Wright, Sec. 1883, Thos. McD. Richards, Pres. ; A. S. Wright, Seey. 1884, Thos. McD. Richards, Pres.; A. S. Wright, Seey. 1885, James Crow, Pres.; A. S. Wright, Secy. 1886, Thos. McD. Richards, Pres.; A. S. Wright, Secy. 1887. Thos. McD. Richards, Pres.; A. S. Wright, Secy. 1888, Thos. McD. Richards, Pres.; A. S. HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 209 Wright, Secy. 1889, Fred Hatch, Pres.; A. S. Wright, Secy. 1890, Fred Hatch, Pres. ; A. F. Field, Secy. 1891, Fred Hatch, Pres. ; A. F. Field, Secy. 1892, Fred Hatch, Pres. ; A. F. Field, Secy. 1893, Andrew Bourne, Pres. ; T. D. McRichards, Secy. 1894, R. J. Beck, Pres. ; G. B. Richards, Secy. 1895, R. J. Beck, Pres. ; G. B. Richards, Secy. 1896, R. J. Beck, Pres. ; G. B. Richards, Secy. 1897, R. J. Beck. Pres. ; D. T. Smiley, Secy. 1898, M. Zimpelinann, Pres. ; A. S. Wright, Secy. 1899, M. Zimpelmann, Pres. ; A. S. Wright, Secy. 1900, M. Zimpelinann, Pres. ; A. S. Wright, Secy. 1901, Fred Hatch, Pres. ; F. G. Arnold, Secy. 1902, Fred Hatch, Pres. ; F. G. Arnold, Secy. 1903, Fred Hatch, Pres. ; Geo. A. Hunt, Secy. 1904, William Desmond, Pres. ; Geo. A. Hunt, Secy. 1905, William Desmond, Pres. ; Geo. A. Hunt, Secy. 1906, William Desmond, Pres. ; Geo. A. Hunt, Secy. 1907, William Desmond, Pres. ; Geo. A. Hunt, Secy. 1908, William Desmond, Pres. ; Geo. A. Hunt, Secy. 1909, William Desmond, Pres.; Geo. A. Hunt, Secy. 1910, William Desmond, Pres.; Geo. A. Hunt, Secy. 1911, Ben Throop, Pres. ; Theo. Hamer, Secy. 1912, Ben Throop, Pres. ; Theo. Hamer, Secy. 1913, Ben Throop, Pres. ; Theo. Ilamer, Secy. 1914, Ben Throop, Pres.; Theo. Hamer, Secy. 1915, D. L. James,. Pres. ; P. R. Fornian, Secy. 1916, Frank J. Green, Pres.; W. C. Bartelt, Secy. 1917, Frank J. Green, Pres. ; P. R. Forman, Secy. 1918, Frank J. Green, Pres.; Guy E. Still, Secy. 1919, C. W. Harrison, Pres.; Hoyt E. Morris, Secy. 1920, F. A. Walters, Pres.; Hoyt E. Morris, Secy. 1921, F. A. Walters, Pres. ; Hoyt E. Morris, Secy. To A. S. Wright belongs the distinction of having served the society as secretary longer than any other incumbent of the office. He was first elected in 1880 and served for the years 1881 to 1889 inclusive, making nine consecutive years, and again in 1898, 1899 and 1900, making twelve years of service for the association. Mr. Wright made an ideal secretary and was a persistent advertiser. During the years in which he officiated as secretary, and by his invitation the association had the honor of enter- taining many noted men. In 1882 General Oglesby, General Black, Gen. J. C. Smith, General Raum, General Chetlain, General Beem, and the French Consul, Edmond Bruevaert, were guests of the fair. In 1883 General Longstreet, Governor Hamilton, Hon. David Littler, Gen. Clark E. Carr, and ex-minister Washburn were the association's guests. In 1884 Gen. John A. Logan, General Black, General Torrance, General Beem and Governor Fairchild were the guests of honor. In 1886 Hon. A. J. Hopkins, and in 1887 Hon. Samuel Randall of Pennsylvania, Hon. A. E. Stevenson, Vice President of the United States from 1893 to 1897, Congressman William Springer, Congressman Joseph G. Cannon, and .'1(1 BISTORT? OF McHENRY COUNTY Hon. Joseph Fifer were the county's guests. In 1889 Gen. Russel A. Alger, and Lt, Gov. Lyman Kay visited the fair. Senator Shelby M. Cullom, of Illinois, and Senator "Long" .lours of Wisconsin, visited the fair in 1899 and gave addresses to the old Bettlers of whom more than 300 registered their names at the Secretary's office. Gov. Frank 0. Low den visited the fair in 1917. Gov. John M. Palmer of Illinois, Governor St. John of Kansas, Gov. Richard Yates and many other noted nun have visited McHenry County at various times as guests of the county fair. There is a strong probability that the Fair Association will be incor- porated as a stock company in the near future. If this is clone it will undoubtedly result in a better business organization and with the strong movement under way for road improvement, and the increasing use of automobiles the future success of the fair should be assured. MC BENRY COUNTY MEN WHO HAVE SERVED AS OFFICERS AT STATE AND OTHER FAIRS M. Zimpelman of Marengo was Vice President of the Illinois State Fair from the Eleventh District and Superintendent of Machinery for the years 1889 and 1900. He was succeeded the following year by C. F. Dike of Crystal Lake who served as Vice President from this District and served as Superintendent of Machinery for sixteen consecutive years, or until his death which occurred March 6, 1916. Charles Gilkerson, of Marengo was Assistant Superintendent of Dairy Products at the Illinois State Fair for the years 1908, 1909, 1910 and 1911. He was also Super- intendent of Dairy Products at the National Dairy Show at Chicago for several years, also at Springfield, Massachusetts and Columbus, Ohio. George A. Hunt, of Woodstock, made exhibits of agricultural products for McHenry County at the Illinois State Fair in 1901 and 1902, winning first premium for the county both years. The exhibit for 1902 consisted of six tons of products. A reproduction of this exhibit was made at the McHenry County Fair in 1903. The grains and grasses and the samples of wood from this exhibit wei-e selected by the Illinois Commission to show at the World's Fair at St. Louis, 1904. Mr. Hunt was appointed Super- intendent of Illinois Dairy Products for the World's Fair at St. Louis, 1904. The spectacular feature of this exhibit was the bust statues of President Grant and President Lincoln, made with pure creamery butter. Mr. Hunt secured the services of the well known sculptor, Leonard Crunelle, for this work. HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 211 MARENGO AGRICULTURAL BOARD 111 1872 a Driving Park Association was formed in the village of Marengo, consisting of J. M. Anderson, R. M. Patrick, T. II. St. John, L. W. Sheldon, A. H. Vail, Calvin Gilbert, S. K. Bartholomew, W. A. Boice, Calvin Spencer and a few others. The association leased of Cal- vin Spencer for a term of years; also went to considerable expense in grading the track and erecting an amphitheatre, but after holding two exhibitions found it to be a financial failure. The association dissolved, and the property and lease fell into the hands of a few of the former members, who tried to run it for a time, hoping that foreign horsemen might come in and take it off their hands. Failing in this they turned the property over to an Agricultural Board which was soon formed at Marengo, consisting of A. Jones, R. M. Patrick, E. H. Seward and Calvin Spencer. These gentleman ran the grounds three seasons longer, when a state charter was secured and 220 shares of stock were issued at $10 per share. Under this plan Marengo held several excellent annual fairs, but between 1885 and 1890 the enterprise was discontinued. Their mile track was the wonder of horsemen everywhere. They had an amphi- theatre holding 1,000 people, and ninety box stalls. KISHWAUKEB FARMERS' CLUB This was the name given to a club formed in March, 1875, in Marengo Township, through the efforts of Messrs. Israel Boice, T. McD. Richards and Patterson Pringle, who met at the house of Mr. Richards early that spring, and after discussing the feasibility of the matter among them- selves, selected fifteen of the best neighboring farmers to join them. Their plans were heartily accepted by all, and it was not long before the club had a membership of more than fifty farmers. They held their meetings once a month, at the residence of some of their members, where they discussed in a friendly manner various modes of farming, in all branches of agriculture, horticulture, stockraising, dairy business, etc. Some member was appointed at a previous date to prepare or secure a lecture on some given topic and this was read at the next meeting. The wives and daughters of the members had a part in the work, as well as the men, for they, it was supposed, would furnish the "eats" for as many as might be present, and this they did with cheerfulness. The first one to act as president of this early farmers' club was Thomas McD. Richards, and he held the position for six years, and was succeeded by 212 HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY It. M. Patrick. Great good among the fanners of southwestern McHenry County was the result of this early club. FAK.M STATISTICS George A. Hunt, who had charge of the county agricultural exhibits at the Illinois State Fair in 1901 and 1902, and Director of Farm Institutes fur the Eleventh Congressional District published a neat booklet which accompanied the exhibit from McHenry County, and that publication contained many facts, including the following: "The area of McHenry County is G12 square miles. Its population is about 30,000. (The present population of McHenry County, as shown by the Federal Census of 1920, is 33,164.) The chief industries are agriculture, dairying and stockraising, nevertheless there arc a large number of manufacturing establishments in this county, where many persons are employed. The soil over a large portion of the county is a deep dark loam with clay sub-soil admirably adapted to retain mois- ture. There is very little untillable land and a crop failure has never been known." In speaking of crops, Mr. Hunt remarks that "Corn is the staple one, 100,000 acres being devoted to it ; average per acre from forty to fifty bushels, making a total of from four to five million bushels per year. The oats crop is second in importance, the acreage being 50,000 acres with an average yield of from thirty-five to forty-five bushels per acre. The total crop is usually about 2,000,000 bushels of oats." "About 2,000 acres are devoted to Irish potatoes which go as high as 300 bushels per acre and sell at an average price of from forty to eighty cents per bushel" (remember, this was written in 1901). At the time this booklet was written there were more creameries in McHenry County than in any other county in the United States. At the present writing there is not a creamery in active operation in the county. The wages paid farm hands are twenty per cent higher than in cen- tral Illinois and thirty-five per cent higher than in southern Illinois. McHenry County has about 75,000 head of cattle; 10,000 head of sheep; 17,000 horses; 100,000 hogs; poultry and eggs sold to fully $100,000 besides all that are consumed in the farmers' homes. This county is in the center of the dairy region of the world. The county has over 50,000 cows, from which comes 200. 000, 000 pounds of HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 213 milk annually, bringing a revenue to the farmers of between $3,500,000 and $4,000,000 annually for this product alone. Again in 1914, in a book prepared for the Holstein Breeders' Asso- ciation, he states: "McIIeijry County, Illinois, is in the center of the greatest dairy region of the world. This county contains more than 50,000 cows, producing over 200,000 tons of milk annually, a large por- tion of which finds its way to the Chicago market." "registered" farm names Under a recent-time legislative provision any farmer who pays a recording fee of $1 is entitled to have his landed estate given a select name — no two to be alike in the same county — and the same property recorded in the book made on purpose and kept in the county recorder's office. Also he is entitled to a printed certificate of the same, showing name, name of farm, and location of same. Many of the landowners here have taken out such certificates and had them neatly framed and hung upon their home walls. Up to this date (1921) the following is a list of such registered farms, the numerals refer to section, township and range of such tracts of land : Hill Crest— 20-44-6— Ben LeRoy Andrews. Oak Lawn— 20-44-6— Philip W. Andrews. Spring Brook— 32-43-9— Charles W. Albright. Meadow Park— 9-45-7— O. H. Aavang. Twin Oak Farm— 13-46-8— W. J. Aylward. Hillside— 27-46-8— Carl Anderson. Maple View— 9-45-8— Herbert W. Allen. Arbor Lodge— 10-45-8— Herbert W. Allen. Walnut Knoll Stock Farm — 22-44-5 — George D. Beldin. Silver Spring Farm — 6-43-9 — Darwin E. Brown. Spring Lake Daily Farm — 23-43-9 — C. L. Bratzler. Spring Hill Farm— 11-45-7 — Frank M. Barber. Evergreen Farm — 31-44-6 — P. R. Boies. .Maple Shade Farm— 6 and 7-43-6— W. A. Boies. Olenburg Farm — 13-44-7 — Alfred Bergquist. Theoforda— 27-45-5— Raymond Brickley. Hill Crest Poultry Farm— 25-44-9— C. E. Behan. Woodlands Dairy Farm— 6-44-8— J. F. Claxton. Nippersink Farm— 30-46-9— Estate of Franklin M. Cole. Highwood — 7-44-8 — M. Conley. 214 HISTORY OF McHEXRY COUNTY Maplehurst — 11-4;")-.") — Minnie E. Carmack. Near Brook Farm — 15-45-5 — Minnie E. Carmack. Elmhurst — 1-44-9— H. E. Clemens. Maywood Farm — 1-46-6 — Arthur D. Connie. The Four Oaks— 35-45-8— R. G. Chamberlain. Lakewood Farm- 22-45-8- Fred J. Colby. Meadowmere — 2-45-5 — Russell and Blanche Diggins. Greenwood Farm — 10-45-7 — Guy Dygert. Kishwaukee Stock Farm — 26-44-5 — Ethel M. Echternach. Crystal Springs Farm — 32-45-8 — Elmer J. Fellows. Lake View Farm— 21-45-8— E. P. Flanders. Oak Glen Farm— 16-44-8— Turner Flanders. Riverside Dairy Farm — 26-45-8 — Stephen H. Freund. Twin Pine Farm— 23-46-6— Roy R. Fink. Bur Oak — 30-44-7 — John Ferguson. The Gardner Farm— 27-46-8— Willis H. Gardner. Silver Crest — 24-44-8 — George J. Garrison. Pleasant View — 7-44-7 — Christian Gasser. Gayland Farm— 22-45-5— G. A. Gay. Pleasant Grove Farm — 6-43-6 — Charles Gilkerson. Oak Ridge — 17-45-8 — George H. Harrison. Oak Mound — 5-45-8 — George H. Harrison. Meadow Lawn — 5-45-8 — Charles N. Harrison. Three Oaks— 9-45-8— Ora D. Harrison. West View— 35-45-6— Emery J. Heaton. Hermonsou Dairy Farm — 9-45-5 — Andrew A. Hermonson. Riverside Farm— 33-44-5— G. W. Hamlin. Inter Prairie Farm— 27-43-7. Griswold Lake Farm— 27-43-7— A. H. Hale. Cloverland Farm— 33-44-8— Mary L. Hale. The Pines— 20-44-8— G. H. Hillebrand. Oak Grove Farm— 36-46-7— C. C. Hunt. Crystal Brook Farm— 20-43-8— Edwin Hall Estate. Shadow Lawn — 1-45-5 — D. I. Hine. Emerald Court— 36-46-5— Mrs. A. J. Hoban. Cozy Nook— 29-46-8— Charles F. Krohm. Cloverdale — 22-44-7 — James B. Loomis. Sunny View Poultry Place— Wilber H. Levey. (In Ridgefield.) Grand View— 22-46-8— Earl E. Monear. Cold Springs— 12-44-7— Cora L. Mason. 4 tLAA^t^^z^ ■ HISTORY OF MoHENRY COUNTY 215 Ardmore— 24-44-8— George L. Murphy. Bellevue— 14-45-6— George L. Murphy. Rosedale— 15-45-6— George L. Murphy. Sorek— 29-45-7— George L. Murphy. Lismore— 19-45-7— George L. Murphy. Carmel— 32-45-7— George L. Murphy. Brookfield— 7-45-7— George L. Murphy. Oakwood Farm— 21-45-8— Clinton E. Martin. Walnut Grove Dairy Farm— 25-43-6— J. M. Marsh. The Lindens— 2-43-5— Dr. CO Miller. Hillside View Farm— 12-44-5— John L. Madison. The Maples— 31-45-6— Robert F. Marshall. Oakside Farm— 17-44-7— Charles E. Marks. Elm Lawn— 20-43-8— Mrs. F. E. Martin. Frary Dale— township 43, range 8— Laura E. Munshaw. Merrilldale— 23-45-5— F. S. Merrill. Windham Farm — 25-46-5— James H. Moore. Sunny Crest— 8-45-8 — Burton McCannon. Fairview — 4-45-8 — Grace McCannon. North View— 24-44-8— James W. McNish. Walnut Hill Stock Farm— 10-45-7— M. W. Newman. Highland Park Dairy Farm— 28-46-8— C. L. Osborn. Lilac Hill— 9-46-5— Jacob Olbrich. Silver Spring Dairy Farm— 14-43-5— S. P. Olesen. Sunnyside— 34-45-8— Chas. L. Page. Shady Lawn Farm— 31-46-5— Mrs. M. J. Paul. Cozy Dale Farm— 33-45-7— Frank Piska. Evergreen Acres — 31-44-5 — Frederick Pulse. Lakeside — 22-45-8 — Caroline M. Petersen. Clover Brook Farm— 24-46-8— H. G. Reading. Meadow Brook Farm— 24-46-8— H. G. Reading. Menoken Stock Farm— 16-46-6— John C. Ross. Crystal Brook Farm— 20-43-8— David Reid. Hickory Grove— 14-43-6— Charles W. Rugh. Meadow Brook Dairy Farm— 13-43-6— The Riley Est. Prairie View — 5-45-8 — Lncella A. Stephenson. Seebert's Caryview Dairy Farm— 13-43-8— Mrs. Georgia C. Seebert. Oak Hill Farm— 13-46-5— Fred N. Smith. Mayflower Farm— 20-44-6— E. B. Standish. Garden of Eden— 17-46-9— J. W. Sanborn. 216 HISTORY OF MrHEXRY COFXTY West I, awn Farm — 25-45-5 — Alice B. Stevenson. Waveland Farm- 6-45-5 — Ole A. Stalheim. Florintine— 18-46-7— J. N. Turner. Ingleside — 12-4.">-7 — B. L. Thomas. Glen View Farm— 27-46-8— Reuben R. Turner. Maple Dale— 36-46-7— Charles H. Thompson. Hazel Ridgi — 24-46-8— E. G. Turner. (lover Hill Farm— 30-45-8— F. 15. Thompson. Waverly Stock Farm— 22-46-6— W D. Thompson. .Maple Lawn— 32-46-6— Milo M. Wakeley. Grovelaud Stock Farm— 10-44-7— Frank White & Son. Hill Crest Stock Farm — 4-44-8— W. E. Whiting. Willobrook Farm— 12-45-8— William Walkington. Bighland Stock Farm— 2-44-8— Walter .1. Walsh. Fairholme Farm — 11-45-5 — Flora E. Whipple. Overlook— 13-45-5— H. E. Whipple. The Spring— 16-46-6-^J. F. Westphall. Improvement — 23-43-5 — W. H. Weaver. Oakland Farm— 33-44-8— John M. Walkup. Orchard Knob— 13-46-8— Walter E. Winn. East Acres— 36-46-6— Randall D. Weitzel. Level Acres — 33-45-6 — John C. Widmayer. CHAPTER XIV DAIRY AND LIVE STOCK INTERESTS By W. J. Kittle LEADING INDUSTRY DIFFERENCE IN METHODS EARLY AND LATER DAY IN- TERESTS FORMER CHEESE AND BUTTER ACTIVITIES — RADICAL CHANGE PIONEER SHIPPERS — INTELLIGENT DAIRYING DAIRY INTERESTS — IMPOR- TANCE OF DAIRY COW. LEADING INDUSTRY The leading industry of this county is dairying, which gives it a commanding position. Dairying is carried on so extensively that the county is said to have more cows per acre than any other county in the United States. While since its early days the farmers of the county have been engaged in dairying, and marketed their product direct, at present they are disposing of their milk to the large city dealers and condensaries. The city dealers have many bottling and receiving plants located throughout the county. These, with two condensing plants, furnish the points at which the dairymen deliver their milk daily, and at these plants the milk is prepared for the city consumers, or is manu- factured into condensed and evaporated products. DIFFERENCES IN METHODS There is a great difference between modern methods of handling milk, and those which prevailed many years ago, owing in part to state regula- tions, and also to the education of the farmer who has learned how to care for his stock and milk according to sanitary ideas. Some of the finest equipped dairy farms in the country are in McIIenry County, and several of them are rated as model agricultural plants. As long ago as 1885 the attention of the public was called to the dairy interests of this county, and from then on to the present day, they have been the subject of many articles in different journals, extracts from several of which being given below. 217 218 IllsToKY OF McHENRY COUNTY EARLY AND LATER DAY INTERESTS From an old publication issued in 1> S "> the subjoined is quoted: "The sinrk and dairy business of this county are fasl assuming an importance which bids fair to transcend all others. The very best of pasturage and excellent water supplies abound every where in the county. The famous blue grass, so common in the South, is here in- digenous and thrives luxuriantly. These facts have led the farmers to turn their attention largely to stockraising and dairying, while at the same time they continue to give a good share of their time to the pro- duction of hay. cereals, fruit ami vegetables. The dairy interests are discussed more in detail, but in this eon tion it may he added that the importance of improving our stock of late years has become almosl universal, until now choice herds of Holsteins. Alderneys and Herefords can be seen in all parts of this county. The combining of stock and dairy interests has been attended with the most satisfactory results. "Until within the last quarter of the century I 1860) cheese making in Illinois was a small industry. No cheese was made for export, except in the larger dairies. Factories were unknown, and the markets of the state were supplied with Eastern cheese products. The Western farmer had the best farming and grazing land in the country, as well as every facility for raising stock at less expense than the Eastern farmers; still dairying received little or no attention. Cattle were kept in great num- bers, but they were driven or shipped East for beef purposes. Butter was made and shipped to a small extent, but so little care and skill were displayed in the manufacture of butter that Western butter acquired an unenviable reputation in the world's markets. Most of the farmers were in debt and gave their attention to stock, considering that the speediesl means of raising funds. As in all new-settled countries, grains and stock received almost exclusive attention and manufacturers were discouraged. As to cheese, it was urged that only an inferior quality could be made in the West ; that the milk did not contain the necessary ingredients; that the grass, soil and climate were not suitable. But all these false theories have been long since exploded, since the farmers went to work in an intelligent manner and understanding, and gave the dairy industry the attention its importance demanded. "Before 1866 there was not a cheese factory in McHenry County. In 1866 and 1867 there were eight in operation, and the number con- tinually increased. At first the business met with considerable opposi- tion. There was a lack of confidence among stockholders as to profits. HISTORY OP McHENRY COUNTY 219 There was also great difficulty in obtaining employes possessing qualifi- cations of experience and adaptation to the work. The cheese were generally made for those furnishing the milk, at a stipulated price per pound, either two and a half or three cents. The factory proprietors furnished all other materials, making and storing for a specified time. At the expiration of the time agreed upon the owners of the eheese either took it away or allowed the manufacturer to sell for them on commission. In 1867 the cheese factories in operation in this county were: "The Hebron factory, built in the spring of 1866 by R. W. Stewart and W. II. Stewart ; a two-story frame building, 30x55 feet, enlarged the second year. •'The Huntley factory, started in 1866 by A. A. Blanchard and A. Woodworth. "The Marengo factory, started in 1867 by Anson Sperry and R. M. Patrick. "The Greenwnod factory, in 1867; A. C. Thompson and George Abbott, proprietors. "The Union factory, 1867; Hunderford & Durkee, proprietors. "The Woodstock factory, 1867; C. De Cleroq, proprietor. "The Riley factory, built in 1867 by P. B. Merrill, E. Graves and Leonard Parker." The amount of milk used and the number of pounds of cheese pro- duced by the above mentioned factories during 1867 is thus given in the Woodstock Sentinel : Name of Factory Pounds Milk Pounds Cheese Richmond (six months run) 1,830,423 134,471 Hebron (five months run) 1,000,000 112,000 Huntley (four and three-fourths).. 597,905 64,07S .Marengo (four months run) Greenwood (four months run) 542,365 54,236 Union (four months run) 429,000 43,000 Woodstock (four months run) 243,000 22,223 Riley (four months run) 40,000 "In addition to the above," says the same authority "there were a great many farmers in the county in 1867 who had dairies of from twenty to fifty cows and made cheese at home. "The dairy interests have grown rapidly from the beginning. The county now (1885) contains fifty-three cheese factories and creameries. 220 HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY Also large dairies. The shipping of milk to Chicago is carried on <; HISTORY OF McIIEXRY COUNTY J. 0. Teeple and Eenry Eckerl established a machine shop, which was of greal value to the early settlers of this pari of the county, and also carried on a foundry and made many castings. This plant was finally owned by D. II. S. Barrows. In 18(18 Dr. ( '. 15. Durfee began tin- manufacture of drain tile. This plant Later became the property of the Woodstock Brick, Drain. Tile and Peat Company, which used native peat for the fuel needed. This business closed in 1873. The pickle factory of Squire Dingee & Company was first established by a stock company, formed in 1873, with a capital stock of $.70,000. The building was elected in 1874, and E. T. Hopkins was placed in charge. The business after a time was leased to Heintz, Noble & Com- pany for five years, and this concern packed in large (plant ities. but after a long trial went out of existence as a producer of vinegar, although pickles were still packed. In 1880. under the ownership of Squire Dingee, the annual output was 55,000 bushels of cucumbers. The plant had fifty-five large salting vats, and employment was given to about twenty men. During the shipping season from eight to ten carloads were usually shipped per week. Another early pickle factory was that operated by Norman frame & Company, and it was undoubtedly the largest one in the county at that time. Norman Frame and Judge T. D. Murphy entered into partner- ship in 1881, under the above name, and carried on an extensive pickle and vinegar plant at "Woodstock until they leased their plant to Squire Dingee, and the business was by him carried on until he went out of this line, a number of years thereafter. The Pickle Growers' Union was formed in 1881, and had 100 mem- bers, at whose head was Edward Short. Associated with him were other representative pickle growers, whose object was to store the pickles pro- duced by the members of the union so as to be able to take advantage of the better prices later in the season. During 1883, 1884 and 1885 this organization did a business of $40,000 annually in salted pickles. Their building was located near the depot, and had a capacity of 25.000. In 1884 the association had increased its membership, and had for its officers the following: T. McD. Richards, president ; Mark Hicock, treas- urer; and Edward Short, secretary. As the years went on, however, the farmers changed their crops, and, no longer raising pickles, the business was discontinued. In 1858 a brewery was established a mile and one-half west of Wood- stock by John Bertchey. It was a small plant making common beer HISTORY OF McHBNRY COUNTY 227 Later it was owned by Arnold, Zimmer & Company, which purchased the founder's rights in 1868. The new firm was continued many years and operated a large plant, the original one having been expanded, until the mammoth brewing companies at Chicago, Milwaukee and other cities monopolized the brewing industry. A never-failing spring supplied the water used by the Woodstock brewery, and ice was produced in an artificial pond nearby. In 1885 the brewery was using 25,000 bushels of malt ; had three immense icehouses, fermenting rooms, cooling rooms, bottling rooms, stables and sheds for the large number of horses and wagons used in carrying on what was the largest brewing plant in this part of Illinois. Twenty-live men were employed for twelve hours a day, and 800 barrels of beer were produced monthly, including standard brands of Bohemian and export beer. This beer was sold at Woodstock, Harvard, Janesville, Rockford, Clinton, Elgin and Dundee. The brew- ing company also owned and farmed 180 acres of land on which they fed cattle for the markets. This brewery was destroyed by fire in 1902. In 1897 Mrs. Edith Kingman Poyer established what was known as the "Northwestern Rabbitry" for the production of rabbits for their meat and skins, and was principally managed by Mrs. Poyer 's brother, C. F. Kingman. It was expanded and in 1901 was said to be the largest plant of its kind in America, and yielded good returns. The plant was located at the end of Washington street, and in the frame building there were 275 cages, usually filled with fine specimens of imported hares and rabbits. One animal, "Fiery Fox," took prizes all over the country, and his owner was offered .+2,000 for him. The Be'gian hares were especially valuable, and thousands of pounds of these animals were chipped in refrigerator cars to Eastern markets, where fancy prices were received. A fire destroyed the plant and it was never rebuilt. It is as a center for the manufacture of typewriters that Woodstock has become known all over the civilized world, the plants of two of the leading machines being located in this city. They form the chief in- dustrial factor of Woodstock, and are of great importance to the people here and throughout the county. The Oliver Typewriter Company, the pioneer in this industry, has its plant near the railroad station, and it manufactures the Oliver type- writer. This machine is the direct materialization of a dream held for years by Rev. Thomas Oliver, a clergyman of the Methodist Episcopal Church. A natural mechanic, with a genius for inventing, he long worked over his ideas for improving the primitive "writing" machines. Probably because of his interest in them, he pursued his idea in his 228 HISTORY OF McIIKNRY COUNTY dreams, and one night had what he felt was a vision, and the following day put his recollection of it on paper. Prom this he worked oul through days of experimenting what was the firsi Oliver typewriter. He eon- structed several models before he was able to reach the fundamental principle of the now famous machine thai bears his name. His was the firsi visible typewriter known. He made his experimental type-bars of two strips of common tin, but his model worked well, and lie typed his sermons with it. Doctor Oliver commenced making his typewriters while living at Epsworth, Iowa, a short distance west of Dubuque. His first shop was on the second floor of a wooden building, the lower floor of which was used for a restaurant. Here he made twelve experimental machines, placed them on trial, thereby gaining a full dozen recommendations, and he was then able to organize a stock company with a paid-up capital of $20,000, or its equivalent. His fellow-townsmen so appreciated the value of Doctor Oliver's invention and its importance to their community that they built him a brick shop, and employment was given to sixteen em- ployes including: Charles Fay, who accompanied him to Woodstock. The business so increased that it was deemed expedient to look for a per- manent location near Chicago, and in December, 1S96, the business was moved to Woodstock and the plant established in the quarters formerly occupied by the Wheeler and Tappan Pump Company. With the un- derstanding that the plant was to remain at Woodstock for a period of five years, the city donated the buildings above referred to. Many years have elapsed since then, and the plant is still at Woodstock, and em- ployment is now given to about 1,400 persons, the output being 325 machines daily. This contrasts vividly with the 100 machines which were the sole output of the first eight months' work of the company after coming to Woodstock. Six of the original employes came from Iowa to Woodstock with the company, namely: A. C. Peavey, Irving Greenlee, Robert Edwards, S. Horr, Charles Fay and Lester Carr. The Oliver Building at No. 159 North Dearborn street is the Chicago headquarters of the company. The present officers are: Henry K. Gilbert, president : Delevan Smith, vice president; William B. Stewart, Jr.. vice president; John Whitcomb, vice president, who is in charge of sales: E. II. Smith, secretary and treasurer, who is in charge of production: and Frank M. Farnsworth, auditor. The Woodstock Typewriter Company was organized under the laws of Illinois, under the name of the Emerson Typewriter Company. Sep- HISTOEY OF McHENEY COUNTY 229 tember 14. 19(19, and its plant was at Momence, 111., and the Emerson typewriter was manufactured. Until the plant was moved to Woodstock in 1910, George M. A. Fecke was president of the company. In December, 1910, the company was reorganized, and in June, 1911, discontinued manufacturing the Emerson typewriter, scrapping the tools, and commenced the production of the Woodstock typewriter according to the designs of Alvah C. Boebuck, the inventor. This ma- chine was first placed on the market in 1915 and has proved to be very popular. The company erected a spacious brick building in the eastern part of Woodstock, which contains 44,270 square feet of floor space, and additional space will soon be afforded. About 350 persons are employed and the output is about fifty-five machines per day. Approximately fifty percent of these machines are sold in the United States, the re- mainder being shipped to foreign countries. The present officers of this company are as follows : L. W. Meck- stroth, president ; Arnold J. Lethen, treasurer ; N. W. Keating, secre- tary ; J. F. Swahlstedt, assistant treasurer ; 0. Hokanson, chief engineer ; N. W. Marsilius, superintendent; Mack Marsilius, assistant superinten- dent ; and E. Lowe, purchasing agent. MARENGO In 1861 a flour-mill was built at Marengo by Butsford, Howe & Spen- cer at a cost of .$10,000. It was operated by steam, and an excellent custom business was carried on. In the eighties it was still operated, being then owned by S. K. Bartholomew, who, however, only produced feed. With changes in methods of production and the growth of the great flour and feed corporations, this mill, with similar ones, went out of existence. A foundry and machine shop was established at Marengo in 186S, by Henry Deitz, but it later became the property of C. E. Kelley who enlarged the plant, added much modern machinery, including small engines and a line of pumps. About fifteen men were usually employed. A cheese-box factory at Marengo was the outgrowth of a sash and blind factory which was started about 1878. It did not pay and so was converted into a coopering shop. After two years this coopering business was purchased by Wood & Sherwin, of Elgin, who began manufacturing cheese boxes. When butter and cheese were no longer produced by the farmers who found it more profitable to sell their milk, this factory ceased making butter tubs and cheese boxes for which there was no longer a local market. 230 HISTORY OP McIIEXKY COFXTY A canning factory was established at Marengo in 1875 by E. F. and K. L. McKinney. It was started in a small way. bul was expanded as the volume of business warranted, and here for years were manufactured jellies anil jams; all kinds of vegetables ami fruits were canned, ami several changes were made in location. All of the products were sold to Chicago grocers at excellent prices. From twenty to sixty persons were employed according to the season. At one time the output was sold direct to the United States government for use in the army. This factory has not been in operation for many years. The L. Woodard Pickle Company was founded in l!SSL> by Loren Woodard, uncle of W. P. Woodard, the present executive head. This company is incorporated, and the present officials are: W. C. Woodard. president; M. R. Woodard, secretary; and A. B. Woodard, treasurer. The L. Woodard Company are packers of salt pickles and fancy dill pickles, and in addition to the plant at Marengo, have plants at Harvard, III., and Covert, Hartford, Kingsley and Beulah, Mich. HARVARD In 1 S7l2 Burbank & Law erected at Harvard a malthouse which stood about twenty rods north of the depot, and its capacity was about 100 bushels per day. The product was sold at Chicago, Milwaukee and in Pennsylvania. On only a $5,000 capital the firm did an excellent business, exceeding 45,000 bushels of malt in their sales, but after three years closed down, and the building' was converted into a grain ware- house. Another malthouse was established about the same date by the Har- vard Malting Company, and it had a capacity of 250 bushels daily, and the business was under the management of E. E. Ayer. Three years later the malthouse was closed, but was soon afterwards sold to a Kenosha firm who made a number of improvements on the plant, erecting buildings costing .+25,000. At one time this firm had on hand 60,000 bushels of malt. A pickle factory was started at Harvard in the spring of 1883, which had a capacity of 30,000 bushels of pickles. That same season Clark & Brainard built a factory of about the same size as the Sawyer factory, and for some years both concerns did a large business. The Harvard Flouring Mills were erected in 1857, by Jonathan W T ells, and in 1860 the building was sold to Colonel Blandin, and in 1870 he .sold to (i. II. Wood, A. S. Gournee and P. C. Farnum who enlarged it HISTORY OF McIIENRY COUNTY 231 and converted it into a flouring mill of the old millstone type. Early in the eighties it was changed to a modern roller process mill where "patent" flour was made. The Hunt, Helm & Ferris Company was established in 1883 and incorporated in 1902. The original founders were C. E. Hunt and N. B. Helm, and II. L. Harris was the inventor and designor. The com- pany manufactures barn equipment and builders' hardware of the "Star Line*' brand. During busy seasons employment is given to about 300 men. Shipments are made all over the United States and to South America and Europe. The present officials are: C. E. Hunt, president; H. L. Ferris, vice president; H. J. Ferris, vice president; B. B. Bell, secretary and treasurer; H. B. Megran, assistant secretary; and W. J. Heatley, assistant treasurer. The company has a branch at Albany, N. Y. The Church I lay Barrier "Manufacturing Company manufactured a hay carrier, invented by E. L. Church, and patented in 1874. He was then living in Wisconsin, and was not much more than a lad, but was a born inventor. His first carriers were manufactured at Rockford, 111., but in 1880 he came to Harvard, bought a building at the corner of Ayer and Church streets, enlarged it, and increased his production to about 4,000 carriers annually. He had traveling men in all parts of the country and he did a big business, his sales extending even as far west as California. Subsequently this business was merged with the Hunt, Helm & Ferris Company. In 1914 H. C. Beardsley founded what is now the Beardsley Candy Company, manufacturers and jobbers of the "Fern-Bee" confections, the latter name having been assumed in 1919. In the busy season em- ployment is given to thirty people. Sales are made to jobbers and re- tailers. The present officials are : II. C. Beardsley, president, and E. G. Fernholz, secretary and treasurer. The Harvard Garment Company was established in 1920 by F. W. Banning. This concern manufactures dolls and doll dresses, and sells to jobbers and retailers over the United States and Canada. About 200 dozen dolls are produced weekly, and employment is given to about thirty-four people. ALGONQUIN Benjamin Douglas and Colonel Hoffman built the first saw-mill in Algonquin Township in 1839, and it was located on Crystal Lake. In 1842 A. Dawson built a mill in the village of Algonquin. Another mill 2: 12 HISTORY OF McIIENRY COUNTY was also built on Cliunn Creek in 1840 by Oliunii & Toles. These men, with Mr. Northrop, erected a grist-mill on the same creek in 1862. Burgess iSc Cornish built a mill, on the Cornish farm, in 1848, which was propelled by the water from the outlet of Crystal Lake. The grist- mill on the east side of the river at Algonquin was commenced by A. Dawson, and completed by Henry I'etrie. in 1849. In 1850 Doctor Plumleigh built a brick grist-mil] at Algonquin village on the lake outlet, and it carried on an excellent business way into the eighties. The American Ironing Machine Company was founded in 1906, and they manufacture ironing machines, skirt boards, safety tapping at- tachments, abrasion metal cutters and clothes extractors. When running full capacity they employ about 250 men. and make about 200 ironing machines a day. They have branch offices in New York; Chicago; Pitts- burgh; .Minneapolis; Omaha; Denver; San Francisco; St.. Louis; Rochester, N. Y. : Woodstock, Ontario ; and have dealers in nearly every state in the United States. The present officers are: Herman G. Groose, president; Edward C. Peter, vice president; Joseph W. Taft, secretary and treasurer; and the board of directors is composed of the following: Herman G. Groose, Edward C, Peter, Joseph W. Taft, Willis T. Peter, and W. W. Armstrong. The trade mark of this company is "Simplex." ALDEN As late as 1885 the butter and cheese industry was active at Alden, and there were four factories for the production of butter and cheese in Alden Township. The first one was built at Alden Station in 1869, and during its most flourishing period it used as much as 15,000 pounds of milk daily. The second of these factories was built in 1877, and was subsequently consolidated with the first. In 1879 F. Ferris & Company built a factory several miles beyond the town limits, and it had a daily consumption, in 1885, of 8,000 pounds of milk. When a change came in the milk industry, these factories went out of. existence, the milk now being shipped to Chicago through the several milk companies operating in the county. MC HENRY The first saw-mill was built in the village of McHenry in 1S37, by a Mr. Barnum, who later sold it to James Salisbury and several associates. James Salisbury was instantly killed, while beneath the mill looking HISTORY OF McHENKY COUNTY 233 after the machinery, at which time the water was accidentally turned on, and this was said to be the first death in the county of a person to whom a regular Christian burial was given. Rev. Joel Wheeler w. 1916, on which it is proposed to some day build a home office for the company. The central office being now lo- cated in the building used for the local exchange. The number of sub- scribers have increased since July 7, 1904, from seventeen to 1,117. These subscribers are now being served through the exchanges at Hebron, Rich- mond and Wilmot. The Farmers New Era Telephone Company has been beset by many storms and difficulties. Especially during its early history was its hori- zon clouded with dire forebodings and prophesies of misfortune and ultimate disaster. The clouds have blown away however after every storm leaving no sign of calamity or of reverses excepting losses of sev- eral thousands of dollars occasioned by sleet storms, and the company has continued to grow ami prosper during the seventeen years of its existence until it now owns, in addition to the lot in Hebron and the building in Richmond, 325 miles of poles, 1,500 miles of wire. 38.000 feet of cable and 1,132 telephones. Service is being furnished subscribers of the company through these telephones and over lines of the company extending from the Hebron Exchange four miles to the north, eight miles to the south, six miles to the west and eighteen miles to the east and reaching patrons of the company in and adjacent to the following towns: Alden, Hebron, Greenwood, Richmond, Ringwood, Solon Mills and Spring Grove, 111., and Basset, Camp Lake, Wilmot, Silver Lake, Twin Lakes, Trevor and Zenda, Wis. CHAPTER XVI MILITARY PATRIOTISM — WAR WITH MEXICO QUOTA IN CIVIL WAR — FIFTEENTH ILLI- NOIS — TWENTY-THIRD CONSOLIDATED THIRTY-SIXTH NINETY-FIFTH ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST ONE HUNDRED FORTY-SECOND ONE HUN- DRED FORTY-SEVENTH ONE HUNDRED FIFTY-THIRD ONE HUNDRED FIFTY-SIXTH EIGHTH CAVALRY SEVENTEENTH CAVALRY MISCEL- LANEOUS RETROSPECT — SPANISH -AMERICAN WAR MEXICAN BORDER WARFARE DEPARTING FOR MEXICAN BORDER THIRD REGIMENT STAFF TRUE SPIRIT OF AMERICANISM WORLD WAR DECLARATION OF WAR VOLUNTEERS SELECTIVE DRAFT REGISTRATIONS — WORLD WAR REGIS- TRARS ADMINISTERING THE OATH OF CITIZENSHIP EXEMPTION BOARDS WAR WORK BY TOWNSHD?S CASUALTIES — ROLL OF HONOR SOLDIERS HOME-COMING WEEK CHAIRMEN OF HOME-COMING COMMIT- TEES WOODSTOCK NATIONAL GUARD GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC WOMAN'S RELIEF CORPS AMERICAN LEGION. PATRIOTISM In 1917 the people of the United States awoke from the deep lethargy years of prosperity had brought upon them and began to define in their hearts and actions the real meaning of patriotism. They soon began to realize that the time had passed when standing at the playing of the national anthem or cheering the passing troops through the streets, constituted the full measure of true Americanism. In the hard, dark days to follow they were to come through the bitterest sacrifices to ap- preciate what our forefathers won for us in their struggles to secure freedom, and bring about an era of peace and prosperity. Thus awaken- ing, it was natural that all should take a renewed interest in the exploits of the heroes of past wars, and to demand that some account of them be included together with those of the present-day soldiers and sailors. Thus the latest History of McHenry County would in no sense be com- plete without showing what the people of the county performed in a military line, beginning with the Indian warfare, the Mexican war, the 239 240 HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY Civil war. the Spanish-American war. as well as to give all thai ran be obtained ai this date concerning "cur own boys," who, animated by the same spirit as prompted their forefathers and grandsires, leaving their homes and business associations to engage in the same kind of a war as has always interested this country — one for the oppressed againsl the oppressor. The part taken iii the Indian war was necessarily small in this county. Hut this chapter will treat especially on the deeds of Mexican, Civil war. Spanish-American and World war soldiery. All are given with due respect and reverence as well as the tenderest of feelings — the tear falls from the young life sacrificed, whether it was ter- minated in the sixties, the nineties or in the World war jusl closed, victorious for Liberty and Democracy, practically the world over. WAR WITH MEXICO Only the aged men of these times will recall the excitement that prevailed in this country when war was declared against .Mexico in 1846. The volunteers from Illinois performed such an aggressive, con- spicuous part in the war with Mexico that it is necessary to give an epitome of the war, to be able to understand and appreciate the nature and value of their services, and render them due credit which their importance demands. The records in the State Adjutant General's office give the following information: "On the 11th day of May, 1846, Congre-s passed an act, declaring that 'By the act of the Republic of Mexico, a state of war exists between that Government and the United States.' At the same time that body made an appropriation of $10,000,000 to cany on the war, and au- thorized the President to accept 50,000 volunteers. "This force, for convenience sake, to save transportation, and be- cause of their already well-known ability and familiarity with firearms, was drawn principally from the Southern and Western States. Illi- nois was called upon for three regiments of infantry or riflemen, and the pay, with all allowances, placed at $15.50 per month to the private soldier. The militia of the state being then in an unorganized condition. Governor Ford issued a call for thirty full companies of volunteers of a maximum of eighty men, to serve for twelve months, and with the privilege of electing their own officers for their regiment." The response to this call was indeed enthusiastic. Within ten days thirty-five full companies had organized and reported. By the time the place of rendezvous had been selected (Alton), there had been HISTORY OP McHENRY COUNTY 241 seventy-five companies recruited — each furious to get to the front, and from this number Governor Ford was compelled to select thirty com- panies. Of these thirty companies, were organized the First Regiment, Col. John J. Hardin; the Second Regiment, Col. William H. Bissell ; and the Third Regiment, Col. Ferris Foreman, which were recruited during the months of April, May and June, and mustered into service of the United States at Alton, Illinois, July 2, 1846. Hon. E. D. Baker, then in Congress from Illinois, induced the Presi- dent to let him recruit the Fourth Regiment, which was mustered in July 18, 1846. These four Illinois regiments served through the war and were mustered out together. On account of the many failures upon the part of Illinois, at Wash- ington, to get an accurate list of Mexican War soldiers' names, even as far back as when Robert T. Lincoln was Secretary of War, it will be impossible to give a roster of such soldiers as served from this county. While it is true that McHenry County was thinly settled at that date, yet there were pioneers of this county who served in that war and it is to be regretted that such lists cannot be compiled and given to the department at Springfield. Suffice to say the men who went from here wexe men who feared not the yell of the Mexican. QUOTA IN CIVIL WAR McHenry 's men have always been loyal, there is no question about that. It furnished 2,533 men during the Civil war, within three of its quota, and there was no need of any draft there. It must be remem- bered that the drafted service had another meaning during the Civil war than it has today. Owing to the much smaller army raised, until the latter part of the war there were plenty of volunteers, and the draft was not made until a community showed that its men were actively disloyal. With the opening up of our participation as a country, in the greatest w y ar the world has ever known, it was necessary to follow entirely new methods, and after due consideration of the subject, Con- gress decided to place under a universal draft all men between the ages of twenty-one and thirty-one years at the very outset of the formation of the new army, and from that draft thus secured 10,000,000 men in the very prime of manhood, from which has -been developed an army that commands the enthusiastic respect and admiration of the seasoned troops of countries which have always kept large standing armies, and incul- cated military training of all classes. 242 HISTORY OF McIIENRY COUNTY FIFTEENTH ILLINOIS Companies A, D and F, of the Fifteenth Illinois Volunteer Int'anlry, during the Civil war, were composed chiefly of McHenry County men. ami these were the first companies raised in McHenry County for this war. Captain Lewis D. Kelly, of Company A, was from "Woodstock; First Lieutenants Daniel C. Joslyn, Lawrence' H. Jones, Frederick W. Smith and William H. Sherman, were all from AVoodstock. Second Lieutenants Mark Hathaway, Frederick W. Smith, William H. Sher- man and George A. Austin, were also from Woodstock. Company D had as its captain, Harley Wayne, of Union, while its first lieutenants were Frank S. Cnrtis, Marengo; Frederick A. Smith of Genoa; Calvin H. Shapely of Harmony; John Waldock of Marengo; and its second lieutenants were Fred A. Smith of Genoa; Peter J. Labaugh, Marengo; John Waldock, Marengo ; and Michael Schoonmaker, Marengo. In Com- pany F, the captain was John Paddock, who resigned, and he was fol- lowed by William Henry of Algonquin, and Frank D. Patterson of Nunda. McHenry County was represented in this company by first lieutenants as follows: William Henry of Algonquin; John J. Sears of Algonquin; and Frank D. Patterson of Nunda; and Simeon L. Eells of Algonquin ; while all of the second lieutenants at the time of organi- zation were McHenry County men, promoted to a first lieutenancy as given above. The regiment was mustered into service May 21, 1861 ; re-enlisted veterans in 1864 ; re-organized in March, 1865, and mustered out September 20, 1865. TWENTY-THIRD CONSOLIDATED The Twenty-third Illinois Volunteer Infantry, known as the "Irish Brigade," was mustered into the service, June 15, 1861; re-enlisted men in August, 1864, and was mustered out at Richmond, Va., July 24, 1865. McHenry County had men in Companies F, G, H and K. The captain of Company F, Hiram C. Edison, was from Chemung; the captain of Company H, Edwin R. Cross, w r as from Chemung; the captain of Com- pany K, Henry Seigel, was from Chemung; and its first lieutenant, Daniel Morgan, was from Nunda. THIRTY-SIXTH About thirty-six of Company A, and nearly all of Company H of the Thirty-sixth Illinois Volunteer Infantry were from McHenry County, ■if. fll ^ & v *♦ ^t^^ /jet W* ft; -M ■ ~^W^ ir*^ mm fr W ' r^g^vi W||| iSBUfl^l %. W ^ — ^H 4*> fl jST- * «Fj| 4 , - ugl - -t - - CfijUAJU^ ^ ^^^ /^. OOju ^^^ HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 243 among the officers being George L. Lyon, chaplain, from Woodstock; William Mitchell, captain of Company A, from Crystal Lake ; Franklin J. Thwing, first lieutenant, from Crystal Lake; George L. Peeler, first lieutenant, from Crystal Lake; Merritt L. Joslyn, captain of Company II, from Woodstock; Theodore L. Griffin, captain, from Woodstock; Horace N. Crittenden, captain, from Crystal Lake; Alfred H. Sellers, first lieutenant, from Woodstock; Charles F. Dyle, first lieutenant, from Crystal Lake; Morris Briggs, first lieutenant, from Algonquin. This regiment was mustered into the service September 23, 1861, and mustered out at New Orleans, La., October 8, 1865. NINETY-FIFTH The Ninety-fifth Illinois Volunteer Infantry had in it 673 men from this county. In Company A, commanded by Capt. William Avery, there were ninety-nine men; in Company C, commanded by Capt. John B. Manzer, there were 100 men; in Company D, commanded by Capt. Ed- ward J. Cook, there were eighty-four men ; in Company E, commanded by Capt. John Eddy, there were ninety-six men; in Company F, com- manded by Capt. William H. Stewart, there were ninety-nine men; in Company H, commanded by Capt. Charles H. Tryon, there were ninety-nine men; and in Company I, commanded by Capt. James Nish, there were ninety-six men, making the total from McHenry County of 673 in these seven companies. This regiment was mustered into the service September 4, 1862; recruited in August, 1864; and mustered out August 8, 1865. ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST Among the commissioned officers of the One Hundred and Forty- first Illinois Volunteer Infantry, a 100-day regiment, were Jacob D. Lansing, Marengo, lieutenant-colonel; Harmon A. Buck, Marengo, sur- geon; F. W. Watson, Marengo, second assistant surgeon; Charles W. Ingersol, Marengo, first lieutenant, Company F. Company A contained one McHenry County man; Company F, twenty-six; and Company K, twenty-one. ONE HUNDRED FORTY-SEVENTH In Company I of the One Hundred and Forty-seventh Illinois Volun- teer Infantry (one year's service), there were twenty-five men from this 244 HISTORY OP McHEXRY COUNTY county. This regiment was mustered into service February is, 1864, and -was mustered out January 120, 1866. ONE HUNDRED FORTY-SECOND About twenty McHenry County men served in Company C. One Hun- dred and Forty-second Illinois Volunteer Infantry, which was a 100- day regiment, mustered in June 18, 1S64. and mustered out October 26, 1864. ONE HUNDRED FIFTY-THIRD The One Hundred and Fifty-third Illinois Volunteer Infantry had the following men in it from- this county: Company A, seventeen; Company B, thirty-three; Company C, twenty-one; Company F, two; Company K, eighty-five. The commissioned officers of this regiment from McHenry County were as follows: Capt. Charles H. Hickcock, Hartland; First Lieutenants John H. Payne, Hartland, and William R. Colburn, Richmond. This company was mustered into the service Feb- ruary 18, 180."), for one year, and was mustered out September 15, 1865*. ONE HUNDRED FIFTY-SIXTH There were no privates from this county in the One Hundred and Fifty-sixth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, hut the following commissioned officers were from this county: Erwin B. Messer, Chemung, lieutenant- colonel; Mortimor P. Bundy, Hebron, captain, Company C: Chester M. Stewart, Hebron, second lieutenant, Company C; Emanuel Engelsted, first lieutenant, Company C ; Thomas S. Sexton, Chemung, captain. Company E; David G. Hudson, first lieutenant, Company E; Martin Dalwy, Chemung, second lieutenant, Company E; Nelson W. Clark, Hebron, captain, Company K; John W. S. Bergman, Hebron, second lieutenant, Company K. This regiment was mustered into the service March 9, 1865, and mustered out September 20, 1865. EIGHTH CAVALRY The Eighth Illinois Volunteer Cavalry had several companies re- ■ruited from McHenry County. Company II being composed almost en- HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 245 tirely of men from here. In Company G there were twenty-six men from McHenry County; in Company H, about 150; in Company I, about thirty-three, and there were about thirty more scattered through- out the regiment. This regiment was mustered into the service Septem- ber 18, 1861, and was mustered out July 17, 1865. Its commissioned officers from McHenry County were as follows: Edward 1). Dowd, captain, Company II ; -first lieutenants, Company H, Isaac F. Russell, Crystal Lake, and Isaac M. Brooks, McHenry. SEVENTEENTH CAVALRY About twenty men from McHenry County served in Company B of the above regiment. Company G was made up almost entirely of them. Its commissioned officers were as follows: Louis D. Kelly, Dorr, and Cyrus Hutchinson, Benton, captains; Christopher D. Kelly, Dorr, and Albert A. Amet, Evanston, first lieutenants; and Ebenezer Knapp, Richmond, and William H. Austin, Richmond, second lieu- tenants. This regiment was mustered in January 22, 1864, and was mustered out in November and December of 1865. MISCELLANEOUS Thirty-two men from McHenry County served in Company I, Fifty- second Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and about twelve in Company G of that regiment. Twenty-six from McHenry County served in Com- pany E, Eighty-fourth Illinois Volunteer Infantry. In the Sixteenth Cavalry about twenty-five of the McHenry County men served, prin- cipally in Company H. Among its officers were Captain Hiram M. Planchett, "Woodstock, Company M ; and First Lieutenant Henry D. Stocker, of McHenry, Company M. RETROSPECT Many years have passed since the "boys in blue" came marching home. The majority of them settled down into private life, and were spared to rovmd out a long and useful life. In looking over the records at the McHenry County courthouse, it is discovered that this county issued bounty orders amounting to $260,000, of which $90,000 were outstanding in 187o\ These orders drew eight and ten per cent interest, but were about that date made 246 HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY uniformly eight per cent interest. This debt has long since been wiped out. The old camp-ground is silent now. All hushed the martial tread; The night winds cannot soothe their brow, They slumber with the dead. "Tenting tonight" they will not sing: Ah, boys, the camps are still; The battle's and the cannons' ring Is silent on the hill. You will not march again; God bless your rest tonight. Your suffering and pain Have clothed your soul in white. The battle-call is ended, The bugle notes are still, 'Tis silent on the hill. (The last line refers to the National Cemetery on Arlington Heights, near Washington, D. C.) SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR Not since 1846 and 1848 had the United States been forced to meas- ure strength with a foreign foe. Not since the Mexican War had it been necessary to pit the courage and military ability of the United States soldier and sailor against those of a foreign power. It remained for Spain to rouse the ire and just resentment of "Uncle Sam" and bring on a conflict which, for short, sharp, and incisive action cannot be paralleled in the history of nations. The tragedy of the "Maine" in the friendly harbor of Havana, Cuba, electrified the people of the globe with horror and indignation. In the United States amidst the cries for just revenge could be heard the sobs of anguish and distress from the lips of the bereaved parents, wives and sweethearts. The thunders of a nation's resentment filled the air while millions demanded that full punishment should be meted out to those guilty of this wholesale murder. On February 17, 1898, while the General Assembly of Illinois was HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 247 convened in an extra session, one foresaw the conflict that was to come and sent to the House of Representatives the following message : "To the Honorable House of Representatives: "The news of the calamity which has overtaken the United States battleship 'Maine' and its ill-fated crew, fills me with grief and horror and I assume that the General Assembly will by joint-resolution ex- press the sympathy of the people of this State for the gallant dead and wounded of our Navy and their surviving relatives. "I am unwilling to believe that the loss of the 'Maine' was the re- sult of intention, and trust that the official investigation ordered by our government may demonstrate that it was due to accidental causes. In view of the uncertainty which exists, as to this point, it would seem that before the Legislature adjourns sine die it would authorize the executive to tender to the President of the United States, on behalf of the State of Illinois, whatever moral and material support may be necessary in this emergency to maintain the honor of the American flag and prevent or punish any attempt at hostile invasion of our common country. John R. Tanner, Governor." All that was requested by the governor was granted by the Illinois Legislature. In this war with Spain in 1898, and the subsequent campaign in the Philippines, McHenry County did her part loyally, promptly and well. The most of the men from this county were members of the Third Regiment of Illinois Infantry Volunteers. The regiment was enrolled April 26, 1898, and mustered into the service for two years, May 7, 1898, at Camp Tanner, Springfield, 111. The regiment left Camp Tanner, and arrived at Chickamauga Park May 16, 1898 ; arrived at Newport News, July 24, 1898; sailed on the "St. Louis" for Porto Rico, July 25, 1898 ; arrived Ponce, P. R., July 31, 1898 ; landed at Arroyo, August 2, 1898, under slight resistance of Spanish. They participated in engagements at Guayama, August 5, 1898, north of Guayama, August 8 and 13, 1898; did outpost duty north of Guayama till October 1, 1898; were in camp east of Guayama until November 2, 1898; embai-ked on "Roumania" for New York, November 2, 1898, and sailed November 3, 1898, arriving, November 9, 1898. The men were ordered to home stations via railroad, arriving November 11, 1898. The regiment was finally mustered out at Joliet, 111., January 24, 1899. The soldiers from McHenry County were mostly members of Com- 248 HISTORY OP McHENKY COUNTY pany G, Third Regiment, and their names, according to the adjutant's report for Illinois are as follows: Captain — William ('. Eichelberger, Woodstock. First lieutenant- Horatio W. Wright, W Istoek. Second lieutenant — Frank C. Hana- fnrd. Woodstock. First sergeant — Joseph S. Kline, Woodstock. Sergeants — James Sullivan, Woodstock*; Conute Lee, Woodstock, promoted to firsl sergeant; William T. Charles, Woodstock, discharged for disability, July 18, 1898. Corporals — Thomas 0. Cowlin, Woodstock, promoted sergeanl May 7. 1898, and mustered out, January. 1899; John II. Bur- hank. Woodstock, promoted sergeant. May, 1898; Augustus W. Wagner, Woodstock; Alex G. Darrall, Woodstock. Artificer — George H. Wood, Woodstock. Musician — John W. Metzger, Woodstock, promoted cor- poral June 24, 1898. Privates — Aspholm, Herman, Woodstock; Ander- son, Charles, Woodstock ; Bachman, Emil, Woodstock ; Brown, Henry, Woodstock; Brass, Ernest F., Woodstock; Charles, Clayton, Woodstock, transferred to general hospital corps, June 13, 1898; Vonover, Howard L., Huntley ; Carr, Owen, Woodstock ; Durenberger, A. H., Woodstock, promoted to corporal; Fay, Charles S., Woodstock; Fleming, Jesse L., Woodstock, promoted sergeant; Fritz, William F., Woodstock; Frazier, William H., Woodstock; Gilbert, Noah L., Harvard; Hanson, Louis F .. Woodstock; Hanver, Louis L., Woodstock; Hanson. Walter, Woodstock; Houdson, Isaac W., Woodstock ; Hohn, John, Woodstock ; Jensen, Nels, Woodstock; Jensen, Christian, Woodstock, died, November 11, 1898; Jensen, Anders P., Woodstock; Keating. Michael G., Huntley; Larson, Peter, Woodstock; Merwin, Thomas P., Woodstock, promoted musician. June, 1898; Mortenson, Jens P.. Huntley; Matterson, Win L., Har- vard; Mountain, Henry E., Woodstock, promoted corporal, June, 1898; Miner, Clyde C, Woodstock, promoted corporal, July. 1898; McCarthy. Charles E., Woodstock; McCauley, Simon B.. Woodstock; Peterson, Frank, Woodstock; Peterson, Michael M., Woodstock; Parsons, Wil- liam L.. Woodstock; Pierson, James W.. Woodstock; Bouning, Charles A., Woodstock; Roach, Arthur I:. Harvard, discharged, June, 1898; Siebel, August F. W., Woodstock; Smith, Paid, Woodstock; Smith. E. D. J., Woodstock; Smith. Charles M.. Woodstock; Stevens, Oliver L., Harvard, died in Porto Rico, his remains being brought back for burial; Stratton, William L., Woodstock; Sullivan, Alva A., Wood- stock; Snitkey, William A., Harvard; Tranto, Charles. Woodstock; Tweed, Robert G., Woodstock; Wurtzinger. John J.. Woodstock, pro- moted to corporal, June, 1898; Woodward, A.. Woodstock, died, No- vember I'!'. 1S9S; Windt. Herman J.. Woodstock; Windt. Carl P., HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 249 Woodstock; Walton, Frank, Woodstock; Woodard, Arthur E., Harvard; Williams, Charles E., Hartland, discharged, May 22, 1898; Allworden, William C, Woodstock; Averill, Fred H., Hebron; Bennett, Frank W., McHenry; Bennett, Herbert L., McHenry; Brown, Thomas L., Ma- rengo; Colby, Nye W., McHenry; Corrigan, Joseph J., Woodstock; Delaunty, Richard F., Woodstock; Deitz, Frank A., Woodstock; En- geln, George, McHenry; Grace, Thomas R., Woodstock, died, October 1, 1898, on board ship hospital, "Missouri"; Hall, Guy C, Ringwood; Holly, Albert, McHenry ; Murphy, Burt R., Greenwood ; Nichel, Charles, .Marengo; Rothermel, William, McHenry; Selby, Alex C, Marengo; Smith, Edward, Woodstock; Stoddard, William P., Hebron; Swadish, Charles, McHenry; Theln, Martin, McHenry; Theln, Michael J.. -Mc- Henry ; VanSlyke, Jesse M., McHenry. MEXICAN BORDER WARFARE During 1916 trouble fomented, as is well recognized now. by the enemies abroad and at home of this country, the republic across the Rio Grande began to question the integrity of the good faith of the government of the United States. The various disturbances which had arisen from time to time along the border, had been handled with the same open-handed and generous policy which has always characterized this nation, but with the internal troubles the recognized government were having with Villa, decided this government to send into Mexico an expedition to assist the Mexican government in capturing the rebel. When the Mexican government signified that it was able to resume full control, our troops were withdrawn as they were at no time regarded, nor were they meant to be regarded, as an invading force sent into Mexico to interfere with that country's home government. The Na- tional Guards were mobilized from all over the countiy, and sent into Texas, where those who did not participate in the trip into the interior of Mexico had the benefit of some months of training on the border, which prepared them for the more strenuous life in the training camps after the United States had declared war upon Germany. Never be- fore in the history of any country was so large a force of men assembled, with so peaceful a purpose, under the name of war, and the President of the United States reiterated his assertions as to the good faith of this government to the Mexican representatives when they met with him in the spring of 1918. At that time the rebel Villa was still at large, the Mexican government having not been able as yet to that 250 HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY date, to capture liini in spite of declining the help of the United States to do so. DEPARTING FOR MEXICAN BORDER When the Mexican Border War commenced in the spring of 1916, the National Guards were at once called to the colors, and on the evening of June 22, Company G, of Woodstock, left for Springfield, Illinois, at the command of the Governor. This company saw service in the hot sands of a far southern eliine — real soldier hardships they endured, and in a year from that time they were sworn in as soldiers to "go over seas." It is befitting in this chapter that a roster of these men be given in this, a History of their home county : THIRD REGIMENT STAFF Colonel — Charles Greene, Aurora. Lieutenant Colonel — Frank Bacon, Am-ora. Adjutant Captain — W. H. Brogunier, Rockford. Quartermaster Captain — Richard Boyer, Rockford. Commissary Captain — Wilbur Thornton, Pontiac. Chaplain — Captain A. R. Clinch, Rockford. Medical Department — Major Robert Bourland, Rock- ford; Captain J. A. McCaughey, Hoopeston; Captain A. E. Lord, Piano ; Major Sergeant Emil Rhutishauser, Aurora. Battalion Majors — C. C. Miner, Woodstock; Edward Leonard, Rockford; L. F. Strawn, Pontiac. Battalion Adjutant — James Sanders, Aurora. Bat- talion Quartermaster — Second Lieutenant Paul Ritt, Woodstock. Com- panies^ — A, DeKalb, Captain H. Goodeson; B, Hoopeston, Captain Earl Thornton; C, Ottawa, Captain Ralph C. Woodard; D, Aurora, Captain Charles Harkison; E, Elgin, Captain William Peck; F, Pontiac, Cap- tain Fred Dewey; G, Woodstock, Captain 0. H. Corr; H, Rockford, Captain A. R. Tetlow ; I, Aurora, Captain John H. Newman ; K, Rock- ford, Captain Charles Sowel; L, Kankakee. Being organized and new officers elected — M, Belvidere, Captain Harry Haskins. COMPANY G Officers: Captain — 0. H. Corr. First Lieutenant — William Thomp- son. Second Lieutenant — Jjester Edinger. First Sergeant — C. Halde- man. Sergeants — William Donnelly, Ralph Thayer, Earl Clement, Fred Brewer, Harry Francisco, Henry Schmitt. Corporals — George iijjWfr/. W/W2Z ; ;-y/ 7 Amount raised for Salvation Army purposes 4,500 Amount raised in United Victory "Drive" 63,7.'!0 Grand total raised during war $ 169,424 First Liberty Loan Bonds (About) $ 200,000 Second Liberty Loan Bonds 938,760 Third Liberty Loan Bonds 1,042,950 Fourth Liberty Loan Bonds 1,665,100 Fifth or "Victory" Bonds 1,333,200 Total amount sold in county $5,180,010 The county over-subscribed in this "drive" fifty per cent of her quota as first designated and this was accomplished without fuss or excitement. All seemed to realize the emergency was great and buckled on the full armor and .went forth to supply the demands of the men at the fighting front. The total amount subscribed in McHenry County was $63,079.57, according to Treasurer Charles F. Renich, and Chairman Hon. E. D. Shurtleff. At first it seemed that such an amount could not be raised after all that had been subscribed in way of Government War Bonds, but taking the Illinois slogan • "Salute and go to it," all ended well. Not all of the towns in this county did equally well, although only two out of the seventeen, Coral and Grafton, failed to subscribe the minimum quota assigned to them. Richmond Township led with mure than 200 per cent, Hartland, Dorr and Dunham exceeded 150 per cent. while Seneca, Algonquin, Burton, Riley, Cary, Hebron, Chemung. Greenwood, Alden and Nunda exceeded their original quotas, some of these precincts approaching well toward the 150 per cent mark. By townships the reports showed : HISTORY OP McHENRY COUNTY 259 Quota Subscribed Hartland $ 1,200 $ 1,820.75 Seneca 1,000 1,262.00 Algonquin 2,100 2,471.50 Burton 600 698.50 Dorr 8,500 13,555.85 Greenwood 1,000 1,044.25 McHenry 3,700 7,295.95 Coral 2,100 1,697.35 Riley 1,000 1,129.00 Grafton 2,100 1,936.00 Marengo 4,500 6,440.40 Cary 1,500 1,539.00 Chemung 6,200 7,848.50 Dunham 1,000 1,502.50 Hebron 2,100 2,423.75 Richmond 2,100 4,357.00 Alden 1,200 1,204.25 Nunda and Crystal Lake. . . 4,200 4,948.02 Total $46,000 $63,079.57 The Woodstock Sentinel in speaking of this great "drive" said: "Of interest is the fact that of the $63,000 subscribed, over $42,000 was paid in spot cash. In some towns almost the entire subscription was made in cash, notably Cary, turning in $1,514 in cash, leaving only $25 unpaid, while Burton Township had only $8.00 remaining unpaid. At Algonquin only $225 remained outstanding, and in Coral the chair- man turned in all in cash except $133. Huntley turned in all cash but $150. In Dorr, including Woodstock, the amount of cash turned in at first was about one-half of the large sum of $13,555.85, but daily there- after the outstanding amounts kept coming into the various banks of the city." Treasurer Renich's report shows that the "Victory Boys and Girls" in McHenry County subscribed $8,305.95 — a remarkable contribution from such a source as that. CASUALTIES If the heartfelt wish of all the loyal people of the county could ma- terialize, there would be no names written beneath this caption by the 260 HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY * mosl relentless of all historians, Time, hut as no really great reform was ever effected without heavy sacrifice, so do the people of McHenry County have to pay their quota for patriotism, and in recording the names of the hemes who lived up to the highest conception of Ameri- can manhood, in the midst of their tears, they must also rejoice that when the need arose, there was no lack of hrave young soldiers to carry the American flag; and principles to victory. The gold stars in Mc- Henry County's "service flag" are set in the subjoined Roll of Honor: ROLL OF HONOR The subjoined is a list of the honored dead from McHenry County, who made the "supreme sacrifice" in the late World War, while march- ing- and fighting in the trenches, midst shot, shell and deadly gas: Alexander P. C. Rassmussen, Arthur Dollman, Ernst Kalbow, Walter Lind, Arthur Duuker, Fred Boyle, W. J. Henshaw, Arthur J. Shultz, Horace Bratzman, Herman Steinke, William J. Metzen, Claude Mc- Comb, Geo. F. Raltzlaff, August Klaman, Ray A. Howard, John Janow- ski, Maurice Blake, Ed Killeen, Paul Gehrke, Carl J. Dittman, Clark Hall, Henry F. Miller, Frank Helwig-, A. C. Graupner, Eugene P. Griebel, Ralph P. Wells, Peter Umathum, Carl H. Bartelt, William Ward, William C. Peterson, Victor E. Peterson, Harold Beebe, John Farrell, Richard Japp, Eugene Drill, Frank Wien, Paul C. Hoffman, Henry Stevenson, Edward Tonyan, George Schreiner, Jack Mitchell,* Charles Geske, Joseph Meyers, Robert Martin, Ernest W. Blank, Harry G. Fulton, Albert Moritz, Bert Randau, Walter W. Pederson, Harry L. Carlson, David Brown, Chas. Bartumis, Gus Swanson, Burdett A. Briggs, Roy H. Randel, Phil J. Anderson, Charles Knutson. SOLDIER'S HOME-COMING WEEK While the Armistice was signed in November, 1018. the McHenry County soldiers did not return to their homes until the first week in June, 1919, and a public "Welcome" or reception was tendered them in Woodstock for the whole county, at first, and later Harvard, Ma- rengo and Algonquin received the men who went from their precincts. The big celebration, however, was naturally the first one, as it was held at the county seat from which the men had enlisted or been called to service. The day, June 10, 1919, will long be a red-letter day in the minds of those residing in McHenry County at that time, whether sol- HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 261 dier or civilian. The glad and alas the sad scenes at the home-coming of the men from Camp Grant, at Rockford, from which point the Mr- Henry County men were transported by from fifty to sixty automobiles, just at the close of a hot day. Upon arriving at the city park thou- sands of "fathers and mothers, lovers and friends" were waiting there to meet them for the first time since going "overseas." An hour was passed in smiles and tears and tears and smiles. Joy reigned supreme about the park that June evening, save for the relatives and friends of the fifty-seven men who in the prime of their young manhood had died in France. Between 15,000 and 20,000 people gathered in and around the park in Woodstock that perfect day in June to welcome the soldiers home. The city had spent many thousands of dollars during the two weeks preparation made in decorating every business place in the city and hundreds of residences were displaying the colors. A triumphal Arch spanned the street at the north entrance of the park, enroute from the depot, with the words "Welcome Home" in brilliant colors across the face of the archway. At night, it was lighted by electric bulbs, pre- senting a most beautiful sight. The soldiers, to the number of about 700, marched in uniforms to band music to various parts of the city where lodges and societies galore were there to welcome them. The soldiers had the keys to Woodstock, as they did later at Harvard and other places in McHenry County. They all acquitted themselves manfully. Each one was provided with a carnation at the Armory in the morning as they marched. The va- rious churches and societies furnished the soldiers with all they could eat and smoke that day and night. A street dance was on during the evening. The brick pavement had been nicely coated witli paraffine and hundreds danced in front of the city building till a late hour. A solemn service was held at the southeast corner of the park where there had been constructed a miniature "Flanders Field," with fifty- seven white crosses in rows and between them were poppies. The num- ber fifty-seven indicated the gold stars on the Roll of Honor which stood near by. In Flanders fields, the poppies grow Between the crosses, row on row. That mark our place ; and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly, Since heard amid the guns below. 262 HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY We are the dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved ; but now we lie In Flanders fields. Take up our quarrel with the foe! To you, from failing hands, we throw The torch — Be yours to bear it high ! If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though puppies blow- In Flanders field. Eloquent remarks were made by both Father Conway of the Cath- olic church of Woodstock and a returned Y. M. C. A. worker. Rev. Kilbourne. Few if any more impressive scenes were ever noted in any community than those of that Home-Coming Day. The seventeen remaining members of the Grand Army Post of Woodstock with many Spanish-American soldiers, were present at the reviewing stand. These represented three great conflicts, all wars waged for right and justice, and in defense of the country's honor. Not only did McHenry County and Woodstock "go over the top" in all of its Liberty and Victory Loan undertakings, but in this Home- Coming affair the subscriptions amounted to about $1,100 more than was expended for giving the returning soldiers a hearty welcome. This additional amount was used to "Welcome" home the remainder of the men later on. CHAIRMEN' OP "HOME-COMING" COMMITTEES No event in the county ever had the large number of committee- men and all were active factors in bringing about the complete success which crowned this long-to-be-remembered event. In all there were thirty committees and in this connection it is only practical to give the names of their chairmen. Executive Committee — F. J. Green; Finance Committee, F. A. Walters; Memorial Committee — G. E. Still; Publicity Committee — A. H. Mosher; Pavement Dance Committee — Lester Fish and Howard Conn, supervisors ; Decoration Committee — 0. G. Mead, to erect Vic- tory Arch — A. M. Clark; Armory Decorations — T. B. Owens; Deco- rating Residences — D. G. Olmstead ; To Welcome Soldiers — George Eck- HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 263 ert; Woman's Relief Corps — Mrs. H. L. Eddy; To Welcome Soldiers at Camp Grant — B. C. Young; To Welcome Soldiers in New York City — W. T. Charles; Registration Committee — Henry G. Fisher; Em- ployment Committee — John Whitworth ; Reception Committee — Judge Donnelly; Parade Review Committee — F. J. Green; Receiving Visitors — G. W. Lemmers; Inviting Neighboring Cities — J. P. Alt; For Wid- owed Mothers — A. J. Deitz; Community War Service — Mrs. Mary Shipton ; Parade Committee — R. W. Bardwell ; To Build Review Stand — G. F. Knaack; First Aid Red Cross — Dr. W. Freeman; Music Com- mittee — W. F. Weldon; Booths Committee — E. F. Meyer; Cafeteria Lunch — E. A. Judd; Ladies' Aid Executive — Mrs. George W. Field; Committee Dinner Arrangements — Mrs. E. C. Thomas; Assistant Wom- en's Committee — J. C. Miller. These various chairmen had under them 371 persons, all fitting in where they were most efficient in the matter of properly "Welcoming Home" the returned soldiery of McHenry County, June 10, 1919. WOODSTOCK NATIONAL GUARDS Woodstock has been the headquarters of a company of National Guards since early in 1880, when so many of the Illinois National Guard companies were organized under the State Military Department. Com- pany G, Third Infantry, was organized at that date. Fifty-three young men were mustered into service in the courthouse, on February 24, 1880, by Lieutenant-Colonel Frank Noble, who had been detailed for that purpose. The company commenced drilling at old Phoenix Hall and used the same for an armory for about one year. March 1, 1888, they moved into the old Universalist Church. They were provided with old muzzle-loading Springfield muskets, caliber fifty, which they used until the summer of 1882, when they were furnished with the new breech-loading Springfield rifles, caliber forty-five, direct from the United States Arsenal at Rock Island, Illinois, at the expense of the state with new accoutrements to correspond. A small supply of metallic cartridges was furnished by the State and kept constantly 'on hand. Fatigue uniforms were also soon furnished for non-commis- sioned officers and privates. Commissioned officers furnished their own uniforms. The members of the company were each furnished with a full-dress uniform at their own expense. The citizens of Woodstock presented the company with a fine silk flag in 1882. They attended the encampment at Rockford in 1880; at Aurora in 1882; at Lake 264 HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY Geneva, Wis., in 1883; at Rockford in 1884, and many later encamp- ments. They were called to do duty at various times and places within Illinois as the years went by, aiding in putting down strikes and riots. They entered many contests, the first being in a prize drill at the McHenry County Fair in the autumn of 188.'i. taking third money. When the Spanish-American war broke out the National Guards were called to arms, and gladly tendered their services, and went wher- ever ordered, as is shown in the "Military History of the State." They were mustered in May 7, 1898, and mustered out at Joliet. No- vember 3, 1898. From that time on until the late World War this company of Guards kept intact until President Wilson, through Act of Congress declared a state of war existed between this country and Germany, when the full strength of the National Guard system was thrust into that terrible conflict. Other parts of this chapter tell the later story of how well and nobly this company and regiment performed their duty. It should be stated in passing, that the original guard company here was organized through the efforts of Prof. A. E. Bourne, then principal in the High Schools of Woodstock. He was elected its first captain, served several years and was succeeded by George Eckert, Charles H. Donnelly, and John H. Higgins. The latter resigned, and in 1893, W. C. Eicherberger was elected captain in his place. In 1901, he resigned when George W. Field was made captain of the company. They served in the Spanish-American war under Gen. Fred Grant, in Porto Rico. For manj- years a frame armory which stood on the south side of Calhoun street, near Jefferson street was leased by the State for the use of this company, but it was finally burned and for a few years the Guard was without a home, but in about 1913 a brick Arniory building was built by the State, in the eastern part of the city, and so planned that additions could easily be made to the original structure which was effected in 1915-16. GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC Not long after the close of the Civil War, Dr. B. F. Stephenson, who had been a surgeon in a volunteer regiment, suggested an organiza- tion of Union veterans into a national association for mutual assistance. Through his efforts the first post was established at Decatur, 111., April 6, 1866, and it was not long before the national organization was com- HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 265 pleted, Gen. John A. Logan being one of the most enthusiastic advo- cates of it. The first commander-in-chief was Stephen A. Hurlbnrt, elected in 1866, and General Logan was elected in 1868. The com- mander-in-chief for 1921-22 is Lewis S. Pilcher, of Brooklyn, N. Y. The history of the Grand Army of the Republic in McHenry County is as follows : Harley Wayne Post, No. 169 at Marengo was organized December 29, 1882, by T. G. Lawler, Department Commander. Its charter members were: I. W. Green, R. Miller, C. L. Strickland, C. A. White, J. Casley, W. H. Sanders, B. Parker, J. B. Babcock, J. Q. Adams, D. A. Stedman, S. Rowland, A. J. Boyington, A. London, W. A. Mallory, ('. W. Mallory, Henry Fillmore, John Kennedy, W. C. Sullivan. This post was named in honor of Capt. Harley Wayne, killed at the battle of Shiloh. At one time the Marengo Post had 150 names enrolled, but it has now decreased to eighteen of those who once were the loyal blue and fought to preserve the Union of States. The first officers of this post were : Ira S. Curtiss, Commander; John Kennedy, Senior Vice Commander; E. S. Parker, Junior Vice Commander; W. H. Sanders, Quartermaster; I. W. Green, Surgeon; I. B. Babcock, Chaplain; D. A. Stedman, Officer of the Day ; A. J. Boyington, Officer of the Guard ; and G. L. Strickland, Adjutant. The present officers are: F. S. Loomis, Commander; G. C. Clark, Senior Vice Commander; A. Schwager, Junior Vice Commander; F. J. Pray, Chaplain; W. C. Sullivan, Adjutant; W. H. Havens, Officer of the Day ; John Backes, Officer of the Guard. The following is a list of the past Commanders and adju- tants: Commanders: Ira R. Curtiss, J. B. Babcock, A. J. Boyington, E. R. Morris, J. W. Green, W. C. Sullivan, Joseph Schneider, John Kennedy, W. W. Ocock, F. S. Loomis. The Adjutants have been : C. L. Strickland, A. J. Boyington, W. C. Sullivan, A. L. London, C. G. Teeple, John Kennedy, Ira S. Curtiss. J. B. Manzer Post No. 215, was organized at Harvard, April 7, 1883, with the followin.w Tree Camp No. 574 was organized a few years ago at Allien, and now enjoys a membership of sixty-two. This camp lost all records in a fire and was re-organized in 1918. The present officers are: W. ]>. Thompson, consul; E. ('. Hammond, advisor, N. B. Clawson, banker; T. 0. Bungard, clerk, ROYAL NEIGHBORS OP AMERICA This order is the Woman's Auxiliary of the .Modern Woodmen of America, and has several Camps in this county. BOXWOOD Camp No. 298, at Harvard, was organized in 1896 by Mary A. Scott. The first officers were: Hattie Hancock, oracle; .Mary A. Scott, vice oracle; Clara Stedge, recorder; and .Mary Powers, receiver. The present membership is 289. The following have served as Oracles at this point: Hattie Hancock, three years; .Mary Scott Lanning, eighteen years; Mabel A. Borchvell for four years and is still in office. Matie E. Stafford is the recorder. This order has lodges in nearly every place the Woodmen have lodges in this county. Fox River Valley Camp was organized at West McHenry in April, 1906, with charter members as follows: Eli B. Brink, Alfred M. Brown, Dr. Harry Beebe, Anna Byrd, Polly Brink, Bernice Kimball, Henry C. Mead, Anna Mollohan, Amy L. Mead, Laura Xellis, Martha Page, Alice Simpson, Nina Sherman, Benson Sherman, Etta E. Wattles, D. Went- worth, D. G. Nellis, A. Matthews, Calla Loomis. It now has a member- ship of 94. The past presiding officers are: Anna Byrd, Agnes Went- worth, Etta E. Wattles, Cora Bassett, Laura Nellis, Etta E. Wattles. Mlverva Spring Camp was organized at Cary, February 4, 1896. It was formed by Mrs. B. Prickett of Summit Camp. The charter members consisted of twenty-two ladies and eleven Woodmen brothers. There are nineteen beneficial members and one social member. The present members are: Nellie Grantham, oracle; Julia Brown, reeoi'der; Lila Mentch, receiver; Nettie Trout, chancellor; Martha Osgood, marshal ; Sophronia Lindsey and Amy Rowsen, sentinels. Progressive Camp No. 5,300 was organized at Woodstock April 1, 1908, by District Deputy Minnie Dillon. The charter members were as follows: Lawrence Gillispie. Rachael Gillispie, C. A. Lammers, Alice Lemmers, Ellen Jacobs, Emma Joorfritz, William Rushton, Ella Hakes, HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 305 Anna Liehty, William M. Liehty. Blanche Dietz, Beatrice Dewey, Harry Dewey, Mary Gaulke, Clara Wicks, Lillian Rose, Lewis Dean, H. T. Brown, Rosa Brown, E. E. Stevens, Lon Stevens, Lizzie Walson, Clyde Miner, May Miner, Prank. Heine and Reka Waller. The first officers were: Past oracle, William Liehty; oracle, Ellen Jacobs ; vice oracle, Rosa Brown ; chancellor, Ella Hakes ; recorder, Alice Lemmers ; receiver, Anna Liehty ; marshal, Emma Joorfritz ; inner sentinel, Lewis Dean; and outer sentinel, William Rushton. The past presiding- officers have been: Ellen Jacobs, Niobe Griffiths, Dora Johns- ton, William Liehty. The present officers are : Past oracle, Deborah Ilaldeman; oracle, Brookie Fosdick; vice oracle, Elsie Smith; chancellor, Lovina Thomas ; recorder, Jennie Ellsworth ; receiver, Mary Baker. The membership of this prosperous camp of Royal Neighbors is 213. MYSTIC WORKERS OF THE WORLD Harvard Lodge No. 21 was organized April 4, 1899 by Joanna E. Downes and commenced with charter members as follows : William Bombard, Pearl Bombard, Edwin Briekley, Sarah Brickley, William Brickley, Cora Butts, Edgar Butts, Mary Burk, Patrick Burk, James Burk, Walter Bowman, Albert Brown, Michael Breen, William Budde, Charles Cramer, Celia Donovan, George Diggins, Ernest Diggins, Carrie Diggins, Judson Davis, Catherine Donovan, Herbert Emerson, Frank Ellis, Otto Fick, Bertha Fick, Julia Gleason, August Hochrath, Albert Hammerstead, William Jenkins, Mary Jenkins, Joseph Jones, Henrietta Kiskoski, Henry Lembsky, Lewis Leverenz, Mathew McRoberts, Mar- garet MeCabe, Rose McGee, William Maguire, Emma Ottman, Edward O'Brien, James Phinney, Jennie Phinney, August Rogers, Melvin Smith, John Sweeney, Kate Sullivan, Nellie Sullivan, Herman Stroede, John Waters, Daniel Waters, Kate Waters and Riley Whitmarsh. There are now 471 adult and thirteen juvenile members in this nourishing bene- ficiary lodge. They meet in Odd Fellows' Hall. Their elective officers included these: Joanna E. Downes, prefect; Earl Dowens, moderator; John A. Sweeney, banker; Ernest Downes, secretary. The officers now serving are: John Dacy, prefect; Robert Kolls, monitor ; Agnes Sweeney, secretary ; Margaret Hayden, banker ; Cora Goodwish, marshal ; George Jones, warder ; Mary Hubble, sentinel : Charles Helmke and Anna Beherns, supervisors. The past presiding officers have been: Joanna E. Downes, Catherine Nihan, Catherine Lyons, Frances Powers. 306 HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY Nunda Lodge 382 was instituted at < Irystal Lake, December 20, 1900, by Worthy Downes of Harvard. The charter members were as follows : J. P. Sughrua, Mary Sughrua, Charles Klilier, Herman Freye, Ilattie Preye, .Mary Klilier. Dr. II. D. Hull, Harrison Sargeant, Nellie Sar- geant, Charles Vermilya, Louisa Vennilya, Amelia Sehultz, Fred Schultz, Cora E. Dickinson, Charles L. Curphey, Anna Curphey, Gillard Frost, Josehena Westphal, Mary Buford, Edwin Bissell, Floyd Terwilliger, and Lena Frost. The present officers are as follows: J. D. Blackmail, prefect; Esther Allen, monitor; Alice Cole, secretary; Lunn Richards, banker; Lenore Schneider, marshal; J. P. Sughrua, warder; George Bryant, sentinel. • The lodge now has a membership of 190. They assemble at Wood- man Hall at Crystal Lake. The presiding officers have been inclusive of these to date: J. P. Sughrua, who was prefect for thirteen years without a break, and is known as "Old Stand-by," Earl Bryant, E. M. Bissell, Dr. H. D. Hull, and John Mair. The Juvenile Department is rapidly growing in numbers. Dancing and refreshments frequently occur at their meetings which are held the first Thursday in every month. Prosperity Lodge No. 1030 was organized April 15, 1911, with char- ter members as follows: Prefect, Carlton D. Ross; monitor, Helena M. Stoffel ; secretary, Adah A. Casey ; banker, John I. Sutton ; physician, Dr. Wells ; marshal, Florence Howe ; warder, Phillip Aylwood ; sentinel, Glenn Barker; supervisors, Katheryn Heiner, Frank E. Cobb and Rose Justen. The present membership is 438. A. W. Hill is the prefect, and Nino Conn is secretary. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Mc Henry Council No. 1288 was organized in 1908, at the village of McHenry and now enjoys a membership of 320. The present officers include : Grand knight, E. R. McGee ; deputy grand knight, J. H. Miller ; secretary, M. P. Freund. The following have served as presiding officers: Joseph W. Freund. C. W. Stenger, M. J. Walsh, Thomas Bolger, Walter J. Walsh, Casper Bickler, Ed. L. Hayes and A. E. Nye, Casper M. Bickler. Harvard Council No. 1204 was organized February 24, 1907, with charter members as follows: Thomas C. Carey, R. J. Starr, A. C. HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 307 Strain, P. T. Brickley, B. P. Brickley, J. P. Burke, Frank Clarke, Bert Clarke, F. J. Condon, J. W. Conway, J. J. Crowley, E. J. Field, J. J. Flanneiy, J. Googley, B. J. Gregory, C. S. Hanson, W. J. Hereley, P. H. Howard, J. M. Iserman, C. P. Regan, F. J. Shepard, W. J. Sheahau, F. Sheahan, R. V. Sloey, E. C. Strain, W. T. Strain, J. H. Vrooman, W. H. Ashley, F. Behringer, E. M. Brickley, W. H. Boyle, R. P. Boodle, W. H. Sweeney, D. B. Waters, John Clarke, Thomas Burke, W. C. Crowley, W. H. Daly, E. J. Dolau, W. E. Doyle, E. N. Fernholz, G. Fitzgerald, M. F. Haley, P. J. Hayes, F. Hereley, M. Hereley, C. A. Madden, G. F. Massey, J. J. McGuire, A. J. McCarthy, C. E. McCarthy, H. E. Munger, T. J. Murphy, M. J. Nolan, John T. O'Brien, William H. Phillips, Richard Phalen, J. P. O'Connor, M. B. O'Connor, Joseph D. O'Brien, John W. Phalen, W. H. Powers, T. G. Ruffle, M. P. Sullivan, Dan Sullivan, J. A. Sweeney, M. J. Breen, D. T. Phalen. The present total number of members is about 206. The total amount raised for the war fund by Harvard Council of K. of C. was $2,757. The following have served as presiding officers since the organization of the council in 1907: A. C. Strain, 1907-08; Thomas C. Carey, 1908- 13; John P. O'Connor, 1913-15; James P. Burke, 1915-17; John T. O'Brien, 1917-20. ELKS Woodstock Lodge No. 1043 was organized October 24, 1906, with forty-three charter members. At present the lodge has a membership of 400. The original officers were as follows : John C. Donnelly, exalted ruler ; John J. Cooney, esteemed leading knight ; J. P. Alt, esteemed loyal knight ; V. E. Brown, esteemed lecturing knight ; George W. Lemmers, secretary; R. A. Pratt, treasurer; Fred Derrenberger, tyler; Garry R. Austin, trustee (one year) ; D. J. Omstead, trustee (two years) ; George A. Darmer, trustee (three years). The order first met in Waverly Hall on Main street and from there moved to its present home in Odd Fellows' Building. The chief presiding officers have been : John C. Donnelly, E. C. Jewett, George. A. Cutteridge, Dell J. Omstead, E. D. Hannaford, C. C. Harting, J. E. Guy, D. J. Omstead, J. C. Rowe, J. L. Brown, George W. Lemmers, C. F. Baccus. T. L. Griffing is the pres- ent exalted ruler; and Edwin M. Kemerling is the present secretary. CHAPTER XX PUBLIC LIBRARIES Br Ida L. Gehrig WOODSTOCK LIBRARY — MAREXGO LIBRARY — DELOS F. DIGGIXS LIBRARY. In a number of the school districts in McHenry County, there have been for many years, small school libraries, some even with quite a goodly number of valuable books. The county has a fair law library for the use of practicing attorneys, and the high schools of the county have excellent collections of books, but the three real public libraries, well established, and now supported by a tax or endowment fund, are those located at Woodstock, Harvard and Marengo. To the ladies of these communities must be given chief praise for the hard work they performed during for- mer years, trying to get together a suitable collection of library books. 7ear after year this work went forward, until finally the public generally took an interest, and as a result these public libraries were established. WOODSTOCK PUBLIC LIBRARY The Wnodstock library had its origin some time in 1856, when through the efforts of a number of citizens in and near Woodstock contributions of books were made, and money secured from Judge Church, Doctor Perry. W. Murphy, C. H. Russell, Elmer Lamb, E. E. Richards, R. G. Shryver, M. P. Irving, J. A. Parrish and others, and in this way was started a library. This library was not free to the public, but was kept up by subscription for many years. When the Woodstock Literary and Library Association was formed, December 10, 1877, it had as one of its aims the accumulation and maintenance of a library and the books left in the old library collection were put with the new ones. These books were sometimes kept in stores, but were free only to members of the club or association; others paid $1 a year, or ten cents a book, for their use. On March ■">. 1880. a new bydaw was added providing for the election of a librarian and A. R. Murphy was the first one to hold that office. In 308 HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 309 a report made by him in 188], he gave the number of books on hand as 148. In May, 1882, the books owned by the Young Men's Association were purchased for $20. In 1886 A. S. Wright, the druggist, was made Mr. Murphy \s successor and the library was removed to the Wright drug store on the south side of the square, where a room was provided. For the year 1887 he reported the number of volumes to be 678. Verne Wright succeeded his father as librarian in 1888, and he in turn was fol- lowed in 1890 by C. D. Parsons. Through these years the Woodstock Library Association gradually gathered together a library of standard books and the present library is greatly indebted to those progressive and intellectual members who had the forethought and energy to build as they did. Mrs. Mary Joslyn and J. C. Choate were especially untiring and inspiring leaders. At a meeting of the association, held June 23, 1890, it was voted to move the books to a room in the city hall and January 26, 1891, it was decided to transfer the library to the City of Woodstock, to be the nucleus of the Woodstock Public Library. The books were now made free to all the people residing within the corporate city. The mayor and council appointed the first directors : J. C. Choate, L. T. Hoy, C. A. Lemmers, A. Dreyer, Mrs. Mary R. Joslyn, Mrs. Frank Spitzer, V. S. Lumley, Dr. W. C. Cook, and Miss Mary F. Murphy. The librarian appointed was Erastus Richards, who was followed in turn by II. B. Rogers and Miss Winifred Hall (now Mrs. C. Curtis) from 1893 to July 10, 1911, when the present librarian, Lura Wandrack was chosen. On the evening of March 12, 1814, there was a fire in the city hall which caused the total loss of 1,906 books and necessitated the removal of the library to the Rest Room in the courthouse until the latter part of May. The library reports show number of books on shelves to be 6,912. The present directors are : R. C. Kaufman, J. S. Andrews. Miss Pauline McMannis. .Mrs. J. R. Kellogg, Mrs. J. J. Stafford, Mrs. W. H. Shipton, C. R. Belcher, N. A. Sunderlin, and V. S. Lumley. MARENGO PUBLIC LIBRARY A collection of books were left to the city of Marengo by a former resident, Mrs. M. J. Harrington, for the purpose of starting a public library. A number of members of the Woman's Club formed a Library Carnival Aid Society to finance the library until taken over as a city library on June 19, 1907. A room was rented in the old Green homestead, but later the books were removed to Doctor Nutt's office building where 310 HISTORY OF McIIENRY COUNTY the library remained until .May 1, 1917. when two suites of rooms in the Community Club Building became the home of the library. Miss Mabel Fay was the first librarian and she was succeeded by Miss Anna Blair. The present librarian is Nellie Fillmore This library has 38,000 volumes, seventeen magazines and papers on the reading tables, winch are accessible to any one in Marengo or vicinity. The library is supported by a tax levied by the city. The present trusters are: Mrs. C. B. Whittemore, X. V. Woleben, Mrs. A. W. Kellcy. .Mis. A. A. Crissey, -Miss Mildred Burke, J. V. Patterson, E. D. Patrick and C. H. Bremer. DELOS P. DIGGINS LIBRARY OF HARVARD What is known as The Delos F. Diggins Library in the city of Har- vard, was first established through the generosity of Mr. Delos F. Dig- gins, a man born and reared in this community. During his later years. Mr. Diggins resided in Cadillac, Michigan, but -wishing to be remembered by his home townspeople he gave a fund sufficient to build the present beautiful structure situated near the central part of the city; also plac- ing an endowment fund in the care of library trustees whom he appointed .to fill that position for their lifetime or residence in Harvard. In case of death or removal from the city of any of the trustees the vacancy thus formed was to be filled by the remaining trustees. Mr. Diggins' idea in 'having one continuous board of trustees was principally to keep the" library affairs strictly free from politics. The following named gentlemen comprised the first board of trustees of the library: A. B. Diggins, president; R. A. Nugent, vice president: M. F. Walsh, secretary: F. F. Axtell, treasurer: and H. D. Crumb, W. I). Hall, and James Lake. On May 7th, 1909, the library, which is a perfect structure with all modern appointments and conveniences and as near fireproof as a build- ing can well be constructed, was dedicated to the public with appropriate exercises. W. II. Ward, of Harvard, 111., was the contractor; Mr. Wat- terman, of Chicago, was the architect. Miss Elizabeth E. Wilson was the first librarian appointed, and on the second day of August, 1909, the library was open to the public for the issue of books for home use. The collection consisted of 1,794 volumes on the shelves ready for use. The first annual report shows a book cir- culation for home use, 11,627. Subsequent librarians were as follows: .Miss B. Hamilton, Mss Cleo Lichtenberger, Miss V. K. Gher. In Septem- HISTORY OP McHENRY COUNTY 311 ber, 1917, Miss I. L. Gehrig was appointed librarian, and she was suc- ceeded by the present librarian, Mrs. I. L. G. Dickson. One of the notable events of the year 1917-18 was the reorganization of the library according to more modern methods. In October, 1917, through the efforts of Miss Anna May Price, secretary of The Illinois Library Extension Commission, Miss Marie Hammond and the librarian began the work of reclassifying and cataloguing the books according to the decimal classification and completed the work in February, 1918, and the valuable dictionary card catalogue for public use was placed in the delivery room. In this card catalogue are entered all books contained in the library arranged according to author, title and subject. In the spring of 1919, at a Roosevelt Memorial, the Womans Club of Harvard presented the library with a fine etching of the late ex-presi- dent. Theodore Roosevelt ; Father Lepper of the Episcopal Church, Har- vard, 111., making the presentation speech. The present board of trustees are as follows : R. C. Uecke, president ; H. D. Crumb, M. F. Walsh, F. F. Axtell, B. B. Bell, W. D. Hall, James Lake. The first tax levy appropriating money for the public library of Har- vard was passed September 21, 1916, when the sum of $900 was given for the further maintenance of the library. For the year 1917 the same amount was received and since then the appropriation has been $1,000. This annual income, together with the interest from the endowment fund, maintains the library in a fitting manner. Following board of directors was appointed by the mayor to govern tlic expenditures of the city's annual appropriation; six of the board being library trustees: B. B. Bell, president; Mrs. A. C. McCarty, Mrs. Robert Hall, F. F. Axtell, H. D. Crumb, W. D. Hall, James Lake, Mrs. H. A. Towne, M. F. Walsh. For a small library, there is a strong reference collection, which has been recently strengthened through many purchases and some gifts. The collection of bound magazines is especially valuable, suitable shelves hav- ing been built for them in the main reading and reference room. The reference use made of the library by the high school pupils and general public has been wholly satisfactory, though there is room for still greater use of the library in the future. The juvenile department has been materially strengthened by the purchase of many books and subscriptions to the popular and scientific magazines. The library has 312 HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY the permanent loan of the valuable ami most attractive collection of but- terflies owned by Mrs. II. A. Towne. There lias always lieen a hearty cooperation and assistance of the prominent clubs of Harvard and the community and for several years of •"The Library Carnival Association." There are 6,900 volumes on the shelves. CHAPTER XXI WOMAN'S CLUBS By Mrs. W. H. Doolittle ALGONQUIN — CRYSTAL LAKE HARVARD CIVIC ASSOCIATION — HARVARD FORT- NIGHTLY — HARVARD WOMEN'S CLUB — HUNTLEY — LOTUS COUNTRY — MA- RENGO M 'HENRY COUNTY FEDERATION RICHMOND RUSH CREEK SCHUMANN-SENECA ASSOCIATION OF DOMESTIC SCIENCE — WOODSTOCK. Until recent years the women of the country had little opportunity to give expression to their individuality outside their home and church circles. Any public appearance of a woman, unless she were an actress or singer, was discouraged, and the present desirable freedom of the sex with relation to their mental development, has been brought about through the untiring zeal and hard work of the pioneers in the move- ment. Today, small is the community that does not have one or more clubs of earnest, sincere women, whose efforts are concentrated upon not only expanding their own horizons, but the education of others to bring them to a similar condition ; the betterment of civic conditions ; and the inauguration of much needed reforms of all kinds. The original prejudice harbored by the narrow-minded against these clubs, has passed, being wiped out by the record made by these organizations, and the time is not far distant when every woman of any intelligence will realize that it is her duty to herself, her family and her community, to avail herself of the privilege of club membership. ALGONQUIN WOMAN'S CLUB The Algonquin Woman's Club was organized in June, 1915, with forty members, Mrs. Whittemore of Marengo aiding in the organization. Mrs. B. C. Getzelman, who was also very active in securing these forty charter members and organizing them into a club, was elected the club's first president. During the first year the club affiliated with the county, district and state organizations. There is a present membership of fifty. 313 314 HISTORY OF McIIENRY COUNTY The club motto is: " Who Btays in the valley never gets over the bill." Prom October, 1915, to April, 1916, the Algonquin Woman's Club was instrumental in securing a park for the town. The members of the club prepared a petition asking the town hoard to pureha.se a park site. An entertainment course given by the International Entertainment Bureau was sponsored by the club. The McHenry County Federation meeting was held at the Congregational Church, Algonquin, May 6, 1916. During the summer of 1916 the elub had the mineral spring at the park cemented, and also had a cement bench made at the park. In the fall of 1917, the club gave a children's course of special moving pictures. During the period of the World War, the Algonquin Woman's Club was active in the Thrift Stamp campaigns, the Liberty Loan drives. Red Cross work and the sale of Red Cross Seals. Flower seeds were distributed to school children by the club in -Maw 1918. Work done by the Home Improvement Club was under the super- vision of the Woman's Club. On February 11, 1918, the Woman's Club gave a cafeteria supper. It sent several boxes of old clothing, toj s, canned fruit and apples to the Home for Destitute Children, to Erie Chapel Institute, Samaritan House Settlement and the Daily News Sanitarium. The elub also sent contributions to the Illinois Cottage at Park Ridge, the Library Extension Fund, Country War Fund, Benefit Fund for Soldiers and Sailors stationed in Illinois, and to the district work of the state federation. The Philanthropy and Reform department in April, 1918, turned over to the club $25 to start a library fund. The president of the club is Miss Ella Kee. Mrs. George Keyes crystal lake woman' 's cub The first Woman's Club at Crystal Lake was organized May 26, 1914, although previous to that date the women of the town had banded them- selves together, choosing Mrs. C. L. Teckler as president of the organiza- tion which was known as the Woman's Voting Club. Their chief aim at that time was to become familiar with the voting system, to post them- selves on parliamentary law, and matters pertaining to town, county and state work. Early in the spring of 1914, the elub held a moek election at the town hall and nearly every woman in the town went to the polls and ^ ■ ~& 'W ?Yn^i^ HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 315 voted correctly. This paved the way for the spring election at which time women were to vote on the question of local option. The votes polled by the women placed Crystal Lake in the dry section of the map. After this victory was gained, it was suggested, by the president of the voting club, that, the organization merge into a Woman's Club for im- provement, and broaden their lines of work, which met with the approval of all, and a committee was appointed to draft a constitution and by-laws. Sixty-eight charter members were enrolled, and the following officers were elected : Mrs. Bertha Dolle, president ; Mrs. Ella Freeman, vice president; Mrs. Mae Dike, recording secretary; Miss Edythe Leach, cor- responding secretary; and Mrs. Carrie Teckler, treasurer. During 1914 and 1915 meetings were held every second and fourth Tuesday in the month, the usual summer vacations being omitted. Great interest con- tinued to be manifested, and at the end of the year 1915, the club had an enrollment of ninety-four members. The lines of work taken up by the club have been various, and as many similar organizations, the members have worked for the improve- ment of their town, taking up the cleaning of the streets and alleys, dis- posing of rubbish and garbage, placing of flowers and shrubs in the park and on high school grounds, making annual donations to the public library, establishing a charity fund, looking after those in need, visiting the Chicago Tribune Camp at Algonquin and donating to same, send- ing barrels of clothing and groceries to the Children's Home at Wood- stock, contributing $20 to the Girls' Home at Park Ridge, observing National Baby Week, giving showers to the Domestic Science room at the high school, and sending delegates to the county, district and state conventions. During 1917 and 1918 the club members gave a large portion of their time to the Red Cross and Council of Defense work, beside selling Lib- erty Bonds and War Savings Stamps. During the past five years the club has been giving fine entertainments, engaging many speakers and artists of rare ability. Believing that education and thrift go hand in hand and that in community work there is strength, the club has been working to establish a community center at the high school. The graduating class of 1919 of the high school has given the school a Motiograph De Luxe, which has been installed in the gymnasium by Superintendent H. A. Dean, of the Crystal Lake schools, and a co- worker with the Woman's Improvement Club, helping to build a solid 316 HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY foundation on which the rising generation may stand high above all that is worthless and unstable. The club is looking forward to many community gatherings for the purpose of enjoying the educational and government films which are already being shown. Dr. .Mary King has been engaged by the club to examine the teeth of the grade pupils, and send a chart of same to the parents for inspec- tion. This movement in connection with the health crusade that is awakening so much interest among pupils and parents, will be another step forward in teaching the children to care for their bodies and pre- serve their health. The Woman's Improvement Club is always ready to take up new lines of work that will be beneficial or improve the town and build rip the country, so that we may all be called true American citizens. .Mrs. Carrie D. Teckler, Crystal Lake, 111. HARVARD CIVIC ASSOCIATION The Harvard Civic Association was organized April i, 1906, with the following officers: Mrs. J. W. Groesbeck, president; Mrs. C. W. Goddard, secretary ; and Mrs. H. B. Minier, treasurer. Several vice presidents were appointed, and later an advisory board drew into line many energetic workers from all sections of the city. The aim of the organization was to do its utmost along all lines bene- ficial to the city; to co-operate with the mayor and city council, and the then recently formed Business Men's Association, and to assist in every possible wa\- to promote the welfare of Harvard. The first objective of the club was "the city beautiful ;" special clean- liness of the home and home surroundings was advocated ; the anti- spitting ordinance was to be enforced; a general paintup, cleanup and keep clean policy was to be undertaken, and always Harvard was to be "boosted." Every woman resident above the age of sixteen was personally in- vited to join the club and take an active interest in its efforts. No mem- bership fee was imposed. Funds were secured as needs arose by various methods, such as tag days, card games, food sales, which latter proved wonderfully successful, considerable sums being secured by the sales of homemade bread, pies, doughnuts, cakes and other homemade bakery HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 317 goods. Also, later, movie benefit picture shows were extremely profit- able. For our first cleanup day we planned a grand roundup of workers with rakes and hoes and other necessaiy tools, who were to start promptly at nine A. M., when all bells would ring and whistles blow. And such a scurrying and cleaning of corners was never before seen and such a merry army of men and women, boys and girls, responded as made a clean Harvard a surety. Papers and tin cans and all rubbish in the streets were raked into convenient piles and later teams were sent to gather up and cart awaj r the refuse. The alleys presented a problem by themselves, and as we had no laws to enforce clean alleys, we hired a man with a team to go certain daj - s through the alleys back of the stores and cart away all collections ready. The result was immediate im- provement in the looks of the alleys, and the cleaning out of spaces that had been for years untouched, besides the hauling away of immense wagon loads every week. Later this work led to the city garbage col- lection system which has been very successfully carried on under the supervision of the city health officer for several years, and incidentally, has removed to a remarkable extent that deadly pest, the house fly, thus proving a wonderful gain in sanitation. As early as 1908 we originated a plan for districting our city, and appointed chairmen of streets, each chairman to appoint assistants, who would have not to exceed two blocks or squares under her supervision. In this simple way, every house could be quickly reached with the least effort of time or labor. The plan commended itself in many ways. It fostered neighborhood pride and spurred to individual effort and brought about splendid results. At the early meetings considerable study and discussion were car- ried on relative to the ornamental planting of gardens and home grounds, and resulted in 'an enthusiastic planting of flowers, shrubs and vines, that changed the city as if by magic. Special care was urged in the cutting of parkings or spaces outside the sidewalks, with the result that a wonderful improvement was soon seen, the grass being cut way to the wheel tracks in the center of the streets, which were then unpaved, producing a park effect which was extremely effective even in the hum- blest neighborhoods, no unsightly fringe of tall grasses and unsightly weeds being left to mar the beauty of the smooth, green lawn. The last plan of street cutting was quickly acted upon by the up-to-date farmers in Ihe vicinity, and their homes have attracted universal attention and praise, being singled out as models of the progressive farm home. 318 HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY Much credit is due in the officers and members of the advisory boards in which lists, in addition to those already mentioned, will be found the following dependable members: .Mrs. John King, Mrs. A. J. McCarthy. .Mrs. W. II. Cobb, Mrs. K. B. Titcomb, Mrs. W. 1). Hall, .Mrs. .lames Shehan, Mrs. M. P. Walsh, Mrs. -J. B. Lyon, Mrs. Lucy Young, .Mrs. Mart Stafford, Mrs. W. C. Wellington, .Airs. Fannie Webster, Mrs. 0. L. Putnam, .Mrs. John Boodle, .Mrs. I,. A. Gardner, .Mrs. F. C. Peters, -Mrs. II. L. Ferris, Mrs. Rev. Giesel, Mi's. Carrie North, Mrs. Aubrey (dc.k. Mrs. Asad Udell, -Mrs. .1. M. Harris, .Mrs. Harry Beardsley, .Mrs. Harriet Eastman, Mrs. M. J. Emerson, .Mrs. H. (J. Jones, Mrs. Gilbert Wagar, .Mrs. J. II. Yiekers, Mrs. E. Carpenter, Mrs. Frank Bordwell, Mrs. Alex. Diggins, Mrs. Robert Minshull, Mrs. M. M. Towue, Mrs. Robert Nihan, Mrs. C. J. Hendricks. Mrs. Bert Ford, Mrs. Frank Phelps, Mrs. Albert Whaples, Mrs. James Lake, Mrs. A. C. Manley, Mrs. F. H. Dobson, ilrs. George Martin, Mrs. Helen Johnson, Mrs. George Walker, Mrs. Ora Stewart, .Mrs. Richard Engle, .Mrs. Robert Hall, Mrs. William Doyle, .Mrs. A. C. Strain, Airs. J. Keeler, Mrs. Eugene Ferris, Mrs. Howard Ferris, Mrs. Anna Fountain, Miss Florence Crumb, Miss Carrie Wyant, Miss Minnie Breitenfeldt, Miss Alda Wilbur, Miss Ella Miller, Miss Nell Richardson and Miss Fannie Powers. Every enterprise entered upon for the good of the city has been splendidly upheld and all possible assistance has been given. Cemetery sidewalk building, as well as other cement sidewalk construction demanded by city standards, received full support, as well as the oiling of streets and the planting of vines and shrubs on school grounds and in numbers of vacant spaces. Community clubrooms have been continued through the support and efforts of the Civic Club. In fact every movement for the city's benefit or improvement has been actively sustained and furthered by this asso- ciation and through all these years the interest and work has grown until Harvard stands today, largely through the work of this club, in the front ranks of attractively planted and beautifully cared for small towns of northern Illinois, if not of the entire state. Mrs. C. W. Goddard, Pres. The following letter belongs to the above article : : 'Dear Mrs. Doolittle: — "I have heard the history of the Harvard Civic Association read, and find it pleasing in every way save one. The writer has given herself no credit for all the good work she has done for our organization, and I feel that it is unjust. HISTORY OP McHENRY COUNTY 319 "I was president for three years through the hard work of estab- lishing a permanent association, and know that it was her persistent efforts that brought success to us, for although .she had good help, she was, and is, the backbone of the Harvard Civic Association. •"I have written the above from my own sense of right, and hope it will be kindly considered by the party credited. "One of the presidents of the "Harvard Civic Association." In 1919 this organization was merged with the civic department of the Harvard Woman's Club with Mrs. Charles W. Goddard as chairman. HARVARD FORTNIGHTLY CLUB In the summer of 1898 the Up-To-Date Club and the Honor Club united to become the present Harvard Fortnightly Club. The Up-To-Date kept posted on the Spanish- American War; also general current events. The Honor represented Hope, Faith, Charity and Progression. The new organization was named the Harvard Fortnightly Club by unanimous vote, forty members being the maximum, though the mem- bership has since been increased to fifty. Mrs. J. W. Groesbeck was chosen president and held the office from October, 1898, to October, 1904. Mrs. Harriet Eastman, Mrs. Fannie Wellington, Mrs. A. C. Manley, Mrs. H. W. Blodgett and Mrs. J. H. Deaner have each served three years. The present president is Mrs. Daisy Goodsell. The club federated with the state in 1906, and with the county the same year; in 1913, with the eleventh district. For several years the work was for higher social and moral condi- tions but as interest increased local educational work was taken up and the public library, the schools and the Red Cross received benefits from the organization. For a number of years a lecture course has been sponsored and food sales and the movies have played their part toward charitable earnings. A Chautauqua, beginning August 1, was added to the list of 1919 work. All moneys gained by club effort are used to help the needy or for local improvement, so in April, 1919, fifty trees were set out along the cemetery road in honor of our Harvard soldier boys. A Parent-Teacher Association was formulated in January, 1919, with a membership of 320 HISTORY OF McHENRT COUNTY ninety-six. Last, but not least, the French and Belgian orphans have received a portion of the II. F. C.'s earnings. Since organization seven members have died, eight moved from Har- vard and eleven resigned, lint the waiting lisi was large enough to fill these vacancies without delay. The names of charter members are: Mrs. J. ( '. Blake, -Miss Daisy I Slake, Mrs. J. S. Brasier, Miss Florence Bowman, -Miss Edna Blanchard, Mrs. II. 1). Crumb, Mrs. Elmer Carpenter, Mrs. E. L. Church, Miss G. Carlson, Mrs. D. Davidson, Mrs. J. ('. Diener, Miss W. Diener, Mrs. II. Eastman, Mrs. G. T. Griswold, Mrs. J. W. Groesbeck, Miss Mayme Groes- beck, Mrs. J. M. Harris, Mrs. R. W. Hall, Mrs. W. D. Hall, Mrs. F. J. Hubbell, Mrs. E. Krotzer, Mrs. James Lake, Mrs. M. W. Lake, Miss Gene- vieve Lake, Mrs. Frank Mason, Mrs. H. B. Minier, Mrs. V. McKinstry, Miss J. Marshall, Mrs. J. J. Rountain, Mrs. P. E. Saunders, Mrs. Stewart Saunders, Mrs. M. A. Stafford, Mrs. W. C. Wellington, Mrs. P. E. Whit- tleton, Mrs. Fannie "Webster, Mrs. Freeman Wilson, Miss Hattie Wilsou, Mrs. H. S. Williams, Miss Nellie Williams, Mrs. H. T. Woodruff and Mrs. A. W. Young. — By President's Committee. HARVARD WOMAN'S CLUB The Harvard Woman's Club was the outgrowth of an idea. Many years ago a number of Harvard ladies were invited for a social after- noon when a fine lecture or a good story was read by the hostess or one of the guests. The time was so happily and profitably spent, the plan of entertainment met with enthusiastic appreciation and other ladies followed with like entertainment. It is from the influence of these afternoons that our club undoubtedly received its origin, being organized October 19, 1891. Mrs. W. ( '. Wellington and Mrs. R. W. Hall, having it in mind for some time, had carefully worked out a plan for a club beginning. That the selection of members was most satis- factory, although in several instances those brought together were mere acquaintances, the years have proved by uniting all into a wonder- fully intimate friendship which has greatly enriched and blessed our lives. The following is the list of charter members: Mrs. Fannie Kinnie Wellington, Mrs. Anna Bagley Hall, Mrs. Harriet Nims Binnie, Mrs. Julia Aver Minier, Mrs. Harriet Watson, Mrs. Lucelia Hunt, Mrs. Harriet .Miles Eastman, Mrs. Mary Crumb, Mrs. Clara Curts, and Mrs. Caroline I '.lake Goddard. HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 321 The rules and by-laws first formulated have practically remained unchanged. The club is not a study club, but a reading and social club. The season opens in October. Meetings are held every Monday afternoon, reading from 2 :30 to 4 :30, followed by refreshments at five o'clock, closing with post prandial. Reading entertainment and post prandial are furnished by members in turn, the reader selecting any subject or matter she chooses. Each member invites one guest so that each week a company of twenty enjoys the reading and very informal discussions in which both guests and mem- bers are urged to participate, in addition to the dinner and the delightful post prandial which latter has always seemed especially helpful and inspiring. No change in membership has occurred in the past twenty-three years until our loss, by death, of our youngest member, Mrs. Crumb. Several removals from Harvard and one withdrawal, added the names of Mrs. Mary Bagley Nims, who also moved away after one year, Mrs. Harriet Aver Towne, Mrs. Lucy Gardner Young, Mrs. Mary Young Wil- liams, and Mrs. Leretha Austin Axtell. The officers being elected annually by ballot, it has necessarily some- what of a rotation from vice president to president, most of the mem- bers serving many seasons. The office of secretary and treasurer, how- ever, has not been so changeable, the present incumbent, Mrs. Goddard, having held the office since the close of the first year. The club has secured for Harvard several noted lecturers including Prof. David Swing, Newel Dwight Hillis, Rev. Frank Gunsaulus, and Jenkin Lloyd Jones. Also one season a lecture course of several numbers was held, the proceeds of $95.00 being given to the library. The club has held many delightful receptions for out-of-town guests, some for teachers of our public schools, one colonial reception when the members were dressed to represent historic dames, and a large number for the husbands of the members at which other guests were included. Several receptions were also held in celebration of important club events, such as the one hundredth meeting when one hundred guests were served with special refreshments, a program, toasts and a general good time. The 400th meeting was celebrated as a New Year's-day book reception at the public library. This added 400 books to our new library collection. To the Harvard Woman's Club the library is deeply indebted in that through its efforts, under the leadership of the library committee of the club, Mrs. Hall, watchful supervision has been maintained and invalu- able assistance given. It is also largely due to this club that the constant 322 HISTORY OF McIIENRY COUNTY stream of new books, accessary to carry on, has been supplied. One of the club's "library memorials" was our "Pay Shelf Fund" started in the fall of 1913 by our gift of $10.00, this to launch a perpetual fund for the purchase of the latest fiction, which should be on a special shelf, and all books drawn from it were to be paid for by a small charge per week, all money so received to be re-invested in more "new books." Our 500th celebration, November 2, 1915, consisted in a trip to the library in a body, where our president, .Mrs. Hunt, presented our anniversary gift of an additional $20.00 to the pay shelf. During 1918 this fund has accumulated $150.00 for the purchase of new live liter- ature for circulation, and as the years follow must roll up larger and larger sums annually. Another club gift to the library was a good, serviceable clock. Through the efforts of our club, a library tax has for some time yearly been secured, in 1918 amounting to $1,000.00. Besides Mrs. Towne's gifts of hundreds of books either purchased expressly for the library, or taken from her private library, she presented to the library her very valuable and exquisite collection of butterflies, mounted in plaster or cotton placques, together with the cabinet in which they are housed. This gift is of great beauty and will ever be a source of delight and education. A fine picture of President Lincoln was given to our high school. To the activities of the Woman's Club, the Harvard Red Cross directly owes its origin. An initial membership of about fifty was secured by them after reading and discussion of the Red Cross and its work at a regular meeting of the Woman's Club, when our secretary volunteered to receive the names and dues to be forwarded to Washington. Later through the club's agitation and insistence, a leader was secured, IMiss Florence Crumb, and her splendid perseverance resulted in the establish- ment of the Harvard branch of the Red Cross. Every member of the Woman's Club has been an active worker in the Red Cross either as head of some department, or a contributor of funds, or knitting. For tw T o years the club has supported a French Orphan. The Woman's Club has been an active force in assisting every move- ment for the benefit of Harvard and the uplift of her citizens. Over 8,00. Hardy. Mrs. 0. ('. Wieland, and the chairman of social committee was T. D. Cole. It was decided the did) was to be a literary and social organization, with meetings on the first and third Saturdays in the mouth at two, p. m., at the homes of the members, refreshments to be limited to tea or coffee and wafers or cookies. The club was named after the beautiful Lotus beds in Grass Lake. A few years later the word "Country" was added, making it the Lotus Country Woman's Club. The club affiliated with the State federation, the District federation, and the Federation for Country Life. The progress of the club in 1912 was as follows: Flower. Lotus. Colors, yellow and green. Motto, "Not for ourselves alone. " The following women have acted as presidents: Mrs. F. L. Hatch. HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 325 Mrs. B. A. Stevens, Mrs. J. C. Furlong, Mrs. G. C. Wieland, Mrs. J. C. Furlong. At the sixth meeting of the club, held at the home of Mrs. F. W. Hatch, March 2, 1912, it was suggested that as the old officers were the originators of the club, it would be proper and fair that they be re- elected to their respective offices the ensuing year, thus giving an officer the privilege of holding office for two years. With a little change the following were elected: Mrs. F. L. Hatch, president; Mrs. B. A. Stevens, first vice president; Mrs. Lynn Overton, second vice president; .Mrs. G. C. Wieland, secretary and treasurer; Mrs. F. L. Hatch, corre- sponding secretary ; directors, Mrs. E. G. Turner and Mrs. J. ('. Furlong. At this time the club had about twenty members, but it grew until at the present time there are forty members, not including the Music Club of fifteen girls which is an auxiliary to our club. A farm festival and children's flower and vegetable show was held September 15 to 20, 1913. Among the speakers were Joseph E. Wing, Mrs. H. M. Dunlap and Dr. Cyril G. Hopkins. During 1918-19, it was voted to hold the meetings in Schramn's Hall, which the club had just rented. All of the members belong to the Red Cross, and the club has given generously toward its support. There is a library connected with this club, which was started by the donation by each member of a book to be read by the members. Now there are over 100 volumes in the library, besides the use of a traveling library from Springfield. A French orphan was adopted through our club, by the four schools representing members in our club, Spring Grove, Creek, English Prai- rie, and Solon Mills schools. It has been the aim of the club to provide entertainment for the young people of the community, and many are the good times they have had. A study course was decided upon for 1919 and 1920. .Mrs. J. C. Furlong is the present president; G. Turner, recording secretary; .Mis. R. R. Turner, corresponding secretary; Miss Mary Swenson, treas- urer; Mrs. Reed Carr, auditor; directors, Mrs. F. W. Hatch and Mrs. G. J. Richardson. We have had two deaths in the club, Mrs. Elizabeth Pinney of Solon Mills, dying May 14, 1917; and Mrs. Catherine Wt>stlake of Spring Grove, dying January 6, 1919. Mrs. E. G. Turner. 326 HISTOKY OF McHENRY COUNTY MARENGO WOMAN'S CLUB Iii 1S94 eight ladies met at the home of -Miss Nellie Fillmore to form a conversation club, so unpretentious as to have no rules or regulations. The object of the club was for the members to become easy and proficient conversationalists. At each meeting on Monday afternoon, every mem- ber was obliged to relate a short and select story. It was such a success that by the end of the first year the most retiring and unassuming member gave a review of J. M. Barrie's "Little Minister" like a gifted reader. The charter members of this club were as follows: Mrs. Helen Busted, .Mrs. Caroline Coon, Mrs. Harris G. Otis. .Mis. M. G. Haekley, .Mrs. Elizabeth Shurtleff, Miss Jean Stanford, Miss Elizabeth Sperry, and Miss Nellie Filmore. It was thought best for us to broaden out and enlarge the membership of our club to twenty-five members, who appointed Mrs. -John Parkhurst, Mrs. Caroline Coon and Mrs. Harris G. Otis, assisted by a most able lawyer, Mr. A. B. Coon, to draw up a constitution and some by-laws. Mrs. Gertrude Dorman gave instruction in parliamentary law. The object of the club was to study art and literature for mutual benefit. We reviewed the art and literature of Italy. France, England, Germany, Japan, Egypt and the United States. oftentimes spending months and even a year on one country. We met in private homes, but after the Community Hall was completed iu 1916, we again changed our plan, increasing our membership to nearly one hundred, and began meeting in the new hall. The club now meets in the hall the first and third Friday from October to May 1. There are five departments of the club: civics, philanthropy, reform, science and education, literature and art and music. The club now has a member- ship of ninety-eight. Before the war, each department held meetings outside the club for study. At the regular meetings we have had outside talent, being ad- dressed by ministers, lawyers, physicians, philanthropists and educators, and otherwise entertained by opera singers, bands, cartoonists, clay mod- elers and artists. Ross Crane brought a fine exhibit from the Art Insti- tute and give us several lectures. Bonnie Snow brought a wonderful collection of art and crafts from public schools all over the United States, and gave us two or more lectures on the subject. The club eared for the public library for fifteen years, and its de- mands from that day to this keep growing, and now through the aid of C. B. Whittemore, we have a two mill tax and the library now requires HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 327 no further aid from the club. Mrs. C. B. Whittemore, one of our mem- bers, is president of the library board. At different times the club has given teas, luncheons, banquets and garden parties, for great social features. Among those who have served the club as president, are the following : Mrs. Harris G. Otis, Marengo ; Mrs. Gertrude Dornian, Colorado ; Mrs. James Ingersoll, New Haven, Conn. ; Mrs. C. W. Hart, Seattle, Ore. ; Mrs. Henry Rehbock, Fort Worth, Tex. ; Mrs. Ellsworth Seward, Maren- go; Mrs. Caroline Coon, Marengo; Mrs. C. L. Lundgren, Ann Harbor, Mich.; Mrs. C. B. Whittemore, Marengo; Miss Nellie Fillmore, 5918 W. Erie Street, Chicago, 111. ; Mrs. A. A. Crissey, Marengo; Miss Kate Blood- good, Marengo; Mrs. Frank Hackley, Marengo; Mrs. Charles Talbott, Duluth, Minn.; Mrs. Jarvis Heath, Marengo; Mrs. J. M. Patterson, Marengo; Mrs. C. Dyke, Crystal Lake, and Mrs. A. W. Kelley, the pres- ent incumbent. Mrs. H. G. Otis. MC HENRY COUNTY FEDERATION OF WOMAN 's CLUBS An invitation was extended to the different woman's clubs of Mc- Ilenry County, by the Woman's Club of Woodstock, to meet on their regular da}-, February 6, 1906, to discuss the forming of a county federation. Other county federations were explained by Mrs. A. S. Wright of Woodstock, and after careful consideration, the president of each club retired and formulated the resolution, on which to federate. "Resolved to federate as a county federation; our aims being a higher social, moral and intellectual influence in the county." Signed by the Marengo, Harvard, Hebron and Woodstock clubs. The first officers elected were as follows : Mrs. King of Hebron, presi- dent ; Mrs. McEwan of Woodstock, vice president ; Mrs. Wellington of Harvard, recording secretary ; Miss Groesbeck of Hebron, corresponding secretary ; and Mrs. Whittemore of Marengo, treasurer. On May 12, 1906, the constitution was adopted. The federation meets every June in the city which invites it. After the business of the meeting is transacted, a literary program is given. We have heard the following speakers : Mrs. Harriet Vittum, "Civics;" Clifford Roe, "White Slave;" Miss Brooks of the Illinois University, "Home Care of the Sick;" Carl Wentz, president of the Academy of Fine Arts, ' ' Line and Color in Dress ; ' ' Minnie Starr Gran- ger, state president, and Jessie Spafford, Illinois president, federated clubs and Christine Tomlin, "War Work." 328 HISTORY OF McHENEY COUNTY The clubs now belonging to the federation are: Harvard Woman's Club, Harvard Fortnightly Club, Harvard civic Club. Woodstock Woman's Club, Marengo Woman's Club, Hebron Woman's Club, Rush Creek Woman's Club, Crystal Lake Woman's Club, Algonquin Woman's Club, Buntley Woman's Club, and the Se :a Domestic Science Club. Tl (Beers are: Mrs. Frank Tanner of Harvard, president; Mrs. Watkins of Marengo, vice president ; .Mrs. Cameron of Hebron, recording secretary; .Mis. Seelye of Harvard, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Flora Richards of Woodstock, treasurer. Mrs. E. C. Robb. RICHMOND WOMAN'S CIiUB In the fall of 1911 a group of the Richmond women organized, in order to study domestic science. The following year they voted to become a woman's club, at the same time increasing the membership of the original organization. The charter members were as follows: Mis. M. R. Cole, Mrs. J. U. Benton, Mrs. F. H. McAssey, Mrs. F. B. Mc- Connell, Mrs. E. M. Stewart, Mrs. W. C. Heek, Mrs. C. Otto, Mrs. Nellie Phillips, Mrs. Ella Lang, Misses Nellie Rehorat, Clare Ilobart, Elizabeth Ward. There are now twenty members. The following have held the office of president : Mrs. M. R. Cole, 1912-1914; Mrs. Gertrude Burgerzei. 1IU4-1916; and Mrs. F. B. McConnell, 1916-1919. Elizabeth C. Ward is now serving as president. The Richmond woman's club has always taken an active part in promoting progressive movements along civic, educational and patriotic lines. Among other things, the club has co-operated with the University of Illinois in two public demonstrations, the first a five day domestic science school, with two instructors; the second, a wheel of lectures on household science illustrated by practical demonstrations in the state demonstration car. The most enterprising undertaking was the exhibition of paintings by the Chicago Water Color Club and curious local collections, which lasted for five days, with entertainments each evening. The proceeds. amounting to $400.00, were expended for pictures and books for the schools. Two civic tag days have been held at Richmond, the ultimate result being a keener interest in bird protection and shrub planting around the town ball. One winter a successful lecture course was directed by the club. During 1918-1919, the club activities have centered upon the work of the Woman's National Council of Defense. HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 329 From the first it has been the policy of the club to hold several open meetings each year, on various subjects of interest to the community. Miss Elizabeth Ward. RUSH CREEK WOMAN'S CLUB On October 24, 1901, the ladies of the Rush Creek neighborhood me1 at the home of .Mrs. Horace Porter and organized the Rush Creek Aid Society to promote charity and sociability, realizing that by united ef- fort a great deal of good could be accomplished. The first officers were as follows: Mrs. T. Graves, president; Mrs. Fred Tanner, vice presi- dent: and Mrs. Clark Porter, secretary and treasurer. The charter membership was fifty, and great enthusiasm was aroused. Many changes have taken place since the organization of that first society. Eight of the charter members have passed on, and only six now remain active in the club work. The day of October 26, 1911, marked the beginning of a new epoch for the Rush Creek ladies, when the Rush Creek Aid Society was re- organized into a full-fledged Woman's Club, under the guidance of Mrs. Charles Talbot of Marengo, as the Rush Creek Woman's Club, and federated with the state, district and county Woman's clubs, in Novem- ber, 1911. The following are among those who have served as presidents of the club : Mrs. Ira Puis, Mrs. C. A. Porter, Mrs. F. C. Curtis, Mrs. F. J. Miller, Mrs. Earl Swan and Mrs. Fred Watkins, and they have kept the various activities of the club very much alive. During 1917 and 1918, with a membership of thirty-two, the departments of the club united in doing w-ar work. The sum of $500.00 was raised and expended for urgent calls for money. The club's war orphans have been cared for. The club sent to France 599 articles of clothing for the use of refugees. Seven barrels of clothing and food were sent to Chicago. Individual members bought generously of Liberty bonds and thrift stamps, and all in every way assisted in the war work. At the beginning of a new year and a new era of peace, the members of the club realize the many blessings God has bestowed upon them, and pledge themselves to be in the future, as in the past, worthy of the trust reposed in them. Mrs. F. J. Miller, Historian. 330 HISTORY OF McHENBY COUNTY SCHUMANN CLUB On February 12, 1906, six music Lovers of Harvard. 111., met to organize a club "to promote interest in the study of and cultivate a taste for the better class of music." These six ladies, who named their organization The Schumann Club, were Mesdames Aubrey Cook, Law- rence Norton, Robert Minshull, James Keeler and .Misses Nella Williams and Lora Waters. The Schumann Club has grown in numbers and power until it has won for itself a distinctive place in the city*s life and has become federated with both the state and national Federations of Music Clubs. The club now has twenty active members. It meets fortnightly and the afternoon is divided into study and choral practice. This club has given numerous musicales and has furnished music for many of the other clubs' programs. It has also brought to the community many musicians of note in lectures and concerts, among whom were the following: William L. Tomlins. .Maude Fenlon Bolman, Mabel Corlew Schmid, Day Williams, Helen Brown Read, Jessie Daggett, Helena Bingham and Alberto Salvi. During the two years when the members have been devoting them- selves to war activities of various kinds, the outside work of the club was largely the sponsoring of many community sings, which have been such a potent factor at Harvard, as elsewhere, in winning the war. The latest activity of the club has been the collections of victrola records, nearly one hundred of which have been sent to the military hos- pital at Ft. Bayard, N. M. During the years of the club's life, the following members have served in the capacity of president : Mrs. Aubrey Conk. Miss Adeline Brainard, Mrs. Howard Ferris, Mrs. F. A. Barter. .Mrs. Robert Minshull. Miss Frances Kees, Mrs. Howard Eaton and Mrs. H. B. Megran. Katherixe I. Eatox. SEXECA ASSOCIATION OF DOMESTIC SCIENCE The Seneca Association of Domestic Science was organized in the fall of 190S. The first president was Mrs. Kate Andrews, and the first secretary was .Airs. Frances Greene. The charter members were as follows : Mrs. Kate Andrews. Mrs. R. M. Bean. .Mrs. Charles Brock, Miss Ella Bookman, Mrs. Delos Diggins. Mrs. Henry Echternach, Mrs. Frances Greene, Miss .Mabel Greene, Mrs. L. Hand. Mrs. Fred Hill. Miss Mary Purvis. Miss Aggie Purvis, Miss Grace Redpath, Mrs. Elizabeth Standish. HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 331 Mrs. Charles Standish, Mrs. G. Stewart, Mrs. Henry Torman, Mrs. A. G. Waterman and Mrs. Charles Weiss. The club was first a social organization, and as such it always met the needs of the community. Among the customs was that of holding monthly an all day meeting at the homes of the members. A dinner, to which all contributed, was served at noon. The families of the members were entertained formally four times a year, and visitors were always welcome. Picnics, socials, suppers, etc., contributed to the neighborhood enjoyment. The motto of the club is that of the State Household Association, "For Better Health, Better Homes and Better Schools." The work of the club is expressed in the motto, and might be classified as social, educa- tional and charitable. The social activities are outlined above. Under the head of educational, may be mentioned the frequent public meetings, addressed by speakers and demonstrators from both the University at Urbana, and the State Institute, and also by local speakers, including doctors, lawyers, teachers and other professional people who have a message for the club members. The organization has alwaj-s encouraged all work in the schools which comes under the aims of the society. Among them may be mentioned school gardens, hot lunches for rural school children, sewing in the school, and special attention to health study. The election of at least one woman on the board of directors for country schools has been urged. The charitable work of the club consists of contributing both money and supplies to needy persons or causes, and sewing for those in need. During the war the members have worked collectively and individually in the Red Cross and also for the Woman's Committee of National Defense. Money has been contributed to war work and two French orphans have been adopted. The club has affiliated with the Household Science Department of the State Farmer's Institute, and also with the county and district federation of woman's clubs. The present membership numbers eighteen. The officers are as follows : Mrs. Mary Witson, president ; Mrs. Verna Bockman, vice presi- dent ; Mrs. Helen Wright, secretary ; and Mrs. Nettie Standish, treasurer. Mrs. H. F. Echternach. WOODSTOCK WOMAN'S CLUB Two years before the actual organization of the Woodstock Woman's Club, the idea of such a club was born in the mind of the first president, 332 HISTORY OK McHENBY COUNTY Mrs. A. S. Wright; and it found fruition on the afternoon of the first Tuesday of October, 1905, which saw an organized club of four depart- ments, a membership of fifty-seven and a printed calendar. The Woodstock Woman's Club was incorporated in 191)."); joined the state federation in 190b', the McHenry County federation in 1906, and the Eleventh district federation in 1909. During the first three years the club secured the erection of a shelter at the Woodstock depot; the adoption of manual training in the public schools, and the gift of pictures and statuary to the schools; the passage id' the anti-spitting ordinance; and began the agitation for the establish- ment of a hospital for Woodstock which paved the way for the building of the one now standing. In 1908, the club secured the installing of the rest room in the courthouse, which during the Great War was used for Red Cross headquarters for the county, but following the close of hostilities, was returned to the public for its original purpose. The club in 1910 issued a cook book, which in 1917. was revised, although the original name of The Woodstock Woman's Club Cook Book, was not changed. The establishment of a nursery in the Industrial Home, the adoption of domestic science in the public schools, and an addition to the public school library, are among the organization's recent activities. The members of the Woodstock Woman's Club took upon themselves the work of assisting during the World War, in addition to the regular routine, beginning in 1914, with the Belgium Relief activities, and continuing as long as there was any need of their assistance. Among other things, the club assisted in securing the Soldier's rest room at Camp Grant; Furlough Home in France, and finding homes for the fatherless children of France. The scope of the club work was broadened continuously. The mem- bership average seventy-eight. The best to be obtained has been fur- nished in the programs, and other cultural opportunities have been afforded by the Shakespeare Study Class, organized at the very beginning, and later an Opera Study Class, and during one year. The Modern Drama Class. With the organization of the club, came a club chorus. Recrea- tions and hospitality have not been neglected. Reaching out into un- selfish service, the club is moving on to enlarge and better its already important function in the community, and its influence is such as cannot be ignored. Its proposed service will include the agitation for a new public library building and community house. Pauline Mc Manus. CHAPTER XXII MISCELLANEOUS TAXABLE PROPERTY EARLY RATES — GOING TO MARKET — PRICES BY PERIODS — VILLAGE PLATS — CEMETERIES — POPULATION SELECTED NATIVITY" IN- TERESTING ITEMS TORNADO OP 1862 CYCLONE OP 1883 — UNUSUAL AND UNFORTUNATE OCCURRENCES —FROZEN TO DEATH AN EARLY TEMPERANCE SOCIETY MEETING! CENTENARY' DRIVE — HOME BUREAU CIVIL WAR RELICS — INSTALLING A NEW TYPESETTING MACHINE WAR WAGED ON CANADIAN THISTLES — WORLD'S FAIR CORN EXHIBIT — SPRING GROVE FISH HATCHERY. In this chapter will be found many items of historic interest, which in and of themselves, would scarce make a chapter, but when coupled together make one replete with interest to almost all classes of readers. TAXABLE PROPERTY When this county was first organized its rate of taxation was one per cent, on the following schedule : slaves or indentured or registered negro or mulatto servants, stock in trade, horses, mules, asses, and meat cattle above three years of age, swine, lumber, and one-horse wagons, clocks, watches, etc, but no revenue was raised on bank or rail- road stock, pianos or silverware. The tax of 1837 realized $370.86. EARLY RATES Among the curiosities of ancient legislation is a tavern license of 1837, for which the fee was $8. There was a provision that the landlord should not overcharge his "dry" customer for the price asked for drinks. The license stipulated the rate he might charge, which was as follows : brandy, rum or gin, twenty-five cents a pint ; wine, thirty -seven and one- half cents a pint; whisky, twelve and one-half cents per pint; beer or cider the same rate last mentioned. Meals were not to exceed thirty- seven and one-half cents each ; lodging, twelve and one-half cents each ; while a span of horses might chew hay all night for twenty-five cents. 333 334 HISTORY OF McHEXRY COUNTY But be it remembered that the shillings charged then were harder to obtain than at this date, if commodities were cheaper. GOING TO MARKET In the thirties and forties the nearest market was Chicago, and the only means of reaching there was by wading through mud in warm weather, and riding over frozen trails in winter. The wagons were for the most part drawn by oxen, the trip taking at least three full days, and the prices received for all kinds of produce was what farmers today and even for the last thirty years, would regard as not worth consider- ing. The seed, sowing, cultivating, harvesting and marketing cost more than the amount received in many cases. Thirty to forty cents a bushel for wheat, and that was the only article the farmer was certain he could sell at all for cash, after he had hauled it to the lake, camping out on his trip to and from the market place. The great yield of the early wheat crops was all that helped the pioneer out. He many years realized as high as forty-five bushels per acre for his spring wheat. Twenty teams in a line, thus going to market with their only staple product, was no uncommon sight. PRICES BY PERIODS Beginning with the year 1885, taken from the Republican Free- Press of Woodstock of January that year, and winding up with quo- tations from the successor of that newspaper the Sentinel of the pres- ent day, may be had the following quotations: 1855 — brown sheeting, five to nine cents per yard ; bleached shirt- ing, six to fifteen cents; linen pants from sixty-two cents up; linen coats, $1 to $1.50; sugar, twenty pounds for ninety-nine cents; coffee, thirteen to eighteen cents; teas, three to five shillings per pound; molasses, forty cents per gallon; salaratus, eight cents; salt, $6 per barrel. 1862 — No. 1 spring wheat, eighty-eight cents; corn, thirty cents; oats, thirty-four cents; barley, seventy-eight cents; green hides, seven cents per pound; dry hides, fourteen cents; lard, seven cents; eggs, per dozen, thirteen cents; chickens, per pound, nine cents; turkey, six cents ; butter, twelve cents ; potatoes, fifty-five cents, per bushel ; onions, sixty cents, per bushel. April 26, 1865 — spring wheat, $1.08; winter wheat, ninety-five HISTORY OP McHENRY COUNTY 335 cents to $1 ; oats, thirty-five cents ; ear corn, fifty-five cents ; shelled corn, sixty cents; clover seed, $14.50; beans, choice dull at seventy-five cents to $1 ; live chickens, $4 per dozen ; hides, four and five cents per pound ; eggs, per dozen, fourteen and fifteen cents ; butter, good roll, twenty-five cents; firkin, fifteen to twenty cents. September, 1881 — cattle, extra choice, $5.90 to $6.20; butcher stock, $2.75 to $3.75; hogs, $6 to $7; sheep, $3.50 to $4.25; creamery butter, twenty to thirty-three cents; fine dairy butter, twenty-one to twenty- eight cents; eggs, twenty cents per dozen; No. 2 spring wheat, $1.31; corn, sixty-eight cents; oats, forty-one cents; barley, $1.13; lumber, (common boards) $15 to $17 per M; fencing, $13 to $15 per M. Fall of 1885— cattle, $5; hogs, $4.50; mess pork, $9.40; lard, seven cents per pound; cheese, five to eight cents; wool, twenty-seven to thirty-six cents; creamery butter, nineteen cents; dairy butter, fifteen cents; eggs, fifteen cents; No. 2 wheat, seventy-nine cents; corn, forty- three cents; potatoes, forty cents; lumber (common boards), $12.50 to $13.00; fencing, $10.50. 1893 — World's Fair Year shipping steers, $3.50 to $5.24; cows, $1.25 to $3.10; hogs, $5 to $6 per cwt. ; sheep, $2 to $4; butter, cream- ery, eighteen cents; dairy, fifteen cents; eggs, twelve cents; lard, ten cents; wheat, sixty-seven cents; corn, forty cents; oats, twenty-eight. In the month of July, 1919 — cattle, prime steers, $16.40; medium, $14.25; prime cows for beef, $10; hogs, choice light butcher's stock, $22.50 ; heavy weight butchers, $22 ; butter, forty-four to forty-eight cents for best ; eggs, thirty-six to forty-one cents per dozen ; cheese, thirty-one to thirty-four cents; poultry, thirty to thirty -one cents per pound ; beans, hand picked $7 to $7.50 per bushel ; sugar, ten cents ; wheat No. 1 Red, $2.28; No. 2 hard, $2.32; corn (Chicago), $1.80 to $1.90; oats, sixty to seventy cents; gasoline twenty-three cents per gallon (small lots) ; Milk, $2.13 per cwt. A Northern Illinois local newspaper spoke of prices in June, 1919, in language as follows: " The hog is king. Long live the hog ! " Prices quoted now are $22.50 a hundred pounds and still "going strong." Bacon and eggs will soon be on the menus of millionaires only ! The 1919 model hog is silver-lined and gold-plated. Who wouldn't be a farmer if he could? VILLAGE PLATS Since the organization of this county the following village plats have been executed, and nearly all are still in existence, though some are long since defunct. 336 HISTORY OF McIIFXRY CoFXTY Algonquin was surveyed by -I. Brink, county surveyor, September 26. 1844, in the northwest of the oorthwesl lit' section 34 and the southwest of section 27. bounded by Fox River on the east, anil on the south by Crystal Fake outlet, all in township 4:!, range 8 east. The proprietors were Eli Henderson and Alexander Dawson. Its original name was "Osceola." Alden was platted September, 1849, by Prances Wedgewood, in Alden Township. Cary was platted in section 13, township 4.'i, range 8 by John Brink county surveyor June 4 to 7 in 1856, and filed tor record February 23, 1859. The proprietor was William D. Cary. Chemung was platted in the southwest quarter of section 33, town- ship 46, range 5, by Lorenzo D. Dana. Coral was platted July 16, 1866, in sections (i and 7 in township 43, range 8. Crystal Lake was platted by Benjamin Douglas and several others, in August, 1837, but was not really recorded until March 31, 1840. Greenwood, see Troy. Gatesville was platted near Crystal Lake in section 13, township 43, range 8, by Simon Gates, June 16, 1855. Harvard was platted in sections 35 and 36 of township 46, range 5, on November 25, 1856, by Amos Page, proprietor. Hartland was platted in the southwest of section 13 and the south- east of section 14, township 45, range 6. The date was July 26, 1878. Huntley was platted as "Huntley station" in sections 28 and 33, in township 43, range 7, by Thomas S. Huntley. The date was April 14, 1853. Hebron was platted in May, I860, in the northwest quarter of section 16, township 46, range 7, by Henry W. Meno. Johnsburg was platted in section 13, township 43, range 8, by a company of men, the work of surveying being executed on June 4, 5, 6, 1868. Lawrence w-as platted March 9, 1841 in section 30, township 46, range 9, by C. C. Taylor. Marengo was platted July 21, 1846, by proprietors Amos Daman and Calvin Spencer, September 14, 1846. McHenry was platted in section 26, township 45, range 8, in May. 1837. The platters were Messrs. White, Colby and Brown. Nunda was platted by land speculators and filed for record August 13, 1868. It was platted in the southeast quarter of section 32, town- ship 44, range 8. HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 337 Ridgefield was platted in section 25, township 44, range 7, January 8, 1855, by William Hartman. Richmond was platted in the west half of the southeast quarter and the east half of the southwest quarter of section 9, township 46, range 8, by Charles G. Cotting, September 2, 1844. Ringwood was platted in section 9, township 45, range 8, July 2, 1878, by John Huermann. Solon was platted by Henry White, proprietor, November 13, 1840, the tract being situated in section 26, township 46, range 8. Spring Grove was platted May 3, 1855, by John E. and Emily J. Mann. This village is located in section 30, township 46, range 9 east. Troy was platted by Lewis Boon, September 1, 1847, in the south- west quarter of section 12, township 45, range 7. This is now Greenwood. Woodstock was platted in the south half of the southwest quarter of section 5, township 44, range 7 east. It was at first named by the county commissioners who laid it out, "Centerville" as it was near the exact geographical center of the county. The plat was executed April 10, 1844, by County Commissioners — Messrs. Troop, Hayward and Tryan, and was received for record June 10, 1844, by Recorder William H. Beach. Union was platted October, 1851, in the east half of the northwest quarter of section 4, township 43, range 6 east. CEMETERIES The burying grounds of the county are numerous, and many of them are well improved and cared for by tender hands. Of course there are several of the older ones" that were used in pioneer times which have not been used of later years, and hence have run down and are not cared for as well as the others. The record for severalof the cemeteries is not to be found in the county books, but the tombstones speak louder than printed record that the departed dead are within such sacred en- closures. The principal cemeteries in the county are listed as follows : Algonquin Township, in sections 27 and 19. Alden Township, in the northeast quarter of section 23-46-6, and in sections 14 and 15. Burton Township, one in section 17, one in section 18, one in section 23. Chemung Township, Mt. Auburn Cemetery in section 1, township 45, range 5, and one in each of sections 27 and 33. Dunham Township, Oakland Cemetery, and one in each of sections 7, 19 and 35. 338 HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY Greenwood Township, Greenwood Cemetery, and one in each of sec- tions 20, 22 ;md 35. Hebron Township, Parkers Cemetery; and one in section 26. Marengo Township, Stewart's burying ground, and Marengo Ceme- tery. Nunda Township, Mosgrove Cemetery. Riley Township, Riley Center Cemetery. Richmond Township, one in the village of Richmond; and one in each of sections 4, 11, 20 and 26, the last being known as Cedar Vale. Dorr Township, one at "Oakland" and the Catholic Cemetery. "Cal- vary." Harvard Township, Jit. Auburn, principal one used now. McHenry Township, those found in sections 8, 9 and 20. Grafton Township, one in each of sections 10 and 23. Coral Township, one in section 5 at the village of Union. Seneca Township, one in section 24. Hartland Township, one at the village; and one in section (i. POPULATION The population of this county at different periods has been as follows : in 1840, 2,578 ; in 1850, 14,978 ; in 1860, 22,089 ; in 1870, 23,762 ; in 1880, 24,908 ; in 1910, 32,509, and in 1920, 33,164. By townships the population for the years 1890, 1900, 1910 and 1920 was as follows: 1890 1900 1910 1920 Alden Township 1,026 1,015 1,014 964 Algonquin Township 3,675 ;),043 2,512 3,528 Algonquin Village 550 642 693 Burton Township 296 400 451 441 Chemung Township 3,057 3,814 4,101 4.421 Harvard City 1,967 2,602 3,008 3,296 Coral Township 1,354 1,451 1,432 1,296 Union Village 322 406 399 Dorr Township 2,796 3,470 5,335 6,408 Woodstock City 1,683 2,502 4,331 :>.f)23 Dunham Township 919 859 849 857 Grafton Township 1,437 1,484 1,589 1,475 Huntley Village 550 606 773 ' ■' 1900 1910 1920 901 908 858 874 905 860 1,430 1,430 1,363 611 644 631 2,859 2,702 2,442 2,005 1,936 1,758 2,673 2,679 2,825 1,013 1,031 1,146 1,963 2,110 2,321 1,554 1,932 2,449 1,498 1,472 1,448 776 554 533 203 363 915 822 717 1,105 1,023 940 322 432 399 HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 339 1890 Greenwood Township 889 Hartland Township 960 Hebron Township 1,167 Hebron Village Marengo Township 2,255 Marengo City 1,445 McHenry Township 2,555 McIIenry Village 979 Nunda Township 1,805 Crystal Lake 1,219 Richmond Township 1,212 Richmond Village 415 Spring Grove Riley Township 830 Seneca Township 1,046 Union Village SELECTED NATIVITY 1860 Native. Foreign. Born in this State 10,214 British America 382 Ohio 448 England and Wales 713 New York 4,790 Ireland 1,661 Pennsylvania 560 Scotland 207 Indiana 96 Germany 1,187 Kentucky 24 France 160 Sweden and Norway 172 Total 16,132 Switzerland 11 Bohemia 90 Holland ..' 11 Denmark 23 Total 4,617 INTERESTING ITEMS In 1837 McHenry County paid its assessor $2 per day ; county com- missioners received $2.50 per day. 340 HISTORY OF McIIKXRY COUNTY In the summer of 1838 the commissioners fixed the rate of compen- sation for jurors, both grand and petit, al seventy-five cents per day. In 1838 the total tax in the county, which then included what is now Lake County, was $564.41. It cost this county in 1842 $102 for assessing the property. In 1843 the county revenue amounted to $793.14. The first justices of the peace in Fox precinct, and consequently Hist iii the county, were William H. Buck, and William L. Way, elected July 3, 1837. In 1918 McHenry County had assessed 381,521, 38/100 acres of land, valued at, for assessment purposes, $18,388,027. The value of improve- ments on these lands was $6,762,569. Number of automobiles in county in 1918 were 3.096 Carriages and wagons 7,067 The automobiles were assessed at $259.06 each, while the wagons were assessed at $16.37 each. Of diamonds and jewelry there was $5,227.00 Horses of all ages 13,890 Cattle of all ages 56,888 Mules and asses 122 Hogs and sheep 9,675 TORNADO OF 1862 From newspaper and personal accounts the following is gleaned : "On Monday, August 4, 1862, a tornado, which was very destruc- tive to both life and property, passed through the southwestern part of McHenry County. The storm began at three o'clock in the after- noon, with sheets of rain, heavy thunder and extremely sharp lightning. At the Deitz school house in Seneca Township, school was in session. and about eighteen scholars and the teacher, Mary E. Goodrich, were present. The house standing directly in the track of the storm was taken from its foundation and carried several feet, turned half around and torn to pieces leaving only the front end of the building standing. Strange to say. not a single scholar was seriously injured, though all were badly frightened. "Fences, buildings, stacks and bundles of grain — everything that stood in the way of the terrible storm — was madly seized and torn to pieces. The residence of John E. Green, in Marengo, was blown down. HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 341 Mr. Green's mother, wife and daughter were in it at the time. The old lady was so badly hurt that she died the next day, and the wife and daughter were seriously injured. Robert Smith's son, John, aged fif- teen years, took shelter in a shock of wheat in the harvest field. He was struck in the side by a board, blown from a neighboring structure, and so injured that he died the next hour. The wife of G. H. Sumner, a tailor, w T as found among the ruins of' the barn, with her neck broken. Edwin Morris was so badly wounded that he died soon afterward. This storm was closely estimated to have caused a loss of .$30,000 worth of property in this county." CYCLONE OF 1883 McHenry County has been quite fortunate in not being located in the natural zones of periodical wind-storms, especially the ever-to-be- dreaded cyclone. However, one did pass through the townships of Che- mung and Alden, Friday, May 18, 1883. Three lives were sacrificed in this terrible storm, and an immense amount of damage done to prop- ■ erty all along its pathway. Strange to relate, its direction was from the southeast moving northwest, and every building in its pathway was removed and swept out of existence. An account given by the local press says that near the Village of Chemung the farm buildings of Henry Baker, occupied by George Conn were utterly demolished. Seven persons were in the house at the time the storm struck. They fled to the cellar for protection. Patrick Corrigan, a hired man, was killed, and Mr. Conn injured by a falling timber. Just across the way the buildings of Mr. Downs were also destroyed, the owner rendered un- conscious, and several members of the family injured. A near neighbor of Mr. Downs, R. J. Williams, lost his barn and a portion of his house. Owen McGee's buildings were destroyed and large oak trees were up- rooted as if but mere saplings. The railroad depot at Lawrence, and other buildings were damaged. Patrick Kennedy lost all of his buildings, and his hired man, John Mc- Guirk, was killed. J. W. Rogers lost all of his buildings, except his house ; also his horses, sheep, fences, carriages and farming implements. In Alden Township the barns of James Vick and Mr. Campbell were destroyed, the residence of Fred Bombard damaged and his outbuild- ings ruined. The Alden Sentinel correspondent, at the date of the storm wrote as follows: "A few minutes after six o'clock the storm struck the 342 HISTORY OP McHENRY COUNTY residence of Fred Bottlemy. The family consisted of himself and wife, and four small children and one hired man. Mr. Bottlemy says they did net even have time to descend into the cellar; lie reached for the two children to take them below, and the next he remembers anything abont, he was lying upon the ground. The building was strewn to the four winds, the house in atoms, not one stick left upon another, even the stones composing the foundation were scattered for rods around. The scene beggars description. Parts of bedding ami other clothing were found in the tops of tall trees fully a quarter of a mile away. Huge oaks were torn up by the roots and carried along for many rods to be lodged against the house where were the family. The hired man. a German named Soule, thirty-two years of age, was found dead in front of the house; he seems to have been killed by being thrown violently against some sharp pointed grubs that were sticking out of the ground at that spot. His skull was pierced in several places; the body was removed to the residence of Casper Bottlemy, one mile distant. "Mr. Bottlemy was seriously injured across the lungs and bruised about the head. The small children were unhurt. Mrs. Bottlemy was found with her back firmly planted against a tree, her left arm broken below the elbow, her right arm dislocated at the shoulder. Her ease is very critical. The oldest child, a girl of twelve summers, was badly bruised about the head and shoulders. These were all taken to the residence of Fred Bombard where they were kindly eared for. Dr. Barringer, of Alden, was sent for as soon as possible and arrived on the terrible scene about 6 :30 P. M. Dr. Brigham arrived about mid- night. The sufferers were all properly eared for. An inquest was held Saturday on the body of the hired man, and a verdict rendered in accordance with the above facts. "Mr. Bottlemy 's sheds and barns were leveled to the earth, one horse being killed. The next building struck was the sehoolhouse, a good frame structure which was actually swept from existence, not a single vistage remaining. The storm happily occurred two hours after school closed for the day, or the consequences would have been terrible indeed. "A few rods east is the residence of C. L. Kingsley, a large square house with a cupola. The whole roof was torn off and carried away. The barn, over sixty feet long, in which twenty-five cattle were stand- ing, was flattened to the earth, the fragments were strewn for a mile around. There were also three persons in the barn at the time it was HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 343 struck, none of whom were seriously injured. That they escaped seems almost incredible. A cow and horse were killed, and one double buggy and a single carriage are entirely missing. The next place visited was that of Fred Mode, a quarter of a mile further on. The barns were all destroyed ; the houses were saved, although the porch was torn off. Still further to the east, the barn belonging to Mrs. M. A. Weter was destroyed. The storm was very severe further along toward the east, and much damage was done. "From Alden, the cyclone passed over the line into Wisconsin, and just north of Hebron station, destroyed Levi Nichol's house, barn, etc. His hired man was killed outright. His father's barn was also wrecked. At Racine, eight persons were killed, a large number in- jured, and one hundred and fifty buildings destroyed." UNUSUAL AND UNFORTUNATE OCCURRENCES These peculiar and unfortunate incidents have all taken place within this couuty : A snow storm in December, 1856, blocked up roads and the new railroad so effectually that travel by any method was impossible for days at a time. On the railroad running through Woodstock several trains were snowed in between stations. In the Fremont political campaign in 1856, this county was won by the Republicans, and in ratifying the news what was styled as the "Woodstock Cannon" was used. By some mismanagement it was pre- maturely discharged, thereby badly injuring Orson Bates so as to re- quire the amputation of his right arm, and the left hand above the wrist. Sunday, August 28, 1859, James Ashe, a prisoner confined in the jail for beating his wife, probably through remorse, hung himself and he was found dead. In the spring of 1859 a young man named Deming, son of Jedediah Deming, of Harvard, started for Pike's Peak as a gold seeker. When near there he was taken ill and being almost overcome by hardship and exposure, he turned back; but being joined on the Missouri River by his brother John, concluded to start for California. He was sick enroute most of the trip, but upon getting through was much improved. On January 20, 1860, he went out hunting, and not returning when expected, his brother went out to search for him. Seeing tracks of 344 HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY Indians he at once concluded that John had been foully dealt with, and went to the neighboring miners for aid. The body was found Shol through the head. While the brother of the murdered man was absent from his cabin, the Indians raided it, carrying off whatever they fancied. They were not pursued. On October 22, 1859, William Dalzell, while bricking up a thirty- foot well, on a farm a mile or so northeast of McHenry, was buried alive by being covered by the caving in of the walls to a depth of eighteen feet. When his body was recovered it was found that his head and face had been horribly mangled and that probably he met death instantly. A man named Babeock was drowned in the Nippersink, near Spring Grove, while fishing with a seine. May 10, 1860. He was thirty-five years of age and had recently come from the East. A. ('. Wilson, twenty years old, was killed at Harvard. July 20, 1860, while attending to his duties as a railroad employe, in trying to get ears on the track that had accidentally backed off. In July, 1861, Andrew Austin, a young farmer, of Greenwood, was killed by being thrown from a horse. At Harvard, June 6, 1862, a man named Cutter, a railway employe, was instantly killed by the ears. .March 7, 1862, Solomon West, in Seneca, committed suicide by tak- ing poison. He was comparatively a stranger. On Monday, May 5, 1862, John E. Burr, of Greenwood, met his death by accidentally falling from a tree. He was twenty-three years of age. On October, 1863, Mrs. Bridget Lee was killed while attempting to cross in front of a freight train. Adam Schneider, a very worthy farmer, was killed near Green- wood, October, 1863, while at work in his field. His team became frightened and ran over him. John Steffer. working near Ringwood, April, 1863, ate wild parsnips and was killed by the same. In March, 1S64, Willard Joslyn, was killed on the farm near Har- vard, while trying to turn a somersault over a pole. In April, 1865, while celebrating the fall of Richmond, an anvil which they were fixing exploded, and a large piece struck H. G. Otis, who died two hours later. On June 16, 1865, John Dolan, of Woodstock, nineteen years old, was shot and killed while trying to enter the house of Kutledge Harris, near Crystal Lake, He with a companion, both drunk, went to Harris's HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 345 house to see a girl and were denied admission. "While trying to force an entrance Dolan was killed. In June, 1865, while boating at Crystal Lake, two young ladies, Addie Deitz and Lucy Adams, both of prominent families, were drowned. In August, 1867, Michael Dwyer, of Woodstock, aged seventeen, was accidentally drowned while bathing in Crystal Lake. The next day efforts were made to recover his body and the old cannon from Wood- stock was brought into use. The second time it was discharged, it exploded and so injured the drowned boy's father that it was thought he would die; it also injured several others. In May, 18G8, a boy named Ira Clason, eighteen years old, was struck by lightning, while plowing on a farm six miles south of Marengo. The team he was driving at the time were also killed. Henry Jackson, twenty-three years of age, was drowned in Crystal Lake while fishing, August 15, 1869. T. J. Hobart was instantly killed in October, 1869, by the falling in upon him as he was digging, a cellar under a building. This was on the McIIenry road six miles east of Woodstock. In October, 1869, a four year old girl belonging to Patrick Crowley, of Marengo, was so badly burned by her clothes catching fire, that she died ten days later. In August, 1870, at Woodstock, while moving a building, a timber fell in such a manner, that Bela Darrell was strangled to death. Jeremiah Halesley was killed near Harvard by a railroad train. He was riding a horse and had crossed the track, but the horse had become frightened and ran back with its rider, who was thrown in front of the oncoming train and killed. In January, 1873, a boiler exploded in the steam mill at Huntley, killing the engineer and injuring others about the flouring mill. In August, 1873, Watson Heath, of Dunham, had both legs and an arm cut off in a mowing machine, and died soon after. He had lived in this county sixty-four years, and was a popular man and a good citizen. On December 7, 1872, the night watchman, Jacob Hurst, at the Woodstock brewery, met his death in a singular manner. A bin of malt above him broke through the floor, and he was buried in it and smothered to death. On June 9, 1874, a very sweeping storm caused heavy damage in this county as well as adjoining counties. Trees, houses, barns and fences suffered severely. The damage was especially great at Harvard, 346 BISTORT OP McHENRY COUNTY McHenry, Union and Richmond. At Harvard the new engine house of the Chicago & North Western Railroad was destroyed and much other property damaged. On August 24, l s 7 1, the ten-months' old child of Wm. II. Eowe and wife was drowned in a pail of milk. On Oetober l'_\ 1S74, a ten-year old son of lssae Mussey, of Seneca, went to the pasture to eateh a horse. While returning home his hands got eold, and to warm them he tied the rope by which he was leading the horse, about his body. The horse, taking fright at something, ran, and the boy was dragged until killed. On December 15, 1874, on the farm of J. E. Xourse, two miles west of McHenry, William Grant, aged twenty-four years, was buried in a well, sixty feet deep. Eleven feet of earth caved in from the top and fell upon him. It required the work of two men for a day to recover his body. On Oetober 30, 1875, two miles from Woodstock, on the Austin Frame farm, George Schneider was struck by lightning and instantly killed. He and his wife were sorting potatoes in the cellar at the time, and she was uninjured. In March, 1876, a man named Sweet, at Harvard, while sawing wood with a horse-power, was caught by the coat in the machinery and killed by being drawn into the saw frame. In August, 1878, a German named Christian Beir, six miles west of Huntley, was standing on top of a threshing machine and slipped down into the cylinder while it was at full speed. His body was horribly mangled, too shocking for description. He lived an hour, being conscious to the end. FROZEN TO DEATH Under the above heading the Woodstock Sentinel of January 18, 1877, has the following: "On last Sabbath afternoon the lifeless form of John Burk, of the town of Greenwood, was found in McHenry Township, near the old residence of Hon. H. McLean. The circumstances connected with this sad affair are substantially as follows: Mr. Burk left his house on Friday morning for McHenry with a load of oats, and not returning that night, his mother, who lived with him, notified his brothers of the fact on Saturday afternoon, and Sunday morning they started out to find him. They went directly to McHenry and were informed HISTORY OP McHENRY COUNTY 347 that John was there Friday afternoon and left for home in the evening. They also learned that there was a sleigh, from which the horses were detached, near the railroad track north of the village. On examination, it was soon found that on leaving McHenry Mr. Burk took the rail- road track instead of the wagon road, driving over cattle-guards, etc., until he came to the outlet of Lake McCollum; and at this point it seems the horses refused to cross the bridge, left the track and undertook to cross the stream on the ice, but it gave way, precipitating horses and sleigh into the water. It appears that Mr. Burk left the sleigh and succeeded in detaching the horses therefrom, removed the fence and started to cross the slough, but ran into a soft place or spring and here the horses left him, he traveling in one direction and they in another. Mr. Burk went but a short distance from where the team left him, took shelter under some bushes on the shores of the lake, where he was found by his brothers, frozen to death. His clothes were wet nearly to his waist, which proves he had been in the water. John has been in the habit of drinking strong drink too freely for several years, and no doubt but this was the case on Friday night, causing him to lose his way and bringing about his untimely death." AN EARLY TEMPERANCE SOCIETY MEETING It is not the province of this work to discuss the Prohibition and liquor questions of the long ago years in this county, as doubtless it is best to cover old John Barleycorn's putrid corpse with a mantle of charity. He no longer lives here, enough mean things have been spoken and written of him in the last seventy-five years to damn him for ever and a day, and we cannot find a record of authority showing that he had any saving traits of character, so let him rest where he fell, at tin' hand of the people of America in 1919. But it may not be out of place to give the reader of this volume an account of a meeting of the "Ladies Temperance Association of McHenry County," held at Marengo in 1855. We give it as written up by a delegate from Elgin, who attended it and wrote her report in the Elgin Palladium of January 18, 1855 : "First in the order of events, after leaving Elgin depot, was the de- mand by the conductor for our fare, and we were greatly surprised at his unwillingness to accord to our party the courtesy, which in every in- stance heretofore has been shown ladies of this Association, in their frequent interchange of kindly regard and sympathy by attending the 348 BISTORT OF McHENRY COUNTY meetings of the differenl societies; by allowing them passage at the half fare usual rate Ami still more were we surprised when upon repre- sentation of these Eacts to the superintendent, who chanced to be on board, be also refused the customary tribute to the cause of temperance. Sorry we arc to record such an ungallanl act. We Eel1 indignanl at such ungentlemanly treatment, but not sufficient to disturb our equanimity, and we arrived at Marengo in good spirits were received by the ladies of that place with great eordiality— partook of their cheer and repaired to the Presbyterian meeting-house, where after the transaction of busi- ness, we listened to an entertaining address from .Mrs. Randall of Bel- videre; after this resolutions were discussed, one being with regard to the rightfulness of mob force if necessary, for the restraint of the traf- fic in ardent spirits. It elicited a spirited discussion from Mrs. Safford, Mrs. Lindsey, and Mrs. Misick of Marengo, -Mrs. Randall of Belvidere, Mrs. Hubbard of Huntley, and Mrs. Wright, Mrs. Waldron and Mrs. Tefft of Elgin, and was put to the house and lost. A number of resolu- tions to the effect that the rumseller is equally izuilty and alike deserv- ing of condemnation with the rum-drinker; and that they withdraw all patronage from all those who deal in intoxicating drinks we adopted unanimously. If lived up to this cannot fail to be of great good and it should enlist the energies and zeal of all temperance people. Thi seems to be a great amount of talent among the ladies of Marengo, com- pared to their numbers, some few noble-minded women, who are willing to hazard much in the cause they have espoused, and to 'hope on and hope ever,' until they see that accomplished for which they have been swelling the number of petitions to our state legislature, a prohibitory law similar to the Maine Law." (Signed.) Oxe of the Ladies. CEXTEXARY DRIVE The Centenary Celebration, or the 100th anniversary of the sending the first church missionary from the Methodist Episcopal church, was celebrated in 1919, and among other plans in this great movement, started by the Methodist denomination, and carried out by most of the Protestant denominations, for the betterment of the world's people, was the raising of an immense fund to carry on the missionary, home and foreign, cause. The Methodist Church alone asked for subscriptions for $105,000,000, to be paid in five equal annual payments. A stagger- ing amount, seemingly, to confront a war-ridden people who have been HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 349 subscribing such large sums to support the government in time of war, and to help European countries. Yet, through the force of g 1 financial management on the part of the leaders of the church, this amount was subscribed and considerable more, too. McHenry County "went over the top" in this, as well as in Liberty Loans. The exact figures are not at hand, but in the single case of the local Methodist Episcopal Church at Woodstock, it may be stated that its allotment was $15,850 for the five year period, and this amount was oversubscribed by about $1,000, enough to make up all shrinkage. Among the logical arguments used in appealing to the church-going people here was one, that Woodstock expended on an average of $20,000 a year for picture shows, and only $25,000 for all her churches. And going outside, it was shown that the United States spends $320,000,000 a year for soda and other light drinks and $1,000,000,000 for tobacco. These and like arguments, properly presented, brought the subscribers to see that it was only their Christian duty to spend, at least $105,000- 000 for trying to help answer the Lord's Prayer "Thy Kingdom Come." In this county the "drive" was on only from May 18 to May 25. HOME BUREAU During the late World War the women of this county organized what is styled the Home Bureau, the aim of which is to better look after the domestic and home side of life. In a meeting held in the City School building in Woodstock, July 7, 1919, the women from all parts of the county were present with reports of the work accomplished during the past year. Miss Bunch, of the University of Illinois, and Mrs. Dunlap, of Champaign, were present and made addresses. The following officers were re-elected for the ensuing year: Mrs. A. E. Seward, Marengo, president; Mrs. G. A. Miller, Pleasant Valley, vice-president; Mrs. Fred McConnell, Woodstock, secretary ; Mrs. Will Hoy, Huntley, treas- urer. The executive committee consisted of the following: Mrs. E. G. Turner, Richmond; Mrs. Fred Baier, Harvard; Mrs. Will Dyke, Crystal Lake; Mrs. J. C. Furlong, Spring Grove; Mrs. A. J. Gafke, Woodstock. Work was begun by this society in July, 1918, with 272 members enrolled. During the year work was carried on to the best interests of housekeeping and home-making; how to use better methods, and adopt better equipment to save time and energy in daily household tasks. During the year, 129 meetings were held in McHenry County ; eighty-seven of which were demonstrations at which the women were 350 HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY taughl the preparation of war foods, canning of fruits, vegetables and meats and the remodeling of old clothing, forty-two Lectures were given on better kitchen arrangement, labor-saving devices, poultry-raising, gardening, planning of meals ami feeding of children. The total attendance at these meetings was 11,956. .Miss Blair, in charge of the work, travelled during the year 2,7;!7 miles by rail and 1,457 by ear. holding meetings in every township in the county. As a result of the work, hoi lunches were installed in three country schools. Twenty-four women are making a special study of the planning of meals, keeping rec- ords of the time, expense and amount of food used. Twenty-nine women are keeping records of their gardens; thirty-seven are making special study of the poultry business. Six townships are studying the care and feeding of children. A week's sewing school has been conducted. Three days' instruction in poultry raising were given by a specialist with an attendance of 153. Besides all this much food was canned and dried, especially vegetables and meats and much wool saved by the re-making of clothes. This is an excellent innovation. civn. WAR RELICS In the summer of 1919, at Woodstock, druggist A. S. Wright had on exhibition in his show-window on the south side of the public square, a collection of valuable and highly interesting Civil War relics belong- ing to Col. William Avery. Colonel Avery's daughter. M. Ella Avery, in disposing of her household goods, tendered these war relics of her father's as trophies to the Memorial Hall in Chicago, which offer was accepted. This consists of revolver, saber, box of bullets; the bullet which wounded the colonel ; shoulder straps from the rank of captain to colonel; well preserved piece of "hard-tack"' (soldier's bread) now over fifty years old, still in good condition. Colonel Avery was county clerk of McHenry County for a period of twelve years. The Grand Army men took special delight in looking at these relics which reminded them of the days of their young manhood. INSTALLING A NEW TYPESETTING MACHINE Editor Seott, of the Richmond local newspaper, had troubles of his own according to the following paragraphs written by him after the battle was over in the month of August, 1915. It appears he had purchased a new linotype machine and upon unpacking it found it HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 351 had been smashed up badly in a railroad wreck and a new one had to be sent for: "Anyhow the expert linotype man, who knows bushels of things about printing machines, looked with some sconi on the mashed up machine and declared the "thing" was no good at all. Another was ordered and there was indigo atmosphere which lingered in the print shop all last week. The chief editor wouldn't even go fishing! "The news editor was going tramping over the hills; going fishing and listening to the wind-waves in the trees and watch the shadows grow long when the sun was low. "It rained there; there was no sunshine; there was no wind; and the fish wouldn't bite. The news editor was obliged to spend part of the time in a darkened room because of a vacation head ache, which was doubtless a just penance for planning to be a genuine gypsy for a whole week." "There are several other chapters to this vacation story, but they are of the same color as those already described, hence we decline to enter further details. What's the use? The perfect linotype has ar- rived and is beiug installed and the glint of sunshine fills the office all around and back again." WAR WAGED ON CANADA THISTLES The state law concerning Canada thistles and other objectionable weeds is being rigidly enforced in the county at this time. The en- croachment of late of the Canada thistle is something fearful to behold. The county has its regular thistle commissioners and they in turn have been authorized to engage scores of assistants to aid in doing away with these pests. June, July and August are the three available months in which to try to annihilate the thistles. The report shows that there were 743 different strips of Canada thistles on farms in Dunham Township alone, of which twenty-four were in the highways. The com- missioners are provided with an outline map which they are supposed to fill in as fast as the thistle sections are discovered. When a farmer claims his farm is not in the thistle belt, the commissioner simply pulls out his map or plat and shows him that he is mistaken and that unless he gets busy and removes the pests at once that the county will hire a person to remove the same and add the expense, which is usually from $3 to $4 per day, to his next tax bill. In Hartland Township there is a ten-acre tract, where the pests 352 EISTOEY OF McHENRT COUNTY have grown to an alarming extent. Mowing machines have been em- ployed to cul them down. Many of the worst tracts are on farms which are rented out and the owners live so far away that they seldom visit the place, hence the thistles have grown almost beyond control of anyone. In Chemung Township, the commissioner declared, "There is one farm in my district in this township that has sufficient Canada thistles, if permitted to ripen, to supply enough seed to cover all of the great State of Texas." One commissioner, Mr. Dacy, walks over his territory, going many days as much as twenty miles. There is no escape from assuming the thistle obligation. If the land owner refuses to cut them down at the lawful time, the commis- sioner simply hires a man to do the work and reports the transaction and makes a bill which is placed against the land at the coming tax paying season. world's fair corn exhibits During the great Columbian Fair at Chicago, in 1893, McHenry County had a large and complete assortment of corn grown from her rich soil. The men who under director James Crow, of Crystal Lake, furnished such corn exhibit were worthy a record in the annals of their county, hence find the list here annexed. Smith Brothers, Ringwood; George Lewis, Cary Station; James Stewart, Cary Station; F. B. Peek, McHenry; Dr. Warren Chase, Chemung; S. M. Wardlow, Hebron; C. Lockwood, Ridgefield; Prentice Smith, Cary Station; James Brennon, Huntley; Henry Leesberg, Al- gonquin; C. Techier, Algonquin; Calvin Davis, Ridgefield; James R Jaekman, Crystal Lake; C. Pinnow, Crystal Lake; Xels Aekerson, Crystal Lake; Louis Cammine, Crystal Lake; William Peet, Crystal Lake; E. D. Barnard, Greenwood; 0. McCollum, Xunda; O. N. Brass, Seneca; John Duggan, Hartland; A. Walkup, Xunda; George L. Bryant, Nunda; Peter Berger, Hebron; M. C. Morris, Crystal Lake; R. Rowley. Xunda; Chet Burgett, Richmond; James Burgett, Richmond; Fred Ker- now. Riley; C. X. Webber, Seneca; Franklin Morris. Crystal Lake: James Whiston, Ridgefield. SPRING GROVE FISH HATCHERY The State has a fish-hatchery located at the village of Spring Grove in Burton Township, this county, and reports show that in May, 1916, HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 353 many visitors present saw 50,000 rainbow trout, all four months old and at the same date there were 30,000,000 pike eggs just hatching out, also 25,000 brook trout two months old. Most of these young trout were to be planted in the spring-fed streams of McHenry County. In 1915, 350,000 black bass and 12,000,000 pike-perch were planted in the water courses and lakes of the county by the State Fish Commission. CHAPTER XXIII ALDEN TOWNSHIP BOUNDARIES — ORIGIN OF NAME — TOPOGRAPHY — FIRST SETTLEMENT — PIO- NEER EVENTS — BURIAL PLACES — FIRST SCHOOLS AND CHURCHES — POST OFFICE — ALDEN VILLAGE — POPULATION — OFFICIALS. BOUNDARIES Alden Township is bounded on the north by the State of Wisconsin; on the east by Hebron Township: on the smith by Hartland Township; and on the west by Chemung Township. It comprises all of congressional township 46, range 6. ORIGIN OF NAME Like many other townships, Alden took its name from its first post office. Originally, the post office was named Wedgewood, but on account of another in Illinois by the same name it was changed to Alden after Alden, N. Y., from which place several early settlers to this township had emigrated. FIRST SETTLEMENT The very first settlers in Alden Township were Nathan and Darius Disbrow, who came here in the fall of 1836, and built cabins in the following spring. They located on section 15, which later was destined to become the site of the village of Alden. Miles Booty, a native of England, was the third to locate in Alden Township, he arriving during the summer of 1837, settling on what later became the Capron farm, east of the village. Ashael Disbrow, with his wife and eleven children, came here from Greene County, N. Y., about the same time. Another settler, John Alberty, from the same location, came in 1838, and Dennis Ryder of York State arrived about that same year. 354 > 2j HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 355 TOPOGRAPHY Alden Township is a prairie township, although originally some tracts of very fine timber were found growing within its borders. There are to be seen considerable artificial timber planted by the hands of the hard}- pioneers, which trees have come to tower up some twenty, thirty and even forty feet, providing shade in the heated seasons and a wind- break in winter. Nippersink Creek is the principal water course, it rising from Mud Creek, and from it flow Kiswaukee Creek and Piskasaw Creek. PIONEER EVENTS Timothy M. Eller and Esther Disbrow were married on January 7, 1839, by Wesley Diggins, a justice of the peace, and this was the first wedding celebrated in the township, although in 1838, Darius Disbrow, who lived in Alden Township, was married in Milwaukee, to Sarah Cross. a resident of Hebron Township. Their child, Lorain J. Disbrow was the first white child born in the township, the date of his birth being in 1839. Twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Fuller, were the next white children born in the township. BURIAL PLACES The first burial in Alden Township took place near Mud Lake, it being that of a child who died at the home of Ashael Disbrow. This infant belonged to the family who were going on further west to settle. The lirst cemetery, however, was that located in 1846, and A. Broughton was I he first to be buried there. This tract originally had two acres set off as a cemetery. In 1847 a graveyard was platted to the east of the village of Alden, and there repose the remains of scores of pioneers, but later this tract was abandoned, and the bodies were transferred to other cemeteries, chiefly to the one originally laid out as above noted. FIRST SCHOOLS AND CHURCHES Miss Clarissa Nelson of Geneva Lake taught the first school in Alden Township, in the spring of 1841, in the first schoolhouse which was built of logs. Rev. Leander Walker held the first religious services in the township 356 BISTORT OP McHENRY COUNTY in the fall of 1 >.*!>. at the home of Ashael Disbrow, and there he organized a Methodist society, which held meetings until 1845, when it was dis- banded. POST OFFICES The firsl posl office was established in 184:? at the home of Francis Wedgewood, and he continued as postmaster until 1847, when the of was transferred to the railroad station. In 1849, P. W. Lake was made postmaster, and he was followed by X. -M. ('apron in 1850. In 1858 Mr. Capron died, and he was succeeded by George B. Andrews, and in 1881, E. S. Smith was appointed. The later postmasters are generally well recalled by the present patrons of the office. ALDEN VILLAGE The village of Alden was laid out in 1848 by Francis Wedgewood, and John Brink of Crystal Lake made the survey. Xathan Disbrow built the first house at that point; and the first store was opened by P. W. Lake, in 1847, prior to the platting of the village. The first wagon shop was run by C. X. Jiles ; J. Wood was the first blacksmith and M. D. Hoy was the first shoemaker. Other early business and professional men included these: J. C. Brewer, barber; Ferris & Son and Julian Brothers, butter and cheese factory ; Copeland & Manning, operators of a creamery ; John Snell, wagon maker; Edward Wright, carpenter; C. II. Bennett. harness maker ; T. J. Disbrow proprietor of the hotel ; Thomas Rushton, lawyer; E. S. Smith, merchant: and Dr. G. R. Barringer. physician. The village has never grown to any considerable extent, and now there are a few stores and small shops for the accommodation of 1 la- surrounding rich farming community. Alden Township has many beauti- ful and valuable farms and fine herds of excellent milch cows, the milk from which is sold at the station of Alden where a large collecting station is conducted by one of the great milk companies mentioned in the chapter (in dairying. In 1877 Alden had a cheese factory, built in 1870, and used the milk of 500 cows, but it has been long discontinued. The early settlers from Xew York being great fruit lovers demanded fruit trees in this new country and a Mr. Easton in 1848 planted out a good sized nursery from which the farmers were soon able to get trees. The first apple seeds were planted by Sidney Disbrow. in 1838, and these trees thus started, come to be excellent bearing trees within a few years. HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 357 The Alden Mutual Fire Insurance Company was organized at the village of Alden, in 1874, but since then it has enlarged its scope and takes in the townships of Alden, Hebron, Richmond, Burton and Mc- Henry. It now has in force 500 policies, with insurance amounting to $1,800,000. The rate for insurance is a trifle more than one per cent for a five year period. The officers are : James H. Turner, Hebron, President ; Arthur D. Cornue, of Alden, Vice-President ; A. G. Dickerson, Hebron, Secretary ; The board of directors are: H. E. Street, Hebron, Arthur D. Cornue, E. G. Kingsley, H. G. Durkee, Alden; E. G. Turner, Spring Grove; J. B. Richardson, Richmond. This mutual fire insurance company has been of great benefit to the farming community of North McHenry County. POPULATION The population of Alden Township in 1890 was 1,026 ; in 1900 it was 1,015 ; in 1910, 1,014 and in 1920, 964. OFFICIALS The following are serving as the township officials of Alden Town- ship : supervisor, H. G. Durkee; assessor, J. L. Baldock; clerk, E. M. Fink; highway commissioner, E. C. Hammond; justices of the peace, A. L. Disbrow and William W. Fleming; constable, J. H. Carbrey. CHAPTER XXIV ALGONQUIN TOWNSHIP Bill NDARIES — ORIGIN" OF NAME TOPOGRAPHY — EARLY SETTLERS — PIONEER i;\ ENTS — POPULATION — ALGONQUIN VILLAGE — POST OFFICE — MUNICIPAL HISTORY — PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS — CITY OF CRYSTAL LAKE — l'OST OFFICE — MUNICIPAL HISTORY — CITY OFFICIALS BY YEARS — PUBLIC IMPROVJ MENTS — VILLAGE OP CARY — BUSINESS INTERESTS — TOWNSHIP OFFICIALS. BOUNDARIES Iii the southeastern part of McHenry County is found Algonquin Township; it is bounded on the north by Nunda Township; on the east by Lake County; on the south by Kane County, and on the west by Grafton Township. ORIGIN' OF NAME Before the adoption of the township organization, this section of the county was known as Fox Township. When a name was required for this new township, Samuel Edwards, formerly of Philadelphia, suggested the name Algonquin. In his youth he had been a sailor on a boat by that name, and he desired to thus commemorate a happy period of his life. The name met with the approval of all who had charge of such naming, and it was adopted. TOPOGRAPHY Algonquin Township is more broken than any other township within the county, there being many bluffs and hills in the region of Algonquin village and in fact all along the Fox River. The land is about equally divided between prairie and timber. It is adapted to both small grain and pasture lands and is used for such purposes. Crystal Lake lies in section 6 of this township, and runs over into a portion of Grafton Township. From it flows the outlet of the lake thai joins the Fox River 358 HISTORY OP McHENRY COUNTY 359 at the village of Algonquin. Big Spring Creek is another water course found within the township. EARLY SETTLERS The first settler to locate in this county chose Algonquin Township for his new home. He was Samuel Gillian, and he located in section 23, on the west bank of Fox River, November 18, 1834. John Gillian came soon thereafter, and he settled on the east bank of Pox River. Levi Seebert arrived in 1837 ; Hosea Throop was a settler of 1839 ; and New- man Crabtree, Simon Chandler, Thomas Chunn, Beman Crandall, William King, Isaac Denney, Edwin Powell, Major Beardsley, John Kern, Isaac King, Wesley Hiekox, Dr. Plumleigh, Dr. Cornish and John Brink with possibly others made up the first, settlements. PIONEER EVENTS The first white child to be born in this township was William Beards- ley, son of Abner Beardsley and wife, who came into the world in 1837. Franklin Wallace and Hannah S. Beardsley were married by Benjamin ( 'randall, a justice of the peace, in 1839, and theirs was the first marriage in Algonquin township. The first person to die in the township was Delia, daughter of Samuel Gillian and wife, when she was about fifteen years old, August 26, 1835. The first saw-mill was built on Crystal Lake outlet by Benjamin Douglas and Colonel Hoffman in 1839; and the second one was built in 1842, by A. Dawson, who located at Algonquin in 1848. This last was completed in 1849 by Henry Petrie. A brick-mill was built in the village in 1850 by Dr. Plumleigh. The schools and churches are all treated in special chapters on these topics in this volume. POPULATION In 1890 the population of this township was 3,675; in 1900 it was 3,043; in 1910 it was 2,512; and in 1920 it was 3,528. ALGONQUIN VILLAGE This is the oldest village in this county, having been first laid out in 1836 by Dawson & Powell, the platting being accepted and recorded 360 HISTORY OF McIIENRY COUNTY in 1844. Prior to the hiving out of the place Mr. Powell had erected a residence on the present site of the village. The first store was eon- ducted in L837 by Dr. Cornish. Henry Tubbs was the first wagonmaker; Henry lienl husean. was the first blacksmith; and < >. Leach the first shoe- maker, while William Clark was the first tailor. At one time William Powell owned all of the original site of Algonquin and he built the first hotel in 1840. It was a log structure, to which he added a frame build- ing, in 1850. In 1858, the whole building was torn down and a new one erected by James Dixon and John Gillian, and later it became the prop- erty of Charles Pingree. POST OFFICE A post office was established at this point in 1836, and it was the first in the township. Dr. Cornish was the first to serve as postmaster. He was succeeded by the following: Isaac Denney, John Peter (deputy), John Sears, Charles Chunn, Eli Henderson, Peter Potter, Samuel Finch, Col. William Henry, C. C. Chunn, John Adamak, C. C. Chunn, John T. Kalahan, Nettie Threadgold (many years) with present postmaster John T. Kalahan. This is a third-class post office and has one rural free delivery route extending to the surrounding country. To show that this is an early post office it only need be stated that the office was established under President Andrew Jackson. PRESENT OFFICIALS The following are the present officials of Algonquin : president, Willis T. Peter; clerk, George Dewitt Keyes; treasurer, Louis J. Lehky; magistrate, Harvey J. Weir ; marshal, John Dvorak, Jr. ; attorney, Charles T. Allen ; trustees, Clarence Franke, Frank Dvorak, Ernest Reimer, Fred Duensing, Albert Wilbrandt and Herman Mertens. The enterprising little city in 1907 erected a fine two-story brick city building at a cost of $10,000. This provides a home and protection for all the city property, fire department, city offices and jail. In the western portion of the village is found a nice public park. Nature has made the spot charming and a gushing spring of pure water offers an appreciated refreshment. PUBL"IC IMPROVEMENTS In 18D6 the city installed its first and really its present system of water works which consists of piping from the business part of the town v. O c 3 y- o EC HISTORY OF McIIENRY COUNTY 361 to a distance of seventy-three feet above the river-bed, to a point on the hillside when' was discovered a strong spring of the best drinking water to be had anywhere in Illinois. For fire purposes other lines of piping extend further on up the hill to a distance of 147 feet, where was erected a basin in which sufficient water is forced to meet any de- mand in case of tire. This whole system is "natural direct pressure"' and affords a splendid water system, such as is seldom found in prairie sections. The common pressure is about eighty pounds per square inch. The fire company is the ordinary volunteer company of fifteen men, with Peter Serrs as present chief. The city has two hose carts, each having 800 feet of good hose ; a chemical engine holding forty-five gal- lons ; hook and ladders, and other appliances. CITY OP CRYSTAL LAKE What was first known as the village of Crystal Lake is now a city and governed by a board of aldermen and a mayor. This place was platted by Benjamin Douglas and others in August, 1837, but not recorded until 1840. From an old county directory it is learned thai in 1877 the village then had three general stores. Hill, Fitch & Marlow ,and Buckholtz & Dj-deman were early business firms. T. G. Ashton con- ducted a hotel. It will be understood that a part of present Crystal Lake city was once within the incorporation of Nunda village and its early history will be treated in the history of Nunda Township. Aside from the above named business interests it should be stated in this connection that for many years the ice taken from the lake near Crystal Lake has been cut and shipped to Chicago, where the name sells the product, while it is said, however, that much sold under this catchy name came from some dirty pond much nearer Chicago. The land containing this beautiful lake has been the subject of much recent litigation, and the question of ownership is still in the courts. Three miles distant from the city of Crystal Lake is located the celebrated Terra Cotta plant, where sometimes 300 men are employed, although during the World War the number was cut down materially. Where this plant stands is known on railroad maps as Terra Cotta. The great bottling plant of the Bowman Dairy Company is located right in the town and handles all the vast amount of milk produced in the surrounding country, instead of it being shipped direct to the city. At this plant are bottled and shipped to Chicago four carloads of bottled milk daily. 362 HISTORY OF McHEXRY COUNTY POST OFFH i: An exact list of postmasters at this office cannot be now obtained with any degree of certainty, but it is known to be an old post office and Mrs. De Grushe was in charge of the office many years ago. It was probably about 1840 when the office was established. Among the post- masters recalled by present settlers were: Mrs. De Grushe. E. G. McCollum, A. s. Corl, John McWhorter and present postmaster, Henry shales. The office is now of the third class. At one time it had three rural free deliveries hut of late only two routes are provided by the department. MUNICIPAL HISTORY From the revised ordinance book of the City of Crystal Lake, pub- lished in 191o the following historic facts have been gleaned. The history of certain incorporations, under the name of Xunda.. North Crystal Lake and Crystal Lake, make the understanding to present-day people quite difficult, but the following will serve to make all clear. The names and dates can be relied upon, coming from authority of mayor and councilmen. North Crystal Lake was originally incorporated as the village of Xunda. January 24, 1>74. under a legislative act dated April 10. 1>7_ The petition fur incorporation was filed in the County Court of McHenry County by Josiah Walkup and others December 30. 1873. and January 5, 1874. County Judge B. X. Smith ordered an election to be held Janu- ary 24. that year, and appointed as judges of such election 0. M. Peck. Edgar Beckley and Amos Pettibone. and as clerks. Xajah Beardsley and W. K. Hale. The records show that sixty-two votes were cast thereat, all of said voters being in favor of such incorporation. On February 17. the same year, C. E. Warner. X. Beardsley. W. S. DeWolf, R. Rowley. < ». Mansfield and A. A. Pettibone were elected trustees of the incorporation. The name of the village of Xunda was changed to Xorth Crystal Lake in 1908. The village of Crystal Lake was organized under the general pro- vision passed April 10. 1572. James (row. T. II. Ashton and J. B. Robinson having been appointed by the court of McHenry County as judges of an election to decide by ballot the question whether or not they would incorporate as a village under said law: an election was held Jamiarv 10. 1874. The returns showed that there had been cast forty- HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 363 nine votes for such incorporation and six against the measure. The court then ordered an election of officers which resulted in the election of trustees as follows: William Miller, John Brink, Thomas Leonard, B. Carpenter, II. II. Ford, and L. D. Lowell. Hence it will be seen that two incorporated villages existed side by side for a considerable number of years. It was not until 1914 that the villages of North Crystal Lake and Crystal Lake were consolidated under the name of Crystal Lake. II was on April 21, 1914, that this was legally brought about, and in September, the same year, the place adopted a city form of government. The first officers were elected December 14, 1914, to hold office until April. 1915. The first set of officers were as follows: William Pinnow, mayor; John C. Flotow, city clerk; James B. Ford, city treasurer; Herman P. Hasse, city attorney and William M. Freeman, Henry Meyer, A. M. Shelton, W. J. Buchholz, Andrew Pierson and Henry Breudigam, alder- men. The officers elected in the spring of 1915 were: William Pinnow, mayor; John C. Floto, city clerk; Jennie H. Ford, city treasurer; Herman P. Hasse, city attorney; and Andrew Pierson, Henry Meir, A. M. Shelton, W. J. Bruedigam, Martin Xaslund, Addison M. Shelton. William M. Freeman, Henry Meier, aldermen. February 2, 1915, the city census returns was taken showing a popu- lation of the city of Crystal Lake to be 2,364 and the city was thereupon divided into three wards, two aldermen to be elected annually for each ward. May 4, 1915, the aldermen by lot decided to hold office the following terms : First ward, Henry Bruedigam, one year ; Andrew Pier- son, two years; second ward, A. M. Shelton, one year; Martin Naslund, two years: third ward, Henry Meier, one year; William M. Freeman, t wo years. CITY OFFICIALS 1887— J. H. Sheldon, president; I. M. Mallory, clerk. 1888— W. T. Hamilton, president; I. M. Mallory, clerk. 1.SS9— 0. C. Colby, president ; ( '. E. Warner, clerk. 1890-91— W. T. Hamilton, president; T. Huffman, clerk. 1892—0. C. Colby, president ; T. Huffman, clerk. 1S93— D. L. Borney, president ; A. S. Cool, clerk. 1894— D. L. Borney, president ; B. W. Colby, clerk. 1895— C. C. Watson, president ; I. M. Mallory, clerk. 1896 — C. C. Watson, president ; D, L. Borney, clerk. 364 HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 1897 — I'. A. England, president; D. L. Borney, clerk. L898 P. A. England, president ; W. 'I'. Huffman, clerk. L899 -('. ('. Watson, president; W. T. Huffman, clerk. 1900 — ('. ('. Watson, presidenl ; A. .1. Thompson, clerk. 1901 — 1'. A. England, president; A. J. Thompson, clerk. 1902 — Robt. Philips, president; A. J. Thompson, clerk. 1903 — Robt. Philips, president; A. J. Thompson, clerk. 1904 — Kohl . Philips, president; A. .J. Thompson, clerk. 1905 — Robt. Philips, president; A. J. Thompson, clerk. 1906 — Robt. Philips, president ; A. J. Thompson, clerk. 1907 — Robt. Philips, presidenl ; A. J. Thompson, clerk. 1908 — Robt. Philips, president; A. J. Thompson, clerk. NAME CHANGED TO NORTH CRYSTAL LAKE 1909-10— H. D. Hull, president; H. II. McCollum, clerk. 1911— F. W. Covalt, president; II. II. .McCollum, clerk. 1912— F. W. Covalt, president ; A. E. Kiest, clerk. II. D. Hull, president; John C. Flotow, clerk. The village of North Crystal Lake was annexed to Crystal Lake in the spring of 1914. The subjoined is a list of officers serving in Crystal Lake from its organization to the time it was united with North Crystal Lake, as well as present consolidated incorporation officials: 1882— J. W. Marlow, president ; Thomas Ford, clerk. 1883— William Hill, president ; Thomas Ford, clerk. 1884 — E. Pease, president ; L. L. Smith, clerk. 1885 — E. Pease, president; J. B. Robinson, clerk. 1886— Geo. W. Davis, president; J. P. Smith, clerk. 1887— C. M. Pendleton, president; J. P. Smith, clerk. 1888— W. A. Rollins, president ; J. B. Ford, clmk. 18S9— F. E. Cox, president ; J. B. Ford, clerk. 1890— Thomas Whittaker, president; J. B. Ford, clerk. 1891— Thomas Whittaker, president ; J. B. Ford, clerk. 1892— H. H. Ford, president; J. B. Ford, clerk. 1893— H. T. Jones, president ; A. II. Hale, clerk. 1894 — Thomas Whittaker, president; J. B. Ford, clerk. 1895 — J. B. Robinson, president; J. B. Ford, clerk. 1896— C. F. Dike, president ; J. B. Ford, clerk. 1897— II. T. Jones, president; J. B. Ford, clerk. HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 3G5 1898 — S. M. Grimes, president; G. Peterson, clerk. 1899— J. B. Moore, president; J. B. Ford, clerk. 1900 — J. B. Robinson, president; J. B. Ford, clerk. 1901— C. F. Dike, president; J. B. Ford, clerk. 1902— C, F. Dike, president ; J. B. Ford, clerk. 1903— A. M. Hale, president; J. B. Ford, clerk. 1904 — O. M. Hale, president; J. B. Ford, clerk. 1905-7— C. F. Dike, president; J. B. Ford, clerk. 1907-8— R, G. Smith, president ; J. B. Ford, clerk. 1909-13— C. F. Dike, president; J. B. Ford, clerk. 1914— P. w. Ranhut, president; J. B. Ford, clerk. September, 1914, the city form of government was adopted through an election and officers held over until December, 1914, when the first city officers were elected and took office. The same held only until the ensuing spring election. 1914 — William Pinnow, mayor; John C. Flotow, clerk. 1915-16 — Wm. Pinnow, mayor; John C. Flotow, clerk. 1917-18 — W. A. Goodwin, mayor; John C. Flotow, clerk. PRESENT OFFICIALS The following are the present officials of the city of Crystal Lake : mayor, W. A. Goodwin ; clerk, John C. Flotow ; health commissioner, H. D. Hull ; treasurer, Carl Ortman ; magistrate, C. H. Schlottman ; attorney, L. D. Lowell ; aldermen, Fred Peterson, Henry Bruedigam, Henry Meier, G. D. Crabtree, Mort Ritt and J. B. Kitchen. PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS In 1906-07 a city building was constructed of brick. It cost $8,000. The second floor is leased out to various lodges, while the ground floor is used by the councilmen and for other municipal purposes. A public park comprising a full city block has been improved, trees have been planted, seats furnished, and a band-stand erected, so that it is an attractive resort for the people of this region. The water supply was furnished in both the old village of Nunda in 1903 and in the other part of the city in 1912. Deep wells are used and water is forced from the same by electric pumps, giving a direct pressure. There are now two stand-pipes. 366 HISTORY OF M< IIKXRY COUNTY The city has a volunteer fire company of a dozen men and in 1913 purchased at a cost of $4,800 a fine auto-fire truck. Light is furnished by the Public Service Company, which supplies so many small towns in this portion of Northern Illinois. VILLAGE OF CARY Cary in the northeast quarter of section 13 of Algonquin Township is a station point on the Chicago & Northwestern railroad and the first southeast of Crystal Lake. It was laid out June 7, 1856, by William D. Cary and became a post office in 1856, with James Nish as first post- master. He was succeeded, when he entered the Civil War. by his brother John Nish. who served until relieved by II. M. Burton, who was post- master for two years and was followed by Robert Burk, and he by James Nish. who had returned from war with the rank of captain, and he served until his death, when his daughter, Miss Ann J. Nish, was ap- pointed and served until in the Democratic administration of President Wilson. Mary H. Hrdlioka was appointed, the date of her appointment being December 8, 1913. This is a fourth class post office and from it runs one rural delivery route. Cary became an incorporated village, January 9, 1893, and the follow- ing have been among its presidents: L. E. Mentch, G. A. Ellingson, Theodore H. Wulff, J. F. Pichen, F. M. Abbott, aud in 1909 L. E. Mentch was elected again, and he was followed by Ralph B. Powers. From an ordinance hook kept by the trustees the following is found : At the first election for incorporation, ordered by Judge C. H. Donnelly, February 27. 1893, to be held March 4. 1893, the following were elected: L. E. .Mentch. president; Ed. Kerns. Joe Dunn. Z. L. Blaisdell, E. J. King, J. C. Lemkee and S. B. McNett, trustees : II. P. Hoagland, clerk. The village has a deep well water-works system ; water is forced by electricity to a large reservoir and a stand-pipe is maintained so that plenty of water is had at all times. This plant was placed in operation about 1910, and for it the village was bonded for the sum of $20,000. The electric lighting of the place is done by a private corporation. In 1915 the village built a fine, solid village hall of brick and cement. It is two-story high and has a basement. Ample room is afforded for council room, fire department, etc. PRESENT OFFICIALS The following are the village officials of Cary Station : president, R. B. Powers: clerk, C. W. Meyer; treasurer, P. J. Bloner; marshal, HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 367 J. A. Parsley ; attorney, Charles T. Allen ; trustees, R. II. Grantham, A. E. Baheman, A. 0. Hack, F. D. Smith, F. Krenz and 0. J. Synek. TOWNSHIP OFFICIALS The following are the township officials of Algonquin Township : supervisor, R. E. Haeger ; assessor, Henry Breudigam ; clerk, V. N. Ford ; highway commissioner, Ed Wallace; justices of the peace, L. E. Mentch, John Buehler and Henry Keyes ; constable, John Purvey. CHAPTER XXV BURTON TOWNSHIP BOUNDARIES — EARLY SETTLEMENTS — EARLY EVENTS — SPRING GROVE VILLAGE — INCORPORATION — POST OFFICE — POPULATION — TOWNSHIP OFFICIALS. BOUNDARIES Burton Township lias the least area of any township in this county. It contains one-third of congressional township 46, range 9 and lies in the extreme northeastern part of the county. It is bounded on the north by the State of Wisconsin; on the east by Lake Count} - , 111.; on the south by McHenry Township; and on the west by Richmond Township. It is drained by Nippersink Creek, and is well situated and by nature adapted to high-class agriculture and stockraising. EARLY SETTLEMENT Burton Township was among the first to be settled. It was first set- tled by Englishmen, and the name English Prairie was given it. The original settler was Jonathan Imeson, who came here from England in 1836 and located in section 18 of this township, and in 18S5, when sev- enty-five years old, was still residing on this land. A year or two later Richard Wray settled on sections 17 and 18; Stephen Lawson on section 18 ; and Martin Hoffman, William Fowles, Richard Upston, Joseph Rice, John A. Mann, and Joseph Blivin, all located in section 30. In an account published concerning the settlement in this township, the following appears and is too good to be lost in the annals of the county: "The English settlers, after their arrival staked out their claims and then went on further west thinking to find more eligible lands. But. not succeeding in this, they returned to their first choice only to find that a Yankee named John Sanborn had arrived and was occupying their claims. They asked him to quit. He would not. Words multiplied, but with this result : Sanborn stayed and the Englishmen stayed. One day when Sanborn was mowing, a dozen or more of his 368 HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 369 neighbors came to him and ordered him to leave; he turned upon them with his scythe and drove the whole crowd away. In the excitement Sanborn lost his hat. One of the visitors found it and kept it. Sanborn went bareheaded for several months until he could find time to go to town and purchase another. There was a long time that an unfriendly feeling obtained against the Englishmen living upon the "English Prairie" and any other class who might come in to settle there. John Sanborn completed his days in the spot he had chosen for his home." EARLY EVENTS The township was first called Kenton by Jackson Wray, but upon it being learned that there was already a post office and township of Benton in Illinois, the name was changed to Burton. The first religious services within the township were held at the resi- dence of Jonathan Imeson in 1843. The minister came from Kenosha, then called Southport, to conduct them. Cemeteries were early located at Spring Grove, English Prairie. Stevens, Cole's, Sanborn's and Wray's. Soon after the settlement was made William Stearns taught a term of school having fifteen pupils. The building in which it was taught was a log one on the Nippersink Creek. The first death known among white people here was that of Mrs. Frank Richardson, who passed away in the autumn of 1837. The first marriage was that uniting Jonathan Imeson and Mary Wray, November 30, 1837. The minister who performed the ceremony was Rev. Joel Wheeler. Their first son, Robert T. Imerson, was the first child born within the township. The first post office was called Blivin's Mills. It was established in 1851, with Joseph Rice as postmaster. Rice held the office during his lifetime. The name was changed to Spring Grove, January 24, 1883. English Prairie post office was established about 1854. Here it is known that the postmasters were : Gideon B. Cooley, Harvey Wilson and Carl C. Mead. SPRING GROVE VILLAGE This little village takes its name, evidently, from the spring, and the beautiful grove that once surrounded it, which was viewed by the pioneer band who first located here. It was laid out in 1845 by Mr. Barnum. 370 HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY William Fowles and Richard Robinson built a log house east of the grove, and these constituted the first cabins in the place. John E. .Mann opened the first store in 1845. A grist-mill and cheese factory were among the early industries at this point. Here Joseph Rice built and conducted a hotel in 1848, con- tinuing it until 1868. INCORPORATION This place was legally incorporated October 6, 1902. The following is a list of the various presidents and clerks to the present date: Wil- liam Seaver, president November, 1902, to May, 1903 ; William B. Johon- note, village clerk, November, 1902, to May, 1903 ; Charles G. Andrews, president, May 1, 1903, to May 1, 1904; D. W. Lichty, clerk, May 1, 1903, to May 1, 1904; Anton Schoefer, president, May, 1904, to May, 1905; Nick N. Weber, clerk, May, 1904, to May, 1905; Joseph Meredith, president. May, 1905, to May, 1906 ; Nick N. Weber, clerk, May, 1905, to May, 1906 ; John Wagner, president, May, 1906, to May, 1907 ; Nick N. Weber, clerk, May, 1906, to May, 1907; John Wagner, president from May 1, 1907, to January, 1908; Otto Hasse filled out unexpired term to May, 1909; John Karls, clerk, 1907-08; Herbert R. Peacock appointed to fill term out to May, 1909; Anton Schoefer, president, May, 1909, to 1910; Howard Westlake, clerk, 1909 to 1910; William Rauen, clerk from May, 1910 to 1912 ; Anton Schoefer, president, 1911 to 1913 ; Wil- liam Rauen, clerk, May, 1912, to May, 1913, resigned, Albert Pepping appointed to fill vacancy to May 1, 1914; John Karls, president, May, 1913, to May, 1914; Glen Esh, clerk, from May, 1916, to May, 1918; John Karls, president, May, 1917, to May, 1919 ; Glen Esh, clerk, May, 1918, to May, 1920; Joseph Wagner, president, May, 1919, to May, 1921. The following are the present officials of the village of Spring Grove : president, Joseph G. Wagner; clerk, Glen A. Esh; treasurer, Paul F. Siegler ; trustees, John Rauen, Anton May, Frank May, Frank Wagner, Nick Freund and Henry Sweet. POST OFFICE The first post office in this township was known as Blivin's Mills, and was established in 1851, with Joseph Rice as postmaster. He was succeeded by R. J. Osmann, Mrs. Rice, widow of former postmaster, and Robert Tweed, who held the office until at least 1885, since which HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 371 time the postmasters have been: John Hendricks, Andrew Neish, Robert Esh, Andrew Neish, J. 0. McLeon, Herbert Peacock, Mrs. Sarah Free- man, who was appointed in 1915. It is a fourth class post office, with one rural free delivery route, the length of which is about twenty-eight miles ; covers a ten mile square area and accommodates ninety-six fam- ilies and a population of nearly 300. It was established October 7, 1905. POPULATION In 1890 Burton Township had a population of 296 ; in 1900 it had 400 ; in 1910 it had 451 ; and in 1920 it had 441. TOWNSHIP OFFICIALS The following are the township officials of Burton Township : Super- visor, Frank May ; assessor, Henry C. Sweet ; clerk, Joseph Brown ; highway commissioner, Howard Siedschlag; justice of the peace, Robert Esh ; constable, Michael Rauen. CHAPTER XXVI CHEMUNG TOWNSHIP BOUNDARIES — TOPOGRAPHY ORIGIN' OF NAME — EARLY SETTLERS VILLAGE OF CHEMUNG CITY OF HARVARD EARLY EVENTS — HARVARD IN 1876 HARVARD IN 1885 INCORPORATION — PRESENT OFFICIALS — PUBLIC IM- PROVEMENTS — POST OFFICE — INDUSTRIES — CEMETERY — POPULATION — TOWNSHIP OFFICIALS. BOUNDARIES Chemung Township is located in the extreme northwestern portion of this county, and is bounded on the north by Wisconsin, on the east by Ahlen Township, on the south by Dunham Township, and on the west by Boone County. It comprises all of congressional township 45, range 5. TOPOGRAPHY This township originally had more low wet land than any of the other townships, but through a course of scientific draining this land has come to be very valuable, having as it does the richest of soil. Piska- saw Creek and its three branches, are its principal water courses. ORIGIN" OF NAME The name Chemung was given the village of Chemung before the township was organized, by a Mr. Steward who came from Chemung County. X. V., and he desired to name the place after his old home. The township was organized in 1850, and took on the name of the village. EARLY SETTLERS Between 1836 and 1S38 the following came into the township for the purpose of making permanent settlement: George Trumbull. M. 372 > V. o O H X > W > w o HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 373 Wheeler, Wesley Digging, Alonzo Riley, and William Hart, and these were the first to effect the settlement, although it has been claimed that the two brothers, David and Ransley Shaw lived here for a brief time. David Smith, T. B. Wakeinan and Daniel and Adolphus Hutchinson came here several years later. Between 1840 and 1845 William Sewer built a saw-mill which finally became a flour-mill, and in 1853 Mr. Myer built the stone-mill in the village of Chemung, later owned by the Sandersons. In the seventies and eighties this mill was doing a large business in grinding buckwheat flour for the Chicago markets. The settlement of the township was about the palmy days of Jack- sonian Democracy, and Whigs were not very numerous, but the five of them including W. G. Hillings; who later was made internal revenue collector, Hayden Hutchinson, and C. R. Brown, just enough for a caucus, kept up the party organization till tlTey finally carried the county. The first church in the township was erected by the Presbyterians, at Chemung village. This original church was replaced in 1873 by a new structure. David Baker and S. L. Puffer were the first general merchants at Chemung village. LAWRENCE The old village of Lawrence, sections 22 and 27. was settled in 1855, the railroad depot being built in 1856. Bixby & Cnnklin first offered goods for sale, but ere long three others went into trade, be- lieving that the depot at that point would eventually kill Chemuug. G. F. Kasson and G. Blakeslee next began business, but it was not long before the store was burned. This village was named for Lawrence Bixby, its first merchant. In 1857 a steam flouring mill was operated, but did not pay and was soon abandoned. Lawrence had a post office several years, but when the railroad shops were located at Harvard all business drifted to that village and since then Lawrence has not progressed commercially. Among the pioneer dealers in Lawrence may be recalled by the older citizens of the county, W. L. Boyd, R. Gillis, F. Beidt, E. S. Bowen. H. S. Gould, C. Palmer, S. Clark, A. Thompson and J. L. Anderson. The business of the village has long since disappeared entirely. 374 HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY VILLAGE OF CHEMUNG Chemung was laid out in 1844, but like Lawrence has suffered from being too near to Harvard, also within this township. The first house in Chemung was erected by a Mir. Lewis and was built of logs. Burge & Aisles kept the first store; Mr. Baker the second. Other business men were: Jacob A. Wood, B. F. Carey, A. J. DeGraw, Peter Fitzer, Henry M unger. Householder Brothers, J. P. Kennedy, E. D. Maxon, S. L. Puffer, J. A. Little. John Alexander, G. I. Sinderson, "Warren Chase. James Potts and X. Crane. With a store and shop or two Chemung has kept its name and place on the map but has never been able to increase in commercial interest. CITY OF HARVARD This city is sixty-three miles northwest of Chicago, on the Chicago & Northwestern railroad, and is beautifully situated in section 35 of Chemung Township. It was platted November 25, 1856 by Amos Page, proprietor! Abraham Carmack and Jacob A. Davis were the original owners of the town site of Harvard, having obtained it from the govern- ment in 1845. They sold it to Gilbert Brainard, and after his death the land was secured by a company of railroad men, who laid out the town in 1856. E. G. Aver, a member of the company named the place Har- vard in honor of Harvard, Mass. Many additions have been made to the place with the growth of recent years. EARLY EVENTS In 1856 the first stock of merchandise was placed on the shelves in the new town of Harvard, the owner of these goods was Charles Crawford. His store was in reality a railroad shanty. Soon after Hull & Julius opened their store in a one-story log cabin. The first frame building was erected by J. C. Crum on the corner of the railroad right-of-way and the crossing of Aver street; it was used for a lumber yard office. Mr. Crum was engaged in the lumber trade before the coming of the railroad. He used to purchase his stock of lumber in Kenosha, Wis., shipping it to Chicago by rail, and thence back to Woodstock by rail, and from there freighted it. The first frame store was built in the spring of 1857 by John Diggins. The earliest blacksmith was H. Norton ; the first wagonmaker was J. Flemming; the first shoemaker was Daniel Carpenter. HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 375 The first hotel of note was that erected by David Smith in 1856. Its many landlords included these: J. E. Sanford, Milton Stevenson, William Parker, Lewis Thompson, Schuyler Higgins and Everton Walker who called the property the "Walker House." The Ayer Hotel, still standing and used as a commercial traveler's stopping place, was erected by Wesley Diggins in 1859, and H. C. Black- man became proprietor. At first it backed up to the tracks and depot but later it was turned around and now faces the main street of the city ; also a part of it faces the depot. HARVARD IN 1876 Fr.om a directory of McHenry County published in 1876, the fol- lowing facts concerning Harvard have been obtained, and when con- trasted with the city of Harvard of today, are indeed interesting. "Harvard is the junior town of Chemung, and, like rnanj- other jun- iors, it has absorbed the substance of the seniors till it almost rivals the county seat in size, containing five dry goods stores, four grocery stores, one boot and shoe store, two mixed stores, such as clothing, boots and shoes, two drug stores, two hardwares, eight saloons, two livery stables, two bakeries, three confectioneries, two clothing stores, two jewelry stores, two furniture stores, one photograph gallery, three hotels, one bank, five doctors, two lawyers, two harness shops, one flouring mill, one planing-mill, sash and blind factory, three millinery stores, one dentist, one news depot, two barber shops, two malt houses, one cheese factory, four blacksmith shops, three wagon shops, one car repair shop, three meat shops, one agricultural implement warehouse, three churches and a schoolhouse. " A steam flouring mill was built here in -1865 by Mr. Wood, and its total cost was $15,000. The first store was that opened by Holden Julius in 1857. The first school building was erected in 1859 of brick. The first church was the Methodist Episcopal one erected in 1859. The Presbyterian, built in 1867 and Congregationalist, in 1870. Another description of Harvard in 1877 reads thus: "All trains of cars shipped from Minnesota or Baraboo to Milwaukee have to be made up here. In one month last year (1876) there were 9,918 cars left here to be made up into trains. Some days as many as thirty trains are received here and it is no uncommon sight to see thirty engines in town at one time. Harvard is the headquarters for all division men to Bara- :J76 HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY boo. About 125 railroad men work here constantly, the coal sheds alone employing thirty men: the engines coming here consume 1,500 tuns of coal a month, and the company pays out about $8,000 here each month; no small item for so small a town." lint the coming and going of years make changes, especially in rail- mad affairs. Divisions and shops are liable to be removed at anytime, ;is the railroad system extends on to greater distance, so it has been in Harvard, but the advantage of its early day boom has left its mark for good and other enterprises have made up for the loss of what was once supposed would lie still larger railroad interests. HARVARD ix 1885 The following is a list of business and professional men at Harvard prior to 1885 and during that year: Eugene O'Connor, Sterns & Peters, Joseph C. Crumb, A. E. Axtell, B. J. Smith, J. II. O'Connor, W. II. Milligan, John Cullen, Thomas Collins, Albert Haffner, Edward Haffner. George Haffner, Elmer Car- penter, N. L. Jackson, Aliles Munger, Haven Bros., Thompson & Hodkins. Henry Sewger, John Plemming, E. X. Blake & Son, Lewis Whitmar, Gault Bros, Dr. M. A. Adams, Samuel Richardson. Groesbeek & Wilkin- son, Stafford & Gardner, Edward Rector, J. M. O'Neil, J. Sullivan, W. C. Wellington, L. Van Wie & Co., Hubbard Bros., M. J. Powers, Matthew Ottman, II. B. Miner, W. B. Walker, Hunt & Helm, Megraw ly. Wakley. Marshal & Saunders, E. D. Beardsley, H. Wellstein, L. R. Lines. Lake & Logue, D. C. Downs, Lake & Crumb. W. D. Hall, A. W. Young, G. R. Wager, Telcomb & Co., William Fay & Bro., George Dueker, Rupert Church, J. H. Callender, H. W. Binnie, Williams Bros., Rogers & Stevens, William George & Co., Seott & Walfrom, T. G. Spriggs, Dr. C. M. Johnson, B. H. Wade, M. D., A. C. Bingham, II. T. Woodruff, G. W. Parmley, Clark & Brainard, G. T. Barrows. Win. I. Wooster, Elmer Simons. Simon Hill, Richard Powers, Thomas O'Brien, Wallen & Sloey, William McGee, John L. Hayes, E. D. Hayes, Henry Zyschach. IXCORPORATIOX Harvard became an incorporated village February 28, 1867, and the following were the first officials: H. G. Aver, president: William Mar- shall, clerk. The trustees were: J. C. Crumb, Frank Cobb, Owen McGee, B. F. Groesbeek. In 1891 Harvard became an incorporated city and its J^^T^l^^^^^^ HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 377 affairs have usually been well administered to the best interests of its population. The mayors and clerks have been as follows : mayors, N. B. Helm, P. E. Saunders, M. W. Lake, L. A. Gardner, James Logue, John A. Sweeney, W. D. Hall, Richard Phalen, J. H. Viekers, C. J. Hendricks, F. O. Thompson. The clerks have been few in number but very efficient. From about the date of the city's beginning P. E. Saunders was clerk until his death in 1913, when his son, Eugene Saunders, the present clerk, took the office and has attended to it ever since. No finer set of city records (mostly reduced to typewriting) can be seen in the state than those found at Harvard. PRESENT OFFICIALS The following are the officials of the city of Harvard: mayor, J. (i. Maxon ; clerk, Eugene Saunders ; health official, Dr. 0. W. Goddard ; magistrate, H. S. Williams; treasurer, E. A. Crumb; attorney, R. F. Marshall ; aldermen, Jerome Crowley, J. M. Harris, Benjamin Hagar, H. A. Jordan, Amos G. Smith, and F. O. Thompson. pubuc improvement The waterworks were established at Harvard in 1891, for which the city has been variously bonded, and for which some bonds are still un- paid. Water is obtained from two deep wells, one 900 and one 1,800 feet, and these furnish an abundant supply of pure water. A volunteer fire company of sixteen members looks after the fire department. In 1918 a +3.000 auto-fire-truck was purchased by the city. The city receives its electric lighting from the Illinois Northern Utility Company and has since 1911; prior to that private concerns fur- nished the lights of Harvard. A full scpiare in the center of the city is devoted to public park pur- poses, however it has not been much improved. The two story brick city hall was erected in 1895. post office Harvard secured a post office in 1851. Its first postmaster was William Randall; he was succeeded by the following persons: R. W. M. De Lee, A. E. Axtell, J. W. Groesbeck who was appointed in 1880 and 378 HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY he in turn by Messrs. J. A. Sweeney, Dr. Woodruff, J. A. Sweeney, M. F. Walsh and M. P. O'Connor. There are numerous rural free delivery routes out from Harvard; the office in Harvard is well managed by competent help and general satis- faction is had by the patrons of the offiee. INDUSTRIES The various factory interests of Harvard include the branch of the famous "Black Cat" Hosiery Company of Kenosha, Wis., the Bowman Milk Bottling Works and the Hunt, Helm & Ferris factory which are treated in another chapter of this work. CEMETERY Just to the south and east of Harvard is found the beautiful, though silent city, the cemetery which was laid out about the time the village of Harvard was platted. In all northern Illinois one can find none so beautiful and well cared for. It can be seen from incoming trains, as having been originally planned, and is annually kept up to a high state of perfection. The shade trees and flowers in season are indexes to the passerby of a people of religious and cultivated tastes. This is indeed a true index of Christian civilization, proper care for the departed. The monuments erected here are in keeping with the grounds wherein repose hundreds of Harvard's deceased pioneers and later citizens. POPULATION' The 1910 Federal census reports gave Chemung Township, including Harvard city, a population of 4,101; and in 1920 it was 4,421. TOWNSHIP OFFICIALS The following are the township officials of Chemung Township : super- visor, W. H. Ward ; assessor, John Dean ; clerk, F. 0. Thompson ; high- way commissioner, W. D. Cornwell ; justices of the peace, John T. O'Brien and Charles J. Yierek; constables, R. W. Hall, James Hagen and Fred Dean. CHAPTER XXVII CORAL TOWNSHIP BOUNDARIES — EARLY SETTLEMENTS INDIAN VILLAGE — PIONEER EVENTS — VILLAGE OF CORAL VILLAGE OF UNION — INCORPORATION — POST OFFICE — DEFUNCT HARMONY — POPULATION — TOWNSHIP OFFICIALS. BOUNDARIES In the southwestern part of the county is found the civil township of Coral, which comprises all of congressional township 43, range 6, east, hence is six miles square. It is south of Seneca Township, west of Grafton Township, north of Kane County, and east of Riley Township. Its soil is fertile and especially well adapted for dairy purposes. The territory is well watered by Kiswaukee Creek and its small tributaries. EARLY SETTLEMENT The records show that Coral was among the first townships in the county to be settled. Its first settler was William Hamilton, who located near the present site of Coral Village, in November, 1835, but he did not long survive his migration here from Ohio, as he died in the following spring from injuries sustained assisting Calvin Spencer of Marengo, to raise a log cabin. The next to locate were Benjamin Van Vleet and his father, and they built a cabin near the old Indian camping ground, but they were not permanent settlers, for in 1836 they sold to William Jackson and moved to Pecatonica, where both later passed away. 0. P. Rogers settled here March, 1836, upon a claim entered for him by J. Rogers in 1835, and his wife was the first white woman in the township. At that time the Rogers' home was the only one between Dundee and a residence three miles west of Elgin. For many years Mr. Rogers lived in Coral Township, but finally removed to Marengo. Frank Diggins and Enos A. Pease came to this township in 1836, to settle on a claim made for them the preceding year. Other settlers of 1836 were: L. Thompson, Clark P. Thompson, Joseph Bullard and 379 380 HISTORY OF McHEXRY COUNTY Proctor Smith. A. Thompson came in 1837, as did John Jab, Robert Eddy, A. F. Randall, Sebas Frisbie, John Denison and Ira Nichols. INDIAN VILLAGE Prior to the white settlement in Coral Township, there stood near the present site of the village of Coral, a scattering village of Indian wigwams. From one of the earliest publications on McHenry County, the following, bearing on this Indian village, is quoted: "Among these wigwams of various architectural descriptions, stood one of peculiar formation, being conical in form. This round building was about fourteen feet in diameter. Inside were placed seats which were about thirty inches wide, and formed of split sticks. It is believed that these were used during the daytime at council meetings as places to sit on. and at nighttime as bedsteads, upon which they spread skins of animals. The walls presented a picture gallery of a one-idea artist. Here was presented the picture of an Indian in full rig, on a march, followed by a squaw on a pony and a dog in the rear. This trio was produced over and over again till the walls were literally covered with its production. Though these lands had been purchased of the Indians, the time for giving possession had not arrived when the aggressive white man put in his appearance. Those who settled in Coral Township in the autumn of 1835, were visited the following spring by the inhab- itants of this Indian village. They had spent the winter elsewhere and had returned to take up their abode and stay the balance of the time allotted them. Upon their return they found that much of the material comprising their wigwams had been taken by the white men and made a part of their shanties. They called upon Mr. Hamilton and secured their copper cooking pots, which he had found and was preserving as curiosities. They then opened up a pit of corn, which they had buried the year before, and commenced housekeeping in their way. These In- dians only knew enough of our language to swear." PIONEER EVENTS The first marriage in Coral Township was that uniting Samuel II. Bullard and Samantha Dunham, by Beman Crandall, a justice of the peace, on August 25, 1839. The first white child born here was Mary Eddy, a daughter of Robert Eddy and his wife, who was born in 1837. HISTORY OP McHENRY COUNTY 381 John Hamilton, who died within this township in the spring of 1836, was the first white person to die in the township. The first cemetery was not laid out till 1838, hence he was buried in private grounds. A little later a cemetery was provided in Harmony; also another one at Union, after the latter became a fair sized village. VILLAGE OP CORAL Coral was the first village in Coral Township. It was laid out or rather settled on in the northwest quarter of section 8, by Fillmore & Anderson who opened a store there, which was burned and never rebuilt. The post office, which was the first established between Chicago and Galena, was given to the township in 1837, and kept at first at the house of William Jackson, who was its first postmaster. He was succeeded by a Mr. Smith, and he was followed by Harriet Dunham. W. J. Fill- more then secured the appointment and moved the office to Coral vil- lage. Other postmasters at Coral were "William Ross, Mr. Cleaver, Mr. Valentine Alstine, Mr. Morris and Henry Stoddard. A large nursery was started at Coral, but it was later removed to Marengo. J. H. Ocock, William Boiee, T. Ross and W. L. Morse were among the first dealers at Coral. With the coming of the railroad, other towns were laid out and Coral never grew much more. July 16, 1866, was the date on which Coral village was platted in regular and legal form. VILLAGE OF UNION Union village is located on the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad, in section 4, township 43, range 6, east. It was platted in 1851 by Wil- liam Jackson, with the idea of having it made a station point on the proposed railway when it should be constructed through the county. He really hit it nearer than men seldom do, for he secured a station. The first house was erected in 1851 by F. M. Mead, and it was later occupied by the station agent. The first store in Union was opened in 1852 by one Hathaway who acted as agent for Mr. Kimble of Elgin. Hungerford & Smith had the first drug store in Union, opening it in 1857. Cutler & Van Pelt and J. A. Crandall were among early mer- chants there. INCORPORATION Union has been an incorporated village since August, 1897, and the following is a list of names of those who have served as presidents : C. 382 HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY L. Kremer, II. W. Kittenger, I. X. Muzzy, P. A. Kanie, II. W. Kittenger, K. II. Eggert, William D. Mallett, J. H. Calbow, P. A. Ranie, E. H. Eggert, P. A. Ranie, John Bnchte. PRESENT OFFICIAL The following are the present officials of the village of Union: Presi- dent, .John Buehte; elerk, H. J. Miller; treasurer, H. P. Luhring; magis- trate, P. A. Renie; marshal, L. F. Nulle; attorney, C. B. Whittemore; trustees, ('. E. Guse, Fred Miller, August Kunke, Frank Trebes, Herman Treb.es and William Clasen. The village bonded itself in 1912 for a waterwork system. Good well water is their supply. A gasoline engine pumps the water to a pressure tank. The village maintains a volunteer fire brigade. The village is without debts at this date. Several years ago they purchased in conjunction with the Odd Fellows order, the old Universalist Church, a two-story stone structure built at a very early date. The Odd Fellows have the upper story, while the village has the first floor for its offices and meeting place. POST OFFICE The post office at Union dates back to the autumn of 1852 when its postmaster was a Mr. Cannon, who was succeeded in a year by S. A. Randall. Other postmasters have been: F. M. Read, Mr. Sheldon, S. A. Randall, William H. Alden, William M. Baldwin, J. D. Bliss, N. C. Gardner, Homer Darling, L. D. Fillmore, Mrs. E. E. Fillmore, and present postmaster, W. C. Null, who was appointed in February, 1915. This is a fourth-class office; has one rural route of thirty miles in length, with John Schneider as carrier. DEFUNCT HARMONY Harmony was the name given a little community in this township. It was never dignified by being platted, but it was an early community center where church and school privileges might be had by the pioneers. Here was built the first church within the township. In 1885 a store, a cheese factory, a school and church constituted the hamlet. It now exists in memory largely, for its commercial days are forever gone. HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 383 POPULATION The population of Coral Township for four United States census periods have been as follows: In 1890 it had 1,432; in 1900 it reached 1,451; in 1910 its population was 1,354; and in 1920 it was 1,296. TOWNSHIP OFFICIALS The following are the township officials of Coral Township : Super- visor, Charles Ackman, Jr. ; assessor, Herman Trebes ; clerk, C. M. Siems ; highway commissioner, Chris Fritz; justices of the peace, A. S. Peak and William Wertz; constables, L. F. Wilde and C. T. Can. CHAPTER XXVIII DORR TOWNSHIP BOUNDABIES — ORIGIN OF NAME — EARLY SETTLERS — PIONEER EVENTS — CEME- TERIES — RIDGEFIELD POPULATION — TOWNSHIP OFFICIALS— WOODSTOCK — HIGHEST ALTITUDE — FIRST BUSINESS INTERESTS — HOTELS — PUBLIC SQUARE — SOLDIERS ' MONUMENT — POST OFFICE POSTMASTERS INCORPO- R VTION — FIRST VILLAGE OFFICIALS — VILLAGE PRESIDENTS — FIRST CITY OFFICIALS MAY'ORS — PRESENT CITY OFFICIALS PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS — CHICAGO INDUSTRIAL HOME FOR CHILDREN — OLD PEOPLE'S REST HOME COUNTRY CLUB — COMMERCIAL AND COMMUNITY CUB. BOUNDARDZS Dorr Township is bounded on the north by Greenwood Township, a portion of which is included in the city of Woodstock; on the east by Xunda Township ; on the south by Grafton Township, and on the west by Seneca Township. Originally this township contained some very fine timber, but no prairie land, although it is level. It is watered by Hanley Creek, and a branch of the Kishwaukee. ORIGIN OF NAME The township was named in honor of Governor Dorr, of Rhode Island, who opposed the English laws governing that state. EARLY SETTLERS The first white man to settle in Dorr Township was Uriah Cattle, who came here from Virginia in the fall of 1834, and made his claim, after which he returned to his old home. The following spring he came back to this region, accompanied by William Hartman, Charles and John McCIure, and John Walkup. who composed what was known in the early days as the "Virginia Settlement." These pioneers showed such energy after their arrival on Monday morning, that by the end of 384 HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 385 the week they had their log shanties up and roofed, although there were no floors for a number of months. Mr. Cattle continued to reside in the township until his death, either late in the seventies, or early in the eighties. Charles McClure died in the township in 184-i. These original settlers were later joined by Christopher Walkup, John L. Gibson, James Dufield, and William Hartman. PIONEER EVENTS The first death in this township was that of the three-year-old daughter of Uriah Cattle, in September, 1836. In the fall of that same year, a little daughter of James Dufield also died. •Martha McClure was born in the fall of 1835, and she is conceded to have been the first white child born in the township. She died at the age of seventeen years. The first wedding was that solemnized between Oscar H. Douglass and Sarah Gaff by Rev. Joel Wheeler, May 13, 1839. CEMETERIES Ridgefield Cemetery, the oldest burial ground in the township, was laid out in 1835 by Charles McClure as a private cemetery, but later he permitted the interment of outsiders. It is divided by the eastern line of Dorr Township, and the greater part of it lies in Nunda Town- ship. Originally it comprised only two acres, but subsequently was increased to the present size. Oakland Cemetery, located at the western limits of Woodstock, was purchased by the corporation, December 20, 1859, of M. T. Bryan, and then comprised ten acres. Two additional acres were added for a Pot- ters' Field, and other additions have since been made, as increasing space was needed. The Catholic Cemetery, known as "Calvary, " is located just south of Oakland, across the highway, and both are kept in beautiful condition. RIDGEFIELD Ridgefield is located on section 25, township 44, range 7, and was platted by William Hartman, January 8, 1855, and it occupies the lands originally owned by members of the Virginia settlement. It came into being as a result of a station being located at this point, when the rail- 386 HISTORY OP McHENRY COUNTY road was built through the county. Lots were sold so low by Mr. Hart- man, in order to induce outsiders to come here, that he failed to realize any profit. He erected the first building, in which a store was estab- lished by George K. Bunker. J. (1. Ilartman opened a wagonmaking shop; Miles Graff was the first blacksmith; Daniel Root was the first shoemaker, and David Graff opened a hotel, but soon thereafter sold to a Mr. Holmes. Ridgefield is now the center of one of the large milk plants of t he county. Ridgefield post office was established in 1837, and was located a mile and a half west of the present village, at the residence of Christopher Walkup, who was the first postmaster. After the building of the rail- road the office was moved to Ridgefield, and Isaac Hamilton was ap- pointed postmaster. He was succeeded by A. F. Davis. During the subsequent years the post office has been kept by the owner of one or other of the stores at this point, and is now located in the Economy store. POPULATION According to the United States census the population of Dorr Town- ship has been as follows: In 1890, 1,113; in 1900, 968; in 1910, 1,004, which was exclusive of Woodstock, which in the latter year had a popu- lation of 4,331; and in 1920, 6,408, including a portion of the city of Woodstock, the remainder of the city, with its population of 5,523, lying in Greenwood Township. TOWNSHIP OFFICIALS The following are the township officials: Supervisor, F. A. Walters; assessor, A. .1. Murphy; clerk, J. C. Pierce; highway commissioner, Fred Menges: justices of the peace, T. J. Rushton and C. E. Lockwood ; con- stables, F. G. Behringer, William Conney and P. W. Murphy. WOODSTOCK Woodstock, county seat of McHenry County, and one of the most beautiful of the smaller cities of Illinois, was laid out by Alvin Judd, in 1844. 'After the plat had been executed, Mr. Judd sold his interests to George C. Dean, who, in June, 1844, had the plat recorded. At that time the village was named Centerville because of its geographical posi- tion in almost the center of the county, but in February, 1845, through o Q go HISTORY OP McHENRY COUNTY 387 the influence of Joel H. Johnson, the name was changed to Woodstock by Act of Legislature. This name was selected because Woodstock, Vt., was the birthplace of Mr. Johnson and other prominent men of the county, who sought to perpetuate pleasant memories of their old home, in their new one. HIGHEST ALTITUDE Woodstock has the highest altitude of any place in the state, the sur- vey, made many years ago, giving it at 373 feet above the waters of Lake Michigan, and 954 feet above the sea level of the Atlantic Ocean. An inscription on the face of the basestones of the courthouse testifies to this interesting fact. FIRST BUSINESS INTERESTS Bradford Burbank built the first log house in 1843, and the first frame one was put up by Alvin Judd in 1844. The latter was opened as a tavern. During the winter of 1844-5, Mr. Judd built another frame house. The first store was opened in 1845 by Josiah Dwight and Oscar L. Beach. Henry Petrie opened another store that same year. In 1848 A. W. Puller established his general store, and the fourth mercantile establishment was conducted by William Dunning and Alfred Dufield. Other very early business men were as follows : Neill Donnelly, John Donnell}', Ira C. Trowbridge, Leonard Burtchy, Jr., A. W. Tappan, L. B. Converse, Joseph Hatch, L. T. Salisbury, John Bunker, J. J. Murphy, George W. Bentley, J. C. Choate, F. C. Joslyn, C. B. Duffee, Joseph Golder, L. T. Hoy, J. S. Wheat, A. S. Wright, George F. Mills, George Sylvester, M. Sherman, E. W. Blossom, Eddy Brothers, H. P. Norton, and Ira C. Trobridge. The commercial and industrial growth of Woodstock has been in keeping with the expansion throughout the county, and a history of its industrial interests, past and present, is given in the chapter devoted to this subject. HOTELS As above stated, the first tavern, or hotel, at Woodstock was the one put up by Alvin Judd in 1844. Others were the Exchange Hotel, kept for a long period by Mr. Trail ; the American House, located on the 388 HISTORY OF McHENBY COUNTY wesl side of the Square, k^-pt by Messrs. (i. II. Griffing, White and.Mc- Masters; the Waverly, built by Roswell Bnos, in 1856, on two lots which eosl him *7 each; the Woodstock House, built by Alonzo Anderson in 1852-3; and the Richmond House, built by E. H. Richmond, in 1874. which was conducted for some years by Mr. Richmond. PUBLIC SQtJABE Woodstock is beautifully laid out, many of its business houses being located on the streets surrounding the City Park, at the head of which stands the courthouse. To the right is the city hall. On the hottest of days, the delightful shade afforded by the little park is never lessened, and the drinking fountain furnishes artesian water and a mineral water. In (he center of the park is the monument erected in honor of the soldiers of the Civil War, through the efforts of the Woman's Relief Corps, No. 223, of Woodstock. It is about twenty-five feet in height, and hears these inscriptions: "Auxiliary to Woodstock Post No. 108, Grand Army of the Repub- lic," on the north front; "Erected to the Soldiers of 1861-6."),'" on the east front; "Erected in 1909 by the Woodstock Woman's Relief Corps No. 223," on the south front; while on the west front is "In Honor of Our National Defenders." Surmounting this shaft is a granite statue of heroic size, represent ing a private soldier holding the Civil-War type of musket. The mon- ument is guarded by four large brass cannon, secured from the war department, one being placed near each corner of the base of the monu- ment, hut there is a wide walk between the cannon and the monument. A little to the west of the center of the park is the band stand, and in the eastern part of the park is the drinking fountain. The trees in the park and throughout the city are principally elm, and were planted more than sixty years ago, -when the public square was graded by the civil engineer of the Northwestern Railroad in 1856-7, and it was in accordance with his suggestion that these trees were set out promiscu- ously, instead of in rows. Many of these trees are now over sixty feet in height and afford a delightful shade. POST OFFICE The Woodstock post office was established in 1844. and Alvin -Tudd was the first postmaster. When he resigned in 1845, he was succeeded HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 389 by Martin Thrall. Joseph Dwight succeeded him and remained in office until 1853, when F. D. Austin was made postmaster. Since then the following have served as postmasters of Woodstock: Dr. 0. S. Johnson, 1857-61; A. E. Smith, 1861-66; William E. Smith, 1866; Mr. Crandall, 1866-67; Mr. Irwin, 1867-69; William E. Smith, 1869-75; Asa W. Smith, 1875-79 ; 6. S. Southworth, 1879-87 ; Joel H. Johnson, 1887-91 ; Simon Brink, 1891-96; John A. Dufield, 1896-1900; C. F. Renich. 1900-1911; W. S. MeConnell, 1911-15; G. G. Frame, 1915 to the present time. The Woodstock post office belongs to the second class, and nineteen smaller post offices in the county are required to make their reports to this office, and purchase their supplies from it. On October 15, 1909, the Woodstock office was made a free delivery office. There are six rural free delivery routes out from Woodstock, the length of each one being thirty miles. Since 1866 the Woodstock office has been a money order office, and the first order issued through it was on August 21, 1866, by E. Barton to A. A. Kelly & Co., of Chicago, for $9. The first order paid was on August 7, 1866, to John D. Short for $40, and it was issued by Dr. Asa Horn, of Dubuque, Iowa. INCORPORATION On June 22, 1852, Woodstock was incorporated as a village under Act of Legislature, and the governing power vested in a president and board of trustees. The original charter was amended several times, as needed. From 1852 until 1873 when Woodstock became a city, the fol- lowing served it as village president: Alvin Judd, 1852-3; Enos W. Smith, 1854; Neill Donnelly, 1855-6; Melvin W. Baldwin. 1857; M. W. Hunt, 1858; H. B. Burton, 1859; Neill Donnelly, I860; M. L. Joslyn, 1861; H. S. Hanchett, 1862; William Kerr, 1863-4-5: M. L. Joslyn, 1866; John S. Wheat, 1867; B. N. Smith, 1868; M. D. Hoy, 1869; E. E. Richards, 1870-71 ; and L. H. Davis, 1872-3. The original village officials were: Alvin Judd, president; and Joseph Golder. L. S. Church, C. B. Durfee, J. C. Trowbridge, and George 11. Griffin, trustees; Charles Fitch, clerk; John Brink, surveyor: L. W. McMasters, constable; and Charles Fitch, treasurer. The last to hold position as village officials were : L. H. Davis, presi- dent ; John A. Rarrish, assessor and treasurer; S. Van Curan, constable; S. Brink, clerk; and T. J. Dacy, J. S. Wheat, George L. Sherwood, M. I). Hoy, G. K. Bunker and E. E. Thomas, trustees. 390 HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY An election was held March 24, 1873, to decide relative to city incor- poration, and the vote stood 109 in favor, none against the proposition. The first city officials were: John S. Wheat, mayor; T. L. Maher, clerk; .1. .1. Murphy, treasurer; M. C. Johnson, attorney; and W. II. Stewart, (• some other cause, it is impossible for the home to continue. In such cases if we extend temporary aid to the children by bridging over the emergency, the home may be rebuilt, and the children have the rights and privileges that belong to every child, the right of home life and living. "Home Finding. Through this department the institution rinds homes in Christian families, for such children as are surrendered to it by parents, guardians, or by the courts. Hundreds of children have been given tender care, comfortable sustenance, good educational advan- tages, excellent training, wholesome moral and religious instruction, and many have been placed in Christian family homes for adoption, and by these means have been saved from becoming subject to those circum- stances which are almost sure to result in vieiousness and criminality." The management of the home is vested in a board of eleven directors, and its offices are in Chicago. The institution is supported principally by voluntary contributions of charitably disposed people. Its accounts are audited by a public accountant at the close of each fiscal year. Its work is important and is measured by the amount of its contributions. OLD PEOPLE'S REST HOME The Old People's Rest Home occupies a site adjoining the grounds of the Chicago Industrial Home for Children, at Woodstock, and both are under the care of Rev. J. D. Kelsey. In 1903 Samuel K. J. Ches- boro, Burton R. Jones, James D. .Marsh. Thomas B. Arnold, John I). Kelsey. William P. Ferries, John E. Coleman, Esmond E. Hall, William E. Bardell, Freeborn U. Brooke incorporated the Old People's Rest Home, and opened it for occupancy that same year. The object of this institution is to provide and maintain a home for aged people of both sexes, who are in a measure dependent, where they may have the advantages of good accommodations, agreeable associa- tions, pleasant surroundings, comfortable sustenance and tender minis- trations when needed, amid which to spend the closing years of life. ( Yrtainly its objects are both philanthropic and Christian, and as such can but appeal to the sympathies and aid of generous people everywhere. The doors of the Rest Home are ever open to aged people, who need -iit years within its enclosure, and the managers are only sorry that their limited room does not admit of their taking in many more. The home inmates usually number in the neighborhood of twenty, which with the matron and other helpers constitutes quite a large family to be maintained. The capacity of the home is for about twenty-four in- mates. Rev. J. D. Kelsey has had charge of the home since it was established, and his wife was its matron until her health failed, the position now being held by Florence Walcott. WOODSTOCK COUNTRY CLUB The Woodstock Country Club was organized in 1915, and its mem- bership has steadily increased. A tract of about fifty-seven acres was purchased by the club. These grounds, formerly the farm of the late Mr. McNulty, lie about two miles east of the courthouse, and are beauti- fully situated. There is considerable timber, and an artesian well over 1.000 feet deep. This well was sunk and suitable frame buildings have been erected. A golf course has been laid out, and other improvements are projected. WOODSTOCK COMMERCIAL AND COMMUNITY CLUB On February 26, 1§13, the Woodstock Business Men's Association was founded, and in the spring of 1918, to meet conditions arising out of the war, a new constitution, by-laws and name _were given the club, which has since been known as the Woodstock Commercial and Com- munity Club. This was incorporated under the laws of Illinois, October 11, 1918. This organization has two objects, the promotion of business interests, and the furnishing of social diversions, or to use their own definition: ''the furtherance of the social, civic, mercantile and indus- trial advancement of the city of Woodstock and the surrounding com- munity." The club is placed under the charge of a board of directors num- bering fifteen, five of whom are elected annually. Among other benefits accruing from membership is the issuance of weekly reports showing the judgments given at the courthouse each week, in printed form. Re- tailers are also given a credit-rating book for the city of Woodstock and environments. This club takes in all honorable professional and busi- ness men of the community, and plans in the near future to become a still greater factor in advancing the best commercial and social interests of this section. CHAPTER XXIX DUNHAM TOWNSHIP BOUNDARIES — TOPOGRAPHY EARLY SETTLERS ORIGIN OF NAME PIONEER EVENTS — CEMETERIES — SCHOOLS AND CHURCHES CYCLONE OF 1883 — POPULATION — TOWNSHIP OFFICIALS. BOUNDARIES Dunham Township is bounded on the north by Chemung Township ; on the east by Hartland Township ; on the south by Marengo Township, and on the west by Boone County. It comprises all of congressional township 45, range 5. This township is about equally divided between timber and prairie land, or at least was when the county was first set- tled. It is naturally adapted to stock raising and many are the fine herds that have been grazing from its sweet grasses in the decades that have passed since its surface was first used by the white race. It is well watered and reasonably drained by Rush and Piskasaw creeks, with their several small tributaries. TOPOGRAPHY Rush Creek, a branch of the Kishwaukee, crosses the township from northeast to southwest, passing out from section 34. and the Piskasaw courses through the northwest corner. EARLY SETTLERS The first white man to locate in this township, with a view of becom- ing a permanent settler, was John Diggins. who came here in 1836, locating in section 10 and section 11, a farm later owned and occupied by 0. C. Diggins. The latter named came to the township in March, 1837, and his family joined him as soon as he had a cabin prepared for them. While N. K. Jerome made a claim in 1837, he did not take up his residence upon it until 183S. Two unmarried men. Baker and Dun- 394 Ehq tt, EC C^fa^c^t^ (. *ui*^ " HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 395 ham, were the next two to arrive, and they were followed by Joseph and James Metcalf. Before 1841, the following had taken up residence in Dunham Township : A. Joslyn, R. Latham, Joseph Diggins, J. F. Moore, Dexter Barrows, J. Snowden, R. and D. Linton, and W. R. Heath. ORIGIN OP NAME The original name of this township was Byron, but when the post office was established, it was discovered that another "Byron" existed within the state, hence the name was changed to Dunham, in honor of pioneer Solomon J. Dunham, a very prominent resident, then serving as a justice of the peace. PIONEER EVENTS Josephine Diggins was the first white child born in this township. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Diggins, and she died when aged seventeen years. In 1839 occurred the first death in Dunham Township, when Walter Walton passed away, and was buried in section 3 of this township. The earliest marriage was that uniting Jacob A. Davis and Miss Helen M. Diggins, on New Year's day, 1839. In 1840 a log schoolhouse was built by School District No. 1, in sec- tion 1, and a school was immediately opened. The only church ever erected in this township was that of the Metho- dist Episcopal denomination known as the County Line Church. This building cost $2,000. Rev. P. M. Huffman was the first to serve as pastor. There are about two miles of railroad in this township, the Chicago & Northwestern line running through Harvard from the southeast. In 1874, a cheese factory was built in section 35, and was still being successfully operated in 1885. At one time Latham Corners had a gen- eral store, but its existence was brief. Sheep raising as far back as 1870 was a large industry among the farmers of this township. The land it was believed then, was better adapted to stock than grain. There were more sheep killed by dogs in this township, along in the seventies, than in any other part of the county. CEMETERIES The first cemetery in this township was laid out either in 1841 or 1842, near the old Jerome log schoolhouse. 396 HISTORY OF McHENRT COUNTY In the western part of the township around the .Methodist Church, is another early burying ground. Ml. Auburn Cemetery was laid out late in the seventies. It is about three-quarters of a mile southeast of the city of Harvard, taking the place of the old Harvard Cemetery, abandoned on account of low ground, the bodies being transferred to the new burial place. SCHOOL AND CHURCHES The first sehoolhouse in Dunham Township was built in 1838 on the farm of Mr. -Jerome. Here schools were kept and here the elections were held many years during the pioneer days. Here it was that the first term of school in the township was taught by -Miss Edna Jewett. The first religious services in this township were held in the Jerome sehoolhouse in 1838 or 1839, and were conducted by Elder White and Rev. Jewett. CYCLONE OF 1883 On June 11, 1883, Dunham Township had the misfortune to be visited by a cyclone, which first struck the residence of Richard Downs. The Moore sehoolhouse was literally blown into splinters. Benjamin Phelps, Josiah Goodsell, Proctor Russell, I). R. Wyant, Arthur Thompson, .Mr. Jerome, \. A. Clark, John .Mohelus and Michael Sullivan, all suffered from the fury of the storm. Being near to Harvard, with the county seat not far distant, there never has sprung up a village within this township. Neither has it a railway station nor has there been a post office in recent years, but a good rural mail route service delivers the mail for this section of the county. POPULATION In 1890 Dunham Township had a population of 919: in 1900 it had 85*9; in 1910 it had 849; and in 1920 it had 857. TOWNSHIP OFFICIALS The following are the township officials of Dunham Township : Super- visor, II. E. Whipple; assessor, D. A. Barrows; clerk, Herbert Kieskow- ski : highway commissioner, Thomas Green: justices of the peace, D. A. Barrows and L. < >. Higgins ; constables, C. M. Downs and David Fitch. CHAPTER XXX GRAFTON TOWNSHIP BOUNDARIES — ORIGIN OP NAME — EARLY SETTLERS — PIONEER EVENTS — CHOL- ERA CEMETERIES TOWNSHIP OFFICIALS — VILLAGE OF HUNTLEY — EARLY BUSINESS INTERESTS — POST OFFICE — INCORPORATION. BOUNDARIES Grafton Township is in the southern tier of townships in this county, and is bounded on the north by Dorr Township ; on the east by Algon- quin Township ; on the south by Kane County, and on the west by Coral Township, and is described in surveys as congressional township 43, range 7, east. When first settled this township was very wet and swampy, and by many the land was believed to be next to worthless, the lowest point being in its center; but modern and more scientific methods have come to the rescue and drained out most of these lands, which are now among the finest, most productive of any in the country. Here one sees many beautiful, well improved and highly valuable farms. Crystal Lake covers one-fourth of section 1, and the Kishwaukee Creek and its branches drain the land and furnish ample water supply at all times of the year. ORIGIN OF THE NAME The name Grafton was given to this township by Prescott Whitte- more who thus honored his old home back in New Hampshire, w-hich was also called Grafton Township. - EARLY SETTLERS J The first settler was a Mr. Grinnell, who only remained a short time, and then sold his land to Lewis Holdridge, the second man to select Grafton Township as a place of residence. The third settler was Pres- cott Whittemore, who arrived in 1838, from New York state, and he 397 398 HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY lived here for more than twenty years. Another pioneer was Mr. Stowell, from Massachusetts, who made Grafton Township his home for ahont fifteen years, and then went to California, where he died in 1870. William Robb was a settler of 1839, coming from New Haven, Connecticut, locating in section 30, where he died many years ago. For a time .John Curren lived in this township, but finally sold to Thomas Huntley and moved to Iowa. Richard Hadley came to Grafton Town- ship about 1839-40, and James Winney and John Conover were here about the same date last mentioned. PIONEER EVENTS The first white child born in Grafton Township was Marion, son of William Robb and wife. He was born in 1839. Death first invaded the home of Charles Stowell and wife and claimed a two-year-old daughter, and she was laid away beneath the prairie sod in the eastern edge of the village of Huntley. The first to unite in marriage in this township were Sanford Haight and Miss Mary A. Sprague. They were made man and wife by Beman Crandall, a justice of the peace of this township. The first hotel in Grafton was kept by Prescott Whittemore. It was in fact his residence, but he had to care for the land and home-seekers as they flocked into the county. He carried this on for ten years, more for accommodation than for profit. When the village of Huntley was established Mr. Whittemore sought to retire, but it was well known that his "latch-string" always hung outside and anyone who desired might here find a welcome hand and something good to eat. CHOLERA While Grafton was still in its infancy as a settlement, three soldiers traveled on their way to territory further west, having been with Gen- eral Winficld Scott in the War with Mexico. They were stricken with that dread disease, cholera, and died, and were buried in the vicinity where later stood the Free Methodist Church, at the north side of the Township of Grafton. CEMETERIES In the early fifties the Protestants, of Huntley village laid out a cemetery south of the place, the same being originally two acres. In HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 399 1882 the Catholics laid out their cemetery just to the south of the one just named above. POPULATION Grafton Township had a population iu 1890 of 1,589; in 1900, 1,484; in 1910, 1,437; and in 1920, 1,475. TOWNSHIP OFFICIALS The following' are the township officials of Grafton Township : Super- visor, John Conley; assessor, W. S. Conover; clerk, E. H. Cook; high- way commissioner, John F. Weltzien ; justices of the peace, John Dona- hue and Emil Arnold ; constable, John French. VILLAGE OF HUNTLEY In 1851 Thomas S. Huntley laid out the village which bears his name. This was the same year the railroad went through the township and this village was made a station on the line, and thus it soon began to be known abroad, and commenced to thrive as a small, but very enterpris- ing place. Mr. Huntley built the first house and used it as dry-goods store. This building stood for many years as a monument of pioneer days in the village so well known now. Later it was used as a drug store, but at last disappeared from the village as a thing of the past. The first hotel was erected by Sanford Haight, and later the structure went into the construction of Glazier Hall. The first hotel was aban- doned soon after it was built, and a second one put up by Lewis Hold- ridge, and conducted by a Mr. Johnson, then by Mr. Fletcher, who sold it to Byron Thornton, in whose hands it ceased as a hotel. H. B. Brown built the third hotel, and after two years sold it to Peter Ferris. Finally the property was burned. The next hotel was built by George Scheler in 1878 ; it was sold to Cummings Brothers and Haight, who hired O. P. Mason to run it. After going into many other hands it finally became a storehouse. The well known Ellis House was established by B. F. Ellis who conducted a model modem American plan hotel many years. EARLY BUSINESS INTERESTS The first general store in Huntley was opened by T. S. Huntley, who after one year sold it to Hoyt & Brown, who enlarged the building and too HISTORY OF McHBNEY COUNTY greatly added to the size of the stuck. Henry Dunn opened tin' second store in the village, and a Mr. Grisl the third business place. A Mr. Hill was also engaged in mercantile pursuits here for a shorl time. In 1862, the first hardware store was ope 1 by Mr. Marshall, who con- tinued three years and sold to William Schemerhorn, and he conducted it five years, and then turned it over to his son. Theodore. About 1867 a grist mill was operated at this point. It was a steam plant liuilt by the Jewells, in the southeastern part of the village. Subsequently, it became the property of a Mr. Schaffler, and under his proprietorship, in 1871, there was a serious accident which resulted in the killing of the engineer, William Benedict. Mr. Schaffler was also injured, but not so seriously. He rebuilt the mill and sold to a Mr. Spanieling, who eon- ducted it till 1876, when it was burned.- Spaulding rebuilt it and sold it to David Williams, who conducted it as a iced mill. The first harness shop in this village was started by F. J. Glazier, and the first shoe shop in 1856 by Brown & Van Hoozen. A wagon shop was opened in 1857, and Dwight Ramsdell was the first blacksmith. John S. Cummings shipped the first car of hogs from Huntley, and as there was no weighing scales in the place he "guessed" them oft', paying three cents a pound, but when he reached Chicago with his load, he found his estimate a little too high. He also shipped the first car of cattle from Huntley to Chicago, and received only from $10 to $15 per head. The Huntley Cheese Factory was an important factor in the com- munity in its day, during the eighties. It was built by D. E. Wood & Co.. in 1876-7. At the same time D. E. Wood and John Weltzine owned four other factories of this kind in McHenfy County. When this cheese industry flourished at Huntley, some of the business men were: William Haekett, S. Haight, George Van Valkenburg, F. 0. Dain, Patrick Duffy, Thomas Fenwick, J. G. Keller, P. McNinney, Wood & Waltzine, A. Dis- brow, T. R, Ferris, W. G. Sawyer, A. Oakley, 15. F. Ellis, M. D. Hadley. Smith & Oakley, Teeple & Co., Devine & Skells, Hawley & Tappen, Ellis & Ballard, M. J. Kelley, D. M. Williams, Dr. 0. K. Griffith and Otto Gaupner. POST OFFICE The post office was first established here in 1851. before which time people in this neighborhood went to Coral post office for their mail. Stewart Cummings was the first postmaster at Huntley and following HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 401 him were Peter Miller, John Wales, Miss Izanna Bridge, H. B. Williams, John S. Cuinmings, Edward Haiglit, T. R. Ferris, John Donahue, T. R. Ferris, E. H. Cook and J. F. Wendt. This is a third class post office and has two rural routes going out into the surrounding district. Route No. 1 has as its present carrier, J. M. Venard; for Route No. 2 Thomas Frederick. INCORPORATION Huntley was incorporated as a village under the state laws in 1872 with officers as follows : John S. Cummings, president ; John P. Skells, clerk; H. B. Brown, treasurer; F. J. Glazier, city marshal; D. E. Wood, Charles Bruckman, and S. S. Sprague, trustees. Since that date the various presidents have been : Thomas Grimley, Jackson Wood, 0. K. Griffith, A.'W. Nash, Henry Sinnett, W. G. Sawyer, Henry Sinnett, John Wiltzien, James Sheldon, D. M. Williams, John Wiltzien, John Donahue, John Wiltzien, John Donahue, F. A. Fisher, John Donahue, Henry Maekaben, J. F. Wiltzien. The following are the officials of the village of Huntley : President, John F. Wiltzien ; clerk, Frank McNeeney ; treasurer, W. F. Barlett ; magistrate, W. P. Whittemore; marshal, John C. French; attorney, F. B. Bennett ; trustees, T. R. Ferris, Henry Williams, Claud Williams, James Marsh, Walter Butler and E. H. Cook. PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS In 1910 the village bonded itself for water works. They now have three deep wells; an eighty foot steel tower; a twenty-foot tank sur- mounting the tower. Pumping is effected by means of an electric motor. The fire department is ecpiipped with two hose carts, 1,000 feet of hose, and a hook and ladder outfit. The village owns a small frame hall, with a jail in the rear of it. A small, neat park adorns the opposite side of the chief business street, and good paving obtains throughout several streets. CHAPTER XXXI GREENWOOD TOWNSHIP BOUNDARIES — TOPOGRAPHY — EARLY SETTLERS — CEMETERIES — MILLS — BUT- TER AND CHEESE FACTORIES — VILLAGE OP GREENWOOD EARLY INTEREST? — POST OFFICES — HARVEST PICNIC — POPULATION — TOWNSHIP OFFICIALS. BOUNDARIES Greenwood Township is bounded on the north by Hebron Township; on the east by McHenry Township; on the south by Dorr Township; and on the west by Ilartland Township. It comprises all of congres- sional township 45, range 7. It was named by C. M. Goodsall, and this name was confirmed by township trustee, J. N. Barber. TOPOGRAPHY This township is gently rolling land, the soil is extremely fertile and well cultivated, and the farms are exceedingly valuable. At at early day. the valley of Nippersink Creek was heavily timbered hut this growth has long since largely disappeared at the hands of the settlers who have cut it down for fuel and fencing. The main stream of the township is the Nippersink Creek which has several branches. EARLY SETTLERS Probably Henry Weston was the first white man to settle permanently in what is now Greenwood Township. He came in 1833, Queen Ann Prairie was named in honor of his wife, who was the first white woman in the township, and she was the first person to die in this township. Soon after her death, Mr. Weston was married (second) to a Miss Watson, and this was the first marriage in the township, although the first recorded marriage is that between Charles Frame and Mary Dufield on February 1, 1838, the ceremony being performed by Rev. Joel Wheeler. 402 THOMAS LINDSAY HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 403 Following Mr. Weston the settlers were : Alden, Almon and William Stone, Lewis Boone, Henry Westerman, Elijah Slaflon and James Wat- son, all of whom made claim to their land in 1837. Lewis Boone took up many acres of both timber and prairie land, and a Mr. McCollum laid claim to a portion of this land and built a cabin on it. This action was resented by Mr. Boone, who tore down the cabin and cut the logs in two, accusing McCollum of jumping his claim. Finally, the two men resorted to a personal encounter, in which Mr. Boone was the conqueror. McCollum and his friends then attacked the Boones and drove them from the land. A lawsuit resulted, the same being the first filed on the McHenry County docket. Lewis Boone re- mained in the township until his death, and was buried in Greenwood cemetery. His son, Eldridge Boone, was the first white child born in the township, and when he died in 1838, he was buried in Greenwood Cemetery, his being the first body to be interred there. George Weller, *A.mos Scofield, Daniel Cattle, Nathan Dufield, Jacob Eckert, Michael J. and Peter J. Herdklotz and their father Eldod Taylor, Scpiire Baldwin, and 0. J. and A. P. Murphy, all of whom came prior to 1839. These settlers all located in the eastern portion of Greenwood Township. Another very early settler was Neill Donnelly who came in 1838. CEMETERIES About one-half mile south of the village of Greenwood lies Green- wood cemetery. It is the oldest burying place in Greenwood Township. Here repose many of the pioneers of the township. Another cemetery was early laid out near the Methodist Church in southern part of the township. What is known as the Soldiers' Monument Cemetery in this town- ship, originally contained one acre of land, but was subsequently en- larged. In its midst stands the monument erected in memory of the soldiers and sailors who lost their lives during the Civil War. This was dedicated July 4, 1880. Near the center of the township there was platted a small cemetery by the German settlers, and surrounding the Norwegian Church the people of that faith laid their dead to rest. MILLS In 1841, Lake & Scofield built a saw-mill on section 11, it being run by the waters of the Nippersink Creek. For more than a quarter of a nil HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY century this mill was active, or until late in tin' seventies, when it was torn down and today no trace of a millsite can be seen. The second mill of this kind was built by Toles >v Brown, a mile below the tirsi one just named. It was also a water-mill. In 1845 they also erected a grist-mill at an expense of $5.0(10. but this mill was destroyed l>y a tire in lMi:!. Job Toles buili a grist-mill in the village of Greenwood at a little later date. The flour-milling industry has long since been left to the great milling centers, near to the supply of northern wheat and the farmers all buy their Hour. BUTTER AND CHEESE FACTORIES It is of no little interest in these days of high-priced butter and cheese, almost prohibitive on account of prices, to read of* the many early creamery and butter and cheese stations and factories in this county, including the plant of Abbott & Thompson, who built the first cheese factory in the township in 1848, and its capacity was more than 100,000 pounds of cheese annually. The second cheese factory in the township was built in 1S70, by Job Toles. in the village of Greenwood. These arc all obsolete industries, for today all of the surplus milk is bottled and shipped to Chicago and other great cities for direct consumption, while other sections of the United States manufacture the butter and cheese which McHenry County farmers used to make in such quantities. VILLAGE OP GREENWOOD Greenwood is an inland village which was surveyed in 1842, and platted into lots by Job Toles. He made an addition to the place in 1S45. It is finely situated on the south branch of Xippersink Creek on section 11. The first residences here were erected by Lake & Scofield. The first store was started by C. M. Goodsell. who carried a very large stock for so early a time. Burr & Co. started a wagon shop about as soon as the place was established. Greenwood contended for the county seat when it was removed from McHenry to Woodstock in 1843. Nol succeeding in that the village has not grown commercially as have the railroad towns of the county, but is a beautiful place of residence. EVRLY INTERESTS In 1854-55, Weller & Hamilton planted several acres of apple trees. and Greenwood had a nursery which was continued for a number of years, but Hamilton finally sold and moved to Ridgefield, while Weller HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 405 closed out the business at Greenwood. Later Garrison Bros, conducted a business in furnishing fruit and ornamental trees, garden seeds and flowers. The first orchard in the township was set by Andrew .Murphy, on Queen Ann Prairie, in 1842, the trees coming from Will County, this state. The first store was opened in Greenwood Township, at Boone's Mill, in 1847, by a Mr. Lock wood who soon moved away, being succeeded by C. M. Goodsell, at the village of Greenwood. Since the days of rural mail delivery, and near-by railroad stations. the trade of Greenwood has not even held its own, there now being but a small country store trade there. Near Greenwood and in section 10 there are several Indian Mounds in which early excavations revealed the presence of numerous human skulls and other remains and instruments of domestic use. supposed to be the work of Mound Builders. The first post office in either township or village of Greenwood was established in 1850, and was kept in the store of C. M. Goodsell, the first postmaster. Other postmasters were : Messrs. Bobbins, Martin, John M. Barber, J. H. Garrison and D. W. Soper. Postal matters have all been changed of later years, for nearly every farmer has his mail dropped at his door every week-day morning, hence has little use for post offices. HARVEST PICNIC During the summer of 1877 the people of Queen Ann Prairie and the surrounding neighborhood inaugurated an annual outing which became for many years very interesting and attractive. It was known as the "Harvest Picnic." The first one occurred August 23, 1877, in the fine grove owned by Michael Senger. A big dinner and excellent literary program was enjoyed by a large gathering. It seems too bad that this custom was not kept up perpetually. POPULATION The census reports show that this township had in 1890 a population of 899; in 1910, 90S; and in 1920, 858. PRESENT OFFICIALS The following are the present officials of the village of Greenwood : president, L. AY. Thompson; clerk, M. C. Doolittle; treasurer, L. W. Thompson ; magistrate, J. N. Barber. 406 HISTORY OF McIIENRY COUNTY TOWNSHIP OFFICIALS The following are the township officials of Greenwood Township: supervisor, L. W. Thompson ; assessor, M. Dassow ; clerk, N. C. Doolittle ; highway commissioner, 0. II. Aavang; justice of the peace, John N. Barber; constable, Oscar Anderson. CHAPTER XXXII HARTLAND TOWNSHIP BOUNDARIES — FIRST SETTLERS — PIONEER INCIDENTS— CEMETERIES BROOK- DALE POST OFFICE — EARLY COUNTERFEITERS POPULATION — RAILROAD VILLAGE OF HARTLAND TOWNSHIP OFFICIALS. BOUNDARIES Ilartland is the second township from the northern line of the county as well as the second from the west. It is bounded on the north by Alden Township ; on the east by Greenwood Township ; on the south by Seneca Township and on the west by Dunham Township, and comprises all of congressional township 45, range 6, east. When it was first settled by white men, its surface was nearly all covered with good timber, but by the time of the Civil War all of the heaviest first growth had been cut off. Grain and stock raising are callings largely followed by the land- owners in this township. The name Hartland was given the township in 1840, in honor of a town in New York by that name. The name "Antrim" was proposed by the many Irish settlers, but was not adopted by those in authority. FIRST SETTLERS It matters not, but here is a conflict in history, three factions of pioneers contending, one claims that the first to locate within this town- ship was P. Griffin ; another set up a claim that the honor belongs to George Stafton, and still a third faction is sanguine that to such honor should be attached the name of John Quinlan. It is certain that all three came here at about the same date. Right on their heels was P. W. Tower, and a Mr. Smith, who gained the nick-name of "Whisky" Smith, arrived not long thereafter. P. M. Dunn, William Fanning, Alvin Judd, Andrew J. Haywood, Appolos Hastings, and Alonzo Golder were among the pioneer band in Hartland Township. This township was settled almost entirely by Irish Catholic people, 407 408 HISTORY OF .AI( IIKXliV COFNTY who. strong in their faith, have made excellenl citizens and built up thrifty and large congregations. Here, as in other townships in t he county, a few of the settlers made their claims before the land had been surveyed by the government. Such claims gave rise to many disputes as in rights and titles, to settle which, meetings were held, attended by men with arms in hands, ready, if necessary, to maintain their rights by force. All sm-h disagreements were finally adjusted without the spilling of blood, or creating of feuds, as has often been the case in other sections of the country. PIONEER OCCIDENTS John Short, later known as "squire" in Woodstock for many years. a son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Short, was the first white child born in this township. The date of his birth was sometime in 1836. His father lived in Ilartland Township until his removal, early in the eighties, to Woodstock. Mrs. Debbit, who died in 1840. was the first white person to die within Ilartland Township, and her remains were buried in Ilartland Cemetery. The earliest marriage in the township, celebrated at the residence of a Catholic priest, was that of Walter Gibbs and the widowed ^Irs. Sutton, but the first recorded marriage was that uniting William Fan- ning and Catherine Donnelly, the ceremony being performed by Father J. Gregory, a Catholic priest, on February 4, 1842. CEMETERIES Dp to 1844, a rail or pole pen surrounded a single grave, and this constituted the only cemetery in Ilartland Township, but during that year Mr. Brocken gave to the township a piece of land in section 13 to be used for burial purposes, and about it is now located Ilartland Cemetery. There have been other small burying plots within the township. BROOKDALE During the year 1840. Wesley Diggins built a saw-mill on the banks of Kishwaukee Creek, and for a number of years a flourishing business was carried on at that point. About it grew up a tiny community, known as Brookdale, and for a time it was believed by some that here was the nucleus of a citv. but with the clearing off of the timber, and HISTORY OF McHENBY COUNTY 409 the end of the immense lumbering business, the trade was drawn away to Harvard and Woodstock, and this generation knows of "Brookdale" only by hearsay. A store was maintained there for several years, as was one also at Oliver's Corners, but it too died a natural death. Other little communities of Hartland Township prospered for a time but soon fell into that "dreamless sleep that knows no waking." The little ham- let of Hartland is the only village now within the township. POST OFFICE For some years after Hartland Township was settled the people had to go to McClure's Grove, a distance of twenty-five miles, for mail. Later they received their mail at Crystal Lake, and finally a post office was established at the residence of Alvin Judd, about the center of the township. Eden post office was established in the eastern part of the township, with Henry Oliver as its first postmaster, and Peter McFar- land was its second. At Deep Cut a post office was established in 1855, and there maintained until 1865. From 1865 to 1879 the people had to go to either Woodstock or Harvard for mail, but in the latter year a post office was established at Kishwaukee, and Philip Gafner was post- master for many years. The people of the township, outside of the circuit around Hartland village, are furnished their mail by the rural free delivery system, daily, except Sundays. EARLY COUNTERFEITERS At an early day Hartland Township harbored a gang of counter- feiters. These daring men had their outfit in a kind of natural cave in the timber, which was covered with planks and sod. In it the counter- feiters were found to be entering into competition with the government in the production of silver coins. A mile away was a shanty in which the men spent their time when not working at their unlawful task. The excellent citizens were not backward in expressing their disapproval of these methods, and the gang, taking the hint so openly expressed, dis- appeared and were never again seen in this county. POPULATION In 1890 Hartland Township had a population of 960; in 1900, 874: in 1910, 905; and in 1920, 860. 410 HISTORY OF McHEXRY COUNTY RAILROAD The Chicago & Northwestern Railroad traverses this township from the southeastern to the northwestern part, through the central portion. In 1877 a depot established near Deep Cut was first called Kiswaukee, now is called Hartland. VILLAGE OF HARTLAND Hartland was platted in the southwest part of section 13 and in the southeast of section 14, township 45, range 6, July 26, 1878. It is the only railroad station within the township. It is a small shipping point and in the midst of a very fertile agricultural section. A few stores and shops comprise the business interests of this place. PRESENT OFFICIALS The following are serving Hartland in an official position : president and treasurer, Earl C. Hughes; clerk, John H. Haley; and magistrate, Daniel H. Desmond. TOWNSHIP OFFICIALS The following are the township officials of Hartland Township : super- visor, E. C. Hughes ; assessor, Frank Sullivan ; clerk, J. H. Haley ; high- way commissioner, C. R, Cooney ; justice of the peace, D. H. Desmond. o w V. DC 00 c o CHAPTER XXXIII HEBRON TOWNSHIP BOUNDARIES — ORIGIN OF NAME — FIRST SETTLERS PIONEER EVENTS — CEM- ETERIES — EARLY INDUSTRIES — VILLAGE OF HEBRON POST OFFICE — IN- CORPORATION — EARLY HISTORY OF HEBRON — POPULATION — TOWNSHIP OFFICIALS. BOUNDARIES Hebron Township lies along the northern line of the county, and is bounded on the north by Wisconsin ; on the east by Richmond Township ; on the south by Greenwood Township ; and the west by Alden Town- ship. It comprises congressional township 46, range 7, east. It is one of the best watered and drained townships in this county. Nippersink creek and its tributaries, with Goose Lake form a magnificent natural drainage system and supply unlimited water at all seasons of the year. While the greater part is prairie land, considerable timber was originally found growing along the streams. Grain, stock raising and dairying are profitablj- carried on here. Verily he who owns a farm home in this township is an independent man. ORIGIN OF NAME The story surrounding the naming of Hebron Township is so interest- ing and unusual that it is here given at length. The first white woman to live in Hebron Township was Mrs. Bela H. Tryon, and as is usual in such cases her home was the gathering place for lonely pioneers who came from far and near to her for motherly advice, and help in their affairs. It was the custom for them to engage in singing during the Sunday afternoons and evenings, and upon one occasion after they had finished singing Old Hebron, she suggested that Hebron would be a good name for the new township. Her selection was approved and the name adopted. On the Sunday following the adoption, the settlers gathered at her home, and to prove her pleasure, she fried a bushel of 411 Ill 1 BISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY cakes for il i. ;ill of which were eagerly consumed by the hungry men.' tired of their own efforts at culinary operations. This is the only in- stance in McHenry County of the name being given by a woman to a township division. FIRST -I II I.ERS The honor of being the firsl settler in this township belongs to E. W. Brigham, who made his original claim in 1836, and built the first house in the township, constructing it of poles. Be was a native of Vermont, as was Josiah II. Giddings, the s ml settler, who erected the first frame house, and long continued to occupy it. although he later added to its original proportions. Bela B. Tryon was the third settler, coming here in 1836, and residing here until his death in 184s. Be was from New York state. From that same state also came in to this town-hip. K. W. Stuart. A. II. Parker, and John Sawyer, very early settlers. G. W. Giddings and C. S. and John Adams were settlers of 1836. PIONEER EVENTS The first white child born in Hebron Township was -Mary Roblee, who lived many years in her native township. Arabel Hibbard died in September, 1852. when eighteen years old. and hers was the first death in the township. She was a daughter of William and Julia Hibbard. On September 7. 1840. was celebrated the first marriage of the township, when Rev. Samuel Hall united George ('. Hopkins aud Rebecca Tuttle in marriage. CEMETERIES The first burying plaee within Hebron Township was -•■) apart in 1S44, two miles northwest of the village of Hebron, at the Presbyterian Church, and a .Mr. Duncan, a Scotchman, was the first person to be buried in it. Another early cemetery was in the eastern part of the township, ami there several burials were made before the place was abandoned. This was really a private burying ground on the farm of Hubert Stuart. During the sixties, the cemetery at the village of Hebron was laid out and has since been used. This is Located righl south of the main village and is handsomely cared for. HISTORY OF McHBNRY COUNTY 413 EARLY INDUSTRIES In the sixties and early seventies cheese factories sprung up here and there all over this county, including those in and near the village of Ilehroii. The leading ones were those of II. W. Mead, George Conn, Robert Stuart, a Mr. Perrin and a Mr. MeGraw. VILLAGE OF HEBRON Hebron village is situated in Hebron Township, in sections 16 and 17, township 46, range 7, east. It is situated on the line of the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad running from Rockford to Kenosha, and now has a population of more than 700. Its churches are the Methodist, Presbyterian, Baptist and the German Lutheran. The village has fra- ternal societies — the Masons, Odd Fellows and Modern Woodmen of America. At first Hebron was named Mead Station from the fact that Henry W. Mead had been appointed depot agent at this point when the road first went through. The place was platted on the Mead lands, they hav- ing been the first settlers to locate here. POST OFFICE Prior to the building of the railroad the township of Hebron had two country post offices, one of which was situated at the house of Bela H. Tryon, who was the postmaster, the date of establishment being 1839. Mail was brought from Chicago and thence to Jaynesville, Wis. The mail was carried on horseback. Another office was established in 1842 in the west part of the township, and kept at John Adam's place, he being postmaster. The list of postmasters at Hebron office established in 1856, is as foUows: J. II. Giddings, Munson Goodsell, Frank Rowe, John Pettibone, Frank Row^e, George Boughton, M. W. Merry, who held it three full terms; Dr. E. A. Mead, Henry Earl, who was commissioned in 1913. This is a third-class post office and has two rural free delivery mail routes going out from it six days each week. Route No. 1 is now in charge of carrier Ed Hawthorne, while No. 2 is under Clyde Trow. INCORPORATION Hebron was not incorporated as a village until October 21, 1895. The presidents of the village council since the first have been : G. W. 414 HISTORY OF McIIENRY COUNTY Conn, W. C. Hyde. G. W. Conn, Prank Rovve, Z. II. Young, L. A. Nichols and F. C. Slavin, and M. B. Spooner. In the month of June, 1906, a system of waterworks had been in- stalled and were on that date accepted by the Council. Bonds were sold to provide this needful internal improvement. I'RESENT OFFICIALS The following are the officials of the village of Hebron: president, .M. I!. Spooner; clerk, C. E. Bieren ; treasurer. Wilder E. Smith; magis- trate, K. Woods; attorney, D. R. Joslyn, Sr. ; trustees, J. M. Trueson, M. C. Clark, G. Phillips, Frank Holmes, M. B. Brooks and A. G. Dickerson. EARLY COMMERCIAL INTERESTS The first store built in Hebron was opened by M. S. Goodsell, and the first wagon shop was that conducted by George Colburn. The first "village blacksmith" was a Mr. Hisden, while the first shoemaker was James Rowe. Among the dealers who came in a little later were: William 0. Broughton, J. 0. Reynolds, Lund & Johnson, C. F. Prouty, D. S. Blodgett, J. W. Webster, E. F. Hews, II. W. Mead, Frank Rowe, G. L. Phillips and Taylor Bros. EARLY HISTORY OF HEBRON By Cyrus L. Mead Recollections of one of the oldest residents, dating from 1853 up to the early sixties. It is with pleasure that we present to the readers of The Tribune a brief history of reminiscence of the early days before Hebron became a town. This information is given us by Mr. C. L. Mead, of our village, who has been a resident of this section since 1853. Although in his ninety-second year, his memory is very keen and his physical condition most wonderfully preserved. Following is the story dating from that time on until recent years, just as it was dictated to the editor by Mr. Mead. "On the fifteenth day of March, 1853, I came to Woodstock, Illinois, from Oswego County, New York, town of Sand} - Creek. My early arrival in that then small and unattractive place was made on that memorable HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 415 day and well do I remember the weather. The sun shone brightly and the roads were as dry as in mid-summer. "Not being favorably impressed with the village of Woodstock, I decided to walk to Richmond, a distance of some sixteen or seventeen miles. I carried a large satchel or carpet bag in which I carried my wearing apparel. Show me today the young man not yet in his twenty- sixth year who would attempt to walk this distance and carry a heavy parcel. "I arrived in Richmond about the noon hour and took dinner at the hotel then owned and operated by Colonel Gibbs. In the afternoon 1 walked to the house of Barney Burdiek, about a half a mile northeast of Richmond and there spent the time until the next day. "On the following day I journeyed on foot to the neighborhood of Gena Junction, northeast of where my brother, Henry W. Mead, was then employed as teacher in the Gibbs district or Mound Prairie. "Myself and brother had purchased the 400-acre tract of land now lying north of the Hebron townsite, which we came into possession of in the fall of 1853. After taking possession of our newly acquired farm, my brother Henry again resumed the teaching of school and I busied myself with the arranging of the buildings, there being a fair-sized house already built. This is the first house that was built in Hebron and stands today, except for some remodeling, with many characteristics of its original outlines. In later years it was moved and now stands as a part of the home in which James Roan lives. "In the year 1854 together with my brother, we broke forty acres iif sod, using seven or eight yoke of oxen to draw the plow. We sowed wheat and barley and had a fairly good crop. The harvesting was done with an old style cradle and grass scythe. "Our sister, Mrs. Emily Conklin, kept house for us and together we toiled to gain a footing in this new country. "In the fall of 1854 we purchased some twelve or fifteen head of hogs which we began feeding and by December were ready for the market. We killed and dressed them and haided the meat to Milwaukee by wagon. We received $3.25 per hundred for the dressed meat. "About the sixteenth of January, 1855, I concluded to return to New- York, and although we had experienced a very open and mild winter the snow began to fall as I left and we had the heaviest snow and most severe winter weather up until April. "I reached my destination and was united in marriage to Miss Finett Carman, in Wayne County, N. Y., on the 29th of January. We spent 416 HISTORY OF .M. II BNE V COUNTY the nr\i few weeks iii New fork, when we came to our new home in Hebron, arriving here about the middle of March. The snow was yet on the ground and the weather verj severe. "That spring we prepared our forty acres of new broken ground and put in wheat. In the harvest time we r< ived thirty-five bushels to the acre. This occurred in the time of the Crimean war and we received all the way from seventy-live cents to .+ 1.1'.") per bushel for the grain. Other crops were of a fairly good yield and times were very good. "In the year 1856, April 1st, we sowed wheat, which looked like a promising yield, but a late frost occurred about the first of June, and although the grain was of good height it only yielded an average of nine bushels of poor wheat to the acre. "Here I wish to speak of some of the early pioneers and neighbors who resided in this country and helped to subdue the vast prairies of this fertile township. To the east were: Eden Wallin, Alphonso Tyler. Fred Smith, L. D. Seaman and a man by the name of Farman. who owned the Simes place at that time. To the west we had 'Pappy' or Zenus Pierce, Colonel Ehle, John Adams. Whitney Brigham, Deacon Tower, Sheldon Sperry, Deacon Sawyer, Wm. Woodbury, ('apt. Stone, • has. Wright, Squire Giddings, Volney Phillips. To the south were Rowel Carney, John and Peter O'Dell, living on the farms now owned by A. J. Cole. We had no neighbors within two miles to the north, there being no road in that direction. "The first post office was at the home of John Adams located where the present home of Charles Nichols, Sr., now stands, two miles west of town. We received mail twice a week from McHenry to Big Foot, the trip being covered by a mule team conveyance which also hauled freight, etc. "Dr. Giddings built a residence on the present site of the R. D. Sill residence, which has also undergone many alterations and repairs, al- though the original part of the structure is still standing. This was the first house built in Hebron after my coming here. "After Dr. Giddings built this house, the post office was moved to his home and even after the post office was moved to the Goodsell store in 1861, it still went under the name of Giddings and all business of the government was done through his name. "At that early time there was no envelopes, although they were soon adopted, but at that time we simply folded our letter and placed some sealing wax on the fold to hold it securely. The postage at that time was five cents and we didn't send very many letters. HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 417 "In the year 1S55 the first sehoolhouse was built and is the building now occupied by the Hebron bakery. David Rowe was the carpenter who done the building. Miss Rebecca Lord taught the first school in the summer of 1S55 in a granary on the Rowel Carney (George Fran- cisco) farm and in the fall the school was resumed in the new building. "The first board of directors were C. L. Mead, Henry Ehle and Rowel Carney. I served on the school board continuously from 1855 until 1880, except one year. "In the year 1855 there was no road leading either north or south, all travel being done in an easterly and westerly direction. "In the fall of 1855 I purchased the eighty-acre farm which I now own, for $22.50 per acre. "In 1856 we purchased fourteen head of steers and fed them on meal and corn fodder. The meal was secured by taking corn to Rich- mond to the mill and having it ground. I had no previous experience witli cattle feeding, notwithstanding I had very good success and by April 18, 1857, we sold these steers for $3.25 per hundred. Eggs and butter at that time sold at a low price. Butter was twelve and one-half cents to fifteen cents per pound and eggs were five cents and six cents per dozen, which was taken in trade at the stores. "The crops in 1856 were just fair for a new country and we did not have much money. "In the summer of 1857 we purchased some steers and a few head of sheep and began dealing in stock to some extent, also putting in our usual crop of wheat, oats and barley and some corn. "By October we had selected about fifteen head of steers which we had intended to feed, we also had a good drove of seventy-five or eighty fat sheep. About the 29th of October, a cattle dealer came along, a Jew, and wanted to buy our herds. My brother had purchased a carload of hogs and together with the sheep and steers, we sold the entire lot to the Jew and did not feed any stock that winter, delivering our stock to Richmond, where they were loaded onto the trains. "In the year 1858 the regular farm work was done and crops raised were not extra good, prices were also very low. In November I drove seventeen head of steers to Milwaukee, walking the whole distance and without the aid of help. I marketed the bunch for $3.00 per hundred and came home by rail as far as Springfield, Wis., thence by stage to Lake Geneva, and walked the balance of the way home. "About the first of the month of December I again drove a herd of one hundred head of sheep to Milwaukee, this time covering the distance us HISTORY OF McIIEXKY COUNTY on foot and alone as before, receiving in the neighborhood of $3.00 per hundred. "About the 10th of January, 1859, I drove some fourteen head of cattle to Milwaukee, which I had purchased of different farmers. These steers were in good condition and made the trip as well as our previous herds. In about two weeks I again made the trip on foot to Milwaukee, with some nine or ten head of fat steers. The country was new and it was difficult to find a place to shelter myself and stock for the night. About the first of March, I went for the fifth time with a herd of sheep, which were in very poor condition and my experience was very costly, realizing very little if anything on this trip. During my whole business transactions I was never held up or robbed, although forced to carry the proceeds of my herds home in money, checks were unheard of at that time. The five trips to .Milwaukee covered over 300 miles and would be considered an impossibility or a rare undertaking on foot in the winter months at least. "Our farming activities had so increased that we employed two men, my brothei' teaching school in the winter months, and in the following year of 1859 and 1860 we were very actively engaged. The steers we sold this year brought a better price and were sold to a Mr. Knowles, of Marengo. "In the year of 1860 my brother went with a shipment of cattle to the Chicago market, then situated about six miles west of Chicago known as 'Bull Head Market.' At that time there were also a market and slaughter house located at Twenty-second Street. The Merrick Yards, near Cottage Grove, was the third yards and slaughter pens. "The Methodist Church was built in the year 1861 and dedicated in the year 1862, in September. Elder Jewett w-as the promoter and be- sides being a good organizer, his ability as a horse trader is also recalled. "In the year I860 I raised and fattened a carload of hogs and had them read}' for shipment over the new railroad, which reached Hebron in 1861. About the last of May the hogs were loaded onto a flat car and shipped to Milwaukee. This was the first car of stock out of Hebron. The railroad was of light construction and very little stock was shipped at that time. "Henry W. Mead was appointed agent of the local station and the first station was built at that time. My brother continued to be the agent until after years, when the road installed telegraphy. The station was known as Mead's Station, but was changed to Hebron. "In the vear 1867 the Linn-Hebron Church was built and is still - - M W - — - HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 419 standing as first erected. Elder Lord was the first minister and previous to the building of the new church, held services in the residence now occupied by Willis Brown, which was then the Elder's home. "The Baptist Church was built in 1876 and cost about $3,000. The Presbyterian Church was built in 1877. The cemetery in Hebron was laid out. in 1860. Volney Phillips being one of the promoters and to my recollection, the first man buried in the new place. The German Lutheran Church was constructed in 1900. "In the year 1862, Henry W. Mead was married to Miss Anna Turner, and myself and family moved from the north side of Hebron to the eighty-acre tract which I still own, my brother occupying the original farm, thereby dividing our interests and embarking separately. "In going along I failed to mention the fact that in 1853 the only- persons owning a buggy with steel springs were B. Tryon and Colonel Ehle. Buggies were just coming into use in this section at that time. "The first cheese factory was built by William and Robert Stewart on the farm now owned by John J. Stewart in the year, as I recollect, 1865. In 1868 Henry W. Mead built a factory just north of the town site on his farm. "The first schoolhouse was moved from the original site to Main Street in the year 1878, and is now occupied by the bakery. A brick building was erected which was the first half of the original building which was discarded for the new modern structure which now adorns the site. The first brick structure was built by Beck and Strowler. The board at that time were: E. R. Phillips, C. L. Mead and D. A. Clary. "The only man now living who was here at that time is George W. Seamon, we being the two oldest residents. "Our wheat crop in 1860 went thirty bushels per acre and with the 1855 crop of thirty-five bushels per acre were the only two which paid us for the raising. "The first teachers in the new brick schoolhouse were: Friendly Strong and Miss Mary Brigham, the latter being a resident of Hebron at this time. ' ' POPULATION ' The census gives the population of this township in 1890 as 1,430 ; in 1900 it was the same number; in 1910 it was 1,167; and in 1920 it was 1,363. 420 HISTORY OF McIIENRY COUNTY TOWNSHIP OFFICIALS The following are the township officials of Hebron Township: super visors, II. -M. Turner; assessor, Charles Hawthorne; clerk. L. K. Rowe; highway commissioner, Fred Peterson; justices of the peace, Carlton Hunt and F. B. Woods; constables, a > o SI 3 HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 425 health official, W. S. Eshbaugh ; magistrate, J. II. Kitchen; marshal, Byron Miller; attorney, R. D. Donovan; aldermen, J. E. Heath, W. S. Seronguer, F. R. Ocock, A. E. Thompson, F. U. Piper and C. E. Kelley. PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS A system of waterworks was installed in 1894. Wells were sunk and a good supply of pure water was obtained and this system continues to the present. It was piped throughout the city, a standpipe erected and has been a blessing to the place ever since. The city bonded itself for this and other improvements, but all such debts are paid off, and the city government, aside from a few small bills, is free of any debt. In 1905 a sewer system was commenced and later completed; paving fol- lowed in 1908, and now one sees and appreciates a beautiful, even brick paving instead of former black dirt roads. A volunteer fire company keeps the city safe from the fire ravages of former years. They have an auto-truck and hose wagons, bought at an expense of $2,000. At present the lights of the city are provided by a private corporation. Before 1908 electric lights were furnished by a local municipally owned plant. FIRE DEPARTMENT The Marengo Fire Corps was organized October 29, 1883, by H. B. Smith, J. Teeple and A. W. Kelley, with a charter membership of fifty- two. The need of such an association of men was felt on many former occasions, but never more than on March 5, 1876, when the Ryder House and adjoining stores were destroyed. There was also a large fire January 4, 1867. When this fire corps was organized A. S. Gormon was made its secretary; E. A. Vandevere, treasurer; and H. D. Otis, Charles Ingersoll and J. Teeple, directors. For a number of years this company was maintained and did fine work, but as the place grew and times changed, it was finally superseded by other organizations. It is now the ordinary volunteer fire company, named above. PLACES OP AMUSEMENT It was in April, 1883, that the Marengo Opera House was built by R. M. Patrick at a cost of $30,000. At that day it was among the finest playhouses in all Northern Illinois. 426 HISTORY OF MeHEXRY COUNTY At present the places of amusement consist of occasional home talent plays, and the moving picture entertainments. HOTELS The first hotel at Marengo was built by Calvin Spencer in 1835, at the corner of State and Main streets. This was constructed of logs from the nearby forests, and was but sixteen feet square. When it was erected it was not with the intention of using it for a hotel, hut Mr. Spencer soon found that he could not turn away the stranger, so engaged in the hotel business. In the spring of 1836 he built two more log houses about 18x26 feet in size; these served until 1838, when he added a frame structure 1 fix IS feet. Mr. Spencer continued in the hotel business until 1842. In 1841 David Hammer built a log hotel, and conducted it a short time. In 1842 a Mr. Basford bought the Spencer Hotel, and took David Hammer as a partner. The firm of Basford & Hammer subsequently ereeted a frame hotel of considerable proportions, and it was used many years for hotel purposes by various persons. Later it passed into the hands of D. Johnson who converted it into a private residence. About 1853, or possibly a year later, Jacob A. Davis built a hotel on the site later occupied by the Ryder House, and this was used as a hotel until 1876, when it was destroyed by fire. At that time it was the prop- erty of A. Ryder, who immediately rebuilt and gave the new structure his own name. This and other hotels have been built, served a good purpose and been abandoned, while other more modern hotels have taken their place and serve the traveling public today. POST OFFICE The first post office in the vicinity of Marengo was established in 1841, and was kept by Alfred King, at his residence, one mile west of the present city of Marengo. David Hammer succeeded King, although for a time the post office was kept at the home of Joseph Deitz, but was then removed to the corner of State and Main streets. Colonel Cornelius Lansing was the third postmaster, and William F. Combs was the fourth, he keeping the office in a store on the site later occupied by the Free Methodist Church. The office was then moved to the southwest corner of State and Main streets, where the postmaster was L. L. Crandall. As the fifth postmaster, Anson Sperry was appointed in 1853, and held the office until 1861, it being in the meanwhile moved to the site later HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 427 occupied by the Marengo Opera House. From 1861 to 1873 Dr. 0. S. Jenks was postmaster and he had his office in a building later used by William C. Stewart as a dry goods store. Mr. Stewart succeeded to the office, was postmaster from 1873 to 1882, and kept the office in the same building as did his predecessor. In 1882 J. Q. Adams was appointed postmaster, and he removed the office to the southwest corner of State and Washington streets. From that date to now it will hardly be of interest to trace the many homes had by this post office. The postmasters since the administration of the above named men have been : J. Q. Adams from 1882 to 1894, F. M. Mead from 1894 to 1898, then he was succeeded by J. Q. Adams, and he in turn in 1902 by Charles Scofield. In 1915 came James Cleary and in 1919 Charles Gilkerson. This newly appointed postmaster wisely kept the old clerks, who had been efficient in their places. They are as follows: Miss Bertha Rowe, assistant postmaster, and Miss Lucretia Marshall, clerk. The rural carriers are: L. D. Shel- don, route 1 ; Mrs. Ina Coonradt, route 2 ; Lee Grover, route 3 ; D. E. Echternach, route 4. The Marengo office sold Thrift Stamps during 1917 to the amount of $31,204.36. The Marengo office was a second class office up to about 1917 when it was set back to a third class, when the general cry at Washington was ''retrenchment." COMMUNITY CLUB 111 the summer of 1916 E. D. Patrick remodeled the Marengo Opera House Building, and at that time submitted a plan to furnish and fit up on the third floor of this building a hall and clubrooms consisting of a hall 48 by 70 feet with 20-foot ceilings, billiard room, reception rooms, kitchen and dressing rooms with lavatory and toilet fittings, install lights and heat the same for an annual rental of $360.00. Accordingly, a committee was appointed to organize the Community Club of Marengo, and they perfected such an organization, whose pur- pose it was to furnish clean and healthful entertainment and physical training and exercise to the members and families of the Community Club. The membership fee was fixed at $5 and $6 per year in advance. The club is managed by a president, vice president, secretary and treasurer and five trustees. Monthly meetings are held by the officers, at which all matters pertaining to the management of the club are sub- mitted and disposed of. The detail management is carried out through several committees, as: House Committee, Athletic Committee, Educa- 128 BISTORT OP M< EENEY COUNTY tional, Entertainment and Membership Committees, all reporting to business meetings each month, for council and advice, as well as giving suggestions for the betterment of the club. The membership age limit is eighteen years and over. .Men are admitted only, however, the ladies use the Ealland Gym one nighl each week. The Boy Srouts also are given a place one night each week, at a nominal fee. This club has no connection, whatever, with any religious sect or creed, and holds no religious services in their hall. The members rather seek to demonstrate the true spirit of Christianity and democracy, in a practical, everyday way. It certainly has tilled a common community need in the place, and is growing stronger each month. Members of this club work in per- fect harmony with the various women's clubs, public school management and other societies of the city of Marengo. " WE" is the big word with this club. No cliques or anything of the kind, or politics is allowed to obtain within the club. It has come to make the place a better, safer, pleasanter one in which to live and labor for the higher uplift of the general community. KEMIXISCENCES ACCOUNT OF ilAKEXGO The subjoined is a sketch made up from recollections of that sturdy pioneer, Calvin Spencer, who dictated these "early-day notes" to his daughter who wrote them down at the time he gave them, hence may be relied upon as authentic history : The first settler in what is now known as Marengo was Calvin Spencer who arrived here with his ox-teams November 17, 1835. The previous year he had Keen here and cut logs for a cabin, also cut and put up stacks of hay with a scythe. The scythe needing grinding he walked about eighteen miles further west to Big Thunder Mills on the trail to Galena. Mr. Spencer recalled seeing the body of Big Thunder sitting upright, facing the east in a pen built by the Indians to keep the animals away. It so remained there until the skull dropped off. .Mr. Si>encer built on present site of the Gault Building, where he conducted a public house or tavern as then called. A large part of land was included in what is now the city of Marengo. The first post office was kept by Alfred King, who kept the office one mile west of the Spencer tavern. The post office was called Pleasant Grove, but finding another post office by that name, it was changed to Marengo, so named by Thomas Thome. The first store was by Moody Bailey, on the site of the present Ellison garage. Fink & Walker Stage line covered the road HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 429 to Galena up to the building of the railroad in 1851. It was the Galena & Chicago Union Railroad. Miss Spencer, daughter of Calvin Spencer, now has a way-bill dated Chicago, March 11, 1852, for lumber shipped to her father and which was used in enlarging her present house, which he had erected iu 1844. This building stands some three blocks east of the central corners, on the road to Chicago. The first justice of the peace was Moses Spencer, father of Calvin, who died in 1SC1 in his eighty-first year. The first marriage was that of William Sponsable and Raehael Chat- field, both of whom were life-long residents of Marengo. The first sermon was preached at the Calvin Spencer home in 1836, by Elder Southworth, an itinerant, the text being: "And he sat down and talked to the people." The first medical doctor of Marengo was Dr. Burley Mason. The first birth was Dr. Mason's son William, who died an infant. The first school was taught in the summer of 1837 by Caroline Cobb, who became the wife of Spencer Flanders and she spent her life near Franklinville. The school in the fall of 1838 was taught by 0. P. Rogers, who died only a few years ago. For many years he was a partner of L. Woodward in the nursery business. The first newspaper at Marengo was the Marengo Journal in 1856, owned by Edw T ard Burnside. The issues for the first few years ending in 1861 are now in possession of Miss Spencer in a bound volume. The first water-mill was the Kishwaukee mill — it being on that stream ; it was conducted by Smith Bros. The first cemetery was a part of the present one which was later enlarged to the north side of the railroad. The first body buried there in the new part being George House, who died June, 1861. The first Sunday school was conducted in the present Spencer residence. Botsford & Howe operated the first steam-mill. Early merchants were Mr. Vawter, Kasson & Saft'ord, Mr. Hyde and others. Mr. Spencer was born in Cayuga County, N. Y., October 6, 1807, and died April 17, 1898. He was the son of Moses and Esther (Albee) Spencer. Calvin Spencer arrived at Marengo, with ox teams November 17, 1835. His parents also came west about that date, but the mother Mas taken ill en route and died the tenth of that month before reaching their destination. His brother-in-law Joseph Brayton, and wife, and a couple of young men came at the same time. The fear of Indians so 430 HISTORY OP McIIENRY COUNTY worked on the mind of Mrs. Brayton that tliey could not be induced to remain in the country and they went back to La Porte, hid. Air. Spencer was always an active man till well passed eighty years and retained his mentality and physical vigor up to near his death. His wife was born in 1810 and died in 1875. Politically, he was identified with the Republican party. Originally he voted with the Whig party, and cast his first vote in 1828 against Andrew Jackson. He never missed an election. He heard the great debate between Lincoln and Douglas in Chicago, in 1856. In church affiliations he was of the Baptist denomination. Of the seven children of Air. and Mrs. Spencer, the survivors are : Orson, of Washington County, 111., and Alary, widow of John Lambden, who was born February 25, 1841, in the old tavern at Marengo, still lives at the old homestead ; and Edna Sophronia, born in the present Spencer house, May 27, 1849. She is known as a great lover of home and a zealous worker in the Baptist Church, and a liberal contributor to benevolent causes. FIFTY YEARS AM) MOKE AMONG THE BEES "As busy as a bee" certainly applies to Dr. C. C. Miller, the vener- able gentleman of Marengo, who is now eighty-six years of age, and who has had to do with honey bees and flowers for almost three score years and has been associate editor of the well-known publication the "American Bee Journal" for many years. Doctor Aliller was among the pioneer physicians of Marengo and vicinity, but about Civil war days abandoned his medical practice, and since then has been an active student and busy worker among the honey-bee hives, and occupied in imparting his knowledge by tongue and pen concerning the keeping of bees and the best methods of producing honey. His is no small, stinted knowledge of that most ingenious and wonderful of God's creatures, the honey bee. To be brief, in the introduction of this talented and universally respected veteran of the bee and honey industry, we will simply quote a short biography of him found a few years since in the biographical dictionary of notable persons in the United States, " Who's Who in America." Aliller, Charles O, apiarist, writer; born in Ligonier, Pennsylvania, June 10, 1831, son of Johnson J. and Phoebe Aliller; A. B., Union Col- lege, Schenectady, N. Y., 1853 ; M. D., Medical Department University of Michigan, 1856 ; married Miss Helen M. White of Marengo, Illinois, /HSHr1l( (M^OC- <-v HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 431 August 12, 1857 (died 1880) ; married Miss Sidney J. Wilson of Marengo, Illinois, November 15, 1881. Began keeping bees at Marengo, 1861; and at one time four hundred colonies of bees, now fourteen, and pro- duced many tons of honey; extensive writer for bee and agricultural journals; department editor of Gleanings in Bee Culture, 1890; associate editor American Bee Journal, 1894 ; Prohibitionist, Presbyterian, Mem- ber National Bee Keepers Union (twice president). Member Beta Kappa. Author: "A Book by P. Benson," 1874; "A Year Among Bees," 1886, "Forty Years Among the Bees," 1902; "Fifty Years Among the Bees," 1911. Editor "Apiary Terms" in Standard Dictionary ; home, Marengo, McHenry County, Illinois. His chosen profession, medical doctor, was too trying on his sensitive nature; it worried and chafed him, and for this reason he was content in withdrawing from that profession for which he had well fitted him- self, and for a time he was a musical instructor in the old "Marengo Collegiate Institute" whose existence is now but a faint memory among the older members of McHenry County society. He has knowingly re- marked in recent years that his "chair" there netted him $50 and some old lumber. For a time Doctor Miller taught school and gave piano lessons and conducted singing school. He is full of music and at one time was a regular contributor of both words and music to the famous "Song Messenger." He was the efficient chorister in the Moody Church of Chicago and even in his old age still may be classed among the "sweet singers." His great achievements have been in that of an expert apiarist. At one time he had 400 colonies of bees and a careful estimate places the amount of honey he caused to be produced by these bees to be in round numbers 100 tons. His writings on the honey bee, its habits, customs, and value have found their way into the Country Gentleman, Youth's Companion, Gleanings In Bee Culture, and every book of importance on bees in this country, and he has drawn from his knowledge of bees in his productions. He' was editor of the department on bees in the Standard Dictionary, and his writings have been translated into the French, German, Swiss, Italian, Russian and Japanese publications. Doctor Miller is known far and wide, and by the bee publications in Texas, he is styled the ' ' Sage of Marengo. ' ' Doctor Miller is a religious man, and has been a ruling elder in the Presbyterian Church of Marengo since 1857. Through his religion, 432 HISTORY OF II, IIKXRY COUNTY lie si'.'s (lie hand of the Creator in Nature. The sunshine, wind, rain, ihf grass and the flowers all appeal to Ins religious nature and in these elements he recognizes sublime beauty, liven the modest daisj is qoI too insignificant to be noticed, examined and talked about. So well is he acquainted with flowers thai he was elected secretary of the Northern Illinois Horticultural Society, and still later was its presi- dent. Be is truly a many-sided man. Whether one views him from i he standpoint of scholarship, science, art, composition, Christian manly virtues, a home-lover and home-maker, or as the plain, everyday, hard- working enthusiast over bees and the production of the extract of all sweetness --"honey ami the honey-comb, " it matters not, he stands out ill the open, high above and far removed, from but few. if any, in the various roles in life, in which he has been so conspicuous a figure for more than a half century in one place. Mc Henry County, 111. CHAPTER XXXV McHENRY TOWNSHIP BOUNDARIES — EARLY SETTLERS — PIONEER EVENTS — CEMETERIES — INDIAN F0 RD VILLAGE OF MC HENRY — FACTORIES BUSINESS FACTORS IN 1885 INCORPORATION — PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS POST OFFICF — HOTELS WEST MC HENRY — JOHNSBURG — RINGWOOD — SPECIAL FEATURES — POPULATION — TOWNSHIP OFFICIALS. BOUNDARIES MeHenry Township is bounded on the north by Richmond and Burton Townships ; on the east by Lake County ; on the south by Nunda Township : and on the west by Greenwood Township, and it is congres- sional township 45, range 8. The Fox River traverses it from north to south, and it contains halt' of Pistaqua Lake, which is in the north- eastern part; one-half of Lilly Lake, which is in the southeastern part; and McCollum 's Lake, which is near the center of the township ; while two branches of Boone Creek which is the main stream of the Nipper- sink, as well as many smaller water courses supply ample water and drainage. It is one of the most fertile and productive townships of Me- Henry County, which has long had the reputation of being one of the leading agricultural sections of the state. MeHenry County is one of the oldest settled townships in the county, and in it the county seat was located not only before Lake County was separated from MeHenry, but for some time thereafter, as is given in another chapter. EARLY SETTLERS The first settler of MeHenry Township was Dr. Christy G. Wheeler, who came here in 1836, and opened a small store. He was a brother of Elder Wheeler, who lived to attain the distinction of being the oldest living pioneer of MeHenry Township. Dr. Wheeler was a medical prac- titioner and also a local preacher, and alternated between his mercan- tile pursuits and his two professions. His health was very frail, he 433 4:!4 HISTORY OF McHEXRY COUNTY in fact having come to Illinois in the hope that the change would prove beneficial, but he did not improve, and at Length died only a few years after his settlement here. Some of the other pioneers were as follows : Henry and John McLean; Louis and John Boone, William and David McCuUum, Wesley Ladd. Samuel Walker, Allen and Freeman Harvey, B. B. Brown, Jonathan and Mike Sutton. Rev. Joel Wheeler, William II. llankins. and his aunt Mr*. Valentine and her son, and also a man by the name of Teabout. The Harkins party came to McHenry Township in September, 1837, having made the journey in an emigrant wagon, which they used as a shelter until their cabin was erected. In December, 1837, Young Valentine fell from a tree and was instantly killed. Mr. Teabout lost his life while hunting not long thereafter through the accidental discharge of his gun. PIONEER EVENTS Rev. Joel Wheeler performed the first marriage ceremony in McHenry Township in November, 1839, when he united Joseph Fellows and Christ- iana Robinault, that is recorded. The first child born in the township was Christy Wheeler. The first death was that of William Herrick. He was crossing the Fox River on the ice, his horse broke through, and in some way his rifle was accidentally discharged, causing his death. His body was interred on the banks of the river, and there remained for many years. but in the early eighties, when a cellar was being dug on the site of hi* grave, his remains were disinterred and laid to a final rest in the Mr- Henry Cemetery. CEMETERIES The ''silent cities" of the township, the cemeteries, are numerous. At first the dead were buried near the old mill-dam, one mile to the north of the village of McHenry, but as other cemeteries were opened up, the bodies were removed from it and placed where the grave* would receive better attention. Among the township's burying grounds are these: Thompson's Burying Ground, the Ringwood Cemetery; one located just west of Ringwood ; and others both public, and church- burying grounds. The Catholics have a large cemetery near their church at Johnsburg: the Woodland Cemeterv is at McHenry village. This HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 435 last named was laid out in 1S58, and is a Protestant cemetery, while the Catholics have another one located near the village of McHenry also. INDIAN FORD At the point on the Fox River where the city of McHenry now stands, in the days long before the white man set his foot on McHenry County soil, the Indians built a ford of broad, flat, square-cut stones of sandstone, which were regularly laid and secured by other stones in such manner that the swift current of the stream would not dislodge them. The pioneer white men removed these stones and used them for hearth-stones, and some of them are still to be found. It has never been ascertained the source from which the Indians obtained these stones, as no similar formation has been found anywhere in this locality. THE VILLAGE OF MC HENRY The Village of McHenry is distinguished as having been the county seat for so many years, and also as being the first town that was organ- ized in McHenry County. It was laid out by a Chicago surveyor, named Bradley, in 1837, through the efforts of Henry McLean, and the latter built the first house in the place, a log one, 12x16, near the site of what later was known as the Riverside House. For several months after this little building was erected it served as a gathering place for the settlers and a wayside tavern. Dr. Christy Wheeler opened and con- ducted the first store. The first wagonmaker was Richard Bishop, who opened his shop in 1840. Nathan Haight was the first blacksmith. The first saw-mill was built in 1837 by a man named Barnum, who later sold it to H. 0. Owen and James Salisbury who completed the work of construction, John MeOmber doing the actual work. Mr. McOmber afterwards built himself a house from the first lumber sawed by this mill. Not long after this mill was completed, James Salisbury went below to correct some error with reference to its action, and not having notified the millman, he had scarcely placed himself in the machinery, than the gate was hoisted, the mill put in motion, and Mr. Salisbury was crushed and killed almost instantly. He was buried by Rev. Joel Wheeler in the first cemetery by the mill dam. In 1851 E. M. Owen and his brothers H. A. and 0. W. Owen, built a grist-mill at McHenry that was for a long time the best in the county. They ran it in partnership until 1858, when E. M. Owen bought the 436 HISTORY OF McIIKXRY COUNTY interests of his brothers, and sold it to R. Bishop for $20,000.00. Mr. Bishop immediately added the roller process at a cost of $10,000.00) and for a Dumber of years tins mill was one of the leading industries of Mc- Henry. The old mill site is pointed out by the old settler as one of the impor- tant land-marks of by-gone days. The race that conveys the water to the mill is still overflowing and the water wastes itself away from day to day, hut its utility seems forever gone for milling purposes. In fact there are but few of the early mills in use anywhere, on account of the milling center for Hour making has long since changed and it is conducted on a different plan, perhaps a better plan, at least the farmer sells his wheat and buys his supply of flour now! FACTORIES There was a day when McHenry bid fair to become a place of much manufacturing interest, in fact it is related that the village had an opportunity during the early sixties to secure what is now known the world over, as the Elgin Watch Factory, but business men did not pull together in harmony, and they let the prize slip away to Elgin, which made concessions and some sacrifices, in order to build up that great plant when its stock holders most needed aid. In the early eighties a pickle factory was established at McHenry. It was founded by that well-remembered pioneer and excellent citizen, Richard Bishop, who for many years operated this factory with profit to himself and the surrounding country, but in time this business shifted to large city centers, Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Chicago, etc., and the small town plants were put out of commission. However at this time there are hundreds of acres of land in and around McHenry, Richmond, Spring Grove and other eastern McHenry County points which pro- duce cucumbers which are placed in salting plants near where they are grown and later in the season, are shipped to Chicago, where they are made into pickles. It has come to be a large industry. In 1868 George Gribbler built a brewery at McHenry. He com- menced in a small way but eventually possessed a large paying plant where lager beer was produced in great quantities. It had a large local and a fairly large shipping sale. One of McHenry's earliest industries was the wagon factory of Rich- ard Bishop, whose well equipped plant was totally destroyed by fire in 1878, but was rebuilt upon a much larger scale, with improved HISTORY OF McHBNRY COUNTY 437 machinery for turning out farm and light wagons. But this, too, like other small town factory interests, had to succumb to the inevitable and in time gave way to the great wagon factories in the country, with which small places were unable to compete, hence had to close down. BUSINESS FACTORS IN 1885 By reference to old publications, paper files, etc., it is learned that the following constituted the majority of business men, firms and professions in McHenry from 1880 to 1885: Richard Hishop, E. M. Owen & Son, Amos D. Whiting, Francis A. Herbard, Isaac Wentworth, Charles B. Curtiss, Gottlieb Boley, Nord- quist & Weber, Barbeau Brothers, L. D. Lincoln, John B. Blake, Henry Madden, William M. Yager, E. M. Howe, Mathias Englen, 0. W. Owen, J. P. Smith, II. E. Wrightman, Perry & Owen, Mayers & Bartlett, Edwin Lawless, Henry Colby, Dr. II. T. Brown, Dr. 0. II. Fegers, I. E. Bennett, John Karges, E. G. Smith, George Dimmel, Anton Engelen, J. J. Gillis, John Heimer and Thomas Knox. Many of the above named business factors had been residents of McHenry prior to and during the Civil war period, and bore well their part in sustaining the Union at that time. INCORPORATION It was incorporated August 10, 1872, with the following officers: Richard Bishop, president ; J. P. Perry, J. M. McComber, II. C. Smith, John King, and Frank K. Granger, trustees; and Michel Keller, clerk. The subjoined have served as presidents of McHenry village from date of its incorporation: 1872 — R. Bishop, 1873— J. B. Perry, 1874— C. B. Curtis, R. Bishop, F. K. Granger, R. Bishop. Smith Searles. R. Bishop, Anthony Webber, Rollin Howard, R, Bishop, B. Gilbert, F. K. Granger, Rollin Howard, J. Van Slyke, Simon Stoffel, J. Van Slyke, (1891), (No record for several years), 1897— John I. Story, 1898— W. A. Christy, John Evanson, P. J. Freund, F. J. Wattles, John H. Miller, Simon Stoffel, D. J. Wells, R. G. Chamberlain, John Olson, and Simon Stoffel. PRESENT OFFICIALS The following are the present officials of the village of McHenry : president, Simon Stoffel ; clerk, W. G. Schram ; treasurer, J. C. Holly ; 438 HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY magistrate, John W. Kimball; marshal, John Walsh; attorney, A. H. Pouse; trustees, Peter Doherty, Louis Erickson, John R. Knox, Albert Erause, R. I. Oaten and Frank Wetten. PUBLIC IMPROVEM ENTS The village voted to issue bonds and construct a system of water works in August, 1897, and this was carried out, and today the village has a fine system of waterworks, including a deep artesian well from which is ever flowing a large stream of health-giving water. The w r ater is pumped to a ninety-foot steel water tower which has a large holding capacity as reserve in case of fire or other emergencies. The water is dis- tributed through the scattered village, and most all neighborhoods will soon have water in front of their very door. At the pumping station, a combined water plant building with its gasoline pump and other fixtures, are housed within one building together with the "City Hall," as the briek structure, near the center of the village is known. Here the council meets, and here, in a large lin proof safe, is kept a good set of public municipal records. An ordinance was passed the village board March 9, 1908, by which a Chicago electric company was granted a franchise to distribute electric- ity throughout the village for a term of twenty years. This was carried out, and thus it was that McHenry was soon illuminated by the brightest of modern lights. POST OFFICE McHenry has two post offices. One at the old original village and another near the depot, in what is styled West McHenry, about one mile apart. The original McHenry post office was established in 1837, with Christy Wheeler as postmaster. When West McHenry sprang into existence, at the time the railroad was built, there was soon a bitter rivalry between the two town sites and indeed the spirit has not alto- gether died out, however generally speaking peace obtains between the two sections. It was during one of these hard-fought rivalry battles that by some "hook or crook" the office was moved from the old to the newer part of town. So, for more than a year, the people at the old village had no postoffiee, but through Congressman Elwood, a man came from the department at Washington, and looked the field over and as a result a new post office was established, since which date, 1883, the two parts I HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 439 of McHenry have each had a post office, one mile apart. Certainly Uncle Sam is a peace maker! The postmasters names for the earliest years are not a matter of record, save in the Department at Washington, hence only those of a later period can be given. At the original Mc- Henry they have been in the order given: J. B. Perry, Captain Snow, Rollin Waite, J. C. Holly, T. J. Walsh, who was commissioned in 1915. This is a third class postoffice ; has three rural routes cared for as fol- lows: No. 1 by carrier II. H. Pay; No. 2, D. I. Granger; No. 3, Joe N. Miller. The U. S. leases the brick building in which this postoffice has been kept several years. The West McHenry post office has had for its postmasters: C. V. Stevens, J. W. Kimball, Simon Stoffel, H. C. Mead, E. E. Bassett, who was commissioned in 1914. This is a third-class post office and sends forth one rural delivery or mail on a twenty-nine mile route, the carrier being James N. Sayler. "West McHenry" is the direct result of the building of the Chicago & Northwestern railroad through this section. The place was laid out by George Gage and it was largely through his influence that West McHenry was made a station on the road. At first the village was called "Gatetown," but soon took the name of West McHenry. Some of the second lot of business men at this point were : William Hanley, Oatmau & Sons, Amos D. Whiting, Smith & Snyder, Curtis & Walker, W. A. Cristy and W. H. Wiswell. EARLY HOTELS The first hotel in the township was built in 1837, by B. B. Brown, at McHenry. It was a rude, although very comfortable log house, and served as a hotel more than twenty years. The second hotel was the Mansion House, at McHenry, built by Horace Long, and used for the old courthouse until the county seat was removed to Woodstock. It was built in 1838, was a frame structure 40x60 feet, and two stories in height. Early in the eighties it went out of commission as a hotel. The Fremont House was erected in 1851, but was burned about seven years later. The old Riverside Hotel was built in 1864 by John W. and David Smith. This was counted a fine structure in those days. It was built of brick and was three stories high, with dimensions 40x60 feet. It served its day and generation and passed out of use. The Parker Hotel of West McHenry was built in 1858 by George 440 HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY Gage, and tor a time bore the owner's name. Its first landlord was Mr. Van Doo/.cn, who Opened it New Year's Day with a grand ball. He was succeeded by William Murray, and lie in turn by a -Mr. Holme-. Later, eanie Landlord Edson, who after two years was followed by W. Parker and L. D. Lincoln. On August 4. 1881, P. A. Parker, son of W. Parker, took charge of the hotel, hut, in bss-}. resigned in favor of his father. The principal commercial hotel of the village is now known as the Park Hotel, ; Id building, but the hotel is conducted on modern plans, as far as possible in so small a place where the customers stop but for an occasional meal, and possibly over night. . JOHXSBIRG This is a small hamlet situated on the northeast corner of section 13. <>f McHenry Township, three miles southeast of Ringwood, a station on the railroad in this township; and it is also about two miles northeast from McHenry village. This hamlet was settled by the Germans in 1852, and was named in honor of their leader, for the settlement was really a colony. His Christian name being John the place was called Johns- burg. It has ever been known almost exclusively as a German settlement. St. John's Roman Catholic Church was established here by Father Port- man in 184."), when the membership consisted of but three families, but today it is among the largest churches of any denomination within Me- llenry County. About 1880 a $45,000 stone edifice was constructed here, and then its membership i 1880 to 1885) was 275 families. The present business interests are not large, this hamlet being away from any rail- way, and the greater number of the people trade at larger places in and out of this county. A large parochial school is conducted here, by the Catholics. There are doubtless many of the present day citizens of Johnsburg who are >ons and daughters of pioneers whose names here follow, and who were in the early vanguard and among the settlers, later thrifty Germans who claimed as their heritage this portion of McHenry County, in the fifties and sixties. Henry Hatterman. Martin May, Charles Mathew. Peter Rothermel, John Weber, Peter Werfs, Charles E. Buchanan, Theo- dore Mayer, Charles Kuhnert, Ley & Adams, Simon Nichols, Mathias Hohlman, Henry Miller, .Mathew Heimer, Frank Miller, William Akt- hoff, Joseph Palmer, Steffen Thelen, Peter Adams, Martin Boughner. L. N. Preund, John Molitur and John Thelen, were the most prominent. HISTORY OF MeHENRY COUNTY 441 KINGWOOD This village is a station on the Chicago & Northwestern railroad, in sections 9 and 10 of Me Henry Township. It was settled in 1837 by Dr. Luke Hale and William II. Beach. Doctor Hale was a physician en- gaged in active practice at Ringwood for many years. Both of these men came from Vermont, bringing their families with them. The vil- lage was platted and recorded in 1844. Owing to the fact that the entire plat was surrounded by a ring of woods, the appropriate name "Ringwood" was given to it by its proprietors. Elder Wheeler held the first religious services in what is now McHenry Township, in a log house erected by H. W. McLean. The first school was taught in this township in a log building which stood on the banks of Fox River. SPECIAL FEATURES Every Township has its own peculiar features, distinct from all others. Here in McHenry Township it may be said of its special characteristics that it is the oldest organized settlement of the county ; it was the home of the original county seat when Lake and Mc- Henry were all in one large sub-division of Illinois. The old land-marks which to the older generations presented hourly reminders of an honor this division of the county once possessed, hut today these reminders are mostly gone and the story is handed down from father to son. But this township and her beautiful villages and hamlets may well boast of the progress they have made with the passing years. POPULATION McHenry Township had a population in 1890 of 2,555 ; in 1900, 2,673 ; in 1910, 2,679: and in 1920, 2,825. TOWNSHIP OFFICIALS The following are serving as the township officials of McHenry Town- ship : Supervisor, Stephen II. Freund ; assessor, John W. Kimball ; clerk, Charles B. Harmsen ; highway commissioner, William B. Tonyan ; justices of the peace, W. J. Welch and E. ( '. Hawley ; constables, W. H. Kelley and John Walsh. CHAPTER XXXVI NUNDA TOWNSHIP BOUNDARIES ORIGIN OF NAME — EARLY SETTLERS — PIONEER EVENTS OLD VILLAGE OP NUNDA — BARREVILLE — TERRA COTTA — POPULATION — TOWN- SHIP OFFICIALS. BOUNDARIES Nunda Township comprises congressional township 44. range 8 and one third of range 9. It is bounded on the north by McHenry Township ; on the east by Lake County ; on the south by Algonquin Township ; on the west by Door Township. This subdivision of McHenry County is among the finest agricultural sections of the northern portion of Illinois. Dairy- ing is now the chief industry of the farms. The Fox River courses through the township. As originally known Lilly and Clear Lakes were in the center of its territory, but these lakes are gradually disappearing. Ilanley's Creek crosses the northern portion, and Stiekney's Run, with lesser streams make Nunda one of the best watered in MeHenrv County. ORIGIN OF NAME For a short period after Nunda Township was settled, it was known as Brooklyn, it being so named by "William and C. Goff. But when a post office was petitioned for, it was discovered that another Brooklyn was already in existence in Illinois. A public meeting was called, and the name was changed to Nunda in honor of the birthplace of Col. William Huffman, a leading man in the community, who was born in Nunda, N. Y. EARLY SETTLERS The first white man to invade the confines of what is now Nunda Township was George Stickney, who came in December, 1835, locating on section 6, where he erected the first house in the township. This 442 HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 443 primitive cabin contained no iron of any description, wooden pegs being used instead of nails. Benjamin McOmber, who arrived a short time after Mr. Stickney, lived in his log house. Samuel Terwilliger, came in June, 1836 and was the third settler. Cameron Goff was the fourth, and he arrived in October, 1837. Prior to 1840 these made Nunda their permanent settlement : George T. Beckley, Abram Vincent, De Witt Brady, Joseph Walkup, Charles Patterson and his four sons, William Huffman and his four sons, Win. St. Clair, Fred Bryant, J. Gracy, G. A. Palmer, John Fitzsimmons, J. E. Beckley, A. Colby, D. Ellsworth and W. Musgrave. PIONEER EVENTS The first plowing in this township was executed by Samuel Ter- williger. John Terwilliger, son of Samuel Terwilliger and wife, was the first white child born in Nunda Township. He lived on the same farm on which he was born, until he passed from earth in 1876. An infant son of the Terwilligers was the first child to die in the township. His remains were laid away in the Holcombville burying ground. In 1845 James and Samuel McMillen erected a saw-mill on section 22, which was the first in the township. After 1863, at considerable expense it was fitted over into a grist-mill and as such used many years. A carding-mill was constructed there in 1846, bj- Mr. Truesdell, but two years later it was abandoned as it would not pay. The first real grist-mill was built at Barryville by T. J. Ferguson, at a cost of $6,000; this was used many years. McHenry Count}' paid the large sum of $15 for every wolf scalp which was taken within the limits of the county. This custom obtained until 1850. It is related that certain hunters of Nunda Township distinguished themselves by capturing cubs and caring for them until they were six months old, at which time they killed and scalped them, and then claimed the bounty. OLD VILLAGE OP NUNDA What is now within the incorporation of the city of Crystal Lake, but was originally known as the village of Nunda, was platted in August, 1868. It was situated on section 32, township 44, range 8. A man named Reed conducted a general store there as early as 1855. The first depot 444 HISTORY OK MdlKXRY COUNTY for the railroad at tliis point (Chicago & Northwestern system now) was shipped out from Chicago on flat cars. That was in 1856. It was set down carefully, just where the old Fox River Valley crossed the "North- western. - " Then, Xunda the village had not even been thought of. This station house was for the accommodation of the workmen, and being fear- ful of the high winds, it was staked down to the right-of-way. Finally Nunda sprung up and flourished under that name many years, and was finally incorporated as a village, but with the several Crystal Lake corpo- rations it was decided at an election not long since that Nunda should be merged with the Crystal Lake villages, and so it is today. barrevii.i.i: This was the name given to a eolleetion of houses or hamlet in this township. Thomas Combs built a store there, and about it grew the small place. A mill was built in 1857 and carried on successfully by its proprietor, Mr. Ferguson, until his death in 1865. Patterson Bros, owned the mill later, and still later it was owned by Messrs. McCord and J. F. Thompson. It was finally owned by Louis Munch, who in 1884 remodeled it and made "'patent flour" there. Iu the spring of 1881, a butter and cheese factory was built at Barre- ville by E. F. Matthews at a cost of $3,000. In 1854 a post office was established on Silver Lake Prairie, and the first postmaster was Russell Stanton. About 1864 the offiee was moved to Barreville, with Fred Bryant as postmaster. The early business and professional men of Nunda included the fol- lowing: Crystal Lake Pickling and Canning Co., G. H. Clayson, Nunda Flour Mills, Gilbert & St. Clair, E. Beckley, J. Goodwin. Philip Roberts. J. A. Sheldon, Piatt & Pinney, C. II. Stone, Smith Bros., Dr. George Horn, G. E. Dickinson, M. M. Hulburt, W. T. Hamilton, Ilartman & Barnes. Edgar Beckley & Son, A. M. Clark, D. W. Wattlers, P. W. Stark, 0. C. Colby, J. X. Powell, P. A. England, D. Williams, J. F. Whefiton & Son., Dr. E. Ballou, Dr. C. C. Watson, and Robert Rowley. The history of the village corporation is included in that of Crystal Lake and will be found in the township history of Algonquin. Of the post offiee, it may be stated in this connection that one was established at Nunda Center about three miles north of the village, and James Mc- Millen was the postmaster. The office was moved to the village in 1855, and called Dearborn, but the name was later changed to Nunda. HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 445 TERRA COTTA Terra Cotta, a station (in the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad, located on section 21 of Nunda Township, is home of the third largest terra cotta plant in the United States. This plant is the principal interest of the settlement, employment here being given to an average of 300 people. An account of this industry and the American Terra Cotta and Ceramic Company, is given in the chapter on Railroads and Industrial Enter- prises. POPULATION In 1890 Nunda Township had a population of 1,805 ; in 1900 it was 1,965, in 1910 it was at 2,110, including parts of Crystal Lake and North Crystal Lake corporations, and in 1920 it was 2,321. TOWNSHIP OFFICIALS The following are the township officials of Nunda Township : Super- visor, A. H. Hale; assessor, George L. Bryant; clerk, H. A. Rowley; highway commissioner, John Pierson : justice of the peace, P. F. Hunt ; constable, George J. Chlert. CHAPTER XXXVII RICHMOND TOWNSHIP BOUNDARIES — FIRST SETTLERS — PIONEER EVENTS — VILLAGE OF RICHMOXI POST OFFICE — PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS MUNICIPAL HISTORY SOLON MILLS — ORIGIN OF SWEET BY AND BY — POPULATION TOWNSHIP OF- FICIALS. BOUNDARIES Richmond Township in the northeastern part of McHenry County, is bounded on the north by the State of Wisconsin ; on the east by Burton Township ; on the south by McHenry Township ; and on the west by Hebron Township. It is a well-watered township, its streams being the North and South Branches whose waters find their way into the Fox river. Twin Lakes have a small outlet which flows into the Nippersink. The surface of this portion of McHenry County is nearly level and is well adapted to general agriculture. Where needed, there has been con- siderable tile drain put into the land and this is annually being carried on. FIRST SETTLERS To Hon. William A. McConnell belongs the distinction of having been the first pioneer to invade the prairie wilds of this township. He located here in 1837 and built a log cabin 16x18 feet. Following him came Charles A. Noyes, John Purdy, Todd Francis, Daniel Newcombe, William and Alexander Gardner, Stephen Pardee and R. R. Crosby, the majority of whom arrived in 1838. PIONEER EVENTS The first white person to die in this township was Francis Purdy. who passed away in August, 1839, and was buried in the Richmond Cem- etery. One week later, Hannah Thomas passed from earth. She was the daughter of Briggs and Amy Thomas. 446 HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 447 The first white child born in the township was Sarah, daughter of John and Pamelia Purdy ; the date of her birth was July 4, 1839. The earliest marriage of parties living within this township was that of Andrew Kennedy and Laura "Warner, in 1844. Alexander and David Williams commenced erecting a sawmill in 1838, on the Nippersink Creek. Later this mill became the property of Henry and John W. White. The last two mentioned built a gristmill at Solon in 1840, the first of its kind in the county. The oldest burying ground in this township is the one at the village of Richmond. Another cemetery was established at Solon very soon after the one at Richmond. Another in the White schoolhouse district, was among the first to be in general use. VILLAGE OF RICHMOND Richmond was platted in 1844 by Charles Cotting and Theodore Purdy. It is situated on sections 9 and 16, and is on the banks of Nip- persink Creek. The same year that the village was platted, Messrs. Cot- ting and Purdy built a gristmill, and at its frame raising (a great event those days) the offer was made by its owners that whoever climbed to the top of the building could have the naming of the new village. Isaac M. Reed reached the top of the building and named the place Richmond, after a favorite town of his in Vermont. At first this township was named Montelona, but later it took that of Richmond. Charles Noyes erected the first house in the village of Richmond. This was built of logs and was 20x24 feet in size. Ralph Andrews was the pioneer wagonmaker, and David C. Andrews was the first black- smith ; the first lawyer was ( '. K. Young and the pioneer physician was Dr. Hessett. Of a somewhat later date, the business and professional factors in Richmond were as follows: F. W. Mead, George Alfs, Robert Johnnott, H. Chevillin, A. P. Gray, Dr. I. B. Rice, A. R. Alexander, Downing & Dennison, John West, C. E. Culver, H. F. Boutell, Milan Hicks, C. F. Paxton, Aldrich & Burton, C. F. Hall & Co., D. A. Potter, Smith & Hay- thorn, John Billings, Cropper & Co. With the many changes in the passing of multiplied years down to the present, the village has never ceased to progress with other parts of the county. A fine modern public school building was erected in 1910. It is a two-story and basement structure. It has six main rooms and there are seven teachers. Its first session was held, commencing January 1, 1911. Us HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY This bunding was built at the cost of $25,000, but it is stated that $40,000 would not build such a structure today. POST OFFICE The post office here is a third-class one and has two rural free delivery routes connected with it — No. 1 in charge of Clyde Wilson; No. 2 in charge of F. G. Motley. These routes are about twenty-nine miles in length. The postmasters, since the establishment of the office, have been : William McGonnell, appointed 1838, who was succeeded by William Adams, D. Bennett, Luther Emmons, Dr. Stone, Allen Potter, J. V. Aldrich, D. A. Potter, Marcus Foot, J. V. Aldrich. J. T. Bower, J. V. Aldrich and W. P. Stevens, who was commissioned in 1914. PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS The village erected a large town hall for general public purposes in 1900 at a cost of $15,000, and it is known as '"Memorial Hall." It was named for Charles DeWitt McConnell who donated $10,000 toward its building. MUNICIPAL HISTORY Richmond is an incorporated village and has been so ever since 1872, when its first officials were elected as follows: Dr. F. S. Bennett, presi- dent; A. R. Alexander, clerk; J. V. Aldrich, treasurer; D. A. Potter, magistrate ; Alanson Brown, constable ; and Dr. S. F. Bennett, John Haythorn, George Purdy, William Purdy, John Halian and J. R. Hyde, trustees. The presidents and clerks for the village from 1884 (no record prior to that date) have been as follows: Presidents G. W. Eldridge 1898-01 ,,. , 1W 1S o, E. C. Covell 1902-19 Richard Wray 1884 J. W. Haythorn 1885-86 Daniel Dennison 1887 L. W. Howe 1888-89 F. W. Mead . . . 1884 P. K. Wright 1890 Charles S. Green 1885-86 F. E. Holmes 1891 E. R. Bennett 1887 •I. T. Bower 1892-1900 William Sherman 1888 George McConnel 1894-98 L. W. Nichols 1889-90 Clerks HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 449 Clerks— Continued F. B. McConnell 1902-07 G. E. Eldridge 1891 R. G. Scott 1908-15 John Holian 1892-97 R. F. Parsons 1917 II. J. Kimball 1894-96 J. T. Bower 1918-19 II. W. Aldrich 1898-16 E. C. Covell PRESENT OFFICIALS The following are the village officials of Richmond : president, E. C. Covell; clerk, J. T. Bower; treasurer, J. N. Burton; magistrate, J. F. Brown; marshal, W. H. Reed; trustees, J. B. Richardson, Fred Arp, \Y. A. McConnell, F. H. Bell, Robert Walkington. SOLON MILLS Solon Mills was among the first settled communities in this county. 1 1 is situated on section 26 and 27. A flour mill was built there at a very early date, but the property became entangled in endless litigation and was of little value to the community. The old mill still stands a monument to legal folly and poor business judgment. The property and twenty acres of land on which it stands are now held bj' Chicago parties. It is on the bank of Nippersink Creek. With the failure of the milling interests, and the springing up of other villages near by, Solon has never taken on much commercial importance, but has a few business interests. It is in a splendid farm and stock country. Lands are selling for high prices and the demand for substantial commodities is steady. ORIGIN OF ' ' IN THE SWEET BY-AND-BY ' ' To but very tew who have heard since childhood's happiest hour that now immortal song, "In the Sweet By-and-By," is it known that this popular song was composed and set to music in Richmond, but such is the fact. Dr. S. E. Bennett, for so many years one of Richmond's fore- most citizens, is the author. He located here in 1859 at the age of twenty-three years, taking charge of the public schools as principal, and held that position for two years, then going to Elkhorn, but returned in 1871 and again took charge of the school work for one year. He then attended Rush Medical College, Chicago, from which he was graduated in 1874, when he began the practice of medicine, continuing it for more than twenty-five years or until his death in 1898. During 450 HISTORY OF McHEXRY COUNTY his residence in Richmond he became associated with J. P. Webster, a musical composer. They were associated together for several years, dur- ing which time they published a number of hymns, the leading one being that immortal one, "In the Sweet By and By," now translated in all languages of the civilized world. 1 1 appears from writings of Mr. Richards, in his Woodstock Reminis- cences, that "Doctor Bennett and Professor Webster, a musician, were in a corner store at Richmond and that .something was said in desponding mood. Someone said, 'Oh, that will be all right in the sweet by and by,' whereat Doctor Bennett turned to his desk and in a few minutes handed the poem to Professor Webster, saying 'how will that do?' Professor Webster took his violin and in a little time composed the music. It was then sung and approved by those present, and given to the world." POPULATION Richmond Township had a population in 1890 of 1,212; in 1900, 1.49S; in 1910 its population was 1,472; and in 1920, 1,448. TOWNSHIP OFFICIALS The following are the township officials of Richmond Township: supervisor, P. B. McConnell ; assessor, John Collison ; clerk, J. T. Bower : highway commissioner. Henry Yogel ; justice of the peace, William H. Rotnour; constables, John Collison and W. H. Reed. CHAPTER XXXVIII RILEY TOWNSHIP BOUNDARIES AND TOPOGRAPHY — EARLY SETTLERS PIONEER EVENTS — CEM- ETERIES SOUTH RILEY POPULATION TOWNSHIP OFFICIALS. BOUNDARIES AND TOPOGRAPHY Riley Township is the southwestern subdivision of the county, and comprises congressional township 43, range 5. It is bounded on the north by Marengo Township ; on the east by Coral Township ; on the south by Kane County, and on the west by Boone County. Coon Creek, with two of its tributaries, furnishes the water courses for the territory within the township. The streams are small and not as numerous as in other parts of the county, but the township is among the best agricultural sections. It is almost exclusively prairie land and even as long ago as fifty years, the farms were spoken of as being among the best in Northern Illinois. EARLY SETTLERS This township was first settled by T. W. Cobb, Roswell Bates, N. E. Barnes, Jenkins Underwood and Osborn Underwood. These persons came in between 1836 and 1843. Whitman Cobb arrived here in 1836, and possibly several more of the men just named were pioneers of the same year. Cobb continued a resident of the township until 1874, when he moved to Warren, 111. Three years later, however, he returned to Riley Township, and died here soon afterwards. Samuel Smith came in 1837, and Russell Baily in 1838. All of these men made permanent homes within the township. PIONEER EVENTS The first white child born within this township was Ezra 0. Knapp, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Knapp. The first death was that of Samuel Smith in 1837. 451 452 HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY Spencer Flanders and Caroline Cobb were united in marriage by Ward Burley, a justice of the peace, August 19, 1841, this being the firsl wedding in the township. Dr. Alberl E. Smith was the township's first physician. He settled here in 1837, remained several years, and was followed by Dr. John Wentworth, who was in active practice until his death. It was said of this township in 1*77: "Having plenty of facilities in adjoining townships, they have erected no church buildings within its limits. The population for many years was about evenly divided between the Congregationalists and the Methodists. Meetings were frequently held in nearby schoolhouses. " From the start, this township has been alive to the value of a good common school system and has improved every opportunity given it along this line. The township was among, if not the very first in the county to pro- vide itself with a good town hall, centrally located, where it held its elections and transacted all business, while other townships put up with the schoolhouse that happened to be situated nearest by for all such affairs. It had a cheese factory in the early seventies. It also was early among the townships of the county to set out fruit trees and reaped the reward of such action by later harvesting large crops of luscious apples and cherries. CEMETERIES The earliest cemetery was laid out at a very early date, nearly in the center of the township. Another small burying ground was laid out close to the Kane County line. SOUTH RILEY What was known as South Riley post office was established very early in the southwest quarter of section 27. A store and blacksmith shop were maintained there for a time. With the coming of the free rural mail delivery system the post office was discontinued, since which time the people of the township have traded at Marengo or other nearby points. POPULATIi i.N Iii 1890 Riley Township had a population of 830: in 1900, 915; in 1910, 822; and in 1920. 717. V £? a H^7/ HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 453 TOWNSHIP OFFICIALS The following are the township officials of Riley Township: super- visor, H. H. Barber; assessor, C. Macke\-; clerk, Cleo Anthony; highway commissioner, H. H. Dunbar; justices of the peace, Roy Griebel and R. W. Metealf ; constables, A. Stockwell and Frank Griebel. CHAPTER XXXIX SENECA TOWNSHIP BOUNDARIES — ORIGIN OF NAME — FIRST SETTLERS — PIONEER EVENTS — CEM- ETERIES — SCHOOLS AND CHURCHES — FRANKLINVILLE POPULATH >.\" — TOWNSHIP OFFICIALS. BOUNDARIES Seneca Township is one of the central subdivisions of the county, being composed of all of congressional township 44, range 6, and is bounded on the north by Hartland Township; on the east by Dorr Town- ship: on the south by Coral Township, and on the west by Marengo Township. As an agricultural section it has no superior in all this part of Illinois. The fertile, gentle rolling land has been put in a high state of cultivation. Originally, this township was heavily timbered on the west side of its domain, and nearly all of the houses of the early times were built of excellent varieties of solid oak cut from the nearby forests. ORIGIN OF NAME Seneca was the name of a powerful Indian tribe in western New York, from which many of the first settlers to this township came, hence they named the township to which they moved after that Indian tribe of the far away Empire State. FIRST SETTLERS It is stated on good authority that the first white man to invade what is now known as Seneca Township was E. Pettitt, who came in 1835. His selection of land was subsequently known as the Sponsable farm. John Belder also arrived that year from La Porte, Ind., and he lived here for many years. Jedediah Rogers, a Vermont Yankee, was another settler of 1835. In 1836 Russell Diggins moved from St. Lawrence County, X. Y., to Seneca Township, and his wife died soon after their arrival in this township. Her death was the first known within the 454 HISTORY OF McHENRY COUNTY 455 township. A claim was taken up by a Mr. Woodard in 1836, but he left it before the Civil War period. Another permanent settler was Robert G. White, who came in 1836 and remained until his death in 1871. It was he who built the first saw-mill in the township. Eli Craig came in 1836, and in 1838 was elected a constable. During the latter year came to the township as settlers the following: Amos Damon, Captain Silas Chatfield, Joseph Hanna, Solomon Baldwin, Christopher Sponsable, Whitman Cobb and Ephriam Rogers. The next season the arrivals to the township were: M. Dickenson, John Ackerson, Peter Deitz, Clark Wix and Spencer Flanders. In 1840 the permanent settlers were: Leander Bishop, John White, William Sponsable and Salem Stowell. Another account given of the township's settlement says that the first band of settlers included Jasper Havens, Levi Morsey and Joseph Hanna, all of whom came from Virginia in 1835-36. A Mr. Albro was the first settler at Franklinville, coming there in the autumn of 1836. PIONEER EVENTS A Mr. White and his family came into the township in about 1836, settling in section 29, where soon after White & Son put up a saw-mill at the junction of the Middle and North branches of the Kishwaukee. A little later George Smith & Co. erected a flour-mill on the same stream on section 30, and this was doing a good business late in the eighties. The township had another saw-mill, built by Anderson & Graves in 1844. From quite an early day the principal business of the township was its dairy industry. A cheese factory was erected at Franklinville in 1868. Later this was bought by Doctor Stone and moved to a site not far distant, and was there used as a feed store. Still later it w-as converted into a feed-mill and butter and cheese factory. The next year Mr. Bigelow put up a second factory on his farm a mile to the west of the village of Franklinville. Subsequently this was sold to I. Boies of Marengo. In literary affairs Seneca Township, from a very early time, has been second to none in the county. A literary society was organized and met semi-monthly, its object being largely to procure good books as cheaply as possible. When the books had been well read by the community they were auctioned off and more new»ones provided. As to the market prices in this township between 1836 and 1850, let it be stated for a fact that those who dealt at Franklinville (known a long time as "Snarltown") sold their eggs at five cents a dozen and 456 HISTORY OF MtHKNRY COUNTY their butter al ten cents a pound, in trade. Corn brought a shilling a bushel, in barter. In putting down the rebellion in the Civil War, Seneca took an active part, one family named Penman, within the limits of the township, sending every member, to wit: father, mother, four sons, daughter and son-in-law. And what is still more wonderful, every member of that household returned in safety. Perhaps the crowning glory of the township took place on Fourth of July, 1876, Centennial Year, at which time Mayor Donnelly, having offered a flag to the township bringing the biggest delegation to the Woodstock celebration, Seneca brought in nearly eight hundred people, and carried away the coveted prize. CEMETERIES The first burial place was between Woodstock and Franklinville. Franklinville Cemetery was laid out in 1839 by the common consent of the pioneer settlers, but especially by the members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mrs. Lazarus was the first to be buried at that place. SCHOOLS AND CHURCHES The first school in Seneca Township was taught by Mrs. Stevens, the wife of G. B. Stevens, at their residence, one mile south of Franklin- ville, in 1840. The first sehoolhouse was erected in Pranklinville. The earliest religious meetings were held at the home of G. B. Stevens in 1839, by Rev. Leander Walker, and he and Rev. Nathaniel Jewett preached alternately every four weeks at private residences until 1849, when the Methodists built their church at Franklinville. FRANKLINVILLE This is a little community or hamlet, situated in section 22, about four miles southwest of Woodstock. It was first known as Snarltown. but the name was later changed to Franklinville in honor of Franklin Stringer, a spirited, highly enterprising citizen of the township. The reason assigned for the first and peculiar name of this hamlet is said to have been on account of a man named George Albrow. who immigrated hither from New York State. He possessed so contrary a nature that had he lived in later days he probably would have been termed a "grouch." In those days, his habit of snarling at everyone gained for him the name "Snarl"' Albrow. Hence the village that grew up around HISTORY OF McHBNRT COUNTY 457 him was railed after him, but fortunately this nomenclature was soon abandoned in favor of one given in honor of a much worthier personage. A Mr. Lockwood opened a store on section 22, and began trading with the neighboring farmers, and after one year he exchanged his store for one owned by a -Mr. Robinson of Geneva, 111. Robinson was in time succeeded by Ilarley Wayne, who in 1843 took in George T. Kasson as a partner. Kasson bought out Wayne and formed a partnership with l'. T. Hyde, and they opened a second store. Norman Brebhall was the Hist blacksmith to kindle his glowing forge in the hamlet. In 1843, through the efforts of ' ' Long ' ' John Wentworth, then congressman from this district, a post office was established at Franklinville, which at first was called Belden, and Sylvester Mead was appointed postmaster. He was followed by H. Wayne, and he by G. T. Kasson. The office was abandoned in 1866, and for six years there was no post office, but in 1872 Carrie Deitz was appointed as postmistress. Franklinville is now served by rural free delivery. The community still known as Franklinville has a Methodist Epis- copal Church, a charge out from Woodstock ; a store and blacksmith shop. In its early days it had high hopes of becoming the seat of justice and ranking among the best places of the county, but time changes the best laid plans of men. The Seneca Ladies' Literary Society of this hamlet was organized in 1855, and has been in continuous service ever since. The first work undertaken was to help raise funds at a charge of five cents each two weeks, for the Mount Vernon Association. It early established a library and exerted an influence for good in various ways. It has now adopted and is supporting a French orphan. Mrs. Martha Rose, now of Marengo, was an early librarian there and is still an honorary member on its rolls. POPULATION In 1890 Seneca Township had a population of 1,046, including a part of Union village in Coral Township; in 1900, 1,105; in 1910, 1,023, and in 1920, 940. TOWNSHIP OFFICIALS The following are the township officials of Seneca Township: super- visor, E. F. Kuecker ; assessor, R. M. Bean; clerk, Roy Andrews; highway commissioner, Henry A. Russell ; justice of the peace, Philip Andrews ; constable, James Welch. J