TO • ' % ' LISTS OF GREEK VERBS. FROM PROFESSOR HADLEY’S ELEMENTS OF THE GREEK LANGUAGE. NEW YORK CINCINNATI CHICAGO AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY. FROM THE PRESS OF D. APPLETON & COMPANY. Entered, according to act of Congress, in the year 1872, by I). APPLETON & COMPANY, In the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. W\\^ r\l & C* GEEEE YERBS, MI-FORMS ENUMERATED, CLASSIFIED LIST AND SPECIAL FORMATION OF YERBS, IN' THE ATTIC AND OTHER DIALECTS. 272. Enumeration of the Mi-Forms. The peculiari- ties of this formation are such as to call for a particu- lar statement of the verbs in which it is found. Those which have present systems of the /u- form are called Verbs in fu : they belong to the eighth, first, and fifth classes. The following lists (273-80) give, in general, only the Mt-forms of the verbs mentioned. For other forms, the student is referred to the Alpha- betical List in 300. 273 . Verbs in in of the Eighth Class . a. '(ryu (e) to send, inflected like TiOnyi. Act. pr. ind. ‘Irjyi, '/ 77 s, 7770 * 1 , etc. : 3 pi. iaori (for U-a-vai ) ; impf. 'inv, Vtjs or Vets, V 77 or hi, etc. ; subj. iu, opt. Un iv, impv. hi, inf. levai, part, his (Uvt). 2 aor. ind. (fj/ca, ffKas, 77/ce, 271), elrov , ehyv, eT/iev, efrc, etira*/; subj. <£, opt. e'lrjv, impv. Is, inf. ehai, part. e7s (.I^t). 657423 4 VERBS IN' fJiL OF THE FIRST CLASS. [273 mid. pr. ind. 'Upcai to hasten , strive ; impf. ik/xijv ; subj. loofxai , opt. Ul/xijv, impv. tWo (7ou), inf. ‘teaOai, part. U/xevos. 2 aor. illd. tljjaqVy eiao, efro, elvOov, eladiju, e^/xeda, efad€ 1 efvro ; subj. o>,uaz, opt. impv. ov, inf. eaOai, part, e/aei / 09 . Kem. aa. The pr. opt. has also Koijut (Hois, ‘lot, etc.) for Utr/v, ioturjv for Uiixn)v ; 2 aor. opt. o'ifiir) v for il/xijv ; cf. 268 a. — cup-iTj/xL makes impf. 3 sing. a(pt€i and ij’ptei (202 c). b. r iQk)hi (0e) to put. See Paradigms 187. 191. c. 5i5 w/xi (Bo) to give . See Paradigms 188. 192. d. *lc tttj/ju (ora) to set . See Paradigms 189. 193. 195. e. ovivTijxi (ova) to benefit ; mid. ovivafxai to receive benefit , impf. o>vivd/xr)v, 2 aor. oovf)H7)v y tcvrjao, &vi)ro, opt. oval/xriv (269 a), inf. fivatrOai. f. TrijXTrXrj/xi (irXa) to fill , impf. iir i/xir \i) v, inf. Trt/xTrXdvai ; mid. TTipncXaixai to fill oneself ’ impf. iTrifXTrXaiurjv, inf. TvifxirXaadai. Kem. fa. In this verb and the next, the redupl. is strengthened by the nasal /x. This, however, falls away in the compounds, if the preposition has fx : ifJL-TrlTr\riixi y but impf. 3 pi. iv-eniixTrXao'av. g. irtixTrpTuxL (tt pa) to set on fire , inflected like TrlfxTrKrjixt. h. Kixpvgi ( xp a ) 1° tend. Verbs in fu of the First Class . 274. A. Stems in a. a. i)ixi to sag, only in pres. 1 sing, i\pd and impf. 1, 3 sing. i\v , 9j. b. (prifxt ((pa) to say , XP 6 ) it behoves , impf. ixpw or XPW \ pr. subj. xPVy °P t - XP 6L ^ illf - XPVvai, part. xp™v (neut., for xp^-v, by 14 b). Rem. ca. XP'S 6 XPW are irregular contracts (from xp a ~ 6 h €-xpa-e-v y cf. 251 c). In airS-xpV & enough , impf. ankxpf), inf. air oxpW, part, aivoxp^v, (fut. a7roxp7j0'e*, aor. a , jr€xpv a€ y) there are no /ii-forms. To which add the following deponent verbs : d. &ya-fxai to admire , impf. rjydfx'qv- e. Svva-fxai to be able ; (for augment, see 198 a.) impf ibwa/xriv, idvvco (26 7 h), ibvvaro, etc. ; pr. subj. dbvoj^ai (269 a), opt. 5 vvatfXT)v (269 a), impv. Mva> (267 h), inf. 8 vvaadai, part, dvvdfxevos. f. €7ri(TTa-)uai to understand ; impf. 7 } 7ri(r ' r d.pL 7 ]v, lyiricTTO) (267 h), 7j7ri(TTaTo, etc. ; subj. iiriarufia^ (269 a), opt. €TTKTra'ipLi]v (269 a), impv. eVurra>, inf. eiriaraaQai, part. iTnardfxevos. g. Kptfxa-gai to hang (intrans.), impf. kKp^pLd/xijv ; subj. KptfXGOfxai (269 a), opt. Kpefxai/xrjv (269 a). Fut. KpGfxdiaofiai. B. Stems in t. 275. el/u (t) to go. Pr. Ind. e^ut, e?, eTp , lovaa. lop , G. lovros i Verbals. ito9, treoy and iryrios. a. The present has a future meaning, especially in the indie. : el/n 1 am going , i. e. am about to go. — b. The impf. has the inflection of a plu- perfect. The initial y is formed from the lengthened stem et by applying the augment. — c. The part, has the accent of the 2 aor. (248 a). 2*76. Keiixa.1 (/cet) to lie , to be laid or set. Pres. Ind. Impf. K€7/ y tcei/neOa, e/cetjUip', e/C€t^e0a, Keiaai , KeiaOov, /cetdfle, eK€i, kuvQov, KeiadooVy teeterfle, KeicrOcca'au or uzicrQuiv ; Inf. Keladai ; Part, uelgevos. Put. KeiaopLai. C. Stems in a-. 277. el/ii (ea) £0 fo. Pr. Ind. Impf. et/xf, ea/xeV, or eT, 4ar6vy eVre, ^a0a, ’fiarov or y re or Tprrf, e’art, iaroPy etat ; ij(TT7}V “ ¥lT7)V y ijcrat/ ; Fr. Sub. Pr. Opt. S, Sjuer, eXyv, eXrjfjLcp or eT/zer, f/s, ^rov, i^Tej elr?s, eXyrov or cTtoi/, efyTe “ elre, $TOPy tiDat ; €i77, u eXryVy eXyaap u cUv ; Pr. impv. Ia0t, eara>, earoy, ecrrwvy care, zaTcao'av or earcop ; infin. €lvcu ; part, «*/, ovaa , ov (opt). Put. mid. eao/uai (3 s. carat), opt. iaoi/jLrjpy inf. eaeaflat, part, iffogepos. a. In the pres, indie. etV is for ea-^/, a being dropped and e lengthen- ed (16) : el is for eert (properly eV-at) : 4a-ri retains the original ending rt (240 a) : etert has arisen from e( : the opt. eXyp is for ea-iy-p. The impv. 3 pi. earcop is for ea-t/raw. The inf. ehui is for eo-pai : the part, cop is for idoi/ (Ion.) from ea-oop. b. The forms of the pres. ind. are all enclitic, except e?. After a paroxytone, they have an accent on the ultima, by 69 a. — c. But the 3 sing, takes the regular accent (eo-Tt), ca. when it denotes existence or possibility : cb. when it stands at the beginning of a sentence : cc. when it follows ov (ou/c), p.hy et, coy, /cat. Thus tovto b ean that which exists , ecrTt fioi ^ovKogepco it is according to my wish , et %gtip ovtoos if it is so. — d. The future form carat (for ea-e-rat) retains its accent in composition, as 7rap-earat. 6 SECOND AOEISTS OF THE /Xl-FORM. [278 mai, r)(Tai , 7 )(TTat, Impf. or Pr. Sub. Opt. Imv. Impf flMVj _ tf/ueda, fjcro, f\(r 9 ov, fjcrfle, f](rro, rjadriUy t\vto ; rjcrOe, H\aQ(ad, tt piaaQai, Trpidpisvos. g. stem tAcc to endure : 2 aor. (rare in Attic prose), erArjv, tAw, tAc* Ivv, tA? )9i, rXrjuai, tA ay. h. 0a) to anticipate : 2 aor. e, Picprjv, fii&vai, fiiovs. n. yiyvcoiTKCi} (7 vo) to know : 2 aor. iyviav, yvw, yvoiriv, 7 vu>9i, yv&vai, yvovs. 0. Sv-w to pass under, take on : 2 aor. e5w (194. 288 d), 5 too, SS9i, Svvai, 5us. p. (f>v-co to make grow : 2 aor. e, , ebebietrav. The following have stems ending in a consonant, and are subject, therefore, to various euphonic changes : f. stem ib ( eib , oLb ), 2 pf. olba know . — The original stem ib (i. e. Fib, Lat. vid-eo) appears in the pf. indie., du. and plur., and in the impv. ; the strengthened eib (213), in the pf. part., and in the plup., which changes it to j]b for the augment, eib becomes otb (211 a) in. the sing, of the pf. ind. : in the subj., opt., and inf., it assumes e (217), giving ez5e. The pf. indie. 3 pi. tiraai is wholly irregular. Pf. Ind. oib-a, ol-crOa , oib-e , Xa-rov, Xcr-rov, Plup. ybeiv or ybrj, ijbeiaOa u ybrjaOa, ybenov or yarov, ybei(v) u ybrj, ybe'nr)v u yarriv, Pf. Sub. elbeo, eibys, eiby, eibrjrov , elbr\rov, Opt. eiben iv, eibe'irjs , elbe'ir], etc. ; Imv. X(T-0i, X(T-to), Xcr-rov, Xcr-rc cv, Inf. eibe-vai ; Part, elbws, eibvia, eibos, G. ei&fros. Put. e Xcrogai (281) shall know, V. Icrreov. Rem. fa. The forms ybeis, ybrjs are also used for ybeiaOa, ijbrjaQa : oibas for olaOa is rare ; as also oXbagev, oXbaTe, oXbaai, for Xcrgev , etc. g. stem ik ( eiK , oik), 2 pf. eoiKa am like, appear, 2 plup. ecpKeiv : 2 pf. 1 pi. io'iKagev (poetic eoiygev), 3 pi. eoiKacri, irreg. eX^acri (cf. Xcrdcri fr. *5), inf. ioiKevai and eleven, part. eoiKws and eiKdbs, via, 6s. Fut. eX^co rare. h. Kpa(w (Kpuy) to cry, 2 pf. KeKpaya j 2 pf. impv. KtKpaxOi* Xcr-gev, Xcr-re, Xcr-dai ; ybeigev or ijergev, ybeLre “ yerre, ybeaav li fjaav ; elbcogev, elbrjre, eibceai ; Xcr-re, Xa-rcocrav ; 8 CLASSIFIED LIST OF VERBS. [290 CLASSIFIED LIST OF VERBS. 290. The following list is arranged according to the nine classes (220- 28). In the first and fourth classes, which are very numerous, only such verbs are given as have certain peculiarities of formation. In the other classes are given most of the (simple) verbs which belong to them. For the special formation of each verb, see the Alphabetical List in 300. A verb is enclosed in brackets (thus [rpe-co]\ if its present system is not used in Attic prose. A hyphen is prefixed to a verb (thus -fcAa-a>), if in Attic prose it is only used in composition (i. e. with a preposition prefixed to it). 291. First Class (Stem Class). a. For verbs in pu of the first class, see 274-8. b. Yowel-stems in which the final vowel remains short before con- sonants (non-protracting verbs of the first class, 212 a): aya-picu admire ciAe-w grind apo-ca 'plough 7€A .a-co laugh ap/ce-a> suffice avv-a> achieve ipa-co love i/xe-oo vomit apv-oo draw water -KXa-co break £4'-a> boil tttv-go spit cnra-oo draw £e-a> scrape cAkcd (4 A k-v) draw X^xd-oo loosen reXe-u complete ep-rcu (eprr-v) creep aibz-oixai feel shame [Tpe-co] tremble cuce-opLai heal ax^o/mai (a%0-e) am vexed Of the above, all which form perfect middle and first passive systems, are also S-verbs (except a poea), see 291 c. ba. In the following, the final short vowel appears in only a part of the forms : the first three make it long in the future and aorist systems ; the next three in the perfect and passive systems : 6e-co bind /xv-a> shut eyes aiVe-cw praise Sv-oo offer uaXe-co call hv-u pass under Xv-u loose yaxopai (/uax-e) fight ttoOe-co miss c. Yowel-stems which add a- in the perfect middle and first passive systems (S-verbs of the first class, 218). Here belong, beside the verbs under b. (not ba.), the following : bpa-u do Kua- anoint d. Stems which assume e in some forms (E-verbs of first class, 217): &xO-ofiai am vexed fioaic-cofeed PouX-o/ulcu wish de-a> need , want €06 A-o>, &4Xco wish [ep-ofxai] ask €pp-ca go to harm - 6 u 8 -c 0 sleep €\p-co boil , cook fxaX~ofxai fight p4xx -co am about jx4x-qo care for fi€v-a> remain ve/a-co distribute ot-o/xai think otx’op-ou am gone Trepd-ojxai pedo irtT-ofxai fly CLASSIFIED LIST OF VEEBS. 9 294] e. Stems which form second tenses (second-tense terbs of the first class) : ea. Vowel-stems. clkov-u) hear (3i6-w live 5l-( o pass under (pv-co make grow eb. Consonant-stems. ay-ro lead &PX -ca rule , begin fix 6Tr-a) look , see ypd (xv) pour Class). piTTT03 ( (e) kill relvco (e) extend Kptvu) (i) distinguish irXvi'oo (v) wash clothes K€p8a'ivco (&) gain g. Vowel -stems: ku'ico (/cau) burn , /cAa/w (nAav) weep , [Safo/xai] (5a) di~ vide. 295. Fifth Class (JVu Class). a. Stems which assume v : •3 a.Lvu3 (/8a) go Tvi-vcti drink iAavvoo (eAa) drive ri-vo) pay back (pOa-voo anticipate (pdl-vco perish baK-vaj bite icap-vco am weary T Cfl-VOt cut b. Stems which assume av : ala6-dvopai perceive )3A aar-duco sprout afjLapr-dvu) err -8apd-dva) sleep av£-dvu> increase -^xd-dvopai am hated c. Stems which assume ar, with inserted nasal : \Siyyd.voi\ (&iy) touch XavQdvco (Aa0) lie hid nvvddvopai ( ttvO ) inquire A ayxdvco (Aax) get by lot p avdavco (pad) learn A apPdvw (A a/8) take b\iaQ-dv(i) slip ba] (Ppo) eat yiyvd>GKw> { yvo ) know [&p<6(TKa>] (&op, &po) leap TiTpdxTKca (rpo) wound Kv-iaKopat conceive psOv-GKoo make drunk b. Consonant-stems. a\-LGKopaL am taken au-aX-laKco expend appX-iffKoo miscarry cup-i(TK(t> find GT€p-'iGKoo deprive aAe|oo (aAe/c) ward off diSaaKU) (didax) teach piayco (piy) mix Tvdcrx 00 ( 7 ra0) suffer xdctcw (x^v) gape 297. Seventh Class ( Epsilon Class). yap-ioo marry 8 ok-€(o seem , think a>Q-4a> push \yT)Q-(iU>\ rejoice 300] CLASSIFIED LIST OF VERBS. 11 298. Eighth Class ( Reduplicating Class). a. For yerbs in juu of the eighth class, see 273. b. Verbs inw: ylyvofxai (yev) become ir'inToo (ttgt) fall [rirpaw] (rpa) bore iax <*> ( fye/*) run oui/e-o/xai (tt pia) buy iadi-co (e5, (pa y) eat SPECIAL FORMATION OF VERBS. Alphabetical List. 300. The following list contains a number of verbs, beside those in- cluded in the foregoing classified list : thus, especially, a. verbs which have some irregularity in augment or reduplication : b. verbs of which the active voice has no future, the future middle being used instead : c. verbs without an active voice, in which the middle has no aorist, the aor. pass, being used instead (passive deponents, 284) : with a few others, inserted on account of various peculiarities. The list gives the Attic inflection (tense-systems) of the verbs included in it. But other forms are introduced to some extent. Those enclosed in [ ], or marked n. a . pr., are not used in Attic prose. The letters n . a. (not Attic, in prose or poetry), — r. (rare), r. a. (rare in Attic), r. a. pr. (rare in Attic prose), — po. (poetic), — l. (late, after the proper Attic pe- riod), — are added to some forms to mark the extent of their use. Forms which occur in comic dialogue are, in general, regarded as belonging to the language of Attic prose. The existence of a future in Attic is often inferred from that of a first aorist. Where the forms are arranged in columns, the future system stands in the first column, the aorist systems in the second , the perfect. systems in the thirdy and the passive systems in the fourth. As to verbs not included in the list, the learner may seek for their forms in the lexicon, or construct them from the stem, by applying the rules for tense-formation (250-64). 12 SPECIAL FORMATION OF VERBS. [300 aa. &ya-gai (1) admire (274 d) : aor. ijyd(rd 7 }v (291 b. 284), rjy^adgyu r. a. pr. ab. ayyeA-Au (4) announce. [2 aor. ‘ijyyeAov, rjyy ^Aogrju, rjyyeATjv, late ?] ayyeAa) tfyyeiAa rjyyeAica , tfyyeA/iat 777 ytAdrjv ac. ay eipw (4, ay ep) gather. See 207. 740 ac. ayepta ijyeipa [£7777 epgai n. a. r\yepOr)u n. a.] ad. dy-vv-jxi (5) break : in prose, only Kardyvvgi. See 201. 208. -a£ co -ed|a -eaya (289) -edyr\v ae. ay-u (1) lead. (1 aor. r., 2 pf. later ay^ax* veryirreg.) (282) ijyayov (254 a) fix a (257 e), iiygai hx^ 7 l u af. aS-co (1) sing : contracted from aetd-cv n. a. pr. acrufiai (281) yaa yaga l yaOrjv ag. alde-ogai (1 )feel shame : (ydeadgyu in Att. prose pardoned. ) aldeaogai y^eadgirjv yBecrgai (212 a. 218) ydeadrju (284) ab. alue-cc (1 ) praise : simple verb r. a. pr. alueaco (212 a) yucca yueKa, yvygai (212) yueQjjv ai. alpeco (9, alpe , eA) take, mid. choose. See 201. alpT]ao) elAou (eAcw etc.) fjprjKa, yprjgat ypeOrju (cf. 212 a) *aj. aXpw (4, dp) take up , bear away : contr. fr. aetpw (a ep) n. a. pr., cf. 22. dpcc (a) fipa (253 c) ^p/ca, $ pgat ' tfpdrjv ak. aioQ-dv-ogai (5) perceive, also ataO-ogai (1) r. See 217. aiadrjaogai yaOogTju yaOrjgai al. ai-co (1, at) hear ; in Att. pr. eV-ata?, impf. atou (a): [aor. eirrfCaa n. a.] am. dneoyai (1) heal. See 212 a. aKcaogai TjKeadgTju \i)icea6r)V 1 .] an. aKov- co (1) hear. See 281. 207. 200. 214. 218. anovooyai fj Kovaa aK^Koa, [fj Kovagai 1.] ^/cou(T0i7^ ao. a Kpoa-ogai (1) listen to. See 212. a Kpoaaogai ^tepodtra/x^ v [ij^pdagai 1. rjKpoaOrjv 1.] ap. aAaAafa (4, -7) raise the war-cry : fut. aAaAa^ogai (281), aor. rfAaAa£a. aq. dAa-opai (1) wander : [aor. p. h^V^yu (284).] ar. aAe'apco (2, aAi(p) anoint. See 207. (2 aor. p. 77A [(pyu r.) aAe'uf/co ijAeuJ/a oArjAicpa , aArfAiggai 7]^ ( P^ r l v as. dAe£a> (6, for aAeK-ax-oo) ward off: act. rare in prose. aAe^ogai TjAe^agjju at. aAe-w (1) grind See 252 e. 212 a. 218. 207. (a Aeaw) a Ad> fjAeaa [aA^Ae/ca 1.] -eagai [77A eaOrju 1.] au. aA-iGK-ogai (6, «A, aAo, 217 a) am taken : used as pass, to alpeoo. aAduaogai edAcev (201) eaAw/ca (208) or f /jAcou(279 1) or rjAcoKa av. du-aA-laK-u (6, av-aA , av-aA 0) expend, also amAo-w. auaAdx. too auaAwaa duoLAooKa , au aAcogai aud\do9rjv aW?Ac«?<7a(199 a) aWjAco/ca, awr^Acogai duT)A69r)v aw. aAAaaaw (4, -7) exchange. See 184. 257 e. aor. p. ^AAaxfo?*' aAA c£|a> ^AAa|a 1} AAaxa, tfAAaygai 77AAa77jv ALPHABETICAL LIST. 13 300 ] ax. aA .-\oficu (4) leap : fut. a\ovixai, aor. TjXd/xrju (253 c), i)\6in)v r. a. ay. a/xapT-dy-o} (5) err. See 217. 281. anapTri'Tonai Tiyaprov r^fJidpTTjKaj -rj/Jiai r,yapT'ti 6 y)i/ az. dpL.SA-ia-K-oo (6, a/xj 3A., a/ij8Ao, 217 a) miscarry . [also e£-a/u/3Ad-o>.] ayfiXdbau) ihufiXwaa ijufiXcoKciy fj/xfiXov/xat. [p/x^XuOrjr 1 .] ba. apuXXd-o/xai contend: fut. -77 6|o?, aor. ij/xiri-axor (202 c), inf. ayTri-ax^r. Cf. exw fd, ftrx» gg. be. d/xvrw (4, a/xvi/) ward off : fut. d/xia/db, aor. ij/xvva. bd. d/u(pi(r/3r]T6-oo (1) debate : by augm. 7}fxcj)ia/3- or rj/xcpeoi 3- (202 c, d). dy.(pi(T^ir]T’r]a(io rj/xipicrfiTiTrio-a rjnupKrfirjTridriv be. dmivoyai (4, dvdv) refuse : [aor. T]v 7 ]vdp.T]v.~\ — a.v-oiy-(o, see otyoo iw. bf. di'-opOo-oo (1) set upright , reg. : in comp, wilh 6 tt t, has double augm. iTravopOdbau) eTnjj/cbpOwcra iir rjudopdoj/xat (209) enrjvwpOddrju bg. a-K-avrd-w (1) meet. See 281. ( a.vrd -00 n. a. pr.) aTrauTrjcropLai aTrrjUTricra d'rr 7 ]vrriKa 1 [^-rjpcail. aTrr}VTridr]r 1 .] bh. dvv -00 (1) achieve. Att. also clvvtoo or avvroo (cf. 222). aj/vaci) (212 a) ^vixra ^viuca, ^pva/xai [rjuvaOrju n. a.] bi. a.Tro-X(iv-oo (1) enjoy. See 281. dTroXavao/iai dneXavaa dnoX€XavKa,[-((j)ixai 1 . direXavadriv 1 .] bj. cLTcro) (3, aepy fasten , kindle , mid. touch. a\j/a) 7j\f/a rnx/xai rj(p 6 rjy — ap, see aipcv aj. — for 2 pf. &papa (even in Xen.), see apaplcKw 740 bl. bk. &p5- a (1) water : [aor. ^paa Hd.] bl. ape-aK-co (6) please. See 212 a. 218. apeaco 'rjpeaa [dp’fjpcKa 1 . Tjpeo'Orjv^ bm. apK€-a> (1) suffice. See 212 a. 218. dpne(Tu) tfpKeaa [ijpK€(Tfxat 1 . 7 ipKevOriv 1.] bn. appLOTTco (4) ft together : see 223 b. also ap/x6 £ w (ap/xob) r. a. pr. apiidarca 7)p/xoaa rjp/xoKa , ifip/xocr/xai rjp/xoaOrju bo. dpve-o/xai (1) deny. See 284. (aor. m. 7 ]pvr)adp.riv r. a. pr.) dovriao/xai fipv^ixai 7 ]pv 7 i 6 r}u bp. (5, dp) win , mostly poetic : [fut. apovyai , 2 aor. T/po^r.] bq. ap6-oo (1 ) plough. See 212 a. In Attic prose only pr. impf. [dpoarco "tjpoaa dpnpofxcu n. a. 7 )p 6 Qr]v~\ br. ap-rrafa (4, dp7ra5) seize. Fut. act. r. a. pr. apirdaojxai ^pixacra TjpTvaKa , ripTrao'/uai fjpTrdaBTjv n. Forms from st. dpiray (dpird^cc^ etc. : 2 aor. p. rjp^dyTjj/) n. a. bs. dpv-cc (1) draw water ; Att. dpvrco (cf. 222): aor. tfpvcra (212 a). bt. &px-M (1) rule , begin (before others), mid. begin (one’s own action). dp^co fjp£a. ?)pX a i ?ipyp-°u fiPX® r l v (282) bu. aacrw (4, ae) rush (contr. fr. diacru r. a. pr.) : fut. a|w, aor. fj£a. 14 SPECIAL FORMATION OF VERBS. [300 bv. av^-ai'-c o (5) increase . also av^-co (1). See 217. av^aco 7]v^Tj(Ta riij^rjKa^ rjv^r]0TiJ/ bw. &xO-ofJLai (1) am vexed: fut. ax0€ (4) throw. See 215. 256 e. /3aAco efiaAov )8e /3 A 77 cca, ^i^Arj/xai i(3Ar)0rji/ ca. fidirTOi) (3, /3a) dip , dye . fiasco ej8 a\f/a {dlfioLfXfxcu ejS d(p7]v cb. fiifiafa (4, /3c/3a5) make go. See 252 e. Simple verb n. a. pr. jSfySco (-aor co ) e73//3acra [/SejStjQacr^at 1. 4$i$da, ^e^Aapoyai i^Aa^rju cf. fiAacrr-av-oo (5) sprout . Redupl. /3e- or e- (205 a, b). [^Aao-rricroy] e^Aaarov (/3)e/3Aa cc. cm. tSu-c/c'-co (5) stay? wp : Attic only in comedy* /Sucrco e/3ucra fie/Sua/xui (218) [e78wr077v 1.] — 7a ^rypo^ac), see 280 c. cn. yapo-e-co (7) marry , uxorem duco, mid. nubo.. 7apioo eyrj/na 76707x77*0, -777x01 [ €’7011x77 07?*/ 1.] co. 7eAa-co (1) laugh. See 281. 212 a. 218. ysAdaopicu iysAacra^ [yeytAcLCpLcu 1.] 4ytAda0T]V cp. 7 eV-co (1) am /a# ; only pr. impf. — 7er, see yiyvoycu CS. cq. yrjO-e-oo (7) rejoice , poetic : in prose only 2 pf. 777077aco n. a. iyT)0r)(Ta n. a. yeyrjOa am glad ALPHABETICAL LIST. 15 300] cr. yrjpd-aK‘ 0 } ( 6 ) or yrjpd-eo (1) grow old: 2 aor. inf. yrjpavai (279 b). yrjpaaoo iyfjpdaa yeydjpaKa am old cs. yiy vo/iai ( 8 , yev) become: also (16) less freq. in Att. yev , f)(TOfJLcu iy^vop-Tju yzyova (280 c) have become , have been yeyivrjpai (217) iy€i/r,0r}u r. a. ct. yiyvAvKO) ( 6 , y i/o y 229) know : also yludaKco (16) less freq. in Att. 7 */£c*/(279n) iyvwKa, eyvccayat iyvdadr]u (218) cu. yXix-opicu ( 1 ) desire : only pr. impf. cv. y\v 1 . eyAvif/a n. a.] (y)iy\u/ [Jy\v(pTji/ 1 .] cw. ypa(p-co ( 1 ) write. ypaxpco eyparpa yiypatya, yiy pagpat iypacprjj/ cx. [baiopai (4, 5a, 294 g) divide : fut. baaopiai^] aor. ibaa’dp.rju. cy. 6 a.K-v -00 (5) bite. See 213. tiritogat (281) ibaKov bibrjypiai ib^x^W cz. Kara-bapO-av-co (5) sleep soundly : 2 aor. -ibapdor, pf. -5e5ap07}/ca(217). da. beiK’Vv-p .1 (5) show. See 257 e. bei^oo ibei£a bibeixa, bibeiy/xai ibeix^TJu db. bip-w (1 )flay‘ Att. also baipw (4). bepco ebeipa bibappcai (258 a) ibdpiqv (264 e) dc. bix~°! JLaL ( 1 ) receive. bi^ogai ibe^d/jLrjv bibey/uat ibixOyv r. a. dd. 5e-a> (1) bind. See 251 b. 291 ba. Fut. pf. bebrjaojuai. brj(TQ) ebrjaa 5e'5e/ca , bibe/xai ibiQrjv de. bi-cc ( 1 ) need , mid. want , entreat. Impers. 5e? it is necessary. btTjact} (217) ibirjaa bebi^Ka, SeSe^uat iberidrjv (283) df. bi (9), bei (213), boi (211 a \fear. b^iao/xai (281) ebeiaa biboiKa, bibia (280 e), fear dg. biaird-w ( 1 ) arbitrate , mid. lead a life: impf. (i)biyrcop. biaiTTjo-Q* (i)bi7jT7iaa bebirjTrjKa, - 7 niai (i)birjrr}6rjv (283) n. The forms with augm. 4- (as ibiyrav) are used only in comp. dh. bibaaKco ( 6 , for bibax-atc-u) teach. 5t5a£o> iblbai-a bebtbaxa > -yp-ai ibibaxOrju di. bibripu ( 8 , 5e) r. a. pr. = bi-co bind: like ridritii , but only pr. impf. dj. bibpdo-Koo ( 6 , bpu) run : used only in comp. See 229. - bpacropLcu (281) -ibpav (279 c) -bibpaKa dk. biboD/ui ( 8 , bo) give. See 188. 192. bdaoo iboiKa bibaiKa, biboucu ' ibdOrju (212 a) dl. biif/a-oo (1) thirst; for contr.f* see 251 c. : fut. 5iiJ/T?, aor. ibi\j/7jcra. dm. boK-i-ca (7) seem , think. Poetic or late are fut., aor., etc., from boKe. 5o£a> e5o£a biboypiai - (ibox^W r * a *) — bpa, see bibp aaKco dj. — bpa/ii , bpop., see rpix& nf. dn. bpd-aj ( 1 ) do. See 218 : but pf. bebpatTpai r. bpdau ibpaaa bibpaKa , bibpapat ibpdcrdr)!/ 16 SPECIAL FORMATION OF VERBS. [300 do. 5 uva-/ ( 1 ) am able. See 274 e. 198 a. (Less common aor. ibvi/aadrjp.) tivvr)(rofjLai bebvurjptat £dvvr)6r]v (284) dp. bv-oo (1) pass under , take on (288 d. 194) : also hb-v- oo (5). Sbtroo edvarctj edvi/ dedvK a, 5 ebvptai ibvdrjv (291 ba) — e, see typa gc • evvvfxi ei. dq. ea-w ( 1 ) permit. See 201 . 208. £aaa> etdaa eVa/ca, etaptai eladrju dr. £yyvd-oo engage : by augm. 77771 ;- or £veyv- (pf. 677671 ;-), 203 b. iyyvfjcrc 0 r\yyvr\5) hold assembly : by augm. 77 k/cA 7 }) f jAacra £A i)AaKa, eA^A aptai t]^6t]u ec. eAe' 7 x-w ( 1 ) convict. See 207. 174. eAey^oo $Aey£a £AhAey ptai (260 b) h^ 7 X^ v — eA0, eAv0, eAei>0, see epxoptai ev. cd. eAtoooo (4, £Aik) wind, (also eiAioooo.) See 201. 208. eA 1(00 elAt^a [eVA^/uat] et\lx6T]V ee. eA/c-co (1) draw. Most forms from stem £Akv. See 212 a. 218. cA elAuvoa e'lAKVtca, elAKvofxou elAKuo6r\v ef. £(i£-oo (1 ) vomit: fut. ep,ecra>, £p.ovfiaty 252 e, aor. tffieoa (212 a). eg. £i/avTi6-o(icu ( 1 ) oppose. See 203 b. 284. £vavr too o opt at iivavTieopLui T] vavrL ^ r l v * — even, evey k, see (pepoo nt. ALPHABETICAL LIST. 17 300 ] eh. tvQvtxs-oy.o .1 (X) consider . See 284. ivdvjuiT)(rofjLcu ii/ iv€ 0 vfjLT) 0 rju ei. e-vuv-fju (5, orig. st. Fea) clothe: simple verb poetic. See 252 e. a/ACpiu) (-eVax) y/McpUcra iffifpleafiat (202 C. 209) ej. eVoxAew (1) harass. See 202 d. eVox^a- co TjvwxArjja TjvwxArjKa, -rjjuai [pi 'coxA^Orju n. a.] — eouca, icptceiv, see 280 g. ek. eoprafa (4, -8) keep festival, impf. icopra^ou (f. ^opr., 14 b), aor. ewpracra. el. irrio-Ta-iuai (1) know , see 274 f: fut. imcrTr)(roiJLai , aor. T]TTL(TT 7 ]dr}v (284). em. err-OjUai (1, orig. st. aeir) follow ; impf. ebro/^z/ (201): fut. eipo/uat. 2 aor. k(nv 6 fxT)v (aTru/aai, (TjroL/xrju, etc.) for with irreg. h. en. TT€pi- 6 Jr-co (1, (T67r) ; impf. -et/r ov, fut. -eif/co, [aor. -iairou, pass. -scpOrji/.] eo. ep, pe, (9,) say : aor. from stem znr, € 0(0 cJttou, elirct e'tprjKa, e^pyj/iai, (205 c) ipprjOrju n. The pr. impf. are supplied by A eyc 0 ,

(Hm., 739). ex. kaTid-o) (1) entertain. See 201. 208. €(TTia(T (0 eiar'idca elaridKa, eicrr'idiuiui e l(TTiaOr]y ey. KaO-evB-co (1) sleep; see 202 c. 217 : fut. KaOevSycrco. (e0'5a> r. a. pr.) ez. €uAa£ 6 -o/xai (2) am cautious: fut. -^ao/xai, aor. -rjOrji/ (284). fa. c up-t(TK-c 0 (6) find. See 217. €vpdj( 7(0 evpov (247 b) evpyjKa, evprjfMai eupedrjv (212 a) fb. etix-op-ai ( 1 ) pray, vow. c£/£o/xcu TJU^dfXTJV rjvy/xai 18 SPECIAL FORMATION OF VERBS. [300 fc. cnr-exB-dv-o/xai (5) am hated ; see 217. (ex0-w hate , po.) car exB'boro/xai canjxBo/xrjr canjxBr)/xai fd. €x-w (1, , o’xV (7co iax ov eax 7 !* 01 ) s, and ex (37 d) in ex&> : also c7x (214) in ejx 0l, 9 an d ^X 6 (217) in (rx^cw, s ff X r ) Ka '> e ^ c * (rxe appears even in 2 aor. subj. cxcS (= ax*- 0 *), opt. . ( a or. and pf. supplied from fiiooo.) fh. (evy -VV-/XL (5, fry, (evy, 229) join. (aor. p. i&vx® 7 )*' r - a * P r *) £eu|o> e£eu£a e^evy/uai efyyrjv fi. £e-a> (1) boil ; see 212 a. 218 : fut. £eVa>, aor. e£ea-a, v. ^crr6s. fj. ^tib-vw-iAi (5) gird. See 218. £ct)cr(i) e£a>cra [e£Wa 1.] efaajucu [t^axrOrjv 1.] fk. 7)& (3, &acf)) bury. See 37 c. darpco €0a\pa reda/x/xai ird(p7)u fr. &av/xafa (4, -5) admire. See 281. ^avp-dao/xai iOavfxacra reOavp-aua \-crfxai 1.] iOav/xacrOrju — 3e, see Tidryxi mv. — freA-a> (1), see €0eAw du. fs. d-ea> (2, &i>) run ; see*!221 : fut. & eucro/xai . ft. [biyyavoo (5, &Ly) touch ; see 224 c : fut. &'i£ofxa.Ly] 2 aor. eQtyov. fu. &A ifi-co (1) press. [2 aor. p. idAi^rjv 1.] &Ai\p(0 e0A i\j/a [re0A Kpa, -jujuaiy 1.] iOAicpOrju fv. ^W^cr/cco (6, Say, frm, 215) die : used also as pass, of ktciVw kill. aTTo-Oavov/xcu car-eOcLvov reBvrjKa (280 d) am dead n. [ pa.vovg.aiy eBavoVy po.] fut. pf. Te0W}|co (263 b). — &op, see &pdxrKa) fy. — bpaacrco (&pax), see t apaacroo mn. fw. dpav-oo (1) break. See 218. &pa iaca edpavaa f r49pav /xaty - (T/xat idpavffdrjv — Spe see rptyo* ne. — see T P e X w 300] ALPHABETICAL LIST. 19 fx. &pvTTTGo (3, Spvcp) break down , weaken . See 3 7 c. 740 fr. &pv\poo [eQpvtya I). a.] rtOpvyiuat [eOpvcpOrjy L] fy. [3-pcccr/cco (6, Sop, Spo, 215) leap : fut. Sopovyai ,] 2 aor. eOopou. fz. Svyd-oyai (1 ) am enraged . See 284. [, Svycecroyai ] t idv/JLdodrju — &t>4> ( TtOv/uficu ), see ru<£ (1) ojfer. See 291 ba. Sv(TQ) eQixra Te6i>Ka , reOvyai irvdrjv (264 d) — t, see el/u (275). — id (e/Sor), see opaco jg. — id (eldcvs), see olda 280 f. gb. c l£(v (4, id, i£, ifa 217) seat, sit, mid. sit: in prose usu. KaO-ifa, impf« ittaQi&v (202 c), fut. (nadiac*)) KaOice (252 f ), and KaQitfivoyai, aor. iicddiaa or KaOiaa. — pres, also KaO-i£-dv-co (5) and KaO-e^oyai dt. — n. 'Ifa appears to be for (n- (cf. Tri-mw kk) ; and -k(6yrji> (which is gen. used as aor.), for *K€ipa [fee/cap«a 1 .] KtKapyai [e/capTjr n. a.] gq. KeXeS-ce (1) order. See 218. KeXevcrco eKeXevcra KeKeXevKa, -crycu €KeXevcr 67 )v [300 20 SPECIAL FORMATION OF VERBS. gr. K€pd-uuv-juLi (5) mix. See 212 a. 218. aor. p. iKtpdadrjv Kepd(TO> tKepacra KeKpapat (214) itcpaOrji/ gs. KcpdaLva) (4, /cepSa*/, /cepSa, 256 d) gain. See 253 c. nspbavu) inephaua KeKepbrjKa gt. K^Z-ogai (1) care : only pr. impf. gu. Krjpvaaa) (4, ktjpvk) proclaim. See 257 e. K7ipu£co iKrjpv^a K€Kf)pvxa, -ygai eKTipbxOrjv gv. KLXpruJu (8, xp°) lend, borrow. See 273 h. XpV *XP 7 l (Ta K€XpV Ka ) n^xp^gai gw. K\dfa (4, uAayy, 223 d) make loud noise : in prose only 2 pf. KXdylu e/cAcryla K€KAayya as pres., flit. pf. K€K\dy^o/ gx. K\a'ico (4, kAclv ) weep. Att. also kAolco. See 223 g. K\uvaofjLcu €K\avcra K€ n. Rare fut. /cAa(i)w&> (217). Aor. and pf. hardly used in Attic pr. gy. KAa-oo (1) break: simple verb n. a. See 212a. 218. K\dau) e/cAcnra KeKAacrpat duAdaOrji / — /cAe (/ce/cATjKa), see Ka Aea> gk. gz. kAel-u) (1) shut. See 218. pf. m. k4kA etyai or KAeicra; e/cAeura /ce/cAei/ca, /cefcAeiir/xai eKAeiadrju n. Att. also kA^-go, inflected in same way, but pf. m. only KdicAripou. ha. /cAeV-T-w (3) steal. See 257 a, e. [aor. p. 4kA tcpOrji/.] KAeif/oo e/cAe^/a KCKAo(pa y K^KAepL/aai eKAanrjv (264 e) hb. kATvw (4, kA'iu) cause to lean. See 256 d. (2 aor. p. Kar-eKAtvyjv.) kAXvu) gkAIvcl {_k4kAikcl 1.] KinAi/iai iKAiOrjv — K/aa (fce'/c^xa), see Kafivoo gm. he. Kva-u (1) scratch. See 218. 251 c. Also -icval-co with same inflection. Krd)aa> €Kvri €KO\f/Ct KtKocpa, Ketcu/uLpai €k6ttt]u he. Kopc-vw-iii (5) satiate : pres, late ; in Att. prose only pf. m. Kopzcrco (212 a) iK ) hide. Kpvrpco €Kpvxf/a [ icexpvcpa n. a.] -p.pai tKplxpdrjv n. 2 aor. p. 4kpv$t)v, eKpucprjv, poetic or late. hk. Kra-ouai (1) acquire , pf. possess. (pf. also eKrripai.) KTT) iKT7)adp7]v k 4 KTripai (20 5 a.262 a) 4kt7]0t]v ALPHABETICAL LIST. 21 300 ] hi. KTeivca (4, ktcv) kill . also dno-Kriv-vv-gi (5), 211c. KTevoo cKTtiva an-turova (257 a) n. Later pf. an-itcTayKa (256 c), an e/crcwca (256 d\ For pf. and aor. pass., the Attic uses redyrjKa, dn49avov, (fv.) hm. [kv-l(tk-oi) =r] Kvi, kvAiv 5ecw, KaAivb iogai. KvAtow invAiaa tceKvAiagai iKvAiaOrjy ho. Kv-vi- co (5) kiss: aor. e/cvo-a; but n pos-eKvi/rjca (nposetcvcra po.) hp. /cu 7 r-T-cw (3) stoop. See 257 e. K vxj/co €KV\f/a K€KV(f)a hq. Aayxavw ( 6 , Aax) get by lot . See 224 C. 213. 205 c. Arj^ogai eAaxov ^XAt)X^ eXArjygui iArjxOrjv hr. Aagfiavia (5, Aa$) take . See 224 c. 213. 267 e. 205 c. Arjif/ogai eAafiov (247 b) eXArjcpa, e?A rjggai iAr}(pd 7 ]V hS. Aa/jLTT-OO ( 1 ) shine. Aagif/co eAagif/a [A€AajU 7 ra] ht. AavQavoo (5, Aa0) lie hid: see 224 c. 213. also A r)9(o (2) r. a. pr. A i)(T(o eA a9ou AeArjOa, AeArjagai n. Mid. A av9avogai (usu. ini- Aav9. or in-Aavd.) forget. hu. Aey-(o (1) gather . See 205 c. 257 a, e. Simple verb n. a. pr. Ae|a> eAe£a efAoxa, eXAeygai iAeyrjv n. Also pf. m. AiAcygai and aor. p. iAexOrju , r. a. pr. hv. Aey-w (1) speak. For pf a., the Att. uses eXprjKa. Ae'^cu eAe|a AiAeygai iAexOrju n. dia-Aiy-ogai converse (284) has pf. m. di-e'iAeygai (205 c). hw. Aei&-oo (1 )pour ; pr. impf. : [aor. eAeii//a po.] hx. Asittw (2, Ain) leave . See 182. 257 b. Rare pr. A ignavet (5). Aen j/oo eA inov AiAoina , AeA eiggat iAei ht. — A tix, see Aa yxduco hq. hz. A ob-oo (1) bathe : A ov in pr. impf often becomes A o (25). A ovaoi) eAoucra AiAovgai [iAouOrjv n. a.] n. Forms fr. A o are contracted : eAou f. e-Ao[t>]-e, Aovgai f. Ao[i>]-o,uar. ia. Av-oo (1) loose . See 158-65. 291 ba. AVaco eAvcra AeAvKa, AeAvgai iAvQrjv ib. gaivogai (4, gav) am mad : [po. ga'u/co madden , ] aor. %gy)va. \_gavovgai n.a.] ^gegrjra am mad ] igdyrju ic. gavQdvco (5, ga9) learn. See 224 c. 217. 281. ga9r}crogai iga9ov gega9r)Ka id. gdaooo (4, gay) knead . See 257 e. [1 aor. p. igax9r)v.~\ ga£co 4ga^a gegax^ gigaygat igayr\v ie. gax m ogai ( 1 ) fight. See 217. 252 e. gaxovgai igaxeaagTjy gegaxr]gai if. gcOv-o-K-co ( 6 ) make drunk, pass. -ogai. intrans. ge0u- (1) am, about ; see 198 a: fut. fie\\rj(ra) (217), aor. ifxcWrjaa. /xeA-w ( 1 ) care for : in Att. pr. im-fieXopLai (or e 7 rtjueAeoju,a<), 284. pcKrjaoi (217) ifxcXrjaa fjLCfieXrjKa, -rjfiai ifieXrjOrjv n. The act. in Att. prose is nearly always impers. : yi\ci it concerns . /ueV-co ( 1 ) remain . See 217. M 6,/ " efieiva fJLCfxivrjKa fiiy-vv-yi (5) wwx : also fxiayoo ( 6 , for yiy-atc-w). M*!" [ju/jiuxa 1 .] fiepuy/xai ifi'ixOrjv, ifiiyrjv fup.vr](TKw ( 6 , fiva) remind , mid. remember , mention, pvrjcraj efivrjcra /xe'jur/7) l ucu(205a.262a) ifjLvrjaOrjv (218) n. The Att. prose has the act. only in comp. : for fut. and aor. mid., it uses fut. and aor. pass. — — Lat. memini remember . jui>co ( 1 ) lips or eyes . See 291 ba. jLiwrco cyvaa fiifxvKa am shut vefi-co ( 1 ) distribute . See 217. eveifia vcviyrjKa, -rjuai ivcfxrjOrjv veu-w ( 1 ) nod. See 281. vevaofiai evevaa vevei ma vcco ( 2 , w) swim. See 221 . 252 g. vevirov/xat (?) cvcvcra vivevtca [ve-co ( 1 ) heap up.~\ See 218. vf)(r curjaa vevrjfiai , vivrjvfiai [ivrjOrjv, - aOrjv , 1 .] vifa (4, vif3 y 294 b) wash hands : simple vb. n. a. pr. [ vltttco (3) n. a.] viipco evupa vivififiai [ivlcpdrjv n. a.] vot-o) ( 1 ) think, regular : but compounds of voeo/nat with cnro, Stct, iv , ini, rrp6, are pass, deponents (284). |e-cw ( 1 ) scrape ; see 212 a. 218 : [aor. e|e avicv£a avecaxa, avicpyfxai avc(px^V v n. Rare are fjvoiyov , ijvoi^a, (202 c.) [2 pf. avicpya (257 e).] otda (9, (5, eid , oid ), see 280 f. oifiwfa (4, - 7 ) lament : fut. olfid^ouai (281), aor. dt-o/xai ( 1 ) think: in 1 sing. usu. dijxai, impf. (pfirjv . See 245c. olrjaofxai (217) (prjdrjv (284) cnx-ofiai ( 1 ) am gone; cpxofnjv was gone , went : fut. olxh^ofiai (217). oXioO-dv-ca (5) slip ,* [- alvca (229) 1. :] 2 aor. &\ ia0ov. arr-6\-\viJ.t (5, for - o\-vv-fu , cf. 30) destroy , lose. [oAAv/u po.] -oAw (-etrco) -ccAerra (217) -oXdoXetca (207) ^oXovyai •o)\o jxrjv -6\a)\a (289) (-oAAvyuai mid .perish.) ALPHABETICAL LIST. 23 300] jc. bAoAvfa (4, -7) shout: fut. oAoAv^opai (281), aor. w\6\v£a. jd. bp-vv-pi (5) swear. See 217 a. 212 a. 207. opovpat (252d) & \poaa opdopoKa, opupopai U)/x66t]V n. Also opwpoapou, a ipbaOriv, (218.) je. op6py-vv-pi (5) wipe. opopl-co topopi-a. wpi6px0r]u jf. bvtvyjpi (8, for ov-ovrj-pi , st. ova ) benefit. See 227. 273 e. bv 7 ](roo &v7](Ta, bjvr)prjv buvT]drjv jg. bpdoo (9, opa, ib y oir) see ; impf. idpoov (201 a. 208). oif/opai elSov (i5u>, etc.) ecopa/ca, ecbpapai doppou & (1) Lat. mingo. See 281. 201. 208. ovpy)cropai iobprjaa iovpirjKa [bovpriOriv n. a.] jk. b(pei\a) (4, ocpe\) am obliged. 2 aor. & jt. jz. 7t€v-o/ulou ( 1 ) labor , am poor : only pres. [impf. epic.] ka. 7 r epti-ofxcu (1) Lat. pedo. See 217. 211 . Only in comedy. 7raph'f](T0iJLUi eirapdov 7re7ropda kb. 7 reWw (4, Treir, 294 b) cook. [ 7 ren--T-&j (3) n. a.] 7 reif/u) 67 reif/a TTCTre/JLjJLCU direcpOrji/ 7T€T, 7 T€(T, See 7TL7TT00 kk. kc. ir^Ta-vw-iM (5) expand. See 252 e. 212 a. 218. Simple verb n. a. pr. Trerw (-a) direrafTa 7 t4tctoliicu (214) [iTreTdffdrjv] n. [ 7 re 7 reTa«:a 1 ., Trercdraapcu n. a.] kd. 7 T 6 T -upon (1) fly. Stem irer, 7 rr (214), 7 rTe, 7 rra (217). 7TT Y\ am full , in Att. prose only in ayopa nA-nOovcra. kh. TTLpLTrpTjfxi (8, 7 Tpa) burn. See 273 g. 212 . 218. 7rpT) enp7}(Ta [7reVp77Ka l.jTrfVpT/oyxcu e7rp7](rQ7]v n. Simple verb r. a. pr. ; usu. i/j.-irlnp7]iJLi (273 fa), also i/u-irnrpdw. ki. tvt-v-u (5, 7 rt, also 7 to) drink. (Later fut. Triov/jiai , cf. 252 f.) Trio/uLcu (l, 252h) emov (279 k) neirooKa, 7 t4tt o/ulcu iirdOrjv (212 a) kj. 7n-7rpd-tTK-w ( 6 , tt pa) sell; see 229 : wanting in fut. and aor. act. (dvodaxTojuai) (Jnveb6p.T]v) ircirpaKa, irdirpapLai iirpa.67jv kk. ttitttco ( 8 ) fall : stem 7 r€T, 7 rr (214), 7 rro (217), irea (35). 7r€{rof/ua/(252g) direcou tt dirruKa — 7rAa, see Trl/ATrXrjuu kg. kl. TrXdaaw (4) form ; see 223 b. 7r\d(T 00 fhrAaaa [tt eVAa/ca l.]7re7rA aa/uai inXdaOrju km. (1) twist. See 257 e. 264 e. (aor. p. dir\4x0n v r. a * P r 7 rAe£a> 67rAc£a [bre 7 rAe^a] 7 rc 7 rA€ 7 ;U(U^e 7 rAdK 7 jy ALPHABETICAL LIST. 25 300] kn. 7rAea> (2, n\v) sail ; see 221. 218. (For fut. 7 TXsvffovnai, see 252 g.) 7rA€U(TO| cvXcvaa 7re7rA eu/ca, -(T/jlcu [e7rAfuuu l.J [ im/cvadriu 1 .] kr. icviy-w (1) choke : in Att. usu. airo-Trviyoo. 7m| (1) miss : fut. Tro0r\(ruD (mid -caopLcu), aor. iTroOrjaa (also -ecra). — 7 rpa, see Tr'iibLTrpTjjULi kh : TwrpdfTKU) kj. kt. irpaaaw (4, irpay) do . pf. 7re7r paxa (257 e) 7rpa|a> €7rpa£a irenpaya, tci'npa.yixai iirpdxOTjv — 7r pia (iirpLa/uirii'), see wviofxai oy. ka. Trpi-w (1) saw. See 218. Trptaoi) errplaa [ireir plica l.^neTTpLapLat [e7rpiCa), See Tr'nTTU kk. kz. 7rTu-w (1) spit : aor. cttt vaa (212 a), [p. iinvcrdrjv (218) n. a.] la. 'KvvQa.vopLcu (5, 7 rv0) inquire , learn; see 224c. 213. Trevtjo/jLai eirvOofxrjv TreTruapai lb. puiTToo (3, pa anda>,foi ov and oq in contract forms, as inf. piyav, opt. piycprjv. l f. plicrw (3, pap) throw ; see 183 : also pun-cco (7). cfiplxpa. eppapa, %ppZp./ 2 eppicpOr ]i>, ipfifiprjr [300 26 SPECIAL FORMATION OF VERBS. Ig. fua-vvv-pi (5) strengthen; pres. impf. n. a. pdorrct) eppwiTa eppwpcu am strong ippuaOrjv (218) lb. [rratpoj (4, crap ) sweep : aor. er^pa,] 2 pf. a 4m] pa (257 c) grin. li. aa\TTL^oo (4, (ruATuyy, 223 d) sound a trumpet : aor. iaaKiuy^a. ]j. afie-pj/v-iM (5) extinguish . See 288 b. 212 a. 218. v\ Secret, at Qrjcropat ecrfteaa, eafiriv (EO’firjKa, eerfiearpat n. a. 4a^coQy]v lk. (Tefi-oo, aefi-opLai, (1,) revere , pr. impf. : aor. p. iaecpOrjv r. ll. cret-w (1) shake. See 218. (TeifTO) etreiaa aecreiKa, a 4 a ear pat iaeiaOrju lm. o-7]7ra> (2, aan) rot trans. See 257 b. 289. eorrjif/a 1.] a 4(rr] tv a iodirrip l n. clyd-ca (1) am silent. See 281. crtyrjaopat iaiy-irjaa (TC(riyT]i(a } -Tjpat iatyriQrjv lo. civopai (4, (tip) injure ; only pr. impf. l p. (1) am silent. See 281. aicpTrrio'opat i(itdo7rr](Ta acaid>Trr]Ka [-rjpat n.a.] 4(Tt(aTrr,6r)v lq. (tkcltttco (3, ] ej/wfx^ 1 '* — (7). (TTcprf'TGt 4(m4pri(rn i(7r4pr]Kay -tjuui eVrep^ffy*/ n. Pass. €(T(pr)\ a [eatpaAKul.^eacpaApat ecrcpaArju — trx (for o-ex)> ff X € , see fd, ml. (1) tremble :] aor. erpetra (212 a) r. a. pr. nh. rpr/3-w (1) rub. See 257 e. aor. p. erp'updrjv rpiipco erplpa rerpfya, reTpippai irpt^rju USU. ni. rpvx-oo (1) waste, afflict : [fut. rpv Hm.] From st. Tpu%o (217 a) t pvxvo’to eTpuxcocra rerp^xoop-ai nj. [rpu-w (1) rub, distress : fut. rpvaoo ,] pf. m. rerpvpai. nk. rpcoyco (2, r pay) gnaw. (rptioyco for r priy-co, 211b.) t pdo^opai (281) Zrpayov rerpooy/nai — rpo), see riTpuuTKct) na. — tv (irvOrjv), see &vu) ga. ill. rvyxarco (5, tux) hit r happen. See 224 c. 213. 217. ret 'i^opai (281) ervx°v TCTux^/ca (later TeVeuxa) nm. TU7r-T-aj (3) strike. Cf. tzXtktou) ko. TU7TT7}<7 ecprjra Tre^ay/ca, izecpaapai ecparQrjv n4(pr]ra (257 C. 289) icpdvrju (283) nr. (pa-ortc-G* (6) say, pr. impf. ; only pres. part, common in Att. (274 ba.) ns. (peidopai (2, (pib) spare : fut. (pdaopai, aor. ifpeiaa/xrju. nt. ca(212a) nx. ( (1) utter. (pdey^ojuat icpdey^d/jLTjv €'p0eyfjLcu (260 b) ny. (pdeipct) '4, (pOsp ) corrupt , destroy. See 211. (pdepu ecpOeipa. €(p0apKa y e(p0appai £Ae|« eAe|a [necpAcy/uLai 1.] £pa£a 7re( i(ppd-)(0Tt)v oe. (ppicro-co (4, (ppac) am rough. (ppi£ n a -] exaAdaByv ol. x“°' ,ca> (6, for xM'VK-to) gape* [also x alV03 (4) 1.] Xavovpou (281) 6x avov K€xyva { 257 c) as pres. om. x«C® (4, x e 5) Lat. caco. See 252 g. 257 a. Att. only in comedy. X^aovyai (281) ex^tra (ex^croz/) /ce'xoSa, Kexe&nai on. x 6 " (2, x a ) J pour. See 221. Simple verb r. a. pr. Xeo> (252 h) ex ea (253 a) Ke'xafca, Kexfymt £xv0yv oo. x 0 ^ (1) heap up. See 218. [x&-vpv-fii (5) 1.] X&aoo exwaa /ce'x <*wa, K^x^crfacu ex^^yv — Xpa } see xpy 274 c. — XP a * see K l XP Vf 11 S v * op. XP®" W (1) 9^ ve an oracle , mid. get an oracle. See 251 c. 212. 218. Xpyaoo expyacty K^xpy^ Kcxpyapai £xpya0yv oq. xpa-o/uai (1) use. See 251 c. 212. 218. XP'OGOfxai ixpyedpLyv Kexpyp-ai £xpy(r0yu or. XPvC 03 (4, -8) want, wish ; pr. impf. os. xpt’ 00 (1) anoint. See 218. (u^xpia^ai n. a. ?) Xpiw exi olaa /ce'xpi/uaq KeXP La-« 1. expooca 1, K€XP caKa 1*» -a/aat] £xP ( * 3(T ® r l v 30 SPECIAL FORMATION OP VERBS. [300 ou. xj/av-co (1) touch. See 218. xj/avcrcu exj/avaa [expavKa 1., -(Tfiai n.a. eiJ/avaOrjv 1.] ov. xj/d-co (1) rub ; see 251 c. also xf/rjx- 00 (1)* if/rjaco, xf/r)£co expTjaa [exprjy/xai ixp^xOrju 1.] ow. ij/vx-co (1) cool. aor. p. tyvxw xf/v^co exf/v^a e xf/uyjuai exf/uxOTjv ox. wd- €-o) (7) push. Aug. e (201) rarely omitted in Att. il)(T(o \oiQr)(Uo\ toocru. [ea >/ca l.J eu ur/iai ecoaOTjv oy. wve-onai (9) buy : st. awe, irpia.. Aug. e (201) rarely omitted in Att. d)VT](rofx at 4Trpid(AT]v{%*l 9f) idorrjfxaL iuvridrjv n. Aor. iwvrjadixrjv 1. The remaining pages show the dialectic forms of Greek verbs, especially those which are found in Homer and Herodotus. Forms marked simply as Ionic belong to both these authors. VERBS m /JLL OF THE FIRST CLASS. 31 ? 34 ] 732. Enumeration of ^(-ferms (un- Attic forms). Those not referred to other dialects or authors are to be understood as Homeric. The stems are arranged under each heading in the order of their final letters , the yowel-stems first, and then the consonant-stems. 733. Verbs in /ju of the Eighth Class. For dialectic ^u-forms of rlOrjfu , 8iSa\iu, 'larripu, see 728-31 : in impf. 1 sing., fim. has Utu (for Krjv), Hd. iride-a (for eriOr} v) with irreg. eonn. vowel a (47 b). Further, Hm. has piPr)/ju (13a), — fialvoo go, but only in pres. part. PiPds. 734. Verbs in pn of the First Class. a. apa (apd-o/aai pray) : pr. iuf. act. ap^yevai (731). b. epa.-/ love , = ipa-cc 300 ep. P. i-nicrTa-pLai understand : Hd. 2 sg. eg-eni [are-cu (609). c. lAa ( t\d-(TKo;jLai , 300 ge) : pr. impv. act. c /\^0t (728) be propitious. d. (print ( XPV^ XP'drai, but in comp, -xpfy -eypa, f. Hrj/uu (ae) blow: st. always arj (731) before a single cons. [- xp av. g. 5i-e (cf. 737 g): impf. ev-SU-aav made flee, mid. tiepai flee. h. 8'ifafxai (5t£c) seek : has r\ in all forms (731). i. k*x- 6 (kix-wv come U P to ) : jm-for 1113 i 11 pr. impf. (but not in pr. indie.) stem always kixv before a single consonant (cf. 270 b). j. elfju(i)go : Ilm. pr. ind. 2 sg. eiada ; impf. ijia (cf. 733) or -fjiov, 3 sg. ij'U or ye, 1 pi. fjo/jLtv, 3 pi. -fjiuv, tf'iauv or -yaau. Hm. lias also impf. with simple st. i : Xe, Xttjv, Xaav. Hd. has impf. fjia, 3 sg. fj'ie, 3 pi. tfiaav. Hm. opt. once ie-irj ; pr. inf., see 708: fu. eXooncu, ao. (ejehra^r. k. K€?-pat lie: Ilm. ind. 3 pi. Ktiarai, aro (705), or nearai, aro (25a), also Ke-o-rrai ; subj. icyrai ; iterative (738) /ceV/cero : fu. kcico, /cew (719). Hd. has icee for /cet, but only where e might be conn, vowel : kcct ai, Keecrdat (but Kei/aai, Keiuevos) : ind. 3 pi. Kearai, iuearo. l. uvo-juai censure, ouoaai, etc. : also 2 pi. ovv-eoOe, ao. &i '-aro, fr. st. ov. m. avv-u achieve : impf. 3 sg. fjvv-ro. n. ipv-oyai (epu, etpd 607) and pv-opcu (pv) guard : pr. 3 pi. elpvarai, impf. epvao, to , elpuTo, vto, aro, pvaro, inf. epvaOai, eXpvadai, pverdat . o. errey stand to, undertake : only arevrai, arevro. p. t avv-oo extend: pres. 3 Sg. ravv-rai. q. eS-co Hm. =r eat: pr. inf. ed-nevat. r. (pep-co bear : pr. impv. 2 pi. (pep-re . 8. ti/xi (ea) am : Hm. pr. ind. 2 s g. iaal, els, 1 pi. el/xeu, 3 pi. edai not cncl. ; impf. -^a, in, eou, 2 Sg. eyada, 8 Sg. tfev, er]V. fjrjr, 3 pi. ecrav • iterative e ctkov ; Subj. eco, -etw, 3 Sg. ep, erjai, fjcri, 3 pi. eooai ; Opt. eots , e oi ; impv. ea-ao ; inf. eg^vai Or e)uer(at) ; part, idv (eovr). Fu. € by doubling the E-sound ; iov, for e(a)-o-u, has the reg. conn, vowel o ; so also opt. eW, eot. Iter, eatcov is for fer-ernov (738) ; inf. eafievai, for etr-^e^at ; impv. ea-cro has middle ending, t. ?mai (r,c) sit : Hm. 3 pi. e'/arac, e'laro (705) with irreg. change of rj to ei, rarely carat, ea to : Hd. always earai, earo (609). 32 DIALECTS. /Xt-FOBM. SECOND AOKISTS. [735 735. Second Aorists of the gt-form, a. &-u> sate : 2 ao. be sated, subj. ewpev (730 a), inf. dpepai. b. cnravpa-oo take away : 2 ao. part, irreg. anovpas. C. fia (fiaipco go) : 2 ao. 3 du. fiarrjv, 3 pi. ifiav, fidp, -fiaGav, subj. j Qtloo (for firj-w, 730), -firry, fieiopep, inf. fir)p.epai\ impv. -fid (f. firjdi) trag. d. fiAa (fiaAAco throw) : 2 ao. 3 du. | vp-fiArnrju encountered , inf. -fiA^ptrai ; mid. efiAhpnp ivas hit , subj. fiAr\erai (730), opt. 2 sg. fiAelo (f. fiArj-io). e. kt foo save) : 2 ao. craw he saved, and save thou . p. hv-w pass under : 2 ao. 3 pi. edvp, opt. dvr) (698), -dvpep, iter, bvaxop. q. kAv hear : 2 ao. exAvop, impv. kAvQi, kAvtc, or ueuAvOi, re (721 b). r. Av-d) loose : 2 ao. mid. Avprjp, Ai Wo or A vro was loosed, v-rv-eAwro. s. tvpv (gvvew breathe) : 2 ao. mid. ftp-Trvvro recovered breath. t. av (aeva) drive) : 2 ao. mid. goto, part. crvpepos trag. u. x v (x* rj} pour) : 2 ao. mid. e\vr o, ex^pro, part, xA we * /0S ‘* 736. From consonant-stems : a. Aey-w speak: 2 ao. eAey pr)p counted myself, A euro counted f or himself b. piy-pvpi mix : 2 ao. mid. epiuro, pikto. C. rrrjy-Pvpi fix : 2 ao. mid. Kar-eir^Kro stuck. d. rrepO-co destroy : 2 ao. inf. 7r epQai (for rrepO-aOai) to be destroyed. e. aA-Aopai leap: 2 ao. dcA (TO, &A ro, subj. aAerai, part. ex(i)-dApepos. f. rraA-Aco shake : 2 ao. mid. naAro dashed himself. g. yeu, only in 2 ao. mid. yepro grasped. h. ap (apapicrtcoo fit) : 2 ao. mid. part, oippepos fifed. i. op-pvfxi rouse: 2 ao. Copro, opao (impv., cf. opcreo 699), upOai, dppepos. j. dex’O/Liai receive: 2 ao. edeyprjp, Sc/cto, 8e£o (impv.), dexOat, deypepos. k. Aex lay : 2 ao. eAe/cTO, A e£o (impv., cf. A e£eo 699), -AexBai, -A eypepos. 737. Second Perfects of the g*-form. a. era (‘larripu set): 2 pf. 2 pi. ecrrrjre, part, (eareds) earaorus, etc. Hd. part, earec&s, earewoa, gen. earecoros, etc. b. fia ( fiatpw go): 2 pf. 3 pi. fiefidacri, part, fiefiaobs, via, gen. wros. c. ya (yiypopai become) : 2 pf. yeydaai, plup. 3 du. yeydrr)p, inf. yeyapev , part, yeya&s , yeyai ua, gen. yeyawrus. d. Spa (fipr^Kw die) : 2 pf. part. reQprjws, via, gen. wro s or 6ros. e. pa, pev (palopcu reach after , seek for, 2 pf. press on, am eager) ; 2 pf. pepova, ay, e : peparop ; pepapep, pepare , pepdaai ; plup. pepa- Gap ; impv. peparoo ; part, pepados, via, g. pepawros Or pepadros. f. rAa (er\r)p endured, 300 nb) ; pf. rerArjica ; 1 pi. rerAapep, opt. rer \alr)V y impv. tctA aOc, inf. rerAdpep(aL), part. rerArjws, via, g. dros. 33 740] SECOND PERFECTS. ITERATIVE TENSES. g. 5i (Set, Sot), pf. SeiSot/ca /ear, SetSta (prob. by 16 for Se-S Foi-tca, be-BFt-a, fr. stem dFi) ; ao. eddeiaa (for e-5Fei-c ra, cf. 632 c). For SetSta, Hm. has also SetSo? (only in 1 sg., with present form). Add impf. -Ste feared, diov fled, pr. mid. dio/xai make flee: cf. 734 g. h. aycoy-a (691) order , 724: ^tt-forms, 1 plur. *avu>ypLev, impy. dueex^h and with middle endings av^x^ 03 , dvccxOe. i. tS (etS, otS), 2 pf. oTSa know : Hm. 1 pi. ftjuev, plup. 2, 3 Sg. ^eibris, ffeubj (perhaps for eFetS^y, 17), 3 pi. Icrau (for tS-tra^); subj. etSe'co (i8ea>), pi. cldoyev, etS^Te (697), inf. idpev^ai), part. fern. eidvia, i5uia(723). — Hd. pf. 1 pi. fS/uLev, plap. 2 pi. ?)SeaTe. — Ion. fut. etSr/cra). j. eA uQ (epxofiou come), 2 pf. eArjAvOa, el\y]AovOa (611) : 1 pi. elA^AovOpev. k. 7ra0, 7rez/0 (7rd(7X^ suffer), 2 pf. TrerorOa : 2 pi. TreVocrfle (for 7re7r ovQ-re). l. 7ri0 (t elOco persuade ), 2 pf. 7 reVotfla : plup. 1 pi. iner- LQyev. m. t/c (ettc, ot/c), 2 pf. eot/ea am like : 3 du. ZCktov, plup. Hkttju ; plup. mid. jjiKTo or eiKTo ; impf. ebce. — Hd. pf. oIkol, part. oIkccs. n. eyep (eyetpo? tvake), 2 pf. £ypr\yopa am awake , 3 pi. eyprjydpdaGi very ir- reg. : impv. iyprjyopOe, inf. iyp'fjyopOai , with middle endings. 738. PECULIAR TENSES. The Iterative Imperfect and Aorist mark a past action as repeated or usual : AtW/ce, A vaaGtce, he was loosing ( loosed ) repeatedly. They are confined to the indicative, act. and mid., and are commonly unaugmented (always so in Hd., who uses only the iter, imper- fect). The iterative sign gk takes the conn, vowels and endings of the impf., making gk-o-v, gk-c-s, gk-c, etc., in the active, — gk-6-/jlt)v , gk-c-o, gk-€-to, etc., in the middle. These terminations are applied to the tense- stem of the impf. or aor. in two ways : — a. directly, in tenses of the f. 41 - form : €-(pa-GKov ( e(p7]v said), ara-ane (eGrr) stood), 6-gkov {fv was), ke-gkcto (for k€i-gk6to, itceijarju lay), p-fjyw-GKe (epfrhyt/v was breaking)'. — b. com- monly with a connective, e for the impf. and 2 aor., a for the 1 aor. (rarely the impf.): 0e-a> push), rater daGKOv (for vaiera-e-GKov 713, from vaLerdoo inhabit) ; coa-a-GKe (d>0e'co push), Kpvirr-a-GKe (icpywrco hide). 739. Formation in 0 (chiefly poetic). Several verbs annex 0 to the stem, usually with a connective a or e, making a new pres. impf. or 2 aor., but with little or no change of meaning. Thus Hm. has tpAeyedcv fr. (pAeyta burn , ( e)epyaQou fr. (e)epyco shut of, £kkxQov fr. euiov (aor.) went, e6irvdco fr. tpQiv 00 perish: so in Attic poets, dfivuddco fr. ayvvea ward off, diooicddw fr. 5ico/cco pursue, eiKaOa) fr. e'luto yield. 740. SPECIAL FORMATION OF VERBS (hn- Attic-forms). Alpha- betical List. Forms not referred to other dialects or authors, and not marked with a star (*), are to be understood as Homeric (occurring in the Iliad or Odyssey) ; so, even after the sign = ; but not after the words for (/.) or see, or cf. But where a first person singular is given, it is, in gen- eral, only implied that some form or forms of that tense-system are actually met with. Of the verbs included in this list, a large part appear also in that of 300 ; and in all such cases the student should compare the forms given in that list. aa. hi to (da) craze : dara or aaa, ada07]v ; *aa- only by augm. v. a-aaros. ab. ayd-ofjLai, ayaiopai (cl. 4), envy: aya(ro/iai , aya Gdur)v, hydros. ac. dyeipco gather : r\yepeOovraL 739, 2 ao. dyep6y.r)u 712, aypduevos 721 C, pf. dyriyeparcu, aro 705 ; also pr. inf. riyepe-eadai (cl. 7, cf. 613). ad. dy-uy lead: ao. d|ere, a^epevat, 699. — a5 (eaSop), see avbduco be. 34 DIALECTS. SPECIAL FORMAT; OX [74a ao. aSe (or a55e) be sated: ao. opt. abdiaeie, pf. part. abriKcCs. — ue (af (7a), sec lavco ft. af. aeid-oo (att. a8a>), 300 af ag. aeipco {cup) take up : ijeipa, rjepOrjv, plup. doopro (for rjopro)', hepeOovra *739. Of aipco (300) Hm. has only rjpafnju^ apOeis. Cf. etpu dz. ah. ac^-oo increase , pr. impf. (for *av£co, *uv£dva>). ai. drj/xi (ae) blow , pr. impf., see 734 f. aj. atb-o/xai pr. impf., = aldeo/xai (300). ak. alve-ca praise : alviiacc, ijurjcra ; also pr. aivi^ofxai. al. at-w/xai take away , pr. impf. ; in comp, air o aiw jxa i, air aivv/xai. am. aipecjo (a tpe, eA) take: lid. pf. dpaiprjKu (692). an. aicraco (ai'/c) rush: -a‘/£a>, rfi'x^W j see aa-o-cw, 300 bu. — a/c-ax, see &xwfiai br : also 620. — aA {iaArju), see e¥Aa> du. ao. aAd-o/xai wander : pf. d\a\rjixai (692. 712) as pres., ao. a\r]67]v (284). ap. d\5-dva> make large , aXbricrKco («A5-e) (/row /ar< 7 e, pr. impf. aq. aAe£co {aXeK-CKCo) ward off : aXe^rjaco (217), TjAe^rxa, dAaA/coi/ (721 d). ar. aA evo/xai {aXv), aAeo/xai, avoid: ao. ^A s{v)dp.r\v 720; pr. dAeeiVw 694 a. as. dXO-ojxai am healed: dAOdjcroiuai (217). at. *aA LaKopLai (aA, aA-o) am taken: Hm. 2 ao. H\Xwv, 735 m. an. *a\iT-alvoiuai offend: Hm. ao. ijXiT-ov, -o/xrjv, pf aAiT'fj/xevos (217. 712). av. aX-Xofxai leap: 2 ao., 736 e. — aA/c (d\e£a>, dXaXKov), aq. aw. a\-a\vtcTri-juLai (cf. 692) distressed : cf. Hd. aAv/crdfa. ax. aXvaKw {a\vK-(TKoo) avoid : aXv^w, fjAv£a ; also aXva-K-dvco, -afa (cf. ar.) ay. dXcp-dvoo procure , att. po. : Hm. 2 ao. d]X , tfcpiicra. br. dx-rv/xai (rare dx~ofxai) sorrow : ao. fptaxov (721 b, r. r^icdxv^ 0 -) pained, ao. m. i) Ka X°l JL7 l l 'i pf* dKdxvtxai, aurix^/xai (217. 725. 712). Also pr. axtw, dx^vc*}v, sorrowing: dKaxifa pain. bs. *a-cosate : 11m. daoo, dc ra, 2 ao. ecc/xev, dycvai (735 a), v. aro? (f. &-ar os). bt. )8aiVw go : in -jS^crw, e/8 rjaa, cause to go (288) ; cf. 699. 735 c. 737 b. bu. /3aA-Aa> throw: -PAdicrupLai r., ifiA’hixriv (735 d), /06/8A rjai (711. 705). bv. fSapvv-o) burden, ifiapvv6y]v : intr. fiapv-0 w (739), pf. PefiapTjobs (st. /8 ape). bw. $d-v {fii-l 3a-cov), = (Sulvcav going. by. *&iPp6(TKw {&po) eat ; Ilm. pwOco (739) : 2 pf. part. 0$# pares trag. Or TEEBS. ALPHABETICAL LIST. 35 740] bz. */3 io-o) .* Em. fu. fi eloyai, fi eoyai (719), 2 ao. impv. fhoo too. ca. p\afi-€Tai = fiAdirrerai is hurt. [yeyfiAooKa 621. cb. (yoA, /xAo, 215) go, come : fu. yoAovyai trag., 2 ao. eyoAov, pf. CC. /3oAe, in (SefioATiaTOy Tjyevos, — /3e/3A r,aTo, Tjyevos, fr. /3aAAa> bu. cd. fiovA-oyai wish , Hm. also fioAoyai : 2 pf. irpc-fiefiovAa. ce. $p*x rattle, only in 2 ao. efipax?. cf. fipi9-u am heavy : ^Pp'iGco, efipiaa, /3e(3pi6a. eg. & pox swallow , ao. opt. ava-(tcara-)l3p6^ei€, 2 ao. p. avafipox*l$. ch. *0 (7): *e&pvxyadyir)v, Hm. /3e/3 pi>xaroar, (but ai'a-fief3pi’X € — 7a (Yeyaacr*, 767^6^), See 737 C. wy>.) ci. yaw-yai am, glad: yavvcraoyai ; orig. st. 7a in yalcav cl. 4, glad. cj. ye-ywv-a cry (pf. plup., 724) : not in Hm. ye^eav-iaKia, -eca, -^erw, -yera. ck. 7 eivoyai (yev) am born : ao. iyeivanrjv begot , bore , (yeivayevos Xen ) cl. 7 eV-To seized, 736 g. cm. yrjpa-a'Kw : 2 ao. part, yrjpas (279 b). cn. yiyvoyai (yev) become : *eyevro — iyevero ; yeyadai, 737 c. co. yiyvcx)(TKco (yvo) know : Hd. dv-eyvcaaa, Hm. yveoros ( 7 vgo(Tt6s). cp. -yvayir-rii) bend: yvdy\f/co trag., av-eyvay^a, -eyvdy(pdr,v. cq. yo-d-oo (7) bewail: yorjcroyai , 2 ao. eyoov. cr. 3a: fu. 597a) (719) shall find, 2 ao. Sedao*/ (721 b) taught, mid. dedda- cr0at (for a-eadai), pf. deddrjKa (217) have learned, 2 pf. 5e5aa>s, 2 ao. pass. e3a?7J/ learned, fu. daheroyai (726). cs. ded-vvyi feast trans., mid. intrans. (698): daiaco, edaiaa. [705.607. ct. daioyai (4, da) divide : dacroyai, idaadyrjv, pf. dedacrrai 218, dedai-arai cu. dale 0 (4, da) burn trans., mid. intr. : 2 ao. sub. Sa^raq pf. dedrja intr. cv. ddyvriyi, dayvaco (day,daya 217 a. 694) overcome: daydoo (future, 719), iddyaaa, dedyrjKa (215), dedyrjyai , ao. p. edaydaOj ]v (218) or edyi}97]v, more freq. eddyrjv. Pr. daya fa not in Hm. cw. *dapQ-dvoo sleep : Hm. 2 ao. edpaOov (721 a). cx. dare-oyai divide, pr. impf., = daloyai ct. cy. dea-ro impf. seemed , akin to doa-oraaro di. — deldia, deldco, eddeicra, see 737 g. CZ. delit-vvyi show : Hd. Se£a>, e5e£a, dedeyyai, edex^W- Hm. pf. deldeyyai greet (for dedeiyyai, 3 pi. deidexurai, aro) ; and in same sense, deuc - ava-oyai (694 a) and dsid'urKoyai (f. de-deiK-crKoyai). da. dey-w (=r att. oiKoboyeoi) build: edeiya, dedyrjyai (215). db. depK-oyai see: edpaieov (721 a), dedopKa see , *idepxOyv. dc. d^x-oyai receive, Hd. deKoyai : 2 ao. ideyyrjv 736 j, pf. Se^arat 691. dd. de-co want: Hm. lias in act. only dijae, kdevrjae, mid. always dev oyai. de. drjpi-d-oyai (7) quarrel : ao. idrjpladyrjv, edr}plvOv,v (726). df. di ( deldia , die, dloyai ), see 737 g. dg. dldccyt (5o) give, see 728-31 : fu. Siddcrco = ddaca. dh. die (ev-dieaav, dieyai), see 734 g. di. dl&yai seek , 734 h : fu. diCv^oyai. dj. due fling: 2 ao. ediKov trag. dk. *dicaK-aQco (fr. didoKa), 739. dl. doa-acraro ao. seemed, subj, dodao-erai (697) ; cf. dea-ro cy. dm. done, in dedoKrjyevos , = 563e7/xez/os fr. dex~oyai receive. dn. *dovTT-e-co sound: Hm. edovirricra or eydov7nr}cra, 2 pf. dedovirdos. do. dv-v-co (r. dvto), mid. ovoyai : ao. idverero, dvereo , dvaoyeros, 699. dp. iyelpco wake : ao. m. iypayrjy (721 c. 712), pf. iypr)y6p9d(ri (737 n). dq. efoyai (e5, orig. aed) sit: trans. ao. eTaa (f. e-45-ora) seated, iecrcrayTjv (f. e-ed-aayTjy, *ei(jayr\v), impv. elaov, inf. - ecraai , part, eaas, kcradye - vos (Hd. -elcras, elcrdyevos ), fu. -ecrcroyai. 36 DIALECTS. SPECIAL FORMATION [740 dr. c-9-cov pr. part, accustomed: fr. st. 7)0, pf. efaOa or ecoOa (692). — ezaraz, aro, or earat , aro, see IjfJLai 734 t ; eza to, see evvvyu eh. — ezooyaz appear , see opazy jn. — ez/c, see eoz/ca 737 m. ds. *eU-ddoo (fr. ez/c a> yield)* see 739. dt. *ezAucy (eAu, ezAo) wircctf, wrap .* Hm. fu. ez’ADcrcy, pf. ezAv-aTaz, ao. iAvadrjv . du. ezAzy (eA, Orig. Fe A) press : eA tra 696, eeAyai 690, eaAr}v 264 e. Hm. pr. act. only ez’Ae'zy (att. also ezAea> ; but efAAcy, IfAAcy, = elAvu). — eluaz, etaro, elvvov, see eVro/xz ell. dv. €iui («) yo, see 734 j. dw. eiyi (ea) am, see 734 s. dx. etpy-uvuL shut in , etpy-oo shut out , not in Hm., see epyoo em. dy. tfpo/Liou ask, elpriaopai ; Ionic (607) for *ep-opai y *epr]aopai. — ezpu, see epu-w, opaz, ez, ey. — ezpco say, see ep ek. dz. tzpzy (ep, orig. aep)join: Hm. only eepro, eepy.4vos\ but from kindred St. aep, ao. a'uz'-^ezpe, - aelperai (697). — ef, see fcr/ccy gb. ea. eAa.bvoo (eAa) drive : fu. eAo'ey 719, plup. t/AtjA aTo 689, e’A^AeSaro 725. eb. eA 3-oyaz and eeAdouai (cf. 603 a) wisA, only pr. impf. ec. eAu-oo draw , pr. impf. ; also eA /ce-zy : eA/oVco, ^AKipaa^ rjAKvQrjv. ed. eA7r-cy (603) caase to hope , mid. Aope: 2 pf. eoA-rra Aope, ewAireiv, 692. ee. evaipco (trap) slay : 2 ao. *fjvapov, ao. m. evriparo. — ez/e/c (^ez/c-a, -oz/), (pepoo ms. ef. en-evrivoQe (207) was upon* eg. ivin-TQ) chide , also eviaaw (cf. 294 b): 2 ao. 7)z/z'7ra7roz', eveviTrov, 721 e. eh. e-rvu/ju (orig, St. feor) clothe , impf. Kara-eivvov (f. Fea-vvov ) : fu. eer-rrcy, ao. ea-aa } e(a)adari v (eeaaaro 603 a); pf. ezp-az (f. 691), eer- aaz, (-ea-Taz Hd.) ezraz, plap. eWo, earo (eWro 603 a), elaro (705), — eoz/ca (z/c, ez/c), 737 m. [part, ez/xez/oy. ei. eV-cy (f767r) am £>asy, mid. follow : -eif/u, 2 ao. -ecnrov, k(nr6p.T)v, eaircoyaiy k(TTToip.7)v , etc. (better (T7r<£uaz, etc.), 721 c, impv. <77re7o f. 0 - 7 reo. ej. ij/(v)-eirct) (rre7r, e7r) tell: evtif/cv (evi-a ir-aw), evi-aTry-aa) (217), 2 ao. erz- cT7r-or, impv. evi-an-e or evi-aire-s (2 pi. eairere f. ev-atrere). ek. ep, pe, say, pr. ezpcy rare, fu. epe'cy, ao. e-eiwov (690) ; eipeQrjv Hd. cl. (734 b) = epa-co love : ao. rjpaadprjv. cm. ep 7 -cy, iepy-toj eepy-vvpi (603) shut in or out : ao. ep£cz, pf. epxa-Tcu, aro (691. 725), eepypevos, ao. p. epxOeis: (e)epyadov, *eipya$ov , 739. cn. eplcy (4, for ep fey, st. epy 603) do: ep|o>, ep|a, eopya, ecopyeiv (692). Hd. has pr. impf. epScy. Cf. pefco (pey = epy 215). eo. epei8-oo prop : pf. eprjpeSaTaz, aro (725), ijprjpeiaro (6 89). ep. *£pdtcoo (epzze) remc/ : Hm. 2 ao. ijpinov shivered intrans. cq. epetVcy (epzvr) overthrow : intrans. 2 ao. tfpnrop fell , perf. e’p^pz7ra, plup. . epipnrTo (207) : perhaps also av-Tipeiif/avro snatched away . Not in Hm., e’pez^w, fjpeixp a, TjpeLcpOrjUy Tjp'nnjy, er. ipiaaco (eper) row: ao. rjpeaa. es. epevyopiai (epvy) syew (att. po. epvyyavco 224 c) : 2 ao. tfpvyov roared . et. epevdoo (epvd) make red , ao. inf. e’pePcraz ; epvQ-a.lvoy.ou grow red , 694 a. ©a. epid-aivoo contend (694 a): ao. inf. epidrj-rraaQai ; usu. e’pz'fco, ao. tfpicra* CV. * asA, Hm. efyopai (607): fu. ez’p^aoyaz, ao. inf. epeaQau (712). Also pr. epe -00 (subj. epeioyeV) cf. 730), ipe-opai (impv. epezo fr. epeeo, 18 d), and ipe-eivoo (694 a). ew. ano-epaa swept away , defective aorist. ex. epvK-a) (also -az/co, -az/aco) Ao7c? back: ep6| ?/piz^a, ypvK-aK-ov 721 e. ry. £pv-ouai guard (734 n) : epv( (inf. ipveoQcu 719), £pu(a)a(ipiT)v ; also with stem eipv (607) in same tenses. Cf. pv-oyai kz. OF VERBS. ALPHABETICAL LIST. 37 740] ez. epv-w (603) draw : epvaw (epva 719), eXpvaa 690, eXpvycu (-07x0* r.) fa. epxopiai come: 2 ao. f/A vdor, 2 pf. ei\r)AovQa 611, elXr\AovOy.ei/ 737 j. fb. ecrOwo, eadco, ebca, eat ; inf. ^bpcevai 734 q: pf. ebrjbds, eb^bo/uLai. — ecr-aa, 6 K-cbs (f. -o/ca>x-), plup. eTv-&x~ aro — econer, see && bs. [(705): ejx~*®~° v 739. fd. (a-w live , in Hm. only pr. part, (wr ; ion. (jo-cv pr. impf. fe. Tjfxai (r/cr) sit ; 3 pi. eXarai,, or carat, earo, 734 t. ff. 7 J/J.V- 0 D bow : ao. tfnvaa, pf. vn-eixv-huvKa w. irreg. redupl. fg. *3aA-Aa> flourish: Hm. perf. redrjXa (reOaXuia 723); pres. S^Acco 217, fu. &t]A t](tco ; part. 3aA-e(?-cyt', rrjXeOdcor (f. driA-eO-a-vi/), 739. fh. 3a tttgj (3a<£) bury : Hd. pf. reddeparai (705), ao. p. idaepOrji/. fi. 3a<£> (9) : 2 pf. TedrjTra (37. 257 c) wonder , 2 ao. part, rcupdov (37 c). fj. &efau (3ez/) smite: ao. edetva ; att. po., fu. 3ei/a), 2 ao. SeveXv. fk. drep- 0 / am warmed: fu. Sbepao/ 696, 2 ao. p. subj. 3epea\ fl. & 7 ]€-opai (att. fredoyai) view : ed^rjadyriu, once Srjaa'iaro (st. 3a). frn. 3 rjoOcu (for 3 a-eodai, cf. 251 c) to milk. fn. 3Aa-a ) crush , late : Hm. ao. edXaaa (212 a). fb. 3^o"/cco (3a*/) 2 pf., 737 d. fp. 3 op-wyai Hd., == 3 pdauco leap. fq. *3 pdffau (3 pax) disturb : Hm. only 2 pf. rerp^xo- (37 c) am troubled. fr. *&pvTTTco break: 2 ao. -erptKprjv 37 c. fs. 3u-co, 3 v-v-co, rope, pr. impf. ft. lavoo (8, av, ae, 217. 25) sleep : ao. &eoa (a by aug.), pi. aaaiuev 18 b. fu. iax-co make noise : pf. part. a/u, rjcra. fv. ibpv-ca seat , establish : Xbpvo'a, Idpvvdrjv (726, att. ibpvQrjv). f tv. Xtj/u (e) send , Xeiv 733 : ao. i yea, erjKx 201 : fu. a v-ecrev, ao. &v-ecra. Hd. pf. aveuvrai (?) f. dv-eXvrai, p€-/xeT-i-fxeros f. /xe0-ct/xej/os. fx. ik, eiK, see eoiKa 737 m ; and Xckgo gb. fy v U-v trag., e/ccAra (696) : in prose oKeXXco. gn. KeXdd-Gov sounding : ao. - KeXdbrjtra (217) ; not in Hm. /ceAa5ea>, -rjac*}. go. KeX-ofiai command: fu. ueX riao/xai (217), ao. eKeKX 6 fjL 7 ]v (721 d). gp. *KevT€-o* prick, *«:ej/TT7, etc., reg. : Hm. ao. inf. Kevoai (f. Kerr-vai). gq. Kepa-co (f. Kepd-uvvpLi), Kepaioo (4), mix : ao. inf. eTu-Kpr\aai (st. Kpa ). gr. *K€pdaLvcc gain : Hd. fu. Kepbi\Tes (o^res ?) ha. /cAet-co celebrate (trag. /cAe'w 25 a), pass. KXsopar, akin to kAv hd. hb. *k\ 7 }i-uo (f. /cAei'o? 608) : Hm. eKXhlaa ; Hd. KeKXh'ipat, -eKArjiaOrju. lie. kXluco incline: pf. 3 pi. KeKXi-arai, ao. p. €kXl6t)u, eKXiuOrju, cf. 726. lid. kXv-co hear trag. : Hm. 2 ao. zkAvov ; kAvQi, re, kskAvOl, re, 735 q. he. /coV-ro) cut : pf. part. KeKovds. hf. *Kope-vuvpi sate: fu. Kopeoo , pf. part. KeKoprjds, pf. m. Kexoprip at. hg. Kopvcraoo (223 b) equip : ao. Kopv(rcrdpeuos , pf. Keicopvdpeuos 620. lih. kot€- a), - opai , am angry : ao. Korea crapipv, pf. KCKoryds (722) angry. hi. Kpaivo) accomplish : Kpaueco, eKpr\va , (trag. Keupaurai , iKpduOyu ;) Hm. also KpaLaiuco , iicpr\y]ua , Keicpdav-rai , -to. lij. Kphpvapai (upepa, 694) trag., = tcpdpa-pai hang. lik. uplfa creak , com. : 2 ao. /cpi/ce ( Kplye ?) Hm. ; pf. Keicplyores com. 111. Kp'ivw distinguish : ao. p. 4kp'l6t]u, iKpiuOrju (cf. 726). hm. KTe'ivw kill : fu. ktgucw, Kraueu, ao. e/creu'a, acrauou, eKrav (735 c), hn. -Kripeu os founded, 735 k. [ao. p. iKrdOrju. ho. KTVjr-eoo sound : ao. cktvttou (trag. eKrvirrj(ra). lip. Kvpo) hit on, happen : ao. eicvpaa 696 ; not in Hm. /ei/p-eco, ~i]aw, -7]aa. liq. Kayxdvco (Xax) get by lot: 2 ao. AeA axou (721) endowed , pf. XeXoyxa ; hr. A d£opai (Aa/8, 294 b) take ; trag. \d£upai. [Hd. fu. A al-opai. hs. *Aapf$avw (Aa/3) take : Hd. A (from St. Aapfi), AeAa/3r?«:a (217), XeXappai (260 b), iAdp-tydyu ; Hm. AeA a&eaOai (721 b). ht. A audauoo (a a6), Ai)0a>, lie hid; in sense cause to forget, -A rjQ-dvw rare, -eA 7 )aa, AeAaflo*' (721 b); mid .forget, pf. AeA aa/iai. — A a.K, Aa (TKCO, see A T]Keco hx. liu. Ae'7-co gather : Hm. always XeXeypai, iXex6r,u. hv. Aey-co speak : 2 ao. iXeypyu, Aa (ifi, 6:5), see 737 i. jf. olS-dvca, oib-eco, swell, pr. impf. jg. olvoxoe-co pour wine, impf. and ao. ; augm. 690 : pr. olvoxoev-co. j li. oX-opai think, usu. otopai (l ) : oDlcrdaTjv, wicrOrjv ; also act. otco, oXco. ji. oXx-opcu am gone, also of%-vecw : pf. -cpxV Ka (Hd. oX %- co na, cf. 217 a). jj. oA-Av pi destroy : ao. part. ovAdpevos (613): pr. also oAg-k-co. jk. ovo-pai censure (734 lj : ovdaropai , wvocrdprjv, (Hd. -cov6cr8riv.) jl. onvlco (4) marry : fu. onvaco com. — oAn (ZoAtto), %Anco ed. jra. onAecrQcu to prepare, impf. lonAeov : usu. on Alfa, ao. conAiaa. jn. opd-co see : for pf. oncona, ao. clfioppv =z eldov, and pres. eXdopcu appear , see 300 jg. Kindred, dp-ovreu (ovro) watch. — opy {fopya, icopyeiv), see epfico en. jo. opiy-co, opiy-vvpi reach : ope fa, tope fa, pf. opcopexarai, aro (725). jp. bp-wpi rouse , mid. rise: fu. opera) 696, opovpai, ao. tbpera, fapopov 721b, ao. m. 8)pro (r. copero), opero (opaeo), 736 i; pf. opcopa (689), opcoperat , subj. optioprjTcu ; impf. ope-ovro (7). Kindred ao. topovera rushed. jq. oaaopai (on, cf. 294 b) foresee, pr. impf. jr. ourd-o) wound: ao. ovrpae, ovra etc. (735 f), pass. ovrrjOels. Kindred ovrdfa , ovrdaa, ovtckttcu , ovruapevo^. js. ope A- Aco (=: 6(pel\co) am obliged. Hm. pr. impf. ; and ao. ticpeAov. jt. 6(p€A-Ac» increase : irreg. ao. opt. ox aT0 ), * X 00 $ 0 • ju. ndA-Aoo shake : ao. enrjXa, au-nenaAcov (721 b), ndAro (736 f). jv. napcpalvcav (4), nap(u 11. — evi-anov, e-airere, ivv-eiua ej. 3e. areiPct) (crrz/3) tread : trag. -eareixpa, io’rlfi’pixai (217). l f. (TT€ix<*> (e’Tix) go : ao. -earei^a, eanxov. lg. *cTTep-e-a> deprive : ao. inf. crrepecrai Hm., 2 ao. p. arepels trag. lh. arev-rai, (Trevro, 734 O. li. arpe(p-co turn: Hd. icrrpdcpOvv. lj. arvy-eu hate, dread: ao. - earvyov , but ecrrv^a made dreadful ; not in Hm. are arvyhaoixai, ifTTvyrjaa , rjica, ri/xai, iorrvyrjdrjv. l k. ccpdfa {(repay) slay : Hd. eacpdxOrjy. ll. aci>((a (in Hm. ?), ad-u'save, subj. 0 - 0 - 775 , 77 , uai : fr. stem oao come o-ac£- o' co, iadwcra, io’acodrjv ; 2 ao. o'aco 735 O. lm. ra : impv. tt) (for ra-e) reach, take. l n. ray\ 2 ao. reraycou, 721 b. — TaAa ( iraXacrcra ), See rAa me. lo. ravv-co extend (734 p): rauv{a)co 719, eravvoa, rerdwayai, erayvjdrjv ;• relvu {ra-v), ra-vv-co, titulvco {r^ra-v), all come from Stem ra. OF VERBS. ALPHABETICAL LIST. 41 740] lp. ra fg. ly. Tie : pf. part, renews (722) troubled , pf. m. rerirjyai. lz. rldryxi (&e) put, 7 28-33. ma. rr-yoo pay, m\d. ri-vvyai get pay. mb. nraivta ( ri-ra-i ') extend : ao. irirriva. Cf. ravvoo lo. me. TnvffKoyon ( rt-rvtc ), see Teux w md. rl-co honor : rioco, drlcra, rerlydvos. me. t A a endure : rAriaoyai, dr Ayr, t6tA rjua (757 f) ; also st. raAa : iraAdca. mf. ryhyco (rya-y) cut : ao. eryTj^c, dryayov , iryayrjv ; akin to ray-voo (rya). mg. rop pierce : ao. dropov, dur-eropnaa ; pr. *rope-co (7). Akin rpcooo ml. — rpaTT-eloyev, rdprcco It. — rpax ( r * r PVX a )j ^pdiaaoo fq. [ecu, rpoir-lco. mh. rpdir-co turn, Hd. rpdreoo : ao. erpaivov Hm., drpacpOrjv ion. ; Hm. rpan- mi. rpd (&pex) run •’ ao. dOpe^a and eBpayov, 2 pf. -biSpoya. mk. rp'ifa ( rpiy ) squeak : 2 pf. r dr ply a as pres. — rpvcp ( irpinprjv ), see dplirrca fr. ml. rpdo-o), att. TLrpdocTKcio, wound. Cf. rop mg. mn. rvyxdirco (tux): ao. 4rb>x 7 l (Ta (217). — tvk. (• rdrvKov ), see reuxo) lw. mo. (pa, (pev, kill : 2 ao. eV ecpvov 721 d, pf. rdcpa/uai, fu. pf. 7r ecpr l a’oyai. mp. mq. (pd-a/co* say : Hm. only impf. [tens, iraycpaivav, -(pavooov, jv. mr. (peiBoyai ((pib) spare : 2 ao. n re anticipate: 2 ao., 735 j. mi. (pQe'ipc*) ru n : diacpOepaco 696, die>p9opa am ruined / fu. biacpOapdoyai Hd. my. (pQi-voo perish , (destroy in (pOia a>, dcpOraa,) 2 ao. ecpdlov, d X aj/ ^y X €i/ S) contain : x zlaoyai (30 a), exu^oy, Kexavba. ni. x eco (x v ) p°ur, also x eico (4) : ao. ex euot (720) or exea, %uro 735 u. nj. XP a (xP^’> *~XP$) -734 e: Hd. xp^-csOai, 716: xp €LC i}U giving oracle. nk. xP ai(J A 4 help, ward off : xpaic-yfiaw (217), exp ai (ryr\aa, 2 ao. expauryoy. 42 The following table gives the sections of the Elements re- ferred to in the loregoing pages (omitting, of course, the sections contained in these pages, §§272-280, 290-300, 732-740), with corresponding sections of the larger Grammar: Elem. Gram. Elem. Gram. Elem. Gram. Elem. Gram. D. 14 25 ff. 211 331 a 1257 a-c 387 a 632 C 87 14 b 26 211 a 334 b 257 e 387 b 663 199 16 31 211 b 334 d 258 a 389 688 308 18 b, d 32 b, d 211 c 334 c 258 b 389 fin. 689 311 22 35 212 335 260 a 391 a 690 312 25 39 212 a 419 ff. 260 b 391 b, c 691 318 26 a 44 a 213 326 fin. 262 a 393 a 692 319 ff. 30 a 49 214 339 263 b 394 a 694 443 31 a 55 215 340 264 d 65 c 694 a 34 a 63 217 331 R. 264 e, f 397 a . 696 344-5 35 62 217 a 331 fin. 267 b 400 b 697 347 37 65 218 342 267 g 401 b 698 401 b 37 c 221 326 267 h 401 c 699 349 37 d 65 e 222 327 268 a 401 h 703 355 b, c 40 b 70 b 223 328 269 400 i 705 355 e 47 b 77 223 b 328 a, R. 269 a 401 k 708 359 65 c 105 c 223 d 328 b, N. 270 b 400 n 709 360 69 a 108 223 e 328 c 271 402 711 363 158 ff. 263 ff. 223 g 328 e 281 412 a 712 367 174 284 224 c 329 R. 282 412 b 713-a 370 a 173 288 227 332 283 414 713 b 371 c 180 If. 290 ff. 229 284 413 716 370 d 185 ff. 295 ff. 240 a 355 fin. 288 a 416,1 719 373-8 190 ff. 300 ff. 245 c 363 a 288 b 416,5 720 381 195 305 247 b 366 b 288 c 416,3 721 a 383 198 a 308 a 248 a 367 a 288 d 416,4 721 b-e 384 199 a 309 fin. 249 a 368 b 289 417 722 386 200 311 249 b D. 723 387 201 312 251 b, c 371 b, c 603 23 724 351 202 c, d 314 252 d 373 607 24 c 725 392 203 b 315 252 e 374-5 608 726 395-6 205 a 319 Ex. 252 f 376 609 727 343 205 b 319 b 252 g 377 611 25 728 401 b 205 c 319 e 252 h 378 613 28 729 401 h 206 320 2o3 a 381 620 a 46 729 b 401 h 207 321 253 c 382 a, b 620 b 55 730-a 401 i 208 322 254 a 384 620 c 47 731 400 m, n 209 323 256 c, e 386 c 621 53 43 § 37 c speaks of stems which begin with # and end in (p or x, — such as ftpex, &pv(f>, tiacp, five/). § 229 states that for verbs which have the signs of more than one class — such as nkrjooc,) (2, 4), /3atvoj (4, 5), ytyvcoatcG) (8, 6) — the class is determined by the affix (added after the stem), or, if there are two affixes, by the last of them. § 249 b states that in compound verbs the accent of the infinitive and participle cannot stand on a preposition. § 608 mentions Ionic ffi for Attic ei in words in elov and eiog ; also lid. rjirj for eia. — § 609 says that Hd. often has e for Attic a, rj , et, especially before vowels. § 694 a speaks of verbs of the fifth class formed in aiv etvo) (for av-t- a), ev-i-cj, 229), and in ava-G). 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