UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAI6N CURRICULUM COLLECTION Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates POLLARD’S SYNTHETIC PRIMER BY REBECCA S. POLLARD ORIGINATOR OF THE SYNTHETIC METHOD OF TEACHING READING NEW YORK CINCINNATI CHICAGO AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY Entered, according to Act ol Congress, in the year 1889, by WESTERN PUBLISHING HOUSE, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington, D.C. POL. syn. pkim. 4-1 «f-P 9 JOHNNY JONES. BABY BESS. LESSON I 5 -cab ham cap v as X, iviab jam lap as Tab x Sam nap has cab ram map has 1- A map. A cap. A ham. 2- Has Sam a cap? 3- Mab has a map. 4. Has Mab a cap? 5. Sam has a cab. in a uic-n is a cap. ab a iX ? /as a /A 6 LESSON II. had can cat bag- lad Dan fat nag pad man hat rag sad pan rat tag 1- Dan had a bat. 2- Has Ann a bag? 3. A im had a bag. Hat had a nag. 5- A fat cat Hi a rat. , 6- A man ha j a hat. 7- Ann has a hat. 8. Tab had a nap. 1 9- Tab has a fat rat. / LESSON III. nabs -cans rah maps laps caps cats pans raps naps fans taps rags fiams bags lads 1- Tab has had a rat. 2- Ann has 3 bags. s. A man has 4 cabs. JU 4- Dan had 2 nags, s Mag has 3 fans. 4 Has Sam 2 hats? '>'• Has a cab a ®? cab has ® ®. Tab had 2 fat rats. 8 LESSON IV. Jack and bang bank Mack band hang sank sack hand rang tank hack sand sang rank i- Nat has a bank: 2 . Mack had a ©. 3. Har d Ann an O- 4. Nat and Sam sang. 5- HasMt r ,ckaB? 6- A man h as a liat-rack. 7. Jack had a nag and a hack. \ JK 8. Sam rang a ^. 9- Mack hands Han tacks and LESSON V. bran track slab slam drag • stag drab Hag flag slat flat plat slam plan trap span i A cat ran. A stag ran. 2- A flag flaps. A rat-trap. 3. Dan has a flag. 4- Mab lias a drab hat. 5- Jack has a 6. Has Mack a flag and a fj •-1 j 1 1 Dash can drag a ®§C. •fv :f “*t 8- Ann packs a , i Has Dan’s § 9 had bran? 10 LESSON VI. black Frank glad glad stag stand crab crack plant clam plank clap drank grand stand grand i- A fat rat. A black bat. 2 . A black cat. A grand man. 3- Frank can crack a /}. 4. Jack lias a plant. 5- Sam lias black 6- Frank can stamp a IXl 7- FTat’s hat has a black band. 8. A plank cracks! Stand back ! 9- Clap hands, Jack and Frank. LESSON VII. 11 shad hash chap catch sham flash chat latch shall crash chap patch shall trash chat match i. A black sash. 2- Sam can catch a ©. 3. Tab can catch a rat. 4- Can Dash catch a crab? 5. Has Dan a match? 6- Has Jack had a nap? 7. Can Frank catch a sw»* press went rest 1. Fred sent Bess a pen. 2 . Frank lias a red belt. 3. Can Nat mei id the isi^? 4. Yes; Ben shall lend Nat that s. Has Nat the tacks ? Yes. 6. Ned sent Sam a hen. 7. The hen has a nest. b. Can that rat get at the nest? Yes. 9- Then Dash shall catch the rat. 4■ k c Crf f O Trh aX - then them when when LESSON XIII. 17 k J bid Tim pit vj ^ dig kid dim bit big* did V/ him hit pig lid V rim lit 'j wig 1. Tim has fed the pigs. 2 . Did Ned mend that tin pan? 3. Did Tim dig that well ? 4. Y~es, with his big pick. 5- That man’s hat fell in the well, e. Did Will get it ? Yes. 7- Did the man thank him? s. The man sent him a i®. 1 9 - Has Ann lit the lamp? 18 LESSON XIV. Dick ring link fling pick sing pink sling sick bring drink swing tick cling wink sting 1. Is Dick ill ? 2 . Yes; Dick has bad a chill. 3. Six eggs in Speck’s nest! J iS j 4. The nest is in the shed. 5- Hat’s pig is in the pen. 6- Jack is in the swing. 7. Ding the bell, Frank. 8- Ben will lend Ned a pen and ink. LESSON XV. 19 limit fill dish v ' j J mint hill fish tint till wish print Will dish lift sift skiff stiff i. Will is a big 4. 2- Will can lift that flip. 3. Dick has a skiff. 4. Dick lets Bell sit in his skiff. 5 Bell can catch a fish. r ’- Can Bell catch fish with a pin ? O' " Yes, with a bent pin. 3. Did Will send Yell that pink ? Yes, Will sent it. 20 LESSOt VI. this’ thin th -e\ -this < {/ with think things thin this thing think with l with thin thic^: thing i- A thick stick. A bad trick. w 2 . This Is is sick. 3. Frank will bring him a drink. 4- Let Nell sit in the swing with Will. s. Swing them, Dick! 6- Did Trip spill this ink? 7- Nell thinks Jip did it. u 3- Yes, Jip spilt it LESSON XVII. 21 hop lot dog bob top not hog Rob mop hot log job pop •cot fog sob i- This is a rbd top. 2 . It is Rob’s top. 3. Can Rob spin the top ? 4- Tom has a black dog. 5- Is that a fox in the lot ? 6- It is not; it is Toni’s dog. 7. Tom’s dog is as big as a fox. t Rtib’s dog is in that big box. !) The dog has a bed in the box. LESSON XVIII. 32 look. tosk song fond rook Rosk long pond c]ock cross gong -cloth, frock floss prong blot 1- Stand bhck! That dog is cross. 2- It is Tdm’s dog. s. Tosk the stick and let the dog get it. 4- Shall Pet sing a song ? 5- Yes; Pet is fond of songs. 6. Tom Ross sits in the swing. 7- Ann stands on a log. 8- .Nell sits on a rock. 9- "Dash swims in the pond. LESSON XIX. Scdtt ^ \ shot cost Poll blot plot frost doll spot stop broth romp trot shop cloth moss w 1. Spot is a Mg dog. 2 . Rob romps with him. 3- Spot is not a cross dog. 4. Nell has a doll. s. It cost ten cents. 6- Rob got it in a shop. 7- hied will dress the doll. 8 Is that frost on the SES ? Vjr 9- Yes, that is J ack Frost. 24 LESSON XX. clock frost blots stops crock from spots skops frock broth shots dolls hock frogs trots romps 1. A big black blot. 2 . Did Ann spill this ink? 3. Yes, Ann let the ^ drop. 4- It has left a spot on the cloth. 5- Is that a moth on the lamp zs? 6. Yes, it is a big moth. 7- A moth has 6 legs and 4 wings. 8- That is a frog in the pond. 9- A frog can swim and hop. LESSON XXI. 25 cub gun up but huh fun •cup •cut rub run pup lint tub sun sup nut 1- The sun is up. 2- Run, run! This is fun. 3- Let us stop and get a drink. 4- Fill this cup at the well, Ben. 5- It is hot in the sun. 6. Jack has nuts in his hag. 7- Did Mack spill his nuts? 8- Yes, the hag fell in the mud. 9- Let us help Mack pick them 26 LESSON XXII. - JJ duck hung sunk gush tuck rung sunk hush -cluck sung drunk rush stuck stung trunk -^rush 1- The hens cluck. The ducks swim. 2- Hens cannot swim. 3. Ducks cannot cluck, i- Hens and ducks can run. 5- Has the hell rung? 6. Yes, yes; run, run, run! 7. Frank hung up his hat. 8- The hat fell off the peg. 9- Jip has run off with it. io. Jip is a had dog. 27 LESSON XXIII. _ dust -eufis hush bump must muff mush jump rust pilfi^ brush, lump trust snuff\ plus"' 1 pump i- Bes^has a muff. 2 . It is a red plush muff. 3- Rob can jump. 4. Jump up on that stump, Rob. t * sj* 5- Pet has mush and milk in that S7- 6 Pet is fond of mush and milk. Shall Ann dust the ^ JfL? 8- Yes, Ann s^al| dust them. 9. Tom mugj bpusla off the sjAps. 28 LESSON XXIV. hum hupt hump rusts sum blunt S J v stump dusts drum grunt such hunts plum blunt much puffs i- Hens cluck and pigs grunt. 2 . The big duck swims on the pond. 3- Bring Pet a mug of milk. 4. This is a plum j§. 5- Jack hps a gun and a drum. 6. This kas a hump on its back. 7. A blunt pin will not prick. 8- A dull ax will not cut. 9. A |> will rust if it is left in the wet. LESSON XXV. 29 book book -cook Idok took brook shook crook good hood wood stood foot soot wool wool i Frank sent Sam a book. 2 . Let ns look at Sam’s book. 3 . Hang the man’s hat on this hook. 4 Jack took Mab in the woods with him. s. Jack is a good lad. 6. Mab has on a red hood. <• Sam can catch fish in the brook. 8. Nat has run a tack in his foot. 30 LESSON XXVI. how put brow down cow govt plow town hp^y per shout Xg own now rout vj shopt ^crown " J yy i- The-cow is in tlie lot. 2 . Let Dash oiit. Bow-ow-ow! 3. How loud Frank shonts! V/ 4- Fred lias a brown hat. 5- Jack went down town. 6 Ned Brown is a s£qpt lad. 7- Ned can plow. 8- How wet it is! 9- Ned must not plow when it is wet. LESSON XXVII. 31 H & b0 J oil y^oin moist XJ \J joj boil ioin hoist Koy sojl join joist toy tol 1 point moist i Roy is a good boy. 2- Floy has a toy bank. *1 i_ 3- Shall the cook boil an egg ? 4. Let ns ioin the boys bn the halt. \J ^. r 5- Pet must not sod that book. 6- HoisJ the flag, boys. 7- Roy has six eoins in his bank. V .... -V \J 8- This soil is moist. 9. Let us plant pinks in it. 32 LESSON XXVIII. 1- Tip is a png dog. 2- Tab is a black cat. 3 . Tab and Tip drink milk ont of a tin pan. 4. Frank let a book drop on Tip’s foot. 5- Tip went off and bid. 6- Tab fonnd him in a big box in the wood shed. 7. Crook is a big brown owl. 8. His bill is black and bent. 9. This owl is Mab’s pet. 10. Mab lets Crook swing in a big ring. ii- Crook has a string ’ronnd his foot. 12 . Owls can catch rats and fish. 33 LESSON XXIX. * .- » — •. . 1- Frank sent Dan a box of nnts. 2- Is the box in the shed ? Yes. 3. Bring them in and let ns crack them. 4. Can Dan lift the box ? 5- Yes, if Ben will help him. 6- Let ns lift Pet np on Dash’s back. 7- N ow, rnn, Dash, run! 8- Is not this fnn, Pet ? 9- Dash is a good dog. 40. Pet is fond of him. ii- Dash can bring things in his mouth. 12. Toss np a stick. Dash will catch it and bring it back. 34 LESSON XXX. i. Let ns rest in the woods, Fred, i The sun is hot in town and on the hill. 3. Let ns sit on this log and dress onr dolls. 4- Mahs doll has a red dress and a brown hat. s. Floy’s doll is not as big as Mab’s. 6. It is wax and has kid hands. 7. Floy will dress it in pink. 8. Look, look, the snn has set! 9. Is not that Frank on the hill, Floy ? io. Yes, and Dash is with him.. ii- Let ns run and catch them. » 12. Bring the dolls, Floy. LESSON XXXI. 35 1- Sit still, Rob and Frank. 2- The fish will swim off if boys run and shout. ? > Rob has let his hook drop. It is in the brook. 4. A boy can catch fish with a bent pin and a string. 5. Rob has a string of trout. 6. Did Rob catch them himself? 7. Yes; with the hook Frank sent him. 8- When did Rob catch them ? 9- Just now, down in the brook. io Rob is proud of his fish. ii- Ten big trout! 12. The cook will broil them. 36 LESSON XXXII. fade came cage face made game page lace wade lame rage place spade same stage Grace i i- Jane is lame. 2- Jane has a thin pale face. 3- Grace sent Jane a 1t|. 4. Its name is Frisk. 5- Rob made Frisk a cage. 6- Frisk will take nuts from Jane’s hand. 7- Rob and bled rnn a race. * s. Rob waves his hat at J ane. 9- J ane sits at the LESSON XXXIII. 37 bake Kate blame blade cake gate flame plate sake late sbame grape make date frame slate i- Let ns make a cake. 2- Kate will bake it. 3- Kob gave Sam a slate. 4. Tbe slate bas a red frame. 5. Sbut tbe gate, Kob. 6- Grace must not swing on tbe gate. 7- James bas a box of grapes. 8. Tbis bas 4 blades. 9- Tab’s milk is in tbat tin plate. 38 LESSON XXXIV. be she flee b'e^s he be\ free sees me see^ glee trees we wee tree three i- See that big bee! 2 . He is in a bud on the tree. 3. Will the bee sting ns? 4- Sit still and he will not see ns. 5- The bee has 2 wings and 6 legs. 6- Is that a nest in the tree? /'N \ 7 - Yes, and it has three eggs in it. 8- Let ns see the eggs, Frank. 9- Be still! The ^ is on the nest. LESSON XXXV. 39 kopp heed be^t herp pp&p need feet her^ slehp sbed meet these sleep weed sheet these 1- Will has three pigs. 2- He keeps them in a pen. 3- He feeds them on |ff. 4- Peep in the pen and see them! 5- The cat sleeps on the rug. 6- She has black feet. 7- Fred gave me these seeds. 8- Shall we plant these seeds? 9- Yes, let us plant them in this green box. 40 LESSON XXXVI. t i I ride mile bit^ mine I wid^ pile mite finb I side i— 1 \ kite nine I like sipik mite pine i- Let ns take a ride. 2 . This fei is mine. 3. His name is Jet. 4. He is a tine fei. 5- I like him and he likes me. 6- He will not bite me. 7- See me pat him on Irik side! 8- ~We will ride a mile. 9- Three of ns can sit 'on Jet’ back. 41 LESSON XXXVII. nice bite time five rice kite dime hive mice mite lime dive slice white time driv^ i- See this kite. I made it. 2 . It is red and white. 3- It has a nice long string. 4. The frame is made of pine, s. This kite is five times as big as Will’s. 6. I like a big wide kite. 7- Will’s kite is not as nice as mine. 8- He Thinks he has a fine kite. 9- I am glad he likes it. 42 LESSON XXXVIII. KgO >rdd§ hole rople SO ros^ ^mol§ hop^ no nose pole mope Jo doz^ fo t rope 1. Here is a long rope. 2 . Let us make a swing, s. Ho, ho, np we go! 4- Ned gave me a rose. 5. I hope it will not fade. 6- Can we skate on this pond? 7- No, the ice is not safe. 8- I see a hole in it. 9- We must not skate on thin ice. LESSON XXXIX. 43 pjok^ note tone store poke vote lone snore woke more hone stove bspokb sore home drove i- The man in the store gave Dash a hone. 2 . Dash dug a hole and hid the hone. 3. Jip dug it up and ran off with it. 4- That is a fine joke on Dash. 5- Has the stove fire in it? Yes. 6. Will Jane bake us a cake in the stove? 7. Ho, she has not time. 8- She must go home. 9- We can get a cake at the store. 44 LESSON XL. Sue cure cube tunfe due pure mut^ fume hue cube dukk V tun^ cue # tube Duke fume i- Can Sue sing? 2 . Yes, Sue can sing five tunes. 3. I can sing a tune. 4. I can sing the “ U long ” song. 5- That pug dog is sick. 6. Duke will cure him. 7. Can Duke cure a sick dog? Yes. 8- This Is is a mute. 9- What is a mute? LESSON XLI. 45 blue clue cubes tunes glue flue tubes cures i- See this big flag, Sue! 2 . It is red, white and blue. 3- Bring me the pot of glue. 4. I will mend this fe. 5. The glue must be soft. 6. I will melt it on the stove. 7. Bring the glue while it is hot. 8- Glue will not stick if it is not soft. 9- I will mend Kate’s doll while the glue is hot. 46 LESSON XLII. i-food />soon cool do mood noon pool to room coon spool you. rbrbtmi moon stool who ' w - i- Do yon like nuts? 2 . Yes. Do yon? 3- O, yes, I like nuts and grapes too. 4. Will you go home with me at noon, Grace? 5. Yes, I will go home with you, Rose. 6- We can get a big bag of nuts at home. 7- We can pick grapes from the vines, too. 8. Who gave you the nuts ? 9- Frank gave them to me. LESSON XLIII. 47 1. Can yon tell me of nine tilings that a hand can do ? 2 . It can spin a top. 3. It can dress a doll. 4. It can black boots. s. It can make a cakgd e. It can pick np a book. 7. It can mend a dress. 3- It can dig in the sand. 9- It can sweep a room. It can make a fire, ii- It can plant seeds. i2. It can pat a dog. is. It can catch a ©. i4. It can ring a bell, is. Yon see a hand can do more than nine things. 16. We must nse two hands to do most of these things. 48 LESSON XLIV. i. Fred has a dog and a cat. 2- Can the dog run? No. 3- Can the cat catch a rat ? No. 4- Can the dog growl ? No. 5- Can the cat drink milk ? No. 6. The dog and cat sleep in the same box. 7- Will the dog bite the cat ? 8- No, he cannot bite. 9- Will the cat scratch the dog ? io. No, she cannot scratch. ii- How nic^ and tame Fred’s pets must be! 12 . Bnt why cannot the dog run ? 13. Why cannot the cat catch rats? 14. I will tell yon why. is. The dog is a tin dog. The cat is made of wood. 1 2 . 3 . LESSON XLV. 49 Do you see this bell ? Tell me how we can use a bell A bell tells us when to get out of bed. 4. A bell tells us when to go to school. o A bell tells us when it is noon, e. A bell tells us when to go home. 7. A bell tells Jane when to let us in. 8. A bell tells us when to dine. 9- A bell tells us when it is time to go to bed. *o. A bell tells us when a