L IBHAHY OF THE U N IVERSITY Of ILLI NOIS JUIMUJS HISTORY SURVEY LIBRARY Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://archive.org/details/recordsofattakapOOsand Records of Attakapas District Louisiana, 1739 - 1811 Compiled By Mary Elizabeth Sanders 1962 Records of Attakapas District, Louisiana, 1739 - 1811 Compiled By- Mary Elizabeth Sanders 1962 /If ( o /<% e'*'t°/t < / i - /*,// Ana??'"' / . *. *"**" V h/A t„*kffy*W ****** j /.. /' >*/ /, ctW // if >:>7 **w^ t,,)i/j p. 'Z&Z'S tf/d.C? THE FIRST MARRIAGE CONTRACT A copy of the first page of the 1767 Marriage Contract between Antonie Borda and Marguerite Martin, widow of Rainet Robicho. This Marriage Contract is of record in Original Acts Volume I, folio 3, in the St. Martin Parish Courthouse. ^•3 5 f. Sa 5 To my mother and the memory of my father — both of whom always encouraged my worthy endeavors. Thus edition is limited to. 3—* '-d copies of which this Is No. J), .rJ , , «» <, TABLE OF CONTENTS FOREWORD iv Dr. Edwin A. Davia HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION v Dean Harry Lewis Griffin COMPILER'S PREFACE vii BRAND BOOK FOR OPELOUSAS AND ATTAKAPAS DISTRICTS 1739-1888 (ST. MARTIN COUNTY, 1739-1811) 1 ST. MARTIN PARISH RECORDS 26 ATTAKAPAS SPANISH MILITIA 41 ATTAKAPAS MILITIA CENSUS OF 1792 46 THIRD FEDERAL CENSUS, ST. MARTIN PARISH (1810) 51 AMERICAN STATE PAPERS 57 ST. MARY PARISH 1813 TAX LIST 91 INDEX 94 FOREWORD The writing of local history is always a detailed, tedious and worrisome task. The sources are generally not located in central depositories or in large libraries where efficient catalog systems make researching a pleasure; in most instances they are housed in local archives and small libraries where lack of funds has not permitted the employment of trained catalogers, or in private homes where they are without benefit of chronological or subject organization. Old settled families of local areas not infrequently urge the inclusion of ancestors or relatives beyond the contributions of the individual to the history or development of the area. The sale of the completed work is never large owing to the limited nature of the subject matter and in many cases the author is forced to bear the total expense of publication. Because of these and other reasons, therefore, the historian who works in the field of local history must be a dedicated individual whose sole aim is to rescue from complete oblivion and to present in workable form archive and manuscript materials for the use of general historians or to present tight or detailed studies of small segments of state history for the enlightenment of the citizenry of a particular state or specific local community. The printed pages which follow represent a significant achievement in local archival research, in accurate transcription, and in the editing of this type of historical material. The editor is thoroughly trained in the field, is experienced in this particular area of research, and has been impelled by strong bonds of devotion to her native state. The value of the work is obvious to all persons interested in the history of Louisiana. It is to be hoped that this book will serve as a stimulating force to Louisianians throughout the state for the encouragement of the writing of local history. While numerous books have been written on the general history of the state and although multitudes of monographs on specific fields of subject matter have been produced, there is indeed much which needs to be done. The complete, definitive history of Louisiana has not yet been written and will not be written until many, many spades have overturned many more areas of her rich historical earth. Louisiana State University Edwin Adams Davis iv HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION That 9ection of Louisiana known as the Attakapas District has a history that extends over a period of more than two hundred years. Between 1720 and 1744 St. Dennis, founder of Natchitoches and commandant there, established trading posts at what are now Opelousas and St. Martinville, and maintained at each place a merchant to trade with the Indians. The post at St. Martinville thus "became the administrative seat of the district and came to be known as the Post des Attakapas. The District of Attakapas received its name from the Attakapas Indians, a fierce tribe that inhabited the area before the coming of the white man. According to tradition these Indians were cannibals and waged such cruel war against others that the neighboring tribes formed a league against them and, in a great battle near St. Martinville, completely subjugated them and reduced them to a few scattering remnants, living in miserable villages located from Bayou Teche to Texas. They are now practically extinct. The Attakapas District included originally the present parishes of St. Martin, St. Mary, Lafayette, Vermilion and Iberia. Prior to 1765 * ne population consisted of a few Indians, trappers, traders and ranch owners. In 1765 Commissioner Aubry reported that he sent two hundred and thirty Acadians to the Attakapas District. These were granted lands in the district and, with other later Acadian arrivals, made up the basis of the present population, though four years later three hundred Spaniards from the Canary Islands settled near the present city of New Iberia. A census of the district taken a few years later by Governor O'Reilly gave the entire district a population of less than eight hundred. Prior to the Spanish occupation of Louisiana the Attakapas District was governed from New Orleans, though the French officials seldom visited the district. It was not until 1 7^8, when Spanish governor O'Reilly came into office, that any special attention was given to the Attakapas District. Under the Spanish policy of encouraging agriculture and maintaining a strong govern- ment in all parts of the territory, the small settlement and trading post at present St. Martinville was in 1 769 converted into a permanent military post, and a resident commandant appointed to enforce Spanish law and keep the peace. Among those who served as commandants were Gabriel Fuselier de la Claire, Chevalier Alexandre DeClouet and Louis Charles de Blanc. This station now became known officially as Postes des Attakapas and hence- forth all civil and military affairs of the district were administered from this post by the commandant. In addition to being leader of the militia this official also exercised powers similar to those possessed by a justice of the peace. He had jurisdiction over disputes between citizens involving amounts up to twenty dollars. He was the executive officer of the district enforcing all judgments, serving as notary and as judge in the settlement of estates. As military officer he examined all passports of strangers and allowed no one to settle in his district without a permit from the governor. In certain cases he was authorized to perform the marriage ceremony in the absence of a Driest. When the Louisiana territory became a possession of the United States with William C. C. Claiborne as its first governor, Congress divided the territory into two parts with that portion south of thirty-three degrees of latitude designated as the Territory of Orleans, which, with certain changes and additions became the present state of Louisiana. In 1805 Governor Claiborne's legislative council divided the Territory of Orleans into twelve counties, one of which became Attakapas County that included the territory comprising the five parishes named above. This division having become unsatisfactory to the inhabitants, the legislative council in 1807 discarded the county set up except as a unit for levying territorial taxes and representatives. At the same time the territory was divided into nineteen civil parishes. Under this act the county Attakapas became St. Martin Parish, being named after St. Martin, the fourteenth century French Bishop and Saint. In 1811, one year before Louisiana became a state, the territorial council decreed: "The County of Attakapas shall be divided into two parishes to be called the Parish of St. Martin and the Parish of St. Mary." By act of January 17,1823, the Louisiana legislature directed: "The Parish of St. Martin is and shall be by the present act divided and a new parish be formed out of the western part of the said parish, which shall be called and known by the name of the Parish of Lafayette." An act of 1844 cut off the southwestern part of Lafayette Parish and formed it into Vermilion Parish, Iberia Parish was created in 1868 from territory taken from St. Martin and St. Mary Parishes. Thus was the Attakapas District divided into the five present day parishes named above, with parish seats at St. Martinville, Franklin, Lafayette, Abbeville and New Iberia, respectively. All are now flourishing, modern cities. While the territorial and political evolution of the Attakapas District is now fairly well known, there is yet much to be learned about the families that settled in this rich and populous region. Any research that will throw light on the genealogies of these pioneer families and their descendants will be most welcome, and that is what is undertaken in the following pages. University of Southwestern Louisiana Harry Lewis Griffin Dean Emeritus, College of Liberal Arts vi IREFACE It had been a fond hope of nine for some tine to do genealogical research in the Attakapas area. Since my people settled in what later became St. Mary Parish shortly after the Louisiana Purchase, I had done much research on my family at the Franklin courthouse. But I thought of the many descendants of the early settlers who are far from Louisiana, and I thought of how I might aid them. The opportunity to do something constructive along this line came in the summer of 1961. I was then living in Lafayette, and my scope of the area had been enlarged. It occurred to me it might be helpful if the names appearing in the original sources for the whole District could be combined into one volume and indexed; then a clearer idea of those early comers could be ascertained. This is what I have done. Another volume, on St. Mary Parish settlers, is anticipat- ed. At first I planned the volume to be inclusive through the eve of the Civil War, 1860. The material covering such a long period of time was too volunnious for one book, however, so I chose the year 1811. when St. Mary Parish was created from St. Martin Parish (the old Attakapas District), as my cut-off date. I found brands existing in the Brand Book back to 1739 — hence the dates, 1 739 - 1811. Because 181 3 was so close upon the heels of 1811, because the tax list of persons in St. Mary Parish in that year is so valuable and because St. Mary Parish included such a large portion of the whole area under consideration, I decided to include the 181 3 tax list for St. Mary even though it post-dates the cut-off date. Dean Griffin has indicated in the Introduction that after the Louisiana Purchase the area which is now the state of Louisiana except for the Florida Parishes was organized as the Territory of Orleans. The Territory was, in turn, divided into twelve counties, one of which was Attakapas County, comprising the current parishes of St. Martin, St. Mary, Lafayette, Vermilion, and Iberia. This large area roughly was the Attakapas District (with the Post de3 Attakapas) of the colonial period, and it was the Attakapas County of the American State Papers . It was also the St. Martin Parish (or Attakapas) of the 1810 Federal Census. It is this area which is embraced in this volume. In compiling data for the book I was faced with two serious handicaps. The first and most important was a lack of knowledge of French and Spanish - the early records in the courthouse at St. Martinville being in those languages. The other was unfaniliarity with the evolution or background of French surnames. Two years of high school French enabled me to distinguish serious mistakes pertaining to the early French documents in the indexing: for instance, in one marriage contract the mother of the groom was referred to as the bride; in another, a document was indicated as being a marriage contract when it was not. But I was totally unable to read a document and distinguish what it was or what it wa3 about. Here let me impress upon the reader the fact that this work, especially the section on the St. Martin Parish records, is intended as a guide only. I vii have tried hard to avoid errors but the chances for errors to creep in, especially in the St. Martin Parish records where I had to depend almost wholly upon the extant indexes, are all too numerous. I also ascertained that the French were not at all consistent in what they called themselves; even to the point where they completely reversed their entire names! And those "dit's"! I depended upon my own ingenuity and deciphered them as best I could. The responsibility is solely mine, what- ever the result may be. I am reconciled to the fact that errors are probably in the book. For these I am sorry. I do believe, however, the work will be useful as a guide to descendants of both the Latin and Anglo-Saxon settlers of the early period. I am indebted to many persons who were in a position to help me. Officials at the University of Southwestern Louisiana showed me every courtesy possible. Notably, Dr. Elmer D. Johnson, Director of Stephens Memorial Library, and Dean Thomas J. Arceneaux of the College of Agriculture, who helped me with the Brand Book. It is Dean Arceneaux to whom I am indebted for background on the Brand Book. Miss Pearl Segura, Reference Librarian at Stephens Memorial Library, helped me in so many ways; she answered numerous questions pertaining to the Brand Book and she gave me copies she previously had had typed of the militia lists from the Sons of the American Revolution Spanish records microfilm. Harry Lewis Griffin, Dean Emeritus of the College of Liberal Arts, answered questions about early history of the section, and I am indebted to him for writing the Historical Introduction. Dr. Edwin Adams Davis, Head of the Department of History at Louisiana State University, one of my graduate professors at the University, gave me needed advice, and I am indebted to him for writing the Foreword. Mr. L. C. Landry, Jr. , of New Iberia was most generous in sharing the fruits of his own efforts with me and with his time. Mr. M. A. Barras, Clerk of Court of St. Martin Parish, and his staff were very kind and helpful. I am grateful to Mr. Charles E. Ea3t of Baton Rouge, a friend for a number of years, for reading portions of the manuscript and for his helpful suggestions. This is primarily a genealogical work; therefore, except with regard to the land claims from the American State Papers and the Federal Census of 1810, the material in this work pertains to descendants of European ancestry. Mary Elizabeth Sanders van BRAND BOOK FOR OPELOUSAS AND ATTAKAPAS DISTRICTS, 1739-1888 Cattle raising had an early beginning in the Attakapas-Opelousas area. The eighteenth century French historian, Le Page du Pratz, tells us that the Avoyelles Indians early traded with the Spanish in Mexico, from whom they introduced horned cattle to the area.* These animals were growing wild on the Louisiana prairies by the time New Orleans was founded. When the Acadians began to arrive in the Attakapas region, the Commandant at St. Martinville, Dauterieve, induced them to start raising cattle beginning with the domesticated descendants of the early horned cattle from Mexico which were found here. The Acadians had engaged in cattle raising in Canada, and they rapidly developed the industry here. By the time of the Louisiana Purchase it was a large industry, and brands were of necessity registered in the courthouses. In 1824 the state of Louisiana established a Branding Commission to prevent confusion as to brands, comprised of the Attakapas and Opelousas districts solely. Branding officials were authorized to index the brands then exist- ing in the courthouses. That index was the basis of the Brand Book for OiDelousas and Attakapas Districts . Future registrations were added to the book until 1888, when a second book was begun. The State Branding Commission was established in 1944 and is still in existence. In the listing below of those persons residing in Attakapas County, or St. Martin Parish, having brands registered through the year 1811, the person's name is shown, along with the year in which the registration was made and the page in the book where the brand was registered. In cases where an arabic figure appears in parenthesis behind the page number, that figure is an indication that the name appears that number of times on the page. Thus, Hebert, Jean-1 770-4 (2) indicates that Jean Hebert had brands registered in the year 1770 on page 4 twice. Where there is more than one page number involved, the figures are separated by commas. Where more than one year is involved, the years are separated by commas. Thus, Hebert, Jean-1 770-1, 4 indicates Jean Hebert had two brand registrations in 1770, one entered on page 1 in the Brand Book, the other on page 4; whereas, Hebert, Jean-1 770, 1791-1 indicates he had brands registered in 1770 and 1791, both appearing on page 1, Had the registrations been on different pages, they would have been shown separately. In the book the exact date of registration is usually given. I copied only the year. The brand itself is also, of course, given in the book. 1 From the use of the words "file" and "pere" ("son" and "father" in French), I judge the words were used more or less as we use "junior" and "senior" today. In a few cases this is also true of "grand" and "petit" ("large" and "small"). Notations in French have been copied where they appeared pertinent. In a few instances the names at the bottom of a page were so faint as to be illegible. Frequently the handwriting was hard to determine. Spellings of names varied; I tried to group the different spellings where it seemed they belonged. Errors may have crept in, and I caution the researcher as to this. Where no dates were shown and the indication was that the brand was "probably" registered in a stated period (indicated by "prbly"), this assumption was made because the brand was entered with others of the same general period. When the word "possibly" was given (indicated by "psbly"), there was reason for a some- what weaker assumption. The designation "1800's" signifies the early years 1 800 through 1811. There were a number of markings pertaining to Brand Book entries whose mean- ings were not clear. I copied these just as they were and put a question mark in parenthesis behind them. There is repetition in the Brand Book to some extent . * Histoire de la Louisiane . . . avec deux voyages dans le nord du Nouveaux- Mexique . . . (3 vols. , 1758, Paris, DeBure, l'aine, etc.) Note: Frequently in the Brand Book only the surname was listed. When a surname was spelled more than one way it was so indicated. For example, on page 14 the listing "Gerior, Giroir." The brand was listed merely as registered to "Gerior." Since the name was also spelled "Giroir," both spellings were shown. BRAND BOOK FOR OPELOUSAS AND ATTAKAPAS DISTRICTS, 1 739-1 888 (St. Martin Parish, 1739-1811) N am e - Y e ar -P age Acolane, Jean-178?-1 Alexandre-1 760-4 Alston, William- 1 789-4 Andre, Madam Guillaume-1 790-1 ,4 Ansbell (?), Jack-1 789-4 An to ine- 1790-1 f Domingo-1 785-4 Jean-1 790-5 (De) Aponte, Bernard-1 787-4 (De) Aquilar, Julien-1 787-4 Arceneau(x), Alexandre-1 789-4 Cyprien- 1789-4 Pierre-1 780-1 , 4 Pierre fils (Ami)- 1789-1, 4 Argraw-1762-5 Argroso-1 762-1 Armstrong, William Robert-1 809-1 Aucoin, Claude-1 789-4 B Babin, Alexandre-1 811 -9, 342 Joseph-Prbly. ca. 1770-340 Joseph fils-1806-342, 344 Joseph pere-No Date-342 Julien-1 81 1-342 Maria, widow of Claude Martin-1 766-1 Babino( t) , Veuve-1 772-340 Veuve Grand Ls. (Louis )- 1772-342 Adelaide-1811-10, 20 Alexandre-1 81 1-9, 20 Anastheoie (cede a Julien Benoit son fils) -181 1-10 Artimase-1811-10 Celeste-1811-9, 20 Charles-1801-10, 343 David-1793-14 David fils de Joseph-1811- 10 (2) David, father of Joseph, Jean Baptiste, and Hosite (female) -1793-342 Domingue-1811-20 Francois-1811-10 (2) Hosite fille de David- 1802 -342 Babino(t), Jean-1811-10 (2) Jean Baptiste fils de David-1802-342 Joseph-1 807-343 Joseph fils-1811-9, 10 Joseph fils de David- 1807-342 Joseph pere-1811-10 Joseph, father of David- 1811-10 (2) Julie-1811-10 (2) Julien-1 81 1-10 (3) Julienne-1811-20 Margarite-1801-20, 343 Marie-1 801 -343 Victoire-1801-343 Balliet, John-1 804-339 Banli, Michel-1810-11 Bara, Veuve-Prbly 1 770-80' s-339 Alexandre-Prbly 1 770-80 's-339 Alexandre fils-No Date-342 Alexandre pere-1 772-342 (Barra)* An toine-1 778-340, 342; prbly 1770-80' s-339 (Barra) Baptiste -Prbly 1 770-80 's-339 Baptiste fils de Hypolite- Prbly 1 770-80 's -34O (Barra) Emelie-Prbly 1770's-338 (Barre) Eypolite-Prbly 1770-80 's-339; 1800-343 Veuve Hypolite-1800-342 Hypolite, father of Baptiste- Prbly 1 770-80 's -340 Jean-Prbly 1770's-338 (Barre) Julie-Prbly 1770's-338 (Barre) Julien-1 772-340 ; prbly 1770-80's- 339 Valery-Prbly 1770-80' s-339; no date-342 Vinceun-1 772-340 Veuve Vinceun-Prbly 1 770-80 's- 340 Barrier(e), Pere cure Bernard-1 799- 345; 1807-343 % Michel Bernard-1 807-22 Batin, Ls . (Louis) -Prbly 1800 's-339 Baulay (?), Louis-Prbly 1800' s-339 Bautin, Joseph-Prbly 1800 's-339 Paul -Prbly 1800 's-339 Bauvier, Francois-No Date-342 Beau, Jean fils de Mar chall -Prbly 1800 's-339 ♦Also "No Date-342" 3 Beau, Marchall, father of Jean- Prbly 1800 's-339 Beaulieu (or n), Amable-Prbly 1770's-338 Beausoleil, Fran cois-1 767-340 Mann (?) -1770-340 Begnenot, Francois fils-Psbly 1802 -342 Francois pere-Psbly 1802 -342 Francois, father of Jean-Psbly 1802-342 Jean fils de Francois- Psbly 1802-342 John Ls. (Louis) (son of Francois or Jean fils de Francois?) -Psbly 1802-342 Narcisse-Psbly 1802-342 Bejeau, Bijeon, Bijot, Augustin fils (Bijot)-1779-340; prbly 1 770-80' s-339, 340 Augustin pere (Bijot)-No Date-342 Aurellein (Bijot) -1805-342 Poponne (Bijeon) -1805-339 Bell, Robert-1 770-21 Bellataro, An tonio-1 780-340 Jamacio-Prbly 1770-80's- 340 Benidick, Charles -1808-9 Robert-1 808-9 Benoi(s)t, Madam Veuve-1 804-1 Armand-1 81 1 -9 Auguste, Angus tin-1 798- 20, 345 Charles -1805-11 Denis-1 805-11 Edmond-1 81 1 -20 Eloi-1801-341, 343; no date -341 Eloi, father of Francois- No Date-341; prbly 1800's-341 Francois-1805-11 Francois fils d*Eloi-No Date-341; prbly 1800*s-341 Isabelle-1 794-344 Jean Bap tiste-1805-11 , 344 jean Charles -1805-11 joseph-1 793-344; 1805-11, 344 Julien (cede by Anasthesie Babinot) -181 1-10 Michel-1 797-21; 1809-9 Nivier-1 798-20 Sinon-1 798-20 St. Clair-1810-11 (2) Berard pere-Prbly ca. 177O-34O f Archille-1 797-344 Baptiste-Prbly late 1700's-341 Baptiste, father of Jean Baptiste-Prbly late 1700's-341 Camille-1 797-344 Jean pere-1 767-22 Jean Baptiste fils de Baptiste- Prbly late 1 700' s -341 Beraud, Thomas-1810-9, 21 Bernard, Adelaide-1 799-343 ; 1 799 (?)(Date torn off) -10; 1801-21, 343 Alexandre-1801-21 Doralis-1801-343 Edouard-1 801 -21 , 343 Eloi-1811-10 Francois-1781-340; 1793-344; 1811-11 Francois fils de Jean-1 793-10 Francois Broussard Olidon (with Jean Bernard) -1805-20 Heloise-1 801 -343 Hervillian-1811-11 Hiliare Nelson-1 782-22 Jean (with Francois Broussard Olidon Bernard) -1805-20 jean fils-1 770-21 Jean pere-1 81 1-10 . — Jean, father of Francois -1 793- 10 jean Louis -1782-22; 1 793-10 Joseph-1 793-10, 344 Joseph Gideon-1 782-22 Lefroy-1793-10 Marcilite-1811-11 Marie-1799 (?)(Date torn off)- 10 Michel-1 761 -340 Michel Barriet-1 799-22 Oscar-1 799-21 Pierre-1 806-1 Pierre Hervillien-1 805-20, 344 Senvant-1 806-10 Tensette-1811-11 Triville-1 806-10 Ursin-1 799-343; 1799 (?)(Date torn off) -10 Zelie (?) -181 1-11 Bertin, Dantelly-Prbly 1770-80' s-339 Julie-Prbly 1 770-80 's-339 Sostine-Prbly 1 770-80 's-339 Bertrand, Alexis -1808-9, 341 Carmelite-No Date-342 Chris tophe-Prbly late 1700's- 341 Jean Baptiste-1810-9 Margarite -Prbly 1800's-341 Bertrand, Melaise-Prbly late 1700's- 341 Berwick, Agnes-Prbly 1770's-338 Bienvenu, Louis Devance (Devince?)- No Date-341 Bihm, Julien-1 81 1 -9 Blaise, Joseph-Prbly 1770 ! s-338 Blanchard, Anne-1 789-340 Prederic-1809-16 Blanchette, Finnin-1811 -21 0livier-1 777-21 Olivier Firmin-1811- 9 (Blanchet) Bliny, Alexis-Prbly 1800 's-339 Bodin, Jean Charles-1772-341 Bohan, Jean-1 799-342 Boinne (Bonin?), Pierre-1 808-343 Boisdore Ls . ( Louis )-Prbly 1800's- 339 Bolls, Jean-Prbly 1800' s-339 Bonin-Prbly ca. 1770-340 t Veuve-Prbly 1770-80 's-339 Antoine fils de Baptiste- No Date-342 Antoine pere-1 764-339 Baptiste-1 802-343 Baptiste fils de Joseph pere-1 81 0-11 Baptiste, father of Antoine- No Date-342 Baptiste Dauphine- 1802-341 Barthelemy-1808-341 Benjamin-Prbly 1800's-341 Bernard-1808-341 Hypolite-1 802-342, 343 Joseph fils-1810-11 Joseph pere-1 81 0-11 Joseph, father of Baptiste- 1810-11 Louis -1804-341, 343 Moise (or Moyse)-1804-341 , 343 Pierre ( ?Boinne)-1 772-341 ; 1808-343 Bor(r)el fils-1 776-34O; (Ls?) 1797- 344 t Benjamin fils-1 797-344 Eugenie- 1797-344 Francois-1 797-344 George-1 796-21, 344 Pierre fils-1 797-344 Bossie(r), Bonne-Prbly 1770's-338 Claude-1 770-338 Francois fils-Prbly 1770- 80's-338 Francois pere-Prbly 1770- 80's-338 Jean Pierre (J. P.)-1770- 338; prbly 177O-8O 's-339 Nemissis-1 770-338 Bossie(r), Pierre-Prbly 1770 , s-338 Sylvestre -Prbly 1770's-338 Victoire-Prbly 1770's-338 Bossmedu (?), Jean Baptiste-1 802-343 Boudoin, Pierre-1 807-343; 1808-9 Boudreau( x) , Antoine-1 8OC-343 Calestie-1810-9, 21 Veuve Lonat-1 778-20 (2) Eloi Petit Jan-1 792-20 Francois-1 792-20 Jean-1 778-340; 1802-20 Joseph-1810-21 Joseph fils-1 81 0-9, 21 Lefroy fils -1808-22 Lefroy pere-1 808-22 Leon-1 802-21 Michel-No Date-342 0livier-1 793-1 Veuve Pierre-Prbly 1778 (illegible) -20 Simonet-No Date-342 Bouillon (?), Jean-Prbly 1800» s-339 Bouine, Jean Louis-1 772-338 Paul-1 772-338 Boujais, Jean-1 788-340 Boulerisse, Nicolas-1 784-339 Bourassas & Maudau-1 770-1 6 Bourg, Bourk, Bourque, Charles -1799-21 Francois fils de Lucien-1 799-343 Jean Charles-1 799-342 Jean Firmin fils de Lucien-1 799- 343 Jean Florentine (Bourk) -1 808-21 , 343 Joseph Florentine-1 799-21 Joseph Laurent-1 799-342 Lucien-1 81 0-21 Lucien, father of Jean Firmin and Francois -1799-343 (2) Pierre (Bourque) -Prbly 1770's-338 Placide-1 806-344 Bourgeois, Adelaide-1 799-21 jean Baptiste-1 794-344 Louis-1 799-21 Margarite-1 794-344 Urbain~1 799-21 Bourgeoit, Ursin St. Modes te (Bourgeois?) -1799-343 Bourgin, Jean-1 799-21 Bourjion, Louis-1 805-344 Boutte pere-1 768-340 , Baptiste (Boute)-1 780-338; prbly 1770-80' s-339; 1793-344 Godfroy fils (brother of Philippe) -Prbly 1 770-80 's-339 Margarite fille de Margarite Lebon-1 808-9 Marie II ermi one -Prbly 1 770-80' s- 339 Michel-1811-9 Boutte, Philippe (brother of Godfroy fils) -Prbly 1 770-80 »s- 339 Brasheaxs et Sanders -1809-9 Bxasil. Robert-Prbly 1800's-339 Brau(d), Breau(x), Agricole-1 805- 339, 342 Alexandre-Prbly late 1700's- 341 Alexis, father of Donat- 1 81 1 -341 Arien-1 804-1 Armand fils de Donat fils de Firmin-1 808-1 1 Baptiste-1 796-344 Charles-1701-340; 1804-10; 1806-15 Charles fils-1 804-339 Contant-1 804-1 Donat-1811-9 Donat fils d'Alexis-1811-341 Donat fils de Donat fils de Flrmin-1 808-1 1 Donat pere fils de Firmin- 1 808-1 1 Donat, father of Donat, Armand, Dosite-1811, 1808 (2)- 11 (3) Dosite-1811 -9 Dosite fils de Donat fils de Firmin-1 81 1 -1 1 Euphroisine-1 806-344 Finselle-Prbly late 1700's- 340 Veuve Firmin-Prbly 1800's- 342 Firmin, father of Donat- 1808-11 Francois-1 793-10, 344 Hypolite-1 806-10; 1810-9, 342 Jean Baptiste (Breaud)-1796- 340; 1804-10 Joseph-1 793-344; 1802-343; 1 804-339 ;l809-9, 21 (2) Joseph fils-1 793-10 Joseph A(thanase) -181 1-11 Joseph Eloi fils-1 793-10 Julien-Prbly late 1700»s- 341 Julie(n) fils de Pierre- 1798- 20, 345 Marie Buphrosin-1806-10 Pierre-1 793-20 344; prbly late 1700*3-340 (2) (one very faint), 341 Pierre, father of Julie(n)- 1798-20,345 Brau(d), Breau(x) , Rosemond-1 8O6-344 Rosemond son le nome d 'Olivier Landry fils -1806-10 Saline, Seline-1804-10 (2) Treville-1 809-21 Valine-1 804-1 Brautin, Manne Lenormand-1 804-343 Brezina, Francois -Prbly 1800 ! s-339 Brian, Jean-1810-9 Brignac, Francois -Prbly 1770's-338 Marie Joseph-Prbly 1770 f s-338 -. Michel-Prbly 1770's-338 Briguetier, Francois -Prbly 1770's-338 Brinton, Thomas -1806-334 Broussard, Adelaide fille d'Olidon- 1802-343 Alexandre-1 81 0-9 Alexandre fils de Joseph- 1804-341, 343 Alexandre fils de Pierre- Prbly late 1700's-340 _ — .— ___ Alexandre fils de Theodore- 1 780-22 Alexandre Simon-Prbly late 1700 f s-341 Amant (Amand, Armand)-1770- 341; 1805-341, 344 Amant, father of Edouard- Prbly late 1700's=341 — — — — Amant, father of Rosemond and ELoi-1810-11 (2) Amand, father of Suzane- 1799-343 Anaclet-1 793-344 Anaclet Sylva±n-1 793-341 Anasthasie St. Julien-1 783- 22 Andre-1 795-344 — Anne-1 793-21 Antoine, father of Edouard- 1792-344 — Arnaud (Armand?),- father of Manan (female) -1799-342 Auguste-1 793-21 Auguste fils d'Augostin-1801- 343 Augustin, father of Angus te- 1801-343 Augustin, father of Joseph- 1793-20,344 Baptiste-1793, 1795-344 Belony fils de Claude-1802- 343 Benjamin fils-Prbly 1790- 1800«s-341 Benjamin pere, father of Onezime and (Don) Louis-Prbly 1790-1 800 »s-341 Broussard, Camille-1 799-22; 1810-11 Carmelite -1809-21 Clarice-1811-9, 20 Claude-1 769-20, 340 Claude, father of Belony and Marie-1 802-343 (2) Clavier-Prbly 1790-1800's. 341 Colas fils de Joseph- 1802-341 Colas Jo3eph-1804-11 ; No Date-341 Delphine, by her father, Raphael-1 808-9, 11 Devallin-1811-9 Dosite-1802-341 ; 1805- 339; 1808-9; 1811-20 Dosite fils d'Eloi-1770- 20 Edouard fils d'Amand- Prbly"Xate 1700's-341 Edouard fils d'Antoine- 1792-344 Edouard fils de Joseph- 1799-341, 343 Eloi-1793-344; 1800-343 Eloi fils d'Amand-1810- 11 (2) Eloi fils de Josaphat- 1800-11 Eloi, father of Dosite- 1770-20 Eloi Petit Rene-1 810-9, 11 Felice-1809-9 Felice fille de Sylvain- 1809-341 Felanice-1811-20 Francois-1 767-21 ; 1804- 339 Francois fils de Sylvain- 1804-341 Francois, father of Hiliare-1 770-20 Francois, father of Izidore-1 799-343 Francois, father of Jean- 1794-344; 1796-21 Francois, father of Joseph-1 796-20 Gertrude-1809-9 Gertrude (change au nom de Arsin Comaur 1830?) -1809-21 Gidore-1 796-340 Hervillien-1 799-21 Hiliare fils de Francois- 1770-20 7 Broussard, Irvin (very faint) -1786-338 Isidore-1796-21 , 344; 1799- 21 Izidore fils de Francois- 1799-343 Isidore, father of Simonet- 1796-21 Jean-1771-340; 1790-339 jean fils-1 799-22 Jean fils de Francois-1794- 344; 1796-21 Jean fils de Jean-1 799-343 Jean fils d'Olidon-1802-21 , 343 Jean pere-1767-340 Jean, father of Jean-1 799-343 Jean Baptiste-1 767-22, 34O; 1794-22; 1798-20 Jean Joacin-1 798-20 jean Pierre-1 771-22 Josaphat-1 808-9 Josaphat. fils-1 808-1 1 Josaphat, father of Eloi and Rosemond-1800, 1808-11 Joseph-1 770-1 6; 1 772-340; 1793-21; 1796-340, 344 (2); prbly late 1700's-340 Joseph fils-Prbly 1 770-80' s- 339 Joseph fils d'Augustin-1793- 20, 344 Joseph fils de Francois-1 796- 20 Joseph fils de Rene-1 790-340 Joseph fils de Simon-1801-343 Joseph fils de Theodore-1 776- 22 Joseph pere-Jrbly 1800' 3^341 Joseph, father of Alexandre, Edouard, and Colas-1799, 1802, 1804- 341, 343 Joseph, father of Suzette- Irbly 1 800' s -341 Joseph Petit Rene-1 787-11 Joseph Petit Rene, father of Josephine-1810-11 Joseph Pierre fils de Pierre- 1810-11 Josephine-1804-11 ; 1810-9 Josephine fille de Joseph Petit Rene-1 81 0-11 Julie-1 795-344 Leon-1811-9, 20 (2) Leon fils d 'Olidon-1 810-1 1 Louis-Prbly 1770*s-338; 1793- 21 (Don) Louis (son of Benjamin pere?) -Prbly 1790-1 800' s-341 Broussard, (Don) Louis fils de Pierre-Prbly late 1 700 's-341 Louis fils de Theodore- 1780-21 Louis Claude-1 801 -20 Manan fille d'Amaud (Armand?) -1799-342 Marie fille de Claude- 1802-343 Marie Claude-1 802-20 Marie Filonise-1811-10 Marie Melina-1 793-21 Michel-Prbly 1 770-80' s- 339; 1783-22, 340 Nicholas -1802-344 Nicholas Armand-1 784-1 1 » Olidon-1 790-21, 340 Olidon, father of Jean and Adelaide-1802-21, 343 (2) Onezime (son of Benjamin pere?)-Prbly 1790-1 800 's-341 Phileman-Prbly 1800 's-341 Pierre-1 770-340 ; H71-338 Pre. (Pierre) fils-1782- 338; 1810-9 Pierre pere-1 770-340 Pierre, father of Alexandre-Prbly late 1700's-340 ■ Pierre, father of Joseph Pierre and (Don) Louis -Prbly late 1700' s-341 (father of Don Louis); 1810-11 (father of Joseph Pierre) Polanne-1 793-21 Raphael-1810-9; (pour sa fille Delphine) 1808-9 Raphael fils-1810-11 Raphael pere-1 81 0-11 Rene, father of Joseph- 1790-340 Rosemond-1 808-9 ., Rosemond fils d'Amant- 1810-11 Rosemond fils de Josaphat-1 808-11 Silvain (Sylvanie)-1793- 21 Veuve Sylvain-No Date-341 Silvain, father of Felice-1809-341 Silvain, father of Francois-1804-341 Silvain, father of Silvestre (?)-1801-343 Silvain, father of Victoire-1809-342 Silvestre-1801-343 Broussard, Silvestre fils de Silvain ( Sylvanie ) (?) -1 801 -341 Simon-1762, 1770-340; 1796- 344 Simon, father of Joseph-1801- 343 Simonet fils d'Isidore-1796- 21 Susanne-1 809-9 Suzane fille d'Amand-1 799-343 Suzette fille de Joseph-Prblj 1800' s-341 Theodore -1780-21, 340 Theodore, father of Alexandre-1 780-22 Theodore, father of Joseph- 1776-22 Theodore, father of Louis- 1780-21 Theophile-1 792-20 ; 1807-344 Thian-1811-9 — .. Treville-1 809-9 Ursin-1 802-342, 343 . Valery-1 801 -343 Valery Claude-1 769-20 Yictoire-1 809-9 Victoire fils de Sylvain- 1809-342 Zenon-1801-20; 1811-9 _„__ Zepherin-Prbly late 1700's- 340 Brudan, Andre-Prbly 1770's-338 Brudome, Julienne-Prbly 1800's-339 Mel. -Prbly 1770's-338 Bruneau, Joseph-1 809-9 Brunet, Alexandre Francois -Prbly 1770's- 338 Catherine-Prbly 1800 ! s-339 Celeste-Prbly 1770's-338 Francois -Prbly 1800's-339 Brutin & Populus-Prbly 1 770-90' s-1 16 Bulley, Lewis-1811-9 Burjeon, Guillaume-Prbly 1770's-338 Burleigh, Robert-Prbly 1800»s-339 Bussett, Bap tiste-1 793-344 Caffier, Jacques-1 800-29 Caillavet-1 782-28 Caille, Jean-1 799-30 Cainn-1 770-28 Calais, Bap tiste-1 790-28 Joseph Baptiste-1810-30 Caldwell, Patrick-1810-30 Campat, Julie-1 793-29 Camut, Jean Baptiste-1 798-29 8 Canan, Canau, Edouard-1 804-30 Michel-1 774-30 Canard, Thomas -1799-29 Cantenll, Michel-1 792-29 Carlin-1 775-28 f Mme. -1798-29 Carliate, Jean-1798-29 Carmouche, Catiche-1 793-29 Emillien-1810-30 Francois-1810-30 Marcela-1 793-29 Pierre-1 793-30 Carnir, Joseph fils-1 782-28 Carrell, Satrielle-1 782-28 Carrier, Carmelite-1 790-31 William-1 805-28 Cany, Lucie (Lucy) -1 805-29, 30 William-1 806-31 Cart, Andre-1806-31 Artimise (with Milite)-1 806- 31 Christophe fils-1 806-31 Christophe pere-1806-31 Elizabeth-1806-31 Prancois-1806-31 Milite (with Artimise )-1806- 31 Pierre-1 806-31 Caruthers, David-1 793-29; 1810-30 David fils-1 795-30 James-1 808-30 (2) Julien-1 795-30 Lise-1795-29, 30 Thomas -1 793-30; 1795-29 William-1 790-28 Casteyo, Sebastein-1 805-28, 30 Castille, Veuve-1 775-28 Joseph fils-1 790-31 Joseph pere-1 790-31 Manuel-1 794-29 Cavallier, Nanette-1 782-28 CazeLman, Jean-1799-29 Celestin. Saurage Attakapas (?)- 1804-29 (Probably meant to be Cele3tin Saurage, Attakapas district) Cellers, Ma the w-1 794-29 Chabot, Celeste (with Margarite)- 1782-28 Margarite (with Celeste)- 1782-28 Chachere-1 790-28 children-1 790-28 Chagren, Joseph sons-1 782-28 Chaic3on, Jean-1 782-28 Louin-1809-30 (2) Chalane, Jean Bap tic te-1 795-29 Champaigne, An toine-1 790-28 Antoine fils-1790-31 Francois-1 790-31 Jean Louis-1 790-28 Louis-1 809-31 Louis fils-1 809-30 Pierre-1 790-28 Pierre fils-1790-31 Charlot-1806-29 Chassat-1 782-28 Chenim, Louis-1 798-29 Cheret, Jacob-1 802-29 Choate, Jean-1 790-28 Thomas -1794-29 Chretim. Pelogie-1805-30 Christophe, Simon Arbria-1 793-29 Chris toval-1 795-29 Clark, enfan de Jacques-1 798-33 Adam-1802-29 Isabelle-1800-29 Jacques (James) -1798-29; 1806- 31 Jacques, pere d' enfan (above) - 1798-33 Claude, Veuve-1 766-104 Clause. Pierre-1 790-28 Clements, James-1 809-30 Cole, Bap tis te-1 790-31 Coleman, Jean-1 782-28 Collins, Jean (with Theophilus and William) -1782-28 Susanne-1 782-28 Theophilus-1 782-28 (2) (once with Jean and William) Theophilus William-1 802-29 William (with Jean and Theophilus ) -1 782-28 Comaur (Comeaux?), Arsin (change au nom from Gertrude Broussard)(?)- 1809-21 Comeau(x), Antoine-1 785-28 Augustin-1805-30 Carmelite (Carmalite)-1778- 28; 1793-29 Charles fils-1 778-28 Charles dit Petit- 1 785-30 Edouard-1 799-30 Eloi-1 799-29, 30 Etien-1 799-29 Jean-1 782-28; 1795-30 Julien-1 795-30 Corns tock, Raphael-1 793-29 Connar, Edouard-1 804-28 Constance, Marie Joseph-1 797-29 Constantin, Jean-1 804-28, 30 Cormier, Veuve-1 795-30 Amand fils de Michel pere- 1808-31 Eloi fils de Michel pere- 1 808-31 Francois-1 802-29, 30 Veuve Jean Baptiste-1809- 30 Joseph-1 795-30 Joseph fils de Michel pere-1 808-31 Louis-1 796-29, 30 Ludivine fils de Michel pere-1 808-31 Manon-1 795-29 Marcelet fils de Michel pere-1 808-31 Margarite fille de Michel pere-1 808-31 Michel fils-1 808-30 Michel pere, father of Amand, Joseph, Nicholas, Eloi, Margaret, Ludivine and Marcelet (and Michel fils?)-1808-30, 31 Narcisse-1 793-30 Nicolas fils de Michel pere-1 808-31 Pierre fils-1 795-30 Pierre pere-1 795-30 Rapheil, Raphael-1 795-29; 1 808-30 Coxon, William-1 798-29 Crane, Kb enezar-1 792-33 Etienne-1 790-28 Cummins, George-1 802-29 William-1 809-30 D Daigle, Simon-1 801 -42 Dairau (?), Jean Baptiste-1787 (?- not clear) -41 Danmont, Francois-1 81 1-43 Darausseau, Alexandre-1 772-39 Darby, Mde.- (et ses enfant) 1779- 40; 1796-45 Belthazard fils de Jean-1 796- 45 Francois fils de St. Maro Darby-1 796-45 Jean-1 796-45 Jean, father of Belthazard and Selima-1 796-45 Jean Baptiste St. Marc-1796- 45 (2) Lodviska fils de St. Marc Darby-1 796-45 Darby, Selima fille de Jean-1 796-45 St. Marc - See Jean Baptiste St. Marc, above St. Marc, father of Francois and Lodviska-1 796-45 (2) TJrsin-1 796-45 Darter-1 779-40 , Joan-1 772-39 Pierre-1 772-39 Dartes, Alexandre-1 804-44 Frederick-1 809-43 Jean Pierre-1 809-43 Pierre-1 809-43 Dartigue, Paul-1 787-41 Darzarma, Joseph, curi-1 770-40 Dasanchet-1 803-43 Dauphin, Marie-1 772-39 Dauran, Mde. Veuve-1 787-46 Cyprien-1 787-46 Jean Charles -1808-46 Davis, Bap tiste-1 770-40 Deauet, Cade t-1 802-43 Ursine-1 802-43 Deblanc, De Blanc, Derneville-1 797-46 Dorseneaux-1 797-46 — Dorseneaux fils de Joseph- 1 801 -46 . Elizabeth Marcelite-1 799-42 __ Jean Baptiste Despanis-1 797-42 Jean Baptiste Dors eneaux-1 797- 42 Jefferan fils de Joseph-1801- 46 Joseph fils-1 797, 1801-42 --: Joseph fils de Louis-1 801 -46 Joseph, father of Jefferan, Dorseneaux. St. Gerais, Valizar and Louis-1 801 -46 (5) Louis fils de Joseph-1801-46 Louis pere-1 797-42; 1799-46 Louis, father of Joseph-1801- 46 Marie Aspasie-1 797-42 Marie Louise Cesaire-1 797-42 Marie Louise Marthe-1 799-42 Maximilien Derneville-1 797-42 Pierre George Cesair fils-1797- 42 St. Gerais fils de Joseph-1801- 46 Valizar fils de Joseph-1801-46 Charles fils-1 805-41 Declouet, De Clouet-1 786-40 fils-1 780 's (date unclear) -40 Veuve-1 776-40 , Alexandre-1 780-43 10 Declouet, De Clouet, Alexandre, father of Chevalier-1 784-43 Artemi3e-1 780-43 Bel thazare-1 780-40 Bogmi-1 780-40 Bragnier-1 780-43 Caroline-1781-40 Catiche-1 790-41, 43 Chevalier-1 770, 1780-40; 1793-41, 43 Chevalier fils-1 784-41 Chevalier fils d'Alexandre- 1784-43 Favrot-1 780-40, 43 Neville-1804-46 Decuir-1 784-40 , Francois-1 772-39; 1787-41 Veuve Francois-1 81 1 -44 Godfroy-1 787-41 Jean Pierre-1811-44 Joseph-1781-39 Maximilien-1 787-41; 1799-46; 1806-41, 44 Pierre-1781-39 Vincent-1781-39 Zenon-1 787-41 DeCuney, Mme. -1772-39 Dedin, Seth-1 804-41 De Gavor le bray-1 770-40 De Guys-1 770-40 Dela Chaise, Honore-1 770-40 Dela Claire, Fuselier-1 784-40 Delahoussa(ye) , De la Houssaye-1770- 40 (Delahoussa) Adelle-1 804-45 Alexandre, Sue. of- 1 804-45 Barthelmy-1 804-45 Be lthazard- 1804-45 Francois-1 804-45 Francois Edward- 1804-45 Gustave-1 804-45 (Don) Louis-1 804-45 Louis pere-1 804-45 Louis Charles-1 804-45 Louis Pelletier fils- 1804-45 Pelletier (Lepelletier) -1804-45 St. Cyt-1804-45 Terrance-1 8O4-45 Theodule-1 804-45 Theogene-1 804-45 Delamme, Mde. Antoine-1 789-46 Antoine fils-1 811 -46 Antoine pere-1 789-46 Delarine, Garrin- 1787-41 Delavellbeave, Delavillebeuf , Jean- 1805-41, 45 Delhomme, Delharme, Alexandre (C. G.)- 1782-40 Antoine-1 802-42 Antoine Billar-1811 -43 Billan (Delharme) (very faint) 1789-40 Chevalier-1 793-43 Gorman- 1793-42 Delie, Dely, Maria (Marie) -1772-40; 1793-42 Demartrait, Adri en- 1809-45 Louis-1 772-39 Louisa-1 809-45 Martin-See Dumartre, below Denanles-1807-44 Denaute, Jean-1 807-43 Deprados, Gansolan (See also Prades)- 1 780-40 Manuel-1 785-40 Deracher, Mme. -1782 -45 Deraussel, Deroussel, Antoine-1 80? (not clear)-45 Nicolas-1 787-41 Pierre-1 792-46 (Deraussel) Derneville, Olivier-1810-43 Derouen-See Drouen Desarmaux, Louis-1 792-42 Desbarde, Mte. (Marcelite?) -1772-39 Deshotel(s), Adrien-1 770-40 Andre-1 770-40 Maxmillien-1 770-40 Desk, William-1 772-39 Despaux, Guillaume-1 770-40 DeTorres, Juan-1 786-40 Devezin, Devi zins -Joseph Olivier (Devizins) -1809-45 Olivier fils-1 787-41 Olivier pere-1 787-41 Devillier, Dorothe-1 772-39 Devince- 1787-41 (3) t Mde. Veuve-1 789-46 Temacourt (Dervince) -1804-45 Terance Bienvenu-1810, 1811- 43 Terville-1811-44 Diel, Samuel-1807-41 Ditche, John-1 807-43 Doiron, Jean Charles-1 808-43 Domenguez, Domingo fils-1 805-46 Domingo pere-1 799-46 Joseph-1805-46 Domingo, pape (?)-1805-41 Domingor, Domingo (Domenguez?) -1805-41 Donat en socete-1 772-39 11 Donat fils-1 772-59 Donegan, William-1 770-40 Dore, Veuve-1 787-41 Francois -1798-42, 46 Jacques -1787-41 Jacques fils de Louis-1 794-46 Julie-1 799-42 Louis-1 787-41; 1792-42 Louis fils-1 804-42 Louis, father of Jacques -1794- 46 Marie Louis e-1 795-42 Philippe-1 787-41 Douce t, Jean-1802 (? -unci ear) -42; 1 802-44 Jean Baptiste-1 772-39 Joseph-1 784-40 Michel-1 772-40 Pierre-1 772-39 Drak, Lise-1801-42 Marie-1 801 -42 Drek, Heronne-1 807-44 Dronet (Drouet? See also below) , Gratiease-1 772-39 Jean Louis-1 772-39 Drouen-1 780-40 , Jacques fils-1 78O-46 Jacques pere-1780-46 Joseph fils-1 78O-46 Joseph pere-1780-46 Rosalie-1 804-42 Drouet, Antoine-1 804-41 , 44 Aurone-1 802-43 Edmond-1 795-42 Joseph-1772-39; 1795-42; 1802-43 Nicolas-1 772-39; 1794-42 Dubeau, Jean Baptiste-1 800-42 Dubois, Pierre-1 809-43 Dubourg, Alexandre-1 808-43 Dubourque, Pay taine-1 792-41 Dubuchet, Dubuclet-1801-46 Dubuisson, John-1 772-39 Duclos, Lange Philippe - See Ducloslang, below Duclosel, Aspasie-1804-41 , 44 Charles Olivier-1 804-44 Olivier-1 787-41; 1809, 44 Olivier fils-1 804-4 1 Ducloslang, Philippe-1 787-41 Ducret, Armand-1770-40; 1787-41 Veuve Armand- 1809-45 Julie-1 787-41 Louice-1 787-41 Mailine-1 787-41 Margarite- 1787-41 Dugat, Adelaide-1 797-42 Dugat, Adelaide fille d'Amand-1 805-44 Alexandre-1 770-43 Amand (or t) -1801 -44 Amand, father of Jean, Adelaide, Celestin, Augustin, and Maximillien- 1805-41, 44 Ann-1 786-40 Augustin-1805-41 Veuve Augustin- 1793-44 Augustin fils d'Amand-1 805-44 Celestin fils d'Amand-1 805 -44 Charles-1 784-40; 1801-42 Eloi fils -1804-43, 46 Eloi pere-1804-46 Isabelle-1 807-43 Jean-1 784-40; 1801-42, 44 Jean fean (?) -1770-44 Jean fils d'Amand-1 805-41 , 44 Jean Charles-1810-45 Joseph-1 795-42, 44; 1807-43 (2) Louis-1 799-42, 46 Louis fils de Louis-1 799-46 Louis, father of Louis-1 799-46 Margarite-1809-43, 44 Marie Sophie-1801-42 Maximillien fils d'Amand-1 805-44 Pierre-1 770-40 ; 1793-42 Veuve Pierre-1 786-40 _„ — Pierre fils-1 770-43; 1807-43 (2) _ Pierre pere-1 770-43 Pierrot-1 793-44 Pierrot fils-1 805-45 Sosthene-1804-46 Duhamet, Duhainel, Jean-1 81 0-43, 45 Duhon, Aspasie-1809-44 Aspasie fille de Pirmin-1 809-43 — — Aurelien-1 793-45 Baptiste, father of Joseph-1 802, 1 809-45 Charles -1 776-40 ; 1793-42, 45; prbly 1800's (date unclear) -44 Charles, father of Pierre-1 806 (?)-45 Claude, Clode-1 777-40, 44 Cuprion-1 804-44 Delphe, Delphy-1810-43, 44 Dosite-1 793-45; 1804-44 Pirmin-1 801 -42 , 44 Pirmin, father of daughter, Aspasie-1 809-43 Francois-1810-43 Francois, father of Joseph-1 798- 42 Jean Baptiste-1 804 -41 , 44; 1806 (?unclear)-45 Joseph-1 790-41 ; 1793-44; 1809-43 Joseph fils de Baptiste-1 802, 1809-45 12 Duhon, Joseph fils de Francois- 1798-42 Joseph fils de Francois Flacide Duhon fils 31 Jan. 1837 (?) -1798-44 Michel-1801-42; 1810-44 0nezime-1 793-45; 1804-44 Pierre fils de Charles-1806 (?-unclear)-45 Dumartrait - See Demartrait, above Dumartre, Martin-1 772-39 Duman, Jean-1 798-42 Dumman, Jacques-1 798-42 (See Dunman) Dummary, John-1806-41 Dunlau, Telmaje (Dunleavy, Talmadge) -1809-43 Dunman, James (See Dumman, above)- 1806-44 (2) Joseph-1 798-44 Dupa, Lorenzo-1 784-40 Dupay, Joseph-1 801 -42 (See Dupuis) Duplanti, Baptiste-1 770-40 Duplechi(e)n, David-181 1 -46 __1 Mde. David-1802-46 Jean Baptiste-1 781 -39 Philippe-1781-39; 1797-42 Duplisses, Francois Armerautt-1 770- 40 Dupuis, Pierre-1 808-43, 46 (2) (See also Dupay, above) Durachin, Joseph-1 782-40 Duralde, Martin-1 781 -39; 1789-46 Dusauchet, Louis-1 807-43 E Fas tern, Fastein, Fas tine - See Faustin, below Faugnaut, Li se- 1807-58 Faustin-1772-57 (See also Fas tern, etc.) , Mde. Veuve-1 772-58 Jacques-1 783, 1801-57 Marie Agathe-1 807-58 Feignaut, Veuve-1 772-57 Fenetre, Louis-1 807-58 Ferairet, Gabriel-1 795-60 Fernandez, Antonia-1 786-57 Joseph-1 787-57 Maria-1 783-57 Fletcher, Thomas -1805-57 Fontenette, Andre-1 804-57; 1807-57, 58 Jacques-1 802-58 Zenon-1 804-58 Fontenot, Henry-1 772-57 Julie-1 772-57 Forlk - See Falk, above Fovron-1 772-57 Franco, Jean-1 800-57 Francoeur, Joseph-1 772-57 Frazer, Isaac-1 772-57 Frederic, Veuve-1 801 -57 Freeman, Elizabeth-1810-57 Frelan, Pierre-1 772-57 Freme-1 777-60 French, Josiah-1 808-58 Paula-1 808-58 To trech-1 808-57 Fuselier, Faseyer, Fusayer, Agricole- 1772-57 (2), 58 enfans d'Agricole-1 786-58 (2) Gabriel (de la Claire) -1802- 58 Eliot, Gimes-1 796-1 54 G Enfile, Michel-1 798-1 54 Escalony, Carlos (Escalarie, Gaillard, Pierre (dit La Rochelle)-1777- Charles)-1 786-1 54 96 (La Rochelle) Esclavan, Andre-Prbly late 1700's- Gait, John-1 789-65 154 Gallemand, Galmant, Guillaume-1810-68, 66 Gansaulin(g) , Adelaide-181 1 -66, 68 F Aine-1 787-68 (Gancaulan), Bamil, Bomel- Fabre, Jean-1 804-57, 58 1808-66, 68 Falk, Ben jamin-1 808-57 Francois-1 787-68 George-1801-57 enfans de Francois-1 787-68 James-1 809-57 (2) Harpin-1 787-68 Joseph (Forlk) -1802-58; 1808 Fierre-1806-65 57 (2) St. Clair-1 808-66, 68 Michel-1 802-58 Garnet, Josue-1 798-65 Fareres, Bosselen (Basselen) -1803-57 William- 1 798-65 Farrot pere-1 810-57 Gamy, Veuve Jean-1 787-68 Faseyer, Agricole (Fuseyer) - See Jean fils-1771-67 Fuselier, below Jean pere-1771-67 13 Gamy, Joseph fils-1 787-68 Joseph pere-1 787-68 Garret, Catherine-1 798-65 (Garrot), William-1 798-65 Gaspar(d), Simon- 1789-65 Veuve Simon-1 775-67 Gattos, Jean-1 789-65 Gaul tier, Francois-1 808-66 Gautier-1 795-70 Gautreau(x) , Jerome-1 81 0-66 Louis Marie-1 809-67 Gerauine, Simon-1 787-64 Geriodo, Voi (?)-1 787-64 Geriguan, Etienne-1 789-65 German, Joseph-1 795^65 Geroir, Giroir-1 795-65 , Fermin-1781-67, 70 Jean Baptiste-1781-67 Joseph-1 797-65, 67 Pierre-1 797-65 Scolastie-1 795-65 Simon-1 795-65 Girauve, Ami-1 795-67 Julie-1 795-67 Pierre-1 795-67 Girrard, Francois (with Zelomene Nathalie Judice) -1793-81 Gnur, Alexander-1 796-65 Goireau, Goreau, Francois-1 799-65, 68 Goohe (?), Joseph-1 796-65 Gordain, Alexandre-1 797-65 Gosslet (?), Yves-1775-67 Gradenigo, Amie-1 789-65 Joseph (very faint) -1789- 64 Grange, Guillaume-1 81 1 -68 Jean-1 775-67 Jean Baptiste-1 809-66, 67 Jean Baptiste, father of Pierre-1 809-67 Joseph-1775, 1777-64; 1809- 67; 1810-66 Pierre-1 8O5-65 Pierre fils de Jean Baptiste-1 8O9-67 Simon-1 809-67 Grantrand (or "ud"), Madeline-1 789- 64 Gravemberg - See Grevemberg Green, Joseph-1 808-66 Greig, George-1810-66 Gretian, Belly-1 792-65 Joseph-1 782-65 John-1 809-66 Grevemberg, Dme-1 787-64 Grevemberg, Barthelemy-1 759-68; 1794- 64 Charles -1804-67 Felonise-1804-67 Francois-1 770-64, 67; 1775, 1789-65 Louis-1 759-68; 1793-64 Perrisse-1 789-65 Gueredo, Carlos-1 795-65 Guidry, Alexandre-1 795-67 Anas tazie-1 802-68 Antoine-1 795-67; 1802-65, 66 Aspasie-1 795-67; 1802, 1810-66 Augustin-1 797-65 Augustin fils-1 809-67 Augustin pere-1 797-66 Baptiste-1 795-65, 67 Baptiste (fils de Jean Baptiste fils?)-1804-68 Charles-1 766-65; 1802-65, 68 Clemence-1 795-67 Francois-1 808-66 Jean Baptiste-1 798-65 Jean Baptiste fils (father of Baptiste?) -1804-68 (2) Jean Baptiste pere (father of Joseph?) -1798, 1810-68 Joachim-'l 81 0-66 Joseph-1 81 0-66 Joseph fils-1 795-67 Joseph (fils de Jean Baptiste pere?) -181 0-68 Joseph, pere-1 795-67 Julien (very faint) -1809-66 Lef roy-1 81 0-66 Louis-1 802-68 Margarite-1 795-67 Marie Arsenne-1 795-67 0livier-1 802-66 Paul-1810-66 Pierre-1 795-65 Pierre fils-1 795-66 — Pierre pere-1 802-66 — . Sosthene-1804-68 Ursin-1 802-68 Vic torin-1 802-66, 68 Zephinn-1 809-67 Guilbeau-1 793-65 , Adrien-1 81 0-66 (2) Alexandre-1 801 -67; 1808, 1810 (2) -66 Amand-1 801 -65 Veuve Amand-1 771 -67 Charles-1 771 -64 David-1 770-66 David fils de Francois-1 794-68 14 Guilbeau, Edouard-1771-67 Francois-1771-64, 67 Francois, father of David-1 794-68 Godfroy-1771-67 Jangoir-1 793-81 Jean-1770-64, 66 Jean Bap tiste-1 770-66 jean Charles-1 792-65 Jean Charles fils-1801- 65, 67; 1810-66 Jean Charles pere-1 792-67 Joseph-1781-67 (2); 1793- 65; 1794-68 Julie-1811-67 Julien-1811-67 Margarite-1 804-68 Michel-1801-67 Onezime-1810-66 (2) 0zeme-1810-66 (2) Pelagie Richard-1 789-65 Placide-1 810-66 (2) Guilbert, Jacques-1808, 1809-66 Jacques, father of Pierre and Joseph-1811-66 Joseph fils de Jacques- 1811-66 Pierre fils de Jacques- 1811-66 Guilerice, Julien-1 775-67 Giiillaiame-1771-64 t Jean Baptiste-1 794-67 Guillory, Baptiete fils de Pierre- 1789-65 ' Pierre, father of Baptiste- 1789-65 Guinard, Delphine-1 802-65 Julie-1 802-65 H Hache, Joseph-1 795-75 Hagara, James -1804-75 Haggerty, Henry-181 1-78 (Hargaty), John-1809-76; 1811-78 Haizi,(Haze)*David-1 802-75, 76 Jacques-1 802-75, 76 Michel-1 802-75, 76; 1804-76 Hampire, Jacob-1 804-75 Hanis, Villiam-1 800-76 Hank, Charles -1800-76 Harde, Pierre-1 802-75 Hardy, Mary-1811-78 Hargaty - See Haggerty, above Hariot, Charles-1 808-76 Harman, Ann-1 804-75 Harman, Jean (John) -1800-76; 1804-75 Sarah-1 804-75 Harny, Jacob-1 8OO-76 Hartley, Ann-1 808-75 Haze, Veuve Malaga- 1802-76 (See also Haizi, above) Hebert, Agricole-1781-76 Alexandre-1 794-75; 1795-76; 1810-75, 76 Alexandre fils de Louis pere- 1810-76 Amable-1 809-75, 76 Andre-1809-76 Arsenne (Ursin?) -1809-76 A thanas -1793-75, 76 Celestin-1 802-75 Charles-1798, 1805 (2)-75; 1808-75, 76 Charles dit Charlo-1 802-76 Veuve Colas-1810-76 Francois-1800-76 Francois, father of Joseph- 1800-76 Frederick-1781-76 Harry-1809-76 Jean-Prbly 1780's-74; 1781- 74; 1805-75 Jean Charles-1 805-75 Joseph-1781, 1799-74; H95-75; 1809-76 Joseph fils de Francois-1800-76 Joseph pere-1 781 -76 Lesime-1810-75 Louis -1800-7 6; 1802, 1809-75 Louis fils de Louis pere-1 810- 76 Louis pere, father of Alexandre and Louis-1810-76 (2) Margarite- 1806-7 6 Mathurin-Prbly 1790's-75 Moise-1805-75 (2) Nicolas-Prbly 1790's-75; 1793-75 Olivier-1781-76 Onezime-1800-76 Pierre-1 805-75 Ursin-1 805-75, 76 Valmond-1 805-75 Heleum (?), Sauvagesse-1 800-76 Henard, Francois -Prbly 1790's-74 Henroit, Charles-1 808-75 Henry, Jean-Prbly 1780's-74 Hetie, Pierre-Prbly 1780's-74 Hiedlemire (Hudlemire) , Andre-181 1-75, 76 Hollier, Die. -Prbly 1780's-74 Jacques-Prbly 1780's-74 Joseph-Prbly 1780's-74 Luc. -Prbly 1780's-74 ♦See also Haze, below 15 Holloway, Charles-1 805-75 Houry, Jean-Prbly 1780's-74; prbly 1790's-74 Hud, Semi re (?) Andre-1 808-77 Hulick. Barnet-1 809-78 Hul(l)in, Henriette-1809-76 Jean-1 805-75 Louis-1 809-75, 76 Philipe-1 809-76 Pierre-1 809-75, 76 Humphrey, James-Prbly 1790's-74 Hutte, Ben jamin-1 803-75 Huval, Adam-1 784-76 Cyrille-1 809-75, 76 Placide-1 809-75, 76 Jackson, Humphrey-1 808-81 (2) Jan, Veuve Petit-1 790-81 Jardinier-Prbly 1790*s-Q1 Jeanson, Mde. Veuve-1 802-81 Jimby, Marie-1 808-81 Joachim, Joseph-Prbly 1790's-81 Johns, James -181 1-81 William-1 790-81 Judice fils-1 793-81 pere-1 790-81 , Carmesine-1 793-81 Desire-1 793-81 Dorales-1 793-81 Fanelly-1 793-81 Jacques-1790, 1793-81 Jacques, enfans of -1793-82 (2) Louis fils-1 790-81 Louis pere-1 793-81 (2)* Louis fils, father of Modiste-1 793-81 Maximillien, (Millinas)-1790, 1793-81 Modiste fille de Louis fils- 1793-81 Zelomene Nathalie (with Francis Girrard) -1793-81 Juneau, Junot. Jean Baptiste-1790- 81 (Junot) Marie-1 793-81 ( Juneau) K Kaezey (?), Rolan-1 799-83 Keith, James-1 810-83 Kenshaw, Jean N. -1801 -83 King, Belly-1801-83 Knight - See Night *0ne bought of L'ertez 16 Kolman, Celeste-1 810-83 John fils-1 81 0-83 John pere-1 81 0-83 Labarthe R D (?) -1801 -348 Labauve, Baptiste -1770-89 Francois -1799, 1801-92 . Placide-1 799-92 L'Abbe fils-1 772-89 , 9 Agricole-1 792-90 .. Baptiste (with Celeste) -Prbly 1780's-90 — . — - Celeste (with Baptiste) -Prbly 1780 ? s-90 „ Celestin-1803-91 Euphroisine-1 793-347 Godfroy-1 793-347; I8O3-91 — »— Jean-Prbly 1780's-90 __ Vincents 806-90, 347 La Bochelle (La Rochelle?)-1 777-91 Lacautroy (?) -Prbly 1 770-80' s-88 Lacaze-Prbly 1 770-80 • s-88 __ ( Etienne-Prbly 1 770-80' s-89 Lachance-Prbly 1780' s-89 Lacour, Baptiste-Prbly 1770-80's-88 -_ Simon-Prbly 1770-80 's-88 Lacy, Poly-1 807-348 Lagnas, Ls. (Louis?) -1 794-347 Lambre, Margarit'e-1810-92 (2) Lamotte-Prbly 1 780 's-89 „ , Bugene-Prbly 1780's-89 — „ Poticarpe-Prbly 1 780 's-89 Landry, (unreadable; probably Adolphe) -Prbly 1770-90's-91 Adolphe-1 771 -92 „_ Agricole-1 798-348; 1799-92 - Alain-1 806-90 — — — Alexander-1 800-348; 1805-347 — ._ Alexandre C.-I792, 1811-90 „_ Amand-1 775-89; 1805-90, 347 Amand, father of Pierre-1 811 -90 Amasie-1 779-89 . — An toine-1 809-348 Archille-1 806-347; prbly 1800's- 91 Bazile-1 778-89, 90; prbly 1770's- 89 Carmelite fille de Henry-1 801 -91 Cecile-1807-347 Celestine-1809-90, 348 Clotine-Psbly 1770's-90 Cyrille-1 806-92, 347 Eleanor-1 802-348 Eloi-1801-348 Eugenie-1800-91 Landry, Eusene-1 800-348 Fab ien-1 804-90; 1806-90, 347 Ferdinand-1 802-348 Firmin-1 769-89 Henry-1801-348 Henry, father of Carmelite- 1801 -91 Hubert (or Hebert) -1798-348 Jean-1804-90, 91; 1806-347 Joseph-1783, 1790-89; 1796- 347; 1802-348; 1806-92, 347; psbly 1800's-91 Joseph nul-1805-90 Joseph pere-1811-90 Joseph Vital-1 780-89 Leanore (?) -1803-91 Lufroy-1 806-347 Margarite-1806-92 Marie-1 806-347 Maximil lien- 1806 -92 Nicolas-1811-90 0livier-1 786-89 Olivier fils-1801-348; 1806- 347 Olivier pere-1 786-90 Pentale-1808-92, 95 Pierre-Prbly 1770 's-89; 1804, 1811-90 Pierre dit Petre-1786-89 Pierre fils d'Amand-1811-90 Raphiel, Raphael-1805-90, 347 Susanne-1804-90 Valentine-Prbly 1 770-90' s-91 Langline, Jean Louis-Prbly 1800's-90 Louis-Prbly 1800's-90 Larmand, Jean Baptiste-1810-91 La Rochelle (?)(LaBochelle) -1777-91 Larte, Charles-Prbly 1780's-90 Lassabe-Prbly 1780's-89 Latiolais-1 789-90 t Veuve le mere-1 809-91 Joseph-1809-91 ; prbly 1800's-105 {with Frederic Mouton) Leon-Psbly 1770' s-91 Lavilleburg (not clear), Veuve-1805- 90 Laviolette, Joseph-1810-92 Lazelson (?), Lacy-1 807-347 Lee, John-1 809-348 LeBlanc-1 790-89 t Agricole-1 793-91 ; 1794, 1806-347 Antoine-1806-91 Clite-1806-91 Clotide-1 793-347 LeBlanc, Connne-1771 -89 Veuve Comme-1771-91 , Desire-1 800-348; 1804-90 Edouard-1 806-91 Erasie-1 809-348 Francois Simon-1809-91 Frederic-1 795-347 Gills-1810-91 Jean-Psbly 1770's-90 John-1 800-348 Veuve Joseph-1803-92 Joseph Simon-1809-91 Julien-1802-91, 348 Marcelle-1 777-91 Nicolas-1808-91, 348 Norbert-1 806-91 Pierre-1 800-348 Veuve Pierre-Psbly 1770's-90 Placide-1801-348 Veuve Rene-1 776-90 Silvestre Simon-1809-91 Simon-1 770-89, 91 ; prbly 1780' s- 90; 1809-348 Simonette-1 806-347; 1809-91 Theophile-1 806-347 Zene-1 776-89 Lebon, Margarite, mother of Margarite Boute-1 808-9 Lebrenech, Pierre-Prbly 1780's-90 Lebruse, Thomas-Prbly 1780's-89 LeDe, Mr. (Francois?) -Prbly 1780's-89 Jean-1 799-93 Louis-Prbly 1780's-90 (Ledi) Ledoux, Alexandre-1 803-91 Velleveuve-Prbly 1780's-89 LeDuc, Pierre-Prbly 1 770-80' s-88 Lefebvre, Etienne-1 805-90, 347 Lefleur, (Don) Diego-Prbly 1770-80's-89 Leger, Alexandre -Fsbly 1770»s-90 Andre-1 800-348 Augustin-Psbly 1770's-90 Jean-Prbly 1780's-89 Julien-Psbly 1770's-90 Louis-Prbly 1780's-89 Michel-Psbly 1770's-90 Legnan, Alexandrine-1 809-348 Arthemize-1 809-348 Emelie-1 809-348 Eugene-1 809-348 Frederic-1 809-348 Joseph-1 809-348 Julie-1 809-348 Legrou (or Legnan, Legnon) , Louis-1781- 90 Lejeune, Jean Baptiste-Prbly 1 770-80' s- 89 17 Leleu, Delphine-1 805-92 Edouard-1810-92 Francois-1781-89 Francois fils-1 781 -92 Francois pere-1 803-92 Louis-1810-92 Oiisine-1 808-348 Onezime fils-1 808-92 Lemirande-Prbly 1770-80»s-88 (2) — f Constant-Prbly 1770- 80's-88 L'ertez-Sold to Louis Judice pere- 1 793-81 Lessard, Fonton (?) -Prbly 1780»s-90 Lett, William-Prbly 1780' s-89 L'eveille-Prbly 1770 's-89 Levergne, Louis fils-Prbly 1770- 80' s-89 Litette-1 760-89 Lopes, Andre-1 790-89 Lopez, An toni-1 786-89 Bernard-1 785-89 Felise-1 785-89 Gabriel-Prbly 1770-80 's-89 Jean-1810-92 John A. -Prbly 1770-80' s-89 Maria R. -1785-89 Lorin, Bap tiste-1 782-90 Lorty, Marie-1 793-347 Louisan (?)-No Date-348 Louvier(re), Ben jamin-1 798-348 Benjamin fils-1 798-91 Benjamin pere-Prbly 1790's-91 Celeste-1 799-347 — Felonise-Prbly 1790's- 91 Franco is -Prbly 1790's- 91 Francois Navier (?)- Prbly 1800's-91 Frederic-1 798, 1802-348 Frederic fils-1 804-91 Frederic pere-1 798-91 Lezare-1 798-348 Marie Euphrasie -Prbly 1800's-91 Peiagie-Prbly 1800's-91 Polanne-1 808-91 Silvestre-Prbly ca. 1800-91 Solonne (Polanne?)- 1808-348 Sylvaine-Prbly 1800's- 91 Lumy (?), Jean Jacques-1 793-94 M Macarty-Prbly 1790's-102 f Theodore-1805-102 Mace, Francois-1 795-1 03 Louis-Prbly 1800's-106 Therece-Prbly 1800 f s-106 Zenon-Prbly 1790's-104; 1796-103 Macrony, Jean- 1793-1 02 Mafford, Veuve M. (Wofford?)-1 808-1 03 Magdalini -Prbly 1790's-102 Maille, James-Prbly 1790's-102 Mamganald, Francois (Mariganold?)-1805- 102, 106 Man til, Paul-1 798-1 03 Marceau, Charles -1 800-1 06 Francois-1810-105 Mariau, Francois (Marceau?) -181 0-1 03 Mariganold - See Mamganald, above Marille, Andre-Prbly 1790's-102 Martin-1 770-1 01 __- f Aladin-1809-103, 104 ___ Andre-Prbly 1790's-104 (2) Angelle-1 800-1 03 — Carmelite-Prbly 1800's-105 „_ Claude-1 766-1 01; prbly 1790 ! s- 102 _„ — „_ Veuve Claude (Maria Babin)- 1766-1 __ Dosite-1 800-1 03, 104 ____-._ Felonise-Prbly 1800's-105 ______ Hervilline-1809-104, 104 Joseph-1 793-1 02 _____ Lucien-Prbly 1790's-102 Marin-Prbly 1800's-104 Melenie (Meline)-1809-103, 104 — ,___ Michel-1 800-1 03, 105 — ._..„ Paul-1 809-1 03 __„. — . Placide-1 806-1 05 „_ piacide N. -Prbly 1800's-105 _____ Thomas Drausin-Prbly 1790"s-104 _. — „„ Valery-1 800-1 03, 105; 1806-102 _. ,_ Zepherin-Prbly 1790 f s-104 Martines, Antoine-Prbly 1790*3-102; 1798-103 Marvant, Francois-1 799-1 03, 105 Masse, Celeste-1 808-1 03 Ma tan, Douce tte-Prbly 1790's-102 Joseph-Prbly 1790's-102 Mather, Jacob-1 795-103 Maudan, Andre-Prbly 1770-90's-101 . — Bourassus (Maudau?)-1770-16 Mayer, Jean-1 799-1 03 Meaux, Antoine-1 795-1 03 Estanilas-1801-103, 106; 1810- 104 (2) 18 Meainc, Francois-Prbly 1800' s-1 04 Jean Baptiste-1 806-1 02, 104 Marie-1 81 1-104 (2) Michel-1 770-1 01; prbly 1800's- 108 Pierre-1799-103, 104 Meccall, Jesse (very faint) -1810- 103 Meguere, Jean-1 787-1 01 Melancon, Veuve-1801-105 Alexandre-Prbly 1800 's-1 05 Anaclet-Prbly 1800 's-1 05 Andre-1 801 -103 Baptiste-Prbly 1790's-102 Carmelite-1 804-102 Charles -Prbly 1790's-106; prbly 1800 's-1 05; 1801-105; 1807, 1809-103 Charles, daughter of (unreadable) (?) -Prbly 180O's-105 Veuve Charies-1809-105 Eugene-Prbly 1800's-105 Euphrosine-Prbly 1800's- 105 Jean-1 787-1 05; 1793-104 Jean Baptiste-Prbly 1790's- 104 Joseph-Prbly 1780's-102 (2); 1793-102; 1801 -105 Joseph fils-1801-103 Joseph, Sr. -1801 -103 Julien-1 795-1 03, 105 Louis-1807-103, 105 Marcellin-1 804-105; 1811- 104 Marie L.-1804-105 Menegue-Prbly 1790's-102 Pierre M. -Prbly 1800's- 105 Vic torin -Prbly 1800 's-1 06 Menard, Andre-1 804-1 02 ; prbly 1804- 106 Francois-Prbly 1790's-106 Gaspard-1 798-1 03 Gaspard fils-Prbly 1790's- 106 Gaspard pere-1 798-1 06 Julien-Prbly 1790's-106 Marie-Prbly 1790' s-1 06; 1808-1 03 Pierre-Prbly 1790's-102 Meranne, Jean Baptiste-Prbly 1790's- 104 Mercier, Andre-1 809-103 Me3sonier, Missonier, Elisie-Prbly 1790's-102, 105 Miguez, Bernard 0.-1 800-1 03, 106 Jean-1 800-1 03 Salvador-1 799-1 03, 106 Millehonmie, Francois-Prbly 1770-90's- 101; 1793-102 Francois Andre-1 802-103 Miller, Catherine-Prbly 1 770-90' s-1 01 Elizabeth-Prbly 1770-90's-101 Fred eric -Prbly 1770-90' s-1 01 Jacques-Prbly 1770-90' s-1 01 Jacob-1809-103 Jacob fils-Prbly 1770-90' s-1 01 Jean Baptiste-1 809-1 03 John-Prbly 1770-90's-101 Marie Barbe-Prbly 1770-90' s-1 01 Minas, Placide-Prbly 1790's-102 Mire, Veuve -Prbly 1790' s-1 05 Benjamin-Prbly 1790 's-1 05; 1805- 102 Constance-1805-102 Joseph-1 795-1 02; prbly 1790's- 105 Pelagie-1 793-1 02 Placide-1 766-1 05; 1805-102 Simon-1782 (?)-102 Missonier - See Messonier, above Montet, Cyprien-Prbly 1790's-105 Jean-Prbly 1790's-105 Joseph null-Prbly 1790's-105 Pierre Paul-1 798-105 Montgomery, John-Prbly 1790's-102 Patric-1 792-1 02 Moore, William- 1 804-102 Moorse, Louis-1 807-1 02 Morales, Jean-Prbly 1770-90' s-1 01 Moreau, Francois-Prbly 1800 's-1 05 Pierre-Prbly 1790' s-1 02 Pierre fils-Prbly 1800's-105 Pierre pere-Prbly 1800' s-1 05 Morison, David-1 804-1 03 Morvant - See Marvant Mouton, Adelaide-rrbly 1790's-104 Anne-1 800-1 08 Celeste-Prbly ca. 1 800-1 04 Cesaire-Prbly 1790's-104 Charles-Prbly 1790's-104 Eloi-Frbly 1800' s-1 05 Emile-Prbly 1790's-104 Francois-Prbly 1790's-104 Frederic-Prbly 1800 's-1 05 (2) (1 with Joseph Latiolais) Jean-Prbly 1770-90 's-1 01 Jean fils-Prbly 1790's-104 jean pere-Prbly 1790's-104 jean Baptiste-1 790-1 02 Jean Thio gene -Prbly 1790's-104 19 Mouton, Joseph fils-Prbly 1790's- 104 Joseph pere-Prbly 1790's- 104 Julie-1801-103 Lise-1811-105 (Don) Louis-Prbly 1790' s-1 04 Margarite-1 802-103 Marie Adelaide-1 790-1 02 Marin fils-1 798-1 05 Marin pere-1 782-105 Maurice fils-1 798-1 03 Salvador-1 800-1 05, 105 Sedalise-Prbly 1790's-104 Sosthene-Prbly 1790's-104 (2) Sylvest(r)e-Prbly 1790's- 104 (2); 1807-103, 105 Sylveste pere-Prbly ca. 1 800-1 04 Muggah, James-1811-104 John-1809-103 Murphy, Madam-Prbly 1800* s-1 08 James-1 804-102, 106 John-1 805-102 MC McKauley, Patrick-Prbly 1770-90's- 101 N Nafford (Wofford?), W. N. -1808-1 11 Naugnes (Nougnez) , Joseph-1 804-1 1 1 (2) Newman, William-1 801 -1 1 1 Nezat, Alexandre-1801-111 Auguste-1 790-1 10, 111 Joseph-1 790-1 10 Pierre-1 772-1 10 Pierre fils-1 790-1 10 Nickelson, Nickelsen, Veuve-1 770-1 1 1 Rufus-1 799-1 1 1 Thomas-1 792-1 11 Thomas fils-1 792-1 11 Vinty-1 801 -1 1 1 Nicolas, Bastein-Prbly 1770-90's-HO Bastein enfans of-Prbly 1770-90's-HO David (with Thomas ) -1 806- 111 Martha (with Robert) -1806- 111 Robert (with Martha) -1806- 111 Thomas (with David)-1806- 111 20 Nicols, Edward-1 778-1 12 Night (Knight), Joseph-1 797-111 Nope (Noss?)-, Jacob-1 792-1 11 Nopris, Jacques fils-Prbly 1770's-HO Jacques pere-Prbly 1770* s-1 10 Jean-Prbly 1 770' s-1 10 Nor (r) is, Samuel-1 801 -1 1 1 William-1 795-111; P^bly 1790*3- 111 Normand, Francois-1810-111 Joseph Marin-1 804-1 1 1 Norbert-1 804-1 1 1 Ursin-1 804-1 1 1 Norton, Aza-1 809-111 Leister LeRoi-1 808-1 1 1 Nancy-1 808-1 1 1 Philo-1 808-1 11 (2) Nugents, Edmund-Prbly 1 770-90' s-1 10 Mathew-Prbly 1 770-90 l s-1 10 0ger-1811-113 Olivier, Daviville (?)-1810-113 Julien-1 809-1 1 3 __ m. - Prbly 1 780 's-1 12 Zepherin-1 809-1 1 3 Oneill, Charles-1801-113 Orielly, Jean-1798-113; No Date-113 . — ,__„.. Pierre-1 800-1 1 3 . _ Rosalie-1 806-1 1 3 Ortez, Prancisco-1 787-1 13 Ortu (Ortie?), Jean-1 797-1 13 Ouest, Creed-No Date-113 Ozenne fils-1 748-11 3 . pere-1 748-1 1 3 ? Claire-1 802-1 13 -. Edmond-1 802-1 13 Edmond fils de Jacques Francois pere-Prbly 1 800' s-1 1 3 Emilien-1 802-1 13 _=-_- .- Prancois-1 748-1 13 . — Jacques Francois pere, father of Ursin and Edmond-1 748-1 1 3 Marie-1 802-1 13 Pouponne-1 802-1 13 Ursin-1 802-1 13 Ursin fils de Jacques Francois pere-1 802-1 13 Pain-Prbly 1770-90*3-117 Palanaum (faint), Jean-1 793-1 18 Paleceos, Dame-1 788-1 17 Pamette, Eugenie (with Victoire)-1799- 118 Victoire (with Eugenie) -1799- 118 Pamier, Louis-1 787, 1794-1 17 Parrot, Phillippe H. -1808-1 18 Sally-1 808-1 18 Patin, Antoine-Prbly mid-1 700 '9-11 6; prbly late 1700 's-1 19; prbly 1790*0-117 Joseph-Prbly late 1700*3-119 Marcel-Prbly 1790's-117 Marcel fils -Prbly late 1700's- 119 Marcel pere-1 786-11 9 One zime -Prbly 1800*8-11 8 Dame Toinan-1764-l 16 Pecard, Jean Louis-Prbly late 1700's- 119 Les Orphelin-Prbly mid- 1700'3-116 Pecau, Flechere-Prbly late 1700's- 119 Pel(l)erin, Veuve-Prbly 1770-90' s- 117 Frederick -Prbly 1790's- 117 Josephine-Prbly ca. 1800-120 Louis-1 797-1 18, 119 Penne, (Penna?), Henry-1804-118; 1807-11 9 Peno (Penna, Penne?), Joseph-1793- 117; prbly 1770-90 '3-1 17 Peret, Pierrot-1 806-11 7 Perilleat, Jean-1 805-1 17 Peritte, Hoel-Prbly 1 770-90 ' s-1 1 7 Petit, Antoine-Prbly mid-1 700' s-1 1 6 Peytavin (faint), Jean Baptiste fils- Prbly 1790' s-1 18 Louis Antoinette-1 804-1 19 Pier, Elizabeth-1 792-1 17 Piery, Marie-1 796-1 18 Pikens, Jean-Prbly 1 770-90' s-1 1 7 Poiret, Florentine-Prbly mid-1 700's- 116 Poirier, Celeste-Prbly ca. 1800-11 9 Julien-1804-117, 119 Populus & Brutin-Prbly 1 770-90 's- 116 Porie, Tom-1 804-11 7 Porras, Joseph-1 787-1 17 Porter, Alexander-1809-1 18 Potier, Alexandre -Prbly late 1700*3- 119 Charles-Prbly 1790*3-117 Charles pere-1783-1 19 Charles Amand-Prbly late 1700*8-119 Francois-Prbly late 1700*3- 119 (2) Potier, Julie Aspasie-1 795-1 18 Pierre-Prbly late 1 700' s-1 1 9 Prades, Ferdinand-1 780-1 17 (See also Deprados: ) Manuel fils-1 78*3-1 19 Praize, Jean-Prbly ca. 1800-118 Precelos, Angelle Elizabeth (with Emelite) -1798-1 18 Elizabeth (?), Angelle (or Elizabeth An£elle with Emelite) - 1798-1 18 Emelite (with Angelle Elizabeth) -1 798-1 18 Pre jean, Mme. Veuve-1 780-11 9 Anastsie-Prbly ca. 1800-11 9 Andre-Prbly ca. 1800-118 Celeste-1795-118 (2) Charles-1778, 1780-1 17 Christine-1801-118 Edouard-1 795-1 18 (2) Eloise-1 802-1 18 Joseph-Prbly ca. 1800-118 Lise-1802, 1810-118 Margarite-1801-118, 119 Marie-1 802-1 18, 119 Marie C. -1801 -11 8 Mexile-Prbly ca. 1800-118 Modeste-1801-118 Premau, Primau, Veuve-1 774-11 7 (See also Primot) Premot, Primot, Charles-1811-119 Donat-1 796-1 18 Donat fils-Prbly 1800 's-1 18 Donat pere-1 796-1 20 Emerante-1 802-1 18 Francois-Prbly 1800' s-1 18 Jean-1 81 1-1 19 Margarite-1801-119; 1802-118 Mevant (Premot) (also Merante Primot)-1804-117, 118 Pierre-1811-118 Suzanna-Prbly 1800*3-118 Ursin-1811-119 Victoire Fontenot (Primau)- 1771-116 Prevost, Domincue-1805-117 Francois-1 785-1 17 Francois fils-1 797-1 18; prbly 1770-90' s-1 17 Joseph-Prbly 1770-90's-1 17; 1772-117 Nicolas-1774-117 Nicolas fils-1 775-1 17 Prince, Antoine-1 798-1 19 Francois-1799-118, 119; prbly ca. 1800-1 19 21 Prince, Joseph-Prbly late 1700's- 119; 1780-117 Joseph Antoine-1 807-1 18 Marigny-1 780-1 19 Provost, Mile. -1770-1 20 fils-1 792-1 17 Baptiste-1 790-1 17 Celeste-1 792-1 17 Dominique- 1 805-11 9 Joseph-1 794-1 17 Josephine-1781-117 Julie-Prbly 1790' s-1 1 7 Lufroy-1 792-1 1 7 Maxguerite-1 772-1 19 Michel-1810-118 _ Nicolas-1 762-11 7 Pouponne-1 792-1 17 Ursin-1 799-1 18 Puentas, Don Pedro-Prbly 1770-90's- 117 Q Quarles, John-1805-120 Raca, Louis Henry-Prbly 1800's-128 R(a)ian, Ryan, Isaac-1 808-1 27, 128 Jacob-1 792-1 27, 128 Rainard, Jean Baptiste-Prbly late 1700's-127 Ramard, Amand-Prbly late 1700»s-127 Rangue (?), Saulier-Prbly ca. 1780- 127 Ranid, Anne-1 799-1 27 Ranley, Louis-1811-128 Ransanet, Veuve-Prbly 1800' s-1 28 Raussie, Louis -Prbly ca. 1 780-1 27 Regino, Joseph-1 798-1 27 Rentrop, Frederic-1 809-1 28 Reynolds, Polly-1 806-127 Rhum, Adam-Prbly late 1700's-127 Richard-1 806-1 27 t Adrien-Prbly 1800' s-1 28 Anaclet-Prbly 1800' s-1 28 Delphine-Prbly 1800 's-1 28 Gregoire-Prbly late 1700's- 127 Jean-Prbly late 1700»s-127; 1780-128 Veuve Jean Marie-1 777-1 27 Joseph-1 778-1 27; 1806-127, 128 Josephine-1 809-128 (2) Louic-1 809-128 (2) Richard, Marguerite-1 809-1 27 Pelega-1 780-1 27 Phillippe-1 809-128 (2) Veuve Pierre-Prbly 1800 ! s-128 Rosemond-Prbly 1800's-128 Urban-Prbly 1800's-128 Valmond-1 809-128 (2) Richardson, Veuve-1 808-1 27 William-Prbly 1804/5-127 Ricocheca. Joseph-1 793-1 27 Rieure (?), Louis-1 785-1 27 Riggs, Abraham-1801-127 Elias-1805-127 Riniard, Hyacinthe-1804-127 Rine, Joseph-1 792-1 27 Ring, Thomas-1 795-1 27 Ringuet(te), Baptiste-1 793-1 27 ._. Jean-Prbly late 1700' s-1 27 Riter, Marguerite-Prbly late 1700' s-1 27 Robeau, Louis-1 801 -127 Robert, Veuve Abraham-1 800-1 27 Abraham fils-Prbly late 1700's- 127 Robertson, Littlepage-Prbly 1800 's-1 28 Robichau(t), Robicho(t), Alexandre- Prbly 1 800 ' s-1 28 Freme-1 775-1 27 „_- Julien-Prbly 1800' s-1 28 Ramy-1 804-1 27 Robinet, Felicite-1805-127 Pierre-1805-127 Rodrigues-1 793-1 27 Rogoine, John-1810-128 Roguegmy, Francois-1 777-1 27 Roman, Romin, Bernard-1 809-1 28 — „-_ Fernandez-Prbly 1 780-90 's-1 29 „ Joseph pere-1 782-1 29 „ Michel-Prbly 1780-90* s-1 29 __ Nicolas-1 798-1 29 ~ Onezime-Prbly late 1700' s-1 26 _„ — _ Zepherin-Prbly late 1700' s-1 26 Romere, Veuve-1 780-1 28 Antoine Pierre-Prbly ca. 1800-128 Antoine Tierre fils-Prbly ca. 1800-128 Bernard fils-1 809-1 28 Bernard Pierre (pere?) -1799-1 28 jean Baptiste-1 799-1 28 jean Pierre-1 785-1 28 Michel-1 793-1 28 Raphael-1 809-128 (faint). Sylvestre-1 780-1 28 Romero (Romere?), Bernard-1 799-1 27 Jean-1 785-1 27 Joseph-1 782-1 30 Marie Grano-1 780-1 29 22 Romero, Nicolas-1 804-1 30 Raphiel-1 809-1 30 Rorat (?), Jean-Prbly late 1700's- 127 Roy, Charles-Prbly 1800 's-1 28 — Clarice-Prbly 1800's-128 — - Lefroy-Prbly 1800's-128 — Dame Lefroy-1 802-1 28 — Solasti-Prbly 1800's-128 Royer, Auguste-Prbly 1809/10-128 Rozat, Joseph fils-Prbly late 1700's-127 S Salvadora-Prbly mid- or late 1700*3-135 Sanders and Brashears -1809-9 Saurage, Celestin (?)-1804-29 (See Celestin, Saurage) Victorine-1801-136 Savoye, Savio(r)e, Alexandre -1809- 137 Amede-1804-135, 138 Amede fils-1 804-138 Devalcour-1809-136 Francois Valcour-1809-137 Hypolite-1 794-1 36; prbly 1800's-137 Hypolite fils-1 809-1 37 Hypolite Pierre (pere?)- 1793-137 Joseph-1794-136; prbly 1790's-137 (2); prbly 1800's- 137 Zeline-1809-137 Schecneder, Jean-1 807-1 37 Schipman, John -Prbly mid- or late 1700's-135 Schneider, Toussant-Prbly late 1700's-137 (2) Seguer enfans-Prbly ca. 1800-1 36 Segura, El oy-1 808-1 36, 137 Prancois-1 785-1 35, 137; 1808-1 36 Francois fils-1 808-1 37 Joseph-No Date-1 37 Raphiel,. Raphael fils- 1808-1 36, 137 Sellers, Alexandre-1806-1 35 Semer, Semir-Prbly 1 770-90' s-1 35 Baptiste-1 766-1 37; 1797- 136, 137 Gregoire-1 788-1 35; prbly late 1700' s-1 35 Jean Baptiste-1 776-1 35 Lamo the -Prbly late 1700' s-1 37 Louis-Prbly late 1700's-137 Semer, Semir, Marguerite- 1804-1 37 Nanette-1793-136 Urbin-1801-136, 1 37 Seneguire, Francois fils-1 800-1 36 Senette, Eugene-Prbly mid- or late 1700 's-1 35; 1790-135; 1801 -136 Honore-Prbly mid- or late 1700's-135; 1792-136 Seneture, Francois -Prbly late 1700's- 135 Senwith, Julie-Prbly mid- or late 1700'b-135 Simon, Belanie-1810-1 36, 1 37 Charles-1 802-1 36; 1807-1 37 Eloi, Eloy-1810-136, 137 j ean Baptiste-1 802-1 36; 1807- 137; prbly 1800 's-1 37 Louis -1802-1 36; 1807-137 Smith, Adolph F. - 1809-136 Charles-Prbly mid- or late 1700's-135 John M. - 1804-137 Jonathan-1809-136 Sale-No Date-1 37 Sarah-1 809-1 36 Seth-No Date-1 37 Silas-1809-136 William-1 797-1 36 Snaudy ( ? ) ( Snandy ? ) , William-Prbly late 1700's-135 (2); 1809-136 Solomon-Prbly mid- or late 1 700 's-1 35 Sols, John Pierre-1 795-1 36 Sondrigue, Marie-Prbly 1800 's-1 38 (Soudrigue), Martin-1 774-1 35 ; prbly late 1 700 's-1 35; 1805-1 37 (Nicolas Martin); 181 0-1 36 (N. Martin) Martin fils-Prbly late 1700's. 135; prbly 1800 's-1 38 Martin pere-Prbly 1800 's-1 38 Nicolas Martin, N. Martin - See Martin, above Son(n)ier, Baptiate-1 792-1 38; 1806-136 jean Baptiste-1 805-137; 1806- 136 Joseph-Prbly 1800 's-1 37 Joseph fils-Prbly 1800 's-1 37 Joseph pere-Prbly 1800 's-1 37 Lefroy-No Date-1 37 Fierre-1806-136, 1 37 Flacide-Prbly 1800 's-1 37 Sorrel, Joseph-1758-1 35 Sprakales, Robert-1804-1 35 St. Clair, Benoit-1 780-1 36 St. Julien-1 784-1 35, 137 , Aurellien E. - Prbly late 1700»s-137 St. Mare (St. Marc?), Celeste-1796-1 36 23 St. Mare (St. Marc?), Ursin-1 796-1 36 St. Maurice-Prbly late 1 700 's-1 35 St. Pierre. Charles-Prbly 1800 's-1 37 Stecbek (?), William Pitt-1 794-1 36 S telly, Francois-Prbly mid- or late 1 700 's-1 35 George-Prbly mid- or late 1700's-135 Stephany, John-1 806-1 36 Stephens, William-1 807-1 36 Stine, Charles-1804-136 John-1 804-1 38 Marie-1 800-1 36 Sting, Jacob-1 796-1 36 Stouts, Benjamin-1 793-1 36 Samuel-1 797-1 36 (2) Stuart-1 793-1 36 Suire, Andre-1 810-1 36 Sune-1 805-1 37 Sutter, Peter-Prbly 1800 's-1 37 Tellier, George-1761-146 Temple ton, Robert-1 797-1 42 Terrebonne, Cadet-Prbly late 1700's- 141 Theal, Antionette J. - 1808-1 43 James-1 808-1 43 John B.-1808-143 Joseph-1 808-1 43 ^ Stachaleat-1 808-1 43 Theriot, Thereaut, Cesar-1 795-1 42 Veuve Cesar-1 795-1 44 Charles-1 808-1 43, 144; prbly 1800 's-1 45 Francois-1801-144 Genevieve-1 795-1 42, 144 Joseph-1 806-1 42 , 144 Looke-1806-144 Louise-1807-142, 1 43 Therry, Joseph-Prbly late 1700's-141 Thibodeau(x), Amand, Amant-1770- 142, 144 Ame Paul-1801-144 Anne-1 81 1-142 Aspasie-1809-143, 1 44 Baptiste-1 796-1 42, 1 44 Benjamin-1804-142, 144 Chevalier-1 809-1 43, 144 Clarice-1809-143, 144 Cyrille-Prbly 1780's- 142; prbly 1804-144 Elise (Lise)-1 796-1 42; 1804-144; 1809-143; 1810-143 (2) (Lise) ♦Thebault, etc., Louis - See Thibodeau(x) 24 Thibodeau(x) , Elisie P(aul?) -1796-1 44 Gerard-1810-143, 144 Isaac-Prbly 1780' s-1 42; 1793-142; prbly 1800' s-1 44 Isaao Paul-1 794-1 44 Jean-1 802-1 42; 1804-1 42, 144; 1806-1 44 Joseph (Thibodo) -1797-1 42; 1810-143 (2) Veuve Joseph-1 797-1 44 Veuve Joseph Paul -No Date- 143 Louis (Thebault, Thibault)- 1793-142; 1806-1 42, 144 (Don Louis); 1811-142 «. Louis D. -Prbly 1800' s-1 44 Marcellin-1810-143, 144 _. Marie-1 802-1 43 . Marie Isaac-1 802-1 44 Narcisse-1 802-1 43, 144; 1810-143 Nicolas°1 767-145; No Date- 145 (2) _ — _«„ 0livier-1 767-1 42; 1804- 142, 145 ._„ „ Paul-1 770-1 42; 1784-142, 143 „„„„_„„__„„ Veuve Paul-1 770-1 44 .„..- Pierre-Prbly 1790«s-143; 1806-1 44 Pierre Paul-1 806-1 42 «, — ,— Placide-1804-142; prbly 1804-144 . _ Seraphine-Prbly mid- or late 1700 's-1 45 Vital P(aul)-Prbly 1790's- 144 Thompson, Jean-Prbly 1780* s-1 42 , Thomas-Prbly 1 780' s-1 4.2 Toucheck, Toucheque, Francois -1 800-1 45; 181 0-1 43 — _ George-1 792-1 45; 1808-143 Veuve George-Prbly mid- or late 1700 's-1 45 ._ Jacob-Prbly 1 780 's-1 42 Jacques-1 793-1 42 Jean-1 793-1 43 Toups, Ambroise-1809-143 (2) Silidoine-Prbly 1800 's-1 43 Trahan, Alexandre-1811-145 Antoine Joseph-1 787-1 42, 1 43 Athanaste-Prbly ca. 1800-144; 1802-1 43 _ Baptiste-1 800-1 42, 1 43 Eurasie-1810-143, 145 Firmin-Prbly ca. 1800-1 44 Trahan, Francois-1810-143, 145 (Terhan), Veuve Frederic- 1804-143 German (Germa±n)-1769 (?)- 142 Jean-Prbly late 1700's-141; 1802, 1806-1 43 Jean Baptiste-Prbly ca. 1800-144; 1802-145; 1806-1 42 Jean Marie-1 807-1 42 Jean Onezime-Prbly 1800's- 144 Joseph-1798-145; 1800-1 42, 144; 1802-1 43, 145; 1810-143 Joseph L.-1811-145 Julien-Prbly ca. 1800-144; 1802-1 42 Louis R. -Prbly 1800's-144 Madeline-1 800-1 42 Marguerite-1 798-1 42 Michel-1769-142; 1790-142, 143; 1802-143, 145 Michel fils-Prbly 1802-1 45 Navarre-1 81 1-142 Olivier-1 807-1 43, 145 Paul-Prbly 1802-145 Veuve Paul-1811-145 Pierre-1 790-1 42, 144; 1798- 142; 1800-1 42, 144; 1802-143 (2); prbly 1800's-145 Veuve Pierre-1 806-1 44 Rene-1766-142 Turrisa, Barabin-1810-143 Uval, Adam (Huval?) -1774-1 46 Francois -1774-1 46 Valery-Prbly ca. 1800-1 48 Vallart, Jean-Prbly late 1700's-148 Vallot, Etienne-1791-148 Verden, Jean Baptiste-1 803-1 48 Pierre (Verdin) -Prbly late 1700's-148 Vernt, Baptiste-Prbly late 1700 ! s- 148 Philippe-Prbly late 1700's- 148 Verret, Godfroy-1809-148 Louis-1809-148 Vialet-1791-148 , Ashford-IIo Date-148 Viator, Mille. -1801-148 Viator, Antoine-1 780-1 48 Ignace-1 786-1 48 Joseph-1811-148 (2) Manuel-1801-148 Vidrine, Pierre-Prbly late 1700's-148 Viellon,Veillon-Prbly ca. 1800-1 48 Louis-1801-148 (2)(1 with Martin) Louis, enfans of-1 801-1 48 Louis pere-1801-148 Martin (with Louis) -1801-1 48 Viener, Antoine-1 797-1 48 Villeneuve, Auguste-1806-148 (2); 1809- 148 Villian, Jacob-Prbly late 1700's-148 Sara-Prbly late 1700's-148 Vincin-Prbly late 1700»s-148 Vincent, Pierre-No Date-148 Rosalie-1 806-1 48 W Walker, Antoine-1 81 1-1 52 Gideon-Prbly 1790's-151 Wallis, Wallace, Whittington-1 798-1 51 Watud (?), Milie.-1804-151 Wayble, Joseph-Prbly late 1700's-151 Weeks, Guillaume-1 798-1 51 Weis, William-Prbly 1790's-151 Wells, Willing-Prbly 1790's-151 Wesse, Weisse, Alexandre-1 799-1 51 , 152 "Guillaume-1 799-1 51, 152 Joseph-Prbly 1790»s-151 Louis E. -Prbly 1 799-1 52 Philip fils-1801-151, 152 Philip pere-1 791 -151, 152; prbly 1790's-151 Whaite (White?) -1796-1 51 White, Veuve-1 790-1 52 Billy-Prbly 1790-1800»s-152 Edward-1809-151 James-1809-152 (2) John-1790, 1806-151; prbly 1790- 1800«s-152; 181 1-1 52 (very faint) Joseph-Prbly 1790-1800's-152 Wilkinson, John-1810-152 Wils, Philipe fils-Prbly 1790's-151 Winri^it. Samuel-1801-151 Wofford (?)(Mafford), M.-1 808-1 03 (?)(Nafford),M. W. -1808-111 Zeringue, Celestin-,1 806-153 25 RECORDS OF ST. MARTIN PARISH Dean Griffin has pointed out in the historical introduction that the first influx of population to Attakapas was in 17&5 when 230 Acadians were sent to the district, and it was not until 17^9 that a permanent military post was established there. There were, however, brands registered in the Brand Book as early as 1739; and there were sufficient inhabitants around to warrant the keeping of records as early as 1760, for the records at the courthouse in St. Martinville begin in that year. The earliest records there are known as "Original Acts." I have divided the St. Martin Parish records into five lists. The first is a marriage index compiled mainly from the general index to marriages and from the index to the Original Acts. The list is alphabetized according to the groom's name, the date is given, followed by an OA (Original Acts) number, be- ing the Original Act book and folio number of the document in the book. Thus Hebert, Jean-Marie Meaux, 5/29/1771 , St. Mart. OA 3-21 indicates the date of the marriage and that it is of record in Original Acts volume 3, being folio 21 in said volume. Marriage contracts are indicated by (*) . Brides' names are shown in the general index in the back of the book, with identical information. A second marriage list is comprised of marriages gleaned from other sources, and it is recorded in the same manner The third list is an alphabetical list of estates and wills from the Original Acts through 1805, when the County of Attakapas- was created. These early wills and estates are shown with the year in which probated or opened and the reference. After the formation of the county in 1803, Estate Numbers were assigned, and these records are filed separately in the courthouse. The only information given with these estates is the date of opening. They comprise the fourth list. The final list includes miscellaneous data which may be of help to the genealogist. Testaments were usually wills. Inventories were filed at times other than in connection with estates. Frequently they were filed at the time of marriage. These data are passed along as a guide to the researcher. The same OA and folio numbers apply as for marriages, as outlined above. 26 RECORDS IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF COURT St. Martin Parish, St. Martinville, Louisiana Marriage Index. 1 76Q-1 811 Groom-Bride Arceneaux, Pierre-Madeline Nezat ♦Babin, Joseph-Anas tasie Melancon ♦Babineaux, Domingue-Marguerite Thibodeaux B arras , Antoine-Julie Patin Beard, Thomas -Bridget Keeman Benoit De St. Clair, Jean Baptiste- Marie Louise Declouet ♦Bernard, Achille-Hortense Marie Boutte ♦Bernard, Jean Bap tiste -Marguerite Broussard Bonnain, Antoine-Madeleine Provost (Promise of Marriage) Boon, Daniel -Catherine Bonhomme, Orphan (Permission to Marry) ♦Borda, Antoine-Marguerite Martin, Veuve de Rainet Robicho ♦Borel, Eugene-Manet Prevost ♦Bourgeois, Jean Baptiste-Marie Borel, Veuve Douce t ♦Boutte, Cezare Francois -Marie Louise Gonsoulin ♦Broussard, Armand-Anne Benoit Broussard, Jean-Louise Devine Broussard ♦Broussard, Jean Baptiste-Elizabeth Landry, widow ♦Broussard, Pierre-Marguerite Guidry ♦Broussard, Raphael -Marguerite LeBlanc ♦Broussard, Rene-Marie Madeleine Landry ♦Calais, Baptiste-Madeleine Semere ♦Calais, Jean Baptiste-Victorie Patin ♦Car(r) , Joseph-Ann White ♦Carlin, Celestin-Therese Prevost ♦Castille, Joseph-Scholastique Borda Chitz, Hyacinth-Perine Charpentier Choat, John-Catherine Bryan (Permission to Marry) Clark, Oliver-Sally Lacombe ♦Collect (Collet), Francois, Jr.- Genevieve Benin Cormier, Michel-Widow of Etienne Benoit Crothers, Thomas-Claris Genoi (Permission to Marry) Date Original Act Book- Folio 1802 21-67 Feb. 20, 1778 1-95 Feb. 10, 1785 May 15, 1784 July 11, 1780 5-71 4-24 2-55 May 20, 1795 July 2, 1806 14-12 25-77 June 17, 1782 1779 5-11 1-104 1800 4^-10,11 1767 1-5 Nov. 15, 1798 18-96 1794 15-75 Jan. 5, 1805 21-159 May 24, 1775 1-51 July 20, 1784 4-56 Aug. 23, 1799 19-90 April 11. 1798 Feb. 31 (?), 1801 1 8-149 20-109 June 12, 1775 1-28, 48 Jan. 51, 1799 19-91 Feb. 20, 1795 14-9 Feb. 24, 1794 15-75 Feb. 8, 1794 15-51 March 28, 1785 4-83 June 20, 1785 4-96 1804 22-137 May 27, 1804 22-151 Dec. 29, 1774 1-13 Feb. 10, 1789 7-51 1804 22-128 27 ♦Darby, TJrsin-Louise Urasie Fuselier ♦Decuir, Jean Pierre-Charlotte Julie L'Abbe, widow of Joseph Decuir ♦Decuir, Joseph-Charlotte Julie L'Abbe Degruey, Jean Baptiste-Elisabeth Mouteau De Momberault, widow of Dautereive ♦DeGruiz, Antoine Dufouchar-Henriette Morafret Layssard ♦De LaBarthe DeL'isle, Raymond -Pouponne Ozenne De La Clair, Fuselier-Helene Soileau** ♦De St. Clair, Claire Benoit-Dame Charlotte Declouet ♦DeVezin, Joseph Olivier-Marguerite Celima Judice ♦Doucet, Pierre-Marie Maydeleine Cammont (Comcaux) ♦Dubois, Pierre-Julienne Dartes Ducrest, Laurent-Mar the Castille, widow Trahan Dugas, Charles Jean-Esther Martin ♦Dugas, Eloi-Suzanne Bonin Duhamel, Jean Baptiste-Agathe Madeline Castille Ebert, Louis -Francois Broussard (Also listed as Hebert) *Fontenette, Santiago ( Jacques )- Charlotte Louise Pellerin ♦French, Josiah-Mary Stine ♦Frere, Alexandre-Marie Pellerin Fuselier De La Clair, Gabriel-Helene Soileau** ♦Girouard (Giroir), Pierre-Madeleine Thibodeaux, widow of Simon Broussard ♦Goivreaut, Marie Francois -Maydeleine Bonnain, widow of Joseph Prince ♦Grevemberg, Francois -Euphrasine Marie Boisdore ♦Guilbeau, Charles-Marguerite Bourg, widow of Pierre Pitre Guilbeaux, Jean-Jeanne Marie Arceneaux ♦Guilbeau, Jean Charles -Celeste Dupuy Hargruder, Henry-Patsy Kilpatrick (License) Harman, Jacob -Mary Robertson (Permission to Marry) ♦Harry, Jacob-Charlotte Delahoussaye ♦Hebert, Jean Baptiste-Rose Thibodeaux Hebert, Louis -Francois Broussard ♦Hebert, Nicholas -Julie Provost ♦Huval, Adam-Henriette Marie Benoit ♦Huval, Jean Baptiste-Nanette Doucet May 28, 1811 26-112 Oct. 50, 1781 1778 2-65 1-87 May 4, 1779 1-120 April 25, 1785 5-68 1805 April 29, 1761 21-158 4-44 Sept. 10, 1802 21-86 June 21, 1811 26-126 Aug. 5, 1782 March 20, 1797 5-9 18-64 April 10, 1787 Jan. 26, 1789 Oct. 14, 1795 5-50 7-62 16-150 Jan. 2, 1809 Marriage Book A, page 1 Oct. 5, 1789 7-86 July 5, 1800 April 1, 1810 Jan. 8, 1805 4-9 25-54 22-201 1784 4-44 Aug. 24, 1805 21-144 May 14, 1796 17-45 Jan. 25, 1786 4g-75 Nov. 20, 1775 I-46 May 25, 1788 6-46 July 25, 1801 20-42 Feb. 7, 1808 25-96 1804 22-152 Jan. 14, 1811 26-5 Sept. 27, 1760 2-112 Oct. 5, 1789 7-86 Jan. 7, 1795 16-22 Nov. 5, 1799 19-1 Sept. 23, 1786 4j~76 28 ♦Insall, Thomas-Mary Holdship ♦Judice, Jacques-Marie Louise Hyacinth Boutte ♦Judice, Louis -Madeleine Chretien ♦Lalande, Guillaume -Agnes Chitz ♦Lalande, Jean Bap tiste -Marie Philip Ducrest Landry, Armand-Elizabeth Landry, Widow of Joseph Dugas Landry, Bazile-Frozine M. Vincent Landry, Bazile-Marianna Mire Lapointe, Pierre-Isabelle Broussard, Widow of Michel Mau ♦Latiolais (Latiollet) , Joseph- Francoise Nezat ♦LeBlanc, Ccmme-Isabelle Broussard Leger, Paul -Constance Marie Potier ♦Leroy, Charles -Marguerite Bourgeois Loisel, Jean Louis -Catherine Tourpart ♦Lopes Deacuna, Andre-Catherine Broussard (Listed in one index under "D" and in the other under "L") ♦Louvierre, Franco is -Angelique Bourgeois Maton, Nicholas Joseph-Joseph Marie Douce t ♦Meaux, Francois -Constance Broussard Mouton, Jean-Marthe Bordan ♦Myers, Charles Samuel-Marie Therese Boutte Newman, William -Mar guerita Rebecca Barwick (Berwick?) (Oath and Permission to Marry) ♦Nichilson, Thomas-Isabelle Broussard ♦Oger, Charles Rene Gal i en-Eugenie Pellerin Olivier, Joseph-Celima Marguerite Judice (Also listed as Joseph Olivier DeVezin) ♦Omsby, Olivier (Oliver) Margaret Reynolds ♦Oubre, Joseph-Marie Hebert (Listed in Index under "H") Parkin, Louis -Marianne Thompson ♦Patin, Marcel-Ludivine Broussard ♦Pellerin, Frederick -Marie Ann Pecot (This is the only marriage contract not listed in the Marriage Index) Piennac, Pedro-Francisco Blanco ♦Pomet, Francois-Marie Borel Dec. 9, 1810 25-U4 Jan. 31, 1797 Jan. 7, 1800 18-36 44-34 May 3, 1783 3-78 Feb. 28, 1778 1-103 July 28, 1789 March 15, 1786 Sept. 27, 1786 7-6 44-90 4|-89 Nov. 20, 1785 4-95 July 27, 1795 July 13,1781 July 23, 1789 April 25, 1793 April 8, 1783 16-127 2-83 7-48 14-45 3-66 Jan. 16, 1778 Oct. 7, 1799 1-81 19-96 Jan. 2, 1788 May 6, 1802 June 23, 1783 6-8 21-119 3-84 July 3, 1806 23-126 1798 Aug. 7, 1795 18-87 16-96 July 28, 1806 June 21 , 1811 23-14 26-126 March 9, 1807 May 7, 1787 23-10 5-6 Aug. 20, 1800 Aug. 20, 1800 1805 Mar. Lie 19-152 22-186 April 18, 1786 July 18, 1787 44-92 5-34 29 Pomier, Loui3 -Marie Jalmane Aug. 22, 1788 6-40 ♦Potier, Charles-Marie Maydeleine Armant Ducrect Jan. 20, 1793 14-10 Ring, Joseph-Mary Ropela Amy June 17, 1804 22-131 *Ringuet, Jean Baptiste-Mariane Bourgeois (Listed in Index as "Miguet") Sept. 29, 1793 13-72 *Robicheaux, Ft erne-Marianne Sureste April 25, 1778 1-82 Rogers, Alivelle-Lucy Perkins June 9, 1810 25-50 Rogueny, Paul -Anne Catherine Ducrest May 3, 1783 3-80 ♦ Savoy, Francois -Marie Martin Aug. 20, 1769 1-6 Sigue, Francois Pierre-Emelie Pellerin Nov. 13, 1788 6-22 Tevis, Noah-Nancy Nixon 1811 26-147 ♦Theriot, Francois Xavier-Pauline Broussard May 20, 1805 22-252 ♦Thibodeaux, Anselme -Marguerite Melancon June 20, 1780 2-15 ♦Thibodeaux, Anselme-Anne Trahan Feb. 20, 1793 H-11 Thibodeaux, Olivier-Agnes Brun Sept. 30, 1786 4g-60 ♦Trahan, Germain-Marie Marthe Castille Feb. 4, 1781 2-70 ♦Trahan, Louis-Seraphine Thibodeaux July 10, 1794 15-74 ♦Trahan, Michel-Marie Reine Trahan Nov. 15, 1796 14-110 Veillon, Louis-Marie Sudrick Jan. 1, 1789 7-61 Verret, Philip-Marie Hebert Dec. 7, 1783 3-89 ♦Vialet, Ashford-Marie Louise Barre Dec. 14, 1811 26-240 ♦Vincent, Pierre-Agnes Broussard, widow Potier (The Marriage Contract states "widow Potier"; Marriage Index states Agnes Broussard) Jan. 12, 1788 6-84 Vincent, Pierre -Catherine Galmen April 20, 1790 8-52 ♦Wallace, Vhittington-Lucy White 1795 16-128 ♦Welborne, John-Sarah Smith (Wilburn on label) March 18, 1810 25-1 *Wilkins, Noble -Anne Marie Gaudin Oct. 1, 1800 4J-15 ♦♦There is confusion as to these two marriages. The reference was checked and it apparently refers to the latter date. Where the earlier date comes from I have been unable to ascertain. ♦♦♦License #3392 is listed in the Index as given, but is missing in the License Book, with the notation among several as "unaccounted for." 30 MARRIAGES GLEANED FROM MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS Babineaux, Charles-Ann . Their inventory in 1775, St. Mart. OA 1-44. (Based on assumption they were not brother and sister.) Bell, Robert-Julie Broussard. ASP III 181. ( American State Papers . Volume III, page 181 , See section on American State Papers . ) Bonin, Dejean Louis -Marguerite Prince. Her Estate, 1801, St. Mart. OA 20-62. Bonin, Paul -Marie Fas tin. Her estate, St. Mart. Parish #36, 5/12/1808. Broussard, Armand-Helene (Elaine) Landry. Their inventory in 1774. St. Mart. OA 1-1 6. (Since an Amand Broussard married Anne Benoist in 1775, it is a fair assumption that this is the same one, and that he settled the community which had existed with his first wife prior to his remarriage.) Broussard, Simon-Madeleine Thibodeaux. Her marriage to Pierre Giroir 8/24/I8O3, St. Mart. OA 21-144. Caruthers, David-Isabelle Dugas. Her estate, St. Mart. Parish #72, opened October, 1810. Daniel, Alexander -Anne Henry. ASP III 206. Darby, Jean Baptiste St. Marc-Francois e Pellerin. ASP II 827 (2). Dauterieve, Elisabeth Mouteau De Momberault. Her marriage to Jean Baptiste Degruey 5/14/1779, St. Mart.. OA 1-120. Douce t, Marie Bor(r)el. Her marriage to Jean Baptiste Bourgeois in 1794, St. Mart. OA 15-73- Duclousel, Olivier-Devince Jeanne Bienvenu. Her estate, St. Mart. Parish #77, 2/28/1811. Dugas, Joseph-Elizabeth Landry. Her marriage to Amand Landry 7/28/1789, St. Mart. OA 7-6. Granger, Joseph-Ann Bab in. Estate in 1799, St. Mart. OA 19-30. Grevemberg, Jean Bap tiste- Anna Judith Chenal. ASP II 828. Guilbeaux, Charles-Ann Trahan. Inventory in 1775, St. Mart. OA 1-41. Hebert, Charles-Ozite Dugas. ASP II 861 . Hebert, Nicholas -Louise Bonin. Inventory in 1800, St. Mart. OA 1 9-1 54. Judice, Louis -Marguerite Patin. Estate in 1800, St. Mart. OA 1 9-1 06. Landry, Aman(d or t) -Elizabeth — . Her inventory at time of her marriage to Jean Baptiste Broussard 4/23/1799, St. Mart. OA 19-64 & 90. Landry, Joseph-Marie Melancon. Her inventory with Thomas Pare in 1800, St. Mart. OA 1 9-1 42. Langlinee, Jean-Celeste LeBlanc. Her estate, St. Mart. Parish #63, opened July, 1810. LeBlanc, Rene-Margaret Trahan. ASP III 181. Louvierre, Franco is -Marie Louise Thibodeaux. Inventory in 1799, St. Mart. OA 19-95. Maguille, William C. -Louise Boisdore. Her estate, St. Mart. Parish #92, open- ed July, 1811 Martin, Claude-Marie Babin. ASP II 827. Mau (Meaux) , Michel-Isabelle Broussard. Her marriage to Pierre Lapointe 11/20/ 1785, St. Mart. OA 4-95- Mire, Simonette-Constance Broussard. Her marriage to Francois Meaux 5/6/1802, St. Mart. OA 21-119. 31 Pare, Thomas-Marie Melancon, widow of Joseph Landry. Inventory in 1800, St. Mart. OA 1 9-1 42. Pellerin, Gregoire-Cecelia Prejean(t) . ASP II 823. Pitre, Pierre -Marguerite Bourg. Her marriage to Charles Guilbeau 1l/20/l775, St. Mart. OA 1-46. Potier, Agnes Broussard. Her marriage to Pierre Vincent 1/12/1788, St. Mart. OA 6-84. Pre jean, Marin-Marie Rose Benoit. Estate in 1799, St. Mart. OA 19-11 (12). Prince, Joseph-Madeleine Bcnnain. Her marriage to Marie Francois Goivreaut 5/14/1796, St. Mart. OA 17-45. Robicho, Rainet-Marguerite Martin. Her marriage contract to Antoine Borda in 1767, St. Mart. OA 1-3. Romero, Mary Grano. ASP II 851 . Wisse, Philippe-Marie Dozat. Her estate, St. Mart. Parish #176, 10/8/1808. 32 ESTATES AND WILLS LISTED IN ST. MARTIN PARISH, LOUISIANA Estates and Wills in the Original Acts. 1760-1 805 -Folio Name Year Original Act Book- Benoist, Olivier-Last Will 1781 2-71 Bigraux, Augustin 1791 11-155 Bonin f Antoine 1790 10-6 Bonin, Jean 1794 15-72 Bordat Sr. (Succession) 1778 1-102 Boyne, Martin 1780 2-24 Broussard, Jean Baptiste 1800 19-156 Broussard, Mathurin-Will 1779 1-110 Broussard, Petit Rene & wife 1800 44-40 Broussard, Simon 1795 14-108 Camme-Will 1785 4-92 Chris tophe -Pertaining to Succession 1795 16-60 Cormier, Amant 1795 16-52 Cormier, Jean Baptiste 1790 9-66 Daniel, Franco is -Death of 1792 12-75 Decaux, Joseph-Will 1779 1-125 Delavillebeve, Jean 1797 18-46 Dore, Gaspard 1791 11-129 Dugas , Joseph 1795 14-28 Duhon, Charles 1795 14-6 Dupuis , Joseph 1804 22-2 Gaillard, Pierre, dit Larochelle _ See Larochelle, below Garido, Jean-Death of 1792 12-91 Granger, Joseph and Ann Bab in 1799 19-50 Grevemberg, August in Geuniard (?), Nicholas-Will 1785 5-72 1797 18-54 Hargrove, Benoist 1787 5-45 Huval, Widow 1802 21-12 Judice, Louis and Marguerite Patin 1800 19-106 Landry, Amant 1794 15-62 Landry , Firmin 1801 20-65 Larochelle, dit - Pierre Gaillard 1798 18-1 19 Loulie-Will 1777 1-72 Martin, Armand-Death 1787 5-67 Mat(t)an, Joseph-Sale of Estate 1801 20-22 Mouton, Widow Marie 1784 4-27 Oubre, Joseph 1794 55 15-65 Pellerin, Gregoire-Vill 1776 1-57 Petavin, C. - Inventory and Sale of Estate 1803 21-188 Petit(e), Francois 1788 6-75 Pothier, Pierre 1786 41-91 Prejean, Amant 1793 H-83 Prejean, Marin and Marie Rose Benoit, surviving widow 1799 19-11 (12) Prince, Marguerite, surviving widow of Dejean Louis Bonin 1801 20-62 Saundrigue, Mrs. Martin 1791 11-104 Semaire, Jean Baptists 1794 15-108 Thibodeaux, Olivier-Inventory and Estate 1804 22-126 Trahan, Rene-Will 1790 8-46 34 St. Martin Farish Estate Index. 1805-1811 !*ame Andrus, Solomon Baudoin, Pierre Benoit, Henriette Bernard, Michel Bernard, Michel Bernard, Michel, Jr. Bienvenu, Alexandre D. Bienvenu, Devince Bienvenu, Devince Jeanne Blagge, Farchal S. Bodereau, Charles Jean C. Boisdore, Louise Bonin, Mrs. Paul Borgela, Barthelemy Bosler, Henry Boutte, Antoine Breaux, Baptiste Jean B. Breaux, Desire Marie D. Breaux, Fimin Broussard, August in Broussard, Joseph Broussard, Mrs. Raphael Broussard, Silvain Broussard, Theodore Bundick, William Caramouche, Baptiste Jean B, Carlin, Celestin Caruthers, Mrs. David Caru there , '..'illiam Castille, Joseph Champagne, Antoine Clure, Elisha Comeau, Michel Darby, Pierre Dartesce, Jean Decroix, Francois Decuir, Francois Dekerlegan Delahoussaye, Alexandre Dozat, Marie Duclausel, Mrs. Olivier Ducrest, Laurent Dugas, Isabelle Elie (Etier) , John I eter Etie(r), Antoine Estate No. Date Opened 17 2/1 4/1 808 11 1/20/1 808 103 1 0/1 7/1 81 1 3/26/1810 54 201 August, 1806 89 4/6/1 81 1 February, 180' 3 No Date 77 2/28/1811 67 8/30/1 810 31 October, 1808 92 July, 1811 36 5/1 2/1 808 91 April, 1811 24 7/3/1 808 35 1 2/9/1 808 69 8/8/1 81 73 10/l 2/1 810 1/30/1 809 38 94 July, 1811 205 October, 1805 26 7/23/1 808 8/1/1 808 21 2/20/1 806 88 April, 1811 204 1 0/30/1 806 9 9/1 0/1 807 72 October, 1810 22 4/1 4/1 808 81 March, 1811 18 2/16/1808 68 August, 1810 37 January, 1809 8 7/29/1 807 61 7/20/1 810 7 6/1 6/1 807 12 1/2 3/1 808 56 April, 1810 86 March, 1811 176 77 1 0/8/1 808 2/28/1 811 6 6/1 6/1 807 72 October, 1810 15 2/8/1 808 25 7/9/1 808 35 Fas tin, Marie Fletcher, Thomas Gaillard, Pierre Garrigon, A. J. Gretian, Mary Grevemberg, Louis Guidry, Augustin Guilbeau, Charles Hebert, Joseph Holland, John Landry, Bazile Landry, Jose Vital Langlinee, Mrs. Jean LeBlanc, Celeste LeBlanc, Mrs. Gille LeBlanc, Marguerite LeBlanc, Marie LeBlanc, Pierre Simon LeBlanc, Rene LeBlanc, Rosemond Lemonnier, Hyacinth Louviere, Francois Maguille, Mrs. William C. Martin, Paul Melancon, Charles Melancon, Joseph Melancon, Joseph Mire, Simon Nezat, Pierre Nickelson, Thomas Oger, Mrs. Charles G. Rene O'Reilly, John Pellerin, Eugenie Peytavin, B. J. B. Provost, Joseph Richard, Joseph Richard, Pierre Robichaud, Ephreme Robichaud, Freme Robichaux, et al (Julien, Melanie) Robin, Peter Savoy, Joseph Scantling, Lavinia Schejcnayder, George Semere, Baptiste Jean B. Smith, William Southerland, William 36 5/5/1 808 14 2/4/1 808 175 7/24/1799 59 June, 1810 57 4/1 0/1 810 93 July, 1811 48 1 1/1 5/1 809 8/29/1 809 43 50 February, 1810 101 10/11/1811 105 1 2/1 0/1 81 1 30 9/1 5/1 808 63 July, 1810 63 July, 1810 ... No Bate 26 7/2 3/1 808 —_ 11/21/1811 99 September, 181 7/7/1 810 62 85 4/29/1 811 102 13 10/1 2/1 811 2/3/1 808 92 July, 1811 20 2/20/1 808 64 August, 1810 4 6/30/1 807 203 4/1 7/1 807 16 2/1 7/1 808 75 December, 1810 19 2/1 6/1 808 33 11/30/1 808 70 August, 1808 33 1 1 1/30/1 808 7/3/1 805 97 August, 1811 5 95 6/27/1 807 8/7/ 81 1 99ir September, 181 47 1 1/15/1 809 96 August, 1811 58 6/29/1 810 66 8/8/1 810 74 December, 1810 174 11/23/1779 49 11/1 5/1 809 87 March, 1811 10 IO/25/I 807 36 Stuart, Barnet Stuart, Christopher Theriot, Cesar Theriot, Francois Theriot, Thomas Thibodeaux, Mrs. Olivier Thibodeaux, Mrs. Olivier Thorn (Tharn), Joseph Trahan, Baptiste Jean B. Trahan, Pierre Verdun, Baptiste Jean B. Wallace, William White, James White, John Whitehead, Amelia Wilkins (Wilkie), Noble Wilkins, William Wisse, Mrs. Philippe 42 7/26/1 809 51 3/31/1810 40 4/1 7/1 809 90 April, 1811 80 2/11/1811 28 8/2 3/1 808 46 71 1 1/20/1 809 8/3/1 810 29 34 9/7/1 808 1 2/7/1 808 78 February, 1811 2 October, 1805 53 3/28/1 810 206 8/9/1 806 55 April, 1810 100 September, 1811 52 October, 1810 176 1 0/8/1 808 37 INVENTORIES, TESTAMENTS, AND MISCELLANEOUS INSTRUMENTS PERTAINING TO HEIRSHIP IN THE ORIGINAL ACTS, 1760-1811 Name-Instrument Arceneaux, Pierre-Testament Babineaux, Charles and Anne-Inventory Barras, Pierre-Testament Barras, Vincent-Testament Benoist, Etienne-Inventory Benois t-Inventory Blanchard, Victor-Testament Bonin, Paul and M. Bonin-Partition Bonvillian, Martin-Testament Borrel Minors-Appointment of Tutors Boutte, Amt . -Partition Boutte , Claude-Tes tament Broussard, Armand and Helene (Elaine) Lan dry-Inventory Broussard, Josaphat-Right to Inherit Broussard, Joseph-Inventory Broussard, M. -Inventory Broussard , S . -Inventory Calais, Jean Baptiste-Inventory Chitz, Laurent-Inventory Collet, Joseph-Inventory Darby, St. Luc and St. Marc-Partition Darby, Mrs. St. Marc-Testament J)arby, Widow St. Marc -Inventory Decaux, Julie -Family Meeting Declouette, Chevallier-Tes tament and Order for Inventory, etc. 1789 7-53, 77, 90, 98 Declouet, Chevalier-Testament Decuire, Mrs. -Testament Decuir, Jean Pierre-Inventory Decuir (Decou) , Joseph-Testament and Inventory 1779 1-124, 125 DeGruey-Tes tament Delahoussaye, Brother-Partition Delahoussaye, Mr. -Inventory Delorme, A. G. -Testament Derneville. Louis (dit Cadet St. Julien) -Testament Devence, William-Testament Douce t Minors -Appointment of Tutors Doucet, Hilaire-Inventory Doucet, Joseph, Minors -Appointment of Tutorship Doucet, Michel-Guardianship Ducrest, L. A. -Inventory Dugas, Charles and Amant-Appointment of Tutors 1790 9-49 38 Year Book-Folio 1793 14-2 1775 1-44 1789 7-12 1781 2-64 1789 7-84 1792 12-9 1786 4^-78 1796 17-1 8 1791 11-20 1788 6-70 1807 23-133 1792 12-24 1774 1-16 1788 6-65 1788 6-68 1806 23-59 1803 21-147 1796 17-59 1773 1-10 1783 3-61 1784 4-23 1795 16-104 1811 26-145 1791 11-66 1789 7-53, T 1802 21-79 1787 5-49 1791 11-70 1779 1-124, ' 1783 3-59 1806 23-105 1777 1-64 1797 18-16 1793 14-1 1805 22-189 1790 8-62 1792 12-10 1792 12-8 1804 22-56 1798 1 8-1 62 Dugat (or Dugas), Charles-Partition Dugas, Joseph-Inventory Dugas , Pierre-Inventory Duman, J ohn- Inventory Dupuis, G. -Inventory Edmond, T. -Inventory Escolarie, Charles -Testament Ethier (Etier), Pierre-Testament and Inventory Fagalde, Pierre-Inventory Folk, Jacques and Luke-Inventory Fuselier, De La Claire-Inventory Granger, Joseph-Inventory Grevemberg, Jean Baptiste-Inventory Guenard, Nicolas-Testament Harman, David-Inventory Hebert, Marie -Inventory Hebert, N. and Louise Bonin-Inventory Hebert, N. -Inventory Hillere, R. P. -Inventory and Sale Huval, Jean-Inventory Janson-Inventory King-Inventory L'Abbe, Mr. and Mrs . -Inventory Landry Estate-Appointment of Tutor Landry Heirs -Tutorship Landry Heirs -Partition Landry, Baptiste-Inventory Landry, Bazile-Inventory Landry, Joseph-Inventory Lapointe, Pierre-Inventory Lays sard, Henrique tta Marafier-Appoint- ment of Curator LeBlanc, Joseph-Inventory Lopez, Jean-Inventory Louillier, Joseph-Inventory Louvierre Heirs -Partition Louvierre, Francois and Marie Louise Thib odeaux- Inven tory Lude-Testament and Inventory Marco, Louis -Testament Martin, Joseph-Settlement of Partition of Estate Martinez, Amant -Testament Mathon, Mrs. Jo3eph-Testament Meaux, Michel -Tutorship to Children of Melancon, Mary-Inventory Melancon, Oline (Olive, CI iver?) -Testament 809 24-158 789 7-46 788 6-42 806 23-97 804 22-93 798 18-145 792 12-90 784 and 1785 4-8, 8 780 2-45 788 6-7 771 1-9 791 11-177 787 5-78 797 18-26 792 12-11 802 21-35 800 19-154 804 22-170 782 3-47 793 14-105 800 786 787 790 790 809 788 785 800 788 794 794 789 761 808 799 785 795 809 795 795 784 806 788 4i-35 4-;"5 5-3 8-69 8-73 24-121 6-83 4-88 19-133 6-55 15-99 15-61 7-30 1-2 24-4 19-95 4i-67; 16-78 24-303 16-102 16-103 4-46 23-28 6-63 4-101 39 Melancon, Olivier-Testament 1788 6-62 Mercier, Emelie-Appointment of Tutor 1790 9-24 Mire, Simonet, and Constance Broussard- Inventory 1802 21-85 Moralles, Jean ( Juan) -Testament 1799 19-16 Nezat, Pre. (Pierre) -Testament 1801 20-12 Paillet, Francois -Inventory 1777 1-73 Pare, Thomas, and Widow Marie Melancon, Widow of Joseph Landry-Inventory 1800 19-142 Patrie (Patry) , Jeane-Appointment of Tutor 1782 5-54 Pellerin Family-Partition 1806 25-129 Pellerin, Mr . -Inventory 1785 4-99 Pommet, Francois-Inventory 1792 12-51 Porche, Widow-Inventory 1774 1-1.4 Pothier, Widow-Inventory 1786 4s~7 Pre jean, Minors of-Family Meeting 1791 11-86 Prejean, Amand -Inventory 1787 5-56 Prejean, Joseph-Inventory 1792 12-22 Prevost, Joseph-Testament 1803 21-169 Prince, Joseph-Inventory 1794 15-107 Reede (Reide) -Inventory 1791 11-1 76 Romero, Michel-Inventory 1792 12-97 Savoy, Francois -Inventory 1769 1-7 Savoy, Francois-Inventory 1780 2-28 Savoy, Francois -Inventory 1781 2-103 Smilie, Sarah-Inventory 1781 2-46 St. Clair, Benoist de-Inventory and Appointment of Curator 1792 12-17, 25 Thibodeaux, Ansleme-Inventory 1789 7-45 Thornell, Euphrazie-Testament and Inventory 1781 2-49, 50 Trahan, Ann, and Charles Guilbeaux- Inventory 1 775 1 -41 Trahan, Michel -Inventory 1784 4-50 Trahan, Michel -Inventory 1795 14-109 Trahan, Widow Michel-Inventory 1792 12-5 Verett, Philippe-Inventory 1801 20-2 Vila, Joseph-Testament 1801 20-11 West-Minors' Settlement 1781 2-48 ♦Dautereive, Dame-Inventory 1779 1-121 **Grevemberg, Mme . -Inventory and Sale of Estate 1797 18-57 ***Moreaux, Widow-Inventory 1787 5-57 40 ATTAKAPAS SPANISH MILITIA Mr. C. Robert Churchill became president of the Louisiana Society, Sons of the American Revolution, in 1916. Mr. Churchill soon became impressed with the fact that there were numerous descendants in Louisiana who were eligible for membership in both the Sons of the American Revolution and the Daughters of the American Revolution by virtue of Galvez's attacks upon the British at Baton Rouge, Mobile and Pensacola in 1779, 1 780 and 1781. The result of his quest for proof of this was an unpublished manuscript which is entitled: S. A . R. Spanish Records; Spanish-English War. 1779-1785. There were originally five copies of the manuscript. The original was revised in 1925* Microfilm copies of the revision are now extant, one being in Stephens Memorial Library at the University of Southwestern Louisiana. Miss Pearl Mary Segura, Reference Librarian at Stephens Memorial Library, had the entire manuscript transcribed by type from the microfilm. Very generously, she made the portions of the transcriptions pertaining to the Attakapas District available to me for inclusion in this work. It should be remembered that the men included in these lists were militia men and that in addition to them there were other men in Louisiana who served in the Spanish regular army and whose descendants are eligible for membership in the D. A. R. and S. A. R. 41 ATTAKAPAS SPANISH MILITIA Louisiana Society, Sons of the American Revolution Spanish Records ; Spanish-English War. 1779-1785 (Men under General Don Bernardo de Galvez and other records from Archives of the Indies, Seville, Spain.) C. Robert Churchill, President (Louisiana Society, S. A. R.) List of the Militia officers of the Province of Louisiana with Specification of their Corps, Names and Ranks, dates of Orders of the Government under which they performed their duties and warrants issued by his Majesty by reason of Conquests of the English Positions. Place ■» Atakapas; Companies - One Co.; Ranks & Names - Captain - Dn. Nicolas Porstall; Lt. - Don Santiago Sorel; Second Lt. - Dn. Franco. Grevember(g) ; Asst. Lt. - Dn. Armando Ducres(t) 31 de Dice, de 1786 Place - Neuva Yberia (New Iberia); Commander - Lt. Dn. Juan St. Marck Darvy (Darby) . (Same Date) (pp. 51 -55 of the transcript) 1782 List of Officers of Militia of Opelousas and Atacapas; Officers of the Attakapas Company Name Rank in Militia Date Rank in Infantry Date Augin. Grevember Captain 2/22/76 (Augustin Grevemberg) Jacques Sorel Lt. " 2nd Lieut. 2/16/80 Armant Ducrest Lt.; aide major " Jn. Bte. Grevember 2nd Lieut. " 2nd Lieut. 2/16/80 (Jean Baptiste Grevemberg) (Signed) Opelousas Oct. 15, 1781 L De Clouet (pp. 91 and 92 of the transcript) In addition to the militia lists following there are certain notations in Spanish which would be of genealogical interest pertaining to the officers. The date was "end of August, 1788," and the officers were: Porstall, Sorel, Grevemberg, and Ducrest, as given above for the year 1786. (pp. 282-286 of the transcript) 42 Atakapas (Militia) Service records of officers and lists of companies (1774, 1777, 1778) (compiler's notation: 1774 and 1777 only for Attakapas) transcribed from the originals preserved in the General Archives of the Indies, Seville Spain, Papeles Procedentes de Cuba . 161. Seville, July, 1921 (p. 281 of the transcript) t de la Compagnie de milices Des attakapas formee le 20 de juin 1774. Officiers Augustine Grev ember t (Grevemberg) Capv Jaques Sorel Lt. Jean BP"^ 8, Grevembert (Grevemberg) Enseigne Sergents: Louis Armand, Joseph Bordat, Rene Trahan Corporaux: Jacques Fortin, Claude Martin, Gregoire Pellerin Soldats Olivier Trahan Francois Grevembert (Grevemberg) Louis Roge Joseph Prevost Paul Bonain Barthelemy Grevembert (Grevemberg) Michel Maus (Meaux) Charles Ebert (Hebert) Pierre Broussard Andre Fauque (Fangue) Louis Vlien (Veillon or Viellon) Nicolas Prevot Charles Quainbidau Amand Tobaudau Vincent Bara Francois Boutet (Boutte) Jean Labe (L'Abbe) Simon Le Blanc Joseph Wilse (Vilse, Weisse) Philippe Boutet (Boutte) Francois Broussard Olivier Tibaudau Simon Broussard Michel Bernard Pierre Naizal Antoine Boutet (Boutte) Paul Trahan Bonaventura Martin Jean Baptiste Broussard Olivier Trahan Jean Louis Bonain Joseph Landry Claude Broussard Effreme Robico (Robichaud) Jean Trahan Joseph Hebert Silvain Broussard Martin Pokhe Jean Dugas Michel Porche Germain Trahan Baptiste Boutet (Boutte) Joseph Broussard Pierre Dugas Francois Prevot (Prevost) Joseph Broussard Baptiste Semer Jean GiliesBau (Guilbeau) Jean Baptiste Hebert Maturin Broussard Joseph Babien Philippe Vilse (Wilse, Weisse) Baptista Lalonde Baptiste Porche Amand Broussard Charles Babin Antoine Bonain Jacques Elfe Baptiste La Baure Anselme Tibodau Joseph Prevot (Prevost) Michel Boucet Pierre Borel Gaspard Berthelemy Joseph Carlin Pierre Gaillard Charles Dugat Paul Tibodau Joseph Martin Charles Gilliebau (Guilbeau) Joseph Boucet Francois Gilliebau (Guilbeau) Victor Blanchard Francois Soudric Firmin Landry Rene LeBlanc Baptiste Prevot (Prevost) 43 Louis Soudric An tanas e Trahan Martin Soudric Saturnine Landry Total, 88 hommes Exempts Par charge ou invalide: Jean Berard, Sindic Louis Grevembert, estropie (Grevemberg) Francois Allain, 60 ans (years of age) Boutet Pere, Sindic (Boutte, Sr.) Total, 4 hommes Je Certifie le Present etat Veritable Par la Revue Du 10 juin 1774 (Signed) Le Ch r Le Clouet Etat de Revue de la Compagnie de Milice Des Attakapas Du premier de May 1777 Officiers Augustin Grevenber, Capitaine (Augustin Grevemberg) Mr. Sorel, Lieutenant (Jacques or Santiago Sorel) Jean Baptiste Grevenber, Ens eigne (Grevemberg) Louis DuCrest, Major Sargents: Jacques Postin (Portin), Pierre Broussard, Joseph Carlin Corporaux: Jean Huval, Joseph Landry, Michel Maux (Meaux) Soldats Francois Grevenber (Grevemberg) Antoine Boutte Silvin Broussard Joseph Prevot (Prevost) Barthelemy Grevenber (Grevemberg) Baptiste Boutte Baptiste Labeuve Joseph Hebert Vincente Barrat(o?) Paul Bonin Baptiste Prevot ( Prevost) Antoine Bonin Louis Roge Anselme Martin Claude Duant (Duhon) Pierre jDugat Michel Bernard Francois Ozenne Francous Moutte (Francois Boutte) Philippe Wirte (Wisse) Joseph Wiste (Wisse) Antoine Barrat Renez Broussard Simon LeBlanc Simon Broussard Jean Mountin (Mouton) Jean Hebert Mathurin Hebert Baptiste Cormier Baptiste La Londe Olivier Thibodaux Jean Louis Bonin Jean Labee (L'Abbe) Firmin Robichot Jean Daltersse Francois Morant (Morvant) Marrin Pre jean Pierre LeBlanc Joseph Hebert Jean Guillebaut Jacques L'epine Jean Dugat Firmin Braux Francois Guillebaut (Guilbeau) Sinturnin Landry Pierre Douce t Charles Guillebaut Pierre Niza Michel Doucet Francois Sudrique Ranez LeBlanc Joseph Prevot (Prevost) Augustin Broussard Philippe Boutte Amant Landry Joseph Bab in Charles Duant (Duhon) Bonaventure Martin Anselme Thibodaut Jean Henry Germain Trahant Jean Baptiste Herbert (Hebert?) Amant Thibodaut Jean Baptiste Broussard Francois Prevot (Prevost) 44 Joseph Douce t Claude Broussard Jean Baptiste Simerre Francois Broussard Jean Berard Joseph Broussard Paul Trahant An tanas se Trahant Augustin Boudrot (Boudreaux) Amant Broussard Pierre Gaillard Marrin Mouton Joseph Castil Victor Blanchard Officers 4 Sergents 3 Corporaux 3 Soldats 79 Total y camprit Mrs. Les Officers, 89 Je Certifie La Present Revue veritable Attakapas Le 10° May 1777 (Signed) Le Ch er Be Clouet (pp. 287-290 of transcript) 45 ATTAKAPAS MILITIA CENSUS OF 1792 In the summer of 1961, about the time I started collecting data for this work, Mr. L. C. Landry, Jr., of New Iberia was browsing around the courthouse at St. Martinville. Thumbing through the old volumes of the Original Acts he came across the militia census of 1792. It was not dated, but a recapitulation which was quite similar followed closedly upon the census and was dated August 6, 1792. It seemed reasonable to Mr. Landry, and to me, that while it may not have been concluded on the same date, at least it was around August, 1792. Mr. Landry photographed the census from Original Acts Book 14 (it being folio 142), and very kindly let me have a copy for this work. 46 GENERAL CENSUS OF THE MILITIA OF ATAKAPAS First Company Captain - Dn. Nicolas borstal, Commandant of Oppelousas Lieutenant - Dn. Joseph Sorel Second Lieutenant - Francois Grevemberg Lieutenant aide Major of Militia - Dn. Armant Ducrest First Corporals ; 1 . Pierre Brous sard -Acadien -Age 40 years 43. 2. Jacques Fostin-Creole-40 44. 3. Joseph Carlin-Creole-50 45. 4. Joseph Landry-Acadien-39 46. Second Corporals ; 47. 5. Charles Potier-European-25 48. 6. Paul Bonin-Creole-45 49. 7- Francois Begnaud-European-36 50. 8 . Nicolas Guirard-Creole-30 51 . 52. Infantrymen (Fusilliers) 53 « 9. Marin Le Normand-Creole-31 54. 10. Jean Baptiste Doiron-Acadien-50 55. 11. Dominique Melanson-Creole-28 56. 12. Jean Baptiste Melanson-Creole-30 57. 13. Jean Charles Dugas-European-26 58. 14. Joseph Castille-Creole-27 59. 15. Baptiste Castille-Creole-20 60. 16. Manuel Castille-Creole-1 6 17. Louis Semer-Creole-21 61 . 18. Baptiste Berard-Creole-20 62. 19. Urbain Semer-Creole-18 63. 20. Baptiste Semer-Creole-15 64. 21. Michel Doucet-Acadien-37 65. 22. Joseph Martin-Acadien-50 66. 23. Henry Hebert-Creole-1 9 67. 24. Andre Martin-Creole-21 68. 25. Marin Martin-Creole-18 69. 26. Ciril Thibodaux-Creole-17 70. 27. Baptiste Thibodaux-Creole-18 71. 28. Isaac Thibodaux-Creole-23 72. 29. Vital Thibodaux-Creole-19 73. 30. Elise Thibodaux-Creole-1 6 31. Louis Francois Guilbaud-Creole-1 6 32. Francois Bernard -Creole -2 3 33» Isaac Thibodaux-Creole-22 34. Moyse Bab in-? -2 3 35. Frederic LeBlanc -Creole -20 36. Agricole LeBlanc-Creole-17 37. Joseph LeBlanc-Creole-15 38. Charles Guilbaud-Acadien-50 39. Jean Charles Guilbaud-Creole-20 40. Pierre Cloux-European-21 41 . Theodore Babino-Creole-26 42. David Babino-Creole-20 Silvin Broussard-Acadien-50 Naclet Broussard-Creole-20 Baptiste Prevot (Prevost)- Creole-36 Elemans (?) Vilse-Creole-18 Joseph Vilse-Creole-40 Martinet Sondric-Creole-1 8 Baptiste Calais-Creole-22 Joseph Malanson-Acadien-38 Antoine Patin-Creole-30 Baptiste Boutte-Creole-35 Francois Decuir-Creole-45 Baptiste Bara-Creole-20 Alexnadre Baras-Creole-18 Hypolite Baras-Creole-l6 Francois Blondain-Creole-22 Jean Ride (?)-Ireland-36 Nicolas Sebastien-Creole-30 Pierre Moro called Cadet- European-25 Francois Moro-Creole-19 Louis Lognon-Creole-30 Louis Demaria-Creole-25 Joseph Droite-Creole-26 Louis Droite-Creole-31 (?) Jean Baptiste Sinet-Creole-26 Honore Senet-Creole-20 Jean Lallemand-German-35 L'anspadre Nop-German-30 Ange Cop Nop-German-24 Pierre La Furnay-Creole-22 Frederic Andreole-Brabanson-35 Alpinehart-European-2 5 47 GENERAL CENSUS OP THE MILITIA OF ATAKAPAS Second Company Captain - Blank Lieutenant - Blank Second Lieutenant - Blank First Corporals : 1 „ Jean Louis Bonin-Creole-40 2. Francois Guilbaud-Acadien-41 3. Olivier Landry-Acadien-40 4. Mathurin Ebert (Hebert) -Creole-36 Second Corporals : 5. Nicolas Thibodaux-Creole-21 6. Joseph Guilbaud-European-35 7 . Amant Dugas-Acadien-43 8. Joseph Ebert (Hebert), dit Sepin- Acadien-45 Infantrymen (Fusilliers) 9. Joseph Fourret-Portuguise-3 6 41 • 10. Joseph Bonin-Creole-24 42. 11. Jean Huval-Creole-22 43. 12. Eloy Dugast-Creole-22 44. 13. Louis Dugast-Creole-16 45 • 14. Louis Bonin-Creole-1 7 46. 15. Philippe Boutte-Creole-40 47. 16. Eloy Frillo-Creole-25 48. 17. Joseph Prevot (Prevost)-Creole-35 49. 18. Francois Boutte-Creole-35 50. 19. Ansal Duval-Creole-1 8 51. 20. Rene LeBlanc-Acadien-44 52. 21. Amant Broussard-Acadien-35 53 • 22. Josapha Broussard-Creole-19 54 » 23. Augustin Trahan-Creole-22 55. 24. Francois La Beauve-Creole-1 6 56. 25. Jean Langlinet-Creole-17 57. 26. Jean Charles Ebert (Hebert)- 58. Acadien-43 59. 27. Joseph Ebert, Jr. (Hebert)- 60. Creole-1 9 61 . 28. Theodor Broussard-Creole-30 62. 29. Joseph Broussard-Acadien-37 63. 30. Louis Trahan-Creole-20 64. 31. Olidon Broussard-Creole-20 65. 32. Francois Broussard-Acadien-40 66. 33. Theophile Broussard-Creole-19 67. 34* Baptiste Duon-Acadien-32 68. 35* Josine LeBlanc-Acadien-35 69. 36. Charles Duon-Creole-1 6 70. 37. Jean Baptinte Monte-Creole-18 71 . 38. Louis Mayorque-Canadian-25 72. 39« Simon Gros-Creole-30 73. 40. Pierre P^irrier-Creole-27 Paul Terriot-Acadien-38 Michel Broussard-Creole-22 Joseph Broussard-Creole-16 Nicolas Derroussel-Creole-24 Francois Dore-Creole-1 9 Louis Dore-Creole-1 9 Philippe Dore-Creole-25 Jacques Dore-Creole-30 Antoine Champagne-Creole-25 Pierre Menard-Canadian-45 Pierre Champagne~Creole-30 Jacques Toutcheque-Creole-40 Simon Gaspard-Creole-50 Jean Louis Champagne-Creole-31 Jean Louis Picard-Creole-25 Louis Ulin-Creole-35 Francois Ozenne-Creole-23 Patric Marcarty-Erossain (?)-36 Donnat Bro-Creole-21 Francois Bro-Creole-1 9 Pierre Bro-Creole-1 7 Jean Guedry-Creole-30 Comme LeBlanc-Creole-30 Claude Broussard-Acadien-45 Augustin Dugast-Creole-22 Pierre Dugast-European-23 Joseph Dugast-European-20 Hubert Landry-Creole-1 9 Renee Broussard-Acadien-40 Francois Louviere-Creole-32 Joseph Sonier-Acadien-35 Theodor Thibodaux-Creole-28 Athanase Hebert-Creole-20 48 GHIHRAL CENSUS OF THE MILITIA OF ATAKAPAS Third Company Captain - Blank Lieutenant - Blank Second Lieutenant - Blank First Corporals; 1 . Paul Trahant-Acadien-44 2 . Simon Broussard-Acadien-46 3. Marin Prejan-Acadien-42 4. Jean Broussard-Acadien-47 Second Corporals ; 5. Louis Simmaire-European-33 6. Marin Mouton-Acadien-37 7. Louis Arsenaud-Creole-25 8. Pierre Vincent-European-40 Infantrymen (Fusilliers) 9. Joseph Granger-Creole-20 42. 10. Pierre LaPointe-Creole-21 43. 11. Simon Pierre Granger-Creole- 1 7 44. 12. Joseph Vital Landry-Creole-21 45. 13. Joseph Mire-Creole-25 46. 14. Pierre Mire-Creole-22 47. 15. Simonet Mire-Creole-1 9 48. 16. Firmin Giroir-Ac*dien-45 49 • 17. Simon Giroir-Creole-22 50. 18. Jacques Giroir-Creole-19 5 1 • 19. Clatonie Commos-Creole-24 20. Jean Broussard-Creole-27 52. 21. Freme Eobichaud-Acadien-40 53* 22. Jean Charles Boudrot (Boudreaux)- 54. Creole-27 55. 23. Joseph Richard -Creole-2 8 56. 24. Michel Pivoto-Creole-15 57. 25. Donna t Primo-Creole-16 58. 26. Joseph Trahant -Creole-2 5 59. 27. Michel Bemard-Creole-28 60. 28. Paul Trahant, Jr.-Creole-l6 61. 29. Athanaae Trahant-Acadien-38 62. 30. Louis La Ber-Creole-26 31. Augustin Broussard-Acadien-45 63. 32. Pierre Brouflsard-Creole-19 64. 33* Joseph Broussard-Creole-16 65. 34. Firmin Duon -Creole-2 3 66. 35- Baptiste Trahant-European-31 67. 36. Michel Trahant-European-29 68. 37. Pierre Trahant-European-25 69. 38. Lucien Bourg-European-30 70. 39« Pierre Trahant-Acadien-50 40. Francois Boudrot (Boudreaux)- 71 . Acadien-51 72. 41. Joseph Boudrot (Boudreaux)-Creole-24 73. Victor Blanchard-Acadien-43 Anselme Thibodaux-Acadien-42 Bely Algros-American-24* Lercaia Algros«W^merican-£1* George Andres onne-American-22 Jean Abcher-American-48 Jean Farque (Faulk) -American- 32 George Farque (Faulk) -Am. -30 Jean Boham-American-23 Jean Baptiste Br ous sard- European- 17 Joseph Duon -Creole-2 6 Jean Baptiste Simon-Creole-30 Pierre LeBlanc-Canadian-40 Francois Hogt-German-25 Louis Roger-Europ^en-45 Pierre Trahant-Acadien-40 Jean Grichine-American-47 Ebene Crene -American- 3 8 Isidore Louviere-Creole-37 David Harmene (Barman) -Am. -35 Pierre Gayard (Gaillard)- European-30 James Clark-American-29 Thomas Spar-American-38 Jean Macien-American-32 Jean Antoine-Spanish-30 Joseph Boteleur-American-22 Edouar Daniel-Irish-25 Jacob Rianine (Ryan) -Am. -20 Ouliam Perre (William Perry) - American-25 Benjamin Kideur-English-26 Ouliam Grichine-American-21 Joseph Bro-Creole-30 *Har grave 49 GENERAL CENSUS OF THE MILITIA OF ATAKAPAS Fourth Company Captain - Blank Lieutenant - Blank Second Lieutenant - Blank First Corporals ; 1 , Francois Scarmouche (Carmouche)- 42. Creole-24 43. 2. Chris tophe Houbre (Oubre)-Creole-35 44. 3. Jean Guilbaud-Acadien-36 45* 4. Nicolas Provot-Creole-32 46. 47. Second Corporals : 5. Francois he Leu-Creole-36 48. 6. Pierre Nezat, Jr.-Creole-23 49. 7. Olivier Guedry-Acadien-40 50* 8. Cadet St. Julien-European-25 51 . 52. Infantrymen (Fusilliers') 53. 9. Jean Dartes-Creole-42 54* 10. Pierre Arsenaud-Creole-20 55* 11. Pierre Bernard-Creole-50 56. 12. David Strader-American-25 57 • 13. Thomas Strader-American-23 58. 14. Benjamin Stout-American-24 59 • 15. Jean Baptiste Melanson-Creole-35 60. 16. Joseph Pre jan-Creole-36 61. 17. Andre Prejan-Creole-26 62. 18. Dominique Prejan-Creole-18 63. 19- Simon Benoit-Creole-18 64. Baptiste Laurens-Creole-33 65. Paul Thibodaux-Creole-25 66. Joseph Babino-Creole-28 67. Dominique Babino-Creole-21 (?) 68. Jean Bernard-Creole-30 69. Silvestre Mouton-Creole-22 70. Frederic Mouton-Creole-24 71 . 27. Jean Ebert (Hebert)-Acadien-50 72. 28. Jean Mouton called Maitre-Creole-32 73. Francois Savoye-Creole-25 74. Joseph Savoye-Creole-20 75. Antoihe Nezat-Creole-21 Auguste Nezat-Creole-1 9 76. Andre Hebert-Creole-23 77. Alexandre Hebert-Creole-21 78. Francois Lambert-Creole-30 79. Joseph Derauen-European-24 37- Jean Louis Ebert (Hebert)-Creole-25 38. Martin Vaillancourt-European-33 39* Pierre bon Vilain-Creole-20 40. Denis Carlin-Creole-26 41 . Celestin Carlin-Creole-23 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. Honore Carlin-Creole-21 Alexis Carlin-Creole-1 9 Eugene Carlin-Creole-1 6 Jean Chotte (Choat)-American-40 Joseph Pince (Prince) -Creole-32 Jean Baptiste Bourgeois -Creole- 22 Charles Trahant-Creole-24 Louis Blondain-Creole-27 Samuel Bell-American-33 Richard Bell-American-25 Guidion Hopkins -American-33 Jean Bell-American-37 Ouiliam Bell-American-30 Abraham Roberts-American-28 Thomas Ring-American-23 Cyprien Babin-Acadien-35 Edouard Carlos-American-40 Maton-Europ ean-40 Carabinie-?-30 Baptiste Pre jan-Creole-1 6 Yarbres s e-American-35 Ouliam-American-3 3 Oual es -Americ an-3 5 Baptiste Labady-European-28 Diesonne-American-30 Boulria-Canadian-40 Henry Blondain-Creole-25 Ferdinant Pradier-Creole-27 Robert-American-22 Jean Doucet-Creole-28 La Freniere-Canadian-46 David Guidry-Creole-24 Mine Guidry-Creole-17 Thomas Nacquelson (Nickelson)- American-30 D ionde -Americ an-2 5 Robert Templeton-American-28 T. Ames (?)-American-31 Joseph Maye-Alsacien-42 50 FEDERAL CENSUS OF 1810 Federal censuses have been taken at ten-year intervals since 1790» under the terms of the Federal Constitution. The originals of the census reports are in the National Archives in Washington, D. C. Microfilm copies of these reports are available in many libraries throughout the country. Since the area comprising most of the state of Louisiana was not acquired by the United States until 1803, the first Federal Census which included inhabitants in this area was that of 1810. As has been indicated, the Territory of Orleans was in 1805 divided into 12 counties which were superceded two years later by the 19 parishes. Following is a listing of the householders in the 1810 census for Attakapas (or St. Martin) Parish, one of the 19. A question mark in parenthesis (?) following a name indicates that it appeared unclear for some reason; usually, the ink had faded to such an extent that the name was not quite legible. Straight lines for either a given name or a surname indicate that that part of the name was illegible. In some few instances both names were illegible, and in these cases the names have been left off the list entirely. 51 THIRD FEDERAL CENSUS - 1810 Householders Listed in Attakapas (St. Martin) Parish Domq. Prevost Vve . . Devince Jacques Fontenette Olivier Declouzel Revd. Barrier Vve. Benoist Vve. Pellerin Rumor Davis James Hall Alex. Devince Franc. Gravenberg Doct. Veillion Wm. C. Maquille Charles Therioutt Joseph Therioutt Vve. Babineau Franc. Therioult Pierre Poirier Chas. Potier Vve. Ducrest Jean B. Guidry, Jr. Jacques Dore Jasper _^„^ Vve. Monar (?) Martin Soudrio Joseph Pattin Baptiste Calle Antoine Pattin Walter McBride Louis Simerd Olevier Guidry Louis Guidry Pierre Guidry Scerile Thebodeau Jean Thebodeau Nicolas Thebodeau Marcel Pattin Charles Herriott Philip Dore Martin LeNormand Louis Judice, Sr. Louis Judice, Jr. Maxn. Judice Julien Barran Jacque Fontenette Jean Martin John Holland (?) Gregior Fasee (?) Simon Fall (?) Simon LeBlanc David Babineau Vve. Sylvin Broussard Joseph Bab in Leander Babin William Cherry Jean Charles Dugas Sebastian Castejo Francis Moreau Joseph Castelle Henry Hubert Jean Melancon Vve. Breau Jean Lormand Jean Bernard Vve . Duharon Alex. DeClouet Christian (?) Kawls (?) Francis Cast eye- Louis Mass James Keith Breau Vincent Bertrand Hypolite Breau Jean Chas. Duharon Julien Melancon Jean Landry Ursin (?) Olivier M. Begnaud Henry Landry Jean Begnaud Jean Thomison Etien Vallot Jean Louis Ledet Philip Dupliohain Joseph Lutialait Vve. Lutialait Solas tic Roy Vve. Hazatta Auguste Nazatta Billien Delhomme Francis Coton (?) M. Delhomme Judge Seth Davis (?) William Turner (?) Martin Baptiste Prevost (?) Michel Duval John Henry (?) Chatn. Pillerin Louis Pillerin Pierre Moreau Nicolis Derusel Alex Barra Antoine Martines Vve. Barra Vail ere Barra Francis Potier Michel Cormier Christian Bertrand Auguste Bejau Philip Viltz, Sr. Louis A. Viltz William Norris Philip Viltz, Jr. Ava Broussard Jean Chas. Benoist Agricole LeBlano Philip Viltz Joseph Viltz Pierre Broussard Mary Sunet (?) Fras. Dore Pierre Champaign George Fourphe Louis Hulin Jean Gerry Charles Come Jean Louis Picar Joseph Prichard Joseph Gerry Augustin Bejau Charles Oneil Vve. Melancon Charles Trahan Antonio Ortadio (?) Charles Melancon Alexis Bertrand Jean Duhamel Vallere Martin Michel Martin Amant Thebodeau Vve. Thebodeau Frans. L 'Official (?) Julien F. George Isaac Thebodeau Charles Melancon Baptiste Breau David Rees Joseph Savior Pierre Breau Jn. Bte. Guidry Vve. Comeau Benjn. Thebodeau David Guibeau Sylvester LeBlanc Hypolite Bodreau Pierre Dupuys Paul Savior 52 Jn. Chas. Gilbeau Louis William Harris Silas Smith John Folk Moses (or Mary Elizabeth?) Pierre Trahan Reisan Boyer Mass (or Moss) L. P. Robineau (?) Wilboume Frdck. Mouton Michel Pivoto Victor Blanchet Francois Mau Silas Mau Pierre Mau Michel Mau Louis Cormier Joseph Guidry John C. Hebert (Jean Chas.) Moise Hebert Lufroi Bodreau Jacques Justin R Hargrove Jacob Ryan George Folk W. Hargrove (William) Humphrey Jackson Joseph Primo Donatte Primo Michel Conor Vve. Pi card Raphael Grangier Vve . Touchette Frans . Primo Simon Chris tovals Salvadore Mouton Marin Mouton, Jr. Frans . Hebert Charles Boudain Jean L. Hebert Vve . Donatte Antoine Trahan Jophila (?) Broussard Joseph Broussard Jean John Augustin Broussard Claude Duon Firmin Duon Michel Duon Baptiste Trahan John Murphy Pierre Trahan Vve . Trahan Pierre Vincent Michel Ellinger Lucien Bourque John Monte Pierre Monte Joseph Bodreau John Thebodeau Augustin Thebodeau John Borque Joseph Trahan John Bodreau Vve. LeBlanc Julien LeBlanc Louis Bourgois Charlas (?) Trahan (?) Etienne Lefebre Robert Bell Vve, Solette Bapte. Comeau Pierre Landry George Taylor Thomas Bellow Joseph English Pierre Giroire Frans. Bernard Simon Giroire Joseph Breaud Bazil Landry Jean Bte. Broussard Jean Broussard Michel Broussard Vve. Broussard Michel Boute Izedore (?) Broussard Jean Bernard Firmin Giroire Baptiste Donane Joseph Giroire Joseph (?) Charles Comeau Dufrui (?) G_ Augustin Comeau Louis Trahan Joseph Thibodeau Broussard Isidore Broussard Francis Charles H. Pierre Charles Peck Jean Comeau Prilette Savoy Augustin Benoist Vve. Frederick Pierre Cormier Chas. Hebert Joseph Cormier Cha3 . Bab ineau Paul Thebodeau Joseph Babineau Domque . Babineau John Bernard Andre Prejean Jean Gilbeau Martelle Duchousette Sylvestre Mouton Pierre Hebert Jean Mouton Pierre Dugat Joseph Ducote (?) Baptiste Duon Francois Lambert Agricole Landry Joseph St. Germain Francois Labeauve Denis Landry Vve . Trahan Joseph Hebert Thomas Bereaud Louis Hebert, Jr. Louis Hebert, Sr. Vve. Petit Hypolite Trahan Henry Raca Pierre Trahan Charles Ma Trahan Michel Trahan Vve. Broussard Agricole Hebert Vve. Pierre Jean (?) Broussard John Dugat Armant Dugat J. A. Dugat Gerome Geaut C. Dugat Pierre Richard Gilbert L'Amie Andre Martin Morris (?) Martin Joseph Grangier Joseph Broussard Pierre Dugat Michel Ligen (?) Vve. Manon Augustin Dugat Vallere Broussard Theodore Olivier Claude Broussard Jean Fabre 53 Louis St. Julien Gilbeau Bapte. Mallette John A Jacques C Thomas Pare Charles Bourque Joseph Bourque Eloi Landry Craw (Crow?) Michel Trahan Olivier Blanchet M. Choate Thomas Choate John Choate William Stephens James Clarke Lucy Hartly Pay ton Bland Enoch Harris George Borrel Wm. White Widow White Jessie White James Dumman Charles Hanks Charlete Duon Benjamin Simon Grangier Henry Buford (?) Olivier Landry, Sr. Alex Landry Olivier Landry, Jr. Bapte. Grangier Joseph Landry Selestin Prejean Jacquis F. Ozane Consent L'Abbe Ozane, Jr. Mdme. J, Pre. Ducuir El air Decuir M. Pre (?) Decuir Gabriel Fuselier Joseph G ___ Eloi Broussard Jacques Gilbert Joseph Sonie (?) Jean Mouton, Jr. Jean Cons tan tine Alex Arceneau Pierre Arceneau Louis Arceneau Joseph Mouton Joseph Brow Baptiste P. Ciprion Arceneau Pierre Bernard Thos. Caruthers David Caruthers J Caruthers Peter Suiter (?) Jean Melancon Jean Melancon _________ Benoist Simon Benoist Joseph Brow PranSc Carmouche Baptiste Guidry Francois Cormier Joseph Duon Simon Grosse Olidon Guidry Mathew Sellers J. B. Simon J B. Simon, Jr. Charles Simon Jn. B. Broussard Jean Grange Charlotte Grange Joseph Hebert Louis Picard Frans. Mancon (?) Ambroise Toups Marin Mouton, Sr. Vve. Boudain Andre Dehrain St. Germain Alphonse Boudain Pierre Lapointe Alexis Landry Inhabitants from the Atacapas Church down to Berwick *s Bav Le Cure Isabey (?) Wm. Freeman John Setton Edward White George Gregg James Bingham Widow B. Steward Elic Porter (Alexander) Robt. McLogten John Bird Hugh McEllen Mercier Chovet (?) Joseph Parrot Conrad Rohn (?) John Tuttle Jonas Coleman Malcom Paterson Nicolas Collins Marie ______________ Robt. C. Nicols E. (?) Gutherie Abot Hyacinth Jacquet (?) _^_ Brian (Chris topher? ) Jean Berard Achille Berard Jean Franco Neville de Clouet Nicolas LeBlanc Rosemond LeBlanc Bapte Berard Louis Maxen Chemin Marin ____„.»____ Joseph Landry Jacques Judice Eloi Benoit Adam Uval (Huval) Francs, Prince (?) Francs. Gravereau Louis Bonin Gilles LeBlanc Hippolixe Bonin Charles Terriot Eloi Dugas Louis Dugas M des Oretti (?) Misidar (?) Louviere Benjamin Louviere Antoine Prince Benjamin Bonin Baptiste Bonin Frederic (?) Louviere Moise Bonin Peter Orelly (O'Rielly) Henry _____________ Walter Davis Amand Broussard Edward Broussard Pierre Broussard Alexe Simon Joseph Broussard Come LeBlanc Josaphat Broussard Joseph Gilbeau Jonas Hebert Donat Breau Joseph LeBlanc Placide Hebert Charles Chocker (?) Francs. Chs. Boutte 54 James Small Widow McNilly Valentin Landry Alex3. Hebert William Smith John Stain James Mulbert (?) Alexs. Louis Grevemberg Ve. St. Marc Darby Francs . Boutte Bernard LeVielle (?) duBucklet Pere (?) Benoist St. Clair Joseph Bonin Francs. Gonsoulin Robert Stacey Jonathan Clarke (?) Isaac Sellers Thorns . Brinton Josiah French James Morphey (Murphy) Oliver Crmsby John Smith Andw. Black John N. Karsche (?) Wm. Elder Francs . M Jesse McAll Wm. Barns Jonathan Beath Cuvilier (?) Bapte. Ringuet Antoine Boutte Chs. de Blanc Charles Olivier Louis C . deBlanc Olivier deVezin Adda deB Leon Boutte Zenon Boutte Philippe Boutte Boutte Mulo Boutte Jeanette Boutte Claude Frillo Loisel Hebert Ve. Borrel Ve. Sol Andrews (?) Jean Bte. Bourgois Ve. Mathm. Hebert Ve. Hebert Hubert Pellerin Eugene Borrel Nicolas Prevost Ve. Etier Pierre Etier Wm. Desck Constance Etier Francs. Prevost C. R. G. Oger Alex. Frere ? Joseph La Londe Louis Verette Andre Hoffman Philippe Verette Femme Milhomme M Valery Francs . dumesnil Jonathan Ditch Angel ique Masse Andre Masse John Boissier Dr. James Hanan (?) Joseph Prevost James John Peter Regnier Simon Harding Nathan Kemper Jesse Lacy Clarke Hardy Youyo Mass Camp Fuselier John Reeves James Sanders Isaac Reed H. (?) Theall Bte. Prevost Samuel Davis Jean Pierre (?) Dartes Thomas Martin James M. Reynolds Drury Pistols David Smith John Lease Wm. Richardson Francs . Guedry Wm. Greechin Louis Laignon Jehu Wilkinson Abrm. Bird Pre. (Pierre) duBois Chs. Humel Paul Mass Hugh Sutton James Desha Warren Buf ord James Buford Bamet Hulick Alexs. Lewis Philo Norton Jesse (?) Norton Joseph Haches (?) Evan Bowles Alexis Carlin Honors Carlin Celestin Carlin denis Carlin Widw. Carlin Eugene Carlin Josiah (?) Rowling Jesse Richardson Geoe. Cummings Simon Walker Henry Kax (?) John Moore Hutching John Rogers Manford (?)(or Maford) Francs. Lynch (or Finch) John Nofper Michel Duval Reymond Francois Samuel Barber John McKea Matthw. Nimmo Jacob Hampshire david Robin isikel Maxer Thorns. & Sam Ferguson Wdw . Guedry Barbarin & Famille (?) Louis Demaret Saml. Elliot George Royster Eugene Sennett Saml. Carrey Isford Violet (Vialet) Lewis Melon Parker Campbell Robt. Porter Nicolas Domet Rosalie William Table Pere Verdun Alexe. Verdun Jean Bte. Verdun Archibal Smith John Cook Rufus Nicholson Joshua Goret Henry Waterkins (?) Richd. Skinner Richd. Savan (?) Peter Lea 55 M Lea (Marie?) Widw. Montgomery Postilion Jupiter Jonathan Hall (?) Jean Bte. Senette Price Lucia Smith Joshua Baker Joseph Sorel Frederic Pellerin Jacob Jarret Wm. Burdick, Jr. (Bundick) Hiram Allen Michel Odom Wm. Burdick, Sr. ( " ) John Evans Talmage Dunleavy Henry Hendricks (?) John Bingham Joab Cotton Wm. Chateck John Makin John Hagerti Wm. Addison Joseph Tailor Wm. Biggs Wm. Rumple Woodson Nixin (?) Martin Allen Benjamin Allen Wm. Whellen Hiram Knight John Muggah Joseph King (or Sting) Peter Hartman Wm. Vining Jean Bte. Bertrand Louis Kerlegand John Merryman Jacob Nofper Prre. Maille (Pierre) Jacob Muller Joseph de Rouen david Evans Lemuel H. Paris John Rantrop Wm. Knight John Horner Henry Knight John Rogers Joseph Berwick Thomas Berwick Wm. Newman Elijah L. Rhea Saml. McMurtrey Luke Brian Wm. Rochel Franos. Leleu Francs. Leleu, Jr. Joseph derouen Colas Broussard domiqo . dominque Jacque deRouen david Heys Wm. Garret John Harrington Malaga Heys Michel Heys Raphl. Broussard Joseph petit (?) Agricole Come LeBlanc Pre. (Pierre) Bonviloin Joe Finiant Francs. Segoura (Segura) Antoine Viator Simonet LeBlanc Widow deseuirs (?) Ignace Viator Joseph Homer Antoine Romer Bernard Romer Jean Lopez 56 AMERICAN STATE PAPERS In 1 832 the Congress of the United States began publication of governmental legislative and executive documents. These documents were divided into ten classes: Foreign Affairs, Indian Affairs, Finance, Commerce and Navigation, Military Affairs, Naval Affairs, Post Office Department, Public Lands, Claims, and Miscellaneous. These volumes are a primary source to the student of American history, and they hold much interest for the genealogist. Of prime concern to genealogists are the volumes of Class 8, Public Lands. These volumes cover the disposition of claims to public lands between 1789 and 1 837 • There are two editions of Class 8. The Gales and Sea ton edition, which is the one I used at Louisiana State University, has eight volumes. The other, the Duff Green edition, has five. The page numbering is somewhat different, of course, in the two editions; but in checking in Volume II of the Duff Green edition, I found the page contents, of the material I used, to be identical. There are Louisiana references in all eight volumes (Gales & Seaton) , and I presume in all those of the Duff Green edition. I have reproduced here the four listings containing the largest number of names for the Attakapas area. The first is from Volume II; the other three are from Volume III. "Rem:" on the line following the information indicates data in the "Remarks" column. There was not room on the sheet adjacent to the information given, and in addition, American State Papers gives in most cases size of the acre- age involved. There was not room in the work for this latter information. The following notation was made at the beginning of this listing. "The letter A ia prefixed to the certificates issued on complete patents under the French or Spanish Grants, and the letter B to the patent certificates issued by the commissioners on claims founded on titles incomplete, anterior to the change of Government." 57 AMERICAN STATE PAPERS Class 8, Public Lands Volume II Number Date Original Claimant In Whose Favor Issued Nature of Claim Water Cours Page 804 A1 B2 Jan. 1811 1 , Firmin Landry Pierre Darby B3 A4 B5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 Jan. 2 Louis & Pierre Richard Philip Wisse Jan. 3 George Folk Pierre Dugat Laurent Ducret Philip Wisse Philip Wisse Laurent Ducret His Heirs Remarks : His Heirs Remarks : Pierre Richard Bayou Spanish Patent Vermilion Both sides of Bayou Order of Survey Verm. Both sides of Bayou Requete Verm. Louis & Pierre Richard Spanish Patent George Folk Settlement Rt. Jan. Jan. Jan. 4 7 14 Joseph Melancon B15 Jan. 19 Joseph Wisse B16 B17 B20 Jan. Joseph Wisse Joseph Wisse 24 Joseph Guidery Remarks: On Bayou Pierre Dugat Rem: Pierre Dugat Jean Dugat Aman Dugat Jacques Gilbert Joseph Melancon Rem: Jean Mouton, Jr. Aman Thibodeau Joseph Saunier Joseph Guidery Brand, a water of Sp. Pat. Both sides of Bayou Sp. Pat. Sp. Pat. Sp. Pat. Sp. Pat. Sp. Pat. Both sides of Bayou Poesession & Occupancy Pos. & Oc. Pos. & 0c. Order of Survey the Vermilion Verm. Hargrove ' s Gully Verm. Verm. Verm. Verm. Verm. Verm. Verm. Verm. Verm. Verm. Page 805 A29 Feb. B30 Feb. B43 Mar. 6 Claude Boutte 7 Jacques Coco 19 Michael Mau B46 Mar. 20 John B. Kenny Page 807 A95 Apr. Francois C . Boutte Jacques Coco John B. Trahan, Joseph Bedro, John Monta John B. Kenny Sp. Pat. Rem: Both sides Requete and Sp . Survey Indian Purchase & Settlement Rem: Both sides Req. & Set. Teche of Bayou Pare Perdu Verm, of " Verm. Waters A96 A97 A101 A102 10 Joseph Broussard Jos. Broussard Sp. Pat. Verm. Remarks: Both sides of Bayou; Not entered but found of record Martin Duralde Martin Duralde Apr. 16 John Berard Jean Trahan Jos. Broussard Sp. Pat. Teche Jos. Broussard Sp. Pat. Rem: In the big woods Win. C. Maquelle Sp. Pat. Teche Rem: Both sides Wm. C. Maquelle Sp. Pat. Teche 58 Number Date Prig. Claimant In Whose Favor Issued Nature of Claim W. Course Spanish Patent Teche Sp. Pat. Sp. Pat. Sp. Pat. Teche Teche Teche A103 Apr. 16, Joseph Provost Antoine Martinez A104 1811 Pierre Nicholas Provost Antoine Martinez A105 Jos. Provost Louis Veillon A106 P. Nic. Provost Louis Veillon Page 809 A172 Apr. 26 Joseph Deville Charles J 'lie Degauten Devillier B173 Chas. Devillier Charles Devillier Page 811 A217 May 1 Silvain Broussard Dominique Babeneau Sp. Pat. Carancre Rem: Both sides (in both Attakapas & Opelousas Counties) French Patent Teche Order of Survey Teche Page 815 B399 May 15 Eliza Hays Eliza Hays B400 B401 B410 Page 818 A525 May 24 Antoine Baras Thomas Lovelace Jesse McCall William Smith Jesse McCall John Lovelace Samuel Lightener A526 A527 A528 A529 A530 A531 A532 B534 B555 B536 B537 B538 B539 B540 Antoine Baras Vincent Baras Vincent Baras Vincent Baras Jean Guilbeau Francois Arseneau Francois Arseneau Alexander Arseneau Pierre Arseneau Francois Decuire Pierre Arseneau Francois Decuire Louis Arseneau Paul Decuire Francois Carmouche Paul Decuire Joseph Brau Pierre Arseneau John Guilbeau Pierre Arseneau Francois Arceneau Pierre Arseneau Alexander Arceneau Pierre Arseneau Pierre Arseneau Pierre Arseneau Louie Arseneau Pierre Arseneau Francois Carmouche Pierre Arseneau Joseph Brau Order of Survey Rem: Petit Ance Island Ord. of Sur. Rem: Petit Ance Island Ord. of Sur. Rem: Petit Ance Island Ord. of Sur. Rem: Petit Ance Island Sp. Pat. Verm. Rem: Both sides of " Sp. Pat. Verm. Rem: Both sides of " Sp. Pat. Verm. Rem: Both sides of " Sp. Pat. Verm. Rem: Both sides of " Sp. Pat. Verm. Rem: Both sides of " Sp. Pat. Verm. Rem: Both sides of " Sp. Pat. Verm. Rem: Both sides of " Sp. Pat. Verm. Rem: Both sides of M Sp. Pat. Verm. Rem: Both sides of " Ord. of Sur. Verm. Ord. of Sur. Verm. Ord. of Sur. Verm. Ord. of Sur. Verm. Ord. of Sur. Verm. Ord. of Sur. Verm. Ord. of Sur. Verm. 59 Numb e r Date 820 0ri£. Claimant In Whose Favor Issued Nature ol Ulaim w. bourse Pa^e B611 May 29, Antoine Duboucl et Antoine Dubouclet Order of Survey 1811 Remarks: Grand Woods of Paconia B612 Manuel Prado Claire D. Dubouclet Ord. of Sur. Lake Peigneur B613 Felix Lopez Claire D. Dubouclet Ord. of Sur. L. Flomas B614 Lewis Chevalier DeVillier Claire D. Dubouclet Ord. of Sur. Page 821 B642 May 30 Lepelletier De Lepelletier De La La Haussa Haussa Ord. of Sur. Teche B653 May 31 William William Bundick, Jr. Req. & perm. Bundick, Jr • to settle Teche B654 Thomas Berwick Thomas Berwick Ord. of Sur. Little Lake B656 Thos. Berwick Henry Johnson Ord. of Sur. A657 Augustin Louis & Alex De la Sp. Pat. Teche Gravemberg Haussa Rem: Half League B658 Anne Judit Chenal, wid. of Louis & Alex De la Haussa Ord. of Sur. Gravemberg Rem; To extend to Bayou Tortue Teche B659 Wid. Dautriel Louis & Alex De la Haussa Possession & Occupancy Page 822 Remarks: Both sides Bayou Teche A689 June 1 Francois Cesar Boutte Francois Cesar Boutte i Sp. Pat. Teche B690 Pierre Broussard Juan Barr Pos. & Oc. Teche Pace 823 B707 June 4 Maria Josepha Pellerin Maria Josepha Pellerin Ord. of Sur. Teche A708 Cecelia Prejeant, Cecelia Prejeant, wid. G. Pellerin wid. G Pellerin Sp. Pat. Teche B709 Sorel De Contamine Sorel De Contamine Ord. of Sur. Teche B710 Eugenia Pellerin Eugenia Pellerin Ord. of Sur. Teche A720 June 5 Joseph Sorrel Joseph Sorrel Sp. Pat. Teche A721 Frederick Pellerin Frederick Pellerin Sp. Pat. Teche A722 Gregoire Pellerin Heirs of Sp. Pat. Teche A723 Joseph Collet Sorel Contamine Sp. Pat. Teche B731 June 6 Francis Daniel Francis Daniel Ord. of Sur. Verm. B733 Pierre Darby Heirs of Ord. of Sur. Verm. B741 Maria A. Duf ores t Joseph Sorrel Ord. of Sur. Bayou Cypremort Pa*e 824 A749 June 7 Fuselier de la Claire Pierre Bernard Sp. Pat. Verm. A750 Fuselier de la Claire Cyprien Arseneau Sp. Pat. Verm. 60 Number Date Prig. Claimant In Whose Favor Issued Nature of Claim W. Course 7, Amant Frejean Pierre Bernard A751 June 1811 A752 A753 B778 June A779 A780 B781 Fage 825 B803 June Spanish Patent Vermilion Moris Frejean Pierre Bernard Fuselier de Joseph Brau la Claire 8 Wm. Crothers William Crothers Marin frejean Simon Benoist Marin Frejean Francois Havier Benoist Pierre Bernard Pierre Bernard Frederick Pellerin Dominique Prevost 11 Frederick Pellerin B804 Dominique Prevost B805 Adelaide Lemele Joseph Sorrel B806 Jean Valentine Duforest Joseph Sorrel B807 Joseph Sorrel Joseph Sorrel A815 June 12 Aman Thibodau Aman Thibodau A816 A817 A818 Page 826 A835 June A836 A837 A838 A839 A840 Page 827 A866 June A867 A872 June B873 A874 Chas . Babineau Ann, Wid. Chas . Babineau Paul Thibodeau Paul Thibodeau Chas . Guilbeau Charles Guilbeau 17 Chas. Guilbeau Charles Guilbeau Alex. Cheval. Alex. Chevallier Declouet Declouet Philip Bouttee Philip Bouttee Joseph Vallere Eugene & Honore Carlin Hilaire Bouttee Hilaire Bouttee Joseph Vallere Dermis Carlin 19 Armand L. Ducrest Barthelemy Grevemberg 20 Augustin Grevemberg Francois Pellerin John Baptiste Grevemberg Widow of Armand L, Ducrest Barthelemy Grevem- berg Francoise Pellerin, Wid, J. Baptiste St. Marc Darby Francois Pellerin Francoise Pellerin, Wid. J, Baptiste St. Marc Darby Sp. Pat. Sp. Pat. Requete Sp. Pat. Sp. Pat. Verm. Verm. Verm. Verm. Verm. Order of Survey Verm. Ord. of Sur. Teche Ord. of Sur. Bayou Sale Ord. of Sur. Teche Coule Ord. of Sur. Cypremaire Ord. of Sur. Teche Sp. Pat. Point de Repos Sp. Pat. Point de Repos Sp. Pat. Roint de Repos Sp. Pat. Point de Repos Sp. Pat. Carancro Sp. Pat. Teche Rem: Both sides of " Sp. Pat. Teche Rem: Both sides of " Sp. Pat. Teche Rem: Both sides of " Sp. Pat. Teche Rem: Both sides of " Sp. Pat. Teche Rem: Both sides of " Sp. Pat. Teche Sp. Pat. Bayou Tortue Rem; Lartot Island Sp. Pat. Requete Teche Teche Sp. Pat. Teche Rem: Both sides of " 61 Number Date Prig. Claimant In Whose Favor Issued Nature of Claim V. Course A875 B876 B877 A878 A879 B901 A902 A903 June 1811 20, John Baptiste Cavelier Feter Buffet Remarks : Range Peter Buffet F. Fellerin, wid. B. St. Marc Darby Agricole LeBlanc 6 East, Township 9 Agricole LeBlanc Remarks: Range 6 East, A ownship 9 J. Spanish Patent Rem: Both sides Order of Survey South, Big Woods Requete South, Big Woods Teche of n Francois Broussard Claude Martin Francois Broussard Teche Marie Babin, Widow of Claude Martin June 21 Isaac Thibodeau Agricole LeBlanc Laurent Chitz Pierre Porrier Laurent Chitz Theodore Babino Sp. Pat. Rem: Chicot Noir Sp. Pat. Teche Rem: La Pointe du Repos Ord. of Sur. Teche Sp. Pat. Teche Sp. Pat. Teche Page 828 A904 B913 A914 A915 A916 B917 B932 B933 B934 A935 B936 A937 B938 Page Silvain Broussard June 22 Louis Lapeletier de la Houssa Louis Alexandre Chevalier De la Houssa Baptiste Rea Pedro Perrot John Charles Guilbeau, Jr. June 23 James & George Dailly Jean Louis Drouet Pierre Gravemberg Pierre Barre Philip Wesse Sp. Pat. Teche Louis De la Houssa Louis Alexandre Chevalier De la Houssa Louis De la Houssa Louis De la Houssa John Charles Guilbeau, Jr. Joshua Garret Joshua Garret Pierre Gravemberg Ord. of Sur. Teche Rem: La Point Clair Sp. Pat. Teche Sp. Pat. Vermilion Sp. Pat. Verm. Ord. of Sur. Teche Louis Judice Anna Judith 821 Catherine Toupart, Widow of Loisel Louis & Alexandre De la Houssaye Louis & Alexandre Chenal, Widow of De la Houssaye Baptiste Gravemberg Louis & Alexandre Louis & Alexandre De la Houssaye De la Houssaye B947 B951 B952 B953 B954 June 25 Paul Aug. Lapeltier Chevalier De la Houssaye June 26 George Louis Demareste Jean Gratien Wm. Bundick, Sr. Louis De la Houssaye George Burrel Pierre Lapoint Wm. Bundick, Sr, Wm. Bundick, Sr. Wm. Bundick, Sr, 62 Ord. of Sur. Teche Ord. of Sur. Rem: Cow Island Ord. of Sur. Rem: Round Island Sp. Pat. Teche Requete Teche Sp. Pat. Teche Ord. of Sur. Teche Ord. of Sur. Teche Ord. of Sur. Verm. Ord. of Sur. Verm. Ord. of Sur. Rem: Grand Woods Ord. of Sur. Bayou Sale Number Date Prig. Claimant In Whose Favor Issued Nature of Claim V. Course B955 June 26, 1811 A956 A957 Page 850 B983 June B984 B985 B1004 June B1013 June Page 854 B1169 July B1170 41173 Page 655 B1179 July B1180 B1201 July B1202 B1204 July B1205 B1206 B1207 B1208 July B1209 B1210 B1211 B1212 Page 856 B1221 July 50 A1224 July 51 A1225 B1226 Thomas Reid Louis Veillon Claude Martin Andre Martin Andre Martin Andre Martin Order of Survey Teche Spanish Patent Rem: Grand Prairie Sp. Pat. Vermilion Joseph Alexander DeClouet Francois Maraut Ord. of Sur. Ord. of Sur. Verm. 27 Louise De Favrot Francois Maraut Andrew & Marin Andrew & Marin Martin Ord. of Sur. Martin Rem: Grand Prairie 28 Louis Judice Amaret (Amant) Possession Broussard 29 Pierre Bernard Dominique Pre jean Ord. of Sur. Carencro 22 Samuel Watson Walter Brashear William Romple William Romple Matthew Heber Jacques De Rouan 25 Jacob Jarrod Jacob Jarrod 24 John Henry Jacob Jarrod James L. Johnson William Moore John Baptiste John Baptiste Henry Henry 27 James Yarberry Daniel Callaghan Joseph Barrel Heirs of John Brenton John Brenton John Nasper 29 Louis Hulain Joseph Derouan Louis Hulain Claude Frilloe Claude Frilloe Rem: Near the Canal, leading to the Louis Judice Louis Judice John R. Foulk John R. Foulk Charles Henk3 Charles Henks Alexander Green Joseph LeBlanc Marin Mouton John Mouton Simon LeBlanc Simon LeBlanc Antoine Antoine Villatore Villatore Ord. of Sur. & Teche Settlement Rem: Belle Isle Requete & Set. Sp. Pat. Bayou Petite Ance Settlement Teche Settlement Teche Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Teche Req. & Set. Teche Settlement Verm. waters Set. & Pos. Teche Settlement Berwick ' s Bay Req. & Set. Teche Req, & Set. Rem: Cypress Is land Set, & Oc. Grand Cote Pos. & Perm. Settlement Verm. Settlement Verm. waters Req. & Set. Verm. Sp. Pat. Carancro Sp. Pat. Carancro Settlement Lake Flamand 65 Number Date Prig. Cla-iTnant. In Whose Favor Issued Nature of Claim V. Course B1227 July 31, 1811 Manuel Prados Antoine Villatore B1228 Andrew Swiss John Nofpar Page 857 B1230 Aug. 1 A1231 A1232 A1233 A1234 A1235 B12 36 Aug. 2 B1237 B1240 B1245 Aug. 3 B1247 Aug. 5 B1248 B1249 B1250 B1251 A1252 B1253 Aug. 6 B1255 A1256 A1257 A1258 B1259 Aug. 7 B1266 Aug. 8 Page 838 Abraham Riggs Heirs of Theodore Thibodeau Jean Baptiste Trahan Wid. of Olivia Thibodeau John Bell Rene Trahan Theodore Thibodeau Joseph Decoud Olivia Thibodeau Francois Lebeau Joseph Martin John White John White William White William White Whittington Widow & Heirs of Wallace John Johnson Francis Hackett Settlement Settlement Settlement Spanish Patent Sp. Pat. Widow Bordat John Mouton (nephew) John Mouton (nephew) Augustin Boudreau Pierre Bernard John Mouton (nephew Antoine Bordat John Mouton (nephew Augustin Dugas Augustin Dugas Simon LeBlanc Simon LeBlanc Remarks: Not entered but found of record Sp. Pat. Sp. Pat. Sp. Pat. Order of Survey & Settlement Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Settlement Req. & Set. Order of Survey & Settlement Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Pos. & Use Pos. & Use Set. & Oc. Sp. Pat. Lake Flamand Teche Teche Vermilion Verm. Verm. Teche Teche Verm. Verm. Verm. Bayou Sally Carancro Carancro Carancro Carancro Verm. Teche Francois Broussard Mary Joseph Amant Landry Paul Bonain Francois Broussard Set. & Oc. 10 Verm. Years Mary Joseph (Colored) Settlement Teche Theophile Broussard & Simon Grange Sp. Pat. Verm. Paul Bonain Sp. Pat. Petit Ance Paul Thibodeau Paul Thibodeau Sp. Pat. Carancro Remarks: In both Opelousas and Attakapas Counties John Chote Henry Hargroder Req. & Set. Malachy Hayes Representatives of A1282 A1283 A1284 B1285 B1295 B1296 B1297 Heirs of Francois Provost Aug. 13 John Mouton Francois Provost Francois Collet Francois Collet Pierre Menard Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Sp. Pat. Sp. Pat. Teche Teche Carancro Teche Teche Aug. Aug. U 16 John Henry Heirs of John Baptiste Peytavin William Moore Sp. Pat. Set. & Pos. Rem: Cypress Island Simon Broussard Heirs of Aaron Drake Aaron Drake Set. & Oc. Pos. & Oc. Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Rem: Gross Isle Teche Bayou Tortue 64 Number Dat e Orig. Claimant In Whose Favor Issued Nature of Claim W. Course A1298 Aug. 20, Olivia Jean Baptiste Cormier Spanish Patent Vermilion 1811 Thibodeau B1299 Edward Foreman Edward Foreman Settlement & Occupancy Queue de Tortue B1300 Edward Louis Viellon Settlement by Forstall Permission Teche A1310 Aug. 21 Andrew Mass Jesse F. Lacy Sp. Pat. Teche B1311 Charles Olivier Ord. of Sur. Teche deVezin Louis Judice & Settlement Waters B1312 Charles Olivier Ord. of Sur. Teche deVezin Louis Judice & Settlement Waters Pa*e 839 B1313 Aug. 22 Lewis Judice Louis Judice Ord. of Sur. & Possession Rem: Cypress Island B1314 Bernard Dauterive Louis Judice Pos. & Oc. Teche B1315 Bernard Dauterive Louis Judice Pos. & Oc. Teche B1316 Jacques Jacques Fontenette Ord. of Sur. Teche Fontenette & Settlement Waters B1317 Bernard Dauterive Jacques Fontenette Pos. & Oc. Teche B1319 Aug. 23 Alexander Louis Judice Ord. of Sur. DeClouett & Settlement Teche B1320 Alexander Louis Judice Ord. of Sur. DeClouett & Settlement Teche B1321 Bernard Dauterive Louis Judice Pos. & Oc. Teche B1322 Bernard Dauterive Louis Judice Pos. & Oc. Teche B1323 Charles O'Neil Dominique Prevost Pos. & Oc. Rem: Cypress Island B1324 Charles O'Neil Dominique Prevost Pos. & Oc. B1325 Joseph Melancon Joseph Melancon Pos. & Oc. Teche B1332 Aug. 24 Francois Francois Prevost Ord. of Sur. Prevost & Settlement Teche B1333 Olivier DeVezin Dominique Prevost Settlement Teche B1334 George Toucheque Heirs of Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Rem: Cypress Island B1335 Alphonso Etier Antoine Etier Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Verm. B1336 Alphonso Etier Pierre Etier Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Verm. B1337 Antoine Etier Antoine Etier Ord. of Sur. & Set. Verm. B1338 Pierre Etier Pierre Etier Ord. of Sur. & Set. Verm. B1344 Aug. 26 Jean Baptiste Representatives of Ord. of Sur. Peytavin & Set. Teche B1345 Aug. 27 Bernard Joseph Landry Settlement Teche Dauterive 65 Number Date Prig. Claimant In Whose Favor Issued Nature of Claim W. Course A1351 Aug. 27, Jean Baptiste Jean Baptiste Hebert Spanish Patent Teche 1811 Hebert A1352 Jean Labbe, Sr. Jean Labbe, Sen. Sp. Pat. Vermilion A1353 Joseph Joseph Broussard Sp. Pat. Verm. Broussard A1354 Michael Meaux Michael Meaux Sp. Pat. Verm. AI355 Olivia Olivia Thibodeau Sp. Pat. Verm. Thibodeau Page 840 A1356 A1357 Aug. 28 B1358 B1359 B1360 Jean Labbe, Jr. Jean Labbe, Jr. B1361 B1362 BI368 BI369 Aug. 29 B1370 B1371 B1372 B1373 B1374 A1375 Aug. 30 BI376 B1377 B1378 B1379 B1380 B1382 B1384 A1386 Aug. 31 B1387 Joseph Decoud Joseph Maton Jean Labbe & Others Francois Prevost Catherine Toupart Claude Duhon Francois Grevemberg Francois Grevemberg Heirs of Alex. Devince Bienvenu Francois Prevost Francois Prevost Francois Prevost Francois Prevost Sp. Pat. Sp. Pat. Settlement Verm Teche Teche Francois Banderas & Others Anselm Thibodeau Eloy Broussard Anselm Thibodeau Anselm Thibodeau Widow Pamet Widow Pellerin Jacob Nafper Jacob Nafper Charles H. Olivier DeVezin Adam Carol Alexander D. Bienvenu Louis, a free Carter on Jean Baptiste Degruis Dufossar Degruis Pierre Grolod Joseph Carlin Jean Pierre Decuir Andre Neraut Paul Trahan P. Ducloslang Charles H. Olivier DeVezin Adam Carol Heirs of Louis Duseau Jean Baptiste Degruis Dufossar Degruis Pierre Grolod Alexander Hebert Jacques Fontenette Francois J. Ozenne Paul Trahan P. Ducloslang Settlement Teche Order of Survey --- — & Settlement Rem: Pine Hill Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Teche Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Teche Ord. of Sur. & Settlement — - — Rem: Isle Pivert Settlement Settlement Settlement Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Sp. Pat. Rem: Cypress Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Rem: Cypress Set. & oc. 12 Years Requete & Settlement Set. 12 years Sp. Pat. Set. & oc. 10 Years Verm. Verm. Petit Ance Teche Teche Waters Teche Island Queue de Tortue Queue de Tortue Queue de Tortue Island Teche Bayou Tortue Tortue Verm. Teche 66 Number Date Cri£. Claimant In Whose Favor Issued Nature of Claim W. Course B1388 Aug. 51, P. Ducloslang P. Ducloslang Set. & Oc. 10 1811 Years Teche B1389 Simon Keirc of Order of Survey Vermilion Broussard &. Settlement B1390 Charles Olivier, Jun. Agricole Fusillier Requete & 10 Years' Set. Teche B1391 Pierre Morin Representatives of Joseph Guidry Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Teche B1392 Francois Francois Armant Ord. of Sur. Teche Armant & Settlement Waters B1393 Bernard Apante Claire B. De St. Clair Settlement Teche Fa*e 841 B1397 Sept. 2 Louis & Louis & Alexandre De Ord. of Sur. Teche Alexandre De La Houssa & Settlement La Houssa B1398 Louis & Heloy Louis & Heloy Dugat Requete & Teche Dugat Settlement Waters B1400 Sept. Nicholas John Reeves Settlement Bayou Robineau Sally B1401 Leville Jesse E. Lacy Ord. of Sur. 8c Settlement Teche B1402 LePelletier de la Houssaye Jesse E. Lacy Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Teche B1403 Joseph Frovost Jesse E. Lacy Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Teche B1404 Joseph Frovost Jesse E. Lacy Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Teche B1405 Jesse E. Lacy Jesse E. Lacy Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Teche B1406 S ep t . 4 Fierre Merin Possession & Teche Dauterive LeNorman oc. 22 years B1415 Sept. 5 John & Henry Bosler John & Henry Bosler Settlement & Permission Teche B1416 William Newman Christopher Adams Settlement Berwick's Bay B1418 John Peter Folse John Peter Folse Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Teche B1421 Thoma3 Berwick Heirs of Ord of Sur, & Settlement Teche A1422 Sept. 6 Baptiste Bara Baptiste Bara Rem: Not entered, but Spanish Patent found of record Verm. B1423 Peter Lee Peter Lee Set. 5 years Verm. B1424 John St. Clair John St. Clair Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Verm. Pa#e 842 B1437 Sept. 9 Estevan V. Nuiseman Joseph Broussard Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Teche B1438 Francois Provost Eugene Borell Pos. 22 yrs. Teche B1439 John Baptiste Duhon Pierre Etier Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Teche B1440 John Baptiste Duhon William Desk Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Teche 67 Number Date Sept. 10, 0ri£. Claimant In Whose Favor Issued Nature 01 01 aim w . uourse B1442 Angel ique Angel ique Martin Requete & Teche 1811 Martin Settlement B1443 Polone Martin Polone Martin Req. & Set. Teche B1444 Benoit Be Benoit De St. Clair Order of Survey St. Clair & Settlement Teche B1445 Miguel Bernard Miguel Bernard Ord. of Sur. & Settlement B1446 Bartholomew Bartholomew Ord. of Sur. Teche Grevemberg Grevemberg & Settlement B1447 • Martin Soudrigue Martin Soudrigue Req. & Set. Teche B1448 Sept. LeVielle Agricole Fuselier Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Teche B1449 LeVielle Samuel Fsuelier Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Teche A1450 Andree, a free Negro Samuel Fuselier Spanish Patent Teche B1451 Louis De la Louis & Alexandre De Ord. of Sur. Houssaye la Houssaye & Settlement Teche B1452 Louis Judice, Louis & Alexandre De Req. & 12 Sen. la Houssaye years" set. Teche B1453 Francois Segura Francois Segura Set. 6 years Lake Flamand B1454 Manuel Prados Francois Segura Set. 3 years L. Flamand B1455 Marie Ruis Francois Segura Set. 9 years L. Flamand BI456 Peter Harkman Jacob Miller Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Teche B1457 Joseph LeBlanc Joseph LeBlanc Ordo of Sur. Bayou & Settlement Tortue BH58 Antoine Antoine Vickner Ord. of Sur. Vickner & Settlement Teche BI464 Sept. 12 Widow of Representatives of Ord. of Sur. Jonathan the widow of J. & Settlement Teche Darby Darby BI465 Delisle Charles Olivier Set. 25 years Bayou LaBarthe DeVezin Petite Ance BI466 Charles Charles Olivier Req. & Set„ Teche Olivier DeVezin, Jr. waters DeVezin, Jr. BI467 Joseph Carriere John Leger Set. 17 yrs. Vermilion BI468 Jean Baptiste Grevemberg Louis Grevemberg Set. 22 yrs. Teche BI469 Lepelletier Francois Provost Ord. of Sur. Teche de la Houssaye & Settlement 1 Page 84> B1477 Sept. 13 Francoise Francoise Pellerin Req. & Set. Teche Pellerin 22 years waters A1479 John Darby Representatives of John Baptiste St. Marc Darby Spanish Patent Teche A1483 Sept. 14 Francois Representatives of A. Sp. Pat. Decuir D. Bienvenu Rem: Cypress Island B1484 Antoine D. Representatives of A. Ord. of Sur. Coirin D. Bienvenu & Set. Rem: Cypress Island 68 N umbei • Date Drift. Claimant In Whose Favor Issued Hatn ire of Claim W. Course A1485 Sept. 14, Alexander D. Representatives of Spanish Patent 1811 Bienvenu Rem: : Cypress Is land B1487 Alexander Miguel B. Barrier Ord< 3r of Survey Declcuett, Jr. & S( sttlement Teche A1489 Sept. 21 Germain Germain Trahan Sp. Pat. Vermilion Trahan Remarks: Not entered, but found of record A1490 Miguel Trahan Miguel Trahan Sp. Fat. Verm. Remarks: Not entered, but found of reccrd 41491 Sept. 23 Paul Pelletier de la Houssaye John Dugat, Baptiste LeBauve, & Charles Dugat Sp. Pat. Verm. Remarks: Not entered, but found of record A1492 Jacques Heirs of Sp. Pat. Verm. Faus tin Remarks: Not entered, but found of re cord A1493 Louis Louis Broussard Sp. Pat. Verm. Broussard Remarks: Not entered, but found of record A1494 Augustin Augustin Broussard Sp. Pat. Verm. Broussard Remarks: Not entered, but found of record B1496 Michel Rider Heirs of Jacob Knight Order of Survey & S( sttlement Teche B1497 Jacob Knight Heirs of Ord & S< . of Sur. sttlement Teche A1509 Sept. 24 Joseph Borell Jun. , Nicholas Hebert Sp. Pat. Teche 11510 Joseph Borell , Heirs of Soloman Jun. Andrus Sp. Pat. Teche 11511 Amant Broussard Rosaline Hebert Sp. Pat. Teche 11512 Amant Broussard Catharine Hebert Sp. Pat. Teche B1514 Mathurin . Hebert Catharine Hebert Ord & S« . of Sur. 2ttlement Teche Page 844 B1517 John Louis Rosaline Hebert Ord . of Sur. Hebert & Se it. 10 yrs • Teche A1518 Sept. 25 Jean Bernard Pierre Vincent Sp. Pat. Verm. B1519 Joseph «Sc Joseph Berwick & Ord . of Sur. Eleanor W(illiam) Newman & S< 3ttlement Teche Berwick B1520 Jacob Haller Talmadge Dunleavy Settlement Teche B1521 Charles Charles McDaniel Settlement Teche McDaniel B1522 Nicholas Verette Nicholas Verette Ord & S< . of Sur. sttlement . _, , Remarks: Prairie Petite Ance B1531 Sept. 28 Catharine Toupart Pierre Etier Settlement 10 years Teche B1532 John McLaughlin Henry Hergeroder Requete & Settlement Teche B1541 Sept. 30 Jacob Miller Jacob Miller Ord, & Si . of Sur. sttlement Rem: : Germain Prairie B1542 John Garic John Garic Settlement Verm. Waters 69 Number Date Prig. Claimant In Whose Favor Issued Nature of Claim W. Course B1543 Sept. 1811 B1544 B1545 B1546 A1547 B1548 B1549 A1550 Page 845 A1551 Oct. 2 B1552 B1557 Oct. 3 B1558 B1561 Oct. 4 B1562 B1568 Oct. 7 BI569 A1570 Oct. 8 B1572 Oct. 9 B1573 A1574 A1575 B1576 Oct. 10 B1577 B1578 B1579 B1580 B1582 B1583 A1584 Oct. 11 B1585 30, Etier William Desk Paul Roquigny Pierre Parie William David Harman P rather Dautrieve Dautrieve Dubucle Dubucle Michel Bernard Heirs of Remarks: Not entered, but found of Guillaume James L D Johnson Lalonde Guillaume Peter Poirier Lalonde Francci-s Francois Grevemberg Grevemberg Order of Survey & Settlement Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Spanish Patent record Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Spanish Patent Francois Grevemberg Louis Borell Jacob Haller Solomon Andrus Joseph Ring Joseph Ring Alexander Nexon Francois Milhame Rene LeBlanc Michel Broussard Pierre Verdine Joshua Garrett Nicholas Forstall Baptiste Verdine John Baptiste Sinnett Jacob N of per Jacob Nofper Jacob Nofper John Baptiste Verdine Alexander Verdine Nicholas For3tall Alexander Nickson Francois Grevemberg Sp c Pat, Louis Borell James L„ Johnson Solomon Andrus James Lyons Johnson Jean Nofper Representatives of John Boslier William Addison Heirs of Michel Broussard Pierre Verdine William & John Garrett Jacques Molon Baptiste Verdine John & William Garrett Jacob Nofper John Franco Representatives of John Baptiste Verdine Alexander Verdine John & William Garrett William Addison Settlement Settlement Set. 5 years Settlement Settlement Ordo of Sur. & Settlement Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Sp c Pat. Settlement Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Sp Pat. Sp. Pat. Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Sp. Pat. Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Teche Bayou Capuchin Prairie Jacob Teche Teche Capuchin Capuchin Bayou Petite Ance Bayou Petite Ance Teche Teche Teche Teche Teche Teche Teche Vermilion Verm. Coule de Maron Achafalia Coule de Maron Coule de Maron Teche Waters Teche Teche Teche Coule de Maron Coule de Maron Teche Teche 70 Number Date Prig. Claimant In Whose Favor Issued Nature of Claim W. Course B1588 Oct. 11, Alexander 1811 Declouett B1590 Oct. 12 Jacques Fontinette & Chas. Olivier B1591 Madame William Andrie B1592 LeTelletier De La Houssaye Joseph Provost Page 846 Order of Survey Louise Faverott &. Settlement Teche Jacques Fontinette & Ord. of Sur. & Charles Olivier Settlement Rem: Cote a Corin Charlotte Brautin Set. 10 years Teche Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Teche B1595 Oct. 16 Francois Freeloe B1596 Oct. 17 Louis Veillon B1598 Oct. 19 John Chote A1599 Oct. 21 Jean Guilbeau B1601 Oct. 25 Joseph Saulais B1605 Oct. 24 William Peters Page 847 Francois Freeloe Louis Veillon John Thomas & David Chote Jean Guilbeau Settlement Teche Settlement Rem: Gross Isle Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Teche Spanish Patent Carancro Remarks: In Attakapas and Opelousas Counties Joseph Saulais Settlement Remarks: Prairie of the Cote Gele John Carlisle Ord. of Sur. & Settlement A1735 Dec. 28 Claude Martin B1736 Agricole Fuselier B1741 Dec. 30 John Berard B1744 Henry Hergroider BI746 Jean B. Sennett Dosite Martin Jean Berrard Valentine Landry Henry Hergroider Jean B. Sennett Teche B1612 Dec. 4 Louis C. Louis C DeBlanc Ord. of Sur. DeBlanc & Settlement Teche B1619 Dec. 6 James Clark James Clark Settlement & Occupancy Bayou Sally B1620 Basil Landry Basil Landry Req. & Set. Tortue B1621 Dautrieve Basil Landry Set. & Oc. Tortue B1622 Joseph Guidry Jean Charles Hebert Oc. 10 years Vermilion B1623 Jean C. Hebert Jean C. Hebert 0c. 10 years Verm. B1648 Dec. 13 Isidore Louvier Isidore Louvier Set. & Oc. Teche Page 849 AI696 Dec. 19 Charles Hebert Charles Hebert Sp. Pat. Verm. A1697 Pierre Gaillard Pierre Gaillard Sp. Pat. Verm. B1723 Dec. 24 Pierre P. & A. Pierre P. & Ans. Oc. 10 years Bayou Thibodeau Trudeau (?) Tiger B1729 William Prather William Biggs Settlement Teche Page 850 Sp. Pat. Teche Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Teche Settlement Teche Ord. of Sur. Bayou & Settlement Salle Settlement Teche 71 Ilumber • Date ,5T Orifi. Claimant In Whose Favor issue' Pa«e 6 A1756 Jan. 1812 8, Ygnacio Bab in Thomas Cr others B1759 Jan. 9 Freme Robisseau Freme Robisseau B1760 Jan. 17 Noble Wilkins Noble Wilkins B1762 Eugene Sennet Eugene Sennet B1763 Philip Veret Philip Veret B1764 Joseph Melancon Joseph Melancon B1765 Michel Pivoteau Michel Pivoteau B1766 Widow Marie Grano Antoine Romero B1768 Jan* 18 Mary Grano Romero, Widow Romero Mary Grano Romero, Widow Romero B1770 — Romero Godfroy Decuir B1772 Francois Lambert Francois Lambert A1773 Francois LeBeaus Joseph Bab in A1785 Jan. 23 Anselm Martin Anselm Martin A1784 Antoine Bonnain Antoine Bonnain A1787 Augustin Nezat Augustin Nezat A1788 Joseph Nezat Joseph Nezat A1789 Antonio Nezat Antonio Nezat Page 852 B1796 Jan. 24 Agricole Fuzilier Agricole Fuzilier B1800 Jan. 27 Eugene Carline Eugene Carline A1801 Jan. 28 Claudio Claudio Bosoliel Bosoliel, alias Claude Broussard A1802 Claudio Bosoliel Benjamin Hargrove A1803 Claudio Bosoliel Jacob Ryan Page 855 B1824 Feb . 1 Loui3 Legnon Louis Legnon B1826 Eliza P. Cuny Widow & Heirs of Nicholas Guinard B1832 Feb. 3 Jesse E. Lacy John White A1834 Pierre Nezet Pierre Nezet B1837 Jesse White Jesse White Spanish Patent Vermilion Rem: Grand Prairie Occupancy 10 Years Settlement Oc. 10 years Oc. 10 years Teche Teche Teche Teche Teche Oc. 10 years Settlement Rem: Har grave's Gully Settlement Oc. 10 years OCo 10 years Settlement Lake Taxe Lake Taxe Lake Taxe Verm. Spanish Patent Teche Sp. Pat. Bayou Petite Ance Sp. Pat. Bayou Petite Ance Sp. Pat. Carancro Sp. Pat. Carancro Sp Pat. Carancro Order of Survey Bayou & Settlement Tortue Settlement Rem: De Le Loma Paigiur Sp. Pat. Vermo Sp. Pat. Verm. Sp. Pat. Verm. Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Teche Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Teche Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Verm. Sp. Pat. Carancro Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Verm. 72 Number Date Prig. Claimant In Whose Favor Issued Nature of Claim W. Course A1847 Feb. 4, 1812 B1851 Feb. 5 B1852 B1853 B1854 Pare 654 B1871 Feb. 12 B1879 Feb. 14 B1880 A1892 A1896 Feb. 19 B1908 Feb. 27 B1911 Feb. 29 B1912 Page 856 B1915 Mar. 3 B1916 B1917 B1919 Mar. 5 B1921 Mar. 6 B1926 Mar. 11 B1935 Mar. 19 Pafie 8^7 B1936 Apr. 2 B1937 B1939 Apr. 3 B1943 Arp. 4 B1944 B1945 Apr. 8 B1966 May 9 Joseph Landry Christian Simon Abud & Charles Comeau Thomas Nickelson Thomas Nickelson Gonsalos De Pradoes & Francois Decuir Francois Decuir Francois Decuir Francois Decuir Spanish Patent Vermilion Settlement Gully W. Vermilion Lake Flaman Occupancy 10 Years Francois Decuir Julien DeAquelar Oc. 10 years Oc. 10 years L. Flaman L. Flaman Peter O'Reiley Peter O'Reiley Pierre Marain Louis Demarets Widow of Louis Pellerin Louis Demarets Francois Guilbeau William Luix Charles Duhon Settlement B. Salley Order of Survey & Settlement Teche Oc. 10 years Teche Francois Guilbeau William Luix Heirs of Luke Bryant William Corns tock Francois Ortiz Joseph Broussard Sp. Pat. Sp. Pat. Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Settlement Verm. Verm. Chaffallico Bay Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Rem: Isle Aux Cannes John Baptiste Sennet Maria Joseph Dauphin Maria Joseph Dauphin John Louis Drouet Joseph Collet Francois Prevost Thos. Fletcher Thomas Fletcher Jacob Miller Jacob Miller Joseph LeBlanc, Joseph LeBlanc, son son of Simon of Simon Stouts Talmage Dunleavy William McCulloch Louis Legnon Philip Veret Francis LeBreton John Chote Christopher 1 Brian Joseph Provost Representatives of Louis Legnon Sorrel Contamine James Saunders Henry Hergeroeder Legal Representatives of Pierre Petit Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Settlement Oc. 10 years Settlement Settlement Ord. of Sur. & Settlement 0c. 10 years 0c. 10 years Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Oc. 10 years Requete Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Rem: Pare Perdu Teche Teche Bayou Champique Verm. Teche Waters of Teche Teche Teche Teche Teche Teche Teche Teche 73 Number Date Prig. Claimant In Whose Favor Issued Nature of Claim W. Course B1967 May 9, 1912 B1970 May 11 B1971 May 13 B1972 May 14 B1973 B1975 May 15 Page 858 B1976 B1979 May 16 B1980 B1981 May 19 A1982 B1983 B1986 May 21 B1989 May 26 B1990 B1994 May 27 B1995 B1996 B1997 May 28 Page 859 B2007 June 9 B2012 June 10 la/;e 860 B2046 June 19 B2047 June 23 Joseph Provost, Alias Collet Joseph Provost Jean, Francois Jean, Francois, & & Adam Uval Adam Uval Jean, Francois Jean, Francois, & & Adam Uval Adam Uval John Miques Joseph Broussard Christopher Note Brunier De Clouett Pierre Guedery John Parkman Clair Dautrive DuBlucet Madame Lois el Michel Maux John Doucet Louise & Caroline DeClouet Pierre Moreau Louise & Caroline DeClouet Thomas Chote Pierre Guidery Remarks: Prairie Gros Pierre Guedery Charles Myers Clair Dautrive DuBlucet Alexander S a Souther land Charles Dugat Bastien Casteyo Baptiste Calais Pierre Moreau Antoine Patin Order of Survey & Settlement Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Teche Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Teche Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Rem: Isle Aux Cannes Settlement Chaffalia Occupancy 10 Years Teche Cheveral Oc. 10 years Teche Settlement Teche Oc. 10 years - — ~ Rem: LaChute Settlement Teche Spanish Patent Teche 0c. 10 years Teche Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Teche 0c. 10 years Teche 0c, 10 years Teche Francois Decuir Legal Representatives of John Baptiste Peytavin Legal Representatives of John Baptiste Peytavin Nicholas Hebert Nicholas Hebert & Philip Veret Paul Bonnain Paul Bonnain Gaspar Dore Louis & Alexander De La Houssaye Alexander Devince Bienvenu Louis & Alexander De La Houssaye 0c. 10 years Teche 0c. 10 years Teche Oc. 10 years Rem: Prairie Mall Oc. 10 years Bayou Petite Ance Oc. 10 years Rem: Cypress Island Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Michel Meaux Michel Meaux & others Oc. 10 years & others Remarks: Grand Prairie of Attakapas Francois Lelue Francois Lelue Oc. 10 years Bayou Petite Ance 74 Number Date Prig. Claimant In Whose Favor l3sued Nature of Claim W. Course B2048 June 23, 1812 B2049 B2050 June 25 B2051 Page 861 B2055 July 13 A2056 A2057 B2061 July 14 B2062 July 15 B2063 July 17 B2065 July 20 B2066 B2067 Philip Duplichien I ierre Zerangue Alexander C. G . Delhorme John Gravier Francois Hebert Joseph Bab in Joseph Bab in Mark Lee Pierre Rousseau Blanchard, Duhon & Toupart John Charles Dugat Philip Duplichien Nicholas Provost Ferdinand V. Potier John Gravier Francois Hebert Joseph Castille Joseph Bab in Mark Lee Pierre Petit Nicholas Provost John Charles Dugat Pierre Dugas Ozite Dugas Ozite Dugas, Ozite Dugas, Widow Widow of of Charles Hebert Charles Hebert Order of Survey & Settlement Teche Ord. of Sur. 8c Settlement Vermilion Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Teche Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Teche Rem: Bois de Cassein Settlement Teche Spanish Patent Verm. Sp. Pat. Verm. Settlement Bayou Queue de Tortue Occupancy 10 Years Verm. Ord. of Sur. Teche & Settlement B2068 Charles Dugas Charles Dugas B2070 July 24 Joseph Antoine Dubuclet Pierre Petit B2071 Pierre Petit Pierre Petit Pa*e 862 B2076 Aug. 4 Gr ego ire Masse Pierre Verdine B2077 Aug. 5 Eugene Sennet Rufus Nickelson B2078 John Baptiste Maria Martin, Widow Cormier of Claude Martin B2079 Aug. 7 Louis & Caroline Declouet Jean H. Las trapes B2061 Bertrand Lassabe Nemi3sis Bossier B2082 Widow Carrier Jean H. Las trapes Remarks : Prairie Gros B2083 Louis & Caroline Declouet Jean H. Las trapes Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Rem: Prairie Sorrel Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Renn Prairie Sorrel Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Rem: Prairie Sorrel Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Lake Pare P erdue Bayou Pare Perdue Settlement Teche Ord. of Sur. & Settlement 0c. 10 years Teche Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Teche Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Rem: Bois Cassiene Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Cheveral Ord. of Sur. &. Settlement Teche 75 Number Date B2091 Aug. 19, 1812 Prig. Claimant In Whose Favor Issued Nature of Claim W. Course Louis Theband Widow & Heirs of Settlement Teche Page 865 B2098 Sept. 23 James Hunter Samuel R. Rice Page 864 B2115 Oct. 29 Simon LeBlanc Simon LeBlanc Page 865 A2122 Nov. 5 A2123 B2129 Nov. 9 Settlement Chaffalia Order of Survey & Settlement Carancro Armant Pre jean William Cruthers Pierre LeBlanc Louis St. Julien Spanish Patent ■ — Rem: Grand Prairie Sp. Pat. Rem: Grand Prairie Margaret, Juliet, & Maydelene Broussard B2134 Nov. 12 B2138 Nov. 18 Page 866 B2145 Dec. 9 Page 867 B2152 Feb. 19, 1913 B2154 B2155 B2156 B2157 B2158 B2159 Feb. 20 B2160 B2161 B2162 B2163 Feb. 24 B2164 Margaret, Juliet, & Maydelene Broussard Joseph Durough John Muggah William William Southerland Southerland Requete Occupancy 10 Years Settlement Henry Hergroider Francois Caesar Boutte John Berard Marin Mouton, Sr. Louise & Caroline Declouet Joseph Drouet Joseph Drouet Widow Dautrieve Widow Dautrieve Francois J. 0. Zenne Francois J. 0. Zenne Francois Bodreau Hilarie Bonte, Jr. Legal Representatives Ord. of Sur. of Philo Norton & Settlement Pierre Petit John Berard Marin Mouton, Sr. Pierre Broussard Madame Desmaret Joseph Drouet Francois Jacques 0. Zenne Maria Vincent Labbe Maria Vincent Labbe Francois J. 0. Zenne Antoine Bonte Hilarie Bonte Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Oc. 10 years Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Settlement Settlement Req. & Set. Req. 8c Set. Oc. 10 years Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Bayou Tortue Atchaffalia Bayou Sallee Teche Bayou Tigre Teche Vermilion Teche Teche Teche Tortue Tortue Tortue Tortue Teche Teche 76 Number Date Crip;. Claimant In Whose Favor Issued Nature of Claim W. Course A2165 Feb. 24, 1813 B2180 June 12 Pa^e 668 B2184 June 21 A2185 June 25 A2186 B2190 July 28 B2191 Pa^e 869 B2192 Sept. 21 B2205 Oct. 29 B2206 Dec. 20 A2207 Dec. 27 A2210 Dec. 31 A2213 A2214 A2215 A2216 A2217 A2218 A2219 A2221 A2222 A2223 A2224 A2226 A2227 Francois Francois Guilbeau Spanish Patent Guilbeau In Attakapas & Opelousas Counties Samuel Jones Samuel Jones Requete Bayou Sallee Heirs of Jean Labbe (grandfather) Baptiste LeBeauve Claude Broussard Joseph Derouen, Jr. Jacko Derouen Jacko Derouen Baptiste LeBeauve Amant Broussard Joseph Derouen, Jr. Denis Carlin Jupited, a free Negro Celestine Grevemberg & John Baptiste Chalon Francois LaBeauve Joseph DeRonan Joseph DeRonan Athanaze Trahan Francois Gonssoulin Remarks: Gully of Cypress Island Francois Gonssoulin Sp. Pat. Remarks: Gully of Cypress Island Celestine Grevemberg & John Baptiste Chalon Francois LaBeauve Order of Survey & Settlement Sp. Pat. Teche Sp. Pat. Teche Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Teche Teche Occupancy 10 Years Oc. 10 years Teche Teche Oc. 10 years Vermilion Sp. Pat. Sp. Pat. Verm. Paul Trahan Francois Broussard Francois Broussard John Louis Bonain Joseph Grangie Olivier Landry John Louis Bonain Freme Robechot Freme Robechot Pierre Broussard Baptiste Broussard Joseph Hebert Joseph Broussard Antoine Bourdas Jean Baptiste Broussard Michel Douce t Bonaventure Martin Pierre Broussard Sp. Pat. Sp. Pat. Sp. Pat. Sp. Pat. Sp. Pat. Baptiste Broussard Sp. Pat. Legal Representatives Sp. Pat. of Joseph Broussard Sp. Pat. Legal Representatives of Sp. Pat. Jean Baptiste Broussard Sp. Pat. Legal Representatives of Sp. Pat. Legal Representatives of Sp. Pat. Bayou Tortue Tortue Bayou Petite Ance Tortue Tortue Tortue Bayou Petite Ance Teche Teche Teche Teche Teche 77 Number Date Page 870 B2230 Feb. 4, 1814 B2231 A2239 Aug. 10 A2240 A2242 Aug. 28 A2243 Aug. 25 B2245 Sept. 9 Prig. Claimant In Whose Favor Issued Nature of Claim V. Course Theodore Thibodeau Louis Amon Ducrest Louis Grevemberg Anne Judith Chenal J. Baptiste Grevemberg John Baptiste Mouton Occupancy 10 Waters of Years Bayou Vermilion John Baptiste Mouton Order of Survey & Occupancy '; Verm. Louis de la Houssaye & others Spanish Patent Teche Sp. Pat. Teche Sp. Pat. Teche Sp. Pat. Teche Jacques Judice Bartholomew Grevemberg Anna J. Chenal Bartholomew Gravem- berg Alexandre D. Legal Representatives Ord. of Sur. Bienvenu of Francoise Pellerin & Settlement Rem: Isle of P evert B2246 Francois D. de Legal Representatives Ord. of Sur. la Barre of Francoise Pellerin & Settlement Rem: Isle of P evert B2251 Sept. 20 Claire Alexander S. Ord. of 'Sur. Dautriege Southerland & Settlement Teche Bubucet Ord. of Sur. B2252 Nicholas Nicholas Prevost & Settlement Prevost Rem: Movais Prairie Charles Hebert Heirs of Rene Trahan Sp. Pat. Verm. A2253 B2254 B2255 B2256 B2257 B2258 A2264 May 9, 1915 A2265 A2266 B2267 B655 May 31, 1811 William Weeks William Weeks Dautrieve John Berrard John Berrard John Berrard John Bell William Bell John Bell John Bell John Baptiste Joseph Mouton Lalande John Baptiste Louis Arseneau, Jun. Sp. Pat. Lalande Francois Francois LeBeau's LeBeau's Representatives Representatives Patrick Johnson Patrick Johnson Yrene, a free Thomas Berwick Mulatto woman Remarks: At Gros Isle; quantity unknown; the plat of survey being evidently erroneous. Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Verm. Rem: Grand Cote Oc. 10 years Teche Ord. of Sur. & Settlement Teche Oc. 10 years Rem: Cote Blanche Oc. 10 years Rem: Cote Blanche Sp. Pat. Teche Sp. Pat. Teche Sp. Pat. Teche Req. & Set. Bayou Sale Ord. of Sur. M^W 78 VOLUME III Register's Number Name Origin. Claimant Quantity Claimed Nature of Claim Page 119 D. 234 D. 153 3 D. 297 D. 89 20 D. 4 2 9 22 27 19 16 12 13 13 121 D. 251 D. 258 35 34 D. 98 D. 193 D. 51 D. 50 39 32 2 29 31 Benjamin Andrus David Andrus John Abshire John Berard Benjamin Andrus David Andrus John Abshire John Berard 64O acres 203 4/100 acres 338 51/100 ac. 136 acres Francois Brusard Bernard, 730 acres Attakapas Chief Widow & heirs of R. Bell Richard Bell 400 arpents Hillaire Boutle Hillaire Boutle 25 by 40 arp. (Boutte?) Claude Broussard Claude Broussard 280 acres James Bue Joseph Birot Henry & John Bosler Henry Bosler Joseph Borrel Hyacinthe Bernard P. Bernard & C. Arseneau William Biggs John Chote John Cormier Dennis Carline Dennis Carline John Bte. Coment John Chote John Carlisle James Clark Baptiste Calais Joseph Castille Widow Castille & Son M. Cormier & J. Mire Daniel Callaghan Daniel Callaghan Daniel Callaghan Daniel Callaghan D. Dubuclet & Others Louis C. de Blanc James Bue Joseph Birot H. & J. Bosler H. & J. Bosler Joseph Borrel Baptiste, & Other Indians Bernard &. Arseneau William Biggs Unknown Simon LeBlanc & Others Francois Graven berg Madame Guesnard J. Bte. Coment Unknown Unknown James Clark Bte. Calais Joseph Castille Unknown 640 acres 40 by 120 acres 1 ,000 arpents 1 ,280 acres 640 acres 3,440 arpents 18 by 40 arp. 64O acres 640 acres 36O arpents - 800 arpents 1 ,600 arpents 485 60/100 acs. 800 arpents 320 arpents 640 acres 240 arpents 280 arpents 440 arpents Jacques Roman 800 arpents Robert Brazile Francis Daniel John Mix John Reed Dubuclet, and others , 64O acres 400 arpents 800 arpents 64O acres ttat. 3,300 arpents Settlement Order of Survey Settlement Survey under Spanish Govt. Ind. purchase & Occupancy Order of Survey Ord. of Sur. Survey under Span. Govt. Settlement Order of Survey Requete, etc. Settlement Settlement Purchase from Indians Ord. of Sur. Settlement Settlement Patent Unknown Unknown Settlement Con. from B. deCarondelet Unknown Settlement Requete, etc. Requete and Spanish Sur. Spanish Sur. 4 Possession Order of Sur. Settlement Requete 4 etc. Unknown Settlement Order of Sur. Louis C. de Blanc 2,080 arpents Sp. concession 79 Register's Nut aber Name 0ri£. Claimant Quantity Claimed Nature of Claim 57 John Bte. Degrouise John Bte. Degrouise 3,200 arpents Order of Survey 45 Louis de Clouet Louis de Clouet 1,200 arpents Unknown Pa^e 120 54 Louis Gorget Demarets Louis G. Demarets 1 ,200 arpents Ord. of Sur. 10 Heirs of John Dunman John Dunman 640 acres Settlement 41 William Desk Madame Loiselle 400 arpents Ord. of Sur. 72 William Desk William Desk 64O acres Settlement 120 William Desk Charles Duhon and others 410 arpents Ord. of Sur. 120 William Desk Charles Duhon and others Ord. of Sur. — John Dennilly John Dennilly 800 arpents Requete 287 Pierre Dubois Pierre Dubois 480 arpents Occupancy 55 Heirs of Dunman Unknown 64O acres Settlement Jacques Dore John Berard 50 arpents Unknown D. 115 Madame St. Marc Alexander D„ 700 arpents Requete, surv. Darby Bienvenue & occupancy D. 116 Madame St. Marc Darby- Madame Darby 740 acres Occupancy D. 82 Lou. & A. De la Houssaye De la Houssayes 940 arpents Requete, surv. & occupancy D. 85 Louis De la Don Paul de la 3,200 arpents Ord. of Sur. , Houssaye Houssaye etc. 50 Charles Dugas, and others Charles Dugas and others 1,870 acres Ord. of Sur. — Pierre Etier Unknown 410 arpents Unknown 60 Richard Ellis Richard Ellis 2,400 arpents Ord. of Sur. 59 John Ellis John Ellis 2,400 arpents Ord. of Sur. 61 William P . Ellis William P . Ellis 2,400 arpents Ord. of Sur. 1 Michel Elnor Michel Elnor 640 acres Settlement 64 Claude Frio Unknown 800 arpents Unknown 67 Edward Porman Ashnoya, and other Indians Unknown Purchase from Indians — Jacques Fontinet Unknown 200 arpents Req. & Sur. D. 122 Jacques Fontinet Jacques Fontinet 480 arpents Req. & Sp. Sur. — Fontinet & Fontinet & Bienvenue 467-i - acres Requete, etc. Bienvenue 15 Ed. Forstall, executor of Darby Madame Wid. Darby 2,400 arpents Ord. of Sur. — Gravier & Forstall Dauterive 1 ,200 arpents Occupancy — Gravier & Forstall Gravier & Forstall 1 ,200 arpents Unknown 6 Francois Francois 840 arpents Order of Saneaoulin Gonssoulin survey, etc. D. 129 Joshua & William Garret John Louis Drouet 440 arpents Occupancy 262 William Garret William Garret 640 acres Settlement 255 Simon Gerouard Simon Gerouard 1 60 arpents Settlement 71 John Gilbeau Dominick Babineau 400 arpents Unknown 76 Paul Glasco's Paul Glasco 800 arpents Occupancy heir:: 80 Register '3 Number Name Ori^n. Claimant Quantity Claimed Nature of Claim 81 85 5 4 8 12 10 2 D. 150 9 90 92 7 94 3 D. 152 96 10 108 13 D. 20 101 406 406 130 2 2 2 2 2 2 129 118 Pierre Guidry Joseph Hebert Henry Hargroider Henry Hargroider William Hargrove Hargroider 's guardian John Henry Francois Hacket Jacob Hamshire Bronier de Clouet Attakapas Indians Henry Hargroider Charles Hargroider William Hargrove Michel Hargroider Unknown Michel Infil Theoliste Hebert Francois Hacket John Johnson 400 arpents Spanish Survey 160 arpents Purch. from Inds 800 arpents Unknown 480 arpents Requete, etc. 64O acres Settlement 36O acres Settlement 400 arpents Ord. of Sur. 400 arpents Ord. of Sur. 338 49/100 Unknown acres 677 acres Settlement by- permission Heirs of C. Hargroider Thomas Huff power Gideon Hopkins Jacob Jarrard William Johnson Patrick Johnson Samuel Jones Charles Kulls Fs. C. Y. Luengo Widow of F. LeBlanc Hebert Landry Lewis Legnon Francois Louvier Jesse E. Lacy John Lyon John Lyon P. Morgan & D. Clark John Bte. McCarty John Bte. McCarty John Bte. McCarty John Bte. McCarty John Bte. McCarty, for son Bartholomew John Bte. McCarty, for son Edmund John Bte. McCarty Charles Morgan Andrew Martin Charles Hargroider 500 arpents Unknown Thomas Huff power Gideon Hopkins Jacob Jarrard William Johnson Patrick Johnson Samuel Jones Charles Kulls Unknown Simon LeBlanc LeJean & Lebeauve Lewis Legnon Francois Louvier Benjamin Andrus Attakapas Indians Attakapas Indians Fuselier de la Clair Louis Judice, jun, abt. 320 arpents 400 arpents 64O acres 64O acres 320 arpents 677 acres 480 arpents 315 arpents 160 arpents 480 arpents 96O arpents 1,035 94/100 acres 600 arpents 2,000 arpents 2,240 arpents 8,540 arpents 2,240 arpents Ord. of Sur. Ord. of Sur. Settlement Settlement Occupancy Requete, etc. Requete, etc. Unknown Patent Unknown Ord. of Sur. Requete & Sp . survey Ord. of Sur. , etc. Purchase from Indians, etc. Pur. from Inds. Provisional concession, etc. Ord. of Sur. Vincent Lesassier 6,400 arpents Unknown and others Antoine Boudousque 3,200 arpents Unknown Pierre Etier Bartholomew McCarty Edmund McCarty John Bte. McCarty Lebath Delisle Louis deClouet Unknown Unknown 1,600 arpents Ord. of Sur. 1,600 arpents Ord. of Sur. 1,600 arpents Ord. of Sur. 3,500 arpents Requete and Occupancy 400 arpents Unknown 81 Register's Number Name John Merriman Orip. Claimant Quantity Claimed John Merriman 600 arpents Nature of Claim 9 Requete & w occupancy 13 Lewis Moore Unknown 640 acres Unknown 113 John McLaughlin Unknown 480 arpents Unknown 433 Frederick Mouton Joseph Carriere 400 arpents Unknown 114 Francois Milholm Francois Milholm 640 acres Settlement 122 James McKeever Samuel Jones 677 acres Requete, etc. 111 Pierre Meaux Pierre Meaux 640 acres Settlement Pa«e 121 112 Pierre Meaux Pierre Meaux 338 50/100 acres Settlement ~ Marin Mouton Bernard, & other Indians 4,251 acres Purchase from Inds. & Oc. 45 John Bte. Mouton Rene Broussard 190 acres Occupancy 465 Antoine Nezat Antoine Nezat 252 arpents Order of Survey 133 Rufus Nickels on Rufus Nickelson 640 acres Settlement 15 Thomas Nickels on Mark Lee 406 21/100 acres Requete, etc. 242 Thomas Nickelson Ashnoya, & other Indians 3,333 arpents Pur. from Inds. 7 William O'Donegan William O'Donegan 320 arpents Requete, etc. D. 296 Charles ! Devizen . Charles B Dev±zen 1 , 520 arpents Requete and Span, survey — John O'Reilly John ] Reilly 1 , 600 arpents Requete, etc. 196 Chris t. O'Brien's Settlement by heirs Christopher O'Brien 1 , 500 arpents permission — Joseph Primo John Berard 50 arpents Occupancy — Joseph Piernas Louis Pellerin 6,400 arpents Unknown 496 Frederick Pellerin Unknown 1 ,400 arpents Unknown 1 Simon Pickard Simon Pickard 640 acres Settlement — Joseph Romaro John Desaris 320 arpents Settlement — Abraham Roberts Abraham Roberts 400 arpents Order of Survey 160 Eugene Senate Eugene Senate 400 arpents Order of Survey 10 John Bte. Senate Joseph Senate 640 acres Settlement 250 Hypolite Savoy- Hypolite Savoy Unknown Settlement 14 Jon. Smith's guardian Jonathan Smith 640 acres Settlement — John Stine John Stine 320 arpents Order of Sur. 170 Stephen Sweayze Stephen Sweayze 400 arpents Ord„ of Sur. & Span. Survey 12 Louis Semaire Louis Semaire 400 arpents Requete, etc. — William Romple Unknown 600 arpents Unknown 7 John Thibedeau Attakapas Indians 110 arpents Purchase from Indians 114 John Vomser John Vomser 480 arpents Requete, etc. D. 264 Romain & Mary Verdine R. & M. Verdine 640 acres Settlement Pa*e 152 Louise & Carline 7 Pierre Broussard Declouet 982 acres Order of Sur. 5 Pierre Broussard Mr. Ledee Unknown Occupancy, etc. 82 Register 1 s Nature of Number Name OrifrLnal Claimant Quantity Claimed Claim 23 Maria Bab in, Francois Ledee Unknown Occupancy, widow of C. Martin etc. — Louis C . DeBlanc Joseph Collet 2,400 arpents Spanish Patent DR. 243 J. Gravier & E. Forstall Dauterieve 200 arpents Occupancy DR. 243 J. Gravier & E. Forstall Dauterieve Unknown Occupancy DR. 243 J . Gravier & E . Forstall Dauterieve Unknown Occupancy 83 Joseph Guidry John Berard Unknown Order of Survey 79 Dav. Guidry & Louise & Carline Jn. Mouton Declouet 3,000 arpents Ord. of Sur. DR. 9 John N. Kershaw Joseph Carlin 40 arpents Spanish concession DR. 280 Jacques Moulon Jacques Moulon 2,200 arpents Occupancy 121 Charles McDaniel Charles McDaniel 640 acres Settlement 5 Alexander Norris John Punche & Others i 100 arpents Occupancy DR. 6 Edward C. Nichols Joseph Carlin Unknown Sp. con. DR. 140 Victor Rctnaine Unknown 400 arpents Unknown 19 J. B*te. Senate, Senate, for the use for his son of his son 640 acres Settlement 2 Nicholas Thibodeau Louis DeClouet 252 arpents Occupancy 3 Widow Olivier Thibodeau Louis DeClouet 421 arpents Occupancy 3 Widow Olivier Thibodeau Pierre Broussard 160 arpents Unknown 183 Louis Veillon Louise & Carline DeClouet 480 arpents Ord. of Sur. 83 For this last segment of claims from Volume III the following explanatory notes apply. (Copied from Page 172.) Class No, 1 , will comprise claims for lands held under complete patents of un- questionable authenticity, which, having been filed with the Register previous to the dissolution of the Board of Commissioners appointed for the purpose of ascertaining and adjusting titles and claims to lands in the said district, and found of record, have been transferred to the said Board for confirmation, pursuant to the fifth section of an act of Congress entitled "An act for ascertaining and adjusting titles and claims to lands, etc" passed the 2d March 1805. See note A, at the end of the report. (Compiler's note: said note A is not attached herewith, nor are the other notes mentioned below.) Class No. 2 « will comprise claims founded on authentic orders of survey conceded by the Spanish Government of Louisiana, which, with or without proof of occupanq ought, in the opinion of the said Register and Receiver, to be confirmed. See note B, at the end of the report. Class No. 5 . will comprise claims founded on requetes, approved and sanctioned by the competent Spanish authority, or for lands which may have been surveyed by an authorized Spanish surveyor previous to the change of Government; and which, whether accompanied or not by proof of occupancy, ought, in the opinion of the said Register and Receiver, to be confirmed. See note C, at the end of the report. Class No. 4 . will comprise claims unsupported by any requete or concession under the former Government of Louisiana; but which, from regular transfers of title, bearing date anterior to the change of Government, before the authority competent to judge, and whose duty it was to decide on the validity of the title of the seller, whether supported or not by evidence of occupancy, ought, in the opinion of the said Register and Receiver, to be confirmed. See note D, at the end of the report. Class No, 5 . will comprise claims for lands which have been occupied or possessed ten consecutive years previous to the 20th day of December, 1803, which, in the opinion of the said Register and Receiver, ought to be confirmed for the quantity of land claimed, or within the acknowledged and ascertained limits thereof, provided the same shall not exceed the quantity of two thousand acres, pursuant to the second section of the act of Congress of the 3rd March, 1807 See note E, at the end of the report. Class No. 6. will comprise claims for lands on which settlements had been made prior to the 1st day of October, 1800; and inhabited and cultivated for three consecutive years from that date by persons over the age of twenty-one years, or the heads of families, and not claiming or holding, in their own right, any grants or concessions for other lands from the French or Spanish Governments, ought to be, in the opinion of the said Register and Receiver, confirmed, pursuant to the first section of the act of Congress of the 21st April, 1806, for the quantity claimed, or within the acknowledged and ascertained limits of the same, not exceeding one mile square, or six hundred and forty acres. See note F, at the end of the report. Clao3 No. 7 . will comprise claims founded on occupancy subsequent to the 1st of October, 1800, and previous to the 12th day of April, 1814; and claims founded on occupancy, commenced previous to the said 1st day of October, by persons holding, or having held, other lands in their own names in Louisiana under French or Spanish grants or concessions; and which claims do not come 84 within the purview of classes Nos. 5 or 6, ought not, in the opinion of the said Register and Receiver, to be confirmed, the right of pre-emption to the extent of one hundred and sixty acres (a quarter of a section) being secured to the settler by an act of Congress passed the 12th of April, 1814. See note G, at the end of the report. Class No. 8. will comprise claims which, being accompanied by no document of title of date anterior to the 20th day of December, 1803, nor proof of occupancy and cultivation prior to the 12th of April, 181 4, ought not, in the opinion of the Register and Receiver, to be confirmed. See note H, at the end of the report. Class No. 9 , will comprise claims for land occupied as vacheries; and whether with or without evidence of occupancy, ought not, in the opinion of the Register and Receiver, to be confirmed. See note I, at the end of the report. Class No. 10 . will comprise claims for land purchased from Indians, or tribes of Indians, whose sales, not having been ratified by any Governor of Louisiana, are deemed null; and the claims such as, in the opinion of the Register and Receiver, ought not to be confirmed. See note K, at the end of the report. Class No. 11 . will comprise claims for land founded on documents of title, suspected to be counterfeit, or fraudulently obtained; and, in the opinion of Register and Receiver, ought not to be confirmed; as well as claims founded on evidence of occupancy discredited by the Register and Receiver. See note L, at the end of the report. 85 First Class ^e 173 Register's Number 37 184 185 186 201 240 218 219 Page 174 264 274 289 290 291 267 386 Page 175 47 76 130 Page 176 263 370 Page 177 526 538 539 574 Page 178 688 Alexander Hebert Francois Gonssoulin Francois Gonssoulin Francois Gonssoulin Louise de Clouet, widow of Benoist de St. Clair John Hays Jean Baptiste Broussard Jean Baptiste Broussard Olivier Landry Firmin Giroird Gabriel Fuselier Gabriel Fuselier Gabriel Fuselier Joseph Grange Michel Cormier Second Class Joseph Grange Heirs of Jean Dartesse Eufrosine Boisdore Legal Representatives of Hilaire Joseph Doucet Olivier Landry La Houssaye Joseph Sorrel Philip Boutte Jean Baptiste Uval Heirs of Joseph Carline 31 George Folk 38 Jean Guidry 39 Ceril Thibedeau 55 Louis Pellerin 64 Heirs of Firman Bro 66 Cerille Thibedeau Page 180 — John Ripley Folk Page 181 200 Louise de Clouet, widow of Benoist de St. Clair 228 Joseph Prevost, Sr. 229 Joseph Prevost, Jr. 235 John Nofper 239 John Nofper 269 Julie Broussard, wife of Robert Bell 270 Margaret Trahan, widow of Rene LeBlanc 272 Benjamin Mere (Mire?) 273 Simon Granger Page 182 414 Frederique Louvier 464 Simon Mire Page 183 527 Joseph Sorrel 599 Joseph Landry 673 John Lee Page 184 814 Joseph Bab in 951 Amant Broussard 953 Amant Broussard Page 185 510 Joseph Grange Louis Demaret Third Class - Page 179 30 Simon LeBlanc Page 186 40 41 44 Fourth Class Athanase Hebert Donato Bro Athanase Hebert, Donato Breau, Pierre Breau, Ceril Thibedeau & Louis Bonain, joint heirs of Firman Breau 86 Page 186 (con'd.) Register's Number 45 Athanase Hebert, Donato Breau, Pierre Breau, Ceril Thibedeau & Louis Bonain, joint heirs of Firman Breau 53 Joseph Saunier (?) 54 Joseph Saunier Page 187 63 Heirs of Firman Breau (as listed above) 65 Jean Baptiste Guidry 68 Jean Pierre Lecuir 79 Antoine Patin 93 Henry Hebert 115 Pierre Broussard 124 Louis Charles DeBlanc 125 Louis Charles DeBlanc 148 Louise Vaillon Page 188 154 John Muggah 182 Francois Gonssoulin 183 Francois Gonssoulin 188 Joseph Broussard 221 Hilaire DeCoux 222 Francois Lambert Page 189 528 Jean Charles Hebert 559 Charles Calderon 952 Amant Broussard 1015 Alexander Milne Page 190 69 Jean Pierre Decuir Fifth Class 26 Claude Broussard 80 Francois Broussard Page 191 91 Jean Charles Dugas 92 Francois Moreau 94 Dominique Melancon 95 Adelaide Breaud 96 97 98 99 100 101 103 104 105 Page 192 12 21 34 75 133 134 135 136 Margaret Breaud Francois Bernard Widow Dorien Franc oi3 Begnaud Charles Valot Celestin Gravemberg Legal Representatives of John Pierre Etie Louis Ledee Charles Chevalier Delorme 106 Jean Guidry 107 Joseph Savoy 108 Raphael Cormier 109 John Caillet 110 Agricole Breaud 111 Charles Melancon 112 Valentine Landry 113 Marcel LeBlanc 114 Pierre Broussard 116 Christopher Gath 117 Bastien Casteyo 118 Francois Begnaud 119 Pierre Broussard 120 James Keith 121 Constant Breaud 123 Sebastien Casteyo 161 Louis St. Julien Page 1 » 180 Joshua Lewis Page 1 95 530 Rev. Mr. Izabe (Roman Catholic priest) 1147 John Stine Sixth Class Page 1 96 Moise Hebert William Addison Peter Stouts Louis Suf fier & Louis Longua Joseph Duhon Pierre Meaux Charles Bourque Joseph Bourque 87 Register's Number Page 197 451 Page 198 Page 208 Jean Baptiste Bourgeois 682 Michael Lyons 775 Andre Marks Page 201 1078 Michel Boutty Seventh Class Page 203 59 James Martin Page 204 157 Louis Hebert 155 John Grange 162 Francois & Joseph Boudreau 167 Resin Bowie, Sr. Page 205 168 Shadrack Porter 172 Legal Representatives of John Coleman, Jr. 187 Francois Gonssoulin 210 Ursine Hebert Page 206 227 Baptiste Prevost 257 Anthony Vickner 241 Stephen Brown 242 Walter McBride 243 Anne Henry, Widow of Alexander Daniel Page 207 268 John Harman 282 Jesse White 285 Thomas Goin 284 Francis Rodgers 285 Alexander Stephens 288 George Cummins 415 417 450 Louis Stevan Jean Baltazar Neuvill de Clouet Pierre Bonvellon Page 209 542 Joseph Guilbeau Page 212 825 Hypolite Bonain Page 213 975 982 Celestin Pre jean Jean Baptiste Comeau Page 214 1067 1076 Joseph Pierre Broussard Alexander Lanclost Page 215 1201 1202 1216 25 122 Francois Ozenne, Jr. Marie Vincent Labbe David Caruthers Pierre LeBerre Pierre Broussard Eighth Class Page 216 22 45 52 Heirs of Joshua Nixon Heirs of Firman Breau (as previously named) Jean Baptiste Hebert Page 217 84 132 816 155 181 208 Joseph Athanase Breaud Joseph Savoy Baptiste Thibedeau Samuel R. Rice William Biggs Henry Knight 88 Register's Number Page 218 224 John Etienne LeFabre 226 Catharine Boudoin 238 Francois Senequer 254 Pierre Broussard 265 Olivier Landry 266 Olivier Landry 271 Jean Landry & Julien Melancon 292 Gabriel Fuselier Page 220 365 William Vannarght 368 James Clarke 371 Heirs of Alexander La Houssaye 375 Nathaniel Moss, Sr. 376 Charles Hunks 390 Philip Verrett Page 221 408 Chattilan Pellerin (Opelousas & Attakapas Counties) 428 Charles Olivier, Sr. Page 222 465 Louis St. Julien 466 Jean Baptiste Broussard, Jr. Page 223 532 Francois Bouette 536 Ursin Bouligny 537 Dominique Youligny 543 Joseph Guilbeau 560 Charles Calderon Page 224 573 575 576 597 598 621 622 Babineaux Francois Senequer John Stine Andre Martin Andre Martin Jacques Deroven Jacques Deroven Reported Number Page 225 754 Jack Drake 768 John. Hay 770 Olivier Clarke 771 Don Manuel Pedro Armand 777 Francois Leleu 779 George Kidder 780 Joseph La Ruchill 782 Louis de la Houssaye 788 Pierre Broussard* 789 Pierre Broussard* 790 Pierre Broussard* ♦Being part of Ledee's grant Page 226 796 798 799 800 801 802 80 3 806 807 808 811 812 81 3 81 4 81 5 816 817 818 81 9 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 Page 227 858 Joseph Senat D. J. McLeode P. B. Henepy (Henessy?) Francois Bernard Joseph Sherry John Reeves Michel Meaux Landlot Porter Shadrack Porter Shadrack Porter David Choate Joseph St. Geremie James Thrasher Alexander Landre William Hargrove James Clarke George Burrell Alexander Grier Joseph Drake Joseph Ewin James Smith James Virgin Joseph Ring Stephen Holstein Francis Mill en Thomas Raile3 Francis Garcia Thomas West Joseph Deroven, Sr. 89 Reported Number Page 236 Page 227 (con'd.) 869 872 Page 228 Edward Broussard Peter Henry Renthrope 880 897 Eleazer Thibedeau Louis St. Germain Page 229 906 915 922 926 William Southerland Baptisie Ringuette Peter Henry Renthrope Levi Campbell Page 250 949 950 960 Paul Lanusse Legal Representatives of Jean Baptiste McCarty Lewis Moore Page 251 968 971 972 Anthony Reed Gregoire Artacho Hebert Landry Page 232 1016 1017 1018 1020 1022 1023 1025 1028 William L. Brent Joseph Prevost, Sr. Heirs of Joseph Prevost Legal Representatives of Francois Pomette Lefroy Prevost John Folk Benjamin Louviere Alexander de Clouet Page 234 1088 1100 Jean Pierre Decuir Louis Judice Ninth Class Pa/re 2 35 1124 1125 Paul Bonain, Jr. Eugene Borel Page 237 1129 1130 1131 1134 John Frederiques Mouton John Frederiques Mouton John Frederiques Mouton Joseph deBuelet Page 239 1167 Amant Broussard Tenth Class 1175 Heirs of Victor Richard Eleventh Class None Twelfth Class None 1114 1115 Antoine Patin Michel Cormier 90 ST. MARY PARISH 181 3 TAX LIST For some reason the editor of the PLANTERS' BANNER (Franklin) in 1848 decided to publish the St. Mary Parish tax list for 1813. No particular reason was offered. It should not have been that it was the first such list, for St. Mary became a parish in 1811 and there should have been one for 1812, if not for 1811. Possibly it was then the earliest one in' existence. Because 1813 is only two years after the cut-off date for this work, and because the St. Mary Parish of 181 3 represented a large segment of the old Attakapas District, I decided to include the tax list in this work on the old Attakapas District. The list may be found in the PLANTERS' BANNER issue of April 6, 1848, page 2, columns 4-5. The Louisiana State University Library microfilm department has a copy, and they photostated the page for me. 91 LIST OF PERSONS WHO WERE SUBJECT TO TAXATION IN THE PARISH OF ST. . MARY IN THE YEAR 1813 With the number of slaves in said parish; compiled from the Assessment Rolls for the Planters 1 Banner. BELLE ISLE Walter Brashear BERWICK'S BAY Samuel R. Rice - 10 Luke Brien - 2 Christopher Brien - 3 Henry Johnson William Rochel - 20 Hays Joseph Berwick - 4 Peter H. Ren trope - 8 Henry Knight - 2 John Horner William Knight - 1 ATCHAFALAYA John Hacket William Brent William Moore John Lackman Frederick Ren trope Philip Boutie Peter Sauva Jacob Miller Jacob Noper - 1 Heirs of Hays John Noper John Meriman - 5 John B. Bertrand Louis Kerlegan Peter Hartman William Moore Mrs . Jarrett William Cockran John Hudson - 8 John N. Kershaw BAYOU TECHE William Biggs - 2 Hiram Allen Michael Knight Robert Stacy - 3 Mrs . Antoine Etier Mrs. W(illiam) Desk - 7 M. Constance Etier - 4 William Addison - 2 Heirs of S. Nixon Henry Harkrider William Prater - 1 Thomas Insall Heirs of Norton John Fowles (Towles) - 82 Peter Duhon ~ 1 (appears to be Dahon) Dubucley Alexander Lewis Loyd Wilcoxon - 6 Heirs of Darby Basil Crow - 7 Jos. & Hal. Sinet Joseph Senet - 5 BAYOU SALE Rufus Nickleson ■= 3 Balthazar Senet » 4 Joshua Garret - 6 Peter Roberts -18 P & W Roberts - 6 To & Jo Ferguson Warren Buf ord ~ 6 James Buford - 8 Nathan Kemper - 5 Farquard Campbell - 2 Kemper & Johnson Daniel S u Norton Peter Verdine - 4 Verdine , bro thers John B. Verdine - 6 Alexander Verdine - 5 Peter Orilli Addison & W. Moore Baker & St« Jones (St. Julien ?) John N. Kershaw Henry Harkrider Joseph Irwin Heirs of Bundick John Rieves - 5 Archibald Smith - 8 Michael Gordy - 4 Capt. Sutherland Heirs of John Orille Peter Robmet - 4 BAYOU TECHE Cadet Molon Francis Hudson - 10 John Armstrong - 5 Richard Skinner - 4 Ebenezer Snow - 2 Samuel E Scott - 4 Heirs of Honore Senet Eugene Sennet - 8 ThoSo Wagaman - 9 George Royster - 8 Richard Savin Louis Demaret - 26 Martin Demaret - 1 John Moore - 2 Joseph Guedry MrSo M. Guedry Stephen Barabin - 4 Winfrey Lockett - 13 Lockett & Foster Levi Foster - 3 Alexis Carlin - 12 Danis (Dennis) Carlin - 10 Honore Carlin - 25 Celestin Carlin - 11 Mrs. Carlin - 2 Mrs* Cadet Etier - 1 Evan Bowles - 13 Eugene Carlin - 7 H. & L. Sterling - 58 Munford Perryman - 1 Dr. JaSo Morris Isaac Reed Barnet Hulick Jos. Charpentier - 1 John Leese William Duley Abraham Armstrong Matthew Nimmo - 6 Jehu Wilkinson - 6 James Sanders - 7 BAYOU YOCKLY Walter Brashear - 8 COTE BLANCHE John Gravier Louis Demaret Louis Chassery Jett Thomas - 37 92 BAYOU TECHE Lucius Smith Jesse Smith - 5 Louis Legnon - 3 James John - 7 William Sanders Frederick Pellerin Francis Guedry - 1 Louis Belahoussaye Alexander Porter Francis Boutte William Richardson - 3 William A. Smith - 45 Joshua Baker - 32 Heirs of Sterling - 67 Thomas Martin - 9 Jackson & Caffery - 35 H. Theall - 4 Jos. I. Sumner - 17 MiS3 T. Brake - 5 Ecum Sumner Duke W. Sumner - 13 Martin L. Haynie - 14 Jesse E. Lacy - 14 Heirs of Pellerin Lyman Harding - 57 heirs of A. Belahoussaye Peter Rugnier - 12 Joseph Provost - 4 James Hennen - 18 John Bitch John Bossier - 7 Alex. Pellerin - 1 Agricole Fuselier Cam A. Freeman Contamin Sorrel - 13 John Labarthe - 4 Francis Bumisnil Regobert Verret John B. Verret - 1 Andrew Hartaaan - 1 ITicholas Verret - 3 Francis Simiker Valery Martin - 1 Marcelin Verret - 2 Hyacinthe Bernard Mary Joseph - 2 John Bartes - 1 Franci3 Dubois Benjamin Winchester Frederick Pellerin - 23 Alexander Frere - 27 Charles Oger - 11 Joseph Sorrel - 72 Mrs. Segur - 2 Felicite Segur - 3 Louis Pecot - 2 Eugene Carlin Francio Provost - 18 Pierre Etier - 5 Nicholas Provost - 50 Eugene Borel - 4 Godfrey Provost - 5 Lufroy Provost - 8 Hubert Pellerin - 7 Mrs . Monier - 6 Nicholas Loisel - 3 Mrs. J. L. Hebert Mrs. Milhomme - 4 Mrs. M. Hebert John B. Bourgeois - 7 Capt. Sutherland Benjamin Scurlock - 17 Joseph Chishom - 3 George Singleton - 2 Joseph Martin Mrs . Borel - 6 Mrs. Thruston - 38 Mrs . Louis Moore - 1 James Andrus Heirs of S. Andrus James L. Johnson - 1 Nicholas Hebert - 18 Maxim. Bescuirs Claude Frillo - 9 Rosette Boutte Mulo Boutte - 2 Pierre Boutte Philip Boutte - 1 Jeanette Boutte - 1 Leon Boute - 3 Charles Olivier Madelaine Lacoste - 1 Adelaide Bubrueil - 2 Louis Beblanc - 22 Zenon Boutte - 6 Jul i en Buval Ambrose Buval - 1 Mrs. Martel - 1 Antoine Boutte - 3 BACK LANDS Philebert Boutte L. P. Belahoussaye Charles Meyer - 2 Achille Berard - 3 Francis C. Boutte - 23 Frederick Pellerin - 4 Jesse McCall - 17 R. Broussard - 2 Eloi Broussard Edv. Broussard Bosite Broussard Alexr. Lanclos - 2 Pierre Leblanc Agricole Leblanc I. & H. Randolph - 3 Mrs . Hays B. Boming Hubert Landry - 1 Joseph Broussard Andrew Groffrean Pierre Bonvillain - 7 Louis Beblanc Alex. Broussard 93 INDEX The following abbreviations apply to the index. BB - The Brand Book followed by year of registration and page in the book on which brand is found. St. Mart. - A document found in the St. Martin Parish courthouse: a will, test, (testament), inv. (inventory). Estates after 1805 (est.) have an estate number; other documents have an "0A" number (Original Acts) followed by a folio number, which indicates in which Original Acts volume the document is of record and its folio number. Mil. list - Followed by the year 1774 or 1777, the Attakapas Spanish Militia listing for either of those years. In other given years there are only officers. 1792 Mil. Cen. - Attakapas Militia Census of 1792. 1810 Cen. - Federal Census of 1810. ASP - American State Papers, Public Lands, followed by a Roman Numeral II or III, indicating volume number, and an arabic figure, the page number. St. Mary taxpayer - The tax roll for St. Mary Parish for 181 3. Ter. Pap. - Territorial Papers of the United States , ed. by Clarence Edwin Carter (Vol. IX: The Territory of Orleans . 1 803-1812), followed by an arabic figure indicating page number where person's name is listed. This listing is so small that it was not shown individually in the work. Av. - Calendar of Louisiana Colonial Documents : Vol. I (Avoyelles Parish) comp. by Winston DeVille, pub. by the Louisiana State Archives and Records Commission; symbol followed by the year in which the document was written and by another arabic figure which is its sequence number. There were only two references from this work, and they were not shown separately. A broken line in the index indicates the first name was not given; a long un- broken line indicates the name was illegible. I have striven for simplicity in both the given names and surnames. It should be remembered that more than one individual may have been referred to. ABCHER (ABSHIRE), Jean - 1792 mil. cen. ADDISON (con 5 d.) William - 1810 Cen.j ASP II 845 ABOT, 1810 Cen. (2); III 196; St. Mary taxpayer ABSHIRE, John - ASP III 11$ ALEXANDRE, BB 1760 4 ABUD, Christian Simon - ASP II 853 (with ALGROS - See Hargrave Charles Comeau) ALLATN, Francois - Mil. list - 1774 ACOLANE, Jean - BB 178- 1 ALLEN ADAMS, Christopher - ASP II 841 Benjamin - 1810 Cen. Hiram - 1810 Cen.; St. Mary ADDISON taxpayer & W(illiam) Moore - St. Mary Martin - 1810 Cen. taxpayer 94 ALPINEHART, 1792 mil. cen. ALSTON, William - BB 1789 4 AMES, T. (?) - 1792 mil. cen. AMY, Mary Ropela - Mar. to Joseph Ring 6/1 7/1 804, St. Mart. OA 22- 131 ANDE(I)E, Madam Guillaume (William) - BB 1790 1, 4; ASP II 845 ANDREOLE, Frederic - 1792 mil. cen. ANDRESONNE, George - 1792 mil. cen. ANDREWS (?), Veuve Sol - 1810 Cen. (Andrus ) ANDRUS Benjamin - ASP III 11 9, 120 David - ASP III 119 James - St. Mary taxpayer Solomon - St. Mart. est. #17, 2/1 4/1 808; ASP II 843 (heirs of), 845; Heirs of S. Andrus - St. Mary taxpayer ANSBELL (?), Jack - BB 1789 4 ANTOINE BB 1790 1 Domingo - BB 1785 4 Jean - BB 1790 5; 1792 mil. cen. APANTE, APONTE, Bernard de - BB 1787. 4; ASP II 840 (Apante) AOJUILAR, AQTJELAR, Julien 4e - BB 1787 4; ASP II 853 ARCENEATJ(X) , ARSENDAU(D) Alexandre - BB 1789 4; 1810 Cen.; ASP II 818 (2) Cyprien - BB 1789 4; 1810 Cen.; ASP II 824; III 119 (C Arceneau with P(ierre) Bernard) Francois - ASP II 818 (5) Jeanne Marie - Mar. to Jean Guilbeau 5/25/1788, St. Mart. OA 6-46 Louis - 1792 mil. cen.; 1810 Cen.; ASP II 818 (2) Louis, jun. - ASP II 870 Pierre - BB 1780 4; 1792 mil. cen.; test., 1795, St. Mart. OA 14-2'; mar. to Madeline Nezat 1802, ibid., 21-67; 1810 Cen.; ASP II 818 T5T Pierre fils (Ami) - BB 1789 4 ARGRAW (HARGRAVE?) , BB 1762 5 ARGROSO (HARGRAVE?), BB 1762 1 ARMAN (D OR T) Francois - ASP II 840 Louis - Mil. list - 1774 (Don) Manuel Pedro - ASP III 225 ARMSTRONG Abraham - St. Mary taxpayer John - St. Mary taxpayer William Robert - BB 1809 1 ARTACHO, Gregoire - ASP III 231 AUCOIN, Claude - BB 1789 4 AUDIBERT, C. M. - Ter. Pap. 598 B BABI(E)N Alexander - BB 1811 9, 542 Ann, wife of Joseph Granger - Est., 1799, St. Mart. OA 19-30 Charles - Mil. list - 1774 * Cyprien - 1792 mil. cen. Joseph - BB Prbly ca. 1770 340; mil. list - 1774, 1777; mar. to Anastasie Melancon 2/20/ 1778, St. Mart. OA 1-93; 1810 Cen.; ASP II 851 , 861 (2); III 184 Joseph fils - BB 1806 342, 344 Joseph pere - BB No Date 342 Julien - BB 1811 342 Leander - 1810 Cen. Maria, widow of Claude Martin - BB 1766 1; ASP II 827, 862; III 152 Moyse - 1792 mil. cen. Ygnacio - ASP II 85 1 BABINEAU(X), BABINO(T), BABENEAU(X) ASP III 224 , Veuve - BB 1772 340; 1810 Cen. , Veuve Grand Ls. (Louis?) • BB 1772 342 Adelaide - BB 1811 10, 20 Alexandre - BB 1811 9, 20 Anasthesie, cede a Julien Benoit son fils (ceded to Julien Benoit, her son) - BB 1811 10 Ann, widow of Charles - ASP II 825 Artimase - BB 1811 10 Celeste - BB 1811 9, 20 Charles - Inv. , 1775, with Ann, St. Mart. OA 1-44; BB 1801 10, 343; 1810 Cen.; ASP II 825 David - 1792 mil. cen.; BB 1793 14; 1810 Cen. David fils de Joseph (son of Joseph) - BB 1811 10 (2) David, father of Joseph, Jean Baptiste, and Hosite (female) - BB 1793 542 Domingue, Dominique - Mar. to Marguerite Thibodeaux 2/10/1783, St. Mart. OA 3-71; 1792 mil. cen.; 1810 Cen.; BB 1811 20; ASP II 811; III 120 Francois - BB 1811 10 (2) Hoaite fille de David (daughter of David) - BB 1802 342 Jean - BB 1811 10 (2) Jean Baptiste fils de David - BB 1802 342 Joseph - 1792 mil. cen.; BB 1807 343; 1810 Cen. Joseph fils - BB 1811 9, 10 Joseph fils de David - BB 1807 342 Joseph pere - BB 1811 10 Joseph, father of David - BB 1811 10 (2) Julie - BB 1811 10 (2) Julien - BB 1811 10 (3) Julienne - BB 1811 20 Margarite - BB 1801 20, 343 Marie - BB 1801 343 Theodore - 1792 mil. cen e ; ASP II 827 Victoire - BB 1801 343 BAKER & St. Jones (St. Julien? St. Johns?) - St. Mary taxpayer (Joshua Baker?) Joshua - 1810 Cen.; St. Mary taxpayer BALLIET, John - BB 1804 359 BANDERAS, Francois (& others) - ASP II 840 BANLI, Michel - BB 1810 11 BARABIN, BARBARIN & Famille - 1810 Cen. (Barbarin) Stephen - St. Mary taxpayer (Barabin) BARA(S) - See BAR(R)AN, ETC. BARBER, Samuel - 1810 Cen. BARNS, William - 1810 Cen. BAR(R)a(n), BAR(R)A(S), BAR(R)A(T), BAR(R)(E) ______ Veuve - BB Prbly 1770-80»s 339 (Bara); 1810 Cen. (Barra) Alex(andre) - BB Prbly 1770-80's 339; 1792 mil. cen.; 1810 Cen. Alexandre fils - BB No Date 342 (Barra) Alexandre pere - BB 1772 342, No Date 342 (Barra) Antoine - Mil. list - 1777 (Barrat); BB 1778 340, 342. prbly 1 770-80 8 s 339 (Barra); mar. to Julie Patin 5/1 3/^784, St. Mart. OA 4-24; ASP II 818 (2) (Baras) Baptiste - BB Prbly 1 770-80 »s 339; 1792 mil. cen.; ASP II 841 Baptiste fils de Hypolite - BB Prbly 1 770-80 9 s 340 Emelie - BB Prbly 1770 f s 338 (Barre) Hypolite - BB Prbly 1770-80's 339, 1800 343 (Bara); 1792 mil. cen. Veuve Hypolite - BB 1800 342 (Bara) Hypolite, father of Baptiste- BB Prbly 1 770-80 °s 340 Jean - BB Prbly 1770's 338 (Barre) Juan - ASP II 822 (Barr) Julie - BB Prbly 1770 ! s 338 (Barre) Julien - BB 1772 340 (Bara). • prbly 1 770-80 3 s 339 (Bara); 1810 Cen. (Barran) Marie Louise - Mar. to Ashford Vialet 12/14/1811, St. Mart. 0A 26-240 Pierre - Test., 1789, St. Mart. 0A 7-12 (Barras); ASP II 828 (Barre) Valery, Vallere - BB Prbly 1 770-80 -s 339, No Date 342; 1810 Cen. Vincent - BB 1772 340 (Vinceun Barra); mil. list - 1774, 1777 (Barrato); test., 1781, St. Mart. OA 2-64; ASP II 818 (3) 96 Veuve Vinceun (Bara) - BB Prbly 1 770-80 's 340 BARRIER(E) Bernard, Revd. - BB 1799 345, 1807 343 (pere cure); 1810 Cen. Michel Bernard ^Miguel) - BB 1807 22; ASP II 843 (Miguel) BATIN, Ls. (Louis?) - BB Prbly 1800's 339 BAUDOIN - See BOUDOIN BAULAY (?), Louis - BB Prbly 1800's 339 BAUTIN Joseph - BB Prbly 1800's 339 Paul - BB Prbly 1800's 339 BATJVIER, Francois - BB No Date 342 BEARD, Thomas - Mar. to Bridget Keeman 7/1 1/1780, St. Mart. OA 2-35 BEATH, Jonathan - 1810 Cen. BEAU Jean fils de Marchall - BB Prbly 1800's 339 Marchall, father of Jean - BB nPrbly 1800's 339 BEAULIEN, Amable - BB Prbly 1770's 338 BEAUSOLEIL Francois - BB 1767 340 Mann (?) - BB 1770 340 BEDRO, Joseph - ASP II 805 BEGNATJD, BEGNENOT Francois - 1792 mil. cen.; ASP III 191, 192 Francois fils - BB psbly 1802 342 Francois pere - BB Psbly 1802 342 Francois, father of Jean - BB Psbly 1802 342 Jean - 1810 Cen. Jean fils de Francois - BB Psbly 1802 342 John Ls. (Louis?) fils de Francois or Jean fils de Francois (?) - BB Psbly 1802 342 M. - 1810 Cen. Narcisse - BB Psbly 1802 342 BEJEAU, BIJEON, BUOT Auguste - 1810 Cen. (Bejeau) Augustin - 1810 Cen. (Bejeau) Augustin fils - BB 1779 340, prbly 1 770-80 's 339, 340 (Bijot) Augustin pere - BB No Date 342 (Bljot) Aurellein - BB 1805 342 (Bijot) Poponne - BB 1805 339 (Bijeon) BELL Jean, John - 1792 mil. cen. (Jean); ASP II 837, 870 (2) (John) Richard - 1792 mil. cen.; ASP III 119 Robert - BB 1770 21 ; 1810 Cen.; ASP III 181 (wife, Julie Broussard) Samuel - 1792 mil. cen. William - 1792 mil. cen. (Ouiliam); ASP II 870 BELLATARO Antonio - BB 1780 340 Jamacio - BB Prbly 1770-80's 340 BELLOW, Thomas - 1810 Cen. BENIDICK Charles - BB 1808 9 Robert - BB 1808 9 BEN0I(S)T Inv., 1792, St. Mart. OA 12-9 - 1810 Cen. , Madame Veuve - BB 1804 10; 1810 Cen. Anne - Mar. to Amand Broussard 5/24/1775, St. Mart. OA 1-31 Armand - BB 1811 9 Auguste, Augustin - BB 1798 20, 345; 1810 Cen. (Augustin) Charles - BB 1805 11 Denis - BB 1805 11 Edmond - BB 1811 20 Eloi - BB 1801 341, 343, No Date 341; 1810 Cen. Eloi, father of Francois - BB Prbly 1800's 341 , No Date 341 Etienne - Inv., 1789, St. Mart. OA 7-84 Veuve Etienne - Mar. to Michel Cormier 2/10/1789, St. Mart. OA 7-51 97 Francois - HB 1805 11 Francois fils d'Eloi - BB Prbly 1800 's 341, No Date 341 Francois Havier - ASP II 824 Henriette - Mar. to Adam Huval 1l/5/ 1 799, st - Ma 2 "*- 0A 1 9~ 1 ; s *. Mart. est. #103, IO/17/I8H Isabelle - BB 1794 344 Jean Baptiste - BB 1 805 11, 344 Jean Charles - BB 1805 11 1 1810 Cen. Joseph - BB 1793 344, 1805 11, 344 Julien, ceded by Anasthesie Babinot (hie mother?) - BB 1811 10 Marie Rose, surviving widow of Marin Prejean - Est., 1799, St. Mart. OA 19-11 (or 12?) Michel - BB 1797 21, 1809 9 Nivier - BB 1798 20 Olivier - Will, 1781, St. Mart. OA 2-71 Simon - 1792 mil. cen.; BB 1798 20; 1810 Cen.; ASP II 824 St. Clair (Benoit de St. Clair) - See Jean Baptiste Benoit de St . Clair BEH(R)ARD pere - BB Prbly ca. 1770 340 Achille - BB 1797 344; mar. to Hortense Marie Boutte 7/2/1806, St. Mart. OA 23-77; 1810 Can.; St. Mary taxpayer Baptiste - BB Prbly late 1700's 341; 1792 mil. cen.; 1810 Cen. Baptiste, father of Jean Baptiste - BB Prbly late 1700's 341 Camille - BE 1797 344 Jean, John - Mil. list - 1774, 1777; 1810 Cen.; ASP II 807, 850 (2), 867, 870 (2); III 119, 120, 121, 152 Jean pere - BB 1767 22 Jean Baptiste fil3 de Baptiste - BB Prbly late 1700's 341 BER(E)AUD, Thomas - BB 1810 9, 21; 1810 Cen. (See also Beard, Thomas) BERNARD Adelaide - BB 1799 343, psbp^r 1799 (date torn off) 10, 1801 21, 343 Alexandre - BB 1801 21 Doralis - BB 1801 343 Edouard - 1801 21, 343 Eloi - BB 1811 10 Francois - BB 1781 340, 1793 344, 1811 11; 179- mil. cen.; 1810 Cen.; ASI III 191, 226 Francois fils de Jean - BB 1793 10 Francois Broussard Olidon (with Jean Bernard) - BB 1805 20 Heloise - BB 1801 343 Hervillian - BB 1811 11 Hiliare Nelson - BB 1782 22 Hyacinth - St. Mary taxpayer; AS! Ill 119 Jean - 1792 mil. cen.; BB 1793 344, 1805 20 (with Francois Broussard Olidon Bernard); 1810 Cen. (2); ASP II 844 Jean fils - BB 1770 21 Jean pere - BB 1811 10 Jean, father of Francois - BB 1793 10 Jean Baptiste - Mar. to Marguerite Broussard 6/1 7/1782, St. Mart. OA 3-11 Jean Louis - BB 1782 22, 1793 10 John - 1810 Cen. Joseph - BB 1793 10, 344 Joseph Gideon - BB 1782 22 Lefroy - BB 1793 10 Marcilite - BB 1811 11 Marie - BB Psbly 1799 (date torn off) 10 Michel - BB 1761 340; mil. list - 1774, 1777; 1792 mil. cen.; St. Mart. est. #54, 3/26/1810; St. Mart. est. #201, opened Aug., 1d06; ASP II 844 (also heirs) Michel, Jr. - St. Mart. est. #89, 4/6/1 81 1 Michel Barriet - BB 1799 22 Miguel (Michel?) - ASP II 842 Oscar - BB 1799 21 Pierre - .1792 mil. cen.; BB 1806 10; 1810 Cen.; ASP II 824 (4), 830, 837; HI 119 (with C(yprien) Arceneaux) Pierre Hervillien - BB 1805 20, 344 Senvant - BB 1806 10 Tensette - BB 1811 11 Triville - BB 1806 10 Ursin - BB 1799 343, pably 1799 (date torn off) 10 Zelie (?) - BB 1811 11 BERTHELEMY, Gaspard - Mil. list - 1774 BERTIN Dantelly - BB Prbly 1 770-80 f s 339 Julie - BB Prbly 1 770-80' s 339 Sostine - BB Prbly 1 770-80 's 339 98 BERTRAND Alexis - BB 1808 9, 341; 1810 Cen. Carmelite - BB No Date 342 Christian, Chris tophe - BB Prbly late 1700's 341; 1810 Cen. Jean Baptiste - BB 1810 9; 1810 Cen; St. Mary taxpayer (John B.) Margarite - BB Prbly 1800's 341 Melaise - BB Prbly late 1700's 34 1 Vincent - 1810 Cen. BERWICK Agnes - BB Prbly 1770 f s 338 Eleanor - ASP II 844 (with Joseph Berwick) Joseph - 1810 Cen.; ASP II 844 (with Eleanor Berwick and V(illiam) Newman) ; St. Mary taxpayer Marguerite Rebecca (Barwick) - Oath and permission to marry William Newman, 1798, St. Mart. 0A 18-87 Thomas - 1810 Cen.; ASP II 821 (2), 841 (also heirs of) BIENVENTJ(E) , Fontinet and - ASP III 120 Alexandre D( evince) - St. Mart. est. (no number given), opened February, 1807; ASP II 840 (2), 843 (3), 859, 870; III 120 Devince - St. Mart. est. #3, no opening date Devince Jeanne (Mrs. Olivier Declausel) - St. Mart. est. #77, 2/1 8/1 811 Louis DeVance (Devince) - BB No Date 341 BIGGS, William - 1810 Cen.; ASP II 849; HI 119, 217; St. Mary taxpayer BIGRAUX, Augustin - Est., 1791, St. Mart. OA 11-1 35 BIHM, Julien - BB 1811 9 BIJEON, BIJOT - See BEJEAU, ETC. BINGHAM James - 1810 Cen. John - 1810 Cen. BIRD Abraham - 1810 Cen. John - 1810 Cen. BIROT, Joseph - ASP III 11 9 BLACK, Andrew - 1810 Cen. BLAGGE, Parchal S. - St. Mart, est. #67, 8/30/1 810 BLAISE, Joseph - BB Prbly 1770's 338 BLANCHARD ASP II 861 Anne - BB 1 789 340 Frederic - BB 1809 16 Victor - See Blanchette BLANCHET(T)(E) Firmin - BB 1811 21 Olivier - BB 1777 21; 1810 Cen. Olivier Firmin - BB 1811 9 Victor - Mil. list - 1774, 1777 (Blanchard); test., 1786, St. Mart. OA 4ir78; 1792 mil. cen. (Blanchard); 1810 Cen. BLANCO, Francisco - Mar. to Pedro Piennac 4/18/1786, St. Mart. OA 44-92 BLAND, Pay ton - 1810 Cen. BLINi, Alexis - BB Prbly 1800's 339 BLONDAIN Francois - 17?2 mil*, cen. Henry - 1792 mil. cen. Louis - 1792 mil. cen. BODIN, Jn. Chas. - BB 1772 341 BOHAM, BOHAN (BOHANNON?) , Jean - 1792 mil. cen.; BB 1799 342 BOINNE (BONIN?), Pierre - BB 1808 34 BOISDORE Ls. (Louis?) - BB Prbly 1800's 339 Euphrosine Marie - Mar. to Francois Grevemberg 1/25/1786, St. Mart. OA 44-75; ASP III 175 Louise (Mrs. Wm. C. Maguille, Maquelle) - St. Mart. est. #92, opened July, 1811 BOISSIER (BOSSIER?), John - 1810 Cen, BOLLS, Jean - BB Prbly 1800's 339 BONHOMME, Catherine (Orphan) - Permission to marry Daniel Boon, 1800, St. Mart. OA 4iM 99 bon(n) (a)in(e) BB Prbly ca. 1770 340 Veuve - BB Prbly 1770-80' a 339 Antoine - Mil. list - 1774, 1777; promesse de marriage with Maydeleine Provost, 1779, St. Mart. OA 1-104; est., 1790, ibid ., 10-6; ASP II 851 Antoine fils de Bap tie te - BB No Bate 342 Antoine pere - BB 1764 339 Baptiste - BB 1802 343; 1810 Cen. Baptiste fils de Joseph pere - BB 1810 11 Baptiste, father of Antoine - BB No Date 342 Baptiste Dauphine - BB 1802 341 Barthelemy - BB 1808 341 Benjamin - BB Prbly 1800's 341 ; 1810 Cen. Bernard - BB 1808 341 Dejean Louis - Marguerite Prince, surviving widow: her estate, 1801, St. Mart. OA 20-62 Genevieve - Mar. to Francois Collet, Jr., 12/29/1774, St. Mart. OA 1-1 3 Hypolite - BB 1802 342, 343; 1810 Cen.; ASP III 212 Jean - Est., 1794, St. Mart. OA 15- 72 John Louis - Mil. list - 1774, 1777 (as Jean Louis); 1792 mil. cen.; ASP H 869 Joseph - 1792 mil. cen.; 1810 Cen. Joseph fils - BB 1810 11 Joseph pere - BB 1810 11 Joseph, father of Baptiste - BB 1810 11 Louis - 1792 mil. cen.; BB 1804 341, 343; 1810 Cen.; ASP III 186 (2) Louise - Inv., with N(icholas) Hebert, 1800, St. Mart. OA 19-154 M. - Partition, with Paul Bonin, 1796, St. Mart. OA 17-18 Madeleine - Mar. to Joseph Prince; mar. to Marie Francois Goivreaut 5/14/1796, St. Mart. OA 17-43 Moise, Moyse - BB 1804 341, 343; 1810 Cen. Paul - Mil. list - 1774, 1777; 1792 mil. cen.; partition, with M. Bonin, 1796, St. Mart. OA 17-18; mar. to Marie Fas tin: her estate, #36, 5/1 2/1 808; ASP II 837, 858 Mrs. Paul (Marie Fas tin) - St. Mart. est. #36, 5/1 2/1 808 Paul, Jr. - ASP III 236 Pierre - BB 1772 341, 1808 343 (Boijane) > Suzane - Mrx. to Eloi Dugas 10/14/1795, St. Mart. OA 1 6-1 30 BONTE - See B0UT(T)E BONVELLON, BOUVILAIN, BGNVIL(L)lON Martin - Test., 1791, St. Mart. OA 11-20 Pre. (Pierre) - 1792 mil. cen.; 1810 Cen.; ASP III 208; St. Mary taxpayer BOON, Daniel - Permission to marry Catherine Bonhomme, Orphan, 1800, St. Mart. OA 4^—40 BORDA(T) , Sr. - Sue, 1778, St. Mart. OA 1-102 Veuve - ASP II 837 Antoine - Mar. contract with Marguerite Martin, widow of Rainet Robicho, 1767, St. Mart. OA 1-3; -'ASP II 837 Joseph - Mil. list - 1774 Scholastique (Borda) - Mar. to Joseph Castille 3/28/1785, St. Mart. OA 4-83 BORDAN, Marthe - Mar. to Jean Mouton 6/23/1783, St. Mart. OA 3-84 bor(r)el(l), BURREL(L) — Minors - Appointment of tutors, 1788, St. Mart. OA 6- 70 fils . BB 1776 340, 1797 (Ls.) 344 Veuve - 1810 Cen.; St. Mary taxpayer Benjamin fils - BB 1797 344 Eugene - Mar. to Manette Provost 11/13/1798, St. Mart. OA 18-96; 1810 Cen.; ASP II 842; in 236; St. Mary taxpayer Eugenie - BB 1797 344 Francois - BB 1 797 344 George - BB 1796 21, 344; 1810 Cen.; ASP II 829; III 226 Madame George - BB 1782 22 Joseph - ASP II 835; III 119 Joseph, Jr. - ASP II 843 Louis - ASP II 845 Marie - Mar. to Francois Pomet 7/1 8/1 787, St. Mart. OA 5-34; mar. to Jean Baptiste Bourgeois, 1794, as the Widow Doucet, ibid . . 15-73 100 Pierre - Mil. list - 1774 Pierre fils - BB 1797 344 BORGELA, Barthelemy - St. Mart. est. #91, opened April, 1811 BORQUE - See BOURQUE B0SL(I)ER Henry - St. Mart. est. #24, 7/3/1808; ASP II 841 (with John); III 119 (with John) (2) John - ASP II 841 (with Henry), 845; III 119 (with Henry) (2) BOSOLIEL, Claudio - See Claude Broussard BOSSIE(R) Bonne - BB Prbly 1770's 338 Claude - BB 1770 338 Francois fils - BB Prbly 1 770-80' s 338 Francois pere - BB Prbly 1 770-80' s 338 J. P. (Jean Pierre) - BB 1770 338, prbly 1 770-80 's 339 John - St. Mary taxpayer' Nemissis - BB 1770 338; ASP II 862 Pierre - BB Prbly 1770's 338 Sylvestre - BB Prbly 1770's 338 Victoire - BB Prbly 1770's 338 BOSSMEDU (?), Jean Baptiste - BB 1802 343 BOTELEUR, Joseph -1792 mil. cen. BOUDAIN, BOUDOIN Veuve - 1810 Cen. Alphonse - 1810 Cen. Catharine - ASP III 218 Charles - 1810 Cen. Pierre - BB 1807 343, 1808 9; St. Mart. est. #11, 1/20/1808 BOUDERO - See BOUDREAU(X) BOUDOUSQUE, BOURDAS, Antoine - ASP II 869; HI 120 BO(u)DREAU(X), B0UD(E)R0(T) Antoine - BB 1800 343 Augustin - Mil. list - 1777; ASP II 837 Calastie, Calestie - BB 1810 9, 21 Charles Jean - St. Mart. est. #31, opened October, 1808 Veuve Donat - BB 1778 20 (2) 101 Eloi Petit Jan - BBJ792 20 Francois - BB 1792 20; 1792 mil. cen.; ASP II 867; III 204 (with Joseph) Hypolite - 1810 Cen. Jean - BB 1778 340, 1802 20; 1810 Cen. (John) Jean Charles - 1792 mil. cen. Joseph - 1792 mil. cen.; BB 1810 21; 1810 Cen.; ASP III 204 (with Francois) Joseph fils - BB 1810 9, 21 Lufroi (Lefroy) - 1810 Cen. Lefroy fils - BB 1808 22 Lefroy pere - BB 1808 22 Leon - BB 1802 21 Michel - BB No Date 342 Olivier - BB 1793 10 Veuve Pierre - BB Prbly 1778 (illegible) 20 Simonet - BB No Date 342 BOUILLON (OR BOVILLON), Jean - BB Prbly 1800«s 339 BOUINE Jean Louis - BB 1772 338 Paul - BB 1772 338 BOUJAIS, Jean - BB 1788 340 BOULERISSE, Nicolas - BB 1784 339 BOULIGNY, Ursin - ASP III 223 BOURASSAS & Maudan - BB 1770 16 BOURDAS, Antoine - ASP II 869 (See also BOUDOUSQUE) BOURG, BOUEK, BOURQUE Charles - BB 1799 21; 1810 Cen.; ASP III 196 Francois fils de Lucien - BB 1799 343 Jean Charles - BB 1799 342 Jean Firmin fils de Lucien - BB 1799 343 Jean Florentine - BB 1808 21, 343 John - 1810 Cen. . Joseph #-1810 Cen. 1 ASP III 196 Joseph Florentine - BB 1799 21 Joseph Laurent - BB 1799 342 Lucien - 1792 mil. cen.; BB 1810 21; 1810 Cen. Lucien, father of Jean Firmin Bourg and Francois Bourg - BB 1799 343 (2) **B0ULRIA, 1792 mil. cen. Marguirette, veuve de Pierre Pitre (?) - Mar. to Charles Guilbeau 11/20/1775, St. Mart. OA 1 -46 Pierre - BB Prbly 1770's 338 Placide - BB 1806 344 BOURGEOIS Adelaide - BB 1799 21 Angel ique - Mar. to Francois Louvierre 10/7/1799, St. Mart. OA 19-96 Jean Baptiste - 1792 mil. cen. ; BB 1794 344; mar. to Marie Borel, the Widow Doucet, 1794, St. Mart. OA 15-73; 1810 Cen.; ASP III 197; St. Mary taxpayer (John B„ Bourgeois) Louis - BB"1799 21; 1810 Cen. Margarite - BB 1794 344 Marguerite - Mar. to Charles LeRoy 4/25/1793, St. Mart. OA 14-45 Marianne - Mar. to Jean Baptiste Ringuet 9/29/1793, St. Mart. OA 13-72 Urbain - BB 1799 21 BOURGEOIT (BOURGEOIS?), Ursin St. Modes te - BB 1799 343 BOURGIN, Jean - BB 1799 21 BOURJION, Louis - BB 1805 344 BOURK, B0(U)RQUE - See BOURG, ETC. B0U(E)T(T)E(E) } BOUTET, BOUTTY pere - BB 1768 340; mil. list - 1774 - 1810 Cen. Amant - Partition, 1807, St. Mart. OA 23-133 Antoine - Mil. list - 1774, 1777; St. Mart. est. #35, 12/9/1808; 1810 Cen.; ASP II 867; St. Mary taxpayer Baptiste - Mil. list - 1774, 1777; BB 1780 338, prbly 1 770-80 : s 339, 1793 344; 1792 mil. cen. Cezare Francois - Mar. to Marie Louise Gonsoulin 1/5/1803, St. Mart. OA 21-159 Claude - Test., 1792, St. Mart. OA 12-24; ASP II 805 Francois - Mil. list - 1774, 1777 (listed as "Moutte"); 1792 mil. cen.; 1810 Cen.; ASP III 223; St. Mary taxpayer Francois C. - ASP II 805 Francois Cesar - ASP II 822, 867 102 Francois Charles - 1810 Cei St. Mary taxpayer Godfroy fils, brother of I hilippe BB Prbly 1 770-80 's 339 Hilaire - ASP II 826, 867 (Bonte) ; III 119 Hilaire, Jr. (Bonte) - ASP II 867 Hor tense Marie - Mar. to Achille Bernard 7/2/I8O6, St. Mart. OA 23-77 Jeanette - 1810 Cen.; St. Mary taxpayer Leon - 1810 Cen.; St. Mary tax- payer Margarite fille de Margarite Lebon - BB 1808 9 Marie Hermione - BB Prbly 177O- 80 's 339 Marie Louise Hyacinthe - Mar. to Jacques Judice 1/31/1797, St. Mart. OA 18-36 Michel - 1810 Cen.; BB 1811 9; ASP III 201 Mulo - 1810 Cen.; St. Mary tax- payer Philebert - St. Mary taxpayer Philip(pe) - Mil. list - 1774, 1777; 1792 mil. cen.; 1810 Cen.; ASP II 826; III 177; St. Mary taxpayer Philippe, brother of Godfroy fils - BB Prbly 1 770-80 's 339 Pierre - St. Mary taxpayer Rosette - St. Mary taxpayer Theresse - Mar. to Samuel Charles Myers 7/3/I8O6, St. Mart. OA 23-126 Zenon - 1810 Cen.; St. Mary taxpayer BOULRIA, 1792 mil. cen. BOVILLON, Jean - BB Prbly 1800's 339 (or BOUILLON) BOWIE, BOYER, Resin, Sr. - 1810 Cen. (Reisan Boyer) ; ASP III 204 BOWLES, Evan - 1810 Cen.; St. Mary taxpayer BOYER - See BOWIE, above BOYNE, Martin - Est., 1780, St. Mart. OA 2-24 BRASHEAR(S) & Sanders - BB 1809 9 Walter (Dr.) - ASP II 834; St. Mary taxpayer BRASIL, BRAZILE, Robert - BB Prbly 1800's 339; asp III 119 BR(E)AU(D), BREAU(x), bro(w) - 1810 Cen. Veuve - 1810 Cen. Adelaide - ASP III 1 91 Agricole - BB 1805 339, 342; ASP III 192 Alexandre - BB Prbly late 1700's 341 Alexis, father of Donat - BB 1811 341 Arien - BB 1804 10 Armand fils de Donat fils de Firmin - BB 1808 11 Baptiste - BB 1796 344; 1810 Cen. Baptiste Jean - St. Mart. est. #69, 8/8/ 1810 Charles - BB 1781 340, 1804 10, 1806 15 Charles fils - BB 1804 339 Contant (Constant) - BB 1804 10; ASP HI 192 Desire Marie - St. Mart. est. #73, 10/1 2/1 810 Donat - 1792 mil. cen.; 1810 Cen.; BB 1811 9; ASP III 186 (3) Donat fils d 'Alexis - BB 1811 341 Donat fils de Donat fils de Firmin - (?) - BB 1808 11 Donat pere fils de Firmin, father of Armand, Donat, Dosite (?) - BB 1808 11 (3), 1811 11 Dosite - BB 1811 9 Dosite fils de Donat fils de Firmin - BB 1811 11 Euphroisine - BB 1806 344 Finselle - BB Prbly late 1700's 340 Firman, Firmin - Mil. list - 1777; ASP III 179, 186 (2), 187, 216; St. Mart. est. #38, 1/3O/I8O9 Veuve Firmin - BB Prbly 1800's 342 Firmin, father of Donat - BB 1808 11 Francois - 1792 mil. cen.; BB 1793 10, 344 Hypolite - BB 1806 10, 1810 9, 342; 1810 Cen. Jean Baptiste - BB 1796 340, 1804 10 Joseph - 1792 mil. cen.; BB 1793 344 f 1802 343, T804 339, 1809 9, 21 (2)| 1010 Cen. (3)(1 as Breaud, 2 aa Brov): ASP II 818 (2), 824 Joseph fils - BB 1793 10 Joseph A(thanase) - BB 1811 11; ASP III 217 Joseph Eloi fils - BB 1793 10 Julien - BB 1799 345, prbly late 1700's 341 Julie(n) fils de Pierre - BB 1798 20, 345 Margaret - ASP III 191 Marie Euphrosin - BB 1806 10 Pierre - 1792 mil. cen.; BB 1793 20, 344, prbly late 1700's 340 (2, 1 very faint), 341 ; 1810 Cen.; ASP III 186 (2) Pierre, father of Julie(n) - BB 1798 20, 345 Rosemond - BB 1806 344 Rosemond son le nome d' Olivier Landry fils 1801 - BB 1806 10 Saline, Seline - BB 1804 10 (2) Treville - BB 1809 21 Valine - BB 1804 10 BRAUTIN, Mann Lenonnand - BB 1804 543 BRAZILE - See BRASIL BRENT, William (L.) - ASP III 232; St. Mary taxpayer BRENTON, John - ASP II 835 BREZINA, Francois - BB Prbly 1800* s 339 BRIAN, BRIEN (See also O'BRIAN, O'BRIEN, BRYAN(T)) _____ (Brian)"- 1810 Cen. (Christopher?) Christopher - St. Mary taxpayer Jean - BB 1810 9 Luke - 1810 Cen.; ASP II 854; St. Mary taxpayer BRIG-NAC Francois - BB Prbly 1770's 338 Marie Joseph - BB Prbly 1770's 338 Michel - BB Prbly 1770's 338 BRIGUETIER, Francois - BB Prbly 1770's 338 BRINTON, Thomas - BB 1806 344; 1810 Cen. BRO - See BR(E)AU(D), ETC. 103 BROUSSARD - 1810 Cen. Veuve - 1810 Cen. (2) Adelaide fille d'Olidon - BB 1802 343 Agnes - Mar. aa Veuve Potier to Pierre Vincent 1/12/1788, St. Mart. OA 6-84 Alexandre - BB 1810 9; St. Mary tax- payer Alexandre fila de Joseph - BB 1804 341, 343 Alexandre fila de Pierre - BB Prbly late 1700-c 340 Alexandre fils de Theodore - BB 178O 22 Alexandre Simon - BB Prbly late 1700's 341 Aman(d or t) , Armand - BB 1770 341, 1805 341, 344; mil. list - 1774, 1777; inv., 1774, with Helene (Elaine) Landry, St. Mart. OA 1- 16; mar. to Anne Benoit 5/24/1775, ibid .. 1-31 ; 1792 mil. cen.; 1810 Cen.; ASP II 830, 843 (2), 868; III, 184 (2), 189, 239 Amand, father of Edouard - BB Prbly late 1700's 541 Amant, father of Eloi & Rosemond - BB 1810 11 Amand, father of Suzane - BB 1799 343 Anaclet - BB 1793 344 Anaclet Sylvain - BB 1793 341 Anasthasie St. Julien - BB 1783 22 Andre - BB 1795 344 Anne - BB 1793 21 Antoine, father of Edouard - BB 1792 344 Arnaud (Armond?), father of Marian (female) - BB 1799 342 Auguste - BB 1793 21 Auguste fils d'Auguatin - BB 1801 343 Augustin - Mil. list - 1777; 1792 mil. cen.; 1810 Cen.; St. Mart. est. #94, opened July, 1811; ASP II 843 Augustin, father of Auguste - BB 1801 343 Augustin, father of Joseph - BB 1793 20, 344 Ava - 1810 Cen. Baptiste - BB 1793, 1795 344; ASP II 869 Belony fils de Claude - BB 1802 343 Benjamin fils - BB Prbly 1790 or 1800 'a 341 Benjamin pere (father of Onezime and Don Louis?) - BB Prbly 1790 or 1800's 341 Camille - .799 22, 1810 11 Carmelite - BB 1809 21 Catherine - Mar. to Andre Lopes (Deacuna) 1/16/1778, St. Mart. OA 1-81 Clarice - BB 1811 9, 20 Claude - BB 1769 20, 340; mil. list - 1774, 1777; 1792 mil. cen.; 1810 Cen.; ASP II 852 (3) (alias Claudio Bosoliel), 868; III 119, 190 Claude, father of Belony & Marie - BB 1802 343 (2) Clavier - BB Prbly 1790 or 1800's 341 Colas fils de Joseph - BB 1802 341; 1810 Cen. Colas Joseph - BB 1804 11, No Date 341 Constance, Veuve de Simonette Mire - Inv. with Simonette Mire, 1802, St. Mart. OA 21- 85; mar. to Francois Meaux 5/6/1 802, ibid., 21-119 Delphine, by her father, Raphael - BB 1808 9, 11 Devallin - BB 1811 9 Dosite - BB 1802 341, 1805 339, 1808 9, 1811 20; St. Mary taxpayer Dosite fils d'Eloi - BB 1770 20 Edward - 1810 Cen.; ASP III 227; St. Mary taxpayer Edouard fils d 1 Amand -"BB Prb^y late 1700's 341 Edouard fils d' An tome - BB 1792 344 Edouard fils de Joseph - BB 1799 341, 343 Eloi - BB 1793 344, 1800 343; 1810 Cen.; ASP II 840 (Eloy) ; St. Mary taxpayer Eloi fils d' Amand - BB 1810 11 (2) Eloi fils de Josapahat - BB 1800 11 Eloi Petit Rene - BB 1810 9, 11 Eloi, father of Dosite - BB 1770 20 Felice - BB 1809 9 Felice fille de Sylvain - BB 1809 341 Filanise - BB 1811 20 Francois - BB 1767 21, 1804 339; mil. list - 1774, 1777; 1792 mil. cen.; ASP II 827, 837, 869; III 119 (Brusard), 190 Francois fils de Sylvain - BB 1804 341 104 Francois, father of Hiliare - BB 1770 20 Francois, father of Izidore - BB 1799 343 Francois, father of Jean - BB 1794 544, 1796 21 Francois, father of Joseph - BB 1796 20 Gertrude - BB 1809 9 Gertrude change au nom de Arsin Comaur 1830 (?) - BB 1809 21 Gidore - BB 1796 340 Hervillien - BB 1799 21 Hiliare fils de Francois - BB 1770 20 Irvin (very faint) - BB 1786 338 Isidore - BB 1796 21, 344, 1799 21 1 1810 Cen. (2) Izidore fils de Francois - BB 1799 343 Isidore, father of Simonet - BB 1796 21 Is sable - Mar. to Comme LeBlanc 7/13/1781, St. Mart. OA 2-83; mar. to Pierre Lapointe 11/20/1785, as widow of Michel Mau, ibid .. 4-95; mar. to Thomas Nicholson 8/7/1795, ibid .. 16-96 Jean - BB 1771 340, 1790 339; mar. to Louise Devine Broussard 7/20/ 1784, St. Mart. 0A 4-36; 1792 mil. cen. (2); 1810 Cen. (2) Jean fils - BB 1799 22 Jean fils de Francois - BB 1794 344, 1796 21 Jean fils de Jean - BB 1799 343 Jean fils d'Olidon - BB 1802 21, 343 Jean pere - BB 1767 340 Jean, father of Jean - BB 1799 343 Jean Baptiste - BB 1767 22, 340, 1798 20; mil. list - 1774, 1777; 1*792 mil. cen.; mar. to Elizabeth Landry, widow, 8/23/1799, St. Mart. OA 19-90; est., 1800, ibid., 19- 156; 1810 Cen. (2); ASP II 869; III 173 (2) Madame Jean Baptiste - BB 1794 22 Jean Baptiste, Or. - ASP III 222 Jean Joacin - BB 1798 20 Jean Pierre - BB 1771 22 Josaphat - Right to inherit, 1788, St. Mart. OA 6-65; 1792 mil. cen. (as Josapha); BB 1808 9; 1810 Cen. (1 as Jophila, 1 as Josapha) Josaphat fils - BB 1808 11 Josaphat, father of Eloi - BB 1800 11 Josaphat, father of Rosemond - BB 1808 11 Joseph - BB 1770 16, 1772 340, 1793 21, 1796 340, 344 (2), prbly late 1700's 340; mil. list - 1774 (2), 1777; inv., 1788, St. Mart. OA 6-68; 1792 mil. cen.; St. Mart, est, #205, opened October, 1805; 1810 Cen. (3); ASP II 807 (3), 839, 842, 854, 857, 869; III 188; St. Mary taxpayer Jose-oh fils - BB Prbly 1 770-80' s 339 Joseph fils d' August in - BB 1793 20, 344 Joseph fils de Francois - BB 1796 20 Joseph fils de Rene - BB 1790 340 Joseph fils de Simon - BB 1801 343 Joseph fils de Theodore - BB 177 6 22 Joseph pere - BB Prbly 1800's 341 Joseph, father of Alexandre *» BB 1804 341, 343 Joseph, father of Colas * BB 1802 341 Joseph, father of Edouard - BB 1799 341, 343 Joseph, father of Suzette - BB Prbly 1800's 341 Joseph Petit Rene - BB 1787 11 Joseph Petit Rene, father of Josephine - BB 1810 11 Joseph Pierre - ASP III 214 Joseph Pierre fils de Pierre - BB 1810 11 Josephine - BB 1804 11, 1810 9 Josephine, daughter of Joseph Petit Rene - BB 1810 11 Julie - BB 1795; ASP III 181 (wife of Robert Bell) Juliet •- ASP II 865 (with Margaret and Maydeleine Broussard) Leon - BB 1811 9, 20 (2) Leon fils d'Olidon - BB 1810 11 Louis - BB Prbly 1770's 338, 1793 21; ASP II 843 (Don) Louis (son of Benjsynin pere?) - BB Prbly 1790 or 1800's 341 (Don) Louis fils de Pierre - BB Prbly late 1700«s 341 (Dn. Ls.) Louis fils de Theodore - BB 1780 21 105 Louis Claude - BB 1801 20 Louise Devine - Mar. to Jean Broussard 7/20/1784, St. Mart. 0A 4-36 Ludivine (female) - Mar. to Marcel Patin 8/20/1 800, St. Mart. 0A 1 9-1 52 M. - Inv., 1806, St. Mart. 0A 23-59 Manan fille d'Arnaud (Armand?) - BB 1799 342 Margaret - ASP II 865 (with Juliet & Maydeleine) Marguerite - Mar. to Jean Baptiste Bernard 6/1 7/1 782 , St. Mart. 0A 3-11 Marie fille de Claude - BB 1802 343 Marie Claude - BB 1802 20 Marie Filonise - BB 1811 10 Marie Melina - BB 1793 21 Mathurnin - Mil. list - 1 774 (Maturin) ; will, 1779, St. Mart. OA 1-110 Maydeleine - ASP II 865 (with Margaret & Juliet) Michel - BB 1783 22, 340, prbly 1770- 80's 339; 1792 mil. cen. ; 1810 Cen.; ASP II 845 Naclet - 179 2 milo cen. Nicolas - BB 1802 344 Nicolas Armand - BB 1784 11 Olidon - BB 1790 21, 340; 1792 mil. cen. Olidon, father of Jean & Adelaide - BB 1802 21, 343 (2) Onezime (son of Benjamin pere?) - BB Prbly 1790 or 1800«s 341 Pauline - Mar. to Francois Xavier Theriot 5/20/1805,, St. Mart. OA 22- 252 Phileman - BB Prbly 1800's 341 Pierre - BB 1770 340, 1771 338; mil. list - 1774, 1777; 1792 mil. cen. (2); mar. to Marguerite Guidry 4/11/1798, St. Mart. OA 18-149; 1810 Cen. (2); ASP II 822, 867, 869; HI 152 (4), 187, 192 (2), 215, 218, 225 (3) Pre. (Pierre) fils - BB 1782 338, 1810 9 Pierre pere - BB 1770 340 Pierre, father of Alexander - BB Prbly late 1700's 340 Pierre, father of Joseph Pierre - BB 1810 11 Pierre, father of (Don) Louis - BB Prbly late 1700's 341 Polanne - BB 1793 21 R. - St. Mary taxpayer Raphael - Mar. to Marguerite LeBlanc 2/3l/l801 (?), St. Mart. OA 20-109; BB 1808 9 (for his daughter, #26, Delphine), 1810 9; 1810 Cen. Mrs. Raphael (Marguerite LeBlanc) - St. Mart, est, 7/23/1 808 Raphael fils - BB 1810 11 Raphael pere - BB 1810 11 Rene - Mar. to Marie Maydeleine Landry 6/12/1775, St. Mart. OA 1-28, 48; mil. list - 1777; 1792 mil. cen.; est. (Petit Rene and wife), 1800, St. Mart, OA 4i-40; ASP III 121 Rene, father of Joseph - BB 1790 340 Rosemond - BB 1808 9 Rosemond fils d'Amant - BB 1810 11 Rosemond fils de Josaphat - BB 1808 11 S. - Inv., 1803, St. Mart. OA 21-147 Silvain, Sylvaine - Mil. list - 1774, 1777; 1792 mil. cen.; BB 1793 21; St. Mart. est. (no- number), opened 8/1/1808; 1810 Cen.; ASP II 811, 828 Veuve Sylvain - BB No Date 341 Silvain, father of Felice (female) - BB 1809 341 Silvain, father of Francois - BB 1804 341 Silvain, father of Silvestre (?) - BB 1801 343 Silvain, father of Victoire - BB 1809 342 Silvestre - BB 1801 343 Sylvestre fils de Sylvain (?) - BB 1801 341 Simon - BB 1762, 1770 340, 1796 344; mil. list - 1774, 1777; 1792 mil. cen.; est., 1793, St. Mart. OA 14-108; mar. to Madeleine Thibodeaux: her mar. to Pierre Giroir 8/24/I8O3, ibid c. 21-144; ASP II 838, 840 Simon, father of Joseph - BB 1801 343 Simonet fils d' Isidore - 1796 21 Susanne - BB Suzene fille 343 Suzette fille de Joseph - Prbly 1800's 341 Theodore - BB 1780 21, 34O; 1 792 mil. cen.; St. Mart. est. #21, 2/20/1 808 1809 9 d'Amand BB - BB 1799 BB 1 r\C Theodore, father of Alexandre - BB 1780 22 Theodore, father of Joseph - BB 1776 22 Theodore, father of Louis - BB 1780 21 Theophile - BB 1792 20, 1807 344; 1792 mil. cen.; ASP II 837 (with Simon Grange) Thian - BB 1811 9 Treville - BB 1809 9 Ursin - BB 1802 342, 343 Valery - BB 1801 343 Valery Claude - BB 1769 20; 1810 Cen. (Vallere) Victoire - BB 1809 9 Victoire fils de Sylvain - BB 1809 342 Zenon - BB 1801 20, 1811 9 Zepherin - BB Prbly late 1700's 340 BROUTIN - See BRAUTIN BROWN, Stephen - ASP III 206 BRUDAN, BRUD0M(M)E Andre - BB Prbly 1770»s 338 Julienne - BB Prbly 1800's 339 Mel. - BB Prbly 1770's 338 BRUN, Agnes - Mar. to Olivier Thibodeaux 9/30/1786, St. Mart. OA 4i-60 BRUNEAU, Joseph - BB 1809 9 BRUNET Alexandre Francois - BB Prbly 1770's 338 Catherine - BB Prbly 1800's 339 Celeste - BB Prbly 1770's 338 Francois - BB Prbly 1800's 339 BRUSSIER - See BRASHEAR(S) BRUTIN & Populus - BB Prbly 1 770-90 »s 116 BRYAN (T) Catherine - Permission to marry John Choat, 1804, St. Mart. OA 22-137 Christie (also Brian, Brien, 'Brian, O'Brien) - St. Mary taxpayer Luke (also Brian, Brien, 0' Brian, O'Brien) - 1810 Cen. (Brian); ASP II 854; St. Mary taxpayer (Brian) BUE, James - ASP III 11 9 BUELLY, Lewis - BB 1811 9 BUFFET, Peter - ASP II 827 (2) BUFORD Henry - 1810 Cen. (surname not clear) James - 1810 Cen.; St. Mary taxpayer Warren - 1810 Cen.; St. Mary taxpayer BUNDICK, BURDICK William, Jr. - 1810 Cen. (Burdick); ASP II 821 William, Sr. - 1810 Cen. (Burdick); St. Mart. est. # 88, opened April, 1811; ASP II 829 (2); heirs of Bundick, St. Mary taxpayer BTJR(R)EL(L) - See B0R(R)EL(L) BURJEON, Guillaume - BB Prbly 1770's 338 BURLEIGH, Robert - BB Prbly 1800's 339 BUSSETT, Baptiste - BB 1793 344 C CAFFERY, Jackson & - St. Mary tax- payer CAFFIER, Jacques - BB 1800 29 CAILLAVET, BB 1782 28 CA(I)LLE(T) Baptiste - 1810 Cen. Jean - BB 1799 30; ASP III 1 92 (John Caillet) CAINN, - BB 1770 28 CAL(L)AIS Baptiste - BB 1790 28; 1792 mil. cen.; mar. to Madeleine Semerre 1/31/1799, St. Mart. OA 19-91; ASP II 858; III 119 Jean Baptiste - Mar. to Victoire Patin 2/20/1793, St. Mart. OA 14-9; inv., 1796, ibid .. 17-59 107 Joseph Baptiste - BB 1810 30 CALDERON, Charles - ASP III 189, 223 CALDWELL, Patrick - BB 1810 30 CALLAGHAN, Daniel - ASJ II 835; HI 119 (4) CAMME, Will, 1785, St. Mart. OA 4-92 CAMMONT - See COMEAU(X) CAMP, Isaac - Ter. Pap. 600 CAMPAT, Julie - BB 1793 29 CAMPBELL Parquard - St. Mary taxpayer Levi - ASP in 229 Parker - 1810 Cen. CAMUT, Jean Baptiste - BB 1798 29 CANAN (or U) Edouard - BB 1804 30 Michel - BB 1774 30 CANARD, Thomas - BB 1799 29 CAN THILL, Michel - BB 1792 29 CARABINI, 1792 mil. cen. CARLIN(E) BB 1775 28 Mme. - BB 1798 29; 1810 Cen.; St. Mary taxpayer Alexis - 1792 mil. cen.; 1810 Cen.; St. Mary taxpayer Celestin - 1792 mil. cen.; mar. to Therese Prevost 2/8/1794, St. Mart. OA 15-51 ; St. Mart. est. #9, 9/10/ 1807; 1810 Cen.; St. Mary taxpayer Denis - 1792 mil. cen.; 1810 Cen.; ASP II 826, 869; HI 119 (2); St. Mary taxpayer Eugene - 1792 mil. cen.; 1810 Cen.; ASP II 826 (with Honore Carlin) , 852; St. Mary taxpayer Honore - 1792 mil. cen.; 1810 Cen.; ASP II 826 (with Eugene Carlin); St. Mary taxpayer Joseph - Mil. list - 1774, 1777; 1792 mil. cen.; ASP II 840; III 152 (2), 177 (heirs) CARLISLE (CARLISTE), Jean - BB 1798 29; ASP II 846; III 119 CARLOS, Edouard (Edward Charles) - 1792 mil. cen. CAR(A)MOUCHE Baptiste Jean - St. Mart. est. #204, 10/30/1 806 Catiche - BB 1793 29 Emillien - BB 1810 30 Francois - 1792 mil. cen. (as (Scarmouche) ; BB 1810 30; 1810 Cen.; ASP II 818 (2) Marcela - BB 1793 29 Pierre - BB 1793 30 CARNLR, Joseph fils - BB 1782 28 CAROL, Adam - ASP II 840 CARR(E), Joseph - Mar. to Ann White 2/24/1794, St. Mart. OA 15-75 CARRELL, Satrielle - BB 1782 28 CARRIER (E) Widow - ASP II 862 Carmelite - BB 1790 31 Joseph - ASP II 842; III 120 William - BB 1805 28 CARR(E)Y Lucie, Lucy - BB 1805 29, 30 Samuel - 1810 Cen. William - BB 1 806 31 CART Andre - BB 1806 31 Artimise - BB 1806 31 (with Milite) Christophe fils - BB 1806 31 Chris tophe pere - BB 1806 31 Elizabeth - BB 1806 31 Francois - BB 1806 31 Milite - BB 1806 31 (with Artimise) Pierre - BB 1806 31 c(a)ruteers, CROTHERS David - BB 1793 29, 1810 30; mar. Isabelle Dugas: her estate, St. Mart. Parish #72, opened October, 1810; 1810 Cen.; ASP III 215 Mrs. David (isabelle Dugas) - St. Mart. est. #72, opened October, 1810 David fils - BB 1795 30 J. - 1810 Cen. James - BB 1808 30 (2) 108 Julien - BB 1795 30 Lise - BB 1795 29, 30 Thomas - BB 1793 30, 1795 29; permission to marry Claris Genoi, 1804, St. Mart. OA 22-128; 1810 Cen.; ASP II 851 William - BB 1790 28; St. Mart. est. #22, 4/1 4/1 808; ASP II 824, 865 CASTEJO, CASTEYO Bastien, Sebastein - BB 1805 28, 30; 1810 Cen.; ASP II 858; III 192 (2) Francis - 1810 Cen* CAS TELLE, CASTIL(L)(E) Veuve - BB 1775 28; Av 368; ASP III 119 (& son) Baptiste - 1792 mil. cen. Joseph - Mil. list - 1777; mar. to Scholastique Borda 3/28/1785, St. Mart. OA 4-83; 1792 mil. cen.; St. Mart. est. #81, opened March, 1811; 1810 Cen.; ASP II 861 ; III 119 Joseph fils - BB 1790 31 Joseph pere - BB 179O 31 Manuel - 1792 mil. cen.; BB 1794 29 Marie Mar the - Mar. to Germain Trahan 2/4/1781, St. Mart. OA 2-70; mar. to Laurent Ducrest 4/10/1787 as the Widow Trahan, ibid . , 5-30 CAVAL(L)IER, CAVEL(L)'IER Jean Baptiste - ASP II 827 Nanette - BB 1782 28 CAZELMAN, Jean - BB 1799 29 CELESTIN, Saurage Attakapas - BB 1804 " 29 (Probably Celestin Saurage, Attakapas District) CELLERS, Mathew - BB 1794 29 CHABOT Celeste - BB 1782 28 (with Margarite Margarite - BB 1782 28 (with Celeste CHACHERE - BB 1790 28 Children - BB 1790 28 CHAGREN, Joseph sons - BB 1782 28 CHAISSON Jean - BB 1782 28 Louis - BB 1809 30 (2) CHALANE, CHALON, Jean Baptiste - BB 1795 29; ASP II 869 (with Celestine Grevemberg) CHAMPAIGNE Antoine - BB 1790 28; 1792 mil. cen.; St. Mart. est. #18, 2/1 6/1 808 Antoine fils - BB 1790 31 Francois - BB 1790 31 Jean Louis - BB 1790 28; 1792 mil. cen. Louis - BB 1809 31 Louis fils - BB 1809 30 Pierre - BB 1790 28; 1792 mil. cen. ; 1810 Cen. Pierre fils - BB 1790 31 CHARLES, Edward (Edouard Carlos) - 1792 mil. cen. CEAELOT, - BB 1806 29 CHAEPENTIER Joseph - St. Mary taxpayer Perine - Mar. to Hyacinth Chitz (male) 6/20/1785, St. Mart. OA 4-96 CHASSAT, BB 1782 28 CHASSERY, Louis - St. Mary taxpayer CHATECK, William - 1810 Cen. CHMIN, CHENIM, Louis - BB 1798 29; 1810 Cen. CHENAL, CHENEL, Anna j(udith), widow of Jean Baptiste Gravemberg - ASP II 821, 828, 870 (2) CHERET, Jacob - BB 1802 29 CHERRY, William - 1810 Cen. CHISHOLM, Joseph - St. Mary taxpayer CHITZ Agnes - Mar. to Guillaume Lalande 5/3/1783, St. Mart. OA 3-78 Hyacinth (male) - Mar. to Perine Charpentier 6/20/1785, St. Mart. OA 4-96 Laurent - Inv., 1773, St. Mart. OA 1-10; ASP II 827 (2) 109 CHO(A)T(E) David - ASP II 846; III 226 Jean - BB 1790 28; 1792 mil. cen. (as Chotte); perm, to marry Catherine Bryan, 1804, St. Mart. OA 22-137; 1810 Cen.: ASP II 837, 846, 857; HI ^9 (2) (John) M. - 1810 Cen. Thomas - BB 1794 29; 1810 Cen.; ASP II 857 CHOCKER, Charles - 1810 Cen. CHOTTE - See CHOATE CHOVET, 1810 Cen. CHRETIEN, CHRETIM Maydelaine - Mar. to Louis Judice 1/7/1 800, St. Mart. OA 4^-34 Pelogie - BB 1805 30 CHRIS TOPHE, CHRIS TOVALS - Succession, pertaining to, 1795, St. Mart. OA 16-60 BB 1795 29 Simon Arbria - BB 1793 29: 1810 Cen. (Simon Chris tovals) CLARK(E) Adam - BB 1802 29 D. - ASP III 120 (& P. Morgan) Isabelle - BB 1800 29 Jacques - BB 1798 29 - See James Jacques, enfan de - BB 1798 33 James - 1792 mil. cen.; BB 1806 31 ; 1810 Cen.; ASP II 847; III 119i 220, 226 - See Jacques Jonathan - 1810 Cen. Oliver - Mar. to Sally Lacombe 5/27/ 1804, St. Mart. OA 22-151; ASP III 225 CLAUDE, Veuve - BB 1766 104 CLAUSE, Pierre - BB 1790 28 CLEMENTS, James - BB 1809 30 CLOUX, Pierre - 1792 mil. cen. CLURE, Elisha - St. Mart. est. #68, opened in August, 1810 COCKRAN, William - St. Mary taxpayer COCO, Jacques - ASP II 805 (2) COHUU, Antoine D. - ASP II 843 COLE, Baptiste - BB 1790 31 COLEMAN Jean - BB 1782 28 John, Jr. - ASP III 205 (Legal representatives of) Jonas - 1810 Cen. C0LLE(C)T (alias Joseph Provost; see Joseph Provost) Francois - ASP II 838 Francois, Jr. - Mar. to Genevieve Bonin 12/29/1774, St. Mart. OA 1-1 3 (indexed as Collet) Joseph - Inv., 1783, St. Mart. OA 3-61; ASP II 823, 856; III 152 COLLINS Jean - BB 1782 28 (with Theophilus and William) Nicolas - 1810 Cen. Susanne - BB 1782 28 Theophilus - BB 1782 28 (2)(1 with William and Jean) Theophilus William - BB 1802 29 William - BB 1782 28 (with Theophilus and Jean) COMAUR, Arsin (change au nom from Gertrude Broussard)(?) - BB 1809 21 COME (COMEAUX?) Agricole - 1810 Cen. Charles - 1810 Cen. COMEAU(X), CCMENT, CAMMONT, COMMOS Veuve - 1810 Cen. Antoine - BB 1785 28 Augustin - BB 1805 30; 1810 Cen. Baptiste - 1810 Cen. Carmalette, Carmelite - BB 1778 28, 1793 29 Charles - 1810 Cen.; ASP II 853 (with Christian Simon Abud) Charles fils - BB 1778 28 Charles dit Petit - BB 1785 30 Clatonie (Commos) - 1792 mil. cen. Edouard - BB 1799 30 Elol. - BB 1799 29, 30 Etien - BB 1799 29 Jean - BB 1782 28, 1795 30; 1810 Cen. John Baptiste - ASP III 119 (Coment), 21 3 110 Julien - BB 1795 30 Marie Madelaine - Mar. to Pierre Doucet 8/5/1782, St. Mart. 0A 3-9 Michel - St. Mart. est. #37, opened January, 1809 COMSTOCK Raphael - BB 1793 29 William - ASP II 854 CONNAR, CONOR Edouard - BB 1804 28 Michel - 1810 Cen. CONSTANCE, Marie Joseph - BB 1797 29 CONSTANTIN, Jean - BE 1804 28, 30; 1810 Cen. CONTAMINE - See SORREL, Contamine COOK John - 1810 Cen. Samuel - 1810 Cen. CORMIER Veuv - BB 1795 30 Amant - Est., 1795, St. Mart. OA 16-52 Amant (or d) fils de Michel pere - BB 1808 31 Baptiste - Mil. list - 1777 Eloi fils de Michel pere - BB 1808 31 Francois - BB 1802 29, 30; 1810 Cen. Jean Baptiste - Est., 1790, St. Mart. OA 9-66; ASP II 838, 862 Veuve Jean Baptiste - BB 1809 30 John - ASP III 119 Joseph - BB 1795 30; 1810 Cen. Joseph fils de Michel pere - BB 1808 31 Louis - BB 1796 29, 30; 1810 Cen. Ludivine fils de Michel pere - BB 1808 31 M. - ASP III 119 (with J. Mire) Manon - BB 1795 29 Marcelet fils de Michel pere - BB 1808 31 Margarite fille de Michel pere - BB 1808 31 Michel - Mar. to Mrs. Etienne Benoit, Widow, 2/10/1789, St. Mart. OA 7-51; 1810 Cen.; ASP III 174, 235 Michel fils - BB 1808 30 Michel pere - BB 1808 30, 31 (last as father of Amand, Eloi, Joseph, Ludivine, Marcelet, Margarite, and Nicolas) Narcisse - BB 1793 30 Nicolas fils de Michel pere - BB 1808 31 Pierre - 1810 Cen. Pierre fils - BB 1795 30 Pierre pere - BB 1795 30 Raphael, Raphael - BB 1795 29, 1808 30 ; ASP III 192 COT (T) ON Francis - 1810 Cen. Joab - 1810 Cen. COXON, William - BB 1798 29 CRANE, CRENE Ebenezar - BB 1792 33; 1792 mil. cen. (as Eben Crene) Etienne - BB 1790 28 CRAW (CROW?) 1810 Cen. Basil - St. Mary taxpayer CuMMIN(G)S George - BB 1802 29; 1810 Cen.; ASP III 207 William - BB 1809 30 CUNY, Eliza P. - ASP II 853 CTJVILIER (CAVALIER?), 1810 Cen. DAIGLE, Simon - BB 1801 42 DAILLY George - ASP II 828 (with James) James - ASP II 828 (with George) DAIRAU (?), Jean Baptiste - BB 1787 41 (not clear) DALTERSSE, Jean - Mil. list - 1777 DANIEL Alexander - ASP III 206 (widow, Anne Henry) Edouar (Edouard) - 1792 mil. cen. Francois - Death, 1792, St. Mart. OA 12-73; ASP II 823; HI 119 DANMONT, Francois - BB 1811 43 DARAUSSEAU, Alexandre - BB 1772 39 111 D'ARBY (DARBY) t Executor (Ed. Postall, as) - ASP III 220 , Heirs of - St. Mary taxpayer Md. Veuve - BB 1779 40 (et sec enfant), 1796 45; ASP III 120 Belthazard fils de Jean - BB 1796 45 Francois fils de St. Marc - BB 1796 45 Jean (John) - BB 1796 45; ASP II 843 Jean, father of Belthazard and Selima - BB 1796 45 Jean Baptiste St. Marc - Partition, with St. Luc Darby, 1784, St. Mart. OA 4-23; Mil. officer - 1786 (Juan St. Marck Darvy) ; BB 1796 45 (2); ASP II 843 (representatives of) ; III 120 (2) Widow St. Marc (Francoise Pellerin) - Test., 1795 (Mrs.), St. Mart. OA 16- 104; 1810 Cen. (Widow); ASP II 827 (4) (widow); Inv., 1811, St. Mart. OA 26- 145 (Mrs.) See also Francoise Pellerin Widow Jonathan - ASP II 842 (representa- tives of) Lodviska fils de St. Marc - BB 1796 45 Pierre - St. Mart. est. #8, 7/29/I8O7; ASP II 804, 823 (also heirs of) Selima fille de Jean - BB 1796 45 St. Luc - Partition, with St. Marc, 1784, St. Mart. OA 4-23 St. Marc (Jean Baptiste St. Marc?), father of Francois and Lodviska - BB 1796 45 Ursin - BB 1796 45; mar. to Louise Urasie Fuselier 5/28/1811, St. Mart. OA 26-112 DARTER BB 1779 40 Joan - BB 1772 39 Pierre - BB 1772 39 DARTES(SE) Alexandre - BB 1804 44 Frederick - BB 1809 43 Jean - 179Z.mil. cen.; St. Mart. est. # 61, 7/20/1810; ASP III 175 (heirs of); St. Mary taxpayer (John Dartes) Jean Pierre - BB 1809 43; 1810 Cen.; (Jean Dartes) Julienne - Mar. to Pierre Dubois 3/20/ 1797, St. Mart. OA 18-64 Pierre - BB 1809 43 DARTIGUE, Paul - BB 1787 41 DARZARMA, Joseph, Curi - BB 1770 40 DASANCHET, - BB 1803 43 DAUPHIN, Marie (Maria Joseph) - BB 1772 39; ASP II 856 (2) (Maria Joseph) DAURAN Mde Veuve - BB 1787 46 Cyprien - BB 1787 46 Jean Charles - BB 1808 46 DAUT(E)RIEVE - Mar. to Elisabeth Monteau De Momberault: her mar. to Jean Baptiste Degruey 5/4/1779, St. Mart. OA 1VI20; inv., 1779, ibid., 1-121; ASP II 841 , 847, 870; III 120, 152 (3) Widow - ASP II 867 (2) Bernard - ASP II 839 (6) ■DAUTRIEL, Widow - ASP II 821 DAVIS Baptiste - BB 1770 40 Rumor - 1810 Cen. Samuel - 1810 Cen. Seth, Judge - 1810 Cen. Walter - 1810 Cen. DEACUNA - See LOPES, Andre DEAUET Cadet - BB 1802 43 Ursine - BB 1802 43 DE BLANC Charles - 1810 Cen. Demeville - BB 1797 46 Dorseneaux - BB 1797 46 Dorseneaux fils de Joseph - 1801 46 Elizabeth Marcelite - BB Jean Baptiste Despanis - 42 Jean Baptiste Dorseneaux - BB 1797 42 Jefferan fils de Joseph - BB 1801 46 Joseph, father of Dorseneaux, Jefferan, Louis, St. Gerais BB 1801 46 - BB 1797, 1801 42 de Louis - BB 1801 46 Louis ■ Ter. Pap 602; 1810 Cen.; St. Mary taxpayer Louis fils de Joseph - BB 1801 46 BB 1799 42 BB 1797 & Valizar - Joseph fils Joseph fils 112 Louis pere - BB 1797 42, 1799 46 (Marie) Louise - Max. to Jean Louis, father of Joseph - BB 1801 46 Baptiste Benoit de St. Claire Louis C(harles) - Ter. Pap. 750; ASP 5/20/1793, St. Mart. 0A 14-12; II 847; HI 119, 152, 187 (2) ASP II 858 (with Caroline)(2) , Marie Aspasie - BB 1797 42 867 (with Caroline); III 1 52 Marie Louise Cesaire - BB 1797 42 (with Carline)(3), 173 (widow Marie Louise Marthe - BB 1799 42 of Benoist de St. Clair), 181 Maximilien Derneville - BB 1797 42 Neville - BB 1804 46; 1810 Cen. Pierre George Cesair fils - BB 1797 42 St. Gerais fils de Joseph - BB 1801 46 DECLAUZEL - See DTJCLOSEL Valizar fils de Joseph - BB 1801 46 DE CONTAMINE - See SOEEEL, Contamine DEBLAU, Charles fils - BB 1805 41 DECOUD, Joseph - ASP II 837, 840 BE BUELET, Joseph - ASP III 237 DE COUX, Hilaire - ASP III 188 DECAUX Joseph - Will, 1779, St. Mart. OA 1-125 DECROIX, Francois - St. Mart. est. Julie - Fam. Meeting, 1791, St. Mart. #7, 6/16/1807 OA 11-66 DECTJIR(E) DE CLOUET(T)E) BB 1784 40 BB 1786 40 Mrs. - Test., 1787, St. fils - BB Date Faded, pably Mart. OA 5-49 1780's 40 Elair - 1810 Cen. Veuve - BB 1776 40 Francois - BB 1772 39, 1787 41; Alexandre - BB 1780 43; Ter. Pap. 700, 1792 mil. cen.; St. Mart. est. 750; 1810 Cen.; ASP II 839 (2), 845; #12, 1/23/I8O8; ASP II 818 (2), III 232 843, 853 (3) (l with Gonsalos Alexandre, Jr. - ASP II 843 de Pradoes) , 858 Alexandre, father of Chevalier Widow Francois - BB 1811 44 Declouet - BB 1784 43 Godfroy ~ BB 1787 41; ASP II 851 Alexandre Cavallero - Mil. officer - Mdme. J(ean?) Pierre - 1810 Cen. 1788 Jean Pierre - Mar. to Dame • Alexandre Chevallier - ASP II 826 Charlotte Julie L'Ahbe, veuve Artemise - BB 1780 43 de Joseph Decuir, 10/30/178I, Belthazare - BB 1780 40 St. Mart. OA 2-65; inv., 1791, Bogmi - BB 1780 40 ibid . . 11-70; BB 1811 44; ASP Bragnier, Bronier, Brunier - BB 1780 43; II 840; III 187, 190, 234 ASP II 857; IH 120 Joseph - Mar. to Charlotte Julie Caroline - BB 1781 40; ASP II 858 (with L'Abbe 1778, St. Mart. OA 1-87; Louise) (2), 862 (with Louis) (2) , 867 test..& inv., 1779, ibid . . -1-124, (with Louise); III 1 52 (listed as 125; BB 1781 39 Carline)(3) M. Pre. (Pierre?) - 1810 Cen. Catiche - BB 1790 41 , 43 Maximilien - BB 1787 41 , 1799 46, Dame Charlotte - Mar. to Benoist St. 1806 41 , 44; St. Mary taxpayer Clair 9/1 0/1 802, St. Mart. OA 21-86 Paul - ASP II 818 (2) Chevalier - BB 1770/1780 40, 1793 41, Pierre - BB 1781 39 43; signed militia list of 1774; test., Vincent - BB 1781 39 inv., etc., 1789, St. Mart. OA 7-53, ,77, Zenon - BB 1787 41 90, 98; test., 1802, ibid .. 21-79 ' Chevalier fils - BB 1784 41 DE CUNET, Mme. BB 1772 39 Chevalier fils d' Alexandre - BB 1784 43 Favrot - BB 1780 40, 43 DEDIN, Seth - BB 1804 41 Jean Balthazar Neuville - ASP III 208 Joseph Alexander - ASP II 83O DEGAUTEN, Joseph Deville - ASP II 809 Louis - Signed 1781 mil. list (as L. de Clouet); ASP II 862 (2) (with f ' DE GAVOR LE BRAY - BB 1770 40 Caroline)} III 119,' 120, 1 52 (2) 113 DE GRUEY, DE GRUIZ, DEGRUIS, DEGROUISE (DeGruey) - Teat., 1783, St. Mart. OA 3-59 (Antoine) Dufouchar - Mar. to Henriette Morafret Laysaard 4/23/1783, St. Mart. OA 3-68; ASP II 840 (Dufoeaar Degruie) Jean Baptiste - Mar. to Eliaabeth Mouteau DeMomberault, widow of Dauterieve, 5/4/1779, St. Mart. OA 1-120; AS? II 840; III 119 DE GUYS, BB 1770 40 DEHRAIN, Andre - 1810 Cen. DE JEAN & Lebeauve - ASP III 120 DEKERLEGAN (KERLEGAND?) , St. Mart. eat. #56, opened April, 1810 DE LA BARRE, Francoia D. - ASP II 870 DE LA CHAISE, Honore - BB 1770 40 DE LA CLAIRE, Puselier - See De la Claire Fueelier DE LA HOUSSAY(E) BB 1770 40; AS? Ill 176 , Heira of - St. Mary taxpayer , Mr. - Inv., 1777, St. Mart. OA 1-64 , Bro. - Partition, 1806, St. Mart. OA 23-105 Adelle - BB 1804 45 Alexandre - (Sue. of), BB 1804 45; St. Mart. eat. #86, opened March, 1811: ASP II 821 (3), 828 (3), 841-,: 842 (2), 859J HI 120 (all with Louie De la Houaaaye), 220 (heira of) Barthelmy - BB 1804 45 Belthazart - BB 1804 45 Charlotte - Mar. to Jacob Harry 1/14/1811, St. Mart. OA 26-5 Francoia - BB 1804 45 Francoia Edward - BB 1804 45 Guatave - BB 1804 45 (Don) Louie - BB 1804 45 Louia pere - BB 1804 45; ASP II 821 (3) (with Alexandre De la Houaaaye), 828 (6) (3 with Alexandre), 841 (with Alexandre), 842 (2 - with Alexandre), 859 (with Alexandre), 870 (with othera); III 120 (2)(1 with Alexandre) 225; St. Mary taxpayer Louia Alexandre Chevalier - AS? II 828 Louia Charlea - BB 1804 45 Louia Lepeletier - ASP II 828; St. Mary taxpayer Louia Pelletier (Lepeletier?) fila - BB 1804 45 (Don) Paul - ASP III 120 Paul Aug. Lapeletier Chevalier - ASP II 829, 843 (Paul Pelletier) Pelletier (Lepelletier) - BB 1804 45; AS? II 821, 841, 842, 845 St. Cyr - BB 1 804 45 Terrance - BB 1804 45 Theodule - BB 1804 45 Theogene - BB 1804 45 DELAMME Mde. Antoine Antoine file Antoine pere BB 1789 46 BB 1811 46 BB 1789 46 DELARINE, Garrin - BB 1787 41 DELAVILLEBEVE, DELAVILLEBEUF, DELAVELLBEAVE, Eat., 1797, St. Mart. OA 18-46; BB 1805 41, 45 DEL(H)0RM(E), DELHOMM(E) A. G. - Teat., 1797, St. Mart. OA 18-16 Alexandre C. G. - BB 1782 40; ASP II 860 Antoine - BB 1802 42 Antoine Billar - BB 1811 43 Billien, Billan (Billar?) - BB 1789 40 (very faint); 1810 Cen. (Charles) Chevalier - BB 1793 43; ASP III 191 Gorman - BB 1793 42 M. - 1810 Cen. DELLE, DELY 1793 42 Maria - BB 1772 40, DE L'ISLE, Raymond de la Barthe - Mar. to Pouponne Ozenne, 1803, St. Mart. OA 21-158; ASP II 842 (Deliale LaBarthe); III 120 (LeBath Deliale) (See alao LaBarthe) DE(S)MARET(S), DEMARTRAIT, DUMARTRAIT, DUMARTRE, DE MARIA Madame - ASP II 867 Adrien - BB 1809 45 George Louia - ASP II 829 Louia - BB 1772 39; 1792 mil. cen. (De Maria); 181C Cen.; AS? II 854 (2); III 178; St. Mary taxpayer 114 Louis Garget - ASP III 120 Louisa - BB 1809 45 Martin - BB 1772 39; St. Mary taxpayer DENANLES, BB 1807 44 DENAUTE, Jean - BB 1807 43 DENNILLY, John - ASP III 120 DEPRADOS (See also PRADOS) Gansolan - BB 1780 40 Manuel - BB 1785 40 Andre - BB 1770 40 Maximillien - BB 1770 40 DES(C)K William - BB 1772 39; 1810 Cen.; ASP II 842, 844; HI 120 (4) Mrs. William - St. Mary taxpayer DES ORBTTI, M_ -1810 Cen. DERACHER, Mme. - BB 1782 45 DERNEVTLLE Louis dit Cadet St. Julien - See St. Julien, Cadet Olivier - BB 1810 43 DE ROKAN (BE ROUEN?) , Joseph - ASP II 869 BE ROUEN, DEROWEN BB 1780 40 Jacque - 1810 Cen.; ASP II 834, 868 (Jacko); III 224 (2) Jacques fils - BB 1780 46 Jacques pere - BB 1780 46 Joseph - 1792 mil. cen; 1810 Cen. (2); ASP II 835 (Derouan) Joseph fils - BB 1780 46; ASP II 868 (Joseph Derouen, Jr.) Joseph pere - BB 1780 46; ASP III 227 (Joseph DeRowen, Sr.) Rosalie - BB 1804 42 DER(R)OUSSEL Antoine - BB Date Faded, psbly 1800's 45 (Not very clear) Nicolas - BB 1787 41, 1809 45; 1792 mil. cen. (Derroussel) ; 1810 Cen. Pierre - BB 1792 46 DERVINCE - See DEVINCE DESARIS, John - ASP III 121 DESARMAUX, Louis - BB 1792 42 DESEUIRS (DECUIR?), Wid. 1810 Cen. DESHA, James - 1810 Cen. DESHARDE, Mte. (Maroelite Desbarde?) - BB 1772 39 DESPAUX, Guillaume - BB 1770 40 DE ST. CLAIR - See ST. CLAIR DE TORRES, Juan - BB 1786 40 DE VESIN, DEVEZIN(S), DEVIZIN(S) Charles Olivier - ASP II 838 (2), 840 (Charles H. Olivier), 842 (See also Charles O'Devizin) Charles Olivier, Jr. - ASP II 842 Joseph Olivier - BB 1809 45; mar. to Marguerite Celima Judice 6/21/1811, St. Mart. OA 26-126 Olivier - 1810 Cen.; ASP II 839 Olivier fils - BB 1787 41 Olivier pere - BB 1787 41 DEVILLIER Charles (j'lle) - ASP II 809 (2) Dorothe - BB 1772 39 Lewis Chevalier - ASP II 820 DEVINCE, DEVENCE BB 1787 41 (3) Mde. Vve. - BB 1789 46; 1810 Cen. Alex. - 1810 Cen. Temacourt (Dervince) - BB 1804 45 Terance Bienvenu - BB 1810, 1811 43 Terville - BB 1811 44 William - Test., 1805, St. Mart. OA 22-189 DIEL, Samuel - BB 1807 41 DIESONNE (DYSON?), 1792 mil. cen. DIONDE (?), - 1792 mil. cen. DESHOTEL(S) Adrien - BB 1770 40 DITCH(E), John - BB 1807 43; 1810 Cen. (Jonathan Ditch); St. Mary taxpayer DOIRON. Jean Baptiste - 1792 mil. cen. Jean Charles - BB 1808 43 115 DOMENGUEZ, DOMINGO(R), DOMIN(l)QUE Domingo - BB 1805 41 ; 1810 Cen. (Dominque) ; St. Mary taxpayer Domingo file - BB 1805 46 Domingo pere - BB 1799 46 Joeeph - BB 1805 46 (Domenguez) pape ? (Domingo pape) - BB 1805 41 DOMET, Nicolas - 1810 Cen. DONANE, Baptiste - 1810 Cen. D0NAT(T)(E) Veuve - 1810 Cen. en socete - BB 1772 39 ("in community," a succession?) fils - BB 1772 39 DONEGAN, William - BB 1770 40 DORE Veuve - 1787 41 Francois - 1792 mil. cen.; BB 1798 42, 46; 1810 Cen. Gaspar(d) - Est., 1791, St. Mart. OA 11-129; ASP II 859 Jacques - BB 1787 41 ; 1792 mil. cen.; 1810 Cen.; ASP III 120 Jacques fils de Louis - BB 1794 46 Julie - BB 1799 42 Louis - BB 1787 41, 1792 42; 1792 mil. cen. Louis fils - BB 1804 42 Louis, father of Jacques - BB 1794 46 Marie Louise - BB 1795 42 Philippe - BB 1787 41; 1792 mil. cen.; 1810 Cen. DORIEU, Widow - ASP III 191 DOTJCET Minors - Appointment of tutors, 1790, St. Mart/OA 8-62 _ Mar. to Marie Borel: her mar. to Jean Baptiste Bourgeois, 1794, St. Mart. OA 15-73 Hilaire (Joseph) - Inv., 1792, St. Mart. OA 12-10; ASP III 175 (legal representatives of Hilaire Joseph) Jean (John) - 1792 mil. cen.; BB Date Faded, psbly 1802 42, 1802, 44 ; ASP II 858 Jean Baptiste - BB 1772 39 Joseph - Mil. list - 1774, 1777; BB 1784 40 ; minors, appoinlanent of tutorship, 1792, St. Mart. OA 12-8 Joseph Marie (female) - Mar. to Nicolas Joseph Ma ton 1/2/1788, St. Mart. OA 6- 116 Michel - BB 1772 40; mil. list - 1774, 1777; 1792 mil. cen.; guardianship, 1804, St. Mart. OA 22-56; ASP II 869 (legal representatives of) Nanette - Mar. to Jean Baptiste Huval 9/23/1786, St. Mart. OA 44-76 Pierre - BB 1772 39; mil. list - 1777; mar. to Marie Madelaine Comeaux (Cammont) 8/5/1782, St. Mart. OA 3-9 DOZAT, Marie (Mrs. Philip Wisse) - St. Mart. est. #176, 10/s/l808 DRAK(E), DREK Aaron - ASP II 838 Heronne - BB 1807 44 (Drek) Jack - ASP III 225 Joseph - ASP III 226 Lise - BB 1801 42 Marie - BB 1801 42 Miss T. - St. Mary taxpayer DROITE (DROUET?) Joseph - 1792 mil. cen. Louis - 1792 mil. cen. DROUET (DRONET?) Antoine - BB 1 804 41 , 44 Aurone - BB 1802 43 Edmond - BB 1795 42 Gratiease - BB 1772 39 Jean Louis - BB 1772 39; ASP II 828, 856; III 120 Joseph - BB 1772 39 1795 42, 1802 43; ASP II 867 (2) Nicolas - BB 1772 39, 1794 42 DTJANT Charles - Mil. list - 1777 Claude - Mil. list - 1777 DUBEAU, Jean Baptiste - BB 1800 42 DU BOIS(E) Francois - St. Mary taxpayer Pierre - Mar. to Julienne Dartes 3/20/1797, St. Mart. OA 18-64; BB 1809 43; 1810 Cen.; ASP III 120 DUBTJCLEY, DUB(o)UC(L)E(T) , DTJBUCHET BB 1801 46; St. Mary taxpayer Antoine - ASP II 820 Claire Dautrieve - ASP II 820 (3), 844, 858, 870; III 119 (D. Dubuclet & others) Joseph Antoine - ASP II 861 Maria A. - ASP II 823 DUBOURG, DUBOURQUE Alexandre - BB 1808 43 Paytaine (Dubourque) - BB 1792 41 DU BOUSQUET, Jean Baptiste Peytavin - See Jean Baptiste Peytavin DUBRUEIL, Adelaide - St. Mary taxpayer DUBTJISSON, John - BB 1772 39 DUCHOUSETTE, 1810 Cen. DUCLOSEL, DUCLAUSEL, DECLOUZEL Aspasie - BB 1804 41, 44 Charles Olivier - BB 1804 44 Olivier - BB 1787 41, 1809 44; 1810 Cen.; mar. Devince Jeanne Bienvenu: her estate, St. Mart. est. #77, 2/28/1811 Mrs. Oliver (Devince Jeanne Bienvenu) - St. Mart. est. #77, 2/^8/1811 Olivier fils - BB 1804 41 DUCLOSLANG, Philippe - BB 1787 41; ASP II 840 (2) DUCOTE, Joseph - 1810 Cen. DUCRE(S)T Veuve - 1810 Cen. Anne Catherine - Mar. to Paul Rogueny 5/3/1783, St. Mart. OA 3-80 A(r)man(