SPECIAL LIBRARIES 129 “Cultivate a kindly feeling and don’t snarl U7 or grouch” may save a man his job, etc. It doesn’t require a librarian to say these > things, however. The library attendant finds out what the man needs to know, and tells him where to find it; looks up useful information for him; some day the office will wake up to the fact that the librarian can tell them things they need to know; the librarian can compile from Brown’s Direc- tory of American Gas Companies, alone, in- formation that will be of great value to the company, and the same holds with reports, decisions, records and publications. This somewhat rambling appeal for the develop- ment of the works library deserves serious thought. It is one way in which the ex- perience of others can be utilized to our own advantage. A List of Periodical Publications Relating to Municipal Affairs Compiled by Mabel L. Conat, First Assistant, Reference Department, Public Library, Detroit, Mich.* In issuing this list, no claim is made that it is complete. A number of periodicals of little apparent value and no longer current have been omitted. Further it is not claimed that all municipal periodicals which are current have been included, especially in the case of local official gazettes. Many cities, particularly those under commission government, are publishing periodical rec- ords of their work, and to obtain a complete list of these publications would be almost impossible as the number is constantly changing. It was at first planned to exclude all annual publications, but since it was later felt that no list of municipal periodic- als would be sufficiently comprehensive with these omitted, it was thought best to add a short list including only the more import- ant annual publications. It is extremely difficult to arrive at a satisfactory scheme of classification for a list of this sort, because the tendency of the periodicals is to overlap in purpose and to include subject matter not distinctly within their prescribed fields. Much as- sistance has been gained from the study of the lists previously published** and the clas- sification followed here is a modification of that used by Mr. J. B. Kaiser. * * The clas- sification is based upon the scope of the periodicals as nearly as that could be de- termined, although many of the periodicals, ♦Previous to August 1, 1915, University of Illinois Library. ♦♦Howland, W. B. Conference for good city government, 1909, 17:12-16. Kaiser, J. B. Law, legislative and municipal reference libraries. 1914. p. 297-305. Munro. W. B. Tip government of American cities, 1912. p. 358-385. WilPamson. C. C. National Municipal Review. Jul v, 1912, 1:406-410. Woodruff, C. R. Library Journal, 1911 36:183-4. because of their diversified subject matter, might easily be included in more than one group. As far as it could be obtained, informa- tion has been given upon the following points: frequency, date of first issue and place of publication. In many cases, when the date of first issue could not be deter- mined with any degree of accuracy, the volume number and date of the earliest numbers in the University of Illinois Li- brary have been stated in order to give some idea of the age of the periodical. For many of the official gazettes, when the date of the first issue could not be secured first hand, the dates given in Checklist of news- papers and official gazettes in the New York Public Library, 1914 (N. Y. P. L. Bulletin Jl-D. 1914), have been quoted. The following symbols have been used throughout the list: % Volume and date of earliest numbers in the University of Illinois Library. § Volume and date as given in The New York Public Library Checklist. bi-m.=bi-monthly. bi-w.=bi-weekly. d.=daily. irreg.=irregular. m.=monthly. q.=quarterly. semi-m —semi-monthly. w.=weekly. I. NATIONAL. 1. General Municipal Periodicals. a. American. American City. m. v. 1 — , S. 1909 — . N. Y. American Municipalities, m. v. 1 — , 1902 — . Marshalltown, la. Organ of the League of American Municipalities and of the sep- arate state leagues of Iowa and Nebraska 130 SPECIAL LIBRARIES Municipalities and of Kansas Municipali- ties until D. 1914. Originated as The Bulletin of the League of American Municipalities (v. 1-9, 1902 — . Je. 1908) which was continued un- der the title The City Hall (v. 10-12, no. 10; Jl. 1908-Ap. 1911). In. O. 1911 The City Hall was consolidated with Midland Mu- nicipalities (q. v.) and together they were continued under the title The City Hall- Midland Municipalities (v. 22-23, 0.1911-S. 1912), taking the volume numbering from Midland Municipalities. In O. 1912 the title was changed to American Municipal- ities (v. 24—, O. 1912—.). Bulletin of the League of American Munic- ipalities. See American Municipalities. Canadian Municipal Journal, m. v. 1 — , Ja. 1905 — . Montreal. Official organ of the Union of Canadian Municipalities, the Union of Manitoba Municipalities, the Union of British Co- lumbia Municipalities and of the Chief Constables’ Assqciation of Canada. The City Hall. See American Municipali- ties- Municipal Affairs.* q. v. 1-6, 1897-1902. N. Y. Published by the New York Reform Club, Committee Municipal Administra- tion. Ceased publication. National Municipal Review. q. v. 1 — , 1912 — , Baltimore. b. Foreign. Les Annales Municipales. m. v. 1 — , 1908 — . Paris. Bulletin Officiel des conseils municipaux de France, v. 1 — , 1907 — . Paris. La Chronique Municipale. w. v. 1 — , 1899 — . Paris. La Cite; revue municipale illustr6e. w. v. 1 — , 1897 — . Paris. L’Ecole des Communes, m. v. 1 — , 1832 — . Paris. France Municipale. bi-m. v. 1 — , 1908 — . Paris. Journal des Communes, m. v. 1 — , 1828 — . Paris. Journal des Conseillers Municipaux. m. v. 1 — , 1878 — . Paris. Local Government Chronicle, w. v. 1 — , 1855 — . London. Local Government Review, m. v. 1 — , N. 1909 — . London. The Municipal Journal, w. v. 1 — , 1893 — . London. Municipal Reformer, w. v. 1 — , 1909 — . London. La Municipality Frangaise. w. v. 1 — , 1909 — . Paris. Oesterreichische Stadte-Zeitung; unpoli- tische moaatschrift fur die gesamten in- teressen der osterreichischen stadte. m. Vienna. *Inc 1 uded here because national in scope, al- though published by a local organization. Revista Municipal y de Intereses Econo- micos. m. v. 1 — , 1905 — . Havana, Cuba. La Revue Communale. m. v. 1 — , 1893 — . Paris. Revue Departementale. m. v. 1 — , 1905 — . Paris. Organe des Conseils generaux, d’ Arrondissements et Municipaux. Revue Municipale. bi-m. v. 1 — , 1897 — . Paris. Schweizerisches Zentralblatt fur Staats-und Gemeindeverwaltung. Zurich. La Vie Municipale. w. v. 1 — , 1905 — . Paris. Organe officiel de L’Association Nationale des Maires de France. La Vigie Municipale. w. v. 1 — , 1907 — . Paris. 2. Specialized Municipal Periodicals. a. American. American Gaslight Journal. w. v. 1 — , 1859—. N. Y. City Government. See The Municipal Jour- nal and Engineer. The City Plan q. v. 1 — , Mr. 1915 — . Bos- ton. Official organ of The National Con- ference on City Planning. Concerning Municipal Ownership, m. v. 1 — , Mr. 1906 — . N. Y. Publication suspended Jl. 1909—. Ap. 1912. Electric Railway Journal, w. v. 32, Je. 1908—. N. Y. Being v. 32 of Street Railway Journal and formed by the consolidation of Street Railway Journal and Electric Railway Re- view, Je. 1908. Electric Railway Review. See Street Rail- way Review. Fire and Water Engineering, w. v. 1 — , 1877—. N. Y. Title reads Fire and Water, v. 1-32, 1877- 1902. Journal of the American Water Works As- sociation. q. v. 1 — , Mr. 1914 — . Balti- more. Successor to the Proceedings. Lighting Journal, m. v. 1 — , Ja. 1913 — . N. Y. Municipal Engineering, m. v. 1 — , 1890 — .In- dianapolis. Continuation of Paving and Municipal Engineering, v. 11, July, 1896. The Municipal Engineers Journal, m. v. 1—, My. 1915—. Published monthly excepting July and August by the Municipal Engineers of the City of New York. The Municipal Journal and Engineer, w. v. 1 — . Ag. 1896 — . N. Y. Continuation of City Government, v. 10 — , 1901 — . Title reads The Municipal Journal, v. 30— Jan. 1911—. Municipal News. See Public Improvements. Municipal Ownership Bulletin, v. 1, no. 1- 10. Ja. 28-Ap. 1, 1899. Chicago. Park and Cemetery and Landscape Garden- ing. m. v. 1 — , 1891 — . Chicago. Title reads The Modern Cemetery, v. 1-4; Park and Cemetery, v. 5-9. Paving and Municipal Engineering. See Municipal Engineering. SPECIAL LIBRARIES 131 Playground, m. v. 1 — , Ap. 1907 — . N. Y. Public Auditor, m. v. 1 — , 1912 — . Shaw- nee, Okla. Public Improvements, m. v. 1-8, no. 1; My. 1899-D. 20, 1905. N. Y. Publication suspended F. 1903-S. 4, 1905. Resumed under title Municipal News (v. 8, no. 1-15, S. 4-D. 20, 1905). Merged in the Muncipal Journal and Engineer, Ja. 1906. Street Railway Journal. m. v. 1-31, O. 1884-My. 1908. N. Y. Merged in Electric Railway Journal, Je. 1908. Street Railway Review, m. v. 1-19, no. 22; Ja. 1891-Je. 1908. Chicago. Name changed to Electric Railway Re- * view with v. 16, no. 7, Jl. 1906. Merged in Electric Railway Journal, Je. 1908. Town Development, m. v. 1 — , D. 1909 — . N. Y. Vigilance, m. v. 1-28, no. 1; Ja. 1886-Ja. 1914. Title reads: The Philanthropist Jan. 1886-0. 1909. b. Foreign. Li’Art Publique. no. 1-12, 1907-1912. Brus- sels, Belgium. La Cite-jardin. v. 1 — , My. 1912 — . Paris. The Citizen; the Garden City weekly News- paper. w. 1906 — . Letchworth, Eng. County and Municipal Record, w. v. 1 — , 1894 — . Glasgow. Title varies: Reads Sanitary Journal, 1894-1902; Municipal Record and Sanitary Journal, Mr. 1902- F. 1903; County and Municipal Record, Ap. 1903— Espaces Libres et Jardins Publiques. Paris. Official organ of the Association Tech- nique at Paris, devoted to the study and encouragement of city planning. Garden Cities and Town Planning, m. v. 1 — , 1904 — . Westminster, Eng. Official or- gan of the, Garden City Association. Title reads: The Garden City, O. 1904-F. 1908. Gesundheits Ingenierin. w. v. 1 — , 1878 — . Munich. Journal of Gas Lighting and Water Supply, w. v. 1 — , 1908 — . London. Local Government Journal and Officials Gazette, w. v. 1 — , 1892 — . London. The medium between public authorities and contractors. Municipal Officer, m. v. 1 — , 1912 — . Lon- don. Official organ of the National Asso- ciation of Local Government Officials. The Municipal Record and Sanitary Journal. See County and Municipal Record. Public Works, q. v. 1 — , July, 1903 — . Lon- don. v. 1-4 issued monthly. Revue Pratique d’Hygiene Municipale Ur- baine et Riirale. m. v. 1 — , 1905 — . Paris. Sanitary Journal. See County and Munic- ipal Record. Sanitary Record and Municipal Engineering, w. v. 1 — , 1874 — . London. Title reads: Sanitary Record and Journal of Sanitary and Municipal Engi- neering, 1874-1913. Der Stadtebau. m. v. 1 — , 1904 — . Berlin. The Town Planning Review, q. v. 1 — , 1910 — . Liverpool. Tramway and Railway World, w. v. 1 — , 1892 — . London. Zeitschrift fur Transportwesen und Stras- senbau. q. v. 1 — , 1884 — . Berlin. 3. Publications Not Primarily Municipal. a. American. American Academy of Political and Social Science. Annals, bi-m. v. 1 — , 1890 — . Philadelphia. American Civic Association. Bulletin irreg. 1904. Washington. Clipping Sheet. 1904. Philadelphia. Department Leaflet. 1905. Phila- delphia. American Economic Review. q. v. 1 — , 1911 — . Princeton, N. J. American Journal of Politics. See the American Magazine of Civics. American Journal of Public Health, m. v. 1 — , 1891 — . Boston. Successor to Amer- ican Journal of Public Hygiene, v. 1-20, 1891- 1910, and to Journal of the American Public Health Association, v. 1-2, 1910-11. American Journal of Sociology, bi-m. v. 1 — , 1895 — . Chicago. American Labor Legislation Review, q. v. 1—, Ja. 1911—. N. Y. American Magazine of Civics, m. v. 1-9, Jl. 1892-Ja. 1897. N. Y. Title reads: The American Journal of Politics, v. 1-5, 1892- 1894. American Political Science Review, q. v. 1 — ,1906 — . Baltimore. Better Roads and Streets, m. v. 1 — , 1911 — . Dayton, O. Canadian Engineer, w. v. 1 — , 1893 — . To- rontb. The Child Labor Bulletin, q. v. 1 — , 1912 — . N. Y. Child Welfare Magazine, m. v. 1 — , 1906 — . Philadelphia. Contract Record and Engineering Review. ' -‘W. v. 1 — , 1888 — . Toronto. Engineering Magazine, m. _ v. 1 — , 1891 — . N. Y. Engineering News. m. v. 1 — , 1874—. Chi- cago. Equity, q. v. 1—, 1898—. Philadelphia. Title reads: Equity Series, 1898-1913. Fire Engineer, m. v. 1 — , 1913 — . N. Y. Fireman’s Herald, w. v. 1 — , 1881 — . N. Y. Firemen’s Standard, semi-m. v. 1 — , 1879 — . Boston. Good Government, m. v. 12, Jl. 1892 — . N. Y. Official Journal of the National Civil Service Reform League. Formed by t,he union of the Civil Serv- ice Record, Boston, and the Civil Service Reformer, Baltimore. Continues the volume numbering of the Civil Service Record. Good Lighting and the Illuminating Engi- neer. See Illuminating Engineer. 132 SPECIAL LIBRARIES Good Roads Magazine.* m. n. s., v. 1 — , 1900—. N. Y. Government Accountant, m. v. 1 — , My. 1907 — . Washington. Has a regular de- partment of municipal accounting. Housing Betterment. irreg. v. 1 — , F. 1912—. N. Y. Illuminating Engineer, m. v. 1-7, no. 11; Mr. 1906-Ja. 1913. N. Y. Title reads: Good Lighting and the Illuminating Engineer, v. 7, no. 1-11, Mr. 1912-Ja. 1913. Ceased publication. Journal of Political Economy, m. v. 1 — , 1892 — . Chicago. National Civic Federation Review, bi-m. v. 1—, 1903— N. Y. Political Science Quarterly. q. v. 1 — , 1886—. N. Y. The Public, w. v. 1— Ap. 1898—. Chicago. Public Policy, w. v. 1-13, 1900-1905. Chi- cago. Ceased publication. Public Service; Electricity, Gas, Water, Telephones, Tramways, m. v. 1 — , 1906 — . Chicago. Public Service Review, m. v. 1-2, no. 6; Ja. 1907-Je. 1908. Iowa City, la. Quarterly Journal of Economics, q. v. 1 — , 1886 — . Boston. Rate Research, w. v. 1 — , 1911 — . Chicago. Gives summary of court and commission decisions bearing upon the regulation of public utility rates. The Short Ballot Bulletin, bi-m. v 1 — , 1911—. N. Y. Social Hygiene, q. v. 1 — , D. 1914 — . N. Y. Secial Libraries, m. v. 1 — , Ja. 1910 — . In- dianapolis. Square Deal. m. v. 1 — , Ag. 1905 — .| N. Y. Stone and Webster Public Service Journal, m. v. 1 — , Jy. 1907 — . Boston. Survey, w. v. 1 — , 1891 — . N. Y. Water and Gas Review, m. v. 1 — , 1890 — . N. Y. Yale Review, q. v. 1-19, 1891-F. 1911; n. s. v. 1 — , O. 1911 — . New Haven, Conn. &. Foreign. Archiv fur Socialwissenschaft und Social- politik. v. 1 — , 1879 — . Tubingen. Title reads: Archiv fur Soziale Gesetz- gebung und statistik, v. 1-18, 1889-1903. Deutsche Bauzeitung. semi-w. v. 1 — , 1867 — . Berlin. The Housing Reformer, m. v. 1 — , D. 1911 — . Cardiff, Wales. Illuminating Engineer, m v. 1 — , 1908 — . London. Progress; civic, social, industrial, q. v. 1 — , 1906 — . London. The organ of the Brit- ish Institute of Social Service. Surveyor and Municipal and County Engi- neer. w. v. 1 — , 1892 — . London. ♦Really a weekly perodical of which this, the first number of each month, may be secured separately and is the most valuable for items of municipal interest. II. STATE. California Municipalities. See Pacific Mu- nicipalities. City Hall-Midland Municipalities. See American Municipalities (I, 1, a). Commonwealth Club of California. Trans- actions.* irreg. N. 1903 — . Monographic. Kansas Municipalities; a monthly review of municipal progress and problems, m. v. 1 — , D. 1914 — . Lawrence, Kan. Official organ of the League of Kansas Munici- palities. Midland Municipalities, m. v. 1-21, no. 6; (?) — S. 1911. Marshalltown, la. See American Municipalities (I, 1, a). Municipal World, m. v. 1 — , 1891 — . St. Thomas, Ont. “Published in the interests of every department of the municipal in- stitutions of Ontario.” Pacific Municipalities, m. v. 1 — , Ag. 1899 — . San Francisco. Title reads: California Municipalities, v. 1-8, Ag. 1899-J1. 1903. Official organ of the League of California Municipalities. Texas Municipalities, q. v. 1 — , Mr. 1914 — . Austin, Tex. Official organ of the League of Texas Municipalities. The Western Municipal News. v. 1 — , Ja. 1906 — •. Winnipeg, Man. Official organ of the Union of Manitoba Municipalities, Sas- katchewan local improvement districts As- sociation, the Union of Alberta Munic- ipalities. The Wisconsin Municipality, m. v. 1—, Ap. 1900 — . Madison. Wis. Official publication of the League of Wisconsin municipalities. Formerly called The Municipality, bi-m. III. LOCAL. 1. Official.** a. American. Atlantic City, N. J. Atlantic City Commis- sion Government, m. v. 1 — , Mr. 1913 — . None published, Jl. D. 1913. Baltimore, Md. Municipal Journal, semi- m. v. 1 — , 1912 — . Boston, Mass. City Record, w. v. 1, — , 1909—. Monthly Bulletin of the Statistics Department, m. v. 1 — , 1899 — . Burlington, la. Proceedings of the City Council under the Commission Plan of Government, m. $ Jl. 1910 — . Cairo, 111. Summary of the Proceedings of the Council together with a detailed item- ized statement of all receipts and ex- penses. m. JMy. 1913 — . ♦Not entirely municipal, but classed here be- cause a publication of a state organization and largely concerned with municipal problems. ♦♦Includes official journals of a general na- ture, City Council Proceedings issued in sum- marized form, or regularly at definitely pre- scribed intervals (as weekly, monthly, etc.) and statistical and financial pub^'cations issued in periodical form. It was thought best to ex- clude those city publications, the scope of which is limited strictly to the departments issuing them, as for example, health bulletins, etc. SPECIAL LIBRARIES 133 Carbondale, 111. Proceedings of the Council and a detailed itemized statement of all receipts and expenses, m. My. 1911 — . Centralia, Wash. Summary of Proceedings and itemized statement in detail of the receipts and expenditures of the city com- mission. m. Chattanooga, Tenn. Municipal Record, m. v. 1 — , 1911 — . Chicago, 111. City of Chicago Statistics.* irreg. v. 1-7, Mr. 1901-F. 1908. v. 1 issued bi-m.; v. 2-5, q; v. 6-7, irreg. Cleveland, O. City Record, w. v. 1 — , 1914—. Clinton, 111. A Summary of the Proceed- ings of the Council and a statement of Receipts and Expenditures. m. Je. 1911— Colorado Springs, Colo. Summary of Coun- cil Proceedings and Department Reports, m. No. 1—, 1909—. Decatur, 111. Proceedings of the City Coun- cil. m. My. 1911 — . Denver, Colo. The City of Denver, semi- m. v. 1-3, no. 6; O. 12, 1912-D. 31, 1914. Successor to Denver Municipal Facts, w. v. 1-4, 1900-S. 28, 1912. Ceased publica- tion. Dixon, 111. Financial Report. m My. 1911.— Elgin, 111. Summary of the Proceedings of the City Council and a detailed itemized statement of all receipts and expenses, m. My. 1911—. Houston, Tex. Progressive Houston. m. v. 1—, Mv. 1909—. Jackson, Miss. Commission Government Record, q. v. 1 — , Ap. 1913 — . Jacksonville, 111. Proceedings of the Coun- cil and a detailed itemized statement of all receipts and disbursements, m. Je. 1911—. Keokuk, la. Proceedings of the City Coun- cil. m. JMr. 1914 — . Kewanee, 111. Proceedings of the City Coun- cil under the Commission Plan of Govern- ment. m. My. 1911 — . Lexington, Ky. The City of Lexington, m v. 1—, Ap. 1913—. Los Angeles, Cal. Los Angeles Municipal News. w. v. 1—, Ap. 17, 1912-Ap. 9, 1913. Cased pubicatioln. Memphis. Tenn. Commission Government, m. v. 1—, O. 1912—. Issued bi-m. F. 1914 — . Minneapolis, Minn. Municipal Statistics, m. Moline, 111. Proceedings of the Council under the Commission Form of Govern- ment. m. My. 1911 — . New York City, N. Y. The City Record, d. v. 1—, 1873—. Financial Summary (Comptroller’s Monthly Report), m. $My. 1913 — . ♦Although issued by the Municipal Library and Bureau of statistics, it is classed here in-* stead of under Municipal Research Bureaus be- cause of the nature of publication. Newark, N. J. The Newarker,* The Newark Public Library, m. v. 1 — , N. 1911 — . Ogden City, Utah. Monthly Financial State- ment of the Board of Commissioners, m. 1912—. Oklahoma City, Okla. Monthly Financial Statement, m. JAg. 1913 — . Omaha, Neb. Municipal Statistics, m. Je. 1911—. Ottawa, 111. Proceedings of the Council, m. My. 1911—. Pekin, 111. Proceedings of the Council, m. My. 1911—. Pensacola, Fla. Monthly Report of the Board of Commissioners, m. JJe. 1913 — . Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia, m. v. 1-5, Jl. 1909-D. 1911. Ceased publication. Rochelle, 111. Proceedings of the Council, m. My. 1911—. Rock Island, 111. Report of Receipts, Ex- penditures and Proceedings of the City Council, m. Ap. 1911 — . Sacramento, Cal. Official Gazette, w. v. 1—, Ag. 3, 1914- Salt Lake City, Utah. Municipal Record, m. v. 1—, 1912—. San Francisco, Cal. Municipal Record, w. v. 1—, 1908—. San JosS, Cal. Municipal Record, m. v. 1—, 1912—. Seattle, Wash. Municipal News. w. Sioux City, la. Proceedings of the City Council and a detailed, itemized statement of all receipts and disbursements, m. JAp. 1910—. Spokane, Wash. Official Gazette, w. v. 1 — , 1911—. Spring Valley, 111. Proceedings of the Coun- cil and a detailed, itemized statement of all receipts and disbursements, m. 1911 — . Springfield, 111. Summary of the Proceed- ings and a detailed, itemized statement of all receipts and expenditures, m. Ap. 1911—. Tacoma, Wash. Municipal Bulletin. m. tv. 2— F. 1912— Summary of the Proceedings of the City Council, m. JJe. 1910-D. 1911. Waukegan, 111. Official Bulletin, Commis- sion Plan. m. My. 1911 — . b. Foreign. Aachen, Germany. Statistischer Monatsbe- richt. m. v. 1 — , 1902 — . Algiers, Algeria. Bulletin Municipal Of- ficiel. semi-m. 1897 — . Altona, Germany. Monatsbericht des Statis- tischen Amts. m. Amsterdam, Netherlands. Maandbericht van het Bureau von Statistik. m. Antwerp, Belgium. Maandblad Statistisch. m. ♦Although this magazine is quite unlike the others c’assed in this division, it is included here since it is published by a city department and gives news of general municipal interest as well as of library interest. 134 SPECIAL LIBRARIES Aubervilliers, France. Bulletin Municipal Officiel. v. 1— Je. 15, 1906— Avignon, France. Bulletin Municipal Of- ficiel. v. 1 — , 1911 — . Barcelona, Spain. Boletin Municipal de Barcelona: Administracion, legislacion y estadistica. Barmen, Germany. Statistischer Monatsbe- richt. m. Berlin, Germany. Gemeinde-Blatt der Haupt-und Residenzstadt Berlin. w. §1899—. Monatsbericht des Statistischen Amts. m. v. 1 — , 1873 — . Wochenbericht des Statistischen Amts. w. §1905 — . Besangon, France. Bulletin Officiel. w. 1907—. Bordeaux,’ France. Bulletin Municipal Of- ficiel. 1889 — . Breslau, Germany. Monatsbericht des Sta- tistischen Amts. §1912 — . Bruges, Belgium. Gemeenteblad der Stad Brugge. §1900-12. Buenos Aires, Argentine Republic. Monthly Bulletin of Municipal Statistics, m. v. 1—, 1886—. Caen, France. Bulletin Municipal. 1892 — . Cartagena, Spain. Boletin del Ayuntami- ento. m. Charlottenburg, Germany. Monatsbericht des Statistischen Amts. m. Chemnitz, Germany. Monatliche Mitteilun- gen des Statistischen Amts. m. v 1 — , 1903—. Coruna, Spain. Boletin del Ayuntamiento del la Coruna y estadisticas. m. Cracow, Poland. Sprawozdonie Statystyczne za miesiac. (Monthly bulletin of munic- ipal statistics) m. Deventer, Netherlands. Gemeenteblad. §1861-1911. Dijon, France. Bulletin municipal officiel. m. v. 1—, 1896—. Dresden, Germany. Dresdner Anzeiger. 1856—. Monatsbericht des Statistischen Amts. m. Duisburg, Germanv. Statistischer Monats- bericht. m. 1902 — . Diisseldorf, Germany. Statistischer Monats- bericht. m. Florence, Italy. Bolletino Statistico Mensile. m. Fourmies, France. Bulletin Municipal Of- ficiel. Mr. 31, 1904— Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Amtsblatt. §1856-1890. Guayaouil, Ecuador. Gaceta Municipal, w. §1899-1912. Issued quarterly 1910. Halle a. S., Germany. Statistischer Monats- bericht. m. v. 1 — , 1907 — . Hannover, Germany. Statistischer Viertel- jahrsbericht. q. Ivry-sur-Seine, France. Bulletin Municipal Officiel. m. v. 1 — , 1897 — . Johannesburg, Transvaal. Municipal coun- cil Minutes. (The minutes contain re- ports of committees and monthly finance reports.) Municipal statistics for the month. m. §1907—. Karlsruhe, Germany. Statistischer Monats- bericht. m. Kiel, Germany. Monatsbericht des Statis- tischen Amts. m. Konigsberg, Germany. Monatsbericht des Statistischen Amts. m. Krefeld, Germany. Statistischer Monats- bericht. m. Leipzig, Germany. Statistischer Monats- bericht. m. Lemberg, Austria-Hungary. Bulletin Men- suel Municipale. m. Levallois-Perret, France. Bulletin Municipal Officiel. m. Ja. 1905 — . Linden, Germany. Statistischer Viertel- jahrsbericht. §1910 — . London, England. The London County Council Gazette, w. v. 1 — , O. 1905 — . Liibeck, Germany. Statistischer Viertel- jahrsbericht des Statistischen Amts. q. Lyons, France. Bulletin Municipal Officiel. w. v. 1 — , 1896 — . Madrid, Spain. Boletin del Ayuntamiento. w. §1900-1908. Magdeburg, Germany. Monatsbericht des Statistischen. Amts. m. Mainz, Germany. Statistischer Vierteljahrs- bericht. q. Manila, P. I. Official Gazette, w. §1902 — . Mannheim, Germany. Statistischer Monats- bericht. m. Statistischer Vierteljahrsbericht. q. Marseilles, France. Bulletin Municipal Of- ficiel. w. §1900 — . Milan, Italy. Bollettino Statistico Mensile. m. § v. 12-27, 1896-1911. Includes a summary of council minutes. Montevideo, Uruguay. Boletin Mensuel de Estadistica Municipal, m. v. 1 — , 1903 — . Montlugon, France. Bulletin Municipal de la ville de Montlucon, Publication Of- ficielle. m. v. 1 — , Ja. 1901 — . Montpellier, France. Bulletin Municipal, m. Moscow, Russia. Bjulleten Ezemesiacnyj Statisticeskij, po gorodu Moskve. (Month- ly Statistical Bulletin) m. Bjulleten Ezenedel’nvi Statisticeskij, po gorodu Moskve. (Weekly Statistical Bulletin) w. Munich, Germany. Miinchener Gemeinde- Zeitung. §1898-1912. Statistischer Monatsbericht. m. Ja. 1910—. t — Wochenbericht des Statistischen Amts. §1897—. Nancy, France. Bulletin Administratif. ir- reg. 1880 — . Nantes, France. Bulletin Municipal. Nimes, France. Bulletin Municipal. §1910- 11. Niirnberg, Germany. Statistischer Monats- „ bericht. m. Oran, Algeria. Bulletin Municipal Officiel. semi-m. v. 1 — , S. 5, 1909 — . SPECIAL LIBRARIES 135 Paris, France. Bulletin Hebdomadaire de Statistique Municipale. w. Bulletin Municipal Officiel. d. Jl. 1882— Poitiers, France. Bulletin Municipal, m. y. 1—, 1889— Posen, Germany. Statistischer Monatsbe- richt. m. v. 1 — , 1905 — . Prague, Austria-Hungary. Bulletin hebdo- madaire du Bureau de Statistique. w. Reichenberg, Austria-Hungary. Amts-Blatt. m. §1904-1914. Rome, Italy. Bolletino delle Finanze, In- dustrie, Commercio, Lavori, Pubblici, Ap- palti. Revista delle Ferrovie. semi-w. §1907-09. Bolletino Statistico mensile. m. v. 1—, Ja. 1914—. Romilly-sur-Seine, France. Bulletin Munic- ipal Officiel. D. 1900 — . Rotterdam, Netherlands. Gemeenteblad. §1851—. Rouen, France. Bulletin Mensuel de Sta- tistique. m. §1912 — . Saint-Denis, France. Bulletin Municipal Offi- ciel. w. 1886 — . Saint-Etienne, France. Bulletin Municipal, bi-w. 1882 — . Bulletin Statistique et administratif. bi-m. St. Petersburg, Russia. Bulletin Hebdomadaire de Statistique. w. Saint-Quentin, France. Bulletin Officiel. bi-m. 1908 — . San Juan Bautista, Mexico. Boletin Munici- pal. w. §1910-13. Santiago de Cuba. Revista Municipal. Schoneberg, Germany. Statistischer Monats- bericht. Vierteljahrsbericht des Statistischen Amts. Shanghai. China. Municipal Gazette, w. v. 1—, 1908—. Stockholm* Sweden. Bulletin Mensuel du Bureau de Statistique. Strassburg, Germany. Statistischer Monats- bericht. m. Toulouse, France. Bulletin Municipal. Tours, France. Bulletin Municipal. 1884 — . Trieste. Austria-Hungary. Bollettino Statis- tico Mensile. Troyes, France. Bulletin Municipal. m. 1886— Venice, Italy. Bolletino. . .Raculta ufficiale degli atti avvise. manifesti, deliberazioni, etc. semi-m. §1906-12. Rassegna Statistica. $1904 — . Vienna, Austria. Mitteilungen der Statistis- chen Abteilung. m. v. 1 — , 1884 — . Wiesbaden, Germany. Statischer Monatsbe- richt. m. Zurich, Switzerland. Amtsblatt. semi-w. §1900-1910. Monatsbericht des Statistischen Amts. 2. Private Organizations. A. PUBLICATIONS OF LOCAL CIVIC BODIES. a. American. Albany, N. Y. Albany Citizen, The Civic League of Albany. Ceased publication. Allegheny County, Pa. *Monthly Bulletin, The Civic Club of Allegheny county, m. v. 1—, N. 1914—. Baltimore, Md. City Club of Baltimore Bul- letin. irreg. v. 1 — , 1912 — . Civic Courier, The Women’s Civic League, irreg. v. 1 — , 1911 — . Berkeley, Cal. Civic Bulletin, The City Club of Berkeley, m. v. 1 — , Ag. 1912 — . Boston, Mass. City Affairs, Good Govern- ment Association of Boston, m. $v. 4, no. 5—, S. 1910—. New Boston; a monthly record of progress in developing a greater and finer city. Published by the Directorate of Bos- ton — 1915, m. v. 1-2, no. 7 ; My. 1910 — N. 1911. Ceased publication. United Improvement Association Bulletin, m. v. 1 — , 1910 — . Official organ of the improvement asso- ciations of Boston. Brooklyn, N. Y. Civic Union Bulletin. The Occasional, The Brooklyn League, irreg. v. 1 — , Jl. 1912 — . Chicago, 111. Citizens’ Association of Chica- go Bulletin, irreg. 1900 — . City Club Bulletin, City Club of Chi- cago. w. v. 1 — , 1907 — . The Woman’s City Club Bulletin, Woman’s City Club of Chicago, m. $v. 3—, Je. 1914—. “Je. 1914 the first regular issue of the Bulletin.” Cleveland, O. The Municipal Bulletin, The Civic League of Cleveland (formerly the Municipal Association of Cleveland), irreg. Ap. 1899—. Detroit, Mich. The Civic News. w. v. 1-3, F. 4, 1905— D. 7, 1907. Official journal of the Detroit Municipal League and of the Civic Club of Grand Rapids. The Civic Searchlight, Detroit Citi- zens’ League, m. v. 1 — , O. 1913 — . Hartford, Conn. Bulletin, Municipal Art So- ciety. irreg. No. 1 — , 1904 — . Monographic. Kewanee, 111. The Ke-Wan-Ee, Kewanee Civic Club. m. Los Angeles, Cal. Municipal Affairs. Suc- ceeded by The Pacific Outlook. Municipal League Bulletin, Munici- pal League of Los Angeles, m. |Mr. 1914 — . Issued m. Mr.-My. 1914; issued irreg. Je. 1914— Milwaukee, Wis. Municipal Affairs. The Voters’ League of Milwaukee, m. Ja. 1908— Mr. 1909. New York City, N. Y. Municipal Affairs. See entry under I. 1. a. — . Bulletin of the City Club of New York. m. $1896—. *Has been included, although a county organ- ization, because its bulletins are devoted almost entirely to municipal affairs. 136 SPECIAL LIBRARIES Bulletin of the Municipal Art So- ciety of New York. 1902 — . Bulletin of the Women’s Municipal League of New York. m. v. 1 — , Ap. 1902— The Searchlight, Citizens’ Union of New York. bi-m. v. 1 — , My. 1911 — . Newport, R. I. Civic League Bulletin. Norwalk, Conn. Civics Bulletin, Civic League, irreg. v. 1 — , Ja. 1911 — . Norwood. Mass. The Civic Herald, Norwood Civic Association. Philadelphia, Pa. City Club Bulletin, City Club of Philadelphia, w. v. 1 — , 1909 — . The Civic Club Bulletin, Civic Club. m. v. 1 — , 1907 — . Pittsburgh, Pa. Bulletin, The Pittsburgh Voters’ League. Portland, Ore. Greater Portland, Official or- gan of the Greater Portland Plans Asso- ciation. v. 1 — , F. 1913 — . St. Louis, Mo. Civic Bulletin, Civic League of St. Louis, bi-w. v. 1-2, D. 1910 — D. 1912. Continued by Public Affairs. Public Affairs, Civic League of St. Louis, m. v. 1 — , Ja. 1913 — . Issued bi-m. Ap. — S. 1914. Publication temporarily suspended. Seattle, Wash. Seattle Municipal News, Mu- nicipal League of Seattle, w. 1911 — . Toronto, Ont. Monthly Bulletin, Toronto Civic Guild, m. v. 1 — , 1911 — . 1). Foreign. Liverpool, Eng. Liverpool Municipal Offi- cers’ Guild Gazette, m. 1898 — . London, Eng. London Municipal Notes, Lon- don Municipal Society, m. 1905 — . B. PUBLICATIONS OF LOCAL CHAMBERS OF COM- MERCE. COMMERCIAL CLUBS, ETC.* a. American. Akron. O Chamber of Commerce Bulletin, m. y. 1 — , F. 1914 — . Alliance, Neb. The Messenger, Alliance Commercial Club. m. Altoona. Pa. The Altoonagram, Official pub- lication of the Chamber of Commerce, m. v 1—. F. 1914—. Anderson. S. C. Aggressive Anderson, Cham- ber of Commerce, m. Atlanta, Ga. Progress; A Magazine of for- ward movements for business men. m. v. 1—. .Te. 1909—. Published by the Atlanta Chamber of Commerce. Augusta, Ga. The Augustan, Chamber of Commerce, m. v. 1 — , Je. 1911 — . Baltimore, Md. Baltimore, Baltimore Mer- chants’ and Manufacturers’ Association, m. ♦This list is by no means complete. A very comprehensive list of the commercial organiza- tions of the U. S. may be found in : U. S. 62d Cong., 3d Sess., Senate doc. 1109 (ser. no. 6365) ; same, in U. S. Foreign and Domestic Com- merce Bureau. Miscellaneous series 8, 1913. Those organizations which issue a periodical are indicated. Bayonne, N. J. Members’ Bulletin, Bayonne Chamber of Commerce, m. Beaumont, Tex. The Beaumont Country, The Chamber of Commerce, m. Jv. 4, no. 5—, D. 1914—. Belle Fourche, S. D. Journal, The Commer- cial Club. m. Boston, Mass. Chamber of Commerce News and Advance New England, w. v. 1 — , My. 9, 1910—. Official organ of the Boston Chamber of Commerce. In My. 1911, The Chamber of Commerce News consolidated with Advance New England (formerly called The Chamber of Commerce Journal, O. 1909 — Ap. 1910.) Current Affairs, The Chamber of Commerce, w. 1910 — . Brainerd, Minn. Monthly Bulletin, Brainerd Chamber of Commerce, m. Brockton, Mass Chamber of Commerce Bul- letin. m. 1913 — . Buffalo, N. Y. Buffalo Live Wire, Buffalo Chamber of Commerce, m. v. 1 — , D. 1909—. Cambridge, Mass. The Bulletin. Cambridge Board of Trade, m. v. 1 — , D. 1913 — . Camden, N J. Board of Trade Journal, m. v. 1—, 1911- Canton, O. Push, Canton Board of Com- merce. m. Cedar Rapids, la. Comet, Commercial Club, m. Chicago, 111. Chicago Commerce, Chicago Association of Commerce. w. v. 1 — , 1905—. Cincinnati. O. The Cincinnatian, Official Organ of the Chamber of Commerce, w. v. 1—, D. 1913—. Columbia. S. C. Columbia, Columbia Cham- ber of Commerce, m. v. 1 — , Jl. 1914 — . Columbus. O. Monthly Bulletin .of the Co- lumbus Chamber of Commerce, m. v. 1 — , N. 1 913 — . Title reads Columbus Chimes N. 1913 — O. 1914. Dallas, Tex. The Dallas Spirit, Dallas Cham- ber of Commerce, w. Decatur, Ga. Distinctive Decatur, Decatur Board of Trade, m. Dayton, O. Greater Dayton. Davton Cham- ber of Commerce, m. v. 1 — , 1908 — . Denver, Colo. Denver Chamber of Commerce News Bulletin, m. v. 1 — , 1911 — . The Commercial, w. Jv. 5 — , My. 15. 1914— Des Moines, la. Chamber of Commerce Jour- nal. m. v. 1 — . 1914 — . Detroit, Mich. The Detroiter. Detroit Board of Commerce, m. v. 1 — , 1910 — . Duluth. Minn. Public Affairs, Bulletin of the Duluth Commercial Club. m. v. 1 — , 1909- East St. Louis, 111. The Messenger, Official organ of the East St. Louis Commercial Club. m. v. 1 — , N. 1913 — . Erie, Pa. Bulletin, Erie Board of Commerce, m. SPECIAL LIBRARIES 137 Fargo, N. D. The Budget, Fargo Commercial Club. Fort Worth, Tex. Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce Monthly Bulletin, m. v. 1 — , 1913— Freeport, 111. Bulletin, Chamber of Com- merce. m. Galveston, Tex. The Treasure Island Log, Galveston Commercial Association, m. v. 1—, 1914—. Glens Falls, N. Y. Bulletin, Chamber of Commerce, m. Grand Rapids, Mich. Grand Rapids Prog- ress. The Grand Rapids Association of Commerce, m. v. 1 — , 1911 — . Harrisburg, Pa. Board of Trade Bulletin, m. no. 1 — , N. 1912 — . Hoboken, N. J. Board of Trade Bulletin, m. v. 1 — , Je. 1910 — . Houston, Tex. Greater Houston, Houston Chamber of Commerce, m. v. 1 — , 1911 — . Jackson, Mich. The Jacksonian, m. 1911 — . Title reads Jackson Chamber of Com- merce Bulletin 1911-12. Jacksonville, Fla. The Bulletin, Jacksonville Board of Trade, m. v. 1 — , 1909 — . Johnstown, Pa. Doings, Johnstown Chamber of Commerce, m. v. 1 — , N. 1914 — . Kalamazoo, Mich. Journal of the Commer- cial Club. m. v. 1—, 1913—. Kansas City, Mo. The Kansas Citian, The Commercial Club of Kansas City. w. v. 1—, 1912—. Knoxville, Tenn. Knoxville Spirit, Knox- viPe Board of Commerce, m. v. 1 — , 1914— . Lewiston, Me. Chamber of Commerce News. m. F. 1914 — . Los Anereles, Cal. Bulletin of the Los An- geles Chamber of Commerce, q. Loe’Vulle. Ky. The Review, Commercial Club, m, Madison, Wis. Community Business, Offi- cial publication of the Board of Commerce, m. v. 1 — , O. 1914 — . Mia, mi. Fla. Bulletin, Miami Board of Trade, m. Milwaukee, Wis. Merchants’ Association Bulletin. Minneapolis, Minn. Members’ Bulletin, Oivie end Commercial Association, m. New Britain. Conn. Bulletin, New Britain Chamber of Commerce, m. New Orleans. La. For New Orleans, Asso- ciation of Commerce, semi-m. New Rn'diePe. N. Y. The Bulletin, New RerhePe Association, m. New York Citv. N Y. Board of Trade Jour- nal. m. tF. 1913 — . Bronx Board of T^ade Bulletin, m. Bulletin of the Chamber of Com- merce of the Borough of Queens, m. v. 1—, 1913—. Chamber of Commerce Monthly Bul- letin. m. Ap. 1909 — . Greater New York; Bulletin of the Merchants’ Association of New York. w. v. 1—, Mr. 4, 1912—. Successor to the Proceedings of the Merchants’ Association of N. Y. The Municipal Record and Adver- tiser. w. v. 1-5, Je. 12, 1897-1900. Title reads The Municipal and Railway Record 1899-1900. Oakland, Cal. Oakland Achievement, m. v. 1—, F. 1910- Title reads Oakland Chamber of Com- merce Bulletin, 1910-1914. Published by the Oakland Chamber of Commerce and Commercial Club consoli- dated. Oil City, Pa. Opportunity, Chamber of Com- merce. m. Olean, N. Y. The Oleanagram, Olean Cham- ber of Commerce, m. v. 1 — , N. 1914 — . Olympia, Wash. Bulletin, Chamber of Com- merce. m. Omaha, Neb. Journal, Commercial Club of Omaha, w. v. 1 — , 1912 — . Peoria, 111. The Peorian, Peoria Association of Commerce, m. Pittsburgh, Pa. Development, Pittsburg In- dustrial Development Commission, m v. 1—, F. 1913—. Portland, Me. Board of Trade Journal, m. v. 1—, 1888—. Portland, Ore. The Oregon Country, The Chamber of Commerce Bulletin, m. ±v. 21—, Jl. 1914- Official organ of the Portland Chamber of Commerce with which is incorporated the Board of Trade Journal. Providence, R. I. Providence Magazine; the Board of Trade Journal. m. v 1 — 1889- Title reads Providence Board of Trade Journal, v. 1-25. Raleigh. N. C. The Monthly Bulletin. Cham- ber of Commerce, m. v. 1 — , 1914 Reading, Pa. The Working Optimist, The Chamber of Commerce, m. Roanoke, Va. Roanoke, Organ of the Cham- ber of Commerce, m. v. 1 — , 1911 Rochester, N. Y. Chamber of Commerce Official Bulletin, irreg. v. 1 — , 1912 — . Commerce; illustrated magazine of industry and trade, m. v. 1 — , S. 1908 — . Published by Rochester Publicity Bu- reau. Rock Hill, S. C. Rock Hill Magazine, Cham- ber of Commerce, m. Rome, N. Y. The Roman, Rome Chamber of Commerce, m. v. 1 — , 1913 — . Title reads. Chamber of Commerce Bul- letin, v. 1-3, 1913— Ag. 1914. St. Joseph, Mo. The Optimist, St. Joseph Commerce Club. m. v. 1 — , 1914 — . St. Louis, Mo. Forward St. Louis, St. Louis Business Men’s League. m. v. 1— 1913— Salisbury, N. C. Salisbury Spirit, Industrial Club. m. San Diego, Cal. The Bulletin, San Diego Merchants’ Association, m. 138 SPECIAL LIBRARIES San Francisco, Cal. Chamber of Commerce Journal, m. v. 1 — , 1897 — . Title reads Merchants’ Association Re- view. v. 1-16, 1897—0. 1911. Scranton, Pa. Scranton Board of Trade Journal, m. v. 1 — -, 1903 — . Title reads: Board of Trade and Engi- neering Journal, v. 1-9, no. 11; 1903 — O. 1913. Seattle, Wash. Bulletin, Seattle Commercial Club. m. South Bend, lnd. South Bend Today, Offi- cial Publication South Bend Chamber of Commerce, m. v. 1 — , Jl. 1914 — . Springfield, 111. Monthly Bulletin, Spring- field Commercial Association, m. v. 1 — , Mr. 1914— Springfield, Mass. Board of Trade News, Springfield Board of Trade, m. Steubenville, O. Chamber of Commerce Do- ings. m. Topeka, Kan. Commercial Club Bulletin, m. $no. 36 — , S. 1914 — . Toronto, Ont. Board of Trade News. m. v. 1—, 1911—. Trenton, N. J. The Bulletin, Trenton Cham- ber of Commerce, m. v. 1 — , N. 1914 — . Warren, Pa. Warren Idea, Chamber of Commerce, m. Washington, Pa. What’s Doing, Washing- ton Board of Trade, m. Watertown, N. Y. Greater Watertown, Watertown Chamber of Commerce, m. Wichita, Kan. Working for Wichita, Wichi- ta Business Association, m. v 1 — , Je. 1912— Wilkesbarre Pa. Chamber of Commerce Journal, q. v. 1 — , 1906 — . Title reads Board of Trade Journal, 1906-1911. Worcester, Mass. Worcester Magazine, Worcester Chamber of Commerce, m. v. 1— Ja. 1901—. Youngstown, O. Youngstown, The Chamber of Commerce, m. b. Foreign. Birmingham, Eng. Chamber of Commerce Journal, m. v. 1 — , 1903 — . Bradford, Eng. Chamber of Trade Journal, m. v. 1 — , 1907 — . Liverpool, Eng. Monthly Magazine of The Incorporated Chamber of Commerce of Liverpool, m. v. 1 — , 1902 — . London, Eng. The Chamber of Commerce Journal, Official organ of the London Chamber of Commerce, m. v. 1 — , 1882 — . Manchester, Eng. Chamber of Commerce Monthly Record, m. v. 1 — , 1890 — . Paris; France. Bulletin de la Chambre de Commerce, w. C. LOCAL PUBLICATIONS NOT ASSOCIATION ORGANS. a. American. Buffalo, N. Y. Greater Buffalo; a monthly journal of twentieth century Americanism, m. v. 1—, Ap. 15, 1897—. Chicago, 111. The Journal of Social and Civic Chicago, m. ?1913— ? Issued in the interests of good citizen- ship for the co-operation of the sundry social and civic agencies of Chicago, par- ticularly those which are sustained by the city. Cincinnati, O. Citizens’ Bulletin, w. v. 1-11, Mr. 14, 1903— Dec. 1913. La Crosse, Wis. Civic Progress, m. 1911 — . Memphis, Tenn. Civic Affairs, w. 1908 — . New York City, N. Y. The Chief, Journal of the Civil Service, w. v. 1 — , 1897 — . City Life and Municipal Facts, w. 1909— My. 31, 1912. Organ of the Allied Real Estate Inter- ests, N. Y. Title reads Municipal Facts, 1909-11. New York City, N. Y. Civil Service Chroni- cle and Police Chronicle; the journal of the police and fire departments and of the municipal, state and federal employees, w. 1897 — . — Town Crier, m. v. 1 — , 1914 — . Philadelphia, Pa. City and State, w. v. 1-16, My. 9, 1895— My. 26, 1904. Ceased publication. Reading, Pa. The Greater Reading, m. v. 1— D. 1897—. Rochester, N. Y. The Common Good of Civic and Social Rochester, q. v. 1 — , 1907- Salt Lake City, Utah. The Salt Lake Out- look. m. v. 1, no. 1-9; O. 1908 — Je. 1909. Ceased publication. San Francisco, Cal. Philopolis; published for those who care. m. v. 1 — , O. 1906 — . “Purpose. . .to consider the ethical and artistic aspects of the rebuilding of San Francisco.” Terre Haute, lnd. The Public Officials’ Magazine, m. v. 1 — , Ja. 1910 — . b. Foreign. Paris, France. Journal Municipal de la ville de Paris et du Departement de la Seine, w. v. 1—, 1910—. Organe d’informations et de defense des interests locaux. 3. Local Municipal Research Bureau Period- ical Publications. Chicago, 111. Chicago Bureau of Public Effi- ciency. [Publications] 1911-1913. Monographic. Municipal Library and Bureau of Statistics. See entry under III, 1, a. Cincinnati, O. Cincinnati Bureau of Muni- cipal Research. [Publications] 1910 — . Monographic. Dayton, O. Dayton (O.) Bureau of Munici- pal Research. Publications. 1913 — . Government by Deficit, no. 1 — , 1913 — . Health Bulletin. 1—, 1913—. Milwaukee, Wis. Milwaukee Bureau of Economy and Efficiency Bulletins, no. 1-19, 1911-12. Monographic. SPECIAL LIBRARIES 139 New York City, N. Y. Bureau of Municipal Research. Efficient Citizenship, w. 1907- 1914. Monographic leaflets. Ceased publication. Municipal Research m. no. 1 — , Jl. 26, 1913—. Issued weekly 1913-14; monthly Ja. 1915— New York Public Library-Municipal Reference Branch. Municipal Reference Library Notes.* w. v. 1 — , O. 24, 1914 — . Philadelphia, Pa. Bureau of Municipal Re- search of Philadelphia. Citizens’ Business, w. 1913 — . Monographic leaflets. Toronto, Ont. Bureau of Municipal Re- search, Toronto. Efficient Citizen Coope- ration. irreg. no. 1 — , Mr. 1914 — . ANNUAL PUBLICATIONS. • I. National. a. American. « American Society of Municipal Improve- ments. Proceedings. 1895 — Conference for good city government. Proceedings 1894-1911. League of American Municipalities. Book of the League of American Muni- cipalities. 1906-1910. Chicago. Proceedings. 1899 — National Conference on City Planning. Proceedings. 1909 — . Boston. National Conference on Housing. Proceedings. 1911 — . National Municipal League. Proceedings. 1895-1911. (In Conference for Good City Government. Proceedings.) Union of Canadian MuniciDalities. The official report. 1902 — . * In eluded here (because of its great value as a guide to recent material on municipal af- fairs), although it is not a publication of a municipal research bureau in the strictest sense and does not contain articles on municipal af- fairs. iTE.J i # b. Foreign. Annuario statistico delle citta italiane. v. 1 — , 1906 — . Florence. Kommunales Jahrbuch. 1908 — . Jena. Kongress fur Stadtewesen. Verbandlungen. 1912 — . Dusseldorf. The Municipal Year book of the United Kingdom, v. 1 — , 1897 — . London. Oesterreichisches St"dtebuch. (Austria. Statistical Central Commission.) Statistisches Jahrbuch deutschen Stadte. v. 1 — , 1890 — . Breslau. II. State. Kansas. League of Kansas Municipalities. Proceedings of annual convention 1909 — . Lawrence, Kan. League of Pacific Northwest Municipalities. Proceedings of annual convention 1912— Walla Walla, Wash. Massachusetts. Massachusetts Civic League. Annual report. $1909 — . Boston. Michigan. League of Michigan Municipali- ties. Proceedings, v. 1 — , 1899 — . Minnesota. League of Minnesota Munici- palities. Proceedings of annual convention. 1913 — . Univ. of Minn., Municipal Refer- ence Bureau. New York. Conference of mayors and other officials of the cities of New York State. Proceedings. 1910 — . N. Y. Montana. Montana Municipal League. Proceedings. 1911 — . City Clerk, Liv- ingstone, Mont. Pennsylvania. League of cities of the third class in Pennsylvania. Proceedings. 1900 — . Texas. League of Texas municipalities. Proceedings. 1913 — . Austin. Tex. Virginia. League of Virginia Municipalities. Proceedings. 1902 — . Washington. League of Washington Muni- cipalities. Proceedings. 1910 — . H. A. Brauer, Sec., Univ. of Wash. Bibliography of Municipal Government The Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., announces a publication that will be of interest to many readers of Special Li- braries — “Bibliography of Municipal Govern- ment,” by William Bennett Munro, Ph.D., LL.B., Professor of Municipal Government in Harvard University. (8vo. Law Buck- ram. 472 pp. $2.50 net.) It is a classified list of the best materials available for study in every branch of municipal affairs. Par- ticular attention is given to official reports, and to authoritative articles in scientific periodicals on such matters as water supply, sanitation, public lighting, street railways, and so forth. By far the larger part of the references are to publications which have appeared within the last twelve or fifteen years. Great care has been taken to ar- range the materials so that they may be easily found, and many of the citations have critical notes. An elaborate author-and- subject index is appended. 140 SPECIAL LIBRARIES The volume contains five thousand titles which are carefully classified into chapters, sections, and sub-sections. The field of mu- nicipal government has been viewed in a broad way as including all the activities of the city, whether political, administrative, social, or economic. Nothing has been in- cluded, however, which does not, with the widening social horizon of today, concern the student of municipal affairs as such. The lists are comprehensive but discrimi- nating; they do not aim to include all that has been written on the subject of munici- pal government in this country, but only those things which are of present-day inter- est and of permanent value. In a word the Bibliography is one to which the teacher or student of municipal govern- ment, the city official, and. the general read- er may turn with reasonable assurance of being started on the right road to what he wants. The broad scope of the book may be judged from its table of contents: CONTENTS. Chapter I. General Works. Municipal History. Municipal Statistics. Encyclopedias, Yearbooks, and Works of Reference. Textbooks nd General Discussions. Serial Publications. Chapter II. Political Machinery and Direct Legislation Municipal Suffrage. Municipal Parties and Politics. Municipal Nominations. Elections and Ballot Reform. The Initiative and Referendum. The Recall. Proportional Representation. Chapter III. Municipal Organization. The Law of Municipal Corporations. City and State: Municipal Home Rule. Relations of City and County. City Charters. Municipal Ordinances. City Documents, Manuals and Registers. The Mayor. The City Council. Commission Government. The City Manager Plan. Municipal Civil Service Reform. Municipal Pension Systems. Chapter IV. City Planning and Public Improvements. City Planning and Municipal Art. Land Takings for Public Improvements. Excess Condemnation. Public Works. Street and Sidewalks. Parks. Bridges. Docks and Harbors. Chapter V. Public Utilities. Water Supply. Municipal Lighting. Municipal Transportation. Franchises. Public Service Corporations. Municipal Ownership. Chapter VI. Sanitation and Public Health. Waste Disposal, Sewerage and Sanitation. Public Health and Hygiene. Hospitals. Congestion and Population: its Causes and Remedies. Housing Reform. Street Cleaning, Snow Removal and Dust Prevention. Municipal Cemeteries. Municipal Markets and Abattoirs. Smoke Abatement. Municipal Bakeries. Chapter VII. Public Safety. Police Administration. Municipal and Juvenile Courts Crime and Correction. The Liquor Problem. The Social Evil. Fire Prevention and Fire Protection. Building Laws and Regulations. Chapter VIII. Education and General Betterment. School Administration. Playgrounds and Playground Administra- tion. Municipal Public Library Administration. Poor Relief and Child Welfare. Municipal Baths. The Immigrant and Municipal Problems. Social Engineering and Neighborhood Work. Social Surveys. Free Employment Agencies and Place- ment Bureaus. Municipal Theaters. Censorship of Amusements. Billboard Regulation. Bureaus of Municipal Research. Agencies of Instruction in Municipal Gov- ernment. Chapter IX. Municipal Finance. General Problems of Finance. Assessments. Snecial Assessments. Taxation. Municipal Accounting. Budget-Making and Expenditures. Municipal Debts. Index.