i f A N b - i C 0 ^j. Al-'- Pennsylvania Railroad. FRANK THOMSON, General Manager. L. P. FARMER, General Passenger Agent. i r Q e » AND H ORMATION OF ROUTES Also, additional copies of this book, can be obtained on application to the following TICKET AGENTS OF THE PENNSYLVANIA Boston, • • Brooklyn, • New York, New York, New York, New York, New York, Jersey City, Philadelpkia, Philadelpliia, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Germantown, Lancaster, Harrisburg, Harrisburg, Altoona, • Pittsburg, Pittsbui’g, Baltimore, Baltimore, Baltimore, Washington, Washington, Washington, Eichmond, Eichmond, Nos. 203 and 205 Washington Street,.D. A, BEOOKS, Jewell’s Wharf,.W. H. PAEKEE. No. 1 Astor House,.FEANK H. LEWIN. No. 526 Broadway, • • • . .JAS. HYEE. ' No. 944 Broadway,.A. S. DODD. Foot of Desbrosses Street, .A. POST, Foot of Courtlandt Street,.0. L. GEAHAM. Pennsylvania Eailroad Depot,.WM. PEEL. S. E. comer Broad and Chestnut Streets, .... JNO. F. VANLEEE. No. 838 Chestnut Street,.CHAS. PAEKEE. No. 116 Market Street, .PEANCIS FUNK. Depot, Thirty-second and Market Streets, * . . . S. H. WALLACE. No. 4 Chelten Avenue,.GEO. H. BUKEE. Pennsylvania Eailroad Depot,.W. F. HAMBEIGHT. Pennsylvania Eailroad Depot,.JNO. G. HENDEESON. No. 12 North Third Street,.J. E. DANIEL. Pennsylvania Eailroad Depot,.. . • . H. L. NICHOLSON. Pennsylvania Eailroad Depot,.W. B. STOEEY. No. 78 Fifth Avenue,.THOS. E. WATT. N. E. comer Baltimore and Calvert Streets, . • . W. D. DU BAEEY. Union Depot,.H. J. STEICKLEE. Northern Central Eailroad Depot, Calvert Station, M. W. LEIB. Comer Thirteenth Street and Pennsylvania Ave., JOHN HANCOCK. Baltimore & Potomac Eailroad Depot, .... EOBEET A. PAEKE. Comer Sixth Street and Pennsylvania Ave., . . W. S. MATCHETT No. 826 Main Street,.A. W. GAEBEE. Exchange Hotel,. .A. W. GAEBEE. A REVISED EDITION will be issued early in 1879, in which there will be additional Excursion Routes described. Ask for one before you determine your Summer Trip. .V BAV QUEBEC SHCABROOKC OTTAWA OUTttT HaTUIMX. 0 /' bancelev lake lewPOR' PH£$COT^ '.tarminoton' SauRG • tpBURV SUflLINOTi ALEXAI^RIA BA' '^IRT V'CLAVTON . v^CEN>*^f^ 4?*. "N ' n e r 'N’noVtH CONWAY '0ar1Aa-jt WELLS Rr/ilT .ATEftTO' POHTLAHM .m/TLANO V WHITE RIV JUNC^ ■ SANDY CREEK JC TORONTO IlTON CALOl (SsWEOO ROCHIET^’ TRENTON FALLS CONCORD FALLS ROME BELLOWS SARATOGA SP CS HUDSON RICHFIELD SPR'S - SHARON SC ^SPRSV 9. Crnanoa'* SOUTH VCRNONl PENN ^ortJarui riUiig* . I pirclieuR' ’junction \Cro9lt‘l "^kW ^monosHort.^^ X Ttnlh.:.L'* z| -''^....watVins clenI i^>ss^\ HAVANA) clen ikOCTON W_QR Cf. ^idn*y 'mavville ' J '■V^aKCL mountain ^Xise. loWEOn /Elmira] INfTON 'minnequa 8P S' itl.uff* .EMPORi RALSTON Of^ElNVii^ fOIL CITY ?^TROOT RUN fWILLIAMSPORT OHIFTWGOI TomAict* ,STROUDSBURG ^ A'^AN'JNKA chunk. SUH' LORrr; 'EASTOI ^f>RlNCS '^yftOM Herndon o> 'BENSBU^C^ 'branch -BEACiJ- LONC oea_ pAMESei lO^LINC CAP W.S.SPRS.v ASTER \S- J^'MT DALLAS^ BEDFORD / CETTYSBURC JCf^ARET<^ ^^arneoa; .Juckerton bersl^ 6ALT//1, ATLANTIC CITT SPRI^X'P gTRASauftOj. CAP®’* WASHrNCTJ '^RkncY SPrincs.He;^' ^SPRS aucusta spr -. STQS . WARM SPR S NOT.SPR S ^ HEALING SPR $ COLO SULPHUR SPR S ROCKBRIDGE ♦o-As»ioce ALUJ .V'V ' Spnj^ .^WEET CHALYBEATE SPR S / SWEET SPRINGS /' *LLec. t **'HiTE 8 V)V’ • mountain YELLOW SULPHUR SPR S CHRiSTi ANSBURC'' ALLECNANV-SPR $ ‘COTTSBURC .are sAom-m /Ams. RAILROAD COMPANY, Philadelphia, Pa. g-OMMEjj . .. ***•■•* ,!»•••****** • ^ \ ...’•* . TIXCURSION TICKETS DESCRIBED HEREIN, GOOD FOR THE ROUND TRIP, ARE SOLD FROM JUN"E 1st TO OCTOBER 1st, GOOD TO RETURN UNTIL NOVEMBER 1st, AND HAVE ALL THE PRIVILEGES OF FIRST CLASS TICKETS, EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE NOTED. Children between Five and Twelve Tears of Age, Half Fare; over Twelve, Full Fare. C. S. HALDEMAN, New England Agent, Nos. 203 and 205 WASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON. SAM’L CARPENTER, General Eastern Passenger Agent, No. 526 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. J. N. ABBEY, Passenger Agent Philadelphia District, No. 11 SOUTH BROAD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. J. K. SHOEMAKER, Passenger Agent Middle District, No. 12 NORTH THIRD STREET, HARRISBURG, Pa. THOS. E. WATT, Passenger Agent Western District, No. 78 FIFTH AVENUE, PITTSBURG, Pa. ED. S. YOUNG, Assistant General Ticket Agent B. & P. and N. C. R. W’s, _BALTIMORE, Md. Allen, Lane & Scott, Printers, Philadelphia. •• •• LOCOMOTIVE AND TENDER, PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. BAGGAGE CAR, IT-NNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. U. S. POSTAL CAR, PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. PASSENGER CAR, PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. PARLOR CAR, PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. SLEEPING CAR, PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. 11 c. JD ^r^ROBABLY no fact evidencing American progress is more clearly demonstrated ^ than the prevailing custom among all classes to devote more or less of the ^ A- summer months to journeys in search of health and pleasure, or to obtain the ^ relaxation frorn care and business so much needed by our fast-living and hard¬ working people. Particularly is this custom to be observed in large cities and towns, where a summer jaunt is deemed as essential to the year’s routine as the seasons are to its fruitfulness. This propensity is not limited to a class. The rich and poor alike indulge it—varying their enjoyment only in the places sought or the time consumed. Those who are fortunate enough to possess plenty of both leisure and lucre, crowd European steamers and sea-side cottages; others join the throngs who make our fashionable resorts the gayest in the world ; while others, who prudently consider the cost, both in dollars and days, ‘‘spy out the land,” like Caleb and Joshua, seeking its shady nooks and rocky fastnesses, its health-giving fountains and natural wonders, and return at the end of their rambles laden with the rich spoils of nature in the shape of strengthened bodies and invigorated minds. If the philanthropist will, for a few days of the heated term, station himself at any of the principal steamboat docks or railway depots in the great cities, he will be struck with the eager joy of crowds hurrying out of town for a view of country scenes and a breath of country air. Old and young are alike excited and rejoiced at the pros¬ pect before them. If the same points are observed when these ramblers return, he will see them laden with the spoils gathered where the birds sing and the grasses grow, and notice that the hands of many grasp as treasures leaves and wild flowers which the country denizens would sneer at as weeds. But to the woman or child who is accustomed to gaze only on hot walls and hotter streets, these humble offerings of dell and dingle are reminders of coolness and shade, and are cherished as mementoes of God’s country. Railroads being now the common highways of our land, it is only natural that their managers should seek to accommodate this traveling propensity of the people, and the last eleven years have witnessed a wonderful progress in this direction. Almost every important line in the United States now makes a prominent feature of its “Summer Excursions,” and each vies with its competitors in offering inducements, both in routes and rates, that will attract the tide of travel over its line. All this benefits the public, because the facilities offered widens, by hundreds of miles and at no additional cost, the area open for their summer wanderings. In perfecting these arrangements. The Penn¬ sylvania Railroad Company can justly claim the first position. It has, from year to year, amplified its system of Summer Excursion Routes, until now they extend through all the varied and interesting scenery for which the Middle, Eastern, Northern, and Southern States of the Union are celebrated. The numerous and widely diverging lines of the Company, following the courses of beautiful rivers, penetrating the fastnesses of giant mountains, reaching the restless 111 PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. INTERIOR OF PASSENGER CAR. waves of the mighty ocean, and meandering through romantic vales to breezy heights, afford facilities for pleasure travel unrivaled on the continent, and all these advantages have been so systematized and perfected as to become models for scores of imitators. Not only are the routes offered by the Company extended and varied in their attractions, but the accommodations provided over and along them are as perfect as skill and liberality can produce. The summer tourist can select from the routes it offers a jaunt of a few miles or a journey of thousands. But . whether his vacation be limited to a day or extended to months,—whether he seeks the shade of a suburb or the pleasures of remote resorts,—the same care will attend him and the same comfort surround him. His inquiries will be answered cheerfully and courteously by the agents and employes of the Company, and he will be neither hurried nor delayed while on his journey. He can pause where attractions are concentrated, and study the lessons of his country’s greatness, opened by the hundreds of mining, manufacturing, and agricultural centres scattered along his route; and when the trip is ended, he will find that the cost has been no greater than it would have been had he spent the same time in one locality. The Summer Excursion Route Book of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, for the season of 1878, is confidently commended to the attention of all who purpose ‘‘rambling by rail.” It will be found systematically arranged as usual—the routes presented increased in number and extent, the sketches of resorts complete, and a large map introduced, show¬ ing clearly the location of all places accessible, and the channels by which they are reached. Such a companion for the tourist is of more than ordinary interest, and cannot fail to direct his rambles into paths of pleasantness. IV INTERIOR OF PARLOR CAR INTERIOR OF SLEEPING CAR PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. CONTENTS. Adirondacks... Alexandria Bay, N. Y... Alleghany Springs, Va. Altoona, Pa. Atlantic City, N. J. Auburn, N. Y. Augusta Springs, Va. Bar Harbor, Alt. Desert Island, Ale. Barnegat, N.J. Bath Alum Springs, Va. Beach Haven, N. J. Bedford Springs, Pa. Bedford Alum and Iron Springs, Va. Bellefonte, Pa. Berkley Springs, W. Va. Bethlehem, N. H.. Blue Ridge Springs, Va. Bond’s (Long Beach House), N.J.. Boston, Alass. Buffalo Lithia Springs, Va. Cape Alay, N. J. Capon Springs, W. Va. Carversville, Pa. Christiansburg, Va.. Clayton, N. Y. Clifton Springs, N. Y. Cold Sulphur Springs, Va. Cooperstown, N. Y. Crawford House (White Alountains).. Cresson, Pa. Deal Beach, N. J. Deer Park, Aid. Delaware Water Gap, Pa. Doubling Gap White Sulphur Springs. Dudley, Pa. Duluth, Alinn. Easton, Pa. Ebensburg, Pa. Elmira, N. Y. Fabyan House, N. H. (White Alountains). Forks, Pa.;. Geneva, N. Y. Gettysburg, Pa. Glen House (White Alountains). Hammondsport, N. Y.. Havana Glen, N. Y. Healing Springs, Va. Herndon, Pa.. Hot Springs, Va. . Ithaca, N. Y... Jamestown, N. Y. (Chautauqua Lake). Jordan Alum Springs, Va. Jordan’s White Sulphur Springs, W. Va. Kane, Pa.. Long Branch, N. J.. Loretto Springs, Pa. Lynchburg, Va... Alayville, N. Y. (Chautauqua Lake). Alinnequa Springs, Pa. Montgomery White Sulphur Springs, Va. Montreal, Canada.. Mountain Lake, Va. Mount Holly Springs, Pa. Mount Kineo House, Ale. (Moosehead Lake) Mount Pisgah (Switchback R. R.). Page I 3 3-5 5 5 5 6, 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8, 9 9 9-12 13 13 13 13 13 15 15 15-17 17 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19, 20 20 20 20 21-23 23 24, 25 25 25 25 25 25-27 27 27 27 27 28 28, 29 29 29, 30 30 30 30 30-33 33 33 33-35 36 1 Mauch Chunk, Pa. j Mt. Washington (White Mountains). : Nantucket, Mass. I Narragansett Pier, R. I. I New Paltz (Lake Mohonk), N. Y. i Newport, R. I.. i Newport (Lake Memphremagog), Vt. i Niagara Falls, N. Y. i Norfolk, Va.. 1 North Conway (White Mountains). Oak Bluffs (Alartha’s Vineyard), Mass Ocean Beach, N.J. Ocean Grove, N. J.. Oil City, Pa. 1 Orkney Springs, Va. 1 Ovid Centre, N. Y. Plattsburg, N. Y. Port Kent, N. Y. Portsmouth, Va. Profile House, N. H. Quebec, Canada. Ralston, Pa. Rangeley Lakes, Me. Rawley Springs, Va.; Renovo, Pa... Richfield Springs, N. Y. I Richmond, Va. Robertsdale, Pa..... Rockbridge Alum Springs, Va. Rockbridge Baths, Va. Sackett’s Harbor, N. Y. I Saltillo Mineral Springs, Pa. Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Scranton, Pa. Sea Girt, N. J. Sea Side Park, N. J. ‘ Shamokin, Pa. I Sharon Springs, N. Y. I Shenandoah Alum Springs, Va. I Spring Lake, N. J. j Squan,N. J. 1 Stroudsburg, Pa. 1 Sunbury, Pa... j Sweet Springs, W Va. Sweet Chalybeate Springs, Va. I Taghanic Falls, N Y. I Taughannock, N. Y. ! Tom’s River, N. J. I Trenton Falls, N. Y. I ' Trout Run, Pa... ' Trumansburg, N. Y. Tuckerton, N.J. ! Twin Mountain House. I Waretown, N. J. ^ Warm Springs, Pa..'. Warm Springs, Va. Watkins’ Glen, N. Y. j White Sulphur Springs, W. Va. , Wild-Cat Falls, Pa. Wilkesbarre, Pa. Williamsport, Pa. Yellow Sulphur Springs, Va. ' York Springs, Pa. Page 36 36 36 36 37 37 37 65, 66 66 66 67 67 67 67 67 67 69 69 69 69 69-71 71 71 71 71 73 73 73 73 73 75-77 77-79 79 79 79 79 79 79 80 80 80 80 80, 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 83 83 83 83 83 83 85, 86 87 87 89 89 89 89 For information as to Combination Routes—Grand Trunk R. W.. Central Vermont R. R., Quebec & Gulf Ports Steamship Co., Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R. —see pages 93 to 133. Excursion Extension Tickets, page 129. Speci al No tice. Jg^’^Tickets issued for Hudson River Railroad are good for passage on the boats of People’s Line Steamers to Albany, including state-room berth with each ticket, and are also good for passage on the Day Line Steamers to Albany, or Citizens’ Line Steamers to Troy. JJ^^Tickets via Day Line of Steamers on Hudson River permit the holder to stop off at Catskill or West Point. fi^^Passengers holding through tickets, and passing over Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R., via Manunka Chunk, have the privilege of stopping off at the Delaware Water Gap. jgi^^Passengers holding through tickets, and passing over Northern Central R. R. between Elmira and Canandaigua, have the privilege of stopping off at Watkins’. Passengers holding through tickets via Delaware & Hudson Canal Company, Champlain Division, can use them via rail or lake between Fort Ticonderoga and Plattsburg at their option. j|@“Excursion Tickets from Pittsburg or Altoona, reading via Harrisburg and Sunbury, are good via Tyrone and Lock Haven, if so endorsed by the agents at those stations. Jl^^Transfers between depots not included except where specially noted. VI PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. ADVERTISEMENTS. Bagg’s Hotel, Utica, N. Y. Beach House, Sea Girt, N. J. Bedford Alum and Iron Springs, Va. Bedford Springs, Pa.. Bolton’s Hotel, Harrisburg, Pa. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R. Boston & Maine R. R.. Bryn Mawr Hotel, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Carlton House, Spring Lake, N. J. Central Vermont R. R. Clifton House, Niagara Falls. Colonnade Hotel, Philadelphia, Pa. Congress Hall, Cape May, N. J. Crawford House, Williamsport, Pa. Delaware & Hudson Canal Co.’s Railroads... Eastern R. R. Fall River Line. Girard House, Philadelphia, Pa.. Glen Mountain House, Watkins’ Glen, N. Y Crand Trunk R. W. Page ! 82 78 7 . 6 90 120 70 ix 78 I 121 I 43 ‘ 9 ^ II 89 31 64 66 91 84 92 Page Hudson River.—Citizens’ Line Steamers. 74 Hudson River.—Day Line Steamers. 74 Hudson River.—People’s Line Steamers. 44 Hygeia Hotel. 68 Logan House, Altoona. 2 Monmouth House, Spring Lake, N. J. 78 Mt. Kineo House, Moosehead Lake, Me. 35 Mountain House, Cresson, Pa.. 16 New York & New England R. R. 130 Norwich Line. 130 Renovo Hotel, Renovo, Pa. 72 Rome, Watertown & Ogdensburg R. R. 31 Spring House, Richfield Springs, N. Y. 82 St. Cloud Hotel, Philadelphia, Pa. 91 Stockton House, Cape May, N. J. 11 Thomson House, Kane, Pa. 26 The Thousand Island House, Alexandria Bay, N. Y.100 Utica & Black River R. R. '82 Washington Hotel, Philadelphia, Pa. go CR 9 S 3 -SECTION OF RO.\D-BED, PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. CONNECTING JOINT. Summer Excursion Tickets in Boston. All forms of Excursion Tickets included in this book, when rates are given from New York, are sold at the offices of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, Nos. 203 and 205 Washington Street, Boston. Tourists have choice of routes between Boston and New York. See page 63 for special Niagara Falls routes. Vll PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD SAMPLE TRACK AND TRACK TANK, rn.OCK-SIGNAL STATION. viii BRYN MAWR STATION. NINE MILES WEST OF PHILADELPHIA. BRYN MAWR. This beautiful surburb of Philadelphia is situated in Mont¬ gomery county, Pennsylvania, nine miles from the city. Its location combines many advantages, being in the midst of a fertile and highly improved region, abundantly watered by springs and streams, and noted for the purity and healthfulness of its atmosphere. The improvements made here by the Penn¬ sylvania Railroad Company are of the most complete character —the station buildings being unsurpassed in neatness and com¬ fort, while the general accommodations provided for the travel¬ ing public rival anything of the kind in the world. Among these is a hotel, covering twenty-six thousand square feet of ground, built of stone, four stories high, surmounted by a man¬ sard roof, and having ample capacity for the accommodation of four hundred and fifty guests. This hotel is lighted with gas manufactured on the premises; is copiously supplied with pure water elevated by steam-power to the roof of the building, and stands in the midst of beautifully ornamented grounds em¬ bracing near twenty-six acres. It is open for summer visitors, and presents all the attractions of a popular and fashionable resort, while its contiguity to the city, with which it is con¬ nected by thirty-six trains of cars per day, give it many ad¬ ditional advantages. A beautifully graded avenue extends from Bryn Mawr to Fairmount Park, uniting there with Bel¬ mont avenue,—the principal drive in that great pleasure- ground. j Bryn Mawr is located at an elevation of four hundred and I ten feet above ocean level, and occupies the highest point in ■ the immediate vicinity, commanding an extended and beau¬ tiful view, alternating with fields and forests—the undulating country being carved into varied outlines by the streams flow¬ ing into the Schuylkill, the courses of which can be plainly traced by the wooded growth along their banks. Mill creek, the prin¬ cipal of these, “is a wonderfully wild and picturesque stream. It flows, with a rapid descent, through a region fairly rivaling the Wissahickon in beauty, and a drive from its source to its mouth traverses scenery as rugged, and as little impressed by the improvements of art, as can be found within a circuit of many miles. From eminences along the banks of this creek extended views of the Schuylkill valley can be had, embracing, the entire region from Norristown to Manayunk, with Chestnut Hill in the distance, and some three miles south-west of Bryn Mawr is an elevated point, known as Prospect Hill, from which there is a vista of unsurpassed beauty.” Established on a matured and well-defined basis, with no con¬ tracted views of false economy to hamper its progress, Bryn Mawr grows from year to year in comfort and elegance. Wide avenues, roomy and open ornamental grounds, and spacious lots for building purposes are among its characteristics, while laud¬ able emulation causes the erection of homes of more than ordi¬ nary architectural taste. Careful provision is made against the introduction of anything that can mar the beauty of the place or interfere with its elegant repose, and these guarantees will undoubtedly cause it to expand m a brief time to a suburb of rural homes unrivaled in beauty and attractiveness. BRYN MAWR HOTEL. IX X HORSliSHOE CURVE, FIVE MILES WEST OF ALTOONA. ADIR ONDACKS, N. Y. EXCURSION 806 . Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. New York Central & Hudson River R. R.to Troy. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Au Sable. f Paul Smith’s Stage.,...^.. I Returning by same route. '■ (through rate. From Philadelphia.. ^30 30 ALEXANDRIA BAY, N. Y. This American port on the St. Lawrence is built upon a mas¬ sive pile of rocks, and occupies a romantic and highly pictur¬ esque situation. Some two or three miles below the village is a position from which one hundred islands can be seen at one view. It is in Jefferson county, New York, in immediate contiguity to the “ Thousand Islands,” which stretch themselves along the centre of the St. Lawrence river for a distance of forty miles below the termination of Lake Ontario. The steamboat ride from Cape Vincent to Alexandria Bay affords an excellent view of these islands, which are said to number between seventeen hundred and eighteen hundred. The river is about twelve miles wide, but is so closely studded with islands of all shapes and sizes, ranging from an acre to ten miles in length, that there really seems at times a difficulty in threading a channel through them. The water of the St. Lawrence is here of a bright green color and beautifully clear. The islands are nearly all rocky and thickly wooded, and the water in places so deep that the steam¬ ers could easily run within a few feet of some of the cliffs. Fishing and gunning among the islands are extremely good, and the region is much frequented by sportsmen as well as by tourists. The Rapids of the St. Lawrence are reached a short distance below Alexandria Bay. EXCURSION 114 . (Via Delaware Water Gap and Rom>>, returning via Geneva, Seneca Lake, and Watkins’ Glen.) Pennsylvania R. R.toManunka Chunk Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R...to Utica. New York Central & Hudson River R R...to Rome. Rome, Watertown & Ogdensburg R. R.to Cape Vincent. f Clayton and Steamer “ T. S. Faxton”.toK Alexandria ( Bay. Steamer “ T. S. Faxton”.to Cape Vincent. Rome, Watertown & Ogdensburg R. R.to Syracuse. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Geneva. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Watkins’. Northern Central R. R.to Williamsport. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Sunbury. Northern Central R. R.to Harrisburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia...;^23 75 | Baltimore...$26 50 [ Washington..^28 50 EXCURSION 331 . (Via Cooperstown, Richfleld Springs, and Trenton Falls, returning via Seneca Lake and Watkins’Glen.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Manunka Chunk Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R...to Binghamton. Susquehanna Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Junction. Cooperstown & Susquehanna Valley R. R..to Cooperstown. Steamer on Otsego Lake, and Stage.to | ^gprin^ Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R...to Utica. Utica & Black River R. R.to Clayton. Steamer "J. H Kelly”.to Alexandria Bay. Steamer “J. H. Kelly”.to Clayton. Utica & Black River R. R.to Utica. New York Central & Hudson River R. R,..to Geneva. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Watkins’. Northern Central R. R.to Williamsport. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Sunbury. Northern Central R. R.to Harrisburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia^Jad 00 | Baltimore. $2^ 00 | Washington.;^3i 00 EXCURSION 329 . (Via Hudson River and Rome, returning via Albany and Hudson River Steamers.) Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Steamer on Hudson River.to Albany. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Rome. Rome, Watertown & Ogdensburg R. R.to Cape Vincent. I Clayton and Steamer “T. S. Faxton”.to< Alexandria I Bay. Steamer “ T. S. Faxton”.to Cape Vincent. Rome, Watertown & Ogdensburg R. R.to Rome. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Albany. Steamer on Hudson River.to New York. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia$i9 15 | Baltimore.15524 15 | Washington ^26 15 EXCURSION 330 . (Via Hudson River and Utica, returning via Albany and Hudson River Steamers.) Pennsylvania R. R..to New York. Steamer on Hudson River.to Albany. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Utica. Utica & Black River R. R..to Clayton. Steamer “J. H. Kelly”.to Alexandria Bay. Steamer “J. H. Kelly”.to Clayton. Utica & Black River R. R.to Utica. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Albany. Steamer on Hudson River.to New York. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia.^ tg 15 | Baltimore.$24 15 | Washington.$26 15 j ALLEG HANY SPRI NGS, VA. EXCURSION US. (Via Bay Line Steamers.) 1 Pennsylvania R. R.to Philadelphia. Philadelphia,Wilmington & Baltimore R. R..to Baltimore. Bay Line Steamers.to Norfolk. Atlantic, Mississippi & Ohio R. R.to Alleghany. Returning by same route. 0 ;; 7 *Ffom Alleghany, stages run to the Springs, 3 miles distant. THROUGH RATES. New York.^29 00 | Brooklyn.$29 20 EXCURSION 401 OR EXCURSION 43 S. (Via Washington and Lynchburg.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore R.R.to Baltimore. Balt. & Pot. R. R. or Balt. & Ohio R. R....to Washington, Wash. City,Va.Midland & Gt. South’n R.R.to Lynchburg. Atlantic, Mississippi & Ohio R. R.to Alleghany. Returning by same route. CC 7 *From Alleghany, stages run to the Springs, 3 miles distant. New York THROUGH RATES. ■••#27 75 I Brooklyn $27 95 ALTOONA, PA., Is a borough in Blair county, Pennsylvania, containing, in 1780, apopulation of over ten thousand inhabitants. It is situated at the head of Logan valley, immediately at the base of the main Allegheny mountains, and is the location of the principal construction and repair shops of the Pennsylvania Railroad ATLANTIC CITY—AUBURN LOGAN HOUSE, ALTOONA, PA. Company. This Company has, in fact, created the town ; and j the business it concentrates here not only sustains it, but stimu- , lates it into prosperity and rapid growth. The shops of the ‘ Company are among the most extensive and complete on the continent, and in themselves are objects of more than ordinary interest, illustrating, as they do, the perfection of American railroad management. Southward from Altoona runs a system of branch railroads, ! penetrating the extensive iron deposits and rich agricultural valleys existing in Blair county. The manufacture of iron is extensively carried on all through this region, some of the establishments being large and complete. The limestone valleys are highly improved and among the most productive in Penn¬ sylvania. Wedged in between the eastern spurs of the Alle- ^ ghenies, they are surrounded by picturesque scenery, and enjoy an atmosphere of more than ordinary purity. The streams flowing through them are fed by mountain springs and ^ are deliciously cool and clear, affording favorite homes for trout, and the angler finds the locality a paradise. Many of the springs which burst out of the rock-strata of the mountains are wonderful in their magnitude—some of them pouring forth a sufficient volume of water to run mills of various kinds. The region, being the extreme frontier during late coloni.al times and while the Revolutionary war was in progress, is full of historical reminiscences, and localities can be found where terrible Indian massacres occurred and deeds of heroism were ! performed by the pioneer settlers. A short distance from Altoona, on the Pennsylvania Rail- ' road, is the Horseshoe Curve, where the road bends across a deep ravine, and doubles upon itself, so that a train runs di¬ rectly west and directly east in the short distance of a mile, while passing up the ascent. From this and other points on the road, before the summit is reached, grand vistas of the country below can be had. About eight miles from the town is a moun¬ tain spur called “ the Wopsononoc,” accessible by wheeled vehicles, from which probably the wildest perspective view in Pennsylvania is obtained, embracing the valley of the Juniata as far as the eye can reach. EXCURSION 2. ! Pennsylvania R. R.to Altoona. Returning by same route. Brooklyn.J14 70 New York.... 14 50 Philadelphia. 11 85 THROUGH RATES. Baltimore.$8 80 Washington....10 80 Richmond.17 8o Lancaster.;f8 40 Harrisburg. 6 60 Pittsburg. 5 85 ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., Among the most popular sea-side resorts on the Atlantic coast, is situated in Atlantic county. New Jersey, sixt}’ miles south¬ east of Philadelphia, at the terminus of the Camden and At¬ lantic Railroad. It was opened for \isitors on the ist of July, 1854, and since then has improved rapidly,—the town, in 1870, containing a permanent population ot T043, ^^d the number of visitors each season amounting to many thousands. The ad¬ jacent coast is broken by numerous indentations and inlets, affording excellent facilities for boating, fishing, and gunning. Its proximity to Philadelphia, and the facilities furnished by the railroad company, render it extremely popular for excur¬ sions of societies and organizations, and not a day passes during the “season” without one or more of these, numbering hun¬ dreds and sometimes thousands of persons, visiting it for a “ ride to the sea and a dip in the waves.” This great tide of constantly-shifting life gives animation to the place, and the beach, which is well adapted for bathing, presents a lively and exciting picture. The hotel accommodations are very exten¬ sive. EXCURSION 21. Pennsylvania R. R.to Philadelphia. Camden & Atlantic R. R.to Atlantic City. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Brooklyn. $6 50 New York. 6 30 Lancaster. 5 05 ^Baltimore.$8 00 *Washington...io 00 *Richmond.17 00 Harrisburg....$6 20 Altoona.13 30 Pittsburg.17 95 *Transfer through Philadelphia, in each_ direction, included. AUBURN, N. Y. EXCURSION 70 s. Pennsylvania R. R.to Manunka Chunk Delaware, Lackawana & Western R. R.to Syracuse. New York Central & Hudson River R. R....to Auburn. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATE. From Philadelphia.^12 00 EXCURSION 706. Pennsylvania R. R. to ManunkaChunk Delaware, Lackawana & Western R. R.to Binghamton. Erie R. R.to Owego. Southern Central R. R.to Auburn. Returning by same route. 'through rate. From Philadelphia.$12 00 EXCURSION 707. Pennsylvania R. R.to ManunkaChunk Delaware, Lackawana & Western R. R. to Syracuse. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Auburn. Southern Central R. R.to Owego. Erie R. R.to Binghamton. Delaware, Lackawana & Western R R.to ManunkaChunk Pennsylvania R. R.to Philadelphia. 2 AUGUSTA (OR STRIBLING) SPRINGS—BAR HARBOR, MT. DESERT ISLAND. From Philadelphia. THROUGH RATE. •$13 35 AUGUSTA (OR STRIBLING) SPRINGS, VA. EXCURSION 327—G 1 OR EXC. 328—G 1. (TIa Washington and GordonsTille.) Pennsylvania R. R....to Philadelphia. Philadelphia,Wilmington & Baltimore R.R.to Baltimore. Balt. & Pot. R. R. or Balt. & Ohio R. R...to Washington. Wash.City.Va. Midland & Gt. South’n R.R.to Gordonsville. Chesapeake & Ohio R. R.to Staunton. (Augusta (or Stage (12 miles).to -i Stribling) Springs. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. New York. .J24 50 I Brooklyn.$24 70 EXCURSION 323—S 1 OR EXC. 324—S 1. (Via Washington and Staunton.) Pennsylvania R. R...to Philadelphia. Philadelphia,Wilmington & Baltimore R R.to Baltimore. Balt. & Pot. R. R. or Balt. & Ohio R. R...to Washington. Baltimore & Ohio R. R.to Staunton. Stage (12 miles).to Augusta Springs Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. New York.$24 50 | Brooklyn....$24 70 EXCURSION 326—G 1. (Via Harrisburg, Washington, and Gordonsville.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Baltimore. Baltimore & Potomac R. R.to Washington. Wash.City,Va. Midland&Gt. South’n R.R.to Gordonsville. Chesapeake & Ohio R. R.to Staunton. { Augusta (or Stribling) Springs. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Lancaster. $20 50 Harrisburg. 19 oo Altoona.$24 25 Pittsburg. 29 00 EXCURSION 325-S 1. (Via Harrisburg, Washington, and Staunton.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Baltimore. Baltimore & Potomac R. R.to Washington. Baltimore & Ohio R. R.to Staunton. Stage (12 miles).to Augusta Springs Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Lancaster. $20 50 Harrisburg. 19 00 Altoona.$24 25 Pittsburg. 29 00 BAR HARBOR, MT. DESERT ISLAND, MAINE. EXC. 694 OR 778, WITH EXC. 412, 413, OR 653. iVia rail to Portland, thenee by steamer, returning by Sound Lines.) Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Rail Lines.to Boston. Boston & Maine or Eastern R. R.to Portland. Portland, Bangor &Machias Steamboat Line to Bar Harbor. Portland, Bangor & Machias Steamboat Line to Portland. Boston & Maine or Eastern R. R.to Boston. Sound Lines.to New York. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia.$23 75 | Baltimore.$28 75 1 Washington..;^3o 75 (HT Transfer through New York, going, included. EXC. 694 OR 778, WITH EXC. 407, 408, OR 654. (Via Sound Lines and steamer from Portland, returning by rail from Boston.) Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Sound Lines.to Boston. Boston & Maine or Eastern R. R.to Portland. Portland, Bangor & Machias Steamboat Line to Bar Harbor. Portland, Bangor & Machias Steamboat Line to Portland. Boston & Maine or Eastern R. R.to Boston. Rail Lines.to New York. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES Philadelphia.j23 75 | Baltimore.$28 75 | Washington..$3o 75 (Cf* Transfer through New York, returning, included. EXC. 694 OR 778,WITH EXC. 409, 410, 411, OR 704. (Via Sound Lines and steamer in both directions.) Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Sound Lines.to Boston. Boston & Maine or Eastern R. R.to Portland. Portland, Bangor & Machias Steamboat Line to Bar Harbor. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia.^19 00 | Baltimore.$24 00 | Washington..$26 00 EXCURSION 725 . (Via rail to Portland, thence by steamer, returning same route.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Jersey City. Steamer “Maryland”.to Harlem River. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R...to New Haven. Boston & New York Air-Line.to Willimantic. New York & New England R. R.to Putnam. N. Y. & New England R. R. (N. & W. Div.)to Worcester. Worcester & Nashua R. R.to Rochester. Portland & Rochester R R.to Portland. Portland, Bangor & Machias Steamboat Line to Bar Harbor. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia.525 50 | Baltimore.)$3 d 50 | Washington.$32 50 EXCURSION 807 . Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R..,.to Springfield. Boston & Albany R. R.to Worcester. Worcester & Nashua R. R.to Rochester. Portland & Rochester R. R.to Portland. Portlaad,Bangor& Machias Steamboat Line..to Bar Harbor. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia..;^25 50 | Baltimore.^30 50 | Washington..^32 50 EXCURSION 726 . (Via Sound Line and steamer in both directions.) Pennsylvania R R.to New York. Norwich & New York Transportation Co...to New London. N. Y. & New England R. R. (N. & W. Div.)to Worcester. Worcester & Nashua R. R.to Rochester. Portland & Rochester R. R.to Portland. Portland, Bangor & Machias Steamboat Line to Bar Harbor. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia.$[9 oo | Baltimore.1^24 00 | Washington..$26 00 EXC. 695 OR 779 , WITH EXC. 412 , 413 , OR 653 . (Via raii to Rockiand, returning by Sonnd Lines.) Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Rail Lines.to Boston. Boston & Maine or Eastern R. R.to Portland. Maine Central R. R .to Bath. Knox & Lincoln R. R.to Rockland. Rockland, Mt. Desert & Sullivan S. B. Co...to Bar Harbor. Rockland, Mt. Desert & Sullivan S. B. Co..to Rockland. Knox & Lincoln R. R.to Bath. Maine Central R. R.to Portland. Boston & Maine or Eastern R. R.to Boston. Sound Lines.to New York. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia.$23 75 | Baltimore.^28 75 | Washington..$30 75 CT* Transfer through New York, going, included. EXC. 695 OR 779 , WITH EXC. 407 , 408 , OR 654 . (Via Sound Lines and Rockiand, returning by rall.i Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Sound Lines.to Boston. Boston & Maine or Eastern R. R.to Portland. Maine Central R. R.to Bath. Knox & Lincoln R. R.to Rockland. Rockland, Mt. Desert & Sullivan S. B. Co.to Bar Harbor. Rockland, Mt. Desert & Sullivan S. B. Co.to Rockland. Knox & Lincoln R. R.to Bath. Maine Central R. R.to Portland. Boston & Maine or Eastern R. R.to Boston. Rail Lines.to New York. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia.$23 75 | Baltimore. $2Z 75 | Washington..$30 75 OT’ Transfer through New York, returning, included, EXC. 695 OR 779 , WITH EXC. 409 , 410 , 411 , OR 704 . (Via Sound Lines and Rockland in both directions.) Pennsylvania R. R.to New York, Sound Lines.to Boston. Boston & Maine or Eastern R. R.to Portland. Maine Central R. R.to Bath. Knox & Lincoln R. R.to Rockland. Rockland, Mt. Desert & Sullivan S. B Co.to Bar Harbor. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia.$19 00 | Baltimore.$24 00 | Washington..$26 00 3 PENNYPACK CREEK, BARNEGAT—BATH ALUM SPRINGS—BEACH HAVEN, EXCURSION 724. (Via rail and Rockland In both directions.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Jersey City. Steamer “Maryland".to Harlem River. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R...to New Haven. Boston & New York Air-Line.to Willimantic. New York & New England R. R.to Putman. N. Y. &New England R R. (N. & W. Div.)to Worcester. Worcester & Nashua R. R. .to Rochester. Portland & Rochester R. R...to Portland. Maine Central R. R.„...to Bath. Knox & Lincoln R. R.to Rockland. Rockland, Mt. Desert & Sullivan S. B. Co to Bar Harbor. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia.$25 50 | Baltimore.^30 50 | Washington..^32 50 EXCURSION 723. (Via Sound Lines and Rockland in both directions.) Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Norwich & New York Transportation Co....to New London. N. Y. & New England R. R. (N. & W. Div.)to Worcester. Worcester & Nashua R. R.to Rochester. Portland & Rochester R. R.to Portland. Maine Central R. R.to Bath. Knox & Lincoln R. R..to Rockland. Rockland, Mt. Desert & Sullivan S. B. Co.to Bar Harbor. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia.^19 00 | Baltimore.J24 00 | Washington..^26 00 EXC. 780, WITH EXC. 412, 413, OR 633. (Via rail to Pot timid, thence by steamer, returning by Sound Lines.) Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Rail Lines.to Boston. Sanford Steamship Company.to Rockland. Portland, Bangor & Machias Steamboat Lineto Bar Harbor. Portland, Bangor & Machias Steamboat Lineto Rockland. Sanford Steamship Company.to Boston. Sound Lines.to New York. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia$2i 75 | Baltimore.^^26 75 | Washington..;^28 75 (XTTransfer through New York, going, included. EXC. 780, WITH EXC. 407, 408, OR 634. (Via Sound Lines and Steamer from Portland, returning by rail from Boston.) Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Sound Lines.to Boston. Sanford Steamship Company.to Rockland. Portland, Bangor & Machias Steamboat Lineto Bar Harbor. Portland, Bangor & Machias Steamboat Lineto Rockland. Sanford Steamship Company.to Boston. Rail Lines. to New York. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphiafai 75 | Baltimore.$26 75 | Washington..$28 75 0 ;;TTransfer through New York, returning, included. EXC. 780, WITH EXC. 409, 410, 411, OR 704. (Via Sound Lines and Steamer in both directions.) Pennsylvania R, R. to New York. Sound Lines.to Boston. Sanford Steamship Company.to Rockland. Portland, Bangor & Machias Steamboat Lineto Bar Harbor. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Philade]phia$i7 00 ] Baltimore.$22 00 | Washington..1J24 00 BARNEGAT, N. J. Trolling for Blue-fish at Barnegat Inlet has become too famous to need description. Their first arrival, usually the last of May, is announced through the Associated Press dis¬ patches, and is the signal for hundreds of sportsmen and business men to start for the scene of action. The water is often literally alive with them. EXCURSION 643 . Pennsylvania R. R.to Pembert'n June. New Jersey Southern R. R.to Whiting's. Tuckerton R. R.to Barnegat. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia.^3 00 [ Harrisburg.^7 70 BATH ALU M SPRIN GS, VA. EXCURSION 327—a 6 OR EXC. 328—0 6 . (Via Washington and Gordonsville.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore R. R.to Baltimore. Balt. & Pot. R. R. or Balt. & Ohio R. R...to Washington. Wash. City, Va. Midland &Gt. South’n R.R.to Gordonsville. Chesapeake & Ohio R. R.to Millboro. Stage (jo miles)...to Bath Alum Spgs» Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. New York.^29 50 | Brooklyn.$29 70- EXCURSION 323-S 6 OR EXC. 324—S 6 . (Via Washington and Staunton.) Pennsylvania R. R. .to Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore R. R.to Baltimore. Balt. & Pot. R. R. or Balt. & Ohio R. R....to Washington. Baltimore & Ohio R. R.to Staunton. Chesapeake & Ohio R. R.to Millboro. Stage (10 miles).to Bath Alum Spgs.. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. New York.^29 50 | Brooklyn.^29 70- EXCURSION 326—G 6 . (Via Harrisburg, Washington, and Gordonsville.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R, R.to Baltimore. Baltimore & Potomac R. R.to Washington. Wash. City,Va. Midland & Gt. South’n R. R.to Gordonsville. Chesapeake & Ohio R. R.to Millboro. Sta. e (10 miles).to Bath AlumSpgs., Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Lancaster.1^25 50 Altoona.. Harrisburg. 24 00 Pittsburg. ^29 25 . 34 00. EXCURSION 325—S 6 . (Via Harrisburg, Washington, and Staunton.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Baltimore. Baltimore & Potomac R. R...to Washington. Baltimore & Ohio R. R.. .to Staunton. Chesapeake & Ohio R. R.to Millboro. Stage (10 miles).to BathAlum Spgs_ Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Lancaster...1^25 50 Harrisburg. 24 00 Altoona.$29 25 Pittsburg. 34 00 BEACH HAVEN, N. J., Is a new summer resort on the Atlantic coast, in Burlington county. New Jersey, six miles from Tuckerton. It is located on Long Beach,— a smooth, sandy promontory, having the ocean on one side and Little Egg Harbor Inlet, extending for twenty miles, on the other, giving it unsurpassed facilities for boating, bathing, sailing, fishing, and gunning. The inlet is a splendid sheet of water, full of ocean life, and offering extraor¬ dinary attractions to all who love the salt water. The sail over its smooth surface—to troll for blue-fish—to seek out its reedy fastnesses—to bathe on its sandy shores—are summer pleasures that, once enjoyed, cannot soon be forgotten. These advan¬ tages, which Beach Haven enjoys in a marked degree, are making it popular with a large and increasing number of visit¬ ors annually, and its seclusion renders it a very desirable re¬ treat for families. The few years of its existence as a sea-side resort have secured for it a popularity that must soon elevate it to a rivalry of the old and famous resorts that dot the coast of New Jersey. EXCURSION 322. Pennsylvania R. R. New Jersey Southern R. R Tuckerton R. R. - Steamer. to Pembert’n June, to Whiting’s June, to Tuckerton. to Beach Haven. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia.$4 00 Lancaster. 7 55 Harrisburg. 8 70 Altoona.$14 30 Pittsburg. 19 CO j CU^These tickets will be placed on sale about June 20th. ! EXCURSION 61. Pennsylvania R. R.to New Lisbon. New Jersey Southern R. R.to Whiting’s June. Tuckerton R. R.to Tuckerton. Steamer.to Beach Haven. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. ' New York.$5 00 1 Brooklyn.55 20. (t 7 *These tickets will be placed on sale about June 20th. 5 BEDFORD SPRINGS. BEDFORD SPRINGS. BEDFORD SPRINGS, PA. No place of summer resort in America enjoys a higher repu- ^ tation for health-restoring properties than these springs, which ' are situated in Bedford county, Pennsjdvania, one mile south ! of the town of Bedford. Their waters are classified as purga¬ tive-chalybeate, and in their properties resemble the springs of : Franzensbad, in Bohemia, and several other celebrated spas j of Europe, where the mineral mud-bath is used with great ' advantage in cases of paralysis, rheumatism, and gout. Pro- ' fessor Walton, in his able work on “ The Mineral Springs of the United States and Canada,” published in 1873, classifies but seven springs under the head of “ Purgative Waters.” Of these, three are in Kentucky, one in Oregon, one in Michigan, one in Vermont, and only the Bedford Springs in the Middle States. The waters are recommended for a wide range of diseases, including those of the liver, the kidneys, and the skin, and for some of these ailments are pronounced absolute specifics. A distinguished physician, writing to the “ Medical ^ Examiner,” says :—“ I have, myself, twice gone to Bedford so prostrated as scarcely to endure the fatigue of the journey, and wholly disqualified for all exertion, and have in both instances returned, at the end of a fortnight or three weeks, restored to my wonted power of labor, and have witnessed similar results in the cases of friends and patients.” A vast amount of testi¬ mony of a similar character might be given from men dis¬ tinguished in all the walks of life, but space will not permit. The springs were discovered in 1804, and the following year were frequented by persons afflicted with diseases, who en¬ camped in the valley to be near the newly-discovered fountain of health. Not long afterwards accommodations were provi¬ ded for visitors, and for three-score years they have regularly drawn a large number of health and pleasure seekers. The natural beauty of the valley where the springs burst forth is great, and it seems to have been formed by nature as a retreat for wearied and suffering humanity. High hills surround it, ascended by terraced walks, and from their summits pleasing vistas open. From the elevated position of these springs among the ranges of the Allegheny mountains, and the dense forest 6 BEDFORD SPRINGS—BEDFORD ALUM AND IRON SPRINGS-BELLEFONTE—BERKLEY SPRINGS. Greatest Health-giving W'aters Known! SULPHURINE-ALUMINOUS-MAGNESIAN-CHALYBEATE. DESCRIPTION OF AND THEIR ADVANTAGES AS A SUMMER RESORT. ^-<^r|fHESE celebrated Springs are charmingly located in “noble old Bedford," one of Virginia’s most beautiful, grand, worthy, and honored sections, in the midst of a region famed for health, fine scenery, and good society, within four miles of Forest Depot, on the Virginia & Tennessee Division of the Atlantic, Mississippi & Oh'o Railroad, the same distance from Lawyer’s Statton, on the Washington City, Virginia Midland & Great Southern Railroad, twelve miles south west of Lynchburg, and near the village of New London. In this central portion of Midland Virginia—where mountain and plain meet and mingle, making a land more beautiful than either; where the grandeur of the one and the loveliness of the other live in the same landscape ; where sea-side currents and mountain breezes perpetually fan the atmosphere into the most refreshing purity; where country comfort and quiet combine with city convenience; within four hours of the Peaks of Otter, and a day’s journey of the Natural Bridge; where dampness and chill are alike unusual; on a spot classic with the great memories of the past— the “Bedford Alum” lifts up its elegant, homelike hospitality, and its health-giving waters gush forth in crystal topaz from Nature’s wondrous laboratory. These Springs, this year (1878), will be opened for visitors June 1st. 1 hey are first-class and homelike, the buildings all new or thoroughly refitted and furnished with all that is necessary for comfort. The fare is all that could he desired. 'N/rQ • BOARD—$S5 per Month; l?10 per Week; $1.50 per Day. Children under Twelve Years of Ajje and T Hj Xv, IVJ o . Servants, llalf Price. Laundry connected with establishment at fair rates. ,Comfortable conveyances will meet the trains at Lynchburg, Va., during Summer season, to convey visitors to the Springs, two hours’ drive, over a pleasant road. All the amusements usual at first-class Springs will be found at these, including Dancing, Ten-Pins, Croquet, Billiards, Shooting Gallery, Gymnasium, Delightful Walks and Drives. Splendid Baths are also provided. Mosquitoes and gnats are unknown here. Mails daily. Churches near. The Company’s beautiful farm of one hundred and twenty acres surrounds the Springs, and many of the supplies for the visitors and invalids are obtained fresh and pure from it. For further particulars, address the Company at IjifncJihiirg, Va., 78 3 Iaiti Street, Jiox 196 , or at Sedford Springs, Va. - DAVIES, President. THIS WATER AND MASS ARE FAMED FOR THE CURE OF DYSPEPSIA, NEURALGIA, DISEASES PECULIAR TO WOMEN. SCROFULOUS AND CUTANEOUS AFFECTIONS, NERVOUSNESS, CHILLS, DEBILITY, &c. MASS) 50 Cents and $1 Package, Sent Postpaid. WATER, $4— Case of One Dozen Half-Gallon Bottles. growth surrounding them, the atmosphere is always deliciously cool; and doubtless much of the benefit derived by visitors is owing to the fact that no suffering is experienced from mid¬ summer sun, and that refreshing sleep can always be enjoyed. Bedford is an old town and has an interesting history. It was the site of an important fort in colonial times, and some of the most illustrious names in American annals are associated with events occurring here towards the close of the eighteenth and in the early years of the nineteenth centuries. The adjacent country is picturesque—fertile valleys and rugged mountains, holding rich deposits of iron-ore, abounding in all directions. springs exist in the neighborhood, said to posse.ss remedial properties of a high order. The great attractions of the place, however, are its picturesque locality and its health-giving atmosphere. EXCURSION IS. Pennsylvania R. R.to Bellefonte. Returning by same route. BEDFORD SPRINGS, PA. EXCURSION 5. Pennsylvania R. R.to Huntingdon. Huntingdon & Broad Top R. R.to Mount Dallas. Pennsylvania R. R.to Bedford. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Harrisburg....^6 25 Baltimore . 9 80 Washington... q 80 Richmond.16 80 Brooklyn.J13 55 New York... 13 35 Philadelphia ii 25 THROUGH RATES. Harrisburg. $7 55 Baltimore. 9 25 Washington... ii 25 Lancaster.$9 40 Altoona .. 2 40 Pittsburg. 8 20 EXCURSION 319. Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to bunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Lock Haven. Pennsylvania R. R.to Bellefonte. Returning by same route. Brooklyn.^14 30 New York 14 10 Philadelphia... 10 50 Lincaster. $-j 75 Altoona. 4 35 Pittsburg. 8 15 Brooklyn.^13 55 New York. 13 35 THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia^!! 25 Lancaster.... 9 40 Harrisburg... 7 55 Baltimore.$9 25 Washington..11 25 BEDFORD ALUM AND IRON SPRINGS, VA. EXCURSION L—2. Stage.Lynchburg to Bedford Alum and Iron Springs. Stage.Bedford Alum and Iron Springs to Lynchburg. lo be sold in connection with any route passing through Lynchburg, at a rate of. .J2 00 EXCURSION 320. Penn.sylvania R. R.to Bellefonte. Pennsylvania R. R.to Lock Haven. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Sunbury. Northern Central R. R.to Harrisburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. Brooklyn. New York... $13 55 • 13 35 THROUGH RATES. Pl.iladelphiajii •»5 Lancaster....- 9 40 Hariisburg... 7 55 Baltimore. $g 25 Washington...II 25 BELLEFONTE, PA., Seat of justice of Centre county, Pennsylvania, is on the Bald Eagle Valley Railroad, which connects with the Pennsylvania Railroad at Tyrone, and with the Philadelphia and Erie Kail- road at Lock Haven. Bellefonte is situated in the vicinity of some splendid mountain scenery, surrounding it with the poetry of nature, and the country immediately adjacent is very beautiful and highly improved. The town takes its name from a magnificent spring which supplies it with water. Mineral EXCURSION 321. Pennsylvania R. R...to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & ErieR. R.to I..ock Haven. Pennsylvania R. R.to Bellefonte. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. Brooklyn.J13 55 New York. 13 35 THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia^!I 25 Lancaster.... 9 40 Harrisburg... 7 55 Baltimore.jSg 25 Washington..II 25 7 BETHLEHEM-BLUE R[DGE SPRINGS-BOND'S (LONG BEACH HOUSE,-BOSTON BEL.LEFONTE. BERKLEY SPRINGS, W. VA. EXCURSION 54. Pennsylvania R. R.;••••• to Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore R.R.to Baltimore. Baltimore & Ohio R. R.to Sir John s Run. Stage (5 miles).to Berkley Springs. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. New York.?i6 50 1 Brooklyn.^16 70 EXCURSION 118. Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Baltimore. Baltimore & Ohio R. R.to Sir John s Run. Stage (5 miles).to Berkley Springs. Returning by same route. Lancaster... Harrisburg. THROUGH R.\TES. .JI2 50 I Altoona.$16 25 .. II CO 1 Pittsburg. 21 co BETHLEHEM, N. H. EXCURSION 745. Pennsylvania R. R.•••"•-•'r m' New York New Haven & Hartford R. R..to Springfield. Connecticut River R. R.to South Vernon. Central Vermont R. R.to Brattleboro Vermont Valley R. R.. Central Vermont R. R.to WhiteRiv. June. Passumpsic R. R.....to Wells River. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Bethlehem. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Harrisburg...1^26 70 Baltimore.27 50 Washington...29 50 Oj’Transfer through New York in each direction included. Philadelphia$22 50 Lancaster.25 25 Altoona.$31 60 Pittsburg.36 25 EXCURSION 795. Pennsylvania R. R.•••••••to New York. Norwich & New York Transportation Co...to New London. N.York& N. England R.R. (N. & W. Div.).to Worcester. Worcester & Nashua R. R.to Nashua. Concord R. R.to Concord. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Bethlehem. Returning by same route. Philadelphia^ig 00 Lancaster.... 21 75 THROUGH RATES. Harrisburg.$23 20 Baltimore. 24 00 Washington... 26 00 BLUE RID GE SPRI NGS, VA. EXCURSION 685. tVla Bay Line Steamers.) , , , - Pennsylvania R. R .V.' Philadelphia. Philadelphia,Wilmington & Baltimore R. R.to Baltimore. Bay Line Steamers.to Norfolk. . o -r. . f Blue Ridge Atlantic, Mississippi & Ohio R. R.to | Springs. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. New York.5° 1 Brooklyn.$27 70 EXCURSION 086 OR EXCURSION 688. (Via Washington and Lynchburg., Pennsylvania R. R . to Philadelphia, Philadelphia,Wilmington & Baltimore R. R to Baltimore. Balt & Pot R R. or Balt. & Ohio R. R....to Washington. Wash City,Va.Midland &Gt. South’n R.R.to Lynchburg. „ . ( Blue Ridge Atlantic, Mississippi & Ohio R. K .to Springs. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. New York.^25 75 | Brooklyn.^25 ^5 Tuckerton R. R Steamer Altoona.$28 10 Pittsburg .... 32 75 BOND’S (LO NG BEAC H HOUSE). EXCURSION 404. Pennsylvania R. R.to Pembert'n June. New Jersey Southern R. R.to Whiting s. R R .to luckerton. .to Bond’s. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATE. From Philadelphia..... #4 25 0 ;^These tickets will be placed on sale about June 20th. BOSTON, MASS. EXCURSION 3337—R. Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. ^ J Newport or Old Colony Steamboat Co.to | River. Old Colony R. ..to Boston. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATE. From Philadelphia.... (XlT'These tickets are limited in their use to thirty days after date of EXCURSION 3341-R. Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Providence Line.to Boston. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATE. From Philadelphia...:.. (jy These tickets are limited in their use to thirty days afterdate oa issue. 8 BUFFALO LITHIA SPRINGS-CAPE MAY, EXCURSION 3339—R. Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Stonington Line Steamers.to Stonington. New York, Providence & Boston R. R.to Providence. Boston & Providence R. R.to Boston. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATE. From Philadelphia. ;^to oo dj^These tickets are limited in their use to thirty days after date of issue. EXCURSION 3338—R Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Norwich & New York Transportation Co....to New London. New York & New England R. R. (N. & W. Div.).to Putman. New York & New England R. R.to Boston. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATE. From Philadelphia. ^lo oo Oy These tickets are limited in their use to thirty days after date of issue. BUFFALO LITHIA SPRINGS, VA. EXCURSION 748. Pennsylvania R. R.to Philadelphia,Wilmington & Baltimore R. R..to Baltimore & Potomac R. R.to Alexandria & Fredericksburg R. R.to Richmond, Fredericksburg & Potomac R. R.to Richmond & Danville R. R.to Stage... Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. New York.^29 50 | Brooklyn. (tT'Transfer through Richmond included. .to Philadelphia. Baltimore. Washington. Quantico. Richmond. Scottsburg. f Buffalo \ Lithia Springs. .$2g 70 CA PE MAY, N . J. This very popular sea-side resort is on the extreme southern point of New Jersey, having on its eastern side the Atlantic ocean and on its western Delaware bay. It is eighty-one miles by railroad from Philadelphia, and has long been the favorite resort of its citizens, although its reputation is national, and thousands of visitors are annually congregated in its hotels and cottages from all portions of the United States. The beach is over five miles long, exceedingly firm and solid, and offers every facility for the enjoyment of sea-bathing. The principal hotels are in full view of, and quite near to, the sea, affording the amplest opportunity for inhaling the salt air, as well as enjoying an uninterrupted view of the ocean, “forever changing, yet always the same.” More than half a century ago Cape May was visited by per¬ sons seeking health and recreation, but it was not until the introduction of steam-navigation that it began to develop into its present proportions and popularity. Watson, in his “Annals,” says that when he visited it in 1822, it was “a village of about twenty houses, and the streets were very clean and grassy.” Within the last quarter of a century its growth has been remarkably rapid, and the town now contains a per¬ manent population of 1248. Its hotels are numerous, immense in size, and complete in their appointments, and some of its private cottages rival the finest city residences in elegance. ■; The town is supplied with gas and water, and some of the streets, during the season, present striking pictures of business animation. The West Jersey Railroad Company have, by their excellent and liberal management, contributed very materially to the prosperity of the place. They run the finest cars for the accommodation of passengers that reach any resort on the Atlantic, and their express trains occupy but two hours and a half between Philadelphia and Cape May. A large and com¬ plete Excursion House is owned by the company, in which every convenience is provided for transient visitors ; and a new depot has just been completed, which is a model of beauty and convenience. These facilities, added to the very superior bathing afforded by the beach, cause the place to grow in popu¬ larity from season to season. It can be safely said that no sea¬ side resort in America surpasses Cape May in attractiveness, in excellence of location, and in facility of access, and but very few can claim to be its rivals in these respects. Within the last two years a mineral spring has been dis¬ covered here, which proves, on analysis, to contain valuable medicinal properties, and is pronounced by medical experts to be of great value. Facilities are now arranged by which these waters can be utilized for bathing purposes, and warm sea baths are also provided. Another improvement, which will add materially to the enjoyment of visitors, is the construction of a magnificent drive, fifty feet wide, along the whole sea front, flanked on the ocean side by a board walk ten feet wide. These are constructed in the best manner, the drive being well graveled, and connecting as it does with the principal streets of the town, forms a continuous circuit of many miles, combining the unsurpassed ocean scene and the most attractive views of the city. The board-walk sweeps along in graceful curves for a distance of near two miles, and as smooth as a ball-room floor, commanding an unobstructed prospect of the bathing-grounds on the one side and the carriage way on the other. Two of the prin¬ cipal avenues of the city are covered with shells from the sea, thus rendering them free from dust and delightful for prome- naders and others visiting the handsome shops, hotels, and private residences extending along them. One mile and a half west of Cape May City, and immediately on the point formed by the entrance of the Delaware bay from the Atlantic ocean, a new resort has been successfully established, called Cape May Point. A charter for this improvement, obtained from the Legislature of New Jersey, authorizes the association to develop and improve the property owned, which embraces about two hundred and sixty acres, and to so regulate its affairs as to make it a resort or summer residence for those who desire a quiet retreat and a sea-side home surrounded by religious and moral influences. The progress already made at Cape May Point is considerable, and includes the grading of wide avenues, the erection of a handsome pavilion for religious and other meetings, the construction of commodious and ele¬ gant hotels, and the building of a number of neat cottages. A horse-railroad is completed from the steamboat landing, in the immediate vicinity of Cape May Point, through Cape May to Schellinger’s Landing, which renders all portions of the Cape easily and cheaply accessible. The location of this settlement, the superior advantages it possesses, its great natural beauty, and the influences brought to bear to make it in every way congenial to those who seek health and recreation in a quiet and orderly retreat, make Cape May Point one of the most attractive summer resorts to be found, where a family can spend the summer in their cottage by the sea, enjoying the air and bathing, at the same expense as at their own home. CAPE MAY FROM THE OCEA.V. 9 ON 1 111- HI-ACM. CAPE MAY STOCKTON HOUSE, CAPE MAY, N. j. ACCOMMODATION FOR EIGHT HUNDRED GUESTS. CHARLES DUFFY, Superintendent, Of Continental Hotel, Philadelphia CONGRESS HALL, CAPE MAY, N.J. Six fcref point of land in Cape May, with the finest lawn on the Atlantic coast, containin ewent'ylve 11? Hr:'!.,';?.: sTc'c.Tsrry'! ^ Pi--s „ HOT SEA-BATHS. J. E, KINGSLEY &. CO., Managers. J T CAPE MAY COIA^MBIA AVENUE. EXCURSION 2S. Pennsylvania R. R.Philadelphia. West Jersey R. R.Cape May. Returning by same route. Brooklyn.$7 20 New York 7 00 fPhiladelphia 3 00 THROUGH RATES. Harrisburg. $8 00 ^Baltimore. 8 50 * Washington 10 50 ^Richmond... 18 50 Lancaster.$6 55 Altoona.13 30 Pittsburg .17 95 use to one * Transfer through Philadelphia, in each direction, included, t Excursion tickets from Philcicielphia are limited in their usi day from date of issue. EXCURSION 24. Pennsylvania R. R.' j- Cape May Steamer...to Cape May Landing. Returning by same route. Brooklyn.$6 70 New York 6 50 •j- Philadelphia 2 00 THROUGH RATES. Harrisburg....$7 20 * Baltimore.... 8 50 *Washington.io 50 Lancaster. $5 05 Altoona. 12 8a Pittsburg. 17 50 * Transfer through Philadelphia, in each direction, included, t Excursion tickets from Philadelphia are limited in their use to one day from date of issue. , j o j Steamer leaves Philadelphia on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. These tickets will be placed on sale June astli. EXCURSION 2S. Pennsylvania R. R.Philadelphia. West Jersey R. R. Cape May Steamer.to Philadelphia. Pennsylvania R. R .to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Harrisburg.....$8 20 *Baltimore. 9 75 *Washington..ii 75 EXCURSION 26. Pennsylvania R. R .to Philadelphia. Cape May Steamer.to Cape May Landing. West Jersey R. R .to Philadelphia. Pennsylvania R. R .to starting point. Altoona.^13 80 Pittsburg. 18 45 Brooklyn. $7 70 New York. 7 50 Lancaster. 7 05 * Transfer through Philadelphia, in each direction, included. Steamer leaves Cape May Landing on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. . These tickets wrill be placed on sale June asth. Brooklyn. $7 70 New York. 7 50 Lancaster. 7 05 THROUGH RATES. Harrisburg }8 20 ^•Baltimore . 9 75 *Washington..ii 75 Altoona.$13 80 Pittsburg. 18 45 * Transfer through Philadelphia, in each ^rection. included. Steamer leaves Philadelphia on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. These tickets wrill be placed on sale June asth. EXCURSION 119. Pennsylvania R. R.to Camden. West Jersey R. R .Cape May. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATE. From New York. EXCURSION 697. ■$7 00 Philad’a.Wilmington & Baltimore R.R..to New Castle Steamer...to Cape May Landing. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATE. From Baltimore.°° These tickets will be placed on sale June asth. EXCURSION 698. Baltimore & Potomac R. R.Baltimore Philad’a.Wilmington & Baltimore R.R..to New Castle. Steamer!.to Cape May Landing. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATE. From Washington. These tickets will be placed on sale June asth. .$& 00 CAPON SPRINGS—CARVERSVILLE-CHRISTIANSBURG—CLAYTON—CLIFTON SPRINGS. CAPON SPRINGS, W. VA. EXCURSION SS. Pennsylvania R. R.to Philadelphia. Philadelphia,Wilmington & Baltimore R. R.to Baltimore. Baltimore & Ohio R. R... to Capon Road. Stage.to Capon Springs. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. New York. $21 25 | Brooklyn....$21 45 EXCURSION 120 . Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Baltimore Baltimore & Ohio R. R.to Capon Road. Stage.to Capon Springs. Returning by same route, THROUGH RATES. Lancaster. $i-j 25 Harrisburg. 15 75 Altoona.$21 co Pittsburg. 25 70 CAR VERSVILLE , PA. EXCURSION 727 . Pennsylvania R. R.to Bull’s Island. Stage Line.to Carversville. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. West Philadelphia. $2 75 | Kensington. $2 25 CHRI STIANSBUR G, VA. EXCURSION 142 —L 1 OR EXC. 284 -L 1 . Vater Gap.) Penrsylvania R. R .to Manunka Chunk Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R.to Binghamton. Susquehanna Div. D. & H C. Co .to Junction. Cooperstown & Susquehanna Valley R. R....to Cooperstown. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Altoona.^22 70 Pittsburg 27 35 Philadelphia$i3 20 | Harrisburg.$17 40 Lancaster.... 16 00 I Baltimore. 18 20 I Washington. 2 > 20 EXCURSION 123. (Via Delaware Water Gap. returning via Otsego Labe, Riebfleld Springs, and Hudson River Steamer.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Manunka Chunk Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R....to Binghamton. Susquehanna Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Junction. Cooperstown & Susquehanna Valley R. R..to Cooperstown. Steamer on Otsego Lake, and Stage.to | Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R.... to Utica. New York Central & Hudson River R. R....to Albany. Steamer on Hudson River.to New York. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATK5. Phi'adelphia5i5 00 Lancaster. 17 75 Harrisburg. fig 15 Baltimore. 20 00 Washington.... 22 00 Altoona.$24 50 Pittsburg 29 10 CRAWFORD HOUSE, N. H. (WHITE MOUNTAINS.) EXC. 764, WITH EXC. 412, 413, OR 653. (Viii rail and Xorlh Conw.ay, returning by Sound Lines.) Pennsylvania R. R .to New York. Rail Lines.to Boston. Eastern R. R .to North Conway. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Crawford House Portland & Ogdensburg R. R .to North Conway. Eastern R. R .10 Boston. Sound Lines.to New York. Pennsylvania R. R .to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia524 25 Lancaster.... 27 00 Harrisburg.$28 45 Baltimore. 29 25 Washington... 31 25 OiTTransfer through New York, going, included. Altoona.$33 35 Pittsburg 38 00 EXC. 764, WITH EXC. 407, 408, OR 654. (Via Stund Lines and North Cunwity, returning all rail.) Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Sound Lines.to Boston. Eastern R. R.to North Conway. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Crawford House Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to North Conway. Eastern R. R.to Boston. Rail Lines.to New York. Pennsylvania R. R..•..to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia$24 25 Lancaster.... 27 00 Harrisburg.J28 45 Baltimore. 29 25 Washington... 31 25 OU*Transfer through New York, returning, included Altoona.^33 33 Pittsburg. 38 00 EXC. 764, WITH EXC. 409, 410, 411, OR 704. (Via Sound Lines and North Conway in both directions.) Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Sound Lines. . .to Boston. Eastern R. R.to North Conway. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R. o Crawford House Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphiajr9 50 Lancaster.... 22 25 Harrisburg.J23 70 Baltimore. 24 50 Washington... 26 50 Altoona.^28 60 Pittsburg. 33 23 i EXC. 765 OR 766, WITH EXC. 412, 413, OR ! 653. I (Via rail and Portland, returning by Sound Lines.) i Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. I Rail Lines.to Boston. Boston & Maine or Eastern R. R.to Portland. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Crawford House I Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Portland. j Boston & Maine or Eastern R. R.to Boston. I Sound Lines.to New York. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphiaj24 25 Lancaster.... 27 00 Harrisburg.$28 45 Baltimore. 29 25 Washington.... 31 25 (ETTransfer through New York, going, included. Altoona. $33 33 Pittsburg 38 00 i6 MOUNTAIN HOUSi:, CKIsSSON. I’A. CRESSON EXC. 763 OR 766 , WITH EXC. 407 , 408 , OR 634 . (Via Sound Lines and Portland, returning nil rail.) Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Sound Lines.to Boston. Boston & Maine or Eastern R. R.to Portland. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Crawford House Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Portland. Boston & Maine or Eastern R. R.to Boston. Rail Lines.to New York. Pennsylvania R. R. to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia$24 25 Lancaster... 27 00 Harrisburg.^28 45 Baltimore. 29 25 Washington. 31 25 CiTTransfer through New York, returning, included Altoona.^33 35 Pittsburg.... 38 00 EXC. 763 OR 766 , WITH EXC. 409 , 410 , 411 , OR 754 . (Via Sound Lines and Portland in both directions.) Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Sound Lines.to Boston. Boston & Maine or Eastern R. R.to Portland. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Crawford House Returning by same route. THROUGH KATES. Philadelphiajjiip 50 Lancaster.... 22 25 Harrisburg.^23 70 Baltimore. 24 50 Washington.... 26 50 Philadelphia^24 10 Lancaster.26 85 Harrisburg.1^28 30 Baltimore.29 10 Washington.31 10 CiTTransfer through New York in each direction included Philadelphia;^i9 50 Lancaster.... 22 25 Harrisburg.^23 70 Baltimore. 24 50 Washington ... 26 50 Philadelphia$23 25 Lancaster. 26 00 Harrisburg.J27 45 Baltimore. 28 25 Washington. 30 25 Philadelphia$23 25 Lancaster.... 26 00 Harrisburg.^27 45 Baltimore. 28 25 Washington.... 30 25 Altoona.$28 60 Pittsburg.... 33 25 EXCURSION 767 . Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R...to Springfield. Connecticut River R. R.to South Vernon. Central Vermont R. R.to Brattleboro. Vermont Valley R. R.to Bellows Falls. Central Vermont R. R.to White Riv.Junc. Passumpsic R. R.to Wells River. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Fabyan’s. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Crawford’s. Returning by same route. THROUGH KATES. Altoona.^33 20 Pittsburg.37 85 EXCURSION 798 . Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Norwich & New York Transportation Co...to New London. N. York & N. England R. R. (N. & W. Div.)..to Worcester. Worcester & Nashua R. R.to Nashua. Concord R. R.to Concord. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Fabyan’s. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Crawford House Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Altoona.^28 60 Pittsburg. 33 25 EXCURSION 670 . (Via rail, Poston, and Portland, returning via Sound Steamers.)) Pennsylvania R. R.to Jersey City. Steamer “ Maryland".to Harlem River. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R...to New Haven ' Boston & New York Air-Line.to Willimantic. New York & New England R. R.to Boston. Boston & Maine R. R.to Portland. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Crawford House Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Portland. Boston & Maine R. R.to Boston. Sound Lines.to New York Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Altoona.1^32 35 Pittsburg.... 37 00 EXCURSION 671 . (Via rail, Boston, and Korlh Conway, returning via Sound Steamers.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Jersey City. Steamer "Maryland”.to Harlem River. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R.to New Haven. Boston & New York Air-Line.to Willimantic. New York & New England R. R.to Boston. Eastern R. R.to North Conway. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R .to Crawford House Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to North Conway. Eastern R. R.to Boston. Sound Lines.to New York. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Altoona.J32 35 Pittsburg 37 00 EXCURSION 672 . (Via Sound Steamers, Boston, and b'orth Conway, returning via rail.) Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Sound Lines.to Boston. Eastern R. R.to North Conway. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R. to Crawford House Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to North Conway. Eastern R. R.to Boston. New York & New England R. R.to Willimantic. Boston & New York Air-Line.to New Haven. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R...to Harlem River. Steamer “ Maryland ’’.to Jersey City. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia;^23 25 Lancaster.... 26 00 Harrisburg %'2^ 45 Baltimore. 28 25 Washington ... 30 25 Altoona. $^2 35 Pittsburg 37 00 EXCURSION 673 . (Via Sound Steamers, Boston, and Portland, returning via rail.) Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Sound Lines.to Boston. Boston & Maine R. R.to Portland. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Crawford House Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Portland. Boston & Maine R. R.to Boston. New York & New England R. R.to Willimantic. Boston & New York Air-Line.to New Haven. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R...to Harlem River. Steamer " Maryland ’’...to Jersey City. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH KATES. Philadelphia^23 25 Lancaster. 26 00 Harrisburg. $2j 45 Baltimore. 28 25 Washington ... 30 25 Altoona.$32 35 Pittsburg. 37 00 EX*CURSION 714 . (Via rail in both directions.) Pennsylvania R. R. Steamer " Maryland ’’. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R... Boston & New York Air-Line. New York & New England R. R. N. Y.& New England R. R.(N. &W. Div ). Worcester & Nashua R. R. Portland & Rochester R. R. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R. Returning by same route THROUGH RATES. to New York, to Harlem River, to New Haven, to Willimantic. to Putnam, to Worcester, to Rochester, to Portland, to Crawford House Philadelphia;j26 00 Lancaster ... 28 75 Harrisburg.jSjo 20 Baltimore. 31 00 Washington ... 33 00 Altoona.1^35 10 Pittsburg. 39 75 EXCURSION 713 . (Via Sound Lines, Rochester, and Portland.) Pennsylvania R. R.,...to New York. Norwich & New York Transportation Co...to New London. N. Y.&New England R. R. (N.&W. Div.).to Worcester. Worcester & Nashua R. R.to Rochester. Portland & Rochester R. R.to Portland. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.toCrawfordHouse. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphiajip 50 Lancaster.... 22 25 Harrisburg ^23 70 Baltimore. 24 50 Washington ... 26 50 Altoona.^28 60 Pittsburg 33 25 CRESSON, PA., Situated almost on the summit of the Allegheny mountains, where they are crossed by the Pennsylvania Railroad, at an altitude of two thousand feet above the level of the sea, is a very popular resort. The accommodations provided are of the best kind ; the surroundings are attractive; the atmosphere is deli¬ ciously cool and pure; and, in brief, it would be difficult to find a more delightful retreat from the stifling heat of cities in mid¬ summer than is here provided by nature and art combined. Several springs of medicinal waters flow from the mountain in the vicinity, and pleasant drives lead away through the almost unbroken forests, where the laurel spreads its wealth of blos¬ soms in spring, and resinous hemlocks and pines give forth their aroma and sigh their ceaseless music. 'I'he old Portage Road, with its ten inclined planes—once an American wonder, but now abandoned —crossed the mountain very near to Cres- son, and in its ruins possesses great interest for all who note the advance of improvement. EXCURSION 3 . Pennsylvania R. R.to Cresson. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore.... I9 35 Washington, ii 35 Richmond... 18 35 (CTSpecial Excursion Tickets sold at Pittsburg, good for two days, or when sold on Saturday good for return on the ensuing Monday, ;^4.oo« Brooklyn.$15 30 New York... 15 10 Philadelphia 12 60 Lancaster. ft) 15 Harrisburg. 7 35 Pittsburg. 5 10 17 1)11 LA WAKE WATER GAP. S DENVER COLORADO. ✓ EXCURSION lOOO AND S—933 R. ' Pennsylvania R. R.to Pittsburg. Pittsburg; Cincinnati & St. Louis R. R.to Indianapolis. Vandalia Line.to St. Louis. Missouri Pacific R. R..*...to Kansas City. Kansas Pacific R. R.to Denver. Returning by same route. . THROUGH RATES. Boston.$107 00 Philadelphia.1^103 00 Baltimore. .^100 00 New York.. 105 00 Washington 100 00 EXCURSION 1001 AND S—933 R. Pennsylvania R. R.to Pittsburg. Pittsburg, Cincinnati & St. Louis R. R.to Indianapolis. Vandalia Line...to St. Louis. St. Louis, Kansas City & Northern R. R....to Kansas City. Kansas Pacific R. R.to Denver. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Boston.$107 00 I Philadelphia.^103 00 New York.. 105 00 j Baltimore...^100 00 Washington 100 00 EXCURSION 1002 AND S—933 R. Pennsylvania R. R.to Pittsburg. Pittsburg, Cincinnati & St. Louis R. R.to Indianapolis Vandalia Line.to St. Louis. Missouri Pacific R. R.to Kansas City. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe R. R.to Pueblo. Denver & Rio Grande R. R.to Denver. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Boston.$107 00 Philadelphia.5ro3 00 I Baltimore. .^loo 00 New York.. 105 00 | Washington 100 00 EXCURSION 1003 AND S—933 R. Pennsylvania R. R.to Pittsburg. Pittsburg, Cincinnati & St. Louis R. R.to Indianapolis. Vandalia Line.to St. Louis. St. Louis, Kansas City & Northern R. R....to Kansas City. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe R. R.to Pueblo. Denver & Rio Grande R. R.to Denver. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Boston.$107 00 I Philadelphia..^io3 00 I Baltimore ..^100 00 New York.. 105 00 ( | Washington 100 00 EXCURSION 1000 AND S—936 R. Pennsylvania R. R.to Pittsburg. Pittsburg, Cincinnati & St. Louis R. R.to Cincinnati. Indianapolis, Cincinnati & Lafayette R. R..to Indianapolis. Vandalia Line .to St. Louis. Missouri Pacific R. R.to Kansas City. Kansas Pacific R. R.to Denver, Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Boston.1^107 00 j Philadelphia.. ^103 00 I Baltimore...;^ioo 00 New York.. 105 00 j / j Washington 100 00 EXCURSION 1001 AND S—936 R. Pennsylvania R. R.to Pittsburg. Pittsburg, Cincinnati & St. Louis R. R.to Cincinnati. Indianapolis, Cincinnati & Lafayette R. R...to Indianapolis. \ andalia Line.to St. Louis. St. Louis, Kansas City & Northern R. R.to Kansas City. Kansas Pacific R. R.to Denver. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Boston.^107 00 I Philadelphia..^103 00 Baltimore...$100 00 New York.. 105 00 [ Washington too 00 EXCURSION 1002 AND S—936 R. Pennsylvania R. R.to Pittsburg. Pittsburg, Cincinnati & St. Louis R. R.to Cincinnati. Indianapolis, Cincinnati & Lafayette R. R..to Indianapolis. Vandalia Line. . §t, Louis. Missouri Pacific R. R.to Kansas City. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe R. R.to Pueblo. Denver & Rio Grande R. R.to Denver. Returning by same route. Boston.$107 00 New York. 105 00 THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia..^io3 00 Baltimore...Jjioo co Washington too 00 EXCURSION 1003 AND S—936 R. Pennsylvania R. R.to Pittsburg. Pittsburg, Cincinnati & St. Louis R. R.to Cincinnati. Indianapolis, Cincinnati & Lafayette R. R..to Indianapolis. Vandalia Line.to St. Louis. St. Louis, Kansas City & Northern R. R...to Kansas City. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe R. R.to Pueblo. Denver & Rio Grande R. R.to Denver. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Boston.^107 00 New York. 105 00 Philadelphia..5103 00 Baltinx)re...^ioo 00 W ashington 100 00 EXCURSION 1004 AND 18—R. Pennsylvania R. R. .to Pittsburg, Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne & Chicago R. R.10 Chicago. Chicago & Alton R. R.to Mexico. St. Louis, Kansas City & Northern R. R ...to Kansas Qty. Kansas Pacific R. R.to Denver. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Boston.^107 00 New York.. 105 00 Philadelphia..5103 00 Baltimore...$too co Washington 100 00 EXCURSION 1003 AND 18—R. Pennsylvania R. R.to Pittsburg. Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne & Chicago R. R.to Chicago. Chicago & Alton R. R...to Mexico. St. Louis, Kansas City & Northern R. R...jto Kansas City. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe R. R.to Pueblo. Denver & Rio Grande R. R.to Denver. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Boston.$107 00 Philadelphia.^103 00 Baltimore.. $ico 00 New York,. 105 00 Washington I'.o 00 EXCURSION 1006 AND 18—R. Pennsylvania R. R.to Pittsburg. Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne & Chicagd R. R. to Chicago. Chicago, Burlington & Quincy R. R.to Quincy. Hannibal & St. Joseph R. R.to Kansas City. Kansas Pacific R. R.to Denver. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Boston.$ic7 00 I Philadelphia.^ 103 00 Baltimore.. ^100 00 New York.. 105 00 [ Washington 100 00 EXCURSION 1007 AND 18—R. Pennsylvania R. R.to Pittsburg. Pittsburg, F. Wayne & Chicago R. R.to Chicago. Chicago, Burlington & Quincy R. R....to Quincy. Hannibal & St. Joseph R. R.to Kansas City. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe R. R.to Pueblo. Denver & Rio Grande R. R...to Denver. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Boston.$107 00 I Philadelphia..^io3 00 I Baltimore...5100 co New York. 105 00 [ | Washington 100 00 EXCURSION 1008 AND 18—R. Pennsylvania R. R.to Pittsburg. Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne & Chicago R. R.to Chicago. Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific R. R.to Leavenworth. Kansas Pacific R. R.to Denver. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Boston.$107 00 I Philadelphia..^103 00 I Baltimore...^100 00 New York, 105 00 j | Washington 100 co DENVER, COLORADO. EXCURSION 1009 AND 18—R. Pennsylvania R. R.to Pittsburg. Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne & Chicago R. R.to Chicago. Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific R. R.to Atchison. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe R. R.to Pueblo. Denver & Rio Grande R. R.to Denver. Returning by same route. • THROUGH RATES. Boston.^107 00 I Philadelphia..^ip3 00 I Baltimore...jjSioo 00 New York. 105 00 | *1 Washington 100 co EXCURSION 1011 AND 18 —R. Pennsylvania R. R.to Pittsburg. Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne & Chicago R. R.to Chicago. Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific R. R.to Omaha. Union Pacific R. R.to Denver. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Boston.^107 00 I Philadelphia.;^io3 00 Baltimore...;Jioo 00 New York...105 00 | Washington 100 00 EXCURSION 1012 AND 18—R. Pennsylvania R. R.to Pittsburg. Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne & Chicago R. R.to Chicago. Chicago & North-Western R. R....’..to Omaha. Union Pacific R. R.to Denver. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Boston.1^107 00 Philadelphia.^103 00 I Baltimore..$100 00 New York.. 105 00 | Washington 100 00 Chicago & Alton R. R.to Mexico. St. Louis, Kansas City & Northern R. R...to Kansas City. Kansas Pacific R. R.to Denver. Returning by same route, * THROUGH RATES. Boston. 1^107 00 1 New York. $105 00 EXCURSION 1003 AND 6973 —R. Pennsylvania R. R.to Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore R. R..to Baltimore. Baltimore & Ohio R. R.to Chicago. Chicago & Alton R. R.to Mexico. St. Louis, Kansas City & Northern R. R.to Kansas City. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe R. R.to Pueblo. Denver & Rio Grande R. R.to Denver. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Boston. 00 1 New York. ^105 co EXCURSION 1006 AND 6975 —R. Pennsylvania R. R.to Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore R.R..to Baltimore. Baltimore & Ohio R. R.to Chicago. Chicago, Burlington & Quincy R. R.to Quincy. Hannibal & St. Joseph R. R.to Kansas City. Kansas Pacific R. R.to Denver. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Boston. gi 7 00 1 New York. ^*-5 00 EXCURSION 1013 AND 18—R. Pennsylvania R. R.to Pittsburg. Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne & Chicago R. R.to Chicago. Chicago, Burlington & Quincy R. R.to Omaha. Union Pacific R. R.to Denver. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Boston.$107 00 I Philadelphia103 00 Baltimore...^100 00 New York.. 105 00 [ Washington 100 00 EXCURSION 1000 AND 6807—R. Pennsylvania R. R.to Philadelphia. Philadelphia,Wilmington & Baltimore R. R..to Baltimore. Baltimore & Ohio R. R.to’Parkersburg. Marietta & Cincinnati R. R.to Cincinnati. Ohio & Mississippi R. R.to St. Louis. Missouri Pacific R. R.to Kansas City. Kansas Pacific R. R.to Denver. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Boston. $ioj 00 1 New York.^105 00 EXCURSION 1001 AND 6807—R. Pennsylvania R. R.;.to Philadelphia. Philadelphia,Wilmington & Baltimore R. R..to Baltimore. Baltimore & Ohio R. R.to Parkersburg. Marietta & Cincinnati R. R.to Cincinnati. Ohio & Mississippi R. R.to St. Louis. St. Louis, Kansas City & Northern R. R...to .Kansas City. Kansas Pacific R. R.to Denver. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Boston.j^io7 00 I New York.^105 00 EXCURSION 1002 AND 6807 —R. Pennsylvania R. R.to Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Wilmington & Baltimore R. R..to Baltimore. Baltimore & Ohio R. R.to Parkersburg. Marietta & Cincinnati R. R.to Cincinnati. Ohio & Mississippi R. R.to St. Louis. Missouri Pacific R. R.to Kansas City. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe R. R.to Pueblo. Denver & Rio Grande R. R.to Denver. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Boston.^107 00 I New York...^105 00 EXCURSION 1008 AND 6807 —R. Pennsylvania R. R. .to Philadelphia. Philadelphia,Wilmington& Baltimore R. R..to Baltimore. Baltimore & Ohio R. R.to Parkersburg. Marietta & Cincinnati R. R.to Cincinnati. Ohio & Mississippi R. R.to St. Louis. St. Louis, Kansas City & Northern R. R...to Kansas City. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe R. R.to Pueblo. Denver & Rio Grande R. R.to Denver. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Boston. $ioj 00 1 New York.^105 00 EXCURSION 1004 AND 6973 —R. Pennsylvania R. R.to Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Wilmington & B.fitimore R.R..to Baltimore. Baltimore & Ohio R. R..to Chicago. EXCURSION 1007 AND 6973—R. Pennsylvania R. R.to Philadelphia. Philadelphia,Wilmington & Baltimore R. R.to Baltimore. Baltimore &Ohio R. R.to Chicago. Chicago, Burlington & Quincy R. R.to Quincy. Hannibal & St.tjoseph R. R.to Kansas City. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe R. R.to Pueblo. Denver & Rio Grande R. R.to Denver. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Boston. $107 00 1 New York.$105 00 EXCURSION 1008 AND 6975—R Pennsylvania R. R.to Philadelphia. Philadelphia,Wilmington & Baltimore R. R.to Baltimore. Baltimore & Ohio R. R.to Chicago. Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific R. R.to Leavenworth. Kansas Pacific R. R.to Denver. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Boston. $107 00 1 New York.^105 00 EXCURSION 1009 AND 6973 —R. Pennsylvania R. R. . .to Philadelphia. Philadelphia,Wilmington & Baltimore R. R.to Baltimore. Baltimore & Ohio R. R.to Chicago. Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific R. R.to Atchison. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe R. R.to Pueblo. Denver & Rio Grande R. R.to Denver. Returning bj'^ same route. . THROUGH RATES. Boston.1^107 00 1 New York.00 EXCURSION 1011 AND 6973 —R. Pennsylvania R. R. to Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore R.R.to Baltimore. Baltimore & Ohio R. R.to Chicago. Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific R. R.to Omaha. Union Pacific R. R.to Denver. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Boston.. $107 00 1 New York. 00 EXCURSION 1012 AND 6973 —R. Pennsylvania R. R.to Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore R.R'.to Baltimore. Baltimore & Ohio R. R.to Chicago. Chicago & North-Western R. R.to Omaha. Union Pacific R. R.to Denver. , Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Boston. ^107 CO 1 New York. $105 00 EXCURSION 1013 AND 6973 —R. Pennsylvania R. R.to Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore R.R.to Baltimore. Baltimore & Ohio R. R.to Chicago. Chicago, Burlington & Quincy R. R.to Omaha. Union Pacific R. R.to Denver. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Boston... ^^07 00 I New York. 00 DEAL BEACH—DEER PARK—DELAWARE WATER GAP—DOUBLING GAP WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS— DUDLEY—DULUTH—EASTON—LBENSBURG. DEAL BEACH, N. J. EXCURSION 739. Pennsylvania R. R.to Jamesburg. Freehold & Jamesburg Agricultural R. R.to Sea Girt. Central R. R. of N. J.to Deal Beach. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATE. From Philadelphia....... 54 °° DEER PARK, MD. EXCURSION 438. Pennsylvania R. R.to Philadelphia. Philadelphia,Wilmington & Baltimore R.R to Baltimore. Baltimore & Ohio R. R.to Deer Park. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. New York. $iS oo | Brooklyn.$i8 2. DELAWARE WATER GAP. The Delaware river, above Trenton, New Jersey, is one of the most picturesquely beautiful streams in the United States, and iis attraciions may be said to culminate at the Water Gap, where it forces its way through the Kittatinny, or Blue Ridge, range of the Allegheny mountains. Here its channel is cut through precipices which rise more than a thousand feet above the waters, often overhangs them in frowning cliffs, ready, ap¬ parently, to fall and stop again the river’s course to the ocean. For many years the natural beauties of this locality have at¬ tracted ciowds of summer visitors, and superior improvements have been provided for their accommodation. In the immedi¬ ate vicinity of the hotels are many natural curiosities, consisting of beautiful cascades and waterfalls, peculiar caves and glens, towering precipices and frowning chasms. They are all acces¬ sible without danger or fatigue, and are well worth visiting. The placid and clear waters of the river afford excellent boating and fi-shing. It IS not generally known that possibly the first white settle¬ ments made in Pennsylvania were on the Minnisink flats of the Delaware, immediately above the Water Gap. To this point the Dutch penetrated, and here they established themselves, when they held New Amsterdam (now New York), previous to the English acquisition of the same in 1664. These settlements extend for forty miles along the river. They had a good road, connecting with the Hudson, called the Mine road ; and they were certainly engaged in working mines of some kind, but what they were, or where they were, is not now known. They had no knowledge of the Lower Delaware, and did not appear to know how or where it reached the ocean, when Penn arrived in 1682. All their trade and communication was with the settlements on the Hudson river. Geologically, as well as historically, this region is worthy of study. EXCURSION no. Pennsylvania R. R.to Manunka Chunk Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R....to-^ \V^t^r''Gap Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia..54 65 Baltimore . $g 6; I Harrisburg.$8 85 Lancaster. 7 40 Washington ...ii 65 | DOUBLING GAP WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, PA. These springs are situated in, and take their name from, a gap formed by the doubling of the Kittatinny mountains, about thirty miles south-west of Harrisburg and seven miles from Newville, in the great Cumberland valley. The waters, which flow from two springs,—one sulphurous and the other chaly¬ beate,—contain valii Baltimore. 25 00 Pittsburg. 33 75 Washington... 27 00 EXCURSION 777. Pennsylvania R. R. .to New York. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R...to Springfield. Connecticut River R. R.to South Vernon. Central Vermont R. R.to Brattleboro. Vermont Valley R. R.to Bellows Falls. Central Vermont R. R.to White Riv. June. Passumpsic R. R.to Wells River. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Fabyan’s. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia.^23 50 Lancaster. 26 25 Harrisburg. $27 70 Baltimore. 28 50 Washington... 30 50 Altoona.^32 60 Pittsburg ... 37 25 (J;; 7 *Transfer through New York in each direction included. EXCURSION 797. Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Norwich & New York Transportation Co...to New London. N. York & N. England R. R. (N. & W. Div.).to Worcester. Worcester & Nashua R. R.to Nashua. Concord R. R.to Concord. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Fabyan House. Returning by same route. Philadelphia$2o 00 Lancaster.... 22 75 THROUGH RATES. Harrisburg $20 20 Altoona.^29 10 Baltimore. 25 oz Pittsburg 33 75 Washington.... 27 00 FORKS, PA. EXCURSION 684. Pennsylvania R. R.to Manunka Chunk Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R.to Forks. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATE. From Philadelphia. 4 S ^3 20 GENEVA. GENEVA, N. Y. Seneca Lake “ Is one of the most remarkable inland bodies of water in the world. It is forty miles long, and varies from two to five miles in width. The water is of great purity and depth, in many places it being impossible to reach bottom by any ordinary method of sounding. The shores are grand and picturesque, consisting of a succession of hills and promonto¬ ries, sweeping back from the lake in graceful lines,—their sides thickly wooded in some places, in others covered with well-tilled farms and vineyards.” The region surrounding Seneca Lake was, in the remote past, doubtless the scene of wonderful and terrible natural convulsions, by which the lake itself was reduced to half its former size, and the face of the entire north-eastern portion of the continent changed. These changes have left their impress in the glens, valleys, waterfalls, and other wonders which exist from Lake Erie to the Atlantic ocean, and render the region interesting to the student of science as well as to the admirer of grandeur and beauty. EXCURSION 708. (Yla Williamsport and Watkins’ Glen.) Pennsylvania R. R.to {larrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Watkins’. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Geneva. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia$i3 oo | Lancaster.$ii oo | Harrisburg.;^io oo EXCURSION 709. (Tia Williamsport and Watkins’ Glen, returning via Ithaca and Owego.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Watkins’. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Geneva. Lehigh Valley R. R.to Ithaca. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R...to Owego. Erie R. R. to Binghamton. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R....to ManunkaChunk Pennsylvania R. R.to Philadelphia. THROUGH rate. From Philadelphia.$14 00 EXCURSION 27. (Tia Watkins’ Glen and Seneca Lake, retnrning via Canandaigua.) Pennsylvania R. R...to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Watkins’. Steamer on Seneca Lake,.to Geneva. N.Y. C. & H. Riv R.R. (via Clifton Sp’gs).to Canandaigua. Northern Central R. R.to Williamsport. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Sunbury. Northern Central R. R.to Harrisburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH rates. Philadelphia...J14 20 Lancaster. 12 25 Harrisburg..I 25 Baltimore.... 15 25 Washington. 17 25 Altoona.;^i5 40 Pittsburg. 20 10 EXCURSION 79. (Tia Watkins’ Glen and Seneca Lake, returning via Canandaigua.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Watkins’. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Geneva. N. Y. C. & H. Riv. R.R.(via Clifton Sp'gs).to Canandaigua. Northern Central R. R.to Williamsport. Philadelphia & Reading R. R.to Philadelphia. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia.$15 70 | Baltimore....$18 15 | Washington..^20 15 EXCURSION 133. (Tia Watkins’ Glen and Seneca Lake, returning via Delaware Water Gap.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R...to Watkins'. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Geneva. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Syracuse. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R.R.....aoManunkaChunk Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia.. ^15 00 | Baltimore...$17 70 | Washington...;Ji9 70 EXCURSION 747 . Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Watkins’. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Geneva. Lehigh Valley R. R.to Bethlehem. North Pennsylvania R. R.to Philadelphia. THROUGH RATE. From Philadelphia.J14 co EXCURSION 134. (Tia Hudson River and Albany, returning via Seneca Lake and Watkins’ Glen.) Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Steamer on Hudson River.to Albany. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Geneva. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Watkins’. Northern Central R. R.to Williamsport. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Sunbury. Northern Central R. R.to Harrisburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia...516 00 Lancaster. 16 00 Harrisburg..$16 00 Baltimore.... 18 75 Washington. 20 75 Altoona.$21 23 Pittsburg 26 00 EXCURSION 644. (Tia New York, all rail, returning via Seneca Lake and Watkins’ Glea.) Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Geneva. Steamer on Seneca Lake. ...to Watkins’. Northern Central R. R.to Williamsport. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Sunbury. Northern Central R. R.to Harrisburg Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia^ifi 00 Lancaster. 16 00 Harrisburg. f,i6 00 Baltimore. 18 75 Washington.... 20 75 Altoona. fai 25 Pittsburg.... 26 00 EXCURSION 033. (Tia Hetuehen, Watkins’ Glen, and Seneca Lake, returning via Canandai¬ gua and Philadelphia.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Metuchen. Lehigh Valley R. R.to Waverly. Erie R. R.'..to Elmira. Northern (Central R. R.to Watkins’. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Geneva. New York Central & Hudson River R. R....to Canandaigua. Northern Central R. R.to Williamsport. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Sunbury. Northern Central R. R.to Harrisburg. Pennsylvania R.R.to New York. THROUGH RATES. Brooklyn. $i-] 85 From New York, return¬ ing via Washington... 22 15 New York.$17 65 New York, returning via Baltimore. 20 15 EXCURSION 636. (Tie Philadelphia and Canandaigua, returning via Seneca Lake, Watkins’ Glen, and lletuchen.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Canandaigua. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Geneva. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Watkins’. Northern Central R. R.to Elmira. Erie R. R.to Waverly. Lehigh Valley R. R.to Metuchen. Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. THROUGH RATES. New York.$17 65 New York via Baltimore 20 15 Brookly n..^17 85 From New York, via Washington.22 15 EXCURSION 637. (Tia Hetuchen and Watkina’ Glen, returning via Seneca Lake and Phila¬ delphia.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Metuchen. Lehigh Valley R. R .to Waverly. Erie R. R.to Elmira. Northern Central R. R.to Watkins’. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to (Geneva. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Watkins’. Northern Central R. R.to Williamsport. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Sunbury. Northern Central R. R.to Harrisburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. THROUGH RATES. New York. $16 00 New York, returning via Baltimore. 19 00 Brooklyn. $\6 20 From New York, return¬ ing via Washington.... 21 00 21 22 GETTYSBURG—WHITE MOUNTAINS. EXCURSION 638. (?ia Philadelphia and Watkins’ Glen, returninp; via Hletuchen.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Northern Central R. R.to Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Northern Central R. R.to Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Northern Central R. R.to Erie R. R.to Lehigh Valley R. R. to Pennsylvania R. R.to THROUGH KATES. Seneca Lake and Harrisburg. Sunbury. Williamsport. Watkins’. Geneva. Watkins'. Elmira. Waverly. Metuchen. New Vork. New York.Jib oo New York via Baltimore 19 00 Brooklyn.Ji6 20 New York, via Washington.21 00 EXCURSION 701. Pennsylvania R. R.to Metuchen. Lehigh Valley R R.to Geneva. Returning by the same route. THROUGH RATES. New York.J14 20 | Brooklyn.Jr4 40 EXCURSION 14. Pennsylvania R. R.to Hanover. Hanover June., Hanover & Gettysburg R. R.to Gettysburg. A coupon, good for supper, lodging, and breakfast at Eagle or Springs Hotel, Gettysburg. A coupon, good for a ride over the entire battle-field, including the National Cemetery Hanover June., Hanover & Gettysburg R. R.to Hanover. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Brooklyn....J13 80 | New York....jfr3 60 | Philadelphia...Jio 00 Oij^These tickets are limited in their use to ten days from date of issue. EXCURSION 8. Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to York. Pennsylvania R. R.to Hanover. Hanover June., Hanover & Gettysburg R. R.to Gettysburg. Returning by the same route. THROUGH RATES. Brooklyn.Jri co New York... 10 80 Philadelphia....J7 20 Lancaster. 4 50 Harrisburg. 3 50 EXCURSION 56. Altoona.J8 25 Pittsburg.12 95 GETTYSBURG, PA. This historic town is the seat of justice of Adams county, Pennsylvania, and is about seven miles north of “ Mason and Dixon’s line,”—the often-quoted parallel which formerly sepa¬ rated the slaveholding from the free territory of the United States. It was settled about 1780 by James Gettys (on a por¬ tion of “ Masque Manor,” owned by the heirs of William Penn), laid out as a town by him, and named after himself, six years later. It became the county seat at the formation of the county, and was incorporated as a borough in 1806. The pres¬ ent population is about 4200. “ The battle of Gettysburg— equal in magnitude, in gallantry and desperation of the combat¬ ants, in human slaughter, and in the vast interests which hung upon the issue, to any recorded in history—has brought the name of Gettysburg from rural obscurity to world-wide celeb¬ rity.” The battle-field embraces the town and the surrounding country—the infantry operations covering about twenty-five square miles, the cavalry fighting being outside these limits. This area is generally open and the surface rolling, though deep forests, high hills, and rocky ravines are not infrequent. All the principal scenes of the battle are well known and defined, so that the visitor has but little difficulty in reaching them and studying out the details of the terrible contest. The point of greatest attraction is the Soldiers’ National Cemetery, conse¬ crated on the 19th of November, 1863, when President Lincoln, standing where the national monument now stands, delivered his immortal speech. The monument is a beautiful work of art, erected by the several States to commemorate the memory of the men who died in the nation’s defense, and tells its story with eflFective simplicity. A statue of Major-General John F. Rey¬ nolds, who was killed in the battle, is the first object that meets the eye on entering the cemetery. The katalysine spring is situated about a mile and a half west of the town of Gettysburg, in a pleasant valley, from which the South and Catoctin mountains are visible. The value of the water was long known to the neighboring inhabitants, but it has only been brought to public notice since the contest around it made the locality famous. The annexed analysis proves the water to be both of an alkaline and calcic character—the com¬ bination being an exceedingly valuable one :— Bi-carbonate of soda and lithia combined, 46.05 grains; bi¬ carbonate of potash, trace; bi-carbonate of magnesia, 76.05 grains; bi-carbonate of iron, trace; bi-carbonate of lime, 81.00 grains; sulphate of lime, 53.20 grains ; chlorides, trace; phos¬ phates, trace; silica, 10.00 grains; total, 266.30 grains in one imperial gallon of water. EXCURSION 7 . Pennsylvania R. R.to Hanover. Hanover June., Hanover & Gettysburg R. R to Gettysburg. Returning by the same route. THROUGH RATES. Brooklyn.J9 55 Philadelphia.J5 75 New York. 9 35 Lancaster. 3 45 EXCURSION 692 . Northern Central R. R.to Hanover June. Hanover June., Hanover & Gettysburg R. R.to Gettysburg. A coupon, good for supper, lodging, and breakfast at Eagle or Springs Hotel, Gettysburg. A coupon, good for a ride over the entire battle-field, including the National Cemetery. Hanover June., Hanover & Gettysburg R. R.to Hanover. Northern Central R. R .to starting point. THROUGH RATES. From Baltimore.J9 00 | From Washington.Jii 00 (Tj^These tickets are limited in their use to ten days from date of issue. Northern Central R. R.to Hanover June. Hanover June., Hanover & Gettysburg R. R.to Gettysburg. Returning by the same route. THROUGH RATES. Harrisburg.J3 80 Washington.J6 00 Baltimore. 4 00 Richmond.13 co EXCURSION 9. Pennsylvania R. R.to Hanover. Hanover June., Hanover & Gettysburg R. R.to Gettysburg. Hanover June., Hanover & Gettysburg R. R.to Hanover. Pennsylvania R. R.to York. Northern Central R. R.to Harrisburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Brooklyn..Jio 45 I Philadelphia.J6 65 New York. 10 25 | Lancaster. 4 45 EXCURSION 10 . Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to York. Pennsylvania R. R.to Hanover. Hanover June., Hanover & Gettysbur.: R.R.to Gettysburg. Hanover June., Hanover & Gettysburg R.R to Hanover. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Brooklyn.Jio 45 Philadelphia New York. 1 . 10 25 Lancaster_ $665 4 45 EXCURSION 781. Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R...to Hanover June. Hanover June., Hanover & Gettysburg R. R.to Gettysburg. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Altoona. $8 65 | Pittsburg...J13 35 WHITE MOUNTAINS, Aptly styled the “ Switzerland of America,” have long been a favorite resort for summer travelers. These mountains are sit¬ uated in Coos county. New Hampshire, and consist of a num¬ ber of peaks from four to six thousand feet high,—the most elevated being Mount Washington, which rises to an altitude of ' six thousand two hundred and forty-three feet above the level of the sea. It is the centre of attraction for tourists in the region, and around it are clustered many points of interest, each having its peculiar charm. “The Notch” is a narrow gorge—the entrance being but twenty feet wide—between two enormous cliffs, and extends for a distance of two miles, abounding in cas¬ cades and precipices. “Franconia Notch” contains several natural curiosities, among which is the “ Flume,” a waterfall of two hundred and fifty feet. “ The Old Man of the Moun¬ tain” is a profile of the human face, delineated with striking exactness by a peculiar combination of the surfaces and angles of five massive granite blocks, at the height of a thousand feet, on the summit of a bold and jutting cliff. “ Tuckerman’s Ra¬ vine,” the “ Gulf of Mexico,” and “ Oake’s Gulf” are deep ravines, in which snow and ice remain until late in the summer. The “Devil’s Den,” “Gibbs’ Falls,” “ Falls of the Ammo- noosuc,” and other well-known attractions, are all crowded in this wonderful region, and are accessible to visitors without danger or serious inconvenience. Excellent hotels are located in the immediate vicinity of most of the places enumerated. The ascent of Mount Washington is now made by a peculiarly- constructed railway, and the journey is entirely safe, while ii certainly supplies all the elements of the picturesque and ex¬ citing. From the top, where a house is erected for the accom- , modation of tourists, a wonderful view is enjoyed, embracing GLEN HOUSE (WHITE MOUNTAINS). the Green mountains of Vermont on the west; the White mountains and Franconia range on the south-west; the distant mountains of Canada on the north ; the Atlantic ocean on the east, and Lake Winnipesaukee and the mountains surrounding it on the south; while various rivers, small lakes, towns, and hamlets fill in and complete the picture. The house on the sum¬ mit is used as a signal-station throughout the year by the United States Government. GLEN HOUSE, N. H. (WHITE TAINS.) MOUN- EXC. 768, WITH EXC. 412, 413, OR 6S3. (Vi.a mil and North Conw.-iy, returning by Sound Lines.) Pennsylvania R. R. to New York. Rail Lines.to Boston. Eastern R. R.to North Conway. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Glen Station. Stage.to Glen House. Stage.to Glen Station. Portland & Ogdensburg R, R.to North Conway. Eastern R. R.to Boston. Sound Lines.to New York. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH KATES. Philadelphia;j27 75 Lancaster.... 30 50 Altoona. $2,6 85 Pittsburg. 41 50 Harrisburg. ^32 00 Baltimore. 32 75 Washington.... 34 75 O^TTransfer through New York, going, included. EXC. 768 , WITH EXC. 407 , 408 , OR 6 S 4 . (Via Sound Lines and North Conway, returning all rail.) Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Sound Lines.to Boston. Eastern R. R.to North Conway. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Glen Station. Stage.to Glen House. Stage.to Glen Station. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to North Conway. Eastern R. R.to Boston. Rail Lines. to New York. Pennsylvania R. R . to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphiaj?2 7 75 Lancaster.,.. 30 50 Altoona. $2^ 85 Pittsburg 41 50 OR Harrisburg.^32 00 Baltimore. 32 75 Washington.... 34 75 ClT’Transfer through New York, returning, included. EXC. 768, WITH EXC. 409, 410, 411, 704. (Via Sound Lines and North Conway in both directions.) Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Sound Lines.to Boston. Eastern R. R.to North Conway. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Glen Station. Stage.to Glen House. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia;g23 00 Lancaster.... 25 75 Harrisburg.^27 20 Baltimore. 28 00 Washington... 30 00 Philadelphia^27 75 Lancaster.30 50 Harrisburg... .$32 00 Baltimore.32 75 Washington.34 75 (XTTransfer through New York, going, included Altoona.^32 10 Pittsburg 36 75 EXC. 769 OR 770, WITH EXC. 412, 413, OR 6S3. (Via rail, Boston, and Portland, returning by Sound Lines.) Pennsylvania R. R. to New York. Rail Lines.to Boston. Boston & Maine or Eastern R. R.to Portland. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Glen Station. Stage.to Glen House. Stage.to Glen Station. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Portland. Boston & Maine or Eastern R. R.to Boston. Sound Lines.to New York. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Altoona.$36 85 Pittsburg.41 50 EXCURSION 769 OR 770, WITH EXC. 407, 408, OR 634. (Via Sound Lines, Bostun, and Portland, returning all rail.) Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Sound Lines.to Boston. Boston & Maine or Eastern R. R.to Portland. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Glen Station. Stage.to Glen House. Stage.to Glen Station. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Portland. Boston & Maine or Eastern R. R.to Boston. Rail Lines.to New York. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Harrisburg.$32 20 Baltimore.32 75 Washington.34 75 OlTTransfer through New York, returning, included j Philadelphia$27 75 Lancaster.30 50 Altoona.J36 85 Pittsburg.41 50 EXCURSION 769 OR 770, WITH EXC. 409, 410, 411, OR 704. (Via Sound Lines and Portland in both directions.) Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Sound Lines.to Boston. Boston & Maine or Eastern R. R.to Portland. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Glen Station. Stage. to Glen House. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia$23 00 Lancaster.25 75 Harrisburg.20 Baltimore.28 00 Washington.30 00 Altoona.J32 10 Pittsburg.36 75 EXCURSION 674 . (Via rail to Boston and Portland, returning Yla Pennsylvania R. R. Steamer “ Maryland”. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R Boston & New York Air-Line. New York & New England R. R. Boston & Maine R. R. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R. Stage. Stage. Portland & (Dgdensburg R. R. Boston & Maine R. R. Sound Lines . Pennsylvania R. R. Sound Steamers.) Philadelphiaj26 75 Lancaster.... 29 50 THROUGH RATES. Harrisburg.531 00 Baltimore. 31 75 Washington.... 33 75 ,to Jersey City. .to Harlem River. ,to New Haven. .to Willimantic. • to Boston. .to Portland. .to Glen Station. .to Glen House. .to Glen Station. .to Portland. .to Boston. .to New York. .to starting point. Altoona.$35 85 Pittsburg 40 50 EXCURSION 673. (Via rail to Boston and North Conway, returning via Sound Steamers.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Jersey City. Steamer “Maryland”.to Harlem River. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R....to New Haven. Boston & New York Air-Line.to Willimantic. New York & New England R. R .to Boston. Eastern R. R.to North Conway. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Glen Station. Stage.to Glen House. Stage.to Glen Station, Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to North Conway. Eastern R. R.to Boston. Sound Lines.to New York. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia|;26 75 Lancaster.... 29 50 Harrisburg.$31 00 Baltimore. 31 75 Washington.... 33 75 Altoona.$35 85 Pittsburg 40 50 EXCURSION 676. (Via Sound Steamers, Boston, and Portland, returning all rail.) Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Sound Lines.to Boston. Boston & Maine R. R.to Portland. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Glen Station, Stage.to Glen House. Stage.to Glen Station. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Portland. Boston & Maine R. R . to Boston. New York & New England R. R.to Willimantic. Boston & New York Air-Line.to New Haven. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R...to Harlem River. Steamer “ Maryland ”.to Jersey City. Pennsylvania R.R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphiaj26 75 Lancaster. 29 50 Harrisburg.$3^ 0° Baltimore. 31 75 Washington.... 33 75 Altoona.J35 85 Pittsburg.... 40 50 EXCURSION 677. (Yin Sound Steamers, Boston, and North Conway, returning all rail.) Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Sound Lines.to Boston. Eastern R. R.to North Conway. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Glen Station. Stage.to Glen House. Stage.to Glen Station, Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to North Conway. Eastern R. R. to Boston. New York & New England R. R.to Willimantic. Boston & New York Air-Line.to New Haven. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R....to Harlem River. Steamer “ Maryland”.to Jersey City. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. 24 HAMMONDSPORT—HAVANA GLEN—HEALING SPRINGS—HERNDON—HOT SPRINGS. Philadelphia $26 75 Lancaster.... 29 50 THROUGH RATES. Harrisburg.for 00 Baltimore. 31 75 Washington.... 33 75 EXCURSION 716. Altoona. $2$ 85 Pittsburg. 40 50 (Yia rail in both directions.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Steamer “ Maryland ”.to New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R....to Boston & New York Air-Line.to New York & New England R. R..to N.Y. & New England R.R. (N.& W.Div.)..to Worcester & Nashua R. R.to Portland & Rochester R. R.to Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Stage.to Returning by same route. New York. Harlem River. New Haven. Willimantic. Putnam. Worcester. Rochester. Portland. Glen Station. Glen House. Philadelphia ^29 50 Lancaster.... 32 25 THROUGH RATES. Harrisburg.^33 70 Baltimore. 34 50 Washington.... 36 50 Altoona.^38 60 Pittsburg.... 43 25 EXCURSION 717. (Via Sound Lines, Rochester, and Portland.) Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Norwich & New York Transportation Co.to New London. N.Y. & New England R.R.(N. & W. Div.)..to Worcester. Worcester & Nashua R. R..to Rochester. Portland & Rochester R. R.to Portland. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Glen Station. Stage.to Glen House. Returning by same route. Philadelphia$23 00 Lancaster.... 25 75 THROUGH RATES. Harrisburg.$27 20 Baltimore. 28 00 Washington. 30 00 Altoona..^32 10 Pittsburg.... 36 75 HAMMONDSPORT, N. Y. EXCURSION N. C. 17. Northern Central R. R.to Penn Yan. Lake Keuka Steam Navigation Co.to Hammondsport. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATE. From Watkins’. $2 00 (J;7*These tickets are limited in their use to two days after date of issue. HAVANA GLEN, N. Y., Is one of the remarkable freaks of nature clustered in the vi¬ cinity of Seneca Lake, and fairly rivals Watkins' Glen in attractiveness and mysterious beauty. Formed by the same powers, and finished by similar elemental action, the features of this glen resemble while they vary in detail widely from those of its better-known neighbor. Every visitor should see them both, so that a clear comprehension can be had of the power that works unseen and leaves monuments that humanity cannot rival. Good accommodations are now provided at Havana Glen, and it is open to visitors in all its extent. EXCURSION 892. Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Havana. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Altoona.^^3 00 Philadelphia.I 80 Lancaster. 9 80 Harrisburg.80 Baltimore.12 80 Washington...14 80 Pittsburg. 17 70 HEALING SPRINGS, VA. EXCURSION 327-0 8 OR EXC. 328-0 8 . (Yia Washington and Gordonsville.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Wilmington & Baltimore R. R..to Baltimore. Balt. & Pot. R. R. or Balt. & Ohio R. R.to Washington. Wash. City,Va. Midland & Gt. South’n R. R.to Gordonsville. Chesapeake & Ohio R. R..to \ Millboro or ^ \ Covington. Stage (15 miles).tX) Healing Spr’gs. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. New York. $22 90 | Brooklyn.^33 10 EXCURSION 323—S 8 OR EXC. 324—S 8 . (Yia Washington and Staunton.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Philadelphia,Wilmington & Baltimore R.R..to Balt. & Pot. R. R. or Balt. & Ohio R. R.to Baltimore & Ohio R. R.to Chesapeake & Ohio R. R.to Stage (15 miles).to Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. New York.^32 90 | Brooklyn. Philadelphia. Baltimore. Washington. Staunton, f Millboro or I Covington. Healing Spr’gs. 433 10 EXCURSION 326-0 8 . (Yia Harrisburg, Washington, and Gordonsville.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Baltimore. Baltimore & Potomac R. R.to Washington. Wash. City,Va. Midland &Gt. South'n R. R.to Gordonsville. Chesapeake & Ohio R. R.•<>] ““cn„°g’.on. Stage (15 miles).to Healing Spr'gs. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Lancaster.^28 90 Harrisburg. 27 40 Altoona.^^32 65 Pittsburg. 37 35 EXCURSION 325—S 8 . (Yia Harrisburg, Washington, and Staunton.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Baltimore. Baltimore & Potomac R. R.to Washington. Baltimore & Ohio R. R.to Staunton. Chesapeake & Ohio R. R.'» {““&v°„°gto„. Stage (15 miles).to Healing Springs. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Lancaster. $22> 90 Harrisburg. 27 40 Altoona.$32 65 Pittsburg. 37 35 HERNDON, PA. EXCURSION 83. Pennsylvania R. R..to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R...to Herndon. Philadelphia & Reading R. R.to Philadelphia. THROUGH RATE. From Philadelphia. 4^6 90 HOT SPRINGS, VA. EXCURSION S2n—G 9 OR EXC. 828—G 9. (Yia Washington and Gordonsvilie.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Philadelphia. Philadelphia,Wilmington & Baltimore R, R.to Baltimore. Balt. & Pot. R. R. or Balt. & Ohio R. R....to Washington. Wash. City,Va. Midland & Gt.South’n R.R.to Gordonsville. Chesapeake & Ohio R. R.to { Cov°n°g'ton. Stage (18 miles).to Hot Springs. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. New York.$32 90 | Brooklyn.1^33 10 EXCURSION 323 —S 9 OR EXC. 324 —S 9 . (Yia Washington and Staunton.) Pennsylvania R. R...to Philadelphia. Philadelphia,Wilmington & Baltimore R. R.to Baltimore. Balt. & Pot. R. R. or Balt. & Ohio R R.to Washington. Baltimore & Ohio R. R.to Staunton. Chesapeake & Ohio R. R.to | ^CovTgton. Stage (18 miles).to Hot Springs. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. New York... $22 90 | Brooklyn.$33 ro EXCURSION 326 —G 9 . (Yia Harrisburg, Washington, and Gordonsviile.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Baltimore. Baltimore & Potomac R. R.to Washington. Wash. City,Va. Midland & Gt.South’n R.R.to Gordonsville. Chesapeake & Ohio R. R.to | ^^‘‘covington Stage (18 miles).to Hot Springs. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Lancaster.$28 90 I Altoona.^32 65 Harrisburg. 27 40 | Pittsburg. 37 35 25 20 I MOMSON llOUSi;, KANi;, I’A. ITHACA—JAMESTOWN (CHAUTAUQUA LAKE)—JORDAN ALUM SPRINGS—JORDAN'S WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS. EXCURSION 32S—S 9. EXCURSION 627. (Via Harrisburg, Washington, and Staunton.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Baltimore. Baltimore & Potomac R. R.to Washington. Baltimore & Ohio R. R.. to Staunton. Chesapeake & Ohio R. R .to j Millboro or ( Covington. Stage (i8 miles).to Hot Springs. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Lancaster.. Harrisburg 90 Altoona.. •2'! 40 Pittsburg ^32 65 ■ 37 35 ITHACA, N. Y., Is the seat of justice of Tompkins county, New York, and is situated on both sides of Cayuga Inlet, near the head of Cayuga Lake, which is thirty-eight miles long and from one to three and a half miles wide. The town is handsomely built, contain¬ ing many elegant edifices, and commands an extended view of the scenery for which the lake is justly celebrated. Cornell University, a richly-endowed and widely-known institution of learning, open to students of both sexes on very liberal terms, is located here. The town is the centre of many natural attrac¬ tions, prominent among which is Ithaca Gorge, which is en¬ tered immediately from a principal street, and abounds in waterfalls and other grand natural wonders. It is said that there are one hundred and fifty falls and cascades within ten miles of the borough. Steamboats ply daily between Ithaca and the lower end of the lake. (Via Emporium, Olean, and Salamanca, returning via Corry and Williuiux- port.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg, Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Emporium. Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia R. R.to Olean. Erie R. R.to Salamanca. Atlantic & Great Western R. R.to Jamestown. Atlantic & Great Western R. R.to Corry. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Sunbury. Northern Central R. R.to Harrisburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. New York.$23 00 “(via Balt.) 25 50 “(via Wash.)27 50 THROUGH RATES. Brooklyn.^23 20 Philadelphia 18 50 Lancaster. 15 85 Altoona. 19 60 Harrisburg...;^i4 35 Baltimore. 17 55 Washington.. 19 55 JORDAN ALUM SPRINGS, VA. EXCURSION 327-0 3 OR EXC. 328—G S. (Via Washington and Gordonsville.' Pennsylvania R. R.to Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore R.R.to Baltimore. Balt. & Pot. R. R. or Balt. & Ohio R. R....to Washington. Wash.City,Va. Midland & Gt.South’n R. R.to Gordonsville. Chesapeake & Ohio R. R.to Millboro. Stage (5 miles). to -I Alum ■ I Springs. Returning by same route. EXCURSION 146. Pennsylvania R. R.to Manunka Chunk Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R....to Binghamton. Erie R. R.. .to Owego. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R....to Ithaca. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATE. From Philadelphia.35 EXCURSION 147. (Via Delaware Water Gap, returning via Elmira and Williamsport.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Manunka Chunk Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R....to Binghamton. Erie R. R.to Owego. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R....to Ithaca. Lehigh Valley R. R....to W^averly. Erie R. R.to Elmira. Northern Central R. R.to Williamsport. Philadelphia & Erie R. R. to Sunbury. Northern Central R. R.to Harrisburg. Pennsylvania R R.to Philadelphia. THROUGH RATE. From Philadelphia.^12 65 EXCURSION 624 . Pennsylvania R. R.to Metuchen. Lehigh Valley R. R. to Ithaca. Returning by same routes. THROUGH RATES. New York.|5i2 35 | Brooklyn.^12 55 JAMESTOWN, N. Y. (CHAUTAUQUA LAKE.) Chautauqua Lake, —This beautiful little sheet of water, twenty-two miles long and from two to three wide, is situated in the county of the same name, in the extreme western cor¬ ner of the State of New York. It is one of the most elevated bodies of water in the Middle States, being seven hundred and thirty-three feet higher than Lake Erie, and nearly fourteen hun dred feet above ocean level. The lake is encircled by well- wooded mountains, and abounds in fish of various kinds Steamers ply between Mayvillc,at the northern end of the lake^ and Jamestown, at its southern extremity, affording not only a pleasant excursion, but enabling visitors to reach or view many p()ints of interest and attraction along its shores. About five miles south from the lake is a wonderful collection of rocks, rent and torn by some convulsion of nature into many strange shapes, and abounding in grottoes', chasms, corridors, and caverns. The entire region is very charming in summer—its elevated position and dense forest surroundings making it bra¬ cing and healthful, while nature has been lavish enough in its adornment to render it at all times interesting. Chautauqua .u ^‘he Philadelphia and Erie and the Buffalo, Corry and Pittsburg Railroads. New York. THROUGH RATES. ..^28 10 I Brooklyn .$28 30 EXCURSION 323—S 5 OR EXC. 324—S 5. (Via Washington and Staunton.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore R.R.to Baltimore. Balt. & Pot. R.R. or Balt. & Ohio R.R.to Washington. Baltimore & Ohio R. R.to Staunton. Chesapeake & Ohio R. R.to Millboro. Stage (5 miles).. to J Alum , . I Springs. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. New York.^28 10 | Brooklyn.^28 30 EXCURSION 326-0 S. (Via Harrisburg, Washington, and Gordonsville.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Baltimore. Baltimore & Potomac R. R. .to Washington. Wash.City, Va. Midland & Gt.South’n R.R.to Gordonsville. Chesapeake & Ohio R.R.to Millboro. Stage (5 miles).to -[ J^^tlan Alum T, . 1 Springs. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Lancaster.^24 10 Harrisburg. 22 60 Altoona...^27 85 Pittsburg. 32 55 EXCURSION 325—S 5. (Via Harrisburg, Washington, and Staunton.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Cential R. R.to Baltimore. Baltimore & Potomac R. R.to W^ashington. Baltimore & Ohio R. R.to Staunton. Chesapeake & Ohio R. R.to Millboro. Stage (5 miles). to -[ Alum ( Springs. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Lancaster. $24 10 Altoona.^27 85 Harrisburg. 22 60 Pittsburg. 32 55 JORDAN’S WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS W. VA, EXCURSION 750. Pennsylvania R. R.to Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore R. R.to Baltimore. Baltimore & Ohio R. R..to Stephenson’s. . Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. New York.$15 80 | Brooklyn.«i6 00 27 KANE—LONG BRANCH. KANE, PA. EXCURSION 628 . This oleasant and popular resort is located on the highest for^thefroduction of milk, butter, and cheese,—the "manufacture of the latter article being an \mnP°mtant indust^^ro^ecu^d mi Ja^inS^rnd^h^usdouTfruit?^^^^^^^^ being obtainable rearing of these beauties is scientifically carried on The Wsts^ almost interminable in extent, are intersected with Sod dAr roads, carpeted by the cast foliage of hemlocks and nines arid arched by their perennial verdure, where drives and walks afford unalloyed enjoyment. Deer are frequently se browsing on the herbage or bounding through the woods, Sbits s^canlper along the roads; pheasants awaken the echoes with their drumming, and silent woodcock ""vay from annroaching humanity to seek more secluded retreats, bports- cmr aWays procure safe, experienced guides to pilot them wLre guns ail ris can be brought into active play, and the lover of nature can find many places to pause at and scenes t remember ” The “ Thomson House,’ at this station, is a lar^e and very superior hotel, elaborately furnished, and com¬ bining all the comforts of the finest summer resorts. Pennsylvania R. R..."‘Jn Freehold & Jamesburg Agricultural R. J. Central R. R. of N. J..V. ..to Long Branch. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia ...$4 oo Lancaster. 6 75 Harrisburg. 8 20 Baltimore.$9 00 Washington ...ii 00 Richmond.18 00 Altoona.$13 5 ° Pittsburg 18 15 EXCURSION 102 . Pennsylvania R. R. ..••••-•■-■■••v-;; 'U .“ "S', SoK jamesburi Agricultural R. R.....0 Fa™ingdal^ New Jersey Southern R. R.....to Long Branch. Returning by same route. Philadelphia...$4 00 Lancaster. 6 75 Harrisburg. 8 20 EXCURSION 391 . Pennsylvania R. ..'» Harrisburg. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Kane. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Brooklyn.^i8 10 New York.... 17 90 Philadelphia. 14 3° Harrisburg ..^li I Baltimore. 13 Washington.. 15 00 25 25 Lancaster.^12 50 Altoona. i 5 3 ° Pittsburg. 20 00 LONG BRANCH, N. J., One of the most popular sea-side resorts ^ rnnntv. New Tersev- It was visited for health and of THROUGH RATES. Baltimore.$9 00 Washington ...II 00 Richmond.18 00 Altoona.$13 50 Pittsburg 18 IS EXCURSION 629 . Pennsylvania R R....•••.p'" Freehold & Jamesburg Agr,cultural R. R....oSe^^ New'jersey’soutWn R. R.>» PemberfnJune. PeTnsylvauia R. .'» ='a«“8 THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia ...$4 00 ^Baltimore. $9 o® Altoona.$13 S® ^Washington ..II 00 Richmond.18 00 Monmouth county. New Jersey recreation previous to 1812, and soon after the terminatio the war with Great Britain hotels were opened for the accommo¬ dation of visitors. Still its magnitude is of recent growth and the iJst fifteen years have done more for its development and Improvement than the preceding fifty had accomplished. Its hoFel accommodations are sufficient ^tO Biefr ^full sons vet each recurring season crowds thein to their tuli caoaciTv Elegant and spacious cottages, owned and occupied bv^Srs^ons of distinction, line the principal avenues for long SfstSes some of them being surrounded with extensive grounds highly ornamented and carefully kept. ^ The beach at Long Branch is famous for its natural g^ndeur as well as for its artificial attractions. It is an open bluff, rising some twenty feet or more above the tide-lme, and extending a d^S^nce of five miles. Along this the grand drive is constructed She principal hotels are erected. Here during the season showy and elegant equipages dash, in passing and repassing lines ^ while the verandas and porticoes are thronged with spectators No view could well be more animated and aUract- ??e than this, with its life, gaiety, and beauty, ^^beved by the wide and restless ocean, swelling and rolling in boundless per soective. Some of the inland drives are equally pleasant, and, in fact the facilities everywhere offered for this exhilarating eniovm’ent may be ranked as one of the attractions of the place. tL Monmouth Park Race-course is a few miles from Long Branch, and its annual meetings rank among the most POP"^ in America. These take place during the season, and the list of entries generally embraces all the famous horses of the turf. Nothing on this side of the Atlantic so nearly approaches an English “Derby day” as a sweepstake at Monmouth Park when fhe multitudls from New York, Philadelphia and all other adjacent cities and towns, pour out to witness the famed steeds contend for the championship. g4 00 Lancaster. 6 75 Harrisburg. 8 20 #Transfer through Philadelphia, returning, included Pittsburg. 18 15 EXCURSION 630 . 1 o,,;., T? P .to Pembert’njunc. S^wTer-y l-.b^irR; R.:;. ^ M T ..to bea * THROUGH RATES. Girt. Philadelphia ...$4 00 Lancaster. 6 75 Harrisburg. 8 20 Altoona.^13 5 ° Pittsburg. 18 IS *Baltimore. $g 00 *Washington..ii 00 Richmond.18 00 ♦Transfer through Philadelphia, going, included. EXCURSION 631 . Pennsylvania R. R...V'T>"'iS‘""!n SeTcirt*^^ through rates. Harrisburg.$8 55 Altoona.^14 ^ Baltimore. 9 5 ° Pittsburg. 18 05 Washington.... 11 5 ° EXCURSION 632 . .r. , • T) I? .to New York. .,o^ngB,a„cb. through rates. Altoona.$14 co Pittsburg. 18 65 Philadelphia...^ Lancaster. 50 25 Baltimore. $g 5 ° Washington....!I 50 Richmond.21 50 Philadelphia ....$4 5 ° Lancaster. 7 25 Harrisburg 8 55 EXCURSION 633 . Pennsylvania R. R.. Freehold & Jamesburg Agricultural R. R....to ^ea Girt rreeno.u oc .to Long Branch. S S n’ r..to New York. SnTylvania R R.’..-!;:::::.'::.'.to starting point. through rates. EXCURSION 20 . Pennsylvania R. ..to Pembert’n junc. New Jersey Southern R. R.to Long Branch. Returning by same route. Philadelphia. $4 5 ° Lancaster. 7 25 Harrisburg..$8 55 Baltimore.... 9 5 ° Washington.il 5 ° Altoona. $14 00 Pittsburg 18 65 Central R. R. of N. J’-v-'V";;"- '," p-'R"-° TamSburg Freeholds. Jamesburg Agricultural R. - ° Pennsylvania K. .. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore. $g 5 ° Washington. ...II 5 ° Richmond.21 50 EXCURSION 634 . p .to New York. .. T_ THROUGH RATES. Harrisburg.$8 20 ^Baltimore. 9 00 ♦Washington..11 00 ♦Transfer through Philadelphia in each direction included. Philadelphia Lancaster.... 554 00 6 75 Altoona.$13 Pittsburg.... 18 50 15 Philadelphia..$4 5 ° Lancaster. 7 25 Harrisburg. 8 55 Altoona. $14 00 Pittsburg 18 6 s 28 LORETTO SPRINGS—LYNCHBURG LORETTO. EXCURSION 22 . LORETTO SPRINGS, PA., Pennsylvania R. R.to Pembert’n June. New Jersey Southern R. R.to Long Branch. New Jersey Southern R. R.to New York. Pennsylvania R. R..to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia....J?4 50 Harrisburg ...^8 55 I Altoona.^14 co Lancaster. 7 25 ^Baltimore ... 9 50 j Pittsburg. 18 65 ^Washington 11 50 j *Transfer through Philadelphia, going, included. EXCURSION 30 . Pennsylvania R. R. New Jersey Southern R. R New Jersey Southern R. R Pennsylvania R. R. .to New York, to Long Branch, to Pembert’n June, to starting point. . THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia...)g4 50 Lancaster. 7 25 Harrisburg.^8 55 *Baltimore. 9 50 *Washington..ii 50 Altoona. $ Pittsburg. *Transfer through Philadelphia, going, included. EXCURSION 103 . 14 00 18 65 Pennsylvania R. R.to Jamesburg. Freehold & Jamesburg Agricultural R. R....to Farmingdale. New Jersey Southern R. R.to Long Branch. New Jersey Southern R. R.to New York. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. Philadelphia ^4 50 Lancaster. 7 25 THROUGH RATES. Harrisburg ...^8 55 Baltimore. 9 50 Washington..! I 50 Altoona.^^14 00 Pittsburg.... 18 65 EXCURSION 148 . Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. New Jersey Southern R. R.to Long Branch. New Jersey Southern R. R.to Farmingdale. Freehold & Jamesburg Agricultural R. R...to Jamesburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. A centre of Catholic religion and learning, founded in 1789 by Father Gallitzin, a prince of the house of that name in Russia, is six miles from Cresson, on the Pennsylvania Railroad, with which station it is connected by regular stage lines. The location of Loretto is near the summit of the Allegheny moun¬ tains, and in consequence it enjoys an atmosphere of extra¬ ordinary purity and coolness, while its forest surroundings make it peculiarly attractive during the summer months. EXCURSION 1 . Pennsylvania R. R.to Kaylor’s. Stage (4 miles).to Springs. Returning by same route. (Xy Stage transportation is not included in ticket. THROUGH RATES. Brooklyn.^15 55 New York. 15 35 Philadelphia... 12 90 Harrisburg...^7 65 Baltimore. 9 65 Washington..II 65 Lancaster.I9 50 Altoona. 1 05 Pittsburg. 5 40 LYNCHBURG, VA. EXCURSION 149 OR EXCURSION 283 . (Returning via Kirhiiiond.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore R.R to Baltimore. Balt. & Pot. R. R. or Balt, & Ohio R. R....to Washington. Wash. City,Va. Midland &Gt. .South’nR.R.to Lynchburg. Atlantic, hlississippi & Ohio R. R.to Burkeville. Richmond & Danville R. R.to Richmond. Richmond, Fredericksburg&Potomac R. R.to Quantico. Alexandria & Fredericksburg R. R.to Washington. Balt. & Pot. R. R. or Balt. & Ohio R. R....to Baltimore. Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore R. R.to Philadelphia. Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Philadelphia.. ..^4 50 Lancaster . 7 25 Harrisburg . 8 70 THROUGH RATES. Baltimore.^9 50 Washington.. 11 50 Richmond. ...21 50 Altoona.^14 00 Pittsburg 18 65 THROUGH RATES. New York.^28 60 | Brooklyn.80 (ETTransfer through Richmond included. 29 MAYVILLE (CHAUTAUQUA LAKE)-MINNEQUA SPRINGS—MONTGOMERY WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS— MONTREAL. EXCURSION 150 OR EXCURSION 281 . (Returning via Richmond and Norfoik.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore R R.to Baltimore. Balt. & Pot. R R. or Balt. & Ohio R. R. .to Washington. Wash. City, Va. Midland & Gt. South’n R. R.to Lynchburg. Atlantic, Mississippi & Ohio R. R.to Burkeville. Richmond & Danville R. R.to Richmond. Virginia Steamboat Co.to Norfolk Bay Line Steamers .to Baltimore. Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore R. R.to Philadelphia. Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. THROUGH RATES. New York.$29 80 | Brooklyn.$30 00 (jyTransfer through Richmond included. MONTGOMERY WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, VA. EXCURSION 152 . (Via Kaj Line Steamers.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Philadelphia. Philadelphia,Wilmington & Baltimore R.R to Baltimore. Bay Line Steamers.to Norfolk. Atlantic, Mississippi & Ohio R. R.to Big Tunnel. Returning by same route. OU^From Big Tunnel, tramway runs to the Springs, x mile distant. THROUGH RATES. New York.$29 00 | Brooklyn .$29 20 EXCURSION 151 OR EXCURSION 282 . (Returning via Richmuiid and KorfoIk.< Pennsylvania R. R. to Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore R. R.to Baltimore. Balt. & Pot. R. R. or Balt. & Ohio R. R...to Washington. Wash. City, Va. Midland &Gt. South’n R.R.to Lynchburg. Atlantic, Mississippi & Ohio R. R.to Norfolk. Bay Line Steamers.to Baltimore. Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore R. R.to Philadelphia. Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. THROUGH RATES. New York.$28 10 | Brooklyn.$28 30 MAYVILLE, N.Y. (CHAUTAUQUA LAKE.) EXCURSION 443 . Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Corry. Buffalo, Corry & Pittsburg R. R.to Mayville. Returning by same route. Philadelphia....$17 70 Lancaster. 15 00 THROUGH RATES. Baltimore 70 Washington 18 70 Harrisburg..;^!3 50 Altoona. 18 75 MINNEQUA SPRINGS, PA. No place in the Middle States has so rapidly grown in popu¬ lar favor as the Minnequa Springs, located in the Towanda valley, at a considerable elevation above sea level, in the midst of an agreeable landscape and surrounded by dense forests, where the woods and streams afford excellent sport for hunts¬ men and fishermen. The improvements have been made with judgment and liberality, and among each season’s guests are now included many of the prominent men of the country, who visit the springs for the complete repose offered by their quiet seclusion, as well as for the benefit to be derived from their waters. An analysis of these made by Dr. Cresson gives the following results:—Total solid contents in one U. S. gallon, 7.652; calcium, 0.994; magnesium, 0.207; sodium, 0.722; lithium, trace; aluminium, 0.127; iron, trace; manganese, 0.266 ; chlorine, 0.140 ; silica, 0.700 ; zinc, 0.028; carbonic acid, 2.053 ; boracic acid, 2.132; oxygen (with silicates), 0.138 ; loss, 0.145. Temperature of spring, 47° Fahr. Amount of sample, twenty-five United States gallons. The active ingredients are the salts of manganese and zinc. The metals are of unusual occurrence. One of them, manganese, is found in the follow¬ ing celebrated springs :—Ems, Nassau ; Spa, Belgium ; Carls¬ bad, Bohemia; Pyrmont, Weldeck; Weisbaden, Nassau; and Garonne, Toulouse. EXCURSION 29 . Pennsylvania R.R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R .to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Minnequa. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Brooklyn.$13 80 New York. ... 13 60 Philadelphia.... 10 00 Harrisburg....5^6 50 Baltimore.... 10 50 Washington 12 50 Richmond.... 19 50 Lancaster.... $8 50 Altoona .ii 85 Pittsburg.15 55 EXCURSION 77. Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R .to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R R...to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Minnequa. Northern Central R. R.to Williamsport. Philadelphia & Reading R. R.to Philadelphia. THROUGH RATE. From Philadelphia.co EXCURSION 403 OR EXCURSION 437 . (Via VVaahIngtun and Lvnrliburg.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Philadelphia. Philadelphia,Wilmington & Baltimore R. R.to Baltimore. Balt. & Pot. R. R. or Balt. & Ohio R. R....to Washington. Wash. City ,Va. Midland & Gt. South’n R. R.to Lynchburg. Atlantic, Mississippi & Ohio R. R.to Big Tunnel. Returning by same route. (FJ’From Big Tunnel, tramway runs to the Springs, 1 mile distant. THROUGH RATES. New York....J27 75 | Brooklyn.$27 95 MONTREAL. Lake Champlain. —This useful, as well as beautiful, sheet of water, lies between the States of New York and Vermont, and extends a short distance into Canada It is, in extreme length, about one hundred and thirty miles, and varies in width from half a mile to fifteen miles,—the water, in places, being near three hundred feet deep. Its principal outlet is the Riche¬ lieu rivery which empties into the St. Lawrence about fifty miles below Montreal. Tributaries of the Hudson river rise within a few miles of the lake, and its surface might reasonably be considered a continuation of that valley, slightly tilted, so as to throw its water northward. The Vermont shores of the lake are generally fertile and well cultivated, while those of New York are wild, rocky, and barren, rising into v^t moun¬ tains, and contain rich iron deposits. Lake Champlain is con¬ nected with the St. Lawrence by the Chambly canal, and with the Hudson river and Erie canal by the Champlain canal. These connections give it an important commerce, which con¬ tinues from April to December. The name it bears is that of Samuel Champlain, a French naval officer, who discovered it in 1609. The shores of Lake Champlain are not only interesting in themselves, but they hold many places of celebrity and attract¬ iveness. The ruins of old Fort Ticonderoga stand out upon a high, rocky bluff at the confluence of the outlet of Lake George’with Lake Champlain. The remains of the fortress at Crown Point loom up opposite to Chimney Point, which the French occupied in 1731. The localities where Burgoyne held his famous Indian council and made his treaty, and where Arnold fought with Caxleton, are pointed out. Plattsburg, the scene of the battles on the iith of September, 1814, in which Commodore McDonough gained his signal naval victor}’, and General Macomb compelled Sir George Provost to retire into Canada, is the most conspicuous and interesting point on the lake. Numerous natural curiosities exist on its islands and shores, but space will not permit their mention here. Bur¬ lington, a beautiful city on the Vermont shore, is well worth the attention of the tourist. From Plattsburg, the Adirondacks are reached with facility. Port Kent, on the western bank of the lake, is the most convenient point for tourists to Au Sable Chasm, and one of the starting points for the Adirondacks. EXCURSION 96 . (Via Kew York, Hudson River Steamers, and Alex.vndria Bay, returning via Lake Champlain, Hudson River, and >ew York.) Pennsylvania R. R.New York. Steamer on Hudson River.to Albany. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Rome. Rome, Watertown & Ogdensburg R. R.to Cape Vincent. Steamer “ T. S. Faxton”.to Alexandria Bay. Rich.&Ont.Nav.Co.’s Strs (meals induded)to Montreal. Grand Trunk R. R.to Rouse’s Point. Champlain Div. D. & H C. Co.to Plattsburg. Steamer on Lake Champlain.to Ft. 1 iconderoga. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Albany. Steamer on Hudson River.to New York. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia...$28 20 | Baltimore....$33 20 | Wa.shington.$35 20 30 PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. THE GREAT PLEASURE ROUTE VIA THE DELAWARE & HUDSON CANAL CO. S RAILROADS. NOTICE THE SUMMER RESORTS REACHED ONLY BY THIS LINE; COOPERSTOW^^, LAKE CHAMPLAIN, LAKE GEORGE, HOWE’S CAVE, SHARON SPRINGS, AU SABLE CHASM, SARATOGA, BALLSTON SPA, PLATTSBURGH, AND THE Great Adirondack Wilderness. This Company, in connection with the New York Central & Hudson River Railroad and Grand Trunk Railway, offers the SHORTEST and BEST ROUTE BETWEEN NEW YORK, MONTREAL, AND ALL POINTS IN THE PROVINCES. Ask for Tickets via this NEW LINE, and notice that they read via Delaware & Hudson Canal Co.’s Railroads' Arrangements have been made by which passengers can have their CHOICE OF ROUTES FROM Fort Ticonderoga to Flattshtirgh, either via Fail^ or via Steamer 07 i LA KE CHAMPL AIN. Do not fail to make this route part of your SUMMER TRIP. Tickets on sale at, and information may be procured from, all the Principal Ticket Offices on Pennsylvania Railroad and in Philadelphia and New York, or of JOS. ANGELL, General Passenger Agent, ALBANY, NEW YORK. New Route from Niagara Falls and Lewiston -WIAi.- Rome, Watertown & Ogdensburg R. R. THE SHORTEST AND MOST DIRECT ROUTE TO CLAYTON, ALEXANDRIA BAY, THE SPLENDID FISHING-GROUNDS, _ _ AND The Thousand Islands of the River St. Lawrence. THE ROME, WATERTOWN & OGDENSBURG RAILROAD is the Only All-rail Route to the St. Lawrence River by which Tourists and Excursionists can have a view of all the THOUSAND ISLANDS, and avoid the tedious and uncom¬ fortable lake trip from Lewiston and Toronto. New and Rlegant Drawing-Room Cars will run through to Cape Vincent without change. Direct connections made at Cape Vincent with the new and fast Steamers ISXjA-ND SEZiDE” and 2 \ S. FAX^TON,” specially adapted to the accommodation and comfort of pleasure travel; one of which will make two trips daily (Sundays excepted) between Cape Vincent and Alexandria Bay, calling at Clayton and Thousand Island Park, thus rendering the sail exceedingly pleasant, through the most delightful portion of the Thousand Islands. Connections made with RICHEILIEU & OUTARIO LIITE OF" STEAMERS For MONTREAL and QUEBEC, passing through the Thousand Islands and Rapids hy Dayliyht. Tourists and Excursionists from Philadelphia and points South can purchase tickets via Manunka Chunk, Delaware Water Gap, and Rome; also, via New York and Rome, and via Niagara Falls. WAGNER SLEEPING CAR attached to train leaving Grand Central Depot, New York, at 8.30 P. M.. and run through to Cape Vincent (Breakfast at Watertown), and arrive at Cape Vincent 9.30 A. M., Clayton 10.45 A. M., Alexandria Bay la.ooNoon. Excursion Tickets to Clayton, Alexandria Bay, Montreal, Quebec, White Mountains, and Round-trip Tickets via Montreal, Lake Champlain, Lake George, Saratoga, &c., can be obtained at all the Principal Ticket Offices in New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington; also, at Niagara Falls, Saratoga, and all the principal stations of New York Central & Hudson River Railroad and connecting lines. Be sure and secure your tickets via ROME, WATERTOWN & OGDENSBURG RAILROAD. H. T. FRARY, Gen’l Ticket Agent. MONTREAL. EXCURSION 393 . THROUGH RATES. (Tla New York, lludson River Steamers, and Alexandria Bay, returning via Lake Champlain, Hiidson River, and New York.) Pennsylvania R. R...to New York. Steamer on Hudson River.to Albany. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Utica. Utica & Black River R. R.to Clayton. Steamer “J. H. Kelly”.to Alexandria Bay. Rich.& Ont.Nav.Co.'sStrs.(meals included)to Montreal. Grand Trunk R. W.to Rouse’s Point. Champlain Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Plattsburg. Steamer on Lake Champlain.to Ft.Ticonderoga. , Saratoga Div. D. & H C. Co.to Albany. Steamer on Hudson River.to New York. ' Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. | THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia...J28 20 | Baltimore....^33 20 | Washington.$35 20 Lake George.— Few, if any, among the numerous pictur¬ esque lakes in America are more beautiful or more celebrated i than this, which lies between the counties of Washington and , Warren, in the State of New York, and is thirty-six miles long, varying in breadth from three-quarters of a mile to four miles, i and in many places is four hundred feet in depth. It is in the I midst of mountains, and popular belief credits it with islands | equal in number to the days of the year. History, as well as tradition, lingers around it, marking many spots with more than ordinary interest. Not the least among these are the ruins of Fort William Henry and Fort George. The lake has had many names conferred upon it, both by Indians and white men. The former generally called it Lake Horicon; the French named it Le lac du St. Sacrament, and were in the habit of carrying its remarkably pure water many miles for baptismal J purposes. Sir William Johnson, prompted by his loyalty, 1 named it Lake George, after one of the Georges of Great j Britain, and this title has been permitted to remain as its desig- 1 nation, although it cannot justly be considered appropriate or j elegant. A writer, describing the many attractions of the lake, says:—“ It has something of interest for every one—the lover | of history, of romance, of beauty, and lovers generally.” 1 EXCURSION 240 . (Via Watkins’ Glen, Niagara 1 alls, and Alexandria Bay, returning via Lake Champlain, Lake George, and Saratoga.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Watkins’. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Geneva. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Lewiston. Rome, Watertown & Ogdensburg R. R.to Cape Vincent. { Clayton and Alexandria Bay. Rich.&Ont Nav.Co.’s Strs.(mealsincluded)to Montreal. Grand Trunk R. R.to St. John’s. Central Vermont R. R.to Burlington. Steamer on Lake Champlain.to Old FortTi. Lake George Branch D. & H. C. Co.to Baldwin. Steamer on Lake George.to Caldwell. Stage.to Glen’s Falls. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Saratoga. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Albany. Steamer on Hudson River.to New York. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. Brooklyn.1^38 65 New York 38 45 “ (via Balt.).. 40 95 “ (viaWash.) 42 95 THROUGH rates. Philadelphia.$38 45 Lancaster.38 45 Altoona. 43 70 Pittsburg. 48 40 Harrisburg..$38 45 Baltimore.... 41 20 Washington. 43 20 Richmond... 50 20 EXCURSION 390 . (Via Watkins’ Glen, Niagara Falls, and Alexandria Bay, returning via Lake Champlain, Lake George, and Saratoga.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R...to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Watkins’. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Geneva. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Utica. Utica & Black River R. R.to Clayton. Steamer “ J. H. Kelly”.to Alexandria Bay. Rich.&Ont. Nav.Co.’sStrs. (mealsinciuded)to Montreal. Grand Trunk R. R.to St. John’s. Central Vermont R. R.to Burlington. Steamer on Lake Champlain.to Old Fort Ti. Lake George Branch D. & H. C. Co.to Baldwin. Steamer on Lake George.to Caldwell. Stage.to Glen’s Falls. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Saratoga. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Albany. Steamer on Hudson River.to New York. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. Brooklyn .35 Philadelphia..$38 15 Harrisburg.$38 15 New York. 38 15 Lancaster. 38 15 Baltimore... 40 90 “ (via Balt.).. 40 65 1 Altoona. 43 40 Washington 42 90 ” (viaWash.) 42 65 ' Pittsburg. 48 10 EXCURSION 241 . (Via WatkiuK’Glen and Alexandria Bay, relurninir via Lake Champlain, Lake George, and Saratoga.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Watkins’. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Geneva. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Syracuse. Rome, Watertown & Ogdensburg R. R.to Cape Vincent. (Clayton and Steamer “T.S. Faxton”.tOK Alexandria I Bay. Rich.&Ont. Nav. Co.’s Strs.(meals included)to Montreal. Grand Trunk R. R.to Rouse’s Point. Champlain Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Plattsburg. Steamer on Lake Champlain.to Ft.Ticonderoga. Lake George Branch D. & H. C. Co.to Baldwin. Steamer on Lake George.to Caldwell. Stage.to Glen’s Falls. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Saratoga. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Albany. Steamer on Hudson River.to New York. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. Brooklyn.J34 20 New York. 34 00 ” (via Balt.).. 36 50 “ (viaWash.) 38 50 THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia.$34 00 Lancaster. 34 00 Altoona. 39 30 Pittsburg. 44 00 1 Harrisburg..$34 00 Baltimore ... 36 75 Washington 38 75 I Richmond... 45 75 EXCURSION 733 . Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Troy. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co. | (via Saratoga & Plattsburg) Champlain Div. D. & H. C. Co. ) .to Rouse’s Point. Grand Trunk R. R.to Montreal. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia.$24 00 | Baltimore.$29 00 | Washington... 31 00 EXCURSION 734 . Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Troy. Troy & Boston R. R.to State Line. Bennington & Rutland R. R.to Rutland. Central Vermont R. R.to St. John’s. Grand Trunk R. R...to Montreal. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia.^24 00 | Baltimore.$29 00 | Washington..$31 00 EXCURSION 73 S. Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Troy. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co. (via Saratoga)to Glen’s Falls. Stage.to Caldwell. Steamer on Lake George.to Baldwin. Lake George Branch D. & H. C. Co.to Ft. Ticonderoga. Steamer on Lake Champlain. to Plattsburg. Champlain Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Rouse’s Point. Grand Trunk R. R.to Montreal. Grand Trunk R. R.....to Rouse’s Point. Champlain Div. D. & H. C. Co. ) (via Plattsburg & Saratoga) Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.... l .to Troy. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to New York. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia..$27 00 | Baltimore.$32 co | Washington..^34 00 EXCURSION 736 . Pennsylvania R. R .to New York. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Troy. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co... | (via Saratoga & Plattsburg) Champlain Div. D. & H. C. Co. ) .to Rouse’s Point. Grand Trunk R. R.to Montreal. Grand Trunk R. R.to Rouse’s Point. Champlain Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Plattsburg. Steamer on Lake Champlain.to Ft.Ticonderoga. Lake George Branch D. & H. C. Co.to Baldwin. Steamer on Lake George.to Caldwell. Stage.to Glen’s Falls. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Troy. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to New York. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia..527 00 | Baltimore....$32 00 ] Washington..^34 00 32 MOUNTAIN LAKE—MOUNT HOLLY SPRINGS—MT. KINEO HOUSE, MOOSEHEAD LAKE, MAINE. EXCURSION 737 . Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Day Line Steamers.to Albany. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co. f (via Saratoga & Plattsburg) Champlain Div. D. & H. C. Co. f.to Rouse’s Point. Grand Trunk R. R.to Montreal. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia..;j22 oo | Baltimore....$27 00 | Washington..^29 00 EXCURSION 788 . Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Day Line Steamers.to Albany. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.(via Saratoga)to Glen’s Falls. Stage.to Caldwell. Steamer on Lake George.to Baldwin. Lake George Branch D. & H. C. Co.to Ft. Ticonderoga. Steamer on Lake Champlain.to Plattsburg. Champlain Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Rouse’s Point. Grand Trunk R. R.to Montreal. Grand Trunk R. R.to Rouse’s Point. Champlain Div. D. & H. C. Co.) (via Plattsburg & Saratoga) Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.... J .to Albany. Day Line Steamers. to New York. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia..$25 00 j Baltimore....^30 00 | Washington..;^32 00 EXCURSION 389 . (Via Watkins’ Gien and Aiexandria Bay, returning ria Lake Champlain, Lake George, and Saratoga.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Watkins’. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Geneva. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Utica. Utica & Black River R. R.to Clayton. Steamer “ J. H. Kelly”.to Alexandria Bay. Rich.&Ont. Nav.Co.’sStrs.(mealsincludedjto Montreal. Grand Trunk R. R.to Rouse’s Point. Champlain Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Plattsburg. Steamer on Lake Champlain.to Ft. Ticonderoga. Lake George Branch D. & H. C. Co.to Baldwin. Steamer on Lake George.to Caldwell. Stage.to Glen’s Falls. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Saratoga. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Albany. Steamer on Hudson River.to New York. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Brooklyn.^34 20 New York.... 34 00 ” (via Balt.) 36 50 “ (viaWash.)38 50 Philadelphia..534 00 Lancaster. 34 00 Altoona. 39 30 Pittsburg. 44 00 Harrisburg. .^34 00 Baltimore.... 36 75 Washington 38 75 EXCURSION 242. (Via Watkins’ Glen and Alexandria Bay, returning via Lake Champlain, Lake George, Saratoga, and Delaware Water Gap.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Watkins’. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Geneva. New York Central & Hudson River R. R..to Syracuse. Rome, Watertown & Ogdensburg R. R.to Cape Vincent. f Clayton and Steamer “T. S. Faxton”.to< Alexandria I Bay. Rich.&Ont. Nav.Co.’s Strs.(meals included)to Montreal. Grand Trunk R. R.to Rouse’s Point. Champlain Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Plattsburg. Steamer on Lake Champlain.to Ft. Ticonderoga. Lake George Branch D. & H. C. Co.to Baldwin. Steamer on Lake George.to Caldwell. Stage...to Glen’s Falls. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.(via Saratoga)to Schenectady. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Utica. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R....toManunkaChunk Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia..537 30 | Baltimore....$40 00 | Washington..$42 00 EXCURSION 388. (Via Watkins’ Glen and Alexandria Bay, returning via Lake Champlain, Lake George, Saratoga, and Delaware Water Gap.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R. .to Sunbury; Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Watkins’. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Geneva. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Utica. Utica & Black River R. R.to Clayton. Steamer ” J. H. Kelly”.to Alexandria Bay. Rich.& Ont.Nav.Co.’s Strs.(meals included)to Montreal. Grand Trunk R. R.to Rouse’s Point. Champlain Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Plattsburg. Steamer on Lake Champlain.to Ft.Ticonderoga. Lake George Branch D. & H. C. Co.to Baldwin. Steamer on Lake George.to Caldwell. I Stage.to (Slen’s Falls. 1 Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co. (via Saratoga)to Schenectady. I New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Utica. I Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R....to ManunkaChunk. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia...^37 30 | Baltimore....$40 00 | Washington.J42 00 MOUNTAIN LAKE, VA. By any route to Christiansburg, from which point stages run to Mountain Lake, charging a rate of $6 for the round trip. MOUNT HOLLY SPRINGS, PA., Are delightfully situated at the base of the South mountain, on the verge of the great Cumberland valley, and are surrounded I by scenery which, in picturesqueness, approaches to grandeur. The secluded situation of these springs gives a quiet attraction that those in search of rest cannot fail to appreciate, while the adjacent country affords many agreeable resorts. EXCURSION 95 . Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Cumberland Valley R. R.to Carlisle. South Mountain R. R.to Mount Holly. A coupon, good for lodging, breakfast, dinner, and supper at any hotel at Mount Holly Springs. Returning by same route. I Brooklyn.1^13 20 New York... 13 00 j Philadelphia 8 60 THROUGH RATES. Lancaster. $5 20 Baltimore. 8 25 Washington.10 65 Altoona.Jio 00 Pittsburg 17 00 MT.KINEO HOUSE,MOOSEHEAD LAKE, MAINE. EXC. 689 OR 740 , WITH EXC. 412 , 413 , OR 658 . (Via rail, Bangor, and Greenvilie, returning via Sound Lines.) Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Rail Lines.to Boston. Boston & Maine or Eastern R. R.to Portland. Maine Central R. R.to Bangor. European & North American R. R.to Oldtown. Bangor & Piscataquis R. R.to Blanchard. Stage (12 miles).to Greenville. Steamer on Moosehead Lake (20 miles).to Mt.KineoHouse Steamer on Moosehead Lake (20 miles)......to Greenville. Stage (12 miles).to Blanchard. Bangor & Piscataquis R. R.to Oldtown. European & North American R. R.to Bangor. Maine Central R. R.to Portland. Boston & Maine or Eastern R. R.to Boston. Sound Lines.;.to New York. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia...$28 75 | Baltimore...^533 75 | Washington..$35 75 0 ;; 7 ’ Transfer through New York, going, included. EXC. 689 OR 740 , WITH EXC. 407 , 408 , OR 654 . (Via Sound Lines, Bangor, and Greenville, returning via rail.) I Pennsylvania R. R.„to New York. Sound Lines.to Boston. j Boston & Maine or Eastern R. R.to Portland. I European & North American R. R.to Oldtown. [ Bangor & Piscataquis R. R.to Blanchard. ! Stage (12 miles).to Greenville. j Steamer on Moosehead Lake (20 miles).to Mt.KineoHouse ! Steamer on Moosehead Lake (20 miles).to Greenville. Stage (12 miles).to Blanchard. I Bangor & Piscataquis R. R.to Oldtown. ! European & North American R. R.to Bangor. Maine Central R. R.to Portland. j Boston & Maine or Eastern R. R.to Boston. j Rail Lines.to New York. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia..$28 75 | Baltimore...;f33 75 | Washington..^35 75 (t7* Transfer through New York, returning, included 33 % SINKING SPRING CAVE, NEAR TYRONE. 34 ^ MT. KINEO HOUSE, MOOSEHEAD LAKE, MAINE. Mt. Kineo House, Moosehead Lake, Maine. INCREASED ACCOMMODATIONS FOR 18T8. For descriptive circular, address O. A. DENNEN, Superintendent, Mt. Kineo Hou.se, Moosehead. Lake, Maine. EXC. 689 OR 740, WITH EXC. 409, 410, 411, 0R704. (Via Sound Lines, Bangor, and Greenville in both directions.) Pennsylvania R. R...to New York. Sound Lines.to Boston. Boston & Maine or Eastern R. R.to Portland. Maine Central R. R.to Bangor. European & North American R. R.to Oldtown. Bangor & Piscataquis R. R.to Blanchard. Stage (i2 miles).to Greenville. Steamer on Moosehead Lake (20 miles).to Mt.KineoHouse Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia..$24 00 | Baltimore....$29 00 j Washington .^31 00 EXCURSION 720. (Via rail, Bangor, and Greenville, in both directions.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Jersey City. Steamer “ Maryland''.to Harlem River. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R...to New Haven. Boston & New York Air-Line.to Willimantic. New York & New England R. R.to Putnam. N. Y. & New England R. R. (N. & W. Div.^to Worcester. Worcester & Nashua R. R . to Rochester. Portland & Rochester R. R.to Portland. Maine Central R. R.to Bangor. European & North American R. R.to Oldtown. Bangor & Piscataquis R. R.to Blanchard. Stage (12 miles).to Greenville. Steamer on Moosehead Lake (20 miles).to Mt.KineoHouse Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia J30 50 | Baltimore....$35 50 | Washington..^37 50 EXCURSION 719. (Via Sound Lines, Bangor, and Greenville in both directions.) Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Norwich & New York Transportation Co....to New London. N. Y. & New England R. R. (N. & W. Div )to Worcester. Worcester & Nashua R. R.to Rochester. Portland & Rochester R. R.to Portland. Maine Central R. R.to Bangor. European & North American R. R.to Oldtown. Bangor & Piscataquis R. R.to Blanchard. Stage (12 miles).to Greenville. Steamer on Moosehead Lake (20 miles).to Mt.KineoHouse Returning by same route THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia..^24 00 | Baltimore....$29 00 | Washington..$3i 00 EXC. 783, WITH EXC. 412, 413, OR 6S3. (Via rail, Bangor, and Greenville, returning via Sound Lines.) Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Rail Lines.to Boston. Sanford Steamship Co.to Bangor. European & North American R. R.to Oldtown. Bangor & Piscataquis R. R...to Blanchard. Stage.to Greenville. Steamer on Moosehead Lake.toMt. Kineo House Steamer on Moosehead Lake.to Greenville. Stage.to Blanchard. Bangor & Piscataquis R. R.to Oldtown. European & North American R. R.to Bangor. Sanford Steamship Co.to Boston. Sound Lines.to New York. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia..^25 75 | Baltimore....^30 75 | Washington..;J532 75 (LFTransfer through New York, going, included. EXC. 783, WITH EXC. 407, 408, OR 654. (Via Sound Lines, Bangor, and Greenville, returning via rail.) Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Sound Lines.to Boston. Sanford Steamship Co.to Bangor. European & North American R. R.to Oldtown. Bangor & Piscataquis R. R.to Blanchard. Stage.to Greenville. Steamer on Moosehead Lake.toMt. Kineo House Steamer on Moosehead Lake.to Greenville. Stage.to Blanchard. Bangor & Piscataquis R. R .to Oldtown. European & North American R. R.to Bangor. Sanford Steamship Co.to Boston. Rail Lines.to New York. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia..^25 75 | Baltimore....^30 75 | Washington..$32 75 0;7*Transfer througli New York, returning, included. EXC. 783, WITH EXC. 409. 410, 411. OR 704. (Via Sound Linos, Bangor, and (jreoiiviile in both dirortions.) Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Sound Lines.to Boston. Sanford Steamship Co.to Bangor. European & North American R. R.to Oldtown. Bangor & Piscataquis R. R.to Blanchard. Stage.to Greenville. Steamer on Moosehead Lake.toMt. Kineo House Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia.$21 00 | Baltimore....$26 00 \ Washington..$28 00 35 MOUNT PISGAH (SWITCHBACK^R.^R^^MAUCH^_^^^^^^g^^^ CHUNK—MT. WASHINGTON (WHITE MOUNTAINS)— mount PISGAH (SWITCHBACK R. R.)* At the foot of this eminence, rising in almost perpendicular ascent to a height of fifteen hundred feet above tide, is the town of Mauch Chunk,-in the Indian language signifying Bear Mountain,—a great centre of anthracite coal operations. Crowded in among mountains, where the Lehigh river forces a paSfwith many curves and bends, and where almost the only relief to precipices are ravines, the enterprise and ingenuity of man had here to encounter nature in its inost forbidding SpTcts- but the mineral wealth hidden in the region was sufficient incentive to the herculean task, and ^ ^ canals intersect it in all directions, and industry has reaped a rfch reward for its labors in their construction. Anthracite coal was discovered here by a hunter m 1791. fi^een years Sor^ the region was settled, and in 1812 mining operations were begun, but proved unprofitable untd about 1820, when the Leideh Navigation and the Lehigh Coal Companies commenced the thorough development of the region. Since then it has made rapid progress, and now is a hive of industry and pro- ductrveness. The “ Switchback Railroad” over Mount Pisgah, •Glen Onoko, and many other wonderful attractions, exist in the region, rendering it an interesting and pleasant resort. EXCURSION 107. „ ,_• -p p .to Phillipsburg. I R^of S'Sus. Di-.Ro Mau* Chunk. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia.. ?4 50 1 Baltimore. $9 50 I Washington.$ii 50 EXCURSION 703. . Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia..$4 50 1 Baltimore. $9 5 ° 1 Washington.Jii 50 from mauch chunk to mauch CHUNK (over the Switchback R. R.j. EXCURSION 90. iRate. .75 cents. MT WASHINGTON (WHITE MOUN¬ TAINS). Eastern R. R.to North Conway. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to G en Station. .to Glen House. ^ . ^ (Summit Mt. Stage. ° i Washington. _ „ j Base of Mt. Mt. Washington R. W.to | Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Fabyan's. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Crawford s. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Fabyan's. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Bethlehem. \ .to Profile House. gj2ge.! . ..*.!!.to Littleton. Boston”Concord& Montreal R. R.to Wells River. Montpelier & Wells River R. R.to Montpelier. Central Vermont R. R.to Burhngton. Steamer on Lake Champlain.to Ft.Ticonderoga. Lake George Branch D. & H. C. Co.to BaMwin Steamer on Lake George. to CaldweU. Stage. .to Glen’s Falls. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Albany Day Line Steamers.to New York. Pennsylvania R. R. to starting point. Philadelphia$43 00 Lancaster.... 45 75 THROUGH RATES. Harrisburg.$47 25 Baltimore. 48 00 Washington.. 50 00 Altoona.$52 50 Pittsburg. 57 20 NANTUCKET, MASS. EXCURSION 7S0. Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Old Colony Steamboat Company.to Fall River. Old Colony R. R...A*.to Wood s Holl. Nantucket & Cape Cod Steamboat Co.to Nantucket. Returning by same route. Philadelphia$i4 00 Lancaster.... 16 75 THROUGH RATES. Harrisburg.....^18 20 Baltimore. 19 00 Washington.... 21 00 Altoona.$23 10 Pittsburg 27 75 EXCURSION 757. Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Old Colony Steamboat Company.to tall River. Old Colony R. R.....to Wood s Holl. Nantucket & Cape Cod Steamboat Co.to Nantucket. Nantucket & Cape Cod Steamboat Co.to Wood s Holl. Old Colony .'“farRivo, or Old Colony R. ..to | Newport. Old Colony Steamboat Company.to New York. Pennsylvania R. .to starting point. EXCURSION 760. IPennsylvania R. ..Affiaiw^"^^ Day Line Steamers ..:::V.V.:.to Glen’s^Falls. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. ^ Caldwell LateTeorge Branch D & H.'C.'Co.to Ft. Ticonderoga. Steamer on Lake Champlain . Monlpliren Mo"nSilS & Wells River R. R.to Wells River. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.......... LiUl.e^°n.^^^^ Stage. .Bethlehem. los!on 7 ConcoVd&‘MonuearR;R Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Crawford s. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to | Washington. ( Summit of Mt. Mt. Washington R. W.to j Washington. .to Glen Honse. Stage. ....to Glen Station. . . to New York. .to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia$ 4 i 00 Harrisburg.$45 25 ^!t°oaa.$ 5 ° 5 ° Lanc^.... 43 75 Baltimore. 4625 Pittsburg. 5520 Washington... 48 25 EXCURSION 761. . 1 • T) T) .to New York. Pennsylvania R. ... ■pound Lines. Philadelphia.$i 5 50 Lancaster. 18 25 THROUGH RATES. Harrisburg.^19 70 Baltimore. 20 50 Washington.... 22 50 Altoona.$24 60 Pittsburg. 29 25 NARRAGANSETT PIER, R. I. EXCURSION 731. , . n Tj _to New York. sS'rLantAVpLin^^^ .to Stpnington. New York, Providence & Boston R. R.to Narragansett Pier R. R.to | Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia ..$9 oo 1 Baltimore.$X 4 oo I Washington $i 6 oo EXCURSION 732. New York” nSv Haven'& Hartford R. R....to New l^ndon. S:: York: providence & Boston R R.to Kinp^ton-^^^^^^ Narragansett Pier R. R.to | p,£j. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia$i 4 5 ° 1 Baltimore.$19 5 ° 1 Washingtonjai 50 (tT* Transfer through New York in each direction included in ticket. 36 LAKE MOHONK—NEW PALTZ—NEWPORT—NEWPORT (LAKE MEMPHREMAGOG)—NIAGARA FALLS. LAKE MOHONK, One of the most entrancingly beautiful spots in the Empire State, is in Ulster county, about five miles distant from New^ Paltz, a station on the Wallkill Valley Railway. The lake is a small, deep, cool, and clear sheet of water, located near the summit of Sky-Top, one of the loftiest of the Shawangunk mountains, at an altitude of twelve hundred feet above the Hudson river. Some six years ago it was opened as a resort for visitors, and since then has grown rapidly in popular favor, calling forth the most enthusiastic encomiums from artists and men of letters. One of these writes:—“There is an endless variety in the wondrous rock scenery, and a whole season would hardly suffice to explore this wild and wonderful labyrinth. But from two summits—Sky-Top and Eagle’s Cliff—an outlook is gained not inferior to any in the whole Catskill region ; in some respects unrivaled in America. The valleys of the Rond- out and the Wallkill lie below, beautiful as paradise. Eastward can be traced the course of the Hudson, and the line of the Green Mountains, wirti their most commanding summits. The whole western horizon is crowded by piled-up walls of azure, stretch¬ ing from the Alleghenies in the south-west to the cone of Overlook in the north.’’ Another enthusiastically exclaims :— “ Up, up we climbed above the monarchs of the forest; up where the air is rarefied; up to the height of a thousand feet or more; when, lo ! a vision of enchantment is before us. O divers after beauty ! here is the pearl of it,—the crystal, hillocked Mohonk Lake. We wish we could describe it to you as it looked that bright July day, sparkling in the sunlight, as it always looks, for no strife of the elements, however fierce, ruffles or disturbs its placidity. The storm-king cannot even jog its rock-bound cradle.’’ The “ Mountain House’’—the only hotel at the lake—is kept on strict temperance principles, and the resort is, in addition to its great natural attractions, one of peculiar repose. NE W PALTZ, N . Y. EXCURSION 801. Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Erie R. R.to Montgomery. Wallkill Valley R. R .to New Paltz. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATE. From Philadelphia. $j 50 NEWPORT, R. I. This “Queen of American watering-places,” and semi-capital of the State of Rhode Island, in the language of a recent guide¬ book, is on the south-west shore of the island from which the State is named, and fronts, across its harbor, on Narragansett bay. Its older portion, lying near the wharves, has many narrow streets, bordered with the residences of the permanent dnhabitants, many of which are mansions of olden time. New Newport almost surrounds the old town, and stretches away to the south with a great number of handsome villas and cottages. The bathing and boating at Newport are fine, the drives over the “Isle of Peace” are varied and pleasant; but the chief •charm of the place is its balmy and equable climate, due, ac¬ cording to most opinions, to a divergence in this direction of the waters of the Gulf Stream. Dean Berkeley likened the atmosphere of Newport to that of Italy, while another writer speaks of the damp sea air and equable climate as resembling those of England. Fogs are of frequent occurrence, but of short duration. The feature of private cottages is largely de¬ veloped here, and hotel life is quite subordinate to it. Newport is the favorite summer resort of foreiga residents in America, and several of the embassadors from Europe have cottages here. It is also a resort of the literati, as well as of many of the most influential business men of New York and Boston. During the height of the season, the grand drive on Bellevue avenue rivals, in the number and elegance of its equipages, Hyde Park and the Bois de Boulogne. In and around the city are many interesting and beautiful localities. Buildings erected long before the Revolutionary war, and oc¬ cupied during the period of the struggle by Washington, Roch- ambeau, and others of distinction, are still standing. Scores of natural and artificial curiosities are enumerated in the guide¬ books, and contribute to the charm of the place. The visitor can occupy days in studying these attractions, and in the pur¬ suit will find information as well as pleasure. EXCURSION 93. (Via Sound Steamors.) Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Old Colony Steamboat Co.to Newport. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. 00 Philadelphia Lancaster.... ii 75 Harrisburg... 13 20 Baltimore.$14 00 Washington.... 16 00 Richmond. 23 00 Altoona.J18 Pittsburg.... 10 22 75 EXCURSION 749. Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Providence & Stonington Steamship Co.to Stonington. New York, Providence & Boston R. R.to Wickford Jun. viewport & Wickford R.R.and SteamboatCo.to Newport. Returning by same route. Philadelphia..^9 00 Lancaster.ii 75 THROUGH RATES. Harrisburg ^13 20 Baltimore. 14 00 Washington ... 16 00 Altoona.^18 10 Pittsburg 22 75 EXCURSION 94. (Via rail.) Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R.. to New London. New York, Providence & Boston R. R.to Wickford June. Newport & Wickford R. R. & Steamboat Co.to Newport. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Harrisburg.^19 70 Baltimore. 20 50 Washington... 22 50 (XT’ Transfer through New York included in ticket, Philadelphia$i5 50 Lancaster. 18 25 Altoona.^^25 00 Pittsburg.... 29 65 NEWPORT (LAKE MEMPHREMAGOG), VT. EXCURSION 744. Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R...to Springfield. Connecticut River R. R.to South Vernon. Central Vermont R. R.to Bratileboro. Vermont Valley R. R...to Bellows Falls. Central Vermont R. R.to f White River \ Junction. Passumpsic R. R...to Newport. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Harrisburg.^27 70 Baltimore. 28 50 Washington.... 30 50 OT’Transfer through New York in each direction included. Philadelphia;^23 50 Lancaster.... 26 25 Altoona.60 Pittsburg. 37 25 EXCURSION 800. Pennsylvania R. R.to New York Norwich & New York Transportation Co...to New London. N. York & N. England R. R. (N. & W. Div.).to Worcester. Worcester & Nashua R. R.to Nashua. Concord R. R.to Concord. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Wells River. Passumpsic R. R.to Newport. Returning by same route. Philadelphia$20 00 Lancaster.... 22 75 THROUGH RATES. Harrisburg.^24 20 Baltimore...... 25 00 Washington.... 27 00 Altoona. 10 Pittsburg. 33 75 NIAGARA FALLS. This is a world’s wonder that cannot be described. Its di¬ mensions may be given,—its height and breadth and volume can be told,—but still much is lacking. Words cannot convey any satisfactory idea of its stupendousness—its awfulness. To look at the ceaseless rush of waters—to listen to their majestic voice—to feel the earth tremble beneath their power—make one wish that the Psalmist had seen it when he wrote that “ the heavens declare the glory of God, the firmament showeth His work,” for here the earth also evidences His greatness. Charles Dickens, when he first visited America, felt himself unable to describe the scene, and only succeeded in eloquently sketching his emotions. “ When we were seated in the little ferry-boat,” he says, “and were crossing the swollen river immediately before both cataracts, I began to feel what it was ; but I was in a manner stunned, and unable to comprehend the vastness of the scene. It was not until I came on Table Rock and looked—great heavens ! on what a fall of bright green water—that it came upon me in its full might and majesty. . . . . Niagara was at once stamped upon my heart, an image of beauty, to remain there changeless and indelible I until its pulses cease to beat forever.I think in I every quiet season now, still do those waters roll and leap and I roll and tumble all day long; still are the rainbows spanning I them a hundred feet below. Still, when the sun is on them, do they shine and glow like molten gold. Still, when the day is gloomy, do they fall like snow, or seem to crumble away like the front of a great chalk cliff, or roll down the rock like dense white smoke. But always does the mighty stream appear to die as it comes down, and always from the unfathomable grave arises that tremendous ghost of spray and mist which is never laid, which has haunted this place with the same dread solemnity since darkness brooded on the deep, and that first flood before the deluge—light—came rushing on creation at the Word of God.” Every intelligent traveler must see Niagara for himself, and to each it conveys its own description. Useful as guide and hand books may be, they are insignificant in their teachings beside “ the voice of the Great Creator that j dwells in its mighty tone.” 37 NIAGARA FALLS. EXCURSION 35. (Via Wllllamspurt and Canandaigua.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Canandaieua. New York Central & Hudson River R. R. to Niagara Falls. Returning by same route. Philadelphia ^17 50 Lancaster. 15 60 Harrisburg... 14 10 THROUGH RATES. Baltimore. $!■] 25 Washington ... 19 25 Richmond 26 25 Altoona.$19 35 Pittsburg. ... 24 00 EXCURSION 194. (Via Watkins’ Glen, Seneca Lake, and Geneva.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Watkins'. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Geneva New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. Returning by same route. EXCURSION 47. (Via Williamsport and Canandaigua, returning via Geneva, Seneca Lake, and Watkins’ Glen.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Canandaiua New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R....to Geneva. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Watkins’. Northern Central R. R.to Williamsport. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Sunbury. Northern Central R. R.to Harrisburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia$i8 00 Lancaster. 16 10 Harrisburg... 14 60 Baltimore.J17 75 Washington... 19 75 Richmond. 26 75 EXCURSION SO. Altoona.$19 85 Pittsburg 24 50 Philadelphia^!7 so Lancaster. 15 60 THROUGH RATES. Harrisburg.^14 10 Baltimore. 17 25 Washington ... 19 25 Altoona.$19 35 Pittsburg 24 00 EXCURSION 31. (Via Williamsport and Elmira.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Elmira. Erie R. R. .to Niagara Falls. Returning by same route. (Via W atkins’ Glen, Seneca Lake, and Geneva, returning via Elmira and W illianispurt.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Watkins'. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Geneva. New York Central & Hudson River R. R....to Niagara Falls. Erie R. R.to Elmira. Northern Central R. R.to Williamsport. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Sunbury. Northern Central R. R.to Harrisburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia $18 00 Lancaster.... 16 10 Philadelphia 17 50 Lancaster.... 15 6o Harrisburg... 14 10 THROUGH RATES. Baltimore.^17 25 Washington ... 19 25 Richmond 26 25 Harrisburg...*..^14 60 Baltimore. 17 75 Washington... 19 75 EXCURSION 51. Altoona.^19 85 Pittsburg 24 50 Altoona.^19 35 Pittsburg 24 00 EXCURSION 173. (Via Sunbury and Emporium.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Emporium. Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia R. R....to Buffalo. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia^17 50 Lancaster. 15 60 Harrisburg... 14 10 Baltimore .... ..^17 25 Altoona... ••^•9 35 Philadelphiaj?i8 00 Harrisburg... .J14 60 Washington .. •’9 25 Pittsburg. .. 24 00 Lancaster. 16 10 Baltimore. • 17 75 Richmond.... .. 26 25 Washington.. •• 19 75 EXCURSION 160. (Via Delaware Water Gap and Syracuse.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Manunka Chunk Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R....10 Syracuse. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia^17 50 | Baltimore. $22 50 | Washington J24 50 EXCURSION 249. (Via Delaware W'ater Gap and Binghamton.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Manunka Chunk Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R....to Binghamton. Erie R. R.to Niagara Falls. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia^17 50 | Baltimore. $22 50 | Washington $24 50 EXCURSION 36. (Via Watkins’ Glen, Seneca Lake, and Geneva, returning via Canandaigua.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Watkins’. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Geneva. New York Central & Hudson River R. R....to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R....to Canandaigua. Northern Central R. R.to Williamsport. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Sunbury. Northern Central R. R.to Harrisburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. (Via Williamsport and Elmira, returning via Geneva, Seneca Lake, and Watkins’ Glen.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R... .to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Elmira. Erie R. R.to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Geneva. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Watkins'. Northern Central R. R.to Williamsport. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Sunbury. Northern Central R. R.to Harrisburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Altoona.$19 85 Pittsburg. 24 50 EXCURSION 250. (Via Delaware Water Gap and RingKamton, returning via Geneva, Seneca Lake, Watkins’ Glen, and Binghamton.) Pennsylvania R R.to Manunka Chunk Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R...to Binghamton. Erie R. R.to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Geneva. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Watkins’. Northern Central R R.to Elmira. Erie R. R..to Binghamton. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R R... to Manunka Chunk Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia...$18 00 | Baltimore....^^23 00 | Washington.|l25 co Philadelphia;Ji8 00 Lancaster. 16 10 Harrisburg... 14 60 THROUGH RATES. Baltimore.$17 75 Washington.... 19 75 Richmond. 26 75 Altoona. $ig 85 Pittsburg 24 50 EXCURSION 251. (Via Delaware Water Gap, Watkins’ Glen, Seneca I returning via Binghamton.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R_to Erie R. R.to Northern Central R. R.to Steamer on Seneca Lake. . .to New York Central & Hudson River R. R.to Erie R R .to Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R....to Pennsylvania R. R.to THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia...J18 00 | Baltimore....1^23 00 | W EXCURSION 52. (Via W illiamsport and Canandaigua, returning via Elmira.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Canandaigua. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. irnke, and Geneva, Manunka Chunk Binghamton. Elmira. Watkins'. Geneva. Niagara Falls. Binghamton. Manunka Chunk starting point. ashington.|25 00 38 NIAGARA FALLS Erie R. R —.to Elmira. Northern Central R. R.to Williamsport. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Sunbury. Northern Central R. R.to Harrisburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. Philadelphia.$r9 50 Lancaster. 18 00 THROUGH RATES. Harrisburg...^16 50 Baltimore. 20 00 Washington.. 22 00 Altoona.75 Pittsburg. 26 45 EXCURSION 53. (Via Williamsport and Elmira, returning via Canandaigua.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Elmira. Erie R. R.to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R....to Canandaigua. Northern Central R. R.to Williamsport. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Sunbury. Northern Central R. R.to Harrisburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. Philadelphia^rg 50 Lancaster..., 18 00 THROUGH RATES. Harrisburg ^16 50 Baltimore. 20 00 Washington 22 00 Altoona.J21 75 Pittsburg 26 45 EXCURSION 178. (Via Williamsport and Canandaigua, returning via Emporium.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R..to Canandaigua. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara F alls , New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Buffalo, Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia R. R .to Emporium. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Sunbury, Northern Central R. R...to Harrisburg. Pennsylvania R. R... to starting point. Philadelphia^ig 50 Lancaster. 18 00 THROUGH RATES. Harrisburg .,..,$16 50 Baltimore. 20 00 Washington... 22 00 Altoona.;^2i 75 Pittsburg. ... 26 45 EXCURSION 174. (Via Emporium, returning via Canandaigua.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R .to Emporium. Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia R. R.to Buffalo. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R....to Canandaigua. Northern (Central R. R.to Williamsport. Philadelphia & Erie R, R,..,,.,,,,,,,,,to Sunbury, Northern Central R. R,,,,,,,to Harrisburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. Philadelphia...$19 50 Lancaster. 18 00 Harrisburg. 16 50 THROUGH RATES. Baltimore....^20 00 Washington. 22 00 Richmond ... 29 co Altoona. ^21 75 Pittsburg.. ,. 26 45 EXCURSION 182 . (Via Williamsport and Canandaigua, returning via Syracuse and Delaware Water (jap.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg Philadelphia & Erie R. R..'to Williamsport Northern Central R. R.to Canandaigua. New York Central & Hudson River R. R..to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R, R,,,to Syracuse, Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R... toManunkaChunk Pennsylvania R, R..to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia..$19 50 | Baltimore... ^22 25 | Washington..^^24 25 EXCURSION 184 . (Via Delaware Water Gap and Syracuse, returning via Canandaigua and Xilllamsport.) Pennsylvania R. R. . .to Manunka Chunk Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R....to Syracuse New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Canandaigua.' PhiladelpMa & Erie R. R.to Sunbury ^ Northern Central R. R.to Harrisburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia...$i9 5 ° | Baltimore...$22 25 | Washington.^24 2^ EXCURSION 62 . (Via Williamsport and Canandaigua, returning via Binghamton and Dela¬ ware Water Gap.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern (Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Canandaigua. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. Erie R. R.to Binghamton. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R....to Manunka Chunk Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia...$19 50 | Baltimore.. $22 25 | Washington.^^24 25 EXCURSION 116 . tVla Delaware Water Gap and Binghamton, returning via Canandaigua and Williamsport.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Manunka Chunk Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R....to Binghamton. I;”® to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Canandaigua. Northern (Central R. R.to Williamsport. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Sunbury. Northern Central R. R.to Harrisburg. Pennsylvania R, R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia.,.^19 50 | Baltimore...J22 25 | Washington.^24 25 EXCURSION 265 . (Via Wiliiamsport and Eimira, returning via Emporium.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunljury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Elmira. Erie R. R. .to Niagara Falls. Erie R. R.to Buffalo. Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia R. R..,..to Emporium. Philadelphia & Erie R. R....................to Sunbury, Northern Central R. R.to Harrisburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Harrisburg...^16 50 Baltimore. 20 00 Washington.. 22 00 Philadelphia...^i9 5 ° Lancaster. 18 00 Altoona.;^2i 75 Pittsburg.... 26 45 EXCURSION 264. (Via Emporium, returning via Elmira and Williamsport.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Emporium. Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia R. R.to Buffalo. Erie R. R. to Niagara Falls. Erie R. R.to Elmira. Northern (^entral R. R.to Williamsport. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Sunbury. Northern Central R. R.to Harrisburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. Philadelphia..^i9 50 Lancaster. 18 co THROUGH RATES. Harrisburg...^16 50 Baltimore. 20 00 Washington.. 22 00 Altoona. $2x 75 Pittsburg 36 45 EXCURSION 117. (Via Williamsport and Elmira, returning via Syracuse and Delaware Water i.ap.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R...to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Elmira. Erie R. R.to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Syracuse. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R.... to Manunka Chunk Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia...$19 50 | Baltimore ..$22 25 | Washington.^[24 25 EXCURSION 130. (Via Delaware Water Gap and Syraeuse, returning via Elmira and Wil¬ liamsport.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Manunka Chunk Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R....to Syracuse. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. Erie R. R.to Elmira. Northern Central R. R.to Williamsport. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Sunbury. Northern Central R. R.to Harrisburg. Pennsylvania R, R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia...^19 50 | Baltimore...^22 25 | Washington.^^24 25 39 NIAGARA FALLS. EXCURSION 262 . (Via Willtamsport and Elmira, retorniiig via liiiigkamton and Deiaware Water Gap.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R. .to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Elmira. Erie R. R...to Niagara Falls. Erie R. R.to Binghamton. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R...toManunkaChunk Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia...^19 50 | Baltimore...$22 25 | Washington.;JS24 25 EXCURSION 263 . (Via Deiaware Water Gap an(i Itinghaiuton, returning via Eimira and Wiliiam.<>i>urt.) Pennsylvania R. R.toManunkaChunk Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R....to Binghamton. Erie R. R.to Niagara Falls. Erie R. R. . .to Elmira. Northern Central R. R.to Williamsport. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Sunbury. Northern Central R. R.to Harrisburg. Pennsylvania R. R...to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia...$19 50 | Baltimore...)jS22 25 | Washington.^24 25 EXCURSION 258 . (Via Williamsport and Elmira, returning via Canandaigua, Elmira, and Delaware Water Gap.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Willi rmsport. Northern Central R. R.to Elmira. Erie R. R.to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Canandaigua. Northern Central R. R.to Elmira. ErieR. R.to Binghamton. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R....to Manunka Chunk Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia...1^19 50 | Baltimore...$22 25 | Washington.J24 25 EXCURSION 259 . (Via Deiaware Water Gap, Elmira, and Canandaigu.'i, returning via Elmira and Williamsport.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Manunka Chunk Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R....to Binghamton. Erie R. R.to Elmira. Northern Central R. R.to Canandaigua. New York Central & Hudson River R. R.. to Niagara Falls. Erie R. R...to Elmira. Northern Central R. R. to Williamsport. Philadelphia & Erie R. R..to Sunbury. Northern Central R. R.to Harrisburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia..^i9 50 | Baltimore. $22 25 | Washington..^24 25 EXCURSION 260 . (Via William>purt and Elmira, reiiirning via Geneva, Seneca Lake, AVat- kins’ Glen, and Delaware Water Gap.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R .to Elmira. Erie R. R. .to Niagara Falls. New York Central Hudson River R. R...to Geneva. Steamer on Seneca Lake..to Watkins'. Northern Central R. R.to Elmira. Erie R. R.to Binghamton. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R. ...to MaminkaChunk Pennsylvania R. R. ..to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia..;^i9 50 | Baltimore. f,22 25 | Washington..|524 25 EXCURSION 261 . (Via Delaware AValer Gap, AViilkins’ Glen, Seneca Lake, and Geneva, return¬ ing via Elmira and SVilliamsport ) Pennsylvania R. R.10 Manunka Chunk Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R....to Binghamton. Erie R. R.to Elmira. Northern Central R. R.to Watkins’. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Geneva. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. Erie R. R.to Elmira. Northern Central R. R.to Williamsport. Philadelphia & ErieR. R .to Sunbury. Northern Central R. R.to Harrisburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH KATES. Philadelphia..$i9 50 | Baltimore. $22 25 | Washington..524 25 EXCURSION 175 . (Via Emporium, returning via Geneva, Seneca Lake, and Watkins’ Gten.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R...to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Emporium. Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia R. R.to Buffalo. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Geneva. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Watkins’. Northern Central R. R.to Williamsport. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Sunbury. Northern Central R. R.to Harrisburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. Philadelphia$i9 50 Lancaster.... 18 00 THROUGH RATES. Harrisburg.^16 50 Baltimore. 20 00 Washington.... 22 00 Altoona. $21 75 Pittsburg 26 45 EXCURSION 179 . (Via AVatkin»’ Glen, Seneca Lake, and Geneva, returning via Emporium.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Watkins’. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Geneva. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Buffalo. Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia R. R.to Emporium. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Sunbury. Northern Central R. R.to Harrisburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. Philadelphia^ig 50 Lancaster.... 18 00 THROUGH RATES. Harrisburg j^i6 50 Baltimore. 20 00 Washington .. 22 co Altoona.^21 75 Pittsburg 26 45 EXCURSION 176 . (A'ia Emporium, returning via S/racusc and Delaware Water Gaiv)' Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R. .to Emporium. Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia R. R.to Buffalo. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. New Y'ork Central & Hudson River R. R...to Syracuse. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R. ...to Manunka Chunk; Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia.$19 50 ] Baltimore...$22 25 | Washington...|24 25. EXCURSION 180 . (Via Delaw.ire Water Gap and Syracuse, returning via Emporium ) Pennsylvania R. R.to Manunka Chunk Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R....to Syracuse New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Buffalo. Buffalo, New Yoik & Philadelphia R. R....to Emporium. Philadelphia & Erie R. R...to Sunbury. Northern Central R. R.to Harrisburg. I Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point.. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia.^19 50 | Baltimore...j?22 25 | Washington...$! 4 25. EXCURSION 258 . (Via Emporium, returning via Itiiigliamton and Delaware Water Gap.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbuiy. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Emporium.. Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia R. R.to Buffalo. Erie R. R.to Niagara Falls. Erie R. R. to Binghamton. Delaware, Lackawanna & VVestern R. R.to Manunka Chunk Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia.$19 50 | Baltimore...^522 25 | Washington...$24 25 EXCURSION 252 . (Via Delaware Water Gap and Ringliamtuii, returning via Emporium.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Manunka Chunk Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R....to Binghamton. Erie R. R...to Niagara Falls. Erie R. R.to Buffalo. I Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia R. R.to Emporium. Philadelphia & Erie R. R. .to Sunbury. Northern Central R. R.to Harrisburg. Pennsylvania R. R. .to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia..^(19 50 | Baltimore. $22 25 | Washingtoa..|24 25 41 NIAGARA FALLS EXCURSION 268. (Via Eaiporluai, returning via Geneva, Seneca Lake, Watkins* Glen, and Delaware Water Gap.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Emporium. Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia R. R....to Buffalo. Erie R. R.to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Geneva. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Watkins'. Northern Central R R.to Elmira. Erie R. R...to Binghamton. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R.to Manunka Chunk Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia.^19 50 | Baltimore....j22 25 | Washington ..^24 25 EXCURSION 245. (Via Delaware Water Gap,Watkins’ Glen, Seneca Lake, and Geneva, return* ing via Kuiporiuni.i Pennsylvania R. R.to Manunka Chunk Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R....to Binghamton. Erie R. R.to Elmira. Northern Central R R.to Watkins’. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Geneva. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Buffalo. Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia R. R.to Emporium. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Sunbury. Northern Central R. R.to Harrisburg. Pennsylvania R. R.*..to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia..$i9 50 | Baltimore...$22 25 | Washington...$24 25 EXCURSION 266. Via EmporiHin, returning via Canandaigua, Elmira, and Delaware Water Gap.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Emporium. Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia R. R.to Buffalo. Erie R. R.to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R....to Canandaigua. Northern Central R. R.to Elmira. Erie R. R.to Binghamton. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R....to Manunka Chunk Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia..$i9 50 | Baltimore.$22 25 | Washington..j24 25 EXCURSION 267. (Via Delaware Water Gap, Elmira, and Canandaigua, returning via Em¬ porium.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Manunka Chunk Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R....to Binghamton. Erie R. R.to Elmira. Northern Central R. R.to Canandaigua. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. Erie R. R.to Buffalo. Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia R. R.to Emporium. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Sunbury. Northern Central R. R.to Harrisburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia...$i9 50 | Baltimore...$22 25 | Washington...$24 25 EXCURSION 185. (Via Drtaware Water Gap and Sjracnse, returning via Geneva, Seneca Lake, and Watkins’ Glen.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Manunka Chunk Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R.to Syracuse. New York Central & Hudson River R. R.to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R R....to Geneva. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Watkins’. Northern Central R. R.to Williamsport. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Sunbury. Northern Central R. R.to Harrisburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia...$19 50 | Baltimore....^22 25 | Washington.1^24 25 EXCURSION 183. (^ ia Watkins’ Glen, Seneca Lake, and Geneva, returning via Syracuse and Delaware Water Gap.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Watkins’. Steamer on Seneca Lake..to Geneva. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Syracuse. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R.... to Manunka Chunk Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia...$19 50 | Baltimore....^22 25 | Washington.$24 25 EXCURSION 247. (Via Delaware Wkter Gap and Syracuse, returning via Binghamton.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Manunka Chunk Delaware, Lackwanna & Western R. R.to Syracuse. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. Erie R. R.to Binghamton. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R.... to Manunka Chunk Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia...$i9 50 | Baltimore.$24 50 | Washington.$26 50 EXCURSION 248. (Via Delaware Water Gap and Binghamton, returning via Syracuse and Delaware Water Gap.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Manunka Chunk Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R... to Binghamton. Erie R. R.to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Syracuse. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R. ...to Manunka Chunk Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia...$19 50 | Baltimore...424 50 | Washington.$26 50 EXCURSION 80. (V'la Williamsport and Canandaigua, returning via Geneva, Seneca Lake, and Malkins’ Glen.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Canandaigua. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Geneva. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Watkins’. Northern Central R. R.to Williamsport. Philadelphia & Reading R. R.to Philadelphia. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia...$19 50 | Baltimore....$22 25 | Washington.$24 25 EXCURSION 81. (Via Williamsport and Elmira, returning via Geneva, Seneca Lake, and M'atkins’ Glen.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Elmira. Erie R. R.to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Geneva. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Watkins’. Northern Central R. R.to Williamsport. Philadelphia & Reading R. R.to Philadelphia. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia....;^i9 50 | Baltimore....$22 25 | Washington.f24 25 EXCURSION 665. Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Canandaigua. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. Erie R. R.to Waverly. Lehigh Valley R. R.to Bethlehem. North Pennsylvania R. R.to Philadelphia. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia$i9 50 | Baltimore.;^22 25 | Washington..$24 25 EXCURSION 199. (Via Watkins’ Glen, Seneca Lake, and Geneva, returning via Waverly aad Bethlehem.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to W'illiamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Watkins’. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Geneva. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. Erie R. R.to Waverly. Lehigh Valley R. R.to Bethlehem. North Pennsylvania R. R.to Philadelphia. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia...^19 50 | Baltimore....J22 25 | Washington.^24 25 EXCURSION 269. (Via Emporium, returning via Geneva, Seneca Lake, Watkins’ Glen, and Bethlehem.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbuiy. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Emporium. Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia R. R.to Buffalo. Erie R. R.to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Geneva. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Watkins’. Northern Central R. R.to Elmira. Erie R. R.to Waverly. Lehigh Valley R. R.to Bethlehem. North Pennsylvania R. R.ta Philadelphia. THROUGH RATES. * Philadelphia...|i9 50 | Baltimore....$22 25 | Washington.;f24 25 42 NIAGARA FALLS. IS Positively the only First-Class Hotel From the rooms and balconies of which a Grand View is obtained of CLIFTON is strictly first-class in Management and Appointments. Open from May until November. POPULAR RATES.— $3.00 and ^3.50 per day. $15.00, $17.50, and $21.00 per week. Guides and Carriages for sight-seeing not essential. Visitors should check baggage for Niagara Falls NY and leave cars at same place (American side), where CLIFTON HOUSE Stages and Porters meet all trains. ’ ’ For information or rooms, address COLBURN & MCOMBER, NIAGARA FALLS, NEW A^ORK. EXCURSION 270 . (Via Emporium, returning; via Waveriy and Bethlekem.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Emporium. Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia R. R.to Buffalo. Erie R. R.to Niagara Falls. Erie R. R. .to Waverly. Lehigh Valley R. R.to Bethlehem. North Pennsylvania R. R.to Philadelphia. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia...$19 50 | Baltimore....$22 25 | Washington.$24 25 EXCURSION 200 . (Tia Delaware Water Gap and Syracuse, returning; via Geneva, Seneca Lake, Watkins’ Glen, and Dethiehem.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Manunka Chunk Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R....to Syracuse. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R..to Geneva. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Watkins’. Northern Central R. R.to Elmira. Erie R. R.to Waverly. Lehigh Valley R. R.to Bethlehem. North Pennsylvania R. R.to Philadelphia. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia...$19 50 | Baltimore....$24 50 | Washington.$26 50 EXCURSION 271 . (Via Delaware Water Gap, Watkins’ Glen, Seneca Lake, and Geneva, return¬ ing via Waverly and Bethlehem.) Pennsylvania R. R.to ManunkaChunk Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R....to Binghamton. Erie R. R.to Elmira. Northern Central R. R.to Watkins’. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Geneva. New York Central & Hudson River R. R....to Niagara Falls. Erie R. R.to Waverly. Lehigh Valley R. R.to Bethlehem. North Pennsylvania R. R.to Philadelphia. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia...$19 59 | Baltimore....$24 50 | Washington.$26 50 EXCURSION 196 . (Via Watkins’ Glen, Seneca Lake, and Geneva, returning via Cayuga Lake« Ithaca, Owego, and Delaware Water Gap.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Watkins’. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Geneva. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Cayuga. Steamer on Cayuga Lake.to Ithaca. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R....to Owego. Erie R. R.to Binghamton. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R....to ManunkaChunk Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia...$19 50 | Baltimore....$22 25 | Washington.$24 25 EXCURSION 197 . (Via Emporium, returning via Cayuga Lake, Ithaca, Owego, and Deiaware Water Gap.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R. to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Emporium. Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia R. R.to Buffalo. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Cayuga. Steamer on Cayuga Lake.to Ithaca. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R....to Owego. Erie R. R.to Binghamton. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R.... to Manunka Chunk Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia...$19 50 | Baltimore....$22 25 | Washington.$24 25 EXCURSION 198 . (Via Watkins’ Gien, Seneca Lake, and Geneva, returning via Cayuga, Ithaca, and Bethlehem.) Pennsylvania R. R...to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Watkins’. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Geneva. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Cayuga. Cayuga R. R.to Ithaca. Lehigh Valley R. R.to Bethlehem. North Pennsylvania R. R.to Philadelphia. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia...$19 50 | Baltimore....$22 25 | Washington.$24 25 43 PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. BETWEEN During the season of Pleasure Travel, the Magnificent Steamers of this Line will lenve ^EW TOEK at 0.00 J*. from T*ier 4If JV. E., as follows : CONNECTING AT ALBANY WITH EXPRESS TRAINS, WAGNER’S DRAWING-ROOM CARS ATTACHED. ^^For SARATOGA, LAKE GEORGE, LAKE CHAMPLAIN, THE flOIRONDACKS, x\KJl\. 1 11 WHITE MOUXTAIXS, i^For HOWE’S CAVE, SHARON SPRINGS, COOPERSTOWN, RICHFIELD SPRINGS, ' ' ^ TRENTON FALLS, THE THOUSAND ISLANDS, NIAGARA FALLS, AND ALL THE FAVORITE SUMMER RESORTS NORTH AND WEST. This is the only Night Dine of Steamers on the Hudson River selling Tickets and Check- . ing Baggage to places on the New York Central Railroad. FARE AS LOW AS BY ANY OTHER LINE. SUPERIOR ACCOMMODATIONS FOR TRANSPORTATION OF HORSES AND CARRIAGES. Evtnrninfff fearealternate days, at 8,13 E. Tf., connecting ne.xt morning at NEW YORK with trains tor all points South and East. MEALS ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. FEEE TEAXSFEE FEOM OE TO BEOOKLYX BY THE BOATS OF THE BEOOKLYX‘‘AXXEX.** ALL-RAIL TICKETS will be received for Passage and State-room Berth. ASK FOR TICKETS VIA ” PEOPLE’S LINE.” JQHIS C. HEWITT, General Ticket Agent, S. E. MAYO, General Passenger Agent, I’ler tty Korth River, New York. Pier 41, Korth River, Jiew York. 44 NIAGARA FALLS. EXCURSION 61S. (Via Williamsport and Canandaigua, returning via New York, all rail.) Pennsylvania R. R... Northern Central R. Philadelphia & Erie Northern Central R. New York Central & New York Central & Pennsylvania R. R... .to Harrisburg. R.to Sunbury. R. R.to Williamsport. R.to Canandaigua. Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. Hudson River R. R...to New York. .to starting point. Brooklyn. $20 20 New York.... 20 00 “ (via Balt.). 22 50 “ (via Wash.)24 50 THROUGH RATES. Harrisburg..;^2o 00 Baltimore.... 22 75 Washington. 24 75 Richmond... 31 75 Philadelphia...^20 00 Lancaster. 20 00 Altoona. 25 25 Pittsburg. 30 00 Brooklyn. $20 20 New York. 20 00 “ (via Balt ). 22 50 “ (viaWash.)24 50 THROUGH RATES. Harrisburg..;j2o 00 Baltimore.... 22 75 Washington. 24 75 Richmond... 31 75 Philadelphia.$20 00 Lancaster. 20 00 Harrisburg... 20 00 THROUGH RATES. Baltimore....$22 75 Washington. 24 75 Richmond... 31 75 Brooklyn.$20 20 New York.... 20 00 “(viaBalt.). 22 50 “(viaWash.) 24 50 THROUGH RATES. Harrisburg...$20 00 Baltimore. 22 75 Washington.. 24 75 Richmond.... 31 75 Brooklyn.$20 20 New York.... 20 00 “(viaBalt.). 22 50 ^‘(viaWash.) 24 50 THROUGH RATES. Harrisburg. .$20 00 Baltimore.... 22 75 Washington. 24 75 Richmond... 31 75 EXCURSION 48. ’. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Sunbury. Northern Central R. R.to Harrisburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. Philadelphia.J22 00 Lancaster. 19 85 THROUGH RATES. Harrisburg....$18 35 Altoona.$23 60 Baltimore. 21 70 Pittsburg. 28 30 Washington... 23 70 EXCURSION 455. (Via Corry and Chautauqua Lake, returning via Emporium.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Corry. ( Mayville Buffalo, Corry & Pittsburg R. R.to-; (Chautauqua / Lake). Buffalo. Corry & Pittsburg R. R.to Brocton. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R.to Buffalo. Erie R. R.to Niagara Falls. Erie R. R.to Buffalo. Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia R. R.to Emporium. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Sunbury. Northern Central R. R.to Harrisburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. Philadelphia.$22 00 Lancaster. 19 85 THROUGH RATES. Harrisburg....$18 35 Altoona..J23 60 Baltimore. 21 70 Pittsburg. 28 30 Washington... 23 70 EXCURSION 456. (Via Corry and Chautauqua Lake, returning via Canandaigua, Elmira, and Delaware Water Gap.) Pennsylvania R. R. to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury'. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Corry. ( Mayville Buffalo, Corry & Pittsburg R. R.to^ (Chautauqua / Lake). Buffalo, Corrj' & Pittsburg R. R.to Brocton. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R.to Buffalo. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Canandaigua. Northern Central R. R.to Elmira. Erie R. R.to Binghamton. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R.to ManunkaChunk Pennsylvania R. R. to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia.JS22 00 | Baltimore.$24 50 I Washington J26 50 EXCURSION 457. (Via Delaware Water Gap, Elmira, and Canandaigua, returning via Chau* tauqua Lake and Curry.) Pennsylvania R. R.to ManunkaChunk Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R....to Binghamton. Erie R. R.to Elmira. Northern Central R. R.to Canandaigua. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Buffalo. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R.to Brocton. ^ Mayville Buffalo, Corry & Pittsburg R. R.to- (Chautauqua ( Lake). Buffalo, Corry & Pittsburg R. R.to Corry. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Sunburj'. Northern Central R. R.to Harrisburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia.$22 00 | Baltimore.$24 50 | W’ashington$26 50 EXCURSION 195. (Via Cooperstown, Otspgo Lake, Kichfluld Springs, and I lira, relupniug via Seneca Luke and Walkins’.) Pennsylvania R. R.to ManunkaChunk Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R....to Binghamton. Susquehana Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Junction. Cooperstown & Susquehanna Valley R. R..to Cooperstown. _ r-. T 1 j c , i Richfield Steamer on Otsego Lake and Stage.to-^ Springs. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R.to Utica. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Geneva.^ • Steamer on Seneca Lake.to M atkins’. Northern Central R. R.to Williamsport. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Sunbury'. Northern Central R. R.to Harrisburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia.$22 50 | Baltimore.$25 00 | \\ ashington$2 7 co 50 NIAGARA FALLS. EXCURSION 37. (Via Williamsport and Canandaigua, returning via Erie and Sunbury.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Canandaigua. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R....to Buffalo. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R.to Erie. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Sunbury. Northern Central R. R.to Harrisburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia.$22 75 Lancaster. 20 65 Harrisburg....$19 15 Baltimore. 22 50 Washington... 24 50 Altoona.$24 40 Pittsburg.... 29 10 EXCURSION 209. (ViaSunbury and Erie, returning via Canandaigua and Williamsport.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & E'-ie R. R.to Erie. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R.to Buffalo. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R....to Canandaigua. Northern Central R. R.to Williamsport. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Sunbury. Northern Central R. R.to Harrisburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia.$22 75 Lancaster. 20 65 Harrisburg....$19 15 Baltimore. 22 50 Washington... 24 50 Altoona.$24 40 Pittsburg 29 10 EXCURSION (Via Sunbury, Erie, and Buffalo, returning via Canandaigua.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Erie. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R.to Buffalo. New York Central & Hudson River R. R..to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R..to Canandaigua. Northern Central R. R .to Williamsport. Philadelphia & Reading R. R.to Philadelphia. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia.$22 75 | Baltimore.$25 25 | Washington$27 25 EXCURSION 38. (Via Williamsport, Watkins'(lien, Seneca Lake, and Geneva, returning via Erie and Sunbury.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Watkins’. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Geneva. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R..to Buffalo. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R.to Erie, Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Sunbury. Northern Central R. R.to Harrisburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia..$22 75 Lancaster.20 65 Harrisburg...$19 15 Baltimore.... 22 50 Washington.. 24 50 Altoona.$24 40 Pittsburg. 29 10 EXCURSION 222. (Via Sunbury and Erie, returning via Geneva, Seneca Lake, Watkins’ Glen, and Williamsport.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Erie. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R.to Buffalo. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Geneva. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Watkins’. Northern Central R. R.to Williamsport. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Sunbury. Northern Central R. R.to Harrisburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia $22 75 Lancaster. 20 65 Harrisburg ...$19 15 Baltimore. 22 50 Washington... 24 50 Altoona.$24 40 Pittsburg 29 ro EXCURSION 193. (Via Emporium, returning via Erie and Sunbury.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Emporium. Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia R. R....to Buffalo. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...10 Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Buffalo. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R.to Erie. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Sunbury. Northem Central R. R.to Harrisburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia..$22 75 Lancaster. 20 65 Harrisburg ...$19 15 Baltimore. 22 50 Washington.. 24 50 Altoona.$24 4© Pittsburg. 29.10 EXCURSION 223. (Via Sunbury and Erie, returning via Emporium.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Erie Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R.to Buffalo. Erie R. R.to Niagara Falls. Erie R. R.to Buffalo. Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia R. R.to Emporium. Philadelphia & Erie R. R . to Sunbury. Northern Central R. R..to Harrisburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES Philadelphia..$22 75 Lancaster. 20 65 Harrisburg ...$19 15 Baltimore. 22 50 Washington.. 24 50 Altoona.$24 43 Pittsburg.... 29 10 EXCURSION 34. (Via Pittsburg, Erie, and Buffalo, returning via Canandaigua.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Pittsburg. Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne & Chicago R. R.to Erie. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. K.to Buffalo. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Canandaigua. Northern Central R. R.to Williamsport. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Sunbury. Northern Central R. R.to Harrisburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia..$23 30 Lancaster. 22 55 Baltimore.$23 20 Washington.. 25 20 Harrisburg..$20 90 Altoona. 20 90 EXCURSION 224. (Via Canandaigua, returning via Buffalo, Erie, and Pittsburg.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Canandaigua, New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Buffalo. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R.to Erie. Erie & Pittsburg R, R.to Pittsburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia..$23 30 Lancaster. 22 55 Baltimore.$23 20 Washington.. 25 20 Harrisburg..$20 90 Altoona. 20 90 EXCURSION 458. (Via Corry and Chautauqua Lake, returning via Hudson River Steamers and New York.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northem Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to (^orry. ( Mayville Buffalo, Corry & Pittsburg R. R.tos (Chautauqua ( Lake). Buffalo, Corry & Pittsburg R. R.to Brocton. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R.to Buffalo. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Albany, Steamer on Hudson River.to New York. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia $23 00 Lancaster. 23 00 Altoona. 28 25 Pittsburg. 33 00 Brooklyn.$23 20 New York. 23 00 “(via Balt.). 25 50 “ (viaWash.)27 50 Harrisburg..$23 00 Baltimore.... 25 25 Washington. 27 25 EXCURSION 459. (Via New York and Hudson River Steamers, returning via Cliautauqua Lake and Corry.) Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Steamer on Hudson River.to Albany. New York Central & Hudson River R. R....to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R..,to Buffalo. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R.to Brocton. { Mayville (Chautauqua Lake). Buffalo, Corry & Pittsburg R. R.to Corry. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Sunbury. Northern Central R. R.to Harrisburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to starling point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia.$23 00 Lancaster. 23 00 Harrisburg....$23 00 Baltimore. 25 25 Washington.. 27 25 Altoona.$28 35 Pittsburg 33 00 51 NIAGARA FALLS. EXCURSION 272. EXCURSION 362. (Via >VIIIInraKport and C'anandali^un, rctiirnlni; via Chniitaiic|iia ke^ailOL City, and IMtUburK.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Canandaigua. New York Central & Hudson River R. R....to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Buffalo. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R.to Brocton. ( Mayville Buffalo, Corry & Pittsburg R. R.to-| (Chautauqua r Lake). Buffalo, Corry & Pittsburg R. R.to Corry. Pittsburg, Titusville & Buffalo R. R.to Oil City. Allegheny Valley R. R.to Pittsburf^. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. Philadelphia.J24 00 Lancaster,.... 22 00 THROUGH RATES. Harrisburg....$20 50 Altoona.$20 50 Baltimore. 24 co Pittsburg. 20 50 Washington... 26 00 (Via Elmira, returning via Chautauqua Lake, Oil City, and PKUbnrg.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R, R.to Elmira. Erie R. R.to Niagara Falls. Erie R. R.to Buffalo. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R.to Brocton. ( Mayville Buffalo, Corry & Pittsburg R. R.to / (Chautauqua f Lake). Buffalo, Corry & Pittsburg R. R.to Corry. Pittsburg, Titusville & Buffalo R. R.to Oil City. Allegheny Valley R. R.to Pittsburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. Philadelphia$24 00 Lancaster.... 22 co THROUGH RATES. Harrisburg.$20 50 Baltimore. 24 00 Washington.... 26 co Altoona.. ...420 50 Pittsburg.... 20 50 EXCURSION 363. EXCURSION 276. (Via Pittsburg, Oil City, and Chautauqua Lake, returning via Canandaigua and Williamsport.I Pennsylvania R. R.to Pittsburg. .Allegheny Valley R. R.to Oil City. Pittsburg, Titusville & Buffalo R. R.to Corry. f Mayville Buffalo, Corry & Pittsburg R. R.to< (Chautauqua I I.ake). Buffalo, Corry & Pittsburg R. R.to Brocton. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R.to Buffalo. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Canandaigua. Northern Central R. R.to Williamsport. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Sunbury. Northern Central R. R.to Harrisburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. Philadelphia.$24 00 Lancaster. 22 00 THROUGH RATES. Harrisburg....$20 50 Altoona.$20 50 Baltimore. 24 00 Pittsburg. 20 50 Washington... 26 co EXCURSION 360. (Via Watkins’ Glen and Seneea Lake, returning via Chautauqua Lake, Oil City, and Pittsburg.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Watkins’. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Geneva. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Buffalo. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R.to Brocton. ( Mayville Buffalo, Corry & Pittsburg R. R.to< (Chautauqua ( Lake). Buffalo, Corry & Pittsburg R. R.to Corry. Pittsburg, Titusville & Buffalo R. R.to Oil City. Allegheny Valley R. R.to Pittsburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. (Via Pittsburg, Oil City, and Chautauqua Lake, returning via Elmira.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Pittsburg. Allegheny Valley R. R.to Oil City, Pittsburg, Titusville & Buffalo R. R.to Corr>-. f Mayville Buffalo, Corry & Pittsburg R. R..to / (Chautauqua ( Lake). Buffalo, Corry & Pittsburg R. R.to Brocton. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R.to Buffalo. Erie R. R.to Niagara Falls Erie R. R.to Elmira. Northern Central R. R. to Williamsport. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Sunbury. Northern Central R. R.to Harrisburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. Philadelphia$24 00 Lancaster.... 22 00 THROUGH RATES. Harrisburg.$20 50 Altoona.$20 50 Baltimore. 24 00 Pittsburg.... 20 50 Washington ... 26 00 EXCURSION 65S. (Via Emporium, returning via Chautauqua Lake, Oil City, and PIttaburg.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Emporium. Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia R. R....to Buffalo. Erie R. R.to Niagara Falls. Erie R. R.to Buffalo. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R.to Brocton. ( Mayville Buffalo, Corry & Pittsburg R. R.to/ (Chautauqua f Lake). Buffalo, Corry & Pittsburg R. R.to Corry. Pittsburg, Titusville & Buffalo R. R.to Oil City. Allegheny Valley R. R....to Pittsburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. Philadelphia.$24 00 Lancaster. 22 00 THROUGH RATES. Harrisburg.$20 50 Altoona.$20 50 Baltimore. 24 co Pittsburg.... 20 50 Washington.... 26 00 EXCURSION 6S6. Philadelphia.$24 co Lancaster. 22 00 THROUGH RATES. Harrisburg.$20 50 Altoona....$20 50 Baltimore. 24 00 Pittsburg.. 20 50 Washington. 26 00 EXCURSION 361. (Via Pittsburg, Oil City, and Chautauqua Lake, returning via Senera Lake and Watkins’ Glen.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Pittsburg, Allegheny Valley R. R.to Oil City. Pittsburg, Titusville & Buffalo R. R.to Corry. { Mayville (Chautauqua Lake). Buffalo, Corry & Pittsburg R. R.to Brocton. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R.to Buffalo. New York Central & Hudson River R. R....to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R....to Geneva. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Watkins’. Northern Central R. R.to Williamsport. Philadelphia & ErieR. R.to Sunbury. Northern Central R. R.to Harrisburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia$24 00 Lancaster.... 22 oO Harrisburg.$20 50 Altoona.$20 50 Baltimore. 24 co Pittsburg.... 20 50 Washington.... 26 00 (Via Pittsburg,Oil City, and Chautauqua Lake, returning via Emporium.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Pittsburg. Allegheny Valley R. R.to Oil City. Pittsburg, Titusville & Buffalo R. R.to Corry. f Mayville Buffalo, Corry & Pittsburg R. R.to-, (Chautauqua ( Lake). Buffalo, Corry & Pittsburg R. R.to Brocton. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R.to Buffalo. Erie R. R. . .to Niagara Falls. Erie R. R.to Buffalo. Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia R. R.to Emporium. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Sunbury. Northern Central R. R.to Harrisburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES, Philadelphia.$24 00 Lancaster. 22 00 Harrisburg.$20 50 Altoona 4^20 50 Baltimore. 24 00 Pittsburg... 20 50 Washington.... 26 00 EXCURSION 364. (Via Delaware Water Gap and 8yraru»e, returning via Chautauqua Lake, Oil City, and Flttsburg.) Pennsylvania R. R.toManunkaChunk Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R....to Syracuse. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Buffalo. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R.to Brccton. NIAGARA FALLS. ( Mayville Buffalo, Corry & Pittsburg R. R.to-<: (Chautauqua ( Lake). Buffallo, Corry & Pittsburg R. R.to Corry. Pittsburg, Titusville & Buffalo R. R.to Oil City. Allegheny Valley R. R.to Pittsburg. Pennsylvania R. R....to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia.$24 00 | Baltimore.$26 50 | Washington.J28 50 EXCURSION 865. (Via Pittsburg, Oil City, and Chautauqua Lake, returning via Syracuse and Delaware Water Gap.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Pittsburg. Allegheny Valley R. R.to Oil City. Pittsburg, Titusville & Buffalo R. R.to Corry. 1 Mayville Buffalo, Corry & Pittsburg R. R.to-< (Chautauqua ( Lake). Buffalo, Corry & Pittsburg R R.to Brocton. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R.to Buffalo. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Syracuse. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R....to ManunkaChunk Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia.^24 00 | Baltimore. $26 50 | Washington^aS 50 EXCURSION 366 (V'ia Delaware Water Gap and Binghamton, returning via Chautauqua Lake, Oil City, and Pittsburg.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Manunka Chunk Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R...to Binghamton. Erie R. R.to Niagara Falls. Erie R. R...to Buffalo. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R.to Brocton. ( Mayville Buffalo, Corry & Pittsburg R. R.to-; (Chautauqua { Lake). Buffalo, Corry & Pittsburg R. R.to Corry. Pittsburg, Titusville & Buffalo R. R.to Oil City. Allegheny Valley R. R.to Pittsburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia.524 00 | Baltimore....l.|26 50 | Washington$28 50 EXCURSION 367. (Via Pittsburg, Oil City, and Chautauqua Lake, returning via Binghamton and Delaware Water Gap.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Pittsburg. Allegheny Valley R. R.to Oil City. Pittsburg, Titusville & Buffalo R. R.to Corry. I Mayville Buffalo, Corry & Pittsburg R. R.to-< (Chautauqua ( Lake). Buffalo, Corry & Pittsburg R. R.to Brocton. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R.to Buffalo. Erie R. R.to Niagara Falls. Erie R. R.. .to Binghamton. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R.to Manunka Chunk Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia.$24 co | Baltimore.^5526 50 | Washington J28 50 EXCURSION 42. (Via Sunbury, Erie, and Buffalo, returning via Hudson River Steamers and New York.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Erie. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R.to Buffalo. New York Central & Hudson River R. R.to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Albany. Steamer on Hudson River.to New York. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. Brooklyn. 5^4 20 New York. 24 00 “ (via Balt.)..26 50 “ (via Wash.)28 50 THROUGH RATES. Philadelphiajg24 00 Lancaster.... 24 00 Altoona. 29 25 Pittsburg. 34 00 Harrisburg. 5^24 00 Baltimore ... 26 50 Washington 28 50 EXCURSION 43. (Via New York and Hudson River Steamers, returning via Buffalo, Erie, and Sunbury.) Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Steamer on Hudson River.to Albany. New York Central & Hudson River R. R....to Niaeara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R....to Buffalo. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R.to Erie. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Sunbury. Northern Central R. R.to Harrisburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. Philadelphia.I24 03 Lancaster. 24 00 THROUGH RATES. Harrisburg....;j524 00 Baltimore. 26 50 Washington... 28 50 Altoona.^29 35 Pittsburg.... 34 00 EXCURSION 83. (Via Hudson River Steamers and Albany, returning via Chautauqua Lake Oil City, and Pittsburg.) Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Steamer on Hudson River.to Albany. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Buffalo. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R.to Brocton. 1 Mayville Buffalo, Corry & Pittsburg R. R.to-’ (Chautauqua / Lake). Buffalo, Corry & Pittsburg R. R.to Corry Pittsburg, Titusville & Buffalo R. R.to Oil City. Allegheny Valley R. R.to Pittsburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. New York...;j2s 00 Philadelphia. 25 00 Lancaster. 25 00 THROUGH RATES. Harrisburg.^25 00 Baltimore. 27 50 Washington... 29 50 Altoona.$25 co Pittsburg... 25 oj EXCURSION 368. Via Pittsburg, Oil City, and Chautauqua Lake, returning via Albany and Hudson River Steamers.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Pittsburg. Allegheny Valley R. R.to Oil City. Pittsburg, Titusville & Buffalo R. R.,to Corry. ( Mayville Buffalo, Corry & Pittsburg R. R.toK (Chautauqua ( Lake.) Buffalo, Corry & Pittsburg R. R.to Brocton. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R.to Buffalo. New York Central & Hudson River R. R.. to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R.to Albany. Steamer on Hudson River.to New York. Pennsylvania R. R.to starling point. THROUGH RATES. Brooklyn.^25 20 New York... 25 00 “(via Balt.)..27 50 “(viaWash.)29 50 Philadelphia...2S25 00 Lancaster. 25 00 Altoona. 25 00 Pittsburg. 25 00 Harrisburg..;g25 00 Baltimore.... 27 50 Washington. 29 50 EXCURSION 39. (Via Williamsport and Canandaigua, returning via Buffalo, Cleveland, and Pittsburg.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Canandaigua. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Buffalo. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R.to Cleveland. Cleveland & Pittsburg R. R.to Pittsburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia$24 00 Lancaster.... 23 60 Harrisburg.. 22 10 Baltimore.^25 60 Washington... 27 60 Richmond. 34 6o Altoona.^22 10 Pittsburg. 22 10 (XIT’Persons desiring to go by Lake steamers from Buffalo to Cleveland can do so (meals and sfcate-rooms included) by presenting their tickets to T. P. Carpenter, General Passenger Agent Lake Superior Transit Com¬ pany, Buffalo, N Y. EXCURSION 188. (Via Pittsburg, Clevtdand, and Buffalo, returning via Canandaigua and Williamsport.) Pennsylvania R. R .to Pittsburg. Cleveland & Pittsburg R. R.to Cleveland. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R.to Buffalo. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Canandaigua. Northern Central R. R.to Williamsport. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Sunbury. Northern Central R. R.to Harrisburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia;^24 00 Harrisburg. $72 10 Lancaster.... 23 60 Baltimore. 25 65 Washington.... 27 60 Altoona. $22 10 Pittsburg.... 22 10 EXCURSION 40. (A'iu Watkins’ Glen, Seiieen Lake, and Geneva, returning via Buffalo, Clev»i- land, and Pittsburg.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R .to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Watkins’. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Geneva. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Buffalo. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R.to Cleveland. Cleveland & Pittsburg R. R.to Pittsburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. 53 54 JACK’S N ’.UROWS. NIAGARA FALLS. Philadelphia;f24 oo Lancaster.... 23 60 Altoona.^22 10 Pittsburg 22 10 THROUGH RATES. Harrisburg.^22 10 Baltimore. 25 60 Washington.... 27 6o 0::^Persons desiring to go by I.ake steamers from Buffalo to Cleveland can do so (meals and state-rooms included) by presenting tlieir tickets to T. P. Carpenter, General Passenger Agent Lake Superior Transit Com¬ pany, Buffalo, N. Y. EXCURSION 189 . (Via Pittsburg:, C'levelaiid, and Kufl'ala, rotiiriiiiig and Watkins’ Glen.) " Pennsylvania R. R. via Genera,Seneca Lake, Cleveland & Pittsburg R. R. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R. New York Central & Hudson River R. R... New York Central & Hudson River R. R... Steamer on Seneca Lake. Northern Central R. R. Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Northern Central R. R. Pennsylvania R. R . Philadelphia^24 00 Lancaster.... 23 6o Harrisburg.. 22 lo THROUGH RATES. Baltimore.<^25 60 Washington ... 27 60 Richmond. 34 60 • to Pittsburg, to Cleveland, to Buffalo, to Niagara Falls, to Geneva. .10 Watkins’. .to Williamsport. .10 Sunbury. .to Harrisburg .to starting point. Altoona.^22 10 Pittsburg 22 10 ! Philadelphia..$24 00 i Lancaster. 23 60 Altoona.^22 10 Pittsburg. 22 10 EXCURSION 192 . (Via Emporium, returning via Buffalo, Cleveland, and Pittsburg.) 1 Pennsylvania R. R...to Harrisburg. j N^orthern Ociitrjil R, R.....to Sunbury : Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Emporium. ’ Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia R. R....to Buffalo. ■ to Niagara Falls. Erie R R... . ..to Buffalo. j Rake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R.to Cleveland. Cleveland & Pittsburg R. R.to Pittsburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Harrisburg....J22 10 Baltimore. 25 60 Washington.. 27 60 CCI^Persons desiring to go by Lake steamers from Buffalo to Cleveland ^ state-rooms included) by presenting their tickets to 1. F. Carpenter, (general Passenger Agent Lake Superior Transit Com¬ pany, Buffalo, N. Y. EXCURSION 191 . (Via Pittsburg, Cleveland, and Buffalo, returning via Emporium.) i Pennsylvania R. R.to Pittsburg. ! Qeveland & Pittsburg R. R.to Cleveland. ;Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R.to Buffalo. ; ^.to Niagara Falls. i .... Buffalo. I Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia R, R,,..to Kinporium ' Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Sunbury Northern Central R. R.to Harrisburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia..;j524 00 Lancaster. 23 60 Harrisburg....;g22 10 Baltimore. 25 6o Washington.. 27 60 Altoona.;^22 10 Pittsburg. 22 10 EXCURSION 22s. (Via Elmir.a, returning via Buffalo, Cleveland, and Pittsburg.) Pennsylvania R R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R. to Sunbury Philadelphia & Erie R. R..‘.to Williamsport. Northern Ceniral R. R. to Elmin R- R.::::::to Niagara Fans. -.ake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R.to Cleveland Aeveland & Pittsburg R. R.to Pittsburg ' ennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. i’hiladelphia..^24 oo- -ancaster. 23 60 Altoona. $22 10 Pittsburg... 22 10 Harrisburg ....;^22 10 Baltimore. 25 60 Washington... 27 60 desiring to go by Lake steamers from Buffalo to Cleveland p o so (meals and state-rooms include^) by presenting their tickets to -any.^B^uffalof l^assenger Agent Lake Superior Transit Com- EXCURSION 228 . (Via Pittsburg, Cleveland, and Buffalo, returning via Elmira.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Pittsburg. develand & Pittsburg R. R.to Cleveland. >ake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R .to Buffalo. R.. Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Harrisburg. ennsylvania R. R.to starting point. Philadelphia..^24 00 Lancaster. 23 60 THROUGH RATES. Harrisburg...jf5/2 10 Bahimore ..... 25 60 Washington.. 27 60 EXCURSION 187 . (1 ia Delaware Water Gap and Syracuse, returuinir via and Pittsburg.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R....to New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to New York Ceniral 8t Huds .n River R. R...10 Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R.to Cleveland & Pittsburg R. R.to Pennsylvania R. R.to THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia^24 00 | Baltimore.|!28 35 | Washington.Jl3o 35 OCPPersons desiring to go by Lake steamers from Buffalo to Cleve¬ land can do so (meals and state-rooms included) by oresentinv their tickets to T. P. Carpenter, General Passenger Agent Lake Superfor Transit Company, Buffalo, N. Y. * Ahconi .... ^22 10 Pittsburg.... 22 10 Buffalo, Cleveliiiid, ManunkaChutik Syracuse. Niagara Falls. Buffalo. Cleveland. Pittsburg. starting point. EXCURSION 190 (Via Pittsburg, Clevelaiid, and Buffalo, returning via Water Gap.) Pennsylvania R. R. Cleveland & Pittsburg R, R. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R. New York Central & Hudson River R. R.. New York Central & Hudson River R. R... Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R.... Pennsylvania R. R.^ Syracuse and Delavf are to Pittsburg. .to Cleveland, to Buffalo, to Niagara Falls, .to Syracuse, to Manunka Chunk to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia|24 00 | Baltimore.$28 35 | Washington.jgso 35 EXCURSION 44 . (Via New York and Hudson River S earners, returning via Buffalo, Cleveland and Pittsburg.) Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Day Line Steamers .to Albany. New York Central & Hudson River R. R....to Niagara Falls New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Buffalo Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R.to Cleveland. Cleveland & Pittsburg R. R.to Pittsburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphla$27 00 Lancaster. 27 00 Harrisburg. $2j 00 Baltimore. 30 00 Washington. 32 00 Altoona.^27 00 Pittsburg.... 27 00 , OU* Persons desiring to go by Lake steamers from Buffalo to Cleve¬ land can do so (meals and state-rooms included) by presenting their EXCURSION 186 . (Via Pittsburg, Cleveland, and Buffalo, returning via Hudson River Steamers and New York.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Pittsburg. Cleveland & Pittsburg R. R.to Cleveland. Lake Snore & Michigan Southern R. R .to Buffalo New York Central & Hudson River R. R....to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R....to Albany Day L'ne Steamers.. New York. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia^27 00 Baltimore.^30 00 Washington.... 32 00 Richmond. 39 00 00 Lancaster. 27 Harrisburg... 27 00 Altoona. $27 00 Pittsburg. 27 00 EXCURSION 666. Pennsylvania R. R.to Pittsburg. Cleveland & Pittsburg R. R...to Cleveland. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R.to Buffalo. 5 *"!^ S.. Niagara Falls. Erie R. R..... .to New York. Pennsylvania R. R.to sta.ting point. THROUGH RATES. Brooklyn. $2j 20 New York... 27 00 Philadelphia 27 00 Harri-biirg....^27 00 Baltimore. 29 50 Washington... 31 50 Lancaster....J27 00 Altoona. 27 00 Pittsburg 27 00 EXCURSION 667 . Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. S.. Niagara Falls. .o.Buffalo. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R.to Cleveland Cleveland & Pittsburg R. R.to Pitisburg Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. Philadelphia)g27 0° Lancaster. 27 oo THROUGH RATES. Harrisburg. $2y 00 Baltimore. 29 50 Washington... 31 5(3 Altoona. $2^ 00 Pittsburg. 27 00 55 NIAGARA FALLS. EXCURSION 668. Pennsylvania R. R.to Northern Central R. R.to Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Northern Central R. R.to Steamer on Seneca Lake.to New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Troy & Boston R. R.to Fitchburg R. R.to Sound Lines.to Pennsylvania R. R.to THROUGH RATES. Harrisburg. Sunbury. Williamsport. Watkins'. Geneva. Niagara Falls. Albany. Saratoga. Troy. North Adams. Boston. New York, starling point. Brooklyn.$27 40 New York. 27 20 Philadelphia. 27 20 Harrisburg....$?7 20 Baltimore. 30 00 Washington. 32 00 Lancaster.J27 20 Altoona. 32 50 Pittsburg. 37 15 EXCURSION 669. (Via New York Soiiiid Lines anVatkln»’Glen, returning via Geneva, Seneea Lake, and Metueben.) Pennsylvania R. R. to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R...to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Watkins’. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Geneva. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Geneva. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Watkins’. Northern Central R. R. to Elmira. Erie R. R.to Waverly. Lehigh Valley R. R.to Metuchen. Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. THROUGH RATES. New York...J20 00 New York via Baltimore 22 50 Brooklyn.$20 20 From New York, via Washington. 24 30 EXCURSION 466 . (Via Sletuchen, Eimira, and Canandaigua, returning via Emporium and Phiiadeiphia.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Lehigh Valley R. R.to Erie R. R.to Northern Central R. R.to New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia R. R.to Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Northern Central R. R.to Pennsylvania R. R.to THROUGH RATES. Metuchen. Waverly. Elmira. Canandaigua. Niagara Falls. Buffalo. Emporium. Sunbury. Harrisburg. New York. 00 New York.$20 New York, returning via Baltimore. 22 50 Brooklyn. $20 20 From New York, return¬ ing via Washington.... 24 50 EXCURSION 467 . (Via Phiiadeiphia and Emporium, returning via Canandaigua, Eimira, and Dletuchen.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Emporium. Buffalo, New YorK & Philadelphia R. R.to Buffalo. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Canandaigua. Northern Central R. R.to Elmira. Erie R. R.to Waverly. Lehigh Valley R. R. to Metuchen. Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. THROUGH RATES. New York.J,2o 00 Brooklyn.$20 20 New York via Baltimore 22 50 From New York, via Washington. 24 50 EXCURSION 484 . (Via .Hetuciien and Waveriy, returning via Emporium and Phiiadeiphia.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Metuchen. Lehigh Valley R. R.to Waverly. Erie K. R.to Niagara Falls. Erie R. R..to Buffalo. Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia R. R.to Emporium. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Sunbury. Northern Central R. R.to Harrisburg. Pennsylvania R. R .to New York. THROUGH RATES. New York.$20 00 New York, returning via Baltimore. 22 50 Brooklyn. $20 20 From New York, return¬ ing via Washington.... 24 50 EXCURSION 483 . (Via Phiiadeiphia and Emporium, returning via Waverly and Hletuchcn.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Emporium. Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia R. R.to Buffalo. Erie R. R.to Niagara Falls. Erie R. R.to Waverly. Lehigh Valley R. R.to Metuchen. Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. THROUGH RATES. New York.J20 00 New York via Baltimore 22 50 Brooklyn. $20 20 From New York, via Washington. 24 50 EXCURSION 602 . (Via metuchen, WatklnH’ (ilen, Seneca Lake, and Geneva, returning via (Emporium and Philadelphia.) Pennsylvania R. R...to Metuchen. Lehigh Valley R. R.to Waverly. Erie R. R.to Elmira. Northern Central R. R.to Watkins’. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Geneva. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Buffalo. Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia R. R.to Emporium. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Sunbury. Northern Central R. R.to Harrisburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. THROUGH RATES. New York.J20 New York, returning via Baltimore. 22 00 to Brooklyn. $20 20 From New York, return¬ ing via Washington.... 24 50 EXCURSION 603 . (Via Philadelphia and Emporium, returning via Geneva, Seneca Lake, Walkinn’ Glen, and lletuchen.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Emporium. Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia R. R.to Buffalo. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Geneva. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Watkins’. Northern Central R. R.to Elmira. Erie R. R.to Waverly. Lehigh Valley R. R.to Metuchen. Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. THROUGH RATES. New York.$20 00 New York via Baltimore 22 50 Brooklyn.^20 20 From New York, via Washington. 24 50 EXCURSION 468 . (Via metuchen, Elmira, and Canandaigua, returning via Chautauqua Lake and Philadelphia.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Metuchen. Lehigh Valley R. R.to Waverly. Erie R. R.to Elmira Northern Central R. R.to Canandaigua. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Buffalo. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R.to Brocton. ( Mayville Buffalo, Corry & Pittsburg R. R.to-s (Chautauqua ( Lake). Buffalo, Corry & Pittsburg R. R.to Corry. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Sunbury Northern Central R. R.to Harrisburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. THROUGH RATES. New York.J23 00 New York, returningvia Baltimore. 25 50 Brooklyn. J23 20 From New York, return¬ ingvia Washington. 27 50 EXCURSION 469 . (Via Phiiadeiphia and Chautauqua Lake, returning ^ia Canandaigua, Eimira, and metuenen.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Corry. I' Mayville Buffalo, Corry & Pittsburg R. R.to< (Chautauqua ( Lake). Buffalo, Corry & Pittsburg R. R.to brocton. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R.to Buffalo. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Canandaigua. Northern Central R. R .to Elmira. Erie R. R.to Waverly. Lehigh Valley R. R.to Metuchen. Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. THROUGH RATES. New York.$23 00 New York via Baltimore 25 50 Brooklyn.I23 20 From New York, via Washington. 27 50 EXCURSION 486 . (Via metuchen and tVaverly, returning via Chautauqua Lake and Phila- . delphia .1 Pennsylvania R. R.to Metuchen. Lehigh Valley R. R.to Waverly. Erie R. R.to Niagara Falls. Erie R. R.to Buffalo. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R.to Brocton. { Mayville (Chautauqua Lake). Buffalo, Corr>'’ & Pittsburg R. R.to Corry. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Sunbury. Northern Central R. R.to Harrisburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. THROUGH RATES. 00 Brooklyn.$23 20 From New York, return¬ ing via Washington.... 27 50 New York.$23 New York, returningvia Baltimore. 25 50 58 NIAGARA FALLS. (Via Philadelphia EXCURSION and 487. returning via Waverly and Chautniiqiia Lake, Metuchen.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbiiry. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Corry. I Mayville Buffalo, Corry & Pittsburg R. R.to< (Chautauqua ( Lake). Buffalo, Corry & Pittsburg R. R.to Brocton. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R.to Buffalo. Erie R. R.to Niagara Falls, Erie R. R.to Waverly. Lehigh Valley R. R.to Metuchen. Pennsylvania R. R.to New York THROUGH RATES. New York.$23 New York via Baltimore 25 New York.J23 00 New York, returning via Baltimore. 25 50 EXCURSION 605. (Via New York.^23 00 New York via Baltim’re. 25 50 New York.$25 00 New York, returning via Baltimore. 27 50 EXCURSION (Via Philadelphia, Pittsburg, and Chautauqua Lake, returning via Canan* daigua, Elmira, and .Metuchen.) Pennsylvania R. R...to Pittsburg. Allegheny Valley R. R.to Oil City. Pittsburg, Titusville & Buffalo R. R.to Corry. { Mayville (Chautauqua Lake). 00 Brooklyn.$23 20 From New York, via Washington. 27 50 EXCURSION 604. (Via Metuchen, Watkins’ Glen, Seneca Lake, and Geneva, returning via Chautauqua Lake and Philadelphia.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Metuchen. Lehigh Valley R. R.to Waverly. Erie R. R.to Elmira. Northern Central R. R.to Watkins’. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Geneva. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R....to Buffalo. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R.to Brocton. ( Mayville Buffalo, Corry & Pittsburg R. R.toK (Chautauqua ( Lake). Buffalo, Corry & Pittsburg R. R.to Corry. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Sunbury. Northern Central R. R.to Harrisburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. THROUGH RATES. Brooklyn. ^23 20 From New York,return¬ ing via Washington... 27 50 Philadelphia and Chautauqua Lake, returning via Geneva, Seneca Lake, W'atklns’ Glen, and Metuchen.)' Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Corry. ( ' Mayville Buffalo, Cony & Pittsburg R. R.to< (Chautauqua ( Lake). Buffalo, Corry & Pittsburg R. R.to Brocton. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R.to Buffalo. New York Central & Hudson River R. R,..to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Geneva. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Watkins’. Northern Central R. R.to Elmira. Erie R. R.to Waverly. Lehigh Valley R. R.to Metuchen. Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. THROUGH RATES. Brooklyn.^^23 20 From New York, via Washington. 27 50 EXCURSION 470, (Via Metuchen, Elmira, and Canandaigua, returning via Chautauqua Lake, Pittsburg, and Philadelphia,) Pennsylvania R. R.to Metuchen. Lehigh Valley R. R.to Waverly. Erie R. R.to Elmira. Northern Central R. R.to Canandaigua. New York Central & Hudson River R. R....to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R....to Buffalo. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R.to Brocton. ( Mayville Buffalo, Corry & Pittsburg R. R.to-< (Chautauqua ( Lake). Buffalo, Corry & Pittsburg R. R.to Corry. Pittsburg, Titusville & Buffalo R. R.to Oil City. Allegheny Valley R. R...to Pittsburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. THROUGH RATES. Brooklyn.1^25 20 From New York, return¬ ing via Washington.... 29 50 471. Buffalo, Corry & Pittsburg R. R.to Brocton. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R.to Buffalo. New York Central & Hudson River R. R....to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R....to Canandaigua. Northern Central R. R..to Elmira. Erie R. R.to Waverly. Lehigh Valley R. R.to Metuchen. Pennsylvania R. R......to New York. THROUGH RATES. New York.^25 00 Brooklyn. $2$ 20 New York via Baltimore.. 27 50 From New York, via Washington.29 50 EXCURSION 488. (Via Metuchen and Waverly, returning via Chautauqua Lake, Pittsburg, and Philadelphia.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Metuchen. Lehigh Valley R. R.to Waverly. Erie R. R. ....to Niagara Falls. Erie R. R.to Buffalo. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R.to Brocton. { Mayville (Chautauqua Lake). Buffalo, Corry & Pittsburg R. R_;.to Corry. Pittsburg, Titusville & Buffalo R. R.to Oil City. Allegheny Valley R. R.to Pittsburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. THROUGH RATES. New York.J25 00 New York, returning via Baltimore. 27 50 Brooklyn.$25 20 From N ew York, return¬ ing via Washington... 29 50 EXCURSION 489. (Via Philadelphia, Pittsburg, and Chautauqua Lake, returning via Waverly and Metuchen.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Pittsburg. Allegheny Valley R. R.to Oil City. Pittsburg, Titusville & Buffalo R. R.to Corry. { Mayville (Chautauqua Lake). Buffalo, Corry & Pittsburg R. R.to Brocton. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R.to Buffalo. Erie R. R...to Niagara Falls. Erie R. R.to Waverly. Lehigh Valley R. R.to Metuchen. Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. THROUGH RATES. New York.$25 00 From Brooklyn.1^25 20 New York viaBaltimore. 27 50 From New York, via Washington. 29 50 EXCURSION 606. (Via Metuchen, Watkins’ Glen, Seneca Lake, and Geneva, returning Chautauqua Lake, Pittsburg, and Philadelphia.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Metuchen. Lehigh Valley R. R.to Waverly. Erie R. R...to Elmira. Northern Central R. R.to Watkins’. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Geneva. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Buffalo. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R.to Brocton. ( Mayville Buffalo, Corry & Pittsburg R. R.to-s (Chautauqua ( Lake). Buffalo, Corry & Pittsburg R R.to Corry. Pittsburg, Titusville & Buffalo R. R.to Oil City. Allegheny Valley R. R.to Pittsburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. THROUGH RATES. New York.J25 00 New York, returning via Baltimore. 27 50 Brooklyn. $25 20 From New York, return¬ ing via Washington... 29 50 EXCURSION 607. Via Philadelphia, Pittsburg, and Chautauqua Lake, returning via Geneva, Seneca Lake, Watkins’ Glen, and Metuchen.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Pittsburg. Allegheny Valley R. R.to Oil City. Pittsburg, Titusville & Buffalo R. R.to Corry. 1 Mayville Buffalo, Corry & Pittsburg R. R.to-< (Chautauqua i Lake). Buffalo, Corry & Pittsburg R. R.to Brocton. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R.to Buffalo. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Geneva. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Watkins’. Northern Central R. R.to Elmira. Erie R. R .to Waverly. Lehigh Valley R. R.to Metuchen. Pennsylvania R. R...to New York. NIAGARA FALLS. THROUGH RATES. New York.$25 00 New York via Baltimore 27 50 Brooklyn.$25 20 From New York, via Washington. 29 50 EXCURSION 472. (Via Hetiiehen, Elmira, and C'anandalt^ua, returning via Erie and I’lilladeipbla.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Metuchen. Lehigh Valley R. R.to Waverly. Erie R. R.to Elmira. Northern Central R. R.to Canandaigua. New York Central oc Hudson River R. R....to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R....to Bufmlo. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R.to Erie. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Sunbury. Northern Central R. R.to Harrisburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. THROUGH RATES. 00 New York.J24 New York, returning via Baltimore... 26 50 Brooklyn.$24 20 From New York, return¬ ing via Washington ... 28 50 EXCURSION 478. (Via Fblladelphla and Erie, rvtiirninir via Cunandalgu tuehen.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Northern Central R. R.to Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R.to New York Central 8: Hudson River R. R....to New York Central tc Hudson River R. R....to Northern Central R. R.to Erie R. R.to Lehigh Valley R. R.to Pennsylvania R. R.to THROUGH RATES. a, Elmira, and Me- Harrisburg. Sunbury. Erie. Buffalo. Niagara Falls. Canandaigua. Elmira. Waverly. Metuchen. New York. New York.1^24 00 New York via Baltimore 26 50 Brookljm. 5^4 20 From New York, via Washington. 28 50 EXCURSION 490. (Via Metuchen and >Taveriy, returning via Erie and Philadelpbia.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Metuchen. Lehigh Valley R. R.to Waverly. Erie R. R.to Niagara Falls. Erie R. R...to Buffalo. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R.to Erie. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Sunbury. Northern Central R. R.to Harrisburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. THROUGH RATES. New York.J24 00 New York, returning via Baltimore. 26 so Brooklyn...$24 20 From New York, return¬ ing via Washington.... 28 50 EXCURSION 491. (Via Philadelpbia and Erie, returning via Waverly and Mctiirhen ) Pennsylvania R. R. to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Erie. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R.to Buffalo. Erie R. R.to Niagara Falls. Erie R. R.to Waverly. Lehigh Valley R. R.to Metuchen. Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. THROUGH RATES. New York.J24 00 Brooklyn.J24 20 New York via Baltimore 26 50 From New York, via Washington. 28 50 EXCURSION 608. (Via Mctuclien, Watkinv’ Gl'n, Seneca Lake, and Geneva, returning via Eric and Philadelphia.) Pennsylvania R. R. to Metuchen. Lehigh Valley R. R.to Waverly. Erie R R.to Elmira. Northern Central R. R.to Watkins’. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Geneva. New York Central & Hudson River R. R....to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R....to Buffalo. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R.to Erie. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Sunburj'. Northern Central R. R.to Harrisburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. THROUGH RATES. New York. $2^ New York, returning via Baltimore. 26 00 50 Brooklyn.^24 20 From New York, return¬ ing via W’ashington.... 28 50 EXCURSION 609. (Via Philadeipbia and Erie, returning via Geneva, Seneca Lake, Watkin* Glen, and Metuchen.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg Northern Ontral R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Erie. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R.to Buffalo. New York Central & Hudson River R. R....to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R....to Geneva. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Watkins’. Northern Central R. R.to Elmira. Erie R. R.to Waverly. Lehigh Valley R. R.to Metuchen. Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. THROUGH RATES. New York.^24 00 New York via Baltimore 26 50 Brooklyn.$24 20 From New York, via Washington. 28 50 EXCURSION 474. (Via Metuchen, Elmira, nnd Canandaigua, returning via Erie, PItUbnrg, and Philadelphia.) Pennsylvania R R.to Metuchen. Lehigh Valley R. R.to Waverly. Erie R. R.to Elmira. Northern Central R. R.to Canandaigua. New York Central & Hudson River R. R....to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R....to Buffalo. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R.to Erie. Erie & Pittsburg R. R.to Pittsburg, Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. THROUGH RATES. New York.1^24 00 New York, returning via Baltimore. 26 50 Brooklyn.$24 20 From New York, return¬ ing via Washington ... 28 50 EXCURSION 475. (Via Pbiiadelpiiia, Pittsburg, and Erie, returning Elmira, and Metuchen.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne & Chicago R. R.to Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R.to New York Central & Hudson River R. R....to New York Central & Hudson River R. R....to Northern Central R. R.to Erie R. R.to Lehigh Valley R. R.to Pennsylvania R. R.to THROUGH RATES. via Canandaigua, Pittsburg. Erie. Buffalo. Niagara Falls. Canandaigua. Elmira. Waverly. Metuchen. New York. New York.$24 00 New York via Baltimore 26 50 Brooklyn.$24 20 From New York, via Washington. 28 50 EXCURSION 492. Via Metuchen and Waverly, returning via Erie, Pittsburg, and Phila¬ delphia.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Metuchen. l.ehigh Valley R. R.to Waverly. Erie R. R.to Niagara Falls. Erie R. R. .to Buffalo. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R. to Erie. Erie & Pitt.sbuig R. R.to Pittsburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. THROUGH RATES. New York.$24 00 New York, returning via Baltimore. 26 50 Brooklyn.$24 20 I rom New York, return¬ ing via Washington.... 28 50 EXCURSION 493. (Via Philadelphia, Pittsburg, and Erie, returning via Waverly and Metuchen.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Pittsburg. Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne & Chicago R R.to Erie. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R.to Buffalo. Erie R. R.to Niagara Falls. Erie R. R.to Wav'erly. Lehigh Valley R. R .to Metuchen Pennsylvania R. R.to New York, THROUGH R.\TES New York.^24 00 Brooklyn.$24 20 New York via Baltimore 26 50 From .New York, via Washington. 28 50 EXCURSION 610. (Via Metuchen, Watkins’ Glen, Seneca l4ike, .md Geneva, reluming via Erie, Pittsburg, and Philadelphia.) Pennsylvania R R.to Metuchen. Lehigh Valley R. R.to Waverly. Erie R. R.to Elmira. Northern Central R. R.to Watkins’. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Geneva. New York Central & Hudson River R. R....to Niagara Falls. New York Central 8: Hudson River R. R....to Buffalo. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R.to Erie. Erie & Pittsburg R. R.to Pittsburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. 60 NIAGARA FALLS New York.$24 00 New York, returning via Baltimore. 26 ?o THROUGH RATES. Brooklyn.$24 20 From New York, leiurn- ing via Washington ... 28 50 EXCURSION 611. (Via Philadelpblii, PlKsbiirit, and Krle, reluming via Geneva Seneea Lake, Watkin;)’ Glen, and .lleliirlien.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Pittsburg. Pittsburg, Ft Wayne & Chicago R. R.to Erie. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R.to Buffalo. New York Central & Hudson River R. R....to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R....to Geneva Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Watkins’. NTorthern Central R. R.to Elmira Erie R. R.to Waverly. Lehigh Valley R. R.to Meiuchen. PennNylvania R. R.to New York. THROUGH RATES. New York. 00 New York via Baltimore. 26 50 Brooklyn.$24 20 From New York, via Washington. 28 50 EXCURSION 377 . (Via Harrisburg and CanandnigiiH, returning via Canundaigiiu and Driftwood,) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Wil iamsport. Northern Central R. R.,.to Canandaigua. New York Central & Hudson River R. R....to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R....to Canandaigua. Northern Central R. R. .to Williamsport. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Driftwood, .Allegheny Valley R. R.to Pittsburg. THROUGH RATE. From Pittsburg. . $2^ 00 EXCURSION 378 . YilIiiiinsport, and Canandaigua.) Allegheny Valley R. R.to Driftwood. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Canandaigua. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATE. From Pittsburg.^20 35 EXCURSION 384. (Via Lock Haven, Williamsport, and Canandaigua.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Lock Haven. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Canandaigua. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. From Pittsburg.^18 60 | From Altoona.$14 00 EXCURSION N. C—1. Northern C'^ntral R. R.Watkins’ to Canandai^a. New York Central & Hudson River R. R.to Niagara Falls. Returning by same route. Rate.$6 15 Oj^This ticket can be purchased n connection with any ticket passing through Watkins’. DUICHMAN’S RUN, NEAR RALSTON, PA. 61 FOREST SrENK, AI,LEGHENIES. 63 SPECIAL EXCURSIONS, Boston to Niagara Falls AND Return. EXCURSION 657. (Tla New York, Philadelphia, and Canandaigua, returning via Albany.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R...to Canandaigua. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Albany. Boston & Albany R. R.to Boston. . THROUGH RATES. From Boston.$29 40 | Boston (via Sound Lines) $27 40 EXCURSION 658. O'la New York, Philadelphia, Watkins’ Glen, and Seneca Lake, returning via Albany.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Watkins'. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Geneva. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Albany. Boston & Albany R. R.to Boston. THROUGH RATES. From Boston.$29 40 | Boston (via Sound Lines) 40 EXCURSION 661. (Yia New York, Philadelphia, and Emporium, returning via Albany.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Emporium. Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia R. R....to Buffalo. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Albany. Boston & Albany R. R.to Boston. THROUGH RATES. From Boston.$29 40 | Boston (via Sound Lines) $2^ 40 EXCURSION 659. (Via New York, Philadelphia, and Canandaigua, returning via Saratoga Springs and Albany.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Canandaigua. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Schenectady. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to SaratogaSp’ngs. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Albany. Boston & Albany R. R.to Boston. THROUGH RATES. From Boston.^[31 00 | Boston (via Sound Lines) $29 15 EXCURSION 660. (Via New York, Philadelphia, Watkins’ Gleu, and Seneca Lake, returning via Saratoga Springs and Albany.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Watkins’. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Geneva. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Schenectady. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Saratoga Sp’ngs. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Albany. Boston & Albany R. R.to Boston. THROUGH RATES. From Boston.^31 00 | Boston (via Sound Lines) $29 15 EXCURSION 662. (Via New York, Philadelphia, Corry, and Chautauqua Lake, returning via Saratoga Springs and Albany.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Corry. ( Mayville Buffalo, Corry & Pittsburg R. R.to-< (Chautauqua / Lake). Buffalo, Corry & Pittsburg R. R.to Brocton. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R.to Buffalo. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Schenectady. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Saratoga Sp’ngs. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Albany. Boston & Albany R. R.to Boston. THROUGH RATE. From Boston.$31 00 EXCURSION 663. (Via New York, Philadelphia, Pittsburg, Oil City, and Chautauqua Lake returning via Saratoga Springs and Aibany.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Pittsburg. Allegheny Valley R. R.to Oil City. Pittsburg, Titusville & Buffalo R. R.to Corry. { Mayville (Chautauqua Lake). Buffalo, Corry & Pittsburg R. R.to Brocton. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R.to Buffalo. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Schenectady. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Saratoga. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Albany. Boston & Albany R. R.to Boston. THROUGH RATE. From Boston. $35 30 EXCURSION 664. (Via New York, Philadelphia, Pittsburg, and Erie, returning via Saratoga Springs and Albany.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Pittsburg. Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne & Chicago R. R.to Erie. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R.to Buffalo. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Schenectady. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Saratoga Sp’ngs. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Albany. Boston & Albany R. R.to Boston. THROUGH RATE. From Boston. $34 50 PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. 1878 . 1878 . THE FAVORITE ' 4 ^ 5 With its numerous branches following the NEW ENGLAND COAST, is a string of OCEAN PEARLS f o.-n BOSTON TO PORTLAND, NO OTHER RAILROAD IN THE UNITED STATES, upon an equal length of line, threads so many bright SEA- COAST TOWNS and SUMMER RESORTS. Throughout the height of the season it is literally a summer city, and the ENVIRONS OF BOSTON may be said to extend almost to -MAINE. - T he VISITORS and residents of this SEA-SIDE REGION are not drawn from Boston alone, but from all the CENTRES OF WEALTH in all parts of the land, whose COUNTRY-SEATS and CHATEAUS along the EASTERN RAILROAD for miles north-east of Boston represent the Middle, Southern, and Western element of the well-to-do and PLEASURE-LOVING. The Equipment of the Eastern Railroad is Unexcelled. All Modern Improvements in Railroading are Utilized. Pullman's Celebrated Parlor Cars ai'e run on Day Trains. All Trains are Controlled by Hall's famous Electnc Signals. IT IS THE ONLY LINE RUNNING PULLM.4N’S DRAWING-ROOM SLEEPING CARS ON NIGHT TRAINS BETWEEN BOSTON and BANGOR. IT IS THE BEST ROUTE TO REACH THE VARIOUS BEACHES: MANCHESTER BY THE SEA, HAMPTON AND RYE, THE ISLE OF SHOALS, OLD ORCHARD BEACH (VIA SACO), MOUNT DESERT, ' ' RANGELEY LAKES, AND MT. KINEO HOUSE, ON MOOSEHEAD LAKE. FOR THE IVkite Mountains via North Conway, And through the NOTCH to the CRAWFORD HOUSE, FABYAN’S, PROFILE HOUSE.. GLEN HOUSE, BETHLEHEM, TWIN MOUNTAIN HOUSE, And last, but not least, GRAND OLD MOUNT WASHINGTON. The line of the EASTERN RAILROAD is unsurpassed for GRANDEUR and SUBLIMITY of SCENERY. TWO DAILY TRAINS L-om and to BOSTON, with OBSERVATION CARS ATTACHED, PASS TIIROUtJH THE NOTCH. Excursion Tickets by this FAVORITE LINE, in connection with the different Sound Lines and all-rail routes, can be obtained on application to any of the Agencie of the Penn'ylvania Railroad. For Routes and Rates, reference can be made vmder the appropriate heading in other portions of this Work. EXCURSION TICKETS AT REDUCED RATES can also be obtained at the different Offices of the Sound Lines and Railroad Offices generally in New York, and at the EASTERN RAILRO.\D DEPOT on Causeway street, Boston. For further information. Special Cars, Reserved Chairs, or Sleeping Berths, apply by telegraph or letter to JNO. HORNBY, B. F. PATRICK, Master of Transportation. Gen’I Passenger and Ticket Agent, Boston. 64 NORFOLK—NORTH CONWAY (WHITE MOUNTAINS). NORFOLK, VA. EXCURSION 201 OR EXCURSION (Via Hay Line of Steamers, returning via Richmond and Washington.) Pennsylvania R. R .to Philadelphia. Philadelphia,Wilmington&Baltimore R.R.to Baltimore. Bay Line Steamers.to Norfolk. Atlantic, Mississippi & Ohio R. R.to Petersburg. Richmond & Petersburg R. R...to Richmond. Richmond, Fredericksburg & Potomac R.R.to Quantico. Alexandria & Fredericksburg R. R.to Washington. Balt. & Pot. R. R. or Balt. & Ohio R. R....to Baltimore. Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore R.R.to Philadelphia. Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. , THROUGH RATES. New York. $■21 40 | Brooklyn. $21 63 NORTH CONWAY, N. H. MOUNTAINS.) (WHITE EXC. 771, WITH EXC. 412, 413, OR 6S3. (Via rail tu Hoston and North Conway, returning via Sound Steamers.) Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Rail Lines.to Boston. Eastern R. R.to North Conway. Eastern R. R.to Boston. Sound Lines.to New York. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia^2i 75 Lancaster.... 24 53 Harrisburg.^^26 00 Baltimore. 26 75 Washington ... 28 75 Altoona.^30 85 Pittsburg. 35 50 OT^Transfer through New York, going, included. EXC. 771, WITH EXC. 407, 408, OR 6S4. (Via Sound Steamers and Ituston, returning all rail.) Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Sound Lines. to Boston. Eastern R. R...to North Conway. Eastern R. R.to Boston. Rail Lines.to New York. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia^2i 75 Lancaster.... 24 50 Harrisburg. $26 00 Baltimore. 26 75 Washington.... 28 75 Altoona.^30 85 Pittsburg 35 50 OiT Transfer through New York, returning, included. EXC. 771, WITH EXC. 409, 410, 411, OR 704. (Via Sound Lines and Boston in both directions.) Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Sound Lines.to Boston. Eastern R R.to North Conway. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia^! 7 00 Lancaster.... 19 75 EXC. Harrisburg. $21 20 Baltimore. 22 00 Washington.... 24 00 Altoona. $26 10 Pittsburg 30 75 772 OR 773, WITH EXC. 412, 413, OR 6S3. (Via rail to Boston and Portland, returning via Sound Steamers.) Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Rail Lines.to Boston. Boston & Maine or Eastern R. R.to Portland. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to North Conway. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Portland. Boston & Maine or Eastern R. R.to Boston. Sound Lines.to New York. Pennsylvania R. R. to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Altoona.85 Philadelphia^2i 75 Lancaster.... 24 50 Harrisburg. $26 00 Baltimore. 26 75 Washington.... 28 75 Pittsburg. 35 50 ClTTraiisfer through New York, going, included. EXC. 772 OR 773, WITH EXC. 407, 408, OR 634 (Via Sound Steamers, Boston, and Portland, returning all rail.) Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Sound Lines.to Boston. Boston & Maine or Eastern R. R.to Portland. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to North Conway. •Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Portland. Boston & Maine or Eastern R. R.to Boston. Rail Lines.to New York. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia^^! 75 Lancaster.... 24 50 Harrisburg. $26 00 Baltimore. 26 75 Washington ... 28 75 Altoona.^30 85 Pittsburg. 35 50 (XTTransfer through New York, returning, included. EXC. 772 OR 773, WITH EXC. 409, 410, 411, OR 704. (Via Sound Lines, Bustuii, and Portland, in both directions.) Pennsylvania R. R..to New York. Sound Lines.to Boston. Boston & Maine or Eastern R. R.to Portland. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to North Conway. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Harrisburg $21 20 Altoona. $26 10 Baltimore,. 22 00 Pittsburg.... 33 75 Washington.... 24 00 Philadelphia$!7 00 Lancaster.... 19 75 EXCURSION 678 . (Via rail to Boston and Portland, returning via Pennsylvania R. R.. Steamer “ Maryland”. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R... Boston & New York Air-Line. New York & New England R. R. Boston & Maine R. R.. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R. Boston & Maine R. R. Sound Lines. Pennsylvania R. R. Philadelphia$2o 75 Lancaster.... 23 53 THROUGH RATES. Harrisburg. $25 00 Baltimore. 25 75 Washington.... 27 75 Sound Steamers.) to Jersey City, to Harlem River, to New Haven, to Willimantic. .to Boston, to Portland, to North Conway, to Portland. ,to Boston. ,to New York. ,to starting point. Altoona.$29 85 Pittsburg. 34 50 EXCURSION 679. (Via rail to Boston and North Conway, returning via Pennsylvania R. R.to Steamer “ Maryland ”.to New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R...to Boston & New York Air-Line.to New York & New England R. R.to Eastern R. R.to Eastern R. R.to Sound Lines.to Pennsylvania R. R.to Sound Steamers.) Jersey City. Harlem River. New Haven. Willimantic. Boston. North Conway. Boston. New York, starting point. Philadelphia;^2o 75 Lancaster.... 23 50 THROUGH RATES. Harrisburg.^25 00 Baltimore. 25 75 Washington.... 27 75 Altoona.$29 85 Pittsburg 34 50 EXCURSION 680. (Via Sound Steamers, Boston, and Portland, returning ail rail.) Pennsylvania R. R.to New'York. Sound Lines.to Boston. Boston & Maine R. R.to Portland. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to North Conway. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Portland. Boston & Maine R. R.to Boston. New York & New England R. R.to Willimantic. Boston & New York Air-Line.to New Haven. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R...to Harlem River. Steamer “ Maryland ”.to Jersey City. Pennsylvania R. R. to starting point. Philadelphia^2o 75 Lancaster.... 23 50 THROUGH RATES. Harrisburg.J25 00 Baltimore. 25 75 Washington.... 27 75 Altoona. $2g 85 Pittsburg 34 50 EXCURSION 681. (Via Sound Steamers and Boston, returning nil rail.) Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Sound Lines.to Boston. Eastern R. R.to North Conway. Eastern R. R.to Boston. New York & New England R. R......to Willimantic. Boston & New York Air-Line.to New Haven. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R...to Harlem River. Steamer ” Maryland ”.to Jersey City. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. Philadelphia^2o 75 Lancaster.... 23 50 THROUGH RATES. Harrisburg.$25 00 Baltimore. 25 75 Washington.... 27 75 Altoona.^9 85 Pittsburg 34 50 65 OAK BLUFFS (MARTHA’S VINEYARD)-OCEAN BEACH. FALL RIVER LINE BETWEEN NEW YORK 2^^ BOSTON, VIA THE GREAT PLEASURE ROUTE TO AND FROM THE MOUNTAIN, SEA-SHORE, AND INLAND SUMMER RESORTS OF NEW ENGLAND. MAMMOTH PALACE STEAMERS "bristol”3d:“providence.’^ LARGEST, BEST EQUIPPED, AND MOST ELEGANT Steamers of their class in the World. MUSIC by a splendid BAND and ORCHESTRA on each Steamer every evening. Leave Jieir York daily (Sandnys, June 23 d to Septetnher StJi, inclusive , at J P. M., from Pier 28, North River, foot of Murray Street. Leave Poston daily, from Old Colony Railroad Depot, at 4.30 and 6 P. M. (Sundays as ahov ^ at 7 P. M.) ^-ASK FOR TICKETS VIA FALL RIVER LINE.-*^ BORDEN & LOVELL, GEO. L. CONNOR, J. R. KENDRICK, Agents. Gen I Passenger Agent. Superintendent. EXCURSION 712. THROUGH RATES. (Via rail in both directions.^ Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Steamer “ Maryland”.to Harlem River. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R...to New Haven. Boston & New York Air-Line.to Willimantic. New York & New England R. R.to Putnam. N.Y. & New England R. R. (N.& W. Div.)..to Worcester Worcester & Nashua R. R.to Rochester. Portland & Rochester R. R.to Portland. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to North Conway. Returning same route. Philadelphia$23 50 Lancaster.... 26 25 THROUGH RATES. Harrisburg.J27 70 Altoona.$32 60 Baltimore. 28 50 Pittsburg. 37 25 Washington.... 30 50 Philadelphia$i2 00 Lancaster. 14 75 Harrisburg.$16 20 Altoona. $21 10 Baltimore. 17 00 Pittsburg 25 75 Washington... 19 00 EXCURSION 7SS. Pennsylvania R. R. Old Colony Steamboat Company. Old Colony R. R. Nantucket & Cape Cod Steamboat Co. Nantucket & Cape Cod Steamboat Co. Old Colony R. R. Old Colony R. R. Old Colony Steamboat Company. Pennsylvania R. R.. .to New York. • to Fall River. .to Wood's Holl. .to Oak Bluffs. .to Wood’s Holl. .to Bo.ston. f Fall River or ■ i Newport, to New York, to starting point. EXCURSION 713. (Via Sound Line in both direetions.) Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Norwich & New York Transportation Co...to New London. N. Y.& New England R. R. (N. & W. Div.).to Worcester. Worcester & Nashua R. R.to Rochester. Portland & Rochester R. R.to Portland. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to North Conway. Returning by same route. Philadelphia;^!7 00 Lancaster.... 19 75 THROUGH RATES. Harrisburg.. ..^21 20 Altoona. $26 10 Baltimore. 22 00 Pittsburg 30 75 Washington.... 24 00 OAK BLUFFS (MARTHA’S VINEYARD), MASS. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia.3 50 Lancaster. i 5 25 Harrisburg.$17 70 Altoona. $22 60 Baltimore. 18 50 Pittsburg 27 25 Washington.... 20 50 OCEAN BEACH, N. J., Ranks among the most attractive and pleasant sea-side resorts on the eastern coast of New Jersey, a region which is rapidly becoming famous for its summer retreats. The manv beautiful bays and quiet inlets in this locality afford the finest fishing and boating facilities in America, while the healthfulness of the breezy atmosphere is unsurpassed. EXCURSION 691. EXCURSION 7S4. Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Old Colony Steamboat Company.to Fall River. Old Colony R. R.to Wood’s Holl. Nantucket & Cape Cod Steamboat Co.to Oak Bluffs. Returning by same route. Pennsylvania R. R.to Jamesburg. Freehold & Jamesburg Agricultural R. R...to Sea Girt. i Central R. R. of N. J.to Ocean Beach. I Returning by same route. j THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia^ 00 | Lancaster. $6 75 | Harrisburg.$8 20 66 OCEAN GROVE—OIL CITY—ORKNEY SPRINGS—OVID CENTRE—PLATTSBURG—PORT KENT. OCEAN GROVE, N. J. A FEW years ago some of the ministers and members of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York conceived the design of establishing by the sea-side, a camp-ground and a summer retreat for Christian families. They secured a plot of ground six miles from Long Branch, dedicated it to religious purposes, and commenced its improve¬ ment, under the title of the “Ocean Grove Camp-Ground,” of Monmouth county. New Jersey. The association is author¬ ized to make its own laws, and they have framed these so as to secure, for all time, the purposes had in view when the work was commenced. No intoxicating drinks are permitted on the ground. Boating, bathing, and driving are strictly prohibited on the Sabbath. All behavior unbecoming the repose of such a place is at once suppressed. These regulations, and the natural advantages of the location, make it a pleasant and quiet place, where families can remain free from intrusion and annoyance, and where the beneficial effects of sea-air and sea-bathing can be enjoyed without the expense and tax upon the system ex¬ acted by resorts at which fashion and folly too often rule. A large number of cottages have been erected on the grounds, and they increase rapidly each season. The style of these cottages, being limited only by the means and taste of the builder, varies from the cheapest to the most ornate, but all are homelike and cozy. In August of every year a camp-meeting is held on the grounds reserved for the purpose, continuing two weeks, and attracts an immense concourse of visitors. Ample provision is made for the accommodation of these, and tents are rented during the camp-meeting, or longer, if desired, at very reason¬ able rates. Ocean Grove is a peculiar institution, differing widely from ordinary sea-side resorts, but is undoubtedly a popular and successful one. EXCURSION 108. Pennsylvania R. R.to Pemberton June New Jersey Southern R. R.to Long Branch. Central R. R. of N. J.to Ocean Grove. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia.$4 oo Lancaster. 6 75 Harrisburg.20 *Baltimore. 9 00 *\Vashington....ii 00 Altoona.$13 50 Pittsburg 18 15 ^Transfer through Philadelphia, in each direction, included. EXCURSION 109. Pennsylvania R. R.to Jamesburg. Freehold & Jamesburg Agricultural R. R...to Earmingdale. New Jersey Southern R. R.to Long Branch. Central R. R. of N. J.to Ocean Grove. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia $4 00 Lancaster.6 75 Harrisburg.$8 20 Baltimore. 9 00 Washington.11 00 Altoona.^13 50 Pittsburg 18 15 EXCURSION 112. Pennsylvania R. R.to Jamesburg. r reehold & Jamesburg Agricultural R. R...to Sea Girt. Central R. R. of N. J.to Ocean Grove. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Philadel phia.JiS4 Lancaster. 6 00 Harrisburg.$8 20 75 Baltimore. 9 oo Washington.11 00 Altoona.1^13 Pittsburg. 18 50 15 OIL CITY, PA. EXCURSION 17. (Via Pittsburg, returning via Corry.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Pittsburg. Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne & Chicago R. R.to Greenville. •Vtlantic & Great Western R. R.to Oil City. Pittsburg, Titusville & Buffalo R. R.to Corry. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Sunbury. Morthern Central R. R.to Harrisburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting poin THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia$23 00 Lancaster.... 20 30 Baltimore.^22 30 Washington... 24 30 Harrisburg...$i8 80 EXCURSION 18. (Via Pittsburg, returning via Corry.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Pittsburg. Allegheny Valley R. R.to Oil City. Pittsburg, Titusville & Buffalo R. R.to Corry. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Sunbury. Northern Central R. R.to Harrisburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphiaj^22 fo Lancaster. 19 90 Baltimore. $21 90 Washington... 23 90 Harrisburg..;^i8 40 EXCURSION 19. (Via IrvineloH, returning via Pittsburg.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Irvineton. Pittsburg, Titusville & Buffalo R. R.to Oil City. Allegheny Valley R. R.to Pittsburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia^22 10 Lancaster.... 19 40 Baltimore. Washington.. g2i 40 23 40 Harrisburg..^! 7 90 ORKNEY SPRINGS, VA. EXCURSION 439 OR EXCURSION 440. Pennsylvania R. R.to Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore R.R..to Baltimore. Balt. & Pot. R. R. or Balt. & Ohio R. R....to Washington. Baltimore & Ohio R. R.to Mount Jackson. Stage (12 miles)..to Orkney Springs. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. New York.^20 15 | Brooklyn. $20 35 OVID CENTRE, N. Y. (For Cayuga Lake.) EXCURSION 623. Pennsylvania R. R...to Metuchen. Lehigh Valley R. R .to Ovid Centre. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. New York.^13 80 | Brooklyn.^14 00 PLATTSBURG, N. Y. EXCURSION 802. Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. New York Central & Hudson River R. R.,.to Troy. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Plattsburg. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATE. From Philadelphia. $21 30 EXCURSION 803. Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Day Line Steamers.to Albany. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Plattsburg. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATE. From Philadelphia.Sip 20 --— PORT KENT, N.Y. Au Sable Chasm.—T his remarkable natural wonder is formed by the egress of Au Sable river from the northern end of the Adirondack mountains, in New York, on its way to Lake Champlain. The river has carved a channel in the Pots¬ dam sandstone formation, in some places reaching a depfh of about two hundred feet, leaving precipices of every shape towering above the dark water. At one place the river is compressed to a breadth of only ten feet, and again widens to fifty. The waters dash madly through their confined channel, and are precipitated over falls, cascades, and rapids,—the first fall being twenty and ihe second sixty feet high. The length of the chasm proper is nearly two miles, and its sides and tops are fringed with cedars, which cast a sombre shadow over it and add to its mysterious grandeur. Frederika Bremer said that “ a visit to the chasm would reward a voyage from Europe and it is asserted by experienced travelers that it rivals the famous Swiss Gorge du Trient. Au Sable Chasm is reached by any of the excursion routes passing over Lake Champlain or the Delaware and Hudson Canal, Champlain Division, by a line of stages from Port Kent, over a plank road of three miles in length, about twenty minutes’ drive. EXCURSION 804. Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Troy. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Port Kent. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATE, From Philadelphia.J20 20 EXCURSION 803. Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Day Line Steamers.to Albany, Saratoga Div. D. & H C. Co.to Port Kent. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATE. From Philadelphia.$18 10 67 PENNSYLVANIA RMl.ROAD COATESVILLE BRIDGE. THE HYGEIA HOTEL, OLD POINT COMFORT, Va. H as all modern improvements, Elevator, Gas, and Electric Bells in every room; Water, Bath-rooms, and Closets on each j floor. Six Daily Mails and Telegraph Office. Fifteen to twenty First-class Steamers land daily, except Sunday, one hundred and fifty yards from the door. Rooms and halls comfortably heated, and every comfort provided for Tourists and Health-seekers during the Winter. Superior Beach for Bathing at doorsteps, and good from ^lay until November. Boating, Fishing, and Driving especially attractive. Send for Circular describing Hygienic advantage*. Terms—$2.00 to ;$3.50 per day, according to location of and number in room, length of stay, &c. PHOEBUS, Proprietor. 68 PORTSMOUTH—PROFILE HOUSE—QUEBEC—RALSTON—RANGELEY LAKES. PORTSMOUTH, VA. EXCURSION 208 OR EXCURSION 277. (Via Bay Line Steamers, returning via Richmond and Washington.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Philadelphia,Wilmington & Baltimore R. R..to Bay Line Steamers.to Virginia Steamboat Co.to Richmond, Fredericksburg & Potomac R. R.to Alexandria & Fredericksburg R. R.to Balt. & Pot. R. R. or Balt. & Ohio R. R.to Philadelphia,Wilmington & Baltimore R. R.to Pennsylvania R. R.to THROUGH RATES. New York.$20 70 ( Brooklyn. 0^ Transfer through Richmond included. Philadelphia. Baltimore. Portsmouth. Richmond Quantico. Washington. Baltimore. Philadelphia. New York. .$20 90 PROFILE HOUSE, N. H. EXCURSION 743. Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R...to Springfield. Connecticut River R. R.to South Vernon. Central Vermont R. R.to Brattleboro. Vermont Valley R. R.to Bellows Falls. Central Vermont R. R.to White Riv. June. Passumpsic R. R.to Wells River. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Littleton. Stage.to Profile House. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Harrisburg.$29 70 Baltimore.30 50 Washington.32 50 OCy’Transfer through New York in each direction included. Philadelphia$25 50 Lancaster.28 25 Altoona.$34 60 Pittsburg_39 25 EXCURSION 799. Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Norwich & New York Transportation Co...to New London. N. York & N. England R. R. (N. & W. Div.) to Worcester. Worcester & Nashua R. R.to Nashua. Concord R. R.to Concord. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Littleton. Stage.to Profile House. Returning by same route. EXCURSION 763. Pennsylvania R. R. to Sound Lines.to Eastern R. R.to Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Stage.to Stage.to Mt. Washington R. W.to Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to B-ston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Stage.to Stage.to Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Passumpsic R. R.to Grand Trunk R.W.to Grand Trunk R. W. or Steamer.to Grand Trunk R. W.to Champlain Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Steamer on Lake Champlain.to Lake George Branch D. & H. Q. Co.to Steamer on Lake George.to Stage.to Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Day Line Steamers.to Pennsylvania R. R. to starting point. New York. Boston. North Conway. Glen Station. Glen House. J Summit of Mt. 1 Washington. I Base of > Mt. I Washington. • Fabyan’s. Crawford’s. Fabyan's. Bethlehem. Profile House. Littleton. Wells River. Sherbrooke. Quebec. Montreal. Rouse’s Point. Plattsburg. Ft. Ticonderoga Baldwin’s. Caldwell. Glen’s Falls. Albany. New York. Philadelphia$53 65 Lancaster. .. 56 40 THROUGH RATES. Harrisburg.$57 85 Baltimore. 58 65 Washington ... 60 65 Altoona.$63 15 Pittsburg 67 80 RALSTON, PA., Twenty-four miles above Williamsport, on Lycoming creek, is a well-known resort of hunters and fishermen,—the adjacent forests abounding in deer and other large and small game, while the mountain rivulets are well stocked with that choicest of all fresh-water fish—“ mountain trout.” Extensive and good hotel accommodations exist in the village. EXCURSION 278. Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R. to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R .to Ralston. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia^22 50 I Harrisburg. $26 70 Altoona.$31 60 Lancaster.... 25 25 Baltimore. 27 50 Pittsburg. 36 25 I Washington ... 29 50 QUEBEC, CANADA. EXCURSION 762. Pennsylvania R. R. Day Line Steamers. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co. Stage. Steamer on Lake George. Lake George Branch D. & H. C. Co Steamer on Lake Champlain. Champlain Div. D. & H. C. Co. Grand Trunk R. W... Grand Trunk R. W. or Steamer. Grand Trunk R. W. Passumpsic R. R. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.. Stage. Stage. Boston, Concord & Montreal R R... Portland & Ogdensburg R. R. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.. Mt. Washington R. W.. Stage. Stage. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R. Eastern R. R. Sound Lines.. Pennsylvania R. R. to New York, to Albany, to Glen’s Falls. ,to Caldwell. .to Baldwin’s. .to Ft.Ticonderoga. • to Plattsburg. ,to Rouse’s Point, to Montreal, to Quebec. .to Sherbrooke, to Wells River. .to Littleton. ,to Profile House, .to Bethlehem. .to Fabyan’s. .to Crawford’s. .to Fabyan’s. f Base of Mt. ' Washington. J Summit of Mt. 1 Washington, .to Glen House. .to Glen Station. .to North Conway, .to Boston. .to New York. .to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia;^5i 65 Harrisburg. ...$55 85 Lancaster.... 54 40 Baltimore. 56 65 Washington.... 58 65 Altoona.$61 15 Pittsburg 65 80 Philadelphia..^ 00 Lancaster. 7 75 Harrisburg.$6 00 Altoona.15 Baltimore.10 00 Pitisburg 14 85 Washington.12 00 RANGELEY LAKES, ME. EXC. 728 OR 742, WITH EXC. 412, 413, OR 6S3. (Via rail and Farmington, returning by Sound Lines.) ' Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Rail Lines.to Boston. Boston & Maine or Eastern R. R.to Portland. Maine Central R. R.to Farmington. Stage Line. , .to Rangeley. Stage Line.to Farmington. Maine Central R. R.to Portland. Boston & Maine or Eastern R. R.to Boston. Sound Lines.to New York. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia..$2 7 75 | Baltimore.^32 75 | Washington..$34 75 EXC. 728 OR 742, WITH EXC. 407, 408, OR 654. (Via Sound Lines and Farmington, returning by rail.) Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Sound Lines.to Boston. Boston & Maine or Eastern R. R.to Portland. Maine Central R. R.to Farmington. Stage Line.to Rangeley. Stage Line. to Farmington. Maine Central R. R.to Portland. Boston & Maine or Eastern R. R.to Boston. Rail Lines.to New York. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia..$2 7 75 | Baltimore.$32 75 | Washington..|34 75 69 PENNSYI.VANIA RAILROAD. OUR LINK ”“3^ Toiiris-bs, X^lesis-are-Seelsers, Anglers, a.nd Spoarbsmen, Offers unrivaled facilities for reaching the BEACHES, LAKES, OK MOUNTAINS OF NEW ENGLAND. WELLS and KENNEBUNK BEACHES and the “Long Branch of New England’’—OLD ORCHARD, LAKE WINNIPESAUKEE and the -WHITE MOUNTAINS OF NEW HAMPSHIRE, ^CLTcgeley Lalzes, J\^oose7zecL(Z and. Jdount SJesert^ IN THE STATE OF MAINE, Are reached directly by the Boston & Maine Railroad and its Connections. Passengers holding PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD EXCURSION TICKETS to the White Mountains or points in Maine are privileged to stop at the above Beaches and at THE ATTRACTIVE CITY OF PORTLAND, WITH ITS FINE HARBOR Dotted with Islands, its Charming Scenery and Beautiful Drives, which for variety and beauty are unsurpassed. DESCRIPTIVE LISTS OF EXCURSION TICKETS issued by this Road may be obtained at the Ticket Offices of the Company, or will be sent by mail, on application. D. J. FLANDERS, General Ticket Agent. JAMES T. FURBER, General Superintendent. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD BRIDGE, FAIRMOUNT PARR, PHILADELPHIA. 70 RAWLEY SPRINGS—RENOVO—RICHFIELD SPRINGS—RICHMOND. EXC. 728 OR 742 , WITH EXC. 409 , 410 , 411 , OR 704 . (Via Sound Lines in both directions.) Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Sound Lines.to Boston. Boston & Maine or Eastern R. R.to Portland. Maine Central R. R . to Farmington. Stage Line.to Rangeley. Returning by same route. i • THROUGH RATES. [ Philadelphia..$23 00 | Baltimore....^28 00 | Washington..^30 00 j I EXCURSION 729. | (Via raii and Farmington in both directions.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Jersey City. j Steamer “ Maryland ".to Harlem River. j New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R...to New Haven. 1 Boston & New York Ajr-Line.to Willimantic. New York & New England R. R.to Putnam. N. Y. & New England R. R. (N. & W. Div.j.to Worcester. Worcester & Nashua R. R.to Rochester. Portland & Rochester R. R.to Portland. Maine Central R. R. to Farmington. Stage Line.to Rangeley. Returning by same route. j THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia..^29 50 | Baltimore.^34 50 | Washington..^36 50 ! EXCURSION 730 . (Via Sound Line in both directions.) Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Norwich & New York Transportation Co...to New London. N. Y. & New England R. R. (N. & W. Div.Jto Worcester. Worcester & Nashua R. R.to Rochester. Portland & Rochester R. R.,.to Portland. Maine (Central R. R...to Farmington. Stage Line.to Rangeley. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia..^23 00 | Baltimore.^28 00 j Washington..^30 co RAWLEY SPRINGS, VA. . EXCURSION 280 OR EXCURSION 286 . Pennsylvania R. R.to Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore R. R.to Baltimore. Balt. & Pot. R. R. or Balt. & Ohio R, R....to Washington. Balt. & Ohio R. R.. .to Harrisonburg. Stage (ii miles).to Rawley Springs. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. New York.;j52i 65 | Brooklyn.^21 85 RENOVO, PA, This pleasant summer resort is delightfully situated in a little oval valley, formed by a separation of mountain ranges rising around it to a hight of more than a thousand feet, through which the West Branch of the Susquehanna river glides in a placid and pellucid current. It is the location of the principal workshops of the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad Company, and the industry centred here by these improvements is the life and stimulus of the place, causing it to grow, in a period of about ten years, from an isolated farm into a town of more than two thousand inhabitants. The scenery in the vicinity is charmingly picturesque—in some localities rising to sublimity and grandeur. Renovo may be said to lie almost in the heart of the great pine forests of Pennsylvania, and the depth of those mysterious woods, where the sportsman will find ample uses both for the gun and the rod, can readily be reached from it. The hotel at Renovo, erected and owned by the railroad company, is large and comfortable, affording accommodations unsurpassed in excellence. EXCURSION 6. Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Renovo. Returning hy same route. % Brooklyn.$14 05 New York... 13 85 Philadelphia 10 25 through rates. Harrisburg. ...^7 00 Baltimore. 9 25 Washington. ..II 25 Lancaster. |8 50 Altoona. 11 30 Pittsburg. 16 00 1 I 71 RICHFIELD SPRINGS, N. Y These springs, long and favorably known, are in Otsego county. New York, in the vicinity of Cooperstown, and seven miles distant from Otsego Lake, which is one of the sources of the Susquehanna. The great river of Pennsylvania here ex¬ tends his arms and entwines his fingers with the tributaries of the Mohawk, as if to divert that gentle river from its allegiance to the Hudson. The village of Richfield Springs is situated upon a narrow plain, near the head of Schuyler Lake, which is five miles in length and a mile and a quarter at its greatest breadth. The little lake is surrounded with high hills on every side, except the northward, and being but a mile from the springs, forms the principal attraction for visitors. According to tradition, the waters of these springs were sought for their medicinal virtues by the Indians long before the advent of the white man. A healing prophet of the Iroquois dwelt on an island in the midst of the lake, and the suffering came to him to be cured by the waters he secured at night and conveyed secretly to his retreat; but the Great Spirit became angered at his pride, and sunk him and his island beneath the deep waters. EXCURSION 204 . (Via Del.airare Water Gap, returning via Iliiilson River Steamers and Kew York.) Pennsylvania R. R. . to Manunka Chunk Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R....to \ Richfield ( Springs. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R R....to Utica. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Albany. Steamer on Hudson River.to New York. Pennsylvania R. R. . to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia.$13 70 | Baltimore.$18 70 \ Washington..^20 70 EXCURSION 7 S 8 . Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Day Line Steamers.to Albany. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Utica. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R....to Richfield Sp’gs. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R....to ManunkaChunk Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATE. Philadelphia...^13 70 EXCURSION 7 S 9 . Pennsylvania R. R...to ManunkaChunk Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R....to Richfield Sp’gs. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATE. Philadelphia.^13 20 RICHMOND, VA. EXCURSION 205 OR EXCURSION 64 . (Via Washington, returning via Norfolk and Bay Line Steamers.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Philadelphia. Philadelphia,Wilmington & Baltimore R. R.to Baltimore. Balt. & Pot. R. R. or Balt, & Ohio R. R...to Washington. Wash.City,Va. Midland &Gt. South’n R.R. to Gordonsville Chesapeake & Ohio R. R.to Richmond. Virginia Steamboat Co.to Norfolk. Bay Line Steamers.to Baltimore. Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore R. R.to Philadelphia. Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. THROUGH RATES. New York. $z2 05 | Brooklyn.J22 25 0 ;;; 7 “Transfer through Richmond included. EXCURSION 206 OR EXCURSION 65 . (Via Washington, returning via Norfolk nnd Bay Line Steamers.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Philadelphia. Philadelphia,Wilmington & Baltimore R. R.to Baltimore. Balt. & Pot. R. R. or Balt. & Ohio R. R...to Washington. Wash. City,Va. Midland &Gt. South’n R R.to Gordonsville. Chesapeake & Ohio R. R.to Richmond. Richmond & Petersburg R. R.to Petersburg. Atlantic, Mississippi & Ohio R. R.to Norfolk. Bay Line Steamers.to Baltimore. Philadelphia,Wilmington & Baltimore R. R.to Philadelphia. Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. THROUGH RATES. New York.5^22 75 | Brooklyn. $22 95 OU*Transfer through Richmond included. 72 ROBERTSDALE-ROCKBRIDGE AI.UM SPRINGS-ROCKBRIDGE BATHS-SACKETT’S HARBOR— SALTILLO MINERAL SPRINGS. ROBERTSDALE, PA. EXCURSION 432 . Pennsylvania R. R.to Mount Union. East Broad Top R. R.to Robertsdale. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Brooklyn. ^12 30 New York.13 10 Philadelphia...|9 so Lancaster. 6 80 Harrisburg 5 30 Baltimore.80 Washington... 10 80 ROCKBRIDGE ALUM SPRINGS, VA. EXCURSION 327 —G 4 OR EXC. 328 —G 4 . (Via Washington and Gordonsviiie.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Philadelphia. Philadelphia,Wilmington& Baltimore R. R.to Baltimore. I Bait. & Pot. R. R. or Balt. & Ohio R. R....to Washington. Wash. City,Va. Midland &Gt. South’nR.R.to Gordonsviiie. Chesapeake & Ohio R. R.to ■[ 1 Millboro. Stage (6 miles).toi Rockbridge I Alum Springs. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. New York.^28 10 | Brooklyn. ^2% 30 EXCURSION 323 —S 4 OR EXC. 324 —S 4 . (Via Washington and Staunton.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Philadelphia. Philadelphia,Wilmington & Baltimore R. R..to Baltimore. Balt. & Pot. R. R. or Balt. & Ohio R. R....to Washington. Baltimore & Ohio R. R.to Staunton. Chesapeake & Ohio R. R.to-f ( Millboro. Stage (6 miles). to I Rockbridge ( Alum Springs. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. New York.^28 10 | Brooklyn.^28 30 EXCURSION 326 —G 4 . (Via Harrisburg, Washington, and Gordonsviiie.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Baltimore. 1 Baltimore & Potomac R. R.to Washington. Wash. City, Va. Midland & Gt. South’n R.R.to Gordonsviiie. Chesapeake & Ohio R. R.to i I Millboro. Stage (6 miles).to I ^Rockbridge I Alum Springs. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Altoona.5^27 85 Pittsburg. 32 55 Lancaster.^24 10 Harrisburg. 22 60 EXCURSION 32 S—S 4 . (Via Harrisburg, Washington, and Staunton.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Baltimore. Baltimore & Potomac R. R.to Washington. Baltimore & Ohio R. R..to Staunton. Chesapeake & Ohio R. R.toi 1 Millboro. Stage (6 miles).to i Rcckl^kige (Alum Springs. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Lancaster.^24 10 Harrisburg. 22 60 Altoona. ^2^ 85 Pittsburg. 32 55 ROCKBRIDGE BATHS, VA. EXCURSION 327 -G 2 OR EXC. 328 -G 2 . (Via Washington and Gordonsviiie.) Pennsylvania R. R. to Philadelphia. Philadelphia,Wilmington & Baltimore R. R.to Baltimore. Balt. & Pot. R. R. or Balt. & Ohio R. R....to Washington. Wash. City.Va. Midland &Gt. South’n R. R.to Gordonsviiie. Chesapeake & Ohio R. R.to Goshen. Stage (10 miles).to -I I^cckbri^e I Baths. Returning by same route. New Yoik. THROUGH RATES. .$27 20 I Brooklyn. .$27 40 EXCURSION 323 —S 2 OR EXC. 324 —S 2 . (Via Washington and Staunton.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Philadelphia. Philadelphia,Wilmington & Baltimore R.R.to Baltimore. Balt. & Pot. R. R. or Balt. & Ohio R. R....to Washington. Baltimore & Ohio R. R.to Staunton. Chesapeake & Ohio R. R.to Goshen. Stage (10 miles).toi Rockbridge I Baths Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. New York.^27 20 | Brooklyn.^27 40 EXCURSION 326 —G 2 . (Via Harrisburg, Washington, and Gordonsviiie.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Baltimore. Baltimore & Potomac R. R.to Washington. W^ash. City,Va. Midland & Gt. South’n R. R.to Gordonsviiie. Chesapeake & Ohio R. R.to Goshen. Stage (10 miles). to I Rockbridge I Baths. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Lancaster.^23 20 Harrisburg. 21 70 Altoona. ^2^ 00 Pittsburg. 31 65 EXCURSION 32 S—S 2 . (Via Harrisburg, Washington, and Staunton.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Baltimore. Baltimore & Potomac R. R.to Washington. Baltimore & Ohio R. R.to Staunton. Chesapeake & Ohio R. R.to Goshen. Stage (10 miles). to -I Rockbridge . ■ ) Baths. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES Lancaster.^23 20 Harrisburg. 21 70 Altoona.^27 00 Pittsburg. 31 65 SACKETT’S HARBOR, N. Y., At the extreme eastern end of Lake Ontario, in Jefferson county, New York, is noted in American history as the principal naval station on the lakes during the second war with Great Britain, and is the site of a military post named Madison Barracks, at present not garrisoned. It is one of the finest harbors on the lakes, and formerly had a large trade with Canada ; but since 1846 this trade has considerably declined. The country around Sackett’s Harbor is full of historic interest, and presents many natural attractions. Near Carthage, twenty-eight miles distant, Joseph Bonaparte, ex-King of Spain and brother of the great Napoleon, first made his home when he came to America in 1829, and “ Here he forgot La Grange’s glades, Escurial’s dark and gloomy dome. And sweet Sorrento’s deathless shades. In his far-off, secluded home.” Prince Sulknowski, banished from his native Poland, spent several years here previous to his return to Europe in 1856. From Sackett’s Harbor many agreeable and interesting points are accessible both by rail and water. EXCURSION 38 S. Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Steamer on Hudson River.to Albany. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Utica. Utica & Black River R. R.to -! Sackett s ( Harbor. Utica & Black River R. R.to Utica. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Albany. Steamer on Hudson River.to New York. Pennsylvania R. R .to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia.$i6 10 | Baltimore.;^2i 10 | Washington..^23 10 SALTILLO MINERAL SPRINGS, PA. EXCURSION 693 . Pennsylvania R. R.to Mount Union. East Broad Top R. R.to Saltillo. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Brooklyn. $12 80 New York.... 12 60 Philadelphia....$9 00 Lancaster. 6 30 Harrisburg. 4 80 Baltimore.^8 30 Washington... 10 30 73 PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Hudson River by Daylight! J|@=THE ONLY WAY TO SEE THE HUDSON RIVER-^ (THE HIIl.VE OF A-MEIilCA) And the most charming scenery through which it passes, is to take the JJew York & Albany Pay pine Steamers 00 0 Leaving YOItlC J^VYJJtY YIOltNIKG (except Sunday), from foot of Vestry Street, Pier 39, North River, adjoin¬ ing Jersey City Ferry, where passengers leave the cars from PHILADELPHIA, for the most celebrated resorts North and West, landing at Twenty-fourth Street, WEST POINT, Newburg, Poughkeepsie, Rhinebeck, Catskill, Saugerties. and Hudson. It affords the tourist the best opportunity for visiting those places whose names are so often written upon the pages of Revo¬ lutionary history, arriving at A.IjJiA-NY to connect with trains for NIAGARA FALLS, SARATOGA SPRINGS, LAKE GEORGE, THE ADIRONDACKS, &c., (&c.. These boats are fitted up and conducted for the comfort and safety of first-class passengers exclusively, and do not receive or transport merchandise, horses, or emigrants. {For time of leaving, see Few York Daily Papers.) Returning, LUA-VFJ ATjUA-NY JSVUItY 3 IORNING (except Sunday), making same landings, arriving in New York for trains South and West. ISAAC L. WELSH, General Ticket Agent, Pier 39 , North Hirer, X. Y. CITIZENS^ LINE STEAMERS BETWEEN New York and Troy. The Popular and Fashionable Route to SARATOGA, LAKE GEORGE, LAKE CHA3IPLAIX, THE ADIRONDACKS, WHITE MOUNTAINS, NIAGARA FALLS, ST. LAWRENCE RIVER, MONTREAL, QUEBEC, AND ALL THE NORTHERN SUMMER RESORTS. THE ENTIRELY NEW AND MAGNIFICENT PALACE STEAMERS a CP AND Leave NEW YORK Daily (Saturdays excepted), from PIER 49 , NORTH RIVER, foot of Terotf Street,~at 0.00 P. M., connecting at Troy with morning trains of NEW YORK CENTRAL, RENSSELAER & SARATOGA, and " TROY & BOSTON RAILROADS and CONNECTIONS. ] THROUGH TICKETS sold and BAGGAGE CHECKED at all Ticket Offices and Railroad Depots in Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington. i ASK FOR TICKETS VIA CITIZENS’ FINE TROY STEAMERS. FARE EOWER THAN BY ANY OTHER ROlTE.j Coupons of Excursion Tickets issued by Pennsylvania Railroad over Day or People’s Line Steamers or Hudson River! Railroad will be received for passage by this Line. ' G. M. EEWIS, General Passenger Agent. JOSEPH CORNELL, Vice-Pres't and Gen’ I Snft. 74 SARATOGA SPRINGS. SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. Y. This world-famed resort is in Saratoga county. New York, about thirty-eight miles north of Albany, and is said to have been visited by invalids as early as 1773, but the principal spring was not discovered until 1792. The springs rise in a stratum of Potsdam sandstone, near a great break or fissure in the strata underlying the Saratoga valley, and reach the surface through a bed of blue clay. The waters are found very beneficial in affections of the liver, in some cases of chronic dyspepsia and chronic diseases of the bowels. Besides other qualities, they appear to possess the virtues of a tonic united with those of a gentle cathartic. Most of the springs are now owned by stock companies, one of which has a stock capital*of ^1,000,000. Great quantities of the waters are bottled and exported, and there is scarcely a town of any size in America in which they are not regularly sold. The process of boring artesian wells has been successfully introduced, and some of the most valu¬ able of the new sources of water supply have recently been discovered in this way. Like “ Newport by the sea,” Saratoga is often called “ the Queen of American watering-places,” and this dual sovereignty is generally acknowledged. The hotel system of Saratoga is unrivaled elsewhere in the world ; and although equal to the accommodation of eighteen thousand guests, it is taxed to its utmost capacity in the month of August (the season opens early in June). Broadway is the main street, and extends for several miles, with the chief hotels near its centre and a suc¬ cession of costly villas beyond. The village is at its brightest in August, when it is thronged with visitors, and thousands of private and public carriages join in the parade of fashion on Broadway and the Boulevard. During the “ height of the season” the crowds to be seen in all public places,—the brilliant balls at the grand hotels, the music of excellent bands, and the many other excitements always prevailing,—make up a scene probably unequaled in the world. The town of Saratoga contains a resident population of about 9000 The drives and promenades in the vicinity are justly celebrated for their pleasant beauty. Saratoga Lake, nine miles in length and some three wide, is about four miles from the village, and is reached by the Boulevard, which passes near the race-course and trout-ponds. Lake Lovely is a sequestered pond among the hills, in the near vicinity. The battle of Saratoga was fought here between the British, under General Burgoyne, and the Americans, under General Gates, commencing on the 7th of October, 1777, and termina¬ ting on the i6th by the surrender of the entire British force, numbering five thousand seven hundred and ninety-one men, with forty-two cannon and all their stores. The prisoners thus taken were held until the close of the war—more than five years. EXCURSION 211. (Via New York and Hudson liiver Steamers.) Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Day Line Steamer on Hudson River.to Albany. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Saratoga. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia..$9 40 Lancaster.12 15 Harrisburg....13 60 Baltimore....;^i4 40 Washington. i6 40 Richmond.... 23 40 Altoona.$18 50 Pittsburg. 23 15 EXCURSION 711. (Via New York and Hudson River Sseamers.) Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Night Line Steamer on Hudson River.to Albany. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Saratoga. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia..J8 40 Lancaster.ii 15 Harrisburg ...12 60 Baltimore.^13 40 Washington... 15 40 Richmond. 22 40 Altoona.^17 50 Pittsburg. 22 15 EXCURSION 710. (Via Troy Line Steamers,) Pennsylvania R. R. Steamer on Hudson River.. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. to New York, to Troy, to Saratoga. Philadelphia...$8 00 Lancaster.10 75 Harrisburg.12 20 Baltimore....^13 00 Washington 15 00 Richmond... 22 00 Altoona.$17 Pittsburg. 21 10 75 EXCURSION 87. (Via New York and rail, reluming via Hudson River Steamers.) Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. New. York Central & Htidson River R. R...to Troy. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Saratoga. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Albany. Steamer on Hudson River.to New York. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. Philadelphia.^!! 35 Lancaster... . !4 ro Harrisburg... rs 55 THROUGH RATES. Baltimore. $i6 35 Washington.. 18 35 Richmond. 25 35 Altoona. $20 45 Pittsburg. 25 10 EXCURSION 614. (Via New York, all rail.) Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. New York Central & Hudson River R. R....to Troy. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Saratoga. Returning by same route. Philadelphia.^!! 50 Lancaster. !4 25 Harrisburg... !5 70 THROUGH RATES. Baltimore.;gi6 50 Washington.. !8 50 Richmond.... 25 50 Altoona. $20 60 Pittsburg. 25 25 EXCURSION 88 OR EXC. 214. (Via Watkins’ Glen, Seneca Lake, and Geneva, returning via Hudson Hirer Steamers and New York.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R .to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Watkins'. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Geneva. New York Central & Hudson River R. R....to Schenectady. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Saratoga. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Albany. Steamer on Hudson River.to New York. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Brooklyn.85 Philadelphia.$!7 40 | Lancaster....^r7 65 New York.... xj 65 Harrisburg... xj 65 I Altoona. 22 90 “ (via Balt.) 20 15 i Baltimore. 20 15 Pittsburg. 27 60 “(viaWash.) 22 15 Washington.. 22 15 [ EXCURSION 89. (Via Williamsport, Elmira, and Binghamton, returning via Hudson River Steamers and New York.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Elmira. Erie R. R.to Binghamton. Susquehanna Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Albany. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Saratoga. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Albany. Steamer on Hudson River.to New York. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. Brooklyn. $x6 70 New York.... 16 50 “ (via Balt.) xg 50 “(viaWash.) 21 50 THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia.00 Harrisburg .. rb 50 Baltimore. !9 90 Washington.. 21 90 Lancaster.^16 50 Altoona. 21 75 Pittsburg. 26 45 EXCURSION 210. (Via Delaware Water Gap and Syracuse, returning via Hudson River Steamers and New York.) Pennsylvania R. R...to Manunka Chunk Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R...to Syracuse. New York Central & Hudson River R. R....to Schenectady. Saratoga Div. D. & H C. Co.to Saratoga. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Albany. Steamer on Hudson River.to New York. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia.$15 00 [ Baltimore.^20 00 | Washington..j^22 00 EXCURSION 212. (Via New York and Hudson River Steamers, returning via Sharon Springs and Delaware Hater Gap.) Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Steamer on Hudson River.to Albany. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Saratoga. Saratoga Div D. & H. C. Co.to Albany. Susquehanna Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Sharon Springs. Susquehanna Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Binghamton. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R....to Manunka Chunk Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia.$14 60 | Baltimore.;^i9.6o | Washington..;j2i 60 75 i Sl'KUCl-; CKI HK TUNM I. SCRANTON. via Sharon Springs Harrisburg. Sunbury. Williamsport. Watkins’. Geneva. Schenectady. Saratoga. Albany. Sharon Springs. Binghamton. Manunka Chunk starting point. EXCURSION 213. (Via Watkins’ Gien, Seneca Lake, and Geneva, returning . and Delaware Water Gap.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Northern Central R. R.to Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Northern Central R. R.to Steamer on Seneca Lake.to New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Susquehanna Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Susquehanna Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R.to Pennsylvania R. R.to THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia.;^2i 35 | Baltimore.$24 50 | Wa.shington. $16 50 EXCURSION 784. Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Troy. Saratoga Div. Delaware & Hudson Canal Co.to Saratoga. Saratoga Div. Delaware & Hudson Canal Co. to Troy. Troy & Boston R. R.to North Adams. Fitchburg R. R.to Boston.. Sound Lines. to New York. Pennsylvania R, R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia$i6 15 Lancaster.... 18 90 Harrisburg ....^20 35 Baltimore. 21 15 Washington.... 23 15 Altoona. $2^ 25 Pittsburg 29 90 EXCURSION 785. Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Sound Lines.to Boston. Fitchburg R. R.to North Adams. Troy & Boston R. R.to Troy. Saratoga Div. Delaware & Hudson Canal Co.to Saratoga. Saratoga Div. Delaware & Hudson Canal Co. to Troy. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to New York. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point, THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia^id 15 Lancaster.... 18 90 Harrisburg. $20 35 Baltimore. 21 15 Washington.... 23 15 Altoona.^25 25 Pittsburg 29 90 EXCURSION 788. Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Day Line Steamers.to Albany. Saratoga Div. Delaware & Hudson Canal Co.to Saratoga. Saratoga Div. Delaware & Hudson Canal Co.to Troy. Troy & Boston R. R.to North Adams. Fitchburg R. R.to Boston. Sound Lines.to New York. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia$i5 20 Lancaster.... 18 00 Harrisburg. ...519 40 Baltimore. 20 20 Washington. 22 20 Altoona.1^24 30 Pittsburg. 29 00 EXCURSION 789. Pennsylvania R. R..to New York. Sound Lines.to Boston. Fitchburg R. R.to North Adams. Troy & Boston R. R.to Troy. Saratoga Div. Delaware & Hudson Canal Co.to Saratoga. Saratoga Div. Delaware & Hudson Canal Co.to Albany. Day Line Steamers.to New York. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia^iS 20 Lancaster.... 18 00 Harrisburg.^19 40 Baltimore....*... 20 20 Washington... 22 20 Altoona.^24 30 Pittsburg 29 00 EXCURSION 790. Pennsylvania R. R. People’s Line Steamers. Saratoga Div. Delaware & Hudson Canal Cc, Saratoga Div. Delaware & HucTson Canal Co Troy & Boston R. R. Fitchburg R. R. Sound J,,ine.s.. Pennsylvania R. R. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia5i4 70 Lancaster.... 17 45 Harrisburg.Ji8 90 Baltimore. 19 70 Washington.... 21 70 to New York, to Albany, to Saratoga, to Troy. to North Adams, to Boston, to New York, to starting point. Altoona.1^23 80 Pittsburg. 28 45 EXCURSION 791. Pennsylvania R. R. to New York. Sound Lines.to Boston. Fitchburg R. R.to North Adams. Troy & Boston R. R.to Troy. Saratoga Div. Delaware & Hudson Canal Co.to Saratoga. Saratoga Div. Delaware & Hudson Canal Co.to Albany. People’s Line Steamers.to New York. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphiaj^i4 73 Lancaster.... 17 45 Harrisburg.;^i8 90 Baltimore. 19 70 Washington.... 21 70 Altoona.^23 80 Pittsburg. 28 45 EXCURSION 786. Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Citizens’ Line Steamers.to Troy. Saratoga Div. Delaware & Hudson Canal Co.to Saratoga. Saratoga Div. Delaware & Hudson Canal Co to Troy. Troy & Boston R. R.to North Adams. Fitchburg R. R. to Boston. Sound Lines.to New York. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Harrisburg.^18 90 Baltimore. 19 70 Washington... 21 70 EXCURSION 787 Pennsylvania R. R. Sound Lines. Fitchburg R. R. Troy & Boston R. R. Saratoga Div. Delaware & Hudson Canal Co Saratoga Div. Delaware & Hudson Canal Co. Citizens’ Line Steamers.... Pennsylvania R. R. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia$i4 70 Lancaster.... 17 45 Altoona.^^23 80 Pittsburg. 28 45 Philadelphia5i4 70 Lancaster.... 17 45 Harrisburg.^18 90 Baltimore. 19 70 Washington.... 21 70 to New York, to Boston, to North Adams, to Troy. .to Saratoga, to Troy. .to New York. .to starting point. Altoona.$23 80 Pitttsburg. 28 45 EXCURSION 792. Pennsylvania R. R.to Jamesburg. Freehold & Jamesburg Agricultural R. R.. ..to Sea Girt. Central R. R. of N. J.to Long Branch. Central R. R. of N. J. to New York. Day Line Steamers.to Albany. Saratoga Div. Delaware & Hudson Canal Co.to Saratoga. Saratoga Div. Delaware & Hudson Canal Co.to Trey. Troy & Boston R. R...,.,.to North Adams. Fitchburg R. R...to Boston. Sound Lines. .to New York. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia;^! 5 70 Lancaster.... 18 45 Harrisburg. ...$19 90 Baltimore. 20 70 Washington... 22 70 1 i Altoona.$24 80 Pittsburg. 29 45 EXCURSION 626. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co...Albany to Saratoga and return. Rate. .$2 40 C::7’‘This ticket can be purchased in connection with any ticket passing through Albany. X—23 G, OR X—23 B.—R. & S. Persons purchasing Excursion Tickets to Saratoga Springs can visit Lake George, Lake Champlain, and Fort Ticonderoga, by purchasing, in addition, the following ticket, at an extra cost of ^6.90 :— Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Glen’s Falls. Stage. * .to Caldwell. Steamer “Minnehaha” on Lake George.to Baldwin. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Saratoga, or vice versa. SCRANTON, PA. EXCURSION 217. (Via Delaware Water Gap.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Manunka Chunk Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R....to Scranton. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATE. From Philadelphia.$6 50 EXCURSION 215. (Via Ifarrl'hiirg, returning via Delaware Water Gi p.* Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R. .to Sunbury. Philadelphia & E'ie R R.to Northumberland Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R....to Scranton. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R....to Manunka Chunk Pennsylvania R. R.to Philadelphia. THROUGH RATE. From Philadelphia.$7 50 77 IM'-NNSYLVANl A KAlLROAl). MONMOUTH HOUSE, Hpruig Lake^ N, J,, OPENS JUNE 1st, 1878. CARLTON HOUSE, Spring Lake, N, J,, OPENS JUNE 1st, 1878. Send for Illustrated Circulars. The above Hotels are under One Manaecinent. BEACH HOUSE, Sea G^irt, X, J,, OPENS MAY 15th, 1878.- U. U. MALTBY. i SEA GIRT—SEA SIDE PARK—SHAMOKIN—SHARON SPRINGS—SHENANDOAH ALUM SPRINGS— SPRAGUEVILLE. EXCURSION 216 . (Via Delaware Water Gap, returning via Harrisburg.) Pennsylvania R. R. to Manunka Chunk i Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R...to Scranton. i Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R...to Northumberland Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Sunbury. Northern Central R. R.to Harrisburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to Philadelphia. [ THROUGH RATE. ; From Philadelphia.$7 5° I EXCURSION 86. O'ia Harrisburg, returning via Allentown.) Pennsylvania R R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R...to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R...to Northumberland [ Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R...to Scranton. Central R. R. of N. J. (L. & S. Div.).to Allentown. Philadelphia & Reading R. R.to Philadelphia. THROUGH RATE. j From Philadelphia.30 j SEA GIRT, N. J. i EXCURSION-3557 R. j Pennsylvania R. R.to Jamesburg. Freehold & Jamesburg Agricultural R. R...to Sea Girt. | Returning by same route. j THROUGH RATE. [ From Philadelphia.$3 75 1 SEA SI DE PAR K, N. J. EXCURSION 682 . Pennsylvania R. R.toPembert'n June New Jersey Southern R. R.to Tom’s River. Steamer.to Sea Side Park. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATE. From Philadelphia.$3 10 SH AMOKIN, P A. EXCURSION 84 . Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R...to Shamokin. Philadelphia & Reading R. R.to Philadelphia. THROUGH RATE. From Philadelphia.25 SHARO N SPRING S, N. Y. This favorite resort is in Schoharie county. New York, i'he village is delightfully located “in a valley on a hill,’’ and is surrounded by attractive scenery, through which are lovely drives and promenades. Sulphur, magnesia, and chalybeate springs gush out within a space of a few rods of each other, and j their healing virtues nave been known for more than half a I century—particularly for their effect in cutaneous disorders, j From the village, which is nine hundred feet above the Mohawk ! valley, a grand and beautiful prospect opens to the north and j east, embracing hills, woods, villages, and streams like silver j threads, closely resembling a gorgeous piece of tapestry. Within easy distance is Tekeharawa Falls, caused by a small | brook precipitating itself over a wall of rock, in a secluded | hemlock ravine, a distance of one hundred and fifty feet; and, ] twenty miles away, by railroad, is Howe’s Cave—a wonderful | natural curiosity, which has been explored for seven miles. ! EXCURSION 67 . | (Via New York and Hudson River Steamers.) 1 Pennsylvania R. R. .to New York. Day Line Steamer on Hudson River... .to Albany. Susquehanna Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Sharon Springs. Returning by same route. through RATES. Philadelphia..|9 35 Lancaster.... 12 10 Harrisburg.. 13 55 Baltimore.^14 35 Washington.... 16 35 Richmond. 23. 35 Altoona.$18 45 | Pittsburg 23 10 1 EXCURSION 718 . (Via New York and Hudson River Steamers.)j Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Night Line Steamer'on Hudson River.to Albany. Susquehanna Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Sharon Springs. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia...58 35 Lancaster.ii 10 Harrisburg.12 55 Baltimore ...$13 35 Washington..15 35 Richmond. ...22 35 Altoona.$17 45 Pittsburg. 22 10 EXCURSION 66. vYia tVililamsport and Kiniira, returning via Hudson River Steamers mid New York.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunburj'. Philadelphia & Erie R. R .to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Elmira. Erie R. R . to Binghamton. Susquehanna Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Sharon Springs. Susquehanna Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Albany. Steamer on Hudson River.to New York. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. Brooklyn ....^15 90 New York... 15 70 “ (via Balt.) 18 20 “ (viaWash.)2o 20 THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia...^15 70 Lancaster. 15 70 Altoona. 21 00 Pittsburg. 25 65 Harrisburg..,^15 70 Baltimore.... 18 35 Washington 20 35 Richmond... 27 35 EXCURSION 219 . (Via New York and Hudson River Steamers, returning via Elmira and Williamsport.) Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Steamer on Hudson River.to Albany. Susquehanna Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Sharon Springs. Susquehanna Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Binghamton. Erie R. R...to Elmira. Northern Central R. R.to Williamsport. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Sunbury. Northern Central R. R.to Harrisburg. Pennsylvania R. R..to starting point. Philadelphia ;^i5 70 Lancaster.... 15 70 THROUGH RATES. Harrisburg...^15 70 Baltimore. 18 35 Washington.. 20 35 Altoona. $21 00 Pittsburg.... 25 65 EXCURSION 218 . (Via New York and Hudson River Steamers, returning via Delaware Water Gap.) Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Steamer on Hudson River.to Albany. Susquehanna Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Sharon Springs. Susquehanna Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Binghamton. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R.to Manunka Chunk Pennsylvania R. R.ito starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia..^!2 20 | Baltimore.20 | Washington..$19 20 EXCURSION 220 . (Via Delaware Water Gap, returning via Hudson River Steamers and New York.) Pennsylvania R. R.to ManunkaChunk Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R_to Binghamton. Susquehanna Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Sharon Springs. Susquehanna Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Albany. Steamer on Hudson River.;.to New York. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia..^i2 20 | Baltimore.$17 20 | Washington..$19 20 EXCURSION 221 . (Via Delaware Water Gap.) Pennsylvania R. R.toManunka Chunk Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R....to Binghamton. Susquehanna Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Sharon Springs. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia..$i3 55 | Baltimore.^i8 55 | Washington..|2o 55 SHENANDOAH ALUM SPRINGS, VA. EXCURSION 441 OR EXCURSION 442 . Pennsylvania R. R.to Philadelphia. Philadelphia,Wilmington & Baltimore R. R.to Baltimore. Balt. & Pot. R. R. or Balt. & Ohio R. R....to Washington. Baltimore & Ohio R. R.to Mt. Jackson. c. / -1 \ .1 Shenandoah Stage (12 miles).to-j Springs. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. New York.$20 15 | Brooklyn. ^20 35 SPRAGUEVILLE, PA. EXCURSION 683 . Pennsylvania R. R.to Manunka Chunk Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R....to Spragueville. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATE. From Philadelphia.$4 90 79 SPRING LAKE—SQUAN—STROUDSBURG—SUNHURY—SWEET SPRINGS KITTATINNY MOUNTAIN. SPRING LAKE, N. J. SUNBURY, PA. EXCURSION 696 . Pennsylvania R. R.to Jamesburg. Freehold & Jamesburg Agricultural R. R...to Sea Girt. Central R. R. of N. J.to Spring Lake. Returning by same rente. THROUGH RATE. From Philadelphia.J3 85 SQUAN, N. J. EXCURSION 3 SS 6 —R. Pennsylvania R. R.to Jamesburg. Freehold & Jamesburg Agricultural R. R.to Squan. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. New York. $2 90 | Brooklyn.$3 10 | Philadelphia.$3 75 STROUDSBURG, PA. This delightful borough is the seat of justice of Monroe county, Pennsylvania, and is located in the valley of ihe Dela¬ ware, on Broadhead’s creek, about four miles from the river and the same distance from the celebrated “ Water Gap.” The natural beauty of the Upper Delaware is well known through¬ out the United States, and it can truthfully be said that no portion of the Middle States combines in a greater degree scenic beauty, striking wonders, salubrious atmosphere, and pure water Added to these attractions are perfect facilities of access from Philadelphia and New York, bringing the region within a few hours’ travel of those great cities and the many thousands of tourists who make them the initial points of their summer journeyings. Stroudsburg is a flourishing town, possessing e.xcellent accommodations in the way of hotels and boarding¬ houses, and is surrounded by a highly improved country. It is within easy access of the most attractive portions of the Delaware, the Lehigh, the Lackawanna, and the Susquehanna valleys, making it, in all respects, a desirable resort for those seeking rest, health, and pleasure. EXCURSION 386 . Pennsylvania R. R.to Manunka Chunk Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R.to Stroudsburg. Retuining by same route. THROUGH RAIE. . $4 85 So EXCURSION 104 . Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury'. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATE. From Philadelphia.|6 55 SWEET SPRINGS, W. VA. EXCURSION 327 —G 11 OR EXC. 328 —G 11 . (Via 4Va.>-htngton and Gordonsville.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore R. R..to Baltimore. Balt. & Pot. R. R. or Balt. & Ohio R R....to Washington. Wash.City,Va. Midland&Gt. South’nR.R to Gordonsville. Chesapeake & Ohio R. R.to Alleghany. Stage (10 miles).to Sweet Springs. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES New York.^30 90 | Brooklyn.4:31 10 EXCURSION 323 —S 11 OR EXC. 324 —S 11 . (Via Washington and Staunton.) Pennsylvania R. R. . .to Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore R. R..10 Baltimore. Balt. & Pot. R. R. or Balt. & Ohio R. R...to Washington. Baltimore & Ohio R. R.to Staunton. Chesapeake & Ohio R R.to Alleghany. Stage (10 miles). .to Sweet Springs. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. New York..$30 90 | Brooklyn.;f3i 10 EXCURSION 326 —G 11 . (Via Harrisburg, Washington, and Gordonssillr.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R. to Baltimore. Baltimore & Potomac R. R.to Washington. Wash. City, Va. Midland & Gt. South’n R R.to Gordonsville. Chesapeake & Ohio R. R.to Alleghany. Stage (10 miles)..to Sweet Springs. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Lancaster.. f2(> 90 I Altoona.#30 65 Harrisburg. 25 40 | Pittsburg. 35 35 From Philadelphia SWEET CHALYBEATESPRINGS—TAGHANIC FALLS—TAUGHANNOCK—TOM’S RIVER—TRENTON FALLS- TROUT RUN. EXCURSION 325—S 11. (Via Harrisburg, Washington, and Staunton.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Baltimore. Baltimore & Potomac R. R.to Washington. Baltimore & Ohio R. R.to Staunton. Chesapeake & Ohio R. R.to Alleghany. Stage (lo miles).to Sweet Springs. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Lancaster.$26 90 I Altoona.;^3o 65 Harrisburg. 25 40 | Pittsburg. 35 35 SWEET CHALYBEATE SPRINGS, VA. Altoona.^30 65 Pittsburg. 35 35 Lancaster.$26 90 Harrisburg. 25 40 EXCURSION 325—S lO. (Via Harrisburg, Washington, and Staunton.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Baltimore. Baltimore & Potomac R. R.to Washington. Baltimore & Ohio R. R.to Staunton. Chesapeake & Ohio R. R.to Alleghany. Stage (9 miles).to-' Sweet Chaly- Returning by same route. ^ ^ prings. THROUGH RATES. Lancaster.^^26 90 Harrisburg. 25 40 Altoona.$30 65 Pittsburg. 35 35 TAGHANIC FALLS, N. Y. EXCURSION 699. Pennsylvania R. R.to Metuchen. Lehigh Valley R. R.to Taghanic Falls. Returning by same route. THROUGH KATES. New York. $12 25 | Brooklyn.^13 45 TAUGHANNOCK, N. Y. EXCURSION 746. Pennsylvania R. R.to ManunkaChunk Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R.to Binghamton. Erie R. R.to Owego. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R....to Ithaca. Steamer.to Taughannock. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATE. From Philadelphia.85 TOM’S RIVER, N J. EXCURSION 327—G lO OR EXC. 328—G lO. (Via Washington and tiordonsvilie.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore R. R..to Baltimore. Balt. & Pot. R. R. or Balt. & Ohio R. R.,.to Washington. Wash. City, Va. Midland & Gt. South’n R. R.to Gordonsville. Chesapeake & Ohio R. R.to Alleghany. Stage (9 miles).....--to {we^sSS’ Returning by same route. t- b THROUGH RATES. New York. 53 ° 9° I Brooklyn.$31 10 EXCURSION 323—S lO OR EXC. 324—S lO. (Via Washington and Staunton.) Pennsylvania R. R...to Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore R. R.to Baltimore. Balt. & Pot. R. R. or Balt. & Ohio R. R....to Washington. Baltimore & Ohio R. R.to Staunton. Chesapeake & Ohio R. R.to Alleghany. Stage (9 miles).to i Swe^t Chaly- Returning by same route. ^ P 8 • THROUGH RATES. New York.j^3o 90 | Brooklyn...;^3i 10 EXCURSION 326—G lO. (Via Harrisburg, Washington, and Gordonsville.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Baltimore. Baltimore & Potomac R. R.to Washington. Wash. City, Va. Midland&Gt.South’nR. R.to Gordonsville. Chesapeake & Ohio R. R.to Alleghany. Stage (9 miles).to | Returning by same route. ^ ^ pnng . THROUGH RATES. EXCURSION 3522—R. Pennsylvania R. R.to Pemberton June. New Jersey Southern R. R.to Tom's River. Returning by same route, THROUGH RATES. From Philadelphia. $2 80 TRENTON FALLS, N. Y. These remarkable curiosities are near the city of Utica, New York, on West Canada creek, a tributary of the Mohawk river, and consist of a series of cascades of unexcelled picturesque¬ ness and beauty. The principal falls are five in number, and are named, successively, passing up the stream—Sherman Fall, High Fall, Mill-dam Fall, Alhambra Fall, and Rocky Heart. To appreciate them fully the tourist should descend the bank,, by stairway, to the rocky level at the bottom, and pass up along the left bank, on an irregular line of shelf path presenting little difficulty and no danger to the careful. The rock strata of the gorge cannot fail to excite admiration, and the unique col¬ lection of fossils and crystals, found in the neighborhood and kept on view at a hotel near tbe Falls, is an interesting subject for examination and study. From a point called the Rural Re¬ treat, a splendid view of the High Fall from above can be had. EXCURSION 226 . (Via Delaivare Water Gap, returning via Hudson River Steamers and New Vork.) Pennsylvania R. R.to ManunkaChunk. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R...to Utica. Utica & Black River R. R.to Trenton Falls. Utica & Black River R. R.to Utica. New York Central & Hudson River R. R..to Albany. Steamer on Hudson River.to New York. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia..$13 85 | Baltimore...J18 85 | Washington....$20 85 EXCURSION 227 . (Via New York and Hudson River Steamers, returning via Richfleldi Springs, Otsego Lake, Cooperstown, and Delaware Water Gap.) Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Steamer on Hudson River.to Albany. New York Central & Hudson River R R...to Utica. Utica & Black River R. R.to Trenton Falls. Utica & Black River R. R.to Utica. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R....to-[ . ’ ( Springs. Stage, and Steamer on Otsego Lake.to Cooperstown. Cooperstown & Susquehanna Valley R. R...to Junction. Albany & Susquehanna R. R.to Binghamton. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R....toManunkaChunk Pennsylvania R. R. .to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia..^i5 75 | Baltimore...$20 75 | Washington...;J22 75 EXCURSION 625 . (Utica to Tren- Utica & Black River R. R.< ton Falls and i return. Rate. $i 25 0;7*This ticket can be purchased in connection with any ticket passing through Utica. TROUT RUN, PA., On Lycoming creek, fourteen miles above Williamsport, is a favorite resort for sportsmen. The surrounding country is rug¬ ged and generally densely wooded, intersected by numerous pure mountain streams. Game is plentiful, and those seeking for “ fur, fin, or feather” cannot readily find a better centre of operations, or one where more excellent accommodations are provided. EXCURSION 57. Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Trout Run. Returning by same route. Philadelphia..^8 55 Lancaster. 7 25 THROUGH RATES. Harrisburg $$ 50 Baltimore. 9 co Wa-shington ,...11 5 J Altoona.$10 70 Pittsburg. 14 40 81 PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. THE FAVORITE ROUTE FOR FASHIONABLE PLEASURE TRAVEL! 7]:^e Z^opviIsLr Tihjrovigih.-CsLr Hiovi'be ^a. ^?^oxxd.erf\3l TZ^SXTTOXT P'lAXiX^S. ONLY ALL-RAIL ROUTE TO THOUSAND ISLANDS. 20 Miles Shortest T 2 Hours Quickest T To BLAYTOH and ALEXAlfilA BAY I The only route making an all-rail connection with ROYAL MAIL LINE OF STEAMERS for MONTREAL, &c. Massing thousand islands and Mapids by Saylight. WAGNER’S PALACE SLEEPING CARS THROUGH WITHOUT CHANGE. Commencing June 3d, 1878, leave Grand Central Depot, NEW YORK, 8.30 P. M. Arrive CLAYTON 9.30 A. M., connecting with new, fast Steamer “J. F.Maynard.” Arrive at ALEXANDRIA BAY 10.30 A. M. 3 EKPBtSS TBMIS MU, THIS IS THE ONLY ALL-RAIL, ONLY DIRECT, AND ONLY THROUGH-CAR ROUTE. EXCURSION TICKETS AT GREATLY REDUCER RATES to Clayton, Alexandria Bay, and 3Iontreal, and return, &c., on sale at all Bennsylrania Railroad Ticket Offices. BAGGAGE CHECKED THROUGH FROM RESIDENCE IN PHILADELPHIA. Passengers by this route can stop at TRENTON FALLS.°^^ THEO. BUTTERFIELD, Gen’I Passenger Agent. J. F. MAYNARD, Gen’ I Superintendent. Richfield Springs, N. Y., OPENS SATURDAY, JUNE 1st, 1878. Utica, N. Y. ONE OF THE MOST ('0MK0RT.4BLE HOTELS IN THIS COl XTRY. 1 Supplies the above Hotels with East Utica, N. Y., Pure Milk and Cream, Fresh Vegetables, Poultry, Eggs, &e., Vlllliiii>h|tort, rrliirniiig till Krihl hrra.) Pennsylvania R. R. ...to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Watkins'. Northern Central R. R.to Elmira. Erie R. R..to Waverly. Lehigh Valley R. R.to Bethlehem. North Pennsylvania R. R .to Philadelphia. THROUGH RATES. Philad’a...$i3 50 | Baltimore.,$16 20 | Wash’n ...Ji8 20 EXCURSION 444. (Via Meluehcn and Kliiiirn, rflurniiif{ via V> illiamkport and I’hiliidelpliia.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Metuchen. Lehigh Valley R. R. to Waverly. Erie R. R.to Elmira. Northern Central R. R.to Watkins’. Northern Central R. R.to Williamsport. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Sunbury. Northern Central R. R.to Harrisburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. THROUGH KATES. New York.515 00 New York, via Balti¬ more... 17 50 $15 20 Brooklyn.. From New York, re¬ turning viaWash’n 19 50 EXCURSION 443. (Via I’liiladclpliia and illiani'purt. returning via Elmira and Jletuclien.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Watkins’. Northern Central R. R.to Elmira. Erie R. R.to Waverly. Lehigh Valley R. R.to Metuchen. Penn.sylvania R. R.to New York. THROUGH RATES. New York.1^15 00 New York via Balti¬ more. 17 50 EXCURSION 702. Pennsylvania R. R.to Metuchen. Lehigh Valley R. R.to Waverly. Erie R. R.to Elmira. Northern Central R. R.to Watkins’. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Brooklyn.^15 20 F rom N ew Y ork, via Washington.19 50 New York.#12 00 Brooklyn.20 EXCURSION 282. (Via Williamsport, retiiriiiiig via Srnica Lake, Geneva, Hudson River Steamers, and Kew York.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to William.sport. Northern Central R. R.to Watkins’. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Geneva. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Albany. Steamer on Hudson River.to New York. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Brooklyn.^16 20 Philadelphia;gi6 00 Harrisburg...^16 00 New York. 16 00 Lancaster. 16 00 Baltimore. 18 75 “ (via Bait.).. 18 50 Altoona. 21 25 Washington.. 20 75 “ (via Wash.) 20 50 Pittsburg. 26 00 ; Richmond.... 27 75 EXCURSION 643. (Via Williamsport, relnriiing via Seneea Luke and nil mil from Geneva.) Pennsylvania R. R. to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R..to Watkins’. Steamer on Seneca Lake..to Geneva. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to New York. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. THROUGH KATES. Brooklyn. $16 20 Philadelph'a$i6 vo Harrisburg...$16 00 New York. 16 00 Lancaster. 16 co Baltimore. 18 75 “ (via Balt ).. 18 50 Altoona. 21 25 Washington.. 20 75 “ (via Wash.) 20 50 Pittsburg. 26 00 Richmond.... 27 75 EXCURSION 233. (Via Delaware Water Gap, relnrnlnit via Seneca Lake, Geneva, Hudson Itiver Steamers, and New York.) Pennsylvania R. R.to ManunkaChunk Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R_to Binghamton. Erie R. R.to Elmira. Northern Cet tral R. R.to Watkins’. Steamer on Seneca Lake..to Geneva. THE VIRGINIA SPRINGS. Throughout the States of Virginia and West Virginia are distributed a large number of mineral springs, all more or less noted for their medicinal properties and the beauty of their sur¬ roundings. Situated, as they generally are, high up amid the Allegheny ranges, they enjoy' the perfection of mountain atmos¬ phere and an abundance of forest shade. Among these “fountains of health’’ may' be enumerated the Augusta Springs, in Augusta county, Virginia, consisting of bath alum and chalybeate waters ; Bath Alum Springs, in Bath county, Virginia ; the Berkley' Springs, in Morgan county. West Vir¬ ginia ; the Capon Springs, in Hampshire county. West Vir¬ ginia ; the Healing Springs, in Bath county, Virginia, whose water corresponds very nearly, in temperature, to the Schlang- enbad, of Nassau, being from 80° to 84° Fahr., and are recom¬ mended as of the highest value in all ulcerous diseases ; the Hot Springs in Bath county', Virginia, the temperature of which ranges at about 100° Fahr., and are similar in remedial prop¬ erties to those of the Healing Springs ; Jordan’s Rock Alum Springs, in Frederick county, Virginia ; the Montgomery White Sulphur Springs, in Montgomery county', Virginia ; the Rawley Springs, in Rockingham county, Virginia, the waters of which are pronounced the best pure chalybeate in the State ; the Rockbridge Alum Springs, in Rockbridge county. Virginia; the Rockbridge Baths, in Rockbridge county, Virginia ; the Sweet Springs, in Monroe county. West Virginia ; the Warm Springs, in Bath county, Virginia, similar in character to the Hot and Healing Springs, and of about the same temperature ; the Yellow Sulphur Springs, in Montgomery county, Virginia, and the Greenbrier White Sulphur Springs, in Greenbrier county'. West Virginia. The last-named springs are among the best known in the United States, and according to a late medical writer, very much resemble the celebrated cold sulphur waters of Neuendorf, in Electoral Hesse. They arc beneficial in a wide range of diseases, embracing those of the liver, the skin, and others of a similar character. These springs are the Mecca of all Virginia tourists—the resort of the gay and fashion.able— 86 WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS (GREENBRIER)—WILD-CAT FALLS. a place where pleasure-seeking reigns supreme. They are located in a beautiful valley, near the summit of the Greenbrier mountains, about two thousand feet above the’sea. Within this valley, overlooked by mountain summits, is the magnificent hotel. In front the lawn spreads out, intersected by numer¬ ous winding walks. Encompassing the lawn on either side are long lines of shining white cottages, embowered beneath the shade of ancient oaks, while at the distant extremity, the fa¬ mous spring bubbles beneath a pavilion. Taking one of the by¬ paths to the right, “ Lover’s Maze ” is soon reached, and here, under a dense shade of forest trees, obscurely-winding paths lead in every direction amid a thick growth of laurel, while pre¬ cipitous declivities sink away, from which extended views of the deep valley below may be had, with the mountain ranges in the distance. Over all these natural beauties the “ season ” throws its spell of animation and revelry. WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS (GREEN¬ BRIER), W. VA. EXCURSION 139 OR EXCURSION 314. (Via Washington and Gordons^ illo.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore R.R.to Baltimore. Balt. & Pot. R. R. or Balt. & Ohio R. R.to Washington. Wash. City,Va. Midland & Gt. South’n R.R.to Gordonsville. Chesapeake & Ohio R. R.to-j Returning by same route. ' ’ " ° ' THROUGH RATES. New York. $28 40 | Brooklyn.$28 60 EXCURSION 316 OR EXCURSION 315. (Via Washington and Staunton.) Pennsylvania R. R. to Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore R.R.to Baltimore. Balt. & Pot. R. R. or Balt. & Ohio R. R.to Washington. Baltimore & Ohio R R. .to Staunton. Chesapeake & Ohio R. R.^ prfngs^^''" Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. New York. $28 40 | Brooklyn.$28 60 EXCURSION 63. (Via Ilarrishiirg, Washington, and Gordonsville.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Baltimore. Baltimore & Potomac R. R...to Washington. Wash. City, Va. Midland &Gt.South’nR.R.to Gordonsville. Chesapeake & Ohio R. R.to | Sulphur Rf^tiirnina hv v bpringS. Lancaster.^24 40 Harrisburg. 22 go Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Altoona.^28 Pittsburg. 32 15 85 EXCURSION 317 . (Via Harrisburg, Washington, and Staunton.) Pennsylvania R. R. .to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Baltimore. Baltimore & Potomac R. R.to Washington. Baltimore & Ohio R. R. .to Staunton. Chesapeake & Ohio R. R.f Wlute Sulphi Returning by same route. ^ springs. THROUGH RATES. Lancaster.JJ24 40 Harrisburg. 22 90 Altoona.;^28 15 Pittsburg. 32 85 EXCURSION 140 OR EXCURSION 312. (Via Washington and Gordonsville, returning via Richmond.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Philadelphia. Philadelphia,Wilmington & Baltimore R. R.to Baltimore. Balt. & Pot. R. R. or Balt. & Ohio R. R....to Washington. Wash. City,Va. Midland & Gt.South’n R.R.to Gordonsville. Chesapeake & Ohio R. R.f White Sulphur I Springs. Chesapeake & Ohio R. R.to Richmond. Richmond, Fredericksburg & Potomac R.R.to Quantico. Alexandria & Fredericksburg R. R.to Washington. Balt. & Pot. R. R. or Balt. & Ohio R. R...to Baltimore. Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore R.R.to Philadelphia. Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. THROUGH RATES. New York. $^2 25 | Brooklyn.1^32 45 0!;;7’T'’ansfer through Richmond included in ticket. EXCURSION 141 OR EXCURSION 313. (Via Washington and Gordonsville, returning via Richmond and Norfolk.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Philadelphia. Philadelphia,Wilmington & Baltimore R. R.to Baltimore. Balt. & Pot. R. R. or Balt. & Ohio R. R.to Washington. Wash. City,Va. Midland & Gt. South’n R.R.to Gordonsville Chesapeake & Ohio R. R.( White Sulphur I' Springs. 87 Chesapeake & Ohio R. R.to Richmond. Virginia Steamboat Co.to Norfolk. Bay Line Steamers.to Baltimore. Philadelphia,Wilmington & Baltimore R.R.to Philadelphia. Pennsylvania R. R...to New York. THROUGH RATES. New York. $33 45 | Brooklyn.^33 65 OlT’Transfer through Richmond included in ticket. EXCURSION 142 OR EXCURSION 284 . (Via Washington and Gordonsville, returning via Lj nchburg, Richmond and Norfolk.) Pennsylvania R. R...to Philadelphia. Philadelphia,Wilmington & Baltimore R.R.to Baltimore. Balt. & Pot. R. R. or Balt. & Ohio R. R....to Washington. Wash.City,Va. Midland & Gt. South’n R.R.to Gordonsville. Chesapeake & Ohio R. R.to I Sulphur I Springs. Chesapeake & Ohio R. R.to Charlottesville. Wash. City,Va. Midland & Gt.South’n R.R.to Lynchburg. Atlantic, Mississippi & Ohio R. R.to Burkeville. Richmond & Danville R. R. to Richmond. Virginia Steamboat Co.to Norfolk. Bay Line Steamers.to Baltimore. Philadelphia,Wilmington & Baltimore R.R.to Philadelphia. Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. THROUGH RATES. New York.^40 55 | Brooklyn.^40 75 OC^Transfer through Richmond included in ticket. KNTRAXCK lO WIi n rAT GT.F.X. WILD-CAT FALLS, PA. EXCURSION 430 OR EXC. 431 . Pennsylvania R. R. Brooklyn.50 New York. 9 30 Philadelphia 4 30 Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Harrisburg.jji 15 Baltimore. 3 8 < Washington. 5 80 to Wild-Cat Falls. Lancaster.. ....$0 85 Altoona. 7 75 Pittsburg.13 60 WILKESBARRE—WILLIAMSPORT—YELLOW SULPHUR SPRINGS—YORK SPRINGS. CRAWFORD HOUSE, Williamsport, Penn’a. THE POPULAR SUMMER RESORT! This Hotel has been recently thoroughly repaired and refitted. It is furnished throughout in the most comfortable manner, and the present management guarantee that its accommodations shall be first-class in every particular. It is situated in the business portion of the city, and convenient to all places of interest. The rooms are large and well ventilated—in suites or single. Gas in each room, and Electric Bells, Baths, and Closets on each floor; Billiard Saloon on first floor. Post Office close by with four mails daily, and all the necessary accommodations to make it a convenient and pleasant resting-place for Summer Tourists. t^“TERMS—$2.00 per Day. Special Rates made for Families. |^P“Free Omnibus to and from all Trains. D. B. ELSE, Proprietor. WILKESBARRE, PA. EXCURSION 235. (Via Delaware Water Gap.) Pennsylvania R. R.to ManunkaChunk Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R.to Kingston. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATE. From Philadelphia.|6 90 EXCURSION 236. (Via Delaware Water Gap, returning via Easton.) Pennsylvania R. R.to ManunkaChunk Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R.to Kingston. Central R. R. of N. J. (L. & S. Div.).to Easton. Pennsylvania R. R.to Philadelphia. THROUGH RATE. From Philadelphia.^7 80 EXCURSION 85. (Via Harrisburg and Sunbury, returning via Allentown.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Northumberland Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R....to Kingston. Lehigh Valley R. R.to Allentown. Philadelphia & Reading R. R.to Philadelphia. THROUGH RATE. From Philadelphia. ^8 30 WILLIAMSPORT, PA. EXCURSION 13. Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Brooklyn $10 20 I Philadelphia $S 00 Altoona.$10 15 New York... 10 00 1 Lancaster. 6 75 Pittsburg.13 85 EXCURSION 76. Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Philadelphia & Reading R. R.to Philadelphia. THROUGH RATE. From Philadelphia. $g 00 YELLOW SULPHUR SPRINGS, VA. EXCURSION 239. (Via Bay Line Steamers.) Pennsylvania R. R.to Philadelphia. Philadelphia,Wilmington & Baltimore R.R.to Baltimore. Bay Line Steamers.to Norfolk. Atlantic, Mississippi & Ohio R. R.to Christiansburg. Returning by same route. (CTFrom Christiansburg stages run to the Springs, 3 miles distant. THROUGH RATES. New York.1^29 50 | Brooklyn...^29 70 YORK SPRINGS, PA. These springs are in York county, Pennsylvania, about twelve miles from Gettysburg and nine from Hanover, a station on the Northern Central Railway. They are both sulphur and chalybeate in character, and were discovered as long ago as 1790, soon thereafter attaining a wide reputation, and being for many years a popular resort for citizens of Baltimore and the South. The hotel accommodations provided for visitors are good, and the country surrounding the springs attractive in its natural beauty as well as its historical associations. EXCURSION 58. Northern Central R. R.to Hanover June. Hanover Jn., Hanover & Gettysburg R. R..to Oxford. Returning by same route. THROUGH rates. Harrisburg...$3 35 | Baltimore.$3 50 | Washington...$5 50 89 PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. COLONNADE HOTEL, Corner Chestnut and Fifteenth Streets, PHILADELPHIA. JOHN CRUMP, Proprietor. JCHESTNUT STREET C’.VRS FROM PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD DEPOT PASS THE DOOR. The COLONNADE HOTEL is not excelled in facilities for promoting the comfort of its patrons. The fashionable stores of Chestnut street and the most attractive residences of the city are near at hand. It is within one block of the new city buildings, and is convenient to all leading places of amusement. The general excellence and particular features of the table are praised by all who have made the Colonnade their Philadelphia hotel. A careful study has been made ot its system of ventilation, and the result is pure air throughout. INQTOj^ Hotel j on chestnut Street, a few doors above Seventh, PHILADELPHIA, is a well-established and comfortable House. The traveler for pleasure and the busi¬ ness man will both be pleased with the WASHINGTON— its prices, location, and general good management. The rates have been reduced to $2.50 per day, and special rates will be made with guests intending to remain in Philadelphia some days. _ _ ''^^OLTON’S HOTEL, HARRISBURG, Pa., is well and favorably known by the traveling public. Travelers visiting the capital of Pennsylvania, will find Bolton's^’ a comTort- able Hotel, which has for many years enjoyed the very best patronage. The location is on the main square, near the Susquehanna river front, and within a short distance from the Capitol building. CEO. J. BOLTON, Proprietor. 90 PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. GIRARD HOUSE, Corner Chestnut and Ninth Streets, PHILADELPHIA. J. M’KIBBIN, PROPRIETOR. Prominent among the larger edifices which attract the eye of the tourist as he promenades the chief thoroughfare of Philadelphia is the GIRARD HOUSE. It is one of the most elegant hotels in a city noted for its first-class houses. The large and elegant Ladies’ Parlors and Gentlemen’s Sitting-Rooms are on the first or office floor. Notwithstanding the price of board has been reduced to $3.00 per day, to meet the stringency of the times, the House will be kept up to the high standard that has characterized it under its present administration. G. W. MULLIN. G. K. MULLIN. E. L. BEAN. St. Cloud Hotel, Arch above Seventh Street, % / 'S ' / jgliiladjlpma,; a. G. W. & CO., Proprietors. This House is furnished after the Latest Style, containing all the Modern Conveniences, Elevators, &c. TERIVIS-$3.00 PER DAY. IT WAS THE ONLY FIRST-CLASS HOUSE IN THE CITY THAT DID NOT RAISE ITS RATES DURING THE CENTENNIAL YEAR. 91 PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO NEW AND IMPORTANT ARRANGEMENT! Grand Jrunk Jlailway AND -TO — Montreal, Quebec, Riviere du Loup, White Mountains, Portland, Boston, Lake George, Saratoga, New York, and the River Saguenay. This Line, now comprising the original Royal Mail and Richelieu Company’s Lines, is composed of TWENTY First- class Steamers, and is the only Line affording passengers an opportunity of viewing the UNRIVALED SCENERY of the THOUSAND ISLANDS and the RAPIDS OF THE RIVER ST. LAWRENCE. “ This route possesses peculiar advantages, as by it parties have their CHOICE OF CONVEYANCE between NIAGARA FALLS and QUEBEC, over the whole or any portion of it. Consequently, should the weather prove unfavorable, passengers may avoid LAKE ONTARIO by taking the GRAND TRUNK ROAD to KINGSTON or PRESCOTT, and from thence by one of the above Steamers, making close connections. No extra charge for Meals. The only Route to the White Mountains by which Parties can Ascend THE Far-Famed Mount Washington by the Carriage Road. .American Money taken at par for Tickets by this Line, which can be obtained at most of the principal cities of the United States. Arrangements have also been made with the proprietors of the Principal Hotels at Toronto, Montreal, and Quebec to take American Money at par, charging New York hotel rates. ALEX. HIILLOY, WILLIAM WAINWRIGHT, E. BARBER, Traffic Manager R. & O. N. Co,, Montreal. General Ticket Agent, Montreal. Joint Agent, Niagara Falls. 92 PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD EXCURSION ROUTES VIA Grand Trunk Railway and Central Vermont Railroad. All the excursion routes from Niagara Falls and New York issued by the Grand Trunk Railway and the Central Vermont Railroad are for sale in the offices of the Pennsylvania Railroad, and Special Excursion Forms (see pages 94 to 99, inclusive) have been prepared to sell in connection with excur¬ sion routes of the above lines, making complete and continuous tickets from the point of sale. These combination routes are among the most attractive and instructive excursions that offer to the pleasure traveler, and embrace the following scenery;—Niagara Falls, Montreal, Quebec, Thousand Islands and Rapids of St, Lawrence River, Seneca -Lake, Lake Ontario, Lake Champlain, Lake George, Lake Memphremagog, Hudson River, Saguenay River, Long Island Sound, St. Alban’s; Newport, Vt.; Newport R. I.; Saratoga, Portland, Boston, White and Franconia Mountains, Mount Mansfield, the entire range of the Green Mountains, the Adirondack Mountains of New York, and all the magnificent and wonderful views in the New England States and Canada. Jg^^The coupons between Niagara Falls and Toronto, Toronto and Kingston, Kingston and Prescott, Prescott and Montreal, and Montreal and Quebec, are valid either by boat or rail, and they are also good by the South Shore Express Line of Steamers from Charlotte or by the Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co.’s Line from Toronto. The tickets include meals on Lake Ontario and the River St. Lawrence as far as Montreal, but between Montreal and Quebec they are for passage only. Passengers taking tickets via Royal Mail Line of Steamers for Montreal, Quebec, &c., via Lake Ontario, leave Niagara Falls at 10 A. M., arriving at Toronto at 2 P. M., and Montreal the following afternoon about 7 P. M., passing the Thousand Islands and the Rapids of the St. Lawrence by daylight, jg]^“Steamers for the Saguenay River, Ha-Ha Bay, &c., leave Quebec 7 A. M. daily, Sundays excepted. g^^Tickets via Delaware & Hudson Canal (Champlain Division) or via Lake Chaiaiplam permit the holder to stop off at Port Kent, affording tourists an opportunity to visit the Au Sable Chasm. Q^“The coupons. Profile House to Concord, going south, are good via stage to Littleton, and thence by rail, or via stage to Plymouth, and thence by rail. g^^Passengers holding tickets via Central Vermont Railroad, passing through Waterbuiy, have the privilege of stopping off to visit Mount Mansfield. NIAGARA FALLS. The following Special Excursion Forms FROM NEW YORK Having been prepared to sell in connection with Excursion Routes of Grand Trunk Railway, from Niagara Fails to New York, making complete and continuous tickets from New York EXCURSION 27B. Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Watkins’. Steamer on Seneca La'' e.to Geneva. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. EXCURSION 333. Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R. to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Canandaigua. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara halls. EXCURSION 336. Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Emporium. Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia R. R.to Buffalo. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. The following Special Fxi,ur. ion Forms FROM PHILADELPHIA Have been prepared to sell in connection with Excursion Routes of Grand Trunk Railway, from Niagara Falls to New York, making complete and continuous tickets from Phila¬ delphia :— EXCURSION 32. Pennsylvania R. R .to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Watkins'. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Geneva. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. Pennsylvania R. R.New York to Philadelphia. EXCURSION 46. Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to .Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R R.to Canandaigua. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. Pennsylvania R. R.New York to Philadelphia. EXCURSION 162. Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Emporium. Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia R. R.to Buffalo. New York Central & Hudson River R R...to Niagara Falls. Pennsylvania R. R.New York to Philadelphia. EXCURSION 163. Pennsylvania R. R.to Manunka Chunk Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R....to Syracuse. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. Pennsylvania R. R.New York to Philadelphia. EXCURSION 164. Pennsylvania R. R.to MinunkaChunk Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R....10 Binghamton. Erie R. R......to Niagara Falls. Pennsylvania R. R.New York to Philadelphia. EXCURSION 165. Pennsylvania R. R.to Manunka Chunk Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R....to Binghamton. Erie R. R.to Elmira. Northern Central R. R.to Watkins'. Steamer on Seneca Lake .to Geneva. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. Pennsylvania R. R.New York to Philadelphia. The following Special Excursion Forms will be sold FROM PHILADELPHIA In connection with all those Grand Trunk Railway excursion tickets commencing at Niagara Falls and terminating at some point beyond, not returning ;— EXCURSION 273. Pennsylvania R R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Ene R. R.to Williamsptort. Northern Central R. R.to Watkins'. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Geneva. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. EXCURSION 333. Pennsylvania R. R .to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R R.to Canandaigua. New York Central & Hudson River R R...to Niagara Falls. EXCURSION 336. Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Emporium. Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia R. R.to Buffalo New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara I'alls. EXCURSION 340. Pennsylvania R. R.to Manunka Chunk Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R....to Syracuse. New York Central & Hudson River R. R.. to Niagara Falls. EXCURSION 341. Pennsylvania R. R.to ManunkaChunk Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R.to Binghamton. Erie R. R.to Niagara Falls. EXCURSION 342. Pennsylvania R. R.to Manunka Chunk Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R....to Binghamton. Erie R. R.to Elmira. Northern Central R. R.to Watkins’. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Geneva. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. The following Special Excursion Form 3300 will be sold FROM PHILADELPHIA in connection with all those Grand Trunk Railway and Central Vermont Railroad excursion tick¬ ets commencing and ending at New York :— EXCURSION 3300. Pennsylvania R. R. .to New York. Pennsylvania R. R.to Philadelphia. The following Special Excursion Form 333 will be sold FROM PHILADELPHIA in connection with all those Grand Trunk Railway and Central Vermont Railroad excursion tickets com¬ mencing at New York and terminating at some point beyond, not returning:— EXCURSION 333. Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. 94 NIAGARA FALLS. The following Special Excursion Forms FROM BALTIMORE Have been prepared to sell in connec¬ tion with Excursion Routes of Grand Trunk Railway, from Niagara Falls to New York, making complete and con¬ tinuous tickets from Baltimore :— EXCURSION 3SS. Northern Central R.R..to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R.R..to Canandaigua. New York Central & Hudson River R. R..to Niagara Falls. „ 1 • ID r> ^ i New York to Pennsylvania R. R.to ■( Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Wilming- ton& Baltimore R.R.to Baltimore. EXCURSION 3 S 6 . Northern Central R.R..to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R.R..to Watkins’. Str. on Seneca Lake...to Geneva. New York Central & Hudson River R. R..to Niagara Falls. Pennsylvania R. R .{ Philadelphia, Wilming¬ ton & Baltimore R.R.to Baltimore. EXCURSION 337. Northern Central R.R..to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R.R..to Elmira. Erie R. R.to Niagara Falls. Pennsylvania R. R.to { phhJdphiS Philadelphia, Wilming- ton&Baltimore R.R.to Baltimore. EXCURSION 3^8. Northern Central R.R..to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R. .to Emporium. Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia R. R...to Buffalo. Erie R. R.to Niagara Falls. Pennsylvania R. R.to { | 5 ,Xdelphia! Philadelphia, Wilming¬ ton & Baltimore R.R.to Baltimore. The following Special Excursion Forms will be sold FROM BALTI¬ MORE in connection with all those Grand Trunk Railway excursion tickets commencing at Niagara Falls and ter¬ minating at some point beyond, not returning : — UNDER THE FALLS, WATKINS’ GLEN, N. Y. EXCURSION 331. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Canandaigua. New York Central & Hudson River R. R....to Niagara Falls. EXCURSION 332. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R...to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Watkins’. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Cenev.i. New York Central & Hudson River R. R....to Niagara Falls. EXCURSION 333. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Elmira. Erie R. R.to Niagara Falls. EXCURSION 334. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Emporium. Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia R. R.to Buffalo. Erie R. R.to Niagara Falls. The following Special Excursion Form 394 will be sold FROM BALTIMORE in connection with all those Grand Trunk Railway and Central Vermont Railroad excursion tickets commencing and ending at New York :— EXCURSION 394 . Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore R R.to Philadelphia. Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Pennsylvania R R.to Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore R. R.to Baltimore. The following Special Excursion Form 395 will be sold FROM BALTIMORE in connection with all those Grand Trunk Railway and Central Vermont Railroad excursion tickets commencing at New York and terminating at some point beyond, not returning : — EXCURSION 393 . Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore R. R.to Philadelphia. Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. 95 NIAGARA FALLS. THE NARROW PASS, WATKINS’ GLEN. N. Y .« > 'mi EXCURSION 837. Baltimore & Potomac R. R.to Baltimore. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Elmira Pennsylvania R. R...New York to Philadelphia. Erie R. R.to Niagara Falls. Hhila., Wilm. & l>altimore R. R...to Baltimore. Baltimore & Potomac R. R.to Washington. EXCURSION 338. Baltimore & Potomac R. R.to Baltimore. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Eric R. R.to Emporium. Buffalo, N. York & Phila. R R..to Buffalo. Erie R. R.to Niagara Falls. Pennsylvania R. R....New York to Philadelphia. Phila., Wilm. & Baltimore R. R...to Baltimore. Baltimore & Potomac R R.. to Washington. The following Special Excursion Forms will oe sold FROM WASHINGTON in connection with all those Grand Trunk Railway excursion tickets commencing at Niagara Falls and termina¬ ting at some point beyond, not returning; — EXCURSION 331. Baltimore & Potomac R. R.to Baltimore. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R. to Canandaigua. N. Y. Cent. & Hud Riv. R. R to Niagara Falls. EXCURSION 332. Baltimore & Potomac R. R.to Baltimore. Northern Central R. R. to Sunburj’. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Watkins’. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Geneva. N. Y. Cent. & Hud. Riv. R R ..to Niagara Falls. ‘ EXCURSION 333. Baltimore & Potomac R. R. to Baltimore. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R R. to Elmira. Erie R. R.to Niagara Falls. EXCURSION 334. Baltimore & Potom.TC R. R.to Baltimore. Northern Central R. R. to Sunbury'. Philadelphia &. Erie R. R.to Emporium. Buffalo, N. York & Phila. R. R..to Buffalo, Erie R. R.to Niagara Falls. The following Special Excursion Forms FROM WASHINGTON Have been prepared to sell in connection with Excursion Routes of Grand Trunk Railway from Niagara Falls to New York, making complete and continuous tickets from Wash¬ ington ;— EXCURSION 335. Baltimore & Potomac R. R.to Baltimore. Northern Central R R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Canandaigua. New York Central & Hudson River R. R....to Niagara Falls. Pennsylvania R. R.New York to Philadelphia Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore R. R.to Baltimore. Baltimore & Potomac R. R.to Washington. EXCURSION 336. Baltimore & Potomac R. R.to Baltimore. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R .to Watk'ns’. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Geneva. New York Central & Hudson River R. R....to Niagara Falls. Pennsylvania R. R.New York to Phil nlel..lii.t Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore R. R..to Baltimore. Baltimore & Potomac R. R.to Washington. The following Special Excursion Form 406 will be sold FROM WASHINGTON in connection with all those Grand Trunk Railway and Central Vermont Railroad excursion tickets commencing and ending at New York :— EXCURSION 406. Baltimore & Potomac R. R.to Baltimore. Philadelphia, \V ilmington & Baltimore R. R.to Philadelphia. Pennsylvania R. R .to New York. Pennsylvania R. R.to Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Wilmington & Baltimore R.R.to Baltimore. Baltimore & Potomac R. R.to Washington. '1 he following Special E.\cursion Form 405 will be sold FROM WASHINGTON in connection with all those Grand Trunk Railway and Central Vermont excursion tickets com¬ mencing at New York and terminating at some point beyond, not returning :— EXCURSION 405. Baltimore & Potomac R. R.to Baltimore. Philadelphia, Wilmington S; Baltimore R.R.to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania K. R.to New York. 96 NIAGARA FALLS. The following Special Excursion Forms FROM HARRISBURG Have been prepared to sell in connection with Excursion Routes of Grand Trunk Railway from Niagara Falls to New York, making complete and continuous tickets from Harris¬ burg EXCURSION 32. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R...to Watkins’. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Geneva. New York Central & Hudson River R. R....to Niagara Falls. Pennsylvania R. R.New York to Harrisburg. EXCURSION 46. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Canandaigua. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. Pennsylvania R. R.New York to Harrisburg. EXCURSION 162. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Emporium. Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia R. R.to Buffalo. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. Pennsylvania R. R.New York to Harrisburg. The following Special Excursion Forms will be sold FROM HARRISBURG in connection with all those Grand Trunk Railway excursion tickets commencing at Niagara Falls and terminating at some point beyond, not returning :— EXCURSION 27S. Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Watkins’. Sieamer on Seneca Lake.to Geneva. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. EXCURSION 333. Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Canandaigua. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. EXCURSION 336. Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Emporium. Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia R. R....to Buffalo. New York Central & Hudson River R. R..to Niagara Falls. The following Special Excursion Form 3330 will be sold FROM HAHRISBURG in connection with all those Grand Trunk Railway and Central Vermont Railroad excursion tickets commencing and ending at New York :— EXCURSION 3300. Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. The following Special Excursion Form 333 will be sold FROM H^R.ISBURG in connection with all those Grand Trunk Railway and Central Vermont Railroad excursion tickets, commencing at New York and terminating at some point beyond, not returning;— Pennsylvania R. EXCURSION 333. R.to New York. BOAT-HOUSES, FAIRMOUNT PARK, PHILADELPHIA. The following Special Excursion Forms FROM ALTOONA Have been prepared to sell in connection with Excursion Routes of Grand Trunk Railway from Niagara Falls to New York, making complete and continuous tickets from Altoona :— EXCURSION 32 Pennsylvania R. R...to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Watkins’. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Geneva. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. Pennsylvania R. R.New York to Altoona. EXCURSION 46. Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R..to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Canandaigua. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. i Pennsylvania R. R.New York to Altoona. EXCURSION 162. Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. I Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Emporium. ; Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia R. R.to Buffalo. j New York Central & Hudson River R. R.to Niagara Falls. Pennsylvania R. R.New York to Altoona. The following Special Excursion Forms will be sold FROM ALTOONA in connection with all those Grand Trunk Railway excursion tickets commencing at Niagara Falls and terminating at some point beyond, not returning :— EXCURSION 273. Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Watkins’. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Geneva. New York Central & Hudson River R. R.to Niagara Falls. EXCURSION 333. Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R....; .to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Canandaigua. New York Central & Hudson River R. R.to Niagara Falls. EXCUhSION 336. Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury^ Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Emporium. Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia R R.to Buffalo. New York Central & Hudson River R. R.to Niagara Falls. CyThe above tickets, via Harrisburg, are good via Tyrone and Lock Haven, if so endorsed by the Agent at Altoona. The following Special Excursion Form 3300 will be sold FROM ALTOONA in connection with all those Grand Trunk Railway and Central Vermont RaHroad excursion tickets com¬ mencing and ending at New York :— EXCURSION 3300. Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Pennsylvania R. R.to Altoona. The following Special Excursion Form 333 will be sold FROM ALTOONA in connection with all those Grand Trunk Railway and Central Vermont Railroad excursion tickets com¬ mencing at New York and terminating at some point beyond, not returning:— EXCURSION 333. Pennsylvania R. R. . .to New York. 97 NIAGARA FALLS. FROM PITTSBURCx Have been prepared to sell in connection with Excursion Routes of Grand Trunk Railway from Niagara Falls to New York, making complete and continuous tickets from Pitts¬ burg;— EXCURSION 32 . Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Watkins'. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Geneva. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. Pennsylvania R. R.New York to Pittsburg. EXCURSION 46 . Pennsylvania R R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury'. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Canandaigua. New York Central & Hudson River R. R....to Niagara Falls. Pennsylvania R. R.New York to Pittsburg. EXCURSION 162 . Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern ('em ral R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Emporium. Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia R. R.to Buffalo New York Centra J& Hudson River R. R....to Niagara Falls. Pennsylvania R. R.New York to Pittsburg. CyThe above tickets are good via Tyrone and Lock Haven, if so en¬ dorsed by the Agent at Pittsburg. EXCURSION 349 . Pittsburg, Ft. Way'ne & Chicago R. R.to Erie. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R.to Buffalo. New York Central & Hudson River R. R....to Niagara Falls. Pennsy'lvania R. R. New York to Pittsburg. EXCURSION 3SO. Allegheny’ Valley R. R. .to Oil City. Pittsburg, TitUsville & Buffalo R. R .to Corry. ^ May'ville Buffalo, Corry' & Pittsburg R. R.to-, (Chautauqua ( Lake). Buffalo, Corry’ & Pittsburg R. R.to Brocton. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R.to Buffalo. New York C« ntral & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. Pennsylvania R R .New York to Pittsburg The following Special Excursion Forms will be sold FROM PITTSBURG In connection with all those Grand Trunk Railway excursion tickets commencing at Niagara Falls and terminating at some point beyond, not returning ;— EXCURSION 273 . Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Watkins'. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Geneva. New York Central & Hudson River R. R....to Niagara Falls. EXCURSION 333 . Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury'. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. Northern Central R. R.to Canandaigua. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara halls. EXCURSION 336 . Pennsylvania R. R.to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Emporium. Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia R. R.to Buffalo. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Ni igara Falls. OlT'The above tickets are good via Tyrone and Lock Haven, if so en¬ dorsed by the Agent at Pittsburg. The following Special Excursion Form 3300 will be sold FROM PITTSBURG in connection with all ihose Grand Trunk Railway and Central Vermont Railroad excursion tickets commencing and ending at New York :— EXCURSION 3300 . Pennsy’lvania R. R.to New York. Pennsy'lvania R. R.to Pittsburg. The following Special Excursion Form 333 will be sold FROM PITTSBURG in co nection with all those Grand Trunk Railway and Cential Vermont Railroad excursion tickets commencing at New York and terminating at some point bey'ond, not returning :— EXCURSION 333 . Pennsylvania R. R . to New York. 93 NIAGARA FALLS. REI^OW RENOVO. The following Special Excursion Forms FROM WILLIAMSPORT Have been prepared to sell in connection with Excursion Routes of Grand Trunk Railway from Niagara Falls to New York, making complete and continuous tickets from Williams¬ port :— EXCURSION 70 . Northern Central R. R.to Canandaigua. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. Pennsylvania R. R.New York to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. EXCURSION 71 . New York Central R. R.to Watkins’. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Geneva. New York Central & Hudson River R. R..to Niagara Falls. Pennsylvania R. R.New York to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. EXCURSION 72 . Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Emporium. Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia R. R.to Buffalo. New York Central & Hudson River R. R....to Niagara Falls. Pennsylvania R. R.New York to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. EXCURSION 73 . Northern Central R. R.to Elmira. Erie R. R.to Niagara Falls. Pennsylvania R. R.New York to Harrisburg. Northern Central R. R.to Sunbury. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Williamsport. The following Special Excursion Forms will be sold FROM WILLIAMSPORT in connection with all those Grand Trunk Railway excursion tickets commencing at Niagara Falls and terminating at some point beyond, not returning :— EXCURSION 74. Northern Central R. R.to Canandaigua. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls;. EXCURSION 75. Northern Central R. R. to Watkins’. Steamer on Seneca Lake.to Geneva. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. EXCURSION 76. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Emporium. Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia R. R.to Buffalo. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Niagara Falls. EXCURSION 77. Northern Central R. R.to Elmira. Erie R. R.to Niagara Falls. The following Special Excursion Form 6 will be sold FROM WILLIAMSPORT in connection with all those Grand Trunk Railway and Central Vermont Railroad excursion tickets com¬ mencing and ending at New York : — EXCURSION 6. Philadelphia & Erie R. R Northern Central R. R.... Pennsylvania R. R. Pennsylvania R. R. Northern Central R. R.... Philadelphia & Erie R. R The following Special Excursion Form 78 will be sold FROM WILLIAMSPORT in connection with all those Grand Trunk Railway and Central Vermont Railroad excursion tickets com¬ mencing at New York and terminating at some point beyond,, not returning:— EXCURSION 78. Philadelphia & Erie R. R.to Sunbury. Northern Central R. R.to Harrisburg. Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. .to Sunbury. to Harrisburg, to New York, to Harrisburg, to Sunbury. to Williamsport. 99 PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. \ m II t ■ /J a H m. THE THOUSAND ISLAND HOUSE, SIXUAXED THE RIVER SX. EAWREKCE, BAY, BBSOY COUISTTA^, YBW YORK, And in the immediate vicinity of the FAR-FAMED THOUSAND ISLANDS, Will be opened for the reception of guests June ist, 1877. This House was erected in 1873, and contains all the modem improvements. Rooms single or en suite, with bath-rooms and closets attached. Travelers will find this place as healthful as it is beautiful, with no mosquitoes, or chills or fever ; cures hay fever, catarrh, and all pulmonary complaints ; while to the finest scenery in the world are added the attractions of BOATING, FISHING, HUNTING, and BAl HING, as well as BILLIARDS, BOWLING-ALLEY, CROQUET GROUNDS, &c. Cuisine second to none. Accommodations for 700 guests. Parties taking rooms for the season will find liberal deductions from regular rates. Send lor pamphlet, with terms, &c. O. G. STAPLES, Manager, ^ ALEXANDRIA BAY’, NEYY’ Y’ORK. The Thousand Island Mineral Spring, owned by the proprietor of the Thousand Island House, is proved beneficial for the following diseases :—Diseases of the Kidneys, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and especially for all diseases of the Nervous System and the blood. The analysis was made by Prof. Chandler, of the College of Mines, New York, and the water will compare, as the analysis shows, with any of the Springs in the State. CERTIFICATE OE AN^ALYiSIS. Labkatory of the School of Mines, Columbia College, Corner Forty-ninth St. and Fourth Avenue, New Y’ork, May 4th, 1878. Sir :—The sample of the Thousand Island Mineral Spring Water submitted to me for examination contains, in one U. S. gallon of 231 cubic inches Chloride of Sodium,.;. 26.4238 grains. Chloride of Potassium,. 35.8274 “ Sulphate of Potash,. 3-5641 “ Carbonate of Soda,. 29.3442 “ Bi-Carbonate of Lime,. 13.C229 “ Bi-Carbonate of Magnesia,. 5-9393 g^rains. Bi-Carbonate of Iron,. 1.2830 “ Alumina,. Trace. Silica,. 1.0500 “ To O. G. Staples, Watertown. N. Y. Respectfully, your obedient servant, C. Y. CHANDLER, Ph. D., 116.4617 grains. Prof. 0/ Analytical and Applied Chemistry. 100 ALEXANDRIA BAY—MONTREAL—QUEBEC NIAGARA FALLS TO ALEXANDRIA BAY AND MONTREAL. (Retnrning via Labe Champlain and Hudson lUver Steamers.) EXCURSION 887. (For route to Niagara Falls, see pages New York Central & Hudson River R. R.. Utica & Black River R R . Steamer “ J. H. Kelly”... Royal Mail Line of Strs. (meals included).., Grand Trunk R. W. Champlain Div. D. & H. C. Co.. Champlain Div. D. & H. C. Co. or Steamer Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co. Steamer on Hudson River. Pennsylvania R. R. 94 to 98.) ,to Utica, to Clayton. ,to Alexandria Bay. to Montreal, to Rouse's Point, to Plattsburg. to Ft.Ticonderoga. to Saratoga, to Albany, to New York, to starting point. New York....;^35 60 Philadelphia.. 35 60 THROUGH RATES. Harrisburg....$36 10 Baltimore. 38 35 Washington.. 40 35 EXCURSION 59. (For route to Niagara Falls, see pages 94 New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Rome, Watertown & Ogdensburg R. R.to Steamer ” T. S. Faxton ”.to Royal Mail Line of Strs. (meals included), .to Grand Trunk R. W.to Champlain Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Champlain Div. D. & H. C. Co. or Steamer..to Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Steamer on Hudson River.to Pennsylvania R. R.to Altoona.^41 35 Pittsburg. 46 10 to 98.) Lewiston. Cape Vincent. Alexandria Bay. Montreal. Rouse’s Point. Plattsburg. F t. Ticonderoga. Saratoga. Albany. New York, starting point. THROUGH RATES. New York....^35 60 Philadelphia. 35 60 Harrisburg.. Baltimore. 38 35 Washington... 40 35 Altoona.^41 35 Pittsburg. 46 10 NIAGARA FALLS TO MONTREAL. (Returning via Lake Champlain, Lake George, and Saratoga.) EXCURSION X—19. (For route to N. Falls and return from New York, see pages94 to 99.) New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Lewiston. Steamer on Lake Ontario.to Toronto. Royal Mail Line of Steamers (meals in¬ cluded) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Montreal. Grand Trunk R. W.to Rouse’s Point. Champlain Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Plattsburg. Champlain Div. D. & H. C. Co. or Steamer.to Ft.Ticonderoga. Lake George Branch D. & H. C. Co.to Baldwin. Steamer on Lake George.to Caldwell. Stage.to Glen’s Falls. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Saratoga. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.. .. ....to Troy. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to New York. THROUGH RATES. New York.... $39 00 Philadelphia.. 39 00 Harrisburg.... 39 50 Altoona.^44 75 Baltimore....$41 75 Williamsport 39 50 Washington 43 75 Richmond... 50 75 Pittsburg (via Exes. 32, 4b, or ib2 to N. Falls, seep. gS) 49 50 Pittsburg {^jia Exes. 34q or 330 to N. Falls, see p. gS) 44 50 NIAGARA FALLS TO MONTREAL. (Returning via Lake Champlain, Lake George, and Saratoga.) EXCURSION X—20 OR X—26. (For route to N. Falls and return from New York, see pages 94 to 99.) New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Lewiston. Steamer on Lake Ontario. to Toronto. Royal Mail Line of Steamers (meals in¬ cluded) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Montreal. Grand Trunk R. W.to Rouse’s Point. Champlain Div. D. & H. C. Co. .to Plattsburg. Champlain Div. D. & H. C. Co. or Steamer.to Ft.Ticonderoga. Lake George Branch D. & H. C. Co.to Baldwin. Steamer on Lake George.to Caldwell. Stage.to Glen’s Falls. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co. to Saratoga. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Albany. Hudson River Day or Night Boat.to New York. New York. 00 Philadelphia. 38 00 Harrisburg... 38 50 THROUGH RATES. Altoona.$43 75 Williamsport. 38 50 Baltimore....$40 75 Washington 42 75 Richmond... 49 75 Pittsburg (via Exes. 32, 4b, or jb2 to N. Falls, seep. g8) 48 50 Pittsburg (via Exes. 34c) or 330 to N. Palls, see p. gS) 43 50 NIAGARA FALLS TO MONTREAL. (Returning via l.ake Champiain and Saratoga.) EXCURSION X—21. (For route to N. Falls and return from New York, see pages 94 to 99.) New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Lewiston. Steamer on Lake Ontario.to Toronto. Royal Mail Line of Steamers (meals in¬ cluded) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Montreal. Grand Trunk R. W..‘.....to Rouse’s Point. Champlain Div. D. & H. C. Co.I.to Plattsburg. Champlain Div. D. & H. C. Co. or Steamer.to Ft.Ticonderoga. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Saratoga. Saratoga Div. D. & H C. Co.to Troy. New York Central & Hudson River R. R..to New York. New York.. ..$36 00 Altoona.1^41 75 Philadelphia.. 36 00 Williamsport. 36 50 Harrisburg..., 36 50 Pittsburg (via Exes. 32, 4b, or ib2 to N. Falls, seep. gS) 46 50 Pittsburg (via Exes. 34g or 330 to N. Falls, seep. gS) 41 50 Baltimore....$38 75 Washington. 40 75 Richmond... 47 75 I NIAGARA FALLS TO MONTREAL. (Returning via Lake Champlain and Saratoga.) EXCURSION X—22 OR X—27. (For route to N. Falls and return from New York, see pages 94 to 99.) New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Lewiston. Steamer on Lake Ontario.to Toronto. Royal Mail Line of Steamers (meals in¬ cluded) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Montreal. Grand Trunk R. W.to Rouse’s Point. Champlain Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Plattsburg. Champlain Div. D. &H. C. Co. or Steamer.to Ft.Ticonderoga. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Saratoga. Saratoga Div. D. & H C. Co. to Albany. Hudson River Day or Night Boat.to New York. New York.^35 00 Philadelphia. 35 00 Harrisburg... 35 50 THROUGH RATES. Altoona.^40 75 Williamsport. 35 50 Baltimore....;jS37 75 Washington. 39 75 Richmond.... 46 75 Pittsburg (via Exes. 32, 4b, or ib2 to N. Falls, seep. g8) 45 50 Pittsburg (via Exes. 34g or 330 to N. Falls, see p. g8) 40 50 NIAGARA FALLS TO MONTREAL. (Returning via Portland and Boston.) EXCURSION X—24. (For route to N. Falls and return from New York, see pages 94 to 99.) New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Lewiston. Steamer on Lake Ontario.to Toronto. Royal Mail Line of Steamers (meals included) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Montreal. Grand Trunk R. W.to Portland. Boston & Maine or Eastern R. R.to Boston. Sound Lines.to New York. THROUGH RATES. New York...$36 00 Philadelphia 36 00 Harrisburg.. 36 50 Altoona.$41 75 Williamsport... 36 50 Baltimore....5838 75 Washington. 40 75 Richmond... 47 75 Pittsburg (via Exes. 32, 4b, or ib2 to N. Falls, see p. gS) 46 50 Pittsburg i^jia Exes. 34g or 330 to N. Falls, see p. g8) 41 50 NIAGARA FALLS TO MONTREAL AND QUEBEC. (Returning via Portland and Boston.) EXCURSION X-25. (For route to N. Falls and return from New York, see pages 94 to 99.) New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Lewiston. Steamer on Lake Ontario.to Toronto. Royal Mail Line of Steamers (meals included) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Montreal. Royal Mail Line of Steamers or Grand Trunk R. W.to Quebec. Grand Trunk R. W.to Portland. Boston & Maine or Eastern R. R.to Boston. Sound Lines.to New York. THROUGH RATES. New York...$39 00 Philadelphia 39 00 Harrisburg.. 39 50 Altoona.$44 75 Williamsport. 39 50 Baltimore.$41 75 Washington.. 43 75 Richmond. 50 75 Pittsburg (via Exes. 32,4b, or ib2 to N. Falls, seep. g8) Pittsburg (via Exes. 34^ or 330 to N. Falls, seep. g8) 49 io 44 50 lOI 102 INTERNATIONAL EXlllIUHON BUILDING, l AlRMOUNl' I’ARK, IMIlLADiaj’HIA. MONTREAL—QUEBEC. NIAGARA FALLS TO MONTREAL AND QUEBEC. (Returning via White Mountains, Porliand, and Boston.) EKCURSION X—31. (For route to N. Falls and return from New York, see pages 94 to 99 ) New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Lewiston. Steamers on Lake Ontario.to Toronto. Royal Mail Line ofSteamers (meals included) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Montreal. Royal Mail Line of Steamers or Grand Trunk R. W.to Quebec. Grand Trunk R. W. to Sherbrooke. Passumpsic R. R.to Wells River. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Littleton. Stage.to Profile House. Stage.to Bethlehem. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Fabyan’s. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Crawford House Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Fabyan’s. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to-j WasMngt^on. Mt. Washington R. W.to Tip-Top House. Stage.to Glen House. Stage.to Gorham. Grand Trunk R. W. to Portland. Boston & Maine or Eastern R. R.to Boston. Sound Lines.to New York. New York...^57 75 Philadelphia 57 75 Harrisburg.. 58 25 THROUGH RATES. Altoona.$63 50 Williamsport.. ;,8 25 Baltimore ..,^60 50 Washington 62 50 Richmond.... 69 50 Pittsburg {via Exes. 32, 4b, or 162 to N. Falls, see p. gS) 68 25 Pittsburg {via Exes. 34g or 330 to N. Falls, seep. g8) 63 25 NIAGARA FALLS TO MONTREAL AND QUEBEC. (Returning via White Mountains and Boston.) EXCURSION X—36. (For route to N. Falls and return from New York, see pages 94 to 99.) New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Lewiston. Steamer on Lake Ontario.to Toronto. Royal Mail Line of Steamers (meals included) or Grand Trunk R. W. to Montreal. Royal Mail Line of Steamers or Grand Trunk R. W.to Quebec. Grand Trunk R. W.to Gorham. Stage.to Glen House. Stage.to Tip-Top House. Mt. Washingtot, R. W.to) ^“htagton': Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Fabyan’s. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Crawford House Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Fabyan’s. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Bethlehem. Stage.to Profile House. Stage.to Littleton. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Concord. Concord R. R.to Nashua. Boston, Lowell & Nashua R. R......to Boston. Sound Lines.to New York. New York....$60 00 Philadelphia 60 00 Harrisburg.. 60 50 THROUGH RATES. Altoona.$65 75 Williamsport.. 60 50 Baltimore....5^62 75 Washington 64 75 Richmond.... 71 75 Pittsburg (via Exes. 32, 4b, or ib2 to N. Falls, seep. g8) 70 50 Pittsburg {via Exes. 3}q or 330 to N. Falls, seep. g8') 65 50 NIAGARA FALLS TO MONTREAL AND QUEBEC. (Returning via White Mountains and Boston.) EXCURSION X—37. j (For route to N. Falls and return from New York, see pages 94 to 99.) , New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Lewiston. Steamer on Lake Ontario.to Toronto. Royal Mail Line of Steamers (meals in¬ cluded) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Montreal. Royal Mail Line of Steamers or Grand Trunk R. W.to Quebec. Grand Trunk R. W.to Sherbrooke. Passumpsic R. R.to Wells River. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Littleton. Stage.to Profile House. 103 Stage.to Bethlehem. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Fabyan’s. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Crawford House Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Fabyan’s. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Concord. Concord R. R.to Nashua. Boston, Lowell & Nashua R. R.to Boston. Sound Lines.to New York. New York....1^50 25 Philadelphia 50 25 Harrisburg.. 50 75 THROUGH RATES. Altoona.$-^6 00 Williamsport.. 50 75 Pittsburg {via Exes. 32, 4b, or ib2 to N. Falls, seep. g8') Pittsburg (via Exes. 34g or 330 to N. Falls, see p. g8) Baltimore.$53 00 Washington 55 00 Richmond.... 62 00 60 75 55 75 NIAGARA FALLS TO MONTREAL. (Returning via Lake Champiain and Hudson River.) EXCURSION X—42. (For route to N. Falls and return from New York, see pages 94 to 99.) New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Lewiston. Steamer on Lake Ontario.to Toronto. Royal Mail Line of Steamers \,meals in¬ cluded) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Montreal. Grand Trunk R. W.to St. John’s. Central Vermont R. R.to Burlington. Steamer on I.ake Champlain.to Ft. Ticonderoga. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Saratoga. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Albany. Hudson River Day Line of Steamers.to New York. New York...$35 00 Philadelphia 35 oc Harrisburg.. 35 50 THROUGH RATES. Altoona.1^40 75 Williamsport... 35 50 Baltimore....$37 75 Washington. 39 75 Richmond... 46 75 Pittsburg {via Exes. 32, 4b, or ib2 to N. Falls, see p. gS) 45 50 Pittsburg (z/iVi Exes. J79 or 330 to N. Falls, see p. gS) 40 50 NIAGARA FALLS TO MONTREAL. (Returning via Lake Champlain, Lake George, and Saratoga.) EXCURSION X—43. (For route to N. Falls and return from New York, see pages 94 to 99.) New York Central & Hudson River R. R....to Lewiston. Steamer on Lake Ontario.to Toronto. Royal Mail Line of Steamers (meals included) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Montreal. Grand Trunk R. W.to St. John’s. Central Vermont R. R.to Burlington. Steamer on Lake Champlain. to Ft. Ticonderega Lake George Branch D. & H. C. Co-....'..to Baldwin. Steamer on Lake George.to Caldwell. Stage.to Glen’s Falls. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Saratoga. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Albany. Hudson River Day Line of Steamers.to New York. THROUGH RATES. New York...$38 00 Philadelphia 38 00 Harrisburg.. 38 50 Altoona.^43 75 Williamsport... 38 50 Baltimore....JI40 75 Washington 42 75 Richmond... 49 75 Pittsburg {via Exes. 32, 4b, or ib2 to N. Falls, see p. g8) 48 50 Pittsburg {via Exes, p^g or 330 to N. Falls, seep. gS) 43 50 NIAGARA FALLS TO MONTREAL. (Returning via Springfleld.) EXCURSION X—46. (For route to N. Falls and return from New York, see pages 94 to 99.) New York Central & Hudson River R R....to Lewiston. Steamer on Lake Ontario.to Toronto. Royal Mall Line of Steamers (meals in¬ cluded) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Montreal. Grand Trunk R. W.to St. John’s. Central Vermont R. R.to Bellows Falls. Vermont Valley R. R.to Brattleboro. Central Vermont R. R.to South Vernon. Connecticut River R. R.to Springfield. New York, New Haven & Hartford R.R....to New York. New York.. $34 25 Philadelphia 34 25 Harrisburg.. 34 75 THROUGH RATES. Altoona.^40 00 Williamsport.. 34 75 Baltimore ...$27 00 Washington 39 00 Richmond... 46 00 Pittsburg {via Exes. 32, 4b, or ib2 to N. Falls, see p. 9.?) 44 75 Pittsburg (via Exes. 34g 330 to N. Falls, seep. g8) 39 75 MONTR EAL—QUEBEC—OGDENSBURG. NIAGARA FALLS TO MONTREAL. (Keturnln); via Sherbrooke and Springfield.) EXCURSION X—138. (For route to N. Falls and return from New York, see paj^es 94 to 99.) New York Central & Hudson River R. R,.,to Lewiston. Steamer on Lake Ontario.to Toronto. Royal Mail Line of Steamers (meals in¬ cluded) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Montreal. Grand Trunk R. W.to Sherbrooke. Passumpsic R. R.to WhiteRiv.Junc. Central Vermont R. R.to South Vernon. Connecticut River R. R.to Springfield. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R...to New York. THROUGH RATES. New York....$35 00 Philadelphia 35 00 Harrisburg... 35 50 Altoona.$40 75 Williamsport.. 35 50 Baltimore....$37 75 Washington. 39 75 Richmond.... 46 75 Pittsburg (via Exes. 32, 4b, or ib2 to N. Falls, see p. gS') 45 50 Pittsburg {via Exes. 34q or 330 to N. Falls, seep. g8) 40 50 NIAGARA FALLS TO MONTREAL AND QUEBEC. (Returning via Sherbrooke and Springfield.) EXCURSION X—189. (For route to N. Falls and return from New York, see pages 94 to 99 ) New York Central & Hudson River R. R... to Lewiston. Steamer on Lake Ontario.to Toronto. Royal Mail Line of Steamers (meals in¬ cluded) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Montreal. Royal Mail Line of Steamers or Grand Trunk R. W.to Quebec. Grand Trunk R. W.to Sherbrooke. Passumpsic R. R.to White Riv.Junc. Central Vermont R R.to Bellows Falls. Vermont Valley R. R.to Brattleboro. Central Vermont R. R.to South Vernon. Connecticut River R. R.to Springfield. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R...to New York. New York...$38 00 Philadelphia 38 00 Harrisburg... 38 50 THROUGH RATES. Altoona.1^43 75 Williamsport.. 38 50 Baltimore. Washington. 42 Richmond... 49 Pittsburg {via Exes. 32, 4b, or ib2 to N. Falls, seep. g8) 48 Pittsburg (via Exes. 34g or 330 to N. Falls, seep. g8) 43 75 75 75 50 50 NIAGARA FALLS TO MONTREAL. (Returning via Sherbrooke and Boston.) EXCURSION X-140. (For route to N. Falls and return from New York, see pages 94 to 99.) New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Lewiston. Steamer on Lake Ontario.to Toronto. Royal Mail Line of Steamers (meals in¬ cluded) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Montreal. Grand Trunk R. W.to Sherbrooke. Passumpsic R. R.to White Riv.Junc. Northern (N. H.) R. R.to Concord. Concord R. R.to Nashua. Boston, Lowell & Nashua R. R.to Boston. Sound Lines.to New York. New York... $36 75 Philadelphia 36 75 Harrisburg... 37 25 THROUGH RATES. Altoona.$42 50 Williamsport.. 37 25 Baltimore....$39 50 Washington. 41 50 Richmond... 48 50 Pittsburg (via Exes. 32, 4b, or ib2 to N. Falls, seep. g8) 47 25 Pittsburg (via Exes. 34Q or 330 to N. Falls, see p. g8) 42 25 NIAGARA FALLS TO MONTREAL AND QUEBEC. (Returning via Sherbrooke and Boston.) EXCURSION X—141. (For route to N. Falls and return from New York, see pages 94 to 99.) New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Lewiston. Steamer on Lake Ontario.to Toronto. Royal Mail Line of Steamers (meals in¬ cluded) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Montreal. Grand Trunk R.W. or Royal Mail LineStrs.to Quebec. Grand Trunk R. W.to Sherbrooke. Passumpsic R. R.to White Riv June. Northern (N. H.) R. R.to Concord. Concord R. R.to Nashua. Boston, Lowell & Nashua R. R.to Boston. Sound Lines.to JNew York. THROUGH RATES. New York...$39 75 Philadelphia 39 75 Harrisburg... 40 25 Altoona.$45 50 Williamsport. 40 25 Baltimore.^42 50 Washington.. 44 50 Richmond.... 51 50 Pittsburg (via Exes. 32,4b, or ib2 to N. Falls, seep. q8) 50 25 Pittsburg (via Exes. 34q or 330 io N. Falls, see p. g8) 45 25 NIAGARA FALLS TO MONTREAL. (Returning via Woreetter and New London.) EXCURSION X—144. (For route to N. Falls and return from New York, see pages 94 to 99.) New York Central & Hudson River R. R....to Lewiston. Steamer on Lake Ontario.to Toronto. Royal Mail Line of Steamers (meals in¬ cluded) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Montreal. Grand Trunk R. W.to Groveton. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Concord. Concord R R.to Nashua. Worcester & Nashua R. R.to Worcester. New York & New England R. R.to New London. Norwich Steamboat.to New York. THROUGH RATES. New York....j39 50 Philadelphia 39 50 Harrisburg.. 40 00 Altoona.$45 25 Williamsport. 40 00 Baltimore.. ....#42 25 Washington.. 44 25 Richmond.... 51 25 Pittsburg {via Exes. 32, 4b, or ib2 to N. Falls, seep. g8) 50 00 Pittsburg {via Exes. 34q or 330 to N. Falls, see p. q8) 45 00 NIAGARA FALLS TO MONTREAL. (Returning via Newport.) EXCURSION X—ISO. (For route to N. Falls and return from New York, see pages 94 to 99.) New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Lewiston. Steamer on Lake Ontario.to Toronto. Royal Mail Line of Steamers (meals in¬ cluded) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Montreal. Grand Trunk R. W.to Groveton. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Concord. Concord R. R.to Nashua. Boston, Lowell & Nashua R. R.to Lowell. Boston, Clinton & Fitchburg R. R.to Mansfield. Taunton Branch R. R.to Weir Junction. Old Colony R. R.to Newport. Sound Steamers.to New York. New York $39 50 Philadelphia 39 50 Harrisburg... 40 00 THROUGH RATES. Altoona.$45 25 Williamsport.. 40 00 Baltimore.^2 25 Washington.. 44 25 Richmond.... 51 25 Pittsburg (via Exes. 32, 4b, or ib2 to N. Falls, seep. q8) 50 00 Pittsburg {via Exes. 34q or 330 to N. Falls, see p. qS) 45 00 NIAGARA FALLS TO OGDENSBURG. (Returning via Lake Champlain and Saratoga.) EXCURSION X—155. (For route to N. Falls and return from New York, see pages 94 to 99.) New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Lewiston. Steamer on Lake Ontario.to Toronto. Royal Mail Line of Steamers (meals in¬ cluded) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Ogdensburg. Central Vermont R. R.to Burlington. Steamer on Lake Champlain. to Ft. Ticonderoga Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Saratoga. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Troy. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to New York. THROUGH RATES. New York.... $36 00 Philadelphia. 36 co Harrisburg... 36 50 Altoona.J41 75 Williamsport 36 50 Baltimore... #38 75 Washington 40 75 Richmond... 47 75 Pittsburg {via. Exes. 32,4b, or ibz to N. F'alls, see p. q8) 46 50 Pittsburg {via. Exes. 34q or 330 to N. Falls, see p. q8) 41 50 NIAGARA FALLS TO OGDENSBURG. (Returning vin Lnkr Cham plain, Lake George, and Saratoga.) EXCURSION X—156. (For route to N. Falls and return from New York, see pages 94 to 99 ) New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Lewiston. Steamer on Lake Ontario.to Toronto Royal Mail Line of Steamers (meals in¬ cluded) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Ogdensburg. Central Vermont R. R.to Butlington. Steamer on Lake Champlain.to Ft. Ticondtroga Lake George Branch D. & H. C. Co.to Baldw'in. Steamer on Lake George .to Caldwell. Stage.to Glen’s Falls. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Saratoga. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Troy. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to New York. New York.$38 75 Philadelphia. 38 75 Harrisburg... 39 25 THROUGH RATES. Altoona.<144 50 Williamsport 39 25 Baltimore....$41 5c Washington. 43 50 Richmond.... 50 50 Pittsburg {via Exes. 32, 4b, or ib2 to N. Falls, seep. q8') 49 25 Pittsburg (^jia Exes. 34q or 330 to N. Falls, see p. q8) 44 25 104 OGDENSBURG-MONTREAL MEMORIAL HALL, FAIRMOUNT PARK, PHILADELPHIA. NIAGARA FALLS TO OGDENSBURG. (Returning via Lake Champlain and Saratoga.) NIAGARA FALLS TO OGDENSBURG. (Returning via Springfield. EXCURSION X—44. (For route to N. Falls and return from New York, see pages 94 to 99.) New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Lewiston. Steamer on Lake Ontario.to Toronto. Royal Mail Line of Steamers (meals in¬ cluded) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Ogdensburg. Central Vermont R. R.to Burlington. Steamer on Lake Champlain.to Ft.Ticonderoga. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Saratoga. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. (^o.to Albany. Hudson River Day Boats.to New York. THROUGH RATES. New York...^35 00 Philadelphia 35 00 Harrisburg.. 35 50 Altoona.1^40 75 Williamsport.. 35 50 Baltimore.$37 75 Washington. 39 75 Richmond... 46 75 Pittsburg {via Exes. 32, 46, or ibs to N. Falls, see p. 9S) 45 50 Pittsburg {via Exes. 34Q or 330 to N. Falls, see p. gS) 40 50 NIAGARA FALLS TO OGDENSBURG. (Returning via Lake Champlain, Lake George, and Saratoga.) EXCURSION X—45. (For route to N. Falls and return from New York, see pages 94 to 99 ) New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Lewiston. Steamer on Lake Ontario.to Toronto. Royal Mail Line of Steamers (meals in¬ cluded) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Ogdensburg. ■Central Vermont R. R.to Burlington. Steamer on Lake Champlain.to Ft. Ticonderoga, Champlain Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Baldwin. Steamer on Lake George.to Caldwell. Stage.to Glen’s Falls. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Saratoga. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Albany. Hudson River Day Boats.to New York. New York...^37 75 Philadelphia 37 75 Harrisburg.. 38 25 THROUGH RATES. Altoona.$43 50 Williamsport.. 38 25 Baltimore.^^40 50 Washington.. 42 50 Richmond.... 49 50 Pittsburg {via Exes. 32, 4b, or ib2to N. Falls, seep. g8) 48 25 Pittsburg {via Exes. 34Q or 330 to N. Falls, see p. g8) 43 25 EXCURSION X—51. (For route to N. Falls and return from New York, see pages 94 to 99.) New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Lewiston. Steamer on Lake Ontario.to Toronto. Royal Mail Line of Steamers (meals in¬ cluded) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Ogdensburg. Central Vermont R R .to Bellows Falls. Vermont Valley R. R.to Brattleboro. Central Vermont R. R.to South Vernon. Connecticut River R. R.to Springfield. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R...to New York. THROUGH RATES. New York...^33 75 Philadelphia 33 75 Harrisburg.. 34 25 Altoona.^39 50 Williamsport.. 34 25 Baltimore.^36 50 Washington. 38 50 Richmond.... 45 50 Pittsburg {via Exes. 32, 4b, or jb2 to N. Falls, seep, g8) 44 25 Pittsburg {via Exes. 34Q or 330 to N. Falls, see p. gS) 39 25 NIAGARA FALLS TO MONTREAL. (Returning via White mountains. EXCURSION X—148. (For route to N. Falls and return from New York, see pages 94 to 99.) New York Central & Hudson River R. R....to Lewiston. Steamer on Lake Ontario.to Toronto. Royal Mail Line of Steamers (meals in¬ cluded) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Montreal. Grand Trunk R. W.to Groveton. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Fabyan’s. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Bethlehem. Stage. to Profile House. Stage. to Littleton. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Concord. Concord R. R.to Nashua. Worcester & Nashua R. R.to Worcester New York & New England R. R .to Allyn’s Point. Sound Steamers. to New York. New York...$45 25 Philadelphia..45 2s Harrisburg....4s 75 THROUGH RATES. Altoona.^ 5 * Williamsport ...45 75 Baltimore ...548 co Washington ..50 00 Richmond.57 00 Pittsburg (via Eres. 32, 4b, or ib2io N. Falls, see p. gS) 55 75 Pittsburg {via Exes. 34g or 330 to N. Falls, see p. g8) 50 75 MONTREAL—QUEBEC. NIAGARA FALLS TO MONTREAL. (Returniiiif via White .Moiintiilnh,) EXCURSION X-149. (For route to N. Falls and return from New York, see pages 94 to 99 ) New York Central & Hudson River R. R.. to L.ewiston. Steamer on Lake Ontario.to Toronto. Royal Mail Line of Steamers (meals in¬ cluded) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Montreal. Grand Trunk R. W.to Groveton. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Eabyan’s. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Bethlehem. Stage.to Profile House Stage.to Littleton. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Concord. Concord R. R.to Nashua. Boston, Lowell & Nashua R. R.to Lowell. Boston, Clinton & Fitchburg R. R.to Mansfield, Taunton Branch R. R.to Weir Junction. Old Colony R. R.to Newport. Sound Steamers.to New York. New York.. ^45 25 Philadelphia..45 25 Harrisburg. .'•*45 75 THROUGH RATES. Altoona.$51 00 Williamsport....45 75 Baltimore ...$48 00 Washington ..50 00 Richmond.57 00 Pittsburg {via Exes. 32,4b, or ib2 to N. E'alls, seep. g8) 55 75 Pittsburg {via Exes. 34Q or 330 to N. Falls, seep. g8) 50 75 NEW YORK TO MONTREAL. (Keturnlng via Lake Champlain and Springfield.) EXCURSION X—185. (For route to N. Falls and return from New York, see pages 94 to 99.; New York Central & Hudson River R. R.to Lewiston. Steamer on Lake Ontario.to Toronto. Royal Mail Line of Steamers (meals in¬ cluded) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Montreal. Grand Trunk R. W.to Rouse’s Point, Champlain Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Plattsburg. Steamer on Lake Champlain.to Burlington. Central Vermont R. R.to Bellows Falls. Vermont Valley R. R.to Brattleboro. Central Vermont R, R.to South Vernon. Connecticut River R. R..to Springfield. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R...to New York. THROUGH RATES. New York...^37 00 Philadelphia 37 00 Harrisburg... 37 50 Altoona.J42 75 Williamsport.. 37 50 Baltimore....$39 75 Washington 41 75 Richmond... 48 75 Pittsburg {z)ia Exes. 32, 4b, or ib2 to N. Falls, see p. g8) 47 50 Pittsburg {via Exes. 34g or 330 to N. Falls, see p. g8) 42 50 NIAGARA FALLS TO MONTREAL AND QUEBEC. (Ileturiiliig via White Mountains, Lake Champlain, and Lake George.) EXCURSION X—186 OR X—187. (For route to N. Falls and return from New York, see pages 94 to 99.) New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Lewiston. Steamer on Lake Ontario.to Toronto. Royal Mail Line of Steamers (meals in¬ cluded) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Montreal. Grand Trunk R. W. or Royal Mail Line of Steamers.to Quebec. Grand Trunk R. W.to Gorham. Stage.to Glen House. Stage.to Tip-Top House. Portland & Ogdersburg R. R.to Fabyan’s. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R. to Bethlehem. Stage.to Profile House. Stage.to Littleton. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Wells River. Montpelier & Wells River R. R.to Montpelier. Central Vermont R. R.to Burlington. Steamer on Lake Champlain.to Ft. Ticonderoga Lake George Branch D. & H. C. Co.to Baldwin. Steamer on Lake George.to Caldwell. Stage.to Glen’s Falls. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co...to Saratoga. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Albany. Day or Night Line Steamers.to New York. Mt. Washington R. R.to | Washing Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R...to Wbyan’s Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Crawford H( New York.. $64 oc Philadelphia 64 00 Harrisburg... 64 50 Pittsburg ~ Pittsburg THROUGH RATES. Altoona. $^<) 75 Williamsport... 64 50 Baltimore....$66 75 Washington 68 75 Richmond... 75 75 {via Exes. 32, 4b, or ib2 to N. E'alls, see p. gS) 74 50 (vza Exes. 3fg or 330 to N. Falls, see p. gS) 69 50 NEW YORK to MONTREAL and QUEBEC. (K«turnlng via Lake Champlain, Lake George, and Btratoga.) EXCURSION X—188 OR X—189. (For route to N. Falls and return from New York, see pages 94 to 99.) New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Tyewiston. Steamer on Lake Ontario.to Toronto. Royal Mail Line of Steamers(meals included) or Grand Trunk R. W....to Montreal. Grand Trunk R. W. or Royal Mail Line of Steamers.to Quebec. Grand Trunk R. R.;.to Sherbrooke. Passumpsic R. R.to Wells River. Montpelier & Wells River R. R.to Montpelier. Central Vermont R. R.to Burlington. Steamer on Lake Champlain.to Ft. Ticonderoga Lake George Branch D. & H. C. Co.to Baldwin. Steamer on Lake George.to Caldwell. Stage.to Glen’s Falls. Saratoga Div. D. & H C. Co.to Saratoga. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Albany. Day or Night Line Steamers.to New York. THROUGH RATES. New York...$46 25 Philadelphia 46 25 Harrisburg... 46 75 Altoona.$52 00 Williamsport... 46 75 Baltimore....$49 00 Washington 51 00 Richmond... 58 00 Pittsburg {via Exes 32, 4b, or ib2 to N. E'alls, seep. gS) 56 75 Pittsburg {via Exes. 34g or 330 to N. Falls, see p. gS) 51 75 NIAGARA FALLS TO MONTREAL AND QUEBEC. (Returning via White Mountains.) EXCURSION X—190. (For route to N. Falls and return from New York, see pages 94 to 99.) New York Central & Hudson River R. R...I0 Lewiston. Steamer on Lake Ontario...to Toronto. Royal Mail Line of Steamers (meals included) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Montreal. Grand Trunk R. W. or Royal Mail Line of Steamers . to Quebec. Grand Trunk R. W.to Sherbrooke. Passumpsic R. R.to Wells River. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Littleton. Stage.to Profile House. Stage.to Bethlehem. Boston, Concord & Montreal.to Fabj’an’s, Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Crawford House Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Fabyan’s. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Wells River. Passumpsic R. R.to WhiteRiv.Junc. Central Vermont R. R.to Bellows Falls. Vermont Valley R. R.to Brattleboro. Central Vermont R. R .to South Vernon. Connecticut River R. R.to Springfield. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R....to New York. THROUGH RATES. New York...$47 25 Philadelphia 47 25 Harrisburg... 47 75 Altoona.$53 co Williamsport... 47 75 Baltimore... $50 00 Washington 52 00 Richmond... 59 cx> Pittsburg {via Exes. 32, 4b, or ib2to N. Falls, seep. gS) 57 75 Pittsburg {vm Exes. 34g or 330 to N. Falls, see p. gS) X 52 73 NIAGARA FALLS TO MONTREAL. (Keturnliig vin White .Moiintnlns anti Ho-Ion.) EXCURSION X—191. (For route to N. FalU and return from New York, see pages 94 to 99.) New York Central & Hudson Riv.r R. R...to Lewiston. Steamer on Lake Ontario.to Toronto. Royal Mail Line of Steamers (meals included) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Montreal. Grand Trunk R. W. to Gorham. Stage.to Glen House. Stage.to Tip-Top House. Mt. Washington R. R.to Base. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Fabyan’s. ! Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Bethlehem. Stage.to Profile House. Stage. to Little on. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Concord. Concord R. R. to Nashua. Boston, Lowell & Nashua R. R.to Boston. Sound Lints.to New York. 106 MO VT REAL—QUEBEC. HORTICULTUR.A.L HALL, FAIRMOUNT PARK, PHILADELPHIA. -yi! New York...$;6 25 Philadelphia 56 25 Harrisburg... 56 75 THROUGH RATES. Altoona.$62 00 Williamsport... 56 75 Baltimore....$59 00 Washington 61 00 Richmond... 68 00 Pittsburg (via Exes. 32,4b, or 162 to N. Fails, seep.g8) 66 75 Pittsburg (via Exes. 34Q or 330 to N. Falls, seep. gS) 61 75 NIAGARA FALLS TO MONTREAL AND QUEBEC. (Returning: via tVIiite Slountains.) _ _ ( EXCURSION X—27S1. (For route to N. Falls and return from New York, see pages 94 to 99.) Lewiston. Toronto. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Steamer on Lake Ontario.to Royal Mail LineofSteamers (meals included ) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Royal Mail LineofSteamers (meals included) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Grand Trunk R. W.to Stage.to Stage. to Stage.to Stage.to Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Passumpsic R. R.to Central Vermont R. R.to Vermont Valley R. R.to Central Vermont R. R.to Connecticut River R. R.to New York, New Haven & Hartfo’rd R. R...to THROUGH RATES. Montreal. Quebec. Gorham. Glen House, f Summit of Mt 1 Washington. Glen House. Glen Station. Fabyan’s. Wells River. White Riv.Junc. Bellows Falls. Bratlleboro. South Vernon. Springfield. New York. 00 Altoona.. 7S Baltimore....556 75 New York...^35 00 Altocna.^ 4 ° 75 00 Williamspoit. 54 50 Washington. 58 75 Philadelphia 35 00 Williamsport.. so 50 Richmond... 65 75 Harrisburg.. 35 50 NIAGARA FALLS TO MONTREAL. (Itetuniiiig via Kutiaiul and Tro}'.^ EXCURSION X—27S2. (For route to N. Falls and return from New York, see pages 94 to 99.) New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Lewiston. Steamer on Lake Ontario...to Toronto. Royal Mail Line of Steamers (meals in¬ cluded) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Montreal. Grand Trunk R. W.to St. John’s. Central Vermont R. R.to Rutland. Bennington & Rutland R. R.to State Line. Troy & Boston R. R.to Troy. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to New York. New York....j36 00 Philad -Iphia. 36 co Harrisburg... 36 50 THROUGH RATES. Altoona.$41 75 Williamsport. 36 50 Baltimore... ^38 75 Washington. 40 75 Richmond ... 47 75 Pittsburg (via Exes. 32,4S or 162 to N. Falls, see page gS) 46 50 Pittsburg (via Exes. 34g or 330 to N. Falls, see page g8) 41 50 NIAGARA FALLS TO MONTREAL. (Keturiiiiis via Itiiiiaiid and Troy.) Pittsburg (via Exes.32,4b or 162 to N. Fall r, see Page gS) 64 50 Pittsburg (via Exes.ggg or 330 to N. Falls, seepa^e gS, 59 50 EXCURSION X 2753 OR X 2754. (For route to N. Falls and return from New York, see pages 94 to 99 ) New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Lewiston. Steamer on Lake Ontario.to Toronto. Royal Mail Line of Steamers (meals in¬ cluded) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Montreal Grand Trunk R. W.to St. John’s. Central Vermont R. W.to Rutland. Bennington & Rutland R. R.to State Line. Troy & Boston R. R.to Troy. Day or Night Line Steamers. to New York. THROUGH RATES Baltimore. ...537 75 Washington 39 75 Richmond ... 46 75 Pittsburg (via Exes. 32, 4b, or 1^2 to N. Falls, see p. 9^) 45 50 Pittsburg (via Exes. 34g or 330 to N. Falls, see p. gS, 4 > 50 107 MONTREAL, iPj-'U KfiX-I-XLi iiiiJ INTERIOR HORTICULTURAL HALL, EAIRMOUNT PARK. PHILADELPHIA. NIAGARA FALLS TO MONTREAL. (Hfturiiiiitf vi:i Lake (icoriff and Saratoga.) EXCURSION X 2905. (For route to N. Falls and return to New York, see pages 94 to 99.) New York Central S: Hudson River R. R...to Lewiston. Steamer on Lake Ontario.to Toronto. Royal Mail Line of Steamers (meals in¬ cluded) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Montreal. Grand Trunk R. W.to St. John’s. Central Vermont R. R.to Ticonderoga. . Steamer on Lake George.to Caldwell. Stage.to Glen Falls. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Saratoga. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Albany. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to New V’ork. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore....$41 75 Washington. 43 75 Richmond... 50 75 New York...$39 00 Philadelphia 39 00 Harrisburg.. 39 50 Altoona.;hn’s. Central Vermont R. R.to Bellows Falls. Vermont Valley R. R.to Brattleboro. Central Vermont R. R..*..to Miller’s Falls. New London Northern R. R.to New London. Sound Line Steamers.to New York. THROUGH R.\TES. New York_S33 75 Philadelphia.. 33 75 Harrisburg.... 34 25 Altoona.$39 50 Williamsport 34 25 B.altimore... .#36 50 Washington 38 50 Richmond... 45 50 Pittsburg (via Exes. 32, 46, or ib2 to X. Falls, see p. gE' 44 25 Pittsburg {via Exes. 34g or 3jg to X. Falls, see p. g8) 39 25. 108 MONTREAL—QUEBEC. NIAGARA FALLS TO MONTREAL AND QUEBEC. (Returning via White Mountains.) EXCURSION X— 2907 . (For route to N. Falls and return from New York, see pages 94 to 99.) New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Lewiston. Steamer on Lake Ontario.to Toronto. Royal Mail Line of Steamers (meals in¬ cluded) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Montreal. Royal Mail Line of Steamers (meals in¬ cluded) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Quebec. Grand Trunk R. W.to Gorham. Stage.to Glen House. Stage. to Tip-Top House. Mount Washington R. R.W^li^fg^'on. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to habyan’s. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Crawford House Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Fabyan’s. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Wells River. Passumpsic R. R.to White Riv. June Central Vermont R. R.to Bellows Falls. Vermont Valley R. R.to Brattleboro. Central Vermont R. R..,.to Miller’s Falls. New London Northern R. R.to New London. Sound Line Steamers.to New York. New York....^53 10 Philadelphia. 53 10 Harrisburg.... 53 60 THROUGH RATES. Altoona.^58 85 Williamsport. 53 60 NIAGARA FALLS TO MONTREAL. (Reluming via White Mountains.) New York....$45 90 Philadelphia. 45 90 Harrisburg... 46 40 THROUGH RATES. Altoona.^51 65 Williamsport. 46 40 New York...$49 25 Philadelphia 49 25 Harrisburg... 49 75 THROUGH RATES. Altoona .$55 00 Williamsport... 49 75 Baltimore....^55 85 Washington. 57 85 Richmond... 64 85 Pittsburg {via Exes. 32,4^, or 162 to N. Falls, see p. q8) 63 60 Pittsburg {via Exes. 34g, or 330 to N. Falls, see p. q8) 58 60 EXCURSION X— 2908 . (For route to N. Falls and return from New York, see pages 94 to 99.) New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Lewiston. Steamer on Lake Ontario.to Toronto. Royal Mail Line of Steamers meals in¬ cluded) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Montreal. Grand Trunk R. W.to St. John's. Central Vermont R. R.to Montpelier. Montpelier & Wells River R. R.to Wells River. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Littleton. Stage.to Profile house. Stage.to Bethlehem. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Fabyan’s. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Crawford House Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Fabyan’s. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Wells River. Passumpsic R. R.,.to While Riv. June Central Vermont R. R.;.to Bellows Falls. Vermont Valley R. R.to Brattleboro. Central Vermont R. R.to Miller’s Falls. New London Northern R. R.to New London. Sound Line Steamers.to New York. B iltimore....$48 65 Washington. 50 65 Richmond... 57 65 Pittsburg {via Exes. 32, 4b, or ib2to N. Falls, see p. q8) 56 40 Pittsburg {vis Exes. 34q or 330 to N. Falls, see p. q8) 51 40 Baltimore....^52 o> Washington 54 00 Richmond... 61 00 Pittsburg {via Exes. 32, 4b, or ib2 to N. Falls, seep. q8) 59 75 Pittsburg ivia Exes. 34q or 330 to N. Falls, seep. q8) 54 75 NIAGARA FALLS TO MONTREAL. (Returning via Whit< Mountains, Portland, and Itoston.) EXCURSION X-193. (For route to N. Falls and return from New York, see pages 94 to 99.) New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Lewiston. Steamer on Lake Ontario.to Toronto. Royal Mail LiueofSteamers (mealsincluded) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Montreal. Grand Trunk R. W...to Rouse’s Point. Champlain Div. D & H. C. Co.to Plattsburg. Steamer on Lake Champlain.to Burlington. Central Vermont R. R ..to Montpelier. Montpelier & Wells River R. R.to Wells River. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.10 Littleton. Stage.to Profile House, Stage.to Bethlehem. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Fabyan’s. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Crawford House Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Fabyan’s. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to-I of Mt. I Washington. Mt. Washington R. R.to Summit. Stage.to Glen House. Stage.to Glen Station. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Portland. Boston & Maine R. R.to Boston. Sound Lines.to New Yoik. New York...;SS55 75 Philadelphia 55 75 Harrisburg.. 56 25 THROUGH RATES. Altoona.^61 50 Williamsport... 56 25 Baltimore....^58 50 Washington. 60 50 Richmond,.. 67 50 Pittsburg {via Exes. 32, 4b, or ib2 to N. Falls, seep. q8) 66 25 Pittsburg {via Exes. 34q or 330 to N. Falls, see p. qS) 61 25 NIAGARA FALLS TO MONTREAL AND QUEBEC. (Returning via iVhite Mountains and Boston.) , NIAGARA FALLS TO MONTREAL. (R.'tnrning via White Mountains and Boston.) EXCURSION X—192. (For route to N. Falls and return from New York, see pages 94 to 99.) NewjYork Central & Hudson River R. R...to Lewiston. Steamer on Lake Ontario. . .to Toronto. Royal Mail Lineof Steamers (meals included) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Montreal. Grand Trunk R. W.to Groveton. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Fabyan’s. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to | ^^\^Yashii^ton | Mt. Washington R. R .to Summit. j Stage.to Glen House. Stage..to Glen Station. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to North Conway. Eastern R. R.to Boston. Sound Lines. to New York. EXCURSION X—194. (For route to N. Falls and return from New York, see pages 94 to 99.) New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Lewiston. Steamer on Lake Ontario.to Toronto. Royal Mail Line of Steamers (meals included) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Montreal. Grand Trunk R. W. or Royal Mail Line of Steamers.to Quebec. Grand Trunk R W.to Sherbrooke. Passumpsic R. R. to Wells River. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Littleton. Stage.to Profile House. Stage.to Bethlehem. Boston, Concord & Montreal R R.to Fahyan’s. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R...to Crawford House Portland & Ogden-burg R. k.to Fabyan’s. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Concord. Concord R. R.to Nashua. Boston, Lowell & Nashua R. R.to Boston. Sound Lines.to New York. THROUGH RATES. New York...^50 25 Philadelphia 50 25 Harrisburg... 50 75 Pittsburg {via Exes. 32, 4b, or ib2 to N. Falls, seep. q8) 60 75 Pittsburg {via Exes, ppq or 330 to N. P'alls, see p. qS) 55 75 Altoona.$56 00 Williamsport... 50 75 Baltimore. ...;^53 00 Washington 55 00 Richmond... 62 00 NIAGARA FALLS TO MONTREAL AND QUEBEC. (Returning via White ]lounta!ns, Portland, and Boston.) EXCURSION X—19S. (For route tv N. Falls and return from New York, see pages 94 to 99.) New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Lewiston. Steamer on Lake Ontario..to Toronto. Royal Mail Line of Steamers (meals included) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Montreal. Grand Trunk R. W. or Royal Mail Line of Steamers. to Quebec. Grand Trunk R. W..to Gorham. Stage.to Glen House. Stage.to Tip-Top House. Stage.to Glen House. Stage .to Glen Station. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R .to Portland. Boston & Maine or Eastern R. R.to Boston. Sound Lines. ..to New York. 109 t ;SCENE AT ALLEGRIPPJS. 1 lO MONTREAL—QUEBEC New Yrfrk...$5o oo Philadelphia 50 00 Harrisburg... 50 50 THROUGH RATES. Altoona.^55 75 Williamsport.. 50 50 Baltimore....$52 75 Washington 5t 75 Richmond... 61 75 Pittsburg {via Exes. 32,46, or 162 io N. Falls, see p 95) 60 50 Pittsburg {via Exes. 34Q or 330 to N. Falls, see p. q8) 55 50 NIAGARA FALLS TO MONTREAL. (Returning via White Mountains and Boston.) EXCURSION X—197. (For route to N. Falls and return from New York, see pages 94 to 99.) New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Steamer on Lake Ontario.to Royal Mail Line of Steamers (meals in¬ cluded) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Grand Trunk R. W.to Passumpsic R. R..to Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Stage.to Stage.to Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Eastern R. R.to Sound Lines.to Lewiston. Toronto. Montreal. Sherbrooke. Wells River. Littleton. Profile House. Bethlehem. Fabyan’s. North Conway. Boston. New York. New York...1^46 25 Philadelphia 46 25 Harrisburg... 46 75 THROUGH RATES. Altoona.00 Williamsport.. 46 75 Baltimore ..$49 00 Washington. 51 00 Richmond... 58 00 Pittsburg {via Exes. 32, 4b, or ib2 to N. Falls, see p. 9*?) 56 75 Pittsburg {via Exes. 3fg or 330 to N. Falls, seep. g8) 51 75 NIAGARA FALLS TO MONTREAL AND QUEBEC. (Itvtiirning via Boston.) EXCURSION X—198. (For route to N. Falls and return from New York, see pages 94 1099.) New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Lewiston. Steamer on Lake Ontario...to Toronto. Royal Mail Line of Steamers (meals in¬ cluded) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Montreal. Grand Trunk R. W. or Royal Mail Line of Steamers.to Quebec. Grand Trunk R. W.to Gorham. Stage.to Glen House. Stage.to Glen Station. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to North Conway. Eastern R. R...to Boston Sound Lines.to New York. New York...j45 00 Philadelphia 45 co Harrisburg... 45 50 THROUGH RATES. Altoona.I50 75 Williamsport... 45 50 Baltimore..i7 75 Washington. 49 75 Richmond... 56 75 Pittsburg {via Exes. 32, 4b, or ib2 to N. Falls, see p. g8) 55 50 Pittsburg {via Exes. 3^g or 330 to N. Fails, seip. g8) 50 50 NIAGARA fall’s^ TO MONTREAL. (Iteturning via White Jloiintains, Lake Winnipi'.eo^ee, and Boston.) EXCURSION X—199. (For route to N. Falls and return from New York, see pages 94 to 99.) New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Lewiston. Steamer on Lake Ontario.to Toronto. Royal Mail Line of Steamers (meals in¬ cluded) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Montreal. Grand Trunk R. W.to Sherbrooke. Passumpsic R. R...,.to Wells River. Boston (Iloncord & Montreal R. R.to Littleton. Stage.to Profile House. Stage. to Bethlehem. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Fabyan’s. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to -f ' ( Washington. Mt. Washington R. R.....to Summit. Mt Washington R. R.to Base. Boston, Concord & Montreal R, R.to Fabyan’s. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to North Conway. Eastern R. R.to Wolfboro. Steamer on Lake Winnipiseogee .to Weirs. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Concord. Concord R. R.to Nashua. Boston, Lowell & Nashua R. R.to Boston. Sound Lines .to New York. New York....j57 25 Philadelphia 57 25 Harrisburg... 57 75 THROUGH RATES. Altoona.1^63 oj Williamsport.. 57 75 Baltimore ...$6o 00 Washington. 62 00 Richmond... 69 00 NIAGARA FALLS TO MONTREAL. (Iteturning via White Mountains and Boston.) EXCURSION X—201. (For route to N. Falls and return from New York, see pages 94 to 99.) New York Central & Hudson River R R...to Lewiston. Steamer on Lake Ontario.to Toronto. Royal Mail Line of Steamers (meals in¬ cluded) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Grand Trunk R. W.to Champlain Division D. & H. C. Co.to Steamer on Lake Champlain.to Central Vermont R. R.to Montpelier & Wells River R R.to Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to | Mt. Washington R. R.to Mt. Washington R. R.to Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Eastern R. R.to Sound Lines.to Montreal. Rouse’s Point. Plattsburg. Burlington. Montpelier. Weils River. Fabyan’s. Base of Mount Washington. Summit. Base. Fabyan’s. Crawford House North Conway. Boston. New York. THROUGH RATES. Altoona......^56 75 Williamsport... 51 50 New York...1^51 00 Philadelphia 51 00 Harrisburg... 51 50 Pittsburg {via Exes. 32,4b, or ib2 to N. Falls, seep. g8) Pittsburg {via Exes. 34g or 330 to N. Falls, seep. g8) Baltimore...J53 75 Washington 55 75 Richmond... 62 75 61 50 56 50 NIAGARA FALLS TO MONTREAL. (Iteturning via White Mountains, Portland, and Boston.) EXCURSION X—202. (For route to N. Falls and return from New York, see pages 94 to 99 ) New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Steamer on Lake Ontario.to Royal Mail Line of Steamers (meals in¬ cluded) or Grank Trunk R. W.to Grand Trunk R. W.to Passumpsic R R.to Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Sta^e.to Stage.to Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Boston & Maine or Eastern R. R.to Sound Lines.to Lewiston. Toronto. Montreal. Sherbrooke. Wells River. Littleton. Profile House. Bethlehem. Fabyan’s. Portland. Boston. New York. New York...^46 00 Philadelphia 46 co Harrisburg... 46 50 THROUGH RATES. Altoona.$51 75 Williamsport... 46 50 Baltimore...;^48 75 Washington 50 75 Richmond... 57 75 Pittsburg {via Exes. 32, 4b, or ib2 to N. Falls, see p. gS) 56 50 Pittsburg ^via Exes. 34g or 330 to N. Falls, see p. g8) 51 50 NIAGARA FALLS TO MONTREAL. (Beturning via White 31ouiitniiis, Nurth Conway, and Buntun.) EXCURSION X 27SS. (For route to N. Falls and return from New York, see pages 94 to 99.) Pittsburg {via Exes. 32, 4b, or ib2 to N. Falls, seep. g8) 67 75 Pittsburg {via Exes. 34g or 330 to N. Falls, seep. g8) 62 75 New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Steamer on Lake Lake Ontario.to Royal Mail Line of Steamers (meals in¬ cluded) or Grand Trunk R. W...... to Grand Trunk R. W.....to Central Vermont R. R.to Montpelier & Wells River R R.to Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Stage.to Stage.to Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Portland & Ogdensburg R. R. to Eastern R. R.to Sound Lines.to Lewiston. Toronto. Montreal. St. John’s. Montpelier. Wells River. Littleton. Profile House. Bethlehem. Faby.an’s. Crawford House North Conway. Boston. New York. New York ..$46 co Philadelphia 46 00 Harrisburg... 46 50 THROUGH RATES. Altoona.^51 75 Williamsport.. 46 50 Baltimore....^48 75 Washington. 50 75 Richmond... 57 75 Pittsburg {via Exes. 32, 4b, or ib2 to N. Falls, see p. g8) 56 50 Pittsburg {via Exes. 34g or 330 to N. Falls, see p. g8) 51 50 III MONTREAL—QUEBEC. NIAGARA FALLS TO MONTREAL. THROUGH KATES. (I{*‘turniiig via >VliUe MouiilalnK and Koktoii.) EXCURSION X—27S6. (Fnr route to N. Falls and return from New York, see pages 94 to 99.) New York Central & Hudson River R. R....to Lewiston. Steamer on Lake Ontario.to Toronto. Royal Mail Line of Steamers (meals in eluded) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Montreal. Grand Trunk R. W.to St. John's. Central Vermont R. R .to Montpelier. Montpelier & Wells River R. R.to Wells River. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Littleton. Stage.to Profile House. Stage.to Bethlehem. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Fabyan’s. Portland & Ogdensburg K. R.to Crawford House Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Fabyan’s. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.toj ^ w\lington. Mt. Washington R. R.to Summit. Stage.to Glen House. Stage.to Glen Station. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to North Conway. Eastern R. R.to Boston. Sound Lines.to New York. Boston. $ Harrisburg ...1:36 10 New York.... 36 00 Altoona. 41 75 Philadelphia 36 00 Williamsport. 36 50 , Pittsburg (via Exes. 32, 4b, or ibz to N. Falls, seep. q8) 46 ^ Pittsburg (via Excs.j^g or 330 to N. Falls, see p. g8) 41 50 Baltimore....^38 75 Wa.shington. 40 75 Richmond... 47 75 NIAGARA FALLS TO MONTREAL. (Kftiirniiiie tin Nashua and Bwston.) EXCURSION—X 16 AND EXC. 339. (For route to N. Falls and return from New York, see pages 94 to 99.) New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Lewiston. Steamer on Lake Ontario.to Toronto. Royal Mail Line of Steamers (meals in¬ cluded) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Montreal. Grand Trunk R. W.to St. John’s. Central Vermont R. R .to Whne Riv.Junc Northern (N. H.) R. R.to Concord. Concord R. R. .to Nashua. Boston, Lowell & Nashua R. R.to Boston. Sound Lines.to New York. New York...$55 50 Philadelphia 55 50 Harrisburg.. 56 00 THROUGH RATES. Altoona.$61 25 Williamsport.. 56 00 Baltimore....$58 25 Washington. 60 25 Richmond... 67 25 Pittsburg (via Exes.32, 4b, or ib2 to N. Fails, seep. q8 ) 66 00 Pittsburg (via Exes. 34Q or 330 to N. Falls, see p. g8) 61 00 NIAGARA FALLS TO MONTREAL. (Returning via Portland and Boston.) EXCURSION X—15 AND EXC. 359. (For route to N. Falls and return from New York, see pages 94 to 99 ) New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Lewiston. Steamer on Lake Ontario.to Toronto. Royal Mail Line of Steamers (meals in¬ cluded) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Montreal. Grand Trunk R. W.to Portland. Boston & Maine or Eastern R. R.to Boston. Sound Lines.to New York. THROUGH RATES. Boston. $ New York.... 36 00 Philadelphia. 36 00 Harrisburg.$36 50 Altoona. 41 75 Williamsport. 36 50 Pittsburg (via Exes. 32, 4b, or ib2 to N. Falls, see p. qS^ 46 50 Pittsburg (via Exes. 34q or 330 to N. Falls, see p. qS) 41 50 Baltimore....$38 75 Washington 40 75 Richmond... 47 75 NIAGARA FALLS TO MONTREAL AND QUEBEC. (Returning via Portland and Boston.) EXCURSION X—11 AND EXC. 359. (For route to N. Falls and return from New York, see pages 94 to 99.) New York Central & Hudson River R, R...to Lewiston. Steamer on Lake Ontario.to Toronto. Royal Mail Line of Steamers (meals in¬ cluded) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Montreal. Royal Mail Line of Steamers or Grand Trunk R. W.to Quebec. Grand Trunk R. W.to Portland. Boston & Maine or Eastern R. R.to Boston. Sound Lines.to New York. THROUGH RATES. Boston. $ New York.39 00 Philadelphia.. 39 00 Harrisburg.J39 50 Altoona. 44 75 Williamsport.. 39 50 Pittsburg (z>ia Exes. 32, 4b, or ib2 to N. Falls, seep. oS) 49 5c Pittsburg (via Exes. 34q or 330 to N. Falls, see p. q8) 44 50 Baltimore...$41 ^5 Washington 43 75 Richmond.. 50 75 NIAGARA FALLS TO MONTREAL. (Returning via Burlington, Bellows Palls, and Boston.) EXC. X—12 AND EXC. 359. (For route to N. Falls and return from New York, see pages 94 to 99.) New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Lewiston. Steamer on Lake Ontario.to Toronto. Royal Mail Line of Steamers (meals in¬ cluded) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Montreal. Grand Trunk R. W.to St. John’s. Central Vermont R. R.to Burlington. Central Vermont R. R.to Bellows Falls. Cheshire R. R.to Fitchburg. Fitchburg R. R.to Boston. Sound Lines.to New York. THROUGH RATES. Boston.$ New York... 36 00 Philadelphia. 36 00 Harrisburg ...$36 50 Altoona. 41 75 Williamsport 36 50 Pittsburg (zEa Exes. 32, 4b, or ib2 to N. Falls, seep. qS) 46 50 Pittsburg (via Exes. 34/4 or 330 to N. Falls, see p. qS) 41 50 Baltimore.$58 75 Washington. 40 75 Richmond ... 47 75 NIAGARA FALLS TO MONTREAL. (Returning via Lake Champlain, Saratoga, and Bo»ton.) EXCURSION X—29 AND EXC. 339. (For route to N. Falls and return from New York, see pages 94 to 99.) New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Lewiston. Steamer on Lake Ontario.to Toronto. Royal Mail Line of Steamers (meals in¬ cluded) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Montreal. Grand Trunk R. W.to Rouse’s Point. Champlain Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Plattsburg. Champlain Div. D. & H. C. Co. or Steamer.to Ft. Ticonderoga Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Saratoga. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Rutland. Central Vermont R. R.to Bellows Falls. Cheshire R. R.to Fitchburg. Fitchburg R. R.to Boston. Sound Lines.to New York. THROUGH RATES. Boston. $ New York..... 41 50 Philadelphia. 41 50 Harrisburg ...$42 00 Altoona. 47 25 Williamsport. 42 00 Pittsburg (z/frt Exes. 32,4b, or ib2 to N. Falls, seep. q8’ 52 co Pittsburg (via Exes. 34q or 330 to N. Falls, see p. qS) 47 00 Baltimore.$44 25 Washington.. 46 25 Richmond.... 53 25 NIAGARA FALLS TO MONTREAL. (Returning via White Mountains and Boston.) EXCURSION X—33 AND EXC. 339. (For route to N. Falls and return from New York, see pages 94 to 99.) New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Lewiston. Steamer on Lake Ontario.to Toronto Royal Mail Line of Steamers (meals included) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Montreal. Grand Trunk R W.to St. John’s. Central Vermont R. R.to White Riv.Junc. Passumpsic R. R.to Wells River. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Littleton. Stage.to Profile House. Stage..to Bethlehem. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Fabyan’s. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Crawford House Portland & Ogdensburg R. In. .to F'abyan’s. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Concord. Concord R R.to Nashua. Boston, Lowell & Nashua R. R.to Boston Sound Lines.to New York. THROUGH KATES. Boston. $ New York.... 46 50 Philadelphia 46 50 Harrisburg_#47 00 Altoona. 52 25 Williamsport.. 47 00 Pittsburg (zna Exes.32, 4b, or ib2 to N. Falls, seep. qS) 57 00 Pittsburg (via Exes. 34^ or 330 to N. Falls, see p. qS) 52 00 Baltimore....$49 25 Washington. 51 25 Richmond... 58 25 112 MONTREAL—QUEBEC—BOSTON—OGDENSBURG. NIAGARA FALLS TO MONTREAL. (Returning: vin Lake Champlain and Boston.) EXCURSION X —38 AND EXC. 3 S 9 . (For route to N. Falls and return from New York, see pages 94 to 99.) New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Lewiston. Steamer on Lake Ontario...to Toronto. Royal Mail Line of Steamers (meals included) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Montreal. Grand Trunk R. W.to Rouse’s Point. Champlain Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Plattsburg. Steamer on Lake Champlain.to Burlington. Central Vermont R. R.to Bellows Falls. Cheshire R. R.to Fitchburg. Fitchburg R. R. to Boston. Sound Lines.to New York. THROUGH RATES. Boston. $ New York. 37 00 Philadelphia. 37 00 Harrisburg...^37 50 Altoona. 42 75 Williamsport. 37 50 Baltimore. ..$39 75 Washington. 41 75 Richmond... 48 75 Pittsburg (z//a Exes,. 32, 4b, or 162 to N. Falls, see /. gS) 47 50 Pittsburg {via Exes. 34g or 330 to N. Falls, see p. gS) 42 50 NIAGARA FALLS TO MONTREAL. (Returning via Concord and Boston.) EXCURSION X —142 AND EXC. 3 S 9 . (For route to N. Falls and return from New York, see pages 94 to 99.) New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Lewiston. Steamer on Lake Ontario.to Toronto. Royal Mail Line of Steamers (meals included) or Grand Trunk R. W. .to Montreal. Grand Trunk R. W.to Northumberland Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Concord. Concord R. R.to Nashua. Boston, Lowell & Na.shua R. R.to Boston. Sound Lines...to New York. THROUGH RATES. Boston. $ New York.... 38 25 Philadelphia. 38 25 Harrisburg.. IS38 75 Altoona. 44 00 Williamsport 38 75 Baltimore. 54 ^ o® Washington. 43 00 Richmond.... 50 00 Pittsburg {via Exes. 32, 4b, or ib2 to N. Falls, seep. gS) 48 75 Pittsburg {via Exes. 34g or 330 to N. Falls, see p. gS) 43 75 NIAGARA FALLS TO MONTREAL AND QUEBEC. (Rotiirning \ia Concord and Boston.) EXCURSION X —145 AND EXC. 359 . (For route to N. Falls and return from New York, see pages 94 to 99.) New York Central & Hudson River R. R..to Lewiston. Steamer on Lake Ontario.to Toronto. Royal Mail Line of Steamers (meals included) or Grand Trunk R. W.. Royal Mail Line of Steamers or Grand Trunk R.W. Grand Trunk R. W. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R. Concord R. R.. Boston, Lowell & Nashua R. R. Sound Lines. THROUGH RATES. Boston.jjS New York.... 41 25 Philadelphia. 41 25 Harrisburg...^41 75 Altoona. 47 00 Williamsport 41 75 to Montreal. to Quebec. to N orthumberland to Concord. to Nashua. to Boston. to New York. Baltimore.^44 00 Washington. 46 00 Richmond... 53 00 Pittsburg {via Exes. 32, 4b, or ib2 to N Falls, see p. g8) 51 75 Pittsburg {via Exes. 34g or 330 to N. Falls, see p. g8) 46 75 NIAGARA FALLS TO BOSTON. (Beturning \ia White Uloiintiiins and Boston.) EXCURSION X —147 AND EXC. 359 . (For route to N. Falls and return from New York, see pages 94 to 99.) New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Lewiston. Steamer on Lake Ontario.to Toronto. Royal Mail Line of Steamers(meals included) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Montreal. Grand Trunk R. W.to Groveton. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Fabyan’s. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Bethlehem. Stage.to Profile House. Stage.to Littleton. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Concord. Concord, Manchester & Lawrence R. R.to Lawrence. Boston & Maine R. R.to Boston. Sound Lines.to New York. THROUGH RATES. Harrisburg...^46 25 Altoona. 51 50 Williamsport 46 25 Pittsburg {7jia Exes.32,4b, or 1O2 to N. Falls, see p. g8) 56 25 Pittsburg {via Exes. 34g or 330 to N. Falls, see p. g8) 51 25, Boston. $ New York.... 45 7; Philadelphia. 45 75 Baltimore ....^^48 50 Washington. 50 50- Richmond ... 57 50 NIAGARA FALLS TO MONTREAL. (Utduriiing via Boston.) EXCURSION X —183 AND EXC. 359 . (For route to N. Falls and return from New York, see pages 94 to 99.) New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Lewiston. Steamer on Lake Ontario.to Toronto. Royal Mail Line of Steamers (meals included) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Montreal. Grand Trunk R. W.to Rouse’s Point. Champlain Div D. & H. C. Co.to Plattsburg. Steamer on Lake Champlain.to Burlington. Central Vermont R. R.to Montpelier. Montpelier & Wells River R. R.to Wells River. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Concord. Concord R. R.to Nashua. Boston, Lowell & Nashua R. R.to Boston. Sound Lines.to New York. THROUGH RATES. Harrisburg ...$,^0 .50 Altoona. 45 75 Williamsport 40 50 Pittsburg {7'ia Exes. 32, 4b, or ib2 to N. Falls, see p. gS) 50 50 Pittsburg [^via Exes. 34g or 330 to N. Falls, see p. g8) 45 50 Boston.5 New York. 40 00 Philadelphia... 40 00 Baltimore...$42 75; Washington 44 75 Richmond... 51 75 NIAGARA FALLS TO MONTREAL. (Kcturiiiiig via Wliite Moiiiitaiiis and Boston.) EXCURSION X —2572 AND EXC. (For route to N. Falls and return from New York, see pages 94 to 99.) New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Lewiston. Steamer on Lake Ontario.to Toronto. Royal Mail Line of Steamers (meals included) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Montreal. Grand Trunk R. W.to St. John’s. Central Vermont R. R.to Montpelier. Montpelier & Wells River R. R.to Wells River. Boston, Concord & Montreal R R.to Littleton Stage.to Profile House. Stage.to Bethlehem. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Fabyan’s. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Crawford House Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Fabyan’s. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Concord. Concord R. R.to Nashua. Boston, Lowell & Nashua R. R.to Boston. Sound Lines.to New York. THROUGH RATES. Boston.^ New York. 46 50 Philadelphia.. 46 50 Harrisburg .. ^47 00 Altoona. 52 25 Williamsport 47 00 Pittsburg {via Exes. 32, 4b, or ib2 to N. Falls, see p. gS') 57 00 Pittsburg {via Exes. 34g or 330 to N. Falls, see p. g8) 52 00 Baltimore...^49 25 Washington 51 25. Richmond... 58 25 NIAGARA FALLS TO OGDENSBURG. (Returning via Concord and Boston.) EXCURSION X —17 AND EXC. 3 S 9 . (For route to N. Falls and return from New York, see pages 94 to 99.) New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Lewiston. Steamer on Lake Ontario.to Toronto. Royal Mail Line of Steamers (meals in¬ cluded) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Ogdensburg. Central Vermont R. R. to White Riv.Junc.. Northern (N. H.) R. R.to Concord. Concord R. R.to Nashua. Boston, Lowell & Nashua R. R.to Boston. Sound Lines.to New York. THROUGH RATES. Harrisburg.^35 50 Altoona. 40 75 Williamsport. 35 50 Pittsburg {via Exes. 32, 4b, or ib2 to N. Falls, seep. g8) 45 50 Pittsburg {via Exes. 34g or 330 to N. P'alls, see p. 95) 40 50 Boston.. New York..., Philadelphia S'? CO 35 00 Baltimore ...f37 75 Washington 39 75 Richmond... 46 75 NIAGARA FALLS TO MONTREAL. (Returning via White Dloiin'nins, Lake Champlain, Lake George, and Saratoga.) EXCURSION X —28 AND EXC. 414 . (For route to N. Falls and return from New York, see pages 94 to 99.) New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Lewiston. Steamer on Lake Ontario.to Toronto. Royal Mail Line ofSteamers (meals included) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Montreal. ”3 CRAWFORD HOUSE—PROFILK HOUSE. Orand Trunk R. W.to Stage.to Stage.to Mt. Washington R. W.to Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Portland & Ogdensburg R. R......to Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.....to Stage.....to Stage.to Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Passumpsic R. R.to Central Vermont R. R.to Steamer on Lake Champlain.to Champlain Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Steamer on Lake George.to Stage.to Saratoga Div. D & H. C. Co.to Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Day Line Steamers.to Gorham. Glen House. Tip-Top House. I Base of Mt. 1 Washington. Fabyan’s. Crawford House Fabyan’s. Bethlehem. Profile House. Littleton. Wells River. White Riv. June liurlington. Ft.Ticonderoga. Baldwin. Caldwell. Glen's Falls. Saratoga. Albany. New York. New York.^63 45 Philadelphia. 63 45 Harrisburg. 64 00 THROUGH RATES. Altoona.^69 20 Williamsport. 64 co New York.J41 25 Philadelphia. 39 00 Harrisburg... 37 50 THROUGH RATES. Altoona.^40 75 Pittsburg. 43 75 Williamsport.. 35 75 EXCURSION X—101. (For route to Niagara Falls, see pages 94 to 99.) New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Lewiston. Steamer on Lake Ontario.to Toronto. Royal Mail Line of Steamers (meals in¬ cluded) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Montreal. Royal Mail Line of Steamers or Grand Trunk R. W.to Quebec. Grand Trunk R. W. to Gorham. Stage.to Glen House. Stage.to Tip-Top House. Mt. Washington R. R.to-j^ Wa^hiSgtom Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Fabyan’s. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Crawford House New York.1^44 25 Philadelphia. 42 00 Harrisburg.... 40 53 THROUGH RATES. Altoona. $42 75 Pittsburg. 46 75 Williamsport. 38 75 Baltimore.$42 25 Washington 43 25 Richmond.... 47 25 NIAGARA FALLS to CRAWFORD HOUSE (Vlii illonlreal.) EXCURSION X— 49 . (For route to Niagara Falls, see pages 94 New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Steamer on Lake Ontario.to Royal Mail Line of Steamers (meals in¬ cluded) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Grand Trunk R. W.to Central Vermont R. R.to Passumpsic R. R. to Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to to 99.) Lewiston. Toronto. Montreal. St. John’s. White Riv.Junc. Wells River. Fabyan’s. Crawford House New York. 53 ^ 25 Philadelphia. 30 00 Harrisburg ... 28 50 THROUGH RATES. Altoona.$31 75 Pittsburg. 34 75 Williamsport. 26 75 Baltimore....530 25 Washington 31 25 Richmond... 35 25 Batimore. ...566 20 Washington. 68 20 Richmond... 75 20 Pittsburg {via Exes. 32, 46, or ib2 to N. Falls, seep. qS) 74 00 Pittsburg {via Exes. 34q or 330 to N. Falls, seep. qS) 69 00 NIAGARA FALLS to CRAWFORD HOUSE (Via Dluntreal and Mount 'ta liinglon.) EXCURSION X—100. (For route to Niagara Falls, see pages 94 to 99.) New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Lewiston. Steamer on Lake Ontario.to Toronto. Royal Mail Line of Steamers (meals in¬ cluded) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Montreal. Grand Trunk R. W .to Gorham. Stage.to Glen House. Stage.to Tip-Top House, M,. Washington R. R. to] Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Fabyan’s Portland & Ogdensburg R. R .to Crawford House Baltimore... #39 25 Washington 40 25 Richmond.. 44 25 NIAGARA FALLS to CRAWFORD HOUSE (Via Montreal, Qiiebee, and Mount Washington.) NIAGARA FALLS toCRAWFORD HOUSE (Via Ogden hurg.) EXCURSION X— 30 . (For route to Niagara Falls, see pages 94 to 99.) New York Central & Hudson River R R....to Lewiston. Steamer on Lake Ontario.to Toronto. Royal Mail Line of Steamers (meals in¬ cluded) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Ogdensburg. Central Vermont R. R.to White Riv. Jane. Passumpsic R. R.to Wells River Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Fabyan’s. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Crawford House New York.$32 00 Philadelphia. 29 75 Harrisburg.... 28 25 THROUGH RATES. Altoona.J31 50 Pittsburg. 34 53 Williamsport. 26 50 Baltimore....^30 00 Washington 31 00 Richmond... 35 00 NIAGARA FALLS to CRAWFORD HOUSE (Via Montreal.) EXCURSION X—237a. (For route to Niagara Falls, see pages 94 to 99.) New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Lewiston. Steamer on Lake Ontario .to Toronto. Royal Mail Line of Steamers (meals in¬ cluded) or Grand Trunk R. W.10 Montreal. Grand Trunk R. W.to St. John’s. Cential Vermont R R.to Montpelier. Montpelier & Wells River R. R. .to Wells River. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R. to Fabyan’s. Portland & Ogdeifsburg R. R.to Crawford House THROUGH RATES. New York.$32 25 Philadelphia. 30 co Harrisburg ... 28 50 Altoona.J31 75 Pittsburg. 34 75 Wibiamsport 26 75 Baltimore....$30 25 Washington. 31 25 Richmond.... 35 25 NIAGARA FALLS TO PROFILE HOUSE. (Via Montreal.) EXCURSION X— 47 . (For route to Niagara Falls, see pages 94 to 99.) New York Central & Hudson Riv. r R. R^.to Lewiston. Steamer on Lake Ontario..to Toronto. Royal Mail Line ofSteamers (meals included) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Montreal. Grand Trunk R. W.to St. John’s. Central Vermont R. R.to White Riv.Junc. Passumpsic R. R.to Wells River.' Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Littleton. Stage.to Profile House. New York.^33 25 Philadelphia. 31 co Harrisburg ... 29 50 THROUGH RATES. Altoona.$32 75 Pittsburg. 35 75 Williamsport. 27 75 Baltimore.... Washington 32 25 Richmond .. 36 25 NIAGARA FALLS TO PROFILE HOUSE. (Via Montreal and Mount Waxhing’.on.) EXCURSION X— 102 . (For route to Niagara Falls see pages 94 New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Steamer on Lake Ontario.to Royal Mail Line ofSteamers (meals included; or Grand Trunk R. W. to Grand Trunk R. W.to Stage.to Stage.to Mt. Washington R. R.to Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Stage.to to 99.) Lewiston. Toronto. Montreal. Gorham. Glen House. Tip Top House. J Base of Mt. 1 Washington. Fabyan’s. Crawford House Fabyan’s. Bethlehem. Profile House. New York.$44 75 Philadelphia. 42 50 Harrisburg.... 41 co THROUGH RATES. Altoona .^44 25 Pittsburg. 47 25 Williamsport. 39 25 B.4ltimore...$42 75 Washington 43 75 Richmond... 47 75 NIAGARA FALLS TO PROFILE HOUSE. (Via Monlroal and Mt. Washington.) EXCURSION X— 103 . (For route to Niagara Falls, see pages 94 to 99.) New York Central & Hudson River R. R.,.to Lewiston. Steamer on Lake Ontarfo .to Toronto. Royal Mail Line of Steamers (meals in¬ cluded) or Grand Trunk R. W....to Montreal. 114 PROFILE HOUSE—MONTREAL—QUEBEC—GORHAM—PORTLAND. Royal Mail Line of Steamers or Grand Trunk R. W.to Quebec. Grand Trunk R. W.to Gorham. Stage.to Glen House. Stage. .'. .to Tip-Top House. Tir » ) Base ot Mt. Mt. Washington R. W.to j Washington. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Fabyan’s. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Crawford House Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Fabyan’s. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Bethlehem. Stage.to Profile House. New York.. ^47 75 Philadelphia 45 50 Harrisburg... 44 co THROUGH RATES. Altoona.$47 25 Pittsburg. £o 25 Williamsport.. 42 25 Baltimore....^45 75 Washington. 46 75 Richmond... 50 75 I I NIAGARA FALLS TO PROFILE HOUSE. ! (Via Ogdensburg.) ! EXCURSION X— 48 . (For route to Niagara Falls, see pages 94 to 99.) New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Lewiston. Steamer on Lake Ontario.to Toionto. j Royal Mail Line of Steamers (meals in- I eluded) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Ogdensburg. 1 Central Vermont R. R.to WhiteRiv.June, j Pas.sumpsic R. R.to Wells River. j Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Littleton. , Stage.to Profile House. i THROUGH RATES. New York...^33 25 Philadelphia 31 00 Harrisburg... 29 50 Altoona.^32 75 Pittsburg. 35 75 Williamsport... 27 75 Baltimore....^31 25 Washington. 32 25 Richmond... 36 25 NIAGARA FALLS TO PROFILE HOUSE. (Tia Montreal.) EXCURSION X— 2575 . (For route to Niagara Falls, see pages 94 to 99.) New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Lewiston. Steamer on Lake Ontario.to Toronto. Royal Mail Line of Steamers (meals in¬ cluded) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Montreal. Grand Trunk R. W.to St. John’s. Central Vermont R. R.to Montpelier. Montpelier & Wells River R. R.to Wells River. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Littleton. Stage...to Profile House. THROUGH RATES. New York...^33 25 Philadelphia 31 00 Harrisburg... 29 50 Altoona.$32 75 Pittsburg. 35 75 Williamsport.. 27 75 Baltimore....;^3i 25 Washington. 32 25 Richmond... 36 25 NIAGARA FALLS TO MONTREAL. EXCURSION X— 6 . (For route to Niagara Falls, see pages 94 to 99.) New York Central & Hudson River R. R.. to Lewiston. Steamer on Lake Ontario..to Toronto. > Royal Mail Line of Steamers (meals in¬ cluded) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Montreal. THROUGH RATES. New York...^24 00 Philadelphia 21 75 Harrisburg... 20 25 Altoona.r.$23 50 Pittsburg. 26 50 Williamsport.. 18 50 Baltimore....$22 00 1 Washington. 23 00 | Richmond... 27 00 . NIAGARA FALLS TO MONTREAL AND QUEBEC. EXCURSION X— 7 . (For route to Niagara Falls, see pages 94 to 99 ) New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Lewiston. Steamer on Lake Ontario.to Toronto. Royal Mail Line of Steamers (meals in¬ cluded) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Montreal. Royal Mail Line of Steamers or Grand Trunk R. W.to Quebec. New York....;^26 50 Philadelphia 24 25 Harrisburg... 22 75 THROUGH RATES, Altoona. $26 00 Pittsburg. 29 00 Williamsport.. 21 00 Baltimore... $24 50 Washington. 25 50 Richmond.... 29 50 NIAGARA FALLS TO MONTREAL AND QUEBEC. (Retiiriiing to Montreal.) EXCURSION X—8. (For route to Niagara Falls, see pages 94 to 99.) New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Lewiston. Steamer on I ake Ontario.to Toronto. Royal Mail Line of Steamers (meals included) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Montreal. Royal Mail Line of Steamers or Grand Trunk R. W.to Quebec. Royal Mail Line of Steamers or Grand Trunk R. W..to Montreal. New York....$29 00 Philadelphia 26 75 Harrisburg... 25 25 THROUGH RATES. Altoona.50 Pittsburg. 31 50 Williamsport.. 23 50 Baltimore....^27 oo- Washington. 28 00 Richmond.... 32 00 NIAGARA FALLS TO GORHAM. (Via Montreal and Quebec.) EXCURSION X— 9 . (For route to Niagara Falls, see pages 94 to 99.) New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Lewiston. Steamer on Lake Ontario.to Toronto. Royal Mail Line of Steamers (meals included) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Montreal. Royal Mail Line of Steamers or Grand Trunk R. W.to Quebec. Grand Trunk R. W.to Gorham. New York ...$32 50 Philadelphia 30 25 Harrisburg .. 28 75 THROUGH RATES. Altoona.;^32 00 Pittsburg. 35 00 Williamsport.. 27 co Baltimore....$30 50 Washington. 31 50 Richmond.... 35 50 NIAGARA FALLS TO GORHAM. (Via Montreal.) EXCURSION X— 13 . (For route to Niagara Falls, see pages 94 to 99.) New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Lewiston. Steamer on Lake Ontario.to Toronto. Royal Mail Line of Steamers (meals included) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Montreal. Grand Trunk R. W.to Gorham. New York....^29 50 Philadelphia 27 25 Harrisburg... 25 75 THROUGH RATES. Altoona. $2g 00 Pittsburg. 32 00 Williamsport.. 24 00 Baltimore. ...^27 50 Washington. 28 50 Richmond... 32 50 NIAGARA FALLS TO PORTLAND. (Via Montreal and Quebec.) EXCURSION X—10. (For route to Niagara Falls, seepages 94 to 99.) New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Lewiston, Steamer on Lake Ontario. to Toronto. Royal Mail Line of Steamers (meals included) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Montreal. Royal Mail Line of Steamers or Grand Trunk R. W.to Quebec. Grand Trunk R. W.to Portland. New York....;j34 50 Philadelphia 32 25 Harrisburg... 30 75 THROUGH RATES. Altoona. $24 00 Pittsburg. 37 00 Williamsport.. 29 00 Baltimore....$32 50 Washington. 33 50 Richmond.... 37 50 NIAGARA FALLS TO PORTLAND. (Via Montreal.) EXCURSION X— 14 . (For route to Niagara Falls, see pages 94 to 99.) New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Lewiston. Steamer on Lake Ontario.to Toronto. Royal Mail Line of Steamers (meals included) or Grand Trunk R. W.to Montreal. Grand Trunk R. W.to Portland. New York...^31 50 Philadelphia 29 25 Harrisburg... 27 75 THROUGH RATES. Altoona.$31 00 Pittsburg. 34 00 Williamsport.. 26 00 Baltimore....$29 50 Washington. 30 50 Richmond.... 34 50 LANCASTER—QUEBEC. NIAGARA FALLS TO LANCASTER. (Via Montrrnl.) EXCURSION X— 98 . (For route to Niagara F'alls, see pages 94 to 99.) New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Lewiston. Steamer on Lake Ontario.to Toronto. Royal Mail Line of Steamers (meals included) or Grank Trunk R, W.to Montreal. Royal Mail Line of Steamers or Grand Trunk R. W. .to (Quebec. •Grand I'runk R. W.to Groveton. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R. or Stage to Lancaster. New York ...^30 50 Philadelphia 28 25 Harrisburg... 26 75 THROUGH RATES. Altoona.ji?3o 00 Pittsburg. 33 00 Williamsport.. 25 00 Baltimore....^128 50 Washington. 29 50 Richmond.... 33 50 NEW YORK TO QUEBEC AND RETURN. EXCURSION X- 114 . (For route to New York and return, see pages 94 to 99.) Sound Line Steamers.to New London. New London Northern R. R.to Miller’s Falls. Central Vermont R. R. .to Brattleboro. Vermont Valley R. R.to Bellows Falls. Central Vermont R. R.to White Riv.June. Passumpsic R, R.to Sherbrooke. Grand Trunk R. W.to Quebec. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia^30 00 Altoona.)j539 00 Harrisburg... 34 00 Pittsburg. 43 75 Williamsport 36 00 NEW YORK TO QUEBEC. (Ketiirning vin White .lloiiiitains.) Baltimore.^35 00 Washington. 37 00 Richmond.... 44 00 EXCURSION X—US. (For route to New York and return, see pages 94 to 99.) New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R...to Springfield. Connecticut River R. R.to South Vernon. Central Vermont R. R...to Brattleboro. Vermont Valley R. R. 1 .to Bellows Falls. Central Vermont R. R.to White Riv.Junc. Passumpsic R. R.to Sherbrooke. Grand Trunk R. W.to Quebec. Grand Trunk R. W. to Sherbrooke. Passumpsic R. R.to Wells River. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Littleton. Stage.to Profile House. Stage.to Bethlehem. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Fabyan’s. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Crawford House Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Fabyan’s. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Wells River. Passumpsic R. R.to White Riv.Junc. Central Vermont R. R.to Bellows Falls. Vermont Valley R. R..to Brattleboro. Central Vermont R. R.to South Vernon. Connecticut River R. R..*..to Springfield. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R,..to New York. THROUGH KATES. Altoona.$49 00 Baltimore....;j545 00 Pittsburg. 53 75 Washington. 47 00 Richmond... 54 00 NEW YORK TO QUEBEC. l.Ueturiiiiig via W’liite Uloiintainb.) Philadelphia;^40 00 Harrisburg.. 44 co Williamsport 46 00 EXCURSION X— 116 . (For route to New York and return, see pages 94 to 99.) Sound Line Steamers.to New London. New London Northern R. R.to Miller’s Falls. Central Vermont R. R.to Brattleboro. Vermont Valley R. R.to Bellows Falls. Central Vermont R. R .to White Riv.Junc. Passumpsic R. R.to Sherbrooke. Grand Trunk R. W.to Quebec. Grand Trunk R. W.to Sherbrooke. Passumpsic R. R.to Wells River. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Littleton. Stage.to Profile House. Stage.to Bethlehem. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Fabyan's. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R..'.to Crawford House Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Fabyan’s. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Wells River. Passumpsic R. R.to White Riv.Junc. Central Vermont R. R.to Bellows Falls. I Vermont Valley R. R.to Brattleboro. Central Vermont R. R.to Miller's Falls. New London Northern R. R.to New London. Sound Line Steamers.to New York. PhiIadelphia;J39 00 Harrisburg.. 43 00 Williamsport 45 00 THROUGH KATES. Altoona.J48 00 Pittsburg. 52 75 Baltimore....$44 00 Washington. 46 00 Richmond... 53 00 NEW YORK TO QUEBEC AND RETURN. EXCURSION X— 117 . (For route to New York and return, see pages 94 to 99.) New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R..to Springfield. Connecticut River R. R.to South Vernon. Central Vermont R. R.to Brattleboro. Vermont Valley R. R.to Bellows Falls. Central Vermont R. R.to White Riv.Junc. Passumpsic R. R.to Sherbrooke. Grand Trunk R. W.to Quebec. Returning by same route. Philadelphia$3i 00 Harrisburg.. 35 00 Williamsport 37 00 THROUGH RATES. Altoona.J40 00 Pittsburg. 44 75 Baltimore....$36 00 Washington. 38 00 Richnumd... 45 00 NEW YORK TO QUEBEC. (Ileiurniiig via White MouiitainH, Lake WinnipLeogee, and Uo»ton.) EXCURSION X— 118 . (For route to New York and return, see pages 94 to 99.) New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R..to Springfield. Connecticut River R. R.to South Vernon. Central Vermont R. R.to Brattleboro. Vermont Valley R. R.to Bellows Falls. Central Vermont R. R.to White Riv. June. I Passumpsic R. R.to Sherbrooke. Grand Trunk R. W.to Sherbrooke. Passumpsic R. R.to Wells River. ! Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.L....to Littleton. Stage.to Profile House. Stage.to Bethlehem. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Fabyan’s. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Crawford House Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to North Conway. Eastern R. R.to West Ossipee. Stage.to Centre Harbor. Steamer on Lake Winnipiseogee.to Weirs. Boston, Concord & ^Montreal R. R.to Concord. Concord R. R.to Nashua. Boston, Lowell & Nashua R. R.to Boston. Sound Lines.to New York. Philadelphia $43 50 Harrisburg... 47 50 Williamsport 49 50 THROUGH RATES. Altoona.$52 50 Pittsburg. 57 25 Baltimore....1^8 50 Washington 50 50 Richmond.... 57 50 NEW YORK TO QUEBEC. (Returning via White Mountain!!, Lake Winnipiseogee, and Boston.) EXCURSION X— 119 . (For route to New York and return, see pages 94 to 99.) Sound Line Steamers.to New London. New London Northern R. R.to Miller’s Falls. Central Vermont R. R.to Brattleboro. Vermont Valley R. R.to Bellows Falls. Central Vermont R. R.to White Riv.Junc. Passumpsic R. R.to Sherbrooke. Grand Trunk R. W.to (Juebec. Grand Trunk R. W.to Sherbrooke. Passumpsic R. R.to Wells River. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Littleton. Stage.to Profile House. Stage.to Bethlehem. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Fabyan’s. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Crawford House Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Conway. Eastern R. R.to West Ossipee. Stage.to Centre Harbor. Steamer on Lake Winnipiseogee.to Weirs. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Concord. Concord R. R.to Nashua. Boston, Lowell & Nashua R. R.to Boston. Sound Lines.to New York. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia $43 00 Harrisburg... 47 co Williamsport 49 00 Altoona.^52 00 Pittsburg. 56 75 Baltimore ...1^48 00 Washington. 50 00 Richmond... 57 00 16 QUEBEC. NEW YORK TO QUEBEC. (Returning via White Mountains, Lake Winnipiseugee, and Boston.) EXCURSION X— 120 . (For route to New York and return, see pages 94 to 99 ) New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R..to Springfield. Connecticut River R. R.to South Vernon. Central Vermont R. R.to Brattleboro Vermont Valley R. R.to Bellows Falls. Central Vermont R. R.to White Riv.Junc. Passumpsic R. R.to Sherbrooke. Grand Trunk R. W. to Quebec. Grand Trunk R. W.to (jorham. Stage.to Glen House. Stage.to Glen Station. Portland & Ogdensburg R R.to North Conway. Eastern R. R.to West Ossipee. Stage.to Centre Harbor. Steamer on Lake Winnipiseogee.to Alton Bay. Boston & Maine R. R.to Boston. Sound Lines.to New York. Philadelphia^4i 50 Harrisburg.. 45 50 Williamsport 47 50 THROUGH RATES. Altoona.1^50 50 Pittsburg. 55 25 Baltimore ....^46 50 Washington. 48 50 Richmond.... 55 =0 NEW YORK TO QUEBEC. (Returning via White Mountain<‘, Lake Winnipiseugee, and Boston.) EXCURSION X— 121 . (For route to New York and return, see pages 94 to 99.) Sound Line Steamers.to New London Northern R. R.to Central Vermont R. R.to Vermont Valley R. R.to Central Vermont R. R.to Passumpsic R. R.to Grand Trunk R. W.to Grand Trunk R. W.to Stage.to Stage.to Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Eastern R. R.to Stage.to Steamer on Lake Winnipiseogee.to Boston & Maine R. R.to Sound Lines.to New London. Miller’s Falls. Brattleboro. Bellows Falls. White Riv.Junc. Sherbrooke. Quebec, (jorham. Glen House. Glen Station. North Conway. West Ossipee. Centre Harbor. Alton Bay. Boston. New York. 00 Philadelphia$4i Harrisburg . 45 00 Williamsport 47 00 THROUGH RATES. Altoona. J50 00 Pittsburg. 54 75 Baltimore ... J46 00 Washington 48 00 Richmond... 55 co NEW YORK TO QUEBEC. (Returning via Glen House and Portland.) EXCURSION X— 122 . (For route to New York and return, see pages 94 to 99.) New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R...to Springfield. Connecticut River R. R.. to South Vernon. Central Vermont R. R.to Brattleboro. Vermont Valley R. R.to Bellows Falls. Central Vermont R. R.to White Riv.Junc. Passumpsic R. R.to Sherbrooke. Grand Trunk R. W.to Quebec. Grand Trunk R. W.to Gorham. Stage.to Glen House. Stage.to Glen Station. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Portland. Boston & Maine or Eastern R. R.to Boston. Sound Lines.to New York. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia,^37 75 Harrisburg.. 41 75 Williamsport 43 75 Altoona.$^6 75 Pittsburg. 51 10 Baltimore ....542 75 Washington. 44 75 Richmond ... 51 75 NEW YORK TO QUEBEC. (Returning via Glen House and Portland.) EXCURSION X— 123 . 'For route to New York and return, see pages 94 to 99.) Sound Line Steamers.to New London. New London Northern R. R.to Miller’s Falls. Central Vermont R. R.to Brattleboro. Vermont Valley R. R.to Bellows Falls. Central Vermont R. R.to White Riv.Junc. Passumpsic R. R..to Sherbrooke. Grand Trunk R. W.to Quebec. Grand Trunk R. W.to Gorham. Stage.to Glen House. Stage.to Glen Station. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Portland. Boston & Maine or Eastern R. R.to Boston. Sound Lines.to New York. Philadelphia$37 25 Harrisburg... 41 25 Williamsport 43 25 THROUGH RATES. Altoona.#46 25 Pittsburg. 51 00 Baltimore... 1^42 25 Washington 44 25 Richmond... 51 25 NEW YORK TO QUEBEC. (Returning via Montreal and Boston.) EXCURSION X— 124 . (For route to New York and return, see pages 94 to 99.) New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R....to Springfield. Connecticut River R. R.to South Vernon. Central Vermont R. R.to Brattleboro. Vermont Valley R. R.to Bellows Falls. Central Vermont R. R.to White Riv.Junc. Passumpsic R. R.to Sherbrooke. Grand Trunk R. W.to Quebec. Royal Mail Line of Steamers or Grand Trunk R. W.to Montreal. Grand Trunk R. W. to St. John’s. Central Vermont R. R.to White Riv.Junc. Northern (N. H.) R. R.to Concord. Concord R. R.to Nashua. Boston, Lowell & Nashua R. R.to Boston. Sound Lines.to New York. Philadelphia ^34 50 Harrisburg... 38 50 Williamsport 40 50 THROUGH RATES. Altoona.^^43 50 Pittsburg. 48 25 Baltimore....$39 50 Washington 41 50 Richmond... 48 50 NEW YORK TO QUEBEC. (Keturning via Montreal and Boston.) EXCURSION X—12s. (For route to Ncat York and return, see pages 94 to 99.) Sound Line Steamers.to New London. New London Northern R. R.to Miller’s Falls. Central Vermont R. R.to Brattleboro. Vermont Valley R. R.to Bellows Falls. Central Vermont R. R.to White Riv.Junc. Passumpsic R. R.to Sherbrooke. Grand Trunk R. W.to Quebec. Royal Mail Line of Steamers or Grand Trunk R. W.to Montreal. Grand Trunk R. W.to St. John’s. Central Vermont R. R.to WhiteRiv.Junc. Northern (N. H.) R. R.to Concord.,- Concord R. R.to Nashua. Boston, Lowell & Nashua R. R......to Boston. Sound Lines.to New York. Philadelphia ^34 00 Harrisburg... 38 00 Williamsport 40 00 THROUGH RATES. Altoona.$43 00 Pittsburg. 47 75 Baltimore....$39 00 Washington 41 00 Richmond... 48 co NEW YORK TO QUEBEC. (Returning via Montreal, Lake Clianiplain, and Lake George.) EXCURSION X— 126 . (For route to New York and return, see pages 94 to 99.) New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R....to Springfield. Connecticut River R. R.to South Vernon. Central Vermont R. R.to Brattleboro. Vermont Valley R. R.to Bellows Falls. Central Vermont R. R.to White Riv.Junc. Passumpsic R. R.to Sherbrooke. Grand Trunk R. W..to Quebec. Royal Mail Line of Steamers or Grand Trunk R. W.to Montreal. Grand Trunk R. W.to Rouse’s Point. Champlain Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Plattsburg. Champlain Div. D. & H. C. Co. or Steamer..to Ft.Ticonderoga. Lake George Branch D. & H. C. Co..to Baldwin. Steamer on Lake George. to Caldwell. Stage.to Glen’s Falls. Saratoga Div. D. & H C. Co.to Saratoga. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Albany. Day Line Steamers.to New York. Philadelphia$36 00 Harrisburg... 40 co Williamsport 42 00 THROUGH RATES. Altoona.$45 00 Pittsburg. 49 75 Baltimore....^41 00 Washington 43 00 Richmond... 50 00 117 LEWI. TOWN NARI OWS. ii8 QUEBEC—WHITE MOUNTAINS—MT. WASHINGTON. NEW YORK TO QUEBEC. (Returning via Montreal, Lake Champlain, and Lake George.) EXCURSION X— 127 . (For route to New York and return, see pages 94 to 99.) Sound Line Steamers.to New London. New London Northern R. R.to Miller’s Falls. Central Vermont R. R.to Brattleboro. Vermont Valley R. R.to Bellows Falls. Central Vermont R. R.to White Riv.Junc. Passumpsic R. R.to Sherbrooke. Grand Trunk R. W.to Quebec. Royal Mail Line of Steamers or Grand Trunk R. W.to Montreal. Grand Trunk R. W.to Rouse’s Point. Champlain Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Plattsburg. Champlain Div. D. & H. C. Co. or Steamer..to Ft.Ticonderoga. Lake George Branch D. & H. C. Co.to Baldwin. Steamer on Lake George.to Caldwell. Stage.to Glen’s Falls. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Saratoga. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Albany Day Line Steamers. to New York. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia $35 50 Harrisburg... 39 50 Williamsport 41 50 Altoona.^44 50 Pittsburg. 49 25 Baltimore....^40 50 Washington. 42 50 Richmond... 49 50 NEW YORK TO QUEBEC VIA WHITE MOUNTAINS. (Returning via Slontreal and Lake Champlain.) EXCURSION X— 128 . (For route to New York and return, see pages 94 to 99.) New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R....to Springfield Connecticut River R. R.to South Vernon. Central Vermont R. R.,to Brattleboro. Vermont Valley R. R.to Bellows Falls. Central Vermont R. R.to White Riv.Junc. Passumpsic R. R. to Wells River. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Littleton. Stage.to Profile House. Stage.. to Bethlehem. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Fabyan’s. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Crawford House Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Fabyan’s. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Wells River. Passumpsic R. R.to Sherbrooke. Grand Trunk R. W.to Quebec. Royal Mail Line of Steamers or Grand Trunk R. W.to Montreal. Grand Trunk R. W.to Rouse’s Point. Champlain Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Plattsburg. Champlain Div. D. & H. C. Cc. or Steamer..to Ft.Ticonderoga. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Saratoga. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C Co.to Troy. New York Central & Hudson River R. R....to New York. Philadelphia $43 75 Harrisburg... 47 75 Williamsport 49 75 THROUGH RATES. Altoona.^52 75 Pittsburg. 57 50 Baltimore....$48 75 Washington 50 75 Richmond... 57 75 NEW YORK TO QUEBEC VIA WHITE MOUNTAINS. (Returning via Montreal and Lake Champlain.) EXCURSION X— 129 . (For route to New York and return, see pages 94 to 99.) Sound Line Steamers.to New London. New London Northern R. R.to Miller’s Falls. Central Vermont R. R.to Brattleboro. Vermont Valley R. R.to Bellows Falls. Central Vermont R. R.to White Riv.Junc. Passumpsic R. R.to Wells River. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Littleton. Stage.to Profile House. Stage.to Bethlehem. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R. to Fabyan’s. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Crawford House Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Fabyan’s. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Wells River. Passumpsic R. R.to Sherbrooke. Grand Trunk R. W.to Quebec. Royal Mail Line of Steamers or Grand Trunk R. W.to Montreal. Grand Trunk R. W.to Rouse’s Point. Champlain Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Plattsburg. Champlain Div. D. & H. C. Co. or Steamer..to Ft.Ticonderoga. Saratoga Div. D. & H C. Co.to Saratoga. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Troy. New York Central & Hudson River R. R....to New York. Philadelphia^43 2; Harrisburg... 47 25 Williamsport 49 25 THROUGH RATES. Altoona.^52 25 Pittsburg. 57 00 Baltimore....$48 25 Washington 50 25 Richmond... 57 25 NEW YORK TO MT. WASHINGTON AND RETURN. EXCURSION N. Y. 1 . (For route to New York and return, see pages 94 to 99.) Norwich & New York Transportation Co....to New London.- Norwich & Worcester R. R.to Worcester. Worcester & Nashua R. R.to Nashua. Concord R. R.to Concord. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to | ^^LkUeton^'' Stage.to Profile House. Stage.to Bethlehem. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Fabyan’s. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R. .to | WasUn^n. Mt Washington R R. to Summit. Mt.'Washington R. R.to Base. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Fabyan’s. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Concord. Concord R. R.to Nashua. Poston, Lowell & Nashua R. R.to Boston. Old Colony R. R.to Fall River. Old Colony Steamboat Co.to New York. THROUGH KATES. Williamsport..^39 00 Baltimore. 38 00 Washington.... 40 00 Philadelphia^33 00 Harrisburg... 37 00 Altoona.^42 00 Pittsburg 46 75 NEW YORK TO WHITE MOUNTAINS AND RETURN. EXCURSION N. Y.— 3 . (For route to New York and return, see pages 94 to 99.) Old Colony Steamboat Co.to Fall River, Old Colony R. R. .to Boston. Boston, Lowell & Nashua R. R.to Nashua. Concord R. R. to Concord. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to | Stage...to Profile House. Stage.to Bethlehem. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Fabyan’s. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Concord. Concord R. R.to Nashua. Worcester & Nashua R. R.to Worcester. Norwich & Worcester R. R.to New Londor>. Norwich & New York Transportation Co....to New York. Philadelphia.^27 00 Harrisburg.... 31 00 THROUGH RATES. Williamsport.^33 00 Baltimore. 32 00 Washington.. 34 00 Altoona .1^36 00 Pittsburg. 40 75 NEW YORK TO WHITE MOUNTAINS AND RETURN. EXCURSION N. Y.—S. (For route to New York and return, see pages 94 to 99.) Norwich & New York Transportation Co....to New London. Norwich & Worcester R. R.to Worcester. Worcester & Nashua R. R.to Nashua. Concord R. R...to Concord. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to | ^]juleto^°*^ Stage.to Profile House. Stage.to Bethlehem. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Fabyan’s. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Crawford House Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to North Conway. Eastern R. R. to Wolfboro. Steamer on Lake Winnipiseogee.to Weirs. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Concord. Concord R. R.to Nashua. Boston, Lowell & Nashua R. R.to Boston. Old Colony R. R.to Fall River. Old Colony Steamboat Co.to New York. Philadelphia.^31 oo Harrisburg.... 35 00 THROUGH RATES. Williamsport.jf37 00 Baltimore. 36 00 Washington... 38 00 Altoona.$40 00 Pittsburg. 44 75, 119 WHITE MOUNTAINS—MT. WASHINGTON. WHITE MOUNTAINS I , Concord, Montreal, White Mountains, AND Mount Washington Railroad. This only All-Rail Route to the Summit of MOUNT WASHINGTON takes pas'cngers from NEW LONDON SrONINGTON, PROVIDENCE, P^ALL RIVER, BOSTON, and all cities and towns along the main New England Railway Lines, by through trains equipped with ELEGAITT EEA.WIlTa-EOOI^ CA.ES, CONNECTING ( returning) WITH THE SOUND BOATS from NEW YORK, and-Philadelphia, New York, and Western Railway Lines. The route is through the manufacturing cities and towns of the MERRIMACK VALLEY, and skirting for.*thirty miles the shores of LAKE WIHNIPESAUK "Passengers dine, without haste, at the famed PEMIGEVVASSET HOUSE, PLYMOUTH, and pass on through the CONNECTICUT AND AMMONOOSUC VALLEYS, Giving to observant travelers a succession of RIVER, LAKE, and MOUNTAIN VIEWS unequaled in rugged outline and startling variety. This is the only route by which passengers by morning trains from BOSTON and the principal New England cities can reach the Summit of Mount Washington the same evening. LiOWER RATES FOR 1878 .—Parties purchasing through tickets can stop at all points of interest and proceed at their pleasure; or, leaving NEW YORK by any of the various routes at evening, may reach any of the Mountain Houses, or the Summit of Mount Washington itself, early the next afternoon. Ask for Through Tickets via BOSTON, CONCORD, MONTREAL & WHITE MOUNTAINS RAILROAD. See Maps and Circulars for full information. ^ T’l-IRnTTGH obtained at all the Pennsylvania Railroad Ticket Offices; at the Offices of the 1 lv./A.rj 1 O s^und Boats at Piers in New York; at the Grand Central Depot, New York; and at No. 5 State Street, Boston. BAGGAGE CHECKED THROUGH. W. R. BRACKETT, J. A. DODGE, General Ticket Agent. Superintendent, Plgmouth, A”. //. NEW YORK TO WHITE MOUNTAINS AND RETURN. EXCURSION N. Y.— 7 . (For route to New York and return, see pages 94 to 99.) Old Colony Steamboat Co. Old Colony R. R. Boston, Clinton & Fitchburg R. R. Concord R. R. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R, Stage. Stage. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R Portland & Ogdensburg R. R. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R. Eastern R. R. Steamer on Lake Winnipiseogee.... Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R, ■Concord R. R. Boston, Lowell & Nashua R. R. Old Colony R. R. Old Colony Steamboat Co. .to Fall River, to Weir Junction, to Concord June, to Concord. ( Plymouth or [ Littleton, to Profile House, to Bethlehem, to Fabyan’s. to Crawford House ,to North Conway. ,to Wolf boro. ,to Weirs. ,to Concord. .to Nashua. ,to Boston. .to Fall River. .to New York. Philadelphia.$31 00 Harrisburg ... 35 00 THROUGH RATES. Williamsport.;g37 00 Baltimore. 36 od Washington... 38 00 Altoona.^40 od Pittsburg 44 75 NEW YORK TO MT. WASHINGTON AND RETURN. EXCURSION N. Y.— 9 . (For route to New York and return, see pages 94 to 99.) Old Colony Steamboat Co.to Fall River. Old Colony R. R. to Boston. Boston, Lowell & Nashua R. R.to Nashua. Concord R. R.to Concord. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to| ^Liu°^tmi°*^ Stage.to Profile House. Stage.to Bethlehem. Boston. Concord & Montreal R. R.to Fabyan’s. Boston , Concord & Montreal R. R.to | B.ise of Mt. Washington. Mt. Washington R. R.to Summit. Stage.to Glen House. Stage.to Glen Station Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Crawford House Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Fabj-an's. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Concord. , Concord R. R.to Concord June. Boston, Clinton & Fitchburg R. R.to Weir Junction Old Colony R. R.to Fall River. ! Old Colony Steamboat Co.to New York. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia.^37 00 Harrisburg.... 41 00 Williamsport.J43 00 Altoona.^6 co Baltimore. 42 co Pittsburg. 50 75 Washington... 44 00 NEW YORK TO WHITE MOUNTAINS AND RETURN. EXCURSION N. Y.— 11 . (For toute to New York and return, see pages 94 to 99.) Old Colony Steamboat Co.to Fall River. Old Colony R. R.to Weir Junction. Boston, Clinton & Fitchburg R. R.to Concord June. Concord R. R.to Concord. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Weirs. Steamer.to Wolfboro. » Eastern R. R.to North Conway. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Crawford. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Fabyan's. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Bethlehem. I Stage.to Profile House. „ f Littleton or I Stage.. I Plymouth. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Concord. Concord R. R ..to Nashua. Worcester & Nashua R. R.to Worcester. Norwich & Worcester R. R.to New London. Norwich & New York Transportation Co....to New York. Philadelphia.^30 co Harrisburg... 34 00 THROUGH RATES. Williamsport.J36 00 Baltimore. 35 00 Washington... 37 00 .Altoona.^39 00 Pittsburg 43 75 120 FABYAN HOUSE—SARATOGA—LAKE CHAM PLAIN—LAKE GEORGE. f^White Mountains, LAKE GEORGE, LAKE CHAMPLAIN, THE ADIRONDACKS, MOUNT MANSFIELD, MONTREAL, QUEBEC, THOUSAND ISLANDS, RAPIDS ST. LAWRENCE, PROFILE HOUSE, CRAWFORD HOUSE, BETHLEHEM, TWIN MOUNTAIN AND FABYAN HOUSES, AND MOUNT WASHINGTON. PURCHASE TICKETS BY CENTRAL VERMONT R. R. Roun' 1 -Trip Tickets issued via Niagara Falls and the St. Lawrence River (Thousand Islands and Rapids), and are good either via HAIZ/ or STJEA 3 ZER, or alternately Rail and Steamer, which pass through Thousand Islands and Rapids by daylight, passing under the worlJ-renowned “ VICTORIA BRIDGE,” at Montreal. THE OLD-ESTABLISHED AND FOBULAIt ALL-BAIL ROUTE BETWEEN NEW YORK MONTREAL With WAGNER'S SILVER PALACE DRAWING-ROOM AND SLEEPING CARS ON ALL EXPRESS TRAINS BETWEEN NEW YORK AND MONTREAL. PULLMAN PARLOR, DAY, AND SLEEPING CARS on all e.^oress trains between Boston and Montreal and Spring- field and Montreal. DR.AWING ROO.VI CARS between New York and WHITE 3 IOUNTAINS without change. Tourists* nnd Excursion, Tickets at greatly reduced rates, for sale at all the principal Stations and Ticket Offices of the PRNNSYLVA.MlA RAILROAD ; also, at all the leading hotels and Ticket Offices in New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington, and in all the princip il cities of the South, West, Middle, and New England States. Also, at the Company’s Offices, 417 Broa livay, corner ijiinal Street^ New York; 322 Washington Street, corner Milk Street, Boston; and 136 St. James Street, Montreal, where seats and berths in Drawing-room and Sleeping Cars can be secured. G. W. BENTLEY, Gen I Manager. CHAS. A. BROWN, Traveling Agent. S. W. CUMMINGS, Gen'I Pass’r Agent. St. Alban’s Vermont, May 15th, 1878. NEW YORK TO FABYAN HOUSE AND RETURN. EXCURSION N.Y.— 13 . (For route to New York and return, see pages 94 to 99.) Old Colony Steamboat Co.to Fall River. Old Colony R. R.to Weir Junction. Boston, Clinton & Fitchburg R. R.to Concord June. Concord R. R.to Concord. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Fabyan's. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Concord. Concord R. R.to Nashua. Boston, Lowell & Nashua R. R.to Boston. Old Colony R. R.to Fall River. Old Colony Steamboat Co.to New York. Philadelphia.^22 00 Harrisburg... 26 00 THROUGH RATES. Williamsport.^28 00 Altoona.^31 00 Baltimore. 27 co Pittsburg.... 35 75 Washington... 29 00 NEW YORK TO SARATOGA AND LAKE CHAMPLAIN. (Kctiirning via White mountains, Lake W'iiiniptseogee, nnd Boston.) EXCURSION V —23 OR 22 AND V— 108 . (For route to New York and return, see pages 94 to 99.) Hudson River Day Line Steamers.to Albany. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C Co.to Saratoga. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Ft.Ticonderoga. Steamer on Lake Champlain.to Burlington. Central Vermont R. R.to WhiteRiv June. Passumpsic R. R. to Wells River. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to l.ittleton. Stage.to Profile House. Stage.to Bethlehem. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Fabyan’s. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Crawford. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to North Conway. Eastern R. R.to Wolfboro. Steamer.to Centre Harbor. Lake Winnipiseogee.to Weirs. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Concord. Concord R. R.to Nashua. Boston, Lowell & Nashua R. R.to Boston. Sound Lines.to New York or vice versa. Philadelphia.532 35 Harrisburg... 36 35 THROUGH RATES. Williamsport.$38 35 Baltimore. 37 35 Washington... 39 35 Altoona.... Pittsburg. MI 35 46 10 i I I NEW YORK TO SARATOGA, LAKE GEORGE, AND LAKE CHAMPLAIN. (Returning via White mountains. Lake Winnipiseogee, nnd Boston.) EXCURSION V —33 OR 34 AND V— 108 . (For route to New York and return, see pages 94 to 99.) Hudson River Day Line Steamers.to Albany. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Saratoga. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Glen’s Falls. Stage.to Caldwell. Steamer on Lake George.to Baldwin. Lake George Branch D. & H. C. Co.to Ft.Ticonderoga. Steamer on Lake Champlain.to Burlington. Central Vermont R. R.to White Riv.Junc Passumpsic R. R.to Wells River. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Littleton. Stage.to Profile House. Stage.to Bethlehem. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Fabyan’s. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Crawford House Portland & Ogdensburg R. R..to Nonh Conway. Eastern R. R.to Wolfboro. Steamer.to Centre Harbor. Lake Winnipiseogee.to Weirs. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Concord. Concord R. R.to Nashua. Boston, Lowell & Nashua R. R.to Boston. Sound Lines.to New York, ox vice versa. THROUGH KATES. Philadelphia.$34 65 Williamsport..;^40 65 Altoona.^43 65 Harrisburg... 38 65 Baltimore. 39 65 Pittsburg. 48 40 Washington... 41 65 121 SARATOGA—LAKE GEORGE—LAKE CHAMPLAIN—MONTREAL NEW YORK TO SARATOGA, LAKE CHAMPLAIN, AND MONTREAL. (Ketiiriilng; via Itoiitoii.) EXCURSION V —37 OR 30 AND V— 108 . (I'or route to New York and return, see pages 94 to 99.) Hudson River Day Line Steamers Saratoga Div, D. & H. C. Co. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co. Steamer on Lake Champlain. Central Vermont R. R. Grand Trunk R. W. Grand Trunk R. W. Central Vermont R. R. Northern (N. H.) R. R. Concord R. R. Boston, Lowell & Nashua R. R.... Sound Lines. .to Albany. .to Saratoga. .to Ft.Ticondcroga. .to Burlington. .to St. John’s. .to Montreal. .to St. John's. .to White Riv June. .to Concord. .t i Nashua. .to Boston. to New Y ork, oi vice versa. Philadelphia$28 00 Harrisburg... 32 00 THROUGH RATES. Wiliamsport..|S34 00 Altoona.5^37 00 Baltimore. 33 00 Pittsburg. 41 75 Washington... 35 00 NEW YORK TO SARATOGA, LAKE , GRORGE, LAKE CHAMPLAIN, AND MONTREAL. ' (Ketiiriiing via lioston.) EXCURSION V —38 OR 39 AND 108 . (For route to New York and return, see pages 94 to 99.) Hudson River Day Line Steamers.to Albany. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Saratoga. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Glen’s Falls. Stage.to Caldwell. Steamer on Lake George.to Baldwin. Lake George Branch D. & H. C. Co.to Ft. Ticonderoga. Steamer on Lake Champlain.to Burlington. Central Vermont R. R.to St. John’s Grand Trunk R. W.to Montreal. Grand Trunk R. W.to St. John’s Central Vermont R. R...to White Riv.Junc. Northern (N. H.) R. R.to Concord. Concord R. R.to Nashua. Boston, Lowell & Nashua R. R.to Boston. Sound Lines.to New York, or vice versa. Philadelphia$3i 15 Harrisburg... 35 15 THROUGH RATES. Williamsport...^37 15 Baltimore. 36 15 Washington.... 38 15 Altoona.$40 15 Pittsburg.... 44 90 NEW YORK TO SARATOGA, LAKE GEORGE, AND LAKE CHAMPLAIN. (itetiirning via Itoston.) EXCURSION V —40 OR 41 AND V— 108 . (For route to New York and return, see pages 94 to 99.) Hudson River Day Line Steamers.to Albany. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Saratoga. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Glen’s Falls. Stage.to Caldwell. Steamer on Lake George.to Baldwin. Lake George Branch D. & H. C. Co.to Ft. Ticonderoga. Steamer on Lake Champlain.to Burlington. Central Vermont R. R.to White Riv.Junc. Northern (N. H.) R. R. to Concord. Concord R. R.to Nashua. Boston, Lowell & Nashua R. R.to Boston. Sound Lines.to New York, or vice versa. Philadelphia ;^25 15 Harrisburg... 29 15 THROUGH RATES. Williamsport...$31 15 Baltimore. 30 15 Washington.... 32 15 Altoona.^34 15 Pittsburg. 38 90 NEW YORK TO SARATOGA SPRINGS, 1 LAKE CHAMPLAIN, AND MONTREAL, AND RETURN. EXCURSION V —42 OR 43 . (For route to New York and return, see pages 94 to 99.) Hudson River Day Line Steamers.to Albany. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Saratoga. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Ft.Ticonderoga. Steamer on Lake Champlain.to Burlington. Central Vermont R. R.to St. John’s Grand Trunk R. W.to Montreal. Grand T'unk R. W.to St. John’s. Central Vermont R. R.to Bellows Falls. Vermont Valley R. R.to Brattleboro. Central Vermont R. R.to South Vernon. Connecticut River R.R.to Springfield. N. Y., New Haven & Hartf’d R. R.to New , or vice versa. Philadelphia.$26 00 Harrisburg... 3000 THROUGH RATES. Williamsport...$32 00 Baltimore. 31 00 Washington.... 33 00 Altoona.I35 00 Pittsburg. 39 75 NEW YORK TO SARATOGA SPRINGS, LAKE GEORGE, LAKE CHAMPLAIN, AND MONTREAL, AND RETURN. EXCURSION V —44 OR 43 . (For route to New York and return, see pages 94 to 99.) Hudson River Day Line Steamers.to Albany. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Saratoga. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Glen’s Falls. Stage.to Caldwell. Steamer on Lake George.to Baldwin. Lake George Branch D. & H. C. Co.to Ft.'l’iconderoga. Steamer on Lake Champlain.to Burlington. Central Vermont R. R.to St. John’s. Grand Trunk R W.to Montreal. Grand Trunk R. W.to St John’s. Central Vermont R. R.to Bellows Falls Vermont Valley R. R.to Brattleboro. Central Vermont R. R.to South Vernon. Connecticut River R. R.to Springfield. N. Y., New Haven & Hartf’d R.R to New York,or THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia.$29 00 Harrisburg... 33 00 Williamsport.J35 co Baltimore. 34 00 Washington... 36 00 Altoona.$38 00 Pittsburg. 42 75 NEW YORK TO SARATOGA SPRINGS, LAKE GEORGE, LAKE CHAMPLAIN, AND RETURN. EXCURSION V —46 OR 47 (For route to New York and return, see pages 94 to 99.) Hudson River Day Line Steamers.to Albany. Saratoga Div. D.i& H. C. Co.to Saratoga. Saratoga Div. D, & H. C. Co.to Glen’s Falls. Stage.to Caldwell. Stedmer on Lake ( 3 eorge.to Baldwin. Lake George Branch D. & H. C Co.to Ft. Ticonderoga Steamer on Lake Champlain.to Burlington. Central Vermont R. R.to Bellows Falls. Vermont Valley R. R..to Brattleboro. Central Vermont R. R.to South Vernon. Connecticut River R. R.to Springfield. N.Y.jNew Haven & Harifd R. R. to New York, orw/c^ Philadelphia.$23 00 Harrisburg.... 27 00 THROUGH RATES. Williamsport.J2Q 00 Altoona.^32 00 Baltimore. 28 00 Pittsburg. 36 75 Washington.. 30 00 NEW YORK TO SARATOGA SPRINGS AND LAKE CHAMPLAIN. (Itetiirnin^ via Itostoii.) EXCURSION V —71 OR 72 AND V— 108 . (For route to New York and return, see pages 94 to 99.) Hudson River Day Line Steamers.to Albany. Saratoga Div. D. 8: H. C. Co.to Saratoga. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Ft. Ticonderoga Steamtron Lake Champlain.to Burlington. Central Vermont R. R.to White Riv.Junc. Northern (N. H.) R. R.v.Concord. Concord R. R. to Nashua. Boston, Lowell & Nashua R. R...to Boston. Sound Lines.to New York, or vice versa. Philadelphia.$22 60 Harrisburg.;.. 26 60 THROUGH RATES. Williamsport/.28 60 Baltimcre.27 60 Washington...29 60 Altoona.$31 60 Pittsburg. 36 35 122 SARATOGA SPRINGS—LAKE CHAMPLAIN—LAKE GEORGE—WHITE MOUNTAINS. NEW YORK TO SARATOGA SPRINGS AND LAKE CHAMPLAIN. (Iteluruing via Itiirlington and Itoston.) EXCURSION V—73 OR 74 AND V—108. (For route to New York and leturn, see pages 94 to 99.) Hudson River Day Line Steamers.to Albany. Saratoga Div. D & H. C. Co.to Saratoga. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C Co.to Ft. Ticonderoga Steamer on Lake Champlain.to Burlington. Cen ral Vermont R. R (P,.iUland Division)..to Bellows Falls. Cheshire R. R.to Fitchburg. Fitchburg R. R.to Boston. Sound Lines.to New York, or vice versa. Philadelphia.^22 6o Harrisburg.... 26 60 THROUGH RATES. Williamsport J28 6o Baltimore. 27 60 Washington.. 29 60 Altoona.^31 60 Pittsburg 36 35 NEW YORK TO SARATOGA SPRINGS, LAKE GEORGE, AND LAKE CHAM¬ PLAIN. (livturning via Koston.) EXCURSION V—7S OR 76 AND V—108. (For route to New York and return, see pages 94 to 99.) | Hudson River Day Line Steamers.to Albany. j Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Saratoga. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Glen’s Falls. I Stage.to Caldwell. j Steamer on Lake George .to Baldwin. j Lake George Branch D. & H. C. Co.to Ft. Ticonderoga j Steamer on Lake Champlain.to Burlington. ! Central Vermont R. R.(Rutland Division)...to Bellows Falls. Cheshire R. R.to Fiichburg. Fitchburg R. R.to Boston. Sound Lines.to New York, or vice versa. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia.1^25 15 Harrisburg.... 29 15 Williamsport $31 15 Baltimore. 30 15 Washington.. 32 15 Altoona.^34 15 Pittsburg 38 90 NEW YORK TO SARATOGA SPRINGS AND LAKE CHAMPLAIN. (lieturning via Kuriington and Springdeid.) EXCURSION V—77 OR 78. (For route to New York and return, see pages 94 to 99.) Hudson River Day Line Steamers.to Albany. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Saratoga. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Ft.Ticonderoga Steamer on Lake Champlain.to Burlington. Central Vermont R. R.to Bellows Falls. Vermont Valley R. R.to Bratileboro. Central Vermont R. R.to South Vernon. Connecticut River R. R.to Springfield. N.Y., New Haven & Hartf’d R. R.to New York, or vice versa. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphiaj2o 00 Harrisburg.. 24 00 Williamsport. .526 00 Altoona.1^29 00 Baltimore. 25 00 Pittsburg.... 33 75 Washington.... 27 00 NEW YORK TO WHITE MOUNTAINS. (Iteturning via Boston.) EXCURSION V—120 OR 121 AND V—108. (For route to New York and return, see pages 94 to 99.) Sound Line Steamers.to New London. New London Northern R. R.to Miller’s Falls. Central Vermont R. R.to Brattleboro. Vermont Valley R. R.to Bellow.s Falls. Central Vermont R. R.to White Riv.Junc. Passumpsic R. R. .to Wells River. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Littleton. Stage.to Profile House. Stage. to Bethlehem. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Fabyan’s. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Crawford House Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.....to North Conway. Eastern R. R.to Boston. Sound Lines.to New York, or vice versa. Philadelphia;^26 00 Harrisburg.. 30 00 THROUGH RATES. Williamsport..532 00 Baltimore. 31 00 Washington.... 33 00 Altoona.$35 00 Pittsburg. 39 75 I NEW YORK TO WHITE MOUNTAINS- (Keturning vi.a Boston.) EXCURSION V—122 OR 123 AND V—108 (For route to New York and return, see pages 94 to 99.) Sound Line Steamers...to New Londor.. New London Northern R. R.to Miller’s Falls. Central Vermont R. R.to Brattleboro. Vermont Valley R R.to Bellows F’alls. Central Vermont R. R.to White Riv.Junc Passumpsic R. R.to Wells River. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Fabyan’s. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Crawford House Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Fabyan’s. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Bethlehem. Stage.to Profile House. Stage. to Plymouth, Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R. to Concord. Concord R. R.to Nashua, Boston, Lowell & Nashua R. R.to Boston. Sound Lines. .to New York, or vice versa. Philadelphia$28 25 Harrisburg... 32 25 THROUGH RATES. Williamsport$34 25 Baltimore. 33 25 Washington.. 35 25 Altoona.$37 25 Pittsburg. 42 00 NEW YORK TO WHITE MOUNTAINS. (Via Lake George and Champlain, returning via Lake Winnipiseogee and Boston.) EXCURSION V—24 AND V—108. (For route to New York and return, see pages 94 to 99.) Day Line Steamers.to Albany. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Saratoga. Saratoga Div. D. & H, C. Co.to Glen’s Falls. Stage. to Caldwell. Steamer on Lake George.to Baldwin. Lake George Branch D. & H. C. Co.to Ft.Ticonderoga. Steamer on Lake Champlain.to Burlington. Central Vermont R. R.to White Riv.Junc. Passumpsic R. R.to Wells River. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Littleton. Stage. .-.to Profile House. Stage.to Bethlehem. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Fabyan’s. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Crawford House Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to North Conway. Eastern R R.to Wolfboro. Steamer.to Centre Harbor. Steamer on Lake Winnipiseogee.to Weirs. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Concord. Concord R. R.to Nashua. Boston, Lowell & Nashua R. R.to Boston. Sound Lines.to New York. Philadelphia$34 65 Harrisburg.. 38 65 THROUGH RATES. Williamsport$4o 65 Baltimore. 39 65 Washington.. 41 65 Altoona.$43 65 Pittsburg. 48 40 NEW YORK TO SARATOGA AND LAKE CHAMPLAIN AND RETURN. EXCURSION V—125 OR 124. (For route to New York and return, see pages 94 to 99.) Hudson River Day Line Steamers.to Albany. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Saratoga. Saratoga Div. D, & H. C Co.to Ft. Ticonderoga Steamer on Lake Champlain.to Burlington. Central Vermont R. R.to Bellows I'alls. Vermont Valhy R. R.to Brattleboro. Central Vermont R. R .to Miller’s Falls. New London Northern R. R.to New London. Sound Line Steamers.to New Yoik, or vice versa. Philadelphla$2o 00 Harrisburg.. 24 00 THROUGH RATES. Williamsport..$26 00 Altoona.1^29 00 Baltimore...... 25 00 Pittsburg. 33 75 Washington... 27 03 NEW YORK TO SARATOGA AND LAKE GEORGE AND LAKE CHAMPLAIN AND RETURN. EXCURSION V—127 OR 126. (For route to New York and return, see pages 94 to 99.) Hudson River Day Line Steamers....*!..to Albany. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Saratoga. 123 SARATOGA—LAKE GEORGE—MONTREAL—QUEBEC. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Glen’s Falls. Stage.to Caldwell. Steamer on Lake George.to Baldwin. Lake George Branch D. & H. C. Co.to Ft. Ticonderoga Steamer on Lake Champlain.to Burlington. Central Vermont R. R.to Bellows F’alls. Vermont Valley R. R.to Brattleboro. Central Vermont R R.to Miller's Falls. New London Northern R. R. to New London. Sound Line Steamers .to New York, or vice versa. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia$22 50 Harrisburg.. 26 50 Williamsport.,^28 jo Baltimore. 27 50 Washington ... 29 jo Altoona.J31 50 Pittsburg.... 36 25 NEW YORK TO SARATOGA SPRINGS, LAKE GEORGE, AND RETURN. EXCURSION V— 27 . (For route to New York and return, see pages 94 to 99.) Hudson Fiver Day Line Steamers.to Albany. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Saratoga. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Glen’s Falls. Stage.to Caldwell. Steamer on Lake George.to-j Stage.to Ft.Ticonderoga. Central Vermont R. R.to Bellows Falls. Vermont Valley R. R.to Brattleboro. Central Vermont R. R.to Miller’s Falls. Connecticut River R. R.to Springfield. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R...to New York. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia J21 co Harrisburg... 25 00 Williamsport..^27 00 Baltimore. 26 00 Washington... 28 00 Altoona.$30 00 Pittsburg 34 75 NEW YORK TO SARATOGA SPRINGS AND LAKE GEORGE. (Keturniiig «ia White Dluiintains.) EXCURSION V— 28 . (For route to New York and return, see pages 94 to 99.) Hudson River Day Line Steamers.to Albany. Saratoga Div. D. & H C. Co.to Saratoga. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Glen’s Falls. Stage. ’. .to Caldwell. Steamer on Lake George.to | Stage.to Ft.Ticonderoga. Central Vermont R. R.to Montpelier. Montpelier & Wells River R. R.to Wells River. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Littleton. Stage.to Profile House. Stage.to Bethlehem. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Fabyan’s. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Crawford House Portlands: Ogdensburg R. R.to Fabyan’s. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Wells River. Passumpsic R. R.to White Kiv June Central Vermont R. R.to Bellows Falls. Vermont Valley R. R.to Brattleboro. Central Vermont R. R.to Miller’s Falls. New London Northern R. R.to New London. Sound Line Steamers.to New York. Philadelphia.$33 50 Harrisburg... 37 50 THROUGH RATES. Williamsport.^39 50 Baltimore. 38 50 Washington... 40 50 NEW YORK TO SARATOGA SPRINGS AND LAKE GEORGE. (Itelurning via Boston. ) Philadelphia..$21 50 Harrisburg.... 25 50 Wiiliamsport.j$27 50 B.^lcimore. 26 50 Washington... 28 50 Altoona.^42 50 Pittsburg. 47 25 EXCURSION V —568 OR 569 AND V— 108 . (For route to New York and return, see pages 94 to 99.) Hudson River Day Line Steamers.to Albany. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Saratoga. ’ Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Ft.'I'iconderoga Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Baldwin. Stage or Steamer.to | ^°^Hotel^°^^ Stage.to I'iccnderoga. Central Vermont R. R. (Rutland Division).to Bellows Falls. Cheshire R. R.to Fitchburg. Fitchburg R. R..to Boston. Sound Lines.to New York, or vice versa. THROUGH RATES. Altoona.$30 50 Pittsburg.... 35 25 NEW YORK TO SARATOGA SPRINGS AND LAKE GEORGE. (Iteturiiing vU While JIounlain« and Bouton.) EXCURSION V —573 OR 572 AND V— 108 . (For route to New York and return, see pages 94 to 99 .) Hudson River Day Line Steamers.to Albany. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Saratoga. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C Co .to Glen’s Falls. Stage.to Caldwell. Steamer on Lake George.to | ^°^Hote’?^°^^ Stage.to 'I'iconderoga. Central Veimont R. R.to Montpelier. Montpelier & Wells River R. R.to Wells River. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R....v.to Fabyan's. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Crawford House Portland & Ogdensburg K. R.to Fab>an’s. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.j,...to Bethlehem. Stage.to Profile House. Stage.to Plymouth. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Concord. Concord R. R.to Nashua. Boston, Lowell & Nashua R. R.to Boston. Sound Lines.to New York, or vice versa. THROUGH RATES. Altoona ......$42 80 Pittsburg. 47 55 Philadelphia..$33 80 Harrisburg.... 37 80 Williamsport.^39 80 Baltimore. 38 80 Washington... 40 80 NEW YORK TO MONTREAL AND RETURN. (Via Troy and State Line.) EXCURSION V— 518 . (For route to New York ancf return, see pages 94 to 99.) New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Troy. Troy & Boston R R.to State Line. Bennington & Rutland R. R.to Rutland. Central Vermont R. R.to St. John’s. Grand Trunk R. W.«.to Montreal. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia $24 00 Harrisburg.... 28 co Williamsport ^30 co Baltimore. 29 00 Washington... 31 00 Altoona.I33 co Pittsburg.... 37 75 NEW YORK TO MONTREAL AND RETURN. (Via Springfield and St. John's.) EXCURSION V— 519 . ' (For route to New York and return, see pages 94 to 99.) Ne>v York, New Haven & Hartford R. R...to Springfield. Connecticut River R. R.to South Vtmon. Central Vermont R R.to Brattleboro. Vermont Valley R R.to Bellows Falls. Central Vermont R. R.to St John’s. Grand Trunk R. W.to Montreal. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia.$24 00 Harrisburg... 28 co Williamsport.#30 00 Baltimore. 29 00 Washington... 31 co Altoona.$33 00 Pittsburg 37 75 NEW YORK TO QUEBEC. (Beluriiing via Montreal.) EXCURSION V— 69 . (For route to New York and return, see pages 94 to 99 ) New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R....to Springfield. Connecticut River R. R.to South Vernon. Central Vermont R. R.to Brattleboro. Vermont Valley R. R.to Bellows Falls. Central Vermont R. R.to WhiteRiv.Junc. Passumpsic R. R.to Sherbrooke. Grand Trunk R'. W.to Quebce. Royal Mail Line Steamers or Grand Trunk R. W. to Montreal. Grand Tnink R. W.to St. John’s. Central Vermont R. R.to Bellows Falls. Vermont Valley R. R.to Brattleboro. Central Vermont R. R.to South Vernon. Connecticut River R. R.to Springfield. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R...to New York. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia.$?9 00 Harrisburg.... 33 00 W’illiamsport. ^35 co Baltimore. 34 00 Washington... 36 00 Altoona... .138 00 Pittsburg.... 42 73 124 ST. ALBAN’S (SHELDON SPRINGS)—HIGHGATE SPRINGS—PROFILE HOUSE—CRAWFORD HOUSE. NEW YORK TO ST. ALBAN’S, VT. (SHELDON SPRINGS), AND RETURN. EXCURSION V—6S. (For route to New Yoik and return, see pages 94 to 99 ) New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R...to Springfield. Connecticut River R. R.to South Vernon. Central Vermont R. R.to Brattleboro. Vermont Valley R. R.to Bellows P’alls. Central Vermont R. R.to St. Alban’s. Returning by same route. Philadelphia.;^2i 50 Harrisburg.... 25 50 THROUGH RATES. Williamsport.j^27 50 Baltimore. 26 50 Washington.28 50 Altoona.^30 50 Pittsburg 35 25 NEW YORK TO ST. ALBAN’S (SHELDON SPRINGS). (Via Saratoga Springs, Lake (’hamplain, and return via Springfleld.) EXCURSION V—66 OR 67. (For route to New York and return, see pages 94 to 99.) Hudson River Day Line Steamers.to Albany. Saratoga Div. D. 8 c H. C. Co.to Saratoga. Saratoga Div. D. & 11 . C. Co.to Ft. Ticonderoga Steamer on Lake Champlain....to Burlington. Central Vermont R. R.to St. Alban’s. Central Vermont R R.to Bellows Falls. Verrnont Valley R. R.to Brattleboro. Central Vermont R. R.to South Vernon. Connecticut River R. R.to Springfield. N. Y., New Haven & Hartf’d R. R.to NewYork,or z/ice versa. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia.^21 50 Harrisburg... 25 50 Williamsport.;^27 50 Baltimore. 26 50 Washington... 28 50 Altoona.;^3o 50 Pittsburg.,... 35 25 NEWYORK TOST. ALBAN’S (SHELDON SPRINGS). (Via Saratoga Springs, Lakes Gonrgo and Champlain, and return via SpringlUdd.) E.XCURSION V—68. (For route to New York and return, see pages 94 to 99.) Hudson River Day l.ine Steamers.to Albany. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Saratoga. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Glen’s Falls. Stage.to Caldwell. Steamer on Lake George.to Baldwin. Lake George Branch D. & H. C. Co.to Ft. Ticonderoga Steamer on Lake Champlain.to Burlington. Central Vermont R. R.to St. Alban’s. (Central Vermont R. R.to Bellows Falls. Vermont Valley R. R.to Brattleboro. Central Vermont R. R.to South Vernon. Connecticut River R. R.to Springfield. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R...to New York. Philadelphia..j?25 25 Harrisburg.... 29 15 THROUGH RATES. Williamsport.^31 15 Altoona.1^34 15 Baltimore. 30 15 Pittsburg. 38 90 Washington.. 32 15 NEW YORK TO HIGHGATE SPRINGS AND RETURN. (Via Troy and Slate Line ) EXCURSION V—S93. (For route to New York and return, see pages 94 to 99.) New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Troy. Troy & Boston R. R.to State Line. Bennington & Rutland R. R.to Rutland. Central Vermont R. R. ( Springs. Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia..^22 00 Williamsport.^28 00 Harrisburg.,., 26 00 Baltimore. 27 00 Washington... 29 00 Altoona.;JJ3i 00 Pittsburg.... 35 75 NEW YORK TO HIGHGATE SPRINGS AND RETURN. (Via Springfleid and St. John's.) EXCURSION V—594. (For route to New York and return, see pages 94 to 99.) New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R...to Springfield. Connecticut River R. R.to South Vernon. Central Vermont R. R.to Brattleboro. Vermont Valley R. R.to Bellows Falls. Central Vermont R. R.to i ^ighgate _ Returning by same route. THROUGH RATES. 1 Springs. Philadelphia..1^22 00 Harrisburg... 26 00 Williamsport ^28 00 Baltimore. 27 00 Washington... 29 00 Altoona. $^1 00 Pittsburg.... 35 75 NEW YORK TO PROFILE HOUSE. (Via Saratoga Springs, Lake George, and Lake Champiain.) EXCURSION V—48. (For route to New York, see pages 94 to 99 ) Hudson River Day Line Steamers.to Albany. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Saratoga. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Glen’s Falls. Stage.to Caldwell. Steamer on Lake George.to i^aldwin. Lake Gecrge Branch D. & H C. Co.to Ft.'l iconderoga. Steamer on Lake Champlain.to Burlington. Central Vermont R. R.to White Riv.Junc. Passumpsic R. R.to Wells River. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Littleton. Stage.to Profile House. Philadelphia^i8 70 Harrisburg.. 21 45 THROUGH RATES. Williamsport.23 45 Baltimore. 21 70 Washington... 22 70 Altoona.^24 45 Pittsburg. 27 45 NEW YORK TO PROFILE HOUSE. (Via Saratoga Springs and Lake Champiain.) EXCURSION V—64. (For route to New York, see pages 94 to 99.) Hudson River Day Line Steamers.to Albany. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Saratoga. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Ft.Ticonderoga. Steamer on Lake Champlain.to Furlington. Central Vermont R. R.to White Riv.Junc. Passumpsic R. R.to Wells River. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Littleton. Stage.to Profile House. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia^iS 90 Harrisburg.. 18 65 Williamsport...^20 65 Altoona.$21 65 Baltimore. 18 90 Pittsburg.... 24 65 Washington. 19 90 NEW YORK TO PROFILE HOUSE. EXCURSION V—113. (For route to New York, see pages 94 to 99.) Sound Line Steamers.to New London. New London Northern R. R.to Miller’s Falls. Central Vermont R. R.to Brattleboro. Vermont Val'ey R. R.to Bedows Falls. Central Vermont R. R.to White Riv.Junc. Passumpsic R. R.to Wells River. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Littleton. Stage.to Profile House. ^ THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia^ia 25 Harrisburg.., 15 00 Williamsport..J17 00 Altoona.$i8 00 Baltimore. 15 25 Pittsburg. 21 00 Washington... 16 25 ■ NEW YORK TO CRAWFORD HOUSE. (Via Saratoga and Lake Champlain.) EXCURSION V— 110 . (For route to New York, see pages 94 to 99.) Hudson River Day Line Steamers.to Albany. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Saratoga. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Ft. I'icondcroga. Steamer on Lake Champlain.to Burlington, Central Vermont R. R.to Montpelier. Montpelier & Wells River R. R.to Wells River. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Fabyan’s. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Crawford House THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia^TS 20 Williamsport..$19 95 Harrisburg... 17 95 Baltimore. 18 20 Washington... 19 20 Altoona. $20 95 Pittsburg. 23 95 125 CRAWFORD HOUSE—WATERBURY—NEW YORK—WHITE MOUNTAINS. NEW YORK TO CRAWFORD HOUSE. (Yin Suriitugn, Lnko Georgi‘, niiton.) FORM 4371 , WITH EXCURSION Q— 16 , 359 , AND 334 . Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. New York Central & Hudson River R. R...to Troy. Delaware & Hudson Canal Co.to Glens Falls. Stage.to Caldwell. Steamer.to Baldwin. Delaware & Hudson Canal Co.to Ft. Ticonderoga. Champlain Transportation Co.to Burlington. Central Vermont R. R.. .to Montpelier. Montpelier & Wells River R. R.to Wells River. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Littleton. Stage.to Profile House. Stage.to Bethlehem. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to | ^^^ashin^gton Mt. Washington R. W.to { ^w™^'inJto^n Stage.to (jlen House. Stage.to Gorham. Grand Trunk R. R.to Quebec. Quebec & Gulf Port S. S. Co.to Charlottetown. Boston, Halifax & P. E. I. S. S. Co.to Boston. Sound Lines.to New York. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia...^64 20 | Baltimore...^69 20 ( Pittsburg. $^8 00 QUEBEC. (Via Boston and the White Mountains, returning via Pictou, llaiifax, and Boston.) FORM 4372, WITH EXCURSION Q—4, 359, AND 324. Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Sound Lines.to Boston. Eastern R. R.to North Conway. Stage.to Glen House. f Summit of Mt. .toj Washington. Mt. Washington R. W.to | ^ ® ( Washington. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Fabyan’s. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Crawford House Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Fabyan’s. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Bethlehem. Stage.to Profile House. Stage.to Littleton. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Wells River. Passumpsic R. R.to Newport. South-hiastern R. R.to St. John’s. Grand Trunk R. R.to Montreal. Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co. or Grand Trunk R. R.to Quebec. Quebec & Gulf Port S. S. Co.to Pictou. Intercolonial R. R.to Halifax. Windsor & Annapolis R. R.to Annapolis. Steamer.to St. John’s International S. S. Co.to Portland. Eastern R. R. or Steamer.to Boston. Sound Lines.to New York. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia..$68 00 | Baltimore.$73 00 | Pittsburg....$Si 70 127 QUEJiKC CONEMAUGH VIADUCT, PEN’NSVi'vANIA KAII.ROAD. QUEBEC. (Yin Boston and the White Mountain'^, returning via Halifax, Bangor, and Boston.) FORM 4372 , WITH EXCURSION Q— 5 , 339 , AND 334 . Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Sound Lines.to Boston. Eastern R. R.to North Conway. Stage.to Glen House. .“IwThin^o"' Mt. Washing.o,, R. W..o { “g'.oa, Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Fabyan’s. Portland Ogdensburg R. R .to Crawford House Portland & Ogdensburg R R.to Fabyan’s. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Bethlehem. Stage.to Profile House. Stage.to Littleton. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Wells River. Passumpsic R. R.to Newport. South-Eastern R, R.to St. John’s. Grand Trunk R. R.to Montreal. Richlieu 8t Ontario Navigation Co. or Grand I runk R. R.to Quebec. Quebec & Gulf Port S. S. Co.to Pictou. Intercolonial R. R.to Halifax. Boston, Halifax & P. E. 1 . S. S. Co.to Boston. Sound Lines.to New York. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia...^72 50 | Baltimore...$77 50 1 Pittsburg. $86 20 QUEBEC. (Yin Boston and the White .tloiinlnins, retiiriiiii!; \iii ('harlotletoMrn and Boston, i FORM 4372, WITH EXCURSION Q—16, 339, AND 334. Pennsylvania R. R.to Sound Lines.to Eastern R. R.to Stage.to Stage.to Mt. Washington R. W.to Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Portland & Ogdensburg R R.to Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Boston, Concord 5 : Montreal R. R.to Stage.to Stage.to Boston, Concord ft Montreal R. R.to Passumpsic R. R.to South-Eastern R R.to Grand 'I'rink R. R.to Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co. or Grand Trunk R R.to Quebec & Golf Port S S. Co.to Boston, Halifa.x & P. E. 1 . S. S. Co.to Sound Lines.to New York. Boston. North Conway. Glen House, f Summit of Mt. ( Washington, i Base of .Mt. 1 Washington. Fabvan’s. Crawford House Fabyan’s. Bethlehem Profile House. Littleton. Wells River. Newport. St. John’s. Montreal. Quebec. Charlottetown. Boston. New York. THROUGH RATES. Philadelphia...$63 00 | Baltimore...$68 00 | Pittsburg.$76 70 128 Excursion Extension Tickets WATKINS’ GLEN TO NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y., AND RETURN. EXCURSION N. C .—1 Northern Central R. R.Watkins' to Canandaigua. New York Central & Hudson River R. R.to Niagara Falls. Returning by same route. Rate.$6 15 j OU^This ticket can be purchased in connection with any ticket passing I through Watkins’. HAMMONDSPORT, N. Y. EXCURSION N. C. 17 . Northern Central R. R.to Penn Yan. Lake Keuka Steam Navigation Company....to Hammondsport. Returning by same route. | THROUGH KATE. From Watkins'.$2 00 | OU^These tickets are limited in their use to two days after date of I issue. EXCURSION X— 41 . MONTREAL TO QUEBEC AND RETURN, via Grand Trunk R. W. or Royal Mail Line Steamers. Sold in connec¬ tion with any ticket passing through Montreal.^5 00 QUEBEC TO CACOUNA AND RETURN. EXCURSION X— 65 . Grand Trunk R. W. Steamers.Quebec to Riviere du Loup. Intercolonial R. R.to Cacouna. Returning by same route. Sold in connection with any ticket passing through Quebec.J4 50 EXCURSION X—66. QUEBEC TO TADOUSAC AND RETURN, via Grand Trunk R. W. Steamers to Riviere du Loup and Tadousac, returning same route. Sold in connection with any ticket passing through Quebec. $■] 50 EXCURSION X— 67 . QUEBEC TO HA-HA BAY AND RETURN, via Grand Trunk R. W. Steamers to Riviere du Loup and Ha-Ha Bay, returning same route. Sold in connection with any ticket pass¬ ing through Quebec.js 50 FROM MAUCH CHUNK, OVER THE SWITCHBACK R. R., AND RETURN TO MAUCH CHUNK. EXCURSION 90 . Rate.75 cents. BEDFORD ALUM AND IRON SPRINGS, | VA. EXCURSION L— 2 . Stage.Lynchburg to Bedford Alum and Iron Springs. Stage.Bedford Alum and Iron Springs to Lynchburg. Rate.. $2 00 OU^This ticket can be purchased in connection with any ticket passing through Lynchburg. MOUNTAIN LAKE, VA. By any route to Christianshurg, from which point stages run to Mountain Lake, charging a rate of '^6 for the round trip. SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. Y. EXCURSION 626. j Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co....Albany to Saratoga and return. Rate .40 I Cy This ticket can be purchased in connection with any ticket passing through Albany. X—23 O, OR X—23 B.—R. & S. Persons putchasing ExcurM'on Tickets to Saratoga Springs j can visit Luke George. Lake Champlain, and Fort Ticondercga, by purchasing, in addition, the following ticket, at an extra cost of #6 9 . Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Glen's Falls. Stage. ... .to Caldwell. Steamer “ Minnehaha " on Lake George.to Baldwin. Saratoga Div. D. & H. C. Co.to Saratoga, or vice versa. AU SABLE CHASM, N. Y. EXCURSION 751 . Stage.Port Kent to Au Sable Chasm. Stage.Au Sab'e Chasm to Port Kent. Rate.^3 75 ClT^This ticket can be purchased in connection with any ticket passing through Port Kent over D. & H. Canal, Champlain Division, or Lake Champlain Steamers. BURLINGTON TO PAUL SMITH’S AND RETURN. EXCURSION V— 80 . Steamer on Lake Champlain.Burlington to Platfsburg. New York & Canada R. R.to AuSableStation Stage.to Paul Smith's. Returning by same route. Sold in connection with any ticket passing through Bur¬ lington.00 BURLINGTON TO ST. ALBAN’S AND RETURN. (Via Central Vermont R. R.) EXCURSION V— 79 . Sold in connection with any ticket passing through Bur¬ lington. .$1 50 BURLINGTON TO MONTREAL AND RETURN. EXCURSION V— 116 . Central Vermont R. R.Burlington to Ogdensburg. Grand Trunk R. W. or Canadian Navi¬ gation Co.'s Steamers (meals included on steamer).to Montreal. Grand Trunk R. W.to St. John's. Central Vermont R. R.to Burlington. Sold in connection with any ticket passing through Bur¬ lington.$12 00 TRENTON FALLS, N. Y. EXCURSION 625 . Utica & Black River R. R...Utica to Trenton Falls and return Rate.25 (Ly'This ticket can be purchased in connection with any ticket passing 1 through Utica. PRESCOTT TO OTTAWA CITY AND RETURN. (Vin St. Lawrence & Ottawa R. R.) EXCURSION X —97 OR V— 109 . Sold in connection with any ticket passing through Pres¬ cott..53 25 129 liOSTON. New York & New England Railroad. Quickest and Most Direct Route HETWKKN WASHINGTON, BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, AND BOSTON, AND IS The only JJiic running Truliiw between nbove points via Itultimore A: I’otomue, l*liiludelpbiu, Wilmington A Haltimoref PeniiHylvuniu, Triinwfer Kteumer “Mainland,*’ New York, New Haven A: Ifarttbrd, ItoMton A; New Y^ork Air-Line, New Y^ork A New Kurland JlailroadH. The train leaving Washington (I’altiniore & Potomac Depot) at 1.40 P. M., Baltimore 3.10 P. M., Philadelphia 7 P. M., arrives in Boston at 8 A. M. the following morning, in season to make connections with trains for WHITE MOUNTAINS, PORTLAND, BANGOR, MOUNT DESERT, and all points on the Boston Lowell, Boston < 5 r» Maine, and Eastern Railroads. ■“ Trains leave Boston at 9 A. M. and 7 P. M. for PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE, and WASHINGTON. Connections are made at PUTNAM, Conn., at 6 A. M., for the NORTH and EAST, and at 9.15 P. M. for the SOUTH and WEST. ZBTT ZjZZTIE: PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING CARS ARE RUN BETWEEN WASHINGTON AND BOSTON. f^"For Tickets and Information, apply at any Railroad I'icket Office. NORWICH LINE, BETWEEN New York and Boston, Woroester, Portland, AND THE WHITE MOUNTAINS. Leave NEW YORK daily, at 5 P. M. (Sundays excepted), from Pier 40, North River, New York, the next Pier to Pennsylvania Railroad Ferry. Leave BOSTON daily (Sundays excepted), at 7 P. M., connecting at NEW LONDON with Steamers. CHARLES P. CLARK, A. C. KENDALL, General Manager. General J*a.s.senger Agent. The following Special Excursion Forms have been prepared to sell in connection with Excur.sion Routes of Boston, Con¬ cord & Montreal R. R., from Boston to Boston, making a complete and continuous ticket from point of sale :— EXCURSION 407. Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Sound Lines.to Boston. Boston & Albany R. R.to Springfield. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R...to New York. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. EXCURSION 408. Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Sound Lines.to Boston. Boston & Providence R. R.to Providence. New York, Providence & Boston R. R.to New London. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R...to New York. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. EXCURSION 412. Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R...to Springfield. Boston & Albany R. R.to Boston. Sound Lines.to New York. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. EXCURSION 413. Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R...to New London. New York, Providence & Boston R. R.to Providence. Boston & Providence R. R.to Boston. Sound Lines.to New York. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. EXCURSION 633. Pennsylvania R. R.to Jersey City. Steamer “ Maryland” .to Harlem River. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R . to New Haven. Boston & New York Air-Line.to Willimantic. New York & New England R. R.to Boston. Sound Lines.to New York. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. j EXCURSION 634 . I Pennsylvania R. R...to New York. I Sound Lines.to Boston. New York & New England R. R.to Willimantic. Boston & New York Air-Line.to New Haven. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R...to Harlem River. Steamer ” Maryland ”.to Jersey City. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. i EXCURSION 409 . Pennsylvania R. R..to New York. Old Colony Steamboat Co.to Fall River. Old Colony’ R. R.to Boston. i Old Colony R. R.to Fall River. Old Colony Steamboat Co.to New York. I Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. ,* ! EXCURSION 410 . I Pennsylvania R. R. Stonington Steamboat Co. New York, Providence & Boston R. R I Boston & Providence R. R. Boston & Providence R. R. New York, Providence & Boston R. R. i Stonington Steamboat Co. Pennsylvania R. R. I EXCURSION 411. Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Norwich & N. Y. Transportation Co.to New London. N. Y. & New P'.ngland R. R. iN. & W. Div.)to Putnam. New York & New England R. R.to Boston. New York 8: New England R. R.to Putnam N. Y. A New England R. R (N. & W. Div.)to New London. Norwich & N. Y. Transportation Co.to New York. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. EXCURSION 704. Pennsylvania R. R.to New York. Providence Line.to Boston. Providence Line.to New York. Pennsylvania R. R.to starting point. 130 to New York, to Stonington. to Providence, to Boston, to Providence to Stonington. to New York to starting point. PLYMOUTH—BETHLEHEM—PROFILE HOUSE—TWIN MOUNTAIN HOUSE—FABYAN HOUSE— LANCASTER—WAUMBECK—CRAWFORD HOUSE. BOSTON TO PLYMOUTH AND RETURN. EXCURSION X, A— 1 . (For route to Boston and return, see page 130.) Boston, Lowell & Nashua R. R .to Nashua. Concord R. R.to Concord. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Plymouth. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Concord. Concord R. R.to Nashua. Boston, Lowell & Nashua R. R.to Boston. THROUGH RATES. (Via Excursions 407, 408, 412, 413, 033, and634.) Philadelphia$2i 75 Harrisburg... 25 75 Altoona.$30 75 I Baltimore....^26 75 Pittsburg. 35 50 I Washington, 28 75 Philadelphiajgi7 00 Harrisburg... 21 00 (Via Excursions 4oq, 410, 411, and 704 ) Altoona.$26 00 I Baltimore ...$22 00 Pittsburg. 30 75 1 Washington 24 oo BOSTON TO BETHLEHEM AND RETURN. EXCURSION X, A—S. (For route to Boston and return, see page 130.) Boston, Lowell & Nashua R. R.to Nashua. Concord R. R.to Concord. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Bethlehem. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Concord. Concord R. R.to Nashua. Boston, Lowell & Nashua R. R.to Boston. THROUGH RATES. {Via Excursions 407. 408, 412, 413, 633, and 634.) Philadelphia$24 75 Harrisburg... 28 75 Altoona.1^33 75 Pittsburg. 38 50 Philadelphiaj2o 00 Harrisburg... 24 00 ( Via Excursions 40q, 410, 411, and 704.) Baltimore....JJ29 75 Washington 31 75 Altoona.^29 00 Pittsburg. 33 75 Baltimore....^25 00 Washington 27 00 BOSTON TO PROFILE HOUSE AND RETURN. EXCURSION W, M— 1 . (For route to Boston and return, see page 130.) Boston, Lowell & Nashua R. R.to Nashua. Concord R. R.to Concord. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Plymouth. Stage.to Profile House. Stage.to Littleton. Boston. Concord & Montreal R. R.to Concord. Concord R. R.to Nashua. Boston, Lowell & Nashua R. R.to Boston. THROUGH RATES. ( Via Excursions 407, 408, 412, 413, 633, and 634.) Philadelphia^28 73 Harrisburg... 32 75 Altoona. $27 75 Pittsburg. 42 30 Philadelphia$24 co Harrisburg. ...28 00 (Via Excursions 40q, 410, 411, and 704.) Baltimore. ...$33 75 Washington. 35 75 Altoona. $33 00 Pittsburg. 37 75 Baltimore ...^29 00 Washington 31 00 BOSTON TO TWIN MOUNTAIN HOUSE AND RETURN. EXCURSION X, W, M— 49 . (For route to Boston and return, see page 130.) Boston, Lowell & Nashua R. R.to Nashua. Concord R. R.to Concord. ^ j o HT 1 T. . [Twin Mount'n Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to -j House Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Concord. Concord R. R.to Nashua. Boston, Lowell & Nashua R. R.to Boston. THROUGH RATES. ( Via Excursions 407,408, 412, 413, 633, aftd 634.) Philadelphia;^24 75 Harrisburg.. 28 75 Altoona.^33 75 Pittsburg. 38 50 Philadelphia^Jao 00 Harrisburg....24 00 ( V2a Excursions 40q, 410, 411, and 704.) Baltimore ...$29 75 Washington 31 75 Altoona.5^29 00 Pittsburg. 33 75 Baltimore....J25 00 Washington 27 00 BOSTON TO PROFILE HOUSE AND RETURN. EXCURSION W, M— 3 . (For route to Boston and return, see page 130.) Boston, Lowell & Nashua R. R.to Nashua. Concord R. R.to Concord. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Littleton. Stage.to Profile House. Stage.to Plymouth. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Concord. Concord R. R.to Nashua. Boston, Lowell & Nashua R. R.to Boston. THROUGH RATES. (Via Excursions 407, 408, 412, 413, 633, and 634.) Philadelphia ;Jl28 75 Harrisburg... 32 75 Altoona.$37 75 Pittsburg. 42 50 Philadelphia;j24 00 Harrisburg... 28 00 ( Via Excursiofis 40Q, 410, 411, and 704.) Baltimore....$33 75 Washington 35 75 Altoona. $33 00 Pittsburg. 37 75 Baltimore....;^29 00 Washington 31 00 BOSTON TO FABYAN HOUSE AND RETURN. EXCURSION W, M— 65 . (For route to Boston and return, see page 130.) Boston, Lowell & Nashua R. R.to Nashua. Concord R. R.to Concord. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Fabyan’s. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Bethlehem. Stage.to Profile House. . Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Concord. Concord R. R.to Nashua. Boston, Lowell & Nashua R. R.to Boston. THROUGH RATES. ( Via Excursions 407, 408, 412, 413, 633, and 634.) Philadelphia^30 25 Harrisburg... 34 25 Altoona.^39 25 Pittsburg. 44 00 Philadelphia;^25 50 Harrisburg... 29 50 ( Via Excursions 4oq, 410, 411, and 704.) Baltimore....;^35 25 Washington 37 25 Altoona.$34 50 Pittsburg. 39 25 Baltimore....$30 50 Washington 32 50 BOSTON TO LANCASTER AND RETURN. EXCURSION X, A— 9 . (For route to Boston and return, see page 130.) Boston, Lowell & Nashua R. R.to Nashua. Concord R. R.to Concord. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Lancaster. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Concord. Concord R. R.to Nashua. Boston, Lowell & Nashua R. R.to Boston. THROUGH RATES. ( Via Excursions 407, 408, 412, 413, 633, and 634.') Philadelphia;^25 25 Harrisburg... 29 25 Altoona.^34 25 Pittsburg. 39 00 Philadelphia^2o 50 Harrisburg... 24 50 (Via Excursions qoq, 410, 411, and 704.) Baltimore....^30 25 Washington 32 25 Altoona. $2g 50 Pittsburg. 34 25 Baltimore....]g25 50 Washington 27 50 BOSTON TO WAUMBECK HOUSE AND RETURN. EXCURSION X, A— 23 . (For route to Boston and return, see page 130.) Boston, Lowell & Nashua R. R.to Nashua. Concord R. R. to Concord. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Lane ister. . Stage.to Lancaster. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Concord. Concord R. R . to Nashua. Boston, Lowell & Nashua R. R.to Boston. THROUGH RATES. ( Via Excursions 407, 408, 412, 413, 633, and634.) Philadelphia ;S52 8 25 Harrisburg... 32 25 Altoona.J37 25 Pittsburg. 42 00 Philadelphiaj^23 50 Harrisburg... 27 50 ( Via Excursions 4og, 410, 411, and 704.) Baltimore....Ji33 25 Washington 35 25 Altoona. $32 50 Pittsburg. 37 25 Baltimore....^28 50 Washington 30 50 BOSTON TO CRAWFORD HOUSE AND RETURN. EXCURSION 3 . (For route to Boston and return, see page 130.t Boston, Lowell & Nashua R. R.to Nashua. Concord R. R.to Concord. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Plymouth. Stage. to Profile House. Stage.to Bethlehem. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Fabyan’s. ' Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Crawford House I Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to North Conway. I Eastern R. R.to Boston. 131 MT. WASHINGTON—CRAWFORD HOUSE—FABYAN HOUSE. THROUGH RATES. ( Via Excursions 407, 408, 412, 413, bjj, and654.) Philadelphia $30 90 Harrisburg... 34 90 Altoona.$39 90 Pittsburg. 44 65 Philadelphia $26 15 •Harrisburg... 30 15 (Via Excursions 40q, 410, 411, and 704.) baltimore....;J35 90 Washington 37 90 Altoona.J35 15 Pittsburg. 39 90 Baltimore....J31 15 Washington 33 15 BOSTON TO MT. WASHINGTON AND RETURN. EXCURSION 3. (For route to Boston and return, see page 130.) Boston, Lowell & Nashua R. R.to Nashua. Concord R. R.to Concord. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Plymouth. Stage.to Profile House. Stage.to Bethlehem. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Fabyan’s. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.{ ^^Washington. Mt. Washington R R.to Summit. Stage.to Glen House. Stage.to Glen Station. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R .to North Conway. Eastern R. R.to Boston. THROUGH RATES. ( Via Excursions 407, 40S, 412, 413, 633, and 634 ) Philadelphia J38 90 Harrisburg... 42 oo Altoona.J47 90 Pittsburg. 52 65 Philadelphia Ji34 15 Harrisburg... 38 15 !••• 'T ~ --C»- %/ - ( Via Excursions 40q, 410, 411, and 704.) Baltimore....^43 90 Washington 45 90 Altoona.^43 15 Pittsburg. 47 90 Baltimore....539 15 Washington 41 15 BOSTON TO CRAWFORD HOUSE AND RETURN. EXCURSION W, M— 53 . (For route to Boston and return, see page 130.) Boston, Lowell & Nashua R. R.to Nashua. Concord R. R.to Concord. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to | ^Liul«o^°*^ Stage.to Profile House. Stage.to Bethlehem. Boston, Concord & Montreal, R. R.to Fabyan’s. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Crawford House Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Fabyan’s. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Concord. Concord R. R.to Nashua. Boston, Lowell & Nashua R. R.to Boston. THROUGH RATES. f Via Excursions 407, 408, 412, 413, b33, andb34.) Philadelphia;g3i 35 Harrisburg.. 35 35 Altoona.1^40 35 Pittsburg. 45 10 Philadelphia^ab 60 Harrisburg.. 30 60 (Via Excursions 4oq, 410, 411 and 704.) Baltimore. ...$36 35 Washington. 38 35 Altoona.2^35 60 Pittsburg.40 35 Baltimore. $31 60 Washington. 33 60 BOSTON TO FABYAN HOUSE AND RETURN. Boston, Corcord Boston, Stage.... Stage.... Boston, Boston, Concord Boston EXCURSION W, M—61. (For route to Boston and return, see page 130.) Lowell & Nashua R. R.to Nashua. R. R.to Concord. Concord & Montreal R. R.to | .to Profile House. .to Bethlehem. Concord & Montreal R. R.to Fabyan’s. Concord & Montreal R. R.to Concord. R. R.to Nashua. Lowell & Nashua R. R.to Boston. THROUGH RATES. (Via Excursions 407,408, 412, 413, b33, and b34.) Philadelphia;g3o 25 Harrisburg.. 34 25 Altoona. ^39 25 Pittsburg. 44 00 Philadelphiajj25 50 Harrisburg... 29 50 (Via Excursiotis 40q, 410, 411, and 704.) Baltimore.^35 25 Washington. 37 25 Altoona. ^34 50 Pittsburg. 39 25 Baltimore.$30 50 Washington. 32 50 BOSTON TO FABYAN HOUSE AND R ETURN . EXCURSION W, M—67. (For route to Boston and return, see page 130.) Boston, Lowell & Nashua R. R.to Nashua. Concord R. R.to Concord. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Fabyan’s. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Concord. Concoid R. R.to Nashua. Boston, Lowell & Nashua R. R.to Boston. THROUGH RATES. (Via Excursions 407, 408, 412, 413, b33, and b34.) Philadelphiaj25 75 Harrisburg.. 29 75 Altoona.^34 75 Pittsburg. 39 50 Philadelphiaj^2i 00 Harrisburg.. 25 00 ( Via Excursions 4oq, 410, 411, and 704.) Baltimore. $y> 75 Washington. 32 75 Altoona. $-^0 00 Pittsburg. 34 75 Baltimore. fab 00 Washington. 28 00 BOSTON TO MT. WASHINGTON AND RETURN. EXCURSION W, M—33. (For route to Boston and return, see page 130.) Boston, Lowell & Nashua R. R.to Nashua. Concord R. R. to Concord. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Fabyan's. Boston Concord & Montreal R. R.to •[ ’ 1 Washington. Mt. Washington R R.to Summit. Mt. Washington R. R.to Base. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Fabyan’s. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R .to Concord. Concord R. R.to Nashua. Boston, Lowell & Nashua R. R.to Boston. THROUGH RATES. (Via Excursions 407, 408, 4/2, 413, b33, and 654 .) Philadelphia$3i 75 Harrisburg.. 35 74 Altoona.JI40 75 Pittsburg. 45 50 Philadelphia;f27 oc Harrisburg... 31 to (Via Excursions 40Q, 410, 411, and 704.) Baltimore.I36 75 Washington. 38 75 Altoona.$30 00 Pittsburg. 40 75 Baltimore.^32 00 Washington. 34 00 BOSTON TO CRAWFORD HOUSE AND RETURN. EXCURSION W, M—63. (For route to Boston and return, see page 130.) Boston, Lowell & Nashua R. R.to Nashua. Copcord R. R.to Concord. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Fabyan’s. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Crawford House Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.to Fabyan’s. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Bethlehem. Stage.to Profile House. Stage. .to r Plymouth or I Littleton. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Concord. Concord R. R.to Nashua. Boston, Lowell & Nashua R. R.to Boston. THROUGH RATES. ( Via Excursions 407, 408, 412, 413, b33, and b34.) Philadelphia.531 35 Altoona.$to 35 1 Baltimore ^36 35 Pittsburg. 45 10 I Washington.. 38 35 Harrisburg... 35 35 Philadelphia.j26 60 Harrisburg... 30 60 ( Via Excursions 40q, 410, 411, and 704.) Altoona.$35 6o Pittsburg. 40 35 Baltimore.fio Washington.. 33 60 BOSTON TO MT. WASHINGTON AND RETURN. EXCURSION W, M— 37 . (For route to Boston and return, see page 130.) Boston, Lowell & Nashua R. R.to Nashua. Concord R. R .to Concord. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Fabyan’s Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to | ^^\^a^h,ng\on Mt. Washington R. R.to Summit. Mt. Washington,R. R .to Base. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Fabyan’s. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Bethlehem. Stage.to Profile House. c, . f Plymouth or .Littleton. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.to Concord. Concord R. R.to Nashua. Boston, Lowell & Nashua R. R.to Boston. THROUGH RATES. ( Via Excursions 407, 408, 412, 413, b33, and b34.) Philadelphia.J35 75 Harrisburg... 39 75 Altoona.$44 75 Pittsburg. 49 50 Philadelphia.$3i 00 Harrisburg... 35 00 ( Via Excursions 40Q, 410, 411, and 704.) Baltimore.^o 75 Washington.. 42 75 Altoona.$40 00 Pittsburg. 44 75 Baltimore.$36 00 Washington.. 38 00 MT. WASHINGTON—CRAWFORD HOUSE. BOSTON TO MT. WASHINGTON AND RETURN. EXCURSION W, M— 75 . (For route to Boston and return, see page 130.) Boston, Lowell & Nashua R. R. Concord R. R.. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R Stage. Stage. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R Mt. Washington R. R. Stage. Stage. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R, Concord R. R. Boston, Lowell & Nashua R. R. .to Nashua. .to Concord. f Plymouth or Littleton. .to Profile House, .to Bethlehem. .to Fabyan’s. f Base of Mt. ■ \ Washington, •to Summit. .to Glen House. ,.to Glen Station. .to Crawford House .to I'abyan’s. .to Concord. .to Nashua. .to Boston. THROUGH RATES. (Fia Excursions 407, 408, 412, 413, dj'j, and 634.) Philadelphia.g4i 75 Harrisburg.... 45 75 Altoona.^56 75 Pittsburg. 55 50 Baltimore.^46 75 Washington.. 48 75 ( Via Excursions 4og, 410, 411, and 704.) Philadelphia.;^37 00 Harrisburg... 41 00 Altoona.^46 00 Pittsburg. 50 75 Baltimore.00 Washington... 44 00 BOSTON TO MT. WASHINGTON AND RETURN. THROUGH RATES. {Via Excursions 407, 408, 412, 413, 633, and 634.) Philadelphia.^32 25 Harrisburg... 36 25 Altoona.$41 25 Pittsburg. 46 00 Baltimore. $7,7 25 Washington.. 39 25 (Via Excursions 40g, 410, 411, and 704.) Philadelphia $27 50 Harrisburg... 31 50 Altoona. $76 50 Pittsburg. 41 25 Baltimore.$32 50 Washington.. 34 50 BOSTON TO CRAWFORD HOUSE AND RETURN. EXCURSION E, M— 1 . (For route to Boston and return, see page 13c.) Boston, Lowell & Nashua R. R. Concord R. R. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R Steamer. Stage. Eastern R. R. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R Stage. Stage.. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R Concord R. R. Boston, Lowell & Nashua R. R. .to Nashua. .to Concord, to Weirs. .to Centre Harbor, .to West O'Sipee. ,to North Conway, .to Crawford House to Fabyan’s. to Bethlehem. ,to Profile House. ( Littleton or I Plymouth. ,to Concord. .to Nashua. .to Boston. THROUGH RATES. EXCURSION W, M— 77 . (For route tc Boston and return, see page 130.) Boston, Lowell & Nashua R. R. Concord R. R... Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R, Stage. Stage. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R. Mt. Washington R. R. Stage. Stage.. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R. Eastern R. R. Stage. Steamer on Lake Winnipiseogee.... Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R Concord R. R. Boston, Lowell & Nashua R. R. .to Nashua. ,.to (’oncord. f Plymouth or Littleton. .to Profile House. ..to Bethlehem. .to Fabyan's. J Base of Mt. ’ \ Washington, .to Summit. ..to Glen House. ..to Glen Station. ,.to North Conway. ..to West Ossipee. .to Centre Harbor. ,.to Weirs. ..to Concord. ,.to Nashua. ,.to Boston. THROUGH RATES. (Via Excursions 407,408, 412, 413, 633, and 634.) Philadelphia.^4o 25 Harrisburg.... 44 25 Altoona.^49 25 Pittsburg. 54 00 Baltimore.... Washington. 25 47 25 {Via Excursions 40g, 410, 411, and 704.) Philadelphia.$35 50 Harrisburg.... 39 50 Altoona.^44 50 Pittsburg. 49 25 Baltimore.^40 50 Washington. 42 50 BOSTON TO CRAWFORD HOUSE AND RETURN. EXCURSION E, M— 3 . (For route to Boston and return, see page 130.) Boston, Lowell & Nashua R. R. Concord R. R. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R Steamer. Eastern R. R. Portland & Ogdensburg R. R. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R Stage... Stage. Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R Concord R. R. Boston, Lowell & Nashua R. R. to Nashua. .to Concord, to Weirs. .to Wolfboro. • to North Conway, to Fabyan’s. to Bethlehem. .to Profile House, f Littleton or ( Plymouth, to Concord, to Nashua, to Boston. ( Via Excursions 407, 408, 412, 413, 633, and 634.) Philadelphia.$33 25 Harrisburg... 37 25 Altoona.^42 25 Pittsburg. 47 00 Baltimore.$38 25 Washington.. 40 25 ( Via Excursions 40g, 410, 411, and 704. Philadelphia.^28 50 Altoona. $77 50 Baltimore.^33 50 Harrisburg... 32 50 Pittsburg.... 42 25 Washington.... 35 50 HliCTOR FALLS. SHNECA LAKE, N. Y 133 .EXCURSION FORMS. FOR INFORMATION OF AGENTS. Route No. PAGE. Route No. PAGE. Route No. PAGE. Route No. PAGE. Route No. PAGE. 31 38 169 47 254 46 371 47 487 59 32 94, 97, 98 : 170 49 ' 255 46 372 47 488 59 33 53 171 47 256 45 373 47 489 59 34 51 172 49 257 45 374 47 490 60 35 38 173 38 258 41 375 47 491 60 36 38 174 39 259 41 376 47 492 60 37 51 175 41 260 41 377 61 493 60 38 51 176 41 261 41 378 6i 496 57 39 53 177 45 262 41 379 61 497 57 40 53 178 39 263 41 i 380 61 498 57 42 53 179 41 . 1 264 39 381 61 499 57 43 53 180 41 265 39 382 61 600 57 44 55 ! 181 46 266 42 383 61 601 58 45 50 I ' 182 39 267 42 384 61 602 58 46 94, 97, 98 183 42 268 42 450 49 603 58 47 38 184 39 269 42 451 50 604 59 48 45 185 42 270 43 452 50 605 59 50 38 186 55 , 271 43 453 50 606 59 51 38 187 55 ; 272 52 454 50 607 59 52 38 i 188 53 273 46 455 50 608 60 53 39 189 55 274 46 456 50 609 60 62 39 1 190 55 275 94, 97, 98 457 50 610 60 80 42 ! I9I 55 276 52 458 .51 611 6r 81 42 192 55 335 94, 97, 98 459 51 615 45 82 51 193 51 336 94, 97, 98 460 56 616 45 113 45 194 38 , 340 94 461 56 617 49 116 39 i 195 50 341 94 462 56 618 49 117 39 196 43 342 94 463 56 619 49 ~ 130 39 197 43 j 349 98 464 56 620 49 131 45 198 43 i 350 98 465 56 621 49 143 45 199 42 1 351 95, 96 466 58 622 49 144 46 1 200 43 352 95, 96 467 58 655 52 145 46 , i 207 46 , 353 95, 96 468 58 656 52 153 . 47 208 49 : i 354 95, 96 ’ |. 469 58 657 63 154 47 209 • 51 355 95, 96 470 59 658 63 155 46 222 51 > 356 95, 96 471 59 659 63 15^ 46 : 1 223 51 357 95, 96 472 60 660 63 157 . 46 *224 51 1 s 358 95, 96 473 60 661 63 158 46 i 225 55 : 360 52 474 60 662 63 159 47 ! 228 55 1 361 52 475 60 663 63 160 38 ; i 245 42 1 362 52 , 478 57 664 63 161 47 246 . 46 363 52 • I 479 57 665 42 162 94,97,98. 247 42 364 52 480 57 ' 666 55 163 94 ; 248 42 365 53 481 57 667 55 164 94 249 38 , 366 53 482 57 668 56 165 94 ! 250 38 1 367 53 483 57 669 56 166 45 251 38 i 368 53 484 58 793 56 167 45 252 41 369 46 485 58 794 56 168 47 • 253 i —--—1 41 ! - • 370 * 47 1 486 58 _ • 134 • • e * t, j “Embracing Sistorical, Mescriptirs, and statistical Sotices of Eities, Towns, filiates, Stations, Industries, and ibjects of Interest on'its Tarious Mines in Eennsykania and Mew iersej.” BOOK under this title, containing two steel- plate portaits, and one hundred and nine wood engravings executed in the highest style, is now published. The design of this work is to faithfully portray the origin, progress, and present condition of the PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, and to give such information of a historical, personal, and statistical character as will interest travelers over its lines. The book contains three hundred pages, and as a specimen of book-making will compare favorably with any emanation from the American press. It is now for sale on all trains and at all the principal ticket stations on the PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD AND BRANCHES. Nos. 203 AND 205 Washington Street,. \ .Boston. Jewell’s Wharf,. \ .Brooklyn. No.'l Astor House,.- . . . New York. No. 526 Broadway, ... New York. No. 944 Broadway,.. New York. Foot of Desbros; s Street,.*. . . . New York." Foot of Courtlandt Street,.New York. Pennsylvania Railroad Depot,.•. . Jersey City. S. E. corner Broad and Chestnut Streets,. ' .Philadelphia. No. 838 Chestnut Street,.Philadelphia. No. 116 Market Street,.Philadelphia. Depot, Thirty-second and Market Streets,.Philadelphia. No. 4 Chelten Avenue,.• • ^ ..Germantown. Pennsylvania Railroad Depot,..Lancaster. Pennsylvania Railroad Depot,..*. . . Harrisburg. No. 12 North Third Street,.»..Harrisburg. Pennsylvania Railroad Depot,.Altoona. Pennsylvania Railroad Depot,..Pittsburg. No. 78 Fifth Avenue,.Pittsburg. N. E. CORNER Baltimore and Calvert Streets,..Baltimore. Union Depot,.•. ..Baltimore. Northern Central Railroad Depot, Calvert Station, . . . '..Baltimore. Corner Thirteenth Street and Pennsylvania Avenue,.Washington. Baltimore & Potomac Railroad Depot, . . . ... . . ., Washington. Corner Sixth Street and Pennsylvania Avenue,. " . Washington. No.»8^ Main Street,. ‘ .Richmond. Exchange Hotel,..Richmond. « Frank Thomson, , General Manager. L. P. FARMER, ■ General Panenger Agent. I!