Form 2017 STATISTICS RELATING TO WATER WORKS MUNICIPAL AND PRIVATE STATEMENTS FROM SEVENTY-TWO CITIES, POPULATION RANGING FROM 50,000 UPWARD. COMPILED BY BUREAU OF WATER REVENUE, PORTLAND, OREGON 1914 CLEIST a CO.. AUTOMATIC Name of City. Akron, Ohio. Atlanta, Georgia. Baltimore, Maryland. Bayonne, N. J. Birmingham Alabama. Boston, Mass. Brockton, Mass. 1. Population. 70,000 155,000 589,000 55,545 132,685 670,585 56., 878 « 2. Do other City Depts. pay for water?. No No No No t No Yqs 3. Hydrants and installation paid out of water revenue?. No No Yes Yes t Yes ■ Yes ' 4. Is maintenance of hydrants paid out of water revenue?. Yes No Yes Yes t Yes Yes 6. No. of Consumers (Premises). 16,000 27,000 115,500 7,500 21,500 90,000 8,936 6. Service charged to Owner or Consumer. Consumer Property Owner Owner Consumer Owner Owner 7. Water charge lien on premises?. No Yes Y T es No No No No 8. Collections made (with regard to service): Flat rate. Advance After After After Advance Before After Meter. After After After After After After After 9. Periods at which collections are made: Flat rate. Semi-ann. Monthly Annually Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly Meter rate. Quarterly Monthly Quarterly Quarterly Monthly Quarterly Quarterly 10. Is discount allowed for prompt payment?. No 25% No No No No No 11. How many days of grace are allowed?. 30 3 10 Indefinite 10 10 15 12. Are deposits required?. Yes; $3 No No No Meters est. Cash or bond No 13. What is manner of collection. Postal Tax Coll. Collector Quarterly At Office City Coll. Tax Coll. 14. Are bills mailed?. Yes Delivery No Y’es Yes Yes No 16. Number of collection offices?. One One One One Two One One 16. Percentage of premises metered. 27% 90% 3% 100% 63% 46% 89.8% 17. Number of meters in residences. 3,900 * 300 7,200 13,500 ) 35,000 Meters 18. Number of meters in other premises. 450 t 3,400 300 In all 1 6,000 t 19. Are hotels, boarding houses, etc., classed as residences?. No No No Yes No Yes t 20. How often are meters read?. Monthly Monthly Quarterly Monthly Qr. and Mo. Monthly Monthty 21. Number of meter readers. 4 12 3 7 6 18 5 22. Do meter readers perform other services?. Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes 23. How many hours per day given to meter reading?. 3 hours 8 to 10 | 4 hours 8 hours 9 8 8 *From the nature of the reply it is evident the question was misunderstood. tNo reply. 2 Buffalo, N. Y. Cambridge, Mass. Camden, N. J. Charleston, S. C. Chicago, Illinois. Cincinnati, Ohio. Cleveland, Ohio. Columbus, Ohio. Dayton, Ohio. Denver. Colorado. Des Moines, Iowa. 4^, 715 104,839 95,000 58,000 2,185,283 363,591 560,663 181,511 116,000 213,000 86,369 Yes No No t No No Yes, ex. Fire No. Fire Dpt No 6c per M gals Yes Yes Yes Yes t Yes No Yes No No No No No Yes Yes X Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes 80,062 16,194 21,898 5,000 270,000 53,560 85,000 33,788 24,000 X 17,193 Premises Owner Owner Either Either Either Owner Either Owner X Consumer No Yes Yes t No Yes No No Yes No No Advance Advance After Advance Advance Advance Advance Advance After Advance After After After After After After After Advance After After Advance After Semi-ann. Annually Annually Quarterly Semi-ami. Semi-ann. Semi-ann. Semi-ann. Quarterly Semi-ann. Mo., Qr., S-a. Monthly Quarterly Annually Monthly Vary Monthly Semi-ann. Monthly Quarterly Semi-ann. Mo., Qr., S-a. No No No 5% Yes No No No No No No 10 30 3 months 15 None None 30 15 to 30 15 No 15 Min. meters No No No No No Adv. payme’t Yes None No No Gen. office City Treas. At office X At office Water office Cashier Postal At office Co. offices Send bills [Gen. deliv’d Yes Bills served Delivered Yes Delivered Delivered Yes No Yes Yes r One One Two One office, US Exp One One One One 1, sub-offices One 5% 33% metered 5% 6% 7% ? 98.4% 94% 100% No 98% all but 436 » 750 5,045 \ About 300 About 50 18,000 \ X t 28,851 1 24,000 1 Very few * 3,254 in all / 800 250 Metered fast in all J X t in all J No record] Very few * No -^Monthly No No as possible No No No X Yes Special rates No Wkly. & Mo. Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Various Semi-an., Mo. Quarterly Monthly Monthly 3 6 5 2 20 19 47 9 9 Only a few 5reg.l2tol5extra Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No, tem. help Probably Yes 8 8 t Last days Mo 8 t 8 Routes 9 A few I 10 to 12 Name of City. Detroit, Mich. Duluth, Minn. Evansville, 1 Indiana. Fall River, Mass. Fort Wayne, Indiana. Fort Worth, Texas. Grand Rap¬ ids, Mich. 1. Population. 465,766 78,466 69,647 120,000 70,000 75,000 112,571 No Yes No No No Yes 4c per 100 c. ft 3. Hydrants and installation paid out of water revenue?. No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 4. Is maintenance of hydrants paid out of water revenue?. No Yes Yes Yes Yes No 6 . No. of Consumers (Premises). 106,878 13,000 10,000 9,600 14,000 12,000 20,000 6 . Service charged to Owner or Consumer. No distinct’n Consumer Consumer Owner Owner Consumer Consumer 7. Water charge lien on premises?. Yes Yes No No No No Yes 8 . Collections made (with regard to service): Flat rate. Advance Advance Advance After After Advance Advance Meter. After After .; Advance After After Advance Advance 9. Periods at which collections are made: Flat rate. Semi-ann. Quarterly Semi-ann. Quarterly Quarterly Mo. & Qr. Quarterly Meter rate. Semi-ann. Monthly Quarterly Quarterly Mo. & Qr. Quarterly 10. Is discount allowed for prompt payment?. No No No 10 % penalty No No 10 % 11. How many days of grace are allowed?. No 10 15 15 10 20 No Tenants $3 up No No Av. charge No 13. What is manner of collection. 1 10 stations Water office City coll. Notice mail’d At office At office 14. Are bills mailed?. Delivered Yes Yes Yes Delivered Yes Delivered 15. Number of collection offices?.... One 11 inc. office One One One Two One 16. Percentage of premises metered. 12 % 68 % 1 % 99% 100 % 100 % 50% 17. Number of meters in residences. 13,302 1 8,000 None 8,900 Aprx. 12,000 12,000 ] t 18. Number of meters in other premises. in all J 1,000 53, over 1-in. 328 2,000 in all J t 19. Are hotels, boarding houses, etc., classed as residences?. Depends size No No No No Yes Yes, in gen’l Quarterly Monthly Monthly Monthly Quarterly Monthly Quarterly® 21 . Number of meter readers... 18 One 5 4 5 3 22 . Do meter readers perform other services?. .. Yes Yes Ye3 Yes Yes Yes No 23. flow many loins per day given to nifS'i reading?. i 8 Few meters 8 8 8 8 *From the nature of the reply it is evident the question was misunderstood. JNo reply. 4 Harrisburg, Pa. Hartford, Conn. Hoboken, N. J. Holyoke, Mass. Indianapolis Indiana. Jacksonville, Florida. Jersey City, N. J. Johnstown, Pa. Kansas City, Mo. Lawrence, Mass. Los Angeles, Cal. 64,167 98,915 70,000 57,730 233,650 65,000 268,000 75,000 248,341 85,892 319,000 No Yes. Met. rts. Yes Yes t lj^c cu. ft. No Private No 10 c 100 cu. ft. No Yes No Yes No t Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No ■ t ? Yes Yes Yes Yes 17,579 14,000 5,500 4,485 33,500 10,550 34,000 11,859 53,000 8,025 73,000 Owner Owner Owner Owner Optional Consumer Owner Owner Consumer Owner Owner No Yes Yes No No No Yes No No No Yes Advance After After Advance t Advance Advance Advance Advance After Before After After After After t Advance Advance After After After Annually 1 Semi-ann. Mo., Qr., S-a. Qr. and Mo. Quarterly Quarterly Annually Semi-ann. Quarterly Quarterly Monthly Annually Semi-ann. and annually Qr. and Mo. Monthly Quarterly Various Quarterly Monthly | Quarterly Monthly 3%, unmet’d No No 10 % No 10 % No No No No No 3 mo. t 15 to 30 15 days 15 days 10 30 to 75 10 to 20 days 10 days 30 5 t No No None Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No City Treas. Water office Check or ofc. Water office Co. office City Treas. Mailed \ Water office Water office City Treas. Collector Delivered No Out of City Mailed or dlv No Yes or Call / Yes, in part Yes Distributed No One One Water office One One One One One One One One 66% 100% 75% 9% 11% 86 % 15% 21 % 60% 93% 78%,allwillbe » 11,544 1 13,105 ] 3,750 | None 2,500 7,828 1 2,000 2,100 30,000 1 57,000 | in all j in all J in all j 397 1,200 in all J 3,000 417 in all j in all J t Yes All metered No No No No No Yes t 3, 1 mo. Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Quarterly Monthly Monthly 1 Monthly 2 7 2 5 3 2 7 2 to 3 14 4 reg. 8 Yes Yes Deliver bills Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes 8 8 8 ' t 10 1 8 7 hrs. up 8 8 hrs.,2/3 mo 8 8 5 Name of City. Louisville, Kentucky. Lowell, Mass. Lynn, Mass. Manchester, N. H. Milwaukee, Wis. Minneapolis, Minn. Memphis, Tenn. 1. Population. 225,000 106,294 89,336 70,063 373,857 301,408 131,000 2. Do other City Depts. pay for water?. No Reg. rates No Bldgs, fountns Yes x /l rate ex. fire Bd.ofEd.only 3. Hj'drants and installation paid out of water revenue?. No Yes No hyd.$25yr.ea. Yes Yes etc. Yes No 4. Is maintenance of hydrants paid out of water revenue?. No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No 5. No. of Consumers (Premises). t Total pop. 16,600 7,597 59,000 48,200 23,872 6. Service charged to Owner or Consumer. Consumer Owner Owner Owner Either Owner Either 7. Water charge lien on premises?. No No No Yes Yes Yes No 8. Collections made (with regard to service): Flat rate. Advance Advance Advance Advance After Before Advance Meter. After After After After After After After 9. Periods at which collections are made: Flat rate. Semi-ann. Annually Semi-ann. Quarterly Quarterly Semi-ann. Adv. Qr. after Meter rate. Monthly Quarterly 1 Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly Monthly 10. Is discount allowed for prompt payment?. Yes 20 % No No No No Yes 11. How many days of grace are allowed?. 15 F R; 5 M R 30 15 20 5% penalty 20 10 12. Are deposits required?. 10 c and up No No No No No $2 up 13. What is manner of collection. Bills sent Treasurer At office Water office 3 Water Reg. City Treas. Suit brought 14. Are bills mailed?. Yes Delivered Yes Delivered Delivered Yes Yes 15. Number of collection offices?. One One One One One One One 16. Percentage of premises metered. About 10% 80% 45% 78% 100 % 89% 60%, all bus. 17. Number of meters in residences. 1,465 11,000 1 7,000 ] 5,952 ) 59,000 ] + X * 18. Number of meters in other premises. 2,850 in all j 500 j in all J in all J X X 19. Are hotels, boarding houses, etc., classed as residences?. Yes Yes No Yes All metered X Yes '< 20. How often are meters read?. Res. Monthly Quarterly Monthly Monthly Monthly Quarterly Monthly* 21. Number of meter readers. 10 5 5 4 31 21 6 22 . Do meter readers perform other services?. Yes Yes Yes Deliver bills Yes Yes Yes 23. How many hours per day given to meter reading?. 30 hrs. mo. 8 7 9 IV* 7^ 8 *From the nature of the reply it is evident the question was misunderstood. JNo reply. 6 Newark, N. J. t New Bedford Mass. New Haven, Conn. New Orleans La. Oklahoma City, Okla. Passiac, N. J. Paterson, N. J. Peoria, Illinois. Philadelphia Pa. Portland. Maine. Portland, Oregon. 347,000 96,652 140,000 339,000 64,205 63,000 125,600 66,950 1,500,000 58.571 I 207,214 In part 15c M gals. t No t t t I No No ' No Yes Yes t No Not entirely i t t No t Yes Yes Yes t Yes Yes I t Yes Yes t No 45,700 14,055 35,000 51,000 11,000 7,207 15,800 11,175 360,000 13,000 55,902 Owner Owner Owner Consumer Owner Owner Either Owner Owner | Consumer Yes No No Yes Yes No No No No No No Advance Advance Advance Advance After After After Advance After Advance After Advance After Advance Advance Advance ! Advance After Advance Advance Quarterly Gen. Qr., few Semi-ann. Quarterly Adv. Quarly. Advance Advance Mo. Adv. Quarly. Adv. Annly. ' Adv. Quarly, J Monthly - Quarterly cases Mo. Semi-ann. Monthly After Mo. After After After Mo. Adv. Annly. > After Mo. Monthly No No No No No 5% meter ac. Yes No No 10 % 10 days No 30 15 None 10 % penalty 10 % penalty 15 15 30 None None 10 No No No Hydra’tsonly Yes $5 up; tenant Yes No No Some cases On meter acc. Main office City Treas. Bills sent Coll. Dept. City Treas. At office Water office Co. office City Hall Send bills 3 & Exp. Co. Mail & Del. Yes Yes Delivered Yes No No Notices mid. Meter bills Yes Yes One One One One One One One One One One 3 & Exp. ofes. ' 21.4% 12,058 1,340 No 57% ’ 25,900 ] in all j 88 %,100%soon 12,109 231 9% 3,000 1 in all J 100 % Not given 52% 3,700 82 56% 8,800 ] in all j 3% 200 175 5% 13,000 3,394 23% About 3,0001 in all J Yes Quarterly Same price No Hotels, No Yes No Yes No No No Monthly Monthly Mo.; Sml. Qr. Monthly Res.Q. mfg.M 3 months Monthly t Mo. & Qr. Monthly X 7 6 14 2 9 8 2 40 inspectors 3 5 Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes j 1-10 to insp’n 8 8 I 8 All day 7 to 8 hrs. 8 8 8 8 8 t Name of City. Providence, R. I. Reading, Pa. Richmond, Virginia. Rochester, New York. St. Paul, Minn. Salt Lake, Utah. San Antonio Texas. 1. Population. 224,326 96,071 130,000 218,149 214,744 92,777 97,000 2 . Do other City Depts. pay for water?. Yes, Yi rates No Yes, fire No Yes No % 3. Hydrants and installation paid out of water revenue?. No Yes No Yes Yes Yes X 1 4. Is maintenance of hydrants paid out of water revenue?. Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes X 5. No. of Consumers (Premises). 30,051 24,000 24,500 43,600 34,500 18,300 21,000 6 . Service charged to Owner or Consumer.. .. Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Consumer Owner 7. Water charge lien on premises?. Yes Yes No Yes Yes No x 8 . Collections made (with regard to service): Flat rate. Advance X Advance After Advance Advance Advance Meter. t Advance After After After Advance 9. Periods at which collections are made: Flat rate. Mo.,Qr.& A. Semi-ann. Quarterly Sm. bills Mo. Annually Adv. ann. Quarterly Meter rate.. accord, to use Semi-ann. Quarterly Large, Qr. Mo. and Qr. After, Mo. Monthly 10. Is discount allowed for prompt payment?. No No No No No No No 11. How many days of grace are allowed?. 10 15 5 1 Month 14 31 x 12. Are deposits required?. No No No No No Cost of meter Yes, meter 13. What is manner of collection. City Treas. Notice given City Treas. Water office Coll, or mail X Co.’s office 14. Are bills mailed?. No No By request Mail, deliv. By request Yes If requested 15. Number of collection offices?. One One 6 One One One One 16. Percentage of premises metered. 85% 20 % 70% 100 % 80% 7% 24% 17. Number of meters in residences. 27,305 ] 3,000 20,000 ] Aprx. 41,000 27,500 serv.] 300 4,000 fc 18. Number of meters in other premises.. . . in all ] 1,400 in all J Aprx. 2,600 metered J 900 1,000 19. Are hotels, boarding houses, etc., classed as residences?. All metered No See rates No Have meters No No; com’i. 20. How often are meters read?. Mo. or Qr. Monthly Monthly Lrg. M; Sm Q Qr. and Mo. Qr. and Mo. Month# 21. Number of meter readers. 9 6 5 14 11 2 5 22. Do meter readers perform other services?. Work in office Yes Yes Yes Yes, inspect’n Yes Yes 23. How many hours per day given to meter reading?. 7 8 8 8 6 Undeterm’d 10 days *From the nature of the reply it is evident the question was misunderstood. tNo reply. Schenectady New York. Seattle, Wash. Sommer ville, Mass. South Bend, Indiana. Springfield, Mass. Spokane, Wash. St. Joseph, Missouri. Syracuse, New York. Toledo, Ohio. Trenton, N. J. Utica, N. Y. 75,000 237,000 77,236 53,000 88,926 104,402 77,403 137,249 168,497 100,000 75,000 No Yes No No No $18,000, 1914 Yes No No No Yes f Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes t 13,000 39,805 13,000 11,000 13,000 25,378 13,050 25,800 31,960 23,000 12,500 prem’s Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Consumer Owner Owner Both Owner Yes Yes No No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Advance Advance Advance Advance After After Advance After Advance Advance After Advance After After After After After After After After After After Annually Quarterly Annually Annually Quarterly Res. 4 months Quarterly Qr., Mo., & Small, ann. Semi-ann. Quarterly Annually Monthly Quarterly Annually Quarterly Bus., Mo’ly Monthly Semi-ann. Large, Mo. Semi-ann. Monthly No No No No No 50c, 20 days No •V, No 25% 5% 30 None 10, 30 and 90 20 30 days 20 days 10 to 15 15 30 Mo. & 10 15 to 20 t No Tenant, Yes No 13 metered ac No No Some cases No $6 i nless guar t No City Treas. City Treas. City Treas. t City Coll. City Treas. 1 Water office Main office By clerk 2 collectors No Yes Yes Delivered Yes Yes Delivered No Yes No Express Co.) One Banks & Exp. One One One One Two One One One out of city J 3% 85% 60% All will be 27% 100 % 50% 19% 97% 74% 8 % 100 % ABbut ioe About 300 Not j Segregated] Approx. 7,000 Approx. 800 About 3,000 Not classified All business 2,500 met’d j 10,550 F. R.J 25,200 1 in all J 23,500 ] in all J None 1,800 Aprx. 12,600 Approx. 314 ys T o No Yes No X No All metered No distinct’n No distinct’n No Not classified Quarterly Monthly Quarterly Mo. and Qr. Qr. and Mo. Mo. and Qr. Monthly Monthly Mo. & 6 Wks. Mo. & Qr. Mo. & Qr. 1 5 3 4 4 7 3 10 7 3 3 Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes 8 8 8 dur. period t X t 9 days each 8 8 8 Yes 9 Name of City. Washington, D. C. Wilkes-Barre Pa. Wilmington I Delaware. Worcester, Mass. Yonkers, N. Y. ^ ( 1. Population. 331,069 67,000 87,411 145,000 79,803 2 . Do other City Depts. pay for water?. No $20 per hyd. No $10 per M gals No 3. Hydrants and installation paid out of water % revenue?. Yes 1 Yes Yes No T 4. Is maintenance of hydrants paid out of water revenue?. Yes t Yes Yes Yes 5. No. of Consumers (Premises). 66,321 i 20,000 98% 8,964 6 . Service charged to Owner or Consumer. Owner t Owner Owner Owner 7. Water charge lien on premises?. No Yes No No Yes 8 . Collections made (with regard to service): Flat rate. Advance During Quar. Advance Advance After Meter. Advance During Quar. After After After 9. Periods at which collections are made: Flat rate. Annually Quarterly Annually Annually and Domestic or Meter rate. Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly Semi-ann. Mfg., Mo. 10. Is discount allowed for prompt payment?. No No 10%FR;5%meters No No 11. How many days of grace are allowed?. 10 to 30 days t 60 5 30 12. Are deposits required?. No No No No No 13. What is manner of collection. Tax collector t Water office Treas. office City Treas. 14. Are bills mailed?. No Yes On request Postal cards Yes 15. Number of collection offices?. One 6 One One One 16. Percentage of premises metered. 60% No figures 50%, all 8 mo. 98% 100 % 17. Number of meters in residences. 34,745 None 8,699 18,276 | * 18. Number of meters in other premises. 3,516 t 268 in all j * 19. Are hotels, boarding houses, etc., classed as residences?. Houses only No Hotels, No. No Yes 20 . How often are meters read?. 9 times year Mo. & Qr. Monthly Monthly Qr. & Mo. V 21 . Number of meter readers. 8 t 4 6 7 22. Do meter readers perform other services?. Yes t No No Yes 23. How many hours per day given to meter reading?. 8 1 48 hrs. 8 8 *From the nature of the reply it is evident the question was misunderstood. JNo reply. 10 All water systems herein are municipal except Bayonne, N. J.; Birmingham, Alabama; Charleston, S. C.; Denver, Colo¬ rado; DesMoines, Iowa; Indianapolis, Indiana; Johnstown, Pa.; New Haven, Conn.; Passaic, N. J.; Paterson, N. J.; Peoria, Illi¬ nois; San Antonio, Texas; St. Joseph, Missouri; Utica, New York; Wilkes-Barre, Pa. To enforce payment all shut off water except Birmingham, Alabama; Hartford, Conn.; New Haven, Conn.; New Orleans, La.; Richmond, Virginia; Yonkers, New York.