9861 6 Z Mr Utf3¥Jle«r' ifo , 51 * - fosj THEORETICAL TECHNIQUE FOR PREDICTING THE CUMULATIVE IMPACT OF IRON AND MANGANESE OXIDATION IN STREAMS RECEIVING DISCHARGE FROM COAL MINES JUL 1 6 1986 kiWliittfSlTY OF ILLINOIS ^ URBANA-CHAMPAIGN U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Water Resources Investigations Report 86-4039 THEORETICAL TECHNIQUE FOR PREDICTING THE CUMULATIVE IMPACT OF IRON AND MANGANESE OXIDATION IN STREAMS RECEIVING DISCHARGE FROM COAL MINES by Keith E. Bobay U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Water-Resources Investigations Report 86-4039 The person charging this material is re¬ sponsible for its return to the library from which it was withdrawn on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Indianapolis, Indiana 1986 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR DONALD PAUL HODEL, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Dallas L. Peck, Director For additional information write to: Copies of this report can be purchased from: U.S. Geological Survey 6023 Guion Road, Suite 201 Indianapolis, Indiana 46254 Western Distribution Branch U.S. Geological Survey Box 25425, Federal Center Denver, Colorado 80225 (Telephone: [303] 234-5888) CONTENTS Page Abstract... 1 Introduction. 2 Background. 2 Purpose and scope. 2 Approach. 3 Description of technique. 4 Computer programs used. 4 One-dimensional, steady-state stream, water quality program. 4 pH, redox, and equilibrium equations (PHREEQE) program. 6 Assumptions and modifications of the programs. 6 Coupling of the programs. 9 Physical and chemical options of the programs. 12 Simulations of cumulative impacts of iron and manganese oxidation using representative data from a small watershed, southwestern Indiana. 13 Characteristics of the data. 13 Simulations with discharges from zero to five coal mines. 16 Sensitivity analyses. 20 Summary and conclusions. 25 Selected references. 27 ILLUSTRATIONS Figure 1. Diagram showing hypothetical inflows and subreaches of a receiving stream. 5 2. Diagram showing interactions of the primary programs. 10 3. Flowchart of the two primary programs. 11 4. Graphs of simulated dissolved-iron (II) and dissolved- manganese (II) concentrations. 17 5. Graphs of simulated dissolved-oxygen concentrations and pH.... 18 6. Graphs showing the sensitivity of the technique to changes in chemical parameters. 22 7. Graphs showing the sensitivity of the technique to changes in physical parameters. 23 8. Graphs showing the sensitivity of the technique to changes in kinetic parameters.. 24 I -iii- TABLES Page Table 1. Morphometric characteristics of the simulated streams and mine discharges. 14 2. Initial quality and chemical characteristics of the simulated streams and mine discharges. 14 3. Initial solution characteristics and results of the hypothetical simulations with from zero to five coal mines discharging at half-mile intervals. 16 4. Simulated stream characteristics resulting from the sensitivity analyses with five coal mines discharging at half-mile intervals. 21 FACTORS FOR CONVERTING INCH-POUND UNITS TO METRIC (INTERNATIONAL SYSTEM) UNITS Multiply inch-pound unit by_ To obtain Metric units foot (ft) 0.3048 meter (m) square foot (ft 2 ) 0.0929 square meter (n£) mile (mi) 1.609 kilometer (km) cubic foot per second (ft 3 /s) 0.0283 cubic meter per second (m 3 /s) To convert degree Fahrenheit (°F) to degree Celsius (°C) (0.556) (°F - 32°) = °C To convert degree Celsius (°C) to degree Kelvin (°K) °C + 273.16 = °K USE OF TRADE NAMES Use of brand and firm trade names in this report is for identification purposes only and does not constitute endorsement by the U. S. Geological Survey. -iv- THEORETICAL TECHNIQUE FOR PREDICTING THE CUMULATIVE IMPACT OF IRON AND MANGANESE OXIDATION IN STREAMS RECEIVING DISCHARGE FROM COAL MINES By Keith E. Bobay ABSTRACT Two U. S. Geological Survey computer programs are modified and linked to predict the cumulative impact of iron and manganese oxidation in coal-mine discharge water on the dissolved-chemical quality of a receiving stream. The coupled programs calculate the changes in dissolved-iron, dissolved-manganese, and dissolved-oxygen concentrations; alkalinity; and, pH of surface water downstream from the point of discharge. First, the one-dimensional, steady- state stream, water-quality program uses a dissolved-oxygen model to calculate the changes in concentration of elements as a function of the chemical reac¬ tion rates and time-of-travel. Second, a program (PHREEQE) combining pH, reduction-oxidation potential, and equilibrium equations uses an aqueous-ion association model to determine the saturation indices and to calculate pH; it then mixes the discharge with a receiving stream. The kinetic processes of the first program dominate the system, whereas the equilibrium thermodynamics of the second define the limits of the reactions. A comprehensive test of the technique was not possible because a complete set of data was unavailable. However, the cumulative impact of representative discharges from several coal mines on stream quality in a small watershed in southwestern Indiana was simulated to illustrate the operation of the tech¬ nique and to determine its sensitivity to changes in physical, chemical, and kinetic parameters. Mine discharges averaged 2 cubic feet per second, with a pH of 6.0, and concentrations of 7.0 milligrams per liter (mg/L) dissolved iron, 4.0 mg/L dissolved manganese, and 8.08 mg/L dissolved oxygen. The receiving stream discharge was 2 cubic feet per second, with a pH of 7.0, and concentrations of 0.1 mg/L dissolved iron, 0.1 mg/L dissolved manganese, and 8.70 mg/L dissolved oxygen. Results of the simulations indicated the follow¬ ing cumulative impact on the receiving stream from five discharges as compared with the effect from one discharge: 0.30 unit decrease in pH, 1.82 mg/L increase in dissolved-iron, 1.50 mg/L increase in dissolved-manganese, and 0.24 mg/L decrease In dissolved-oxygen concentration. -1- INTRODUCTION Background The Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act requires that before a permit to mine is issued, an assessment must "be made by the regulatory au¬ thority of the probable cumulative impacts of all anticipated mining upon the hydrology of the area (Public Law 95-87, 1977, Sec. 507 (b)(ll)) The cumulative impact area is defined as "the area in which there would be an interaction between the hydrologic impacts of the proposed mine and all other anticipated mining." (Federal Register, 1983, p. 43957) The section on background and legislative intent further states "if any material damage would result to the hydrologic balance from the cumulative impacts of a newly proposed and any previously permitted operation, the new operation could not be permitted." (Federal Register, 1983, p. 43957) Therefore, the regulatory authority is required to make a cumulative assessment of every permit, prior to issuance, as to whether material damage will occur. But the regulations and statements of intent allow a wide lati¬ tude and do not specify the analytical technique to make the assessment. Currently, the most common cumulative hydrologic impact assessment (CHIA) performed by regulatory authorities is based on a qualitative analysis. Many assessments simply state 'No Impact' by summing the determinations in the probable hydrologic consequence (PHC) sections of the permit applications (Nadolski and others, 1983, p. 210). Purpose and Scope This report presents a quantitative, reproducible technique for assessing the cumulative impact on a receiving stream from the oxidation of dissolved ferrous iron and dissolved manganous manganese in coal-mine discharges. The technique predicts dissolved-oxygen, dissolved-iron, dissolved-manganese, and alkalinity concentrations and pH of the receiving stream. Although criteria such as depositional and biological effects, and changes in suspended sediment loads are needed to make a thorough judgment of material damage, the present technique is limited to impacts to the chemistry of the water column. The proposed technique does not require chemical equilibrium; it explic¬ itly solves the nonlinear effects of the kinetically modeled oxidation on the general chemistry of the receiving stream. The technique uses two existing public-domain U.S. Geological Survey computer programs, making availability easy to regulatory authorities. Although the technique is theoretically applicable to a wide range of hydrologic settings, simulations were performed with representative data from a small watershed in southwestern Indiana. -2- Approach The simple stoichiometry of ferrous iron and manganous manganese oxidation and precipitation forms the basis of this theoretical technique: and Fe(II) + 1/4 0 2 + 5/2 1L0 = Fe(OH) 3 + 2 H+ (Singer and Stumm, 1968, p. 12), Mn(II) + 1/2 0 2 + 1^0 = Mn0 2 + 2 H + (Hera and Lind, 1983, p. 2037). ( 1 ) ( 2 ) As one mole of Fe(II) is oxidized to Fe(III) and precipitated as ferric hydroxide, one-quarter mole of oxygen is consumed and two moles of hydrogen ion are produced. Similarly, as one mole of Mn(II) is oxidized to Mn(IV) and precipitated as Mn0 2 , one-half mole of oxygen is consumed and two moles of hydrogen ion are produced. Therefore, to determine the cumulative impact on a receiving stream as a result of these chemical reactions, the following questions must be addressed: 1) How many moles of the reduced forms of the metals are oxidized, given thermodynamic and kinetic constraints? 2) How much of the oxygen which has been consumed is replaced by reaeration? 3) Of the total hydrogen ions produced, how many moles are free, thus able to reduce pH? 4) What are the effects from mass balance when two waters are combined? The kinetics of oxidation and reaeration in the one-dimensional, steady- state stream, water-quality program (Bauer and others, 1979) are combined with the equilibrium thermodynamic, pH, and mass-balance calculations in the PHREEQE (acronym for pH, redox, and equilibrium equations) program (Parkhurst and others, 1980) to simulate the reactions and answer these questions. Chapman (1982) constructed a complex program, RIVEQL II, to similarly combine a chemical equilibrium model with a physical transport model which included a pseudo-kinetic treatment of redissolution. However, chemical reac¬ tions other than redissolution of precipitates and dissociation of surface species were treated as equilibrium reactions. Bencala (1983) coupled a phys¬ ical mass transport model and a kinetic model to simulate solute transport processes in a mountain pool-and-riffle stream. This strictly deterministic model was applied primarily to understand the physical and chemical processes in the system. Lumb (1982) presented a procedure for the assessment of cumu¬ lative impacts from coal mining based on a qualitative matrix to determine the magnitude of the impact. Then, techniques ranging from simple mass balance to data-intensive hydrologic models were used to quantify the impacts. -3- The theoretical technique presented here is a more simplified effort which combines many of the physical, chemical, and biological processes into lumped parameters. However, it has the advantage of not requiring intensive data collection. Most chemical and physical parameters are available in coal-mine permit applications (Nadolski and others, 1983, p. 209). Kinetic rates, if not determined empirically, must be estimated from a range of values in the literature. In order to determine the maximum potential damage, a worst case scenario could be represented by fast oxidation and slow reaeration. DESCRIPTION OF TECHNIQUE Two U. S. Geological Survey computer programs are modified and coupled to perform the calculations in the technique. In addition, 11 subprograms are used to enter and reformat the data, and to perform simple calculations. A Command Procedure Language (CPL) program combines the two primary FORTRAN programs and 11 subprograms into one system. Simplifying assumptions, program options, and program interactions are presented below. Computer Programs Used One-dimensional, Steady-state Stream, Water-quality Program The one-dimensional, steady-state stream, water-quality program predicts the receiving stream response to waste inputs, such as coal-mine discharge or sewage effluent. It calculates the response of dissolved oxygen, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), nitrogen, phosphorus, coliform bacteria, and three user- defined conservative constituents (Bauer and others, 1979, p. 1). The one-dimensional analysis is ideally applied to narrow, low-order streams. Some accuracy is lost when it is used on wide, turbulent rivers. The steady-state assumption requires that the receiving stream is divided into subreaches defined by the location of inflows. Therefore, the flow remains constant through each subreach of the system (Bauer and others, 1979, p. 2-15). The framework for this FORTRAN IV program is derived from a dissolved- oxygen (DO) model based on a modified Streeter-Phelps oxygen-sag equation. The DO deficit is calculated as a function of the initial deficit, oxygen sources (atmospheric reaeration and photosynthesis), and oxygen sinks (BOD, algal respiration, and sediment oxygen demand). The deficit is computed for the time-of-travel through each subreach. The DO concentration at any point in the subreach is equal to the saturated DO concentration minus the DO deficit (Bauer and others, 1979, p. 9-11). -A- Figure 1 is a diagram showing the location of three coal-mine discharges into a receiving stream. The discharges are modeled from the sediment ponds to the confluence and then mixed with the stream. The stream is divided into three subreaches (R^ -R 2 , Rg-R^ , Rg-R^); each begins at the confluence with a discharge. The mixed solution is modeled for each subreach. The final solu¬ tion is shown as at an arbitrary point downstream from the last inflow. The mine discharges are assumed to be the only inflows to the stream between Rq and Rg. EXPLANATION MD Mine discharge R 0 Or iginal receiving water R-j-q Resulting mixed receiving waters Figure 1.-* Hypothetical inflows and subreaches of a receiving stream. -5- pH, Redox, and Equilibrium Equations (PHREEQE) Program PHREEQE is a FORTRAN IV computer program designed to simulate geochemical reactions. The program is similar to the Survey’s WATEQ family of programs based on aqueous-ion association models; yet, the functions and capabilities of PHREEQE are much broader and more sophisticated. It can calculate pH, pE, alkalinity, total concentration of elements, amounts of minerals exchanging with aqueous phases, the distribution of aqueous species, and the saturation state of the aqueous phase with respect to specified mineral phases (Parkhurst and others, 1980, p. 1-3). The thermodynamic data base of the aqueous model includes 120 aqueous species from 19 elements, and 38 minerals. The model is completely user- definable. The program uses equilibrium equations based on five fundamental concepts: electrical neutrality, conservation of electrons, mass balance, mineral equilibrium, and mass action. Iteration techniques are used to solve a set of nonlinear equations. Several types of reactions can be simulated, including mixing, titration, evaporation, and equilibration. The reactions can also be used in various combinations (Parkhurst and others, 1980, p. 1-7, 42). Assumptions and Modifications of the Programs Specific assumptions are made prior to running either program (PHREEQE or water-quality program). The one-dimensional analysis requires complete mixing of constituents within any cross-section. The steady-state assumption re¬ quires constant flow rate through each subreach. Constant stream morphometry is also assumed through each subreach. Thus, major changes in hydraulic characteristics, stream temperature, or reaction coefficients require a new subreach division (Bauer and others, 1979, p. 1-2). Additional assumptions and modifications to the primary subprograms are made with oxygen sources and sinks, reaction rates, reduction-oxidation potential, nonequilibrium, and kinetic dominance. The technique addresses only the reduced states of iron and manganese as the dominant dissolved forms in most natural waters (Hem, 1963, p. A8; Hem and Cropper, 1959, p. 10). Because the technique is concerned with the maximum potential effects from the oxidation of these reduced forms, decreases in concentrations of the metals owing to complexation and adsorption are assumed to be insignificant. As the reduced states are oxidized to iron (III) and manganese (IV) and then precipitated, oxygen is consumed and the pH is lowered. Precipitation of the aqueous phase to the solid phase is modeled in the technique as an equilibrium process. The oxidation and precipitation of iron is shown in two steps (Singer and Stumm, 1968, p. 12): Fe(II) + 1/4 0 2 + H + = Fe(III) + 1/2 H 2 0 (oxidation), (3) and Fe(III) + 3 H 2 0 = Fe(0H) 3 + 3 H+ (precipitation). (4) -6- In the laboratory, Hera and Lind (1983, p. 2037) have shown that the oxida¬ tion of Mn(II) results in the formation of metastable intermediate products* Two possible intermediates are hausmannite (Mn 3 0 4 ) and feitknechtite (BMnOOH). The pyrolusite (Mn0 2 ) end-product results from the disproportionation of the intermediates. The following stoichiometry shows this two-step process for hausmannite: 3 Mn(II) + 1/2 0 2 + 3 ^0 = Mn 3 0 4 + 6 H + (oxidation), (5) and Mn 3 0^ + 4 H+ = Mn0 2 + 2 Mn(II) + 2 ^0 (6) (disproportionation and precipitation). The modified Streeter-Phelps equation in the DO model has been simplified for the technique. The sum of effects from photosynthesis, respiration, sedi¬ ment oxygen demand, and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) are assumed to be zero. This could occur in a low-order stream receiving little sunlight where a minimum amount of algae and sludge deposits are present. Biochemical oxygen demand is a measure of the dissolved oxygen required by microorganisms in the biochemical oxidation of organic matter. In the theoretical technique, the BOD terms are replaced by ferrous oxygen demand (FOD) and manganous oxygen demand (MOD). The following equation describes the dissolved oxygen sources and sinks: dD/dT = - 1/A d(QD) /dx - K a D + 1/4 KfF + 1/2 KJM, (7) where D is T is X is A is Q is K is a K f K is is m F is M is and 1/4 and dissolved oxygen deficit, in milligrams per liter; time-of-travel, in days; downstream distance, in feet; cross-sectional area, in square feet; discharge, in cubic feet per second; atmospheric reaeration rate, in day -1 ; ferrous deoxygenation rate, in day -1 ; manganous deoxygenation rate, in day -1 ; dissolved-iron (II) concentration, in milligrams per liter; dissolved-manganese (II) concentration, in milligrams per liter; 1/2 are the stoichiometric mole ratios from equations 1 and 2. At steady-state conditions, dD/dT=0. Upon integration with boundary con¬ ditions, C=C Q (any solute concentration) at x=0, D = D 0 (e" K a T ) + 1/4 K f F Q /(K a -K f ) (e" K f T -e _K a T ) + 1/2 K m M 0 /(K a -K m ) (e" K m T - e " K a T ). (8) This equation is used in the model calculations. It can be simplified to show the effects of FOD and MOD without reaeration by setting K equal to zero: D = D q + 1/4 F q (1 - e” K f T ) + 1/2 M Q (1 - e~ K m T ). (9) The results of the two equations can be compared to show the relative impor¬ tance of atmospheric reaeration. -7- The theoretical rate of reaction for ferrous iron oxidation can be calculated using values for DO, pH, a constant (kl) from the literature, and adjustment for calibration ( Stumm and Lee, 1961, p. 145; Singer and Stumm, 1970, p. 1122; Stumm and Morgan, 1970, p. 534; Sung and Morgan, 1980, p. 562). The following equation defines the kinetic relationship for iron in the pH range 5 to 8 (Stumm and Lee, 1961, p. 145): -d[Fe(II)]/dT = kl[Fe(II)]p0 2 [0H"1 2 , (10) where [] denotes activity, p0 2 is the partial pressure of oxygen, and kl is a constant. Equation 10 shows that the reaction rate is first order with respect to the partial pressure of oxygen and second order with respect to the hydroxyl ion activity. Because the pH is directly proportional to the activity of the hydroxyl ion, the reaction rate increases two orders of magnitude for every unit increase in pH. At constant DO and pH, the entire rate becomes first order (Singer and Stumm, 1968, p. 13): -d[Fe(II)]/dT = k[Fe(II)]. (11) Manganese is not so easily removed from water as iron; the kinetics of the reaction are much slower. Also, the oxidation reaction is much more complex than iron and not fully understood because Mn(II) can be oxidized to Mn(III) or Mn(IV) (Hem, 1963, p. 2, 54). However, the reaction is similarly second-order dependent upon [OH - ] and first-order dependent on Q, (Morgan, 1967, p. 606-618; Stumm and Morgan, 1970, p. 536). Manganese has been shown to precipitate with other elements and compounds, but coprecipitation with ferric hydroxide does not normally occur at pH less than 6.7 (Hem, 1963, p. 59-61). Although the oxidation of reduced manganese is autocatalytic (Morgan, 1967, p. 613-614; Stumm and Morgan, 1970, p. 535), pseudo first-order kinet¬ ics can be assumed if a substantial area of oxide surface is available (Lewis, 1976, p. 139-144; Hem, 1981, p. 1373). Because substantial oxidation of Mn (II) does not occur at pH much less than 8.0 (Coughlin and Matsui, 1976, p. 108), and in order to simplify the kinetics for the water-quality program, manganese oxidation is assumed to be pseudo first-order in the technique. The rate law takes the same form as iron in equations 10 and 11. Whereas substantial oxidation of ferrous iron in natural waters will normally occur in minutes to hours, manganese (II) requires hours to days (Pankow and Morgan, 1981a, p. 1157-1158; Sung and Morgan, 1981, p. 2377). The constant (k) in equation 11 will normally differ one-to-three orders of magnitude between the two metals. Reaeration rates can be calculated within the water-quality program or entered directly. Eight reaeration equations, including the Bennett-Rathbun and Tsivoglou-Wallace equations, are available. The user enters the equation number and stream parameters that are required. All reaction coefficients are adjusted for water temperatures other than 20 degrees Celsius (Bauer and others, 1979, p. 14; Terry and others, 1983, p. 49). According to Stumm and Lee (1961, p. 144), fifty percent of the acidity in acid-mine drainage originates from the oxidation of ferrous iron. This oxida¬ tion is accompanied by the release of protons (H+) which tend to reduce the pH -8- of the solution. The iron, manganese, and oxygen lost in the reaction are removed from the solution in PHREEQE by a negative reaction. The resulting pH reflects the change owing to oxidation and precipitation as shown in equations 1 and 2. The concept of reduction-oxidation (redox) potential is addressed in PHREEQE as pE (negative logarithm of the electron activity). The redox condi¬ tions in the initial solution must be specified for PHREEQE calculations to begin (Parkhurst and others, 1980, p. 32). Because the absolute value of the pE is meaningless (Thorstenson, 1984, p. 34-38) and usually unknown, a high positive number is input as pE to indicate nearly saturated oxidation condi¬ tions in flowing waters. Only a relative value is required because dissolved oxygen is explicitly solved in the water-quality program. The chemical composition of a solution is influenced significantly by the dissolution and precipitation of mineral phases interacting with the solution. Therefore, the chemical model must be tailored to characterize the particular geologic setting, such as including calcite to reflect the buffering potential of a carbonate bearing terrane. These phase interactions are affected by kinetic processes and geochemical equilibrium. While the equilibrium thermo¬ dynamics determine the direction of the reaction and what the equilibrium concentration will be under given conditions, the kinetics indicate how fast the reaction will proceed or how much time is required. If the kinetics are fast enough, the reaction can be treated as an equilibrium process. If the reaction proceeds at a slow rate, then kinetics is the controlling process (Stumm and Morgan, 1970, p. 12; Hoffman, 1981, p. 352). In the theoretical technique proposed here, the kinetics of the reactions dominate the system and the equilibrium thermodynamics define the limits of the reaction. Coupling of the Programs A CPL (Command Procedure Language) utility program was written to link the water-quality and PHREEQE programs that form the basis of this technique. The CPL program is currently on the PRIME computer system of the Indiana District of the U. S. Geological Survey. Figure 2 schematically shows the physical interactions of these two programs for three coal-mine discharges. The mine discharge solution (MD) is modeled from the point of discharge (see figure 1) to its confluence with the receiving stream. The water-quality program (Q.W.) calculates downstream values for dissolved oxygen, iron, and manganese. The changes in concentrations are entered into PHREEQE as a negative reaction and removed from solution. The moles of oxygen lost due to ferrous and manganous oxidation (X^q) are calculated in a subprogram. The calculations within PHREEQE are performed as stated in the previous section. The output solution from PHREEQE, including pH, pE, and alkalinity, is combined in a subprogram with the downstream concentrations of dissolved iron, dissolved manganese, and dissolved oxygen from the water-quality program. These solution characteris¬ tics of the discharge channel are mixed in PHREEQE with the solution charac¬ teristics of the receiving stream (R q ). This mixed solution is returned to the water-quality program while treating the total metals as reduced because PHREEQE ’oxidizes' the reduced forms if the solution conditions are oxidizing. -9- This does not affect any characteristic of the solution except the meaningless variable, pE. This solution is entered into the water-quality program and the cycle is repeated. R-j-g Resulting mixed receiving waters Figure 2.** Interaction of the primary programs. In addition to the two primary programs, the CPL program includes three data-entry subprograms and eight data-handling subprograms. The subprogram called PHRQINPT sets up the input file for PHREEQE by prompting the user for parameter values (G.W. Fleming and L.N. Plummer, written commun., 1984). The CPL program includes two other data-entry subprograms to set up the input file for the water-quality program. -10- c o o 09 E (0 9 CO c * O O Figure 3.-- Flowchart of the primary programs. Figure 3 is a flowchart of the program inputs, outputs, operations, and decisions. As shown in figure 2, the coal-mine discharge (MD) is modeled initially in PHREEQE and the water-quality program. A subprogram accesses the solubility indices in PHREEQE to determine whether precipitation conditions exist (SI > 0) for Fe(0H) 3 A (amorphous) and Mn0 2 • If dissolution conditions exist (SI < 0) or if the calculated concentrations in solution are less than the equilibrium concentrations, then the user must re-enter PHREEQE and obtain the equilibrium value for the species. The concentration in the water-quality program must be replaced by this equilibrium or limiting value before the -11- program can continue. Another data-handling subprogram compares the output from the two primary programs and merges the data into a PHREEQE input file so that the mine-discharge solution can be mixed with the headwater solution (R q ). When the output solutions from the two primary programs are compared, they should be equal, except for dissolved oxygen; PHREEQE only lowers the pE when oxygen is removed. The mixed downstream solution (R) is entered into the programs, modeled over the reach, and mixed with the next mine discharge. This cycle continues until the final downstream solution (R^) is obtained. Physical and Chemical Options of the Programs The coupling of the programs provides a variety of options for the user. These include the general hydrologic configuration, the types of aqueous species in solution, and the use of different mineral phases as oxidation products. A typical hydrologic configuration is shown in figure 1 where three coal¬ mine discharges are modeled. Several discharges or inflows can be included in the model. Any distance between inflows is acceptable as long as the steady- state assumption is not violated. If the hydrologic setting includes two or more watersheds, the watersheds must be modeled separately, and then mixed at the point of confluence. Although the technique addresses the kinetics of only ferrous and manga¬ nous oxidation, PHREEQE can solve initial solutions of up to 120 aqueous species. At present, though, the CPL program is capable of treating only two other species as non-conservative, and three species as conservative constit¬ uents chosen by the user. This limitation is imposed by the capacity of the water-quality program's data-input file. A mass-balance approach is used in the program to calculate the downstream concentrations after mixing. There¬ fore, inaccurate results will occur if non-conservative species are input as conservative constituents. Thirty-eight mineral phases are available in the pre-constructed PHREEQE data base. Pyrolusite, Mn0 2 , has been added from the data base in WATEQF (Plummer and others, 1976, p. 13, 60) as the final oxidation product of Mn(II). Although intermediate oxidation products from Fe(II) and Mn(II) are possible (eg. MnC0 3 , Mn 3 0 4 , Mn(0H)2» Fe(0H) 2 , Fe 3 0 4 , and FeOOH), pyrolusite and amorphous ferric hydroxide are the most likely oxidation end products. Therefore, their equilibrium thermodynamics are used in the calculations. -12- SIMULATIONS OF CUMULATIVE IMPACTS OF IRON AND MANGANESE OXIDATION USING REPRESENTATIVE DATA FROM A SMALL WATERSHED, SOUTHWESTERN INDIANA Characteristics of the Data The validity of the theoretical technique could not be tested because a complete set of data was not available. However, simulations were run with data representative of a small watershed in southwestern Indiana to illustrate the operation of the technique and to determine its sensitivity to changes in parameters, such as reaction rates, initial water quality, discharge quantity, and distances. Stream morphometric characteristics are available from previous studies and topographic maps (Peters, 1981; Renn, 1983). The stream characteristics used in the simulations are shown in table 1. A range of values is given for the receiving-stream data because certain parameters increase in the down¬ stream direction. For example, the quantity of each succeeding stream reach increases by 2.0 cubic feet per second (ft 3 /s) at the confluence with each mine discharge. Coal-mine discharge and receiving-stream data are available from permit applications for many areas in southwestern Indiana (SIECO, Inc., 1982, p. 38-40; Geosciences Research Associates, Inc., 1983, p. A3-A4). Commonly collected parameters in permit applications include iron, pH, alka¬ linity, sulfate, total dissolved solids, total suspended solids, and major cations and anions (Nadolski and others, 1983, p. 209). The initial quality and chemical characteristics of the coal-mine dis¬ charges and receiving stream used in the simulations are shown in table 2. A range of values is given for the rates of reactions in the receiving stream. The rates decrease downstream as pH and dissolved-oxygen concentration de¬ crease. The remaining receiving-stream data represent the water quality before mixing with the first mine discharge. Simulations were run as worst case scenarios; the discharge quality was assumed to be the poorest permissable under the laws. The maximum daily legal discharge concentrations of total iron and total manganese from a coal-mine sediment pond are 7.0 milligrams per liter (mg/L) and 4.0 mg/L, respectively. The pH must remain between 6.0 and 9.0 with minor exceptions (Federal Register, 1982, p. 45395). In order to determine the maximum impact from oxidation, the metals are assumed to be in the reduced, dissolved state. This assumption requires that the original coal-mine discharge be in a state of nonequilibrium. -13- Table 1.—Morphometric characteristics of the simulated streams and mine discharges rH CO )-i ^ 4_» ^ O 1 1-1 3 s total CO 6 c0 CU 5-4 Atmospheric reaeration rate (day -1 23.2 CO . CM CO CM -d £ f w cu e •H m • r» h • -d m . CO 4J CO TO > CU ^-4 co C 4-> TO c0 co CM • o • »—H -i 4J CO 14-1 5-1 14-4 a) o o o • o o o . cu -C 4-1 IM O CO o r—4 c L O tn C -H CO O 4-4 TO 5-4 CO M TO o • o - 50.0 1 cO ^ CO CUcM CO 5-4 -l- 1 O cO 144 •H 4-4 CO •H CO •H O co 5-1 0 *01 l-i w O cO -d a; c v bO o ^ 2.0 1-12.0 M ^ (U *30 4-1 >-< o CO CO -C P-/-V E O CU o H 25.0 22.0 co i-i cu * V-I 4-» V-I ■> 4-4 •H CO ^ d CO co •H O o • o • -d 4-1 a cu x TO o m c0 d o *H •H £ E _ —1 • • 4-) "i d co CO J-> 2.0 — 2.0-1 •H 3 M 1 1 Di ssolved oxygen (nig/h) 00 o . o r-- . d o •H cu bO d co •H 0)