UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS library Class ^\ 1 .\ Volume The person charging this material is re- sponsible for its return on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft, mutilation and underlining of books are reasons for disciplinary action and may result in dismissal from the University. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 1 5 AUG 1 I O 'M 'L, .J i . 1983 1983 L161— 0-1096 CBNStlS OF THE CANADAS. 1860 - 61 . Iproktt, SDttutoorifs, Pousts, Stjoofs, JiiWk IntMitgs, Iplatts of MorsliiiJ, YOL. II. QUEBEC : PHiNTEi) ny s. Ji. rooTE, steam press printing establishment, MOUNTAIN HILL, 1861 BUREAU OF AGRICULTURE AND STATISTICS. CENSUS DEPARTMENT, Quebec, February 24th, 1864, To the Hon. Luc Letellier de St, Just, ‘‘ “ “ W. P. Howland, “ “ Fergusson Blair. GENTLEMEN,—! have now the honor to present to you the Second Volume of the Census for 1860-61. From circumstances which this Depart- ment could not control, the publication of this volume has been delayed much beyond the time anticipated. I have the honor to be, Gentlemen, Yours with Respect, EVELYN CAMPBELL, AmH, IS€c'y. Digitized by the Internet Archive _ in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates ! APPENDICES TO THl EEPOET or THE AND STA.TISTICS. ^gmnlteal PHIs, pairafattoms, Joms, IttWk No. 11. — Return of Agricultural Produce, Upper Canada. Abstract of same. No. 12. — Return of Agricultural Produce, Lower Canada. Abstract of same. No. 13. — Return of Mills, Manufactories, &c.. Upper Canada. Abstract of same. No. 14. — Return of Mills, Manufactories, &c.. Lower Canada. Abstract of same. No. 15. — Return of Houses, Schools, Public Buildings, Places of Worship, &c.. Upper Canada. Abstract of same. No. 16. — Return of Houses, Schools, Public Buildings, Places of Worship, &c. Lower Canada. Abstract of same. APPENDIX TO CENSUS OF CANADA. OMO. 11, UFFEM CANADA. ^etura of %rrailtm‘ai At., At. 3VO. 11, UPPER CANADA. RETURN OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE, LANDS HELD, OCCUPIERS OF LAND, &c. 1. Brant. 2. Bruce. 3. Carleton. 4. Dundas. 5. Durham. 6. Elgin. 7. Essex. 8. Frontenac. 9. Glengary. 10. Grenville. 11. Grey. 12. Haldimand. 13. Halton. 14. Hastings. 15. Huron. 16. Kent. 17. Lambton. 18. Lanark. 19. Leeds. 20. Lennox and Addington. 21. Lincoln. 22. Middlesex. 23. Norfolk. 24. Northumberland. 25. Ontario. 26. Oxford. 27. Peel. 28. Perth. 29. Peterborough. 30. Prescott. . 31. Prince Edward. 32. Renfrew. 33. Russell. 34. Simcoe. 35. Stormont 36. Victoria. 37. Waterloo. 38. Welland. 39. Wellington. 40. Wentworth. 41. York. 42. Algoma, District. 43. Nipissing, District. 6 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 11. — Upper Canada — Return of COUNTY OF 1 TOWNSHIPS, &c. Occupiers op Lands. Lands — Acres. Total. 10 acres and un- der. 10 to 20. 20 to 60. 60 to 100. 100 to 200. Upwards of 200. Amount held in Acres Under cultiva- tion. Under crops. Under pasture. Under Gardens and Orchards. Wood and Wild Lands. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1. Brantford, Town of. 1 1 1 j 64555 1 1 2. Brantford 671 31 27 134 263 184 32 53368 43271 8854 1232 11198 3. Burford 332 4 5 162 231 102 28 52203 30372 22514 7284 574 21831 4. Dumfries, South 370 5 6 52 149 118 40 42728 33934 28837 4294 802 8794 5. Oakland 117 5 2 31 56 18 5 10401 7633 6555 819 159 2868 6. Onondaga 258 2 74 135 35 12 20762 14873 12630 2113 129 5889 7. Paris, Village 8. Tuscarora 385 7 4 109 245 17 3 33333 8396 4665 3710 21 24936 Total of Brant 2333 52 46 562 1079 474 120 223982 148465 118474 27074 2916 75517 COUNTY OF 9. Albermarle 10 1 1 4 3 1 1071 67 51 6 1014 10. Amabel 33 ,3 19 7 4 4291 522 484 35 3 3769 11. Arran 356 6 2 28 214 91 15 43682 8982 6176 2756 50 34700 12. Brant 481 3 5 102 242 114 15 53828 9673 8609 1053 11 44155 13. Bruce 371 1 28 252 85 5 43611 8065 6831 1196 38 35546 14. Garrick 509 21 9 102 235 126 16 51210 10782 8099 2656 27 40428 15. Culross 396 4 3 56 233 93 7 44594 6877 4890 961 26 38717 293 2 9 167 91 24 42632 5357 4229 1119 9 37275 330 3 1 69 151 91 15 39565 5744 4389 1328 27 33821 18. Huron 436 4 62 294 76 10 47104 9983 7406 2543 34 37121 19. Kincardine 451 2 127 245I I 63 14 45293 12456 8114 4249 93 32837 20. Kineardinp,, Village 21. Kinloss 324 1 2 62 192 60 7 34877 6966 4880 1063 23 28911 22. Saugeen 195 3 13 99 65 15 26124 5766 4166 1664 36 20358 23. Southampton, Village Total of Bruce 4185 48 26 651 2347 966 148 477882 89230 *68324 20523 383 388652 COUNTY OF 24. Fitzroy 360 5 1 80 161 78 35 48054 16871 13104 3742 25 31183 25. Gloucester 503 43 11 94 233 95 27 53744 18781 12769 5933 79 34963 26. Goulbourne 428 10 1 69 254 75 19 46775 18309 10925 7354 30 28466 27. Gower, North 306 24 5 76 146 49 6 28392 11685 7217 4460 8 16707 28. Huntley 373 16 19 69 198 56 15 39768 14581 7846 6710 25 25187 29. Marlborough 318 1 3 60 195 52 33027 10377 6896 3480 1 22650 SO. March 184 9 1 27 105 32 lol 21149 6925 4591 2313 21 14224 31. Nepean 482 23 17 101 208 107 26 50643 22057 14214 7786 57 28586 32. Osgoode 582 14 5 77 334 127 25 68446 25131 16078 9019 34 43315 33. Riehmenri, Village 73 48 12 11 1 1 1 1065 734 644 87 3 331 34. Torbolton 112 4 72 26 10 1 15608 3595 2662 931 2 12013 Total of Carleton 3721 193 75 668 1907 698 180j I 4 O 667 I 1 ! 149046 96946 51815 i 285 257625 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 7 Agricultural Produce for 1861. BRANT. Casli value of Farm in Dollars; Cash value of Farming Implements in Dollars. Produce of Gardens and Orchards in Dollars. Quantity of Land held 1 by Townspeople, not I being farmers. i Fall Wheat, j Spring Wheat. 1 Barley. Rye. Acres. Bushels. Acres. 1 ® 1 « 1 § 1 « Acres. '3 X 3 Acres. j Bushels. 1 1 14 15 i 16 1? 1 1 18 f 19 1 20 i “ i 22 23 1 j 24 25 1 1060 ! i ; ! 1 ! ! i i ! 1 :! 3048482 136914 20425 SCO 1 29574 i 211886 j 3609 1 64486 i j 1223 j 32990: ! 290 i 38.32 1610060 55187 10058 1343 5573 90008 1 2450 j 32394 i 1 636 144201 ! 102 i 981 203764& 72190 15055 1 73 ; 8052 177194 1 1238 23062 ! ; 1248 344701 j 330 402978 10915 2119 1 88 ! 1574 30893 ! 618 ; 10548 i 191 4303i 39 i 275 748265 34397 2445 : 98 1 2787, 41161 1 1554 28393 853 1 26646 ! 366 } I f 1 1 . 184241 9899 444 1 854 11121 1 890 1 13454 1 131 1 30971 i 1 139 8031675 339502 50546 3523 1 39414 561913 j 10359 1 172537 i 4282 ! jll5926| 1 i 459 * 5557 BRUCE. 8162 104 50 7 140 : 1 1 1 20 1 325 j i 15512 1217 34 10 220 ; i 263 3655 j 2 70 486805 14845 98 263 189 5390 1 I 3283 69086 38 947 606740 14137 296 154 29 642 3865 78591 169 4012 4 j 85 334225 6346 254 251 1 I 205 4958 i 2376 41216 43 891 619589 23238 359 i 148 i 168 4818 3884 81807 i 250 6678 27 584 367440 10973 87 i ! 50 1393 2664 49728 106 2096 I 294130 6447 68 54 1 31 330 ; 2194 29695 52 1117 3 1 60 362170 6990 345 67 i 11 224 ! 2283 33518 53 1334 *'1 8 348265 10586 391 54 1 I 272 6388 1 3217 58861 26 639 74j 984 538010 18370 125 31 338 9255 3835 70203 65 1626 145 164 I 1 i 271430 7228 105 233 45 859 2250 43090 87 1832 4 1 80 388112 10825 898 161 79 462 10975 1726 36743 109 2852 1 1 . 4640590 131306 3023 1746 1817 45592 31860 596518 1000 24092 ! 121 1946 i CARLETON. 887084 884243 562162 500680 438401 281282 *176905 1185100 835276 91445 160910 41000 33310 36556 18009 24678 17433 1 14768, 48509i 39630 1935 3739 1019 i 1122 j 254 169 ! 119 i 68 1 190 1 2600 890 1 I 69 85 ! rr " 1 1191 i 49 1 i 805 1 381 1 549 1 215 ‘ 320 ; 38 1 91 I 861 406 i 18 ! 178 13525 10084 10031 3966 5233 I 611 1761 i 19778 I 8695 440 2253 2327 1772 i 2350 ! 2302 I 1810 ! 2228 i 765 1 3061 i 3789 185 290 j 45676 i 33528 i 40284 j 1 42063 i 32044 1 32355 1 13611 i 56476 ; 61452 3538 4073 1 64 ! 47 1 56 1 23, 27 ’ 14 ! 57 i 101 i 88 i 14 1671 1103 1638 512 659! 272! 1343 1 3233! 1683; 4051 10 244 71 19 1 85| 13 243 ! 9 125 3608 I 1117 I 331 1096 i 158 175 3877 350 416 127 6003488 277567 6431 1430 j 4062 76377 20881 365100 491 j 125191 i 753 11380 8 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 11 . — Upper Canada — Return of COUNTY OF Peas. 1 Oats. Buckwheat. Indian Corn. Potatoes. Turnips. 2 O CO a> m CQ O u o xn U1 w CO 2 o <5 xh pd xn w U O xn xn d W xn 2 O 1 M xn O u, o c to 'o A CO S « 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 1 36 1 37 1 .. 2 .. 3 .. 4 .. 5 .. 6 .. 7 .. 2942 2250 1933 444 1412 94685 96937 44747 8294 22662 4017 2220 2056 532 1415 107362 62508 70476 16606 46465 419 437 147 120 142 8827 8089 3591 2315 3210 1121 502 257 247 80 42150 12510 7799 7418 2304 1081 574 419 194 240 115791 65977 61783 18375 22403 474 288 344 69 62 190436 82963 161703 37577 13239 8 .. 339 7888 487 13144 133 2110 413 10136 244 13774 8 357 9403 225213 10727 316561 1398 28142 2620 82317 2752 298103 1245 486275 COUNTY OF 9 .. 6 1 12 7 1000 9 2680 10 .. 15 347 60 1227 2 20 38 7043 36 6050 11 .. 384 7866 798 23380 4 55 3 222 311 38076 421 98855 12 .. 547 12485 1030 30184 4 90 3 36 383 44568 752 133334 13 .. 228 3948 635 15093 5 77 308 35359 208 31726 14 .. 545 15780 903 27281 13 170 2 27 414 48756 1034 190540 15 .. 296 5830 484 13824 2 37 2 28 297 30346 305 51885 16 .. 110 1830 419 9016 208 20776 286 47137 17 .. 205 4574 630 16284 4 52 2 47 257 31695 294 51012 18 .. 601 11916 794 21966 5 120 3 38 418 35380 434 65235 19 .. 774 17646 1159 29614 5 101 3 83 434 51605 366 53105 20 .. 21 .. 355 6943 499 12543 i 14 1 8 226 24084 281 51004 22 .. 283 6509 389 13173 5 110 14 330 163 21986 284 65840 23 4349 95674 7800 213585 44 761 40 916 3464 390674 4710 848403 COUNTY OF 24 .. 1338 27563 3318 113383 2 40 29 1120 522 71554 93 38905 25 .. 1169 16021 5138 102841 148 2959 190 3570 725 82908 631 28890 26 .. 998 16458 3166 81312 191 3983 43 1065 874 109670 40 9594 27 .. 500 10013 1658 49886 73 1578 79 2525 438 59266 38 5560 28 .. 924 15581 3165 91069 23 605 77 1815 358 61984 95 23466 29 .. 354 5507 1988 43921 190 3463 70 1318 475 53095 26 3603 30 .. 351 5891 1074 31591 7 240 10 357 223 25043 17 5815 31 .. 1238 23264 3242 102055 37 791 81 2199 812 106217 51 57370 82 .. 893 15306 4003 104745 147 2736 215 4690 772 90229 56 9815 33 .. 44 1038 149 3930 3 70 6 38 3353 150 34 .. 262 3381 1757 11363 12 249 186 12555 5 1994 8071 140023 28658 736096 821 16465 806 18914 5423 675874 1052 185162 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 9 Agricultural Produce for 1861. BRANT. — {Continued.) Carrots, Bushels. | Mangel Wurzel. Beans, Bushels. | Clover, Timothy and other Grass Seeds, Bushels. Hay, Tons. Hops, lbs. Maple Sugar, lbs. Cider, Gallons. Wool, lbs. Fulled Cloth, Yards. Flannel, Yards. Flax and Hemp, lbs. Linen, Yards. | O u o 03 CO M 38 39 40 1 41 42 1 43 1 44 I 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 765 20380 77262 2586 5402 57 11 19 16981 3450 9173 230 142 183 40 172 476 575 943 147 197 7455 4612 4638 1212 2336 73565 25 17'236 51470 9997 6385 5610 16506 17441 19456 7186 1091 36980 18022 30550 4054 9369 2271 2041 1084 453 1027 6391 7489 4555 1324 2797 2183 290 4500 10 1 1 10 2776 1785 211 558 9 675 4 mu 64 47 15 106606 97 32380 1325 2347 20928 73596 124632 61680 99039 6923 22571 8748 10 BRUCE . — ( Continued . ) 2 32 1318 1800 1132 1544 872 912 1029 1295 1992 584 2305 19206 19152 8071 30437 21715 6621 12613 11218 18822 35 3765 4676 2558 3914 2198 1646 1852 3019 5302 10 3347 3092 1131 2236 1292 771 1208 1557 313 35 130 346 220 785 171 82 10 61 7 149 71 169 41 89 33 148 4 44 15 36 88 144 42 5 15 109 127 59 98 161 130 47 13 47 207 313 121 431 428 123 132 108 227 1162 16 12 5 18 95 4 12 37 25 3 10 91 40 89 1 150 100 12 40 16 25 40 2 2 41 47 982 842 39 58 12073 7548 2015 2406 577 340 1095 1601 30 342 809 1 218 179 586 13752 986 170365 28 33386 3962 17653 2241 292 C ARLETON. — ( Continued.) 3355 4 4380 13251 5 2482 847 1206 1 262 1 110 1158 1260 4 1730 6492 4 2218 1242 2 395 8 10 276 29349 20 11334 362 99 154 55 20 40 8 12 30 68 84 4 1 110 11 166 115 92 36 3638 4424 2544 2131 2381 1555 1618 4778 7286 164 815 165 275 76 37 7 2961 1675 1850 4952 911 7579 3 286 298 10338 16 4 76 9018 6440 9708 7429 6585 8162 3940 9224 11597 344 1703 1633 563 1554 1331 1453 1471 265 1373 3469 17 89 6456 4891 6484 5909 4370 6119 1928 6198 10102 66 335 100 34 180 80 86 20 1 284 1026 441 31334 1223 30266 20 74150 13218 52858 375 390 10 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 11. — Upper Canada — Return of COUNTY OF Live Stock. 1 Butter, lbs. 1 Cheese, lbs. Beef in Barrels of I 200 lbs. 1 Bulls, Oxen and Steers. Milcli Cows. Calves and Hei- fers. Horses over 3 years old. . Value of same in | Dollars. 1 Colts and Fillies. 1 Sheep. Pigs. Total value of Live Stock. ! 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 1 59 60 61 62 63 1... 329 440 6 718 36354 I 1 2... 331 2795 2460 2219 157032 655 10472 4971 376292 232484 11079 596 3... 242 1916 1557 1411 93668 405 5966 3368 160102 123095 24435 132 4... 240 i ! 1706 1726 ’"22 115415 346 8553 2857 206653 105097 29759 299 5... 40 382 303 337 20105 115 1426 874 46177 26291 4312 59 6... 132 768 860 618 42670 196 3040 1805 93094 47315 3223 147 7... 178 152 88 225 16856! 8... 183 373 407 260 19869 114 48 1362 37051 21885 220 20 1168 8447 7313 6759 448759 1831 29599 16180 972579 556167 73028 1253 COUNTY OF 9... 6 12 15 8 1 8 624 1150 4 10... 57 47 , 79 4 305 50 50 106 4552 3144 20 16 11... 529 777 976 193 15942 91 1282 1605 58544 42882 2515 161 12... 715 936 1507 255 18342 99 1418 2234 88184 51137 2285 142 13... 546 677 959 86 6386 40 915 1271 4.8503 28136 2750 127 14... 861 1047 1648 235 16690 123 1578 2753 90335 54314 1507 182 15... 541 654 1051 126 7680 67 742 1401 50563 31489 1225 121 16... 427 544 779 133 i i 7807 58 677 896 42650 13851 1632 38 17... 428 543 793 100 7240 48 776 1114 46457 23812 2033 100 18... 682 796 1058 61 4195 35 1164 1323 54657 30535 852 132 19... 672 975 1263 217 16721 96 1882 1691 74349 29074 2357 169 20 155 73 49 103 8392 21... 501 610 822 81 6100 201 788 1034 4748 29306 771 90 22... 309 431 604 130 8184 26 697 1162 50029 28197 2377 22 23 72 27 5 64 4043 6274 8276 11554 1721 115592 942 12031 17381 627156j 365877 20324 1304 COUNTY OF 24... ^ 211 1571 1792 770 69331 319 2662 1921 1 1 12577l| 1 105900 3600 572 25... 137 1507 1196 992 699*3 2655 1681 1349 101393 9241 6443 361 26... 107 1411 1421 752 55143 303 2837 1659 103485 94235 2316 414 27... 61 1017 976 577 40569 286 2201 1093 801491 70879 1196 410 28... 88 i ! 12901 1289 619 1 47262 295 i 2028 1450 91208 79971 1 295 29.’.! 84 1055 1148 569 1 35311 228 i 2208 1042 7498 637801 520 1 252 30... 34 543 548 295 ! 1948 151 ' 1135 619 1 40318: 404381 710 102 31... 112 1818 1536 1064 ! 80339) j 505 i 2576 ! 1815 1 165932 1052741 [ 1551 269 32... 265 1694 1855 990 ! 65723! 452 3654 i 2016 1 12584S 104582 7490 391 33... 2 131 66 92 6030 26 94 1 154, 8838 3625 13 34... 148 171 243 129 3787 314 298 11263 1 14242 1 6250 108 26 1249 12208 12070 6849 475386 5534 21374 24381 865182 684175 23934 3105 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 11 Agricultural Produce for 1861 . BRANT. — {Continued,) y Pork in Barrels of 200 lbs. Fish. Carriages kept for pleasure. Value of same in Dollars. Carriages kept for hire. Value of same in Dollars. • Minerals. Dried in Quin- tals. Salted and Bai’- relled. Sold Fresh, lbs. Copper ore mined, Tons. Value. Iron ore mined, Tons. Value. 64 65 66 1 67 1 68 1 69 70 n 1 72 73 74 75 116 555 418 289 103 119 96 17 6765 36277 23747 22596 6258 6525 5545 1195 41 3410 2422 1348 1438 378 839 7 22 65 8 857 40 2130 274 6699 15 857 1713 92464 103 5605 ••*••• •• •••• BRU CE. — ( Continued,) 1 1 140 44 635 798 371 1098 465 125 261 551 576 10 14 9 3 4 8 7 2 11 56 2 7 5 480 442 141 170 285 221 313 55 710 1140 90 292 210 1 1 27 1 15 39 333 80 600 1 1 75 24 383 402 45 1100 2 85 5709 81 586 1700 138 4549 5 199 CARLETON. — [Continued.) 1878 124 115 77 95 61 35 35 199 111 32 28 5726 7624 5226 3555 4161 i 1960 1 1620 i 11285 1 3390 1 1439 1 lOCO 1034 1159 858 1320 594 530 1244 1697 6S 186 8 1 600 1 4 1201 10568. 8 5 1801 912 46986 12 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 11. — Upper Canada — Return of COUNTY OF TOWNSHIPS, &o. / Occupiers op Lands. Lands — Acres. • Total. 10 acres and un- der. 10 to 20. i 20 to 50. 50 to 100. 100 to 200. Upwards of 200. Amount held in Acres. Under cultiva- tion. 1 Under crops. | Under pasture. Under Gardens and Orchards. Wood and Wild Lands. 1 2 3 1 4 1 1 5 6 8 9 •10 11 12 13 35. Iroquois, Village 8 5 3 900 543 375 153 15 357 36. Matilda 616 33 26 214 228 92 23 51738 23190 16663 6283 244 28548 37. Morrisburgli, Village 16 1 2 5 8 1820 1108 717 360 31 712 38. Mountain 495 42 14 71 161 165 42 40705 16696 10503 6127 66 24009 39. Williamsburgh 514 23 10 128 248 87 18 46993 19069 13322 5479 268 27924 40. Winchester 547 96 8 131 209 83 20 40768 16094 11589 4269 236 24674 Total of Dundas 2196 194 59 546 856 438 103 182924 76700 53169 22671 860 106224 COUNTY OF 41. Bowmanville 39 5 4 14 14 2 1967 1595 1260 318 17 372 42. Cavan 468 8 6 65 262 95 32 57809 33154 19762 13153 239 24655 43. Cartwright 321 11 11 63 172 61 3 31127 16580 1068^ ^693 200 14547 44. Clarke 655 14 11 176 309 126 19 61271 42400 3027i p653 474 18871 45. Darlington 733 62 22 181 302 157 9 61047 44403 26003 17177 1223 16644 46. Hope 621 30 21 175 264 107 24 56596 35998 21961 |13668 369 20598 47. Manvers 491 15 7 83 266 105 15 58009 29431 15583 13737 111 28578 48. Newcastle 28 3 5 8 6 6 1783 1365 1106 234 25 418 49. Port Hope, Town of. 30 26 2 2 191 181 1031 76 2 10 • Total of Durham 3386 174 89 767 1595 659 102 329800 205107 126738 75709 2660 124693 COUNTY OF 50. Aldborough 51. Bayham 52. Dorchester 53. Dunwich 54. Malahide 55. Southwold .56. Rt. Thomas^ Town of 344 570 155 549 594 404 5 9 7 6 20 15 5 16 4 42 39 27 66 160 44 289 152 83 159 279 78 199 261 196 87 83 21 13 99 74 22 23 1 23 9 42369 55100 12973 44725 52874 62086 15654 25580 7096 17947 28092 31557 6214 14909 4648 9558 14161 19815 9281 9887 2425 8176 13197 11145 159 784 23 213 734 597 26715 29520 5877 26778 24782 30529 57. Vienna, Village 58. Yarmouth ...‘. Total of Elgin 632 17 16 106 350 118 25 63928 40102 19553 19509 1040 23826 3248 79 149 900 1522 495 103 334055 166028 88858 73620 3550 168027 COUNTY OF .oQ A mbfirstbnrrrb. Tnwn nf 60. Anderdon 191 19 14 53 54 39 12 12511 5802 3838 1774 190 6709 61. Colchester 326 47 18 101 93 55 12 25195 10277 6799 3092 386 14918 62. Gosfield 309 10 9 85 105 71 29 31962 13059 9313 3343 403 18903 63. Maidstone 272 6 5 124 117 15| 5 19817 5425 3565 1756 104 14392 64. Malden .* 258 31 25 82 69 42 9 20491 10069 7560] 2213 296 10422 65. Mcrsea 290 1 4 64 154 55 12 29508 9352 6473 2577 302 20156 66. Sandwich, East 398 41 43 113 148 46 7 15837 9795 6936 2683 176 6042 67. Sandwich, West 191 10 13 63 54 39 12 14273 6142 3768| i 2076 298 8131 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 13 Agricultural Produce for 1861. DUNDAS. Cash value of Farm in Dollars. Cash value of Farming Implements in D ollars.j Produce of Gardens and Orchards in Dollars. Quantity of Land held by Townspeople, not being farmers. Fall Wheat. Sprinh Wheat. Barley. Rye. Acres. Bushels. Acres. Bushels. Acres. Bushels. Acres. Bushels. 14 15 16 1 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 1 24 1 25 1320 388 113 82 1225 * 13 315 cr t/ V u V 988830 46013 5934 3572 14 320 3828 48924 1046 26980 4 77 inofjOfl 3508 1490 34 6 60 181 2775 31 965 XVl/c^U w 656490 32191 1853 1776 117 2340 4108 75375 187 4961 117 1758 867890 46792 5295 192 35 517 3589 49369 774 168981 25 530 651049 37650 2229 12 132 2923 3790 62963 298 7054 20 566 3319759 168074 17189 5699 304 6160 15578 240631 2349 57173 166 2931 DURHAM. 180080 1666047 712237 2812545 2184943 2186123 1242190 123440 98550 3835 53487 20871 61194 82334 67929 39890 2722 315 3026 759 7775 14238 6962 976 430 220 390 364 462 546 2897 301 639 62 145 30 4285 2302 3509 2919 3492 4551 47 10 520 69880 52403 63869 45521 52853 85346 • 559 230 522 5188 2775 8969 12639 6689 4555 386 10 11555 95508 46426 150014 241775 116746 66035 8512 219 29 181 45 356 461 221 103 23 885 4804 1082 10786 11969 6909 2583 901 16 19 39 185 184 157 83 280 550 760 2833 2398 2718 1069 1120W55 332262 34701 5806 21145 371181 41733 736790 1419 39919 683 10608 ELGIN. 642905 1353710 271410 604666 1356020 1446815 24903 54311 15038 23739 53707 54514 1804 14538 805 3718 8906 7502 346 495 5 16 274 316 228 866 2387 728 1182 2448 2066 11948 38236 8594 15608 23037 24782 1405 2737 1313 1726 2507 2325 17483 37250 25418 25402 30733 36357 96 122 32 231 183 1216 2155 3217 1023 5519 4389 33357 58 150 10 50 136 169 686 1811 97 580 1389 2592 902 2024625 73295 14252 366 3599 33441 2790 42631 864 24271 212 2710 7700151 299507 50525 2948 13276 155666 14803 215274 2744 73931 785 9865 ESSEX. 228 298175 9826 1542 2 576 10942 199 3256 84 1971 1 15 496764 16123 3911 61 1464 26177 378 4624 7 156 176 2218 517274 2266 5616 95 1560 25076 295 4152 50 845 222 2758 193063 8679 466 75 154 2373 55 582 52 858 112 1493 559416 26767 3911 11 1258 24156 701 11166 97 2143 1 48 785 444434 12086 3025 43 857 14062 82 740 6 120 214 2050 381722 17542 3176 42 322 4198 388 4208 133 2758 149 2192 257745 11553 5264 63 588 9233 269 3470 95 1797 1 24 345 14 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 11. — Upper Canada — Return of COUNTY OF Peas. Oats. Buckwheat. Indian Corn. Potatoes. Turnips. Acres. Bushels. Acres. Bushels. O o Bushels. Acres. Bushels. Acres. j CQ P Acres. Bushels. 26 1 27 28 29 30 1 ] - i 32 33 j 34 86 36 i 35 .. 26 425 70 2395 18 1 420 20 545 1 11 1470 36 .. 732 13095 4564 120064 292 5560 349 9727 643 C7084 1 150 37 .. 28 670 227 5980 11 332 38 1207 29 3205 1 300 38 .. 668 10885 2633 74892 234 3869 391 7419 410 41582 7 1001 39 .. 582 9866 4037 104405 437 9142 241 5954 483 43269 4 181 40 .. 675 12313 2579 78263 224 3543 241 6219 541 44165 72 2529 2601 47254 14110 385990 1216 22866 1280 31071 2117 1 200776 85 4161 COUNTY OF 41 .. 183 3931 128 5685 13 150 16 580 35 3698 33 9550 42 .. 2119 46101 7289 121513 20 372 19 465 618 64200 191 62862 43 .. 874 15950 2170 72289 1 24 11 223 440 54968 184 38955 44 .. 2128 49201 3620 1.34477 38 7241 297 7386 866 93281 652 250445 45 .. 3493 74779 3856 146672 62 1018| 205 7228 812 88406 720 300700 46 .. 3291 63991 3672 117891 51 1314' 162 4124 862 88521 363 126668 47 .. 1547 29668 3332 86346 8 147 17 371 685 83915 243 65976 48 .. 114 2605 157 7015 I 9 1 340 30 , 2795 28 14737 49 .. 15 350 21 836 1 i 1 3 90 11 1000 150 13764 286576 24245 691724 183 1 1 3749 1 739 21307 4359 480784 j 2414 860043 COUNTY OF 50 .. 1071 21059 1240 37684 155 2750 479 11474 344 35220 86 20934 51 .. 3163 71003 2963 101708 726 12413 822 22672 .399 64356 192 64652 52 .. 1197 29909 1029 40096 1.33 1287 21 638 102 12392 34 11630 53 .. 1594 33782 1731 67180 82 14.39 303 7171 341 25453 66 16411 .54 .. 3275 70283 3092 97890 761 12206 1003 22962 422 40477 116 33752 55 .. 56 .. 3981 90692 3905 151687 354 621.3 627 14108 591 48577 174 39478 57 .. I.”::;::.:’.:: 58 .. 5242 126414 3940 158] 21 513 8348 1164 28835 675 69724 365 115324 19523 443142 17900 644366 2724 44656 4419 107860 2874 286199 1033 302181 COUNTY OF 59 • 1 i ! 60 .. 172 2703 621 20622 22 248 904 30643 154 i 14182 6 592 61 .. 615 10162 726 24450 195 3174 1765 45907 227 ! 25648 28 17629 62 .. 581 10393 964 32042 352 4499 2134 64569 .337 1 36639 60 13418 6.3 .. 211 .3011 706 16896 148 2115; 1186 26909 217 ; 18462 11 1554 64 .. 546 10224 832 31888 55 953 2389 70216 191 ; 20664! 9 1407 65 .. 677 10084 478 19289 424 5246 1205 2414.3 262 285581 75 8595 66 .. 464 7017 1780 51863 283 3127 12541 46633 312 25192 22 2056 67 .. 228 3643 1161 30787 188 4936 8731 29411 315 I 17370! 11 1172 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 15 Agricultural Produce for 1861. DUNDAS, — ( Continued.) Carrots, Bushels. Mangel Wurzel. Beane, Bushels. Clover, Timothy and other Grass Seeds, Bushels. Hay, Tons. | ! i 1 v! K a so s m S’ Cider, Gallons. 1 "o o Fulled Cloth, Yards. •n 1 ! m 'S m 3 1 « 26 27 j 28 29 1 30 i 31 1 32 33 1 1 i 34 1 1 i 1 36 1 1 1 I 37 i 68 .. 69 .. 70 .. 1 .. 17 225 183 j lee! 3597 i 3469 j 216 1 282 1 497 513 179 1 i 7479 1 17208 7772 4136 27 77 52 9 223 1130 930 135 173 377 262 74 4053 13991 6746 2865 1 35 140 65 12 3845j 109771 5436 16451 i ■ 1330 940 3837 i 1 64685 I 10739 264432 1832 26716 12596 366086 2267 208318! 1 1 1 235 ! 48693 COUNTY OF 72 .. 16 215 119 1813 25 504 19 272 1 56 1 4810 J 4303 73 .. 346 4677 381 19316 64 1057 .131 3052 276 1 26385 24 3330 74 .. 147 2236 294 8045 19 364 16 380 108 ; 9194 12! 1306 75 .. 25 279 53 948 5 95 20 617 ^ 64 4965 11| 1080 76 .. 1984 38625 3586 119586 283 5516 147 4001 598 ! 52433 o! 1081 77 .. 1128 22535 1420 41651 306 6278 191 4886 345 1 27005 361 3525 78 9 250 i ; 79 .. 14 251 129 Z 7 U 12 347 29 565 98 ! 12092 I 761 12658 80 .. 45 635 140 3084 73 1 1 5110 6| 890 81 .. 21 399 56 1520 7 102 21 ! 1980 3! 520 82 .. 1339 30190 3278 107365 60 1376 49 1895 564 56353 20 i 3983 83 .. 84 1755 30223 1 1832 62708 1 269 5772 115 2998 ! 428 I 34312 11! 6531 85 .. j 1155 22112 1616 49065 134 3737 206 4367 501 i 35346 15 1753 86 978 22255 1878 72382 54 1367 172 3765 384 1 44752 5i 1 1232 8953 1 174632 14982 491282 1231 26413 1102 28900 3518 j 314987 299 ! 1 i 42192 COUNTY OF 88 .. 1547 1 254061 1 1 i 6314 1760761 487 9447 il 1 } 2561 1 i 58771 i 618 1 74857; j i 12 ! 1830 89 .. 1348 151121 3998| I 91478 1 247 3687 1 62 I 1164! 1 359 28638! 6' 428 90 .. 1400 219621 43161 1 121244 1 434 70081 i' 149 3484 375 42453 22 ' 2048 91 .. 1564 23811j 3952j I 118823 195 3036 ,i 118 il 3093! 336 34354 5 ! 773 5860 86291 18580! 507621 1363 23178 i 585 il 13618| 1 1688 180302 15j 5079 COUNTY OF 92 .. 93 .. 04 .. 95 552 236 118 8006 4294 2199 4557 4422 917 128080 114479 23245! ' 67o| i 3941 ! ! 11956 I 7549 j 2069 1 i 431 j 219 1 95 ! j 117311 6071 2066! 1022 852 1.58 90680 99836 16877 32 IS 4 7907 269.3 840 96 .. I 80 1 44 930 i 47 i 5 343 ! 8 1 107 3 900 97 .. 98 ! .356: 1 5790 .3124 ! 69696 1 ! j 537 j 8509 1 174 38821 736 , 74252' 1 1 47' 10488 99 .. *440 rf-433 1807 3S08Gj 307 4889 178 5206 1 459 46699 20 4558 1708 27802 14871 373.586 2090 35619 1102 29299 j .3235 328451 124 27386 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 21 Agricultural Produce for 1861 . ESSEX. — ( Continued . ) Carrots^ Bushels. Mangel Wurzel. Beans, Bushels. Clover, Timothy and other Grass Seeds, Bushels. Ilay, Tons. | Hops, lbs. Maple Sugar, lbs. Cider, Gallons. Wool, Ibe. Fulled Cloth, Yards. Flannel, Yards. | 1 Flax and Hemp, lbs. | rjj •n cj lx o' o a Acres. 1 1 1 Bushels. 38 ! 4-0 41 42 1 43 ! 44 1 45 46 47 CO 49 50 1 i 51 1 ' ! ! 245 ! i 544 650 1 i ! 1 1 1 801 335 653 147 ' 325 6 ! 20 27 63 9 683 60 698 963 81 1002 25 90 10 4 6 134 660 107 25 2770 7 3697’ 1 902 1 109 13611 1598 10329 79637 1 37855 4595 18122 1 1221 1215 FRO^TElSi AC.— (Continued.) 13 2 1 185 i 23 19 38 1048 6680 103 76 22 9 10 9 1 1558 8 19966 3468 862 2885 10 93 1 681 120 7164 1329 248 942 22 2 178 6370 394 20 362 5274 1 962 86 44 5066 149 14239 73 18942 1920 4862 30 1 34 288 > 1 100 100 16 1905 66 18530 411 6953 1769 3211 ! 80 26 6 191 10 9474 469 107 232 4 1 2 44 8310 780 30 581 10 40 1 ! ^ 184 6 2300 451 41 301 4333 ii 1448 79 12 .3701 128 2029 80 16336 1522 4295 116 1828 2 765 122 220 2734 261 28989 11310 2653 5699 412 721 2 210 67 9 2393 92 13780 2414 9896 2008 5515 50 1491 4 1346 476 17 2319 42 1498 11716 1626 3156 10 4 14162 26 j 5092 983 351 20987 1930 139329 2978 82147 12806 32117 538 154 GLENGARY.— ( Continued.) 14973 78 16735 1382 24 8 1 1 : 1 7643 ' 3 , 2572 ■ 670 1 414 120 423 12 275 282 204 263 5938 4525' ,3913' 4099 2062 15 25 61 59378 1 23632 20953 26436 9 18886 12991 12016 12261 5945 5315 4707 5407 8249 5594 5531 6838 j 1199 524 180 412 236 43 62 178 33165 33 10888 969 1024 185051 1 2163 130399 9 56154 21374 26212 2315 519 GRENVILLE.— (Cowhnwcc/.) 19249 5089 2289 1 — n 1 4 i 1358 1679 151 195 11 62i 38i 17 5289 4760 1 902 8810 67 20 22792 19252 3277 2036 .3207 17434 12997 2876 4505 3462 635 9061 9758 2063 218 329 19 52 300 6828 99 3246 440 11857 ■270 13921 40 10324 3 . 503 105 64 448 3 3126 140 4089 50 1 100 42 2257 2822 18553 20 10236 1840 6084 20 1 38 37844 1 10 3090 i i 562 223 1 16553 i 12167 76171 5266 57734 13569 37330 707 109 22 CENSUS REPORT OF TPIE CANADAS No. 11. — Upper Canada — Return of COUNTY OF ! Livb Stock. Butter, lbs. Cheese, lbs. Beef in Barrels of 200 lbs. Bulls, Oxen and Steers. ! Milch Cows. i 1 Calves and Hei- fers. Horses over 3 years old. Value of same in Hollars, Colts end Fillies. Sheep. Pigs. Total value of Live Stock. ] 52 53 54 55 56 67 1 68 1 59 60 61 62 63 68... 14 141 71 181 3109 42 207 215 12373 3865 69... 128 368 639 297 15312 196 360 1000 31483 9913 175 27 70... 12 282 489 255 10169 186 354 1079 21498 9986 633 19 71... 11 66 46 58 3473 24 52 95 5399 1580 100 1391 7145 8643 6226 316814 3084 12636 25095 676786 296763 22526 711 COUNTY OF 72... 45 46 61 61 3378 1 11 42 4061 3575 20 73... 183 615 795 220 14700 112 1138 726 52005 32680 250 50 74... 110 237 247 129 10410 49 427 323 16669 15600 39 75... 49 87 61 7 440 152 66 4649 10240 3 76... 176 1876 1653 1187 77259 474 6513 1468 180661 112444 5165 240 77... 130 984 980 548 40271 232 2477 953 75925 75035 1950 135 78 2 220 79... 76 88 115 29 2300 7 124 57 8632 17427 215 30 80... 69 162 225 47 2184 24 297 111 10764 9490 48 81... 14 53 86 13 646 13 118 63 4329 5450 500 12 82... 188 1428 1589 977 77671 440 4804 1413 136092 110947 1500 200 83... 84 317 1431 1660 814 66291 676 3671 1318 121048 102369 5816 264 85... 129 1175 910 655 43659 242 3301 1447 85010 58057 895 106 86... 110 1400 1224 801 49422 302 3609 1032 108468 86138 2108 206 1586 9582 9695 6430 378851 2472 26642 8999 808313 639452 18399 1353 COUNTY OF 88... Ill 3186 2578 1754 98867 849 5787 3107 1 1 222503 108408 35470 575 89... 47 2186 1635 1277 63078 691 5518 2664 1 138902 92462 26211 276 90... 63 2130 2064 1189 60148 657 4423 2344 145534 107276 28065 498 91... 49 2448 2072 1279 68612 749 6000 2795 153609 121515 32881 469 270 9950 8349 5499 290705 2946 21728 10910 660548 429661 122627 1818 COUNTY OF 92.. . 93.. . 94.. . 95 182 104 52 2727 2447 563 105 133 2023 160 1376 2040 1979 607 1440 1211 269 84 119 1014 131 741 83138 6C048 15280 686 520 141 5271 3744 741 37 80 3970 29 3109 1635 1372 404 81 109 1548 148 1062 25617 160353 37346 7208 11589 127530 13402 99092 166477 190555 48037 31758 3678 1815 214 483 130 96 1 400 105574 97... 98 217 1773 64450 561 2271 350 99... 132 1087 43730 402 100625 3709 251 687 9534 7486 5009 272626 2310 16981 6359 482137 611668 43231 1428 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 23 Agricultural Produce for 1861 . ESSEX. — {Continued,) Pork in Barrels of 200 lbs. Fish. Carriages kept for pleasure. Value of same in Dollars. Carriages kept for hire. Value of same in Dollars. Minerals. Dried in Quin- tals. Salted and Bar- relled. Sold Fresh, lbs. Copper ore mined, Tons. V alue. Iron ore mined, Tons. Value. 64 1 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 1 74 i 1 1 75 85 2079 1 36 1 ! 287 3 3 16 1256 113 2 5 371 421 12 520 6798 11 1253 2500 873 35053 14 918 FRONTED AC.— {Continued.) 30 532 149 43 881 610 4 6 Q 210 637 658 11 12 278 123 17446 6697 7 280 42 114 45 1007 941 1 100 85 172 5893 11316 1 20 11 497 649 4 33 86 117 4662 4288 33 5540 48 26 875 51807 8 300 GLEN GARY. — {Continued.) 1213 553 234 285 254 22743 7776 11612 10112 12 400 -"KSWO 1177 930 Si 2 lie 100 3320 1326 52243 17 616 GRENVILLE. — ( Continued . ) 1469 1368 448 439 457 102 62 71 347 117 211 179201 15093 3528 2023 2996 12455 4937 8820 3 3 8 2 200 150 4 1331 47 1 2670 20 996 5616 3 3 1806 67772 68 3040 24 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 11. — Upper Canada — Return of COUNTY OF Occupiers op Lands. Lands — Acres. 100 . 101 . 102 . 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110 . 111 . 112 . 113. 114. 115. 116. TOWNSHIPS, Ac. Artemesia Bentinck Collingwood Derby Egremont Euphrasia Glenelg Holland Keppel, Sarawak and Brooke Melancthon Normanby Osprey Owen Sound, Town of Proton Sullivan Sydenham St. Vincent Total of Grey Total. 10 acres and un- der. 10 to 20. 1 20 to 50. 50 to 100. j 100 to 200. Upwards of 200. Amount held in Acres. Under cultiva- tion. Under crops. Under pasture. Under Gardens and Orchards. Wood and Wild Lands. 1 2 3 4 1 1 6 6 j 7 8 9 1 10 1 11 12 13 1 471 1 6 1 142 233 75 14 45380 10029 6747 3278 4 35351 567 1 3 104 275 177 7 51015 10803 8288 2511 4 40212 220 16 10 35 113 40 6 22394 5357 3911 1397 49 17037 200 6 3 35 110 37 9 22275 6469 5077 1.335 57 15806 528 3 14 123 382 6 56345 10311 8278 2025 8 46034 245 7 2 27 168 38 3 26297 6521 4944 1538 39 19776 486 1 • 5 141 330 9 49389 11677 8544 3127 6 37712 372 3 72 207 80 10 40531 10452 6935 3508 9 30079 54 3 1 5 24 21 4216 596 496 98 2 3620 226 1 71 105 39 10 23897 4172 2798 1374 19725 597 6 8 18 212 348 5 54110 12322 9307 3011 4 41788 402 5 3 16 65 311 2 41783 6835 5654 1172 9 34948 252 1 18 170 52 11 29161 4142 3410 732 25019 299 1 36 178 80 4 34909 7013 5336 1673 4 27896 456 2 5 92 264 77 16 48532 15298 11987 3212 99 I 33234 338 24 7 69 160 63 15 35463 11888 9410 2280 198 1 23575 5713 84 45 759 2548 2150 127 585697 133885 101122 32271 492 451812 COUNTY OF 117. Canboro 172 8 5 53 66 30 10 18281 8371 6847 1401 123 9910 118. Cayuga, North 326 16 9 87 151 51 12 30308 14036 10144 3673 219 16272 119. Cayuga, South 143 5 3 34 61 37 3! 13296 7172 5241 1713 218 6124 120. Dunn 104 21 56 23 41 10458 4622 2915 1636 71 5836 121. Dunnville, Village Incl uded in IV loultc )n an d Sh( jrbrc »oke. 122. Moulton and Sherbrooke 240 8 7: 90 94 30 11 18968 7297 4202 2872 223 11671 123. Oneida 348 6 11 71 186 72 2 34927 20894 15021 5472 401 14033 124. B.ainham 269 8 6 89 113 40 13 23745 13255 10395 2706 154 10490 125. Seneca 341 5 1 75 185 59 16 35105 20206 13708 6231 267 14899 126. Walpole 686 35 14 202 324 93 IS 60296 32592 22587 9668 337 27704 Total of Haldimand 2629 91 56 722 1236 435 89 245384 128445 91060 35372 2013 116939 COUNTY OF 127. Esquesing 552 16 7 15 129 356 29 57989 33804 20016 13100 688 24185 128. Georgetown, Village 8 1 1 2 3 1 1338 613 401 196 16 1 725 199- Milton, Town of. 1 1 184 60 40 10 10 124 130. Nassagiweya 343 4 3 10 64 259 3 36402 19943 10978 8652 313 16459 131. Nelson 374 4 8 18 88 219 37 43302 29253 20785 7952 516 14049 132 Oflkvillfl, Village 4 1 2 1 603 315 133 172 10 288 133. Trafalgar 595 9 9 22 159 374 22 64909 47221 31386 14906 929 17688 Total of Halton 1877 33 28 66 444 1213 93 20^727 131209 83739 44988 2482 73518 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS Agricultural Produce for 1861. GREY. Cash value of Farm in Dollars. Cash value of Farming Implements in Dollars. Produce of Gardens and Orchards in Dollars. Quantity of Land held by Townspeople, not being farmers. Fall Wheat. Spring Wheat. Barley. Rye. Acres. Bushels. Acres. Bushels. Acres. . CG d W Acres. j 1 Bushels. j 1 14 j 15 16 17 i . i j 20 21 1 22 23 24 1 25 350198 12415 258 1325 1 ! 64 . 3155 44658 i 77 1525 1 390996 15579 129 85 10 200 3717 65953 48 1165 4 66 282640 9246 687 402 11243 1262 26040 42 847 242666 14806 443 1552 48 895 1849 29500 28 510 459112 17902 10 97 48 1047 3910 55691 113 2708 316193 10325 30 844 ! 211 5130 1924 40642 83 2218 344211 17211 337 67 4 68 3887 56590 ! 62 1095 281730 11555 16 71 73 1200 - 2954 44889 1 64 973 36593 745 46 273 2883 170304 5950 10 2 8 1494 ! 20061 44 684 3 40 504070 17934 372 61 1902 5010 78378 166 3448 3 50 363504 13325 20 102 4 118 2863 38733 154 2713 706 92491 2926 1680 15805 109 852 274115 11275 100 22 11 140 2362 38480 46 961 700274 28105 1667 643 183 5015 4243 92730 116 3124 529411 21442 1407 1289 229 6359 3148 67115 124 3438 5338508 210741 4417 7979 1290 33389 43731 718148 1276 26261 1 10 156 HALDIMAND. 440606 565910 339080 284228 17511 26920 13622 12408 1663 3040 1888 895 21 91 5 82 203 1 709 ' 479 j 352 1 1509 6032 i 3858 2434 754 1902 936 817 10088 27404 15547 17462 297 680 410 209 5753 15191 9842 6713 103 82 120 59 890 814 1070 430 258516 13364 1999 154 395 2847 822 13372 252 5337 107 901 1037104 37408 6233 31 . 3430 1 1 39003 1966 27346 1122 28844 6 66 699732 29517 2560 46 581 1 1 5190 2089 34421 1000 21367 87 669 927069 38312 1971 187 2143 15059 2754 41293 1127 28955 43 320 1491918 58115 3425 306 2662 20918 4218 63093 2381 61320 99 783 6044163 247177 23674 923 10954 96850 16258 250026 7478 183322 706 5943 HALTON. 2034320 72761 10675 1546 6788 131133 2874 52477 809 21336 i 2 20 64500 2350 750 80 2194 43 890 10000 100 77 1 18 360 10 150 887204 36679 3136 158 2512 59805 1929 36555 175 4636 1 17 2054694 61270 12653 190 5302 86995 1977 32948 1191 30070 35 467 48000 670 349 44 660 12 222 23 368 3146362 105117 13799 584 1 8745 136106 3439 61503 2148 54451 1451 [ 1570 ■■ 8245080 278947 41013 2984 23490 417253 10284 184745 4346! 1 H086l| 188 2074 26 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 11. — Upper Canada — Return of COUNTY OF Peas. Oats. Buckwheat. Indian Corn. Potatoes. Turnips. Acres. Bushels. Acres. 1 Bushels. Acres. Bushels. Acres. i Bushels. Acres. Bushels. Acres. Bushels. 1 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 ! i 35 36 37 lOO-. 579 9010 944 22176 • 1 20 1 2 392 43315 457 64355 101. 573 10744 1275 32932 2 31 3 443 48169 570 116901 102. 386 8279 526 15496 2 37 12 394 214 28687 88 16155 103. .369 7317 . 601 17579 1 26 7 42 190 23710 245 55380 104. 670 11235 1586 39887 12 1 22 408 46040 799 17739 105. 471 10848 473 13407 3 64 203 29821 203 44373 106. 398 7025 1229 32961 466 1 54454 312 1 121370 107. 575 8590 1204 28107 1 16 3 375 ! 42362 416 63980 108. 3 35 18 345 1 25 2 32 41 4069 55 9215 109. 315 5160 439 10530 6 40 210 22274 299 60512 110 489 8261 1579 39160 614 37905 1134 171360 111. 442 5257 1020 19272 5 io 359 29872 436 75385 112. 1 1 113. 291 3660 478 9178 238 142661 368 ! 54183 114. 342 6506 695 19112 252 30.346 i 320 56572 115. 797 17040 1365 36017 9 304 9 237 362 48285 271 56765 116. 943 21198 956 31191 16 327 34 817 260 408441 218 38670 7043 140165 14388 367350 44 848 68 1616 5027 544419 j 6191 1022915 COUNTY OF 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 591 1415 694 551 9457 26622 13154 12136 947 1558 545 426 26767 48545 18591 18358 341 255 153 66 5400 4658 2890 1065 98 54 70 64 4148 3125 2029 2359 115 216 89 92 14894 23266 12663 13077 1 5 4 13 6 978 830 5029 3610 122. 547 10631 750 14537 263 3849 188 5872 224 22822 28 5768 123. 1913 43213 1769 61312 259 5213 126 4014 337 39986 51 10375 124. 1585 33171 1476 49465 294 6098 97 2029 165 14647 14 2103 125. 2053 42317 2238 79858 251 5375 33 1105 290 30495 26 4865 126. 4367 105627 3930 140748 578 10878 109 3323 435 49175 75 16957 13716 296328 13639 458181 2460 45426 839 28004 1963 221025 222 50510 COUNTY OF 127. 2017 41613 2365 82272 51 965 17 746 1 490 i I 1 i 73397! 111 55539 128. 25 560 16 550 3 100 3 140 11 2175 1 1000 129. 1 40 80 130. 1266 28407 1509 52686 32 558 6 185 326 47620 364 134526 131. 1877 39126 1870 58472 324 7279 259 8944 383 49493 194 74250 132. 16 365 10 290 2 40 14 700 10 360 2 150 133. 3308 65345 3222 114913 874 20090 178 7576 582 70886 112 29511 8509 175416 8993 309223 1286 29032 477 18291 1802 244011! 1 1 784 1 294976 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 27 Agricultural Produce for 1861. GREY. — ( Continued,) Carrots, Bushels, Mangel Witkzel. Beans, Bushels. Clover, Timothy and other Grass Seeds, Bushels. Hay, Tons. Hops, lbs. j Maple Sugar, lbs. Cider, Gallons. QQ 'o o Fulled Cloth, Yards. Flannel, Yards. Flax and Hemp, lbs. Linen, Yards. | i u o •2 X' p p; 38 39 40 i 42 43 j 44 45 46 47 48 j 49 60 51 80 50 6 32 1154 76 15266 3469 15 2502 64 65 39 20 1567 131 14534 4810 55 3930 3 275 36 1354 7630 2865 3174 3016 99 381 f 6 160 1.322 131 9431 2747 506 2738 38 5 29 1015 6 10133 3306 311 2887 800 30 1 880 1307 62 11978 2730 564 344 13 26 8 1476 129 11321 5306 347 5016 46 3 9 174 1381 10 12485 5563 495 4141 5 64 2 49 10 2489 19 660 3 10946 1374 121 1247 46 1862 7 14694 17 3921 200 1820 38 7 675 8760 3 1766 288 1319 110 4 10 1 63 263 26 4609 i 919 92 686 3 7 16 50 93 1192 68 10939 4079 480 2692 2 25 976 22 304 3284 241 17319 8693 1331 6178 312 29 272 36 644 2323 132 32483 34 1 6639 2246 5215 76 20 2198 60 162 2505 20884 1032 1941171 1 64 58187 10225 43731 1571 127 HALDIMAND. — [Continued.) 1028 172 85 112 1808 3800 3413 4767 601 2254 1 1 565 2 370 117 320 2972’ 39 3917 280 6580 964 3139 950 849 1 223 123 1189 1248 8 9276 1147 3424 687 1810 1071 225 8 1 360 17 388 1272 1 739 120 3880 373 752 154 3067 50 97 136 1596 76 1002 5321 3873 396 1656 3226 3 1875 137 310 .3491 15 9240 385 11341 1310 3805 360 514 1 277 233 1357 2166 64 25468 4566 7742 1291 4153 1003 698 5533 3 875 113 60 3578 22 2861 1262 10275 1112 4508 790 4537 *- 9 2267 209 ! ! 1 I 846 6779 63 39266 2370 19248 2198 8518 3496 394 19327 20 6469 1131 4718 23910 288 95568 18864 71130 8932 30595 ! 7824 1317 H ALTON. — [Continued.) 4838 T ^ 2 854 34 no 4808 2029 18037 3341 20031 2136 8468 293200 50 1 100 496 1 1 145 160 220 63000 80 50 76 20 8 1972 1 350 781 60 2238 92 13846 1006 11710 1171 4251 3701 30 16059 25 11455 229 64 4333 26 15649 6712 21923 752 4892 4985 235 1 60 40 380 89 137471 17 2773 199 396 5740 71 7136 13269 31056 1172 7716 15536 36852 46 15592 1739 620 1 17384 1 2218 54718 24488 85396 5251 25424 380422 80 28 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No, 11. — Upper Canada — Return of COUNTY OF Live Stock. Butter, lbs. Cheese, lbs. . Beef in Barrels of 200 lbs. Bulls, Oxen and Steers. Milch Cows. Calves and Hei- fers. Horses over 3 years old. Value of same in Dollars. Colts and Fillies. Sheep. Pigs. Total value of Liv'o Stock. 52 53 54 55 j 56 57 58 59 60 61 j 62 63 ]00.. 524 775 1037 509 ! 1 19143 70 1166 j 19051 j ! 61548 ! 1 33927 668i 72 ]01.. 716 974 1264 208 i 19861 59 1620 1444 6056l! ! 53463 3871 138 102.. 256 524 546 202 15902 57 891 1028 I 45791 ! , 17951 298 93 103.. 269 486 768 167 12162 68 959 626 45488; i 28925 2709 81 104.. 789 978 1460 279 17670 119 1232 1829 84246 53606 2538 123 105.. 355 552 626 169 1 11986 87 1085 1357 47900 22668 662 76 106.. 668 1022 1429 190 11401 91 1 2057 1856 73223 40230 1527! 52 107.. 477 805 1090 170 10930 124 1 722 1230 61859 43610 10301 146 108.. 53 68 86 11 j 550i i 6 66 5030 2205 i 109" 210 1 406 555 97 j 5902 35 1 518 1 997 29696 25705 365i 99 110.. 826 i 1165 1558 253 i 11363 771 ! 1591 2317 77889 62062 865! 220 111.. 623 625 969 994 1 105881 143 1 950 1 8329 55414 19145 409 j 183 112 i 259 148 ' 52 130 16485 1 1 113.. 335 ! 416 575 1 62 1 9449 27 416 907 284261 16978 i 527' 1 29 114.. ! 628 1 ! 607 899 j 145 1 9130 69 1174 873 47297 38505 2980 1 82 115.. 1 663 j 1117 1706 ! 341 j 24337 170 2436 1523 97197 72589 16387 1 297 116.. 1 395 1 1 955 1164 ! 444 ■ ! 44224 j 193 2302 1935 91130 59586 2605 1 235 7787 11734 15732 4389 234598 1389 19177 28352 929180 591155 37441 1926 COUNTY OF 117.. 118.. 119.. 120.. 121 73 218 79 75 524 852 400 371 610 1090 526 398 340 628 286 236 23885 35885 19988 15335 121 208 99 104 1531 2428 1401 1111 875 2185 707 721 53066 94525 44359 39035 44393 51834 .32791 24085 i 1348 i 2952 i 4752 1625 82 76 47 52 122.. 119 1 663 721 490 20189 110 1475 1176 58634 35308 131 120 123.. 318 i 1101 1464 749 56120 271 3277 2685 1317491 68890 7753 192 124.. 59 827 942 616 41005 219 2712 1865 81700 57135 3036 119 125.. 148 1298 1286 964 596251 283 2844 2866 147524 87036 2717 100 126.. 314 2012 2556 1377 94751 507 6103 4685 201680 152376 7225 423 ft 1403 8048 9593 5686 366783 1922 22882 17765 852272 553848 31539 1211 COUNTY OF 127.. 443 1953 2253 ! 1410 1 93646 1 j 409 1 1 ! 5697 3408; ! 1 217983 127989 13305 602 128.. 2 118 22 89 ! 2340 I 7 63 lOli ; 9781 1906 8 129 63 2 83 1 4980 1 2 52 77 8659' 200 130.. 517 1137 1538 672 ! 54347 1 226 .3242 1721 128484' 95240 8629 35 131.. 236 1722 ! 1484 1214 1 ■ 85160 316 5579 2369! ! 200148' 152066 4488 657 I ^9 i 1 131 13 96 j 1181 5 307 1 164 i 131 75 1 1125 133..I 1 1 299 [ 2445 2502 1797 130275 488 8640 3813 1 2371660. 151511 11516 681 ! 1498 j ' 9569 i 7814 5361 371929 1453 23580 11653 2949890' i 530037 37938 1983 CENSUS REPORT OF* THE CANADAS 29 Agricultural Produce for 1861. GKm ,—(Contimied.) Pork in Barrels of 200 lbs. Fish. Carriages kept for pleasure. Value of same in Dollars. Carriages kept for hire. Value of same in Dollars. Minerals. Dried in Quin- tals. Salted and Bar- relled. Sold Fresh, lbs. Copper ore mined, Tons. Value. Iron ore mined, Tons. Value. 64 j 65 66 i i •63 69 70 i i j 73 i 74 75 474 11 320 370 5 14 4 110 1 20 425 80 398 9 16 745 563 7 626 395 5 2 I 120 342 1 10 535 555 6 7 176 1 30 13 1 50 1 30 387 1 80 1 830 10 632 1 80 362 7 185 67 2701 26 1195 120 150 7 218 526 1 24 1217 412 24600 21 582 1080 660 2972 45 2021 26 1101 8057 155 1081 27578 217 9124 56 2456 HALDIMAND.— (Confmwcc/.) 475 851 471 403 51 107 47 9 3455 6454 2195 387 1 12 900 1 425 1 1263 895 830 2597 1 i 109 139 151 219 214 1 5199 7905 6673 j 13085 11464 110 4882 18041 38 2 3370 50 12 18711 8210 13 36752 1046 56817 162 9202 H ALTON. — ( Continued,) 1677 23 4 274 1864 8 2532 1 ] 2 1. 1 ' 1 ' i 1 3 323 43 57 73 317 28 577 17410 4206 3205 3506 16071 2025 34736 1 8 35 20 950 1575 5 360 1418 49 2905 .581 581 6 382 80958 30 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS, No. 11. — Upper Canada — Return of COUNTY OF TOWNSHIPS, &c. V Occupiers op Lands. Lands — A cres. Total. 10 acres and un- der. 10 to 20. 20 to 50. 50 to 100. O O o o o Upwards of 200. Amount held in Acres Under cultiva- tion. 1 Under crops. Under pasture. Under Gardens and Orchards. Wood and Wild Lands. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 134. Belleville, Town of 2 1 1 j 1 20 20 1 13 2 185. Elzevir 137 1 17 97 18 4 15294 3286 2092 1181 13 12008 136. Hastings Road 105 98 4 3 11550 1208 1017 191 10342 137. Hungerford 539 5 4 90 348 84 8 56569 23067 13286 9625 156 33502 138. Huntingdon 386 14 22 65 183 90 12 38657 19491 9583 9671 237 19166 139. Madoc 414 19 1 89 237 59 9 39377 16802 10029 6718 55 22575 140. Marmora and Lake 154 10 35 76 31 2 17386 6353 ■ 3447 2793 113 11033 141. Rawdon 483 15 3 134 226 94 11 47491 23661 14343 9252 66 23830 142. Sterling, Village i 14 4 3 1 5 1 910 563 340 208 15 347 143. Sydney 500 13 5 65 226 159 32 59584 34095 22605 10616 874 25489 144. Thurlow 435 6 10 77 216 107 19 45877 27123 19107 7382 634 18754 145. Trontnu, Village 14.6. Tnrlnr n.nd 143 4 124 13 2 15062 1973 1302 671 13089 147. Tyendinaga 786 27 11 139 458 130 21 77452 41340 21392 15663 4285 36112 Total of Hastings 4098 105 67 718 2290 794 124 425229 198982 118548 73984 6450 226247 COUNTY OF 148. Ashfield 149. Biddulph 150. Clinton, Village 408 431 14 6 4 4 83 115 268 266 37 37 2 3 36731 36689 ! 9196 16272 6751 13062 2283 2988 162 222 27535 20417 151. Colborne 248 9 10 64 131 26 8 22103 8971 6898 1970 103 13132 152. Goderich 153. Goderich, Town of. 479 13 15 63 283 91 14 43129 20352 13198 6750 405 22776 154. Grey 397 12 6 41 275 59 4 40001 6910 5759 11115 36 33091 155. Hay 436 13 10 124 249 58 2 34855 15133 10923 4070 : 140 19722 1.56. Howick 362 5 39 227 226 77 70 14 43913 39110 5669 13474 4652 993 24 38244 157. Hullett 397 2 1 90 8 10926 2332 216 25636 158. McGillivray 572 3 5 168 367 26 3 49236 21287 12987 8224 76 27949 159. McKillop 357 10 6 120 196 23 2 29055 10287 8187 2033 67 18768 1 fiO. Morris 386 8 54 254 65 60 51 40759 38480 7169 19670 6038 13166 1083 48 33590 161. Stanley and Bayfield 449 7 8 112 2.58 4 6343 161 18810 109. Ptp.plieri 320 7 4 105 200 4 25291 35845 9718 18105 7183 12519 2478 57 15573 163. Tuckersmith 384 6 4 86 238 46 4 5385 201 17740 164. Turnbury 229 2 30 129 62 6 25021 39381 2888 2296 589 3 22133 165. Usborne 447 5 3 127 268 40 4 17517 12072 5288 157 21864 166. Wawanosh 513 11 2 74 353 66 7 52725 12706 9887 2691 128 40019 Total of Huron 6815 133 82 1495j4188 827 90 632324 215325 156504 66615 2206 416999 COUNTY OF 167. Camden and Gore | 168. Chatham, Town of. i 342 30 14 125 1 1 1 1 1 49 8 i 26573 I'll 108561 8845| .1775| 236j 15717 169. Chatham and Gore | 444 24 18 134 ’201 57 io| 37359 14311 8427 ! 5506! 3781 2304S 170. Dover 1 340 18 16 124! 1 144 31 7: 269031 1 9814i 72821 238'31 149! 17089 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 31 Agricultural Produce for 1861. HASTINGS. Cash value of Farm in Dollars. Cash value of Farming Implements in Dollars. Produce of Gardens and Orchards in Dollars. Quantity of Land held by Townspeople, not being farmers. Fall Wheat. SpeiNg Wheat. Barlev. Rye. Acres. xi au « Acres. Bushels. t/j O U O '3 Xi m S fq Acres. *© Xi 00 3 w 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 1 24 25 7000 10 473 286 71515 5441 209 1025 41 680 251 4586 60 946 85 1061 24170 1000 7 100 119 2864 7 146 1 30 439949 34991 2833 110 616 4876 2438 38241 211 4835 1217 14699 436865 27173 1983 368 390 2682 1766 29190 404 8932 1441 20115 477640 28674 1182 399 322 6520 2886 50314 87 1517 172 2305 89190 4817 1402 2 79 1134 1006 17704 49 1120 34 568 556656 35557 3902 16 442 3483 2441 44996 916 26956 1713 21734 15020 1029 314 38 79 1716 25 450 34 457 1402172 54440 15446 334 630 4664 2521 48383 995 29377 3161 40813 1138588 52381 7775 1247 362 3997 1887 37808 982 26465 2582 36987 96 49030 2lb 12 223 740 7973 18 Zlb 9 127 1133150 65280 3371 256 592 5978 3506 67140 1475 41473 3669 52457 5841445 312962 38890 4177 3393 34337 19640 350915 5229 142592 14118 191353 HURON. A 378048 802236 9940 29215 417 2911 21 124 39 25 154 114 21 35 ■ 13 25 27 17 84 65 71 51 33 53 27 78 60 1921 1426 2729 7054 62418 146782 22 125 449 3220 579940 1049544 18469 36614 1500 6762 492 1613 13587 45032 2397 4885 53170 102384 40 163 1027 4587 7 84 421825 725958 309444 827272 900452 563860 380320 1017130 344594 909192 197258 867460 706325 12103 27835 7890 26494 41495 20006 12001 .34580 12714 36393 3597 37167 29578 45 274 147 592 272 323 69 1607 999 3213 20 1315 893 5 1044 5 84 41 33 10 1838 53 43 1 5 75 184 130 23976 115 2176 940 1062 260 41113 773 1442 160 1934 4764 2930 4316 2334 5020 7702 3876 3039 5993 3846 5739 1306 6992 4723 55186 86954 46806 110525 172251 75792 61578 154357 71205 138167 25993 154366 105284 30 107 76 44 248 33 36 84 21 67 8 74 48 763 3041 1679 1218 6990 821 1055 2357 647 1824 195 2120 1428 10 1 1 110 20 14 10980858 396091 21.359 999 5663 140831 74881 1623218 1216 33421 19 228 KENT. 579310 16829 3964 1 88 1 594 260 i 842 13836 962 3659 127 3270 30 494 726253 16224 5612 1437 2k65 1162 17677 523 13576 52 665 374673 21658 43231 198 683 14732 1459 81874 914 26476 63 1089 32 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 11. — Upper Canada — Return op COUNTY OF Pbas. Oats. Buckwheat. Indian Cokn. Potatoes. Turnips. 1 2 O ' .2 o xs 03 « OQ 2 O or* M CO 2 O i 55016 44814 69072 20848 46863 1736 76268 56085 1 329 8 2384 2149 2027 550 3192 93 4989 3817 5035 175 39698 36422 35750 10651 70000 1926 106633 83671 79 1265 47 95 139 50 57 48 77 3 78 71 6158 17585 19336 13827 11210 10010 19094 350 21899 17034 383 404 264 76 • 373 6 1150 744 5671 7033 5275 1390 7238 119 23216 16944 113 236 194 4 273 26 773 613 2617 4517 2327 75 7711 684 19222 24549 50 7555 1039 89830 312 3807 9405 118907 14 10370 294 18506 6 737 105 16820 190 1008 18209 68542 96 51 18868 11550 27123 480830 20137 611293 13863 86951 3010 79207 5332 492146 812 166921 COUNTY OF 148. 904 22563 811 22744 1 10 2 30 381 38911 375 68021 149. 977 21771 1881 55700 9 163 360 27101 515 57540 150. 151. 698 16820 1029 32979 5 195 137 207 30662 219 59460 152. 1273 30125 2265 66311 6 56 26 746 460 58451 189 37175 153. 154. 50 16898 597 16981 1 50 1 13 288 27618 457 86159 155. 1114 25605 1508 45118 13 255 18 376 * 280 26736] 281 56285 15p. 199 3767 392 10942 1 15 268 24503 488 91191 157. 1289 32115 1386 47807 3 104 2 80 236 29194 544 100105 158. 1457 ' 36080 1821 58590 13 178 17 491| 276 27607 469 80550 159. 1300 19333 1214 39512 i 15 1 301 30841 337 57191 160. 547 13687 517 16310 1 10 287 32821 536 94858 161. 1435 36675 1546 60213 2 67 20 496 287 39449 178 ' 39416 162. 637 12526 658 16779 2 67 175 10647 297 32964 163. ]160 32496 1821 66947 1 90 235 26884 342 79790 164- 137 2889 190 5605 139 14891, 246 54835 165. 1141 24729 1343 48770 1 3 29' 275 25590i 708 140331 166. 1133 26798 1136 39935 1 50 4 45 480 533301 543 108030 15451 374877 20115 651243 45 965 112 2803 4935 525236 6724 1243901 COUNTY OF 167. 168. 1348 i 27155 1088 32991 1 345I 6304 1 1 25763 1 1 2S5 26391 1 102| 17158 169’. 1677 35390 1355 45319 i 215! 3796 1 10.35 30052 1 -141 426801 133! 24001 170. 973 22650 1014 36429 1 2946 ! 681 ' 18160 ! 308 1 1 25745! 261 4105 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS S3 Agricultural Produce for 1861. HASTINGS.— Conhwwed.) Carrots, Bushels. | Mangel Wurzel. Beans, Bushels. Clover, Timothy and other Grass Seeds, Bushels. Hay, Tons. Hops, lbs. 1 Maple Sugar, lbs. 1 Cider, Gallons. .s *0 o Fulled Cloth, Yards. Flannel, Yards. Flax and Hemp, lbs. I Linen, Yards. Acres. Bushels. 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 I 1 46 1 47 48 1 49 50 1 1 250 1 400 200 176 43 1 488 57 13684 1105 246 1159 80 90 262 2161 6 310 55 369 3149 332 48248 11233 3286 9860 150 3196 2 295 102 8 1791 97 31643 205 8627 2279 7187 20 641 3 3610 59 101 2107 221 53455 7982 2126 7712 361 27 5 856 25310 9837 1131 2348 7376 1 355 163 230 2580 50 54029 128 12194 3287 8424 31 378 1 80 7 71 230 155 94 20 13393 7 4339 389 118 4220 163 44303 20274 17356 3455 8036 74 2 6149 7 1375 213 44 3297 6056 26198 6994 17605 2851 6771 260 42 337 7528 151 86l 105 4576 9 2364 224 476 4139 157 44951 731 41724 4113 13600 189 56 38413 36 13128 1260 1349 23297 7133 349579 28532 127969 22954 65222 1165 100 HURON . — ( Continued. ) 70 1 12 1167 75 13836 4217 464 2944 2 402 1 60 4 83 2067 38 2.3079 10163 621 6439 255 1200 2 20 28 1237 8 13901 32 4201 552 1650 170 20 883 2 630 90 3 2412 593 31681 66 12892 2003 5362 1549 73 24 7 3881 1099 191 1174 50 328 20 62 10 960 4 715 44 556 2025 199 28850 64 8337 1996 4281 1114 145 60 5 84 991 148 24043 1600 174 1505 8 34 4 304 2278 131 17584 7800 1054 4831 2026 175 1 160 253 2270 423 25165 15971 854 7332 51| 1 241 1555 106 18011 6155 608 4001 80 106 1 137 1372 115 17561 2026 260 2026 5 1118 8 118 2109 33 33928 5 13604 2240 7127 160 138 3 2823 1275 27 7938 120 4822 147 2195 323 50 1485 1 270 6 39 2469 59 21873 13083 1247 6299 2340 4 473 32 8363 770 356 540 23 499 2349 133 31109 12 13522 1090 6837 2412 359 1 10 5 120 1925 467 27240 5877 1029 4762 510 7609 12 1865 202 9181 29073 2778 345336 349 125368 14359 68009 10964 288 KENT. — ( Continued.) 347 150 212 16 1589 2 15231 8019 6902 1030 4608 36 36 864 1 66 457 91 2370 122 17168 6311 9183 1107 5081 154 372i 1 490 125 15 1189 2 11963 5670 4881 646 1819 300 53 3 34 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 11. — Upper Canada — Return op COUNTY OF Live Stock. Butter, Iba. Cheese, lbs. Beef in Barrels of I 200 lbs. II Bulls, Oxen and Steers. Milch Cows. Calves and Hei- fers. Horses over 3 years old. Value of same in Dollars. Colts and Fillies. Sheep. Pigs. Total value of Live Stock. ! 52 1 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 1 1 60 1 62 63 134.. 1 2 483 251 360 20 268 40694 560 » 135.. 170 289 266 129 7202 55 398 577 22930 16163 46 104 136.. 40 73 38 18 1370 1 3 70 4366 137.. 625 1629 1950 786 50919 299 4029 2438 123058 91630 5494 259 138.. 318 1023 1182 588 35542 262 2773 1307 75272 61341 1618 190 139.. 505 1267 1360 586 35638 266 2722 2129 102911 82595 7410 247 140.. 249 428 413 223 14260 114 990 723 43894 31848 40 58 141.. 466 1633 1685 950 62159 395 43530 2242 38496 100415 12137 209 142.. 5 135 22 94 1610 12 56 186 8642 2860 80 5 143.. 460 2499 2105 1419 99553 478 5533 3758 227187 140686 29930 427 144.. 185 2161 1657 1488 88086 447 6930 2410 192349 111097 19011 231 145.. 127 84 24 197 10656 146.. 147 141 123 27 1715 9 68 244 10734 7675 16 147.. 557 2860 2868 1819 107380 612 7709 3587 238255 151041 2213 453 3729 14748 13669 8462 505794 2950 74785 20136 1139444 797911 77979 2259 COUNTY OF 148.. 593 762 879 172 23558 82 1427 1541 51847 26451 1 941 1 166 149.. 150 302 1048 85 1213 671 61 47238 266 3314 38 3594 99 111670 6258 49774 817 77 151.. 310 688 994 331 31939 101 1308 1231 60293 33537 2170 154 152.. 153 496 1388 157 103 1952 763 121 51731 280 3554 12 2903 93 196 134735 12984 70439 3197 262 154.. 67 125 31 920 4 126 8972 5051 648 16 155.. 525 1026 1250 506 33010 209 2640 2278 96684 47824 3596 171 156.. 518 645 959 132 8080 66 680 1360 54547 38462 1745 116 157.. 634 956 1497 375 29521 183 2450 3260 106900 58989 4671 197 158.. 516 1436 2230 919 66345 317 4850 3076 143688 57882 3164 128 159.. 535 914 1202 304 24200 121 1804 1605 71246 54611 2415 153 IGO.. 592 784 1106 167 9655 49 849 1579 62799 40159 1574 99 161.. 552 1222 1509 690 48401 319 3971 2675 125333 35375 3468 85 162.. 420' 766 940 340 19377 146 2016 1535 66019 28107 339 41 163.. 679 1241 1789 613 44575 246 3640 2306 126770 63124 9048 248 164.. 307 366 475 64 2856 12 353 487 30164 17905 1343 49 165.. 702 1189 1840 631 44682 289 4099 2597 117853 57993 4151 200 166.. 842 1151 1499 312 24890 113 1938 2207 11812 63573 1 - 2361 134 . 8590 15927 21459 7203 510978 2803 39069 34622 1400574 749256 45648 2296 COUNTY OF 167.. 168 217 907 342 1126 587 280 29566 201 2347 198 3110 2955 542 84776| 25038' 48184 2601 67 169.. 1 360 1330 1714 830 42182 287 4589 1155761 75061 14171 121 170., 1 285 m 1195| 1 825 43763] 1 363 1642 3434 891331 36722 564 108 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS, 85 Agricultural Produce for 1861. HASTlNGS.--(Conh‘rjwef?.) Pork in Barrels of 200 lbs. Fish. Carriages kept for pleasure. Value of same in Dollars. Carriages kept for hire. Value of same in Dollars. Minerals. Dried in Quin- tals. Salted and Bar- relled. Sold Fresh, lbs. Copper ore mined. Tons. Value. Iron ore mined. Tons. e5 u 'S > 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 i 72 73 74 1 75 1 272 16178 43 1413 305 9 419 1 25 1523 4 1238 57 4145 2 80 1026 5 123 5431 1 1139 2 18 112 6060 1 3 60 493 9 385 1424 120 6200 36 40 2420 3 140 1736 100 1000 769 34135 1151 352 15500 534 22769 11 910 110 4637 34 1704 74 2367 192 3208 395 17478 2 60 1 11274 655 20964 2550 119257 96 4332 1 1 3 60 HURON. — ( Continued,) 426 937 4 4 23 18 40 37 77 29 1 23 1 6 17 13 8 53 65 49 3 17 3 1228 825 1490 2736 4545 2001 70 930 70 245 825 675 465 2385 2903 4075 65 710 131 2 200 1004 1412 ! 1 23 1900 63 932 383 1170 1025 722 603 756 548 978 244 1392 1047 5 i 9 2 200 100 1 2 2 4 80 286 2 3 1 60 13637 15 5 483 26374 43 2826 KENT. — [Continued ) 782 1241 760 UlOOi 55 3007 5 375 76 ; j 4610 18 1140 153 7787 18 1140 59 1 1 1941 3^ 35 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No, 11. — Upper Canada — Return of COUNTY OF Occupiers op Lands. Lands — Acres. TOWNSHIPS, &e. Total. 10 acres and un- der. 10 to 20. 20 to 50. 50 to 100. 100 to 200. Upwards of 200. Amount held in Acres. Under cultiva- tion. ! 1 Under crops. Under pasture. Under Gardens and Orchards. ' Wood and Wild Lands. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ! 1 10 1 11 1 12 13 I'Tl. Harwich 522 17 12 138 249 86 20 50328 21701 13881 7214 606 28627 172. Howard 462 8 7 101 245 82 19 47628 21.345 13802 7163 380 2628.3 173. Orford 380 6 3 100 165 92 14 37043 11450 ! 66.34 4603 213 25593 174. Raleigh 538 28 13 220 207 60 10 44899 16887 11022 5506 359 28012 17-^- PrtTyinoy 76 2 3 9 40 22 7802 2671 2333 269 69 51.31 176. Tilbury East 215 5 3 53 111 40 3 21243 3604 2173 1330 101 17639 177. Zone 134 39 80 14 1 15474 3219| 1 2640 528 51 12255 Total of Kent 3453 138 89 1043 1558 533 92 315252 115858 77039 36277 2542jl99394 Township Howard produces 55,241 lbs. Tobacco. Tilbury East 22S barrels Potash, valued at $6413. COUNTY OF 178. Bosanquet 324 1 > 75 156 76 11 31872 12037 8951 2986 100 19835 179. Brooke 251 i 3 34 159 40 4 25375 7633 5356 2227 50 17742 qso 135 2 6 43 70 14 11653 3890 2526 1308 56 7763 181 Eonii^killen 128 1 17 80 25 5 15233 3577 1693 1881 3 11656 182. Euphemia 285 2 5 39 195 39 5 28972 12827 6135 6510 182 16145 183. Moore 377 5 6 51 258 51 6 36173 10998 8613 2209 176 25175 184. Plympton 489 6 1 3 105 285 81 9 50007 15294 11365 3621 308 34713 185. Sarnia 193 2 1 51 104 31 4 19i33 6136 4701 1282 153 12997 186 Sarnia of 187. Sombra, and Indian Reservesj 225 9 3 74 104 27i 8 26002 8187 4601 3433 153 17815 188. Warwick 462 9 3 148 229 65| 8 47383 15513 11593 3803 117 31870 Total of Lambton 2869 51 32 637 1640 449 60 291803 96092 65534 29260jl298 195711 1 COUNTY OF 189. Bathurst 418 14 4 68 227 87 18 45348 23867 ! 15293 8563 111 21481 190. Beckwith 270 4 2 9 91 109 55 49723 18191 90481 9105 38i 31532 191. Burgess 195 11 2 21 88 65 8 23506 8114 4015 4055 44 15392 192. Dalhousio 238 1 1 2 115 89 30 38100 14184 6972 7173 39 2.3916 193. Darling 122 1 1 5 68 43 4 16235 6665 3785 2876 4 9570 194. Drummond 390 4 4 35 219 99 29 50261 21766 11377 10352 37 28495 195. Elmsley 198 6 2 32 96 50 12 24046 9803 4762 5025 16 14243 196. Lanark 356 5 2 24 192 111 22 46879 16705 10009 6569 127 30174 \ Q'J, , 26 20 4 2 3355 1151 425 726 2204 198. Montague 443 18 6 68 218 112 21 48385 16924 10429 6466 29 31461 199. Packenham 261 1 1 25 174 51 9 30179 10981 7968 2999 14 19198 200 Pp.'H'Ii, Town of 14 4 2 3 1 4 840 528 318 210 312 201. Ramsay 381 5 2 20 245 93 16 47207 23309 15397 7875 37 23898 202. Sherbrooke, North ) 147 2 7 71 52 15 21873 8078 2958 5102 18 13795 203 f5tl^Tl'''*nokOj Rontli , . .. J 204. Smith’s Falls, Village 2 1 1 190 170 69 100 1 20 Total of Lanark 3461 76 29 319 1826 970 241 446127 180436 102825 77196 415 265691 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 37 Agricultdrai:. Produce for 1861. KENT. — ( Continued.) Cash value of Farm in Dollars. Cash value of Farming Implements in Dollars. Produce of Gardens and 1 Orchards in Dollars. I Quantity of Land held I by Townspeople, not 1 being farmers. 1 Fall Wheat. Spring Wheat. Barley. Bye. Acres. Bushels. Acres. Bushels. Acres. 'a -d m S FQ Acres. QW CO w 14 15 16 1 17 1 1 1 18 19 20 21 1 22 1 23 ! 1 i ! 24 j 1 25 1 963592 46344 4360 191 1718 37316 1210 17779 .333 8513 186 3064 1041195 80851 4287 280 1729 32104 938 11314 205 5254 169 2593 815490 21952 5888 70 1185 17791 543 6592 121 3009 45 454 706598 30200 6395 116 958 17942 1412 24133 417 11067 99 1343 140830 4976 70 312 6867 145 1828 62 1397 15 225 95353 6023 417 3 353 5377 233 2942 62 1301 141759 4244 424 71 198 3213 372 3937 ; 1062 48 583 5585053 249301 35740 1871 9415 172643 8436 121735 1 2847, 1 74925 707 10510 LAMBTON. 546350 318440 117770 220150 546260 715071 841661 365470 21380 7856 5090 5858 21057 32623 27716 11649 617 995 450 95 4451 2475 2084 781 6 33 1 9 53 66 32 16o 217 43 235 22 431 72 159 18 3857 702 3650 410 6564 1278 2405 208 3067 1830 513 828 1284 1799 .3212 698 58421 30771 8031 14161 16689 32475 63436 12247 92 56 62 11 32 21 144 39 2750 996 1050 282 726 550 4004 959 7 126 5 1 41 4 3 20 93 15 427 78 83 184 261850 11636 3209 21 246 5079 569 9973 88 1830 32 516 803304 23991 1089 66 194 2817 4301 97098 250 6499 4736326 168856 16246 452 1637 26970 18101 333302 785 19646 113 1522 LANARK. 758876 30091 261 6445 193 4044 2209 48622 140 2626 16 224 448020 30574 788 288 237 4598 1635 28493 65 1538 16 188 151451 8315 891 109 108 2045 842 14001 34 826 2 26 132244 14224 1190 322 177 2984 821 12327 32 526 19 201 31930 3828 77 263 4049 392 4606 5 80 21 256 498430 21100 378 20 48 744 3637 51359 196 4983 22 314 229342 17361 209 206 3517 930 17914 56 1123 35 417 206902 25068 2205 43 483 7487 1753 24475 18 304 753 5765 857 60 1044 73 1087 1 20 455704 19729 879 4 179 3107 2965 43918 14 229 22 339 331410 21831 23 533 391 6027 1441 21950 45 1066 15 169 51800 1065 287 13 2S0 60 474 9 302 568212 32860 974 26094 694 12168 2514 43346 71 1765 36 436 64360 9279 163 2 59 885 700 9418 14 217 11 142 11400 1200 52 21 328 3945846 237382 8038 34199 3132 53304 19972 321990 700 15605 290 3665 38 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 11. — Upper Canada — Return of COUNTY OF Peas. Oats. JiUCKWHEAT. Indian Corn. Potatoes. Turnips. 00 O to 'S W o to *© .a 00 03 'o tn DQ 'S p=3 to "o rd 03 O ’© .a U CO u 03 u 03 in u m o 3 s o O a S < M <1 pq pq W M pq 1 26 27 I 28 29 30 31 32 33 1 1 34 i 35 36 37 171. 2063 48073 2096 79774 280 5761 2016 67229 525 63752 68 24938 172. 1923 39784 2043 71466 453 7742 1679 44092 390 45026 79 28625 17:i. 889 18834 887 33189 304 4964 846 21428 255 26092 71 26025 174. 1315 26127 1914 69631 268 3772 2332 66304 396 36131 36 9399 175. 244 4845 137 4661 14 329 526 15610 25 3381 1 130 176. 349 6936 489 15782 72 1078 507 11865 177 9806 i ' 3 605 177. 239 4426 452 11755 104 1653 229 4351 136 11200 53 10425 11020 234220 11475 400997 2245 38345 10968 304854 2938 290204 572 145411 COUNTY OF 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 18J. 185. 186. 1131 705 260 338 1214 954 1392 442 27868 14675 5901 6478 22542 22181 33038 10493 1157 749 362 311 1678 1925 1777 772 39074 22597 10532 7338 55935 63926 63350 25357 65 35 48 17 357 30 27 53 1218 645 721 285 6667 689 521 825 116 71 167 16 593 152 229 128 2989 1857 4420 260 12989 4266 6879 2189 247 217 84 97 307 303 393 193 33491 27318 6171 9496 29006 31567 52252 25315| 252 95 23 26 72 83 176 71 54845 21630 2755 4515 14908 18588 38546 15522 187. 426 i i 9257 658 24363 92 2213i 320 16277 216 23513 30 2779 188. 1744 41678 2256 80541 73 1384 103 2621 364 39893 150 24223 8606 194111 11645 393013 797 15168 1895 54747 2421 278022 978|l98311 COUNTY OF 189. 847 16186 2243 78818 4 47 25 642 522 68875 17 2844 190. 918 15338 2324 60050 144 2356 70 1623 652 99202 82 15501 191. 216 4402 947 26684 8 136 27 6811 235 25675 4 683 192. 511 6534 1231 27785 62 805 66 1138 293 41311 41 16922 19.3. 159 1476 587 10402 5 88 55 1127 146 20255 28 7260 194. 830 14294 2213 52521 24 i 4661 25 610 519 64365 38 11015 195. 1 410 6620 994 27031 27 486 20 430 254 32606 18 4465 196. 716 8417 2176 44730 39 624 236 4540 491 60382 88 30627 197. 27 354 103 1830 4 35 1 6 30 3600 1 250 198. 1 597 9283 2490 49314 311 4343 95 2637 637 62417 49 9691 199. 580 10312 1576 389ijy3 15 261 40 879 400 43452 25 5076 2(i0. 10 330 48 17751 11 2595 2 280 211. 1322 26553 2557 642331 22 207 157 3914 540 50691 128 58190 202. 2o3. ) 222 3048 640 15243 , 2 26 19 311 207 23229* 7 1610 2C4! ' 3 150 j 1 25 3 300 3 2500 7365 123147 20132 499556j 667 9880 8 17 18563 4940 1 598955 531 166914 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS S9 Agricultural Produce for 1861 . KENT. — ( Continued,) Carrots, Bushels. Mangel Wurzel. Beans, Bushels. Clover, Timothy and other Grass Seeds, Bushels. CO a o ! H j d w Hops, lbs. I Maple Sugar, lbs. Cider, Gallons. 00 rO o o Fulled Cloth, Yards. Flannel, Yards- Flax and Hemp, lbs. Linen, Yards. | Acres. QQ OO 38 39 40 41 1 ! 42 43 1 44 45 46 1 47 48 ! 49 50 51 3866 ! ' 3 610 4686 131 3944 75 25781 9828 17518 2028 8561 100 144 2993 130 3397 199 3600 24986 15490 21266 1626 8260 125 160 6 971 770 102 2186 61 12126 7998 13375 1666 4227 100 2119 1 205 528 448 3227 122 7106 17502 10723 1164 3767 140 217 765 90 6 49 393 7230 1756 460 730 1 71 34 16 700 7 20 32 1832 238 874 2716 34 541 6 4109 1 147 1575 232 946 85 14273 12 2712 10249 1067 19739 1 397 118490 78227 89011 10197 38873 940 550 LAMBTON. — [Continued,) 821 3 622 83 74 2116 76 17819 10205 694 110 4480 16 39 14 1387 18436 5002 905 3537 104 66 1 723 4 4845 1114 2804 356 1513 1 767 2 3855 1311 82 739 100 79 63 98 19 2120 4 16618 3831 9784 1446 7342 29 6 2022 2 810 182 71 3088 91 5039 10223 67 1080 1140 957 4 1252 248 251 3030 174 17586 •••••••• 14705 732 4418 1840 ! 1265 2 615 47 12 1916 1690 3789 276 1697 209 655 4 1627 3 5560] 1 451 4139 274 782 10 2 880 2 590 115 40 2476 37 45498 12016 1170 7549 75 18 6353 i '' 3952 1534 486 19250| 391 136946 5396 73978 6002 28767 3194 4506 LANARK. — ( Continued.) 141 1 122 10 3720 1 5452 12120 1718 6506 153 49 62 2498 204 8407 11328 1690 4906 48 921 9 31 932 167 7250 3728 639 2143 467 2 210 47 4 1853 251 18905 6935 1323 5107 29 ■ 8 21 751 88 12020 1259 309 2002 2117 1 ^5 27 2935 15 6412 14 11996 1293 4814 50 28 30 11 16 1582 34 5030 20 7210 1256 3036 150 '' 25 1698 6 1681 110 34 1853 87 16170 207 10663 1487 7020 3 172 5620 463 130 30 837 23 4 2560 72 30472 10911 2893 8378 1463 1 70 2 9 1484 28 4972 6361 976 3159 97 2 225 97 206] 12 802 3 2440 122 39 2711 4 11461 10110 1081 3920 50 5 12 13 1336 79 8939 3393 874 3093 12 6 1 8803 16 5018 403j 260 24490 1029 141110 241 j 96683 15669 54126 215 73 40 . CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 11. — Upper Canada — Return of COUNTY OF Live Stock. Butter, lbs. Cheese, lbs. Beef in Barrels of 200 lbs. Bulls, Oxen and Steers. Milch Cows. Calves and Hei- fers. Horses over 3 years old. Value of same in Dollars. Colts and Fillies. Sheep. ao Total value of Live Stock. j 52 53 54 65 1 56 57 58 59 60 1 1 62 63 1 171.. 306 1811 2333 1131 67514 442 5593 5956 175139 99554 11555 272 172.. .330 1674 2347 1055 63675 383 6686 5413 183989 97591 5120 200 173.. 271 908 1305 535 35878 184 4031 2782 102964 60966 7502 161 174.. 225 1655 2141 1086 64118 550 3297 5375 142608 126980 6711 162 175.. 62 206 268 153 9969 64 565 1554 24006 11230 276 42 176.. 160 463 779 355 12304 213 571 2059 36649 21310 697 14 177.. 148 305 398 141 5688 47 625 729 23408 16283 60 41 2364 10534 13606 6978 364657 2724 28665 35388 1003286 593881 49267 1188 COUNTY OF 178.. 379 869 1294 449 32481 168 2797 1618 90378 52035 1449 224 179.. 195 650 915 255 1500 118 1547 1966 49154 37205 788 76 180.. 91 262 451 148 8595 48 846 771 25245 13558 705 55 181.. 156 334 521 132 8170 67 478 641 28349 19275 37 182!! 132 847 1359 548 30841 223 3353 2486 80832 94331 2035 128 183.. 260 1140 1988 537 32972 260 3122 1892 111456 82644 14917 160 184.. 459 1313 2246 528 33005 250 4471 2603 118355 78856 5224 247 185.. 126 636 914 246 16585 108 1225 760 50280 45411 1992 103 186 221 139 1 20 152 15244 187.. 347 1 725 1144 569 21815 345 1384 2304 58618 41075 1345 106 188.. 1 289 j 1304 2171 771 48781 312 3795 2901 1131611 93426 3293 230 2434 8101 13003 4322 234745 1899 23038 18094 741072j 557816 31748 1366 COUNTY OF 189.. 181 1745 2021 764 53575 319 3809 1225 123081 128732 5221 507 190.. 52 1681 1683 670 41063 284 3369 1544 102825 77337 5508 404 191.. 113 655 796 240 14873 117 1288 486 11606 12410 550 49 192.. 255 975 1624 350 21604 122 2535 946 73440 62694 6049 367 193.. 132 377 495 466 5754 46 782 322 17128 27160 2000 88 194.. 97 1552 1611 678 38101 262 3858 1474 89813 100140 1938 347 195.. 20 811 869 383 34989 154 2072 601 49937 66804 1005 250 196.. 227 1472 1763 643 33580 251 2417 1466 95087 80876 4212 317 197.. 52 64 94 23 1230 7 1.34 54 4468 3640 18 198.. 60 1869 1680 906 53325 435 3472 1341 120978 149225 2080 231 199.. 143 992 906 588 30686 165 1915 1361 75216 66487 1435 358 200 298 14 183 3 238 178 23696 30 2 201.. 123 1864 1666 881 47380 280 3799 1671 112261 121929 6915 631 202.. ) 120 532 716 197 9994 95 1309 439 34018 31106 618 111 203.. 204!! ; 2 114 6 88 6 5 87 13118 1677 14991 16944 7060 386154 2546 31002 ^ 13195 946672 928570 37631 3680 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 41 Agricultural Produce for 1861. KENT. — ( Continued,) Pork in Barrels of I 200 lbs. 1 Fish. Carriages kept for pleasure. Value of same in Dollars. Carriages kept for hire. Value of same in Dollars. Minerals. Dried in Quin- tals. Salted and Bar- relled. Sold Fresh, lbs. Copper ore mined, Tons. I Value. Iron ore mined, Tons. Value. 64 55 66 67 1 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75' 1310 20 1 135 102 5768 18 620 1243 109 5982 17 1035 791 1 100 49 3635 2 55 1654 15000 57 2866 1 50 467 14 671 196 60 13 488 6 117 219 1 15 468 8563 20 8 29385 702 37223 85 4532 L AMBTON. — ( Continued,) 1026 18 980 603 2 170 241 16 532 307 5 246 .300 barrels ( 3oal Oil, $840 711 35 1456 2 100 939 47 2499 5 166 1.309 38 1528 489 321 525 15 605 29 2931 32 2050 471 601 7 36 1300 4 80 1341 224 7447 7437 822 465 19594 43 2396 j 532 LAN ARK. — ( Continued, ) 1178 1612 107 641 178 168 113 84 4 131 26 142 7569 7326 3270 3061 195 5399 1181 5928 7 275 3 150 228 1207 582 1198 38 1081 934 6 2333 294 1 4 3 80 2 184 137 101 263 22 6817 6494 6147 10121 658 41 28 1720 1150 1 36 2380 2 70 11438 2 6 1589 66546 84 3446 42 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS, No. 11. — Upper Canada — Return of COUNTY OF TOWNSHIPS, Ao. Occupiers op Lands. Lands — A cres. Total. 10 acres and un- der. o (N O •4J o 20 to 50. O o o o 100 to 200. Upwards of 200. Amount held in Acres Under cultira- tion. j Under crops. Under pasture. Under Gardens and Orchards. Wood and Wild Lands. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 205. Bastard 461 ! 34 7 92 157 137 34 48076 ‘23955 15807 7876 272 2412 206. Broekville, Town of 18 9 2 4 1 1 1 977 407 248 153 6 570 207. Burgess 61 1 8 31 14 7 6932 2444 1746 665 33 4488 208. Crosby, North 255 16 56 115 66 2 27638 8824 4468 4288 68 18814 209. Crosby, South 234 13 3 35 99 62 22 27981 9633 6331 3217 86 18348 210. Elmsley 186 12 3 28 101 36 6 19705 10709 6251 4455 3 8996 211. Elizabethtown 675 56 30 134 244 172 39 67398 37684 20702 16614 268 29814 212. Escott 223 11 6 48 87 66 15 22771 8640 6173 2369 98 14131 213. Kitley 431 6 6 95 206 90 29 44925 24705 13316 11349 40 20220 214. Lansdowne 444 14 3 113 193 85 36 46187 17872 12812 4958 102 28315 215. Leeds 311 5 77 129 76 24 35594 12313 7433 4810 70 23281 216. Yonge 407 9 5 52 166 141 34 50222 23148 15346 7625 177 27074 Total of Leeds 3706 185 65 742 1529 936 249 398406 180234 110633 68379 1222 218172 COUNTY OF ! 217. Adolphustown 89 10 1 3 36 30 9 11820 8705 6171 2178 356 3115 218. Amherst, Tnsland 144 3 44 59 34 4 14403 10921 6602 4252 67 3482 219. Anglesea 35 1 30 4 3661 329 285 43 1 3332 220. Camden 713 19 12 150 337 149 46 76829 42276 24577 17243 456 34553 221. Denbigh n.nd Abinger 36 31 6 3742 169 159 3583 222. Ernestown 530 28 12 92 195 160 43 59494 35326 24306 10143 878 24168 223. Fredericksburgh 387 16 12 51 173 114 21 41887 27673 21034 6182 457 14214 224. Kaladar 121 4 74 35 8 16722 1520 1172 343 5 15202 225. Napa, nee, Villaere 5 1 1 1 2 215 184 128 56 31 226. Richmond 421 11 11 76 198 113 12 44059 20501 12889 7372 240 23558 227. Sheffield 348 8 80 185 • 62 13 36881 14966 8433 6493 40 21915 Total of Lennox and Addington.. 2829 96 49 502 1320 706 156 309713 162560 105755 54305 2500 147153 . COUNTY OF 228. Caistor 229. Clinton 230. Gainsborough 231. Grantham 232. Grimsby 233. Louth 234. Niagara 235. Niagara, Town of 306 283 492 196 317 198 201 19 14 25 7 14 4 9 16 15 16 7 7 5 2 73 53 173 35 62 42 65 135 131 169 88 133 106 72 51 66 75 50 68 33 48 12 14 34 9 33 9 15 27569 26210 34964 18264 33685 18680 19477 13549 16141 18912 13493 18768 13438 14797 9793 7772 10510 9611 13362 9700 10247 3596 7650 7849 3420 5023 3148 3908 161 719 553 462 383 590 642 14020 9069 16052 4771 14917 5142 4480 236. St. Catherines, Town of....... Total of Lincoln 126 1993 92 68 493 833 381 177549 |109098 70995 34593 3510 68451 CENSUS REPORT OP THE CANADAS 43 Agricultural Produce for 1861. LEEDS, Cash value of Farm in Dollars; Cash value of Farming Implements in Dollars. Produce of Gardens and Orchards in Dollars. Quantity of Land held by Townspeople, not being farmers. Fall Wheat. Spring Wheat. Barley. Rye. Acres. in 3 m Acres. Bushels. Acres. Bushels. Acres. Bushels. 14 15 16 17 18 1 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 778040 35478 6645 594 406 4982 3826 53961 35 767 206 2512 54306 1315 464 97 67 1357 8 219 60955 2682 427 176 2437 387 4471 5 47 184847 7419 1327 48 266 3846 1312 21663 2 32 89 823 311730 10418 1505 47 341 4914 1460 21992 1 20 99 1455 263430 13747 25 8 248 3242 1260 18703 29 606 30 329 1402897 45429 11085 455 108 1525 6405 94455 292 4540 146 677 257138 14997 3047 61 86 790 1424 20663 57 1138 148 1559 662002 29247 858 124 160 1944 4252 61042 11 230 110 1288 505282 21856 1342 13 312 3359 3555 56250 105 2420 127 1478 376107 20474 1694 479 274 3350 2483 42716 36 1513 104 1220 706365 31799 5031 672 139 1591 3514 49306 115 2453 120 2033 5563399 234352 33450 2598 2516 31980 29945 446579 711 13938 1184 13421 LENNOX AND ADDINGTON. 385950 16651 4171 13 140 687 14341 444 12263! 1 1 1068 17462 317544 16561 501 360 1 10 1887 30531 987 25193 350 4397 11950 654 88 1323 1 35 6 80 1329998 68815 8671 265 224 2320 3884 63004 1595 34512 3807 51534 7507 452 4700 13 206 4 70 1653229 72346 14195 1071 17 200 4379 85310 1750 43817 2042 43941 1199210 54207 9773 116 33 408 3110 58628 1916 59050 3106 46761 68529 2267 54 77 799 289 3389 14 155 48 519 1485 750 305 37 788 8 197 10 200 714763 38849 5223 142 24 180 2415 36809 881 19724 1707 23812 318571 19761 1047 54 177 1746 1471 24283 377 8838 892 11170 6008736 291313 43635 7013 566 5803 j 18260 318612 7977 203859 13036 199876 LINCOLN. 577295 993746 915784 1092220 1305820 949500 855909 25057 38829 39820 33000 43939 42811 39388 1598 12985 5568 13435 7893 7040 11815 23 70 158 310 230 173 163 220 216 200 . 1410 801 1065 889 1229 873 1273 14106 4158 14317 7956 10938 10899 1534 1687 2175 1079 2803 847 931 .?2503 23179 26347 14181 32638 . 8351 15065 655 701 660 744 970 611 573 15509 16907 13169 16424 24881 10370 11624 66 331 592 217 211 272 232 483 3521 5116 3094 2076 3243 3254 6690274 262844 60334 1563 6467 63647 11056 142264 4914 108884 1721 20787 44 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 11. — Upper Canada — Return of COUNTY OF Peas. 1 Oats. Buckwheat. Indian Corn. Potatoes. Turnips. 09 09 QQ 09 o5 OJ 09 U 'S rd QQ QQ <19 U o GQ 09 ra QQ 09 a u % s m o l-l QQ < w < M < (§ W < W < 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 205. 1003 15646 2728 76757 163 3143 387 9879 363 59662 . 20 3395 206. 5 110 24 1120 1 36 5 270 7 945 2 860 207. 102 1308 314 6695 6 111 34 752 79 10000 208- 392 7058 793 27715 49 828 162 4272 269 26390 5 1032 209. 461 8779 930 30775 42 513 257 6471 233 19550 14 6626 210. 483 7193 1070 28841 27 494 61 1493 239 28595 28 11075 211. 1130 17919 4414 112088 504 10234 471 3045 891 67413 22 7078 212. 410 7340 734 19669 63 1168 85 2190 247 22595 5 439 213. 975 16243 3052 72977 262 4532 150 4501 576 62150 20 4944 214. 876 15909 2357 60549 85 1369 137 3683 385 32842 15 2798 215. 694 12434 1606 49281 60 1057 118 2711 278 24538 27 5346 216. 951 15155 2117 61356 308 5739 311 8462 441 37908 9 1678 7482 125094 20139 547823 1570 29224 2178 41729 4008 392588 167 45271 COUNTY OF 217. 1136 26711 594 13039 289 6517 71 2006 108 10245 2 300 218. 434 11496 1373 34422 45 818 144 4876 238 21780 50 219. 22 365 48 1477 2 45 39 3361 30 3438 220. 3784 64023 3711 95515 784 14523 399 8862 1003 70761 62 12277 221. 3 39 32 878 15 259 10 139 25 2652 31 5245 222, 2608 42148 3421 101790 1126 23468 489 14459 567 47214 8 1233 223. 2348 42822 2116 78642 922 19605 436 13347 448 36977 7, 2200 224. 144 2319 261 5429 53 267 39 559 145 11543 36 3145 225. 23 603 20 670 11 765 226. 2009 26177 2069 56928 897 12045 311 7867 425 29042 23 4090 227. 1379 22331 1260 29966 201 2061 111 2174 408 31924 27 4150 13890 239034 14905 41S756 4332 79563 2012 54334 3417 266264 226 36128 COUNTY OF 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. 2.33. 234. 235. 236. 1101 747 1169 386 1304 295 407 19734 12726 15559 7440 23280 5847 7029 2113 1266 2271 1521 2108 1031 1495 63752 44059 57761 45688 75772 32924 44296 340 464 740 207 482 421 405 6672 9815 13944 4246 9573 7918 7730 119 845 164 1164 655 1189 1082 3228 31643 4712 37419 26378 26241 37444 119 187 239 449 230 322 443 19832 21295 21760 57822 22814 39244 48228 1 14 2 125 12 48 64 150 6492 260 49095 4332 19110 21919 5409 91615 11805 364247 3059 59898 6218 167065 1989 230995 266 101358 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 45 Agricultural Produce* for 1861. LEEDS. — [Continued,) Carrots, Bushels. Mangel Wurzel. Beans, Bushels. Clover, Timothy and other Grass Seeds, Bushels. Hay, Tons. Hops, lbs. Maple Sugar, lbs. Cider, Gallons. | Wool, lbs. Fulled Cloth, Yards. | Flannel, Yards. Flax and Hemp, lbs. Linen, Yards. Acres. Bushels. 38 39 40 41 ! I 42 43 44 45 46 47 1 48 49 50 51 741 4 158 43 3665 10 43004 3076 15918 4040 11012 30 60 630 110 5 129 130 79 22 360 2345 1672 431 1520 59 6 1758 8701 453 5475 1916 4324 352 9 7115 743 16 2166 22916 670 7303 1600 4176 6 409 44 38 1402 91 11877 7750 1311 4111 12845 5 1325 203 93 5756 170 36900 1382 19795 3998 10538 10 1294 16 94 171 1788 114 14247 110 5244 1344 3186 39 3880 125 100 51 3004 3210 31433 18011 3287 10849 978 20 93 65 3813 5 20483 328 10923 2829 7027 61 2045 2 660 106 75 2757 122 14064 91 8034 1784 4060 1006 3275 3 1095 198 17 3510 1111 51803 1570 13066 3128 7084 26408 23 10466 1745 696 30108 4833 257903 7680 113270 25668 67887 1136 66 LENNOX AND ADDINGTON.— (Conh*nwe(i.) 1910 320 ! 215 1106 20 5300 5517 4947 585 1630 40 920 220 3 556 7265 170 988 38 8 2873 16 10409 2163 277 152 6469 815 46710 15 23529 6458 12252 285 10 9 1920 4864 1815 197 363 6110 277 29732 10663 25181 2374 5968 .310 173 7428 3402 186 428 3499 258 27185 4461 15471 2398 4231 3725 38 68 3 17 6 55 39 9058 311 139 268 60 50 16 16 4355 1515 193 30 3227 102 19355 693 12658 2188 6924 350 25 575 245 81 48 1925 217 15913 7189 2308 5616 24 30679 9733 961 1261 22010 1736 158046 21349 96551 16630 37793 4694 276 LINCOLN.— (Confinwed.) 632 6934 144 21024 6289 7665 16285 465 2552 207 2184 376 900 6415 152 68 197 1875 183 112 121 229 1759 397 43 630 .323 62 2710 3329 3542 2583 2991 2570 2156 11 11 5 27 2 21 14506 23314 15937 122 11462 1119 50 1665 68562 13688 12731 22212 25210 15434 7481 13487 10872 9088 11843 1624 10434 901 1389 1509 301 725 566 321 4234 3249 4389 679 2699 1285 745 210 669 466 100 258 340 270 80 80 30 46 \ 58963 13100 2708 3443 19881 77 66510 159502 64829 5712 17280 2313 236 46 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 11. — Upper Canada — Return op COUNTY OF Live Stock. Butter, lbs. Cheese, lbs. Beef in Barrels of 200 lbs. Bulls, Oxen and Steers. Milch Cows. Calves and Hei- fers. Horses over 3 years old. Value of same in Dollars. 1 Colts and Fillies. Sheep. Pigs. Total value of Live Stock. 52 53 54 1 55 1 56 67 1 58 59 1 60 i “ 62 63 205.. 197 2131 2091 1017 67092 532 5355 1510 179654 154700 6956 415 206.. 5 265 209 1840 5 186 138 23698) 925 20 207.. 51 184 234 85 6005 32 465 208 15313 13770 200 26 208.. 202 889 992 327 56033 137 1782 957 55955 71301 250 24 209.. 102 938 787 474 25071 193 2274 871 66236 47452 5370 65 210.. 83 875 993 339 19335 161 2005 677 61419 62490 2060 173 211.. 102 3085 2159 1662 95431 692 7945 1793 202895 202433 16190 349 212.. 73 942 940 476 22670 144 1490 616 57970 75915 360 139 213.. 142 2176 2434 1063 560.33 422 5006 1548 141433 145124 6775 257 214.. 132 1801 1674 790 45503 345 395 1253 104254 107671 7099 217 215.. 194 1641 1364 704 35393 270 2561 1072 86774 72266 2326 206 216.. 96 2192 1815 1064 59397 395 3804 1247 137667 174700 40673 1 384 1 1379 17119 15483 8210 490303 3328 33248 11890 1133268 1128747 88259 j 2275 COUNTY OF 217.. 44 511 379 348 27615 143 1686 425 50806 38575 3175 86 218.. 46 550 365 434 27236 154 1968 665 58912 18360 188 45 219.. 24 33 19 8 610 8 48 2891 2745 8 220.. 809 3262 3452 1979 109918 705 7697 3222 287319 293074 7732 859 221.. 14 25 15 33 30680 15 13 5661 710 7 222!. 210 7740 1914 1705 112042 607 8000 1684 235828 185689 5400 467 223.. 357 1752 1130 1311 80725 488 4217 1599 159174 125795 16941 283 224.. 132 132 169 62 3860 2 115 271 11263 9110 1545 135 225 180 177 400 2 15 79 21550 226.. 210 1631 1642 985 58891 351 4148 1477 124377 115980 8909 307 227.. 285 1065 1358 1035 31925 210 2394 1444 67182 76500 400 110 2131 11886 10443 8077 483902 2662 30263 10927 1024963 i 866538 44290 2307 COUNTY OF 228.. 66 956 1057 648 43985 164 2650 1642 93259 62735 6290 168 229.. 119 1284 1050 859 55325 278 3644 2086 109346 84265 19949 193 230.. 172 1297 1443 905 58795 279 3786 1938 121860 78537 3334 153 231.. 38 972 770 902 53925 215 2470 1991 141060 77014 1060 122 232.. 106 1170 1063 878 65702 207 3951 2343 135712 66799 6043 131 233.. ’ 66 763 633 758 48015 208 3279 1588 104048 82132 6930 69 234.. 86 865 767 806 51832 , 248 2761 2067 120425 70539 2072 106 235 168 110 1 8 164 12050 236 260 283 27 238 36795 653 7735 6783 6149 377579 1599 22576 14057 874555 522021 45678 942 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 47 Agriculturai* Produce for 1861 . LE EDS . — ( Continued, ) Pork in Barrels of I 200 lbs. 1 Fish. Carriages kept for pleasure. i Value of same in Dollars. Carriages kept for hire. Value of same in 1 Dollars. I Minerals. Dried in Quin- tals. Salted and Bar- relled. Sold Fresh, lbs. Copper ore mined, Tons. Value. Iron ore mined. Tons. Value. 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 i ” i 72 73 74 76 1514 10 200 471 17974 12 445 19 167 7586 68 2192 155 16 21 520 1 1 545 1 53 3085 639 1 101 5155 670 76 3204 1 1701 408 20374 4 333 503 5 3150 110 3673 1154 220 10085 1028 10 7 196 7785 757 160 7750 12 445 . ' 1279 606 391 16424 4 115 9964 5 644 3357 2374 103615 100 3530 LENNOX AND ADDINGTON.— 354 154 28 2067 2 1375 1094 136 59 • 2 1 o 1 ^ 1 ” 179 1 106 6 1 60 21 34 10040 120 7230 245 100 5215 900 1505 13 625 9 400 • ••••a a i i 6 200 1197! 832 23 1 •4 86 7239 193 410 25495 32 1311 1 1 LIN COLN. — ( Continued,) 675 165 7654 1 1 1513 4 353 19409 1 80 901 123 275 9842 2 70 977 160 14267 2 200 609 1 200 274 17779 778 232 8189 661 156 11192 1 66 3588 25 1500 125 12970 52 7375 1 6114| 123 5 200 1806 104890 82 9225 48 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 11. — Upper Canada — Return of COUNTY OF TOWNSHIPS, &o. Occupiers or Lands. Lands — . Acres. Total. 10 acres and un- der. d o o 20 to 50. 50 to 100. 100 to 200. Upwards of 200. Amount held in Acres. Under cultiva- tion. j Under crops. Under pasture. Under Gardens and Orchards. Wood and Wild Lands. 1 2 3 4 5 7 6 8 9 10 j ! “ 12 13 237. Adelaide 380 14 10 117 181 52 6 34280 12690 9920 2558 212 21590 238. Carradoc 492 17 10 131 267 49 18 44898 18116 12587 5033 496 26782 239. Delaware 227 41 24 70 69 20 3 14659 6931 5497 1324 110 7728 240. Dorchester, North 501 20 15 191 213 55 7 39469 20028 15398 4240 390 19441 241, Ekfrid 372 9 7 50 236 68 2 37154 15165 10431 4474 260 21989 242. Loho 429 23 11 74 237 67 17 42194 18663 13835 4420 408 23531 243. London 1166 138 56 262 535 149 26 92489 48749 1 35684 11903 1162 43740 244. Metcalf 276 5 6 61 146 42 16 27721 8044 ! 5028 2861 155 19677 245. Mosa 349 7 5 59 219 47 12 30760 14033 8904 4894 235 16727 246. Nissouri 440 7 8 130 233 54 8 37280 16238 13247 2703 288 21042 24-7- Stra.throy, Villa, ge 16 4 5 7 1691 789 480 300 9 902 248. Williams, East 315 7 4 45 189 51 19 32194 10425 7758 2611 56 21769 249. Williams, West 305 5 3 98 162 30 7 27175 8127 5368 2681 78 19048 250. Westminster 662 21 19 177 301 124 20 59389 35674 24609 10183 882 23715 Total of Middlesex 5930 314 178 1469 2993 815 161 521353 233672 168746 60185 4741 287681 COUNTY OF 251. Charlotteville 252. Houghton 253. Middleton 254. Simcoe, Town of. 401 280 340 47 18 9 12 3 7 91 110 127 127 109 133 94 35 57 i 3o! 5 7 ! 1 39838 23154 28229 22941 9161 10848 15444 5918 7893 6716 3010 2714 781 233 241 16897 13993 17381 255. Townsend 611 16 12 143 288 127 25 60281 39397 27156 11129 1112 20884 256. Walsingham 412 2 3 122 198 75 12 38917 18710 12738 5334 638 20207 257. Windham 478 10 16 118 220 76 38 50007 26692 18883 6965 844 23315 258. Woodhouse and Gore 297 2 27 87 1 1 115 56 10 28864 17804 13079 4187 538 11060 Total of Norfolk 2819 104 80 798jll90 520 127 1 |269290 145553 101111 40055 4387 123737 COUNTY OF 959. Alnwick 145 1 49 69 22 4 1 13594 7824 4720 3015 89 5770 960. Urightnn, Village 30 3 10 11 4 2 2667 1824 1213 563 48 843 261. Brighton 389 9 6 91 208 69 6 36231 20235 15580 4111 544 15996 962. Gohonrg, Town of 19 1 3 7 6 2 1029 1009 727 259 23 20 963. riolbornR, Villa , otr 12 4 7 1 926 756 497 221 38 170 264. Cramahe 367 5 4 94 165 80 19 37727 21464 11385 9791 288 16263 265. Haldimand 572 14 21 135 239 113 50 61925 38980 28795 9653 532 22945 266. Hamilton 532 2 8 122 253 120 27 54602 40891 29456 10732 703 13711 267. Monaghan, South 136 1 18 69 39 9 17160 10641 6431 4094 116 6519 268. Murray 425 18 22 97 197 67 24 41459 21523 15244 5830 449 19936 269. Percy 427 4 4 97 231 78 13 46754 20747 11683 8937 127 26007 270. Seymour 443 4 8 102 251 64 14 46408 21006 13070 7774 162 25402 Total of Northumberland.. 3497 59 79 826 1706 658 169 360482 206900 138801 64980 3119 153582 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 49 Agricultural Produce for 1861. MIDDLESEX. Cash value of Farm in j Dollars. Cash value of Farming Implements in Dollars. Produce of Gardens and Orchards in Dollars. Quantitj- of Land held by Townspeople, not being farmers. Fall Wheat. Sprino Wheat. Barley. Rts. j Acres. r Bushels. o o j Bushels. i Acres. 1 no *0 CO ! Acres. i 1 1 A & § M 14 15 16 17 18 ! 1 19 1 20 21 22 1 23 24 25 633960 25419 2356 112 150 2153 4424 90095 100 2707 5 200 910520 31260 5051 11 641 8492 2757 47231 230 5103 34 379 314510 9388 1404 111 64 1027 959 16663 '44 1354 8 1 123 1102272 33311 3555 107 1180 16530 ! 3819 72872 177 4833 35 1 374 687990 25640 3039 132 256 3475 i 2106 38575 328 8228 6 1 80 1164670 39283 4302 123 288 3664 1 4528 103586 502 16677 12 200 3366617 92337 25439 492 525 7666 1 13334 265165 941 16977 46 1 558 513236 20833 1757 40 I 198 2810 ! 2305 39873 57 1354 i 480680 21250 3425 172 i 414 6003 i 2442 38792 128 2878 1 68 ! 820 784330 42241 28 j 253 5125 1 4876' 1040661 126 3644 I 1 71300 1915 . 290 . 527 33 456 88 1498 6 135 1 ! 552250 20020 805 8 13 192 3516 71610 133 3425 408204 11278 122 15 9 114 2975 59761 28 613 4 35 2270635 66196 15622 626 1696 18575 5082 96309 863 28803 65 839 13261174 440371 67167 2404 5720 76282 53211 1046096 3663 96731 274 3625 NORFOLK. 1084218 356085 392245 40722 12480 20521 12121 2815! 5514| j ! 1 365 1 ' 12 : i 1312 : 120 ! 1 4305 ! 1270 i 1579 67247 18451 1 23520 1 395i 1 486| I 535 4063 I 4055! ! 551lj 86 55 24 1672 860 560 690 219 80 7660 2173 1007 2427110 64422 21404! 1 493 ! 1 6917 97161 ] 1779: 21516 1135 32960 214 2098 835455 28145 5677 2469 ; ' 2395 33033 1 773 j 7006 145 2527 148 1636 1299888 50325 11183 1480 ! 1 5442 92258 ! 1184! j 42591 291 5685 397 4475 986760 1 32281 1 6103 ! 623 1 1 3010 i 46713 1 802 10488 626 127281 256 2983 7381761 248896 64817 6875 1 1 24918 378383 ! ! -J 5954 1 65230 1 2362 56992 ! J 2004 22032 NORTHUMBERLAND. 258120 13654 828 71 • 997 ! 15429 920 13999 17 385 11 330 127730 3632 1290 85 11 140 183 3240 27 590 89 1052 644210 28721 7523 408 1046 12043 2246 39724 667 16955 1113 14111 177350 3483 675 403 4 80 281 4087 3 110 6 240 43870 1071 405 107 142 2389 7 170 12 144 781770 39367 6178 343 1657 22264 2578 38841 357 8701 717 8114 1681618 70394 7628 370 2459 40344 7735 121705 257 6709 158 28.32 2254929 87274 15251 1331 2107 32781 7713 153148 300 7696 163 2168 557000 11370 271 71 1277 18966 1292 20250 68 1836 842850 30588 7856 447 1084 9069 1588 26465 498 13437 1445 18608 722446 20522 2172 209 2286 29309 1940 25980 102 9612 365 4267 573955 30421 2555 73 2303 i 19272 1 1684 25730 819 21591 529 6190 8655848 340497 52632 3918 15231 199697 28302 475558 3422 87792 4608 58058 4 60 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 11 . — Upper Canada — Return of COUNTY OF Peas. Oats. Buckwheat. Indian Corn. Potatoes. j Turnips. O 'S rO OD OD 'S rO o 05 'S 1 1 OD . eci % 43 1 OD a> 1 1 '© 1 00 0 1 a5 .a OQ ut *aS 3 3 o 3 o 0 0 a <3 w <3 « << M « 26 1 27 28 1 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 1 1 i 37 1 i 237. 1402 1 38031 i 1545 52595 68 826 78 i 1355 ! 358 38391 272 37090 238. 2233 45470 2121 62500 404 6396 517 11286 575 63883 253 63259 239. 797 17505 767 24467 87 1740 244 6209 156 17819 93 39487 240, 2204 56089 1920 70449 115 2498 157 3044 606 66543 1 490 121950 241. 2392 51520 2401 58751 122 2252 233 72001 424 39642 115 6692 242. 1585 .33681 2091 74024 104 1877 145 36851 337 40383 462 118387 243. 3794 88013 7993 230641 167 2445 388 85891 1235 132604 1237 355041 244. 1 1080 22169 880 1 28848 26 408 56 1156 211 27714 j 249 69431 245. 1 1466 32228 1756 64580 322 5576 421 11960 312 30353 97 17507 246. j 1242 28915 2118 74638 14 ! 318 61 1438 427 52094 1 574 159990 247. j 58 1262 90 2910 20 390 28 594 18 3150 i 14 4900 248. 1 732 15341 1154 34476 9 228 6 159 1 225 28606 i 157 38585 249. 635 13590 628 17344 16 185 48 1125 228 22471 181 29185 250. 3993 86170 4336 154969 257 5282 301 7310 699 76598 772 307805 23613 529984 29800 941192 1731 1 30421 ! 2683 65410 5811 640201 4966 1369309 COUNTY OF 251. 252. 253. 254. 1106 956 728 ! 1 160171 12799 13373 1418 572 730 34372 14031 19543 ! 10171 397 397 16577 4594 6173 ! 844! 382 400 ! 1 17308 7558 12992! 417 253 328 53199 26471 36568 1 1 1 225i i 104| 1451 56693 23701 43343 255! i 3314 71926 3343 110230 i049 20306 1001] 26652] 594 j i 73494 ! 282 1 111544 £56. 141 5 ' 1 23873 1317 26249 791! 13308 530 11596] 310 34102 128] 30816 257. 15231 1 25687 1477 37201 904 17110 10971 23948] 554 1 ' 72024 249, 76993 258. 1520 30361 1337 479221 551 1 11203 441 i 1 1 128121 1 1 289 1 1 ! 1 34328 1 125. 5581 10562 194036 10194 289548 5106 89271 1 4695! J L 112866| 2745 330186 i 1258 1 1 348671 COUNTY OF i 259. 831 16001 706 19359 1 22 1 342 40 1 715 149 15743 60 13582 260. 177 3278 121 3871 80 1446 64 2057 35 3575 10 3640 261. 2719 26753 1629 42167 756 14672 322 11286 417 51618 73 20891 262. 102 1770 122 4260 3 140 21 795 31 3220 22' ! 7000 263. 58 1075 72 1650 4 90 12 410 9 1090 s! ! 1380 264. 2597 47843 1998 53761 526 8589 373 7946 395 49353 147] ] 49240 265. 3978 81012 3445 101534 357 5771 1 362 9841 786 96890 395 162200 266. 4422 79279 3075 ' 102693 83 1 18311 451 11726 854 84215! 1 387 146046 267. 768 17210 1494 1 45436 2 I 321 6 1401 149 16383' 1 34* ] 6925 268. 3230 69750 1580 54570 1116 1 20552 450 12846] 1 437 49749: 1 501 ! 184SS 269. 2607 46625 1903 47020 374 1 4856 167 4211 414 46240; 66] 1 17585 270. 2047 31463 1954 58179 185 2892 97 2145| j 415 46298 I 133 32481 23536 422059 18099 534500 3508 61213 2365 64118! 1 1 4091 464374 1 1382 479458 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 61 Agricultural Produce for 1861. MIDD LESEX. — ( Continued,) CarrotjS, Bushels. Mangel Wurzel. Beans, Bushels. 1 Clover, Timothy and other Grass Seeds, Bushels. Hay, Tons. Hops, lbs. j Maple Sugar, lbs. Cider, Gallons. j in t i ^ 1 Fulled Cloth, Yards. 1 Flannel, Yards. Flax and Hemp, lbs. Linen, Yards. Acres. .5

12 12133 17 j 5119 1 1 1 291 1207 12280 142 i 34452 1 1 538 1 24246 7947 18363! 519 187 64 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 11. — Upper Canada — Return of COUNTY OF Live Stock. Butter, lbs. 1 !D £ © tn § o Beef in Barrels of 200 lbs. Bulls, Oxon and I Steers. Milch Cows. Calves and Hei- fers. Horses over 3 years old. Value of same in Dollars. Colts and Fillies. Sheep. a? fcC S Total value of Live Stock. 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 i i i i 62 63 305.. 542 1500 2286 846 62693 382 4890 42411 169815 105689 8943 264 306.. 478 1421 2071 772 66906 1155 3759 ! 29741 156754 87726 5985 146 307.. 560 1373 2053 804 100898 341 4028! I 29761 134756 86476 14294 265 308.. 265 874 1082 510 41670 236 2222 1781 88093 I 39158 3620 84 309.. 471 777 975 380 25679 175 1434 2226 72964 40828 813 120 310.. 610 748 810 248 21502 1172 696 1430 34846 33513 5603 139 311.. 594 1154 1783 575 42867 274 3088 2222 120186; 76704 4101 407 312.. 672 1044 1419 388 29347 144 2334 2203 107817! 58092 1770 172 313.. 537 709 850 185 7172 60 1051 1843 56798 23184 325 22 .314.. 40 220 128 112 22 2640 292 17824 8002 150 7 315.. 594 948 1178 410 33834 169 1600 2037 82376 40090 1154 61 316.. 21 337 98 170 6112 16 .322 536 24628 3565 11 317.. 6 357 27 200 4 187 308 23078 3315 2 318.’! 506 739 822 261 18247 1 91 1103 1477 67418 38800 667 94 5896 12201 15582 5861 456927 4241 29354 26546 1157353 645142 47425 1814 COUNTY OF 319 196 124 70! 123 14150 1 320.. 394 1177 1291 559 35513 165 2849] 20771 111330 1 54660 7510 293 321.. 131 ; 224 286 70 1 4186 23 500| 357j 15535 ! 12695 350 27 322.. 253 966 915 478 40890 163 2351 1548 98593 j 60812 948 198 323.. 356 824 868 403 38982 156 21631 1 1203 78259 51595 2920 206 324.. 199 399 561 167 12345 87 12561 1104 38340 25865 130 180 325.. 326.. 48 71 64 3 940 5i 1 67 4374 43272 5059 9 196 406 464 199 17691 83 1150 1 539 30043 5070 120 327.. 328., 13 16 6 4 240 I 24 953 790 10 48 442 346 296 i 1 20177 132 14371 1 575 36883 18370 1200 74 329.. 766 1746 1854 1939 i 1 75556 346 5546 2666 195071 102215 18595 556 330 227 193 ! 33j 238 23165 126280. 331.. 212 989 1139 685 ! 53443 218 i 3498! 1357 63899 18876 399 332.. 22 26 15 1 i .fiOl ! 1 I u 2149! 1526 13 ; I 2638 7709 7809 5121 300013 1373 20858 t 1 11893 788354! 1 427529 55599 2085 COUNTY OF 333.. u 1 1 377 293 253 1 11009 50 1 498 292 21019 11705 260 64 334.. 14 i i 468 354 268 I 13411 113 1 925 537 29468 24805 1632 44 335.. 47 ; 1652 1459 858 45690 386 1 2754 1510 i 112420 115790 12992 332 336.. 17 988 832 478 25681 230 16131 728' ! 62818 58680 6389 230 337,. 56 240 182 161 6520 53 ' 277 ! 181 • 18749; ! 9200 25501 25 338.. 21 561 342 .377 14311 91 i 7691 1 458 ! 34962; ! 20927 8450' 339.. 19 728 502 476 22638 198 1 1222| ! 7811 ! 468001 1 41506 1156 1 158 .340.. 19 402 264 254 13869 66 5531 1 588 28403 1 26058 1007 1 M 1 207 5416 4228 3125 153129 1187 8611 5075 354639 1 308671 34436 i 984 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS, 65 Agricultural Produce for 1861. PERTH. — ( Continued.) Pork in Carrels of i 200 lbs. 8 Fish. Carriages kept for pleasure. Value of same in Collars. 1 Carriages kept for hire, | Value of same in 8 Collars. ' 1 Minerals. Cried in Quin- tals. Salted and Bar- relled. i Sold Fresh, lbs. Copper ore mined, Tons. Value. Iron ore mined, Tons. Value. 64 1 65 j 66 j 67 j 68 j 69 j 70 u i 72 73 74 75 2659 1 1 47 1501 1 576 ! ! 41 2247 1011 i i ' j 104 ! 5257 676 ! 66 1 3915 i • 828 i 1 1 1 27 I 1005 499 j 1 i 10 1 453 2 41 1023 ; 52 1857 1 50 1051 i:::::*:::::; I 8 1 371 336 1 1 i 30 1 19 ! i 52 ^ 2236 16 950 804 j 17 1 830 4 250 67 1 50 i 2420 36 1400 4 84 i 3975 55' 1995 1 782 1 10 i 550 1 10335 569 ! 26647 114 4686 1 J 1 PETERBOROUGH.— (C'owfewec?.) ! i ! ! 57 79 8 50 35 i ^ , ; 2775 1 4568 ! 430 ! 2570 ! 1919 ! 112 i! 1 1 1 936 I 269 j 888 i 672 1 660 24 1 519 4 369 1923 1 ! ! 1 1 ! 1 i i 1 ' } i i ■ 1 i 1 1 i! 1 i 1 1 15 : ! 11 i : 1 l;:;::;;: 1. 40 1672 i i‘ i 1 26 100 i! ' i 300 j : 97 ! 1 139 ! 79 197 1 5128 9413 4094 10128 i ! 1 j j i 1 25 26 i 980 1 2120 II i 1205 ' 3 ! j 1 ! i 1 1 1 1 1 1 I ! * 1 1 1 .1 .. 1 7472 300 30 i 115 1 784 42809' 51 3109 1 j ■ ' ■■■ 1 1 1 FRESCOTT.— (Continued.) 205 i 187 1 1219 i 558 1 60 233 480 ! 258 j r i i i 68 i 66 1 310 i 230 1 145 95 112 i 1566 ! 2667 1 9546 8349 2635 5128 3844 3102 5 1 6 23 23 120 16 1421 450 1024 25 j 3800 j 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i ■; 1 i 1 3200 1 25 3800 1110 36837 58j 1752 5 66 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 11. — Upper Canada — Return of COUNTY OF TOWNSHIPS, Ac. Occupiers of Lands. Lands — Acres. Total. 10 acres and un- der. 10 to 20 . 20 to 50. O O P o O O PI o o o Upwards of 200. Amount held in Acres Under cultiva- tion. 1 Under crops. j Under pasture. Under Gardens and Orchards. Wood and Wild Lands. 1 I 2 .3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 10 1 11 12 13 341. Ameliasburgh .330 1 0 5 45 130 105 331 .39913 26037 18753 6758 526 13876 342. Athol 209 7 0 18 104 01 13 23391 15088 9894 4845 349 8303 343. llallowell 309 19 8 38 145 130 29 41765 28014 14994 11767 253 13751 344. llillier 204 1 1 23 107 115 17 32975 24664 16527 7691 446 8311 345. Marysburgh 438 12 11 55 235 103 22 46442 28191 18143 9134 914 18251 340. Pip.toiij Town of 9 1 2 4 2 1 852 561 299 257 5 291 347. Sophiasburgh 284; 2 13 110 115 44 42603 28171 19.393 8106 672 14432 Total of Prince Edward... 1903 40 33 194 841 031 158 1 227941 150726 99003 48558 3165 77215 COUNTY OF 848 Aflmnston 265 4 ^ 4 172 71 14 34988 7331 3253 4078 27657 349. Alice 125 1 1 70 44 9 17333 2699 2177 521 1 14634 H.'SO. A Icon a, 74 2 38 34 9914 1083 541 542 8831 8 .S 1 Ai'npriov 8fi9 T^sifrnt n.nrl Ttrnii crh a,in 223 2 7 147 46 21 30318 9329 4727 4602 1 20989 353. Blithfield ° 19 1 13 4 1 2320 689 453 235 2 1 1631 354. Bromley 192 113 59 17 28145 6647 4495 2146 6 21498 355. Brudencll, Raglan and Rad- cliffe 155 5 1 5 88 45i 11 19643 1980 1557 417 6 17663 356. Grattan 168 3 2 9 82 62 10 21967 4900 2933 1966 1 17067 357. Horton 102 1 4 5 85 58 9 23431 8507 4408! i 4073 26 14924 358. McNali 238 6 136 ' 87 9 33195 9700 5391 4308 1 23495 PpmVirokft 78 5 1 2 8 42 17 4 8871 3134 1287 1847 5737 360. Pembroke, Village 361. Pettawawa, Buchanan and ! 1 TVT r*Tv fi.y in ; llolpl Wvli lO j A- 362. Renfrew, Village 303. Rolph and Wylie 78 1 7 1 34 22 13 11408 2460 2078 375 7 8948 8fi4. Ross 194 2 9 117 63 3 24628 6682 5408 1274 17946 f8pRfisfopo1 ji.Tid (4riffitb 103 1 4 66 27 13010 1406 8.39 567 11604 366 . f 8 ^'*itfovfl 86 1 1 56 21 7 12306 4436 3303 1125 8 7870 367. Westmeath 325 18 1 18 179 89 20 43719 8652 6627 1996 29 35067 308. AYilberforce 19-1 1 13 97 71 12 25451 5826 3925 1883 18 19625 Total of Renfrew 2679 45 17 i 97 1535 820 165 360647 85461 53402 I 31955 1 104 275186 1 COUNTY OF i 369. Cambridge 1 58 1 17 21 15 4 8248 370. Clarence 210 1 3 81 88 33 4 19239 371 . Cumberland 221 1 31 137 44 8 26020 372 . Russell 201 2 3 73 86 34 19208 Total of Russell 690 i 5 1 1 202 332 126 1 19 ! 72715 1980 1068 4555 3607 8530 4945 5647 4478 20712 000 9:j() 3537 1108 0550 0208 14081 1 7400 13501 04 52003 14098 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 67 Agricultural Produce for 1861. PRINCE EDWARD. Casli value of Farm in I Dollars. 1 Cash vmluc of Farming i Implements in Dollars. | Produce of Gardens and i Orchards in Dollars, i Quantity of Land held 9 hy Townspeople, not I being farmers. | Fall Wheat. Spring Wheat. Barley. Rye. Acres. o W Acres. 3 02 M Acres. Bushels. Acres. Bushels. 14 15 . 1 16 1 17 18 19 1 20 1 21 1 22 23 24 25 11068.30 41067 1 11410 250 462 3242 1355 29625 1573 46587 3399 5247ft 541182 19184 4222 25 1 349 3128 829 12786 665 17451 1905 29648 1392270 41393 5432 297 150 1501 1857 36479 2268 66847 2891 44067 11.39826 34349 5209 180 443 4347 1786 31555 35.32 93906 2464 32071 1057178 43666 15147 86 161 1417 2677 44514 860 21603 3731 33038 68300 1065 90 64 1040 30 874 58 1900 983578 38973 8061 85 125 946 1244 23800 1692 52957 2882 56344 6289164 219897 49481 1013 1690 14581 9812 179799 10620 30225 17330 249544 RENFREW. 111269 3527 B BuiaanaBEEsnii 256 4547 1014 12982 114 1724 1 10 57700 2068 232 3486 179 2530 2 24 42 . 483 18690 1430 30 107 2098 128 1968 10 256 716 132026 6526 117 2068 824 10826 40 725 14 147 2980 160 12 21 339 44 472 111800 6919 33 188 3617 682 10586 16 248 1 10 63716 4622 30 59 1509 365 7 467 18 488 62911 4989 138 2 141 2.391 585 9817 38 734 6 66 204750 7010 387 71 552 11389 466 6546 20 426 9 162 135825 10099 10 376 489 9701 701 11826 42 848 114330 68991 23 137 2079 200 6015 10 147 2 50 28 i 153 39333 2431 6 100 116 1621 5 57 15 242 175526 6987 106 40 391 6883 744 11108 26 613 23 263 27246 1945 84 1590 262 5841 29 635 5 57 58182 2561 241 240 4337 226 2775 10 171 1 15 317129 10713 2723 6 642 10961 1068 16137 71 1482 16 183 114613 5526 476 426 1 7925 530 7726 18 270 5 49 1748026 aamaammsjj, 84412 4153 1448 4088 75020 8134 1 126343 469 8848 140 1737 RUSSELL. 73724 149955 38.5270 189522 2020 6399 15.345 13055 213 213 955 146 100 O 43 182 1.31 54 687 3225 2187 252 425 754 721 2919 5795 14253 10269 23 51 28 29 .350 883 545 619 6 83 3 1 116 935 55 10 13 273 798471 1 36819 1527 386 359 6153 2152 33236 131 2397 93 1116 5 ^ 68 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 11 . — Upper Canada — Return of COUNTY OF Peas. 1 Oats. ^ Buckwheat. | 1 InDIAK CoiiN. Potatoes. j Tuu.nips. i o <5 *2:5 j O ! § W j ru U o ! 1 i i J ^ 1 i 3 I o < i « i i j £ 1 O 1 < 1 I i [ * i ! " i 1 1 j j « 1 i 1 j i j j i 1 S 26 27 j 2S 29 1 30 31 ! 1 32 n ..a . 34 35 • 36 37 341. ! 342. 343. 344. 345. 346. 347. 3523 1641 3742 3573 3063 47 3655 71960 40392; 95863: 799141 64722! 905 i 75397j 1045! 58l| 14971 1149 1305' 50 i 867! 1. ’ ssieij 183641 54539: 365771 1 37147 1995 31940 1976 799 1275 1843 2135 oc* j 2o j 1782 46754 15857 30336 35039; 49252 380 42437 1 1 917 609 t 939 I 1020 713 1 17 908 i 22440^ 112S2i 26521| 1 231851 ! 18755 i 290 j 2.3055 1 399 237 1 454 ! ! 409 i 484 17 2S3 i 1 38785; 211271 43675! i 37295! i 42478' i 1320j i 22737 I 1 ! 1 191 GC51 15| 3723 21 53.32 41 1 6660 j • is; 4413 45 j 4080 1 192441 429153! i 6494' i li ! j 218723 1 9833 220054 5023 125528 1 2283 207417; 159j 30864 COUNTY OF 1 318. j i 1 452’ !i 5459 ! j 1 1057 ! i 4437 3: 1 1 I I'-* CO I 11 1 295 '! 1 299 ' i 1 37721 ll 1290 349. r 240 j 39 I 811 4641 85401 ! j j! I 98 11278|| i 1' 100 350. j lOj 98ii 1921 4195 1 25 i 52 79<0 i j 9 2050 35 1 . II i 1 ! .1 352. 217| 2589'i 811! 18897 7 11511 27 508 I 324 42631! i l^i‘' 2030 353. i 87! 361 883 ii i 2 110 i 22 3340'! ! 1 ! 70 354.1 3270!| 1291i 27515 j 1 176 22228! UlO 355. 264j 2l! 299 468: 14577 . ai 72 ! 1 132 19024 ! ; 56; 10825 356. 136| 1665 609 13986 4 37 to! I 4.33: 206 2.1322! 22 2988 257. 456i 8393 1136 30625 13 295 IS: 1 491 i 187 305851 35i 4178 358. 4111 5353 1119 29568 28! I 6251 307 i 430481 16? 3345 359. 137; 4378 410 16239 3 70 10 ! 230' 96 ; 14567; Hi 1700 360.; 1 . .. .! i i i ! ; 361. ; 1 i i 1 : 1 i .362. i 1 363. 88 1359 ! 257 1 6383 1 ! 1 ! 35 ! ! 72 10990 3 ! 886 36l' 410’ 6350 1144 i 25933 ! 10 i 264i 10 1 255 I i 212 32349 19 3903 .365. 28 .392 1 265 1 8156 2 40i 11 ! 275 ; i 109 1 15084' 43 6348 366- 112 14841 423 i 9590i 1 1 i 2 1 36! ; 75 i 10032 7 817 367. 492 7729 1877 1 49299 ! 1 18 i 243 1 ! 40 ' 1199| ! 295 1 427131 3l! 7220 368. 220 1 3489 942 j 20509 1 j 36 I 649' i 12 I '‘i 1 213 ; 35970 1 ! 151 1 1 2496 3701 56312 1 12501 329231 i i 106 i ■ I 1 1800 I I lyl j 4899j 1 2870 ] 403862! i i 299 51656 COUNTY OF , i !i 1 !' 1 ii 1 369. 8G 1072 425 6894 26 352 !1 89 ! 1 47 1 i i 3737|| 16717|| 1 2 I 195 370. 199i [ 2801 900 21159 64 905 !i 35! ! SI 3 '' 160 { 521 4188 371. 391 ! 7591 1 1436! i 42847 47 1035 !l 78 16S4ij 264 j 33.344 ll 76 11335 372. 339 1 6396 1 21462 80 1613 ! 4 72;i 1 ' 158 j 16903j| ■■"I 3692 1015 17860 1 3638 1 92362 1 1 I 217' I I 3905 I j 125 J 265811 !l 629 j L 7070l!j 161 19410 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 69 Agricultural Produce for 1861. PRINCE EDWARD.— (Conltnitei.) VJ *3 rCj 1 o u O Mangel Wurzel. i Beans, Bushels. :| Clover, Timothy and j other Grass Seeds, ; Bushels. j n a H 1 rt I W i 1 1 , i X ' t ^ ! o 1 w Maple Sugar, lbs. Cider, Gallons. || 1 j i 1 ® 1 1 Fulled Cloth, Yards, j .5 i 1 1 ^ 1 ^ i ^ 1 < Flannel, Yards. i .. a j ® 1 1 ^ 1 1 s 3S || 39 40 i « 42 1 43 1 44 I 45 I 46 1 4r 1 48 ' 49 50 ! 51 II 1 I i 1 i i 1 j i 1 i 9125' ; 1 683 i 139 ! 53 2115 49848 1 3573 13148 j 2280 5844! 1970 5169| ! 1 i 326 i 117: 1 122 1024 1 26297 i 4806 7654 I 1106 j 5129! 170 1 20 7479| ! 2 i 1070 i| 148 1 218^ 2676 9200 51461 14446 14218 1 2126 i 7354 ! 161 ! 73 3851! 517 1 218 823: 1656 ! 46 31821 j 6870 11561 ; 2214 1 5431 I 20 I 1771 1 I I 453 ; 201 i 203 ! 2428 1 31862 ! 1247 15266 I 1680 ; 10262 ; 30 6 980 i 540 i 1 i 1 23 1 1 1665 50 i 38 j 3631 1 1 : 526 1 j 179 387 ! 2637 i 34a/)0 1 25866 9845 1 14203 1 2057 i 6098j 222 11 32006| 13 1 •‘1’^ 1 1 1002 1800 12559 43764j218820 40837 1 76088 1 11463 i I 40118j 2573 ! ! 1 110 1 RENFREW.— Conlinued.) 2 i ! 1 1 ! n 1 1113! 3731 144 r — 1 « 1 975 ! 80 [ 1200 3714 8O5; 322I 683 ' 2841 1 687 1 395 1 3 ! 1 ! 1 1 ■ I I 1 16 j i ii77 50 963 262! 1 774! I 1247 1154 604| 1 -1 2 1 39 ! 2 ! 91 I 107 95 i 8062 1075 1130 2071 4923 710 2915 3978i j 208 I 1837! I 1 361 j 2075 3643 47741 1002 729 1 514 [ 2666 ! 245 j 2127 i 385 1 1742 I 1819 i 1825 1 844 i 120 13 21 10 1 60 I ! 1 28 i 104 i 4| i 24j 4 6; 2! 1 ! 60 100 74 I 824 1174 157 40 1 94 1 1 1 25 ! ! 1 1 1 j I i 1 i ! 1 1 .... i j I : 1 14 50 8 23 1000! 4ll ! i 1 1 6; 12 17 132 1 76 2 1 482 1063 265 342 1670 923 9 ”*2342 3250 590 4332 5345 513! 3045 488 1138 3772 i 2733 1 474| 10: 10 433 257 1805! I 545! 1035 2578] 2401 1 i 127 54 197 1 1 1 1 20 2 5 82 1 1 i 5 11 i 1402 2 22 i pe; 250 12606 743 39000 I 185 34406 5361 23940 12 111 RUSSELL. — {Continued.) 23 493 535 159 1 2 i ii ! 36 i 1 i I 9 50 76! 43 2! 35 9| 144 1 1 517 1397 2308 1202 ' 1 1 25 97 771 46 j 3920 1 8604 1890, 3667 ! 473 1 1140 1882 2012 I 1 205; 1501 550 601 1 ! 398 1 635 1859 2031i r ! 75 1 331 1 40 ! 72 1210 0 1 36 j 96| 272 1 1 5424 245 18081 1 6507 1506 1 4923 423 ! 112 70 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 11. — Upper Canada — Return of COUNTY OF Live Stock. Butter, lbs. j IS Cheese, lbs. j| Beef in Barrels of 8 200 lbs. i| Bulls, Oxen and Steers. Milch Cows. Calves and Hei- fers. Horses over 3 years old. Value of same in Dollars. Colts and Fillies. Sheep. Pigs. Total value of Livo Stock. 1 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 1 61 62 63 341.. 289 1575 1250 1190 70508 410 4337 1483 147688 118671 6038 328 342.. 121 724 828 628 40280 206 2077 606 76065 45440 3601 144 343.. 143 1020 1301 1202 84838 441 4530 1276 131435 103303 34589 103 344.. 215 1218 789 1033 68930 310 3587! 930 127222 80080 8354 1 255 345.. 187 1770 1638 1224 79503 433 4554 1618 162929 i 128889 3606 j 378 340.. 2 190 6 175 1 75 152 164511 275 1 347.. 234 1379 1278 1178 80844 431 4706 1320 134686! 56165| 24413 286 ' 1191 8494, 7096 6630 424903 2232 23866 7385 796476^ 1 5328231 80601 1495 COUNTY OF 348.. 349.. 350.. 351.. 208 85 60 548 165 91 53 479 26 396 135 344 476 709 185 62 561 274 102 180 59 23 66 143 13 189 94 132 205 319 130 49 12472 3500 1602 t 99 37 10 1218 318 106 3 1237 77 688 123 • 622 1117 1656 334 40 614 262 151 35 659 52 454 274 523 592 855 205 76 30772 13854 7087 6172 39997 2501 31177 20018 27181 39403 51015 18694 5916 24705 6732 4710 86o 103 46 1 26 352.. 353.. 354.. .355.. 356.. 357.. 358.. 359.. 360.. 169 14 113 166 125 117 128 33 692 33 360 157 364 494 681 152 10872 788 13202 8077 9533 12386 22874 12275 65 8 76 20 58 104 101 57 32605 1555 22141 6446 19196 15576 25150 11212 600 420 300 1595 6280 300 118 15 103 22 79 141 233 50 361.. i i 362.. 134 112 18 161 13324 363.. 30 128 97 89 9434 21 117 139 15497 3753 45 304.. 203 470 624 163 8107 84 722 578 35984 32810 893 107 365.. 68 124 143 103 3640 11 195 213 17441 7074 77 366.. 58 174 167 70 10502 34 380 198 13022 9460 30 33 367.. 208 583 684 275 18394 134 903 800 45311 '■ 24880 512 143 368.. 113 411 509 148 22317 78 818 467 29141 32670 378 130 1898 5693 6095 2568 180035 997 10752 1 7314 469507 i 280675 1 121-3 J537 COUNTY OF 369.. 27 434 140 75 0982 370.. 90 420 386 271 14663 371.. 135 604 582 423 30644 372.. 82 479 452 296 20469 334 1937 1560 1065 72758 30 104 174 124 438 181 389 875 603 2048 141 337 030 403 157’ 9105 31920 72292 42575 155958 5452 19015 00000 24395 G54| 30 lOOOl 135 1300| 213 1350 122 4316 500 108922 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 71 Agricultural Produce for 1861. PRINCE YXiWAKD,— {Continued.) Pork in Barrels of 200 lbs. Fish. Carriages kept for pleasure. Value of same in Dollars. Carriages kept for hire. Value of same in Dollars. Minerals. Dried in Quin- tals. Salted and Bar- relled. Sold Fresh, lbs. Copper ore mined, Tons. Value. Iron ore mined. Tons. Value. 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 ! 1 ll 73 ' 74 i 1110 419 902 1012 1305 14 792 394 958 637 1020 784 3700 3400 3500 3690 1564 570 253 660 518 502 117 505 23297 11710 30186 22643 21231 7351 24730 1 1 1 8 635 22 1 995 60 199 65 1 5554 3992 15919 3125 1 141148 31 1695 i RENFREW.--(ean^mwed) 525 140 88 10 286 35 5 1 8 4 1030 230 12 345 114 3 968 395 32 266 109 298 479 724 168 I 3 16 9 24 200 830 510 1075 1 40 36 1629 160 62 492 132 139 572 352 2 3 1 42 6 140 115 146 1205 216 1 4973 1 ' 205 8083 7 1168 ! RU S S E L L . — ( Continued . ) i 76 187 420 333 5 43 131 22 390 1188 5532 11 24 45 1200 1800 1016 201 7121 69 3000 % 72 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 11> — Upper Canada — Return of COUNTY OF Occupiers op Lands. TOWNSHIPS. Ao. 373. Adjala 374. Barrie, Town of 375. Bradford, Village 376. Collingwood, Town of.... 377. Essa 378. Flos 379. Gwilliinbuiy, West 380. Innistil 381. Mt'donte 382. Mono 383. Morrison and Muskoka . 38L Maimer 385. Nuttawasaga 386. Orillia and Matcbedash. 387. Oro 388. Sunnidale 389. Tay and Tiny 390. Tejumscth 391. Tossorontio 392. Reformatory Prison 393. Vespra Lands — Acres. Total of Simcoe !I4614 Total. 10 acres and un- der. 10 to 20. 20 to 50. 50 to 100. 100 to 200. Upwards of 200. Amount held in Acres. Under cultiva- tion. j Under crops. Under pasture. Under Gardens and Orchards. Wood and Wild 1 Lauds. 1 2 3 4 1 5 1 6 7 I 8 1 9 10 ! n ! 1 1 340 2 I 1 I 60 221 46 10 ! 35198 17361 12557 I 4678 ! 126, 1 17837 li ^ 1 1 ! 0 4 i i 8251 1 ! 0 - 1 302 114 400 H 353 12 9, ! 53 212 53, 1 j 39188 1S758 1 14462 j 4197, i ^^1 j 20430 128 I 1 40 76 11 ' li ! 11256 4197' ; 3619 578 7059 1 335 6 2j 1 51 198 56 1 22 ; ! 37276 23864 19929 3640 286 13412 1 421 .f'l 113 256 45 i 2; i 38763 20333 16359j 3860 114 1 18430 : 225 7 li 77 102 27. i 11' i 23599 7231 4353, 2843 35j 16368 i 550 21 15| 1 58 391 ! 56; 9: 54177 24402 I 6 I 71 I 8047 : 184 ' 29775 741 1 1 6' 1 63^ 5 1 : 7122 173 166' 1 . ' i ; 6949 i 266 11 ' 34 : 184 29 2| 25580 10828 9189 1582 : 57] 14752 ! 421 1 4 11 i 93 i 252 1 54 7 41108 14716 11086' 3567] ! 031 : 26392 ! 109 i 1 1 40 ! 42 1 22 s' 10647 3002 1994i 980 1 28' 7645 i 438 8 3 119 ' 254 39 15; 1 40627 15139 103421 47291 i 6S| -25488 1 90 16 ! 51 20 3i 1 17765 2801 21471 651 j 3' 14964 ! 126 2 3 53 i 7 4; 11135 3586 2341 ' 1224* ! 1 , j 7569 ii 4871 7 . 11 100 272 86 n| 48129 26635 20907 5453 i 275 ! 21494 1 no ii 2 i 18 76 12 2 ' ...J 12149 4072 3980| 645| 47 7477 ii 133! 2 41 19 j 12150 4209 1 3608; ! ! 572 29 1 114614 iL™ 80 73 973 2781 591 jlI6 1466694 202312 jl53512i 47369il431 264382 COUNTY OF 394. Cornwall, Town of..., 395. Cornwall, Township. 396. Finch 397. Osnabruck 398. Roxborough Total of Stormont 534 294 558 433 18191 55 85 57 119 67 34 328 288 168 260 209 104j 27 581 3 1281 13 129 15 399. 400. 401. 402. 403. 404. 405. 406. 407. 408. 409. 410. 411. 412. 413. 414. 415. Anson Bexley Carden Dalton Higby Eldon Emily Fenelon Hindon Laxton Lindsay, Town of Lutterworth Macauley and Draper. Mariposa Ops Somerville Verulam Total of Victoria 68 1! 63 4i 1 12 1 Si 3 i 1 99 1 4 56j 1 30 j 1 3 13 12 1 ! 1 1 12 ]2i i i 314 4 3 261 204 72' sj 469 11 5 97 I 258 79! : 191 277 15 441 ! 161 50; ! 0 6 !. 1 6' 1 i 1 60 1 1 1 33! ! 1 1 44 j 1 2 25 1 16, l| M 13! 12 1 640 19 10 I'm 370 114 1 1 6 374 ! 10 3 i 220 04 1 20! 65 1 5 32 24! 4 179 1 18 106 52 3 2651 73 23 1 374 1 1525 549 107 i 57203; 27631; ! 11877 15557 ; 1971 29572 1 31477] 12312 I 5843, i 6450 ! 19| 19165 i 52777] 25966 ] 14957; : 10744 1 260 ! 26811 ' 51723! ! 14162 9370j 1 4788, I ! 37561 il931S0' li : 80071 42047 37539 485;113109 COUNTY OF 7099 94 1 64* 28 1 1 1 2| 7005 1663 135! 1 87, ! 48 1 1 1528 14356 nil! 1 842, 1 269 1 1 j 13245 i 85 73 i 71 ! i 2 12 1 1421 26 ; 26 1 1395 I! 36479 12232 1 7528i 4692 1 12 24247 j! 51066 24116 1 14555 9280 : 281 26950 !l 28618; 1 9159 ] 5923 1 3212 24 19459 i 600' 1 OCO 1 93791 1 1 i 393 1 ! 369 i 11 i 8983 1 4831 1 1 362 267 95 ::::::] 4469 1500 38 38 1462 62698 S3S13 20748 12934 1 131] 2S8S5 ! 42351 19969 14891 ■ 4989 i 89 223S2 8798 543 392 151 1 8255 21821 6767 3928 2824 1 15 15034 292765 10SS34 69729 38550 1 555 183931 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 73 Agricultural Produce for 1861. SIMCOE. Casli value of Farm ia § Dollars. i Cash value of Farming i Implements in Dollars. | Produce of Gardens and | Orchards in Dollars. | Quantity of Land held by Townspeople, not being farmers. Fall Wheat. Spring Wheat. Barley. 1 Ryb. S t TO 1 1 1 cci ! ^3 i « 1 C3U O s *4 i % i ^ i pq j £ U o <5 'o 'S M 1 TTj 6 1 CD 'S 1 ^ p ! ” U 15 16 17 ! 18 19 20 21 22 1 23 24 1 25 531380 36871 1559 92 562 38 80 1940 122 345 434 193 36 1332 1356 497 23 106 488 ' 594 i 564 198 127 2502 58486 2932 58686 57 1526 37500 1085 i 89, 2380 93 2345 1 j 715840 147860 1556129 866930 242650 255290 12331 259840 785820 147420 550051 97318 116250 1494145 152720 42008 7090 68272 38154 10656 34336 601 13111 32559 5459 25413 5290 5588 75784 7100 1217 5409 224 932 J 1052 208 760 .538 180 839 40 542 2471 198 2046: 48 3317 1373 114 1595 721 607 42 i 1 14<| !' 1 j 16 4225 1 675 57370 929 84705 36527 2044 34899 18057 16748 865 2712 ; 25 1 340 i 117799 j 19042 1 4492 1149 5079 4614 1242 5646 1 40 ! 2128 i 4682 1 542 3246 1 552 ; 681 ! 4694 1 816 86946 22715 111880 89425 23446 98783 558 38008 95749 8991 61803 10099 '16406 123180 16682 39 1 36 10 9 147 1 40 121 12 16 14 1 89 6 1 1092 22 1150 205 259 2778 14 836 3278 315 333 265 14 3245 196 1 5 2 1 1 2 1 20 50 26 15 18 i 16 20 1 173040 8878 1 710 64 1257 1 j 1172 1 24840 1 156 3 j 50 81933141 _ j 124255 1 I 16939 9127 15575 1 454191 ^ 43800 891542 600 1 15684 16 1 215 STORMONT. 210 1 !! 1 T 1 ! 1 i .1 846208 492941 154.9 95 ! 316 1 ^^26 ij 2663 35208 i 1 227 4930 5| 104 280538 206031 i 1266 8 1 121 133 1763 23330 I 80 1204 21 11 751886 .39892 3960 285 111 1«40 I 3584 86188 j 370 7505 281 431 369517 21906 j 308 231 33 600 |l 1783 22699 1 74 1118 u\ 272 2248149! 131695 7293 619 472 1 7099 !| 1 i! 9793 167425 1 1 751 1 14757| 49j 1 818 VICTORIA. 15400 215 j 11 150 1 — " 1 1 ! 1 9300 290 400 ! 13 200 1 1 74040 1440 1 23 628 i 472 10900 1260 67 ! 9 200 1 24 490 1 19 2630 130 1 j 19 430 530316 20375 125 1241 i 96 2466 > 4229 73550 15 437 895205 44544 2971 131 j 1734 3.3510 6165 99950 127 3235 11 160 394142 16492 660 286 1 465 9862 2602 41345 36 726 2 45 900 - ! 41000 1959 249 1 745 139 3030 4 115 I 195 195 1 1 10050 268 1 3 50 40 818 1 7 1 1500 1 90 1 1 1 1658980 60344 2329 625 I 2754 70916 10508 188235 1 ! 46 1105 4 78 1074050 47309 1969 48 455 10839 6159 128085 1 131 44741 ! 26100 454 1 ! 39 835 171 2306 168140 6791 171 i 11^ j j 522 10336 1391 18473 i ^ 170 i 1 .'. 1 5903013 206768 8420 1 ! 3292 ! 1 i 1 6128, 1 140387 31943 567962 368 10288| 17 283 74 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 11. — Upper Canada — Return of COUNTY OF Peas. Oats. Buckwheat. Indian Corn. Potatoes. Turnips. Acres Bushels. Acres. Bushels. Acres. w , Acres. Bushels. Acres. Acres. I 26 27 28 29 I 30 31 32 ! 33 ! 34 j 35 36 i 373. 969 19912 1756 53825 2 32 401 1 1 50960 141 31131 374. 375. 38 935 32 1200 6 950 8, 4300 376. 377. 1468 34679 1933 64447 •> 21 377 50930 275 83830 378. 427 8228 670 21395 7 134 14 335 163 20600 215 1 45706 379. 2283 52318 2289 86284 6 64 3 124 360 43822 276 101650 380. 1608 36454 2026 67291 1 8 432 57926 341 62650 381. 719 9966 926 26514 34 397 49 775 279 31330 247 50555 282. 1375 22872 2429 59654 5 ‘ 96 1 25 685 90965 263 46435 383. 2 32 8 160 8 61 51 51231 51 5613 384. 508 9882 956 27032 2 27 3 51 274 39805 1521 31655 385. 1050 22477 1438 46858 1 100 3 90 487 79710 292 70115 386. 196 3845 373 9802 1 14 4 82 100 15603 100 21831 387. 1259 24482 2047 63791 10 309 57 1263 459 65030 513 1.33405 388. 122 2323 275 7343 108 11575 95 14815 389. 315 6092 410 1.5313 4 40 8 71 126 14436 160 32.305 ,390. 2291 63481 2864 93515 2 57 3 111 482 61658 269 80996 391. 461 6053 419 13961 1 40 2 27 107 13059 50 10385 392. j 393. 456 10882 "’*574 19804 3 43 183 21878 178 45555 i 15547 334913 21425 678189 77 1 1307 j 160 L_J 3090 5100 675360 3626 873932 COUNTY OF 394, j 395. 919 14374 4259 114559 499 10993 408 9991 526 51678| 4 605 396. 665 10095 1691 37563 143 2075 72 1515 276 i 1 257101 5 864 397. 1236 20065 4825 121413 671 14270 327 9214 520 49927 2 125 398. 661 9929 2390 58211 2.37 4514 39 771 351 .34710! 1 735 3481 54463 13165 331746 1550 31852 846 21491 j 1673 I 162025 20 1 2329 COUNTY OF 399. 400. 401. 402. 2 60 12 350 21 2270! 1 16 ' 1650 10 260 il llOOi i j 800 20 485 75 3210 16 409 102 1741S| 1 104 1 30060 6 8 340 4 44 i 1080 13 1 3010 403. 404. 3 500' 2 j 400 730 13111 1607 5.3065 3 30 1 25 306 42256 1 103 19255 405. 1526 29874 3243 107698 6 138 10 156 642 73785i 189 1 27340 406. 407. 408. 678 15288 992 34982 7 88 25 268 26.3 400281 163 40065 8 185 38 940 6 75 36 620 50 73501 56 12550 409. 410. 5 150 22 833 2 80 11 400 49 737o| ■’0 7145 411. 412. 2408 64238 3503 138142 6 114 27 455 1 66,3 820731 I 575 127940 413. 414. 1398 33119 2423 90222 10| 10 242 i 539 63890! 92 19060 20 430 63 1575 2 20 4 79 64 8797 63 13790 415. 466 9,321 785 22381 9 106 8 121 182 262951 82 17470 6261 166267 12781 453998 41 661 152 2819 1 2905 374212I 1 1491 3205,35 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 75 Agricultural Produce for 1861. {Continued.) Carrots, Bushels. | Mangel Wurzel. Beans, Bushels. Clover, Timothy and | other Grass Seeds, I Bushels. 1 U2 a o H *A Hops, lbs. Maple Sugar, lbs. | Cider, Gallons. Wool, lbs. Fulled Cloth, Yards. Flannel, Yards. Flax and Hemp, lbs. Linen, Yards. Acres. ! Bushels. j ! 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 1 47 48 49 50 51 390 1 16 1007 19 10456 2800 7495 1677 6683 760 59 60 600 30 40 565 1 100 6 1605 36 15669 7573 1241 6308 3 1 200 635 13905 1330 262 1243 10 7532 3 1970 49 1 1954 18 14091 3547 13375 2162 6510 600 525 2426 10 19024 8533 1153 6984 610 37 5 1218 15 16973 3106 421 2274 270 331 2 34 1 292 1759 225 29232 10657 1482 9626 25 1 4 912 205 21 1 7 977 16 17403 3418 649 3366 95 239 10 41 2442 89 16980 6603 1385 4481 476 5620 1196 20 421 98 282 1 300 17 2058 109 36487 7514 653 4332 1248 274 3645 907 90 76 5 482 20342 1682 259 829 3917 5 1582 5 20 2296 9 23154 1418 11989 2313 8825 2024: 22 341 2 5381 1931 225 1846 200 734 9295 1456 112 731 1 14714 13 4472 j 1 67 405 18747 548 258629 7765 89365 14044 64499 5160 25 S TORMONT.— ( Continued.) 1 3113 5 1630 74 53 4514 58048 850 15010 3572 5059 20 67 1217 1 1 315 21 41 2043 50 21597 5343 1487 3205 40 45 2920 1 i 6 1757 861 204 3856' 1 217; 46575 13906 1388 5535 319 177 1439 1 11 I 48 375 2836 66 23541 9 7739 2691 4687 305 30 '§689 12 3713 229 673 13249 333 149761 859 41998 9138 18486 684 319 VICTORIA. — ( Continued.) i 320 70 46 1 6730 91 86 128 26 ! 3 590 8 100 101 i! 648 23 9764 6136 2167 3165 5208 i 11 1450 144 571 1920 406 26940 502 12233 2521 6615 156 228 15 101 L 1072 332 18554 4294 940 2528 1 1 I i 10 4310 75 9 18 3420 I ... 1 1732 2 520 82 29 2460 122 51046 18483 4430 9686 1282 110 3892 5 770 73 6 1874 115 23405 10461 2215 5068 4 40 3 100 2 16 3607 20 10 17 793 84 14305 2230 403 1412 1 1246 21 2855 318 112 8814 1082 163091 502 54006 12762 28668 1442 176 76 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 11. — Upper Canada — Return of COUNTY OF Live Stock. | Butter, lbs. lUieeso, lbs. j y. S W C ^ 0 Bulls, Oxeu and Steers. Milch Cows. j 1 Calves and Hei- fers. i Horses over 3 years old. | 1 Value of same in Dollars. Colts and Fillies. i ! 1 1 1 i j 1 Pi 1 ! O! ! 1 t 1 TO 1 bu I ^ 1 Total value of Live Stock. j 52 53 54 55 55 57 68 i 59 1 i 60 61 j 62 ! 63 373.. 289 982 1265 621 1 ! ! 48550 1 247! ! ! 2826 3891 1 101779 i 48010, 740 1 220 374.. i 240 246 55 370] 25043 i i, 375.. 376 3 1 98 27 74 10 : 205 158 11476] 1820 1 3 1 85 1 1 68 1 1 8 1831 7.339! 1 U.. 377..1 i 336 966 119l| ' 705 58270 251 2521 3992; 1 116370 ' 595.371 768! 172 378.. 171 302 363! 125 8970! 1 52' 485 836! 27049 i 143601 1800 1 17 379.. 136 1376 1545 1093 838701 1 406 ! 4284 48971 178825 i 05204-1 9625| 352 380.. 298 1325 1166j 865- 1 61910 242 I 2871 3089! 147920 j 86638' 3906 201 381.. 241 532 579 1 229 18357 87! ! 1307 1190! 46503 ! 25705! 842! 173 382.. 442 1368 1424; 749 56357 287, ! 3481 4010! 82924 67190' 1327! 176 383.. 19 23 14! 10 2181 i 38 1 2294 ' 1575! I 384.. 271 j 552 882; 236 16007 123 1 1341 2100i 47776 ! 28980; 996! 105 385.. 398 ; 1046 1067 525 38895 182 1 2274 2700! 102369 i 72.31.3 1820 242 386.. 117 280 213 154 7375 31 1 403 445 i 25220 16975! .350| 33 387.. 519 ! 10731 1364 541 i 58570 226 i 2241 2019! 110802 00572| 8146! 1.39 388.. 109 i 177 139 176 1 11530 3^ 191 391! 23327 7049' ; 21 389.. 140 • 3011 j 304 138 ' 6445 46 ! 532 7371 26064 1 11525!, ..1 34 390.. 237 i 1798; ! 1872 1288 j I 102647 520 : 4187 5120; 2096.39 1 1040491 66.31 1 190 391.. 86 2941 1 336 170 12130 64^ ! 682 9811 2.3982 ! 10155' 290’ 89 392 1 11 3 ! 46 il' 853| ! 393.. 125 1 337 j 358i ! 204 15610 63 478 786! 34703j 1 22695; I j 50S‘ 72 3937 ' 1 1 w S i 8220 607674 2840 j 30418 37747 1352257! i 1 7344121 377491 2259 COUNTY OF 1 394 210 171 j" 1 1 84 179! 16017! ; 395.. 55 2467 1913 1412 1 1 77812 6811 1 5140! ! 2104! 171109! 1 141466! 8367] 534 396.. 1 58 1040 879 566 : 1 32812 233! 1655i ! 996! 712841 .527921 1 67251 232 397.. 42 2411 2134 1531 i 73315 613! i 39631 ! 2065i 179738’ 1 106966 I 2435] 350 398.. 1 31 1278 1247 827 1 44947 422 ! 2479! 1 1 1275| ! 92606] ; 59993 1 4496: 267 1S6 7406 ! 6173 4507 228886 1 I 949 I 1 i 13321 I 6619 530754I ! 1 1 361217 1 22023! 13SS COUNTY OF 399.. s ! ! e’ ! . 2 200 j ! ! i 7| ! 795 ! 150 1 1 400.. 10 13 ! 19 27 2400 38 ! 24! 3680 ! j 800 401.. 120 I 117 I 138 13 1300 i 182! 91971 7980 i 37 402.. 14 i 10 1 7 ' 5 15| 807 1 450 j 9 403.. 4 ! ! 8 i 11 12 1100 1 i 14 ni 1500’ 450 !.. 404.. I 285 800 1 807 580 31 892 197 1 2543 1907i S1760! 24085 35151 208 405.. 363 1286 1180 815 67781 324 4078 3123! i 138000 89850 1442; 296 406.. 1 356 582 632 328 22335 92 1349 ]137i 60449 33341 lOOOi 141 407.. i 1 ! 408.. i 48 1 39 53 83 i 7936 i 1 ! 1 .52! 11505 , 2950 200; 17 409 i i 212 161 82' 332' 177321 410.. 12 j 20 18 1 i 70 1 1 20i 1291 ' ! 0 1 3 411 1 1 : ' i ! 412.. 577 1 2087 2063 i 1454 i 110374 1 463 i 1 5913 4523 233935, i 97505 81841 550 413.. 311 1078 1230 1 769 1 69095 227 1 2936 1 2551' 134706 i 1 67805' ’ 24301 385 414.. 52 63 63 ' 11 701 i ^ 23 68! 53011 4080’ 1 18 415.. 246 404 451 184 j 12210 63 757 1 778| 369211 1 199501 1681 88 2406 6725 6679 ! 4440 1 327413 1377 17790 : 14730! 1 7375991 .1 350206 169391 1 1753 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 77 Agricultural Produce for 1861. SIMCOE. — {Continued.) 1 Pork iu Barrels of 200 Ibe. Pish. I 1 Carriages kept for pleasure. Value of same in Dollars. Carriages kept for hire. Value of same iu Dollars. Minerals. ! Dried iu Quin- tals. j 'd 0 . 53 r-3 CD _ «> cc Sold Fresh, ib.s. Copper ore mined, Tons. V alue. Iron ore mined, Tons. Value. 64 65 66 67 1 1 68 69 1 70 71 1 1 1 73 1 ! 74 75 1567 1 1 ! 1 5. 2975 1 1 1 i 1 i l"V 1 i i 94 5349 10 600 i 12 i . . 46 2945 ! 130 1 1 j 17 1095 2 i 1411 1 1 1 66 j 3847 45 j i ‘-11 j 8 ' 1 390 o 1 1738 1 i ! 281 i 16231 1 80 ' 1385 1 ! i 84 1 3427' 1 60 i 1 687 1 ! 438^ 4 150 1 1101 1 5 34 1 2065 j 1 1 7.11 1 1 i i 1285 ! j 21 1345 1 10 194 j 51 2385 28 1470 1 1056 33 2416 1 20 1 1 1 228 1 j 4 115 1 214 i i::::::::::: 1 275 o C4 39 1327 1 1269 1 i ! 277 15544 i i 409 ! i 15 516 i::::::::: ! 1 i 1 1 1 317 i i i i j 33 j 1608 ! : 1 13965 ! 275 2040 i 1177 50 i 2565 j i i j i j 64018 j 1 1 I STORMONT.— ( Continued . ) i ! ; 1 ! I 154 ^ 1 63 I 1 526 i j 119 , I 1 i f 7793 26| 803 i 1409 ! ! i ! i 1 ! ’ n.'ii) !! i i 4200 i 566 ll ! i 24881 1 1 1 1331 il j ; 1 18899 151 319 ! 38.58' 1 1 1 1 678 ij ' i i ! i 1 1 ! ill! 1 1 1 ! 3625 i| ! ! 4200 ! i 1238 , 34447 I 41! 1122 ! ! 1 ! I 1 ij ! i ! 1 VICTORIA.— (Conlmued.) 1 6 i 1 t i i 1 12 ! j 89 i 1 1 6 1 1 4 i 1 659 i 1 33 1422 1515 i 84 5618 I:::;:::::' 776 1 13 782 4 2201 j 24 j ! ] 1 i 41 1850 28 i [ 950 1 : 6 11 1 2398 1 3 212 1 10044 1 1974 1 1 50 3016 1 21 7 .. 1 ! 432 7 185 7922 21 440 22917 32 1170 78 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 11. — Upper Canada — Return of COUNTY OF Berlin, Village Dumfries, North..., Galt, Town of. Hamburg, Village.. Hespeler, Village... Preston, Village Waterloo, Village .. Waterloo, North Waterloo, South Wellesley Wilmot Woolwich Total of Waterloo 428. 429. 430. 43 i. 432. 433. 434. 435. 436. 437. 438. 439. 440. Bertie Chippawa, Village. Clifton, Village .... Crowland Fort Erie, Village . Humberstone Pelham Stamford Thorald Thorald, Village .. Wainfleet Welland, Village . Yfilloughby Total of Welland , COUNTY OF 309 15 6 62 ilO 92 3.! 1 333791 :2&5!£!L!nZ.Xl 1 i 20074 14876 4501 697 13305 8 4 3 1 nsi 1 118 69 46 g 7 1 3 1 ' 2 1 488 408 111 278 19 80 195 21 3 56 77 1 26 12 17266 10629 6993 3362 274 6637 9 1 6 2 370 358' 147 205 6 12 304 22 12 87 108 58 17 26275 11868 8798 2702 368 14407 382 4] 14 127 146 51 3 28029 17986 11796 5432 758 10043 215 16 13 46 83 45 12i 19757 13940 9771 3633 636 5817 250 9 6 49 123 54 9 | 23671 16795 13913 2328 554 6876 295 9 14 80 104 60 28 32182 13242 10454 2405 383 18940 10 1 4 4 1 578 380 289 67 24 198 197 7 3 72 78 32 !’"5! 1 1 16846 10733 8550 1930 253 6113 2181 142 ^6 585 846 421 1 111 198959 116531 85767 26889 1 3875 82428 COUNTY OF 4.4.1. Atnnra.nfb i 174 1 1 23 120 28 1 1 18744 6625 5536 I loso! 12119 442. vVrthur 555 51 2 87 346 57 12 49617 13034 ! 9778 3247 9 36583 443. Elora Vill.age 1 444. Eramosa 351 14 12 44 198 68 15 33174 19653 1 11874 7536 243 13521 445. Erin 695 68' 8 107 373 122 17 60753 32743 1 20127 12492 124 28010 446. Fei’gus, Village 1 447. Garafraxa 567 2 3 103 390 61 S 54429 24520 18378 6117 25 29909 448. Gnelpli 344 5 64 153 104 18 34207 22953 15077 7 60S 268 11254 449. Guelph, Town of 1 450. Till t, her 136 19 73 43 1 16514 2046 1750 296 14468 451. Maryborough 396 9 3 6() 232 77 6 43752 14056 10521 3126 409 29696 452 . Mill to 420 1 3 51 239 102 24: 52439 7440 5900 1540 44999 453. Nichol 247 2 4 40 85 105 24942 15233] 1 8880 6348 5 9709 454. Peel 625 7 10 105 434 62 71 60913 25032! ! 18551 6396 85 3588 1 455. Pilkington 358 6 6 115 186 3.9 27508 161271 12889 3177 61 11381 456. Puslinch 539 8 .. 381 841 121 55679 32884' 1 17596 1 14904 384 I 22795 Total of Wellington 5407 169 1 60 1 878 1 3210 1 952 |l38 532671 1 232346 ™J !i56857 1 73876 1613 1 300325 [ CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 79 Agricultural Produce for 1861. WATERLOO. Cash value of Farm in Dollars. Cash value of Farming! Implements in Dollars.! Produce of Gardens and I Orchards in Dollars. 3 Quantity of Land held by Townspeople, not being farmers. Fall AVheat. Spring Wheat. Barley. Rye, Acres. Bushels. Acres. Bushels. j Acres. Bushels. j Acres. 1 Bushels. 14 15 1 16 1 17 18 • 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 81100 2275 697 387 211 4121 82 1445 1 9 .. 290 5 130 4389736 81294 13428 1943 7336 176520 765 12681 1 565 15216 111 1909 40560 1760 230 260 42 1010 22 394 1 10 274 14 210 10550 •922 25 450 22 575 30 812 72970 3465 643 892 205 5830 63 773 12 280 12 204 35280 2180 .320 670 63 1075 75 1,385 12 268 4 35 73640 2447 401 1203 156 2541 117 1679 1 29 379 54 710 1244107 48438 8451 1178 3983 80553 3725 43982 195 4333 111 1730 1182548 51407 8771 * 1561 1 3379 74488 1864 25993 176 3539 370 5221 1675213 82702 1707 413 j 2296 48896 11759 226244 355 10202 45 1040 2013910 86242 10006 2180 1 i 6680 129649 4604 83014 ! 314 7718 259 3438 1626917 62494 5489 522 1 i 3670 1 90905 5055 102632 364 10470 63 1137 12446531 425626 50168 11659 27843 616163 28161 501034 I 2041 aasamsan 52969 1048 15764 WELLAND. 1060554 34019 10208 347 1 1 1238 13170 1281 21930 1518 35335 1 354; r™ 4443 29100 910 200 44 i 4 80 1 29660 831 630 125 8 150 28 350 15 120 10 200 578632 21348 5087 138 501 4932 1015 10243 422 10398 252 2906 14900 1280 192 95 23 340 22 284 19 350 703970 20742 6772 293 726 5183 1156 19276 878 23038 375 3924 ' 948853 35100 13042 106 1610 15806 1080 15179 480 10313 440 3795 889210 20564 8459 479 817 110.32 933 13850 683 14023 107 1380 799105 28637 6882 557 36 1471 12802 1 935 13928 581 13351 302 2514 724217 2655*5 4349 40 940 5309 1208 17903 386 9850 344 3754 29300 1365 435 92 10 20 43 620 18 362 6 99 562385 21868 4159 52 455 5652 803 15044 798 21597 118 1277 6369585 213219 60415 2404 7803 74476 8504 128607 5798 138737 2308 24292 WELLINGTON. 333400 12780 7 250 2323 37666 107 2155 1 lasiwi 599720 25443 2 28 4412 55849 51 948 302 967425 46984 3310 102 1027 31621 3480 72895 249 6387 1248974 49441 1153 56 1896 41742 8262 141420 135 2990 6 155 106 1250110 55301 300 337 70 2215 8111 162086 369 9491 8 120 1585340 56865 5548 373 1225 44127 3222 71135 169 4619 14 220 810 105820 2049 844 12832 57 1055 858500 51171 10 260 5366 96398 75 1590 416650 11504 175 15 503 3345 50187 72 1998 1 1226516 49706 242 185 3425 4052 83052 212 5572 17 360 1318570 56530 77 52 89 2310 9515 185850 201 5209 939150 31789 52 401 11158 3088 80.344 122 2970 1636625 76468 601 525 4235 96292 2445 48979 354 9073 42 669 12486800 526031 1 10989 3132 9160 1 233931 58465 1098693 2173 54057 87 1524 80 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 11. — Upper Canada — Return of COUNTY OF Pbas. Oats. Buckwheat. Indian Corn. ' Potatoes. Turnips. Acres. Bushels. Acres. 1 Bushels. Acres. Bushels. Acres. Bushels. Acres. Bushels. Acres. .2 'S w 1 26 1 27 28 29 1 30 1 - i 32 33 j 34 35 1 36 37 416. 48 973^ 160 4140 1 ! 1 1 i 8 210 i 23 3040] 21 6340 417. 1031 23392^ 1917 G2S97 11 I 229' 1 52 1904 1 494 82;: 501 486 252087 418. 24 462! 22 575 1 1 1 ' 1 J 56 8 1200 q 4075 419. 20 600 20 800 1 5 ilOO 1* 9 900 420. 40 850 89 2758! 2 1 i i 55 28 441 o' I 13 5700 421. 15 456 i 26 815| 1 1 1 100 10 ' 1580; 1 2 700 422.i 58 961 133 3495! 1 1 ! i 1 23] 21 1 1970 i 14 2310 423. 1206 25856 2499 79488 ! i i 97: 2400 574 • 72821| 412 113005 121. 1291 26406 1949 57418 68 1 14061 1 102; 23131 } 510 • ; 60836; ! 406 153674 425. 2215 51452 1 3980 140749 1 1 15' ! 1 24 1 1 638 763441 1 470 74675 426. 2219 526281 4447 1.36125 10 ; 236i ! 29 770; 693 1 81049 1 634 137907 127. 1679 38411| 3494 126918 15 j 394| i ^ 496: 1 . j I 567 j 67113 1 687 238387 9846 j 222447 18736 616178| j 125 j 2648 1 301 1 1 1 8351 j ^1 3571 1 453793 1 3163 9897G0 COUNTY OF 1 428.1 547 ; ' " 1 10195 1 2182 1 89188 6211 1 11612 i 681 3ff«CBggi>Muau«.a. 1 il [ 344901 287 i 248881 j 1 1 837 429. i 12 400 4 60 i 8i ! 4601 17 1 1170| 430. 1 ^2 160 44 1730 8 167 20 1035! ^ i 1 G60j i li 25C 431. 471 8905 1327 48666 314 6654 1 272 12163| 156 17094 1 908 432. 3 38 39 1107 9 256 I 21 460j 5 5001 433. 445 8332 1750 64843 483 8661 418 1384G;: 1 236 14252 i , 1562 434. 631 9718 1552] 46170 518 8752 792 28288' I 431 340701 1 45I ! 20094 435. 474 7988 1729| i 63055 314 5424 546: 1 22934; ! .318 j 39824! 1 351 10087 436. 689 11104 1790 ‘ 64033 444 7071 48G: 1 18487! i 298 I 1 2S592j 1 -’^1 5480 438. 1 903: i 16586 1130 42497 506 10180! 3:i6 ! 94831 1 184 145291 ! 3565 439. 19: 1 259 52 1676 2l! 3:iol 16* 44411 1 850! SS 440. j 42i: 1 7205 1806 , 68252 226 1 3514 265' I 89:30 1 170 15782] 1 1 3 1225 j j 1 4615 1 1 80490 13413 491617 3468 1 62681 1 i 3861 1510201 1 2117 192209 i 142 44046 COUNTY OF A n 94rl 9121 11510 13767 1 S15 1 1706 283701 44961: 1 1 j 1 20| I 1 i 198 1 24959; ! 285 i 63430 i 506 69765 1. » 442. ! ! 1 20 318 ! 19767; 1 1 j 1 444. 1680 38814 ' 2638 92628 20| 6081 i 1 35 344 ! 46990 1 802i 251713 445. 446. 1926 35868j 3482 98031 44 600i ' ll 20 625 i 98320 j j 428 113595 A.Afi 1935 2206 41725 67858 4536 2660 148450 107747 1 17 i 300! 645 72725' j 12991 355970 ! 1074j 491623 448. HQ * !”i i 2 1 i 60 421 j 67993; 108 1246 1470 26779 180 1447 759 2602 2936 2532 3385 4431 55578 1 i 1 i : 86 1 5520! 190! 21350 4:0U. A 1 1 i 21s 1 112141 957 j 1386 16 401. 399 1 958 2032 1097 1825 6899 21578 45272 25948 59883 18650 78896 86760 1 ' 1 , ■ 2S2 212941 702! 125950 1 i i 1 i 284 368921 810 1 2^2688 454. 455. 1 1 ; 30 i 404 1 39755! 869 1 169352 88318 j 104571 i i 278 ! 31546: 1 613 287700 i I ! 749 I 110731. : 967 357639 1 1 400. 1 1 ! ! 17271 387371 29667 1 957391 1 86 1564| 1 G 1 165' I 4852 : 1 1 58770lj 1 9502 '2 729391 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 81 Agricultural Produce for 1861. WATERLOO.— Carroty, Bushels. Mangel Wurzel. Beans, Bushels. Clover, Timothy and other Grass Seeds, Bushels. Hay, Tons. Hops, lbs. II _ II Maple Sugar, lbs. Cider, Gallons. AVool, lbs. Fulled Cloth, Yards. Flannel, Yards. Flax and Hemp, lbs. Linen, Yards. Acres. Bushels. 38 1 39 40 41 42 43 ■ 44 45 i « i " 48 49 50 51 500 24 235 1750 2540 645 79 232 3200 68557 7 2354 344 359 4208 224 1820 11714 31219 1760 3497 11188 102 348 1 260 1 61 2 70 1330 20 31 20 40 101 31 58 100 4 261 565 994 999 118 361 1400 16 59 20 642 120 25 20 101 ] 1 53 1130 1357 635 182 196 1370 25 7775 3 852 91 485 3255 60 40976 27004 12463 3139 4284 27706 2082 19578 11 2950 26 473 3323 50 31552 21119 13903 1870 5186 160994 763 2082 2 302 27 212 3777 178 51488 18124 5909 9978 25920 564 7529 8 2369 228 385 4868 54 38792 17460 29086 5598 6016 77599 2295 7813 2 640 50 406 2275 12 50014 4886 19304 4340 4579 59866 3633 94403 34 9727 768 2348 22506 580 218077 87826 127929 23051 34407 369243 9480 WELLAND. — [Continued.) 1517 1 280 141 417 3728 62 9071 44864 13276 698 4213 2065 120 15 240 1411 1 220 217 3 84 260 130 1014 2 402 158 221 1944 26 4111 16307 7074 615 2237 622 9 12 123 300 140 50 914 7 1941 ' 155 186 2191 75 6120 36932 6292 437 3523 595 340 6508 6 590 231 893 3484 36 5408 38776 10751 1016 2592 16 9496 7 3515 19 308 4071 3310 444 21933 7715 252 689 200 4425 5 2655 289 668 3892 56 1071 23000 9781 1118 1345 1260 1 3430 2 385 240 452 3071 25 8926 22905 7999 845 3166 90 237 115 25 98 51 290 186 615 3 2189 63 390 1856 51 1247 15441 5734 497 1658 862 42 29567 34 12292 1538 3550 24557 3692 36398 221008 69318| 5478 19473 5710 512 WELLINGTON.— (CoTifinwed) 865 11295 2251 143 1 2470 121 266 1176 48 12360 5668 734 4275 10 10 2456 ■ 3 1005 300 35 2094 19257 220 12149 667 4471 4325 45 2103 100 157 51 2965 45 46352 15392 2868 8320 465 75 101 1 1 2386 164 31949 9593 1655 5688 988 2290 5 2450 2989 12 13842 16260 713 2078 9130 242 7508 384 362 597 3334 77 26222 13602 1106 0065 29836 42 77 1051 21 16997 2023 117 1523 1510 1 150 200 1415 1975 8365 588 2114 30 10 5 2448 24295 10351 1753 6527 15116 104 120 1 600 1277 84915 6941 442 2475 1258 2628 2 700 92 3090 62 20248 335 23519 1946 5776 1670 260 11401 12 1 5005 1 468 1324 1 25332 429 317215 555 126498 12732 52144 62910 494 6 82 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 11. — Upper Canada — Return of COUNTY OF Live Stock. Butter, lbs. l Cheese, lbs. Beef in Barrels of 200 lbs. Bulls, Oxen and Steers. Milcli Cows. Calves and Hei- fers. Horses over 3 years old. Value of same in Dollars. Colts and Fillies. Sbeep. Pigs. Total value of Live Stock. 1 1 52 53 54 55 50 57 68' 1 59 1 60 61 62 63 410..' 11 209 74 142 27 232 295 18115 .3885 70 2 417.. 242 1505 1847 1157 84302 321 7829 2015 184455 119570 38065 285 41 8.. 12 213 164 1 101 221 182.34j 1680 400 419.. 1 3 118 19 65 2 122 ! 200 7952 350 420.. .38 156 212 60 17 274 501 17886 12753 1350 103 421.. 9 181 24 125 3 55 295 12.379 1766 100 .3 422.. 14 244 53 125 16 253 285 15903 .3950 15 423.. 309 1283 1435 958 52930 443 41 39 2754 132383 76531 2261 290 424.. 231 1620 1399 943 1 58731 340 4335 1 2193 148013 85036 17041 . 224 425.. 730 2173 2401 1327 1 95124 616 6439 5072 208617 98968 8478 156 420.. 710 2527 2572 1643 98222 067 7121 4874 222387 101006 4230 147 427.. 623 2065 2296 1217 1 81612 603 6037 .3416 195207 98621 7325 441 2838 12414 12332 7932 1 470921 ^062 36937 22121 11181531 604116 1 79320 1 1666 COUNTY OF 428.. 170 1231 1168 929 62568 265 4020 2121 128655 79281 i 445 5 i 148 429 94 6 94 64 102 9103 430.. 1 108 13 93 3 79 101 10140 1350 1 431.. 80 511 514 490 .35915 144 2145 915 76810 44372 590 113 432.. 4 134 17 59 4 62 135 6474 900 1 433.. 1.34 986 1030 659 .38958 194 1921 1492 92293 49950 2482 138 434.. 135 955 1001 827 56700 238 4390 1520 120313 83798 8731 113 435.. 30 891 735 844 38243 192 2586 1447 122943 63383 2966 344 436.. 62 841 773 881 49403 226 3243 1585 110477 77984 2390 339 437 105 128 73 12876 438.. 169 821 1106 615 58728 189 2621 1378 29752 69905 744 93 439 105 27 83 7 92 117 99991 1640 3 440.. 35 540 611 466 32350 108 1819 1046 67497 49110 1155 86 820 7322 7001 6168 372865 1570 23042 12032 797332 521673 23513 1379 COUNTY OF 441.. 245 394 520 188 11910 65 718 1054 37680 101760 400 84 442.. 630 1075 1151 427 .31666 199 ‘ 1970 2244 84257 50577 1220 213 443 159 62 19 106 8749 444.. .393 1159 1571 674 49260 212 3194 1819 132978 93564 6043 527 445.. 684 1771 2271 1072 84155 419 4935 5807 233081 91125 8164 312 446 122 93 19 100 12414 447.. 858 1457 2492 793 64665 243 2660 3608 175565 58757 4395 207 448.. 469 1223 1724 897 67900 380 4267 3163 187247 74505 13326 71 449 509 397 31 574 49586 450.. 192 219 329 .30 1277 14 258 617 12596 10823 245 2 451.. 538 . 975 1358 476 37425 253 2000 . 2191 96466 80740 4293 74 452.. 659 , 757 1112 167 10700 72 705 1578 60282 46111 2605 211 45.3.. 251 1131 14.35 634 47129 198 2522 1655 125604 • 46010 9711 287 454.. 713 1395 1823 970 78632 398 3797 3485 165377 47032 1936 112 455.. .383 970 1.360 596 41762 231 2390 1886 114352 64922 8144 112 456.. 591 1863 2338 1190 98592 380 6449 3359 23.7809 •100789 19965 396 6606 15239 19484 8672 025073 3065 35934 33246 1734043 866715 80447 2608 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS. . 85 Agricultural Produce for 1861. W ATERLOO. — ( Continued.) Pork in Barrels of 200 lbs. Fish. i Carriages kept for pleasure. Value of same in 1 Dollars. i Carriages kept for hire. ! Value of same in Dollars. ; 1 - - Minerals. 1 Dried in Quin- j tals. i i - Salted and Bar- relled. ! Sold Fresh, lbs. Copper ore mined, Tons. Value. Iron ore mined, Tons. Value, 64 1 65 1 66 i 67 i 1 ■ . i j -08 ! 1 ■ ■ 1 69 1 71 i 1 7- 1 74 75 .,5 ' i 1 r I ! , 83 1 5399 I 6! 200 j 859. j ' 427 ' 22602 9; 70 I 1 I 1 . I i 50 : 5075 32 1365 I’:::::::::::: ! 4 1 1 , 1630 i 266 22 * i 1130 8 220 1 * I 6 i ’ 47 i 3212 4 '250 53 82 ! 43.23 1663 • V i J I ^ 14605 1 30 ; 1082 ;!26 1 ' 1151! 2 110 1518 8900 2 rnt 1476 '399 j 4967 1 40 i 1 ! ■ 1868 1 500 1 isiooi 2 40 ! i ^31 1 . ‘ 1 1 1 04493 i I ‘67 2395 1 V 2548 j 1 i WELLAND . — ( Continv ed. ) 856 j 1 ! 9606 2730 1470 4194 1140 46‘'.3 , 12 ■ 21 ' I 30 415 2400 1 i 1 25 1 279 j 6 i 736 j 741 1 642 ! 1182 i 1 ■’■■'i 1 ■ iO 1 869 ' 74 30 17 1 1 . .. ir’ .i 1 1480 191 ' , ->41 11878 14162 13110! 1980 2835 ! 10 12 ; I 116 1 3433 205! 1 1 ; 2 !.) 1 : •; i ! 900 j 641 I 19 ! 555 i ' 4 4633’ 1 5682 i 869 i 1 ' 1180 , 1316 73998: i 03 ■ FI i i WELLINGTO S .^{Continued.) 582 ! i 1 1 620 j I ! . . .1 I 1051 13 i 370 ! 21 150 i 1 2946 { 25i i;ir4 i j 1332 i 7120 ! i 141 5 1 ! .1 7433 i i ’ 1 i 1 1 il 51 ■ 2520' 31 i 2140 j • : ) 935 i 900' li 100' 251 ■ i 1072Gi i i 1 ' • i 13148 471 4755 j I; ’ ! 111 ! j ; il ! '^‘1 i 1210 ! i * 1 ’ . 1 ( ' 51 1 2172' ' 2i 701 i i.: i j. 831 i 1 50 i i : 1 ■ 705 3442 lol 1020 i i::;;:.;:;:.. i 1205 4570 1 ! 30 j 428 3857 li i 30 1745 8507 i ! j! “ i 1 11801 71381 129 I 9669 1 j i ! il 1 1 1 1 L 6 * 84 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No, 11. — Upper Canada — Return of COUNTY OF TOWNSHIPS, &c. Occupiers op Lands. Lands — A cres. 'a -i-i o H a cs § CO o ^ « PC? O rH O O o rH O lO o o cs O O rH O O O O cs . o o o o o «*•< o m a a P .S '3 rS=l -Jf to Pi O pi M o 5 C5 0 1 I a P P pH O o »-< o p p c3 P 03 c5 P. s a P QQ • .-K « 55 eS P ■73 ? 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 1 8 1 1 9 1 1 10 11 12 13 457. Ancastcr 458. Barton 459. Binbrook 460. Beverley 414 163 210 608 12 17 2 6 21 14 9 78 42 24 176 172 68 110 271 106 21 57 115 25 1 17 31 42606 11676 25073 60120 29312 9080 15768 36657 24019 7220 13237 23512 4795 1514 2329 12414 498 346 202 731 13294 2596 9305 23463 462. Plamboro, East 46:il Flamboro, West 464. Glanford 465. Saltfleet Total of Wentworth 305 295 196 255 10 7 4 7 12 9 5 4 74 62 92 36 64 139 113 76 99 64 61 68 80 18 13 7 11 123 30312 27177 20920 26408 18448 18136 13183 18083 9706 14817 9167 14037 8451 2997 3764 3663 291 322 252 383 11864 9041 7737 8325 2446 65 564 1048 572 244292 158667 115715 39927 3025 85625 COUNTY .OF 466. Etobicoke 467. Georgina 468. Gwillimbury, East 469. Gwillimbury, North 470. Holland Landing, Village .. 471. King 472. Markham ^.... 473. Scarborough 474. Vaughan 475. Whitchurch 476. York 477 Village 273 146 355 212 12 790 705 437 621 570 670 5 3 5 16 2 14 25 14 16 36 50 8 3 5 i 1 22 13 11 8 13 30 72 34 74 64 4 165 160 98 99 121 120 116 61 176 72 1 410 333 222 333 309 204 56 31 88 35 4 157 156 70 130 85 152 16 14 7 16 22 18 22 35 6 20 25687 16293 35747 19998 756 75178 64881 38881 62667 49020 54469 20223 6098 20923 8394 491 46115 49567 28394 41928 29999 40081 16857 4204 17209 6763 394 37574 40054 22405 34896 22659 32045 3036 1866 3355 1454 89 8035 8535 5550 6287 6929 7013 330 28 359 177 8 506 978 439 745 411 1033 5464 10195 14824 11604 265 29063 15314 10487 20739 19021 14388 Total of York 4697 186 123 1011 2237 964 176 443577 292213 235060 52149 5004 151364 DISTRICT OF 478. Sault Ste. Marie, Village 479. Algoma District Total of Algoma 119 4 87 2 6 6 12 6 1 3 1 22089 376 1534 285 644 35 881 250 9 20555 91 123 89 5 6 12 7 4 22465 1819 679 1131 9 20646 DISTRICT OF 480. Nipissing 94 3 3 3 43 25 17 16619 2823 2405 418 13796 CITIES OF ^ 71 a mil ten B Kingston C London D Oftn.wn, E Tfirnnto CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 85 Agricultural Produce for 1861. WENTWORTH. Cash value of Farm in Dollars. Cash value of Farming ImiDlements in Dollars. Produce of Gardens and' Orchards in Dollars. — Quantity of Land held by Townspeople, not being farmers. Fall Wheat. Spring Wheat. Barley. Bye. Acres. Bushels. Acres. Bushels. Acres. Bushels. 1 j Acres. ' Bushels. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 1 1 25 2085430 77094 11280 442 5020 72250 1751 30764 1532 45589 18 375 2033930 24110 • 5967 882 713 5823 1154 21613 371 10005 46 1072 823100 34873 2815 82 1149 5520 1458 21613 1105 28318 74 951 1638484 79349 8339 836 6061 116763 2817 46610 1003 24752 20 225 1163717 38211 6565 505 2935 53575 1562 26199 398 11965 11 199 1231240 43097 9577 436 2570 47403 1507 29546 542 13671 47 836 876635 29527 4277 59 1183 8613 1585 26077 1023 33044 36 369 1420107 44319 12224 284 1250 8512 2021 26955 1037 26856 99 1.328 11272643 370580 61044 3751 20881 318459 13855 229377 7011 194200 331 5150 YORK. 1565475 314460 1377255 557296 31000 2866765 4357035 2462910 3029174 2247752 4310720 64856 14319 54942 22281 4555 123934 138998 83956 120250 98576 116621 6436 463 5591 2753 170 7892 17077 9023 8685 6848 30929 320 88 365 35 1157 499 1260 392 1026 627 1521 177 2882 533 3163 993 78 7889 7227 4255 7713 3469 5923 45644 12461 74769 22901 1952 178097 129531 54880 141876 82461 92353 1043 1545 3433 2248 116 5978 5082 1425 3448 4069 1969 13631 31061 68601 43402 2597 121803 89123 18890 51923 91653 28180 1964 11 134 89 590 1810 610 1225 442 1276 49375 345 3952 2245 17612 57264 17922 33442 13755 34137 ! 2 12 11 59 11 14 30 40 124 190 778 267 200 383 23119842 843288 95867 7465 44125 836925 30356 560864 7881 230049 139 1982 ALGOMA. 10950 500 390 30 105 7 46 3 130 2 4 85 60 11450 420 105 7 46 3 130 6 145 NIPISSING. 80655 3357 102 ]640 2 58 UPPER CANADA. 768 693 855 400 1020 86 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS. No. 11. — Upper Canada — Return of COUNTY OF Peas. Oats. Buckwheat. Indian Coes. || Potatoes. Turnips. Acres Vi i • -s. 1 1 r‘;[lVr\ ■■•• '. r >, it: •■ f ; .. . i( . 4 . j.. . . *■ 1 ., • "'■ ';• ■■ ■,<■■ i'll,' ^h ' i., 4 j.. ■■ • • ' Iff, ^ >>*,'. , ; . ■ , • .■^■'‘ ' Mf/:'' '"Im" ' ^ yfr^'n- '.i' If i' : .^' "'V ■ '.J*'-' •'■ '*‘,1 . ■# • :,.:.-p vy ;... --.,.^ 5 ;;.. 4 , ' •'•• ' >*-'•>.<■.«:»•■ •> ‘‘f v^'-***'v 1 . 4 -.- .■ ,.Ji;.~tt(f^*i-. '■t* ’'i ‘')>V 4 1' , -ft'. ^ :h ^ r VT 4 -. • >44.-1. ,H'- ,r>‘i' . ■ -ffjfc/.iy. ■^ ■ : .i4-' 't.; r 'V '\-,...;t >;i,-*4v rk.^., • ;Si; :'... 4..4,;r . :.. . ....V, '::;::.::.:fc;: ji:;:::ii'i -i; ■ MM ‘ ■ > . . '■ I. .’ . V |4 ' ■ ■ , . ' *’"■’'>■ • ■“' 4 ',>■ 4 ^ 1 .^' »J- > iiir--- *•* ^ ' >iji » ^»r»+^vik ^ w* . .|> ' I '• j 4 4V4c«Kft.^-4.i4ii4(;<* J'f ‘ ■» ; > • . ;. jj- • r' ,•'•• •• i44»,;^-“*': ■ '^^.'■■l.'l ! ", .‘. . ' * ^ [iinl o ' m« :;44..„.,f ;.....V ■- v 'V, ; - ,u': !v..-r^ il?:u (■., ..,! :.■.,^‘';v4/i^M■ is . tVsi -;k‘.s ■ .' /■ .'y f *■' .■' , /.v0.g ;...;■ r U >rim^ M '■ • '.rxh ’■iii'l- W 'vK .L.-.-rwk ■s*' •■'CjJ? w t 8sLi»ti!ic|:^VV; ^'•. "f .: . ’^,V APPENDIX TO CENSUS OF CANADA. OMo. la. LOWE.R CANADA. Ileturn of ^griniltural ‘^prokct, t£t. ' ' ,'s . NO. xa. LOWEE CANADA. RETURN OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE, LANDS HELD, OCCUPIERS OF LAND, COUNTIES. 1. L’Assomption. 2. Argenteuil. 3. Arthabaska. 4. Bagot. 5. Beauce. 6. Beauharnois. 7. Bellechasse. 8. Berthier. 9. Bonaventure. * 10. Brome. 11. Chambly. 12. Champlain. 13. Charlevoix. 14. Chateauguay, 15. Chicoutimi. 16. Compton. 17. Dorchester. 18. Drummond. 19 Gaspe. 20. Hochelaga. 21. Huntingdon. 22. Iberville. 23. L’Islet. 24. Jacques Cartier. 25. Joliette. 26. Kamouraska. 2 7. Laprairie. 28. Laval. 29. Levis. 30. Lotbiniere. 31. Maskinong6, 32. Megantic. 33. Missisquoi. 34. Montcalm. 35. Montmorency. 36. Montmagny. 37 Napier ville. 38. Nicolet. 39. Ottawa. 40. Pontiac. 41. Portneuf. 42. Quebec. 43. Richelieu. 44. Richmond, 45. Rimouski. 46. Rouville. 47. Saguenay. 48. Shefford. 49. Soulanges. 50. St Hyacinthe. 51. St. Johns. 52. St. Maurice. 53. Stanstead. 54 Temiscouata. 55. Terrebonne. 56. Two Mountains. 57. Vaudreuil. 58. Vercheres. 59. Wolfe. 60. Yamaska. A. Montrea’, City. B. Quebec, City. C. Three Rivers, City. D. Sherbrooke, Town. 100 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 12. — Lower Canada — Return of COUNTY OF TOWNSHIPS, parishes, Ac. OccupiEUs OF Lands. Lands — Acres. Total. 10 acres and un- der. 10 to 20. ] 20 to 50. O o o o o 100 to 200. Upwards of 200. | Amount held in j Acres. Under cultiva- tion. Under crops. Under pasture. Under Gardens and Orchards. Wood and Wild Lands. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 j 8 9 10 11 ! 12 1 i ! 13 1 226 13 J 8 78 95 31 27013 22879 12105 10611 163 41.34 110 110 53 57 •i. I/Epiphanie 137 1 5 17 59 45 10 13841 10814 6580 4190 44 3027 78 5 2 6 21 31 13 10555 7267 3831 3436 3288 8. Repentignj" 80 2 5 12 39 21 1 6223 .5070 3239 1794 37 1153 7. St. Henri de Mascouche 301 63 15 38 59 89 37 31218 18724 10419 8187 118 12494 269 5 39 113 95 17 27824 16726 8841 7878 7 11098 9. St. Roch 1 415 77 25 69 102 113 29 1 33591 216671 11993 9536 138 11924 ]0. St. Paul I’Ermite | 100 12 8 8 28 34 10| 9728 6938! 4269 2614 55 2790 n. St. Sulpice 1 104 5 17 49 29 4 9065 7658 4048 3565 45 1407 1 Total of L’Assomption 1710 173 71 214 548 552 152 169168 117853 653781 1 51868 j 607 51315 COUNTY OF 1 2 • AtiiucIgI ••••••*• •••••• •••*•• •••••• ••• i 5 4 1 600 45 23 22 1 ...... 555 1.3. Chatham 407 1 30 87 174 96 19 44886 18509 9736 8756 26357 14. He Salaberry 1 i 15. Grenville 233 9 2 55 102 53 12 33472 12007 6550 5454 3 21465 ^ 0 , ,,T 113 1 78 29 5 14850 4992 2231 2760 1 9858 IT TT o Tri 11 o*t nn 54 53 1 5500 744 528 216 4756 j ^ jVIorin ii- ■ ■ ^ 69! 7 47 10 5 7896 2076 1389 687 5820 1 y 0 D t ^ P 1 1 3 3 1 300 19 9 10 281 ^0 Pt J^rnSciloi^ iiiir 197 2 40 99 51 5 27937 13661 4482 9174 5 14276 21. St. Andrews 177 3 2 19 89 50 14 22068 12588 5085 7464 39 9480 99 St .l^rnTTiP 50 1 23 20 6 12786 3550 1925 1624 1 9236 23. Wentworth 60 31 28 1 8820 1268 584 679 5 7552 Total of Argenteuil • 1368 14 37 208 703 339 67 179095 69459 i 32542 36846 71 109636 COUNTY OF 24. Arthabaska 264 1 1 6 143 84 26 4 20156 6989 4392 2555 42 13167 25. Arthabaskaville 38 3 1 25 6 1 2 2445 1334 760 570 4 1111 OA A^tiOn ......a 56 10 32 8 6 6120 1113 620 490 3 5007 27. Blandford 46 2 1 10 22 9 2 3936 897 521 364 12 3039 og II T 73 35 32 5 1 6241 1357 988 366 3 4884 29 Chester, East 233 3 1 85 121 21 2 16904 6281 3653 2587 41 10623 30. Chester, West 302 7 1 104 159 27 4 22962 5873 4067 1759 47 17089 0 1 T4 p rtriil . 31 3 21 6 1 3530 575 416 157 2 2955 0 <> Mq rLlin fyt.on . 8 6 1 1 2428 280 185 91 4 2148 33. Stanfold 216 2 3 107 70 30 4 167.32 6740 4272 2441 27 9992 0 A T'l r\ nrwioV 408 2 151 208 45 2 34532 7699 5271 2428 1 26833 35. Warwick 168 1 1 70 74 17 5 14388 4475 2878 1572 25 9913 Total of Arthabaska 1843 21 14 743 835 196 1 34 150374 43613 28023 15380 210jl06761 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 101 Agricultural Produce for 1861. L’ASSOMPTION. Cash value of Farm in Dollars. Cash value of Farming Implements in Dollars. Produce of Gardens and Orchards in Dollars. _ Quantity of Land held by Townspeople, not being farmers. Fall Wheat. Spring Wheat. Barley. Rye. Acres. Minots. Acres. Minots. i c C i O .s Acres. ! i c : ! 14 i 15 1 16 17 i 18 19 20 1 21 22 23 24 1 25 125 ! ' 1 870807 48443 4562 5 1 5 79 27 372 814 1 7257 531 4935 3 50| 8 120 339484 19-5 10 2474 2 21 141 1497 370 5982 294 2744 317282 7390 741 33 13 61 91 977 570 12465| 18 94 206470 6852 1410 4853 69 636 322 6708 56 573 685158 22831 2672 100 46 429 573 4701 434 6590 1 364 2744 559897 19772 8179 194 5 39 675 4674 409 4161 15 142 892931 39684 2586 11 70 806 1 7227 708 9416 67 i 689 298075 9509 1663 23 1 . 31 146 1337 333 ! 5703' 72 ' 666 299530 14153 1647 29 7 26 57 591 478 8791 ' 389 4469634 188141 25934 5362 90 756 2585 22012 4441 77123 1462 i 13096 ARGENTEUIL. 925 60 1 1 i 1 ! 290731 22356 7^ 189 4 39 411 5182 226 3485: i 89 1187 142219 13280 13 76 16 197 192 2303 101 1546 50 661 56300 4482 44 57 6 12 l3r 2 14 15192 569 1 20 3 53 26778 1022 2 26 37 544 4 38 600 13 i ' 289680 23572 1 221 2 30 220 2416 140 i 1911: 135 1 1484 349868 22842 1230 141 8 98 549 5739 344 57201 34 346 31836 1801 20 14 170 19 347 14200 4232 33 394 ' 18 j 235| 1 L__!! 1218329 94229 2048 627 30 364 1466 16826 1 900 13972| 315 1 3757 i ARTHABASKA. 305990 13337 442 76 3 32 553 6537 187 2553 420 6178 60175 993 65 118 1 10 94 947 26 395 124 374 53140 881 41 61 585 12 120 3 38 32323 1375 126 58 854 32 439| 5 64 39152 1662 147 1703 30 332 30 296 121695 4736 851 256 3092 206 3031 410 5573 134667 3827 270 232 5 12 261 2724 267 3541 441 4811 10990 771 71 3 34 26 264 36 364 22 204 17700 617 48 19 247 4 50 7 0 267060 8764 625 66 681 7785 287 2995 104 1164 218014 10743 10 470 14129 38 941 182 3483 80765 2982 505 13 390 5008 54 867 173 2120 1341671 50688 3044 505 12 98 3016 43875 1 1 1179 15628 1 1921 24380 102 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 12. — Lower Canada — Return of COUNTY OF Peas. Oats. Buckwheat. Indian Corn. Potatoes. Turnips. CO 2 o CO o fl s CO a> o CO O (D Ut o CO "o C i CO <1 CO O .s r/3 S CO "o .2 CO O u V "o .2 1 26 27 28 29 30 i 3X 32 33 I i 34 35 ii 36 i 1... i 1 ! 1 1 1 1 2... ;5... 4.. . 5.. . 6.. . 7.. . 8.. . 9... 10... 11... 981 925 .895 382 828 1044 1 1601 i 414 444 11581 39 113791 50881 3725 87951 8592; 151541 3452 1 4997 5845 25 3290 2590 1511 5364 4759 6139 1937 2618 102713 1000 .87905 38475 25861 62084 616341 896081 33985; 3310l| 168 2 161 47 37 136 298 421 61 74 2181 Vl6 1072 568 691 ! 1457 2555 5105 713 1022 53 3 27 20 30 16 1 () , 28 22 157lj 30 246 313 556 1 276 I 25 : 241 1 5911 421 I 392 ! 5 1 ■ 423 ! 75 148 .340 219 96 121 110 44026 520 21043 6420 18862 30886 20969j 19357| 16282 157971 1 1 1 1 190 228 4 60 270 ! 149 20 7017 72802 34078 486366 1405 15380 206 4270 1929 194162 3 921 COUNTY OF 12... i 16 ! i 410 i 1 30 Ii 1 6 30i 13.. . 14.. . 313 4451 .3180 69029j 236 I 3801 220| 5807; 588 | 42402 37 5567 15... 249 2957 2505 60376] 64 1 1239 91 1821! 419 { 46481 1 49 4705 16... 12 157 982 16976 145 2489 2j 22j. 212 18847 5 762 17...! 2 12 306 7825 43 i 875 l! 40!' 48 I 51201 ! 18...i 30 359. 537 8482 126 ! 1865 1 Ii 120 1 97251 ' 16 ! 943 19... 1 4 107 1 ^ 6 l! 51! 4 j 502’ 1 20 20... 242 2872 i 2945 56288 ; 293 i 4501 541 1015ij 411 1 37960, i 3700 21...! 329 4673; 2465 43931 ! 163 I 24201 1631 38904 265 i 244881 1 1 11 j 1638 09 1 9 74' , 514 111251 i 92 1 15961 il 148 1 13366' 1 19 1748 se:; 23 31 7 1 361 6426; I 45' 1 J. V V V/ j i 931; 1] 30! 89 1 5559 12 1313 1 1 1 1209 15872 13815 280975 1209 197531 533i 12630] i 2310 j 20448o' ! !i 1 i 171 i II COUNTY OF 1 24... i 228 2182 1198 30482 164 2461 i 106! ] 323 1 320961 1 i U 1337 25... 54 344 220 4341 27 396 2 28 45 4790; ; 1 290 26... 55 481 324 5006 76 1054 4 76 73711 4 403 27... 41 408 235 5201 67 753 39 3758] 1 204 28... 42 335 402 8428 86 1356 2 100 ' 6723, 1' 1 60 29... 114 j 1071 768 13177 202 3074 1 217 20909] 25 1 1853 30... 112 ! 857 660 12933 315 3760 1 i 1"! 316 27429! 1 3489 31... 12 1 I02I 139 28691 36 689 2 1 29; 49 i 3810 1 1 2 ! 254 32... i 62 84 2035 21 250 1 1 11 1 1 1412, i 1 114 33... 298 2663] 1390 33058 153 1864] 4 1 '^^1 253 24090; ! ^ 1345 34... 26 480 1 1329 64532 534 22305 15 406! 654 1 73011 46 j 6915 35... 1 83 958 1 j 1 805 .19365j 167 3162; 1 1 135 192 19965, ! 26 j 5248 1072 9943 7554 201427j 1848 41124j 36 759 2275 225364 i |-« 1 21512 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 103 Agricultural Produce for 1861. UASSOMFTION.— {Continued.) Carrots, Minots. Mangel Wurzel. Beans, Minots. Clover, Timothy and other Grass Seeds, Minots. Hay, Tons. Hops, lbs. Maple Sugar, lbs. Cider, Gallons. Wool, lbs. Fulled Cloth, Yards, j Flannel, Yards. Flax and Hemp, lbs. Linen, Yards. Acres. Minots. 38 i 39 ' 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 5576 27 4660 24 6 2800 25974. 7199 3793 4396 7583 1044 2 432 90 20 10 22 40 26 345 6 468 60 265 993 1702 3745 1948 2042 2748 3230 1 185 4 640 3819 2594 751 1072 845 524 520 4 1290 22 576 550 1933 556 997 992 994 40 22 75 1325 • 4828 5850 2352 3097 3425 .3369 166 2 187 1 285 1685 10 20770 3015 1 1861 3125 3165 .3305 20 1' 530 2 421 1749 6 35053 6547 3.326 4986 4997 5676 418 2 279 44 656 1692 f 2099 1 857 1465 i 1685 1825 2 1033 11 976 1 8002 3127 1471 1706 1 2356 1756 8089 47 9104 179 1063 11490 1 1 102390 36129 16925 22908 1 27836 20705 1 ARGENTEUIL. — {Continued.) 14 18 10 ! 4733 5 1180 109 56 3052 26 3281 51 7506 2478 4538 230 176 540 1 200 1 1988 6645 5471 1782 4726 ! 1791 6 1 938 700 2403 1189 1875 60 15 50 846 393 155 82 U 296 1476 25 1 596 181 601 62 123 6 70 9 4 6656 3 440 37 77 202.3 47 5115 4784 1822 1928 133 1 22 15368 8 1915 36 12 1779 46 3406 6033 1003 1436 33 86 113 1 467 1230 1039 545 1386 10 470 327 1530 756 513 673 40 29685 17 3735 189 191 10927 125 24299 76 29008 9672 17255 528 462 ARTH AB ASKA. — ( Continued.) 32 6 31 15 52 1129 1 30170 3228 2007 2604 6400 3546 12 1 54 3 1 181 20 2590 543 227 413 635 312 16 92 2438 408: , 252 .331 266 633 . 677 500 549 316 •299 660 773 93 3629 545 351 341 283 762 2 24 766 34046 2605 1266 2541 2940 3225 4 4 67 897 29840 54 1721 998 1164 1355 1249 3 82 3220 287 168 191 225 ,359 2 77 560 208 91 210 17.3 193 5 31 772 18394 2977 1817 2483 2273 4009 11 4 2360 55450 4024 336 4541 425 98 20 9 65 590 18146 2.328 1019 1522 764 781 160 7 105 42 258 7716 21 198983 54 19423 8848 16640 16.399 15842 104 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 12. — Lower Canada — Return of COUNTY OF LiTfl Stock. Butter, lbs. Cheese, lbs. Beef in Barrels of 200 lbs. Balls, Oxen and Steers. Milch Cows. Calves and Hei- fers. Horses over 3 years old. Value of same in Dollars. Colts and Fillies. Sheep. Pigs. Total value of Live Stock. J 1 52 53 54 55 56 57 1 58 i 59 60 1 1 61 62 1 63 1... 107 121 7 140 15674 1 i ... 2... 1751 1691 1153 627 47398 353 2049 944 112604 86942 i 353 3... 10 9 26 5 290 5 11 17 1068 500 36 4 4... 62 621 i 359 356 21307 143 889 421 I 25180 40345 1 90 ! 193 5... 474 470 1 453 321 15082 141* 10,39 352 193581 13935 51 i 103 6... 398 404 i 317 238 11383 106 595 332 i 256611 13385 1 230 i 89 fr 1206 1208 1 1234 645 33746 . 342 1811 '760 497501 52695 1 319 8 ... i 1200 i 1123 j 899 j 597 28173 i 322 1646 i 666 1 789061 45812 ' 50 275 9... 1 565 1 1 384 i 1006 ! 753 43415 353 2194 1 990 j 104586; 77625 ; 789 344 10 ... ! 32 , 545 1 425 j 276 13158 166 j 612 ! 352 358931 23752 1 ISC 102 11... ; 717 i 613 j 403 1 350 16294 153 ! 1095 1 1 452 i 37053j 13471 i 40 j 6415 1 8175 6275 4289 230246 2084 j 11948 1 5426 j 505733j 368262 i 1637 1 1782 COUNTY OF 1 12... j ! ! 2 I 3' 3 ^ — rn 1271 ! i i 7 1 1 12 347 1 1 2S0i 1 13...! 76 1 1756 : 1072 1 744 1 1 349151 306! 2591 1090 : 86549 i 84287 9867 203 14... 1 I 1 [ 1 15... 1 57 ’ 1008 1 779 i 461 1 26637 139 i 1782 j 865 j 67866 ; 70091 870 ! 352 16...! 1 i 528: 1 310 1 169 ! [ 9374 631 ! 890 ! 409 24007 ! 32430 150i • 45 17... 1 18 1 135 i '91 1 96 1 3363 11 : 176 ! 1631 1 6610 1 4473 70^ ! 7 18... 1 6 i 160 ! 164 i 75 , i 4225 27, i 237 ! 154i 1 10744 10465 17 19... 1 2 2 i 2 1 130l 4 i 3; I 190 100 1 2 o!.!i I 5 1 ! 1169 628 ■ 453 1 235051 173 1285 ! 736; i 66000 75170 I 6610 417 21... ! 20 1070 1 687 I 545 1 38091 1 210 ; 1512 ; 643 ! 64047 53116 1 5258 259 22... 23... j 243 263 ' 91 i 5005 1 31 ! 373 176 1 14820 18685 80 : 143 194 i i 69 1 1 3091 1 26 266 1 11« 9981 12381 1 1 40 1 j .r. 6288 1 1 3731 2708 i j 148463 986 9123 4.370 ; 351161 36207S| j 22825 ! 1421 COUNTY OF 24... 212 ! 6391 ! 517 ! 251 20591 55 ! 1.310i 659 ! 1 43200 j 28108 ! 96 25... 20 105 731 55 3031 9 237 i 96i 8893 3525 2 26]!! 30 i 70 1 9-^! 48 2514 8 172i 100 5662 1086 i 1 5 27... 104 86 ! ! 1231 44 2650 1 12 2191 101 ' 4164 1 3454 1 1 28... 139 103 ; 1021 64 5915 I 21 226! 172 11624 1 1262 29... 170 344^ 1 444i 153 9937 ; 35 979 ; 480 31189 18146 i I 30... 1 379 ! 311 ! 439 1 151 8793 ; 30 7981 530 27555 1 ‘ 7841 425; 48 I 20 i 4 1 i 67 30 1730 1 6 1 ISi 74 4089 390 K»J .32... j 38 1 28 29 13 1200 1 3 84! 24 1700 1275 1 36 2 S3... 492 1 494 514 289 16032 I 68 1214’ 623 42357 14894 1 27 34... 367 ; 670 1155 238 13785 1 137 1.304 649 70378 61525 1 195 43 35... 18S 335 4U [ 153 9038 1 53 831 359 27568 j ! 14650 1 525 31 2169 3126 1 3968 1489 95216 j 437 7492, 3870 278379j : 156156 1181 255 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 105 Agricultural Produce for 1861. L’ASSOMPTION.— (Cojilinwed.) Pork in Barrels of 200 lbs. Fish. Carriages kept for pleasure. Value of same in Dollars. Carriages kept for hire. Value of same in Dollars. Minerals. Dried in Quin- tals. Salted and Bar- relled. Sold Fresh, lbs. Copper ore mined, Tons. Value. Iron ore mined, Tons. V alue. 64 65 66 67 1 1 68 69 70 71 I 72 73 74 75 93 3384 2 80 419 12301 Ou i 6 1 41 2 237 6110 1 1 1 330 108 2791 1 200 157 3328 10 61 819 ... 1 351’ 10295 2 15 709 j 485 15270 4 65 ' 1051 454 i 11639 268 1 211 5163 39 • 388 305 234 1 3861 48 135 4997 2749 i 74148 105 iu 1 j i ARGENTEUIL.—( CoR^imeerf.) 2 .392 I 1 1 1 1 i 1 i 1 .309 6732 4 30 i 556 146 20 128 1 46 24 1653 454 1 60 i i 4 150 768 652 145 i 1 131 I 176 i 2 1 48.39 5152 34 1 3 40 200 1 1 23 1 ! i 154 1 2832 1 i 1 702 1 19168 9 : i 3o0 1 i i ARTHABASKA. — Continued.) 1 467 43 37 .355 45 64 37 61 129 55 15 1 12 i 377 j 59 1 54 6397 1048 744 677 718 1771 843 1 253 1 ! 22 6.3 207 483 28 15 301 239 217 i ! j ] i j 1 351, 6207! 1931 1 1 1 1 i i 1485 2122 1 1263 22425 106 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 12. — Lower Canada — Return of COUNTY OF TOWNSHIPS, PARISHES, &c. Occupiers op Lands. Lands — Acres. Total. 10 acres and un- der. 10 to 20. O O O (M 50 to 100. 100 to 200. Upwards of 200. Amount held in Acres Under cultiva- tion. Under crops. Under pasture. Under Gardens and Orcliards. Wood and AVild Lands. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ! 10 11 i 12 1 13 36. Acton 163 3 1 93 44 14 8 13852 2856 2038 780 38 10996 37. St. Dominique 281 6 6 37 199 33 185.34 6768 4374 2216 178 11766 38. Ste. Helene 265 4 5 102 122 21 "ii 20308 2756 1481 1164 111 17552 39. St. Hugues 304 7 4 55 163 57 18 30305 13138 9353 3607 178 17167 40. St. Liboire 164 2 77 63 15 7 19620 1851 1274 546 31 17769 41. St. Pie 627 64 29 187 296 48 3 34212 25388 15993 9134 261 8824 42. Ste. Rosalie 213 5 11 23 127 38 9 17831 11488 8172 3226 90 6343 43. St. Simon 195 5 2 26 112 35 15 17552 10405 7346 3046 i 1-^ 7147 44. Upton 98 2 3 28 42 8 15 20465 1798 1221 526 51 18667 Total of Bagot 2310 96 63 628 1168 269 86 192679 76448 51252 24245 951 116231 COUNTY OF 45. Aylmer 140 4 87 39 10 14540 4353 1529 2792 32 10187 46. Adstock 8 5 2 1 650 33 21 12 617 47. Dorset 1 1 200 7 7 193 48. Forsyth 106 73 29 4 7233 2955 739 2216 4278 49. Gayhurst 18 4 13 1 1465 351 172 177 2 1114 50. Jersey 27 8 4 10 5 3760 694 478 216 3066 51. Lambton 89 34 26 23 6 9973 3843 1821 1988 34 6130 52. Liniere 65 1 3 22 17 22 13994 2400 1640 760 11594 53. Marlow 6 1 5 1935 194 132 61 1 1741 54. Price 9 2 4 3 398 244 103 137 4 154 55. Ste. Marie de la Beauce 350 5 3 18 103 171 50 48057 32117 16236 15850 31 15940 56. St. Joseph 325 9 122 118 76 43629 20326 10028 10174 124 23303 57. St. Frederick 132 5 10 52 44 21 17938 8196 4244 3915 37 9742 58. St. Elzear 276 6 43 125 81 21 28885 20561 13369 7103 89 8324 59. St. Georges 246 10 1 20 127 73 15 26380 13115 3132 9919 64 13265 60. St: Francois 419 9 6 47 184 114 59 49030 20007 11024 8910 73 29023 61. Shenley 46 9 1 4 26 5 1 4373 498 301 196 1 3875 62. Tring 330 1 1 193 111 15 9 25039 9723 3267 6385 71 15316 Total of Beauce 2593 34 26 475 1027 730 301 297479 139617 68243 70811 563 157862 COUNTY OF 63. Beauharnois 6 2 1 1 2 207 197 129 67 1 10 64. Ste. Cecile 129 6 3 72 40 8 7068 4169 2514 1574 81 2899 65. St. Clement 371 21 9 115 143 69 14 30146 25046 18970 5775 301 5100 66. St. Louis de Gonzaque 474 94 10 165 168 36 1 28097 20004 14307 5509 198 8083 67. St. Stanislas do Kotska 137 2 3 79 41 11 1 8835 3794 2269 1456 69 5041 68. St. Timoth6e 254 21 16 96 79 36 6 17638 13609 10103 3360 146 4029 Total of Beauharnois 1371 146 42 528 473 160 22j 91991 66829 48292 17741 796 25162 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 107 Agricultural Produce for 1861. BAGOT. Cash value of Farm in . Dollars. Cash value of Farmkig Implements in Dollars. Produce of Gardens and Orchards in Dollars. Quantity of Land held by Townspeople, not being farmers. Fall Wheat. Spring Wheat. Barley. Rye. Acres. Minots. Acres. Minots. Acres. Minots. Acres. Minots. 14 15 16 1 n 1 18 1 19 20 21 1 22 1 1 23 24 1 25 162125 4957 1038 13118 3 27 190 2093 52 658 44 431 411459 30724 4630 7 931 11040 261 3835 165 1198 206879 4969 1180 158 j 122 1512 53 890 45 463 568965 20583 3027 125 1524 16215 603 11902 8 54 199858 4495 398 12 196 2034 72 977 21 231 795306 26478 3836 147 4049 42728 756 13981 81 888 444393 20052 2148 171 2 11 1006 9927 542 9453 34 286 545780 38249 3748 12 1071 14222 365 7383 21 270 178288 , 3691 578 59 881 32 452 o 18 3513053 154198 20583 13750 5 38 9148 100652 2736 49531 1 422 3839 BEAUCE. 114030 5448 1627 25 449 320 8132 334 8585 830 • 13 200 150 1 45 57755 766 2 j 24 257 99 1574 119 1604 9850 300 80 35 1008 22 428 8030 431 4 31 23 248 1 9 142800 6105 1656 10 51 969 183 38551 241 6148 23635 1681 6 54 63 714 2450 ■ 43 9 115 4850 570 164 20 379 15 311 407350 13244 1520 17 248 2494 384 6213 11 155 425760 14746 3178 28 40 37/ 496 6181 20 200 176810 3820 886 6 36 663 232 2722 2 14 327205 10316 1241 62 331 2770 364 4620 46 567 182954 3262 876 10 128 1180 241 3370 55 597 477425 27293 3000 69 752 328 4855 21 349 • 14957 1000 6 1 13 150 86 1923 43 698 161440 9880 4615 47 522 509 8202 310 5234 2538301 98905 18849' 135 1022 10668 3406 54356 1240 24899 BEAUHARNOIS. 1.340 106151 1357089 976012 220114 593900 43 94 68 53 23 101 12 476 2045 2441 575 1805 19 5100 20058 31130 5010 19892 10 378 1.514 1253 138 1033 387 7322 28525 25231 1998 19128 10288 130981 243289 5269 62760 1827 7678 11382 1312 5218 98 1323 25 65 13 4 299 457 114 34 3354606 499587 27417 382 99 1223 7354 81209 4326 82591 107 904 108 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 12. — Lower Canada — Return of COUNTY OF Peas. Oats. Buckwheat. Indian Corn. Potatoes. * Turnips. Acres. i Minots. Acres. I Minots. Acres. Minots. Acres. Minots. Acres. Minots. Acres. TO o .2 26 27 28 29 I 30 31 32 33 34 1 35 36 37 36... 143 1749 546 8388 98 1306 22 319 184 16925 1 20 2141 37... 768 7446 1625 26806 126 2122 88 664 419 28009 14 1042 38... 114 1398 556 13109 26 593 3 53 114 11655 2 112 39... 894 9122 3137 57737 128 1736' 21 355 202 20286 9 1143 40... 92 935 317 6790 71 752i 5 58 117 8911 15 1332 41... 1973 25264 4276 60646 206 4479' 170 2160 381 46320 1 160 42... 991 10114 1 2354 35050 59 779' 23 536 95 12966 43... 955 13473 2263 48349 64 1260l 11 556 93 11991 4 1026 44... 89 993 408 7636 43 672 1 18 83 8175 3 262 6019 70494 15482 264511 821 13699 344 4719 1688 165238 68 7218 i COUNTY OF 45... 59 1204 315 11581 53 3117 100 5927 1 46... 1 8 1 20 47.. 4 80 1 85 48... 47 408 369 3380 11 181 63 5196 1 49... 18 595 2 158 7 1955 50... 15 113 87 2010 37 1357 1 12 51... 89 1641 569 16521 124 977 80 14038 52... 67 567 499 9370 63 3055 6 900 53... 3 18 16 273 5 275 54... 3 61 192 405 2 50 6 1051 55... 445 3933 • 4053 78243 30 527 1 28 276 28813, 122 2019 56... 245 2364 4281 61104 32 319 420 16762 57... 140 863 1494 21872 29 365 97 7760 1 18 58... 418 3154 3698 17331 194 1344 1 9 228 18458 5 204 59... 282 2378 2106 36292 4 , 66 2 15 520 12702 1 25 60... 424 3377 4823 80210 1 20 145 26471 1 60 61... 8 53 105 1423 177 122 17 2791 62... 206 1744 1931 36797 32 649 227 26623 2452 21886 24560 377487 691 7895 5 72 2292 173319 137 3238 COUNTY OF 63 .. 64 .. 29 550 3772 22 622 230 13861 1 48 122 263 69 806 24 336 85 5497 39 65.. 4186 71119 3951 78623 606 4635 55 1135 234 24228 2 117 66.. 2977 57643 3093 68335 180 1803 74 1456 418 35446 13 1407 67 .. 539 7837 707 1.3962 80 283 10 196 86 7089 6 348 68 .. 1799 23965 2526 52084 344 2405 70 834 317 21550 2 50 9784 164886 10921 227095 i 1279 9932 234 4505 1140 93932 23 1 2011 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 109 Agricultural Produce for 1861. BAGOT. — [Continued.) Carrots, Minots. Mangel Wurzel.* Beans, Minots. Clover, Timothy and other Grass Seeds, Minots. Hay, Tons. Hops, lbs. 1 Maple Sugar, lbs. Cider, Gallons. £ ’o o Fulled Cloth, Yards. Flannel, Yards. 1 Flax and Hemp, lbs. Linen, Yards. Acres. ! Minots, 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 88 10 18 39 384 5 15997 1136 773 938 624 900 51 6 432 1 27 822 4 26853 755 5177 3923 3477 2296 4241 155 1 112 2 48 225 3 17460 919 765 995 1107 1089 48 12 87 1253 19272 6661 3102 4892 2031 4482 2 223 11046 972 798 737 S3 531 1374 1 259 69 162 2799 6 39078 13 10474 5971 6601 4460 5348 126 55 1182 29061 6035 3006 3582 3964 3330 111 1 3 480 28 179 1264 50 21514 385 6801 3314 4998 4520 6049 180 1 35 281 5 7478 547 254 496 339 217 2133 1 1 1293 133 632 8433 73 187759 1153 38722 21906 26716 19424 26187 BEAUCE. — [Continued.) 10 548 42600 1919 946 1074 940 1525 6 625 750 12 6 500 i 347 16425 672 485 578 391 140 87 1850 54 9 48 24 36 3 125 6810 237 65 163 110 24 573 27540 1732 1013 1'301 1236 1815 431 15450 927 447 412 781 288 58 34 20 18 39 2350 129 111 84 102 84 74 24 3850 44550 9604 4874 8362 5116 7071 1 4 5738 6 115465 9955 4581 9025 6069 7649 14 1409 65348 A 3346 1654 3158 1916 2730 14 2 20 30 8 2495 49608 5971 3055 5346 4445 4821 2 1 12 1938 46350 4468 2326 3967 371 2262 4 16 4791 296570 18759 5491 8992 5150 7884 30 1400 32 7 43 7 6 14 1722 96475 3147 2272 3130 3467 4390 94 8 645 56 67 24181 6 830041 58998 27356 45707 30197 40733 BEAUHARNOIS.— (Con^inwerf.) 10 68 6 26 16 114 6 149 25 10 326 33 4136 1201 781 578 195 87 3239 11 2413 354 342 2018 129 7861 120 7832 3782 5496 1200 1332 4243 10 498 75 266 1166 368 15867 110 9900 4457 5904 1217 808 177 1 111 24 8 312 61 2501 1243 586 855 406 100 1 3 64 46 90 942 6153 5257 2496 2446 272 137 7784 31 3303 524 716 4770 591 36518 230 25459 12118 15279 3290 2464 no CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 12. — Lower Canada — Return of N COUNTY OF Live Stock. • Butter, lbs. W : cT * CO 0 © 0 Beef in Barrels of 1 200 lbs. Bulls, Oxen and Steers. Milch Cows. Calves and Hei- fers. Horses over 3 years old. Value of same in Dollars. Colts and Fillies. Sheep. Pigs. Total value of Live Stock. 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 j 60 1 61 62 63 36... 68 260 165 225 9550 37 397 200 22935 ' 10983 1 600 90 37... 619 516 512 456 52097 125 1201 547 66314 36308 161 241 38... 21 271 196 158 7978 37 300 222 19501 16783 1 94 39... 53 967 926 569 31641 274 2032 945 76109 25500 160 197 40... 227 196 168 124 6869 24 249 144 16446 5455 40 41... 472 1623 1329 951 69552 540 3757 1307 115207 36235 60 150 ( 2 65 814 702 451 22877 156 1712 614 55837 37618 100 392 43!*.*. 766 727 713 403 28153 172 1859 680 64392 64387 423 372 44... 42 102 98 84 4461 16 145 122 4989 5135 14 2333 . 5476 4809 3241 233178 1381 11652 4781 441730 238409 1504 1590 COUNTY OF 45... • 79 210 183 130 13083 14 505 302 26299 20625 46 ... 5 5 5 2 55 14 7 219 47... 1 1 0 3 2 129 48!.! 204 152 113 98 5439 2 i 367 207 11321 3547 5 49... 3 15 5 14 1400 2 1 IS 15 2024 1400 5o!!! 14 40 40 19 i 1247 5 116 25 26131 1610 5 51... 115 226 215 57 i 13976 11 693 302 65315 1 10800 52!!! 97 1.38 159 62 4082 10 430 100 9082i 5062 359 19 53 . 12 10 4 245 16 9 475 i 750 50 54... 2 9 30 10 1013 3 44 i 17 1689| 910 1 55... 630 1594 1895 1249 39490 94 3705 i 1031 99174: 60960 60 142 56... 2076 1601 '2054 485 • 99187 104 3754 ! 873 1188851 63534 187 57... 232 481 623 181 . 11394 38 1460 1 381 32375; 18267 32 58... 1429 1075 359 22136 80 1 2624 i 999 62174i 34543 16 64 59... 899 621 777 270 19824 64 : 2247 445 323031 27790 1 60... 668 1830 1243 519 91345 115 1 4776 10871 107343 1 48742 77 61... 40 37 13 22 1299 , 61 52 2498 10 62!!! 330 572 516 290 20585 42 1732 654 22853 17659 1 6824 8619 7881 3771 315800 586 22565 6508 596771 310209 485 533 COUNTY OF 63... 1 123 1 132 64... 235 374 308 359 65... 573 1228 1231 1023 66... 69 1396 1142 1027 67... 7 307 294 257 68... 88 890 790 721 973 4318 3766 3519 10493 67818 62998 8813 49315 1 120 571 513 119 328 1652 86 48 10105 24 508 499 :'.5288 9098 13 2040 1214 108125 56265 1365 154 2375 1154 94362 73069 3286 1 274 454 324 13540 12755 58 1 726 1007 48756 23071 50 1 125 7189 4246 310176 ; 174258 1 4701 648 1 99437 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 111 Agricultural Produce for 1861. BAGOT. — {Continued,) Pork in Barrels of 200 lbs. Fish. Carriages kept for pleasure. ^ Value of same in Dollars. Carriages kept for hire. Value of same in Dollars. Minerals. Dried in Quin- tals. Salted and Bar- relled. Sold Fresh, lbs. Copper ore mined, Tons. V alue. Iron ore mined, Tons. Value. 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 178 158 2887 41 554 3114 155700 460 466 9639 4 40 167 153 3006 5 79 662 641 12964 89 740 156 99 1750 898 982 20475 627 426 11337 74 891 776 528 9697 1 3 96 59 1551 179 6479 4020 3512 < 73306 214 2307 3293 162179 BEAUCE.— (Confmwerf.) 274 1 1 108 18 22 248 70 4 18 lf>09 825 354 763 374 591 25 470 123 2605 20 23 333 398 169 4505 J 7 809 292 48 510 250 696 175 15399 7687 1166 7247 4050 11746 54 14 725 225 1 1 462 9446 5175 3409 64757 68 950 BE AUH ARNOIS . — ( Continued.) 70 214 929 998 187 783 3181 3 8 1 1 18 282 2 395 56 202 66 13 505 517 269 220 815 596 151 521 7665 3728 23061 16545 2763 14028 30 608 1 30 78 1234 99 1622 18 168 78 7152 2572 304 67790 10814 112 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 12. — Lower Canada — Return of COUNTY OF TOWNSHIPS, PARISHES, &c. Occupiers op Lands. Lands — Acres. Total. lO^cres and un- der. 10 to 20. 20 to 50. o 1 o o o 100 to 200. • Upwards of 200. | Amount held in Acres. Under cultiva- tion. Under crops. Under pasture. Under Gardens and Orchards. Wood and Wild Lands. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 11 12 13 150 10 67 63 10 16200 2158 1465 691 2 14042 102 3 4 26 56 13 12793 8817 4629' 4086 102 3976 171 34 123 11 3 16488 1848 830 1017 1 14640 72. St. Charles 2.^2 13 14 19 80 103 23 27115 16936 8858 7939 139 10179 266 2 15 100 118 31 25988 18493 10567 7575 351 7495 398 28 197 74 22 34145 12708 4133 8549 26 214.37 75. St. Michel 143 4 2 4 70 55 8| 15917 12388 7010 5236 142 3529 76. St. Raphael 300 14 2 58 131 83 12 24132 9118 3717 5284 117 15014 77. St, Valier 128 2 3 8 74 37 4 11966 llllOj 6602 4392 116 856 Total of Bellechasse j 1910 01 26j 229 868 600 126 184744 1 93576| 1 47811 44769 996 91168 COUNTY OF 78. Berthier 293 68 6 37 64 82 I 36 29636 ! 23241 17771 5351 119 6395 79 BfiTthiPirj Villa, ge 2 1 1 273 1 253 165 60 28 20 8(1 Bra.nrloTi 75 2 38 27 8 4782 2845 1841 982 22 1937 81. Isle du Pads 119 25 17 22 34 16 1 ^ 6948 5687 4126 15.34 27 1261 82. Lanoraie 202 2 12 35 45 83 25 23680 12426 7344 4998 84 11254 83. Lavaltrie 227 11 35 52 57 53 19 19247 1 10220 5988 4189 43 9027 84. St. Barthelemi 299 53 16 54 94 1 66 16! 22040 13023 7488 5478 57 9017 85. St. Cuthbert 508 107 26 121 111 1 102 1 41! 38224 21732 1.5274 6401 57 16492 86. St. Gabriel 528 3 14 149 245 1 91 i 26! 47408 14458 10287 4169 2 32950 87. St. Norbert 271 13 66 47 88 40 17 18645 I 13151 9837 .3272 42 1 *5494 Total of Berthier 2524 284 193 555 766 541 185 210883 1 117036 80121 36434 ! 481 L_ 93847 COUNTY OF 88. Carlcton 114 s 7 61 I 26 i 6939 2346 1106 1 1213 ! 27 j 4593 89. Cox 200 71 ! 77 ; -{-i 1 24 1 ^7 15960 2594 1 1783 775 ' 36 1.3366 90 1 102 0 1 5 1 62 70 ; 14 ! 5 1 j 12482 i 1930 ' 1596 329 1 5 10552 91. Hamilton 198 7 4 (55 ' 7 0 i 16 1 18217 1 3441 i 2558 849 ' 34 14776 92. Hope 130 4 1 13 j 57 i 41 1 1 2; 8261 I 1 520 ' 1303 216 j 1 1 6741 93, Mann 102 47 ■ 7 12 ■ 20 i i 7| 8434 1 1934 ! 517 ! 1415 ; 2 6500 94. Maria 233 14 { 6 ! ^»7 1 05 : 34 7: 20670 i 4840 I 3216 I 1577 : 47 1 15830 M'^tapfiflin, ., 32 1 1 11 1 7 5 ()' 6200 ! 1.330 1 281 : 1049 1 4870 96. New Richmond 215 1 4 j 55 105 i -^2 8 20801 j 5770 ; 3120 I 2632 1 15031 97. Nouvelle and Shoolbreds i 240 7 1 72 91 64 (5 22259 1 4480 1 2295 i 2182 1 3 17779 pR R.jq^igr>nr>bft, 74 1 3 i 16 i 35 20 18551 3104 1827 1 1277 1 15447 1 Total of Bonaventure 1760 158 98 531 595 293 S5 158774 33289 19602 o ec j 173 125485 COUNTY OF 99. Bolton 434 12 14 931 188 93 34i 50899 , 18654 11577] 7018 59 32245 100. Brome 426 131 153j i 99 31 ; 46894 , 21547 11939! 9462 146 25.347 101. Farnham 259 6* lol 77| 86 51 23 ' 27974 ! 10135 5705| 4.334 1 96 1 17839 102 Prtttnn 290 4 65 no' 77! i 341 35681 1 14323 8543! 5654 126 ! 21.358 103. Sutton 482 ■■-j 140 175 : 97 36 46108 20275 i 110661 9029 I ' 1 180 25833 Total of Brome 1891 41 57 506! 712 1^1 158 207556 84934 48830|35497 607 122622 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 113 Agricultural Produce for 1861. BELLEHCHASSE. Cash value of Farm in Dollars. 1 Cash value of Farming Implements in Dollars. Produce of Gardens and Orchards in Dollars. Quantity of Land held by Townspeople, not being farmers. Fall Wheat. SpRiNa Wheat. Barley. Rye. Acres. i o a Acres. Minota. Acres. Minots. 1 *83.10 y 1 Minots. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 1 1 24 i i 25 57262 8685 1 10 # 43 539 255 3287 130 1408 312450 14170 1151 66 163 1282 26 380 206 2187 104064 1735 365 109 880 299 2024 44 558 478790 21287 3854 14 141 1796 48 817 500 6238 470140 50895 4394 94 583 5266 140 2011 414 3804 249455 9341 1688 34 226 1280 169 2751 190 2064 477380 23846 4968 47 317 2523 83 884 449 4120 238513 10153 3204 78 1004 119 2144 154 2525 288657 11910 2410 28 370 2864 76 845 219 2050 2676711 152022 22034 283 1 10 2030 17434 1215 15143 i 2306 1 24954 BERTHIER. 1229760 43865 7947 284 5 37 200 r 2296 170 2570 333 2199 196239 690 1237 167 4 103 3 30 3 103 16 88336 6312 2032 45 519 25 397 i 50 567 301814 7059 961 6561 2147 518| 165 365756 14980 3698 35 1 i 9 97 1067 103 18761 1 2273 13851 410440 18393 1505 9493 1 3 20 30 386 190 1 3747 1 j 1518 112583 831349 47646 1566 360 4399 144 2307 30 335 1459508 9432 2477 241 2075 371 42521 87 770 301067 8642 50 52 16 160 163 1402 236 2889 640 5275 276893 7681 1841 1 111 1055 73 10521 82 886 5461162 164700 23314 16592 29 329 1250 15376 1315 19711 5013 136647 BONAVENTURE. 53919 2364 347 78 568 116 1718 1 j 1 1 1 1115 235291 15027 1884 4351 4 40 135 2395 267 6080 87957 4222 153 6047 193 2587 198 2835 1 1 j 252786 8543 2167 163 2030 246 4252 i 93! 1 1198 82982 2909 202 3465 132 1939 37026 2474 167 35 468 30 352 861 1 1131 128269 10598 289 19 239 65 614 129 1545 280| 3053 7900 1951 12 185 28 517 1 105147 7059 1088 337 132 ! 1244 256 3024 721 699 86479 6014 12 101 1353 242 4242 179 1 2251 46925 4310 1 lej 252 57 1482 28 1 561 1124681 65471 5928 10902 23 291 1132 15161 1701 27986 1 844 10008 BROME. 450683 587486 400060 417550 483225 16687 21933 15111 19477 259.32 2906 1095 1659 3651 5743 243 368 337 24 2 2 46 j 344 319 186 217 448 5762 5420 3897 4363 7532 1 106 119 54 91 119 2950 2837 1292 2312 3217 41 98 9 91 49 770 1308 146 1593 828 2339004 99140 15054 974 2 46 1514 26974 J 12608 288 4645 8 114 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 12. — Lower Canada — Return of COUNTY OF Peas. Oats. Buckavheat. Indian Cohn. Potatoes. Turnips. Acres. Minots. /Acres. Minots. Acres. Minots. Acres. Minots. Acres. Minots. Acres. Minots. i 1 26 27 28 29 30 1 31 32 .33 34 35 1 36 37 69 .. 2I> 80 369 5910 95 1186 114 5817 2 115 70 .. 106 1078 2098 37578 13 223 3 49 351 50780 5 977 71 67 218 242 1980 71 1406 131 6206 9 137 72 .. 173 2215 41.32 71302 2 22 532 67477 z 934 7.‘> ..1 201 1941 4358 69958 71 1528 6 105 347 57138 6 629 74 ..1 170 1891 2523 10300 470 7716 387 35099 2 63 75 203 1625 2623 45156 10 132 1 348 46951 ] 140 76 .. 58 660 1840 44370 323 7635 1 19 500 33173 o 2.32 77.. 70 669 2214 41377 14 182 205 24129 1 2 610 1071 10377 20399 1 327931 1069 20030 10 173 2915 j .326770 30 3837 COUNTY OF 78... 591 6852 6268 126948 359 5804 80 960 275 36821 2 250 79... 3 86 56 1031 ...x.... 16 3 87 8 1867 80... 136 1725 422 16770 86 923 1 28 83 9574 10 1082 81... 1934 39180 2589 268 13585 53 82... 161 1542 2796 50109 J30 2018 27 650 264 39197 2 1 75 83... 145 1879 2165 2S707| 118 1967 21 443 168 15791 84... 536 7656 5814 157018 264 3799 17 310 160 24375 1 345 85... 1674 12889 9550 1921981 555 9691! 28 434 273 298421 1 25 86... 810 7381 3440 61235 576 5389 1 25 377 39900! 14 1 559 87... 823 1 9814j 1 4538 1 640771 387 4911 i 120 233 19222} 1 71 4879 51758 1 34999 7375731 1 2475 37107 185 3325 1841 230174 31 2560 COUNTY OF 88... 2l| 136 489 7860} 2 18 1 209 29763 146 89... 8! 215 420 10426 1 12 271 33824 13 5389 90... 7 82 346 8349 1 12 1 250 29240 21 3182 91... 8 108 580 15841 365 54197 11 1254 92... 1 8 273 6081 156 25244 1 261 93... 20 155 204 4304 1 6 131 14001 6 505 94... 14 107 667 14529 3 40 4 100 428 55273 4 221 95... 7 7ll 131 4260 13 291 ! 61 9405 14 2363 96... 23 225 801 20118 449 51099 27 981 97... 39 294 806 16467 4 48 328 48300 6 823 98... 12 218 297 13726 1 40 103 18189 17 3902 160 1619 5020 121961 25 461 5 107 2751 368535 123 19027 COUNTY OF 99. 27 408 995 33090 427 11.348 1.35 4936 302 47483 15 4126 100. 44 985 15.34 50025 375 8128 500 14966 299 47419 27 6087 101. 60 1199 1051 34608 IS.'i 3161 232 8175 178 26390 20 6448 102. 66 1066 767 26375 1 296 8325 237 6888 240 40628 28 8144 103. 23 526 1515 48928 304 8331 384 9425 616 53112 34 9009 226 4184 5862 193026 1537 39293 1488 44390 1635 215032 124 33814 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 115 Agricultural Produce for 1861. BELLECHASSE.— (Cow/mweiif.) Carrots, Minots. Mangel Wurzel. Beans, Minots. Clover, Timothy and other Grass Seeds, Minots. Hay, Tons. Hops, lbs. Maple Sugar, lbs. Cider, Gallons. Wool, lbs. Fulled Cloth, Yards. Flannel, Yards. I Flax and Hemp, lbs. Linen, Yards. Acres. Minots. 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 18 13 15275 370 207 488 231 312 15 31 149 1204 4275 1751 2391 2395 1734 2271 2 34 3206 143 13 246 29818 204 80 146 230 47 44 2378 23975 6139 2556 4406 3069 4621 94 243 2930 46663 7505 4792 5963 6547 8285 29 1798 52815 3514 2255 2909 3790 4553 15 135 2477 7839 5872 3626 4638 3153 4642 12 87 2554 59035 3307 2579 2738 3636 4068 47 2372 3060 4618 2317 3873 3027 3357 17 34 3206 295 765 15972 242755 33280 20803 27556 25417 32156 BERTHIER. — [Continued.) 1 472 47 5091 39 140 4172 9 38844 7986 2898 4659 6282 6685 15 66 41 18 25 40 30 12 8 119 448 11735 1140 787 1243 1301 2929 9 1715 18 304 1272 1843 3044 1117 2211 1706 2740 64 694 17 807 20625 3876 2413 2770 3631 3387 4 885 10 1353 26109 2840 1764 1944 1927 2264 286 2723 17840 6072 3026 5674 8260 12425 12 8 640 5634 14567 17090 3354 4798 8298 10563 24 5 1 420 1692 54008 4164 2682 3835 7630 8642 63 3 182 7 25 1362 16980 50 3528 1581 2157 1 5145 5070 595 126 9235 92 1301 19529 9 202551 50 49781 19640 29316 41220 54735 BONAVENTURE.- -[Continued) 1 2 7 297 28 280 1853 4193 1646 258 535 60 1 49 28 747 181 1650 1964 1288 48 7 368 7222 2281 3098 1277 ij- 728 1200 2402 2922 2507 1016 2815 386 5856 1206 1159 548 6 1 4 690 29 5750 768 1888 390 13 14 7 53 730 4 13445 3502 2047 2311 817 1494 379 100 931 960 11 37 1321 36 3363 5919 1587 259 168 3 1104 33 40 3592 461 2086 214 29 1242 166 2578 2222 1845 80 1 65 61 133 7992 477 38121 24084 23935 14245 2564 5012 B ROM E . — ( Continued.) 186 2412 1507 1354 1229 2 3 77 892 20 54 301 338 385 469 333 483 152 24 272 140 5573 6534 3115 4748 6923 8068 10 382 4032 87794 74399 51127 87003 113994 1 60 34 9896 9667 5271 7995 11185 1838 547 537 585 1177 5360 5620 2118 3308 6901 178 112 1260 96 205 182 74 120 148 75 6688 5 1043 1826 1071 26893 12492 414317 95 44014 4684 23307 1851 608 S* 116 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 12. — Lower Canada — Return or COUNTY OF Live Stock. ! Butter, lbs. Cheese, lbs. . Beef in Barrels of 200 lbs. Bulls, Oxen and Steers. {c o 0 rn o 1 Calves and Hei- fers. Horses over 3 years old. Value of same in Dollars. Colls and Fillies. O O M W. <50 Total value of Live Stock. 1 5= i 53 54 1 55 j 56 57 1 58 59 60 ] 61 1 1 62 1 63 69... 151 124 74 87 5399 1 150 1 190 10167 4880 70... 703 505 2.37 201 12531 25 774 488 37491 33338 100 71... 67 156 36 94 5532 3 142 165 9617 8570 72... 1219 902 1161 365 22943 71 1709 1039 66984 46717 148 73... 1796 1257 1366 455 31910 109: 2144 1282 98477 79660 1 ! 168 74... 941 686 803 317 19118 77 1421 700 44357 31450 8 73 75... 1039 725 695 270 18521 61 1372 748 61160 53646 156 76... 852 .641 677 301 37906 59 1003 792 46864 35123 72 4 1 ...! 258 759 469 280 18414 60 1155 695 56262 j 47025 112 i ! 7626 5755 5518| 2370 172274 466 9930 0099 i 43 1379 ! 340409 j 1 829 COUNTY OF 78.. . 79.. . 80.. . 1335 6 1114 72 977 5 698 no 1 39037 253 2859 82 989 91 84674 7322 40384 150 467 1 50 i 131 217 166 153 11 « 7930 42 429 ! 204 15897 1 9030 1 39 81... 585 470 451 26 ;■ 14809 88 1474! 1494 t 491 337021 1 16971 340 1 82... 744 678 536 428 25176 96 762 50845 21880 139 83... 668 577 522 338 19635 117| [ 1086 482 41138' 38639 101 84... 1030 920 742 618 37994 247 2351 , 918 36088j 37454 310 284 85... 147 1163 1260 884 50854 275 28671 [ 1106 992321 45866 3501 388 86... 1062 809 829 518 26952 147 1784 993 53086! 19601 25 ! 214 87... 713 480 400 348 21875 122 1428! 1 528 41140j 10902 lOOj 1 88 6507 6449 6875 4327 244262 1387 15854 0563 463124 240877| 1592 1435 COUNTY OF 88... 224 176 10- 109 9969 12 ! 703 359 15937 4307 .; 46 89... 404 432 238 255 17810 28 999 1032 380S0| 16533 30 160 90... 236 204 242 73 5686 20 823 639 1 170801 10172 188' 50 91... 479 320 159 179 12649 56 1089 1009 ! 35250! 12941 1 ! 109 92... 148 157 163 72 4-208 29 539 492 17971 ' 5586 1 1 87 93... 82 132 183 38 3648 19 274 163 146271 iioool 1 50' 68 94... 563 368 177 173 15612 48 I 1225 627 30719! 16588 200| 262 95... 19 98 89 42 4200 9 1 302 76 9454i 7096 i 234! 73 96... 237 468 72 205 14783 72 i 1357 538 27820 26845 j 13951 217 97... 128 494 448 181 14591 62 ! 1419 514 36259i 17972 i 822| 246 98... 60 197 216 50 4340 38 513 162 19778! 16623 952j 233 2530 3046 1 1917 1377 107496 1 398 1 9243 5571 262975 j 145663 387lj 1551 COUNTY OF 99.. 426 ! 1 1145 1621 393 30963 236 2738 428 108955 105711 8952 330 100.. 380 1709 2233 524 34695 261 ■2884 433 128050! 150376 15045 101.. 158 1139 1019 382 24022 169 1389 272 7S410i 91335 59860 143 102.. 340 1052 1322 311 21661 231 j 2098 317 851631 1024781 ! 5130 296 103.. 622 2156 2160 555 42160 2951 1 3466 455 143599: 1 208213' 1 10355 378 1826 7201 8301 2165 153501 1492 j 12575 1905 544177i 1 064113 99342 1147 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 117 Agricultural Produce fcr 1861. BELLECEASSE,— (Continued.) Pork in Barrola of | 200 lbs. 1 Fish. Carriages kept for | pleasure. | L 1 Value of same in Dollars. Carriages kept for hire. | Value of same in Dollars. Minerals. Dried in Quin- tals. Salted and Bar- relled. Sold Fresh, lbs. Copper ore mined, Tons. Value. Iron ore mined, Tons. Value. 64 1 65 j 66 67 1 1 63 j 69 1 70 71 1 72 1 73 j ! i 83 1 5.3 1 657 i 487 381 10993 3 36 1 117 70 696 1214 509 10153 0 04 1239 1 745 13375 ! 498 347 5289 2 10 997 325 6944 2 100 535 382 6415 960 353 5800 1 1 6130 3171 C0328 13 1 210 i j i 1 1 , 1 BERTHIER. — (Continued.) 41 724 18672 i 219 134 3834 40 592 I 192 129 1676 190 8 27 202 3501 463 448 9418 13 89 335 337 5986 1 12 1 802 5 350 329 9468 945 9 101 6243 613 1 10 427 4557 23 137 352 j 1 160 3706 4162 j 9 14 1 393 1 3057 67061 77 830 BON AVENTE RE.— (Continued.) 118 316 145 356 169 90 421 84 369 294 164 862 4526 2736 1175 430 5902 1 70461 2631 i 0660 754 19 11317 37 408 38 87 101 167 117 148 43 1 2343 6152 4787 ■2105 836 1 1 1 28 i 1 i 287 5788 126 3216 4193 38l| 18{ ! :::::: 163 88 ! 2934 1275 550 60 1 1 29 1 ! ! 2526 10076j 102336| 6387 j 1 979 21204 1 28 BROME. — (Continued.) 562 u^^z:£easss3^ 301 ! 488 1 347 1 295 1 561 1 11704 13488 i 10858 8557 18017 1 1 1 i 301 487 845 1 1 20 40 , i i 2195 2052 1 02624 2 00 118 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 12. — Lower Canada — Return of COUNTY OF - Occupiers op Lards. Lands — Acres. TOWNSHIPS, PARISHES, 1580 2126 400 1274 7 214 4 176 1205 660 8858 5016 4010 977 50 734 8 2133 113 43 1019 75 9039 4110 1585 2531 728 729 10 71 26 86 927 28 7879 5045 2176 2738 2874 1808 17804 56 12456 316 1081 8256 326 43704 3 44739 15859 16580 8006 3308 CmCO\5Tmi.— {Continued.) 244 1 240 15 1731 9 40 6811 4256 5521 2386 2549 4 23 156 3750 41 132 3127 44 54 2520 740 1148 1674 129 80 140 407 619 256 544 485 772 too 26 241 166 5 10 101 280 44 4 8 298 1364 193 15 107 . 1104 46 603 1002 467 341 776 62 563 914 107 5 10 25 6 67 3 64 129 371 2 465 114 147 87 398 29 20 10 13 12 140 3 447 395 792 434 958 131 280 254 1 260 18 3648 174 48 15395 9582 14040 5073 6659 COMPTON. — {Continued.) 13 538 169 329 526 420 638 68 8 15 21 16 1 4 15 7 1301 714 773 74 156 92 76 11 327 11 17 118 305 16 1215 769 5471 3867 40 1116 565 25 911 394 1035 120 4350 11 17 Rzm 27035 2760 28445 2072 117661 17495 107949 9163 250 123 16050 1373 7610 1330 428 75 29802 2297 19700 581 36521 2125 775 225 404 896 829 1657 113 231 556 38 501 189 1592 92 1820 40 1412 10 20 3645 34 7277 265 424 51 745 150 45 523 8 1836 60 79 745 116 60 843 366 302 92 1204 4378 392226 7098 1006 964 15528 ■ 39619 18997 128 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 12. — Lower Canada — Return of COUNTY OF Live Stock. Butter, lbs. 1 1 Choeso, lbs. Beef in Barrels of 200 lbs. Bulls, Oxen and Steers. Milch Cows. Calves and Hei- fers. Horses over 3 years old. Value of same in Dollars. Colts and Fillies. Sheep. Pigs. Total value of Live Stoek. 62 53 54 65 56 57 j 58 69 60 j i . 62 63 137.. 25 319 265 203 8926 110 616 1 179 1 218781 6326 16 138.. 64 1633 1441 1003 48145 482 2894 822 1225.35! 6S922 3048 167 139.. 99 741 558 600 29135 259 1664 637 81155| 28370 1775 62 140.. 74 1787 1468 904 104066 484 .3293 918 143088, ; 75992 16358 212 141.. 69 1170 888 897 54409 457 1 2407 845 107767i 1 .34957 1930 174 142.. 39 695 563 575 34325 348 1275 573 83429 1 23.348 770 78 143.. 24 734 ! 602 598 35478 i 342 1 1625 1 756 732561 1 18712 22.3 95 i 384 j 7079, 5785 j 4780 314434 1 2482 13774 1 4730 1 633108 246627 24104 804 COUNTY OF 144.. 851 851 924 421 41792 91 2513 1026 73731 27394 193 145.. 59 146.. 15 12 4 7 603 j 6 20 1099 5 147.. 839 29 15 1747 4 1 ^ i 76 41 2375 148..' 1 806 776 444 22989 64 1668 1015 63182 13827 5 149 11 764 150.. 100 65 61 29 1920 0 170 51 1 4968 2290 180 151.. 21 110 135 59 3710 22 144 ! 9937 1724 36 152 3 200 1 1 200 153.. 71 61 60 45 3080 4 i 130 106 1 6695 2925 16 154.. 367 250 198 135 8392 29 576 414 21553 5791 155!! 57 53 31 28 2390 6 7s! 65 4977 2145 20 156.. 1 4 8 113 6 7 1055 157 5 1 158.. 20 54 5 31 3972 1 76 72 4568 159 50 59 31 2072 7 183 79 4751 i 1272 22 160.. 3 3 3 18 101 1 5 1446i 60 I61!! 13 66 50 39 3750 3 1 179 71 4582 819 26 162 . 163 11 992 i 164 1 1 70 165.. 210 185 175 77 4984 • 17 401 189 12555 3530 54 2627 2605 2481 1414 103640 251 6063 3305 217674 61777 557 COUNTY OF 166.. 174 308 482 131 8750 58 1338 168 33791 26549 124 167.. 106 193 379 91 6950 43 794 108 22879 13218 629 47 168.. 485 1205 2066 679 47603 299 5027 519 164799 83690 12804 204 169.. 413 967 1349 414 29600 195 2990 379 107869 60360 40815 169 170.. 12 33 56 2 180 1 63 35 1928 1215 1 171.. 90 179 321 63 4965 41 371 74 18840 13040 6321 68 172.. 135 228 255 60 4024 14 499 129 17329 12211 <17 173.. 4 25 2 200 2 28 19 1665 1323 0 174" 110 195 355 176 5972 48 615 77 23508 13258 5960 43 175.. 48 82 118 34 2520 18 210 53 8263 4330 1710 12 176.. 159 442 574 130 8614 39 1 879 568 31996 17354 46 177.. 24 88 131 7 760 1 118 56 6153 3515 130j 0 1760 3945 6086 1789 120138 758 12932 2185 439020 250063 683691 1 791 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 129 Agricultural Produce for 1861. CHATEAUGUAY,— Pork iu Barrels of | 200 lbs. I Fish. Carriages kept for | pleasure. 1 Value of same in I Dollars. | CO u e. c. ' 1 *\rAwnnvt. 1 54 1 1 10 25 16 31 1 2715 232 232 2483 007 P^Bns 105 3 10 34 40 16 1 2 7615 1 1 b6o 618 1 47 6950 208. Perce 342 31 57 156 82 16 1 15697 3304 2865 428 11 12393 OHQ Rf/k Anr.A 118 2 16 90 7 1 ’3 9489 ' 3783 1382 1 2401 5706 Inc luded 1 L in ^ IlsisiW ' "Rhat ' NorfTi ojj^ 35 1 81 12 10 5! 4946 305 263 37 I 6' ' 4640 Magdalen Islands 372 211 87 51! 16 5 2 i i 7233 : 5130 1 747 4292 1 91j 2103 Total of Gaspg 1969 315 266 590| 532 1 223 ll]0231 1 20685 11909 1 8529 247 95552 20,674 gallons Seal and 111,358 gallons Cod Oil. — Furs valued at $3,390. — 74 schooners of 1760 tons, and CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 131 Agricultural Produce for 1861. DORCHESTER. Cash value of Farm in Dollars. Cash value of Farming jl Implements in Dollars.|| Produce of Gardens and Orchards in Dollars. Quantity of Land held by Townspeople, not being farmers. Fall Wheat. Spring Wheat. Barley. | Rye. Acres. 1 a Acres. Minots. Acres. Minots. Acres. Minots. j 14 15 16 ! 1 17 18 19 20 ! 21 22 1 23 1 1 1 25 18421 738 18 747 80 ! 114 1475 3 40 32350 811 28 18 187 39 491 236514 11133 416 154 1482 477 5836 19 278 496820 9912 3265 659 5494 1 53 1834 78 710 215592 3969 1162 18 177 1933 146 ! 1989 54 667 354882 17599 3745 17 i i : 223 2496 234 I 3447 1 35 395 193395 4974 1233 2 1 ; i 249 2571 1 80 lies' 42 443 500225 33964 4855 9 ;> ! :;o : { ;’>09 3244 ! 118 1 15831 7 196242 5259 931 X 1 j 266 30136 i 163 1 21471 '' 25 353 16160 744 17 • 1 ! i ! 6 55 129 16291 2 18 4140 1151 1 1 ! i - i " 39 6 72 2264741 89218 15642 825 3 30 1 1 2070 47693 1 1659 21638 264 2989 DRUMMOND. 439525 16917 383 1 9 1 i 966 16214 46 636 ho 1872 568 338714 12732 877 9662 i 702 7458 50 (79 94 375570 13729 309 356 I 548 83.32 100 1('''2 226 2930 53 32506 293 1 22 236 11 122 527106 loiool 992 101 1748 18895 176 2615 36 434 247 69000 2048 10 58 573 11 144 22 123860 4084! 1.59 403 i 1 4 263 3683 10 128 102 1 1215 1906281 59963 2820 10522 4307 . 55391 404 6016 606 7319 GASPfi. 31130 1128 73 651 1 147 2164 175 i 1306 91388 4366 2338 53 864 60 1123 24714 1857 15 240 40 911 48615 668 98 .3 28 38 563 20000 2245 585 20 565 ' 12 307 59780 1486 80 11 290 10 266 68539 1770 76 944 107 16121 38298 1 i 1 383 88 2 32 46 301 i 34 524 46 1 297 100525 I 1234 668 1 42 i 19 448 1 15330i 262 27 334 : 11 155 33330' 654 77 i 1502 51 903 1 16 194501 5030 1184 17 124 1 2416 186 4948 67936 11729 400 100 ! 1 i 1078 277 3427 407 4483 .33250 903! 115 i 1 V"' 95 10 209 30041 ! 3696! 5243 ! i 70 ! 1148 125 4180i 1 1 1 866377 37411 10799 2 1 49 § 10498 1 1127 21740 629 6102 boats 1048. 9 * 132 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 12 . — Lower Canada — Return of COUNTY OF 1 Peas. Oats. Buckavheat. Indian Corn. \ Potatoes. Turnips. ! i o Minots. Acres. Minots. i Acres. 'o .2 S A-cres. i -2 , 'o : a 1 ^ Acres. ! Minots. Acres. "o s 28 27 28 29 1 30 i 31 32 33 34 35 j sol 1 i 37 1 i 1 i 17?. 00 132 211 3591 42 355 57 4186 4 159 170. 10 77 205 6156 2 ! 102 7919 10 550 180. 134 814 2176 43449 50 583 36 i 585 40929 65 1984 181. 339 2828 5269 75358 33 394 ! .324 42513 •-> 551 132. 2891 2503 2248 39701 123 1472 3 216 22470 4! i 254 183. 300 2686 3106 77779 ! 53 863 306 33334! 7! ! 376 18 i. 139 1335 1 625 27414 i 25 362 107 17092! 1 i 80 185. 310; 3292 3890 63047 40 476 1 276 28545 5l 540 186, 18Pi 1704 1995 33888 22 267 1 20 53 158 121 23 36226 24049 j 15319 8720 10 12177 275 50 6 84 101 30 4 16448 9947 ' ! 6264 3637 46 6501 198 8 75 77 37 1 13541 5690 1 3875 1800 15 7851 384 27 1 6: 95 167 1 1 15 j 34305 10067 ! 5857 1 4194 16 24238 205 i 2| 1 95 1 91 ! el 21302 16706 1 8233i 8473 4596 171 |„^j IJ! 84 49 9 1 17808, i 128881 1 1 76641 j 5224 4920 2.349 128 i 500 1047: I 545 83 1 1203726 1 , 107915 ! 63792 1 43999 124 95811 COUNTY OF ! 260 Ixworth 1 86 2 2! i 24! ' i 4S i 1 12i 3 1 5821 T 2911 1 2125 774 12 2910 KtiniourRi^kf^ Mnnt, Cnrinel 98 1 68 3 2 13^ 29 Go 44 14 3 8198 I232I 812 416 4 6966 1 3 11 47' 24 1 7J00 1 1 196 4 '’5 3 OJI7! ‘ 26 5973 264. St. Alexandre j 189 '2 1 'r 5^ 22 I 85' 5 47! 28' ! 21302 7500 1 481 0| 2647 I- 4o 13802 qO-'i St. Andre 167 4 10 i 62 1 55 23 206241 [ 15671 5556 100371 78 4953 8't.‘'!- Anne 2.38 11 14 44 115 44 lOj 187771 1 j2810! 6672 5968 170 5967 267. St. Denis 137 6 .3 5 14 60 47 . 1 t); 12884’ 1 ii:4o! 9376 2085 79 1344 St'P!- Tlfileiie 132 9 1 9 72 35 1 42 11; sj 14075 i 6727! 3537 3018 172 7348 269. St. Louis 152 5 1 22 58 15070 13057! 6831 6158 6 b 201:: ‘’70 St. Pacome 148 4 8: 16 ! 49 loi 15586 i 04971 5045 1403 49 9089 ?71 St Pn.Rehal 994. 7 5 I 25 109 ! 58 "2 22530 i 13942! 8131 : 5712 99 ! 85 S8 *'72 Wend bridge 1 "93 1 _ 1 i 34 i 10291 j 1420| 1004 i 390 26' 8871 1 ^ Total of Kamouraska 1832 60 67 1 238 j 819 493 155! 182327 104503j 58152 I45525 1 1 826 77824 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 143 Agricultural Produce for 1861. JACQUES CARTIER. am r s t Cash value of Farm in Dollars. Cash value of Farming Implements in Dollars. Produce of Gardens and| Orchards in Dollars, j Quantity of Land held by Townspeople, not being farmers. Fall Wheat. SpniNa Wheat. Barley. Rye, Acres. 1 ^ i O a 1 ^ Acres. i 1 o Acres. 1 1 ! .3 i ^ j Acres. 1 "o a 14 1 15 1 16 17 1 18 1 19 1 20 21 j 1 22 ! 1 1 1 23 24 25 1 585700 36089 ! 6689 6 1 83 163 ■ ! 1 1868 724 15320! i 30000 3060 100 1 7' i 104 52 12921 ! 500566 39152 482 9 ; 1 68 407; i 4062 ! 961 15266 1 12 60 322600 8818 3458 30 4 115 317 5645 1 412 9366 4 90 419600 19495 2742 16 183 415 3596 I 659 11377 1 91386 3296 588 8 93 104 1228 ! 94 1710 j 861046 31462 7018 3 7 75 77, , 777 I 1863 34212 1 1 i 202600 6166 189 ! 440 i 3508 1 538 i 7015 1 ! ! 1 1 ^ j 1 3013498 147538 21266 33 50 617 j 1930 1 20788 1 1 5303 j 95558j 17 154 JOLIETTE. 78673 3638' 1 j 1 1 j 44 415 ' 1 1321 1446 61 508 8450 i 1490 i j 421 1 516 53 1 632 343400 10293 j 2 ; 1 1 22 ^ 1 1 00 im 239 1 1887 1 179 1646 312900 12244 899 ! 169 i i ! I 66 651 193 i 2277 342 ! 2913 603943 15835 270 1 1 1 25 I i 20 1 159 266 2028 290 4213 777, 3690 273783 19324 4646 1 54 ! 5 40 j 130 1108 161 1537 407 2722 136504 4199 296 j *> j ! ' 30 150 139 1773 373 2906 297867 9602 478 6 1 ^ 1 22 232 2240 238 3552 814 6501 435510 13828 ! 10 1 1 1 106 771 432 5769 396 4022 499344 37600 72 i i i 132 1288 90 1212 1 1722 7966 2990374 128053 6589 338 I 1 • 1 1 1 30 1 243 1288 10422 1956 24182 j 5124 33506 KAMOURASKA. 41278 471 1 34 l' 107 33 d 3 ^ 1 i 910 1 55 343 172 1154 48350 2590 163 188 1314 160 1346 184 1214 444526 10031 1797 66 1058j 449 9923 397 7193 372 2718 208420 21134 1366 32 2869 419 4493 595 3413 4988 40-.939 31008 6987 63 1138| 16971 1436 ! 10471 414 7714 546 675388 30384 5962 103 i 17920 251 4363 501 3280 395326 9825 2439 40 16997 482 10213 1 159 1480 241698 9037 2516 60 658 5590 363 5652 305 2031 535800 12233 1191 43 1482 13670 1586 8634 320 2102 120520 2544 496 546 ! 4997 252 3311 458 3054 441666 13975 2994 79 1 2103 1 17784 398 6148 623 4459 30218 1203 135 i 102 j 698 49 438 325 1940 3484529 144435 26080 616 11011 102943 4826 59848 4560 31833 ' 144 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 12. — Lower Canada — Return of COUNTY OF Peas. Oats. Buckwheat. Indian Corn. Potatoes. Turnips. GO o3 1 Ofj oj s "o a 0 0 U 0 a W 0 U "o .3 p 0 .2 OQ 0 U *0 .H 0 < g s 0 S 0 <5 < 0 < 26 27 28 29 30 - i 32 33 1 M 1 35 j 36 37 238. 408 5291 1330 25830 i 127 i 1560 22 385 347 1 356:>o! ! J i ^ 2220 239 13 234 52 1125 24 37i)0! 1 1076 240. 1027 9819 2361 35545 219 1774 28 798 265 23997 1 12 ' 1155 241. 333 5858 824 15321 127 3092 57 1836 229 21963 Q 405 242. 708 6694 1810 ! 27138 334 3165 15 28 310 i i 25169 1 55 243. 94 1217 250 ! 4549 45 559 16 3411 65 j 1 7330 1 244. 819 8527 4131 60403 443 4705 94 1786 1 888 j 9(!260 j 26 2284 245. 435 4080 1087 15024 263 3932 44 4971 312 23830! 1 3837 41720 11845 184935 1558 18787 276 2440 231899 1 “ j 7195 COUNTY OF 246. 140 1 1 1 1225 1713 33245 90 1 951 245 j 20855 i i 4 263 247. 1 1 248. 1 5 35 113 1473 53 1991 42 4002! 1 856 249. r J 1 1 1 1 ^ 1 1 250. 1323 6968 3509 61567 53 624 3 32 251 16600 , 251. i 252. 333 2970 3243 47700 152 1910 4 i 173 235 23311 80 253. 1 2212 25540 6559 90906 360 3187 24 284 205 22644 1 101 254. 255. ^ 411 5275 3388 93116 168 1819 14 276 183 20231 3 312 256. 213 1754 1171 25314 141 1444 2 19 415 16164 4 261 257. 413 5023 270 42142 114 1255 24 I 413 261 1 31512 i 1 I 540 258. 600 10604 3245 66999 90 910 74 i! i 713 473 ! 23857 1 259 ! 364 4109 4381 1 57793 146 2037 1 i 141 j 138501 1 i ! ■■■ 6014 63503 27592 1 520255 j 1367 14336 li 115 ll 1910 1 2451 ! 1930261 1 ! 21 I 2413 COUNTY OF 260. 261. 67 434 173 1 1499 ! 202 ! 183 1055 20 261 2G3. 133 1638 2078 46236 264. 402 3096 622 8861 265. 317 3452 895 18537 266. 126 1403 2014 43642 267. 142 1463 1417 33853 268. 277 2292 406 8394 269. 160 1443 1914 53376| 270. 131 1153 209 4833 271. 326 3279 1140 13756 272 . 145 968 128 1084 2409 21676 11016 234332 1 16i i 7 55j 1 20! i 2 1 1 i 2 : V3': 1 1 ] 19: 1 i 287 -1497 6 90 1 0 32 I i 301 4657 8 103i 72 6194 67 i 221 1 1 7197j 1 278671 4 660 206 ; ; 31594! 237 i ! 47186j 337 i 55508 29 1660 168 ' 1 27447 2 337 189 23585' 2 .3.11 307 49674 3 463 142 20594 312 51775 111 ; 17892 81 7733 1 i » 2339 356354 152 j 21417 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 145 Agricultural Produce for 1861. JACQUES CAKimR,— {Continued,) Carrots, Minots. W" Mangel Wurzel. Beans, Minots. Clover, Timothy and other Grass Seeds, Minots. Hay, Tons. O w Maple Sugar, lbs. Cider, Gallons. Wool, lbs. 1 Fulled Cloth, Yards. 1 Flannel, Yards. 1 Flax and Hemp, lbs. 1 Linen, Yards. 1 Acres. Minots. 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 60 51 6992 21 7975 183 • 9 1193 1950 5000 ! 1742 222 j 480 80 610 3 1310 25 61 400 90 I 1928 504 3366 961 1822 404 124 190 3 1300 453 5682 1685 794 926 239 264 985 6 1215 36 381 6145 3209 1544 1941 60 212 150 1 114 2360 496 220 285 124 80 8223 21 7406 34 1233 1165 3782 1204 1381 1357 20 1 ■ 115 2 207 189 18 3591 1880 1030 1077 51 19255 56 19563 245 43 4128 418 20893 5000 16250 5975 7912 2255 548 JOLIETTE. — {Continued.) 10 852 7468 2315 1 1 985 2096 128! 1306 35 ! 1 2326 34 58 1 35! 1 176 3 1274 8225 3587 2615 2993 2455 ! 4300 312 2 53 22 28 1141 77 22100 2217 1276 1679 2686 2468 89 4 269 6 74 2299 119998 7600 3054 6221 7487 11980 141 1 47 92 20 1050 350 83490 3527 2522 3822 2673 5668 15 1 721 31421 1827 862 1204 2171 1951 1611 20 17 5 1342 29806 3499 2069 2458 2925 3793 1611 24645 4762 ■2588 3413 2300 590] 1117 41450 3675 2600 2764 2924 6914 2153 7 404 137 141 11442 427 370929 33043 18511 28708 25784 44457 KAMO UR ASK A. — {Continued.) 2 184 7624 769 655 605 380 661 1 1 26 225 2 7 152 1425 1145 2451 2192 1367 850 1741 1415 2187 108 10687 4080 13495 11705 12267 4904 6030 300 9367 12363 2275 783 4177 4174 5385 5383 4791 2806 4838 2266 7135 756 1041 3311 2618 5242 3861 5211 2039 3743 2188 4663 672 1367 4417 6525 4580 5472 4891 3636 6730 2447 7465 954 486 1558 2389 2939 3616 2512 1667 2663 1374 2737 448 1392 3005 4358 4252 6297 3995 2778 1687 1421 4866 1373 3 571 2 1 400 145 3 5 6 20 1 1 30 5 3 692 6 826 31 5 16217 95097 43263 35144 47089 22769 36086 10 146 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 12. — Lower Canada — Return of COUNTY OF LivB Stock. ] Butter, lbs. | Cheese, lbs. Beef in Barrels of 200 lbs. Bulls, Oxen and Steers. Milch Cows. Calves and Hei- fers. Horses over 3 years old. Value of same in Dollars. Colts and Fillies. d. ja cc t'c s Total value of Live Stock. 1 52 53 54 55 1 1 56 67 j 58 59 i ““ i 61 62 63 238.. 600 j 566 379 1 321 1 7975 ! j 1 168 j 299 1 1 • 298 ! ! 102456 1 39841 1 1 752 i 125 239.. 22 159 28| 151 1 12 ' 18 110 17931 4360 320 i 13 240.. 839 655 571 ' 479 I 258* ; 911 564 76397 26800 85j 1 110 241.. 346 393 233 253 ! ! 14280 104! i 588 367 35141 24820 152 242.. 130 545 330 417 ! 26847 273 ! 925i i 551 50668 18840 j 122 243.. 102 119 70 67 i i - . 32 j 1621 1 97i 1 7713 5260 36 1 31 244.. 1186 1684 i 819 1151 427 i 1194' 1 1041 1 101074 153119 585^ 1 186 245 !! 342 316 ! 281 1 250 1 11935 109 1 6-42 329 26245 13020 1 69 i 3567 1 4437 2711 3089 61037 1 1383 4739 3357 417625 286060 1778 SOS COUNTY OF 246.. 247.. 248.. 249.. 250.. 251.. 252.. 253.. 254.. 255.. 256.. 257.. 258.. 259.. i 130 i ■1 84 ! i 620 1 53 580 475 21 549 232 20 480 1 1 j 10196 i 1473 1 35684 59 1 112 952 j 470 1 ' 2712 1732 62010 1 1 1 2621 590 36462 1 j 1 " 1 1341 688 1 i 17 1 33 735 351 455 1 ! 16378 102 891 540 65813 25870 91 \ 95 1108 1107 771 37405 252 2894 984 76741 23401 174 250 ^ 574 583 420 1 365 21815 95 1382 528 41101 26^20 1310 256 382 350 303 228 9600 65 718 398 11255 7071 300 50 738 707 689 459 22430 175 1405 792 43992 23363 300 108 1117 982 866 612 27848] 205 1892 805 22589 26811 135 851 746 523 454 35785 : 117 1607] 629 64925 26410 166 4005 6464 5304 3976 218614 1183 13082 j 5734 382870 198919 2084 1125 COUNTY OF 260.. 261 88 196 46 30 101 34 4157 23 351 20 181 73 9850 3570 6645 1 30 1 82 262.. 152 159 79 87 4479 21 381 189 9988 5367 67 263.. 898 905 663 394 25806 70 2043 674 .34374 38821 200 264.. 595 698 383 261 17202 61 1291 461 40480 36527 276 265.. 955 881 699 310 21873 103 2272 1107 71631 78000 273 266.. 1180 1208 856 652 30274 127 3651 2337 81605 76803 360 267.. 847 909 686 379 25124 113 2169 647 57150 43068 6 246 268.. 73 485 331 200 12971 53 1078 410 30524 23562 4 269.. 1025 987 846 437 27772 128 2133 876 67256 5453 257 270.. 405 390 287 215 12229 68 1124 372 23988 12824 1 112 271.. 106 1126 195 500 31055 129 2716 868 70121 62662 381 272.. 138 126 17 78 4005 17 295 152 7631 3992 50 6462 8016 4972 3548 216947 903 19524 8347 608168 392614 36 2298 / CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 147 Agricultural Produce for 1861. JACQUES CARTIER. — [Continued,) Pork in Barrels of 200 lbs. Fish. Carriages kept for pleasure. 1 Value of same in j Dollars. Carriages kept for hire. Value of same in Dollars. Minerals. Dried in Quin- tals. Salted and Bar- relled. Sold Fresh, lbs. Copper ore mined, Tons. V alue. Iron ore mined, Tons. Value. 64 65 66 67 1 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 310 ; 1 235 1 i 8667 1 1 21 111 3828 60 1155 332 I 121 3025 51 515 269 186 6970 367 326 8801 65 50 1375 ] 18 622 689 187011 191 2346 230 165 i 2978 16 104 2216 1886 53315 319 4138 JOLT ETT E . — ( Continued , ) 128 12 263 ! 1 i i 18 i 232 ! 1 ! i i 1 1 1 1 1 ! i 1 1 ^ 310 1 1 * . T . . . . . ! 472 491 686 452 146 457 842 364 1 1 1 345 j j 819 i 413 1 168 i 1 I ^ 4.3.3 i 12 500 1 1 i i 1 i 1 100.31 ! 15 1 1 i 7495 I 1912 1 4508 i : 1 1 1 1 ! 329 i 1 i 1 . .. J j 314 ! 8469 1 3841 2415 i 1 44390 27 972 i i KAMOURASKA.— (Con/mwed.) ! 49 "l 1 i i i i I ! 80 65 109 648 2315 1317 , 10007 i 5382 ; 8526 ! 13175 i 9987 : 2513 1 11026 2585 11212 758 i j j } i 1 i 95 464 414 547 905 473 j 127 i 589 1 270 1 721 87 I 454 443 1 332 i 417 ! 702 501 1 73 509 1 101 1 517 I ^'3 11 10 125 77 16 462 2976 65 75 250 j 1 i 4741 "i 1065 3291 3928 1 1 79451 21 j 202 10 =*' 148 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 12. — Lower Canada — Return of COUNTY OF TOWNSHIPS, PARISHES, Ac. Occupiers op Lands. Lands — Acres. Total. 10 acres and un- der. 10 to 20. 20 to 50. 50 to 100. I 100 to 200. Upwards of 200. Amount held in Acres. Under cultiva- tion. 1 Under crops. j Under pasture. Under Gardens and Orchards. Wood and AVild Lands. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 10 11 12 13 273. Laprairie, Village 30 14 7 4 2 3 942 816 737 70 9 126 274. Laprairic 238 18 13 40 79 57 'n 25209 21505 17299 4076 130 3704 275. St. Constant 249 7 5 51 119 60 7 21373 20071 14338 5574 159 1302 270. St. Isiclore 201 16 3 31 98 47 6 16352 14279 9434 4698 147 2073 277. St. Jaerrnesle Mineur 203 8 8 36 89 45 17 19175 16140 11541 4464 135 3035 278. St. Philippe 231 11 4 29 100 62 25 26420 23038 '16852 5938 248 3382 279. Sault St. Louis 167 31 24 49 33 24 6 10460 4654 4654 5806 Total of Laprairie 1319 105 64 240 520 298 92 119931 100503 74855 24820 828 19428 COUNTY OF 280. St. Francois de Sales 132 45 5 3 28 45 6 10691 8398 5208 3137 53 2293 281. St. Martin 252 4 14 48 105 71 10 22971 18238 12588 5534 116 4733 282. Ste. Rose 283. ] 264 59 6 29 97 62 11 19391 15197 10157 4984 56 4194 284. j- St. Vincent de Paul 285. J 259 74 13 22 70 72 8 18457 13616 9376 4162 78 4841 Total of Laval 907 182 38 102 300 250 35 71510 55449 37329 17817 303 16061 COUNTY OF 286. Notre Dame de la Victoire... 147 4 14 32 49 35 13 13525 9190 4498 4679 13 4335 287. St. .Joseph de la Pointe Levis 159 4 5 18 64 51 17 16748 10113 4292 5761 60 6635 28R St Ft.ifinnft de LauKon 100 1 10 59 25 5 10797 2398 1038 1354 6 8399 289. St. Henri 295 7 3 29 111 117 28 34238 20738 11083 9647 8 13500 29ft St- .Tfinn Chrysostnme 188 10 84 81 13 26342 10442 6084 4272 86 15900 291 St- Jjamhert. 241 1 13 174 40 13 23438 6784 3525 3175 84 16654 292. St. Nicholas 210 2 3 4 65 87 49 33467 13594 7458 6004 132 19873 293. St. Romuald d’Etchemin 49 3 8 14 13 11 6575 2802 1574 1197 31 3773 Total of L^vis 1389 17 30 124 620 449 149 165130 76061 39552 36089 420 89069 COUNTY OF 294. Lotbiniere 513 87 11 45 250 100 20 40138 22367 11057 11172 138 17771 295 St*' Agn.thfl 223 4 80 125 14 26637 8074 4645 3423 6 18563 296. St. Antoine 263 33 6 8 90 96 30 25578 14420 8208 6104 108 11158 297. St. Apollinaire 219 8 2 31 127 42 9 16404 5550 3287 2243 20 10854 298. Ste. Croix 292 24 6 21 124 73 44 32771 15282 8793 6384 105 17489 299 St- Fln.vien 140 4 85 46 5 13667 2930 1644 1251 35 10737 !?nn Sf Giles 175 14 109 33 19 21771 5458 2939 2496 23 16313 301 St iTenn Desnbaillons 252 22 6 95 92 37 15171 6572 3925 2635 12 8599 302. St. Sylvester 536 2 2 ! 30 361 116 25 1 58585 26973 12615 14212 146 31612 Total of LotbiniSre 2613 176 33 252 1318 668 166 250722 107626 57113 49920 593 143096 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 149 Agricultural Produce for 1861. LAPRAIRIE. Cash value of Farm in Dollars. Cash value of Farming Implements in Dollars, Produce of Gardens and Orchards in Dollars. Quantity of Land held by Townspeople, not being farmers. Fall Wheat. Spring Wheat. Barley. I Rye. Acres. 1 Minots. Acres. Minots. Acres. I Minots. j Acres. Minots. 14 15 16 1 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 5 2 68 1515 1060295 38206 4752 13 164 2144 1046 21389 825762 28846 3083 60 600 6751 1114 19968 1163635 23634 1939 34 1036 9756 1214 20332 767135 31084 2180 3 20 978 10611 361 7592 949550 35680 2171 11 532 7145 662 11720 223397 5004 528 3 10 82 118 2124 4989774 162454 14658 123 3 20 3320 36489 4583 84640 1 LAVAL. 416327 12697 18'82 113 1048 '88 1020 406 8077 5 32 878285 26116 2716 1335 186 ' 1312 166 1565 1148 18128 18 184 812049 40679 2432 134 387 3094 223 1717 768 12244 58 666 839236 27018 4036 3335 108 857 224 1258 801 10274 2945897 106510 11066 4804 794 6311 701 5560 3123 48723 81 872 LEVIS. 682125 459460 85066 563389 303076 222358 456289 160800 20790 12659 2884 16244 19582 9094 26020 7620 1000 2725 379 3585 2298 4264 40731 1660 587 8931 900 52 4863 5253 119 187 2 20 87 40 41 249 82 125 210 21 553 451 426 2304 1056 2360 1933 413 29 25 20 108 43 49 48 2 317 350 253 1471 615 847 575 83 7 90 54 51 9 74 575 4 52 766 336 550 131 1148 5602 45 2922562 114893 19984 20892 2 20 865 9496 324 4511 864 8630 LOTBINIERE. 12 4 184 1564 57 34 5 50 107 189 1614 1103 11479 206 2334 305 3101 118 1538 406 3961 253 2536 193 2242 474 5055 525 7262 623979 144575 340425 107227 459355 105175 145080 208784 521749 28124 6800 11426 5104 15225 3851 6478 6300 18177 2938 170 5429 411 2351 367 281 1070 884 3583 149 1928 145 1852 104 1686 39 594 99 1157 59 682 109 1396 86 1147 736 10854 1526 1 12 143 241 3050 210 1778 307 2625 12 152 56 598 73 894 30 320 222 3208 1163 12768 2656349 101485 13901 39508 21196 150 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 12. — Lower Canada — Return of COUNTY OF Peas. Oats. Buckwheat. Indian Corn. Potatoes. Turnips. CI3 2 o <5 VJ 1 *4^ I o 0 § 1 oa h* O 1 ! i o a S £ O 1 o d U o <1 1 o -9 O Ut o o a OQ o u o • a! "o .3 1 1 26 27 1 28 j 29 30 1 i - 32 33 34 35 36 37 273. 274. 275. 276. 277. 278. 279. j j 80 2785 2706 1335 1602 4549 197 1283 33431 43616 16860 23118 50634 2609 140 ! 3829| 3817 j 3068 4562 4408 289 2392 69955 65562 50148 91331 76937 6534 1 8 247 211 251 2711 268! 33 87 3993 3420 4553 5069 4928 314 t 1 ! 23 1 13 ! 28 23 1 16 149 56 469 197 402 569 309 2495 154 ! 84 ! 191 ' 1 348 ; j 202 ' 935 19133 8471 16282 43775 23969 4320 6 66 50 ! 700 14 14255 171552j 20113 362859 1289 22364 j 253 4497 j — — 1073 116885 5 830 COUNTY OF 280. 1 1 859 1 9172 16571 i 1 1 33664 ! 164 2327 16 296 1 162 20123 T ! i 1 60 281. 7821 9051 4367! 1 77135 j 692 9295 121 1694 1 578 55034 1 1 1 146 282. 283. 8651 1 7822 I 4274 63954 1 559 1 9263 63 1122 1 436 41636 1 ! 1 i t 188 1 284. 285. l“’i 13315| ! 1 3338 i i 52202 310 4131 1 80 1199 1 1 319 i 28749 j 1 I 0 1 i 41031 1 1 3936(|!I 13636 1 li 226955 1725 25016 280 4311 1495 i ' 1 i 145542 1 1 12 ! i ! 394 COUNTY OF 286. 197' ! 1174 2161 1 .35681 1 9 I 98 i 1 1 39 1 208 20669 1 ! 9 1322 287. 1 134 ! 1199 1908 30536| 11 1 149 8 244 24018 ; 12 2234 288. 1 42; 442 712 13030 26 340 i 108 10413 2 325 289. 1 287: i 2555 5656 1 821581 20; j 159 1 384 41877 1 15 2247 290. 147. 1757 2349 1 44612 7' i 24 I 202 1 30572 i 4130 291. I 265 3869 ! 1746 1 52784 263 4890 3 133 1 249 i I 30618 1 3 287 292. 381 1 2931 3268 56887 21 ! 282 13 131 385 43230 ! 10 650 293. 10 i 230 1 334 9791 4! 1 64 31 6665 i 1100 1463 14157 18134 325479 361i 1 6091 17 335 1811 208062 1 71 1 12295 1 COUNTY OF 294. 4531 1 4365 68521 116074 478 1 1 i 66921 1 i !i 14i 385 il i 390 \ ; 41133 4 665 295. 152 1319 1542 28769 190 ! 32631 347 30913 28 3435 296. 352 3382 4166' 1 787741 1 64 ; 900j 13 147 ;! 357 35326 5 667 297. 110 996 1630 25878 I 43 i 534 ! 14 ! ! 241 18870 6 298. 326 i 2642 4875 75806 1 151 2103 8; 150 ;l 1 346 24958 3 343 299. 94 8.52 632 14481 I 25 3391 11 2 I 118 10331 1 12 300. 93 806 1144 19300 6 99 i 177 20328 3 330 301. 255 2884 1752 31728 147 2212 I 2 55 1 105 17757 2 357 302. 322 40391 4847 90690 237 4776 j 1 !! 1 '' 800 1 85494 1 1 65 15389 2157 1 21285 27440 481500 1341 20918j 38! 753 1 ii 2881 ; 285110 1 'HI 21204 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 151 Agricultural Produce for 1861. LAPRAIRIE. — (Continued.) Carrots, Minots. Mangel Wurzel. 1 Beans, Minots, Clover, Timothy and other Grass Seeds, Minots. Hay, Tons. ! jO K o a CO tT «a btj QQ <9 Cider, Gallons. 1 1 ■q O Fulled Cloth, Yards. Flannel, Yards. 1 CO 3 9 i i X ! ^ i OC ci s Acres. 1 Minotii. 1 1 38 39 40 1 41 42 43 44 1 45 I 40 4T i 48 1 1 ! 1 50 1 6 1 90 5 83 331 3 950 70 259 23 7033 1999 60 203 4 446 3 12 13 660 1027 4515 2813 3997 1389 240 o 355 368 112 9 2 5432 5340 2761 3667 1955 1928 560 1 360 5 10 8 6 7606 6377 2520 1971 1744 896 4 4 392 3 235 13 10 2312 7341 2327 2310 2999 670 71 1 154 113 4 8 17645 103 6 3032 1405 16 2747 567 628 70 26 33656 27349 14211 13793 10695 4943 L A V AL. — ( Continued . ) 150 398 195 27 10 5 6 7 4155 1486 1076 1043 22 167 12 98 61 i 101 1 36 1 938 1351 1413 1192 1 7550 12842 17927 13488 2983; 42471 4673 3836 I 1020 2650 2497 2000 1421 3457 3917 2137 906 2712 3015 1086 848 2122 3003 1634 770 28 7760 299 215 4894 51807 15739 8167 10932 7719 7607 LEVIS . — ( Continued , ) 63 I 1641 1440 2257 1732 955 1077 1032 52 1 33 75 13 2314 22 300 2566 1990 2306 5835 1599 3 1 10 13 394 60 15 776 570 360 706 784 28 3516 19040 8200 4439 6840 3367 5288 699 2 184 60 90 2187 4 4550 4132 2742 3260 2827 3476 108 1 j 1 84 105 54 909 19298 2479 2227 2348 1913 2185 80 16 155 12 2371 6 5375 6277 4251 3255 2958 3331 18 1016 1012 855 530 555 485 905 5 346 408 215 14348 32 50063 15 27699 i 18806 i 19854 19238 18180 LOTBINIEI IE.— (Co ntinued.) 107 1 ! 2 : 1 1 I 529 ! 1 163 5 343 6958 9 9770 5110 5120 5612 7676 1 1075 7908 2581 1363 1536 1037 790 130 4 1 379 90 4 2115 1100 7012 3884 3509 3236 4466 5 6 10 713 2430 2332 1692 932 2158 2145 9 9 122 60 73 2260 22 872 7544 4145 3590 5003 6860 363 1175 1311 917 617 1074 1729 26 7 19 904 3 2381 1811 931 1227 1031 744 4 3 1314 2 1 5632 2813 1809 1171 2429 3423 84 1 1 33 1 8 1 162 3268 1 42394 9998 4962 6511 1828 1211 365 16 1076 j 331 266 12355 27 70850 9 45172 24813 24213 1 23408 29044 152 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 12. — Lower Canada — Return of COUNTY OF Live Stock. Butter, lbs. Cheese, lbs. Beef in Barrels of 200 lbs. Bulls, Oxen and Steers. Milch Cows. Calves and Hei- fers. Horses over 3 years old- Value of same in Dollars. 1 Colts and Fillies. Sheep. Pigs. Total value of Live Stock. 52 53 54 55 56 57 i 58 59 60 61 62 63 273.. 8 121 1 144 2410 312 59 132 14451 562 800 274.. 1113 1077 700 994 71070 500 2105 892 136289 62420 2000 150 275.. 83 1605 1035 1269 87373 673 3330 1039 91078 37684 136 276.. 72 773 715 684 37788 439 1804 757 140701 30861 84 277.. 189 922 741 815 44264 377 2217 853 98171 18447 100 177 278.. 219 1192 834 1033 73362 466 2674 1058 115991 31931 128 279.. 105 211 143 228 15182 63 76 431 22144 2030 5 1789 59 1 4169 5167 331449 2830 12266 5162 618825 183935 2100 1480 COUNTY OF 280.. 68 464 440 330 18404 147 1039 362 28913 31150 48 111 281.. 973 1393 769 908 333 1399 1106 92749 65692 286 113 282.. 283.. 915 ) 1044 1 710 676 39308 348 1356 933 85407 42023 173 284.. 285.. 651 526 655 43525 294 1295 638 68292 44055 3810 268 2546 3552 2445 2569 101237 1122 5089 3039 275361 182920 4144 665 COUNTY OF 286.. 149 6861 260 405 43718 8 740 613 69946 51975 185 48 287.. 805 669] 1 311 250 15778 9 775 561 49525 37752 60 7 288.. 184 144] 158 84 10642 3 271 240 12862 4650 216 289.. 1706 1238 1139 444 23376 83 2087 1 1114 82217 66060 42 290.. 363 515 428 250 18903 • 24 1845 1077 74894 48195 251 159 291.. 882 505 268 240 17724 33 1043 719 28896 36794 160 101 292.. 1065 746 932 336 24950 61 2037 911 78543 60620 149 293.. 226 188 100 109 6360 8 298 225 18576 11845 30 5380 4691 3596 2118 161451 229 9096 5460 415459 307891 872 536 COUNTY OF 294.. 1401 1421 1764 689 43654 104 4000 1422 72431 82352 285 295.. 129 495 540 200 11256 45 857 716 25934 31977 22 111 296.. 482 781 896 332 25927 68 2118 864 75270! 49534 179 164 297.. 534 365 377 176 11176 10 901 480 24914] 17058 20 298.. 859 979 1192 426 26819 81 2390 803 61866] 54400 88 130 299.. 102 243 212 104 4382 4 495 310 12630 14710 52 300.. 510 47 186 175 11139 15 668 504 22522 17454 29 301.. 568 461 546 254 15332 22 1392 592 18757 27563 99 302.. 1 527 1753 1826 582 40661 138 3505 1641 124251 97939 1196 297 6112 6545 7639 2938 190346 487 16326 7332 438575 392987 1486 1187 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 163 Agricultural Produce for 1861. LAPR AIRIE. — ( Continued.) Pork in Barrels of 200 lbs. Fish. Carriages kept for pleasure. Value of same in Dollars. Carriages kept for hire. Value of same in Dollars. Minerals. Dried in Quin- tals. Salted and Bar- relled. Sold Fresh, lbs. Copper ore mined, Tons. Value. Iron ore mined. Tons. Value. 64 65 66 67 i j 68 j 69 70 71 72 73 74 j i ” 1571 729 745 701 689 577 64 132 554 444 467 429 425 79 2647 14379 12685 12815 14274 12234 1635 88 409 10 1 163 1 20 5 11 205 *”*270 5076 11 163 2530 80669 114 895 LAVAL. — {Continued.) 397 824 512 507 177 692 426 593 4413 18167 9709 14973 150 39 49 2597 175 358 2240 1888 47262 238 3130 LEVIS. — {Continued.) 524 234 103 940 598 569 560 127 910 400 144 854 498 458 566 172 59179 9856 2286 14875 17666 11890 10894 7607 40 67 22 2 1 2 15 4 2622 2365 900 24 50 58 114 150 3655 4002 134253 153 6283 LOTBINIERE.— (Confmwed.) 838 389 657 286 510 98 241 497 912 1023 16655 180 2690 596 10552 212 1703 671 10329 58 1554 21 841 366 4861 402 6180 4328 3529 1 5 * 1 5 55365 154 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 12 , — Lower Canada — Return of COUNTY OF TOWNSHIPS, PAPJSHES, &c. Occupiers op Lands. Lands — . Acres. Total. 10 acres and un- der. j 10 to 20. 1 20 to 50. 50 to 100. 100 to 200. Upwards of 200. Amount hold in Acres. Under cultiva- tion. 1 Under crops. | Under pasture. Under Gardens and Orchards. Wood and Wild Lands. 1 1 O 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 303. Hunterstown 50 14 25 10 1 41423 1218 686 532 40205 304. Maskinonge 183 5 6 32 71 63 6 17266 11480 8135 3292 53 5786 305. Riviere du Loup 287 35 16 46 86 88 16 27876 18650 12658 5694 298 9226 306. St. Didace 244 17 6 61 108 42 10 19274 5107 3462 1631 14 14167 307. St. Justin 225 36 5 24 70 • 84 6 18670 10378 6244 4065 69 8292 308. St. Leon 258 18 9 37 95 80 19 25647 15597 10378 5176 43 10050 309. St. Paulin 147 17 4 37 58 25 6 10515 4332 2767 1516 49 6183 310. Ste. Ursule 295 41 8 67 108 62 9 44685 13531 8864 4565 102 31154 Total of Maskinonge 1689 169 54 318 621 454 73 205356 80293 53194126471 1 628 125063 COUNTY OF 311. Broughton 264 1 1 88 128 37 9 23565 6761 3955 2783 23 16804 312. Halifax, North 338 7 4 183 117 25 2 22005 9799 6140 3639 20 12206 313. Halifax, South 345 4 6 153 155 26 1 25217 10598 6815 3712 71 14619 314. Inverness 345 25 213 88 19 46174 16981 9768 7169 44 29193 315. Ireland 158 1 24 79 27 27 23308 6641 4018 2602 21 16657 316. Leeds.... 355 2! 7 266 63 17 42253 14898 8745 6137 16 27355 317. Nelson 167 8 41 70 41 7 16103 4110 2305 1803 2 11993 318. Somerset North 173 1 7 1 1 1 47 88 24 6 13376 5517 3059 2420 38 7859 319. Somerset, South 260 6 3 69 136 36 10 41839 9795 6043 3659 93 32044 320. Thetford 50 44 6 5333 1008 616 392 4325 Total of Megantic 2455 36 15 637 1296 373 98 i 259173 86108 51468 34316 328 173065 COUNTY OF 321. Dunham 322. Farnham 323. Notre Dame des Angos 324. Philipshnrgh, Villa, gft 460 218 80 3 17 6 7 12 1 111 71 32 186 70 26 115 36 14 38 12 1 53993 19180 4907 29162 7100 3963 15480 4474 3249 13213 2523 622 469 103 92 24831 12080 944 325. St. Arman d. West 157 4 32 61 44 16 17850 11559 6367 4988 204 6291 326, St. Armand, East 196 4 3 18 71 61 39 28119 17217 8708 8216 293 10902 327. St. George de Clarenceville.. 200 2 5 36 80 64 13 20182 14085 7481 6345 259 6097 328. Stanbridge 494 1 16 8 188 169 89 24 45308 23091 14160 8681 250 22217 329. St. Thomas 99 2 20 48 22 7 9605 7537 3171 4212 154 2068 Total of Missisquoi 1904 50 40 508j 711 445 150 199144|ll3714 1 i 63090 1 48800 i 1824 85430 L_ COUNTY OF 330 Gbertsey 148 6 19 93 18 12 16630 3393 2314 1079j 13237 S31. Doncaster 1 1 500 ! 12 12 488 3??, Kilkenny 250 6 | 1 59 115 50 20 29001 8200 5127 3073 20801 333 . Rawdon 244 1 14 133 58 38 35792 14126 6596 75301 21666 3.34. Rt,. Alexis 151 4 25 88 34 11932 9697 6339 3357 1 2235 335. St. Esprit 156 2] 2 22 87 39 4 14601 11701 5976 57251 2900 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 155 Agricultural Produce for 1861. MASKINONGE. Cash value of Farm in Dollars; Cash value of Farming Implements in Dollars. Produce of Gardens and Orchards in Dollars. Quantity of Land held by Townspeople, not being farmers. Fall Wheat. Spring Wheat. Barley. Rye. Acres. Minots. 1 i Acres. 1 Minots, j i Acres. j Minots. Acres. Minots. ! 14 15 16 17 18 19 1 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 187717 54101 7 ! 83 7 112 605515 19243 1359 177 4 18 688 6662 142 2471 41 510 860351 23185 4271 79 2 40 690 7454 258 4873 109 1226 130516 6172 291 35 74 i 729 90 913 213 1763 467797 19544 3143 51 j 486 ; 4722 1 60 1040 40 298 618515 37441 2474 55 1 779 1 7494 i 1 149 1944 39 345 147145 6779 814 1 182 j 1647 1 55 520 35 362 434694 33393 3135 124 915 7447 112 1432 615 4672 3452250 199858 15487 521 6 58 3821 36238 873 13305 1092 9176 MEGANTIC. 150041 218862 229955 373205 73010 281518 89555 174409 390570 19320 2973 14512 7225 17304 4295 9869 2331 10967 14980 415 433 819 2016 1130 786 858 35 2 91 337 17 252 46 1 17 237 9 138 32 1 436 I 149 281 i 66 i 258 ! 51 1 151 752 9 380 1 5783 ! 1840 i 4728 1 761 ! 4239 1 546 2187 8024 125 608 400 315 282 65 503 66 77 247 105 11237 6216 5383 6018 1135 10096 887 1187 3010 2240 66 648 390 155 64 61 234 380 311 30 885 9220 5587 2915 819 1176 3079 5055 4088 526 6 71 2000445 84871 6077 699 70 455 2185 28613 2668 47409 2339 33350 MISSISQUOI. 994895 322990 191700 32613 5315 2511 6547 1704 1107 227 1169 39 48 190 52 1297 j 567 1 11242 347 1 5255 312 1 9134 j i 185 j 46 ! 83 13178 901 2472 20 8 3 372 86 40 523729 595665 534985 1124875 275280 19721 18882 19299 327671 8310| 1 2834 4473 4375 i 7712 2519 ! :.J i 3 i 2 i i 1 i 30 : .r-| 32 1 1 353 1 4879 1 291 j 5172 1 443 1 6619 1 1130 i 16972 194 j 2668 1 48 1 33 163 213 150 937 887 3538 4652 2956 8 2 83 91 26 100 34 890 971 443 4564119 139148 31271 1 3022 7 ! 1 82 ! 1 3637 i 61941 921 29521 241 1 2936 MONTCALM. 31850 1259 1 I 1 i 14 j 1 9 1 82 58 847 5 44 600 100 i 1 30 149177 9831 14 j 112 43 1 351 64 803 49 309 260900 8646 20 410 6 1 48 33 405 113 1611 40 347 371220 10566 96 5 64 275 1 i 2871 333 6054 25 170 460600 4536 i 105 1 10 1 111, 409 1 t 5252 1 430 6504 10 89 156 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 12. — Lower Canada — Return of COUNTY OF Peas. 1 Oats. Buckwheat. Indian Corn. Potatoes. Turnips. oa 2 0 g OQ j 218 350. 55 575j 1740! i 310261 151 i 17388 ! .“'I 1 60 351. 70| ! 841 3334 C5075j 1 7 j 53 3 77 346 1 46296 l_2i 1775 i i «9! 3052 11119 199328 I 25 259 5 95 1345 ! 1 176458 1 22| 1 1 4413 COUNTY OF 352. 32 350 942 20526 r““ i 63 1 7437 3 1 1516 353. 73 609 1610 25189 34 355 3 1 42 1 147 ! 16695 7 1 1126 354. 2 13 367 8024 1 : 1 j 228 17685 6 ! 233 355. 114 998 1108 19791 2 22 10 76 7570 6 1 823 356. 126 1336 515 21254 11 244 9 I 12 508 14482 39 5081 357. 18 114 815 12760 i i 118 7958 1 358. 280 1956 901 10582 10 70 5 88 113 13171 13 823 359. 313 2471 2688 27179 13 39 4 ! 23 214 33089 10 719 46 518 1409 31409 28 345 i 1 74 6957 la OOv. ‘Ifil 137 1298 2178 16533 6 112 151 8298 2 345 ODX. 362. 62 416 1429 20946 3 46 13 96 8565 17 709 1203 10079 13962 214193 107 1233 14 188 1788 141907 103 1138S COUNTY OF 363. 1023 13730 6157 134746 957 8513 38 821 448 42754 8 754 364. 777 9546 2034 39129 174 2832 25 213 231 22226 4 20 365. 1117 12103 3070 52697 381 3813 23 374 265 33999 4 • SO 366. 1039 13716 3246 59689 513 4867 33 532 775 29102 j 22 367. 519 7355 2435 49132 181 2184 19 231 309 25468 528 4475 56450 16942 335393 2206 22209 138 2171 2028 153548 19 1404 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 163 Agricultural Produce for 1861. MO N TC A L M . — ( Continued . ) Carrots, Minota. Mangel Wurzel. o fl 8^ § w Clover, Timothy and other Grass Seeds, Minots. Hay, Tons. tr’ m" C. O w Maple Sugar, lbs. Cider, Gallons. Wool, lbs. 1 Fulled Cloth, Yards. 1 Flannel, Yards. 1 1 Flax and Hemp, lbs. Linen, Yards, Acres. Minota. 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 820 3 725 2 1877 2922 6622 6868 3396 4232 • 7347 9738 65 19 153 653 62260 1697 914 1341 1264 2062 582 . 28 4 323 852 10625 2014 964 1416 1592 2519 1 194 153 22769 133 I 115 264 1 153 1 194 1 i" " 1 1556 1 ^ 887 12 4300 10451 i 255222j 24232 j 12048 1 16373 j 18609| 25663 MONTMAGNY.— ' 1222 1 1113 1915 1119 1335 1170 1227 * 10 1572 3912 1457 362 1080 277 304 501 3 633 962 156 477 258 101 32 45 18 36 20 1 18 4.5 65 1 302 4 0 314 194 47 71 50 55 177 9430 68 135 101 61 3154 23185 4576 3372 3724 3172 4729 75 11 3669 56945 5643 3593 3744 3093 3991 5 2404 7664 3862 1814 2747 1868 2199 39 45 56 114 4704 j 25 27655 7030 1 3698 5089 3990 4706 104 1 422 60 136 17779 '28 1 130537 25685 14265 18438 14024 17373 MONTMORENCY.— 18 4 57 1106 45672 2030 1211 759 2217 1569 10 36 64 25 978 102182 3387 1902 2186 2908 3359 4 329 2395 302 68 114 36 2 2 37 2 1066 42622 3030 1395 1803 1742 3184 19 ■ 6 54 67 496 17960 2338 1542 1362 1739 2269 210 i 29210 1057 773 585 1386 162.5 4 50 688 I 4180 2179 886 1146 487 305 5 1 9 12 730 12368 2235 1409 1445 1624 1696 20 3 106 1616 46738 2504 1255 1896 1 2028 2078 25 477 8960 1710 941 • 5G1 1220 1292 1 2 32 33 4 1142 11345 1809 1437 933 2015 2278 75 9 144- 472 47 8838 323632 22581 12819 12790 17382 19655 NAPIERVILLE. — {Continued.) 2678 775 21 770 2454 2 1 4 6 4 859 163 600 1214 356 40 125 102 1 93 I 41 14 1 1 : 2 1 '1349 597 611 ■ 876 ! 389 30 14 j 48 ; 13 8666 4586 5016 8675 812 1 1 8495 1 4212 5250 1 7871 1 4033 3576 2005 2885 3457 1393 i 3846 1798 25.34 3758 1962 3518 8283 9686 2160 388 3969 1113 1903 1626 467 6698j 17 j 3192 i 401 i 18 i 3822 105 1 27755 29861 13316 13898 J 24035 1 9078 I 164 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 12. — Lower Canada — Return oe COUNTY OF Livk Stock. | i 1 i 1 1 1 i 1 u •i/ 43 Cheese, lbs. || Beef in Barrels of 200 lbs. Bulls, Oxeu and Steers. ' 1 ! ! Calves and Hei- fers. Horses over 3 years old. Value of same in Dollars. Colts and Fillies. Sheep. 1 ; j ^ 1 i 1 ! 1 Total value of Live Stock. i 52 j 53 1 64 1 55 1 50 57 j 58 59 j 60 i i - 1 62 63 .336.. 1517 ‘ 1519 ! 1556' 1 795 1 i 37472 i 377 2520 1 1 1055 1 i ! 72568| 53770 i i 103 i 237 337.. 1 500 i 515 1 307 254 1 12408 i 75 606 246 i 29799! 26935 i 143 1 72 338.. 541 1 1 506' 1 657 1 337 I 16283 i 137 793 ! 473 i 33865 1 19891 i • 45 1 62 339.. 1 1 91 ■ 93 i 42 j 3837 ! ' i 87 1 j 77 j 4430 1 ! . j 5556 1 14 i 3971 6295 1 4790 1 1 3105 180628 1204 8995 i 4076 1 ; 2727951 i 287209 i 1 1586 1 1 946 ! COUNTY OF 1 340..! 82 i 381 244j 136 1 9088 19 660 i ‘>09 1 A • 30333 ! 1 18038| 1 94 341 1 0^1.. 1 342..! '* ’ .>r i o5 1 221 194 t 95 I 6497 29 359 \ 136 1 15064! 20.380 50i ■ CO 343..; 53 115 14l! 1 36 i 2022 8 260 51 i 6737! 9750: ! 18 344..: 5 1 ' 10 141 i 3 i i 200 ; i 1' i 3 i 574 i : 500i 345..! 1 1 10 7 ! 1 2 i 190' ‘ 1 6 j 498 i 800! ! ! 1 346..! 11 153 29 ' I 63 i 10 j 65 187 ' 13899 1 4725 1 i 10 ^ 7 !!! 1 1 JL ! ; 81 i 108 74 ! ! 58 2795 1 1 1 75 : 6083 1 2231 ! 5 348.. i i 327 i 857 750 353 19775 I 74 1 1142 i 779 1 ! 65606 ! 76538 1 i 1021 .349.. 168 1 1174 604 452 26553 1 77 1 1529 i 945 I ; 61439 1 67650 270 350.. 148 j 834 429 290 15872 i 72 1 856 553 1 i 46255 j 1 54380 1 1 767 351.. 235 i 803 523 33177 1 123 1 1668 1 1028 I 1 92732 I 1 127816 i 49| 377 1146 1 5404 j 3347 2011 116169 415 1 6624 1 4150 339220 ! 1 ! 382808: 1 ! 99 ; 2624 i 1 COUNTY OF 352..! 446 ' 267 392 137 i 8774! 42 606 1 189 26869 I ! 19685 182 84 353.. 735 i 523 715 235 ■ 11613 46 1958 630 29633 j 16440 100 70 20 1 9Q ^ 1 205 0 55 AT Q 68 194 19181 7 110 221 i ' 8318i 1 11540 1 51 00 ^,, <7 K. 22339 22 1001 209 30246! 15515 356.. 699 ! 462 713 153 8874 34 1016 ! 313 22324 11629 . 482 1 77 357.. 148 j 1 248: 1 , 244! 113 I 5538! 1 19 477 i 204 13344 22510 24 358.. 452 ! 2781 385 109 ! 6212 38 734 t 245 16115 6762: 27 51 359.. 682 458 664 140 I 1 9141 32 704 572 34144 1.3757 237 175 485 632 219 ! 10304 39 1936 1 308 31748 30031 ! 74 oDu., 361.. OOJ 550 «89 349 107 6229 21 529 342 20766 11605 575 78 362.. 636 452 374 125 7250 36 657 288 21008 12132 3332 41 4991 4177 4841 1600 98192 336 9728 3521 254516 171606 4936 725 COUNTY OF 363.. 1171 1286 1351 1095 51184 456 2935 1415 i 125075 31211 72 1 292 364.. 259 607 322 665 31482 261 1523 534 ! 57444 16608 60 365.. 756 715 627 659 36893 279 1723 734 73397! 14086 90 i 97 366.. 779 i 1019 903 847 54032 455 2086 762 1002071 22468 ! 83 367.. 17 680 462 606 25840 180 1195 466 52431 27069 20 I 121 2982 4307 3665 3672 199431 1631 9462 3911 408554| 111442 197 653 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 165 Agriculturai, Produce for 1861. MONTCALM.— (ConUnwerf.) Pork in Barrels of 200 lbs. j Fish. 1 Carriages kept for i pleasure. il 11 Value of same in j Dollars. | Carriagc.s kept for hire. 1 Value of same in Dollars. Minep.als. Dried in Quin- tals. Salted and Bar- relled. :2 ' 4 i i u ' - i 2 Copper ore mined. Tons. 1 Value. Iron ore mined, Tons. 1 04 1 j 65 1 66 1 67 1 1 1 1 68 ] 69 1 70 ! - 1 - ! i 73 i i 9.18 ' 184 ! 209 ; 28 i 1 1 i i j i 587 i 179 j 245 92 88741 3218 .3802 1 1561 ! 1 1 i 1 1 j i j 1 1 i ’ ’ i j ! 1 I 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 : 1 1 ! 1 2930 1 ( ! 1 i 1 1610 j 1 25854 10 80 1 1 1 i 1 I MONTMAGNY.— (ConHwtted.) 248 i ! f 1 169 ! 1 3269 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! ! i i 1 i ! 189 80 8 6 59 83 865 996 675 1449 ! .34 34 ! 10 1 i 1 67 j 33 j 1120 ! 606 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i j 1 i 3470 193 j ! 133 i ,15 1 602 i 344 i 388 1 774 5528 i 214 9j 436 1 i i 1 1 i 13211 11659 1 7654 i 13590 1 1 ! j 1 1 1 3000 5467 75 181 1 i! 1 ^ 63 i i i 4658 11937 527 1 63 1 2525 1 56851 9| 436 j 1 i i i i MONTMORENCY.— (Confimted.) 186 1 42 1 94 i 1 ! I 07 i 110 I .J i 22 2.546 ! 3128 1 178 i 2676 ! 886 1 1 ! 1 ! I 1 j 1 i r — n j i ! !’ i i:;:;:::::::: 1 : 103 i 79 1 152 128 330 320 11 208 ! 1 ! 1 i 1 j i ! ' i i 1 i 1 1 1 1 ! il’** 1 70 i 6982 ‘ 630 1 1985 1 1030 i i 159 : 11 94 i 29 1 1.. . i 1 j ! 1 1653 682 19111 j 1 1 i ' i NAPIERVILLE. — (Continued.) 875 373 452 500 296 1 ! i 1 788 i ! 391 ' i .361 i 568 202 i 20857 S 10834! 1 171 1 2760 i 1 i. . j 1 1...:::.:::;: ^ 9208i 1.5309 4933 i i 65 19 840 389 1 1 2496 2310 61141 255 3989 166 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 12. — Lower Canada — Return of COUNTY OF TOWNSHIPS, PARISHES, &c. Occupiers op Lands. Lands — Acres. Total. 10 acres and un- der. O o o 20 to 50. 50 to 100. j O O o o o Upwards of 200. | .\mount held in Acres. Under cultiva- tion. Under crops. Under pasture. Under Gardens and Orchards. Wood and Wild Lands. 1 2 3 4 5 6 i^l 8 9 10 11 12 1 13 368. B6cancour 357 17 16 112 125 67 1 20 27107 14028 8925 5026 77 13079 369. Blandford 29 2 20 5 2 3116 793 492 301 2323 370. (rfiTltilly 312 4 8 56 149 84 n 30401 13145 9049 4096 17256 371. Nicolet 222 1 2 31 81 80 27 27167 168.35 11952 4875 8 10332 372. St. C61estin 185 4 39 103 32 7 19040 4986 3384 1601 1 14054 373. Stfi. (rfirtrnde 195 2 2 49 86 45 11 18109 4714 2657 2057 13395 374. St. Gregoire 348 2 2 44 179 110 11 32738 20348 12359 7989 12390 375. Ste. Monique 395 1 4 85 235 53 17 30575 12222 6886 5329 7 18353 376. St. Pierre 185 4 39 103 32 7 19040 4986 3384 1601 1 14054 Total of Nicolet 2228 35 34 457 1081 508 113 207293 92057 1 59088 32875 94 115236 COUNTY OF !t77- Addington J 378. Aumond 6 3 2 11 1097 83 77 6 1014 M 7 O. Aylmerj Village 193 178 4 6 5 1929 864 519 270 1065 /ISO. Aylwin 54 12 20 22 13918 1300 1103 197 1 12618 381. Bidwell 3S9 I^igelow 9 1 4 3 8 1 665 85 64 601 383 Blake 4 1 900 108 83 25 792 384. Bowman 12 1 6 4 1 1738 314 164 143 7 1424 -SS.'i Btniehette 35 19 13 3 5486 459 381 78 1 5027 386. Bouthillier 387. Buckingham, Village 8 6 2 1070 543 364 176 3 526 SS8 Buckingham 228 1 34 127 59 27014 3841 2164 1535 ^42 23173 SSO. Cameron 39 15 18 6 5834 652 517 135 5182 soil Uenhnlm 28 1 2 20 6i 6400 367 266 101 6033 ."91, Derry, East and West 12 1 6 3 3 2258 278 215 63' j 1980 392 Dudley 2 1 1 300 18 16 2 282 393. Eardlev 126 2 2 24 67 31 14068 3611 2777 810 24 10457 :194. Ucran 25 2 6 11 0 4750 786 541 245 ! 3964 S95. 11 art well 41 1 1 •1 ! 32 i 3 1 4027 804 641 162 1 3223 soft Tlincks 37 1 i 3 11 5 6791 629 502 125 2 6162 397. Hull 346 • 4 2 ! , 187 i 98 27 49173 13310 7654 5574 82 35863 SOS. and Sicotte 1 i. ... 1 400 87 68 19 313 400 . Kensington 24 1 2 4 15 3 3832 468 400 68 3364 401 Lochaber 221 27 131 61 2 25581 5283 3047 2226 10 20298 409 T.nw 149 41 74 34 29849 3018 2304 714 26831 4 ns and McGill 24 9 8 5 2 2629 321 395 26 2308 i04 AT a sh a, m 246 1 24 139 61 1 21 20515 5295 3876 1416 3 15220 40.5 Nnrr.h field 39 19 20 1 5910 852 846 6 5058 40fi. Petite Nation 286 11 22 113 129 ; 11 27518 4988 1 4014 961 13 22530 407. Portland 35 1 22 10 2 5116 467 211 255 1 4649 ■IfiS. Preston 1 1 300 90 20 69 1 210 409. Rippon 119 0 92 24 12897 2002 1479 518 5 10895 410. Sufl'olk, Wells and Villeneuve 20 1 15 4 2310 318 183 134 1 1992 411. Sto. Ang61ique 352 33 7 50 133 85 44 29012 5831 3380; ; 2389 62 23181 412. Templeton 207 4 9 33 113 45 23379 1 5392 3562 1811 19 17987 dl.S Wahnsse and Wright 69 1 26 28 11 3 1 8383 1520 1409 no 1 6863 414. Wakefield J38 15 3 51 51 18 i 17078 5099 3243 1851 5 11979 Total of Ottawa 3136 255 23 301 1420 900 237 362127 69062 46385 22214 463 293065 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 167 Agricultural Produce for 1861 . NICOLET. Cash value of Farm in Dollars. Cash value of Farming Implements in Dollars. Produce of Gardens and Orchards in Dollars, j Quantity of Land held by Townspeople, not being farmers. Fall Wheat. Sprinh Wheat. Barley. Rvk. Acres. Minots. Acres. ai O j 1 r/; ; O i 1 -2 Acres. c 14 15 16 j ! 17 i 19 20 1 21 j I 22 ! 1 i 0‘> j ! 24 ! '>•> 1 727232 12675 3377 38 1 1 1058 j 10355 1 1 .3ri 3539 j non 3896 33600 1600 1 I 63 i 667 i j • 1 49 1 ^ 9 528190 15972 60 12 1435 i i 14143 1 10f)j 1319 I 99 1064 512010 1.3040 1 88 j 656 5843 ! i 170 2585 I 194 1795 216488 6342 41 6 i ! 12 I 1 586 ' ■ 5496 5!ll 915! : 25 ! 169 208520 10374 57 5 { ! 534 ! 6259 : 77^ 1092, : 121 1395 637420 13272 i 61 1328 1 12174 i i 2418! j 149 1 1642 298112 4778 1 7 1 1167 i 9681 I i 245 i 2762' ’ 176 ‘ 1526 216488 6342 1827 5 586 ^ 5496 1 89! 915 1 1 25 1 169 3378060 -J 84395 J 229 i ^ i i 7413 70114 ! 1 i 1140| L 15591! j. 1124 ! j 11605 OTTAWA. 1 ! — j 1 i 1100 44 1 ^ 81 ; ; 1 ■ 301 1 292795 3704 927 1097 30 ! 133 2325 i 1 i 40920 1954 w * 10 153 ! 32 484 1 i 20- i 1 ! ! 1125 no [ 1400 48 J 105 1 1:::::::;: 2825 93 ‘ 1 5 1 101 ! 9703 403 r 25 15 215 5 125 1 12800 950 93 24 166580 5710 29 349 91 1682 4 216i 18 296 9214 819 49 577 38 6633 2366 5 i ! ! 24 : 368 i 1 5531 1243 i 1 .. 650 30 i::::;:::::::::: I ! ! 175708 9917 93 ! 17 j 21 ! 297 ! 473 i 7419 i I 252 o 2r» 18390 728 ! 6 ' 90 i 38 ; 278 I 1 5 14 ! 10470 215 1 ; 7 81 i 34 ’ 338 60 1 8411 1 34 1 9530 726 I::;::::::::’ ' 1 25 ! 71 744 ! 1 1 22 1 1058010 39491 1043 419 182 1 2773 I 1060 : 16058 i I * ; 8 174 55 727 500 50 I 1 1 . 1 t: 1 1 1 :::::: 668 167 10 j i 125 55 596 16 140 97735 8523 46 2621 I 1 5 ! ! 85 253 3378 32 ! 514 13 156 59529 2747 1 70 i 1014 i 113 1458 1 0 ' 25 1 6576 371 j 25 256 ! Ij 1 20 81570 9526 1 52 1 1083 455 ! 4562 ! ■ 5sl 612! 39 444 12662 1008 1 18 ’ 235 6 j ' no i ' 5 46 89467 5375 730 20 ■ 20 170 I <3 630 i i 237 2865 293 2704 12187 595 66 j 1 25 ‘ 40 ! 495 4 57 1000 300 i ^ i ! 19810 . 700 29 396 1 * 438 1 177 2277 173 1982 3490 45 10 i 17 155 10 148472 6000 1856 6 35 1 310 i 2230 1 i 98 129 93 562 144610 9000 511 1307 13 105 516 j 7941 ! 65 1 5 80 19213 1171 13 ! 252 ! 14! 265! 468501 3303 161 2046 183 j 2258 8 no| 6 68 2989374 117432 5365 5505 649 9262 4123 55293 775 9022.1 732 7397 168 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 12. — Lower Canada — Return of COUNTY OF Pkas. Oats. Buckwheat. Indian Corn. Potatoes. Turnips. _ 09 O U o < tc O 09 i-t o < 09 O fl u o <1 03 "o a S cc CJ u O .S 05 2 O 1 1 "o c 03 O u i ^ "o a i 26 1 27 j 28 1 29 j 30 31 1 1 32 1 ! 34 1 35 j 1 1 1 36 37 368. 369. 370. 371. 372. 373. 374. 375.1 376. 262 23 410 688 150 245 451 588 150 2768 195 3705 6723 1205 2596 5237 4498 1205 2924 213 2748 4563 1637 967 6193 2952 1637 67443 4085 48052 77696 22318 20114 94992 50918 22318 289 10 263 602 232 170 339 465 232 5250 97 4397 6686 2413 23841 4893 6296 2413 27 1 31 46 5 1 47 43 5 1 881 ! 4 1 229 i 881 i 87 ' 5 1 681 i 547 87 1 : 176 64 .380 I 226 i 168 ' 156 j 339 ! 339 : 168 21512 3165 22407 31865 163921 150421 40183 3.3395 16392 1 j 1 250 1 '2i 'i 25 1987 815 81 6 661 447 765 2967 28132 23834 407936j 2602 34829 206 3402 2016 j 200353 ! 4950 COUNTY OF 377. 378. 7 17 320 4 506 20 379. 24 539 120 4918 1 20 32 1193 57 6822 7 1201 880. 21 341 i 380 11913 1 1 3 72 8069 29 6361 381. i 382. 10 205 12 228 2 i 110 £83. 1 5 67 705 6 ! 570 2 300 484. 7 131 63 1063 3 30 1 30 14 ! 910 385. 6 128 202 4920 4 48 1 26 [ 1848 15 2333 386. .387. i 11 170 94 3300 2 80 23 2630 3 320 388. 506 11856 956 25610 63 1304 11 409 313 22034 22 1217 389.’ ! 24 223 223 5365 12 41 3576 390. 1 •140 1971 [ 1 . 23 1770! 9 1 730 391.1 1 1 20 83 276(? 19 2372 i ?' 392. ]2l 320 4 80 2 1 190 2 19 393. 227 3547 643 16731 18 336 44 1125 199 1 25792 20 ! 8381 394. i 10 158 244 5222 33 j 2981 4 412 395. 31 2961 198 5180 27 493! 3 1 29 50 43501 ! 20 396. 23 233 143 2314 5 90 Ij 15 1 36 2330| 12 1300 397. 440 6488 2714 64781 42 799 1 55 4755 1 336 54719 240 13833 398. 1 ! 40 1 1309 1 20 536 3 240 1 1 399. . ! i 400. 6 56 169 3483 1 22 2810 7 680 401. 165 2669 1692 33854 10 261 20 1110 178 26304 40 4004 402. 102 1559 592 13269 1 6 1 8 137 14735 53 7905 403. 2 34 81 1629 20 2117 1 90 404. 330 3549 1781 33287 3 32 1 80 i 283 28976 13 4187 405. 36 423 243 5131 54 4075 16 2436 406. 367 3678 845 16036 142 2731 36 467 163 14846 24 2545 407. 39 549 164 3564 6 79 2 23 40 3254] 4 570 408. 20 500 1 1 200 409. 107 1089 439 8982 54 1 1102 1 4 89 1 i 9415 14 1082 410. 10 78 67 1207 14 356 ! 9 126 10 i 720 411. 273 3190 882 15934 105 1328 100 2012 1 129 14799 13 2671 412. 255 3297 908 2.3406 53 1188 13 340 149 12277 12 1177 413. 75 1108 548 12571 6 49 1 102 7441 io| 1175 414. 209 3020 1029 21523 12 236 \ 30 166 15247 I 29j ! 3575 3330 49026 15803 353065 591 11134 435 12060 1 2799 298795 1 68544 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 169 Agricultural Produce for 1861 . mCOLET.— {Continued.) Carrots, Minots. Mangel Wurzel. Beans, Minots. Clover, Timothy and other Grass Seeds, Minots. Hay, Tons. 1 1 Hops, lbs. Maple Sugar, lbs. Cider, Gallons. j Wool, lbs. Fulled Cloth, Yards. Flannel, Yards. Flax and Hemp, lbs. Linen, Yards. Acres- Minots. 38 39 40 1 42 43 44 45 46 47 i 48 49 50 51 5 6307 46386 8635 4146 6028 9918 105H 85 1125 485 256 332 636 2 1314 22555 8347 3287 4629 10124 10272 408 4 257 25 22 2673 10 .36282 6628 2654 4035 3141 3695 517 12360 2815 1299 2319 1500 3480 576 15357 2771 1530 2120 4878 4784 96 ] 20 3 2771 33110 10925 4551 6429 4471 8122 174 9 1218 17567 5305 2509 2866 1972 2872 99 46 13 27 2886 14800 5937 3439 3966 7888 10045 777 5 332 46 18347 10 199542 51848 23671 32724 44528 53841 OTT AW A, — ( Continued.) 10 1 12 .3978 2 735 46 230 1 430 40 184 214 1 319 22 100 12 58 1 29 .384 1 72 80 1 109 1 80 14 t 19 80 32 3736 617 1330 10 144 10 98 6 830 162 191 50 167 96 5 10 2989 1 316 64 908 3260 100 1 1479 328 1121 169 54 15 57 2092 128 32 59 26 1 144 60 7310 3 2017 4104 1315 8402 1907 5468 1 ! 25 1 i 274 2 1 448 1 13 1905 29 274 20 ! 4014 i 20 9 1805 8 770 ,3170 782 2687 .394 1 i 130 20 795 1043 25 1275 104 1110 24 20 28 58 89 6 7 1495 4553 3484 380 4312 36 2 193 300 116 4 34 997 9.391 1700 911 1485 568 i.37 57 3 195 15 729 132 168 25 i 2 178 5841 44.3 129 355 1 74 17,3 15 40 184 1207 5325 36 3359 1287 2606 102 49 207 1435 4140 1480 286 1145 13 1477 7 278 82 1110 7 1147 2520 344 2608 17178 35 10056 190 50 18861 \ 23 39048 36 32388 6853 25223 731 196 170 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 12. — Lower Canada — Return of COUNTY OF Live Stock. Butter, lbs. j Cheese, lbs. Beef in Barrels of 200 lbs. 1 Bulls, Oxen and Steers. Milch Cows. *55 K -r) c «s ^ O Horses over 3 years old. Value of same in Dollars. Colts and Fillies. Sheep. Pigs. Total value of Live Stock. 1 52 53 54 65 56 57 58 ! 1 59 i 60 1 1 - 1 62 63 ?S8*. 1438 1 1258 1210 624 35393 ! I 120 3225 878 j i 855461 ! 54255 30 234 369.. 19 1 58 78' 31 ^ 1 2060 1 ^ 138 1 104 I 4858' j 2765 370.. 203 ' 1008 987 448 29982 105 2597 j 833 1 70589i j 41028 371.. 1280 i 998 ; 1194 1 522 30473 171 2635 793 1 74282! ! 38296 35 372.. 134 390 360 211 1 11974 i 63 879 j 373 ; 27936; j 9123 69 373.. 1 509 433 378 198 12708 1 38 999 364 27913 7561 113 374.. 1809 1531 1421 644 37184 240 3938 ! 1118 97139! 50047 100 o75.. 1 921 821 969 474 24845 166 1954 ! 805 i 558771 1 20267 376.. 984 849 1040 389 25739 97 1 2206 i 1 848 1 53237! j ' 1 30067 10 j 187 1 7297 j 7346 1 7637 3541 j 210358 1007 18571 j 6116 497377| j 253409 140 1 638 1 COUNTY OF 377.. 1 j 378.. 0 4 3 2 160 1 4 9 1 568 j 379.. 223 67 314 36 1471 357 1 438841 1 11630 300 19 380.. 82 99 130 50 3508 11 71 134 10604 12 381.. 1 382.. 4 ‘ 7 2 5 380 o 12 780 1 383.. 5 ; 23 1292 5| 38 19 1671 1 384.. 1 ; 23 13 ! 5000 10' 28 31 5578 1 385.. 28| 37 38 i 1984| il 4 38 1 6263! ■ 1160 5 386 75 1 -J 1 1 ! 387.. 1 1 1 388.. 342 ! 807j 303j 795 135 1768 689 89766 M90 46 389.. 28 i 871 561 77 i 16 59 95 92091 3700 453 i 390.. 34 28j 35' 75 110251 2 60 34 145901 ! 1942 19 391.. 27 19! ! 5 68 1 6970 1 25 8572 370 392.. •^1 393.. 60 ! 313 368j 1 166 1 1^80! 77 425 343 331571 . 24482 50 50 394.. 21 1 461 37i 1 21 1982 1 22 52 ; i 4286 ’ 2460 14 395.. 32 i 52 i 31 28 1335 •> 46 49 1 2493 700 396.. 40 ! 1 52‘ 61 35 2325 13 101 66 1 486l' 397.. 69 1 i 1377 1 i 858 835 65832 348 2556 1091 1 124478 ; 94828 520 325 398.. 6 1 2' 1 8 548 1 399 i r ... \ ' 400.. 12 i 26 24 12 1977 1 1 23 57 1 2168} ' 1 40 1" 82 i 651 347 292 17154 i 106 1066 472 I 397851 1 20952 1740 118 402.. ! 149 209 331 ! 63 1 4480 24 406 1 250 1 i7600! I 10252 1 96 403.. 1 2 1 19 18 28 1 2074 1 6 16 1 29061 i 765 4 404.. 365 1 517 713 301 22695 142 1226 916 I 44794 27130 1052 87 405.. 40 42 A 39 1875 4. 44 57 1 3057 550 0 406". 109 j 319 87 191 10588 60 565 434 i 22258 18561 ! 54 407.. 18 ' 50 44 26 1200 6 56 68 i 3910 1439 100 ! 8 408.. 66 i 3 30 1800 12 3486 200 12 409.. 77 ! 125 113 75 i 3380 193 154 1 7567 410*.! 21 1 27 17 16 i 475 1 37 20 i 1580 690 90 4 411.. 585 567 571 487 27865 157 1175 597 ! 36558 27229 1530 440 412.. 58 511 338 382 19420 123 574 387 1 48273 17940 524 115 413. 47 89 72 90 6959 17 59 i 91 11969 600 111!! ! 63 358 406 195 13874 83 855 350 25884 1 24451 1 30 144 1 2529 1 6687 5136 4780 253089 1400 1^615 6915 633103 296521 6389 1582 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 171 Agricultural Produce for 1861. mCOhET.— [Continued.) Pork in Barrels of 200 lbs. Fish. Carriages kept for pleasure. Value of same in Dollars. Carriages kept for hire. 5 Value of same in Dollars. Minerals. Dried in Quin- tals. Salted and Bar- relled. Sold Fresh, lbs. Copper ore mined, Tons. Value. Iron ore mined. Tons. Value. 64 65 66 67 1 1 68 I 69 70 71 i 72 j 73 74 75 1091 38 466 722 289 183 597 395 418 648 52 567 402 329 307 718 231 49 12492 1306 18600 10616 6225 6727 13679 4337 2290 1 1 4 132 , 2 50 4199 3303 76272 6 182 OTTAW A. — [Continued.) 3 116 89 5225 15 800 34 5 80 56 31 2 125 7 4158 310 200 56 2 60 2 264 17 5 72 2193 835 127 8100 17 423 19 270 146 7 314 8 2 4 8 1 357 ! 50 1 70 346 269 16 20 89 10 401 271 11 254 48 1158 7 135 66 9 1168 250 1 30 14 581 3545 588 24357 35 1313 172 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No, 12. — Lower Canada — Return of COUNTY OF TOWNSHIPS, PARISHES, Ac. Occupiers of Lands. Lands — Acres. Total. 10 acres and un- der. 10 to 20. 20 to 50. 50 to 100. 100 to 200. Upwards of 200. Amount held in Acres. Under cultiva- tion. ! _ 1 1 Under crops. | Under pasture. Under Gardens and Orchards. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 10 1 1 i 12 1 1 1 5 I i i 4 1 1100 1 1 1391 134 1 1 5 8 5 1100 1 ' 84 84 1 i 29 2 28 2 i • i 2900* 1 265! 212 i 53 195 10 8 108 52 17 24867! i 7434 ! 5425 1 2008! 1 262 2 25 192 39 4 28734: 1 9052' 643^ 2609 4 9 2 7 1600 i 50 50 350 7 1 38 192 98 14 45028 14869 11658 3187 24 56 5 30 15 6 74321 1462! 800 661 1 128 1 19 72 : 1 30 6 14690| 3967| 2555 141li 1 1 5 1 5 1000 ! 1751 175 1 1 i 14 i i i i 1 13 1 I 2700 1 1191 1 117 i 2 ' 144 2 1 ! i| 91 37 12 ! 1 20639 4402! j i A 1 3231 ' 1155 16 49 1 ; i 24 19 f)' j 7041 ; 1764' 1303 i 460 1 172 3 6 124 36 3' 20639 i ^ 499 ! 3550 : 931 18 1 1 ; 400 130 130 1 41 15 19 7 i 8350 1 2067 I 1573 494 68 1 19 42 7 12400 1604| 1045 556 i 3 79 2 1 40 28 8 1 11606 25331 1 2111 1 1 414 1 8 1615 27 2 106 940 449 91 j212226 - 1 i 0 L 40592 1 1 13946 1 77 1 415. 415i 416. 417. 418. 4184 419. 420. 421. 421i 422. 423. 424. 425. 426. 427. 428. 429. 430. Aberdeen Aberford Aldfield Allumettes Bristol Cawood Clarendon Chichester Isle du Calumet., Huddersfield Leslie Litchfield Mansfield Onslow Pontefract Portage du Port., Sheen Thorne Waltham Total of Pontiac. 961 1016 2635 174351 19682 1560 30159 6970 10723 825 2581 16237 5277 16140 270 6283 10796 9073 157611 COUNTY OF 1 i 431. Cap Sante j 320 4 6 1 34 1 103 123 .0 45574 1 1 1G009 1 1 1 7915 8020 1 74 29565 432. Deschambault j 241 10 2 12 128 69 20 26036: i 12542 1 7018 5488 .36 j 13494 433. Ecureuils 50 5 23 19 3 5097 3t64 1722 1592 1501 163.3 434. Grondines I . 152 ' "*5 1 9 43 64 30 20739 8593 4721 3815 57 ! 12146 435. Pointe-aux-Trerables 514 4 9 53 238 166 44 60172 22.25 11843 10796 861 37447 436. St. Alban 187 12 4 19 92 47 13 17359 4 .67 3171 1481 i 1 15i 12692 437. St. Augustin 198 2 5 15! 52 100 24 24793 13030 7914 4990j |,126| 11763 438. St. Bazile 289 2 4 92 116 60 15 27849 9487 4070 5373 ' : 44i 18362 439. St. Casimir 291 15 21 61 128 55 11 1 26325 6793 3748 3041 j 19532 440. Ste. Catherine 254 4 11 391 111 65 24 I 31385 10104 5156 4948 j 1 21281 441. St. Raymond 168 1 1 15 115 32 4 15452 35361 1672 ! 1844| i 20j 11916 Total of Portneuf 2664 59 64 354| 1149 800 238 300781 110950 53960j51388i 1 1 612jl89S31 COUNTY OF 442. Anoienne Lorette 443. Beauport 444. Charlesbourg 445. General Hospital 238 291 409 4 23 82 13 42 36 54 60 99 106 84 110 54 721 73 10 9 19613 22109 24852 15982 8475 11693 j 1 1075,3 5547 7745 5210 2142 3719 i 19 186 229 1 1 36.31 1.3634 L3159 1 14(i T.nnatic Asylum 1 1 175 100 45 ! 50| J 75 447. Notre Dame de Quebec 13 1 4 5 3 590 476 284 1791 13 114 448. St. Ambroise 402 20 64 84 132: 80 22 31332 12312 6838 5231 243 19020 449. St. Colomb 59 28 10 12 2 1 1575 709 ! 207 468 34 866 450. St. Dunstan 79 2 10 40 1 19 8 7535 1747; i 779! 967! 1 5788 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 173 Agricultural Produce for 1861. PONTIAC. Cash value of Farm in Dollars. Cash value of Farming Implements in Dollars. Produce of G ardens andj Orchards in Dollars, j Quantity of Land held by Townspeople, not being farmers. Fall Wheat. Spring Wheat. Barley. Bye. Acres. Minots. Acres, Minots. Acres. cn O .9 Acres. Minots. 14 15 16 17 1 19 1 20 1 21 22 23 24 1 25 1480 285 i 1 12 204 1 2450 265 1 8 106 1 4257 230 13 9 110 32 401 1 7 112552 7097 277 4451 1 812 11769 44 7S5 101 1191 232910 15045 115 11 337 6405 1062 17980 11 20 1 370 1500 j 102 1 13 255 1 1 1 292916 18398 9 348 1 5454 1598 25905 31 606’ 19 252 20397 i 1124 17 42 1 618 144 2155 1! i 139i 36 34 ’ 334 103194 1 4675 1 33 736 i 611 9218 j 38 1 618! 4450 1 276 1 1 3 40 1 410 3750 1 185 1 14 i 116 i 32 392 1 1 4 i 92 i 172320 9766 i::::::’;: 105 2460 j 792 14491 47 1224 3 j i6 290741 2669! 26 i 347 265 3994 j 23 ! 360i 14 i 166 117985 ! 5647 ****2:' 4 7 ' 107 1656 455 5275 1 12 : 244 j 25 265 1500 260 1 i 1 ’ 1 1 1 ! i 17975 1245 15 265 i 161 2250 i 7 85 27820 1543 3 ! 55 1 128 1981 ! 9 212 1 44870 2842 134 149 2903 1 206 2798 25 464: 49 : 633 1 1191400 71654 483 27 1465 25576 6334 99214 262 5111 1 SOI J 3667 PORTNEUF. 392137 424549 100100 271917 554854 149315 591590 145867 258279 204060 72268 15311 18274 2005 29887 38110 4324 8437 5605 6841 7620 2232 1187 1774 159 2000 5408 551 2003 803 44 318 428 39 29 8 58 24 6 4 11 1 585 1 556 1 442 223 301 1140 130 286 199 121 290 106 5240 5909 1615 3924 8009 1554 1749 1711 1534 2813 856 71 43 10 53 100 31 48 95 102 15 42 1580 678 98 833 1054 447 584 1119 1419 195 365 205 79 13 8 367 227 3 230 47 15 168 1959 840 118 99 3247 2993 19 2075 517 153 1723 3164936 138646 14247 1188 3794 34914 610 8372 1362 13743 QUEBEC. 560424 564417 1062042 12025 17696 27404 66 13763 19216 ’"iso"* 21 • ••#•• •••••• *•••••••• •••••• 33 268 43 1 274 3879 571 32 65 69 479 1408 1676 4 1 43 6 15 1 1 26000 175 6 200 1 116600 1320 200 384 6 150 1 17 687275 24769 7211 18 1 8 49 639 I 38 699 1 3 31 346400 3335 2986 4314 6 128 718 31074 2609 6 92 j 22 174 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 12. — Lower Canada — Return of COUNTY OF Peas. Oats. Buckwheat. Indian Corn. Potatoes. Turnips. w* tfj .2 2 o 0 S o fl 2 O O Ut "o .s Ofi S o a o a <5 S o < S o o 5 o 26 21 28 29 30 . 31 1 32 33 CO 35 j 36 37 415. ! e! \ I 113 30 .565 1 6 515 6 515 415t 6 1 135 50 1360 4 73(!j 416. 2! 15 56 1355 1 17 31 2573 4 240 417. 500 7869 1655 37987 42 442 15 264 256 45652 14 5820 418. 66i; 11527 ]840: 47815 4 . 73 45 876 392 51108 10 2770 4l8i 21 55 9 290 j 1! 75 4 1030 419. 825 1 11043 3746 86317 6 65 8! I 225 517 68642 60 7235 420. i 83 1 1016 370 7580 1 15 221 131 1 220 1 71 7765 8 1120 421. 284 3634 775 152021 i 146 36 810 151 18449 15 2226 4214 11 236 69 1960| 6 950 350 422. 2 42 43 1020| 1 1 18 2 j 38 12 1720 1 225 423. 368 7593 934 29215| 1 2 80 8 225 198 37006 4 2400 424. 144 2224 322 6871 2 12 1 I 50 55 5214] 6 1700 425. 298 3469 754 17482 13 270 17 409 233 25409 41 5993 426. 15 300 100 2000 2 300 1 100 427. 428. ]26 1567 482 8120 3 ! 50 109 9905 9 605 429. 82 1225 630 21035 1 83 1( 850 34 4750 430. 100 1609 741 15349 7 105 3 j 69 i 97 15616 2 160 3515 53672 12612 301523 102 1432 153 3328 1 2227 J 303434 215 36209 COUNTY OF 431. 176 1709 4564 74640 223 2935 16 275 306 23672 42 5005 432. 150 1500 3839 74511 252 4076 4 87 201 21246 27 3844 433. 70 581 1190 15890 59 610 38 2972 5 377 103 1059 2763 45105 194 2958 8 104 139 14339 435. 484 4099 6164 84608 574 4315 13 216 751 68577 44 1923 436. 187 1734 1430 29830 178 2139 208 20390 31 2506 437! 191 1540 3765 65448 108 1191 5 76 213 13980 8 988 438. 169 1271 3071 51602 204 1705 4 328 26116 38 2047 439. 158 1946 1940 39319 168 2676 224 21920 4 229 440. 60 588 2478 44710 ■ 68 979 i 10 723 83656 23 2400 446. 32 283 852 11818 200 2156 1 265 26761 826 1780 16310 32046 ' 537481 2228 25740 47 773 3396 323629 247! 20145 1 COUNTY OF 442. 443. 444. 52 149 63 792 2100 950 3823 1837| 2225 58837 42734 51110 36 4 11 1 510 78 202 7 4 5 91 74 163 1 { 257 147 260 22321 15425 31339 1 33 13 38 4676 2574 5345 10 ' 250 4 600 Ai7 20 41 1 1.538 41 5340| 17 4845 448. 39 477 2798 44150 25 373 11 180 389 371621 31 3931 449. ' 663 2949 34 i 2648| 25 ; 7420 450! 1 325 1 6352 1 i 161 1 134351 17 1 476 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 175 Agricultural Produce for 1861. PONTIAC. — ( Continued,) Carrots, Minots. Mangel Wurzel. 1 1 Beans, Minots. Clover, Timothy and other Grass Seeds, Minots. . UJ a o H jQ w? A O Maple Sugar, lbs. Cider, Gallons. it Wool, lbs. 1 Fulled Cloth, Yards. Flannel, Yards. Flax and Hemp, lbs. Linen, Yards. CO O o i iS 1 o .a I ^ ! 38 39 40 j 41 42 43 1 44 45 1 46 47 48 49 50 1 51 1 1 1 1 i I 1 30 17 57 1.382 1643 1 2399 1 522 719 1 4 i 10 ! 902 i 379 ! 1346 i 20 ! 1 150 56 72 3146 4532 109 2274 1 5431 ! 1 1 I:::::::: 1 1 1 ] -,2 1 74 1 100 2785 1 86 i 623 j 773 8 «• • • 1 1 1 149 j 3 j 2 ! 14 2S: 233 1075 165 3980 5615 754 1104 1 212 i 6028 1 686 j 1392 1 1 44 1 j j 27 i 50 110 56 i 1 I i 30 10 1 i 1840 2174 806 2041 436 j 1781 > 743 1 2625 1 I 707 145 1 26 12 34 1 3660 12 303 25 1 i I ! 7 j 7 1 444 274 546 185 792 j 410 1 1 1 301 296 40 366 1 1 1 i ' 1690 3 N 637 j 142 1 69 10711 1 325 1 14241 1 12 21388 1810 21932 56 55 PORTNEUF. — ( Continued,) 363 3 85 22 1 941 45 12 3 1 ! 2255 2139 375 1571 2368 555 3012 1308 1 36234 36984 4953 24323 25578 20615 14886 19969 23596 10625 24074 5628 6475 1283 4877 6284 1857 4256 3598 3158 1841 308 2558 3663 859 2414 2446 868 1259 1258 1816 540 222 1 2006 3386 223 2873 3590 1149 2113 1693 2157 621 140 3418 3818 927 .3708 19437 1469 2991 2679 3847 222 9762 3452 5949 771 4996 4189 1380 2231 2633 4123 215 1193 I 1 1 •••• 1 8 1 184 93 2 18 6 57 36 19 1714 9 46 80 2 176 8 6 1096 655 3 40 597 26 1346 135 1816 16344 63 241837 i 8 39565 17903 19951 52288 31132 QUEBEC. — {Continued.) 24 3 I i 91 110 11 4962 1 880 4065 1711 1957 3173 1761 603 4 1 778 148 5 2284 1386 3047 1840 1020 1141 672 682 6 j 355 178 13 5003 4958 3066 2033 1126 2271 1323 4 1 2000 160 160 15 25 258 57 1 37 1 3531 254 2400 2578 1146 461 1790 584 320 y 800 1 308 1 50 365 1 278 73 44 25 14 176 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 12. — Lower Canada — Return of COUNTY OF Live Stock. Butter, lbs. ^ 1 9j 0 0 6 Beef in Barrels of 200 lbs. Balls, Oxen and Steers. Milch Cows. Calves and Hei- fers. Horses over 3 years old. Value of same in Dollars. Colts and Fillies. Sheep. Pigs. Total value of Live Stock. 1 52 53 54 55 56 57 1 58 ! 1 59 60 1 1 1 62 63 415.. 13 13 11 13 1 1250 1 i i Hi i 11 1 1432 1 1 ; 1050 1 i 4 41 5 i 15 17 17 28 2660 4; 23 20 i 4410! 1 1 1.20 I 416.. 4 22 33 8 i 492 35 33 i 13871 ! 760 417.. 150 501 547 242 i 19922 109 876 758 25265 ! 32045 206 418.. 171 673 883 302 23827 123* 1 1321 1049 ! ' 65009 51751 1505 206 418i| 7 6 9 5 500 3* 3 17 1500 I 419.. i 259 1026 1245 459 i 36652 225! ! 1953 1500 i 1 92515' j 76556 814 292 420.. 1 69 208 207 97 i 1 8067 35I ! 205 283 i ! 190131 1 10440 210 106 421..| 111 300 365 143 11920 ■ 74' 419 391 1 1 32764i 1 15979 243 134 42ii; 30 12 3 33 3280 1 7 5330 j 1 830 21 422..i 14 20 14 7 360 1 ' 15! i 26 i 1667| 1485 1 423..1 no 429 427 221 30776 74 1 611 641 ' ! 465341 30375 ! 975 201 424.. 1 61 125 150 75 1 6706 17 236 171 j 14593i 5815 1 240 78 425..! 170 417 476 155 1 11711 96 638 495 1 36475i 1 410 70 426.. 3 8 i 800 i 920; 1 22891 1 427 ' i 1 1 i 1 428.. I 16 119 1 141 56 8658 33' 218 146 i 10905! i 4283 1 40 50 429 ! 88 no 128 32 ! 1923 ' 9 44 183 ! 105021 1 1450 480..! 24 105 136 71 ! 8436 28 107 1 i 169 i 1 104551 1 5382 i 1 160 32 1312 4106 4792 1955 177940 839 1 6715 1 5900 1 380676 1 262212 4597 1 1400 COUNTY OF 431.. 1140 1044 808 532 40208 82 2019 711 1443041 42705 50 2 432.. 917 865 899 418 26782 61 2332 582 61964! 26861 128 433.. 221 215 241 101 6077 81 390 272 I52OOI 1492 95 434.. 744 303 611 269 17523 50 1709 424 41751 25438 124 435.. 1045 1293 1703 350 38648 76 2133 1282 95586 52436 36 278 436.. 328 180 298 173 10343 17 668 328 20899 9629 67 437.. 1156 807 894 .300 19761 49 1390 435 44367 34557 125 438.. 766 654 607 313 17839 731 1 1222 524 41717 27918 50 9 439.. 603 480 408 245 15246 43 i 1613 479 31811 12250 124 440.. 742 683 533 301 17560 55 608 736 43026 43135 180 441.. 217 188 155 127 6648 15 176 1 316 14698 9692 24 19 7889 6712 7157 3129 1 216635 529 1 14260 6089 555323 1 286113 160 1141 COUNTY OF 442.. 443.. 444.. 988 490 516 885 506 877 664 304 140 447 444 447 j 28488 23647 57295 i 67 40 j 80 ‘ ! 1481 1474 1127 1 936 ! 806 1074 1 712181 56623* 78069 1 26120 18784 35041 1 j 1S| 63 Ills 12 939| 1J.A 24 5 6 1560 A J 107 6 80 1 5 38 14062 1 448.. 1050 920 427 452 26817 31 1 567 489 33135 41676 20! 1 1 449.. 450.. 12 118 269 10 192 1 70 ! 65 212 25782 3 107 1 3307 9! ! 80 90 28612 14983 ; 21 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS tn % Agricultural Produce for 1861. PONTIAC.— (Con^mweaf.) 1 Pork ia Barrels of 200 lbs. Fish. Carriages kept for . pleasure. Value of same in Dollars. Carriages kept for hire. Value of same in Dollars. Minerals. Dried in Quin- tals. Salted and Bar- relled. Sold Fresb, lbs. Copper ore mined, Tons. Value. Iron ore mined, Tons. Value. 64 65 66 67 1 1 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 10 3 33 454 29 807 886 9 221 1 30 9 1174 46 1658 171 16 .339 277 400 460 30 1136 2 15 400 118 13 374 311 71 1581 4 36 84 4 115 79 6 505 1 1 3990 400 460 227 6766 5 66 PORTNEUF.— (Con/mwed) 436 399 154 503 981 208 267 224 399 301 170 724 644 133 431 506 212 595 240 244 80 32 12171 12912 2035 7494 11220 2937 7092 2891 4869 1945 550 42 334 1 1 4042 3841 66116 42 334 QUEBEC. — ( Continued,) 426 301 579 750 375 482 12410 11975 12140 6 238 1 3 128 389 193 30 300 14415 9903 17392 615 1 409 2 19 118 4314 12 178 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 12 . — Lower Canada — Return of COUNTY OF TOAVN-SHirS, PAKlSilES. Ac. | < I j Occupiers op Lands. Lands — Acres. Total. 10 acres and un- der. O o o 20 to 50. 50 to 100. 100 to 200. Upwards of 200. Amount held in Acres Ct C} ^ a |.| ! Under crops. Under pasture. Under Gardens and Orchards. 2 §4 r- P c '5 O 1— 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ! ! i 8 ‘ 9 10 11 12 13 151. St. Edmond 1 120 ' 4 1 1 1 8 59 37 12i 17187 3209 2222 985 2 13978 152. Ste. Foye 117 13 5i i 32 46 20 1 7124 4704 3128 1550 26 2720 Pt. ftfl.hrifil 261 13 ‘ 18 117 88 28| 33001 12267 8024 4243 20734 151. St. Roch 63 2 7 10 24 5621 5059 3745 1299 15 562 of Quebec 2056 190 183 392; ^ 1 465 i ;i7]i)i4i 1 76733 1 i 49317 1 26613 773 94281 COUNTY OF •4 5-'’. St Aim/t 347 2 6 98 174 81 58 9 27794 14033 18226 14879 5106 3347 2212 9568 456. St. Marcel 457. St. Ours, Village 166 3 7 32 35 8 7415 97 6618 458. St. Ours 212 9 4 40 77 74 8 21050 14315 7921 6335 59 6735 459 St Robert 221 17 12 70 96 23 3 12558 86.37 5641 6269 2368 .3921 460. St. Roch 78 2 1 9 33 24 9 8467 .3348 2256 37 2826 461. Sorel ,338 3 11 111 1.35 64 14 27097 14781 8785 5996 12316 Afi? Pnrfilj Town of 31 6 2 5 11 7 2082 1020 576 4.33 11 3 062 463. Ste. Victoire 176 1 50i 1 87 34 4 14091 7433 5081 2348 4 665S Total of Richelieu 15O0j s 1 43 L- 415 694 319 55 127172 77468 51965 25295 i 208 i 49704 COUNTY OF 464 Rv 602 17560 2564 1857 2283 617 194 5 4 958 66859 4217 2152 3845 1061 1057 339 19665 665 2584 2034 3349 638 1172 77 14110 12 518 491 438 88 90 101 1 110 44 809 32025 2870 2438 3747 952 1591 70 1 500 4 825 62 16102 3754 2559 2857 2365 1878 4 1 1 5 41 1762 1 33807 6466 4650 5213 2001 2066 16 1 917 27335 4833 3563 5145 2035 1724 2 1 10 3 2 1010 55375 5542 3306 6313 2547 4441 185 4 1 621 1 73 48 8657 63 281877 698 41019 28623 39788 12688 16603 182 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS. No. 12. — Lower Canada — Return of COUNTY OF Live Stock. Butter, lbs. i 1 1 o' n o o O Beef in Barrels of 200 lbs. Balls, Oxen and Steers. Milch Cows. Calves and Hei- fers. Horses over 3 years old. Value of same in Dollars. Colts and Fillies. Sheep. Pigs. Total value of Live Stock. i 62 63 54 65 56 1 1 67 58 59 60 61 1 62 63 451.. 20 292 260 118 6514 13 121 221 14475 1 16395 291 55 462.. 316 319 197 246 24295 21 208 325 176514 24014 5 453.. 71 1104 706 332 18356 87 489 789 46495 49214 500 U3 454.. 66 398 73 360 9 32 269 36175 4098 3533 5819 2894 3193 187719 357 5649 5255 582720 t 230325 2886 299 COUNTY OF 465.. Ill 1135 1089 736 362.39 278 2926 1 1075 1 83799 466.. 43 426 430 284 18633 88 1149 410 i 36643 10635 70 457.. 47 48 87 15 1 6959 468.. 27 550 464 354 18515 132 1502 544 i 39845 11999 78 459.. 24 483 645 340 15971 163 1344 487 34554 11592 25 79 460.. 340 332 294 186 1.3091 89 899 253 I 24172 11518 232 97 461.. 156 1176 1018 685 68768 309 3741 1424 96648 27344 18] 462.. • 31 244 53 224 21 216 .352 ^7280 2117 26 463.. 48 894 .780 497 37480 234 3633 558 79886 78043 354 521 780 5287 4773 3354 208697 1314 15497 5118 429786 153248 611 552 COUNTY OF 464.. 66 67 257 165 6745 18 .372 1 80 ! 1 17509 15066 650 .33 465.. 135 645 863 264 24289 104 1347 354 56785 44760 2101 132 466.. 15 65 59 52 1650 5 57 23 I 8678 2675 10 467.. 254 1101 110.3 328 20580 129 2220 296 : 80414 88582 3380 125 468.. 17 32 17 31 520 4 39 .3 4786 1260 2 469.. 271 833 1458 342 24849 162 1932 603 81751 73999 10839 133 470.. 6 17 32 J] 540 2 33 9 1 1715 100 471.. 254 316 439 122 7228 20 637 210 j 25803 21852 3220 37 1018 3076 4228 1315 86401 444 6637 1578 j 277441 248294 20190 472 COUNTY OF 472.. 569 535 317 310 22001 ^“1 70! [ 1642 586 r 42131 31539 357 473.. 35 206 31 154 6477 24j 1 715 362 10962 5541 93 474.. 16 11 9 6 432 j 30 17 875 150 13 475.. 17 71 30 65 3596 14 318 163 5145 2268 12 476.. 265 324 274 215 13147 51 1257 435 28910 6345 83 477.. 365 525 465 301 20084 89 1835 1 675 42143 16440 1085 216 478.. 383 821 75 157 12804 39 1049 334 14123 16824 186 479.. 92 94 71 74 4554 17 1 358 176 8193 590 5 480.. 428 414 317 201 1 15595 74 1128 382 33464 21805 242 481.. 601 536 440 311 j 12032 114 1988 705 i i 34384 17166 I 1 * 12 482.. 944 847 592 459 1 31639 129 2786 895 39796 38370 484 483.. 708 595 . 567 328 i 22447 106 2142 793 610451 23364 4l 226 484.. 743 706 403 302 20727 88 2803 573 22467 40654 ! 277 5166 5185 3591 2883 1 185535 815 18051 6096 343638 221056 1089 2206 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 183 Agricultural Produce for 1861. QUEBEC. — [Continued.) Pork iu Barrels of 200 lbs. ^ 1 Fish. | Carriages kept for pleasure. Value of same in Dollars. Carriages kept for biro. Value of same iu Dollars. i Minerals. i Dried in Quin- tals. j Salted and Bar- relled. ! Sold Fresh, lbs. | Copper ore mined, Tons. j Value. j i Iron ore mined, Tons. Value. 64 65 1 66 : 67 1 1 68 69 1 70 ! 72 j ! 74 75 104 1 i 14 1 182 ! \ ! 1 j 91 284 i 8465 1 10 138 22 i 1028 1775 j I 73 i 5608 4 .396 i 3844 1 1 2743 1 94433 129 i 1 i j 1 4958 1 i i 1 RICRELIEV.— [Continued.) i i 712 1 320 ! no 1 .313 .326 1 175 1 509 i 285 1 685 1 14659 7600 3332 1 5780 3713 j .3912 i 11416 11138 18024 1 i i .325 ! 1 1 1 356 322 232 507 67 730 i 1 18 156 1 1 162 3055 2539 3435 1 79574 180 3211 RICHMOND. — [Continued.) 62 355 18 227 6 460 96 205 55 276 29 309 ! 2736 7347 2370 7641 982 10078 i j o 1 15 ! 575 180 370 2 100 129 75 1 1439 1 1257 1045 j 32593 24 1 1240 1 ■ i RIM OU S KI . — ( Continued. ) 360 248 6 95 200 331 ! 229 ! 65 282 32 638 345 160 1256 . 1 87 452 719 6 1 1 ii 125 266 133 154 191288 30 457 73 6 120 5 55 76 196636 245 282 14 1629 4039 6 556 202 •i, 3291 1598 4102 32 1 1253 7 j 256 *•> j 17 8 i 394 90 1672 295 4387 163 4350 10 118 188 7007 419 7296 496 9476 382 6978 445 7012 2537 1 4 42 . 4 .38 8 80 393228 50216 184 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 12. — Lower Canada — Return of COUNTY OF TOWNSHIPS, PARISHES, &o. Occupiers op Lands. Lands — A cres. Total. 10 acres and un- der. o o o 20 to 50. 50 to 100. j 100 to 200. j Upwards of 200. Amount held in Acres. Under cultiva- tion. Under crops. Under pasture. Under Gardens and Orchards. Wood and Wild Lands. 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 13 485. L’Ange-Gardien 259 6 3 63 ! 175 11 1 15889 4910 3437 1460 13 10979 486. Marieville Ineluded in Ste. : Marin. 487. St. Cesaire 452 24 9 i 87 277 52 3 31790 24977 16884 7813 280 6813 488. St. Hilaire 233 86 32 20 44 43 8 16364 8717 5251 2816 650 7647 489. St. Jean-Baptiste 253 20 10 15 131 71 6 22301 18820 12765 5600 455 1 3481 490. Ste. Marie 455 29 11 54 250 98 13 37266 30409 21226 8909 274 6857 491. St. Mathias 184 10 8 12 104 44 6 17071 14248 9797 4366 85 ! 2823 492. St. Paul d’ Abbotsford 198 3 5 58 92 36 4 14497 6925 3854 3046 25 7572 Total of Rouville 2034 178 78 309 1073 355 41 155178 109006 73214 34010 1782 46172 COUNTY OF 493. Saguenay and River Ste. Marguerite 494. - Tadousac and Bergeronnes .. 495. Escoumins, Iberville and Mille Vaches 495i North Shore from Portneuf to Blanc Sablons (*) 26 50 54 17 6 19 16 24 3 9 15 4 8 9 4300 8890 8951 1247 1547 951 423 568 254 824 979 696 3053 7343 8000 of Saguenay 130 23 59 27 21 22141 3745 1245 2499 18396 (*) Capital invested in Fisheries, $699,535. — Number of Schooners, 22; Fishing’ Boats, 774, — Gallons of COUNTY OF 496. Ely 279 2 129 108 35 1 5 22685 9842 7300 2522 20 12843 497. Granby 395 10 12 137 154 66 16 35253 11281 6376 4635 270 23972 498. Gra.nby, Village 9 2 1 1 4 1 502 179 103 74 2 323 499. Milton 391 25 16 193 126 25 6 25482 9408 6456 2889 63 16074 500. Boxton 407 65 12 108 165 48 9 28537 7698 5619 2031 48 20839 501- Shefford 408 6 5 98 162 107 30 46038 18519 10527 7902 90 27519 502. Stukeloy 380 5 .... 172 126 56 21 36882 16199 9204 6903 92 20683 Total of Sheflford 2269 113 48 838 845 338 87 195379 73126 45585 26956 585 122253 COUNTY OF 503. Coteau Landing 504. Cedars, Village 505. St. Clet 506. St. Ignace 507. St. Joseph 508. St. Polycarpe 509. St. T51osphore 510. St. Zotiqne Total of Soulanges. 110 175 216 321 194 171 3 2 4 *9 O 4 9 3 1 3 12 6 9 12 34 21 90 32 62 73 91 131 174 115 66 15 40 50 31 29 20 4 7 7 n 8 5 1187 25 34 251 650 185 42 8574 15526 20889 • 21862 16074 10801 7739 11476 17835 18092 8224 5028 93726 5804 6207 12267 13517 5071 3867 1838 5169 5380 4337 3101 1113 97 100 188 238 52 48 835 4050 3054 3770 7850 5773 46733 723 68394 20938 25332 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 185 Agricultural Produce for 1861. ROUVILLE. Cash value of Farm in Dollars; Cash value of Farming Implements in Dollars. Produce of Gardens and Orchards in Dollars. Quantity of Land held by Townspeople, not being farmers. Fall Wheat. Spring Wheat. Barley. Rye. Acres. Minots. Acres. Minots. Acres. 1 o fl <1> O 1 Minots. ! 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 266210 6489 745 657 8585 107 1868 12 137 1115225 72464 6190 413 2665 30360 727 15490 73 612 406796 14880 7832 103 458 5190 325 5496 10 56 567935 27463 5031 245 988 10023 1529 20802 11 109 1519020 90678 8222 738 3154 35554 1369 24773 6 122 419692 8765 1928 221 525 5142 565 11780 2 16 291430 7946 2248 541 6375 64 1068 143 1824 4623308 228685 32196 1720 8988 101229 4686 81277 257 2876 SAGUENAY. 18160 23240 16910 1574 1522 394 200 50 ! 174 116 26 1294 579 176 51 39 79 602 385 435 41 228 36 288 1357 260 58310 3490 250 316 2049 169 1422 305 1905 Oil, 40,838. SHEFFORD. 230578 417450 18780 584126 346235 1499896 509195 10223 14167 338 17252 18681 12823 32205 1 1158 6373 21 112 3 30 177 519 11 823 224 447 249 2734 8194 249 8821 3204 12737 4852 185 19 2802 378 88 5 1266 89 4802 1989 5561 225 35 967 382 2 12 92 117 39 189 1392 1454 881 4412 56 133 66 25 641 1606 1099 472 .3606260 105689 19883 1742 5 42 2450 40791 641 11319 373 5173 SOULANGES. 38 16 304814 561388 464252 803207 314000 288293 4775 18295 8290 41670 11098 8845 1465 3426 3139 7020 581 1160 31 142 48 159 19 88 16791 541 1 11 1 11 1449 1082 864 2791 1361 790 13326 10649 8379 28700 18945 7976 400 714 1018 1085 313 221 7469 11770 15939 18911 5897 3842 8337 87975 3751 25 40 83 233 293 599 148 1125 2735954 92973 63828 186 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 12. — Lower Canada — Return of COUNTY OF Peas. Oats. Buckwheat. Indian Corn. Potatoes. Turnips. Acres. Minots. Acres. 1 Minots. j 1 Acres. 1 1 Minots. 1 Acres. Minots. Acres. ! Minots. i ! i i Vj O O O .2 26 27 1 28 29 1 30 - i 32 j 33 i 34 1 35 1 36 i ” 485. 357 4325 873 18661 I i 1 1 127 i 1976 34 674 184 20374 3 i 1 206 486. 1 487. 1779 27989 14293 83350 1 114 2113 142 3462 361 44094 1 575 488. 990 10792 1325 19449 no 1628 26 485 72 7915 3 275 489. 1759 20188 4524 54015 133 1768 56 1281 246 1 20179 14 490. 2934 39785 5167 77123 91 1546 38 717 423 49319 491. 1884 26334 2264 41086 66 1195 14 323 108 ! 12130 1 f) 492. 268 3439 866 17396 239 4984 194 2497 j 239 j 31137 9 i 662 9971 132852 29312 311080 1 880 15210 504 9439 1633 1 185148 1 1 1737 COUNTY OF 493. 494. 495. 495} 76 81 27 436 461 186 46 62 37 407 779 377 i i i j 35 j 39 47 2155 3955 3831 1 6 i 184 1083 145 1563 ' 6 121 9941 COUNTY OF 496. 97 1071 1 975 27168 1 590 ! 1.3081 12 250 1 259 1 33183 1 361 2915 497. 285 3973 1005 27097 299 7734 302 7705 813 39690 5 970 498. 27 580 10 144 6 135 135 995 1 10 499. 756 9212 1364 21193 262 3752 62 1725 297 26968 111 870 500. 193 2219 1187 22474 349 5856 55 1999 348 29916 35! 3432 501. 103 2195 1023 34648 471 15083 165 5828 345 69109 19 6696 ,^02. 158 3015 1026 36606 732 22525 27 640 399 55026 251 3991 1592 i 21685 6607 169766 2713 68175 629 18282 2596 254887 132j 18884 COUNTY OF 503. ! i 504. 505. 448 6792 1871 33687 79 714 4 71 31 2493 506. 500 8149 3268 60442 343 5326 33 692 157 1 21436 2 500 507. 1450 22209 3608 61441 253 3118 18 226 188 1 12037 508. 1252 17406 4162 77584 424 3538 13 211 207 12290 509. 648 9813 1783 35621 63 812 6 188 1 152 10302 510. 233 3468 1161 23643 129 1277 37 541 120 11637 4531 67837 15853 292418 1291 14785 111 1929 [J 70195 2 500 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 187 Agricultural Produce for 1861. RO\]Y\hh^,— {Continued,) Carrots, Minots. Mangel Wukzel. Beans, Minots. Clover, Timothy and other Grass Seeds, Minots. Hay, Tons. Hops, lbs. 1 Maple Sugar, lbs. Cider, Gallons. | Wool, lbs. 1 Fulled Cloth, Yards. 1 . _ Flannel, Yards. 1 Flax and Hemp, lbs. 1 Linen, Yards. | Acres. Minots. 38 I 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 1 i « 49 50 51 100 1 1 ! 96 64 54 696 16 21535 1 1 2509 1 1237 1 4670 1820 1581 743 2 730 149 276 2932 10 14986 14002 6793 8134 7574 6637 2216 3 918 7 28 476 23511 26 2994 1500 1745 1063 1548 87 6 163 3 535 2083 36323 125 8305 3447 6364 7574 5057 1 10 2096 69 647 4811 1 18365 13967 8007 6800 12440 7635 109 8 2529 11 94 1100 9215 6131 2844 1932 1837 1183 4114 236 839 19660 2364 1081 1574 1191 730 7370 30 6532 539 1634 12937 27 143595 151 50272 24909 31219 33499 24371 S AGUEN AY.— ( Continued. ) i i i 63 141 233 10 r— 1 i — ' 1 583 937 190 377 358 123 202 625 134 i 81 ::::::::: i: 38 300 447 300 1710 858 961 81 38 S HEFFORD . — ( Continued . ) 74 1445 1 1 2 ! 10 100 30 215 191 2557 3097 44 140 52925 36480 420 995 6543 106 1 1581 879 3822 2334 10 145 879 198 1341 8 ii5 131 48 1838 116 49953 6790 3991 2351 4356 3071 2931 396 10 I 183 167 89 1272 558 56243 979 4023 3327 2182 473 493 2941 22 1 i 1015 255 113 6667 1419 57050 9571 1722 5320 313 298 1361 1 I 39 95 581 5718 30 75129 7860 4380 5809 2233 1502 7558 44 1 1 1462 j 893 1022 21193 2263 327780 8189 33089 14240 23833 6235 6301 SOU LAN GES. — ( Continued.) 1 1 : j 1 1 1 ^ ^ 1 140 441 2751 2888 1625 1835 340 73 J757 6 2296 21 687 18853 3908 2096 2065 1593 453 571 64 3465 120 45 789 96 2483 5959 2259 2098 60 j 430 50 1 198 17 717 1390 3049 6168 3038 3493 1193 870 10 1 102 31 535 100 3076 1828 19411 1 100 42 1942 4 373 24 240 540 8 1542 1386 752 781 6 12 4330 76 1 6434 161 1194 4386 104 28778 23385 11598 12213 1 3292 1880 188 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 12. — Lower Canada — Return of COUNTY OF Live Stock. ; Bulls, Oxen and Steers. Milch Cows. Cal\res and Hei- fers. Horses over 3 years old. Value of same in Dollars. Colts and Fillies. Sheep. Pigs. Total value of Live Stock. c? Cheese, lbs. Beef in Barrels 200 lbs. 1 52 53 54 55 56 57 68 69 60 61 62 63 485.. 486.. 512 436 491 307 18332 113 706 450 34128 • 15994 32 487.. 1812 im 1452 1081 62614 453 3602 1310 165277 68656 220 106 488.. 574 545 467 340 19950 132 1058 433 .34352 25914 82 489.. 1169 930 1010 743 41753 336 2614 806 86286 41753 154 149 490.. 1150 1750 1653 1876 97290 530 4583 1730 241838 .54990 15 168 491.. 654 786 673 ! 692 32667 269 2115 688 70834 34286 134 48 492.. 426 438 532 272 27347 94 830 332 35344 21796 2206 54 6297 6609 6278 5311 299953 1927 15508 5749 668059 263389 2729 639 COUNTY OF 493.. 58 46 23 i 22 i i 1533 6 196 1 49 4092 1293 ! 9 494.. 78 89 77 37 i 1 2176 8 226 107 6393 1858 24 495.. 54 74 31 99 7920 6 94 95 11571 2325 18 495i 75 15 59 33 3570 190 284 ■ 131 173 11629 20 575 284 25626 5476 51 COUNTY OF 496.. 258 641 880 242 14751 128 1453 i .324 58807 52728 830 157 497.. 248 1534 920 746 20280 114 1641 423 66698 94700 31000 278 498.. 4 19 14 3 240 2 19 8 731 1400 500 499.. 280 780 622 470 37190 122 1275 473 79634 36024 3175 475 500.. 215 543 485 410 .34929 74 915 340 60655 43055 730 276 501.. 485 1512 2237 623 71246 257 2849 464 132770 123567 4875 1069 502.. 482 1148 1247 517 40971 217 2566 467 112763 82417 10292 391 % 1972 6177 6405 3011 219607 914 10718 2494 512058 433891 51402 2646 COUNTY OF 503.. 504.. 505.. 462 506.. 794 507.. 312 508.. 632 509.. 467 51 0.. 317 50 65 4.37 401 792 734 864 580 1091 657 580 503 402 349 42 30 344 578 703 787 420 286 16855 162 25836 219 49959 236 43887 340 21792 168 8794 97 1 16 1045 2030 1740 2108 1705 505 58 25 490 802 965 1290 799 498 3856 2654 32973 63073 68702 88860 43062 28226 2984 4281 3224 3190 1222 9150 4927 10818 40545 14932 48615 24315 18106 20 175 635 10105 352 24 200 ]5 415 116 85 11287 855 167123 331406 157331 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 189 Agricultural Produce for 1861. ROUVILLE. — {Continued.) Pork iu Barrels of 200 lbs. Fish. Carriages kept for pleasure. Value of same in Dollars. Carriages kept for hire. Value of same in Dollars. Minerals. Dried in Quin- tals. Salted and Bar- relled. Sold Fresh, lbs. Copper ore mined, Tons. Value. Iron ore mined. Tons. Value. 64 1 65 1 i i 68 69 70 71 1 72 73 I u j i 216 255 3768 1118 1070 29320 75 413 380 324 9897 5 103 V 735 714 19286 29 245 1135 1465 56162 60 738 309 497 12335 21 221 288 251 5456 4181 4576 136224 190 1720 SAGUENAY.— 22 32 20 1 125 13 28 3528 ■»562 136 13 9 145 99 95536 74 95536 3694 1698 22 244 SHE FFOR D . — ( Continued . ) 373 643 167 490 4 481 339 577 594 3462 18992 105 10953 16402 15611 18450 3 9 20 750 734 342 640 674 2 194 16 28 940 3406 2 194 16 2652 83975 40 1710 S OU LAN GE S . — ( Continued.) 55 33 241 445 493 704 290 228 2356 1362 5324 10220 10843 19116 7278 6871 67 52 618 490 313 591 442 1104 451 325 151 96 417 720 4 5 4 103 32 735 .3226 4 5 2489 63370 473 3012 190 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. -12. — Lower Canada — Return of COUNTY OF TOWNSHIPS, PARISHES, &c. Occupiers op Lands. Lands — Acres. Total. 10 acres and un- der. 10 to 20. 20 to 50. 50 to 100. j 100 to 200. Upwards of 200. Amount held in Acres. Under cultiva- tion. Under crops. Under pasture. Under Gardens and Orchards. Wood and Wild Lands. 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 1 10 1 11 12 i 511 Tin Prpfip.nfn.iion 334 19 18 58 167 70 2 25083 17582 12310 5272 7501 51? S^T T?flrnjLh/» 188 20 104 60 1 16384 12030 8215 3783 32 4354 513. St. Charles 151 1 2 17 54 60 17 19042 12573 7813 4 748 12 6469 514. St. Damase 319 6 15 26 192 77 3 25412 21351 11884 9400 67 4061 515. St. Denis 276 9 13 17 131 96 10 27279 20065 13027 6405 33 7214 516. St. Hyacinthe, City... 517. St. Hyacinthe 383 21 13 26 215 88 20 34773 29681 18176 11474 31 5092 518. St. Jude 281 28 3 29 126 78 17 27671 12141 6924 5217 15530 Total of St. Hyacinthe 1932 84 67 193 989 529 70 175644 125423 78949 46299 175 50221 COUNTY OF 519 , Tslp.-fi.ii'v-Noiy 1 1 124 90 59 30 1 34 520. Lacolle 421 11 16 78 156 128 "32 40620 25026 14252 10581 193 15594 521. St. Jean, Parish 174 36 9 23 55 42 9 13689 11142 6733 4259 150 2547 522. St. Johns, Town of 523. St. Luc 130 4 4 20 54 40 8 13079 10341 6977 3337 27 2738 524. Ste. Marguerite (L’Acadie).. 209 8 7 18 66 76 34 25713 22870 15371 7413 86 2843 525. St. Valentin 201 6 9 41 105 30 10 26377 19863 14208 5529 126 6514 Total of St. Johns 1136 65 45 180 436 317 93 119602 89332 57600 31149 583 30270 COUNTY OF 526. Pointe du Lac 211 7 21 58 78 38 9 16304 8088 5317 2736 35 8216 527. St. Barnabe 266 3 8 60 117 66 12 23402 10150 7387 2670 93 13252 528. St. Boniface 248 5 1 86 115 34 7 22068 3600 3018 509 73 18468 529. St. Etienne 232 2 9 149 55 12 5 15740 4257 3534 720 1 3 11483 530. St. Severe 132 2 6 16 65 34 9 12606 7044 4801 2179 64 5562 531. Three Rivers, Parish 214 6 24 68 66 37 13 14862 2495 1910 575 10 12367 532. Yamachiche 323 31 15 51 106 91 29 30961 22159 16192 5774 193 8802 Total of St. Maurice 1626 56 84 488 602 312 84 j 135943 57793 42159 15163 471 78150 COUNTY OF 1 Bar ford & Academies 535. Barnston 89 12 38 31 8 13944 4318 2408 1898 12 9626 373 9 7 64 114 125 54 47225 22812 12923 9742 147 24413 536. Hatley 317 21 14 64 104 82 32 36177 17714 9822 7783 109 18463 537. Magog 538. Stanstead and Stanstead 140 2 2 23 41 41 31 19944 1 i 6609 3673 2933 '1 1 1 13335 1 Plains 500 10 14 69 168 179 60 689741 1 1 1 39545 1 2.58.| 17681 ' 283' i 29429 Total of Stanstead 1419 54 75 251 435 427 186264 I 90998 50407 ii 554 95266 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 191 Agricultural Produce for 1861. ST. HYACINTHE. o I O ^ fl C*-I O ® O "S - > .2 rs . P m $3 U § 'gfi ' ^ p 2 2 2^“ e3 O p, j a> ® .-^pS ^ -;3 H fl 2 >>"® 61 65 i 06 67 68 69 70 71 1 •72 73 i 74 ! .^7S ’ 1 ■ 1 ! ^ I 53'1 8472! j : i 331 ' i 391 6103! 11 331 ! 313 ! .516 1 UOOdi 701 831 19335' 102 1122 i 732 1069 18990! 88 688 269 10080' 24-i 340 687 1 818 1 19252' 1 17 876 355 1 53 d ! 9851 , 2 20 ! ! 3697 1962 ; 1061771 37-1 3380 ; i ST. JOHNS.— (^Conh'nwet/.) 1 ^ 1 ■ 1 1 i 888 i 1 687 1 263 1 65 1 293 ' I .148 1 i 490 i 1 I 1 17711 1 7157 : : 6723! J 5053 14322 j I5498j 1 1 462 ! ! f j i ; .2| [ 270 ! i 248 827 671 i 1 1 IS?! "j ! 1302 ! 186 1 1 i 1 i ! 1 1 1 3096 1 1 ! 2256 ! i 66164 161’ i 1758 1 1 i 1 1 1 ! ST. MAURICE.— (Co?i/m?/cc/.) 118 451 179 207 367 i 103 1 102 i i 1 28! 415 1 130 I 170 207 195 4740 ! 7424 i 1742 ' 2619 2467 1988 .. i ! 1 ! 15 ' 290' i t 1 :::::::::::: j 1 I 1 i . i i i : ! 1 9‘23 1 7383 28 221: j 1 2827 2231 1 38363 73 511 i 1 ! STANSTEAD.— (Con/mwei/.) 136 680 501 1 ! i 100 580 .532 208 359.5 : ! 2975 20593 18942 6523 41799: : 1 1 1 : i i I i 5! ! 1 155 1 1 1 1 ! i 1 I! : ! 5 : 245 1742 i ! ! 1 3059 ; ! : 5015 90832 11 1 405 1 i 1 ! i 13 * 196 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 12. — Lower Canada — Return of COUNTY OF OccupiEns OP Lands. Lands — Acres. TOWNSHIPS, PARISHES, &c. Total. 10 acres and un- der. o O O 20 to 50. O o O O 100 to 200. Upwards of 200. Amount held in Acres Under cultiva- tion. Under crops. Under pasture. Under Gardens and Orchards. Wood and Wild Lands. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 5.^0. Bofj’nn 88 47 24 16 1 7452 1145 616 529 6307 .540. Dennnvilln 108 37 66 12 3 19595 1343 576 767 9252 51:1. Fraserville 18 1 6 5 G 3216 1667 956 706 5 1549 542. Isle Verte 319 3 16 44 1.33 98 25 35946 14767 8002 6687 78 21179 643. Notre-Dame du Portage 74 1 5 40 22 6 7891 4800 3200 1570 30 3091 544. St. Antoine 144 5 1 14 88 26 10 13392 3534 1291 2194 49 9858 545. St. Ar"'-ne 196 9 2 18 98 59 10 18560 11086 6324 4713 49 7474 546. St. Eloi 156 2 5 9 99 32 9 14550 6413 3575 2833 5 8137 547. St. George de Kakouna 145 9 2 14 59 54 7 14610 8968 5992 2946 30 5642 648. St. Modeste & Whitworth .... 137 1 3 19 78 30 6 11384 3589 1245 2339 7795 549. St. Patrice de la Riviere du 1 1 Tionp 108 2 8 46 37 15 14307 6985 4673 2282 30 7322 550. Tcmiscouata Road 141 1 1 4 43 62 30 24504 3020 1995 1013 I2I 21484 551. Trois Pistoles 368 21 9 20 188 99 31 43447 18896 9541 9301 54I 24551 552. Viger 275 1 4 193 68 9 23464 6327 2362 3954 "i 17137 Total of Temiscouata 2277 53 42 243 1151 620 168 243318 92540 50348 41834 1 358 1 1 150778 COUNTY OF 553. Beresford 554. Ste. Adele 655. Sto. Anne 656. St. Janvier 557. St. Jerome, Village 558. St. Jerome, Parish 659. Sl^f Sauveur 660. Ste. Sophie 561. Ste. Therese, Parish .... 562. Ste. Therese, Village .. 563. Terrebonne 564. Terrebonne, Village .... Total of Terrebonne. 62 8 35 15 4 8200 926 603 320 3 7274 242 8 15 92 89 32 6 23497 7355 3808 3517 30 16142 164 27 13 8 39 55 22 29168 14706 7565 7046 95 14462 163 17 4 17 71 44 10 14701 9005 4478 4514 13 5696 603 129 16 99 237 105 17 44369 18894 11417 7394 S3 25475 221 4 4 21 108 73 11 21624 7599 4361 3234 4 14025 207 2 1 24 108 58 14 24287 7648 4160 3472 16 16639 253 53 15 30 60 65 30 22554 15484 10439 4952 93 7070 25 4 2 7 9 1 2 2160 841 631 176 34 1319 132 34 1 7 21 39 30 17368 9070 5447 3574 49 8298 153 132 3 6 2 4 6 9307 1678 807 787 84 7029 2225 410 74 319 779 491 152 217235 93206 53716 38986 504 124029 COUNTY OF 565. Lake of Two Mountains 64 6 3 15 24 11 5 5722 2791 1900 869 22 2931 566. St. Augustin 255 21 12 33 118 60 11 21140 16381 11612 4696 73 4759 567. St. Benoit 242 53 11 25 88 55 10 18490 13267 8803 4374 90 5223 568. St. Canut 95 5 1 9 36 37 7 10212 5155 2934 2218 3 5057 500 Pt- rJnliimbn.n 126 46 53 27 21395 5637 1757 3879 1 15758 570. St. Eustache, Village 99 74 4 6 7 4 4 15901 5162 4723 434 5 10739 571. St. Eustache, Parish 348 117 13 30 88 91 9 22334 17853 12409 5273 171 4481 572. St. Hermas 170 39 4 8 75 39 5 13562 11191 8094 3080 17 2371 573. St. Joseph du Lac 200 77 21 41 49 8 4 8205 6386 3559 2648 179 1819 574. St. Jerome 35 7 1 6 16 5 2144 1510 1099 406 5 634 575. St. Placide .'. 160 42 5 26 38 46 3 11144 8029 5435 2463 131 3115 576. Ste. Scholastique, Village... 11 1 8 2 945 754 443 307 4 191 577. Ste. Scholastique, Parish 444 151 7 27 163 80 16 30462 21729 15188 6422 119 8733 Total of Two Mountains.. 2249 592 82 227 756 491 101 181656 115845 77956 37069 820 65811 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 197 Agricultural Produce for 1861. TEMISCOUATA. Cash value of Farm in Dollars. Cash value of Farming 1 Implements in Dollars. 1 Produce of Gardens and Orchards in Dollars. Quantity of Land held by Townspeople, not being farmers. Fall Wheat. Spring Wheat. Barley. Rye. Acres. Minots. Acres. r Minots. O <5 m O .s Acres. Minots. 14 15 16 1 17 18 19 20 21 1 1 22 1 23 24 25 16100 532 22 104 157 759 112 553 23525 917 53 531 257 5200 103 1762 52500 2048 50 56 499 36 574 43 424 429028 17132 2780 509 4185 487 7660 1685 12939 112930 4431 584 267 1641 153 1824 311 1773 G4800 2521 371 109 645 184 1073 197 1212 366850 17150 1393 528 4466 355 3830 1239 10366 152016 9125 2333 335 3631 272 4996 972 10447 261376 5683 892 554 5023 264 3746 563 5624 85170 2767 275 63 454 103 634 444 2840 167356 6634 514 476 3481 248 2571 494 3053 ^0268 3838 371 74 814 315 3025 180 1523 451023 12952 190 861 5782 665 8984 1439 9642 144950 4720 178 38 255 782 4316 665 4838 2397892 90450 9931 3945 31511 4278 49192 8507 66996 TERREBONNE. 23720 1191 44 5 72 149 3907 30 462 130518 7271 1241 9 129 71 707 409 7181 165 1770 498541 29976 3076 17 74 533 381 3326 335 4284 62 477 284212 12990 569 93 679 252 2005 301 3695 60 515 529669 15413 2685 34 79 573 434 8539 503 5069 176 1334 118212 5828 10 6 44 ' 71 803 186 2641 116 952 161336 9065 353 29 1 17 20 248 86 1408 3 42 656126 27698 2290 439 4339 190 1823 659 10430 148 1420 124656 4346 800 12 34 369 13 '160 59 1332 12 137 348794 11715 1950 162 1466 78 771 269 4495 200 1008 312946 1680 2640 28 22 230 12 360 80 949 81 216 3188730 127178 15658 120 919 8379 1527 13814 3036 45391 1053 8333 TWO MOUNTAINS. 102756 3144 160 18 6 45 203 1761 68 823 1 11 738645 49948 5201 30 234 2902 520 6462 748 18104 9 99 365808 17958 2436 23 66 506 756 5501 599 8401 21 113 172743 9807 4 18 146 153 1500 T06 1574 50 539 44807 3945 12 7 1 15 30 310 6 101 27 291 136301 3705 319 70 41 252 13 135 78 1187 5 16 709190 39622 2821 331 3003 413 3568 926 15859 132 1052 547771 15715 1513 29 31 254 666 5314 412 6968 35 385 223320 11265 4529 88 22 158 371 4551 234 3679 103 876 57732 1719 305 5 55 62 604 62 808 403110 29000 3972 35 26 307 497 4372 311 4909 55 470 4790 1580 598 12 46 67 448 33 413 2 IS 925730 52782 3263 56 53 529 1467 14956 1163 14096 46 41S 4432703 240190 25129 360 846 8218 5218 49482 4796 76922 486 4288 198 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 12. — Lowkr Canada — Return of COUNTY OF Pea.s. Oat.s. .Acres, o c ii Acres. i c ; -5 1 ^ 26 27 j 28 29 639. 60i 291 44i 1 286 640. 30; 202 21 276 611.! 29! 334 106 4186 642.; 486 3748 1220 22066 643. 116 783 436 8034 644. 282 1688 160 1761 646. 406 .3334 1206 19840 646. 396 4446 466 7189 647. ’ 100 1212 021 ! 17695 648.^ I 310 2111 217 2280 640.' i 230 1473 600 ! 8335 660.; 1 1.62 1067! 212 i 2714 651.i ; 667 4374 ! 1416 18046 662.’ ! ' 492 1 2370 i 278: 2077 3680 27422 ’ 7400 114673 Buck wii EAT. I.NDIAX Coi:.\. ' POTATOK.S. i O o c 1 i ^ i i ■ c c ; iS .Acre.s. i ! Acres. i 1 Minots. j 1 30 31 j 33 34 i 35 36 37 1 1 i ! 0 ! ' 300 202 ! ! 6. 1 [ 1660 2 1 280 ! , 29 4950; 2 4' ! 63 1 406 ] 7832! j 660 1 18 ! ! 130 lS710i i 2 1 . 102 136811 9 • 226 •j 69 1 ‘ 400 67941! 6 1 469 1 214 ■ 311161 26 2081 i ! 1 277 ' 47934 140 j i 98 13150 2 ' 20 1 1 ! 177 31536 3 140 118 869: 1 1 1 6 8520' 28 1263 i i 31 i 1 j 414 1 666231 9 496 1 1 ! ! ! ‘ 110 ' 10777‘ 2 106 1 ! ! « i 1 130 1062 ! i 1 i 1 2483 3836191 89 6963 COUNTY OF 66-> 11 Si 2 :io| 1323 173 1223 4610 24661 I ■•h! 1 2163j 7176’ 3304; ! ! 7-IS ! 1 ‘’J/* i 9450 ! i 270 4i;{i ! 22052 I ‘]‘>! 1429 102 065. ll«li iiQiel 3542 467371 338i 6’ i 108 ! 861 t 14473 1 ^ 7 ^ . 61631 1 4073 1 2630 4803 31263 i i 61061 2668 6668 1 10 311 i i .o.jl 1 16336 4 386 2 667. 668. i O' 48Si 1 i I j 496; -I i 12 ; 836 659. 202 1986 1636 j 27709 i 314 1 4619 1 268 23293 1 1 660. i 116 I 1236 2009 ' 30105 1 92! 765 1 I ! 8 ! 288 ! 33971 1 662 661 . 1 641 i 24 1 6470 3669 i 64926 i 2l6i 4703 36 i 828 j 484 ! 44 553 j 1 1840 662. i 406 177 1 3799 1 -"1 .390; 1 ' 67 6910' 1450 663. 1 686 1 6466 1950 ! 30085 ! 135: 1949 ! 1 18 1 146 1 162 131461 ■ 7! 460 664. ! 423 264 504 6 j 1 'i 24l» i 3 i no 1 ’ 29 j 4106 1; 116 ! 3860 38681 21976 324880; i ' 33656 1 84 j 1 633 . , 3886 i ) ! i 231151 ! 1 ! ».t ‘ 7143 COUNTY OF 666. 86 813! 427! 6706; i 97; S60' } i 1 87 j ; 1219 ■11 2172! 669. 638! 1 92281 4770 1039171! 3S0j 74021 1 29 i 1, 424 1 468881 667. 1141 6421 i 3312 , 406681 i 314; 2150 32 1 i 468 186 1 ! 12U5j 668.' 94 j 1044] 1.6{I2 1 26636!! i 218! 2669 8] 119 |! 176 238931 669. 17 1 123 967 I 133991 ! 168; 1663 6i i j: 261 17290! 670. i 74 i 94O1 296 i ! 4511; 36’ 234 1 11 ! 300 j 60 6129' ! I 26 671. 1 641 i 65881 4020’ 61630| 1 194: 6140l 93| 1 1454 i 431 362441 ! 20 672. i 436 i 6362 2836 ! 41846; ! 2111 2460 1 25! ,340 : J77 14840' i 673. i 186 ’ 2020! 1121 i 17362! 1 lS6j 2918 37i 1006 ■ 186 14722 46 674. S 29 i -toii 539 ; 10496! i 13! 2111 1 1 i 3 ' 11 848! 1 3 48 676. IIS 19911 ’ 1854 1 28347 i 1 1S7! 19391 ' 46; i 916 ' 161 , iioMl: i 24 i 214i 196 2615’ 16' 171 t f ! 7 j liool 1 ! 0 t 0 . 677, 822 i 8611! ' j 1 6372 I 96642; 1 1 i 47»^ 6441 1 . 1 1 -7 1 j 676 Ij 381 1 ! 46434; 1— i 4806 I 46746 ! 27293 4425731’ ! ^ 2790i 36218' ! , 1 1 j 4()oj 1 7303 jj i 1 ! 2486 23021 9' i i| 169 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 199 Agricultural Produce for 1861. TEMISCOUATA.— (Conh'ntiei/.) Carrots, Minots. Mangel Werzel. i i ^ 1 j ^ Clover, Timothy and other Grass Seeds, Minots. Ilay, Tons. * 1 Hops, lbs. 1 V2 ' u a , to . cS » c5 Cider, Gallons. i Wool, 11)8. Fulled Cloth, Yards. Flannel, Yards. .1 zx CJ % s Linen, Yards. || * Acres. i 1 i a ! i i 38 39 40 I i .■'iJ 43 44 1 45 i 46 47 4S 49 j 50 61 1 ! \ ! ■ 11 1 6300 1 146 129 i 95 1 12^ i 13 ; i 1 45 ! 9175 1 164 162 180 ' 13 1(1 oO 8 i 1 1 284 j 250 531 370 87 109 197 [••••* 1 2371 50427 5441 4687 5907 : 2284 3468 ! 1 72*^ 10760 1720 1705 1305 744 1197 1 202 12385 1169 1048 1716 405 0:f:l 4 i 12 9 1346 8591 5378 3863 6054 2353 I 646 6475 3742 3328 5029 226 1 3215 I •) u 1 509 27510 2481 2096 2562 2643 3104 1 1 471 8362 1805 963 1998 ! 653 * 715 () 1013 j 14021 2956 ! 2368 i 2784 1 520 1 1101 * 219 1 24023 1225 1 1 040 ! 1574 ! 427 i 386 i 1478 i 54070 8482 i 5313 i 7185 i 2503 i 3432 1 222 8492 1469 j 1 149 2191 ■ 508 ' 818 1 1 1 58 i ' 4 ! 17 23 1 10539 ! i 240841 ' 36709 28221 38667 I 14400 1 1 23211 i 1 1 i j i 1 TERREBONNE.— (Co/i/mwef/.) 6i 77 459 ; 81 ; 81 1 :?! ! 31 ! 1 62| 1 48 716 1258 729 21271 924 1112 I 1193 ! 164 1 821 248 7960 9932 14508 12093 37245 9048 3673 18720 640 3840 300 1 142 4333 5368 3091 7094 1779 2581 5069 275 2805 268 75 781 2600 2880 4416 2796 1138 2671 125 1253 54 120 708 3536 2363 1 3955 1 1274 1297 ! 2767 OQOO 63| 1 I06i 108 6 252 24 476! ...1 20 1512 2985 2114 4296 894 500 2234 754 3693 2578 3563 936 619 2262 110 2123 700 4 1 • 256 20 76 1 7 26; 30 499! 13621 221 10631 175j 1 13 3 13 1 130 3323 1500 1878 50 1 9 10 95 71 1090 200 4078j 36 1 7233 j 927 9340 17 117959 30 29805 18789 18201 15931 17446 TWO MOUNTAINS.— (Conimuerf.) 221 1 i 230 j 1 90 ! ! 6' ! 454 1 6987 17 578 101 176 30 60 3069 6 i 1850 1 689 379 2679 38 19018 6360 3056 3640 5287 3791 1546 7 i 2201 i 33 497 1267 14445 4655 1999 2882 1846 1809 6 j 15 • 1 1 10! j 682 11601 1898 845 1065 320 1019 9 610 1165 1654 637 910 120 4.1 30 1 1 119 1 5 383 1000 243 5 ! 2230 i 20 137 1352 28496 5201 2601 3603 1643 1229 1427 6 1008 34 269 1303 6434! i 5615 2338 3178 2276 1997 470i 1 1 200 2 38: i 495 17730 j 2111 1046 1072 660 149 1 1 . . . I i 1 1 ! 197 1 460 653 509 310 272 294 1 "l 300 i j 145 i 1105 i 5705 2839 1684 1510l 1 1076 812 i 1 i 46' i 60 830 461 319 275 183 119 1176 1 11 1428 37 1 290 ! 3041 1 38610 30 8062 5279 3920 4349 4919 8697 38 ! 9580 1 1 911 1 18X7 j 13628 1 38 162471 47 ■ 40087 20414 22541 18062 16242 200 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 12. — Lower Canada — Return of COUNTY OF Live Stock. Butter, lbs. Cheese, lbs. Beef in Barrels of 200 lbs. Bulls, Oxeu and Steers. Milch Cows. Calves and Hei- fers. Horses over 3 years old. Value of same in Dollars. Colts and Fillies. Sheep. Pigs. Total value of Live Stock. 52 53 54 55 56 1 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 539.. 4 26 10 15 1142 5 60 33 2445 1220 4 540.. 21 35 ! 5 25 1369 4 76 47 2586 100 541.. 64 218 79 114 9690 14 . 218 220 14827 3570 8 542.. 524 ir 8 685 516 45795 105 2844 1444 57754 52487 194 543.. 24 2^2 200 110 7209 37 578 240 15949 12078 24 112 544.. 7 171 162 1,30 11261 20 425 229 1.3687 10271 143 545.. 763 703 587 337 . 25286 144 1775 678 34651 41896 353 546.. 23 692 688 313 18972 100 1625 570 19814 34079 5 547.. 38 439 252 256 12368 74 1044 465 31817 18834 165 548.. 195 188 174 103 8040 27 554 205 8566 9240 101 549.. 422 411 355 189 13006 64 1036 391 30464 21502 7 550.. 11 161 121 125 8403 11 435 335 15900 7239 128 551.. 649 1124 674 498 37219 129 2858 852 34063 49150 364 552.. 60 221 150 142 10355 23 532 285 16851 8287 102 2805 5699 4142 2873 210115 757 14060 5994 299374 269953 24 1686 COUNTY OF 553.. 83 73 61 46 1905 5 64 86 3752 2865 3 554.. 380 451 287 ^4 12683 31 542 422 18897 25125 47 555.. 892 825 571 51)1 37561 186 1650 757 69007 31756 250 126 556.. 773 616 482 393 30046 155 1116 441 41856 25668 249 121 557 132 83 120 60 8647 558.. 932 1522 1043 806 33987 296 2299 880 90551 78039 30 301 559.. 524 596 502 679 11809 90 835 476 21149 23365 560” 279 782 465 308 15413 191 666 275 37384 47642 892 188 561.. 699 1070 476 591 38035 251 1505 862 47961 48049 400 95 562.. 79 267 36 110 3560 79 100 144 16175 17988 90 563.. 524 602 415 305 26437 136 947 346 41352 23222 410 131 564,.. 24 53 27 32 3010 36 68 26 3609 3386 125 7 5189 6989 4365 4138 214446 1456 9912 4775 400340 327125 2356 1109 COUNTY OF 565.. 135 171 169 114 4965 47 186 199 13708 8250 30 566.. 1100 1005 822 726 .39513 315 1646 724 88431 65257 537 162 567.. 817 724 802 520 26990 247 1446 728 59820 37196 458 219 568.. 498 425 346 217 13485 117 691 309 307-52 17481 850 62 569.. 161 417 286 157 7102 106 592 313 16030 20709 300 74 570.. 19 133 5 130 10400 5 23 S3 12983 2885 60 8 571.. 1167 991 985 674 42,324 .381 159.3 1098 93542 51827 2061 262 572.. 213 714 641 383 41945 226 1292 626 17909 35756 324 204 573.. 390 406 184 289 13693 101 768 .330 31101 18015 580 96 574.. 119 115 102 63 3667 35 251 82 6000 5265 15 575.. 534 495 402 325 22167 154 806 496 52252 27795 156 83 576.. 52 114 48 95 6650 21 1,33 68 10531 3950 11 577.. 522 1431 1298 866 78136 488 2493 1073 135763 115725 100 414 5727 7141 6090 4559 311037 2243 11920 6129 568822 410711 5426 1640 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 201 Agkicultcrai, Produce for 1861. TEMIS COU ATA .— ( Continued.) Pork in Barrels of 200 lbs. Fish. Carriages kept for pleasure. Value of same in Dollars. Carriages kept for hire. Value of same in Dollars. Minerals. Dried in Quin- tals. Salted and Bar- relled. Sold Fresh, lbs. Copper ore mined, Tons. Value. Iron ore mined. Tons. . Value. 64 I I 65 66 ar i 68 69 70 i 72 73 j 74 75 20 V43 33 171 180 635 204 543 161 162 154 643 188 110 1396 18 124 272 113 116 443 213 192 85 247 96 638 76 4332 7886 2466 1260 9070 5752 4036 1582 4580 1570 13492 1307 13 400 129 527 240 375 8 101 1117 82 86 21 349 18 4 3 17 25 5 637 3137 134 2695 2281 2615 57333 28 543 TERREBONNE. — {Continued.) 44 253 493 347 9 59 357 • 165 150 582 58 135 243 47 245 153 148 1741 10191 3726 3774 8892 1116 2656 9839 2788 6494 5498 5 61 78 2 26 823 20 213 886 158 269 413 193 229 30 . 20 6 29 144 30 567 3315 2203 56863 166 1858 TWO MOUNTAINS.— (ConHntted.) 8S 549 612 221 211 13 841 595 204 64 282 91 1167 53 435 231 66 20 72 476 303 179 17 201 201 616 1699 11851 6903 1453 544 3309 11440 8727 3624 530 6631 3753 23777 43 453 38 833 20 1 202 10 1 8 24 90 4933 2870 84241 111 1612. 202 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 12. — Lower Canada — Return of COUNTY OF OccupiEUS OP Lands. 1 Lands — A cres. TOWNSHIPS, PARISHES, &c. Total. 10 acres and un- der. j 10 to 20. j 20 to 50. 50 to 100. j 100 to 200. Upwards of 200. Amount held in Acres. Under cultiva- tion. j Under crops. i 1 i c5 1 ^ 1 i 1 "" Under (lardcns and Orchards. 5 % \r 1 2 3 4 1 1 5 1 6 i 8 9 1 ! 10 I 11 1 12 1 13 r»78. Isle Perrot 74r , 3 1 27 37 c! 8944 6794 40 12 4911 1801 82 26i 2150 5024 9418 579. 580. Newton 123 4 5 50 48 10 1 9036 2290 1696 Ste. Marthe 315 12 77 163 •50 el 21205 11’ 87 8692 3002 93: 581. 582. Rigaud Vaudronil, Village 3 2 27 174 ! 114 171 . 1 37818 23074 13.103 9505 266 14744 583. Vai;dreuil 305 10 57 130 78 22 II 42832 2.3474 1 17486 5723 265 19358 Total of Vaudreuil 1151 22 1 30 214 542 295 51 |ll9835 69141 46682 21727 732 50691 1 COUNTY OF 584. Beloeil 2.361 69 3 1 11 58 77 18 2 OI 49 I 16249 1 108,34 5300 1 115 3900 .'iR5 flonfroereiir 237 u! 17 40 122 40 4 17308 11681 i 7526 40821 1 73 5627 586. St. Antoine 245 "fi 13 100 63 18879 16212 12547 3408' 257i 2667 fiS7- St.e. .Tiilift 153 ! ‘i- 22 81 40 5 132441 9785 5677 3995' i 3459 588. St. Marc 183' 59 5 3 32 58 26 i 1745.3 13041 8815 4134 1 92! ! 4412 589. Varennes 285 14 15 22 90 120 24 1 33201 [ 2.3873 15706 7926| 2411 9328 590. Vercheres 292 .53 i ^ 20 60 126 306671 1 17708 14103 .3587 78 7899 Total of Vercheres jl631 272 46 131 543 524 115 15090l|l08609 1 75208j32432 969 37292 COUNTY OF 592. Dudswell 1 124! 1. 6 1 \ \ 25 44 37 11 14331 >044 3069 1972 3 9287 59.3. (rfirt.hhy 46 1 0 0 1 tfO y 5 3212 913 658 255 2299 .594. TTfl.irij Smith 43 1 IS 14 8 '2 4057 1399 940 459 2658 .59.5. Ham 98 3 2 46 39 5 14533 1244 850 394 13289 .593. St. Camille 76 26 32 10 s! 8751 2031 1525 506 ' 6720 . 597 . Stratford 67 24 .30 8 5 I 6950 1454 1132 316 6 1 5-196 .598. Wftfidon 110 1 37 53 17 2 10044 2803 2061 695 47 7241 599. Wotton 283 1 1 i 142 93 38 8! 23513 7265 5396 1858 11 i i( ns 600. W'olfestown 266 1 !_!! 155 1 39 4 26156 4414 2873 1530 11 1 21 '2 Total of Wolfe 111.3 1 12 1 7 j 374 474 201 45 111547 26567 18504 7985 1 78 1 1 84980 1 COUNTY OF 601. La Baie IS 1 11 H to! 119 ! 51 : ! i 4164C 1 13111 i 1."134 109.'.7 24 0 ! 17329 602. Piorreville 57 27 : 72| 93i cs' IS i 251311 2031 ..120 3558, 53i 13100 603. St. David 443 11 29 ! ' 1901 159 ; 1 lOi ! 30077 ■2644 ! 9138 3272! 184 17433 604. St. Francois i 1 303 i 51 ! , 63i 88 .58' 19 i 22361 8635 6570 2006, 59 13729 60.5. St. Michel i 326 107 1 5 ; 38 1 69 75: .32 1 27392 14657 10523 : 4020] 114 12735 606. St. Zephirin 217 I < 1 21 ! 130 54j 11 I 23285 6088 4512 ! 1548 28 17197 Total of Yamaska | j 1948 244 97 1 409; 609 ; i ' 442^17 : :I698S9j 78366 52347125341' 678 91523 CENSUS REPORT OF 'THE CANADAS 203 Agricultural Produce for 1861. VAUDREUIL. .2 2 to .2 S Is ryj ^ p 'S 2 o Fall Wukat. I Sprinc; Wheat. Barley. R\ 'E. Cash value of Fa Dollars. ^ 2 o « « c a o rt 3 > .2 § a -So O ^ o c3 ^ s 2^ pH Quantity of Lane by Townspeopl being farmers. Acres. i o .2 Acres. i c p ii Acres. j i o a Acres. Minots. 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 1 23 24 1 25 1 275340 9683 .3211 361 ! 509 4775 860 1 10858 50 446 118659 8645 693 200 i ! ^ <5 646 6076 89 1320 87 636 771494 815300 28110 46395 3567 6631 i 53 210 303 1894 2238 20731 22407 280 509 5010 7945 195 156 2058 1752 1090140 55600 6952 77 27 : ' 98 1671 j ; 12126 I i 1835 27441 826 7563 3070993 148433 21054 1204 i 154 6958 ! 66115 ! ! i 3573 52574 1314 12455 VERCHERES. 695713 482730 691740 337210 504931 1 167284 849310 21#8 14530 33815 11447 20857 39607 24047 4302! 2297 3765] 1820 3286 3682| 3508 •I 83 195 ! 3 i 159 26 i 1 1 1 j 682 1 306 ! 239 1 .558 641 ! 612 i 598 ! 6387 } 3296 ! 1859 1 4887 ; 5973 I 5230 5375 131 Oj 440! 961 390 8751 j 1899' 1 1416 1 22831 ! 8649 1 15398 5680 13960' 31544 20530 1 2 1 582 i 8 351 32 »l 1 18 5005 49 280 167 122 235- 1 4728918 165881 22660 469 i '1 i j 3636 33007 ■ 7291 118592 684 1 5876 WOLFE. 108615 3287 5 i ! 1 12 1 i • ^0 054 ‘ ; 20 418 31; 483 15605 1000 j 1 7 j 16 138 1 i 23 31 5 1 48! 458 >22240 703 ! 26 370 ' 1 15 293 3; 46 36849 837 i ' 1 25 ! 95 1850 i 1 71 1700 '1 49; 858 23140 1625 i 1 6 i 48 479 1 1 78 1042 42i 458 26160 931 176 i I 20 73 827 i 81 1407 21 : 269 50906 1790 463 i 57 613 1 23 2530 i 164260 7655 839 29 i 119 1482 ' 1 55 2319 18li 2185 77526 2277^ ! 322 t 1 : 1 1 79 i 927 ! 195i 1 2732: •158| 2009 5253011 ! 20111 I i 1805 29 j i I 1 1 a ! j 70 j • 583 7640 I 761 12756 i 533| 6826 j j YAM ASK A. 7918.38 .34030 i 5567' 49 I ' 1 1 1779 ! 21727 M 157 ■ 3071 isi ! 239 361851 12627 2738' 4 ’ 843 ! 8608 li 126 ; 1829 .333 ' 3673 531008 15959 1399' 267 : i 12 ! 1547 j 14916 li 206 2594 157 1 1572 385857 25913 ; 3157' i t 1 676 7144 '! 52 951 i 393 431 0 471584 11784 ! 1914; 1 1914 ; 10 I 1052 ' 7640 I: 168 2507 i 416 3496 202980 4854: j 347 1656 I 1 !•■ 1 1147 1 8865 : 63 _^| 1 28 176 CO 105167 15122 3890 j ; 1 r 22 7044 68900 l| 772 ! 11561| 1345 13457 204 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 12. — Lower Canada — Return of COUNTY OF Peas. Oats. Buckwheat. Indian Corn. Potatoes. Turnips. CO a> CO O .2 CO o o o .2 <1> U O 1 CO O .2 1 ^ CO O o VI O .2 1 1 CO V o <1 CO O CO O u < CO O .2 w-H P==4 1 26 1 27 28 1 29 30 81 1 32 33 ! 35 36 37 578. 579. 580. 581. 582. 583. 1033 446 1163 1981 12549 4279 21407 27005 1530 887 1984 4363 23750 15543 19211 90400 228 137 282 347 2448 999 2736 5651 15 18 • 67 94 191 253 1274 2485 118 73 191 241 9976 5326 19437 25645 1 141 2 2073 210 16 1 1562 17929 4548 72261 436 3713 117 2731 442 40228 3 975 6185 83169 13312 221165 1430 15547 311 6934 1065 100612 21 3401 COUNTY OF 584. 3036 34299 5909 40507 86 783 56 990 146 18264 1 9 585. 784 9987 2967 51196 50 623 57 1048 166 2198^ 586. 2051 27072 3901 72069 16 203 77 1008 206 20951 3 587. 1253 12372 2460 39395 20 348 10 515 55 10966 588. 1121 17119 2579 37876 40 406 67 1329 73 14186 1 9 589. 2005 19366 6439 93287 38 453 110 1805 i72 22893 590. 3500 32004 5350 75200 27 390 66 1063 159 20117 13750 152219 29605 •409530 277 3206 443 7758 997 129365 2 21 COUNTY OF am— 592. 17 269 505 15777 409 11228 10 243 91 13417 23 4931 593. 15 83 116 1803 95 1666 42 4406 3 265 594. 5 92 97 2287 112 2630 39 4290 15 1476 595. 0 113 112 4419 99 5485 2 10 141 20253 596. 9 80 170 3053 252 3702 85 7891 33 2087 597. 8 56 123 2050 80 1216 61 6365 10 755 598. 49 467 271 5941 382 7201 110 12648 28 2691 599. 100 1074 772 18526 538 10462 246 27174 58 4255 6oo! 33 242 453 7696 466 9873 253 21732 59 3594 242 2476 2619 61552 2433 •53463 12 253 1068 118176 229 20054 COUNTY OF 601. 602. 60g. 604. 605. 606. 996 408 715 326 567 722 11650 3532 7242 4109 5294 6133 5130 3904 2821 2372 3729 1414 111000 70450 44967 44439 58259 24423 414 505 434, 409 509 202 7081 7667 5682 5213 5698 2555 49 101 44 71 56 6 1091 1638 483 1071 762 94 303 39878 285 37199 319 27780 2C5 26184 1 247 30344 196 23321 3734 2473 327 5139 1555 2 222 22 1650 2 834 7 620 43 508 81 3834 37960 19370 353544 33896 184706 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 205 Agricultural Produce for 1861. V AUDREU I L.- -( Continued.) Carrots, Minots. Mangel Wu"zel. Beans, Minots. Clover, Timothy and other Grass Seeds, Minots. Hay, Tons. Hops, Ihs. II II Maple Sugar, lbs. Cider, Gallons. Wool, lbs. Fulled Cloth, Yards. Flannel, Yards. Flax and Hemp, lbs. j Linen, Yards. Acres. i Minots 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 15 15 1 2 548 10 3875 2079 782 985 74 1 338 13307 1907 846 1312 170 91 1007 1 254 49 3 981 164 13240 15 4464 2058 3380 872 421 420 1 226 37 3 1894 15 12380 7749 4748 5575 900 2350 4 1340 81 20 2203 2370 5636 1461 2614 90 74 3792 6 1835 168 29 5964 189 45172 15 21835 9895 13866 2032 660 VERCHERES.— (Con^mwerf.) 203 .331 7 10 2 21 2159 256 524 88 2159 2684 2583 3 12 2 10 1023 1§63 1500 429 1023 2533 2272 24 9256 23461 7876 625 9508 23461 15212 5883 5296 6925 3173 4432 5296 7939 2493 2726 2579 1636 2385 2726 3544 2745 3973 3706 1697' 3409 3973 4337 3672 4835 4014 ' 1219 1935 4835 25549 1640 3412 5157 1246 2944 3412 4162 203 25 10 5 8 3 31 12 10 5 769 56 10453 37 51 10643 24 89399 38944 18089 23840 46059 21973 WOLFE. — {Continued.) 284 1 8 20 18 1038 43752 2481 873 2432 35 7 1 24 1 28 139 6805 291 163 117 37 8 8 1 5 271 4210 479 172 452 68 63 274 4677 29 255 250 1416 20 11 232 8255 536 227 423 285 262 2 2 239 6337 240 92 329 142 85 7 1 4 20 4 467 34191 1239 873 687 524 476 123 4 8 1071 29675 2087 1892 2050 1945 1668 1 3 78 3 4 789 5 23473 1107 492 636 935 223 432 6 114 49 80 4520 5 161375 8489 5039 7376 5387 2805 YAMASKA. — {Contim. d.) 1 480 13 37 14 18 102 5137 2452 840 1983 1437 698 48430 31508 20973 27840 12597 21222 12727 5290 5355 3538 4084 3306 7233 3270 3947 2344 3251 2396 8487 4818 3999 3680 2996 2269 7833 5387 1583 5963 6998 2488 9685 5820 7153 6966 7841 4134 64 64 8 75 17 4 5 68 185 153 69 151 129 4 52 15 5 *>28 9 253 506 664 12547 72 162570 34300 22441 26249 30252 41599 206 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 12. — Lower Canada — Return of COUNTY OF 1 Live Stock. Butter, lbs. || f 6 Beef in Barrels of 200 lbs. 1 Balls, Oxen and Steers. Milch Cows. Calves and Hei- fers. Horses over 3 years old. Value of same in Dollars. CoUs and Fillies. Sheep. Cm i Total value of Live Stock. - 1 1 52 53 54 55 56 57 i 1 58 1 59 60 ! 62 63 578.. 419 376 348 280 17829 169 652 463 : 44593 8759 ! 14 579.. 323 344 325 234 11040 115 699 427 1 26820 13139 j 1786 72 580.. 792 799 489 547 31346 201 1274 781 i 71676 44 255 1 3020 319 581.. 28 1397 1228 850 50175 369 2691 1458 ’ 128651 11 6210 ' 450 436 582.. 76 62 7 46 i 5535i ! 583.. 1277 1342 1346 1 859 56655 414 1732 1 1155 ! 12150l| 1 73425 1 3320 266 j 2839 4334 1 3736 2832 j 167045 1268 i 7055 1 1 1 4330 1 : 398776i i ; ; 255788 8576 1107 COUNTY OF 584..I i 893 1 i 9491 1 808 i 695 ' 37114 271 I 749 I 683 ! 82396, 27783 i 605 77 585..! i , 802 611 571 I 28576 260 1829} 772 63279! 21529 205 160 .586..! 1 1239 ! : 999 976 643 49710 286 2327! 681 1 94843; 35926 194 266 587.. ! 519 i 550 415 416 32795 194 1174! 573 15460. 1 23070 103 588.. 1 69 1 i 834 713 500 33728 205j 1286| 523 62959: i 27384 640 201 589.. 799 1 ! 802 611 571 28576 260' ! 1829 772 63279 21529 205 160 590.. 1 1269 992 958 56613 480 ; 3592| 1041 94665 30775 ! 310 1 4410 ! 6205 5126 4351 267112 1956 1 137S6j ! 1 5045 476881 187996 1849 j mr COUNTY OF 592.. 593.. 591.. 595.. 596.. 597.. 598.. 599.. 600.. i 136 ! 260 !• 380 102 1 : i i T892| i 14471 38 668 166 ' 27403 1 19 50 ! 70 30 9 129 96 : 4295 i 34 ; ! 64! ! 95 28 1 ! 1685i 7 152 43 : 5973 147 j 65 20 55 ! ' 5208 1 436 1 87 ' 10573 I 55 1 93 148 51 i 2554 21 236 ! 1^^7 , 8934 i 63 80 95 ' 1 25 ! i 1891! 9 93 ; 121 ! 6621' 105 i 158 232 72 ! 3770 ! 29 396 258 i 15820, 145 ! 326 458 162 ! i 8662! 57 , 792 376 . 29593: 102 1 1 227 233 190 i 7294 1 5 1 i ; 428 373 j 203781 ! 806 i 1323 1731 715 40403! 1 1 205 ’ 1 ! 3330 iwr 1 129590: i 19980 4235 ! 86 1889 50 8 5185 ^ 00 1 -0 537 200 2289 1 2261 1 1 , 5854 : 1 44 : 16053 50 26 1 24807! 4554 6 !! 788551 il 1 9089 212 COUNTY OF 601.. 1402 ! i 1683 i 1342i ! 1 860 46687 206 ! 4974 i 1194 1 I 09037 if ! 75637; ! j 408 602.. 162 ; 907 916 505 28687 144, 2308 932 ! 64833;' 22248 ■ 199 603.. 1119 1 993 693 ■ 716 37006 ! 19645 ! 183' i 2351 ! ! 1157 70198;; 21480* 45; 604.. 1 851 750 703 451 1 1 38 1 1956 1 857 47657 18666' , 1 1 155 605.. 1 1 139 963 1294 597 30941 1 278 1 26351 ! 1 025 65564 i 22336 1 55 205 606.. 1247 522 432 300 15568 1 13«| 511 32097'* 16540 ' I i::: 1 5920 ! 5818 5380 3429 178534 1042 I 155661 1 1 5676 1 3S93S0 ! il 176907 100 1326 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 207 Agricultural Produce for 1861. y A.\]Y)KEmL.— {Continued,) 3 VJ 'v n a i o A. Fish. Carriages kept for 1 pleasure. 1 Value of same in Dollars. I Carriages kept for hire.! Value of same in Dollars. 1 Minerals. Dried in Quin- tals. Salted and Bar- relled. Z- I "o 02 Copper ore mined, Tons. Value. Iron ore mined, Tons. IV 64 i 1 66 67 GS 1 ' e 1 70 71 72 73 74 75 V7 233 932 1232 i '.....i I i 122 j ! 463 1 744 .S'.> 61 1 1 .6246 j 3188 1 9593 22541 2974 16 i 119 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 ; 1 ! 1 1 1 1 ! i i 863 1 1 1 1 7351 j 406 1 1 i 1 i 1 I 3a07 j 1 1 J 2189 60893 75! i 525 1 i i ! 1 i 1 1 VERCHERES . — ( Continued . ) 408 1 682 1 678 i 297 498 682 952 1 i ! i 1 1 ! 696 15497 532 9068 751 I 18401 398 i 5832 541 i 15006 532 1 9068 896 1 18960 6 27 1 ! i 401 1 117! 1 1 1 i 1 ! [ i j 1 ! ! 1 [ 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 j 1 1 67 10 1 351 105 j 1 i i i::::::::: 1 1 4197 1 4346 i 91832 1 110 613 . 1 1 i ■” \^OLYE.—{Conlinued,) 1 175 1 40 I 45 ' 30 i 90 i 39 1 135 232 202 ! 1 1 1 1 1 33 i 2864 1 96 ' 622 1 i 1 ! i i 1 1 j : 1 1 7 ! 10 i 45 129 95 106 176 1167 2018 853 ! 1 1 1 1 i 1 i 1 1 ! I 1 i l_Zl! 1 1 988 j 1 ! I 420 ! 1 7902 1 i 1 i 1 YAMASKA. — {Continued.) 1063 734 732 470 i 564 ! 483 1 ! 942 587 702 487 163 321 I 18797' 10088 9689 6901 4013 4637 1 ' ’ 7 105 ! i I ! 1 1 I i 4546 3202 1 54125 7 105 208 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 12. — Lower Canada — Return of CITY OF TOWNSHIPS, PARISHES, &c. Occupiers op Lakds. Lands — Acres. Total. 10 acres and un- der. O cs o o iH O o o 50 to 100. 1 100 to 200. Upwards of 200. Amount held in Acres. Under cultiva- tion. Under crops. Under pasture. Under Gardens and Orchards. Wood and Wild Lands. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 A, City of CITY OF R City fif Qiio.hoc CITY OF C. City of Three Rivers. 80 24 28 11 7094 5029 3831 1182 16 2065 TOWN OF 25. Ascott 26. Orford 27. ) 28. > Sherbrooke, Town of ... 29. J Total of Sherbrooke. 236' 2 3 12 75 130 116 5 2 7 41 39 20 3 1 1 5 3 372 10 6 20 121 172 14 22 7 43 28683 12369 13631 3579 7501 2585 3252 1959 828 4854 980 1123 14 14 8 6957 36 16314 10052 1293 45566 17907 10914 27659 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 209 Agricultural Produce for 1861. MONTREAL. Cash value of Farm in Dollars. Cash value of Fanning Implements in Dollars. Produce of Gardens and Orchards in Dollars. Quantity of Land held by Townspeople, not being farmers. Fall Wheat. Spring Wheat. Barley. Rye. Acres. Minots. Acres. Minots. Acres. Minots. Acres. ! Minots. ! 1 14 15 16 1 17 1 18 19 20 •21 1 22 1 23 24 25 7oa 1 i 1 QUEBEC. 377 1 ! 1 1 1 i 1 THREE RIVERS. SHERBROOKE. 380470 107500 179075 i 22457 3864^ 1615 2004 1 788 482^ ip!* , 100 i 1 j 32 I ! ! 1 1 i 180 j ” 1 ’ 1 3298 I 545 1 168 j 129 3081 1 52 1330 1 ej 140 j i 72 5 1 1208 119 25 7S0 ! 1 ! i i ! 667045 27936j 3274 380 Ij ] j 32 i 216 j 4011 i j 1871 4551 ! 78 1352 14 210 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 12. — Lower Canada — Return of CITY OF Peas. 1 Oats. Buckwheat. Indian Corn. Potatoes. Turnips. Acres ! Minots. Acres. j Minots. Acres. Minots, Acres. Minots. Acres. Minots. . Acres. CO O a § 26 27 28 j 29 ' j 30 - i i j 33 34 35 36 37 A. .. 1 1 CITY OF B. CITY OF c. 69 1220 1372 33334 134 2528 8 153 99 12945 15 5381 TOWN OF 25. 32 719 26. 10 175 27. I 28. [ 1 22 29. J 43 916 1357 349 39777 10839 157 5320 474 182 11758 4886 40 1225 85 2736 8 213 4 135 97 3084 1863 696 284 132 41560 15652 3635 63 11899 3375 2375 17649 55936 17869 60847 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 211 Agricultural Produce for 1861. MONTREAL. — [Continued.) Carrots, Minots. Mangel Wurzel. Beans, Minots. Clover, Timothy and other Grass Seeds, Minots. Hay, Tons. m aj & O w Maple Sugar, lbs. Cider, Gallons. | Wool, lbs. Fulled Cloth, Yards. Flannel, Yards. Flax and Hemp, lbs. Linen, Yards. j Acres. Minots. 38 I 39 40 41 42 43 44 I 45 46 47 j 48 49 j 50 51 QUEBEC. — ( Continued.) # THREE RIVERS. — [Continued.) 582 84 32 77 1992 1800 1450 442 721 423 231 SHERBROOKE.— 578 10 1 240 520 1108 1 240 308 18 19 28 3360 808 5912 76820 11665 9419 1228 495 94 1257 421 100 13 340 46 280 4448 5912 2300 90785 422 44 633 1678 100 11069 212 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 12. — Lower Canada — Return of CITY OF Live Stock. Butter, lbs. 1 ^ 1 Cheese, lbs. Beef in Barrels of 200 lbs. Bulls, Oxen and Steers. Milch Cows. 1 ! *o w a a o Horses over 3 years old. Value of same in Dollars. Colts and Fillies. Sheep. 1 Total value of Live Stock. 52 53 54 55 56 67 1 58 59 60 i 62 63 2160 2892 1 1 1 1 ! 91 2641 1 302264 i ! 1 ! j I i ^ CITY OF 1 1 882 1 i j 1376 i 1 32 1 1 880 155611 1 i 1 1 ! CITY OF C ... 1 ' ! 1 416 I 633! 1 II' i 1 630 1 i J0362! 24 1 I.i..,. 1 472 1 j.:.,.. I 438 i ! j 57776 19732 300 1 1- 68 i TOWN OF 25... 249 663 1017 357 26... 27... 89 1 197 245 124 28... 29... 28 J 233 67 200 366 1093 1326 681 22825 7872 2850 115 32 20 167 2208 488 117 2813 333 119 57 509 73791 20756 .36917 63010 12056 3550 78616 9490! 260 150 1 663 71 25 9900 759 33547 131464 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 213 Agricultural Produce for 1861. MONTREAL. — [Continued.) ^ Pork iu Barrels of 200 lbs. Fish. i Carriages kept for ! pleasure. Value of same in Dollars. Carriages kept for hire. Value of same in Dollars. Minerals. Dried in Quin- tals. Salted and Bar- relled. Sold Fresh, lbs. Copper ore mined, Tons. i 3 ':3 > Iron ore mined, Tons'. £ 64 65 1 66 1 67 1 68 69 70 ! 72 7.3 74 ! 1 ] 1432 1 119965 1248 59776 1 i i 1 i j • 1 i 1 i 1 QUEBEC. — [Continued.) 1 r” ! i! ; 1 i il 1 ! ! ii 1015 1 820101 1 ! t 953 44023 j ! i i 1 1 ^ 1 1 li 1 THREE RIVERS.— (Co/iHnwgd.) .32 1 1 1 1 1 ■ ! 1 1 i 1 168 1 65151 144 1 ! i 1 1 3606' j 1 1 — ^ — j , ! i ! I ! 1 i 1 S HERBROOKE . — ( Cont^ued. ) 453 1,38 30 343 38 186 12932 1150 8260 12 225 10 300 621 567 22342 22 525 GENERAL ABSTRACT OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE, &c., OF LOWER CANADA FOR 18 Gi. 214 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS •sjatRi'Bj Sutoq ^ou ‘ojdoQdsiiMoj^ iCq piaq puRfi JO •SJRnOd UI SpjRqOJQ POR SUOpjRf) JO OOnpOJd c^t>-toou^c 1— (C^Oi— IO>OOi>.rt0(riC5(yDOi^rt(NC5C5J.-^t~T^ccoj^cC'^ (XICSiO‘OC505>OOOClrHC5C4(i^-COif5-i— l•0^>.':COiX»C‘^ OCOOOCOcOi^i— l«0O-+IC5C2X-00r-iX^C^C«ti00C'4^(N'#CC«0000'^CO(NrH03C» ■^0eC«0'^,— lCC05':0(Ni:~CJ«2(N(^0 05C0X^rHrJ- t-^00«0CClO<0^0':^'C0(N'4^(Ni:^'^‘0O(N•0l0C0O0i'^X-l— ((N CO«OJ>-C^OOrHT— ICO'^Oc3i(35'4(C^i>.>0 1'-iOCO-^(>OX-X-CO<» T-(os<:oox^iOT-ico>r5oo':j(C50CS‘rsx^ iOOOr-(iOC-r— I'OCOCROSOOJ^-OrrCN-J'X^OCXt-.CD'^rH X-^O (N *0 C<) CS (N OS lO O r-l eO (N 03 CC OrHi— IOS'^':tlX~iNiOCOCi-i03u:5CiCOio05(N';(iOOCii— lOCOi-HCliO 00>-0OC^i— l(NX— COCOCC i<3>tHOOCXi— ICO-^C^JCOC^CCX^X^OI-HO Q0-^C0'^oa)UiO.OiCCi«OaaCOCOX^CO':iHi-H(rOCOr-'OX^'^COOC5>n>eOCCCOX^r}( r-l«0'^X-COOOSrHCOCOCOXrOO'^C005iOC^rtlOS030iOOO I— I T— < T—t rH 1—1 I— I I— I ODiO-^CiOl— I'lXlirO'^OrHOOOiOaiiO'^TjlX'iOCSiOOOO'IDX^ <:OC»X~X-X-Oi'^C30X-iO':4('^*0«OCX)X-00»(Ni— lOOOCOCOiO(NCOr-lir5r-i»OOC<)'^0000 i-irHi-Hi— l(N i-(0 ioia3cooooc^OCCrH(NCO3 0Si— l<3siOi-*iOCOiO(NOCiO(NCOO':OX-OOOCJ;iCO<=>0'SSOO>'H^COr-l(XI05(NCOH)^CiOOO<^3 (N(NX-':OT*(iOlNiOiOiOrH->:}(rHX-(N CCKOiOrHiOCO lOIN T— IX-';t(000(NCOCO(»X-OiOi-HOOCO<:0(3SOCOiO4^X-■H^H^ll^3^0O(N''4^^C0■rtlH}^(^3 X— 0ti03C0>OC0C5‘0X^00 00ClOHHcC'«0C500rHOecX-.CCi0D THrHrHCS , - T o fl oq fo ■H' 1X3 cc X— CO 05 o A CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 215 CO (M 1— I O CO (MOCSOtNOiMO i-Hoocoi-iiocoooo O CO oc^oc^coo CO O CO CS rH !'• 1— ( (M lO I— I UO • uo (M O O 1— I Ci • O 1-- (Oq UO • M 1—1 f— ( • O O tJH C5 05 o ! (M CO O «0 CS 05 : t-H CO c<» CO r-t CO coo•^^I— it^uocoi— ii'-uocoi>.coi— 'i.oj^co >0C0C0<0>Q0t^i>-Of^i— li— ICOCOCO-J^UOiOCOf— 05 OOCSCO-rtlOC^COCOCO^-ir^CO-^IO^iOCOi-COi— I '+r-IO5C0iOCOrHr-ll:-0-1O ':H>0 0 Jt-Oq I— IrHi— li— ( 1 — I CO i-IrHr-H i— I tJH COCOr-^COCOCO^uOUOI^lH^COCO>OOCOU50>05eOCOOJ^-COOCOOCOI—lr-ll:- >Oi— (0500i-0 1>.rJiC0'cH05C005C0u0-l-C^Xr-':005 u0r-05C0C0T— lO -tH>0C0'-fC0100UO 001— I005COCOCOOOI— iCOrHt^cOC^-O^uOCsOI 005i^-^<05X>.05C-rHCOCO l>-COiOCOC^'+lr-ICOi— ICOC0C0C0C0C0C0(M03 COOJi— l-^IOOCOuOODCOCOCOuO J^-C005COOOO^. COC<>r-ICO'filCOr-l(M'^ COCS uOOCOCOtMOCOCOOOf— ICO C0':J105O05C0O05 t— lOt— I CJ5Q0OC0C01>>J>-05 05C0r-l !>•»— lOSCOi-COMOCOuOuO cocoocooqococOf— icocoo'^oi>"05iococ-05':tl05OC0C0C0C^u0OOC0u0O-tlu0Ol>-'^t— I I— lt-^tx>■^^c<^^>•oOl05coc5coI— iC5uocoo5Ttit— c;5'ciir-ic<»c^‘coeoj>'05uoo)couococoo5 COCOOCOCOCO-#1^00CO-+IC0 1:-. r—l I— I I— I •IIOCOUOCOI— l-cJICO'ctlOIMOscOCO .CO(M^C0t-u0U0O(NC0C01>.l» ;uot-i— iiOTiiuocouocoi>.05 co O^^CSOrHC0OI>-iOI>-C0u0'cJIC0C0C0‘i0'0l05Oa5C0C0 05 05C0£-'^C0051>'(Nu0r-l (N— >00;tlC000>0T-IOC0C0-O'c*l05 05C.>0 .>0 ioj>-cococ:5iot— ICO C0U0OC0U0 05C005 l>.'ft'05COG5CO<05T— I (NTlluOT^''^UO'ftluO (M05'ctlC0u0C005O rHCOrH-cHODCO-cilO COCOC- oq CO rjl t- UO CiJr-COCOOIMOOTtii:- uOO'filt-luOCOOO''+l I— l-^COJr^OscoiMuocO oioocoi^-cocococ^ f^HuOuOuOi>»'^l>-i— luo i05r— ICOCOCO-ctiCO-rJf-tli— ll>.C<>iOOCOOOt-05COuOCO*#COC.CO '#c0(N05COC.r^^COt— lOl^t— ICO■c^^COi^~05uOC<^CO^— ICOUOCO iOCO-t-OCOCOCO‘OT— l00(NC75':+IOC0t^C0C005C0C0C0u0 05t— OC^COUOOSCOOCO ■0 1:-OCOCOi-ICOCOC00050iOt-Hi>.I>.f:HOO 1>.COC^COU0O5O5O5 t-ICOi— ICS i>- rHOCOC^COCOf#COJ>-'ftlC.COT— IrHCOi— IC005(Mi— IC.OT-IJ>.COt—li— IC01^-COC005(^^CO<^^COG005UOCO 05i— IU0Ou00505C0'fjlC35f— IJ>-C.c0i00uo05i-C0u0 000i— ICOir-C^i— l05iO(M05 05t^t— leOCO-cJHi— ICOt— luOl— ICO I-H t-l(N(N-COJ>-i— IC0O5iO£-u0i— li-Ht-OqocO'ctli^-COMi-Hi— luouot- 05C0'^c0t-05u005-ctlC0C0i-HC005C0C5U0U0C0'^(MC0'ctlJ>-05C0i-C0u0OU0i— l'^'^ i-Hi-H i-HrHINi— l-0500C00050u005C^-cJluOi:-COU005i>iC'UOOqcOOOC^1rHi— lOUC^OSOSOSO^O-ctl C'^c^'cjico'id^cO'^cocococ^uoosTtiQO'^coc^t-eo coi— luocoeO’^coTH-ciic^uoCfj'cti OOOCOi-HCOi— IC00HC0'.-rHC0'cHC005U0O05C0(Mu0T-l05C0lMC0-^0i Ci— l0^05i-Hu0C0u0C0C0Cf^'HI';JIC.05COCOuOO'4l05rHJt'.CO-'JIC^O COCDOSrilCO^t— IX>.l>.UOuO^CO OIM-cJIC^JCOt— COOCOCOi— l^rHCO-cflC^uOCOOOOSCOOOi— ICOOCOi— ie005I;-'c}lrH':tl05 ■cflOC^uOi— ICOOuOuO(Ni-OuOOGOuOOiT— IC-UO':iluOC^-ctlC.Jt— COCOCOCOuOrH-iJICSuOCOi— ICOC<» COCOTtli— li— It- I'^COCO'cJICOt'-'ctlt-COCO'ctl 05 u0''*l>OCO-^COOCC^rHtHrHrH ft > eS cS i^i-:i a ■rs Cj O "o ij g o 2 a M s •9 TO lo a s ja e3 +5 -1-5 -u TO fco ” !=1 a J_:. o o o ^ o : : : O rt'r-* Si‘§ a • ^ p- tTj H o ^ O uL C3 HH a oT.a o o o §".2 :§ oS o ^ S S S S ^ O Ph Ph O'Ph S Ph CO M CO M M •SI a-S ^ I « -ij ” ® CO CO H .9 ’3 i afl, ! g o'S CO • ♦ t! 2 53 0^ fe c3 O S 2^3 H- ■.H. CO o o O 1>- rH CO W CO rH CO vO O O ^ O (M 1>* CO rH CO Ci CO O oq o O Ca UO J>* ^ CO ca o O UO !>• lO - O i? 53 .o I ^ = -H o.ti £ .Ei o g ctp^ 2 h S "ti r® (U J-l fl O) ® o o -o -a M d ft General Abstract or Agriculturai. Produce, &c.j of Lower Canada for 1861. — {Continued.) 216 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 217 i0NC^OC005i'-0SC0-t-e0?0i0-^0J-^i«OTHC0THt->fi»Ai>-i— l005i-HCftMi/l«0«0 00- >*l'£irHt~«OC<)OOiOO-''<>OOieCC<|iACOCOJt--<*l'^OOOi'^COOOST-HiOi— li—ICOl-^O OOlOOl— li— liOOC'^C0 1-^'#50iOOC-'^»ftOC50e^eO>0':0‘000 i0t'-CCi0'^I>-C0?0C(5OC^rH00 1- IrHMC^rHCCMi— Ir-irHr-iiMOqCCeOiXii— li— l-^rH rHr-ir-ti— I M.Oi— li-ll:^0-^OOiCCCOO'X)05t^«0Oi^CO'0 l^OSi— lOOi—l'^C^I'^'^COM— (CSC^OS'^t-OC05COC^05»OrH05Dt--COCOaO«OOsOiO O^OOOOt^05-^>Of'Jt^Ot=>l>.e.1— l»«eOCO«DC"'^ -Oi ;C<10’,)050SOtiCO ;C0C0'^00COO5 osrHeoiocoourS'rt(oscoi>-ooc^i>-':io>raec ■^eocot^c^wc^iM r-Wi— i-'^oirct'-ioc^c^j ;'+i ;c-c.rH C-CDt— li—l O CO >o CO i—l o CO C001>-COOr- eo o CO * 01 cs o CO .o . T—C^riHr-l -I :>o :cO ^ CO (M rH 1— I W lO Oi-Hcocoi'- <=> 1 — I r-( CS -rf CO Tji CO •^COrHOOOJ^i— IOOSCOCsOS':J<-C.0'^‘OeOOC COOOOSOSOCOCOOIOJC^OOr- rHl^cOC5COOr-l'^'^CO lT-<‘0rH«0-+< ‘O CO'+'tOiOJt^J.-^r-ICOOiOeOCOC.t CSuOi— lr-IOi*^'^OUOJ>*COC0 JO^cO-^uOCSC^COC^OOOOsOOJO^OCOtHCO Jl—COCO'^i— luoco I— IC^OiOtHC^iHi— l(M 00 - WC^'+UOO.Or-(COt-'^CS-tl'^ CNr-fr-ir-iCSr-l MIMi— I CSOI CO cr> ‘OOiOOJ>>i-Hr- tCOCOCOCOuOCOr-(t^iOtOrHOCOCOC 00 1 '»eO'^COOCOiOOOI'^ •0i01>>OO'^-ctlu0OI0S05C0C0C<>C0>OO-^T-IC0CC>C0r-lr- l'^(N00 1:^C0Jr^OC0>0i'i(uO'^COi— lOeOrHCOOiOO'^COi— Ir-HCOOiOt^'^OO-tlrJ'COCOOO'OirHiOiO'-O CSCDiOi— l»O 00 C 0 C 003 '^* 01 ^C 0 r-iJ>-OCCJOrHr-ii— (OSCSOOt^CO'>^'^CC|r-( 0 ^r-ICO COOIC^OOOCOOSOCSi-HCOOiOOCOOJOCOt-r-^ C00iC0C00S05rH0C0<0C:5O I— ICOCO'^CO^>•1^^'!^^^-ICO•^COOI— l■r^1CO•^0^■^^-i■»tO^OO<^^CCl--0 1'-OSI— lOi— It- .-ICOi— l■CDl— IC5 CSCOOOCOO'c)Hi— lOOt'-COrHCOCOrHiiOOCOTtHOSC^COCOCOCO OCOCOi^l>.i-Hr- l-TiirHCOCOCOuOOjcsioOiiOiO®! C0>01:^0501>.t^i— It^COOOICS MrHi-lOqOJr- lr-INr-(pHrHCC|i— IrHCOi-HOl Cq i— (Oqr-IOq OJOlrHCq r-i oqox^-ioeoJc^cqTHcqosooqcDcqoi— ic»cocsoqcoiOi^0500cooqTHcooiC5coo uOCOiOCOr-IUOOqOiOi>.uOCOCqi'-i— ICOi>-i>»05iiOCOCOCOuOr-l(MOiOqoO^COrHJ:^CO >OCOr-(CqcOt^'ct(';jiOO'i-OOCTiC-coi-4cqcoi— loqcs ,-i*oicq'rjo co lOcocot^cocococooicooi'-ooooicocqcorH'^cqi— (coco-^cDoocoioooq-^ ■OOCOuOt^cOCOr^i-HOt^COCOi— ICOvOO(MOq^QOOiC01^i^'^'#COCDOCOiO':)HCO Oqi-<'ct(r- l'+CO'+COCOOq-ct(OSCOiOWCOCOCqcOCSrH«CO>Oi'^rHrHOqcOOOOOi— (1— cqj^ •^•^i-Hcqeoi— I?— icq i-H-^cqcocoi-H co iocs rH^cococq coco-^cdco co ' cq CO I CO ; CO 1 uo ; CO CO o >OiCOOOOOOOCDCOCOuOCOOI>- ^:^COCOI:^lOCO>0^^-lOTHOOscO'<^OCO■rtluOt^01^-CqlOO^-^^CSCOCOlOJ^-Cq^O oocot- 1 — icoosir^cocq cococoj^cqr-ioocoost-ir-ioi— (Oi-ct‘oscocq-^ooco'<*i cocqoscocqcqosco r-iir^coco ocococqr-iiOiT-icq o^rHcoooT^icqococo rHCO i-Hr-li-HtHiO r-iCOi— l»-H ' CC cq : CO >o ; CO CO I— iTtocoQO>ocq>.oco^-coo-^■'^lcO‘0 COCOCOCS>eO'rtOOOr-iOOCO-rt< cor-iococqcot-io i-Hi>.coco ocoJ^cqcocorHcq i toort^cocoioco I— li-HCq I— icqi— i r-HCqi>. CqCOrHr-l I—l fii I— I la-i j «s I— I !>• 'iiHocqH’Cqr-ieqocqoii'~ -t— cq os co co j>- ooi— icqi— icq , . 'i^^cqrHOsoocqooo-'+icooscqrHJt-uoooKOooi^cqr-icqiO'ii^-iit^cqasoscqi^osuoco COi>-uOrHCO'^iOOSOiO'i*uOOT— ICOC3SCqcOcOCq'^'^~^~''^‘‘ ^ ”i-05cooicoi^>ocsococoi.^OJ''^ocqi>-i>- rffco I— I cq r— I cqr-l i— i CO-cf COi'*Cq I— i'ilCO'itCOi>> • CO rH : o o ' CO no ■ 1-f -if OSOCOOOCOCOrHr-ICOCO'if'ifCO'if'ilCOOuOOSOSOSi— inOCOCOr-ICSi— l-ciHCqOi-OO COCOOSOCOl— I'tl^'iliOOrHCSi— li— (iOrHCOOCq'if011^''tl'+lnOCOrHrHOOi— lO'ilO -^lo-ifiocqcoost^cjsco'iii— icqcqcsoiocoocqoi>-osocooocoocO'iii— locoos co'oososcocoi— icqcat— J>>oi.oos'iii'-.>oiOiCOi— icqoj'-'i’oscqor-icooscocot^oo CO cococqccr-fcqcqt'.l-inoosco uOi-HhOO 'i'COt^uOIMri0'iiocooir^cqi-C30 cqcooonocqcqcor— IIIOCOCO CO CO cq CO os CO lif l'- 1— I lO CO cq rH co CO OS CO CO I— I Htf CO OS CO WQP General Abstract of Agricultural Produce, &c., of Lower Canada for 1861. — {Continued,) 218 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS. •sjunod niouiBSjooni'B;\^ •p|o sj-BaiC g JOAO S9SJ0JI •SJ9J ■PH SaA^BQ •SMOQ •siaa^g puB uaxQ ^snna •spiBjt ^u9uit; •sqi ^(Itaaij puB xb^j •spjB^ qanuBy^ •spjB^ ‘qPIO paiFI coeoeDcooi>-'»+ic^eOT-icoiocO'!tiococoMJ:^oc.oooi>-ecC50eccocooO'^eooiur5Tj<'tij>.ccc5c^ — CS'+lC.'.:f.C<>i— (-^T— C^I— I C• x>" c^i'-.'cj) 0 '^ 05 t^*lor~c/Doc^ff'ii'-cc co!iHoioc^o«ciTjit-i^aoioiccso •OQC5000iCCi005— I'rjieocO^^'^OC^COtMOSOeOOit'i— i-HCOOCJO*^—- o CO?OCC>OOOTt+leC?OJt'-OCOCO«:>CS'T-OCC-f< — C^ICCi^C^ir^OC-l r-ii>.u:>ooc^i^(Mococ!tlCC«Ci>.Oi^'^iC^COt^O >0 0 'f to cscqto l>-COC•coC 5 ■>+^^^o^oc^cclOC^col-l^i o«0'^coeoooecr-ioiocoooiocoo» -^o Ml— COM COt-H i-Hr-ITjicO «OCOCi'*l>.Oi>. 0 -tt-tOtt.CsMM'^iOti- 0050 COuOr-IMr-IUOCOCiCOUOr-IOO MOJr-HM'OC-^ C^I— Ir-HCOM'^ eOl— I »0 I— Ir-IMM OOiOOtDlr^CSOeOiOi^-COTHCsOOJr-i^-MtOCOt^OOMOOOS OiO'^,— iOt-iOi— l'r*.Mu 000 MC 0 ‘J 005 >O> 0 OCS'^i— O C^l:>-tOtOiiOif5i>»OS'+00 05r-. M 1 -H 1 -H M i-l M M iH M M CO t-H tH r-H M M i-H M M M'S' .OMCO^OtOCOCOOlOTtl05■^J>-OiMCCCO^»COM'^lOMlOT— (Tfi Mt—TjKO'OrHO-^OOCOMMi— l‘^5000iM0iMMeDC0OJ>>i— l-tii ClOGOOsCOi— IOOt005eOM'^OOCuOOQOOM-^i-iO^ tooiooi— tt-Mocsco'trsoiouocsii-ir-csoMt-i-coirjooio r-l MMi— IMi— IM I— leOrH M r-( tHi— I i— ICO •sqi ‘lOOAV OSCOeOMCOOOl— I'l+l'cJICOCOCOOiiOOSOSr-IOSOOOCOMOOOCO MOMMOU^OOOOCCi— ICOOSl>-COC 5 rHOi-HMi>-OiCO'^> 0 *:»‘. O r-IO-<+Jr- 05 M^Ml>*OOuOI:-u 01 »CO-coocococo COMi-ICOiOMCOtJHM-^MCOO'^r-ICOCOMi-l -diTlieOi— iCO'^ •suoqBf) ‘aapT3 : f-H • • o •sqi ^JBSng 9|dBi\[ 005COCSi—ICO‘Oi—lT—li>.OCOiO'^'il''^00«OCOrHOOCOi^COCl£— OSOlOCuO-'+li— IOiOMr-IOMiOOJ»MOSMOi— in. O to M M CO uo CO CO M OO Jr- O r-l uO O 'll! O O uO OM 0500 C 0 C 0 ->;*IOC 0 r-l COOS-'*' OSrj^iOi— Ir-lrJlTjICOMJr-Oi I CO M M M CO M CO •sqi ‘sdojj Jr- M : O • eo Jr- Oi : CO : M uo : til Tt< : ; CO M : : •COMMCOOOOJr-COCOJr- . Jr- M O M CO Jr- ri M : CO CO CO uo til til • til .o •suol ‘;Cbh OJr-tOeOrHOM 05 MCOOOCOOCOCOCOtCT-lr-lCOMOOJr-OOMJr- 05 Mr-ie 0 C 0 Jr-Jr-M 0 i 0 sC 0 J>- 0 >‘OtllM«O'^MtiiJr-i— (lOMtiir-i tJIOiJ>-til,— IJr-C 7 iiOOiOOtilOiMM«OuOeOOOtOtOOQOrH'tilM T— ioj>.cottitiiLoa5J>-tocoMooocoiOMJr-Jr-tiicoooo>tji!— lo 1 -lr-l Ml— I tHMi— I r-li— I rHi — 1 t-l i— li— I •s^oa]i\[ ‘spaag ssBJJC) aoq'^o puB jfq^oinij^ *J9AO|0 CO I— I OO M Jr- <0 lO rH eo I— I M Jr- lO r-l • tH Jr- tO • Jr- CO Ca CO CO i tOOiuOCO«DrHCOOCOJr-Oitilr-lCO .OtOO .J-.COM 1 — (til- O r-( M 1:0 Jr- t- CO I— I O 0 > O ; M til M : rH til CO 1 •S'joaij\[ ‘suBag OsCaMCOeO-iluOMr-lcOCOJr-tilcOCOCOr-IMOOMuOtilc^JiOJ-r-l J>.COtilCOiOM050> uo CO M Jr- M 05 O -il M lO tji CO 05 CO r-l cocoes rH »0 M 00 tO tjl <35 i-H Mr -1 •sajoy •spniivT ‘s^ojjBQ CaiOOCO-iltilJr-iOOCOCOCOtOtJItiir-l^^lSSOOrHCOOTOeOM 00 C 0 « 0 e 005 C 0 T-l< 75 C 000 C 0 i 0 r-IOi 0 O< 35 i-H 05 J:-C 0 C 0 i 0 T 0 T 005 OtOr-li— I Jr- lO C 0 til 05 COMCO M tJir-iCOMMr-luO CO 105 M Jr- ' to til Jr- I-H M til to i-H 05 M M r-H M til I-H •S'J0UIJ\I i-HtOMCOCOr-IJr-OJ-tfi M<05r-Hr-lCOi— ICO.OOT-HF-H-+ICOOO>.0-^»OOs«OOrHrHC.O^OOOC50COi>.«Oi:-00«OuOOSrHOSi^-I>-0■<^C50'^r-li^-lr-OCO COOOOSOSuOCOCOi— lOiCSi— ICOOCOOOCSrHrHO'^OC'IGOi—li— 1— lOO'^t- COi-HrHrHrHi— IC^rHi-H i-HC^CSiHIMi— (OH iHC^ C^t— l.OCOC»iOCOl— liOr-IOOIr- lOiOOCO-^iOCOrHCOi— IO-^i0 1>-i0C0C0CiC^'^‘00> C-i— IC5i'-OC^T-Hi>.COLOCOiOi— lOI oii>-coco 1— luOr— IC5101— I05l— IOCOCO>OJ>-C5l— It— ICOCOCOCOl— IO t— ICO t-CSi—COl— luOOOCOJ>-''+l CCCOCOCO iOCSCS.)— |iOJ;~COC^i>«'^COOO)— ICO)— llO)■^^•rj^05CO(M<^^>OOCOCOT-IO COTilOiCOCO'il)OCl'^')^ICOCOCOOJuO C<105i>-C0OC<|u0 1:— 0''+ICOC5COC.)— lir-CO '4iCSCOi:-)Ot-t--^eO'>:ilCOJ:->0-^i^CS■r^l^;^)— li>.C- 0 ')ticoo)— 1 )— iooi-coocoi>.cooji>>coioo5CO'^icooOCD O-^C0'ctlC0-':jl>0C0£-''dl«C>)— 1)0 (N rH 328370 OJCOOCHi^i— ICO)— ICO)— l-050COO OO'^tlOOi— ICOCOCO-t—rJICiCOOIM)— l£-COCO)— IcOCOCOt-OOCOir-CO)— IOCOC<)CO)— IO(M 1>-IOCO)— IClC<»')flC0)-IC00iC^i0C0C0)0t-O)— l(M)-IOCiCO0 0 rH(N COr-l CHOiOO^ril uo 416 366 200991 C0t-O'#i:-C0C0C0C0)0C0)— icOiO->OCO)— ICO)— IOi-ICO(MiOT-lCOC-':HCSiOCOO')tl-C005'ctliOCO‘Oi-0105CO )— l-'tllM)— ICO'il COi-HC^rjlcO COi^-O )— IIM)— 1 )-IC-COOCOCS)— liOCS)— irjICOlOO)— liMMOSt-OI OS)— ICOOr-IC<)"rHO(MCOCOOHCOiOCOOCOOC005COCOCSCOCOCO)— lOCOOCOiOCOO COt-C^-))*ICO(MC3COoeOOi0 1-- C(MC0C0Q0)-H':tl05OOOC0C.)— 1)— ICOOCOCKS CSCOlO)— ICOiOCOi-COCSOSC^C^COiO'ilOSINCO)— ICOCO)— ICOO)— li^C0O'HIC0^1'--+l i:-C5SCOC^-C<»asCOC-cocococ^cooO)OOscO)— icoocoi>>cO'+cocsoDocooscococO)— ics-rjilooscs)— 1 )— ICOO)— IOC<»)— ITtiO)— 1)— li^iO)— lOiOiO-4l)— IIMCO)— ICSCOCO--ti (oj)— lcococs■^coo<^^cocococoooosl^-co''^^coosoo<^^^0'>+l)-l>o^>•(^■^i^-^cooo'+| •■tlCOCO'+ir5uOOSOq'':#ICOi— ii>-i— icoco)— losioooococo-ijicoo COt-CO)— liot— C»C-OCOCOCOOS>Oi-»KOCOC5'T0(M-coocoococnr-(M)OC^oO)— It-)— i^~T-ij>.iooocoocscOTflCOCOCO r-l(MC^C.00(M-rHC0rH-'^C0iOC0i0C0-'^05C0>0C0t--+IIM )— 1)— 1)— Ir- IWi— li— 1 r— 1 )— It— 1)— ion i— 1 i— 1 <0^ CS)— 1 i— 1 r-H r— 1 1992 4448 689977 COiOiOCOt-t-COOCOt-OO)— lOCKsCOCOCOt— CO tJI •CS-'+ICOCOOSiOCOt— t— CCS)— lO-itl CSi— 1 COCOCOiOi— 1)0 t-t-COOlO '^CO'iil)— 1)— ICOOCOCOCOCOCSOlO :Ttl-))tiO)OOOCS CSiOCO-rfl)— ICS CSt- I-Hi— 1 )— 1 CO O )— IrJI o-)— ICOThCO)— 1 t-OSiHtO) - 1*1 o CO 'CH cs 207256 cocO)Ococo ;iOriii— i(05t-)0ioco •OOCKO')+lr-l->+COCOt-C'5 05CSOO ot— ococscsi— iioot— 05t-t— 05(K5CS‘0)Ocot- Ciococsosiast-iot-oscsococs ■^t-CSCOCOiOOSiO )— 1 cot- 1 — ICOiOt— CO-H)— ICO •lOCO'IIOCOCO ocot— t-TjICS )-l t-l — 1 cs CO t'-;t--<:JICSCSi— 1)0 -cJICOCO 582 1108 293067 O-^iOrtOiOt-iOCOCO'i+O'i^OSiOCOi— ICOCOt- •■T}IC0O5C75Ttl)OC0C0'05)— 1)— iTjl-cil COOSOSO-^OiKSCOi— ICOO»OTtlO-':*l)— lio-'itioco ;cOOCSCOCSCO>0-))tlOO(M>OCO COCOCSCSi— li— l)0C0'r|)C0';jl05)0CS)— It— OOi— It— •OCiOi— lOCOCOOSi— li— l-tl OCO CSi— ICOO)OCS-rJI)— li— iTtlCOCOOr-liOiOSCSl— 1 -CO i— liTSOSCSiOt— CO OCO i-HCSt-i— 1 rH COCOCSt-CO I)— 1 CO cs rH C5 CO h)I CO CO to t- CO cs 05 CO •OCSi— li— li— ICOOCJSCSCOOSOi— luot-cocot— cot— -CSCSiOiOSCOCSOSiOiOr— ICS05 )— 1 1— ll-i— ITJICSCOCSCSOI— IHjIOi— l-tlCSnilaKCS)— 1 ico CSCSCSOSCOt- cs csco f-l ^ r-l CD cs cs 'itl cs i-H : i-H rH CS lO CO r-i O 1 6475 i0O .1—1 t-cc ;cco 5 ooc^co coc^ ;«c •ajiq joj jda 5 [ saSTJuauo •'!#CO'+ICCi'-r— iC^IOCO . — ( CS r-l r>. : M CO CO >o • 1 — ; cq : o CO CO c<) T-^ .CO .CO . Cl CO CO o : CO : o : Cl Tf 1- " Cl • . O . rH !MCOCVi-r- >-0 Cl ri cs (M CO •sa^liod ni oratjs JO on]^t?A COCO >00 1 —OCOr-l'^t*(^(MOCluOOr— ':J.l.— COO.-^<(McoociTHcocot-i— '^i^coco'ocico'^rci t-i-HC^t-COCCCOCOC^cOCliOini-i— |■«l.•OlC^'i^- •ojns'Baid JOJ jda 5 [ soS'BiJj'BQ CliK»COC«ClMT-it-C 10 JCOO>O^C^COiOCOC^>flOO'OJ'-uO,-IClCSCC01CO>OCOt— O^l—COOCO^C^ »>.Jt'.e<|uO'C(>Cir-OC 10 COC'T-'-C'COiOOOJ>.-t ClC 0 T-IOT-lrHT--*^Q 000 C.OCi>-CC«Oi>.Tt. 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CO COrHrH rMCS rH r-lr-.C“ ' CS GO CO cc CSJ -OOCOOC^CO'^’— — ' 00 «Of-JCO'- 1 ^TH'^O^rHTHC^rHCOOrf>^i:-. 0 ;>COiOCOCO^-CCOCO o o o o o o O cc O i>- uo O CO »— oooooooooooooooooooo»o C^OOOOuOOOOkOC^O^OO^OOOOOl^ <; 0001 >.r-iC^CO^OC^COOCOuOOOtOJ.^C 5 -?HuO rHCiCC'^t^J>.T^^^OrHOC^r-^^>•J>•‘OCOCOO»OOCOL^ »--cocico TO CO o o o o o o o o >=. o o o o O ^ 0 SrSi g g I WW WQ m H (rd <<9! eS a? .s S O Cl be cc © O « ^ fcO fl a o •- o X c ? C r— “ S a) Q rr ” fl s i E ,2 2 u'^ le2§5 ©§ggg.S'-^oS' 5,^. or Qoa-ii - (r4 CO CO Simeoc CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 227 No. 13. — Upper Canada — Return of Mills, Manufactories, &e., for 1860-61. — {Continued,) 388 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS. SnjiiS oH « 02 P< W IK ooooooooooooooooooocooooooooooooooo OOOOCOOOOOOOOiOOOr— — i.— > — .. — .. — . — . ^ ^ ^ i — . Or-l'^« 0 '<#« 005 eC« 0 -*C 0 <: 0 i:^C 0 C 5 iA _ _ - J CM CM CM W \z'^ vv.* 1 — ' w Or-l'dHO'.J^tOOseCO-^tCOCOt^COOu^C^JCCiO — — HCOr- lr-iC^COi>-M-.^(COcOCCCOCOCOeCCCOOcr2M — — — — — — oooirs^^oooooiooooo COCICO— 'Or- I t— lODJ.^ OCOCSC^OOO>0(MO 0 £-Cocioi-h-t; O 55 ■nanp'y; SaxAxS o]t;[ •aoqran^ XXJ^ox O O O O O CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS CClrHTHTHO(MCO?Or-t ' i i Oi CO i:-- 1 1 : uo ocooooooo • rH s O o o o o O B • o o - i-- i—i iH • (X) rH • 00 I- 0^ rH CO O CO j 2 O tH 1 1 T— IJ:~COiO>OCOCOOirHC!:: H I . • . CO . lO • • . : j : : : : th i rH : : : o 1 : : •: : 1 1 I I I : ^ o . . . 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I-- (cq CO 50 l-~ r-t CO — > O o^o'o COOOOOOCOOOOCOOOiOOOOOOOOOOOOOlOO lO I- lO O O O ' O O O CO >0 CO C 3 Tjl CO O >C 5 05 lO O O >0 CO >C 5 ‘O O O uo o o lO SS CO 0> lO lO C^l «0 O >0 «0 CO ^ M C-A O -il O CO CO CA T" CO CO ■ — — ■ClD>.- 5 C 0 OC 0 C 0 >O< 0 >'c»i' 4 fll^ 35 'ci< 05 C 0 Ccl 35 C0 I'. CO 3- O CENSUS REPORT OP THE CANADAS, 231 232 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS. SJ *•2 g Co CO CO CO p; o H o < bi pa 0 (4 ta H 1 p <5 O P P P D GO o •poilo^claio spuiiji CO CO «c o f-l -r IN uO r-l >.0 lOTjl-t C-J rjl t— IN — f-l IN rH CO CO Ci CO -t CO CO N — IN N -r o IN O CC 1- CO CO CO • CM r— to lO IN 7— ; ShtatS N >10 O N O -rf • CCr-X^OlNrHt^rH ; j •^ey; 2niAi3 ' O'aDCOfOi-H-HrrlCOOtCOi'i^CO CO rH lO) CJi CO CC O ir ''C' o CO liO O rt IN O ; •jaqoin^ O CO CO'^ V-I r-l -ft 00 r-l CO O ' u S5 “OJti^Q'jj SnjAtS •aaqran^i o o o o 0-000 O o o t— lO O lO o o O 1— ( OD : o : o o o o o o o o OO CO o CO r-l f-l r-l o o o o o o o o cs i>. CO CO .O uo CC . I-I cq O O O O O O O O O OS O -H* CO oq cq csi CO SniAxS : ; i-t O 00 rl M 1 — 1 oq CO CO ; cq rH CO CO Tic o CO o o o hH CO OS oq oq o o o o o o o o o o o o o o CO X'- O ?0 CO Oi Jt>. ^ rH 00 rH o CO CO o o o o o O O O O O O O -H^ O eq CO rj< rH CO oq o o O O O •nan^}0)j SuiaiS CS rH Hji CO oq oq rH i-H CO rH Oi rH CO OS i-r Tj( rj< •joquin^ 1 'b;ox cq CO o rH rH CO CO O lO 'O o lO o o o o o o o o o o o o o o hH O T-H O UO 00 Tj< nj< CO CO Hci^ rHCS'^rHUO :(Nhj< w o fi 5 g fc. 212000 800 8400 53970 2000 6000 75500 12000 3500 OOOOOOOOOO • oooooooooo OOOrHOOuOUOOCO ; oqoir,— icqcorHcoiOio • rHHj 00 o CO CO CO «0 oooo<=>ooooo ooooooooooooo oocoi— luoocooqoooo'so COOOOOCO'H^OOCNCOOvOOiOhH COvOCOCq i-HOqiOrHrHHj* •lun^oU SuiALif O i-( ri CO (cq tH CO CN rH rHvOuOHjit^rrOqHJif— iCOrHCSHi< Moqinnx O rH I— 1 C5 CS oq rH i—i CO oq r-t rHUOOHjiiN.T-lOqN'rHOrHOqHji T— 1 Cl C rj-ocot^cooioi— ( CN I CO H' 1 l 00 OS o' rH 01 CO 'h! lO CO tr 00 OS o i-Hr-irHCscqc"qcscqc^cs >0 CO r-( 00 r-t vlO 353221 26200 14075 35400 19200 18891 UO CO 1— 1 Ci f-( t-( 120 3 CO CO CO CO O 0 r-( lO r-i Tf( '* ! 008 000C8 42700 42000 ; 10244 — _ 1 i ! : 1 CO cs j OS 1 N CO !N 00 CO ■cf< T-i CO i-H rl lO T— < 1 43 ^ to 24 14 CO *— ( O rH CO r-< CO o i ta> 1 1 ^ 1 1 OJ 1 IN o CO -!h O O O O O O O O O O O ^ O O 1-4 O GO 00 1-4 O !>• CO lO r-i r-4 •-» CO 334186 89196 00008 40400 0 1 41759 i 26000 O O O O O O 0*00000 lO O o o CO ^4 o CO ^o 1 — » o o 1 lO 1 o 1 1 S5000 506000 72000 O 1 cQ o i O I ^ 1 1 3 t-H I— 1 1— 1 lO rl CO 61 r#< 1 ^ 1 1 *o o o o o . o o o o o : >0 O O O CO • CO CO CO 00 ; T— CO Os i-H j 955520^ [ 81000 00096 L 139920 1 62860 4000 13000 . o o o o o . o o o o o : ^ O CO O (M • CO i>- o o : rH O o • O'l r-4 1191300 289000 120000 1 129000 {oooi’ 47000 ; o CO ijO CO CO 102 lO CO S O 1 1 1— t : o CO CO CO CO 105 lO 1 o 1 ^ iCi S Z CO c D CO oi O 1-1 C^-J T CO CO ct 'Vti TT CO . CO CO O <=> CO iCl CO CO UO <£) CO >0 I— I CO CHI lO CO O Jr- ITS O CO CH( CO o r-H CO *0 r-H rH •nan^c-a SaiAtS UGqran^vj pa pa . Q m ^ W S§ cy H O P-i -c^ O CQ m pa ss H Kfl pa gS pH ^ •Uin;^IX SniAiS qK •jjqranjq |C';ox •aju^G-g SjniATii •joqmuj^ IU’?ox ' w CO ■iijn.iO'V[ guiAiS MG(iuiRjq iu;ox O (N CO • o o o o o o o o lO o o o 'rfi ^ 2000 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 237 238 (;F,NSUS report of the CANADAS. •c O I o o CO X o 6 X o H o 55 X N X X GO d j < > Vr 12000 0000? Uj . ft ft tx ft a o <) K ?; o (- 1 ” •llinq sdiqs Jo oN *tun:>a^ SutaiS : ’^ : : : •jaqiunt^ ir^^ox 1 r-H ; 1 ft M ft ft HO < Sr; Sr < 1 j PRODUCE. $ § ! : M M n ; M io : : : i ” : : : i o : : i i • o * * * • cs • • • * HH oo ft <1 •nan^a'jj SntAiS \ \ \ r n n ft •jaqninx: F^oi r— i • • • • i N M r N i ; C^1 ; ; ; m ft w o D Q O H 6 1 « > 8200 ; 800 2800 3240 :SSS55::S:::S • OOO . • • *0 • • *0 ;a)C3^ ; ; ; > • • I-- O • O kO ► : : CO CO : — < 1 : : »o r*: ^ cs €o i r O r-< - o : : : : o : !:::—! ' ft < , H ft o D SS >r -i 1 Bricks. M. 000039 000008 OOOOOo OOOOOi 150000 300000 300000 1 60000 1610000 U8000 1 936000 1 112000 ' • • • o ‘ : : i io : : : : : ?i : ft « •njnja^ "uiaco t 1-1 rH ; CSI : ' : ; ; : ( ; ; lO i-< ; (N o Mir; •jQquinKT ]R(}ox 1 r-i CS ; CNJ • ^ i • • lO •-H • r lO 1- OOT AND SHOE j FACTORIES. 1 t3 sr Sr * r-( Z TT »JO : • o : : i i i i i : is : : : : : ^ S 2 . • • . *000 * • * I ; *0 ko o 0*^ SS §2 •uan'^a'a gaiAiS I i i : ! • ft : r-l r- r?s I i ; : : ■ft :.r ft 'joqrati^SI FFl :::::::: : «.] ^ ^ ^ « o^‘ o ^ c J S ^ ^ ® ^ ^ (^KNSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS .539 240 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 5 CO CO CO 0 « u H 1 Q <1 S5 0 (U 01 D GO l-H 6 O! w M o Oh o <1 c y.- o ■njn^a'jj SnxAiS ^ •jaqinn jsi; I'biox •njn)o>j SaTAi3 •aaqnin^ I'BIoX •iun}a}{ SuTAig uaqiun^ [C^ox < ca •aan^)9'y[ SuiaiS •aaquin^ IB^ox ^ g « § ^ •UJti^ja'jI SuiAiS •aoqmu_^ l^^ox >0?0t^WD9>Or-C^e0 o c: o o 'O o CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 241 16 No. 13. — Upper Canada — Return of Mills, Manufactories, &c., for 1860-61. — {Continued.) 242 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS. xn w <1 Pm •nirno'3 SutatS •jQqtnnj^ XTj;ox Efl ^ HH HH ^2 Pm ->1 ^ 5? g >5 2 : o o . O O : -t- o • CO CO : : o : o . • o • o : to to • *0 •CO nin^o'jl 3aiATS m WS H Q 02^ Pm •jaqran^ X^j^ox iJ w g I « 5 § CO p^pq w ^ S Ph op hh CO O <1 Pm •UJn!J9H SoTAlS oil •joqninNj I’bXOX s? 9 S5 2 •uinxQ'a; SaiAiS oM U9qnin|i x^^oji ' o o o o : : o . O O O CO . . <=> ; lO ^ CO Tj( ; ; C5 CS M O CO . -OS .0?.......r-|**:*:;(M ;;;(MCSOOuO ; CO e<) O o ; ; i^- CD O Pm oo iJ w u> g a 9 a 2 • I CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 243 16 * CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS UU No,. 13. — Upper Canada — Return of Mills, Manufactories, &c,, for 1860-61. — (Continued.) 1 BRASS 1 FOUNDERS. i ^ p ~ c 5 g o o o o eo •wn^o'a; 2 uiai3 qN! uoqxun^ > SCQ is §1 o ►3 H 5 ^ 6 P g P ^ •Danko'S SaiAiS •iaqran^ luijox p? < . oo n p w 5 p ^ fe ® ^ g o o o o cs - «< •ajn'^9'3 SoiAiS •loquiii^ lu^ox rH i HOSIERY ! FACTORIES. annual PRODUCE. $ o o o o rH - — r •ujtip'jj SniAiS •aaqran^ lu^ox rH • oag i§ pH H <1 O Pm p « £ P p o o urs o o o ^ O ^ J w: i «c > t> ’ oc ) o; 1 c: r- ^ r- * M ! 1 ir: cc t- • oc ; c; > o t cs 1 1 CS 1 ss 1 ci: l CN ) r* 1 CS 1 iC 1 CN ’ «c oc 1 CN 0-1 C3 ri o 1 cs Cl « ■ H CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS, 2i5 13. — Upper Canada — Return of Mills, Manufactories, &c., for 1860-61. — {Continued.) 246 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS. in p p ? § “ OP? 3 1 Ph o o sg 'ujn^0'jj SutatS o]q •jaquin^ ITJ^ox I § •< a. ■nin^Q'jj SuTAtS •jaqniniQ; P H s •uin^ay; SniAiS •jaqmnjq; it!:}OX O H w. < ss Cl5 H W O Ph<; o w m ope; 2'^ p-o Cc] •< pqpti «« P w 5 in « » 2 ^ p •uan^joy; SniAiS •aoqmnj^ p^^ox p w S >=i s ^ 2 <1 g •uan^jo'jj SuiatS qM usqran^ Itj;ox C" 10 f':)l>Oa?l>-CC 01 <=' CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 247 13. — Upper Canada — Return of Mins, Manufactories, &c., for 1860-61. — {Continued.) 248 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS. ftS w o •ujTi^ay; SatAxS •jaqiun^ ^4 K C) ^ o K O ^ K •u.ttno'j]; SuiAiSoj^ •joqxnixjig; F^ox m gs fin •nJtiFII SaiAxS •joqxnn^ FFX m ^ w OQ Ph J H ^ 2 uaqxnnx mox SnxAxS •jQqmnj^ F;ox o « ^ o a Cu •njnja'a; Sutai^ o];! •aoqxnn)^ f^ox Ss wp >!< tJ w yj>’ !>.* 0 0* W o* rH r-1 j-i «D h- CO ci O t 1— 1 r-t r-« CN| 5 4 in «c >o «o N O r4 e ^ CO ^ CO CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 251 : : : ; :::::::::: O j : : : i : i : : : i : i : § : ; :::::::::: fH : : : r-4 ; :::::::::: :::::::::: : ; i 1-4 O' 1 rH :::::::::: :::::::::: : : ; :::::::::: : : : • : : 1 • : j ! ! i ! ! i ! i M : : 1 j : : : M i i M 1 i i : : • rH : : : i : : : \ ; ’ j O : : j s : M J : : : : : : : : : • • rH :::::::::: : j : :::::::::: : i • 1 : : : :::::::::: : : : : : : j § • • • rH : t : : : : t : : : : : : :::::::::: : : : • • j r \ :::::::::: : ; (M : :::::::::: : ; : : I :::::::::: : : i : i i i i : : : : 1 :::::::::: : : : : : : ; : : : : : i i ; ; : : ••• :::::::::: :::::::::: : : : : :::::::::: : : : : : s : j i ! i i i : i ! : 1 : rH : : : : : rH • rH : : ; j g : g g § : g 1 g g ; I \ iH rH tH p « fc OP » e ^ ej CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 25S O £ w ^ CL) ^ SrH "S o o ^ ai _2 S'S t>>, g o "o o' ^2 op^ a O M •V o 5 il-s m t:^ ^ -S^-o « i o c3 3 ■yj- pH '2 - b ^ a < S 3 'O ^ b‘b c O ; a 20 o ^ o CO to CO ^ r- O 3 <» o ^ ,— I CO O t« o ! >% to O _ cJ '~^ £•1 o o CO S >•- s® ® pC3 o 2: ® ^ j 5 b'® > OrH S'® »-i eS o «*H O ° a grHjS ® m "S ^ © » ^ T3 O 1^ . W o§ O Pc a CO O .= Ph g >1 i) o O -O p;^o co^ O o d ^ = s 5= S O 9 c3 0 .t 5 1 S 09 03 Pm ® Ow O' o' 3 ^ Z 2 o a H W *0 'o 6o © © 33 a APPENDIX TO CENSUS OF CANADA. T^O. 3.^. I.CIWER €AMAPA, RETURN OF MILLS, MANUFACTORIES, &c. 256 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS O s?; Pi D H « < 5? <1 O Pi O O Value. <3^ 03 c o w CO o ainp)! SuiAiS 'poiCoidraa spuujx •njnpy; SniAi3 qJsj ’ajn:}a’vj SniAiS 2 J: >» w (U •-5 ^ a § « •nan^a-jj SuiatS •aj[n^9)j SaiAiS •jsquinj^ ITj^ox 00>0«*0000i0 0i-''00c:cr>0 OOO*— ii>.C 4 iOOiO'rf'OC.OC 2 r^CO l^r-HCSC ^«0 1-00 1 ,'-COr-IOC' 10 CCOi— I r-i'05£-^r-(Oi-. S(I CC O O CO ■ o 000->^'05C000 OOGSOOCCOOO OC^JCOCiOOSOi— !>-' ococs'ao'ccooi— ici rl «C CO .-< C>IC^CC -rtl -I— !CS •05' uo CS r-l oooooooo OOOCOUOOOO OJOioeo-'+icooo 1 — |iO o o o o o O O «N O lO o oq to r-. ~f O CO *0 t-H o o o> o CO o o o o o o O O CC 05 <=> o cr5 lO O ■O' — CO CO r- to r- 01 CS o o o o o o o o o o OO -H CO O O 05 00 CO CO o r- l-l CO "CJ* (01 CS CO N o o o o o o O O CO o o o — I UO rH r- CO r-l r-i CO CS CS 00 : (M CO CO OOOOOOOOOC0OOC5OOOOC5OOC0OOO '0ic0j5-u000000c5000000<=:000cc5'00 '-IO'*r-'':t(^'ci(iO-cJ(-'i(OiOC?cOCC'cT'i^cO' 4 ''- (Ma)t^(MC 0 C 005 r-lu 0 ''i((Mr-iC 0 '+O 05 !MCCl^C 00 CTJ'C 0 C 0 I— (■'tiuOCO'O ''t'CSrHi— I'TQO'^CNi— OiMC V c3 m c» S bCtS a> w « ,^3 o a W) ^ d cS O « 5 cj ^ pH G o 'a w V ;z: d o t-i C g 5 s • tc d d V o J:; ^ -j; d <*=< TM 01 « 0 'ci(»AC 0 l 5 -C 0 C 5 Oi CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS. 267 ■rtOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOO OSi— I00000C5000]— lOOOO c^ij'^iOt— ^lOOC'^r-l■T^^<:^cc>co■^^£^«oo CO I— I M Cl CO iH tH O i-t 0> Ol r-( O CO CO CS .iOi:-iHi;-Ci CO i-~ CS C- CS i>- uo 05 (07 07 CO CO ’ O7COi>-r-((07Jt-COr-iCOt^COCOCO i0i>*(07«005 oocooooooo 0>— (XOOOOC5COO OCOlr^OCCOOCOTi 05(07?— lOvOUO.— t-H 1— ( CO 05 rti 1— I CO -'t' '-O ocoooooooo cocoooooocoo 'tj(?— I-^O^OOO?— io 07OC0?0O>OC0C0-rtl Tl^(07CO?-(l:^r-(CO(X!CO CO O (07 (07 CO O O 05 o <=> O CO o o o o C; >0 (07 CO O CO CO 0-7 i-H (07 0 ( ■cf( Til l-l £- O O O CO o o O cs O CO o o O CO GO CO O CO O CO rH tH O UO t- UO (07 ?— ( OCOCOcOrHCOCOOO OCOi— COOCOiOCOO CO(»COi— (OCU005(07CO (07 05 CO CO CO i'- i- CO A- iH CO 1'- (05 OD OOOCOiOOOOO 00• (07 ■<4( O tH COCOCOThCOiOr-iO ooooocoooooocoooooooocoooooooo OOOOOO05C5C2O05OOOOOOOC0OOC0OOOU0O 0 0500COOO?-(OOOCOA-<0>(0>COCO'cT(OOOCOaD(05A-0-ct((07 COt-i— l•O(^^C 0 C 0 u 0 C 0 C' 7 ?— iCOl'-(07COl— (a 5 -cj(C 005 l— l?JO'Ct(KOC3507CO i07COi— l(07>O'cJi?-|-<0OC0<07-cl(C0 OCOr-(CO'ct( rt(i>-eO(07 iHCO CO O CO CO CO Tt? CO (07 O OO -cjl uOO5(07'Ctl?— (7>-00C7A-i07 (50 O CO CO ' 1005'C}(CO(07(07(XIC707(07 >5 a bo 1 i n fl a Ph o o o cs .ii ■§ 2 ^ t-B § is fl-S ^ .rn’ oS?^ — .in O (« rO; (U aj .2 r-? a S'— _ _ _ o c 3 o ^ ^ S S> 3 ^ vP ® 'B'o o o a o a o <5 pq 17 ]\"o. 14. — Lower Caicada — Return op Mills, MANUPACTORifcs, &c., for 1860-61. — [Continued,) 258 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS. •iian^o'a SuiAiS oooooooooo OOOIC^OOOOOIO GO?— I—I O CO O CO CS < CO Cl •nJujo-^X 2 uiai 3 *n.Tn;o'Ji ShtaiS •poi!o|drao spuTiii •njnis'vi gniAiJf oM ■ninxoxi SuiAiS •uinxo>i SitiAiS of|^ Moqinn^ [I’^ox r-(C-COC 50 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 239 120000 No. 14. — Lower Canada — Return of Mills, Manufactories, &c., for 1860-61. — {Continued,) 260 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS j CARDING AND FULLING MILLS. •pajCo^diuo epuRii to : «o Z c-x CO : : : : : iH O ; Hj. ; •'jo'jj SaiAiS • O 50 O CO cx cs OS o o o o o • CO *0 O CO O : OS 50 cs 50 CO : cx i- H}< . Wool. Lbs. o CO 220()j 13000 0008T 00091 ooos CAPITAL INVESTED. % 1 16800j 1600 5500 1400 5000 O O O CO O cx O hH 50 rH lO CO CX o o o o CO CM o o o o o • O O O O O : O C5 O O 05 • o CM XT - •nitpjo'a; SntAiSo^ l-t CQ rH rH cx cx : ; rH OX rH Til ; eo ; •J8qran_^ p;ox tH CO C'X (M cx cx rH I-H cx *0 rH CO rH ox O I-H Hji ; SAW M I L L S .— ( Contmued.) j ANNUAL PRODUCE. | j Value. I $ OOOCSOOOOCT'O.O i^Or-lr-^i— CO lO «0 CO lo o o CM o o *O^OCMCO ;< O o O CM O CO ^ : < CO CM 4>* CO O O CO . < C5 rH O CM 1- : I— 4 o o o CO => oo OS CO => iH CO Xr- os rH *0 os CX rH rH o o cx CO -Hh hH O 50 rH rH o o o o o o o >o cs Qo ex o oo *0 *0 CO o oo cs cx O rH O OS 50 CO IH i.— 50 rH I-H 1 Kind. Lumber. No. of Feet. 7614000 53000 5836000 10494000 19G000 • GS O O . o o o ; o -Hi o . O <0 lO : so o o . • -H 00 ; iM 11619000 j 1694000 136000 4160000 2123500 7622000 2181000 2900000 2328000 200075 103000 53776700 21455000 1.3000020 1.368000 12213000 SntAtS OCSCCCOl-H(Mf-ILOO‘0 cs r-i rH CO ^ O'! O ! 1 1 tl II • 50 *0 -Hr : rH CX 50 ; cx os rH os CO CO. I-H CX cx cx •poXo^dnio spuRjj Cl o CO O 00 : , CO o CO oo CM CO CO lO CM CO CO to !>• OO • * 1>- CM CM 0:> rH rH OO : rH r-( rH • O CO CQ CM 50 CX CO cx CO CO ox 50 cx cs I— cs HJI H. O cx cx r- •uiRj9'jj SarAxS CO Ci CO r-1 CO rH rH rH lO «D rH urs • i-H rH rH rH (M ; • 50 Tji ITS : rH CX Tfl 50 (O c< 1 CO CC O C5 rH CM I-H CM a '■A o CL, w >■ o W atcr. to ox oi o «o M ?•: i>- 1- OS • o lO 1— 00 o . o CO T-H J-^ : CO 0 0*0^ CO ci i.-. : 4112 2680 3980 OlOOOOOOOO O'^OOOO^OlH.O CXCX«£>eOrHX^(NrH 50 hT t-i rH O CO lO rH 8160 17200 9010 o o CO rji CO T-1 O o CO *o i—i , ^ ^ • c<\ (n CO : 1 7594 4760 6800 OOOOOOOO 0000000*00 t-..OCXOiH050i00 CJ 5D rH O oo Hj* CO CO rH *0 CX 15300 250001 23270 o o o *o ox CO Ht t- o o o o o O O to w o r- CM lO rH CM xH C5 f— ^ lO rH ^ CC r-i H-I C^X C'-j irt o t- CC 05 O r^ CX M o i'- CO o> c 21... 22... 2.3.. . 24.. . 25.. . 26.. . 27... 28... os O rH ox CO CX CO ot c.CCOCO?0'!tHO(NOrHC^ o o o CD iss 00 o lO H< .COi>'i>-OOrHOSiO (MOSOOiHHir-kftiOOO HOCOkDCOiHrHOt-- CO CD H 'H tH tH 3482871 162000 20000 16870 280000 860000 13830000 6400000 10680000 19520000 3150000 207000 20820550 594000 15270000 4386000 1 113050001 6022000! 50000001 3669000 4741500 21400000 o o o Hi CO 318619795 . O o o o oo so O !>• • uo : iH rH rH O rH rH rH rH rH CO ^ Oq rH HHkOOSHCODJt-CO iH (M tH rH 513 1 ^ rH HI COrHaOOOuO«0«C>OrHOOtOCOOOC-HHC^OSl>. ID H CO H DJ rH CO 4614 MO J.'- 00 O 24 CCC01>«T-iOOCCC'^J>* tH rH rH tH ?H tHCOiDOS,»HrHiDi>. rH .T( tH M tH rH 628 . «l '*#< : r-i : M : iH rH : ; ; rH rH 20 tH rH 1 ! X- Ck-D CD rH 'cii ooooooooo e^^OSi— lOOUO-^Or-IO rHO(MOOO«OeOOOi <^^C01:-TH^COT1^,^0 CO OS rH uo O O O !>• O CO 00 00699 2000 MO o o c<| rH iO rH O Jt^ O rH i>. CO !>• !>• CO r-l rH rH O kO <=> kO HI kO O CO (M tH 1481550 1 ! 139000 3240 1 6025 ♦» • OOCaOOOOOO 000^000000 ^OrHiOOOOH^iO cooai>-ioc- !>• O 5000 CDOOk0 1>- COOrH. tH kA HI O CO OuoiMOl'- tH Tjl Dl rH o o o o to o 1--. ^ CO 1- CO 2662561 139000 1 1 9260 '^*<»«dt^odo»o'rHC rH MO CO rjl » 1^ 1 Hi . od oi HI H > O r-H 1 tO kO 1 ed CO kft «o 1 kO us kO kO »o iC >00 0^0 1 »0 kO no u No. 14. — Lower Canada — Return of Mills, Manufactories, &c., for 1860-61. — {Continued.) 262 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS H •po^oidni9 spnT?H «o r-IC01>*Ori(l>.C0 O O to O O Co o -r CO CO cs c rH o o> o o CM O O O tH CO rH CO T-i >- 52 ^ < ►> o ^ o o o o o> o o o o o> O O O CO lO O oq CS r-( cq •ujn:j9'JI SuTAiS ^jsj o o o o o cq o o o o iO O o o o o o o oq CO uoqmn^ CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 263 16000 69900 85950 1 24 I 2 2 26000 63940 14.— Lower Canada — Return of Mills, Manufactories, &c., for 1860-61. — [Continued.) 264 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS. P o « •uan^jo'jj SutAiS •Joqran_S[ ►3 H t> S ►z O •< £ •nan:}8'}I SniAiS Hi W ^ 5 2 ^ g ’uan^o'jj SniAiS oM Maqran^ •p3io[dino spu^n •ujn^O'jj SniAiS ^ 2 ^ g 1-3 O a H S-' HI CO (3^ W ^ t> O Sr: •uan^jQ-a; SumS oJSI* •aaqiun^ O ^2; •pailoxdnio spung; SniAtS q]^ o o <=> C5 lO o h 3 « -rj W ^ s: HI CO Ai W -=3 >- A> r> •U.lTl^Q'^ SuTAtS oJ^ •Aoqran_^ I^^ox O O o o oo o CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 265 13000 10000 2 9 ll 1 8000 2800 1 4 1 1 7600 1 1 6000 3 3 5540 No. 14. — Lower Canada — Return of Mills, Manufactories, &c., for 1860-61. — {Continued,) 266 CENSUS REPORT OP THE CANADAS 1 PAPER MILLS, jj SHINGLE MILLS. ANNUAL PRODUCE. $ o CO o o Jr- zm : <=> . o : . o •nan:jo'}i SutAt2o5[ : : uoqranij rH Jr- : ANNUAL PRODUCE. $ : i i •nan^a-ji SutatS qN •aoqnin^^ i^jox 1 RAKE 1 1 FACTORIES. ANNUAL PRODUCE. $ o o ot) i i o o A'- •uan:joy; SutatS •aoquiTT^ rH j : : ! POT AND PEARL ASH j 1 FACTORIES. 1 ANNUAL PRODUCE. Value. S 1212 2500 o o o O o o CO Jr- c- CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 267 14 . — Lower Canada — Return of Mills, Manufactories, &C.5 for 1860 - 61 . — {Continued,) 268 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS. P 4 S HO HH 00 •Jimq ediqg jo qM ■ujivjay; 3aiAi3 •joqran^ 1 ^) 0 ^ g I ^ ^ £ •ujn^oy; SaiAi 3 qK •jaquin^ l^^ox .2 ^ 'njn^a'jl 2 mAi 3 •iaqran^v^ tu:} 0 i o . W oi OQ W M Szjo H-t^ o M >4 B ^ s ^ £ ■nat^an Snx^]3 oK •jaqran^ cc ^ o Ph (4 H ^ £ Px •ujn^jay; SatAiS O •joqmn^ IT?;oj^ ^H Pm i 4 H ^ o ^ 5 S ^ o ^ £ p. •uan^Q'ji SutatS qM •jaqtntijq i^^ox CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 269 14. — Lower Canada — Return of Mills, Manufactories, &c., for 1860-61. — {Continued.) 270 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS. £> ^ P4 SuTAiS •jaqTiin_fq; o s £ 1-5 S « « O o O -ij fi ^ ^ o ^ 2 ^ g •ujn^ay; SniAiS m W Oh o fH •aoqran^SI li3?oi ■nan^a-vx SutaiS •aaqiun^ w. gS h2 •lunxoxi SuiaiS ojq •aoqranjq ha w ^ S s s •ujrnoxi SuiAiS •joqmnx iTjqox lO O t- CO Ci o H CO ■>* lo «o oo' Cl o" T-i 0-1 CO H ifs «3 00 OS o I— I CO Hr-tt-Hr-lrH?-lrHr-lrHOqC^CS . is §i o o Q ^ O K IM •ujn:ja'jj SuiAiS Maqranjsi i-c^ox g ® ^ g ‘ujrno^ SatAiSoj^ •jaqrani^ itJ^ox p 3 <3 • oco Om <30 oo p^H d <3 o SS wo HH O MH W <3 Pm •ujn^o'ij SaiAiii 'joqratijq it’?ox •aaiUG'iX “utAis •aaqain^ F^oj, CO S Oh <3 o o •uanxoy; ijOiAiS qV; •joquin^ Flox o - os - - - •ain^oxi Sutat^qJ^ •aaquinx FFX CO H Cu ►— t §2 o o <3 Pm s; c CO •njn')9'jx 2uiAi2 •aoqraiii^ ITj^ox lC^COrtiif5?Oi>OOOSO CO Tt( ift «C ( CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 275 18 * 14 .— Lower Canada— Return of Mills, MANUFAcroBiEfe, &c., for \&Q 0 - 6 \,>—(C(ytUinued») CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 2t6 S3 ►3 W i i *< a, *aan:)9'jl SaxAiS •aeqmn^i ib?ox •ujn'jo'g SnxAiS q kj •J0qinn_^ pi^ox rX 2 HW M M Pp5 OO cc H I •§ ^ 5 £ ‘ujn'49y^ "aiAig •jtaqinn^ ^xj^ox ::::<=> ft W ■4 W < g « •iaqmnH pj^ox •nan^g^i SniAiS oM •a9qmnsi l«ioX CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS. 3T7 278 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS. s e Si a in S O H O < Ui 0 S5 o Pi 0 H -«1 fi Q Pi H o o j w ^ S 9n g •njn'je'a; SniAiS •joqmn^ W Oi-^ dig p p re P Pg Sg P 03 HP wg oqS <1g P g « «> ^ « ’nan^oy; SoiatSo^ •jaqranj;^ ii3;ox h 5 W <1 P t) !r 5 g 'uanp'jj SotatS uoqmnjii I'C'jox H P P ^ s g •ujn^o'a; SatAiS •jaqran^ Iibiox ’Ultimo'}! SuxAtS •joqran^ I^c^ox ►5 W I i ^ •nanp'jj SutaiS •joqranj^ ixj^ox Pw ss P o >< p •3 p .QC>0>OrHC^Oti'*tiO«C CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS. «79 14. — Lower Canada — Return of Mills, Manufactories, &c., for 1860-61. — {Continued.) 280 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 6 1^; m O t-i «0 T-HpHf-iJ-Hr-HiHrrtrHCSMCHIC^C^C^Cq t- 00 g» O i-» «» ^ C« ^ ^ C* »> CO CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 28 V Canada — Return of Mills, Manufactories, &c., for 1860-61. — {Continued.) 282 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS. i-( . W 02 o W I— I S o cis H w u r I-? W •< u 5z O ^ g •ujh^O'JI “utatS •joqran^ m Wh Ph^ M O Pm •uan^jo-ji SuiAiS •jaqmn^ H W . ;z oi wg CO p p ^ g "p ■aan^o'jx SuiaiS ojq; •joqran^ I^^ox bi O o m Wpq ^ i-i r » ■ ii'. ■ . r. ' :‘V- J '' \ ' ,<•* ' ^ ' lil M . •^ J' - , • .vi'^ , i'; - ^ ' A i i A ^ ^ .1 •• -' ' INTO. IS UPPER CANADA. lUhini of Ifousfs, ^lacts of ISlors|ip, COUNTIES. 1. Brant. 2. Bruce. 3. Carleton. 4. Dundas. 5. Durham. 6. Elgin. 7. Essex. 8. Frontenac. 9. Glengarj 10. Grenville. 11. Grej. 12. Haldimand. 13. Halton. * 14. Hastings. 15. Huron. 16. Kent. 17. Lambton. 18. Lanark. 19. Leeds. 20. Lennox and Addington. 21. Lincoln. 22. Middlesex. 23. Norfolk. 24. Northumberland. .COUNTIES. — Coniinucd. 25. Ontario. 26. Oxford. 27. Peel. 28. Perth. 29. Peterborough. 30. Prescott. 31. Prince Edward. 32. Renfrew. 33. Russell. 34. Simcoe. 35. Sformont. 36. Victoria. 37. Waterloo. 38. Welland. 39. Wellington. 40. Wentworth. 41. York. 42. Algoma, District. 43. Nipissing, District. A. Hamilton, City. B. Kingston, City. C. London, City. D. Ottawa, City. E. Toronto, City. 288 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 16. — Upper Canada — Return of Houses, COUNTY OF INHABITED HOUSES. TOWNSHIPS, &c. BKICK. Total Brick. STONK. Total Stone. PKAMB. Total Frame. m O TO n O a to o 'a o H 1 Storj. 2 Story. 3 Story. 1 Story. _ ■ 2 Story. j 3 Story. 1 Story. 2 Story. j 3 Story. Town of. (51 94 45 203 1 1 717 180 6 903 69 2. Prfvnt.forrl 60 32 4 96 14 1 15 210 28 1 239 191 3. Pnrf(^rH 29 11 2 42 1 1 245 27 1 273 198 4. Dnrofi’ioSj Ronth 19 6 24 43 6 s * 49 391 23 1 415 120 5. OfllrlfiTid 8 8' 5 21 2 3 5 64 20 84 67 6. Onon n.jjfn. ,, 17 2 19 179 4 183 125 7. Paris, Village 20 10 5 35 5 4 1 10 382 51 21 454 17 8. 13 1 14 1 i 85 85l ! 324 1 It 1 • • I Total of Brant 230 163 61 454 64 14 3 81 2273 333 30 2636 1111 COUNTY OF 1 IT A n 1 2 2 3 2 19 "Rvonf. 1 2 3 1^ Pnrrir*V 1 1 IR i 1 1 16 Eltl'^rs^io , * 1 1 1 G TTiiron 1 1 09 Konri»£i£JT> ... ..... 9 1 3 5 1 OO Crkii f R o m ■nf r\'n OUUUUuilii^tUli^ T • Total Pviipft 4 8 12 2 3 5 1 1 10 4 4 34 42 25 1 347 57 6 63 461 16 8 1 24 338 5' 1 1 5 546 15 15 30 366. 37 8 45 255 26 5 31 271 16 9 25 404 31 32 63 398 89 74 163 1 9 3 12 296 43 14 57 181 52 17 69 32 442 216 658 3940 COUNTY OF 11 5 16] 54 18 72 372 ^4^ UliZlOjt Ori All AACf.Pl* 1 2 3 5 15 20 53 12 1 66 582 OA ^aiiIHaittitp .................... 14 5 19 6 1 7 407 O^r drwT¥rp»* "NTATtH 3 3 7 1 1 1 8 81 11 92 286 O Q TT nnf'lpTJ ..........ka.....*.. 1 I 4 2 1 6 6 6 349 OA 'K/^ r» ^•n^/M'An 1 1 i 4 3 1 S 22 1 3 25 214 O A TViT ft t*aTi ..... ............. 1 1 4 r, 1 I 10 2 1 3 197 ^1 "^ATTAft.n 1 i 14 18 4| i 30 .36 i 9 45 539 ' 7. 3 i 10 95 i 17 112 504 "PinRTnAAfl Villn.o'ft I 1 1 3 1 5 11 i ^ isi 5S 34. Torbolton 1 1 3 4 3 1 3 1 107 Total of flafleton 5 2 7 ! 72 63 7 142 369 75 5 449 3615 1 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS. 280 Places of Worship, &c., for 1860 - 61 . BRANT. TOTALS PLACES OF WORSHIP. g § £ O rn o .2 o ^ "tJ- a jj OQ W O o S ® cri lire 511 514 608 177 327 516 423 4282 1183 548 015 008 187 327 523 427 16 4418 10 1 ... BRUCE. 10 38 417 529 362 551 397 301 302 430 401 104 308 243 102 4615 10 38 423 539 309 559 403 292 305 432 463 171 309 243 104 4665 62 51 CARLETON. 19 ^ €'KMSa8 REPORT OF THE CANADAS. No. 15. — Upper Canada — Return of Houses, COUNTY OF iMt* 1 > S5 : 2."] 205 ,i 215* "1 57 ‘ o 275 14 ! i:; .0 »y 20 • M 2 ic; 380 j 21 2 403 288 ■4^$’.. ., ..V. ; 1 ■j ■j82j ISO 209 CJjTife’w' r.,.. i ; j’; IS 2 20 4 2 i 573 81 ■i; 65S 36S ^iL ........................... r.2 i’:- 79 21 8 29 629 97 726 295 . ....... .so:.i!.o «... ..... ' 21 2< 40 .s 2 10 GOT 15 622 298 /ty« Haiy^cxy i. V 2 1 2 148 11 1 59 498 Y?y2.i.*o ........ 1 ! IS ; j • 1 333 1 01 1 165 6 '^^4. Vort JIopC; X-ma of.,. 4) a 4u 2.50 i 3 r 510 1 135 I 4 i 649 ! 23 2S2 250 IZl C42 68 .19 87 3377 4 H i.-’ ! 1 C.-. 1 14 3840 1999 COUNTY OF Bvfixfe^U'T ..... ...... .-.c...., XVi^j^vk-h fcCii<'TiwTaP.. 1%. '.fln'2'5!^-, Tovm^-r....... fiU ■f.3.' .............. ........ ‘S'oLil! of KIgia •f I 1 90 3 102 208 .< ; / 7i 1 1 2.3 743 31 i 774 90 ;'i3 Y i...... 17 2 18 o' 220 108 c. i 7 , ,1 6 1 7; 1 171 272 1 '■ f, ■ IS 1 1 525 78' 1 603 104 2 » ' 6 37 33 (' o' i 339 203 9 3V 10 66 297 37| i 331 4.0 Cl •• 74 i ; 3 616 86' ; i 702 ! 349 IIS 103 . rz 233: :i I '*■ 1 2992 j 25:'.; 1 3245 1334 COUNTY OF 4tn>j?ic-},ba5-gli> cC ()&. /vn'sei-ilyii ! i 1 . i 2 0 2 1 1 6 ) 1 1 6574 6144 210 26 , 1 0 J 10 13 4 ELGIN. 311 887 345 450 j 726 570| 300 11281 1 311 887 345 I 1 1 i i 2 )l 450 724, 570; 301 1 1128! 1 n 1 I 1 3 ii 1 1 ! \ n 1 1 ! ^ 1 1 1 i i 4816 4815 M 9 ! lj. 1... . 1 Laj ESSEX. 298 281 441 384 281 256 320 407 285 304 284 443 307 281 259 332 513 285 4 ! li 1! 2i 1 Lji L....i 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 ... 1 ... 1 ‘>1 ! 1 1 ! 6 1 292 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS ■« No. 15. — Upper Canada — Return of Houses, COUNTY OF INHABITED HOUSES. TOWNSHIPS, Jtc. BRICK. Total Brick. STONE. Total Stone. FRAME. Total Frame. Total Log Houses. 1 Story. 2 Story. 3 Story. 1 Story. 2 Story. 3 Story. 1 Story. 2 Story. 3 Story. 68. Sandwich, Town of. 6 6 1 13 1 1 1 109 33 1 142 2 69. Rochester 1 1 29 13 42 236 70. Tilbury, West 5 1 6 20 2 22 179 71. Windsor, Town of 12 32 4 48 1 " 1 3 259 80 1 2 341 2 ^ Total of Essex 59 72 7 138 13 1 1 25 1212 1 315 1 ^ 1529 2393 COUNTY OF 72. Barrie and Clarendon 1 c*SXSrT?r 2 2 61 7-3. Bfiflford 2 2 14 17 31 244 74. Hinehinbrookc 1 2 2 128 7-'^ TTennebee 2' 9 62 76. Kingston 14 20 34 «92 70 162 240 46 286 318 77- Tinno’hbnroup’h 39 14 3 56 116 21 140' 208 78. Miller and Canonto . 1 1 1 ! 2 79. Olden j 1 1 1 ‘i 78 SO. Oro..,.., i 58 81 . Palmerston 20 82. Pittsburgh 2 2 36 46 82 154 9^ 1 178 441 83. Portland 23 1 23 i 116 16 i 132 317 84. Portsmouth, Village 8 8 10 36 3 49 82 61 i i 1 33 1 ■S.*!. Storriu wtoTi 2 2 32 13 45 105 1 21 1 i 126 1 288 •S6. IVolfe island 1 2 10 6 •16 218 31 ' 249 i 327 1 ] Total of Frontenac 17 32 49 214 185 6 435 1052 230 j 1282 j 2553 COUNTY OF 88. Charlottonburgh 31 5 36 29 2 31 246 iat\‘ <) 255 604 39. Kenyon 5 2 7 4 4 10 13 637 90. Lancaster 15 6 21 10 ] 11 134 s 142 462 91 . Lochiel 12 4 16 22 4 26 53 1 S 61 586 Total of Glengary 63 17 80 65 7 72 413 1 1 \ 471 2289 1 COUNTY OF 92. Augusta 93. Edwardsburg 94. Gower, South 95. K empty die, Village . 96. Merrickvillc, Village 97. Oxford 98. Prescott, Town of...., 99. Wolford ...’. Totarof Grenville., 3 1 4 127 50 177 1761 IS 194 6 9 8 103 16 111? 219' 6 225 2 2 4 26 4 30 66’ 2 68 1 2 3 4 0 1.3 no; 30 140 4 4 13 15 ] 2!) 7S 14 1 93 7 1 8 49 5 64 137i 8 1 146 2 11 6 18 122 103 225 1501 22 1 172 2 2 4 30 O 33 5o| 4 54 23 21 9 53 474 205 J j 680 j 986 1 104 2 1092 633 500 179 11 13 478 24 221 1959 r CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 293 I Places of Worship, &c., for 1860 - 61 . ESSEX. — [Continued.) TOTALS. PLACES OF VfORSHIP. Total N° of Houses. Families. Houses vacant. Houses building. Church of England, j Church of Rome. Church of Scotland. Free Church of Scot- land. United Presbyterians. Wesleyan Methodists. Episcopal Methodists. New Connection Me- thodists. rn o o *2 o Baptists. 1 j Lutherans. j 1 Congregationalists. | 1 Quakers. | Bible Christians. | 1 Christians. | 1 Disciples. | Menonists and Tunkers. Universalists. | Other Places of Worship. 158 158 5 1 279 281 207 219 .3 8 394 492 8 2 4090 4248 29 26 7 3 2 9 1 6 1 • FRONTENAC. 63 277 130 64 800 404 2 79 58 20 703 472 191 461 595 64 275 102 65 776 417 2 81 58 20 678 489 151 458 599 2 1 6 1 1 9 3 5 2 4 8 22 1 3 2 6 1 ...I :j 1 “! 1 4319 4235 55 20 GLENGARY. GRENVILLE. 908 852 281 167 139 686 439 312 912 852 284 169 141 686 439 317 1 1 1 2 10 ] 3784 3800 14 2 294 CENSUS REPORT OF TPIE CANADAS No. 15. — Upper Canada — Return of Houses, COUNTY OF INHABITED HOUSES. BRICK. STONE. I’RAME. TOWNSHIPS, .fee. 1 Stsry. 1 2 Story. 3 Story. Total Brick. 3 ' 5 2 Story. 3 Story. Total Stone. 1 .. _ — . 1 Story. 1 o CM ' ^ 1 100. Artf'.mfiflia 1 1 5 2 2 9 2] 4 i 8 101. Bentinok 2 C 4 12 6 2 1 9 71 7 2 102. Collingwood 301 0 11 1 ! 1 0!1 DpirKy , 4 4l 1 lli 104. UgrpiTTinnf 2 .3 5 40 1 19' 1 105. Euphrasia u! 106. Glonelg 4 1 5 391 18 j';;;;; 107. Holland 1 1 18 7 108. Koppol, Sarawak and Brooke.. 13 3 2 100 MpilnTmihon 1 1 no, ’NoTmauby 1 1 3 3 G 55 15 1 in Daproy 4 5 1 1 12. Owon Sound, Town of 5 4 1 10 8 6 2 Hi 109 03 4 113. Proton 3 114. Snllivnn 16 1 115. Sydonham 5 2 7 28 () i 116. St. Vincent 8 1 4 2 6 101 23 i 1 1 Total of Grev 181 '15 i 5 I 38 j 37 21 6 04 707 181 ! 16 1 CU g S Pm I O 33 378 SO 482 42 189 14 195 06 468 14 233 57 471 25 325 15 97 g 230 70 460 9 342 2.30 69 3 231 16 277 34 447 188 268 904 5174 ! COUNTY OF n7. Un.Tibor.o 6 "l 2 i 8 i i 1 o„! 4 i ! 94 79 41 R ri^.yiig Nnrt.’ii 7 s i 16 1 8 9 196 68 264 218 119. Cayuga, South 1 ! 120. Dunn > 13 1 1 28 5 2 7; 203 21 1 225 162 121. Dunnvillo, Village j 1 i 12? M'^nlt.nn n.nd Sberbroolfo 24 19 7 50 59 300 163 1tl3, Gnoida 6 2 8 4 2 ol 200 3 203 248 124 R'l.inbnm 6 4 9 4 4 81 100 10 ...... no 87 12.5. Ronnen 16 13 4 33 2 ] 3 3sr 81 471 277 I2A XV^nlpole. 18 8 26 3 2 5 439 : 26 465 254 1 Total of Ilaldimand 97 69 12 178 19 19 38i 1856 ! 1 272 1 L 2132 1488 COUNTY OF 137 EH'jnpaing , 12 45 57 6 26 SMBOOMl 3 1 35 124 408 532 290 138 Villn.o’O 3 6 9 72 73 145 17 129. Milton, Town of 8 8 1 17 2 11 1 14 23 96 1 120 3 130 1 1 23 18 41 82 35 1 117 .313 131 Nniflon 22 46 68 10 16 26 260 228 [ 488 115 133 Oobvillo, Villngo 10 30 5 45 71 153 224 2 5 r 45 52 97 9 11 23 324 306 1 629 216 i , 1 1 ■ 1 Total of Halton JOl 1S7 6 294 60 85 4 139 ”^1 j 1298 1 2255 956 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS Places of Wokship, &c., for 1860 - 01 / grey/ HALDfMAND, 181 507 422 181 508 424 1 513 405 214 784 750 3830 517 408 214 787 751 38481 ] HALTON. 296 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 15. — Upper Canada — Return of Houses, COUNTY OF TOWNSHIPS, INHABITED HOUSES ERICK. Total Erick. .STONE. Total Stone. FRAME. Total Frame. Total Log Houses. o 2 Story. 1 3 Story. 1 Story. 2 Story. 3 Story. 1 Story. 2 Story. 3 Story. 47 92 18 157 45 49 16 no 544 160 O 706 8 3 1 4 37 4 41 136 1 1 21 7 28 112 1 1 10 2 12 197 10 207 464 3 3 23 3 26 138 6 144 269 2 1 3 151 10 161 295 3 1 4 36 3 39 165 6 4 10 19 2 1 23 248 27 275 377 23 11 1 35 26 ■ 8 34 725 65 790 181 2 2 12 3 15 173 12 L 1 13 21 3 1 25 476 IS 494 586 17 1 8 1 26 47 10 57 430 32 462 133 j 109 116 20 245 202 81 18 301 3015 345 2 3362 2899 134. Eellevillo, Town of. 135. Elzevir..... 136. Ha,stings Road 137. Hungerford 138. Huntingdon 139. Mpydoc 140. Matmora and Lake. 141. .Ra-wdon 142. Sterling, Village .... 143. Sydney 144. Trenton, Village .... 145. Tudor and Lake 146. Tyendinaga 147. Tiuirlow Total of Ilastinsrs 109 COUNTY OF 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 1 60 . 161. 162. 163. - 164. 165. 166. Askfield Biddulph Clinton, Village Colborne Goderick Goderich, Town of Grey 1 Hay Howick Hullett McGilliyray McKillop....! Morris Stanley and Bayfield Stephen Tuckersmith Turnhury Usborne.. Wawanosh'-' Total of Huii^ 1 1 aVSetSKZ 1 1 45 5 1 51 387 22 6 28 2 2 4 38 7' 45 458 G 3 9 1 1 137 25 162 9 6 8 1 1 2 97 7 1 104 199 34 8 42 8 5 13 105 5 1 no 411 61 35 11 107 5 5 261 83 1 345 39 1 1 ^22 4 26 368 7 1 8 1 1 2 48 4 52 458 34 10 44 338 1 2 3 1 2 3 44 5 49 389 2 2 27 4 31 438 9 ’’"’i 10 5 2j 7 - 41 44 314 1 1 22 81 30 379 13 9 22 2 1 • 3 lOS] ! 24, 132 365 G 5 11 2 2 74 9! 83 256 34 13 47 ij- 2 9 98| 12; no 351 171 31 1 20 213 18 6 1 24 1 1 2 57j 8! 65 469 1 1 1 1 1 44 5 1 49 497 1 220 93 11 324 j 29 25 1 55 1319i 1 231 1 ^ 1 1 1552 6338 There are 17 sheets without description of Houses or Farailic.?. There arc nlso, in another place, Stories or Families. ' COUNTY OF 167. Camden and Gore, 168. Chatham, Town of. 169. Chatham and Gore 170. Dover 12 1 163 46 209 260 68 I 1 490 120 3 613 3.3 11 1 191 40 231 383 8 I 54 7 A 61 375 297 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS. Places of Worship, &c., for 1860-61. HURON. 440' 535 181 313 570 496 395 520 382 444 471 375 409 522 352 517 233 560 548 464 1 646 174 323 584- 521 399 541 371 370 475 378 411 524 443 528 252 549 566 19 ^'tssczauiaipr 6 2 3 2 2 1 4 3 5 2 1 9 ::: ... 1 3 6 1 1 1 1 2 2 6 1 .. .. 8269 8519 40 42 3 1 1 2 1 »l3«i««55TtrC , 3 twanii ■WCTow.'v.'a «arflcnM!i aBfUttBF iO sheets mentioning the number of Houses and material conrtituting their structure, but neither the KENT. 481 507 H ,2! 715 791 29 7 625 606 10 3 444 454 12 2 298 CExN^SUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 15.— Upper Canada — Return of Houses, COUNTY OF INI! A B : I T E B II 0 U S E S . nniCK. Total Brick. STONE. Total Stone. j IMJAME. Total Eraiue. 1 j Total Log Houses, | TOWNSITTPS. itc. i 1 i 1 i & o (M 3 Story. 1 I 2 Story. j 1 Story. 2 Story. o oc i 1 17]. Harwich ..i i 16 15 31 ! 266 40 306 383 172. Howard j i 17 0 1 24 1 3 350 24 374 283 173. Orford i 1 1 171 5 176 235 174. Raleigh .0 7i \ 12 155 17 172 465 175. Koninoy 6 I i i 6 16 16 46 176. Tilburj', East 1 1 32 2 34 169 177. Zone.. i 56 10 66 122 1 Total of Kent 120 40 4 173 o 2 1044 311 3 2258 2754 COUNTY OF 1 [ j ■KC 178. l>osaTi((uet 1 1 ! 1 182 y 191 316 179. Brooke 1 3 1 I . .... 16 3 17 259 180. Dawn ] 1 17 17 108 181. Enniskillen i 1 4 i 4 157 1 82, Eupheinia 6 3 i 9 i- J 112j 1 1 129 135 183. Moore 2 i 1 6 ! 1 1871 1 27 3 215 290 184. Plympton 2 3 3 1 108! 1 18 1 126 445 185. Sarnia 1 4| 4! 1 8 240 186. Sarnia, Town of. 8 25 •7 40 1 ! 1 2 1 1 9 1 1 158 2 351 87 187. Somhra, and Indian llcsevves.. i 80 24 i 104 189 188. Warwick * 5 .3 8 1 1 3 1 107 7 m! ! .1111 ! i 1 Total of Lam h ton 26 35 j 8 [ 1 691 2 1 1 1008 1 265 1276! _«_J 1 2639 Throe g-heets without, description of Houses. COUNTY OF IfiO Bii.MniT’Rt i 1 36 O 12 1 97 1 97 372 1 t 65 65 s 1 73 245 191 Rnrrfoss 22 1 1 ' 1 23' 26 [ 26 162 1 3 3 2 1 1 1 0 s J 265 1 9;t Dn.rli?!;.' i 1 ■* 1 “ 1 ' 1 1 125 194. Dnimmftnd i 50 i 50 52 2i 1 1 54 284 195 Elmslny i 21 4 i 23 15 1 1 i ! 15 176 196 Lnna.rlv ' i 2 1 3' f 22 5 1 27i ! • 89 1 ! 1 100 305 i 1 1 28 198. Montague i 3 .J 39 5 i 44 69 i i 2 j : 1 416 199. Pjvekenha.iii j M IS ; ,1 74| i ^1 [ 79 280 200. Perth, Tow’n of j () 3 y 34 47 1 2 83 i 2i7i 1 29 276 23 201. Rnmriav 50 y 3 60 ! 158| i 19! 177 381 202, Shorhrdoki;, North 1 1 ... . I 3 1| > 1 j 1 56 203. Sherhrooke, South. ...... i i' ■ 1 ! r. 1 li 1 6 100 204. Sinith’.s Falls, Village 3' 1 1 2 3 i ; ! 1 10 129 15| 1 144 31 Total of Lanark . 11 6 1 18 347 yy 1 606 1 93 759 3749 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 299 Places of Worship, &c., for 1860 -Gl. KENT. — ( Continued.) Total of Houses. Families. | .1 Houses vacant. Houses building. Church of England. | Church of Rome. Church of Scotland. Free Church of Scot- land. United Presbyterians. rfi o o ri a a o w o ffi o o c V ’S, V New Connection Me- j thodists. Other Methodists. 1 Baptists. 1 1 Lutherams. | '3 a .2 % to o t-l 60 a o o 1 Quakers. j 1 Bible Christians. j 1 Christians. | 1 Disciples. ] Menonists and Tunkers. 1 Universalists. | 1 Other Places of ! Worship. 720 (582 412 640 68 20.3 188 734 675 430 632 77 211 19{) 0 6 10 15 5 4 4 3 1 4 3 .0187 5313 09 i Btt.*s?eTE3: 43 LAMBTON. 508 277 126 161 273 511 574 248 480 293 536 483 289 124 154 344 522 583 290 639 307 544 1 ir.xv PHB 1 1 2 1 3 2 3 j i... 1 ... 1 3987 4279 10 5 4 i 1 1 . 1 1 3 2 1 .... L.. 2 LANARK. 1 511 3S3 211 277 126i 388 216 435 28 534 377 391 618 58, 106 187 j 375 392 322 286 1 124 • 403 1.30 466 28 546 382 444 664 58 117 j 188 i 26 1 | i: 4 6 6 ^ 1 i 7 3 5 1 3 0 1" EKiBiBitr; imiemzr: !nn 1 1 1 1 I 1 ! 1 i . .1 i 1 1 ! 15 4 12 4 3 i 1 1 16 1 5 i 4 7 3 1 1 i j 1 i i ,1 4976 4825 llOi 46 ! 2 ! " 1 2 1 3 0 o oj 3 300 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 15. — Upper Canada — Return of Houses, COUNTY OF INHABITED HOUSES. BRICK. STONE. FRAIIE. O TOWNSTiTPS, Ac. o P O .o o o s to h h M 'A h s 5 O 'a o p o p o O ' c3 U) o OQ DQ o O CO H eo H CO H 205. Bastard 6 () 37 37 36 242 3 245 220 200. Brockville, Town of 9 27 10 40 2 21 13 307 5 50 10 427 5 207. Burgess 1 1 2 4 9 48 208. Crosby, North ) 209. Crosby, South j 15 2 17 44 1 45 222 7 229 385 210. Elmsley 1 1 12 1 13 20 1 21 .148 211. Elizabethtown.....' 21 12 1 ' 3.8 177 14 40 3 220 339 19 358 404 212. Escott 8 1 1 ! ! 4 18 76 10 86 163 21.8. Kitlcy 1 1 1 [ 1 36 8 44 no 5 115 242 214. Lansdowne 12 i! ! 13 31 5 .86 160 2 162 289 215. Leeds 4 5 9 22 13 35 246 14 200 1 i 292 210. Yonge 12 10 28 51 17 08 208 45 1 254 226 Tote.I of Leeds 89 07 10 160 oaggaMBs 427 in 10 554 1995 160 11 2106 2422 COUNTY OF 217. A dnlpbnstoTTTi 4 1 5 104 10 114 4 218. Amherst, Tslnnd 2 1 O 41 11 52 140 219. Ano-lesen, 1 1 20 220. Camden 2 1 3 14 4: 18 232 18 i [ 250 378 221. Denbigh and Abinger 1 1 36 222. Ernestown ....’ 19 5 24 60 10 60 667 41 708 134 223. Fi’edericksburgh 12 1 13 16 1 10 365 6 371 135 224. Tv n.l n.fl .n r 5 5 50 225. Napanee, Village 6 • 14 5 25 2 3 5 149 54 203 6 220. P-icbmond 6 6 2 2 291 5 296 225 227. Sheffield 94 14 108 309 Total of Lennox and yVddington.. 49 22 5 76 80 18 104 2010 159 2109 1443 COUNTY OF :28. Cn.isinr 5 2 7 1 ] 113 66 • 179 137 :29. Clinton 17 33 50 1 4 5 205 134 339 39 1.80. (Titinsboroncrh n 9 20 138 133 271 179 131. (Ir.anthnm 11 28 39 7 6 13 261 209 2 472 119 132. nvimsby 17 10 2 29 4 9 13 284 146 430 55 1.83. Louth 6 1 10 1 1 2 119 68 1 188 . 141 134. Niagara ’. 5 20 1 26! 4 15 1 20 145 134 1 280 • 49 1.85. Niagiir.a. Town of 4 19 1 24 i 1 1 j.> 4 218 128 346 13 136. St. Catherines, Town of 38 91 35 104 1 9 4 . 14 528 335 5 868 68 Total of Lincoln 114 215 40 309 19 48 5 72 2011 1353 9 3373 800 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 301 Places of Worship, &c., for 1860 - 61 . LEEDS. TOTALS. PLACES OF ’WORSHIP. Total of Houses. Families. Houses vacant. Houses building. Churcli of England. Church of Rome. Church of Scotland. Free Church of Scot- land. United Presbyterians. Wesleyan Methodists. Episcopal Methodists. New Connection Me- thodists. 1 Other Methodists. Baptists. 1 Lutherans. 1 Congregationalists. Quakers. Bible Christians. | Christians. | Disciples. Menonists and Tunkers. CO CO "3 '3 P Other Places of Worship. 511 512 514 514 2 7 59 60 G7G 676 1 18.3 184 ... 1015 1015 276 276 |... 402 402 500 499 1 i 596 596 1 576 576 5308 5310 3 7 LENNOX AND ADDINGTON. 123 133 1 1 " ! 1... 195 206 2 27 27 649 552 11 9' 37 36 1 ! • 926 938 17 3 ...i ...1 1 i 535 553 5 ! i 1 1 1 ... 1 55 55 1 li 1 ■ i:::;::! 1 i i 1 - 239 295 10 j 1 i ...i 1 !!J 1 529 569 G 1 ■ 1 417 438 3792 3802 64 14 4 1 • 1 o 4 3 L1N( JOLN. 324 331 1 2 433 447 470 470 2 1 643 643 3 527 527 6 3 341 341 375 375 3 1 387 387 5 2 1114 1156 9 5 1 4G14 4677 29 14 4 3 3 3 7 2 2 3 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS. No. 15. — Upper Canada — Return of Houses, COUNTY OF TOWNSHIPS, .te. I N II A D r T E D HOUSES. * BlltCK. Total Brick. I STOXU. i i i . 1 g o ^ , c H : 1 J FilAJtE. a; s 2 0 •t Total Log Houses. 1 Story. 2 Story. 3 Story. I Story. 1 i 3 U2 C^6p1 9 4 13 4 5 1 10 156 22 178 235 Fplmont anti AT p.t.b n n p 23 1 23 91 322 PoTir^ iiiii 4 4 76 9 85 379 TVnTYvmA’r 1 1 10 2 12 42 9 51 226 99/f TniTniomnrA 2 2 131 325. Gralway 74 TTfiTVftv 17 327 Minden Stanhope and Dysart 3 3 41 3*^8 M'^nagtif^.n^ N^'^’tb 5 4 2 11 4 1 5 74 9 83 119 32^ ntnriahpp , 9 22 1 3 12 24 5 29 171 17 1 189 408 33^^ Pptprbornno’h, Town of. 26 20 68 6 10 2 18 417 113 9 539 30 Smith 11 6 17 22 8 1 31 152 16 168 308 Snnwdftn 38 Totn.l of Ppterhorongh 56 45 23 124 79 31 4 114 1221 216 10 1447 2127 unaui: COUNTY OF 99Q 2 2 rma 157 994 Clolft/lAnio. 0 1 3 6 . 6 10 1 11 126 •) 9 K TTo 'iTTVooHn vxT *RnQf. 3 5 8 7 12 19 15 6 1 21 561 99 A TTo *t¥Tlr oeHn Y*nr 14 5 1 20 13 6 19 47 4 51 227 837 Hawk'^sh'iiry^ 3 6 9 8 2 3 13 150 1 151 30 99Q T.rvr\15 372, R.ii.ssrII 28 j 42 ' 2 i:> Total of Russell 1 ^ 7 57 38 * ; 95' ,'M • I I i CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 309 Places of Worship, &c., for 1860-61. PRINCE EDWARD. TOTALS. PLACES OP WORSHIP. Total of Houses. Families. Houses vacant. Houses building. Church of England. Church of Rome. Church of Scotland. Free Church of Scot- land. United Presbyterians. 'r3 O c3 o o Episcopal Methodists. New Connection Me- thodists. Other Methodists. Baptists. 1 1 Lutherans. | 1 Congregationalists. | 1 Quakers. Bible Christians. | Christians. | Disciples. | Menonists and Tunkers. Universalists. | Other Places of Worship. 559 561 1 i 281 289 1 4 522 522 3 ... ... ■ 456 469 2 1 571 587 8 3 309 317 4 5 432 447 2 1 3130 3192 17 17 5 2 2 9 6 4 2 1 1 1 RENFREW. 269 46 64 83 223 14 164 112 167 167 287 73 83 37 156 28 190 91 83 264 182 4 10 73 234 9 147 90 161 178 288 36 76 43 110 24 148 89 77 269 187 3 1 8 5 5 5 3 3 • 1 2 1 2 2783 2253 27 12 1 2 RUSSELL. 85 239 337 261 85 239 337 261 922 922 1 1 3 2 1 310 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 15. — Upper Canada — Return of Houses, COUNTY OF INHABITED HOUSES TOWNSHIPS, &c. BRICK. Total Brick. STONE. Total Stone. FftAME. Total Frame. Total Log Houses. 1 Story. 2 Story. 3 Story. 1 Story. 2 Story. 3 Story. 1 Story. 2 Story. 3 Story. 373. Adjala 1 1 72 . 18 90 382 4 ij 1 12 1 1 167 101 268 50 375. Bradford, Village 4 4 68 67 135 1 376. Collingwood, Town of 4 4 132 83 3 218 29 377. Essa..^ ! 4 3 7 71 16 87 357 378. Flos 32 32 103 36 18 54 3 2 1 6 155 24 179 287 380. Innisfil 4 A 8 2 1 3 194 25 219 504 381. Medonte 4 4 9 5 14 208 382. Mono 2 3 5 17 13 30 42 16 58 497 383. Morrison and Muskoka 1 1 2 1 1 73 384. Mulmer 2 1 3 12 5 17 266 2 2 112 21 2 135 438 5 2 8 1 1 2 71 29 1 101 108 387. Oro 1 1 2 1 1 73 13 86 387 388. Sunnidale 35 6 41 104 389. Ta.y and Tiny 4 1 6 39 4 43 235 390. Teonnisetih 17 18 33 2 2 4 141 23 164 477 391. Tossorontio 4 4 19 2 3 24 136 393. Vespra, . 1 1 36 5 41 139 Total of Simcoe 78 72 1 151 28 26 1 55 1481 463 9 1953 1 4781 COUNTY OF 394. Cornwall, ToAvn of. 5 46 5 56 3 3 61 140 2 203 18 39.5. Cornwall 29 19 48 38 19 37 231 7Q, 307 396 396. Finch 2 2 4 4 75 3 78 235 397. Osnahriick 45 39 6 89 9 8 17 328 110 2 440 267 398. Roxhftrongh 1 1 1 1 38 2 40 407 Total of Stormont 82 104 10 196 31 31 62 733 331 * 1068 1323 COUNTY OF 399. Anson 2 2 IS 400. Ttovloy 2 15 401. Carden 108 402 Da.lton 15 403. Di^bv 9 404. FI don 1 1 2 1 1 2S 1 2 30 294 40.5, Fmily 2 1 1 4 7 4 11 66 i 26 92 461 406. Fen el on 1 1 49 I 67 248 407. Hindon 1 . .. 1 73 409. Tiindsay, Town of 2 6 8 16 2 2 127 93 220 62 410. Lutterworth 29 2 412. Mariposa 2 2 8 2 10 187 5 192 593 413. Ops 2 1 3 7 3 10 44 17 61 374 414. Somerville 2 2 63 415. Vorulam 3 3 18 2 20 159 Total of Victoria 8 10 10 28 25 12 37 525 163 688 2524 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 311 Places of Worship, &c., for 1860-61. SIMCOE. TOTALS. PLACES OP WORSHIP. Total N° of Houses. Families. Houses vacant. Houses building. Church of England. Church of Rome. Church of Scotland. Free Church of Scot- land. United Presbyterians. Wesleyan Methodists. Episcopal Methodists. New Connection Me- thodists. Other Methodists. Baptists. 1 Lutherans. Congregationalists. Quakers. | Bible Christians. Christians. | Disciples. | Menonists and Tunkers. 1 Universalists. ■ | Other Places of Worship. 473 331 140 261 451 135 526 734 226 690 76 286 575 219 476 145 283 678 164 181 451 352 134 212 428 142 548 736 231 590 79 302 689 213 604 140 292 712 147 185 5 18 17 6 5 2 1 1 2 1 10 1 10 9 2 1 3 1 5 3 1 4 1 9 1 1 2 1 6940 6987 100 21 6 5 3 1 2 9 6 1 1 1 STORMONT. 280 788 319 813 449 289 791 319 831 457 22 6 3 2 10 6 1 2649 2687 44 6 4 3 4 4 4 2 ...... 1 ... 1 VICTORIA. 20 17 108 15 9 327 568 316 1 73 300 29 2 797 448 65 182 20 17 75 '12 9 321 459 297 1 2 1 11 7 1 ...| 17 73 323 30 2 761 460 67 191 10 3 12 9 1 1 2 5 2 3277 3117 42 26 2 2 1 1 1 1 312 CENSUS REPORT OF. THE CANADAS No. 15. — Upper Canada — Return of Houses, COUNTY OF INHABITED II 0 U .S E S . TOWNSHIPS, <&c. BRICK. Total Brick. STONE. Total Stone. FRAME. Total Frame. tfl s 0 tc 0 H 1 Story. 2 Story. j 3 Story. o m r— ' 2 Story. 3 Story. •A.I01g 1 ; 1 2 Story. 1 1 1 1 41 ^innoro 1 37 1 42 6 85 1 35 SO 2 217 18 417. Dumfries, North 14 10 2 26 63 42 108 237 l;:8 5 3801 i 178 418 n’lTiyn f.f 1 3 4 46 58 13 117 286 94 1 381 10 4-19, TTn-mhiiroPj Villn.o-p, 22; 10 2 34 59 25 84 ! .31 4*^0 TTpspplpr Villa.pp 1 1 5 9 14 28 20 1 IS 1 41 421. PrestoB, Village 10 14 24 10 25 2 37 71 70 2 143 1 27 422 Wiitprlnn Villaa’p 25 46 13 84 1 1 1 51 52 1 104 9 4.28 VVii.tprlor), Nnrtli 27 39 66 6 15 21 56 i 93 ' 149 1 109 424 . Wa.tprlno, Roiitli 13 52 1 66 21 51 i 72 109 179 ! 28S 1 474 42 .^ Wp.npslpy 10 34 44 4 15 19 97 ' 68 . 165 !■ 709 426. Wilmot 21 41 1 63 17 51 4 72 ; 170 190 1 1 1 361 295 427. Woolwich 28 79 4 111 19 30 3 52 87 . 80 I 167 512 Total of Waterloo 209 370 f 29 608 192 296 25 513 1386 1089 1 ! 12 1 ; 2487 1 2413 1 COUNTY OF 428. Bprtie 9 3 12 2 1 3 257 r:^ lOTW 22 n-sat- »« 279 135 429. Chippawa, Village 18 1 22 1 1 94 83 177 1 4-30 m if ton, Village 3 17 7 27 3 2 4 9 104 39 2 145 4.31. Crowland 20 20 1 1 157 7 164 48 432. Fort Erie, Village 1 3 4 1 I 1 90 12 1 1 102 10 433. Ilumberstone 8 2 ...... 10 1 1 3 4 277 27 1 305 180 4.34 Pelham 1 20 6 26 2 2 3.35 23 1 358 72 435. Stamford M 15 49 5 4 9 381 57 438 21 436. Thorald 31 10 1 42 8 5 13 186 45 1 1 232 I 1 58 437. Tltnrahl, Village 5 15 2 22 9 6 15 161 58 j 1 219 1 14 4.38. Wainfleet 12 2 14 1 2 3 182 10 1 192 ! 132 439. Welland, Village 5 2 7 1 1 2 102 1 ^ 111 : 440. Willono-hhv 1 1 2 152 1 157 ! 95 J i Total of Welland 151 93 11 255 35 22 8 65 ■ 2473 397i !_J i M lJ 2879 766 COUNTY OF 441. Amaranth 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r, i • iL 1 6 189 442. Arthur 4 4 ! 71 i •• ....i 79 372 443. Flora, 15 9 24 10 10 1 21 ! C(> i 69 40 4-t4. Fra.mosa, 4 ! 1 3 47 21 68 ! pm 1 131 308 44-5. Erin [} 3 8 1 8 2 10 1 : r,... i 267: 4SS 446. Fergus 14 3 1 18 1 48 34 0 84 ! 6s: 2'.. 70 17 447. (Ta,ra,fra,xn, 3 6 9 I 6 3 3 17 ■ '71 ' ' li ....I 106 572 448. (liielph 4' ' 9 13 ! 34 31 1 65 i 01 ! 19;.. no i 300 449. Guelph, Town of 21 23 3 47 i 62' ' 136' ! 49 247 330 4 ISO 69 450. Luther 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 .. .....1 2 1 132 451. Maryborough 1 1 j 1 li 1 i ! 68 1 I 2 I 2 I 82 1 335 452. IMinto i i i 33 51 38 1 326 453. Nichol 24 i n! 35 41 13 1 ' ..i 54 83 ■ oL 88 ; 211 454. Peel 2 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 06 12 I 108 i 631 455. Pilkington 9 1 1 ! 10 8 .r,l .. 1 13 48 i|. 49 1 2TI 456. Puslinch ‘ i| I 1! 2 1 i 1 59 115 I 241- 1 140 ‘ 626 Total of Wellington 108 ,«i 4i 1 182 304i 1 1 278 1 59 1 641 1488 1 S2!)| 8 1825, 4786 1 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 313 Places of Worship, &c., for 1860-61. WATERLOO. TOTALS. PLACES OF WORSHIP. Total of Houses. Families. Houses vacant. Houses building. Church of England. 1 Church of Rome. Church of Scotland. Free Church of Scot- land. LTnited Presbyterians. Wesleyan Methodists. Episcopal Methodists. New Connection Me- thodists. Other Methodists. Baptists. 1 j Lutherans. »5 'O "rf a o a tx: o fca o o 1 Quakers. I Bible Christians. | Christians. Disciples. [ Menonists and Tunkers. Universalists. | Other Places of Worship. .320 321 2 1 692 697 4 6 512 539 6 3 149 151 2 1 104 104 231 231 1 198 199 1 345 345 i 900 900 937 950 8 1 ... 791 848 9 6 L. 842 • 867 4 4 6021 6152 35 27 5 9 2 3 5 9 18 5 9 lSQCatTU.4 icriirxaaD WELLAND. 429 447 2 1 1 1 201 196 16 1 1 |... 181 264 233 234 4 117 131 499 541 ! 5 3 458 450^ 17 1 517 552 11 1 345 503 270 270 341 314 3 1 120: 130 254 249 9 3965 4281 67 8 4 5 1 1 5 6 1 2' l"“ 1 1 1 WELLINGTON. 197 455 154 514 773 189 704 4o8 843 134 419 364 388 743 343 726i ! 197 468 147 529 1 seas 1 1 10 3 ...... 1... 8 632, 20 223 4 i 1 i ... 1 1 i 569 1 1 1 i 1 444 798 134 173 379 404 698 360 739 2l 1 r ■ 17 1 1 1 7 . 1 1... , 6 2 16 1 2 1 • i i i ' ■ 7434 j 6894 84 33 4 3 J 1 1 1 314 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 15. — Upper Canada — Return of Houses, COUNTY OF INHABITED HOUSES. TOWNSHIPS, .fee. • BRICK. Total Brick. STONE. Total Stone. frame. Total Frame. Total Log Houses. 1 Story. 1 2 Story. 3 Story. 1 Story. 2 Story. 3 Story. 1 Story. 1 2 Story. 3 Story. 457. Ancaster 27 32 59 15 24 2 41 1 268 283 3 554 174 458. Barton 24 6 1 31 17 18 3 38 306 66 2 374 33 459. Binbrook. 5 2 7 138 57 ' 195 131 460. Beverley 8 16 24 23 21 1 45 368 141 509 455 461. Dundas, Town of 38 61 7 106 16 18 34 166 180 346 17 462. Flainboro, 8 10 18 22 15 1 38 158 127 2 287 166 463. Plamboro, AVest 11 7 1 19 14 10 1 25 230 133 363 251 464. Glanford 8 14 22 6 1 7 123 122 245 88 465. Saltfleet 11 8 1 20 3 4 7 179 179 1 359 80 Total of Wentworth 140 156 10 306 116 111 8 235 1936 1288 8 3232 1395 COUNTY OF 466. Etobicoke 10 29 1 40 12 13 2 27 306 41 347 107 467. (Teervina, 1 2 3 1 1 2 58 12 70 169 468. (Iwillimbiiry, EauSt 19 19 2 2 186 225 411 207 469. ItwiII imbnry, Nortb 1 1 2 1 3 76 5 81 227 470. Holland Landing, Village 1 12 1 14 1 1 80 26 106 9 471 - TCinp" 45 23 68 16 6 22 499 29 528 680 472. Ma.rkba.m 156 45 201 35 9 44 955 85 1040 219 473: Scarborough 46 53 3 102 16 14 33 465 31 496 199 474. Vaughan 49 24 73 15 4 19 602 57 659 542 475. Whitchurch 31 30 1 62 9 3 12 713 42 755 302 476. A^nrk 125 78 4 207 5 6 3 14 974 97 1071 418 477. A^ovkvdlle, 9’own of 27 42 12 81 122 32 154 19 Total of York 492 357 22 871 111 60 5 176 5036 682 5718 3098 DISTRICT OF 478. Algoma, District 479. Sault Stc. Marie, Village. « 1 3 4 27 29 56 489 DISTRICT OF 430. Nipissing 132 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 315 Places of Worship, &c., for 1860-61. WENTWORTH. TOTALS. PLACES OF WORSHIP. 1 Total N° of Houses. Families. Houses vacant. Houses building. Church of England. Church of Rome. Church of Scotland. Free Church of Scot- land. United Presbyterians. Wesleyan Methodists. Episcopal Methodists. New Connection Me- thodists. Other Methodists. Baptists. > 1 Lutherans. | Congregationalists. | 1 Quakers. | Bible Christians. j Christians. | Disciples. | Menonists and | Tunkers. ' i Universalists. j Other Places of Worship. 828 476 333 1033 503 509 658 362 466 837 476 3.33 1039 517 513 658 364 466 14 3 4 8 10 1 3 2 2 2 4 -i ... - 4 2 5168 5203 44 16 9 3 6 7 4 19 7 1 9 6 YORK. 521 244 639 312 220 1298 1504 830 1293 1131 1710 254 533 241 619 319 134 1290 1560 862 1358 1068 1733 227 24 1 3 1 17 29 52 18 28 43 124 3 1 1 |... 6 5 4 4 9 26 1 I 9863 9944 343 57 9 3 4 4 5 4 1 2 2 1 3 ALGOMA. 549 1 i nmisaxE».d NIPLSSING. 316 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 15. — Upper Canada — Return of Houses, CITY OF INHABITED HOUSES. WARDS, &c. BRICK. Total Brick. STONE. Total Stone. 1 FRAME. Total Frame. 1 1 Total Log Houses, 1 Story. i i 02 3 Story. o m 1 2 Story. 3 Story. 1 Story. 2 Story. p CO 1. St. Andrew’s Ward 27 90 25 142 9 21 25 55 240 163 2 405 t?. St. rj-fior^ft’a Ward 48 i i 75 32 155 14 65 46 125 191 97 2 290 ^{. St. Lawrence Ward 49 76 35 160 16 28 9 53 447 152 2 601 4-. St. Mary’s AYard 70 88 56 214 32 10 55 335 191 3 529 6. St. Patrick’s AA'ard 44 46 28 118 1 8 19 7 34 202 132 1 335 Total of Hamilton 238 375 176 789 60, 165 97 322 1415 785 10 2160 CITY OF 6. Ca tn.raqiii \Ya,rd 1 6 17 23 19 33 39 91 120 99 13 232 7. Frontenac AVard 3 9 3 15 18 37 10 65 190 113 3 306 8. Onf,arin AA^a.rd 33 8 41 1 47 29 77 98 66 1 ]65 9. Bideaii AYard 9 28 5 42 30 2 39 178 128 1 307 10. St. Tia.wrence AA^ard 5 16 8 29 13 37 26 76 32 26 58 11. Sydftnliain AYard 8 42 6 55 15 74 11 100 101 55 1 157 12. Victoria. AA'^ard 6 17 4 27 9 17 2 28 164 77 1 242 13 Asylmiij Nunnery^ An c 2 4 c 1 1 Total of Kingston 37 162 33 232 82 277 123 482 884 564 20 1468 mou CITY OF 14. AA'^ard No. 1 31 29 54 10 44 22 31 42 63 47 17 25 16 7 48 43 30 20 12 3 1 121 135 131 47 81 41 39 2 2 2 1 6 1 151 149 286 47 230 116 146 54 33 84 22 28 9 18 6 5 2 211 187 372 69 258 125 164 15. AVard No. 2 16. AY ard No. 3 17. AYard No. 4 1 1 18. AYard No. 5 19. AVard No. 6 20. AYard No. 7 1 1 Total of Tjondon 221 217 157 695 2 O 4 9 1125 248 13 1386 CITY OF 21. By AYard 4 11 15 3 5 8 492 69 1 562 V?. Ottawa. AA^ard 1 1 2 3 5 427 51 1 479 23. St. Grcorge’s AYard 10 2 12 8 G 16 30 198 129 10 337 I.:::;.:.. 04 Viotovia, AVard ] 1 17 33 14 64 179 70 2 251 i 25. AYellingtou AYard 5 2 7 14 12 38 23 73 161 1 * 1 86 5 252j i Total of Ottawa 7 16 20 43 37i 82 61 180 1457 405 19 1881 CITY OF U7. St. Aii*.lrcw^s AVjird 39 120 71 230 ] 1 1 2 317 454 17 788 TIji.vhI’s Wn.vd 27 139 54 220 3 2 5 741 551 20 1312 23 102 406 531 1 6 298 244 11 553 30. St. Jame’s AYard 26 283 172 481 1 1 f 1 3 307 581 IS 906 22 1 82 1 37 141 i 3' 1 6 9 j 800 j 590 12 1402 8 52 300 1 360 6 6 180 128 4 312 55 i 18 80 I 706 274 2 982 34. Religious, Collegiate, and other 1 Public Institutions 2 2 8 12 2 2 8 2 1 11 Total of Toronto 154 835 1066 2055 13 4 20 37 3357 2824 85 6266 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CAISaDAS 317 Places of Worship, &c., for 1860-61. HAMILTON. TOTALS. PLACES OF WORSHIP. Total N° of Houses. Families. Houses vacant. Houses building. Church of England. Church of Rome. Church of Scotland. Free Church of Scot- land. United Presbyterians. Wesleyan Methodists. Episcopal Methodists. New Connection Me- thodists. Other Methodists. 1 Baptists. 1 1 Lutherans. | 1 Congregatioualists. | 1 Quakers. | 1 Bible Christians. | 1 Christians. j Disciples. | Menonists and Tunkcrs. Universalists. | Other Places of Worship. 602 670 814 798 487 519 567 798 848 600 2 5 5 79 3 8 3271 3332 91 11 1 1 KINGSTON. 346 386 283 388 163 312 297 7 559 381 216 413 190 299 304 2 3 3 3 3 4 2 • 1 2182 2364 18 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 ♦LONDON. 338 323 603 117 339 166 204 328 350 504 116 328 173 206 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2090 2005 10 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 ... 1 1 OTTAWA. 585 485 379 316 .339 706 579 426 368 385 1 1 1 4 2104 2464 4 2 3 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 TORONTO. 1120 1537 1091 1390 1552 678 1065 25 1118 1436 10.34 U07 163.3 2 3 13 1 1 ... 1 681 1161 9 5 ...1 1 ... 1 8438 8479 22 3 5 3 1 1 1 1 318 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS GENERAL ABSTRACT OF RETURN OF HOUSES, INHABITED HOUSES. COUNTIES, &G. ERICK. Total Brick. STONE. Total Stone. FRAME. Total Frame. Total Log Houses. 1 Story. 2 Story. p CO _o I—! 2 Story. 3 Story. o 2 Story. 3 Story. 1. Brant 230 163 61 454 64 14 g 8,1 2273 333] 30 2636 nil 4 8 12 2 3 5 442 216 658 3940 ? 72 63 7 142 369 7 5 1 5 449 3615 44 21 0 68 127 25 152 1015 271 1C421 1353 252 256 134 642 68 19 87 3377 455j ■ 111 38461 1999 118 103 12 233 1 3 4 2992 253 1 1 3245; 1334 7. Essex 69 72 138 13 111 1 25 1212 3151 2 I 1529 2398 17 32 49 244 185 0 435 1052 2301 12821 2553 63 17 80 65 7 72 443 2Sl 47li 2289 10. Grenville 23 21 9 53 474 205 1 680 986 104 2| 1092i 1959 11. Grey 18 15 5 38 37 21 6 64 707 181 16 904| 5174 97 69 12 178 19 19 38 1856 272 4 2132 1488 13. Halton 101 187 6 294 60 85 4| 139 956' 1298 ll 2255 956 14. Hastings 109 118 20 245 202 81 18 301 30151 345 2 3362 2899 15. Huron 220 93 11 324 29 25 1 65 1319 231 2 1552 6338 2 p TC fin t, 120 49 • 4 173 2 2 1944 311 ' 3 2258 2754 17 Lambton 26 35 8 69 2 1 3 1008 285 3 1276 2639 18. Lanark 11 6 1 18 347 99 4 450 666 93 759 3749, 19. Leeds 89 67 10 166 427 111 16 554 1995 160 ‘ 11 2166 2422 20 Lennox and Addington 49 22 5 76 86 18 104 2010 159 2169 1443 21. Lincoln 114 215 40 369 19 48 5 72 2011 1353 9 3373 800 22. Middlesex 374 186 11 571 64 8 2 74 SOS 199 ! 1 1008 5814 23 Norfolk 52 162 <7 211 3 8 11 2135 1263 1 3399 1 844 24. Northumberland 137 104 44 285 80 16 2 98 3544 232 6 3782 2441 25. Ontario 181 113 18 312 126 21 1 148 3382 380 2 3764 1 2509 26 308 1 158 43 609 89 34 123 3790 408 5 4203 1 2698 27 Peel 164 189 7 360 72 55 127 1400 448 10 1858 1932 28 Perth 96 92 13 201 128 54 4 186 843 308 1151 4496 29. Peterborough 66 45 23 124 79 31 4 114 1221 216 10 1447 ! 2127 30 Prf*s^nft, 24 17 1 42 48 28 o 79 275 20 295 1858 31. Prince Edward 49 82 7 138 51 42 2 95 1224 1034 6 2264 633 32. Eenfrew 1 3 1 5 16 9 1 26 230 ! 41 9 1 ^ 273 2479 33. Russell 6 7 13 57 1 38 1 95 ! 814 34. Simcoe 78 72 1 151 28 26 1 65 1481 1 463 1 1953 1 4781 35 ptnrTnnnt, 82 104 10 196 31 31 62 733 1 331 1 4 1068 ! 1323 36 8 10 10 28 25 12 1 37 525 1 163 688 2524 37. Waterloo 209 370 29 608 192 296 25 513 1386 1 1089 12 2487 2413 38. Welland 161 93 11 255 35 22 8 1 65 2478 1 397 1 4 2879 766 39. Wellington 108 70 4 182 304 278 59 641 1488 329 1 3 1825 1 4786 40. Wentworth 140 156 10 306 116 111 8 235 1936 1288 1 ^ 3232 1395 41 N n'pb’ 492 3#7 22 871 111 60 5 176 5036 i 682 5718 1 3098 42 Alg'^'^^a, District 1 4 27 i 29 56 489 cf ", 132 TOTAL 4479 3942 620 9041 3955 2194 198 6347 65647 16062 192 81901 103565 CITIES. • A TTo'milf.A'n 238 37^ 176 789 60 165 97 322 1415 735 10 2160 37 221 162 33 232 82 277 123 4S2 884 564 20 1468 n T.A-n ATI 217 157 695 2 3 4 9 ' 1125 248 13 1386 D OtttlWR i.itrr 7 16 20 43 37 82 61 180 1 1457 405 19 ' 1881 j "R T^ArATT + A 154 835 1066 2055 13 4 20 37 ' 3357 2824 85 1 6266 1 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 319 PLACES OF WOESHIP, &c., UPPER CANADA/ 1860 - 61 . TOTALS. PLACES OF WORSHIP. CQ S'^'l ' ^ ^ '■ ^'! v r^ .. w -H-^ S-: f- -♦v;-. ..." f. I?;?'!, . :, ■ . ■ • “; . .1, f-A- .' ■ ■ ■ ' —....vp ^ .,,,.t.. .c TA- •»".••.::• ‘ ,-.1 • ‘>'4 1 ♦•'.'r^ * ■ .fvvr, i \ t h i.T \, , -.-rt ■- ■ ■/ .: .i., it- .;;;::|:s;-'^:d; ^ :-..^-H.,.,..,;p;p,:-. rW ,:^ ..j 3^ ft. ' •• >> .^,■^> > ,.., '. <.,., .^.'^ , ...... 'riM’jE *■ ‘ i A...Jw!;.,... ;^,-rvV. ., tf ' . V.* . ‘v ' '' I -V'’. ■.■ ■,:■■■■■■. v ‘-v ;*- :• ■■ • ; ;...,. ..'.'.(Ay;/.}, -, •*.i> » .V'.'i'.- ,...■ .1. . -,',i','y .,.,,, .r .’ ' ■ .„'|::-.-W':‘' ■-'■•.?#3 .' r-' ' <■ ' :;::::;l/:s;:!!.:;;y:'%y:;:-,::;j:l-ty'::^^ . ’'• -,’ 1.1 '•tjr It . v<- - ^ ■ V- s ■• ■ /fv ', • ■ , 'mtt. : / ...;...;..a;V';.-., ' ._ ■■]( 1 i, -j ••;•<•', *. !; , ...^..Iak. ‘ . (V, - V ■ ..i,i*J!iA I . ,-, ; ' -'w. ' - ' t KL,. V :n: ... ,'f i'r.s.v.. ■'. ', .r 'L • ^ ! . 1;. . ' i ^ J t’^l 3 4 .:t.L;. '-.'.i I i ■ -A— .1. . 4' ’ '■ .. ' ' *** f ; th ;7:;-;;;:;d44;::!vEr!';ti:4: .t. ... . j: :4' :0 ..,,.ii -‘y, .. .: ,i.M I.:.. it.; > ' • ;. S' 1- ,r.^E ■ ' \ i ' 1 wr. . '7 • 'itTkim: . :.',T .»'■.■ APPENDIX TO CENSUS OF CANADA. le. 1. O W E K € A N A » A . §ti\m fff Jkes of ^ors^ip, 21 4 ig-o. le LOWER CANADA. of Jo», ^kts of ®oj:s|ig, f o. COUNTIES. 1. L’Assomption. 2. Argcnteuil. 3. Arthabaska. 4. Bagot. 5. Beauce. 6. Beauharnois. 7. Bellechassc. 8. Berthier. 9. Bonaventure. 10. Brome. 11. Chambly. 12. Champlain. ' 13. Charlevoix. 14. Chateauguay. 15. Chicoutimi. 16. Compton, 17. Dorchester. 18. Drummond. 19. Gasp4. 20. Hochelaga. 21. Huntingdon. 22. Iberville. 23. L’Islet. 24. Jacques Cartier. 25. Joliette. 26. Kamouraska. 27. Laprairie. 28i Laval. 29. Levis. i 30. Lotbiniere. 31. Maskinong^, 32. Megantic. ^ COUNTIES. — Continued. 33. Missisquoi. 34. Montcalm, 35. Montmagny. 36. Montmorency. 37- Napierville. 38. Nicolet. 39. Ottawa. 40. Pontiac. 41. Portneuf. 42. Quebec. 43. Richelieu. 44. Richmond. 45. Rimouski. 46. Rouville. 47. Saguenay. 48. Shefiford. 49. Soulanges. 50. St. Hyacinthe. 51. St. Johns. 52. St. Maurice. 53. Stanstead. 54. Temiscouata. 55. Terrebonne. 56. Two Mountains. 57. Vaudreuil. 58. Vercheres. 59. Wolfe. 60. Yamaska. A. Montreal, City. B. Quebec, City. C. Three Rivers, City. D. Sherbrooke, Town of. 2P 324 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 16. — Lower Canada — Return of Houses, COUNTY OF INHABITED HOUSES. TOWNSHIPS, PARISHES, &c. 1. L’Assomption, Village... 2. L’Assomption, Parish S. L’Assomption, College... 4. L’Epiphanie 5. Lachenaie 6. Repentigny 7. St. Henri de Mascouche 8. St. Lin 9. St. Roch 10. St. Paul I’Ermite 11. St. Sulpice Total of L’Assomption 21 207 46 171 32 29 2 ^ 32 273 88 347 457 352 84 120 1981 71 76 207 174 891 88 352' 461 402 87 120 2056 COUNTY OF 12. Arundel 6 463 13. Chatham 14 De Salaberry 23 5 28 19 1 20 36 2 38 15 Grenville « 5 3 8 7 8 2 9 8 325 114 53 75 3 135 232 91 62 16 Gore 17 TTnrrington 1 18. Morin 1 1 T9- Mnnt.f.a.lm 20. St. Jerusalem 21. St. Andrews 99, St. .T^rnmfi 20 19 6 17 26 36 16 10 2 6 18 16 80 98 2 3 12 1 83 110 2 23. Wentworth ' Total of Argenteuil 62 28 90 50 12 j 62 231 19 250 1559 COUNTY OF 24. Arthabaska 2 3 1 3 • 4 268 65 54 36 44 156 339 30 S 272 30 29 lo’ 3 278 68 54 37 44 156 339 30 8 279 30 30 12 1 25 A rtb?»ba.ska,ville 1 2fi Aston 1 2S- Riilstrodft .’ 29 rihostpiTj, 30 . nhfistp.rj West 1 1 i 31 ITortnn .■ 1 1 I 32. Maddington j 1 3-^ S^’f'nfold 1 1 1 1 Y 34.. Tingwiek 262 156 35. Warwick 1 Total of Arthabaska 6 1 1 18 1341 22 1353 431 CENSUS REPORT OF THE GANADAS 325 Places of Worship, &c., for 1860-61. L’ASSOMPTION. TOTALS. PLACES OF WOKSHIP. Total N° of Houses. Families. Houses Vacant. Houses building. Church of Rome. Church of England. Church of Scotland. Free Church of Scot- land. United Presbyterians. Wesleyan Methodists. j Episcopal Methodists. .New Connection Me- thodists. Other Methodists. Baptists. Congregationalists. Second Adventists. Jewish. Unitarians. o rn U O 1^ o 103 245 303 300 5 16 232 121 113 380 489 402 126 147 273 152 129 405 539 426 156 153 4 5 5 13 32 14 1 3 3 » 2 1 2358 2836 96 8 6 ARGENTEUIL. 6 549 6 575 10 1 342 122 53 75 3 262 394 93 62 360 117 53 92 3 266 ♦407 93 62 3 1 26 1 2 1 :::::: 1961 2032 43 2 3 1 1 1 2 1 ARTHABASKA. 293 73 54 37 44 156 339 30 8 280 292 186 353 94 65 42 57 160 380 35 8 319 297 199 4 8 1 1 2 1 2 2 5 3 15 1 3 1 5 1 4 1802 2009 25 34 6 1 326 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 16. — Lower Canada — Return of Houses, COUNTY OF INHABITED HOUSES. TOWNSHIPS, PARISHES, &c. BRICK Total Brick. STONE. Total Stone. FRAME. Total Frame. ^ Total Log Houses. 1 Story. 2 Story. 3 Story. 1 Story. 2 Story. 3 Story. 1 Story. 2 Story. j 3 Story. A ftt/nTi 3 3 288 4 292 37. St. Dominiqiio 3 3 3 3 333 334 38. Ste. Helene 1 1 151 151 39. St. Hugiies 9 1 10 382 382 40. St. Liboire 100 100 41. St. Pie 8 2 1 11 14 1 1 16 669 3 672 42. Ste. Rosalie 9 9 5 6 276 276 43. St. Simon 10 10 1 1 263 263 44. Upton 1 1 125 125 Total of Bagot 40 A 47 24 1 1 26 2588 7 2595 COUNTY OF 45. Adstock 8 46. Aylmer 127- 127 47. Dorset 1 48. Forsyth 97 17 1 98 17 49. Gayburst 50. Jersey 26 51. Lambton 100 4 1 1 101 5 52. Liniere 53 6 8 53. Marlow 54. Price 55. Sheri ley 38 332 138 449 252 403 430 246 38 332 139 451 258 408 436 247 56. St. Elzear 1 1 57. St. Frederic 1 1 1 2 6 5 6 1 58. St. Fra.ocois 5 12 1 13 8 17 1 13 11 59^ St. George 60. St. Joseph 61. Ste. Marie de la Beauce 3 62. Tring Total of Beauce 1 1 9 34 43 2633 24 2657 102 COUNTY OF 6S. Bea.nbflrnois 3 3 8 5 2 15 114 13 127 64. Ste. ‘C5cile 2 2 11 5 16 317 5 322 65. SL Clement 1 1 2 49 4 53 418 2 420 66. St. Louis do'Gonzague 7 7 4 4 635 4 639 67. St. Stanislas de Kotska, 1 1 158 1 159 68. St. Timoth6e !. 1 1 25 2 1 28 373 5 378 Total of Beauharnois 12 3 15 98 16 3 117 2015 30 2045 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS S27 Places of Worship, &c., for 1860-61. BAGOT. BEAUCE. BEAUHARNOIS. 145 340 475 650 160 407 146 379 510 700 176 443 9 23 22 6 26 12 5 1 2177 2354 86 18 7 2 ...... 1 328 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 16. — Lower Canada — Return of Houses, COUNTY OF INHABITED HOUSES. TOWNSHIPS, PARISHES, &c. BRICK. Total Brick. STONE. Total Stone. FRAME. Total Frame. Total Log Houses. 1 Story. 1 2 Story. 3 Story. 1 Story. 2 Story. 3 Story. 1 Story. 2 Story. 3 Story. 6.9. Armagh 114 143 246 278 374 343 281 371 207 114 150 246 282 375 346 293 374 207 70. Beaumont 22 2 24 6 1 71. Bnekla.nd | 72. St. Charles 7 2 1 7 2 4 1 3 12 3 1 7.3. St. ( 74. St. 75. St. Michel 1 1 i " 2 13 76. St. Raphael 77. St. Valier Total of Bellechasse 1 1 42 4 46 2357 29 1 2387 COUNTY OK 78. Rerthier^ Pa.rish 5 3 8 5 5 330 7 337 79. Berthier, Village and Convent.. 4 3 7 1 1 2 173 21 194 SO. Rra.ndnri 83 83 81. Isle du Pads 7 7 1 1 159 159 82. Tjarinraip, 11 1 1 13 1 7 7 275 3 278 83. Tia.valtrie 1 1 i 11 11 189 1 190 84. St. Barth elemi 5 1 6 i 1 3 4 293 293 SiS. St. Cuthhert 5 2 7 ! 3 1 4 383 1 3 386 ! 86. St. (ra.hriel 1 1 482 8 1 491 i 87- St- Norhert 1 1 150 1 51 201 Total of Berthier 39 10 1 50 1 28 ! 7 35 2517 94 1 2612 COUNTY OF 88. Carlcton 89. Cox 1 1 90. Daniel (Port) 91. Hamilton 92. Hope 93. Mann 94. Maria 95. Matapediac 96. New Eiclimond 97. Nouvelle and Shoolbreds...; 98. Ristigoucbe Total of Bonaventure 1 1 «l 75 45 231 8 239 48 134 1 135 12 182 2 184 95 1 95 36 7 1 1 1 si 116 155 155 ! 93 6 6 1 27 78 20 98' ! 134 7 1 1 s' 1 221 8 1 1 S; 1 66 978 33 ion 798 COUNTY OF 99 Bolton 4 4 208 4 21 2 178 1 flfl^ Rrnme 14 2 16 15 1 16 239 2 241 215 1 fll Farnham 13 3 16 3 3 193 2 195 89 102 Pnttnn 3 1 4 2 2 219 219 115 10.3. S'lttnn 3 3 7 7 224 1 225 196 Total of Brome 33 6 39 31 1 32 1083 9 1092 793 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 329 Places of Worship, &c., for 1860 - 61 . BELLECHASSE. BERTHIER. 350 203 83 167 298 202 303 397 492 202 415 275 87 194 332 210 332 491 560 219 16 6 2 12 3 6 6 7 9 2 1 1 1 1 !. . 1 I i:::::: 1 1 ^ 1 ^ 1. . . 2697 3115 66 22 6 1 BONAVENTURE. 120 290 147 184 • 131 124 248 33 232 229 74 129 333 156 203 163 146 273 38 233 235 75 ’ 1 19 7 1 21 6 14 9 13 5 12 6 5 ' I I 8 ! 1812 1981 49 78 5 ] 1 1 i i 1 ■ i BROME. 394 488 303 ^ 340 431 1 432 528 324 349 569 7 14 5 8 15 2 9 1 7 6 . 1 1956 2202 49 25 2 1 1 330 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 16. — Lower Canada — Return of Houses, COUNTY OF INTIABITED HOUSES. TOWNSHIPS, PARISHES, &c. BRICK. Total Brick. STONE. Total Stone. FRAME. Total Frame. Total Log Houses. 1 Story. 1 2 Story. 3 Story. U o m 2 Story. 3 Story. 1 Story. 2 Story. >> 3 cc CO 104. Bouclierville, Parish 5 5 34 34 195 1 196 1 0/>. Boiiohervillftj Villn.o'o 6 6 10 2 12 108 108 1 Ofi. Chamhly, Pnrish 3 1 4 13 1 14 209 8 217 107. Chambly, Village 6 4 1 10 5 10 15 74 8 82 1 OS. Tjongiieiiilj Pn.rish 1 10 11 54 7 61 74 74 100. Tjongiiftinl^ Village 15 8 23 8 5 3 16 298 7 305 110. St. Bruno 3 3 6 6 1 12 233 6 4 242 111. St. Hubert 4 4 22 6 28 136 136 112. St. Lambert 7 5 12 24 4 28 21 6 1 28 Total of Chambly 49 28 1 78 176 40 4 220 1354 29 5 1388 COUNTY OF 11^1 R tisen.Ti , 2 2 5 1 6 109 109 114-, r!np fie In. l\Tn,crfle1eine 1 2 3 131 131 11. ’S. 4 4 1 1 2 262 1 263 1 1 fi. Mont (In.rmel 67 67 117 St.e Anne 20 5 25 314 28 342 118. Rt.e. Flore 56 56 119. Ste. Genevieve de Batiscan 5 2 7 423 7 430 190 St- Mn.nriee 6 1 7 1 2 1 4 426 5 431 191. St. 139 139 199. St. Prosper ...A. 7 1 8 119 119 193. St. Stnnisln.s 3 3 309 309 124. St. Tite n.nd Cba.ntiers 151 151 65 Total of Champlain 12 1 13 40 17 1 58 2506 41 2547 65 COUNTY OF 19.5. St. Pn.iil 1 1 2 4 485 37 59 300 58 97 178 77 350 117 117 108 2 487 37 59 301 61 97 178 77 358 118 120 108 190. Cnllieres 197 , De Sales 198. F h on 1 ern en ts 13 15 1 4 1 17 16 1 1 3 129. Isle-aux-Coudi’es 130. Petite Riviere St. Frangois- Xa.vier 1.31. Ste. A ernes 139. Settrington 13.3. St- Ftienne, (Mnrra.y Ra.y) 1 1 7 1 3 1 134. St. Fidele 1.35. St. Trenee 130. St, ,.. , '^Potnl of Gbn.rlevoiv 30 7 2 39 1983 1 " 1 2001 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 331 Places of Worship, &c., for 1860-61. CHAMBLY. TOTALS. PLACES OF WORSHIP Total of Houses. Families. | Houses- vacant. Houses building. Church of Rome. Church of England. Church of Scotland. Free Church of Scot- land. United Presbyterians. Wesleyan Methodists. Ei)iscopal Methodists, j New Connection Me- thodists. Other Methodists. Baptists. Congregationalists. Second Adventists. Jewish. Unitarians. Other Places of Worship. 235 126 235 107 146 344 257 168 68 230 182 168 210 143 514 184 172 86 6 2 10 9 17 2 13 9 5 1 » 2 1686 1889 73 2 6 1 CHAMPLAIN. 117 134 269 67 367 56 437 442 139 127 312 216 147 154 326 76 437 58 547 517 151 151 357 245 2 7 8 3 22 3 39 19 11 6 12 6 2 2 4 5 6 10 27 1 1 8 2683 3166 •132 72 9 CHARLEVOIX. 491 37 59 318 77 98 178 77 359 118 120 108 592 42 69 323 108 104 232 95 419 154 139 139 32 5 TSBsaiun 6 4 39 4 11 5 1 8 5 1 3 ! 1 2 2 1 5 2 2 2 2040 2416 109 31 9 • 1 332 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 16. — Lower Canada — Return of Houses, COUNTY OF INHABITED HOUSES. TOIYNSHIPS, PABfgHES, &c. \ i 1 bi _o I m I 2 Story. 3 Story. Total Erick. 1 Story. 2 Story. 3 Story. Total Stone. 1 Story. o c i^uitu om lioo-no Tta.v. Rniith 1 1 2 43 9 52 23 106 106 203. G-rande Vallee des Monts, St. Anse dePEtang, and Sydenham, 48 48 58 58 140 291 29 50 50 2 93 93 6 1 1 305 2 307 118 121 1 122 8 8 4 21 2 23 4 370 1 371 1 T^Afol nP Crfisj’no 1 2 3 1713 18 1 173^ 361 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 335 Places of Worship, &c,, for 1860-61. DORCHESTER. DRUMMOND. 451 321 338 32 333 47 119 477 359 462 36 359 61 127 3 15 2 3 14 2 4 1 1 X641 1881 25 20 3 4 2 4 GASPE. 54 176 159 73 66 77 106 48 198 29 52 99 426 122 12 27 372 62 157 166 81 71 89 140 50 174 31 58 127 437 142 13 33 415 2 28 1 14 5 1 9 3 18 16 23 8 16 2 10 1 3 2 15 8 16 16 4 1 10 1 2096 2246 97 136 15 4 3 - 336 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 16. — Lower Canada — Return of Houses, COUNTY OF INHABITED HOUSES. TOWNSHIPS, PARISHES, Ac. BRICK. Total Brick. STONE. Total Stone. 1 FRAME. Total Frame. 1 L 1 Total Log Houses, 1 Story. o m 3 Story. 1 Story. 2 Story. 3 Story. 1 Story. 2 Story. u 0 CO 212. Loiio'ue Pointe 2 2 35 2 37 96 1 103 21. Moritrpul^ Pnrish 29 16 2 47 129 47 4 180 607 37 1 645 214. Cote St. Louis, Willage 1 1 46 5 51 170 4 174 215. St. Jean-Baptiste 7 3 1 111 19 9 28' 241 31 272 : 2 If). Pnnitft-niiv-Trembles 1 1 18 8 1 27 ! 127 5 132 217. Riviere des Prairies :i 44 3 471 112 1 113 218. Sault au Recollet 106 6 4 iioj 223 ] 3 226 Total of Hochelaga 38 20 4 62 397 80 9 486j 1576 88 1 1665 COUNTY OF 91 Q Tillgin 1 1 31 1 32 58 58 86 220 Fv^mkliu 8 8 11 9 13 71 1 72 120 221 Hemniin "■ford 18 " 2 i 21 40 10 50 93 2 95 458 222 lTi''''’binlr)vnnke 3 3 20 5 1 26 105 3 ! 108 261 223. Huntingdon, Village, and God- in {1 f’b pstpr 9 2 11 24 6 30 137 2 139 234 224 St Anippt, 2 2 1 1 235 1 236 1 160 2*^5 St R^gis Dnndftfi 5 5 6 6 73 73 141 Total of Huntingdon 46 4 1 51 133 24 1 158 772 9 781 1460 COUNTY OF 99A TKpvvillp 18 5 23 2 3 ‘ 5 182 4 186 00^7 Sif A 1 AV n /H -a . 438 438 2 8 P t A . 1 7 7 i 1 5 5 130 130 16 OOQ 8 1 1 130 1 130 144 230. St. George de Henryville 34 3 37i 14 4 IS 389 14 1 404 ! 226 9*-?1 Slf r-lrAornirA * 3 3 12 12 344 '• 2 348 1 1 1 Total of Iberville 70 8 78 34 7 41 1613 20 1 1634 386 COUNTY OF 1 1 166 167 099 T.’Tolot 1 1 1 1 1 516 14 1 530 181 1 182 99fl Q+ PTryillp 1 1 ' 1 92 1 92 0 0^5 CJ + Tr»rtn 2 2 1 381 7 388 99*7 PapI) 1 1 10 10 257 1 258 Total of L’Islet 2 “i 3 13 2 15 1593 23 1 1617 * 1 sheet torn, CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 337 Places of Worship, &c., for 1860-61. HOCHELAGA. HUNTINGDON. 177 213 624 398 414 399 225 185 216 646 406 423* 443 244 I 1 32 12 8 12 1 7 2 13 3 2450 2563 66 26 4 4 3 1 1 1 IBERVILLE. 214 438 158 283 685 361 274 464 171 298 751 401 12 7 16 7 ? 1 3 6 2139 2359 52 10 8 1 1 L’ISLET. 167 532 182 93 392 269 217 662 224 104 476 342 9 3 1 22 2 6 2 2l 1635 2025 37 10 6 1 22 338 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 16. — Lower Canada — Return of Houses, COUNTY OF TOWNSHIPS, PARISHES, Ac. INHABITED HOUSES. BEICK. Total Brick. STONE. Total Stone. FRAME. Total Frame. Total Log Houses. 1 Story. 2 Story. 3 Story. 1 Story. 2 Story. 3 Story. 1 Story. • o m Unitarians. Other Places of Worship. 456 196 226 105 532 206 257 94 18 18 11 7 1 7 1 2 1 1 1 i 1 2022 2307 87 17 7 2 1 1 1 i MONTMAGNY. 185 4 63 11 1 1 233 104 261 429 187 406 211 4 72 12 1 1 253 104 301 470 226 437 7 1 ! 3 5 1 4 7 1 8 5 1 1 6 1 2 1 1 i::::::::; 1 i 1 1885 2090 36 16 6 1 mstaraammm MONTMORENCY. 140 194 113 171 95 140 73 210 195 121 125 157 206 106 185 115 149 100 227 211 154 151 2 5 7 2 3 5 2 5 4 5 1 6 2 1 i 1 — 1577 1761 38 11 11 1 L™» jtmvasti NAPIERVILLE. 610 322 221 484 292 779 357 .348 508 311 19 12 17 6 5 1 1 1 1 1929 2303 59 4 4 1 346 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 16. — Lower Canada — Return of Houses, COUNTY OF INHABITED HOUSES. , TOWNSHIPS, PARISHES, &c. . 1 BRICK. Total Brick. STONE. Total Stone. FRAME. Total Frame. Total Log Houses. 1 Story. 2 Story. 3 Story. 1 Story. 2 Story. 3 Story. 1 Story. 1 2 Story. j 3 Story. SfiS. Bfif'nnnonr 2 1 j ■ 2 7 7 454 454 Sfif). Bla.nrlfoi’d 28 28 S70. (rentilly 4 1 5 5 5 359 1 360 5?71- Nio.olp.t and Spminarv 15 i 15 36 1 37 325 325 /{72. St,. OelRstin /{7.^. Rte. Onrtrnde 208 208 374. St. Grregoire 10 1 11 11 1 12 401 1 402 37.a. StR. TMoiiiqiiR 1 1 456 456 37fi. St. Pierre 4 4 1 1 347 1 348 Tota.l of Nieolet 35 2 37 61 2 63 2578 3 2581 j COUNTY OF 377. 378. 379. 380. Addington 7 Aumond 1 7 Aylmer, Village 1 /J. 13 20 54 9 1 64 117 Aylwin ! 51 381. Bid well 1 1 382. Bigelow 1 1 6 383. 384. Blake ! i 3 Bowman 7 385. 386. Bouchette 20 Bonthillier 1 1 1 387. Buckingliam, Village 115 2 117 45 388. Buckingham 1 1 303 389. Cameron 31 390. Denholm 4 ! 4 22 391. Derry, East and West 1 1 16 392. Dudlej' 3 393. Eardley 26 1 , 27 107 394. .395. 396. 397. Uga,n 27 Hartwell 44 44 Hi n ek R 7 Hull 1 23 13 2 38 164 10 174 272 398. Killaly and Sicotte 1 399. Kiamica 43 400. Kensington 21 401. Lochaher 1 1 38 4 42 238 402. Low 15 15 98 403. Maniwaky and McGill 25 404. Mash am 13 13 245 405. Northfield 37 406. Petite Nation i 1 196 7 203 138 407. Portland 49 408. Preston 1 1 409. Rippon 29 ’] 30 65 410. Suffolk, Wells and Villeneuve.. 17 411. Ste. Angelique 1 1 1 1 1 2 224 4 228 412. Templeton 3 3 1 171 5 176 175 413. Wabasso and Wright 63 414. Wakefield 14 5 19 122 Total of Ottawa 5 5 32 28 2 62 1109 49 1 1159 2390 1 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 347 Places of Worship, &c., for 1860-61. NICOLET. TOTALS. PLACES OP WORSHIP. Total of Houses. Families. Houses vacant. Houses building. Cburcb of Rome. Church of England. Church of Scotland. Free Church of Scot- land. United Presbyterians. Wesleyan Methodists. Episcopal Methodists. New Connection Me- thodists. Other Methodists. Baptists. Congrcgationalists. Second Adventists. Jewish. Unitarians. Other Places of Worship. 463 28 370 377 526 29 381 451 26 1 7 1 1 208 425 457 353 217 430 475 411 1 8 3 16 2 1 2681 2920 62 4 7 1 1 OTTAWA. 7 6 7 5 200 231 51 52 1 1 6 6 3 4 7 7 20 22 1 1 162 193 304 .306 31 37 26 25 17 16 3 4 1.34 153 27 44 47 7 1 484 479 1 43 21 14 281 291 113 120 25 6 258 269 37 .342 374 49 27 1 1 95 107 17 17 231 274 355 263 63 66 141 144 3569 59 29 3616 348 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 16. — Lower Canada — Return of Houses, COUNTY OF INHABITED HOUSES. TOWNSHIPS, PARISHES, Ac. BRICK. Total Brick. STOXE. Total Stone. FRAME. Total Frame. Total Log Honses. 1 story. 2 Story. 3 Story. 1 Story. 2 Story. 3 Story. 1 Story. 2 Story. 3 Story. 1 1 10 410. Aldfield 27 417. Allumettes 2 2 4 95 418. Bristol 2 2 13 13 251 1 1 3 4 326 420. Chichester 3 3 83 421. Isle du Calumet 2 3 1 6 142 422. T.eslie 21 423. Litchfield li 1 1 2 3 73 5 78 166 424. Mansfield 63 425. Onslow 30 30 182 426. Pontefract 427. Portage du Fort j 1 428. Sheen 1 1 53 429. Thorne 64 430. Waltham 3 3 67 1 1 Total of Pontiac j 1 1 2 3 2 5 129 16 1 146 1540 COUNTY OF A.'tl rin.p S^ntt> 17 2 1 20 442 7 449 >1/12, Dfisnbfi.nibmil t 39 1 40 265 5 1 271 433 Ennrpiiils 67 67 4-34, flvnnrlinfis 2 1 2 34 34 152 152 4.^.5. PnintPi-niiv-Trftmblp.s 67 3 1 71 211 3 214 436. St. Alban ] 1 187 187 427- St, Ano-nstin 1 ] 11 11 229 1 230 438 . St- Bn.7.i1fi 4 4 310 310 439 . St. Cfisimir 240 240 440. Stfi. C.atiierine 1 1 220 220 63 441. St. B.n.ymond 448 448 Total of Portneuf 20 2 1 23 157 4 1 162 2771 16 1 2788 63 COUNTY OF 442. 443. 444. 445. 440. 447. 448. 449. 450. 451. 452. 453. 454. Ancienue Lorette Bcauport Charlesbourg General Hospital Lunatic Asylum Notre Dame de Quebec. St. Ambroise St. Colorab St. Duns tan St. Edmond Ste. Foy St. Gabriel St. lloch Total of Quebec 24 10 22 40 250 24 317 16 48 10 2 274 25 1 1 22 2 14 1 375 314 189 423 3 2 7 317 191 430 3 98 440 320 2 21 61 86 962 63 6 54 4 1 12 1 152 446 377 6 22 73 86 973 3 86 83 49 11 2916 153 4 3073 221 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS, 349 Places of Worship, &c., for 1860 - 61 . PONTIAC. PORTNEUF. 469 311 67 188 285 188 242 314 240 284 448 505 329 66 215 339 207 272 335 269 284' 503 27 17 6 5 5 18 4 15 5 13 2 5 2 6 16 5 8 1 11 3036 3324 115 55 10 1 QUEBEC. 323 465 455 1 1 167 448 399 93 105 82 135 1021 385 541 512 17 13 8 1 5 198 490 505 111 108 109 137 1L90 4 2 4 7 10 16 7 ! 1 7 6 i 1 44 11 ! 1 i 3715 4286 96 76 6 1 350 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 16. — Lower Canada — Return of Houses, COUNTY OF • TOWNSHIPS, PARISHES, &e. INHABITED HOUSES. BRICK. Total Brick. STONE. Total Stone. FRAME. Total Frame. Total Log Houses. 1 Story. 2 Story. 3 Story. 1 Story. 2 Story. 3 Story. 1 Story. 2 Story. 3 Story. St. Aim 6 10 2 ■ 12 427 427 456. St. Marcel 2 2 2 2 159 1 160 457. St. Onrs^ Villnj^e 2 1 3 4 4 86 2 88 458. St. Ours, Parish 15 1 16 3 3 222 1 223 459. St. Robert 5 1 6 188 188 461). St. Roeli 3 3 1 1 ' 127 il 1 1 1 128 461. Sore], Parish 11 4 15 1 40l! 1 5 1 406 i 462. Sorel, Town, College and Con- 1 vent 55 44 4 103 1 1 491 1 25 516 463. Ste. Victoire 3 3 208 1 208 1 ^ Total of Richelieu 106 53 4 F 9 2 11 2309 35 2344 COUNTY OF 464. Brompton and Gore 1 82 136 54 178 34 334 5 167 u\ 17| 9 4 5! 6 1 1 I 97 154 63 182 39 340 5 167 101 1 109 465. Clevelfl.nd 6 4 1 1 10 1 2 4 8 2 1 ...... 466. Danville, Village, Academy and College of St. Francis 1 467. Melbourne 2 1 49 468. Melbourne, Village 3 1 460. Shipton 1 1 i 154 17 20 470. Stoke 471. AVindsor 1 Total of Richmond 1 1 1 16 10 26 h 2 1 1 ^ j 990 55 2 1047 j 450 1 COUNTY OF 472. Bic 304 174 304 473. MacNider i 174 474. Macpes 475. Matane, Township 89 172 207 114 69 1831 3011 444 272! 251 89 172 207 114 69 183 301 445 272 251 476. Matane, Parish . . 1 1 . 477. Metis 1 1 478. St. Anaclet 479. St. Denis and Augmentation... 480. St. Fabien 481. Ste. Flavie ! 1 482. St. Germain 1 483. Ste. Luce 484. St. Simon Total of Rimouski 1 1 2580 1 2581 6 sheets torn. COUNTY OF 485. L’Ange-Gardicn 3 2 J 296 1 1 298 486. Marieville,Collegeand Convent 5 5 1 1 97 97 487. St. Cesairo and Convent 29 9 39 6 5 11 613 ij 620 488. St. Hilaire 1 1 2 111 3! 17 197 2 199 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 351 Places of Worship, &c., for 1860 - 61 . RICHELIEU. TOTALS. PLACES OF WORSHIP. Total of Houses. Families. Houses vacant. Houses building. Church of Rome. Church of England. Church of Scotland. Free Church of Scot- land. United Presbyterians. Wesleyan Methodists. Episcopal Methodists. New Connection Me- thodists. Other Methodists. Baptists. Congregationalists. Second Adventists. rd Unitarians. Other Places of Worship. 439 164 95 242 194 132 421 620 211 570 168 109 290 204 151 566 839 254 5 4 4 19 1 3 7 11 3 2 1 t 1 2 2 •2 ! 1 2518 3151 54 11 6 RICHMOND. 198 276 64 233 43 603 22 188 212 310 74 245 48 536 16 203 1 1 1 2 1 Baarxn: aCSCBTS'? 3 1 1 1 1 1 13 1 5 8 ! 1 1 1527 1644 24 14 1 3 1 1 1 1 RIMOUSKI. 304 174 355 214 3 4 . 89 172 208 114 69 183 301 445 272 251 89 214 229 129 87 216 345 513 i 328 255 1 4 2 7 1 i 6 1 18 3 1 1 j i t 15 12 9 111 81 4 I 1 1 1 ! 1 2582 2974 71 40 15 ROUVILLE. 1 1 7“'"";’ 303 1 329 ' 2 103 * JlUj i ' i ' 1 “1 1 1 1 ! 670 , 742 ! 4 i 1 1 1 i 1 i 1 218 | 263 | ll 1 1 i I 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 " ! 352 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS, No. 16. — Lower Canada — Return of Houses, COUNTY OF INHABITED HOUSES. TOWNSHIPS, PARISHES, &c. \ BRICK. Total Brick. STONE. Total Stone. FRAME. Total Frame. I 1 Total Log Houses, 1 Story. 1 1 1 2 Story. 3 Story. 1 Story. 2 Story. j 3 Story. 1 Story. 2 Story. 1 3 Story. j 489. St. Jean-Baptisto 1 4 8 8 1 269 269 490. Ste. Marie f) 5 29 3 32 521 2 523 491. St. Mathias ti 4 10 10 5 1 16 238 238 49?, St. Paul fP Abbotsford 4 4 6 2 7 243 1 244 Total of Rouvilie 53 14 2 69 76 1 20 1 1 : 97 2474 13 1 ! ! 2488 1 COUNTY OF 493. Saguenay and Riviere Ste. Afara’iiRritfi 37 68 45 16 54 35| 57 126 2 30 37 68 45 16 55 35 57 126 2 30 404 Tadoiisao and Bfiro-oroones 495. Escoumins, Iberville and Mille Vaobos Sault au Cochon, Islets J 6remie flnd Bp.rsbnis River Moisie and other places. Gibraltar Cove, and other ' 1 River St. Jean and other places. Bay of Kegasca and other plp.PPS Islfi.nd nf Antiensti 2 2 Sholldrake and other places 66 Tritol n f 2 2 470 1 471 66 COUNTY OF 4Q(^ Ply 1 1 298 298 4iOY 12 12 2 2 189 1 190 191 / 1 QQ riy'unLAr VlUnCTA 12 1 13 1 1 1 1 64 64 33 .i^QQ ATiH-nn ' 4 4 3 1 4 1 404 404 500 6 1 7 262 4 266 172 501' shf'fr'^'^’d 33 3 36 6 6 253 8 261 211 I^n? Sfiipplnv 3 2 5 2 2 429 3 432 Total of Shetford 70 7 77 15 1 16 1899 16 1915 607 COUNTY OF TjJi’nilino^ 4 2 6 2 2 4 70 6 76 PkA/l T.oq n^/lrpQ 2 2 2 3 1 6 30 1 31 Sf P.IpI 7 1 1 156 1 157 Si To*4'»nr*P 1 1 7 303 1 304 507 Pt Pnnvpnf 1 1 I • 4 3 h* 4 293 402 2 295 Sif 'Pnl^rptivnp 3 1 406 5 4 4 186 1 187 /J. 7 1 1 2 250 1 251 T^r-kfol SI All 1 *1 r> (Vn<3 25 4 29 21 9 1 31 1690 16 1 1707 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 35S Places of Worship, &c., for 1860-61. ROUVILLE. — ( Continued , ) TOTALS, PLACES OF WORSHIP. Total of Houses. Families. Houses vacant. Houses building. Church of Rome. Church of England. Church of Scotland. Free Church of Scot- land. United Presbyterians. Wesleyan Methodists. Episcopal Methodists. New Connection Me- thodists. Other Methodists. Baptists. Congregationalists. Second Adventists. Jewish. Unitarians. Other Places of Worship. 281 560 264 255 325 673 303 2801 1 1 17 i i 2 1 2 i ! 1 2654 3025 32 5 ’ 1 3 XUE SAGUENAY. 37 68 45 16 55 35 57 126 4 96 34 71 53 22 55 45 57 129 4 102 6 15 ! j I 3 1 1 10 1 6 1 1 1 5 539 572 32 17 1 1 i SHEFFORD. 299 395 111 412 445 514 439 299 399 119 457 559 547 451 1 1 - 5 8 1 1 4 21 O i 1 2615 2831 17 29 4 3 2 2 1 SOULANGES. 86 39 165 312 303 406 196 260 85 60 181 333 325 507 223 279 6 •••••• 1 .... 21 2 18 1 11 5 1 •••••• 7 i:::::: 1 1 4 1 1 1767 1993 59 16 6 1 23 354 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 16. — Lower Canada — Return of Houses, COUNTY OF TOWNSHIPS; PAEISHES; &c. INHABITED HOUSE 511. Li. Presentation 512. St. Barnab6 513. St. Charles 514. St. Damase 515. St. Denis and Convent 516. St. HyacinthO; Seminary and Convent 517. St. Hyacinthe; Parish 518. St. Jude Total of St. Ilyaeinthe. 126 16 Eh 149 46 46 245 189 177 363 313 382 519 263 2461 246 , 189|, 177! . 363 313| 383 519 2631 2453 COUNTY OF 519. Isle-aux-Noix (Prison) 520. Lacolle 521. St. Johns, Parish 522. St. Johns, Town of 523. St. Luc Total of St. Johns. 26 4 1 28 39 6 5 25 1 88 41 6 429 156 334 126 284 445 1 ! i 99 9 30 6 435 156 356 128 284 445 1810 65 65 COUNTY OF 526 Pnin+pi fin TiH.O 1 1 2 247 247 527 St Barnahe 3 3 241 241 ''i9S Pt Rnnifn.P.ft 148 148 55^Q pt EtiftTinp, 331 1 331 530 St S^VP'*'f' 123 123 531 TVivpfi B.ivp.rSj Parish 1 1 85 85 532 y {1 iT| fl f*h i ph p. 7 3 10 1 1 2 381 2 383 Total of St. Maurice 10 4 14 2 2 4 1556 2 1558 COUNTY OF 533. Academies 1 1 634. Bar ford 76 76 31 535. Barnston 2 1 3 2 2 495 20 1 516 81 636. Ilatlcv 2 2 296 15 311 97 .5.37 M.ap’oj^ 1 2 3 2 2 106 12 118 36 538. Plains of Stanstead 5 4 9 1 1 5S7 38 1 626 50 Total of Stanstead 11 7 18 4 1 5 1560 85 2 1647 295 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 365 Places of Worship, &c., for 1860-61. ST. HYACINTHE. TOTALS. PLACES OF WORSHIP. Total N° of Houses. | Families. Houses vacant. j Houses building. Churcb of Rome. Church of England. Church of Scotland. Free Church of Scot- i land. j United Presbyterians Wesleyan Methodists. Episcopal Methodists. New Connection Me- thodists. Other Methodists. Baptists. Congregationalists. Second Adventists. Jewish. Unitarians. j Other Places of Worship. 268 202 190 391 317 459 562 263 272 219 216 409 374 598 602 275 12 24 1 14 11 5 37 1 7 == 3 2 2648 2965 112 15 4 ST. JOHNS. 9 577 180 439 135 321 485 9 619 204 523 154 361 498 13 3 4 4 19 8 6 j 2146 2368 51 6 4 1 2 1 ST. MAURICE. 249 244 148 331 123 86 395 266 260 159 363 144 96 454 11 5 3 13 3 3 21 10 22 52 11 1 5 1576 1742 59 101 4 STANSTEAD. 1 107 602 410 159 686 1 138 688 419 180 737 9 10 5 17 2 1965 2163 41 7 4 1 1 1 356 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 16. — Lower Canada — Return of Houses, COUNTY OF INHABITED HOUSES. TOWNSHIPS, PARISHES, &c. BRICK. Total Brick. STONE. Total Stone. FRAME. Total Frame. Total Log Houses. | 1 Story. 2 Story. 3 Story. o rH 2 Story. 3 Story. 1 Story. 2 Story. 3 story. 539. Begon 28 28 19 19 133 19 152 542. Isle Verte 398 10 408 643. Notre-Dame du Portap’e 77 3 80 644. St. Antoine 129 1 130 645. St. Arsene 1 1 218 4 222 .646. St. El 01 159 2 161 547. St. George de Kakonna, 209 2 211 548. St. Modeste and Whitworth 88 5 93 549. St.Patrice de la Riviere du Loup 1 1 134 1 i 135 560. Temiscouata Road 120 1 1 122 651. Trois Pistoles 1 1 364 27 2 393 552. Viger 138 136 Tot-a.l of TfimiRoon.', 1 2 3 2212 75 O 2290 1 COUNTY OF .6.63. Beresford 59 59 .6.64. Sf,e. A delft 260 260 .6.6.6. Ste. Anne 8 8 92 92 .6.66. St. .Tanvier 2 2 5 5 222 222 .6.67. St. .Ternme^ Villa, ere 3 3 107 1 i 107 .6.68. St. .Teromftj 2 2 459 1 459 .6.69. St. San veil r 105 1 105 192 .660. Ste. Sophie, 1 1 127 127 147 .661. Ste. Thei'esft^ Pa.rish 4 4 5 5 76 76 562. Ste. Therese de Blainville, Vil- la, o-e a.nd OollftcTft 7 7 68 1 69 271 271 .66.3. Terrfthonne^ Pa, 34 34 130 130 564. Terrebonne, Village, and Col- lege Afa,s.sort 29 29 157 157 Tota,l of Terrp.honnft . . 14 14 154 1 155 2065 2065 339 i COUNTY OF .66.6. Tia,kft of Twn Mountains 4 4 37 37 .666. St. Angn.stin 4 i ^ 22 6 27 285 3: 288 567. St. Benoit 1 1 1 *> 9 9 265 1 .... i 265 568. St. Canut '. 1 *4 4 8 73’ 'i 0 33 .669. St. Colinnha,n 44' I i 1 44 98 .670. St. Ei]sta,ehe, Villa,o-ft 2 2 10 48 5 15 116 2761 1 2I 1 118 571. St. Eustache, Parish 3 3 3 4 4 52 [ 1 277 572. St. Hernias 1 5 5 1!'6 2 198 573. St. Joseph du Lao 9 2 11 iroj i 1 1 178 574. St. .Terome 33 33 575. St. Placido 7 1 1 8 171 171 576. Ste. Scholastique, Village and Convent 5 5 2 3 99 1 100 577. Stft. Sohola.stiqiiftj Pn,visVi 1 1 16 1 17 422 2 424 Total of Two Mountains 20 2 22 136 23 159 2203 12 1 2216 131 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS 357 Places of Worship, &c., for 1860-61. TEMISCOUATA. TERREBONNE. 69 260 100 229 110 461 297 275 85 347 164 186 69 281 147 258 128 497 327 272 82 304 145 180 2 1 1 4 5 8 1 10 5 6 2 1 2573 2690 41 5 4 1 1 TWO MOUNTAINS. 41 319 276 115 142 135 332 207 189 33 179 108 442 1 53 398 298 127 151 171 366 227 213 35 199 114 497 1 1 5 7 1 1 1 2 9 6 1 2 . 4 8 3 1 2528 2849 41 9 5 1 2 358 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 16. — Lower Canada — Return of Houses, COUNTY OF INHABITED HOUSES. TOWNSHIPS, PARISHES, &c. BRICK. Total Brick. STONE. Total Stone. | FRAME. Total Frame. Total Log Houses. | 1 Story. 2 Story. 3 Story. (A o m tH 2 Story. 3 Story. 1 Story. I 2 Story. j 3 Story. 578. Isle Perrot 25 2 27 94 94 .579. Newton 1 1 2 2 2 5 1 6 143 580. Ste. Marthe 1 1 367 367 581. Rigaud 5 2 7 6 3 2 11 515 1 516 582. Vaudreuil, Village 3 4 7 62 3 65 583. Vaudreuil, Parish 5 5 25 2 1 28 414 3 417 3 Total of Vaudreuil 12 3 16 61 11 3 75 1457 8 1465 146 COUNTY OF 584. Belneil 15 2 11 15 2 11 46 15 28 2 30 115 85 46 15 28 2 30 115 85 211 255 207 200 160 300 323 211 255 207 200 160 300 323 .585. Oontreeoeur .586. St. Antoine .587. Ste. .Tnlie 588. St. Mare 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 .589. Varennes .590. Vereheres .591. Institutions ..A.. 4 Totnl of VereTieres 43 4 47 321 321 1656 1656 COUNTY OF 592. Duds well 35 32 5 83 69 52 113 136 3 38 32 6 83 69 52 113 138 24 593. Garthby .594. TTa.nij South 32 4 595. Ham 596. St. Camille 597. Stratford 598. Weedon 699. Wotton 2 600. Wolfestown. 106 Total of Wolfe 525 5 530 166 COUNTY OF 601 . T.n. Rale , . , , 1 16 17 3 10 13 133 241 874 602. Pierreville 11 11 4 4 396 1 397 603. St. Ua.vid 3 3 3 3 534 1 635 604. St. Fra.neoi.s 11 11 4 4 277 277 60.5. St MieViol , , 33 2 35 2 1 3 287 287 606. St. Z^pbirin i... , 2 2 26 216 1 243 Total of Yamaska 59 ,20 79 1 16 1 11 27 1663 459 1 2113 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS S6Q Places of Worship, &c., for 1860-61. VAUDREUIL. VERCHERES. 272 272 246 202 195 420 413 4 311 312 280 239 250 554 528 4 9 4 15 3 18 11 3 2 1 ::::::::: 2024 2478 60 6 4 L™ WOLFE. 62 32 37 87 69 52 113 138 106 69 33 43 92 85 62 119 140 113 1 1 4 1 3 4 1 4 2 1 696 756 6 15 3 YAMASKA. 404 412 541 292 325 245 445 494 637 335 385 261 3 13 16 11 SI 1 ~ 3| 3: 1 1 1 1 2219 2557 74 6 7 360 CENSUS REPORT OF THE CANADAS No. 16. — Lower Canada — Return of Houses, CITY OF INHABITED HOUSES. TOWNSHIPS, PARISHES, iro«ocsTjii--otoicic.eoic>ciTtico«oooo'^ •Sutpimq sosnoji •ju'BO'BA sosnoH •SOiptUR^ tO<^■^OS<^Oi'-'> 3 ^ 0 i■Or-l(^^CsO^OMr-(COC 5 r-IOC 5 COC 5 l^ 300 rtffqi— COO<=>CftC5C0 1'-r-iCaC-C»"^J>-«COOir-tiOCOCO^<^i^^-l>**^Or-HiOCOCC>O^C^^Ou -5 coa 5 coocor-i'^ococa<:occoC‘^'^. i>* CO »o CO cs ( : o o c^oocsoscc -^co • *0 OOOCO'^CO JTtiCO ‘ " •OTUBI^ IR^OJ, COOCOir 3 J^Ot~C 0 -^c 0 r-ii— ICiOO' 3 iO'^T— (■^i^COCOCCOOCCi— OC<)COi 0500 COOOOCO>OOC^'OaDCir-l£^OJ>-OeOi— 10 ' 3<«0 (N rH C. eo CO Ci •iCaojg g : : : 1 *C^ 'rHrH ;rHrH ; JrH 1 CO CO p H •^jo^g z r-i 05 Cqi:-'> 3 iO 05 -^c 00 > 0 ST-ii>.i>*'' 8 © 7 OC 0 C 0 C 005 OC 0 '^c 0 C 0 C 0 cqoocqoieo cqr^r-i i-icocq r-ico cqcqrj^eccoco « •ifjojg X T-(I— lr-iCOCOiC 5 1 '^l>.COO^^OCOJ>-CCl«OOrHCOCOC.OOiOOCOffPOii— lOSCC-^i— ICO oscqeoLocoocoiocioc'OLoaiPJ'^-'boooii— io-oi>.-^co rH i-i cq cq cq cq cq tH tH cq t-H rH r -3 r-l iH tH r-l 1-1 i-q rH cq cq 1-1 o H-l Q •ouojg IBCJOX CO cq o cq tocoj>-oiocqcqocooi cq-^i— ircico cocquoco i-i cq t''i-(O'< 3 lC 0 < 0 C 0 i— liocoioi^i— T~i COUO^I— ( 0 '* 3 I CO I-H rtl r-l oo rH w H •^•lojg g »o : T-i ; 00 ; : : : ^8 T-H ©1 rH ;cqcq ; 05 rH ; ;OrH 7 -HO 1— 1 W H 'A o H •iCio^g z cq cq CO l-H CQ rH uOi-Ho 'cqorjJi^^cqocqrHco cq . CO cq o 't' w •Xao?g X o o CO o cs ■^cTscocqoo -I— looo cq oi-r 8 cq locii^Tiico ; r — 1 rH *COCqrHi^CO'rJ