RAILROAD AND WAREHOUSE COMMISSION STATE OF ILLINOIS . RULES 'Governing the Installation of Telegraph and Telephone Wires over Right-of-Way of Railroad Companies Adopted by the Commission November 21, 1912 2 ILLINOIS PRINTING CO., DANVILLE, ILL RULES Covering the Installation of Electric Wires or other forms of Metallic Conductors Canying Electric “'1 Current Over Railroad Tracks ^ ^(1) The trolley wire of any electric¬ ally operated railroad company, crossing the tracks of any other rail¬ road company, shall be equipped with a trolley guard of an approved pattern, and such trolley wire shall have a minimum vertical clearance of not less than 22 feet above the t^'^^op of the rails. (2) Telegraph wires, telephone wires, or any other forms of metallic con¬ ductors (except trolley wires) carry¬ ing electric current less than 700 volts, shall not be permitted to cross the tracks of any railroad company under a minimum vertical clearance of 25 feet, provided such wires and conductors are suspended from mes¬ senger wires at intervals not greater thari 15 feet, 0 0 o 3 (3) When not suspended from mes¬ senger wires, all telegraph, telephone and other wire or cable conductors (except trolley wires), carrying less than 700 volts and spanning the tracks of any railroad company, shall have a minimum vertical clear¬ ance of not less than 30 feet. (4) If in crossing the tracks of any railroad company with electric wires or other forms of metallic conductors carrying less than 700 volts, the con¬ ductor wires of any telegraph, tele¬ phone or electric railroad company are aiso crossed, the minimum verti¬ cal clearances of 25 feet and 30 feet above referred to shall be increased so as to give a minimum clearance of 5 feet above the wires so crossed. (5) The minimum clearance of all metallic conductors (except trolley wires), crossing the tracks of any railroad company and carrying 700 volts or over, shall not be less than 30 feet, provided such wires or con¬ ductors are suspended from messen¬ ger wires at intervals not greater than 15 feet. (6) All electric v/ires or metallic con¬ ductors (except trolley wires) span¬ ning the tracks of any railroad com¬ pany, and carrying 700 volts or over, shall have a minimum vertical clear- 4 ance of 35 feet when not suspended from messenger wires. (7) If in crossing the tracks of any railroad company with electric wires or other form of metalic conductors carrying 700 volts or over, the con¬ ductor wires of any telegraph, tele¬ phone or electric railway company are also crossed, the minimum ver¬ tical clearance of 30 feet and 35 feet applicable to electric wires and other forms of metalic conductors carrying 700 volts or over, shall be increased when necessary so as to give not less than 7 feet vertical clearance above any wire conductors so crossed. (8) In any case, when crossing the tracks of any railroad company where telegraph or telephone wires are crossed overhead, the electric wires or other forms of m.etallic conductors cariying electric current, shall be equipped with a slatted platform or some other approved type of pro¬ tection, suspended in such a manner so that the breakage of an electric wire or metallic conductors shall not come in contact with any telegraph or telephone wires so crossed. In any case such electric wire or metallic conductor crosses under¬ neath any telegraph or telephone wire in order to cross the tracks of any railroad company, such electric 5 wire or metallic conductor shall be equipped with a slatted platform, or some other approved type of protec¬ tion, so that the breakage of a tele¬ graph or telephone wire shall not come in contact with the metal con¬ ductors crossing underneath such telephone and telegraph wires. (9) In any case where electric wires or other metallic conductors carry¬ ing 700 volts or over span the tracks of any railroad company, each pole supporting such electric wires or other metallic conductors which may be located upon, or immediately adjacent, to the rig^t-of-way of any railroad company’s tracks crossed, shall be provided with a warning sign, with letter not less than four inches in height, reading: “Danger—Electric Wires (or cable as the case may be) .Volts” (Giving the normal voltage of each wire or metal conductor). (10) The term electric wire or metallic conductor, as used in these rules, shall mean to include any wire, cable or other metal conductor used as a means for transmitting electric cur¬ rent. (11) The minimum vertical clearances herein specified shall mean to be the 6 least clearance permitted under the most unfavorable conditions with respect to loading and temperature of electric wires, or other forms of metal¬ lic conductors which span the tracks of any railroad company, or any tele¬ graph or telephone wires located on the right-of-way of any railroad com¬ pany. (12) No electric wires or any other form of metallic conductors carrying 700 volts or over shall be permitted to cross the tracks of any railroad company, or any telegraph or tele¬ phone wires located on the right-of- way of any railroad company, until plans shall first have been pre¬ sented to the commission in dupli¬ cate and duly approved by them in the form of an order. (13) Whenever conditions are such as to make it desirable to use vertical clearances less than those above speci¬ fied, application may be made to the Railroad and Warehouse Commission, stating reasons why it is desirable or necessary to make use of any devia¬ tions from above rules. Such appli¬ cation shall be accompanied by dup¬ licate plans, showing both map and profile of such crossing. If approved, the plans will be so marked, and one set will be returned to the petitioner with the order of the Commission. 7 Approved and adopted by the Commission, November 21, 1912. O. F. Berry, Chairman B. A. Eckhart, Commissioner. J. A. Willoughby, Commissioner. Attest: Wm. Kilpatrick, Secretary. 8